ºſi , !·§§§§§§…saeſſae·¿…:!·ſae~3,:));¿:¿·§§§· ·º, , ?¿š *#!***!.*&& $*șş¿¿…………!→|-、、 、、،·* .….… ·º, :), :-)--º-º-º-º-º- , :: ::::::::::¿¿.*¿¿.*ſ. №- |-§§§§ §§§。 ….? ¿ ¿} §§ §§ &.** **§§ ¿? !!!!= ...s. sº...º.º.º.º.º.º.- … : … ... 3 26 - P R O P E R T Y O F | A R T E S S C I E N T | A V E R I T A S J * ||| -i-| -º- -w Fºº F. Tº Y " Tº PERIODIC REPORTS OF PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Volume l ( . . . . . . . . Summary and Detailed Reports April 1942 – September 1943 P R E F A C E The presert volume is the first of a bound series covering the unpublished statistical releases and tables which served as periodic and special reports on the examination of Selective Service registrants during the operaticn cf the System. These examinations were of a physical and mental nature and were performed at Selective Service local boards in connection with classification and at Navy and/or Army stations in connection with pre-induction and induction activities. ...'..." Much of the data in the series are summarized or given in ° detail for the Continental United States and each State though tabulations for counties and local boards are also included. In the main they were derived by punch-card process from Reports of Physical Examination and Induction (DSS Form 221) and were applied by nationals State and local units of the System in planning and administering the program. In consequence, the format within each sequence of reports will often be seen to vary in an effort to meet the informational re- quirements of each major change in operating procedures. This first volºng , as will be observed from the "Contents" below, deals largely with the physical and mental characteristics or defects of examined men in relation to their disposition, i.e. , their rejection or acceptance for military services All defect statistics are specific by race and certain of the information relates marital-dependency status and ºccupations to dispositions - Volume I, it will be noted, contains only two reports, the first with a monthly sequerº and the second with an individual State coverage, º, ºlumes II and III, which include materials placing scº what, more emphasis upon rejection and acceptance, contain a greater number of reports, However, beginning with Volume IV, the series is devoted to a single report consisting of county and local board as well as $tatº and National tables of defects o PERIODIC REPORTS OF PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Wolume l Summary and Detailed Reports April 1942 - September 1943 C O N T E N T S Description United States Summary Tabulations of Forms 221 covering defects, marital-dependency status and occupations of examined registrants by disposition and race. Separate for April-July and November- December of 1942 and January, February, March, April-May, June- July and August-September of 1943, and presented in that order. . Principal Defects of Inducted and Reiected Registrants, by Race, etc. , April 1942-March 1943. Separate for the Continental United States and each State and presented alphabetically for the States . . . . . # ATiCºAL HEAſſºiſ A&TERS S E L E C T i V E S E R V | C E s Y s T E M 2? ºr $ºrºgºrf Aſºlo C §trºgg.T. N. W. - WA&####4GTorº. 3. Ç. amuary 28, 1943 STATE DIRECTOR ADVICE (NO. 157) SUBJECT: ; PERIODIG TABULATIONS BASED ON REPORT OF PHYSICAL, EXAMINATION AND INDUCTION, FORM 221 le Enclosed are three statistical tabulations whicº, hºwe been prepared from Reports of Physical Examination and Induction, Forms 3:31.3 received at National Headquarters from your Stats. 1/ For most State's these tables cover the period from April 1942, when Form 221 first came into use, through June 30, 1942. For States which had not transmitted . a sufficient number of Forms 221 to National Headquarters by July 1, 1942 to be representative of the work of their local boards, the time period wºx 3xtended to include the Forms 221 received before August l; 1942e. The tabulation mºdered RS 221A shows the principal physical & mºntal defect found in two groups of registrants: (a) Those who were deferred after a local board physical examination, and (b) those who were gºre **ally examined at an induction stations Further subdivisions of *::::gº tºo groups ghow the availability of registrants for military serve ice, Separate tablies are 3.giºuded for white and for Negro registrants gººd hiº, and Negro ºft.*rants cºsbined, RS 2210 shogg the marital status and the number of deperºgºś of all registrants {a} ºn received a local board physical examination and {b}, whº were india. ...as separate cabulations are included for white and for flagrº, 25gistrants tº £or white and Negro rag.strants combined. Rs 221B shows, ºr 2 ºz., the occº pation of (a) all examined registenrºg and (b) all irºz, bi zºgistrants. 2e. The enclosed tables are the first in a series to be pre- pared from Form 221 and forwarded to State Headquarters. It is ex- pected that additional monthly tabulations of this nature will be fur- nished regularly in the future e It is, therefore, important that local boards be instructed to transmit Forms 221 to State Headquarters promptly, end that State Headquarters expedite checking and reviewing so that the Forms 221 sent to National Headquarters will represent the current age tivities of local boards and induction stations. 3. The next tabulations of this kind will probably be re- leased early in February and be based on the Forms 221 received at Mae tional Headquarters during November and December, 1942. 1/ state tabu . . . . ºne forwarded directly to State Headquarters and are not presented, theºre, ll. These tabulations are a part of the statistical program designed to provide State Headquarters with data needed for operations, thereby eliminating the extra burden and duplication of work which would accrue in each State if it was necessary to develop such information in- dependently. Your comment on the usefulness of the enclosed tables for such purposes is solicited, *5 (3. ºwſ. DIRECTOR T 879 679 2T £T 8 £6 sºapy per Ig 8 62T 38T ZI 97 19 gTI peºggoodsuu put Joaqo “sº #72 8T 72. 982 7 1.9 9/, 18.T. wºuxeu Tsū 60.3 36 6 9I82 Tº 097 092 T21, upuzºu [su'ſ 2008. *7&T OI8 66.6% 69 999 - T6% 9IOT WINººſh £ 4.6 9. g? g Ty 97 SºTºMO (NILºCº-CIOOT3 (IMW (IOOFº 2O2 2O2 2 2 2 9 smººns teucrº OT 89. 37 4. 8T 92 apstº Auxing ob'ſ 7% %2 1.% gzé 92 9% 29 tº ſpirag& 4. 9 OT 6/, 68T 9 9I 7OI 92T $3903 ºp JuTriostac, pp.rºo yº" CŞ 93.9 I 7g O29T 8 9% 97I O6T. Tºrsºru “uc; pguay.It */9 z 99 £I 922 692 Rºdoxº-ed ſq otºſí % 980ſ 9T goTT OT I9 T£9 ZO9 egºgº ºp qJsou Igºru T OTC £ | 7tg g 6 OOC 2T2 esússºp 4 rega o yºguſ e Jutſu Tºa Jo orº auntou.I 3. TºI. 2 g7t 2T 0/.T 28T uº. Jewºo segussºp zº[ºogwai3 ſt | 37.T. 7A,79. 2T, 7007 62 28t £9.7T 779t avingsvåorthwo 73 O79. TT gy, T 6 O32 O6& £xºtiostºld peggoodsum zo payeedans “spºof ware % Z% & 907 7 76 86 Arºuortad passerre "gruotnot; t’ & OT 77 T TI 26'ſ */Oz spsoTºua...Sººº; Ji : 3T9 T YL9 T "I 292 792 Azuruostrid aagº cre “g peoTrºy. 4,37. 2%T 67 899.T. £ 92 828 993 SISOTſiºriºgſli, 3%T 622 *7gT T29 9 9T 88T 802. spactnexegº; 3daoxe “sqaegop 3 unt 28 J%T O6. I T9 T86 9. 09 979. OO7 - ºilº 39& 6Tº gTø ZOOT OT 99 ØØ9. 809 SLOżiºſº ºffſ, I % 9 82 O7 T Oz Tz 83 objeg 3 scºrinº; J.6 3. 2 Z29, 629 7 £ T 8 $3.98.3 ºp 't gº T. 8 O99 699 7 % Tz 62 Si,93LºšI J.WQūil. g"; 7 96/, 978 2 9 2 6 uoyºon.J.; $140 ſt H.º. £9. A.YT ITZ T 9 ZZ 62 sts}^pºxojep pure saaegg ſp Tº [4] 29. 1.6 & O% 7 4. 92 L9. §§§ {{1}ur J. Cºyotº, {2% 99T All T82 7 4. 7I 92 tº £4'Etºi's %, i 962 A,92T 399T TI 92 79 OOT SLO% ºsCº. i.f. [. 99 £T9 998 8 99 37 I TIz SL93. Hiſ Riº (INW Hjø0% $9. I £T 902 89% 2 29. 06 7&T 333egep Teqûep …a £(Y 6 688 900T 8T 91, 97 27T $3 (3T. j/T 09 OL92 £4,07 22 8TY Q8 O29 H4694 Åuts ££º T£ 2987 Tø99 16 TGT 9% 722 8 G.It 82% ØTI 4,293 896.OI 6l. All.9 *gz OTOT SLO3&I H.I.3.3.L. "??: t 79T 66% d Tºyz 8%I 98% 3uprisen aa pºsé **) 6.9 94.2 6TOI II 91. 29 86. I * * obºep Jºg Is 6. / 3.22. I 8 . 9L&T 9 94, 26 £A.T tº ºpera sº, 3& 72 29 g 922 ££ 692 Tºreqa'Lyun “essag 6 T OI T 9T £9T A,9T TºrsºuTºg “ssau. 6T2 80O2 , 697 9692 82 1,29 397 ØZIT SLOglºſſ HV3. £4.9% &ot c10% gz76 Lz 99% 8/.T OL9 Qoţb ºa aa pºoe 3.37. 92/, A.T.9 OI/2 £T O82 662 269 sesaesyp TII 29. £ 97T % 6L7T £/T 999T TuxeºuTTurn “ssauptſ 2 67T. T9 T Tº requipo 'ss supu 367 1,6/T ØØ99 T822. I g? 92Iz 66/, 8962 Słºś3(I 35.3 '[?: 6 2TOg? 27097 94.0% OT 7 O60% J.CŞiº I ON 3'ſ…}, { 93792 1,619, TF88TI O3% IzyTT 67BLI O962% TWLCA. $3%.A.& pºº, - tº Oſº copales pelºp prºod - - - - poqoºlgul tº Cºlºº - Qu peupº Jºq30 uosuex Tºquem patrogep paqo:3ſ & •xe Tºol, ...to Tºops&nd Tºqo. $99380 - uopºuti prºxo Teopaſºud tropºs gogº onlyū'ſ ge poulºmbº. pºoq Teoot reqJº petrºJeq -- /f sequºs peºpun SMIL&Wnt Oſwºh TVNOIJ.VN J.W. C. AI3K) peuTQuloo squadqstäeu oråen pub aqpuM MORLI 6. Żël *T ATnſ as ‘tzz sºloi no NaOHS sy gaionqNI (INV qGRasan sºnvaisLogº do slogan TwaroNIH KRI, CIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTS DEFERRED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOºrn on Foxx; 221, REtºwn. Aſ ºak, EAix}BARTER: júly i. iś% FROM BºokE United States ly White and Negro Registrants Corbined - * **s--- Deferred after local board physical examination Examined at induction station Defect Physical or Rojected Total mental º Other Total ex- jec deferred Fººlºo INS COR andned at Inducted -- - - at local Disqual- Limited induction Disqual- Lind &ºd board ified Service station ified Service KIDNEYS AND URINARY SYST ºl l2] 77 38 6 823 173 401 2,...} ritis and pyelonephritis 25 22 3 2O3 10 172 2l rolithiasis, cystitis, etc. 75 45 26 4. 2O2 38 lC2 62. findings, laboratory 2l 10 9 2 Al3 l25 127 165 ABDOCINAL WISC- º 231 153 63 15 945 215 667 w ric ulcer ll3 76 33 4. 526 26 Z80 <3 gastro-intestinal defects ll 8 77 30 ll Al? 189 187 4. GENITALIA 294 ll3 l/.7 29 2120 1567 68 43: nce or atrophy of testicle 28 l6 10 2 274 250 16 º scended testicle 42 16 24 2 327 66 2l ...] Bocele 93 24 54 15 942 909 2 ol r genital defects 131 62 59 1O 577 342 29 ºf 16, SYPHILJS A786 288 4447 5l 372 ll O 91 17. syphil is 94. 86 6 2 49 48 2. iovascular syphilis 15 lá l 3 3 ilis, other 890 67 818 5 3O8 106 36 ióé tive serology 3737 l2l 3622 44 l2 4. 4. -$ COMOCOCCUS INFECTION AND OTR.R 70 13 53 4. 565 25 2l 519 WEğRAEAL DISEASES coccus infection 65 l2 49 4. 546 24 17 505 r vene real infection 5 l 4. 19 l 4 3.4 SKTN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS 332 172 lA2 . 18 690 463 63 'itºl. HEMORRHOIDS AND OTHER RECTAL 187 ll2 68 7 656 482 3l "...? DFFECTS WARICOSE WEINS 487 306 143 l6 101.7 540 232 ...A. 5 ILLITERACY AND MENTAL DEFICI ENCY 1556 l:524 29 3 5633 70 5238 375 , imbecile, and idiot 665 664 l 1370 5 l340 ... " stione) deficiency 213 203 9 l 3781 24. 34.l7 3.'" deficiency, unspecified 678 657 19 2 532 äl 48l lſ. MENTAL DISEASFS 980 902 71 7 6184, 39]. 5648 1.3 9 mental or personality disorders 299 299 602 6 596 r abnormslities of mood 34 32 2 136 5 127 & opathic personality 98 96 2 l33% 38 1290 J.] oneurotic disorders 302 243 54 5 3506 3ll 3070 2.5 nie inebriety and drug addietion 54 44 8 2 568 25 538 5 disease not classifiable elsewhere lº3 l38 5 33 6 27 NEUROLOGICAL 2969 2803 l60 6 1481 148 ll.05 2.3 spsy 583 581 7 3Ol l 292 g lic oncephalitic syndrome 134 126 7 l 90 l &ſ. . traumatic cerebral syndrome 7 59 12 l 309 24 259 2, litis, residuals of 1114 1052 60 2 144 9 79 36 neurological. defects 106l 985 7A, 2 637 ll3 389 135 TUSCULO-SMLETAL 6202 48.21 1295 86 4243 1692 883 löß ation 1268 994, 26l 13 413 234 39 14. bºyslitis 415 375 39 l 2O2 i.7 159 2t. losis A, 32 346 &O 6 lſo -7 53 tº C. tis 464. 408 54 2 268 27 158 - Way 293 251 42 142 20 39 8 . r, residuals of l689 l205 450 34 1547 519 205 323 all maiformations 382 331 50 l 343 230 59 "... ilo-skeletal defects, congenital and otbar 1259 911 319 29 1.188 618 171 ¥3%, FEET 508 309 158 41 25.30 2024 169 337 planus 322 157 126 39 2250 1860 ll.9 2', foot defects T86 lº2 32 2 28O 164 50 # , PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTS DEFERRED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS July 1, 1942 FROº White and Negro Registrants Combined 221, §CEIVE:) A* HATIORA), ºRTERS United States l/ Deferred after local bosſ'd physical examination £333.733d at #: wººtáçº, ‘. .ion dº to other rºom-seedieal reasons - “....:33 Yºgi.3trants who passed a local board physical examination but who were not forwarded to an induction station because of 9:3&ant reclassification into Classes II, III, or IV (excluding IV-F). i. Physical or + Defect Total Rental reason Other Total ºx- ::::::: T Yºgºr, i. at Industed ------, ... . . & - igºuction - ** Disqual- Limited 33.33:3. board ified Service station 3.33.g. , £Kiyºſº DISTURBARCES 508 A55 44. 9 616 106 42l betes rellitan 133 ll.9 13 l 218 l 210 §§§ich "a syzydrcº 126 1I]. ll 4. 171 A9 72 Wºº. §§ gºeºs l64 15l ll 2 141 43 78 ... "… :33:3:3 tº diſsºixºtºxicº & 35 7A, 9 2 86 l3 6l 160 ll3 Al 6 597 364 57 . . . §§ºle A5 45 l3 10 & Stºpiagºns 92 56 33 3 319 198 43 !cºlágal cysts 23 l2 8 3 265 166 4. INFECTIOUs, PARASITIC AMD 5 5 28 1 7 EPIDFIIC DISEASES Öºr DISEASEs, DEFECTS 344 666 155 23 5386 4309 40]. AKD AFCŞāALIES - * ! \riseight 332 257 62 13 3278 3036 76 iszººight 117 76 40 l 1674 : 989 240 *height 20 2O 8 . 6 3rheight 224 217 7 - 47 l 4& fºr élizeages and defects, 151 96 46 9 379 283 35 Hºjºſ).ICAL 29 28 l 267 5 26l. . . . . l l 40 i 39 łiºal discharge, Gsuse not stated IO IO 33 32 *śrge, other than honorable 17 l 167 .4 163 *** 33 or underage l l 10 10 17 17 layed receipts Forms 221 received up to August 1, 1942, are included for the following states: Arizºna, California, Coloradº, ‘’”, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Horth Dakotº, Oregon, Pºnnsylvania, , sº ºd, Utah, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin. 89 : : l 7 6 : ſ PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTs DEFERRED AND INDUCTED, As shown on FORMS 221, RECEIVED AT MATIONAL HEADQUARTERS BEFORE July 1, 1942 White Registrants: From United States l/ Deferred after local board physical examination Examined at induction station Defeat Total *:::::::::. Other Total ex- Rejected deferred FOſlº. amined at I ted º at local induction nduc board Disqual- || Limited tati Disqual- || Limited ified Service [...] Oº ified Service TOTAL 28067 16527 793/. 3606 10.9453 70588 22806 16059 MO DEFECT 3055 2 7 30.6 Al368 Al3/.3 7 18 EYE DEFECTS 2695 721 1932 42 ll'779 5287 1705 4787 indness, bilateral l23 l22 l indress, unilateral l/90 158 1329 3 l,0 3 29 lC8 diseases 545 273 259 l3 2509 A67 672 1370 'ective vision 537 168 343 26 9130 4817 lOOA 3309 EAR DºCTS 1081 445 608 28 26.9 A52 1981 216 ss, bilateral 156 144 ll l lC) l 9 ss, unilateral 257 33 22l 3 52 21, 28 tis media 168 89 73 6 1259 8 1209 42 her ear defects 136 52 73 ll 1003 268 672 63 'ective hearing 364 127 230 7 325 175 67 83 TEETH Irrects 931 239 614 78 lC419 8050 107 2262 ltures 220 36 l/7 37 5377 A716 31 630 ising teeth A89 77 391 2l 38ll 2355 57 1399 *ies ll3 A5 50 18 895 785 6 104 er dental defects 109 81 26 2 336 194. 13 129 MOUTH AND GUM DEFECTS 197 l39 50 8 730 494. 63 173 ROSE DEFECTS 98 62 25 ll 1649 l2/.l 233 175 Rugitis 24 13 7 4. 277 75 165 37 Homotor rhinitis 36 25 7 4. 326 233 32 6l |al diseases and deformities 29 22 6 l 209 L.6 32 31 łal Obstruction 9 2 5 2 837 787 4. 46" THROAT DEFECTS 25 20 l 4. 457 11.0 7 10 isil defects 5 l © 4. Al3 Al3 2 4. ier throat defects 20 19 l 38 27 5 6 LUNG DEFEcts 569 50/. 55 lO 936 199 A90 2/7 } thma 368 322 41 5 358 57 179 122 er lung defects, except tuberculosis 2Ol 182 ll. 5 578 142 311 l25 TUBERCULOSIS 807 781 24 2 l/.6l 44 l2/7 170 »rculosis, active pulmonary 242 24l l 630 l 581 48 ler tuberculosis 186 175 10 l Al 9 30 2 Serculosis, arrested pulmonary 96 92 4. 379 23 320 36 Herculosis, suspected or unspeeified pulmonary 283 273 9 l All ll 316 8/. CARDIOWASCULAR - 1480 1305 l/.6 29 3605 358 3136 lll iovascular diseases other than 168 l;7 ll 139 2 135 2 rheumatic or valvular umatie heart disease 2O7 196 8 3 3ll 3 307 • 1 vular heart disease 534 477 A7 lO 983 l2 967 4. diac hypertrophy 223 2ll l2 5l 2 - A9 wertension, arterial l63 126 29 8 32 1339 49 Her cardiovascular defects 107 89 l2 6 178 70 10l 7 hycardia . 56 33 23 312 36 228 A8 ºdiac arrhythmia 18 l/, 4. 44 34 10 ictional murmurs 4. 2 2 167 l67 BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS 45 40 5 45 5 37 * 3 HERNIA 892 358 478 56 3708 762 ll2 2834. Muinal hermia 64l 231 38O 30 2676 8 90 2578 ominal hernia llá 66 45 3 240 20 14 206 nia, other and unspecified 106 54 AO l2 175 ll.8 8 A9 axed rings 3l 7 13 ll 617 616 l W 99 67 £9T 892 2 82 g? I 9/T sq begap 3ooy Jewſ 292 8OT OCLT O802 89. 26 Tg.T T82 snuwtj si 3T9. 4.91 £1,8T 87%z • O’ſ O&T 962 997 Jºli T8% 29T 869 TſII 62 262 678 OLTI Jesúo pure Tºpueºuoo "squegep Tºetexts-o O3 19 222 62% T 87 TTg O9% - swoºtºuzogtsº 78/, 86 I 967 8/7T 7g £07 OOTI A,8.9 T Jo stumpy sex “Arnº 6l. 86. 6T. 99T L% ££2 OLZ Audou 6/, 7gT Al2 O92 2 O9 Llº. 627 sparrº. 4.9 67 72 O£T 9 21, A.2% 907 Ç. spsolº 92 *79 T 1.I 96T T 6% 69% 66% spaptaśwoº! 29. I 8% 222 26% £T 622 A.88 62TU uopºsºnd 4,891 098 929T 2907 98 OLTI £7.77 6699 Twistus-omoean 6&T TL9. 60T 609 2 Ol. 226 766 sqoegep Two pºotoxneu reu 99 9/, 6 O7I 2 69 £TOT 7LOT Jo stumpy sex *spaptačºop'ſ 22 972 £2 T62 T TI 69 Tl, esorpuſs Isiq exec opºsºnerº-48 % £8 T 4.8 T. 9 £ZT 62T esorpuſs opºp Teudeoue opuo.g. 4. 9/12 T £82 A. 999 £99. Agde IP 9TZ TøOT £7I OTWT 9 29 T £1.92 T£32 TWOIAEXOTOºſkſ. 72 9. 62 9 8LT £8T erequeste eTºp.jpssuTo qou egussºp rºw 9. ºzg £2 299 2 4. 27 T9 uoſº opppu ºn Ip puts &eproleup opuo-I. TzT 1,962 962 7.6% 7 A.7 ££z */82 s.reprospp op!orneuous& TI A.OZT 9% YgzT 2 79 98 AAPTsuog-zed opunºdogo & */ 92T 9 96T Z 26 79. poos Jo separtsurouque roſ. O89 9 989 £62 £62 s.reprospp A3'ſ Isuosºred Jo Tequgº aſſº, T/T 8Tºg TLC O669 9 £9 298 T£6 - SCISWºs IOR TWENGºd OT 777 1.2 T87 2 9T ZT9 O£9 popjYosdnum ‘Aauerorgep Twºul 82% T6TZ &T 96.92 T 4. 6&T A,%T Alouekopjep Tºucpºlson */T 986 9. 900T lº T *T3 9T3 qorp; puu “e Iroegºry “tºoz 29% T29% 67 22O7 £ 72 996 I 28%I *ON: [OIºſ I TVIRGI, CINW (OWººlTTI 622 Uzz */29 71.6 8T 22T 8/.2 8T7 SNI. A ſis(X).INVA - SL93&I 4,2T 62 997 609 4. *79. 90T 99T TV LOGº! Mºſhº,0 (INV SOIIOHºſt(Cºi ~ 79t T9 077 999 8T A.C.T. 1.9 T 20% SNOILIGINoo qxy Saswas.Iq NIxs 2. 2 T 9 T I uolº, oe Juſ TeeJerusa req £TZ 1. 7T 79.2 2. 6 OT T2: uoſº oeguy smoooooo. SºśWºSIGI TVºrºſiº. 9 TZ 6 9T 662 2. OT | OT 22 Miſhi0 (INV NOILOGINI Smø0000NOO £ 7 T 3 2T 297T 28 97g I Aºotozos ear, ps. 60T 92 28 ATZ 7 792 67 4.6% tº- Jewºo “sº Igud T T T OT TI spIPudiºs retnostraoppºr T 99. Lº 2 9 4./. 98 gºlpudiſsora £TI A,9 £8 £92 8T £7LT 8TZ 6L6I SITIHºi (S 6TI AL2+ Y62 077 6 92 09 98 sqoegep Teq Pues req 62 T &L8 206 9T M.7 22 ?8 - eTeooo 062 AT 99 ZTE Z £2 9T O7 OTop3seq. pepueogsp 8 */T 862 092 2 8 9T 92 eto;3 seq. Jo Audorqu xo coues 98% 69 697 I Y[6T 32 */OI £OT 99 z WITVºINº) 66 98T 3DI OO7 TT 92 7/, OUT shoegep Twº sequy-erasus req 6T 91.7 92 6T9 7 T9. 9/, OTI zeota otrºn 39 I39 OO2 6L6 9T 9% 67T. Ozz WI: OSIA TVNIROQ(GIW £9T. OTI gTI 8L9. 2 4. 6 8T Æsoº aroqut “sºuppurj Kruu, 29, TOI 9% 86.I 7 72 ‘ry 24, *oqe “spºrºsſo “spsuptaptorud 8T 99T OT 76[ 2 Z2 *72 spº Prudeuotaſi pure spº prº ££z Lø. 09T Oll, 9 ££ 94, */II Lºs Ali VIII'ſ (INW SKºſ(II). peºpºp'I -Tunbspc. uo;3 on pup peºpºp'I | -Tºmbs ſq Teoot qu º P*I | au peupºr, UKXºlºſſ periejep Jº O tiosurer Tºquou peq9eſcu •xe Tºqo. Jo Tuopºſud. Tºqo. 3 object uopºuqs uopºompup qu poulºg uopºsupwrºxe Teops/Sui prºoq Teool. Jeºgu per rejê(I CŞ. /f sequq's poºrum MOHi SugºſVDOTWTH TVNOILWN LV (ITAIGOTI 3&sºurexºspºſalſ ºf Tº 6 & 276T *T ASTriſ GMOTH Tzz SRIOi No NaOHS SW ‘qGºon(INI (INW (IºII SINVMISIOgn so slogad TvåIONInd ECTs of ºſsrºarts DEFERRED ARD IMDUCTED, AS SHOwn of FORMS 221, RECEIVED AT MATIONAL HEADQUARTERs Ajeetion due to other non-mediesl reasons / Due to delayed receipts Forms 221 received up to August 1, 1942, are included for the following statest Connecticut, #3.orida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Hew York, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Wermont, Washington and Wisconsin. subsequent reclassification into Classes II, III, or IV (excluding IV-F). Izıcºuſies &ll races other than Negro. Arizona, California, Colorado, ſ Taciºides registrants who passed a local board physical examination but who were not forwarded to an induction station because of BEFORE July 1, 1942 FROM United States l/ White Registrants# Deferred after local board physical examination Examined at induction station sical or f Refeat. Total : Yººnſºon Other Total ex- Rejected at local induction Disqual- Limited Disqual- Lipsited board ified Service station ified Service EßCºrſº DISTURRAlºš A89 440 40 9 596 102 407 87 libats's sellitus 129 116 12 l 210 l 202 7 &blich's syndrome 118 106 8 4. 171 A9 72 50 #Froid diałºtarbances 159 146 11 2 135 39 77 19 'hex ºr docrinº disturbances 83 72 9 2 80 13 . 56 ll #x3FIAS S 144 104. 34. 6 568 343 5l. 174. *Jigment growths 44 44. 12 9 3 Rhox neoplasms 77 48 26 3 293 179 38 76 lorridal cysts 23 l2 8 3 263 164, 4. 95 Tºcºrous, PARASITIC AMD 5 5 24 l 6 17 EFIºIIC DIS3ASES of HER DISEASEs, DEFECTs 770 610 137 23 5088 A057 386 645 A}{ſ} ANDº, IºS jºrweight. 312 244. 55 13 3058 2832 7A. 152 iderweight 107 70 36 l 1619 956 230 A33 werheight 20 2O 7 5 2 ºderºgat 193. 187 6 A7 l 44. 2 thºr digºsasag and defects 138 89 40 9 357 268 33 56 §hſ...}}º)][CAL 29 28 l 256 5 250 l ; : 29y, l - l 40 l 39 bdica? &ischarge, cause not stated lO 10 33 32 1. is charge, other than honorable 17 l l62 4. l;8 rerage or ºriderage l l 1% 1% 2% 26 T T 2 sºup.I. paxu Ieh 2 TT ØT 9 £ 6 perjºſoedgun pure req}o “epuxeH 8% 7 7 97 T 2T QI £2 upuleu Taupulopay T£T 8 T 07I T Ol. 6I 06 WTuren Isupnäu I TLT ZT 87 T£2 £ 88 £6 */2T WINRICIH T T SNWORIO ONIMRIOI-CIOOTA (INW (IOOTH 9% 99. 2 Z s.rrus mum Tuuopº ound 7 * £ 7 4. *PWIIqAux.tu ouppreo 9 9-. T £I % £ 9 bpp.IeoAuoul. & - -8 TI | 7 9T 6T 849e3ep Is Inosaacſprud Ieuqo -I 1.6L -2 OOz 4. O2 A& Topieq.ru ‘uopsueqired AH 9. 9. T 9T 9T Audo-3-red'Au ouppra0 6TT £ 22T *T ?g 89 esses Ip q reeq reTruatea 9. £ T 7 9. esses pp 4 raeu op', Buneus JetmateA Io opºeumeur 9 9 T £I *T mºnº Ieqqo sessesſp retnosea.oppreo 4. 8% *g 66% 9% 8&T *9T {{W'InoSWAOICINWO OT 72 % 4. 4. Arºuoºtnd peſºſosdsum zo paºoedsms “spsotmoraqn. 22 7 92 2 2 Arºuou Ind peºgeºre “spsotno.1aqn. 2 T % T &T 8T STsotno-Ieqn4 Jerºo 4. 1.9 77 T Tz 22 Arouou Ind eaſqou “sysotno-IeqrıI. 1, I 93 9 AOT T T A.Y 67 SISOInouagni £T 8T 2T £7 T 9 4. sºsomorequº qJeoxe “sqaejep Sun I req+0 3 TI 7 92 6 £z 29, uuqºsy TZ 62 9. 99 OT 62 6% \SL93 (30 ONſl‘I T I Z T T 84993 ep quoruº Ieq+0 T 60T OTI £ sq. oogep Tºsuo L I OTT 2TT T 7 SLO3Lºſ J.WORIHL 6 6 uoſº on Iqsqo Tºsen T T Z sepºpºrogep pure sesses ſp Iesu N 7 7 T T sº TuTui Toqososuſ, T T 2 y T T sRººstumps T Z 9T 6T 2 Z SLOSLI: I ason 7 £ 6TT 92I 9 6 7T SL93Lºſ Aſſº) (INW Hiſlow OT 2T zz 9 6 9T 849egep Tuquep reqq.0 7 £ 7OT TTT 92 £ 62 sepreo 77 % gT2 292 T & £ T£ uqeeq 3aps sp. 8 97I 79 I 7 7 Bernaue(I 99 LLY 6.79 T £9 9T 6. SL93. If I HE32. T 7 6 7T TT TT 22 3up.Ineq aspºoejed T 4. 8 9T 2 Z sqoojep Jue Jeuq.0 T 9T 1.T 2. % 9 uppen spºp 40 2 Z Tº requTſun *sseugeed 2 6 TI TarequTpa “sseugeeq. 9. dº LT 17 6T £z 27 SLOCºlº(I HVºI 79 96. 96I 962 T 22 OT £% uoſº PA as Tºoeje,0ſ L6 ?g 09 TOZ TZ 92 4.7 segues pp eſq. £ £ 9 09 I 9T 99T TarequTTun *sseupuy Ig T & 82 TerequTTg “sseupuyta 79T 26 209 T 76T 8/. £1.2 SLO3Lºſſ 2A3. 9. 2 6.99% 7.9% 0% £ Z 9% J.OśI ON 69TT O892 6799 8866 */L 1.37% 229. T £887 TWLOL 99TAJISS poº 1. eopA.IeS perJT, peºpºrpſ | -Tunbspc. *::::::: /? pººl || -tºmºid tº. t peq9mpuL U Oºtººſ 3u peupuu Jou%0 UO313@, . U (º posſ-regeº peqaeſeº -xe Tºyol, Tuq. Tºol, 49e3e01. Jo TeoTBAudi uopºuqs uorºonpur qu peupºrº. uopºutſpuruxe Taoyaſud prooq twoot reqJe paireyed /T sequqs peºpun sque.Iqspaeu o T3eN WORIGI 276T *T ATnſ GRIORITEI SHGLMWſt CIWGH TVNOILWN IV (ISAIGOTH ‘Tzz SWHOI NO NMOHS SW ‘qQL000NI (INW (ITTHSJSG SLNWHLSIOTH IO SL93. ISCI TVäIONIHä PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTS DEFERRED AND INDUCTED, As SHOWN on FORMS 221, RECEIVED At NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS BEFORE July 1, 1942 FROM United States l/ Negro Registrants Deferred after local board physical examination Examined at induction station Defect | Physical or iſ rº Refected - :d mental reason Other : a": jec © Pro Toºlºon. Inducted at local Disqual- || Limited induction Dicqual- || Limit board ified Service station ified Servil, KIDNEYS AND URINARY SYSTEM 7 2 5 53 13 21. l6 Nephritis and pyelonephritis l l 9 6 3 Nephrolithiasis, cystitis, etc. 3 l. 2 4. 3 l Urinary findings, laboratory 3 l 2 40 LO 17 13 ABDOMINAL WISC ERA ll 4 7 26 15 6 5 Gastric ulcer 3 l 2 7 l 5 l Other gastro-intestinal defects 8 3 5 19 lA. l 4. GENITALFA 59 15 43 l 2O6 98 9 99 Absence or atrophy of testicle 2 2 l/. 12 2 Undescended teaticle 2 l l 15 l 4. LO Waricocele 9 2 7 40 37 i. 2 Other genital defects 46 l2 33 l 137 48 2 37 SYPHILIS 2807 70 27OA. 33 109 27 21. 58 Neurosyphilis - 9 9 12 12 Cardiovascular syphili 4. 4. 2 2 Syphilis, other 553 L8 534 l 91 24. IO 57 Positive serology 2241 39 21.70 32 4. 3 l GONOCOCCUS INFECTION AND OTHER A8 3 43 2 326 10 12 304. WENEREAL DISEASES Gonococcus infection 44. 2 40 2 312 10 LO . 292 Other venereal infection 4. l 3 lA. 2 12 SKIN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS 30 15 15 35 23 2 10 HEMORRHOIDS AND OTHER RECTAL 21 7 lA. 47 29 2 l6 DEFECTS WARICOSE WEINS 49 28 - 21 43 l6 11. H 16 ILLITERACY AND MENTAL DEFICIENCY l?A. 169 5 1661 21 1617 t 23 Horon, imbecile, and idiot 50 50 365 35A, ll. Educational deficiency 76 74. 2 l245 7 3.226 12 Mental deficiency, unspecified 48 A5 3 51 14. 37 MENTAL DISEASES 49 40 8 l 25A, 20 230 4. Grave mental or personality disorders 6 6 16 16 Major abnormslities of mood l 1 Psychopathic personality 12 12 85 2 83 Psychoneurotic disorders 18 10 7 l 132 15 113 4. Chronic inebriety and drug addiction 3 2 i 16 2 14 Mental disease not classifiable elsewhere IO 10 4. l 3 MEUROLOGICAL 138 l30 8 71 5 54. 3.2 Epilepsy 25 25 L3 17 1. Chronic encephalitic syndrome 5 3 2 3 - 3 Post-traumatic cerebral syndrome l - Il l8 l 13 4. Poliomyelitis, residuals of 40 39 l 4. 3 l Other neurological defects 67 63 4. 28 4. 18 6 MUSCULO-SKELETAL 503 378 125 l&l 67 33 8]. âmputation 139 107 32 2]. 12 l 8. 3&teomyelitis 16 16 6 5 L #akylosis 27 19 8 IO 3 4. 3 gºthritis 35 31 4. 8 4. 4. 3 ºro 23 18 5 6 l l 4. , jury, residuals of 152 105 47 69 23 7 39 &;inal malformations 22 20 2 lA. 8 2 4. ::ggculo-skeletal defects, congenital and other 89 62 27 A7 20 9 18 FEET 52 13 38 l 182 151 12 19 * . . planus Al 6 34. l 170 140 ll. 19 ºr foot defects ll 7 4. 12 Il l PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTS DEFERRED AND INDUCTED, As SHOWN on FORMS 221, RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS BEFORE July 1, 1942 FROM United States l/ º Negro Registrants Deferred after local board physical e ination Examined at induction station Defect Total ::::::::::. Other Total ex- Rejected deferred FOG SOI! amined at | Inducted at local induction Disqual- || Limited Disqual- Limited board ified Service station ified Service ENDOCRINE DISTURBANCES 19 15 4. 20 4. 14 2 Diabetes mellitus 4. 3 l 8 8 Fröhlich's syndrome 8 5 3 Thyroid disturbances 5 5 6 4. l l Other endocrine disturbances 2 2 6 5 1. NEOPLASMS 16 9 7 29 21 6 2 Malignant growths l l l l Other neoplasms 15 8 7 26 19 5 2 Pilonidal cysts 2 2 INFECTIOUs, PARASITIC AND 4. l 3 EPIDEMIC DISEASES OTHER DISEASEs, DEFECTs 74 56 18 298 252 15 31 AMD AROMALIES Overweight 2O 13 7 220 204 2 l/, Underweight 10 6 4. 55 33 10 12 Overheight l l Underheight 31 30 l other diseases and defects 13 7 6 22 15 2 5 F.CN-MEDICAL ll ll Alien Medical discharge, cause not stated Discharge, other than honorable 5 5 Overage or underage 6 6 Rejection due to other non-medical reasons l/ Due to delayed receipts Forms 221 received up to August 1, 1942, are included for the following states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Wermont, Washington and Wisconsin. 2/ Includes registrants who passed a local board physical examination but who were not forwarded to an induction station because of subsequent reclassification into Classes II, III, or IV (excluding IV-F). MARITAL STATUS AND DEPENDENTS OF REGISTRANTS PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED At NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS BEFORE July 1, 1942 FROM United States l/ White and Negro Registrants Combined Number receiving physical Number inducted examination at local board Examined at ločal board Inducted Marital º Status Number of dependents Number of dependents Total - Total ?” Two or Not, Two or Not None One pºore stated None One Tººre stated Total 151791. 914.18 23375 18O17 18981 76137 4/21] 12128 9786 10012 Single 111338 76403 8771 11827 1/337 56.485 37621 AA59 67OO 7705 Married 22350 A651 11788 3789 2122 12137 2542 64Ol 1982 1212 Separated 9086 5095 1430 lA32 1129 3808 1985 644 649 530 Divorced 6.425 3976 973 702 774 28O2 1635 46l 3/9 357 Widower 1773 104.7 350 209 167 588 328 127 8]. 52 No entry 819 246 63 58 A52 317 LOO 36 25 lº;6 l/ Due to delayed receipts Forms 221 received up to August 1, 1942, are included for the following states: Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin. Arizona, California, Colorado, MARITAL STATUS AND DEPENDENTS OF REGISTRANTS PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS BEFORE July 1, 1942 FROM United States l/ White Registrants* Number receiving physicalNumber inducted examination at local board Examined at local boardÎnducted Marital Status Number of dependentsNumber of dependents TotalTotal Two orNotTwo orNot NoneOne№orººstatedNoneOne| № ſººstated Totall375208333520753160221741070588410581116490079359 Single10184870330751210727132795252835122394362307233 Married2089543691109734371992116322417618318691163 Separated66823800960102989330261586480510450 Divorced5986375487762872726361559429312336 Widower13878572521481305022901016546 No entry( 7222255553389264842821131 l/ Due to delayed receipts Forms 221 received up to Augustl., 1942, are included for the following states: Arizona, California,Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, NewJersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin. * Includes all races other than Negro. MARITAL STATUS AND DEPENDENTS OF REGISTRANTS PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NAȚIONAL HEADQUARī£R3 BEFORE July 1, 1942 FROM "United States l/ Negro Registrants Number receiving physical examination at local boardNumber inducted Examined at local boardInducted Marſtal Status Number of dependentsNumber of dependents TotalTotal Two orNoteOTwo orNot, NoneOneI №. !>statedNoneInº(№ №.stated Total- 142’71808326221995157155493153964779653 Single9490607312591100105839572499516470472 Married145528269135213050512521811349 Separated2404129547040323678239916413980 Divorced43922296744716676323721 Widower386190986137863826166 No entry9721856353168425 1/ Due to delayedreceipteForms 221 received up to August 1, 1942, are included for the following states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Míchigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin. occupations OF REGISTRANTs PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, As SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS BEFORE July 1, 1942 FROM United States l/ White and Negro Registrants Combined Occupation group and occupation Number receiving local board physical examination Number inducted Total White+ Negro Total White+ Negro TOTAL 151791 13752O 1A271 76137 70588 552.9 PROFESSIONAL AND SEMIPROFESSIONAL WORKERS 5066 A925. 141 2705 26.17 88 Professional Workers 34.76 3366 ll.0 1857 1786 7l awyers and judges 317 317 185 l85 hysicians, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, etc. 209 2O7 2 81 31 eachers, professors, and county agents 1396 1327 69 799 755 44 echnical engineers, chemists, and architects 370 370 165 165 usicians, writers, artists, and actors 908 875 33 A72 A50 22 ther professional workers 276 27O 6 155 150 5 Semiprofessional Workers 1590 1559 31 848 831 17 esigners, draftsmen, and surveyors 386 385 l 186 185 l ancers, showmen, and athletes 227 215 12 126 l2O 6 Tºniº and assistants, laboratory 344 339 5 197 19A. 3 ther semiprofessional workers 633 620 13 339 332 º FARMERS AND FARM MANAGERS A843 A382 461 2008 1853 155 PROPRIETORS, MANAGERS, AND OFFICIALs, EXCEPT FARM 7027 6932, 93 3708 3662 46 Povernment officials 3Ol. 3OO l 158 158 ‘roprietors, mgrs., and officials, wholesale and retail 4206 Al48 58 2219 21.93 26 ther proprietors, managers, and officials, except farm 252O 2486 34 1331 1311 2O CLERICAL, SALES, AND KINDRED WORKERS 18327 18136 191 10586 10483 103 Clerical and Kindred Workers 11814 llſ/O5 109 6967 690l. 66 iodkkeepers, accountants, cashiers, and ticket agents 1867 1860 7 1053 10A9 4. Stenographers, typists, and office machine operators 845 839 6 492 A89 3 ail carriers, baggagemen, and express messengers 363 351 12 229 219 10 hipping and receiving clerks l/.65 LA38 27 92/. 906 18 ther clerical and kindred workers 727A, 7217 57 4269 4238 3]. Salesmen and Kindred Workers 6513 6431 82 3619 3532 37 'ales agents and brokers 1704 1677 27 96.3 952 ll 'anvasserg, peddlers, and newsboys AlO 393 17 172 168 A. Šalesmen, retail and not elsewhere classified A210 4174. 36 2404 2383 2l Salesmen, not specified 189 187 2 8O 79 l CRAFTSMEN, FOREMEN, AND KINDRED WORKERS 14,759 14204 555 7623 7398 225 Harpenters, cabinetmakers, and patternmakers 2Oll 1952 59 1056 1034 22 iasons, plasterers, stonecutters, and cement finishers A83 43l 52 251 229 22 ’ainters and paperhangers 1680 1586 9/. 777 737 A.0 ºlumbers, and gas and steam fitters A92 480 12 269 262 7 lectricians 452 447 5 226 224 2 Roofers and sheet metal workers 539 530 9 290 289 i }ranemen, construction mach, opers. , stationary engineers 799 775 24 A25 Al6 9 ſachinists, millwrights, and tool makers 622 616 6 292 290 2 }lacksmiths, boilermakers, rollers, structural metal wars. 370 352 18 18A 178 6 iolders, metal 2ll 186 25 132 ll 8 l4 lechanics and repairmen, automobile 1661 1561 IOO 8.33 796 37 lechanics and repairmen (exc. automobile), and loom fixers 1928 1884, 44 1012 996 16 *rinting craftsmen 646 645 l 375 37/, l Bakers 397 383 14 22l 215 6 Aocomotive engineers and firemen 147 l/.3 4. 83 81 2 oremen, except farm 987 975 12 A96 491 5 ºther craftsmen and kindred workers l33A 1258 76 7Ol 668 33 OPERATIVES AND KINDRED WORKERS 3982.5 37383 2442 22236 21237 999 aundry operatives, except private family 286 252 34 136 ll3 23 peratives and laborers, crude petrol. and natural gas 232 230 2 122 122 line operatives and laborers, except crude petrol. and nat. gas 2501 2339 162 1281 1228 53 |ainters except construction and maintenance 466 445 2l 28O 269 ll hauffeurs, truck drivers, deliverymen, and motormen 9883 9023 360 5522 5.177 34.5 elders and flame cutters 799 785 14 462 459 3 ilers, grinders, buffers, and polishers, metal 771 7/8 23 434 421 13 rakemen and switchmen, railroad º 3O2 29 6 189 186 3 ailors and deck hands, except U. S. Navy 209 2OO 9 ll2 ll2 inemen and serviceraen, telegraph, telephone, and power 386 382 4. 234 233 l iremen, except locomotive and fire department 333 275 58 156 l/.3 13 eat cutters, except slaughter and packing house 605 585 20 342 337 5 ttendants, filling station, parking lot, airport, etc. 1513 1380 133 821 768 53 iscellaneous apacified operatives and kindred workers 2023 1966 57 1130 1095 35 OCCUPATIONS OF REGISTRANTS PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, As SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS BEFORE July 1, 1942 FROM United States l/ White and Negro Registrants Combined Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin. Not elsewhere classified. Includes all races other than Negro. Due to delayed receipts Forms 221 received up to August 1, 1942, are included for the following states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, - Number receiving local Number inducted Occupation group and occupation board physical examination Total White+ Negro Total White+ Negro OPERATIVES AND KINDRED WORKERS (Continued) Operatives and kindred workers (n.e. c.2/), by industry: Manufacturing Food and kindred products l/.78 l3%A, 84 849 815 34 Textile, textile products, and apparel 2695 263/. 61 1376 1346 30 Lumber, furniture, and lumber products 1A73 1218 255 694 602 92 Paper, paper products, and printing 864, 839 25 520 514 6 Chemicals, and petroleum and coal products 889 833 56 570 542 28 Leather and leather products 976 967 9 546 54l 5 Stone, clay, and glass products 718 68/. 34 A.33 A17 16 Iron, steel, nonferrous metals and their products 2579 2/77 102 1596 1546 50 Machinery and transportation equipment 4126 4064. 62 2370 2340 30 Not specified metal industries. 312 3O2 1O 172 168 4 Other specified manufacturing industries 732 688 44 414 393 2l Not specified manufacturing industries 576 543 33 318 303 15 Nommanufacturing industries and services 2098 1834 264 liš7 104.7 110 DOMESTIC SERVICE workers 502 2ll 291 194. 75 119 PROTECTIVE SERVICE WORKERS 1127 lll3 14 540 535 5 SERVICE workers, EXCEPT DOMESTIC AND PROTECTIVE 7860 6036 182/, 3816 2963 853 Barbers and beauticians 50/. A75 29 240 229 ll Cooks, except private family ll 24 875 249 544 A28 116 Waiters and bartenders 1764 1579 185 944 843 101 Other kitchen workers 925 7l/, 2ll 434 332 102 Charmen, janitors, and porters 1773 935 838 767 382 385 Other service workers, except domestic and protective 1770 1458 312 887 7A9 138 FARM LABORERS AND FOREMEN 19179 16408 277]. 8240 7330 910 LABORERS, EXCEPT FARM AND MINE 1957l 15621 3950 9396 7959 l/.37 Fishermen and oystermen 225 2O7 18 83 73 5 Lumbermen, raftsmen, and woodchoppers 1711 l/22 289 688 598 90 Longshoremen and stevedores 276 204 72 l;4 13]. 23 Teamsters 177 l3/. 43 76 63 13 Garage laborers, and car washers and greasers 34.7 170 177 175 97 78 Gardeners (except farm) and groundskeepers Tºll 619 92 315 28O 35 Laborers (n.e. c.2/), by industry: Manufacturing Food and kindred products 725 634 91 37l 336 35 Textile, textile products, and apparel 389 351 38 199 187 l2 Lumber, furniture, and lumber products l/09 846 563 605 A08 197 Paper, paper products and printing 259 236 23 l/5 136 9 Chemicals, and petroleum and coal products 452 34.5 107 256 213 43 Stone, clay, and glass products All 344 67 232 203 29 Metal industries 1998 1752, 244 ll 55 1034 12l Other specified and not specified manufacturing 335 266 69 165 139 26 Nommanufacturing industries and services Construction 4057 3340 717 1989 1727 262 Railroads (includes railroad repair shops) 1648 1379 269 872 776 96 Other nonmamufacturing industries and services 2652 2038 6l.4 1239 1036 203 Nonclassifiable laborers 1789 1332 A57 677 517 l60 NONCLASSIFIABLE RETURNS 304 278 26 lºl lA3 8 EMERGENCY WORKERS AND UNEMPLOYED 106ll 924.5 1366 3616 3O85 531 Civilian Conservation Corps enrollees 727 614 ll3 433 35A, 79 Emergency workers, other than C.C.C. enrollees 2704 2300 404. lll.0 948 l62 Unemployed (not further specified) 718O 6331 849 2O73 1783 290 STUDENTS - 1749 1681 68 902 857 45 NO ENTRY 10/l 963 78 Al6 391 25 U. S SUMMARY TABULATIONS OF FORMS 221 RECEIVED DURING NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 1942 Attached are copies of the U. S. summary of periodic tabulations based on Reports of Physical Examination and Induction, Forms 22l, re- ceived at National Headquarters during November and December 1942. This is the second in a series of periodic tabulations based on Forms 22l which are described in State Director Advice No. 157. The first tabulations, based on Forms 221 received during May and June and, in certain cases during July, were released with this Advice. A set of tables similar to those attached has been prepared for each State and a set of tables for a single State has been mailed to each State Director of Selective Service.1/ The attached summaries for all States combined are prepared for use in National Headquarters onlyo Because of the time involved in processing the approximately 600,000 Forms 221 which were received during November and December, it was judged impracticable to process every form. Consequently, l2.5 percent of the Forms 22} received in November and 25 percent of those received in December, comprising 195,981 registrants physically examined at local boards, were selected as representative of the total receipts, The total number of registrants examined at local boards is shown on the marital status and dependency table, RS 221C, and on the occupa- tional table, RS 221D. It may be obtained from the defect table, RS 221A, by adding the first column "Total deferred at local board" and the fifth column "Total examined at induction station." The next release of periodic tabulations will be based on Forms 22l received during January 1943. l/ State tabulations were forwarded directly to State Headquarters and are not presented here. : T T O3? 237 ØT g 9T 79. Gºgyº. perstº 99. T9: . 39T 772 6T. *FT 0%l. £9T peºgg32dºm º ºxºxºo “ºut-gº 632 2OT 77 94.6 8 7I A,9T 63T. 72 Puxeu Tºuggoºd £899, 63 LT 8& 0037 99 9TZ YO3T 94.0% $ºpuzgº Tsiggº: 893% £26T. OIA, I06% 96 672 1.TIC I972 WTºš Ot 97 2 89 T £ TZ 92 Šēšū ārśIOR-CIOGT3 (BIV (ICCºa T 622 C32 9 £ 6 gºrrº Tºucºpº.cºm, ST O2 O7 2 T g 3 $ºuggº oup pºſſ; £ 44.6 8T 22 7 TT 6 22. 27 spp.gºotà, 272 £8. T 98% 8 £ 99 9/, 339e.gGp JºãogūAcºrpº gº, 3. , 34.0% % 9/Tº 9 6 99 T$3 Tºxey. Its "isopsize:} ; ::::fº;*,\- .ſ. &#„... ! … • • ►►---- :::•A „$” .….! ; :;}ºg gºſº; , , , , , ! !... :º 3 &{}41 { 940 ?Ą6 } §3;&ß $$2$$ 60026 ! 6Ö 3500 2865 | 34504 1394 1459 l44l ſaec ºr statea i 66łż 9061 7235 ģī££§! �Å5 &~H a! ſº ſ 611 11248 3634 942 526 7039 lll4 287 Widower176587839129320366931833% |12276 No entry13664572:123039365?232,· 14ff145 l/ Based on a sample of12% percent of Forms 221 received duaeg November and 25 perceau of Forns 221 recº-º-º?ſå gå ing ſaeëſtºxº. 2/ Includes only registranºs inducted for general military , ſº ºº. * Includes all races other than Negro. MARITAL STATUS AND DEPENDENTS OF REGISTRANTS PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 1942 FROM United Statesl/ Negro Registrants<--<, (__) --★ → • ,-aelº Number receiving physicalſumbe examination at local boardr inducted ºsamined at local boardInducted 2/ | Marital Status? Number of dependentsMſumber of dependents TotalTotal NOTwo orNot,Two orKiot Oſnºſmº№ſ ſººstatedNoneOne! № №.stated Total30522l411G#93;%60943284131536049284328691392 Single 18586104452820324520768757480212721727956 warried49974532780142533920462501043609144 Separated477122339919895581629686358388197 Diºxoºced100646823719210934915489 -7432 Wiſloſſer929439165205120266119585237 No entry233724l388210638231926 l/ Based on a sample of12} percent of Forms 221 received during November and 25 percent of Forms 221 receivedduring December. 2/ Includes only registrants inducted for general military service. U. S. SUMMARY TABULATIONS OF FORMS 221 RECEIVED DURING JANUARY 1913 January 1943 tabulations of Reports of Physical Examination and Induction, Forms 221, are attached. These U. S. Summaries, the third in a series of periodic tabulations described in State Director Advice No. 157, are based on a 25 percent sample of Forms 221 received at National Headquarters during the month of January. Preceding tabulations dealt with Forms 221 received during May and June 1942, and November and December 1942. The total number of registrants examined at local boards is shown on the marital status and dependency table, RS 221 C, and on the occupational table, RS 221 D. It may be obtained from the defect table RS 221 A, by adding the first column "Total deferred at local board" and the fifth column "Total examined at induction station." REJECTIONS DUE TO PHYSICAL OR MEiſt AL REASONS The following brief discussion deals with the leading causes of rejections among white and Negro registrants examined at local boards and 3 niuction stations during January 1943. The data presented in the attached figure and in tables l, 2, and 3 are based on RS 221 A for January 1943. At local boards over one-half of the white registrants were rejected because of musculo-skeletal defects, hernia, and syphilis; each constituted 17 percent of the rejections. Among Negroes 74 percent of all local board rejections were due to syphilis; musculo-skeletal defects were next in order of importance. The majority of local board rejections for syphilis among white and Negro registrants were based solely on positive serology. In reviewing causes of rejection at local boards it should be remembered that the basis for rejection was limited to a large extent to defects specified in DSS Form 220, "List of Manifestly Disqualifying Defects." Eye defects and mental disease were the leading causes of rejection among white registrants examined at induction stations, with musculo-skeletal and car- diovascular defects ranking third and fourth respectively. Educational deficiency accounted for 27 percent of the Negro rejections at induction stations; mental disease and cardiovascular defects were next in importance. Of interest is the fact that among white and Negro registrants, psychoneuroses constituted the basis for most of the rejections for mental disease, and hypertension and valvular heart disease were listed as the causes of most rejections for cardiovascular defects. The ten leading causes of rejection among white and Negro registrants examined at local boards and induction stations are shown in the attached figure. It will be noted that syphilis and educational deficiency accounted for most of the Negro rejections while the causes for white rejections were more numerous. However, these defects were not necessarily the sole causes of rejection; they were noted as the principal defect by the examining physicians and they may have been accom— panied by other disqualifying defects. TEN LEAD}NG CAUSES OF REJECTION JANUARY 1943 WHITE PER CENT OF TOTAL REJECTIONS O 15 2O 25 3O 3 Eye Mentol Disedse Musculo-Skeletol Hernid Cordiovascular Neurological Ed r Syphilis Educational Def. Tuberculosis NEGRO PERCENT OF TOTAL REJ ECTIONS | 5 2O 5 3 Ö 3 5 Syphilis Educational Defl Cordiovascular Mental Dised se * Musculo-Skeletal Hernid Eye Neurological Gonorrhea Mentol Def. Table la Percent of all rejections at local boards, due to specified defect groups, January 1913 Defect Group White and #egro * ...te 1/ Negro Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lCO.O 100.0 lſ)0. O Eyes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 3.0 l.8 Lars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.6 2.l. 0.3 Teeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8 0.9 0.6 Mouth and gums . . . . . . . . . . . 0.3 0.l. 0.2 Nose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O. 2 0.3 O. l Throat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1 0.l O.l Lungs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.l. l. 3 O. 7 Tuberculosis. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.l 3.l O.5 Cardiovascular . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 5.0 l. 7 Blood and blood-forming. . O.2 0.3 2/ Hernia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3 17. § 5.5 Kidneys and urinary. . . . . . 0.3 0.l. 2/ Abdominal viscera . . . . . . . . O.8 l.l 0.3 Genitalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.9 O.8 l.l Syphilis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38.3 17.5 71.l. Gonorrhea and other Venereal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.l. O•l O. 7 Skin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q.5 0.6 O. l. Hemorrhoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.l. O.l. O. 3 Varicose veins. . . . . . . . . . . O.9 l-l 0.5 Educational deficiency. . . O.2 O.2 O.2 Mental deficiency. . . . . . . . 2.5 3.5 0.8 Mental disease. . . . . . . . . . . 2-l 3.14 0.6 Neurological . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 9 ll. Ó l-l Musculo-skeletal. . . . . . . . . l3.5 l'7.8 6.0 Feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.0 l. 2 0.6 Endocrine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l. 5 2.3 O. l Neoplasms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.4 0.6 O.2 Infectious and parasitic. 2/ O. l 2/ Underweight, overweight, tº . tº º 'ºp and other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.5 1.9 0.8 Nonmedical reasons. . . . . . . 0.2 0.3 O. l. l/ Includes all races other than Negro. 2/ Less than .l percent. Table 2. Percent of all rejections l/ at induction stations due to specified defect groups, January 1943 Defect Group white and Negro white 2/ Negro Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - loC).O 100.0 100.0 Eyes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.5 - l9.2 8.2 Bars • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.l 5.9 O.9 Teeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.9 l.0 O. 3 Houth and gums . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2 O. 3 O.l Nose - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.9 l.0 O.l. Throat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/ 3/ O.l Lungs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2TO 2.l l-5 Tuberculosis. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 3.l. 2.7 Cardiovascular . . . . . . . . . . . 9.l 3.7 ll. 3 Blood and blood-forming. . 0.l. O.l 3/ Hernia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.l. Ö-l 5.9 Kidneys and urinary. . . . . . l-li l.5 l.0 Abdominal viscera. . . . . . . . l. 3 2.0 0.l. Genitalia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.l. l. 3 2.0 Syphilis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.9 0.6 2.7 Gonorrhea and other venereal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.7 O.2 3.5 Skin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.8 O.8 O. 7 Hemorrhoids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.5 O.5 O.5 Varicose veins. . . . . . . . . . . l. 2 l. 3 l.0 Educational deficiency. . . 8.l L.5 27.3 fiental deficiency . . . . . . . . l.5 l. 2 3.l Mental disease . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 15.9 ll. 6 Neurological . . . . . . . . . . . . . l. 3 li.l. 3.7 Husculo-skeletal. . . . . . . . . 8.5 9.3 6.0 Feet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l.6 l.6 l.9 Endocrine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l. 2 l-l 0.5 Neoplasms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8 O.9 0.3 Infectious and parasitic. 0.l O.l O.l. Underweight, overweight, and other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 3.5 l.l. Nonmedical reasons. . . . . . . O. 9 O.9 0.9 l/ Includes a small proportion of registrants inducted for limited military service. 2/ Includes all races other than Hegro. 3/ Less than .l percent, Table 3. Percent of all rejections lſ at local boards and induction stations, due to specified defect groups, January 1913 Defect Group White and Negro White 2/ Negro Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.0 1OO.O lOO.O Ayes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e º O © e e Q 11.0 16.l 5.l. Bars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q e Q e e º l. 3 5.2 0.6 Teeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © 0.8 l.O O.l. Mouth and gums. . . . . . . © º O C & 0.5 0.3 O. 2 Nose. . . . . . . . . . . . . © tº e e º O Gº O e 0.7 O.9 0.3 Throat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.l 3/ O. l Lungs. . . . . . . . . . . . © e º 'º e & © tº Q 1.9 2. l l-l Tuberculosis. . . . . . . . . . . . . O 3.0 3.3 l. 8 Cardiovascular. . . . . . . . . . © e 7.8 8. O 7.2 Blood and blood-forming... 0.1 O.l 3/ Hernia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.0 8.6 5.7 Kidneys and urinary. . . . . . . l-l l. 3 O.5 Abdominal viscera. . . . . . . . . 1.5 l. 8 O.H. Genitalia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l. 3 l. 2 l.6 Syphilis. . . . . . . . . . © e º C G º º e 9.8 3.8 33.5 Gonorrhea and other venereal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © 0.6 O. 2 2.3 Skin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e e s e e O.7 O. 8 O.5 Hemorrhoids. . . . . . . . . . . . © & C 0.5 O.5 0.5 Varicose veins. . . . . . . . . . . © l. 2 l. 3 O. 8 JEducational deficiency. . . . 6.2 3.7 15.7 Mental deficiency. . . . . . . e Q l. 7 1.6 2. l Mental disease . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2 13.5 6.9 Neurological. . . . . . . . . . . . . o p.2 5.8 2.7 Musculo-skeletal. . . . . . . . . . 9.9 10.9 6.0 Feet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 1.5 l. 3 Endocrine. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . O 1.5 l.5 0.3 Neoplasms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.7 O.9 0.3 Infectious and parasitic. - 0.l 0.l 0.1 Underweight, overweight, and other . . . . . . . . . . . . © O O 2.8 3.2 l. 2 Nonmedical reasons. . . . . . . . O. 7 O. 8 0.5 l/ Includes e small proportion of registrants inducted for limited military service. - 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. 3/ Less than .l percent. £ Z 692 7L2 1.2 T 22 Og sºup. paxwtag 6T 8t 3OT g? I 22 T 86 ZZT peºpoe.dºun pure zoqºo “epuxe? 6%T 1.8 ?g O3& £T £ 39T ?8T upuxeu Tuupulopaw ZI6'ſ 986 9T ‘7T62 Z8 Z2 971.T O98T uTuxen Teupinºuſ £LO& Ø60T Dºy £T99. g"/I 1.2 *79. Oz 9022 WINºth 1. 92 £ 99. T T£ 26, SNúðūO ºn IºION-QIOOTH (INW (IOOTH 96T 96T. 2 £ g grºunxium Tuuopy ouni T 8 LI 92 7 7 bºx{3Auºre oupperuo 72 O06 9T 6% ZT 1.T 62 uppreo/Cuouſ? 7 9IT 8%T 892 1.T g? 29 B39e3ep ºutnoguaoppreo reqq.0 4,8. 928T 8T O88T 82 2 O9 O6 Tºreq Is “uopsueqxed/CH T 90I 9 TTI £ 79 A.9 - Audox4-reducq ouppreo 7.7T £T 4,87T ZT T 6T2 262 esses ºp 4xbow rutnatuſ. T II? ZT” T £OT 7OT eduospp. 3-ruoq opºuneuli - JuTuaſºa Jo opºutsmour 9 1.6l T £O2 T 99 A.9 tº reqqo segues Fp retnosuaopprwo £1. 96.77 2O7 TI67 9/. 7 T89 O99 *IV'IſºSWAOIGHVO £9 O97 £2 929 9 92T 62T Arºostni perſpeedsum zo poqosdans “spsotnoxeqry. 7&T OL7 9 669 7 62 ££ Atreuosind penaeuxu “spsomoreqa. T 62 Z 2% ?g 79. speoTuozeqrt3 Jeq90 9I 697 987 T 97I 4.7T £rºuou Ind eaſqou “spsomorequi. ?6T 8T7T 0% z79T TI 2% £76, SISO'Iſlºtſ\, 26 &% T9T 99% 9T £ 29 T/, sysotnezeqaa adeoxe ‘sºoezep aunt requo 79. 999 8OI 1.69 TZ T 99T 1,8T - wºgy 9&I &l,8 692 Z92T 18. 7 A.T.& 892 SL93 ºr I ºl"I 4. TT 9T ØØ OT OT 8300 Jep quotº reu,0 T 2 O8% £8% 4. 7 TI snoozep Itsuoi 8 £T 96% 9T; A. 7I TZ SL93. I LWORTH, £7 ZT 969 T91. 2 ** 7 tropºon tº sq0. Tºgen £7 77 98 2A.T Z L 7I geºpºxogep pure segues pp Tegun 27 A.OL 4.0% 997 OT 3T. 92 spºpupux roqosogua 22 8%T £7 £O2 2. 7 9 gºpºulºs 09T TO: T9 TT 2.89.T 9T 79. Og SLQºlī; I SON £9 29 £9% 8.7 72 T Og 9/, SL93 tº ſº) (INV Hºſio, 92 67 79T 662 2 9 4. sºoeyep Tºquep req80 62 6 80&T 972T 82 T 8% A,9 separuo gzz 6t 9I62 29T2 09 8 96. ?6 uqeeq 3apssp. 1.9 7 O90T T£TT b.9 4. 92 68 sernaue(I 0% T8 1,769 8/.l.9 ACI 9T 70T £92 SL95 tº HLºl. 29 £1. £92 6L6. ZZ 7 09 9, fºup reeq ap3oogeq 8&T 21.7 977 990T £T £2 99. sqooyop ree reuq.0 ØT 99/.T 4. 9A.A.T 8 7 */8 96 tº ºpen spºo 9 O2 9 29. T 9 T& 82 TºxeyeTºun *sseugeeq. 9 9 T 09 TS TexerºuTº “sseugued OTZ A.262 ZTA, 6.72% g? 7T 862 A,6& S.O. tº 1 MW ºf 007. O68 99.7% 9&LL 1.9 9T £8 99T uoyaya aarºooyed 00L& OETT 29% 26T'/ 72 £ 86T. g3T segues pp eſ: 4.77 TTT 899 89. ZZ A.OI A,9T TuxeºuTyun *sseupuytg 62 62 TºxeyeTya ‘useupuytg 1799 T£TZ 86L6. 9.72T 6TT Ty 1.9% A.T.9 SLQºI ºf T T 16899 66899 296/. £ 996/, JºJº J. O`. 92% gT 4,607% 29:028 g97ICT T826 8/.2 2929 I TL972 TVLOM, /7 copaxes pop.JP QoţA.IoS pe ºf prºoq payºup'ſ -Tunbekſ /º *:::::: /: poq pup"I -Tunbspc. Tuool qu - poqompuL supuu UROºlºº *:::::: Jou%O uoguer Tequgu *::::" paqoeſ ºf Jo Tuo'ſsauq 3903e01 - - uopyuupurºke Tuoyaſud uorquq's uorºonpur qu poupºxi prooq [boot J.94.Jú pelroyed pSTITIOS STTEITETHGTO:Heſpug GTI'm /f sequºs peºfun RQMA CyåI AMVſºwſ DNIHm - Suzlavnbawah TVNOILVN IV (IAAIacºn Izz smos No NMOHS sw “qāLon(INI (INW (IGHHanau Sinvulsiºn do slogaga TVäIONIHä PRINCIPAL DEFEcts of REGISTRAN's Deferred AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS TºjRING JANJAR, 1943 FROM United States l/ *– hite and Negro Registrants Combined Deferred after local board . physical examination Examined at induction station - cal or - Defect Total :::::::::. other | Total ex- Rejected deferred Yºlº ***.** | Inducted at local Disqual- Limited 2/ induction 3/ Disqual- Limited board ified Servies station ified Service 4/ KIDNEYS AND URINARY SYSTEM 58 42 16 903 213 536 l;4 Nephritis and pyelonephritis 18 15 3 1A9 4. 128 17 Nephrolithiasis, cystitis, ete. 37 26 ll 244 28 164 52 Urinary findings, laboratory 3 l 2 510 181 244 85 ABDOMINAL WISCERA 166 l24. 2 40 965 88 845 32 Gastric ulcer - 88 70 l 17 588 23 550 15 Other gastro-intestinal defects 78 54 l 23 377 65 295 17 GENITALIA - 200 138 4. 58 2097 1396 176 525 º bsence or atrophy of testicle 9 7 2 179 162 l/, 3 Undescended testicle 29 23 l 5 462 71 A7 344 Varicoeele 58 28 2 23 818 794 6 18 $ther genital defects 10A, 8O l 23 638 369 109 160 SYPHILIS 6056 5849 10, 103 649 205 252 192 Neurosyphilis 28 28 97 97 Cardiovascular syphilis 8. 8 3 3 Syphilis, other ll.90 ll'74 5 ll 521 199 146 176 *Positive serology A830 A639 99 92 28 6 6 16 GONOCOCCUS INFECTION AND OTHER 57 52 2 3 610 271 56 283 WENEREAL DIseases |Gonococcus infection A7 43 2 2 578 270 51 257 Other venereal infection 10 9 l 32 l 5 26 SKIN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS IO7 8O l 26 721 3Al . 237 l/.3 HEMORRHOIDS AND OTHER RECTAL lO4 .6l 2 560 317 103 140 DEFECTS - . + WARICOSE WEINS 181 137 2 42 9Al 321 Al4 2O6 ILLITERACY AND MENTAL DEPICI ENCY 437 425 12 5399 689 4678 32 Moron, imbecile, and idiot 222 222 315 4. 310 l Educational deficiency 39 30 9 4644 662 3951 31 Mental deficiency, unspecified 176 173 3 440 23 A17 MENTAL DISEASES 394 372 l 2l 7783 24l 74.71 71. irave mental or personality disorders 119 ll.9 686 2 682 2 Major abnormalities of mood 16 l/. 2 128 4. 123 l Psychopathic personality 48 47 l 2233 34 2194 5 Psychoneurotic disorders 109 95 l 13 A273 193 A022 58 Chronic inebriety and drug addietion 20 16 4. A03 7 393 3 Mental disease not classifiable elsewhere 82 81 l 60 l 57 2 NEUROLOGICAL l250 1217 4. 29 2225 96 1922 2O7 Epilepsy 288 286 2 421. 3 Al5 3 hronic encephalitic syndrome 30 28 l l 91 l 88 2 °ost-traumatic eerebral syndrome 34 32 2 5Ol 7 482 l2 Poliomyelitia, residuals of 493 A85 l 7 357 15 228 l] /, ºther neurological defects A05 386 2 17 855 70 709 76 MUSCULO-SKELETAL 2292 2053 37 202 5842 l/90 2367 1985 Amputation 445 395 4. 46 582 198 l/.9 235 Osteomyelitºs 177 175 2 329 9 293 27 Ankylosis 138 132 2 4. 232 36 123 73 Atrophy l/.7 138 3 6 263 12 l/.6 105 Injury, residuals of 578 496 15 67 2037 335 763 989 ºpinal malformations - 156 lA8 2 6 525 287 181 57 thtgculo-skeletal defects, congenital and other 5O2 A38 9 55 1477 600 447 430 FEET 192 146 3 43 3102 2306 317 479 &:3 pianus l29 86 3 A0 2779 2162 215 A.02 Jºhar foot defects 63 60 3 323 l/4 102 77 I PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTs DEFERRED AND INDUCTED, As shown on Forus 221 RECEIVED At NATIONAL HEADQUARTERs DURING JANUARY 1943 FROM White and Ne Deferred after local board physical examination United States 1/ istrants Combined Examined at induction station Defect Total *:::::::::. Other Total ex- Rejected *:::: I'O&COA amined at Indy” Cl 1nduction Disqual- || Limited Disqual- || Limited board ified Service station ified Service 4/ ENDOCRINE DISTURBANCES 237 225 3 9 721 116 520 85 Diabetes mellitus l3]. 128- 3 228 l 224 3 Fröhlich's syndrome 37 33 2 2 234 67 102 65 Thyroid disturbances 52 48 - l 3 l32 39 85 8 Other endocrine disturbances l? l6 l l27 9 109 9 NEOPLASMS 87 68 l 18 636 226 224 186 Malignant growths 2l 18 l 2 24 23 l Other neoplasms 56 43 13 251 103 92 56 Pilonidal cysts IO 7 tº 3 36l l23 109 129 INFECTIOUs, PARASITIC AND 5 l A9 14 35 EPIDEMIC DISCASES other DISEASEs, DEFECTS 269 229 - 5 35 5478 391/. 779 785 AMD AROMALIES Overweight 85 70 2 13 3270 2881 lAl 248 Unierweight 55 45 2 8 1863 979 430 454. Overheight 3 3 l/, l 13 Underheight 50 49 l 118 2 107 9 Other diseases and defects 76 62 l l3 213 51 88 74. MOM-MEDICAL 37 34. 3 A43 18 421 4. Alien 26 4. 22 Medical discharge, cause not stated 14 14. 53 8 45 Discharge, other than honorable 15 15 159 6 153 Overage or underage 3 3 l/7 lA6 l Rejection due to other non-medical reasons 5 5 58 55 3 1/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during Jamuary. 2/ Includes registrants who passed a local board reclassification into Classes I-G enl, II, III and IV (excluding IV-F). 2/ Includes only registrants inducted for general military service. 4/ Includes registrants classified for limited military service whether they were inducted or rejected. physical examination but who were not forwarded to an induction station because of subsequent T & 672 292 92 6T 77 g3up.m. paxºſsy 8T 9T TOT 99T 6T T 98 90T Pepyſoedgun pub reqJo ‘upu. Ieh 66 Ol, 7T £8T OT 2 9&T 4.6 I upu.Ieu Taupulopaw 4,291 688 9T Tć92 79 A.T 867T. 61,91 WFureu Taupniºuſ 97/.T All,6 6/.2 TOTC 8TT O2 1,&ll 998T WINRHCH A. '72 £ 7g T | Og T9. SNWOHO ONIMMON-(IOOTH (INW (IOOTH 8/.T 8LT 2 2 G.I.M.Inn Tuuoſº oung T 8 7T 92 £ £ bTºuq Āurru ouppreo 6T. O1.2 7T 9.0% &T £T 92 WPP.IgoAudu, 7 76 ZZT 022 £T 9% 37 s399 rep rºTnoguaoppreo reuq.0 7g 1.9%T 8T 6T'/T Lø. T O7 89 Tºp-104-IU “uoſsuaq-red AH T OL £ 7L Z 89 O9 Audo-3-red Au ouppreo *72ZT ZT 962T OT £8T £6T essesſp 4-reeu retnataA T 26% £6% T OOT TOT esuospp q raeu opaguſneuth ºutmaſ BA Jo op', Bumeur 7 A,9T I Cll T *79 99 tº reqqo segues Fp rutmosbaoppreo 79 2696 298. 8TO7 1.9 2 937 999 {{WTfloSWAOIORIWO 2.7 £6% £z £97 9 7II OZI Arsuoºtnd poſſroodsum zo poqoedans “apsotnoreanL £6 8T, 7 9I9 7 L& T£ Arºuou Ind poq sex.re “a psotnorean I. T 1,& Z O% 82 82 sysotho.Ieqrt3 Ieuro 8 Tz7 627 T ££I 7g I Arwuorind aaſqou “speoTruo reqru. 67T 692. I 62 A,97T TT 20% £T3 SISO'Iſloººſh. 98 682 */gt 609 7T Z 97 29 sTsolmoreqa; 3deoxe “aqooyop 3 unt req+0 *g 297 4.6 ØI9 Ll T 29. I 09 I Wugºsy 9&T Tll, T£2 ZZTT I9. £ 8/...I 2IZ SLOSººl ºnſl'I 9 3 7T 82 8 8 849930p quo III+ req+0 T T O29. Z26 4. I 8 sqooyop Ipguo I. 1. 6 *799. 09% L 6 9T SL93&I LVOIHL 27 IT OA,9 £21. Z 2 7 - uo. P42n-13 sqo Iggun 27 6% Č8 £9T 2 8 OT beP3 Pºrojep puru segues pp Tegan Ty 90T 962 277 6 9T 92 sº, PuTu-I Ioqolºog aa TZ TZT Tºy £8T T £ 7 9 ſq. penuTS 97T 9/.2 680T TT9 I 7T 62 ç7 SLOKLI: I SON O9. 99 79.2 697 LT T 6% 1.9 SL93 ºil Aſſº) (INW HIDOM Ø 27 89T 9.32 T 7 9. 849e3ep Tºquop Jeu:10 32 6 79. OT T/0T 72 1 92 67 Bepreo TZZ LI 1,91,& £008. Ty 9 £z Ol. t{q994 3ups sp. 99 . 9. TOOT Çl ().T. */g A. 92 */8 Bernau ag 899. Il, O967 6969. OZT £T Gl, 802 SLOśā`I HL&L 67 Tl, 29.2 29% TZ 7 TZ 99 3upºuen aa Fºooyed 99T T97 907 200T ØT Z2 96. gqooyop Jºe rottºo ZT £TA.T A. Čál. I 3 7 28 76 tº ſpoº slººp q0 9 8T 9 0% T 9 O2 A.C. TexoquTºun *gseugeed 9 9 T 1.9 89 TerequTPQ “gsoujae(I £O2 6922 099 ZCT9. *77 7T ZZZ 082 SLOgººl MW: 80% 06/, 69'I6 1,9&l, 99 9T T9 29. I uopºpa aaTºo 9Je(f 89.92 LT6 729. 6L6. 6T. 2 LOT 8&I Goggogºp aſg Tz7 93 909 29. 6T 69 O&I Tuxeºutpun *gsaupupſg £2 £2 TºzerºuTIQ “sgaupu FIg 1929 26LI £679. 299|TT 1OT 9% 092 £07 SL3343G 3X3 T T 60%.87 TT937 9900, 2 890L J.Oºſºl CŞ 7939T 99.082 LL70l. 99% at I 9%T8 002 L796 £86LT TWLQi. /7 edy Aras 99T.JT, º QoIPA.IoS pe P.J.T. peºpºrp'I -Tunba KI /g º: /: pºſſi -tºniºid tº. peq9mpuL u poupine UIOº39JI QI.I.G 40 p Joqq.() uogeez, Tºqugu p JGP paqoeſ ºf -xe twºol Jo Tuol SAud Tūqo. 390390. uopºguTuTuxe Taop9/ºud uopºuqs uoſqomput qu pouTuTºx3 prºoq [Boot J.04Jº per Ieye(I #Squb PAST39N 94 pull /f 89484S peq Tuſh ROM:I 676T AHºſºſºſ QNTHDI SH3LAVſbGVGH TVNOILWN IV (13AI333M Izz SRHOi No NMOHS SW ‘IGIOMINI (INW (IGHH3A&I SLNWMJSID38 30 SL9343d IváIONTHà 99 £8 £9. I 282 2 £9. 99. sqooyop 3 ooj Joº,0 tgg 27T 99.91 69. IZ £9. 2 T9 96 smºre I'd sad A,27 922 69/.T Iz72 99. 2 7II T9T J.3Zli 2O7 869. O79. O79. I g? 8 99% 9TY reqqo purs Tºqpueºuoo "sqoegep Tuq eTexts-otnosmºſ 29 69T TA, 2 297 9 2 9&T 99T suo pºuvºroſtem Tºupis O26 96.9 80% £98T 89. */T 66% TZ.7 Jo stumppsex “A.Inſul TOT 32T TT O72 9 £ ZIT TzT Audo-rºw 79 772 IT 6T9. A.I 9II 29. T spy prºtº-IV TA, YOI ØØ 3O2 7 T 1.TT Zat spsolºſuy 92 TL2 6 90% Z 09T 29T spºtaſºmoeºg0 OTZ A.II £LI 009 29. 7 */29. O9% uopºuqnduly 978T 99.02 99%T 89 29 99T 79. 1.L.I A.I6'I TV LCT:DIS-OTſloSſlº Cl TT9 99 67/, &T 2 O98. 79% gqooyep Isopºoto-Ineu reuq.0 ZIT 1.T.& 9T '779. 4. I TL7 6/7 Jo GTump'ſser ‘spy ſtakºop [od TT L88. 9 */07 2 62 Tć Turqereo opºulºnurq-3 god 2. 78 98 T T 92 82 esorpuſs opºrtugdeoue opuoxqo I 679, £ £99. 2 T92 £9& Agde Ipdg 86T 879T O6 99.6T 72 7 1.% II g3TT TWOIOOTOHºlcº 2 gº I 97 T 7L 94. exeumesTe eTaw;JTggv[o 3 ou egues Tp TequeM 6. 6L6. 9 88% 7 9T 6T uopºopppu ºn Ip puu A'q of Iqoup opuo-Iqo 7g O699. 79T 82.8% 9. I T 98 66 G.Ieprospp op! ornauoupAsq 9. 928T 82 693 I T 69. O7 A3 WTuuosied opaquºdono&sd T 8TI 7 ØT 2 TT 9T poon Jo gepºrteuxouqu Joſun 2 979 2 099 ZIT ZTT s.reprospp A4 prouograd Jo Tuqueu aaa…) 1.9 2099 922 7689 T2 T 9% 89% SºSWCSIGI TWINGLI 792 1.I T82 2 09 I a 9T peprToedgum “AcueTop.Jop Tequen 82 O68T O87 869 & 9. 6T. '72 Aoueroprep Toudyºu'drup3 T 622 £ £92 86T 86 I 3oEpp puts ‘eſſoeduſ; “uorom 62 939.2 O09 ZI62 4. 1.9% 7L9. IKON: DIOI: O TWIN3A (INW KOWMG.ITII O6T. 99.6 982 Č98 7g 2 6OT 97I SNI: A QSOOINWA SL93.3(I £II 68 982 887 £9. T £7 &l. TWLOGIN McIHLO GNW SOIIOH}{\{OWºth 9&T TO2 £29. O99 £2 T O9 */8 SNOILIGINOO (INW SGSWCSIGI NIXIS I T Z I T uo Fºoejuſ Tee.Ieuan reuq.O £9 92 28 89T T T ZI 7I uoſº.oe Jug smooooowoº) Sr.'s Wºs IOI TVºIN3A 9.9 '72 £8 O9T T T £T 9T bºrº,0 QNV NOILOGLINI Sºlº)0000NOO 9 9. 9 9I O8. 97 696. I 99.7T ARotozes eaſ, Tsod 96 O9 9. [T 692 7 9 882 4.62 Joqºo “sº IJudAS £ £ Z 2 spTrudºs runnosuaoppreo OL Ol. 72 72 spTrudiſsotnen 20T 8%I 3TT 89% 7g I9 £L9T 89A.I SITIHºs A.9 Ø8 6L2 627 9T T % O9 sºoeyep Tºqºpueº renºO 1.T 9 Oć/, £7/, 92 T All 77 oTeooop reſ. OZ% T” 99 1.27 9 I 6T 92 eIopºse, pepueogepoſ, Z ØI 07t 99T Z 9 4. •Top 3 seq. Jo Audorºv. Io eouesqv 907 g?T 90&I 79 LI 97 £ 91. 9&I WITV LINº) A.I. 282 T9 0.9% £2 T 97 Ol. sºoegep Tºur;3 sequT-orguº req+0 9T T99 IZ 1.99 9T T 29 61. JeoTa op.13 stºo 29. £I8 28 1.26 66 2 8OI 67T. WºSIA TVNILCOGICIW 99 602 ILT 977 T I 2 AtroyuroquT *s?uppupy Axump-rm T9 89 I 32 162 TT 92 99. *oqe “spº pºsſo "spouyuq.;Torqden 9T 6TT £ 16. I T 9T 9T spap-audouota&d puu spº Pruden 26. I 937 CO2 O28 9T I? ?g ºf ISIS (HVNIMſ) (IIW SKIN(IIYI /7 espaires peº uopºuqu eoPAIes poºj; prooq peºpºrp'I -Tunbspc. /º uorºonpurp /: poºpº'I -Tºnbºrg | Teºot ºw poqompuL UROºlºº qu peuplºre Jºettº O uogue. Tequeu per rejep uopºuqpurºke Isopaſud uogºuqa uopºonpur qu poulºuxg prºoq Teoot reºgu peurege(I #83 UE.IqsT39H eq. pum /f sequq's peºpuſ, MORIA 676t AMWſlMWſ. ONIHſKI SH3LAWDOIWGH TVNOILWN LV (IGAI303A Izz SNOi NO NMOHS Sw “Gº Loſ(INI GNV qGMM343d SINVMESIO3H 30 SL9343G TVäIONIHà quenbesqns Jo osmºoed uopºuqs uopºonpurp urs of peprenzoy 3 out exen own ºnq wopºsurpurºre Tsopºd *o-tºeN usu; req, o sedar IIs sepntouſ × "peacefer to peºpm area few renewa separes crºſtra petrºit roy persysseto swarasizes sepatour /7 •eopaxes ºrwaytrº Texsues zos pºonpºrt squerºsper fruo seputour /t * (ii-AI Puppatoxe) AI pun III “II “tue o-I sesseto oaury uopaeop.jpseuToer prooq twoot w posswd own squarasper sepatour /z *Arunner Purprimp peakeoex Izz suoi Jo queered gz Jo eſdnes e uc pesvg /f £ g? 87 9 9 suosoex Tuoppen-woº reqqo or snp uopºseſ su T TOT ZOI Z Z eſſexopun ro eBereaQ 77T 9. 67T 2T ZT eTaurouoq usuº reqqo “eBrugosº £7 8 I9 : YI 7I pequºys 3 ou esneo “cºregosºp Teoºperſ TZ 7 92 | uerty 7 799. A.T 91% 2 - T9. £6. TVºIQºl-IOI £9. 8/. 77 9 LT ZT T g? 89 sºoey sp pure sesses ºp rewºo 8 4.6 2 LOT I 99. 96. qººyeº repuſ, OT I TT £ £ quº;eq read g?? 807 668 09&I 8 2 Lø A.7 quºpearepuſ, 992 9&T 1,672 1982 8 2 29 &l. 3 ºpewraao - - Sº ITVºCº (TIV 661, 8TA, £779. OO67 62 9. 28T 9Iz stoºl “S+Swis IQ tºo Sº SU: SIGI JIIA (Id. I T£ TI 27 T g 9 GMV or LISVNVA “SnOLL03:01 9&T 90T Z21 999. £ A. OT sqºſe Tºppuoſºd 67 T8 & 8 1.I.Z. 6 99. 77 smºutdocu req90 T OZ TZ 2 T All O2 suºmozº Queudºtten 8LT A.02 602 769, 7I T 69 7L SMSU" ºſCººl 6 | got 6 tat I 9T 4. I secursqrt3 spp strº-roopue req+0 8 8. £6 6II £ T g? 67 secursºrrºsºp pºor/ºul. 79 Al6 1.9 822 2 Z 26 9% smorpuſs s, tortugri £ A.02 I IIz £ gºt 82T snº FTIss sequgwPOI 78 987 OTI 6L9 6 £ 8TZ O%z §: º ºſºs (GI IIMſ)OOIN3. /7 eopares polºgy uopºwys GoTAxes pººjº - cº prºoq peºpm PI Tsubsp.g /* uopºonpuº peºpºp'I Tºmbstol Teoot ºw bºompuL | Qu peupure : UICCUCM t Cº. peºxejep peq9eſen -xe Tºqo. J.O. tº: Tºo!, 39e3e0? uopºvurpauxe Tsopºd uopºuqs uopºonpuº qu peupºxi prºoq Teoot 104.Jº peºgeyed #54U ºr sp2.eu eqpum /f sººq S Pºpuſh ºf GºčT WIWºllºwſ EMIHDDſ SugihymbºlvøH TVNOLLWN IV (13AI2O3H Tzz SWMO MO NuoHS Sv ‘dāLomnſ (INW (IºMM3.131 SIMVNISIoan do slogian Twaron Ind TT :ZT 26 £9. 93. : . . . oº ºpºg ºb paupºrukºi uopºulºuxe Tusayaſººd prºoq TueoT rºw petrogeq - - -ºº-ºº º f squºrºsſ3GTSISSN soºq S peºTºuſl WOM.I. 676T AMWſlMWſ ºilºſºl - / - ºf TVNOILVN IV qāAI30ah Izz smºod no Nuous sw “G31000NI (IMw G3MM3121 SIMWHESIP3H do Stoàiºn TVdIONIMd - sºup. paxwtsa 2 º ; ; T à Ž. peºgreedstºn pue requo "upuzoh 1.T O7 1.6 % T £7 A.Y ": *:::::: 1.6 T £8% 8T 9 872 | Tiz. pnºu 9II 89 ZT9 Alz 4. 4.0% Tºg WINº. 5. T T T T sºvouo oumoi-doon GMV QOOH . - sºrºrmºn Tºuopº ound All LI : : upºnºſuka.rs oupperuo % 9. 7 7 - oppreoſuoul. Oć T 96. 7 OI */T ºqooyºp Tºrtuosuacpp.rºo req0 22 9T 8. - Tºrsº-Is “uo;gue, red/CH 397 L T T OZ 22 - 9 4. Aqdoº-red/u oupperso 9% 2 18. T T 9% 6% esses ºp 3-rueu retnateſ. 092 T T92 2 % ç esses ºp 4xweq opºsanouſ” 6T 6T - - *tvatsa zo orannouz . Oć T£ 2T ZT tº req99 seases prº retnossaoppºſed 778 07 Ø68 8 2 96 90I - {{Win3SWAOICINWO 9. £9 6 6 Atrºnostad pergreedom ro penoedsas “spootnoxequ # T ?8 Z 2 - &r-uoºtnd per sex-re “speoTherequi. 2 z 9 9 - sºotnoxequiq req20 97 99. £I £T **tº “we” “stsotnoseau 69. I T 902 Oć 06 . . - sIsomousani - C £6. &T 99 2 T 9 6 sºsothereqtº 3deoxe "sqaegep ſºunt jº: £1. TT 78 7 ££ 4.0. - wºuw 90T 82 T 6% 97 SLQºI ºn T. £ 9. 2 2 swassee 3\ºtº req+0 T T9 £ £ sqossop Tysuol 7 T9 99 9. 9. SL95 tº I JºWORTH, T 92 32 - uolº, on Rººglo Tºsuy 9. £ 6. 7 7 sepºpºrogep pure sesses pp Issuy 2 TT 7I T T apºpulºux Roqososva All 2 Oz T T 2 gºstups 92 zy Tl, 2 9. 4. SL93. I-2SON 4. 62. 6¢ * TT 8T SL93 fº1 ºn) (INV Hºnorſ 4. 9 9t T T 2 sºoegep *...º. 7LT 94. I 7 T ÇT 8T Yºu : 2 87t 19T 6 & £T */z *...; T. T 69 T9 6. 2 9 ‘Autºd OI 1.8% 607 All £ 62 67 stoºd Hizu. 2 tº A.C. T 6 OT Tupºuen aapºoege (I TT Tºy ?g T T sqoºyop Jºe Jeuqo *RPeº sº;30 g g : : TexcºuTºun *sseuysed £ £ TaxeºuTºq “sseugusq. 89 29 A.C.T. T 9T ALI Sº I MW. I (JOI 4.92 697 T T 22 7z - uops pa :*: £T2 8% £T7 9. T T£ 4% - *:::::: *I 92 29 9 £ 8% 4.7 Takeºutpun *sseupuytg 9 9 TaxeºuTTº “sseupulºſa 6% 90% 726 2T 9. 1.6 *TI Sº I ºf 8898 8898 96.8 T 4,68 Josian on Č9C9 999 II 6606 I 97II 8l. 9099 8289 TV/LOW. peſ.fr eoPA.RCS per Jº - Cutº-gºd 4; *::::::: pººl -ºid rº, __ _ _ _ pºonºur URGº OCs. - - qu peupuu Jellº) goguer Tºquem Peºtºº "::"; •X §: • Tºol, ...to Tsops/ Tºyoº, 39e3e0. uopºuqs uopºanpur qu poupºluxq uo;3 ºuTuruxe Twopa Aud prooq Tºool Jeºge per regeq sequq S poq puſh §§TESTAGITCŞāGN TT 6T IT Tºy T 4. 8 sqoe Jop 3 oog req+0 I? £4. 929 O79 4. I 92 ££ smaru Id sad 29 26 A,69 I89 8 T 29. Tºy Jºli 82 67 09 18.T 2T T £1. 98 reqqo pure Tuqpue?uoo "sq oegep Tuq oſeyſs-olnosmºſ 9 ZZ 9T 97 £2 £2 guopyuuxoJTen Tºupis 69 3&T 1.2 722 6 T 1.6 A.OI Jo stumppsex “A.Inſuſ 7 8T T £2 92 92 Audorºw 9. TZ Z 82 T 9I A.I spy prº-IV 2. 6I 9. 72 T 9T 9T spsolºſuy T ZZ Ø 9T 9I spºrteſmoor, so gz 29. 92 28 7I TA, 98 uopºuquduly 69. I TT3 79 L 789. 99. 9. 9% 9 L& TV L3'Tºſs-O'Iſlosſuſ 7 86 7 90I 9. 9% Tºy sq. oojep Isopæoto-Ineu Jeuqo 2 TI £T 7T 7T Jo stºmpºser ‘spºrtaſuo;[od T 96 T 1.6 % £ amorpuſs Turqereo opºsumurq-qsod 7 T 9. 2 Z emorpuſs op!TTeqdeoue opuoxqo 2 99 89 92 92 Asdelpdq 6 *7.2 9 682 9 O8 98 TWOIOOTOMſcM 7T 7T 4. 4. exeumaste elasp.JTssuTo qou esbespp Tequew */T T 9T T T uoſº opppu ºn Ip pus A3 epigeºuſ opuo-Iuo 7 297 6 g?? OT OT G.IeprosTP opy ornauoupAsd 89% 9 7/.3 8 8 AATTBuosited opunediousAsd 9 9 % £ poou, Jo sepap Tour. Iouqu Joſeºn 9% 9% 4. 4. G.Ieprospp Aq.TIbuos Ted Jo Tequeu eate 10 7 698 9T 688 99. 99. S&SWCSIGI TVENGIN £9T 9 69T T £2 72 pe FIToed gun *Áouepoſ.jep Tuquen £ T902 28T 97.22 7 IT 9I AloueToT.Jep Tuuopºuonpg T8 T 28 72 72 qoppy pub “et goequip “uoropſ % 9.622 68T 1872 9. 89 %9 XON:TOIºI TWINCA (INW XCOWººi. ITTI 9I 39 9% 60T 8 82 9% SNICA CSOOIłIWA SLO3LCCCI L& 7I T2 ZL 8 T 8T Lø TWLO&R. McIHLO CINW SO(IOH}{\{OWºłł 1.T 9% 8T Il £ O2 £2 SNOILIONOO O'NW SGSWCSIOI NIXIS 92 7 O% T 8 6 uopºlogju; TeeJeuqa Jeu:30 */Oz 82 88T Oz7 T T T£ ££ uopº oeguſ smooooowoo Sº SW ºs ICI TVºrºn: A O32 29. 88T O97 T 6% 27 tº HLO (INV NOIJ.O.C.: NI Sºlo@OOONOO OT T T &T 29 £9 0.82% 96% AC3otozos ear, psod O8 98 98 292 4. 988 £68 --- Jeq}o *s;Trud/S 9 9 spIPudſe ruTnosua oppreo 4.2 1.2 7 7 gºlpudiſsounen O6 7TI 1.8 T62 69 9.9 9LT7 8627 SITIHº (S £6 92 06 602 8 97 7g sqoe Jep Teqjue2 reuq.0 T 7L 94. 2 T TT 7I oTeooop-ſea 72 9 9 99. 7 7 stopºser, popueogopuſ, T T ZZ 72 Z 2 •Top3 seq. Jo Kudorque Io eouesqv 6TI £6 T6T. £7% OT T £9 Y/, WITVLINº) ØT */ LI 8 8 sºoegep Tºur;3 sequß-or, suº reuqo 6T. 2 TZ T 8 6 JeoTº op.1%guº) 29. 9 89. I 9T LI WN: OSIA TVNILOCIEW 6T 99. OT 79 T T A roguroquT *słuppu.T.J. A.Iuu'Prſ, T 9 4. T T * ore “spº pºs/Co “sygupuy;Torqden 2 6 T 2T 2 2 spº Prudeuoteſd puu spº Pruden 22 O9 TI £8 £ T 7 LºcºSAS RHWNIHſ! Of TW S (ºNCIIYI /7 eopaxes pe;JT, uopºuqs oopa IeS peºgg prooq peºpmy'I -Tunbspc. /3 uopºonpur; /z peºpºrp'I -Tunbspcſ Teoot qu P*I | as peupºre UIOº3ſº pe.J.Ierop Jolºko uoguer Tequen Toqol. poqooſen -xe Tºol. . Jo Toops&qā 49e3e0ſ NOMI «76T FMWſlMWſ ºn IMſ).I I SH3TAVſibiwgh TVNOILWN IV (13AI303M Izz SNOT NO NMOHS SW ‘Gºlomq.NI (INW (IGMH333d SINVMLSIOGM to SL93.III TVäIONIHä PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTs DEFERRED AND INDUCTED, As SHOWN on FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL BEADQUARTERS 1/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during January. 2/ Includes registrants who passed a local board phys DURING JANUARY 1943 FROM United States l/ Negro Registrants Deferred after local board hysical ination Examined at induction station Defeet Total ::::::::::. Other Total ex- Rejected *:::: reºlºola amined at Inaya at local ‘induction Disqual- || Limited 2/ Disqual- || Limited board ified Service station ified Service 4/ EMDOCRINE DISTURRANCES 7 7 42 6 35 l Diabetes mellitus 3 3 17 17 Fröhlich's syndrome l l 6 5 l Thyroid disturbances - 3 3 13 6 7 Other endoerine disturbances 6 6 monasts 13 9 42 17 l'7 8 Malignant growths l l 3 3 Other neoplasms l2 8 34 16 ll 7 Pilomidal cysts 5 l 3 l , PARASITIC AND 7 3 4 EPIDEMIC DIS 2AS ES other DISEASEs, DEFECTS 53 A7 578 471 61 46 Alº A.Cºſ(\LIE8 overweight 13 8 413 384 l6 13 Unierweight 8 8 113 80 22 ll Overheight 3 3 Underheight l/, l/. 1]. 10 l Other diseases and defects 18 17 38 7 IO 2l MOM-MEDICAL 4. 3 68 l 67 Alien l l Medieal discharge, cause not stated 2 2 Diseharge, other than honorable 3 3 10 l 9 Overage or underage l A5 45 Rejection due to other non-medical reasons 10 10 ical examination but who were not forwarded to an induction station because of subsequent reclassification into Classes I-G enl, II, III and IV (excluding IV-F). 2/ Includes only registrants inducted for general military service. A/ Includes registrants classified for limited military service whether they were inducted or rejected. MARITAL STATUS AND DEPENDENTS OF REGISTRANTS PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING JANUARY 1943 FROM United States White and Negro Registrants Combined l/ Number receiving physical examination at local board Mſumber 1 mðucted Examined at local boardInducted 2/ Marital Status -+Number of dependentsNumber of dependents TotalTotalTwoMot Two orNot,o ſº NoneOne!O) tºestatedNoneOneſ №. !>stated Total15627669914398332927417255820323556321042164688959 Single1029405974812535178491280855419 |311086834105886889 Married3760032802400l7876244320290 ||18951276942971329 Separated8375348217212171( 10013329l275721964369 Divorced49222442102993851320589344924212ll Widower1446676339279152508219l32ll64l No entry993| 286208l6l338428l329482129 1/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during Jammary. 2/ Includes only registrants inducted for general military service. MARITAL STATUS AND DEPENDENTS OF REGISTRANTS PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING JANUARY 1943 FROM United States 1/ … =:ºrrææ xæ, , ) --Xºxº - ~~~~ ::=æ=White Registrants * Number receiving physicalMſumber examination at local boardinducted E|-2 Maritalxamined at local boardInducted 2/ Statug - Number of dependentsMumber of dependents TotalTotal Two orNot,Two orMot; NoneOne(O) (№statedNoneOne| № №stated Ťotal130349596323270223516lae, O‘)704773088218068137907737 Single877285185810154lĄ780109364797727311566490035999 Married3159428312039762812085177891665ll34636031175 Separated4993211396013665542193836463657237 Divo@waed4292215289579545018138l4429374→ 196 Wïdaeaer90643221416694345lĄ5888527 No ºſtry836246172128290360lll7868103 1/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 22l received during Jammary. 2/ Includes only registrantsinducted for generalmilitary service. * Includes all race other than Negro MARITAL STATUS AND DEPENDENTS OF REGISTRANTS PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING JANUARY 1943 FROMUnited States l/· Negro Registrants Number receiving physicalMſumbe examination at local boardr inducted Examined at local boardInđueted 2/ Marital Status- Number of dependentsMumber of dependents TotalTotal Two orNoteTwo or№ot NoneOne№orººstatedNoneOne(№ №stated Total2592710282704l5758284611555468l29742678l222 Singlel52127890238130691872744237971170l585890 Married6006449360415953582501230l423694l54 Separated33821369761805447ll36439258307l32 Divorced630290l34l43 |63245120634715 Widower540244125ll35816374443ì~l4. No entry15740363348682l161417 l/ Based on a sample of 25percentof Forms 22l received during January. 2/ Includes pnly registrants inducted for general military service. 4.1. 69 LT 96.8T 99T 9782 TIO% sizeMºon perpup pure seapºredo peºggoods suoetrut IeosTM III 909 A.L. 1,62 TzTI 89%, I *oqe *q-rodrps *q or 3Upºred "uopºuqs 3up IIpy "squupueºqw TI 6T6 06% 79. 1,29 T99 esmou 3Uptowd purs requºnets 3deoxe “s.reqquo quon ££ 7II 1.7t 86 772 2.79. queur; redep expy pure eapºosoool. 3deoxe “ueuerſ& 2 T6T £6I 7 3T9. Z29. Jemod purs ‘suoqists, *udurºe Teq, *ueseopares puu ueneup'ſ 7 9TT 6TI £T 66T atz ÆAun *S *ſ, 4deoxe “spuruu xoep pure s.roTºus 9 £9T 69T 9T 662 292 pºor ſpex *uemoºpas pure wesexuxg 1.T. £IL 0%l. 96. 98.II 2ZZI Tºqom *s-reqsſTod puu “stegjuq ‘srepup 18 “a.rel[PA TI 791, 99. £2 1,62T 09&T s.reqqno cºuTJ pure grepſe" *769 6I29 £I69 £7g I 06.06 £1,90T wearonos puw “ue-creaſtep “swearip Monza “a megawao 9T £92 692 23. 797 997 eoulºuſequTuºn pure uopºon rºsuoo qdeoxe s.requTuđ */TT £26 1,00T 962 1,69T £1,8T guº "quu pure "Torqed spºnro 4.deoxe “sixercquT pure seapºuxedo eupri 2 TLI £LT 9 8% 776. guº Tºrnquu pue *Torqed opniro *s-rexoquT pure seapºurado YL T9T 99.2 TzT £29. 777 ASIPºuy equapad 4deoxe "seapºuredo A&rpunu"I 730Z O867& ?90LZ 0777 269 Tº 26097 Słł WºłO" (IºIOINIX (INW Sºtº ILWºłO OOT Tøl. T28 TIZ 1.I6. I 829. I grox.1on perpup put uses+Juro req+0 8 £99 Ty3 92 £6TI 8TZT tº rej 3deoxe “ueueroi T */OT 90'I 6 09T 69T uesexyg pure greaupºue aapqomooo-I 9I £O2 6TZ 72 1.98 T86 greytag 7 TO9. 90% 9 79g Ol.9 ugºsqJuro àu Pºuy-d Ty 9 COT 990T 4./. 69.6L 9TOZ sizer;3 moot purs “(eIſaouoqns "oxe) usurpedez pure sopuuqoen 99. O99 901, T£I All.2L 807T eIFQomoque “ueuxped ex pure sopuuqoan 8T 96 YTI 79. 6LT £T2 Tuqen “step Ion ZI 8T2 062 06 2.89. &T/ * G.D.ſa Tuq.es Ternºon Iqs “s.IeTTox *s-ſexuureTroq “suº puts: IouTg 6 I?g 099 9T £96 996 grextºn Tooq, pue “squ?p-ualſTPm “sq spuruoun 92 O87 909 79 998 O26 sizeaupºue A.Iuuopºuqs " " sºredo *upun uopºon Iqsuoo “ueueuero 9I 727 697 92 6L. 97. s.rex.roa Tºqen 49eqs purs sregoon T 922 A,22 6 1.T.’ 927 gurupo PrºoeTI 8 9. [2 922 92 097 917 s.req+ ºr mesºs pure suæ pure * sixedumud 79 1.79 TTL TçT £1,6T 729 T sizeßuuq redud pure grequipud. £g TZ2 71.2 Zaſt ZI? 799, grous Tupy queueo pure *s. Isºqnaeuoqs “s...exe, suTd “suogun 97 82OT 7LOT OZI 676 I 6902 size:Mesure, ºud pure *s. Iexum, eupavo “s requed reo LL7 £7//, O&8 8/OT 4,677. I 94.99T SHTTHOM (IGMOINIX (INV “NSWTION “N2RSLIVuo 2 7g 9% 2 88 O6 perJToods qou “uouseTeS 99 678T 9T6T COT 779.g. 97.7% perJºssuto exeumesTe 4ou pure Truqer “uesseTuS 9 26 86 8T 4.92 982 s&oqsaeu pue *s. Ie Upped “s resseauso 6T 904, 72/, 6% 097I 667T. size torq pure squeºu setus £6 O892 CL& T9T 69 I9 0289 s.rex.roºt perpupy put usung eTes ØI 9L77 6697 YOz 06ll, 766/, s.r.oxfrom perpup pure Tºop reto req+0 Ty 99.OT 9/OT 69 91.9L. Y?LT gx-reto 8wpapecer pure ºupddpuS LI £9T O8T 92 662 6L6. size:8wesses sgerdxe pue *ueue&uºuq “step-1 reo Ipupſ l, 299 699 OT *TOT 72OT s.Ioquxedo eupulous edpryo pure “sq spoiſº “sixeudurgoueqS 7 T6/, 96/, OT 09.9 T O79T squeºu 3 exopº pure * sixeſuguo “sque quinoooo “sixedeexploog 26T. 1.TOl. 60&l, 6T6. 2092. I IZ92I B.Iox-toºl perpupy pub Tºo ProTo 982 A,696 2866 O37 T971.I TZ6LT Suſſion (IGMOINIX (INV ‘SqTV's “TVoIHTTo 6T A,80T 90TT L7 1,622 *822 urug 3deoxe “stupor.Jyo puu 's re3euvu “sixoqepadoud reuq.0 07 268T 266T &OT 606% TTO7 Tºyer pure eTºsetoun * stupor.Jyo pure ** s.18w “groqepidoid 6%I 69. I 992 992 GTºpop.JJo quoºl.I adop 69 8TIC Llſº $7T ZI?9 T999 Muvi Liaoxa ‘STVIoIsao (INV ‘shºwnym “Shojaſudoud 767 O98T %22 g?&T 8/07 £299 SH&E)WNWII AMW&I CINW Shºw. I OT 9.82 9.62 92 TL9 969 groxi-Ion Tuuo Isse Joudpues req30 £ 2O2 902 7 94.6 6L6. AroquºroquT * squeqspssu pue sue popuuoeL 8 96 */OI LT 68T 902 go, eTugu pure “ueumous *s.reoue(I 7 682 £62 4. I£9. 869 s.ro/Cearns pure “ueursqJurp “s.Ieußpseq 92 OL8 96.8 £9 999T 6ILI s.rex IoM Teuopsgojo Idpues 6 97 I 29T £I £62 90% g.Tex.rom Tuuo Isseyord req+0 22 TZ9. £7% 89 8L9 9%l, sixoqou pure “sq spº-ru “s.Ieq [xm “subpopsny, T 79. I 99T 2 0.2% ZZ9. sqo equoru puu “sq9pueuo “greeupºue Two puuoe. 97 692 9I6 O3 869 84.9 squeºu A'qunoo pure "grosse Joud “s.Ieuaue), T9 T9 9. 7LI All I * oº e “sq spous reqā ‘gue prºup reqea “sqapºuep “subpopsAud T 4.6 86 2 692 Tyz se?pnº puu graſſau"I 6l. 9&OT ?OIT 89T 20%z O972 fºrex Ion Tºucºgge JoJº 70T 9681 666"I TIZ 896% 6LT7 Sº YTIO" TVNOISS: HOºdiſºs (INW TVNOISSºº (Oºd 999 TT 1,1701. Z6028 4,269& 67%09. I 9/.299T TV.O. ox39m #93 TUſ" Tºol. orgen #64 TW1 Tºol - uopºuwpºxe Tuops/Eqi preod uopºudnooo' purs duox8 uopºudnooo /2 pagompuſ JaqºmN Tuool 3a papeoex requinn peupouloo sque.Tº sp3eu o L8an pub eqpuM. /f Soºbºs pe? Tuſh ROM:I 676T RAWſlMWſ. ONIHD(I SHG.I.IVſibTVGH TVNOILWN IV (IGAI303H Izz SNOT NO NMOHS SW ‘G3100TNI (INV (IGNIWVYa KTIVoISIHä Sinvulsroºm 30 SNOILVänooo OCCUPATIONS OF REGISTRANTS PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, As SHOWN ON FORMS DURING JANUARY 1943 FROM United States 1/ White and Negro Registrants Combined 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Number receiving local ted 2 Occupation group and occupation board physical examination Number induc 2/ Total White+ Negro Total White+ Negro OPERATIVES AND KINDRED WORKERS (Continued) Speratives and kindred workers (n.e. c.3/), by industry: Manufacturing Food and kindred products 1821 1618 203 1080 987 93 Textile, textile products, and apparel 2793 2705 88 1688 1635 53 Lumber, furniture, and lumber products 1555 1189 366 873 705 168 Paper, paper products, and printing 893 855 38 529 508 21 Chemicals, and petroleum and coal products 1149 1012 137 745 673 72 Leather and leather products 814. 794 20 443 A36 7 Stone, clay, and glass products 728 673 55 A74. 4.48 26 Iron, steel, nonferrous metals and their products 3069 2921 148 1920 1840 80 Machinery and transportation equipment 61.96 6092 lC4 39A3 3881 62 Not specified metal industries 242 238 4. 151 149 2 Other specified manufacturing industries 990 927 63 597 559 38 Not specified manufacturing industries 652 607 A5 380 353 27 Nommanufacturing industries and services 2890 2283 607 1618 1355 263 DOMESTIC SERVICE WORKERS A66 112 35A, 200 A5 155 PROTECTIVE SERVICE WORKERS 1064. 1024. A0 A93 A80 13 SERVICE workers, ExCEPT DOMESTIC AND PROTECTIVE 8382 5162 3220 All() 2511 1599 Barbers and beauticians A67 Al3 54. 204 183 2l jooks, except private family 1151 750 AOl 536 348 183 Waiters and bartenders 1827 1/37 390 962 746 216 Çther kitchen workers 104.8 645 A03 513 302 2ll Charman, janitors, and porters 231/. 811 1503 1085 362 723 Other service workers, except domestic and protective 1575 1106 A69 810 570 240 FARM LABORERS AND FORE" EN 18.123 12503 5620 8667 6322 2345 LABORERS, EXCEPT FARM AND MINE 21371 14246 71.25 11195 8051 31/4 *ishermen and oystermen 227 196 31. 95 86 9 Lumbermen, raftsmen, and woodchoppers 1221 799 A22 57/. A06 168 sºongahoremen and stevedores 306 l66 l/0 152 104. A8 Teamsters . 188 96 92 91 A8 43 Garage laborers, and car washers and greasers 434 151 283 2ll 76 135 Gardeners (except farm) and groundskeepers 590 44l l/9 248 191 57 Laborers (n.e. c.3/), by industry: Manufacturing Food and kindred products 924. 687 237 521 A23 98 Textile, textile products, and apparel A32 340 92 238 191 A7 Lumber, furniture, and lumber products 1564 678 886 760 373 387 Paper, paper products and printing 276 213 63 151 121 30 Chemicals, and petroleum and coal products 592 377 215 340 240 100 Stone, clay, and glass products A71 364 107 266 222 44. Metal industries 24/3 1987 456 1497 1248 249 Other specified and not specified manufacturing AO7 305 102 227 186 Al Nommanufacturing industries and services Construction 5037 33A2 1695 263/. 1871 763 Railroads (includes railroad repair shops) 1763 1308 A55 104A 829 215 Other nonmanufacturing industries and services 3233 2039 ll.94. 1633 1116 517 Nonclassifiable laborers 1263 757 506 513 320 193 NONCLASSIFIABLE RETURNS 183 l:5A. 29 8i 71. 10 EMERGENCY WORKERS AND UNEMPLOYED 7A76 5873 1603 286/. 2224. 640 Civilian Conservation Corps enrollees 327 238 89 190 125 65 Emergency workers, other than C.C.C. enrollees 2020 15l/. 506 819 624. 195 Unemployed (not further specified) 5129 Al2l 1008 1855 1475 380 STUDENTS 2240 2115 125 1095 1014. 81 NO ENTRY 1360 1152 208 561 A96 65 ºf l/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during January. 2/ Includes only registrants inducted for general military service. 3/ Not elsewhere classified. U. S. SJMMARY TABULATIONS OF FORMS 221 RECEIVED DURING FEBRUARY 1913 February 1913 tabulations of Reports of Physical Examination and Induction, Forms 221, are attached. These U. S. Summaries, the fourth in a series of periodic tabulations described in State Director Advice No. 157, are based on a 25 percent sample of Forms 221 received at National Headquarters during the month of February. Forms 221 for registrants deferred after local board physical ex- amination because of occupation, dependency, or overage have been omitted from these tabulations • The tabulations included are: (1) RS 221A, Principal Defects of Registrants Rejected and Inducted; (2) RS 221C, Marital Status and Dependents of Registrants Physically Examined and Inducted; and (3) RS 221D, Occupations of Registrants Physically Examined and Inducted. Included also are a table and figure sum- marizing the causes of rejection as shown numerically on RS 221A. It will be noted that RS 221A has been revised for February 1913. Limited service inductions are now presented separately but the number deferred for limited service at induction stations are no longer shown separately. "Total” columns have been added which show (1) mumber of registrants rejected at local boards and induction stations separately and combined, and (2) mumber of reg- istrants physically examined. INDUCTIONS FOR LIMITED SERVICE Of the total number of white registrants inducted, 9.8 percent were accept- ed for limited service only. The corresponding figure for Negroes was 2.li per- cent. White and Negro registrants with such eye defects as vision less than minimum requirements for general service, mild eye diseases, or loss of one eye, constituted over 60 percent of all those inducted for limited military service. Those with limited service musculo-skeletal defects were the next largest group inducted, REJECTIONS DUE TO PHYSICAL OR MENTAL REASONS For all races, mental disease accounted for almost 15 percent of all re- jections as shown in the attached figure • Cardiovascular defects, educational deficiency, syphilis, and hernia each accounted for 8 to 10 percent of the total rejections • Among white registrants mental disease was the leading cause of rejection, constituting 16.6 percent of all rejections. Cardiovascular defects, hernia, and musculo-skeletal defects were next in order of importance. Eye defects, formerly the leading cause of rejection among white registrants, now rank seventh in importance due to the induction of large numbers of registrants with limited service eye defects. - The leading causes of rejection among Negro registrants were syphilis and educational deficiency, which together accounted for 50 percent of all re- jections • The other leading causes of rejection were the same as for January 1913, with one exception: tuberculosis replaced gonorrhea as the ninth cause in order of importances - TEN LEADING CAUSES OF REJECTION BY RACE FEBRUARY 1943 A L L R ACES O 5 Peºn OF Toºl Relectºns 25 3O Ment al D is e o se C or dio v Q scul or Educ d ?ion o l Def. Syphilis He r n id Musculo-Skelet ol E O r E y e Neurologic o Tu be r C u lo S is W H | T E C 5 Perºnſ OF Toºl Pºtoſygns 25 3 O Me n to I Dis e o se C q r d io v c s cul dr He r n io Musculo-Ske let d E O r Neurologic q Eye Educ of ion ol Def. Tube r culos is Syph iſ is N E ( NEGR9,..., RE JE C T | ONS O 5 | O | 5 2 O 25 3 O Syph iſ is E du C of ion Ol Def. C q r d io v c s cul dr Men f ol D is e o se Musculo-Skele to He r n i o Eye Neurologic ol Tuberculosis Me n f 0 | D ef. *paupuraxe KTTeoTsAud squerq st?ex OOT red I"O usua sseT /: 'suotasis uotaomput as pus 3°o T-T O*T T-T I." 2 g”2 T*O T*O [*O £*O 9°O J." O 2°0 9°t g"T O*T g"T 2*T il"g O°6 2°g 9°2 £*9 t("% 9° N. 9°9'I lºtſI O°2 T*2 T*2 t!"Tz 9°3 T*6 9°o g-T T*T 9. "O flºo tºo 3°o J." O J." O g"T 2°0 3°o J.”92 6°2 9°9 9°t 2*T g"T tºo T°2 J.”T 9°o g"T g"T T“g 2°6 £*g cº 2°O T*O 9°9 g"QI O°OT T*z gºt 6°g £’t 9°2 g"z I*O Tº O T*O 2°O 6°O 9°o T*O flºo g"O 3°o 9°o 9°o 9°O 2° J. 9°3 o°t 2°9 l"3 O°OOT O°OOT O’OOT orãen /z eqtuu tºol oráen /z eqtuu Teºol g"O 9°o T*O T*O T*O 9°o O°g 2°3% O § g :: : g"O T*O 2*O 2°2 6*T flºog •oxaen usua zeugo sooe. Tte seputour / spreod Teoot quº suopºlooſe.I sepmtou.I ſ: g”0 9°o T*0 2°0 tºo tºo 9°2 9°t o°3 J." O T“g tºo T*O 2°O 2°0 6°2 tºo 9°o 3°o 9°2 /: t"g g"T 6°O /: g"O I*O 2°o O”z 6*T • * * * * * * * * * * *suogeer Teoppeunion • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.xeuqo pue *qu?peareAo ‘quatemaepun • * * * * * opºſsured pue snoº oeguſ • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SusatioeN • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *euproopug • • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *qeed • * * * * * * * * * * * * *Teqetexts—otnosnº • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Teopºlotoxmen • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *egeespp Tequeſt • * * * * * * * * * * * *Aouerorgep Tequeſ • * * * * * * *ÁoueToTyep Teuopºeonpa • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * surrea esoop rea • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *gppoq-trouſeh • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *upg **TeeJeuea reuqo pue eeux rouoo • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sptPudA's • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *epteq Tuep • * * * * * * * * * * * *ereospa Teupulopay • * * * * * * * * * *A reupºrn pure s&euppy • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *e pureh * * * * * * *2upuzog-poorq pure poord • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * retnoseaoppreo • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *stsotnoxequi, • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s?um I • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *quoruſ. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *eson • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sumº pure tº noiſ. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *uqeel. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *s-reg • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * seA3 9°gg • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Teq91. —1 uorºoeſed: suopºloeſe.1 Tºqoq Jo queo.Ied peupuere ASITeoTsAud squerq spaer OOT Jed equir uopºbeſet{ Jo esneo /t griót Krenzqed “eoex Aq - uopºloeſe.I. Jo sesmeo Jo uopºnqprºspp eXequeozed pure peupmaxe AITeoTsAud squerq973e3 00I red sequg uorqoeſes PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTS REJECTED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED At NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING FEBRUARY 1943 FROM United States 1/ White and Negro Registrants Combined Physically Examined at Induction Station Rejected after Locall Inducted Total Total Total Defect, - Board - T tal Physically - Physical | Rejected E o a Rejected Inducted | Examined 2/ Examination General Limited X8.IIll Ilê - Service Service TOTAL - ll 505 37588 87312 8803 l33703 A9093 96.115 145208 NO DEFECT 60046 60046 600/6 600/6 EYE DEFECTS 270 2539 4.183 575l. 12A73 - 2809 9932, 12743 indness, bilateral - 35 l l 36 36 lindness, unilateral 84 119 7 334 A60 203 34l 544. ye diseases 94. 1370 535 2138 4043 1464 2673 Al37 efective vision 57 lO49 3641 3279 7969 ll.06 6920 8026 EAR DEFECTS - 183 2660 610 182 34.52 284.3 792 3635 ess, bilateral - 45 9 9 53. 54. eafness, unilateral - ll ll 6 9 26 22 -15 37 bitis media - - 57 2020 6 2 2O28 2O77 8 2085 her ear defects * 34. 545 395 101 104l - 579 496 1075 Jefective hearing - 36 75 2O3 70 348 |ll 273 382, TEETH DEFECTS 75 208 6498 229 6935 283 6727 7010 entures IO 8 961 & 2 1Oll iš lOO3 1021 issing teeth 38 69 3548 181 3798 107 3729 3836 Sīries 2O 32 1485 3 1520 52 l/,88 1540 ther dental defects 7 99 504 3 606 106 507 6.13 MOUTH AND GUM DEFECTS - 40 - 127 395 5 527 167 AO0 567 A NOSE DEFECTS - * 37 334 1.191 3.43. 1666 371 1332 1703 imusitis 8 140 31 9 18O 148 40 188 &sonotor rhinitis - 22 103 31]. 27 44l 125 338 463 ſasal diseases and deformities - 5 60 103 17 18O 65 i2O 185 sisal Obstruction 2 l 74.6 88 865 33 834. 867 THROAT DEFECTS . . . 12 30 405 A35 42 405 A/7 iseased tonsils “ . 8 8 386 39A. l6 386 402 ther throat defects - - - 4. 22 19 Al 26 19 45 LUNG DEFECTS * - 178 1049 235 16 1300 1227 251 lAT’8 sthma - - 131 639 83 2 72/. 770 85 855 er lung defects, except tuberculosis A7 Al0 152 l/, 576 A57 166 623 TUBERCULOSIS 254 1633 21 l 1655 1887 22 1909 uberculosis, active pulmonary - 98 455 - A55 553 553 ther tuberculosis - 29 l6 l 17 45 l 46 erculosis, arrested pulmonary 25 601 7 l 609 626 8 634, iberculosis, suspected or unspecified pulmonary 102 56l 13 574. 663 13 676 CARDIOWASCULAR - A99 4392 468 4. 486/, A891 A72 5363 àrdiovascular diseases other than A9 228 l 229 277 l 278 rheumatic or valvular eumatic heart disease 73 A29 A29 502 5O2 alvular heart disease 177 1712 12 1724, 1889 l2 1901 jardiac hypertrophy - 72 8, 10 9A. 156 | . LO l66 Hypertension, arterial - 48 || 1575 7 l 1583 1623 8 1631 )ther cardiovascular defects - 46 lò4. 133 l 238 150 134. 28/, kachycardia • 28 257 24 281 285 24 309 }ardiac arrhythmia 2 2 37 39 - 4. 37 Al inctional Iſſull'Inuſ'8 * 4. l 2A5 l 2/7 5 246 25l BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGAMS 15 Al l 42 56 l 57 *{ HERNIA - 1565 2505 518 21 3044 4070 539 4609 Inguinal hernia .* 1331. 2290 20 16 2326 3621 36 3657 Abdominal hernia - - 12+ 179 49 3 231 3OO 52 352 Wernia, other and unspecified 93 35 - 122 l 158 128 123 251 elaxed rings - 20 l 327 l 329 - 2l 328 3/9 PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTS REJECTED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED Aſ NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS White and Negro Registrants Combined DURING FEBRUARY 1943 FROM United States l/ Physically Examined at Induction Station Rejected after Local Inducted Total Total Total Defect r: Rejected Total Physically ysic 8] eCt,8 Rejected inducted Examined 2 Examination General | Limited | *xamined J U. Service Service KIDNEYs AND URINARY SYSTEM 45 692 225 17 | 934 737 242 979 Nephritis and pyelonephritis 16 198 3 2O1 214 3 217 Kidney and bladder defects, other 24. 166 28 15 209 lºC) 43 233 Urinary findings, abnormal 5 328 194 2 524, 333 196 529 ABDOMINAL WISCERA 114 727 79 8 81/. 8A1 87 928 Gastric ulcer 6/. 483 26 l 510 547 27 57/. Other gastro-intestinal defects 50 244 53 7 304 294, 60 35A, GENITALIA 109 526 1619 18O 2305 635 1779 2414 Absence or atrophy of testicle 4. 13 173 l l&7 17 174. 191 Undescended testicle 2O 246 70 1/.9 A.65 266 219 A85 Waricocele 25 19 952 3 97/. 44 955 999 Other genital defects 60 248 424 7 679 3O8 A31 739 SYPHILIS 3925 318 330 l 6A9 Á243 331 45.74. Neurosyphilis 19 95 95 ll.4 ll A. Cardiovascular syphilis 5 6 6 ll ll. Syphilis, other 1025 2Ol 279 l 48l 1226 28O 1506 Positive serology 2876 16 51 67 2892 5l. 29/3 GONORRHEA AND OTHER 36 222 265 2 489 258 267 525 WENEREAL DISEASES Gonorrhea 29 193 263 2 A58 222 265 A87 Other venereal infection 7 29 2 31 36 2 38 SKIN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS 64. 269 462 A.C. 771 333 5O2 835 HEMORRHOIDS AND OTHER RECTAL 50 144 288 14 446 lSA. 302 A96 DEFECTS VARICOSE WEINS 106 465 279 29 773 571 308 879 ILLITERACY AND MENTAL DEFICIENCY A2l 50//, 93/. 2 5980 54.65 936 6/01 Moron, imbecile, and idiot 237 263 4. 267 5OO 4. 504. Educational deficiency 53 41,06 901 2 5309 59 903 5362 Mental deficiency, unspecified 131 375 29 404 506 29 535 MENTAL DISEASES Al3 6793 256 30 7079 72O6 286 7492 Grave mental or personality disorders 122 626 l 627 743 l 749 Major abnormalities of mood 19 138 7 l/5 157 7 l6/, Psychopathic personality 63 20A9 38 2O87 2112 38 2150 Psychoneurotic disorders 89 3639 197 3O 3866 3728 227 3955 Chronic inebriety and drug addiction 15 275 9 284. 290 9 299 Mental disease not classifiable elsewhere 105 66 4. 70 171 4. 175 NEUROLOGICAL 972 1697 8O 107 1884, 2669 137 2856 Epilepsy . 247 284. L 285 531 I. 532 Chronic encephalitic syndrome 27 61 6l 88 88 Post-traumatic cerebral syndrome 28 A33 9 l 443 46l 10 A71 Poliomyelitis, residuals of 386 217 13 65 295 603 78 681 Other neurological defects 284, 702 57 Al 800 986 98 1084, MUSCULO-SKELETAL 1579 2/59 1733 ll 37 5329 AO38 2870 6908 Amputation 305 165 184, l/.3 A92 A70 327 797 Osteomyelitis 160 260 9 20 289 A20 29 449 Ankylosis 99 125 19 43 187 22/. 62 286 Arthritis 79 223 ll 28 262 3O2 39 341 Muscular atrophy 87 117 13 58 188 204 71. 275 Injury, residuals of 403 858 35A, 542 1754. 1261 896 2157 Spinal malformations 109 163 Al5 46 624. 272 46l 733 Musculo-skeletal defects, congenital and other 337 548 728 257. 1533 885 985 1870 FEET 103 489 2286 338 31.13 592 262/. 32].6 Pes planus 54 390 2135 27A, 2799 444 2409 2853 Other foot defects A9 99 15l 64 314 148 215 363 PRINCIPAL DEFEGTS OF REGISTRANTS REJECTED ART, ºpºſed, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT MATIONAL HEADQUARTERS BURING Gººg #343 FRGºa United States 1/ White and Negro Registrants combined Physically Examined at Induction Station Rejected after Local Inducted Total Total Total Defect Board Physically | Physical Rej ected - Total Rejected Inducted | Examined 2/ Examination - General Limited Examined Sergice $3rvice ENDOCRINE DISTURBANCES 199 44l 125 54 620 640 179 819 Diabetes mellitus 103 185 185 288 288 Frohlich's syndrome 29 103 77 48 228 132 125 257 Thyroid disturbances AO 8]. 37 l ll.9 l2]. 38 l;9 Other endocrine disturbances 27 72 ll. 5 88 99 l6 ll 5 NEOPLASMS AND CYSTS 38 31 l - 240 18 569 349 258 6O7 Malignant growths 6 15 15 21 21 Other neoplasms and cysts 20 ll 8 106 ló 240 138 122 260 Pilonidal cysts 12 178 134 2 314 190 136 326 INFECTIOUS, PARASITIC AND 5 60 60 65 65 EPIDEMIC DISEASES OTHER DISEASES, DEFECTS 183 957 3483 A95 A935 l140 3978 5ll 8 AND ANCMALIES - overweight 5l. lá3 2464 l32. 2741 lSA. 2598 2792 Underweight 26 545 970 346 1861 57l 1316 1887 overheight 3 lk - 14. l? 17 Underheight 54 82 3 85 l36 3 139 Other diseases and defects A9 173 49 l2 234. 222 6l 283 NON-MEDICAL 15. 456. 57 l 51/. 4.7l 58 529 Alien l 16 44 60 17 44. 61 Medical discharge, cause not stated 2 34 9 43 36 9 A5 Discharge, other than honorable ll 129 l 130 l/O l lAl Overage or underage 66 66 66 66 Rejection due to other non-medical reasons l 21i 3 l 215 212 4. 216 l/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 22i received during February. 2/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board or mental defects. physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical ÞRIX,j}}L JEFECT* >F REGISTRANTS RETECTED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED At NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING FEBRUARY 1943 FROM United States l/ .*-*------- - White Registrants# - Physically Examined at Induction Station Rejected after Local Inducted Total Total Total Defect, Board Total Physically - Physical Rejected E ot a Rejected | Inducted | Examined 2/ Examination General Limited xamine Service Service T(Yi ºf 7371 3082/, 786.79 8594, ll&O97 38195 87273 125468 NO DžFECT 53374. 5337A, 5337A, 53374. EYE DEFECTS 216 2156 4008 5622 11786 2372 9630 12002 Blindness, bilateral 28 l l 29 29 Blindness, unilateral 59 94. 7 325 426 153 332 1.85 Eye diseases 8O ll 17 500 2060 3677 1197 2560 3757 lie "active vision A9 941, 350l. 3237 7682 993 6.738 7731 EAR DEFECTS 171 2583 572 l8l 3336 2754 753 3507 Deafness, bilateral 40 8 8 A8 A8 Deafness, unilateral 9 1O 5 9 24 19 14. 33 Otitis media 57 lºé9 6 2 1977 2026 8 2034. Other ear defects 33 524. 378 10l 10O3 557 A79 1036 Defective hearing 32 72 183 69 32A 104. 252 356, TEETH DEFECTS 53 179 6174. 228 6581 232 6402 6634. Dentures l() 7 933 42 982 l'7 975 992 Missing teeth 30 59 3465 180 3704 89 3645 373/. Caries 9 28 1291 3 1322 37 129A. . 1331 Other dental defects 4. 85 A85 3 573 89 A88 577 MOUTH AND GUM DEFECTS 33 118 372 5 495 151 377 528 NOSE DEFECTS 34 313 ll?3 139 1625 347 1312 l659 Simusitis 7 128 31 9 168 135 40 175 Wasomotor rhinitis 2l 97 305 26 A28 118 331 A/9 Nasal diseases and deformities 4. 58 1Ol 17 176 62. 118 180 Nasal Obstruction 2 30 736 87 853 32 823 855 THROAT DEFECTS 6 27 381 A08 33 381 Al4 Diseased tonsils 3 8 362 370 ll 362 373 Other throat, defects 3 19 19 38 22 19 Al LUNG DEFEGTS l;4 925 217 16 ll 58 1079 233 1312 Asthma 110 566 74. 2 642 676 76 752 Other lung defects, except tuberculosis 44 359 lA3 lA. 516 Aſ)3 157 560 TUBERCULOSIS 234. lA22 20 l lA43 l656 2l ió77 Tuberculosis, active pulmonary 91 Al5 Al5 506 506 Other tuberculosis 28 l; l 16 43 l 44 Tuberculosis, arrested pulmonary 23 506 7 l 5l/. 529 8 537 Tuberculosis, suspected or unspecified pulmonary 92 486 l2 498 578 l2 590 CARDIOWASCULAR Al'7 3519 449 4. 3972 3936 453 A389 Cardiovascular diseases other than 46 204 l 205 250 l 251 rheumatic or valvular - Rheumatic heart disease 72 All All A83 ; Walvular heart disease lA8 1336 12 l348 1484 12 lA9 Cardiac hypertrophy 62 A9 9 58 lll 9 120 Hypertension, arterial 33 120l. 7 l 1209 1234 8 l; Other cardiovascular defects 34 84. 127 l 212 118 128 24 Tachycardia 18 231 24 255 2A9 24 273 Cardiac arrhythmia 2 2 36 38 4. 36 A0 Functional, murmurs 2 l 234. l 236 3 235 238 BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS 15 41 l A2 56 l 57 HERNIA 1310 2209 486 2l 2716 3519 507 4026 guinal hernia 1127 2030 20 16 2066 3157 36 3.193 #: :. 94. lA3 32 3 178 237 35 #: Hernia, other and unspecified 76 35 116 l 152 lll # 333 Relaxed rings 13 l 318 l 320 14. 319 k PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTS REJECTED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING FEBRUARY 1943 FROM United States te Registrants+ Whi Ei l/ Physically Examined at Induction Station Rejected after Local Inducted Total Total Total Defect r: Rejected Total Physically ysi Rejeo Rejected Inducted | Examined 2 xamination General Limited | Bxamined jec 2/ Service Service - KIDNEYS AND URINARY SYSTEM 44 642 218 16 876 686 23A 920 Nephritis and pyelonephritis 16 188 3 191 204 3 2O7 Kidney and bladder defects, other 23 16l 28 15 204 l64. 43 227 Urinary findings, abnormal 5 293 187 l A81 298 188 486 ABDC MINAL WISCERA 103 696 77 8 781 799 85 884. Gastric ulcer 60 465 26 l * A92 525 27 552 Other gastro-intestinal defects 43 231 5l 7 289 27A, 58 332 GENITALIA 77 382 L/73 lº/, 2009 A59 1627 2036 Absence or atrophy of testicle 3 ll 159 l 171 l/. l60 l'7/. Undescended testicle 18 224. 69 l/.3 436 242 212 454. Varicocele 20 17 90/. 3 92/. 37 907 9//, Other genital defects 36 l30 34l 7 478 166 34.8 5l/. SYPHILIS 914. 200 2O6 406 llll. 2O6 132O Neurosyphilis 17 77 77 9A. 94. Cardiovascular syphilis l l l 2 2 Syphilis, other 2Ol ll3 172 285 314. 172 A86 Positive serology 695 9 34 43 7OA 34. 738 GONORRHEA AND OTHER 6 54 83 2 l39 60 85 l/5 WENEREAL DISEASES Gonorrhea 5 51 83 2 l36 56 85 lAl Other venereal infection l 3 3 4. 4. SKIN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS 46 230 452 36 718 276 488 76/. HEMORRHOIDS AND OTHER RECTAL 4l ll 5 263 14. 392 156 277 A33 DEFECTS WARICOSE WEINS 86 403 262 27 692 A89 289 778 ILLITERACY AND MENTAL DEFICIENCY 342 257/. 778 2 335/. 2916 780 36.96 Moron, imbecile, and idiot 197 208 l 209 405 l 406. Educational deficiency 27 2097 755 2 285/. 212/. 757 28.8l. Mental deficiency, unspecified 118 269 22 291 387 22 A.09 MENTAL DISEASEs 365 5986 2/5 30 626.l 635l 275 6626 Grave mental or personality disorders ll.0 592 592 702 702 Major abnormalities of mood 19 133 7 l/0 152 7 l;9 Psychopathic personality 53 1691 34. 1725 1741. 34. 1778 Psychoneurotic disorders 77 3252 191 s 30 3473 3329 22l 3550 Chronic inebriety and drug addiction 13 259 9 ~ 268 272 9 ; Mental disease not classifiable elsewhere 93 59 4. 63 152 4. 15 NEUROLOGICAL 899 l/91 75 107 1673 2390 182 2572 Epilepsy 232 230 l 231 462 l A63 Chronic encephalitic syndrome 27 55 55 82 : Post-traumatic cerebral syndrome 2l 36l 9 l 371 382 10 65l. Poliomyelitis, residuals of 364 209 l3 65 287 573 78 § Other neurological defects 255 636 52 Al 729 891 93 4. MUSCULO-SKELETAL 1335 2120 1610 lloë A866 3455 27/6 62Ol * 668 Amputation 239 122 173 134. A29 36l 307 3:1, 156 246 9 2O 275 402 29 431 Ankylosis 83 110 18 42 170 193 60 § Arthritis 68 196 9 27 232 26/, 36 : Muscular atrophy 79 102 l2 57 171 181 69 l§ Injury, residuals of 322 719 325 529 1573 1041 85/. : Spinal malformations 4. 94. lAl 399 A5 585 # # 1725 Musculo-skeletal defects, congenital and other 2.94. 484 695 252 l/31 7 FEET 83 396 2096 3ll. 2806 179 2/10 2889 2205 255/, Pes planus 40 309 1952 253 25l/, 3/9 Other foot defects 43 87 144 6l 292 130 205 335 PRINCIPAL DEFEGTS OF REGISTRANTS REJECTED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING FEBRUARY 1943 FROM United States White Registrants” M Physically Examined at Induction Station ! or mental defects. # Includes all races other than Negro. Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during February. Rejected + after Local Inducted Total Total Total. Defect, Board Total :*::/ Physical. - ro Rejected Inducted | Examined 2/ Eºical *| General | Limited | Examined Service Service ENDOCRINE DISTURBANCES 195 A 20 l22 53 595 615 3.75 790 -2 Diabetes mellitus 102 173 l'73 275 275 Frohlich's syndrome 28 99 76 A7 222 127 123 250 £hyroid disturbances 40 77 35 l ll3 117 36 lº;3 Other endocrine disturbances 25 7l ll 5 87 96 16 122 NEOPLASMS AND CYSTS 29 291 226 16 533 320 242 562 !alignant growths 6 lA. 14. 2O 2O Other neoplasms and cysts ll 10l 92 l/. 2O7 ll2 106 218, Pilonidal cysts l2 176 l34 2 312 188 136 32/. INFECTIOUS, PARASITIC AND 5 50 50 55 55 EPIDEMIC DISEASES - OTHER DISEASES, DEFECTS 146 874. 318O 491 A545 102O 3671 46%.] AND ANCMALIES Overweight 45 129 2212 l32 2/73 l?A. 234/. 25.18 Underweight 23 518 923 34/. 1785 5Al 1267 1808 Overheight 2 l() 10 12 l2 *Tnderheight 44 72 3 75 ll6 3. liº Other diseases and defects 32 l/.5 45 l2 2O2 177 57 23/. NON-MEDICAL 12 A08 56 l 465 420 t 57 2,77 pºliºn l l6 44. 60 17 4/. 6l Medical discharge, cause not stated l 32 8 40 33 8 Al Discharge, other than honorable lO l22 l 123 l32 l 133 Overage or underage 5l. 51 5l. 5]. Rejection due to other non-medical reasons 187 3 l 191 187 4. i93. Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTS REJECTED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 HECE tº DURING FEBRUARY 1943 FROM United States Negro Registrants l/ * , sº . tº ht “ . . . . ." § 1 . . . . . . p . . . . . . . . ." ...} Aï £3." ii.” A . . . . •l •l <ºn Fºia • e o os e o o os e o • * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.9 2.9 - 2.6 8.5 9el, 520 Yidney and urinary • , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . •5 •5 •3 l,5 le.7 5 Abdominal viscerae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •6 •6 •2 l,6 2.0 e3 Geºtalia e o e o e < e < e < ... • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •5 •5 •8 1.5 l,5 l,6 Sºlise e s - e - e o e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.2 •8 ll. 2 6.5 2.5 2.sº Gºmorrhea and other venereal. . . . . . . •l 3/ •8 •l •l ...e5 § •3 •3 •3 .8 a 9 e5 & 2 •l & 2 © l, & 5 º; }: •l, •l, •l 1.2 loº ..o.º. ºtional deficiencye - - - - - - - - , , , , 3.8 2.0 15.l. ll. •2 6.5 28.5 eficiencye - e s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •8 •6 lel 2.2 2.s.l. 226 seases o os e o e o e < * * * * * * * * * * * lº.8 5.0 3 s.9 ll.2 16.1 7 sis Gale • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2.0 2,0 1.5 5.8 6.6 2.9 celetale - e s - e o • - - - - - - - - - - 3e0 3al 2,8 8.9 9.8 º Feet e o e o e o o e o a • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * •7 •6 1.6 2.1 l,8 3 ol. ºdocrineo o so o e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * •5 e5 •2 lol, le6 o: Yºoplasms • e o e o o os e s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • 2 •3 •l •7 e.9 sº Infectious and parasitica • , , , , , , , , , •l 3/ •l •2 e2 sº Tinderweights overweight, and othere •8 8 •6 2e3 2e.7 J.o.º. Nommedical reasons • , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , •3. •3 •l •9 le0 o'ſ 1./ Includes rejections at local boards and at induction stations, ſ: f y 2/ Includes all races other than Negro • 3/ Less than .1 per 100. 3. Tacº & 2. Percent distribution of principal defects in registrants inducted for limited service, by race March 1913 - Principal . . . * defect Total White l/ Negro Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.9 2/ 99.9 2/ lC0.0 Eyes • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 67.7 67.6 69.8 Ears • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 2.6 2.0 Teeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.8 l.8 tºº Noses • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.6 2.7 .8 Lungs • , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •l •l & Hernia • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- •l •l & Kidney and urinary. . . . . . . . . . •l •l º Abdominal Viscera • . . . . . . . . . . •l •l tº º Genitalia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •6 •6 O Skin. • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •l •l l,: Hemorrhoids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •l •l Varicose veins • , . . . . . . . . . . . . •3 •3 •l Mental disease. . . . . . . . . . . . . . •l, •l, - - •l Neurological. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •9 •9 le2 Musculo-skeletal. . . . . . . . . . . . 12.0 l2.0 l3.9 Feet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.7 3.6 6.3 Endocrine• • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •7 •7 •l, Neoplasms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •l •l tº º Underweight, overweight, and other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.6 5.7 2.8 l/ Includes all races other than Negro. 2/ Defects constituting less than .l percent of total have been omitted. S OF REGISTRANTS REJFCTED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS FF.IXCIIAL DEFECT DURING MARCH 1943 FROM United States l/ White and Negro Registrants Combined Physically Examined at Induction Station Rejected after Local Inducted Total Total Tcta. Defect Board Total Physically Physical Rejected Exº a Rejected | Inducted Examined 2/ Examination General Limited Xamine Service Service TOTAL l3230 47295 lo&657 8850 164802 60525 117507 178032 NO DEFECT 75782 75782 75782 75782 EYE DEFECTS 296 2930 5235 5991 l/156 3226 11226 14452 Blindness, bilateral 36 36 36 Blindness, unilateral 92 138 6 329 A73 230 335 565 Eye diseases 101 1666 895 2039 A600 1767 2934 A70]. Defective vision 67 1126 4334. 3623 9083 1193 7957 9150 EAR DEFECTS 246 3.192 716 228 Al36 3438 944 A382 Deafness, bilateral 64 Il ll 75 75 Deafness, unilateral 10 ll 2 20 33 21 22 43 Ctitis media 8/. 2181 6 3 2190 2265 9 2274. Other ear defects 5l. 890 518 81 1489 94l 599 1540 Defective hearing 37 99 190 124 Al3 136 3ll, A50 TEETH DEFECTS º 69 24l 7794 159 8194, 310 7953 8263 Dentures 14 14 1148. 25 1187 28 1173 120l. Missing teeth 12 77 4047 127 425l 89 4174. 4263 Caries 32 A9 2070 5 2124 81 2O75 2156 Other dental defects ll 101. 529 2 632 112 531 643 MOUTH AND GUM DEFECTS 56 l/2 A70 l 613 198 A71 669 NOSE DEFECTS A8 517 1461 235 2213 565 1696 2261 Sinusitis LO 186 29 2 217 196 31 227 Wasomotor rhinitis 29 160 377 68 605 189 445 634 Nasal diseases and deformities 9 108 120 17 245 117 137 254 Nasal Chstruction 63 935 148 1146 63 1083 ll/.6 THROAT DEFECTS 9 3]. A08 3 442 40 All 45i Diseased tonsils 3 8 386 l 395 ll. 387 398 Other throat defects 6 23 22 2 47 29 24. 53 LUNG DEFECTS 273 ll;5 292 8 lA55 lA28 300 1728 Asthma 210 7il 126 1. 838 92.1 127 104.8 Other lung defects, except tuberculosis 63 444 166 7 6.17 507 173 6&O TUBERCULOSIS 364 1848 26 l 1875 2212 27 2239 Tuberculosis, active pulmonary 142 464 464. 606 &0& Other tuberculosis 34. 19 19 53 53 Tuberculosis, arrested pulmonary 32 712 2 714. 744 2 746 Tuberculosis, suspected or unspecified pulmonary 156 653 21, l 678 809 25 §34, CARDICWASCULAR 569 A700 608 2 5310 5269 610 5 Cardiovascular diseases other than 67 242 l 2/3 309 l 310 rheumatic or valvular Rheumatic heart disease 85 467 467 552 552 Walvular heart disease 213 1792. 5 1799 2007 5 2032 Cardiac hypertrophy 88 92 12 104. 180 12 192 Hypertension, arterial - 50 1623 25 1. 1649 1673 26 1699 Other cardiovascular defects 42 122 187 309 164 187 35l. Tachycardia 20 349 25 l 375 369 26 395 Cardiac arrhythmia 4. 10 26 36 14. 26 £, Functional murmurs l 327 328 l 327 323 BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS 18 42 ll. 53 60 it 71 HERNIA 2195 2949 612 9 3570 5l/4 621. 5765 Inguinal hernia 1928 2702 10 9 2721 A630 19 46.9 Abdominal hernia 129 2O7 A5 252 336 45 381 Hernia, other and unspecified 113 39 146 185 152 146 298 Relaxed rings 25 l All Al2 26 All A37 PRINCIPAL DEFEGTS OF REGISTRANTS REJECTED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED At NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DJRING MARCH 1943 FROM United States l/ White and Negro Registrants Combined Physically Examined at Induction Station Rejected after Local Inducted Total Total Total Defect P Board R ted Total Physically ºf:- ejec General Limited | Bxamined Rejected Inducted | Examined 2/ Service Service KIDNEYS AND URINARY SYSTEM 69 8L, 2.94. 8 ll16 883 302 ll 85 Nephritis and pyelonephritis 23 181 10 191 204 10 2l/, Nephrolithiasis 13 81 27 3 lll 94. 30 124 Bladder defects 4. 17 8 25 2:l 8 29 Kidney defects, other 22 99 l/, 3 ll6 12l 17 138 Urinary findings, abnormal 7 436 235 2 673 443 237 680 ABDOMINAL WISCERA 175 807 97 7 911 982 104 1086 Gastric ulcer 134 560 31 l 592 694 32 726 Other gastro-intestinal defects 4l 21.7 66 6 319 288 72 360 GENITALIA 123 806 2003 53 2862 929 2056 2985 Absence or atrophy of testicle 4. 22 l8O l 2O3 26 181 2O7 Undescended testicle 37 460 85 49 594 497 134 631 Varicocele 22 30 ll.96 2 l228 52 ll.98 1250 Other genital defects 60 294, 542 l 837 354. 543 897 SYPHILIS 3550 373 569 4. 946 3923 573 41.96 Neurosyphilis 30 169 169 199 199 Cardiovascular syphilis 10 3 3 13 13 Syphilis, other 666 181 552 4. 737 847 556 LA03 Positive serology 284/. 2O 17 37 286/. 17 288.1 GONORRHEA AND OTHER 40 217 424 l 642 257 425 682 WENEREAL DISEASES Gonorrhea 31 183 A.08 l 597 219 409 628 Other venereal infection 9 29 16 45 38 16 54. SKTN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS 73 All 723 36 1170 484 759 l2/3 HEMORRHOIDS AND OTHER RECTAL 60 209 275 7 491 269 282 551 DEFECTS WARICOSE WEINS 135 567 274, 24 865 702 298 1000 ILLITERACY AND MENTAL DEFICIENCY 467 7645 950 l 8596 8112 95l 9063 Moron, imbecile, and idiot 250 399 2 40l 649 2 651 Educational deficiency 39 6736 920 l 7657 6775 921 7696 Mental deficiency, unspecified 178 510 28 538 688 28 716 MENTAL DISEASES 454 81,72 279 34. 8485 8626 313 8939 Grave mental or personality disorders lll 699 2 701 810 2 812 Major abnormalities of mood 14 177 15 192 191 15 2O6 Psychopathic personality 76 2410 42 l 2/453 2486 43 2529 Psychoneurotic disorders 137 A485 211 33 4729 4622 244 4866 Chronic inebriety and drug addiction 13 303 9 312 316 9 325 Mental disease not classifiable elsewhere 103 98 g 98 2Ol 201 NEUROLOGICAL 1246 2264 91 77 2432 3510 168 3678 Epilepsy - 291 402 AO2 693 693 Chronic encephalitic syndrome 36 77 - 77 113 113 Post-traumatic cerebral syndrome 33 535 3 l 539 568 4. § Poliomyelitis, residuals of 469 301 20 48 369 770 68 83 Other neurological defects A17 949 68 28 1045 1366 96 1462 MUSCULO-SKELETAL 1943 342/. 1831 1066 6321 5367 2897 8264 Amputation 372 253 196 ll2 56l 625 308 933 Osteomyelitis 217 372 IO 12 394 589 22 6ll Ankylosis 143 l63 29 47 239 306 76 382 Arthritis 108 265 9 27 3Ol 373 36 A09 Muscular atrophy 92 170 9 68 2/7 262 77 339 Injury, residuals of 490 1227 407 530 2164 1717 937 2654 Spinal malformations 128 229 420 5l 700 357 471 828 Musculo-skeletal defects, congenital and other 393 745 75l 219 1715 ll38 970 2108 FEET 138 ll 21, 26.18 329 A071 1262 2.94.7 4209 Pea planus 80 982 21.06 258 3646 1062 2664 3726 Other foot defects 58 l/2 212 71 425 200 283 A83 PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTS REJECTED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS l/ DURING MARCH 1943 FROM United States White and Negro Registrants Combined Physically Examined at Induction Station Rejected after Local Inducted Total Total Total Defect, Board Physically Physical | Rejected Total Rejected Inducted | Examined 2/ |Examination General Limited Examined Service Service ENDOCRINE DISTURBANCES 276 55l 104. 59 714 827 163 990 Diabetes mellitus l/2 194 l 195 336 l 337 Fröhlich's syndrome 47 131 6l 5l 243 178 ll2 290 Thyroid disturbances 52 ll.9 31 2 152 171 33 20/, Other endocrine disturbances 35 107 ll 6 l/2 17 159 NEOPLASMS AND CYSTS 52 392 312 8 444 320 761, Malignant growths 12 13 l 14 25 l 26 Other neoplasms and cysts 26 l/5 134 6 285 17]. lºſ) 3.11 Pilonidal cysts 14 234. 177 2 Al3 248 179 A27 INFECTIOUS, PARASITIC AND 6 88 83 94. 94. EPIDEMIC DISEASES OTHER DISEASES, DEFECTS 272 ll;2 42/3 498 5893 lººk 47kl 6L65 AND ANOMALIES Overweight, 78 Lºº 3090 132 3369 225 3222 34/7 Underweight 43 663 1087 354 2104 706 1441 2147 Overheight 6 19 l 20 25 l 26 Underheight 70 ll. ll/, 184 184 Other diseases and defects 75 209 66 ll 286 28, 77 361 NON-MEDICAL 8 532 155 l 683 5AD 156 696 Alien 19 148 167 19 148 167 Medical discharge, cause not stated l- 50 3 53 5l 3 54 Discharge, other than honorable 2 222 4. 226 224 4. 228 Overage or underage l 94 94. 95 95 Rejection due to other non-medical reasons 4. LA/ l l/8 15l l 152 l/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during March. 2/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. PRINCIFAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTS REJFCTED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING MARCH 1943 FROM United States White Registrants# Physically Examined at Induction Station, Rejected . after Local Inducted Total Total Tctal Defect Board Total Physically Physical Rejected E O a Rejected Inducted Examined 2/ Examination General Limited Xamine Service Service TOTAL 94.02 38330 97.45|l 8598 l//.379 47732 106049 153781 NO DEFECT 67213 67213 672.13 67213 EYE DEFECTS 235 2519 4997 5815 13331 2754 10812 13566 Blindness, bilateral 30 30 30 . Blindness, unilateral 71 99 6 314, AlQ 170 320 490 Eye diseases 31 1382 820 1962 Al64 1463 2782 4245 Defective vision 53 1038 Al'71 3539 8748 1091 7710 88.01 EAR DEFECTS 239 31 ll 656 223 3990 3350 879. A229 Deafness, bilateral 59 ll ll 70 70 Deafness, unilateral 10 9 l 20 30 19 21 40 Ctitis media 83 21:31 5 3 2139 22L, 8 2222 Other ear defects 5l 873 479 80 LA32 924, 559 LºS3 Defective hearing 36 87 171 120 378 123 291 4.14 TEETH DEFECTS 52 225 7311 159 7695 277 7470 7747 Dentures l2 13 1096 25 ll 34 25 li2l ll/5 Missing teeth l2 7l 3855 127 4053 83 3982 4065 Caries 20 48 1852 5 1905 68 1857 1925 Other dental defects 8 93 508 2 603 101 510 6ll MOUTH AND GUM DEFECTS 53 134 437 l 572 187 A38 625 NOSE DEFECTS 46 502 lAl3 233 215/4 548 1652 2200 Sinusitis 10 18O 29 2 2ll 190 31 221 Wasomotor rhinitis 29 159 36/, 67 590 188 431 619 Nasal diseases and deformities 7 IOl 115 17 233 108 132 240 Nasal Chstruction 62 911 147 litzC) 62 1058 il 20 THROAT DEFECTS 7 28 380 3 All 35 383 Al3 Diseased tonsils 2 6 359 l 366 8 360 368 Other throat, defects 5 22 2l 2 45 27 23 50 LUNG DEFECTS 238 1014. 266 8 1288 1252 274, 1526 Asthma 178 6.17 113 l 731 795 1ll, 909 Other lung defects, except tuberculosis 60 397 153 7 557 A57 160 617 TUBERCULOSIS 338 1593 25 l 1619 1931 26 1957 Tuberculosis, active pulmonary 13 AlO AlO 544 544 other tubercºlosis 2 19 19 47 47 Tuberculosis, arrested pulmonary 28 598 2 600 626 2 628 Tuberculosis, suspected or unspecified pulmonary LAS 566 23 l 590 714 24 738 CARDICWASCULAR 497 3826 566 2 4394 4323 568 4891 Cardiovascular diseases other than 62 2ll l 212 273 - l 274 rheumatic or valvular Rheumatic heart disease 83 434. 434 517 517 Valvular heart disease 187 1466 4. LºſſD 1653 4. 1657 Cardiac hypertrophy 76 57 ll 68 133 ll 144 Hypertension, arterial 36 1221 24. l 1246 1257 25 1282 Other cardiovascular defects 32 105 177 282 137 177 314 Tachycardia 18 323 25 l 349 34l 26 367 Cardiac arrhythmia 3 8 24 32 ll 24 35 Functional murmurs l 300 3Ol l 300 301 BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS 18 42 ll 53 60 11 71 HERNIA 1880 2623 558 9 3190 4503 567 5070 Inguinal hernia 1670 10 9 2443 4094. 19 All 3 Abdominal hernia 97 16l 22 183 258 22 280 Hernia, other and unspecified 96 37 137 174. 133 137 270 Relaxed rings 17 l 389 390 18 389 407 997 Ø 08T 66%, A3 902 9&I ?g sºoagep qooy Jeu:30 96.0% £Tºyz £39 ØO2 972 AST2 029 £9 snub I'd sed 6799, 9992 98 zeye £I£ £1,62 97. ATT Jºcºſ TI6T. 806 900T Allºl YTz #69 699 %g Jeuno pure Teque?uoo “sqoeyep Taqetexts-oſmosmyl 7Ll, 097 */Ig 999 Tg 607 902 6OT guopºeuroj Tau Taupds Tø92 888 £97.I 676 I £T4 9L0. T90T 2O7 Jo stamppser “Arnful TT9. 9/, 99.2 A& 19 6 TST *8 Audorºu retnosmºſ T9%. 9% 92% 892 4.2 6 292 £6 ST4T.Iuq-IV T99. Y/, Allº! O2: g? 62 97I T£I spsotAºſuy 989 Tz %99 LLC TT OT 996 802 spºrta&moeºso TO8 882 £I9 O67 ØOI 98T 2O2 TT9. uopºuqnduly g??, T9/Z 7697 £ll.9 TøOT OCAT 22.0% Zl.9T TWISTICDIS-O'InoSDM O09. I 06 OTZT £66 92 79 £78 A3% sqoegep Teopºloto-Ineu reuſ, O 708 99 8%l. 99% 47 6I 062 877 Jo stamppse.I “spapTa&uloptod TZ,7 £ 897 077 T 2 A,97 T£ euro.Ipuks TB.Iqereo opaaunerº-qsod 90T 90T T/. TA, 9% emorpuſs opºp Teudeoue opuoruo £29 £29 296 29% TAZ Asdelpdg YO39. 69T 97 Ig 29 TZ 7L 98 £66T 29 UT TWOIOOTONIſl:N £1.T £LT T8 T8 26 exeumegte eToºglºsseto qou esses ſp Tequent 9Tø 6 90% 209, 6 £62 9. I uorºopppe 3rm rp pub Aqeparqeup opuoruo £697 962 99TY 1927 2% 602 29.07 92T G.Ieprospp opºo.IneuoupAsd % Tz 6% 960Z O/O2 T 8% T902 79 A&TTBuosited opunedoubA's d 16I 7I £8T *8T ºrſ OA.T £I poou, Jo Sepºrtburouqe roſby'ſ 29, 2 09/, 899 2 999 *OT s.reprospp & FTsuosited to Taquem eas.Ip 71.6l. 662 9/9A, 2994, £6 992 £921, zTºy SºSWCSIGI TWINGIW *Og 02 ??? ??g O2 *faç O9T perJToadsun *ÁoueTopJep Tequeſt 006% All 6&I9. £1.8% T 9/.l., 96.0% A.C. Aoueropjep Teuopºgonp3 9Tg Z %rtg YO9. 2 2O6 2T2 qoppp pub “et poequip “uorom 0.267 66. TzTºy Tzg? T 86/, ZZL3 66% XONGII.O.I.I.ICI TWENGIW (INW KQWREIIITTI 668 A8& ZT3 88/, £2 792 TOg TTI SNICIA CSOOTIWA SIOCEIGIOI 8/.7 292 9TZ I97 9 992 69T A.” TWI):IH Hººto CINW SGIORRIOWEIH O9TI */7. 9TY 7OII % OL, O99. 99 SNOILIGINOO (INW SºSWCSIOI NDIS 6 9 £ 8 9 2 T UoTºoejuT TBereuea reqJO 6LT 9II £9 TAT T 9TI 99. 8 betº-Latouop wº SciSWCSIGI TVºng. A 88T zzT 99 6LI T TzT 1.9 6 HºHIO (INW WºRMSONOO Lól, 7I £81, *z 7I OT £L. A3oTotes earapsod 929 99% Tºz 197 * T99. 2OT 6%T Jeuqo ‘splpud AS 7 7 T T g STTFudA's retnoshaoppreo TGT Tºt Tº I T£I OZ STTFudA'sornan 8L9T 6L6. 66TT £29 7 94.6 *72 996 SITIH.HMS 779 Ygy OTZ Ł09 797 £LI 1.% sqoegep Taqpueº reuq.0 66TT 99TI yy £8TT 2 £9TI 82 9T eTeoooº...Is A 289 29. I O97 879 97 %3 9Ty % eTopºsed papueosepuſ, 26T. 39T 72 88T T AST O2 y eTop4seq. Jo Ando-Iqb ...to ecuesqu 1.T.92 688T 8&l, 9292 Tg 89.3T. 1,69 T6 WITWLINKE) 179. Tl, 9/.2 60% 9 99 892 8% sqoeyep Tsurpºsequg-oxºsefi reuqo 969 O% 999 999 T 62 96.9 62T Jeotn op.13 sep 27OT TOT Tºé 9/8 4. *76 7//, Æ9T WNTOSIA TWNIMOGay 429 822 66% O29 2 9&z 26% 4. Tumºrouqu “shuppurg ArsuTrn 62T AI ZIT 80T £ *I T6 TZ Jeugo ‘sºoeyep A euppy Lø 9 TZ 92 9 All * sq. oojep Jeppe Ig TzT 62 26 3OT 6 92 6/, £I spsb.pqºp Toruden OO2 6 T6I 8/I 6 69T 22 ST4T-IIIdeuoteAd pub sp?pruden YOTI 682 9T8 100T 3 T82 87, 1.9 MºSAS ºf WNIRIſl (INW SKINGIIYI eopaxes eopares | peºpurpºſ | Taxeuep uopaeupuſex /2 peºgi penanpur peacetes | *.* peºdeſeg | TBOTSAqd ALTaopsAud pºtbog 4 o'ejeg TBqoſ, Tºol, TBq.o.I. peq on pulſ Teoo"I reqJū peqaeſen uopºbºs uopºonpuſ ºa peupurexq ATTBOTsAud /t '#sque Iqspºon eqpqM. seqeºs poqpuſ) NOMA £76T HORIWW EMIMſ).I SHHIHWſt)GWGH TVNOILWN J.W. GSAISIOGRI Tzz SWHOI NO NºoHS SW ‘G.H.I.On(INI (INV (ITIO3ſº SINVH.ISIOTH TO STO3. IGIGI TVäIONIH.I DURING MARCH 1943 FROM United States PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTS REJECTED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 *** AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS White Registrants# Physically Examined at Induction Station Rejected after Local Inducted Total Total Total Defect Board Physically Physical | Rejected Total Rejected Inducted | Examined 2/ |Examination General Limited Examined Service Service ENDOCRINE DISTURBANCES 263 524. lCO 58 682 737 158 945 Digbetes mellitus 139 186 l 187 325 l 326 Fröhlich's syndrome 42 124 59 50 233 l66 109 275 Thyroid disturbances 48 lló 30 2 L48 l64. 32 196 Other endocrine disturbances 34 98 10 6 ll. 132 16 148 NEOPLASMS AND CYSTS A7 374, 298 8 680 421. 306 727 Malignant growths 9 13 l 14. 22 l 23 Other neoplasms and cysts 24 128 121 6 255 152 127 279 Pilonidal cysts 14 233 176 2 All 2/7 178 425 INFECTIOUS, PARASITIC AND 5 69 69 74 74 EPIDEMIC DISEASES OTHER DISEASES, DEFECTS 224 106.1 3879 49l 5431 1285 4370 5655 AND ANCMALIES Overweight 71 137 2793 128 3058 208 2921 3129 Underweight 33 627 1030 351 2008 660 l381 2041 Overheight 4. 17 l 18 21 l 22 Underheight 64 101 101 165 165 Other diseases and defects 52 179 56 ll 246 231 67 298 NON-MEDICAL 449 lj4. l 604 454. 155 609 Alien 19 147 166 19 147 166 Medical discharge, cause not stated l 49 3 52 50 3 53 Discharge, other than honorable 2 210 4. 214 2L2 4. 216 Overage or underage l 48 48 49 49 Rejection due to other non-medical reasons l 123 l 124 124 l 125 º or mental defects. * Includes all races other than Negro. Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during March. Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical PRIN.IFAL IEF.CTS OF REGISTRANTS REJFCTED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEITED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING MARCH 1943 FROM United States l/ --- - -- Negro Registrants Physically Examined at Induction Station Rejected - after Local Inducted Total Total Tctal Defect Board Total Physically Physical Rejected E ot a Rejected Inducted Examined 2/ Examination General Limited Xamine - Service Service TOTAI. 3828 8965 112O6 252 20423 12793 11458 2A251 NC LEFFCT 8569 8569 8569 8569 EY'ſ EFF.C. S 61 4ll 238 176 825 A72 414 886 Blix;dne : ; , tilateral 6 6 6 Blindrº g : , º, late rºl 21 39 15 54 60 15 75 Eye disºsºs 20 284 75 77 436 304 152 456 Defective visiCn l/. 88 163 8/. 335 102 2/7 349 B.º. 3' +. CTS 7 81 60 5 l,6 88 65 153 Leairness, bilaterai 5 5 5 Deafness, unilateral 2 l 3 2 l 3 Ctitis media. l 50 l 51 51 l 52 Other ear defects 17 39 l 57 17 40 57 Defective raaring l 12 19 4. 35 13 23 36 TÉ'TH U.F.CTS 17 16 A83 A99 33 A83 516 Dentºures 2 l 52 53 3 52 55 Missing teeth 6 192 198 6 192 198 Caries 12 l 218 219 13 218 231 Čtizer dental defects 3 8 21. 29 il 2l 32 }{Q}TH AND GUM DEFECTS 3 8 33 4l ll 33 44 NCSE UEFECTS 2 15 42 2 59 17 44 6l Sinusitis 6 6 6 6 Wascinotor rhihitis l 13 l 15 l 14 15 Nasal diseases and deformities 2 7 5 12 9 5 14. Nasal Chstruction l 2/. l 26 l 25 26 THROAT DEFECTS 2 3 28 31 5 28 33 Diseased tonsils l 2 27 29 3 27 30 Other throat defects l l l 2 2 l 3 LÜNG DEFECTS 35 lAl 26 167 176 26 202 Asthma 32 94. 13 107 126 13 139 Other lung defects, except tuberculosis 3 A7 13 60 50 13 63 TUBERCULOSIS 26 255 l 256 281 l 282 Tuberculosis, active pulmonary 8 54 54 62 62 Cther tuberculosis 6 - 6 6 Tuberculosis, arrested pulmonary 4. ll/, 114 ll& 118 Tuberculosis, suspected or unspecified pulmonary 8 87 l 88 95 l 96 CARDICWASCULAR 72 874. A2 916 946 42 988 Cardiovascular discases other than 5 31 31 36 36 rheumatic or valvular Rheumatic heart disease: 2 33 33 35 35 Valvular heart disease 26 328 l 329 354. i 355 Cardiac hypertrophy 12 35 l 36 A7 l 48 Hypertension, arterial 14 A02 l A03 Al6 l A17 Other cardiovascular defects 10 17 10 27 27 IO 37 Tachycardia 2 26 26 28 28 Gardiac arrhythmia l 2 2 4. 3 2 5 Functional murmurs 27 27 27 27 BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING CIRGANS HERNIA 315 326 54. 380 64l 54 695 In ºlinal hernia 258 278 278 536 536 Abdominal hernia 32 46 23 69 78 23 101 Hernia, other and unspecified 17 2 9 ll 19 9 28 Felaxed rings 8 22 22 8 22 30 uopºuqs uorºonpu I qu peupuſex's ATTºops&nd Oć OT OZ 92 7 9 9T 7 snoogep door retro Oć9 T92 6L6. £T9 ZT 662 29% All snueTā sed O99 Tºz 66% 669 9T 97.2 8L9. TZ Jºſ 4.6L 29 96.T 8%I 9. 4.9 9/, 69 Jeuqo pure Teque?uroo “sqoegep Taqetexts—otnosnyl *7g TI g? 99. TI 72 6I guorºburo JTuu Taupds 9.0% 67 *792 9IZ - LI 29, 99T 38 Jo stºnprser ‘A’rnſuſ 32 T 12 02 T 6I 8 Audorºu retnogmn 97 87 £6 ££ 9T spºt.Iuº IV T£ 2 62 6I 2 A.I ZT spsotAxury 92 T 92 1.I T 9T 6 spºrta&uoey80 23. I O2 ZTI Tl. 6 TI Tg T3 uopºuqndmy 6T8 97t CL9 87% 9% III 2O7 TAZ TWICTEDIS-O'Iſl:0SQN 29T 9 99T ZIT 2 7 90I 09 sqoejep TaopaoTorneu Jeu:0 % 2 26 9. I T T TI TZ Jo stamppser ‘spapTeAuloptod TOI T OOt 66 T 36 Z euorpuke Texqereo opºeumeirº-4god 4. A. 9 9 T emorpuſs opºp Tsudeoue opuoruo Ol. Ol, 09 09 O2 Asdelpdq ?L9. 6 996 . 082 £ 9 TL2 */6 TWOIOOTOMmºn 32 32 LI A.I TI erequeste etaeryrsseto qou esses ſp Tequen OI OU GI OI UoTº opppe 3riſp pure &epigeup opuoluo £1.7 6 797 297 T 8 £97 TI s.reprospp op!orneuoupAsd 96% 7 T66 98% * 6L6. ZT AATTBuosited opunedoud/sq 6 T 8 8 T 4. I poom Jo Sepº TTBurouge roſen O9 09 gy g? A. s.reprospp AATTBuosited to TBqueu, eab.10 996 YI T96 £26 T ØT 606 2? Scist/CºSICI TWENGIW 2T2 3 702 ?6t 8 98T 8T papyToadsun ‘Aloueporjep Taquen 96L6. 77T 29.9% 78L9. 77T O799, 2T Aoueropjep Tºuopºsonpg 99T 99T l6 16 8% qoppp pub “etroedurp “uo.Ion gyT7 29I T66% 9/07 29T £26% 39 XONCIOI, ISIOI TWINCUA GINW KOWłºcłIIT II TOT TI O6 bl. T OT 99 ‘rz SNICIA CSOOTWA SIOCHICICI Øl. O2 £9 09 T 6I 07 ØI TWIO::RI HºHIC) CINW SGIOHRROWRCIH £8 9T 39 99 2 £I Tg All SNOILIONOO (INW Sºlsºs ICI NIXS g? OT 9% LC OU AE 3 UoTºoeyur TeeJeueA Ieuq.O 677 £62 99T 927 £62 ££I £2 beu.I.Iouop SCSWCSIGI IWCRISMCIA 767 £0% T6T £97 20% O9T Tº HGHIO (INV wahruonop %902 £ T802 ØI £ OT TLOZ A3otores eaſqpsod bill. T6ſ 989 OLZ T6T. 6. 1.09 Jeuno “spºt pudAS 6 6 2 Z 4. spTrudA's retnoseadrpreo 97 97 86 8% OT STTFudAsoman 8T62 76[ %2/2 £29. %6I 6ZI 96.92 SITIH.IRS 692 6OI 77T 062 T 80T TzT 92 sqoegep Taqpue? Iauq.O Tº ç7 3 gy ç7 2 9 eTeooogie A 67 2 Mºy 97 T T 77 % eTopº seq. pepueosepuſh 9T 9. I 2 9T 9. I 2 eTopºse, Jo Audoirºu To eouesqv 39% AST TOZ 92% 2 99T 69T 29, WITWLINCE) £I T ZI OI T 6 % sqoegep TsurpºsequT-orases reuqo I6 2 62 92 2 Yz 9 Jeotn oper, sep 77 % Ty 96. % £6 8 WłºcłoSIA TWNINOGEW £9 6 ‘ry 69 6 77 Taurouqu “shuppur J A retrºſſl 6 6 8 8 T Jeuqo ‘sºoerep A euppy 2 2 2 2 sqooyep Jeppe IH , % I 2 £ T 2 - systºpaq Toruden YI T £I £I T ZT T spºruſdeuoteAd pub sp3 pruden Tº ØI 39 6. £I 99 2 LERSIS WIWNTIſ) (INW SX2INGIIYI Gopaxes eopares peºpurp'ſ Tereuep uopºgu puſbxg /2 peºgg| penanpur peacetes | *.* pequeſeg | Tºops&nd ATToopsAud - prooq qoege(I TBqol. Tºqol. Tºqo, peq9mpuſ Teoo"I reqJe peq99ſeu /t squerq spºog organ Soqºq S poq Puſh MOMH 676T HORIWR 0NIHDMI SHQiuynboſvg|H TVNOILWN IV (IGAISO3H Izz SRKOI No NuoHS SW ‘qG.I.OnGNI (INW (IGIOSICSIM SINVHLSIOTH 30 SLOGIGIGI TVäIONIHà PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTS REJECTED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING MARCH 1943 FROM United States 1/ Negro Registrants Physically Examined at Induction Station Rejected after Local Inducted Total Total Total Defect Board Physically Physical | Rejected Total Rejected | Inducted | Examined 2/ Examination General Limited Examined Service Service ENDOCRINE DISTURBANCEs 13 27 4. l 32 40 5 45 Diffbetes mellitus 3 8 8 ll ll Fröhlich's syndrome 5 7 2 l IO 12 3 15 Thyroid disturbances 4. 3 l 4. 7 l 8 Other endocrine disturbances l 9 l IO 10 l ll NEOPLASMS AND CYSTS 5 18 lA. 32 23 14 37 Malignant growths 3 3 3 Other neoplasms and cysts 2 17. 13 30 19 13 32 Pilonidal cysts l l 2 l l 2 INFECTIOUS, PARASITIC AND l 19 19 20 20 EPIDEMIC DISEASES OTHER DISEASES, DEFECTS 48 91 364 7 462 139 371 510 AND ANOMALIES *. Overweight 7 10 297 4. 311 17 3Ol 318 Underweight IO 36 57 3 96 46 60 106 Overheight 2 2 2 4. 4. Underheight 6 13 13 19 19 Other diseases and defects 23 30 IO 40 53 10 63 NON-MEDICAL 3 83 l 8, 86 l 87 Alien l l l l Medical discharge, cause not stated l l l l Discharge, other than honorable l2 12 12 l2 Overage or underage 46 46 46 46 Rejection due to other non-medical reasons 3 24 24 27 27 l/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during March. 2/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. MARITAL STATUS AND DEPENDENTS OF REGISTRANTS PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED At NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS - DURING MARCH 1943 FROM United States l/ White and Negro Registrants Combined Number receiving physical ge examination at local board Number inducted Marital Examined at local board Inducted 2/ Status - Number of dependents Number of dependents Total Total Two or Not, Two or Not, None One Ilor'e stated None One In Ore stated Total 178032 90548 35808 28463 23213 117507 61168 22337 18521 l;481 Single 132255 83050 12136 18268 18801 901.75 57085 7855 l2255 12980 Married 34456 2852 21346 7660 2598 2205/. 2063 13350 A975 1666 separated 6233 245/. 1273 1641 865 2781 LOOO 581 827 373 Divorced 3151 1508 648 578 A17 1579 716 352 314 197 Widower 897 410 205 171 lll 332 149 75 65 A3 No entry 1040 27, 200 145 421 586 l;5 124 85 222 l/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during March. 2/ Includes registrants inducted for general service and limited service. MARITAL STATUS AND DEPENDENTS OF REGISTRANTS PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING MARCH 1943 FROM United States l/ White Registrants” Number receiving physical examination at local board Number inducted Marital Examined at local board Inducted 2/ Status Number of dependents Number of dependents Total Total Two or Not Two or Not, None One In Ore stated None One In Ore stated Total 153781 80355 30271 23283 19872 106049 56374. 1986.4 15994. 13817 Single ll;784 7A/83 9784 15.191 16326 81944 5291.l 666.2 10693 11678 Married 2.9808 2460 18841 6303 2204. 19923 1825 12306 A317 l//5 Separated 3948 l:54l 780 1076 551 1983 722 408 590 263 Divorced 2780 1342 565 503 370 1436 655 322 281 178 Widower 587 291 133 94. 69 245 ll& 57 42 28 No entry 874. 238 168 lló 352 518 143 109 71 195 l/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during March. 2/ Includes registrants inducted for general service and limited service. * Includes all races other than Negro. #:... ".... . . . . . AND DE: . . . . . ." REGIS, Nº. Phil., v. Li Y FXAMINED A. ". . NIJCTHii, As ºf N (ſº FußS 221 RFCEIVED AT NATICNA). HEADQEARTFTS Diji:ING MARCH 19/3 FF.C.. 3rlit,3d St Ates l/ *-ºs --- Negro Registrants Number receiving physical ę examination at local board Number inducted Marital. Examined at local board Inducted 2/ Stätus Number of dependents Number of dependents Total Total Non One Two or Not None One Two or . Not, € In OI’e stated more stated Total 2425l 101.93 5537 5180 33Al ll/58 4794 21,73 2527 1664 Single l64.71 8567 2352 3077 2A75 8231 Al?/, 1193 1562 1302 Married A648 392 2505 1357 39A. 21.31 238 104.4 658 191 reparated 2285 913 493 565 314 798 278 173 237 110 Tºivorced 371 166 83 75 47 l/3 6l 30 33 19 Widower 310 119 72 77 42 87 31 18 23 15 No entry 166 36 32 29 69 68 12 15 lA. 27 l/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during March. 2/ Includes registrants inducted for general service and limited service. &#PAºs, ºf RACE, JP R&#STRāśs ºšićkº ºntº AHL rºucrºp, As shown on Foºts 221 RECEIVED AT MATIONAL HEADQUARTERS ğ ###C# 1933 lºſº United States 2/ Qccupation group and occupation Mumber receiving local board physical examination Number inducted 2/ Electricians Holdera, metal Bakers Total White ºf Negro Total White+ Negro *CºAL 178032 1537&l 24.251 117507 3.06049 ll,58 PºSSIOHAſ, ºli, SºFRūššščği, #(#KºR3 44.17 4250 167 2943 2850 93 Professions]. Workers 22/5 2130 llº 1394 1333 6]. 3.83rjºrs and judge & 246 246 l/4 144 Physicians, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, etc. 128 124 4. 65 63 2 Teachers, professors, and county agents 5ll 466 45 325 296 29 Tºchnical engineers, chemists, &nd architect; 300 299 l 219 218 l Žižsitiºns, writers, artists, and actors * 821 762 59 476 449 27 ܺhº's professional workers 239 233 6 165 163 2 Semiprofessional Workers 2172 2120 52 lº/9 1517 32 39.3%gners, draftsmen, and surveyors 827 817 10 632 629 3 *ancers, showmen, and athletes - 178 16, 14 IO8 98 IO Tºchnicians and assistants, laboratory 528 520 8 * 389 383 6 ºther gemiprofessional workers 639 619 20 420 407 13 FARMERS AND FARM MANAGERS 2840 2128 712 l:314. 1050 26, PROPRIETORS, MANAGERS, AND OFFICIALS, EXCEPT FARM 5976 58.48 128 3715 3659 56 Government officials 230 228 2 15]. 150 l Proprietors, mgrs. , and officials, wholesale and retail 3567 3496 71 2212 2183 29 Other proprietors, managers, and officials, except farm 2179 212, 55 1352 1326 26 CLERICAL, SALES, AND KINDRED WORKERS 21935 21403 532 159.13 15544 369 Clerical and Kindred Workers 16141 15772 369 11990 ll'717 273. Bookkeepers, accountants, cashiers, and ticket agents 1707 17Ol 6 ll'74. 1170 3. Stenographers, typists, and office machine operators 1389 137]. 18 1034 1018 ić, Mail carriers, baggagemen, and express messengers 323 303 20 233 218 15 Snipping and receiving clerks 209/. 2017 77 1623 1568 55 {}ther clerical and kindred workers 10628 10380 248 7926 7743 3.3 Šalesmen and Kindred Workers 579/. 5631 163 3923 3827 9é Sales agents and brokers 1268 1247 21 792 782 10 Canvassers, peddlers, and newsboys 251 233 ... l8 llC) 102 § Salesmen, retail and not elsewhere classified Al36 4073 123 2976 2893 78 Salesmen, not specified 79 78 l 45 45 CRAFTSMEN, FOREMEN, AND KINDRED WORKERS 16923 15951 972 11670 lilg8 Áº: carpenters, cabinetmakers, and patternmakers 2170 2068 102 1499 l/50 49 Masons, plasterers, stonecutters, and cement finishers Al2 326 86 24l 205 3% Painters and paperhangers 1246 1142 104 71.6 670 &ó Plumbers, and gas and steam fitters 567 5Al 26 391 377 3.4 522 513 9 387 383 & Roofers and sheet metal workers 989 965 24 726 717 *} Cranemen, construction mach. opers., stationary engineers 963 926 37 689 67, 15 Machinists, millwrights, and tool makers 1354 1335 19 1029 1015 14 Blacksmiths, boilermakers, rollers, structural metal wºrs. 642 6.13 29 A87 46.9 iš 206 174, 32 145 128 17 Mechanics and repairmen, automobile 1356 1235 l2]. 884. &33 5. Mechanics and repairmen (exc, automobile), º& locº fixers 24.92 24lº 77 1773 1735 . Printing craftsmen 530 519 ll 359 353 & Alſ? 387 30 275 257 18 Locomotive engineers and firemen 179 177 2 148 146 3. Foremen, except farm 1179 ll ºff 32 814 798 #6 Other craft sºmet, and kirićred workºrs 1659 1468 231 1102 933 il& OPERATIVES AND KINDRED WORKERS 58822 54,142 4,630 4237]. 3%l 24% Laundry cºratives, except private family 453 319 134 26]. 183 yº Operative; and laborers, crude petrol. find natural gas 271 269 2 201 200 l #3.ne ºperatives and laborers, except cruds petrols and nate gas 1925 1623 302 1254, 1103 151. Paiutº's except construction &nd tº £utenance 519 487 32 350 337 13 ghet: fours, truck drivºrs, $13 varºan, and motormen 11887 10287 1,600 7930 7163 767 # el úg.: 5 and flame, cutters 2295 2255 40 1792 1767 25 ſºilers, grinders, buffers, and polishera, metal 1622 1581 Al 1274. 1245 29 Exaken:en and switchmen, railroad 278 271 7 225 232 3 Sailors and deck banda, except U. S. R&vy 2}l 201 10 142 138 4. Linemen and servicemen, telegraph, telephonº, and power 488 483 5 Aſ ºf 405 2 Firemen, except locomotive and fire depºrt Rent 301 221 ğ) 178 13.5 33 Heat, cutters, except slaughter and packing house 636 608 28 . 470 452 18 Attendants, filling station, parking lot, airports &tes 1591 1409 182 1065 985 £º Miscellaneous apecified operatives and kindred workers 4,684 4.483 201. 3630 350i, 126 X} §§ §§§ Čáž §§§ TºšD Á#} jº cºp, AS §º Öğ FOº3 221 £ 2 Cºſº AT IATI O AL EADQūARTERS- Tºjkºč Šáñºš 1943 PROM United States Occupation group and occupation Number receiving local board physical examination Number inducted 2/ * * * * * * * *- : * ****-*, * * Total White+ Megro - Total White's Negro ºf Iº; #Nī Kū)Riº #(ºS (Continued) Jºratives nº kindred work.ºrg (n.e. c.3/), by industry; F.Yaſſactºring Foºd and kindred products 2265 2013 252 1599 lA56 l/.3 Textile, textile products, and apparel 3210 3O88 122 2203 2129 74, Lußber, furniture, and iulibar products 1556 1252 304 956 827 129 Paper, paper products, and printing ll62 ll 22 40 861 843 13 Chemicals, and petroleum and coal products 1461 1351 *10 1059 1003 56 Leather and leather products 967 951 16 662 653 9 Stone, clay, and glass products 819 776 43 585 558 27 Iron, steel, nonferrous metals and their products 44.15 Al66 249 3407 3250 157 Machinery and transportation equipment 9569 9378 191 74.75 7352 123 Not apecified metal industries 311 304 7 232 228 4. Other specified manufacturing industries 1333 1257 76 942 899 43 Not specified manufacturing industries 1015 954, 61 710 670 10 Norymanufacturing industries and services 3578 3033 545 25Ol 221/. 287 DC#ESTIC SERVICE WORKERS 386 IOO 286 l66 45 121 PROTECTIVE SERVICE WORKERS 963 933 30 629 6l. 15 SERVICE WORKERs, EXCEPT DOMESTIC AND PROTECTIVE 817.3 A935 3238 4652 2865 1787 Barbers and beauticians 35A, 307 A7 181 158 23 Cooks, except private family 1081 715 366 627 432 195 Waiters and bartenders 1642 1302 340 990 788 2O2 Other kitchen workers 1078 632 446 576 343 233 Charmen, janitors, and porters 2321 756 1565 1287 398 889 Other service workers, except domestic and protective l697 1223 474. 991 746 245 FARM LABORERS AND FOREMEN 15736 ll/.32 4304 7933 6391 1542 LABORERs, EXCEPT FARM AND MINE 23907 l6776 713]. 14645 1137]. 327, Fishermen and oystermen - l67 l62 25 98 86 i.2 Lumbermen, raftsmen, and woodchoppers ll2/. 717 407 511 386 3.25 Longshoremen and stevedores 239 11.8 91 134 39 4.5 “feamsters 124 87 37 70 54 Yê Garage laborers, and car.washers and greasers A31 l36 245 22l lil jø Gardeners (except farm) and groundskeepers 481 342 139 243 194, & 9 Laborers (n.e. c.3/), by industry: Manufacturing Food and kindred products ll22 891 231 769 651, 115 Textile, textile products, and apparel 50l. Al? 84 315 286 29 Lumber, furniture, and lumber products 1509 759 750 727 461. 2íð Paper, paper products and printing 371 312. 59 254 220 34. Chemicals, and petroleum and coal products 780 544. 236 526 402 lº, Stone, clay, and glass products 556 420 l36 367 304 63 Metal industries 3799 3089 710 2790 236/, 4,36 Other specified and not specified manufacturing 605 456 149 398 322 *#6 Nonmanufacturing industries and services Construction 5119 34.76 1643 3133 2329 8%. Railroads (includes railroad repair shops) 1939 l/.30 449 1288 1050 238 Other nonmanufacturing industries and services 3824 25.30 1294, 2227 1657 5% Nonclassifiable laborers ll.96 750 446 574. AO2 172 NONCLASSIFTABLE RETURNS 153 120 33 99 80 #9 EMERGENCY WORKERS AND UNEMPLOYED 8/.30 698/. 1446 A310 3690 &:0 Civilian Conservation Corps enrollees 195 136 59 135 94 #l Emergency workers, other than G.C.G. enrollees l,63 1051 Al2 659 4.95 1% Unemployed (not further specified) 6772 5797 975 3516 3101 £3.5 STUDENTS 7259 6888 371 58Ol 5521 2.ÉO NO ENTRY . 2112 1891 22i 1346 l2/0 106 Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during March. Includes registrants inducted for general service and limited service. Not elsewhere classified. : Includes all races other than Negro. U. S. SUMMARY TABUíATIONS OF DSS FORMS 22]. RECEIVED DURING APRTL AND MAY 1923 The attached U. S. Summary tabulations, RS 221A, C, and D, are based cn & 25-percent sample of DSS Forms 221, Report of Physical Examination and Induction, re- ceived at National Headquarters during April and May 1943. In addition, this release includes two tables and a figure which summarize the defect data presented in RS 221A. DSS Form 221 for registrants deferred after local board physical examination because of dependency, occupation, or overage have been omitted from these tabulations. An additional column showing the principal defects of registrants rejected at induction stations because of remediable or limited service defects is now present- ed in RS 221A. Also the data for RS 221C, which formerly were presented on three separate pages, are now shown on a single page. CAUSES OF REJECTION Figure l and the data presented in Table l show the relative importance of rejection among white and Negro registrants, separately and combined. Mental disease was the leading cause of rejection among all registrants due to its predominance among white registrants. Educational deficiency ranked second; the proportion of regis- trants rejected for this cause increased slightly for both white and Negro, enough to raise it from seventh to fifth place among whites and to maintain it in first place among Negroes, Among white registrants eye defects were third in order of importance, ranking below mental disease and musculoskeletal defects; in the tabulations for March this defect ranked eighth among white registrants. The rise in rank for eye defects appears to be due to the reduction in the number of registrants inducted for limited service during this period. There was also an increase in rejections for eye defects among Negroes but not enough to bring about a change in the relative rank of rejections for eye defects. - Syphilis decreased in order of importance as a cause of rejection among all registrants but not enough to be displaced as the second most important cause of re- jection among Negroes. This was the res...t of the policy of accepting registrants with uncomplicated syphilis for treatment after induction. Rejections because cf underweight or overweight displaced tuberculosis as tenth most important cause of re- jection among both white and Negro registrants combined. Weight deviation was more important as a cause of rejection among white registrants than among Negroes. REJECTIONS FOR LIMITED SERVICE AND REMEDIABLE DEFECTS 8.1 percent of all white rejected registrants had limited service cr re- mediable defects; the percentage for Negroes was 7.9. The six leading principal de- fects among these registrants are as follows: White Negro Hernia Hernia Mental disease Educational deficiency Eye Eye Musculoskeletal Gonorrhea and other venereal Ear Genitalia Cardiovascular Musculoskeletal INDUCTIONS FOR LIMITED SERVICE The tabulations for April and Mey show that only 4.7 percent of the induct- limited service whereas the corresponding per- HEOPLASMS AND CYSTS 74. 570 181 309 9 lc69 825 318 l24.3 Malignant growths 2O 23 3 26 /.6 46 Gther neoplasms and cysts 28 22O 35 125 6 386 283 }; % Pilonidai cysts 26 327 l/.3 18/. 3 657 A96 187 683 INFECTIOUs, PARASITIC AND 6 62 50 2 l].A. lig 2 12C EPIDEMIC DISEASES OTHER DISEASEs, DEFECTs 299 3260 A71 3916 375 8C 22 AC3C A,291 832]. AND ANOMALIES Overweight 82 1531 35 2659 110 A.335 1648 27.6% #37 Underweight 44 1270 312 11.68 252 30% 1626 l/.20 30% Overheight 7 25 l 26 2 l 33 Underheight 67 13C 6 l 2 139 203 3 #: Öther diseases and defects 99 3CA. 118 87 ll 520 521 Q8 619 NOW-MEDICAL 31 2032 lA. 2OO l 2374. 220ſ, 201 2.05 Alien 92 4. l62 l 259 96 163 # Medical discharge, cause not stated 8 82 13 15 ll C lC3 +: Discharge, other than honorable 18 283 38 l/, 335 339 i4 353 Overage or underage 38 l 4. 43 39 4. é Rejection due to other non-medical reasons 5 1537 85 5 1627 l627 5 1632 # or mental defects. Includes all races other than Negro. * Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during April and May. Includes registrants inducted for special assignment. Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical Fºr IPA, IEEE TS OF Rī3TST: ANTS REEcº, , ;)) ..… .º.º., As 3:3N ON £3:#S 221 RECEIVEO AT HATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING APHT, Ajº º A. lºſ...} {}{}}. Ur:ited States l wº-º-º-º: Negro Registrants Physically examined at induction station Rejected after local Rejected Inducted Total Total To a.º. Defect, board Total physical." physical Remediable rejected inducted examined 3,' examination Disqual- . . . General Limited examined ified sº. service 2/| service TOTAL AA29 15362 1692 l66l. 238 33906 21483 16852 38335 NO DEFECT 12867 12867 12867 l2867 EYE DEFECTS 86 755 149 350 l63 1417 990 513 l;03 Blindness, bilateral 10 l l ll 11 Blindness, unilateral 32 52 14. 14. 80 98 l/. ll2 Eye diseases 27 486 94. ll6 85 781 6O7 2Ol 808 Defective vision 17 216 Al 234 64. 555 27/. 298 572 EAR DEFECTS 19 164. 16 A9 7 236 199 56 255 Deafness, bilateral 6 2 2 8 8 Deafness, unilateral 2 3 l 4. 5 l 6 Qtitis media 3 93 10 l 104. 106 l 107 Other ear defects 3 Al 5 18 2 66 A9 20 69 Defective hearing 5 25 l 30 4. 60 31 3/. 65 TEETH DEFECTS 19 157 6 505 668 182 505 637 Dentures l 20 53 73 2l 53 7A. §issing teeth 5 A2 4. l66 2l2 51 l66 217 Caries ll 73 2 252 327 86 252 338 {\ther dental defects 2 22 34. 56 24 34. 58 MOUTH AND GUM DEFECTS 5 2l 5 31 57 31 3l 62 ROSE DEFECTS 3 54. 5 43 l 103 62 44. 106 Simusitis l 22 l 23 24 24. Wasomotor rhinitis 18 3 20 Al 2l 20 Al Nasal diseases and deformities l ll l 5 17 l3 5 18 Nasal obstruction l 3 18 l 22 4. 19 23 THROAT DEFECTS l 14 l 26 Al 16 26 42 Diseased tonsils l 8 l 26 35 10 26 36 Other throat defects 6 6 6 6 LUNG DEFECTS A5 231 38 19 288 3ll. 19 333 Asthma 34 lA0 ll 12 163 l85 12 197 Other lung defects, except tuberculosis ll 91 27 7 125 129 7 136 TUBERCULOSIS 6l 329 93 3 l 426 A83 4. A87 Tuberculosis, active pulmonary 27 102 4. 106 133 133 Other tuberculosis 6 7 7 l3 13 Tuberculosis, arrested pulmonary 2 125 71 l l 198 198 2 200 Tuberculosis, suspected or unspecified pulmonary 26 95 18 2 115 139 2 lAl CARDIOWASCULAR 136 l281 1Ol 59 1441 1518 59 1577 Cardiovascular diseases other than 13 5l. 4. 55 68 68 rheumatic or valvular Rheumatic heart 3 sease 7 55 6 6l 68 68 Valvular heart disease 59 *; 29 : º: º : º: Cardiac hypertrophy 20 - 4. Hypertension, arterial 22 546 50 596 618 618 Other cardiovascular defects 10 42 3 8 53 55 8 63 Tachycardia 4. 28 5 l 34. 37 l 38 Cardiac arrhythmia l l 2 3 2 2 4. Functional murmurs 9 39 A8 9 39 A8 BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS 3 3 3 3 HERNIA A62 325 292 59 676 1079 59 1138 Inguinal hernia 399 254. 25l. 505 90/. 904. Abdominal hernia 43 59 Al 34. 134. 143 34. 177 Hermia, other and unspecified l2 5 9 14. 17 9 26 Relaxed rings 8 7 16 23 15 16 31 1/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during April and May. 2/ Includes registrants inducted for special assignment. - 3/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. PRINCIPAL DEFEcts of REGISTRAnts Rejecred AND INDUCTED, As shown on poRus 221 RECEIVED Aº ‘A’. onAL SE AIX, JARTERS DURING APRIL AND MAY 1943 FROM United States l/ d Negro Registrants * -º-º-º-º-º-º: Physically examined at induction station Rejected arter local Rejected Inducted Total Total `otal Defect board physically physical Total rejected inducted examined 3/ examination| Disqual- |Remediable General Limited examined ified or limited service 2/ service service KIDNEYS AND URINARY SYSTEM 7 141 35 28 20/. 183 28 2ll Nephritis and pyelonephriti 3 23 4. 27 30 30 Nephrolithiasis & 5 l 2 8 6 2 8 Bladder defects 3 4. 2 6 7 2 9 Kidney Gefects, other 8 l l 10 9 l 10 Urinary findings, abnormal l lCl 29 23 153 l31 23 l;4 ABDOMIt{AL WISCERA 19 74. 7 A. 85 10O 4. 104. Gastric ulcer 10 48 2 50 60 60 Other gastro-intestinal defects 9 26 5 4. 35 40 4. 44 GENITALIA 51 213 ll 2 28/. 2 6ll 376 286 662 Absence or atrophy of testicle l 8 15 23 9 15 24 Undescended testicle 6 53 33 4. l 91 92 5 97 Waricocele 8 15 3 63 81. 26 63 89 Other genital defects 36 137 76 2O2 l Al6 249 203 A52 SYPHILIS 2584. 666 62 726 l 1455 3312 727 AC39 Neurosyphilis 9 158 8 166 175 175 Cardiovascular syphilis ll ll ll 22 22 Syphilis, other A22 21.0 5l. 726 l 1018 713 727 l/A0 Positive serology 2142 257 3 260 2402 2402 GONORRHEA AND OTHER 45 194. 1Al 404 3 742 380 AO7 737 WENEREAL DISEASES Gonorrhea 28 177 126 38/. 3 690 331 387 718 Other venereal infection 17 17 15 2O 52 A9 20 69 SKIN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS 13 85 19 17 l2]. Ill'? l? 134. HEMORRHOIDS AND OTHER RECTAL 2l A9 33 16 98 103 16 119 DEFECTS WARICOSE WEINS 40 9/. 22 l4 2 132 156 16 172 ILLITERACY AND MENTAL DEFICIENCY 90 5934. 229 217 6380 6253 217 6470 Moron, imbecile, and idiot 34. l27 9 136 170 170 Educationi deficiency - 22 55A3 217 205 5965 5782 205 5%; Mental deficiency, unspecified 34. 26/. 3 12 279 301 12 313 MENTAL DISEASES 66 1855 5l. 18 l 1925 1972 19 1991 Grave mental or personality disorders 17 99 102 119 119 Major abnormalities of mood 19 19 19 19 Psychopathic personality 15 849 32 7 888 896 7 903 Psychoneurotic disorders 20 81/. 14. ll l 840 848 12 * Chronic inebriety and drug addiction 2 60 2 62 64. # Mental disease not classifiable elsewhere 12 14. l/, 26 2 NEUROLOGICAL 130 598 29 5 l 633 757 6 763 Epilepsy 34. 96 3 99 133 *:: Chronic encephalitic syndrome 9 l 10 10 137 Post-traumatic cerebral syndrome 5 175 7 182 *:: l 65 Poliomyelitis, residuals of 30 31 3 l § § 5 368 Other neurological defects 61 287 15 5 307 363 MUSCULO-SKELETAL 423 744. 109 136 30 1019 1276 166 1442 Amputation 93 82 ll 23 6 122 186 & *:: Osteomyelitis 12 44. 5 l 50 6l 69 Ankylosis 34. 33 l l 35 ; l 87 Arthritis 15 67 5 72 6 Muscular atrophy 26 30 4. 1. 35 60 1. ; Injury, residuals of 143 254. 55 # i; 3; *:: # 109 Spinal malformations 32 57 2: 62 5 27O 271 67 338 Musculo-skeletal defects, congenital and other 68 177 1/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during April and May. 2/ Includes registrants inducted for special assignment. Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTS REJECTED AND INDUCTED, As SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT MATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING APRIL AND MAY 1943 FROM Negro Registrants United States l/ Physically examined at induction station Rejected after local Rejected Inducted Total Total Total Defect board Total physically physical Remediable rejected inducted examined 3/ xamination| Disqual- or limited General Limited examined ified serºi. service 2/| service - FEET 36 758 31 39/, lA. ll.97 825 408 1233 Pea planus 26 7OA. 27 373 l3 1117 757 386 ll/.3 Other foot defects 10 54. 4. 2l l 80 68 22 90 ENDOCRINE DISTURBANCES ll 53 2 3 58 66 3 69 Digbetes mellitus 4. 22 l 23 27 27 Frohlich's syndrome 4. l2 l 2 15 17 2 19 Thyroid disturbances 3 7 l 8 10 l ll Öther endocrine disturbances l2 12 l2 l2 NEOPLASMS AND CYSTS l3 A8 lC) 16 71. 71 16 87 Malignant growths 2 l l 3 3 9ther neoplasms and cysts 8 43 6 15 64. 57 15 72 Pilonidal cysts 3 4. 4. l 9 ll l l2 INFECTIOUs, PARASITIC AND 9 23 32 32 32 EPIDEMIC DISEASES OTHER DISEASEs, DEFECTs 39 262 62 3l2 l2 648 363 32/, 687 AND ANOMALIES Överweight 5 136 5 240 4. 385 l/.6 244 390 Underweight 6 59 23 65 6 153 88 71 159 Overheight 2 l 3 3 3 Underheight 9 2O 20 29 29 "ther diseases and defects 19 4.5 33 7 2 87 97 9 106 NON-MEDICAL 4. 25l. 9 9 269 264. 9 273 Alien 3 7 lO 3 7 lò Medical discharge, cause not stated l l 6 ; 1% Discharge, other than honorable 4. i. : l ; : 22 Overage or underage 23.9 4. 223 223 223 Rejection due to other non-medical reasons # or mental defects. Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during April and May. Includes registrants inducted for special assignment. Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical RACE, MARTTAL STATUS AND DEPENDENTS OF REGISTRANTS PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING APRIL AND MAY 1943 FROM United States Race and marital status Examined at locali board Inducted 2/ Number of dependents Number of dependents TotalTotal NoneOneTwo orNot,NoneOneTwo orNote InOrºestatedIn Orºestated All races27695613335764871466333209516110879812361812691618199 Single191683120426179612675726539llĄĄ2772776100LĄ.1564015997 Married67686637),4292115530286138918A42324,27991621054 Separated10422 370023592929l4344444137910751386604 Divorced4800211411239955682445970613573289 Widower1192457330262143440lĄl1549550 No entry11732861771605504341234660205 White*238621117383557013852027017l/,/,25672794324122318915861 Single1661611069881Ą2722222622675102687668108359134571Ą06l Married59929560738719132032400355/, /,39232260),8083934 Separated6593236013861948899318799/,7571030406 DivorcedA 19918929628584872143859529503252 Włdower761309222151793181051216428 No entry9782271/401344773771034252180 Negro383351597),917081135078168527O183769 37272338 Single2552213438 ·3689A531386),117405966165521831936 Married77577674202232746l33745OO1675107912O Separated3829134097398l5351257385318356198 Divorced60122216l13781302lll8Ą.7037 Włdowſer431148108lll6412236333122 No entry1955937267357204825 l/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during April and May. 2/ Includes registrants inducted for special assignment. * Includes alſ races other than Negro. k. OCCUPATIONs, By RACE, OF REGISTRANTs PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, As SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING APRIL AND MAY 1943 FROM United States l/ White and Negro Registrants Number receiving local Number inducted 2 Occupation group and occupation board physical examination cted 2/ - Total White+ Negro Total White+ Megro TOTAL 276956 238621 38335 161108 l/A256 16852 PROFESSIONAL AND SERIPROFESSIONAL WORKERS - 7285 6998 287 - A279 41.54 125 º Professional workers 3704. 35.18 186 1961 1879 82 Lawyers and judges 442 A38 4. 221 219 2 Physicians, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, etc. 185 185 77 77 i.eachers, professors, and county agents 763 695 68 A2l 386 35 Technical engineers, chemists, and architects 576 572 4. 357 355 2 Musicians, writers, artists, and actors 1334. 1240 94. 659 621 38 Jther professional workers 404 388 16 226 221 5 Semiprofessional Workers 3581 3480 101 2318 2275 43 Designers, draftsmen, and surveyors 1380 1369 11. 937 932 5 Dancers, showmen, and athletes 3.11 274 37 171 153 18 Technicians and assistants, laboratory 853 840 13 568 563 5 ther semiprofessional workers 1037 997 40 642 627 15 FARMERS AND FARM MANAGERS 3195 2506 689 1335 1090 245 PROPRIETORS, MANAGERS, AND OFFICIALs, EXCEPT FARM 9982 9762 220) 5379 5282 97 •º Government officials 391 387 4. 236 232 4. Proprietors, mgrs. , and officials, wholesale and retail 5926 5805 l2]. 3149 3101 48 ther proprietors, managers, and officials, except fars 3665 3570 95 1994. 1949 45 CLERICAL, SALES, AND KINDRED WORKERS 33521 32.429 1092 21256 2O608 648 Clerical and Kindred Workers 2/.391 23586 805 15904. 15408 496 ookkeepers, accountants, cashiers, and ticket agents 2596 2585 ll 1558 1552 6 3tenographers, typists, and office machine 2erators 2080 2049 31 1342 1323 19 ail carriers, baggagemen, and express messengers 584. 552 32 380 362 L8 hipping and receiving clerks 3227 30Al 186 2llA. 2007 107 ther clerical and kindred workers 15904 15359 545 10510 1016/. 346 Salesmen and Kindred Workers 91.30 884.3 287 5352 52OO 152 ales agents and brokers 2182 2139 43 1229 1205 24. anvassers, peddlers, and newsboys 459 Al 9 40 179 155 24 Salesmen, retail and not elsewhere classified 6370 6170 200 3901 3801 1GO Salesmen, not specified 119 115 4. 43 39 A. CRAFTSMEN, FOREMEN, AND KINDRED WORKERS 26.908 2532O 1588 16227 1552]. 706 arpenters, cabinetaakers, and patternmakers ...” 3A27 3265 162 2040 1972 68 asons, plasterers, stonecutters, and cement finishers 673 524 L.9 362 297 65 Painters and paperhangers 1835 1648 187 889 8O1 83 lumbers, and gas and steam fitters 873 836 37 545 530 1.5 lectricians 924 904 2O 597 589 8 Roofers and sheet metal workers 1552 1504. 48 1031 10] j. 20 Cranemen, construction mach. opers. , stationary engineers 1548 1/86 62 969 9A3 26 lachinists, millwrights, and tool makers 2O5l. 2026 25 1380 1372 3 lacksmiths, boilermakers, rollers, structural metal wºrs. 1118 1060 58 717 694 23 gºlders, metal 333 272 61 202 173 29 echanics and repairmen, automobile 2120 1923 197 ll30 il Ol 79 echanics and repairmen (exc. automobile), and loom fixers - 3972 38A3 129 2533 2463 70 rinting craftsmen 889 863 26 515 501 14. akers *- 593 542 51 328 306 22 occmotive engineers and firemen 264 259 5 197 194. 3 oremen, except farm 2029 1972 57 1215 ii. 88 |. 27 ther craftsmen and kindred workers 2707 2393 314 1527 1386 lAl Uſ F, RATIVES AND KINDRED WORKERS 92.768 84.955 7813 58634 54872 3762 Hundry operatives, except private family 788 529 259 420 287 133 peratives and laborers, crude petrol. and natural gas 337 335 2 214 2l/. fline operatives and laborers, except crude petrol. and nat. gas 3559 3138 421. 2018 1830 218 ainters except construction and maintenance 823 759 64 A97 4% 31 hauffeurs, truck drivers, deliverymen, and motormen 18535 15907 2628 10851 97.22 1129 lders and flame cutters AſO2 3893 109 2786 2.13 71 ilers, grinders, buffers, and polishers, metal 2846 2760 86 | 1966 1912 54 rakemen and switchmen, railroad 4.38 431 7 303 299 4. Sailors and deck hands, except U. S. Navy 369 345 24 200 188 12 Linemen and servicemen, telegraph, telephone, and power 699 689 - IO 521 515 6 Jº- l/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during April and May. &/ Includes registrants inducted for special assignment. * Includes all races other than Negro. OCCUPATICNS, BY RACE, OF REGISTRANTS PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING APRIL AND MAY lº/,3 FROM UNITED STATES White and Negro Registrants l/ Number receiving local - Number inducted 2/ Occupation group and occupation board physical examination l - Total White+ Negro Total White+ Negro OPERATIVES AND KINDRED WORKERS (Continued) Firemen, except locomotive and fire department. 5OO 389 lll 251 209 42 Meat cutters, except slaughter and packing hoº::::: 955 908 47 592 572 2O Attendants, filling station, parking lot, airgorº, etc. 2373 2063 31O l/58 1325 133 Miscell aneous specified operatives and kindred wºrkers 6519 62O6 313 4532 A356 176 Cºperatives and kindred workers, not elsewhere classified: Manufacturing Food and kindred products 3409 3Olo 399 2138 1927 2ll Textile, textile products, and apparel 6047 5821. 226 3330 3225 105 Lumber, furniture, and lumber products 24l& 1942 A76 1255 1066 189 Paper, paper products, and printing 1783 1695 88 1097 104.7 50 Chemicals, and petroleum and coal products 2183 2015 168 1480 1399 81 Leather and leather products 1627 1588 39 lOO2 981 2l Stone, clay, and glass products ll69 1078 91 7Ol 662 39 Iron, steel, nonferrous metals and their products 6752 6374 378 4521 4289 232 Machinery and transportation equipment 15315 1/971 344 10794. 10585 209 Not specified metal industries 539 528 ll 356 350 6 Other specified manufacturing industries 1981 1842 139 1227 ll64 63 Not specified manufacturing industries 1533 lA2l ll2 9Al 880 6l. Nonmanufacturing industries and services 5269 A318 951 3183 27.17 466 DOMESTIC SERVICE WORKERS 518 ll6 Aſ)2 216 Al 175 PROTECTIVE SERVICE WORKERS l646 1590 56 1Oll 987 24 SERVICE WORKERS, ExCEPT DOMESTIC AND PROTECTIVE l3670 7933 5737 6762 3822 2940 Barbers and beauticians 560 494. 66 250 228 22 Cooks, except private family 1679 1056 623 850 527 323 Waiters and bartenders 2643 2O55 588 l284 959 325 Other kitchen workers 1938 1072 866 903 464. A39 Charmen, janitors, and porters 3957 128O 2677 1993 583 l/10 Other service workers, except domestic and protective 2893 1976 917 l/82 106l. 421 FARM LABORERS AND FOREMEN 20896 15518 5378 9323 7508 1815 LABORERs, EXCEPT FARM AND MINE 37190 25735 ll/55 1988.l. 15187 4694 Fishermen and oystermen 253 2LO 43 l22 105 17 Lumbermen, raftsmen, and woodchoppers l'7Ol l122 579 639 487 152 Longshoremen and stevedores Al3 242 l?l 170 118 52 Teamsters 16l ll 2 A9 7l 54. 17 Garage laborers, and car washers and greasers 686 26l 425 345 168 177 Gardeners (except farm) and groundskeepers 674. A80 l94. 31 l 235 76 Laborers, not elsewhere classified: Manufacturing Food and kindred products 1786 1426 360 1045 8.8l. l64. Textile, textile products, and apparel 925 760 165 A89 423 66 Lumber, furniture, and lumber products 22O1 1079 ll22 862 516 346 Paper, paper products and printing 549 426 123 306 269 37 Chemicals, and petroleum and coal products 12Al 858 383 769 58/. 185 Stone, clay, and glass products 820 604 216 467 372 95 Metal industries 6337 5080 l257 All2 3426 686 Other specified and not specified manufacturing 1046 771 275 6l.A. 492 122 Nonmanufacturing industries and services Construction 7627 5088 2539 3974 2938 lo.36 Railroads (includes railroad repair shops) 3Ol2 2239 773 1745 l4O4. 34l Other nonmanufacturing industries and services 6021 3923 2098 3126 2259 367 Nonclassifiable laborers 1737 1054 683 714. 456 2 NONCLASSIFIABLE RETURNS 293 235 58 148 l24 24. EMERGENCY WORKERS AND UNEMPLOYED l3317 lo&75 2442 5888 A965 923 Civilian Conservation Corps enrollees 297 216 81 lA5 104. Al Emergency workers, other than C.C.C. enrollees 2231 1575 656 822 6l/, 208 Unemployed (not further specified) 10789 9084 1705 A921 424.7 674 STUDENTS 12337 11647 690 8838 8366 A72 NO ENTRY 3430 3002 428 1931 1729 2O2 1/ Based on a sample of 25 percent of Forms 221 received during April and May. 2/ Includes registrants inducted for special assignment. * Includes all races other than Negro. {ja $, Sºjºſ/ARY TABULATIONS OF DSS FORMS 221 REC(VED DURING JUNE AND JULY 1913 1/ This release includes the regular RS 221A, C, and D tabulations on the defects, marital status, and occupations of registrants inducted and rejected. In addition, two tables and a figure are presented showing rejec- tion rates by broad defect groups and the relative importance of each defect group in rejected registrants and in registrants inducted for limited service, CAUSES OF REJECTION Mental disease and educational deficiency ranked first and second, respectively, as causes of rejection among all races. This was also true in April and May, but the rates of rejection for both causes increased in the later period. The increase was noted in the rejection rates for white and Negro registrants separately. A change in mental testing procedures 2/ at induction stations, effective June 1, 1913, may be reflected in increased rejections for educa- tional deficiency. Among white registrants, it rose from fifth place in April–May to third in June and July; and while it remained the first cause of rejection among Negroes, its rejection rate was l9.5 per 100 Negro reg— istrants examined, as compared to 15.l during April and May. Mental deficiency also increased during this period. However, this increase may actually reflect an increase in educational deficiency, due to the fact that variations in terminology at induction stations result in the designation of some educationally deficient registrants as mentally deficient. This defect did not appear among the ten leading causes of re- jection during April and May; in the June–July period it ranked tenth in order of importance for all races. For Negro registrants, the rejection rate rose from l.2 in the former period to 2.6 per 100 registrants examined; the corresponding increase for white registrants was from 0.6 to 0.9. The full import of the change in mental testing procedures, how- ever, is obscured by the fact that these tabulations are based on Forms 221 received during June and July and include many forms representing examina- tions prior to June 1, 1913. Eye defects decreased from fourth to eighth in importance as a cause of rejection. This sharp decrease is evident in the reduction from third to eighth in importance among white registrants; eye defects dropped from seventh to ninth in order of importance among Negroes during the later period. Other changes in rank of defects as causes of rejection were of minor importance. l/Tables and tabulations in this release are based on a 16.7-percent sample of DSS Forms 221, Reports of Physical Examination and Induction, received at National Headquarters during June and July 1913. Previous tabula- tº c as for 1913 were based on a 25-percent sample of these forms. 2/A. G. 201.6 (l-28–13) OC-0, Mental Induction Standards and Procedures. REJECTIONS FOR LIMITED SERVICE AND REMEDIABLE DEFECTS 5.5 percent of all white rejected registrants had limited service or remediable defects; the percentage for Negroes was l; .0. The six leading principal defects recorded for these registrants are shown below. White Negro Hernia Hernia Feet, Genitalia Weight deviation Gonorrhea and other venereal Eye Musculoskeletal Genitalia Tuberculosis Mental disease Syphilis Eye defects and hernia were the only leading defects common to white registrants rejected for limited service defects during the two peri- ods April–May and June–July. Among Negro registrants, tuberculosis and syphilis replaced eye defects and educational deficiency. INDUCTIONS FOR LIMITED SERVICE On the basis of the tabulations for June and July, only li.0 per- cent of the inducted white registrants were inducted for limited service. The corresponding percentage for April–May receipts was li. 7. Of the Ne— groes accepted at induction stations, l.l, percent were inducted for limited service • Principal defects of these registrants remained very much the same as in April and May, except that for all races eye defects accounted for 73.0 percent of the principal defects in limited service inductees for June–July as compared to 67.l. in the former period. - FIGURE I TEN LEADING CAUSES OF REJECTION JUNE • JULY 1943 RACE WHITE AND NEGRO PER CENT OF TOTAL RE J E C T | ONS Miu scu lo - Ske le f q I Q 5 | O | 5 2O 25 3O 35 M en? O I d is e o se - Education a 1 deficiency M us c ulo-skel et q I C q r d io v c s cu I or He r n id N e urologic q Eye E G r Syph iſ is Me n to I d e fic ie n cy WHITE PER CENT OF TOTAL REJECTIONS 5 | O | 5 2O 25 3 O 35 Ment a d is e a se | Miu scu o-ske le to l E du c q f io no l deficiency C q r dio v c s cu I dr " He r n id Neurologic q I E G r E y e T u be r C u lo S is Lu n g NEGRO P E R CENT OF TO TAL RE JECTIONS - Q § 10 15 20 25 3O - # E duc q t ion a deficiency . , - cº-º - -- º fM en f G | d is e o se -- Syph iſ is = C q r d io v as C u I or - Me n to 1 deficiency He r n id Neurologic q I £y e F 6 e t ſ Rejºr:tion ºat㺠º percentage distribution of causee of rejection by race, Fº Table l lſº registrºntg physically examinºd ºld Jºe-July 1943 1/ Cause of rejection * *-*. -º- Rejection rate per 100 registrants physically examined Percent of total rejections Total White 2/ Negro Total White 2/ Negro Total. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eyes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ears • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Teeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mouth and guns • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Nose" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Throat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lungs- " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tuberculosis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiovascular. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blood and blood-forming. . . . . . Hernia- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kidney and urinary. . . . . . . . . . . Abdominal viscera . . . . . . . . . . . . Genitalia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Syphilis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gonorrhea and other venereal. Skin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hemorrhoids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varicose veins • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Educational deficiency. . . . . . . Mental deficiency. . . . . . . . . . . . Mental disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neurological • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Musculoskeletal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Endocrine • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neoplasms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Infectious and parasitic. . . . . Underweight, overweight, and other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Non-medical reasons. . . . . . . . . . 37.2 l,0-l 56.5 2.0 2.0 l.8 l.8 2-l •l, •l •l •l •l •l 3 : ; # 3/ 3/ % .9 .9 O lel l.2 •9 2.8 2.7 3.5 3/ 3/ 3/ 2.6 2.6 2.l. .6 .6 •l, ,? .8 •3 •5 .5 •6 l. 3 .6 5.2 5.5 3.6 19.; l,2 •9 2.6 7.6 7.7 7.2 2-l 2.1 2.l. 3.6 3.6 3.2 .8 •7 1. •l .5 •2 •3 •l, * •2 3/ 3/ 3/ •9 •9 .6 i.7 l.8 l-l. 100.0 li.9 lı.6 •3 •2 leO •l 2.3 2.8 6.9 •l 6.5 1.5 l.7 lo2 3.3 •2 •7 •l, lel 13.8 2.9 lº).0 5.2 8.8 2.l. l.0 .8 •l 2.2 lº.3 100.0 5.l. 5.6 •3 •2 le2 •l 2.5 3.2 7.l •l O l §i O::. ii: f 100.0 3.2 •7 •2 •l •3 3 3% i.6 6.2 3/ 1297 2.5 •3 •3 •l l-l 2. # Includes rejections at local boards and induction stations. Includes all races other than Negro. % Less than 0.1 per 100. Table 2. Percent distriºtion of principal defecte, its registrants inducted for limited military service by race, June-July 1913 ly Principal defect - Total White 2/ Negro Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.9 99.9 100.0 Eyes • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.0 72.9 76.1 Musculoskeletal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.l. 9.l. ll.1 Ears • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lı.2 l.2 3.7 Underweight, overweight, and other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 3,7 l.8 Feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 3.3 lı.3 2 2s2 •6 l Nose - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •l Teeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •2 i.3 º Neurological. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 •9 º Endocrine• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •3 •3 dº Varicose veins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •3 •3 & º Mental disease. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •3 •3 Gº Skin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •2 •3 tº º Hernia • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •2 •2 º Neoplasms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •2 - •2 tº Educational deficiency. • e o e o e e e •2 - •l .6 Lungs • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •l •l * … Kidney and urinary. . . . . . . . . . . . . •l •l tº Genitalia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •l •l ę Syphilis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - & Me 3/ -6 Gonorrhea and other venereal. . . . •l gº º 1.2 1/ Defects constituting less than 0.1 percent of principal defects for all limited service inductees have been omitted, 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. 3/ Less than 0.1 percent. PRINCIPāi, ºcºs Oy &GISTRAHTS REJECTED ARD INDUCTED, AS sam OM FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT MATIONAL READQUARTERS DURING JUNE ARD JULY 1943 FROM United States l/ White and Negro Registrants Physically exained at induction station Rejected - |after local Rejected . nduo Total Total Total Defect board jec *: I ted Total physically physical - te Remediable l rejected inducted examinºd 3/ |examination Disqual- or limited General Limited examined - ified servi service 2/I service TOTAL 10526 52.563 344.7 95542 36:1 | isszos I &sa 99.193 I lé5734 to DEFECT 65765 65765 65765 65765 EYE DEFECTS 288 2315 187 5286 26.66 10954. 3290 7952 ll 242 §rºness, bilateral 34 . 34, 34 lindnoza, unilateral 99 169 l3 6 lºl 329 281 lAZ 428 yo dº.sesses 98 1497 106 1078 323 3504. l?Ol 1901 3602 efective vision 57 ll/9 68 4202 1702 71.21 1274. 5904 71.78 EAR DEFECTS 218. 2767 49 557 154 3527 3034, 711 37.5 afness, bilateral 33 8 l 9 42 A2 eafness, unilateral 14. 26 2 19 47 42 19 61 titlis media 74. 1838 19 14 2 1873 1931 l6 1947 Anor ear defects 45 805 2L 338 1204. 871 378 1249 efective bearing 52 90 205 93 394. 148 298 446 TEETH DEFECTS 49 94. 42 7336 44 7516 185 7380 7565 Kenturoa l2 2 2 lCl42 10 1056 16 10;2 106.8 issing tseth 16 12 18 34.46 27 3503 46 3473 3519 arios l; 4. 16 l367 3 1390 35 1370 l/O5 }thor dental defects 6 76 6 l,81 4. 1567 88 1485 1573 º:OUTH AND GUM DEFECTS 37 75 27 358 l 46l 139 359 498 NOSE DEFECTS 51 549 45 lAl5 78 2087 645 1493 2138 Siraisitis 10 206 8 36 3 253 224 39 263 ascºmotor rhinitis 29 169 13 A80 27 689 2ll 567 718 ässal diseases and defornities - 8 ll6 13 90 3 222 137 93 230 Yasal obstruction 4. 53 ll 809 45 923 73 854. 927 THROAT DEFECTS 7 27 8 229 264 42 229 271 Bigaased tonsils 5 & 4. 212 220 13 212 225 Other throat defects 2 23 4. 17 44. 29 iſ? &é LUNG DEFECTS 255 ll.26 124 220 3 lAT3 1505 223 1728 Astºna 186 722 2i 109 852 929 109 1038 Other lung defects, except tuberculosis 69 404. 103 lll 3 621 576 ll. $90 TUBERCULOSIS . 379 1334 182 25 1. l;42 1895 26 1921 fruberculosis, active pulmonary 133 374 5 379 512 512 Other tuberculosis - 4]. 25 25 66 66 guberculosis, arrested pulmonary Al 500 108 5 6.13 61.9 5 654, |Tuberculosis, suspected or unspecified pulaonary 164. 435 69 20 l 525 668 21 689 CARDEOWASCULAR 599 3946 59 437 l 4443 460/. 4.38 5042 Cardiovascular diseases other than 58 233 l 234 292 292 rheumatic or valvular Rheumatic heart disease Il; A80 l l 482 595 2 597 Valvular heart disease 210 1455 3 2 1460 1668 2 1670 Cerdise hypertrophy 90 54. 3 57 144 3 lz7 rtension, arterial 65 l/30 33 18 1481 1528 18 1546 Öther cardiovascular defects 38 99 l 109 209 138 109 24.7 Tachycardia 15 182 2l 23 226 218 23 24l Cardiac arrhythmia 7 9 23 32 l6 23 39 Functional murmurs l 4. 258 262 5 258 253 BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGARS º 18 27 5 6 38 50 6 56 K HER WIA 1842 l,68 985 466 8 2927 4295 474. A769 &nguinal hºrntº 1626 1332 888 7 2227 3846 7 3853 Abdorsingl hernia 112 lló 82 Al l 240 310 42 352 Hornia, other and unspecified 82 l6 15 l/5 176 ll3 145 258 Relaxed rings 22 4. 280 284 26 28O 306 1/ Based on a sample of 16 2/3 percent of Foras 221 received during June and July. Ž/ Includes registrants inducted for special assignment. 3/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who cr mental defects. were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical Teorg/ºld autº reqqo suoswer roy petroJep ATAuenbes qns exea oua and uorºsurrºze Teofsaad prºoq twoot a uears area oua squerºspaer go eaſsutorº, •quemºsse Turoeds rog poqonpor; squerq973e soºntouſ •Arnſ pure ounſ ºup.mp paayeoer Tzz saxoi 3o queezed £/z 91 Jo sTimes a wo pegreg * gº ogrep Turquest ro % f : §s / : 4,76T 999 28&T 4,691 29 £09 99. 1,18 OTY req80 pºre Tuapusºmoo “sqoegep Tºotoxs-oſmoºth 669 692 O£6. 997 8 T92 £ 961 T£I sworºwszeirº",º 2.É92 229 OTU2 62T2. L6T g26 OLT A,67T. £09. Jo stumpfger ‘Araſu I T82 9% 972 68t Tz 9T 9 87 I 26 Andorºv arrºw, 4,77 TI 98.7 *79. £ 3 6 ‘729. ØOI gº-ruºw *62 gº 692 98T YI TZ I 67T. 6OT spacT&y 899 4. T99 09% 2 g 9 1.% 802 spºtte&oaq80 1,88 OTZ All 9 Yºg 86 2LT 8 90% £9% uerquºndº 9791, 99 LT O699 9&L9. 97% OTrt 4.92 YUL9. 6T6T. TWJºiºis-Oſiſm)Sſly. &79T 96. 909T 89TT 1. 62 99. 96.OI */L9. gºoeyep Tsop;8oToºmed Isº-0 2.04, 6& 8L9 Allº £2 9 T M.72 067 Jo gTempp sex “spºtoººo; Tod 329 Z29 009 1. £6% 22 emorpuſs Texqereo 973 buºrº-º.8Gd 66 66 89 T 1.9 Ty oulorpuks opartaudoone opuorº 699 69% 62% t 82% O72 Asdørgåg 69.9% 99 YL7% 29.72 O% 99. 97 T262 //0TT TWOIOO'IOR(ſlº £gT £g T. g? g gy GOI exegaeste erqup.JTssuTo qou agees Fp. Tºgoń 93% l, 6L6. £1.6 l, 2. 79% £I uorºoppe 3rup pus Aeriaetºr option.º 4,771, 69T 882, £264, OT 67t 08 780L 72T såeprosyp opyornogovo&c. 769% 9T 6.9% 21.9% 9T 99 T696 ZZ Attwuosiod oftºvdolºg £98. OT 996 g?ć OT T Ygg 8T poon go sepºy Tºmºrouge Xoſéſ 503 908 91.9 91.9 09. I greprogpp Aptuuosited to Teqûoº ºf 373&I T6T A,99&I 9972.I OT TBI 7gt T602I &T/ SGISWRISIO TWINº. * Lºſ Iz £92. I Yatt Tz 8 g6OT OçT pep Jyoodsun *Áogeyo Frop Tºšić. 9986 Č04, 79. T6 LT86 9 969 9T 6606 6% Alouepop gep Tºucº, 939 339 T97 T 097 1,22 3oppp pure ‘eſpo equip ‘gº; 33.3TT £2, 96.OTI 2O7II 9 All gºdſ Y990T 917 IORTIOLIGO TVLMGM GMV Kovº.ITII 3&OT ‘70% 76/, 263 OT Y62 OOT 887 97t SNISA §SOOTHWA Sº Jºãºſ. I 367 *Oz */62 29? T 902 98 £rt 99 TwºOº. §§HLO (INW SOIIOH}{\{OREIH 366 09.9 997 826 6 Tøg 89 O%. Ol. SROLLIONOO GNV S3SYSISIOI NIXS ££ aſt TZ *72 ZI £ 6 6 uorºpe Jury Tuezeaea Jºë Ol.9 977 72T T99 2 777 T9 Yg 6T. usq.1.xotºj Sºis WCSIGI TVºiºſhº £09 89.7 gºt gl.9 2 997 *7g £9 82 Hº,0 CINW WºłłłOHOO £g TT 2 £9 TT 6t 2 Z 9T 9&IT AC3oto-Ieg aalgºgºdº 336'ſ 39%T O6% 09/.T. 2 999 I Ty TGT 86 I reuno “splººdA's T% Tć 9T 9I 9T at Tſūd Ās ruTaoguaorprºº 909 909 999 OT 979 09 spºt ºud Aeorºlºš 67.9. Ol.9T 6LT2 6732 Z 999 I £g 92, 00%rt SITIEºs 73/. 209 282 76/, 209 04. 29T 09 sºoegep Tuqſues JºžG. 380T 67OT 69. 1,90T $70T l, II TZ eTeoooºººº, T6? 99 gz7 g?? £ £9 8&T T92 97 eTopºgo" popueosepºyſ, L8 I gTT 22 29. I 9TI b.I g eTop 3 seq. Jo Aqdoºrºº Jo sourgºt; CO%3 26/, I 89/. 84.62 £ 6&LI 902 Ty? ZZT WTTWIIHº 90% 27 792 O92 2? 6T 68T 99. sqosjep Tuupºs ºup-orqsis3 : 303:30 91.3 O2, 998 £69 Oz /...I 999 £8T Jeota op.13 gº 2.3TT 29 OZIt £76 29 9% 978 662 WHºðSIA IWRIAOG&W 094, 38'ſ 29% O7L I 1,8. Cl O37 OT Teszowan ‘ssurpºrts &uursa £OT 7 66 83 2 Z 9 81, 9T Jewºo “sqoegep Astrºpy; 27 A. 96. O% b 8 9T ZT sº objep Jeppelg */6 9. I T2 93 £I d. 99 6 spawpuº to Tuđeg 36T 2 96T 2LT 2 Tć 69. I 92 gp3 prudogore&d pure 213.p.3.q.deº 4,3'UT *Tz £L6 QTTT 9. TIz */2T All &l, PºS (S ºſºtiſh OſſW SKºtODIYI •oraxes /z sopaxes | ... º.” peºg peurſuers pººl Taxeues) 3. *|-Tºmbsta kioſaurºuxe /º parture] pºonpºrt | poweefe, Tºppeused Tºops ſqd 'KTTwop géºd Tºyoº. prºoq 49e3ed Tºgo.g. Tºol. Tºol, peºgnpuſ peºpoſed Tsoot &eqJu peºceſsº uopºuqº uorºonpºr; qu peºpºre ASITsogs&I Geºbº-S poq puſh squurgp8eu outsen pºrts eqpuri - Lºgi º winſ (ITW ºf Oºtºº Sººnwººdwith TWROLIVE IV Gºiáſzoº Tzz Sºloi Mo KºoBS Sw “GºongMI (IMy Gºosſº SITWISIO* 10 groxix. TvåIONIHà Tsogs&d treq, requo sucraea aog palaegep ATAuenbosqns exea oua &nd woº Teopºd *::: Tsoot e weapº exea on a gººrs rºup89J Jo Gapsn'Loxº euß;sse Tugoods toy peºonpur squezqsp?er sepatou I •Arnſ pºre sunf Suprap peafooer Tzz saxoi Jo queored £/z 9T Jo eIdºse tº uo pesag *gqooyop Teques, to % 682: 2 4,8& 2822 2 26. 87.22 4. goossex Taoppeus-uca req}o oº Gºlp uopºse; ºſ 99 99 99 */ 29 e3exspun Io 93Exº 829, 4.7 Tg? 297 A7 £ ZT” 99 awosve; tızeg 4.9 &T 09 £3 1.I 96. *T psºsºs qoºy esneo “eºrettosºp Tºo; ºft 96ſ 98T OT Y6t 98T T 3 T tº ºff g?I£ T92 Y692 4.90% T92 O7 99.2 38 *IVOICE.-MOś gTY 67 99% 82% £ 97 08 66t 1.8 gºoeyep pºrts &ssuesºp I&tº G 9%I 96. I */8 9 8/. 29 3u8 pºiegº.g. £2. £z O2 O2 g quºtgºrgºñº. 1,94. I 970T TTW, 6ILT O6 996 10& 997 86 qu?pati.rspºº 97gz 2 O92 O872 Ty 99& LI 19T 99 3u8 ſealeão S&TTWWOHW (IMW 1,187 T6% 987t Tć97 *gºt 4,926 OT& O66 972 SLOSIQG ‘S3SYQSIQ HGH:0 SciSWTSIGI JIRºſſ Idºl 6/, 6. 94. 82 1.7 7 GMV ODIISwāvā ‘Sſo1403&RI *Tºy 4.2. I 1.82 86% T 92I */9 (.3L 9T * sys&o Tspygorºd gT9. *OT TIZ 282 9 86 9& £9T £6 g484 o pure sageTioga zººd 4.6 A.C. £2 £z 7I sq+sor? Augu:3;{u}: 994, Tø2 99.9 £OL A. Y&Z 6OT £90, Ø9 S.S.R.O CINW SRSWI&O ºn Q&T g çTI £6 T 7 2 93 A.& seoueqiva spp Gºrīzoopas req}0 O7I 92 gTI 66 92 OT Y9 Tºy geourbºTºgyp pro-Aug. TO2 Tø 09 I O/T TI O7 2. ITU Té 8 : WołTHori 60% 60% T9T T O9T 87t stºp TToei ga; cºurg 0&. T3 699 £29. ZI 69 gT 1.27 A.Y.2 SºoHVºIſºSICI ºf NIHOOOINº. 607 69T *79.2 97% 4.2 27T 9T 09T 89 | gºo &ep 4oo.J. J. Guº O 6.7% 90ZZ £YIt 6.92% *76 2TIz 6 790T 03 - gnºrs.T.ſ seg 23 L& glgz LLCI Y[9% TZT *7922 92 7IZI 86 I Jºãº •otaxes /z eotaxes ...º.” perº pººr"re priºri | teasuso |...] -inësia vºwſ: /; peurºze połomput peacefez Taurºpened Tsotsiººd At Tºops &nd Tºo, - prºoq 30939(I Tºqoº. Tºo, Tºo. pºonpur peºpeſos Tsoot Isºs pºqoeſ ºf uopºsºs uopºonpºp qu peuplºuxe ASITsogs&q& - /f SH:ºrtſwºº H TVNOIEWII Jºſ (IFAIºſ Tzz SL&ICMI (O IMOES squusº sp3ou ox89N gue equa sequq S peq Tun ºù ºf NInfº ºne ºim SV "Gºlºſ'ſſºr QūW Gºſſºi Sºsºi [O Sºl TV.IIºIIH.I * * * *::::::::::::::::::::::: *:::::::::: * * * * DURING JUM AMD JULY 1943 FROM United States White Registrantsº Physically examined at induction station Rej Total Tots]. after l Inducted Toºal © O Defect board Rejected Total physically physical Remediable rejected inducted examined 3/ ºxamination Disqual- or limited General Limited examined ified .." service 2/I service TOTAL 8.197 40978 286l. 84536 3488 131863 52036 88024 140060 NO DEFECT 58O35 58035 58035 58O35 EYE DEFECTS 228 2/335 163 500s 25.42 10148 2826 7550 10376 indness, bilateral 25 25 25 indness, unilateral &O 134. ll 5 127 277 225 l32 35? g diseases . 75 1257 88 995 770 31.10 l/20 1735 31.3% fective vision 48 104.4 64 4008 1645 6761 iljó 5653 680% EAR DEFECTS 207 2671 48 148 3388 2926 669 3595 afness, bilateral 33 7 l & 41 4}. afness, unilateral 14 25 2 17 44. 4l lºy 3& ;itis media *3 1781 19 13 l 1814 1873 14. 1837 bar ear defects 44. 774 2l 332 40 llé7 839 372 12li lfective hearing 43 84 5 l?6 90 355 l32 266 398 TEETH DEFECrs 4l 82 39 7003 44. 71.68 162 7047 720.9) bntures sº 12 2 l 1OOO 10 1013 l3 IClſ) }{2} ssing teeth l3 12 l6 3303 27 3358 4l 3330 337}. Briº 3 10 3 16 l249 3 1271 29 1252 123i sher dental defects 6 65 6 L45l. 4. 1526 77 lºº, i532 MöUTH AND GUM DEFECTS 35 68 25 339 l 433 128 340 453 NOSE DEFECTS 46 513 44. 1377 77 2Oll 603 l/54. 2C5% imºsitis 3 190 7 35 3 235 205 38 243 agomotor 'rhinitis 27 163 13 463 27 666 203 A90 é93 agal diseases and deformities 7 102 13 87 2 204 l22 89 2:ll agal obstruction 4. 58 ll 792 45 906 73 837 91. *HROAT DEFEcts 5 24. 8 212 244 37 212 2}} £88ased tonsils 3 4. 4. 196 204 ll 196 20fy ther throat defects 2 20 4. 16 40 26 16 42 LUNG DEFECTS 228 944, 107 199 3 *253 l279 202 lá83. §thma 164 594, 20 98 712 778 98 £7% her lung defects, except tuberculosis 64 350 87 101 3 5&l 50l. loſ, 605 TUBERCULOSIS 34% 1173 144 24 l 1342 1663 25 ić uberculosis, active pulmonary *:: 320 3 323 447 44.7 ther tuberculosis 23 23 59 59 iberculosis, arrested pulmonary 37 440 8l. 5 526 558 5 $33 Iberoulbsis, suspected or unspecified pulmonary 149 390 60 19 l 470 599 20 6.1% CARDIOWASCULAR | 509 31/2 50 403 l 3596 3701 40% Áló3 ardiovascular diseases other than 49 202 l 203 252 252 rheumatic or valvular aumatic heart disease 106 446 l l 448 552 2 554. alvular heart disease 182 1177 3 2 1182 1362 2 3.36% ardiac hypertrophy 74. 44 3 47 118 3 123, ypertension, arterial 5l. 1016 31 18 1065 1098 18 liló ther cardiovascular defects 28 80 l 104. 185 109 104. 213 §chycardia lº 167 14 2l 202 194, 21 215 ;Srdiac arrhythmia 6 7 2l 28 13 2l 3% Functional murmurs 3 233 236 3 233 236 BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS 17 27 5 6 38 A9 6 53 HERNIA lº:35 1343 806 Alſº 8 25% 3684 425 Alſº .nguinal hernia 1362 1235 743 7 1985 3340 7 334.7 bdominal hernia 88 89 48 14 l 152 225 15 2:40 Hernia, other and unspecified 65 15 15 137 167 95 137 232 Rºlaxed rings 20 4. - 266 270 24. 266 290) l/ Based on a sample of 16 2/3 percent of Forms 221 received during June and July. 3/ Includes registrants inducted for special assignment. j/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who or mental defects. Uncludes all races other than Megree were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical Two;s&d uuq, xoqqo guosvex toy paireyep Atquenbºsqns area oua &nd uoſºvºſºre Tºops&d •Armſ pun ounſ Suprap peapooed Izz saxoi 30 queored £/z 9T Jo aidº e to 38393 Aſ *ex3es tºu: Teutºo geotex tº 39pmTotº # * Gºoc.; ºf Tºugºl & prºoq twoot w wearſ exea oua guerºatáez gº eagºwroxi /ă *queudºrss's Tºoeds acy pºongtry squexºgrfax gopistº: /; 97Lt O29 9&TI T8%I 69 # 09 TIL, 99% reqqo pºre Tºqpureauco “Gºoſejép Taºisº-d'Isºgºń Tºg ººz £32 gzºy 9 6 99T. 9TI sucrºegirostau. Tºgdă' £922 987 3LT 89.3T. §§ { 00% gºrſ O&T go? go ºtzºg';2 ºr ‘Aząſtāī Oºz 9% *Tz Zºº Tz 9T % Tęt 8l. Audoxºe &ptºn; zig? TI T6% 60% g 8 9 262 £6 gºº." Tú3-ſº *gz º Tzz 9&T Øt O2 T zzT 86 gºaoTASū? Yºg 80% 6T6 2 y % 30% 96E gºpºg Tekulogº.g.0 Tºya, £9% gºy 9% 29t 9 6%. 862 uopºgºrdºğ TTAS) £69t $10% Ç90% Lzº, 90%I 6Tz TIZE 879t Tºſº S-C/IſºSſſſ $A2T Tć £ºzt Yºš d Yz Oć £63 026 gºoeyep Tºop 3OTornøtt reºč 219 62 £79 692 62 9 Oć2 £rºy Jo gTemppser ‘spºrtekº Töö 997 997 gyy 9 O” Qz gºoxpºks Tarqexeo of 3 burrs I3-4833 06 06 0% T 67 O? emorpuſs of 3p Teqdeone opuorº TO% TO% £1.3 $1.2 22 AsdóTydä £006 09 £762 986t O6 Oć Lø T69t 9TOt TWOIOOTCŞIſlgin 16. I &T 27 % 1% 96 exegueste otger JTssuTo qou essesſp Tºgº: $3% l &gg Aº A. 2 36% &T uorqorppe snap puu Aof…aoap opuokº 94.99 £º €zºº 9979 OT £7T 94. 86.29 OTI sleptosyp opºornouous A43 §§§3. 9T £782 6982 9T 99 83/2 6T. Aftwaosied orºudouoſº *gg GI #26. §I6 OT T & 9T poou, Jo sepºy Tenºrotique roſe: 6&l, 62, ØT9 £1.9 9II sizeprospp Aq;Teucered to Tºquets erºt £660T 93t 8080T £299T OT 94.T 6%T T620T 99% SºSWQSIQi Tſºngſ; 32/, zt 9TL 909 Ž: 3 98% | £ZT popjYoodsum ‘Acuerop.jsp Tºº $297 T6? 96 tº 009? g 99% 9T *607 62 Alouepop gop Tugołºś. $% 9% 67% 67% 46t qoppp pure *otſpooqºr; “uozo; £ö#9 £0% 007, %99, s 867 £2 8.20% 67% Xºlolºſſ TWIN.INI (IIW IOWNºLITTI gºš 232 €29 1.8l. OT 2L2 99 6Tºy 8tſ SMITA 3SOOINVA - Sºlºſſ 4.0% 6LT 322 196 T 8LT 99. £2.É. 0% TVºI HTHIO (IWW SGIOBM&OXºſh £ºſé ÇTº 66% 1.93 . 6 *0% 4.9 A8& 99. SıOLLIONOO (IHW SºSWQSIQ RIXS 9 9, £ y £ T 2 uopºpe Jury Tuezsaaa Leº gºrg OTT 96. gºt QTT ‘rſ 6T. º wequxottºj såsvaSIG TväänäA %g: £TI Ty 17t Ørt *T O2 l $ººr.O. QſNW WºłOHOt) O3: T 622 *T T T 2T 9Iz AC3oto-Ieg ea;4;993 296 908 99T 106 T 908 6 26 99. req}o “sprºud & QI OT l i. % spirºd As retnosaao'ſ prº §?” 6?? zty 9 907 42 spTſūd Āsorneº T%9t Aſ)3 Yºg Oºr T 909 9T ÆTº TTg SITIHäAS 909, T26, *gſ *L*. T26, % 8TI T£ sqooyep TººgueB Jeº O2DT A.86 £g £OOT i.36 9 OT ALT eTooooº...tº A Tg? . 29 68% OTºy % 6% TZT 122 Ty stepºse; popu99s egºſ, *ZE 90T 6T. 6TI 90T ºrt % eTop4seq. Jo Aqdorº's rc goûgºgy OOTZ £1.7t 929 900Z º zºſt 29T 69% 76 WIIWLINº 3/2: zy 9& £62 zy 9T 9/...I 97 sqoegep Tsurpºsequy-ºxºsº rºt. 86.; AI TT8 879 iT §I 9T3 08T zºoto ºxyge: $0TT 6% Mºot T38 6% O6 26/, 982 Wºłºś. A TWHIR:00ſº 999 A.L.T. 8.7 979 T 9/I G9 90? OT Tsurrouqs ‘słuppºpº Arvºrºſ; (XOt * 96 %2 2 2 9 %l. 9T req90 “gºoey tºp Alsº: 9% 9 O6 92 9 $2 ZI OT sº objep Jeppº; 36 2T 8l. T8 ZI 9 69 6 stºpºgroxide; *9t 2 zºt 09T 2 €2 99T *z spapruđex.ºrº&d pºre 973 tº: g30T TO2 ¥99 166 £ 86T. £OT £69 89 RºSIS Rºſſ (IAEW SKºśY y •opaxes /z copaxos | *P**** Peº peutº | *Pi | tºo |...] -tºnisia Farºº. A. perfºrzej pºomput pºosſes Tºppe tºops Aqd ...tºpºd Tºyoº, preod $9%gé'ſ] Yºo. Tºol Tºol peºptºpuſ pºpeſcº Tºbot tº pºosººg woTºuqs worqonpur, qu pºurpure ÆITsops&I sequº's peºgun Pºłł £%. 3 Iſlf (IEW ºff tº ºù - /f S&PIVºIVE! TVīCº. 37 &AIºH T2: Sºtº º ºs Sy “dººr qāy tº ºvgºrº go sº. Tº ºfº'º, ºù ºf Rºsºlºrs ºcłºd AED jºbºſcº) DURING Jūkº AID JULY 1943 FROM United States º: ºr, ºn a "nº-ºn- 3/ Baged on a semple of 16 2/3 porcent of Foras 221 received during June and July. 3/ Includes registraats inducted for speeial ass ºf ºxclusive of registrants who were given a local or sental defects. & Kºcludes all races other than Kegree White legistrants” Physically examined at induction station Rejected - after local Rejected Inducted - Total total Total Defect, board Total physically physical Bºomediable rejected inducted examined 3/ szamination Dizºual- ºr lººd I deneral Limited examined -- ified serº" service 2/I service §§§ ll.0 883 21 1895 114. 2.913 1014. 2009 3023 *** £ocº, ºcta 52 137 15 133 26 3]l 20% 159 363 §§§x}º ºf Sºść 237 400 14 66 12 492 651 70 729 ºgºs ºjiitua l,5 151. l 15.2 297 297 -čºl.33% g 28 i07 2 40 ll 160 137 ‘ºl 183 jºrºid 33.9%arkºnness 39 60 9 22 91 100. 22 130 ºr ºrºžogr㺠disturbanoes 25 C2 2 4. l G9 199 5 ll.4 #CP#,ASHS Aſſ; º'SºS 54 328 10% 215 &54 486 222 703 if ºngxt grºrºg 14 19 19 33 33 tº ºsciplagºg and ºyotº 24 126 22 90 6 244 172 % 26& {} ºričial cysts 16 183 (2 125 l 39]. 281 126 407 Xirºcºrous, PARASIf IC AMD 4. 41 23 64 & éé Yºlº ſº. BišAS:S Cºſgr DISEASEs, DEFEGTS 213 857 2.79 2960 lºl Alsº 1320 3091 44 ll §§D AğCŞāALTES rººsight 59 149 15 2046 39 2243 223 2079 is.&rºi. ght, 32 £34. lſº {00 09 1990 653 96.9 léº: ºzłsight, 3 20 20 23 33 3:::::::::sight 44 70 § 75 llº) Ji? ºr diggages and #63 octº 75 láš. (#3 40 3. 270 303 43 345 §§-#EDICA}, 74 23% 39 245 2,710 23.99 245 2734 ... ..., 3. § 3. 162 191 lſº lº 192 ..º.º. iiºdºga, ºn 3& ſtºº, 3%&tº # $ 3% 17 52 48 17 é5 - §§ 3 339 2 44 305 3% 44 43& º ºg 37 ºf tº - 39 4. 33 33 33 § {29%ic; Gits to ºther 200-sedioal reseems 7 2013 33 2 20.49 2054 2 tº: physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF REGISTRANTS REJECTED AND INDUCTED, As SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED Aº ATIONAL READQUARTERs DURIMG JUNE AHD JULY 1943 FROM Legro Registrante United States *. Physically examined at induction station Rejected after local Re Total Total Total Defect, board jected Inducted Total physically physical Remediable rejected inducted examined 3/ examination Disqual- or limited General Limited examined ified ...” service 2/I service TOTAL 2329 ll 590 586 llſ)06 163 23345 1/.505 11169 2567., NO DEFECT 7730 7730 77.30 7730 EYE DEFECTS 60 380 24. 278 124. 806 46% 402 866 Blindness, bilateral 9 9 9 Blindness, unilateral 19 35 2 : l 14 52 56 lº, ºl Eye diseases 23 240 38 83 53 39. 281 136 &l? Defective vision 9 105 4. 194. 57 360 ll.9 25l. 369 EAR DEFECTS 11 96 l 36 6 139 IO3 42 lºğ Deafness, bilateral l l l Y. Deafness, unilateral I. 2 3 l 2 3 Otitis media l 57 l 1 59 58 2 60 Other ear defects l 31 6 37 32 6 38 Defective bearing 9 6 l 29 3 39 16 32 & TEETH DEFECTS 8 : 12 3 333 348 23 333 356 £entures l A2 A3 l 42 Á3 Missing teeth 3 2 l/.3 l,5 5 143 148 Caries 5 l lić l]9 6 lilä 12, Other dental defects ll. 30 Al ll 30 &i MOUTH AND GUM DEFECTS 2 7 2 iº9 28 ll 19 30 NOSE DEFECTS 5 36 l 38 l 76 42 39 &l Sinusitis 2 18 l l 18 19 l :0 Wasomotor 'rhinitis 2 6 17 23 8 17 25 Nasal diseases and deformities l 14. 3 l 18 15 & 19 Nasal oostruction 17 17 l” l” THROAT DEFECTS 2 3 17 20 5 17 32 Diseased tonsils 2 16 16 2 16 l? Other throat defects 3 l 4. 3 l & LUNG NEFECTS 27 182 +7 2i. 220 226 2]. 21,” Asthma 22 128 l J.J. 140 151 ll l62 Other lung defects, except tuberculosis 5 5l. 16 lC) 80 75 lò 35 TUBERCULOSIS 33 1&l 38 l 200 232 l 333. Tuberculosis, active pulmonary 9 5á. 2 56 65 65 Other tuberculosis 5 2 2 7 ºy Tuberculosis, arrested pulmonary 4. 60 27 87 91 9i Taberculosis, suspected or unspecified pulmonary 15 A5 9 l 55 69 l %0 ÇARDIOWASCULAR 90 80i, 9 34 8.7 903 34. 937 Cardiovascular diseases other than 9 31 3i 40 40 rheumatic or valvular -- Rheumatic heart disease 9 3/. 31, 43 4,3 Valvular heart disease 28 278 278 306 306 Cardiac hypertrophy 16 IO i0 26 26 Hypertension, arterial 14 Ali, 2 416 430 #30 Qther cardiovascular defects IO 19 5 2k 29 5 34 Tachycardia 2 15 7 2 2, 2. 2 26 Cardiac arrhythmia l 2 2 4. 3 2 § Functional murmurs l l 25 26 2 25 27 BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS l l l HERNIA 307 125 179 A9 353 6ll 49 660 Inguinal hernia 26, 97 lA5 242 506 506 Abdominal hernia 21, 27 34. 27 88 85 27 112 Hernia, other and unspecified 17 l 8 9 18 |. 8 26 Relaxed rings - 2 14. 11. 2 : * 14. lé 1/ Based on a sample of 16 2/3 percent of Forms 221 received during June and July. 2/ 3/ or mental defects. Includes registrants inducted for special assignment. Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical Defect XIDjºys Alī) UE JAº & J ºl sphritis and weleasparitis phrolithiasis ladder defects defects, other rinary findings, almosºmal ABDO Tºº L V (8: Lº 6 ulcer. r gastro-intestimal defects Gºſſºſ. A beence or atrophy ef testisle radascended testiele aricooele r genital defects ¥ARICOś Wººls, ILLITERACY AND Mººl, DEFICIA ºf dron, imbaaile, and idiot ducational defiałęncy ontal defioleney, unspecified ºf I, 1915A5.3 rave mental or personality disºrders §ajor abnormalitie s of inood ?sychopathis personality Psychonºuratic *:::::: Chrondo inebristy addiction *::::::: §ºntal diseasº not glas elsewhere £p?lºppy rondo anesphalitic syndrºme Post-traumatºle oerebral syndrºme Żołiºxyelitia, residuals of r neurological defects lºſſøCUIſ)-3\,{IºM, §aputation Qa’eomyelit is Ankylosis Arthritis hºusaxlar strophy Knjury, residuals of §pinal malformations Mueoulorakelstal defeats, seagºital and cººp l/ }/ Based on a sample of 16 2/3 percent of Wems ºn weeeived during June and Pºlye Includes registrante inducted for special Exalusive of registrants whº were given a 9r mºntal defects. & 43º200 *; :5.::| CO2: i : º.i # * : ii444iMºl#ºf MC::3 º:Gººmsºººl Cº 20 : : i 6 3. i # : : J&5 31. 58 369 tº ºn. --u- ~~~~~~ * * * * * * Physisally exemixed at induction statioſa Rejected r local Rejected Inducted Total Total Total Defect board Total physically physical Remediable rejected inducted ſexmained 3/ tion Disqual- ºr limited General Limited examined ified serº" | service 2/I service PEET 28 33l 4. 359 7 701 363 366 729 Pes planus 22 308 3 350 6 667 333 356 689 Other foot defects 6 23 l 9 l 34. 30 10 40 END0CR lºg DSTURRA C 28 10 27 l 3 31 38 3. 41 betes mellitus 3 9 12 12 *:::::, s syndrome 3. 10 13 lº 13 Thyroid disturbances 2 4. l 3 8 7 3 IO Other endocrine disturbances 2 4. 4. 6 6 M.OPLAS S A.D. C. STS 9 35 5 9 49 A9 9 58 Malignant growths 4. 4. 4. 4. Other neoplasms and cysts 9 27 3 8 38 39 3 47 Pilonidal cysts 4. 2 l 7 6 l 7 IMFECTIOUs, PARASITIC AMD 6 5 ll ll ll EPIDEMIC DIS ·ASES OTHER DISEASES, DEFEGTS 33 93 40 297 3 433 166 3DQ 466 Overweight 7 18 2 215 2 237 27 217 244. Underweight 6 32 2O 76 l 129 58 77 l35 Overheight Underheight 8 § l 9 17 17 Other diseases and defects 12 35 17 6 58 64 6 70 ION-TEDICAL l/, 340 l 6 34.7 355 6 361. Alien 3 3 3 3 Medical discharge, cause not stated l l l 2 2 Moral reasons 13 73 l 3 77 87 3 90 Overage or underage 33 33 33 33 Rejection due to other non-medical reasons 233 233 233 233 1/ Based on a sample of 16 2/3 percent of Forms 221 received during June and July. # Includes registrants inducted for special assignment Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board or mental defects. physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical RACE, MARITAL STATUS AND DEPENDENTS OF REGISTRANTs PHYSICALLY EXAMINED AND INDUCTED, As SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED At NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS DURING JUNE AND JULY 1943 FROM United States 1/ Examined at local board 2/ Inducted Race and marital status Number of dependents Number of dependents Total Total Two or Not, Two or §oº, None One In Ore stated None One Enore stated All races 165734. 73713 A6928 2801.7 17076 99.193 46602 26683 16382 95.26 Single 102972 66416 9044 1337A, 14138 63927 42390 5063 7672 8802 Married 53231 3930 35674. 12105 1522 3O866 2824. 20513 7AA7 §3. Separated 5478 1843 1204 1719 712 2414 692 583 817 32: Divorced 2738 ll23 691 616 308 1496 54l 416 367 lºº Widower 641 245 188 138 70 257 88 80 58 3]. No entry 674. 156 127 65 326 233 67 28 2l 11? White 3/ 140060 63261 39.950 22727 lAl22 88024. 41758 23827 l/070 8369. Single 86903 57522 6803 10670 ll.908 56.400 382O4. A020 6393 783 Married 464.13 3386 31599 l0225 1203 28215 2489 18965 6686 º: Separated 34.48 1107 722 1187 4.32 1709 464. 392 626 22? Divorced 2346 967 604. 514. 261 1301 A76 366 309 150 Widower 395 153 12l 78 43 190 65 62 39 2.É. No entry 555 126 101 53 275 209 60 22 17 llſ, Negro 2567. 104.52 6978 529O 2954. lll69 4844 2856 2312 il:7 Single 16069 889/. 224l 2704. 2230 7527 4186 104.3 1279 iC3% Married 6818 544. AO75 1880 319 2651 335 l;48 761 3 Separated 2030 736 482 532 280 705 228 191 191 º Divorced 392 156 87 102 47 195 65 50 58 2: Widower 246 92 67 60 27 67 23 18 19 i No entry 119 30 26 12 5l. 24. 7 6 4. º l/ Based on a sample of 16 2/3 percent of Forms 221 received during June and July. 2/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who wer or mental defects. 3/ Includes all races other than Negro. subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical occupafross, by RACE, OF REGISTRAITs PIISIGALLY ERAMINED AND INDUCTED, wºme sum: An any 1943 mm United states 1/ AS Sº I O White and Megro Registrants FORMS 221 E&IVED AT MATIONAL READQUARTERS Iſumber receiving local O Čd and tiod board physical prºmination 2/ - lºmber inducted —w Total White 3/ Megro Total white 3/ legro TOTAL 165734 140060 25674 99.193 $8024 lllé9 PROFESSIOTAL AND Sº IPTDP 38S ſº. A Wºº Jºº 4969 4732 237 3084 2969 115 Professional Workers 2333 2713 175 1672 1588 84 Lawyers and judges 355 333 22 205 193 12 Physicians, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, etc. 132 l31 l 67 67 #: professors, and county agents 836 771 65 469 4.33. 36 chnical engineers, chemists, and architects 433 437 l 295 294, l Musicians, writers, artists, and actors 836 759 77 458 429 29 Other professional workers 291 282 9. 178 172 6 Semiprofessional Workers 2081 2019 62 1Al2 1381 31 Designers, draftsmen, and surveyors 749 743 6 533 530 3 Dancers, showmen, and athletes 196 173 23 ll.9 107 12 Technieians and assistants, laboratory 444 433 ll 316 3.11 5 Other semiprofessional workers 692 670 22 444 433 ll FARMERS AND PARM MAMAGELS 1809. 1398 All 707 605 102 ProPRIETors, MAMAGERs, And OFFICIALs, ExCEPT PAM 640l 6277 124 3,481 34.30 51 Government officials 316 316 186 186 Proprietors, agrs., and officials, wholesale and retail 3794 3718 76 2036 2004 32 Other proprietors, managers, and officials, except farm 2291 2243 48 1259 1240 19 cLERICAL, SALES, AND KIMDRED WOR&ERS 18470 17760 710 11892 ll/45 447 Clerical and Kindred Workers 12857 12332 525 8381 3030 351 Bookkeepers, accountants, cashiers, and ticket agents 1562 1551 ll 96.1 974. 7 Stenographers, typists, and office machine operaters 912 889 23 596 581 15 Mail carriers, baggagemen, and express messengers 425 387 38 289 262 27 Shipping and reosiving clerks 1662 1561 1Ol 1109. iO27 82 Other clerical and kindred workers 82.96 7944 352 z 5406 51.86 220 Salesmen and Kindred Workers 56.13 5428 185 35ll 3415 96 Sales agents and brokers lAl9 1397 22 303 793 10 Canvassers, peddlers, and newsboys 26l 234. 27 129 120 9 Salesmen, retail and not elsewhere classified 3842 3709 133 2537 2460 77 Salesmen, not specified 91 &B 3 42 42 CRAFTSMEN, FOREMEN, And KINDRED WORKERS 15507 14488 1019 9678 9.194 484 Carpenters, cabinetmakers, and pattermakers 1971 1857 ll. ll.98 1140 58 Masons, plasterers, stonecutters, and essent finishers 389 299 9D 194 162 32 *Pºwers and paperhangers 1099 974 125 550 4.94 56 Plumbers, and gas and steam fitters 574. 549 25 374, 363 l1 loctricians 579 572 7 403 397 6 fers and sheet metal workers 760 729 31 512 494, 18 Cranemen, construction mach. opers., stationary engineers 376 806 70 547 520 27 Machinists, millwrights, and tool makers l2O5 ll.90 15 86l 852 9 Blacksmiths, boilermakers, reliers, structural metal wºrs. 580 533 47 386 357 29 Molders, metal 237 2Ol 36 136 123 13 Mechanics and repairmen, automobile 1232 ill"? il; 753 696 57 Mechanics and repairmen (exe. automobile), and loon fixers 2246 2169 77 l/49 lAll 38 *Printing craftsmen 554, 537 17 348 339 9 Bakers 348 307 Al 210 186 24 Locomotive engineers and firemen 148 lAT/ l 120 120 oremen, except farm 1267 1241 26 785 775 10 Other craftsmen and kindred workers 1442 1260 182 852 765 67 OPERATIVES AND KIMDRED WORIERS 49399 44.289 5llſ) 31.146 28728 2/18 operatives, except private family 375 240 l35 203 131 72 Operatives and Hºrers, crude petrol, and natural gas 240 239 l 148 148 lmine operatives and laborers, except orade petrol. and ast. Eas 1813 1592 221 1Oll 909 102 Painters except construction and maintenance 480 424 56 288 263 25 Chauffeurs, truck drivers, deliverymen, and motormon 10639 8893 1746 625l. 54.86 765 *elders and flame cutters 2313 22:18 95 1671 1605 66 Filers, grinders, buffers, and polishers, metal 1387 1336 5l 973 9&l 32 Brakemen and switchmen, railroad 2/l 235 6 167 166 l Sailors and deck hands, except U. S. Mavy 195 180 15 125 118 7 Linemen and servicemen, telegraph, telephone, and Power 328 324 4. 256 254 2 Based on a sample of 16 2/3 percent of Forms 221 received during June and #/ exclusive of registrants who were given a local bosrd physical examinatiºn but who or mental defects. 23/ Includes all races other than negro. were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physioal ºś, ź Ağ, º REGISTRARTs PHYSICALLY EXAMINED ARD IRDUCTED, AS SHOWN ON FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT HATIONAL REAbºuăRTER3 DURIſſ, JGRE ARD JULY 1943 From United States 1/ of: mental do?acts, fºglugies all racea otbºx thax, Negro. 3 :: *-rº.”. –- - , , ,-,-,-t White and Mogro Registrants Hºuseber receiving local º ãºr lºgº Oecºation group and occupation board physicsl exsaination 2/ *=>. ". --- goal white 27 negro total -º 3ſ. §§§. Kºřáñſºs AKD KINDRITI; KOKERS (Continated) f *::::::::23, ºxcept, locomotive &nd firº department 279 203 73 ići 13.3 : *āºri; ºtºexia, &xcept glazghter and pºcking house 335 497 33 32.7 33.3 J. Aºjagºs, £illing station, parking lot, airport, oto. 3.395 liº 333 330 *32 º §iscs...aneous epocified operatives and kindred workers 3324 3.32 j.32 2369 £5.3 i. i.Sº Gperatives and kindred workers, rºot classhºre classified: - Marufacturing ! Food ared kindred products, 1309 1527 2:3: 16%i. ºf # 3.33. Textile, textile products, ºxid apps rºl 33; $150 ić5 3.931 1&12 § Ixºr, furniture, and lumber prºducta 1276 997 279 653 343 : jºš Paper, paper products, and printing - 90l. §5? 4% 360 $35 35 Chemicals, and petroleum arºd Goal products 1091 96.9 122 725 & 59 & Leather erºd leather products 335 §12 33 493 43.3 1. tone, clay, and glass products 575 503. ‘74. 343. *3 33 Trcra, asteal, nonferrous metals and their products 33% 31.4% 246 3.2L, #232 Ş.3% Machinery and trººsportation equipºtent 7571 7352 2iº 5228 5}{3} ii.º Not epocified metal industries 330 316 ić. 233 22& § Other specified ºsmufacturing irºuetries 1079 9&l %3 "ßj. i 65% & §ot specified marººfacturing industries 722 65% 67 £33 Ağ º ñozſäsºnafacturing indigºtriot, and services 2 > - * . it. º 2979 2343 63% 1901 3.5.19 3;2 TºSTIC SERVICE FOR&ERS 400 §5 335 148 2? .2% i-KoºBCTIVE SERVICE WORKERS li2l 1.0% 35 738 "Fººl ly SERVICE WORKERs, ExCEPT LOKESTIG ARD PROTECTIVE $105 4284. 382 Ł 42.5% 2335 93.” Sºlarº; anº; beauticians 40l. 345 59 lº. lº.3 33 ºccº, except private family 973 532 423. 4.71. 2& º Wºº.ºrg s&#d bartersdºrs 1530 1157 373 842 65. º: Öğıği ritcher, wrorizºrº 108.1 4% 595 57l 284. £6: Čºsa, janitors, and porters 703 1763 123; 3%. §3. 3ther service workera, except domestic and protective 1651 i041 610 962 64ſ. 3: ; FARM LAg:JRERS AND FOREMEN 12495 9028 3467 5443 43& 3.33% LABORERs, ExCEPT FARM AMD MIKE 20978 1324.8 7730 logi *736 33"; }; ..Risøren and oysteriaen 127 $34. 33 57 Af, iš. Taxabermen, rafteron, and woodchoppera 952 564 388 379 273 #C& &ragsbörößen and stevodoros 222 133 89 94. éº i 35 £eºgºrº 90 53 37 40 33. % garago laborore, and car washers and grººgers 51.3 137 326 2č 3.33. lº Gardozorg (oxespt fara) and groundskeeport, Aſº 254 3.4% 165 .#2 A.3 is borers, not elssºhere elassifieds ; #sºufacturing t Food and kindred proëucts 1005 745 260 601 2.75 J.3% Textile, toxtile products, and apparel. 548 Al& 130 . 273 & Å; Igmber, furniture, and lumber prºmote Lºlº, 624 79]. 580 3% i 2.53. Papor, paper products and printing 290 216 7% 174 3.3% 3: Chemicals, and petroleum and coal products 662  244, 355 i :3% § Stone, clay, and glass products &l 312 109 247 . }}: :::: Metal. industries 3372 251é 3% 3.23 ; 3.358 3: Other specified and not specified monufacturing * 365 159 257 : 3% £º Wommanufacturing industries and services t ! Construction - 4,345 2618 1727 2124 R433 & Railroads (includes railroad repair shops) 1622 13.00 532 94p : éjà i : 5 0%her normanufacturing industrios and services 344/. 2037 1407 l'757 | ...}.}}. : 3%. Monclassifiable laborers 1026 594, A32 333 23.5 i }...; #ONCLASSIFIABLE RETURNS 177 148 || 39 lG& º - ; - EğRºßCY WORKERS AND UNEMPLOYEP 7631 62.93 1538 36% ºš i 5- C3v3 iſ ar: Conservation Corps enrollºeg 138 101 37 * '#3 t §§ i 3. Eagrgºsy workers, other than C.C.C. enrollees 1.30% 945 363 £93. i 3'; . }. jagmployed (not further specified) 6385 52.7 ll 38 3083 : 33. C. : ; SºñTS 15462 14609 | 353 | 2350 ††.; $3. §o ENTRI 26.10 2355 255 1710 3.57% 3.3% */ Essed on a sample of 16 2/3 percent of Foras 221, received during June ºd ºly. * - ſº * ** * * **, ºr zºº $ ºr T º/ £rclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were gibgequently deferred for reasong ottish tº an ºiº UNITED STATES SUMMARY TABULATIONS BASED ON DSS FORMS 221 RECEIVED DURING AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER 1913 l/ Mental disease was the leading cause for rejection from February through September 1913. For August and September, however, the rate of rejection for mental disease was 70 percent higher than that for February and March. On the other hand, the rejection rate for syphilis was less than half the rate of Feb- ruary–March. This was due to the acceptance of more registrants with syphilis as the treatment facilities at reception centers increased. The defects listed in the following table accounted for approximately three out of every four rejections during the eight month period. Rejection rates for most of these defects were higher for August and September than for June–July. Rejection rates per 100 examined for selected defects (Preliminary) Principal cause 1913 f ti February- April- June- August- or rejection March May July September Mental disease lı.9 5.9 7.6 8.3 Educational defic: cy l/ 3.5 lı.5 5.5 li-li Musculoskeletal 2.9 3.7 3.6 3.7 'Cardiovascular - 3-l 2.9 2. 8 2.9 Hernia - 2.9 2.9 2.6 2.l. Neurological le.9 2.1 2el 2-l Eyes le.9 3.l. 2.0 2-l Ears le.9 2.l. l.8 le.9 Mental deficiencyl/ Oe.7 O.7 ls 2 le.7 Tuberculosis le 3 le 3 lel le2 Syphilis 2.5 l.9 le 3 1.2 iſ Includes registrants who failed to meet minimum intelligence standards from *::::= --> June 1, 1913 on. Some of these registrants have been reported as educa- tionally deficient, others as mentally deficient. Also included in educa- tional deficiency for June–September are some rejections made prior to June 1, 1913, for which Forms 221 were received at National Headquarters on or after that date, One in five of the rejected white registrants during August and September had mental disease recorded as the principal cause for rejection. Among Negroes, the leading cause was educational deficiency (table 1). At local boards, musculoskeletal defects and hernia accounted for almost four out of every ten white rejections; syphilis and hernia were responsible for more than one-half of the Negro rejections, At induction stations, almost one-third of the rejected white registrants were rejected for mental disease and musculoskeletal defects; approximately one- half of the Negro rejections were due to educational deficiency and mental diseasec Of all registrants inducted, 2.8 percent were accepted for limited service only. Eye defects were recorded as the principal defect for 73.5 percent of these limited service registrants (table 2). Registrants rejected for limited service or remediable defects comprised lº. 3 percent of all who were rejected. Hernia accounted for one out of every four of these rejections, while musculoskeletal defects, next in importance, accounted for only one in every twelve rejections, 1/ Based on a lé.7 percent sample of DSS Forms 221, Reports of Physical Examina- tion and Induction, received at National Headquarters during August and September 1913. This report includes (1) RS 221A, C, and D, tabulations on the principal defects, marital status, and occupations of registrants (2) tables showing the percent distribution of defects, and (3) a figure showing the ten leading physical and mental causes for rejection. FIGURE I TEN LEADING PHYSICAL AND MENTAL CAUSES FOR REJECTION BY RACE AUGUST – SEPTEMBER 1943 ALL RACES Percent of Total Rejections O 5 | O i 5 2O 25 Mento Disease Educational Deficiency Musculoskele tol Cordiovo scular He r n id Neurological E y es E d r S Mental Deficiency Tuberculosis WHITE Percent of Total Rejections O 5 | O | 5 2O 25 Ment Ol Dise O Se Musculoskeleto I Cordiovo scul or He r n iO Educational Deficiency E q r S Neuro logic q I Eyes Tube r cu losis Mental Deficiency NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections O 5 | O | 5 2O 25 Educational Deficiency Mento l Dise o se Syphilis Mental Deficiency C or dio v as Cul or Musculoskeleto He r n id Neurological Fe ef Eyes Table is Percent Distribution of Principal Causes for Rejection àº, Local Boards and Induction Stations, August and September 1913 l/ Continental United States Local board Induction station . * ***.* Cause ºr induction ºtation --- rejection Total *::: Negro Total *::: Negro Total º Negro Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 loo.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Eyes 3.0 2.9 3.2 5.5 6.l 3.6 5 el 5.5 3.5 Ears 2.6 3el 0.6 5 el 6-4. 0.7 4.7 5.9 0.7 Teeth 0.4 0-4 0.4. 0.3 0.3 0.2 G.3 0.3 0.2 Mouth and gums 0.3 0.3 0-l 0-2 O.3 0.l 0-2 0.3 0.l Nose 0.4. 0.4 0-l lel l-4 0.3 1-0 le2 0.3 Thyroat, Oel Oel • Oel Oel 3/ 0.1 0.3. 3/ Euºgs 2-4 2.6 lsk 2el 2-3 l,6 2.2 2.3 le6 Tuberculosis 4-5 5,0 2-4. 2.8 3ol. l.8 3e0 3.24. l,9 Gardiovascular 5.5 5.9 3.9 7.4 7.5 7.2 7 el 7.2 6.7 Blood and blood-forming 0-2 9.2 0.l. 0.l. O.J. 3/ 0.1 0-1. 3/ Hernia 16.8 17 •0 16 •2 4-0 4.e5 2. •3 5.9 6. º 4.3. Kidney and urinary 0.5 0.6 0 ñºsi-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-a+*a**-----. -º-º-º-º-- * * *** *** - ºi"rr - Tºtº ºr tºº" ºr T840ſ. Taº Oj. Tºol | Pººr P******_ Jºaquinn wºrld Jo regé Kq. pewſwig-ze ATTeoT3Kud &aquº ſeq.o. uoſqbqº uoſº ompuſ a peuplugxo All Tºop's Aud YeqūInn - -- Sºutº Spågå. O.13an Sºlºš (ISIf INſ! ë iz 3 : *# #3.3%; \; A Hºf) jºi. Sº 33 ºff; ) Gº H Tiºji-jū) i. ºf 33 3.9 C E A 333 tº i & 2 S A HOs3 S“S“G PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 - ALABAMA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Alabama during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 29,370 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes; Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have havd more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected, The columns under the heading "Total Number Physical, ºr Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. on the basis of these tablulations, the average age of reëstrants examined in the state was 28.4 year B. Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental leficiency and educa- tional deficiency accounted for more than one-fourth of th? white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; more tha. one-half of the Negro rejections were due to educational deficiency and syphilis Żabi.e. l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for l,6 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 10.5 percent of the *ejections at induction stations, and 8.0 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. - Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among *egistrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 48.2 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was genitalia defects. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. 1. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l-9, March 15, 1942, in effect, until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l—9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). - Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrant 5 for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942), 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants 18 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No, 3.13, Movember 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years ºf age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 23, 1942), 7, ºn December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115; December 7, 1942}. 3. February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated, Ala. Alabama †able la Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ Local board and Cause for Rejection Local board - Induction station induction station º White White White Total 2/ Negro Total 2/ Negro Total 2/ Negro Total 100.0 100.0 loo.0 loo.0 100.0 loo.0 loCeO 100.0 100.0 Eyes 4-3 7.2 2.5 6.2 7.6 4.9 5.7 7.5 4-l Ears - O,7 l-4. Os3 2.7 4.7 O.6 2-l 3.9 0.5 Teeth Oe"7 l-4, 0.3 le5 le.9 lel l-3 l,8 0,9 Mouth and gums 0.6 l,0 0.3 O.l 0.2 0.l 0.2 0.4. Oel Nose Oel 0.2 tºº 0.3 0.6 Oel 0.3 0,5 2/ Throat, Oel 0.l 3/ Lungs lel 2-l 0.6 le4 2el 0.8 l-3 2el O.7 Tuberculosis le3 2.8 0.3 l,7 0.8 2.5 le; ls3 l,8 Cardiovascular 1.3 2el Os3 9.6 8.3 lo .9 7.2 6.8 7.6 Blood and blood-forming 0-l 0.4. º Oel Oel ©º Oel 0-2 Ǻmº Hernia 5e0 8.9 2.6 5.5 7.3 3.8 5-4 7.7 3-4 Kidney and urinary Oel 0.2 (º Oe’7 Oe.9 0s; 0.6 0.8 0.3 Abdominal viscera 0.5 leO 0.2 le2 2.3 0 el l,0 2.90 Oel Genitalia 0.7 0.8 0.6 7 el le3 l2.8 5.3 lel 8.9 Gonorrhea and other venereal 0.3 0.l 0.4. 2.6 O.3 4-9 le.9 0.2 3.4 Skin 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 Oel 0.4 0.6 0.l - Hemorrhoids 0.3 0-4 0.2 0.3 O-3 0.24 0.3 0.3 0°4. Varicose veins 0.9 l.7 0.4 0.6 l.0 0.3 0.7 l.2 0.3 Educational deficiency 0 ſpºrą rę,****� * ? ?&#, §§) É ÁČ TĚ. }}$. Åſſ i ſå ſĘ ſºț¢ $ $ † ;-} ſ}{} { } &&# {\\ſ\ſ*(({-} &į, į Numbºr physically sxamined at induction station ſwº-włºsº • !»¿?23 • ** • *„№iaRejectæ &Țnducted &rºđ.ncipalŒ2;) & Cº,at localTiinae boardDſ.&quae].•gerºricº orGeneralLímited ified。sje? Włęcegervice {ſ}(2) ĢTÍ (OE) ~ | ~~~{5}(~~ Ëyo 8į&&}$ff1479±2%&3& Ear8$1333ŞÖ$?1? Teeth$1Äğ$ $ $2%)2. ſouth and guaeŹź?}24} Ñogº3§§§ 2%� Throat,$Î.$112 ſumgs432125ģ?23. Tuberoulosig34¿?&&3 Cardiovascularș710,7¿?96 Blood &nd blood-foredag$49}, Hexºniažł4???ºſé382 Ridneyø and urinary449Ź3112 Abiłoſłnal vłacers§ .\24544 Gėſaitalia282№?39gºry9 §yphilis??¿?3649$ Other wensreal¿?¿Q2;&&ºry? Skłn1417??36ry žiemorrhoids\282956 Varicoge veina38244%4?� $antal đeficiency2,3235?5� Bºhaeationaſ, deficieweyÁ3§),$$0$ Ķēžaťael đi seaģē eff$Ťiºſ$42 {{stºrological283§79iſ.�$.? ſuasulo •økel&ºtsal§§§3382№??i.2ī5 Feet§318163$433 Eņģeoriae。§§3$5 ſeopisaea�} &$$522 Înføężiotað and perasitie132} ſøłght; &nd others4$ſºſyºſo$23( 11 、。a-gºdłcs! reagonº2ș?3}, && && $3&&ºș&#ë ??? ???.4???"№,§§§13ģ§§§ Total nuſitſei? rejected ~~~~1stºr-a- *** * * *-sºº- t_2)=+ *******<!-- * * Total ſuïūbèr inductae & * >~: ~3 -3. *sº * Fºës ºst;8 -8.35 &&#st; tºº 38: 3,43$ t ? ſÀ È Ê Ê Î $???)\}\} ſº ſe $ $ $ $ ? § § §. 5 sŕ, ſ, \ , &##ț¢ £ ¥ $ ¢ £\ Total muſimbºr physicaſ.ly examineå by year off birth * º *- --- * * * *~*** • ** **** - - ~~~~ ~ ~*~ - -*-- ~~~~. (...} •r, Total numberº phy8łcally examinºd]/ (8) 3$$$ $$ §§§ ſò 325 17 2?? 233 § 182 lÅ 827 92 193 1073 23ż? 3.925192319įº?19121904,Ñot, 1924.†hrough* hººghthyºotaeg?!sarađstatº de 1923į 9181$3 $į935ear}} &r {9}ĢēſŠīſ(12)(13){14} &&3$.4%%%55$34%? ? 3$3,47$$’7%3?3. $$Öįſjº???ſå5 ?Ť?.?3?| }}, 10$3§§§§3ſ} 1$?3Ä ¿C)$ì�&3?? ?$3$'},6334 193€?33%3332??3 1ſ}Å 4ł233179§48§ 22Ž 3Ź$ 2;}???¿? 456465433 3148327$2$$57À. 636244$$ºſso43%36 3§3�3;$$į Ž$ 3%&&§§2� 22?。$9319$3 233$%4%&$3. (ſ)}$$§0$2žį3$ &???&ſ,$3}.773$$$$ ! 34$319?355?¿? 25Źź?!?!3§ 5713;}3 48$$$3)3§§4033% %233ț¢)$$45Ži Ż33iſº3316 ŧ§39?6$ 3.5ſy$ 3$34}\,???¿?&&Å 6§§15$6.&$ 33%$???}&&§§§§§5?*; §.04%324$$5%;}}&$$$$$$$$È #ff rºzłºżº zhw zrere głºſzen & Local board physical examination but who were subsequenºſ y deferroèſ ſ'o? reagons other than physical or ſental defects, Ř Ř i \\ C | PÅL DEF £ CȚ S O F | N O UC T E O Áº,}} ſ} {RĖJĘ CTĘ Ģ Ķ Ķ Ķ ķ $?? ¿?\; †S A $ $ }}C) \\}\\ Q \} Å $ À À  PįLE Õ ſº o.s.s FoRMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH3ł, † 94 3 ļ/. Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physł cel examination but who were subsequently deferreå for reasone other *ſhan physica] or mental defectº. ğ/ ſeſleğeş «ſì xàoes aſsº then ſieșó AŃ. ABÅÅÅÅ- White Regłøtrentae2/ Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physically examined by year of birth \ſumber�Total RejectedInductedTotalŤotal Principal defect::::::::jecteKACHURCȚ,8ſae, | ae, |„№ț¢,| 133;1922191719121904{{ot; boardDisqual-•äť.General|Limit&drejectedinducted | Pexamined}}1924throughthroughthroughañåstated łºſiedservicegervice1923191819131905earlſer remediable (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(JO)(li)(12)(ī3)(14) Eyes12016723512894335221722224457104447346219513 Ears2323020521727969342!8130766552} Teeth23†95252l12527239764279176913 Mouth and gums1?262312ð24A929819ll Kose3241076937851221060152710 Throat,2ll2$121%l823l Lungs341001019l441916387632262l Tuberoulo8184638629029213113202? Cardiovascular35440l9647%9657215204106ł4899 Blood and blood-forming• 6431131lÅ104 HermialĄ7]33ºry1725371955631162]}}16883Xi Kidneys and urinary4418ll25313662161819ll Abdoſaínal viscera1612034413944183453445į3l Genitalia1312552728£C)2803602818276$123 Syphilis2691537332133249686010681 other venereal114Ill1$l22711484 Skin1015165674i6310435223206 Hemorrhołde6313552255ºr?223Î029l2ł Varicose wełns28233l4688254136226313641 Mental deficiencyl451653931012322812939499Ą,3 Educational deficiency381224381?782423319209190812 ſental disease5410482}032l10|}105120913459 ·17433]2302 Neurological19?3111445l2522575792224689116105l. Musculo-skeletal3743131252662l 18124:712893747223#24 i298? ſeet1915l2351334&3844306231767442} Endocrinº1953l857913$6?29172315 Ñeoplasms?182850253521054.4729233 Inſectious and parasitiol21.},3422 Wołght and others31lO423470]]115858'!73935309150167ºffé,? Řon-medical reasons26531.6747ı317 •151620 ſão deſeoſ:84680468046803892633€Œ7703l444 Total(165443.59}}43832 i899�]"???ºſlo3302633$31%)%4ł Ķ ķ ļ ņ š Ť }},}} }}ſ }ſ { £ ¥ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $}{Cºſ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ) ğ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ Ķ Ķ Ļ § "?"$ $ $ğ † $ $ $ $ ¢ © ® ° ≈ ≠ ≤ ∞, ∞; ∞, ; * i [] ſ ſº şºş 5 ***,, º aevº, ſº ſ, .g”, ș.**; ºſ. Aſ ſ㺠ſº ºſº, eſ, º<***ș●-e, ſºſº gae !ſº ; ſ. ſae ſ’“; ; ; g**. :) „º» №!} ?? } { {3} , º, ©. Š. Ē. Ķf{}Èț¢ $ € £ ¥ $ ĒĶ Ķ ķ ºf £ © ®^f }{ A(ſ) {}țjÅ į. #-#ËÅ £ © į ſė, R. ‘TË, iš $ Ț{-}ſ {} \; { Î№fſ ſºļºſ, ſºț și, § § 28. È Å LÅBÅÅÅÅ, Regnº Regiºțxantae Number physiſ.cally examined at induction stationTotal ymyrmbar physica11 y exemłºſeči by year of birth Äuraber3, … ). **-----، ، ،-★ →→. re ſięcț¢åRejectedInductedTotalºſotal.Ë Prłncipali defoot,s: *****Yılſīſ. №ſº aº locael± --- «Å å · numbermramberº19253.922191719321904 boaſº,Dțeșuel-}ynił ſię điGerierał1,ſ,{*,a | rejected | lnductºåºff,1924.throughthrough†hromºgłyax^ð ¿Ëserviceſervice1923191819331905esarlier {!}íż}(2)(4)(5)(%)(?)(8)(9)T(io)(ſl.)(12) Èșas&&2Ă,2$$56328- Eara|-?2$104łÅł.iſ?LO9 ſeeth$35939ºſo3910%Ģ28%15 ſouth and gums?3},10łJl.2>4 No88},&23322. 2 yy l42 603 (§ 3) li.339&10386 Ķi.� Throat,1 Lungºn? Twberculo64860 Cardiovascular19 Blood and blood-formång Ļº????? R}cs & F. A 3-8 tº 3A} }º º § CN $3 § § & NS §ss P. * 3. &= * § *3 Ç3 wº § W.J., §se \,\!5 Hernia4199l270l??!!!3{}gº§§$ſ;?? Řłđnsys and urinary31826263.§3}}} Åbdogaſnal vłscere421010?ŽĖ}? Genitalia$684}707ſô7133283.}$$33%3% Syphilis};]?,}23.?2003| 54§§§§§$?),355 Other wenereal}?273663392???{$$§2 Słęłn42| 124| 3?} šiºſorrhołde2728#}ð34 Varigose weins Àſezatel def&cºloney 8 ºv, sº : o, § 33 § **. aşsö... sess-e āgs s * $** **) §§§ 3a ve \ss Mºi Jee -e ºs RJ His ºf § §3 ºn }=º § *A) sº tº 3-9 tº º PJ #3 Ēðucațional deſieſenoy2.4%).246}}44§48£232* ſonteſ. Ynsa#3%)žšº??? ſºtſºologikºa?.62!ģ33.#6?��%% && Ķųºcuſio •şk31 etaſi23l440%413łł.ĶÅ$2%į03 ſeot,}į316į$3 3: § - is 3-853 - tº so $8 o'º Źſäoºxºſº3. i$3. Řeºț¢ baştag?22}, *3. sº iv, r- a 5-º *3 & #3 Vº Vº ºf : º $& 93 İſťæcźłotaſ, ºnd yxºzºnºſitºlº§§}23.3 $ęág&3& ſaeð øſłżoară$ğĢ$?$$65533 į?Ģ ¿?-gż ſłº rzęſi xºsae; &aeg-ģ32??$ !}2$ %) č&&&&&&#}&& ! '|-$$$$$$$$Šušºžģºſ.3.Cffſ,§§§§ $2 $¢º.į;$1$3$2$¿?§§§?280}{} #3 *2 § i: *: *.x § º ** *** *:A ‘sº 3, K 2. *} * † $..º. 4, ſfe § }** *3 tºº sº § $ºtº º arºº º tºº-º-º-º: *-* {s-º- ***** * **** * * * ** . . sº->~ : - - -º și§. : • • • • • •• * * · · · ·. p ≤ ≥ ± •+ 4*; ** * · *. . ŹŹº: 1.13% ſºjº, J. .. ' &&${3!?!!?????:3№b£; £ tº: § * $ 5 <3 ! 3ſº |- +(~~~~ ~~~~);| «... • ’ , v ~~~~, … º·& 2 •••~~~<- «Å.**.• • • • • • • •º•”• • • •~~~~); ** **<--- w :) &•ße, . ! «**4* */sae aegae§ . . • + ':. ~~. :) --> ſea ſa 'ſ ocºl ſcarſ phy8ſ &ął ºsaenſ. Inatſiº? №vae ºffic: ºffere ſtaesºquențilºr deſ ſº ſkºči ſ; ſexº Yeageſig othº? ¿cay; phyºſesa?. №ſ ſºn && ſ. złºżaer, ſae, {} gº ſº tº $3 (§§ {*, O2 lººr, DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 ARIZONA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam~, fºlatiox, and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Arizona jºing the year April 1942–March 1943. The 4,167 Forms 221 included in the #ºple represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards &nd induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R, "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." figure 1. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States, Table 1... Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local, boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or ré-- mediable defects. RS 221R. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as £63,109s: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect ¥25 the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arreñgement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying ei: ; ; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor 3.3-> t; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. Whe column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number ºf number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the got al. pumber examiº ad are shown at the foot of the columne Columns 1-5 show the result 8 ºf physicali £3 pºincipal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had me egºs car, readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average & the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the §tatº Włºś 28s"? year 3, - gigure is This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for reject 3.9% in the gºs and in the continental United States. Tuberculosis and mental gº deficiency accounted for approximately one-fourth of the white rejections at 1998. boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not presented T {...} because of the small numbers in the samples º_i. Table 1 shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- gº tº strants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted 㺠i.e., percent of the rejections at local boards, for 5.9 percent of the *...*&tions at induction stations, and 4.6 percent of the total local board and iſºcºiºn station rejections, £able 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among *gišºrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service of remediable defects. 50.7 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with ligiºd service or remediable defects was eye defects. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. 1. The physical standards preflexibed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this repºrt are contained in Mobilization Regulations 1-9, March 15, 1942, in effect, until the revision of October 15, 1942, Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR 1–9, Changes No. 1 January 22, 1943), *hysical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Worm 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again or, £ecember 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- §rants up to 10 percent of the white and lo percent of the colored registrants fog- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants 18 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service focal Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No, 3.1Q, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants lä to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942}. 7, Ón December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). ruary 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated, aº? :=≡≡ Ģētº & ſae{}șý*** F§ # ! *« §º ÞÁ E № ſ'À L {}} SEASE NÅ U S C { } ſ_{\ 8}{Ē ĻĒ Ī ĶÅL CAR}}|{{C}\\$ Çį jį įAŘ H E R ÎN § Å E Y E S --- º; ſºft gº £. {{} {f}  Ê}}( {\{_ {}Ě #{{C}ÊNCY } } { } & {{{1.5 TáL $ $º ģ, ķ, ļā Ģ} iſ ae âſſiſſae ſae ſae, §**ģ ţig gºtº § §§žº gé“)ffè) } 3 # § tº: &: Wºº ! Š 3. #7 º w§§:[$¿ -ſae:: ſ: *ș.§§);§§), ſaeſ?-§ § §***ű §42 = \} \RÇſ 1943 Ç©fffffff}}\$ $ $TĄŁ įj???? Ëſ} STAŤ ES \ H\ f £ Percenſ of Total Rejecțions ¡O20 30 40 W HI TE Percent of Totol Rejections 30 2 O ŅĶĒ Ģ Ķ O Percenſ of Toloſ Rejections O{{}203040 S Y PH | L | S CA RD | OVASCULAR MÅ EN TAL D | SEASE M U S C U LO S KE LE TAL ARIZONA 40 ; : • • • →→→→→→*** * ~~~~ ~~~' *****…** — qy-ºff)% sºº • • ** as,* * * *) ≤ųºº. ~ NEGRO #1 Percent of Totol Rejections O| 0203040 º, º Aº<!--şºş ſºr,! *. \ º_2 ***! 3*** & * \,, º 3 *** , ,·¡ ¿º „” ,... &... º.º., & †£<<# Į Š š ¿?ſå få§ }!# ",șº\·£;_{...,ſ.*...*§5 r.-, … ~~*,gº *: };;* * * * *~*. . “ », * *-\} { }· }|-, ! , !ſi ſ-3 ſ-ţă} Arizona Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 l/ Local board and C fo i 8UlS 8 r Rejection Local board Induction station induction station Total lCO.O lC)0.0 lOO ... O Kyes 7.3 lle 3 10.2 Ears 2.5 8.6 6.8 Teeth le O l.2 l. 2 Mouth and gums 0.4 0.2 0.2 Nose l. 2 O.7 O.8 Throat º 4- - Lungs 2.7 5.9 5. O Tuberculosis 7. 9 l3.2 ll. 7 Cardiovascular 2.l 6.9 5.5 Blood and blood-forming Oe 2 º- 0.l. Hernia Kidney and urinary Abdominal viscera i º i : i i © : Varicose veins Educational deficiency Genitalia O º º Syphilis 35. º ll. Gonorrhea and other venereal 0.4 e 0.2 Skin 0.6 © O.4 Hemorrhoids l.2 0.6 0.6 O. 8 tº- 0.5 i © i Mental deficiency 2.5 13.9 lC).5 Mental disease l.4 5.9 4.6 Neurological 4.5 2.4 3.0 Musculoskeletal 18.9 5, 6 9.5 Feet O.8 0.9 0.9 Endocrine 0.6 l, 4 le? Neoplasms tºº 0.2 Oel Infectious and parasitic tºº tº- tº- Underweight, overweight and other 1.2 6.9 5.2 Nommedical reasons º l,0 O.7 l/ Besed on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942-March l945. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects 1/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect Percent Defect Percent Total lC0.0 Total lCO.0 Eyes 50.7 Eyes 18, 8 Underweight and overweight 30,3 Hernia 18, 5 Musculoskeletal 10.9 Tuberculosis ll.O Teeth le.9 Underweight and overweight 10,7 Feet l.9 Mental deficiency 8, 6 Other 4.5 Other 32.4 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. •sqoegep Tuques ro Tsors/ºld usun reqao suoswer roy per regep ATAuenbosqns exam own qma uoſº ºuTurºxe Tºo;s&nd pleod Teoot u uaapā exam own squerºsp?ex Jo eaſantoxa /t | ©2 £81, TOM, 31% Ozºt 29% ATY 96.72 249'ſ Tſz 782& £8% 964, T67 Tºqoq. 9 Y&T 99T 6%I T}% 9Cz 77&I 77&T 77&I 53.903 op of 4. 7 2I ZI ZT suoswer Twopen-wop. 92 92 9% 66 &I COC 9II 48 79 29 Ty O7 9 opºſe :*::: *:::::::: - susterſdoeſ 2 2 T 9 A. 8T 9t z 9I 2 - 7 * * 6 2 92 A. 61 9 4. 6. cuproopa; 9. £I 9T 77 6 06 94. *I * Il. 7 4. y 300t 99 39 09. £9 9I 972 4.8 6%T £z 79 8T 37 Ç6 *::::::::: Q2 YI T Zú g zº 2 09 2 £ 92 &Z -: ol. . Ç 92 Oz 6 All 9. 84. T &l. I T 69 4. Æouoro : Yºugº £ y % 9T 4. (3 4. 9 Ç Yoºſep Tuuopºulonpº T 62 £7 72 6. & ©Tz 1% 9/.T I 96. Ǻ TºI &T **teger rºuw T YI Ot 9 7 T 9% JZ 7I zz 9 9 Ç suſpea oºgºº/A 7T 4. 7 9 2 26 22 Ot zz z 2 9 ºpponsºone; º º Ç ZI 3 TÉ 92 9 92 Ç º ºg £ 2 6 T 91. TI ? TI Z 2 Tº excued sºº) I 09 Tº zº, 97 4. AEI £ Y6T g *T Ç 94. I spºtsdáč 3 6 TI Yº TÉ Ç6 | 6′. 7I 6. 6 T * upts.ºpuer, 9. 8 Z 2 £ 8'I 9. %I { T TI Ç tº reospa Fº 7 4. 9. 6 T 72 Z zz T T 4. Çſ 2 &rºupºn puu sāeup; I 22 82 Oz 92 OI AOI II 96 II T4. * Tz UEurop. T I I T Cups tog-pooſa pus pootg 96. 92 Oz 82 6 ATI 92 26 I 72 9 9, Ot Jutmosuacºpºre; T 94. 07 Q& 7% ØI £0& 8 £61 8 27 Yſt 6% *::: z7 72 8T 6% 9I 6%T 99 £8 T 9% GT 49 ºt swun'ſ 9 T OI 99 Alſº, 6OI 60T 60t ºborº, z 9T 9t &T 82 62 3OT Y6 7T % g § 9 esoſ. T T 4. T 7 I 9T II */ II T T Z sung pure uqnow T 97 ZT T £T T 7L 99 6T 7 Tº Çt T % tº 0°W, TZ 6I Oz 99 9I I9.I A.T 7II % 7I 9 96 2:I Greg 2 76 89 TOT a 002 9% Ozº O96. OCI AOI gyz &l, 29 Q& seſs (7I) (£I) (ZI) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (4) (9) (9) (7) (£) (z) (T) eTa'ºppenez Jºey Tree 906T 6T6T 3U61 €26T. eoTA.I.00 *** | *.*.*. 2013, º º WAres º: pue *...* | *...* | *śn ºi (; bºrºuſ | pºsites | *** | * | *...:"|-tººk | }. YO6. 2T6t LT6I Z26T 926T. Jiequºnu Joqºmu Joquinu. oeſex agazºo tºdroatia Tºol. Tºqo, Tºqo, poqompu I peº oeſºeu *:::::: qq-ITQ Jo reaſ Aq pouyuºxe MITºops&rd requin Tuqol. uoyºuqs uoyºompup qu peupuuore ASITwope Aqd requinn 3 O 3Tld WV S V NO NMAOHS SV SJL NVH.LS15).3 tº Q3.J. Ogſ gº O NV Q 3.10ſ) O N J O S.J. O 3.33O TVojlº) N. It d squarısç8otſ orgetſ pure ºpua WNOZIMW © 176 | *|C HQūVW Hº)ſh OłłH.L. Sö 3.1 tiVſ) OOV3H TVNO I.LV N J.W. O'BA 13 O2 ki la 2 S WłłO3 S'S'Q PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHowN ON A SAMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 ARIZOĽA ſrite Registrents2/ Number physically examined at induction stationTotal mae aberphysicallyexamined by year of birth MſumberTotal RefectedInductedTotalTotal Prłnoſpal defect::::::::$ſecteſnolulº§, | ae, |,,,,,| 333;1922191719121904ſot, boardDisqual--Ë,GeneralLaevaea | rejected | inducted*ËĂ.1924throughthroughthroughandstateå 1.f4 edserviceservloe1923· 191819131905earlſer reaediable (l)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) №yes35$3“NO231107163338501531939364&92 Ears}2966l43lì4171311653201921 Teeth4l134941,35371113}1243l Mouth and guma2}}Iſt)41014141611 Mose653911491}0529271713192 Throat,10610610636541015 Lungs]353}}59lºr?5413]1638152240 Tuberculosis39ſººſ398185£193l253203473} Gardłowasoular} ()&9623]8524109928172233 Blood and blood-formadng]l1] Herała194&&]]9]ll1021026192521} Kidneys and urimary2126ll20222l9264 Alaedominal visoera3]]]21521722239 Genitalia4177412748628321003(3 &yphilis12,028313331962332239431 Other venereal2929]]l8 2 Skłn9323625318}2333 Hemorrholds32l20820282526.13 Varioose wełns23622132235 ]4610lae Mental defioſenoy121313336l176372133779244329l. Educational defioſenoy Mental disease?64l172}7331781,324%3 Meurological22233248290512]14])} Musculo-skeletal0,34317&22il1508323315602865632 ſeet4?3624lå662093813120 Endoorſne99?61}9?2629*744 Meoplasmas21521517?6112 Infectious andsłtío Weight and::::::--640» $16485l],52001797362624 Mon-medical reasons12l2124?1 No defects1153]]$3]]$321332,7141146(206 Total42,7ºſºl3:(l213.92091539234,83,37536144732462573322 Excluſive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or wental defects. ■■■■e all rečes et, er tºssa ſecarð P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AN O REJECTED REGISTRANTS A S SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1 9 4 3 ABŪ (ZŮ, A Principal defect ſuaber rejected at local board Number physically examined at induction station Rejected Inducted Disqual- 1.f4 ed Límited service or remediable General service Limited service Total number rejected • •p•••••• Total number inducted Total number physically examined by year of birth Total num aber physically eſkawined 1/ 1925 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earlier ſot, stated Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gume Mose Throat Lungs Tuberoulosła Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forwaeng Hermia Genitalia Syphilis Other wenereal Skála Hemorrholds Varioose wełns Mental deficiency Educational defiolenoy Mental disease Neurological Musoulo-skeletal ſeet Endocrine Neoplasas Infectious and parasitie Weight and others Non-medical reasons No defects Total (l) 64 (2) sº sº Oe \º Nº Vº Vº 37 (3) \º Nº. Dº Nº sº. A Cº Vº 32 (4) - * u, v - w ki (5) 2 (6) ~ 8 o' |- w w PM ºv, Dº Yº N \ge 00 133 (7) |-e Nº Vº Vº Nº Nº. § \,\ }=& 147 (8) 5 !--- ~ P- - Nºvº •8 ov, v' -w 5& R. v. G. \º º 91 200 (9) \A \º 0-4 (10) ſº ºd ſº ºne & No GA Vº (11) 3 Vº |N) NJ 5 :- ſº tº \º Nº Dº Jºs (12) 4 Maº Gº Nº. ſº ſº bit- Dº Maº tº \º Nº Mº $º 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. (13) M \, \D → 0-0 Nº ºt ſº \a º AJ Web (1/2) PRINGIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 ARKANSAS This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Arkansas during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 26,391 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect.' The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the mumber of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 28.3 years. - - Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Educational deficiency and mental disease accounted for one-fourth of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; almost one-half of the Negro rejections were due to syphilis and educational deficiency. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 3.0 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 12.5 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 9.9 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 50.4 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations 1–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February l, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August l, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and lo percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and l9 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants l8 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated. FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 — MARCH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES wHITE NEGRO Percent of Tofol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections O|O20| 3040O|0203040 MENTAL DISEASES Y PH | L | S MUSCULOSKE LETALEDUCATİONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULARCA RD | OVASCULAR H E RN | AM EN TAL D | SEASE E Y E SM U S C U LO S K E LE TAL ARKANSAS W HI TENE GR O Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections O| O2O3O40O| 0203040 EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCYS Y P H | L | S M E N TAL DI SE ASEEDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CĄ RD | O VASCULARCARDI O VASCULAR MUSCULO S KE LETALM EN TAL DI SE A SE E Y E SH E R N | A Arkansas Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1912 through March 1913 1/ Local board Induction station 1:... Cause for Rejection Whºſºc Thºſts Total 2/ Negro Total 2/ Negro Total m; Negro tº ºn Total 100a0 loos0 looeC) looeo 100,0 loos0 100,0 100a0 loCeO Eyes lieſ 6,8 2.5 6,6 7.6 hez 6el 7el, 3.5 Ears l,5 2.6 Oe? 3.l. lel, Oe? 2e.9 lso O•5 Teeth 2el 3.2 leo 3el 3e.9 leO 2e.9 3e? lso Mouth and gums Oel, 0.5 Oe? Oe? leO O•2 Oe? Oe? Oe? Nose - Oel 0.2 tºº Os3 le2 0-3 Oeſ lso Os2 Throst, / « » Oel Oel Oel º: / Oel Lungs 1..? is6 0.6 lso .# 2e3 23/ .# le6 Tuberculosis 2.5 lel Os3 3e3 3e.7 2el, 3el 3.8 le.8 Cardiovascular lso le3 0-6 lºs2 12-8 17.9 10-6 losli llel Blood and blood-forming 3/ 0-1 […} 3/ 3/ gº Ǻ Hernia 7.8 9.8 5.7 6-0 6.li lie5 6.e5 7.el 5.2 Kidney and urinary Oe2 Oe2 Oe? O.8 lso 0.5 Oe? Os3 Oslº Abdominal viscera Oslº 0.6 O•2 0.6 0.8 Oe? O,6 0.8 Oe? Genitalia OeS 0.6 lel 2.6 le3 5.9 2el le2 lso Syphilis liliej l?s 9 7le? Oe? 0.5 l,5 12.6 bel 29.1 . Gonorrhea and other venereal 0.6 0.2 leO le.7 Oslº. 5.3 lal, 0.3 3.6 Skin Oslº Oe? Oe? 0.5 Oslº 0.6 O-5 Oes Oel, Hemorrhoids Oslº 0.6 0.3 O•6 0.6 Oes O.5 0.6 Oeh Waricose veins Oe? le2 O-6 le3 lsh Oe? lel lºl, 0.8 Educational deficiency Oel Oe 2 Oel 20e? 18.0 27,7 15el ill-3 1628 Mental deficiency 3e3 5.7 2,0 la? le.7 le5 2e3 - 2.5 le? Mental disease 3.0 lie? lel 12.5 12.6 12.2 9-9 llao 7.8 Neurological 6-7 ll-5 le? 2.l. 2.5 2e2 3-6 lish 2,0 Musculoskeletal ilso 2le2 6.6 6.2 6,9 lie? 8-3 9.e.9 5.2 Feet, Oe6 leO Oe? O•6 0.6 Oe? Osó Oe? Oes Endocrine O•6 laQ Oel Oe? Oe? Oe? Oe6 Oe? Oe 2 Neoplasms Osh 0.6 Oe? 0.5 0.6 0-3 O-5 0.6 Oe? Infectious and parasitic 2/ • Oel Oel Oez Osl Oel Oel Oel Underweight, overweight and other le2 le3 leO 2,6 3el laj - 2e2 2.8 le? Nommedical reasons 0e2 Oslº tºº OeT Oe? Os3 O-6 Oe& Os2 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912-March 1913. Includes all races other than Negroe / Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2e Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects 1/ RºſGCEC3 for IT ſtºckſ service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects De ſect, Percent, Detect, Percent, Total * 100e,0 Total 100.s0 Eyes 50el, Hernia . 23.6 Musculoskeletal 2lie? Teeth 12.9 Teeth - 9,2 Eyes losh Underweight and overweight 5,8 Genitalia * 10e2 Ears lso Musculoskeletal 8e0 Other 6.a3 Other 3le?_ 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942—iarch 1913. PRIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AN D REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 | ARKANSAS Į W\fte end ſegre Registraats Number physically examined at induction station Total member physically examined by year of birth MſumberTotal RefectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::jec#imited Inclunumbernumber„Řış19251922191719121904Kot, )rejectedînđucted1924throughthroughthroughand boardºſ;};}" |±√¶r| £ | ::::::::examined M #3.33191819131905 | earlierstated reſsediable (l)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) T(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Eyesſó4222053983907937281521923813193291964 Ears$2· 299\ºlºr,2696913390225l’AQ108119!%4 Teethºffſ,yr2351686036%22,399427579179255ș Mouth and gums1416%30983309993512466ll489 Mose460283829,601324443142292 Throat,]419�9152?51 Lungs399007313· 41215427});1,27310160} Tuberculosis0,3249ºrs%4,04241303699992 Cardiovascular931343216l1619961914312093092515 Blood and blood-forming1]139l}1 Hermia2:5��466145483,149986523131%2351902 Kidneys and urinary?&1172852671232]20161 Abdominal viscera243833753*r315}}3]21 Genitalia904720, 142342ºrº42770547328137136552 Syphil18(1960yry37151634151649y?4143:11516399], Other venereal201215020185202054£74654}22 Skłn16251995}6036964 | |4324ll14 Hemorrholds162232ll470llae}845423461&1 Warloose wełns 3) i1921687114%882yz547380:21 Mental deficiency136156292292191054749666 Educational defici19,3337(19663372297182106241499022629 :::::::::::::::nesenºy1411753121284l2129615734]21499020943 Neurological29522286746313478371169610913729 Musculo-skeletal49442519917919910^7)33814166642022,8325299ºrº ſeet2431281721683188271�137443934� Endo20622248469092613192:12 Ë132↑294326247], 10?34292320} Infectious and parasitio}21215158522 Weight and others&ł163814703826?50879573360133139ºrº}, Mon-medical reasons&657373429131318 No defects96249624962413O3455116381529499124 Total332374661975)2(rael6541296613425269912404102354ßl4599333993&4 l/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTE D AN O REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 ARKAĻĶAMB waive Registraea 2/ Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physically examined by year of birth MſumberTotal RefectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::fecīEſºncillºnumbernumber„Řış19251922191719121904ſot, Disqual-GeneralLimitedrejected1nducted 1924throughthrough. throughand board;;;;;service orËserviceexamined]/1923191819131905earlierstated remediable (1)(2)(3),(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Eyes12234%1&9354316637670130781508zrae2:21663 Ears47285l4812634610′′;4532415890101664 Teethºrae2623,71326O320212532l68651262357 Mouth and gumas91350269742693435117| 3690%1 Kose4552358l8459l434422941252 Throat,21?3710l54 Lungs2024666123401235212147%75$2! 1 Tuberoulos18%}^4&rae32332521№ºß&l.2 Cardiovascular2486,7210;893139089928]}402,01:a,Xi Blood and blood-formingl]}3311} Hernia1757536013726101397493426]1321522150 Kidneys and urinary45312l6,9lºrol23141,141 Abdominal viscera1033326626813]]2610 Genitalia1019ºr231331013164171820€797$362 Syphilis32022\26334636046571lil}054 Other venereal3129l27l281123102 Skin| 12| 13#3414ł35ºſº2| 3423?| 10 Hemorrholds| 1013105*5110515643928473m} Varioose wełns21©15ºr?l116ºrº1%438326534ſl Mental deficiency102llº2172:716783037524 Educational deflotenoy312, 195217122]217143,67726265213196}}] Mental disease67;g3993999489324013624,7Mºro40 Meurological202573?3ry123893299478110,822 Mųsoulo-skeletal3:9321191451,785030211525635519024224l© ſeet},21201661399lºl240812838292,89 Endocrinelae5622476682926li15192 Neoplasas�1022204425246967321921]ß} Infectious and parasitio2| 1012• }2642 Weight and others24l426,94103723944768253323ll4105*Al.ł4 Non-medical reasonsCºº6666323141016 Mo defects7319731973199963496]2ſ1ll34333© Total1,355353142499491632856410573191371681763333103&4251928,8 l/Exclusive or registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. 2/ ſæłwees au •••• other taen Negre. PRIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AN D REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 AR KANSAS Regro Registrents Principal defect Mſumber rejected at looal board Number physically examined at induction station Inducted General service Límited service Total number rejected Total number łnducted Total member physically examined by year of birth Total number physically examined]/ 1925 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earlier Klot, stated Eyes · ſars Teeth Mouth and gums Kose Throat, • Lungs Tuberoulos1s Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hermia Kidneys and urinary Abdomínal viscera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skłn Hemorrholds Varioose wełns Mental deficiency Bđucational deficienoy Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Weoplasas Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Mon-medical reasons No defects Total (l) vºtivak 5-ve nº •58's. * Bes ºf $8.5 §§§ - 1740 (2)T(3)(4)(5) 14 v. Nº S$88. Dº ~~8 &5 -ś se-3 e5--> ab - •e-8 st we sashi tssst &aves #ses --ess k; novº § 3 s - 2]]]55122 (6) 156 23 Se CA se-E. Risā sass; #5-58 sas. -g 4402 s § § - sº--8 8 or 3 •B--s tº v. Nº - S 5.8% § ¥3 -(@) 214 3 § 3 ;B.E. assés seass issss iss... .sº (9) - - B 8w835 u → - M. v. 88 § 8w, ot- § 3 -t: (10) $$$ns re-s-ski đ essää § ovec S. §§s.” fººd § Nº no 1055 25€0 (11) § § - 3 - - no •8.285 § over-G §s 3 & $538. Roºk: Sk; (12) - S. $ $3 sºr-s Šseve sº ſº $38&S B & Cº -> 1. l/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other thanphysical or mental defects. (13) Sk; al- > -o 3 º'8 * - sº ow848 = 8--5 Rºss § ; (14) No ºf 5-vºk: * $ $ PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 CALIFORNIA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of California during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 53,758 Forms 221 included in the Bample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States, Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated, The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l—5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age, On the basis of these tablurations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 30.9 years, Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leadine causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States, Mental disease and hernia accounted for more than one in every five white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; almost one-third of the Negro rejections were due to syphilis and mental disease. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for l.5 percent of the rejections at local boards, for l;.9 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and l3.0 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 53.4 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate— gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical ºxamination Regulations and Procedures. 1. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). f Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. ‘ On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular lé9, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 13, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. Cal. FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULOSKE LETAL CARDIOVASCULAR HERNIA E Y ES MENTAL DISE ASE H E R N I A CARD I OVA SCULAR M U SCULOS KELETAL E Y E S CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections O|O203040 S Y PH | L | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULAR M EN TAL D I SE ASE M U S C U LO S KE LE TAL CALIFORNIA W H I TE Percent of Totol Rejections O| O2O3040 S Y P H | L | S M E N TAL DI SE A SE MU S C U LO S KE LE TAL CARD I OVAS CULAR E Y E S NEGRO Percent ofTojol Rejections O|0203040 NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections O| 0203O40 - California Table la Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 l/ Local board and Local board Induction station induction station Cause for Rejection TWhite TWhite TWhite mºnº- Total—É/ Negro Total &/ Negro Total 2/ Negro Total 100.0 loo.0 loo.0 100.0 loo.0 100.0 loo.O loo.O loo.0 Eyes 4.5 4.6 l,5 7.9 7.9 9,9 7.3 7s2 7.6 Ears 2.0 2.1 0.5 7.3 7.5 2.7 6.2 6.4 2.l Teeth 0.2 0.2 tº 2.7 2.7 l.9 2.2 2.2 le4 Mouth and gums 0.3 O.3 tºº O.4 O.4 lel 0.4 0.4 0.8 Nose O.2 O. 5 tºº lel lel 0.4 O e.9 0.9 Os3 - Throat 0.l 0.l ſº O-l 0.l 0.2 0.l Oel Oel Lungs le6 le.7 Os 5 2,6 2.6 2.l 2.4 2.4 le? Tuberculosis - 4,7 4,7 4,0 6, 4 6.4 6, 7 6,0 6.e0 5,9 Cardiovascular le.8 le.9 – lo. 6 loss llel 8,8 8,8 8.0 Blood and blood-forming Oel 0.l tºº Oel Oel º Sei 0.l º Hernia l4.3 lé.5 loe O 7.5 7,5 6.5 8,8 8.9 7,4 Kidney and urinary Oel Oel tº l, 4 l, 4 O,7 lel le2 Oe? Abdominal viscera Oe 7 O.7 gº 3.l 3.2 le.7 2.7 2.7 le2 Genitalia 0.4 0.3 O,5 le? le2 2.l l.0 l.0 le.7 Syphilis 32 el 30.4 65.6 lel l.0 4 e6 7 e5 6s 8 21s5 Gonorrhea and other venereal tº a tº e tº º 0.4 0.5 2.7 Os3 0e2 le.9 Skin - Oe? O.7 tº O. 8 0.8 O e6 Oe 8 O,8 Oe4 Hemorrhoids 0.5 O,5 leO O,7 Oe"? O e.9 Oe 7 0.7 le0 Varicose veins l.0 l,0 l,0 2,6 2.6 Oe4 2.5 2,3 Oe? Educational deficiency Oel 0.l 4 º' 5.7 5.7 5,3 4.6 4,6 5,9 Mental deficiency l.5 l,5 tºº 0.5 O's 5 0,9 O.7 O.7 O,7 Mental disease l.5 le6 $º l5.9 l5.9 l4.9 l3e0 l3el lC).8 Neurological 9.7 lC).0 4.5 4 •8 4,8 3.l 5,8 5.9 3.4 Musculoskeletal 17.2 17.7 7.4 6.5 6.5 8, 6 8.7 8.7 8.25 Feet l.O leO 2.0 O e8 O.7 5 el O.9 0.8 2,8 Endocrine l.5 le6 l.0 le.7 1.7 0.9 l,6 ls 7 leO Neoplasms 0.3 * O.e.8 O.9 O e6 O.7 O.7 0.4 Infectious and parasitic º wº º 0.l. 0.l ... • 0.l 0.l Gº Underweight, overweight, and . Other l.9 2.0 O e5 4.2 4.3 2,3 3.7 3,8 le.8 Nonmedical reasons 3/ 3/ ſº l.0 0.9 4,0 O's 8 0.8 2.9 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. 3/ Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect Percerit Defect Percent Total lC)0,0 Total 100,0 Eyes 53.4 Hernia 26, 3 Musculoskeletal 18, 7 Eyes 13.0 Underweight and overweight 9.l Teeth 9.4 Teeth - 7 el Musculoskeletal * 8.1 Feet; 4.8 Underweight and overweight 6.l Other 6.9 Other ~~~. ; 37 el l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. PRIN CIPAL DEFECTs of INDUcTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS sHowN ON a s AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 CA, MŮ, A ſhílte med ſcaeo Registraents l/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. Number physically examined at induction stationTotal mæber physically examained by year of birth ſuae aberTotal RefectedInductedTotalTotal raceae ••••• |:::::::: H--→#5! | №. !!! # | ► | ► | ► | * | ::: Disqual•General | Limited | *ºJºº| 01924throug board;:ŹŹŹË I Ëſ;examined M #33191819191905 || earlſerstated (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)-Gj(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Eyes109?633&76622,1991519286143802091479967lorº640(3 Ears031,093343811307l241431823632274029323 Teeth999Áll281293459574| 1039537314334]4209 Mouth and gumas}}234597998331263O37 Mose| 1014435161331691943832910868ll3| 692 mre,46327213294282ì4 q2 Lungs&9383499565O310160444174921971961 Tuberoulos1s196937l3232126332129749202 ſtry4064383 Cardiovascularºr:173513261846262,57267319243343&AO0 Blood and bloo3-forming4l4422222435466 Hernia&Oſlo106lì4%6041933641947903333Öll533ºr24 Kłðneys and urinary4194432l9241SO2,711962497566 Abdominal viacera283131538253640996563972132ì42 Genſtalia153516775.1221?cr:30423976675$3 Syphilis13306412312915371291666251201\,\!,648éſı03 Other venereal103225l622688234162016 Skin286746442l16]652263268295740 Hemorrholds20121072721392916841622&957 Varioose wełns441642639947318491631561992041 Montal defieſenoy62851l14All49|ll312095484 Bđaoational defiołenoy370525O( 390l9303,91234938l’ael1633234439 Montal disease64262).387217272989281296433420890929l2 Meurological4087354617601209ºr?12861033241933343189 Musculo-skeletal726743351212768182090020001456204&9ſºrry7836 ſeet439938941961802904′O,49123ºr?ll2109 Endocrine652?O91517344323,617946999· 961 Meoplasas1336834391545220613663253402 Infectious and parasitie?1118],3}64? Weight and others8043526;?3113767826671469hºş3:42493852759 Mon-medical reasons2169312174l2106544224173l Mo defects2575625736257362976799540696560412036 Total42:ll12383435528689Alſº209513280733738440/713917 , !8565148361190913,0 P RIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 CALIFORNIA white Registrante 2/ Number physically examined at induction station Total member physically examineå by year of birth m/ exclusive or registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or wental defects. 2/ Includes all races other then Megaeo, ſuaberTotal *ReffectedInductedTotalTotal Prłnoſipal defect;:::::::jeeīſā1\,|\,Cſae;Ëaaïſ,192519221917Ź.iſ:ſot, �refected1nđuete1924throughthroughthroG(ſ)\, boardºſ;ŽĖMĖ§::::: | :::::::ezamiſsãy #3191819131905earlierstated (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) (?)(8) (3)(10)(11)(12)(13)(lº) Eyes1867313476572194146428514301520414649511065624ſy ſe ºg8411′,632430:11292124141682- 3592263993464 ſeełłą933407280292449572102153ºr21423374143 Mouth and gumg1ì224097398231242835 Mose\O1429515632})(?108375291066710963ſ. Throat,453262122,84082047} Lungs68375488554919058,144166&91341271 Tuberou log10!$$90012632122232|(1254491961693924435 Cardiovascularºn:16/9713251738251813663162375236430 Blood and blood-foræðing4l4422222435466 Hernia3&i10011186041799641869893473035705504 Kłđneys and urinary419142219237302671962497964 Abdominal włocera23505l43€.254740567564972,102092 Genitalſia1493158‘n12205832,82795636726 Syphilis121055108ll413811141495231041693826116 Other venereel9391714818661221415\4 Skłn2$65454421158652233267295639 Heſeorrhoids!º1210226213228160416216534 Varfoose veſſas{1632649946918467631561902031 Montal &ofſieſervey©lſl143]144]]312032464 Bđuoational deficiency960624]3:61930 3,71307381671555084309 Mental disease6425443766172645032,7909544140306691312 Meurological99974045nºr601184??12611033201923243:199 №asculo-skeletal“Allºn?33220976417609672:27143607438730*)$96 } ſeet99903:193194160207447471,1774X105104 Endocrine63265�151733732369179466şºv94} ſeopilaams1354&442915:15120213653252382 Infectious and parasitio?]]1818l64? Wołght, and others79423263305373769600}449nºrs3:92493002&99 Mon-medical reasons2(14921215312165437193866| 1 ſo defects2496324963249632913ºr/4539346349396733 Total401012O]3420927,1041032022631913521994323135336296143491151212& *94 oogep Tuquem to Iboys/Ad usu, Jeqqo suosper Iog patrogep ATAuenbosqns area oua qinq uorquuTurºke Iboys Aqd prooq Teoor w unaps area own squerºspaea Jo eaſantoxa /t T66 4.87 692 Y8& 28 6T9T 768 921, 9t 618 zºt 21% TOz Tºo! T Ǻſ Tº: 96 I O92 69 0.6l. Ø6/, £64. 84003ep on 4. Ç º 4. I Tz TZ T 02 suospex Tuoppen-wog 9 % y 9 O2 4. £I T 2 Ot T s.reqqo pure quºpoll & opºsured pure smopºoeju I $2 T T * T 9. T $2 ausuTdoeN 2 2 Ç b. 1. 9 cuproopºº. % * £ 9 2 %z 0. O2 2 T l, 6 y 300 Q& Æ TI £T 2 Cl 9. I 09 7 6 6t 92 %T Tºqotexts-otnostly 9 (ºt 9 7 %2 92 T 9T 6 Tuopºlotoneſſ 9t 20. All 7t g 28 7 84, y T Ll osvegpp Tºqueſt Ǻ Æ 8 * 27 7t 82 7t 6 6T Aloue;ory op Tuuopºsonpºſ 2 % % 9. j 9 Æogepoſ.jsp Tºquen T g 7 7 T T 2 suyaa egoor rea 6. * T 3 I 4. T º z spTou-I-Ioweh T T T 6. 0. T 2 ulºſs 2 % z zt T 22 8 7I 3 9T T Tººroºlea req80 tº 09 99 $z 9T 2 TLI 9t 99T 9T %T 6 26T. STTFud/S E. 9 º 2 T 9T y ZI 7 6 2 T up Tuquet) $ º I 6 6 T 8 ºreogpa Tºuguopay 2 2 7 y T ſ Arwurm put scouppy 23 9T 8 8 T Yg % 92 9 Q2 bTureh Buſuiog-poorg puu poorg 12 O2 8 £ T 66 I 89 T 99 Jutnoeuaoppaug $1. YI 9 9 £7 gy 9 62 Q sysotnoteq n, 6 % ſº 8 Çz TI ZT T QI T QI T s?un'ſ T T 2 T T T T 3borº, T y T 2 8 9 2 . T % 2 ogon 2 2 2 9 9 9 T sum? pure uqnon 9 y T T zt 2 OI T T y 9 tº 6& T 9 9. T y 9T 9T T ÇI T BJºã T 9T 2I 9I . §I g 99 OT 9% % % Q& zº 6. seſ; _(7I) (£I) (2T) (II). (OT) (6) (8) (l) (9) (9) (7) (£) (2) (I) oTQºIpomeſ Jep Tibe 906 I £I6'I 8T6I £26T 30 A.I.99 eoTA.Ies JO 99 ſº P9T; ; *:::: puu ušnoruº. u?noruº. u?no.ruq. Y26t §: polonput | pagoeſe. P**}'ſ TB.Ieues) :::::: -Tambs;OI º, 706t 2T6T. 1.T6I 226T. 926T. Jequinu. Jaquinu. Te 4Joyep Tºd;ouT.Id Joqūſhū poqoeſel Tø4OL Tø4 OL TBqo, p03 on pull poqoeſ on Joquinn qq-ITQ Jo reaſ Aq peupuſ ºxe AITwo TsAud requgu TS40), uo;484s uoſqompuſ qu peupuuxe AITuopsAud requmn squerq spºonſ exºen WINNOCITWO © tº 6 "Iº Hº)\!\; W H5) ſhot H.L. Sö 3.L. 8Vſ) OOVEH TVNO I.LV N J.V. Q3 A 13 O3 bi | 2 a S WHO3 S*S*O 3 O 3 Tid WV S V N O NAAOH S S V S.L. NVH.J.S 93 tº Q 31.03ſ g º O NV Q & J.Dſ) O N 3 O S.A. D 3.33G TVc lº) N i t d PRINGIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942–MARCH 1943 - COLORADO This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- imation and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Colorado during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 8,054 Forms 221 included in the §ample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boarde and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221B. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. - Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distributio. of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221R. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-import anºë arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defeet; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of ragistrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants——i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected, The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average aées On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 30.5 years. Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Cardiovascular and musculo- skeletal defects accounted for more than one-fourth of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not Pre- sented because of the small numbers in the sample. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 3.5 percent of the rejections at local boards, for lz.8 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 9.0 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. - Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 51.1 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations 1-9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army-Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). e Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 13, 1942). rt- 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. Colo. FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITE NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections Percent of Tolol Rejections O !O 2O 3O 40 O |O 20 30 40 MENTAL DISEASE SY PH | LIS MUSCULOSKE LETAL EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULAR CARD HOVASCULAR H E R N | A MENTAL D J S E ASE E YES M US C U LOSKE LE TAL WHITE COLORADO NEGRO >}- Percent of Totol Rejections Percent of Total Rejections O |O 2O 3O 40 O |O 2O 30 40 CARD |OVASCULAR - M USCU LOSK E LETAL H E R N | A MENTAL DISE ASE E YES * : * : * {{`ſ PR ſº $8. A TE { } {:}; i.Al St. º,...;...? §§§ Fiº Núññāś$ Colorado Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 l/ Local board and Cause for rejection Local board Induction station induction station Total lCO.O 100.0 lC)0.O Eyes 6, 5 7.9 7.5 Ears 3.7 5.4 4,7 Teeth l. 3 le.7 1.5 Mouth and gums O,8 le:5 lel Nose 0.4 le.9 l. 3 Throat Os3 O.l 0.2 Lungs 2.0 2.0 2.0 Tuberculosis 8.0 4.l 5.7 Cardiovascular 7, 8 17.5 l3.5 Blood and blood-forming O.4 O,3 O• 3 Hernia 8.7 9.4 9.l Kidney and urinary l.0 2.2 le 7 Abdominal viscera l. 3 2.6 2.l Genitalia * O. 8 l.6 l.2 Syphilis 8.7 l.4 4.4 Gonorrhea and other venereal ſº l,0 0, 6 Skin O, 7 O,8 O,8 Hemorrhoids 0, 8 O,8 O's 8 Varicose veins lel l,l lel Educational deficiency Oel 3.l l, 9 Mental deficiency 3,5 3.0 3.2 Mental disease 5.5 12.8 9, O Neurological lC).5 3,5 6.4 Musculoskeletal 2O e 9 8.0 l3.3 Feet; 2.5 O.9 1.6 Endocrine ls 6 1.4 l,5 Neoplasms O.9 0.5 O,7 Infectious and parasitic 0.l 0.2 O.l Underweight, overweight and other 2.0 2.7 2.4 Nommedical reasons 0.l O,8 0.5 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ - Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects _º Defect Percent Defect Percent Total lC0.0 Total 100.0 Eyes - 54 el Hernia 52s 3 Musculoskeletal l6.3 Eyes 10.5 Teeth lle 3 Musculoskeletal 7,9 Feet; 9.7 Underweight and overweight 5.7 Underweight and overweight 3.e.8 Teeth - 5el Other 4,8 Other 38e 5 l/ Based on a sample of DSS forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN D UCT E D AN D REJECTED RÉG|STŘANŮ (ŘS À $ Sº}C} \;\?\! ON A $ AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R E C EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, i 9 4 3 COLORADO White and Negro Registrants Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physically examined by year of birth ¿aRejectedInductedTotalTotal! Principal defectat localLłmſtedËa¿aphysically192519221917Ëſ.iſ:Not, �� 10Tºe Tec’tenOllſ||C.1924throughthroughthrougCaeſaetated board”;};}" |--ſaer | 3:ſſ | ::::::::examined M #33;191819131905 | earlier8£8\ remediable (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)_(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(ll)(12)(13)(14) Èyes921075213723925137662728251l2l991262 Ears531053l4101612418516622531492 Teeth18925135052631152613227o2 Mouth and gumsll62ll38l39l42626 Nose6317363443963232131323 Throat,4ll464103124 Lungs2940l870878217122324 Tuberculosis113803419642004301543108 Cardiovascular11033617ll463ll47427l4060771682 Blood and blood-forming56llll12l3224 Hernial243115993l49323157453771022 Kidneys and urinaryl4261836583694439181023 Åbdominal viscera194859l72108215121935l Genitalia118241124313564284l28 Syphilis12420861526158l24204l72 Other venereal218420424lll6l5 Skłn10107327330210486 Hemorrhołdsl23l4.42943343620 Varicose weinsl51013l33844254ll22 Mental deficiency50605110511564l12l4.393 Educational deficiency25581965198442282l28l Mental disease50256| 21730817325l4.6840961016 Neurological149674231220242441471284288l Musculo-skeletal29712339797245915l6103517873109214l Feet3616320AL355631181027213228 Endocrine222355505552199915l Neoplasms!13465 ,123629628l2l Infectious and parasítłoll244llll Weight and others ·2826281291782l462282295283349l Non-medical reasons216118l19l8l4.5 No defects35583558355824916055505555909 Totall420152649341734423439461580544682899l160lĄ27206535 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for ressons other than physical or mental defects. *c.189A uuun rêtryo Seos.; Tru Gopatou I /ć • gºoeyap Taquem to TaopsAud uqua reqqo suogbei Iog gas.Iajap KLauenbesqms araa oua qma uorquuſurgye Taoys &nd preoa Tsoot a uaapā area oua squerq873er Jo e^{5titoxa '7'ſ 99. 7:02 I88. I A.YII £982 I97 II64, 99.97 94.9% 697 9607 U3? 867 I 16CI Taqo, 6 T39 7% g?g 6.3 [ 972 £679. £6.7% £679. sºoegap on 9 7 I 8 T 6. I 8T T 9T & guosaar [Goſpelm-uoM T 67 Og 9& £6 & 9.2& Tºrt 28 1.I 7&I 82 9& 82 B.I.G.I.40 pub quºtest T T T. T 7. 7 . 2. T t opºſsesſed pure anopºlogju I I 2T 8 & 9 6& 9 Ø T 9. 9 y £I sugu.TooeN I 9T 6 6 8T 2 79 % 67 9. 9 Cº. 22 euTroopug & Q& TC 92 OT 7II T9 £9 £7 8T C 9I 9% 499. I I II2 90'ſ £1, 9 LI 99. Q09 ‘O9U O97 24, 8/. 66 O&I I62 Teqelexis-otnosmºſ T. 88 I? 4.2. 69 £I 69 & 72 9I2 T 6& 7 99 97I TeoTºotomen 9 OOT 96 O? 99 £I O&E A.T £O£ &I º Tºd. O9 essesſip Taquem I 32. Tø. 8 Cº. 7 73 6T. 99 6I 8 99 & Aouero prep Thuopºbonpg £ 39. YT TI [7 9 £IT 7 60I y 69 O% Aloueyo, Jep Tequen & Q'ſ 7 9 I7 7 Lø £ T &I Olſ 9T Guyaſ, esoopaba O& 9 £ 7 £6. 7 6& 7 7I £ CI spTour.ſomeH 9 3 7 OT 2. 09. £ & £ 4. OTſ Oſ up>IS 9 9 6 I Q& 7 9I y 7I & TeeJeuaa Ieugo 99 89. 3. £Z T 97I 7 z7I 7 8 6ſ 9TI STIRudáS 4. OT 7 1.2 7 &% &T O7 Z OT £& 4. OT by Ipºpueb T 9% 6I &I 9T 28 OT Cº. T 6 9 97 6. breosTA Tuupulopay & Olſ A.I 6% 7 Z6 96. 99. 9& &I 9& 7I Airbuſsºn pub skeuppy 2 TOI 7, £9 71. 9T 6Iſ, 6 OTC 6 4.91 O£ ØI bTuxeg 7 2 2 9. I ZI T TI I 9 9 3upulog-pooſq pub pooſa 2. 99T &. O9 8%I 4.2 O4.7 II 697 TI All Zºº, OTI Jºtnosuacºprº 90T I? 7I 6& 7 961 7 261 y C 8/. III sysotnotequº, 72 £2 &T A.I 2. 84, 3 Ot, 8 T O7 62 såum'ſ 7 2 T £ OI 7 9 y I I y 4bolu. £z £I £I Ig Z C3 6% g? 96. 4. Oć. 9 eson £2 9 2 7 T 99. T 96. T Oz 9 Ot sum3 puu uqnoº 2. Ol. &d 9. I 9 Z 9II £9 zº 09 ÇI 9& 6 8T tº 95W. 2 67 I9. 9& 29 9I 98T 72 T91 Ot YI g £OU Çg S.Leg & 7&I 46 O2.I Ość 4.2 Oć9 CL& A.Y.: & CI Tº %OI 26 se&g (ºt) (CI) (ZI) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (AE) (9) (9) (7) (£) (2) (T) etalsTPomer JepTrue 906T. 6T6T 8T6T. £26 I ao PA.Ies *P* | *S*ašpares Pº *:::: pub ºn ºn ºn | #: @., paswa, passics | * | *0 | ...:"|-tºid . N 7O6T. 2T6T. 1.T6T. 226T. 926T. Jºaquinu. Joquitu Jequinu. Qºlº ſ #: qoegep Ted TouT.Id Tºqo, TBq.O.L. TB4OT. pºompu I p0499; 08. uº. To Jo Jºneſ Aq peupulºxe AITwo TsAud Jequmu TBqol. uo;484s uoſqompuſ 3.8 peupulºxe AITaoys Aud requim N Jequim N E. p 6 | *lº H.Qbi W. W. Hº) ſhot H.J. SH 3.1. 8 º’ſ, O'QV3H TVNO I.LV N LV G 3 A 13 O3 ti /z squu as ſºon extra OſłWºOTOC) | 22 S W HO3 S“S*O 3C) 3 Tid W. W. S. W. N.O. NAAC) #49 SV $... [Nº.J.S $938 Q 3.J. D.3ſ 3}} Q NV Q 3.1 oſ) O N J O S.J.) 3.33O TVdlº) N | H d ſº R | N C| PÅL DÉFE CTS OF IN D UCT Ê LÀ ÂNįſ) && JĖ (Cºff & ſ) & §§§§ † ŘÁ\\jºſ $  $ $#@%$ſ\} {}}} Áà $ À À  PLE OF D.S.S FORM, S 2 2 ! ÈR EC EI VED AT Å AT | Q ÑA (L C03AXÈRÅğğ) Ķegro Registraraes |-ſë ADQUARTĒ R$ THROUGH ŘÁ ARCH 3], | 9 4 3 Principal defect; Řumber rejected at local board Number physically examined at induction station Rejected Inducted Total Dł8qual- ified Limited service or remediable General service Límited Bervice number rejected Total number inducted Total number physically examined by year of birth Total number physically examined J/ 1925 1924, 1923 1922 1918 through 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earlier Riot, 8tated Eyes Ears Teeth ſouth and guras Nose Throat, Lungs Tuberculosig Cardiovascular · Blood and blood-forming Hernia- Kidneys and urinary Abdoſainal wł8cera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skin Hemorrhoi đ8 Varicose veias ſental de ſºleſłańcy Educational defieſenoy kental disease Neurological ſługculo-skeletal Feet; Endocrine Neoplasms Infectioua and parasitie ſłałght and others Non-medical reasong Ño defects Total 1/ Exclusive of registrants (1) 23 (2) & A) H-5 H-4 F-8. He Hº-3 }* \} \} \} 28 who were given a local (3) 12 (4) 65 77 (5) (6) *\} &= & & ł- VA) |-3 O Vºy $. }-8 – }-º A$ VC VA \º: 63 (7) $$ 80 (8) R} is to sº $ $º- *S* &\} }=2 \º 65 3.4.3 (9) (10) Hº Hº Van $3 NJ 26 46 (il) 13 (12) board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reagong other than physical or mental defects. fo º f : H → 46 (13) CN. H. H. H. Hº Vaj 3ł (14) pºrtſGripAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 CONNECTICUT This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exame ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Connecticut during the year April 1942–March 1943. The ll,170 Forms 221 included in the 33mple represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boardg *ºff induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." *igure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States, Table 1. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local, boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221R. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects ºf inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ād; as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defecº #25 the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying ãºfeet; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor ºs- fººt but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. $º ºgistrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defecº The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examiº- Gd are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l—5 show the results of physicæ,’ ºmination of these registrants--i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected, The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of 8irth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age, on the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in º state was 27.6 years. Figure in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and cardiovas- cular defects accounted for approximately three in every ten White rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; more than one-third of the Negro rejections were due to syphilis and mental disease. aire le This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection, Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- … registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted ££3. 3.5 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 24.1 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 19.3 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections, Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among £egistrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service ºr remediable defects. 64.8 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with iimited service or remediable defects was eye defects. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards ºre 33ribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made Febºary 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l—9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. ; tºº *:5*. j} 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- ºants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable, {Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5, November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- ºiassified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. ºlº, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of *ge was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8, February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated. LEADii JG CAU º § ºff; fººd sº § iº, ºf RAGE APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 CONTIN ENTAL UNITED STATES WHITE NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections Percent of Tolol Rejections O |O 2O 3O 40 O iO 20 30 40 MENTAL DISEASE º SY PHIL IS d MUSCU LOSKE LETAL EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD |OVASCULAR CARD HOVASCULAR H E R N | A M E N TAL D : S E ASE E YES M US C U LOS K E L E TAL CONNECT |CUT W H TE NEGRO Percent of Tolol Rejections Percent of Tolol Rejections O | O 2O 30 40 O | O 20 3O 4 O M E N TAL DISE ASE S Y PH | L | S *—- CARD | OVASCULAR M E N TAL D SE ASE E YES E YES M USC U LOSK E L E TAL CA R D OVA SC U L AR E A R S T U BE F C ULOSIS - Connecticut tº Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ f Local board and Local board Induction station induction station Cause for Rejection * WHEE White Tºſhite Total &/ Negro Total & Negro. Total &/ Negro Total 100.0 100.0 loo.0 loo.0 loo.0 loo. 0 loo.0 loo,0 100.0 Eyes 5,5 5.5 5.5 los 6 \O,4 16.9 9.4 9.3 lº,4 Ears 4,0 4.0 2,8 9.0 9,3 º 7,8 8.l. O,9 Teeth 3,9 3, 9 2,8 O = 9 O,9 l. 2 le6 le6 le? Mouth and gums 2, 3 2.4 wº Oel O.l g-> O,6 O,6 gº Nose - O e4 0.4 tºº le2 l. 2 tº- l,0 l.0 tº Throat; Qel = 2.8 O-l 0.l. tº ºf Oel O-l 0.9 Lungs l, 9 l, 9 2,8 5.l 3.l 2.4 2.8 2,8 2.5 Tuberculosis 3.2 3.l 5.5 2.7 2.6 7.2 2.8 2.7 6, 7 Cardiovascular 4.9 5.0 2.8 ll.5 ll, 3 lb.9 9.9 9.8 l?.6 Blood and blood-forming 0.2 O.5 gº O.,5 O.4 ſº- Os3 0.3 tºº Hernia 6.4 6,7 tººk 6, 8 7, O 2.4 6,7 6.9 l, 7 Kidney and urinary 0.2 0.3 {-e l. 6 l,6 l. 2 ls 2 l. 3 O e9 Abdominal viscera l, 4 l.5 < * 5.5 3.4 l. 2 2.9 2.9 0.8 Genitalia 0.3 0.3 wº l. 2 l. 2 l. 2 l.0 l.0 O e 8 Syphilis 8. O 6.l 47.2 O,5 0.2 9.7 2.5 l. 6 21.0 Gonorrhea and other venereal 0.5 0.l. 2,8 3/ 3/ tºº 0.l. O.l. 0.8 Skin l. 3 l, 4 $º e 0.6 0.6 tº e O's 8 O. 8 gº Hemorrhoids g 0.6 O.7 º O e5 0.5 * = } 0, 6 0.6 sº Varicose veins 2.5 2.4 4. 0.5 0.5 * = º l.0 l.0 tº Educational deficiency tº , tº 4- C,3 3.l 8.4 2.5 2.4 5.99 Mental deficiency 3.l 3.2 tº a l, 4 1.4 l. 2 l. 8 l. 8 0.8 Mental disease 3.5 3.4 5.5 24.l. 24.3 lo el 19.3 l9,5 l4 = 3 Neurological l35.2 lº,6 5, 6 5.9 5, 9 6.0 7, 6 7, 6 5 e 9 Musculoskeletal 22.0 22.6 8,3 3,9 3,9 3.6 8, O 8, 2 5.0 Feet; 2.3 2.4 º O,3 0 sq. tº- 0.8 O.8 tº-3 Endocrine 3.1 3.2 tº . l.4 1.4 gº l. 8 l.8 º Neoplasms 0.9 O.9 sº le.9 2.0 * > 1 - 7 l, 7 &º Infectious and parasitic 0 el O.l ſº 3/ 3/ gº 0.l 0..l. tºº Underweight, overweight and - other 4, 2 4.2 5.6 2.2 2.2 2,4 2.7 2.7 3.4 Nonmedical reasons O = 4 O.4 tº-º l,0 l.0 g- 0.8 O.9 tº-º Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943, 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. 3/ Less than 0.1 percent. l/ Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect Percent Defect Percent Total 100,0 Total l()0,0 Eyes 64e.8 Eyes 45.0 Musculoskeletal l2.4 Hernia 17 e5 Hernia 7 e6 Musculoskeletal 8,3 Ears 3el Teeth 6,0 Neurological 3.l Neoplasms - 3el Other 9a0 Other 20 el l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. “sqo agap Tequel, Jo Iboſ GAud ubug reqqo suosaar JoJ petrayep ATAuenbogqi Iaia oua qinq uopºsuTurgoce TaopsAud pracq [soot 9 uaapā area oua squerq sp3er Jo earsnloxq /T 4.3 7TSl £77T T99T TST7 770& O/,TTT TI3/, 69% 679, &9&/, 679, T922 6/4, TB4 OL 7I 1.9 & 2.7% 92.9 T87T 99 zi 99.8% 99.3% 99.9% S4 oegep on T 2T 9. £ 9 I 8& 82 T 72 £ Guosaar [99] peul-uo N. I 89 29 79 99T 9I 99% 992 T6 T 792 7 79 £g S.I GT30 pub quâțeM. 2 & 2 T T opºpse.Ied pub *:::::::: 2 TT £T 6 4,6 9 4./ Tø 99. I Ö2. TI 8% 4. suise IdoeN &T &T OT 4,& 8 69 OT 69 OT & ££ 72 guT.Ioopg|I Ø6 69 94, 692 82 799 L09 4.2 OT 4.67 £ 9 8T 3. 89. £ 60T 69 82 TGT 4,8. A,97 98T IL& 89 8TI 62 Tl, TZ,T TBq oſeyſs-oſmosmº £1, 97 77 76 7& O8& 92 99 & A.I 8 9 4,71 £OT TBoI2OTouneſſ T GO& O9T 96 98. I 2/. 699 6 O99 6 £ Č9 1,& esses ºp Tequo;i I £1. A.T ØT 6I O9. 66 6 73 T 8 78 AoueTop.Jep Iguopºbompº £ A.T OT 9 8T 9 69 69 9% 72 Aouepop.Jep Tequeſ * # : à 2 . º # g : 9 8 8T *:::::::: t 88. 8 9 9 * 6 4. à Tø. OT '79 32 9& 8& 2. 7I OT UTSIS 2 7 9 £ 9. I Z T 2 TB e. guaa Ieunio T 69. 9 & 6 8 23 9 9/, 9 9. 6 29 STTTud &S 9T II 22 T9. 7T £II O8 £9. 8 Cl, 6 & 2. bTTaqſued T O3. T2 9T 62 4.6 T 96 I T 73 IT B.Ieosţa TºuTuopoly 7t &I 9 £I 9 I9 6 27 I 8 T 6% & A roup.In pub SKeuppy Č8 99 g? 69 32 O8& 79 9& 27 2T TQ gTI 09 bTu-Iah £ T 9. £ &I T TT T 6 & 3upuixoJ-poolq pub poolg T 9&T 89. 97 96 82 £98. 6T 799. 6T. £ 962 8% JuTuosbAoEpito T7 OT £I 9& 4. 1.6 & g 2. T 69 9& SIGoTºmo.Ioan J. 9& 9. I 9T &7 £I 6OI 9T 76 2 £T 2 Ll 9T såun"I & 2. ' T C £ OI 9 7 9 I 2. T 3 boºſtºl, 8T 8T 2. 27 T2 9 &I 26 £6 2. 9GoN 92 4. } 3 9 37 88: O2 I % g gº à sum3 pub uqaon £ A.C.T. 66 66 707 6OT T/8 88/. £9 £I 9/11, T2 2. 09. tº 93. £9 TG 99 79.T 1,8. O79. 4./. £92 A.T O9 8 72 T£ S.Leº 9. T/.2 g72 826 9I8 96& 696T. 279 I A.I.C. 99% 98&I 1.9 L d.TI gº? sa& (†) (CI) (ZI) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (L) (9) (9) (7) (6) (z) (I) eTabſpeller JeTT.It? a 906T £T6I 3T6T £26 I ao PA.Ies *...*.*.* | xo'espaires ºf *:::: pua tº ºn ºut ºi (;...] pasupg | pºisors, *** | *0 | "...:"|-tººd º, 706T. ZT6T. A.T6I 226T. 926T. Jequinu. Joqumn Jequinu. sº qoegep TedfouT-Id TB40, T84.O.I. T84OI. poqompuL poqoeſ on Jequin'N ūq-ITQ Jo reeſ Aq peupulºxe AITaoTsAqd requinu Taqo, uoſquqs uoyºonput qu peupluxe AITwo'ſs And requinn Squadras ºeu organ pub oºpum J.ſ.l.)II.03NN00 E. p 6 | *19. Hººd VW H5) ſhot H.L. SH3.J. H.Vſ) OOVEH TVNO I.L.V. N. J.V. QEA 13 D3 ti | 22 S W HO3 S“S“O 3 O 3Tid WV S V NO NAAOH S S v S.L. NVH.LS1938 G 3.193ſ 38 GNV Q 3.12ſ) O N 3 O S l'O 3.33G TVd 12 N 18 d "organ usun requo seon. Its sapntoul /3 'cºoagap Tºuen to tºoſa.º.d gett, acqāc gucceez zog parizzop &taugmbasane area otta ºnq corºzuyauxo too;s&d preca Tsoot a usa;3 area oua squa-1573er Jo earsnloxg /T uq. ITQ Jo reaſ Aq pouTuboce ATTuo;s&qd requinu. Tūqo. uoſquq8 uoſº ompup qu peupuuxe AITPopsAud requin'N 79. 92/.T. O6%I 66%T 7907 686T. TO3OI Tººl, O729. 67% &IOM, 9% 29Iz £7, Tºol. ZT gyz 269, Otº 9:7t 902.T. 97.9. 97.6 97.9. S490.3 bp on T 2I 9 g 9 T 8& 82 T 72 g suosua. Tºoppeu-uoM T 99 T9 79 Ygſ 9T 0% £92 b.8 T 292 y zº Ig S-IG-130 pub quareM. 2 2 2. T T opºpsbred pub amophoeju I 2 TI 2T 6 4% 9 4.1. Tz 99 T O2 Tº 8% 4. sursu[doeN ZT &T Ot & 8 69 OI 69 OT 2 69. *z guy-oopug T8 £9 99 £32 & 697 zg? 4.2 OT 297 £ 9 3I 4 eed g 90T 99 33 gºrſ 96. 977 Tºl 992 39 £II & QM, 99T Tºq9texts-otnostin OM, yy * T6 72 £1.2 92 97.2 A.I 3 % zyI TOI Tboºotounen T 361 47t £6 £º'ſ CM, zyg 6 %29 6 6 909 92 99 bespp Tequeſſ T 2T 9T 2T &T 52 99 6 Ll, T 3. 4.1. AoueToTJep TBuopºbompºſ & All OT 9 All 9 8% 9% % YZ Alouepoſ.jep Tequen 96. 9. I 4. 4. £9 T£ 26 9 gz 9 9 8T Supaa esoop.18A 62 Ot 4. Ot. 2 9% 6% 6L 2 4% 3 9 9 Bppou.I.Iomeh 6 4. 4. T2 QI Yg 92 92 32 & 7I OI up(S 2 2 y 2 2 T T T T Tberguaa reuq.0 62 7I y 9 £9 2 I9 2 £ 9. g? STTTud AS YI 6 TZ O% &T lot gl 26 3 4.9 6 º: 2. by Taque) T 62 Twº 9t 62 96 T 26 T T €8 TI BJeosTA TºuTuopoly 7I TI g {{ 9 67 3 Ty T 4. T 8% 2 A.Iburg.In puu g/Ceuppy O3 99 97 69 92 8/2 Yº, Yzz zy &I 6% GTI 09 bTu-19H g T 9. % 2I T. TI T 6 2 3uTullo.J-pooſq pub poolg I ATI 99. 97 £6 92 826, 6T 6TE 6T Z O32 Lø JuTaosbacpp.190 6% QI 2T 62 y 83 T & T T 69 £2 GT SoTruo Iegni, 92 9T 9I I? ÇI 90I YI T6 2 21 2. %l. YI såun"I I 2 T 2 £ 6 9 £ 9 T 2 $boºſu, } st 8T 92 Ty Tz £2T O6 £8. 2 88 9 92 £ ason £2 4. * 8 9 37 32 O2 T AE & 8T sum3 pub uqnow £ Oz I % L6 26% YOT Oſ3 691, I9 9. I 971, TZ I 62 tº 90. Tº 67 99 7&T 49. 96% 71, 29: A.T 1.9 8 Yaz Oć s.reg % 9& gyz 3TÉ 961. 832 906 I 709D TOC 99% 97:T Oºt OTI Ty se&H (ºrt) (CI) (ZI) (II) (OE) (6) (8) (l) (9) (%) (7) (£) (z) (I) eTa's ºpenet. JiețTºbe 906T. 6T6T 8T6T. £26T eoPA.Ies *P**** | *, 'e.p...as pe;37 *:::: pus uSnoquq uSnoruº, uSnoruq. Y26T. º: pasupar pensates | Pºirºt | tºp | “...:"|-tºmbºid º, YO6T. 2T6T. A.T6T zz6T. 926T. Jequinu. Jequiru Joquſnu ſ Fº 3 oegep Tad TouT-Id. Tºqo, Taq.o. Tºqo, pºorlpUII p0400; 98. Jequirin /z saw as the ºut J.ſlſ)II.0%in NOO © tº 6 | *19. Hobº VW Hº) ſho?: H.L. Sö 31.8 Vſ) OCIV/3H TVNO I.LV N i.V. Q3 A 13 D3 by 3 O & Tld W \; S W N C NAAC) - S S ºf S.J. Nº 8. § 133 &; G º.º.º) ºf º (; ºf $ 3.J. ºſ; G Nt ºf Q S., 2 × .333 | 2 & S W - O.3 S*S*Q Tiºgi . .) N i \} ci *** „Ť, !ººk, , ; #~~ ¡ ¿ † 27-3 *ſ*, ſ°,;=), ſº §zº : ( )}ț¢ $ € £ ¥ $ Ķ ķī" | ~**��=%- Ģ $ $ ſºſº-ſ,•Ģ;***!ºjſ}} }}§§ © :::::} ſ &=&ță%)##ț¢Â$,?|}°{ z;rºu. Àſ $ $ $ € † Ē ſ') }}\\ſ|$) și, ſ. № Ç’Ë Ç) £ € £{ \? ¡ ¿ å† ?! A'ſ ſy ſºț¢, 3¢, $-ºſ ſ\ ſ}{2} \; {\ſ\'ſ$ $ $ †{}{}{}{} && ſ); !$@jÈ№ſſſſſſſſ №ſſ) ſº z.s., ſ. Ģ ºſºſy ſy ſ ºſº ¿%, §§ț¢ £.ſl ſſºſ, {'ſ'} }$):º) ) { Ķ ĶĒģ$ $ºjºſ ſºff ºſ"$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ ≡ ÎÏ:3ț¢ £egłºżºntae * À $ Å ſå ſºț. Àț¢Ć&# 3ț¢ £ © 4% 3 Ësºº, ſae, wę+ !!!,,, È, ſº Principal defect; ſätyyubº? rejected et local board Number physically examined at induction station To%8] Intºmbeº physically examineći ſöy year of bºrth Rºjected ×??? … -3… …“;{{}} … !!Total 3Inducted{{Otº I.ſotalputabºr ÍLłymited gęſtºriçe ö? ſºſedí sºbłº ſisqųºlº ſł ſieći Exaeſº?” įſlėlygteä ſumbeyº rejected 1922 through 1918 1925 physically192Ą. Límiö ºdexaminad}A Gen&ralae gervice| 1923 8exºviçº 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earlier ķot, Btßtet Èysg Egzºg ºſºboth ſouth and gums Ņose Țſiyºorºt Lungs Tuberoulosig Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia Kidneys and urinary Abdoſºfinal viscera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skłn Hemorrhoids Varicose veïns Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Þſental disease Neurological ſusculo-skeletal Feet- Endocrine Neoplasms Infecticus and parasitio Wołght and others Non-medical reasons No defects Total (1) }- #4 AJ j-i \} }-4 Ha 17 VX3 NJ NY 36 {2}3) {-4 tº os No }--> CN Fºº F-4 h-3 69lĄ. (5){8}(?){8)(9)(lº) 38† 63$54?20 334 292931532 (A) N} &=3 222}. |-} : \in GQ, Vºx Peº {-e? j-d 5, so *- :- \aj. \º V3. He Hº Hº Hº N. VP, F-4 os-ºs- - S - - - sº Hº F-4 -a º Vº had F - 5 - H - - Nº 3 o' - No to His NX NJ. H.-4 ON \º VA, NY NO He * \Ju § § i-à illlll1113143 25011925036955117 (?ſi) 10 *Jº Hº 10 16 52 (12) ) / Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred forreasons other thanphysical or mental defects. \jº A3 Nº }* H-1 H as ON \A) - \A) NJ 10 53 (13) 15 2 ? &\) & N. RJ tº C - He Sww.s H 89 (¿) jº, ºùTS (jº NIRJCºID AND REJ;Cº ºGISTRANTS źii. 3.942-MARCH 1943 - TÉ ĀlāſāRE - a .3 *h}s report is based ºn a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exaºs ºº: ºn and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Delaware *cºag ºne year April 1942–March 1943. The 2,562 Forms 221 included in the 83%.e. Yeprºgen; 3xały registrants who were physically examined at local boardig tº .33313tiox, stations, during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221B. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." $3.giare l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States, - *::::iº i , Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local, boards and induction stations. £eble 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. § 321R. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defect& ** ifidºwed and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tº service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defineč follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect recorde * ::::: - §,} { f} , i.6 &d ºf tº cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect: was %he first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-import & … ºdºnt, Thºls, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifº ****: t , azid, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one mix of ſº * ***, * iſº, ix. either case, ºnly the first defect was tabulated, golumn "Total Nußbar ºhysically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number ºf gºº.g. º.º.º. who had each ºf the defects listed under the column "Principali, ſº " .º. ººgº of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number exagº º, º ºr at the foot of the column. Columns 1-5 show the results of physiº * < *; ºzºg, ºf these regists aſſºs-i.e., whether they were inducted or rejectede º, geitºns indés: the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of is tº gº the number of Rºgistrants in each year of birth group according tº º • gºncipal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had 20 3 ºr ºax, ºeadily be computed from these columns, as well as the average aës is .333; of these tablº lations, the average age of registrants examined in tº rt :# sº *, *-*. * -. §e .-- 22 º' tº, & 9 * : º .3 .# º:” -3 * *::: *% ". . ...; $º. łłſ. %9 e were tag to syphilis &nd mental disease. ºble 1. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ... i -ºgistrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted £33, 565 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 24.2 percent of the ºjºſions at induction stations, and 17.0 peºcent of the total local board and flººtion station rejections. º £able 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among *ēgistrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service º "emediable defects. 63.l percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gºry. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with iſſited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards grº 3¢ribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this repºrt &re contained in Mobilization Regulations l-9, March 15, 1942, in effect tº il the revision of October 15, 1942, Changes in this edition were made Sºuary 1, 1943, when joint Army-Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, Jºaxy 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS £ºa 2:20, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on $º º ſecember 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943, 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regiº- * #3 ºniº up to 10 percent of the white and lo percent of the colored registrants £ Cº- warāśā for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942), 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated. ãº. 3'ssistrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective ºrize focal Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily ºf 2. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942), # , Nºvember 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- ºº::::::$33, and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice ijº , ºber 25, 1942), ... **, ,-º: ...: '. | i ºi §, i. * . . , , , - * : * * * *: % r: fºe - * 5. & Cº. Tecember 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years ºf ** gas &erminated, (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, tº is º, ºn December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was ººied, {5alective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942), 3, February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated. (*:\\%)?Ķ};;3,\; ģ* # №ſķa Vě ÀÅ EN TAL DÍSEASE ÅÅ US CULOSKE LETAL CARDIOVASCULAR ## ER N! I A E Y ES M E N T A L D I SE A SE E Y E S H E R N | A MUSC U LOS KE LETAL E A R S #? #:: ț¢ 、。 4:. ſ㺠ģ, §§ 3, ſººſ§ «t'); $ $ $3 ſ 3:3<;ºr; CCĂ ÎNTIN!É ÎNTÂL ÂU ¡¡TĚſ) ST w ºf £S \\ }}} TE Percent of Totoſ Rejections 10203040 WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections 3040 | 0 2O S Y PH | L | S EDUCAŤ HO ĶÅ!. DEFICIEŃCY CARD ! O VÂSCU 1. ÅR ÀÅ EN TA L D I SE À SE M U S C U LO S KE LE TA 'L DE LA\!\!AR E S Y P H | L | S MÁ E N T A L D | S E A S £ M U S C U LO S K E LE TA L E Y E S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY À#EGR O Percent of Totol Rejections 40 NEGRO Percent of Total Rejections 40 | ()2030 Delaware Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1642 through March 1943 1/ Local board and Cau Local board Induction station induction station se for Rejection White White —FIF--- Total 2/ Negro Total 2/ Negro Total 2/ Negro Total 100.0 100.0 looed 100.0 loo.0 100.0 loo.0 100.0 loo.0 Eyes 6-4 8.8 3e3 9e3 9.e0 10,0 8.2 8.9 6.7 Bars le.7 3el Cº 7.3 9.7 Oe? 5e2 7.6 0.3 Teeth le5 2-l 0.7 2.3 2.5 2.0 290 2-4 le3 Mouth and gums 0.93 (º Oe? 0.4 Oe; (º) 0.3 0.3 0.23 Nose 0.3 Oe; tºº 0.7 leO Cº. 0.6 0.8 tºº Throat, ſº (º) (º) Cº. tºº ſº º ** ãºus Lungs le? 3el tº C 3.3 3.5 2.7 2.7 3 •4. le3 Tuberculosis le5 1.0 260 5 •4. 5.7 4.7 3.e.9 4-2 3.3 Cardiovascular 26C 3.7 Ǻ 7el 7.8 5.3 5.2 6-4. 2.7 Blood and blood-forming (º ©º Cº. tºº Cº. Cº. Cºº º (*) Hernia 5 •3 6.2 4-0 8 •0 9.e5 4.s0 6 •9 8 •4 4-0 Kidney and urinary Oeº Oe5 wº O.e.7 leO (º 0.6 0.8 Cºº Abdominal viscera 0.6 ls0 Cº. 3al 3.3 2.7 2el 2.5 le3 Genitalia Cº. (º Cº. 1sl leO le3 Oe"? Oe"? Oeſ Syphilis 35.6 l3e0 64.7 l,6 O •5 4-7 14-7 4.6 34.8 Gonorrhea and other venereal Os3 O •5 le3 3e3 le5 8.0 2-4 le2 4.e.7 Skin 0e2 O.e5 (º Oe5 Oe5 Os'7 0.4 0,5 0.3 Hemorrhoids 0.6 Oe 5 Oe"7 * 0.4 0.2 0.e.7 0.4 0e2 Oe? Waricose veins le.7 2el le3 0.2 (º 0.7 0.8 0.7 lso Educational deficiency 0.6 leo - 4 so le5 los 7 2.7 le3 5.3 Mental deficiency 3.2 5.7 Cºº 4-2 2.5 8,6 3.8 3.6 4-3 Mental disease 5.5 7s 8 2.7 24.2 26.8 17-3 17.0 20.6 10-0 Neurological 8.5 12,5 3.3 3.6 3.8 3e3 5.5 6.6 3.3 Musculoskeletal l;.7 1922 lle3 3el 3.0 3e3 7,9 8.3 7.3 Feet 2.3 2.6 2.0 Oe; 0.2 le3 le2 lso le.7 Endocrine O •6 leO º lel le2 0.7 Ge.9 le2 Os3 Neoplasms 0.6 lso Qº Oel, 0.5 • Oek Os? gº Infectious and parasitic * > tºº $º 0-4 º le3 0e2 Cº. Oe’7 Underweight, overweight and other le.7 1.6 2.0 le6 le8 le3 le.7 le.7 le.7 Nommedical reasons 0.6 leo =—#43–laz-449–148–112–349 l/Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942-Harch 1943. 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. Table 2- Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Delaware (Preliminary) Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defact Percent Defect Percent- Total 100,0 Total 10060 Eyes 63.l Hernia 32.6 Musculoskeletal 12.5 Gonorrhea and other venereal 1224 Hernia - 3.l. Eyes loel Underweight and Overweight. 3.l. Teeth 8.5 Neurological 2.5 Underweight and Overweight 5.l. Other 15.1 Other 31.0 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters, April 1942—March 1943, * Bºoegep Taquet, ſo [so] eAud wagº. 39.13 o guogear roy petroJep £º uombesqns a ran oua qug uoyasupuraze Teots&d preoa [soot a uaapā area oua squax3973& go earsnlox4 /7 \ % A.I.Y 397 4.1% 6T6 94.6 2.99& 699T £68 9/.T. £67I 62T Tz7 £76. Tºqoſ, 72 Ø9 8/, 78T 38 4.67 4.67 £27 S3903;&p of A. 2 2 9. YI *I 2T 2 guosaar Taopped-uon grou?o pub quareM. ; 8 6 : 7 g 6T g 9 £I # 2 9 op+ys pub snopºloguſ % I 6. ; £ 8 7 7 7 I T 2 :::::::: T 2T 7 8 7 9 2 A. 7I 9I 97 8T 66 83 TI 2 93 T 2 8 3988 z 2.É. zz All I9. 2I 9II g? Il zz £2 £ 7T Yg *:::::::. All 9 6 Tz y 19 3 67 9 £ 2 8T 62 Taopaio Ioanen g? 9% 62 49. 72 T6T. 6% 29I 2 1.% I 2%. I 6T. esses Ip Tºqueſt 3 4. 9 6T. 3 97 72 yz *72 22 2 Alouetoprep Tuuorºbompºſ T 6 £I T O2 8 29 9T % 8T Cz II Alouepoljep Tºquan 9 I I T 6 2. 4. T T T 9 suTaa egoogle A 9 2 T 6 9 7 2 £ 2 2 Bppou...I.Iough 7 z 9 z y T T 9. T U.T.MS 2 4. £ £I 92 7 Tz 7 9I 2 6. The Iguaa Jeuq.0 €7 O9 6T. AE 6%I 8 TET 8 9 * zzt GTTTudés * 2 9 Ø 8 £7 4% 9 7 £6 9 T by Tºquep A. 9 T 9 6I 6I £ ºrſ z b.Ieogpa F. 2 £ 9 9 y I Arouſan pus skeuppy 6T. 2I 9I Tz 8 9/, 7T zº 9 8 27 2 8: bTuxeR - 3upuzor-poorq pub pootg TI Tz 9 All A. 29 9I 97 9I I 86. 1. *} JuTriosuaoppºſuo 6. A. 7 9 T 96. T 99. I £ 1.2 g STsotno-Ieqn. y 6 9 : 9. * ſt 72 T # 9 £T 9 *:::: T g £ £ 9T z 92 Tz 9 I O2 I £ T eson All 8 8 O2 8.9 09 £ Og T T T sum3 put unnon T 2/, 0. O9 802 90T A.I.9 667 9T * 967 TI 2 g tº 96A, 3 3 8 AZ 3 69 €T 97 7 6 T 6% 9 8.18% T 98. 69 99 A9. I 69 996. £62 C!, TUI 28T 6. I 36 zz ge&g (¥t) (SI) (º) (**) (OC) (6) (8) (L) (9) (9) (7) (£) (2) (I) oTQ'ºpeniºr Jeg true 906 I 6T6T. 9T6T. £26T. eoſa.Ies 99T.A.I.98 Jo 99TA.I.98 Paºlº poquq's oquº QTUIQ poupinuxe peºpuſ"I TB.Ieues) -Tunbspcſ prºoq 3ON : *:: *: * :::: Žitºrsºld | *...* | *. : po, Tup"I Teool qu oegep TBd;ouT.I Jieqinu GQ equinu. lº oqoeſ poqooſe.I. 3,9930p TODIT-Idi Tºqo. TG4.O. Tºqol. poqompuL. p0% oe, 0.8 Jequin N qq-Ira Jo reaſ Aq peupuſ ºxe ATTºopsAud requinu Tuqoſ | uo;3|84s uoſqompup qu peupuluxe AITuopsAud requn N squerºspasm oxaen ºne ºn QºſīWI&J E v. 61 °ie Houww Honoghl suslövnoqvah nvno Ilv N.Lv qaa 13 oat 122 sw8o3 S's"G 3o 3 law vs w No Naotºs sw slºw81stoss G3 loarse onw qalong Nt 30 sloadao ºvalo NIH d P R | N C|PAL DE FE CTS OF IN D UCT E D AN D REJECTE O R £ © i Sºſ RANğ ºf § Å, $ ${º}C}{\#\į Ö ÎN A S A NÁ ÞLE C F D.S.S FORMS 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 3i, i 943 Iſ A \ſ\R) ſhtte Registrents 2/ Number physically examined at induction stationTotal member physically examined by year of b1rth „È,RejectedInductedTotalTotalË Principal defectat localLímitedËa¿a■;'| }???1922191719121904ſot, Disqual-ſaeGeneralLimited | FºJººſolo tútº1924throughthroughthroughand lboard§“ |servişe ºr | ſſ | ¡ ¿examinedy, #3191819131905 || earlierstated remediable (1)@j(3)(€)(3)(6)(?)−(g)ſºjſõj(ii)ſtaj-ſūJT-5) Eyes172881521065325831155]]1754552$1 Ears 6381944513588| 27783 Teeth4194014l4405419l0O.16]465358l Mouth and gumsll3723739154713 Nose13l18ł51924214233 Throat4443l Lungs6ll3ll1201232512564 Tuberou logis2203| 125l26142316 Cardiovascular*30l133813ºl61441611 Blood and blood-forming Hernia &ışŽ36?6*13&7);14915 Kidneys and urinary* Abdomainal viscera2ll21515546 Genitalial33034333782153 Syphilis25232733Ol21017 Oºh}l3?732ll gęſ ~~~~}21132523 Hemorrholdsżl}2Ž{{l]{$ Varioin ¿¿.*lil10122:11233614l4?ł 267{371534233 Educational deficilenoy15106l302122321542128224340 Mental disease8 Neurological2414Xl35398474yº?3}; Musculo-skeletal371022019493988122215153l 25474ll33l| 4 Endocrine Neoplastas2ll343 ?231} Infectioue and parasitºlo Weight and others?$3135};18*4}3ģ��3 Non-faedical reasons· • No defects35735?35784150654018 Total193313871188165593135319463416942883063134 ļ/ , Exclusive of_registrants whp were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defecte. 2/ ſasludes all răesa other than ſegžo. ſº & IN Cİ PAL DEFECTS OF IN D UCT E O AN O REJECTED REGISTRAN TŠ À $ $ $ $ OWN ON A S A ÀMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 2 2 | R E C EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, | 943 DELA HARE Negro Registrants Principal defect Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physically examined by year of birth Number rejected at local board Rejected Inducted Límited Płºgwºlº la, ***ºº lºčišāſăţă, GeneralLimited serviceservice Total number rejected Total number inducted Total number physically examined]/ 1925 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earlier Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose Throat, Lungs Tuberculosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hermia Kidneys and urinary Abdominal viscera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skłn Hemorrholde Varicose veïns Mental deficiency Educational deficiency ſental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasmas Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Non-medical reasons No defects Total 1/ Exclusive of registrants { } ĢT“№j ÜŞŌ- TÕS); ſtry ŌT -(g) № () (lli) ſot, stated 35#420 986 14 2 51053052 l l ...* : !-4 Jºse ºf C. -v.5 - E-F - B § 94 l13 2 no tº $ \sº Oº sº. Nº • 5- 6 10 11 Van Hº AJ N} \} }=0 *J. ºs Vay \a) |-4 & º VA) º # * > k, Jºe Soº- 8 * - ve *Jº $–9 5 - H. o, 5 N + v. RS |- - E v. Nº - ol \,\! }-d |-4 !-3 cy º WJ Hº NJ Ş Hº N = s $5 & H. # * Cº. § - no Hº \aj \jº Riº ºf Ös Hº Hº VA3 \A3 tº sº Nº Mºe ºn N2 \ap A) -º 8-1- Jºe v, -swº- o sº ~$ R} Nº º sº & tº, } to - - 8 or ot; Fº RJ, ÖN $s N3 −8 =8 8O8{} Ö). © | 41323 \As $e º g Jºsé 15010842305}}3003166163522589162 who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for rææsons other than phyºſeal or mental defects. ğAi, DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJEGTED REGISTRAITS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ization and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of District of Columbia during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 4,233 Forms 221 included in the 3ample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards ºld induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R, "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." figure 1. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. £able 2, Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. its 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects ºf inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the gause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect *aš the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement, a Thug, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- £ºct; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated, - ºbe column "Total. Number Physically ºxamined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." ຠºber of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- à &rs shown at the foot of the columne Columns 1-5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants-is.e., whether they were inducted or rejected, > The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth; show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no 'defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. tº the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the 3% ate ty&g 31, C. year 8s t figure is This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and cardiovas- cular defects accounted for a pproximately four in every ten white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; almost one-half of the Negro rejections were due to syphilis and cardiovascular defects. ºº: Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 2.6 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 24.9 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 16.7 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 73.6 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was eye defects. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures, l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l-9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August l, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular lé9, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were *.ducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. D. C. FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULO SKE LETAL CARDIOVASCULAR H E R N | A E Y E S MENTAL D | S E A SE CARDIOVASCULAR E Y E S MUSCULOS KE LETAL H E R N | A APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES S Y PH | L | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULAR M EN TAL D I SE ASE M U S C U LO S KE LE TAL D|STR||CT OF COLUMBIA | O2O3O WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections O|O203040 WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections O40 S Y P H | L | S C AR D | O VASC U L-AR MEN TAL D IS E ASE E Y E S M U S C U LO S K E L E T A L NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections |0203040 NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections ! O203040 Table le District, of Columbia and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards Local board and Local board Induction station induction station Cause for Rejection White White Hä-- Total –4 Negro Total 2/ Negro Total 3/. Negro Total 100a0 10000 100.0 10000 looeC loo,0 looso 100.0 100.0 Eyes 2.6 5-4 ls2 1097 10 ej lle3 7.7 9el 6.2 Bars 0.7 laj 0.2 2-4 3-4 Os8 le7 2,9 0,5 Teeth ls3 3.9 ©º O.7 Oe.9 0.4 OeS) l,6 0-2 Mouth and gums 0,5 le5 º Oel Oel º 0-2 Oe; Cº. Mose 0.5 0.8 0.4 Oe? leſ) 0.2 0.6 0.9 0e2 Throat, ſº tº º Oel Oel 0s? 0el Oel Oel Lungs 0.9 le.9 Oek 2.9 3-4 2-l 2.2 3.0 le3 Tuberculosis 2.2 4-3 le2 6.3 6.3 6.2 4.8 5.8 3.7 Cardiovascular 2.7 6.2 leO 16.2 l/.29 18.3 lle3 12.8 9.6 Blocd and blood-forming (ºne tºº tº º tº-º ſº tºº wº- cº- ©º. Hernia 7.4 12.5 4.9 4s 9 5,5 3e.9 5e.8 7s2 4-4. Kidney and urinary 0-l tºº 0.2 2-4 2,6 le.9 le5 2.0 lel Abdominal viscera 0.3 0.8 tº le.9 2.6 0.8 le3 2.2 0.94 Genitalia Oe 5 (º Oe8 le/4 2.0 0.6 lol leff Oe"7 Syphilis - 58.0 25.3 74.4 2el 0.6 423 22.8 6.6 39e3 Gonorrhea and other venereal gºs º {º 1.6 0.3 3,7 leO 0.02 1.8 Skin Ool º Os? 0.3 Ool 0.6 0-2 0el 004. Hemorrhoids 0.9 ºme le3 Oe5 O•4. 0.6 0.6 Oe? leſ) Waricose veins 2el 2.7 le8 Oe6 0.4 le0 le2 Oe.9 le4 Educational deficiency Oel Ce4 - 520 leO lle3 3.2 0.6 5.6 Mental deficiency Oe; Os3 0.4 ls2 Oe; 2a3 lso Oe.9 ls4. Mental disease 2,6 5el le3 24a 9 . 3Oe.9 15.8 16.7 24.6 8.6 Neurological 3e.9 7,8 le.9 3.e.7 360 4-7 3.8 4-2 3e3 Musculoskeletal 9el 1428 6.2 5.2 5e0 5.5 6.6 724 5.8 Feet, 0-4 Os3 0.2 0-4 OeA. Oek 004 Oe; Qe2 Endocrine lel le:5 0.8 0,8 lel 0.24 Oe.9 le? - O-6 Neoplasms Oek 0.8 0.2 Oe; Oed. 0.6 Oek Oe; 004 Infectious and parasitic tºº º Wºmº Oel Oel 0-2 Oel Oel 0.1 Underweight, overweight and - other lel le2 leO le/4 lel le.9 le3 lel le5 Nonmedical reasons (º tºº • leO l,6 • 0.6 le2 dº 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942—March 1943. 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. Table 2, limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for Inducted for limited service Rejected for limited service or remediable defects Defect Percent Defect Percent, Total 100.0 Total lC0,0 Kyes 73.6 Eyes 31.2 Musculoskeletal 10,8 Hernia 22.69 Teeth 6-0 Musculoskeletal - 13s2 Underweight and overweight le8 Gonorrhea and other venereal 7.8 Ears le8 Syphilis 4.94 Other 6.0 Other 20s? 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942—March 1943. P RIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 DIS, RIC, O P COL, ¿A white Registrante 2/ Principal defect Number rejected at local board Number physically examined at induction station Rejected Inducted Disqual- 1.f4 ed Limited service or reraedilable General service Límited servłce Total number rejected Total number inducted Total member physically examined by year of birth Total number physically examined)/ 1925 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earl 1er №ot stated Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose Throat, Lungs Tuberculo818 Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia Kidneys and urinary Abdomínal víscera Genitalia Syphilis Other wenereal Skin Hemorrhoids Varło ose wełns Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasms Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Non-medical reasons No defects Total wo-5-8: E & no Yº Sºv, we w = Nº 8b+. N-s 297 558. Ǻ ... sº. B no on SSR; bºot- wo essä, Jºe Wºº Jºe 6,9 §º ſº - or-.8 S we w w as tº -$1. 105 H. N.3 was 38 - Mus § 638 1219 (5) ±2), 2 | 10 162 $28, sesa's s & Riº. v. č wäsä, o, 8vº, no 85.8/33. 1055 8 *- -ts&# s tº-sº-, 3-, -8 & •J. Nº 8& N su. º § 1381 &ev. 38sn's 52*, ºsts? 3. A3 £$: o, º tº-st; tışs & QQ 2436 w a več 3. $º sº Nº CA Os NS ſº º Kº- or- Ps 1991 à § NSB ~ *- 88 R&v, N. × 1-8-ve a Sw-sk & Sto •--să ş abºve-5 8-ove -va akº & B \º o,58&N tº v, as tº *** * § 422 3-e-soº. 88a, , u, i.85:ii § us $2 tº ºe -S on 8vº, Lº Ús º ºs § g 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. 2/ Taewaes sal races other than negro. wwI - 4,7 9 17 Nº sº 8-abºve ºf $8-s w8 Nºv. -888- w88. § S P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN D UCT E D AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS A S SHOWN O N A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA → ſegro Registrants Principal defect Number rejected at local board Number physically examined at induction statlon Rejected Inducted Total Disqual- ified Límited service or remediable General service Limited service number rejected Total number inducted Total member physically examined by year of birth Total number physically examinedl/ 1925 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gume Nose Throat, Lungs Tuberoulosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia Kidneys and urimary Abdominal viscera Genf talia Syphilis Other venereal Skin Hemorrhoids Varioose vefns Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musoulo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasms Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Non-medical reasons No defects Total v. CN NS 25 381 N} \O ~ * \ºt {-e Jºse -$ 5-3 512 Tā) -8 |-d O 413 §§ E → *- Gj 35 2 |-d |- No Moš o - H - 5, -č - 100 (?) !-e Jºe ov’s 767 ŌJT 2 l 5 (5) §§§ - vs No. § 1025 Uwy - > or of; & 3 -w §§ - 469 frr:2 #v=8 #85- ---Eš 3 § $ E- so segås Esses à º ~ Vaj |-1 ºd ſº Vaj ºse 25 58 -tuoj v, - - - 5 &k; - 5 K. Su, - - -8 |- N3 v. 5 ob. S. N} ON 212 471 (9 - N) sº Gº Dº Dº * N N 8 No ot-, -, -s $2- § so no k; -s $5. R; 69 265 i Aaj N5 - Pevº Vº tº sess vs.-- g5-25 see $ ro 108 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defecte. 1904 and earlier * - - w8 & a no 5*--- 3 - was 3 & E Nº Qe O& Cº, NJ) stated —•——•- N} \} PRINGIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 FLORIDA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- 34&tion and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Florida during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 19,85l. Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards 2nd induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state - and in the continental United States. Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, Table 2, Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect ifa & the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor deº 4- fººt, but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated, The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number ºf £agistrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defects” The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examine. 24 are shown at the foot of the column. Columns 1–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants--i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Biºthº show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age, on the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 29.6 years. Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection 40 the state and in the continental United States, Mental disease and musculo- skeletal defects accounted for approximately one in every four white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; almost six in every ten Negro rejections were due to syphilis and educational deficiency. Table, l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ad registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 0.9 percent of the rejections at local boards, for l?.9 percent of the *sjections at induction stations, and 8.0 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among *egistrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 59.7 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. 1. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations 1–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August l, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for. warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- tº assified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. iii., November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 13, º *. à & *** * i843). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was gaspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8, February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULO SKE LETAL CARD I OVASCULAR H E R N | A E Y E S MEN TAL D I SE A SE M U S C U LOS KE LETAL H E R N | A C A R D | O VA S C U LA R S Y P H | L | S H.E.AſſNG £AŁĘSĖS →→→ FOR REJEGTjoſſa, APRIL 1942 — MARCH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES W HI TE Percent of Tofol Rejections |O2O30 40 W H I TE Percent of Totol Rejections | O2 O30 ſº, ºſ ſº º NEGRO Percent of Tofol Rejections S Y PH | L | S. EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD I OVASCULAR M EN TAL D I SE ASE M U S C U LO S KE LE TAL |0203040 FLO R | D A 40 NE GRO Percent of Totoi Rejections ! 0203040 S Y P H | L | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY | C A R D | O VASC U L-AR MU S C U LO S K E LE TA L H E R N | A 2,14|| Florida Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 l/ Tºbia la Local board and Induction station induction station Local board Gäuä a for Réjection Total *::: Negro Total º Negro Total my Negro Tºtal 100.0 loo.0 100.0 loCoC 100.0 loo.0 loC).0 loo.0 loC so Eyes 3.8 5.9 2.8 6.l 7.4 4.5 5.l 6.9 3 e5 Fºrs 0,9 2.0 0 °4. 2.6 4-3 O e5 l.9 3.5 0.4 fa®th loº 2.0 0.9 0.9 le? 0s,5 lel le 5 O ºf #ſºuth and gums 0.3 0.6 0.62 0.1 0.2 Oel. 0.62 0.3 Oel #355, 0.1 0.3 tºº 0.6 {3,7 0.3 0.3 0.6 Ool Throat ©º &º &º 3/ • 0.1 3/ gº 2/ Łtings l.6 3,5 O.6 2.9 3.2 2.5 2.3 3.4 l,5 ºùberculosis 0.8 2.2 0.l 2.9 2.6 3.3 2.0 2.5 le5 Gardiovascular 2,3 3.3 l,7 1024 9.9 ll. 2 6.7 7.7 5.9 Blood and blood-forming 3/ 0.1 ~ 0.1 0.3 3/ 0.1 0.1 2/ Hernia 8.4 lºs? 5.6 7.5 9.l 5.3 7.9 lo-6 5.5 Kidney and urinary 0.3 0.6 0.l l.8 2.5 0.9 lel l.9 0.5 Abdominal viscera 0.6 le2 0.2 lel l.8 0.2 0.9 l,6 0.22 3enitalia l. 3 l. 3 le4 l,7 l. 3 2.2 l,5 l. 3 lo'7 Sºphilis 55.0 2l el 73 •0 0.9 0.5 1-4 25.4 7.5 4lel 3 orierrhea and other venereal lel 0 el l,6 2.5 0.3 5.3 l.8 0.2 3.3 Škir, 0.26 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 0,7 O.7 Oe? #emorrhoids 0.5 0.8 0 o ż O e? 0.7 Os'7 0.6 0.7 O ej §aricose veins 0.8 l. 5 0.4 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.6 §ducational deficiency 0.2 0 el 0.22 21 e4. 9.4 36.9 il.7 6.2 16.6 *śrºl. deficiency le2 2.2 0.6 l.9 2.3 l-4 1.6 2.3 leO 㺺l disease Q 29 2.2 0.2 13.9 18.l 8.4 8.0 lz.3 3.9 ãºological 4-0 827 1-4. 4-2 5.0 3.2 4-l 6.3 2.2 #3 sºlioskeletal. 10 oz. 1992 5.7 6.9 8.l 5.4 8,5 lla 8 5.6 §ººt, O 28 lel 0.6 l,8 2.0 l:4 1.3 l. 7 leO º, ºr 3.39 Qe7 2 ºl 0.l 0.8 lel 0.4 0.8 1.5 0-2 §ºl.3375 0 s.l. 0.9 0.2 0,9 l. 3 0.23 0.67 lel 0 e3 33 fººtions; and parasitio 3/ 0 ol. gº 0.l Oel. 0.2 0.l 0.l 0.1. Jºãrweight, overweight and gºhº i.6 2,5 lel 2.3 3.3 l.0 2.0 3.0 ls0 !igail reasone 0 el 0.2 * 1:4 l-8 Oaš 0.8 1-3 0.3 ... ºssed on 3 sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National ºf iºdiudes all races other than Negro, ºf £3ss than 0 all percent, Headquarters April 1942—March 1943 a of registrants inducted for or remediable defects 1/ Table 2, Percent distribution of principal defects limited service and rejected for limited service Florida (Preliminary) Rejected for limited service or remediable defects inducted for limited service T}é, fººt, Percent Defect Percent Total 100.0 Total 100.0 Éyes 59.7 Hernia 30,3 #38&uioškałętal 12.7 Eyes 13s.5 ſłonorrhea and other venereal. 10.2 Gonorrhea and other venereal ll.0 £eeth 5.6 Musculoskeletal 7.6 Fººt, 4.6 Tuberculosis 5.5 ºther 7.2 Other 32.1 iſ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943, • gºoeyep Tuqueu to Tºops&nd uvu', reqºo suosue. Joy pelleyep ATºugabesqms area oua qinq uoſº ºuTurºxe Taoys &Id preoa Taoot a uaapā exea oua squeras;3ex Jo aayantoxq /t 7&T ÇTºº, 69.0% 9&T. 72/9 90.2 T996'ſ 78/.3 190LI £T3 Tlöl. zzzT O9.5% 9TO% Tūqo. Alſ tºt. 39% I 990T 92.2 282U 16Ll, 4.6Ll 4.6Ll 84003 op on Tº 9T 7 22 AT 69 7 98 7 28 º Buosber Teoſpen-uoy T 29 T6 99 69 £9 zzº. 90T A.T.: 29. £1. A.” 26 8/. s.reqqo pub quº;em. £ I 7 2 OT Ot 4. 2 T opºsered pub smopºseju I O2 zz 9 O2 9I £3 6 YL 2 4. Øz 1.2 zz surgutdoeN T 92 O2 7t 6I aſſ T6 £ 83 £ 6. 97 6% cuproopu, T Æ 69 Yg 99. 72 TIz £9 97t 4. 92 9T 26 O7 3.09:I º 982 ATC 491 322 4.8 26OI £91 666 ØOI 09 £6 Yzg 2.2% Tºq etexts-otnosmºſ 2 &OI £2ſt b.9 T/I 97 2/7 Allſ 997 6 8 6 Mºz 66. TeoTºotomen T 96.1 00: 97t Tzz 9/, O76 £9 1.33 £9 9T 92.8 gº? essagpp Tequen 92 92 Alº, 6Tø 92% 8TI OI&T OT OOCI OT 262T 3. AoueTop.Jep Tuuopºuonp5. £ £º. 62 99. 69 Olſ 6LI % 9/T £ £ 7II 69 Alouepoºjep Tequen O6. 6% &I TI T £6 6 73 T 8 9 96. Oy supaa 99 ooº-rea 92 LZ 9I 3. 94. 6 99 I 8 £6. 6 72 SpTou-Lºomeh zº 62 9I 9T 6.T. 88 II 4.1. 7 4. ZI 16. 32 uţºſs & 02 T} Og 99T 92 962 I6 *02 £8 8 96. I 9t 69 Tuerouſea reuq.0 £º 96.9 TC0 O7% 699 62T 923.2 9T £T22 2 £I I? ØI 69 L& sptſuda's T * 99 96. Ty 2T 002 Oć Ol'I z 32 29 Tº AS) up Taqpues) 26 39. OT 7t £ 4.6 I 96 T 39 32 breosTA Tºuruopoly & 9% 8T 2% 9T 32T £ 92T £ 2T 66 *I ÆTuup.In puu aſguppy OT 93t T62 99T 6LI /9 I63 6I 2/3 6T Olć T3 Tz7 bTurgH T T 2 2 9 9 2 9. I ăuTulog-pooſa pub pootg Ozz TUZ OOI 79T L9 TSM, 9T 97. 9T £ 629 7II autmospacypreo 79 29 62 67 3.2 Izz 2 6T& 2 AS) CITI 27 STsotno.zoqn. O% 94, 97 9% C9 O32 zz 892 I Tz 6? 92. I T3 s?un"I T I T % T 2 T z: 3boluſ. 4. O2: 6 9T 9 99 3T. 96. 3I. 9. 62 9 98 on 9 6 9 g £ 92 2 72 z 2 9 9T sum? pure unnon 2 9/I zº'ſ 97 97 All 6T/ OOC 6TI g? 992 9% 3T. 99 tº be. z 27 ?g 33. 09 A2 £22 3I 902 9 2I g £9T 4.7 sabº. 9. 99T 292 AI Tºry 66 99TI TO9 7.9% 937 9II 99T 902 £6T sa&I _(ºt). (£U) (zt) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (b) (9) (%) (?) (6) (z) (I) t eTabſpanieſ Jºey Tºrse 906 I £I6'I 8T6T. 926T. ao A.IeS eoTA.Ias poºlſ pequºys pure ußnoruº, u?noruº I q.3moruq : Wºº..., | paenpur | passets, Pºirºt | Twieueo || “..." -tºmbºid preod 30 I y ATTuoys Aud poqºup'I Teoot qu O6T 2T6T. 4.T6T 226T. 926T. Joquinu. Jequitu Jaqumu poqoeſer qooyep Ted FouTJ'd Tºqo. TB40, Taq-ol. p0% ompu I pequeſ on Jequinn ūq-ITQ Jo Jºeſ Aſq pouTurke AITPopsAnd requinu Taqo, uopºbºs uopºlompup qu peupulºxe ATToopsAud requin N squºr, spºoh oralen pure eqpull WITHOTH C 176 |*|C HQū VW H5) ſhot H.J. St. 31. HVſ) OOVEH TVNO |LV N J.V. Q3A 13 O3 8 | 2 2 S W HO3 S*S*O 3 O 3Tld WV S V NO NMO HS SW S.L. NVH.LS15)3 tº Q3.13) ºſ 38 G|NV Q 3.13)ſ) O Nl 3 O S 13) : 33O TIVc. 10 N lbf d - © Coºl. tºº ſº) º “gºoeyep Tugues to Tuops&id uuq, retºo suoguez rog petrogep Alºuembosqns area oua ºnquorºwujueze Teors.And pruoq Troot w wa.º.º. #º: º Jº, /* Tºy 966. 6692 6&9t 690% ALL&I O960I 2029 §§[g C#9 6tts 2.99 £9/2 6%LI Tºqo. g Yū; 698 Q99 zººlſ 996 9I47 9Ig? f 9T.97 s3093:ep on ** ºt 7 Oz 9T 69 * $9 - 7 29 g "...º.º. - oqqo puu quºpoll zy # g - º g #. T6 ;T T£ Q9 * º g opºse-red pub gnoſºoeju I *t 9T 9 &T £I 99 9 63 9 £3. Tz 9T sutsu IdoeN T O2 9t Tt 8T 2T 8/. 6 9/. £ £ 96. 96. guy-oopug I Zº 6% 22 72 £z T&T 27 69 £6. 6 9 29 6I 3,998 T £61 T6: 6II 69T 69 774, 69. I TT9 £6 O7 g? 322 9% *:::::::. 64. 26 8% # £8. 6& # #zz 6 % 8 79T : ...: T * || | | | # |g| | # |: |* | # ſ' | * | 3 || || ÁoueTop.Jop TBuopºuonpg zz 6. €2 97 6 6TI & ATI 2. £ 9/. £6 Alouepoprep Tuqueſt 6. £2 l, 7 & 3 67 T & % O2 92 Guyaa egoogieſ. £I 9t 6 2 77 4. 1% T 9 &T 9 7t BpTou-I-Roueh 9 gº 8 6 4. 97 6 9% £ 9 £ 72 6 uTXS * 4. Ç 9. 2 6t 4. 2T 4. 4. 7 T Tsereuaa routo TI £OI Øyſ £1. % 4. T66 9 $8% 2. 7 €T 9 49%. STTTudáS 91. Tºº º Allſ 8 £6 92 $89 2 £z O8. 9T 22 STTBq/gueſ) £2 Yg 8 GI º 93 T 79 T £9 TZ B.I.Gogpa Tuupulopay & 72 YI 92 at OOC Ø 1.6 g 4. 6l. TI A.IbuT.In pub gaauppy 3, &I 9& 1.6 III £y $39% 6I 67% 6T 672 29 8%z bpm.IoH T T T z 9 g T £ T 3upulog-pooſq pub poorg 6TI 80T 4.7 Z6 % 90% Ot 56% Ot T 96% 8% JuTriosuaopp,190 Tº 77 21. & 9 zº. I 2 . QºI z zz 69 6% STBOTmo.190n. T £º $y Q6. 86. O7 A&I YI £LI T 9. I €9, 8/. 29 såun"I T T T T 3 Boltº, 9 %t 8 3 g 27 zt O% zº[ £ | Tz 9 98 on £ 9 Ç & & M T 9T T T 9 Ot sums purs uqnorſ 2 gºt 66 *g 26 £I OCº. 772 9/, 97 66t 92 7I 9% tº 99, T gº £7 98. 99 9& b6t A.I 08T 9 TI g T7t % s.reg 9 zºº 231 *gſ 29% 06 ZI6 499 99% 67? $30ſ T6 T9T £OT 9 GAA (T) (£I) (ZT) (TT) (OT) (6) (8) (l) (9) (g) (7) (2) (2) (I) eTab1 pened. v. v. - - - P - tº o v - 119 (3) 13 2 4 H. § - ve NJ \} }** 7o (4) (5), 13 |- Hº Hº Hº NJ 513 534,15 (6) v, -u, so 3 §§ - J. s row tº 8 J. R. H = - us - ki §s--e 357 (7) 15 H-4 –4 = }-4 513 549 (8) $38 ºn 1- tº sº ossos Hº \Ju \O My \A) tº K. J. § 5 * = u + k, § - no – 3 513 906 Hº Hº NY His (10) vº NJ Hº to - ~ 8 to so ~! N) & NJ 209 293 *\} }- (ll) Vº Vº H-4 -º NJ GN H E Hº Hº NY 4 2 91 135 (12) l/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical exam:iisation but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. O Vyt Hº N to us $ * 8ve so |-8 N) B No - ºn Hºt S- 125 245 (13) * * *-*-8 |- s- F - - No No - š + vo 5 *- N !-4 57 (14) PRIMGIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 KENTUCKY This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Kentucky during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 33,056 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R, "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l—5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants——i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth sºroup according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 30.0 years. Figure le. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and educational deficiet.cy accounted for approximately three in every ten white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; more than four in every ten of the Negro rejections were due to syphilis and mental disease. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 3.0 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 21.3 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 16.4 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 58.9 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hermia. hysical Examination Regulations and Procedures, l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l—9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular lé9, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated. and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No, llo, November 25, 1942). * 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942), 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8, February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated. FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULOSKE LETAL CARD OVASCULAR H E R N | A E YES MENTAL DISEASE EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY MUSCULOSKELETAL C A R D | OVASCULAR E YES APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 CONTINE NTAL UNITED STATES WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections |O 2O 30 SY PHILIS EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULAR MENTAL DISE ASE M US CULO SKELE TAL KENTUC KY WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections |O 2O 30 SYPH I L IS MENTAL DISEASE EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY M US CULO SKE LE TAL CARD |OVASCULAR O BY RACE NEGRO Percent of Tolol Rejections io 20 30 40 O NEGRO Percent of Total Rejections IO 20 30 40 Kent icky Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through Ms., ch 1943 l/ Table le Local board and induction station Total my Negro Total ; Negro Total my Negro Local board Induction station Cause for Rejection Total lCO,O 100.0 lſ)0,,O looet) iCO,0 3.00.0 lode 0 loosO 100.0 Eyes 6.7 .8 2e.9 5,6 ‘. . 6,3 5.9 6.l !.7 Ears l.9 2-l C.2 5. i t •: is? lº.2 lºss O.7 '...eeth l-3 is 2 1.8 2, 3 3.23 i.8 2.0 2.0 l.8 Mouth and gums O,6 0.6 Qe7 Ce3 0.3 Cel Oslº Oel, Oslº Noge Ye2 Os3 0-l O27 Oo? loo O-6 0.6 0.6 Throat Cºl. 3/ Osi àel 0... Oel 0.1 0.1 Oel ilungs is'; i. .# 0.6 '93 2 •3 2.3 2-l 2e2 lsó Tuberculcsis 3.l. 3.8 0.8 tº 5.3 7.h 5.5 5.7 lish Cardiovasculiºr 2.5 2.5 2. 9el 9.0 10.6 7.h 7.h 7 eO Blood and blood-lorming 0.1 0.1 tºº Oel Osl tºº Oel Oel tº º §ernia 6.3 7.2 3ol. 5,8 5.7 6.7 5.9 6.0 5.2 Kidney and urinary 0.2 Oe 2 Oel - 0.8 Q59 0.5 Qe7 Oe? Os3 Abdominal viscer. 0.6 Oe 7 Oslº lel lel 0.7 OeS leO 0.6 Genitalia 0.6 0.6 0.8 le2 lel le3 lso lso lel Syphilis 29.3 l8.2 66el 2.h l-7 8.5 9.6 5.6 35so Gonorrhea and other venereal 0.3 Oel Oe? 0.6 0.l. 2s2 0.5 9e3 le6 Skin 0.6 0.7 O-3 Oe5 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.3 Hemorrhoids 0.8 0.6 lsh Oe" O-6 leO 0s.T 0.6 le? Waricose veins 0.6 Oe? Oel OeS) Os3 ls0 0.8 0.9 0.6 Educational deficiency 0.2 0.2 - il.2 llas? ille'ſ 10-l; 10.9 7.9 Mental deficiency 6.5 8.0 lel 3el 3e3 lsó lı.0 lish le5 Mental disease 3.0 3e3 ‘. isl 2le3 2le.9 15.9 16sl, 1725 9.e0 Neurological 9 of lle2 3e0 hal hel 3.29 5.5 5.8 3sly Musculoskeletal 19.l. 22.h. 9.l. 5-l 5.1 5.2 8.9 9e 2 7el Feet lel le2 0.6 Oe? Oe6 le6 0.8 Oa& ls2 Endocrine 0.9 le? Oel lol lel Oe? leo lel Q.'s Neoplasms Oslº O.5 Oa2 Oe6 O•6 0.5 0.6 Osó Ce3 Infectious and parasitic gº † : tº . O•l Öel Oel 0.1 0.61 3/ Underweight, overweight and - . other l,8 2el leO 2sl; 2,6 l,5 2.3 2-h ls3 Nonmedical reasons Oe? 0.3 º le3 le3 le3 ls0 lel Oe? l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912–March 1913, 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. 3/ Less than 0.1 percent, Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects 1/ Kentucky (Preliminary) . . Rejected for limited servica Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Tefect Percent, Befect, TFercent Total IOO •0 Total LOO •0 £yes 58.29 Hernia 19,8 Musculoskeletal 1h.5 Eyes 17.l. Teeth 12,8 Teeth 1399 Feet, 3el, Musculoskeletal 9s2 Ears 2e2 Syphilis 6.2 Other 8.2 Other 33 •5 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912–March 1913, *84993ep Taquem to IBoſs&id usuº req+o suosper JoJ per-regep A.Tºuembasqns araa oua 4nq uoſquuſuiºxe TºopsAqd preoa Tsoot a uaapā area oua squazº sp3a1 Jo anpsntoxg /t 922 £1.97 6969. 7069 86.79. I 1.97% 99.06% 96LT O929. I 9TOI oglºt | 12t 7066 6/07 Tūqo. O9 299 OL7T TZST 7879 927t £&LOT €z/OT £210T f S49ejep on 9% l? 06 29 9I O9T O9T - 09T OT suosper Taoſpen-uon YI 99% 2/9 799 269 I 627 All? Olć 4.7% £I 4.9% O9 £Iz Y/, S.I GT30 pub quareM. £ £ 2 7 2T 2T &I opºse.IBd pub anoſºoeju I & 7I 32 £2 4.7 6 ØI 9% 1.3 2. 7g 9T 99. A.T sursuTioeN T 7% TÉ 1.2 6l. 7T 99T 92 09T 2 72 8 9TI 4.2 guT.Ioopug 9 96. 79. 04. 79 I 7g 7.6 972 92T 99. TIZ YI 69 97 499. I 9T 767 679, 4,92 O39 29T 1,681 T69 ; L7T 786. 1.TI 1.97 26/, Tºq 9Texts-otnosny &I 961 30 I TTI 97% 09 T93 Ald £3 2T 9T £2 T27 O3% Taoſ:80Tounen 9& 969 1.99 097 27, Zll 2992 £9 6672 £ Og '79. &79.2 £ZT esbespp Tequeſt 8T 922 982 926 293 7L2 266T L6% 969 I I 96% T 839T 9 AoueToT rep Tuuorquonpg 9T 7II O6 68 972 O9 7I9 719 7 97% 792 AoueToT.Jep Tequen & 69 1.9 /.3 32 £ 9A.T. I9 92. I T 09 9I 98 62 Suſaa 9sooſ.18A T g? T9 O7 £9, ØT T6T. 28 6OI 2 O8 92 09 £9. BpTou-LIouteH YI &T £Z 37 92 9&T O7 98 T 6% 3 T9 92 uTXIS 9. 9. 8T 6T 9% 9. III 96. 94, 99. 9% 62 IT Tearguaa round 6 997 7Og 81.2 1.92 ZZ 879t 73 % T3 6l. 63T. 96II STTTudAS 7 69. 39 99 Tøz 19 94.7 T26, Ygl OT TI6. 37 O8 92 by Taq pueb T £3. 37 99. 9% £ 99T 7I zyI % TT % ‘TI 92 eleospa Taupulopaw £I 92 22 29 O2 £8. I 66 OOI II ZZ 4. 98 4. A.IbuI.m. pub 94auppy 7 98T 79.2 09T 876 6l. TIOT III 006 % 90I £92 T6% 992 bTu-19B Z £ T 7 T TT II T 9 7 3upulo.J-pooſq puu poolg 4. 6L2 062 99T 09% 96 O6TI 99 72TI 9 T9 £ 6TOT 2OI JuTnosuacppreo 7 A8L 79t 86 I 692 7, 9%g T 978 T 99 799 9&T STsolmoregn, T 09 CL 29 £ct 97 97% & 3tº 7 £2 II 09& L9 såun'ſ 2 £ £ 7 6 TZ OT TI OI T 8 2 3boru I, 1.2 92 £2 86 d Tzt I6 06 g 92 62 89 6 eson 2 £2 22 Oć 27 7I €6. I &l. 9% I 9/, 6 22 92 sum3 pub uqnon y 7tz 72Z 36 9.6 96. T/9 99% 90% O6. I 9& 3DU 7, 69 tº 90. 7 66 ?6 9&I 9L0. ØOI TO3 99T 979 £2 26. I £I 999 8/. G.I.B.Q. TI 922 00% YZº 791, 99T 08/AI 233 963 66% £32 ZZZ 707 21.2 se&g (rI) (CI) (ZI) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (4) (9) (9) (y) (6) (2) —tſ) eTa'ºpened. Jºey T.Itºo 906T 6T6T 8T6I 626. I 90 pa Leg GoTAJes Jo 90 A-Leg p01.JP = poquq's pue ušnoruº, uſºno Iuq. uâno-ruq. Y26T. º: połomput | poqosſed P*W*FT TB.Ieues) poq pulp.T -Tunbspcſ . *ON YO6T 2T6T 1T6T 226T. 926T. Jequinu. Jequinu. Jequinu. 5. : qoegep Tadpourid - Tø%OL TB40L T34ol. poqompul peqasſeuſ *:::::: wata so rear a peafºre Attwoºd aequu tºo. uo;484s qorqompup qu peupulºke AITwope Aqd requinn squer, spºeli orden put eqpum Jº Oſlº I E. p 6 | *12 H2)\! VW H5) ſhot H.L Słł 3.18 Vſ) OOV3H TVNO I.LVN LV Q3A 13 O3 bi la 2 S WłłO3 S'S'Q 3 O 3 Tid WV S V N O NMOHS SV S.L. NVH.L.S.5)38 Q3.193ſ 38 GNV Q 3.12ſ) O N J O S 12) 2.33G TVdl-) NIt d 9967 sqo eyep Isºuen Io TeoTsAud usuº reuqo suosper roy pet.Iajep & Lauenbesqns area oua and uopºuTuraze TaopsAud piaoq organ uguº reqqo Seo G.I ITB sepúTouT [Boot a uaap3 area outs squl.Iqsſàer Jo eaſ SnIoxq /ī 902 9797 TLøZT 972% 69762 99.29T YOzºt £66 292g I */gLI AT63 %T9. Tºqo. 99 */99 6L2T Ig?T 9/09 866T £816 £816 £3/6 S49ajep on Oć 72 A.C. 67 9T g? I g? I 99T OT guossal Taoſpeu-uo N 9T ZIg 71.9 O99. 267T %O7 7629. Cl62 Izº £T O962 99 TO2 99 G.I. Guºo pub qu'ºp em. £ 2 2 7 II TT TI oſqpse.Ied pub snopºloeju I z 2T 92 22 g? 6 7II ‘79. 08 T £6 9T 09 9T sus BIdoeN T T£ A,” 92 8/, ‘7T All I 92 TøT 2 72 8 ACT 96. guT.Ioopugi 9 76 O7 99 TVI 97 Z66. 322 '70ſ 7% Y6I YT TQ 69. 3 eedſ 7T 34,8. 662 772 779 09T 62/.T * OTS 6T&T 97.I 79% 10T 607 £OL Teq GTaxis-oſnosny'ſ II 23T. 8TI 96 £29. O9 68/. 92 £91, II 9I 9T £66 299. IBoråo'Ioun on £2. A.99 967 gT/ 10!, 99T 79&z T9. 6T62 £ 97 % 99T2 £II esbas Ip Tequal 1.T. OO2 £22 262 96/, 992 */8/I 29% 297 I T T99. T gº? I 9 ÁoueToT Jep Teucrºbonpg 7T TIT £8 £8 962 4.9 £39 £89 7 82% T92 Aouepoſ.Jep Tequen z 99 £9. 72 92 £ 79T T9 £II T 09 9T 94. 22 SuTaa esoop.18A 19. 97 9% Oć OT 69T 7L 98 2 &l, 72 Tº OZ SpTou.I.Iomeh £T 2I O2 97 82 6TI O7 6l. I 66 8 97 £2 UISIS T z 6 £I T£ 9 29 6T £7 6T 1.C. ZI 7 To exouaa Ieuq.0 8 992 £92 69. I 77t TI OI8 99 971. % 29 69 9TI TL4 STITUdAS 7 £6 T9 69 A.T.& 69 1.97 90% T£T b 662 y? 69 8T BTTBq.Tuep T 62 g? % ££ z 77T YI OćI % II £ 90T Tz BJeospa Ibuſuopow 9T 72 6T. O9 6T. 92T Tć ‘76 TI O2 4. TB 9 A.IbuT.In pub SAGuppy 2 69T 36T 67t 1.2% Ol, 906 III 764, 6. 90I Tć2 66% Yzz bTu-19H 2 6. T 7 T TI TT T 9 7 3upulog-poolq pub poorg 4. %2 O72 77t £29. 26 O7OT 69 T86 7 99. 9. TO6 &l. JuTriosua opp.IbO * TLI TQI AIT 072 69 994, T 994, T T9 91.9 9It Spsol no.190n, T £7 09 A.7 gTT 77 OT6 *72 982 2 zz 4. 322 T9 såun"I 2 2 2 7 6 6t OI 6 Oſ T 4. T 3 Boſtºl, £2 92 zz %. 7 3OT Oć 91, 9 92 O2 09 8 eson 2 O2 6T. 92 Ty £I £2:I gl, 97 T %. 6 Tz 3I sum3 pub uqmon 7 £O2 2O2 T6 68 9% 929 1.96 992 62T 922 2LT O9 9% uº. 90. 9. *76 26 £2T 39% 2OI 28/, T9T TC2 £2 92T 2T £7g 9/, s.reg OT 66T 2L2 862 */21, 29T 999T %98 TO9 49% A.Ş2 £6I £96. gº/2 se&H (rI) (€t) (ET) (II) (OT) (6) (9) (4) (9) (9) (y) (£) (2) (I) oTQBT peºmei J.9;T.Ibe 906T 6T6 I 8T6I £26T. tºº ao A.Ies *.*.* | *o adºes | Pº p º pus u3noruº. uſºnogu', užno.Iuq. Y26T. º: 3. poqompuſ p0400 ſ: 9JI pe, pulp"I TB.Ieue.) poq Tuº"I sº Tunbspcſ tº. YO6t 2T6T A.T6T 226T. 926T. Jequinu. Joquimu Jequinu. poqoeſe I Qo03ep Tadpourid Tūqol. TG4. O. Tºqoſ, peq on pulſ peq9eſ eu J.equinn uq.ITQ Jo reaſ Aq peupugre ATIaoTsAud requmu Tºqo, uoſquq's uoſqompup qu peupuuxe AITaopsAud requmn /2 squerºspasu sºwn | Oſºſºl E tº 6 |*IC HOHVW Hºoſh OłłH.L. SH3.1 bivſ) OGVSH TVNO I.LVN LV G3A 13 O3 b | 22 SW 8 O3 S'S'O so and ww.s v No NMoHs sv sinvulsioab Galoar38 a Nw q310m on 30 slo 343G nwalo Niud PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTEDREGISTRANTS A S SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | REC EI VED AT NATH ÖNAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 Mae C , ! ſegro Registranto Number physically examined at inductioň stationTotal mumber physically examined by year of birth NumberTotal RejectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::numbernumberaffi,19251922191719121904Noºt, boardDisqual-LłmſtedGeneral1,4,4,…,a | rejected | inductedeſtaminedy1924throughthroughthroughandstated ȚĂȘäť |servaeſe, ºſ | ¡ ¿service1923191819131905earlier remeđ1able (l)(2)(3)(4)(3)(6)(?)(8)(9)(10)(ii)(12)(13)(A4) Eyes274l2916129728125440262826l Ears212l41541918225} Teeth17l468l3794624?22]] Mouth and gums7l28210l1233 Nosel83]12l1334l}4 Throat,l122l} Lungs6224l232335285]37 Tuberoulosłs87849090]]19212316 Cardiovascular251186ll437150427245045 Blood and blood-forming* Hernia325222106106921il36272 Kidneys and urinary152628l.232 Abdomainal vłscera481212l2234 Genitalia8ll41232315384147?6 Syphilis62574201971919738ll123139251213l Other venereal7178173217492276932 Skin336623l Hemorrhoidsl3928248323341561 Varicose vefnslll12122343 Mental deficiency131831313ll6?3l Educational deficiency16345163452081866346326l Mental disease1017621862188635357ı392 Neurological28385l71į722216} ,2O131 Musculo-skeletal89481020llae?21168236235056l. Feet61817 ,l2418428135l42 Endocrinel899ll43 Neoplasms25ll7294l22 Infectious and parasitio1l11 Řeight and others9125397263974232616O949844} Non-medical reasons151515l3335 Ño defects9409409408840917019]784. 'total9469871231518232056154ł35972]]106765699365 i19 \/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defecte. PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTs APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 LOUISIANA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Louisiana during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 29, AlA Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year, The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. - RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l—5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants——i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected, The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. on the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 29.4 years, Figure le. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and musculo- skeletal defects accounted for more than one in every five white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; almost one-half of the Negro rejections were due to syphilis and educational deficiency. gº Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- * *egistrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted 39%. 1,9 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 13.5 percent of the rejegºons at induction stations, and 8.9 percent of the total local board and 3. *adºsłion station rejections, & º, Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defecte. 56.0 percent of the registrants who were inducted for 4.imited service he'd eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gosy. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with iimited service or remediable defects was hernia. sigai Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prº seribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect ºit is the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made Žebruary 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on Tºgember 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 26 On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regiº- ºasts up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3, Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, º, registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective ºvice Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily ilable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163. November 16, 1942). • November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. ilº, November 25, 1942). 3. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, **, * - łº & º, £3. P& *:::::: sº * {..} : ... ." ?, ºn December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was ºv.sgeºded. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 3. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. FIVE LEADING CAUSES FØſ APRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITENEGRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections O|O203040 "O10203040 MENTAL DISEASES Y PH | L | S ~ º - | | MUSCULO SKE LETALEDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY, ' CARDIOVASCULARCARD!OVASCULAR│ │ │ H E R N | AMENTAL DISEASE E Y ESM U S C U LO S KE LE TAL LOUIS I ANA W H I TENEGRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections O| O2O3040O| 0203040 Â Â Ê ÎN TA L D | SEASES Y P H | L | S ¿ij SC ULOSKE LETALEDUCATIONAL DEF |C|ENCY E[}{jČÁTIONAL DE FICHENCYMENTAL DEF |C |ENCY ÇARDĘ (ŽVÂSCULARCARDIOVASCULAR H E R \; | ÅMEN TAL DISE ASE Louisiana Percent distribution or principal causes for rejection at local boards *nd induction stations, Aprii 1912 through March 1913 l/ Table le Local board Induction station tºº.boº and Cause for Rejection induction station Thirts TWhi Total gy Negro total #. Negro Total *::: Negro Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 loo,0 loo,0 100.0 100.0 100.0 looeo Eyes - 3.5 5.8 2.l, 6.1 7.8 li.5 5.1 7.2 3•5 Ears lel 2.l. o.l., 2.2 3.9 0.5 leg 3-l. O.5 Teeth 2el 2.6 le.8 ls2 220 Os3 le6 2e2 lel Mouth and gums Os3 0.5 Os2 Os3 Oe’9 Os2 O-5 0.8 0e2 Nose Oel Oel Oel 0.5 0.8 0.3 Oslº O-6 0.2 Throat, 3/ Oel Oal Oel Oel $/ Oel Oel #/ Lungs le 2.l. Oe? le3 le.8 Oe le3 290 Oe Tuberculosis - lel, 3.2 Oslº le.8 2e3 le3 le6 2.6 Oeş Cardiovascular lish lisb ls.3 10e2 1220 8.5 7.e.9 9s 7 6,6 Blood and blood-forming 3/ 0-l tº 3/ 0-1 º 3/ Oel º Hernia 6.5 10.8 le? 5,6 7al lso 5.9 8,3 lis? Kidney and urinary Oe? 0.5 {º Os3 le2 Oel, 0.5 lso Oe? Abdominal viscera 0.6 le2 0-3 lel le& 0.3 0-9 le6 Oe? Genitalia lel, ls2 l,6 l,8 - le5 220 le6 lsh lsö Syphilis 50.0 l8el 66s, 0.8 Oslº lsl 20.3 6so 31s2 Gonorrhea and other venereal Oe? Oe? Oe? le.9 Oslº 3el isl Oe? 2e2 Skin Oslº Oslº O.5 0.l. O.6 0.3 Oslº 0-5 Oslº Hemorrhoids Qe7 leO 0.5 0.6 Oe? Osh Oe6 0.8 Os3 Varicose veins lel l,5 Oe? le0 le? Oe.9 lel le3 Oe? Educational deficiency 0.2 Oe? 0.2 22.9 ll,5 31.1 ly,9 10-0 16,8 Mental deficiency 2.6 lie& le5 12el 5.6 18-3 8-3 5-3 10.6 Mental disease le.9 lso Os3 13.5 15.9 lle2 8-9 12e2 6el, Neurological l,6 10el le.7 2,8 3-6 2el 3.5 •6 le9 Musculoskeletal lish 18, 7.7 5el 6.8 3-5 7.6 10-l. 5-li Feet - O•8 O.8 Os3 le.7 le? 2e2 le3 lel le6 Endocrine 0.5 le3 Oel 0.6 Oe? Os3 Oe6 lso 0.2 Neoplasms Oslº 0.6 O•2 Oslº 0.5 Oe? Oslº 0.5 Oe? Infectious and parasitic 3/ O-l - Oel Oel 3/ Osl O-l Underweight, overweight and other le.7 2.6 le2 2e3 3el, lel 2.0 3s2 le2 Nonmedical reasons Oel O•2 º Osó Oe? Oslº Oslº Oe? Qe2 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912-March 1913, 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. Less than Oel percente Table 2, Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects 1/ Rejected for Iimited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect, - Percent, Defect, Percent; Total 100,0 Total 100,0 Eyes 56.0 Hernia 31sl Musculoskeletal 15.8 Eyes 12.5 Teeth 8.2 Gomorrhea and other venereal lle.9 Feet, 5.5 Musculoskeletal 9.e0 Underweight and overweight •l Genitalia O Other 9.l. Other 28,7 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912–March 1913. P R I N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMs 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 ĻOUISIANA White and Negro Registrante Number physically examined at induction station Total number physically examined by year of birth Number�Total Re:ſectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::jee†Eā1,\G|Uſºnumbernumber¿ış19251922191719121904Riot, , , *Disqual-Grejectedinducted1924throughthroughthroughand board###~ |seſſaer | §§ | :::::::::GaeiūāúM #191819131905 | earlierstated remediable (l)(?)(3)(4)(5),(6)@j(8)(5)(10)(ll)(12)(13)(14) Eyes215393180239506ººº74515338750332O379233ll Ears6919675721527258785967333lĄ91901191 Teeth12825892ær?74242.35159322791041911952 Mouth and gums213912122721221947423953512 Noge444624775425430851974483312 Throat35186918619437ś302912l. Lungs79992559120960263167451ºff6442 Tuberculosis851571]3253325616584673603 Cardiovascular27393816ll1227ll1238252662074063268 Blood and blood-forming12ll4.l5122 Hernia39974446114391911710366424218629723413 Kidneys and urinaryll621ł5684lì95924123218 Abdominal vłscera3694513l13514l492292361313 Genitalia886897439l4.25345370643264138176823 Syphilis307623502831492831??116644594108471029 Other venereal4l1017010322110332420)1644660286 Skin2721194936752119124i172425 Hemorrhoſida41282629952912429134945l Varicose vefns6886ll326165382035332660772 Mental deficiency1621123l7*1286! 712932O44832235212823 Educational deficiency14213342O62151,20%235718779642659231244 Mental disease1161252825113762614023937427239530121 Neurological280249132112542335755715690l34127ll Musculo-skeletal698347129!ºrz143ll:7432014947ı3&723941233867 ſeet51124331735O20€22343l2813083113716 Endocrine315132368529ll45511% |2616 Neoplasms2222l4.73?5880138il402042 |25 Infectious and parasitio2...23882123 Weight and othersIO3|16943113146315117714927353230939817010 Non-medical reasone559164l65l1332325 No defects866986€996698513934164616525O878 Total614973961433130339031547813:9362941419449891547974664345349 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. PRIN CIPAL DEFEcts of INDUcTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS Â's showſ dº As AMPLEOF D.S.S FORMs 22 I RECEI VED AT ŁATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 IAGŲ ($YARA White Registrente 2/ Number physically examined at inductionſ station Total number physically examined by year of birth Number |-Total Re ſectedInductedTotalſotsa?.- Principal defect§§§jūËËa„ŽĪı}| }%;1922191719121904ſot, boardDisqual-Generalt|4,4444 | rejected | induoexamined1924throughthroughthroughandstated ſifiedŹŹservicegervice1923191819131905earlier (l)(2)(3){&)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(ll)(12)(13)(14) Eyes120260100}&54724806571137734082432651444 Ears§117263??lÅ22939162057222ll2139şO Teeth54187421472146286432195586l40l32 Mouth and gumsll35768536ºl2l628203630l. Nose232419973820$244467338662l Throatl3114411411%274923136 Lungsģ6220 °351131361671146315226l Tuberculosis799?31733]?%12342657443 Cardiovascular99536l486498657}2±381152191712 Blood and blood-forming| 12ll41.5l22 Hernia22%4628350255352605411371091721424 Kidneys and urinaryll49q2667875ry1992614 Abdomainal viscera2581291108101182241945253 Genitalia243i332461293258351291307375422 Syphilis377912103931040817467515II 183l. Other venereal521614231437121267 Skłn813]3253342862819815!2 Hemorrhoids 2ł16}ß21552}762582931į Varicose weins325252068926ll34l41730482 Mental deficiency(1002551635663622413855%756 Educational defíciency46623124669124?????274155}92955 Mental disease83723716l813178302521614:722020616 Neurological2li153]]14}}3752540047}}]6582869 Musculo-skeletal38422l90105134.69523993446233160248186éï. Feet17391578437112ł192166?3248305 Endocrine27382156Hì.38| 437132ōł4 … Neoplasms131594563753.$$} ()2?152?9 Infectious and parasitic2i366|-2}3 Weight and others55]332584546213891110455390222307123.9 Non-medical reasons54ll463.47l122lê14 No defects50,705070507061721729}}.99729%47 Total2083379979379188456675876315438128].5142282337722230182. ]/. Exclusive of registrants who were given alocal Ź/ №ſſeïuſes aïl ražes other than ſagră board physical examination but who were subsequently defeſºred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. • gºoegep Taqueu to TaoTakud usua touao suogbeº rog pox.Iogep ATAuombosqns area oua qing uoſquuTuTºxe [BoISAqd placq Tsoot a uaapā area oua squerq973a, Jo any entox3 /t 4.91. A.O.Tº 7696. 9992 6397 £99 9.6%I £LI9 £088 99. 9II9 079 4,607 9907 Tūqo, TÉ 2T2 999 90. 29, I */92 6.6% 66% 66% S490 jep on TI 9. T I 8T 8T at Suosaar Thoppem-uon T 67 T6 4.8 zyI 8T 88% 982 ZOI 982 3I 9% gy 5.Ioaqo pub quareM. T T 2 2 2 opºpse.IBd pub enorqoeju I , 9T 9T 9 9T T 09 6& TZ T 82 9 4. 6 surge IdoeN 2 9 % YI T 92 3 8T 8 T £I y guT.Ioopuig T Ty 99 Tº 69 2T 6& ZOI AgI 4. 96 8T 98 % 300+ 9 29T 79T 6t. Yg I 92 O99 Tº 6L7 6 Zł. 66 9&T YT& Tºqotexts-otnosmºſ 2 Ty 29 92 97 OU Øll 8 A.ŞI T 4. 2 96 69 TeopºoDomen 9 96 94, I 2T 891. 7T &L9. 6 £9% 6 T 62; ££ esbosºp TºqueM 6% A.T.& OO7 TL2 Z29 9TI 79%I 28 297 I 28 T TLYI OT Aouego Prep Tuuorºbompºſ A.T. £g 8LC A32 OUg 9 T26 T 066 T 998. 29 Alouepoſ.jep Tequeſt - 62 Oć 6 6T. T $3 2T 9, ZI 9 % 96. Supaa 990 op.18A 7I Oº, OT 7 37 3 Off 3 3 ZT O2 spTou-I-Ioudeh £I 6 6 22 7 4.9 72 % 72 9 3. 6T. UiTMS 9 TZ Yg 77 £7T 6t 48& 69 36T. 68 Ygſ 3. 9% Tbelxotiaa ret! O 82 26% ÇC6 619 96% 66 8T I942 3'ſ 8% YI 6692 SHIFud AS T 07 TOT 9 Y&T yT 9% 961. 09T 2 £6T. 69 b£ 79 WTTwº Fuep 9 9T 7 9 Tø 7 42 7 £ G.I TT bredspa Tºuguopow 7 9 g 9 2 O2 9. &l. Ç y &T Æroup.In put s/Ceuppy 6 26 92T 44. 90T £2 Tºy 99 T 79 Ç9I 32 Øllſ UPureh Buyºlog-pooſq puu pootg 9 99T 48T 26 92T £I T2% £ 8L9 £ 2 z07 YLT JuTaostaoppuuo 9I 9I O2 %z y 09 03 y 8% 8T speoTruoxeqa, T 8T 72 O2 32 9 96 YZ &l, Yz 9 Alſº, O& s?un"I I 9 9T 4. 9% Oſ 9. &l. y 2. 2 2 $ºorul. Z Oſ 4.T 9 Y: 9 79 97 9T 97 2 2I. 2 eson T TZ &T 6L yT T €l. % 6T. 79 ſº y Olſ sum? puu uqnon 2 Ç9 T9 8T 72 9. TSI 99 96 2 £9 9t 4. YL tº 90. T 62 Tº 4% TTI Ot 6& 961 g? T £6. T Yz. 9T sabg d. 68 YTI 44. 96 YT 96% 99 90% Yg Yg 03 Cº.T 96 se& (†) (GI) («T) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (L) (9) (9) (?) (£) (2) (I) eTaºTºposer Jºey True 906 I 6T6T 8T6T. £26T. - 99UAJeg *...* | *o expºsal Pº: *:::: pure ºn ºn ºn ºi (; pastºſ | passes | *** | * | *::::::"|-tººk tº. YO6t 2T6t 4.T.6L 226T. 926T. J.eqºnu ..equºmu Joqunu peº on 949eſ peºceſex qooyep tedjou? I'd Tºqo. Tºyoº. Tºqo. 039mpu I poqooyoºſ J.equºnº! qqaºq Jo Jºsef Aſq peupºxe &ITwo;s&nd requºuſ Tºqo, uoyºuqs uoſº ompup qu peupnºxe &IIvo;s&qd requinn squºrºstěen otºcºl WMVISIOOT € tº 6 | *IG Hobº WW Hº)ſhotſ H.L. SH3.1 bivſh OOV3H TVNO I.L.V. N. J.V. Q3A 1323 bi 22 SW 8 O3 S*S*Q 3 O 3Tid WV S v NO NAAOHS SV S.L. NVH.LS1938 Q3.193ſ 3 & O NV Q 3.12ſ) O N 3 O S.J. D 3.33O TVolº) NIt d PRIMGIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 MAINE This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ºation and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Maine during the year April 1942–March 1943. The ll,100 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. BS 221R. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined 28 follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- eč as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importancé arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying fººt; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated, The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of gistrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect, number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- are shown at the foot of the column. Columns 1-5 show the results of physical amination of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. *g rivº 5 *::: cº º- 33 ºff 3. fºe' . i *::P 4, sº w º, i. : 4. f : wº- The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of 33.3%h" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. on the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 27.9 years. Figure le. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Eye defects and mental disease accounted for one-fourth of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not presented because of the small numbers in the sample. º, i. Table 1 shows the distribution of prix cigas, iº ºg rejº Sºrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accº get sº ºpercent of the rejections at local boards, for 4.2 pºgº ºff tº tº at induction stations, and 12.1 percent of the tºtal jocal cºard azi tº station rejections, ºlº 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among $33.33%;ants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service gº ºnečíable defects, 59 sº, percent of the registrants who were inducted for limişº service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate. Kºº The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants writh iºniº, service or remediable defects was eye defects. º | £3 :. 3.T.I.: łºgical. Examination Regulationg and Procedures, l. The physical standards *gººd for induction station examinations during the period covered by this tº exºe contained in Mobilization Regulations 1-9, March 15, 1942, in effect * - ſº i *** *ēvision of October 15, 1942, Changes in this edition were made y 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR 1-9, Changes No. 1, yº. § 1943). fºr 4 flºº! jºysical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS ºxa, 230, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 azid again on Bºº 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943, - On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regiº- Hººg up tº 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for. gººd for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 30, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, agº ºegstrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective ice ºocal Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 5, ºvember 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- lºsiº, sº forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice Mos sº - - - - -- *i. GN, ſº § 2 º'º jčí. 35 § 1943 } {} 3. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of a variºsated, (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 13, º, ºn December 5, 1942, $nduction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 3. February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated, FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITENEGROwº Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections OFO2O3O40O|02O3040 *-Aå_ MENTAL DISEASES Y PH | L | S MU S C U LOSKE LETALEDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULARCARD ! OVASCULAR H E R N | AM EN TAL D } SE ASE E Y E SM U S C U LO S KE LE TAL MAIN E W HI TENEGRO 3% Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections O! O2O3O40O| 0203O40 E Y E S M EN TAL D H SE ASE CARD I OVAS C U L AR M U SCULOSKELETAL H E R N | A * DATA NOT PRESENTED BECAUSE OF SMALL SAMPLE NUMBERS * Maine Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 l/ Cause for rejection Local board Induction station 19°ºl board and induction station Total lC)0,0 lC)0,0 100,0 Eyes - 7 e2 l5e0 l3e3 Fars 2,6 7,4 6.e4 Teeth le5 6,6 5.5 Mouth and gums le,0 Os? OeA. Nose Oel O's 8 Oe? Throat Oel 0.2 O e2 Lungs 3e3 2,7 2.9 Tuberculosis 3.e.9 3,3 3,4 Cardiovascular 4.0 10.5 9e O Blood and blood-forming 0.4 0.2 0.2 Hernia 8.0 6.5 6,7 Kidney and urinary ©º le.8 le5 Abdominal viscera O.7 2.5 2 el Genitalia O.7 l. 3 le2 Syphilis 9,7 Oe 2 2s2 Gonorrhea and other venereal gº O e2 Oel Skin le5 0.5 Oe 8 Hemorrhoids - Os2 Oel 0 el Varicose veins 2,5 1.2 le4 Educational deficiency O.e.9 5,8 4,8 Mental deficiency 6el 2.4 3.2 Mental disease 3.e.9 14, 2 l2.l. Neurological l3e 6 4,3 6, 5 Musculoskeletal 2.l.l 5.5 8,8 Feet l,6 Os3 0s 8 Endocrine - le 5 le? 1.2 Neoplasms OeA. le3 leO Infectious and parasitic --> O.2 0.2 Underweight, overweight and other 3e3 3.2 3.2 Nomedical reasons OeA Os3 Os3 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. Table 2, Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects 1/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect Percent Defect Percent Total - l()0,0 Total 100.0 Eyes 59.e4 Eyes 27,8 Hernia 12.4 Teeth l2,3 Musculoskeletal 9.1 Hernia l2.5 Teeth 8,5 Musculoskeletal 7 el Genitalia l,8 Educational deficiency 6.3 Other 8,8 Other 27.20 l/ Based on a semple of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. P Rl N CIPAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 |RECEIVEDAT ÎN ATI ONA L HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1 9 4 3 MATRE White and Negro Regsſtrants Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physically examined by year of birth „È.RejectedInductedTotalTotalTotal Principal defectat localLł młted numbermumberaffi;i9251922191719121904Not, boardDisqual-ſaenGeneral | 1,4,1łaea | rejected | inducted1924through : | through | throughand §, |servişe ºr | ſſ | ::::::::examined M #3.33191819131905earlierstated remediable (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(Il)(12)(13)(IZJT Eyes5917827698636051313461859333666409331ll82 Ears2l215ll5462476030735105627ı322 Teethl281912666522ll271829294l21049651652153l2 Mouth and gums83510516105l2l927264712 Rosel13l4.31842832235066105767726 Throatl3326972692761510278738 Lungs275825185110)23133l338332920 Tuberoulos1s32811813113l730273829 Cardiovascular33302ll95l346964424l11869124864 Blood and blood-foraing34l88l25 Hernia6572124227526l97358328482105523 Kidneys and urimary3323ll56ll67415132510 Abdomainal viscera667812l811394l1722332l Genitalia61227152]]4516320837724740lll Syphilis7932384387713123024l Other ve mere al232527222l Skinl2l25452294776152322106 Hemorrholds2ll204.202425278 Varicose weins192l14363543993152l2334 Mental deficiency5073-1231231632193223l Educational deficiency7113632741833l2l 42270 '454829 Mental disease324302l22464l4478551106]l36ll42 Neurologicallllll6l4.7524ll2253 4667354659 Musculo-skeletal17297701965533925l5908016898l4l1003 Feet1310715053O1551853054344818l Endocrinel234332495547196184 Neoplasms31920466425294133l19265 Infectious and parasitio2577232 Weight and others275145673712368Ù80347326166188742 Non-medical reasons37llllll43l2 No defects71871871815327ll46ll2342 Total8162040992664660638487252] 1100150236422287252Olll336 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN D UCT E D AN O REJECTE O REG; STRAŃ TS À S Sił Oſº N O ÎN  & À ÈM ÞŁE OF D.s.s FoRMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGHMARCH 3], | 9 4 3 MAIN E white Registrents 2/ Nimber physically examined at induction stationTotal mumber physically examined by year of birth ſumberTotal RefectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::jnumbernumberaffi;19251922191719121904Note boardDisque)- l.; jºſſ, | General | Limited | Fººººººº | ººººººº |“, }}&#through | through | throughandstated fifiedserviceservice1923191819131905earlier remediable (l)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) 7(7)(8)(9)(10)(ll)|- (12)(13)(14) Eyes59ſtrº2,769853595131344185733266540933l1182 Ears2]215]]54624760307351056271322 Teeth12819126645121]2^n 52926412104965065015312 Mouth and gums83510516105l2l927264712 Nose1}3l431842º32235O66105767726 Throat,13326972692761510278738 Lungs275825185110231331338332920 Tuberculo 81s328118l3]131730273829 Cardiovascular333O2]]95l346964424l11869l24864 Blood and blood-forming34l88l25 Hernia6571M24227526O97357328482105513 Kidneys and urinary3329ll561167415132510 Abdomínal víscera66,7312l8l1394l1722332il Genitalia6l227152114516320837724740lll Syphilis7932384387713l23024l Other venereal2325272221. Sk1n.l2125452294776152322106 Hemorrholds2112O4202425278 Varłcose veins192114363543993152l2334 Mental deficiency50731231231632193223l Educational deficiency7ll36327418331214227o454829 Mental disease3242921224631447754]] ()6l136ll42 Neurologicallll116l47524l122534667354659 Musculo-skeletal172967o195553382505888016897lĄ01003 Feet»1310715O5301551853054344818l Endocrinel23433249554?196184 Neoplasms31920466425294133119265 Infectious and parasitio2577232 Weight and others275145672?12367980247325l66188*7),2 Non-medical reasons37lll1ł.},43l2 No defects716“YL6 º736}52271l46l'1134? Total81620379926639á0%3845??¿?] ] ©881Ą&&3$))2285251%lil236 1/, ±)ive of regł +// ########º,ęſ ;&## trºpºös aho were głºwen a local other thar. Negză board physical examination but who 'aºre gubæque nº.ly de ſ'eſºred tºo? xeºgona cytheº than phyſłctu] or mental defectº. P ? ! N C|PALDEFEditsO F IN D UCT E O AN D REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN O N A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMs 22 I RECEI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 · MAINE Negro Registrante Principal defect Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physically examined by year of birth Number rejected at loosl board Rejected Inducted Disqual- 1fied Límited service or remediable General service Limited service Total number rejected Total mumber inducted Total number physically examined]/ 1925 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earlier Not, stated Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose Throat, Lungs Tuberculosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia Kidneys and urimary Abdomainal viscera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skłn Hemorrhoids Varicose weins Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasms · Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Non-medical reasons No defects Total (1) (2) 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local (3) board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred (4) 1- 2 (5) (6) (?) (8) 2 3 12 (9) (10) l (11) (12) for reasons other than physical or mental defects. (13) (14) pancreat DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTs APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 MARYLAND This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- imaº on and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Maryland dºg the year April 1942–March 1943. The 17,499 Forms 221 included in the 3>& £epresent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table HS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Sigure i. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2, Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. 38 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of $31&ucted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- ºf 322 wice and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined & Seikows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- &# 35 the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect, tº $3.8 first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance *ºngement, Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying 4. g *ē33¢t; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor dece £83; ; bºlt, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated, £he column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of as sººts who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defects." º ºgmber of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examiri- 33 &e ghoº, at the foot of the column. Columns l—5 show the results of physical. *::: , ) ºr rºº ºria&ion of these registrants--i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected, º gainimns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of ºisº ghow the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to ºf air gºincipal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no isłºcłs can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average ages on tº basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the 3 gºs ºjº. 29, Q years, gigure_1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection tº ºne gºs and in the continental United States. Mental disease and eye defects aggounted for approximately one-third of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; more than one-half of the Negro rejections were tº to ºyphilis and educational deficiency. lagº.g. º. fable l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- º isłżant s by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted toº 2.2 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 22.0 percent of the lºgº ion gºation rejections, £able 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among 2.93.3.gººg inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service 33 rºdetiiable defects. 57.8 percent of the registrants who were inducted for 3.imited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- º goº. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with lińiºd. Service or remediable defects was hernia. **::::::::::::::==:::= ºrex-re plations and Procedures. 1. The physical standards 3.083 for induction station examinations during the period covered by this .-- *ē contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect; ºil, the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made Bººty i., i943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR 1-9, Changes No. 3, January 22, 1943). - *hysical, Rºxamination Regu Physical standards for local U-yards during the period were contained in Tºš *º 32ſ a jºist of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on £ºembº 3i, 1942, and on January 16, 1943, 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient régº- gºaºs ºp gº 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrant g £68. vegåed for ixºduction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3, Beginning August 30, 1942, the limited service categories were elimingº, anº, ºgistraºtºs were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Jeºvicº Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily 2.i.aºl.c. : Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- 3.3.3 2d and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advics Nº. º tº 35 , i.9 43 } tº * , ºr, December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years ºf sexuainated. (Seiective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 13, * - ºx; Dacember 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was ºsgended, selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). FIVE MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULOSKE LETAL CARDIOVASCULAR H E R N | A E Y ES MEN TAL DISE ASE E Y E S C A R D | O VA S C U LA R EDUCATIONAL DEF |C|ENCY M U S C U LO S K E LE TAL ***) №rºcº•******* CAUSES FOR REJECTION, APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 į_FAİD İNGBY RACË CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITENEGRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections O|O| 20º 3040O|02O304O S Y PH | L | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY I ( CARDIOVASCULAR M EN TAL D I SE ASE M U S C U LO S KE LE TAL MARYLAND W H I TENEGRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totoi Rejections O| O2O3O40O| 0203040 S Y P H | L | S E DUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY| MENTAL DISEASE GONORRHEA 8 OTHER VENERE AL C AR D Í O VÂSCUL AR W. Maryland Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ Local board and Local board Induction station Cause for Rejection tº *#iº- Total *::: Negro Total *::: Negro Total : r Negro Total 100.0 loo.0 100.0 100.0 looeo 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 so Eyes 2.2 "2 •8 l,8 8.0 962 4-7 6,7 8.2 3 •7 Ears le6 3.3 Cº. 5.6 7.3 lso 4.7 6.7 0.6 Teeth 0.3 Oek Osl le.7 2e3 0-2 le/4 2.0 0.2 Mouth and gums 0e2 Qe7 • Oel 0.2 • 0-2 0.2 º Nose Oel Os3 Ǻ 0.9 lel 0.3 0.7 ls0 0-2 Throat, Cº. tºº (º Oel Oel ſº Oel º Lungs le0 le.7 Os3 le6 le.7 le3 - l,5 le? leſ) Tuberculosis 2.2 3.6 le0 5.8 6.2 4-6 5e0 - 5.8 3.3 Cardiovascular leO le.7 Oe:3 8.8 9el Te2 7,O 7.9 5.2 Blood and blood-forming tºº Gº Cº. Osl Oel (º Oel 0el Ǻ Hernia 7.6 lle3 4-3 4.9 5.5 3-4 5.5 6-4 3.7 Kidney and urinary Osl (º 0.3 lel leO le3 Oe.9 0.9 Oeº Abdominal viscera Os3 0-4 Oel lel le3 0.6 0.9 lel 0-4 Genitalia 0.5 0.3 0.6 Oe8 0.8 0.8 0.7 Oe? Os3 Syphilis 53.4, 25el 79.0 Oes) Os3 2.6 12.4 4.2 29.6 Gonorrhea and other venereal Oe:3 º Oe; 3e0 Os'7 9el 2-4. 0.6 6.l. Skin 0.8 lel Oe; Oe; Oe; Os3 0.25 0.6 Oe; Hemorrhoids 0.3 Oe5 Oel 0.4 0.4 Oel Osk 0.5 Oel Waricose veins 0.5 0.8 Oe:3 Oe; 0.6 0-2 0.5 0.6 Oe? Educational deficiency Oel Oel Oel 1790 8e7 39e1, 13e3 7,4, 25a5 Mental deficiency 2.6 5e0 0.5 2.5 2-l 3e.9 2,6 2.e5 2.7 Mental disease 2.2 3.6 Oe.9 22a0 26.6 9,6 17.7 23 el 6.5 Neurological 6.7 l.2e2 le& 4-4 5el 2.5 4.9 6el 2e2 Musculoskeletal 12-4 20-2 5-4 4-4. 4-6 3-6 6el 720 4-2 Feet, 0.6 0.8 Os3 0.6 0.6 Oe? 0.6 0.6 0.6 Endocrine lso ls8 Os3 Oe; O.e.7 0-l 0.6 Oe.9 Oe? Neoplasms Oel Oel • Os3 lso 0.3 0.7 Oe? Oez Infectious and parasitic º º Cºº 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ (º Underweight, overweight and other le? le.9 le5 leO le0 leO le2 le2 le2 Nonmedical reasons Oel Oa? • Os? lsº 0.3–0sé–149—2a3 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942-ºareh 1943. 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. 3/ Less than 0.1 percents Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects 1/ Rejected for limited service or remediable defects Inducted for limited service Defect Percent Defect Percent Total 100,0 Total 100a0 Eyes 57,8 Hernia 22e.9 Musculoskeletal 15 e4} Eyes 16.7 Teeth 8.3 Gonorrhea and other venereal l3.8 Feet, 5,6 Mental deficiency 8el Ears 4.s0 Teeth 7.8 Other 280 Other 30-7 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters, April 1942-March 1943, *549eyep Tequen Io Tºo;s&id unu, Jeq+o suosper toy peulogep ATAuenbesqns area oua qinq uorquuTurºke TaopsAud preod Teoot u uaaçã exam on a squerq873er Jo eaſsm[oxg /T 37 9392 38T/ £OO6. GI29 697 I 667LI 97901 £969 96/6 A.7tt 932? O2%I Tºqo. 9 9:Z £20, 4.01. 986T 66? 1717 4,717 1717 849930p on zz 8 2T TT £9 T 29, T O9. 2 duoswer Tuoppon-utopſ * 69T 4.2% 392 ZI9 ØOI £3%I TO&T 28 3I £32T £ 69 92 •wº . º: 2 2 z T I 9T Č & #9 TT 79t 6OI 97 I 3OI 26 ZT I suburdoeN 9T 9T 2I Oć 9 Al 66 yy % 06 T 92 9T eup.roopug 96. £OU 96 *rtz Tl, O29 34.7 zy zy 96.7 9I All 6 4eetſ 9 26T. Tzz A.L.T. Tºg 94. 2IOT 93% 927 9II T/7 %2 £9T 63U Tuqetexts-otnosmºſ £ 39 O6 09 Tºrt 92 4.1% 99. 6% 8T O2 £I 722 ZOI Teopºlotomen z 96& Oz? IIz 90% £g £32T ; TćZT 2 7g % 96TI 99. 9suospp Tequent 4. 4.72 Iz7 O2.2 OZE Z/, A.32 I £ £26 79% T 0.26 z Aouekopjep Tuuopºulonpa T 16 O9 % 67 4. 8/T 8/.T. £6 g? O7 Alouepoljep Tequen T 07 Tg A.2 zz I 27T AOL 96. A.OI ZI 9I 2 suped esoopaea Ty g? . 72 g? 2 L9T 26t 92 26. I 6T I 9 spTou-LuouſeH ZI Oć AI Z/, 92 99T 3TT 3% 2 9II z I YI 2I UTMS TI 97 36 39 g 99T T 99T I 39T 6. 7 TeeJouea reuq.0 OT 7Ig 692 ZOI 99T 2I Z/3 OI 293 Ot £7 7 II3 9;Trud/S 2 O7 8OI 6/, 222 T9 2Ig I97 I9 9 997 6% 9 4. by Taqpueb *T Yz 9T A.T I Z/, OT 29 OT - 39 7 breds PA Tºurpuropay 9T All ZT 9T 9 99 7 29 2 62 T£ 2 Æroup.In put s/euppy ØI 27T 96 2LT O7 ČL9. 69t €36. 68t £92 7 9II bpureH I I I £ I 4. T 9 I 9 3upulog-pooſa pus poola T zºrſ 98T 99 Ø9T % £09 †I O67 £TI T 94.7 ‘rt JºbTimosuaoppreo £ 73 *76 39 I6 6T 67% 2 A.Y.6 2 2 TIg 7g 8Tsotno reqrı. O£ £2 OZ 1.6 £I £ZI Tz ZOI 2 6T 4. O3 9T sºun'ſ Z T 9 9 YT II £ IT z T quoruſ, £z £6. gz 27 OT £9.I Z3 T9 £T 69 9T 66 2 t eson 9 zt 9 II II 97 7% ZT %. 2 9 9 sum3 put unnon O9 £z I 09 £4, 96 2T) Y[g 86 29 292 63 9 7 tº ea. % 99T GTI 922 £7 Cé9 90% 32% O£ 9/12 OU */62 *72 s.rº 2 2ZZ £O7 907 66/, 99T 4,36T 3T9T 697 767 Y90T 26T. gºz % se&g (7I) (£I) (ZI) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (L) (9) (9) (7) (£) (2) (I) oTaºpponer Jºey True 906T. 6T6T 8T6I £26T. - ... . . . … sº res|| Pº poqoqa pue u3norqº q^noruº, uSnoruº. Y26T. º:a paenpur peasata, P**FT || Tºo | T.." -Tºnberg .*. 40N 706T 2T6T. A.T6I 226T. 926T. Jºaquinu. Jequinu. Jaqumu Teoot 3. 3 oaſep Ted Tourid Tºqo. Tºqo, T34oD. poqompu I peºdoſau *::::::: uº. To Jo reaſ Aq peupulºxe MITPops Aqd requinu Toqo, uo;4848 uoſqompuy ºu peupuluxe AITwo;s Aqd requmn E tº 6 | *19. Hºobi VW Hº) ſhot H.L. SH3.1 tiVſ) OQV3H TVNO I.L.V. N. J.V. Cl3A Iº, or 8 3 O 3Tid WV S V NO NWOHS SV S.L NV8 LS1038 J 3.193ſ 38 GNV Q 3.10ſ, O N 3 O S 12333O TVdlº). NIH d sque Iº sp38.8 ousen pure eqpull GMVTISMWW | 2 2 SW 8 O3 S*S*O P RIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R E CEI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 № 1 ,\, ) ſave saestres 2/ Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physically examined by year of birth MſumberTotal RefectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::jeoīE■O!!!!Ëa | Ëa„ŽĒy| ???1922191719121904Mot; ∞rejecte1nduo1924throughthroughthroughand werd | ";}ŹŹſae | ±±:examined M #3191819131905 | earlierstated able (})(2)(3)(4)(3)(€)(…)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Eyes202001,39,942330614041790132“:33653481932 Ears242,9729029314299ºrrº39209lO4137&& Teeth350622962%285379&9&O53]]958 Mouth and gumas53229122941]]9696 Nose23014© !1346“ZĘ( 120} ()26232922 Throat,12]]3]]l456}2 Lungs}2626172CO1999]]34161523 Tuberoulosis26#2l2:2]273196248ºr271} Cardiovascular| 12ºr?373ºr?43032!20611211151 Blood and blood-for-dng616]7131}1 Hernia82421319629913645337| 317%]]02,03 Kidneys and urinary2,0212241443510,| 10} ()10 Abdominal viscera320953962113122313 Genf talia242838,95343944285720]62ºr2351 Syphilis1,23lì31963199224187382 Other venereal2262828(O6?5 Skłn8]]i8NO3227Torp1342164]]2612 Hemorrhoſide411711222(1121342382il3637 Varicose weins613lì922O921221! 182345341 Mental deficiency363349118118631192833] Educational deficiency13471,2348172£2O47llº681421423 Mental disease26IO353472lO3%4911335O2601673992752 Neurological88191} ()131328933322241294167992 Musculo-skeletal14612263384]]0331494825642,81351871565 Feet6149271302930132O59126675622 Endocrine1326l253402868526ll1313 Neoplasas* l} ()2991140921321034243O14 Infectious and parasitio11222 Weight and othersl440l10431855106]1116934222172461294 Non-medical reasons246l48l49912721 No defects3278327%327446415785225281775 Total7243193frr:8782072247OO8342132421322480922172917194928 */#####!*AffŘ##&#& ſaegiven a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. PRIN CIPAL DEFECTs of INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTs as showN ON a s AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERSTHROUGHMARCH 31, 1943 ſ(\ae ſi,AJD ----- *** •ſegro Registrants Number physically examined at induction stationTotal maraber physically examined by year of birth RhaeaberK.Total& RaefectedInductedTotalTotal; Pfincipal defect::::::::jLímited numbernumber„ŽĖ,19251922191719121904ſot. Disquál-Gørejected | inducted�1924throughthroughthrough ·and board:::::ŹŹ::::::|:::::::examined M #3191819131905 || earlſerstated (})(2)(ſ)(4)(3)(€)(w)(C)(‰)Ģ0)Çin)��(×3)�� Eyes1433341059631141973‘n41552:7 Ears]]34311446&O416]]1910 Teeth1.32942933?13?42 ſouth and guas55523 Mose32853136241 Throat, Lungs31812222242348ry Tuberoulosis867]751| 76291022132 Cardiovascular2114l36117361532332?6427 Blood and blood-forºđng Hermia345Ò338433117341213220 Kidneys and urinary2]]02121162?5 Abdomínal viscera1819110•44l1 Genf talia5l1166 .l176784421173651 Syphilis629]36?6%?67310lael84196232lO Other venereal41132l137113835832396 Skłn434111111224864 Hemorrholds1220320237394 Varicose wełns22115515204466 Mental deficiency41244&06011815224 Educational deficiencyl5731192575192767252021522791054 Mental disease7140?147?154346246120 Neurological14333550555l13.92391 Musculo-skeletal433121675959218711634234361 Feet33?1651213nºr;19012882947l4. Endocrine2254594l22 Neoplasas231751722110*371 Infectious and parasitio Weight and others1213224027| 240267590519130 Non-medical reasons4442l1 No defects87367387335408185195491 Total796108836919762822532OO442571371406786127163720 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. ºº: DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 MASSA CHUSETTS **. * 3 ha.gºd oil & representative sample of Report 3 of Physica º żºłłºń, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Massachsisº, º º ves: April 1942–March 1943. The 39,184. Forms 221 included in the ºf only registrants who were physically examined at local boat'ſ **** 3: 3%ations during the year. The report includes: º: *.*.*. x ... ...- ---. . . . . . . . ." - x * , ... " * . * *- t f : . . . " - i. 1 . .” ---" "-- - :"... -- !... •S •. + r=<' '. ... ** **) - .** *...ºle iº 333.3, "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registratiº. " #. º gº . . .h3 £ive leading causes for rejection, by race, if the ºa. and in the continental United States. *. :* º sº 3". ** * º ty ºãº º 1, .. *ergent distribution of principal causes for rejection at lºº. 3. . bºards and induction stations, Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants indi: ; ºf for limited service or rejected for limited service of Yêe Ingáiable defects. \ r ... ",ń £, wr* ty . ** i § º . . . . . . . . . .333i: º, 323 & 3.x: St defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-impozºº. . . a ºgement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disquališº, #3 &nds similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minº; tº it, either cage, only the first defect was tabulated, e for zejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal déº ºłº Column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the numº tº gº ºrant g who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal. Jºe: ; . . autºbºx of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number exº a shown at the foot of the column. Columns l—5 show the results of physics. exa.a5 neº.o.º. of these registrants--i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. ‘. *...} : * ~ * & “…. …... *.*, ‘.... i. -: she columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year 33. 3 isºkº ghºſ the number of registrants in each year of birth group according tº vº º ºxicipal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had º ãºve tº can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the averaÉe ačºv tº a basis of the sº tablulations, the average age of registrants examined is a **, *, *, viziº & 33 year 3, This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejeº vio. in the continental United States, Mental disease and Gardiº" accounted for approximately three in every ten white rejectiºn. and induction stations in the state; almost one-half of th9 Mºff tºe to syphilis and mental diseases ºple le Table 1 shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- º ºgistraat a by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted $º 7.0 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 24.3 percent of the jºid:As ºf induction stations, and 20.0 percent of the total local board and ºidº ºtation rejections, †able 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among ºisºarit g inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service 3: º3diable defects, 52.4 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gº The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with eči service or remediable defects was eye defects. * - 3al Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards *ibed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect the revision of October 15, 1942, Changes in this edition were made ºuary 1, 1943, when joint Army-Navy inductions began. (MR l-9, Changes No. 1, *** §: ; Ś §§ º i Jaguary 22, 1943). Physical, standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS ºn 220, iist of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- º, 33 up to iO percent of the white and lo percent of the colored registrant 3 for- *:: arded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular lé9, June 1, 1942). #, Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated. º ºgºsºrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective sºvice focal Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily lººke, (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5, November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- 3.aº sified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. º, ºvember 25, 1942). 3. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants lä to 38 years of § (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, º, ºn December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was sº speaded. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 3, February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. ÀÅ EN TÅL [9]|$Ë ASE \ſ|{J S C U ŁO SĘKE LETAL ČARO! O VÂSCULÅR H E R N |  E Y E S MENTAL DISEASE (C. ÅR D | O VAS C U L-AR ÀÅ U S C U LOS KE LËTÀ į_ E Å R S E Y E S CONTț¢Â‚ É №ſºſ ſ\, ! \\ }{ | T £ Percenſ off Tofał Rejections 20${O40 $ Ý Þ }{ } ſ_ | $ E DU CÂȚ ț () ĶÅL CHEF |C |EŅCY CÁ Ř {} {{O\/ÅS CULAR Å £ Å TÅL ID || SË Å SË ÅÅ U S C U ŁOSKĘ ŁE Ț į_ MASSACHUSETTS W H | TE Percenſ of Tołal Rejections 102 ()3040 U6S Y P H | L | S !U}{\}} ºſ £ © $ŤÅTĖS MÅ EN TAL D ! SE A SE MÅ U S C U LOS KE LETAL C  R D | Q \; ;\ S C U L Å R £ Y E {j} ț¢ £ © Ř {} Percent of Tołgi Rejecțions $() Î\} E GR O Percent of Tołgſ Rejecțions �30& {} 2{} Massachusetts || Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1945 l/ Local board and Local board Induction station induction station Cause for Rejection White TWhite TWhite *—É/–Beers total—a/ Negro Total &/ Negro Total 100.0 loo.0 100.0 loo.0 loo.0 loo.0 loo.0 loo.o loo.O Eyes 4.7 4, 8 l,5 8,8 8.8 lo,3 7,8 7,8 6, 6 Ears 3,5 3,5 2.2 9,6 9.7 l.0 8.l 8, 2 l.5 Teeth 2.l 2.2 tºº l.7 le? O,5 l,8 l,8 Os3 Mouth and gums O. 4 O. 4 tº-p 0.2 O.l. Os 5 0.2 0.2 O.3 Nose 0.3 Os3 gº l. 3 l. 3 2.6 lel l.0 l,5 Throat, 0.l 0.l. tº e 3/ 3/ tºº 3/ 3/ º Lungs l,8 l, 8 l,5 3.0 3.0 2, 6 2.7 2,7 2.l Tuberculosis 5, 2 5.2 3.6 5.4 3.4 3.l 3,8 35,8 3.3 Cardiovascular 2.8 2.8 l, 5 l?.2 12.2 lz.3 9,9 9.9 7.8 Blood and blood-forming 0.5 O.3 * º O.l. O.l tº O-l O.l tº Hernia 5,35 5.4 2.9 3.7 3,8 l,6 4.l 4, 2 2.l Kidney and urinary O.5 O.5 gº 2.9 3,0 l,0 2,3 2,3 O = 6 Abdominal viscera l, 9 2.0 Oe 7 35, 6 5,6 O, 5 3el 3 e2 0.6 Genitalia O, 7 O.7 O.7 0.6 O.6 O,5 O.7 0.6 O,6 Syphilis ll. O 9.2 6l. 6 O,4 O.3 4, 6 5e0 2 e5 28.5 :* Gonorrhea and other venereal O. l *3.l tº a Oel O.l l,5 O.l. 0.l O.9 Skin l. 3 l.4 tº 0.3 O.3 *º O.6 0.6 tº e Hemorrhoids O,3 Os3 * > O.2 O.2 tº O.2 0.2 gº Waricose veins 2.l 2.2 tº lel lel O,5 l, 4 1.4 O,3 Educational deficiency 0.4 O,3 O.7 2.7 2.7 4.l 2.l 2.l 2.7 Mental deficiency 3, 6 3,8 O,7 2.9 2.9 5.l 3.l 3.l 3,3 Mental disease 7, O 7.2 3.6 24.5 24, 2 27, 7 20.0 20.0 17.7 Neurological 16.0 l6.4 5.l 4.9 4.9 6.2 7.7 7.7 5.7 Musculoskeletal 20.6 20.9 ll. 6 4,7 4.7 7.7 8.7 8.7 9,3 Feet l, 7 l, 7 gº 1.0 l.0 l,0 l-l l. 2 O. 6 Endocrine 2.0 2.l tº l. 3 l. 3 O.5 l,5 l,5 O.3 Neoplasms 0, 6 O. 6 * --> l,0 l.0 O,5 O,9 O.9 0.3 Infectious and parasitic 0.l 0.l O.7 0.1 0.l & Tº 0.l 0.l Q = 3 Underweight, overweight and Other 3.5 5.4 l, 4 2.4 2.4 2,6 2,6 2.6 2.l. Nonmedical reasons 0.5 O.5 tº º l, 5 l.5 l. 5 l.2 l. 2 O.9 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. 3/ Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited Service or remediable defects Defect Percent Defect; Percent Total 100.0 Total 100.0 Eyes 52.4 Eyes 26.5 Musculoskeletal 9,7 Hernia l5.0 Hernia 7.9 Teeth l3.l Teeth 7.3 Musculoskeletel ll. 6 Mental disease 4.3 Waricose veins 3.7 Other l8.4 Other 30,3 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942-March 1943 *949eyep Tºqueu Jo Iboys And uvuq reqqo suogba I. JoJ pet.Iojep & Lºuembosqns area oua qug uoſquuſuruºke TaopsAqd preoa Twoot v usa;3 area oua squurasſàer Jo eaſantox2 /t 26t 9TEL 0944, T&T/, 49. ICI 86L6. 78T6% 80%62 9189T. €199, 9696T. 696. I 1990T 99.6% Twº QL 2 9. Y6t €72 ZL9 £8% OLYI OM,7I OL7 I sqoegep on T 06. gy 97 99 9T %I 2 26T. 2 T TBT Ot suoswer Tuoppem-uog y Gºz 94.2 Y92 Yzy 88 62%T 9T6 *Ty £6, 288 Oć %z QºI B.Ioqqo pure quºte". 2 Ç 2 2 % ZT T TI T 6 opºſsured pure snophoeguſ 96. Ǻ 6% ØT 90. 90% 89T b%I lº, T&T Tº zz sursuTāoeN º 09 0% O9. T8 YZ 892 62 662 1. ZZ T 8%T 08 ouTroopu, Y 88T 922 292 Azº 99T 2%I TBTI TBI 7&I 190T 16 8/. 99 3.09: Øt *99. 1.Tºy Y89. Ozº %T 89 TZ 08/. 84.91 19% £27 86 I 907 9T3 Tºqotexts-otnosmºſ 9t T6% 772 48T Az7 % 66&I 9, £2&I 6% LI Tz 89% %9 Teopæotounen 62 $96 6T6 Llº Lºl. £7I £9% 68T WLT6 69T O6 £2 21.82 6L2 esvegpp Tequeſſ C 28 06 09 98 Ty T38 32 ££6 82 6T6 ºt AoueToTrop Tuuopºvonpº Ot ATI TII YL 86. I g? 967 I $67 T 97% 97I Æoueponyep TºqueM TAT 82T 99 97 9 grº, Y6I 6Iz 99 66. I Tº $8 Yg guTea egoosteº 26. 96. O2 72 4. 8TI 38 Oć £T 91. 4. TI &I spTou-LIOueh y? 6% 96. 90I T9 7L2 98T 38 2T YLI ZI 7& & up(S º 9 Y TI 92 8 All 2 9 y Ot § Tºerouaa req+0 2 OTZ 69T Yg 89 9 887 OU BL7 T 6 6 7g ££7 STTºud As T 69 90T 62T 7L2 82 I 4.01. 709 €OI 6% 97% A.& gy 82 by Tºqºuet) Ç O9T 2.3T. *OT Y9 OT £T9 £I 009 £ OT OT £ry Al. execsPA Teupulopaw T 98 AOI 9. 9%T Ty 977 6. 1.9% 7T 99 £2 926 8T Æroup.In put s/Ceuppy 4. Tºz Y62 YOz 7L2 84. 3OTI 297 999 262 09T *Oz Tºrz TIz bºu IoH l, * 7 9 2 Çz £2 T 6 &T 3upºrog-pooſq puu pootg 9 499 9.6% O92 4.1% 28 989T 6TU 999T 92 *6 2 997'ſ 6OI JuTaosua oppºrvo 862 67t 88 AII 8T OT3 Z 809 2 TT &66 902 tº YºoTºo Leqa. 2 ØTT O6 88 99T 77 YOg Al. 4,27 97 TG ç7 2ſ6 &l, sºun'ſ 3. Oz 9 79. O% 86 £6 g £6 2 Ç quoſº, T Y8T 062 T6: 39% 67 I £57t LI&T 99T 19 O92T 09 90T Ot 08oN Ul Y6 99 2II Č2 99% 1.2% 8% % Yºg TI Ot AI sung put uqaon ºt 9/6 96TI 626. I 96.62 gT6 796. I80/, 682 Bºz 7I39 6LL OZ $9 tº 90. 9. 8T6. 97% 1.7% 829 ºrt 06LT 90% 48&I ZZT Tø0. 66 TTTI A.CI s.ref 9T £86 Tz91 964. I 2669. Y06 Y998 9ICL 6&T 926T. 6869 89% Y69 Aºt se& (rI) (£I) (at) (II) (CT) (6) (8) (b) (9) (9) (7) (C) (2) (t) eTaºſperieſ Jºe T.Ibe 906T 6T6T 3T6 iſ 626T. ao A.I.99 eoTA.Ies 99T-3T. poquq's pure ußnoruº. uſºnoruº iáno.III+ %26T. º: po, onput poqoaſe. P**'I TB.Ieuep *...* -Tunbspcſ .*. 3ON YO6T 2T6T. AT6l 226T. 926T. requinu requinn | teammu #::::: 3 oegep Ted TouT-Id. Tºol, Tø3 OL tºol poqonpu I pequeſ eu Jieqūay uq-ITQ Jo Jºeſ ſq peupwºxe AITuoys,Aud requinu. Tūqol. uoſquq's uoſqonpur qu peupuuxe AITuoys Aqd requinn sºurºstºetº ox3en pure sºpº Sºsſºſ)WSSWM E. p 6 | *IG Houww Honouhl Słł E.L. HV'ſ) OOV3H TVNO |LV N J.V. Q3 A 13 O3 tº 12 2 S W HO3 S'S'Q 3 O & Tid WV S W NO NAAOHS SW S.L. NVH.LS15)3 tº Q3.13)3 ſº Q NV Q 3.13)ſh Q Nº 3 O S.A.) 3.33G TVc. 10 N lbſ d °3;&sjsp Tºweig & tººlſi tºº. 3 Cºo gº & J.G., pp.3.18.jap Éiqugabesqng a 125 otgā ºd gºgºuºxe Tºops&#d pièca 3 ºx sº: *:::: ******s *...*º gº. “; gº..."; º' " jºr gº. *:: *:::::::::: ***, 3- ° tº É; º, & § ſº #, ſº ### tº 5,5- §. {. # * Tºot 3 gear:3 eref, criſ: 3%tº J.C. §5, §§ {:}; 2. §§ gº, £334 §§3, %2. Çllº, &gº, §§§º: £799'. Q4.9% §ººl. %'. ‘...º. §§§ Tºº, § £3. §§ { £º: #9; ‘ī3%. gº?'. £gºi. £gºſ £3.99 fºg ºf i. 38. £7 §§ £g 9% T6. g 63'. & t 3!...i. Qì. güosºe. Tºppelg-tººl £ 6% 69& £3: 6?? 93 3.06.I. QQ6 1,07 £6. £98 Gº. é?: £3. 3.16:30 pub q.v.3;&A iſ £ £ . £ Ti T. ÖT. T. 3. 3. 934;88 rºd puto &mopºloguſ §3. Øg 6% : I %. $709, 39. 99T 1.0 T9 I Tø £9 3: swººticsN º {}} Øg Ü9 †3 %: #93; & 892; 4. & T 4.9'ſ Ö3 >ooptº . y £3E %tº 99& gT.9 £91, 9&CI 1.7T. 6A.T 72T 9:0T 4,9. 94, 99 3. 39'ſ §I O4% 80? 64% &T9 ££I QºI2. £4, 1,76T. 4.9% 9T; 9%t &é6. 66/, Tº 9TS:[3-ol aogmpſ §I. 828. 8èz £3'ſ T2:7 % O3Cl. 9/, 702.T 69 1.T. Qº. 4.9% 4.29 Tao'ſ 3oto-Irion §3 796 £63 999 ‘ſº, Zºyſ 70%, 68T 9TTg, 69T 06 22 618& *L& Østbøgtip Tºquoi & 6/, 4.8 69 28 TY Q96, 9& 729. 92 TTE Çr Aouerogep Tºuo;490mpg Qi. YTI £OT. TA, 9&T £7 737 º £37 T 8% g? I Ágºspođep Taque; TA.I. 9&T £9 37 % Tſº £61. 8T&' 99 36 E. Tg £3 78 Btry GA. 99 oogºb M £6. 98. 02 72 4. 8T. 83 0% £ſ 94, & TI &T Bprotº-Iroßigh ºy 39. 98. YOT Tº 2:13, 73T. 88 &I 21, I &T ¥2 29 tº S g 7 º 8 TZ 4. YT 2. g Ø 8 g TbelxGagā J.Guº Q & 39'ſ 1.3L gº? 97 g £6% 6 78% T 8 8 9& 0% SpTItgdăs T 89 &O'ſ 6&T £L& 3&T TOL 009 TOT 69 Tyg 1.3 4.7 Jº BYTºqºzeg £ 39T 29t *Ot ‘79 OTI TIg £I 867 £ OT OT 217 9, b.IQosţA Tatrºopſ ºf I 78 40l. 91, 99T ty 777 6t, 999. 7T 99 & 726. ST A.Ibuſin puts géeupºy. l, 972 T$2. £02 £L& 31, 660T 097 6.79 &62 39T £O2 662 40& STU-ISH A. 7 7 9 2 £2 £2 T 6 Çt 3upºtog-poota pure poorg g 69% 4.8% £9& &L2 T3 4,99T ATI O79T 92 26 2 I£7I 40'ſ JºTmosbAoppºrºo gº A.YT 93 ºrſt 3I 669 2 4,69 2 TI 98%, 002 gTºotmo.reqJ. 2 £II O6 98 £9T 77 4.67 bl. 02:7 97 T9. £7 10% 04. såua'ſ 8 6T 9 %. 0% 1.6 26 9 26 & g qboºl, T 9.3E *732 68& 799 97 I 697 I 30%.I. T9T 1.9 T9:I Og TOT OT egon 69 63 99 60T T2: 799. 1.T.& 1,6 £ YT9. TI 6 &I gums pub uqncº ‘rt 696 08TI 30%.I T68& 906 1924, 986.9 28& A9& 8L/9 6LI §[ #8 Uſ!. Sº, 8 gtº £76, 97% 1,29 7 yr £8/.. T09 38&I &I 6L6. 6% &TI %t. Brøgſ ST £96 967: 80/I Y7gg OO6 6 CI&A, AT&T £26t 6.82% 9% 91.9 93. ge&q (YI) (£T) (zi) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (4) (9) (9) (?) (9) (2) (t) QTq3Tpetuouſ J.G.T.T.I.99 906T. £TóT 3T6T. £26T. 30 A.I.99 ao AJLas polºgy º pure ºn ºn ºn ºi (; pasupg | passics | *** | * *::::::"|-ºid prºoq - Y06T 2T6T. LT6I 226T . 926T. Jºaqumu Jequinu. Jaqumu #: $oorop TºdToulºid TBq.O.I. T83. OL TBq.O.J. p049mpu I peq9eſey J. Gaginº uqJTo Jo Jºe GA. Aq peaſuräxo ATTBoys &nd requgu TBqol, uoſquq's uoſº ompup 3.8 peuplugze AITGops&id requran /2 squarterfieu ºrna £ºſsſſſſſ)WSSW; et a ‘tº Hogww Honour. ss slavnbaw314 nwn oilv Niw qaa 13 oa a 122 sw8o3 S's Q § ºf $... ſºjº.i.S $3.3 tº G 3.5.3 ºf 3%; G Nº ºn 3.1.3ſ) O Ni 3 C S 13 333d Tiº tº ſº it; c. ..}{} : Tic. A \; ; ; ; ; ; fºſſy Ö #3 È È # \! Çſ ?\\{_ {}Ē Ē Ē Ģ Ī § © ® į?] © {}{Cºſ £ ſ) Âț¢ © Ę Ę „jš. ĶĪºſ ſ} È Ê Ê #$"Ī ĶĒ;', ',rų,# $wºj i§ * ,£?? (š, * x) �� §) ${-} {}}}}} ©,$.$ FÖſŘſ/j $ 2 2 !RecĖı vED AT NATIONALHEADQU£T£R$ THŘØ Ù Gł ſúAŘ&# 33, † 943 įASSAÇËſ[jSĘſºſ:S Ñegrº Reglāsțxºgaț¢ § ģ Ķ Ķ Ķ Ļ Ē Ģ ĢĒ Principal defect. Numberº rejected at local board Numbºr physically examined at induction station Rejected Ixhducteſ & Disqual- ·lfied Límited service or remediable General service Liſaited service Tot;$1 number rejeeted "Íoteli number inducted Total number physicalïy examined by year of birth ſoſtał number physically examirºđ}/ 1925 1924 1923 1922 të ſhrough 1918 1917 through 19ï3 1912 $hxrothgh 1905 1904 and ©arlier #ot; 8ț¢&&&& Èyes №arº Teeth Ëotaeth and gumg ſoge ‘ſhºogt; ſaeng8 ſtabeyroux logia ßardiovascularº Èlood and blocŘ-?oxaming Řerāfie Řſiðſayº and wriaegſy Åłºđœinął włscera Geraitalia Syphilis Öſſhºp verſareal $ſkiſ, Řeraſyſhoidę Waridose wełng Řexatal deficiency ſåųcational deficiºnſsy ſenſal diſeagº Řetyrological ſugetſloe-skeletal §řeſeſ, ¿№łºgłºſyº Řeºpła ſafegłłowº anģ ţarasițio Włęłgłat ºſad o&łaerg Èöſæſºđical ſeggong ſoģøſeota Ťęłael * }/ (i) WJ Wºº & & t- 5-3 ºn H. !-e ]$$ (2) ! Wºº &# 3-4 NJ & § ov, tº lºcº º Aº Ry *} \tº \ft: H. : : 1$$ §xcluſive ºſ ſegł8&ºººſłº ºſho were given sa local (3) $ fºy ºf 3-4 9 (4) - esāsā NX H4 A3 -e Ha $s } & ?? 30% (5) (6) -s ºn t- - w ś * *ś & NJ tº A) -3 to #33 o t → Vºº -3 tº # 4 -9 333 Ax '-' (-5 &. f-d 3.5; ', '1'; 30%) (8) sess'; Öğ ;-9 sº H-4 X) :-d ~& Ajº º AJ AJ 3.3 N} {\s ºf to (9) §2.9 & A) Ź8 (10) &- §-n +-d Vº Valº NY sus $28, - us R - K; c. o.º. to (11) 28 ]. 2i ~} \, \s ov, *-53:- ??? (??) *:::) go on 8w \ay $3 -6 fºe! §§. Huº sº ļģ8 board physical examinaţion but who were subsequantly deferred for ſeasons offſhºr ſhari physics] or mental deſecție, (13) 2 3-0 3A5 sº Jº Kºš § - no rºw & \cº º ^{} * $ve 8ve (i)}} tºº PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942–MARCH 1943 MICHIGAN This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Michigan during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 27,017 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221R. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l—5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants——i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 29.0 years. Figure l. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and musculo- skeletal defects accounted for three in every ten white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; more than one-third of the Negro rejections were due to syphilis and mental disease. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 3.7 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 25.1 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 19.2 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 65.3 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular lé9, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. ll.0, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistrent of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. Mi ch. FIVE LEADING CAUSES Fū; MENTAL DISEASE Musculoske LETAL CARD OVASCULAR H E R N A E YES MENTAL D|SE ASE MUSCULOSKELETAL H E R N JA CARD | OVASCULAR E YES s REJæð ſíðN, APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 CONTINE NTAL UNITED STATES BY RACE WHITE NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections Percent of Totol Rejections |O 2O 3O 40 O IO 20 30 40 --- SY PHILIS - > - EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY . . . . . . . CARD |OVASCULAR MENTAL D J S E ASE M US C U LOSK E L E TAL MICH | GAN W H ! TE NEGRO Percent of Tofol Rejections Percent of Totol Rejections |O 2O 3O 4O +. O |O 20 3O 40 | SY PH | L |S MENTAL DISE ASE CARD | OVASCULAR MENTAL DEFICIENCY MUSC ULO SK E L E TAL Michigan Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1912 through March 1913 1/ Local board and Local board Induction station induction station Cause for Rejection Tºſhi Tºſhi Total ; Negro Total my Negro Total ; Negro Total 1OO s0 lOO •O 100,0 lOO •0 1OO •0 LOO •0 100 •O 100,0 100 •0 Eyes 7 e5 7.6 2e.9 f.5 8.5 9.0 8,2 8-3 7-0 Ear8 lel li-3 O•6 7.7 8el 0.5 6.7 7el 0.6 Teeth 0.9 leO — le3 lºl, lel le2 le3 0-7 Mouth and gums Oslº Oslº tº Oe 2 Os3 º Oe3 Os3 tºº Nose 0.6 0.6 0.6 le2 lsh tº a lsl le? Oe? Lungs ..?' ..?' le? ls 1.3 0.3 l.5 1.6 Oe 7 Tuberculosis. 3.3 3.3 h.0 3.6 3.5 5-7 3-5 3•l, 5-2 Cardiovascular 5.9 6.3 0.6 9.7 9.5 ljel 8.6 8.6 9.l Blood and blood-forming Oel Oel º Oel O•l sº Oel Osl - Hernia llali lle B 5.2 7.7 7e9 5.5 8.8 8-9 5.l. Kidney and urinary Os3 Os3 0.6 l.5 le5 0.8 le2 ls2 Oe 7 Abdominal viscera O.8 0.8 cº- 2.6 2.6 le6 2el 2el lel Genitalia Oel, Oslº lel lel, lel, 2,7 le? lel 2e2 Gonorrhea and other venereal Oe2 Qe2 0.6 0.8 Os3 3.8 Oslº O-3 2.8 Skin lel lel lel O.l, 0.5 Os3 O.6 0.6 O.6 Hemorrhoids 0.l. Oslº lel 0.2 0.2 - 0.3 0.3 Oslº Waricose veins ls0 lel º lel lel Oe? lel lel Oe? Educational deficiency Oel Oe 2 wº 2.5 2.2 10e 7 le.8 le? 5.0 Mental deficiency 2a9 3e0 0.6 6.9 6.7 7.l. 5.8 5.7 7.l. Mental disease 3.7 3 s.9 0.6 25.1 25.h 19el 19.2 19.5 liel Neurological ll.3 ll.8 2-3 3-l. 3-l. 3-3 5.6 5.7 3e0 Musculoskeletal 21.8 22al, lz.6 6.5 6.6 li.9 10.8 1029 7el, Feet, le3 lel, tºº O.8 Oa'ſ lsh Os3 Os3 Oe.9 Endocrine 2 •l, 2.l. 223 ls6 ls? lel le.9 le.9 le5 Neoplasms 0.5 0.5 O•6 O-5 0.5 Oe6 Oel, 0.5 0.6 Infectious and parasitic ſº (tº Qº Oel Oel tº gº 2s2 Underweight, overweight and other 2.7 2.6 3.l. le.9 le.9 le6 2el 2el 0.9 Nonmedical reasons O-3 Oa2 0.6 0.5 lsh Oel, 0.5 tº -*=º 2/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942—March 1913, 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. 3/ Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2, Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects 1/ TRejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect, Percent, Defect, Fercent; Total 100.0 Total lſ)0s.O Eyes 65.3 Hernia 3390 Teeth 12.5 Eyes 2le6 Musculoskeletal 10.1, Musculoskeletal 9.8 Underweight and overweight 3-l Teeth 6.0 Feet, 2.l. Genitalia 5.6 Other 6,0 Other 2lso l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912-March 1913. “sqooyep Isquam Jo IBoys &id usu, requo suosaar JoJ pe.I.I agep ATAuombosqns area oua qug uopºsuTurgxe TaopsAqd preoa Tsoot a uaapā area oua squerq973ex Jo an Igntoxq /t Gl 9ts? 4.1.37 92.7 6690I 926T. 1.IO/.2 OQ/.3T. AICOT 2C6T. 29.7L 979 I 96.3% 9/.32 Tºqo. 2: 1.69 I 2661 $392.2 £1.7%) £96. I 98.96: I 96.9%T 96.9% I sqoegep on ºrz 6 7 9I z 99 7 TG 7 £7 9 guosuer Tuopped-uon 99T 99T 6&T T62 €l. 9T3 009 9IZ 19 £6.9 I6 60ſ 9. s.r.o.140 pub quºrem z I T 7 7 £ I opºſsured pub snopºloeguſ 7T 2T 4. 92 z T} II 0% £ 9 YI zz 7I gusuTāoeN £9 27 &6. 29 TI OTz 02 06. I OT OT 6 2II 69 guT.Ioopug Tø *79. 96. 36 OT 6VI 7g 96 97 8 22 99. 6& 49erſ 7 2Lº: 61.2 792 66%, 29 OlćI O92 QIII TO2 69 TSI ÇCº. 929 Tºq etexts-otnosmºſ 2. TT 7II Ozz £6. 68% 9I 7LG Ot 9 Tz 622 Yzg Two;3oDomen 6 zzº 999 77% 317 97 1661 02 4.16I 2I $3 £7 729t 90t esbes Fp Tequen £ 67 99 A.C. & 9 06T I 631 T 9 O3: 7 Aouepoſ.jep Tuuopºuomp; L £91 z/T 60T 49T ºz IO3 z 66% z 9I9 £8 Alouepoºjep Tequen T %9 Iz O2 6 9II 7 III */ O& Tg 0. surpaa esoopaea 4. 9I 2 9. 62 & A.& 2 8 4. zt sppou IIoneH Øſ 8T 6. 0. € 9S ÖI º 8 TI Çt O2 Cº. uţºſs 7 6 3. 6I I Ty I O I T& £ 9 TeeJouaa tour,0 T £LI z7T I9 37 £ 317 8T, 69. 72 996. BYTEudAS 6I 29. 32 TQ ÇI £91 yū 6TI Oz 7I 98 Tz 2T by Taq pueb I O6 99 [7 62 I Alſº * 9TZ T I £ 06; zz execs.pa Taupulopay I zz zº 72 O7 7 €2T 7 6TI z 2 Al £6 6 Æroup.In puu sſauppy 2 772 £3U A,8T ºriz 99. 9T6 2T £06 zt OTG 99 4.2% bTu Ieh T Ç I 9 z zI 2I 6 Ç Župulog-pooſq puu poorg T Gºz 21.1. A.YI 662 A.C. 906 9T O63 I 9I 02, O/I JuTriosuaoppreo z zzt 68 99 68 9T 21% 3 $98. 8 7 792 96 sTsotno-Ieqn. z I9 I7 39. 09 4. 661 98. 79T T 79. g 26 69 såun"I T T £ T 9 I 9 T T 2 z Quoruº, $7 I? 29 £6 92 992 O7I 9II 6 TET 92 7/, 9t eson . 6 9. 9 3 £ I6 I Oć I 4. TI 2T sum3 pure uqnon 20. OTU Q9 Yg 2I Q07 232 92T gºrz 66, £6 4. 92 tº 90. * Alſº ºryt 9&I 70% 32 £CA. O7 Ç69 & 4. 6% 96.9 9TT s.rbg. 0. 672 99% 09% T90T 76 2×z 1.17t 973 992:I Itz Yºº IOC OTZ se&q (¥T) (£T) (ZI) (TT) (gº). (6) (8) (l) (9) (9) (?) (<) (2) (t) eTauppened. Jep T.Ibe 906T £T6T 8T6T. £26T. Üx ao A.I.98 *...*.*.* | *S*ašparas Pº *:::: puu ußnorqq q3moruq q3no.ruq. 726T. º: ...] pasupuſ passes | *** | *0 | "...º." -Tºrd tº. YO6t 2T6T 1.T6I 226T. 926T. Joquinu. Joquimu Jaquinu peºpoſer qoegep Ted TouT-Id. TB4 OL T83. O. TBq.O.I. poqompu I pequeſ on Jequmn uq-Ira Jo reef Aq peupulºxe ATTeoTsAud requmu Teqol. uoſquq's uoſº ompuſ qu peupulºxe AITPopsAud requin'N squºr, sºot] ouseu pº cºpuſ' NWOIHOIW ev 61 °ic Houww Honouhl suslövnoqvah TVNOliv N. Lv G3A 13 oab | 22 S WHO3 SS-O 3 O 3Tld WV S V N O NAWOHS SV S.L NV8 LS lº)3 tº Q3. L’O Eſ E8 G NV Q 3.1 Dſ) O N 3 O S.A. C. 3.33O TVc. 13) N | tº d P R | N C|PAL DE FE CTS OF IN D UCT E D AN D REJECTE D REGISTRAN TS A S SHOWN O N A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 MICHIGAN white Registrente 2/ Number physically examined at induction station • Total number physically examined by year of birth NumberTotal Re ſectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::jLímitedËa¿aaffi;19251922191719121904ſot, Discinal-ſınGLimitrºe ſecteYACTUAC1924throughthroughthroughand board##'';£®Ë::::::: | ſae;examined M #33;191819131905earlierstated (l)7(2)(5)(AS)(3)(5)(7)(5)tºj—t-troj( b );taj-(13)( L/3) Eyes2052673152091299ºor?146822759410355503532983 Ears11753538�3369040730283031361431164 Teeth2669038242122280402125459Torº170 Mouth and gums12]]713013133569 Nose157425 ||12991141382522592ſl4143 Throat22]]| 5l6]311 Lungs6691332116033193?593838492 Tuberculos1s89243483368344148251ºr?1182 Cardiovascular164967213]8411485536209136159234] Blood and blood-forming39121225131 Hernia31863493128741288655240'1831722342 Kidneys and urinary89017221154119440232922} Abdominal viscera221843l]20922011ſi274134gry} Genitalia| 1020ºr?13191073213:913562:726! 7 Syphilis25520293043042353596136 Othe5218l25]26113462 ſae wersal}} | & | \; | q | 7 || ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? Hemorrhołd25«ę. #::::::::$in.2O51294110411492021631 Mental deficiency824:r?25592561231991021231486 Educational defici415531162116363435444ł3 ſaensiºnºv1051756458111906191925464053303266099 Neurological32O217215105581557333215751001402 Musculo-skeletal60432314358200morao2581328523922382613632 Feet38322084590531431037343230 Endocarł651089101018220202]]613013960 Ë13413834711582 º*{IOig Infeºț¢łdit-144 ::::::::::::::::--:-ºro1042O53067204597£Ol72289136153151 Non-medical reasons8384464502133923 No defects1320013200132001352630521741864147431 Total2,0236191456143131925çºrry1623826015191010321456845354611“Ao Excluşive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. */Încludes alì rašęs ether them Regrē. Þ þR | N C| ÞÀ[_ © Ę Ė Ė Ć Ę S O F }}}ſ} {.}{(ºſºț¢ £} {\ſ\$ $ $ $, 3€ £ ºf £ ſ), ĶĒĢ ģ $ºſºſ Á\ſ\ſ*$  $ $ $${}\\ſ|\$ © ț¢ Å & {}\ ;\$ $ $_$ $ $ $ D. $.$ FÖR M S 2 2 \ R E Ć Éſ y Eſ; Aºſ iš ATÁ Ö NÅ į. HEAT) Ć) U Â'R TË R S TÉHROU Ģ## ffyl Aſſ&Č## 3i, i $ 4 3 \,Àſ C{{{{#Àff; ſiegro Regiaerentae Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physł6ally examined by year of błrth Number rejected at local board Total numaber physically examined}/ Total number inducted Total number rejected RejectedInducted Limited Paeſ-service or remediable 19121904 throughand 1905eerſ ſer 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1925 1924 1923 Principal defect General service Lixnited service TØJ 2? ł1 Çſ)(aſŌJ{{}}(5JT(7)\s]"(±)Tūſā;ſõj Eyes471610 Ears3} Teeth6 Mouth and gumas Nosel2 tº JN - -k 19 l 3 tºº * u,8 w -5 - N -t: 23]1 Throat, Lungs Tuberoulosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming A} CN {\} 28l tº ~ \º § 3 - $84. 5- - * Jºe §§v, $º Hernía17 Kidneys and urinary Abdosafinal viscera Genºſtałia Syphilis Wºº Jºe Was OA. Vº Vº Vaj \Jº A) * 5'- He is Other wenereal Skłn Heſiorrhoids Varicose weins ſantaí deficiency - tº !-- CN -u tºo-- web !-e My NJ }-d §s }* \º * § Éducational deficiency idental disease Ñeurological ſusculo-skeletal Feet, º ** $5Ns s-s-5. Fross |-3 * ~ \n \ep Van O3 to co no no H-4 ** *-* - to os S N > Éradocrine4 Neoplaaſas1 Źnfoot4 ous and paragitſe ſeight and others6 Non-medical reasons v. As w tº 8 cºs $ as we assss s—sus FE sº § - - v.v. - > w- 8 k & S. vº v \a on ON * \º MX ſo defects Total 174 276 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local 90 435 449 13 540 435 462 § 1002 ! 1 15 168 278 § 2 -- § Š board physical examinatſſon but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physica i or mental defects. § & -º- +9 -o- tºo ºn tº N to e Sov. 5 isk PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRATs APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 - MINNESOTA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Minnesota during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 26,048 Forms 221 included in the &le represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table Rs 221B. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure 1. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States, Table 1. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. - Rs 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- £ect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated, The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect.' The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the tºtal number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns 1-5 show the results of physical. examination of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. § The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Yeº of Birthſ show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according ve their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average aées on the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 30.0 years • Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leadine causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and musculo- skeletal defects accounted for approximately three in every ten white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes ** not presented because of the small numbers in the sample. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 4.7 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 19.6 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and l;.8 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 62.9 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures, l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l-9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August l, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to lo percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. ll.0, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. Minn. FIVE MENTAL DISEASE M US CULO SKE LETAL CARD OVASCULAR H E R N | A EYES MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULOSKELETAL HERNIA - E YES N E U R O LOG | C A L LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 CONTINE NTAL UNITED STATES WHITE Percent of Total Rejections O |O 20 30 40 SY PHILIS EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD ! OVASCULAR MENTAL D J S E ASE M US C ULO S K E L E TAL M|NN E SOTA WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections O | O 2O 3O 40 NEGRO Percent of Tolol Rejections O IO_20 30 40 NEGRO >k Percent of Totol Rejections O |O 2O 3O 40 3%. DATA NOT PRESENTED BECAUSE OF SMALL SAMPLE NUMBERS Table l tº * Minnesota Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ Cause for re Total Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums NOS e Throat Lungs Tuberculosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood Hernia Kidney and urin Abdominal visce Genitalia Syphilis Gonorrhea and o Skin - Hemorrhoids Varicose veins Educational deficiency Mental deficiency Mental disease jection l O O O i © i & : : —forming gº 6. O ary 0.2 rB. 0.6 0.5 4. O ther venereal 0.l. 0.9 0.4 l-l 0.l. gº : § i Neurological l Musculoskeletal 24. Feet; gº Endocrine l.9 Neoplasms O.3 Infectious and parasitic ſº Underweight, overweight and Other 2.4 Nonmedical reasons tº º Local board Induction station l lO O Q O i e !i : : l : i ; º : l i & i ; © ; 2/ 1.5 O.2 Local board and induction station lCO,O i : : o©O fi @ i ºO©tº i i . : l l :i ©&. :i 2/ l,8 0.l l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. 2/ Less than 0 •l percent. Table 2, Pe: 22 n distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited sº vi e and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited Service or remediable defects Def oct; Percent Defect - Percent, Total 100.0 Total 100,0 Eyes 62.9 Hermia 33.8 Musculoskeletal 12 el Eyes 22 el Teeth 9.0 Musculoskeletal ll.0 Feet 3,9 Teeth 10,7 Ears 2.8 Genitalia 4.2 Other 9,3 Other l8.2 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. *949 agap TBqualſ. Jo Tao'ſsaud traun reliac suosser Ioj per layep &Tºugabesqns azas. otia and to £4&tifulºxe Taoys &nd pºoq IRoof a usagā area oga Squg.rast38. Jo Afsa toxg ſt £9 ‘7979 g967 96E9 3988 T291 8709& 8Tzº[ 0680T 75,2T ??69. I Yetz IZZ9 99% TK+ Cº. aft OTG 695, 36OI 9792 £OL Sølſ, 824.9 88.19 83 &ejéï, Kº º £ T 9 YI 7I 7I suossex Test geº-uog t 62. I O£I 9&T 79t 8L9. 83% 06 I 4. T8% Ot 86 23 is. Sºo pus quâței. 2 I £ £ I 2 opºſeº pira snopºceptºſ T 97 99. Yg 98 TI 292 26T. O9 26[ Yz 92 TI słºstdosy T9, 77 97 89 TI Ozz £2 &6I 4. 9T * 9&I 39 Sºº-roopuig * L3’ſ O72 zcz £97 TL 16II 7LOI €ZI 67 92OT 6I 97 89. 3.9%; £ 009 967 O87 IId, O3 6962 786 98%i ?gt O%3 %z £06. 373 Tºğalaxis-otnostill % 90% A,22 T6T Z06, A9 360T 99 26 OT O2 97 99. 9I9. T99 Taoſ:80ſomeº 7 9Ig Oć7 Ø0% 1.1% 6: 699t 89 TO9T 2 99 6% 1.6%I 99T estas Tp Taqueº, I 69 97 £6. 97 7 16I &I $8t 2I Ogú 9. £ouego'ſ Jep Tºuopºgonga % $3t 96 09 ‘70ſ £: £97 £ 097 £ £,0& 692 Aoueroprop Tequon ££I 09 97 6% I 6/12 97t £9. I g Tºrt 8. 94. OY suTaa egoogrea 29 £9 6& Oy I 98.I 97I 6% 97t TI 9I £I sppou Irotagh T ?g T9 39 AST 97 £66 TO% 96 2 662 I6 ££ zº tº HS £ 9 % 4. 6I 7 9T * II I Ø Tūazèuaa req; a 96 4.7 TZ YI Z O3I 9T #91 9T 6 YI Tºyſ sy Igºdºs 2 86 YOI 99T 09: 79 96/. O99 99T 4. 699 68 8: 6L by Usq;usº) 2 67t 2ZI OOH O6 7 A97 £1. $69, I 2. A. 4.9% O& ereospa Tsuyuopoly 2. 9% & 97 99. 9 A.3T 79. £91 I £6 77 £OI 9 £rºup.m. pub akeuppy 9. 907 636. 09? 979 ?8 6861 0.26 690T 96. 788 LLl, 77t 30: bººksg I 9. £ £ 9 I All A.I T OI 9 Buguliog-poolgi pue poorg 2 992 96 I %t Ozº 99. 208 69 £7. 6% 2 L8% YºU JuTaosbAoppreg Gºt 29 67 b% 4. 982 6. 282 £ TI A.CI Yºr st GoTruo requg, TE, g? O7 6l. OI 97.2 62 9Iz 62 O& 6&T A9 s?unºf * 9 8 ZI Z Tø & * Alz T g $ºor\º, t £9& 96t 992 977 O9 SIZI Y8OI 79. I Tø £90T 67 29 £2 agoy t 37 £I O3: 9T T 66 tº 9% T9 6. gT O& Guº pºre qºnopº t 297 96.7 0% Y62 Yº: IZSI 298. I 692 9IU 4,62. I 822 Tſ Oć ū9&I. T 2O2 9.E.T. 69T Tre 97 YE6 962 629 9% 692 All 797 87I 8.Tº 6 £36 gTy TO9 £66 OTI 6T92 O£7t 67OT TO3 699 697 £T£ £9& geºg tºv) (ºr) {zī) (II) (or) (6) (2) (4) (9) (6) (y) (£) (z) (t) - * 9Taºp9tual Jºegirºe 906 I £T6T. 3T6'ſ £26 I 30 A.I.99 *P*** go aſſes Pººr *:::: purs ußnoruº. ußnoruº. užnorqq. 726T. º: potonpur poqoeſe: ; Pºº"I Teleue.) : -Tanberg ..º. *OST 2T6 I 4.Tól 226T. 926T. JieqGrau J.equinu. Jºaquinu. . ::::: qoeyep Tediſon F-14 Tºqo. Tºqo, Tºqol. poqompu I panoeſea *:::Winn ušigg Jo Isaf. Aa peupulºxe &IIsops&id requinu. Tūqo, uoſquq's uorºonput qu peupuluxe ATTºots Aud requirin E tº 6 | *IC Hº)\!\; W Hºſh Obi H.J. St. 3.J. bivſ) OOVEH TVNO IJ.V. N. Lv Q & A iſ: 33 8 gque Iqsp?ati or 39N puu Gºpuri WºOSCINNIR tº 2 S W 803 S'S'G 3 O 3 Tid W. W. S. W. N. O. NAWOH S S v S.J. NVH.J.S 15): tº Q 3.12) ºf 38: G NW. C. B.J. Dſ) O N i + O. S. D 3.33G TiVº D N tº c. “sqooyep Tºqueg. To Tºops&nd ugu, xenºo suossex toy per regep AT3uenbesqns area oua qug uoſquuTuTºke Taoys &nd preod •ozłek, usû retrio geoex Tre sepmºtºr AE Tsoot a uaapā exam own squexºsºe. Jo aapsaloxg /T 99 gTyg OO67 99T.9 £,088 9T3T. 8.9892 £2IgT 96 LOT £L&T O986T. A.O.T.& *LIg *g?g Tūq C.I. zT 90% 09/, £60T Tø92 969 OOLS 001.9 001.9 849936p on 9. Ç T % YT *T *I suospex Tuopped-uog T 92. I 62T ØI 29I 62 24.9 Y96. 831 A. Allº OT 96 28 growtºo pure qu'ºpen. 2 T £ 9. T 2 opºps bred pure smopºoeyu I T gºy 99. % 98 TI T92 T6ſ 09 T6T 72 92 TI gunsupdoen 67 y? 97 89 TI 8TZ £2 96T 4. 9I 7 72T AS) suproopng * £8T gºz A22 997 I/, 9LII 990T OZT 67 A.OOT 8T 77 89 3.09: £ 4.6% 997 A.L.7 60/. O3 2992 94.6 Allº I Ygt TZ8 %z O09. £78 Tºqoſexº-otnostºl 9 90% Yzz O6T. TO% 19 £60I 99 82OT 6T 97 99. ØTº 899 Taopaotomen * YIg gz? 662 94.6 92 679t 89. T69T Z 9% 96. 886.I 99T espesſp Tºuen T 69 gºy €9, * * 96t ZT 731 2I 6LI % AoueToTºep TGuopºuompºſ 9. 99T 96 09 *OT 9T 297 £ 69? Ç 902 £92 Alouepoºjep Tºquen £6 I 09 97 6%, ’ T 6L2 97.I £8. I 9 Tºyſ 8T 9/. 07 suTaa esoo;Jua 29 Tº 62 O? T £8T *I 6% 77T TI 9T £I Bppou.I. Jomeh T £g Tº 39 99T 97 96% TOg Y6 2 662 TÉ 23. TÉ uţīS 6. º 2 g g|I 7 TI * 8 6. Tsexquaa Ieua.0 06 8% AI 2T 2 69T ZT Mºſt ZI 8 &I ÆT STUFudáS 2 L6 &OI A.ŞI O96. 79 66/, 899 96. I & T99 98 92 6t bTTuquet) 2 Ayr OZT 66 68 7 T97 II, O6% T Ol L 99% 8T execs PA. Tuupuopoly 2 * Tć 97 99 9. 99T *g IºT T £9. 77 TOT 9 ATuup.In puu aſguppy % 70? 4.8% 94% o?9 #8 94.6T 9I6 090I 9% 088 2TA, 07t 902 upuxeh I 6. —£e 6. 9 T AT A.T I OT 9 3upuror-poolq pub poo`º 2 zge ºf ºr £9t 9Iz 9% £6/, 4.9 961. 1.9 2 O3% Ygt Jutnosuacºpºd 90'ſ Tº g? 99. 4. 61.2 £ 9/Z £ TT €6. I 26. I sigoTruoxequy, TZ, g? O7 81, OT Yºr. 62 9Tø 62 6T. 62.[ 19 såun'ſ * 9. 9. 2I 2 Tć AZ * AZ T £ 3 sorº. 2 Alºz 96T *gz 977 09 YT2 I T8OI £9. I TÉ O90T 67 T9 £2 egon T gy £I O2 9T T 66 T9 86. T9 9. 9T O2 sum3 put uqnow T $97 *67 6% Y62 Yz 9T9T 97&T 992 9II £921 £22 TI Oć tº bº. T 202 94. I 69T Tºg g? 626 962 929 96. 692 AI 79? Mºrt s.req 6 Y96. &ry O09 966 OUI OU92 697 I Tºolſ T08 999 1.9% 60% 992 se& (AI) (£I) (zt) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (l) (9) (%) (?) (g) (z) (t) * oTubºpened. Jºe FT-Ibe 906T 6T6T 8T6T. £26 I QºI'ºſe / | *.*.* | *.*.* | * sºares|| Pº *:::: : uſºnogu, wºnoruº. ušnoruº. %26t º:5.3 pºomput ponoeſe, P**'I TB.Ieues) poºl;"I -Imtºw, tº. 06T 2T6I A.T6I 226T. 926T. Joquºmu Joqunu Joquinu peq oeſer 3 oegep TadpouTºd. Tººkoº, TG40. Tºqol. poqompuſ poqoeſ on Joquin I uq-IrQ Jo reef ſq. paupunce AITPops.And requu Tuqo, uorquq's uoyºompup qu peupuluxe AITwo;s&nd requinn © tº 6 | *IG Hobd VW Hº) ſhot H.L. Sö 3.J. H.Vſ) OOV3H TVNO I.LV N LV OEA 13 DE 8 3 O 3Tld WV S V N O NMO HS SV SJL NVH.LS15)3 tº Q3. Loºſ º Gº NV Q 3.13)ſ) O N 3 O S.A.) 3.33O TVd. 13) N t d /z squaristães earun WJOSINNIN | 22 S W HO3 S“S“G PRIN CIPAL · DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AN Ð REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R E C EI VED AT 'N ATI ONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, i 9 4 3 ¡TIN:SOTA Negro Registrante Principal defect Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physically examined by year of birth Number rejected at localLímited boardPłºgwaelº la, ifiedremediable RejectedInductedTotalTotalË numberÈ, laeff,19251922191719121904Not, GeneralLimitedrejected1nductedºËĂ,1924throughthroughthroughandstated serviceservice1923191819131905earlier Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose Throat, Lungs Tuberculosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hermia Kidneys and urinary Abdomainal viscera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skin Hemorrhoids Varicose weins Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasma Infectioua and parasitio Weight and others Non-faedical reasong ſº defects Ťotal (1)(2) ſ(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)7575 242l2l3 14.l3 !-1 !-e Ha Hº CŞ Jºe * Vu Hu vo Hº Hº - \a) ~ P- A) ~J CN. His MO CA His $º NJ -º N} }-d M) Hº Hº NJ NS AS $º- Hº $º A5 Nº Sºe § - > R, so Jºe NJ Ab Pºe Hº NJ N3 - \Jº H. & F-4 P-, b- CN ºn A} }- \} \ap NJ Jºe H-4 A3 -4 NC His NY - NJ \ºt He RJ Vº wº) H-B -º }-4 }–4 No wo, -8 - - bºso H o, - no B5 ºn 8 - - N N - Bu, or tº: ~ NJ - Hº Hº vºn VA. H. Jºe Vº Vo Vº N3 He - N3 ºs \º A) 38383851559 $º- 3} | .47179419595190653.37 | -5541 !/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. ºf, DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED ºf RANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 - MISSISSIPPI Tria report is based on a representative sample' of Reports of Physical 3xam. º, and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Mississippi. º the year April 1942–March 1943. The 32,341 Forms 221 included in the tºº yºpresent only registrants who were physically examined at local boardig *.xºtion stations during the year, The report includes 3 e †abºº RS 221B, "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrant g. " *gºre 1. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States, Table i , Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local. boards and induction stations, 'ſable 3. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inſiºicº. for limited service or rejected for limited service of º- mečiable defects. is 22iR, Iz, the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the prišicipal defiºs º lººed and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for milii~ ºr geºvice and {b} year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defixed º, ºidºs: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- º, sº ºne cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registraats, the principal defecº £irst defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-impozº Aerit, ºùg, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualify ºxº º* !-- § … ºf gºd, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one mᚺ º * , ºº, in either cage, only the first defect was tabulated, tº ºilº, "Total. Mumber Physically ºxamined" (Column 3), shows the zºº sº. . . . . . ºf whº had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal. Tº 3 ºf gagistrants who had no recorded defects and the total rºundbez' effº, ". . . . . . . & the foot of the column. Columns 1-5 show the results of phys3.83.3 ºidºs of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected, gºitzinas ºxidºr the heading "Total Number Physically ºrangined by Year of º ºgs the ºbºx of registrants in each year of birth group according tº As a gºal&ipal defect. She proportion of registrants in each group who had ºf * * : :ºx, readily be computed from these columns, as well as the ave&a£e agº, tº ºne begis of these tablulations, the average age of registraat 8 examined in thº sº sº tº 28.1 yearso agg is This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejegºšCº. º sººte and in the continental United Statese biental disease and muscº. pºsses. 3sfects accounted for one-fourth of the white rejections at local boards ºn stations in the state; more than two-thirds of the Negro rejectiºns º ºs tº syphilis and educational deficiency, Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for l.5 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 9.6 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 6.1 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 47.9 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hermia. sical Examination Regulations and Procedure l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR 1–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943, 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4, November 13, 1942, registrants 18 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated, it tº sº. *: zº: §ºso | * iſ: {3-2. : º, . . .'; ; :- ; : 3. y” :* }} .." ! ... t; 9 ºf lºo MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULOSKELETAL CARD |OVASCULAR H E R N | A E YES M ENTAL DISE ASE Mſ. U S CULO S K E L E TAL EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY ; : ; R N A #: Y ES § &sº - jº. :*:N×, fºx *** f. ...Tº rº.3, º A rº, tº º: ; : * ~ * **, 3 ſº. # ſº gº ºf flº gº º º º, # # 3 ºf ºf gºs #3 #EA g . Yº f,--> º, § 3 3.3 : ; º; $º § 3 ºil. ...} : }. &ºr;, &; £"3 &º 3 # ºf Kºš ºgº ºf “º & Kº' tºº “sº APRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 CONTINE NTAL UNITED STATES WHITE NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections - Percent of Totol Rejections 2O 3O 40 O O 2O 3o 40 SY PH | LIS EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY m CARD |OVASCULAR MENTAL D SEASE Musculoske LETAL MISSISSIPPI WHITE NEGRO Percent of Total Rejections - Percent of Tolol Rejections | O 2O 3O 40 O |O 20 3O 40 . . . " SY PHIL i S , ºr -º EDUCAT OFWAL DEFICHENCY º H E R \, : Ā M. USC iſ i.OSKE L ETA i. º § & * A tº gº tºrs º: gº y §2. &. º * = º, is ºrd sº Table l. W Mississippi A and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 l/ Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards Local board and T C s Local boards Induction station induction station ause for Rejection White White White - Total –4 Negro Total 4– Negro Total "Y2/ Negro Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 loo.0 loo.0 l)0.0 loos0 100.0 Eyes 2.5 5.0 l.9 7.6 lo.8 5.7 5.4 9el 3.8 Ears 0.8 2-l 0.5 lsk 3ol. 0.3 lel 2.8 0.4 Teeth 0.4 0.9 0.2 0,7 1.2 O.5 0.6 lel 0-4 Mouth and gums 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.3 O.6 0 el 0.3 0.6 0 el Nose 3/ tºº 2/ 2/ 0-l 2/ Throat, 3/ 0-l 2/ tºº 2/ 2/ Lungs 0.5 1.l 0.3 lel 1-4 0.8 0.8 le3 0.6 Tuberculosis O.9 2-4 0.5 le5 2.3 lso 1.3 2-4 0.8 Cardiovascular le3 2-4 l,0 5 e 9 6.0 5.8 3.9 5e0 3-4 Blood and blood-forming 2/ 0.2 tºs 3/ 0-l º 0.l ſº Hernis. 2.8 5.5 2.2 9.0 ll. 7 7.5 6.3 9.8 4.9 Kidney and urinary 3/ 0.l gº O. 5 l-l 0.2 0.3 0.8 Oel Abdominal viscera 0.2 0.6 0 el O.7 l,7 0.l 0.5 1.3 Oel Genitalia 0.4 O,5 0.4 le.7 l,6 l,7 1.1 1.2 lel Syphilis 69.l 23.8 80.5 lel 0.5 l,5 30.7 7.4 40.5 Gonorrhea and other venereal 0.2 0.l 0.2 3.0 O.9 4-2 l.8 0.7 2.2 Skin 0.3 0.6 0.2 O.7 0.8 0.7 0.5 O.8 0.4 Hemorrhoids 0.2 0.4 Oel 0.6 leO 0.3 0.4 O.8 0.2 Varicose veins O. 5 l.0 0.3 O.9 l-3 0.6 O.7 l. 2 0.5 Educational deficiency 3/ ** 3/ 38.7 l.9 52.5 21.9 10.5 26.6 Mental deficiency 3.0 8.l 1.8 1.7 l.9 1.7 2.3 3.7 1.7 Mental disease l. 5 4-4. 0.8 9.6 17.4 5.2 6.l 13-4 3 el Neurological 4-6 14-4 2-l 2.2 3ol. l,6 3.2 6.6 le.9 Musculoskeletal 8.4 20.3 5.4, 5.7 8.2 4.2. 6.8 ll.8 4.8 Feet, O ej l-l 0.24 l,0 l.0 l-l 0.8 leO 0.7 Endocrine OeA. l-3 0.2 0.6 ls2 0.3 0.5 l.2 0.2 Neoplasms 0.23 0.6 0.2 0.9 2.0 0.23 0.6 l,6 0.2 Infectious and parasitic wº sº tºne 0.3 Os3 0.23 0.2 0.2 0 el Underweight, overweight and other 0.9 2-4 0.5 l,6 2.7 O,9 ls3 2.6 0.7 Nonmedical reasons 0.1 0.2 l.0 l-3 0.9 0.6 le9 - 0,5 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942—March 1943. 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. 3/ Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Inducted for limited service Rejected for limited service or remediable defects Defect Percent. Defect, Percent, Total 100.0 Total lC0.0 Eyes 47.9 Hernia 39.l Teeth 19.8 Gonorrhea and other venereal ll.8 Musculoskeletal 19.8 Eyes 8.6 Feet 3.8 Musculoskeletal 8.3 £ars 2.2 Genitalia 7 el Other 6.5 Other 25 el l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942—March 1943. *949egep Tuquem to Isops&Id uvuq req+o suosper roy pearajep ATAuenbesqns exam oua qnq uopºutſpurºke Taois&nd preoa Tsoot a usagā area oua squerqeſsex go eaſantoxq /t Oćg O9%z £608 6.0/. QºI 69 TZ Tºy29. 4,929I $809T 977 atast 98/.I OI6/, 6869 Tūqo. T6 96.9 8L61 9902 92.99 Zºſt 829 UT 829(I 82.91.I 94 oojep on 7 2 TZ TI 32 CI 66 T 96 T */6 * guoswer Taopped-uog 9. AE 88 99 26 *I O62 98 *02 8 8/, 29 O6 29 S.Logº.o pure qu'º'; eWA 7 6 £ 4. 9. 92 92 TI 9T opºp surud pure anoTºoeju I T Ot 26 ty Tg 7 66. I 99. £OI I 99. T} 92 6t gusu TüoeN 2 9T 61 9t */g 9 06 9 $79 £ £ % 29 62 guT.Ioopºº, 6 92 8, 38 OOI A.T 2T6. 28t O£I All T 22 Cl 3.ee. I £I TAI 907 O06. Otºy g? 4.7%. I Oºz 160T 83 # '971 AS6 #. Tūq oſeyſs-otnosmºſ Ot #: §: TTI # 3. ££9 YI 61% 6 9 TT Aºſſ T26, -ºš: 9 TZZ & I66 6 * 09 AT& 96, 6T6 %92ſ 9%: T29% 2OI %t ºt g §e pi AoueToT rep Tuuop3 bompg 9T 86. 26 $8 3×{ . 9I %,9. £ TL2 £ I 4.91 Çız Alouepoſjep Taqueſt 2 4.9. 09 4.0. 4.2 ØT Tºy ZII I? A.Y 26, £6 surpaa egoopaea O2 66. 6I ZI T T6 82 69 32 zy 6 2T BpLou LIough T 9 32 62 Ty. 6 YII 62 98 T 82 6t A.Y 6L up(S 6 6 69 4.6 16I zy AI? 96. I T82 2 *CU Tſz 39 ZI Tversuad reqq.0 $9 3T9 2991 99TI Y&T Tſz g?67 3. 4,667 8 £9 zy 237 STTTudás 2 YZ QIT AOI 92 62 00% 0.2% O3I O2% A&I 92 92 ºple?ſued T ZT O? 92 &I T 16 TZ 9, I O2 6. 09 €I tereospa. Tuupuapaw 9 2 6 glū 9. 4.9 9 Tg I 9 6 O7 2 Arwup.m. pub saeuppy 8 zººſ 96% 982 36% 67 36TI 8LU O2Ot 8LU 669 Øſt 86L bTu-IoH I I g 4. 4. & C % Buphrog-poola puu poorg 6 96 QT2 77I Tºz £2 All 96 Tzº 96 I 2% 83 JuTaoguaoppºrºo Yg T} 97 49 zº Oſz 6 TO2 6 9I Oºſt 99 GyeoTruo IeqūJ. T Tz O9 99. 97 % A8T 89 62:I T 49 zºſ 98 26 säum"I T º 27 OM, AOI 9 Tºz 922 9 922 I T 6 3bolū. % 6I 8T O2: 6. Ø9 69 7 6% £ T eson 9T 49 22 72 I Oºſt 6/, I? 2 All &I £I 9I sum? pure uquon 6I 90T OTS 209 02:7 All YL9T 239T 26 88 *37t 96. Tº 92 tº 90. T 82 68 97 T8 9. 292 0. 28t OU 09 * TZT 49 s.reſ 6 ALCI 6.9 £87 9/9 %, 896 L %OI 798 £I2 T88 $ºr 9% *LI se& (7I) (£I) (ZI) (It) (OT) (6) (8) (AE) (9) (9) (7) (£) (z) (T) oTaºppeme.I roºtrue 906 I £T6T. 3T6T %26T. ao A.Ies •ºades 90'ſ J.T. *:::: pure . ußnoruº, u3noruº. użno.ruq. %26T. º: peºpnput | poloeſar | Pºº"I Tºi Gü99 *..." -TEnbsp:g .*, YO6T 2T6T. 4.T6l 226T. 926T. J.9qumu J.9qumº, Jaqumu *::::::: 3 oagep TadpouT Id Tºqo, TG4 on. Tºqol. poqompu I pequeſ on Jequin N uq-IrQ Jo ree& Aq pouyurexe ATTºora Aqd requmu Taqo, uo;484s uoſº ompup qu peuplugxe AITPopsAud requin N • E tº 6 "Iº H2Yi VW H5) ſhot H.J. S.H3.J. Hºyſ, O'QV3H TVNO I.iv. N. Lv Q3. A 13 D3 bi squax4s;8es ox3en pura sarum Idid ISSISSIW | 22 S WłłO3 S*S*O 3 O EThd WV S V N O NAAO H S S v S.J. NV-A.I.S $5).3b; C33.J. Ogſ º (; NV G 3. Loſ Q N1 - O S 13) 333G TVc. 12 N bid P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AN Ö REJECTED REGISTRAN TS A S SHOWN O N As AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 ] RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 ÞTISSISSIPPI white Registrants 2/ Number physically examined at induction station Total number physically examined by year of birth ſumaberTotal ReffectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::j Límited numbermumberaffi;19251922191719121904ſot, Disqual-Generalt|4,1444 | rejected | inducted1924throughthroughthroughand board¿“ |servişe or | ſ: | ::::::::examined M #43;191819131905 || ear 11erstated rexaediable (1)(2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(lı)(12)(13)(14) Eyes"NO284ºr?66319143l854128532439334400%4 Ears301023519| 13560195567376620 Teeth132019 834885292297451852864148,13 Mouth and gums5129652266793191945lī£) Nose2572575921817193 Throat,l10711071084640193 Lungs133993716338101l233339]] Tuberculos1.g35681051135l18426244222 Cardiovascular342014423544279390388343 Blood and blood-forming322?75ll Herniaºr?4035 O128467128595181825142186622 Kidneys and urinary230?3l394| 43312?183 Abdominal viscera852315l6316791152429][0 Genitalia75472125921227110124636]121 Syphilis333!!O7335033539537113386îl Other venereall4263313341lºl1093 * Sķłn92]721l37225931816166 Hemorrhołds533O183818567]]2513 Varioo8e wełnsÀ415272856288415192921 Mental defielencyll362}1}′6ihºry?643245254 Educational deficiency498-434984354l16209137128256 Mental disease&ì561lÅ5636564123174139216854 Neurological2O297829307]]3)ſº17}056578503 Musoulo-skeletal28%205&91078555819275023243178212ĢO4 ſeet1529582ll4993142844373716 Endocrine1837223575623241014lì Neoplasas9l4.5326]7627}03l4028276Î Infectious and parasitio56ll1111l62 Wøłght and others34642?%8}2562187?48506]192 Non-medical reasons3431461476!491242 No đefects5049504950494322398966947296Iſ} Total}Ą012525838?6664ll.47448oºr?į Ž821&{}}į,722288334]3}}15Ąº? 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequae noly deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. 37 ſælreſsº aſſ, ºrașse otheº than ſegrº. P RIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AN O REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 NIISSISSIPPI ſegro Registrants Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physically examined by year of birth „№țiaRejectedInductedTotalTotal§§ Principal defectat localnumbernumberpaeſi;19251922191719121904ſot, boardDaequel- l.; ſºff. || General | l1-trea | Fºººººº | ſºººººº !”)!1924through | through | throughandstated łfiedserviceservice1923191819131905earlier remediable (1)(2)(3)(})(5)(6)(7)T(8)[5](lo)(11)(12)(13)(lae): EyeslO4252rr;2182243324067342 )237laeſº1796]5 Ears271919l4,7105714]]2381 Teeth1211176602066070012235216±962516 Mouth and gums11131215122:7153126 Nose112224l21 Throat,2l1!19411912366]30232} Lungsnº?46320662086223232?10l Tubercwlosis305264884928312219| 2 Cardiovascular54331152386524382014]86130§29 Blood and blood-forming Hernia12183349505535060331213143150606 Kidneys and urimary1022122l423243 Abdomínal viscera5851351822}ì21 Genitalia21200010812]108229191044449}21 Syphilis44993256545875459220211811085152953263 Other venerealll54185131225013338341186grae6063 Skłn1026127487556231312l Hemorrhoidsq61210251035}5814*7 Warloose wełns1917201356]3&9121821162 Mental deficiency100952195219796452471312 Educational deficienoyl301825930215930802291175ºſº?668}9254 Mental disease47295443464350201018211?282 Neurological11990332123215 1444467232*7 Musculo-skeletal300162ºr?5535395859722167122196319 Feet"2044178368189170956514l103 Endocrine11151127l282105542 Neoplasas10989279363ll1354 Infectious and parasitio(105151526232 Weight and others282625247924103744162781 Non-medical reasons15152527l429182 Ño defects647964?9647980032281100103123981 Total558847859678146341132081801952O15187398A1964680l445283 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRAITS - APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 MISSOURI This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Missouri during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 46,277 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221B. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns 1–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants——i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 28.8 years. Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and musculo- skeletal defects accounted for more than one-fourth of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; more than one-third of the Negro rejections were due to syphilis and mental disease. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 4.0 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 19.7 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 15.l percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 59.9 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. sical Examination ations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l-9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army-Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). * . Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and 1.3 gistrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age º terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, l942). 7. On December 5, 1943, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated. FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES wHITENEGRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Tolol Rejections O|O203040O|O2O3040 MENTAL DISEASES Y PH | L | S MUSCULOSKE LETALE DUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULARCARDIOVASCULAR H E R N | AM EN TAL DI SE ASE E Y ESM U S C U LO S KE LE TAL MISSOURI WHITE{NEGRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections O! O2 O3040O| 02030 4 O M E N TAL DISEASES Y P H | L | S MU S C U LO S K E LE TALMENTAL DI SE ASE H E RN | AH E R N | A C AR D | O VASCULARC A R D | OVASCULAR E Y E SM U S C U LOS KE LETAL Table lo Missouri \ Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1912 through March 1913 1/ Cause for Rejection Local board Total my Negro local board and T induction station Total my Negro Total * Negro Induction station Total lCO,O 100.0 loo.0 100,0 loo,0 loo,0 looeC 100.0 lGOsO Eyes 6-l 6.6 lı.2 8-3 8.5 7-3 7e.7 ,890 6.0 Ears 3e0 3.5 0.8 7al 7.8 le6 5.9 6.6 is3 Teeth 2.5 2.5 2.l. 3.9 li-3 0.7 3.5 3.8 le3 Mouth and gums 0.6 Oe? Oslº ls2 le2 le? ls0 ls0 0.9 Nose 0.l. Oslº Os3 2.6 2.8 ls3 200 2el Os3 Throat, Oel Oel Oel Oel Oel Oel Oel Oel Oel Lungs l-5 l.6 i.l. i.7 l.7 le6 lºſ i-7 isl Tuberculosis 2el 2.3 0.7 5.2 5.3 lies lie? lial 3-0 Cardiovascular lie? 5.5 2.0 9.8 9.7 10,8 8.l. 8,6 7.3 Blood and blood-forming 0e2 Oe2 º Osl Oel º Oel Oel tº Hernia 15.0 16-l 9.8 7e 7 7e9 5.9 9,8 10-2 7.5 Kidney and urinary 0.8 0.9 Os3 1.5 le6 le2 le3 lel, O.8 Abdominal viscera 0.6 0.7 O.l.. 1.3 l.5 0.5 lal le2 0.5 Genitalia le? ls 3 Oe.9 le3 ls3 le,0 le3 le3 lso Syphilis 2le.9 llı.6 56.3 lso 0.6 3e.9 760 lı.5 2lsº Gonorrhea and other venereal Oe? Oel Oe 7 le3 0.6 7el leO O-li li.6 Skin 0.7 0.8 O.l, O.J. O.J. Oel 0.5 0-5 0.2 Hemorrhoids 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.5 lel 0.6 0.6 leo Varicose veins l,6 1.6 l,5 leO Oe.9 1.6 ls2 lel le6 Educational deficiency 0.5 0.5 O.3 li.9 C. 7.9 3.6 3-li lie? Mental deficiency Oel - 0.3 leſ) - 9a0 Oeſ - 5.5 Mental disease lso lı.5 l-5 19.7 20.2 15.5 lb.l. 15.9 10-0 Neurological 7al, 8.6 2=0 lı.6 lies 5sh 5.5 5.7 lel Musculoskeletal 16.8 l8.5 8.8 7a3 7.5 6el 10-l 10.6 7s2 Feet, 0.9 0.9 lel leO ls0 Oa2 leO leO ls0 Endocrine 2e2 2.6 0.2 l.0 l.0 0.7 l.3 lal O-5 Neoplasms Oe? 0.8 O.2 O26 Os." Oel 0.6 Oef O•2 Infectious and parasitic Oel Oel tº O.2 Os2 0.3 Oa2 O•2 Os2 Underweight, overweight and other 2.8 3e0 2.2 2-9 3-0 le5 2-9 3-0 le.8 Nonmedical reasons 0.2 0.2 Oe2 Oe" 0.6 lel 0.5 0.5 Oe? l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912-March 1913. 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. Table 2, Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for Iimited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect, Percent, Defect, TPercent, Total lCOe0 Total 100-0 Eyes 59.9 Hernia 22,5 Musculoskeletal lle 7 Eyes l3e0 Teeth 9.e0 Teeth 12e.7 Nose 3•l Educational deficiency 7e9 Genitalia 2.9 Musculoskeletal 6el Other 13-h Other 37.8 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912–March 1913. *949eyep Tºquau to Tºops&id usu, Jeqqo suoswer roy pet.Iojep ATºuembosqns exam oua qing uopºsuTurgxe TaopsAud preoa Teoot a uaapā area oua squerºsp3er Jo aapantoxg /t 3A.T 89.79 9930I 7269 79C91 3IOg A.Lö97 90%L2 CL68T z79T £9992 2839. 6796 Ty99, Tºqol. L9 T98T O097 6L67 3996 O09% 996& 996& 9962. sqoojep on 96. O% £I £& £ COI T TOI I 88 £I guosuer Tuoppen-uon 2 79. I O6I 79t Oć& 97 99. £22 279 69. 78T 9T.& 69t 4.91 s.reqqo pure qu'ºpen 9 9 6 OTſ T Tø. I9. 7I 7I % opºſsured purs snopºloeguſ £2 96. TZ 67 9T TVI 22 6TI 8 7I 12 yy 8% sursuTāoeN T T9. &l, 09 Ol. Ø 1,9& 9T 292 4. 8 9I QTI TZT guT.Ioopug 2 3% 69 29 2.9 77 292 Cl, 68ſ g? 8& 1.7 O6 29 49erſ 6I 337 999 9.3% 269 2.3T. £4,22 £99. OC6T &6T. T9T 1.02 09/. £66 Tºq etexts-oſnosmºſ 6 Č92 AS& 69T Tºº, 68 4,90T &% 900T 6I £I 99. 38% &I? Taoſ:80Tomen 9T 91.9 398 9I9 7L9 O9T 1.63& £6. 798& CI TZ O& Izºz Ø esues Fp Tequen y 2T 26T. 97.I Ø2 23 828 97I Z39 97I 10% O96 9& AoueTop.Jop Tºuopºulompil T 26. 27 9& 8& 8 99T 96. I I 29. I £ Aloueponyep Tequen 86 93 98. 3& 6 99& ££ & 9& 8 1.7 68 93 suTaa esooriuſ, g? 97 ZZ 9T 9&I 9 TZT 2 £ 4.7 62 97 spTou-IIouie H I 9T £9. £I 1.6 9T 7II 9& 68 8 LI £z Alz 6% up MS 9T 29 7g 96 &T 36.2 C9 98T 2. 09 O9T 9I OT Tº excuaa reuq.0 9 CI? 667 99& 98T 8T 34.6 L 2% 97%I T T£ 7, O9 &T&T spTIuda's T 09 71, 39 66 6& TT9: . Ol. Tyz 1.7 £z TøI 09 Ol. by Tºqºuef) 7 LS Cl 67 66 9 8&2 TI A.T.& I OT 9 91.I 96. b.Ieospa Taupulopaw I 29 69 £% 93 £2 CL& 72 672 9. 6I 6II 38 27 Ærºup.In put s/euppy 72 £9% I69 9% I77 O7I 788T & 298T 8 7t &l,8 99T 768 bTu-19H € 6 I 9T T £d T Z2 T 7 8 OT Buyulog-pooſq puu poorg OT O96. gy? TO9. I8% 29. I A.I.9T £2 Y69T T & 9/, 97&I CL& JuTriosuacppreo & 9/.T. 4.72 37 I TO& L6 TI3 & 608 & 99T 6&9 GTI SIBOTmolegn, 99 I6 69 TOI 8T Ygg 8T 9Ig I A.I 72 802 78 s3un"I 9 9 7I Z 4,& £I 7I T 2T 7 9. g Quoruſ, T 79 O7I 26 4,&T Č9 94.7 £OI %LC T9 C9 4.9 ,” 962 Tø. eson 9/, 99 Ald 82, 6 90& TT 76T. & 6 zgº 82 7& sum? pub qanon 2 679, 309 68& O9T 6 A.I.7I £91, 799 67T. 709 ... "toy £9. 86 I Qoºl, I T3T. 09.2 4.02 907 9II 39TI 4.7 IZII ££ YI Iz 266 39T s.req 9T LL2 4.1% Ty9 906 972 899& 16II T97I . $36 7Iz 109 719 O79. sa&g (71) (£I) (&I) (II) (OI) (6) (8) (1) (9) (9) (?) (9) (z) (t) eTa's ºpened Jºey T.Ibe 906 I 6T6T 9T6T. £26T. 30 A.I.99 *P*** | *S*aštares | Pººj; peºg pure uSnoruº. ułnoruº. użno.Iuq. %26T. º: poa onput peacefar | Pºº"P'ſ TB.Ieues) º: -Tunbsp:g º, 3ON YO6T ZT6T. A.T6I 2261. 926T. Joqunu Joquinu. Jaqumu g - Bºrº qooyop Ted TouT.I.I TB4 OL T84OL TBq.O.I. poº ompu I : paqoeſ on Jiequmn uq-Ira Jo Jºeſ Aq peupuuxe ATTuopsAud requinu Tuqo). uo. 484s uoſº ompuſ ºu peupuuxe Atteors.And Jequirin Squb.I., ST3ab oz89N pub eqJuſt Iłłſl(SSIW C 176 | *lº H.Q\{\y W H5) ſhot H.J. Słł 3.1 bivſh OOVEH TVNOl. LVN LV Q3A 13 O3 bi | 2 a SW 8 O3 S*S*Q 3 O EThd WV S V N O NMO HS SV SJL NVH.J.S 15)3 tº Q 3.1%) ºſ 38 C. NV Q 3.130ſ) O N l 3 O S.A.C) 3.33O TVd lº) N tº d P R | N C|PAL DE FE CTS OF IN D UCT E D AN O REJECTED REGISTRAN TS A S White Registrante 2/ SH OWN O N A S A M PLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 MISSOURI - Number Number physically examined at induction station Total number physically examined by year of birth rejectedRejectedInductedTotalTotal„ŠĖ Principal defectat localLímited - numbernumberphysically19251922191719121904Klot, boardDisqual-GeneralLimitedrejectedinductedexamined1924throughthroughthroughandstated ifiedservice orservice3e rºv, №e1923191819131905earlfer remediable- (l)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(lı)(12)(13)GÒT E3005754382O5965}3}31170248324385651352133614 Ë:1609101l/,331089A?1136ll339623122lJ'74] Teeth1153348359314963l74213739159284,5843352 Mouth and gums302611792173]]1849282il5769 Nose182775550513501O].45].5212ł8613358l Throat,44410l12Il232ll64- Ë741852315l282162981894667446 Cardiovascular2531088742l1141522143712635527137629910 Blood and blood-forming1084l22l23l15l33 Herni739130810l4?167921170013442l.31050430922 Ë.and urimary3984106195229242532281495348 Abdominal viscera321676101205ll216636477o543 ºenitalia61431132O4721?6728427925465451 Syphilis66843332374423767ll871362652653 Úther venereal38621473l4gº?43919187 šķËre35 272l17883251081436123213l Hemorrhołös362}.393296510ł11l3835 Varico&ę veins7272408251843321?928336684 Mental deficiency Educational deficł2228025911656111667775247125138902 ËÄË,Ëc1ency2092392192012262O322652144643463774$315 Neurological39350933l319935329678426216222622”;6 Musculo-skeletal848687209l401881744328207217960035349442818 Feet ș4184402344165672324l54545131] EndocrineMl91061477239142532368496646l Neoplasmas364237148115221371548213122 Infectious and parasitio313102626l7945 Weight and others13615820517339499212711432201541681242 Non-medical reasonsll72l83l84318102528 Ño defects21820* . 21820218203353892939313927162456 Total45758519342523375161516519249904150947971415276289197557416] 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local 2/ Includes all raeos other than ſegro. board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AN D REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS s HowN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 lºſſSSOU, I Negro Registrants Principal defect Number rejected ·l at local board Number physically examined at induction station Rejected Inducted Disqual- 1.f4 ed Límited service or remediable General service Limited serrice Total number rejected Total number inducted Total number physically examined by year of birth Total number physically examinedy 1925 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earlier ſot, stated yes ſars Neeth ſouth and gums Jose ſhroat Lungs Tuberoulos12 Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hermia Kidneys and urimary Abdominal viscera Genitalia Syphilis {\ther genereal Skłn Hemorrhołds Varło ose weins Mente! deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplaams Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Non-medical reasons No defects Total (1) 3- 8 - vs --8 ob Nº S N N B& Fu vskos-- $o-ºº: 966 (2) & b. No S$ H-0 §§ &B-sº "essa is a ss-s-s 1030 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local (3) no GE N $ no & H. !--- or no & t; or & & He- M - 8 m >5 457 (4) QQ \al) |-8 N) NJ. A.) H *@ (5) 18 27 (6) §ss, tº stees sts...t: śāššš ºase.8 Ås;85 2453 |- N N N H S * \º (8) # 5 se...; shěčā gas.; Bass; #ss, sess; (5) GN. Hº Dºdº º sº. A Jº GA Vae \º ºn CN sº Gº 147 22.l. (10) 8E -su, CN !-- ~ 8 v. 8vº, H. N. v. 33.8% 8 m tº $ 8-su, *-8 § lll2 (11) o, ov, or 8 tº ovº-sk; 8 & Nov. - $ §-s-s 8.- ve § $ as (12) § § v. St. M. o. on Słł's S3 → ~$ #~~~s $8 bi-, -s on 8-0 & board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical, or mental defects. (13) o'-18-stº # 5 -5,--- ssège esse - š---s at:- (l4) Vºº Dº Dº Nº. Dº Mºve ºne º ſº 17 PRI ſº IPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 MONTANA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Montana during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 5,201 Forms 221 included in the Bample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221R. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns 1–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants-—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected, The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 31.3 years. Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Eye defects & ‘d musculoskeletal defects accounted for three in every ten white rejections at loca boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not preser ed because of the small numbers in the sample. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted * :, ; 3.4 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 5.7 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 5.0 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 46.7 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was eye defects. sical Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l—9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l-9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and lo percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re. classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. ilo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. Mont. FIVE MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULO SKE LETAL CARDIOVASCULAR H E R N | A E YES E YES M US C UL.O.SKELE TAL H E R N | A N E U R O LOG | CAL T E E TH LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RAcº APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 CONTIN ENTAL UNITED STATES WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections |O 2O 3O 40 SY PHIL IS EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD |OVASCULAR M. ENTAL D J S E ASE M US C ULO SKE LE TAL MONTANA WHITE Percent of Tolol Rejections. 40 |O 2O 3O NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections O IO 20 30 4O NEGRO ~k Percent of Total Rejections O IO 20 3O 40 # DATA NOT PRESENTED BECAUSE OF SMALL SAMPLE NUM BERS W Montana A - Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ Cause for rejection Local board Induction station Local board and induction station Total lCO.O lC)0.0 100,0 Eyes 8,l 18.5 l3.7 bºars 2.5 6el 5,0 veth 2, 6 8.9 7.2 Mouth and gums O's 2 lel Oe8 Nose tºº l,0 O e? Throat gº gº tº a Lungs l, 7 le.8 le? Tuberculosis 2.2 le:5 le5 Cardiovascular 4.6 8 sl 7, 2 Blood and blood-forming 0.2 Oel O.l Hernia 10.6 9,4 lOsO Kidney and urinary Os3 l. 3 lel Abdominal viscera l, 4 4e5 5, 6 Genitalia Oe 2 l.0 Oe 8 Syphilis 8, 8 1 .2 3,3 Gonorrhea and other venereal tº O.l O.l Skin l,0 O,6 O.7 Hemorrhoids 0.2 Oe 8 O,6 Waricose veins l.0 le.8 l,6 Educational deficiency sº l.9 l, 4 Mental deficiency 2,6 le.9 2.l Mental disease 3.4 5.7 5,0 Neurological l4.6 4.9 7.5 Musculoskeletal 27.0 10.5 l4.8 Feet le 7 2.7 2.5 Endocrine 2.9 5. O 5,0 Neoplasms 0.6 0.5 0.4 Infectious and parasitic º $º e- Underweight, overweight and other l. 6 le 5 l .4 Nommedical reasons O.2 0.2 Os2 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect - Percent Defect Percent Total 100.0 Total 100.0 Eyes 46.e.7 Eyes 23.9 Musculoskeletal 23, O Teeth 22.7 Teeth ll .4 Hernia - 2l.2 Feet - 7s O Musculoskeletal 10,8 Ears 4 •l Ifeet 4.7 Other 7,8 Other 16.7 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN DUC T E D AN Ö REJECTED REGISTRANTS A S SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 2 2 ! RECE! VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 3I, I 943 MONTAÑA White and Negro Regł strants Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physically examined by year of birth „№țiaRejectedInductedTotalTotal¿ Principal defectat localL numbermumberpĖĒış19251922191719121904ſot. boardDaegual- |„¿º;, | General | Limited | Fººººººº | ſnºwººd |*\ſ*$/) !324through | through | through andstated 1fiedserviceservice1923191819131905earlier remediable (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(ll)(12)(13)(14) Eyes521,21460:31933702001651282501311101302 Ears159410817119251449302333472 Teeth17lÅ13937471708425442024ºro135] Mouth and gumsl613420424l4514 Nose152?l1782519520 Throat2222 Lungs- lì29254254710?1020 Tuberoulosis1422136l372?6616 Cardiovascular3013458116499lºrº940203970 Blood and blood-forming1122l،l Hernia68301304122852336584466572 Kidneys and urinary223225227194403l Abdominal víscera976l5865911410 ·2641 Genitalial6ll96181533594105 Syphilis5717427828016133220 Other venereall}22l1 Skin65624nº;623466? Hemorrholds14103l15419134ll Varicose wełns6131855371047851618 Mental deficiency173249492?}1325l Educational deficiency32532537144820 Mental disease2295213211915l34336144337} Neurological94813451789ng?12402637ºr2 Musculo-skeletal174l106629953501244747ll O68931942 Feetll1829629563593423181533 Endocrine1951]2ºn2732191825 Neoplasas433621081812438 Infectious and parasitio Wełght and others1015103433537725151912201 Ron-medical reasons}455|-5 No defects21402140214019982332?415369? Total6431109612242941423582843520130215617971097l42420 l/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. ‘93.997SP Tºueg to Tºo;8&ºi (1884 19:30 åuossex toy per Ieyep &Tºuambasqns area oua qinq uoſº guygrºxe Taop9/ſqd prºoq TsaoT a usºgº.º. ºf Jº ſº ; & £1.7t 330L %. §g: Tºjº, $4.7% 98.32 Gºz 7t? Tºyz 309 960t 9:9 Teq Qº £, £3% £Tº £2% Žºg §§§ zºz Zºº zºz 949ejep on % º % g y T suoswer Taopper-uon t Ö: zºt § gº. § &t, 4% $6. £ % Qū 9T Ot S.I&qqo purs qu’àpeal opºsured pure snopºceruſ § 3. º : T 9T 8 Oſt & 9 9. £ y sugu Taoen $z 8T 6 tº: £4. 3. T!, 2 T Tº §I suprooptº.g Çt. *I §I 22 * 26 90, & & 9 & Alſ TI 399& 2 *6t 26 39 QTI * £1.7 Yzt &g % 62 99 OUT £ll Tºqetextº-otnogº £l. 96. 92 07 z1 98T 6 Lºt 9 7 £ O8 ?6 Teopºlo Icºrne: r &g g? %r. % £ %.T. $1. 6TH 2 £T z 96 22 estees Ip Taquº; 37. 9 # * T gº. 9. Oć 9. {}: £ouekopjep Tuuopºsonpg t º: ÇI T 4. 2 6? 67 26 &T &ouepop.Jep Tºque; 9T 9: 9 8 97 Ot 9% 9 g 3I £i. § Supaa osotº-ºa TI 7 § T 6t 7 9T T £ GT * t sprouzºsieh i. 9 9 y £J 9 &L 7 2 9 g 9 ū ºſs t I 2 2 t t - TeeJouea Ieuân 42 62 6T g I 94. 2 £1. 2 £ £º. £g STTTudAS 9 Ot y 6 % £8. gT 9T 9 6 TI 9 T up Isºpueſ) Ty 92 Ot 7t Tô 9 99 9. T 9/, & b.Ieospa Tºuquopay t § y y 6 T i. 2 92 2 £z 2. ÆIbuſan put a ſeuppy & 46 9% 77 8% 9 Ǻz 9 922 T 7 O&T Ot. 89 bTureh I T 2 2. T T Bupa roy-pooſq puu pootg (M. 8% Q& O7 6 Llt 6 99T T 8 % Y&T 62 JuTunosuaoppreo 9t 9 9 4. 2. & T 9% T zz YI STsotno-Ieqn. 02 Ot 4. QI A.Y 9. zy 9 2 62 TI sºun'ſ z z 2 Z quorul. 8 & 9. 6 T %2 8 Al'ſ T 4. Z *I eSoºn *I 9. y T 72 7 02: y £T 9 T sum? purs uqnopſ T 99T 69 72 O& 7 £93, Y9 69'ſ £7 & 80T YT &l Uğ96. z 97 £6. £2 0% 6 £7. 92 91 T d.º. $: 6 % £I S.Ibº & ÖCE 69. O£T 972 8: 4.79 I&z 93% €6T £8 gºt 69t 2% se& —(?!) (£I) (ZI) (II) (OT) (6) (9) (l) (9) (9) (7) (6) (z) (I). -/ •r 9TQuppened JiețT.Ibe 906T ØT6T. 8T6T £26T 30 A.I.G's 99TA.Ies 16 estates | Pº peºg - º: pub Hºnoun? I wºnoruº, uánorqq. %26T *:::::::: psaanpur peacetes P*Y*FT || Tºo | Tºº" -Tºnººrd tº:- 706 I &T6T. 1.T6T 226T. $26T. Jºaquinu. J.9qumn J equinu. poqooſer 400 yep TºdºouT-Id Tºqo, TG4CL TB40'ſ, poqompuL poqoeſ on Jieqūſan ***Tº Jo reef & pouyuzzo ATTuots&d requmu Taqoſ, 72 Hºſsain uoTºuqs uoſº ompup qu peuTulºke ATToots Aud requim N WNW.INQ. E v. 61 °ig Houww HonobH1 su:318wnbov3H TVNoliv N. Lv q3A 13 oak la 2 S WHO3 SS-O 3 O 3Tid WV S v No NAAC #4s s ºf S.J. Nºyºls 1938 tº 3.193ſ 38 C. Nº Q 3.19ſ. GN 3 O S 12333G TVdio Niğd P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AN D REJECTE Ö REGISTRANTS A $ SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22.] RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 ſ Oſt AÑA Megro Registrants Number physically examined at induction stationTotal maember physically examined by year of birth MſumberTotal RefectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::jīīīīīīīnumbernumber„ŽĖ,19251922191719121904ſot, boardDaeguſel- |„ŽĢĪJTË, I Generalt|4,4444 | rejected | inducted§¶√∞i', #33%throughthrºughthroughandstated ºlºſedserviceservice1923191819131905 earlier remediable (l)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)-Gj(ā)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Eyes3l44211 Ears}11} Teethl1]} Mouth and gumas Mose Throat Lungs Tuberoulos1.s Cardiovascular1}ì4 Blood and blood-foræđng Hermia Kidneys and urinary Abdominal viscera Genitalia Syphilis4155l31 Other venereal Skłn Heaorrhoids Varicose vefnsll1l Mental deficiency Educational defiołenoy2 222 Montal disease ſeurologicall}}} Masculo-skeletalll1l Feetll}} Endocrine Neoplasas Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Mon-medical reasons No defects888į}222 Total*7?48jº826Å53]]6 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given s local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other thenphysical or mental defecte. PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942–MARCH 1943 NEBRASKA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam— ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Nebraska during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 9,52l, Forms 221 included in the Bample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns 1-5 show the results of physical' examination of these registrants——i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 29.2 years. Figure l. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Cardiovascular defects and mental disease accounted for approximately three in every ten white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not presented because of the small numbers in the sample. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for l. l percent of the rejections at local boards, for 17.8 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 13.9 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. - Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 51.2 percent of the registrants who were inducted for "imited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- êory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service, or remediable defects was hernia. sical Examination Regulations and Procedures, l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l-9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l—9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and lo percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular l69, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). - 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated, FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942–MARCH 1943 coNTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITENEGRO Percent 6f Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections O|O2O3040O|O203040 MENTAL DISEASES Y PH | L | S MUSCULO SKE LETALE DU CATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULARCA RD | OVASCULAR H E R N | A|- M EN TAL D | S E ASE E Y ESM U S C U LO S K E LE TAL NEBRASKA W H | T EŁºN E GR O ± Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections O| O2 O3040 O| 020304 O C A R D | O VASCULAR M EN TAL DIS E ASE MUSCULO S KE LETAL H E R N | A N E UROLOGICAL * DATA NOT PRESENTED BECAUSE OF SMALL SAMPLE NUMBERS Table 1. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ **.* tº *sº Cause for rejection Total Eyes Eers Teeth Mouth and gums Nose Throat Lungs Tuberculosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia Kidney and urinary Abdominal viscera Genitalia Syphilis Gonorrhea and other venereal Skin Hemorrhoids Waricose veins Educational deficiency Mental deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculoskeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasms Infectious and parasitic Underweight, overweight and other Nonmedical reasons Nebraska Local board 100 & O (9. : :i i ©& Q : i l : : : O:i ſº: i . : © s Induction station l O O O i Ç : & l (9© ii i: :QQ i ©. i : i :: : : {} . Local board and induction station lC)0.0 6.6 4, 6 4, 8 0.5 le3 l :i : : : i . ; º: l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. 2/ Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2, Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects 1/ Inducted for limited service Rejected for limited service or remediable defects Defect Percent Defect Percent Total lCO SO Total 100.0 Eyes 54.2 Hernia 36,7 Teeth. 15.l Teeth 15.3 Musculoskeletal 12, 6 Eyes 13, 8 Feet 3,8 Musculoskeletal 7,6 Underweight and overweight 5, 3 Genitalia 5, 6 Other ll.0 Other 2le O l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. P RIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 l/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or ments 1 č.2. . . ſaeſ?ASKA ſhtte end Negro Registrents Number physically examined at induction stationTotal maember physically examined by year of birth NumberTotal RefectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::jecte→ numbernumber„ŽĖış19251922191719121904Not, boardDisqual-·Ë“,Generalt|4,4+4a | rejected | inducted§ăſăſăi, 333%throughthroughthroughandstated ifiedserviceBervice1923191819131905earlier remediable-- (l)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(5)(10)(11)T(x2)T(ī5)(14) Eyes69838944822924ł&r?918124380 ·l34136142 ſ2 Ears3412673441316??35752478214867274 Teethl]689834264ıſrael406583289982127246l. Mouth and gums692971797ll4312133155 Nose83634404?4404876820O826671 Throat,125]I251252391373O2025l Lungs1734lO16161y?781032962l Tuberculo8187901811);115526143039l Cardiovascular545l4295632959766175751131662 Blood and blood-forming2l1#4112 Hernia682123635063253566814l261126130123 Kidneys and urimary23149379464176109 Abdominal víscera95346246615]]1525 Genitalial636244104325429743157482326 Syphilis1191O.7l1361137215l43769 Other venereall82l.9312l62l2 Skłn1074362l2657827678l Hemorrhoids569592O5979224121625 Varicose veins1513ll09539941331281629572 Mental deficiency5944210321051l2081551 Educational deficiency2606262108ł2320 Mental disease424645131511l452523120721072012 Neurological133ll4599272182902995264l98l Musculo-skeletal26612ł491225343617561]3918881119183l Feet1691873716437537961263969690862 Endocrine363824176581112910]]20 Neoplaams69ź351935542286810 Infectious and parasłtłol31O10l423 Weight and others9151159l43573108143618]326l ! Non-medical reasons99917l No defects |- 1693169316932487932572281625 Total10291994,6435435423366658589524103835501344 !: •••~^^ ;~ ~) ‘84993ep Tºquem to Tºops&nd usuº req+o suossar roy per rejep ATAuenbosqns area oua ºnquopºutſpurºke TaopsAqd preog orãen usua retro seoa. Its separouT /3 Tsoot a uaapā area oua squerq813a, Jo eaſ SnIoxg /ī 22 7002 909T 866. I 86.9% 96.OI z776 4,239 GT9% 227 9079 I79 71.6T OOOT TB4 OL 9 29T 922 A,92 06/, 87.2 839T 339T 839T S4 oejep on T 4. T 6 6 6 suosper Taoſpeut-uon T 92 £T 8T 96. */I 3OI £1. 99. 7t 69 TT 9T 6 B.I.G.I.40 pub qu'ºpell 9. 2 7 I OI OT 9 £ I opºse-red pub enorqoegul OT 8 9 82 2 Yg 96. 6T 96. 7 6 9 surse IdoeN O2 IT OT 62 II T3 g 9/, T 7 z 96. 96. ouT.Ioopug z O8 98 96 26% 92. I T8/. T/L 07 9T 921, 8T 8 YI 3.99. I T TºT ATI Tø /.3T. 69. 909 9/...I I£7 69 zzI 67 TzT T92 Tºqolexs-olnosmºſ T L6 Ty 92 Y6 92 A,82 8T 692 6 6 9 2II 29T TBoI2OTomeN 2 4.6l AOI 2/, OZI £2 TZg 7T b.0% T £T g 097 27 esbes pp Tequeſſ O2 Ø2 I 3 OI 29 29 O9 2 AoueTop.Jop Iguopºuonpg Tg 7I 8 Oz II 7OI 2 ZOI 2 g? 69 Aouepoſ.jep Tequen 2 1.9 32 9T 92 T TøT *76 18. 9 63 OI £I 7T Suſaa esooH.IBA *z 9T 2T 72 2 8/, 39 O2 89 6 9 9 sppou.I.Iouleh T 8 4. 9 A.2 9 4.9 96. Iz 96. 7 4. OI uTXIS I I 2 9 I II 2 6 2 8 T TeeJouaa tou?.0 99. 69. 2I 9I 2 ALI I 9IT T 9 6 TOT syTTud AS 92 92 37 A.9 L £7 962 £92 £7 OT £72 96. 9 I by Isque) 92 9I TI 9T # y 29 7 £9 6 ereosTA Ibupulopay 6 OT 9 9T 7 9. 6 9% 6 y Oć 2 ArºuT.In pub skeuppy zzT 92. I 92I T92 Tº 8/9 99% ©29. 9 67% 962 O2 AS) bTu-IoH 2 I I 7 - y T I 2 3upº Iog-poolq pug pootg 2 T}I 2II 7L 94. I 99 06% 62 I99 62 80% £9 JuTunosuadrpreo T 3% O6 7I 92 9 7II *II 8T 68 4. sTsotno-Ieqn, Tz 9 6 26. OI 8/. All U} T 9I OU % 1.I sžum'ſ T 92 O2 62 ACI 6% I92 O92 I Oºz T ºboſuſ, Ol, 99 23 OO2 99 997 66.7 A.Y 697 g 96. 3. eson 69 Tø £I 2T € 2II 96 LI 96 z 6 9 sum3 pub uqmon I 972 92t 28 96 32 I39 907 9/.I Tºg 36 AS) TI Uº. 90. YL &l, 98 9. [2 4.1. 229 99% L9T £I zºg 4. 92I % S.Ibg 2 TyT 79. I £8. I O38. 72T ? [6 Y/9 O72 62: gº? 63 23 69 se&q (ºrt) (£I) (ZI) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (l) (9) (9) (7) (£) (z) (I) - eTa'ºppeme.I Jop T.Ibe 906T £T6I 8T6I £26T. GUI. Tºgº eo A.I.G's ... roleºpaxes|| Pº YO6T. 2T6I 1.T6I 226T. 926T. Joquimu Joquimu Jequinu poqooſer qooyep Ted TouT.I.I Tºqol. TB40E Tºqo. peº on pulſ peq9eſ on Joqun N uq-ITQ, Jo Joeſ ſq pouyuºxe ATTºops&nd requinu Tuqol. uopºgºs uopºonpur qu peupuruze AITPopsAnd requinn –4 72 Rºſſº ºn WYSWºº [. E v. 61 °le Houww Honouhl suslövnbov3H TVNollv N.Lv G3A 13 oat la 2 SW HO3 SS-O 3 O 3Tld WV S V NO NMMOHS SV S.L. NVH.LS15)3 tº Q3.1%) ºſ º O NV O G.I. oſ) O N 3 O S.J. D 3.33O TVc. 13) N | H d PRIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON As AMPLEOF D.S.S FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 3I, 1943 laeſſ(\S)/A Wegro Registrants Principal defect Number physically examined at induction stationTotal mumber physically examined by year of birth ſłumberTotal rejectedRejectedInductedTotalTotalnumber at localË, I „ŽĖ, | eſffin; | }???1922191719121904 boardºſ;-·Ë**,GeneralLaevaea | rejected | inducted*、1924throughthroughthroughand €. remediableserviceservAce* 1923191819131905earlier Eyes Ears Teeth º Mouth and gums Nose Throat, Lungs Tuberculosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia Kidneys and urinary Abdominal viscera · Genitalia{ Syphilis Other venereal Skin Hemorrholds Varicose weins Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasms- Infectious and parasitto Wełght and others Non-medical reasons Řo defects • Total (1)—tºj-(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) lł l * Sº -Gj (10)(11)(12)(13)(l4) l1l |- NY - N2 \º {-1 Hº NJ - NJ \sº !-d ~ + - H. No N to e- !-4 NJ Not, stated 12l ll V. Hº | 4 |-0 !-º {\9 Hº !-9 Vº (NJ Hº 18ll20 8 :- A} $e - H S - N} \A -* * } \e |-4 Hº \º VA \º $. Hº Ay Hº V. VP, \\} be Hº AJ Hº Hº H-4 $- Hº Hº £e tº |-e Hº ON. N.) He S- 2920230151313231262041 L/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasone other thanphysical or mental defects. ± PRINGIPAI, DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 NEWADA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Nevada during the year April 1942–March 1943. The l, 370 Forms 221 included in the Sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221B. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l'. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table 1 Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of he column. Columns l–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants——i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 31.l years. Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in º: United States. Musculoskeletal defects and syphilis accounted for approximately three in every ten white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not presented because of the small numbers in the sample • Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for l.5 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 7.7 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 5.5 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 53.8 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February l, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). * Physical standards fºr local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August l, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated. FIVE MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULOSKE LETAL CARDIOVASCULAR H E R N | A - E Y E S MUSCULOS KE LETAL SYPHILIS H E R N | A C A R D | O VASCULAR E Y E S LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 Percent of Totol Rejections WHITE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES |0203040 NEVADA WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections | O2O304O NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections O|0203040 S Y PH | L | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD I OVASCULAR M EN TAL D | SEASE M U S C U LO S KE LE TAL NEGRO >, Percent of Totol Rejections Q , 102O3O40 * DATA NOT PRESENTED BECAUSE OF SMALL SAMPLE NUMBERS Nevada |A Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ Cause for rejection Local board Induction station Local board and induction station Total lC)0.0 Eyes 6, 7 Ears l,5 0.5 l O O © O lC)0,0 * O l: : l e 7 Teeth Mouth and gums Nose t tº Throat tºº Lungs 1.5 Tuberculosis O e5 4-l Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming ll l : i . Hernia lC). 5 Kidney and urinary º Abdominal viscera l.5 Genitalia l.0 Syphilis 30.3 © i l l Gonorrhea and other venereal gºe Skin Hemorrhoids ls Waricose veins l Educational deficiency i * : Mental deficiency l.0 Mental disease l. 5 Neurological 4.7 7.7 2-l Q iii: Musculoskeletal 2 Feet; : . l G ::i © : Endocrine l. O Neoplasms § { Infectious and parasitic gº Underweight, overweight and other 2.l Nonmedical reasons tºº l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1940–March 1945. : © : . : ; . : Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect Percent Defect Percent Total lCO,O Total lO0.0 Eyes 53.8 Hernia 5l e2 Neurological l9.2 Eyes 12.8 Teeth ll. .5 Cardiovascular 7.2 Feet 4,8 Musculoskeletal 7 e2 Ears 2.9 Genitalia 6.4 Other 7.8 Other 35 e2 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1945. * Sqooyep Taqueu Jo Tºops&nd uuuq Jouqo suospel rog 66t per.Iajep ATAuenbosqns exam oua ºnquopºutſpurºke Taops&qd preod Teoot a uaap3 area oua squerq973a, Jo an Isn'toxg /t º £26 6L6. 2ZZ 80% Olº. I O78 O69 70ſ 92, $ºſt Otz 961 Twº ol. 2 9II TLI LI' 66 299 299 299 sqooyep on 9 T T * 4. l, suosvar Tuopped-uoM € T £ 7 2 £I £ OT g 7 2 y greqqo pub quºpera oyapoured puu snopy oeju I T T I 6. € T 2 suswidoeſ: T y % I 6 t 8 T 9 2 suproopºg £ TI 9 9. T 92 TZ 9 9 9T T y 3.09. T O7 92 O2 72 4. 8TI 26, 99 O2 2T 6 62 Y9. Tºetexts-oſmosmºſ 6 £ 7 4. A.T T 9I T I 9 6 Tuo;3oTorney 6 2T 4. % T % 9 62 2 £ 92 6. esvegpp Tequeſ Ç 9 2 T TI g 8 6. T l, ÁgueTop.jsp Tuuopºpompºſ º 2 T T 4. 4. * 9 2 Águeponyep Tequen T g 4. T T £I 4. 2. 7 7 T 2 Gurgºa esoopaea £ T I I 9 9 7 2 πotºrouſeH 2. T 2 2 4. 2 9. T T % 2 ViºxS T T 2 2 2 Teeggaa Ieua.0 6. YI 8 9 99 2 79 2 2 6. 69 SITTuđAS 1. % 7 9T 9 TI T 7 9 T & up Isºpuep 8 4. % T 6I 2. A.T 2. 9 6 º, breega Tºuguopay 8 T 6 6 y 9 &ºm put saeuppy 8T TZ TT 6 9 99 9 O9 % 6% T O2 tºpºgº T T T T *Tºog-pooſq pure poorg £I 8T 9I 2 99. 6 99 g 6 9% 8 Junºnogbaoppreo 1. 9 9. 9I 9T 9T T (sºotnoxequ T 2 9 T 2 6. 9I & ØT I T 6. 4. Ç sºun'ſ T T T T 3 woº 2 2 9 £ Ø 9I TT 9. T OT 2 g osos T T T T gº put uquoſº 9T 4. T T 2 £T 6 &T T 4. T T - wºoey, 6 9 Z 9 2 6: % 92 g T Cz £ S.ru. 8T Øg 92 92 9 III 99 gy 9% OT 9T 9T &T sa&g (7I) (£I) (ZI) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (l) (9) (9) (7) (£) (2) (T) tº-ººº tº *-g " eTaºſpeuer Jºey T.Ibe 906I 6T6I 9T6T. £26T. Gopales *P** | *s arºss || Pºſſ *:::: puu uºnoruº. ußnorqq. ušno.ruq. */26T. º: panonput ponoeſe, P*P*FT || Tºp : -Tunbspc. .*. ?06T. 2T6T. A.T6T 226T. 926T. Jaqumu Joquitu Jequinu. sº 4 o'eyep Tºdgoºd Tºqo. Tºº OL Tºqoſ, poqompulſ peq9eſeuſ Jequinn uq-ITQ, Jo reaſ Aq peupunºxe ATTuo;s&nd requºul Taqo, uorºbºs uoſº on pup qu peupuuoce AITwops Aqd requinn squezº sp3.wn orºen pub or pum WIWAºN © 176 | *IG. H. Cbl VW Hºſi Obi H.L. Sö 3.1 bivſh OO V3H TVNO |LV N J.V. Q3A 13 DE 8 3O 3Tid WV S v NO NMO HS SW S.L. NVHLS 1938 Q3.193ſ 38 GNV Q 3.12ſ) O Nl 3 O S 13) 3330 TVello N 18 d | 2 a SW 8 O3 S"S"O “gºoeyep Tuques to Tuo;s&nd uuuq reqao suoswer JoJ per Iogep ATAuenbosqns erea oua quq uopºsuruºke TuopsAud preod *o-dem uwºr, req9 secux Tſu separouſ /* Teoot u uaap2 eren own squerq sººer Jo eaſºn toxº 9 9T6: £L2 912 90% ØØI zººſ T38 Tzº YOU Aºl, zzt 90& T6: Tºqo. 2 9IU 19t 1.6 69t £6 £y? £79 ©79 sqooyep on 9 I - 4. 4. 4. guoguer Tuopped-uoM 6. T º y 2 ÇI g OTſ £ y 2 y s.reqqo purs quºperl opºsured pure smopºoeju I T T T Ç £ T 2 sursu[doeN T y g I 6 T 8 T 9 2 euT.Ioopuig g II 9 9 T 92 TZ 9 9 9I T y 3.09: T oy 92 O& Yz 4. 3II 26. 99 O2 2I 6 Ç Yg Tºq etexts-otnosmºſ £ 6. 7 b. AI T 9I T T 9 6 Teopºlotomen 6 TI 9 9 T 26 9 Alº 2 9. Yz Ç esues ſp Tequen £ 9 2 T TI € 8 g I 4. AoueForgep Tuuopºuonpi Ç 2 T T b. 4. 9 2 Aloueponyep Tequen T £ 4. I T 9. I 4. 2 7 T 2 Supaa egooſieſ. º T T T 9 9 y & spTou-LIoweh C I 2 Z 4. 9 T T £ 2 uPIS T T 2 2 2 TeeJouea Ieua.0 4% 7I 9 7 69 2 T9 2 Z 9, 9% sTTTudás 9 % y 9T 9 OT T y 4. T 2 by Tºque) 9 b % T 6U 2 All 2 9 6 6, b.Ieogpa Toupulopay 3. I 6 6 7 9 Ærºup.In puu sſauppy AI Tz TI 6 9 79 9 6% 9. 96. I O2 bTuxeh T T T T 3upulog-pooſq puu pootg ZI 8T L 9T 2 49 £ Yg % 8 36. 3 JuTriosuáoppreo 4. 9 £ 9T 9T 9T T SPSOTmo.104m), T 2 9 T 2 £ 9T 2 £I T T * b. € s3un"I I T T T 4boluſ, 2 2 9 £ g 9T II . g T OT 2 6. eson I T T T sum3 pub uqnon 9. I 4. T T 2 £I 6 2T T A. T tº 99. 6 9 2. 8 2 62 g 92 € T 22 º S.Ibº. 8T £6. 92 32 9 OTI 99 77 99 OT 9I 9I 2T sa&g (7I) (CI) (ZI) (II) (OI) (6) (8) (L) (9) (9) (7) (£) (2) (I) eTa's ºpened. Jeſ T.Ibe 906T £T6T. 9T6T £26T. ao A.I.90 eol A.I.9s poºlſ pº puu užnoruº, u3noruq | u2no.ruq. yzsi (j. pasupg | passes | *** | *o *:::::"|-tºniºid . 3ON YO6T 2T6T 4.T6I 226T. 926T. Joqumu Joquimu Jaquinu. . ::::: qooyep Ted TouT-Id. Tºqo, TB4 OL Tºqol. p04 on pulſ peq9eſ on ": wº-LPQ. Jo reaſ Aq pouTuTuxe AITuops Aqd requinu Tuqo, uopºbºs uoſqompuſ 3 s peupuuxe AITwo TsAnd requim N /2 squasºsphen expu WGTWA:TN € tº 6 || "12 H2)\!\; W H5) ſhob H.L Słł E.L. HVſ) OOV3 H TVNO I.LV N J.V. Q3 A 13 O3 bi | 2 a SW 8 O3 S*S*O 3 O B Tid WV S V N O NMO H S S W S.L. NVHLS 15)3 tº Q 3.13) 3ſ g º O NV Q 3.13)ſ) O N 3 O S.A.) 3.33G TVd lº) N i t d P Rl N CIPAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AN D REJECTED REGISTRANTS A S SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 | || №A Megro Registrants { Principal defect ſumber physically examined at induction stationTotal member physically examined by year of birth MſumberRejectedInductedTotalTotalTotal rejectednumbernumbernumber19251922191719121904 at localLímitedrejected | industaea | Pºyºlſºſ) î%through I throſot, ●ougughthroughandtated board*:\ſ*|caer | %:ſſ | ::::::::examined M #33191819131905 | earlier8\,\! remediable Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose� Throat Lungs Tuberoulosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia Kidneys and urimary Abdomínal viscera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skin Hemorrhołds Warloose weins Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasas Infectious and parasitio Weight and others� Non-medical reasons No defects Total (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) l}1l 423999103465 l/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942–MARCH 1943 NEW HAMPSHIRE This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of New Hampshire during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 3,65l. Forms 221 included in the Bample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table 1. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221R. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants——i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected, The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age, On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 29.1 years. Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and cardio- vascular defects accounted for more than one-third of the white rejections at loca boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not presented. because of the small numbers in the sample. Table l. Table 1 shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 4.7 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 24.9 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 21.8 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. Al.4 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- €ory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was eye defects. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR 1-9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August l, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On-December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February l, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULO SKE LETAL CARD |OVASCULAR H E R N | A E YES MENTAL DISEASE CARDIOVASCULAR MUSCULOSKELETAL E YES N E U R O LOGICAL contine NTAL UNITED STATES WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections |O 2O 3O 40 WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections 2O |O 3O SY PHIL | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD |OVASCULAR M ENTAL D | SEASE M US C ULO SKELE TAL NEW HAMPSHIRE 40 NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections O IO 20 30 40 NEGRO >}. Percent of Totol Rejections O |O 2O 3O 40 % DATA NOT PRESENTED BECAUSE OF SMALL SAMPLE NUMBERS | New Hampshire Table le Percent distribution of principal Cuases for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ Cause for rejection Local board Induction station Local board and induction station Total 100.0 100.0 lC)0.0 Eyes 5, 2 8.4 7.9 Ears 2.4 4.6 4.3 Teeth 2.4 5.5 5,3 Mouth and gums º Oel Oel Nose Oe 5 0.3 O, 3 Throat tº- tºº º Lungs Oe 5 l.9 l, 7 Tuberculosis 2.4 2.l 2.2 Cardiovascular 2.4 14, 2 l2.4 Blood and blood-forming 0.5 ë-e Oel Hernia 8.l. 5.0 5.5 Kidney and urinery O.9 le 4 1.4 Abdominal viscera O.9 2,9 2,6 Genitalia 0.5 le3 lel Syphilis ll.9 O,5 2.2 Gonorrhea and other venereal i-º Oe 3 O.2 Skin l, 4 0.6 O, 7 Hemorrhoids O s5 O,5 O.5 Varicose veins le4 l, 5 ls5 Educational deficiency mº 6-l 5.2 Mental deficiency 5,2 2.7 3 el Mental disease 4 • 7 24.9 21.8 Neurological 18, O 3.9 6 •l Musculoskeletal 22e 7 5, 9 8.4 Feet 2.4 le4 1.5 Endocrine 0.9 l, 4 ls 3 Neoplasms le 4 1.2 1.2 Infectious and parasitic tºº O el 0 el Underweight, overweight and Other 2.8 3.2 5.2 Nonmedical reasons º 0.l O-l l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects 1/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect; Percent Defect, Percent, Eyes 4l .4 Eyes l8el Hernia l5, 2 Teeth 17.2 Musculoskeletal l3.0 Hernia l4.2 Teeth 8.2 Musculoskeletal ll.l Feet 5,6 Feet; 5,3 Other l6, 6 Other 34.l l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS A S s HowN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 3I, I 94 3 NSW HAMPSHYR , White and Negro Registrants Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physically examined by year of birth NumberTotal RejectedInductedTotalTotal·- Principal defect::::::::LímitedËa | №ſſa¿yl ???1922191719121904Not, Disqual•GalLimitedrºe lecteYAOUAC,1924throughthroughthroughand board;;;;;¿ËË。examined M #43;191819131905earlierstated (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(lī) (12)(13)F(14) Eyesll58412141471103614?136202105rry51 Ears54952335926851321ll17121 Teeth5239674294670374943337109125135 Mouth and gums114246231 Nosel216754727610331499. 1 Throat,14«» l/,l/,3632 Lungs121}1323427l12734 Tuberculosis52142302321321016 Cardiovascular5166118172181908352745741 Blood and blood-formingl1ll Hernia1727321854767214884l324225 Kidneys and urinary21341919l4l310 Abdominal viscera233l413654ll631318 Genitalia18ſy6,7616738919381796 Syphilis25l333133456ll12 Other venereall21314]3 Skån34912210l424l12344 Hemorrhoidsl2425272734959ll Varicose velns3l442722129502851520 Mental deficiencyll32243245ll451015 Educational defici64038!2381105327O2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;ſasierº10299ll23031331618}}}}75?1 Neurological384245784}29662816l/,32 Musculo-skeletal4844235846!171042217‘’’,374458] Feet5412ºro2O2]90lll939202418l Endocrine2142l218321l?58 Neoplasas35}178!25�4ış1ł54 Înfectious and†tio، weight and:::::::---628103111644327371341616861452 Non-medical reasons}11l No defect 2222222225894362581 ©0 tae Total 21]95022619099531367226436512921330608686724]] &A 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. P R | N C|PAL DE FE C T S O F | N D UCT E D AN DE D.s.s FoRMS 22 I RECEI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 NEW HAMPSHIRŌ, white Registrante 2/ REJECTED REGISTRAN TS A S SHOWN O N A S AMPLE OF Number physically examined at induction station Total number physically examined by year of birth Number -Total -RejectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::numbermumberĶĒ,19251922191719121904Note boardDisqual- |-laeºſ: “... | Generaltaea | rejected | inducted | ° §§1924through | through | throughandstated §§§, |servișe, ºr | ĂÄÄservi 3e1923191819131905earlier remediable (l)(2),(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(ll)(12)(13)(14) Eyesll584l214lĄ7ll0361471362021057751 Ears5495233592689l33lll17121 Teeth523967229467Ol74743336109124l35 Mouth and gumsll424623l Nosel2l6754ºraºrº10331499l Throat,l4l4l43632 Lungsl2lll323427l12734 Tuberculosłs52l4230232l321016 Cardiovascular5165l18171181898352744741 Blood and blood-formingllll Hernia172732185476ºralĄ884l324225 Kidneys and urinary21341919l4l310 Abdominal viscera233l4l3634ll631318 Genitalial8767616738919381796 Syphilis25l533l33456ll12 Other venereall213l4l3 Skłn343l2210l424l12344 Hemorrholdsl2425272734959ll Varicose weims31442722l29502851520 Mental deficiency1032}242244, lel4510l4 Educational deficiency6483872381105331327302 Mental disease10293ll2303133161877497596l Neurological384245784129662816l432 Musculo-skeletal484425584611710422l774374458l Feet541269202]8911083920| 2418l Endocrine2142l21832ll750 Neoplasms359178172542418ll54 Infectious and parasitiollll Weight and others62810311164432737134|16l6861452 Non-medical reasonsllll No defects222222222589436258], Total21094922619063551385226136462911329608684723ll ļ/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defecte. 2/ Includes all rases other than Negro. P R N C PAL DEFE CTS OF IN DUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRAN TS AS SHOWN ON A SAMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22 | Principal defect Number rejected at local board Number physically examined at induction station Rejected Inducted Disqual- ified Limited service or remediable General service Limited service -- Total number rejected RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADO UARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 Nº HAMPSHIRE Total mumber inducted Total number physically examined Total number physically examined by year of birth 1925 1924 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earlier Not stated Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose Throat Lungs Tuberculosif Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia Kidneys and urinary Abdominal viscera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skin Hemorrhoids Waricose veins Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasms Infectious and parasitic Weight and others Non-medical reasons No defects Total (l) l (2) 1 (3) (4) 3 (5) (6) (7) 3 (8) (9) l (10) l (11) (12) l/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. (13) (14) PRILIGIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 NEW JERSEY This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of New Jersey during the year April 1942–March 1943. The Al,646 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l-5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants--i.e. . whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age- On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 28.9 years. Figure la This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and cardio- vascular defects accounted for more than one in every four white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; more than one-third of the Negro rejections were due to syphilis and mental disease. Table 1. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection, For instance, mental disease accounted for 3.2 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 18.6 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 16.0 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections, Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and, those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 72.6 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited_service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examinat egulations and Progedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations 1–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February l, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR 1-9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants 18 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE -APRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITENEGRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Tofol Rejections O|O2O3O40O|0203040 MEN TAL DISEASES Y PH | L | S MUSCULOSKE LETALE DU CATÏON AL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULARCÁ RD | OVAS CULAR H E R N | AM EN TA L D | S E A SE E Y E SM U S C U LO S K E LE TAŁ NEW JERSEY W HI TE�NE GRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections O| 02O3O40O| 0203040 MENTAL DISEASES Y P H | L | S CARD I OVA S C U L ARM EN TAL O | S E ASE M U S C U LOS KE LE TALE DU CAT I ONAL DEF |C |ENCY H E RN | AMUSC U LO S KE L E TAL E Y E SC A R D | O VA S C U L A R * gºt up.regº-z76T Trady sizeq.rembpoeh Tauopaen qu peApeoer Tzz suixon SSq go etdures a wo poseg /t Isog ISIES o°6 3Süº 2°g guiseTāoeN 6*T (149e. gº? by Teq puer) g”z SJax **6 TaqeTextsotnosnº *g 3.99& 3°/T Seſºſ 9°OT Taq-e Textgo Inogrg O°gg Bºuze'H 9°2/, seAşı O*OOT Tºol, O°OOT Taqol. Tū5556; qoejeOI queo.zed 49e39Cſ sºosjep ºrderpeuſer to GoTA.Ies pe 4TUITT rog peqoe ſeu eoTAres peq.TurgT JOJ peºpapur /T sqoegep staggpen.e., zo ebTAzes peºpmTT roy pegoeſer pure eo;Azes peºpurſt £og peºpmptſ; sque Iqsp?ex go S400 Jep Ted you pid go uopºnqºrqºsºp queezed "Z eras.I. •queozed Tºo treqq seeT /ć •o.13en agua reuqo geoga ITs sepntour /ć *g/6T qozen-z76T Trady greazenbpoeh Tsuopaen qu peApeoea Tzz suzos ssa go etdures e ao pesed / 600 Tºyed gºd ast gºo TigeoT- z=0-275 Sū5555 ITB3FESãºf tº T. 8°T A,”T 3°0 g"T g"T 8°I T*g 6°2. Jeuqo pub qu?pam zeAo ‘qū3pearepſiſ, tº C, T*0 T*0 2°0 T*0 T*0 cº $º tºmº opºſsered pure snopº oeſtry. **0 0°T 6°0 Øe O T*T 0°T £"O 7°0 g"O suseTöoeN {{*0 2°2 T*z 8°o I*z Oºz 9°0 z”g 8°z º euT.IoopUNI g”z g"T 9°t O”g get A.”T 2*T yet r*T %99ſ. 9°/, £*6 tº 6 g”9 4,”9 /*9 2°OT A,”gz £"Tz Teqetextsotnosa; rºº O°8 9° N. 7-7 g"9 £*9 2°g gº 9T 0°ºrt TeopæoToxten *zt 7°9't O'9T 6°9'I Lºgt 9°3T 2°t 9°g z*g egees Tp Taqueſ 9°z 7°t 9°T Teg T-T 2*T 2*T g”g Tºg AoueToTjep Tequeſſ 6°6 9°z gº & 6°g I Tºg 0°? -- /: AoueToTJep TsuoT3aonpg 9°0 2*T T*T A." O T-T T*T g"O gº I T*T SupeA 9soogień. **0 g"O g”0 g” O 7°0 ye O £°O 4."O 4."O sppou.L.IOuſe; gº () 3 * Q g°0 £*O *7°0 **0 £*O 4."O 9°0 UTXIS £eº zºo 9°o O'9 £*O 8°0 tºº tºº tº TeezeueA reqqo pure beurrouot, g”zz z*z ge? gº g A.”0 T-I O°g.9 0°It gº Oz -- STTTudAS *T get g"T 9°T get g"T O'T 9°0 1,”O tºp Taq puer) g"O 6°z 9°z **0 z”g 6°z tº geT 0°T breds TA Tetſpuopoly 6°T Tez T*z 9°z *z 7°2 º g"O 7°0 A roup.In pure Áeuppy £*g O°6 9°9 9°g 9°6 £"6 gº? A,”9 9°g *Tureh * T*0 Tºo sº T*O T*O - £"O g"O 3upuirog-poorq pure poorg ** A. 1,”6 g”6 7°6 A.” OT 9°ot z*z z” 9°g Jºe Thostaaoºp.ca9 i.”g 2°7 Tºy g-g z-7 T-7 z”z T** 9°g STSOThorednj. **T Tez Oºz 9°T T*2 Tez g"O 6*T 9°T såun'ſ g’O T*0 tº 0 < /: g”O 2*O 2*0 3.30.IUI, ["Q 4,”0 9°0 Tºo 9°O 1,”O “ º º 9son T^0 9°0 9°0 Tºo g”0 g°O £"O 9°o 9°C Sum3 pub qqnow $*O 6°O 6°O 6*O 9°0 9°o g"O T“T O-T tº eel. TºT T*9 7" L *T O”6 g"9 ge O 9°g O°g s.r.º. $99 6°3 A,”3 9°3 £*6 z"6 2°2 8°9 0-9 seAg (*OOT 0°OOT O’OOT 0°OOT 0°OOT 0°OOT 0°00T 0°OOT 0°OOT Tūqo, oz89 7: 7a- 2 n .45s, tººl ºn .4%, tºol oases 4. TGºo, Utop:30eſey Roy esneo Hößstäſää pure preod Teoo"I .* uorqeqs uorqomput prºoq Teoo"I /f £76T qoran wºnoruº. 276T Trady ‘suoyaºs worqomput pue spreod Teoot qu uoſº.oeſex rog sesneo Tadpourprd go uopºnq7.13 spp queoxed "T eTawi, W. Aesirer Aen *49°Jep Tºues to Tºops&d uvu', reqao suoswer roy pewaerep Atauenbesqns exam own qma uorquuTurºke Tºots&qd prooq Twoot w uaa;3 exam own squerºstāer Jo eatentox2 /t &It 26t, Ol.9l, 967, O29%t T996 979ty 9U8/.2 Oć36 U. &LC 7OTºz 2632 4,799 T622 Twº ol. 0% C& ZIZº 2.096 6963 Częz 997.02 99% oz 3970& 849egop on 2 & 6 £2 4. 93 2 99 22 29 7 suoswer Tuoppen-uog GOI 69 09 £OT 92 O96 ØII 4.62 TZ 26 29, 66. I 99 s.reqqo pub quºpera g 9. T £ T TI II 6 2 opºlysurud pure snopºloeguſ GT TZ 69. 69 ZI 99T Oć 9&I 6. 4.2 66 92 9 guesuſcioeN COI O9 99. 76 Yz 9% £7 I62 92 O& O2 AOZ 79 ouT.Ioopu, I 9. 9II 7II 292 99 207 7zz I6 TTg 97 yyT 26. 3.99. I 8 Ç97 99% 4.62 077 98 669t 236 49&I. 832 76 £Lø 967 687 Tºqotoxs-otnosmºſ 9 94.2 &IC OTC L9% 99. 9TIT 97OT 97 O2 9% T69 TZº Teopºlotomen 4. 239 T69 Oz7 90% ZOI 3762 7%. I YUZZ 7 OCI 6. &Iz Øl espesTºp Tequen 6. 9TI &LI C6 7/...I O3 L09 9/T [97 9/.( I9. 627 I Aoueſoprep Tuuopºuompi Cl lº Ty COU 3T. I62 9, 9T2 9, 2 27t Tl, Alouepołrep Tºquan 6l. 77 79. 2ſt 69T 9T Yºt 9. l, 9% &l, 92 Guyaa egooglu A 29. 6I 9I YI T I9 All 8 6 27 4. 9I sppou…Ioneh YI 9T O2 I9. OT I6 4.2 79 4. O2 72 92 7I up(S All 96. 6t 96. 9 OTI TZ 63 T OZ 9/, II Teerguaa rouno 9. 16& 99T OUT 40T Ç 904, £II 669 £II 69 99 697 STTTudAS zy 67 89 69'I 97 99. 8/...I 99T 67 6&I I£I 69. 9T by Isqºuet) z/T ?OI Al 99 9 786, Od 79% O2 £I 4.2% 72 breospa Teupulopaw £1. 98 9% 98 6t Ozº 96. 782 & %. 99. 692 6 Ærºup in puu sāouppy y 398, OTø Aldº 96% 09 782T 99 86 II 27 77 £IOT 09 gºt bTu-19H 6. 7 Ø TI | TZ 7 All 2 2 2 6 9 3upulog-pooſq puu poorg 9 £97 7L2 AT& 8L9. 29 O3% I 99 */[GT 99 g ØI 38 JuTuosuaoppºſuo T 972 7gſ 94. 79 OT Olſº 7 * 999 I 9. 99 £I? L3 sºsolno.Ioqn. 2 6% 69 94. 9TI All LCC 39 6L2 9 £9 92 9IZ 4.0. s3un"I 9. 2 3. 2T 4. zg 92 6 22 g 2 7 3 Borul. T * L7 97 8% Y9 9T Tø 67T. 23 9T Ǻt Ty Ty 98 on - Ol. T9 £2 9% 8 OTſz 66. I Ll, 86. I 97 £I 9T sum3 puu uqnon 2 6T6 89.6 09: TO9 49& 4.8LI 699 [ 8II T9 8T3T 93 9 72 tº 90. 2 3I& ØO& 9Iz 797 99 67TU O&T 6COT 69 Tg 81, 288 69 greſſ 9T 919 97, Tzot 08/.T. 61.2 996? 99Tø 00:U OL6T . 99TI 9I9 97% 4.9'ſ se&g (ºrt) (º) (&T) —frt) ſº) (6) (9) (A) (9) (9) (7) (6) (2) (t) otablypeuter Jep T.Ibe 906T 6T6I T6I £26T. ao PA.Ies eopates 99T.J.'ſ *:::: pure ußnoruº. Wºnoruº. ºn Y26T. º: penanpur | poloaſa, P***'I TB.Ieues) *::::::" -Tunbsp:g prºoq 3ON YO6T 2T6T | LT6T 226T. 926T. tº: Joqumu Jaquinu. Fº qooyep Ted TouT.Id. Tºqo, TB40), Tºqol. poqompu I pequeſ on *::::: qq-ITQ, Jo reaſ Aq pouTuboce AITuoys Aqd requmu Taqo, uo;304s uoſº onguſ qu peupuuxe AITsots&qd requmn 23 usry's pºet, ozºon pug eqpum Xºlºiſ Mºill © tº 6 | *lº Hº)\!\; W Hºoſh Obj}+1 Słł S.Ltd Vſ) O OV3 H TVNOJ.L.V. N. J.V. Q3A 13 O3 ti la 2 SW 8 O3 S'S'Q so andwws v No NMoHs sv sinvulsioab q3103rag q Nv q31.2mo NI do slo 333d Twdio Nitid eſſeen tº serve secur Tru separeur Af **49°Jep Tºuen to Tºofaand upº rºo suoswer roy petrogep ATAuenbesqns exam own ºnquorquujuuke Teots&d prooq Teoot suaaps exen own squerºsp?ex Jo aarentox2 OOI Oć99 8699 I669 %97ſ 99% 66986, 4,992 zgyzſ 4992 O3%z £292 916, T69'ſ Tºqo). 97 99UZ b962 $6% A978 2922 T666. I T666T. TGGSI 849eyep on 9T €2 9. 22 L 94, 22 Yg * zz O% * suoswer Tuoppem-uog Ç6 99 g? OOI £2 ICE 60I zzz Tz 33 T£ zęI 6% s.r.o.14o pub quºpert 2 £ Ç T 6 - 6 4. z o;4Tsurud pure snopºloeguſ 7t Tz 9% 49 ZI 0%I 92 2ZI 6. 92 O6 92 A. surgutdoeN 96 4.9 99. £6 72 92% 97 O32 92 O2 O2 66I T9 ouT.Ioopuſ T O9 98 96 9Iz 29 Tø, 299; 63T 68 £72 2? oet AZ 3095 º £07 966 982 9ty 28 A&T 91% I9TI 982 06 292 Ig? 977 Tºqotexts-otnosmºſ 9 O92 96T 602 6% Yg 4,90T 99 T66 17 6T. Yg 679 90% Tuo;3oTomen 4. Y79 1.99 936 997 4.6 99 TZ 9II OYOZ * att 6T. £96T. 89 ogues ſp Tuquerſ 2 98 90I 99 62T Çl. 697 96. I €28. 9&T 92 662 I Aoueſoſ.ſop Tuuopºuompi 29 O7 Çg 28 A.I Yºz 99. 6LI 99 T ZII 99 ACouepoºjep Tuquem . 9/, 07 29. 2T O9T 9T 97T 8 A. 69 99 */2 supea egoop rea 92 6I &T 7I I %l All 89 8 6 86. 9 *T spyou.L.Ioneh 9T 9T 6T 0% 6 4.8 A.2 09 A. O2 Iz 92 £I uPIS 6 6 6 TI 2 O7 II 62 T OI zz A. Tuerouaa reuº,0 2 g? I 9/, 19 £9 2 96% L9 8/2 19 10. 23. 602 STITudAS T£ A.7 £9 97T $7 £98. 99T 99T 97 02:I 02.T. 7& II by Tuque) T T/I 2OT 9/, £9 9 8LC 9T O96. 8T £I 62% %2 *Ieogpa Touruopay 99 91, ?g 6l. 6T 262 % 992 2 26. TÉ 8Tz 6 A&Ibuſam puu aſguppy 7 2.É6. 982 7T2: O2% 67 YOZI O8 72TI 27 36 996 29 AOI uTu-19H £ 7 £ TI Iz */ 1.I 2 2 z 6 9 3upulog-pooſa pure pootg 9 2O7 292 661 £9% 29 £LZI 29 TIZI 29 z OćII 61. JuTriosuaoppreo T Tøz 96. I Z/, 9/, OT 929 7 22g T 6. /9 4.8% 8/, BIGoTruo Iequj. 2 ?g 29 I/, 90I A.T 2TÉ £9 692 g g? 92 66T 96. s&un"I z 2 4. II 4. 62 TZ 8 TZ £ 2 g 3bolu. I 97 £7 86 28 9T 922 77T T8 9I 32ſt Oy Tº ogon 29 27 22 29 3 98T ATI 69 T 9II 77 CI 2T sum3 puu uqmon 2 £62 2O6 I£2 69.9 392 929I 9IGI &OI I9 1971 O3 9 22 tº 90. z */T2: 86 I 9TZ 677 99 76. IT Oz I */TOI 69 T9. 81, 993 39 S.Twº £T 937 7O/, 986 92/.I 942 99TV T30% AOTI T96T. O£II £1.7 909 82ſt se&g (YI) (CI) (ZI) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (4) (9) (6) (Y) (3) -(e) (i) oTQST pened Jep Tibe 906T 6T6I 8T6T. £26T. QoţA.I.99 ‘. . to expares º º: prºoq *:::: : ušnoruº. uſºnoruº. uâno-ruq. Y26T. %; poqompulſ *::::: peq.[UIT"I TBIeues) poº Tºulº"I Tºnospoſ Tboot qu 3 objep Ted TouT.Id. 2T6T 1.T6I 226T. 926T. Joquºmu Joquinu. i. poqompu I pequeſ on peºceſe I Tºqol. TB40, Tºqol. Jequim N ***Tº Jo reas Aq peupuuxe Attuors&rd Joquiu Tºqo). uoſquq's uoſº ompuſ 3b peupuuxe AITQoţs Aud requim N 72-wardrºpsor-wºrſ- Jºiºſ MºtM E v. 6 | *IC HOHVW Honouhl St. G.Ltd vſ. OOV3 H TVNO I.LV N lv. Q3 A 13 O3 \l 22 SW 8 O3 S'S'O 3 O 3T d WV S v NO NAAOH S S v S.J. NVHLS1938 Q3.193ſ 38 G NV Q 3.19ſ. GNI 3 O S 103.33G TVd 10 NIt d °33983ep Taqueº Jo Teeps&d usun reqqo suoswax toy pew.regep ATAuenbesqng exen own ºnquorºwupuuoce Tuoys &nd prºoq Tsoot a usaps exen own squerºsp3ex Jo eagentox2 /t tº 999 &tº *Og 996 %3 4.70% 69t 966. I %2 729t 692 621, 007 Tºol. 7 AzT 992 902 20% Ty ALCII AgII A.CII sq993ep of 9 * t T 2T ZT &I suosaar Tuoppem-uog OT * z 6 6T. * 9T T l, 4. SJeſúo pure qu'ºpen T T z º Z opºserud pure snopy oeguſ T G 2 9. 7 g T sºuTjoeli A. % T TI TI 8 g suproopuiſ *I 0% 8T 96. 9 90t Ol. % z 39 9 Yz g 3.00. I º O3 T2 TI Yz g &TI 9 90T 2 y Tz ºy Ty Tºqotexts-oſmosun 9T AI b 3I 2 69 2 & T T 2 2? Çt Teopºlotoneſ. 36. %. *g Ty 9 26 I 8T *LT 8T 69t 9 esvegpp Tºque. T T6 49 Al2 g? 4. 8/l. O7 86T O7 3 Oºſ Æouopolºggp Tuuopºulonpºſ TI All 8 O2: T 4.9 Tz 9% TZ T 06 9 Æoueporyep Tºquen Ç 7 2 6 6 % 7 2 Burgea esoop rea * Z 9 9 * T T sproulxonoh T T T T y 7 6 T ^. up (S 8 & Ot 22 6 Ol. Ot O9 OU 9% * Tºetouan reqx0 T 29T OTſ Ǻ Yg T TL9, 99 GT6 9% 2% 62 092 gºt Fud As TI 2. 9 TI I 06. OU O2 T 6 TI 9 y uptuºyue) T 2 T 2 9 2 7 2 * treospa Tsuruopay 8 OT 7 9 82 2 92 2 9 Tz Ærºupºn put s/Couppy 92 92 ºt 9T T O8 9 7L 9 87 8 3U QTuxeg Buyºtog-poorq puu poorg T Tº 22 8T 9T 40T 7 £OT Y T 66 6 Jº Imogeaoppreo 9T 8T % 9 77 ‘77 6 92 6 sºotnoxeqa, º 4. * 6 92 % O2 9 T All z sºun'ſ T T T % 2 T 2 T 3WQTUAL Z 2 2 9 9 T % T eson 3 6 I 9 72 22 2 zz T T sumº put uqnon 92 96. 62 29 29T Tºt TI Tºt 3 T 2 ū08, 7 9. T g 9T 9I *T T s.reg 2 O6 99. Yg AST %, £6 6T. 9% 27 27 6 se& _(YI) (£I) {&I) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (L) (9) (g) (*) (£) ſº (Y) eTaºTºposer Jegºrge 906 I £T61 8T6T £26T. Gopales eoPAJes P0;JT, poqū39 pus uſºnogu, wºnorqº q3morūq, YzóT º: pasupar pºsses | Pºrt | Triºso || “...:"|-tºid prºoq 30. YO6T 2T6I A.T6t 226T. 926T. Jequinu. Jaquinu. Taoot qu 3 oeſop TºdpouT Id J.eduru poqooſer Tºqo, Tºqo. Tºqo, poqonpu I pequeſeuſ Jequinn uq-ITQ Jo Jºeſ Aq poupºxe ASITeorgård requinu Tºo! uo;3|84s uoſº on pup qu peupuuoce ASITsops Aqd requinn 3 O ETld W. Wyº, ºff N. O. NAAC. §§§ § ºf squery gºeºſ orºeg Azºłºf lºgin £ tº 6 *it Hºobi Wº Hºſh Obi H.J. St. 3.i. bivſ) OGVº H. T. WNO i.J.W. N. J.W.; Q3A 13 O3 + S.G.§§§ $ $338.5 ºfſ 38; Q N'y (; f.i. Oſº (; NH 3 O S.A. D 3.33G TiVº. 1.) Nº. 1 ºf c. | 2 a SWSO3 S"S"O PRIMGIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 NEW MEXICO This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of New Mexico during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 5,730 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221R. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated, The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns 1–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants-—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 29 el years. Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Ear defects and musculo- skeletal defects accounted for approximately one in every five white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not presented because of the small numbers in the sample. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 2.l percent of the rejections at local boards, for 9.5 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 6.9 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 55.l percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures, l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR 1–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August l, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. Five LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 CONTINE NTAL UNITED STATES WHITE NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections Percent of Tolol Rejections O |O 20 30 40 O |O 2O 30 40 MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULOSKE LETAL EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY s CARD | OVASCULAR CARD | OVASCULAR H E R N | A Aſ E \; TAL D SE ASE E YES ńſ. U 3 C U : O S K E L E TAL NEW ME}{{CO W H ! TE N E G R O % Percent of Total Rejections Percent of Totol Rejections O | O 2 O 30 40 C # O 2O 30 & O E A R S - |M U S C U L O S K E L E TAL SY PH |L | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY E YES % DATA NOT PRESENTED BECAUSE OF SMAL AMP BERS New Mexico Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ Cause for rejection Local board Induction station Local board and induction station Total lC)0,0 lCO,O 100.0 Eyes 6.8 8,8 Bel Ears 2.2 l4el 9.e.9 Teeth 5 e 9 O e? le.8 Mouth and gums * 0.4 O e2 Nose Oel Oel Oel Throat tºº. Oel O el Lungs l,7 l,5 le5 Tuberculosis 8,8 4.2 5,8 Cardiovascular 2.8 10,8 8e0 Blood and blood-forming G-d Oel Oel Hernia 7 el 7s2 7 e2 Kidney and urinary 0.5 le:5 leO Abdominal Viscera 0.6 l,0 Oe.9 Genitalia l.0 l,8 le5 Syphilis 28.2 O e8 los4 Gonorrhea and other venereal 0.4 0.6 0,6 Skin 0.5 O 3 Oe4 Hemorrhoids 0.3 O e5 0.3 Varicose veins l, 3 le3 le3 Educational deficiency Oel l3.8 9e O Mental deficiency 3,4 le4 2 el Mental disease 2.l 9.e5 6.9 Neurological 7 e2 7 e5 7.3 Musculoskeletal l'7.4 5el 9.e4 Feet; leO le2 le2 Endocrine le4 Oe.9 lel Neoplasms 0.6 Os3 Oe 5 Infectious and parasitic tº- Oel Oel Underweight, overweight and Other O.8 4el 2,9 Nonmedical reasons - O,9 0.6 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects 1/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect Percent Defect Percent Total 100.0 Total 100,0 Eyes 55 el Hernia 20e 6 Musculoskeletal ll. 8 Educational deficiency l8.0 Teeth, 9, 2 Eyes l4,9 Education deficiency 8.7 Underweight and overweight 10.2 Ears 6.l Ears 6.8 Other 9 el Other 29.5 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN D UCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS A S SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.s.s FoRMs 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 į./ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. Dae J (2) O ICO Whſte andRegist | Number physically examined at inđuction stationTotal mmber physically examined by year or birth Number----Total Re ſectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::jeeīſā¿a¿aaïſ,#¿∞19121904№ſot, -- | -rejecnGiú!C!ougthroughand board"::::::service orſaeſae;examined1923,191819131905earlierstated remediable (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(l4) Èyes59ºno9747}0,3!ºſo15533513]]ß727554l Ears17hºry26?12220192391610O5231364 Teeth2064}618403474432443 ſouth and gums292327l32} Nose11}6l2171934463 Throat}5l56222 Lungs191,83]]23413471159919 Tuberculosis&0592l1291130231153646 Cardiovascular2214610217321809493741422 Blood and blood-formingl1l12l1 Hernia3323?92159216l8352:740ºO} Kidneys and urinary3}}82ł2136633 Abdomínal viscera5105320 ·32327?? Genitalia30104234640312]3?3 §yphilis2,936 |12230l22423 :29| 4679&4l Úther venereal954412416263l1} Skłn43269615l5l53 Hemorrholds2.4}6}7l231 Waricose weins1010922294.3305812 Mental deficiency26191l46}47l.169119} ſĒđucationaldeficiencyl12O6924172004124l13895151349 Mental disease261361115311549342944362 Neurological3610233l16141651063282?37 Musculo-skeletal1335819292320852260973534973l Feet0]]71232615412l28(311- Endocrine]]]]2l42452924?79 Neoplastas·5234!0414266 Infectious and parasitiol],ll Weight and others62039668265&?O73541306163\420:03 Non-medical reasons}2}19131326l6239 No defects2420|24202420199110647043219716 Total??6105838333171962217|391357303362139]]1271063906yr •orſen trauſ, reno seogir ITs sepntou I /? ‘sºoeyep Taquem to Thors&id usua Ieuao suosse.1 Ioy pe.I.I agep ATAuanbasqns a1aa oua and uotaguTurgxe TaoTsAud prooq [soot a uaa;3 eraa oua squezºsºe, Jo anysntoxg /T 4.6 O83 9III £OTT Oºſtz *gg OT3% %97& 97tz 96I 392& 61% 49.0L 02/. Tºqo). 9T 661 DIY ç97 £60T AESL £862 Ø862 £832 840ajap on 6 8 2 9 I 92 6T £I £I T zt *::::: Tboppeu-uon eqqo pub quareM. %. #. 86. I 29t 90% Tº *1. p & 2.99 * 6t 9 opºpse.Iod pub anoſºoeju I g 9 2 ÇI ‘y 6 7 £ 2 7 suse[doeN 6 4. l, 7 2. 6: 9 72 * T 2 TI TT guT.Ioopug QI 1. 4. ZI 2 8% 9T Ø £ 2T 4. 6 A. 3.99. I T O/, 67 Og 94. 6 %2. Tº £OZ £2 82 9T 49 TCU *:::::::. 4. % 8: : Oſſ 79t £ º: T 2 9. # 99 •º: . # # | 3 | # | < | # | # | {, , § | }. | * | *, # | { ÁoueToT rep Tuuopºuompg T 3 TI 3 ºr. T gy £7 T 9T 92 Aloueponyep Tºquen an. 3 g 8 £6 y 62 2 2 6 OT OT suTaa egoogie/A T £ 2. T 4. T 9 T 7 2 spTou.I.Iomeh £ g T 9 T 9T 9 6 9 2 £ * uţSIS T T T 9. * 2. zt £ 6 £ 6. 9 I TeeJouaa reqq.0 T 9/, €9 zy AL2 g 2Tz TI TOz TI 9 9 O61 STTTudás 9 4. ZT aſ £ 6% 9 £3. 2 * 8T 8 4. *II*3rued A. 4. 4. z Cz € Oz £. g Ot 9 ereosTA Toupulopay £ £ 9 º € O2 O2 4. II & A.IbuT.In pub aſguppy T g? 66 dº % 8 AGI z 99T 2 44. 92 £9 bTuroH T T 2 T T T I 3upulog-poolq puu poorg 2 66 8% 99. 67 6 £LI 2 TAI 2 Ot 66. I C2 JuTriosua oppreo 97 96. $ºlſ Tć 3. O&T T 6&I I 2 6% 99 BIsotno-Ioqn. ØI 8 6 ſºlº T 97 ºt £6. 2 TI £ § { aſ såun'ſ 2 2 2 9 9. I g T quouſ 2 9 * * £ 6. All 2 T 9t T T 98oN 2 g 9 2 y 2 º I gums pue uqnon g? ZZ 9. y 21, % 8% §I 9I * 9 92 tº 96A. * % TÉ 29 OOI 9I ££2 6t 6tz aft 4. 92 9AI AI Brug Y Ç9 69 Ul, §II Ølſ Azº. *T C4I 80T 97 & 99 0% sa&g (7I) (£I) (ZI) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (L) (9) (9) (7) (£) (2) (t) oTQ's ºpened. Jep T.Ibe 906 I 6T6T 3T6T. £26T. ao A.Ies *P* to estares Pºſ *:::: puu u?nogu, uſºnoruº. ušnoruº. 726T. *::::::, peºpnput penaeſar | Pºº";"| TB.19üep : -Tumbspºt .*, . ON 7O6t 2T6T A.I6'I 226T. 926T. requinu requinº | teamu sº 49erep Ted TouT.I., Tūqo. TG4. O. TB4OL poqonpur pequeſ eu Jequinn qqayq. Jo reaſ Aq pouTuºxe ATTeoTsAqd requmu Taqo, uoſquq's uoſº ompuſ 48 poupºluxe AITaoTsAqd roqunn /e avrºssºw earn Cººl ºf © tº 6 | *12 H2)\}\y W H5) ſhot, H.L. Sö 3.1 bivſ) OOVEH TVNO II.V N LV G3 AI3 D3 bi | 22 S WHO3 S"S"O JC 3Tld W ºf S y NO NAAO H S S ºf S.1. Nº.i.S lº)3 ºf G 3.1.3) 3ſ 38 Q NV Q 3.J. Cſ). Q. Nº 3 O S.J. O 3.33G TV/dl.) NI tº c P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN D UCT E D AN O REJECTED REGISTRANTS A S SHOWN O N A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 I RECEI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 Nº: № CICO Negro Registrants Principal defect Number physically examined at induction stationTotal mimber physically examined by year of birth NumberRejectedInductedTotalTotalTotal rejectednumbermmbernumber1925192219171912190 at local*physically4ſlot, boardDisqual-…(ºſ,GeneralLímitedrejected1nductėdexamined]/1924throughthroughthroughandstated 1fiedserviceservice1923191819131905earlier remediable ſ ºes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Roſse Throºt Lungs Twberculosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia Kidneys and urimary Abdomainal viacera Genitalia · Syphilis Other venereal Sk1n. Hernorrhoids Warſcose veſins Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurologicál Musculo-skeletal ſeet Endocrine Reoplasas Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Kon-medical reasons No defects Total (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) | (8)(9)(10)(lı)(12)(13)(14) 341l16l ll !-e PJ Pºº s] |-> MD -s ºn NJ) l1 º sº º ~ 0-5 ~ * ſº Was Bºº \º 168 § - Q-5 v. 8 - - - !-- •- 8 - - - {N} Certº Maº Dº \º D-9 Jºe §3. º º º Cºe NJ } is 0-0 Velº Mºe One Vsº º º jº Cº Vº Vº Dº Osº º º yryºşma ||9?19 Öe 4621449 'n| 49120319244926 1/ exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examinatioa but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. RS 221R (9-2-43) SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM SOURCE, DSS ſortu 221 NOT FOR ROELEÅSĒ Ríºſółºśī, DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942–MARCH 1943 NEW YORK (EXCLUDING NEW YORK CITY) This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- iſſation and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of New York dºing the year April 1942–March 1943. The 50,817 Forms 221 included in the 3&ºple represent ºnly registrants who were physically examined at local boardë aná induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 2218. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrante." Figure le ºhe five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States, Table la Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local, - boards and induction stations. - Table 2, Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service of re- mediable defects. §§ 2213. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (5) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect” may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect recorder 33 as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defecº # ºhe first defect, entered by the examining physician in an order-of-impox” ξ33 arrangements Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifyigºg iéfeet; &nds similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor dºse º: ; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulatede The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the ºbes ºf gistrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defecº º he number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examiº. så are shown at the foot of the columne Columns 1-5 show the results of physical amination of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected, £he columns under the heading *Total Number Physically Examined by Year of $nº gº the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to r principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no cºs can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average 8&ºe ºn the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined tº º state was 28.2 yearse : ~$ figure la This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States, Mental disease and cardio- vascular defects accounted for more than one-fourth of the White rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; more than four in every ten Negro rejections were due to syphilis and mental diseases Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 5.7 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 21.8 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 17.6 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 64.5 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate— gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. - 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be Iſe- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). .- 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. N.Y. (excl. N.Y.C.) FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITE NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections Percent of Tolol Rejections O |O 2O 30 40 O IO 20 30 MENTAL DISEASE SY PHILIS - MUSCULOSKE LETAL EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARDiovascular CARD |OVASCULAR HERN | A - MENTAL D | SEASE E YES w º M US C ULO SK E L E TAL NEW YORK ex C.I. N.Y.C. —1– WHITE NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections Percent of Total Rejections O | O 2O 3O 40 O |O 2O 3O MENTAL D | SEASE SY PHIL i S C A R D | OVASCULAR MENTAL DISE ASE H E R N | A MUSCULO S K E LET A L M US CULO S K E L E TAL CARD | OVASC ULAR E ARS E YES I ºf York State Tat. 3 is Percent distribution of . º.º.º. ºpal causes for rejection at local boards N and induction stations. Apºll 1942 through March 1943 1/ Loc 3.}, bog. 'd Induction station Local boardi and - - - induction Station Total wº Negro Total º Negro Total White Negro - -—#. 2/ †otal. 100 et 100 eſ: 100 so 10060 100s O 100,0 100,0 100 so 100,0 §33 52 * 5e? 1.6 7.5 7 e4. 8e7 6.9 7a.0 5 ..& Fºg 2e 3 26% 260 9.e0 96.3 le.7 7s2. 7,7 2.38 º le'. lo'7 {} •8 0.64 0.24. tºº 0 e8 0s3 {}<3 §gº &nd gums 0, 6 0.26 tº 0.64 0.94 0 ej 004. 0,, ". {}=2 §§§ {} . Go? sº le& 1.e4. le4. lel "...s. § 28 ºrgºt, Osł. 0el 394 0 ol 0 el *:::: 0el 9et Qo? £ºgs 2 3 2.94. 1.26 2,9 2s 9 lo!, 2 o'? 2.8 i. s. 5 ºùºrºsis & só 4.67 : 7 4.09 2.98 6e? 4.- : 4,28 #25 GºśiºgašGºla? % eſ] 923 #2". 9.28 9.” 7.6 ‘...& 9,'? 683. &lood and bloodesforming 0.63 0 e3 r. * 0 el () - 0e2 0.22 Qe2 Qe2 §exºia. 1026 ilso 4.25 9si 9 eſ: 5.2% 9.25 9,7 593 Kidney and wrixiary {}s; 0.65 * . .3 2.s3 22; le.8 le i.e5 Abdºminai, Wisce.º. i.e.7 ls& 0.94 39%. 3ol. ºol 2s? 2e.8 03:3 Genitalia lsº 160 1s2 1e3 ls2 2s2 i.e.2 122 i.e.8 Syphiliš 1064 7el 6lel 0.7 0.66 &sº 3e32 2s2 27 gº Gonbºrhea and other vaner&al. Col. Qel 0.68 Oe:3 0.3 le? Goj Qe2 i.e3 §kin CŞe'? Ö gº *** Aſºſ), ſººſ º×¿?%) ſº «ſº ſr.. '. *º º. ;;~);* # ffºſ, y%* ſ; ºs+~ .*# 1, , , , , ºſnºçº© : ?• I •# {#:;;-); :çºĒ,f;Á:ſÀ?;-->§..?(3 ||fb*;$ $.$.$ $ $ $ $ $ $ && && j & È Ç Ë Ë Ï Ï £ © ®, jº jį ÂȚ'ſ №ſſae, ſ. (ſ. Å ſyſ: {} \; ; (či ſ; $ † ș{ſ}} ($4 $ $ $ $ € £ ¥ $ ¢ £ © ®, ! NEW YORK (excl., N. Y. C.) Řegrº Rºgïº&ſanºg • ** * * * * * *Ķ Number physicallyexaminedat inductio, station|Total aelºmbºr physically examined by year of birth Numberº!*'{'otal RejectedInductedTotal‘Īot;&*ae Principal defect::::::::jLimited№, ſ ae, ſºffïael №1922191719121904Řoł, lī£1.115€.rejectedinducteči§ ?.? ſae,1924through%hroughthroughend boardDisqual-GeneralLåſnitedexaminºd?stated |-īſāſ |ſſſſſſſ: į šįžič | ±±√∞|-3/ſ iś33191819131905earlier {ſ}{3}{3}}{{}}{{}}−){}}{{}}ĢT{{№}}\}\}}{№}{{!}}{\}} Eyes413Źź33017354?$?9| 231423}} Ears5$2},įį.3î.43; ?.}35}, Toeth2§ ff.234?349??§§232$23 ſouth and gums}&Ź.}�35}, Nose419§$3.4%}ģ???} Throat,|}�}Ģįſ}$į3}, Lungs44Ži3�?¿?2?&4 ſubexºculo84.g92ļ.333333.§�}{}]? CardiovascularŤO27$37$&$$}?3�į% 3.lood and blood-forming}3.3.À. Hermia}ł9}2$32&�3$$314� Kidneya and wriaeary8}ł}29¿??į,&?%3% Abdoſainal visceral4.3$$$?33 Ganitalia3 ,262?},Î}Ź&39ģ?3&Īſſ)$ Syphilis1$ł]{}5??16%???ș3�2$2@7375}, 02?418}$}}??3}}.?�? ſae wersal32$?5},į.}? Hºmorrhoidsį?33?$?$jį Varicose veiras3?3}3@2&4 ſental deficiency3}';}??}2ł$Å?§§? �$33ģ&ł.4| 3?32}$ Educational deficiency332tae。 ķºnial disease$79?:?��#22}}*23 Neurological24#?}$2。gö33żſå}ſ}}$) ſugculo-skeletal- &&\,} ·$ Feeț},?47}%ģ3Ă.$??$3$ ÅÅ4Ä?$. Exºdoerine«* Ņeoplaams3.$.4?&�}į?? Înſectiou8 and parasitie� Weight, and othera?Ż35}}�*3},#}}?? Non-medical reasong7&{& Ño defeat;g3$$$$$$$$§§$$$&3$5?žį, . Total???33;}ſ庞ģ¿§§???!$$$§§§§§§?şff§§§)???Å ļ/ Exclusive pº zegł straats who were given & local board physłeal examiną ſłowa but ſho wae? a №ºrſaxiºly ſłºże??ºff ſo? ¿agºzač gº, † ?, pſyöjäſºaſ. Oſ ſental deț¢, PRINGIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942–MARCH 1943 NEW YORK CITY This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam~, ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of New York City during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 67,393 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes t Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. - Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221R. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining pnysician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying lefect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor des. £ect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), show, the number of 22gistrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect. “ ºne number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants——i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected, The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of 3iºthº show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to ir principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no 3i the defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. ºn the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in tº state was 28.3 years. ſ -r *** złº, º Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and eye defects accounted for approximately three in every ten white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; more than one-fourth of the Negro rejections were due to mental disease and eye defects. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection, For instance, mental disease accounted for 7.0 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 19.3 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 17.3 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 76.4 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was eye defects. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February l, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR 1–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January le, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants l8 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8, February l, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. FIVE LEADING GAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITENEGRO Percent of Tofol RejectionsPercent of Torel Rejections O|O203040- O ț02O3040 MENTAL DISEASESY PH | L | S Å US CULOSKE LETALEDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY ĶARDIOVASCULARCARD I OVASCULAR |-! E R N | AM EN TAL D I SE ASE £ Y ESM U S C U LO S KE LE TAL NEW YORK CITY W HI TE- NEGRO Percent of Tofol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections | O2O3040| 0203040 © M ENTAL DISE ASEM EN TAL DI SE AS E E Y E SE Y E S CARD I OVASCUL ARC A R D | O VA S C U L AR H E R N | AS Y P H | L | S E A R SH E R N | A Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards New York City and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 ly Cause for Rejection Local board Total my Negro Total Induction station Local board and induction station º; Negro Total Total 100.0 loos0 loos0 100.0 loC),0 loCeC) 100.0 100.0 100.0 Eyes 3.8 3,7 5.5 l3.8 13,8 14-0 12-3 12.2 12.6 Ears 2.6 2.7 0.6 9.2 9.7 2e.7 8.2 8,6 2-4 Teeth 0.6 0s; l,8 Oe.9 leO 0.2 O.9 Oe.9 Oe5 Mouth and gums 0.23 0.3 º Oel Oel ( . ) Oel Os2 tº Nose 0.2 0-2 0.6 0.6 Oe? 0.3 0.6 Oe6 Oek Throat, Oel Oel gº 3/ Cº Oel º Lungs le.7 l,7 le.8 l,8 l,8 le& le8 le.8 le.8 Tuberculosis 5.8 5,9 4-9 6.8 6.7 7.6 6.6 6.6 7.2 Cardiovascular 5.2 5.3 4-3 lle6 lle5 12-3 10.6 10.5 lleO Blood and blood-forming 0-4 0.4 Gº Oel O-l º Oe? 0.2 Ǻ Hernia 12.3 12.7 7.9 9.2 9.4 7-4. 9.7 9.9 7.5 Kidney and urinary 0.3 0.3 gº 2el 2 el lel 1.8 le.9 lso Abdominal viscera lel le2 tºº 2.8 2s 9 le5 2.5 2.7 le2 Genitalia 0.3 0.2 0.6 Os8 Oe.9 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.6 Syphilis 9.0 6.2 45.7 0.7 O-4 3.5 2-0 le3 10-l Gonorrhea and other venereal 0.2 2/ 1.8 0.3 0.1 le3 0-2 Oel le.9 Skin 0.8 Os 9 Gº 0.6 0.6 Oel 0.6 Oaé Oel Hemorrhoids 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.5 Oe; 0.9 0.6 Oe; 0.9 Waricose veins 2.5 2.5 ls8 le.9 2-0 lel 2-0 2el ls2 Educational deficiency Oel Oel tºº 2s2 le.8 7~4. le.9 le 5 6.2 Mental deficiency 2-2 2.3 le2 le& lel 4.e5 le5 le3 4.s0 Mental disease 7 eO 7.2 3.7 19.3 l?.5 l6.8 l'7.3 17.5 14.7 Neurological 16.7 17.7 4-3 3.8 3,8 4-5 5.9 6.0 4-5 Musculoskeletal 17.9 l8e7 8.6 4-5 4-4 5.5 6.6 6.6 5e.9 Feet lso lel tºº leO 0.9 2-4. l,0 0.9 2.s0 Endocrine 2.7 2.9 0.6 le3 le3 1s0 l,5 l,5 lso Neoplasms 0.3 0.3 sº 0.8 0.9 Qe2 O,7 0.8 O.2 Infectious and parasitic *O sº dº (º º Underweight, overweight and other 3.9 4-0 3 el l,8 le.9 Oe" 2el 2e2 leO Nonmedical reasons Osl 3/ 0.6 0.1 0.l * Oel Oel Oel l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942-March 1943. 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. 3/ Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects 1/ Inducted for limited service RSTEGEEa. TOTTITIESãTSSFWIEE or remediable defects Defect, Percent Defect Percent. Total 100,0 Total 100.0 Eyes 76.4 Eyes 39.0 Underweight and overweight 6.0 Hernia 29.0 Musculoskeletal 5.5 Musculoskeletal 5.9 Ears 2.3 Teeth 4-3 Feet, 2.3 Genitalia 3.0 Other 7.5 Other l8.8 l/Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters, April 1942 – March 1943. “sqooyep Taquem to TaopsAHā usun reqāo suosued toy petrogep ATAuenbesqns area oua qing uoſquuſuruºke TaoTsAqd praoq Isoot a ugar's area oua squerq973e, Jo anyºnToxq /t 0.2 ÇAIII Oºy? I 97LTI *8Tzz I6%L £6619 8OTø9 927t 99T3 £7697 %92 ?/86 Aºz Tºqo, 9 Øſt 92.92 Yzgz 398.9 £102 99%I 99%T 9996. I 83 objep on T 9 9% zz 6% O7 79T 99T 6 99T 4. 2 suoswer [poppem-uog 6 90% AS2 38U 669, 68 A&II Tôg 90% 39% Çzº 09 99T 88 s.r.o.º.o puu qu&pell T T 7 9 T 9 T 2 6 oyapsured purs enorqoeguſ Tº 28 96 99T 99. Tºy 9tg 90I 9 TIg 86. 09 b. sºutdoeN 91, 69 89. 98 LI £32 QM, €tz O2 Og 3. $7t 29 suprooptº: y Dºg 9t? 967 94.6 2.9% 6T32 LL32 zyI O7I 4.69& 66 £8 ZZ 3eet ZT £49 */[9 Gºry A.O.8 96t 7792 90/T 666 866 £90T 96.1 96% 907 twº eters-otnosun 9 872 OQ2 96t TO6 29 GOOT 99t $3 Tº 9TI Yg gz7 81% TuoppoſomeN YI 99TI 6ll. 697 669 49 Y916. 619 yz 1. 2/9 9. GT62 &T esweetp tºuen º £7I 93T Ø8 £OI O6 299 TE2 T42 T82 T 992 z Aouepoºjop Tºuorquonpº 20, 39 #7 £1. YI TL2 1% *Iz T 99 T 79t 67 £oueponyep Tºquen £ Y69. 962 9TI tº T 4. 976 699 482 T 899 LC *6t 9% Guyaa egoor-teſ 2 AOL zºſt 19 O9 TI 679, 392 T8 A. T92 6% 82 O2 Sproud. Ionop T 89 96 38 91.I All $67 607 93 92 Y8% 9T O% 6t uPIS 6T. O7 32 99. 9. 97t TTI 99. T OTI 92 9 7 Tº exeuea req90 9 16I 672 TTI 99 L 96.9 TG9. *82 T O99, Og Og */Oz spIPud AS TI 9A.T 1.9% to?g All 662 6691. 23/I AOI 16 99.9T Ol. T6 9 up Taque) 2 99T £7T 26 26 £ 22T 99% . 22T Tºg 72 breospa Ibupulopay 60T #7t 86 77t 29 4,99 O06 4.52 9T 982 Tć. 6TZ 1. A roup.In pub sſauppy 2T 629 A29 617 £29 O6 Q/ZZ 283 38%. T Z 033 239 927 3/.2 bTuxeh 6 9 7 9 % Tć 4. *z A. T 7T 6 Bupulog-pooſq pure poorg 9 909 OL7 326 60, Mºſt 9922 4.94. 809T 1.9/. 2 68%. I 1.TI JuTunosuacrpreo g £97 922 Ott 99T ZT IL6 92 £76 82 % Lll, 29. T SIBOTmo.IeqūJ. O9. I OTT £6 69T 09. 26% 8/.2 ?gz b. TAZ TT 902 8% såun"I O2 37 4.7 ‘78 ØI ZIz 902 & 902 % 2 ºboruſ, 9T 902 6.1% 729. TO9 gzz Tº LI O/9T T3 2IT 99%T A. 69 9. 98oN 2 69 2TI 7, 99T YOI 987 997 TZ % 297 $ 6 4. gums pub uqnow 92 £4.6l 1,212 8002 %07 2002 Lé82T £TA,2T *zT £TI OO92T TOT OT ØT tº 90s, 9. 96%: 0.8% 62% 989 £2:I 6T9T T99 39TI 77T AC9 27 890T 89 S.Leg 29 392. I 34.72 T692 23.87 A99.T 999&T 966OT O3 LT 40/7 6229 6T6 971, 98 sa& (7t) (£T) (zt) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (l) (9) (9) (7) (£) (z) (I) oTQST periest Jºe'ſ tree 906 I 6T6T. 8T6I £26 I - 30 A.I.99 *P*** | Jºe:Ares | Pºſ * puu uSnoquº. ußnoxuq. ū3noJuq. %26T º: poqompuſ. peºceſe. pøyſuſp"I TB.Ieues) : -Tunbspcſ º, 3ON YO6T 2T6I 4.T6T 226T. 926T. Jequinu. Jequinu. Jequitu sº 3 oegep Ted TouT-Id TB4 OL TB4 OJ, Tºqo.I. poqonpuſ peq9eſen pgº uq-ITQ Jo Jºbeſ Aq peupulºce ATTeoTsAud requinu Taqoſ, uopºbºs uoſº ompup qu peupulºxe AITsotsAnd requin N squerqGT308 Cr3eN pure eqpqM XLIO XINOK M3N © tº 6 “IE Hºw W Hºnob H.J. St 3.1 bivſh OO V3H TVNOILVN LV G3A 13 O3 H 122 S WHO3 S-S-O 3 O 3 Tld WV S W NO NAAC #4 S S ºf S.I. NVH.J.S 15).3 : G →J. Dºſ E. H. G. NV O & J. Oſ) O N | 3 O S J C 3.33C, TIVc. 11) N | H d & utº & Gº: º º; A” °83 oeyap Tequeg go tºpoge&qi utrº sºo 'suosges toy peºregep ATAuenbgeqns area oua ºnquorquupuloze Taopa Aqd preoa Tsoot a weapā area on a squº;gºšex 3& GaſshTök: §§§ tº got 99.62'ſ £640. 69%: Wº% §§§§ $ºrté? égºſ. 990.9 6Locy 6%Tø 4,963 £602 Tºqo, 49 ÖOTI £602 6902 6.0% £303 T}{zt T}{zz T}&T sº objep on T 9 99 T2 38. 67 Tºt £9T 8 £ºt b T ouosue. Twopen-non 6 zéz £62 4.1.1 &&. 63 zºſt 498 $62 98. Y67 09 29t £3 s.r.o.º.º.o pub quºpoli T T y 9 T § T 2 opºpsbred pub snopºoeju I. 2 0% ºl, 06 £9T ££ 2O7 662 60t g $62 86, 99. 4. sursuTjoeN 69 69 tº 28 &T 99t 99 602 O2 g? 4. 99T Tº suproopººl y 962 zy? Ot? 698 17% Allº 99 zz Izt 66. I ATIZ 92 T/, 22 3 eelſ 2T 69% 26% Try 994, 26t 9?yz 69%I &l.9 666 96&T 8TI 39% T66 Tºqotexts-oſmosmºſ ſº 4.22 GAT 99T 962 Tº 9% 99T O6/, T9 40T 06. 63% TLC Teopºotounen YT YOTI TTA, 99.7 QT) 93 9962 179 Tzºz 4. o?9 % 49Tø Iglſ osuospp Tºquo;i T gºt TGT 9 88 62 ogy *ge 902 *gz *02 2 AoueToTrop Tuuorquompº 6% £7 % 79 YI *Tz 27 2/.T. 27 gºt 1.7 Alouepoſ.jep Tequen £ 4.1% 2.2 OTſ 92'ſ 4. $69 029 YLZ T 6T3 9% 99T £g Supaa esoop.18A T 4.6 C6 4.9 4.9 II §Ig gyz 2l, 4. 962 82 92 6T. spTou.I.Iouſeh T 99 98 T3 TLE All T17 4.8% 79 ºrg £98. 9T 67 6T. up(S II 9T 9 9T 17 26 9T 23. OT y T TeeJouaa Jogº.O g 97t 99T 39 €6 * O96. 2O2 8AI T TO2 . 8T Tø 62T spIRudás TI 29T 292 Y62 999 962 999 I %99ſ TOI €6 Tºrt 49 62 9 by Tºqpuep 2 29T 26. T 93 06 £ & 9IU 296 9IT 326 ºrz breaspa Taupulopay ÇOT Tºt O6 9&I 29 T2% */12 17: YI 092 06. OTZ 4. Airbuſ-In puu skauppy zt Y69 I6% 26% II; 06 OćTZ 028 OT&T 2 8T3 O79 907 992 byuroH 6 g £ 3 9. O& 9 72 9 I *I 6 3up/ Iog-pooſq puu poorg 9 97% gTº *Og 8/9 97t £602 001, £6%I 004, T 232T OUI JºbTimosbAoppºſed * 66.7 16t 1.6 97t &T 963 4.2 898 1.2 Tø £LL Yet sysOTmologn], ATI 2OT 28 09T 62 067 992 962 A. 972 TI 63T. 9% s3um'I 9T 86, Tº 8/, 2T 78T All b ALI 9 2 3. Bolu. 9T OOZ 096 Itg 699 Tzz A39T OTSI Al 60T TOST 4. 99 7 98oN 2 9% 66 Tl, 62T 2OT 897 4.67 Tz £ 767 9. 6 A. sum3 puu uqnon £2 ZIgT Orºz £98U 794. Y202 933TT ABLTI 6T1 . £II Ygºſ I 66 Ot Ot Uğ.90. 9. L3% 29% Tzº 9/9 £2ſt Cºll Oć9 £7TT Tºrſ 637 Tº 97OI 4.9 G.IBT Tº OOZT Tzºz 0092 6T1.7 £76. I %ryzz'ſ 929Ot 3T9T zę97 Y669 278 669 Al. sa& (rI) (GI) (at) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (l) (9) (9) (y) (£) (z) (t) oTQ'ºppeller 99T.J.T. - J.9;T.Ibe 906 I £T6I 8T6T £6I a0 A.IGs aopa.Ies to eoſates| -rºmbº, prºoq 13 9 Tanos POI *:::: º: * Wºnoruº | wºnorqq. %26T º: *::::::: | P: peºT | Tºrºuso peniºri TaooT qu 49erep TadpouT-Id. 2T6T 4.T6I 226T. 926T. Joquºiu | º: : paq on pulſ pequeſ on *:::::: Taq.C.L. ***Tº Jo reaſ Aq peupuzze AITuo;s&id requinu Tenor | | 72-ºxº-air Xī0 YūOX Mºſ uoſquq's uoſqompup qu peupulºxe AITPops &nd requmn © tº 6 “13 Hºi º A. Honoë, H.L. Stijlºvn OQV3H TVNC I.LV N LV Cl3A 13 O3 bi 2 2 SW 8 O3 S'S'G 3 O 3Tid WW S 'y ºf O NAG 45 g ºf S.M. tº is 1938 £13 133ſ,38 Q Nº Q 3.12ſ., C. N. 3 O S lo 3.33G TVd 10 Nº 8 d PRIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AN D REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 ■■■■ YOR, Cſ, Negro Registrants Number physically examined at induction station Total mmber physically examined by year of birth MſumberTotal RefectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::jecīſāſloluºËa | №Ë„ĶĒyl ???1922Ë% | wiſſ,(&:Klot, «…»rejecteinducted1924throughthroughug@A boardºſ;ŹŹ§:::::: | ::::::::-examined M #33191819131905 | earlierstated (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(?)(&)(9)(10)T(Irl)(12)(13)(1/3) Eyes946ºr?23575132310442241139115855l Earsl23}183252:146ll8189 Teeth329465946951482:0133317161 Mouth and guas282,828263134 Nose135734606441213296 Throat,282020l66105 Lungs916231923421911ß13 Tuberoulosis0643175l769132924} Cardiovascular| 7}071571155717223,1245560 Blood and blood-forming| 1l11 Hernia13234262786214022275635 Kłđneys and urimary9123110262698136 Abdominal viscera13?13?2024]]3 Genitalia12317446lºrº1&4149467513 Syphilis751912}4910614923593253ll3513 Other venereal3215*AC120799934122250 Skin121ſł]22294?102 Hemorrhoids1352392534320101 Varicose wełns39l39133952752317 Mental deficiency239114l4215579102513 Educational deficiency64l2↑652:7921152,035192 Mental disease61483215432106}41246852 Neurological?364847855!6ll25]]] Musculo-skeletall42020]3ſ13621961948941328240 Feet165420}2142144219116&&16362 Endocrine101310315Ylſl6? Neoplasas2|172\?193310}, Infeetious and parasitio Weight and othere56295]]3443?]]1419 Mon-medical reasons}2ſl23111 No đefects12051203120530999235432(1296 Total1646671953864}0010463º643O1016012:139531&44Œ2915 l/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who weresubsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. PRINGIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 - NORTH CAROLINA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of North Carolina during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 38,980 Forms 221 included in the 8ample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table Rs 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental. United States. Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. x Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated, The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 27.4 years. Figure le. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and cardio- vascular defects accounted for more than one in every five white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; approximately four in every ten Negro rejections were due to syphilis and educational deficiency. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 2.4 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 13.5 percent of the zejections at induction stations, and 9.7 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. A 3.9 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. 1. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February l, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l—9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in D&S Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis. trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants fºs. warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were elimizia set. and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily ižable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942}. 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service regiº rants to be gº Glassified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advige ºº ilo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years ºf age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 13, * gº & 6 2.343 ) 9 7, Ón December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over wag suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942}, 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated, N. Ce FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITENEGRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections O|O2O|02O3040 . MENTAL DISEASESY PH | L | S MUSCULOSKE LETALEDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULARCARDIOVASCULAR H E R N | AM EN TAL DI SE ASE E Y E SM U S C U LO SKELE TAL NORTH CAROL | NA WHITENEGRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections |-Q|0203040 M EN TAL DISEASE CARD I OVASCULAR MUSCULOSKE LETAL EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY H E R N | A O|O2 S Y P H | L | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULAR M EN TAL DI SEASE M USC U LOS KELE TAL - North Carolina Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ Local board Induction station Local board and Cause for Rejection induction station White White White Total 3/ Negro Total 2/ Negro Total 2/ Negro Eyes 5.0 6.5 3-4 5.7 6-4 4.9 5,5 6.4 4-3 Ears 2el 3.5 Osº 3.6 5.8 0.9 3el 5e0 0.8 Teeth le3 2a0 Oe; U.6 0.8 0°4. 0.8 le2 0-4 Mouth and gums 0.3 0.4 Oel 0-4 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.2 Nose 0.2 0-4 Oel 0.3 O •4 0.2 0.3 0-4 O •2 Throat, tºne 3/ 0-l 0-l 3/ 2/ 3/ Lungs 2.6 3.6 le5 2.5 3.3 1.6 2.6 3-4 1.6 Tuberculosis 2.2 3.6 - 0.6 lel l-3 0.8 le; 2el Oe"? Cardiovascular 5.9 8.0 3.8 13e0 l2=0 14-3 10.6 10,7 10.5 Blood and blood-forming 0.l 0.3 Cºº 0 Underweight, overweight and other l, 7 Oe.9 lel Nonmedical reasons * . . 0.2 Oel l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect Percent Defect IPercent Total 100.0 Total 100.0 Eyes 68.4 Hernia 37.2 Musculoskeletal - l4.0 Eyes 24.2 Teeth 5,8 Musculoskeletal ll. •5 Feet 4.7 Teeth 4.8 Ears 3.l Genitalia 5,6 Other 4.0 Other 18.7 l/ Besed on a sample of DSS Forms 211 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. *5409.jep Tºquois Io Tºops&nd usuº reqo suoswer roy per regep ATAuenbesqns area oua ºnquorquuTuruze Teors.And prooq Teoot w uaapā area oua squerºspäex Jo aaysntoxa /t Tºy Tū, %3 */76 09LI LL2 4,997 6.382 9/9I Lºz 2692 T66 Työ 907 Tuao. 6 90t 38T 9/2 Tzº 6TI 6ICI 61% I 6TCI 849eyep on 2 T 6 I 2 T Z Suosae. Thopped-uo 2 A.T Øz 2T 6l. 09 6t t 69 2 OT 4. S.Ioqqo pure jº OT 2I A. 6I 2 O% 9% 9T I % 9 g 7 opºpgured pue ": oeN 9 9. 7 7I 2 Tg % 92 2 T T YI ØI guTroopug 2 22 9% 96. 66 9T Tſz T6I ©2 ZT 6LT 6 9 9 499.1 § # # # § :* : # Hº: 9% #! : § # *::::::::::: * ©T.JO T 9i, %9 Tg 21, 9 692 9 £92 9 g 862 O2 º: §: T 8T T2 8T 72 Z Y8 2 128 .2 T8 T Aouekoſsop Tuuorquonpg 22 TZ OT 6T 2 %, 7 0/, y £7 4.2 Aouepoſ.jep Tuquan 1 || | # | | | : # # |; # | | | | | * suyaa egoopaea 9. T TI OI 22 /.7 4. 86 6. ST T 8/. 4. 4. 9 *:::: T 9. T 9 T y PMS - I 7 TeeJouaa reuno 6. I % Z 2 O2 2 8T 2 2 T 9T Z 8T TZ & 9, OT ?gT 79t O2 T 69. I ZI * 7 .#: T 9T 9% O2 92 4.5 zz 94. T TZ Tl, y b.I.908 g 7 7 9T 62 g #2 º g AEI 2 :::::::::::: T Ty 8/. 98 90T 22 9.6% 82.T. 902 32T £2T 6T £9 bTu-19H 7 T % T 6 T $3 t 7 7 BuTuxog-poolq puu poo ; º * : : g f #! ; : ; jº.; sysolmoreqa. { 6 4. g :* T A.Y OT l6 Ot t 92 OT sºun'ſ 9 9 9 3botul T£ I6 Tºy 89 *rt gll 29T €I £ 6&T 2. OT T 98 on % 2 £ 2 OT 9. 9 % 2 & sum3 puu uqnon I g? O7 */2 Tø T 97.I 92T 6I 9T III 9I 2 T tº 90. TZ 8T 32 &l. OT 67t £9 ; 8 g? 7 O3 2I slug % 27 *7A, 3OI 89T ZZ A.T.’ Oºz 9T 9/.T YL 89 62 Seág (rù) (£I) (2T) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (L) (9) (9) (7) (£) (2) (I) eTablºpemer Jo; T.Iue 906T ÇT6T 8T6T £26T QoţA.Ies eopares p01.JT 3ON YOST 2T6T 1.T6I 226T. 926T. sIQQūUI Joqunu Jequinu. Tboot qu 499.Jop TadpouT Id twºol TB40, Tºqol. p03 on puſ peq9eſ on *::::::: uqayq. Jo reaſ Aq pouyurºce AITwo TsAqd requinu Tuqo. uo;4|aq's uoſº ompup qu peupuluxe AITuopsAqd requn N squerqspºon ox3en pure eqpum WLOXVOI HDHON © tº 6 |*|G HDHVW H5) ſhot H.L. SH 3.1 bivſ) OOV3H TVNO I.LV N J.V. Q3; A 13 O3 ti | 2 2 S W HO3 S"S"O 3 O 374 Wv's v No NAOHs sw slnvulsios 8 Oslo arsh o NV Oz long Ni 3 O slo 333d Tvalo NIH d P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AN D REJECTED REGISTRANTS A S SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 NORTH DAKOTA white Registrants 2/ Number physically examined at induction station æ- Total maember physically examined by year of birth */######Ėº-șiŘ#####&.ſ ſeſ ſººgivena local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. „№țiaRejectedInductedTotalTotalTotal Principal defectat localLímitedËa | №Ëą„ŽĖ,| ???1922191719121904Klot, dDisqual-General1,3×1+ed | FºJººſacīkſº1924throughthroughthroughand boar;;;;;service orËserviceexamined]/1923191819131905earlierstated remediable (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)@j(8)(9)(10)|(11)(12)(13) ·(14) Eyes295880741761672504172216810874423 Ears128044589653149107228182l Teethl216lll1519126l451312440481 Mouth and gums32555102323 Nosel1021593131621751458413131 Throat55532 Lungs1026llO371047l25479l Tuberculosis1311124·l.251553ll Cardiovascular3O1081313813151955282336 Blood and blood-forming441819l3l4 Hermia63191231282051283332210685784ll Kidneys and urinary217552452916445 Abdominal viscera47o21l742296252O3516 Genitalia4412133l2O134l5410762:72ł182 Syphilis151221822022313 Other venereal· 4l415l3l |- Skłn57778l1979987472210]]1 Hemorrholde2231431355810ll1 Varicose wełns6124312231539]]1320 Mental deficiency2743�47o474219102122 Educational deficłl81282284224182ł18l ;;;;;;;;;;ſraetºmº202385626362&9672516376l Neurological5249815109151245422?25241 Musculo-skeletal745938157361711933642211975666913 Feet:569178l22019021016993536222 Endocrine]3l4l12283301214456 Neoplasms45634115355O21971210 | Infectious andsitio #Ë §,Ė“710258}1959783211322172 Non-medical reasons2l2l312 No defects1319131913191196212,761881069 Total40594033126292571676288645622:71760943839ºſ 1039 P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN D UCT E D AN O REJECTED REGISTRAN TS A S SHOWN O N A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 NORTH DAKOTA Negro Registrants Number physically examined at induction station-Total number physically examined by year of birth „№țiaRejectedInductedTotalTotal„ŠĖ Principal defectat localnumbernumberhysically19251922191719121904Klot, Límitedrejected | inducted | Pthronghthroughthroughandstated boardDisqual-GeneralLímited1924 ;;;;;§§serviceserviceexamſ nedl/1923191819131905earlier (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose Throat,l11 Lungs#|- ºuberoulosłs1l11 Cardiovascular- Blood and blood-forming Hermła K3 ºzeys and urinary Abdomínal viscerall Genſtalia Syphilis Other venereal Skłn Hemorrhoids Varfoose wełns Mental deficiency Educational deficienoy Mental disease Meurological Musculo-skeletal Feet;l1 Endocrine Neoplasms Infectious and parasłtło Weight and others11 Non-medical reasons No defects Total]132351112 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRATs APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 OHTO This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Ohio during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 80,516 Forms 221 included in the 8ample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes 1 Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number cf registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examir- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns 1-5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average ače- On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 27.9 years. Figure le. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and eye defects accounted for slightly more than one-fifth of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; approximately the same proportion of the Negro rejections were due to syphilis &nd mental disease. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 3.2 percent of the rejections at local boards, for lly. 7 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 12.l, percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 59.6 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was eye defects. Phyſical ºxamination Regulations and Procedures, l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army-Navy inductions began. (MR l—9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). - Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular lé9, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4, November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942), 7. On December 5, is 42, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Ssºvice State Dire:#6; Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy issuuction procedure was initiated. Ohio Five LEADING CAUSEs FoR MENTAL DiSEASE MUSCULOSKE LETAL CARD OVASCULAR H E R N | A E YES MENTAL DISE ASE E YES * H E R N | A CARD | OVASCU L AR MUSCU LOSKE LE TAL E: ; : * * *W* : * * * Fº JEC ; ; ; ; ºf - --- W .. º 3 APRIL 1942 - MARCH is 43 CONTINE NTAL UNITED STATES WHITE Percent of Total Rejections |O 2O 3O 40 W H | TE Percent of Totol Rejections iO 2O 3O 40 OH | O NEGRO Percent of Tolol Rejections O |O 20 3o 4O SY PHIL i S º- EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY || CARD | OVASCULAR MENTAL DISEASE M US C U O S K E L E TAL NEGRO Percent of Tolol Rejections O |O 2O 3O 40 SYPH | L | S M E N TAL D J S E ASE CARD | OVASCULAR EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY E YES Ohio || Table la Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1912 through March 1913 1/ Local board and Local board Induction station Cause for Rejection Thºſts "WhiteT imsºstºn Total 2/ Negro Total 2/ Negro Total 2/ Negro Total lC0.0 loos0 loos0 100e0 100.0 loo,0 loos0 100.0 loos0 Eyes 5.6 5.5 6sh 10.8 ll-O 8,6 9,8 9.e.9 8el Ears lº.2 lı.5 Oe? 6.7 7.0 le.7 6el 6.5 l,5 . Teeth 5-l 5-l 5.0 5.0 5.2 2e3 5-0 5.2 229 Mouth and gums 0.6 0.6 le2 O-3 O-3 O-l 0-3 O-3 Oslº Nose lel lel Os? le2 le3 0.6 ls2 le2 0.6 Throat, Ovl Oel Oez 3/ #/ Oel Oel #/ Oel Lungs 2.5 2.6 l'.2 2.8 2. 2.2 2.7 2, 2.0 Tuberculosis 2sh 2,3 2.9 6-3 6el, 6el 5.5 5.5 5.3 Cardiovascular 7.5 7.7 5.0 10.2 10.1 12.0 9.e.7 9.7 losj Blood and blood-forming Oe 2 Os2 (Lºs Oel Oel ſº Oal Oel º Hernia 13.l 13,h 9.5 8.8 8.9 7.3 9.7 9.8 7.8 Kidney and urinary Os? O.8 tºº lsh lel, 133 le3 le3 lso Abdominal viscera ls2 ls2 la2 l,8 l,8 leO 1.6 le.7 lsl Genitalia l.5 l.5 le2 le3 le3 l,5 lsh lsh l-5 Syphilis llº 9.l, 32.5 lsh le3 lel 3.l., 2.9 10-8 Gonorrhea and other venereal 0.2 0.l l.2 0.9 0.6 5.3 0.8 0.5 lie? Skin O.8 Oe 7 le2 C-8 Os? lel O.8 Oe? lel Hemorrhoids 0,7 O.7 lsh Oe 7 0.7 1,2 O,7 Oe? le2 Varicose veins le.7 le.7 2.l. l-5 l,5 leO 1.5 l,5 le3 Educational deficiency OJ; Oslº lso 3el OeS) le3 2.5 2el 8-9 Mental deficiency 3-2 3.l. lsh leO 2.5 lie? l-l lali l-3 Mental disease 3.2 3.l, l.9 llı.7 lb.8 lj.l. 12.l., 12.5 10.5 Neurological 8-9 9a 3 li-3 3e.9 lso 3sl li-9 5.1 3sh Musculoskeletal 17.5 17.9 12.8 7-li 7.5 5.8 9 •l, 9.6 7.l. Feet, ls2 lel le.7 le.7 l,6 3.l. le6 ls 5 3e0 Endocrine 2.0 2.2 ſº le2 le3 Oe? lel, l, 5 0.6 Neoplasms 0.6 0.6 Oe 7 0.8 0.8 Os3 O.7 O.7 Oel, Infectious and parasitic Oel Oel tº º 3/ 3/ 0.1 O-l 3/ 0-1 Underweight, overweight and other 2.3 2.3 2al 2a9 2.9 2,3 2.8 2.8 2e2 Nonmedical reasons Osl Oel Os? le3 ls3 lel l-l lel Oe 9 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942—March 1943. 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. 3/ Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service Or remediable defects Defect, Percent, IDefect, Percent, Total lOOsO Total 100,0 Eyes 59.6 Eyes 2lial Musculoskeletal ll.3 Teeth 18-3 Teeth llel Hernia l?s2 Underweight and overweight 5.5 Musculoskeletal 10a2 Feet, lso Tuberculosis 3e.9 Other 5.5 Other 26.3 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912–March 1913. *849e3ep Tºuen Io Tºops&nd usuº loºo suoswer roy per regep ATºugabesqns exam oua qua uorquuſuruxe TaopsAqd preog Twoot a uaapā exen oun squerºsp3er Jo aapan.Toxg /t Tºz 9776 £969 I £LIGI ALT32 92. III 97.309 99.97% IQ692 99TY 0.70% 96.97 8/991 9%2% Tºqol. T3 96. I £737 O/99 %99. I TO79 Yºzg Yº:26 %2626. sq9e3ep on T 99. 26 49 Oº zz T82 2 6LZ 2 T TL2 l, * suosper Tuoppem-uon 22 906 676 I 323ſ T3% $7&I Oć96 OT38 02/, 622 T898 ACI Tºgy zzt SJogºo pub quâțeM. I 9. £ 9 T 3.T £I 6. 9 y opº Tsured pure enophoeguſ 97. 9/, 29 ATI Tz CZº Yºr 2.3T 9 92. I % zzI 26. sursuTioeN T 9/, çTI %. yyT 96. gy? $9 79% A. All 6T 962 AOI guT.Ioopuig * zºyſ TTg TO% 30% O/I 9&YI 9IOI Oz7 79t 299 62T O62 T} 3.09: 9I 98.1, 193 tºl. 67TU 90% 6 tº 99&I g??z O6% Bll, £67 £6OT 6T6 Tºq etexts-otnosmºſ 4. 992 262 962 997 gºrſ 98%I £OI £82t g? 09 Tl, 971, 997 Two ſºotounen 22 ?69 OTOI 1.69 70, £92 06.2% ?3 902% L All 99 TL62 OAT esues ſp Taqueſt OT gºrz 98.I *II $/g2 Y&T 226 292 099 I Tºz 669 Iz Aouoropyep Tºuarquonpg g TTI 79 09 96 g? 696. £ 99% £ * 761 99T AloueToT Jep Taquem 2 All T}I £OI 39 YI 9Tº 6II 96% OT 6OI 96 IIz 06 suTea egoogle A T 93 99T £9 17 9I 3% Oºſ 38t g 97.I Tº 63 96. sppou...I.Iouſeh T 97 YL 79 90ſ Yg 6% 29. I &T All 96. I 69 *OI 07 uTºis T 9T Ol. 9/, TZT 92 2T& £II 66L 2 III 87t 27 6 Iberouaa Jeu,0 2 T26. 64% 94.[ 79t LZ YLOT 99T 983 99T 66 96T T6% STIRudás 2 39 29I 9/AI A.9% 99T 696 809 996 zz 989 66 All I 6l. by Tºqºuet) £ A.II 99T 90T */6 7I 637 79 927 9. Ty £I 37% 29 breosTA Tºupulopay I 99 YII 98 66. I ll. Tºy 97I 92% &T 62T O2 992 6% A rºup.In puts saeuppy *I £37 3UZ, TO% 939 3O2 ZTQz 66 €(92 66 %3 066 639 bTuleh 9 8 7 ZI £ ££ 2 Tø 2 2 Tz 3 BuTulog-pooſq pub poorg 6 ZT3 ££1, 937 6&L AT& 98LZ AS2 3T92 9. 292 9 gTUZ 96% Jºrtnosuacºpra0 £ Ø2% Izy Tøz 99% 90t Tºrſ 9T 99.7T. 9T 88T 72TI ØU sysotnoteq \, 2 £8T 961 29T 122 T3 £98 29I TOl 4. 99T £9 909 ££I s3un"I 2 g 6. ZI 8 O£ All £I T 9T 7 7 9 3 Boſtºl, 2 2/, Z9t 99T 07: 06 ZTA, £07 60% ZI I6% 4.9 A,9T 99. eson 6 27 Oć 26. 62 9T 29'ſ 79 88 I £9 92 TÉ 26. sum3 pure uqnow 9t 6T6 999 I Yºé, Cºl. LGI 99ty %992 2O6. I O97 7072 983 97t 692 tº 96A. 9 Tø2 £6% %9% Lºl. gºſz 9TOz 027 96%T T} 69% 29 926. I 8Tz s.rº All 83% 6LZI 9TLI 9/2 40, TºQM, gº? 96.92 gºrz 8/02 79[I T20I 962 se&H (rI) (£L) (zt) (II) (OT) 6 (8) (b) (9) (9) (7) (£) (2) (t) oTºppemier Joplibe 906 I £T6I T6I £26I ao PA.Ies eopa.Ies poº T. poquq's puu ºn ºn ºn | #: º:g| pºstwar | pºser. P*FT | tºp | “...:"|-tºnºid . * 3OM YO6t 2T6t LT6T Z26T. 926T. sIQQū ūUI Jequinu. Jequinu Tboot 4 3 oegep Ted TouT-Id oq Tºqo. Tºqol. poqompul pequeſ ou poqooſer Tºqol. Jequinn uq-Ira Jo reaſ Aq peupwºxe ASTTºops&rd requºu Tºqo. uoyaºs uorºomput qu peupuuxe AITwo;s&nd requmn E. p 6 || "12 H2)\HVW Hºoſh Ob H.L Słł E.L. HVſ) OOV3H TVNO I.LV N IV Q3A 132).3 bi squº;s pºe's ox3en pure sºuri OT:0 | 2 a SW 8 O3 S'S'O 3 O 3Tcl WV S Vy NO NMO H S S v S.L. NVHLS 1938 Q3.13)3ſ 3 & Q NV Q 3.13)ſh Q Ni 3 O S.J. O 3.33G TVol 10 N lbſ d “sº wºº & gº.g. tº gº ſº. **296.38P Tºtte: 3.9 Tºšić tº sº.3 º żog peºpop #13.U.e:ºsqº area of ºg worqaaſarºxe Tootg4+;3 prºx. Two of e weapá 23:39 atº &#G$3.64.3EX 3". Aſ ºxg /ī. 672 ?:38 £309 I 2.É?". $74.93. &#,0i. *TGº, #73 tº %,Tºy: 4,307 £gily oo?? Ö9/.7i. %29? Tºol, 03 3.39T 95.7 96.9 ! {34, ºl 303.9 $º. 96.70% 96.70% 93.99.jep os 29 06 7% 4.7 &: 993 3. £9& º, T 992 9 Puosbeg Taoſpen-uog Tº: 093 £681 99/.T 9663, 90%. I 6FTé,  639 82& TUZ3 OCI 1.27 £II 5.19440 pub quºpera T 2 g g I 2I 2I £ . g * opºpsbºred pub gnoſº oeju I £7 £1. T} 7II Tz &TÉ T&T. T3T. 9 gz I ££ 6II 6: subwſdoeN T Øl, ztt Zl, g? I 9% 4.2% £3 Y99, 4. 9, 6L 3ZZ A.O. guT.Ioopuigi 6. 9&I 8/2 292 99? £91. £[€I 976 1.9% £91 £8/. Yaſſ 63T. Yg 3.99. yT 4.99 £28 90/. IIII 00% O796 32%T 2Tºz $39 £70, 1.17 0.6 993 Tºq etexts-otnosny 4. 292 OLZ 922 327 Oºrt 62&T TOI ZZZT gy 39 1.9 4.0, 977 Taopæotomen 22 799 Y?6 4.99 999 672 TOTº 28 6TO% 4. 91. 26/2: 29I esbes pp Tequen 4. 68T TZT 26 00: YZT ££1, 262 TOg T Tºz 737 A.T Aouekoſ.Jep Tuuopºpompº 2 90I 4.9 27 96 z? 978. g 27& % y 90, I 29T Alouepop.Jop Tequen 2 LI T9 I 96 4.9 7T T67 3TU £1% OT 3OT T6 2O2 08 suTaa egoogieſ T &l. Qºſſ 67 97 9T 30% zyI 99T 9 1.%. I Yg O3 22 sppou.I.IouſeH T £7 79 3% TOT 79. Tzº, YYL all 9T 32T 37 ?6 99. uţºſs I OT 66 79 £9 6I 99T 79 &T & 29 06 & 7 Tearguaa req+0 9 092 60% 69 L T£I 72 698 79t 969 79T Tº 09T 797 sº ITud4's 2 T} 4.7L O91. 39% 79T &O6 £1.9 626. O2 £9% €6 29I 7, by IB3Fuel) £ £TI 77 I 2OT T6 ZT 997 6% 907 g 9 9T %g 4.9 bredspa Tsuruopow T £9 A.OL T2 Tº 24. 477 3&T 4.0% YI 2T Oz 66. Arbuſ. In pub gaauppy £T $797 699 94.7 Y99 iO2 1972 Y6 £122 76 96, 926 6.79 bTu-19H 9 8 y &T £ £8. 2 TÉ 2 2 TZ 3 3upulog-poorq puu pootg 6 99% 299 997 939 YTz O352 A.Y.2 £262 g 272 9 T96T. YLø JUTnosuaopp,190 g OIC O6% YUZ 4.2% &OT 9%I 9I Q73.T. 9T LLI 29OT TTT spsotno-Iequi. 2 QLT 78T £91 322 03 A.T.3 TGI 999 4. $7T O9 8.7 92T såun"I 2 7 2. CI 9 92 9T TI T YI 7 £ y 3 bottº, 2. 69 A.7T £9T £Cz 68 £69 $6% 36Z ZI 9.38, 99 O8T 29 e8.on £ 1% 62 TÉ 62 9T g? I 79 Tº T £9 £2 Tº & Gum3 pub qºrton A.I 96.8 &zº, I 826 9&l, 29'ſ Igo? TO3& Q32: I O97 TZºz £98 6&T 872 tº 99. 9 O92 Z36 Y9% 671, 272 £36T £I7 0.91 T} 29% 0% 90%T 9TE S.Leº &I 74% 722T 999 I 6692 I69 O939 I,977 £6%Z O£72 4,202 9%TI 266 992 se&q (ºrt) (CI) (zt) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (L) (9) (g) (?) (g) (2) (I) - eTºleºpsueſ Jeſſºrbe 906 I £T6T 8T6 I £26 I 90 pA leg *P* | *o estages. PeFJP *:::: pus užnoſuº u2noruº. q3nOJuq | 726T. º: pºnonpur poiseras | Pºrt | Tieneo || “..." -tºmbºid .*. N Y06I 2T6T. 1.T6T 226T. 926. I Jaquinu. Jigſlumn Jaqumu *:::::: qooyep TadpouT Id Tø3 OJ, T34.0L Tºqol, p849mpu I p049eſ on pJequirin uq-ITQ, Jo ree& Aq peupurºxo ATTeorg/ºld requmu Taqo), uoſq848 uoſqomput qu peupulºxe AITaoTsAud IequmN £ $2 6 *|9. Hºti ºf W Hºſh Gº Hºl. Słł ż.i. tºº ſl O'QWE -: /z 9querq973&n 2, pull QIHO Tº ºf NC; i.J.W. N. J.W O 3A II; D 3 8 | 2 a S W HO3 S'S'O 15 sºngww.s w iso tººs sº slºwº stººd tº ºrax grº' ca.ion on 3o slo 343d invaſo Niğd *sºoeyep Tºquem ro Tuops&nd uuq, req}o suoswer rog per Iogep ATºugabesqns exam out ºnq uopºuyurºxe TaopsAqd preog Twoot a uaap3 eren on a squerºstaer Jo earsnloxg /t zı zzº 90%. I TO2 vºyſ Lºg 2697 97.2 4.9/T 9. 4692 392 92/TI Tzº, Tºqo, T ÇII 4.97 96% £ºl. 66t 893.T. 883 U. 333. s3903ep on T y g g g 9I 9I 9I T suoswer Tuoppem-uoM T 97 9II £9 97t 6% II? TLø O7 T Olć 4. 72 6 B.Iodºo pub quareM. T T T T opºp sured pure smopºloeguſ 6 6. T g Ot 6 4. £ I g £ surge IdoeN % £ 2 T TI T OI T Ot suTroopng T All 99. 6T O7 &T £zt OM, £9 I 69 9 I? 4. 3.988 2 67 $7 23. 8% 9. £LI O7 Ølſ 9 9% 9T £9 Yg Tºqotexts-oſmosmºſ 9T 22 OI Ot % £9 2 T9 2 y 69. 9I Tsoſ?otomen Oć ; Oć 67 YI 631 2 A.8L. 2 T 8LI 3 esues Tp Tequeſſ £ 99 zz % Ot 69t O% 6%I O6 99T y Aoueropyep Tuuopºuonpg T 9 4. 9. 2 T $72 72 3I 9 ÆoueForgep Tequen 9 OI 4. I */2 I £2 T 7 6 OU supea egoogrea 6 9T */ T T O6. 8 zz 9. 4. 6 9 9pTou-LIough % OT 9 t 92 9 O2 I 4. 9. Ot 9 uPIS 9 TE zz 39 6 92T 67 &l. 67 39 *I % Teerguea reqq.0 Tº 9A. zy £g g GTZ 22 £6T zz 9I 96. A&I STTTudáS 4. 9I 9I 6I y Tº 9% 92 2 £6 9 9T º b|Tuquet) * zT £ £ 2 yz g 6I 9 7I 9 bredspa Taupulopay & A. * 3 9. 92 3 9I % 9 9T ACTuup. In puts gateuppy T 62 67 92 % 4. g?I g O7I 9 96. 79 O7 bTureh ſ 3upº Iog-pooſq pue pootg 19 Tl, Oć 77 6 902 O2 93I O2 79t Tz JuTriosuaoppreo ÇI Tº &I 32 9 96 96 II 2/, 2I sTsotno-Ieqn. £T YI 6 6 T 97 TI 99. TI g AZ g såun"I T I 2 7 2 2 2 T T quoruſ. £ % £ 1. T 6I 9 TT 9 T b £ eson g T T 4. 4. z 9 sum3 pure uqnon I €2 £7 92 All 9 9IU £9 29 £9 22 6 Tz tº 90. T II OI 8 6. £6 4. 92 4. 2: Tz £ s.reg % 99. O3 94. 9I Tºz 98 97t 9% Tº 62 68 4.3 se& (rI) (£I) (zT) (II) (OI) (6) (8) (L) (9) (9) (7) (£) (z) (t) : oTQ'ºppened JLOTT.I & © ao PA.Ias eopa.Ies poºjT pequºys *: ºn &n ºn # *::..., | paenpur | pºsers, Pºirºt | Tºisveo || “..." -tºmbºid prºoq QON YO6T 2T6T. 1.T6I 226T. # |*T*E** | *. J. GCIUTIAUI poq pulp"I Tboot qu J. Jequinu. . . poqompuL pequeſou poqooſer qoegep Ted FouT-Id ūq-ITQ Jo Jºeſ Aq pouTuTºxe ATTuo;s&nd requinu Tºqo. uoſqbqs uoſº ompup qu peupuuoce AITuopsAud requn N © tº 6 || "12 Hºobi VW H5) ſhot H.L Słł E.L. HVſ) OQV3H TVNO I.LV N IV Q3A IE ).3 bi squerºgºon orderſ OIHO | 2 a SW HO3 S“S'O so and ww.s v No Naohs sv sinvulsioas q3103ras onv Galong Nt 30 slosaaq nwdio NIH d PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 OKLAHOMA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Oklahoma during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 20,096 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States, Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de-e fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number ºf registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defecte” The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns 1-5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected, The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average aée, on the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 28.6 years. Figure l. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and musculo- skeletal defects accounted for approximately three in every ten white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; almost four in every ten Negro rejections were due to syphilis and mental disease. Table 1. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for l;.9 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 21.9 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 16.7 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 57.8 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. sic inati egulations and Procedures. 1. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations 1–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and lo percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminate: , and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re. classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice IJo. 110, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. FIVE MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULOSKE LETAL CARDIOVASCULAR H E R N | A E Y ES MENTAL DISEASE MUSC U LOS KE LE TAL H E R N | A E Y E S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, APRIL 1942–MARCH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections O|O203040 S Y PH | L | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD I OVASCULAR M EN TAL D I SE ASE M U S C U LOS KE LE TAL OKLAHOMA WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections O| O2 O3040 S Y P H | L | S MENTAL DISEASE EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY MUSCULOSKELETAL HE R N | A O BY RACE NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections |0203040 * — O NEGRO Percent of Tolol Rejections | 020 , 3040 Oklahoma Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1912 through March 1913 1/ Local board and Local board Induction station induction station Total 2/ Negro Total ; Negro Total * Negro Cause for Rejection Total 100.0 looeo 100.0 100,0 10060 100a0 100.0 looeo 100-0 Eyes 6.9 7.6 lso 7e.7 7,7 7-7 7-l. 7e.7 6el Ears 2.5 3e0 Oslº 5.l. 5,8 le3 lie5 5e0 Os3 Teeth le6 2.0 Oe? l,8 220 Oeº le8 2,0 O•3 Mouth and gums O-5 Oe6 ſº Oe2 Oa2 tº Os3 Os3 tº Nose Oe? Oel Oe2 la2 le2 O•8 Oe? Oe? O-6 Throat, - Oel Oel tºº Oel $/ Oe? Oel Oel 0.2 Langs le5 le6 lel 366 3e lie? 2e.9 2e.9 2.8 Tuberculosis le.7 2,0 Oslº 1.6 le.7 0.8 - le6 le.8 Oe" Cardiovascular lies lie? le.8 7.8 7.e5 10.5 6.7 6.7 6,7 Blood and blood-forming 3/ 3/ Mºº Oel Oel ſº Oel Oal tºº Hernia 6.5 7eO li-0 9.6 9-6 loso 8.6 8.8 7al, Kidney and urinary Oslº Oslº Oe? le6 ls? leO ls2 le3 0.6 Abdominal viscera Oslº Oslº Oe? l-5 le5 0.8 lel le? 0.6 Genitalia lel leO le5 le6 le6 2.s0 le5 lsh le8 Gonorrhea and other venereal Oe? # Os3 lel Oe? 7a3 Oe& Os3 lis 5 Skin Oe? ls 0,7 0.8 Oe? 0e2 0.8 Os? Oel, Hemorrhoids 0.8 O.8 lel 0.8 0e2 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 Waricose veins l.2 le3 0.7 l.3 le3 0-8 le? le3 0-8 Educational deficiency 0.5 Oe5 0-2 10al, 9.5 18.0 7-li 6-9 looj Mental deficiency 5.2 5.8 2.6 0.6 Oe 7 Oe? 2,0 2el le3 Mental disease lies li. 8 5-3 21,9 22.3 18.6 lée.7 lºs? 12-9 Neurological 9.9 lie5 2.6 lieſ lis') lso 6.3 6.8 3al, Musculoskeletal 1926 2lal, lle.9 7 el 7-li lı.5 lls0 ll,5 7.7 Feet, leO leO lsl le3 le3 Os? le2 is 2 Oo3 Endocrine lel le3 Cºº lel la2 O.5 lel le2 Os3 Neoplasms O•l, 0.5 Cº. 0.5 0.6 Oe 2 0.5 ' 0.6 Oel Infectious and parasitic tº º º Oel Osl tºº Oal Oel tº Underweight, overweight and other 2.6 3.0 0.7 le.9 260 l,5 2el 2.3 lel Nonmedical reasons Oe 2 Os3 & le3 lel 0.7 ls0 lel 0.l. 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912–March 1913. # Includes all races other than Negroe / Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2s Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Inducted for limited service TREjected for IHºſted service or remediable defects Defect, Tercent Defect, Percent, & - Total #100.0 Total lC0a0 Eyes 57.8 Hernia 38el Musculoskeletal 18, 7 Eyes 10.5 Teeth 7.5 Musculoskeletal 9.8 Underweight and overweight 5.0 Genitalia - 5.3 Feet 3 el Gonorrhea and other venereal lı.5 Other 7e9 Other 31.8 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912–March 1913. • sqooyap Tequam to Tºops&nd uvuq req3 o suoswer Jog pouragep ATAuenbouqns area oua qila uoſquuſurgxe IsopsAud pleod Teool u uaapā exam own squerºspáez Jo an Isn'Uoxg /t 98 £OO6 TSTY ÇI?6. 9Tø/, arzz 96.002 OlóTI 92T3 926 97OTI TOZT Iz77 YOgz tºol Oſ 99T Oyg 83% 967 I ŁBl, 68.9% 633% 68% 84003 op on zz ©t 9. I & 4. 23 7 2. y T Il 9 suosoer Taoppem-uon * £6[ Tºg £92 £69 99T 009T 3zyI ZLI 97 286. I g? £9 79 B.I.G.Iqo puts qu'ºpen. T £ T T 9 9 9. I oſqpsbrud pue snopºloeguſ Tz */2 96. 07 6 06. I 33 27 9. 98 8T £I II sutsu IdoeN I 6T 2% Oz *7 6 I 62T 6% 06 62 OI 7 09 92 guT.Ioopug 7 Oº *7t 67I ‘769, Y&T 998 39/, 4.6 62 66/, 32 77 92 3,998 4. *792 869, Ygz Ty? 36 zz7I 069 $263 £LT 1.9% 3II 232 267 Tºqotexts-otnosmºſ 9 T£T 3OT 99 TALT £9 £69 9T 9Is 9 zT 6 692 4.72 Taoſ:80Tomen 6 4.92 87% %2 Y96. AZT 69%t 9 £98. I 9 £ A2ZE 92. I espas Tp Tequen 7 ATI g?"I 9II 912 Oč Oć9 28. 66% 29, 7 28% 2T Aouepoſ.jep Tuaopºuompg T T9 All 6I 99. 92 39T 2 I 2 96. O&T Aloueponyep Taquan 2 yy O9 62 22 º 29T 6% OT I 39 A.Z 97 O6 Buyaa egoog.geſ. 2 O8 3TU CL 9&T 99. *g? 99% 39 2 79% Z% 9I Iz sppou...IoueH I AL 96. 28, O3 16 202 *79. I 39 7 OćI 6T 92 £2 uºis T 2 A.I 3I Ty T O3 7T 99 I £1. %g * . 9 TeeJouea reqq.0 9 AZZ Tyz 96 60T 3. T69 £2 899 £2 72 67 969 STTTudáS 7 €9 27T. 96. I OTºy 67T. 363 8.1, 02.T T &ll. 79 32 92 bTTuq gueſ) T 6T. 9% tº. £7 * 66. I 97 I6 97 A. 9/. 6 B.Ieogpa Iburaopay T 92 9T 72 Tº 9 ZOI % 66 £ 9I %, 6 Arbut...In pub skeuppy g T3T 902 O7I *Iz 99 603 A.OI 200, £ YOI 1.97 £3 29t bTU-Ieh 2 T T T 9 º 2 2 I 3upulog-pooſq puu pootg £ 32T £91 ATI 26'ſ % 129 T3 § Tº Tz ATY 3OT JuTriosuaopp, IBO 26. 29. 32 4.9. 9 99T T T 6 23 g? s'ſsoTao.190m), g? 29, %g £OI 62 £32 97 J.62 T g? O2 O3T 1% såun"I 2 32 6. 9II 99% £9 999 O39 9 2 379 6. £ 3boruſ, T 69 TOT T8 £91 O7 697 69% Ol. 9. 998. Yg 26. 7 eson 9T OU OT OU 6. 97 92 zz I 92 / g £T sum3 pub uqnon 2 I6'ſ 77T 29 £8 92 109 79% £7T 69 962 27 09 Ty uº. 99. 2 9/, YOI T6 8LU g? 767 OćT tºg 1.I £II 8 662 £9 S.I.BG 3 997 £99 909 ZIII Tć2 2/82 ASZZ 909 %g CCLT 9&I 90% £LI se&q (7I) (£I) (zi) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (4) (9) (9) (7) (£) (2) (T) oTag Tpeuter Jºop Tree 906 I 6T6'I 8Tôl £26 I ao PA.Ies eopa.Ies p3'ſ.I.T. *:::: pure ºn ºn ºn ºi (º.ſ. passpºr passi: | * | * | *...:"|-tºid º, ON 7O6T. 2T6T. A.T6T 226T. 926T. Joquinu. Jequinu. Jaquinu Bºrº qoejep Ted TouT.I.I Tºol, Taºkoº, Tºqo.I. pºonpu I pequeſ en Jequin N uq-ITQ Jo reaſ Aq pouTuoxe ATTºopsAud requmu Taqo, uo;454s uoſº ompup qu peupuuxe AITBoſs Aud requn N E. p 6 | *19. Hob y W Hºoſh ObH.L. Sö 3.L. 8Vſ) OOVEH TVNO I.L.V. N. LV- Q3. A 13 C3 bi sque Iqsp?an or?en pare equil WWOHWTYO | 22 S W HO3 S*S*O 3 O 3Tid W. V S V N O NAWOH S S v S.J. NVHLS 1938 Q 3.13) 3ſ 38 Q NV Q 3.1.3)ſ) O N 3 O S.J. Q 333O TVdl-) N lb d P R | N C|PAL DE F E C T S O F IN DUC T E D AN O REJECTED REGISTRAN TS A S SHOWN O N A ‘S A M PLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R E C EI VED AT N ATI ONA L HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, | 9 4 3 OKLAHOMA white Registrante 2/ Number physically examined at induction º station Total number physically examined by year of birth %Exclusive oſ registrants who were Kaedmºes all rases other than given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental dereete. Megro. NumberTotal Re ſectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect§§jec#Alted|ºffa | Ëa„ĶĒ; || ???19221917Ëſ.1904Not, €) ſnrejectenGael)1C1924throughthroughthrougand boardºff- |seſſir| £ | ::::::::examined M #33191819131905 | earl1erstated remediable� (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(lae) Eyes155281105155452454l2078261922l(10084705O34098 Ears612867lll17354,12848243lºr?8797762 Teeth40594À2ºr?6914034648625 ,76591401842 Mouth and gums]35424l2225473 ||10101014 Nose3903136336436643039 ||150819762l Throat,3l577245795836132510268252 Lungs321561940l207412482890424939 Tuberoulosis41788l127l128634273031 Cardiovascular100356196947569544341731051281022 Blood and blood-formingl2255lll2 Hernial447440693262495719611881241791652 Kidneys and urinary8ºſol4392395629231422l Abdominal viscera8716418541126436353119l Genitalia2il2159724l101725826139378120129564 Syphilis( 33140181738917406549591481414 Other venereall314?l188º 26ll445ll Skin2026181264641301%3775203417l Hemorrhoids161331327260329389351136510271l Varicose weins27422653l9554149520285243l Mental deficiency118342152215422501616| 50 Educational deficiencyll4762244892451327193%97993 Mental disease99111334(121741221 | °llº331224297 .2456 Neurological235237?86479144933016361971184 ſusculo-skeletal438267106332171811503131494432223304254? Feet2041277132988742830124379l42l34474 Endocrine265741029873912613432O31}8l Neoplasmsll13177834ł81122939352:118 Infectious and parasitiol566lſl3l Weight and others6]60391205451601250}4101573602272991634 Ñon-medical reasons6684744ºrº62713ll21 No defects31933193319373312945094&3l439 Total2050396910369960ºu70′al1009).17962212,3&460303736102656ſrl P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AN D REJECTED REGISTRANTS A S s HowN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 OKLAHOMA Megro Registrants Number Number physically examined at induction station Total mmber physically examined by year of birth Total RejectedInductedTotalTotal- Principal defect::::::::LímitedËa | №Ëaffyl ſººſ1922191719121904Note -«…» ſınTºe ſecteinducted1924throughthroughthroughand boardºſ;service orſaeſaeexamined1923191819131905earlierstated remediable- (l)7(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)7(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Eyes182521179ļ064 189253!O104356044 Ears2?]210212147 Teeth1ll18318217347 Mouth and gums1ll.l Nose}233639l34] Throat,27ı27ı7324116ll3 Lungs524]530535l131236 Tuberculosis24177312l Cardiovascular86121271128319122526l Blood and blood-forming Hernia18951ll17012904| 26162?16l Kidneys and urinary142•772l13 Abdominal visceral4l?6713724 Genitalia7?53919537243216137 Syphilis2649662:962853603993864 Other venereal44406486542?14121 Skin3l444832l Hemorrhoids52l3783745l117169l Varicose weins34l585132l8ll Mental deficiency12214l4353ll1 Educational deficiency12106281098117323244818l Mental disease24ll22| 136213893330ºl123 NeurologicalM 122224364#363411]3l Musculo-skeletal3413}2232&127429ll3430 Feet53}269263515?103 Endocrine33311l Neoplasmas1?1?8]l33 Infectious and parasitie Weight and othersS36hºry}12lºrº190973964230 Non-medical reasons9144121 No defects99639639632204?95723l Total43443,0169106314103310:92134907333,7655134713 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local boardphysical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other thanphysical or mental defects. PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS f APRIL 1942–MARCH 1943 OREGON This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Oregon during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 7,30l. Forms 221 included in the Bample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes t Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated, - The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns 1-5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants-i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected, The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average ages On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 31.0 years. Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Musculoskeletal and cardio- vascular defects accounted for more than one-fourth of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not pre- sented because of the small numbers in the sample. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed regis ants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 1.6 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 7.8 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 5.2 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 57.6 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate— gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. gical inati egulations and Procedures. 1. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l—9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l—9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). C. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants l8 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. Ore. FIVE MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULOSKE LETAL CARD |OVASCULAR H E R N | A E YES M US CULO SKELE TAL CAR DI OVASCU L AR E YES H E R N | A N E U R OLO G | C A L LEADING SAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 CONTIN ENTAL UNITED STATES WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections o |O 2O 3O 40 SY PHILIS EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD |OVASCULAR MENTAL D | SEASE MUSCULOSKELETAL ORE GON WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections O |O 2O 30 40 NEGRO Percent of Tolol Rejections O IO 2O 30 40 NEGRO }} Percent of Totol Rejections O |O 2O 3O 4O l × DATA NOT PRESENTED BECAUSE OF SMALL SAMPLE NUMBERS Oregon Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1912 through March 1913 1/ Local boardſ and Cause for Rejection Local board Induction station induction station Total lCO •0 lCO •0 1OO •0. Eyes - 8,6 10el 9-l. Ears - 3.5 6.2 5.0 Teeth 3a7 lı.2 lı.0 Mouth and gums O=9 Oe? O.8 Nose 0.5 le,0 Os3 Throat, gº Oel #/ Lungs l,8 2.l. 2e Tuberculosis 3el 269 - 340 Cardiovascular 2a9 16.3 iOe'ſ Blood and blood-forming 0.2 O.5 Os3 Hernia 7.20 9a2 . 8,3 Kidney and urinary Os? 2s2 l,6 Abdominal viscera ls& lies 3sh Genitalia 2el le8 le? Syphilis 10.5 O-6 lieb Gonorrhea and other venereal gº 0.2 Oel Skin l,5 O•6 leO Hemorrhoids Oe.9 O.l. 0.6 Waricose veins . 2.5 l,5 le.9 Educational deficiency O-1 l,0 Os? Mental deficiency 2-0 3. le2 is 5 Mental disease lač § 7.8 5.2 Neurological : lı.7 8.0 Musculoskeletal 25.2 10.l. 16.6 Feet, 2,0 0.8 le3 Endocrine 2.9 2.l. 2.6 Neoplasms 0.3 0.5 Oslº Infectious and parasitic tº Oel - Oel Underweight, overweight and other le2 3.9 2e.7 Nonmedical reasons Oel le.8 lsl 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912–March 1913, 2/ Less than 0.1 percent. - Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rajsatsa raf IIRTEEATSSFVICE Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect, Percent, Defect, TFercent Total lCO.s0 Total 100a0 Eyes * 57.6 Hernia - 28,6 Musculoskeletal 22.6 Musculoskeletal 15.8 Underweight and overweight 9.5 Eyes ll-2 Teeth 2e.9 Teeth l2.9 Feet, 2.9 Underweight and overweight 6.5 Other lies Other 2le 9 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 re eived at lational Headquarters April 1912–March 1913, P R | N C|PAL DE FE CTS OF IN D UCT E D AN O REJECTED REGISTRAN TS À S SHOWN O N A S A MAPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R E C EI VED AT IN ATI ONA L HEADQUAR TERS THROUGH MARCH 31,| 943 *OREGOŃ White and Negro Regłgtrants Number physically examined at induction station Total number physically examined by year of birth NumberTotal -RejectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect#####ſae, | ae, ||,}||,}||,| ????1922191719121904Not, boardDisqual- | ...(ºſ. | General | Limitea | Fejected | inducted | ° §§į1924through | through | throughandEſtated ĀŅŠŤ |Bºryſſº, ºr | ĂÄÄservice1923191819131905earlier remediable (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(?)(8)(9)(10)(ll)(12)(13)(lae) Eyes99887o105255257360617292261031021552 Ears40898?9137161331049132952 Teeth4336344]310957166221882692 Mouth and gums 1010l2]2ll668 Nose69?21222ł434109812 · Throat,1}1l23lll Lungs21317ll]5912“ſı22332122 Tuberculosis364%}18].}8221772233l Cardiovascular34255l329032939| 642458137l Blood and blood-forming2531010Yl225 Hernia805l40822582336633238931. Kłdneys and urimary8323l43i442l4413ll Abdouaínal viscera21656792799218172538l Genitalia246231753nſº7o?26†92ł Syphilis12ì45813081383161329ºr? Other venereal32323}3} Skin17?2122612363946142 Hemorrhoids10252172195l39l Varicose veïns29l4! O253?55i},31337 ſental deficiency23194242lį8Ź41? Educational deficiency},17}$}ß5},66 Mental disease1912ł1214ł2l43628102969l Neurologicall4368666217}223%}}62204ł86} Musculo-skeletal29086??4l1004531.4%$$$19į4356}332403 Feet23| 6623133536ºſą.¿Q!9}3722 Endocrine343523 2?).5ºffſ63591016 Neoplasms4264l}?3}}9233 Infectious and parasitie}},2?},} Weight and otherel&2932}?4275��]|$$33728372?2 Non-medical reasongl29l30},$$?25§§}, ſão defects3,784,§§§),???%&{}{}$$$$49$&&ºffſ?Ā0 Total1515310334894)||334432,72%Áff)%????,�2???8903333?ſ&§§ 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reagong oºher than physical or mental defects. Y602 “oxgen usta rouao seowº Tru sepatour /? *849e3ep Tºquem to Tºops&nd usuº req+o suossa, JoJ pe.I.Iojep ATAuenbesqns area oua ºnquorquuTuvre TaopsAqd preoa Teoot e uaapā exen oun squerºspáez go eaſantoxg /t 92 O96. I L93 9922 6.79 7L21, 793? OTA3 ç77 TzTy 887 9LOT 97II Tūqo. OI 98/. A,99 £67 A&I O97 2LLC 21.1% Zll& sqooyep on T 9T 9 2 b. Tø T Og T 62 T suosaar Tuoppem-uon 2 92 Lć 32 9% 6. 26 I 69 £1. zy LI lº, 62 ÇI S.Ieqqo pure quareM. T T 2 2 T T opº Tsurud pure smopºloeju I 6. % 2 6 AI 9 ZI T y 9 2 7 sursuTdoeN 9I OT 6 96. 9 9/, 9 Tl, 2 % 2 99. Yg GuT.Ioopug 22 4. £I 6ſ OI Ul, 96. 96. ØI Ø 92 3.99& % O7: £ºt 99. gºt 6T 76% T/I Ø97 OOT Ty ł. % O62 Tºqotexts-oſmosmºſ T 93 Ty O2 29 6I 622 2:I AT& 9 9 9 99 gº/I TeopæoTounen I 69 62 OT 92 9 gº/I 2 Tºyſ 2 T TZT 6T esues Fp Tequen g 9 T 9 LI All 9T T AoueToT rep Tuuopºuonpg A.I 7 2 3U T 27 zy 6I 92 Alouepoſ.jep Tequen b% £I 6 T T 99 2 £9 2 O'ſ YI 6Z suyaa esoopaea T 6 9. I 9 6t 2 All 2 9 2 OT spTou-LIoneh 2 yſ 9 7 6 % 3& CI 92 &I 2 b AL uPIS T £ T 9. 2 9. 2 9. TeeJouaa Jeu:0 94, 92 £I 9T g 96. I 3 Æ 3 9 7 3TU STTTud AS TZ 6 b 92 1. Ol. A.T £9 LI £2 9 72 by Tºque) I . L9. gz All 9T 2 86 4. I6 4. 9 99 Oz breasTa TouTuopow II £I 7 YI 2 77 T gy T g 26 8 A.I.UUF.In puu g/euppy T Ø6 96. 26. 29 9 26.2 8 YZZ 8 O7I 9 6l. bTureh 7 2 2 T 6 6 g 7 2 3upulog-poola pure poolg I 9%I 89 7z 79 6 T62 6. 332 9. T £92 79. JuTimosuacpp.100 T £6 22 4. All 2 23 T T3 T T 77 9% sIsotno.Ieqrı. TZ TZ £ 6& 2 Ol. 2T 39 T TI 4. Tg O2 såun"I T T T £ 2 T T T T ºboru I, ZU 8 6 OT 7 £7 TZ ZZ TZ * 6 9 eson 8 9 9 T T2 Iz I OT OT sum3 pure uºmon 26 92 9. 9T & 99T L9 60T 9. I 77 99 g £7 U390. T9 62 ÇI 67 OT 29t 9T 9%I 6 4. 8 33 O7 S.18% 2 7gt TOT 60T 9&z 6& 9T.9 09% 992 992 90T Ol. 93 66 se&g (rI) (£I) (ZI) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (L) (9) (9) (7) (£) (z) (I) eTapppener JiețT.Ibo 906T 6T6T 3T6T. £26T. ao PA-Les *P*** | *d as taxes | Peº poquq's pure ºn ºn ºn | #: @...] casurg; vasºs | *** | * | *...:"|-tºid . 3ON ?06T. 2T6T 1.T6I 226T. 926T. Jequnu Joquiu Jequinu 5. : qoegep TºdpouT Id TB40L Tºqo, TB40I. poq on pulſ peq9eſen p : uq-ITQ go reaſ Aq peupulºxe AITuopsAqd requmu Taqo, uorºbºs uoſqompup qu peupuluxe AITuopsAud requn N © tº 6 || "12 Hºobi VW Hºoſh Ob H.L Słł E.L. 8Vſ, OOV3 H TVNO I.LV N J.V O2 A 13 O3 ti /z sºuvaspes ºran MOOTNO | 2 a SW 8 O3 S"S"O 3 O B Tid W. V S V N O NAWO H S S v S.L. NVH.I.S 15)3 tº O 3.13) ºf 38 C. NV Q 3.1 Dſ) O-N | 3 O S 13) 2.33O TVc. 13) N | H d p p 1 N cupAL DEFEcts of IN DUct ED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF · p.s.s FoRMs 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 Principal defect number rejected at local board Rejected Inducted Disqual- 1fied Límited service or remeđiable General service Limited service OREGON Negro Registrants Number physically examined at induction station Total 'number rejected Total mumber inducted Totalnumberphysically examined by year of birth Total number physically examined)/ 1925 · 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earlier Klot, stated Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose Throat, Lungs Tuberculosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming • Hernia Kidneys and urinary Abdominal viscera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skłn Hemorrhołde Varicose vefns Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet, Endocrine Neoplasmas Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Non-medical reasons No defects Total (l) ? (2) ? (3) i (4) (5) (6) Wº Hº -º Hº R3 =s #3 1$ (7) (8) $33 3-4 tº lºse N5 -º (9) (10) (11) (12) 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deťºzzád for reasonº other than physical or mental derecte. (l3) l l trzy- *RINGIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 PENNSYLVANIA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Pennsylvania during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 88,253 Forms 221 included in the Bample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table 1. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants——i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of 2 ºrth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to ..heir principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average aée. On the basis of these tablulations the average age of registrants examined in the state was 27.9 year 8. Figure l- Whis f: scºre shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the c ::::inental United States. Cardiovascular defects and mental disease accounted for almost one-fourth of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; approximately four in every ten Negro rejections were due to syphilis and cardiovascular defects. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 3.8 percent of the rejections at local boards, for l?.9 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and ll.l percent of the total local board and induction station rejections, Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 65.5 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was eye defects. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR 1-9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular lé9, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. 110, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants l8 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). - 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated. Pa. FIVE MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULOSKE LETAL CARDIOVASCULAR H E R N I A E Y ES CARD I O VASCULAR M E N TAL D ISE A SE E Y E S H E R N | A MUSCULOSKELETAL LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 – MAŽ, CH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITENEGRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections O|O203040O|02O30_40 -— S Y PH | L | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD I OVASCULAR M EN TAL D I SE ASE M U S C U LO S KE LE TAL PENNSYLVANIA WHITENEGRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections 2O3O40O| 020BO4. O S Y P H | L | S C A R D | O VA S C U L AR E Y E S M E N T A L D IS E A SE MUSCULO SKE LETAL Pennsylvania i Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 l/ Local board Induction station Local board and Cause for Rejection induction station Total *; Negro Total *; Negro Total *; Negro Total 100.0 100.0 100-0 loo.0 loo.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 loo.O Eyes 6.9 7.5 3.4 ll.8 ll.9 10.3 10.5 10.8 7.4 Ears 3-l 3.5 0.3 8.4 8,8 le6 6.9 7.5 lel Teeth 4-6 5.0 2.94. 2.6 2.8 O,7 3.2 3.3 le& Mouth and gums O.6 0.6 0-4 0-4 0.5 tºº 0.5 0.5 0.2 Nose O.2 0.3 0 el 0.8 O.8 Qe2 0.6 0.7 Oe2 Throat --- Oel Oel tºº 0-l 0.l 0.2 0-l Oel Oel Lungs le.9 2.0 l.0 2 •4. 2 •4. le.9 2 •3 2 •3 leff Tuberculosis 2-0 2.0 l.9 4-2 4.2 3.7 3.6 3.6 2.9 Gardiovascular 7.5 7.8 5 •5 14-0 l3 •8 16 a 7 12-3 12 •3 12.0 Blood and blood—forming Oel Oel º 0 el 0el Oel 0k Percent of Total Rejections O |O 2O 3O 4O * DATA NOT PRESENTED BECAUSE OF SMALL SAMPLE NUMBERS V Rhode Island , Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ Local board and Cause for rejection Local board - Induction station induction station Total 100.0 lC)0.0 100,0 Eyes 4,7 7, 2 6.8 Ears 3.9 8e 6 7.7 Teeth l,0 Os3 O•5 Mouth and gums O.7 tºº O el Nose -> l,7 le4 Throat * - Osl 2/ Lungs O,7 2,8 2.5 Tuberculosis l2.0 4.7 6el Cardiovascular - 8,6 l5.0 l3e.8 Blood and blood-forming º Oel Oel Hernia 3.2 7 e2 6.e5 Kidney and urinary l.0 l.2 lel Abdominal viscera 3.9 3 •l 3 e5 Genitalia O.7 l.0 l,0 Syphilis 5,2 l, 4 2el Gomorrhea and other venereal 0.5 Oel Oel Skin t l,0 0.6 Oe"? Hemorrhoids r Oe2 O e9 O •7 Varicose veins 2.5 O e5 O.9 Educational deficiency tº-> 4.2 5 e4 Mental deficiency 4, 7 ls 7 2e3 Mental disease 5,7 22, 5 19e3 Neurological l5,0 4e5 6,3 Musculoskeletal 17.9 4 •2 6, 8 feet O e? Oe 8 O = 7 Endocrine l. 5 l. 2 le2 Neoplasms tº-º l,0 O e8 Infectious and parasitic tº- O's 2 Oel Underweight, overweight and other e 4e 7 3•l 3,4 Nonmedical reasons 4 0.2 Oe:3 Os3 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. 2/ Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2, Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect Percent Defect Percent Total 100.0 Total 10O.O Eyes 46,0 Hernia 32,4 Musculoskeletal l4.0 Eyes l2.9 Hernia 8,9 Tuberculosis 9.7 Feet 7.0 Musculoskeletal 7.2 Teeth 5.2 Syphilis 6el Other 18.9 Other 31.7 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. p RIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMs 22 I RECEI v ED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 RHODE ISLAND White and Negro Registrants Number physically examined at induction station Total maember physically examined by year of birth „È.ReffectedInductedTotalTotal„ŠĖ Principal defect,at localLímitedËaËapiff,îıy| }}}1922191719121904ſlot, boardDiſgwâl - |„№iGeneral | Limited | Fººººinduc¿| }}}} | thĘh | thºſh | ſh;3;&handstated ſºrțea lººººººº..ºº | serviceservice1923191819131905earlier remediable- (l)(2){(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(II)(12)(13)(lae) Eyes1990365622891458519961154301984,152105 Ears1614352315164382O22075393533 Teeth4152,833IO3113214697565369 Mouth and gumas3103I013133l3 Rose291841430981282548232012 Throat,l6]67132l Lungs341993521265322l4.15! 11 Tuberoulosis4954273130313342622404l Cardiovascular35260105122951174122ì12O56751291 Blood and blood-forming2222 Hernia133590225613878216772485336 Kidneys and urinary4164lI2422619484 Abdomímal vłscera16543]7047447142623 Genitalia3Į ĮMO81339211421632172292318 Syphilis21?176456512851719 Other venereal]122l1 Skłn47352k#567013265178l Hemorrholds14113764359115819151 Varicose wełns180634481952719122624 Mental deficiency1930494939817lll Educational deficieºr2!17227451814]]26 ::::::::::::::: ~~~~2338916113413744873113391941371 Neurological61&rae851312618154}O571531Ąl Musculo-skeletal7352209488}45±8232726ll26456672 ſeet36?269441631332936152475143 Endo6209l2610362]]58¿D Ë8339]2};5168ģ*;1993 Infectidfit-13 :::::::::::::::: ~~~~1944999572İ0417615623O20472 Non-medical reasons]56613ll- Ño defects *-133]1331133120464623716O795 Total40714322733286628213739146051626226710641042101814 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physicalexaminåtion but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental de ſects • •orses wºn reqxo sees. Tre separody ſº **428Jep Tºuen to TeoPsAnd usuº reqło suospel toy petrayep Alºuembasqns area oua ºnquorquupuuxe Taops&nd preoq Teoot a uaapā area oua squerasp?aI go eatsatºxg /ī £T 766 &TOI $70t 67&z 929 98.6% 6786 6803 429 2226, QMZ 927t 6.6% Tūqoſ, * $34, 29t 622 & 9 702 662 I 66&I 662T 849egep on T I g T 9 9 9 T suosper Taoppem-uon 2 A.Y Oz Og T} 9I gll £GI 21, 9 96 6 ºy 6t greqqo pub quareM. - T 2 g € 9. opºſsured pub enopºloeguſ g 6 6'ſ tº 9 39 Tº ALI ZT 6% 6 3 suse IdoeN OI 3 * TI 2 96. OT 92 T 6 O2 9 gup-toopu(I z7 67 gy 97t 96. 8TE 206 9I 77 asz 4. 9 g 3.09: & A3 99 T} OUT 92 Zºº, 6LT gyT 33 Té O2 0% £1. Tºq etexts-olmosnyſ Ty Tº 9T 9% OT 69'ſ 3I 96. I £I 9 3 4.9 O9 Taoſ:80Tounen T 9&T T6 T6 TEI TÉ 057 Cl 4,07 GT 09 T £8% Ø esbes Tp Tequen 92 II £I 8T 9. &l, 2 OW, T T Ol. Aoueroprep Tsuopºuompg T TI 9I 8 6 9. 87 97 62 6t &oueporjep Tequen 72 92 2T 6 Ul, 29 6T. 77 £ 9 OT supaa esoopa.eſ T 9I 6'I 3 9I T 6% £7 9I 9 4% TI y T Bppou...Iouleh T 4. 9T 9 92 £I 39 99 2I 29 9. 9 £ uT MS T T & 2 T T Tºo Louaa Jouq.O All 6 y 9 2 8% 9 £9, % OT 4. 9I splpud AS - All £2 62 &l. Tz 29T Tºrſ TZ 6 26. I 8 OT 6. by Tºquep £z 92 7I 4. 7 £1. 7 69 T £ 69 9I breagpa Ibuſuopoly y 4. % 6 I 72 & 22 I T y 9T g A.Ibuſun pub skeuppy % £9 97 &l. 4. YIz 8/. 9&I 9% 2 06 % ZT bTu-IoH 2 Z 2 2 3upulog-pooſa puu poorg T £ZI 7L 99. QºI TZ 907 9II 6.82 2T ?OI 992 % JETmosbAoppreo 6% O7 22 92 7 OCI 2 32T - 2 & 79 A.Y sygot moreqa. TI 9T 7I 2 9. 99 2T £9 £ 6 6 Ty 6 såun"I I 2 £ T 4. 9 T 9 T 3 bottº, TI Q: & 87 92 92T 96 32 7I 78 I 42 eson g T £ £ T £I OT 9. OI g sum? pub uquon 69 29 99. 76 97 9T. 90% OTſ 29, %22 9 T 7 Uº. 90. 69. ?g 96. 7. O2 66. 8% TST 9I £2 9. O7I 9I G.Ibºſ TOT O9T £6T. 92.7 9TI 736 £78 T/I 682 79% % 68 &T se&g (YI) (CI) (zt) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (4) (9) (9) (?) (£) (2) (I) oTQºppeller Jeſſibo 906T £T6T 8T6T. £26T. ao A.I.98 eoPaxes | . s|| pºſſ *:::: pure uſºnorqq ußnoruº, ußnoruq. %26T. %. pasupar passetes | PºwrT | Twieved “..." -Tºnºid .*, YO6t 2T6T A.T6I 226T. 926T. Jeºlºmu Jequinn requinu | §§ 3 oegep TedfouT-Id. TB40. TB40. Tºqo, p04 anpu I pequeſ on *:::::: uq-IPQ. Jo reef Aq peupulºce AITsopsAud requinu Taqo, uo'ſ quq's uoſº on pup qu peupulºze ATTºopsAud requinn © tº 6 | *iº Hº)\!\!/W Hºoſh ObH.L Słł & Lt.Vſ, OOVEH TVNO I.LV N LV Q3A 13 D3 ti /z sºnvasraea stru (INWTSI ºriCHM | 2 a SW 8 O3 S"S"O 3 O BTid WV S W NO NAWOHS SV S.L. NVH.LS15)3 by Q3.13)3ſ 38 Q NV G 3.10ſ. Q. Ni d'O S.12) 2.33O TVdlº) N lbſ d P R | N C|PAL DE FE CTS OF IN D UCT E D AN D REJECTED REGISTRAN TS A S SHOWN O N A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 221- RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 RHODE ISLAND Negro Registrants Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physically examined by year of birth „№țiaRejectedInductedTotalTotalË• Principal defectat localLímitedËanumberpſi;19251922191719121904Note Disqual-GeneralLłniłaea | Fºjecteinducted1924throughthroughthroughand board#####~ |servişe ºr | TË | ::::::::examined M #3.33191819131905 | earlierstated remediable (l)(2)(3)(4) |(5)(6)(7)(8)(5)(ī0)(ll)(12)(13)(14) Eyes21l848125124 Ears33311l Teeth4155311 Mouth and gums Nose222| 11 Throat Lungs Tuberoulo8182121312 Cardiovascular15161716 Blood and blood-forming Hermia11222 Kidneys and urinary1122ll Abdomainal víscera1l11 Genf talia1l11 Syphilis5?1121132182 Other venereal Skłn112211 Hemorrhoids Varfoose weins Mental deficiencyl11l Educational deficiency2221l Mental disease6ſl6l7232 Neurological]111 Musculo-skeletal2323523 Feet1111]]6221 Endocrine Neoplasas Infectious and parasitio Weight, and others1ſl]ſl Non-medical reasons No defects32323214081] Total142686414º65113382:03024l 1/ Exclusive or registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasone other than physical or mental defecte. PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 SOUTH CAROLINA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of South Carolina during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 16,95|| Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includest Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure 1. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table 1. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221R. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants——i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age- On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 28.6 years. Figure l. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and musculo- skeletal defects accounted for more than one-fourth of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; over one-half of the Negro re- jections were due to educational deficiency and syphilis. Table, i. Table 1 shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- 3 registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted ..ox le 7 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 16.l, percent of the ºfections at induction stations, and ll. 2 percent of the total local board and ºction station rejections, Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among £ºgistrant s inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service 3r remediable defects. 55.l, percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gºy. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. 1. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were lººds February 1, 1943, when joint Army-Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Change: º ż, , January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. •s 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- tº ants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored regist rants fors, warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular le.9, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated; registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective 6 gº & 3: . #6, #3.ce Local Bºard Release No. 2.47, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants 18 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942), 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified 27.4 forwarded fox induc ºr was restricted. (State Director Advice śas 3.1%, November 25, 1942), 6. On December 5, 1942, vºluntary enlistment of registrarit ś 18 tº 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 13, 1943), 7, ºn December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942), 6, February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated, F VE LEADING MENTAL DISEASE MUSCU LOSKE LETAL CARD OVASCULAR H E R N | A E YES M E N TAL DISE ASE M US CULOSKE LETAL H E R N | A E YES CARD | OVASCULAR CAUSES APRIL 1942 - MARCH 943 CONTINE NTAL UNITED STATES WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections O |O 2O 30 40 SOUTH WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections O | O 2O 3O 40 SY PHIL IS EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD |OVASCULAR MENTAL D | SEASE M US C ULO S K E L E TAL CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL DEFICiÉNCY sy PH | L | S MENTAL DiSEA$: C A R D OVA SCULAR M E N TA - \{F}C is NCY NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections |O 20 30 4C) NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections 3O 40 W South Carolina Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1912 through March 1913 l/ Tocal board and Local board Induction station induction station Cause for Rejection -Whi WhiteT Twhite j Total ; Negro Total ; Negro Total 2/ Negro = º Total 100.0 loo-O 100.0 100.0 100.0 loo.0 100.0 100-0 100eo Eyes 5.1 7 e2 3.5 5.9 7.7 li-3 5.6 7.6 lso Ears le.7 3-6 Oe 2 2.2 li-3 Oslº 200 lso Oslº Teeth 2-3 3el l,6 Oe? lsh 0.2 le3 2,0 Os? Mouth and gums 0.5 leO Oel O•l Os3 tº 0.3 O-5 Oel Nose o.3 o'.5 0.1 0-3 O.I. O-3 0.3 Oslº 0-2 Throat, Oe? Oel 0.3 º ſº - Oel 3/ Oel Lungs 2.l. 3.29 le2 3e0 - he? le.9 2.8 ls. 1.6 Tuberculosis le0 le.7 Oslº Oe.9 lel O.7 OeS) lsh Oe6 Cardiovascular 5.8 7-9 he 2 7.5 6.9 820 6-9 7.2 626 Blood and blood-forming Oel Oe? Oel Oel Oel Oel Oel Os2 Oel Hermia 7el 9.8 lı.9 5.3 7,0 3.7 5.9 8.0 lisz Kidney and urinary Oel, 0.8 Oel l,8 2e2 lºl, le3 le.7 Oe.9 Abdominal viscera 0.6 le2 Oel O.8 lel, 0.2 Oeſ le3 Oel Genitalia le2 lºl, lel le3 O.8 l,8 le3 leO 1.5 Syphilis h2.l. 12.0 65.7 0.9 O.l, lºl, 15.7 lish 2523 Gonorrhea and other venereal 0.8 Oel le3 le3 Oe? 2e2 lel Oe 2 le.9 Skin 0.7 le2 0.2 0.8 0.9 0.7 0-7 leo 0-5 Hemorrhoids Oe 7 le0 0.5 0.5 Oslº 0.5 0,5 . 0.6 0.5 Waricose veins 1.5 2.6 0.7 l.8 2,7 leO le.7 2.6 0.9 Educational deficiency 0.], 0.5 0.3 26.7 9.3 li?el i7 3 6-3 26.6 *iental deficiency 3.6 6.0 l,6 7,0 6el 7.8 5.8 6al 5-5 #ental disease lºſ 2.8 0.9 16.l., 23.0 10.6 lie2 16el 720 ¥surological lı.5 7s2 2.3 lı.0 lı.9 3s2 lº.2 5e? 2a9 #usculoskeletal ll.l. 17.1 6.l., 5.6 6.7 he 5 7-5 10-3 5-2 Feet, Os? lso Os3 1.5 le? le2 le2 1.5 le,0 £ndocrine lel 2•l Oe:3 Oo3 Oel, 0.2 0.6 leO Oe? Neoplasms 0.5 Oe? Oe? Oe.7 le3 Ool 0.6 lel Oe2 Infectious and parasitic Q. tº tº º Oel Os? Oel O-l Oel 2/ Underweight, overweight and other le.9 3e0 lel l,8 2.7 ... leO le.8 2.8 l,0 Wonmedical reasons 3/ Osl - 0.7 isl O-l; 0-5 Os3 0-2 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912–March 1913. #/ Includes all races other than Negroe 3/ Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2, Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Inducted for limited service Rejected for limited service or remediable defects Tefect, Percent; Defect, Tercent, Total 100-0 Total lOO-0 Eyes 55.l. Hernia l8el Musculoskeletal 16.9 Eyes 13 s? Underweight and overweight 9el Musculoskeletal 13-3 Feet, 7.6 Kidney and urinary 7.3 Teeth 5.3 Gomorrhea and other venereal 6.l. Other 5.7 Other lil-2 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912–March 1913. P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN D UCT E D AN O REJECTED REGISTRAN TS A S SHOWN O ÎN A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 I RECEI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, † 943 SOUTH CAROLINA White and Negro Registrants Number physically examined at induction station Total number physically examined by year of birth 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examinstion but who were subsequentīy đeferºeſ for ××,gone othes ſignphysical, º mental defectº. NumberTotal RefectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defeet::::::::jectenumbermumber„ŽĖ,19251922191719121904Note boardDisqual-·Ë,General | Limited | fºººººº | rºwººd | *(ſ) 1324through | through I throughandstated łfiedserviceservice1923191819131905earlier remediable (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14): Eyes169206l4498832151913091$3813595920830211113 Ears56| 1201334! 418948237231093442263 Teeth7510346!?31119648???12628210413412O| l Mouth and gums1735152515402113816 Nose10144232323$142212103 Throat,71686§ 42} ()11 Lungs80149292723827235??134465533 Tuberculosis344862882�O62622927 Cardiovascular1924261712531635126%]46290124176!205 Blood and blood-forming43310}0622 Hernia2331211901135441136575№233127157º27 Kidneys and urinary132?ºr?123117131321264152219 Abdomainal vłscera18406À06410°′4}22 •} 228101. Genitalia4121574662119468537353482:976244 Syphilis1388173948ł444481492905702723382O418 Other venereal251067ºn2ŤO273??5¿?983&1661 Skin2223238256887? 55È 289202013l Hemorrhoids249}$}}]$1· №li})$2}?52323728l Varicose veins506044249154219373$ $}}67410},642 Mental deficiency1174ł4?}533Ť.ž343\}2%$ſ.737412 Educational deficiency1215772163591J& ¿?2$28092:31866027 ſental disease579731ł}0301.# !Åſſål]{}{}422}'(ſ)216l3O2 Neurological1472288ſy5383l? ;§53?161586ł744 Musculo-skeleta]365199laeſ}46398ⓜ$.}?$5$952222324416314 Feet23394${}%&&??C)93Ě3,3${}\\| 636|(60)105403 Endodrine 35173.453�şºş&22?13}} Neopiastas16į9??.&3}$64%} {{}}}.43g?12? Infecţious and parasitſeŽ�| 8- $? .å}], řłęłght and othera$3&&??$$$3§§?$$i).}}ěžģ??).$4Ô24220$755 Ñon-medical reasonsį44}§5Ť.Æš?3$?59 Ño đefects1$$$§§%;į§§1053208122315 ſota132%4837§§§3.º}}&?§§%@ì2??ąº§§§),$$$$ĢĞ5%2:5927751582130 •orºen usin requo secer TTw separoar /2 *949e3ep Tºquem to Tºops&d usuº Jeſúo suosuer roy petrogep ATAuenbesqns exea oua qing uopºutſpurºke TaopsAud preod Tsoot a uaapā exea oua squerq973er Jo eaſsm[oxq /t zy YZII Oć9I 36CI O386 &TA, 98/.8 699.7 Ø7 TI9 2707 92.9 T9tz Dºrſ Tºqo, £ Tz 21, alſT 2.99 £6. I €68 668 £69 9490.30p on g £ 9 ÇI 9 66. ££ 26. T guosaar Tuoppem-uoM g 69 TST 6LI gz? %, 906 83/, AETI 67 6&L % 07 £7 sº eqqo pub quºtem. T T g T 9 9 7 2 opapse.Ied pub enopºloeguT 9 2T 6'ſ A.C. 4. T8 % A.7 T 66 O2 All OT sursu[doeN 6 ZI * 8T 9. 97 */ zy * T II 06 ouT.Ioopug Tø A.Y 69 88T Yg 699, AE2 zº 96. 292 9% £I 7t 3.09: 9 6&T 99T 9èt 629. 6% 8T3 £ 96.7 93 Abz 69 66 Aºz Teq, eTexts-olnosmºſ 2 09 96. T£ 66 22 092 OT O72 9. % 3 92.1 *OT Teopºlotomen 2 ATI T9t ATI 992 86. 069 6 T89 . 6 Tºº 07 esues pp Tequen 2 26 87 % 6TI TI 992 992 992 d ÁoueTop.Jop Iguopºuompº 9. 29 £7 TÉ £OI TI 692 T 392 T TAI A3 Alouepoſſep Tequen A& 9/, 97 Ll £I 692 99T TTI 89T Tć gºy 19. BuTaa egoog.IBA § 8T Alz &T 26. 8 2OT 94. AZ 94. 3 * 9T sppou.I.Iouie H OT AT zt 99 6 YIT TA, €7 * 49 ZT ÇI 8T uPIS T 2 9. 4. 6T 9 8 g 1. I TB919 u aa Ieua.0 z 97 39 Tg 97 g 88T £ 98t £ 8 9. *LI STTTud/S 9. 3I y? Ty £Iz Tø. 0% 40% gº 4.0% zT OT TZ by Taqſueſ) T OT 92 6 All T £9 9 £º 9 9 % All B.Ieospa TouTuopay 9I 6T OT 28. 9 £8 TI Cl, 2 6 96. zz 2T A.IbuI.In pub gºeuppy I 4,9. ZTI 9/, T2T A.C. 707 49 4.9% A9 €6. I 29 27T bTu-19H T T g 4. 1. g T £ 3upulog-pooſa pub poota T 28 9/, 29 6II 8T 89% Tø 10% T 09 2T O9T 9TI JuTriosuac Tºp 100 Tz 8 2I A.I T 69 T 89 T 9 92 A.& sIsotno-Ieqn, 82 07 28. %9 TI 96I 6'ſ 9/I 6I £2 96 Alſ; såun"I T 9 l, 9. 2 9 2 qboºltſ, 2 4. 3 *T 7 96. 8T LI 8T OT 4. eson 9T £ 2 TT 2 £6. II 22 TI 9 £ 7T sum3 pub uqnow T 66 2OT 79 OLT 28 8T.9 96.7 £8 Tć */07 62 6 g? tº 99. 72 99. 62 96 TZ 802 19. TAT ZI gz &T AOI 29 S.Ibg OT $79 OTZ */6I 96% O8 7.I.T 798 026 982 69% 63 92I 90T sa&g (rI) (91) (ZI) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (L) (9) (9) (?) (£) (2) (T) olds ºpened. Jºey T.Ibe 906 I £T6T 8T6 I 626T. ao T.A.I.99 *...* | xo'espaires|| Pº *:::: pure užnoruº. q3noxqq u:3moauq. %26T. §: pºomput pensates | Pºſ"FT || Tºp | "..." -Tºnbºd tº. 706 I 2T6T A.T6T 226T. 926T. J.9qūnu Joqumu Jaqumu eq9eſer qoegep TadpouT Id Tºqo, Taq ol. T84 OL poqompu I paqoeſ eu psº uq-Ira Jo reaſ Aq pouTuºxe ATTeoTsAud requiru Taqo), uo;484s uoſº ompup qu peupulºxe AITPopsAud zeamN C tº 6 | *IC HObi VW Hº) ſhot H.J. St. E.L. HV'ſ OG VEH TVNO I.LV N LV G3 AI3 -) & bi /z squaristães earºa WNITORIWO HiſłCS | 2 a SW HO3 S*S*Q 3 O 3Tid WV S v NO NMO H S S v S.L. NVHLS 1938 G 3.103ſ 38 C. NV Q 3.10ſ) O Ni 3 O S 13) 3.33G TVdlº) N | 8 d “sqoegep Tequeſt, to Taopakud ubug reqqo Gaossex toy peºeyep KTAusabseqms exaa oua ºnquorºsuTurbºce Teogs&nd prºoq Tsoot a treat 3 exea oua squºtasſàes: Jo aaſsntoxg /f $38 997 gºtſ TºčT k 9&TY tº 6 39T3 63T9. 6L67 69 ozić 927 90LZ AYBT Teqoſ, 2 Ot 09 96 T0% £7T 203 203 2O3 sqooyep on * z T g T. £I T 2I T 21 guoswau Taoppem-uon 2 2T 77 £9 9Tz 1.9, £1% £2% 09 y 6T6 2I 3I O3 S.Ioqqo pub quareM. T T 2 z z opºp serud pub enopºloeguſ T 8 9 */ 6T OT 6 OT I z 9 susbſtioeN & T 9. * T TI TT 9 9 guT.Ioopug £ 6 39 TOT g?? 04. 63: Tºy 97 6 269 £I 92 6 3.990ſ 3 % ël. #3 3.5". 96. A.67 3.T 692 &I 99T T9 06 8TI Teq eTexts-otnosnº 2 *I 92 & Z; 9T g? I 2 £ºry z ÖOI £7 Taopºotounen T &T 9% £3 &T 29 T98, 2 6% 2 26% A.I essesſip Tequent 92 32 3%T Öiz 069 Tzz Tººt 9T 926. I 9T I 6T6 I g AoueTop.Jep Tºuopºbonpg 4. 2T 92 09. Tºgi 6I 94.2 9/º 2 gºz O6 Aouepop.Jep Tequen 2 1. 92 92. 66 £ WOI T3 g? I9 £I 1.T £T Supaa esoopareA T OT QI 9T G2 * 09 9% $2 99. OT 9 6 9p Four routeH t £ g 3 92 £ Tºy 9T $2 I gT TI OI 7 UIT;3|S T % 7T TÉ T6 Q: 29. 8; # 8 2 99 O9 OT ?? Tearguea Jeuq.0 9T 39T O32 Tºy2 */zg 93 */O&T cº- ôgºr g? Tø *T 7TzT SITEud AS T 9 : : #: ‘72 # g % & ;: g? II O2 BITºqpuet) 9 I b.Ieospa IBugulopaw £ £ g 2.8. 9 67 * 37 I £ .6% 9 I A.I.GUI.In pub gaeuppy 9 92 g? Tg 2OI *72 £92 97 LOz 97 1.9 69 T6 bTuxeh * T T T £ £ 2 I 3upulog-pooſq pub pootg 7 99. QQ'ſ 29 TA,H. 32 £67 9/. 826 9/. 9 972 &l. JuTaos Baopp,180 9 T OT 6 9 T£ I Oć T T zz 4. STSOTmo.IeqūJ. g 9T 7I Og 9 06 %3 28 9 9 £9 Çz s3un"I T 7 2 A. T 9 T T 9. 3 Boruſ, T 9. 7 º 9I 9 II 9. 7 7 £ eson I g T 4. 7 £ 7 £ sum3 pub uqnon Tz 29, O? 2II 77 672 £T2 99. 3.T.& 9. T O% Q 99. £ 2 7 g £T 2 62 TI 8T 2 6 I £T 7 G.I.BG £ A.2 26 7II £9% 99 Ygg gg? 66T 9% 6T'/ 99 O3 *9 se& (YI) (£I) (zt) (II) (OT) (6) (9) (L) (9) (9) (7) (C) (z) (I) QTq3T penior JepTrue 906 I £T6T 3T6I £26T. 90 TA.I.98 *P* | *d as taxes Pºſ *:::: puu ußnoruº, ußnoxqq užno Juq. 726T. §: połomput panoeſe. P**T Taxeues) tº: -Tunbsp:g .*. Y06T 2T6T. 4.T6T. 2Z6t 926t słGQūlū Joquitu Jiequmu - TBoot q. 3 oegep TadpouT.I.I : TBq ol. TB40L poqompUI paq oaſeli *::::::: uq. ITQ yo reaſ Aq peºwuxe AIT boTsAud requmu Taqo), uo Fºgºs uoſº ompuſ ºb peupulºxo AIIvors.And Jieqūmn © tº 6 | *iº Hº)\!\! W H5) ſhot; H L Słł 3.18 Vſ) OG VEH TVNO I.LV N J.V. Cl3A 13 O3 8 sque Iqspäeh orºeN WNITORIVO H.I.ſ.l.OS | 2 a SW 8 O3 S*S*O. 30 and ww.s v No NAOH S S v S.L. NVH.LS1538 Q3.103ſ,38 G NV Q 3.19ſ. GNI 3 O S 103.33G TVdlo N It d PRIMGIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 SOUTH DAKOTA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of South Dakota during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 6,413 Forms 221 included in the Sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes t Table RS 221B. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States, Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221R. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated, The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns 1-5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age- On the basis of these tablulations, the average age ... 'egistrant's examined in the state was 29.2 years. Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and musculo- skeletal defects accounted for almost one-fourth of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not presented because of the small numbers in the sample, £able l. Table i shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted so: 3.8 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 15.8 percent of the **śestions at induction stations, and l2.0 percent of the total local board and *stion station rejections. - # Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among Žegistrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 58.3 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examinat Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect unt ºf the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army-Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, Jaguary 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Foº 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August l, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- tººs up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3, Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and 3 agistrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Sºce local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4, November 13, 1942, registrants 18 and 19 years of age became militarily 43.8% i.e. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- 33.assified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. *...tº, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, }. tº sº, º żº + # S- ſº º :* - c.' ' *:::: A 3 7, 6n December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was sº spended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated, FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULOSKE LETAL CARD |OVASCULAR H E R N | A E YES MENTAL DISEASE MUSC ULO SK E L E TAL CARD | OVASCULAR H E R N | A contine NTAL WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections |O 2O 30 40 SOUTH WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections |O 2O 30 40 UNITED STATES SY PH J L | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD | OVASCULAR MENTAL D J S E ASE M US C ULO S K E L E TAL DAKOTA NEGRO ^ercent of Tolol Rejections O iO 20 30 40 NEGRO >k Percent of Tolol Rejections O |O 20 3O 40 # DATA NoT PRESENTED BECAUSE {}f §§§ 3 ; SAWiż2i. E N JAMBERS W South Dakota Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ Cause for rejection Local board and Local board Induction station induction station Total lCO,O lC0.0 lCO,O Eyes 8,7 9.9 9.5 Ears 5, 9 5.4 4,9 Teeth - ls2 7.0 5, 2 Mouth and gums O e8 0.6 Os,” Nose Oe4 le3 l,0 Throat º Oel Oel Lungs le.9 2,0 2.0 Tuberculosis 3, 6 2.4 2.8 Cardiovascular Ö.2 l3.9 ll.4 Blood and blood-forming sº- 0.l 2/ Hernia 6,5 13,7 lle 4 Kidney and urinary Os3 l, 3 lel Abdominal viscera le.9 3.4 2.9 Genitalia 0.4 l. 0 0.8 Syphilis 7 e2 O.4 2.6 Gonorrhea and other venereal Oel 0.5 O, 4 Skin 0.6 0.35 O 4 Hemorrhoids Oel 0.2 O.2 Varicose veins le? O,8 l,0 Educational deficiency OeA. le 7 le3 Mental deficiency 9el 3.0 5,0 §ental disease 3. 8 15.8 l2,0 Neurological l3.l 4.0 6.9 Musculoskeletal 22, 1 7.0 ll,8 #eet le? 0.6 O,9 Endocrine l,7 l. 3 l, 4 &oplasms 0.3 0.4 Os3 Infectious and parasitic tºº O.l 2/ T]nderweight, overweight and sea- * other 2.6 l,6 l, 9 Nonmedical reasons tº- 0.2 O Al */ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. 2/ Less than 0.l percent. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Inducted for limited service Rejected for limited service or remediable defects Defect Percent; Defect; Percent Total 100.0 Total lCO.O Eyes 58,3 Hernia 37. O Musculoskeletal 12.9 Eyes º 20 el Teeth 12.5 Teeth l4.9 Ears 4.6 Musculoskeletal 8.7 Feet; 2, 3 Genitalia 3,O Other 9.4 Other 16.5 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942– March 1945. P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN D UCT E D AŃ D D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 SOUTH DAĻOTA whdte and Regro Registrante REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF Number physically examined atinduction station Total mmber physically examined by year of birth MſumberTotal RetedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::jecteMaequºnumbernumber¿Ë,19251922191719121904Note boardDisqual--Ë,GeneralLímitedrejectedinductedPºg:mine。1924*throughthroughthroughandstated ſifiedserviceservice1923191819131905earlier|- reasediable (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)-(g)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Eyes&?5610326912623,13956263526213111979 Ears2O8271531011916328226102565741 Teeth9368O196271252233489588410988 Mouth and gums6?35216526829152220 Nose319229832À30]32515l]]828037 Throat,29829810035620l4.7 Lungs1524994895722513710 Tabºroulosis283452672695275 ^1319 Cardiovascular4823023278232011690567366 Blood and blood-formingl11122 Hernia9.O29199264327826,75452219712611783 Kidneys and urł nary41836256313101152 Abdominal viscera1532!217ı2],9212115 ſ2035 Genitalia3120922O2ìl23115118413819 Syphilis56436363189153O Other wenereal}9101O)333l Skin5l48310839364617195 Hemorrhoids1225355358161$915 Varicose veins97q41l23426520111717 Mental deficiency?o503212O32152441lč3457 Educational deficien| 32823]233294?ll Mental disease gy292,8520292303121078649763 Neurological10]60774168| 111791251263357 Musculo-skeletal1,169471612828718947614155861021181 Endocrine191932}32;33,81128512**** Neoplasms23]44l8455321714137 Infectious and parasitie| 1}Ži] Weight and others2017973546??124,8383O2622 Non-medical reasons9333 No defects1174?!?!?4117413ł54026]182573 Totalfrr:2]]20253№ºſºff21624303983641336323421338133410124 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reaeone other than physical or wental defects. *940 egop Tuques Jo IBoſséHä tº Jºão |cret "ox3en usua aequo weesa II* sepmTouT /? suggsex Ici pazzagap &ratigabesqng exaa oua ºnquogº ouTuºxe TaopsAqd praoq Taoot oueaſº oran on a sque tº BT3er Jo eaſºn Tox3 /t * OTOſ &@I Gºz £º: toº sº ser: Ølſº Tºg & 6TTI Oll Tūqol Alſº 2gſt 092 TCU Zºſſ 2.TI 2LTI S40939p on 6. £ g £ guosaar Taoſpouſ-uon 2 92 Oº 99. 9. Y&E 3. 9? 9 £l 6 AEI O2 S.Iggºo pub quareM. T T T I opºſsured pure gnoſ49eju I 4. ÇI YI AI 2 169 g? 8 T 77 T % z sus BTdoeN &T 9 & zt T AC 2 % Z º 6I 6T. eup.Ioopūg $g 26 º $29, TO% 8.7 Ç % Øy Ø 4. ÇI 49ed T 9TI ZOI 99 99T *I 90% 69. A& 92 Tºt ſºy 69 TAI Tºqotexs-oſmognºſ £6 º 92 Tº ZT 6LI TI 99T Y 1. 4. 09 TOI Taoſ?oTomon º 16 79 8, OT ZIº 02: 262 Oz º 992 62 essesſip Tequent TI A. * Z £9. Z I6. 2 92 º Aouepoſ.j9p Tºudºbompºſ 49 % 9T Ty * zº'ſ 26 02.T. 23, 0% Ol. AoueToT rep Tequen AI AI TI O2 99 zy £2 I Tºy 4. 4. 6 suTaa 99 ooº...IGA 9I 6 9I 9T 8% £9 9. £9 2 2 T 8ppou.I.Iough 9. 6I AI 97 9 £6 68 Ot £8 * T 9. UiTMS T £ £ e OT OT 6 I Tº arguaa Jouq.O 62. ØI 6 3 T 29 |29 g * 99. splpud MS 6I 3% |# 9TU 9T Tºz Tſz O2 2 602 9I T £ BITG4Tue) 99. O2 £I -z • IT 26 Tz TL TZ * 2% ØI breosTA Taupulopaw 2 9. TT |ct £ TÉ 9 92 9 % 9I * A rºup.In pub saeuppy £3 ATI 9&T 61 22 Yºg 992 9/Z £ £92 66T 62 09 BTULIGH | 2 2 T T T T 3uTulloy-poolq. pug poolg 99 £1. º O6 9I TO% £2 8/2 ©2 Oćz g? JETmoseAopp IBO 6T ÇI 9 AZ 9 69 2 AS) 2 % % 92 speoTruo.IeqūJ. OT 4. ZI 92 2 9% 6 Aº 6 8 ‘yz 9T såun'ſ l, YI O2 |g OOI 96 Z 86 2 3 Boruſ. 9& 6l. 28 TII 9T £2% O09. |cz 6 AEz 2 3I % 9son O2 2 9T 6 2 39 2% 9t 29 £ 4. 9 sum? pub uqnow 38 60ſ |ge 6 £7% ZZZ 92:I 12 961 08 9% 6 Uº. 99. Tºy 49 9% 2OI 92 232 £9T 6TI OT 99T 4. 29 Oć s.reg 6. 3II TøI zºz 96. 929 96% Oº 9&I 692 3OT 99. 99 sa£g (rI) (£I) (ZI) (II) (OT) (6)– (8) (l) (9) (9) (?) (£). (2) (I) oTQuppeme.I Je;T.Ibe 906 I £T6T 9T6T £26T. - ao A.I.98 80TA.I.08 poºj T. *:::: pub u3noruº. uſºnoxqq. ußno.ruq. %26T. º: polonpur | poqoofer P**'I TB.Ieue.) *:::::" -Tanbspc. pasoq YO6T 2T6T 1.T6T Z26T. 926T. #: Jequrnu Jaqumu sº qoegep TadpouT Id Tºqo. TB4 OL Tºqo, p04ompu I peq9eſou ": uq-ITQ Jo reaſ Aq pouyuºxe AITwo TsAqd requinu Tºqo. uoſqaqs uoſqompuſ 38 peupulºxe AITRoſs Aqd requin'N 3 O 3Tld WV S V N O NAWOH S S ºf S.J. NVH.J.S 1538 Q 3.103ſ 38 C. NV Q 3.10ſ, O N 3 O S 13) 333G TVd 10 N | 8 d /z sauvastash ºra WJOXVOI HºſłCS € 176 |*|E H CY4 VW Hºoſh ObH L S 83.1 b Vſ) O OVEH TVNO |LV N LV G 3 A 13 O2 b | 2 a SW 8 O3 S'S'Q PRIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS A S SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 34, 1943. SOU, DA KOTA Megro Registrants Principal defect; ſumber rejected at looal board Number physically examined at induction station Rejected Inducted Total Disqual- ified Límited service or reſmeđiable General service Límited service number rejected, Total number inducted Total number physically examined by year of birth Total number physically examinedl/ 1925 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earlier Kloſt, stated Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Woºe Throat Lungs Tuberculos1.s Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernda Kidneys and urinary Abdominal viscera Genf talia Syphilis Other venereal Skłn Hemorrhoids Varfoose vefns Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasas Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Non-medical reasons No defects Total (1) 2 @JT } (3) 1 (4) (5) l (6) 4 (7) (8) ĢĪT (10) (11) (12) ļ/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for ſeasons other than physical or mental dereets. (13) (14) PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 - TENNESSEE This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Tennessee during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 30,700 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. - Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221R. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated, The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns 1-5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 28.0 years. Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Educational deficiency and musculoskeletal defects accounted for approximately three in every ten white re- jections at local boards and induction stations in the state; almost one-half of the Negro rejections were due to syphilis and educational deficiency. Tabla_1. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- *d registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted 3 ºr 3.0 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 9.9 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 7.5 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections, * Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service e remediable defects. 52.1 percent of the registrants who were inducted for lińºted service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- goº. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limi'ººd service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations 1-9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). - Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants l8 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated. Tenn, FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULO SKE LETAL CARDIOVASCULAR H E R N | A E YES EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY MUSCULOSKE LETAL M E N TAL D | S E ASE H E R N | A E YES APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 CONTINE NTAL UNITED STATES WHITE - NEGRO Percent of Total Rejections Percent of Totol Rejections |O 2O 30 40 O IO 20 30 40 SY PH || LIS EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD |OVASCULAR MENTAL D | SEASE M US C ULO SK E L E TAL T E N N ESSE E --. - WHITE NEGRO Percent of Tofol Rejections Percent of Total Rejections O | O 2O 3O 4O O | O 20 3O 4 O S Y P H | L | S - EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD | OVASCULAR E YES M USC U LOS K E L E TAL " Tennessee # Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1912 through March 1913 1/ Local board and T G&ºse for Rejection Local board Induction station induction station Wºº & º'º e. ††e White Tºſh:{{e Total. 2/ Negro Total 2/ Negro Total 2/ Negro Total. 100.0 100 eO 100.00 loos O looeſ) iſ)0a0 loo.oO 100.0 loo,0 §§3 lºo? 6el 2e.9 8al, 7sli llel 7 e2 7.0 7 e? º'3 • lab 2e.7 e3 lsso 5-3 leO 3e3 lish Oe? ºth Oo3 Oel, 0.22 1e7 2.s0 Oe? lo2 lol, 0.6 ºntº ºd gº Oo3 Oel, 0al Qe2 Oel Oel, Os3 0e2 Qe2 jºë 0.92 Oe? 0.2 0.03 Osh 3/ Os3 Oel, Oel sºoet - / tºº Oel #/ # tº # 3/ #/ Žºgſ. * lo 2el Oe.9 le le le.8 le le le º ºi 3s2 be 2 le3 he 5 5e0 3e3 lso lis? 2e. 3.0 lisl le2 805 6.2 lbs1 6.6 5.e6 8.9 Öol. Oel - 3/ 3/ & 3/ Oel tºº 9el, lla2 6.e5 6.e5 6.7 6.e0 7.5 8el 6s2 Öe? 0e2 Oel leO 0.27 loë Os? Os3 lel Geó Os3 Oe? Os8 lel Qe? Oed Os3 Os3 lol lel lel 2.2 los 3 e9 le.8 lel 2e.7 36.0 1860 67,8 3a7 Qa5 11.0 llab 6-3 3bso ºg ºf other wºreº. 96.3 Qe2 Oslº 2.93. lsl 5el, le6 0,8 3.l. t 0.6 0s? Oels Osó 0.6 0.27 0.6 0.6 O-6 0.22 • Oslº Oa2 • Osó 0e2 - 0.5 lo? i.e5 0.5 le0 i.e0 Oe& leO le? Oof 0.63 Oslº Os? 26el 28,0 2is0 17e 2 1992 1226 ſº, dafieiº be9 700 le2 3.0 3•l 2-8 327 hel, 2.2 &l, ii.33&G 320 lse? Oeó 9,9 12,5 3e3 7.5 9.28 2e2 r 7sl 9e; 2ef 267 3ol. le.7 he 2 5el 2el º, 3.20 le3 Oaș 0.7 Oeó led Oe& 0.8 0.8 Öe.9 isl. 0 ol 0a 7 Qoş Oe:3 Os3 lel Oa2 §§ Qaj Oel, Qe2 Oe? 0s? Osó 0.25 0.6 Oel, #3 & gº.giºſić 3/ 3/ * 9s], Qel an Oel, 0.61 &g i&igiº; cºrerºſeigº & *} le.8 2als 0.29 le5 le.9 Oe'ſ le? 2el * Oe& Ö 2 0.62 º lsº le6 0.6 0.99 le2 0.23 : º3s ſºozing 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942-March 1913. ºf G 3's Ferggrº, digtributions of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service - ©º *~s. 3 ya’ Indugºed £ox limited service or remediable defects → - º, Pergºnº, Defect, Percent, Total LOO e0 Total. 100.00 Eyes 52sl Hernia 26el iſºstºloskeletal 13 e5 Eyes 19 e2 Teeth 7s5 Gonorrhea and other venereal 9e3 Gonorrhea and other venereal 6,8 Genitalia Bal Underweight and overweight, 6s2 Teeth 6s.7 Čº 13s.6 Other 30,6 3/ Baged on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912–March 1913. ºz ºr * *949egep Tºue's ro Tºops&id trºº, sºyo Bucºsex rog pºxxagep AT3aombsaqas exas, ou a qug uoyºuſurgxe Tuogg Kud execq T39QT s ugaº axen ottº, ºggiº JG &ggalºg /* *OI $zºg 66T) ty (g Tººlſ Télº, owoc i zscºt §[69. I Q30ſ. 2039T 4,902 4799 $oº? Tºº Cº., Ot Tºy £62. 69&T &lºy 607. $789 $798 ??89 g499.jøp off Y O6 8 § { 47 6[ £&T i. 2ZT T §II 4. guogber Tsaypen-wom & 46 OQ2 4.8% 9&y §2. I Yºot Tzg º: 49 74, $76 t? 93 8.Ieqqo pub qu'ºpes. g 9 3. 3 9 T I opºpstºred pub gnoſ49eju I Y 92 67 6. 90. % 992 £8T Zl, T 28T aſ: 92 *T susercioeN Cº. Tz * éI Oy 3T. §II IT 4.0. TI 4. 49 £7 guT.Ioopuig T TZT Tzz (Mº. 299 £91. 36.7t £36T. 50T 9T 9T2T A.T 97 g? 3.99. I & & Yzy gºg TLl, Jº 990: Q4.8 96TI 67'ſ Tz/, Alº, I 97% Tū, Tºq etexts-otnosmºſ 9 *g| ATI &l, 903 69 OT3 4.7 £99 2T % OT 922 926 Taoſ:80Tomen Oſ 9%: Y& YO2 692 £0. £9TT 69t 966 9 £91 92 %3 9&I esbosºp Tequeſ & Gºz , 4.0% #& 998 Alº %Tgz & $32& 6t QI 9 $922 YI Aoueroprep Tºudºbomp3 6I 90. %l, 39 gll 79 697 63? 6. 22 AloueTop.Jep Taqueſt T T6 31, 3.9 97 %t 00% $9t 99T 2 29T 67 :* : Suſaa 9Goog. Ibſ. 6 gt. {}. 6 2 £y & TZ CZ zt 2 4. 8ppou.IJouleh 9I 37 27 2O. 1.TI 7:8: gºz T3 OT £6.2 TZ 26. 92 uţăţS 2 zz 97 &l, 99T 9T 9Tº 7OI TIZ £1. Tº £6t 9. £I Tearguaa Ieua.0 9 999 09: 96% 3. TIOZ Yg 14.6ſ T £g 9. 2 999'ſ sITſuda's T : 602 Tôt 6Tº 99T 68TI 676 Cºrz 9 ??6 3. : * bTTequed 72 gºy 92 12 4. 92I £2 £OI 7 6T. 6 99 32 breds PA Touguopay OT g? 92 09 1.I T T3 96 y 44. Oz 4.9 8 A rºup.In pub saeuppy 6 99T 962 dºll. 90% 3OI 90I 29 2OOI 2 09 6% 82 367 bTuxap 6. 2 C 4. T 9 I 2 7 3upulog-pooſq pub poota g 9IZ 4.32 99T T62 36 tº OI 78I 4.18 ?9T T 961, O7I JuTriosuacppreo & 99T 26. I 6l. Q9I 39 999 6T. 4.2% 6T Ç9 626. gºyt STBOTmolean, z £7 Tº 1.7 2O. ç7 33& 79 %2 % Tø 6T 3%. I 4. såun'ſ 7 9. 4. 9. All 9T 2 9T T T 3 Boſtºl, T OT 6T. 6 & Oz 98 67 12 9 gy 9 22 6 esoft 22 % 9I 72 9T 2TT 31, % 2 9/, OT OT 7I sum3 pub uqmoſt 872 £37 Q& 94.7 £3T O29T A,971 £9T 23 9.1%I 86. I 6 9T ū3 eº. Z % 1.01 £6 922 4.9 £9% GIT 89.7 Yg T} 92 26% 63 8.193. 9 62 697 637 2O6 zºyz T662 O3.71 T}6 £99. 1.98 1.6% 8% 922 seſ; (7t) (CT) (ZI) (TE) (OT) (6) (3) (4) (9) (9) (7) (3) (2) (I) - eTaeppeller JºeyTree 906 I £Tôl 8T6T. £26T. ao PA.I as aoTA.Ies pay JT. *:::: pure ºn ºn ºn ºi (;, passes, passics | *** | *0 | “...:"|-tºid p.rboºl YO6I 2T6T. 4.TóI 226T. 926T. *:::: Jequinu. Jaqumu ::::::: 49egep Tad goûT.Id TB40L T84OL T840ſ, penonpur pequeſ on ": ūq-ITQ Jo reaſ Aq pouTuTºxe AITuapsAqd requmu Taqo, uoſquqs UoTºompup qu peuplugze AITwo;s&nd requin'N © tº 6 “Ig Hºti v. W Hºoſh Obi H-1 Słł 3.J. H.Vſ. OG VEH TVNO I-Lw. N. Lv G 3A 13 OE 8 3 O BTid W. W. S. W. N. O. NAAO H S S & S.L. Nºyº...Siº): 8 C. §3. C. Eſº Bºuexºspºsh ox30m puz Sºyua 335S:NN.3, | 2 a S W HO3 S*S*Q Q N\; G 3 J. Oſ) O N l 3 O S.A. O. B.33G TiVº D N | H tº P R | N C|PAL DE FE CTS OF IN D UCT E D AND REJECTED REGISTRAN TS A S SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 TENNESSEE White Registrante 2/ Number Number physically examined at induction station ■ Total maember physically examined by year of birth ]/. Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination owº who wazę gubpequently deferºči for reasone ºther than physical or ſºntal defects. &} §§ * Inoludeº all races other than negró Total RefectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::jec#ſulſae, | ae, |„¿„| 333;1922191719121904ſot, boardDisqual-Gjº#ëſºj,' GeneralLimitedrejectedinductedexamineđ1/1924throughthroughthroughandstated $1fiedserviceservice1923191819131905earlier - remediable (1)(2)(3) ·(4) (5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(lae) · Eyes17820425973755964l1296193723],739387350229l Ears78312185754408lll519572178497622 Teethl2412151982137601738113l47100202176 Mouth and gumal2364622l486915l8 |71613 Nose6216396334578202581510 Throat,llllll123522 Lungs62101ll4631744922338753938312 Tuberoulos1s1232713815432154475111763101ll32 Cardiovascular120390l44510l4465481200941491282 Blood and blood-forming42l6l?223 Hernia3272239828274730777 88220133213l2l2 Kidneys and urimary73310462504898124512236 Abdominal visoera2459815491191106232l4020 Genitalia3315798093127812939l484ll143l6275 Syphilis527ll37195751959426103113188163l Other venereal63632857233105745251710l Skłn2222132171057227284115863636ll Hemorrholds Warloose wełns44273615721071592661544626678l Mental deflotenoy20619440040045l4448569215 Educational deficienàyll17503419176423178725668330136117115 Mental dísease12675425153690515910641012431832962329 Neurological28019153512476475236418563971095 Musculo~akeletal560267986861499258351760212640296333279 ſeet3725ll1246147312601333159606247205116 Endocrine4l4979�^910610335191816 Neoplasas11182517515417623033993542201 Infectious and parasitio11.68853 Weight and others7o348573667189803992]>';4101${}182921 Ñon-medical reasons7101lÕ8108}&45}$�19 No defects75577557755,i3O13711į129lO)23960 Total2935488413691353510029188 .} 4537 ||237253365932638504325279168 “sqooyep Twºuen to Tuops&id usun requo suoswer roy periorep Atauenbesqus area oua ºnquorquuſuruxe Tuo;s&nd prooq Teoot u uaapā exea oua squerºsp?ex Jo aarantoxa /t 9& ©OT Yºgi T&T 96%: 90% $469 9782 Oºry $4. £948 069 ©ºt (99t Twº ol. & 99 Tzz Oºſe Tø9 90t A92'ſ 49&T Alſº 840030p on Y TI 2 T 9T T YI T y: suoswer Tuoppen-uon T g 9T 9t 2 67 9T Tø St 4. *I s.reqqo pure quæpem. opºſaurud purs snophoeju I 9 * 9 2 92 4. ºt 4. * b y sutsu TüoeN y Ç ſº ZT 2 Ot 2 O 2 ouT.Ioopug T º 9T Ç 99. Y *OT £l. &º T &l, 9 9T C 3 eer 9. 09 T6 97 TL 9T 90% £6. TL2 96. 6& Tº Tºt Tºq etexts-otnosmºſ T £2 O2 9T TZ 9 49 19 % Aſ gy Toogºotounen T ÇI 96. Tz 92 2 TOT OT T6 OI T 09 Ot esuospp Tequeſſ 9 28 97t 36 32. I TZ 4.2% 9 Tºº, 9 G ſºlº º Aoueyoſyop Tuuopºuonp;| y £I 8T YT Tć 6 69 69 69 02 Alouepoſ.jep Taquan ÇI aſt ſº * % % & ſº ÇI b 6 suTaa egoogau A 6 ØI OT 6 2 gy ZZ TZ 2 *T 2 4. spTou.I.Iouſeh * 2I 9 9t 2 O7 9T Yz 9t 9 Oſ 9 upſ T zt Tg 4.7 TTT 9 OUz IA, 66. I 99 6. OCI & * Tºgºrouga Ieua.0 % gº 90.7 Aºz 262 zº ATWT 9T 2001 T *I 9& gºz TCTI STITud As T 62 £7 97 3OT All 092 bºl ÇII 2 96t 69 9 9t bTTequeſ) * g * * T 9I y &T y T * * ºreogpa Tuupulopay * O2 YI 96. 9 8/. €6. g? & Tº OU $g T ArºuTun puu sſauppy T */ £8 77 93 O2 Allº! 22 £92 ZZ Tyſ 9 90t byu.IoH 3upºlog-pooſq puu poolg T 33 99T 21, T6 All 4,07 O7 40% Oy T 9% O2 JuTriosuaoppreo 22 Tg 9T ££ 4. 60T 7 £Ot Y 92 º 2 STsotno-Ieqn. ZI &T 8 & g 99 9 09 9. 9. & ſºlſ såum'I 2 T Z 9 * T y T 4Boruſ. T * I & 9. “y * y T Ç eson 6 6I 6 9 £y O6 ÇI 0. y 4. 2 sum3 puu uqnon #. º * : Ol, :* * : * # 9 : Uº. 60L 02 s.reg * 99 6OT 2OT 69T TI 7g? YºU Ozº * O&T Cºl. Yºſ gy. se&q (T) (£I) (CT) (II) (JI) (6) (8) (1) (9) (9) (7) (6) (z) (I) eTapppened. - eoTA.I.99 eoTA.Ies peºT pequºis * ºn ºa ºn # º:..., | pºnonpa eacete, petruſt | Twieueo || “..." -Tºmbsta prºoq 3ON 7O6T 2T6T. 4.T6I 226T. :: [Xtr-ºld | *...* | *. poq Pup"I Teool qu Jequinu. . : p03 on pull peq9eſ on poqooſer 4 oogep TudſouT-Id Tºqol. Tø4OL T84OI. Joqumn uq-ITQ Jo Juaſ Aq peupulºxe AITwo TsAqd requinu Taqo, uoſquq's to sºompuſ ºu peupulºxe AITPopsAnd requmn ===His Cºſcº * - SS ºr sº E. p 6 | *19. Hºl\; W Hº) ſhot H.L. SH E.L. HV'ſ OO V3H TVNO I.LVN LV QEA 13 DE 8 | 2 a S W HO3 S*S*O 3o and ww.s v No NMoHs sv sinvulsios 8 q3103rab GNw dalong Ni 3o slo 333d nwdio NIH d PRINGIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942–MARCH 1943 - TEXAS This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Texas during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 59,815 Forms 221 included in the Bample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221R. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants——i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 28.7 years. Figure l- This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Educational deficiency and musculoskeletal defects accounted for one-fourth of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; more than one-half of the Negro rejec- tions were due to syphilis and educational deficiency. Table 1. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- e8 registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for is 2 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 9.7 percent of the *ějections at induction stations, and 7.0 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 65.2 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- €ory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting ed., “ationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of tile colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular lé9, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). * 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. 1.1.0, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. Texas FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE -APRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULOSKELETAL CARDIOVASCULAR H E R N | A E Y E S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY MUSCULOSKELETAL CARDIOVASCULAR _EYES MENTAL DISEASE coNTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections O|O203040 SY PH | L | S EDUCAT JONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULAR M EN TAL D I SE ASE M U S C U LO S KE LE TAL TEXAS W H I TE Percent of Totol Rejections O| O2 O3O40 S Y P H | L | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CAR D | O VASCULAR E Y E S MUSCULOSKELETAL O NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections 10203040 O NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections | 0203O40 4 | Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards TOXBS and induction stations, April 1912 through March 1913 l/ Cause for Rejection Local board º- Induction station Total *; Negro Total my Negro Local board and induction station Total my Negro Total Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose Throat Lungs Tuberculosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia Kidney and urinary Abdominal viscera Genitalia Syphilis Gonorrhea and other venereal Skin Hemorrhoids Waricose veins Educational deficiency Mental deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculoskeletal Feet, Endocrine Neoplasms Infectious and parasitic Underweight, overweight and other Nonmedical reasons lCOsO lie? lel Oe? O-6 Oe? Oel le3 220 2a0 Oel 5-3 Oel 0.5 O.6 52.6 Os3 Osh O-5 Os? Os? 3al le2 6el, 12.5 0.8 0.8 0.l. 3/ lel 3/ 100,0 loos0 100.0 5.7 2.5 9.8 l,8 0.3 3e.9 lel Os3 l,5 0.8 Oe? le2 Os3 3/ Oslº Oel Oel # 2-0 0.5 3e 3.3 0.5 3-6 3e0 0.8 12.3 Oel 3/ 0.] 7s2 3al 6.0 Oe? Cºº lel, 0.8 Oel le3 0.5 0.8 le5 30.8 77,9 O.7 Oe2 O-li l,6 Oslº 0-l. Oe.9 0.6 0.3 0.7 Oe? 0.5 le2 Os3 Oel 20,0 li-3 ls7 2-l l,8 0.5 9.e.7 10.5 l,6 3e.7 18.6 5sh 7.2 Os3 Os? lal, lsh Oel l,0 0.6 Oe2 Os? 3/ - 3/ ls? Oslº le.7 Oel ſº lel 100a0 2-3 loel 3.7 7-l. lsh ls2 0.8 3/ le.9 ls2 100s.O 9.3 lso Os3 0.8 Oel 3.2 2.9 ll.9 5.0 lsh 0.5 ls6 ls7 6.7 0.9 O's 9 le3 22.3 2.8 8.l. 3-5 6el le3 Os3 0.5 3/ le2 0.5 100,0 2.6 7.0 lı.5 8.9 le? Oe.9 0.6 3/ l,5 O. 7 100,0 8-9 3-9 l,5 le2 Oslº Oel 2s 7 3.7 9.5 Oel 6.l. lel laj le3 7.8 Os3 0.8 0.6 lel llie& 2.8 8-l 5.l. 10.2 le3 le3 Oe.7 3/ le.8 Oe? lCOeO 5.8 0.6 0.8 0.6 Oel .# le.7 7.6 lial Oe? Os3 le2 lil.2 3-l. 0.6 0.6 0.8 10.8 2s2 li-3 2.5 5.7 leO 0.8 Os2 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912–March 1913. 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. 3/ Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects 1/ Inducted for limited service Rejected for limited service or remediable defects Defect, Tercent, Defect, Percent, Total 100.0 Total 100 eO Eyes 65.2 Hernia 29el Musculoskeletal 13.6 Eyes . 17,0 Teeth 8.9 Gonorrhea and other venereal 9e3 . Feet, 3-3 Musculoskeletal 7.2 Ears 2.5 Teeth 5.5 Other 6.5 Other 3le.9 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912–March 1913. PRIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 \ TEXAS White and Regre Registrants Number physically examined at induction station Total mmber physically examined by year of birth -NumberTotal RefectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect§::::::jec#ited Inolt]C§, | ae, | affË,] !???1922191719121904Note * -، ، ſnGrejectedinducted, 1924throughthroughthroughand boardºff- |seſſº | §:ſſ | ::::::::examined M ' #ffff;191819131905 | earlierstated remedłable (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Eyes3481224471295110620431401344428211167137555699 Ears09635§16643755109864932791381761735 Teethrry1521003430151 ,33758191828174952373622 Mouth and gumas4818329117526012238264646112171] Nose| 1445192:102ºrº2122902412341604l} Throat,82ył1471114715859326142O LungsTO6495250O4626&471074236121172}043 Tuberculos 1816361981779017aor?5821315219O1931 Cardiovascular16220043219322,32223 DO1325373r?69155112 Blood and blood-forming315222223?462 Hernia4352266037991464£815521133842:643233710 Kidneys and uſeinary9193481?4250212:130903864472 Abdominal viscera402O3153Oſl25331289]]504711368 Genitalia5310,8131ºn4312753674113963104451 Syphilis431366532224432222465468ººſ9441639109125 Other venereal241925712623DO1284282:7199IſO275223 Skłn33]]]5O406194462403689289923 Hemorrhoids4048ºſo1321'56151731253361521 Varicose weins5713865?6260±3273(34137106792 Mental deficiency2524111266426664922,7971311539 Educational deficiency173343105294134652953?&o560122766905642,826 Mental diseaselOO16734.432nºrry4518221544243425263$]13 Neurological52661018230115431118513534417527025110 Musculo-skeletal102310371991632302299293265222174945268353512 Feet6820036103563O4199463571496711555 Endocrine641661]11102412:12622O844461394 Neoplasas3472512751573210914522847471 Infectious and parasitio123311} Weight and others091909956135386996932792051672671622 Non-medical reasons410,2yl32},32219138,139345O2 No defects2943029450294504447120294831540626696º Total£2,0214460 2763326951&9525423343909981567992039310207 13463872622,7 l/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who weresubsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. P R | N CIPAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 221 RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 Tae (AS white Registrante 2/ Number physically examined at induction station Total mumber physically examined by year of birth ¿aRejectedInductedTotalTotal„ŠĖ Principal defectat localLł młtedËa¿aphysically19251922191719121904Note Disqual-Grejec■CTUIG1924throughthroughthroughand board;;;;;ŹË:::::::: | :::::::\ examined192319181913 1905earlierstated (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)"Gj(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Eyes25296340427210681619( 134029592609706136284826 Ears79603276042709102811872621301631645 Teeth47132964081512755598342816485209347l Mouth and gums351572811352201183386443794156l Nose134219197-- 27419927324118375439l Throat,6 .2l1319 13]l4048720920 Lungs87388196344946?5616519195127812 Tuberculosis144519617669176865018212O158175l Cardiovascular132156428123(17241517391104'll2825004315 Blood and blood-forming414220203 ?352 Hernia3161976556971168"A31244963192103372:75 Kidneys and urimary915834l6420112022126ºr?3048382 Abdomínal viscera361881226l2362?263]]464llO46] Genitalia24891146332276629336107476835 Syphilis135842198314198315022122l27850247010 Other wenereal35373020821Ò Skłn-1995343961ż。19332};##}}*l Hemorrholds28365213111614130l18264143l Varicose weins401104876198]32118372874622 Mental deficiency10931411504l5054018367991124 Educational deficiency132588752041267620528,14649695036283O215 Mental disease8013783332l461351496l403402:942030710 Neurological465495101989rro2799712?2901442132149 Musculo-skeletal81986315813922618403652205198632373543448ll Feet4l16626ºrº5323313136451123&97942 Endocrine6115710l]102282l24930814058364 Neoplasmas27594521513126157l445223738l Infectious and parasitio11221l Weight and others73177794843532951984875??]1392141472 Non-medical reasons4165l31lºro31201110%3633442 No defects231892319923189396693,336194017214351 Total441011667204325829164518120274744559460131575274089522674,12,2 }/Exclusive of registrants who were 2/ Includes all račos other than Negrð. given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defecte. P R | N CIPAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTE D AN D REJECTED REGISTRAN TS A S SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 TEXAS Negro Registrants Number physically examined atinduction station Total maember physically examined by year of birth MſumberTotal RetedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::jeeīſāſlo ſblºËaËa„ŽĖış19251922191719121904Note •Tºe Tecinđuc1924throughthroughthroughand *** | ";};}"|--ſae, | }:}:}}} | ::::::::examinedy, #33191819131905 | earlſerstated remediable (l)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(ll)(12)(13)(14) Eyes9626)&y29334246]48322146100127873 Ears| 03246}46?536178139 Teeth3020| 222622284I NO102835l Mouth and gumas( 926}440444291815 Mose1919413173462 Throat,21621618i665 Lungs} ()!ºrr6ſlºw132ſlºp149945264523l Tuberculosis19| №2 !12]12]831323210 Cardiovascular309,204?2,4*7ºßl221269519112O7 Blood and blood-foraing}}2211 Hermia} ()29148» №22961230€.rºy656695605 Kidneys and urimary33141491504138169 Abdominal viscera413942:2426469*7 Genitalia29| 99701659%526163610l Syphilis2933243M813№20031393)19(247666666113762115 Othe9329%17163£862 gț¢venereal##?1?1%4177$3}} Henaorrhoids12| 218]42}43•??20| 9 Varicose wełnsTºy20});62624932lºy Mental deficiency&997l160116]9443O324l5 Educational deficiency4ºrºſ;3090ºreº906:996258160228126]] Mental disease202931| 1031610326l48463106545 Neurological&]1]);041844XUſº8543157371 Musculo-skeletal2041,34ł2444ľ9.2844723llº?79l40gº?l Feet2:734}(£)253ran2899626183619 Endocrine99113!33433 Infectious and parasitle}11l Weight and others±%2:120ºr?ºr?ºr?]34434285315 Mon-medical reasonsſae}17}18353ł6 No defects626 1626, 1626146)2656(2)!2136952617 Total3,92279ºº6866ºO730569161422) - į ºrºß464127993941197975 l/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who weresubsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental dereete. PRIMGIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 UTAH This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Utah during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 3,539 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includest Table RS 221B. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- 'ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l—5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 27.4 years. e le. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Cardiovascular defects and hernia accounted for approximately one-third of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not presented because of the small numbers in the sample. - Table le Table i shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 4.2 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 9.5 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 7.4 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. * Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 60.4 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. sical ination Regulations and Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations 1–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR 1–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DS8 Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August l, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and lo percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be , re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants l8 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. Utah F HVE LEADING £AUSES FOR Fſºſ À PRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 CONTIN E NTAL UNITED STATES W HIT E�NEGRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections O|O2O3O40- O#O2O3O40 MEN TAL DISEASE§ Y PH | L | S M U S C U LO SKE LETALE DUCATIONAL DEFĘCIENCY (CARD I OVASCULARCA RD | OVASCULAR H E R N | AM EN TAL D I SE ASE E Y E SM U S C U LO S KE LE TAL U TA H Vy H I TENEGRO 3% Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections O# O2O3O40į Ū)20304Ç į--; C A R D ! OE \VA SCULAR#} ==xxar stºº O H E R N ! Å M U S C U LOS KE LE TAL Ē Y E S –4'. .xºs. -- *.*:::i-iº ...a…: A-gº-ºº-ºº º-ººººº-ºº:: **: . . .3- .x.xx..." . . * * į NM E N TAL DI SE AS E # ¡ }? * ©ATA NOT PRESENTED BECAUSE OF SMALL SAMPLE NUMBERS Utah Table l Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 l/ Cause for rejection Local board Induction station Local board and induction station Total - 100.0 lC)0.0 100.0 Eyes 4.2 l2.2 9el Ears 5.4 4.7 5 e O Teeth 3.0 2.5 2.7 Mouth and gums O,2 wº 0.l Nose gº O.7 O,5 Throat O•6 * > 0.2 Lungs l,8 lel l,5 Tuberculosis O.4 2, 2 le5 Cardiovascular l4.2 l9.5 17.5 Blood and blood-forming 0.2 Oel 0.2 Hernia l6.0 12.3 13.7 Kidney and urinary O. 6 lel 0.9 Abdominal viscera 2.0 5-l 2.7 Genitalia O,8 2.0 le5 Syphilis 4.8 O.2 2.0 Gonorrhea and other venereal tºº O-l 0.l Skin l.0 l.0 l.0 Hemorrhoids O. 6 l.2 l,0 Varicose veins O.4 lel 0.8 Educational deficiency Oe 8 1.4 lel Mental deficiency 2,6 Oe 6 le4 Mental disease 4, 2 9.5 7.4 Neurological l2.2 4el 7 e2 Musculoskeletal l6.8 lC).5 l2.9 Feet le4 le4 le4 Endocrine 5, 2 2.0 2.4 Neoplasms O. 6 Os4 O,5 Infectious and parasitic tº- gº- sº Underweight, overweight and other - l. 8 5.4 2.8 Nonmedical reasons O e2 le6 - lel l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect Percent Defect Percent Total 100.0 Total lCO,O Eyes 60.4 Hernia 27.6 Musculoskeletal 15.7 Eyes 19.4 Teeth lle 7 Musculoskeletal lO.5 Neurological 3.l Cardiovascular lC).3 Feet 3.l Underweight and overweight 5.7 Other 6.0 Other 26.5 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. *$3,9938.9 ºuau wo Tºº º Kguº guesees ºf pºzzº:3p £rºtºcºqºs ºn otº, anq worquuTurºke Taoys Aud preca Taool e weap3 eras, otºa squarºstāex go aatan Toxg /t !-- . . . ſ wºrs $$. §§§ $º §§ éº. §§§ §§§ &: ºf £6. Gºdz T98. Tºy QOg Tāq oſ. ££ & & égé, £98. §§§. §§§ { 39/º 94093:ep on g § º y i. '#'ſ. }: T £I I fluosºex, Taoſpeut-uoM * . º 2. º: * jº *: 6' g T: O2 g 6 g-text, o pub quapeka 9%q.[58:red pub snopºloepuſ º ** & § £ {}i. º ; * 2 T £ §§§ 3 Td {}8N º % 9 §§ & & § i £ 9 % {{ 9T Súp.Iooptº.g. t . . §: $3 㺠6. à. Å.” | st 9 Tº 9 g A. 499. s sº 07 Ty Tá, 9& gº g; ; ºr TÉ A.T. Lº, 9? % Tºqoſexis-oſmoºn; § ; : gz § { 62 aft 30%. g % 9 £ 4. 92 Tº Taoisotoznes: : £3. 9t §§ & i Egº ~. ...; Oţ T %, Iz º ©Sºos Tºp Tºque; . 2. ? & t gº §: 2 6 * AoueToT rep TBuopºgompg T. º, & * % g §: † §t t g £T ÁoueToTjep Taquo;i 3. 9 g & * §§ 9 9 g. z su'ſ GA. 98 oop.ſe/A & i & § & † º: º § { I 6 t £ 8pTou.I.Iollie H !, ; : 7 º § t ...i } £r 7 g £ g U.'ſ. IS - T * 3. i. º T I Tº exgued tour,0 2T g % %. £ §: ! z 92 £ T T *re GTTTÜdás † * 9 § Q: g Tº ; Uz Oć Tø 7T z * by Tea Tura) % 9T 9 TI T 3% ; 9. £ £ T yz OT *Jeo8'Pi. Tºti'ſ tºº. § 2 g 9 T ¥t ; : £I 2. 9 7 £ &BūT.In pue GAeup;y; T 96. *79. g? £9 22 £io ££ D3T T 2% A.6 º O3 BTU-Iag t T 3. º T T 3uTulog-pooſq pure pootg i 32 96. #7 3i. & %2. } O£2 7 96. £2 I TL JBThosbAoppsISO y g º 4. Q: 02 2. 9T 2 STSOTmo.19qn. g * 9. § g & * § { T % 2. 4. 6 såun"I t y 3. 4. y g 7 g 3.80ſIII, 9. £ % 6 º & 9: º 9T 7 2 98 on T £ * £ i. £ T sum3 pub uqrıoğ 4,3: Yz 9 9T 7 §§. ; $7 g£ £2. Iz 6'ſ I gT Uº. 99. T 9I IT 9. TÉ 9 Tā, , 9 9% 9 T 2 9% 1.2 sagg T gz A.” *g 32T 9: £2.É. £3. O&T 6TU 6% 39 Tø Tz sača (71) (CT) (zº) (II) (OT) {3} () — a (9) (9) (7) (£) (z) (I) elab:peuet JiețT.I.'s 9 90%T £T6T. 8T6T. £26T |. ao A.Ies ***** | *S sºares; º; * pus u3nozq3. užnox13. užno.rua. %26T. º, | pºonput peloafar | Pºº"PT TR.I.Quer) poq PuTT -Tambspot º, 7O6T. 2T6T. LT&T 226. I 926T . J. Gqumu JSqumu Jºaquinu. *:::::J. qoegep Tºd [ouT.Id - Tūqol, IBQ.OJ, TBq.O.I. peq oapUII paq oaſeli J.equinn q}Jºo Jo Jºã &n peuTugze ATTºoſts.And J. Gqumu Taqoſ, uoſºsºs uoſºompuſ qu peuTuez; † a "Aqd requmn £ tº 6 *# H2Yi \; W Hº ſlºtii 30 ºf "c tº ºf S ºf N. C. §§§ {T} : ; Ś. tº $ $º. *...' ºx; * * * : :"... º. , * . . . . $.” º *::: §º. 3 sp?gu oºoº pºrt sqpnga ..ſºſ.ſi. Jº ... jºyſ, º O Wyº; H "Why C. I.L.V. º. i. ºf : i, º, º 33 (33.3. Tº º ſºj}} { {{\y Q g J. Dſ; Cl E A : 3 | 2 e S W H O3 S'S'Q 3 O S J C 3330 TVc. 12 N | 8 ci P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTE D AN D REJECTED REGISTRAN TS A S SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 Urſ AH white Registrants 2/ Principal defect Number rejected at local board Number physically examined at induction station Rejected Inducted Disqual- ·lfied Límited service or reſmediable General service Límited service Total number rejected Total mumber inducted Total mmber physically examined by year of birth Total number physically examined]/ 1925 1924 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earlier Klot, stated Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose Throat, Lungs Tuberculosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia Kidneys and urimary Abdominal viscera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skłn Henaorrhoids Varfoose ve 1ns Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasas Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Non-medical reasons No defects Total (1) B-5u, S - Sº ove 1.888 ſº \º º Vº Vº -s??? - --o web: 495 (2) tºº $º * * **-w, -šss § on tº 499 7(3), 3ro & Jºe o-ow - -k ºut $ $as no -8 ºv, v.S.-- as 350 (4) !-e Geº-e Jºe tº as Bus * Qs Maº G- §v, 8-8 tº sº or $35 as o § 2023 (5) 119 4 22 osłło. 193 (5J F's sº sággs sect:- esse; ºss. e-gsä 1304 (7) ſº §uºus? tº CA -& Jºe -º to Bu as $3 $º Jºe Jºs $: º, ø, $3ts ovo § (8) §§§5, §§rs, stark s?sss s.ass 74 (9) we webſkºvo - we . . . . su -, -º $ was no e-o-º: § 3 -> (10) ; § -8 v. 5 §333ve sº as a a Bło,8 - 3-s-os- o Beş (II) $*-w, wºve a wº § *** Gº § § • * * or &btºrs - as ºn (12) v, -85.5 wo-tivals $ve- }: § -- *- Eses. •=-- }/§ë!”&íŘëſiſë;who weregivena local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defe&ta. (13) § - was 8 ***-u, º, u. S58 (L4)T tº Oe º § 3 PRIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 UTAH Negro Registrants Principal defect Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Mose Throat, Lungs Tuberculosis Cardiovascular Blood andblood-forming Hermºla Kidneys and urimary Abdominal visoera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skłn Hemorrholds Warloose wełns Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Peet: Endocrine Neoplasas Infectious and parasłtło Weight and others Non-medical reasons No defects Total Number physically examined at induction stationTotal member physically examined by year of birth ¿aRejectedInductedTotalTotal„ŠĖ at localLímitedËaŹË,physically19251922Ë).Ëſ.!:Klot, te|(10 (UTC)1924throughthrotigOſì boardDisqual-General || Limited | *ºJººexaminedthrostated ſifiedĶĒserviceserviceV1923191819131905earlier (T)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(ll)(12)(13)(l4) l |-d |-0 j-e H-5 H- |-4 6662211 521728917l5533 l/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who weresubsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defecte. PRILIGIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 WERMONT This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Vermont during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 3,641 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includest Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. BS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l—5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 29.2 years. Figure_1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and musculº- skeletal defects accounted for more than one-third of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not presented because of the small numbers in the sample. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 6.5 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 38.5 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 27.3 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects, 28.8 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited_service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was eye defects. sical ination Regulation d_Procedures. l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March, 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants l8 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 CONTINE NTAL UNITED STATES WHITE NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections Percent of Totol Rejections O |O 2O 30 40 O IO 20 30 40 MENTAL DISEASE SY PH | LIS MUSCULO SKE LETAL EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD |OVASCULAR CARDIovascular HERN IA MENTAL D J S E ASE EN Es M US C ULO S K E L E TAL V E R MONT WHITE º NEGRO % Percent of Totol Rejections Percent of Totol Rejections O |O 2O 3O 4O O |O 20 30 40 MENTAL DISEASE *- MUSC ULO S K E LETAL - CARD |OVASCULAR H E R N | A N E U R O LOGICAL % DATA NOT PRESENTED BECAUSE OF SMALL SAMPLE NUM BERS ' Wermont Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 l/ Cause for rejection Local board Induction station Local board and induction station Total 100.0 100.0 lOO .0 Eyes 6.6 6.4 6, 5 Ears 2.6 2.7 2.7 Teeth 5,2 2.0 3.l Mouth and gums 0.4 0.2 0.3 Nose Os 4 0.2 0.3 Throat ſº gº tº-e Lungs 3.3 1.4 2-l Tuberculosis l.9 2.3 3. Cardiovascular 6,8 g.6 8.6 Blood and blood-forming tºº gº ſº Hernia 10 el 7.3 8,35 Kidney and urinary 0.9 O,8 0.8 Abdominal viscera 2.5 l. 3 l,6 Genitalia l, 4 lel le 2 Gonorrhea and other venereal 0.5 tºº 0.2 Skin le? O.9 l,0 Hemorrhoids O,7 sº 0.2 Varicose veins lel le4 l. 3 Educational deficiency 1.0 2,3 l.9 Mental deficiency {5,3 2.7 4.0 Mental disease 6, 5 38.5 27.3 Neurological 10.l 5.4 7 el Musculoskeletal 19.4 3. 8 9,3 Feet 3.l O a 5 l, 4 Endocrine 2.l l, 7 l,8 Neoplasms tºº O, 7 0.4 Infectious and parasitic 0.2 tºº Oel Underweight, overweight and Other 3.l 5.0 4, 3 Nonmedical reasons Os? Oe 7 O,5 1/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects Defect Percent Defect; Percent Total lC)0,0 Total 100.0 Eyes 28.8 Eyes 19.6 Underweight and overweight 21.2 Hernia l9.0 Musculoskeletal 19.1 Underweight and overweight l? .. 4 Feet 14.4 Teeth 9.8 Teeth 6, 8 Musculoskeletal 8.7 Other 9.7 Other 25.5 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. *84993ep Tºquen Io Tºops&id usu, reqqo suosper Joy petrogep Atauenbesqns exea oua ºnquorquupuruxe TuopsAnd preog Teoot w uaapā area oua squerºsp3ex Jo eaſantox2 /t 4. A29 990, 969 36TI 29% Trºg ZOOZ égot 8LZ 72/AI Ygſ 292 £1% Tºqol. T 7I 9I YI 9 67 67 67 949ejep on I 2 T * 8 § I 9 T suogue. Tuopped-uog 9% | 29 6% 4.9 9I AO2 96. I fl. 6% &l. 26 TZ 9I sºlodºo pub quareM. T I t I opºſsured pure snophoejuſ T 2 4. 4. 2 6U &I 1. &I y Ç sugutdoeN ZI 6 9 II 7 I? TI 6% TI Ç ØI 2I suproopuig 6% 99 7, 99T 99 96% 2L2 £z Oy 26% Z º QI 3 eoſ 90, 4.1. 78 99T 9% Oć7 94.2 *31 Ø 92.2 9T 92 TII Tuqetexts-otnosmºſ 96. 2 92 76. OT 8&I ZI II g 6 9 % 9% Tuopºlotomen 7 3OT 9&T TB 69 97 997 6 yy 2 4. 2 907 4.6 esvegpp Tequen % ZU y 6 &T O7 6 Ig 6 T 72 9 Aoueroprep Tsuopºuompg 62 6 b. 6I £ AS) 2 9 2 62 96. Æouepoſ.jsp Tºquen 92 92 AI Oz aſt 66 8, 2 4. Tl, OU 9 9 burſaa egooſ-rea 7 II 3. OT. T 79. Og - Og 7 sppou.I.Ioneh 9 9I zt 72 7I Tl, Yg # T £9 y 9 * up(S Z 2. 7 T T Ç Tºezeu as reqq.0 OI 6 9. 7 T 6Z 2 4.2 2 zt %I sitſuda's 6 &I O2 Al2 6 &l. 4.9 02 2 99 º y 9. up Tuquet) ' 9 £T 4. &T. T 66 ZI |Z ZI T ØI ÇI execsPA Tuupmopay g Ot Z ZI 9 96. 22 EI 2 I b. % Ærºup.In puu aſsuppy 6% A.7 O7 99 6 TO2 99 %I 4. 99 9% Øy 99 bTu-19H 3upº Iog-pooſa pure poorg 69. 27 92 29 3 ASU 92 Tyſ 92 &Oſ 66. JUThostaaoppºſuo 6 6 9 7T 1.2 2 # 2 yz TI sysotnoteq n. OT OT ZI TI y 4.7 £I ÇI 2 ºt 61 $3un"I 9 OI I9. 9 2% & 2% 3 boſul. 3 9& Ø 19 6 €2U 6II ! 2 ATI 2 2 eson 4. 9. 9 9I 9. 4.0. £g T zº T I 2 sums put unnon T T9 27 £6 T9 62 AIC 99T zº 6. grº QI y Oć tº 90. 3 All YI 92 6 7L Oć yy 2 92 2 Al2 ØI G.Ibi - g? T3 ZII T6I 32 A,97 Tø6. 90T O3 TL2 96. tºº. 26. sa& (7I) (CI) (ZI) (It) (GI) _(6). (8) (b) (9) (9) (7) (£) (2) (T) - eTa'ºpposer JiețT.Ibe 906 I 6T6T 8T6T £26T. eoPA.Ies *P* | *o expºſes Pº *:::: pure wºnoruº, uſºnoruº. qānoruº. Yz6t §. peacnput peºpoſer | Pºp"FT Tºlouet) tº: -Tunbspc. . YO6t 2T6I 1.T6I 226T. 926T. Joqºmu Joquimu Joquſnu Fº 3 oegep TodpouT-Id. Tºqo. Tºqo. Tºqol. poqompuL peq9eſ on *:::::: uq. ITQ go reaſ Aq peupulºxe ACITsors.And requinu Tuqol. uo;484s uoyºompup qu peupuuxe AITVoſg/ºud requinn squerºspºon orden puts eqpqua Jº O'ºïA © tº 6 “IE Hotivw Honouhl SH3L8wn OGV3H TVNOILVN LV G3A 13 oa H 122 S WHO3 S'S'O 3 O 3Tid WV S W NO NAWOHS SW S.L. NVH.L.S.5)3 tº Q3. Loºſ º O NV Q 3.13)ſ) O Nl 3 O S.A.) 3.33G, TIVc. 13) N lbſ d PRIN CIPAL DEFECTs of INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON AsamPLE of D.S.S FORM S 2 2 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 VERMONT White Registrants 2/ Number physically examined at induction station→Total member physically examined by year of birth NumberTotal RetedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect,::::::::jec#ited ſaeŽĖaËaaffi;1925 .1922191719121904Note Disqual-ſmGeneral || Lłniłaea | rºjected | induotº1924through | through | throughand board #,#- |seſſaer | ſſ | ::::::::examined M (£191819131905 | earlierstated remediable- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Eyes383236271ºO106351457281911128145 Ears1527228244307492614178 Teeth3O418146195216521729| 6123425]l Mouth and gums2ll32l43337316657 Nose221162411812295722260 Throat51515163o105 Lungs1913213341347411}2! 10lO Tuberculosisll2423523714599 Cardiovascular3910226l4l26167852264239 Blood and blood-forming Hernia*�3;;:7*iſ;#*;?66404739 Kidneys and urimary122 :| 105 ŽĖ,ïvi8cera1313112271239112?136 Genitalia8485522057ºr?92720129 Syphilisl4.12226223l4599 Oth3l31422 ſae wersal{64;117};;*24]]156 Hemorrhołd4±O03114 ïſïË.a.65107172178991220nºr2525 Mental deficiency26292652673197929 Educational deficiency623192O939l294lì2 Mental disease3740827244794364º09Œl12610348 Musculo-skeletal1102516225531512734292615584ºr?732 Feet18323314023yra994&313874563,3 Endocrine12153ll2O114ł4]]5912 Neoplasmas3412712±927?2} Infectious and parasitiol]1} Weight and others182l32??59‘n132620715ºr?3,9583,3 Non-medical reasonsl61804l2l No defects|-4949495141514} Total57188]1841720)2731696199036943,21,92&94?&');&a4? Exclusive of registrantswere given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. */Includes all raše s ºther&.Řršq P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS A S SHOWN O N A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 I REC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 VER MONET Regro Registrants Principaldefect Mſumber rejected at local board Number physically examined at induction station Rejected Inducted Disqual- 1fied Límited service or remediable General service Limited service Total number rejected Total number inđucted Total member physically examined by year of birth Total number physically examined)/ 1925 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earlſer ſot, stated Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Mose Throat Lungs Tuberoulosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia Kidneys and urimary Abdominal visoera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skin Hemorrholds Varfoose vefns Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasms Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Mon-medióal reasons No defects Total (1) 2 @JT 1 (3) (4) 4 (5) (6) 3 -(7) 4 (8) 7 (9) (10) 1 (11) 2 (12) 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. (13) (14) PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 WIRGINIA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Virginia during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 32,652 Forms 221 included in the Bample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includest Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States, Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. BS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated, The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age, On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 27.9 years. Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and educational deficiency accounted for one-fourth of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; almost one-half of the Negro rejections were due to syphilis and educational deficiency. Table l. Table I shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- sº registrant s by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 2.8 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 13.8 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and ll.O percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 52.), percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- £ory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hermia. Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. 1. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army-Navy inductions began. (MR l—9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and lo percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular lé9, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants 18 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. Žiº, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants 18 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 13, 1942). 7, 6n December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated, FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULO SKE LETAL CARDIOVASCULAR H E R N | A E Y E S M E N T AL DISEASE EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULAR MUSCULOSKELETAL EYES CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITE Percent-of Totol Rejections |02O3040 SY PH | L | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULAR M EN TAL D I SE ASE M U S C U LO S KE LE TAL V | R G | N | A W HI TE، Percent of Tofol Rejections | O2O3040 S Y P H | L | S E DUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD I O VASCUL AR M ENTAL DISEASE MENTAL DEFICIENCY O NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections 10203O40 ---- NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections | 020304C Wirginia Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1912 through March 1913 l/ Local board Induction station Local board and Cause for sº tºº. induction station rejection Total *::: Negro Total *y Negro Total *y Negro Total lCO.O loo.0 loC).0 loo.0 loo.0 loo.0 loo.O loo.0 loo.0 Eyes 5.0 7.0 2.7 7.3 8.3 lº.9 6.7 8.l l; .2 Ears 2.l 3.l. 0.6 3.l l, .0 l.2 2.9 3.9 l.0 Teeth l.6 2.l. 0.8 l,5 2.0 Oslº le5 2.l Os 5 Mouth and gums 0.l. O.7 O.l O.2 O. 3 O.l. 0.3 0.l. 0.l Nose 3/ 3/ – 0.7 0.9 O.l. 0.6 0.7 0.3 Throat 0.l. Oel – 3/ 3/ * 3/ 3/ tºº Lungs l. 7 2.6 0.8 2.3 2.7 l.5 2.2 2.6 l. 3 Tuberculosis 2.l 3.2 O.9 3.8 l.0 3.l. 3-l. 3.9 2.6 Cardiovascular 3.5 5.3 l.5 10, l; 10.l. 10.2 8.6 9.l. 7.3 Blood and blood-forming 3/ 3/ - 0.1. O.l - O.l. O.l. tºº Hernia 5.l. 6.5 l, el 5.2 6.0 3.5 5.2 6.l 3.7 Kidney and urinary O.3 O. 5 3/ 2.7 3.0 2.l 2.l. 2.5 lel, Abdominal viscera l-k 2.2 0.5 l.7 2.l 0.7 l. 6 2.l O-6 Genitalia O.7 O.7 O.7 O.9 0.9 leO 0.8 0.8 O.9 Syphilis 38.7 l.2.8 68.0 l.3 0.6 2.8 10.7 3.l. 21.6 Gonorrhea and other venereal 0.5 Oel O.9 s 2.9 O.8 7.7 2.3 0.6 5-l; Skin 0.5 0.6 Oel, Oslº Oe 5 O.2 Oel, 0.5 Os3 Hemorrhoids Oe 5 Oslº 0.6 O.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 Waricose veins l,7 2. lº O.8 O.7 O.7 0.6 Oe9 lel Oe? Educational deficiency Oel, O.6 Oel 20.l lºs. 3 30.7 lb.2 l2.3 20.5 Mental deficiency 1.8 7.3 2.0 5.7 lº. 7 7.9 5.5 5.2 5.9 Mental disease 2.8 lºs0 l.5 l3.8 lje.9 9el lle O 13.5 6.5 Neurological 6-l 9el, 2sk lº.9 lº.9 l, .8 5.2 5.8 l.0 Musculoskeletal lle& 20.9 7.9 lº.9 5.5 3.6 7.l. 8.7 5e0 Feet, lel le3 0.9 2.7 O.7 O.8 Oe 8 0.8 0.8 Endocrine l.l. 2.3 0.3 l.0 l.l. 0.7 l-l l.3 0.6 Neoplasms 0.5 O.6 0.3 0.6 O.7 0.2 O. 5 0.8 O.2 Infectious and parasitic * = * * > * -º O.l 0.2 O•l 0.l 0.l O.l. Underweight, overweight, - and other 2.0 2,7 l.2 2el, 3.0 l.0 2.3 2.9 l.l Nonmedical reasons 3/ =–94—912–94–9.2—94—94. l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1912–March 1913. 2/ Includes all races other than Negro. 3/ Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable defects *— Defect Percent Defect Percent Total 100.0 Total lCO.0 Eyes - 52 el; Hernia 2l.0 Musculoskeletal l?.8 Eyes 15.8 Underweight and overweight lOe? Gonorrhea and other venereal 12.6 Feet l,.6 Musculoskeletal 8sl, Teeth l, sk Teeth 6.2 Other 10-l Other 36.0 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters, April 1912–March 1943, P RIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMs 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 Number physically examined at induction station VIRGINTA White and liegrorețetraea Total number physically examined by year of birth 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or wental defects. NumberTotal RefectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::jLł młtedËa | №Ë.„ŽĒyl ???19221917Ë.1904Not, • rºe ſlec■Oſblº1924throughthroughthrougand boardºff- |seſſaer | ±± | :::::::::-examined M #3.33191819131905 | earlierstated remediable (l)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(lı)(12)(13)(14) Eyes20545544l488445110193320341177185405051468 Ears87| 364202082047122869969256125173742 Teeth68101723433725Ò3806302392lĄ927590l Mouth and gums1815ll379443794234102129167183 Nosel7813193ll9220429621IO1738713l · Throat,2lºro37o738321813ll Lungs7222857963357994564214672132604 Tuberculosis87355116215582157949l4810219287l Cardiovascular1451263ll101114191021521743773185062397 Blood and blood-formingl5399l341 Hernia22349588125860125985632662562861104 Kidneys and urinary1217116725635031381301388295333 Abdomínal viscera57184232822643029495675102493 Genitalia2930805515139556695BO2?O16l154282 Syphilis160227130124175912418836644844061030613 Other venereal2O935282381103912319694744. Skin212O22110l78lll184295747429 Hemorrhoids19420105l43106lĄ9328365724l Varicose veins6941408671%)93243742479551l Mental deficiency19769869901991072316 199 -2129021 Educational deficiencyl62477l172249419251325794156158813927 Mental disease116168710482181950186315953534l54l27710 Neurological252572253318849519OO893011622]]1289 Musculo-skeletal6133732354571511221 .6081829126534337507311l4 Feet4657293733913241254478200117109382 Endocrine56ll2}0254178292072656996125 Neoplasms1917511232871252122158645612l Infectioue and parasitio3151818lIO142 Weight and others8315ll4l7949137588512602O34332482521136 Non-medical reasonsl485354357118171281 No defects104l410414l0414179048021839199636324 Total4137951327951535785016445162O7326323546l16806693frr:152848170 ſ P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN D UCT E D AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS A S SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 VIRGINIA white Registrants 2/ Number physically examined at induction stationTotal member physically examined by year of birth NumberTotal RețectedInductedTotalTotal- Principal defect::::::::jecīſāËa | Ëa„ĶĒ,| ???1922191719121904ſlot, Disqual-G|Lºſ:4łaea | FºJººººſaec ſ\, ! C1924throughthroughthroughand board};};service or::::::::ſae:examined)/1923191819131905parlierstated rexaediable- (1)(2)(3) (4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(II)(12)(13)(14) Eyes1533753203724338588051663ll06124373861153 Ears7532]171512O41317m584&?205103143642 Teeth5391592933722]33O55122*/612923985 Mouth and gums151592533925329247686109152 Nose}6412178llºr?1892662O866879121 Throat,2159359629281610 Lungs56182447832828]36336]]ß58106423 Tuberculosis?O25367164101642644108ºn131ºn] CardiovascularlMº869ll72l9967310696628,122431318O5 Blood and blood-forming15399}34l Hernial434246]976469774354196191216833 Abdominal viscera4816021222229242539486485452 Genitalia1523504645884695577321812412120l Syphilis2& !12373833038368126791123682 Other venereal23624l675720292416l Skin]32617100l56l'Ol1572?5O40346 Hemorrhoids821579125801053232242l4l Varfoose weiņs533%2575?1128219473:13873441 Mental deficiency1593963155015594718512312]ºr2]] Educational deficiency13129312212O61413201624972862669613 Mental disease8713407412';';431477l4l3,9O2754232435 Neurological2053951132?1845663&4220116126l0O? Musculo-skeletal459299(1100350149928499l4271164382603r/2238 Feet293521279376531640!6,713985CD291 Endocrine50058203l432316623! 48294521 Neoplasas14104997273991722ì4954389} Infectious and parasitio2]]131318]12 Weight and others60l3O12367490313764lor?19328]2052O2924 Non-medical reasonsl40534634911614lì* No defects757675767576161833521232 motº291Iſº Total219965451906ſlººſ)8311064412281229253074803545315062200990 1/, ±xcluſive ºſ registrąſts who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasone other thanphysical or mental defects. Includes all races other than ſegro.qy- P R | N C|PAL DE FE CTS OF IN DUC T E D AN D REJECTED REGISTRAN TS A S SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 WIRGINIA Negro Registrents Principal defect Number rejected at local board Number physically examined at induction station Rejected Inducted Disqual- ified Lł młted service or remeđłable General service Limited service Total number rejected Total number inducted Total number physically examined by year of birth Total number physically examinedl/ 1925 1924 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earlier Not, stated Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose · Throat Lungs Tuberoulosis :Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia Kidneys and urinary Abdominal viscera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skłn Hemorrholds Varicose wełns Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasmas Infectious and parasłtło Weight and others Non-medical reasons Nodefects Total (1) v. G. S & §§§ sº. 855-5 B.E.2-8 -5 vº ON. §§ & 1944 (2) §§§ E -t, s • B -- $ spig; §sess 5-sk'8- 2968 (3), §§ 809 8- w w okº-sv - •se-3 38ss's (4) § 3 ; ** *šes. 2588. §§oss 3-5E s; (5) 12 A Nº 19 (6) , §§s. -e-Eu sāšší Bass; #ese; § B & #5-sw -E85, ssocs 8-st 2393 3926 (8) (9) * < !-4 vº Cºve Gº. !-8 –? MJ sº mº 5 vs B 89.8& S. & 172 472 (10) $ss, 58.52% # 5 -º,-- espáš HB-så ºs-sa (ll) # 5 -e ss *sssà sesss $sess ears ºbssä (12) $28. =##85 § 3 -e.as såsås ess-a Sasas 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. (13) * R -B -- esset, ssé-- B---s (14) ºd ſº Jº Jº AJ t – ~ :- - one v. Sº 8 8 & 1. as PRIlföIFAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 WASHINGTON This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Washington during the year April 1942–March 1943. The ll,973 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: - Table RS 221B. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table l. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili– tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l-5 show the results of physical examination of the se registrants--i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 29.9 years. Figure le. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Musculoskeletal defects and hernia accounted for approximately three in every ten of the White rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not pre- sented because of the small numbers in the sample • Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 3-5 percent of the rejections at local boards, for lo.1 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 7.4 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 60.2 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- êory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. - Physical Examination Regulations and Procedures. 1. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations 1–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l–9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January, 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular lé9, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants l8 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army–Navy induction procedure was initiated. Wash. FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 - MARCH 1943 MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULO SKE LETAL cARDiovascular H E R N | A E YES MUSC ULO S K E L E TAL H E R N | A N E U R O LOG |CAL E YES MENTAL DISE ASE CONTIN ENTAL UNITED STATES WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections O |O 2O 30 40 SY PHILIS EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARD |OVASCULAR MENTAL D | SEASE M US C ULO S K E L E TAL WASHINGTON WHITE Percent of Tolol Rejections O | O 2O 3O 40 NEGRO Percent of Tolol Rejections O IO 2O 3O 4O A— NEGRO % Percent of Totol Rejections O |O 2O 30 40 % DATA NOT PRESENTED BECAUSE OF SMALL SAMPLE NUMBERS | | Washington Table 1. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ Local board and Cause for rejectio - j ion Local board Induction station induction station Total lCO.0 100.0 lC0,0 Eyes 6.5 8,4 7.e5 Ears 5, 6 8.7 6e 7 Teeth O e9 Oe 9 Oe.9 , Mouth and gums Os3 Os5 0.4 Nose Os3 Oe 5 0.4 Throat Oel # 0.l Lungs 2.0 le le.8 Tuberculosis 3.6 3e3 3,4 Cardiovascular 6.5 8.s0 7.5 Blood and blood-forming Oel O•l Oel * Hernia 10.8 LO e? 10,7 Kidney and urinary O.7 2.l leS Abdominal viscera le4 3.5 2.7 Genitalia l,0 2.l le? Syphilis lle 7 Oe 9 5.e5 Gomorrhea and other venereal O.l Os3 0e2 Skin Oe.9 l,5 leS Hemorrhoids Oe 5 0.5 ©e 5 Waricose veins le? 2.5 2el Educational deficiency Os3 2.5 le6 Mental deficiency 2.7 leO le.7 Mental disease 3.e5 iOel 7 e4 Neurological 12.0 8,4 9 eS Musculoskeletal 24.3 12.5 17s2 Feet leO le4 le? Endocrine l,8 2.5 2.l Neoplasms Os3 Oe"? Oe 5 Infectious and parasitic sº †-g {º Underweight, overweight and other l,6 3.e4 2.7 Nonmedical reasons 0.2 le? lel l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. 2/ Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2, Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Inducted for limited service TRejected for ITmIted service or remediable defects Defect Percent Defect Percent; Total 100.0 Total. lOO ... O Eyes 60,2 Hernia 45, 6 Musculoskeletal l2.0 Eyes ll. 8 Teeth lC).2 Musculoskeletal 9.0 Underweight and overweight 9.4 Underweight and overweight 8.8 Bars 2.8 Genitalia 6.l Other 5.4 Other 18, 7 l/ Bäsed on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1945. *****Jep Tºue" to Tºorººd untº reºo anoever roy periorep &tauenbosque exam oua ºnquorºwupuruze Tuops&id prooq Teoot a uaara area oua squerasraea Jo aarantox2 /t 9% Gºlę 9,62 O2LT Gºyº 6L6. I Clért Y94, (ºy 994, 91.99 4.9% 9:02 494. I Twº ot OT 92 UI Yºſt 7L2 QMO& 96TI 969 969 969 sqooyep on ØU 6 g ©I 4. AY T 97 T gy g guoswer Tuopped-uon T 4% gy 97 99 9T ziz 96 9II Ll, 92 67 Oy 4.2 ... ...; opºlºgu pure snophoejuſ H. #. ; 3. # : 4. 2 9. * 4. OT 9 gusu TioeN 9 I6 2 y 2 19 29, oup.Ioopug T ºt T2 All 9I 6 6. 92 £9 ÇI ÇI % 06. 8T 499. I ; ; : ; : ; ; : ; # : ; : : *:::::::::: oTºotounen : : : ; # ; * TI 226, T Ot I O92 T9 esvegpp Tequeſſ Ol. 99 9. Aoueroprep Tuuopºuonpg 62 2I YI 4. I £ 94. §l. 4.2 97 AloueToT rep Tequen : * g : T : # : 9 { : ; º supea esoopaea spTou.L.IOueh T g # ; : OT : ; : ÇI 9 79. 9I up(S -- 9 9 6. T Tº excuaa reuq.0 * | * | * | # | 3 | # | # | # # | | | # | . . ; : º: |Tºº Tuop # | #| || 4 || : # ; # # # , # # # zºº; Jn put s/Ceuppy 9 871 COT 69 AII I? 237 9I 997 g £I Y92 Øz 68T bTuxeh 7 7 T £ T 2 T 3upºn log-pooſa puu poorg g .." : § : 9T &Zg 9 LI6 9 90& III JuTnosuaoppuuo 92 Ald TI 92 g 7gſ 9 57t 9. 98 £9 STsoTno.Ioqn. T T I 7 46 A.I 08 All T 97 9% såun"I 4. 7 9. y T 2 4 boºſu, 4. 9 4. 6I 9 97 Lº 6I 2 92 I £I 9. eson £ A. g 8 T ZZ 7 8T I £ 2 OT 9 sum3 pub uqnon I 99 LC 9I &T I TøT 2II 6% Al 9% TZ Z 9I tº 90. 2 96 29 29 48 TZ 6IC O% 692 TZ 6 OT GT2 79 B.ION 9 67T. 8LI 63'ſ 69% 69 £66 709 62% 997 67T. 99 29T TTI se&g (YI) (£I) (ZI) (II) (OI) (6) (9) (b) (9) (9) (7) (%) (2) (t) otguppened JiețT.Ibe 906 I 6T6I 3T6I £26 I eo PA.Ies aoTA.Ies pe.JT YO6T 2T6T A.T6I 226T. 926T. Jequinu. Joquitu Jequinu. Tboot qu 3 oegep Ted TouT-Id Tūqo, T84 OL Tūqol, poqompu I pequeſ on *::::::: ūq-ITQ Jo reaſ Aq pouTuºxe AITaoTsAqd requmu Tºqo, uopºbºs uoſº ompup qu peupulºxe AITPopsAud requn N squerq spºon orden pub 93 pum NONºNIHSWM C tº 6 || "12 H2)\HVW Hº) ſhot H.L. SH 3.1 bivſ) OG VEH TVNO |LV N J.V. Q3A 13 O3 bi | 22 S W HO3 S'S'O 3 O 3 Tid WV S W NO NAWOHS SV S.L. NVHLS 1938 G 3.13)3 ſºlº GNV Q 3.1.3)ſ) O N 3 O S.J. C. 3.33O TVd 10 N lb d *ºtºcºl usu, requo seoux Its s *******P Tºuen to Tºofaand uvu', reqc suoswer roy per regep ATAuerbesqns exam oua ºnquopºutſpurºke TuopsAqd prooq Teoot u uaapā area oui squºtasſer J. º Æ 9% &ELZ 96.62 Ç69T Tºyº, 6L61. 690TI 71.94, 6&7 Yº, 0.299 999 900Z YCLI TB40. OI QºII €60T T38 $902 96TU £769 £769 £749 sqooyop on *I 6 g CI 4. 4.7 T 97 T £7 g QUIOſ3\ººt º: s.Ioqqo puu qu&#eM. T 4% 97 zy 99 9T TUZ 96 GTI TL 92 67 O7 92 oyapsured purs enorqoe Juſ y 9 6 9 7 92 4. TZ g y 4. 6 % sutsu IdoeN All £2 YT 62 yT 46 9 U6 2 * 2 4.9 &6. oup.Ioopuig I O2 T T £9 £I 6. 9 0% &T 499. I } 3. QQ2. #. 3. * #. 3. £7, T6 ; O9 TL& Yzy TV39Texts-otnosmºſ Y 67T. 38 97 III zy zyy All 27 º 2T y OTZ TUZ Tuoſºotounen 9 96 Y6 £9 99 6T. T66 OTſ Tø6 T 6 T 662 T} essesſip Tequen 2 £2 9T 4. 9T 4. 69 69 79 9. AoueTop.Jop Iguopºuonp7 62 2T 7I Allſ % Gl 94. dº 97 Aoueror.Jop Tequen 9% gz 9 4. T 96 4. 93 9 T 62 % O6 Supaa egoopae. £I % 2 £ 62 T Z2 I : #. # *:::: T ØI TT 2I 9T OT 99 £I 29 £I 2 T 6. y 9 7I 9 3 9 9 2 T Tborouga req,0 y 26I STTTud AS I # : ; # # º # gº T # 79. : ST bTTuq Tueſ) T 6% gy 2 O2 2 OCI 9T 9TI T T O6 YZ b.IeosTA Tºuguopay 2 9T O2 OI 6I 7 £1. 4. 99 7 * º 0% £I A.TouT.In puu SAGuppy 9 87t TOI 99 ATU Ty 037 9I 797 % Øt %2 22 99T bTu-IoH y y T £ T 2 T 3upºn log-poolq pus poolg JuTriosuacpp.190 ? | #" | 2 | f | # | # | : : | }. : : ||. *:::: 82 92 TI 92 9 96 9T 08 9T T T I T 7 4. 7 £ 7 T Z 3bolūī. 9. eson : : : # : 3. # # : * : § 9 gums pub uqnon T 98 9% 9T TI T 67T. TIT 99. All Yg O2 Z 9I tº 90. 2 26 29 T9 98 TZ A.T. Oć L8& TZ 6 OT 7Tz 69 ...; g 67T. 94.[ O31 6% 6% 4.26 z09 92% £97 67T. 99 O%T OUT CI (7I) (ØI) (ZI) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (l) (9) (9) (7) (£) (2) (I) oTQST pened. poºlſ JoET.IU 9 906T ØT6T 3I6T £26T ... . . ] is estaxes|-º: prºoq * | ::, ºn | * | * | # (; º; ºr | ** | * |###"|* sº, ... ..., O6. I 2T6T 4.T6I 226T. 926T. Jequinu. Joqumu Jaquinu. paq on pu I peqaeſeº poq oaſer Tūqo. TBq.O.L. Tºqoſ, Jequinn ***ſa Jo reas Aq pouyuzze AITwops&d requmu Tagor 7x wºrrºw NOLONIHSWA uopºbºs uoſº ompup qu peupulºxe AITwops Aqd requn N |- KUA C 7 6 "10 H.Obi VW Hºon ObH L SH 3 lbwn OOV3H TVNO I.LVN LV Q3A 13 O3 & 12 2 SW 8 O3 S'S'O 3 O 3Tid WV S W NO NMOHS S v S.L NV8 LS1538 Q3.103ſ 38 Q NV Q 3.19ſ) O N 3 O S lo 3.33G TVol 10 N It d P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTE D AN D REJECTED REGISTRANTS A S SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 WASHIŃGTON - Negro Rets Principal defect Number physically examined at induction station |-·Total number physically examined by year of birth Number rejectedRejectedInductedTotalTotalTotal number- numbernumberphysically19251922191719121904Not, at local boardDisqual-LímitedGeneralLimitedrejectedinductedexamined]/1924throughthroughthroughandstated ſifiedĒĒĖĖserviceservice1923191819131905earlier reſme diable Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose · Throat, Lungs Tuberculosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia Kidneys and urimary Abdominal viscera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skłn Hemorrholds Varicose wełns Mental deficiency Educational deficienoy Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasas Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Mon-medical reasons No defects Total (l)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(5)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) 12]2 ll Q-a N3 Jºe RJ N ON º ſº \º \º NJ \º NJ D-8 O-3 D-6 -º º & - Jº A3 his ºf - w - F - nº - v. - 8 v. M. º Vº |Nº. Q Öº NJ -6 tº Dº MS Nº Dº Cº Dº Mab A3 A3 tº º Qº Öº ſº ſº $ºd 5939$3X4132:13 2919258| 24460104 .ſº2,302À l/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who weresubsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or wental defects. —r PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 WEST WIRGINIA This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of West Virginia during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 20,161 Forms 221 included in the sample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includest Table RS 221B. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. Table la Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. RS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated. The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns 1–5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants——i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average age. On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 28.4 years. Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and musculo- skeletal defects accounted for almost one-fourth of the white rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state; more than four in every ten of the Negro rejections were due to syphilis and cardiovascular defects. j, ed registraßg by piece of rejestion. Foº instance, mental disease accounted fos 2.2 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 14.8 percent of the *ějsºłions at $nduction gºtions, and lled, percent of the total local board ºf induction station rejections, ** Teº is Table l ahows the distribution of principal defects among rejecte Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrant & inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects, 53.0 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was eye defects, £ºysical ºminatiºn ºilagiggg and Procedures, i.e. The physical standardº prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l-9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942, Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army-Navy inductions began. (MR 1-9, Changes No. 1 a January 22, 1943). Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in p5% Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 2. On August 1, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regiº- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registraats fº warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942), 3, Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminatº, and registrents were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1943, gegistrants 18 and 19 years of age became militariº liable. (Selective Service focal Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942}s the perçazıtage of limited service registrants $6 tº * gº. -- ? § • 'or induction was reatricted. (State Director Advice ºve ** 5, November 25, 3.9%; classified and fººd ºf £: 110, November 25, 1943). 6. Gº December 5, 1943, voluntary age was terminated. (Sejagüive service § rº- enligºment of registrants 18 to 38 yº ºf £ocal Board Release No. 172, December tº: 7, ºn pecember 5, 1943, induction of registrants 33 years old and ove?" tº *: zº 3 * § - * . . 6 £º º . suspended. (Selective Sarwice, 5tate Dixector Advice No. 115, December 7, 1948) . 8, February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated. # , ºffs . FIVE MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULOSKE LETAL CARDIOVASCULAR HERN I A E Y ES M E N TAL D I SEASE M USC U LO SKELETAL CARDIOVASCULAR EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY S Y PH | L | S LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITENEGRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections 203040|0203040 G) O|O SY PH || L. IS EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULAR M EN TAL D I SE ASE M U S C U LOS KE LE TAL WEST VIRGINIA----* WHITENEGRO Percent of Totol RejectionsPercent of Totol Rejections 2O30�O|0203040 © O| O S Y P H | L | S CARDIOVASCULAR MUSCULOSKELETAL EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY MENTAL DISEASE * @%T up.IGW uśnorqº. 276T Trady s.requenbpaeh Touorºan qu peareoer Tzz suzog SSq Jo eIdures a uo peseg /T #v=z raú5-57; YSTO 9°9 spTTudA's g"z S.I.Eq. T*TI tº eel, ge? quayam-road pure qu?pau.repuſ, 7°gſ ToqoTextsotnostly g"gT - U3 eel, 9°9T upu.Ieh T'6T Toqotextsotnosmyl O*6T Geſù Oºgg SeASI O*OOT Tºol, O°OOT TGºol, TūSöğ53 49eject TTS5753 30aje(I Bºoogop eTouTpetual ro eopares peºpmpt tog poºoeſex eoTA Ios peºpulp.T. JoJº peq on purſ /T sqoegep otavrpomer to oopazes poqpur.T rog peºoefer pue eopazes peaſurft roj peq on pup squerºsp?e.I. Jo sqoegep Tadpoup.Id Jo uopºnqP.I., spp queored "& eTael. •queozed tºo usua sseſ /2 •oršen weqq reqqo sooo... [To sepntouT /z *976T up.IoW uânoxqq z76T Trady sizeq.ranbpueh Tsuoſqun qu peaſeoez Tzz suzon SSG go etdures a uo pesog /t 3-0 9°O 9°0 g"O T-T O't ( . ) zºo T*O Sū55āsī Tā5:55RTSN 8°O O°2 9°T 6°O Tez O*z 9°0 g"T **T JºeUIqo pure *qužpeareAo ‘quñpearepuſ, Ǻ T*O T*O * … T*O T*O ( ) ( ) º oTºpsøJed pure snopºoeju I *0 g"O g”O 2°0 g"O g"O 6°0 ge 0 7°0 SuisuTdoeN g"O T*T 0°T £"O 9°o A.*O g"O O*z 9*T euT.Locptºg O'T A "O A,” O 6°O 9°o 9°o 2*T T-T T-T 3.ee, I 9*TT 6°OT O"TT 6°8 £*/, *7°4, £”9T 2"Tz 9°02 TeqeTextsotnosnº g"g *9 T*9 6°2 9°7 g” g-7 7°TT 7-0T TeopæoTornen 9°9 6°IT 7°TT 9°6 7°gt 8°7T z*T 7°z z*z essespp Tequeſ T*T O**/ A,”9. 0°I O* g. 9°z 2*T 9°9 8°g Alouepop Jep Tequen 8°9 2°8 O*9 9°oT O'TT O'TT - 2°0 z"O AoueToTJep Touorquonps T*T zº I z-T A,”O get g"T 8*T O*T T*T suſpea esoop. Ie A 2°0 g”0 £"O º g"O £*O 9°o 2°0 £*O sppoq IIouſeH T*O 9°O A," O 6°O 9°O g"O *7°0 *7°0 UTXIS g"T 7°0 9°O Tez g"O A,”O ( → 2°0 T*O TeeJeueA reuqo pure beurrouop 2°gz O°/, 1,”3 0°9 A.” T T*z g”gg 6*Tz £”92 STTTudAS 9°T 2*T g"T 7-2 g"T 9°T 9°o g"O g"O by Taq pueb 9*T g"T ge I 9°z 9°T A," T ( ; 7°0 £*O treospa Taupulopaw T*T T*T T*T g"T get get g"O g"O g"O ArouT.In pure &euppy g”g 9°9 £*g A.”z 6°7 L*7 gº? Tº A. L-3 uTureH tº T*O T'O = /z Ǻ 2°0 z*O 3upulog-poota pure pootg O°6T g"OT *TT 0°92 LºzT T-7I gºg 7-7 2*7 JetnoseAoppred ge? £*9 Tº 9 7-9 g"/, *A. z-T 6°2 A,”2 spsotnotedn. g”2 8°2 1,”2 7°2 9°z /,”2 T°2 6°z 3"z s3un"I T*0 T*O = T*O T"O gº O = 48O.I.U.I. 2°0 A,”O 9°o g"O 4."O A,”O º g"O 9 *O egon *7°0 g"O 9°O g"O *7°0 *7°0 9°0 6°O 6°O sumns pub qqnon 9°o 9*T g"T O*T A,”T 9°T g"O **T 2*T U(3eel, *T zºg 8°7 Tºz 7-9 o'9 £"o 9°T 7°t S.Tes 2°g 6°9 /,”9 A,”9 2* /, T*/, g-7 T-9 6°g seAşı O'OOT 0°OOT O’OOT O’OOT O'OOT 0°OOT 0°OOT O’OOT O’OOT TGºol, ox3eN 7: Tºqol, ox3eN 7: Teq ol or?eN /2 Tºol, -ºšāns: 94 TUIM e3 TUIM UoTºoeſeu roy esneo uopºuqs UoTºomput preod Teoo"I pure preod Teoo"I spreod Isoot qu UoTºoeſex rog sesneo Tadpourprä Jo uopºnqyzºsºp queozed eſuT3.IVA 3 sem /f £76T qozen q3morqº. 276T Trady ‘suoſquq's uoſqomput pue *T eTaeJ. Ģ Ģ Ģ Ģ ģ Ķ Ķ ĶĒÅÅ. ſºț¢ £ € ČTĚ $ £), S.S FORM S 2 2 ! ť:“ {! # $ și ſę §§ }} į jÇ’Ë” & ſ) ģ Ķ ķ Ļ R E C E! VED AT și ATI ONĄ L HÊ ADQUARTER $ T}{RC} § #= ; ***º ºſº ſº ſº ĢËJË Ç’TË. § WEST VIRGINIA White sind Negro Registrant 8 ºn 3. *; f* º Number physically examined at induction station Total number physically examined by year of birth 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defecte. -„ÈaRejectedInductedTotalTotalË Principal defectat local,LímitednumberÈ, |„№ții, | }}}}1922191719121904Note boardDisqual-•ËförGeneralLimitedrejectedinducted¿1924throughthroughthroughandstated ifiedremediableserviceservice1923191819131905earlier (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) (7)(8)(9)(10)(ll)(12)(13)(14) Eyes140311138315A/'?58976213511065862602181774 Ears34375712621416}Ą?563532599377783 ſee tſh2923814401311335717O457163lŪ81682053 ſouth and gums20171016212A,71742213048325556 Nosell37626ł54278163791513ł Throat,1.3l25272}21ì. Lungs66 .15816122401225217604062712 Tuberculo8186445512153]l5323114487126l44 Cardiovascular101881ll13l993l41007763031612232368 Blood and blood-forming51663l2 Hernial60178121206A59206665402491091231368 Kidneys and urinaryll69151395131081lÅA23218l Abdominal viscera8106310211712J 292252735391. Genitalial264383902llſ,392506’74,25970• r^v42Å Syphilis627914062758%282021I A51562272692 Öther venereal3152739l/5A08555017931 Skłn1040]]4461441052031}2315 Hemorrhoids7ll79225921172Al163424 Varicose weins2765l4llÅ106ll/.2207422752902 ſental deficiency13918. O31!}31934llĄ414278! 0 Èducational deficiencyÅ695ll6l69911781667293] 22173154? ſentaj. di Bease53938l94929/,10865834A1762512525 Neurological2482671524953Q335634820687901302 ſubculo-skeletal490358112668l6lQ6O8291729} 30620278351378 ! 2 Feet;262712A011865/19A,8 A,Á02/ſ29570352 Exºdocrixae4346l329ç)32122]]5117]?25l Infectiou8 and parasitiº33l6l7231l Weight and othere321101884236160g7$10388848 4l46į651532 Ñoſſ-medłcaj, reasonæ363166l6762212]].16 No defects632163216321827339/,91A,754,404.28 Total23845610728105958.AA.£722ll/392Q161187583ÔĄ.315934633250110 *549e3ep Tºuen to Tºops&nd usun req+o suoswer Iog paireyep ATAuenbosqns area oua ºnquopºutſpurºke Taops&id preoa or?en trºº, reqo geour TTo gapnouſ /z Twoot a uaars exam own squerºsp?ex Jo an Iantoxg /t OOT 9682 I/0% 8982 26ll, 994, I 2/78T 7990T 808, %3 O636 Y/9 T30% £902 Tūqol. 92 2.89. O69 298 £O29. Cll, 9269 9269 9269 sq. oojep on 9T II 2I 6I 9 Y9 T £9 I 09 6. guoswer Tuoppem-uon z 97T 99T 66. I 2/7 93 OOOI L73 £9T 96. TU3 8T 90I O6 B.Ionºo pub quareM. T T £ 2 4. T 9 T º º opºsured pub enopºloeju I YT TI TI Tz 9 69 92 4,8. T 92 3 zz 4. gusu IdoeN T 72 9T A.T 09 II 6TI 29. 1.8 29. T 77 27 ouT.Ioopuiſ T 29. 09 7/. TO2 L£ 96% 6% 99 8T T26, TI €2 zz - 49erſ 6 926 OOC 992 309 zzI O39T 994, Y98 09T 909 OOI 9I6 96.7 Tºqotexts-olmosnyſ o: TzT O3 6l. 2O2 4.7 Tć9 £9. 367 6 72 9T O92 9.62 TeopæoTounen g 192 262 Y9T T£9. L9 92OI º 266 76 T 283 67 esues ºp Tequent A. Oğt 99T 3OI 8/2 79 27, 90I 2.69 T ?OI £69 * Aoueroprop Tuuopºuonpg OT 9/, Ty O7 TII Tg 606 60% YLT 99T Aouepoſ.jep Tequen 2 6l. 67 1.2 6% L £O& A.OL 96 AOI */[ T} Iz suTea egoorieſ. 22 £6 9I 39. T 6OI 93 £2 93 4. II 9 sppou.I.Ioneh 7t 22 9T 06 6T TOI Ty 09 Ty TI O7 6 up(S T T 8 II 9% T 39 92 £9. T 72 zz 3 Ç Teezeu aa reuq.0 T YST 99T OTI YIT 9T T69 97 979 g? Tć 99 OGY STTTud AS 7 Lº. 97 T3 662 Ol. 997 39% 86 2 99% % Yg OT uptuq Tuep T £8. 29. 72 Tz 2 £TI TI 2OI T OT £ T6 9 b.Ieospa Tuupulopay T 4. 1.I T2 O7 IT 16 2T 93 zt 9T 29 OI ArouTun puu aſguppy 9 A, ºr ØTI £OT 99.2 69. 92.9 96T 627 96T 8TI 99T 97I bTu Ieh & T g 9 9 I 9. 3upulog-pooſq puu pootg 9 38'ſ AST 66. I 792 69 £68 7T 6T3 T £I 6 02/, 06 JuTaosuaoppreo £6 I 6TI 94. 99T 32 T67 I 067 I TI 6TY 09 8Tºotno-Ieqn. z 79 £9 86. 4.9 1.T Tºz 2I 6T2 2I 9T gº/T 69 såun"I T c T 2 9 2 y 2 T % ºboru I, T ØT £T 8 4.6 9 8/. 92 29 T 92 9 9% TI eson T9 97 82 27 1,2 96T £9T £7 2I Tºrt 6 9T 3U sums puu uqnon z 2O2 89T TOI 67t I9 £99 4.09 92T T&T 907 9/. £2 82 Ut,00L £ */L Y/, T6 292 29 97g £7I ÇOY Tz zoºt 9 %99. ££ s.reg */ T9T OT2 ££2 T99 66 39&T 92/, 279 697 £32 £6 I ©B2 9&T sa& (71) (£I) (zT) (II) (OT) (6) (8) (L) (9) (9) (7) (£) (z) (T) oTQBT peuel Jo;True 906 I ÇT6T. 3T6T. £26T. Go FAIGG *...* | *o estares ºf *:::: pure uSnoquq | UAEmoru" || Wºno-ruq | 726T. º: penanpur peacetes | Pºr"FT | I*0 || "..." -Tºnberg º, YO6T 2T6T. A.T6I Z26T. 926T. Jequinu. Joquºru JeCumu . oeſer qooyep TudſouT-Id. * Tºqo. TB40L TB4OI. p04ompuL peq9eſou ": qqºrpo Jo Jºeſ Aq pouTuTºxo ATTºops Aqd Jequinu Taqo, uoTºuqs uoſqompuſ ºu peupuuxe AITuopsAud requin'N /2 squaristães eaſun WINIQUIA (SCM C 176 | "12 H2)\HVW Hº) ſhot H.L. Sö 3.1 bivſh OO V3 H TVNO |LV N LV O BA 13 OE 8 | 2 a SW HO3 S"S"O 3o 3idwvs v No NMoHs sv sinvulsioab Galosrau o NV qalong Ni Ao slo asso valo Niu d PRIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHowN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 WEST WIRGIÑA ſegre Registrants Numbeſphysically examined at induction stationTotal member physically examined by year of birth NumberTotal ReffectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::· jec±ſn!numbermumber„ŽĖış19251922191719121904ſot, boardDisqual•+GeneralLímitedrejectedinducted1924throughthroughthroughand ;;;;;service orserviceservice examined1923191819131905earlierstated remediable (l)(2)(3) (4)(5)(6),tây–t-taj"Gj(10)(11)(12)(13)(lae). Eyesl4.285288473683?2527816 Ears1lll41341717234 Teethl6347344l6l47103] Mouth and gumas2ll2142125364?5 Nose º11l2l3l2 Throat,ll |-ll Lungs?13l21213297 Tuberoulos1.s43614l4l38127ll Cardiovascularll16121741747392256482 Blood and blood-forming Hernial4]3310301040ll4.6109 Kidneys and urinaryl72l10lll424l Abdomínal viscera ,15115l164336 Genitalia21043416345O4209125 Syphilis!ºrz269172121722953146| 61851 Other venereal75151215274l4 -6l2 Skłnl3134l1l1 Hemorrholds26268l3l12 Varioose wełns64710?1733ll Mental deficiency46101033ll2 Educational deficiency6212621274315l41824 Mental disease4566060l13121915 Neurological15173232l48109 Musculo-skeletal54401262l106631698322251533 Feet44l809808934l212031 Endocrinel233lll Neoplasas3l343714ll Infectious and parasitio Weight and others253173138312797 Non-medical reasons3333 No defects396396396551916264222 Total33152954765109]/.ºrºs1689120512| 3Ol39235410 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. PRI Gº, DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 WISCONSIN This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ination and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Wisconsin during the year April 1942–March 1943. The 23,997 Forms 221 included in the 8ample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boards and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221R. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure l. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States, Table 1. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. HS 221B. In the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined as follows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defect was the first defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-importance arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifying defect; and, similarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minor de- fect; but, in either case, only the first defect was tabulated, The column "Total Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number of registrants who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defect." The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number examin- ed are shown at the foot of the column. Columns l—5 show the results of physical examination of these registrants--i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected. The columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year of Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according to their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had no defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average ages On the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in the state was 28.5 years. Figure 1. This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejection in the state and in the continental United States. Mental disease and musculo- skeletal defects accounted for approximately three in every ten White rejections at local boards and induction stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not presented because of the small numbers in the sample. Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 5.0 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 19.3 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 15.6 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections, Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 69.1 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. gical ºxamination Regulations and Procedures, l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l–9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR 1-9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). ** Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. 's 2. On August l, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants 18 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). - 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants lö to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 12, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated. Wis. FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE APRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 MENTAL DISEASE MUSCULOSKE LETAL CARD I OVASCULAR H E R N | A É Y E S M E N T A L D I SE A SE M U S C U LO S K E LETAL H E R N | A- C AR DI OVA S C U L-AR N E U R O LO G | C AL CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES W HIT E Percent ofTotol Rejections O|O203040 SY PH | L | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CARDIOVASCULAR M EN TAL D I SE ASE MUSCULO SKELE TAL W|| SC ON SIN WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections O| O2O30�O NEGRO Percent of Toro! Rejections O |02O3040 NEGRO, Percent of Totol Rejections O| 0203040 * DATA NOT PRESENTED BECAUSE OF SMALL SAMPLE NUMBERS Wisconsin Table la Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ - Cause for rejection Local board Induction station Local board and - induction station Total loC).0 l()0.0 lOO .0 Eyes 5, 6 5,8 5,8 Ears 3.2 7,9 6, 7 Teeth leO le? le2 Mouth and gums . Os2 Os? 0s? Nose - Oe2 ls 3 ls 0 Throat.” tºº 2 2 Lungs 5e0 s:# 2.É. Tuberculosis 3,4 4.0 3,9 Cardiovascular 5,4 8,6 7.8 Blood and blood-forming Os? Oel Oel Hernia l3,6 10s 8 ll as Kidney and urinary O.6 1 4 le? Abdominal viscera Oe.9 2.8 2.5 Genitalia 0, 6 2.0 le.7 Syphilis 6.8 Os 5 2.l Gonorrhea and other venereal Oel O's 2 Os3 Skin O.7 O.9 0.8 Hemorrhoids 0.4 O. 4 0.4 Varicose veins l.0 l,5 le3 Educational deficiency 0.4 2,3 l,8 Mental deficiency 5, 2 5.4 5,4 Mental disease 5, O l9,3 l5, 6 Neurological l3, O 4 •7 6,8 Musculoskeletal 2le 9 9 el l2, 3 Feet; - l. 3 O,7 O's 8 Endocrine 3.0 2s2 2.4 Neoplasms Oe 6 l •l leO Infectious and parasitic 2/ 2/ 2/ Underweight, overweight and other 2.5 ls 4 l,6 Nonmedical reasons O.4 O's 8 Oe? l 1942–March 1943. l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters Apri 2/ Less than 0.1 percent. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service or remediable Defect Percent Defect Percent Total lCO,O Total 100.0 Eyes * 69.l Hernia 40.7 Musculoskeletal l:5, 35 Musculoskeletal - l3.4 Teeth 6.4 Eyes ll. 2 Underweight and overweight 2.6 Genitalia 7 el Feet, 1 s 5 Teeth 4.4 Other 5 el Other 23.2 l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. P Rl N C|PAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTE D AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 l/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who weresubsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. WISCONSIN White and Negro Regtatrante Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physically examined by year of birth NumberTotal- - ReffectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::jectenOllaecnumbermumber¿19251922191719121904Note -boardDisqual-·Ë**,GeneralLaevaea | rejected | inducted*$%$§$%1924throughthroughthroughandstated łfiedreſmediableserviceservice1923191819131905earlier (l)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Eyes12]179185831241485l3241809126740452284206l Ears694851344#5676863553251ll4IOO1134 Teeth22373164ll9828037836390109104l Mouth and gums483l115217213! 64.l Nose459243658741ł 28\l.43312914 Throat,ll.2224ll1l Lungs64162563012823131325897464592 Tuberculo81s7422528327327127556631174 Cardiovascular115536253635658351891221351752 Blood and blood-forming5712l223}24 Hernia29210669231971249958]278203252180l Kidneys and urinary12751081979106n3022272O Abdomínal víscera201631331963199646354665} Genitalia13]]11619221404118]1863373329l Syphilis147121841ry41812202O| 62ºr? Other venereal3l u1ſ19;55$2 Skinl43422l4270l6069341614| 13 Hemorrhoids86}923923523109ll Varicose wełns2182lO2l119311649242949l Mental deficiencylll3394%)43020108§21021662 Educational deficiency8l46#154103321ºO382 Mental disease1081194154213]613231142352342233575 Neurological28026;?2581557223593431869010316,76 Musculo-skeletal469347221672741O3,36]13981083,78265som3337 Feet272671227“A)39ıo9 ;825232823 Endocrine6%129ll61020$1622024&5334845 •3 Neoplasms1313529480139963217172 1 Infectious and parasitio12}3}1Yl Weight and others494840594713:7| MOO23,4,7$$4ł§ 1{ Non-medical reasons8.347353333314| 1019 No defects1316213162131&2215056102,100]?,14:0913 Total21464627164613e41794841915,023997293287×44262, 40,73,94||O&2 P R | N C|PAL DE FE C T S O F | N D UCT E D AND REJECTED REGISTRAN TS A S SHOWN O N A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | R EC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUA?« TERS THROUGH MARCH 31, | 9 4 3 . WISCONSIN White Registrants2/ Number physically examined at induction station Total number physically examined by year of birth *NumberTotal -Re ſectedInductedTotalTotal Principal, defect::::::::jecīſāºſa | Ëa„ŽĒy| ???1922191719121904Not, Disqual-GalLimitedrºe je C Ueſ^0(UTC)1924throughthroughthroughand board};Ë:::::::: | ſaeexamineåſſ #191819131905earlierstated, (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)T(8)(9)(lo)(ll)(12)(13)(14) Eyes1171781838312384781321n?99126734452282204l Ears694831344245656863353250ll4991134 Teeth223721641169728 O37736398108104l Mouth and gums483l11521721364l Nose4592336586Ál12711433128l4 Throat,112224l111 Lungs64161563O12813131225897464582 Tuberoulosis7/, '22528327327127556631,174 Cardiovascularll453325649565435189122l341722 Blood and blood-forming57121223 .124 Hernia2891066723l96624990812ºry202251178] Řidneys and urimary1275| 1081979106730222720 Abdominal viscera2016313319631996463546651 Genitalia12101111822133401731860373O27l Syphilis12O101741574161217195469 ºther venereal311014l45531 :in143422142ºſo168693416l413 Hemorrholds8419231233239811 Varioose weins2:1ºl10211123115492329491 Mental deficiency1113324434432010652l0O1632 Educational deficiency8140.148148103O2il48372 Mental disease10611&1154212O2613081142822273273535 Neurological28O265240155692359243185901021666 ſusculo-skeletal4653462188527410293591383(108377264303329? ſeet2636?1227&939108825232824 Endocrine64128116102031621924643548453 Neoplasas|- 13155294ºo1393632. 171721 Infectious and parasitio1233111 Weight and others49463952471349923347524l4944 Non-medical reasons847355358314101021 Ño defects13094130941309421495309214017301146718 Total21134582162813°/121791832315503236262931868642404,012309562 ļ/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. 2/ Includes au rašºs other than megrē. PRINCIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 | Megro Registrants REC EI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 LIISCOſ Saetſ, Principal defect Number rejected at local board Number physically examined at induction station Rejected Inducted Disqual- 1.f4 ed Límited service or remediable General service Límited service Total number rejected Total number inducted Total mmber physically examined by year of birth Total number physically examinedl/ | 1925 1924 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 through 1905 1904 and earlier Rot, stated Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose|- Throat, Lungs Tuberculosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forºđng Hernia Kidneys and urimary Abdomainal viscera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skín Hemorrholds Varicose wełns Mental deficiency Educational defiolenoy Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet} Endocrine Neoplasas Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Non-medical reasons No defects Total (1) !-5 Jºe 33 (2) 1 2 |N) -º - * tº or sº º NJ |-0 45 1/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local (3) 2 1 H-5 V8 },3 (4) (5) 3 722 (6) |- ſº NY ~! Jºs º - **** * ~ * ~ 8- 96 (7) 75 (8) 10 2 l l $º- Jºs lºſ 1 (9) (10) 2ł 48 (11) (12) $– º – No Cº Vº $e -e Hº AS N) =e & board physical examination butwho weresubsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. (13): 2 |- Sº H S. H. Vº 55 (14) jºgi (Giùº DłºśćTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS APRIL 1942-MARCH 1943 WYOMING This report is based on a representative sample of Reports of Physical Exam- ignation and Induction, DSS Forms 221, received from the State of Wyoming dušiag the year April 1942–March 1943. The 2,129 Forms 221 included in the 3ample represent only registrants who were physically examined at local boardë and induction stations during the year. The report includes: Table RS 221B. "Principal Defects of Inducted and Rejected Registrants." Figure i. The five leading causes for rejection, by race, in the state and in the continental United States. - Table i.e. Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local, boards and induction stations. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service or rejected for limited service or re- mediable defects. $ 23 iſºe Ix, the basic table (RS 221R) are presented the principal defects of inducted and rejected registrants in relation to (a) acceptability for mili- tary service and (b) year of birth. The term "Principal Defect" may be defined. as £ollows: (a) for rejected registrants it was the most serious defect record- ed as the cause for rejection; (b) for inducted registrants, the principal defeº was the £33.8% defect entered by the examining physician in an order-of-import exº arrangement. Thus, a rejected registrant may have had more than one disqualifyixiº. defect; &nd, Gigailarly, an inducted registrant may have had more than one minoš Čiº feet; but, in ºither cage, only the first defect was tabulated, The colºrºx, "Total. Number Physically Examined" (Column 8), shows the number º sagistreats who had each of the defects listed under the column "Principal Defeº The number of registrants who had no recorded defects and the total number exañjºr ed are shoºm at the foot of the column. Columns l–5 show the results of physiº". examination of these registrants-—i.e., whether they were inducted or rejected, ºne columns under the heading "Total Number Physically Examined by Year ºf Birth" show the number of registrants in each year of birth group according $6. their principal defect. The proportion of registrants in each group who had nº defects can readily be computed from these columns, as well as the average a&o on the basis of these tablulations, the average age of registrants examined in ºf state was 30.8 year 8s t Figure is This figure shows by race, the five leading causes for rejectiº in the gºsº, and in the continental United States. Musculoskeletal defects and hernia accounted for one-fourth of the white rejections at local boards and indºº- tion stations in the state. Data for Negroes are not presented because of the small numbers in the sampia, Table l. Table l shows the distribution of principal defects among reject- ed registrants by place of rejection. For instance, mental disease accounted for 2.9 percent of the rejections at local boards, for 4.6 percent of the rejections at induction stations, and 3.7 percent of the total local board and induction station rejections. Table 2. This table presents the distribution of principal defects among registrants inducted for limited service and those rejected for limited service or remediable defects. 40.9 percent of the registrants who were inducted for limited service had eye defects which placed them in the limited service cate- gory. The greatest single principal cause for rejection of registrants with limited service or remediable defects was hernia. Physical ºxamination Regulations and Procedures, l. The physical standards prescribed for induction station examinations during the period covered by this report are contained in Mobilization Regulations l—9, March 15, 1942, in effect until the revision of October 15, 1942. Changes in this edition were made February 1, 1943, when joint Army–Navy inductions began. (MR l—9, Changes No. 1, January 22, 1943). - Physical standards for local boards during the period were contained in DSS Form 220, List of Defects, which was revised on August 15, 1942 and again on December 31, 1942, and on January 16, 1943. - 2. On August l, 1942, the Army began accepting educationally deficient regis- trants up to 10 percent of the white and 10 percent of the colored registrants for- warded for induction on any day. (War Department Circular 169, June 1, 1942). 3. Beginning August 20, 1942, the limited service categories were eliminated, and registrants were inducted for limited service on a quota basis. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 147, August 15, 1942). 4. November 13, 1942, registrants l8 and 19 years of age became militarily liable. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 163, November 16, 1942). 5. November 25, 1942, the percentage of limited service registrants to be re- classified and forwarded for induction was restricted. (State Director Advice No. llo, November 25, 1942). 6. On December 5, 1942, voluntary enlistment of registrants l8 to 38 years of age was terminated. (Selective Service Local Board Release No. 172, December 13, 1942). 7. On December 5, 1942, induction of registrants 38 years old and over was suspended. (Selective Service State Director Advice No. 115, December 7, 1942). 8. February 1, 1943, joint Army-Navy induction procedure was initiated. Wyo. FIVE LEADING CAUSES FOR REJECTION, BY RACE MENTAL DISEASE MusculosKELETAL CARDIOVASCULAR H E R N | A E Y E S MUSCULOSKELETAL H E R N | A E Y E S C A R D | O VAS CULAR S Y P H | L | S APRIL 1942 – MARCH 1943 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES WHITE Percent of Totol Rejections |O203040 S Y PH | L | S EDUCATIONAL DEFICIENCY CA RD; OVASCULAR M EN TAL D I SE ASE |M U S C U LO S KE LE TAL WYOMING W H I TE Percent of Totol Rejections | O2O3O40 NEGRO Percent of Totol Rejections O|0203040 NEGRO *- Percent of Totol Rejections O| O203O40 * DATA NOT PRESENTED BECAUSE OF SMALL SAMPLE NUMBERS ' Wyoming Table le Percent distribution of principal causes for rejection at local boards and induction stations, April 1942 through March 1943 1/ Cause for rejection Local board Induction station Local board and induction station Total lCO,O lCO.0 lC0.0 Eyes 9,8 l? •l ll.0 Ears 4.4 4.6 4.5 Teeth 4.4 7.9 6.2 Mouth and gums l.0 le2 lel Nose O.3 0.2 Throat Os3 0.2 Lungs l. 6 O.6 lel Tuberculosis l,6 2.4 2.0 Cardiovascular 7.0 l2.l 9,6 Blood and blood-forming - tº º tº- Hernia 7,O l5.5 ll.3 Kidney and urinary l,0 le5 le? Abdominal viscera O,3 4.5 2,3 Genitalia l. 3 O.9 lel Syphilis l5, 6 l,8 8.5 Gonorrhea and other venereal tº Os3 0.2 Skin l. 3 l,8 le6 Hemorrhoids l,6 - 0.8 Waricose veins O,6 le.8 le2 Educational deficiency O,5 3.9 2.2 Mental deficiency 3.5 l,8 2,7 Mental disease 2.9 4.6 3.7 Neurological 5.7 l. 2 5.4 Musculoskeletal 20.6 8.5 l4.4 Feet 2.5 5.5 4.0 Endocrine O.3 l,5 0.9 Neoplasms 0.6 l. 2 0.9 Infectious and parasitic l.0 Os3 O,6 Underweight, overweight and Other 3.2 O 2.3 Nommedical reasons 0.3 0.8 H; l l l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–Harch 1943. Table 2. Percent distribution of principal defects of registrants inducted for limited service and rejected for limited service or remediable defects l/ Rejected for limited service Inducted for limited service 9r remediable defects Defect Percent Defect; Percent Total - lC)0.0 Total 100,0 Eyes 40,9 Hernia 31,5 Teeth 20.l. Teeth 16, 7 Musculoskeletal 9,4 Eyes l4,7 Feet 7.4 Feet; 9e3 Hernia 4,7 Musculoskeletal 8,0 Other 17 e5 Other 2O,O l/ Based on a sample of DSS Forms 221 received at National Headquarters April 1942–March 1943. p R | N cupAL DEFECTS OF IN DUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS A S SHOWN ON As AMPLEOF p.s.s FoRMs 22 I RECEI VED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 , WYOMING white and Negro Registrants × Principal defect J Number c}.ysically examined at inductiön station Number rejected Rejected Inducted at local bosiºd Dł&qual- ſified Límited service or remediable General servłce Lł młteď service· Total number rejected Total number inducted Total maember physically examined by year of birth Total number physically examined) / 1925 1923 1922 through 1918 1917 through 1913 1912 thrºugh 1905 1904 and earlier ſot, stated Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose Throat Lungs Tuberoulosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hernia :Kłðneys and urimary Abdomínal viscera Genf talia Syphilis Other venereal Skłn Hemorrhoids Varicoge velns Mental deficiency Educational deficilenoy Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasmas Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Non-medical reasons No đefects Total (1) 3--v. S §v, v' - tº us $$$.” -8 v. M - *S*-or- B N wº 315 (2) * - Gº. 5-sº \º & vº- •- w w = -$º-bººk: w w w 1,80 (3) 22 2 25 3 § Jº Jº Oe Maº - \º \º D-6 150 (4) - - -su. Soºt; - 8+ - Jº Jº Vº vº on- or Qe 217 997 1335 (5) \aº Dº * -89. P. Hºve 149 (6) $8-s-, -, -st, 8G $388.8 bies 8 - $-sład wbº- <> <> 645 (7) H-e ‘s * - - os-SP 3 v. Pro 5 ſº Jºe Dº Map $82- - # 3 is . (8) &ss etess § 3 -i.e. rāser se-e- sus-s (9) Nº. ºf Vºº Dº Nº º |-8 $2 !20 º P-8 Vºº sº (10) •- - Solo - 8 $* * * ~ * 8 N 1- 3,74 �� (lī) !- 5 - 8 GN lºs - Ös º § § *** - - - -3-ow v. (12) - *-*-aš 8 no Suss-H 8 1/ Exclusive or registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequentlydeferred for reasons other than physical or wental defects. § § •-8 ºv, -8 woº v - (13) So-s N 3 8-sun - -- $838 w8wº-- &tsk, Hv, Ös Gº Myº NS $ ; (lae) \º NJ 0-4 jº º ſº \aj \º v.5 ºf NJ - ſº Nº. Aº nº P R | N C|PAL DEFECTS OF ŁN DUCTE D AN D REJECTED REGISTRAN T$ AS $${C}\WÀN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORMS 22.] RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 WYOMING white Registrante 2/ Number physically examined at induction station|Total member płyºlcally examined by year of birth MſumberTotal RejectedInductedTotalTotal Principal defect::::::::LímitedËa | №Ëą„Èyl ???19221917Ź.!:Kot, boardDisqual-GeneralLimited | *ºJººſaec ſáC3examined1924throughthroughthroug@Astated ifiedŹËserviceservicel/1923191819131905earlſer (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) Eyes31182215617ı761478632225245 Earsl41326529ll402124?123 Teethl4l25243040549461031461 Mouth and gums3133174ll244l Nosel7ll89l4llll Throat,ll1121l Lungs527?l5l Tuberculosis571l13ll43272 Cardiovascular223916116231659245 Blood and blood-forming Hernia224478?731588720420298 Kidneys and urinary35883lll2 Abdominal víscera113l]l152172447 Genitalia43837ll18l6l36l Syphilis4933355358l12612225 Other venereal11}l Skłn4333103l324322 Hemorrholds 4l4l5l4 Varicose veſins2244341238l Mental deficiencyll5l117l1815344l Educational deficiency1 '12l14l4l4432 Mental disease-915l24l25256lll Neurological184l322426l83212 Musculo-skeletal65161226l493401333349224817 Feet84l47ll261844l1474135 Endocrinel4l66ll3l Neoplasms22246410l2l24 Infectious and parasitio3l44l3 Weight and otherslO2321651522123625052594033 Ñon-medical reasons42426l4! No defects99199199182373l4513017388 Total313179150132814964214Tr,2119120647289363517183 Exclusive of registrants Includes all races other Negro. who were given a local than board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental dereete. PRIN CIPAL DEFECTS OF INDUCTED AND REJECTED REGISTRANTS AS SHOWN ON A S AMPLE OF D.S.S FORM S 22 I RECEIVED AT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS THROUGH MARCH 31, 1943 «…»��4*• ſaeſo (mae Megro Registrents Principal defect Number physically examined at induction stationTotal number physically examined by year of birth „¿aRejected InductedTotalTotal„ëſ; at localLimited� number§, | phōſōiny| ???1922 .191719121904Mot; boardDļºquel- |„ËJ’), | General1,1,1),a | rejected | inductedexamineål/1924throughthrough ·throughandstated 1fiedremediableserviceservice1923191819131905 || earlier Eyes Ears Teeth Mouth and gums Nose Throat, Lungs Tuberoulosis Cardiovascular Blood and blood-forming Hermia Kſiurimary Abdomínal víscera Genitalia Syphilis Other venereal Skłn Henaorrholds Varioose weins Mental deficiency Educational deficiency Mental disease Neurological Musculo-skeletal Feet Endocrine Neoplasms Infectious and parasitio Weight and others Won-medical reasons No đefects Total (l)(2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(ll)(12)(13)(l4) Gh Gº B e. -- Q-4 ſº Qº ſº 21+3 | || ? ļ/ Exclusive of registrants who were given a local board physical examination but who were subsequently deferred for reasons other than physical or mental defects. ¿¿.*)……………… ……–…!!! O099 ºz.909 1069 ||||||||||| :º § $º 3. &: 3: £º jº º ãº, :* ; º i s & ..". %3. ## 3-º º: . #s. º º * § #.