PRICE 25 CENTS. MULTUM IN PARVO: BX 1767 .866 OR, A BRIEF VIEW, OF THE GREAT ANTI-CHRISTIAN CONSPIRACY, AGAINST CHRIST AND TRUE REPUBLICANISM. Published with the design to promote Conventions for Union of true Christians or true Republicans, to prevent so far as possible the approaching and impending great destruction of human life and property in these U. S. of America: ALSO, To introduce more fully and establish the promised Universal Republic of Harmony and Peace, commonly called the Millennium. BY ANDREW B. SMOLNIKAR, Formerly Priest of the Benedictine Order, and Imperial Royal Professor of Biblical Literature. REVISED AND PUBLISHED BY THE TRUE AMERICAN Christian CATHOLIC PATRIARCH HUGH KIRKLAND, Virtute Clavorum et Clavium. 1853. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIG GENERAL LIBRAS: " BX 1767 566 MULTUM IN PARVO: OR, A BRIEF VIEW, OF THE GREAT ANTI-CHRISTIAN CONSPIRACY, AGAINST CHRIST AND TRUE REPUBLICANISM. Published with the design to promote Conventions for Union of true Christians or true Republicans, to prevent so far as possible the approaching and impending great destruction of human life and property in these U. S. of America: ALSO, To introduce more fully and establish the promised Universal Republic of Harmony and Peace, commonly called the Millennium. BY ANDREW B. SMOLNIKAR, Formerly Priest of the Benedictine Order, and Imperial Royal Professor of Biblical Literature. REVISED AND PUBLISHED BY THE TRUE AMERICAN CHRISTIAN CATHOLIC PATRIARCH + HUGH KIRKLAND, Virtute Clavorum. 1853. CATH. PATR. KIRKLAND. Entered according to Act of Congress, by HUGH KIRKLAND, in District Court of U. S. for Western District of Pennsylvania. Gift Tappan Pres. Essoe, 3-25-33 PREFACE: + All inhabitants of these U. S. may be viewed as constituting two parties, viz: 1st. Monarchists, and 2d. Republicans. If we ask those professing citizenship in this Republic, to which of the be- fore-named two parties each of them belongs, we presume very few among them would dare to confess that they belong to the party of Monarchists; but most would say they belong to the Republican class; although a large number of them would tell this hypocritical- ly, knowing well that they support the Pope of Rome, the Monarch of Monarchs; or that they are supporting some of the Monarchs who are directed and controlled by the Pope and his Priests, or by Protestant Ministers who have more or less of Popish tradition which tends to monarchy. This is fact, even though the larger portion of Monarchists in this Republic may be ignorant that they are support- ing Monarchs, because the Papal Imperial royal powers through a long course of centuries have learned such a system of politics, that they can affect and influence free nations in such a gradual manner as to make them entirely mature for the Popish Imperial Royal, or Anti-Christian government. Now, in this country they have advanced thus far. Attention! readers of the following pages. Attentive readers may see and judge for themselves in what manner and in how great a degree this Republic has been ruined by monarchists, and this while citizens who desire to be true repub- licans were not aware of the most treacherous machinations to make it a Papal Imperial Royal Empire; nor did they understand the real nature and tendency of many facts which have taken place, to change this republic into various monarchies, although these facts were published either by traitors to this country, or by ignoramuses of what every true republican, especially editors of newspapers, should have known, as having some other tendency than the ruin of this republic. How many editors, professing to be Protestants, have published many columns in their papers respecting the Irish refugee Meagher, and patriot as he is called, and his speeches? Have any of them penetrated into the depths of his movements? Have they in this respect opened the eyes of their readers, or of their brother editors, by representing his movements as they should be represent- ed? If such editors had taken into consideration only these circum- stances, that Meagher's family, one of the richest in Ireland, had [ 4 ] advanced so far in the worship of the Holy Father, the Pope of Rome, (who, according to true republican principles, is the most dreadful Monarch, and fell destroyer of human rights,) that a broth er of this Meagher became Captain of the Pope's Guard, they had soon discovered the proper tendency of his movements in America, and informed the people of this republic of their highest duties un. der these circumstances. But alas! among the many classes of citizens in this country we find, among editors of newspapers, officials, office seekers and priests of all sects, the larger portions of those by whom this Republic is ruined, nor can it be saved from the grasp of Monarchs with weap- ons of iron, but by a true conversion of the people to the principles of truth and righteousness, as they are unfolded and disclosed at the present manifestation of Christ's Spirit, by instrumentality of our mission, to arouse nations for co-operation, to establish the true Church of Christ, usually called the Millennial Church, which will be the great Republic, in which Truth, Righteousness and Peace, that is, Christ's Spirit, will reign. This nation must be converted, i. e.: become truly republican, or which is the same, truly Christian, free from all sects and parties, entirely open to conviction, ready to receive truth, whenever it ap- pears sufficiently proved, and to act accordingly, or it inust be partly destroyed in revolutions and wars, and its people subjugated by Monarchs. Matters have arrived so far, that if a sufficient number of those who desire to be true republicans, will refuse to unite in Christ's spirit, being ready to forsake all things, when truth and righteousness demand the sacrifice, they cannot be delivered from the hands of Monarchs. If the people of these U. S. continue to be so sectarian, each one so attached to his religious association, or political party; if editors of newspapors, publishers of periodicals and books, and if officials continue to be so corrupt as I have found them, while traveling in more than twenty of the United States, and applying to influential men of different religious sects and poli- tical creeds, as also to open and secret societies, whenever I had opportunity to meet with them, then most certainly after all the preparations which have been made, the Pope of Rome will not re- quire much assistance from his first-born sons and daughters, the Emperors, Kings and Queens, to bring into his Church, or kill by his inquisition the members of the three hundred sects of heretics. or rebels, which are in this country, and to divide this Republic into Monarchies and give them Kings of such families as have given him the greatest assistance in the subjugation of heretics. According to his principles he regards all Protestants as heretics, those excepted who, under mask of Protestantism, render greater service to his infernal schemes, than if they would appear as open papists. And since his principle is, "Divide et regna;" divide thy adversaries into as many sects and parties as possible, and then thou wilt obtain the power and government over them all, is it not evi- dent that his cause is a hopeful one? Besides, the heads of Pro- [ 5 ] testant sects and political parties, knew, and know well, how to give the best assistance to their Pope in Rome, and have divided the Protestant body in the United States into more than three hundred religious sects, and Priests or Ministers in all these sects become servants of the Pope, by supporting each one his own sect, instead of supporting the true Protestant or true Christian principle, which is the principle of free discussion, and spreading of truth when 'tis made manifest by free discussion. When I applied to Protestants for the use of their meeting-houses for preaching, some among them were willing to give them, parti- cularly when I assured them that I would explain prophesies re- garding the Pope of Rome. But when I mentioned that the popish Church is the Mother, and that their sects and parties are her dear daughters and grand daughters, and that the leaders of sects were small popes or small tyrants, they united with papists in persecu- ting me. I could scarcely believe it to be possible on reading (be- fore my departure from the seaport of Trieste for America,) a Ger- man work explaining the tenets of the three hundred sects of the United States and their abominable deeds. But alas! it is but too true. In my travels and labors in this country I have met with divisions and sub-divisions of sects, and I have found their number was not exaggerated. No person can be a true disciple of Christ if he is not ready to forsake his father and mother, wife and children, and all his pro- perty, when Christ and His cause requires him to do so; nor is any person a true Republican, or true Christian, if he is not ready to come out from his sect or his party, and profess the true Republican or true Christian principie; to prove or investigate freely all things which are of importance for the true Republic, or the true Church of Christ, and to hold fast and spread in the world that which is good or beneficial to and for mankind. I would be a traitor to my mission, which is the mission of every true Christian, if I were afraid to declare truth, that I might not offend any party or sect of Babylon, or confusion and delusion, all of which must and will disappear, and in and on its place the Hea- venly Jerusalem, or Truth and righteousness according to the true Republican or true Christian principle will be established. And we have the promise of Heavenly assistance in establishing it. But if Americans will continue to treat the true republican prin- ciple, supported by me, in such manner as I have experienced un- til now, I will then have greater hope sooner to convert my Slavo- nian nation and the Emperor of Russia as their representative into true republicans, than citizens of these U. S. But I act as a true citizen of this republic, in hope that people at length will be aroused from their incredible lethargy. Now, after many and various trials for this purpose I have writ- ten the following pages in this city of Pittsburgh, and have made many applications to private persons as well as to representatives of such societies as are boasting that they are maintaining the true [ 6 ] • Tepalilican principle; but each of them when tried by me, it was found that they were supporting the monarchical principle, and therefore I could get no assistance from them to publish these pages. Then I took my departure from Allegheny county and proceeded to one which I thought to be less subjugated by the Papal Imperial Royal powers, than any other county in Pennsylvania. In this I preached in a number of churches, explaining prophesies and the signs of the times, also obtaining names of subscribers for printing the following pages. But when success had nearly crowned my efforts, a Papist, (digging coals near to a village, in the Presbyterian church of which village I was preaching,) has shown that he exer- cised such a power not only over a large audience in a Presbyterian meeting-house, but also over the Judge, the Court, the Bar, Justices of the Peace, and the whole county, that I had to run from the place, where I could find no refuge or justice. Then I returned to Allegheny county, in hopes that the case which will be annexed to these pages, written many weeks before this preface, will at length open the eyes of citizens of this county to publish my pamphlet, and to act with me for the support and spreading of the true repub- lican or true christian cause. This preface was written on the 29th day of November, 1853, "in vigilia sancti Andreæ Apostoli," the 16th anniversary of my arrival in America, and the 58th anniversary of my birth-day; be- cause it was the same day and the same hour when I first touched American soil as when, I was born, 42 years before that, "in civitate collapsa," which in my native language is called Kamnik, in Ger- unan Stein, in English Stone of Illyria or Illyricum: Rom. xv:19; and I hope that the American people will begin to be born for the true republican and true christian principle, and that they will co- operate for the redemption of mankind from the yoke of monarchs with their sincere brother and fellow-citizen, ANDREW B. SMOLNIKAR. 1 [7] PERSONS AND PARTIES: THEIR PRINCIPLES AND OPERATIONS, Considered with reference to the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times. Eph. 1:10. There are two classes of persons among men, who not only hin- der but prevent the introduction of Harmony, Peace and Happiness, to which the people are entitled in virtue of their intellectual and moral faculties, and physical strength to realize them, but also in virtue of the promise given by the prophetical spirit which foresaw and foretold its realization. To the first class belong those deluded people who think the te- nets of their church cannot be improved, and endeavor to remain in a perpetual stagnation, supporting blindly such principles as, when examined with a sound mind, and in application of all the means which knowledge and science can afford, appear not to be according to truth, but accordant with delusion; not to be beneficial, but perni- cious, and therefore not to be tolerated, but abolished, by spreading light on subjects which men should know to enable them to enjoy that happiness which they are able to realize by uniting knowledge and strength for the common welfare. 1 The second class are those persons among the people who have discovered that Churches should not be in stagnation, but in progres- sion; but who are not prepared to penetrate through the surface of creeds into the depths of realities, to perceive truth as it will be per- ceived by the application of the whole amount of human knowl edge, and who, instead of occupying a higher ground than the pres- ent churches do occupy, descend to a level with beasts, and in their brutal ignorance of all the testimonies which were given through the course of centuries, and continue to be given in a great abun- dance in our time, for the continuation of the personal existence of man in his interior body after his departure from his corruptible or exterior body, and his close connexion with his congenial friends living in their corruptible bodies, they are trusting in weapons of war to destroy tyrants, not knowing that these weapons are unfit for the introduction of a reasonable or christian government, and that with these weapons if one tyrant is destroyed, a number of others are raised, to divide amongst themselves the prey, from which they may have repelled their antagonists. [ 8 ] i. Now, the wrong course of these two classes of persons hereto- fore has been the main cause of the destruction of human life and property, occasioning hindrances to the progression of our race to- wards the promised New Era of Harmony and Peace. And these two classes are still preparing weapons in great abundance for the destruction of life and property, as if there was not for men a nobler destiny than learning the art of butchering each other. In the year 1832, which was the thirteenth of my Priesthood and fifth of my Professorship in the Roman Catholic Church, and after having been (for what happened) duly prepared by continuous stu- dies, from earliest youth, besides having an earnest desire to learn to know truth, that I might act accordingly, for the good of man, and welfare of the human race. 'Twas then my eyes were so un- expectedly and wonderfully opened that I began to understand the prophetical position of the Roman Church and her daughters, and the signs of the times, according to prophecies, for their abolition by Christ's spirit, and for the introduction of Christ's peaceable reign, or the Great Republic in which nations will be united in and by the spirit of truth and righteousness. From that period till now I have been preparing to give testimo- ny in due season, respecting that which had been disclosed to me; but experiencing that the Austrian government, under which I held and performed my offices before-mentioned, was not ready to exam- ine my testimony, much less spread it in the world, I then had to depart for America. For that purpose, a passport from the govern- ment was needed, which I received, after explanation, that I had been called by the spirit to America, to labor in that field for the union of nations in the Church of Christ. I, however, under- stood, the true Church of Christ, which will be established in the place of the prophetical or Papal Church; but the government un- derstood the papal church, by which Monarchs are supported. From the year 1838 I performed in America, under guidance of Christ's Spirit, that which was required according to prophesies for the abolition of Popery, and published its explanation, with the signs: and prophesies by which it has been confirmed, in five German' volumes, which were printed from 1838 to 1842. But by the ex- ertions of the above mentioned two classes, the circulation of my volumes was stopped, and the Papal Imperial Royal agency against the liberties of this country was patronized powerfully not only by Romanists, but also by Protestants, who preferred private interests to the common welfare, else they were deceived so that they thought they were supporting a true Republican, which is the same as a true Christian; whilst they were supporting a Monarchical, which is the same as anti-Christian government, and they steadily refused to pay attention to my message, in which these matters are explain- ed. By ignorance of these things, in the year 1849, bloody revo- lutions and wars, which had been predicted in my publications. broke out in Europe, and chained nations with new shackels forged by Monarchs, when as in use and by application of means shown 1 [9] in my writings, Monarchies of this world would have been convert- ed in a peaceable manner into the Great Republic which will be Christ's peaceable reign on earth. While revolutions and wars were raging dreadfully in Europe, I thonght it the proper time to commence, in a new manner, to exhort Bishops and others to ex- amine my Message of Peace and the credentials of my Mission, which is the mission of every true Christian. At that time I was aroused. by peculiar circumstances, to invite, by letter, Michael O'Connor, Roman Catholic Bishop in this city of Pittsburgh, to appoint a time and place for a public reading of my Latin Manuscript, in which is concentrated what every true Chris- tian should know, to co-operate for the union and peace of nations, and which I wrote in Latin that it might be sent to the Pope and all his Cardinals and Bishops, because they are the first in duty bound to act for this co-operation, because the follies of their administration have produced, in the Christian Church, the two above-mentioned classes of people, by whom revolutions and wars were nurtured through the long course of many Christian centuries, and who are now preparing the most tremendous destruction of human life and property. I invited the Bishop to appear with as many Divines as he could assemble, that they might first hear the reading of my Latin Manuscript, and then reply in writing what they should deem proper, that their eply with my remarks might be annexed to my manuscript and published in Latin and in translations, that every person might be able to examine matters for themselves and learn what is most needed for the harmony and peace of nations. And in the first place, that Bishops might do this, because their anti- christian proceedings advance in these United States in the same manner as they did in France, and caused that dreadful Revolution in which, at the end of the last century, besides hundreds of thou- sands of others, also twenty-four thousand Priests, that is, all Priests who did not escape, were killed in France. The Bishop answered my long Latin letter in a short manner. His answer is very suitable to the present circumstances, therefore I publish it here verbatim et punctuatim, in Latin and in English, as follows: "Andreæ Smolniker, M. O'Connor, Episcopus Pittsburgensis- Quod de doctis sacerdotibus gratis asseris multo sæpius verum est de iis qui se legatos Christi" appellant-eos nempe esse incredu- los. Cum tu extra Ecclesiam Christi apostasia tua te constitueris extra corpus ejus es, et fidem sine qua impossibile est placere Deo abjecisti. Quid, ergo, doceas parum refert cum extra doceas quamvis sicut omnes alii Heretici ex Scripturis doctrinam tuam extundere coneris. "Pro nobis scire sufficit Jesum Christum heri et hodie ipsumque et in sæcula Nobis providisse media quibus quæ ad salutem necessa ria vel utilia sunt addiscere possimus. In Ecclesia nimirum san- guine suo mundata salutis viam Nobis reliquit. Huic a Christo fir- mitatem derivanti quamvis ab hæreticis et apostatis rejectæ. Nos [ 10 ] inbærentes imbecilles minas eorum despicimus qui se "Legatos Chris- ti" vocant, et qui. (si ab iis legationis suæ extraordinarite signum rogetur,) ne claudum quidem canem sanitati restituere valent. "Ut te nefandi apostasiæ criminis pœniteat aliquando, et salutis quam Christus etiam pro carnificibus rogavit particeps fias ex corde Deum precor quod ut fiat necesse est ut de blasphemia qua tế "Christi legatum" constituis eosque quos ille constituit rejicis ex corde doleas vitamque emendes. Datum Pittsburgi, die Sa Mart, 1849." Which means: M. O'Connor, Bishop of Pittsburgh, to Andrew Smolnikar:- What you assert without reason in regard to learned Priests, is very often true in regard to those who call themselves Christ's Legates, to wit: that they are Infidels. Whereas you have constituted your- self, by your apostacy, outward of Christ's Church, you are out of her body, and you have rejected the Faith, without which it is im- possible to please God. Therefore, it is of small concern what you teach, because you teach outward, although, as all other heretics, you endeavor to extort your doctrine from Scripture. For us it is sufficient to know that Jesus Christ, who is yesterday, to-day and all times, has provided the means by which we are able to learn what is needful or useful for salvation; to wit, he has left us the way to salvation in the Church cleansed with his blood. To this Church, which derives her strength from Christ, although she is rejected by heretics and apostates, we inhere and despise the fee- ble threats of those who call themselves "Christ's Legates," and who (if you require a sign of their extraordinary legation,) are not able to restore a lame dog to his health. I pray God with all my heart that you might repent the execra- ble crime of apostacy, and that you might partake of the salvation which Christ prayed also for his executioners. That it might hap- pen, it is necessary that you regret with all your heart the blasphe- my with which you constitute yourself Christ's Legate and reject those whom he has constituted, and mend your life. Given in Pittsburgh on the 3d day of March, 1849. It would be necessary to copy my long letter to the Bishop and then to write an extended treatise to show all the follies contained in this answer, in which the spirit by whom Popish Bishops and Priests are inspired is made manifest. I mentioned in my letter that in my Latin manuscript, to the examination of which I invited him and his clergy, the credentials of our mission is concentrated. These credentials have been given for all men and women, by whose instrumentality the promised New Era will be established. They appear according to prophecies as Christ's Legates for the introduc tion of the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times: Eph. I:10, in which nations will be united, not in the Pope of Rome, but in the' Spirit of Jesus Christ, which is the Spirit of Truth and Righteousness, Harmo- ny and Peace, and they will show their true faith by their works; [ 11 ] but in Popedom many learned Priests prove to be Infidels, supporting follies by which nations are fighting and destroying each other. I understood, in my letter to Bishop O'Connor, by the learned Priests in the first place Bishops, because learned Priests who apply their learning to support the usurpations and pretensions of the Pope, are used by him as Bishops or Inspectors of other Priests. Wherever I challenged Bishops and others to examine my Mes- sage of Peace and they refused to do so, the Spirit of darkness, by whom they are inspired, was made manifest in a similar manner as in the above copied letter of Bishop Michael O'Connor. He pro- ved to be a terrible infidel. I invited him with the clergy of his Diocese, and others to come and hear the reading of the Signs which happened according to Prophecies for the establishment of the pro- mised harmony and peace on earth. But instead of accepting my invitation to come and examine the argument of my assertion, he, without an examination of the matter, declared me to be an apostate and Heretic; but in the same connexion he confessed that he is of the Band of those who are Infidels. He confesses at the end of the let- ter that I reject those whom Christ had constituted to be his Legates; but at the commencement of the letter he tells, that many who call themselves Christ's Legates are Infidels. Ideny that Christ had consti- tuted Popish Bishops to be his Legates. They are Infidels, as the Spirit by whom Bishop O'Connor was possessed while he was wri- ting the above copied letter was compelled to confess, and Bishop O'Connor was such a blind writing Medium of the Demon, that he was not aware what he was writing. Popish Bishops are Infidels. who call themselves Successors of the Apostles, which is the same as Christ's Apostles, or Christ's Legates, because a Successor of an Apostle is as certainly an Apostle, as a regal successor to a King is a King. And Bishop O'Connor asserts the same at the end of the copied letter, that Christ has constituted Popish Bishops to be his Legates. Legate in Latin means the same as Apostle in Greek.- But Popish Bishops are laboring, not to establish Christ's Govern- ment or the great Republic of Truth and Righteousness, Harmony and Peace, but have been supporting, through a long course of cen- turies, and continue to support the most dreadful, warlike and des- potic monarchy, inspired and filled with all kinds of absurd errors. and most abominable practices. After having crushed in Europe the Freedom which nations should enjoy in Christ, they keep them in bondage by an enormous militia, who consume the produce of the laboring classes, to kill and to be killed, and they have rejected with such impertinence as their Representative shows in the copied letter, all my invitations to learn the Message of Peace, and have prepared in these United States and vicinity as much fuel for fierce and fiery revolutions and wars as was in their power. Their pa- pers and books are filled with most arrogant boasting of their hav- ing the means for salvation which are not elsewhere, and the most abusive treatment of Heretics, that is, of those who know that they do not need the Pope and his Bishops as Mediums to come to Christ, ( 13 ) but that these ministers of darkness are rather impediments than assistants in their coming to Christ. While traveling among the Indians, I found they were inspired by Popish Priests with an incredible hatred to Protestants, and they will be good instruments of the first born sons and daughters of the Pope, that is, of Monarchs, to effect enormous destruction by sallies from woods upon those who will not be ready to defend themselves. The black Emperor of Hayti was crowned and inspired by Jesuits, to make as great preparation as possible for fighting, to assist white Emperors and Kings in their conspiracy against the liberties of this country. And Santa Anna is assisted by crowds of Spanish sub- jects and other Europeans in converting Mexico into a land of sol- diers. I saw accounts in newspapers, before commencing to write this, of fifty thousand new soldiers in Mexico, large numbers of whom are Spanish subjects. The most Popish are the most war- like countries, that is, countries in which comparatively the greatest amount of life and property is destroyed. The Pope and his Bish- ops are preparing people for destruction, because they are laboring with great zeal to make all men and women on the whole earth to be their sheep. At length some begin to feel that they are not sheep, but men and women; but others remain sheep of the Pope, and his first born sons and daughters, to whom they give their wool. They are employed as wild beasts to kill those who will not belong to the l'ope's flock, and to be killed by them; because Bishops them- selves who pretend to be Pastors, are found to be Wolfs, i. e. wolves, Their representative is Anthony Aloysy Wolf, Prince Bishop of my native Diocese, Laibach. After this Wolf had in such manner de- ceived Ferdinand, Emperor of Austria, that he neglected to fulfil his high duty in regard to my Message of Peace. by the power of the Spirit, I compelled this Bishop Wolf to confess his conspiracy in a letter directed to me, which was published in the fourth of my before mentioned five volumes, and that letter occasioned the writing of three hundred pages, where many abominations of Bishops were made manifest, which without that letter would not have been dis- closed. Notwithstanding all the instructions and warnings given to Bishops, they remained obstinate sinners against the Holy Spirit; but after that I received no writing from any Bishop, except the above copied answer of Bishop O'Connor to my letter, which was occasioned by a Priest and Professor of Divinity in the Theological Institution at Birmingham, near Pittsburgh. The Professor affirm- ed, in a conversation with me, besides other absurdities, that Luther was a hog, because he married a Nun. I invited the Professor to a public discussion of the matter, whether it would not be better for Priests, Monks and Nuns to marry, than to continue in celibacy, and other matters which should be made known to Priests. He declined accepting my invitation. In Allegheny city I met with Professor Mosettitsch, a spy from the Austrian government. I was acquainted with that Priest during our studies in the city of Laibach; then he was Professor of Divin- [ 13 ] ity in Goricia, while I was Professor in Clagenfurt; but he was offi- ciating as Parson in Allegheny city, and as Vicar General of Bishop O'Connor, and in these offices he had good opportunity to find out many secrets useful for his government. When I found in my con- versations with him that he was an obstinate sinner against the Holy Spirit, I used him as my letter carrier to Bishop O'Connor.- But when he brought me no answer, though I wrote the Bishop that he should either directly return my letter or send an answer, I then wrote a second letter, and sent it by a citizen of Pittsburgh to Bish- op O'Connor, and required that he should either directly send me an answer or return both letters. Then he wrote as above copied, from which it is manifest that be belongs to the Band of those men who are named by Jesus Christ, Wolves. Those wolves have roused not only those nations by whom the United States are surrounded to a warlike spiru, to kill and to be killed for the advantage of the Po- pish Dominion, but they have also gained in the United States mil- lions of inen for the same abominable purposes; and powerful bodies which seem not to be Popish, bave inherited the Popish Spirit and exercise it against the liberties of this country. For instance, Mor- monism is nothing else but Popery in a new Protestant form, and the government of Utah Territory is secretly inimical to the gov- ernment of the United States. But its secret hatred will become manifest, and I wish that it might become known before it may be too late to make use of our Solemn Warning. I did not find much of that kind of republican spirit by which ci- tizens of the United States must be inspired and roused to action if they would escape the yoke of Monarchs, while I was traveling in more than twenty of the United States, seeking assistance against the usurpations of the Pope of Rome and other Monarchs; but all kind of Humbugs, preparatory to the subjugation of this Country by the Pope and his first born Sons and Daughters, received great support, while I was left without assistance. Were I to write volumes instead of a Circular, I would disclose unexpected things in reference to this point; but I only mention that after having endeavored to move Bishop O'Connor to examine my Message of Peace, I applied in several cities to such Protestant Cler- gymen as profess to be Latin scholars, to furnish me a place for holding a Convention for examining my Latin Manuscript, and to publish my invitation, which would draw Roman Catholic Bishops and Priests to our Convention, else they must continue to appear be- fore their own sheep as manifest enemies of God and Man. But I could not succeed in moving them to render assistance in this most important and just cause; because they are either ignorantly or wit- tingly supporting the government of the Pope in this Country. At length I hired the American Hall, in the city of New York, pub- lished in an English Circular the appointment of a Latin Conven- tion, sent the Circular and a long Latin letter to the Archbishop of Baltimore, exhorting him to come with other Bishops and Priests to our Convention on the 15th of May, 1840. [ 14 ] In the letter to the Archbishop of Baltimore, I quoted a large por- tion of the above copied letter of Bishop O'Connor, showing that it was written in a Demoniac State, and how Bishops and Priests should relieve themselves from being blind instruments of malicious De- mons, by coming to the appointed convention with a sincere desire to find out truth, and to examine freely, without prejudice, the Cre- dentials of my mission which is the mission of every true Christian, And in the first place Bishops and Priests should not be obstinate Infidels, but carefully examine the long chain of Signs according to prophecies, which will be shown in the Convention; Signs worthy of the glorious mission which we have received to establish Christ's peaceable Reign on Earth; because the time has arrived, according to prophecies, when the great promise of Harmony and Peace on earth will be accomplished by the instrumentality of true Christians in this Age. But to restore a lame Dog, to health, (referring to what is said by Bishop O'Connor in the above copied letter.) is not befit- ting our mission; but it would be more suitable for Popish Bishops than to transubstantiate wafers into their Christs, and to give the same power to others when ordaining them to be Priests. I did all I could to move the Archbishop of Baltimore and the whole Synod, to send most able Theologians to our Convention; but they rather preferred to be Governors in this Country, as appointed by their Lord and Monarch, the Pope, than to be true christians. A Popish Bishop in this country is nothing else but a Governor, receiv- ing power and jurisdiction from the Pope. Every Popish Bishop in this country exercises as much jurisdiction, so far as his power extends, and applies all his influence for the subjugation of the whole earth to be under control of the Pope, who claims to be the infallible Monarch of the Church, and that to be saved it is necessa- ry that all should unite with his Church. The Archbishop and his Bishops were not yet ready to come to my Latin Convention, and learn to know their dreadful delusion and be true Christians, and Christ's Legates, co-operating with us for Christ's peaceable Reign. Nor would other Latin scholars attend that Con- vention which had been appointed, to be conducted in the Latin lan- guage, on the 15th May, 1819, in the American Hall of New York, although they were most urgently invited in my Circular to come and learn how to sustain the true republican principle and spread it over the whole earth. Latin scholars receive greater advantages from Popes, Kings and Queens than from republicans. Therefore I then translated my Latin Manuscript into German and English, endeavoring to assemble people to Conventions in those languages. But Papal Imperial Royal Agents, with whom this country is abun- dantly supplied, knowing the danger intended as to their Master's cause from our conventions, deluded the people, and frustrated my. attempts in such manner that I only succeeded, in the year 1851, in holding a small English Convention, in which thirteen Resolutions, to commence the New Era of Harmony and Peace, commonly cal lod the Millenium, were unanimously adopted, and then published, • [ 15 ] with other things showing in what manner people are magnetized by Priests, firmly to believe, besides many other incredible things, that also which Bishops in the Council of Trent decreed according to the wishes of their Master, the Pope, in Session 13th, Canon 1st, to wit: "If any body denies that there is in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar the body and the blood, the soul and the Deity of Jesus Christ, and consequently the whole Jesus Christ truly, in reality and essence, let him be Anathema or accursed." According to the Council of Popish Bishops, all men are accur- sed and eternally dainned, who do not believe this and other articles of their faith. The Sacrament of the Altar is made of the water. or piece of bread, with the power of the Priest, when he speaks these words in his Mass: "Hoc est Corpus meum:" "This is my Body." This Sacrament is in every wafer which is transubstantia- ted with the above quoted words by the Priest while he is saying Mass, although thousands of these Masses are said every day, and one Priest transubstantiates sometimes hundreds of wafers in one Mass to supply all customers who are desirous to receive the Sacra- ment, that is, to receive the whole Jesus Christ, who, according to the Popish doctrine, is in each transubstantiated wafer; and if one wafer is broken into many pieces, each transubstantiated piece con- tains the whole Jesus Christ, that is, according to our apprehension, one Jesus Christ is multiplied into as many Jesus Christs as Priests are pleased to make. In the same pamphlet in which the above mentioned thirteen Res- olutions appeared, I published a Lecture on the dreadful abuse of Human Magnetism in the Mysteries of the Roman Church, by which readers were enabled to comprehend how Popish Bishops and Priests could gather immense riches by their masses and multi- plications of their Christs. But the anti-christian powers soon made the copies of my pamphlet disappear, because it is extremely dangerous to their machinations, by which they are subjugating this country before people are aware of it. They also know how to control editors, that facts which cannot be kept secret any longer, are misrepresented in newspapers. I could fill volumes with instances of this kind; but in this Circular I shall only mention one. When it could no longer be kept secret that Papists in this republic were preparing weapons of war, then the following version of the fact appeared in Protestant newspapers. I quote from the Monthly Jubilee for August, 1853. In that paper we read as follows: "We quote from the Democratic Review the significant an- nouncement that the Irish refugees are organizing a power for the deliverance of their fellow sufferers. They avow the intention to avail themselves of the first opportunity which shall present itself. We quote the Review: There is a spirit abroad among this mass of our citizens, which has lately been aroused to a degree of resolution that must lead to a [16] successful issue in due course of time. This spirit is rapidly ex- tending to every town, city and village, and the alacrity with which 过 progresses shows a degree of earnestness which has been made the subject of much cominent by many leading friends of Ireland at present sojourning in America. The spirit of military organiza tion cannot have escaped the notice of cur citizens within the last few years, particularly since the Irish 'failure' of 1818. There are many of the bone and sinew of Ireland here, who would fight, and they thirst for another blow at England. It is in contemplation, we are assured, to raise from sixty to one hundred thousand fighting men in these United States, fully armed, drilled and disciplined, to be ready at some future day to rescue their native land.” Not long since, I read the prospectus of a new Irish paper to be issued in Boston, containing the following remarkable confession :- We shall endeavor to extend military operations until every Irish- man capable of bearing armis, is enrolled in some military associa- tion!" You will be deceived so long as you are not ready to hear truth, ahhough it may not be pleasing when it shows how you have been deluded for many years, by the conspiracy against the liberties to which you are entitled in Jesus Christ. You will never be well in- structed concerning the number of emigrants coming from countries devoted to the Pope if you depend upon Almanacs and the more popular class of newspapers. Only in one paper I read, that in the year 1819 about one million of persons crossed the Atlantic Ocean from Ireland, a large number of them to Canada and from thence to the Western States. From what I have seen and heard from those who must know better than many cthers, as to the increase of Roman Catholics in their own sections of the United States. I found the statement of an observer of the movements in Ireland much more exact, than statements of these who reported a lower nunter. And in regard to the intention of their military movements, it should be known everywhere that the true Popish spirit considers heretics, cr Protestants, as Rebels against their Monarch, the Pope. They are tolerated only so long as it would hurt the interests of the Pope, if he should proclaim a crusade against them. And the great riches which are in the United States, are strong alurements for daring en- terprises. The true Popish spirit, made manifest in buils and other Popish documents, is the spirit of extermination of Heretics you will find the same spirit in the above copied leuer of Bishop O'Connor. Those who arrogantly and boldly refuse to examine the arguments against their pretensions and usurpations, would certain- ly apply force to secure their usurpations and gratify their ambition, if they should feel themselves strong enough to crush their opposers. To know their power, it is to be understood that to be understood that many Protestants are secret Papists, under the Protestant mask rendering greater ser- vice to the Pope than they could do if they were openly Papists.- Soon after Queen Victoria's marriage, I heard from several Roman And [ 17 ] Catholics, who seemed to be instructed in the matter, that she, too, is a secret Roman Catholic, and that she would be such openly if the law only allowed this to the Queen. Then I observed her steps, and believed the report. I read a sermon preached by Father Matthew in Ireland, several years before his call to this country. He is a Capuchin Monk, and Capuchin Monks are great and blind instruments of the Pope of Rome. In that sermon, notes of which were taken by one of his admirers, while he was preaching, and then it was published in this country, Father Matthew assured his countrymen that none of them need emigrate to America, that during the week preceding he had traveled through millions of acres of the best land in Ireland, not yet cultivated by any person, and that Irishmen could make as good a living in their own country as in America. When Father Matthew was preaching in that style, he did not yet know the se- cret design of Monarchs and their servants against the liberties of this country. But having been let into this secret, he done all in his power to promote the emigration of Irish people to this country, and to make citizens of the United States favorable to the enterpri- ses of his Lord, the Pope of Rome. In commendation of this in- strument of Monarchs, and the promotion of the cause he advocated, Protestant Editors used much space in their newspapers. It would be but a poor excuse if they should say it was the temperance cause which they patronized, because Popish agents always come under pretext of reformation. to seduce and enslave so many as they may be able to move, and this, too, when not aware that they are enchain- ed. So powerful and successful was Father Matthew that editors to whom I offered articles showing his proper position, as also of other Popish agents, they dared not publish them. Such Editors keep people in darkness concerning the one thing needful, filling their columns with all kinds of trashy and delusive affairs. For the present, vague speculations and lengthy reports of the war be- tween Russia and Turkey fill their columns. • After this manner the minds of most men are directed to those places where human life and property are in process of destruction, whilst few orally, or through the more popular papers of the day, have moral courage to instruct, direct and exhort people that they should mourn. Whilst many hearing and reading of such dreadful things, testifying the greatest possible degradation of our race, how few are attempting to do that which is most necessary to be done, to avert similar calamities from this country? The present destruc- tive scenes occurring in Europe are precursors of unexpectedly dreadful calamities in this country. Monarchs of Christian name will not be conquered by the Turks, no matter how great the assis- tance which may be afforded them by those who are trying to change European Monarchies into Republics. But the Monarchs have plenty of arms, provisions, armies, and vessels of war, which, with the assistance of their almost innumerable friends in America, makes them feel confident that they are equal to begin so great a butchery. 3 E [ 18 ] } as may be necessary to convert this Republic into Monarchies. And they have great reason to expect that very soon opportunity will occur to fight, and to fight with success, if the people of this coun- try have not knowledge of better weapons, and the right manner of using them against their power, than artillery, powder and bullets, swords of iron, rifle guns and other weapons of war. "Religious Liberty, in the sense of liberty possessed by every man to choose his religion, is one of the most wicked delusions ever foisted upon this age by the Father of all Deceit;" this is their prin- ciple, expressed in their newspapers, in their Bullarium Romanum, and other works containing the Popish Imperial Royal Canon-Law, which shows the determination of the Pope and his Bishops and Monks to crush down, not only all religious, but also all political liberty in the whole earth. They know that it is impossible for them to rule in security so long as this Republic exists. Therefore they have been preparing, secretly, weapons of war in this country, till at length the fact cannot be kept any longer secret. However, they have numerous Protestant papers, the editors of which give such a version of this affair that Protestants are as little alarmed as those were to whom Noah was preaching repentance and prophesy- ing the near approaching deluge; but they would not believe, and consequently perished. Papists, who are the same as Monarchists, are expecting the near approach of their victory against Republi- cans in the United States. Whether they are right or wrong de- pends on you, my fellow-citizens and fellow-christians. If you take the right position and the right steps, making use of the right weap- ons, all Monarchs of this world cannot prevail against you. But if you take a wrong position and wrong weapons, you will suffer de- feat, till you correct your mistakes. Just as I am revising this sheet, in hopes that I shall at length find one who will publish it, I see an article, dated New York, Novem- ber 29, reporting a very great excitement on the arrival of the Irish refugee, Mitchell. Salutes were fired by the Irish military compa- nies, and other manifestations of the greatest enthusiasm took place. Meagher, Col. Doheny, and others, were among the earliest to greet Mitchell. The latter part of the 17th chapter of Revelations continues to be fulfilled in this age. In the 16th verse, Monarchs appear as ex- ecutioners of judgments against the Harlot, or Church apostatized from the principles of Truth and Righteousness. Those who be- long to that Harlot, trust in the arms of the Prince of this world, and expect they will subjugate Monarchs by revolutions and wars, not knowing the prophecy, according to which it is evident that in this manner they will be made naked by Monarchs, that is, depri- ved of their property and consumed and burnt with fire. But my mission is to show how to make use of the weapons of the Lamb in the 14th verse of the 17th chapter of Revelations, to prevail against the Beast and its Horns, against Popery, Monarchy and all kinds of Tyranny. • [ 19 ] + But On the 29th of November, 1853, that is, on my birth-day, there seemed to be such an enthusiasm in the city of New York on the arrival of a new and great Irish Refugee, i. e., a Great Minister of the Harlot of the 17th chapter of Revelations, to prepare her for destruction, as there was at the arrival of Louis Kossuth and his suite. Kossuth is my countryman, of the same Slavonian nation, and of the same government; his name is properly Koshuta, which means a Deer, an animal most persecuted by hunters, and he, as Grand Master of the Harlot, which according to the 16th verse of the 17th chapter of Revelations, must be made by Horns, Monarchs or Hunters, naked and desolate, and be burnt with fire, he deserved mystical names, farther explanation of which cannot be given in this small pamphlet, in which many things can only be hinted at. after he and his companions had destroyed a large proportion of the people of my nation, and had come as refugees to America, I wrote to him while he was in New York, to deliver him from the womb of the Harlot: Rev. xvi1:16, and to prepare him for the warfare which is directed by the Lamb, and waged by those who are called and chosen, and faithful: Rev. xvII:14. Then I wrote him again to Pittsburgh and informed him that I would meet him in Cincinnati. On his arrival in Cincinnati I gave him in writing so much infor- mation as was abundantly sufficient to move him to appoint a pri- vate conversation with me. But he was so cunning that he recei- ved me in a public audience, and excused himself with not having time to converse with me, and directed that I should apply to Count Pulsky. In the year 1844, a Hungarian Nobleman who, in America, for several months, had studied my publications and comprehending my Message of Peace, he was sent by mne to the Imperial Court of Vienna and to Hungary, to instruct the leading men how to co-op- erate in a peaceable manner for the fulfilment of the great promises. It would have been too difficult for Koshuta and his suite to answer a number of inquiries in connexion with the great question-Why they used such weapons (Rev. xv: 16,) to destroy the Harlot by the Ten Horns, instead of using the weapons of the Lamb, (Rev. xvII:14,) to convert her to be Christ's Bride? Rev. xIx:7. It was best for him to send me to his Minister, Pulsky, and this man ex- cused himself as not having been in Hungary at the time when my messenger arrived there. And since it would have been in vain if I had complained against the enormous destruction of human life and property during the dreadful revolution and war, on account that they despised to study my Message of Peace, and to make the application of the means prepared in my publications and my man- uscripts, to destroy the Beast with ten Horns and the Harlot or Whore, without killing a man. But since they have accomplished just the contrary of what should have been done to prevent repeti- tion of like destructions, I demanded from Count Pulsky to move Kossuth to retire with his suite into a suitable place to examine my publications and manuscripts, and thus learn how to work, not for 7 [ 20 ]+ destruction, but for Harmony and Peace of nations. But after sev eral conversations with Polsky, he at last brought the ultimatum of Kossuth that it was impossible for him to change his plans; because he is not preparing peace, but destruction of nations; and since he has rejected my advice, he contributed his share to the present war between Russia and Turkey. Not to write a volume of solemn warnings, instead of a small pam- phlet, I will only give some instances, showing how my Lord, the Lamb, (Rev. xvn:14,) will dethrone those who receive not our Mes- sage of Peace, when the people are prepared to receive it. In the year 1838, after the publication of the first of the five Ger- man volumes mentioned in this pamphlet, copies of it were sent to Ferdinand, Emperor of Austria, whom I exhorted, in a letter, most energetically to enjoin on his best Theologians the examination of my Message of Peace, and to send the result of their examination to be published with my remarks, to enable people to judge for themselves correctly concerning these matters. But I received no answer. Then I published my second volume and sent a box filled with copies of both volumes to Matthew Raunicher, Bishop of Triest, directing him in a letter to send copies to the government, and to proceed in such manner that my volumes might be examined by Theologians, and the result transmitted to me, to be published with my remarks. I wrote for the same purpose to Doctor Joseph Pletz, Imperial Royal Director of Theological Studies, Parson of the Im- perial Court in Vienna, &c.; to Anthony Aloysy Wolf, Prince Bish- op of Laibach, and to a number of others, but I received no answer, excepting from a Professor, who made a journey from my country to London and wrote me from that city, declaring that it would be very dangerous to wiite me from any place under the Austrian gov. ernment. After that I published the third volume, and sent a box contain ing copies of the three volumes to the King of Bavaria, exhorting him in a letter, that the Emperor of Austria having been deceived by his false prophets, and had failed to perform his highest duty, that he, the King of Bavaria, should fulfill what the Emperor had failed to do, and recommend to his Theologians the examination of my publications, and then convert the other Monarchs. About the same time, to wit, the end of April, 1840, I also sent a copy of all three volumes to the King of France, exhorting him to translate and publish them in French, that the French nation might be among the first in proclaiming the glorious Message for the introduction and es- tablishment of Harmony and Peace of and among the nations. The Emperor of Austria, the King of Bavaria and the King of France were the only three among Monarchs to whom my first three vol umes had been sent. Those volumes contained a complete view of that which should then have been spread among the nations as a preparation for the introduction of the promised New Era of Har- mony and Peace. I also wrote to a number of other Monarchs, in- forming them that I had sent copies of my publications, (the con- 1 1 [ 21 ] } tents of which all Monarchs should know.) to the Emperor of Aus- tria and the King of Bavaria; but alas! neither Monarchs nor people we're ready to make use of the means for stopping destruction of human life and property. કે Having received no answer from the Austrian government, a Messenger from the Heavenly Congress (Rev. XIX:14) instructed me that Anthony Aloysy Wolf, Prince Bishop of Laibach, was the Prince of those who kept the Emperor and his subjects in darkness in regard to my publications, but that he was appointed to be given as a warning example. Then I called two of the 144 witnesses who had been given me for assistance in what I performed in the Popish Church for a testimony that her time was expiring. I read before them the letter which was prepared according to direction of the Heavenly Messenger, to compel Bishop Wolf to give me an an- swer, and said to them, You, as witnesses that this letter will be answered by Bishop Wolf, should do what follows, to wit: one of you seal the letter with my seal, and the other will write the direc- tion as I shall dictate it. Then the letter was committed to the care of my Invisible Directors, who, before that time, had given permis- sion to infernal executioners to punish with a sudden death Doctor Joseph Pleitz, Parson of the Emperor and Conspirator with Bishop Wolf to stop the circulation of my volumes. But Prince Bishop Wolf was preserved to be a warning example for all Bishops. The spirit of Dr. Pletz was compelled by my Directors to make Bishop Wolf a writing medium to answer my letter, and to confess, not as a penitent, but as an obstinate sinner, his conspiracy and his great rebellion against Christ and the Heavenly armies. Rev. xix: 14.- When his letter was in transmission on the Ocean, internal Demons were permitted to raise tremendous storms, in consequence of which not only other vessels but also the steamer President perished in such manner that there was no vestige of her found. She perished and President Harrison died at the same time; then Bishop Wolf's letter arrived in America, and after a certain prophetical course thro' several post-offices, it was handed me in Philadelphia, on the 19th of April, 1841, that was, on the birth-day of the Emperor Ferdi- nand. I understood from this letter how rapacious Wolfs, or wolves had devoured the poor Emperor. Then I added "The One Thing Needful," as the 4th volume is entitled, the composition and print- ing of which at the end, was almost 300 pages, of Memorable Events, referring to the conspiracy of rapacious Wolves against the liberty which nations should enjoy in Christ Jesus. } Not to enter farther into explanation of matters, I only mention that in "The One Thing Needful," dreadful judgments, and the year in which they were to occur, 1848, have been prophesied in so wonderful a manner by the prophetical names and actions of the 48th among the 144 witnesses, that I myself did not understand the prophecy, till in February, 1848, the European Revolutions broke out, which was the same month in which I appeared publicly, in the year 1838, as Christ's Legate, against the Abominable Deeds of [ 22 ]· Bishops and Priests, and declared my separation from, and inde- pendence of the Pope of Rome and his Bishops. In that Revolu tion the three Monarchs to whom my volumes had been sent, were cast alive from their thrones by secret judgments; but nations, be- cause they were not yet prepared for better governments, and were seeking Freedom with carnal weapons, received other Despots. + Whilst great Revolutions and dreadful Wars were consuming an enormous amount of human life and property in Europe, I wrote to President Polk towards the end of his Administration, because I did not find it convenient to disturb him while executing judgments on the Great Harlot in the war with Mexico, according to the 16th verse of the 17th chapter of Revelations. In my letter I showed how he, with his friends, after the expiration of his Administrative term, might be much greater than any President of the United States ever was before him, if he would only publish and spread a work by the circulation of which the Monarchical influence would. be destroyed in this country, and the European Revolutions would have good results for the Liberty of Nations. However, Polk did not answer my letter but died about the same time in which my work would have been published under his direction, if he had com- prehended the contents of my letter, and then he would have been Christ's Legate, instead of being a dead man. When the Latin Convention, mentioned in this Pamphlet, had been appointed, I sent to the President, Zachary Taylor, a parcel, enclosed in which was a copy of my English Circular, containing the appointment, and a copy of my Latin Letter to the Archbishop of Baltimore, and a Letter to the President, entreating him energet- ically, to fulfill his Highest Duty, and to send Latin Scholars to the appointed Convention, in which matters of the greatest importance for the Government of the United States would be disclosed, and to remember that he, as 12th President of the United States, should not be a Traitor to the cause of this Republic, as Judas was a trai- tor to the cause of Christ; but that he should be the Great Apostle of the New Era, and the Great Instructor of Emperors and Kings for the Pacification of the World. The President did not under- stand my letter. No Latin Scholar appeared at the Latin Conven- tion, but men continued to slaughter each other with as much fury as if they had been ferocious beasts, and Monarchs overcame and crushed down all Revolutionary movements in Europe. Afterwards I wrote my last exhortation to President Taylor, showing him how he might correct so far as possible, what he had neglected to do respecting the Convention. But he remained obstinate, and died on the right day and hour in correspondence with what happened in other places, and according to what I was ordered to do at the com- mencement of the same day, towards the end of which he expired, to be a warning example to all officers. But these matters cannot, be more fully explained in this small pamphlet, in which as many points as can be comprehended on a few pages, must be printed, that Presidential successors may be aroused, if it be possible, from their [ 23 ] # lethargy, to do that which their predecessors neglected to perform, and this in order to save this Republic from the rapacious grasp of Monarchs. If President Fillmore had examined the writings which I sent him, and had he performed that which was shown him therein, he would have been the most important man in our time, and he could have effected the greatest things for the deliverance of Nations from the shackles of Tyrants. He himself may report whether my les- ters were handed to him or remained in the hands of his Secretary, Webster. It certainly was his fault if he had such a Secretary as would not hand him the most important documents. And because he despised the solemn warnings given him by my instrumentality, he began just at the same time according to the prediction in my writings to him, to die politically, when his Secretary, Webster, also died physically. But Henry Clay died too, and also, in due time, the Wife of President Fillmore died at the expiration of his Admin- istration, before he left Washington City, All of which happened according to our Prophetical Almanac, whereby we prophesy im- portant things. Yet it is not proper in this Pamphlet to explain Prophecies which will be more easily comprehended after reading my Manuscript in our Convention, and nothing would be more agreeable to me than that Ex-President Fillmore, with as many of his friends as he might be able to bring with him, should attend our Convention and co-op- erate with us for the resurrection not only of those who are living in their corruptible bodies, but also of the departed, who are con- genial minds with him, and for the General Union of all Men in Christ's peaceable Reign. In our Convention, not only this, but other things will also be made manifest, that those who study our Message of Peace with a sincere heart, their congenial departed friends also study it; because they perceive its reading and preaching through their friends who are living in their corruptible tenements. I notice this to arouse all those who read or hear this, not only for their own, but also for the happiness of their departed friends, to reflect deeply upon the con- tents of this Circular, and to do that which is recommended therein. Action is required for the deliverance of all men from bondage, for the greater advantage of the Slave-holders, as well as those who are kept in bondage by them. An enormous amount of time and mon. ey has been squandered, and many people have been killed in the fighting caused by Slavery, without any amelioration in this matter; also, by Anti-Slavery agitation an immense amount of fuel for the destruction of this Republic; but by our Message of Peace means will be shown by which Slave-holders themselves will acquire great advantages, even temporally, by the manumission of their Slaves, and Slaves will acquire that Liberty to which every person has his right and claim under Christ's peaceable Reign. Whereas, a knowledge of the contents of the often-mentioned Manuscript is quite necessary to the officiating President, Franklin [ 34 ] Pierce, and to the Congress, that every one may be on his proper station, such as it should be in their present critical situation and circumstances, it is necessary before inentioning my proposal. pub- licly, to remind the President that I sent him, on the first day of January, 1853, a printed Circular containing an invitation to a Čon- vention. That Circular was enclosed in my short Letter, in which he was exhorted to attend the Convention and learn how to remove a scourge from the country. If other business had not prevented him from learning to know the worth of that New Year's Gift, the members of his Cabinet might have known at present that which they need most, and by his co-operation it would have been spread abroad. But neither the President elect, nor any other influential man had time to reflect upon the contents of my Circular, nor did they attend the Convention appointed in that Circular, nor did they move their friends to do this. But the tools of Monarchs had plen- ty of time to prevent the success of that Convention. On this point we shall say no more, except that the President and his party need also strong Signs of instruction and exhortation, that at least they might now learn to understand their high calling, after matters have become more mature. The great stroke on the 6th of January, on which day the Romish Church was celebrating her great Festivity of Manifestation, is in close connexion with what I have sent on the first of the same month to the President elect, and has a deeper Prophetical meaning than can be explained here. The death of the President's only son, who was suddenly taken away, at length should move his father to pre- pare the resurrection for many. His own life has been wonderfully saved that he might do this. The most influential Senator of the Democratic party was also instructed and exhorted at the right time, by the death of his wife, to assist his wife, or his party, as to resur- rection into the Reign of Peace. And Vice President King died on the 19th of April. on the birth-day of the Emperor Ferdinand, who was exhibted during my Proclamation of the Fall of Babylon, as the Representative of Monarchs in my five volumes, published from A. D. 1838 till 1842, and since that time every year on that day there have happened memorable events, by which we receive the assurance that in our age Great and Small Kings will disappear, and the World's Republic of Harmony and Peace will be established. And this is my anxious desire, that President Pierce might take our Spiritual Sword and Pierce with it great and small Kings, and do all in his power to stop destruction of human life and property. But if he despises our Message of Peace, trusting in fragile weap- ons, great loss of human life will occur, and much property also will be destroyed, and large portions of this country will come into the hands of Monarchs. Because, the longer that Members of the Cab- inet, Representatives in Congress. in Legislatures, in the various Offices of the United States, and of each State, and also the longer all citizens of this Republic will delay to apply the right means, which are concentrated in my Manuscript, existing in three lan- [25] guages, to convert Einperors and Kings, the Pope and his Bishops into true Republicans or true Christians, the greater will be the dis- asters and evils inflicted upon you and your country. But if you attend Conventions to prepare to hold which in many places, will be shown, and if you will purify your hearts from selfish interests and be inspired with a sincere desire to know truth and act accordingly, and if you comprehend the contents of my Manuscript and spread them with the power of Christ's Spirit, I have great hope that you will convert the Pope. himself, and many other Monarchs, and large numbers of their Political and Ecclesiastical servants; because you may conclude from what I have hinted at in this Pamphlet as brief- ly as possible, that if you unite as true Christians, or what is the same, as true Republicans, and take the weapons to collect and con- centrate which I was Commissioned, according to Prophecies, the Heavenly Armies, Rev. xix: 14, will be united with you, to give as- sistance to those who will endeavor to know Truth and act accord- ingly; otherwise to let Malicious Demons loose to make their fury manifest among those who refuse to receive our Message, and when some of them are destroyed in such a strange manner as they will effect it, others will more easily comprehend that it was a warning example for them, then will many begin to receive our Message of Peace. This is written to awaken as many as possible from their lethargy, and especially those who exercise great influence over their fellow men, and have great opportunity to spread it at home as well as abroad; therefore I exhort the President and Congress of the United States to peruse this Circular, copies of which will be sent them so far as necessary, that they may comprehend it fully; because I hope that, notwithstanding they may find several points in it not concur- ing with their prejudices, that yet they will judge favorably of the whole; particularly when they see and weigh the reasons and argu- ments which will be unfolded in the long chain to be exhibited in our Convention, to bind the Dragon, or the Spirit of Delusion, Rev- elations xx:1. I require nothing, unless it be just and right, viz: that which I communicate to Nations to establish true Freedom, Harmony and Peace of and for all, should be properly examined, and if sufficient- ly proved as true and beneficial to Mankind, that it shall be received and spread in the world. But if any point or link in the chain sub- mitted be found not strong enough to hold all other links of the chain together, let it be cast out, yet the remaining ones can be so connected that the chain may be spread over the whole Globe, and it will be sufficiently strong to bind the Dragon, or the Old Spirit of Delusion, and thus pacify the Living in their outward mortal body, as well as the Deceased. Since it is the principal duty of the Pres- ident and Congress of these United States to contribute for this pur- pose all that may be in their power, I expect they will find from this Pamphlet that it is their duty to encourage the appointment of a Convention, to be held in the City of Washington, as soon as possi- 1 [26] " ble after receipt and examination of this Pamphlet. The Conven- tion might be continued for one week, reading first the English translation of my Latin Manuscript. The reading should not be in- terrupted by remark, nor by question, unless the meaning of a word or phrase should not be understood, and in this case I will be ready to give its explanation. Because in this Manuscript there is such a connexion of things and chain of events, that the whole must be exhibited to be fully understood. In this manner Nations will be enalled to examine the matter, judge about it, and thus learn how to bind the Dragon, the Spirit of Delusion, or the Old Serpent, who has so long deceived the Nations. The Wise Man examines be- fore he judges, but the Fool judges before he examines." Millions of Fools have judged about my Message, without having examined the links of the chain presented therein, to discover the various links in their unique connection, and whether each link is strong enough to keep the whole chain together. When the whole chain will be exhibited, or the whole Manuscript read in the Con- vention, then I demand that any person who may feel themselves able to refute either the whole or parts thereof, they shall do this in writing. All that they may have to declare should be presented in one written instrument, proposed by those who have attended the reading in the Convention. The writing to be proposed by them in my presence and in presence of other witnesses, and signed by all concerned in the writing, that their celebrity as wise men may be perpetuated, if they have written as wise men, and as fools, if they have written as fools. Then their writing, with the signatures of those who have writ- ten their objections and refutations, will be handed me as addenda to the Manuscript, with my replication, the whole to be published in the English language, as soon as means can be obtained. Also, to be published in Latin, to be sent to the Pope and other Bishops who do not understand English, and in ferman, and as many other lan- guages as may be necessary that Nations may judge for themselves about this matter; for I do most solemnly declare that in my Manu- script are exhibited the Credentials, showing and proving that I ap. pear according to Prophecies as Messenger of the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times, Ephs. 1:10, commonly called the Millennial Dispensation, and that all who understand these Credentials, who are united with me in Christ's Spirit, and who 'spread the glorious Message of Peace, are Christ's Messengers and acting in concert with me, for the fulfillment of the Great Promise of the Pacification of all Nations. Therefore, as Christ's Messenger, I demand that the President and Congress of the United States, on the receipt and care- ful study of this Pamphlet, shall call and appoint a Convention as soon as possible, and gather together the Bishops of the United States, particularly of those States which existed before the acquisi- tion of Territory by the late war with Mexico. The reason is that precious time may not be lost by waiting to gather together those Bishops who reside at too great a distance; because the present is [ 27 ] the most precious time for this country, that judgments now raging in Europe, so far as possible, may be prevented in this country, and that Messengers of Pacification may be sent from our Capitol to all Governments of the whole Earth. To effect this, I likewise demand that the President and Congress shall not only gather Roman Catholic Bishops, but also Ambassa- dors of all Foreign Nations sent to the Government of the United States, who reside in Washington City, inviting them to said Con- vention, and for this purpose, my Pamphlet should, without delay, be read in both Houses of Congress as the most necessary and pre- cious document, tending to save this Nation from approaching and impending Judgments, and for the Pacification of the whole World. And that a copy of this Pamphlet should be printed and sent with the appointment of the Convention and with the invitation to all Bishops of this Republic, and of Ambassadors from foreign Gov- ernments. The invitation to Bishops and Ambassadors should be made by the President and Congress, and the new edition of this Pamphlet should be sent directly to said Bishops and Ambassadors, that Bish- ops or others may prepare themselves to refute any point in my Manuscript on its being read in the Convention. Here I will give the contents of Five Sections of my Manuscript, written in Latin, English and German, the English translation of which will be read in the Convention. The place in Washington City, and time to be appointed by the President and Congress of the United States, and published, with a new edition of this Pam- phlet. And this Message of Truth, Justice and Peace, will be found of more importance than all the President's Messages that have ever been sent to Congress or submitted to the consideration of the Amer- ican people. And woe be to the President, Congress and people of this Republic, if it is not attended to, because it is a Message from the President of Presidents, and one that will tell upon mankind. SECTION I. The Beast with Seven Heads and Ten Horns in the 13th Chapter of Revelations, is the Papal Monarchy, the principal Representative of which is the Pope of Rome, who, with his Hier- archy, have received power from the Dragon, the Spirit of Delu- sion, or Old Serpent, who deceived, and deceiveth the Nations, keep- ing them in bondage, destroying them in wars, and by various other ways, until Nations shall have arrived at maturity and the enjoy- ment of a truly Christian, Catholic and Republican Government. In this Section, which is introductory to the following Sections, in relation to matters which had been seen in part by my predecessors, and partly such matters as could not have been seen by them; be- cause they had not yet received the key, to unfold which is disclosed in the following Sections, and which afford light, and confirm the contents of the first Section. But things concerning the name of the Beast, Rev. xIII: 17.18, and how to count with the number 666, Rev. x: 18, the Times of the Duration and Power of the Beast, concerning which all my forerunners were ignorant, (because I was [ 28 ] . # I the first among men in their mortal bodies to whom the key was- given to unlock these things, which are explained in 3d and 4th Sec- tions of the Manuscript, after explanation of what is necessary con- cerning the 144 witnesses, amongst whom the 90th has brought the number of the name of the Beast, and the 100th the Image of the Beast into our Catalogue, referring to the great excommunication which had been predicted by many Prophets. SEC. II. The Beast re-appeared from the Abyss, or 'it of the Deep, according to the 8th verse of the 17th chapter of Revelations, when Pope Pius VII, after the destruction of Napoleon's Empire. returned from French captivity, retaking the Papal Territory, aud commencing to rule again as an independent Monarch. SEC. III. The Angel, which means Messenger, spoken of in the first three verses of the 18th chapter of Revelations, was a Holy- Martyr of the One Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand spoken of in Rev. xiv:1, who was found worthy the charge, to prepare for the fulfillment of the contents of said three verses. This Angel. or Messenger, (whose name and ministry, while in his mortal body, are explained in this Section,) at the proper season appointed in Prophecies for proclamation of the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times, Ephs. 1:10, found that I was prepared and ready, under his direction, to perform what was required according to Prophecies, to be performed in the Roman Catholic Church, as a preparation for the proclamation of the contents of the three first verses of the 18th chapter of Revelations, and for the proclamation itself, for a testi- mony to Bishops and all others, that the Popish Administration was to expire, and the promised New Era to commence. And this, so soon as a sufficient number of Christ's Messengers, or Christ's Le- gates, are awakened and understand the glorious News, and cause to resound through the desolate territories of Babylon, the Heaven- ly Voice, spoken of in Rev. xvIII, verse 4th, and following, saying, "Come out from Babylon, partake not with her in her sins, that ye be not partakers of her plagues. This Holy Martyr was the Angel, or Minister, and my Leader, that by my instrumentality the Fall of Babylon, Rev. xvi: 1-3, might be proclaimed, which was explained in my former publica- tions, as well as in the third Section of my Manuscript, in a manner that sincere inquirers after truth are able to understand it. A long chain of Memorable Events preceding the proclamation and follow- ing it, are explained in the third section, which is longer than the preceding ones taken together; and although the contents of Section third appear in this report to be very strange, they will no longer be strange when considered and understood in connection with all the events. Spirit Manifestations, during the last four or five years, have ap- peared very strange to many, but I tell you they are not understood; nor will they be understood even by those who experience more or less of Spirit Influence, nor by those who, although they pro- fess to believe in Spirit Manifestations of the Bible, are offended [ 29 ] 變 when they bear of them taking place. Their connection with what has been explained in my writings concerning Spirit Manifestations, from the times of the ancient Prophets and Apostles, through a long course of centuries, and my experience in this respect, during the disclosures of matters for the New Era, will shed much light on this point. And all this was and is necessary to prevent the shedding of blood, and to draw Nations into a state of Peace, Harmony, Righteousness and Truth. SEC. IV. Matters mentioned in the preceding Sections are confir- med by a long chain of Signs, in such manner that those only who are not able to examine for themselves, and consider them in coinmon, or who are pertinaciously obstinate sinners against the Holy Spirit, and as such, not ready to examine for themselves, will not be con- vinced of the Truth of our Mission for the abolition of Popery and introduction of the Reign of Peace. Sɛc. V. There must be a Centre of Action and an Association, to begin practically to show how to make the Poor rich and the Rich happy, as it will take place in the Millennial Dispensation. In the existing order of things all classes suffer on account of the wrong relations and connections among men, and in this Babylon even the richest persons cannot enjoy that happiness which the man who ap- pears to be very poor will enjoy, when the right order of things is established, and all classes of persons co-operate for the welfare of every human being, then they will understand the above-mentioned points, in connection with many other things which are explained in my Manuscript, the English translation of which is to be read in the Convention, which should be appointed by the President and Congress of the United States as soon as possible, and in Conven- tions which will be spoken of at the end of this Pamphlet. The written volumes should convince the President and Con- gress that nothing ever was or ever can be more necessary and use- ful for the Nation and for them, than holding this Convention. No business is more pressing to be undertaken without delay than this. I hope that which has been presented in this Pamphlet will be sufficient to move the majority of the members of Congress to act for this purpose, and to represent their opponents in Congress as the greatest enemies of the Human Race, notwithstanding they may appear, in the opinion of Fools, as great Benefactors. I know not what Gerrit Smith and other Anti-Slavery Champions will do in this cause. I have instructed and exhorted him person- ally and by letter, to examine my Message of Truth and Peace, then to co-operate with me for the Freedom of all Men, with consent and approbation of Congress, as well as of Slave-holders themselves.- But the Blind Leaders of the Blind despised the voice of Christ, the Lord, which was made by his true Messengers, yet following the Spirit of Delusion, they have prepared fuel to kindle a dreadful fire for the ruin of this Republic. I found no more dangerous Sec- tarians than Anti-Slavery Ministers. It would be necessary to write volumes and explain how they and other leaders of Abolitionists [ 30 ] have retarded the progess of my Message of Pence, and either wit tingly or ignorantly have supported the cause of Monarchs against this Republic. How great the strength of Monarchs is in Canada, those persons may estimate who have traveled on foot in the interior and on the Lake shores of Canada several hundred miles, as I have done, and have also examined the numerous fortifications, for which only a Fool would apply many Millions of Pounds Sterling, suppose there were no intention to use them, at a convenient time, against this Re- públic. Anti-Slavery people, instead of using our Message of Peace for the abolition of all kinds of Slavery, have labored to bring as many Slaves into Canada as they could, to be drilled there in the use of weapons of war, and in due time to kill citizens of the Uni- ted States, and be killed by them. It is not necessary to give many facts of their foolish proceedings, let one suffice. Being in Professor Stowe's house at different times, while he was Professor in Lane Seminary, near Cincinnati, striving to move him to examine my writings, then to take our position for Harmony and Peace of Nations. But he always refused. At length, instead of passing the house of his father-in-law, Professor Beecher, I stopped there with my trunk, and said to Prof. Beecher, in my trunk there are Manuscripts of great importance to Professors of Divinity-that he should call his son-in-law and the other Professor of Divinity, and then I would explain the matter to all three Professors together. When they came together, I assured them that besides other Man- uscripts, there was also one in my trunk written in Latin, English and German, to wit, the same spoken of in this Pamphlet, which they might read either in Latin or the English translation, on con- dition that if they should find any point therein which they thought they were able to refute, they should try to do so; but engaging them at the same time to co-operate with me in the promulgation and spreading of that which they might not find themselves able to gainsay. Although I insisted most strenuously, assuring them that it would be of the greatest importance and utility in promoting the Freedom and Peace of all nations, Prof. Stowe was opposed to my proposal, and his father-in-law and the other Professor followed his bad exam- ple, instead of preparing Nations on the right principle and man- ner for such Freedom as they would be able to enjoy. At length "Uncle Tom's Cabin" appeared, by Mrs. Stowe, wife of Professor Stowe, and daughter of Prof. Beecher, which was received, even in Europe, with such an enthusiasm as Monarchs and their servants were able to excite by spreading that Cabin in many European lan- guages; also in twenty Russian editions, to inspire with hatred all classes of people in Europe against the United States, and to show them that citizens of this Republic are not able to govern themselves, and consequently need Monarchical Governments. This is one of the many ways in which this idea is instilled, as much as possible, into the minds of the subjects of Monarchs. And Anti-Slavery [ 31 ] people, instead of preparing for Peace, are preparing for desolating Revolutions. While I was traveling in more than twenty of these States, I also met with some Anti-Slavery people who were preparing for Insur- rections of Slaves, but I warned them that such steps would not only tend to destroy many Slaves, but ultimately would bring Slaves and Masters under the yoke of Monarchs, whereas by spreading our Message the Great Republic, or true Church of Christ, would be established. But they were so brutalized, that instead of hearing my warnings, they answered: in Insurrections, tho' resulting in a Revolution, many Slaves would not be killed, for after they would set fire to the buildings of their Masters, they would take refuge in such places where they would be protected by Monarchists. I have given these hints that persons of all political parties in Congress may be moved to co-operate in holding a Convention without delay, thus preventing, as far as possible, the threatened destruction of life and property. Intending hold a Convention, preparatory to the one proposed to be held in Washington City, District of Columbia, I went to Mer- cer county, Pa., which seemed to be less subjugated by Popish Im- perial Royal Powers than other counties in Pennsylvania, consequent- ly most suitable for our purpose. Thither I went in October, 1853, delivering addresses in many places. On Sunday before noon, Nov. 13th, I preached in the Free Presbyterian Church; in the evening in the Methodist Church; and the Old School Presbyterian Minister and myself intimated my "Lecture on the Number of the Beast, 666, Rev. xш:18," to be de- livered on Monday, Nov. 14, at candie lighting, in the Old School Presbyterian Church. The meeting-house was crowded. Having finished my Lecture, on descending from the Pulpit to the stand, to obtain names of subscribers towards printing this Pamphlet, a case occurred which I feel it to be iny duty to bring before the au- thorities, not only in self-defence, but also thereby to arouse the at- tention of the people to the matter. But I first brought it before a Justice of the Peace in that place; bus he said the matter belonged to the Court, the November term of which had commenced in Mercer on the same day. I therefore pre- sented the case in writing, with reasons showing why I felt it to be my duty to proceed in this manner. The case was presented by a Lawyer, praying the necessary steps to be taken in my case. it seemed not to be sufficient to move the Judge. I then added two pages of extraordinary facts, showing the justice of my demand, and that it was such a case as should be taken into consideration in any Court pretending to be a Court of Justice. But when nothing had been done in my behalf, I wrote an Illustration of what had hap- pened, referring to the contents of the sheets which had been writ- ten and presented to Court. I will give some extracts, omitting the name of the man implica- ted, who is American by birth, a Roman Catholic, or Papist, by pro- [ 32 ] # fession, and a blind worshipper of Bishop O'Connor. He spoke aloud, that all could hear him in the Presbyterian Church, of Clarks- ville, Mercer county, Pa., as follows, with my remarks— 1, That what I said in the Lecture was a lie. 2. That I was an Impostor. 3. That I never was a Priest in the Roman Catholic Church. And when, in reply, I remarked that I would read a let ter of Michael O'Connor, Bishop of Pittsburgh, writted in Latin by him to me, the text of which, and the English translation were then in my possession, he asserted. 4. That Bishop O'Connor had never written a letter to me;- While I affirmed that he had so written, and that I had both the Latin text and its translation in my pocket, to be published in my Pamphlet. And he repeated oftentimes that if I would prove the contrary of what he had asserted, he would pay over five hundred dollars. "Since by machinations of secret and open Papists, my labors to enlighten the deluded and to save this Republic from approaching destruction, have been frustrated, all my property, among which were many Manuscripts containing collections on which I had la- bored twenty-five years, have been destroyed, attempts to kill me, conspiracies against my life, though detected; and as though these evils were insufficient, my best fellow-laborer, John George Zeigler, while traveling to assist me in this work, was pushed from a Steam- boat into the Ohio river, the Murderer then swore that Zeigler was insane and must himself have jumped into the Ohio river. But his letters to me testify to his soundness of mind, and another document testifies that he was pushed into the River by a Papist. Likewise, since Conventions appointed by me have been disturb- ed, and almost at all times during and after meetings, disturbances have been created by assertions, as above stated, and thus people are deluded and kept back from attending Conventions appointed by me, I am compelled to apply to the Law against Mr. M, by its application to frighten secret and open Papists from similar actions, and to arouse attention to my next Convention, proposed to be held in Mercer, and for which I was preparing people by Lectures, which were delivered in several places in this county. Therefore I request the Judge and Court of Mercer to secure not only the five hundred dollars to be paid by Mr. M- -, according to his own decision, when I prove what he requires, and also that care be taken to prevent him from executing his malicious intentions towards me; for I heard this morning, Nov. 15, 1853, from that he ex- pects to prevent me from holding a Convention in this county. 'I will prove before the Court the points which he requires, and show that I am a true Messenger of Christ, under influence of, and direct- ed by the Spirit of Truth and Righteousness, and pertinaciously in- sist that the five hundred dollars should be paid over, and that with this money a new edition of my "Lecture on the Dreadful Abuse of -Human Magnetism in the Mysteries of the Roman Church," with such additions as I may find best, to open the eyes of Papists, should [38] 1 be published and gratuitously distributed amongst them. And I de- ' mad from the Court not only that Mr. M. be secured as a danger- ous man, but also that action be taken to arrest all secret and known Papists or Monarchists, wherever found dangerous to my life; be- cause I am laboring as a Citizen of the United States to cleanse this Republic from the Papal Imperial Royal, that is, Anti-Christian Powers, and I am bound to make those tremble by the application of the Law of the country, who despise the Laws of God." These extracts are taken from the first six pages, to which I have put my Signature, as follows: "Andrew B. Smolnikar, formerly eighteen years Priest, Monk of the Benedictine Order, and Imperial Roval Professor of Biblical Literature; afterwards, by Signs accord- ing to Prophecies, declared and confirmed Messenger of the Dis- pensation of the Fulness or Times. Ephs. 1:10.” Then I met with the Judge of that Court, to see whether he had taken my document into consideration or not, he replied that he had done so, but that this case must be brought before the Congress of the United States. I replied that in my case it is expressed, that a Convention should be held in Mercer, and to use the words in my application, which had been given by a Lawyer to the Judge,) "the most convenient place will be the Court House of Mercer, and I suppose that citizens of this county are not so subjugated by the Papal Imperial Royal Power as to refuse to give the Court House for such purpose, when that which is most needed to save this Re- public from the grasp of Monarchs, will be made manifest, and then a concentrated effort will be made to hold a like Convention in Wash- ington City," &c. When efforts were made by me after my first personal meeting with the Judge, and his advice was given to apply to Congress, I discovered such combination against my just demand, that two Com missioners whom I saw, were opposed to giving me the Court House for holding our Convention, and soon I understood that I need not apply to the third Commissioner, but that it was best to leave the county and publish this Pamphlet as soon as assistance could be obtained, and then to apply directly to Congress, that they might learn what is their duty in the present great crisis-to appoint a Convention, in which Bishops will appear; and I hope they will understand that it is their highest duty to proceed in this manner, and that Bishop O'Connor particularly will understand that he is in a peculiar manner bound to come to the Convention, and to exhort his Colleagues that they should not continue any longer to be stub- born sinners against the Holy Spirit, who most energetically exhorts them by this Message to be open to Conviction, and to attend the Convention. While I am preparing great things promotive of Harmony and Peace of Nations, Messengers from the Heavenly Armies, Rev. XIX: 14, also send me documents by proper persons, for a confirmation and illustration of what I write. Soon after my arrival in Pittsburgh, from Mercer county, the well known STREET PREACHER, PATRIARCH 5 .* } [ 84 ] HUGH KIRKLAND came from Cincinnati, and, besides other docu- ments, gave me also some numbers of the "Catholic Telegraph,” edited in Cincinnati, by "Rev. S. H. Rosecrans, D. D., and Very Rev. E. Purcell.". I think the "Very Reverend" is a brother of Archbishop Purcell. It would be necessary to write many volumes were I to quote and explain all that is published in the few numbers of the Telegraph, handed me by Patriarch Kirkland, for confirma- tion and illustration of what is written in this Pamphlet. But I shall restrict myself to the 4th and 5th pages of Vol. xxII, No. 46, published in Cincinnati, Nov. 5th, 1853. And then I shall explain only some points of the quoted pages: a full explanation of the con- tents of those two pages, in their connexion with memorable events already explained by me in the long chain, with which the Dragon, in the 20th chapter of Revelations, is in process of binding, would require a volume. * * * # * * On the 4th page we read: "The Consecration of the Rt. Rev. Bishops Baraga and Carrell. This solemn and beautiful ceremony took place in the Cathedral (of Cincinnati,) on Tuesday, Nov. 1. The Most Rev. Archbishop Purcell, Rt. Rev. Bishops Henni, of Milwaukie, and Lefevre, of Detroit, were the Consecrating Prelates. * * The Consecrated Bishops were assisted by the Very Rev. Thos. Butler, of Covington, and Rev. Mr. Hammer, of St. Mary's, as Chaplains. The Bulls of the Pope were read, constitu- ting * Rt. Rev. Frederick Baraga, Bishop of Amyzonia, in the Archiepiscopate of Stauropolis. * The ceremony ended at 2.P. M., and the immense concourse of Catholics dispered from the Cathedral thanking and praising God, who in these calamitous times is raising up two such devoted Pastors to enlarge the tents of Israel, and beautify the House of Sion. In the afternoon, Rt. Rev. Bishop Baraga sang Vespers, and * preached a short Sermon, filling his auditory with the "holy and wholesome thought" of praying for the dead. The Right Rev. Bishop Frederict Baraga is a native of a Southern Province of Austria, called Illyria, or Carniolia. * * As soon as he had absolved his Juristical course, he returned from the University of Vienna to Laibach and entered the Seminary, in spite of derision, mockery and satyrical remarks from his former worldly friends. He absolved his Theological stu- dies with very good success, and was ordained a Priest on the 21st of September, 1823. In the year 1829, the Society of St. Leopold was established in Austria, for the support of Missionaries in the United States. As soon as he received the first news of it, he gave in his name with the petition to be sent to the Indian Mis- sions of North America. * * Bishop Baraga wrote a number of works. * He also wrote three Indian works, for the Indian Missions. In 1850 he published a Grammar of the Chippewa lan- guage, (properly Otchipwe.) in Detroit; and this year a Dictionary of the same language, here in Cincinnati, for the use of Missiona- ries. Bishop Baraga is now on his way to Europe, for the purpose ** * [ 35 ] of obtaining Clergymen for his most desolate Diocese of Upper Michigan, and hopes to be back again in May next." An explanation of these few extracts will show in a new and remarkable manner how necessary it is for Congress, without de- lay. to appoint the demanded Convention. Frederick Baraga, the only son of a Lord of considerable estate, was my fellow student in the city of Laibach, till he went to Vienna to study law, while I was studying Theology and was ordained Priest, in the year 1819. Then Baraga, on returning, instead of taking possession of his Estate, he studied Theology and became Priest, thus surprising all his acquaintances, and the more after- wards, when he started for America, to be a Missionary, or Apostle of the Pope, among Indians. Afterwards, all the glorious works and conversions which he effected among them, were published in Newspapers of Austria, and Baraga was the greatest Favorite of the Imperial Royal Court in Vienna This Baraga, tho' a great Zealot of the Pope, on revisiting Eu- rope, in 1837, became an instrument of Providence to open my way to America. To him I sent my first volume, containing the Cre- dentials of my Mission, which is the Mission of every true Chris- tian. In Spirit I saw Baraga's reception of my volume, on reading it and perceiving that my work was not for the support, but aboli tion of Popery, he became pale as if he were dead. Thus agoni- zed, and in this dreadful condition, he visited his sister, a widow who came from our native country, to dwell with him in the forests among Indians. Indians. He told her (as she informed me afterwards, when, I met with her in Philadelphia.) that I had become crazy. This was the usual subterfuge of Priests on hearing what they did not expect, and were afraid to examine my reasons and arguments.--- But Henni, who appeared as one of the Consecrating B shops, when my first volume appeared in 1838, was Editor of the Wahrheits- Freund," which means “ Friend of Truth," but which proved to be the greatest enemy of Truth when tried by me. On Nov. 1st, 1839, which, according to the Popish Almanac, is the Festival of all Saints, on which day in each year, in my move- ments for the abolition of Popery, Remarkable Events take place. One of which I will state. Samuel Ludvigh, by country a Hunga rian, an Infidel by profession, and at that time Editor of a weekly Gerinan Newspaper in Philadelphia, was moved to publish an arti cle, announcing my Mission, and this by reference to the Creden- tials presented in the first volume. He prefaced the article, calling me Christ's Messenger, as he ascertained it from my writings, in which Priests especially, were exhorted to study my volume and learn to know the Credentials of my Mission, which also should be their Mission. But, Henni, instead of doing so, published in his pa- per that I had received the Credentials of my Mission from the Em- peror of Austria. Then I published my second volume, in which was shown his folly and blasphemy of my Master and his Armies, Rev. xix:14, by whose co-operation and influence the Credentials of [ 38 ] : our Mission had been prepared. For his obstinate, blind support of Popery he received the Bishoprick of Milwaukie. After publication of second volume, both volumes were sent to Bishop Rese of Detroit, with exhortation to study them. Then meeting with Priest Hammer, who had been brought by Baraga from Austria to Detroit; and who assisted at the consecration of Bish- op Baraga, on asking him whether he had read my volumes, he an- swered in the negative. And when asked his reasons, he replied that he came to America to serve the Pope. But Bishop Rese, hav- ing, received my first and second German volumes, instead of study- ing them, which especially he was bound to do, being a German by birth, and by virtue of the seal of whose Diocese I obtained permis- sion to come to this country, he rather obeyed the Pope than God; he went to Rome, being ordered to do so by the Pope, from whence he never returned to America. After publication of my third volume, on meeting with Bishop Purcell, (the Consecrating Archbishop of Bishop Baraga,) in 1840, returning from the Synod of Bishops in Baltimore, and stopping at different places of his Diocese, I exhorted him, tho' he did not un derstand German himself, to recommend that his German Priests should study my volumes and make to him their report concerning their contents. From my conversation with him I understood that the Bishops, in their Synod, had conversed about me, and he said that I should speak about the matter with the German Priests, who happened to be there. I did so, but found that Priests were resolv ed against examining my publications. Strange as it may appear, when, several years after, in that same place, I made efforts to move people to examine my publications, there arose a great persecution against me, and attempts were made to kill me. The Holy Ghost, whom Bishops communicate with their Priests and their followers, made himself very manifest on that occasion. I intended here to give only a specimen of such Bishops and Priests as were gathered together at the Consecration of Bishop Ba- raga; but in this Pamphlet somewhat must be mentioned of my tri als to move Francis Patrick Kenrick, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Baltimore, to examine my works and to appear in public either for or against them, that the matter might be judged of by the people. I knew not that he understood German, till in October, 1838, I met with the Priest who was Parson of the German Roman Catholic Congregation in Philadelphia, and he told me that F. P. Kenrick, who was at that time Bishop in Philadelphia, understood German. Then I went directly to him to move him to study my first volume, because at that time the other volumes had not been published, and then to debate with me about the matter. But on that occa- sion the Bishop was occupied with a funeral. I was told that he would soon return, and was requested to wait for him in the parlor of his house. I receive directions from invisible Messengers, when according to their wisdom, it is proper in this manner to give instruc- tions to Nations. While I was waiting, an Angel said to me: “Let ? [ 37 ] £ the dead bury their dead, go perform thy work." I obeyed, for then I was printing the second volume in Philadelphia, and discov- ered that at the same time, and in the same foundry in which my second volume was stereotyped, there also was Bishop Kenrick's "Theologia Dogmatica," stereotyped. From this circumstance I understood that a Romish Bishop, while he is applying his erudition and strength in support of Popery, also gives to the world, in print, the strongest testimony he can for its Divine Institution, and perpetuation through all future ages, while men in their mortal bodies are completely dead to the true and right investigation of this matter; viz: that at present the time of Popery is coming to an end. Therefore, I left him in his deadly condition, till the end of 1840. Then I wrote him an urgent exhortation in Latin, to examine my three German volumes then circulation, which contains all that is necessary to convert even the strongest Papist, suppose he be ready to examine for himself, and is open to conviction, as to the position on which I stand. Once more I came to Philadelphia, paid him a visit, and understood froin his German answer to my Latin address, that he had knowledge of the German language, and that he was inexcusable if he did not study my vol- umes. Although, certainly, it would be very strange if a Bishop who publishes the Theology of the Popish Church, refuting all Apostates and Heretics, with whom none of his readers do meet, that he should not read and be able to refute books written and pub- lished in a language which he understood, and in the same city, and this by an Apo-tate and Heretic who has fairly challenged him per- sonally and by letter, to read them and then discuss the matter with him. But at that visit he gave me advice, in this matter to apply to the Archbishop of Baltimore. I replied that the Archbishop did not understand Gerinan, and that therefore it was his duty to study my publications and instruct the Archbishop and other Priests about this affair, especially, because he became the Instructor of Priests of the United States, by publishing his Latin Theologia, which had become a standard work for them. When he learned that my works were exceedingly dangerous to his Theologia Dogmatica and The- ologia Moralis, he would not come in contact with me, although I applied to him after publishing my 4th and 5th volumes, sending other men, who showed him these publications, and the latter person by whom I sent my letter, containing a last exhortation to him; but he returned it. Thus his management was best calculated, accord- ing to the instruction of his Master, the Dragon, who gave him, as a premium for his Theologia, by which he supports his infernal Government, the highest station in the United States, by making him Archbishop of Baltimore and Metropolitan of Bishops in these United States. While preparing a "Lecture on the dreadful abuse of Human Magnetism in the Mysteries of the Roman Church," I had his "Theologia Moralis" at hand, and quoted from it the following passage, to be found at the end of the Preface: "In omnibus Apos- -3 [3] tolico Præsuli obsegaentes nos semper futuros sancte policemur." I have translated these words: "We engage solemnly that we will obey the Apostolic Chief Priest of Mars in all things." Then he gives the reason why in all things he will obey the Pope, whom he acknowledges to be, "the Chief Priest of Mars." Mars is the Heathen God of War, and Bishop Kenrick confesses his Chief Priest, the Pope, to be " Omnium Christianorum Doctorem fidei et morum divinitus constitutum judicem et custodem," that is, "The Doctor or Master of all Christians, the Divinely appointed Judge and Keeper of Faith and Morals." Apostolicus Præsul, when properly translated, means Apostolic Chief Priest of Mars,” that is, of the Heathen God of War, he is the Doctor or Master and Judge of ali Christians. Bishop, Archbishop and Metropolitan Ken- rick, may prest against the proper meaning of the word "Præ- sul,” and assert that he intended to give to that word an improper meaning. But the proper meaning only expresses Truth. Bishop. Kenrick did not know what he wrote, because he wrote by the in- spiration of the Dragon, who elevated him to the highest station on account of his confession. flis Pope whose blind tools Bishops, Priests and their Sheep are, in whose name he spoke, is nothing else but the Præsul, or Chief Priest of Mars, the God of War, or the Apocalyptical Dragon. Where Mars, or the Apostolic Dragon and his Apostles, the Pope and his Bishops, reign, there are wars and destruction of life and property. We must also blindly believe, besides all other Popish traditions, that Wafers, or orbicular pieces of baked dough, are transubstantiated, or changed, by Priests, in their Masses, into Jesus Christs, or we are cursed and burnt, when the Pope acquires power sufficient to effect this, according to the rules of his Church. But where our Message is received, and the true Christ reigns, there will be Peace and Happiness, true Liberty of Thought, Speech and of the Press. Then and there no Pope will be Judge, but Reason will decide according to evidence and argument. As advised by Bishop Kenrick, I went to the Archbishop of Bal. timore, personally, to make a trial of him, to ascertain whether he would enjoin it upon those Priests who understand German to ex- amine my volumes, and then come to a public debate with me in re- gard to their contents. But when I came to the Archbishop's resi- dence, I was informed that he was in the country, and from all the information I could obtain in Baltimore, I concluded that he was not yet ready to arise from the dead. I experienced the same in the year 1849, when I invited him to send his Bishops and their Doc- tors of Divinity to our Latin Convention. At length he also died, physically, and Kenrick of Philadelphia was made Archbishop of Baltimore. Now I write to arouse him and other Bishops to under- stand that it is high time to receive this Pamphlet as a PRECIOUS GIFT FROM HEAVEN, and to do what is required therein, to save themselves and their sheep. On yesterday, the 4th of December, 1863, I was reminded in a [ 30 ] peculiar manner, to mention Samuel Ludvigh. Examining many papers of both parties who are preparing much fuel for immense destruction of human life and property in this country. A paper directly opposed to the Cincinnati Telegraph and its consort, the Boston Investigator, the editors and supporters of which papers have been so beastialized by Popish traditions that they do not yet know whether man has an immortal soul. But on yesterday, one of the departed said to me, that I should go from this city of Pitts- burgh to Mr. N. in Allegheny City, and see an article, prepared for my use, which is in the Investigator. I arrived just as the num- ber for Nov. 30, 1853, was received. November 30th is the great Festival of the Apostle Andrew, or of the first Apostle of the New. Era. In that number there was an article entitled, Reflections on Liberalism," and signed, "Davenport, Iowa, November 2, 1853, Ludvigh." 6 This is the remarkable Infidel, Samuel Ludvigh, who was moved, on the 1st Nov., 1853, by my invisible Guide, to confess in the news- paper "Die Alte und Neus Welt," (the Old and New World.) that I am an Apostle, or Messenger of Christ. But Bishop Henni, after having read that Confession of an Infidel, reported in his paper that I had received the Credentials of my Apostleship from the Emperor of Austria, and although in my writings he was exhorted to repent- ance, he continued in his cbstinacy, till on the same day, fifteen years after, he became one of the Consecrators of Bishop Baraga. But Baraga, when he opened the way to my Apostleship, wrote what he firmly believed, that I was called by God to this Mission. Then however, the Popish Spirit magnetized him in such manner that he continued a blind instrument of the Pope, to draw into Papal bond- age as many as he could, and on Nov. 1st he became Bishop, or Governor, having appointinent from the Pope to the largest Territo- ry in any Papal Diocese. Samuel Ludvigh, on performance of his task, under inspiration of one of the departed of my Society, again came under influence of the Infidels. But when needed as witness, he was compelled by my invisible Guides to testify in behalf of my Mission. In this connec- tion, his testimony as witness against the Bishops, it should be men- tioned that he never came into my room except once, because then he was needed, therefore he was brought by Invisible Ministers.— While I was preparing copies of a Latin Circular to be mailed, and directed to Bishops, he entered my room, and gave me the ne- cessary direction to be entered upon each Circular, sent to every Bishop of Hungary. This testimony was needed, that they might be inexcusable, because they were preparing destruction for their country. Had they received my Message, the tremendous destruc- tion and consequent Bondage, might have been prevented. Peace. might have been obtained, and Freedom would have been firmly established. Again the Servants of the Dragon still continuing in their obstina- ey, in Cincinnati, on meeting with the Infidel, Sa.nuel Ludvigh, : * [ 40 ] ! I told him that I had come to give him striking testimony that he had an immortal soul, because he was under the influence of depart- ed Spirits. He enquired how I could do that? I replied, that I would magnetise him. He said I might do so, directly. But I objected, as his boarding-house was not the right place for this process, but he should come to my boarding-house. However, he replied that I should make a trial in his residence, and on the following night he would come to my place. I consented, and soon brought him into the Magnetic Sleep. And when so much as was necessary had been done, I told him that on the next night, in my boarding-house, he should travel with me into the Spirit-land, and he promised to But instead of him personally, I received a few lines from him, reporting that his friends had taken him in another direction. Thus, when I magnetized him, his Demons were compelled to give way to our Spirits. And as soon as I left him, his Demons returned and carried him in the direction of Europe. come. He took a Sword of the American Revolution and scrne war in- struments of the Indians, crossed the Atlantic and came to Paris, addressed the Liberals, and as soon as he had left the city, Revolu- tion broke out. Then the same happened in Berlin, and when he arrived in Vienna, Prince Metternich gave orders to the Police to arrest him. But Ludvigh escaped and went to Hungary. In the meantime, Revolution broke out in Vienna, and Ludvigh dedicated his Sword of Revolution, and other Insignia of War, to the National Museum of Hungary. The Revolution opened the way for his return to Vienna. An And after performance of his Pro- phetical task, he published; in Hamburg, a German Pamphlet, enti- iled: "The Sword of Revolution." I mentioned somewhere in my publications that he changed his name, Ludwig to Ludvigh, but that he made a mistake, and that Lud-vich would be a complete name for his Prophetical task, a name composed of the Slavonian Lud, which means people, and the German Vich, which means a Beast; because by the Anti-Christian Economy of Bishops the Party of Infidels was formed, and people are so bestialized that they do not feel the influence from such Sphere of the Spirit-World as they are prepared to receive. Indeed, this Samuel Ludvigh is a very remarkable Representa- tive of the Infidel Party, and therefore it was necessary that he should be inspired, on the 2d of November, on the Popish Festival of All Souls, so that on his journey he wrote the article quoted. Baraga, the first time as Bishop, in the afternoon of the 1st of November, "preached a short Sermon filling his auditory with the holy and wholesome thought of praying for the dead." His Ves- pers and Sermon were in commencement of ceremonies which are performed on the 2d of November, for Souls, according to the Po- pish Ritual. But Popish Bishops and Priests are, in performance of their ceremonies, such ignoramuses as the Jewish Priests were in performance of their ceremonies. I was Professor of Divinity in the Old School, till at length. I [ 41 ] 4. · became Doctor of Divinity for the New Era, and in the Convention I will give such disclosures concerning the Spirit-World, as will be sufficient to draw Popish Bishops and Priests from their dreadful superstition, as well as professed Infidels from their folly, in which they bladly and wickedly deny the immortality of our Souls, and thus prepare both parties as well as their departed friends, for a glo- rous Resurrection, and Harmony and Peace of Nations. These warnings ought to be sufficient for Bishops, as well as for the President and Congress, to make no delay in meeting me in Convention; because, besides thousands of others, the Reporter of Bishop Baraga's Consecration in the Telegraph, as well as Samuel Ludvigh, in the Investigator, are testifying the near approaching and most dreadful destruction in this country, if not prevented, so far as possible, by what shall be unfolded in our Convention; and Par- ties who are preparing destruction, might be elevated to the ground of Pacification, of those living in their mortal bodies, and of the depart- ed from them. While traveling in most of the States, instructing and warning people, many Sectarians and Infidels told me that if any Revolution or War should break out, by the fault of Bishops and Priests, they would take their rifles and in the first place shoot Bishops and Priests, and if they should continue to be so obstinate as they have *proved themselves until now, all their power would not be sufficient › deliver them from destruction. Ludvigh, in the above-quoted ar- ticle, writes that: “ More than twenty German Journals are in the field against Church and Priestcraft," and other things, from which it is evident that there will be desperate fighting, if Bishops and Priests do not make haste and come on the right platform, and if Congress will not make haste for safety of the Union, and take the first steps; for I will instruct the President and Congress what to do to prevent bloodshed, if they appoint the Convention, tho' Bish- ops should refuse to attend. One fact in Baraga's Consecration must not be omitted. Among his Consecrating Prelates was Bishop Lefevre, of Detroit. After the voyage of Bishop Rese to Rome, and his disappearance, Lefe- vre succeeded as Administrator of Bishop Rese's Diocese. When in May, 1849, Bishops refused to attend my Latin Convention, Pro- phetical destructions announced the dreadful approaching calami- ties. The riot on Astor's Place, New York, in which a number of persons were killed, preceded the Convention, and took place on the same night of May, 1849, in which I wrote in April, 1849, to Pres- ident Taylor in regard to the Latin Convention. The burning of the Steamboat Empire, in Hudson river; also of twenty-seven Steam- boats at St. Louis, Missouri, a great stronghold and refuge of Jesuits, and the combustion of Milwaukie, the infernal residence of Bishop Henni, as well as a stronghold of Infidels, and a number of other Prophetical fires at the close of that Convention, which took place on such days and at such hours, that when their relation to other events connected with the appointment of that Convention will be 6 [ 42 ] 1 shown, the meaning of those destructions will be clear. But at pres ent, the great ignorance in which Editors of newspapers are. held in regard to the connection of the living with the deceased, thou- sands of disasters are reported in newspapers, the proper meaning of which is hidden, as when the Signs were preceding the destruc- tion of Jerusalem, which had been predicted by Christ. After that I came to Detroit, to see whether I could move Bishop Lefevre to meet with Baraga and other Missionaries from my coun- try in a Convention, to hear the reading of my Latin Manuscript, after the whole Synod of Bishops had despised Christ's Message of Peace. In Detroit I applied first to the Presbyterian Minister, Doctor Duffield, who sometimes had spoken publicly against the usurpations of Roman Catholic Bishops. To him I stated the object of my coming to Detroit, and that if possible I must have the pledge of American Protestants who were Latin Scholars to attend the Cou- vention, if Bishop Lefevre would engage to attend it with his clergy. After having obtained the names of a number of Protestant Latin Scholars, I wrote an article, in which I invited the Bishop to appear with Baraga and other Clergymen in the Convention, and I stated the points which I promised to prove in the Convention. I carried the writing to the editors of the daily newspapers in Detroit; but after perusal of my article, they were afraid to publish it. Such an. incredible power does a Romish Bishop exercise upon Protestant newspapers! Then I invited Doctor Duffield to take other Minis- ters that they might be witnesses at my trial of the Bishop. He took the Methodist Minister of that city with him, and when we had come to Bishop Lefevre, after a short introduction, I asked him, first: "Did the Archbishop of Baltimore, in your last Synod, read my Latin Letter, in which Bishops were invited to attend my Latin Convention?" When Lefevre gave no answer, I took from my pocket a roll of papers, and when I commenced to unroll it, Bishop Lefevre turned to the two witnesses and said, in so still a manner that he could not be heard by me: "This man's head is not right." His precaution did not help him. I perceived his words and felt that he was not pre- pared to hear what I intended to read from my papers, and I said directly, "You Bishops, when you have no power to kill righteous men who dare to come publicly against your usurpations of power, and your damnable deeds, you kill them with words, calumniating them as tho' they were insane, and by whatever other means you may be able to deceive people." Bishop Benedict Fenwick, when first I camé publicly in his Diocese, exposing the treachery of Bish- ops, by which they endeavor to deliver this Republic into the hands of Monarchs, he first commenced the cry: "Too much learning has made Smolnikar mad," and Agents of Bishops repeated the same, be- cause they found it to be the best means they could use, to answer my arguments. Who is more mad than you, Bishop Lefevre, and your Agent, my fellow-student, Baraga, with his associates from my country, who [ 43 ] are preparing hosts of Indians, that when all may be mature they will sally forth from the woods, and kill as many Heretics as they can, and be killed by them? But how can I be mad while I am preaching Pacification of all Nations, and showing the means by which Harmony and Peace will be established on the whole Earth? While yet I see that you, Bishop Lefevre, are not prepared to re- cere my Message, I will address people in this city, both in the English and German languages, that they may judge whether you, Bishop Lefevre, and your Colleagues, are not more mad than I am, while I proclaim the glorious News of the Manifestation of Christ's Spirit for Pacification of the World," This, my address to Bishop Lefevre, is in connection with the re- port of Baraga's Consecration. The Reporter tells: "Bishop Bara- ga is now on his way to Europe. for the purpose of obtaining Cler- gymen for his most desolate Diocese of Upper Michigan." Most newspapers are filled with misrepresentations of very important facts for this Republic. Baraga, since his arrival as Missionary to this country, his received every year great assistance from private persons, as well as from the Society of St. Leopold, and other socie- ties, laboring to deliver this Country into the hands of the Pope and other Monarchs, and especially when he came himself to our native country and assisted me to come to America, he collected many thousand dollars. All the riches he could collect were applied to make Indians blind tools of the Pope and other Monarchs. In 1840 I came to the Indians, if possible, to meet with Baraga. But he was many hundred miles farther off than where I thought I would find him. 1 I only met with Priest Francis Pierz, a native of the same town with me. He expected that I would chant a solemn Mass, because he did not yet know my great Apostacy. But when I began to ex- plain the matter to him, he said that I was in great danger. I knew that he was not naturally a cruel man, for he was my good friend, and his house was next my house in our native town, and the Pope had not yet proclaimed Crusades against Heretics and Apostates in America. Therefore, I laughed when he tried to frighten me. But after this, in my presence, he preached such a Sermon to the In- dians against Heretics, that had he proclaimed a Crusade they would have fought to kill them, or to be killed, and go to Heaven by the Indulgences of the Pope. I concluded, from conversation with Priest Pierz and others, that there were great hosts of Indians in the British and Russian Dominions of America. In 1840, when I was among the Indians of La Croix, Arbre Croche, &c., many of whom, besides others, had been converted by Baraga and his Asso- ciates to the Pope of Rome. · I understood the preaching of Francis Pierz, because he preached in French and an Interpreter translated his words into the Indian tongue. But Baraga learned the Indian dialects very fast, and in the year 1837 published books for the Indian Schools. His most desolate Diocese of Upper Michigan," is the most extensive Diocese 6 ! [ 44 ] in the world. He is in close connexion with the Hudson Bay Com- pany, who keep a great secrecy concerning their power, having en- tire control over the Indians in the British Dominions. And Bara- ga is certainly in such intimacy with those who have control over the Indians in the Russian Dominions in America, as close connex- ion and intimacy as the Emperor of Austria bas with the Emperor of Russia. His knowledge of the Indian languages, the great rich- es he receives for their support, and his incredible zeal to bring these Indians into the Popish Heaven, gives him great power among and over them. ven. On my arrival and being recommended to them as a Priest, and a friend of Baraga, this word was spread among them with incredible speed, and hundreds of them came out from the woods and fell upon their knees and faces, worshipping me as if I were a God from Hea- I thought that there must be such multitudes of Indians, espe cially in the vast English and Russian Dominions, as there were of Barbarians in the Fifth Century, who overrun the Ronan Em- pire. Now, Baraga, the greatest worshipper of the Pope, and of the Emperor of Austria, while preparing the Indians so as to make use of them to overthrow this Government, secretly receives as ma- ny Missionaries as he needs. The ques These few remarks may spread great light upon his present jour- ney to the Pope of Rome, the Emperor of Austria, the Emperor of France, and other Monarchs. You are cheated and deluded in all directions, while enemies of this Republic are laboring to destroy it and deliver this country into the hands of Monarchs. tions to be decided in our Convention are of the most important po- litical character. There is nothing less to be decided than, whether the Pope of Rome and his Allies, the Emperors and Kings, have a Divine Right to subjugate this Republic, or whether we have Di- vine Right to require them to co-operate with us for establishing the true Reign of Christ, the Great Republic in which Truth and Right- eousness will abound on the whole Earth.· Be not deluded in regard to Turkey and her reported victories over Russia. That they are very splendid, may be all true, but what you read in behalf of Turkey, the same may soon be changed against your expectation, and, too late, you may come to know that the power of all Monarchs is directed, and will continue to be di rected against the Republican principle, till you convince Monarchs of Christian name, that the true Republican, is the true Christian Principle, and that we have received Divine Mission to spread this principle over the whole Earth. The commencement of this Dem- onstration should take place in a powerful manner in our Conven- tion, and I hope Congress is not yet entirely enslaved by Monarchs, and that it will comprehend the important disclosures given in this Pamphlet, and by no means hesitate to appoint the required Con- vention without delay. After Consecration of Bishop Baraga, we read in the "Telegraph" the news, that "by the Rev. Bishop Lefevre, of Detroit, a Solemn : • -- [ 45 ] Mass of Requiem, for the Souls of all faithful departed, was sung. on Wednesday, Nov. 2." On Thursday a Lecture on the "Papa- cy" was delivered by the Right Rev. Bishop Spalding. It is to be understood that this great Romish Orator, knows weil how to de- Jude Protestans in the most important matters. Immediately after that is the following very important news for us: "Right Rev. Dr. O'Connor, Bishop of Erie, arrived in this city on W ednesday,' (Nov. 2.) On the 1st, or Festival of all Saints, he must have had important business to do, and then he had to hurry; because, with- out doubt, he had secret communications to entrust to the great Am- bassador, Baraga, to be delivered to the Pope and his Kings and Queens. In the year 1840, while among the Indians, I received the news from Priest Pierz, that our countryman, the Franciscan Monk, Ivo Leviz, was Parson in Erie, and I came to see him. At that time the Popish Congregation in Erie was very small, and Leviz was building it a Church. I endeavored to move hun at least to prom- ise to study my pablications, but he replied: I would show you any favor which might be in ny power, but to read your books is not in my power; because I have heard that you have written against the Pope, whereas, I have sworn obedience to him and my Bishop; therefore, I would rather give my neck that you might cut my head off, than read your books." Such´attachment of Monks to the Pope and other Monarchs who are united with him, with such incredible perseverence in prosecu tion of their aim. at length has converted Erie to be the residence of a Roman Catholic Bishop. And mark well, M. O'Connor, whose extraordinary power exercised as Bishop of Pittsburgh, might be illustrated in this Pamphlet by facts which are very important, were there but room. Who asks the Who asks why has he become Bishop of Erie? secret of this change? I only give this hint. Canada is exceeding- ly important for Monarchs in their action against the United States, especially in a war with them Monarchs must have skillful Bishops at the principal points on the Lakes in the United States. In this respect, Erie is a very important point, and such a Bishop as M. O'Connor will know well how to promote the Papal Imperial Royal cause from his position there, and be able to give good advice to his Colleagues for increase of Monarchical power. But the counsels of Bishops and their Monarchs will be vain, and at length many Bishops will become true Republicans with us, cast- ing away the ensigns of Monarchs and their Popish ceremonies.— This will be so if the President and Congress carefully examine the contents of this l'amphlet, and act accordingly; but obstinate despi- sers of our Message of Truth, Liberty. Righteousness and Peace, will perish in their "FRIGHTFUL SHIPWRECK," an image of which is on the same 5th page of the Telegraph, after the Consecration of Bishop Baraga; where we read that the very fine ship Annie Jane, on her voyage from Liverpool to Quebec, was dismasted and totally [ 46 ] 2 lost on the night of the 28th Sept., on Barra Island. Upwards of three hundred persons, probably Irish emigrants, having perished. Likewise, the cause of the Pope and other Monarchs will be dis- masted and totally lost by spreading this Message. In traveling to the Baraga Indian country, and from thence to Leviz, in Erie, the number 300 is remarkable. Leviz, means a small Lion. His resi- dence is in Erie. * I trust that the President, Members of Congress, and American people, will be awakened by the above disclosures. Is it not high time to awake out of sleep, the present being a most critical moment? But if, in spite of all our disclosures and efforts, there be no awa- kening from their dreadful lethargy, and they continue to consume the treasures of this Republic for advantage of Monarchs, then it is the duty of every true Republican to take action to save this coun- try from the grasp of Monarchs. But, whether the President and Congress will do as they are sol- embly bourd or not, matters have come to such a crisis that all true Republicans should promote this cause as much as may be in their power. Therefore, in every township, persons who first compre- hend the contents of this Pamphlet should arouse others, and by thein the matter should be communicated to the Magistrate of the place. If he, like Gallio of old, cares for none of these things. or is opposed to it, then such person or persons may conclude that they are Monarchists, and they will be considered and treated as such. But true Republicans, comprehending the importance of this matter, and seeing necessity for holding Conventions, in which my Manuscript, existing in three languages, Latin, German and English, might be of some use, if read. Now, if fifty persons desire that such meeting may be appointed, and on proper information being forwarded to me, with their names, residences, place and time of appointment, also, obligation as to responsibility, for defraying the necessary expenses of traveling, boarding, &c., I will consider my. self bound to hold such Meeting, if circumstances permit. But if it should be impossible to visit their places, I will send of my pub- lication, consider and perpetuate them as my fellow-laborers, accord- ing to the time of the receipt of their letter, containing their names, occupations and residences. Because, those who are Pioneers in this most important work for Harmony and Peace of Nations, ought and will be known as such in future ages, as well as those who are Traitors to the true Republican, or true Christian principle. Those who write should direct, until further notice, to: ANDREW B. SMOLNIKAR, Zelienople, Butler Co., Pa. It is hoped the time is near when no true Republican will vote for any one to become an official who will not co-operate with us for spreading the contents of the Five Sections presented above, and more fully explained in the Manuscript to be read in Conventions, and that Candidates for office and officers themselves will promul- gate them in Market places and wherever people can be assembled to hear them. [ 47 ] In the year 1849, when Bishop O'Connor had answered my invitation to a public examination of my Message of Peace, by the letter published in this Pamphlet, his Papal Imperial Royal Baud succeeded so well that they imprisoned Joseph Barker, one of the Street Preachers, who had been aroused to proclaim publicly the abominable deeds of Bishops and Priests, who had rejected all my exhortations and continued to rebel against God and his Christ. By Barker's imprisonment the Repubiican citizens of Pittsburgh were aroused, and elected him Mayor while he was in Prison, and the čhy never had a Mayor who frightened Monarchists more, power- funy supported Free Speech, made public the bad deeds of previous ad- ministrations, by which the city had been involved in great debts He also showed how the debts could be got rid of in the easiest manner, by neces- sary acts of justice, and the restoration of a just taxation. But the Popish Imperial Royal Band, on Barker's time being up, suc- ceeded so well as to elect a man to be Mayor whose first business was to put down Freedom of Speech and Street Preaching. Sometimes I thought best to address people on Streets and Market places in Pittsburgh, when they had been assembled by others. After having heard that the Mayor was preparing to put down Street Preaching, I came one Sabbath with Patriarch Kirkland, to address people, on a very spacious place of a street. Kirkland opened the meeting, and I addressed the peo- pie. During my address, a Constable delivered the Message of the Mayor to Kirkland, that he must dismiss the people. Then Kirkland and those assembled agreed that the Message was Anti-christian and Anti-constitu- tional. We were told that a number of Policemen and other officers were among those assembled, and I told them that they should carry my Message to the Mayor, that after I had by letter invited Bishop O'Connor, then on the streets of Pittsburgh, and in Patriarch Kirkland's Paper, entitled Street Preacher, to publicly debate with me on subjects which all Bishops ought to know, but which they do not, but through ignorance are preparing to ruin this Republic; and whereas the Bishop did not accept my invitation, and continues to be obstinate to and regardless of my exhortations, that in these circumstances, the most important business for the Mayor of Pitts- burgh would be to gather together Bishop O'Connor and all his Priests and Monks to a publie Debate with me, and if they would not come together publicly, to make known that he felt it to be his duty, as far as he was able, to protect Street Preaching against the Anti-christian and Anti-re- publican proceedings of Bishops and Priests. After this, my Address and Message to the Mayor, I was waiting in Pittsburgh till he would perform his duty as an American Mayor of an Amer- ican city should have done; but instead of bringing the Bishop and his Priests to a public discussion with me, he cast Patriarch Kirkland into Prison. Then I left the city and went to Butler, Pa., whilst the Court was in Ses- sion there. The Commissioners permitted me the use of the Court House to address people in at candle-light, when the Court would not be in Ses- sion. During my address, Papists raised a terrible riot and stopped my address, and when I would go out, my friends warned me that there was great danger of losing my life; that Papists were before and about the Court House ready to attack me. Then they brought me out by a small side-door, so that I got to my boarding-house. On the next day, while I was preparing to prosecute the Destroyers of Human Rights, the witnesses assured me that the principal Rioter was an Irishman, working for the President Judge of the Court, and his particular favorite. I obtained permission from the Commissioners on the next Sunday, to hold a German Meeting in the Court House. The meeting was announced, and I intended in a peculiar manner to warn Germans not to imitate the bad example of the deluded persons who raised the riot during my English Lecture. But the Judge then went to the Commissioners and required them not to give the key of the Court House for my meeting. 1 [ 48 ] A Constable brought this message. I asked some persons how a Judge could be seduced to do such damnably Anti Republican actions? For an- swer i was told that the time was approaching for an election of Judge by vole of the people, and that by doing so he would secure the votes of Ro- man Catholics. When I saw that the Judge deserved to be punished, rather than the Ri- oters, I wrote an article, exp.aining the case, and would have published it in the newspaper of the opposite party to the party of the Judge. But the Editor was afraid to publish it. Then I sent the article, by mail, to the Editor of the "Protestant," in Pittsburgh, and wrote the Editor privately to send me copies of the numper in which my article would be published. But I received no copies. Then I went to Pittsburgh, but the Editor assu- red me he had not received my article. Having experienced such incredible corruption in all branches of the Administration, I committed the President Judge of the Butler Court to the just judgment of God, and left Pittsburgh for Ohio. Instead of going directly to such places as I had intended to visit on setting out, my Guide said that I should visit an Associate Judge of the President Judge, whom I had committed to the judgment of God. When I came to him and he was explaining to me how he had been con- verted to believe in the immortality of the Soul by Rapping Spirits, his- son brought the news that the President Judge had died suddenly, and I understood from the information as to the time of his sudden death, that it was at the same moment when the Angel of the Lord informed me that I should go and see the Associate Judge. Immediately the Spirit of the deceased President Judge became a strong Rapping Spirit, but he gave not his own, but another name. On ap- proaching the place where he was Rapping, he gave this communication: that he must leave the house and go into the Planet Venus, having impor- tant business there. I remained the next night in that house, and at mid-. night he made strong raps-sounds similar to breaking of crocks in a cor- ner of the room where I was resting. My Leader informed me that the Rapper was the Judge, who was taken away by the judgment of God.- His abode is in the infernal regions, from which he comes surrounded by in- fernal electricity, with which raps are produced; and when this lying Spir- it has deluded, for a time, those who like to be instructed by him, he is cast again into his infernal abode. This, as well as many other points which have been mentioned in this Pamphlet, which cannot be fully explained now, but are so explained in other Manuscripts, which, when published, in due time you will receive all that you need. If space allowed, I would give peculiar warnings to Postmasters and Secret Societies, but I hope what now appears will be sufficient for the' present. And Jesuit Postmasters will be turned out of office, and all members from Societies, who prevent or neglect the spread- ing of this Pamphlet, thus showing that they are not true Republicans. Since the riot in the Court House of Butler is in close connexion with what happened in the Court House of Mercer, where the Successor of the Rap- ping Spirit had given advice that I should apply to Congress, it was proper to mention the Judgment of God against the Judge of Iniquity. Likewise, because Demons, through the Foxes, began to rap in the same month, viz: in February, 1848, when also they commenced the Revolution in Europe. And I have declared many times since, that Rapping Spirits will be dread- ful Destroying Spirits in this Country, if people will not prevent destruc- tion by spreading our Message of Peace. Whosoever comprehends this, should spread this work as far as possible, and thus be a chosen and faith- ful fellow-laborer of his sincere Brother, ANDREW B. SMOLNIKAR. This Pamphlet can always be had where Kirkland and Smolnikar Lecture. A: ་