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ALABAKA General Acts 1927, Act E0. 547, Sec. 44. The State Highway Commis- sion shall adopt regulations governing the positions for placing markers, signs, and advertising on the right of way of all State controlled highways and no signs or advertising matter shall be placed on said highways except in accordance with such regulations. Sec. 45. The State Board of Admin- istration is vested with the authority to let contracts for the placing of markers and the posting of signs and advertising matter on said highways, and shall fix the compensation to be paid to the State by all persons contracting with said board for advertising space on said highways, to be paid in annual, ouarterly or monthly installments as may be prescribed by said board. If any contract is made with any person for the purpose of subletting the snace by such contractor, the compensation to be paid the State by such con- tractor shall not be less than twenty per cent of he gross income received by him. No contract for posting signs or advertising on said highways not made by the State Board of Administration shall be valid and all such contracts heretofore attenpted to be made by the State Highway Department are hereby expressly declared to be void. See. 46. All proceeds received by the State from such marhers, signs or advertisement contracts shall be deposited to the credit of the naintenance fund of the State High- way Department and to be drawn out of the Treasury as other highway funds are withdrawn therefrom. Sec. 101. No unauthorized person shall erect or maintain upon any highway any warning or direction sign, marker, signal or light in imitation of any official sign, marker, signal or light erected under the provisions of this article, and no person shall erect or maintain upon any highway any traffic or highway sign or signal bearing thereon any commercial advertising, provided nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the erection or maintenance of signs, markers or signals bearing thereon the name of an organization authorized to erect the same by the State Highway Commission or local authorities as defined in this article. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished as provided in section lO5 of this article. i*‘* ARIZONA Laws,_ 1927, Chanl 6LgSec. 69. * * * * no person shall erect or maintain upon any highway or right of way any sign or signal bearing thereon any commercial advertising. ABIAJSAS §ighway Laws of Arkansas, Act No. 5, Extraordinary Session, Approved October 10, l925T_Sec. 68. POW€r is hereby COnferred on tne State Highway Comlission to mane all necessary and rea- sonable rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this act * * * to regulate the placing of appropriate road signs and danger signals * * *. Laws, 1925, Act No. 155, Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect or cause to be erected or maintained, on or within one hundred yards of tne right of way of any State highway, any sign or billboard which has printed, painted, or otherwise placed thereon, words or figures calculated to cause the traveling public of this State or tourists from other States to abandon such Stems highways and travel any public road to any town, city or destination in this State, unless the same shall be erected and maintained by and with the consent and approval of the State Highway Commission. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect or cause to be erected on or within one hundred yards of the right of way of any State Highway any sign or billboard which has printed, painted, or otherwise placed thereon, words or figures, which give to the traveling pub- lic any false or misleading information pertaining to the highways of this State. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corpora- tion, violating the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be finen in any sum not less than $25.00 nor more than $100.00. Sec. 4. The State Highway Commission shall cause the removal and destruction of, and it is hereby made the duty of said Commission to remove and destroy, any and all sign boards now on or within one hundred yards o2 the right of way of any State highway, which gives to the traveling public any false and misleading information pertaining to the highways of this State. ~4- CALIFORNIA General Laws, 1923, not No. 89, Sec. 1. Unlawful to place signs without permission. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons or corporation to place, cause to be placed or to maintain, or cause to be maintained without lawful permission on or upon any proper y, either real or personal, belonging to the State of alifornia, or to any city, city and county or county in the State of California, any sign, picture, transparency, advertisement or mechanical device which is used for the purpose of or which does advertise or bring to notice any person or persons or article or articles of merchandise or any business or profession or anything that is to be or has been sold, bartered or given away, See. 2, Consent of owners of property. It shall be unlawful ¥6}"E£y person, persons or corpor- ation to place, cause to be placed, maintain, or cause to be main- tained on or upon any Property, either real or personal, within the State of California, in which said person, persons or corporations have no estate or right of possession, any sign, picture, trans- parency, advertisement, or mechanical device which is used for the purpose of, or which does advertise or bring to notice any person or persons, or article or articles of merchandise or any business or profession or anything that is to be or has been sold, bartered or given away, unless such person, persons or corporation obtain the consent of the owner or owners, lessee or lessees of said prop- erty, or person or persons in lawful possession of said property before such sign, picture, transparency, advertisement or mechani- cal device is placed on or upon said property. , - §§p._5, Lawful notices. Road signs. Nothing herein shall be so eenstrued as to prevent the post- ing of any notice required by law or order of any court to be posted, nor to prevent the posting or placing of arr notice, particularly pertaining to the grounds or premises upon which the same is so posted or placed, or to prevent the posting or placing ef any notice, sign, or device used exclusively for giving public notice of the name, direction or condition of any highnay, street, lane, road or alley. §2§:_§3 Nuisance. Any such sign, picture, transparency, advertisement or mechanical device so placed on any property, contrary to the provisions of this set, is and shall be a public nuisance. _ 5 _ CALIFORFIA (Cont'd.) General Laws, 1925, Act No. 89, Sec. 5. Penalty. Any person violating any of he provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Act No. 3267, Sec. 6. E0 sign, picture, transparency, advertisement or mechanical advertising device shall be placed upon or over any State road or highway without a permit from the department of engineering or its appropriate officers, and, if so placed, shall be a public nuisance and may be forthwith removed from any such road or highway by the depart- ment of engineering, its officers or employees, and any person who shall so place the same shall be guilty of a misdemeanor pr0— vided, further, that nothing herein shall he so construed as to prevent the posting of any notice provided by law or order of any court to be posted. Penal Code, 1925L Sec. 602. Every person who willfully commits any trespass by either: f) * * * putting up, affixing, fasten- ing, printing, or painting upon any property belonging to the State, or to any city, county, town, or village, or dedicated to the public or upon any property of any person, without license from the owner, any notice, advertisement, or designation of, or any name for any commodity, whether for sale or otherwise, or any picture, sign, or device intended to call attention thereto: * * * is guilty of a misdemeanor. NOTE: — The California Legislature passed the following Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 27, l929, Chapter 69: WHEREAS, The scenic value of our mountains, hills, streams, fields and oceans are one of the greatest assets of our State; and TEEREAS, This asset is being gradually diminished in value by the indiscriminate placing of advertising s'gns, hot dog stands, gasoline stations and other structures; and W:uREAS, These structures and advertising signs are almost entirely on private property and it is questionable whether the Legislature of the State of California may enact laws to regulate and control such structures and advertising signs; and _ 6 ~ ALIFORNIA (Cont ‘d. ) WHEREAS, It is necessary that the Legislature of the State of California have available adequate information so as to enable its members to consider proper legislation to control such struc- tures and advertising signs; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED BY THE ASSEMBLY, THE ENATE CONCURRIKG, That a com’ mittee of six.members, consisting of three members of the Assembly to be appointed by the speaker of the Assembly, and three members of the Senate to be appointed by the president of the Senate, for the purpose of investigating the possibility of regulating and controlling the location of gasoline stations, hot dog stands, advertising signs, and other structures of a commercial nature along scenic roads and highways, in our rural regions, by law, and to prepare and submit to the next session of the Legislature of the State of California its findings and make such.recommendations as it may deem.necessery and proper for the regulation and control of the location of gasoline stations, hot dog stands, advertising signs, and other structures of a commercial nature. ' -7- COLCR; QDO Qpmpiled L§Ws,ml92l. See. 7017; Any person who shell peint or print upon, or in any other manner place upon or affix to any stone or rock, or to any bridge, tree or upon.the ground, any letter, character or device stating, referring to or advertising, or intended to state, refer to or advertise the sole or manufac- ture of any property or article, profession, business, exhibition, amusement or place of amusement, or other thing, end.eny person who shell, directly or indirectly, cause any such act to be done, or shall aid therein, shell be deemed.guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction Shnll for each cnd.etery offense be punished by a fine not less than fifty (50) dollars, nor exceeding three hundred (300) dollars for each separate offense, or by imprisonment not to exceed six.(b) months, nor less than one (1) month, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 0 \ -, 1 —“_r ~ _ _ 1 T‘ ‘, !. ‘ .1 .$:::.9.¢..-_l.?;- Tm er-Y Board shell have tne following powers and duties: * * * 8. To * * * prohibit the use of all guide boards and road signs not conforming to such standard, and all billboards and bulletin boards on any State ‘rt ~. _‘ ‘ hignway. Session Laws, 1923, Chap. l28, Sec, l, That it shall be unlawful for any person; eolpgrtnership, association or corporation to erect ‘or maintain upon or along any public highsuy of the State outside the limits of any incorporated town or city, eny.billboard or any advertising sign within the distance of three hundred (300) feet from intersecting corners of such public highways, or upon or along eny'shnrp curve in any such highway, in sueh.nenner as to obstruct the full view of such curve or intersecting highwqy by travelers on the highwqys. nny person, whether acting in his individual capacity or es en officer, manager, superintendent, or other agent of any co—partnership, association or corporation, who shall violate or cause to be violated, any of the provisions of this act, shell be deemed guilty of s misdemesnor end shall be subject to a fine of not less than tuenty~five (25) dollars nor more than one hundred (100) dollars or imprisonment in the counry jeil not less than ten (l0) days nor more then thirty (30) days or both, such fine end imprison~ ment, in the discretion of the court; provided, that every cy such billbourd or advertising sign is maintained as eforesuid, after notice by the Stete Highway Engineer or by the Board of County Come missioners of the county, to remove the same, shall be deemed a separate offense and shall be punishable as in this not provided. _ 8 - CONNECTICUT Acts 1921,. Chap. 13. Section 6298 of the general statutes is amended to read as follows: Every person who shall deposit, throw, affix or mnintain any paper or advertisement in any public highwqy, or on private premises or property, without the consent of the owner of said promises or property, unless the same be left at the door of & residence or place of business; or who shall post, erect, construct or mnintain.within.the limits of any public high- wey, eny advertising sign or any billboard or advertisement for the purpose of advertising any property or the sole of any property other then the property of the owner of the premises abutting on such highway; or who shall affix to or neintnin.upon eny tree, rock or structure within the limits of a public highway any paper or ed~ vertisement other than notices posted in accordance with the previ- sions of the general statutes; or who shall affix to or maintain upon the property of another Without his consent, any word, letter, chnrocter or devise intended-to advertise the sale of any article, shall be fined not more than fifty L50) dollars or imprisoned not more than six (6) months_er both. guhlic Acts, l325, Chap. lO3, Sec. 1. No person, firm or corpore~ tion shell erect or maintain or cause to be erected or maintained, within three hundred (500) feet of any trunk line or State aid highws~, ony sign which shall have thereon any of the following words: "Stop," "caution," "dnnger,“¥"diigereus," "warning," or "slow," or any other word, character or symbol intended to give or capable of giving warning or direction to traffic, except with the approval or under the direction of the highway commissioner, provided no provision of this act shall be construed to prevent any officer of any municipality or any public utility company from erecting or maintaining any danger or warning sign required under the provisions of the gsnerel statutes or any sign designed for the protection of the public or to did in the operation of any public utility. §ec‘_2, No such direction or danger si»n sho11.beer the nnme of env article or product or the name or‘ _ "U .L address of s i ‘erson firm or cor oration or an‘ advertisement, 3 = The highway commissioner mny enter upon &lV property and remove any J sign which shall not conform to the provisions of this act. ._9.. CONNECTICUT (Cont‘d) PubliegApts,ul925, Chapi lO5L_§ec. 5: Any person, any member of any firm or any corporation violating any provision of this act shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars for the first offense and not more than five hundred dollars for each subsequent offense. Approved May 15, 1925. Public Acts, 1927, Chap. 254, Sec. 1. No person, firm or corpora- tion shall engage or continue in the business of outdoor advertising for direct profit through rentals or compensation received for the erection, maintenance or display of painted bulletins, poster panels, or other outdoor advertising devices, upon real property, until such person, firm or corporation shall have secured from the superintend- ent of State police a license to engage in the business of outdoor advertising. The fee for such license shall be the sum of one hun-' dred (100) dollars per year, payable annually in advance on the first day of August. Public Acts, 1927, Chap. 254, Sec. 2. No_person, firm or corpora- .tion, licensed under the provisions of section one of this act, shall erect or maintain any outdoor advertising structure, device or display until a permit for the erection of such structure, device or display shall have been obtained from the superintendent of State police. Application for such.permit shall be in writing, signed by the applicant or his duly authorized agent, upon blanks furnished by the superintendent of State police in such form and requiring such information as said superintendent may prescribe. Each application shall have attached thereto the written consent of the owners of the property on which such structure, device or display is to be erected or maintained. The fee for such permit shall be as provided in section four of this act, payable upon the granting of such permit and annually thereafter on the first day of August. Application shall be made in like manner for per- mits to maintain all existing outdoor advertising structures, de- vices or displays, and unless permits are obtained therefor and the permit fees provided in said section four are paid, the same shall be removed in accordance with sections nine and ten of this act. ‘ a 10 - wa‘ .-_~ --q--——. CONNECTICUT (Cont'd.) Public_Apts,"lj2j,Chap,§§4, Sec. 3; No person, firm or corpora- tion, not engaged in the business of outdoor advertising for direct profit, shall erect, maintain or continue to maintain any outdoor advertising structure, device or display,other than upon property within two hundred (200) feet of the place where the goods adver- tised are manufactured or offered for sale, or where the business advertised is carried on, until a permit shall have been obtained therefor from the superintendent of State police and the permit fees as provided by section four shall have been paid. Applica- tions for such permits shall be made in the manner provided by section two of this actO Sec. g. The fees for said permits shall be as follows: For each panel, bulletin or sign containing three hundred (300) square feet or less of advertising space, three (3) dollars; for each panel, bulletin or sign containi more than three hundred (500) and not more than six.hundred (E00) square feet of advertising space, six.(6) dollars; and for each panel, bulletin or sign containing more than six hundred (000) square feet and not more than nine hundred (900) square feet of advertising space, nine (9) dollars; and no sign shall be erected which shall contain more than nine hundred (900) square feet of advertising space. A fee shall be paid for each side of each panel, bulletin or sign which shall be used for advertisi g. The fee for any fractional part of a year shall bear the same propor- tion to the fee for an entire year that such fractional part shall bear to the entire year. 6 Public Laws, 1922, Chap. 2§§pMSec. 5. Upon receipt of an applica- tion, as set forth in section EGBZ and the required permit fee, the superintendent of State police shall cause to be issued a per- mit for the erection or continued maintenance of the outdoor advertising structure, device or display named in such application, which permit shall state the size of such structure, device or dis- play and the location upon.which it is to be erected or maintained, and shall be in force until the first day of August, next following the date thereof. Any advertisement displayed upon any such struc- ture or device shall be exempted from the payment of any other permit fee during the period covered by such permit- -11- corwrcrzcor (Cont'd) Public Laws, 1927, Chap. 254, Sec. 6. This act shall not require any license or permit for any advertising sign containing six (6) square feet or less, from any town, city or incorporated village, fire district or incorporated fire company or church or ecclesias- tical society in this State for any advertisement owned by it and advertising its industries or attractions and maintained at either public or private expense. Sec. E, as amended by Acts l92Q, Chap. 289. Advertisements and signs shall not be displayed within one hundred (100) feet of any public park, State forest, playground or cemetery, or within fif- teen (l5) feet from the outside line of any highway outside of the thickly settled or business parts of a city or town, except upon the walls of a building in which the goods advertised are offered for sale or the business advertised is conducted, and except signs erected by the State or town or city which solely indicate highway directions, traffic regulations and dangerous places. No provision of this section shall affect any ordinance or regulation established or which may be established by any municipality. Public Laws, 1927, Chap. 254, Sec. 8. A license shall not be granted to a person, firm or corporation having his or its princi- pal place of business outside of the State, for the display of any advertisement or the erection of any billboard or other structure designed and intended for the display of advertising matter until such person, firm or corporation shall have furnished and filed with the superintendent of State police a bond to the State, satis~ factory to said superintendent, in such sum as said superintendent shall determine, conditioned that such license shall fulfill all requirements of law and the regulations and orders of said superin— tendent relating to the display of advertisements, and otherwise conditioned as said superintendent may determine. Such bond shall remain in full force and effect as long as any obligations of such licensee to the State shall remain unsatisfied. _ 13 _ COhJECTICUT (Cont'd) Public Laws, 1927, Chap. 254, Sec. 9. The superintendent of State police may order the removal or change in location of any adver- tisement when, in the opinion of said superintendent, such adver- tisement obstructs a clear view along any highway, or is within the legal limits of any highway, and said superintendent may order the removal of any advertisement displayed contrary to any stat- utory provision. If the person, firm or corporation in control of or owning any advertisement which has been ordered removed or changed in its location, as provided in this section, shall not remove such advertisement within thirty (30) days after such order of removal or change has been sent to such person, firm or corporation by said superintendent by registered mail, said super- intendent may cause such advertisement to be removed and the ex- pense of such removal may be collected from the person, firm or corporation owning or controlling the same in an action based on the provisions of this act, or from the sureties on the bond which such_person, firm or corporation has filed. Sec. 10. The State highway depart- ment selectmen of towns or aldermen of cities shall remove or cause to be removed any advertisement or sign displayed contrary to the provisions of this act when requested so to do by the super- intendent of State police. Said State, town or city officials shall remove all advertisements less than six (6) square feet in size which are or may be located within the prohibited area defined in section seven, except such as are permitted.under the provisions of section eleven. Sec. ll. Notwithstanding any statu- tory provision to the contrary, the superintendent of State police may, with the consent of the aldermen of a city, the trustees of an incorporated village, or the selectmen of a town, permit the erection of advertising signs which are designed to benefit local residents or industries, within the limits of highways, but not in any location where such signs will obstruct the view along any highway. ‘ Sec. 12. The word "display" as used in this act and in other laws of the State relating to advertise- ments and signs, shall mean erecting, maintaining,_pasting, paint- ing and.posting any advertisement or sign out-of-doors or ._ 13 _ commcricur (Cont'd) erecting or maintaining any billboard or other structure designed and.intended for the display of advertising matter where the same may be seen by the public, or allowing any such advertisement, billboard or other structure, erected or displayed either before or after the passage of this act, to remain exposed, in whole or in part, to public view, and shall include the act itself and the causing of such act to be done. The obligation to pay license and permit fees required bv-law shall apply and be in force for such time as such advertisement or sign or any part thereof shall re- main visible and as long as any board or structure or any part thereof erected or built for the purpose of displaying advertising matter thereon shall remain exposed to public view. Sgc, 18. All advertisements and all billboards and structures designed for the display of advertising matter thereon shall show the name of the person, firm or corpora- tion displaying such advertisements or owning or leasing such billboards and structures. Sec, 14. Any person who shall erect, maintain, display or allow to remain in view an advertisement, sign or billboard or any structure designed for the display of advertis- ing matter contrary to the provisions of this act shall be fined not more than one hundred (100) dollars for each sign so displayed. Public Acts, 1929, Chap. 76, Sec. 5(a) Any person, firm or corpor- ation who shall affix to a telegraph, telephone, electric light or power pole, or to a tree, shrub, rock, or other natural object in any public way or grounds, a playbill, picture, notice, advertise- ment or other similar thing, or who shall cut, paint or mark such tree, shrub, rock, or other natural object, except for the purpose of protecting it or the public and under a written permit from the town tree warden, the borough tree warden, city forester or state highway commissioner, as the case may be, or who, without the con- sent of the tree warden or of the officer with similar duties, shall use climbing spurs for the purpose of climbing any ornamental or shade tree within the limits of any public highway or grounds, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars for each offense. * * * (c) Any -14.. CONNECTICUT (Cont'd) person, firm or corporation who shall deposit or throw any adver- tisement within the limits of any public way or grounds, or upon private premises or property, unless the same be left at the door of the residence or place of business of the occupant of such premises or property, or who shall deposit or throw any refuse paper, camp or picnic refuse, junk or other material within the limits of any public way or grounds, except at a place designated for that purpose by the authority having supervision and control of such.public way or grounds, or upon private premises or prop- erty without permission of the owner thereof or who shall affix to or maintain upon any tree, rock or other natural object within the limits of a public way or grounds any paper or advertisement other than notices posted in accordance with the provisions of the general statutes, or who shall affix to or maintain, upon the property of another without his consent, any word, letter, char- acter or device intended to advertise the sale of any article, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than six months or both for each offense. (d) The removal, pruning or wilful injury of any shrub or ornamental or shade tree, or the use of climbing spurs upon any ornamental or shade tree without the consent of the tree warden or of the officer with similar duties or the affixing of any playbill, picture, notice, advertisement or other similar thing concerning the business or affairs of any person, firm or corporation,_to a pole, shrub, tree, rock or other natural object, within the limits of any pub- lic way or grounds in violation of the provisions of this section by an agent or employee of such person, firm or corporation, shall be deemed to the act of such person, firm or corporation, and such person, or any member of such firm or any officer of such corporation, as the case may he, shall be subject to the penalty herein provided, unless such act be shown to have been done without his knowledge or consent. (e) Each individual playbill, picture, notice, advertisement or other similar thing affixed to a pole, shrub, tree,_rock or other natural object, or each shrub or tree wilfully removed, pruned, injured or defaced, or each individual advertisement or lot of refuse paper or other material thrown with- in the limits of any public way or grounds or on private premises,‘ shall constitute a separate violation of the provisions of this section. Nothing in this section shall affect the authority of a tree warden, either by himself or by a person receiving a written permit from him, to remove, prune or otherwise deal with a shrub or tree under his jurisdiction. ._. DELAWARE "Revised Code, 1915, Sec. 5487. Whoever shall post, paint, burn, set up, or expose any bill, placard or advertisement, or cause the same“to be posted, painted, burned, set up or exposed upon the property or premises of any other person without the consent of the legal owner or custodian of such property or premises first obtained for that purpose, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in the Court of General Sessions shall be fined in a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars, or by impris- onment for a tern not exceeding one year, or both at the discretion‘ of the Court. The owner of any property or premises fronting on any public street or road shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed and taken to be the legal owner of the rocks, trees, walls and fences in front of such property or premises to the middle or center ~ine of such street or road. 7 The name or part of the n me of any person or persons or corporation appearing in any such bill, placard, or advertisement, or the fact that the goods, wares, nerchandise or business of any person or persons or corporation is advertised by such bill, placard or advertisement, shall be Prima facie evidence of its presence there by the authority or with the knowledge of such per- son or the officers of such corporation. Laws, l927g Chap. 90, Sec. 1. Under the provisions of and for the purposes to be attained by this Act the term "nuisance" shall be defined to be any condition of the land, or of the buildings erect- ed thereon, or of the trade or business conducted thereon, or of unsightly articles collected thereon or therein, or of obnoxious odors arising thereon, therein or therefrom, which shall cause any annoyance to the persons making use of any public highway, as here- inafter mentioned, by being offensive or obnirious to the senses of such persons. _ 16 _ DELEWABE (Cont'd) Laws, l927, Chap. 90, Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any Cor- poration, co-partnership, association, firm, person or persons to vcreate, erect, maintain or continue a nuisance, as hereinbefore defined, within two hundred feet of either side of the right of way of any public highway entering into the City of Wilmington for a distance of one mile from the corporate limits of said City, or within the boundaries thereof, upon land of which the said cor- poration, co~partnership, association, firm, person or persons are the owner or owners, lessees, agents, tenants or occupants. Sec, 3. The Council of the "The Mayor.and Council of Wilmington"is'herntmivested and empowered to abate such nuisance by the enactment of ordinances giving directions for the cleansing, removal, or remedy of the matter of thing complained of, and.providing penalties for violations of its orders to be recovered in the Municipal Court of the City of Wilmington. From the judgment of said Court there shall be an appeal to the Superior Court in and for New Castle County as provided in like cases before the said Municipal Court. Laws of Delaware, 1929, Chap, 10, Sec. 138. (Other than Official Signs Prohibited.) No unauthorized_person shall erect or maintain upon any highway any warning or direction sign, marker, signal or light in imitation of any official sign, marker, signal or light erected under the provisions of this Act, and no person shall erect or maintain upon any highway any traffic or highway sign or signal bearing thereon any commercial advertising, provided nothing in this Section shall be construed to prohibit the erection or ~ maintenance of signs, markers, or signals bearing thereon the name of an organization authorized to erect the same by the State Highway Department or any local authority as defined in this Act, _ 17 _ FLORIDA Revised General Statutes, 1920, Sec. 815. Agents, firms associa- tions or corporations or other persons engaged in the business of bill posting in cities and towns of ten thousand inhabitants or more shall pay a license tax of thirty dollars. In cities and towns of less than ten thousand inhabitants, shall pay a license tax of five dollars, Acts of Extra Session, 1925, Chap. 11378, Sec. 1. That after this act takes effect it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect or cause to be erected, placed or caused to be placed any sign board, sign, sign post, placard or poster within the right of way of any public highway in any County of he State of Florida, having a population of not less than 63,000 and not more than 65,000, according to the 1925 State census, Sec. 2. Any person, ‘firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this act shall upon conviction be fined not exceeding $300.00 or impris- oned not exceeding ninety days, or be punished by both such fine and imprisonment. Laws of Florida, 1929, Chap. 13801, Sec. 1. All Persons are pro- hibited from placing, posting or erecting signs upon land or upon trees upon land adjacent to or adjoining all public highways of the State of Florida, without the written consent of the owner of such land, or the written consent of the attorney or agent of such owner, Sec. 2. Every person convicted of the violation of the foregoing Section shall be punished as for a mi sdemeano r . Chap. 14491, Sec. 6 (a). ADVERTISING AGENCIES. -— Advertising agencies painting or having signboards and billboards in ten counties or less shall pay a license tax of Seventy-five ($75.00) Dollars; in more than ten counties shall pay a license tax of Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars; provided, further that county license shall be Ten ($10.00) Dollars. _ 18 _ GEORGIA Laws, 1925, No. 368. * * * it shall be unlawful for any person firm or corporations or any one acting for them, to post any display signs on the right of way of the Dixie Highway in Bibb County. * * * Any person, firm or corporation violating the terms of Section 1 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor * * *. Laws, 1927. * * * the following specific and occupation taxes shall be levied and collected each year after the_passage of this Act, beginning in 1928. * * * Paragraph 5. * * * upon each person, firm, or corporation conducting the business of advertis- ing by signs painted, pasted, or printed on billboards or other places where space is leased, rented, or sold, in each county where located, one dollar ($1.00) for each location, and a loca- tion is defined to be 75 lineal feet or fractional part thereof; and.provided further that before painting or posting such loca- tions or fractional part thereof, it shall be the duty of the person or persons so advertising to register with the ordinary and tax~collector of said county as required by law, and in case of any increase of advertising said ordinary shall in each in- stance be notified as to the number of locations. Laws, 1927, Sec. 17. Be it further enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia that the said County Commissioners and ex-officio Judges of Chatham County are hereby vested with power and authority to adopt and enforce ordinances, rules, and regulations with refer»; ence to the location, erection, and maintenance of billboards, ad- vertising signs, and like devices along and adjacent to the public roads of said country, and by such ordinances, rules and regula- tions to prohibit the location, erection and maintenance of such billboards, advertising signs, and like devices which obstruct or interefere with the vision of persons using any such roads at the intersection of such roads or on curves, or in approaching any bridge or railroad-crossing, or at any other place; also to pro- hibit the erection and maintenance of any such billboards or signs which contain or purport to contain information correct or incorrect about the said roads or their condition., or the dis- tance between any given points; also to prohibit the location, erection and maintenance of anv Such billboard advertising sign or like device which contains painted L“ printed thereon any obscene or vulgar pictures or words; also to tear down and remove any such billboards, advertising signs, and like devices which exist or are erected in violation of this Act or of any ordinances, rules, or regulations adopted by said County Commissioners and Ex-officio Judges; and said.County Commissioners and Ex-officio Judges are hereby empowered to provide a penalty for the violation of any ordinances, rules and regulation enacted under this section. _ 19 1 IDAHO Compiled Statutes, 1si9,m§§9,”8§§g. It shall be unlawful for any person to paint, sketch, or place in any manner or form or by any means, upon any rock or rocks, or similar natural object or objects, any place within the State of Idaho, any sign, advertisement or picture or commercial or business name, for business or commercial purposes. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Sessipn rae§,_1929, quip. 15F. Section 56 of Chapter 260 of the 1927 Session Laws of the State of Idaho is hereby amended to read as follows: ‘ sec. 56. (omens mans OFFICIAL SIGNS PROHIBITED) No * person shall erect or maintain or cause to be erected or maintained upon or along any highway any warning or direction sign, marker, signal or light in imitation as regards either wording or appearance of an official sign, marker, signal or light erected under the provisions of this act, and no person *** other than authorized employees or agents of the Commissioner of Public Works, shall erect or maintain or cause to he erected or main- tained upon or along or visible from.any state highway any *** sign intended for the advice or direction of traffic or purporting to give the distances betwcen.towns on the state highway or conditions of travel on alternatewroutes, and no person shall_crect or maintain or cause to be erectedior maintained upon or along any state highway any sign of marker\intcnded to designate such highway by other than its official designation: 'Providcd, that nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the erection and maintenance hy local authorities of street signs and markers and other necessary signs under the provisions of this act. _ go _ ILLINOIS Smith-Hurd Illinois Revised Statutes, 1925, Chap. 58, Sec. 466. It is a public nuisance: * * * 9. To advertise wares or occupation by painting notices of the same on, or affixing them to fences or other private property, or on rocks or other natural objects, without the consent of the owner, or if in the highway or other public place, without permission of the proper authorities: Provided, that nothing in this section contained shall be construed to prevent the munici- pal authorities of any incorporated city, town or village from declaring what shall be nuisances, and abating the same within their limits. Chap. 38, Sec. 467. Who- ever causes, erects or continues any such nuisance shall, for the first offense, be fined not exceeding $100, and for a subsequent offense shall be fined in a like amount, and confined in the county jail not exceeding three months. Every such nuisance when a convic- tion therefor is had in a court of record, may, by order of the court before which the conviction is had, be abated by the sheriff or other_proper officer, at the expense of the defendant, and it shall be no defense to any proceeding under this section that the nuisance is erected or continaed by virtue or permission of any law of this state. Chap. l2l, Sec. l60. * * No advertising or other signs shall be placed upon the highway or upon the railroad right of way within fifty (50) feet of any signs required by law to be placed at or near grade crossings. kp- It shall be unlawful for any_person, firm or corporation to place, or to cause to be placed, any sign at a public highway within a distance of three hundred (300) feet of any grade crossing, except signs or signals, required bv law or the Public Utilities Commission for the protection of such crossings. * * * It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to place, or to cause to be placed, any sign or billboard on a public highway within fifty (50) feet of any post or guide-board, erected in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and it shall be un- lawful for any person, firm or corporation to place or cause to be placed any sign or billboard or any advertising of any kind or description about or upon any Federal aid road or State aid road within the State other than such as may be directed by the Depart- ment of Public Works and Buildings. And any person, firm or cor- poration who shall violate any of the provisions of this Act shall be liable to a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense. * * * _'21 _ ILLINOIS (Cont'd.) bans, 1927, Sec. 16 of "agt_in.relation to Statewfiighnayst" The Department_of Public Works and Buildings after taifihg over roads or streets shall erect and maintain standard guide and warning signs and distance boards of uniform d sign, throughout the State highway system. No other signs of any kind or description, in- cluding billboards and other advertising signs, shall be placed, or allowed to be placed on any portion of the roads or streets comprising said State highway system, either within or without the corporate limits of a city, village or town, and the depart- ment may remove any other signs that are, or may be placed on the roads or streets of said State highway system. The violation of any provision of this section is punishable by a fine of not less than five dollars L$5.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). _ 22 _ INDIANA Pmrnfilmgnngtatednlpdiena Statutes, Revision of 1914, See. 2520. Whoever paints, prints, pastes, stencils or otherwise markslupon, or in any manner places upon or affixes to any building, fence, “ wall, or tree, without the consent of the owner thereof, any word, letter, character, figure, sentence or device, or any handbillgor notice, shall, on conviction, be fined nOt,more than fifty (50)x dollars nor less than five (5)-dollars; but this section shall no apply to the posting of any handbill or notice of any public sale of property by any sheriff, administrator, executor or guardian, or to any notice required by any law to be posted. Supplement 1921, Vol. §, §§g;_§@Q§@} It shall be unlawful rot"ésy*5E¥éOn, firm or corpora- tion to erect, display or maintain any advertising or other signs on, along or near to any public highway in this State which resemble the highway crossing signs which steam and interurban railroad com- panies are required by law to install and maintain at grade crossings on public highways. Note: - Advertising signs are prohibited within rights of way of roads under State control. IOWA gpde, 192], Chap. 248, see._§§gg, Billboards and advertising signs, whether on public or private property, which so obstruct the view of any portion of a public highway or of a railway_track as to render dangerous the use of a.public highway are public nuisances and may be abated, and the person or persons responsible for the erection and maintenance_may be punished, as provided in the chapter on nuisances.- ‘ ' _ ~ Sec. agdr. Boards of supervisors and county attorneys, vithin their teéieetite counties, and boards of trustees within their respective townships, shall enforce the-last preceding section by appropriate_civil or criminal proceeding or by both such proceedings. ' ' ~ ' ~ * Sec. idle, Billboards and advertising signs shall not hereafter be placed or erected within the boundary lines of the public highways. ~ §§§:Md§dZ. All billboards and advertising signs now placed or erected within the boundary lines of public “highvnys shall, without liability in damages,.be remnvable;' 1. By the State highway commission or board of supervisors in case of primary.roads. 2. By the board of supervisors in case of county roads. 3., By the township trustees in case of township roads. ' ' - ' ' @lv:~~r.~ .5?»-‘~8. Ste-e _ 7. Billboards, signboards, and advertising signs, whether erected and constructed on public or private property, which so obstruct and- impair the view of any portion or part of a.pub1ic street, avenue, , highway, boulevard, or alley or of a railroad or street railwnr track as to render dangerous the use thereof. 12306. The following are nuisances: * * * 101.‘.-A (Cont 'd.) Code, 192?, Chep.52 , Sec. 1259]. Whoever is convicted of erecting) causing, orwconiinuing e public or common nuisance as provided in this chapter, or at common law when the same has not been modified or repealed by statute, where no other punishment therefor is spe- cially provided, shall be fined not exceeding one thousand dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding onc year, and the court, with or without such fine, may order such nuisance abated, and issue a warrant as hereinafter provided. _ 35 _ KANSAS Session Laws, l927, Chap. 159, Sec. 1. That section l9~26l2 of the revised Statutes of 1923 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 19-2612. Under rules and regulations to be prescribed by them the board of county commissioners of each county in the State are authorized to cut all hedge fences within fifty yards of a railroad grade crossing, abrupt corner in the highway, or entrance to driveway off of a public highway, and thereafter keep the same trimmed to a height not to exceed four feet, except where used as a protection to an orchard, vineyard or feed lot, and.to cut all weeds in the highways and thereafter keep the same cut so that the same shall not at any time be allowed to grow to a height exceeding three feet; to remove all signboards, billboards, and board fences exceeding four feet in height within fifty yards of any such rail- road grade crossing, abrupt corner in the highway, or entrance to driveway off of a public highway: Provided, That nothing in this act shall apply to signs placed by any county or State association for the purpose of imparting historical information or traveling directions: Provided, That before any county commissioners shall commence to perform or cause to be performed any of the things here- in provided to be done, they shall order the county clerk to mail one notice to either the owner, tenant, occupant or agent of the owner requiring him to do the things herein provided within ten days after the mailing of such notice, and continue to do so from time to time without any further notice. Should said party fail to do so within said time, or any time thereafter, then said com- missioners shall do or cause the same to be done and pay for the same out of the general revenue fund of the county and direct the county clerk of the county to enter the same on the tax rolls against the real estate, together with a penalty of ten per cent (10%) of such costs and collect as other taxes of the county are collected, and.when so collected to be credited to the general revenue fund of the county: Provided, however, That the board of county commissioners of any county in this State are hereby authorized.to cause the removal of any hedge along any road in their respective counties, when in their judgment they, having first made suitable investigation of conditions, such hedge should be removed. The county may pay all expenses incident to removing such hedge out of the State and county road fund when applied to State and county roads and out of the county and township road fund when applied to county and township roads. laws. 1927. Chap. 257. * * * The State highway comission is authorized to remove any and all billboards or signs located within the limits of the right of way of State highways which bear adver- tising of any kind or character. _ 26 _ KEETUCKY Carroll's Ken@uchy.Statutes,.lQ2?, Sec. ZZ3a. (1) That it shall be unlawful for any person; or persons, firm, corporaticn or company to erect on or near the public roads and highways of the commonwealth of Kentucky, any sign board or other contriv— ance for the purpose of advertisement or for any other purpose, similar to or like the danger signals used by the railroads, _interurbans and electric railway companies at road crossings, and all such signs heretofore erected shall be taken dawn within six months after this act becomes a law. (2)‘ That any,pcrson, persons, firm, corporation, or company who , shall violate paragraph l f this act shall be fined not less than 0 five her more than one hundred dollars for each offense. , vSec. 4224. On each person engaged in posting, distributing or tacking bills, placards (or _other printed matter) for hire, other than those employed by resident merchants, county fair associations, owners, lessees or managers of theaters and.opcra hcuaes, or candidates for political office, in advertising their respective business, ten dollars (t1o.oo) license. Note: — advertising signs are prohibited on right of.way of roads under State ccntrol. “ ~ 27 _ LOUISIANA Acts. 1924. No. 25.. Sec. 1. * * * it shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person, persons, corporation, or their officers or agents to wilfully post with any character of notice or signboards, or to wilfully maintain any notices or signboards on the swamp and tidal overflow lands owned by the State of Louisiana, or the Levee and School Boards of this State, unless same be held under lease from such owners thereof. Sec. 2. That it shall be a misdemeanor for any person, persons, corporations, or their officers or agents, to wilfully violate the provisions of Section 1 of this Act, and.any person convicted by a competent court of wilfully violating the provisions of Section 1, shall be imprisoned not less than ten days, nor more than six months, or be fined not less than Fifty Dollars, or both fined and imprisoned, within the limitations fixed above, at the discretion of the Court- No. 120. Sec. 1. * * * all persons are hereby prohibited from attaching, by means of nails, tacks, plaster, paint or other- wise, any sign, advertisement, or emblem of any kind whatever, on any tree, fence, house,post or other structure, located on property belonging to another, without the written permission of the owner of such property or without the written permission of the State Highway Commission, as relates to property under the control or supervision of such Department, or without the written permission of the Police Jury, or other governing authority, or Department of the State of Louisiana, with regard to property under the control or supervision of the Police Jury, or other governing authority, or Department of the State of Louisiana. '0'...---_ provisions of Section 1 of this Act, whether as agents or principal, either or both, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in any competent court, shall be fined in a sum of not less than five ($5.00) dollars nor more than one hundred ($100) dollars, or imprisoned not less than five days nor more than thirty days, or both fined and imprisoned at the discretion of the court. Sec. 2. That whoever shall violate any of the 5-28 -p MAINE Revised Statutes2 l3léL Chap. 24, Sec. lljfw No advertising signs shall be erected or maintained within five hundred feet of cross~ ings cf highways or-within five hundred feet of where one public way enters another within the limits of such ways. The state high- way commission.shall cause any signs so erected to be removed at the expense of the person erecting or maintaining the same, to be recovered in an action on the case. Such person shall also be-auh— jet to fine not exceeding fifty dollars to he paid to the Treasurer of State, and credited to the highs v.fund. ~The state highway-com» mission shall cause the provisions of sections one hundred and seven and one hundred and eight of this chapter to be enforced on all state and state aid roads. ‘J ." ' _¢ Chap. 12 , Sec. 1‘ Whoever advertises his wares or occupation by painting notic 8. es of tie same on, or affixing them to fences or other private property, or to rocks or other natural objects, without the consent of the cwncr in writing, or if in the highw y or any other public place, without the consent of the municipal officer in.writiia, shall he punished for each offense by a fine of not less than five dolln s nor mere than twenty dollars, ' i 0 " . . . _ _ V _ '- '.\ __ ' __ " ,~~; 24-_ S ‘ > Laws, l925, Chap. led, as_umcndcc av Lars, l§2F,_u3§p§ 160, Sec. 2. Any person found guilty of violating the provisions of this act shall l &'-'r __ 20, he punished by Q fins cf.nct less than five dollars ncr more-than five hundred dollars: and whoever after conviction of such-violation ‘ _ / unlawfully-maintains any sich sigh, billboard, panel, placard,-poster, notice or other advertising device for ten days after such conviction may be punished hy a further fine of not more than fifty dollars for each day upon which sueh sign, billboard, panel, placard, pcster,l‘ ' \ notice or other advertising device is maintained.’ Eunicipal courts and trial justices shall have jurisdiction to punish offenses under this act. The state highway police shell remove all signs, bille boards, panels, placards, posters,-natices or other advertising‘ devices existing within.the limits sf the highway in.vicletion hereof.‘ ' MAINE (Cont'd.) Laws of 1923, Chap. 283. An Act Relative to Directional Signs Located in the Highway; Be it enacted hy.the People of the State of Maine, as follows! P. L., 1925, c. 188, see. I; P. L., l927, c. l60; relating to advertising signs on highways, further amended. Section one of chapter one hundred and eighty—eight of the public laws of nineteen hundred and twenty—five, as amended by chapter one hundred and sixty of the public laws of nineteen hundred twenty—seven, is hereby further amended by striking out the words '“twenty inches in length and six inches in width“ in the fifteenth line of said section and_inserting in place thereof the words ‘thirtj inches in length and nine inches in Width‘ so that said section, as amended, shall read as follows: ' ‘See. 1. Size of higlnay signs changed. he person shall pest, erect, display or m-intain or cause to he posted, erected, displayed or maintained a 3 sign, billboard, panel, placard, ' poster, notice or othcr~a vertising device, in, upon, or above any puolie higlway or so situated with respect to any public highway-as to obstruct clear vision of an intersecting highway >highways or otherwise so situated as to prevent the safe use - -_ - 1. the public highway; and such public niennav shall be deemed “D P) "I L: Y (3- r... 24 :1 he full width of the road as laid ouf by the county or the town. ‘Provided, the the provisions hereof shall not apply to t the state or to a*y political subdivision thereof or to signs Til erected or maintained ith the approval of the state highsay commission solely for the purpose of safeguarding, fae7liYating or protecting travel along the highnav; and provided fur nor that *he state highway commission may orde_ the placing of directional signs of such design as it shall determine, not exceeding thirty inches in length and nine inches in width to designate places of interest; to be posted.without expense to the State at the junction of roads in the town where the place is located and in adjoininf towns.’ ‘ ii I n_ 30 ~ M£RYLAND lens, l922, 0hapj_45é, Any person or corporation who in any manner paints, uts or fixes any advertisement, sign, notice or other writ- ing or printing other than notices posted in pursuance of law, on or to any stone, tree, fence, stump, pole, building or other structure which is in or upon the public highway or which is on the property of another, without first obtaining the written consent of such owner, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punishable bf fine of not more than $10.00, which fine shall be payable to the State Board of Forestry for the purposes described in this Act; provided, however, that the State Beads Commission shall nave authority at any time to grant to any person or corporation the right to place edvertisements along or upon the public highways of the State, said edvertisement, hotever, to he used only in conjunction with direction or danger signals, and subject to such limitations and restrictions as the State Roads Commission shall impose at the time of granting of said permit or thereafter, and said permit in no event to he issued unless the need for the direction or danger signals to be erected in connection therewith is clearly-demonstrated to the satisfaction of the State Roads Commission, and any person or cor- poration doing any of the things prohibited by this Act under and by virtue or a permit issued to him.Or it by the State Road Commie» sion as aforesaid shell he immune from prosecution for the commission of any acts under the terms of this section. ‘ ' -7 MASSACHUSETTS Qgnstitution, Art. L. Advertising on public Ways, in public places and on private property within public view may be regulated and restricted by law. (This amendment WnS adopted in 1918) General Laws, 1921, Chap. 85, Sec. 8. The municipal board or officer having charge of the laying out of public ways maj grant permits for the placing and maintaining of signs, advertising devices, clocks, marquees, permanent awnings and other like structures projecting into or placed on or over public ways in its town, and may fix the fees therefor, not exceeding one dollar for any one permit, and may make rules and regulations relating thereto, and prescribe the penalties for a breach of any such rules and regulations, not excecd— ing five dollars ($5.00) for each day during which any such structure is placed or maintained contrary to the rules and regulations so made, after five days‘ notice to remove the same has becn'given by such board or officer, or by a police officer of the town. All such structures shall be constructed, and, when attached to a build- ing, shall be connected thercsith, in accordance with the require~ ments of the inspector of buildings, building commissioner or other board or officer having like authority in the town. Chap. 95, Sec. 29, as aended by Acts 1924, Chap. 527. The division of highways of the department of public works, hereinafter called the division, shall make and may amend or repeal rules and regula~ tions for the proper control and restriction of billboards, signs I and other advertising devices, except as provided in section thirt3— two, on public ways or on private property within public view of any highway, public park or reservation. Said rules and regulations may require that said billboards, signs or other devices be licensed in accordance therewith and with this section, may prescribe license fees, to be fixed with regard to the cost of administering this section, and need not be uniform throughout the commonwealth. Before establishing or amending rules or regulations under this section, the division shall hold duly advertised public hearings in Boston and elsewhere within the commonwealth as it deems necessary or ex~ pedient. Cities and towns may further regulate and restrict said billboards or other devices within their respective limits by ordinance or by—law not inconsistent with sections tuenty—nine to thirty— hree inclusive, or with said rules and regulations. i 32 _ I\/ulSSJlCl—F5'JSETTS (Co'1t‘ <1) Chap. 95, Sec. 50, as am nded by nets 192dL Chap. 554. No person, firm, association or corporation shall post, erect, display or maintain on any public way, or on private property within public view from any highnay, public park or reservation any billboard or other advertising device, whether erected before August twenty~fifth, nineteen hundred and twenty, or not, which advertises or calls atten—- tion to any business, article, substance or any other thing, unless such billboard or device conforms to the rules and regulations and ordinances or by~1aws established under the preceding section; pro- vided, that this section shall not apply to signs or other devices erected and maintained in conformity with law and which advertise or indicate either the person occupying the premises in question or the business transacted thereon, or advertise the property itself or any part thereof as for sale or to let and which contain no other advertising matter. ¢ -‘ 1'‘ Any billboard, sign or other device erec ed aiter August twentieth, nineteen hundred and twenty, without the authorization or permit of the division in cases where such authorization or permit is required or maintained after said date in violation of any rule or regulation Chap. 95, Sec. 50, as amended by hot, 192%, Chap. 490, Sec. 50 A. + of the division shall be deemed a nuisance. Said division shall have. .1 the same power to abate and remove any su_n nuisance as is given to the board of health of a town under sections one hundred and twenty- three to one hundred and twenty~five, inclusive, of chapter-one hun- dred and eleven, and the provisions of said sections shall, so far as applicable, apply in the case of a nuisance as herein defined. The remedy herein provided shall be in addition to any other remedy pro- vided by law. - Chap. 93, Sec. 51. The supreme judicial and superior courts shall have jurisdication in equity upon petition of the attorney general, of any town or any officer thereof, or of any interested party, to restrain the erection or maintenance of an; billboard, sign or other device erected or maintained in violation of any rule, regu- lation, ordinance or by~law established or adopted under section twenty—nine, and to order the removal or abatement of such bill— board, sign or device as a nuisance. MASSACHUSETTS (Cont'd.) ghap. 95, Sec. 32, as amended by Act, l92§, Chep._§§. Sections twenty—nine to thirty-one, iEEiEElvbj'@nd thirty~three shall not apply to signs or other devices on or in the rolling stock, stations, subways or structures of or used by common carriers, except adver- tising signs or other advertising devices on bridges or viaducts, or ebutments thereof. Chap. 25, Sec._53: Whoever violates any rule, regulation ordinance or by-law established or adopted under section tucnty—ninc shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, and whoever after conviction of such violation unlawfully maintains such a bill- board, sign or other device for twenty days thereafter shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars. Gen. Laws, l92l, Vol. 2, Chap. Zbblmpepi l26. Whoever paints, or puts upon, or in any manner affixes to, any fence, structure, pole, rock or other object which is the property of another, whether with~ in or without the limits of the highway, any words, device, trade mark, advertisement or notice which is not required by law to be posted thereon, without first obtaining the written consent of the owner, or of the tenant, of such property, shall, upon complaint of such owner, or of his tenant, or of any municipal or public officer, be punished by a fine of not more than ten dollars. Any word, device, trade mark, advertisement or notice which has been painted, put up or affixed within the limits of a highway in vio- lation of this section shall be considered a public nuisance, and may be forthwith removed or obliterated and abated by any person. ~ 54 Q MICHIGAN Comoiled Laws,_l9l5. Sec. 15571. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to willfully tear down, destroy or in any manner deface any signs, bills or notices on any private lands of this State, or on any lots or premises in any city, town or village, providing such signs, bills or notices are not in violation of any general law of the State or municipal ordinance, and providing they are placed by the owner, lessee, or by their consent. ActsL_l9l9. No. 36. Sec. 5, , It shall be unlawful to cut, destroy, injure, deface or break any ornamental, nut bearing, food producing or shade tree upon any public highway or place, except where such trees shall interfere with the oroper construction or maintenance of such highways. It shall be unlawful to affix to any such tree any picture, announcement, play bill, notice or advertise- ment, or to paint or mark such tree, except for the purpose of pro~ tecting it, * * *. Acts, 1925. No. 92. Sec._._5__L _. Hereafter no sign, marker, or advertising device of any kind, except signs and guide posts erected by the proper highway or railroad authorities, shall be erected, painted or maintained by any person, firm or corporation at, or in the vicinity of any crossing at grade of any railroad, interurban or suburban railway within a public street, highway, alley, private road, private way or crossing or within a distance of five hundred feet from the intersection of the right of way lines at any such crossing. Eublic ActsL 1925. No. 198. Sec. 5. No person, firm or corporation shall erect or cause to be erected on or along any highway any sign, guide post, marker or advertising device without the approval of the commissioner or commissioners having jurisdiction over such highway; and no sign, marker or advertising device shall be painted upon, attached to, or made to form a part of any fence, building, rock or other surface that marks, or is on the line of, the highway right of way, except to advertise a business conducted upon the property abutting on the highway at the place where the advertise— ment is situated. _ 35 _ MICHIGAN (Cont‘d) Public Acts, 1925. N0. 108. Sec; 6. In no case shall any sign, marker, or advertising device, except signs and guide posts erected by or with the approval of the proper highway commissioner or commissioners be erected, painted or maintained within five hundred feet from any high- way intersection or railroad or railway crossing, or so as to obstruct the view of any such intersection or crossing or of a turn or sharp change'of alignment in the highway, or in any manner dangerous to the public. Public Acts, 1927, No. 318, Sec. 51. Other than Official Signs Prohibited. No unauthorized person shall erect or maintain upon any highway any warning or direction sign, marker, signal or light in imitation of any official sign, marker, signal or light erected under the provisions of this act, and no person shall erect or main» tain upon any highway any traffic or highway sign or signal bearing thereon any commercial advertising, provided nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the erection or maintenance of such signs, markers, or signals when such erections or maintenance is authorized by the State highway commissioner or any local authority having jurisdiction over local streets or highways. _ 36 _ MI 'N1"E S OTA General Statutes, 1923. Sec. 2615. Sub. 5. Any person who in any manner places, puts or maintains any advertisement within the limits of a public highway, or who in any manner paints, prints, places, puts or affixes, or causes to be painted, printed, placed or af- fixed any advertisement on or to any stone, tree, fence, stump, pole, mile—board, mile-stone, danger sign, danger signal, guide sign, guide post, billboard, building, or other object within the limits of a public highway shall begpilty of a misdemeanor: Provided, however, that none of the provisions of this act shall prohibit the placing of public notices on billboards erected for that purpose by authority of the governing body of a municipality. Any advertisement in or upon a public highway in violation of the provisions of this sub-division may be taken down, removed, or destroyed by direction or authority of the commissioner of high- ways in the case of state trunk highways, by the county board in the case of county'and state aid roads and by the town board in the ease of town roads. .- Session Laws, 1925, Chap, 536. Sec. 15. No person, firm or corporation shall place or maintain any advertising sign or other similar obstruction upon, over or adjacent to any highway between any such approach sign and the grade crossing which it marks, nor shall any person, firm or corporation place or maintain, upon over or adjacent to any public highnay in this state any sign or symbol in any manner resembling the signs provided for in this act. - 4 0 r Session Laws, 1927, Chap. 412. Sec. 58. No unauthorized person shall erect or maintain upon any highway any warning or direction sign, marker, signal or light in imitation of any official sign, marker signal or light erected under the provisions of this Act, and no person shall erect or maintain upon any highway any sign or signal or bearing thereon any commercial advertising. v Session Laws, Approved April 26, l929, Chap. 389. An act prohibiting billboards in proximity to the State Capitol. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: ‘ Section 1. Billboards prohibited adjacent to Capitol.—— No advertising billboards shall be erected or maintained on any lands adjoining the State capitol grounds, or within the distance one—eighth of a mile from the center of the capitol building, except it be a billboard advertising a business conducted on the premises on which it is erected or maintained. Section 2. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Laws, 1926. Chan. 1l8.— An act adopting a nrivilege license code for the state of Vississipoi and levying a tar unon privileges and repealing all acts in conflict therewith. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, that an annual tax on privileges is levied as follovs, to wit: Section 46. Bill Posters; On every person, firm,or eoroo— ration posting, tacking, printing or painting advertisements on bill-beards or signs: For each board or sign used more than ten scuare feet and not more than one hundred square feet in area . - - . - . - - -$ .75 Same, for each board or sign used more than one hundred square feet and not more than three hundred square feet in area .l.5O same. for each board or sign used more than three hundred scuare feet in area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 ; 58 _ MISSOURI Revised Statutes, 1919, Section lO720. * * * Any person or 5S¥§Ons who shall willfully or knowingly obstruct or damage any public road * * * by erecting any advertising sign within the lines established for such road, * * * shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, * * *. Laws, l921. Extra Session. "Highway Law. Sec. 17. * * * The commission is authorized to * * * cause to be removed all other markings and guide boards and advertising signs, * * * and to prohibit and regulate the erection of advertising or other signs on the right of way of the state highways. * * * it shall be the duty of the commission * * * to authorize the display of such signals, signs or guide boards advertising, which, in the opinion of the commission, is not unsightly or does not obstruct the view of such signals, signs, or boards, in consideration of such signals, signs or boards being erected and maintained without cost, of the state, and the commission is authorized to prohibit the display of any other advertising matter within a distance of three hundred feet of such signals, signs or boards so as not to obstruct the view or impair the puroose of the same. Any person who erects or maintains adver- tising signs, marking or guide boards, or signals on the right of way of any state highway without the written permission of the_commission, or any person who wilfully damages, removes or obstructs the view of sign boards or signals erected or maintained on the highways without the written permission of the commission, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 18. Commission authorized to control privilege of erecting, constructing and maintaining signs, guide boards and other signals. —- The commission is authorized to let the privilege of erecting, :xnntructing and " 'maintaining (during the period for which such privilege may be let)i ,2 marking signs, guide boards and danger or warning signals with ad~ vertisements thereon, on and along the state highway system, at such; points and places as may be designated by the commission, and all _ money received for such privilege shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the state road fund and may be used for maintenance _ Durposes on the state highway system. " ' _ 59 _ MISSOURI (Cont'd) inns, l 25. Sec. 1. Making it unlawful to place advertisements in or about parks, playrrounds, etc. -— It shall be unlawful for any officer, agent, servant, or employee of any nmnicipality or other political subdivision of this State which now have or which hereafter may have a population of 500,000 or more inhabi- tants, to place, cause to be placed or permit to be placed in, about or on any park, pankway, playground, recreation ground or other plots of ground or any building or vehicle owned by the said municipality or subdivision of this State any advertising matter of any kind or character. §pg;_§§_ Violation of act a misdemeanor. -— Any such officer, agent, servant or employee of any municipality or other subdivision of this State violating the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. - 49 _ Ix/i01*&".'L‘,:-3.1*Z’L Session Laws, 1921. Chap. 142, Sec. 2. (Revised codes 1921 See. 1719) That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, corporations, or associations to place, or cause to be placed, any misleading sign or direction board along the highways of this State, or to place an1 ad’ertising sign not of value as a direction board within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the inter~ section of a public highway with a railroad grade crossing without the written consent of the county commissioners of the county in ‘which said direction or advertising board or boards is erected or to use as an advertising sign any sign similar or having the ap- pearance of any sign or direction board provided for in Section One of this Act; and provided that this Act shall not effect direction or advertising boards erected inside of the limits of incorporated cities, towns or their environs. Provided that county commissioners have the power to remove any or all signs on county highways at their discretion. 1- v _ Sec. 3. Any person, or persons, violating any of the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less th.n Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than ten (10) days nor more than sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 0 Revised Codes, 1921. See. 11481. Every person who wilfully or maliciously commits any trespass by either —~ 6. Putting up, fastening, printing or painting upon any property belonging to the State, or to any city, county, town or village, or dedicated to the public or upon any property of any person without license of the owner any notice, advertisement or designation thereof, or any name of any commodity, whether for sale or otherwise, or any picture, sign or device intended to call attention thereto; *** is guilty of a misdemeanor. _ 41 _ NEBRASKA Compiled Statutes, 1922, Chap. 25, Sec. 2756. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person or persons whether for himself or themselves or as the agents, servant or employee of any firm, association, cor- poration or co-partnership to post, paste, paint, tack, fasten, or otherwise secure to any bridge or culvert in the State of Nebraska, any bills, billboard, signs, posters, advertisements or banners, of any matter or description whatsoever, whether of paper, metal, wood, or any other composition. Provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to prohibit road markers designating a particular high- way, being painted on bridges and culverts (1917, p. 424). Laws, 1923, Chap, 159, Sec. 1. State Permits for Advertising Signs. -- No advertising signs shall be placed along or upon any public road or highway within three hundred (500) feet of a railroad cross- ing or within three hundred (300) feet of the intersection of any two crossroads of the public highway at grade, nor shall any such signs be placed along or upon any State highway at any other point without a written permit from the Department of Public Works. Per- mits to be issued shall be numbered serially and each sign shall bear upon it the permit number thus: "State Permit No. ." The Deparunent of Public Works is authorized to remove all adver- tising signs for which permits have not been duly obtained, and is authorized to charge a fee for such permits, such fee to be not less than twenty-five (25 cents) cents, nor to exceed five ($5.00) dollars for each individual sign. The Department of Public Works may, without stating any cause, revoke the permit for any sign along a State highway and remove the same, provided if the sign so removed shall have been erected less than three (3) months at the time of such removal, the amount of the permit fee shall be returned to the owner of the sign. Provided, no permit shall be issued for any sign of more than ten (10) square feet surface. Provided, further, printed sale bills shall not be deemed a sign within the meaning of this section, and provided further, nothing in this act shall apply to any incorporated city, town, village or municipality. §eg;_§, Violation Penalty. — Any person, firm, company or corporation violating any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and.upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than Ten ($10.00) dollars nor more than One Hundred ($100.00) dollars. _ 43 _ NEVADA Bevised Laws, 1919, Vol. 5, Sec. 25. No advertising signs, signboards, or boards or other materials containing advertising matter shall be placed upon or over any State highway, nor with- in twenty feet of the main traveled portion thereof; nor upon any bridge or structure thereon; PROVIDED, that counties, towns or cities of the State of Nevada.may, by permission of the State highway department, place at such points as may be designated by the State highway engineer suitable signboards advertising such counties, towns or municipalities. If any such sign is placed in violation of this act it is thereby declared a public nuisance and may be forthwith removed by the department of highways or its employees. Any person placing any sud sign in violation of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than ten dollars or more than fifty dollars. Statutes, 1925, OhapLjQQ,_§eqLml. .Any billboard, sign, placard, notice or other form of outdoor advertisement erected, placed, painted, posted or maintained otherwise than is provided in this act shall be deemed a public nuisance and.shall be removed, effaced or de- stroyed by the sheriff and other peace officers having authority wherever said nuisance may be located. gpg;,_g. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to paste, paint, print or in any manner whatsoever place or attach to any building, fence, gate, bridge, rock, tree, board, structure or anything whatsoever within the limits of any improved State highway9 nor within twenty feet of the main traveled way of any unimproved highway; nor on the property of another within view of any such highway, without such owner's written consent, any written, printed, painted or other outdoor advertisement, bill notice, sign, picture, card or poster, except within the limits of any city or town through.which said highway may run; provided, that nothing herein shall be so construed as to prevent the posting or maintaining of any notices required by law to be posted or maintained or the placing or maintaining of highway signs giving directions and distances for the information of the traveling public when such highway signs are approved by the State highway department. -45- NEVADA (Cont 'd) Statutes, 1925, Chap. 90, Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, rssocistion or coreoration, personally or by agent, to erect, place or maintain any billboard, sign or any form of notice or advertising outside the city limits of any city or town - (1) On the public domain: (2) On land owned or leased b not used as the site for manufacturing the goods vertised; ‘ (5) On the lands of another except where, by painting, an area of the barns or other outbuildings thereon may be preserved. For purposes of this provision "area" is defined es the entire wall or roof aspect on which an advertisement may be nainted; without first having secured from the county clerk of the county in which said sign may be located a permit to erect, or continue the use of, said sign, billboard or other form of notice or advertisement; and no permit for the erection of such sign,.billbosrd or other form of advertisement shall be issued unless and until the applicant shall have paid a license fee in the sum of five ($5) dollars and on the tender of said fee it shell be the duty of the county clerk_to issue said license; provided, that nu fee shall be required for any bill- board, sign or advertisement erected or placed by any farm bureau, chamber of commerce or lawful authority to advertise exclusively any city, town or geographic area or public event; and provided further, that this section shall not n pl] to the owner or occupant of any land outside the limits of any city, who may place or erect on said land or on the outbuildings thereo> any sign or notice or advertise- ment intended to benefit the land r improvements therebn and ad- vertise the business conducted in said buildings or on said land. y such advertiser or agent but or articles ad- Sec. 3A. In cases wherein bone-fide advertising contracts have been made for the erection of signs in any county nrior to the anprovel of this act, the county clerk shall remit the license fee herein imposed for not to exceed three years on the filing with the county clerk of the original or certified copies of such contracts. Sec. 4. ho permit shall be granted for the erection of any billbosrdfisign or other form of notice on any location which may measurably destroy the natural beauty of the scenery or obscure a view of the road ahead or of curves and grades or intersection highways or railways. Should the State highway engineer file a complaint with the board of county commissioners of any county that any sign erected is e hazard to traffic, it shall be the duty of the county commissioners to order the removal of said sign. ...44.. NEVADA (Cont * <1) Stetutes, l925, Chag. 90J Soc. 5. The permit and license heroin- bofore nrovided for shall run to the end of the calendar year for which it is issued. If the permit shall not be renewed, by applicae tion of the person or assig ee of the person who applied originally for the permit to erect the sign, by the first day of February of each year following, it shall be the duty of the county commissioners to order the tearing down, removal or effacement of such sign or bill- board, as the case may be. On granting a nermit the county clerk shall assign a permit number which shall be painted or nrinted, together with the name of the county in which the permit is issued, on every sign, billboard or other form of advertising, as the case may be, placed under this act. Sec; 6. The money collected for the license as herein nrovided shall, by the county commissioners, be apportioned to the road funds for the county. Sec. 7. All patrolmen and maintenance and construction employees of the department of highways shall renort any violation of this act to the county commissioners wherein any violation may occur. ' Sec. 8. Any person, firm, association or corporation who shall erect or maintain any billboard, sign, placard, noster or other form of advertising in violation of any of the provi- sions of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100), or by im~ prisonment for not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (50) days. -45-. NEW HAMPSHIRE Acts, 1917, Chap. 154, Sec. 1. Authority is hereby given the State highway department to remove all obstructions in State roads, trunk line roads or State aid roads, but fences and poles used by telephone, * * *{ Acts, 1921, Chap. 157, Sec. 1. * * * If any building, structure, or fence is erected or continued unon or over any highway * * * it shall be deemed a nublic nuisance * * * and any person so erecting or con- tinuing any building, structure, or fence, so as to interfere with, hinder, or obstruct the public travel, shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, and the court may in its discretion, order such build- ing, structure, or fence to be removed, if it be found that the same does so obstruct or lessen the full breadth of any highway or is dangerous to nublic travel unon said highway. Acts, 1927, Chan. 85. The State highway commissioner may regulate he use of trunk line highways and the selectmcn.may regulate the use of all other public highways, sidewalks and commons in their respective towns. 1 Extracts from Public Laws Relating to Highways, Bridges, etc. Chan. 93, Sec. 28. It.shall be unlawful to cut, destroy, injure or break any public shade or ornamental tree within limits of public highways; or to affix to any such tree a play bill, nicture, announcement, notice, advertisement or other device or thing, whether in writing or otherwise; or to paint or mark such tree, except for the nurpose of protecting it and under a written permit from the tree warden; * * *. _ 46 _ NEW JERSEY Qgmpiled_§tatut§sL 1709-1910. Vol. llL_~§eca_l§g. Any person who shall paint or print upon, or in any manner place upon or affix to any of the steep rocks called the Palisades, on the Hudson river, in this State, any word, letter, character or device, stating, referring to or advertising, or intending to state, refer to or advertise the sale or manufacture of any property or article, profession, business, exhibition, amusement, or place of amuse- ment, or other thing; or who shall directly or indirectly cause any such act to be done, or shall aid therein, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Qgmglg§1Zg_Suoclement to Compiled_§tatut§§Lql9ll~1924. Vol. I. §ec;‘gl;l. Whoever paints or puts upon or in any manner affixes to any fence, structure, pole, rock or other object which is the property of another, whether within or without the limits of the highway, any words, device, trade—mark, advertisement or notice which is not required by law to be posted thereon, without first obtaining the written consent of the owner or tenant of such property, shall upon complaint of such owner, or of his tenant or any municipal or public officer, be punished by a fine of not more than ten dollars. Any word, device, trade-mark, advertisement or notice which has been painted, put up or affixed within the limits of a highway in violation of the orovisions of this section shall be considered a public nuisance, and may be forthwith removed or ob— literated and abated by any person. LawsL_l927; Chip. lQ§. Every board of chosen freeholders * * * may remove all other signboards, whether advertising, cautionary or directory, that shall be erected within the limits of any county road. No traffic posts, traffic lights or any other obstructions of any kind shall be placed in or upon any part of any public county road without the approval by resolution of the board of chosen freeholders. The board of chosen freeholders shall have the right to remove any traffic posts, traffic lights or other obstruction when, by reso- lution, it shall determine such removal to be advisable on any public county road. NEW JERSEY (Cont‘d) LawsL“lQ@QL*mqhapL'Q§lL_*§e9L_%Z. No person or persons shall place, maintain or display on any premises by him owned, leased or oc- cupied, any sign, device or other contrivance in imitation of, or of a nature as to be mistaken for, an official warning or direction sign; nor shall any person or persons place, maintain or display, on any highway, any sign, device, or other contrivance in imitation of, or of a nature as to be mistaken for an official warning or direction sign, unless such sign, device or other contrivance conform substantially to the signs, devices or contrivances fixed by this act. Laws; 1930. Chap. 41. An Act, approved March 25, l980, to require and provide for the issuing of licenses and permits to persons, firms and corporations for the construction, maintenance and use of bill- boards and/or other structures for outdoor advertising, and to regulate the same. 1- No person, firm or corporation after the first day of January next (1951) shall engage or continue in the business of outdoor advertising for profit through rentals or other compensation received for the erection, use or maintenance of billboards or other structures upon real property for the display of advertising matter without a license for that purpose from the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, and payment of the sum of one hundred dollars (106) hereby imposed for revenue for the use of the State. Every such license shall remain in force for the term of one year from and after said day of January, and may be renewed annually on the same terms. All licenses issued after said day of January shall expire on the first day of January following the date of issue. 2. Every application for license required by the first section of this act shall he made on a form to be furnished by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, and shall state the full name and post office ad- dress of the applicant, and the name or nanes of the municipality Of municipalities in which it is proposed to erect, maintain or use any billboard or other structure for outdoor advertising. Other relevant information required by said conn ssioner during the consideration of any application for a license or in any proceeding to revoke the same shall be furnished by the applicant. Every person, firm or corpora— tion obtaining a license in pursuance of the first section of this act must also obtain a permit for the erection, maintenance or use of each billboard or other structare used or to be used for adver— tising purposes as provided in the fourth section of this act. _ 48 - NEW JERSEY (Cont'd) 5, No person, firm or corporation not engaged in the business of outdoor advertising for profit shall after the first day of January next erect or maintain any billboard or other structure for the outdoor display of advertising matter, except on the premises where the business advertised is carried on, without a permit for that purpose from the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, as provided in the fourth section of this act. 4. Every person, firm or corporation desiring to erect or maintain billboards or other structures, or any billboard or other structure, for the display of advertising matter shall on or before the fifteenth day of December next, and between the first and fifteenth days of December in every year thereafter, file with the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles a statement showing the location of each billboard or other structure used, or to be used by such person, firm or corporation for advertising purposes, except those on the premises where the business advertised is carried on, and the area in square feet of each billboard and/or part of any other structure on which any advertisement is or shall be placed, and shall pay to said commissioner the sum of three cents (Ed) for each square foot of the surface thereof used, or to be used, for such purpose. Upon receipt of such statement and payment required by this section, the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall, before the first day of January following, issue a permit to maintain and use each billboard or other structure mentioned in such statement for the next calendar year; provided, the same complies with the provisions of this act. Permits may be renewed from time to time for a term or terms of one year each upon similar statement and pay- ment, and may be granted at any time during a calendar year to ex- pire on the first day of January following, upon filing with said commissioner a statement of the proposed location and area in square feet of each billboard and/or part of any other structure used or to be used for advertising purposes, and payment of such proportion of three cents (Ed) a square foot of each billboard or other structure to be used as aforesaid as the unexpired portion of the year bears to a full year. 5. The name and post office address of the person, firm or corporation owning any billboard or other structure, or controlling the same for advertising purposes, shall be plainly inscribed thereon. Permits shall be numbered consecutively, and each billboard or other structure used for advertising purposes shall show the number and expiration date of the permit. No permit shall be required to erect, maintain or use any billboard or other structure on real estate ex- clusively to advertise the same for sale or to let; nor to erect, maintain or use the same znithe premises where the business adver- tised is carried on. 6. No license or permit required by this act shall be granted to any person not residing in this State, or to any firm or corporation having its principal place of business outside of this State, to construct, naintain or use any billboard or other structure for advertising until such person, firm or corporation shall have furnished and filed with the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles a bond satisfactory to said commissioner, running to the State, in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000), con- ditioned to observe, obey and fulfill all requirements of the law of this State relating thereto, and the rules and orders of said commissioner regulating the location, construction and maintenance of billboards or other structures, and the display of advertisements thereon. , 7. No billboard or other structure for advertising purposes shall be erected or naintained within a distance of five hundred feet of an intersection of a highway with another highway, or with a railroad or street railway, at a point where it would obstruct or interfere with the view of a train, street car or other vehicle on the intersecting hishway, railroad or street railway; nor shall any such billboard or other structure be erected or maintained on any public highway, park or other public property, unless per— mission in writing shall have first been obtained from the board or body having control thereover and approved by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. 8. No permit to erect or maintain a billboard or other structure for advertising purposes shall be issued which in the judgment of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles is or would be in- jurious to property in the vicinity thereof, or injuriously affect any public interest; nor shall any such permit be issued to erect or maintain any such billboard or other structure in a place where the same is or shall be prohibited by any municipal ordinance. 9. Fees for permits issued in pursuance of section four of this act are hereby imposed for revenue and shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the State as collected. The expenses of administering this act shall be paid by him on orders of the Com- missioner of Motor Vehicles out of the fund so created, and the balance thereof shall be divided in the month of January in each year, beginning in January, one thousand nine hundred and thirty- two, among the municipalities in which billboards or other struc- tures used for advertising purposes are located, each municipality to receive the amount collected by the Commissioner of Motor Ve- hicles for permits to erect or maintain billboards or other struc— tures used for advertising purposes therein, less its proportion of the cost of administering his act; such proportion to be the same percentage of such cost as the amount received for permits in each municipality bears to the entire amount received. _ gg _ NEW JERSEY (Cont'd) 10. The fees for licenses and permits prescribed by this act shall be in lieu of all other taxes, license fees or excises for advertising or carrying on the business of advertising by means of billboards and/or other structures. ' 11. Nothing in this act shall be construed to require a permit in any case where a contract was nade prior to the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and thirty, with any person, firm or corporation for the construction, maintenance or use of any billboard or other structure for outdoor advertising until the term of such contract shall have expired. 12. The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles is hereby authorized to employ and discharge clerical and other assistants, and to fix their compensation; to make orders and regulations for the enforce— ment of this act; to prescribe and enforce penalties for failure to comply herewith; to revoke any license or permit for such fail- ure and to remove any billboard or other structure erected or maintained contrary to any provision of this act. l3. Any person, firm or corporation erecting, naintaining or using a billboard or other structure for advertising without} complying with the provisions of this act shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars (¢l00) to be recovered by action at law by the Comnissioner sf Motor Vehicles for the use of the State, and every day that such violation continues shall be treated as a separate violation of this act. 14. If any section, clause or provision of this act shall be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such determination shall not be held to affect any other section, clause or provision hereof. 15. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the pro— visions of this act are hereby repealed. NEW MEXICO Laws, 1929, and Acts of the Special Session, 1929, Chap. 123, Sec. 2. No person shall place, erect or maintain any advertising sign, sign— board or device of any character upon the right of way or right of way fences of any public highway within this state outside of the limits of any incorporated city, town, or village. Sec. 5. No person shall place, erect or maintain any adver- tising sign, signboard or device upon any land adjacent to a public highway in this state outside of an incorporated city, town or village which shall obstruct or impair the view of or by persons using such highway at corners, curves, angles, or turns of such highway, or at intersections of such highway with another highway or with railroads; nor shall any person erect, place, or maintain any such advertising sign, signboard, or device upon any land ade jacent to a public highway outside of an incorporated municipality within three hundred feet of any corner or turn of such highway or intersection of such highway with another highway or within five hundred feet of any intersection of such highway with a railroad. Sec. 4. No person shall place, erect or maintain any adver- tising sign, signbcard or device, with the exception of signs, sign- boards or devices advertising a business carried on on the premises where the same are located, upon any land adjacent to or within one hundred feet of any state highway outside of an incorporated city, town or village without first obtaining a permit from the State Highway Commission so to do; such permit shall only issue upon written application of the person desiring to place, erect or maintain such sign, signboard or device which it is desired to place, erect or maintain and shall be accompanied by the written consent of the owner or possessor of the land upon which the ap- plicant desires to place, erect or maintain same and by the fee of five dollars (¢5.00) for each sign referred to in such application to be used to defray the cost of investigation of such application by the State Highway Commission. No such permit shall be issued for any such sign, signboard or device which is or is to be erected in such manner or in such a location as to endanger the public peace, health, or safety. The State Highway Commission may authorize any of its employees to investigate such applications and to issue such permits under and pursuant to rules to be adopted by such Commission not contrary to the provisions of this Act. .-52- NEW EEXICO (Cont'd) Laws, 1929, and Acts of the Special Session, 1929, Chap. 125, Sec.5. All such advertising signs, signboards and devices which are placed, erected or maintained in violation of the provisions of this act at a time more than siyty days from and after the date when this act becomes effective shall be deemed and considered to be public nuisances and may be summarily removed by any member or employee of the State Highway Oomnission. Sec. 6. All fees received by the State Highway Commission under the provisions of this act shall be paid into the State Treasury and covered into the State Road Fund. NEW YORK Cahill's Consolidated Laws, 1925. Chap. 41. Sec. l2l. A person who places upon or affixes to, or causes or procures to be placed upon or affixed to, real property not his own, or a rock, tree, wall, fence, or other structure thereupon, without the consent of the owner, any words, characters, or device, as a notice of, or reference to, any article, business, exhibition, profession, matter or event, is punishable by imprisonment for not more than six months, or by a fine of not more than two hundred and fifty dollars, or by both. The placing or affixing of any words, characters, device, or notice, of any article, business, or other thing, to or upon any property or place specified in this section, is presumptive evidence that the proprietor, vendor, or exhibitor thereof caused or procured the same to be so placed or affixed. §§Q; l425. Sub-division_l_l_. A person W110 wilfully or maliciously displaces, removes, injures or destroys a mile—board, mile—stone, danger sign or signal, or guide sign or post, or any inscription thereon, law- fully within a public highway; or who in any manner paints, prints, places, puts or affixes, or causes to be painted, printed, placed or affixed, any business or commercial advertisement on or to any stone, tree, fence, stump, pole, building or other object, which is the property of another, without first obtaining the written consent of such owner thereof, or who in any manner paints, prints, places, puts or affixes, or causes to be painted, printed, placed or affixed, such an advertisement on or to any stone, tree, fence, stump, pole, mile—board, mile-stone, danger—sign, danger-signal, guidensign, guide~post, billboard, building or other object within the limits of,a public highway is punishable by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty—five dollars, or by imorison— ment for not more than ten days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. Any advertisement in or upon a public highway in violation of the provisions of this subdivision may be taken down, removed or destroyed by anyone. Laws of New York, l928. Chap. 242. Sec. 62. In order to conserve the natural beauty of the Adirondack park by preserving and regulating it for public uses for the resort of the public for recreation, pleas- ure, air, light and enjoyment by keeping it open, clean and in good order for the welfare of society, and to abate the public nuisance -54.. Ntv YbRK (Cont‘d) which has arisen through the unrestricted use of signs and billboards therein, no person shall erect or maintain within the boundaries thereof any advertising sign or billboard, except under written permit from the Conservation Department. The provisions of this section shall not apply to signs erected or maintained upon property in connection with a business conducted thereon, or within the limits of an incorporated village. \71 \_/*1 I NORTH CAROLINA Public Laws, 1924. Chap. 109. Sec. 1. Any person who in any manner paints, prints, places, or affixes, or causes to be painted, printed, placed, or affixed, any business or commercial advertise- ment on or to any stone, tree, fence, stump, pole, automobile, building, or other object, which is the property of another with- out first obtaining the written consent of such owner thereof, or who in any manner paints, prints, places, puts, or affixes, or causes to be painted, printed, placed, or affixed, such an adver- tisement on or to any stone, tree, fence, stump, pole, mile-board, mile-stone, danger-sign, danger-signal, guide-sign, guide-post, automobile, building or other object within the limits of a public highway, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars ($50) or imprisoned not exceeding thirty (30) days. Public Laws, 1927. Chap. 148, See. 56. No unauthorized person shall erect or maintain upon any highway any warning or direction sign, marker, signal or light in imitation of any official sign, marker, signal or light erected under the provisions of this act and no person shall erect or maintain upon any highway any traffic or highway sign or signal bearing thereon any commercial advertising, provided nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the erection or maintenance of signs, markers, or signals bearing thereon the name of an organization authorized to erect the same by the De- partment. Public Laws, 1929. Chap. 545L Sec. 151. Outdoor Advertising. (a) Every person, firm, or corporation who or which is engaged or engages’in the business of outdoor advertising, by means of sign- boards, poster boards, or printed bulletins, or any other outdoor advertising devices, erected upon grounds, walls, or roofs of buildings, shall apply for and obtain from the Commissioner of Revenue a State license for the privilege of engaging in such business in this State and shall pay for such license the follow- ing tax for each city, town, or other place in which such sign- boards, poster boards, painted bulletins, or other outdoor advertising devices are maintained: - 56 i .signboards, poster boards, painted bulletin , wears CAROLINA (Cont'd) , In cities and towns of -- I Less than 5,000 population . . t i . . . . . . Q . .p. . 10.00 5,000 and less than 10,000 population . . . . . g . . . . . 20.00 B- ‘-9- l0,000 and less than 15,000 population ... . . . . . . . . $ 30500 15,000 and.less than 20,000 population . . . . . . . . . i $ 40.00 20,000 and less than 25,000 population . .-. . . 4 . . . . s 5o;oo 25,000 and less than.55,000 population . . . . i . . i . i t 60.00 35,000 population and over _. . . . . . . . . . ; . . . ; $100.00 Outside of incorporated cities and towns . . . . . . . .‘i $ 10.00 (b) Every person, firm, or corporation shall show in its application for the State license provided in subsection (a) of this section the name of each incorporated city or town within which or adjacent to which it is maintaining or proposes to main- tain signboards, poster boards, painted bulletins, or other outdoor advertising devices within the State of North Carolina. (c) Every person, firm, or corporation owning or maintaining s or other outdoor adver- Emsrinted on the same A. ‘ tising devices within this State shall have 'the name of such person, firm, or corporation, in sufficient size to be plainly legible and permanently affixed thereto. I (d) A license shall not be granted any person, firm, or cor- poration having his or its principal place of business outside of the State, for the display of any advertising or the erection of any bill- board or other structure designed or intended for the displaying of advertising matter until such person, firm, or corporation shall have furnished and filed with the Commission of Revenue a surety bond to the State, satisfactory to the Commissioner of Revenue, in such sum, not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000), as said Commissioner of Revenue may designate, conditioned that such licensee shall ful- fill all requirements of law and the regulations and orders of said Commissioner of Revenue relative t the display of advertisements. Such surety bond shall remain in full force and effect as long as any obligations of such licensee to the State shall remain unsatisfied. (e) Any person, firm, or corporation who or which shall fail, refuse, or neglect to comply with all the terms and provisions of this section and pay the tax, within sixty (50) days after notice of such failure, the Commissioner of Revenue or his duly authorized deputy or deputies shall have the power and authority to seize and remove.or order removed, the structures erected by such delinquent person, firm, or corporation, sell the same at public auction and apply the proceeds from such sale to the payment of taxes and penal- ties due and unpaid. ' (f) The State Highway Commission, or any of its agents or employees, the board of county commissioners, and the board of aldermen or other governing body of cities or towns, shall remove or cause to be removed any advertisement, or sign, displayed con- trary to law or the provisions of this section when requested so to do by the Commissioner of Revenue or any of the deputies of such Commissioner of Revenue. (g) Every person, firm, or corporation Who or which shall erect, maintain, display, or allow to remain in view any advertise- ment, sign, billboard, painted bulletin, or any structure designed for the display of advertising matter contrary to the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and in addition to the license tax and penalties provided for in this section shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each sign so displayed or imprisoned in the discretion of the court. vv a license tax on the business and towns may levy a license (h) Counties shall not l c s tnat levied by the State. taxed under this section, but tax not in excess of One~half o NOBTL DAKOTA Session Lane, 1925. Chap. 145. Sec. 1. Any person who in any manner places, puts or maintains any sign, billboard 01:"-i-~advert-ise-~ ment Within the limits of a public highway, or Who in any manner paints. prints, places, puts or affixes, or causes to be painted, printed, placed or affixed, any advertisement on or to any stone, tree, fence, stump,'pole, milc~board, mile~stone, danger~sign, danger~signal, guide~post, billboard, building {or other object within the limits of a public highway) or places, puts or maintains any sign or billboard upon private property within one thousand feet of any grade hirhway crossing, in such place or manner as to obstruct or interfere with a free and clear view of such crossing from any highvay or railroad intersecting thereat, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor. Provided, however, that none of the provisions of this act shall prohibit the placing of public notices on billbeards erected for that purpose by authority of the governing body cf a munici- pality. Any advertisenent in or upon a public highway er private property in violation ef the provisions of this act may be taken down, removed, or destroyed by direction or authority of the State Highway Commission in the case of State trunk and Federal aid high- ways, by the county board in the case of county roads and by the township board in the case of tonnship roais. Laws, 1925. 'Chap. l8l; Sec. 12. No person, firm or corporation shall place or maintain any advertising sign or other similar ob- struction upon, over or adjacent to any highway between any such approach sign and the grade crossing which it marks, nor shall any person, firm or corporation place or maintain, upon, over or ad~ jacent to any public highway in this state any sign or symbol in any manner resembling the signs provided in this act. Session LawsL 1927. Chap. 162. Sec. 59. N0'unauthorized person shall erect or maintain upon any highway any warning or direction sigz, marker, signal or light in imitation of any official sign, marker, signal or light erected under the provisions of this act, and no person shall erect or maintain upon any highway any traffic or highway sign or signal hearing thereon any commercial advertising, provided nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the erection or maintenance of signs, markers, or signals bearing thereon the name of an organization authorized to erect the same by the State Highway Commission or any local authority as defined in this act. s 59 _ OHIO GenerelgCodeJ~192l. Vol. 5. Sec. 12492. Whoever paints, prints, pastes, stencils or otherwise marks, places upon or affixes to a building, fence, wall or tree without the consent of the owner thereof,.a word, letter, character, figure, sentence or device, or a handbill or notice, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. This section does not apply to the posting of a handbill or notice of public sale by a sheriff, ad- ministrator, executor or licensed auctioneer, or a notice required by law to be posted. Road Laws, Supplement 1925. Sec. 7204-la. It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership or corporation to hereafter erect within the bounds of any highway or on the bridges or culverts thereon, any obstruction whatever, without first obtaining the consent and anproval of the director of highways and public works in case of inter-county highways and main market roads and the bridges and culverts thereon, and the consent and approval of the county commissioners in case of highways other than inter- county highways and main mark t roads and the bridges and culverts thereon. For the purposes of this act all advertising or other signs and posters erected, displayed or maintained on any public highway, or along or near the same and in such a location as to obstruct at curves or intersecting roads the view of drivers using such highway, shall be deemed obstidctions, but this section shall have no appli- cation to crossing signs erected in compliance with Section 8852 of the General Code of Ohio, at the crossings of highways and railroads. It shall be the duty of the director of highways and public works and the county commissioners to enforce the provisions of this section and in so doing, said officials may avail themselves of all the provisions of section 7204 of the General Code. U 60 _ OKLAHOMA Compiled Statutes, 1921. Vol. II. Sec. 10125. Obstructions — removal - notice. County and township boards,_charged with the duty of improving public highways, shall have power to remove all obstructions in the highways under their jurisdiction. * * *. _ 61 _ OREGON Laws, 192 . Vol. I. Sec. 221271. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to paste, paint brand or in any manner whatsoever place or attach to any building, fence, gate, bridge, tree, rock, board structure, or anything whatever, within the limits of any state highway or on the property of another within view of such highway without such owner's written consent, any written, printed, painted or other advertisement, bill, notice, sign, pibture, card or poster, except within the limits of any city, town or village through which said highway may run. Pro— vided, that nothing herein shall be so construed as to prevent the posting or maintaining of any notice required by law to be posted or maintained, or the placing and maintaining thereon highway signs giving directions or distances for the information of the traveling public, when such highway signs are approved by the state highway commission. Sec. 22l2:E. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this act shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $50, or by imprisonment for not less than five days nor more than twenty days. General Laws, Approved FebruaryglZ5, 1929. Chap. 89. Regulating signs along public highways and providing a penalty. Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, copartnership or association to use, erect or maintain on or along any public highway, or in close proximity thereto, for the purpose of advertising, announcing or directing attention to any business, place of b1siness, commercial or other activity, the words "Stop", "Go Slow", "Caution", "Danger", "Warning", or any other word, sign, symbol, character, thing or device commonly known as or under- stood to be a caution, signal, warning or direction to traffic on the public highwaysi provided, however, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to traffic or police officers, nor to persons having control of or supervision over public highways or charged with the duty or vested with authority to construct, repair or maintain public highways, or upon whom there is imposed a duty to the traveling public. Section 2. Any one violating any of the provisions of this act' shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not in excess of one hundred dollars ($100), or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not in excess of ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and im- prisomnent. ,. , , ,,\ . n . Qeneral Lats, hpproveo4Feoruary i3, 152%. Chap. Q9. Regulating signs along public highways and providing a penalty. Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon: Section 3. The state highway commission or its duly authorized employee, with respect to state highways, and the Couniy court or board of county commissioners, as the case may be, of any county, with respect to county highways, hereby is authorized to remove any sign, symhol,character, thing or device hereby prohibited under the provisions of this act: provided, how- ever, that before removing or destroying any snch.sign, symbol, character, thing or device, the maintenance of which is made un- lawful hy the provisions of this act, thirty (50) days’ notice shall be given to the owner of the land upon which such symbol, sign, character, thing or device is placed and maintained, if the name and address of the owner can he ascertained, and, likewise, such notice shall he given to the owner of the sign, symhol, character, thing or device, if the name and address of such owner can be ascertained, notifying such person or Persons to remove the same, and, failing so to do, the county court er the state highway commission, as the case may be, may take down and remove the same without liability to the landowner or the owner of the sign, symbol, character, thing, or device. I I Ch \J\' 8 PEHESYLVAHIA §_t_atute_s 1920. Sec. ]<36_7. No person shall paste, paint, trend or stamp, or in any manner whatsoever place upon or attach to any building, fence, bridge, gate, outbuilding or other object, upon the grounds of any charitahle, educational or penal institutions of the State of Pennsylvania or upon any property helonging to ‘the State of Pennsylvania, or to arv county, township, borough or city therein, any written, printed, painted, or other adver- tisement, bill, notice, sign or poster: Provided, That nothing herein shall he so construed as to prevent the posting of any notice required by law or order of court to be posted, nor to prevent the posting or placing of any notice particularly con- ~ Q cerning or pertaining to the grounds or premises upon which the W same is so posted or placed. §§Ca Zgtga vb person shall paste, paint, hrand, stamp, or in any manner whatsoever place upon, or attach to, any .J ~building, fence, bridge, rate, outbuilding, or property of another, whether within or Without the lie ts of u highway, any written C . printed, painted, or other adv“ or poster, without first having 2 owner,_or tenant lawfully in.posse*sion or occupancy thereof: Pro- vided, That nothing herein shell he so construed as to prevent the posting of any notice reeuired hy law or order of court to he posted. §§2:wZj§§; Every person violating the provisions of this act shall he liable to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars to he recovered before any magistrate or justice of the peace, as fines and penalties are by law recover- able; and Such written, printed, painted, or other advertisement, bill, notice, sign, card, or poster is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and may be removed and abated as such. Statutes;lj§O. Sec. 7910. Any person found guilty of wilfully and maliciously nutilating, destroying, tearing down, or removing any show bill, plscard, programme, poster or other advertisement, posted.upon any rail, fence, billboard or other structure, in or located upon any public highway, in this commonwealth, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall he V fined not.less than twenty-five dollsrs nor more than one hundred dollars: Provided, The penalties of this act shall not apply to those teariig down or removing show bills, play bills, posters, programmes, after the performance therein advertised, or to the owner or tenant of any building, fence or other structure, whenrthe Same has been posted or put up without his or her consent, except such owner or tenant be the bill poster putting up or employed to put up the same, - 64 .. PE:r;~Is*zI.v;.nIA ( cm t' <1) Penn. Laws, 192 . Ho. 92. (Pa. Stats. —~ Supplanent 1924 —~ See. 19517 a—l,2,5). * * * Whereas, The State Highway Department of the Commonwealth has adopted a standard sign or index board for the guidance of the traveling public using State highways and is about to begin the erection of the same upon said highways. Sec. 1. Be it enacted, etc., That on and after the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful for any person to erect, on or along or nearby any highway of this Commonwealth, any sign or index board which shall be a copy or imitation of said sign or index board in respect to shape, color, or general appearance. Session Laws, 1923. No. 81%, Authorizing the State Highway Depart— ment, the Public Service Commission, counties, cities, boroughs, and townships to purchase, or condemn by the right of eminent domain, free and unobstructed view over and across lands at certain highway, railroad, and railway intersections and curves, so as to prevent and permit removal of interference with and obstruction of the vision of users of said highways; and providing for the use of such lands in such nanner as not to interfere with a free and unobstructed view. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the State Highway Department, the Public Service Commission, and any county, city, borough, incorporated town, or township, may acquire, by purchase or by the right of eminent domaiz, a free and unobstructed view down and across such lands located at or near the intersection of any two highways, or a highway and a railroad or railway, or at any curve in any highway, as may be necessary to assure a free and unobstructed view in all directions at such crossings, and to so prevent the use of such lands for any purpose or in any manner which may interfere with or obstruct the vision of any person or persons traveling upon any such highway. Section 2. Upon any such condemnation, the State Highway Commissioner, the Public Service Commission, and the proper authorie ties of any city, borough, town, or township, having had such view condemned, may, from time to time, abate or remove, or cause to be abated or removed, any obstruction to such view over and across such lands. “ Section 5. The proceedings for the condemnation of such view over and across such lands under the provisions of this act, and for the assessment of damages for property taken, injured, or destroyed, shall be taken in the same manner as is now provided for the con- dcmnation of land by the State Highway Department for road purposes, by the Public Service Commission for the purposes allowed by law, and by counties, boroughs, and townships, for road purposes. C)\ PEHNSYLVANIA (C0nt’d) Session Laws, 1925, No. §l5. Section 4. Upon the condemnation of a view over and across any lands for the puposes of this act, the owner of such lands may make every such use thereof as will not interfere with a free and unobstructed view at such dangerous crossing or curve, and, unless specially provided for-in.such con» demnation proceedings, such condemnation shall not be construed to prevent the owner thereof from.using such land for pasture or the growing of grass, oats, wheat, or other crops which will not obe struct the vision more than wheat. _ ' 2 Section 5. All acts or parts of acts J inconsisten~ herewith are hereby repealed. _li_aws, 199‘. w<>.'_"5~S8. Sec.._l. it enacted, etc., That hereafter it shall be unlawfulwtb”plEce'any sign, banner, or advertising matter of any kind whatsoever on.or across any public road or highway or on or across any structure within the legal_limits of any public road or highway to this Commonwealth without first having obtained the written consent of the authorities responsible for the maintenance of any public road or highway. - Sec. 2. Any such sig , banner, or adver~ tising matter placed withbht the consent of the authorities re- sponsible for the maintenance of such public road or highway is hereby declared to be a violation of this act; any such sign or banner so placed s:all be and is hereby declared to be a public nuisance andinay be abate by the authorities responsible for the maintenance of the public road or highway with or without notice to the party or parties responsihle for the placing thereof, and in addition thereto the parties responsible for the placing of .suoh sign,'hanner, or advertising matter shell for each and every such offense forfeit and pay a sum not less than four dollars ($4.00) nor more than twenty dollars ($20.90). All money col- lected under the provisions of this act shall be paid into the Treasury of the County in which said nuisance was perpetrated, to be used only for the construction or repair of public roads‘ or highways, ' § )- haws, l929., N0. 495,! Sec. llCZ. {This epeals Laws, i927, Act No. 452, Sec. lOdl, P. §d9) ~Other Than Official Signs Prohibited.—— No unauthorized.person shall erect or maintain, upon or aloia any highva , any warning or direction, sig , marker, signal, or light, in imitation of, or similar to, any official sign, marker, signal, or light, erected under the provisions of this act; and no person , _ 66 _ PEETNSYLVANIA (Cont' <1) shall erect or maintain, upon any highwa , any traffic or highway sign or signal bearing thereon any commercial advertising, pro- vided nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the erection or maintenance of signs, markers, or signals bearing thereon the name of an organization authorized to erect the same by the Secretary of Highways of this Commonwealth, or any proper ‘local official. "‘ fly, H» .-. id Penalty. —~ Any person violating any of the provisions of this section, shall, upon summary conviction hefore a magistrate, be sentenced to pay a fine of tsenty—five ($25) dollars and costs of prosecution, and in default of the payment thereof, shall undergo imprisonment for not more than ten (10) days. -67.. RHODE ISLAND General Laws, 1925, (1741) Sec. 26. No person, partnership or corporation shall erect, construct or maintain any billboard along the line of any llb1lC highway or street within three hundred feet of any place where a railroad crosses a public highway or street at grade, nor within a distance of fifty feet of the intersection of any public highway or street; Provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not be con- strued to apply to the erection, construction or maintenance of any billboard whenever the same shall be erected, constructed or maintained upon the top of any building or buildings not less than ten feet in height. (1742) See. 27. Any person, partnership or corporation violating any of the provisions of the preceding section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars. Chap. 121. (1755). The term "out-door advertis- ing“ as used in this chapter shall apply only to all such advertising displayed so as to attract the attention of persons on any public highway, or while in the vehicle of any common carrier, or in any station of such carrier, or while in any public building, public park, public grounds, or other public places, whether such advertis- ing be by means of printing, writing, picture, or a conbination thereof, and whatever may be the means of display, except that it shall not include advertising located upon private property and relating exclusively to the business conducted on such property or the sale or rental thereof, or advertising in or upon the cars and stations of any common carrier. General Laws, 1928, Chap. 597. {@098}. A person * * * Who, in any manner paints, prints, places, puts or affixes, or causes to be painted, printed, placed or affixed, any business or commercial advertisement on or to any stone, tree, fence, stump, pole, building or other object, which is the property of another, without first ob- taining the written consent of such owner thereof, or who in any manner paints, prints, places, puts or affixes, or causes to be painted, placed or affixed, such an advertisement on or to any stone, tree, fence, stump, pole, mile-board, mile-stone, danger-sign, danger- signal, guide-sign, guide-post, billboard, building or other object within the limits of a public highway is punishable by a fine of not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars, or by im- prisonment for not more than ten days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Any advertisement in or upon a public highway in viola- tion of the provisions of this chapter may be taken down, removed or destroyed by anyone. -68.. SOUTH CAROLINA Criminal Code, 1935, See. all. It shall be unlawful for any per- son, firm or corporation to use for advertising purposes the kind of a cross usually used-as a crossing sign by steam and electric railroads. Any violations of the provisions of this Section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one hundred'($lO0.00) dollars or imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days. It ,shall be the duty of the Road Supervisor of the various counties in this State to remove and destroy any signs hitherto erected by any person, firm or corporation for advertising purposes, in violation of this Section. _ 69 _ SOUTH DAKOTA Session Laws, 1919, Chap. 127, Sec. 1. * * * It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to, within the State, place, erect or construct along the street or highways adjoining any cemetery, or within three hundred feet of any cemetery, any billboard, advertis— ing sign, or unsightly object without first obtaining the written consent of the proper officers of the city, town or township, and of the proper officers or persons having charge and control of said cemetery: Provided, however, hat such street or highway may be marked to designate an automobile route, or for other public pur— poses, if the same is done in a neat and attractive manner. Q ec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, keep or ma ntain any billboard or sign at, along or near the intersection of any public highway, or at, along or near any curve or turn in any public highway so as to obstruct the view of any person traveling upon such public highway when ap- proaching such intersection, curve or turn. ~Sec. S. Violation. Penalty. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and punishable'by a fine of not less than five, nor more than twenty-five dollars. Session Laws, 1925, Chap. 186, Sec. 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, persons, corporation or association, to place, or maintain, or cause to be placed, any advertising sign, device, or display, on any of the public highways of this State within three hundred feet of any main crossing or intersection, sharp curve or railroad crossing. Provided that this act shall not affect streets or highways inside of the limits of cities or towns. Session Laws, 1925; Chap. 186, Sec. 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person, persons, corporation or association, to place, or maintain, or cause to be placed, any advertising sign, device or display, of which more than twenty per cent of the surface shall be displayed in red, along the public highways of this State, out- side of the limits of cities and towns. _ 70 _ some DAKOTA (Cont‘ <1) Session Laws, 192%, Chap.l3b, Sec. 5. Any person, or persons, violating any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ' Laws of l929, Chap. 351, Sec. 60. Other Than Official Signs Pro- hibited. No unauthorized person shall erect or maintain upon any highway any warning or direction sign, marker, signal or light in imitation of any official sign, marker, signal or light erected under the provisions of this act, and no person shall erect or maintain upon any highway any traffic or highway sign or signal bearing thereon any commercial advertising, provided nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the erection or main~ tenance of signs, markers, or signals bearing thereon the name of an organization authorized to erect the same by the State highway Commission or any local authority as defined in this act. Shannon's Annotated Code, Supplement of 1926, Sec. 6487 al. Un- lawful to erect advertising signs resembling railroad crossing 'signs where —— It shall be unlawful for anv 'erson firm, co or- ~~.- , L p ’ ation, or association to erect or maintain on any public highway or street in the State of Tennessee, or on private property, within one—quarter of a mile of any public road or street, any advertising sign similar to or resembling, or that can reasonably be mistaken for the standard railroad crossing sign, or for the owner or person in possession of such private property knowingly to permit the erection or maintenance of such sign on such private property. The erection of any such sign, designated by the railroad commission, shall be a compliance with provisions of existing statutes requir- ing the erection of signs at railroad crossings by the several counties. Public Acts, 1925, hap. 87, Sec. l. * * * no person shall erect a sign of any character upon the right of way of any street, road or highway (outside of incorporated municipalities) within the State of Tennessee, designated by the State Department of Highways as a main traveled road and included in the general highway plan of the State. Public Acts, 1927, Chap. 89. Advertising Companies. Advertising by electric signs or devices. Each person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of advertising by electric signs or advertisements in this State shall pay the following taxes for such privilege: In cities, town or taxing districts of more than 50,000 inhabitants, each per annum . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 In cities, towns or taxing districts from 20,000 ' to 50,000 inhabitants, each per annum . . . . . . . . . . 55.00 In cities, towns or taxing districts of from ' 5,000 to 20,000 inhabitants, each er annum . . . . . . . 20.00 In cities, towns or taxing districts of less than ’ 5,000 inhabitants, each per annum . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Provided, that this shall not apply to any one engaged in another business advertising only his, their or its own business by such electric signs. _ 72 _ TEEEEssEE (Cont' <1.) Public Acts, 1927, Chap. 89. Bill Posters, Poster Boards. All persons, comnsnics, or corporations posting bills or other printed matter for hire in counties of 60,000 inhabitants or over, each ' per annum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.09 In counties of from 40,000 to 60,000 inhabitants, ' each per annum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.09 In courties of from 20,00‘ to %0,000 inhabitants, ' each per annum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 In counties of under 30,000 inhnbitants,' ' ' each per snnum . . Q‘ C I U I O O I I O O O Q Q Q I . . ‘ . I \- PU -~ - ~ eint Boards or Signs. Each.person, firm or corporation, owning, renting, conducting or operating painted billboards or advertising signs for which a charge is made for the use thereof, shall pay a privilege tax as follows: In counties of more than 60,000 inhabitants, ' each per nnnum . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . $100.00 In counties of from 20,000 to 60,00 inhabitants, ' esch per nnnum . . . . . . . .~. . . . 25.00 In counties of less than 2 ,000 inhsbi ants, ' ' ' ' each per ennum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 . C O O Q O O I I Q Q U D I i I _.73_ TEXAS general Laws of Texas, Second and Third Called Sessions, 1929. Chan. 42, Sec‘ 13- No unauthorized person shall erect or maintain upon any State Highway any warning or direction sign, marker, Sig“ nal or light, and no person shall erect or maintain upon any high- way any traffic or highway sign or signal bearing thereon any eom~ mercial advertising, provided nothing in this section shall be con- strued to prohibit the erection or maintenance of signs, markers, or signals bearing thereon the name of an organization authorized to erect the same by the Department. _ 74 _ UTAH Laws, 1919, Chgp. 151. Every person who willfully, and maliciously commits any trespass by either: * * * 6. Putting up, affixing, fastening, printing or painting upon any property belonging to the State, or to any city, county, or village, or dedicated to the pub- lic, or upon any property of any person, without license from the owner, any notice, advertisement or designation of, or any name for, any commodity, whether for sale or otherwise, or any picture, sign, or device, intended to call attention thereto * * * is guilty of a misdemeanor. Laws. l925, Chap, 27, Sec. 1. Permit Required. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person, or persons, firms, associations, or corporations to place any form or forms, of advertising upon any part of the pub- lic domain, or along any public highway, within three hundred (500) feet of such highway, except within the corporate limits of any city or town, and except upon land under private ownership, situated along such highway, without first receiving a permit so to do from and with the consent of the members of the State road commission. Sec. 2. Removal of Advertisements. Any per- son or persons, firms, associations, or corporations now having in place, any form or forms of advertising as provided by this Act shall remove same and all evidences thereof within ninety (90) days after the approval of this Act, unless such permit be granted by the State road commission. Sec. 5. Penalty. Any person or persons, firms, associations, or corporations, violating the provisions of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be sub- ject to a fine of not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00) or more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). NOTE: - Laws of 1929, Chap. 92, prohibiting advertising of tobacco and cigarettes on billboards and by other methods was declared void by the Third District Court of Utah. VERMONT Public Acts. Annroved March 15, 1929, Chap. 2%, Sec. 1. License fee; date payable. A person, firm or corporation shall not engage in the business of outdoor advertising for direct profit through rentals or compensation received for the erection, maintenance, or display of painted bulletins, poster panels, or other outdoor ad~ vertisina devices, upon real orooertv, until such person, firm or corporation shall secure from the secretary of state a license to ~' engage in the business of outdoor advertising. Vmhe fee for such 4-).- license shall be twentv~five dollars annuallv payable in advance on the first day of darch, provided that the fee payable in 1929 shall be payable within thirty days after this act takes effect. §§gi_§, Permits; application. A person, firm or corporation, licensed under section one hereof, shall not erect or maintain any outdoor advertising structure, device or display, until such person, firm or corpora- tion shall obtain from the secretary of state a permit for the erection of such structure, device or display and pay the proper fee therefor. Application for such permit shall be in writing, signed by the applicant or his duly authorized agent, upon blanhs furnished by the_secretary of state in such form and requiring such information as said secretary may prescribe. Each applica- tion shall have attached thereto the written consent of the owners of the property on which such structure, device or display is to be erected or maintained. Application shall be made in like man- ner for permits to maintain all existing outdoor advertising structures, devices or displays within thirty days after this act takes effect, and unless permitssare obtained therefor and the permit fees provided in section four are paid, the same shall be removed as hereinafter provided. , L“ .1-‘~‘. i ,.‘_~:. -. Sec. 3. Permits; exceptions. A.person, firm or corporation, not engaged in the business of outdoor advertising for direct profit, shall not erect, maintain or continue to maintain any outdoor advertising structure, device or display, of more than six square feet, other than upon J~-'~.¢ ‘ property within three nundred feet of the place where the goods ad~ vertised are manufactured or offered for sale, or where the businees advertised is carried on, until such person, firm or corporation shall obtain from the secretary of state a permit in the same manner as provided bv section two. _ 76 l VERMONT (Cont‘d.) .1_'i313“~/..1.i_<.a~,.1_%.<2..‘@§._,.. ,!‘—i9i1¥'_9._‘£?Z§:lf€Pf,C.3~}...}.5.».- ,.l§/*.?..9.’..,..__...--—---S C - 4- Fee S‘ The fees for such permits, except in the case of permits issued for the period of one month only, shall be payable when issued and annually thereafter on the first day of March and as follows: fifty cents for each panel of separate display of over six square feet and not over fifteen square feet, used or designed for ad- vertising; seventy~five cents for each panel or separate display over fifteen square feet and not over twenty—five square feet; one dollar for each panel or separate display over twenty—five square feet and not over fifty square feet; one dollar and seventy— five cents for each panel or separate display over fifty square feet and not over one hundred square feet; two dollars and fifty- cents for each panel or separate display over one hundred square feet and not over one hundred and fifty square feet; three dollars and twenty~five cents for each panel or separate display over one hundred and fifty square feet and not over two hundred square feet; four dollars for each panel or separate display over two hundred square feet and not over two hiudred and fifty square feet; four dollars and seventy~five cents for each panel or separate display over two hundred and fifty square feet and not over three hundred square feet; five dollars and fifty cents for each panel or separate display over three hundred square feet and not over three hundred and fifty square feet; six dollars and twenty—five cents for each panel or separate display over three hundred and fifty square feet and not over four hundred square feet; seven dollars for each panel or separate display over four hundred square feet and not over four hundred and fifty square feet; seven dollars and seventy—five cents for each panel or separate display over four hundred and fifty square feet and not over five hundred square feet; eight dollars and fifty cents for each panel or separate display over five hundred square feet and not over five hundred and fifty square feet; nine dollars and twenty—five cents for each panel or separate display over five h'ndred and fifty square feet and not over six hundred square feet. No sign or advertisement shall be erected which shall contain more than six hundred square feet. Permits may be issued for a period not exceeding one month and the fee therefor shall be eight mills per square foot and payable in advance. In computing the measurements specified in this section the framework of the panel shall not be included. See. 5. Permits; contents. Upon receipt of an application, as set forth in section two, and the required permit fee, if the size and location of each advertisement, billboard or other structure is not contrary to th vnnnonr (Cont‘d) provisions of this act, the secretary of state shall cause to be issued a permit for the erection or continued maintenance of the outdoor advertising structure, device or display named in said application, which permit shall state the location and size of such structure, device or display and the location upon which it is to be erected or maintained, and shall be in force until the first day of March next following the date thereof. Any adver- tisement displayed upon any such structure or device shall be exempted from the payment of any other permit fee during the period covered by said permit. Puhlib Acts,_;g5§qq;a;jear@n_i5, 1929, Chap, 28, Sec. 6. EXcep~ tions. This act shall not reTuir5*aE§'liEense”br'permit for any advertising sign containing six square feet or less, nor from any town, city or incorporated village in this state for any adver- tisement owned by it and advertising its industries or attractions and maintained at either public or private expense, and shall not apply to signs and other devices on or in the rolling stock, sta- tion, subways or structures of or used by common carriers, and shall not apply to highway light house signs, with no advertising thereon, located at places of danger, provided the written consent of the state highway board is obtained both as to location and plan and style of erection. w §§gL_Z. Restric- tions; removal. Advertisements and signs shall not be displayed within fifty feet of any public park, playground or cemetery, or within thirty—five feet of the center of the travelled part of any highway outside of the thickly settled or business part of a city or town, except upon the walls of a building in which the goods advertised are offered for sale or the business advertised is conducted, and except signs erected by the state or a town or city which solely indicate highway directions, traffic regulations and dangerous places. All existing advertising matter, except as above provided, and all structures erected or maintained solely for advertising purposes within a distance of thirty~five feet from the center of the travelled part of any highway shall be re- moved and re]0cated'as required by the provisions of this act with- in three years from its passage. -78- vrenore (Cont‘d) Public Acts; Apprqv@i£§p3nLl£&_l£@9,_QhapLM%§LM§ec._§. Bond; conditions. A license shall not be granted to a person, firm or corporation having his or its principal place of business outside of the state, for the display of any advertisement or the erection of any billboard or other structure designed and intended for the display of advertising matter until such person, firm or corpora— tion has filed with the secretary of state a bond satisfactory to said secretary, running to the state. Permits shall not be granted for the display of any advertisement for a period not exceeding one month until the person, firm or corporation making application for such permit has filed with the secretary of state a bond satis- 'factory to said secretary, running to the state. Such bond or bonds shall be in such sum as said secretary shall determine, con- ditioned to observe, obey and fulfill all requirements of law and the regulations and orders of said secretary relating to the dis- play of advertisements, and otherwise conditioned as said secretary may determine. Such bond or bonds shall remain in full force and" effect so long as any obligation to the state remains unsatisfied. _ §§gL~2. Removal; penalty. The secretary of state may order the removal or change in location of any advertisement when in his opinion such advere tisement obstructs a clear view along any highway, or is within the legal limits of any highway, or is displayed contrary to the provisions of law, If the person, firm or corporation in control of or owning any advertisement which has been ordered removed or changed in its location, as provided in this section, shall not remove such advertisement within thirty days after such order of removal or change has been sent to such person, firm or corpora- tion by said secretary by registered mail, said secretary may cause such advertisement to be removed and the expense of such re~ moval may be collected from the person, firm or corporation owning or controlling the same in an action on this statute, or from the sureties on the bond filed by such person, firm or corporation. §§g;_lQ, Removal by local officials. The state highway department, selectmen of towns or aldermen of cities shall remove or cause to be removed any advertisement or sign displayed contrary to the provisions of this act when requested so to do by the secretary of stats. Said state, town or city officials shall remove all advertisements less .._"79.. vnnronr (Cont'd) than six square feet in size which are now or hereafter may be located within the prohibited area defined in section seven, ex- cept such as are permitted under the provisions of section eleven. Public Acts, Approved March l5, 1929, Chap. 28, Sec. ll. Signs within limits of highway; exceptions, The secretary of state may, with the consent of the aldermen of a city, the trustees of an incorporated village, or the selectmen of a town permit the erec- tion of advertising signs which are designed to benefit local residents or industries, within the limits of highways, but not in any location where such signs will obstruct the view along any highway. Sec. 12. Defi- nition. The word "display" as used in this act and in other laws of the state relating to advertisements and signs, shall mean erecting, maintaining, pasting, painting and.posting any adver- tisement or sign out of doors or erecting or maintaining any bill- board or other structure designed and intended for the display of advertising matter where the same may be seen by the public, or allowing any such advertisement, billboard or other structure, erected or displayed either before or after the passage of this act to remain exposed in whole or in part to public view, and shall include the act itself and the causing of such act to be done. The obligation to pay the license and.permit fees required by law shall apply and be in force for such time as such adver- tisement or sign or any part thereof remains visible and so long as any board or structure or any part thereof erected or built for the purpose of displaying advertising matter thereon, remains ex- posed.to public view. §§g;_l§. Name of owner. All advertisements and all billboards and structures designed for the display of advertising matter thereon shall show the name of the person, firm or corporation displaying such ad- vertisements or owning or leasing such billboards and structures. Sec. 14. Penalty. A person who erects, maintains, displays or allows to remain in view an advertisement, sign, billboard or any structure designed s 80 _ VERMONT (Cont'd) for the display of advertising matter contrary to the provisions of this act shall he fired not more than one hundred do lars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. Public licts;,,_'i{rp.o1“o'Jed 3=.Zar_c_h gggg, Chap. ad, Sec.“ Repeal E0. 44 of the Acts of l§2l, as weended by do. 32 of the Acts of l92§, and No. 32 of the Acts of lQ2§, and section GQQQ of the General Laws and all other acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed as oflflarch l, 1929, but such repeal shall not affect a penalty of forfeiture incurred or a tax or fee imposed or an action or proceeding had or commenced before this act takes effect. Sec. 16. Con- struction. Th several sections and provisions 6f'¥BiE act are hereby declared independent and severable and the invalidity, if any, of any part or feature thereof shall not affect or render the remainder of the act invalid or inoperative. 4.81.. VIRGINIA Virginia Acts of Assembly) 1926, Chap. 474, Sec. 64. No unauthor- ized.person shall erect or maintain upon any highway any warning or direction sign, marker, signal or light, in imitation of any official sign, marker, signal or light erected under the provision of this act, and no person shall erect or maintain upon any high- way any traffic or highwav sign or signal bearing thereon any com- mercial advertising, provided nothing in this section shall be con- strued to prohibit the erection or maintenance of signs, markers, or signals bearing thereon the name of an organization authorized to erect the same by the State Highway Commission or any local authority as defined in this Act. Chapter 270 - An Act to amend and re-enact Section 4730 of the Code of Virginia, in relation to public roads, so as to prohibit the erection or maintenance of any structure that would obstruct the view at road and railway crossings, and to prescribe penalties for violations, (S B 234) Approved March 24, 1930. 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That section forty-seven hundred and thirty of the Code of Virginia be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: ***** Or erect, or maintain any billboard, advertising, or other similar structure outside the corporate limits of a city or town with- in a radius of two hundred feet from the point of intersection of any two or more public roads, or the intersection of a.public road and a railroad, in the direction of the intersecting road or roads and railroads, or to erect or maintain any such billboard, advertising or other similar structure at or near any curve or bend in a public road. Outside the corporate limits of any incorporated city or town, in such manner, as to obstruct the clear view, or cross the line of vision of pedestrians and/or persons in wheeled vehicles looking from any one point to any other point on any such road not more than one hundred yards apart; he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The provisions of this act shall not limit or restrict the right of any common carrier to erect and maintain markers, of such design as may be approved by the corporation commission, at any point located off the right of way of any highway, in this State, to desig- nate stopping points, fare zones, or schedules, nor shall it limit or restrict any ferry company or toll bridge company from erecting and maintaining direction markers or other advertisement, of such design as may be approved by the chairman of the State highway commission located off the right of way of any highway of this State. _ 82 _ WASHINGTON Remington's Compiled Statutes, 1922. Chap. IX. Sec. 2659. Every person who shall willfully -— * * * 14. Place upon or affix to any real property or any rock, tree, wall, fence or other structure thereupon, without the consent of the owner thereof, any word, character or device designed to advertise any article, business, profession,'exhibition, matter or event * * * shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. . _ Chap. XI. Sec. 2708. Every person who willfully commits any trespass by either putting up, affixing, fastening, printing or painting upon any property be— longing to the State, or to any county, city, town, or village, or dedicated to the nublic, or upon any property of any person ‘or corporation without license from the owner, any notice, adver- tisement, or designation of, or any name for any commodity, whether for sale.or otherwise, or any picture, sign, or device intended to call attention thereto, shall be guilty of a misde~ meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not more than twnety days, or by both,such fine and imprison- ment: Provided that nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prohibit the posting of legal notices. ' . 1 Remington‘s Compiled Statutes, l923. Chap. VII. Sec. lO5lO—5. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect or maintain any sign, signboard or billboard within a distance of five hundred feet of any railroad highway grade crossing which shall obstruct the view of approaching trains. Laws, 1925. Chap. 151. Sec. l. Whenever the State highway come mittee of the State of Washington shall be resolution specify that it is necessary in the opinion of such committee for the convenience and safety of public travel and use of any State high— way to have the full width of right of way of any such highway or of any portion of such highway free from any and all obstructions, encroachments and occupancy other than pole lines, pipe lines or other structures maintained thereon for public or quasi~public utilities by virtue of a valid franchise, and shall cause to be posted on any structure, building, improvement or other means of occupancy of any of the right of way of such highway or portion thereof within ten days after the date of such posting, exclusive i 8} _ WASHII-€G*E01\i (Cont' <1) f the date of posting; such obstructions, encroachments and means of occupancy, any such structure, building, improvement or other means of occupancy of any of the right of way of said highway not removed within such time shall hecome thereby and he an unlawful property and may be confiscated, removed and sold or destroyed by the State of Washington without any right in anyone to mike any claim therefor, either by reason of the removal thereof or the sale or destruction thereof, or otherwise. Any person who shall keep or maintain or occupy any such unlawful structure shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. ' -.842; WEST VIRGINIA Acts,gl92l, Chap. 112, Sec. 67. Any person who in any manner paints or affixes any advertisement, sign, notice or other written or printed matter, other than notices posted in pursuance of law, on or to any stone, tree, fence, stump, pole, building, or other structure Which is in or upon the right of way of any public road or highway, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished with a fine of not less than five dol- lars, nor more than one hundred dollars. The commission is em- powered to remove any such signs in place upon any road taken over by it for construction or maintenance. _ 8s _ J WISCONSIE Statutes, 1921. l95.l9. Whenever a petition is lodged with the railroad commission * * * to the effect that public safety requires * * * the removal of obstructions to the view at such crossing * * * it shall be the duty of the commission to give notice to the proper party or parties in interest other than the petitioner, of the filing of such.petition, and.to proceed to investigate the same and to order a hearing thereon in the manner provided for hearings in section 195.17, and after such hearing the commissioner shall deter- -mine what, if anything, shall be done to promote the public safety and the means by which it shall be accomplished, whether by * * *» the removal of obstructions to sight at crossing. *'* * The com- mission shall fix the proportion of the cost and expense of such removals * * * including the damages to any person whose land is taken, and the special damages which the owner of any land adjoin- ing the public street or highway shall sustain * * * by reason of the removal of obstructions to view at such crossings, to be paid by the railroad company or companies, and the municipality or muni- cipalities in interest. ' ec. 4446b. 1. No person shall erect, or cause to be erected, any dvertising, direction, guide, warning or other sign or marker within any public highway within.a distance of one thousand feet from the intersection of any two or more high- ways, when such intersection is beyond the corporate limits of any city or village, unless permission is first obtained from the offi- cials charged with the maintenance of such highways. Chan. , s 8. _ g. In case any person shall violate the provisions of this section, the authorities in charge of the maintenance of the highway upon which such violation occurs shall pronptly remove such advertising, direction, guide, warning or other sign or marker. 3. If any signs at present exist in the public right of way on any highway within one thousand feet of the intersection of any two or more highways or streets be- yond the limits of any incorporated city or village which are, in the opinion of the officials in charge of the maintenance of such highway, a menace to the safety of the public traveling along such highways, said officials shall notif; the owners of such signs to, remove the same, or to remove the danger nroduciug festuresp and in 1 I’ V ‘Y \ , -I. ‘>1 -I - . WISCONSIN {Cont'd) Q9 90, or in case the owners cannot be found ae_authorities ie cheTg@ Of S&id'hiéhWa¥' ___~-Om I'i£;ht Of W513?- ‘ _ MN hTi m_ , ease the owners ie not with reasonable effort siall remove said sign , Pl II. l5t&fut@g,t19g3,~135.1%!cn;P‘j4%,See.i;fl€b4, jThe triangles bounded 'E?T&:y two_adjédént intersecting h7 5‘ '-‘. .,-1_‘ ‘Iv, ..'..1eqFs QT -=4-~\+ -‘v. "F, D -,7 »g_ 71‘ ~(\, :5 ' ' J. ~L"4..'.~./. \.I' - is K; U; 3--'. 4- _,-‘1'1_/ ( _£,I..L&'é%‘ -I ‘. Q-. --q_._f |. V ignweys and a line drawn between the goixts on the center lines sf $3 i highways one thousand feet from the intersectien of their cent. s; are declared prohibited ” "" Iueingedvertising signs, rate limits of any City _ uh n such intersection is b€yOn5_t£5 cor? r -I insignia shall.hereafter 1 ‘or Village. E0'a&vertieing $153, deg7 be erected Within said tria,glen this the public traveling along any Ligetaya and if there now exist in‘ any such triaigle any efivertieinf~s gne, designs; or insignia, en- reveling along stnh highways, >&an£efin' the slfetv ef the nubl c Q 7g _. v_ 7. the authorities in charge of the mg-ntenance of such highways shall the-sign.and with the owner Of* '3 take up the matter with the cWner'o the land, and shell cause the same remeved, or to be so altered as to remove the danger producing featu:es' Within the same tri—' anglee the antheritiie in charge of maintl ng any r0a& shall re- '1 C t quire the property QWlGF to minimiee th~ >~ traction to the View <+'. H.» 1—*- Ci’ ;-1- 0 0 O J 0 H9 '' /I) t-J0 \-m e =t 'M&er0ss the triangle ineofer as is possible, ani skell make sueh af- ~any of the prcvisions of this Sn 1 ‘effense, or by imprisonment in the TRHé€m@Et with Qim a~ will make travel on the intersecting highways as safe as-is reasonably possible. ' ’ w ' ét 'Any person who violates Obi h shall be guilty of a misdemeanor ‘e p L shed by a fine of not less‘ e 0 ' 1.1:.’ i than one Qundred dollars for each‘ csun ‘ and on cenviction thereef seal than twenty~five dollars ner mo? .,t1 for a period not ex— 8 1; :.-' ii 1 .7 .L seeding thirty éuys, Or by both Eng: I133 gnd lmprisenment in th Qdiseretion of the :Ou3t;“ ~ . ~Let:s,~ i,1i‘~**9~2~‘,F"~V~.~‘ ; 96,, ~S~ec~.. ~t 1. -3 steietion "is eéde-d to‘ the stat" utes to reae: 8€.19 1)‘ to sign ehell beitleced Within the limits ‘ ~Qf any putlic street or highway excewt week as are necessary for + the guidance er warning cf travel. It shall be the duty Of the COHHtY highway Oommittee in each county-to cause the removal of all other signs frem the Stete.end county trumk highways eni the duty of the town, Village en&'cit? officers to ceuee the removal of sueh _ 87 _ WISCONSIN (Cont'd) other signs from all other roads and streets within their respec- tive towns, villeges and cities. Any sign on any public street or highway in violation of this section after June 30, 1925, shall be removed therefrom by the officers responsible for the maintenance of such street or highway, and disposed of in such manner as they may deem advisable. Laws, l§25, Chap, Q6. §ec._§, The State highway commission shall prescribe reguldtions with respect to the erection of signs on public highways. Such TGgIlQtlOES shall be published in the offi~ cial State paper and shall have the full force of law within thirty days after such publication. No advertising sign shall use promi- nently ony words, or combination of words, commonly used for the guidance or warning of trnvel, nor shall any ndvertising sign be erected or be permitted to remain in any place or manner so as to be a cause of danger to travel on the highways, either by reason of causing an obstruction to the view or otherwise. Sec. 3. Any person who shell erect any sign on any public highway, or elsewhere in violation of any of the provisions of this section, or the regulations of the highway Commission, or without the written consent of the State highway commission if.the sign is to be erected on a State trunk highway, the county highway commission in the case of county trunk highway, or the city council, village or town board in case of a street or highway maintained by a city, village or town, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more_thsn one hundred dollars, and for a second or subsequent violation shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than five hundred dollars. ~ \\\\\\W\W!“@fi@'M@@!1i\E@1@l“m\\\“ ~ ~