B 471985 BX 1415 ANG H A DIRECTORY OF CATHOLIC CHURCHES IN WISCONSIN Madison, Wisconsin WISCONSIN HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY 1942 м ан BX 1415 A DIRECTORY OF CATHOLIC CHURCHES IN WISCONSIN Prepared by The Wisconsin Historical Records Survey,Wee Division of Community Service Programs Work Projects Administration Sponsored by University of Wisconsin and State Historical Society of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin The Wisconsin Historical Records Survey 1942 DAN OTD: The Historical Records Survey Projects Sargent B. Child, Director Jacob Hodnefield, Regional Supervisor J. E. Boell, State Supervisor Research and Records Programs Harvey E. Becknell, Director Mark English, Regional Supervisor Lowell T. Galt, State Chief Division of Community Service Programs Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner Helen T Bundy, Chief Regional Supervisor Harriet G, Deuss, State Director Work Projects Administration Howard O. Hunter, Commissioner Linus Glotzbach, Regional Director Mark Muth, State Administrator JUL 2'42 "To bring together the records of the past and to house them in buildings where they will be preserved for the use of men living in the future, a nation must believe in three things. It must believe in the past. It must believe in the future. It must, above all, believe in the capacity of its people so to learn from the past that they can gain in judgment for the creation of the future." Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1 FOREWORD This Digest will be a boon to all who are interested in Wisconsin history. The location and chronology of Catholic churches and services are capital items for accurate historical estimates. Church sites and dates usually are scattered in sources, published or oral, and are not easily available. The unique source for places and dates is The Catholic Almanac and Directory. This source is rare and not easily accessible, and presents difficulties when in use. Through patient research this source is now presented in a Digest for names, sites and dates. Besides other uses, the Digest will provide the basis from which studies may be projected, particularly those related to the problems of church distribution, population shifts and unc hurched areas. Upon this accomplishment we congratulate the directors and workers of the Wisconsin Historical Records Survey. St. Francis Seminary St. Francis, Wisconsin Feb. 16, 1942 Rev. Peter Leo Johnson, D. D. Frof. Church History ? ! PREFACE The Wisconsin Historical Records Survey, under the National direction of Sargent B. Child, is engaged in a nation-wide survey of the records of State and local governmental units. This work was initiated in January 1936 as a part of the Federal Writers Project of the Work Progress Ad- ministration (title changed to Work Projects Administration on July 1, 1939). In Wisconsin the project began operation in February 1936 and on July 1, the present supervisor was appointed. In August 1936 the Survey became an independent part of Federal Project No. 1. Since September 1939 the Survey in Wisconsin has been a State-wide project sponsored by the University of Wisconsin and the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. The objective of the Survey in Wisconsin has been the preparation of complete inventories of the records of the State offices, of county, city, and other local governmental units, of church records, of American imprints and newspapers, and of manuscript depositories and collections. The Directory of Catholic churches in Wisconsin is one of our publications in the series of inventories of Church Archives but, while the publication of the inventory of church records is a part of a nation-wide survey of the record of the various religious denominations, the publication of similar directories is not contemplated for every State. In Wisconsin the effective history of the Catholic Church is as old as the State and therefore it is extremely diffi- cult at times to follow the chronological order of the establishment of the various Roman Catholic Churches. To simplify this matter and to furnish a guide, we believe that it is very desirable that we prepare this directory to guide us in the publication of the inventories of the records of the church, We believe this publication will be helpful to scholars and writers of religious history because our workers have searched a large file of directories and almanacs for the information compiled in this directory. Our workers checked through 105 printed volumes of directories covering 109 years of church history in Wisconsin, 1833 to 1941. Two volumes, those for 1839 and 1841 not in the collection available to us at St. Francis Seminary. To simplify the use of the directory, we have prepared three indexes, one by name of church one by location of the church in the governmental unit, and one by the place name location of the church. were The information was compiled in the field by Mr. Peter Hoolihan with the assistance of various workers. The arranging, compiling, and rechecking of the information, and the preparation of the entries was completed by Cyrus Ingraham, Faul Reinke, John Lazniak, and Peter Hoolihan. We wish to thank the students at the St. Francis Seminary, who are residents of various parishes, for their assistance. We are especially indebted to the Rev. Peter Leo Johnson, Professor of Church History, St. Francis Seminary and also the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Marx, Vicar General of the Green Bay Diocese. They examined the work and gave us valuable assistance in the form of criticism and suggestion. Both the field work and the final editing of this directory was completed in the Milwaukee office of the Survey and it was prepared under the immediate direction of Mr. William E. Hanecy and under the general supervision of our Distriot Supervisor, Mr. Elmer Plischke. The Survey acknowledges with appre- ciation the assistance and support of the District Director of Community Service Programs and the Inspector of the Research and Records Programs of the Milwaukee District of the Work Projects Administration. Madison, Wisconsin J. E. BOELL, State Supervisor Wisconsin Historical Records Survey Foreward Preface TABLE OF CONTENTS Page iv Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes Maps Showing Diocesan Boundaries. Introduction Milwaukee Archdiocese Green Bay Diocese La Crosse Diocese Superior Diocese Chapels Milwaukee Archdiocese Green Bay Diocese La Crosse Diocese A vii ix 1 4 55 91 124 149 ་་་་་བ…… 157 160 Superior Diocese 162 Bibliography 165 Appendix, Establishment of Wisconsin Counties 167 Index by Name of Church Location 169 Index by Name of Church 181 Index of Church by County and Local Government Unit List of Wisconsin Historical Records Survey Publications. 185 211 ... vii ABBREVIATIONS, SYMBOLS, AND EXPLANATORY NOTES ave. cf. Father 0. Praem p(p). Rev. St. st. SS. sheet vol(s). WPA ? avenue confer (compare) ordained priest Canons Regular of Premontre (Norbertine Fathers) page (s) Reverend Saint (in name of church) street Saints (in name of church) in referring to Early C. C. Prop. the term "sheet" is used to designate the plate number volume (s) Work Frojects Administration location of church or mission undetermined to date and continuing church..... mission station city Co. town vil. Church, Mission, and Station An established institution which maintains a resident pastor, thus having reference to a parish or congregation rather than a building or edifice An established institution, having a parish or congregation, served periodically by a visiting priest and having no resident priest Preaching place where no parish or congregation exists and where the visits of the priest are irregular ་་་་་་ Location Municipality incorporated under laws of Wisconsin as a city of the first, second, third, or fourth class County, as today organized under laws of Wisconsin An unincorporated unit of local government organized under the laws of Wisconsin, but distinguished from the geographic unit known as a township Village, municipality incorporated under laws of Wisconsin as a village } viii Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes Cath. Alm. C. C. in Wis. Early C. C. Prop. Geschichte Stuffed Saddlebags References (See Bibliography for Complete Citations) Official Catholic Almanacs and Directories Henning, The Catholic Church in Wisconsin Johnson and La Vies, Early Catholic Church Property in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Wisconsin Haug, Geschichte der Katholischen Kirche in Wisconsin Johnson, Stuffed Saddlebags; The Life of Martin Kundig, Priest, 1805-1879. :.. ↓ : ix 6) N. ROIX 2. RIVER - ! BURNETT LAKE - SUPERIOR DOUGLAS SAYFIELD WASHBURNI SADYER ! APOSTLE ISLANDS MAP OF WISCONSIN MICH SAN 12 VILAS ASHLAND | RON ! PRICE ; ONEIDA I FLORENCE FOREST POLK : BARRON RUSK TAYLOR • LINCO ST. CROIX PIERCE PEPIN • CHIPPEWA LA CROSSE DIOCESE I DUNN PEPIN ¡ ERECTED SEFT & 1865 EAU CLAIRE 1 BUFFALO TREMPE, រ 'LEAU : MARITHON CLARK : WOOD JACKSON L MISSISSIP ļ RIVER IOWA LA- CROSSE VERNON MONROE اله JUNEAU 1 MARINETTE i. BAY LANGLADE - SHAWANO OCONTO GREEN GREEN BAY DIOCESE! LERECTED! MAR 51868 DOOR KEWAUNEE WAUPACA ' BROWN PORTAGE: OUT AGAMLE WINNE MANITOWOC WAUSHARA BAGO ÉCALU, ADAMS, MET } MAR- QUETTE! GREENE FOND DU LAC I LAKE SHE- BOYGAN MILWAUKEE SAUK COLUMBIA DODGE CRANFORD RICHLAND IWISCONSIN DIQEESE JEFFERSON WASH 'INGTON' NOV. 28, 1843 1 OZAU KEE IMIL WAUKESHA WAUKEE DANE IOWA GRANT WALWORTH RACINE LAFAYETTE GREEN ROCK ILLINOIS DIOCESE IN WISCONSIN 1868-1905 - "KENOSHA LAKE MICHIGAN if · 1 ! ; ! : : X A RIVER MINNES ST. CROIX BURNETT LAKE SUPERIOR APOSTLE ISLANDS DOUGLAS BAYFIELD MAP OF WISCONSIN MICH ICAN 'WASHBURNI SAWYER JASHLAND IRON VILAS SUPERIOR DIOCESE ERECTED MAY 10, 1905- POLK BARRON RUSK PRICE ONEIDA ¡FLORENCE ! FOREST ! MARRINETT! LINCOLN TAYLOR LANGLADE ST. CHIPPEWA CROIX DUNN PIERCE EAU CLAIRE } PEPIN CLARK 1 L.FEPI IN WOOD BUFFALO ITREMPEA ILEAU JACKSON LA CROSSE DIOCESE MISSISSIPP SERT A 1868 LA LA CROSSE ERECTED MONROE RIVER IOWA VERNON JUNEAU MARATHON SHAWANO OCONTO ER GREEN SA GREEN BAY DIOCESE WAUPACA OWN! OUTAGEMIE BROWN PORTAGE ERECTED MAR WAUSHARA ¡ WINNE- CALU 7868 /DOOR KEWAU NEE MET MANITOWOC ¡ BAGO ADAMS MAR- QUETTE GREEN, LAKE SAUK *RICHLAND! COLUMBIA "CRAWFORD IWISCONSIN IOWA DANE GRANT Í 1- SHEBOY- I FOND DU LAC 'GAN DODGE WASHING I KEB MILWAUKEE TON OZAL IDIOCESE ERECTED NOV 28 !JEFFERSON 1843 WAUKEE WAUKESHA, RACINE 1 WALWORTHI LAFAYETTE GREEN ROCK ! KENOSHA ILLINOIS DIOCESES IN WISCONSIN 1905--- LAKE MICHIGAN INTRODUCTION Prior to 1836 the present state of Wisconsin was a part of the Michigan Territory. In that year Michigan became a state and the balance of the territory became the Wisconsin Territory, which embraced within its boundaries all of the present state of Wisconsin together with parts of the present states of Minnesota and Iowa. In 1848 Wisconsin was accorded state- hood and its geographical boundaries were prescribed. There has been virtually no change in these boundaries since the establishment of statehood. The formation of the Roman Catholic dioceses in Wisconsin commenced in 1833, when the Detroit Diocese was circumscribed, including the present state of Wisconsin. Ten years later on November 28, 1843, that portion of the diocese known as the Wisconsin Territory was set aside and designated the Milwaukee Diocese, with the Cathedral at Milwaukee. Green Two additional dioceses were established in Wisconsin in 1868. Bay Diocese, oreated March 3, 1868, embraced the northwestern quarter of Wisconsin situated east of the Wisconsin River, from which the boundary courses eastward along the southern boundaries of Adams, Marquette, and Green Lake Counties, thence northward along the eastern boundary of Green Lake County, to the northeast corner of Green Lake County, then directly eastward to the Manitowoc River and down the river to Lake Michigan. The La Crosse Diocese was created September 6, 1868, and embraced that portion of Wisconsin which is situated to the north and west of the Wisconsin River. The balance of the state remained within the Milwaukee Diocese, which was elevated to the position of Archdiocese on February 12, 1875. On May 10, 1905, Superior Diocese was created and formed from parts of Green Bay and La Crosse Dioceses, each of which received a portion of the territory of the Milwaukee Diocese. Since by 1905 the county boundaries were prescribed more or less in their current form, the delineation of the four dioceses followed county lines rather than natural boundaries. Inasmuch as they are described at the head of each diocese in this directory, they are not repeated here. To enhance the consultant's appreciation and understanding of the various elements comprising an individual entry in this directory, the procedural steps utilized may be outlined in the following manner. A card was originally prepared for each church when the name of the church first appeared in the Catholic annual directory, and the card was then checked against each subsequent appearance of the name of the church in succeeding volumes of the directory. The location of the church by name of settlement, post office, and county also was noted on these cards. When a church failed to appear for a period of 5 years, it was assumed to have changed its location or to have become defunct and its respective card was so annotated. About ļ !! " 1 ... 2 Cont'd. Introduction 4,000 cards were thus prepared and approximately 200,000 checks were made, which work took an average of two men about 1 year. Before continuing with the method of procedure used in compiling the In the data, it may be well to note some of the difficulties encountered. early days county lines were shifting constantly, and due to such changes and also to the sparseness of the settlements, the locations of churches, missions, and stations could not be readily identified, except by names or numbers of townships or by the name of the nearest post office. Sometimes the settlement adopted the name of the local trader or the name of the church, and the names of both towns and churches changed, but it rarely happened that the name of the church and the name of the location both changed at the same time. As emigration increased and more settlements came into existence, there was a corresponding increase in the number of post offices within a smaller area and consequently the locale of a not readily identifiable church was more restricted. After county, town, and village lines were permanently established, especially in northern and northwestern Wisconsin, about the turn of the century, it was easier to identify churches and locations in succeeding directories. In undertaking this research, strict attention was not paid to boundary lines of counties, until about 1905, unless there was a large variance in the location of a church, because the large areas encom- passed by counties, especially in the early days, were not of much assistance in determining the location of churches. When all available annual church directories were consulted, the cards containing the name of the church, location (together with the name of the county), and dates were then turned over to an editorial staff, which sepa- rated the cards by counties, and then proceeded to align them in an alpha- betical arrangement if the location could be readily ascertained from the information contained on the cards. Reference was made to ma maps, especially the county maps of the Wisconsin Highway Commission and the historical maps printed in the Wisconsin Blue Books. Where necessary, the U. S. Postal Guide was consulted. It was sometimes difficult to trace the Continuity of a church where either its name or location was changed, especially during the early development of the church. Where the church name has remained unchanged while its location changed according to the listings in the annual directories but nevertheless remained within a small geographical area, it was assumed to be the same church, especially if the location did not cross town lines. Where there were gaps in the sequence of dates of churches located near a county boundary, according to our original survey, such apparent discrepancies were frequently explained by the fact that the location of the church was listed under an adjoining county. Occasionally an apparent inconsistency in change of name or location was explained by rechecking the sources to determine continuity in the service of a single resident pastor. Available Catholic Church histories were of considerable value in eliminating these and other difficulties in compiling this directory. As noted in the bibliography, they were published towards the end of the nineteenth century at a time when much of the early history of the church had already been recorded. These histories were particularly valuable in determining local !! 1 3 Cont'd. Introduction names of settlements which have long since gone out of existence or which have changed their names. While in some instances reasonable conjecture would suggest the connection of certain churches, they were listed separately under their given names and locations, but wherever reasonable, they were identified by cross reference, permitting the consultant to determine the situation for himself. Sources of information other than the annual directories have been cited wherever they were consulted. In this work, it was necessary to consider the church not as a building or a parish, but rather as a congregation. If the congregation as a unit continued in existence, separate entries were not prepared in the event that church buildings were rebuilt or removed to new locations. It might also be noted that many contemporary churches were formerly missions or preaching stations, whose names frequently differed. These changes of name are indicated in the entries. Basically, therefore, this directory constitutes a digest of that portion of the Catholic annual directories which is concerned with the establishment and existence of Catholic churches in the state of Wisconsin, supplemented with pertinent information gleaned from available Catholic church histories, to present in a very concise form the major data concerning the establishment of each individual Roman Catholic church in Wisconsin, together with its location, change of name, and services in organizing auxiliary missions and preaching stations. 4 MILWAUKEE ARCHDIOCESE (Established November 28, 1843) Comprises the counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Green, Green Lake, Jefferson, Kenosha, Marquette, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Rock, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington, and Waukesha. ADAMS, town. (Green Co.) St. Francis Xavier. 1870-- Note: Attended as mission from Argyle, Lafayette Co., La Crosse Diocese, by Rev. Joseph Willitzer. This congregation was organized by Father Sullivan in 1862 and formerly attended from Monroe, Green Co. Cf. Harry H. Henning, The Catholic Church in Wisconsin (1895-98), p. 478, hereinafter referred to as C. C. in Wis. ADDISON, settl. (Addison town, Washington Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. 1851--. ADELL, vil. Note: SS. Peter and Paul, a mission, was organized and the first church built in 1848. Rev. Mich. Heiss was the first resident pastor. First schoolhouse built in 1845. A new church was built by Rev. Renker in 1865. The missions, St. Anthony and St. Bridget, were attended from SS. Peter and Paul church. St. Anthony mission near Allentown, Washington Co., is also attended from Addison mission Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 361; Johann Haug, Geschichte der Katholischen Kirche in Wisconsin (1899), p. 305, hereinafter referred to as Geschichte. (Sheboygan Co.) St. Patrick. 1853--. 1853-55, Town 13. 1856-80, Abbottown. 1881-88, Sherman town. 1889--, Adell, vil. Note: Organized in 1854 and attended as a mission from St. Mary, Random Lake. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 516, 517; Geschichte, pp. 449, 450. ALBANY, vil. (Green Co.) St. Patrick. 1864--. 1864-95, St. Francis de Sales, Albany. 1896--, St. Patrick, Albany. Note: Organized and first church erected in 1863 by Rev. Richard Sullivan. Was attended by St. Rose, Broadhead, Green Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 374; Geschichte, p. 318. 5 Milwaukee Archdiocese ALLENTON, settl. (Addison Sacred Heart. 1918--. town, Washington Co.) Note: Attended as a mission of St. Matthias, Nabob, Washington Co. ALLENTON, settl. St. Anthony. (Addison tow, Washington Co.) 1856--. Note: Organized and church built in 1865. New church built in 1873. Still attended as mission from SS. Peter and Paul, Addison, Washington Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 361; Geschichte, p. 305. ARMSTRONG, settl. (Osceola town, Fond du Lac Co.) Our Lady of Angels. 1857--. Note: ASHFORD, town. 1857-61, St. Mary (Immac. Concep.), Osceola. 1861-94, St. Matthew, Osceola. 1895-1905, Our Lady of Angels, Osceola. 1906--, Our Lady of Angels, Armstrong. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 497. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Martin. 1856--. Note: Organized by Rev. Michael Beitter in 1847. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 363; Geschichte, p. 307. ASHTON, settl. (Springfield town, Dane Co.) St. Peter. 1864--. Note: 1883. 1864-33, Springfield. 1884--, Ashton. Organized and first church built in 1861. Incorporated in Rev. Michael Deisenrieder was the first resident pastor. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 364; Geschichte, p. 308. AUBURN, town. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Matthias. 1864--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 459, 489. BARTON, vil. (Washington Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1854--. 1854-59, Holy Immaculate Conception, West Bend. 1860--, Immaculate Conception, Barton. Note: Organized Sept. 12, 1857; was a station prior to that date. Rev. Kaspar Rehrl was the first resident pastor. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 364; Geschichte, p. 309. BEAVER DAM, city. (Dodge Co.) St. Mary. (De Auxilio) 1856-59, 1861-1904. Note: Not listed in 1860. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 368; Geschichte, p. 312. Defunct in 1903. Rev. Peter Leo Johnson and John G. La Vies, Early Catholic Church Property in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (1941), sheet 26, hereinafter referred to as Early C. C. Prop.; and Rev. Peter Leo Johnson, Stuffed Saddlebags: The Life of Martin Kundig, Priest, 1805-1879 (1942) p. 220, herein- after referred to as Stuffed Saddlebags. t } ་ ! .. 6 Milwaukee Archdiocese BEAVER DAM, city. St. Michael. (Dodge Co.) (Polish) 1877--. Note: Organized by members of St. Mary in 1875. the first resident pastor. Incorporated in 1885. p. 366; Geschichte, p. 310. BEAVER DAM, city. (Dodge Co.) St. Patrick. 1864-- Rev. Gorski was Cf. C. C. in Wis., Note: Organized in 1860 by Father J. Deberge, first resident priest. Incorporated in 1883. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 366; Geschichte p. 310. BEAVER DAM, city. St. Peter. Note: 1853. (Dodge Co.) 1860--. Organized and first church built by Rev. Martin Kundig in In 1862 second church built and parochial school organized. In 1865 schoolhouse built. In 1883 parish incorporated. Attends as mission St. Mary. Cr. C. C. in Wis., pp. 308, 1158; Geschichte, pp. 311, 312. BELGIUM, vil. St. Mary. Note: (Ozaukee Co.) (Ad Angelos) 1851--. The Organized in 1849 by the Revs. Laufhuber and Gernbauer. first church destroyed in 1834. New church built same year. Prior to 1854 St. Mary was in Washington Co. Of. C. C. in Wis., p. 368; Geschichte, p. 313. BELLEVILLE, vil. (Dane Co.) St. Mary of Lourdes. 1909--. Note: Attends as mission St. James, Dayton, Green Co. BELOIT, city. (Rock Co.) St. Jude. BELOIT, city. 1910--. (Rock Co.) 1914-- St. Paul. BELOIT, city. (Rock Co.) St. Thomas. 1854--. Note: First services held in 1846 by Father McKernan. In 1853 Father McFaul took charge. First church built by Father Morris in 1854. This stone church was destroyed by fire Dec. 23, 1884. New church was built in 1885. In 1883 parish was incorporated. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 371; Geschichte, p. 314; Stuffed Saddlebags, pp. 207, 208. 1 : " - ! 7 Milwaukee Archdiocese BERLIN, city. (Green Lake Co.) St. Joseph. 1855--. Note: First services were held in the Badger Hall by Rev. Colton in 1851. In 1852 a small frame church was built. In 1857 Rev. Gray became first resident pastor. New brick church built by Rev. Gray in 1857. St. Stanislaus, a branch of St. Joseph, was organized in 1873. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 604; Geschichte, p. 531; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 1. BERLIN, city. (Green Lake Co.) St. Michael. 1887--. Note: Founded 1885 and attended by St. Stanislaus until Feb. 1894, when the first resident pastor, Rev. J. Mozcjewski, was appointed. Succeeded by Father J. Gratza, Sept. 30th same year. Organized Sept. 1895. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 605; Geschichte, p. 532. BERLIN, city. (Green Lake Co.) St. Stanislaus. (Polish) 1874--. Note: Branch of St. Joseph, Berlin, Wis., organized in 1873, with Rev. Beuzyski as first pastor. St. Stanislaus attended St. Michael until 1894. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 606; Geschichte, p. 533. BERRY, town. (Dane Co.) Chapel of the Oaks. Note: Not listed in Cath. Alm. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 47, states John Andrie built built chapel on his land in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary in thanksgiving for the recovery of his invalid son. In 1916, Archbishop Sebastian Messmer blessed the chapel, naming it Chapel of the Oaks. DEULAH ISLAND, St. Joseph. ? (East Troytown, Walworth Co.) 1886-96. 1886-88, College Ville, Beulah Island. 1889-96, Beulah Island. BIG BEND, vil. (Waukesha Co.) St. Joseph. BIG FOOT PRAIRIE, 1924--. ? (Walworth Co.) No Name. 1851. BRANDON, vil. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Brendan. 1922--. Note: Attended as missions from St. Joseph, Markesan, Green Lake Co.. and from St. Mary, Springdale, Fond du Lac Co. ! 8 Milwaukee Archdiocese BRIGGSVILLE, settl. (Douglas town, Marquette Co.) St. Mary Help of Christians. 1877--. 1877-89, St. Mary, Briggsville. 1890--, St. Mary Help of Christians, Briggsville. Note: Organized 1851. First church erected in 1857 by Rev. Doyle. Incorporated in 1887. For early history C. C. in Wis., p. 606; Geschichte, pp. 533, 1062. BRIGGSVILLE, settl. (Douglas town, Marquette Co.) St. Pius. 1860-68. BRIGHTON, settl. (Brigton town, Kenosha Co.) St. Francis Xavier. 1851--. 1851-84, St. Patrick, Brighton. 1885--, St. Francis Xavier, Erighton. Note: Organized in 1845 and attended by Revs. Morrissey, Martin Kundig, and Moran. From 1848 to 1850 Rev. F. X. Etschmann, first resident pastor, took charge and built first church. In 1883 church was destroyed by cyclone and a new church was erected the same year. Dedicated as St. Francis Xavier in 1884. Fpr early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 373; Geschichte, p. 317. BRISTOL, settl. St. Mary. (Bristol town, Kenosha Co.) 1902-23. BRISTOL, settl. (Bristol town, Kenosha Co.) St. Michael. 1867-1904. Closed. Note: Attended from Brighton. Cf. Stuffed Saddlebags, pp. 221-223; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 82. BRODHEAD, city. St. Rose. (Green Co.) 1869--. Note: Was attended from Janesville and Monroe prior to organization. In 1863 first church erected. In 1868 Rev. James Kinsella became the first resident pastor. In that year an old schoolhouse was purchased and reconstructed for church services. Attends as missions: Patrick, Albany, Green Co; St. Augustine, Footville, Rock Co. C. C. in Wis., p. 374; Geschichte, p. 318. BROOKFIELD, settl. (Brookfield town, Waukesha Co.) St. Dominic. 1847--. St. Cf. 1847-57, St. Dominic, Menomonee. 1858--, St. Dominic, Brookfield. Attended from Milwaukee. Note: Attended as mission from St. Agnes, Butler, Waukesha Co. Cf. Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 214; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 62. BUFFALO, town. St. Andrew. Note: (Marquette Co.) 1864--. Attended as mission from St. Mary, Pardeeville, Columbia Co. ་ 1 ! ! 1 ! 9 Milwaukee Archdioce se BURLINGTON, city. (Racine Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1864- Note: Succeeded St. Sebastian in 1859. Attended as mission St. Theresa, Powers Lake, Kenosha Co. BURLINGTON, city. (Racine Co.) St. Charles. 1910--. BURLINGTON, city. (Racine Co.) St. Sebastian. 1845-61. Note: First services conducted by Rev. Thomas Morrissey in 1838. Organized in 1841. First church erected in 1844, completed in 1847, dedicated Nov. 9, 1847. Rev. Michael Wiesbauer was the first resident pastor. Larger church was built in 1854. Corner stone was laid Sept. 9, 1855. Dedicated Dec. 8, 1859, as Immaculate Conception, successor to St. Sebastian. The old church building was reconstructed for school use. In 1890 a still larger church was built and dedicated Dec. 10th of the same year, as Immaculate Conception. In 1894 St. Mary was changed into a modern schoolhouse. Services were discontinued in 1859. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 375; Geschichte, p. 319; Stuffed Saddle- bags, p. 206; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 77. BUTLER, vil. (Waukesha Co.) St. Agnes. 1915--. Note: BYRON, settl. Attends as mission St. Dominic, Brookfield, Waukesha Co. (Byron town, Fond du Lac Co.) St. John. 1857--. Note: Attends as mission St. James, Oakfield, Fond du Lac Co. First services conducted in 1846. First church erected in 1847. First resident pastor was Rev. George Matthews. Present church erected in 1864. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 376; Geschichte, p. 321. CALEDONIA, settl. Holy Family. (Caledonia town, Racine Co.) 1857--. Note: Mission organized in 1857, in Lower Caledonia, Racine Co. Attended as mission by Father Fabian, Racine, Racine Co. For early history cf. Geschichte, p. 1058; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 73. CALEDONIA, settl. (Caledonia town, Racine Co.) St. Louis. Note: 1851--. Organized in 1850 by Rev. M. Kundig. For 14 years attended as mission from Racine, Racine Co., Franklin, Oak Creek, and New Coeln, Milwaukee Co. First church built in 1857. Became self-sustaining in 1864. Incorporated in 1883. A school building was erected in 1866. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 377; Geschichte, p. 322; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 72. 10 Milwaukee Archdiocese CALEDONIA,. town. (Columbia Co.) St. Mary of the Pines Note: Date of establishment not known; still existed in 1899. Formerly attended as mission from Baraboo, Sauk Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 783; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 72. CAMBRIA, vil. (Columbia Co.) St. Mary Visitation. 1868-1917. Note: Attended as mission from Immaculate Conception, Kingston, Green Lake Co. CAMPBELLSPORT, vil. vil. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Matthew. 1867--, 1867-1905, St. Matthew, New Cassol. 1906--, St. Matthew, Campbellsport. Note: Campbellsport was formerly known as New Cassel. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 489. CASCADE, vil. St. Mary Note: (Sheboygan Co.) p. 323. 1858--. Organized in 1859. New church built in 1893. Cf. Geschichte, CEDARBURG, city. (Ozaukee Co.) St. Francis Borgia. 1846--. Prior to 1851, St. Francis, Newland, Ozaukee Co. Note: Not listed 1857-58. First church erected in 1846, 2 miles south of Cedarburg Second church built in 1352; present church built in 1870. Cf. C. C. in Wis. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 380; Geschichte, p. 325; Stuffed Saddlebags, pp. 216, 217; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 39. CENTERVILLE, ? (Sheboygan Co.) St. Francis. 1864. CLYMAN, vil. vil. (Dodge Co.) Holy Assumption. 1864-1908. Note: Church built by Rev. Joseph Smith in 1861. Prior to erection of church attended by Rev. McGowan, Watertown, Jefferson Co. First resident pastor was Rev. M. J. Ward, appointed in 1872. Incorporated in 1883. Defunct in 1906. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 383; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 33. CLYMAN, vil. (Dodge Co.) St. Isidore 1853-1900. Noto: Organized in 1850. Attended as mission from Holy Assumption, Clyman. Defunct in 1900. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 383; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 32. ! 1 : !! 11 Milwaukee Archdioce se CLYMAN, vil. (Dodge Co.) St. John. 1903--. Note: Attends as mission St. Malachy, Horicon, Dodge Co. COLUMBUS, city. (Columbia Co.) St. Jerome. 1850-- 1850-56, St. Jude, Columbus. 1857--, st. Jerome, Columbus. Note: Organized by Rev. Martin Kundig in 1856. First church built in 1857. Prior to 1856 Catholics of Columbus and vicinity attended St. Columbkill, Elba, Dodge Co., where a church had been built in 1850 and attended by Rev. Roche, Fox Lake or Portage. First resident pastor at Elba was Rev. Martin Kundig. In 1893, Elba became a mission of Columbus and was attended from here. Second church built in 1864. Incorporated in 1883. Cf. Geschichte, p. 327; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 219. COTTAGE GROVE, vil. (Dane Co.) St. Patrick. 1857-- Note: Organized in 1850. First attended as mission from Madison and Westport, Dane Co., later from Sun Prairie, Dane Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 546, 547. COURTLAND, town. (Columbia Co.) St. Mary. 1868-87. Note: CRAWFISH RIVER, Attended from Fox Lake, Dodge Co. ? (Millford town, Jefferson Co.) St. Malachy. 1858-91. T858, St. Raphael, Millford. 1859-79, st. Malachy, Millford. 1880-91, St. Malachy, Crawfish River. Note: St. Malachy established in 1856, services discontinued in 1885. Church is defunct. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 56. CROSS PLAINS, vil. (Dane Co.) St. Francis Xavier. 1859-- Note: Organized and church building erected in 1854. Rev. Lorenz Conrad was first resident pastor, 1854. In 1857 church was enlarged. In 1859 schoolhouse was erected. In 1873 new church was built. Incorporated in 1883. Prior to 1854 Catholics of this locality attended services at Roxburg, Dane Co., about 13 miles from Cross Plains and Berry, Dane Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 385; Geschichte, p. 328. CUDAHY, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Holy Family. 1903--. ¡ ་ : 1 12 Milwaukee Archdioce se CUDARY, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Frederick. 1896--. Note: Incorporated in 1896. CUDARY, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Joseph. (Slovak) (Slovak) 1910--. Note: Attends services at St. Ann Chapel, Cudahy Home, Cudahy. DACADA, settl. (Fredonia town, Ozaukee Co.) St. Nicholas, 1850--. 1850-78, St. Nicholas, Fredonia. 1879--, St. Micholas, Dacada. Note: Organized in 1848. First resident pastor, Rev. George Laufhuber. Church built in 1849. Schoolhouse built in 1886. New church built in 1869. Cf. Geschichte, p. 330. DANE, vil. (Dane Co.) St. Michael. 1877-- Note: Organized in 1863. Attended as mission from Westport. First resident pastor, Rev. F. X. Etschmann. Church built in 1875. Incorporated in 1885. Since 1836 attend as mission St. Patrick, Lodi, Columbia Co. uf. C. C. in Wis., p. 388; Geschichte, p. 331. DAYTON, settl. (Exeter town, Green Co.) St. James. 1870--. Note: Organized in 1870 by nev. James O'Farrell, first resident pastor. Addition to church built in 1872 by Father Colvin. Cf. ☺. C. in Wis., pp. 391,1158; Geschichte, p. 333. DEERFIELD, vil. (Dane Co.) St. Anne. 1864-95. Note: Built in 1855; services discontinued in 1878. C. v. Prop., sheet 49. Uf. Early DE FOREST, vil. (Dane Co.) Station. 1889-1915. Note: Attended from Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Sun Prairie, Dane Co. Services discontinued in 1915. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 45. DEKORNA, settl. St. Kieran. (Dekorra town, columbia co.) 1860-87. Note: Discontinued. DELAFIELD, town. uf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 13. (Waukesha Co.) Station (no name). 1856-89. Note: Delafield listed as Deleville in 1875. Defunct. Saddlebags, p. 215; Early u. C. Prop., sheet 60. Uf. Stuffed : 1 : ! 13 Milwaukee Archdiocese DELEVAN, city. (Walworth Co.) St. Andrew. 1850--. Note: No name stated prior to 1858. First resident pastor, Rev. George Brennan. Incorporated 1883. New church built in 1892. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 392; Geschichte, p. 333; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 80. (Forest town, Fond du Lac Co.) DOTYVILLE, settl. St. Michael. 1857- 1857-65, St. Virgil, Forestown. 1866-75, St. John the Baptist, Forest Town. 1876-91, St. Michael, Forest Town. 1892--, st. Michael, Dotyville. Note: In 1847 and 1848 Revs. Casper and George Rehrl visited Dotyville bimonthly. Mass read in small loghouse. First church built by Rev. Bonaventura, first resident pastor. In 1885 new church was built. Present church erected in 1894. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 394; Geschichte, p. 336. DOUSMAN, vil. (Waukesha Co.) St. Bruno. 1851--, 1851-95, St. Bruno, Ottowa. 1896--, st. Bruno, Dousman. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 545. DOYLESTOWN, vil. (Columbia Co.) St. Patrick. 1867-- 1867-74, St. Patrick, Otsego. 1875-82, St. Gabriel, Doylestown. 1883--, St. Patrick, Doylestown. Note: Doylestown is in Otsego town. Rev. H. Murphy, first resident pastor, 1877. Attended St. Joseph, Rio, Columbia Co., and St. Augustine, Wyocena, Columbia Co. cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 395; Geschichte, p. 337; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 223; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 12. DUNDEE, settl. (Osceola town (Osceola town, Fond du Lac Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1876-1923. Note: Defunct. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 498; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 22. DUPLAINVILLE, settl. (Pewaukee town, Waukesha Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. 1860--. 1860-95, Pewaukee. 1896--, Duplainville. Note: Attended as mission from Pewaukee, Waukesha Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 503. 14 Milwaukee Archdiocese EAGLE, vil. (Waukesha Co.) St. Theresa. 1857-- Note: Founded and first church erected in 1852. Prior to this, services were conducted in private homes by Rev. Kundig, resident pastor of Prairieville, known as Waukesha. First resident pastor, Rev. Charles Schilling. Incorporated in 1883. Second church and school built in 1896. Attends as mission St. Mary, Palmyra, Jefferson Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 397; Geschichte, p. 337. EAST BRISTOL, settl. (Bristol town, Dane Co.) St. Joseph. 1856--. 1856-83, Sun Prairie. 1834--, East Bristol. in 1847. First resident New church dedicated Note: Founded and first church built pastor was John Baptist Hasselbauer. Nov. 24, 1868. Incorporated in 1883. Geschichte, p. 339; Stuffed Saddlebags, pp. 221-223; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 46. EAST TROY, vil. (Walworth Co.) St. Peter. 1855-- 1855-76, St. Thaddeus. 1877--, St. Peter. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 397; Note: Organized in 1848 and attended as mission from Waterford, Racine Co. New church built in 1870. Attended as mission St. James, Mulwanago, Waukesha Co. Organized in 1896. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 399. EDEN. town. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. James. 1857--. Note: 1857-67, Holy Ascension. 1868-, St. James. Organized in 1847 in South Eden. Prior to 1867 listed as Holy Ascension. Attended as mission from St. Mary, Eden village, Fond du Lac Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 400; Geschichte, p. 343; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 21. EDEN, vil. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Mary. 1896--. Note: Attends as mission St. James, Town of Eden, Fond du Lac Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 400; Geschichte, p. 343. EDGERTON, city. (Rock Co.) St. Joseph. 1864--. Note: Prior to 1870 Edgerton was attended as mission from St. Michael, Porterstown, Rock Co. Later Edgerton became the parish, and St. Michael, Porterstown, Rock Co., the mission. Organized in 1852. First resident pastor of St. Joseph, was Rev. Butler, appointed in 1870. Incorporated in 1833. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 401; Geschichte, p. 344. 15 Milwaukee Archdiocese EDGEWOOD, settl. (Dane Co.) St. Regina. 1883-91. ELEA, settl. (Elba town, Dodge Co.) St. Columblill. 1856--. Note: Uf. Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 219. ELDORADO, settl. (Eldorado town, Fond du Lac Co.) St. Mary. 1869--. Note: Attended as mission from St. John the Eaptist, Woodhull, Fond du Lac Co. For early history cf. . C. in Wis., p. 520. ELKHART LAKE, vil. (Sheboygan Co.) St. George. 1897--. Note: Attends as mission St. Fridoline, Glenbeulah, Sheboygan Co. Organized by Lev. G. Weiss in Aug. 1896. ELKHORN, city. (Walworth Co.) St. Patrick, 1865--. 1865-82, t Lawrence. 1883--, St. Patrick Note: First service conducted in Elkhorn in 1848 at the home of Michael Fahey by Rev. J. Prendergast. Incorporated in 1880. Of. U. C. in Wis., pp. 402, 403; Larly C. C. Prop., sheet 76. EIM GROVE, Settl. (Waukesha Co.) Visitation of the Elessed Virgin. 1864--. St. Mary Convent New Church Note: Organized in 1844. Reorganized by Rev. Joseph Salzmann, and church built in 1850. Dedicated as St. Ambrosius. Elm Grove, was founded in 1859 by Mother Caroline. erected in 1868. First resident pastor was Father Kilian Flasch. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 403,404. EVANSVILLE, city. (Rock Co.) St. Paul. Paul. 1907--, ERIN, town. (Washington vo.) St. Patrick. 1850--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Mary of the Hill, Holy Hill, Washington Co. For early history of. . . in Wis., p. 424. FARMINGTON, town. (Washington Co.) St. John of God. 1864--. تا Note: Attended as mission from St. Michael, St. Michaels, Washington Co. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 528. FARMINGTON, town. (Washington Co.) St. Peter. 1857-1907. Note: Defunct. Fpr early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 487; Early . C. Prop., sheet 24. u. ; 1 · 1 1 16 Milwaukee Archdiocese (Fond du Lac Co.) FOND DU LAC, city. St. Joseph. 1871--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 407. FOND DU LAC, city. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Louis. 1851--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 409. FOND DU LAC, city. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Mary Note: 1867--. FOND DU LAC, city. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 411. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Patrick. 1864--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 411. FONTANA, vil. (Walworth Co.) St. Benedict. 1914--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Catherine, Sharon, Walworth Co. FOOTVILLE, vil. (Rock Co. ) St. Augustine. 1867--. Note: Organized as mission by and church built under direction of Rov. M. Wrynn in 1875. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 374; Geschichte, p. 318. FORT ATKINSON, city. (Jefferson Co.) St. Joseph. 1887--. Note: Established Aug. 11, 1884. Catholics of Fort Atkinson and vicinity purchased building for church purposes from the Univer- salist congregation of that city. St. Joseph at that time was in charge of Fathers of The Holy Cross, Watertown. 1895. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 412. FOX LAKE, city. (Dodge Co.) Immaculate Conception. (St. Mary) 1850--. 1850, Station, Fox Lake. 1851-52, Immaculate Conception, Washburn. 1853-61, Immaculate Conception, Waushara. 1862--, Immaculate Conception, Fox Lake. Incorporated in Note: Organized in 1845. First church built in 1850. New church was erected in 1892. First resident pastor, Rev. James Roche, 1850. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 413, 414. FRANKLIN, ? (Iowa Co.) Sacred Heart of Josus and Mary. 1860-78. FREDONIA, vil. (Ozaukee Co.) St. Rose of Lima. 1860--. 1860-1902, Mater Dolorosa. 1910--, St. Rose of Lima. Note: Attends as mission Mother of Sorrow, Kohler, Ozaukee Co. For early history of Mater Dolorosa cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 416. : A 1 17 Milwaukee Archdioce se FUSSVILLE, settl. St. Anthony (Menomonee town, Waukesha Co.) 1848--. Note: Organized and first church built under direction of Rev. Maria Anton Meyer in 1846. Congregation of St. Martin, Engelsburg, known as West Granville, Milwaukee Co. was established by Rev. Meyer, 1846. In 1851 St. Martin, Granville, was attended as mission from St. Anthony. New church at Fussville was built in 1864. Parochial school conducted since 1857. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 417, 418. GENESEE, settl. (Genesee town, Waukesha Co.) St. Paul. 1864--. Note: Attended from St. James, Mulwanago, Waukesha Co. GLENBEULAH, vil. (Sheboygan Co.) St. Fridolin. 1866-- Note: Established about 1865 by Rev. Haider, resident pastor, Sheboygan. St. Fridolin had resident pastor for short period. Formerly attended from St. John, Plymouth, Sheboygan Co. Now attended from St. George, Elkhart Lake, Sheboygan Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 506. GOLDENTHAL, settl. (Germantown town, Washington Co.) St. Boniface. 1846--. 1846, St. Boniface, Town Ten. 1847-99, St. Boniface, Germantown. 1900-19, St. Boniface, Richfield. 1920--, St. Boniface, Goldenthal. Note: Organized in 1845. Second church built in 1849. Incorporated in 1886. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 419, 420; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 42. GRAFTON, vil. (Ozaukee Co.) St. Francis Xavier. 1851-1929. Note: Attended as mission by pastor of St. Joseph and other pastors, Rev. M. Heiss being the first of these, Oct. 14, 1844. Rev. Cf. C. C. P. Fabian was first resident pastor, 1850. First church was built in 1848; the second, 1868. Services discontinued in 1928. in Wis., p. 421; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 40. GRAFTON, vil. (Ozaukee Co.) St. Joseph. 1852--. Note: Organized Nov. 7, 1849. Prior to 1860 was attended at different intervals by resident pastor of neighboring parishes. Rev. William Storr was first resident pastor, 1860. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 420. • 18 Milwaukee Archdiocese GRANVILLE CENTER, settl. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Catherine. 1860--. Note: Established and church built in 1855. Attended by Rev. Martin Weiss, Fussville, Waukesha Co. Rev. C. Schilling, first resident pastor. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 421. GRANVILLE, settl. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Martin. 1849-1921. 1849-98, St. Martin, Granville. 1899-1921, St. Martin, Summerville. Note: Organized July 12, 1846, by Rev. M. Antonius Meyer who also organized the congregation in Fussville, Waukesha Co. First resident pastor, Rev. A. Urbanek, 1849; second, Rev. P. J. Fander, 1850-51. School was conducted from 1847-49. Attended as a mission from Fussville, Waukesha Co. Services discontinued in 1922. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 417, 418; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 59. GRANVILLE, settl. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Michael. 1845-1904. Note: Attended as mission from St. Catherine, Granville Center, Milwaukee Co. Discontinued in 1904. Cf. Stuffed Saddlebags, pp. 217, 218; Early C. C. Prop., sheets 57, 58. GREENDALE, vil. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Alphonsus. 1939--. GREENFIELD, town. (Milwaukee Co.) Holy Sacrament. 1859-1925. Note: Services discontinued in 1914. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 68. GREENFIELD, town. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Barnabas. 1851-58. Note: Services discontinued in 1858. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 69. GREENFIELD, town. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Mary. 1848-- Note: Founded in 1842. Organized and first church built by the Rev. Father Kelley. Attends as mission Holy Assumption, St. Martin, Milwaukee Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 414; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 211; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 70. GREEN LAKE, vil. (Green Lake Co.) No Name. 1846. GREEN LAKE, vil. vil. (Green Lake Co.) St. Mary. (Our Lady of the Lake) 1902--. ! ! ¦ ! : i 19 Milwaukee Archdiocese HARTFORD, city. (Washington Co.) St. Kilien. 1865--. Note: Organized in 1863. First resident pastor, Rev. P. Schwaiger. New church built in 1876. Incorporated in 1883. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 423; Geschichte, p. 363. HARTLAND, vil. (Waukesha Co.) St. Charles. 1907--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Clare, North Lake, Waukesha Co. HOLY CROSS, settl. (Ozaukee Co.) Holy Cross. 1847--. Note: Organized Sept. 14, 1845. First visiting pastor, Rev. Michael Heiss. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 427. HOLY HILL, (shrine) (Erin town, Washington Co.) St. Mary of the Hill. 1897- Note: Attended as mission from St. Patrick, Erin, Washington Co. For complete history to 1898 cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 967-977. HONEY CREEK, settl. (Spring Prairie town, Walworth Co.) St. Luke. 1872-75. HORICON, city. (Dodge Co.) St. Malachy. 1857--. Note: Frame church built 1856. New church built 1915. Attended as mission from St. John, Clyman, Dodge Co. Cf. Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 223; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 27. HUBERTUS, settl. (Richfield town, Washington Co.) St. Hubertus. 1847- 1847-51, Germantown. 1852-1910, Richfield. 1911--, Hubertus. Organized in 1846. Note: Prior to that time Catholics in this vicinity were attended as mission from St. Boniface, Germantown, Washington Co. In 1854 St. Hubertus obtained first resident pastor, Rev. M. Pfeiffer, who also attended St. Augustine as mission, which was organized in 1846. Second church built 1875-80. Attends mis- sion Holy Maternity of the B. V. M., Richfield, Washington Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 517; Geschichte, p. 451. JACKSON, vil. (Washington Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1852-1923. Note: 1852-56, St. Bridget, Trenton. 1857-61, St. Bridget, Jackson. 1864-1923, Immaculate Conception, Jackson. For brief early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 386, under St. Francis Borgia, Cedarburg, Ozaukee Co.; Early C. C. Prop., sheets 37, 38. 20 Milwaukee Archdiocese JACKSON, town. (Washington Co.) St. Augustine. 1855-84. Note: Cf. St. Francis Borgia, Cedarburg, Ozaukee Co., also St. Augustine, Trenton (Newburg), Waukesha Co. JANESVILLE, city. (Rock Co.) St. Mary of Nativity. 1877--. Established in 1878. First resident pastor, Rev. Muench, appointed Sept. 4, 1876. Incorporated in 1883. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 428. JANESVILLE, city. (Rock Co.) St. Patrick. 1851--. 1851-65, St. Cuthbert, Janesville. 1866--, St. Patrick, Janesville. Note: Organized in 1850. In October of that year Rev. Patrick Kernan was appointed first resident pastor. Rev. J. M. Doyle took charge in 1864. Incorporated in 1883. Formerly attended from Lake Geneva, Walworth Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 430. JEFFERSON, city. (Jefferson Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1864--. Note: Prior to 1859 founders of St. John the Baptist attended St. Lawrence. In that year they organized a congregation, buying the Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. Wendelin Bernard, first pastor. In 1866 present church was begun and dedicated in 1868. Incorporated in 1883. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 431; Early C. c. Prop., sheet 67. JEFFERSON, city. (Jefferson Co.) St. Lawrence. 1860--. 4 Note: Organized in 1850. Rev. Michael Haider appointed resident pastor in 1850. Watertown, Clymanstown, Rome, and Ottawa attended as mission by Rev. Haider. In 1859 members of the congregation separated from St. Lawrence, organized St. John the Baptist and served St. Lawrence as mission. In 1862 a new church was built, with Rev. Michael Beitter as pastor. New schoolhouse erected in 1869. Parish incorporated in 1883. New rectory built in 1894. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 433, 434; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 224. ! JOHNSBURG, settl. (Taycheedah town, Fond du Lac Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1856--. Note: 1856-85, St. John the Baptist, Taycheedah. 1886--, St. John the Baptist, Johnsburg. For history ci For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 434; Early C. C. Prop. sheet 15. JOHNSON CREEK, vil. (Jefferson Co.) St. Mary Magdalene. 1907--. 21 Milwaukee Archdiocese JUNEAU, city. (Dodge Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1876-- Note: Established in 1873 by Rev. Ward. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 384. KANSASVILLE, settl. (Racinę Co.) St. Mary. 1868--. Note: KENOSHA, city. 1868-91, St. Mary, Dover. 1892. St. Mary, Kansasville. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 549, 550. (Kenosha Co.) Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. 1934--. Note: Attended as mission from Our Lady of the Rosary, Kero sha. KENOSHA, city. (Kenosha Co.) Our Lady of the Rosary. (Italian) 1924-. Note: KENOSHA, city. St. Anthony. Attends as mission Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. (Kenosha Co.) (Slovak) (Slovak) 1913~~. KENOSHA, city. (Kenosha Co.) St. Casimir. (Polish) 1903. KENOSHA, city. (Kenosha Co.) St. George. (German) 1852--. Note: First church organization of German Catholics in Kenosha was perfected in 1848. On Jan. 1, 1849, a meeting was held in the basement of St. Mark (now St. Janos) when it was decided to erect a church. Church and schoolhouse crected same year. On Jan. 12, 1875, church and school building destroyed by fire. Temporary church and school erected. During the period 1883-87 a new church and school was built. Incorporated in 1083. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 438. KENOSHA, city. (Kenosha Co.) St. James. 1840--. 1840-89, St. Mark, Kenosha. 1891--, St. James, Kenosha. Note: Established in 1837. First church built in 1845. Incor- porated in 1983. School building erected in 1892. Present church was built in 1833. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 440; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 204. KENOSHA, city. (Kenosha Co.) St. Mark. 1930--. 1 ; 22 Milwaukee Archdiocoso KENOSHA, city. (Kenosha Co.) St. Mary. (Italian) 1905--. KENOSHA, city. St. Peter. (Kenosha Co.) (Lithuanian) (Lithuanian) 1905--. KENOSHA, city, (Kenosha Co.) St. Thomas Aquinas. 1912--. KEWASKUM, vil. (Washington Co.) Holy Trinity. 1864--. Note: Organized in 1861. Washington Co., 1861-68. Attended as a mission from Barton, First resident pastor, Rev. John Mueller, 1868. Attonds as mission St. Bridget, Wayne torm, Washington Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 441; Geschichte, p. 381. KINGSTON, vil. (Green Lake Co.) St. Mary Immaculate Conception. 1877--. 1877-78, St. Henry, Kingston. 1879--, St. Mary Immaculate Conception, Kingston. Noto: Attended as mission from St. Joseph, Waupun, Fond du Lac Co. For early history cf. Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 225. KOHLER, Sottl. (Ozaukee Co.) Mother of Dolors (of Sorrows). 1903-~. Noto: Attends mission St. Rose of Lima, Fredonia, Ozaukee Co. KOHLER, vil. (Sheboygan Co.) St. John. 1930-- LAKE FIVE, settl. (Erin town, Washington Co.) St. Columba. No to: 1851--. Established in 1842 by Rov. Kundig. Attended as mission by resident pastor from St. John, Monchos,, Waukesha Co. Cath. Alm. lists St. Benedict, Lake Five, Washington Co., in 1845 only. Cf. C. C, in Wis., pp. 475, 476; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 216. LAKE GENEVA, city. (Walworth Co.) St. Francis de Sales. 1850--. No to: Organized in 1844. First resident pastor, Rev. Patrick McKernan in 1847. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 445, 1159. LAKE MILLS, city. St. Francis. (Jefferson Co.) 1907-. Note: Attended as mission from St. Henry, Watertown, Jefferson Co. T 1 23 Milwaukee Archdiocese LANNON, vil. (Waukesha Co.) St. James. 1850--. 1850-57, Springfield, Waukesha Co. 1857-90, Menominee, Waukesha Co. 1891-1912, Templeton, Waukesha Co. 1913--, Lannon, Waukesha Co. Note: Organized in 1842; first church built in 1848. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 547. LE ROY, settl. (Le Roy town, Dodge Co.) St. Andrew. 1854- 1854-57, St. Andrew, Lomira. 1868-75, St. Andrew, Loomara. 1876-1900, St. Andrew, Farmersville. 1901--, St. Andrew, Le Roy. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 405. LIMA, town. (Sheboygan Co.) St. Rosa. 1864--. Note: Attended as mission from St. George, St. George, Sheboygan Co. LODI, vil. (Columbia Co.) St. Patrick. 1887-- Note: Attends as mission St. Thomas, Poynette, Columbia Co. LOMIRA, vil. (Dodge Co.) St. Mary of Nativity. 1872--. Note: Established 1870. Small church built by Rev. Welter, and attended as mission St. Martin, Ashford, Fond du Lac Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 450. LOST LAKE, settl. (Calamus town, Dodge Co.) St. Mary. 1888--. 1888-95, Calamus. 1896--, Lost Lake. Note: Organized in 1865 and successively attended by the Revs. Dougherty, McGirt, Gray, and Roche, the latter occupying pastorate continuously for 18 years. Attends St. Gabriel, Randolph, Dodge Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 451. LOWELL, vil. (Dodge Co.) St. John Evangelist. 1875-1901. Note: Established in 1870 by Rev. Henry O'Brien. Defunct in 1901. Attended as mission from Sacred Heart College, Watertown, Jefferson Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 552; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 31. 1 24 Milwaukee Archdiocese LYONS, settl. (Walworth Co.) St. Joseph. 1870--. 1870-75, St. Benedict, Lyons. 1876--, St. Joseph, Lyons. Note: Founded in 1870 and small church erected in that year. Attends as mission St. Mary, Pell Lake, Walworth Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 452. LYONS, town. (Walworth Co.) St. Kilian. 1858--. 1858-1904, Hudson, Walworth Co. 1905--, Lyons. Note: Founded about 1858; approximately 5 miles south of Lyons, where a small church was built. Became branch of St. Joseph in 1884. Since then regularly attended from there. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 452. MADISON, city. (Dane Co.) Blessed Sacrament. MADISON, city. (Dane Co.) 1924--. Holy Redeemer. 1858--. Note: First mass celebrated by Rev. Kundig in 1843. In 1848 mass celebrated in new capitol building. First church erected in 1849. New church erected in 1854. Holy Redeemer church built and school opened in 1857. New church erected in 1869. Incorporated in 1883. Rev. Whitehead appointed first resident pastor in 1848. A new schoolhouse erected in 1892. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 453, 457. MADISON, city. (Dane Co.) St. Bernard. 1908--. MADISON, city. (Dane Co.) St. James. 1906--. MADISON, city. (Dane Co.) St. Joseph. (Italian) MADISON, city. city. (Dane Co.) St. Patrick. 1889--. 1918--. Note: Organized in 1888. First church built in 1889. cf. c. c. in Wis., p. 457. MADISON, city. (Dane Co.) St. Paul. 1846. Note: Not listed after 1846. 25 Milwaukee Archdiocese MADISON, city. (Dane Co.) St. Raphael. 1858--. Note: First mass celebrated by Rev. Kundig in 1842. About this time St. Raphael organized and built a church. In 1854 a new church was built. In 1850 first schoolhouse erected. In 1870 a schoolhouse Cf. C. C. in was erected on Henry Street. Incorporated in 1883. Wis., pp. 458, 1160; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 224. MAPLETON, settl. (Oconomowoc town, Waukesha Co.) St. Catherine. 1858--. 1858-61, Oconomowoc. 1864, Mapleton. Note: Established in 1847, at which time Rev. F. Morrissey was appointed first resident pastor. Attends mission St. Joan of Arc, Okauchee, Waukesha Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 463. MARCELLON, settl. (Marcellon town, Columbia Co.) No Name. 1858. Note: Prior to 1858 Marcellon was a mission with Columbus, Buffalo Lane, Kingston, MacTyre settl., and Strong Landing. MARKESAN. vil. (Green Lake Co.) • St. Joseph. Note: MARSHALL, vil. St. Mary. Note: 1898--. Attended as mission from St. Joseph, Waupun, Fond du Lac Co. (Dane Co.) 1908--. Attends as mission St. Patrick, Cottage Grove, Dane Co. MARSHFIELD, town. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Joseph. 1857--. 1857-61, No Name, Marshfield. 1866--, St. Joseph, Marshfield. Note: Attended as mission from Holy Cross, Mt. Calvary, Fond du Lac Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 478. MARTINSVILLE, settl. (Springfield town, Dane Co.) St. Martin. 1906--. MARYTOWN, settl. (Calumet town, Fond du Lac Co.) Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 1851--. 1851-56, Holy Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Calumet. 1857-61, St. Mary, Calumet. 1864--, Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Marytown. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 464. MAYVILLE, city. St. Mary. Note: (Dodge Co.) 1857--. Organized in 1856. Attended for a number of years by Rev. Real, first missionary of this region. New church built in 1881. Mayville attended as mission from Theresa until 1896. Rev. Joseph Heder, first resident pastor, Aug. 1896. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 465. ! ! 26 Milwaukee Archdiocese MAZOMAINE, vil. (Dane Co.) St. Barnabas. 1860--. Note: Established by Rev. Walsh and church erected in 1862. Incorporated in 1883. New church erected in 1891. Attends as mission Mill Creek, Iowa Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 466, 467. MENOMONEE FALLS, vil. (Waukesha Co.) St. Mary. MEQUON, settl. St. James. Note: 1906--. (Mequon town, Ozaukee Co.) 1856-- Organized and church built in 1845. Second church erected under Rev. Weiss. Rev. C. Schaettin was the first resident pastor. cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 422. MIDDLETON, vil. (Dane Co.) St. Bernard. 1895--, Note: Organized in March 1889. First services conducted in public high school building. Incorporated in 1889; church built in same year. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 468. MILTON JUNCTION, settl. (Rock Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1895--. Note: First church built in 1891. cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 412. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Blessed Sacrament. 1928--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) (Italian) 1900--. Blessed Virgin of Pompeii. (Italian) Note: Attends St. Rita as mission. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Gesu. 1895--. Note: Gesu is a union of St. Gall and Holy Name congregations. In 1892 steps were taken to build on 12th St. and Grand Ave. Corner stone laid May 21, 1893; dedicated Dec. 1894. Rev. James D. Foley, first resident pastor. For early history see St. Gall. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 331; Geschichte, p. 273. MILWAUKEE, city. Holy Angels. MILWAUKEE, city. Holy Cross. (Milwaukee Co.) 1918--. (Milwaukee Co.) 1880-- 1880-1925, Holy Cross, Wauwatosa. 1926--, Holy Cross, Milwaukee. Note: Established in 1879 in Wauwatosa; this region later became Milwaukee. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 560. 27 Milwaukee Archdiocese MILWAUKEE, city. Holy Ghost. (Milwaukee Co.) 1902--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Holy Name of Jesus. 1876-94. Note: See Gesu and St. Gall. cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 331; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 63. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Holy Redeemer. 1898--. Note: MILWAUKEE, city. Holy Rosary. Note: Known as Holy Redeemer, North Milwaukee, prior to 1930. (Milwaukee Co.) 1887-- · Organized by Archbishop Heiss in 1885. Church located on Oakland Ave., dedicated March 14, 1886. First school organized Oct. 12, 1885. Second building erected in 1893. First resident pastor, Rev. W. F. McGill. cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 336. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Holy Trinity. 1851--. Note: Organized in 1849. Corner stone laid, Greenbush and Park Sts., July 8, 1849; church dedicated Sept. 22, 1850. Rev. Joseph Sadler appointed first rector. Schoolhouse erected in 1867. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 337; Geschichte, p. 266. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1872--. Note: Organized in 1870. Church built and dedicated in 1871. Church located on Kinnickinnic and Russell Aves. First resident pastor, Rev. P. F. Pettit, who succeeded Rev. Fagan. Incorporated in 1885. Schoolhouse built in 1886. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 340; Geschichte, p. 298. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Mother of Good Counsel. 1928-- MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Our Lady of Guadalupe. (Mexican) 1927--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Sacred Heart. (Croatian) 1918--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Adalbert. MILWAUKEE, city. St. Agnes. MILWAUKEE, city. (Polish) 1909--. (Milwaukee Co.) 1926--. St. Alexander. (Milwaukee Co.) (Polish) 1926--. 3 t זי : ! 28 Milwaukee Archdiocese MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Ann. 1895--. Note: A branch of St. Michael. Organized in 1894, at which time structure was erected for church and school purposes. Corner stone laid Nov. 17, 1894; dedicated May 19, 1895, by Rev. A. F. Schinner. First resident pastor Rev. August B. Salick. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 322; Geschichte, p. 258. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Anthony. (German) 1873--. Note: In April 1872 church was organized and church building erected on 4th Ave. and Mitchell St. First services conducted Nov. 3, 1872. Church completed in 1886. Rev. A. Decker was first resident pastor. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 323; Geschichte, p. 259. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Anthony of Padua. 1931--. Note: Attends as mission St. Theresa on 90th St. and Highland Ave. Known as Little Flower Church, Wauwatosa, Milwaukee Co. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Augustine. 1889--. Note: Organized and incorporated in 1887. Rev. P. A. Schumacher was first resident pastor, Aug. 1888. First mass Aug. 25th, in schoolroom. Church dedicated Sept. 23, 1888. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 324; Geschichte, p. 262. MILWAUKEE, city. St. Barbara. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) 1924--. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Benedict the Moor. (Colored) 1913--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Boniface. (German) 1889--. Note: Organized by Rev. Leopold Drexel in 1888, when church was built on 11th and Center Sts. Rev. Drexel, first resident pastor. cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 325; Geschichte, p. 263. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Casimir. (Polish) 1895--. Note: On Sept. 14, 1893 lots were purchased on corner Bremen and Clarke Sts. On July 11, 1894, erection of large church building was begun. On Nov. 11, 1894 building was blessed by The Most Rev. Archbishop F. X. Katzer, and since that day the parish of St. Casimir has been in existence. The first resident pastor was Rev. Aegidius Tarasiewicz. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 326; Geschichte, p. 264. ་ " 29 Milwaukee Archdiocese MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Catherine. 1923--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) SS. Cyril and Methodius. (Polish) 1894--. Note: Organized May 11, 1893 by Rev. J. F. Szukalski. Church and schoolhouse built on corner American Ave., now S. 15th St., and Windlake Ave. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 327; Geschichte, p. 265. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Elizabeth. (German) 1902--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Emeric. (Hungarian) 1934--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Francis of Assisi. (German) 1872--. Note: Site of church and monastery purchased Aug. 24, 1865 by Rev. Bonaventura Frey, (Order Minor Capuchins). On July 7, 1869, Rev. Ivo laid corner stone of monastery and of the attached chapel. Buildings dedicated Dec. 8, 1869. In June 1870 Rev. Ivo organized St. Francis of Assisi parish and erected church; dedicated July 21, 1870. South wing added to monastery and frame school built in 1871. Feb. 6, 1873, Rev. Lawrence Vorwerk, (Order Minor Capuchins), became guardian of the monastery and ex officio rector. New brick and cut stone church erected in 1876; dedicated Feb. 8, 1877, by Archbishop Henni. New school was built in 1889. Third wing added to monastery in 1892, completing square formed by church and convent. On April 19, 1893, fire destroyed part of the church interior. Conducts services in chapel, House of Correction. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 327; Geschichte, p. 269. MILWAUKEE, city. St. Gabriel. MILWAUKEE, city. St. Gall. Note: (Milwaukee Co.) (Lithuanian) 1914-- 1914-17, St. George, Milwaukee. 1918--, st. Gabriel, Milwaukee. (Milwaukee Co.) (Old Church) 1850-94. Organized by Bishop John Martin in 1847. Church built and dedicated in honor of St. Gall. Rev. S. J. Beauprey became first resident pastor in 1849. New church built in 1868. Last services conducted in St. Gall Oct. 21, 1894. St. Gall was succeeded by Gesu church in 1895. St. Gall, listed in U. S. Cath. Alm. and Dir. from 1908 to 1941, on 3rd and Clarke Sts., has no connection with old St. Gall. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 331, (Gesu Church) p. 1157; Geschichte, p. 273; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 65. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Gall. Note: (New Church) 1908--. No connection with earlier St. Gall, Milwaukee. 30 Milwaukee Archdiocese MILWAUKEE, city. St. George. MILWAUKEE, city. St. Gerard. MILWAUKEE, city. St. Hedwig. Note: (Milwaukee Co.) (Syrian Chapel) 1912-- (Milwaukee Co.) 1926--. (Milwaukee Co.) 1872--. Organized and built church in 1871. First resident pastor Rev. Knocz. School established in 1872. Brick school erected in 1879. In 1888 a brick and stone church was erected. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 335; Geschichte, p. 277. MILWAUKEE, city. St. Helen. (Milwaukee Co.) 1926--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Hyacinth. (Polish) 1883--. Note: Originated from St. Stanislaus and organized in 1882; dedicated and incorporated 1883. Rev. Hyacinth Gulski, first resident pastor. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 339; Geschichte, p. 277. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Ignatius. 1928--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. John Cathedral. 1849--. Note: Corner stone laid by Bishop Henni Dec. 5, 1847; completed in 1852. Consecrated by Mgr. Bedini in July 1853. In 1892 old Cathedral tower was replaced by present one. Architectural style is "Grecian." Interior decorations were done in 1892 by a Polish fresco painter. Famous paintings purchased in Munich, Germany by Archbishop Henni for the Cathedral. Schools established in 1842 by Rev. Kundig. First classes conducted in basement of old St. Peter church, on Martin St., between Jackson and Jefferson sts. St. John Cathedral was destroyed by fire in 1935 and is being rebuilt. cf. C. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 310; Geschichte, p. 253. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. John the Evangelist. (Slovene) 1917-- MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. John Kanty. 1908--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. John Nepomucene. (De Nepomuc, Bohemian.) 1868--. Note: Organized in 1867 by Rev. Martin Kundig. First resident pastor was Rev. Gartner who served until 1875. Incorporation date not given. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 343; Geschichte, p. 279; stuffed Saddlebags, pp. 268, 269. : 31 Milwaukee Archdioce se MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Josaphat Basilica. (Polish) 1889--. Note: Branch of St. Stanislaus. Organized in 1888 by Rev. W. Grutza, who was the first resident pastor. A temporary brick building for church and school was erected and dedicated the same year. This building was destroyed on May 12, 1889. Location was on 1st and Lincoln Aves. A new church was built at once, but soon was too small and the present church was erected. Corner stone laid July 4, 1897. cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 341; Geschichte, p. 279. (Milwaukee Co.) MILWAUKEE, city. St. Joseph (German) 1849, 1856--. Note: Outgrowth of St. Mary organized Feb. 22, 1855. Under direction of Rev. Holzhauer church was built on corner 11th and Cherry Sts., in 1885. Addition to chapel dedicated June 8, 1885. Corner stone laid May 18, 1856; dedicated Nov. 16th, same year. In 1859 larger schoolhouse was erected. Congregation of St. Joseph grew so rapidly that a new and larger school was built in 1875, and two new congregations had to be established, St. Michael in 1883, and St. Boniface in 1889. St. Joseph also had to be enlarged in 1889. Congregation was incorporated 1883. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 344; Geschichte, p. 281. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Lawrence. (German) 1889--. Note: Organized in 1888 by Rev. Louis Barth. Church built on 21st Ave between Greenfield and Orchard Sts. Addition was erected in 1898. Incorporated in 1892. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 346; Geschichte, P. 283. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Leo. (German) 1909--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Mary 1847. Note: This church is the first and oldest German Catholic church in Milwaukee. In fall 1845 members of St. Peter church resolved to organize a new church. Church erected by Rev. M. Heiss in 1846, on Main and Biddle Sts. On Sept. 12, 1847 the church was consecrated. The school opened Jan. 2, 1851. A new schoolhouse built in 1866 another in 1891 which was dedicated Feb. 4, 1894. In April 1893 church was damaged by fire. Incorporated in 1883. Wis., p. 347; Geschichte, p. 284. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Mary Czestochowa. (Polish) 1908--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Mary Magdalen. (Polish) 1926--. Cf. C. C. in ! 1 32 Milwaukee Archdioce se MILWAUKEE, city (Milwaukee Co.) St. Matthew. 1893-- Note: Organized in 1893; incorporated in April 1894 by Rev. J. M. Naughtin. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 349; Geschichte, p. 287. (Milwaukee Co.) MILWAUKEE, city. St. Michael. 1884-- Note: Organized by members of St. Joseph under direction of Rev. Herm. Jos. Holzhauer on March 13, 1883. March 17, a committee recommended the purchase of 2 acres of land on Vliet St., west of 24th St., and 3 lots on corner 24th and Cherry Sts. Church dedi- cated on Nov. 23, 1883. Original promotor of this congregation was Archbishop Michael Heiss. A school was opened on Jan. 3, 1884. New school completed in Aug. 1887, and dedicated Sept. 29, 1887. Corner stone of new church was laid on May 15, 1892. Church dedicated on Oct. 1, 1893. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 350; Geschichte, P. 288. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Nicholas. 1935-- MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Fatrick. 1876--. Note: Organized in 1876. An outgrowth of old St. Gall parish and formed to meet the wants of the large English speaking population on the south side. First resident pastor, Rev. Vahey. Church erected in 1876. Work on a new church begun in 1893 corner stone laid Aug. 27, 1895. Completed and dedicated in 1895. Architec- tural style, Gothic. Parish incorporated in 1883. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 351; Geschichte, p. 291. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Paul. (Polish) MILWAUKEE, city. (Polish) 1920--. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Peter. 1839-1889. Note: St. Peter erected by Rev. O'Kelly, is very probably the earliest Catholic church in Milwaukee. Church was built in 1839 on two lots donated by Solomon Juneau, on what is now State Street between Jefferson and Jackson Sts. In 1847 St. Mary was organized as a branch of St. Peter. St. Peter church was the cathedral until St. John Cathedral was built in 1851, at Jackson and E. Wells Sts. St. Peter church continued until 1889 when it became defunct. The Original St. Peter church building is still in existence and is located on the grounds of St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee. When the structure had no more practical value as a church, it was purchased by Rev. L. Ratz, pastor of St. Mary, who used it as his residence and subsequently donated the building to SS. Peter and Paul con- gregation whose pastor he had become. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 296, 310; Geschichte, pp. 242, 253, 293; Stuffed Saddle- bags, pp. 173-176; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 64. 33 Milwaukee Archdiocese MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. (German) (German) 1890--. Note: This congregation which succeeded St. Peter was organized in 1890. First building, a chapel, was dedicated in Aug. 1890. Corner stone of new church laid June 1, 1890; dedicated April 24, 1892; incorporated the same year. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 353; Geschichte, p. 293. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Rita. 1930--. Note: Attended as a mission from Blessed Virgin of Pompeii (Italian). MILWAUKEE, city. St. Robert. MILWAUKEE, city. St. Rose. (Milwaukee Co.) 1914--. (Milwaukee Co.) 1889--. Note: Organized by Rev. P. H. Durnin in 1887. First services held Feb. 19, 1888 in St. James Episcopal mission chapel, which had been purchased by Rev. Durnin. Corner stone of new church laid on Palm Sunday 1889, and dedicated in Sept. of the same year. Location of church, 30th and Michigan Sts. Schoolhouse built Aug. 1893; opened in Sept. of the same year. Parish incorporated in 1888. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 354; Geschichte, p. 294. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Sebastian. 1912--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Stanislaus. (Polish) 1867– 爨 ​Note: In 1863 the Rev. Bonaventura Buczyaski was intrusted with the establishment of Polish congregation in Milwaukee. In 1866 a church was purchased on the corner of Grove and Mitchell Sts., which was used for religious services until the present church of St. Stanislaus was built in 1872 and dedicated in 1873. In 1882 St. Hyacinth, a branch of this church, was organized. First school- house erected in 1872. Present schoolhouse built in 1892. Incor- porated in 1889. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 355; Geschichte, p. 297; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 66. MILWAUKEE, city. St. Stephen. MILWAUKEE, city. St. Thomas. (Milwaukee Co.) 1908--. (Milwaukee Co.) 1902- : 34 Milwaukee Archdiocese MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Vincent de Paul. 1889--. Note: Organized by members of St. Hyacinth in 1888. A building was erected corner Mitchell and I6th Ave., which served as a church and school. In 1889 a parsonage and sister house was erected. Organized in 1888. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 357; Geschichte, p. 299. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Wenceslaus. 1884--. Note: Organized in 1883. Church erected on corner Scott St. and 9th Ave.; dedicated Dec. 16, 1883. Rev. Leo J. Suchy was first resident pastor. Incorporated in 1893. cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 357; Geschichte, p. 300. MITCHELL, settl. (Mitchell town, Sheboygan Co.) St. Michael. 1858-- Note: Organized in 1860. Cf. Geschichte, p. 323. MONCHES, settl. St. John. (Merton town, Waukesha Co.) 1845--. 1845-50, St. John, O'Connellsville. 1851--, St. John, Monches. Note: Church organized in 1842. Not listed by name prior to 1845. Attends as mission St. Columba, at Lake Five. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 475; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 216; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 41. MONROE, city. (Green Co.) St. Mary. 1869-1921. Note: ་ Established in 1861. Attended by pastor of Holy Redeemer, Madison, Dane Co., until 1867. Rev. Thomas Von der Thannen, first resident pastor who remained until 1874, when the parish again became a mission until 1881, when Rev. Caspar Schaettin became resident pastor. From 1885 to 1893 St. Mary once more became a mission, being attended from St. Victor, at Monroe. In 1893 Rev. Sebastian Rohr was resident pastor. Church discontinued in 1921. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 476; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 53. : 35 Milwaukee Archdiocese MONROE, city. (Green Co.) St. Victor. 1864--. Note: Prior to 1860 St. Victor was attended from Shullsburg. Organized in 1860. Rev. Rich. Sullivan, first resident pastor. In 1892 church was destroyed by fire and rebuilt. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 477, 478. MONTELLO, city. (Marquette Co.) St. John. Note: 1853--. 1853-79, Gethsemane, Montello. 1880--, st. John, Montello. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 693; Early C. C. Prop., sheets 5, 6. MT. CALVARY, settl. (Marshfield town, Fond du Lac Co.) Holy Cross. 1850--. 1850-54, St. Nicholas, Town Forest. 1855-56, Calvary, Forest town. 1857-61, Calvary, Marshfield. 1864-75, Holy Cross, Marshfield. 1876-85, Holy Cross, Calvary. 1886--, Holy Cross, Mt. Calvary. Note: First church dedicated to St. Nicholas, and later changed to Holy Cross. There is a Capuchin monastery in conjunction with the church. Attends as mission St. Joseph, Town of Marshfield, Fond du Lac Co. For complete history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 478. MOUNT HOREB, vil. (Dane Co.) St. Ignatius. 1896--. Note: Established in 1894. First church built same year. Attends as mission Holy Redeemer, Perry, Dane Co.; known from 1901-29 as St. Salvador, Perry. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 480, 481. MUKWONAGO, vil. (Waukesha Co.) St. James. 1850-- 1850-86, Station (no name), Mukwonago. 1897--, St. James. Note: Formerly attended as a mission from St. Peter, East Troy, Walworth Co. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 399. Attends as mission St. Paul, Genesee, Waukesha Co. } 36 Milwaukee Archdioce se MUSKEGO, settl. St. Joseph. (Waukesha Co.) 1875-1921. Note: Organized by Father McMahon. Later this mission was transferred as a charge to Franklin parish from which it was attended by various pastors. Now attended from Town of Greenfield, Milwaukee Co. Destroyed by fire in 1887. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 414, 415; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 71. NABOB, settl. (West Bend, Washington Co.) St. Matthias. 1852--. 1852-70, St. Matthias, West Bend. 1871-99, St. Matthias, St. Matthias. 1900-30, St. Matthias, Allenton. 1930--, st. Matthias, Nabob. Note: Attended as mission from Sacred Heart, Allenton, Washington Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 528. NEOSHO, vil. (Dodge Co.) St. Matthew. 1864- Note: In 1848, a small church was erected about 2 miles from the village of Neosho, Dodge Co., and dedicated to St. Bartholomew in 1854. This was origin of present parish. New church built in 1863. Same year St. Matthew, small frame building, was erected. Congregation attended from Hartford. First resident pastor, Rev. D. Thill,1867-71. Schoolhouse was built. Church destroyed by fire, 1894, and was rebuilt 1895. St. Mary, Woodland, Dodge Co., was attended as mission from Neosho. First church, Woodland, built in 1862. New church built in 1871. St. John, Rubicon, Dodge Co., attended as mission from St. Matthew. Congregation established in 1870. First church built in Hermann, between Rubicon and Woodland. Present church was erected in the village of Rubicon. Schoolhouse was built in 1885. Neosho attends St. Mary, Woodland, Dodge Co., as mission. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 483, 484. NESHKORO, vil. St. James. Note: (Marquette Co.) 1885--. Not listed by name prior to 1890. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 697. : 1 37 Milwaukee Archdioce se NEW BERLIN, (New Berlin town, Waukesha Co.) Holy Apostle. 1858--. 1858-95, St. Valermes. 1896--, Holy Apostle. Note: Organized in 1855, and appears in 1896 as Holy Apostle. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 484. NEWBURG, settl. (Farmington town, Washington Co.) Holy Trinity. 1864--. Note: Outgrowth of mission of St, Peter, about three miles north of Newburg. First services conducted in 1853. Organized and built first church in 1855. First resident pastor, Rev. Simon Bartozs. Cf. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 486-488; Geschichte, pp. 419, 420. NEW COELN, settl. St. Stephen. (Lake town, Milwaukee Co.) 1848-- Note: Founded in 1847; church erected same year. Rev. S. H. Kendeler, first resident pastor. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 489. NEW MUENSTER, settl. (Wheatland town, Kenosha Co.) St. Alphonse. 1860--. 1860-80, Wheatland. 1881--, New Muenster. Note: Organized Aug. 16, 1849. Church built the same year; dedi- cated Oct. 14, 1851. Incorporated in 1883. New church built in 1885. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 491. (Lake town, Milwaukee Co.) NOJOSHING, settl. (Lake town St. Francis Assisi. 1849-68. Note: This church was located on the present site of St. Francis Seminary. Post Office, St. Francis, Milwaukee Co. NORTH FOND DU LAC, vil. (Fond du Lac Co.) Presentation of B. V. M. 1903--. NORTH GREENFIELD, settl. (Greenfield town, Milwaukee Co.) St. Matthias. 1852-. 1852-76, Beloit road, Milwaukee. 1877--, Beloit road, Greenfield. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 369. NORTH LAKE, settl. (Merton town, Waukesha Co.) St. Clare. Note: OAK CREEK, town. St. James. Note: 1917--. Attends mission St. Charles, Hartland, Waukesha Co. (Milwaukee Co.) 1850--. Established in 1857. First attended as mission by resident pastor from New Coeln, Milwaukee Co. Milwaukee Co., Pio Nono High School. Now attended from St. Francis, Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 490. :! 1 } } 38 Milwaukee Archdiocese OAK CREEK, town. St. Matthew. (Milwaukee Co.) 1846--. lote: Established by Rev. Martin Kundig in 1842. Church built in 1860. Incorporated in 1883. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 543. Rev. George B. Radandt, RR 1, Box 23, So. Milwaukee, present pastor. OAKFIELD, vil. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. James. Note: OCONOMOWOC, city. St. Jerome. 1910--. Attended as mission from St. John, Byron, Fond du Lac Co. (aukesha Co.) 1861--. Note: Organized in 1866. The first pastor to visit Oconomowoc, a mission, was Father Hobbs, Mapleton, Waukesha Co. First resident pastor, Father Allen, in 1873. Incorporated in 1883. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 493; Geschichte, p. 427. OKAUCHEE. settl. (Waukesha Co.) St. Joan of Arc. 1922--. Hote: Attended as mission from Kapleton, Waukesha Co. OREGON, settl. (Rutland town, Dane Co.) Holy Mother of Consolation. 1858--. 1851-86, Fitchburg. 1887--, Oregon. Note: Oregon was formerly called Fitchburg. Organized in 1856. Prior to that date Father Etschmann attended this place from Madison, Dane Co. The parish comprises the townships of Fitchburg, Oregon, Dunn, and Rutland, all of which are in Dane Co. Rev. McMahon, first pastor. In 1857, a church and parsonage built in the township of Fitchburg, 2 miles from Oregon. At that time, and until 1885, the parish was known as the Fitchburg congregation. New church built in Oregon village in 1885; dedicated in Sept. 1886. Since 1886 this parish is known as Holy Mother of Consolation, Oregon, Dane Co. Services discontinued in Fitchburg town in 1886. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 495, 496; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 50. PALMYRA, vil. St. Mary. Note: (Jefferson Co.) 1913--. Attended as mission from St. Theresa, Eagle, Waukesha Co. (Montrose town, Dane Co.) PAOLI, settl. St. William. 1867-- 1910--, St. William. 1867-1909. St. Bernard. Note: Established by Rev. R. Etschmann, 1854. Prior to 1872, attended from Madison, Dane Co. Church was built in 1872. Attended as mission from St. Andrew, Verona Junction, Dane Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 391; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 51. 39 Milwaukee Archdiocese PARDEEVILLE, vil. (Columbia Co.) St. Mary. 1901--. Note: Attends as mission St. Andrew, Buffalo, Marquette Co. PARIS, settl. (Paris town, Kenosha Co.) St. Wendelin. 1853-61. lote: Defunct. For early history, cf. Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 205; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 79. PARIS, town. (Kenosha Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1864-- Note: Prior to its establishment, St. John the Baptist was known as St. Wendelin. It merged with St. Andrew, Yorkville and formed St. John the Baptist. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 500; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 205; Early C. C. Prop., sheets 78, 79. See Yorkville. PELL LAKE, settl. (Bloomfield town, Walworth Co.) St. Mary. Note: 1939--. Attended as mission from St. Joseph, Lyons, Walworth Co. PERRY, town. (Dane Co.) Holy Redeemer. 1855--. 1855-61, St. Francis Xavier. 1864-1929, St. Salvador. 1930--, Holy Redeemer. Note: Attended as mission from Mount Horeb, Dane Co. PEWAUKEE, vil. St. Mary (Waukesha Co.) 1872--. Note: Organized in 1843. Nearest church conducting services located at Monches, Waukesha Co. Pewaukee served from Waukesha, Waukesha Co., 1858-65. Church built in 1865. In 1869 Pewaukee attended from Sussex or Templeton, Waukesha Co., later again attended from Waukesha. In 1879, Rev. N. D. Becker became first resident pastor. New church built in 1888. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 501, 503; Early C. C. Prop., shoot 61. PINE BLUFF, settl. (Cross Plains town, Dane Co.) St. Mary. 1855--. 1855-75, St. Mary, Cross Plains. 1876--, St. Mary, Pine Bluff. Note: Established in 1852. PLEASANT PRAIRIE, town (Kenosha Co.) No Name. 1840. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 503. } 40 Milwaukee Archdiocese PLYMOUTH, city. (Sheboygan Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1864--. Note: Established in 1861 by Rev. Schmitting. Attended as mission by Revs. Stehle and Haider. Services conducted monthly, 1863-68. Rev. J. P. Van Treeck took charge as first resident pastor on Aug. 9, 1891. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 505. POLK, town. (Washington Co.) St. Joseph. 1854-61. Note: Church built in 1849. Attended by Revs. Maximilian De Beke and N. Pfeiffer. Services discontinued in 1862. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 36. PORTAGE, city. (Columbia Co.) Immaculate Conception (St. Mary). 1864-- As Note: First church erected in 1833 by Peter Pauquette. early as 1831, Catholic missionaries came to the vicinity of Fort Winnebago. First priest attending this region was Rev. Samuel E. Mazzuchelli. Reorganized in 1843. Fathers Smith and Hobbs, missionary priests, attended this parish. New church erected in 1851. Since known as St. Mary. Incorporated in 1866. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 717; Stuffed Saddlebags, pp. 239, 240. PORTAGE, city. (Columbia Co.) St. Bartholomew. 1850-61. Services Note: Established in 1833; destroyed by fire in 1840. conducted in neighborhood homes until St. Mary was established on same site as St. Bartholomew. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 8. PORTAGE, city. (Columbia Co.) St. Francis Xavier. 1879-1911. Note: Established in 1877. discontinued; church defunct. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 9. PORTER, town. (Rock Co.) St. Michael. 1855-1936. Incorporated in 1886. Services Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 716; 1855-60, St. Michael, McCarthy settl. 1861-1935, St. Michael, Porter town. Note: Organized in 1852. Attended Edgerton as a mission; later St. Michael became a mission of St. Joseph, Edgerton, Rock Co. Defunct in 1930. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 401; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 52. PORT WASHINGTON, city. (Ozaukee Co.) St. Ambrosius, (Lithuanian) 1912--. Note: Attended as mission from Immaculate Conception, (Lithuanian), Sheboygan, Sheboygan Co. ? 41 Milwaukee Archdiocese PORT WASHINGTON, city. (Ozaukee Co.) St. Mary. 1850--. Note: Small frame building erected in 1849. First resident pastor, Rev. Bradley. Present church (Gothic) built by Rev. Willmes about 1871. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 506. PORT WASHINGTON, city. (Ozaukee Co.) St. Stephen. 1857-61. { First resident pastor, Note: Actively maintained from 1852-60. Rev. Bradley, who also was pastor of St. Mary until 1853. Rev. Fusseder succeeded to the pastorate about 1860. Irish congregation discontinued as separate congregation and joined the Germans at Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 506; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 30. St. Mary. POWERS LAKE, settl. (Randall town, Kenosha Co.) St. Theresa. 1928--. Note: Attended as mission from Immaculate Conception, Burlington, Racine Co. POYNETTE, vil. (Columbia Co.) St. Thomas. 1908--. Note: Attended as mission St. Patrick, Lodi, Columbia Co. PRINCETON, city. (Green Lake Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1877--. Note: Organized in 1875. Parsonage built in 1879. Incorporated in 1883. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 721. PRINCETON, city. (Green Lake Co.) St. Patrick. 1871-- 1871-78, No Name. 1879-84, St. Mary, Princeton. 1885--, St. Patrick, Princeton. Note: Attended as mission from St. James, Neshkoro, Marquette Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 697. PRINCETON, city. (Green Lake Co.) St. Stanislaus. 1876-81. Note: Defunct, 1881. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 4. RACINE, city. (Racine Co.) Holy Name. Note: (German) 1885--. Seceded from St. Mary in 1884 and organized same year as Holy Name. Church was built in 1834. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 509. RACINE, city. (Racine Co.) Holy Trinity. 1920--. F ! 42 Milwaukee Archdiocese RACINE, city. (Racine Co.) Sacred Heart. 1917-- RACINE, city. (Racine Co.) St. Casimir, 1912--. RACINE, city. (Racine Co.) St. Edward. 1920--. RACINE, city. (Racine Co.) St. Ignatius. 1845-61. Note: Rev. Francis Prendergast appointed first resident pastor in 1846. Additions were twice made to St. Ignatius. Building again became too small and the present St. Patrick church was erected on the north side. Pastor of St. Patrick also officiated at St. Ignatius on the south side, to May 12, 1862, when St. Ignatius was discontinued. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 514, 515; Stuffed Saddle- bags, p. 206; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 75. See St. Luke, Racine, Racine Co. RACINE, city. (Racine Co.) St. John Nepomuc. 1897--. Note: Organized as mission by Rev. Othmar Miller in 1896, sub- sequently attended by resident pastor of Caledonia. More recently, established as independent parish, and as such has own resident pastor. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 510. RACINE, city. (Racine Co.) St. Joseph. 1876--. Note: Organized in 1862. In 1870 large schoolhouse erected which was used for church and school purposes. New church built in 1875. Incorporated in 1883. Rev. Michael Beiter, first resident pastor in 1875. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 511. RACINE, city. (Racine Co.) St. Lucy. 1935--. Note: Attended by Rev. Sylvester from St. Catherine High School, Racine, Wis. RACINE, city. St. Luke. (Racine Co.) 1840-47. Note: Organized in 1840. St. Luke was the first Catholic church built in Racine. Defunct in 1847. Building moved and became part of St. Ignatius. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 514; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 206; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 74. 43 Milwaukee Archdiocese RACINE, city. St. Mary. Note: (Racine Co.) (German) 1853--. Organized in 1841; church built in 1845. New church built in 1856. St. Patrick seceded from St. Mary in 1856. New church finished in Aug. 1886. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 512; Stuffed Saddle- bags, p. 207. RACINE, city. (Racine Co.) St. Mary of Mt. Carmel. (Italian) 1912-17. Note: Attended from Chicago, Ill. RACINE, city. (Racine Co.) St. Patrick. 1857--. 1845-46, St. Patrick, Salem. 1847-50, St. Patrick, Knighton. 1857--, St. Patrick, Racine. Note: St. Patrick seceded from St. Mary in 1856, and organized the same year. Church built in 1856. Cf. c. c. in Wis., pp. 514, C. C. 515. RACINE, city. St. Rose. Note: (Racine Co.) 1886--. Lima. RACINE, city. Organized in 1885, and dedicated in honor of St. Rose of Rev. P. Durnin, first pastor. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 515. (Racine Co.) St. Stanislaus. 1908--. (Columbia Co.) RANDOLPH, vil. 1877-86. St. Mary. Note: Attended as mission from Lost Lake, Dodge Co. RANDOM LAKE, vil. (Sheboygan Co.) St. Mary. 1879--. Note: Organized about 1854. Small church erected about a mile and a half from village, on site donated by David Leary and wife. Attended by pastor at Cascade, Sheboygan Co., later attended as mission from St. Nicholas, Dacada, Sheboygan Co., and as such transferred to that parish. A new church (stone structure) erected in 1873, and Rev. Chas. Fessler became resident pastor. Destroyed by fire March 24, 1895. New church erected. Attends as mission St. Patrick, Adell, Sheboygan Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 516; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 23. REESEVILLE, vil. (Dodge Co.) Holy Family. 1905--. Note: Attends St. Columbkill, Elba, Dodge Co., as mission. 44 Milwaukee Archdiocese RHINE, settl. (Rhine town, Sheboygan Co.) St. Andrew. 1867-91. Note: Log church known as St. John built in 1857. Catholic Almanac records this church from 1866-74 as St. Andrew. Razed in 1880. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 16; Cath. Alm. continued to list church until 1891. RICHFIELD, town. (Washington Co.) Church of Holy Maternity. 1854--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Hubertus, Washington Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 420. RICHFIELD, settl. (Richfield town, Washington Co.) St. Augustine. 1853-1925. Note: Organized in 1846. First resident pastor, Rev. M. Pfeiffer, 1854, who attended this mission from St. Hubertus, Richfield, Washington Co. Destroyed by fire 1922. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 517; Geschichte, p. 451; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 42A. RICHWOOD, settl. (Dodge Co.) St. Joseph. 1865--. RIO, vil. Note: Organized by Rev. Roche in 1864. Attended from Sacred Heart College at Watertown. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 552, 553. (Columbia Co.) St. Joseph. 1905--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Patrick, Doylestown, Columbia Co. RIPON, city. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Patrick. 1864--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 519; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 14. RIPON, city. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Wenceslaus. 1897--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 521. ROXBURY, settl. settl. (Roxbury town (Roxbury town, Dane Co.) St. Norbert. 1847--. Note: Organized in 1845. Church built in Sauk City in 1846. During this time Rev. A. Inama, O. Praem., had a dwelling and chapel erected in section 18 of the town of Roxbury for the purpose of founding a branch house of the Order of St. Norbert. In Oct. 1846 the Sauk City church was destroyed by fire, but was rebuilt the following year. In the meantime Catholics were compelled to attend mass in the little chapel at Roxbury. Rev. Inama had charge of the parishioners in Roxbury, Sauk City, and in the vicinity. New church erected in 1857. Schoolhouse built in 1864. In 1866, Rev. Heigl took charge of St. Norbert. In 1870 a branch house was built in order to secure the Catholic school of St. Norbert for the future. Rev. Adelbert Inama remained here until his death, Oct. 16, 1879. cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 522, 523; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 43. 45 Milwaukee Archdiocese RUBICON, settl. (Rubicon town, Dodge Co.) St. Bartholomew. 1854-59, 1864, 1871-75. Note: In 1848, at a point two miles from the village of Neosho, Dodge Co., a small log church was erected and dedicated to In St. Bartholomew. In 1863 a new church building was erected. the same year a second church was built in the village and dedi- cated to St. Matthew. Services were conducted in both churches, but as there were not enough Catholics in the vicinity to maintain both churches, St. Bartholomew was closed. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 483; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 35. RUBICON, settl. St. John. (Rubicon town, Dodge Co.) 1877--. Note: Origin of St. Matthew. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 483; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 28. ST. CLOUD, vil. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Claudius. 1872--. Note: For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 479. ST. FRANCIS, settl. (Lake town, Milwaukee Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1869--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 524. ST. GEORGE, (Wilson town, Sheboygan Co.) St. George. 1857-1891, 1911--. 1857-91, Wilson. 1911--, St. George. Note: Attends as mission St. Rosa, Sheboygan Co. history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 525. ST. KILLIAN, settl. (Wayne town, Washington Co.) St. Killian. 1850-- . Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 526. ST. LAWRENCE, settl. (Hartford town, Washington Co.) St. Lawrence. 1847--. 1847-55, St. Lawrence, Town Ten. 1956-75, St. Lawrence, Hartford. 1876--, St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence. Note: p. 460. ST. MARIE, town. For early For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 527; Geschichte, (Green Lake Co.) St. Mary. 1854-76. Note: Cath. Almanac annually lists this church as St. Mary, except in 1855-56, when it is listed as Our Lady of the Fountain. This church may have been the predecessor of the church in Princeton, Green Lake Co. Defunct since 1875. Church razed in 1916. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 3, under La Cote Ste Marie. і 46 Milwaukee Archdiocese. ST. MARTINS, settl. Holy Assumption. (Franklin town, Milwaukee Co.) 1850---- 1850-71, St. Martin, Town of Franklin. 1872-1909, Holy Assumption, Town of Franklin. 1910--, Holy Assumption, St. Martins. Note: Founded by Rev. Martin Kundig, April 13, 1847. Attended as mission from St. Mary, Greenfield, Milwaukee Co. Cf. c. c. in Wis., p. 414; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 211. ST. MARTINS, settl. (Franklin town, Milwaukee Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary. 1860--. 1860-1909, Town of Franklin. 1912--, St. Martins. Note: Organized and church built in 1858. resident pastor. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 415. ST. MICHAELS, settl. (Kewaskum town, Washington Co.) St. Michael. 1856--. Note: 1858-88, St. Michael, Kewaskum. 1889--, St. Michael, St. Michaels. Rev. Weinhardt, first For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 528. ST. PETER, (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Peter. 1868--. Note: ST. RITA, settl. St. Rita. 1868-91, St. Peter, Taycheedah town. 1892-1906, St. Peter, Summit Station. 1907-17, St. Peter, Silica. 1926--, St. Peter, St. Peter. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 479. (Caledonia town, Racine Co.) 1927-- 1927-32, St. Rita, Ives, Racine Co. 1933--, St. Rita, St. Rita. SAUKVILLE, vil. (Ozaukee Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1861--. Note: First listed by name in 1865. Rev. Rasch was first pastor. New church built and dedicated in 1875. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 531. SAUKVILLE, vil. (Ozaukee Co.) St. Finbar. 1852-95. Note: Organized in 1843. Church built in 1850. Services dis- continued 1890. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 29. 47 Milwaukee Archdiocese SCHWARZWALD, settl. (Herman torm, Sheboygan Co.) St. Joseph. 1856-1929. 1856-71, St. Joseph, Herman. 1872-1929, St. Joseph, Schwarzwald. No to: Prior to 1871 Schwarzwald was called Herman. Church build- ing vas razed about 1935. Church altar was sent to St. Wendel, Manitowoc Co. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., shoot 17. SHARON, vil. (Walworth Co.) St. Aloysius. 1856-57. Note: Church built in 1851. Services discontinued in 1854. Church building removed to Clinton torm, Rock Co. and renamed. Cf. Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 207; Early C. C. Prop., sheets 54, 81. SHARON, vil. vil. (Walworth Co.) St. Catherine. 1358-61, 1383--. Attends Note: This church is not listed from 1361 to 1882. Fontana as a mission. Congregation at Sharon was established in 1846. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 402, 403; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 207. See South Grove. SHOPOYGAN, city. (Sheboygan Co.) Holy Name. 1850--. 1350-71, St. Magdalen, Sheboygan. 1872-, Holy Name, Sheboygan. Note: Organized in 1345. Church built and dedicated in 1845. First resident pastor, Lov. F. X. Etschmann, 1350. First listed by nome in 1872. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 534; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 20. SHEBOYGAN, city. (Sheboygan Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1905--. Note: SHEBOYGAN city. St. Clement. SHEBOYGAN, city. St. Cyril. Attends as mission St. Ambrose, Port Washington, Ozaukee Co. (Sheboygan Co.) 1917. (Sheboygan Co.) 1909--. SHEBOYGAN, city. (Sheboygan Co.) St. Dominic. 1928-. SHEBOYGAN, city. (Sheboygan Co.) St. Peter Clavor. 1039--. Noto: Organized in 1386. Rov. J. B. Von Trecck, first resident pastor. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 537. : 48 Milwaukee Archdiocese SHEBOYGAN FALLS, city. (Sheboygan Co.) St. Mary. 1898--. Noto: Church built in 1896; dedicated May 24, 1997. On July 2, 1897, Rev. C. F. Keyser was appointed first resident pastor. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 538. SILVER CREEK, settl. settl. (Shorman town, Sheboygan Co.) St. Mary. 1864-78. Note: Formerly attended as mission from Cascado, Sheboygan, Co. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 23. SLINGER, vil. (Formerly Schleisingerville) St. Peter. 1857-- (Washington Co.) 1857-1925, St. Peter, Schleisingerville. 1926, St. Peter, Slingor. No to: Organized and church built in 1856. Attended as mission from St. Lawrence and Barton, Washington Co. In 1881 -82 schoolhouse was erected. Incorporated May 1, 1893. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 533; Geschichte, p. 466. SOUTH GROVE, ? (Clinton town, Rock: Co.) St. Catherine. 1871-83. Noto: Attonded by Rev. F. H. Sullivan from Beloit. Cf. Darly C. C. Prop., sheet 54. SOUTH MİLWAUKED, city. (Milyaukec Co.) St. Adalbert. 1899-- 1899-1900, St. Adalbert, South Milwaukee. 1901-13, St. Voiticchus (St. Adalbert), South Milwaukee. 19144-, St. Adalbert, South Milwaukee. Note: St. Adalbert in Polish is St. Voiticchus. SOUTH MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. John, 1895. SOUTH MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Mary. 1894--. SPRINGFIELD CORNERS, settl. (Springfield town, Dane Co.) St. Martin. 1853-1902. Note: Organized in 1850. As carly as 1846, Springfield Corners and vicinity was attended as mission from "St. Norbert House," Roxbury. First church built in 1850. Rov. Hensler was appointed first resident pastor in 1861. Schoolhouse built in 1873. Incorporated in 1883. In 1895 now schoolhouse was erected. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 544. } 1 49 Milwaukee Archdiocese SPRINGVLE, town, (Fond du Lac Co.) Holy Mary of Help. 1855--. llote: Tot listed by name prior to 1864. Attended as mission from St. Brendan, Brandon, Fond du Lac Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 520. STOUGHTON, city. (Dane Co.) SS. Maria-Anna. 1873--. STURTEVANT, vil. (Recine Co.) St. Sebastian. 1906--. 1906-24, St. Sebastian, Corliss. 1925--, St. Sebastian, Sturtevant. SUGAR CREEK, settl. (Lafayette town, Walworth Co.) No Name. 1852-57. Note: Formerly attended from St. Francis de Sales, Geneva, Walworth Co. SULLIVAN, vil. (Jefferson Co.) St. Mary. 1864--. 1860-76, St. lary, Help of Christians, Concord. 1877-93, St. hary, Help of Christians, Golden Lake. 1894--, St. Mary, Help of Christians, Sullivan. Note: In 1851 Catholics in the neighborhood of the present Town of Sullivan, Jefferson Co., were attended by Rev. Haider. First mass said at the home of M. F. Franke. First church and school built in 1854. Rev. Victor, first resident pastor. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 545, 546. SUN PRAIRIE, vil. (Dane Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary. 1864--. lote: Established in 1866. Occasionally attended from various parishes until 1869. Rev. H. Willmes, first resident pastor. New church built and parish incorporated in 1883. Cf. C. C. in is., pp. 546, 547. THERESA, vil. (Dodge Co.) St. Theresa. 1850--. Note: Founded in 1849 by Rev. Schraudenbach. School established by Rev. Nicholas Pickel, new church built by Rev. H. Hellstern. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 548. THIENSVILLE, vil. St. Cecilia. TIPPECANOE, settl. St. Veronica. (Ozaukee Co.) 1920--。 (Tippecanoe town, Milwaukee Co. 1928--. 1 50 Milwaukee Archdiocese TRENTON, town. (Washington Co.) St. Augustine. 1855--. 1855-84, St. Augustine, Jackson. 1885-1907, St. Augustine, Newburg. 1908--, St. Augustine, Trenton. Note: Attended as mission from Holy Trinity, Newburg, Washington For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 488. Co. TWIN LAKES, vil. (Kenosha Co.) No Name 1928--. Note: Attended as mission from Wilmot, Kenosha Co. VERMONT, town. St. James. (Dane Co.) 1861-. 1861-95, St. Simon. 1896--, St. James. Note: Organized in 1860 by Rev. Stroka. Attended as mission from Pine Bluff, Dane Co. Prop., sheet 48. VERONA JUNCTION, vil. (Dane Co.) St. Andrew Note: 1891--. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 481; Early C. C. Attends as mission Paoli, Dane Co. VIENNA, settl. (Vienna town, Dane Co.) St. Margaret. 1866-81. Note: Formerly attended as mission from Madison, Dane Co., later from Westport. Church built in 1863. Services discontinued in 1881. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 453; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 44. WATERFORD, vil. (Racine Co.) St. Thomas Aquinas. 1853-- Note: Organized and church built in 1848. School opened in 1851. Parsonage erected in 1858; new school built in 1864. Incorporated in 1883. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 549, 1161; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 213. WATERLOO, vil. St. Joseph. (Jefferson Co.) 1872-. Note: Organized in 1868. Brick church erected 1869. In 1874 Rev. Joseph Huber took charge as resident pastor. Wis., pp. 551, 552. Cf. C. C. in (Jefferson Co.) WATERLOO, vil. St. Wenceslaus. 1867-1923. Note: Defunct. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 55. : ! 51 Milwaukee Archdiocese : WATERTOWN, city. St. Bernard. Note: (Jefferson Co.) 1846-- Organized in 1843. Church built in 1844. Rev. Healy, first residont pastor. In 1857 church was enlarged and school- New house erected. New church built in 1873; dedicated in 1876. school house erected in 1891. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 553, 554; Stuffed Saddlebags, pp. 224, 225. WATERTOWN, city. (Jefferson Co.) St. Henry. 1852-. No to: Organized in 1853. First pastor, Rev. Beck. Incorporated in 1883. Attends as mission St. Francis, Lake Mills, Jefferson Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 556. WAUBEKA, scttl. (Fredonia town, Ozaukee Co.) St, John the Baptist. 1373-1919. Noto: Established about 1868 end attended from Holy Cross, sub- sequently from Mater Dolors, Fredonia, Ozaukee Co. When church became defunct records wore transforred to Fredonia and Newburg, Washington Co. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., shoot 25. WAUKESHA, city. (Waukesha Co.) St. Josoph. 1846--. Note: First church built in 1842. Rev. Kundig, first resident pastor in 1844. For carly history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 557; Stuffed Saddlebags, pp. 214, 215. WAUKESHA BEACH, settl. (Pewaukee tom, Waukesha Co.) St. Anthony. 1928--. Note: Attended from Milwaukee Chancery. WAUNAKEE, vil. (Danc Co.). St. John. 1976--. 1876-85, St. Joseph. 1886--, St. John. Note: Established in 1874 under supervision and direction of Rov. W. G. Millor, pastor of St. Mary of the Lake, Westport, Dane Co. School established about this time. Building served as church and school. A year later an independent school building was crectod. Rev. M. M. Gorend was appointed pastor of Westport and Waunakee, taking chargo July 28, 1881. St. John church was built under his supervision. Foundation laid in 1886. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 563. WAUPUN, city. (Fond du Lac Co). St. Joseph. 1864--. Note: Serves chapel at the State Penitentiary. For carly history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 559. 52 Milwaukee Archdiocese WAUWATOSA, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Christ King. 1941--. WAUWATOSA, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Mother of Good Counsel. 1926--. WAUWATOSA, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Ambrose. 1851-61. Note: Attended from Milwaukee in 1856. Discontinued 1859. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 62. WAUWATOSA, city. St. Bernard. (Milwaukee Co.) 1912--. WAUWATOSA, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Jude. 1929... TAUWATOSA, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Theresa of Jesus. 1928--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Anthony of Padua, 7616 17. Stevenson St., Milwaukee. WAYNE, settl. (Wayne town, Washington Co.) St. Bridget. 1857-- 1857-86, St. Bridget, Kewaskвc. 1887-, St. Bridget, Waync. Noto: Attended as mission from Holy Trinity, Kowaskee, Washington Co. For carly history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 441. WEST ALLIS, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Holy Assumption. 1902--. WEST ALLIS, city. St. Aloysius. (Milwaukee Co.) 1922-- WEST ALLIS, city. St. Augustine. (Milwaukee Co.) WEST ALLIS, city. St. Joseph. (Croatian) 1929--. (Milwaukee Co.) (Polish) 1908--. WEST ALLIS, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Mary, Help of Christians. (Slovene) 1908- mm. WEST ALLIS, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Rita. 1923--. WEST BEND, city. (Washington Co.) Holy Angel. 1865--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 561. 53 Milwaukee Archdiocese WEST MILWAUKEE, vil. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Florian. 1912--. WEST PORT, town. (Dane Co.) St. Mary of the Lake. 1867--. Note: Established in 1865 by Rev. Peter Lavin. Erection of first church begun in 1865. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 562, 563. WHITEFISH BAY, vil. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Monica. 1924--. WHITEWATER, city. St. Patrick. (Walworth Co.) 1856--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 564; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 208. WILMOT, settl. (Salem town, Kenosha Co.) Holy Name of Jesus. 1858--. 1858-59, St. Elizabeth, Wilmot. 1860--, Holy Name of Jesus, Wilmot. Note: Attends as mission Twin Lakes, Kenosha Co. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 492. WISCONSIN DELLS, city. (Columbia Co.) St. Cecilia. 1864- 1864-68, 1872-1932, St. Cecilia, Kilbourn. 1933--, St. Cecilia, Wisconsin Dells. First Note: Founded in 1850. First church built in 1868. From 1868-71 attended as mission from Portage, Columbia Co. resident pastor, Rev. William De Kelver. Cf. C. C. in Wis., P. 673. WISCONSIN DELLS, city. (Columbia Co.) St. Simon. Note: WOODHULL, settl. 1851-54. Destroyed by fire. Seo Cath. Alm., 1854. (Lamartine town, Fond du Lac Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1867-- 1867-1935, St. John the Baptist, Lamartine. 1936--, St. John the Baptist, Woodhull. Note: Attends as mission St. Mary, Eldorado, Fond du Lac Co. WOODLAND, settl. (Herman town, Dodge Co.) St. Mary Annunciation. 1868-- Note: First church built in 1862; present church built in 1871. Attended as mission from St. Matthew, Neosho, Dodge Co. Services discontinued in 1871 until completion of new church. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 483; Early C. C. Prop., sheet 34. 54 Milwaukee Archdiocese WYOCENA, vil. (Columbia Co.) St. Augustine. 1859-1902 Note: Attended from Doylestown. Discontinued services in 1902. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 10. YORKVILLE, settl. (Yorkville town, Racine Co.) St. Andrew. 1852-59. Note: Removed to Paris, Kenosha Co. St. Andrew and St. Wendelin, Paris, merged and a new church was erected in 1859 and named St. John the Baptist. Cf. Early C. C. Prop., sheet 78; Stuffed Saddlebags, p. 205. See Paris. 55 GREEN BAY DIOCESE (Established March 3, 1868) Comprises the counties of Brown, Calumet, Door, Florence, Forest, Fewaunee, Langlade, Manitowoc, Marinette, Oconto, Outagamie, Portage, Shawano, Waupaca, Waushara, Winnebago. ABRAMS, settl. (Abrams town, Oconto Co.) St. Louis. 1910--. Note: Legal title "St. Louis Congregation of Abrams.** Attended as a mission from St. Fatrick, Stiles, conto Co. ALASKA, settl. settl. St. Mary. Note: (Pierce town, Kewaunee Co.) 1880-1927. According to Holy Trinity (Slovan), Alaska was in 1881 given to Slovan as a mission. This church may be defunct. Rev. Peter Johnson of St. Francis Seminary states that Holy Rosary of Alaska is defunct. Both names may refer to the same church. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 737. ALBAN, settl. (Alban town, Fortage Co.) St. Adalbert. 1896-- Note: Legal title "St. Adalbert's Congregation of Alban, Portage Co. Wis. Formerly attended as a mission from Sacred Heart of Jesus, Polonia, Portage Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 715. ALGOMA, city. (Kewaunee Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1865-68, 1871--. 1865-68, St. Amandus, Ahnapee. 1869-70, Not listed. 1871, St. Amandus, Ahnapee 1872-74, St. Raphael, Ahnapee. 1875-96, St. Mary, Ahnapee. 1897--, Immaculate Conception, Algoma. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation, Ahna pee, Wis." Algoma was known as Ahna pee. Church was started as a mission of Green Bay about 1860. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 591. ALMOND, vil. (Portage Co.) Holy Guardian Angels. 1914--. Note: Mission attended from St. John the Baptist, Belmont, Portage Co. ALMOND, vil. (Portage Co.) St. Martin. 1896-1921. i 56 Green Bay Diocese ALVERNO, settl. St. Joseph. (Manitowoc Rapids town, Manitowoc Co.) 1895--. Note: Legal title "St. Joseph Congregation of Alverno, Wis." Established in 1874. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 362. AMBERG, town. (Marinette Co.) St. Agnes. 1894--. Note: Mission attended from St. Augustine, village of Wausaukee, Marinette Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 753. AMHERST, vil. (Portage Co.) St. James. Note: 1917--. Attended as a mission from St. Patrick, town of Lanark, Portage Co. ANIWA, vil. (Shawano Co.) St. Boniface. 1885--. Note: Legal title "St. Boniface Catholic Congregation." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 710 under St. Joseph, Phlox, Langlade Co. ANTIGO, city. (Langlade Co.) St. Hyacinth. 1896--. Note: Legal title "St. Hyacinth Congregation of Antigo, Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 596. ANTIGO, city. (Langlade Co.) St. John. Note: 1885-- Legal title "St. John's Congregation, Antigo, Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 593. ANTIGO, city. (Langlade Co.) St. Mary. Note: 1906--. Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation of the city of Antigo, Langlade Co." APPLETON, city. (Outagamie Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1899--. Note: Legal title "The Sacred Heart Congregation of Appleton." APPLETON, city. (Outagamie Co.) St. Francis Xavier. 1885. Note: This entry was listed in 1885 only. APPLETON, city. (Outagamie Co.) St. Joseph. Note: 1870-- For complete history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 595. ! Green Bay Diocese 57 APPLETON, city. (Outagamie Co.) St Mary of the Seven Dolors. 1861--. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation of Appleton, Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 596, 597. APPLETON, city. (Outagamie Co.) St. Theresa. 1928--. Note: Legal title "St. Theresa Congregation of the city of Appleton." ARGONNE, settl. (Argonne town, Forest Co.) St. Mary. 1924-29, 1936--. Note: Mission attended from St. Joseph, Crandon, Forest Co. ARMSTRONG CREEK, settl. (Armstrong Creek town Forest Co.) St. Stanislaus Kostka Congregation. 1916--. ASKEATON, settl. (Holland town, Brown Co.) St. Patrick. 1866--. 1866-67, Hollandtown, East. 1868, Holland. 1877-89, East Hollandtown. 1890--, Askeaton. Note: Legal title "St. Patrick's Congregation, town of Holland." Askeaton prior to 1850 was known as East Hollandtown. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 598. AURORA, settl. (Aurora town, Florence Co.) Sacred Heart. 1927- Note: Legal title "Sacred Heart Congregation of Aurora, Wis." BAILEY'S HARBOR, settl. (Bailey's Harbor town, Door Co.) St. Mary of the Lake. 1877--. Note: Attends as mission St. Rosalia, Sister Bay, Door Co. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 728. BAY SETTLEMENT, settl. (Scott town, Brown Co.) Holy Cross. 1858--. Note: 1858-65, Holy Cross, Bay Settlement. 1866-74, Holy Cross, Wequick. 1876--, Holy Cross, Bay Settlement For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 598. BEAR CREEK, vil. (Outagamie Co.) St. Mary. Note: 1877--. 1877-1906, St. Mary, Bear Creek. 1907-15, St. Mary, Welcome. 1916--, St. Mary, Bear Creek. Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation of Bear Creek, Outagamie Co., Wis." For history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 602, 603. } 1 58 Green Bay Diocese BEAVER, settl. (Beaver town, Marinette Co.) No Name. 1890-1902. Note: Attended as mission from St. John the Baptist, Coleman, Marinette Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 614. BELMONT, town. (Fortage Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1898--. Note: Legal title "St. John the Baptist Congregation of Belmont, Wis." Attends as mission Holy Guardian Angels, Almond, Portage Co. BIG FALLS, vil. (Waupaca Co.) No Name. 1915-27. BIG SUAMICO, settl. (Suamico town, Brown Co.) St. Benedict. 1918-- Note: Legal title "St. Benedict's Congregation of the town of Suamico, Brown Co." Attended as mission from SS. Edward and Isidore, Flintville, Brown Co. BIRNAMWOOD, vil. (Shawano Co.) St. Philomena. 1887--. Now Note: Legal title "St. Philomena Roman Catholic Congregation of the village of Birnamwood." Name appears in 1906, Birnam- wood village, Shawano Co. Formerly attended from Antigo. attends as missions: St. William, Eland, Shawano Co.; Holy Family, Wittenberg, Shawano Co. BLACK CREEK, vil. (Outagamie Co.) St. Mary. 1877--. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation of the town of Black Creek, Outagamie Co." Not listed by name prior to 1891. Attends as missions: St. Denis, village of Shiocton, Outagamie Co.; St. Lawrence, Navarino, Shawano Co. For short history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 729. BLACKWELL, town. (Forest Co.) C. C. C. Camp. 1938-- Note: Attended from St. Leonard, Laona, Forest Co. This is a Civilian Conservation Camp. BLACK WOLF, settl. (Black Wolf town, Winnebago Co.) No Name. 1854. Note: Attended as a mission from Neenah, Winnebago Co. BRILLION, vil. St. Mary. (Calumet Co.) 1884--. Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation of Brillion, Wis." Attends Holy Trinity, Kasson, Manitowoc Co. 59 Green Bay Diocese BRUSSEL, settl. (Brussel town, Door Co.) St. Francis Xavier. 1885--. Note: Legal title "St. Francis Xavier Congregation of Brussel's Wis." BUENA VISTA, town. (Portage Co.) St. Martin. 1877--. Note: 1877-79, St. Martin. 1885-95, St. Martin. 1922--, st. Martin. Formerly attended as mission from St. Stephen, Stevens Point, Portage Co. Now attended as mission from St. Paul, Plainfield, Waushara Co. CARROLTOWN, town. [Carlton town] (Kewaunee Co.) St. Methodius. 1866-68. Note: Either church or station, town of Carlton, Kewaunee Co. CASCO, vil. (Kewaunee Co.) Holy Trinity. 1877--. 1877-84, Holy Trinity, Fierce. 1885-1900, Holy Trinity, Slovan. 1901--, Holy Trinity, Casco. Note: Legal title "Holy Trinity Congregation of the town of Casco." Cath. Directory places this church at Casco as a mission of St. Adalbert, Slovan, Fewaunee Co. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 737. CASCO, town (Kewaunee Co.) St. Amandus. 1866-68. Note: May have been a mission or station preceding the many churches in this district. one of CASCO, town . (Kewaunee Co.) St. Edward. 1866-68. Note: May have been a station preceding one of the many churches in this district. CASCO JUNCTION, Peot settl. (Luxemburg town, Kewaunee Co.) Sacred Heart. 1877-1902. Note: 1877-89, Sacred Heart, Peot. 1890-1902, Sacred Heart, Peot. Attended as mission from Luxemburg. Peot was known as Casco Junction, and also as Bunker Hill, Kewaunee Co. cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 681. CASIMIR, settl. (Hull town, Portage Co.) St. Casimir. 1877--. 1877-98, St. Casimir, Hull. 1899--, St. Casimir, Casimir. Note: Legal title "St. Casimir's Congregation, Hull, Portage Co., Wis." For church history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 648. 60 Green Bay Diocese CAVOUR, settl. (Caswell town, Forest Co.) Station. 1908-15. Note: Attended from Crandon City, Forest Co. CECIL, vil. (Shawano Co.) St. Martin. (not inc.) 1899--. Note: Attended as mission from Sacred Heart, Shawano, Shawano Co. CENTERVILLE, settl. (Centerville town, Manitowoc Co.) St. George. 1864--. Note: 11 Legal title "St. George's Congregation, Centerville.' Attended from St. Wendel, Cleveland, Manitowoc Co. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 531. CHAMPION, settl. St. Joseph. (Green Bay town, Brown Co.) 1923--. Note: See entry under Robinsonville. CHARLESBURG, settl. (Brothertown town, Calumet Co.) St. Charles Borromeo. 1868-- Note: 1868-73, St. Charles Borromeo, Irothertown. 1874--, St. Charles Borromeo, Charlesburg. Legal title "St. Charles Borromeo's Congregation of the town of Brothertown, Calumet Co." CHARLESTOWN, town. (Calumet Co.) St. Martin. 1854-59, 1867- 1854-59, No Name, Charleston. 1867--, St. Martin, Charlestown. Note: Attended as a mission from St. Gregory, St. Nazianz, Manitowoc Co. CHASE, town. (Oconto Co.) St. Joseph. 1913--. Note: Legal title "St. Joseph's Congregation of Chase, Oconto Co.' Attended as mission from Assumption B. V. M., Fulaski, Brown Co. CHILTON, city. (Calumet Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1879--. 1879-95, St. Mary, Chilton. 1896--, Immaculate Conception, Chilton. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation, Chilton, Wis." Perhaps same church. Attends as mission St. Elizabeth, Kloten, Calumet Co. For history cf. C. C. in Wis p. 610. > 11 CHILTON, city. (Calumet Co.) St. Augustine. 1857--. 1857-60, St. Maximilian, Chilton. 1861--, St. Augustine, Chilton. Note: Legal title "St. Augustine's Congregation, Chilton, Wis." Perhaps same church. The history of the parish of St. Augustine, Chilton, began about 1850. Attended as a mission from St. John, Calumet Co., by Rev. Real. In 1855 church was built. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 610. 61 Green Bay Diocese. CLARKS MILLS, settl. (Cato town, Manitowoc Co.) St. Mary Immaculate Conception. 1866-68, 1876--. 1866-68, St. Mary, Clarks Mills. 1876-1937, Immaculate Conception 1938--, St. Mary Immaculate Conception. Note: Legal title "Congregation of the Immaculate Conception of Clarks Mills, Wis." For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 612. CLAYTON, town. (Winnebago Co.) St. Malachy. 1852-67. Note: Attended as mission from Neenah and Oshkosh. Visited by Rev. J. Florian Bonduel. Cf. Cath. Alm. CLEVELAND, settl. (Centerville town, Manitowoc Co.) St. Wendel. 1858--. Note: Wis. 1865-95, St. Wendlin, Centerville. 1896--, st. Wendel, Cleveland, Manitowoc Co. Legal Title St. Wendel's Congregation, Centerville, Attends as mission St. George, Centerville, Manitowoc Co. Directory lists church at Cleveland since 1911. For history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 531. CLINTONVILLE, city. (Waupaca Co.) St. Rose. 1877--. Note: Legal title "St. Rose's Congregation." Church founded in 1871. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 613. COLEMAN, vil. (Marinette Co.) St. John Baptist. 1885--. 1881, Station attended from Peshtigo. 1882, Station attended from Duck Creek. 1889, Station attended from Wausaukee. 1890, First resident priest. Note: Legal title "The Roman Catholic Congregation of St. John the Baptist, location Peshtigo, Marinette Co., Wis." Name not stated in Cath. Alm. prior to 1890. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 614. COMBINED LOCKS, vil. (Outagamie Co.) St. Paul. 1924--. Note: Legal title "St. Paul's Congregation of the village of Combined Locks." COOPERSTOWN, settl. (Cooperstown town, Manitowoc Co.) St. James. 1854--. Note: 1854-73, Holy Family. 1874, St. James. Legal title "St. James Congregation, Cooperstown, Wis." For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 615. : 62 Green Bay Diocese CORYVILLE, ? (Kewaunee Co.) St. John Nepomucene. 1865-68. Note: Perhaps same as St. John Nepomucene, Krock, Kewaunee Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 603, which states that a church of this name was established in West Kewaunee, 1864. CRANDON, city. (Forest Co.) St. Joseph. 1907--. Note: Legal title "St. Joseph's Congregation of the city of Crandon." Attends as missions : St. Michael Hiles, Forest Co.; St. Mary, Argonne, Forest Co. CRIVITZ, settl. (Stephenson town, Marinette Co.) St. Mary. Note: Co." CUSTER, settl. 1887-89, 1896--. 1887-89, 1887-98, No Name, Ellis Junction. 1899-1900, No Name, Crivitz 1901--, St. Mary, Crivitz. Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation of Crivitz, Marinette For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 753. (Stockton town, Portage Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1877-- 1877-95, Immaculate Conception, Stockton. 1896--, Immaculate Conception, Custer. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation located at Stockton, Wis." Attended as mission from St. Stephen, Stevens Point, Portage Co. Now attends as mission St. Martin, Sharon, Portage Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 742. DALE, settl. (Dale town, Outagamie Co.) St. Joseph. 1911--. Note: Legal title "St. Joseph's Congregation." Attended as mission from SS. Peter and Paul, Hortonville, Outagamie Co. DARBOY, settl. Holy Angels. (Buchanan town, Outagamie Co.) 1857--. 1857, Holy Angels, Kaukauna. 1858-61, Holy Angels, Kaukauna: 1865-74, Holy Angels, Buchanan. 1875-76, St. Joseph, Buchanan. 1877-, Hy Alyols, Darboy. Angels, Note: Legal title oly Angels Congregation of Darboy." Organized in 1850. Darboy is on the boundary line between the counties of Outagamic and Calumet. For early history cf, C. C. in Wis., p. 607. DENMARK, vil. (Brown Co. All Saints. 19÷ེ--。 Note: Legal title "All Saints Congregation." Attends as mission Holy Trinity, New Denmark, Brown Co. 1 63 Green Bay Diocese (Brown Co.) 1871- DE PERE, city. Immaculate Conception. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation located in the city of De Pere, Brown Co., Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 624. DE PERE, city. (Brown Co.) St. Boniface. 1884-. 1884-88, St. Boniface, Nicolet City. 1889--, St. Boniface, West De Pere. Note: Legal title "St. Boniface's Congregation." Prior to 1887 West De Pere was known as Nicolet. For early history cf. C. c. in Wis., p. 620. DE PERE, city. (Brown Co.) St. Francis Xavier. 1864. Note: Legal title "St. Francis Xavier Congregation, De Pere." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 621. DE PERE, city. (Brown Co.) St. Ignatius 1859-61. Note: Dedication 1856. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 274. DE PERE, city. (Brown Co.) St. Joseph. 1871- 1871-83, St. Joseph, West De Pere. 1884-88, St. Joseph, Nicolet City. 1889-1932, St. Joseph, West De Pere. 1933--, St. Joseph, De Pere. Note: Legal title "St. Joseph's Congregation of De Pere.' For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 622. DUCK CREEK, settl. (Howard town, Brown Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1858-68, 1871--. Note: Legal title "Congregation of St. John the Baptist of Howard, Brown Co." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 624-626. DUNBAR, settl. (Dunbar town, Marinette Co.) St. Joseph. 1896-1923. Note: Attended as mission from St. Augustine, Wausaukee, Marinette Co. No name in Cath. Alm. prior to 1908. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 753. DYKESVILLE, settl. (Red River town, Kewaunee Co.) St. Louis. 1872-- 1872-80, St. Louis, Deyicksville. 1881--, St. Louis, Dykesville. Note: Established in 1863. Prior to 1863 a station known as Red River was the only place of worship. Attends as missions: St. Francis de Paul, Marchand, Door Co. and St. Odiles, Thiry-Daems, Kewaunee Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis. pp. 626, 627. See Red River. 64 Green Bay Diocese EAST WRIGHTSTOWN, settl. (Wrightstown town, Brown Co.) Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 1877-. Note: Mission attended from St. John the Evangelist, Morrison, Brown Co. EATON, settl. (Eaton town, Brown Co.) SS. Cyrillus and Methodius. 1885--. Note: Legal title "St. Cyril and Methodius Congregation, Eaton, Brown Co. Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 631. EATON, town. (Brown Co.) St. Joseph. 1880-1913. Note: Attended as mission from Immaculate Conception, Humbolt, Brown Co. EGG HARBOR, settl. (Egg Harbor town, Door Co.) St. John. 1877--. Note: Legal title "St. John the Baptist of Egg Harbor, Door Co." Attends as missions: St. Paul, Fish Creek, Door Co.; St. Michael, Jacksonport, Door Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 602, 728. ELAND, vil. (Shawano Co.) St. William. 1918-- Note: Attended as mission from St. Philomena Birnamwood, Shawano Co. ELAND JUNCTION, ? (Shawano Co.) All Saints. 1909-27. Note: Attended as mission from Birnamwood, Shawano Co. ELCHO, settl. (Elcho town, Langlade Co.) Holy Family. 1887--. 1887-1903, No Name, Summit Lake. 1904--, Holy Family, Elcho. Note: Attends Pearson, Langlade Co. as a mission. Probably the same church. FANCHER, settl. (Stockton town, Portage Co.) St. Mary of the Scapular. 1887-- 1887-89, No Name, Amherst Junction. 1890-1902 St. Mary of the Scapular, Amherst Junction. 1902--, St. Mary of the Scapular, Fancher. Note: Legal title The Congregation of St. Mary's of the Scapular, Portage Co., Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 592. FISH CREEK, settl. (Gibraltar town, Door Co.) St. Paul. 1919--. Note: Attended as mission from St. John the Baptist, Egg Harbor, Door Co. Mission did not appear by name prior to 1928. ! : 65 Green Bay Diocese FLINTVILLE, settl. (Suamico town, Brown Co.) SS. Edward and Isidore. 1885--. AD Note: Legal title "St. Edward and Isidore's Congregation. Attends as mission St. Benedict Congregation, town of Suamico, Big Suamico, Brown Co. Formerly attended from Duck Creek, Brown Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 631. FLORENCE, settl. (Florence town, Florence Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1882--. Note: Legal title "Congregation of the Immaculate Conception, Florence, Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 634, 635. FRANCIS CREEK, settl. (Kossuth town, Manitowoc Co.) St. Anne. 1860--. 1860-76, St. Anne, French Creek. 1877--, St. Anne, Francis Creek. Note: Legal title "Congregation of St. Anne, town of Kossuth." Attends as mission St. Augustine, Kossuth, Manitowoc Co. Name was changed from French Creek to Francis Creek. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 636. FREEDOM, settl. (Freedom town, Outagamie Co.) St. Nicholas, 1857--. Note: Legal title "St. Nicholas Congregation, Freedom, Wis." Founded in 1851. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 638, 639. FREEDOM, town. (Outagamie Co.) St. Mary. 1880-1900. Note: Attended as mission from St. Nicholas, Freedom, settl., Outagamie Co. Probably located in the town of Freedom, rather than in Freedom settlement. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 639. GARDNER, town. St. Joseph. (Door Co.) 1879-91, 1896-1919. 1879-91, 1896-1919. Closed. 1879-91, St. Joseph, Little Sister Bay. 1896-1908, St. Joseph, Little Sister Bay. 1909-19, St. Joseph, Gardner. Note: Last attended as mission from St. Mary, Union, Door Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 619 under St. Mary, Delwich, Door Co. GILLETT, vil. (Oconto Co.) St. John. 1885--. Note: Legal title "St. John's Congregation of the town of Gillett, Oconto Co., Wis." Name first appears in 1891. Formerly attended from Stiles, Oconto Co. Now attends as mission St. Michael, Suring, Oconto Co. 1 66 Green Bay Diocese GLENMORE, settl. settl. (Glenmore town, Brown Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1877-1925. 1877-95, St. Mary. 1896--, Immaculate Conception. Note: Legal title Legal title Immaculate Conception Congregation of Glenmore. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 640. GOODMAN, vil. (Marinette Co.) St. Joan of Arc. 1910--. Note: Legal title "The Congregation of St. Joan of Arc, village of Goodman. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 1933--. Note: GREEN BAY, city. St. Bernard. Legal title "Annunciation of the B. V. M.” (Brown Co.) 1858-59. Closed. GREEN BAY, city. city. (Brown Co.) St. Francis Xavier Congregation. 1880--. Note: Legal title "St. Francis Xavier Congregation." For early history [St. Francis Xavier Cathedral] cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 574-578. See St. Mary, Green Bay. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) St. John the Evangelist. 1834--. Note: Legal title "St. John's Congregation." St. John the Evangelist is the oldest Catholic organization in Green Bay and of Northern Wisconsin, having been attended by regular pastors as early as 1831. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., P. 583. GREEN BAY, city. St. Joseph. Note: (Brown Co.) 1916--. Legal title "St. Joseph's Congregation of Green Bay." GREEN BAY, city. city. (Brown Co.) St. Mary of the Angels. (Polish) 1899--. Note: U. S. Cath. Alm. and Dir. lists St. Mark, Czestockowa, from 1899-1904. Probably absorbed by St. Mary of the Holy Angels. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) St. Mary. (German) 1855-79. Note: Absorbed by St. Francis Xavier. Cf. C. C. in Wis., PP. 573-578. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) St. Matthew. 1925--. Note: Legal title "St. Matthews Parish of the town of Allouez." + 67 Green Bay Diocese GREEN BAY, city. St. Patrick. (Brown Co.) 1866--. Note: Legal title "St. Patrick's Congregation of Ft. Howard, For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 585, 586. Wis. 11 GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. 1877-- Note: Legal title "St. Peter and Paul's Catholic Congregation. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 586, 587. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) St. Philip. Note: 1939--. Legal title "St. Philip the Apostle Parish of Green Bay. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) St. Stanislaus. 1874-79. Note: Probably absorbed by St. Francis Xavier, Groen Bay. early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 574-576. For GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) St. Willibrord. (Dutch and English) 1866--. Noto: Logal title "St. Willibrord's Congregation." Organized For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 587–590. in 1864. GREENSTREET, ? (Manitowoc Co.) St. Wonzol. 1865-1933. Closed. 1865-95, St. Wenceslaus, Cooperstown. 1896-1933 St. Wenzel, Greenstreet. Note: For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 656. GREENVILLE, settl. (Greenville town, Outagamie Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1870--. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation of the town of Groonville." Attends as mission St. Patrick, Stephenville, town of Ellington, Outagamie Co. For oarly history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 640, 641. GRESHAM, vil. (Shawano Co.) St. Francis Solanus. 1887--. 1887-95, St. Francis Solanus, Herman. 1896--, St. Francis Solanus, Gresham. Noto: Logal title "St. Francis Solanus Congregation of Gro sham." Attends as mission St. Mary, Loopolis, Shawano Co. (not inc.). Formerly attended from Koshona, Shawano Co. Not listed by name prior to 1887. HARRISON, town. (Calumet Co.) St. Anthony. 1876-85. Noto: Attended as mission from Chilton, Calumet Co. " 68 Green Bay Diocese HELENA, settl. (Deer Creek town, Outagamie Co.) St. Catherine. 1900-25. Closed. HILBERT, vil. (Calumet Co.) St. Mary. 1896--. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation located in the village of Hilbert, Calumet Co." HILES, settl. (Hiles town, Forest Co.) St. Michael. 1905--. Note: Legal title "St. Michael's Congregation of Hiles." No name prior to 1911. Attended from St. Joseph, Crandon, Forest Co. HOFA PARK, settl. (Maple Grove town, Shawano Co.) St. Stanislaus Martyr. 1885--. 1885-92, st. Adalbert. (Polish) 1893--, st. Stanislaus Martyr. Note: Legal title "St. Stanislaus Congregation of Maple Grove." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., F. 645. HOLLAND, settl. (Holland town (Holland town, Brown Co.) St. Francis Seraph. 1855--. Note: Legal title "St. Francis Congregation of Holland, Brown Co For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 646. Tik HORTONVILLE, vil. (Outagamie Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. 1867--. Note: Wis.** 1867-68, St. James, Hortonville. 1877--, SS. Peter and Faul, Hortonville. Legal title St. Peter and Paul's Congregation, Hortonville, Organized in 1861. Attends as mission St. Joseph, Dale settl., town of Dale, Outagamie Co. For complete histories cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 647, under SS. Peter and Paul, Hortonville, and p. 700, under church of Most Precious Blood, New London, Waupaca Co. HUMBOLDT, town. (Brown Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1879--. Note: Legal title The Immaculate Conception Congregation of the town of Humboldt, Brown Co., Wis. Established about 1874. Attended as mission from St. Joseph, Eaton, Brown Co., settlement five miles from Humboldt, Brown Co., and from St. Hubert, Humboldt, Brown Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 649. HUMBOLDT, town. (Brown Co.) St. Hubert. 1867--0 Note: Legal title "St. Hubert's Congregation in the town of Humboldt." Mission attended from Immaculate Conception, Humboldt, Brown Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 649. 69 Green Bay Diocese INSTITUTE, settl. (Sevastopol town, Door Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. 1886--. > 1886-1904, SS. Peter and Paul, Sevastopol. 1905--, SS. Peter and Faul, Institute. Legal title "St. Peter and St. Paul's Congregation, For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 728. Note: Sevastopol.” ISAAR, settl. (Seymour town, Outagamie Co.) (Seymour town St. Sebastian. 1897--. Note: Legal title "St. Sebastian's Congregation of Seymour.' Organized by Bavarian people of St. John the Baptist, Seymour, Outagamie Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 731. JACKSONPORT, settl. (Jacksonport town Door Co.) St. Michael. 1877-79, 1885-. Note: Attended as mission from St. John the Baptist, Egg Harbor, Door Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 602. JERICHO, settl. (Brothertown town, Calumet Co.) Holy Trinity. 1869--. 1869-89, Holy Trinity, Brothertown 1890--, Holy Trinity, Jericho. Note: Attended as mission from East Brothertown, Calumet Co., from 1871 to 1876. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 650. "Incorporated." (Corporation name not stated.) JUNCTION CITY, vil. vil. (Portage Co.) St. Michael. 1884--. 1884-90, No Name, Junction City. 1891--, St. Michael, Junction City. Note: Legal title "St. Michael's Catholic Congregation of the town of Carson, Junction City, P. O." C. C. in Wis., p. 821. KASSON, settl. (Maple Grove town (Maple Grove town, Manitowoc Co.) Most Holy Trinity. 1877--. For early history cf. Note: Attended as mission from St. Mary, Brillion, Calumet Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 724. KAUKAUNA, city. (Outagamie Co.) Holy Cross. Note: Wis.th 1875--. Legal title "Congregation of the Holy Cross, Kaukauna, For early history of. C. C. in Wis., pp. 650, 652. KAUKA UNA, SOUTH, city. (Outagamie Co.) St. Mary. Note: 1886--. Legal title "Congregation of St. Mary's of the Annunciation, South Kaukauna, Wis." Founded in 1885. early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 652. For 70 Green Bay Diocese KELLERSVILLE, settl. (Kossuth town, Manitowoc Co.) St. Joseph. 1877--. Note: For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 654. KESHENA, Ind. res. (Shawano Co.) St. Michael. (Indian) (Not inc. (Not inc.) 1854-74, 1877--. Note: Attends as missions: St. Mary of the Woods, Kinepoway Shawano Co.; Little Oconto; Neopit, Shawano Co. For historical sketch of the Catholic missions among the Menominee Indians cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 656-672. See also Wolf River. KEWAUNEE, city. (Kowaunee Co.) Holy Rosary. 1857--. Note: Legal title "Congregation of the Holy Rosary, Kewaunee, Wis.' For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 672, 673. KIEL, city. (Manitowoc Co.) SS. Peter and raul. 1864--, 1864-80, St. Peter, Schleswig. 1880--, SS. Peter and Paul, Kiel. Note: Legal title "Congregation of SS. Feter and Paul, of Kiel, Manitowoc Co., Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 442. KIMBERLY, vil. vil. (Outagamie Co.) Holy Name of Jesus. 1908--. Note: Legal title "Congregation of the Holy Name of Jesus, of Kimberly, village of Kimberly. KINEPOWA, Indian settl. Indian res (Situated approximately 8 miles northwest from Keshena, Shawano Co.) St. Mary of the Woods. (Indian) (Not inc.) 1885--. KLONDIKE Note: Formerly attended by the Franciscan Fathers; now attended from St. Michael (Indian), Keshena Ind. Res., Shawano Co. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 666. ? (Marinette Co.) St. Wenceslaus. 1915--. Note: Legal title "St. Wenceslaus Congregation." Mission attended from Sacred Heart, Spruce, Oconto Co. KLOTEN, settl. (Stockbridge town, Calumet Co.) St. Elizabeth. 1934- 1868-1933, St. Elizabeth, Stockbridge. 1934--, St. Elizabeth, Kloten. Note: Legal title "St. Elizabeth's Congregation." Attended as mission from Immaculate Conception, Chilton, Calumet Co. ! ! 71 Green Bay Diocese KOSSUTH, town. (Manitowoc Co.) St. Augustine. 1865--. 1865-76, St. Ann. 1877, St. Augustine. Note: Attended as mission from St. Anne, Francis Creek, Manitowoc Co. For early history For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 654. KRAKOW, settl. (Angelica town, Shawano Co.) St. Casimir. 1901--. Note: Legal title "St. Casimir's Congregation of the village of Krakow." Formerly attended from Assumption of B. V. M., Pulaski, Brown Co. KROCK, settl. (Carlton town, Kewaunee Co.) St. John Nepomucene. 1877--. 1877-79, St. John Nepomucene, Franklin. 1880-81, St. John Nepomucene Krocktown. 1882-97, St. John Nepomucene, West Kewaunee. 1898--. St. John Nepomucene, Krock. Note: Krock known as Krocktown prior to 1897. Settlement is just across town line from town of West Kewaunee. Attended as mission from St. Joseph, town of Carlton, Kewaunee Co. See "Coryvillo." LAKEWOOD, settl. (Wheeler town, Oconto Co.) St. Mary of the Lake. 1919--. Note: Mission attended from St. Ambrose, Wabeno, Forest Co. LA NARK, town. (Portage Co.) St. Patrick. 1877--. Note: Legal title "St. Patrick's Congregation of the town of Lanark, Portage Co." Attends as mission St. James, village of Amherst. Established Oct. 1890 and attended from Stevens Point from 1865 to 1885 and thereafter from Stockton, Portage Co. Church built in 1888. First resident pastor, Rev. Lawrence Spitzlberger, Oct. 1, 1890. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 676. LANGIADE, town. (Langlade Co.) St. Stanislaus. 1910--. LAONA, vil. vil. (Laona town, Forest Co.) St. Leonard. 1903--. Note: Legal title "St. Leonard's Congregation of Laona, Wis., village of Laona." Attends as missions: Blackwell, Forest Co.; Newald, Forest Co., C. C. C. Camp, Long Lake, Florence Co., C. C. C. Camp, Blackwell, Forest Co. ત 1 72 Green Bay Diocese LEBANON, town. (Waupaca Co.) St. Patrick. 1866-- LE NA, vil. 1866-68, St. Finbar, Lebanon. 1873-74, St. Finbar, Lebanon. 1877--, St. Patrick, Lebanon. Note: Legal title "St. Patrick's Congregation of the town of Lebanon." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 677. (Oconto Co.) St. Charles Borromeo. 1885--. 1 1885, St. Charles, Maple Valley, Oconto Co. 1898--, St. Charles Borromeo, Lena, Oconto Co. Note: Legal title "St. Charles Borromeo 's Congregation of the town of Lena, Oconto Co." LEOPOLIS, settl. settl. (Herman town, Shawano Co.) St. Mary. 1885--. "Note: Not listed by name prior to 1895. Mission formerly attended from Ke shena, Shawano Co. Now attended from St Francis Solanus, Gresham vil., Shavano Co. LINCOLN, town. (Kewaunee Co.) St. Peter. 1866-- 1866-68, St. Peter, Lincolntown. 1876-95, St. Peter, Grandloz. 1896--, st. Peter, Lincoln. Note: Legal title "St. Peter's Congregation of Lincoln." Established 1857. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 678, LITTLE CHUTE, vil. (Outagamie Co.) St. John Nepomucene. 1852--. Note: Legal title "St. John Nepomuc Congregation of Little Chute." Established 1833. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 678, 680. LITTLE OCONTO, Indian settl. (Indian Res., Oconto Co.) (Situated about 16 miles northeast of Ke shena, Shawano Co.) St. Joseph of the Lake. (Indian) 1885--. Note: Formerly attended by the Franciscan Fathers. Now attended from St. Michael (Indian), Keshena Ind. Res., Shawano Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 666. LITTLE STURGEON BAY, settl. (Gardiner town, Door Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1877-78; 1887-97. Note: Last attended from Delwich, now Union town, Door Co. See history under St. Mary, Delwich. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 619. : ! 73 Green Bay Diocese LITTLE SUAMICO, settl. St. Pius. 1885--. (Little Suamico town, Oconto Co.) 1885-95, No Name 1896-97, St. Leo. 1898--, St. Pius. Note: Legal title "St. Pius Congregation." Attended from Assumption of B. V. M., Pulaski, Brown Co. LONG LAKE, C. C. C. Camp. (Long Lake town, Florence Co.) Station. 1938-- Note: LUXEMBURG, vil. Attended from St. Leonard, Laona, Forest Co. (Kewaunee Co.) Immaculate Conception of B. V. M. 1876--. Note: Legal title "Congregation of the Immaculate Conception, Luxemburg, Kewaunee Co." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 680, 681, under St. Mary. MACKVILLE, settl. St. Edward. Wis. 11 (Center town, Outagamie Co.) 1861--. 1861-68, St. Edward, Center. 1876-98, St. Edward, Center. 1899--, St. Edward, Mackville. Note: Legal title "St. Edward's Congregation, town of Center, Center referred to as a settlement in complete history in C. C. in Wis. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 609 under St. Edward, Center, Wis. MANAWA, vil. (Waupaca Co.) Sacred Heart. 1885--. 1885-90, No Name, Manawa. 1891-98, St. Mary, Manawa • 1899--, Sacred Heart, Manawa. Note: Legal title "The Sacred Heart Congregation." Probably the same church. Attends as mission St. Bridget, Royalton, Waupaca Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis. p. 682. MANITOWOC, city. (Manitowoc Co.) Holy Innocence. 1934--. Note: Legal title "Holy Innocence Congregation of the city of Manitowoc, Wis.' MANITOWOC, city. (Manitowoc Co.) Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1873--. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation, city of Manitowoc." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 462. · 74 Green Bay Diocese MANITOWOC, city. Sacred Heart. (Manitowoc Co.) 1905-- Note: Legal title "Sacred Heart Congregation of Manitowoc, Wis." MANITOWOC, city. St. Andrew. (Manitowoc Co.) 1929--. Note: Legal title "St. Andrew's Congregation of the city of Manitowoc, Wis." MANITOWOC, city. (Manitowoc Co.) St. Boniface. 1857--. Note: Legal title "St. Boniface's Congregation of Manitowoc, Wis. For church history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 460. 11 MANITOWOC, city. (Manitowoc Co.) St. Paul. 1921-- Note: Legal title "Congregation of St. Paul of the Cross, Manitowoc. MANITOWOC RAPIDS, settl. (Manitowoc Rapids town, Manitowoc Co.) Holy Maternity. 1853-84. Closed. MAPLE GROVE, settl. (Franklin town, Manitowoc Co.) St. Patrick. ` 1857-- Note: Legal title "St. Patrick's Congregation, Franklin, Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 683. MAPLEWOOD, settl. (Forestville town, Door Co.) Holy Name of Mary. 1881--. 1881-87, St. Mary, Forestville. 1888-96, Immaculate Conception, Forestville. 1897-1900, Holy Name of Mary, Forestville. 1901--, Holy Name of Mary, Maplewood. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation, Forestville, Door · Co." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 591, 592. MARCHAND, ? (Door Co.) St. Francis de Paul. 1858--. 1858-60, St. Adelia, Belgium. 1861, St. Odilia, Sherytown. 1877-86, No Name, Marchand. 1887-93, St. Ottilia, Marchand. 1894--, St. Francis de Paul, Marchand. Note: Marchand is in the town of Brussels; St. Mary, Delwich, is in the town of Union. St. Francis de Paul is attended as a mission from St. Louis, Dykesville, Kewaunee Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 619. 75 Green Bay Diocese MARINETTE, city. (Marinette Co.) Our Lady of Lourdes. 1871--. 1871-74, St. Patrick. 1876--, Our Lady of Lourdes. Note: Legal title "Our Lady of Lourdes Congregation of Marinette, Wis." U. S. Cath. Alm. and Dir. lists St. Patrick at Marinette, from 1871-74, and in charge of Rev. P. Perin. The church is per- haps a part of St. Mary congregation. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 685. MARINETTE, city. (Marinette Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1896--. Note: Legal title "The Sacred Heart Congregation." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 684. MARINETTE, city. (Marinette Co.) St. Anthony. (German) 1901--. Note: Legal title "St. Anthony's Congregation of Marinette." MARINETTE, city. St. Joseph. (Marinette Co.) 1888-- Note: Legal title "Congregation of St. Joseph's, located in the city of Marinette, Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 687. MARION, settl. (Du Pont town, Waupaca Co.) St. Mary. 1890--. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation of the village of Marion." Name first appears in 1896. Attended as mission from St. Anthony, Tigerton, Shawano Co. MATTOON, vil. (Shawano Co.) St. Joseph. 1898--. Not Note: Legal title "St. Joseph's Congregation of Phlox." listed by name prior to 1901. Mission attended from St. Joseph, Phlox, Langlade Co. MEEME, settl. (Meeme town, Manitowoc Co.) St. Fidelis. 1864--. Note:~ Attended as mission from St. Isidore, Meeme, Manitowoc Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 531. MEEME, town. (Manitowoc Co.) St. Isidore. 1854- 1854-64, St. Isidore, Meemetown. 1865--, St. Isidore, Meeme. Note: Legal title "St. Isidore's Congregation of Meeme, Manitowoc Co., Wis." This church is located at Osman, a settle- ment in the town of Meeme. Attends St. Fidelis, settlement of Meeme, Manitowoc Co. For complete history cf. C. C. in Wis. p. 468. : 76 Green Bay Diocese MENASHA, city. (Winnebago Co.) St. John the Baptist. (Polish) 1890--. Note: Legal title "St. John's Polish Catholic Congregation." For barly history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 689. MENASHA, city. St. Mary. 1869-- (Winnebago Co.) Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation, Menasha.' early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 689 For Note: MENASHA, city. St. Patrick. (Winnebago Co.) 1860--. 1860-61, St. Charles, Doty's Island. 1864-83, St. Charles Borromeo, Menasha. 1884--, St. Patrick, Menasha. Note: Legal title "St. Patrick's Congregation of Menasha, Winnebago Co." Probably same church. Doty's Island is located at the mouth of the Fox River and Lake Winnebago. history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 689. MILL CREEK, settl. (Carson town, Portage Co.) St. Bartholomew. 1886--. MISERE, ? 1886-92, St. John the Baptist, Mill Creek. 1893--, St. Bartholomew, Mill Creek. "I For early Note: Legal title "St. Bartholomew's Congregation of the town of Carson. Probably the same church. Attended as mission from St. Michael, Junction City, Portage Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 834. (Brussels town, Door Co.) St. Michael. 1885--. 1885-93, St. Michael, Brussels. 1894--, St. Michael, Misere. Note: Attended as mission from St. Hubert, Roserie, Kewaunee Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 726. MISHICOT, settl. (Mishicot town, Manitowoc Co.) Invention of the Holy Cross. 1857-- 1857-67, Invention of the Holy Cross, Mishicot. 1868, Invention of the Holy Cross, Mishicot. 1877-- Holy Cross, Mishicot. Note: Legal title Legal title "Holy Cross Congregation, Mishicot, Manitowoc Co., Wis." pp. 636, 693. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., MONTPELIER, town. (Kewaunee Co.) St. Ann. 1897-1911. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 637. See St. Joseph, Montpelier, Kewaunee Co. Closed. 77 Green Bay Diocese MONTPELIER, town. (Kewaunee Co.) St. Joseph. 1877--. 1877-1911, St. Wenceslaus, Montpelier. 1912--, St. Joseph, liontpelier. Note: Legal title "St. Joseph's Congregation of Montpelier." Established in 1875 as a mission of St. Lawrence, Franklin, Kewaunee Co. There were three missions founded at this time. One was known as St. Ann, and another as St. Mary of Seven Dolors. Rev. P. Johnson, St. Francis Seminary, reports that St. Ann and St. Mary are defunct. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 637, 638. MONTPELIER, town. (Kewaunee Co.) St. Mary of Seven Dolors. 1885-1911. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 637. See St. Joseph, Montpelier, Kewaunee Co. Closed. MORRISON, settl. (Morrison town, Brown Co.) St. John the Evangelist. 1866--. 1866-73, St. Bridget, Morristown. 1874--, St. John the Evangelist. Note: Legal title "St. John the Evangelist Congregation, Morrison, Brown Co." Attends as a mission Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, East Wrightstown, Brown Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 695, 696. MOUNTAIN, settl. (Armstrong town, Oconto Co.) St. Agnes. 1916-21. Note: NAVARINO, settl. Attended as mission from St. John, Gillett, Oconto Co. (Navarino town, Shawano Co.) St. Lawrence. 1926--。 Note: Attended as mission from St. Mary, Black Creek, Outagamie Co. NEENAH, city. (Winnebago Co.) St. Margaret Mary. 1933--. Hote: Legal title "The Congregation of St. Margaret Mary, Neenah, Wis." NEOPIT, settl. (Indian Reservation, Shawano Co.) St. Anthony. (Indian) 1910--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Michael, Keshena, Shawano Co. NEVA, town. (Langlade Co.) St. Wenceslaus. 1898--. 1887-97, No Name, Deerbrook. 1898--, St. Wenceslaus, Neva. Note: Legal title "St. Wenceslaus Congregation of Neva." 78 Green Bay Diocese NEWALD, settl. (Ross town, Forest Co.) Mission. 1934--. Note: Attended from St. Leonard, Laona, Forest Co. NEW DENMARK, ? (New Denmark town, Brown Co.) Holy Trinity. (Polish) 1885--. Note: Attended as mission from All Saints, Denmark, Brown Co. NEW FRANKEN, settl. (Scott town, Brown Co.) St. Kilian 1852--. Note: Wis." Legal title "St. Kilian's Congregation, Scott, Brown Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 693. NEW HOLSTEIN, city. (Calumet Co.) Holy Rosary. 1911--. Note: Legal title "Holy Rosary Congregation of New Holstein." NEW LONDON, city. (Waupaca & Outagamie Cos.) Most Precious Blood of Jesus. 1864--. 1864-74, St. Francis, New London, Waupaca Co. 1875--, Most Precious Blood, New London, Waupaca Co. Note: Legal title "Congregation of the Most Precious Blood, New London, Wis." For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 700. NIAGARA, vil. (Marinette Co.) St. Anthony. 1899--. Note: Legal title "St. Anthony's Catholic Congregation of the village of Niagara." NORMAN, settl. St. Joseph. (Carlton town, Kewaunee Co.) (Carlton town 1875--. 1875-1940, St. Joseph, Carlton. 1940--, St. Joseph, Norman. Note: Legal title St. Joseph Congregation of the town of Carlton, Kewaunee Co. Wis." For early history cf C. C. in Wis., p. 608. NORTH CRANDON, settl. (Crandon town, Forest Co.) St. Mary. 1888-1921. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1896. Formerly attended from Antigo, later from Crandon, Forest Co. NORTHEIM, settl. (Newton town, Manitowoc Co.) St. Casimir. Note: 1857. 1858-67, St. Peter, Newton. 1868-87, St. Casimir, Newton. 1888--, st. Casimir, Northeim. Legal title "St. Casimir's Congregation of the town of Newton, Manitowoc Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 492. · 79 Green Bay Diocese NORTHPORT, settl. (Royalton town, Waupaca Co.) St. Bridget, 1859-64, 1877-1921. 1859-64, St. Francis, Northport. 1877-1921, St. Bridget, Northport. Note: For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 678 under St. Patrick, Lebanon, Dodge Co. OASIS, town. (Waushara Co.) No Name. 1858-87. OCONTO, city. (Oconto Co.) St. Joseph. 1872--. Note: Legal title "St. Joseph's Congregation, Oconto, Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 701, 703. OCONTO, city. (Oconto Co.) St. Peter. 1857--. Note: Legal title "St. Peter's Congregation, Oconto, Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 703, 704. OCONTO FALLS, city. (Oconto Co.) St. Anthony. 1888--. OMRO, vil. Note: Legal title "St. Anthony's Congregation of the town of Oconto Falls." Not listed by name prior to 1897. Formerly attended from St. Patrick, Stiles, Oconto Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 743. (Winnebago Co.) St. Mary. 1869--. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Mission." Attended from St. Mary, Winneconne, Winnebago Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 719. ONEIDA, (Indian) settl. (Indian Reservation, Outagamie Co.) St. Joseph. 1910--. Note: Attended as mission from Imina culate Conception, Oneida. ONEIDA, (Indian) settl. (Indian Reservation, Outagamie Co.) St. Mary, (Immaculate Conception) 1896--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 988. OSHKOSH, city. (Winnebago Co.) Sacred Heart. 1907- Note: Legal title "Sacred Heart Congregation of Oshkosh." OSHKOSH, city. (Winnebago Co.) St. John the Evangelist. 1894--. Note: Legal title "St. John's Congregation." } 80 Green Bay Diocese OSHKOSH, city. (Winnebago Co.) St. Josaphat. 1899--. Note: Legal title "St. Josaphat's Congregation of the city of Oshkosh." OSHKOSH, city. (Winnebago Co.) St. Mary. 1859--. Note: cf. C. Legal title "Saint Mary's Congregation." For early history C. in Wis., p. 704. OSHKOSH, city. (Winnebago Co.) St. Peter. Note: 1852--. Legal title "St. Peter's Congregation, Oshkosh, Wis. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 707. OSHKOSH, city. (Winnebago Co.) St. Vincent de Paul. 1869-- 11 Note: Legal title "St. Vincent de Paul's Congregation of Oshkosh, Winnebago Co." For brief history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 1160. PADUS, settl. (Wabeno town, Forest Co.) Station. 1914-17. Note: Attended from Laona, Forest Co. PARRISH, settl. (Parrish town, Langlade Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1890-1919. Closed. PEARSON, settl. No Name Note: (Ainsworth town, Langlade Co.) 1930--. Attended as mission from Holy Family, Elcho, Langlade Co. PEMBINE, settl. (Pembine town, Marinette Co.) St. Margaret. 1891--. 1891-1927, St. Ignatius. 1928--, St. Margaret. Ilote: Not listed by name prior to 1906. Attended as a mission from Sacred Heart of Jesus, Aurora, Florence Co. PENSAUKEE, town. (Oconto Co.) Station. 1887-89. Note: Attended from Stiles, Oconto Co. PESHTIGO, city. (Marinette Co.) St. Mary. 1866--. 1866-68, Assumption of B. V. M., Peshtigo. 1877--, St. Mary. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation of Peshtigo, Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 708. 81 Green Bay Diocese PHLOX, settl. St. Joseph. (Norwood town, Langlade Co.) 1883--. Note: Legal title "St. Joseph's Congregation of Phlox." Not listed by name prior to 1890. PIKE, ? (Marinette Co.) No Name. 1890-95 PINE GROVE, settl. (New Denmark town, Brown Co.) Holy Trinity. 1896--. Note: Legal title "Holy Trinity of New Denmark." PLAINFIELD, vil. (Waushara Co.) St. Paul. 1895--. n Note: Legal title "St. Paul's Congregation of Plainfield." Attends as mission St. Martin, Buena Vista, Portage Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 713. PLOVER, vil. (Portage Co.) St. Bronislava. 1897--. Note: Legal title "St. Bronislava's Congregation of Plover. Attended as mission from St. Methodius, Pilot Knob, Adams Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 712. POLONIA, settl. (Sharon town, Fortage Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1864--. 1865-68, St. Joseph, Prairie, Portage Co. 1870-76, Immaculate Conception, Sharon. 1877--, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Polonia, Portage Co. Note: Legal title "Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sharon, Portage Co., Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 714. POUND, vil. St. Leo. (Marinette Co.) 1903--. Note: Legal title "St. Leo's Congregation of the village of Pound, Marinette Co." POYGAN, town. (Winnebago Co.) St. Thomas. 1864--. Note: Legal title "St. Thomas Congregation of Poygan, Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 719. POYSIPPI, town. (Waushara Co.) Sacred Heart. 1921--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1930. Attended as mission from St. Thomas, Poygan, Winnebago Co. : ► ? ! 82 Green Bay Diocese PREBLE, town . (Brown Co.) Holy Martyrs of Gorsum. 1866--. Note: Legal title "Congregation of the Holy Martyrs. Gorsum. Attended from Bay Settlement. cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 719, 720. PULASKI, vil. (Brown Co.) Assumption of B. V. M. 1887-- of For early history Note: Legal title "Congregation of the Assumption, village of Pulaski.* Attends as missions: St. Joseph, Chase, Oconto Co.; St. Pius, Little Suamico, Oconto Co. RED GRANITE, vil. vil. (Waushara Co.) St. Mark, 1908--. Note: Legal title "St. Mark's Congregation of the village of Red Granite. RED RIVER, town. " (Kewaunee Co.) St. Osilia. 1866-68, 1874-75. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 626. RED SPRINGS, town. (Shawano Co.) Holy Angels, (Indian) 1898-1928. Closed. 1898-1916, Holy Angels, Stockbridge Reservation, Shawano Co. 1917-28, Holy Angels, town of Red Springs, Shawano Co. Note: Attended as Indian mission from Ke shena, Shawano Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 667, 668. REEDSVILLE, vil. (Manitowoc Co.) Assumption of the B. V. M. 1877-- Note: Legal title "st. Mary's Congregation of the village of Reedsville." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 722. ROBINSONVILLE, ? (Brown Co.) St. Joseph. Note: ROSIERE, settl. St. Hubert. 1861-1923. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 688. See Champion. (Lincoln town, Kewaunee Co.) 1861--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Michael, Misere, Door Co. For complete history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 726. ROYALTON, settl. (Royalton town, Waupaca Co.) St. Bridget. 1924- Note: Attended as mission from Sacred Heart, Manawa, Waupaca Co. ST. ANNA, settl. settl. (Now Holstoin, Calumot Co.) For history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 523, 524. St. Ann. 1860--. Note: 83 Green Bay Diocese ST. JOHN, settl. (Woodville town, Calumet Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1864--. 1864-68, St. John the Baptist, Woodville. 1884--, St. John the Baptist, St. John. Note: Legal title "St. John the Baptist Congregation of Woodville, Herbert, R. R. D. 2. Church erected and dedicated in 1862. First attended by pastors from Hollandtown. In 1870 Rev. Anthony Leitner was appointed resident pastor. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 727. ST. NAZIANZ, settl. (Eaton town, Manitowoc Co.) St. Gregory. 1860--. T860-61, St. Gregory, Town Eighteen. 1864-71, St. Gregory, Eaton. 1871--, St. Gregory, St. Nazianz. Note: Legal title "St. Gregory's Congregation of Eaton, Wis." Attends as missions: St. Martin, Charleston settlement, Calumet Co• (New Holstein post office); Holy Trinity, Schoolhill, Manitowoc Co. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 530. (Saxeville town, Waushara Co.) SAXEVILLE, settl. (Saxeville town No name. 1860-61. Note: No history. SCHOOLHILL, settl. (Meeme town, Manitowoc Co.) Holy Trinity. 1872--. 1872-93, Holy Trinity, Meeme. 1894-1911, 1920--, Holy Trinity, Schoolhill. Note: Attended as mission from St. Gregory, St. Nazianz, Manitowoc Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 531, which states that St. Fidelis, Meeme, Manitowoc Co. was attended formerly from St. Wendel, St. Wendel, Manitowoc Co. SEYMOUR, city. St. John. (Outagamie Co.) 1878--. Note: Legal title "St. John's Congregation of the city of Seymour, Outagamie Co." Not listed by name prior to 1892. Dedicated as St. John the Baptist. cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 729. SHARON, town. (Portage Co.) St. Martin. 1865-- 1865-68, St. Martin, Prairie. 1877--, st. Martin, Prairie. Note: Legal title "St. Martin's Congregation." Attended from Immaculate Conception, Custer, Portage Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 715. : 84 Green Bay Diocese SHAWANO, city. (Shawano Co.) Sacred Heart. 1876-- 1876-83, St. Odilias. 1884--, Sacred Heart. Note: Legal title "Congregation of the Sacred Heart." Formerly attended from Keshena, Shawano Co. Now attends as missions: St. Wenzel (not inc.) Wauke chon, Shawano Co.; St. Martin (not inc.) Cecil, Shawano Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 732. SHERWOOD, settl. (Harrison town, Calumet Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1877--. Note: Legal title "Sacred Heart Congregation of Sherwood, town of Harrison." Was a mission known as St. Stephen, from 1858-60 and attended from Manitowoc Co. In 1871 Sacred Heart of Jesus was erected in 1886. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 736. SHIOCTON, vil. St. Denis. Note: (Outagamie Co.) 1898--. Attended as mission from St. Mary, Black Creek, Outagamie Co. SISTER BAY, vil. (Door Co.) St. Rosalia. 1901--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Mary of the Lake, Bailey's Harbor, Door Co. SISTER BAY, vil. (Door Co.) St. Wenzeslawa. 1885-1910. Note: Attended from St. Joseph, Sturgeon Bay, Door Co. also as mission in 1897 from SS. Peter and Paul, Sevastopol, Door Co. cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 728. SLOVAN, settl. (Casco town, Kewaunee Co.) St. Adalbert. 1910-- Note: Attended as mission from Holy Trinity, Casco, Kewaunee Co. SNYDERSVILLE, settl. (Kaukauna town, Outagamie Co.) St. Peter. 1864-68, 1877-80. SOBIESKI, settl. (Little Suamico town, Oconto Co.) St. John Kantius. 1898--. Note: Legal title "St. John Kantius Congregation of the village of Sobieski, Oconto Co." SPRUCE, settl. settl. (Spruce town (Spruce town, Oconto Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1897--. Note: Legal title "Sacred Heart Congregation, Spruce." Attended as mission St. Wenceslaus, Klondike, Oconto Co. 85 Green Bay Diocese STANGELVILLE, settl. (Franklin town, Kewaunee Co.) St. Lawrence. 1866--. 1866-68, St. Lawrence, Franklin. 1872-76, St. Joseph, Franklin. 1877-98, St. Lawrence, Franklin. 1899--, St. Lawrence, Stangelville. Note: For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 636. Organized in 1862. STARK, settl. (Morrison town, Brown Co.) Assumption of the B. V. M. 1887--. " Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation of the town of Morrison.' Attended as mission from Immaculate Conception, Glenmore, Brown Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 640. STEPHENSVILLE, settl. settl. (Ellington town, Outagamie Co.) St. Patrick. 1877-. 1877-92, St. Patrick, Stevensville. 1893--, St. Patrick, Stephensville. Note: Legal title "St. Patrick's Congregation of Stephensville." Founded in 1860, church dedicated in 1867. Attended as mission from Immaculate Conception, Greenville, Outagamie Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 643. STEVENS POINT, city. (Portage Co.) St. Joseph. 1885--. Note: Legal title "St. Joseph's Congregation, Stevens Point, Wis.' Formerly attended from St. Stevens, Stevens Point, Portage Co. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 739. STEVENS POINT, city. (Portage Co.) St. Peter. (Folish) 1877--. Note: Legal title "St. Peter's Congregation of Stevens Point, Portage Co." Established in 1876 by the Rev. A. Bukowski, the first resident pastor. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., P. 740. STEVENS POINT, city. (Portage Co.) St. Stanislaus. 1917--. STEVENS POINT, city. (Portage Co.) St. Stephen. 1857-. 1857-64, No Name, Stephens Point. 1865-66, St. Stephens, Stephens Point. 1867--, St. Stephens, Stevens Point. Note: Legal title "St. Stephens Congregation of Stevens Point, Portage Co." Name St. Stephen appears in 1865. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 741. } 86 Green Bay Diocese STILES, settl. St. Patrick. (Stiles town, Oconto Co.) (Stiles town 1884--. Note: Legal title "St. Patrick's Congregation of the village of Stilos, Oconto Co." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 743. Now attends as a mission St. Louis, Abrams, Oconto Co. STOCKBRIDGE, town. (Calumet Co.) St. Catherine. 1857-68. Closed. Note: Attended as mission from St. Augustine, Chilton, Calumet Co. STOCKBRIDGE, vil. (Calumet Co.) St. Mary of the Seven Dolors. 1877- 1877-83, SS. Peter and Paul. 1884--, St. Mary of the Seven Dolors. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation of Stockbridge, Wis." SS. Peter and Paul formerly attended from Ilarrison, Calumet Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 744. STOCKTON, settl. settl. (Stockton town, Portage Co.) St. John Cantius. 1885-86. STURGEON BAY, city. (Door Co.) Corpus Christi. 1905-- 1905-17, Corpus Christi, Sturgeon Bay. 1918--, Corpus Christi, Sawyer. Note: Legal title "Corpus Christi Congregation of the city of Sturgeon Bay. Listed in Cath. Alm. under Sawyer. STURGEON BAY, city. (Door Co.) Patronage of St. Joseph. 1875--. 1873-1930, St. Joseph. 1931--, Patronage of St. Joseph. Note: Legal title "St. Joseph's Congregation, Sturgeon Bay, Wis." For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 745. SUAMICO, settl. (Suamico town, Brown Co.) Mission (no name). 1877-79, 1890. Note: Attended from Duck Creek, Brown Co. SURING, vil. (Oconto Co.) St. Michael. 1907--. Note: Legal title "St. Michael's Congregation of Suring." Attended as mission from St. John, Gillett, Oconto Co. THIRY DAEMS, settl. (Red River town St. Odile. 1887- (Red River town, Kewaunee Co.) 1887-95, No Name, Thiry Daems. 1896-1913, St. Mary, Thiry Daems. 1914--, St. Odile, Thiry Daems. Note: Legal title "St. Odile Congregation of Thiry Daems." Attended as mission from St. Louis, Dykesville, Kewaunee Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 627. 87 Green Bay Diocese TIGERTON, vil. St. Anthony. (Shawano Co.) 1885--. Note: Legal title "St. Anthony's Congregation." Hot listed by name prior to 1896. Attends as mission St. Mary, Marion, Waupaca For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 710 under St. Joseph, Phlox, Langlade Co. Co. TISCH-MILLS, settl. (Mishicot town, Manitowoc Co.) St. Mary Nativity. 1865--. 1865-89, St. Mary, Mishicot. 1890--, lativity of Blessed V. Mary, Tisch Mills. llote: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 746. TONET, settl. settl. (Luxemburg town, Kewaunee Co.) St. Martin. 1878--· 1878-83, St. Martin, Casco. 1884-1927, St. Martin, Martinsville. 1928--, St. Martin, Tonet. ilote: Legal title "St. Martin's Congregation of Luxemburg, Wis." lo settlement and no post of this name in Kewaunee Co. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 687, 688, under St. Martin, Martinsville. TORUN, Stevens Point P. O., R. F. D. 2, (Box 282) (Portage Co.) St. Mary. Note: 1900--. Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation of Torun." TOWNSEND, settl. (Townsend town, Oconto Co.) Holy Rosary. 1907-17. Note: Attended as mission from Holy Rosary, Laona, town of Wheeler, Oconto Co. TWO RIVERS, city. (Manitowoc Co.) Sacred Heart. 1890-- 1890-95, St. John (Polish). 1896--, Sacred Heart (Polish). Note: Legal title "The Sacred Heart Congregation of the city of Two Rivers." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 747. TWO RIVERS, city. (Manitowoc Co.) St. Luke. 1853--. Note: Legal title "St. Luke's Congregation of Two Rivers, Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 747. TWO RIVERS, city. (Manitowoc Co.) St. Mark. 1925--. Note: Legal title "St. Mark's Congregation of the city of Two Rivers." 88 Green Bay Diocese UNION, town. (Door Co.) Our Lady of the Snow. Note: 1866--. 1866-68, St. Mary ad Nives, New Brussel. 1877-98, St. Mary ad Nives, Delwich. 1899-1908, Our Lady of the Snow, Namur. 1909--, Our Lady of the Snow, Union. Tik Legal title St. Mary's Congregation of the town of Union, Wis. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 619 under St. Mary, Delwich, Door Co. Namur was a post office in town of Union. Cf. Wis. Blue Book, 1885. WABE NO, settl. (Wabeno town, Forest Co.) St. Ambrose. 1901--. Note: Legal title "St. Ambrose's Congregation of Wabeno. Attended as mission from St. Mary of the Lake, Lakewood, Oconto Co. WAGNER, town. (Marinette Co.) St. Edward. Note: 1907--. 1907-18, St. Cecelia. 1919--, St. Edward. Attended as mission from St. Joseph, Walsh, Marinette Co. WALHAIN, settl. (Luxemburg town, Kewaunee Co.) St. Amandus. 1877-- 1877-1900, St. Amandus, Walhain. 1901-21, St. Joseph, Walhain. 1913--, St. Amandus, Walhain. Note: Legal title St. Amandus Congregation of Walhain.” Established 1875. Attended as a mission from St. Martin, Martinsville, Kewaunee Co. Now attended as mission from St. Martin, Tonet, Kewaunee Co. Martinsville perhaps same as Tonet. WALSH, settl. (Porterfield town, Marinette Co.) St. Joseph. 1896--. 1896-1905, St. Joseph, Porterfield. 1907--, St. Joseph, Walsh. Note: Legal title "St. Joseph's Congregation of the town of Porterfield, Wis." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 709. WASHINGTON ISLAND, settl. No Name. 1877-79. (Washington town, Door Co.) Note: Attended from Sturgeon Bay, Door Co. WAUKECHON, settl. St. Wenzel. (Waukech on town, Shawano Co.) 1877--. Note: First listed in 1890. Formerly attended as mission from Ke shena, Shawano Co. Shawano Co. Now attended from Sacred Heart, Shawano. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 734. 1 1 89 Green Bay Diocese WAUPACA, city. city. (Waupaca Co.) St. Mary Magdalene. 1891-- Note: Legal title "St. Mary Magdalene's Congregation of the city of Waupaca." Attends as missions: SS. Peter and Paul, Weyauwego, Waupaca Co.; St. Ignatius Chapel, Veterans Home Waupaca, Waupaca Co. WAUSAUKEE, vil. (Marinette Co.) St. Augustine. 1890--. Note: Legal title "St. Augustine's Congregation of the village of Wausaukee, Wis." Attended as mission in 1899 from Stiles, Oconto Co., and 1892-95 from St. John the Baptist, Coleman, Marinette Co. Now attends St. Agnes, Amberg, Marinette Co. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 753. WAUTOMA, vil. St. Joseph. (Waushara Co.) 1886--. 1886-90, No Name. 1891--, St. Joseph Note: Legal title St. Joseph's Congregation, village of Wautoma. Attends as mission St. Patrick, Princeton, Green Lake Co. WEST KEWAUNEE, town. (Kewaunee Co.) St. Hedwig. 1880--. 1880-81, St. Hedwig, Kroktown. 1882-1900, St. Hedwig, West Kewaunee. 1901-09, St. Hedwig, Krok. 1910--, St. Hedwig, West Kewaunee. Note: Krok settlement in Carlton town was known as Kroktown prior to 1897. Originally mission attended from Holy Rosary, Kewaunee, Kewaunee Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 673. WEYAUWEGA, city. (Waupaca Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. 1877--. Note: Formerly attended as mission from St. Patrick, Lebanon, Dodge Co. Now attended from St. Mary Magdalene, Waupaca, Waupaca Co. (Langlade Co.) St. James. 1923--. WHITE LAKE, vil. WHITELAW, settl. (Cato town, Manitowoc Co.) St. Michael. 1876--. 1878-95, St. Michael, Cato. 1896--, St. Michael, Whitelaw. Note: Legal title "St. Michael's Congregation of the town of Cato, Manitowoc Co." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 753. 90 Green Bay Diocese WHITE RAPIDS, ? (Oconto Co.) པོ Indian Mission. (Chippewa) 1877-79, 1887-89. Note: Attended from Marinetto, Marinette Co. WINWECONNE, vil. (Winnebago Co.) St. Mary. 1877--. Noto: Legal title "St. Mary's Congregation of Winneconnc. Not listed by namo prior to 1890. For history cf. C. U. in Wis., p. 719. WITTENBERG, vil. (Shawano Co.) Holy Family. WOLF RIVER, 1915--. Note: Nome appears in 1918. attended as mission from St. Philomena, Birnamwood, Shawano Co. ? (Winnebago Co.) St. Francis Xavier. (Indian Hission) 1847-50. 11 Note: Established by Father Van den Broek in 1844; in 1846 the settlement of 400 Indians had a church and a school. Father Van den Broek was succeeded in the field by Rev. Florimond J. Bonduel who moved the entire mission to Keshena. For further history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 656, 657, 668. WRIGHTSTOWN, vil. (Brown Co.) St. Paul. 1873--. Note: Legal title "St. Paul's Congregation, Wrightstown For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 755. 11 91 LA CROSSE DIOCESE (Established Sept. 6, 1868) Comprises the counties of Adams, Buffalo, Chippewa, Clark, Crawford, Dunn, Eau Claire, Grant, Iowa, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Lafayette, Marathon, Monroe, Pepin, Pierce, Richland, Sauk, Trempealeau, Vernon, and Wood. ABBOTSFORD, vil. (Clark Co.) St. Bernard. 1905-- Note: Attends as missions: Holy Rosary, Owen, Clark Co.; Sacred Heart, Withee, Clark Co. ADAMS, city. (Adams Co.) St. Joseph. 1921--. ALMA, city. Note: Attends as missions: St. Methodius, Pilot Knob, Adams Co.; St. Anne, Brooks, Adams Co. See Friendship. (Buffalo Co.) St. Lawrence. 1869--. 1869-75, St. Lawrence, Alma. 1876-82, St. Anna, Alma. 1883--, St. Lawrence, Alma. ALMA CENTER, vil. (Jackson Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1886--. Note: For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 802. ALTDORF, settl. settl. (Seneca town, Wood Co.) St. Joseph. Note: ALTOONA, city. St. Mary. 1885--. 1885-93, No Name, Seneca. 1894--, st. Joseph, Altdorf. Attended as mission from St. Joachim, Pittsville, Wood Co. (Eau Claire Co.) 1902--. Note: Attends as mission Holy Guardian Angel, Brackett, Eau Claire Co. ANSON, settl. (Anson town, Chippewa Co.) No Name. 1906-1909. Note: Attended as mission from Notre Dame, Chippewa Falls, Chippewa Co. ! : 7 92 La Crosse Diocese ARCADIA, city. (Trempealeau Co.) Our Lady of Perpetual Help. 1872--. 1872-83, No Name, Arcadia. 1884-85, St. Mary, Arcadia. 1886-91, SS. Peter and Paul, Arcadia. 1892--, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Arcadia. Note: Attends as mission St. Joseph, Glencoe, Buffalo Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 771. ARCADIA, town. (Trempealeau Co.) St. Stanislaus. 1911--. ARGYLE, vil. (Lafayette Co.) St. Joseph. 1899--. Note: Attends as mission St. Francis Xavier, Adams, Green Co., Milwaukee Archdiocese. ARKANSAW, settl. (Waterville town, Pepin Co.) St. Joseph. 1914--. ARNOLD, settl. (Ruby town, Chippewa Co.) St. Louis. 1936--. Note: Attended as mission from Sacred Heart of Jesus, Jim Falls, Chippewa Co. ARPIN, settl. (Arpin town, Wood Co.) St. Francis. 1924-- Note: Attended as mission from Vesper, Wood Co. ATHENS, vil. (Marathon Co.) St. Anthony. 1889--. Note: AUBURNDALE, vil. 1889-92, Holy Redeemer, Black Creek Falls. 1893-1907, Holy Redeemer, Athens. 1908--, St. Anthony, Athens. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 781. (Wood Co.) Mativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 1884- Note: Founded at Auburndale, Wood Co. in 1878. Church built in 1880. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 781. AUGUSTA, city. (Eau Claire Co.) St. Anthony. 1878--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Joseph, Fairview, Jackson Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 802. AVOCA, vil. St. Joseph. 1876--. (Iowa Co.) Attends as mission St. Malachy, Clyde town, Iowa Co. Note: ་་ 1 93 La Crosse Diocese BABCOCK, settl. All Saints. (Remington town, Wood Co.) 1890--. 1890-94, No Name, Remington. 1895--, ATI Saints, Babcock. Note: Attended as mission from St. Joachim, Pittsville, Wood Co. For early history of C. C. in Wis., p. 862. BAD AXE, settl. (Clinton town, Vernon Co.) St. Patrick. 1872-1935. 1872-98, St. Patrick, Clinton. 1899--1935, St. Patrick, Bad Axe. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 845 under SS. Peter and Paul, Pine Hollow, Monroe Co. BAKERVILLE, settl. (Lincoln town, Wood Co.) Corpus Christi. 1885--. Note: Attends as mission St. Stephen, Chili, Clark Co. BANGOR, vil. (La Crosse Co.) St. Mary. 1901--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Peter, Middle Ridge, La Crosse Co. BARABOO, city. (Sauk Co.) St. Joseph. 1856--. 1859-77, St. Michael, Baraboo. 1878--, St. Joseph, Baraboo. Note: Organized in 1859. First church purchased from the Congregationalists in 1859 and replaced by present church in 1874. First pastor, Rev. Joseph Schreiner, 1859-69. Attended from Sauk City, Sauk Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 782, 783; Geschichte, p. 675. BARNEVELD, vil. (Iowa Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1906--. 1894-1905, St. John. 1906--, Immaculate Conception. Note: Attended as mission from St. Bridget, Ridgeway, Iowa Co. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 519. BEAR VALLEY, settl. settl. (Ithaca town, Richland Co.) St. Kilian 。 1889--. Me Attended as mission from Nativity of B. V. M., Koyosville, Richland Co. BEETOWN, settl. (Beetown town, Grant Co.) No Name. 1846-85. 94 La Crosse Diocese BENTON, vil. (Lafayette Co.) St. Patrick. 1847--. Note: Established in 1847. In charge of the Dominican Order until 1867. First resident pastor, Rev. James Causte. Attended St. Rose, Cuba, Grant Co. and St. Augustine, New Diggins, Lafayette Co. Prior to 1868 Benton was in the Milwaukee Archdiocese. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 372. BERGEN, town. No Name. BEVENT, settl. (Marathon Co.) 1908-11 (Bevent town, Marathon Co.) St. Ladislaus. 1885--. 1885-98, St. Ladislaus, Pike Lake. 1899--, St. Ladislaus, Bevent. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 711. BIG RIVER, settl. (River Falls town, Pierce Co.) Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. 1859-64, Trumbelle. 1865-80, Oak Grove. 1881--, Big River. 1859--. Pierce Co. For Note: Attends as mission St. Martin, Cherma, Pierce Co. early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 785; Geschichte, p. 677. BLACK RIVER FALLS, city. St. Joseph. 1873--. (Jackson Co.) Note: Organized by Rev. F. X. Etschmann, pioneer missionary, who held the first services in 1859 in the court house, Black River Falls. Attends as missions: St. Malachy, Roaring Creek, Jackson Co.; St. Columkille, Shamrock, Jackson Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 840; Geschichte, p. 679. BLANCHARDVILLE, vil. (Iowa Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1898--. Note: Attends as mission St. Michael, Yellowstone, Lafayette Co. BLENKER, settl. St. Kilian (Milladore town, Wood Co.) 1939--. BLOOMER, city. (Chippewa Co.) St. Paul. 1879-83. 1879-83, St. Paul, Vanville. 1884--, St. Paul, Bloomer. Note: Established in 1884. Attended as mission in Bloomer from St. Peter, Tilden, Chippewa Co. First resident pastor, Rev. E. A. Hanses. This church attends as mission St. Bonifacius, (Superior Diocese), Chetek, Barron Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 787; Geschichte, p. 680. ! : ¡ 1: : 95 La Crosse Diocese BLOOMINGTON, vil. (Grant Co.) St. Mary. 1900--. BOAZ, vil. (Richland Co.) St. Martin. 1887--. 1887-89, St. Michael. 1890--, St. Martin. Note: Attended as mission from St. Mary of the Assumption, Richland Center, Richland Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 856. BOSCOBEL, city. (Grant Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1873--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 407 under St. Mary, Fennimore, Grant Co. BOSWICK VALLEY, settl. settl. (Barre town, La Crosse Co.) St. Mary BOYD, vil. 1859-77. Note: See Middle Ridge. (Chippewa Co.) St. Joseph. 1885--. Note: Attended as mission from Sacred Heart of Jesus, Edson, Chippewa Co. until 1894 after which year Edson became a mission. Edson attended by resident pastor from Boyd. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 788; Geschichte, p. 680. BRACKETT, settl. (Washington town, Eau Claire Co.) Holy Guardian Angel. 1872--. 1872-95, No Name, Adams settlement. 1896-1901, Holy Angel, Adams settlement. 1902--, Holy Guardian Angel, Brackett. Note: Attended as mission from St. Mary, Altoona, Eau Claire Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 791. BROKAW, vil. (Marathon Co.) Mission (no name). 1922-23, 1930--. Note: Attended as mission from St. James, Wausau, Marathon Co. BROOKS, settl. (New Chester town, Adams Co.) St. Anne. 1916-38. Note: Attended as mission from St. Joseph, Adams, Adams Co. BRUSH PRAIRIE, settl. (? town, Chippewa Co.) St. Catherine. 1872-1935. Note: Attended as mission from St. Paul, Bloomer, Chippewa, Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 787. : 96 La Crosse Diocese BUFFALO, city. St. Anne. CADOTT, vil. St. (Buffalo Co.) 1869-1915. 1869, St. Anne, Buffalo. 1870-82, St. Boniface, Buffalo City. 1883-1915, St. Anne, Buffalo. (Chippewa Co.) Rose of Lima. 1884-. Note: Attends as mission St. Anthony, Drywood, Chippewa Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 791. CALAMINE, settl. St. Michael. (Willow Springs town, Lafayette Co.) 1851-- 1851-1915, Holy Assumption, Willow Springs, Lafayette Co. 1916--, St. Michael, Calamine, Lafayette Co. Note: Attended as mission from Immaculate Conception, Kendal town, Lafayette Co. CALLON, settl. (Weston town, Marathon Co.) St. Agnes. 1920--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Florian, village of Hatley, Marathon Co. CAMP DOUGLAS, vil. (Juneau Co.) St. James. 1900--, 1900-01, St. Mary, Camp Douglas. 1902--, St. James, Camp Douglas. Note: Attends as missions: St. Michael, Indian Creek, Monroe Co.; St. Paul, New Lisbon, Juneau Co. CANTON, settl. St. Patrick. (Canton town, Buffalo Co.) 1873-1921. 1873-99, St. Patrick, Mondovia. 1902-21, St. Patrick, Canton. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 836. CASHTON, vil. (Monroe Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1917--. CASHTON, vil. (Monroe Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. 1872--. Note: 1872-98, St. Peter, Pine Hollow. 1899--, SS. Peter and Paul, Cashton. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 844. CASSEL, settl. (Cassel town, Marathon Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1895--. Note: Attends as mission St. Adalbert, McMillan, Marathon Co. 97 La Crosse Diocese CASSVILLE, vil. (Grant Co.) St. Charles. 1859-- Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 378. CASSVILLE, vil. (Grant Co.) St. Mary of Perpetual Help. 1873-86. CASTLE ROCK, settl. settl. (Castle Rock town, Grant Co.) St. John Nepomucene. 1898--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Thomas, Montfort, Grant Co. CAZENOVIA, vil. (Richland Co.) St. Anthony. 1866--. Note: First church erected in 1864. New church built in 1884. Attended as mission from St. Bridget, Westford, Richland Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 789. CHERMA, settl. (River Falls town, Pierce Co.) St. Martin. 1895--. Note: Attended as mission from Nativity of the B. V. M., Big River, Pierce Co. CHILI, settl. (Fremont town, Clark Co.) St. Stephen. 1902-- Note: Attended as mission from Corpus Christi, Bakerville, Wood Co. CHIPPEWA FALLS, city. (Chippewa Co.) Holy Ghost. 1886--. Note: Attends as missions: St. Joseph, Elk Mound, Dunn Co.; St. Bridget, Springfield, Eau Claire Co.; St. Peter, Wilson, St. Croix Co., (Superior Diocese). For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 791. CHIPPEWA FALLS, city. (Chippewa Co.) Notre Dame. 1885--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 792-800. CHIPPEWA FALLS, city. (Chippewa Co.) St. Charles Borromeo. 1884--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 790. CHIPPEWA FALLS, city. (Chippewa Co.) St. Mary. 1857-84. Note: Building razed in 1885. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 792-800. CITY POINT, settl. (City Point town, Jackson Co.) St. Mary. 1902--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Lawrence, Wisconsin Rapids, Wood Co. ! 98 La Crosse Diocese CLAYFIELD, settl. (Ellsworth P. O., Pierce Co.) Our Lady of Perpetual Help. 1884--. 1884-89, Ellsworth. 1890--, Clayfield. Note: Attends as mission Immaculate Conception, Lost Creek, Pierce Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 801. CLYDE, settl. (Clyde town, Iowa Co.) St. Malachy. 1866--. T866-73, Clydetown. 1875-1927, Otter Creek. 1928--, Clyde. COLBOURN DAM, settl. (Colbourn town, Chippewa Co.) No Name Note: COLBY, city. St. Mary. 1889-1900. Attended as mission from Chippewa Falls, Chippewa Co. (Clark Co.) 1876--. 1876-1905, St. Kilian, Colby. 1906--, St. Mary, Colby. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 802. COOK'S VALLEY, town. (Chippewa Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1893-- Note: Not listed by name prior to 1899. COON VALLEY, vil. (Vernon Co.) St. Mary. 1910--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Joseph, La Crosse Co. CORNELL, vil. (Chippewa Co.) Holy Cross. 1916--. Note: Attended as mission from Sacred Heart of Jesus, Jim Falls, Chippewa Co. CUBA CITY, city. (Grant Co.) St. Rose. 1895--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 372. CZESTOCHOWA, settl. (Clark Co.) [P. O., Stanley, Chippewa Co.] St. Mary 1908--. DARLINGTON, city. (Lafayette Co.) Holy Rosary. 1864--. 1864-75, St. Leo, Darlington. 1876--, Holy Rosary, Darlington. Note: Founded by Rev. A. L. David, Aug. 10, 1864. Darlington at that time belonged to Milwaukee Diocese but later transferred to La Crosse Diocese. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 390; Geschichte, p. 332. : 99 La Crosse Diocese DELLONA, town. (Sauk Co.) All Saints. 1858--. DELLONA, town. (Sauk Co.) St. Bridget. 1859. DE SOTO, vil. (Vernon Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1889-- Not listed by name prior to 1893. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 849. DICKEYVILLE, settl. settl. (Paris town, Grant Co.) Holy Ghost. 1874--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 445. DILLY, settl. (Forest town, Vernon Co.) St. John Nepomucene. 1893--. 1893-96, St. John Nepomucene, St. John Ridge. 1897--, st. John Nepomucene, Dilly. Note: Attended as mission from St. Aloysius, Hillsboro, Vernon Co. Previously attended from St. Theresa, Union Center, Juneau Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 883. DODGEVILLE, city. (Iowa Co.) St. Joseph. 1886--. Note: Attends as missions: St. John the Baptist, Union Mills, Iowa Co.; St. Peter, Pleasant Ridge, Iowa Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 393. DORCHESTER, vil. (Clark Co.) St. Louis. 1878. Note: DRYWOOD, settl. 1878-89, All Saints, Dorchester. st 1890--, St. Louis, Dorchester. St. Anthony. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 805. (Arthur town, Chippewa Co.) 1889--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Rose of Lima, Cadott, Chippewa Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 792. DURAND, city. (Pepin Co.) St. Mary Assumption. 1875--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 805. EASTMAN, vil. vil. (Crawford Co.) St. Wenceslaus. 1875--. 1875-93, St. Wenceslaus, Batavia. 1894--, st. Wenceslaus, Eastman. Note: Attends as mission Sacred Heart of Jesus, Wauzeka, Crawford Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 854; Geschichte, p. 733. 100 La Crosse Diocese EAU CLAIRE, city. (Eau Claire Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1880-- Note: Prior to 1875 there was but one Catholic church in the city of Eau Claire, namely, St. Patrick, whose membership was composed mostly of Irish and German settlers. In August 1875 the Germans withdrew from St. Patrick and formed Sacred Heart of Jesus congre- gation. Rev. Paul Geyer was appointed first resident pastor and continued as such until May 1877, when Rev. Joseph Boehm succeeded him. The erection of a new church was commenced in 1880. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 807. EAU CLAIRE, city. (Eau Claire Co.) St. Patrick. 1859-- T859-61, St. Peter, Eau Claire. 1864--, St. Patrick, Eau Claire. Note: Rev. Henry Reinhart, first resident pastor. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 808. EAU GALLE, vil. (Eau Galle town, Dunn Co.) St. Henry. EDGAR, vil. 1864--. 1864-69, St. Henry, Aux Galets. 1870--, St. Henry, Eau Galle. Note: St. Henry, Eau Galle, Dunn Co., was established in 1856, the Rev. John Phelan officiating as its first pastor. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 809; Geschichte, p. 694. (Marathon Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1899--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1903. EDSON, town. (Chippewa Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1883--. Nove: Attended by Rev. Goldsmith, Chippewa Falls, Chippewa Co., who continued to make regular visits until March 1883, when Rev. H. Untraut became its resident pastor. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 788; Geschichte, p. 680. ELK CREEK, settl. (Hale town, Trempealeau Co.) St. Mary. 1876-84. See Independence. Note: Attended as mission from St. Michael, North Creek, Trempealeau Co. ELK GROVE, settl. (Elk Grove town, Lafayette Co.) St. Peter 1864--. 1864-65, St. Ambrose, Elk Grove. 1366--, St. Peter, Elk Grove. 101 La Crosse Diocese ELK GROVE, settl. (Elk Grove town, Lafayette Co.) St. Rose of Prairie. 1852-83. Note: Attended as mission from St. Paul, Mineral Point, Iowa Co. ELK MOUND, vil. St. Joseph. (Dunn Co.) 1889--. 1889-95, Holy Angels, Elk Mound. 1896--, st. Joseph, Elk Mound. Note: Attended as mission from Holy Ghost, Chippewa Falls, Chippewa Co. ELLSWORTH, vil. (Pierce Co.) St. Francis. 1898--. ELMWOOD, vil. (Pierce Co.) Sacred Heart. 1913-- Note: Attended as mission St. Nicholas, Farm Hill, Pierce Co. EL PASO, settl. (El Paso town, Pierce Co.) St. Joseph. 1875--. Note: Attended as mission from Sacred Heart of Jesus, Spring Valley, Pierce Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 860. ELROY, city. (Juneau Co.) St. Patrick. 1878--. 1878-94, Holy Trinity, Elroy. 1895--, St. Patrick, Elroy. Note: For early history of. C. C. in Wis., pp. 809, 810; Geschichte, p. 695. ETTRICK, settl. (Ettrick town, Trempealeau Co.) St. Bridget. 1865--. 1865-69, St. Bridget, Ettrick. 1872-77, St. Bridget, Beaver Creek. 1878--, St. Bridget, Ettrick. Note: First resident pastor, Rev. C. A. Gerst, in 1869, who remained about one year. No immediate successor. Attended for a time by a visiting pastor. Second resident pastor, Rev. Martin Connolly to 1872. Pastorate not regularly occupied until July 1896, when Rev. F. A. Byrne was assigned to the parish. Pastor at Ettrick had charge of two out-missions: Trempealeau, Trempealeau Co. and Roaring Creek, Jackson Co. Attended as mission from St. Bartholomew, village of Trempealeau, Trempealeau Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 812. 102 La Crosse Diocese FAIRCHILD, vil. (Eau Claire Co.) St. John. 1888--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Michael, North Creek, Trempealeau Co. FAIRVIEW, settl. (Cleveland town, Jackson Co.) St. Joseph. 1873--. 1873-82, No Name, Humbird. 1883-88, St. Joseph, Garden Valley. 1889-96, St. Joseph, Humbird. 1897-1900, St. Joseph, Clevelandtown. 1901--, St. Joseph, Fairview. Note: Attends as mission St. Anthony, Augusta, Eau Claire Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 801. FARM HILL, settl. (Pierce Co.) St. Nicholas. 1889-- Note: 1889-96, No Name, Rock Elm, Pierce Co. 1897--, st. Nicholas, Farm Hill. Attended as mission from Sacred Heart, Elm Wood, Pierce Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 848. FENNIMORE, city. (Grant Co.) St. Mary. 1885--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 406. FENWOOD, city.. (Wein town, Marathon Co.) No Name. 1903-13. Note: Attended as mission from Stratford, Marathon Co. FOUNTAIN CITY, city. (Buffalo Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1864-- Note: Rev. Jos. Kleiber, first resident pastor in 1863. First church built in 1860; dedicated Oct. 9, 1860. Incorporated in 1884. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 814, Geschichte, p. 699. FRIENDSHIP, vil. (Adams Co.) St. Leo. 1885-1923. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 712. See St. Joseph. GALESVILLE, vil. vil. (Trempealeau Co.) • St. Mary 1902--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Bartholomew, village of Trempealeau, Trempealeau Co. GALLOWAY, settl. (Franzen town, Marathon Co.) St. Joseph. 1923--. 103 La Crosse Diocese GAUDIERS FARM, (Chippewa Co.) Station. 1889-1900. Note: Attended as mission from Chippewa Falls, Chippewa Co. GAYS MILLS, vil. (Crawford Co.) St. Mary. 1909--. GE NOA, vil. vil. ( Vernon Co.) St. Charles. 1867- 1867-69, St. Vincent de Paul, Genoa. 1872-1940, St. Carolo Borromeo, Genoa. 1941-, St. Charles, Genoa. • 12, Note: Organized Jan. 9, 1863. First services conducted Sept 1862 by Rev. Nicolas. or Rev. Momo in the home of B. Starlochi. First resident pastor, Rev. Momo, in 1875. Attended as mission Sacred Heart of Jesus, De Soto, Vernon Co. De Soto, Vernon Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 815, 858; Geschichte, p. 736. GLENCOE, town. (Buffalo Co.) St. Joseph. 1865--. Note: From 1875-88 attended as mission from Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Arcadia, Trempealeau Co. cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 771. GLENHAVEN, settl. settl. (Glenhaven town, Grant Co.) Holy Mary, Help of Christians. 1866--. 1866-76, St. Sebastian, Glenhaven. For early history 1877--, Holy Mary, Help of Christians, Glenhaven. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 380. GRATIOT, vil. (Lafayette Co.) St. Joseph. 1872--. Note: Attended as mission from St. John, South Wayne, Lafayette Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 423. GREENWOOD, city. (Clark Co.) St. Mary. (Help of Christians) 1904--. GREENWOOD, settl. St. Patrick. (Greenwood town, Vernon Co.) 1872-1909. HALDER, settl. (Emmet town, Marathon Co.) St. Patrick. 1876--. 1876-92, St. Patrick, Irish settlement. 1893--, St. Patrick, Halder. Note: Attended as mission from St. Paul, Mosinee, Marathon Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 837. 104 La Crosse Diocese HATLEY, vil. (Marathon Co.) St. Florian. (Polish) 1899--. Note: Attended as missions: St. Francis Assisi, Norrie, Marathon Co. and St. Agnes, Callon, Marathon Co. HAZEL GREEN, vil. (Grant Co.) St. Francis of Sales. 1848-- Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 542. HEWITT, settl. (Marsh town, Wood Co.) St. Michael. 1889--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1892. In 1885 Hewitt became a mission of Marshfield, Wood Co., continuing as such until April 1888, when Rev. C. Nau, assistant pastor of Rev. Ignatius Schaller, Marshfield, was appointed pastor. In the same year Rev. C. Nau built a parsonage at Hewitt, becoming first resident pastor in Aug. 1889. Upon being transferred to the pastorate at Mosinee, Marathon Co., Hewitt was attended as mission from Marshfield. Rev. Winand Daniels in 1891 was appointed to the pastorate at Hewitt. Corpus Christi, Bakerville, Wood Co.,has always been a mission of Hewitt. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 817; Geschichte, p. 702. HIGHLAND, vil. (Iowa Co.) St. Anthony. 1864--. Note: 1864, St. Michael, Highland. 1865-98, St. John Nepomucene, Highland. 1899--, St. Anthony, Highland. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 424. HIGHLAND, vil. (Iowa Co.) St. Philip. Note: 1851--. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 426, 826. HILLSBORO, vil. (Vernon Co.) St. Aloysius. 1904--. Note: Attends as missions: St. John Nepomucene, Dilly, Vernon Co.; St. Wenceslaus (Bohemian), Yuba, Richland Co.; St. Joseph, Mt. Tabor, Vernon Co. HOLCOMBE, settl. (Holcombe town, Chippewa Co.) St. Joseph. 1906--. Note: Attended as mission from Sacred Heart of Jesus, Jim Falls, Chippewa Co. HOLLANDALE, vil. (Iowa Co.) St. Patrick. 1866--. Note: 1866-97, St. Patrick, Walwick. 1898--, St. Patrick, Hollandale. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 426. 105 La Crosse Diocese HONEY CREEK, town. (Sauk Co.) Our Lady of Loretto, (St. Mary Loretto.) 1860-- Note: Attended as mission from St. Aloysius, Sauk City, Sauk Co. For early history of C. C. in Wis., p. 865. HURON, settl. (Colburn town, Chippewa Co.) Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 1904-- Note: Not listed by name prior to 1908. Attended as mission from Sacred Heart of Jesus, Jim Falls, Chippewa Co. INDEPENDENCE, vil. (Trempealeau Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. 1884--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 820. See Elk Creek. INDIAN CREEK, settl. (Oakdale town, Monroe Co.) St. Michael. 1874--, Note: Not listed by name prior to 1887. Attended as mission from St. James, Camp Douglas, Juneau Co. IRONTON, vil. (Sauk Co.) St. Michael. 1864--. 1864-77, St. Fridolin. 1878--, St. Michael. Note: Attended as mission from St. Boniface, Lime Ridge, Sauk Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 787. JIM FALLS, settl. (Anson town, Chippewa Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus 1908--. 1908-17, st. Anne, Bob Creek. 1918--, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Jim Falls. Note: Attends as missions: St. Louis, Arnold, Chippewa Co.; Holy Cross, Cornell, Chippewa Co.; St. Joseph, Holcombe Chippewa Co.; Nativity of B. V. M., Huron, Chippewa Co. KENDALL, vil. (Monroe Co.) St. Joseph. 1884--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1895. Established in 1880 by Rev. Killilea. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 890. ! } 106 La Crosse Diocese KENDALLTOWN, settl. (Kendalltown, Lafayette Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1857--. 1857-65, St. Pius, Rendle. 1866-83, St. Pius, Kendalltown. 1884--, Immaculate Conception, Kendalltown. Note: Situated in township Kendall, Lafayette Co., about 9 miles northwest of Darlington, Lafayette Co., 12 miles north of Shulls- burg, Lafayette Co., and 12 miles southeast of Mineral Point, Iowa Co. Church erected in 1856 as a mission, attended by Rev. O'Connor, Willow Springs, Lafayette Co. Later attended by pastors of St. Matthew, Shullsburg. When church had been erected at Darlington, Kendalltown was attended as mission by Rev. O'Neil, and also by Rev. Welsh, Willow Springs. Later Kendalltown was again attached to Darlington and was attended as a mission from there until 1882. In 1882 Rev. Wm. Haberstock, Seymour, was given charge of Kendalltown mission, and began the erection of a church at this place. Completed in 1883. In Sept. 1883, Rev. Wm. F. O'Malloney was appointed resident pastor. In 1883 when Kendalltown was alloted resident pastor, Willow Springs was attended as mission. The U. S. Cath. Alm. and Dir. lists St. Pius, Rendle (probably misnomer for Kendall). Attends as mission St. Michael, Calamine, Lafayette Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 436. KEYESVILLE, settl. (Ithaca town, Richland Co.) Nativity of B. V. M. 1866--. 1866-75, Nativity of B. V. M., Ithaca. 1876--, Nativity of B. V. M., Keyesville. Note: Organized Dec. 25, 1859; attended by pastors residing in neighboring parishes until 1864. Rev. Theophil Beau, first pastor. Attends as mission St. Kilian, Bear Valley, Richland Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 822; Geschichte, p. 707. KIELER, settl. (Jamestown town, Grant Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1861--. 1861-74, Immaculate Conception, Menomonee. 1875-88, Immaculate Conception, Jamestown, Grant Co. 1889--, Immaculate Conception, Kieler, Grant Co. Note: Formerly attended as mission from St. Andrew, Potosi, Grant Co. Established in 1855; first mass read in 1858. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 443. KNOWLTON, settl. (Knowlton town, Marathon Co.) St. Francis Xavier. 1878-- 1878-92, St. Mary, Knowlton. 1894--, St. Francis Xavier, Knowlton. ! : 107 La Crosse Diocese LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) Blessed Sacrament. 1939-- LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) Holy Cross. 1886--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 762. LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) Holy Trinity. 1894--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis. p. 767. LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) Our Lady of Lourdes. LA CROSSE, city. St. James. Note: 1907-23. (La Crosse Co.) 1887-- For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 763. LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1888--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 764. LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) St. Joseph Cathedral. 1857--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 760. LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) St. Mary. 1856--. Note: Also known as "The Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary." For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 765. LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) St. Wenceslaus. 1874--. 1874-1933, St. Wenzel. 1934-, St. Wenceslaus. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 769. LANCASTER, city. St. Clement. Note: LA VALLE, vil. Holy Family. Note: (Grant Co.) 1864- For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 447-450. (Sauk Co.) 1915--. Attended as mission from St. Boniface, Lime Ridge, Sauk Co. LEWIS VALLEY, (La Crosse Co.) Mission. 1904-1915. LIBERTY POLE, settl. (Franklin town, Vernon Co.) St. James. 1857-1869. Al 108 La Crosse Diocese LIMA, settl. (Lima town, Pepin Co.) Holy Rosary. 1888--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 806. LIME RIDGE, vil. (Sauk Co.) St. Boniface. 1912--. Note: Attends as mission Holy Family, La Valle, Sauk Co. LINDINA, settl. (Lindina town, Juneau Co.) Holy Rosary. Note: 1865--. 1865-1900, St. Michael, Lindina. 1901-08, St. Michael, Germantown, (Marion, P. 0.) 1909-12, St. Michael, Marion. 1913--, Holy Rosary, Lindina. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 832 under St. Patrick, Mauston, Juneau Co. LONE ROCK, vil. (Richland Co.) Sacred Heart. 1903-14 Note: Attended as mission from St. Patrick, Loreto, Sauk Co. LOST CREEK, settl. (Ellsworth town, Pierce Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1886--. Note: Attended as mission from Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Clayfield, Pierce Co. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 848; Geschichte, pp. 727, 728. LORETA, settl. (Bear Creek town, Sauk Co.) St. Patrick. 1888--. LOYAL, vil. 1888-97, Bear Creek. 1898-1900, Marble Ridge. 1901--, Loreta. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 825-828. (Clark Co.) St. Anthony. 1888-. Note: LYNDON, vil. 1888-94, St. Joseph, Loyal. 1895-1937, St. Balthasar, Loyal. 1938--, St. Anthony, Loyal. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 803. (Juneau Co.) St. Mary Immaculate Conception. 1864-- Note: For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 823. MARATHON, vil. (Marathon Co.) Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 1859-61, St. Benedict. 1864--, Nativity of B. V. M. 1859--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 825. 1 109 La Crosse Diocese MARION, town. (Juneau Co.) St. Michael. 1875-- 1875-78, St. John Nepomuc, Germantown. 1879-1905, St. Michael, Germantown. 1908--, St. Michael, Marion. Note: Attended as mission from St. Francis of Assisi, Neceedah, Juneau Co. MARSHFIELD, city. (Wood Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1918--. MARSHFIELD, city. (Wood Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1878--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 829. MAUSTON, city. St. Patrick. (Juneau Co.) 1859--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 831. MCMILLAN, settl. (McMillan town, Marathon Co.) St. Adalbert. 1906--. Note: Attended as mission from Sacred Heart of Jesus, Cassel, Marathon Co. MELANCHTON CREEK, ? (Richland Co.) St. Patrick. 1868--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Anthony, Cazenovia, Richland Co. Not listed by name prior to 1880 ME NOMONIE, city. (Dunn Co.) St. Joseph. 1864--. 1864-68, St. Francis, Menomonie, 1869-83, Immaculate Conception, Menomonie. 1884--, St. Joseph, Menomonie. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 833. MENOMONIE, (Town 8, Dunn Co.) St. Martin. 1849-50. Note: Listed in Cath. Alm. as St. Mary, Town 8, Dunn Co. Town 8 in Dunn Co. is Menomonie town MIDDLE RIDGE, settl. (Washington town, La Crosse Co.) St. Peter. 1881--. 1881-1900, St. Peter, St. Peter Ridge. 1901--, St. Peter, Middle Ridge. Note: Attends as mission St. Mary, Bangor, La Crosse Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 863. See Boswick Valley and Washington. MIFFLIN, settl. (Mifflin town, Iowa Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1855-74. 110 La Crosse Diocese MILAN, settl. (Johnson town, Marathon Co.) St. Thomas. 1915--. Note: Attended as mission from St. John the Baptist, Wuerzburg, Marathon Co. MILLADORE, vil. (Wood Co.) St. Wenceslaus. 1887--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 803. MILL CREEK, settl. (Arena town, Iowa Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1875--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Barnabas, (Milwaukee Diocese), Mazomanie, Dane Co. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 467. MILLSTON, settl. (Millston town, Jackson Co.) St. Andrew. 1897-1938. Note: Attended as mission from Black River Falls, Jackson Co. MINERAL POINT, city. (Iowa Co.) St. Mary. 1872--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 469. MINERAL POINT, city. (Iowa Co.) St. Paul. 1841--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 470-475. MONDOVI, city. (Buffalo Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1897-- First Note: Organized Aug. 2, 1896 by Rev. Edward P. O'Toole. church dedicated as Sacred Heart of Jesus, Dec. 17, 1896. Prior to this, congregation attended mass at St. Patrick, Canton, 6 miles west of Mondovi, Buffalo Co. Attends St. Joseph, Rock Falls, Dunn For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 836; Geschichte, p. 719. Co. MONTANA, settl. (Montana town, Buffalo Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. 1881--. Note: Attended as mission from Waumandee settlement, Waumandee town, Buffalo Co. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 886. MONTFORT, vil. (Grant Co.) St. Thomas. 1926--. Note: Attends as mission St. John Nepomucene, Castle Rock, Grant Co. .. 111 La Crosse Diocese MOSINEE, city. St. Paul. (Marathon Co.) 1881--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1890. First attended by Rev. Richard, Wausau, under whose direction first church was built. Rev. Gilbert Munno, first resident pastor. Prior to the arrival of the German settlers at Mosinee in 1850, a few Catholics residing here had been visited occassionally since 1845 by Rev. Dahl. Successors to Rev. Dahl were the Revs. Richard, Albert Mendel, Nau, and Dickoff. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 837; Geschichte, p. 720. MOUNT HOPE, vil. (Grant Co.) St. Lawrence O'Toole. 1864--. Note: Attends as mission St. John, Patch Grove, Grant Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 448-479. MOUNT TABOR, settl. (Forest town, Vernon Co.) St. Joseph. 1911--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Aloysius, Hillsboro, Vernon Co. MUD LAKE, settl. (Eagle Point town, Chippewa Co.) Holy Angels. 1898-1937. Note: Attended as mission from Chippewa Falls, Chippewa Co. MUSCODA, vil. (Grant Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1861--. Note: 1861-95, St. Bartholmew. 1896--, St. John the Baptist. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 482. NECEDAH, vil. (Juneau Co.) St. Francis of Assisi. 1876--. Note: First resident pastor, Rev. Mathias White, 1876. Attends as mission St. Michael, Marion, Juneau Co. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 839. NEILSVILLE, city. (Clark Co.) St. Mary 1878--. Note: No name stated prior to 1888. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 839. NEKOOSA, city. (Wood Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1900-- NELSON, settl. (Nelson town, Buffalo Co.) Sacred Heart. 1890-1936. Note: Attended as mission from Immaculate Conception, Fountain City, Buffalo Co. • A. 1 112 La Crosse Diocese NEW DIGGINS, settl. (New Diggins town, Lafayette Co.) St. Augustin. 1846-1929. Note: Established in 1884. Attended as mission from St. Patrick, Benton, Lafayette Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 372. NEW LISBON, city. (Juneau Co.) St. Paul. 1864--. Note: Attended as mission from St. James, Camp Douglas, Juneau Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 829. NORRIE, settl. (Norrie town, Marathon Co.) St. Francis Assisi. 1897--, Note: Not listed by name prior to 1900. Attended as mission from St. Florian, Hatley village, Marathon Co. NORTH CREEK, settl. (Arcadia town, Trempealeau Co.) St. Michael, 1876--. Note: Attends as mission St. John, Fairchild, Eau Claire Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 841. NORWALK, vil. (Monroe Co.) St. Augustine. 1905--. Note: Attends as mission St. John the Baptist, Summit, Monroe Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 864. ONALASKA, city. (La Crosse Co.) St. Francis Xavier. 1890-96. OWEN, city. (Clark Co.) Holy Rosary. 1921--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Bernard, Abbotsford, Clark Co. PATCH GROVE, vil. (Grant Co.) St. John. 1864--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Lawrence O'Toole, Mount Hope, Grant Co. Formerly attended from Potosi, Grant Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 448. PELPLIN, ? (Marathon Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1917--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Francis Xavier, Knowlton, Marathon Co. PERRYTOWN,? (Pierce Co.) St. Ann. 1872-84. Note: Formerly attended as mission from Eau Galle, Dunn Co. PILOT KNOB, settl. (Richfield town, Adams Co. St. Methodius. 1887--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Joseph, Adams, Adams Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 711. 1 1. 113 La Crosse Diocese PINE CREEK, settl. (Dodge town, Trempealeau Co.) Most Sacred Heart and St. Wenceslaus. 1876--. Prior to 1876 First resident Note: Established by this name Feb. 7, 1864. attended by pastors of neighborhood parishes. pastor, Rev. Zaelzioski, 1866-68. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 844; Geschichte, p. 725. PITTSVILLE, city. (Wood Co.) St. Joachim. PLAIN, vil. 1889--. Note: Attends as mission All Saints, Babcock, Wood Co. and St. Joseph, Altdorf, Wood Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 862. St. Luke. (Sauk Co.) 1864--. 1864-77, St. Luke, Franklin. 1888-94, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. 1895--, St. Luke Note: Settlement made by Bavarians from Germany in 1856. First mass read at Mr. Ott's home, Dec. 27, 1858, by Rev. F. X. Weinhart. First church built 1861; dedicated by Bishop Henni, Oct. 17, 1861. First resident pastor, Rev. E. Sieghardt, Jan. 1, to March 15, 1876. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 845, 846; Geschichte, p. 726. PLATTEVILLE, city. (Grant Co.) St. Mary. 1852--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 504. PLATTEVILLE, city. (Grant Co.) St. Philip. 1845. Note: Attended monthly by Rev. James Causse. Not listed by name after 1845. PLEASANT RIDGE St. Peter. ? (Iowa Co.) 1847. 1847-64, No Name, Dodgeville. 1865-83, St. Peter, Dodgeville. 1884-96, St. Peter, Pleasant Hill. 1897--, St. Peter, Pleasant Ridge. Note: Attended as mission from St. Joseph, Dodgeville, Iowa Co. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 393. PLUM CITY, vil. (Pierce Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1886--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1896. First mass read Sept., 1871 by Rev. Meurs in the home of John Baptist Enders. First church built in 1883. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., P. 846; Geschichte, p. 727. ! 114 La Crosse Diocese PONIATOWSKI, settl. (Rietbrock town, Marathon Co.) Holy Family. (Polish) 1883--. Note: 1883-87, St. Stanislaus, Poniatowski. 1888-92, St. Joseph, Poniatowski. 1893-1907, Holy Family, Poniatowski. 1908-13, St. Joseph, Poniatowski. 1914--, Holy Family, Poniatowski. Organized in 1877 and attended by Rev. Bukowsky from Stevens Point, Portage Co., and by pastors from other neighboring parishes until 1883, when Rev. J. Maczynsli became the first resident pastor. Present church built in 1891 under direction of Rev. Gara. Holy Trinity, (German), Poniatowski, Marathon Co.,is attended from Holy Family, Poniatowski. For ear For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 849; Geschichte, p. 729. PONIATOWSKI, settl. (Rietbrock town, Marathon Co.) Holy Trinity. (German) 1883--. Note: Attended as mission from Holy Family, Poniatowski, Marathon Co. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 850. POTOSI, vil. (Grant Co.) St. Andrew. 1848--. Note: Located near Potosi. Organized in 1846 by German Catholics and served by Rev. A. Tush. Church built in 1875. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 507-509. POTOSI, vil. (Grant Co.) St. Thomas. 1845--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 507-509. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, city. (Crawford Co.) St. Gabriel. 1836--. Note: Organized early in the nineteenth century. Rev. Dunand was the first resident pastor; he made the first church entries in French in April 1817. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 850; Geschichte, pp. 730-732. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, city. (Crawford Co.) St. John Nepomucene. 1892--. Note: Örganized in 1891 by Rev. George Kiefner. First church dedicated Dac. 13, 1891. Formerly attended St. Wenceslaus as mission, Eastman, Crawford Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 854. PRESCOTT, city. (Pierce Co.) St. Joseph. 1872 -- 1872-86, St. John, Prescott. 1887--, St. Joseph, Prescott. Note: For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 786. 115 La Crosse Diocese REELSBURG, city. (Sauk Co.) Sacred Heart. 1886--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1895. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 855. RICHLAND CENTER, city. (Richland Co.) St. Mary. 1872--. 1872-91, St. Thomas. 1892--, St. Mary. Note: First services conducted in private homes, 1858 to 1866. Attended from Keyesville, Richland Co. Rev. J. C. McAteer appointed first resident pastor, 1886. In 1892 new church dedicated St. Mary of the Assumption. Attends as mission St. Martin, Boas, Richland Co. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 856; Geschichte, p. 735. RIDGEVILLE, settl. (Ridgeville town, Monroe Co.) St. Finbar. 1865-84. Note: RIDGEWAY, vil. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 889. (Iowa Co.) St. Bridget. 1855--. Note: Attends as mission Immaculate Conception, Barneveld, Iowa Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 518. RISING SUN, settl. (Utica town, Crawford Co.) St. James. 1856--. 1856-66, No Name, Utica. 1867-69, St. James, Utica. 1870--, St. James, Rising Sun. Note: Rev. M. Heiss, resident pastor in 1870. Prior to 1868 mass read in a log shanty. Attends as mission Annunciation of the B. V. M., Viroqua, Vernon Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 858; Geschichte, p. 736. ROARING CREEK, settl. (Irving town, Jackson Co.) St. Malachy • 1872--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Joseph, Black River Falls, Jackson Co. ROCK FALLS, settl. settl. (Rock Creek town, Dunn Co.) St. Joseph. 1909--. Note: Attended as mission from Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mondovi, Buffalo Co. : 116 La Crosse Diocese (Day town, Marathon Co.) ROZELLVILLE, settl. (Day town St. Andrew. 1884- Note: 1884-87, St. Andrew, Campbelltown. 1888--, St. Andrew, Rozellville. Organized in 1883. Attended as mission by Rev. Reiser from Marathon City, Marathon Co., and other pastors from Marshfield and Hewitt, Wood Co., until 1893, when Rev. Aloysius Schauenberg became first resident pastor. Second church built in 1897. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 861; Geschichte, p. 739. RUDOLPH, town. (Wood Co.) St. Philomena. 1879--. Note: Organized in 1884. Rev. August Van Sever, first resident pastor. Prior to 1884 attended from adjacent parishes. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 862; Geschichte, p. 739. SAUK CITY, (Sauk Co.) St. Aloysius. 1853--. Note: Established by Rev. Adalbert Inama Church built in 1869. Attends Our Lady of Loretto, Honey Creek, Walworth Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 865 under St. Norbert; Roxburg; and Sauk City. SCHOFIELD, vil. (Marathon Co.) St. Therese of the Child Jesus SCOTT, (Scott town, Crawford Co.) St. Patrick. 1886-1929. (Little Flower). 1938--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Philip, Scott town. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 865. SENECA, settl. (Seneca town, Crawford Co.) St. Patrick. 1864--. Note: 1864-79, St. Mark, Seneca. 1880--, St. Patrick, Seneca. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 866. SHAMROCK, settl. (Manchester town, Jackson Co.) St. Columbkill. 1866--. 1866-1915, Pine Hill. 1916--, Shamrock. Note: Attended as mission from St. Joseph, Black River Falls, Jackson Co. SHERRY, settl. St. Kilian. (Sherry town, Wood Co.) 1885--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 782. t } 1 117 La Crosse Diocese SHULLSBURG, city. (Lafayette Co.) Our Lady of Hope. 1870--. 1870-1938, Our Lady of Hope, Seymour. 1939--, Our Lady of Hope, Shullsburg. Note: Attends as mission St. Peter, Elk Grove, Lafayette Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 534. SHULLSBURG, city. city. St. Matthew. (Lafayette Co.) 1842--. Note: Organized in 1835. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 539. SIGEL, settl. (Sigel town, Wood Co.) Holy Rosary. 1886--. Note: Attended as mission from St. James, Vesper, Wood Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 822. SINSINAWA MOUND, settl. (Jamestown, Grant Co.) St. Joseph. Note: 1844--. 1844, St. Thomas, Sinsinawa Mound. 1845-82, St. Dominic, Sinsinawa Mound. 1883--, St. Joseph, Sinsinawa Mound. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., pp. 541, 542. SOUTH WAYNE, vil. (Lafayette Co.) St. John. 1868-- Note: SPARTA, city. 1868-99, St. Philomena, Viola, Lafayette Co. 1900--, St. John, South Wayne, Lafayette Co. Attended as mission from Gratiot, Lafayette Co. See Wiota. (Monroe Co.) St. Patrick. 1867--. 1867-69, St. Patrick. 1870-83, St. Augustine. 1884--, St. Patrick. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 868. SPAULDING, settl. (City Point town, Jackson Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. 1909-1938. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1928. Attended as mission from St. Lawrence, Wisconsin Rapids, Wood Co. SPENCER, vil. (Marathon Co.) Christ the King Parish. 1884-95, 1939--. 1884-95, Mission (no name), Spencer. 1939--, Christ the King Parish, Spencer. Note: Attended as mission from Edson, from 1884-94, and later from Boyd, Chippewa Co., from 1894-95. From 1939 to present time attended from St. Joseph Hospital, Marshfield, Wood Co. 118 La Crosse Diocese SPRING GREEN, vil. (Sauk Co.) St. John the Evangelist. 1873--. SPRING VALLEY, vil. (Pierce Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1902--. Note: Attends as mission St. Joseph, El Paso, Pierce Co. SPRINGFIELD PRAIRIE, settl. (Seymour town, Eau Claire Co.) St. Bridget. 1887--. Note: Attended as mission from Holy Ghost, Chippewa Falls, Chippewa Co. For early history ci For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 791. ST. ANN, settl. (Chippewa Co.) No Name. 1889-1911. Note: Formerly attended as mission from Chippewa Falls, Chippewa Co. ST. JOSEPH, settl. (Greenfield town, La Crosse Co.) St. Joseph. 1860--. 1860-71, St. Joseph, Buchanan. 1872-76, St. Joseph, Greenfield. 1877--, St. Joseph, St. Joseph. Note: Attends as mission St. Mary, Coon Valley, Vernon Co. Prior to 1866 services were held in homes by a pastor from La Crosse. In 1866 a log church was built. New church was built in 1869. Attends as mission St. Peter, St. Peter Ridge, La Crosse Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 862. ST. MARYS, settl. (Jefferson town, Monroe Co.) St. Mary of the Fine. 1878-1917. Note: Organized in 1856. Rev. Tapper, first resident pastor. First church built in 1868. School building erected in 1889. A new church built in 1897. Incorporated in 1883. history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 863. ST. MARY'S RIDGE, settl. (Jefferson town, Monroe Co.) Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 1864--. 1864-72, Nativity of B. V. M., Jefferson. 1873--, Nativity of B. V. M., St. Mary's Ridge. For early Note: New church completed in 1868. St. Mary's Ridge is at a point 5 miles southwest of Norwalk, Monroe Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 863. 119 La Crosse Diocese ST. PHILIP, settl. (Clayton town, Cranford Co.) St. Philip. 1864--. 1864-69, St. Philip, Claytontown. 1872-85, St. Philip, Clayton. 1886--, St. Philip, St. Philip. Note: Established in 1862. Attended as mission from Rising Sun, Crawford Co. In 1876 St. Philip.became a parish. Formerly attended as a mission from St. Patrick, Scott, Crawford Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 864. STANLEY, city. St. Anne. STANLEY, city. St. Mary. STRATFORD, vil. St. Joseph. SUMMIT, settl. (Chippewa Co.) 1908--. (Chippewa Co.) 1897--. (Marathon Co.) 1898-- (Ridgeville town, Monroe Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1880--. Note: Attended as a mission from St. Augustine, Norwalk, Monroe Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 869. SYLVAN, settl. (Sylvan town, Richland Co.) St. Peter. Note: 1887-1938. Attended as mission from St. Philip, St. Philip, Crawford Co. TENNYSON, settl. (Potosi town, Grant Co.) St. Andrew. 1941. THORP, town. (Clark Co.) St. Bernard. 1887- THORP, vil. Note: Attended from St. Hedwig, Thorp, Clark Co. (Clark Co.) St. Hedwig. 1892-- 1892-1921, St. Hedwig, Posen. 1922--, St. Hedwig, Thorp. Note: Formerly a mission of St. Bartholomew, Mill Creek, Portage Co. until July 1897. First resident pastor, Rev. James Korczyk. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., pp. 835, 850; Geschichte, pp. 718, 730 120 La Crosse Diocese TILDEN, settl. (Tilden town, Chippewa Co.) St. Peter. Peter. 1864-. 1864-88, St. Peter, Eagle Point. 1889--, St. Peter, Tilden. Note: First Catholic settlers arrived in 1855 and attended mass at Chippewa Falls, Chippewa Co. Four years later church was built and attended by resident pastors from Chippewa Falls, Chippewa Co. July 31, 1869 the congregation was given a pastor in the person of Rev. A. Koke, who remained until Aug. 24, 1870. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 880; Geschichte, p. 754. TOMAH, city. (Monroe Co.) St. Mary 1872--. Note: First resident pastor, Rev. W. F. Quigley, D. D., appointed to Immaculate Conception (St. Mary), Tomah, Monroe Co., in 1868, remaining until 1870. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 881; Geschichte, p. 755. TREMPEALEAU, vil. (Trempealeau Co.) St. Bartholomew. 1865--. 1865-71, St. Wenceslaus. 1872--, St. Bartholomew. Note: Attends as missions: St. Bridget, Ettrick settlement, Trempealeau Co.; St. Mary, village of Galesville, Trempealeau Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 812. UNION CENTER, vil. (Juneau Co.) St. Theresa. 1865--. Note: Attended from St. Jerome, Wonewoc, Juneau Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 883. UNION MILLS, settl. settl. (Highland town, Iowa Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1875--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Joseph, Dodgeville, Iowa Co. VESPER, settl. settl. St. James Note: (Hansen town, Wood Co.) 1911--. Attends as missions: Holy Rosary, Sigel, Wood Co.; St. Francis, Arpin, Wood Co. VIROQUA, city. (Vernon Co.) Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1905--. Note: Attended as mission from St. James, Rising Sun, Crawford Co. WARNERS STATION, (Chippewa Co.) No Name. 1891-97. Note: Attended from Notre Dame, Chippewa Falls, Chippewa Co. ! Į į 121 La Crosse Diocese WASHINGTON, settl. (Washington town, La Crosse Co.) St. Peter. 1872-89. See Middle Ridge. WAUMA NDEE, settl. (Waumandee town, Buffalo Co.) St. Boniface. 1864--, Note: Attends as mission SS. Peter and Paul, Montana, Buffalo Co. For early history ci C. C. in Wis., p. 886. WAUSAU, city. (Marathon Co.) St. James. 1906--. Note: Attends as mission Brokaw, Marathon Co. WAUSAU, city. (Marathon Co.) St. Mary Immaculate Conception. • 1875--. Note: Organized in 1857. Rev. L. Dale visited Wausau in the fall of 1851. Again in 1852-53 Rev. F. X. Etschmann, Madison, visited Wausau. Thereafter unattended until Oct. 1857, when Rev. James Stehle, resident pastor at Stevens Point, celebrated mass in the C. Single hall bimonthly. Parish remained a mission until 1869. During the year 1867 a church was built. Corner stone laid in July 1867. Rev. John Zawistowski, in Oct. 1869, appointed first resident pastor. Again became a mission attended from Stevens Point, in Feb. 1878. Mass celebrated in the new church for the first time in March 1871. A resident pastor was again given the parish in Aug. 1874. Parish again became a mission attended from Stevens Point until March 22, 1875, when Rev. Theo. Richard was appointed resident pastor, Sept. 14, 1890. Corner stone of new church laid July 17, 1892 and church dedicated by the Rev. Bishop Messmer the same year. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 749; Geschichte, p. 645. WAUSAU, city. (Marathon Co.) St. Michael. 1888--. Note: Organized as a Polish parish in Sept. 1887. Church erected in 1888; dedicated by Bishop Katzer. First pastor, Rev. Constantine Marszatowicz. Destroyed by fire Dec. 26, 1894. New structure erected and dedicated Oct. 3, 1895 by Bishop Messmer: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 751; Geschichte, p. 647. WAUSAU, city. (Marathon Co.) St. Peter. 1868. WAUZEKA, vil. (Crawford Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1885--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Wenceslaus, Eastman, Crawford Co. 122 La Crosse Diocese WEBER, settl. (Eau Pleine town, Marathon Co.) Holy Trinity. WESTFIELD, settl. St. Alphons us WESTFIELD, settl. St. Patrick. WESTFORD, settl. St. Bridget. 1890-1913. (Westfield town, Sauk Co.) 1864-70. (Westfield town, Sauk Co.) 1872-87. (Westford town, Richland Co.) 1872--. Note: Established in 1858. Church built in 1863. First pastor, Rev. Montague, Lyndon Station. Later attended by pastors from St. Anthony, Cazenovia, Richland Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 789. WILLARD, settl. (Hendren town, Clark Co.) Holy Trinity. 1910--. WILTON, vil. (Monroe Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1876--. Note: Organized in 1875. Rev. Durward for 8 years. Church built in 1875. Attended by Remained a mission until 1895 when Rev. J. D. Manning was appointed as resident pastor. Destroyed by fire Aug. 1896. Corner stone laid Oct. 7, 1896 by Bishop Schweback, who blessed the building on Jan. 14, 1897. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 889. WINDFIELD, settl. (Windfield town, Sauk Co.) St. Patrick. 1872-1938. Note: Attended as a mission from All Saints, Dellona, Sauk Co. WIOTA, settl. No Name. Note: (Wiota town, Lafayette Co.) 1852-60. See South Wayne. WISCONSIN RAPIDS, city. (Wood Co.) St. Lawrence. 1903-- 1903-20, St. Lawrence, Grand Rapids. 1920--, St. Lawrence, Wisconsin Rapids. Note: Attends as missions: St. Mary, City Point, Jackson Co.; SS. Peter and Paul, Spaulding, Jackson Co. 123 La Crosse Diocese WISCONSIN RAPIDS, city. (Wood Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. 1857-- 1857, Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Grand Rapids, Greenwood Co. 1858-64, Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Grand Rapids, Wood Co. 1865-73, Holy Cross, Grand Rapids, Wood Co. 1874-1921, SS. Peter and Paul, Grand Rapids, Wood Co. 1922--, SS. Peter and Paul, Wisconsin Rapids, Wood Co. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 640, 641 under SS. Peter and Paul, Grand Rapids. WITHEE, vil. (Clark Co.) Sacred Heart. 1902--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1908. Attended as mission from St. Bernard, Abbotsford, Clark Co. WONEWOC, vil. (Juneau Co.) St. Jerome. 1884--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Theresa, Union Center, Juneau Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 883, 884. WOODLAND, town. (Sauk Co.) St. Lawrence. 1884-1907. WOODLAWN, Note: Attended as mission from Hillsboro, Vernon Co. (Jackson Co.) St. Anne (Polish) 1917--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Joseph, Black River Falls, Jackson Co. WOOMATA, settl. (La Crosse Co.) St. Alphonsius. 1857-61. WUERTSBURG, settl. (Johnson town, Marathon Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1889-- Note: Attends as mission St. Thomas, Milan, Marathon Co. YELLOWSTONE, settl. (Lafayette Co.) St. Michael. 1887-- YUBA, vil. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1896. Attended as mission from Immaculate Conception, Blanchardville, Lafayette Co. (Richland Co.) St. Wenceslaus. (Bohemian) 1875--. 1875-84, St. Wenzels, Yuba. 1891-92, No Name, Yuba. 1897--, st. Wenceslaus, Yuba. Note: Attended as mission from St. Aloysius, Hillsboro, Vernon Co. % 124 SUPERIOR DIOCESE (Established May 10, 1905) Comprises the counties of Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Lincoln, Oneida, Polk, Price, Rusk, St. Croix, Sawyer, Taylor, Vilas, and Washburn. ALMENA, settl. (Almena town, Barron Co.) (Almena town Sacred Heart of Jesus. (German) 1889--. 1889-93, No Name, Barronett. 1894--, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Almena. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 304. AMERY, city. (Polk Co.) St. Joseph. 1891--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1895. Formerly attended as a mission from St. Ann, Turtle Lake, Barron Co. Barron Co. Attends the missions: St. John, Clear Lake, Polk Co.; Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Georgetown, Polk Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 883. AMIK, Gordon Farm. (Burnett Co.) Mission (no name). 1881-85. Note: See Gordon. AMNICON FALLS, St. Edward. ? (Douglas Co.) 1918-23. APPOLONIA, settl. (Stubbs town, Rusk Co.) St. Appolonia. 1895-1913. Note: Mission was formerly attended from Turtle Lake and Bruce. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 883, under St. Ann, Turtle Lake, Barron Co. APPLE RIVER, town. (Polk Co.) St. Mary 1886--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1892. Now attended from Turtle Lake, Barron Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 883, under St. Ann, Turtle Lake, Barron Co. ASHLAND, city. (Ashland Co.) Holy Family. (Polish) 1901--. ASHLAND, city. (Ashland Co.) St. Agnes. 1878--. Note: Legal title "St. Agnes Catholic Congregation." Attends the mission Our Lady of the Seven Dolors, Odanah, Ashland Co. (Indian) For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 774. ! 125 Superior Diocese ARBUCKLE, ? (Bayfield Co.) Station (no name). 1906-11. Note: Attended from St. Agnes, Ashland, Ashland Co. BALSAM LAKE, vil. (Polk Co.) Mission (no name). 1898-1907. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 780. BARNES, settl. (Barnes town, Bayfield Co.) No name. 1915-37. BARRON, city. (Barron Co.) St. Joseph. 1889--. Note: Attended from St. Boniface, Chetek, Barron Co. BARRONETT, settl. (Maple Lake town, Barron Co.) Station (no name). 1913--. Note: Attended from St. Mary, Cumberland, Barron Co. BASHAW, town. (Washburn Co.) No name. 1896-1911. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 780. BAYFIELD, city. Holy Family. (Bayfield Co.) 1865--. 1865-98, Christ Church, Bayfield. 1899--, Holy Family, Bayfield. Note: Attends as missions: St. Anthony, Belanger Settlement, Bayfield Co.; St. Francis of Assisi, Buffalo Bay, Bayfield Co.; St. Francis, Red Cliff, Bayfield Co.; St. Joseph, La Pointe Ton Madeline Island) Ashland Co.; St. Ann, Cornucopia, Bayfield Co. For history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 784. BEAR LAKE, town. (Barron Co.) Mission (no name). 1906-07, 1915-17. Note: Last attended from Rice Lake, Barron Co. BELANGER, settl. St. Anthony. (Bayfield Co.) 1901--. Note: Mission attended from Holy Family, Bayfield, Bayfield Co. BELLISLE FALLS, Indian Reservation, Lac du Flambeau. (Vilas Co.) St. Joseph. 1889. Note: St. St. Joseph (French and Indian), placed in charge of Franciscan Fathers. Church built in 1889. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 778, 870. Now attended as a mission from St. Peter, Winter, Sawyer Co. Cf. C.C. in Wis., spells this Bellils Falls. See Lac du Flambeau. BENNETT, settl. Bennett town, Douglas Co.) St. Benedict. 1906-37. Note: Attended from SS. Cyrillus and Methodius, Superior city, Douglas Co. · : 126 Superior Diocese BIBON, settl. No Name. Note: BIG BEND, town. No Name. (Mason town, Bayfield Co.) 1918--. Attended from Blueberry, Douglas Co. (Rusk Co.) 1896-1905. BIRCHWOOD, town. (Washburn Co.) St. Anthony. 1918-19. Note: May have been a church or station started in the lakes region. BIRCHWOOD, vil. (Washburn Co.) St. John Evangelist. 1906--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1910. Attends missions: Sacred Heart, Fadisson, Sawyer Co.; St. Mary Magdeline, Couderay, Sawyer Co.; Our Lady of Holy Mount, Pribram, Rusk Co. BLAKE, settl. (Georgetown town, Polk Co.) Our Lady of Holy kosary. 1905-15. Note: Attended from Long Lake. Georgetown. Church of same name under BLOOMVILLE, settl. (Schley town, Lincoln Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1896--. Note: Attended from St. Francis Xavier, Merrill, Lincoln Co. BLUEBERRY, settl. settl. (Maple town, Douglas Co.) St. Ann. 1902--. Note: Attended from SS. Cyrillus and Methodius, Superior city, Douglas Co. BOYLSTON, settl. (Superior town, Douglas Co.) St. Ann. 1918-23. BRACKLIN, ? (Barron Co.) Station. 1902-05. BRUCE, vil. Note: Attended from Cumberland, Barron Co. (Rusk Co.) St. Mary. 1889--. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Catholic Congregation." Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 893. Formerly visited by the Franciscan Fathers from Superior and Ashland, also from Chippewa Falls. Attends as missions: St. Francis of Assisi (French and Indian), Flambeau, Rusk Co.; St. Ann (French and English), Murry, Rusk Co. BRULE, settl. (Brule town, Douglas Co.) Station (no name). 1915-27. : 127 Superior Diocese BRULE, settl. (Brule town, Douglas Co.) Station. 1895-96. Note: Attended from St. Francis Xavier, Superior city, Douglas Co. BUFFALO BAY, settl. (Indian Cliff Reserve, Bayfield Co.) St. Francis of Assisi. 1890--. Note: Mission attended from Holy Family, Bayfield, Bayfield Co. BUTTERNUT, vil. (Ashland Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1887--. Note: Church was formerly attended from St. Francis of Assisi, Fifield, Price Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 813. BUTTERNUT LAKE, settl. (Luck town, Polk Co.) Mission (no name). 1903-11. CABLE, vil. (Bayfield Co.) St. Casimer. 1896--. 1896-1917, St. Anna. 1918--, St. Casimer. Note: Attended from St. Joseph, Hayward, Sawyer Co. For short history cf. C.C. in Wis., p. 780. CAMERON, vil. St. Peter. (Barron Co.) 1889-- Note: Church attended from St. Boniface, Chetek, Barron Co. CATAWBA, vil. (Price Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1909--. Note: Attends as missions: St. Augustine, Ingram, Rusk Co.: St. Michaels, Kennan, Price Co. CENTURIA, vil. (Folk Co.) St. Patrick. 1922-- Note: Not listed by name prior to 1928. Now attends station at Luck, Polk Co. CHELSEA, settl. (Taylor Co.) Holy Assumption. 1889-90, 1914--. Note: Mission of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Whittlesey, Taylor Co. CHETEK, city (Barron Co.) St. Boniface. 1886--. Note: Legal title "Catholic Congregation of St. Boniface." Cf. C.C. in Wis., p. 893. Church formerly attended as a mission from St. Paul, Bloomer, La Crosse Diocese. Now attends St. Joseph, Barron, Barron Co.; St. Peter, Cameron, Barron Co. Cf. Geschichte: and in C. C. in Wis. p. 386. CLAM FALLS, settl. (Clam Falls town, Polk Co.) St. Michael. 1900--. P. 680 Note: Not listed by name prior to 1908. Now a mission of St. Dominic Frederic, Polk Co. : : 128 Superior Diocese CLAYTON, vil. (Polk Co.) Station (no name). 1881-1905. Note: Formerly a mission of Cumberland, Barron Co. CLEAR LAKE, vil. (Polk Co.) St. John. Note: 1890--. Not listed by name prior to 1928. Now a mission of St. Joseph, Amery, Polk Co. CONNORS POINT, (Douglas Co.) St. John. 1894-1907. " Note: Legal title "St. John's Catholic Congregation. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 894 under West Superior. Connors Point, north of Superior. CONOVER, settl. (Conover town, Vilas Co.) Station. 1918-37. Note: Attended from St. Peter, Eagle River, Vilas Co. CONRATH, vil. (Rusk Co.) Holy Trinity. 1911--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1917. Attended from Our Lady of Sorrow, Ladysmith, Rusk Co. CORNUCOPIA, settl. (Bell town, Bayfield Co.) St. Ann. 1903--. Note: Mission attended from Holy Family, Bayfield, Bayfield Co. COUDERAY, vil. (Sawyer Co.) St. Mary Magdelene. 1906--. Note: Mission attended from St. John Evangelist, Birchwood, Washburn Co. CRANE, settl. (Hubbard town, Rusk Co.) Mission (no name). 1923–37. Note: Last listed as a Station of Bruce, Rusk Co. CRESCENT LAKE, settl. (Scott town, Burnett Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary. 1929--. Note: Mission of St. John the Baptist, Webster, Burnett Co. CROTTY BROOK, ? (Douglas Co.) St. Joseph. 1917--. Note: Station attended from Our Lady of Good Counsel Solon Springs, Douglas Co. CUMBERLAND, city. (Barron Co.) St. Anthony Abbott. (Italian) 1895--. Note: Attended from St. Mary, Cumberland, Barron Co. history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 803. For early ! : : : : 129 Superior Diocese 1 CUMBERLAND, city. (Barron Co.) St. Fary. 1884--. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Catholic Congregation." Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 893. Attends St. Anthony Abbott (Italian) Cumberland, and a mission, Corpus Christi, Mckinley, Polk Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 803. CYLON, settl. (St. Croix Co.) Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. 1886--. Note: For history of mission cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 811 under St. Patrick, Erin Frarie, St. Croix Co. DALLAS, vil. (Barron Co.) Mission (no name). 1839-1900. Note: Last attended from Rice Lake, Barron Co. DANBURY, settl. (Swiss town, Burnett Co.) Our Lady of Perpetual Help. 1916--. Note: No name prior to 1929. Attended from St. John the Baptist, Webster, Burnett Co. See Loon Lake and Yellow Lake. DAUBY, settl. (Pilsen bowl, Bayfield Co.) St. Peter. Note: CO. 1914--. Mission attended from SS. Peter and Paul, Moquah, Bayfield DEDHAM, settl. (Superior town, Douglas Co.) DOBIE, St. Aloysius. (Polish) 1909--. Note: Mission attended from St. Adalbert, Superior city, Douglas Co. ? (Bayfield Co.) Cur Lady of the Lourdes. 1913-17. Note: Attended from Cable, Bayfield Co. DONALD, settl. St. Joseph. Note: (Pershing town, Taylor Co.) 1926--. Not listed by name prior to 1928. Now attended from SS. Puter and Paul, Gilman, Taylor Co. DRAPER, settl. (Draper town, Sawyer Co.) Station. 1910-37. Note: Attended from Winter, Sawyer Co. DRUMMOND, settl. (Drummond town, Bayfield Co.) Station (no name) 1893--. Note: Attended from St. Anne, Sanborn, Ashland Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 781. 1 } 1 130 Superior Diocese EAGLE RIVER, city. (Vilas Co.) St. Peter. 1887-.. 1887-95, No Name, Eagle River. 1096-1905, St. John the Baptist. 1606--, St. Peter Hobe: Atcends as missions: St. Mary, Phelps, Vilas Co.; St. Mary, Bruner, ilas Co.; £tation, Land O' Lakes, Vilas Co. For complete history to 1896 cf. C. C in Wis., p. 630. EAST FARMINGTON, settl. (Farmington town, Polk Co.) Assumption of D. V. MI. 1875--. Note: No name prior to 1885. Formerly a mission of various other churches. Now attends St. Joseph, Osceola, Polk Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 806. EDGEWATER, settl. (Edgewater town, (Edgewater town, Sawyer Co.) 1917--. Mission (no name). Note: Listed as Edgewater, Washburn Co. Edgewater, Washburn Co. This evidently is an error as this is a town of Edgewater in Sawyer Co. Attended from Birchwood, Washburn Co. ERIN, town1. (St. Croix Co.) St. Patrick. 1860--, 1860-1917, St. Patrick, Erin Prairie. 1918--. Note: Legal title Legal title "St. Patrick's Church." Cf. C. C. in Wis., P. 894. St. Patrick, Erin Frairie. Established in 1857. For complete history cf. C. C, in Wis., pp. 810-812. C. EUREKA, ? (Ashland Co.) Mission (no narie). 1900--, Note: Attended from Holy Family, Ashland, Ashland Co. EXELAND, vil. (Sawyer Co.) St. Mary. 1917--. -Note: Not listed by name prior to 1929. Mission attended from St. Peter, Winter, Sawyer Co. FIFIELD, tom, (Price Co.) St. Francis of Assisi. 1889--. Note: No name prior to 1890. Attended from St Attended from St. Mary, Prentice, Price Co.; St. Therese, Westboro, Taylor Co. For history af. c. c. in Wis., p. 15. FLAMEEAU, (Flambeau town, Rusk: Co.) St. Francis of Assisi. (French and Indian) 1881--. Note: Mission attended from Bruce, Rusk Co. FOSTERVILLE, (Iron Co.) No name. 1912-15. 1 131 Superior Diocese FOXBORO, settl. (Summit town, Douglas Co.) St. Michael, 1.008-33. Me: Attended from Holy Assumption, Superior city, Douglas Cb. FREDERIC, vil. (Folk Co.) St. Dominje, 1906--. te: Attended from St. John the Baptist, Webster, Burnett Co. Attends as missions. St. Michael, Clam Falls, Polk Co.; Tumaculate Conception, Grantsburg, Burnett Co. GASLYN, settl. (Scott town, Burnett Co.) Mission (no name). 1917-27, Note: Mission probably replaced by Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Crescent Lake, Burnett Co. which was established in 1929. GEORGETOWN, town. (Polk Co.) Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. 1901--. Note: Attended from St. Joseph, Amery, Polk Co. See St. Joseph, Blake, Polk Co GILMAN, Vil, (Taylor Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. 1911-- Note: Attends as missions: St. Michael, Jump River, Taylor Co.; St. Joseph, Donald, Taylor Co.; Station, Hannibal, Taylor Co. GLEN FLORA, vil. (Rusk Co.) No Name. 1891-97, 1899-1905, 1914-37. GLENWOOD, city. (St. Croix Co.) St. Hubert. 1911- GLENWOOD, city. (St. Croix Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1889-- 1889-95, St. John. 1896--, St. John the Baptist. GLIDDEN, settl. (Peelsville town, Ashland Co.) Most Precious Blood. 1887--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1892. Formerly attended from St Francis of Assisi, Fifield, Price Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 813. GORDON, settl. (Gordon town, Douglas Co.) St. Anthony of Padua. 1886--. 1886-97, No Name. 1898-1909 Our Lady of the Angels, 3 1910-- St. Anthony of Padua. Note: Attended as mission from Solon Springs, Douglas Co. Cf. Amik. 132 Superior Diocese GRANDVIEW, settl. (Pratt town, Bayfield Co.) St. Andrew, 1906--. Note: Mission attended from St. Anne, Sanborn, Ashland Co. GRANTSBURG, vil. (Burnett Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1896--. 1896-1907, No Name. 1908--, Immaculate Conception. Note: Attended as a mission from St. Dominic, Frederic, Polk Co. GREENWOOD, town. St. Anne. (Taylor Co.) 1889--. 1889-96, St. Patrick, Greenwood. 1898--, St. Anne, Greenwood. Note: Attended as a mission from St. John the Baptist, Rib Lake, Taylor Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 883. GURNEY settl. settl. (Gurney town, Iron Co.) Mission (no name). HACKLEY, (Vilas Co.) St. Mary. 1905-13. 1918--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1910. Eagle River, Vilas Co. HAMMOND, vil. (St. Croix Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1873--. Attended from St. Peter, Note: Legal title "The Catholic Congregation of St. Mary's Immaculate Conception." Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 894. Attends as mission St. Peter, Wilson, St. Croix Co. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 816. HANNIBAL, settl. (Cleveland town, Taylor Co.) Station (no name). 1917-37. Note: Last attended from SS. Peter and Paul, Gilman, Taylor Co. HARRISON, settl. (Harrison town, Lincoln Co.) St. Augustine. 1907--. HARRISON, (Oneida Co.) Mission (no name). 1891-94. Note: Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 724. HAUGEN, vil. (Barron Co.) Holy Trinity. 1900--. Note: Attends as mission St. Catherine, Sarona, Washburn Co. HAWKINS, vil. (Rusk Co.) Our Lady of Perpetual Help. 1914--. Note: Now a mission of Holy Trinity, Conrath, Rusk Co. · : : • 133 Superior Diocese HAYWARD, city. (Sawyer Co.) St. Joseph. 1886--. Note: Not listed by nane prior to 1890. Formerly attended by Franciscan Fathers of Ashland. Church built in 1882, Attends as istions: St. Casimir, Cable, Bayfield Co.; St. Mary Magdalene, Spring Brool, Washburn Co. cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 679. HERESTER, settl. (ülover town, Fayfield Co.) St. Francis Xavier. 1397--. Noce: Mission attended from St. Michael, Iron River, Favfield Co. HIGH BRIDAL, settl, (Ashland town, Ashland Co.) St. Anthony. 1895--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1910. Mission formerly attended from Ashland, Ashland Co. Now attended from St. Anne, Sanborn, Ashland Co. Cr. C. C. in Wis., p. 750. HOLWAY, town, (Taylor Co.) St. Lary. 1911--. Note: HUDSON, city. Mission of Sacred Heart of Jesus, Stetsonville, Taylor Co. (St. Croix Co.) St. Patrick. 1852--. 1852-55, No Name, Willow River. 1857, St. Mary on the Lake, Hudson. 1856-79, St. Janes, Eudson. 1830--. St. Patrick, Hudson. Cf. C. C. in Note: Legal title "St. Patrick's Congregation." Wis., p. 694. Originally services were conducted at Hudson, then at Willow River from St. Paul, Minn. About 1856 e resident pastor was sunt to Hudson who built a small church and dedicated it to St. James. In 1830, the present church was built and dedicated to St. Patrick. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 818, 819. HURLEY, city. (Iron Co.) Blessed Virgin of Soven Delers. 1886--. Note: Attends St. Mary, Morcor, Iron Co.; Stations at Winchester and Winegar, Vilas Co. For history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 020. INGRAM, vil. (Rusk Co.) St. Augustine. 1889--. Note: Mission of Sacred Heart, Catawba, Price Co. INO, settl. (Koystone town, Bayfield Co.) St. Florian. (Sloval) 1919--. Note: Mission attended from St. Michael, Iron River, Bayfield Co. TRON BELT, settl. (Knight town, Iron Co.) St. Mary Magdalone. 1904--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1908. Mission, attended From St. Anno, Saxon, Tron Co. - 134 Superior Diocese IRON RIVER, settl. (Iron Rivor town, Bayfield Co.) St. Michael. 1893--. Note: Legal title "St. Michael's Catholic Congregation." Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 894. Not listed by name prior to 1895. Attends as missions: St. Florian, Ino, Bayfield Co.; St. Mary, Port Wing, Bayfield Co.; St. Francis Xavier, Herbster, Bayfield Co. ITASCA STATION, (Douglas Co.) No name. 1906-13. Note: Station attended from St. Francis Xavier, Superior city, Douglas Co. JEFFERIES, settl. (Harrison town, Lincoln Cc.) Station. 1896-1905. JENNINGS, Note: Attended in 1897 by St. John and in 1905 by St. Peter, Eagle River, Vilas Co. ? (Oneida Co.) St. Mary. (Polish) 1903--. Note: Not listed by nome prior to 1908. from St. Joseph, Rhinelander, Oneida Co. JUMP RIVER, settl. (Taylor Co.) St. Michael. 1911- Note: Not listed by name prior to 1933. SS. Poter and Paul, Gilman, Taylor Co. KENNAN, vil. (Price Co.) St. Michael. 1891-. Note: Attended as a mission Attended as mission from Mission of Sacred Heart of Jesus, Catawba, Price Co. KIMDALL, settl. (Kimball town, Iron Co.) Station. 1918-37. Note: attended from Blueberry, Douglas Co. LAC DU FLAMBEAU, settl. (Lac du Flambeau town, Vilas Co.) St. Anthony. (Indian and French) 1895--. Note: Mission formerly attended by the Franciscan Fathers, Ashland, Ashland Co. Church built in 1894. Attended as mission St. Francis of Solonus (Indian), Settlement of Reserve, Sawyer Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 879. LAC DU FLAMBEAU, settl. (Lac du Flambeau town, Vilas Co.) St. Joseph. (English and Indian) 1895-1925. Noto: Mission formorly attended by the Franciscan Fathers, Ashland, Ashland Co. Sec Bollisle Falls, : 135 Superior Diocese LADYSMITH, city. (Rusk Co.) St. Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows. 1910--. Note: Attends as mission St. Anthony de Padua (English, German), Tony, Rusk Co. LAKE CHETAK, (Sawyer Co.) Station. 1889-95. Note: Attended from Bayfield, Bayfield Co. LAKE NEBAGAMON, vil. (Douglas Co.) St. Anthony. 1901--. Note: Mission attended from Sacred Heart of Jesus, Superior city, Douglas Co. LAND OʻLAKES, settl. (State Line town, Vilas Co.) Station (no name). 1930-- Note: Attended from St. Peter, Eagle River, Vilas Co. LA POINTE, settl. (Madeline Island, Ashland Co.) St. Joseph. 1842--. Note: Attended as mission from Holy Family, Bayfield, Bayfield Co. Cath. Alm., "La Pointe (on Madeline Island), Ashland Co.; St. Joseph (Indian, English). This is the oldest Catholic church in Wisconsin. It was founded in 1665; renovated in 1835; celebrated its jubilee, Aug. 23, 1885; destroyed by fire and rebuilt in 1901." For history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 235, 784. LEHIGH, settl. No Name. Note: (Summers town, Barron Co.) 1903-05. LONG LAKE, settl. Mission attended from Tony, Rusk Co. (Johnston town, Polk Co.) St. Patrick. 1876-1917, 1934-39. Note: For short history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 883. LOON LAKE, (Swiss town, Burnett Co.) Station (no name). 1906-11. Note: Perhaps a forerunner of the nearby church in the village of Danbury, established in 1916, or may have succeeded the Station listed from 1896-1905 as "Yellow Lake" town of Oakland, Burnett Co. LORAIN, town (Polk Co.) Mission (no name). 1906-07. LUBLIN, vil. (Taylor Co.) St. Stanislaus. 1908-- 1908-23, All Saints, Lublin. 1924--, St. Stanislaus, Lublin. · : ! T 1 : : 136 Superior Diocese LUCK, vil. (Polk Co.) no name). 1914-. Station (no name). Note: Attended as Station from St. Patrick, Centuria, Polk Co. See Mound, Polk Co. LUGERVILLE, settl. (Flambeau town, Price Co.) St. Joseph. 1923-37. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1931. Attended as mission from St. Mary, Phillips, Price Co. MAPLE, settl. (Maple town, Douglas Co.) Station. 1897-1907. Note: Attended from Ashland, Ashland Co. MAPLE LEAF, ? St. Charles. Note: (Barron Co.) 1910--. Attended as mission from St. Ann, Turtle Lake, Barron Co. MARENGO, settl. (White River town, Ashland Co.) Our Lady of Seven Dolors. 1893--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1910. Formerly attended as mission from Ashland, Ashland Co. Now attended from St. Anne, Sanborn, Ashland Co. MASON, vil. (Bayfield Co.) St. Aloysius. 1889--. Note: Formerly attended as mission from Bayfield, Bayfield Co. Now attended from St. Anne, Sanborn, Ashland Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 781. MCKINLEY, town. (Polk Co.) Corpus Christi. 1912--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1918. Mission of St. Mary Cumberland, Barron Co. MEDFORD, city. (Taylor Co.) Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. 1876--. Note: Legal title "The Catholic Congregation of Our Lady of the Rosary." Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 894. p. 894. Not listed by name prior to Attends as mission St. Anthony, Molitor Settlement, Taylor Co. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 833. 1888. KELLEN, city. (Ashland Co.) Holy Rosary. 1892--. Note: No name prior to 1898. Formerly attended as a mission from Ashland, Ashland Co. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 780. MERCER, settl. (Mercer town, Iron Co.) St. Isaac Jogues and Compassion. 1940--. 137 Superior Diocese MERCER, settl. (Mercer town, Iron Co.) St. Mary. Note: 1912--. Attended as mission from Not listed by name prior to 1938. Blessed Virgin of Seven Dolors, Hurley, Iron Co. MERKILL, city. (Lincoln Co.) St. Francis Xavier. 1885--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1887. Attends as mission St. John the Baptist, Bloomville, Lincoln Co. For early history of. C. c. in Wis., p. 691. MINOCQUA, settl. (Minocqua town, Oneida Co.) St. Patrick. 1895- Note: Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 836. MINONG, vil. (Washburn Co.) Presentation of the E. V. M. 1896--. Note: Logal title "St. Mary's Catholic Congregation." Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 894. Not listed by name prior to 1898. Attended as mission from St. Mary, Solon Springs, Douglas Co. MOLITOR SETTLEMENT, settl. (Taylor Co.) St. Anthony. 1889--. Note: Mission of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Medford, Taylor Co. MONICO, settl. (Monico town, Oncida Co.) St. James. 1887--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1917. Attended by Rt. Rev. Msgr John G. Heiring. Ros. St. Mary's Hospital, Rhinelander, Oneida Co. For carly history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 724. MONTREAL, city. (Iron Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1908--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1916. Attends as mission St. Anthony, Pence, Iron Co. MOQUAH, settl. (Pilsen town, Bayfield Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. 1910--. Note: Attends as mission St. Peter, Dauby, Bayfield Co. MORSE, town. (Ashland Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1923-- Note: Not listed by name prior to 1926. Attended from St. Anne Sanborn, Ashland Co. MOUND, (Polk Co.) Station (no name). 1906-13. Note: Attended as station from Long Lake, Polk Co. May have been station at Luck. See Luck. 138 Superior Diocese ሲ "MOUTH OF YELLOW RIVER, (Swiss town, Burnett Co.) Our Lady of Perpetual Help. 1895-1927. 11 Note: Was perhaps replaced by the church at the nearby village of Danbury. From 1916 to 1928 there was a mission at Danbury but it had no name; in 1929 the Danbury church was named Our Lady of Perpetual Help." After 1927, the church at the "Mouth of the Yellow River " is no longer listed in the Catholic Directory. Church built in 1887. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 780, 879. MURRY, settl. (Murry town, Rusk Co.) St. Ann. 1889--. Note: Attended as mission from St. Mary, Bruce, Rusk Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 883 under St. Ann, Turtle Lake, Barron Co. NEWPOST, settl. (Hunter town, Sawyer Co.) St. Ignatius. 1934--. Attended as mission from St. Francis Solanus, Reserve, Sawyer Co. NEW RICH OND, city. (St. Croix Co.) Immaculate Conception. 1881--. ?? Note: Legal title "Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 894. p. 894. Not listed by name prior to 1891. Destroyed by fire in 1890; records destroyed. Cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 840, 841. ODANAH, settl. (Sanborn town, Ashland Co.) Our Lady of Seven Dolors. 1875--. 1875-94, Bad River, 1895-,, Odanah. Note: Formerly attended as mission from Bayfield, Bayfield Co., now attended from St. Agnes, Ashland, Ashland Co. Agnes, Ashland, Ashland Co. For history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 776. OGEMA, settl. (Ogema town, Price Co.) St. Julius. 1913-35. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1928. OLIVER, vil, (Douglas Co.) St. Joachim. 1918--. .. Note: Attended as mission from Holy Assumption, Superior city, Douglas Co. ORIENTA, town. (Bayfield Co.) Mission. 1918-23, 1925-36. Note: Attended from Blueberry, Douglas Co. ORIENTA, town. (Bayfield Co.) No name. 1896-1913, 1924-37. Note: 781. Attended from Blueberry, Douglas Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 139 Superior Diocese OSCEOLA, vil. St. Joseph. (Polk Co.) 1915--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1930. Mission of Assumption of B. V. M., East Farmington, Folk Co. PAKWEWANG, Lac Courtes Oreilles Reservation. (Sawyer Co.) St. Anthony (mission). (Indian) 1886-1937. Note: Formerly attended from Superior. Attended in 1936-37 from Reserve, Sawyer Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis p. 778. PARK FALLS, city. St. Anthony. (Price Co.) 1904--. PATZAU, settl. (Superior town, Douglas Co.) St. Agathas. 1917-23. Note: Attended as mission from Oliver, Douglas Coo PELICAN LAKE, settl. (Schoepke town, Oneida Co.) St. John the Evangelist. 1906--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1910. This church attended by Rev. Msgr. John G. Heiring. Res. St. Mary Hospital, Rhinelander, Oneida Co. Rt PENCE, settl. (Pence town, Iron Co.) St. Anthony. 1908--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1930. Attended as mission from Sacred Heart of Jesus, Montreal, Iron Co. PHELPS, settl. (Phelps town, Vilas Co.) St. Mary. Note: PHILLIPS, city. St. Mary. Note: PHILLIPS, city. 1914--. Attended as mission from St. Peter, Eagle River, Vilas Co. (Price Co.) 1921--. Attends as mission St. Joseph, Lugerville, Price Co. (Price Co.) St. Patrick. 1887--. Mob: Legal title "St. Patrick's Catholic Congregation." Cf. C. C. Ws •, p. 894. Not listed by name prior to 1890. For history of. C. C. in Wis., pp. 842, 843. POPLAR, vil, (Douglas Co.) Station. 1918-37. Note: Attended from Blueberry, Douglas Co. PORT WING, settl. (Fort Wing town, Bayfield Co.) St. Mary. Note: 1896--. Mission attended from St. Michael, Iron River, Bayfield Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 781. ! ' 140 Superior Diocese PRAIRIE FARM, vil. (Prairie town, Barron Co.) Station. 1889-1905. Note: Attended from Stanford, Barron Co. PRATT, town. (Bayfield Co.) Mission (no name). 1904-05. Note: Was last attended from Bayfield, Bayfield Co. PRENTICE, vil. St. Mary. PRIBRAM, Note: (Price Co.) 1888-- 1888, No Name, Prentice. 1890-94, St. Joseph, Prentice. 1895--, St. Mary, Prentice. Legal title "St. Mary's Catholic Congregation." Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 894. Was originally a mission attended from Phillips, Price Co. Now a mission of St. Francis of Assisi, Fifield, Price Co. cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 843. ? (Rusk Co.) Our Lady of Holy Mount. 1913--. 1913-15, St. John Nepomucene, Pribram. 1916--, Our Lady of Holy Mount, Pribram. Note: Mission of St. John Evangelist, Birchwood, Washburn Co. RADISSON, settl. (Radisson town, Sawyer Co.) Sacred Heart. 1906--. Note: Mission attended from St. John Evangelist, Birchwood, Washburn Co. RED CLIFF, settl. (Indian Cliff Reservation, Bayfield Co.) St. Francis. 1881-88, 1916--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1917. Mission attended from Holy Family, Bayfield, Bayfield Co. RESERVE, settl. (Bass Lake town, Sawyer Co. St. Francis of Solonus. (Indian) 1881--. 1881-1913, St. Francis Saloni, Courtes-Oreilles. 1914--, St. Francis of Solonus, Reserve. Note: Attends as missions: St. Anthony de Padua, Lac du Flambeau, Oneida Co.; Our Lady of the Lake, Victory Heights, Sawyer Co.; St. Ignatius (Indian), New Post, Sawyer Co. RHINELANDER, city. city. (Oneida Co.) Immaculate Conception. (English, German, and French). 1887--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1890. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 724. : 141 Superior Diocese RHINELANDER, city. (Oneida Co.) St. Joseph. (Polish) 1910--. Note: Attends as missions: St. Mary (Polish), Jennings, Oneida Co.; St. Kunegunda of Poland, Robbins, Oneida Co.; St. Theresa (Polish and English), Three Lakes, Oneida Co. RIB LAKE, vil. (Taylor Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1897--. Note: Legal title "St. John the Baptist Catholic Congregation. Attends as mission St. Anne, Greenwood, Clark Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 894. RICE LAKE, city. (Barron Co.) St. Joseph. 1886--. Note: Legal title "St. Joseph's Catholic Congregation." Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 894. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 856. RICHARDSON, ? (Barron Co.) Mission. 1881-85. Note: Church built in 1885. Attended from New Richmond, St. Croix Co. RIVER FALLS, city. (St. Croix Co.) St. Bridget. 1881--. ROBBINS, Note: Legal title "St. Bridget's Congregation.' Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 894. p. 894. Cath. Alm. lists this church as being in St. Croix Co., Superior Diocese. Should, perhaps, be Pierce Co., as most of River Falls is in that county. For history cf. C. C. in Wis p. 859. ? (Oneida Co.) St. Kunegunda of Poland. 1899--. Note: Attended from St. Joseph, Rhinelander. SANBORN, settl. St. Anne. (White River town, Ashland Co.) 1895--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1905. Formerly attended from Ashland. Attends as missions: St. Andrew, Grand View, Bayfield Co.; St. Anthony, High Bridge, Ashland Co.; Our Lady of Seven Dolors, Marengo, Ashland Co.; St. Aloysius, Mason, Bayfield Co.; St. John the Baptist, Morse, Ashland Co.; Station, Drummond, Bayfield Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 781. SAND LAKE, settl. (Sand Lake town, Sawyer Co.) St. Philip. 1913-19. 1913-15, St. Matthias, Sand Lake. 1917-19, St. Philip, Sand Lake. Note: Attended from Hayward. May have been abandoned or merged with the mission at Stone Lake, known as St. Matthew, which name was changed to St. Philip in 1923. Stone Lake is approximately 3 miles from Sand Lake. 142 Superior Diocese SARONA, town. (Washburn Co.) St. Catherine. 1910-- Note: Not listed by name prior to 1932 when it was listed as St. Catherine. Now a mission of Holy Trinity, Haugen, Barron Co. SAXON, settl. St. Ann. Note: (Saxon town, Iron Co.) 1892--. Not listed by name prior to 1899. Formerly attended from St. Mary, Hurley. Attends as mission St. Mary Magdalene, Iron Belt, Iron Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 820. SAYNER, settl. St. Mary. Note: SHELDON, vil. (Plum Lake town, Vilas Co.) 1912--. Attended from St. Peter, Eagle River, Vilas Co. (Rusk Co.) Mission (no name). 1911-37. SHELL LAKE, vil. (Washburn Co.) St. Joseph. 1886--. Note: Legal title "St. Joseph's Catholic Congregation." Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 894. Not listed by name prior to 1890. Established about 1883 as a mission of St. Mary, Cumberland, Barron Co. Church destroyed by fire about 1892; rebuilt. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 803 under St. Mary, Cumberland, Barron Co. SILVER CREEK, ? (Ashland Co.) Mission (no name). 1889-94. Note: Attended from Bayfield, Bayfield Co. SOLON SPRINGS, vil. (Douglas Co.) Our Lady of Good Counsel. 1899--. Note: Attends as missions: St. Anthony of Padua, Gordon, Douglas Co.; St. Mary, Minong, Washburn Co.; and a Station at Crotty Brook, Douglas Co. SOMERSET, vil. vil. (St. Croix Co.) St. Ann. 1859-64, 1872--. 1859-60, St. Joseph, Apple River. 1860-64, St. Joseph, Somerset. 1872-1900, St. Vincent de Paul, Somerset. 1901--, St. Ann, Somerset. Note: The first church was built on the St. Croix River, about 4 miles west of Hudson, probably at the junction of the St. Croix and Apple Rivers. About 1870 it was decided to build a larger church about 4 miles east of where they were, probably at city of Hudson as that is the end of the St. Paul R. R. line. cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 866, 867. " 143 Superior Diocese SOUTH RANGE, settl. (Parkland town, Douglas Co.) Holy Angels. 1897-1937. Note: Mission attended from Webster, Burnett Co. SPIDER LAKE, settl. (Keystone town, Bayfield Co.) No Hame. 1900-02. Note: Attended from Washburn, Bayfield Co. SPOONER, city. (Washburn Co.) St. Francis de Sales. 1889--. Note: For short history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 804 under St. Mary, Cumberland, Barron Co. SPRING BROOK, settl. (Spring Brook town, Washburn Co.) St. Mary Magdalene. 1898--. Note: Mission attended from St. Joseph, Hayward city, Sawyer Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 780. STANFOLD, town. (Barron Co.) St. Mary of Lourdes. 1879--. Note: Legal title "The Catholic Congregation of St. Mary's of Lourdes." Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 894. in Wis., p. 869. STANTON, settl. (Stanton town, St. Croix Co.) St. Bridget. 1877--. For early history cf. C. C. Note: Attends Holy Rosary, Cylon, St. Croix Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 870. STAR LAKE, settl. (Plum Lake town, Vilas Co.) Station. 1898-1911. Note: Attended from St. Patrick, Mino cqua, Oneida Co. STATE LINE, town. (Vilas Co.) Mission. (no name). 1905-27. Note: Attended from St. Peter, Eagle River, Vilas Co. STETSONVILLE, settl. (Taylor Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1887--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1910. This church attends the mission St. Mary, Holway, Taylor Co. STONE LAKE, settl. (Washburn Co.) St. Philip. 1915--. Note: 1915-20, St. Matthew, Stone Lake, Sawyer Co. 1921-22, No Name, Stone Lake, Sawyer Co. 1923--, St. Philip, Stone Lake, Washburn Co. Perhaps listed in error in Washburn instead of in Sawyer Co. The settlement is located on the boundary of the two counties. The predecessor of this mission may have been the one at Sand Lake, Sawyer Co., 3 miles east. : 144 Superior Diocese STRICKLAND, town. (Rusk Co.) Holy Assumption B. V. M. 1910-- Note: Attended from SS. Peter and Paul, Weyerhauser, Rusk Co. STRICKLAND, settl. (Strickland town, Rusk Co.) St. Anthony. 1898-1909. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1901. This church may have been closed because the nearby church at Weyerhauser, Rusk Co. may have served the needs of the community. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) Holy Assumption. 1930--. Note: Attends as mission St. Joachim, Oliver, Douglas Co., and a Station at Middle River Sanatorium, Douglas Co. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus. 1888--. Note: Legal title "Catholic Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus." cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 895. Attends mission St. Anthony, Lake Nebagamon, Douglas Co. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 886. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) St. Adalbert. 1909-- Note: Attends as missions: St. Aloysius (Polish), Dedham, Douglas Co.; Stations at County Poor House and County Asylum. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) SS. Anthony and Margaret. (Belgian and English) 1918--. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) 1911--. SS. Cyrillus and Methodius. Note: Attends as missions: St. Anne, Blueberry, Douglas Co. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) St. Francis Xavier. 1872-- St. Benedict, Bennett, Douglas Co.; Note: Legal title "St. Francis Xavier's Catholic Congregation." Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 895. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p 871. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) St. John, defunct. Note: See Connors Point. SUPERIOR, city. St. Joseph. (Douglas Co.) 1897-1923. Note: Legal title "St. Joseph's Catholic Congregation." Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 895. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 888. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) St. Louis. (French) 1906--. 145 Superior Diocese SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) St. Mary. 1895-1929. Note: Legal title "St. Mary's Catholic Congregation." Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 895. Attended from St. Patrick, West Superior, Douglas Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 879. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) St. Patrick. 1894--. Note: Legal title "St. Patrick's Catholic Congregation. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 895. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) St. Stanislaus. (Polish) 1905--. SUPERIOR JUNCTION, settl. (Washburn Co.) No Name. 1900-07. Note: Superior Junction does not appear on map. May have been located in Town 41-Range 11 line in Washburn county or in the southeastern part of the Town of Gull Lake. THREE LAKES, settl. (Three Lakes town, Oneida Co.) St. Theresa. (Polish and English) 1896--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1901. from St. Joseph, Rhinelander, Oneida Co. TOMAHAWK, city. (Lincoln Co.) This mission attended St. Mary. (French and English) 1890--. TONY, vil. (Rusk Co.) St. Anthony de Padua. 1900--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1910. Mission attended from St. Mary, Ladysmith, Rusk Co. TRADE RIVER, settl. (Trade Lake town, Burnett Co.) Mission (no name). 1895-1911. Note: Listed as being in Trade River, Polk Co. Perhaps this is an error as the settlement of Trade River is just over the county line in Burnett Co. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 779. TREGO, settl. (Trego town, Washburn Co.) Patronage of St. Joseph. 1906--. TRIPOLI, settl. (Lynne town, Oneida Co.) Mission (no name). 1933-35. Note: Last attended from St. Francis Assisi, Fifield, Price Co. 146 Superior Diocese TURTLE LAKE, vil. (Barron Co.) St. Ann. 1885--. P. 894. ** Note: Legal title "St. Ann's Congregation." cf. C. C. in Wis., Not listed by name prior to 1890. Attends missions: St. Mary, Apple River, Barron Co.; St. Charles, Maple Leaf, Barron Co.; St. John the Baptist, Vance Creek, Barron Co. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 882. VANCE CREEK, (Vance Creek town, Barron Co.) St. John the Baptist (mission). 1906--. Note: Attended from St. Ann, Turtle Lake, Barron Co. VICTORY HEIGHTS, ? (Sawyer Co.) Our Lady of the Lake. 1929--. Note: Mission attended from St. Francis of Solanus, Reserve, Sawyer Co. WARREN, town. (St. Croix Co.) No Name WASHBURN, city. St. Louis. 1878-79. (Bayfield Co.) 1887--. Note: Legal title "St. Louis Catholic Congregation. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 895. The first church was built in 1865. For history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 884. WEBSTER, vil. (Burnett Co.) St. John the Baptist. 1908--. 1908-16, No church Name given. 1917--, St. John the Baptist. Note: Attends missions: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Crescent Lake, Burnett Co.; Our Lady of the Snow, Winnebou jou, Douglas Co.; Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Danbury, Burnett Co. WEIRGOR, settl. (Weirgor town, Sawyer Co.) Mission. 1917--. Note: Attended from Birchwood, Washburn Co. WESTBORO, settl. St. Theresa. (Taylor Co.) 1905-- 1905-09, St. Ann, Westboro, Taylor Co. 1910--, st. Theresa, Westboro, Taylor Co. Note: Mission of St. Francis of Assisi, Fifield, Price Co. WEYERHAUSER, vil. vil. (Rusk Co.) SS. Peter and Paul. 1889-- Note: Not listed by name prior to 1901. Attends mission Assumption of B. V. M., Strickland, Rusk Co. $ : 147 Superior Diocese WHITE BIRCH, ? (Douglas Co.) B. V. M. of Good Counsel. (Indian) 1890-98. Note: Attended by Franciscan Fathers from Ashland, Wis. Church built in 1888. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 879. WHITTLESEY, settl. (Taylor Co.) Our Lady of Perpetual Help. 1894--. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1908. Attends mission Assumption B. V. M., Chelsea, Taylor Co. WILSON, vil. (St. Croix Co.) St. Peter. 1877. 1877-1939, St. Bridget, Wilson. 1940--, St. Peter, Wilson. Note: Attends as mission Holy Ghost, Chippewa Falls, La Crosse Diocese. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 816 under Immaculate Conception, Hammond, St. Croix Co. WINCHESTER, settl. (Winchester town, Vilas Co.) Station (no name). 1912--. Note: Attends Blessed Virgin of Seven Dolors, Hurley, Iron Co. The Cath. Dir. lists above in Iron Co. WINEGAR, settl. St. Rita. (Presque Isle town, Vilas Co.) 1916--. 1898-1915, No Name, Arbor Vitae. 1915-39, No Name, Winegar. 1940--, st. Rita, Winegar. Note: Not listed by name prior to 1940. Station attended from Blessed Virgin of Seven Dolors, Hurley, Iron Co. Cath. Dir. lists above in Iron Co WINNEBOUJOU, ? (Douglas Co.) Our Lady of the Snow. 1918-- Note: Not listed by name prior to 1928. Mission attended from St. John the Baptist, Webster, Burnett Co. WINTER, settl. (Winter town, Sawyer Co.) St. Peter. 1906-- Note: Attends as missions: St. Joseph, Bellisle Falls, Sawyer Co.; St. Mary, Exeland, Sawyer Co. WOLF CREEK, settl. (Sterling town, Polk Co.) Mission (no name). 1896–1907. WOODRUFF, settl. (Woodruff town, Oneida Co.) Station, 1904-11. Note: Attended from St. Patrick, Minocqua, Oneida Co. 148 Superior Diocese. YELLOW LAKE, (Oakland town, Burnett Co.) No Name. 1896-1905. Note: Station, later a mission, was abandoned in favor of station at Loon Lake, (1906-11) and upon establishment of church in village of Danbury the latter station was given up. Cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 780. : 149 CHAPELS Milwaukee Archdiocese BARTON, vil. (Washington Co.) St. Agnes Community. BELOIT, city. (Rock Co.) 1866-79. St. Mary's Hospital. 1905-9. BENTON, vil. (Lafayette Co.) House of Dominican Sisters of the Third Order. 1861-65, 1890-95. CAMPBELLSPORT, vil. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Joseph's Convent. 1928-- COLUMBUS, city. (Columbia Co.) St. Mary's Hospital. 1914--. CUDAHY, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Ann's Cudahy Home (Summer Home St. Vincent Infant Asylum). 1907-. DELAVAN, city. (Walworth Co.) Wisconsin School for the Deaf. 1928--. EAST TROY, vil. (Walworth Co.) Holy Ghost Novitiate. 1928-- ELM GROVE, settl. (Brookfield town, Waukesha Co.) Notre Dame Convent. 1907-9, ELM GROVE, settl. (Brookfield town, Waukesha Co.) St. Joseph's Home. 1907--. ELM GROVE, settl. (Brookfield town, Waukesha Co.) St. Mary's Home. 1928--. FOND DU LAC, city. city. (Fond du Lac Co.) Convent of the School Sisters of St. Agnes. 1873--. FOND DU LAC, city. (Fond du Lac Co.) Home for the Aged. 1903-9. FOND DU LAC, city. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Agnes Hospital. 1928--. FOND DU LAC, city. city. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Joseph Convent of the Sisters of Mercy. 1879-1904. 1. 150 Milwaukee Archdiocese, Chapels FOND DU LAC, city. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Mary's Spring Academy. 1928-- GRANVILLE, settl. (Granville town, Milwaukee Co.) Monastery of St. Phillip Servite Fathers. 1894--. Note: For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 951. GREENFIELD, town. (Milwaukee Co.) Pallotine Mission House. 1926--. GREENFIELD, town. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Anthony's Convent. 1907-09. HOLY HILL, (Erin town, Washington Co.) Carmelite Monastery and Novitiate. Palmer Mercy Hospital. 1923--. JANESVILLE, city. (Rock Co.) JANESVILLE, city. (Rock Co.) St. Joseph's Convent of Mercy. 1910--. 1872-84, 1887--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 952. JANESVILLE, city. (Rock Co.) Wisconsin State School for the Blind. 1938--. Note: Attended from St. Patrick, Janesville. JEFFERSON, city. (Jefferson Co.) St. Coletta Convent of the Third Order of St. Francis. 1866-73, 1878-1909. JEFFERSON, city. (Jefferson Co.) St. Coletta's School for Feeble Minded Youth. 1922--. JUNEAU, city. (Dodge Co.) Dodge County Institutions. 1928--. Note: Directory does not state what public institution this is. KENOSHA, city. (Kenosha Co.) Convent of the Sisters of St. Eridget. 1852-56. KENOSHA, city. (Kenosha Co.) St. Catherine's Memorial Hospital. 1922--. KENOSHA, city. (Kenosha Co.) St. Catherine of Sienna Novitiate Convent. 1879-85, 1890--. KENOSHA, city. (Kenosha Co.) 4 St. Joseph's Home of the Sacred Heart for the Aged. 1922-- Note: Corporate title "Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus of Milwaukee, Wis." ! : 151 Milwaukee Archdiocese, Chapels MADISON, city. (Dane Co.) Edgewood High School and Junior College of the Sacred Heart. 1879--. 1879-95, Convent of the Sisters of the Third Order of Dominic. 1896-1927, Sacred Heart Academy Note: 1928--, Edgewood High School and Junior College of the Sacred Heart. For early history, cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 952. MADISON, city. (Dane Co.) St. Mary's Hospital. 1922--. MADISON, city. (Dane Co.) St. Paul. Note: MENDOTA, settl. 1908--. Chapel at University of Wisconsin. (West Port town, Dane Co.) State Asylum for Insane. 1912--. Note: Attended from West Port. MENDOTA, settl. (West Port town, Dane Co.) State Memorial Hospital for Soldiers. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Archbishop's residence. 1892--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Catholic Boy's Home. 1906-27. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Catholic Home for the Aged. 1918--. 1930--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Convent of Perpetual Rosary. 1903--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Convent of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. 1852-- MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Holy Cross Cemetery. 1916-21. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Holy Resurrection Compo Santo. 1851-57. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) House of the Capuchin Fathers of the Holy Cross. 1886-88. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) House of Correction. 1892-07, 1928--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) House of Good Shepard. 1880-85, 1891--. 152 Milwaukee Archdiocese, Chapels MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) House of the Little Sisters MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) of the Poor. 1893--. Industrial School for Girls. 1928--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Marquette High School. 1926--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Marquette University. 1881--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Mercy High School. 1928--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Messmer High School. 1928--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Milwaukee County Jail. 1928--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Misericordia Hospital. 1909--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Mother of Good Counsel Convent. 1911-- MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Mother House of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. 1893-1915. Note: Corporate title. "School Sisters of Notre Dame, Milwaukee, Wis." MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Our Lady of Mercy Convent. 1910--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Our Lady of Mercy Convent. 1928--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Sacred Heart Sanitarium. 1905--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Aemilian's Orphan Asylum. 1854-55, 1893--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Anthony's. 1848. Note: Located 7 miles west of city. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Benedict the Moor (Negro mission). 1910-15. لم 153 Milwaukee Archdiocese, Chapels MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Bernards Home for Working Men. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Camillus Monastery. 1926--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) 1918--. St. Francis of Assisi Monastery. 1870-- MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Joseph's Convent of the School Sisters of St. Francis. 1889--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Joseph's Home for Dependent Children. 1918--. Note: Corporate title "Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus of Milwaukee, Wis." MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Joseph's Home of the Sacred Heart. 1918--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Joseph's Hospital. 1889-- MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum. 1909-- MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Luke's. 1840-43. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Mary's Convent. 1896-1909. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Mary's Convent. 1904-- MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Mary's Help of Christians. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Mary's Hill. 1913--. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) 1905-09. St. Mary's of the Holy Angels. 1856-- MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Mary's Hospital. 1889--. Note: Attended by Capuchin Fathers. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Michaels Convent. 1896-1907. 154 Milwaukee Archdiocese, Chapels MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Peters. 1913-15. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Rose Female Orphan Asylum. 1889-- MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) St. Vincent's Infant Asylum. MILWAUKEE, city. (Milwaukee Co.) 1893--. Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi. 1905-7. MINERAL POINT, city. (Iowa Co.) Convent of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Dominic. 1879-85. MT. CALVARY, settl. (Marshfield town, Fond du Lac Co.) Convent of Mt. Carmel Home for Aged and Infirm Sisters (Sisters of Notre Dame) 1895--. MT. CALVARY, settl. (Marshfield town, Fond du Lac Co.) Ecclesiastical College of St. Lawrence. 1865--. 1864--. MT. CALVARY, settl. (Marshfield town, Fond du Lac Co.) Holy Cross Monastery of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. 1864-1927, Capuchin Convent of Calvary, Dotyville. 1928--, Holy Cross Monastery of the Order Friars Minor Capuchin, Mt. Calvary. NEW CASSEL, settl. (Fond du Lac Co.) St. Joseph's Convent of the Franciscan Sisters. 1876--. NOJOSHING, St. Francis, P. 0. (Milwaukee Co.) House of the Brothers of the Third Order of St. Francis Seraph. 1858-69. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 908. NORTH GREENFIELD, ? (Milwaukee Co.) St. Anthony's Convent. 1911--. OCONOMOWOC, city. (Waukesha Co.) Immaculate Conception Seminary. 1911--. OKAUCHEE, vil. (Waukesha Co.) Our Lady of Spring Bank Cistercian Monastery. 1928--. OSHKOSH, city. (Winnebago Co.) Convent of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Dominic. 1879. PLYMOUTH, city. (Sheboygan Co.) Rocky Noll Sanitarium. 1930-- 1 155 Milwaukee Archdiocese, Chapels PORTAGE, city. (Columbia Co.) St. Saviour's Hospital. 1922--. PORTAGE, city. (Columbia Co.) Sisters of the Third Order of St. Dominic. 1869-72. RACINE, city. (Racine Co.) St. Catherine's High School. 1928--. RACINE, city. (Racine Co.) St. Catherine of Sienna Convent. 1864-- 1864-1921, Sisters of the Dominican Order Convent, Racine. 1922--, St. Catherine of Sienna Convent, Racine. Note: Corporate title "Sisters of St. Dominic." RACINE, city. (Racine Co.) St. Mary's Hospital. 1892-1911, 1922--. ROXBURY, settl. (Roxbury town, Dane Co.) St. Norbert's Premonstrant Convent. 1853-59. ST. FRANCIS, vil. (Milwaukee Co.) Catholic Normal School. 1871--. ST. FRANCIS, vil. (Milwaukee Co.) Convent of Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis. 1849-1911. 1849-67, Nojoshing. 1874-1911, St. Francis. ST. FRANCIS, vil. (Milwaukee Co.) Mother House of Sisters of St. Francis. 1896--. ST. FRANCIS, vil. (Milwaukee Co.) St. John's Deaf Mute Asylum. 1896--. Note: For early hsitory cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 911. ST. FRANCIS, vil. (Milwaukee Co.) Seminary of St. Francis De Sales. 1855--. Note: Corporate title St. Francis Seminary. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 896. STURTEVANT, vil. (Racine Co.) St. Bonaventure Minor Seminary (Order of the Franciscan Fathers). 1928-- STURTEVANT, vil. (Racine Co.) St. Joseph Friary (Order of the Franciscan Fathers). 1926--. TAYCHEEDAH, settl. (Taycheedah town, Fond du Lac Co.) Wisconsin Industrial Home for Women. 1928--. ? : · 156 Milwaukee Diocese, Chapels WATERTOWN, city. (Jefferson Co.). Sacred Heart College (Fathers of the Holy Ghost). 1896--. WATERTOWN, city. (Jefferson Co.) St. Mary's Hospital. 1922--. WAUKESHA, city. (Waukesha Co.) Boys State Reformatory. 1911--. WAUPUN, city. (Dodge Co.) State Penitentiary and State Hospital. 1896--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 559. WAUWATOSA, city. (Milwaukee Co.) County Hospital and Poor House. 1911-17, 1928--. WAUWATOSA, city. (Milwaukee Co.) House of the Capuchin Fathers of the Holy Cross. 1889-95, 1906-- WEST ALLIS, city. (Milwaukee Co.) Mt. Carmel Chapel. 1940-- WEST MILWAUKEE, vil. (Milwaukee Co.) Carmelite Convent. 1928--. WHITEWATER, city. (Walworth Co.) Convent of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Dominic. 1879-85, 1890-95. WOOD, settl. (Milwaukee Co.) National Soldiers' Home. 1893--. Note: Wood, Wis. is the P. O. address of the National Soldiers' Home, Milwaukee Co. 157 Green Bay Diocese, Chapels ALVERNO, settl. Green Bay Diocese (Manitowoc Rapids town, Manitowoc Co.) Convent of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis Seraph. 1871--. 1871-95, Silver Lake. Note: 1896--, Alverno. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 947. APPLETON, city. (Outagamie Co.) St. Elizabeth's Hospital. 1900--. APPLETON, city. (Outagamie Co.) St. Joseph's Monastery of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchins. 1900--. BAY SETTLEMENT, settl. settl. (Scott town, Brown Co.) Convent of the Holy Cross. 1857-61. BAY SETTLEMENT, settl. (Scott town, Brown Co.) House of the Fathers of Mercy. 1888-91. BAY SETTLEMENT, settl. (Scott town, Brown Co.) St. Francis Convent (Motherhouse of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis). 1885--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 983. CECIL, vil. (Shawano Co.) Camp Tivoli. 1932--. Note: Camp for Catholic boys from 7 to 17. Rev. Patrick N. Butler. CHILTON, city. (Calumet Co.) Convent of St. Augustine. 1886-88. DE PERE, WEST, city. WEST, city. (Brown Co.) St. Norbert Abby of the Canons Regular of Premontre. 1899--. Note: Legal title "Premonstratensian (Norbertine) Fathers of West De Pere DE PERE, WEST, city. (Brown Co.) St. Norbert's College. 1899-- DOTY'S ISLAND, (Winnebago Co.) Convent of the Order Servorum B. V. M. 1871-75. Note: Doty's Island is a parcel of land lying between Neenah and Menasha, • 158 Green Bay Diocese, Chapels DOTY'S ISLAND, (Winnebago Co.) Servite Nuns. 1872-78, 1881-82. Note: Doty's Island is a parcel of land lying between Neenah and Menasha. DUCK CREEK, settl. Howard town, Brown Co.) Mid-Western Missionary Headquarters of the Oblate Fathers 1908--. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) Bishop's Residence. 1897-1904. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) Fathers of Mercy. 1889. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) House of the Fathers of the Holy Cross 1892-95. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) McCormick Memorial Home for the Aged. 1922--. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) Monastery of Our Lady of Charity of Refuge (Good Shepherd). 1883--. Note: Prior to 1900 listed as Sisters of the Good Shepherd. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) St. Clare's Convent. 1837-38. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) St. Joseph's Academy. 1922--. GREEN BAY, city, (Brown Co.) St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum. 1879--. 979. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 980. GREEN BAY, city. (Prown Co.) St. Mary of the Angels Monastery and Theological Seminary. 1906--. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) St. Mary's Hospital. 1907--. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) St. Mary's Mothers and Infants' Home. 1901-17. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) St. Vincent's Hospital. 1890-- Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 1013. GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) Sisters of Notre Dame. 1869-75, 1889, 1892-97. 咋 ​159 Green Bay Diocese, Chapels GREEN BAY, city. (Brown Co.) Ursiline Convent and Academy. 1869-80. KESHINA, Indian Reservation. (Shawano Co.) St. Joseph's Indian Boarding School. 1881- 1881-1904, House of the Franciscan Fathers. 1905--, St. Joseph's Indian Boarding School. Note: For early history of. C. C. in Wis. C. in Wis., p. 983. LITTLE CHUTE, vil. (Outagamie Co.) Sisters of St. Agnes. 1870. MANITOWOC, city. (Manitowoc Co.) Holy Family Hospital. 1901--. MANITOWOC, city. (Manitowoc Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary Asylum. 1896-1919. MANITOWOC, city. (Manitowoc Co.) St. Mary's Home for the Aged. 1912--. MARINETTE, city. (Marinette Co.) St. Mary's Institute. 1903-7. OSHKOSH, city. (Winnebago Co.) Alexian Brothers' Hospital. 1887--. OSHKOSH, city. (Winnebago Co.) Mercy Hospital and Training School. 1922--. OSHKOSH, city. (Winnebago Co.) St. Mary's Hospital and Home for the Aged. 1896--. Note: For erly history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 987. OSHKOSH, city. (Winnebago Co.) Sisters of the Third Order of St. Dominic (St. Agnes). 1869-70, 1885-88. POLONIA, settl. (Sharon town, Portage Co.) St. Clara's Home. 1877-89, 1896--. PULASKI, vil. (Shawano Co.) Franciscan Monastery. 1889--. PULASKI, vil. (Shawano Co.) St. Bonaventure College. 1903-23. ROBINSONVILLE, ? (Brown Co.) Crippled Children's Home. (Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis). 1882--. 160 La Crosse Diocese, Chapels ST. NAZIANZ, settl. (Eaton town, Manitowoc Co.) (Eaton town Religious House of the Society of the Divine Saviour. 1897--. Note: Legal title "The Order of the Society of the Divine Saviour." ST. NAZIANZ, settl. (Eaton town, Manitowoc Co.) St. Mary's Convent of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour. 1926--. ST. NAZIANZ, settl. (Eaton town, Manitowoc Co.) Salvatorian College. 1926--. SCOTT, town. (Brown Co.) St. Francis Convent. 1922-27. SEVASTOPOL, town. (Door Co.) St. Aloysius Institute. 1896-1915. STEVENS POINT, city. (Portage Co.) St. Joseph's Convent (Academy and Motherhouse of the Sisters of St. Joseph). 1903--. STEVENS POINT, city. (Portage Co.) St. Michael's Hospital. WEQUIOCK, ? (Brown Co.) 1912--. Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis. 1870-72. La Crosse Diocese, Chapels ALTOONA, city (Eau Claire Co.) St. Mary's Academy. 1928--. ARCADIA, city. (Trempealeau Co.) St. Joseph's Hospital. BARABOO, city. (Sauk Co.) 1940--. St. Mary's Ringling Memorial Hospital. 1924--. CAMPBELL, settl. (Campbell town, La Crosse Co.) Monastery of Dominican Sisters of Perpetual Help. 1910-25. CHIPPEWA FALLS, city. (Chippewa Co.) House of the Fathers of the Holy Ghost. 1895-98. CHIPPEWA FALLS, city. (Chippewa Co.) St. Joseph's Hospital. 1895--. Note: Attended from Notre Dame, Chippewa Falls. For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 793. i 161 La Crosse Diocese, Chapels DODGEVILLE, city. (Iowa Co.) St. Joseph's Hospital. 1924--. DURAND, city. (Pepin Co.) Mary Hill Mission House of the Oblate Fathers. 1917--. EAU CLAIRE, city. (Eau Claire Co.) Sacred Heart of Jesus Hospital. 1895-- LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) Bishop's Residence. 1878--. LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) Monastery Convent of the Dominican Sisters of the Perpetual Rosary. 1926--. LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) Our Lady of Seven Dolors Cemetery. 1892-98. LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) St. Anne's Orphanage for Girls. 1895-1912. LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) St. Francis Hospital. 1886--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 998. LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) St. Joseph's Home for the Aged. 1926-- LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) St. Michael's Orphanage for Boys. 1895--. LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) St. Raphael, St. Francis Hospital. 1895-1911. LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) St. Rose Convent. 1872--. Note: Formerly St. Rose de Viterbo Convent. For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 993, 995. LA CROSSE, city. (La Crosse Co.) St. Rose Convent. 1890-1907. MARATHON, city. (Marathon Co.) St. Anthony's Monastery and Clericate of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchins 1922--. MARSHFIELD, city. (Wood Co.) St. Joseph's Hospital. 1895--. • 162 Superior Diocese, Chapels MARSHFIELD, city. (Wood Co.) St. Mary's Convent. 1908-27. MENOMINEE, city. (Dunn Co.) St. Mary's Hospital. 1895-98. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, city. (Crawford Co.) Campion College. 1926--. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, city. Convent of the Most (Crawford Co.) Sacred Heart. 1880-1927. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, city. St. Mary's Academy. (Crawford Co.) 1896--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., pp. 1003, 1004. SHULLSBURG, city. (Lafayette Co.) Convent of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Dominic. 1879-95. SINSINAWA, settl. (Hazel Green town, Grant Co.) St. Clara's Convent. 1846--. 1844-1927, Dominican Convent, Sinsinawa Mound. 1928--, St. Clara's Convent, Sinsinawa Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 963. SPARTA, city. (Monroe Co.) Sacred Heart Mission House. 1893-95, 1912. SPARTA, city. (Monroe Co.) St. Mary's Hospital. 1916--. WAUSAU, city. (Marathon Co.) St. Mary's Hospital. 1906--. Superior Diocese ASHLAND, city. (Ashland Co.) House of Franciscan Fathers. 1891-1907. ASHLAND, city. (Ashland Co.) Sacred Heart Convent. 1893-1907. ASHLAND, city. (Ashland Co.) St. Joseph's Hospital. 1895--. Note: For early history cf. C. C. in Wis., p. 1000. BAYFIELD, city. (Bayfield Co.) House of Franciscan Fathers. 1891-1904. 163 Superior Diocese, Chapels LADYSMITH, city. (Rusk Co.) Motherhouse and Novitiate of the Servants of Mary. 1922--. LADYSMITH, city. (Rusk Co.) St. Mary's Hospital. MERRILL, city. Holy Cross MERRILL, city. 1920--. (Lincoln Co.) Convent of the Sisters of Mercy. 1928--. (Lincoln Co.) Holy Cross Hospital. 1928-- MERRILL, city. (Lincoln Co.) Our Lady of the Holy Cross High School for Girls. 1938--. ODANAH, settl. (Sanborn town, Ashland Co.) St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys and Girls. 1899--. PHILLIPS, city. (Price Co.) Holy Cross Convent of the Poor Clare Nuns. 1920-27. RHINELANDER, city. (Oneida Co.) St. Mary's Hospital. 1896--. RICE LAKE, city. (Barron Co.) Motherhouse and Novitiate of the Third Order of St. Francis. 1928--. RICE LAKE, city. (Barron Co.) St. Joseph's Hospital. 1920-- SOMERSET, vil. (St. Croix Co.) St. Joseph of the Pines (Motherhouse). 1908-11. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) Claude Allouez Academy. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) House Franciscan Fathers. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) 1925--. 1890-98. Good Samaritan Hospital. 1928-38. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) Our Lady of Charity of Refuge Convent. 1913-19. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) St. Francis Hospital. 1895--. SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) St. Joseph Hospital. 1939--. 1 164 Superior Diocese, Chapels SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) St. Josephs Orphan Home SUPERIOR, city. (Douglas Co.) 1830--. St. Mary's Hospital. 1895--. Note: For early history of. C. C. in Wis., p. 1014. TOMAHAWK, city. (Lincoln Co.) Sacred Heart Hospital. 1906--. 165 BIBLIOGRAPHY I. Official Catholic Directories The United States Catholic Almanac and Laity's Directory, 4 vols., 1834-1837. James Myres, Baltimore, 1833-1836. The Metropolitan Catholic Almanac and Laity's Directory, 17 vols., 1838, 1840-1843, 1845-1857. Fielding Lucas, Jr., Baltimore, 1837, 1839-1842, 1844-1856. Dunigan's American Catholic Almanac and List of Clergy, 2 vols., 1858, 1859. Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, 1857, 1858. The Metropolitan Catholic Almanac and Laity Directory, 2 vols., 1860-1861. John Murphy and Co., Baltimore, 1859-1860. Sadliers' Catholic Almanac and Ordo, 33 vols., 1864-1896. D. and J. Sadliers, New York, 1863-1895. Hoffmann's Catholic Directory and Almanac, 1 vol., 1897, 2d edition, vol. 12. M. H. Wiltzius, Milwaukee, 1897. Hoffmann's Catholic Directory and Almanac, 2 vols., 1898, 1899, vols. 13, 14. M. H. Wiltzius and Co., Milwaukee, 1898-1899. Catholic Directory and Almanac 6 vols., 1900-1905, vols., 15-20. M. H. Wiltzius, Milwaukee, 1900-1905. The Official Catholic Directory and Clergy List, 6 vols., 1906-1911, vols., 21-26. M. H. Wiltzius, Milwaukee, 1906-1911. The Official Catholic Directory and Clergy List, 30 vols., 1912-1941. P. J. Kenedy and Sons, New York, 1912-1941. II. General History Haug, Johann, Geschichte der Katholischen Kirche in Wisconsin. Authentische Geschichte der Katholischen Kirche in Wisconsin von fruehester Zeit bis zur Gegenwart. Herausgegeben von der Catholic Historical Publishing Company, Milwaukee, 1899. Heming, Harry H., The Catholic Church in Wisconsin. A History of the Catholic Church in Wisconsin from the Earliest Time to the Present Day. Published by Catholic Historical Publishing Company, T. J. Sullivan, Milwaukee, 1895-1898. : : 166 Cont'd. Bibliography Johnson, Peter Leo, Rev., and La Vies, John G., Early Catholic Church Property in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. ll. p., Milwaukee, 1941, 83 sheets. Johnson, Peter Leo, Rev., Stuffed Saddlebags The Life of Martin Kundig, Priest, 1805-1879. Bruce Publishing Co., Milwaukee, 1942. II. Miscellaneous Wisconsin Blue Book, 4 vols., 1873, 1885, 1909, 1940. Designated the Legislative Manual of Wisconsin prior to 1878. Wisconsin State Highway Commission, County Maps of Wisconsin, 1940. Madison, 1940. ་ 167 COUNTY Adams YEAR 1348 Ashland 1860 Bad Ax (Vernon) 1851 Earron (Dallas) 1869 Bayfield (LaPointe) 1866 Brown 1818 Buffalo 1853 Burnett 1856 Calumet 1836 Brown Chippewa 1845 APPENDIX ESTABLISHMENT OF WISCONSIN COUNTIES CREATED FROM Portage and Marquette La Pointe Crawford Chippewa and Polk Crawford Michigan Territory Jackson Douglas and Polk Crawford NAME CHANGED FROM Bad Ax to Vernon, 1862 Dallas to Barron, 1869 LaPointe to Bayfield, 1866 Clark 1853 Jackson Columbia 1846 Portage Crawford 1818 Michigan Territory Dallas (Barron) 1859 Polk Dallas to Barron, 1869 Dane 1836 *Des Moines 1834 Dodge 1836 Door 1851 Iowa and Milwaukee Michigan Territory Milwaukee Brown Douglas 1854 La Pointe *Dubuque 1834 Michigan Territory Dunn 1854 Chippewa Eau Claire 1856 Chippewa Florence 1882 Marinette and Oconto Fond du Lac 1836 Brown Forest 1885 Langlade, Lincoln, and Oconto Gates (Rusk) 1901 Chippewa Gates to Rusk, 1905 Grant 1836 Iowa Green 1836 Iowa Green Lake 1858 Marquette Iowa 1829 Iron 1893 Crawford Ashland Jackson 1853 La Crosse Jefferson 1836 Milwaukee Juneau 1856 Adams Kenos ha 1850 Racine Kev:aunee 1852 Door La Crosse 1851 Crawford La Fayette 1846 Iowa Langlade (New) 1880 La Pointe (Bayfield) 1845 St. Croix Lincoln 1874 Lincoln and Oconto Marathon New to Langlade, 1880 La Pointe to Bayfield, 1866 Manitowoc 1836 Brown Marathon 1850 Marinette 1879 Portage Oconto and Shawano Marquette 1836 Brown 168 Cont'd Establishment of Wisconsin Counties COUNTY YEAR CREATED FROM NAME CHANGED FROM Milwaukee 1834 Brown Monroe 1854 La Crosse New (Langlade) 1879 Lincoln and Oconto New to Langlade, 1880 Oconto 1851 Brown and Winnebago Oneida 1885 Lincoln Outagamie 1851 Brown Ozaukee 1853 Washington Pepin 1858 Dunn Pierce 1853 St. Croix Polk 1853 St. Croix Portage 1836 Brown and Crawford Price 1879 Racine 1836 Chippewa and Lincoln Milwaukee Richland 1842 Crawford Rock 1836 Milwaukee Rusk (Gates) 1905 Chippewa Gates to Rusk, 1905 St. Croix 1840 Crawford Sauk 1840 Crawford Sawyer 1883 Ashland and Chippewa Shawano 1853 Winnebago and Oconto Sheboygan 1836 Brown Taylor 1875 Chippewa, Clark, Lincoln and Marathon Trempealeau 1854 Buffalo Van Buren 1836 Des Moines Vernon (Bad Ax) 1862 La Crosse Bad Ax to Vernon, 1862 Vilas 1893 Iron Walworth 1836 Milwaukee Washburn 1883 Burnett Washington 1836 Milwaukee Waukesha 1846 Milwaukee Waupaca Waushara Winnebago Wood 1851 Winnebago 1851 Marquette 1840 Brown 1356 Portage Note: * Wisconsin Territory was created from Michigan Territory in 1836 and included parts of the present states of Iowa and Minnesota. In 1848 the State of Wisconsin was established and its boundaries were fixed largely as they appear today. Indicates that county is no longer a part of Wisconsin. The counties thus marked are now in the State of Iowa. . 169 INDEX BY NAME OF CHURCH LOCATION Abbotsford, 91 Abbottown, 4 Abrams, 55 Adams (Adams), 91 Adams (Green), 4 Adams Settlement, 95 Addison, 4, 5 Adell, 4 Ahna pee, 55 Ainsworth, 80 Alaska, 55 Alban, 55 Albany, 4 Algoma, 55 Allenton, 5, 36 Allouez, 66 Alma, 91 Alma Center, 91 Almena, 124 Almond, 55 Altdorf, 91 Altoona, 91 Alverno, 56 Amberg, 56 Amery, 124 Amherst, 56 Amherst Junction, 64 Amik, 124 Amnicon Falls, 124 Angelica, 71 Aniwa, 56 Anson, 91, 105 Antigo, 56 Apple River (Polk), 124 Apple River (St. Croix), 142 Appleton, 56, 57 Appolonia, 124 Arbor Vitae, 147 Arbuckle, 125 Arcadia, 92, 112 Arena, 110 Argonne, 57 Argyle, 92 Arkansaw, 92 Armstrong (Fond du Lac), 5 Armstrong (Oconto), 72 Armstrong Creek, 57 Arnold, 92 Arpin, 92 Arthur, 99 Ashford, 5 Ashland, 124, 133 Ashton, 5 Askeaton, 57 Athens, 92 Auburn, 5 Auburndale, 92 Augusta, 92 Aurora, 57 Aux Galets, 100 Avoca, 92 Babcock, 93 Bad Axe, 93 Bad River, 138 Baileys Harbor, 57 Bakerville, 93 Balsam Lake, 125 Bangor, 93 Baraboo, 93 Barnes, 125 Barneveld, 93 Barre, 95 Barron, 125 Barronett, 124, 125 Barton, 5 Bashaw, 125 Bass Lake, 140 Batavia, 99 Bayfield, 125 Bay Settlement, 57 Bear Creek (Outagamie), 57 Bear Creek (Sauk), 108 Bear Lake, 125 Bear Valley, 93 Beaver, 58 Beaver Creek, 101 Beaver Dam, 5, 6 Beetown, 93 Belanger, 125 Belgium (Door), 74 Belgium (Ozaukee), 6 Bell, 128 Belleville, 6 Bellisle Falls, 125 1 .. 1 " i 1. 170 Index, Church Location Belmont, 58 Beloit, 6 Beloit Road, 37 Bennett, 125 Benton, 94 Bergen, 94 Berlin, 7 Berry, 7 Beulah Island, 7 Bevent, 94 Bibon, 126 Big Bend (Rusk), 126 Big Bend (Waukesha), 7 Big Falls, 58 Big Foot Prairie, 7 Big River, 94 Big Suamico, 58 Birchwood, 126 Birnamwood, 58 Black Creek, 58 Black Creek Falls, 92 Black River Falls, 94 Blackwell, 58 Black Wolf, 58 Brothertown, 60, 69 Bruce, 126 Brule, 126, 127 Brush Prairie, 95 Brussel, 59, 74, 76 Buchanan (La Crosse), 118 Buchanan (Outagamie), 62 Buena Vista, 59 Buffalo (Buffalo), 96 Buffalo (Marquette),8 Buffalo Bay, 127 Bunker Hill, 59 Burlington, 9 Butler, 9 Butternut, 127 Butternut Lake, 127 Byron, 9 Cable, 127 Cedott, 96 Calamine, 96 Calamus, 23 Caledonia (Columbia), 10 Caledonia (Racine) 9, 46 Callon, 96 Blake, 126 Calumet, 25 Blanchardville, 94 Calvary, 35 Blenker, 94 Cambria, 10 Bloomer, 94 Cameron, 127 Bloomfield, 39 Bloomington, 95 Bloomville, 126 Blueberry, 126 Boaz, 95 Bob Creek, 105 Boscobel, 95 Boswick Valley, 95 Boyd, 95 Boylston, 126 Bracklin, 126 Brackett, 95 Brandon, 7 Briggsville, 8 Brighton, 8 Brillion, 58 Bristol (Dane) 14 Bristol (Kenosha), 8 Brodhead, 8 Brokaw, 95 Brookfield, 8 Brooks, 95 Campbellsport, 10 Campbelltown, 116 Camp Douglas, 96 Canton, 96 Carlton, 59, 71, 78, 89 Carroltown, 59 Carson, 69, 76 Cascade, 10 Casco, 59, 84, 87 Casco Junction, 59 Cashton, 96 Casimir, 59 Cassel, 96 Cassville, 97 Castle Rock, 97 Caswell, 60 Catawba, 127 Cato, 61, 89 Cavour, 60 Cazenovia, 97 Cecil, 60 Cedarburg, 10 ! · ! ་ ་ १ J. ་ 171 Index, Church Location Center, 73 Centerville (Manitowoc) 60, 61 Centerville (Sheboygan), 10 Centuria, 127 Champion, 60, 82 Charlesburg, 60 Charleston, 60 Charlestown, 60 Chase, 60 Chelsea, 127 Cherma, 97 Chetek, 127 Chili, 97 Chilton, 60 Chippewa Falls, 97 City Point, 97, 117 Clam Falls, 127 Clarks Mills, 61 Clayfield, 98 Clayton (Crawford), 119 Clayton (Polk), 128 Clayton (Winnebago), 61 Clear Lake, 128 Cleveland (Jackson), 102 Cleveland (Manitowoc), 61 Cleveland (Taylor), 132 Clinton (Rock), 48 Clinton (Vernon), 93 Clintonville, 61 Clover, 133 Clyde, 98 Clyman, 10, 11 Colbourn, 98 Colbourn Dam, 98 Colburn, 105 Colby, 98 Coleman, 61 College Villa, 7 Columbus, 11 Combined Locks, 61 Concord, 49 Connors Point, 128 Conover, 128 Conrath, 128 Cooks Valley, 98 Coon Valley, 98 Cooperstown, 61, 67 Corliss, 49 Cornell, 98 Cornucopia, 128 Coryville, 62 Cottage Grove, 11 Couderay, 128 Courtes-Oreilles, 140 Courtland, 11 Crandon, 62, 78 Crane, 128 Crawfish River, 11 Crescent Lake, 128 Crivitz, 62 Cross Plains, 11, 39 Crotty Brook, 128 Cuba City, 98 Cudahy, 11, 12 Cumberland, 128, 129 Custer, 62 Cylon, 129 Czestochowa, 98 Dacada, 12 Dale, 62 Dallas, 129 Danbury, 129 Dane, 12 Darboy, 62 Darlington, 98 Dauby, 129 Day, 116 Dayton, 12 Dedham, 129 Deerbrook, 77 Deer Creek, 68 Deerfield, 12 De Forest, 12 Dekorra, 12 Delafield, 12 Delavan, 13 Deleville, 12 Dellona, 99 Delwich, 74, 88 Denmark, 62 De Pere, 63 De Sota, 99 Deyicksville, 63 Dickeyville, 99 Dilly, 99 Dobie, 129 Dodge, 113 Dodgeville, 99, 113 Donald, 129 , : 1. ! > ! ! ! ་་ 172 Index, Church Location Dorchester, 99 Doty's Island, 76 Dotyville, 13 Douglas, 8 Dousman, 13 Dover, 21 Doylestown, 13 Draper, 129 Drummond, 129 Drywood, 99 Duck Creek, 63 Dunbar, 63 Dundee, 13 Duplainville, 13 Du Pont, 75 Durand, 99 Dykesville, 63 Eagle, 14 Eagle Point, 111, 120 Eagle River, 130 East Bristol, 14 East Farmington, 130 East Hollandtown, 57 Eastman, 99 East Troy, 7, 14 East Wrightstown, 64 Eaton (Brown), 64 Eaton (Manitowoc), 83 Eau Claire, 100 Eau Galle, 100 Eau Pleine, 122 Eden, 14 Edgar, 100 Edgerton, 14 Edgewater, 130 Edgewood, 15 Edson, 100 Egg Harbor, 64 Eland, 64 Eland Junction, 64 Elba, 15 Eldorado, 15 Elcho, 64 Elk Creek, 100 Elk Grove, 100, 101 Elkhart Lake, 15 Elkhorn, 15 Elk Mound, 101 Ellington, 85 Ellis Junction, 62 Ellsworth, 98, 101, 108 Elm Grove, 15 Elmwood, 101 Elpaso, 101 Elroy, 101 Emmet, 103 Erin (St. Croix), 130 Erin (Washington), 15, 19, 22 Erin Prairie, 130 Ettrick, 101 Eureka, 130 Evansville, 15 Exeland, 130 Exeter, 12 Fairchild, 102 Fairview, 102 Farmersville, 23 Farm Hill, 102 Farmington (Polk), 130 Farmington (Washington), 15, 37 Fancher, 64 Fennimore, 102 Fenwood, 102 Fifield, 130 Fish Creek, 64 Fitchburg, 38 Flambeau (Price), 136 Flambeau (Rusk), 130 Flintville, 65 Florence, 65 Fond du Lac, 16 Fontana, 16 Footville, 16 Forest (Fond du Lac), 13, 35 Forest (Vernon), 99, 111 Fosterville (Door), 74 Fosterville (Iron), 130 Fort Atkinson, 16 Fort Howard, 67 Fort Winnebago, 40 Fountain City, 102 Foxboro, 131 Fox Lake, 16 Francis Creek, 65 Franklin (Iowa), 16 Franklin (Kewaunee), 71, 85 Franklin (Manitowoc), 74 Franklin (Milwaukee), 46 Franklin (Sauk), 113 Franklin (Vernon), 107 :. ! : : [ ! · : : 1 > 173 Index, Church Location Franzen, 102 Frederic, 131 Fredonia, 12, 16, 51 Freedom, 65 Fremont, 97 French Creek, 65 Friendship, 102 Fussville, 17 Galesville, 102 Galloway, 102 Garden Valley, 102 Gardner, 65, 72 Gaslyn, 131 Gaudiers Farm, 103 Gays Mills, 103 Genesee, 17 Genoa, 103 Georgetown, 126, 131 Germantown (Juneau), 108, 109 Germantown (Washington), 17, 19 Gibraltar, 64 Gillett, 65 Gilman, 131 Greenville, 67 Greenwood (Clark), 103 Greenwood (Taylor), 132 Greenwood (Vernon), 103 Gresham, 67 Gull Lake, 145 Gurney, 132 Hackley, 132 Halder, 103 Hale, 100 Hammond, 132 Hannibal, 132 Hansen, 129 Harrison (Calumet), 67, 84 Harrison (Lincoln), 132, Harrison (Oneida), 132 Hartford, 19, 45 Hartland, 19 Hatley, 104 Haugen, 132 Hawkins, 132 Hayward, 132 Hazel Green, 104 Helena, 68 Glenbeulah, 17 Glencoe, 103 Glen Flora, 131 Glenhaven, 103 Glenmore, 66 Glenwood, 131 Glidden, 131 Golden Lake, 49 Goldenthal, 17 Goodman, 66 Gordon, 131 Gordon Farm, 124 Grafton, 17 Grandloz, 72 Grand Rapids, 122 Grandview, 132 Grantsburg, 132 Granville, 18 Granville Center, 18 Gratiot, 103 Green Bay, 60, 66, 67 Greendale, 18 Greenfield (La Crosse), 118 Greenfield (Milwaukee), 18, 37 Green Lake, 18 Greenstreet, 67 Hendren, 122 Herbster, 133 Herman (Dodge), 53 Herman (Shawano), 67, 72 Herman (Sheboygan), 47 Hewitt, 104 High Bridge, 133 Highland, 104, 120 Hilbert, 68 Hiles, 68 Hillsboro, 104 Hofa Park, 68 Holcombe, 104 Holland, 57, 68 Hollandale, 104 Hollandtown, 57 Holway, 133 Holy Cross, 19 Holy Hill, 19 Honey Creek (Sauk), 105 Honey Creek (Walworth), 19 Horicon, 19 Hortonville, 68 Howard, 63 Hubbard, 128 Hubertus, 19 134 : 1 174 Index, Church Location Hudson (St Croix), 133 Hudson (Walworth), 24 Hull, 59 Humbird, 102 Humboldt, 68 Hunter, 138 Hurley, 133 Huron, 105 Kewaskum, 22, 46 Kewaunee, 70 Keystone, 133, 143 Keysville, 106 Kiel, 70 Kieler, 106 Independence, 100, 105 Indian Cliff Reserve, 127, 140 Indian Creek, 105 Ingram, 133 Ino, 133 Institute, 69 Irish Settlement, 103 Iron Belt, 133 Iron River, 134 Ironton, 105 Irving, 115 Isaar, 69 Itasca Station, 134 Ithaca, 93, 106 Ives, 46 Jackson, 19, 20, 50 Jacksonport, 69 Jamestown, 106, 117 Janesville, 20 Jefferson (Jefferson), 20 Jefferson (Monroe), 118 Jeffries, 134 Jennings, 134 Jericho, 69 Jim Falls, 105 Johnsburg, 20 Johnson, 110, 123 Johnson Creek, 20 Johnston, 135 Jump River, 134 Junction City, 69 Juneau, 21 Kansasville, 21 Kasson, 69 Kaukauna, 62, 69, 84 Kellerville, 70 Kendall, 105 Kendalltown, 106 Kennan, 134 Kenosha, 21, 22 Keshena, 70, 90 Kewaskee, 52 Kilbourn, 53 Kimball, 134 Kimberly, 70 Kinepowa, 70 Kingston, 22 Klondike, 70 Kloten, 70 Knight, 133 Knighton, 43 Knowlton, 106 Fohler (Ozaukee), 22 Kohler (Sheboygan), 22 Kossuth, 65, 70, 71 Krakow, 71 Krock, 62, 71, 89 Krocktown, 71 Kroktown, 89 Lac Courtes Oreilles, 139 La Cote St. Marie, 45 Lac du Flambeau, 125, 134 La Crosse, 107 Ladysmith, 135 La Fayette, 49 Lake, 37, 45 Lake Chetak, 135 Lake Five, 22 Lake Geneva, 22 Lake Mills, 22 Lake Nebagamon, 135 Lakewood, 71 Lamartine, 53 Lanark, 71 Lancaster, 107 Land O'Lakes, 135 Langlade, 71 Lannon, 23 Laona, 71 La Pointe, 135 La Valle, 107 Lebannon, 72 Leigh, 135 Lena, 72 Leopolis, 72 Le Roy, 23 175 Index, Church Location Lewis Valley, 107 Liberty Pole, 107 Marchand, 74 Lima (Pepin), 108 Lima (Sheboygan), 23 Lime Ridge, 108 Lincoln (Kewaunee), 72, 82 Lincoln (Wood), 93 Lindina, 108 Little Chute, 72 Little Oconto, 72 Little Sister Bay, 65 Little Sturgeon Bay, 72 Little Suamico, 73, 84 Lodi, 23 Lomira, 23 Lone Rock, 108 Long Lake (Florence), 73 Long Lake (Polk), 135 Loomara, 23 Loon Lake, 129, 135 Loreta, 108 Lost Creek, 108 Lorrain, 135 Lost Lake, 23 Marengo, 136 Marinette, 75 Marion (Juneau), 108, 109 Marion (Waupaca), 75 Markesan, 25 Marsh, 104 Marshall, 25 Marshfield (Fond du Lac), 25, 35 Marshfield (Wood), 109 Martinsville (Dane), 25 Martinsville (Kewaunee), 87 Marytown, 25 Mason, 126, 136 Mattoon, 75 Mauston, 109 Mayville, 25 Mazomaine, 26 McCarthy's Settlement, 40 McKinley, 136 McMillan, 109 Medford, 136 Lowell, 23 Loyal, 108 Lublin, 135 Luck, 127, 136 Lugerville, 136 Luxemburg, 59, 87, 88 Lyndon, 108 Lynne, 145 Lyons, 24 Mackville, 73 Madison, 24, 25 Magdaline, 135 Manawa, 73 Manchester, 116 Manitowoc, 73, 74 Manitowoc Rapids, 56, 74 Maple, 126, 136 Maple Grove (Manitowoc), 69, 74 Maple Grove (Shawano), 68 Maple Lake, 125 Maple Leaf, 136 Mapleton, 25 Maple Valley, 72 Maplewood, 74 Marathon, 108 Marble Ridge, 108 Marcellon, 25 Meeme, 75, 93 Melanchton Creek, 109 Mellen, 136 Menasha, 78 Menominee (Waukesha), 23 Menomonee (Grant), 106 Menomonee (Waukesha), 8, 17 Menomonee Falls, 26 Menomonie, 109 Mequon, 26 Mercer, 136, 137 Merrill, 137 Merton, 34, 37 Middle Ridge, 95, 109, 121 Middleton, 26 Mifflin, 109 Milan, 110 Milladore, 94, 110 Mill Creek (Iowa), 110 Mill Creek (Fortage), 76 Millford, 11 Millston, 110 Milton Junction, 26 Milwaukee, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 Mineral Point, 110 Minocqua, 137 Minong, 137 Misere, 76 * M& i 1 N i : 176 Index, Church Location Mishicot, 76, 87 Mitchell, 34 Molitor Settlement, 137 Monchess, 34 Mondovi, 96, 110 Monico, 137 Monroe, 34, 35 Montana, 110 Montello, 35 Montford, 110 Montpelier, 76, 77 Montreal, 137 Montrose, 38 Moquah, 137 Morrison, 77, 77, 85 Morristown, 77 Morse, 137 Mosinee, 111 Mound, 137 Mountain, 77 Mount Calvary, 35 Mount Horeb, 35 Mount Hope, 111 Mount Tabor, 111 Mouth of Yellow River, 138 Mud Lake, 111 Mukwonago, 35 Murry, 138 Muscoda, 111 Muskego, 36 Nabob, 36 Namur, 88 Navarino, 77 Necedah, 111 Neenah, 77 Neilsville, 111 Nekoosa, 111 Nelson, 111 Neopit, 77 Neosho, 36, 45 Neshkoro, 36 Neva, 77 Newald, 78 New Berlin, 37 New Brussel, 88 Newburg, 37, 50 New Cassel, 10 New Chester, 95 New Coeln, 37 New Denmark, 78, 81 New Diggins, 112 New Franklin, 78 New Holstein, 78, 82 Newland, 10 New Lisbon, 112 New London, 78 New Muenster, 37 Newpost, 138 New Richmond, 138 Newton, 78 Niagra, 78 Nicolet City, 63 Nojoshing, 37 Norman, 78 Norrie, 112 North Crandon, 78 North Creek, 112 Northeim, 78 North Fond du Lac, 37 North Greenfield, 37 North Lake, 37 Northport, 79 Norwalk, 112 Norwood, 81 Oak Creek, 37, 38 Oakdale, 105 Oakfield, 38 Oak Grove, 94 Oakland, 148 Oasis, 79 O'Connellsville, 34 Oconomowoc, 25, 38 Oconto, 79 Oconto Falls, 79 Odanah, 138 Ogema, 138 Okauchee, 38 Oliver, 138 Omro, 79 Onalaska, Oneida, 79 Oregon, 38 112 Orienta, 138 Osceola (Fond du Lac), 5, 13 Osceola (Polk), 139 Oshkosh, 79, 80 Osman, 75 Otsego, 13 Otter Creek, 98 Ottowa, 13 Owen, 112 Padus, 80 : 1 • 1 ? 177 Index Church Location Pakwewang, 139 Palmyra, 38 Paoli, 38 Pardeeville, 39 Paris (Grant), 99 Paris (Kenosha), 39, 54 Park Falls, 139 Parkland, 143 Parrish, 80 Patch Grove, 112 Patzau, 139 Pearson, 80 Peelsville, 131 Pelican Lake, 139 Pell Lake, 39 Pelplin, 112 Pembine, 80 Pence, 139 Pen saukee, 80 Peot, 59 Perry, 39 Perrytown, 112 Pershing, 129 Peshtigo, 61, 80 Pewaukee, 13, 39, 51 Phelps, 139 Phillips, 139 Phlox, 81 Pierce, 55, 59 Pike, 81 Pike Lake, 94 Pilot Knob, 112 Pilsen, 129, 137 Pine Bluff, 39 Pine Creek, 113 Pine Grove, 81 Pine Hill, 116 Pine Hollow, 96 Pittsville, 113 Plain, 113 Plainfield, 81 Plattville, 113 Pleasant Hill, 113 Pleasant Prairie, 39 Pleasant Ridge, 113 Plover, 81 Plum City, 113 Plum Lake, 142, 143 Plymouth, 40 Polk, 40 Polonia, 81 Poniatowski, 114 Poplar, 139 Portage, 40 Porter, 40 Porterfield, 88 Port Washington, 40, 41 Port Wing, 139 Posen, 119 Potosi, 114, 119 Pound, 81 Powers Lake, 41 Poygan, 81 Poynette, 41 Poysippi, 81 Prairie, 83 Prairie du Chien, 114 Prairie Farm, 140 Pratt, 132, 140 Preble, 82 Prentice, 140 Prescott, 114 Presque Isle, 147 Pribram, 140 Princeton, 41, 45 Pulaski, 82 Racine, 41, 42, 43 Radisson, 140 Randall, 41 Randolph, 43 Random Lake, 43 Red Clif 140 Red Granibe, 82 Red River, 63, 82, 86 Red Springs, 82 Reedsburg, 115 Reedsville, 82 Reeseville, 43 Remington, 93 Rendle, 106 Reserve, 140 Rhine, 44 Rhinelander, 140, 141 Rib Lake, 141 Rice Lake, 141 Richardson, 141 Richfield (Adams), 112 Richfield (Washington), 17, 19, 44 Richland Center, 115 Richwood, 44 I ; : 178 Index, Church Location Ridgeville, 115, 119 Ridgeway, 115 Rietbrock, 114 Rio, 44 Ripon, 44 Rising Sun, 115 River Falls (Pierce), 94, 97, 141 River Falls (St. Croix), 141 Roaring Creek, 115 Robbins, 141 Robbinsonville, 60, 82 Rock Creek, 115 Rock Elm, 102 Rock Falls, 115 Rosiere, 82 Ross, 78 Royalton, 79, 82 Roxbury, 44 Rozellville, 116 Rubicon, 45 Ruby, 92 Rudolph, 116 Ruthland, 38 Sarona, 142 Sauk City, 44, 116 Saukville, 46 Sawyer, 86 Saxeville, 83 Saxon, 142 Sayner, 142 Schleisingerville, 48 Schleswig, 70 Schley, 126 Schoepke, 139 Schofield, 116 Schoolhill, 83 Schwarzwald, 47 Scott (Erown), 57, 78 Scott (Burnett), 128, 131 Scott (Crawford), 116 Seneca (Crawford), 116 Seneca (Wood), 91 Sevastopol, 69 Seymour (Eau Claire), 118 Seymour (Lafayette) Seymour (Outagamie) Shamrock, 116 117 69, 83 Sharon (Portage), 81, 83 Sharon (Walworth), Shawano, 84 St. Ann, 118 St. Anna,82 St. Cloud, 45 St. Francis, 45 St. George, 45 St. John, 83 St. John's Ridge, 99 St. Joseph, 118 St. Killian, 45 St. Lawrence, 45 St. Marie, 45 St. Martin, 46 St. Mary, 118 St. Mary's Ridge, 118 St. Matthias, 36 St. Michaels, 40 St. Nazianz, 83 St. Peter, 46 St. Peter's Ridge, 109 St. Philip, 119 St. Rita, 46 Salem (Kenosha), 53 Salem (Racine), 43 Sanborn, 138, 141 Sand Lake, 141 Sheboygan, 47 Sheboygan Falls, 48 Sheldon, 142 Shell Lake, 142 Sherman, 4, 48 Sherry, 116 Sherwood, 84 Sherytown, 74 Shiocton, 84 Shullsburg, 117 Sigel, 117 Silica, 46 Silver Creek (Ashland), 142 Silver Creek (Sheboygan), 48 Sinsinawa Mound, 117 Sister Bay, 84 Slinger, 48 Slovan, 59, 84 Snydersville, 84 Sobieski, 84 Solon Springs, 142 Somerset, 142 South Grove, 48 ; ; : ་ 179 Index, Church Location South Kaukauna, 69 South Milwaukee, 48 South Range, 143 South Wayne, 117, 122 Sparta, 117 Spaulding, 117 Spencer, 117 Spider Lake, 143 Spooner, 143 Spring Brook, 143 Springfield (Dane), 5, 25, 48 Springfield (Waukesha), 23 Springfield Corners, 48 Springfield Prairie, 118 Spring Green, 118 Spring Prairie, 19 Springvale, 49 Spring Valley, 118 Spruce, 84 Stanford, 143 Stangelville, 85 Stanley, 98, 119 Stanton, 143 Stark, 85 Star Lake, 143 State Line, 135, 143 Stephenson, 62 Stephens Point, 85 Stephensville, 85 Stetsonville, 143 Sterling, 147 Stevens Point, 85 Stevensville, 85 Stiles, 86 Stockbridge, 70, 86 Stockbridge Reservation, 82 Stockron, 62, 64, 86 Stone Lake (Sawyer), 143 Stone Lake (Washburn), 143 Stoughton, 49 Stratford, 119 Strickland, 144 Stubbs, 124 Sturgeon Bay, 86 Sturtevant, 49 Suamico, 58, 65, 86 Sugar Creek, 49 Sullivan, 49 Summers, 135 Summerville, 18 Summit (Douglas), 131 Summit (Monroe), 131 Summit Lake, 64 Summit Station, 46 Sun Prairie, 14, 49 Superior City, 128, 144, 145 Superior Junction, 145 Superior Town, 126, 129, 139 Suring, 86 Swiss, 135, 138 Sylvan, 119 Taycheedah, 20, 46 Templeton, 23 Tennyson, 119 Theresa, 49 Thiensville, 49 Thiry Daems, 86 Thorp, 119 Three Lakes, 145 Tigerton, 87 Tilden, 120 Tippicanoe, 49 Tisch Mills, 87 Tomah, 120 Tomahawk, 145 Tonet, 87 Tony, 145 Torun, 87 Town Eight, 109 Town Eighteen, 83 Town Ten, 17, 45 Town Thirteen, 4 Townsend, 87 Trade Lake, 145 Trade River (Burnett), 145 Trade River (Polk), 145 Trego, 145 Trempealeau, 120 Trenton, 19, 20, 50 Tripoli, 145 Trumbelle, 94 Turtle Lake, 146 Twin Lakes, 50 Two Rivers, 87 Union, 88 Union Center, 120 Union Mills, 120 Utica, 115 Vance Creek, 146 Vanville, 94 ! 180 Index, Church Location Vermont, 50 Verona Junction, 50 Vesper, 120 Victory Heights, 146 Vienna, 50 Viola, 117 Viroqua, 120 Wabena, 80, 88 Wagner, 88 Walwick, 104 Walhain, 88 Walsh, 88 Warners Station, 120 Warren, 146 Washburn (Bayfield), 146 Washburn (Dodge), 16 Washington (Door), 88 Washington (Eau Claire), 95 Washington (La Crosse), 109, 121 Washington Island, 88 Waterford, 50 Waterloo, 50 Watertown, 51 Waterville, 92 Waubeka, 51 Waukechon, 88 Waukesha, 51, 121 Waukesha Beach, 51 Waimandee, 121 Waunakee, 51 Waupaca, 89 Waupun, 51 Wausau, 121 Wausaukee, 89 Waushara, 16 Wautoma, 89 Wauwautosa, 26, 52 Wauzeka, 121 Wayne, 45, 52 Weber, 122 Wein, 102 Webster, 146 Weirgor, 146 West Kewaunee, 62, 71, 89 West Milwaukee, 53 Weston, 96 West Port, 53 Weyauwega, 89 Weyerhauser, 146 Wheatland, 37 Wheeler, 71 White Birch, 147 Whitefish Bay, 53 White Lake, 89 Whitelaw, 89 White Rapids, 90 White River, 136, 141 Whitewater, 53 Whittlesey, 147 Willard, 122 Willow River, 133 Willow Spring, 96 Wilmot, 53 Wilson (Sheboygan), 45 Wilson (St Croix), 147 Wilton, 122 Winchester, 147 Windfield, 122 Winegar, 147 Winnboujou, 147 Winneconne, 90 Winter, 147 Wiota, 117, 122 Wisconsin Dells, 53 Wisconsin Rapids, 122, 123 Withee, 123 Wittenburg, 90 Wolf Creek, 147 Wolf River, 70, 90 Wonewoc, 123 Woodhull, 53 Woodland (Dodge), 53 Woodland (Sauk), 123 Woodlawn, 123 Woodruff, 147 Welcome, 57 Wequick, 57 West Allis, 52 West Bend, 5, 36, 52 Westboro, 146 West Depere, 63 Westfield, 122 Westford, 122 Woodville, 83 Woomata, 123 Wrightstown, 64, 90 Wuertsburg, 123 Wyocena, 54 Yellow Lake, 129, 148 Yellowstone, 123 Yorkville, 39, 54 Yuba, 123 ! 181 INDEX BY NAME OF CHURCH All Saints, 62, 64, 93, 99, 135 Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 66, 120 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 64, 80, 82, 85, 130 Blessed Sacrament, 24, 26, 107 Blessed Virgin Mary of Good Counsel, 147 Blessed Virgin of Pompeii, 26 Plessed Virgin of the Seven Dolors, 133 Calvary, 35 Chapel of the Oaks, 7 Christ Church, 125 Christ King, 52, 117 Corpus Christi, 86, 93, 136, Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 123 Gesu, 26 Gethsemane, 35 Holy Angels, 26, 52, 62, 82, 95, 101, 111, 143 Holy Apostle, 37 Holy Ascension, 14 Holy Assumption, 10, 46, 52, 96, 127, 144 Holy Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 144 Holy Cross, 19, 26, 35, 57, 69, 76, 98, 107, 123 Holy Family, 9, 11, 43, 61, 64, 90, 107, 114, 124, 125 Holy Ghost, 27, 97, 99 Holy Guardian Angel, 55, 95 Holy Immaculate Conception, 5 Holy Innocence, 73 Holy Martyrs of Gorsum, 82 Holy Mary Help of Christians, 103 Holy Mary of Help, 49 Holy Maternity, 44, 74 Holy Mother of Consolation, 38 Holy Name, 41, 47 Holy Name of Jesus, 27, 27, 53, 70 Holy Name of Mary, 74 Holy Redeemer, 24, 27, 39, 92 Holy Rosary, 27, 55, 70, 78, 87, 98, 108, 112, 117, 136 Holy Sacrament, 18 Holy Trinity, 22, 27, 37, 41, 59, 69, 78, 81, 83, 101, 107, 114, 122, 128, 132 Holy Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 25 Immaculate Conception, 5, 9, 16, 13, 19, 21, 26, 27, 40, 46, 47, 55, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 74, 79, 81, 91, 93, 94, 95, 102, 106, 108, 109, 120, 127, 132, 138, 140 Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 73, 107 Invention of the Holy Cross, 76 Mater Dolorosa, 16 Mother of Dolors, 28 Mother of Good Counsel, 27, 52 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 87, 92, 94, 105, 106, 108, 118 Fotre Dame, 97 Our Lady of Angels, 5, 131 Our Lady of the Fountain, 45 Our Lady of Good Counsel, 142 Our Lady of Guadalupe, 27 Our Lady of Holy Mount, 140 Our Lady of Hope, 117 Our Lady of the Lake, 18, 146 Our Lady of Loretto, 105 Our Lady of Lourdes, 75, 107, 129 Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 21, 113 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 92, 98, 129, 132, 138, 147 Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, 126, 129, 131, 136 Our Lady of the Rosary, 21 Our Lady of Seven Dolors, 136, 138 Our Lady of the Snow, 88, 147 Our Lady of Sorrows, 135 Patronage of St. Joseph, 86, 145 (Most) Precious Blood of Jesus, 78,13] Fresentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 37, 137 Sacred Heart, 5, 27, 42, 57, 59, 8, 73, 74, 79, 81, 84, 87, 101, 108, 111, 115, 123, 140, 143 Sacred Heart of Jesus, 13, 45, 56, 75, 81, 84, 96, 99, 100, 105, 109, 110, 111, 118, 121, 124, 127, 137, 144 Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, 16, 46, 49, 128 : } ! ་ : : : į. 182 Index, Church Name (Most) Sacred Heart and St. Wenslaus, 113 St. Adalbert, 27, 48, 55, 68, 84, 109, 144 St. Adelia, 74 St. Agatha, 139 St. Agnes, 9, 27, 56, 77, 96, 124 St. Alexander, 27 St. Aloysius, 47, 52, 104, 116, 129, 136 St. Alphonse, 37 St. Alphonsus, 18, 122, 123 St. Amandus, 55, 59, 88 St. Ambrose, 52, 88, 100 St. Ambrosius, 15, 40 St. Andrew, 8, 13, 23, 44, 50, 54, 74, 110, 114, 116, 119, 132 St. Bruno, 13 St. Casimir, 21, 28, 42, 59, 71, 78 127 St. Catherine, 18, 25, 29, 47, 48, 68, 86, 95, 142 St. Cecilia, 49, 53, 88 St. Charles, 9, 19, 72, 76, 97, 103, 136 St. Charles Borromeo, 60, 72, 76, 97, 102 St. Clare, 37 St. Claudius, 45 St. Clement, 47, 107 St. Columba, 22 St. Columbkill, 15, 116 St. Cuthbert, 20 St. Cyril, 47 SS. Cyril and Methodius, 29 SS. Cyrillus and Methodius, 64, 144 St. Ann, 28, 71, 76, 82, 112, 126, St. Denis, 84 128, 138, 142, 146 St. Anna, 91, 127 St. Anne, 12, 65, 95, 96, 105, 119, 123, 132, 141 St. Anthony, 5, 17, 21, 28, 51, 67, 75, 77, 78, 79, 87, 92, 97, 99, 104, 108, 125, 126, 133, 134, 135, 137, 139, 144 St. Anthony Abbot, 128 SS. Anthony and Margaret, 144 St. Anthony Padua, 28, 131, 145 St. Appolonia, 124 St. Augustine, 16, 20, 28, 44, 50, 52, 54, 60, 71, 89, 112, 117, 132, 133 St. Balthasar, 108 St. Barbara, 28 St. Barnabas, 18, 26 St. Bartholomew, 40, 45, 76, 111, 120 St. Benedict, 16, 24, 58, 108, 125 St. Benedict the Moor, 28 St. Bernard, 24, 26, 38, 51, 52, 66, 91, 119 St. Boniface, 17, 28, 56, 63, 74, 96, 108, 121, 127 St. Brendan, 7 St. Bridget, 19, 52, 77, 79, 82, 99, 101, 115, 118, 122, 141, 143, 147 St. Bronislava, 81 St. Dominic, 8, 47, 117, 131 St. Edward, 42, 59, 73, 88, 124 SS. Edward and Isidore, 65 St. Elizabeth, 29, 53, 70 St. Emeric, 29 St. Fidelis, 75 St. Finbar, 46, 72, 115 St. Florian, 53, 104, 133 St. Francis, 10, 22, 78, 79, 92, 101, 109, 140 St. Francis of Assisi, 29, 37, 111, 112, 127, 130 St. Francis Borgia, 10 St. Francis de Paul, 74 St. Francis de Sales, 4, 22, 104, 141 St. Francis Saloni, 140 St. Francis Seraph, 68 St. Francis Solonus, 67, 140 St. Francis Xavier, 4, 8, 11, 17, 39 40, 56, 59, 63, 66, 90, 106, 112, 133, 137, 144 St. Frederick, 12 St. Fridolin, 17, 105 St. Gabriel, 13, 29, 114 St. Gall, 29 St. George, 15, 21, 30, 45, 60 St. Gerard, 30 St. Gregory, 83 St. Hedwig, 30, 89, 119 St. Helen, 30 St. Henry, 22, 51, 100 St. Hubert, 68, 82, 131 ** : 183 Index, Church lame St. Hubertus, 19 St. Hyacinth, 30, 56 St. Ignatius, 30, 35, 42, 63, 80, 138 St. Isaac Jogues and Compassion, 136 St. Isidore, 10, 75 St. James, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 26, 35, 36, 37, 38, 50, 56, 61, 68, 87, 96, 107, 115, 120, 121, 133, 137 St. Jerome, 11, 38, 123 St. Joachim, 113, 138 St. Joan of Arc, 38, 66 St. John, 9, 11, 22, 34, 35, 45, 48, 51, 56, 64, 65, 83, 87, 93, 102, 112, 114, 117, 128, 131, 144 St. John the Baptist, 13, 20, 39, 40, 41, 51, 53, 58, 61, 63, 72, 76, 80, 83, 98, 100, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 119, 120, 122, 123, 126, 130, 131, 137, 141, 146 St. John Cantius, 86 St. John Cathedral, 30 St. John the Evangelist, 23, 30, 66, 77, 79, 118, 126, 139 St. John of God, 15 St. John Kantius, 84 St. John Kanty, 30 St. John Nepomuc, 42, 72, 109 St. John Nepomucene, 30, 62, 71, 72, 97, 99, 104, 114, 140 St. Josaphat, 80 St. Josaphat Basilica, 31 St. Joseph, 7, 12, 14, 16, 17, 24, 25, 31, 36, 40, 42, 44, 47, 50, 51, 52, 56, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 75, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 85, 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, 111, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 124, 125, 128, 129, 133, 134, 135, 136, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144 St. Joseph Cathedral, 107 St. Joseph of the Lake, 72 St. Jude, 6, 11, 52 St. Julius, 138 St. Kieran, 12 St. Kilian, 19, 24, 78, 93, 94, 98, 116 St. Killian, 45 St. Kunegunda of Poland, 141 St. Ladislaus, 94 St. Lawrence, 15, 20, 31, 45, 77, 85, 91, 122, 123 St. Lawrence O'Toole, 111 St. Leo, 31, 73, 81, 98, 102 St. Leonard, 71 St. Louis, 9, 16, 55, 63, 92, 99, 144, 146 St. Lucy, 42 St. Luke, 19, 42, 87, 113 St. Malachy, 11, 19, 61, 98, 115 St. Margaret, 50, 80 St. Margaret Mary, 77 SS. Maria-Anna, 49 St. Mark, 21, 82, 87, 116 St. Martin, 5, 18, 25, 46, 48, 55, 59, 60, 83, 87, 95, 97, 109 St. Mary, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 31, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, 48, 49, 52, 55, 56, 57 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 86, 87 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 113, 115, 119, ? 120, 124, 126, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 137, 139, 140, 142, 145 St. Mary of the Angels, 6, 66 St. Mary Annunciation, 53, 69 St. Mary Assumption, 99, 115 St. Mary Czestochowa, 31 St. Mary Immaculate Conception, 5, 22. 61, 108, 121 St. Mary Help of Christians, 8, 49, 5: St. Mary of the Hill, 19 St. Mary of the Lake, 53, 57, 71, 133 St. Mary Loretto, 105 St. llary of Lourdes, 6, 143 St. Mary Magdalen, 31, 47 St. Mary Magdalene, 20, 89, 128,133,14 St. Mary of Mt. Carmel, 43 St. Mary of Nativity, 20, 23, 87 St. Mary ad Nives, 88 St. Mary Our Lady of Sorrows, 135 St. Mary of Perpetual Help, 97 › • 1 ; 184 Index, Church Name St. Mary of the Pine, 10, 118 St. Mary of the Seven Dolors, 57, 77, 86 St. Mary of the Scapular, 64 St. Mary Visitation, 10 St. Mary of the Woods, 70 St. Matthew, 5, 10, 32, 36, 38, 66, 117, 143 St. Matthias, 5, 36, 37, 141 St. Maximilian, 60 St. Methodius, 59, 112 St. Michael, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 18, 32, 34, 40, 46, 68, 69, 70, 76, 86, 89, 93, 95, 96, 104, 105, 108, 109, 112, 121, 123, 127, 131, 134 St. Monica, 53 St. Nicholas, 12, 32, 35, 65, 102 St. Norbert, 44 St. Odile, 86 St. Odilia, 74, 84 St. Osilia, 82 St. Ottilia, 74 St. Patrick, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 20, 23, 24, 32, 41, 43, 44, 53, 57, 67, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 85, 86, 93, 94, 96, 100, 101, 103, 104, 108, 109, 116, 117, 122, 127, 130, 132, 133, 135, 137, 139, 145 St. Paul, 6, 15, 17, 24, 32, 61, 64, 74, 81, 90, 94, 110, 111, 112 St. Peter, 5, 6, 14, 15, 22, 32, 46, 48, 70, 72, 78, 79, 80, 84, 85, 96, 100, 109, 113, 119, 120, 121, 127, 129, 130, 147 St. Peter Claver, 47 SS. Peter and Paul, 4, 13, 33, 67, 68, 69, 70, 86, 89, 92, 96, 105, 110, 117, 123, 131, 137, 146 St. Philip, 67, 104, 113, 119 141, 143 St. Philomena, 58, 116, 117 St. Pius, 8, 73, 106 St. Raphael, 11, 25 St. Regina, 15 St. Rita, 33, 46, 52, 147 St. Robert, 33 St. Rosa, 23 St. Rosalia, 84 St. Rose, 8, 33, 43, 61, 98 St. Rose of Lima, 16, 96 St. Rose of Prairie, 101 St. Salvador, 39 St. Sebastian, 9, 33, 49, 69, 103 St. Simon, 50, 53 St. Stanislaus, 7, 33, 41, 43, 67, 71, 85, 92, 114, 135, 145 St. Stanislaus Kostka, 57 St. Stanislaus Martyr, 68 St. Stephen, 33, 37, 41, 85, 97 St. Thaddeus, 14 St. Theresa, 14, 41, 49, 57, 120, 145 146 St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, 116 St. Theresa of Jesus, 52 St. Thomas, 6, 33, 41, 81, 110, 114, 115, 117 St. Thomas Aquinas, 22, 50, St. Valernes, 37 St. Veronica, 49 St. Victor, 35 St. Vincent de Paul, 34, 80, 103, 142 St. Virgil, 13 St. Vojtiechus (Adalbert), 48 St. Wenceslaus, 34, 44, 50, 67, 70, 77 99, 107, 110, 120, 123 St. Wendel, 61, 123 St. Wendelin, 39 St. Wendlin, 61 St. Wenzel, 67, 88, 107 St. Wenzeslawa, 84 St. William, 38, 64 St. Willibrord, 67 Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 15, 25 1 ' ነ 185 INDEX OF CHURCH BY COUNTY AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT ADAMS City BARRON City Adams, St. Joseph, 91 Village Friendship, St. Leo, 102 Settlement Brooks, St. Anne, 95 Pilot Knob, St. Methodius, 112 Town New Chester, St. Anne, 95 Richfield, St. Methodius, 112 ASHLAND City Ashland, Holy Family, 124 St. Agnes, 124 Mellen, Holy Rosary, 136 Village Butternut, Immaculate Conception, 127 Settlement Eureka, No Name, 130 Glidden, Most Precious Blodd, 131 High Bridge, St.Anthony, 133 LaPointe, St. Joseph, 135 Madaline Island, St. Joseph, 135 Marengo, Our Lady of Seven Dolors, 136 Odanah, Our Lady of Seven Dolors, 138 Sanborn, St. Anne, 141 Silver Creek, No Name, 142 Town Ashland, St. Anthony, 133 Morse, St. John the Baptist, 137 Peelsville, Most Precious Blood, 131 Sanborn, Our Lady of Seven Dolors, 138 White River, Our Lady of Seven Dolors, 136 St. Anne, 141 Barron, St. Joseph, 125 Chetek, St. Boniface, 127 Cumberland, St. Anthony Abbot, 128 St. Mary, 129 Rice Lake, St. Joseph, 141 Village Cameron, St. Peter, 127 Dallas, No Name, 129 Hougen, Holy Trinity, 132 Prairie Farm, No Name, 140 Turtle Lake, St. Ann, 146 Settlement Almena, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 124 Barronett, No Name, 125 Brackelin, No Name, 126 Lehigh, No Name, 135 Maple Leaf, St. Charles, 136 Richardson, No Name, 141 Vance Creek, St. John the Baptist, 146 Town Almena, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 124 Bear Lake, No Name, 125 Maple Lake, No Name, 125 Stanfold, St. Mary of Lourdes, 143 Summers, No Name, 135 Vance Creek, St. John the Baptist, 146 BAYFIELD City Bayfield, Holy Family, 125 Washburn, St. Louis, 146 Village Cable, St. Casimer, 127 Mason, St. Aloysius, 136 Settlement Arbuckle, No Name, 125 Barnes, No Name, 125 Belanger's, St. Anthony, 125 Bibon, No Name, 126 CSI L 189 ? FLI 1 ! 36 Jed,woul Fradal apfenel JOC donne l Buf .. 193 At each .36 : IRA 186 Index, County and Local Government Unit BAYFIELD (cont.) Buffalo Bay, St. Francis of Assisi, 127 Cornucopia, St. Ann, 128 Dauby, St. Peter, 129 Dobie, Our Lady of Lourdes, 129 Drummond, No Name, 129 Grandview, St. Andrew, 132 Herbster, St. Francis Xavier, 133 Indian Cliff Reservation, St. Francis, 140 St. Francis of Assisi, 127 Ino, St. Florian, 133 Iron River, St. Michael, 134 Moquah, SS. Peter and Paul, 137 Port Wing, St. Mary, 139 Red Cliff, St. Francis, 140 Spider Lake, No Name, 143 Town Barnes, No Name, 125 Bell, St. Ann, 128 Clover, St. Francis Xavier, 133 Drummond, No Name, 129 Iron River, St. Michael, 134 Keystone, St. Florian, 133 No Name, 143 Mason, No Name, 126 Orienta, No Name, 138 Pilsen, St. Peter, 129 SS. Peter and Paul, 137 Port Wing, St. Mary, 139 Pratt, BROWN City St. Andrew, 132 No Name, 140 Depere, Immaculate Conception, 63 St. Boniface, 63 St. Francis Xavier, 63 St. Ignatius, 63 St. Joseph, 63 BROWN (cont.) Green Bay, Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 66 St. Bernard, 66 St. Francis Xavier, 66 St. John the Evangelist, 66 St. Joseph, 66 St. Mary, 66 St. Mary of the Angels, 66 St. Matthew, 66 St. Patrick, 67 SS. Peter and Paul, 67 St. Philip, 67 St. Stanislaus, 67 St. Willibrord, 67 Village Denmark, All Saints, 62 Pulaski, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 82 Wrightstown, St. Paul, 90 Settlement Askeaton, St. Patrick, 57 Bay Settlement, Holy Cross, 57 Big Suamico, St. Benedict, 58 Champion, St. Joseph, 60 Duck Creek, St. John the Baptist, 63 East Wrightstown, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 64 Eaton, SS. Cyrillus and Methodiou 64 Flintville, SS. Edward and Isidor 65 Glenmore, Immaculate Conception, 66 Holland, St. Francis Seraph, 68 Morrison, St. John the Evangelist 77 New Denmark, Holy Trinity, 78 New Franken, St. Kilian, 78 Pine Grove, Holy Trinity, 81 Robinsonville, St. Joseph, 82 Stark, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 85 Suamico, No Name, 86 Town Eaton, St. Joseph, 64 Glenmore, Immaculate Conception, 66 Green Bay, St. Joseph, 60 : • 晶 ​bastime · ► · ! 187 Index, County and Local Government Unit BROWN (cont.) Holland, St. Francis Seraph, 68 St. Patrick, 57 Howard, St. John the Baptist, 63 Humbolt, Immaculate Conception, 68 St. Hubert, 68 Morrison, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 85 St. John the Evangelist, 77 New Denmark, Holy Trinity, 78, 81 Preble, Holy Martyrs of Gorsum, 82 SS. Cyrillus and Methodius, 64 Scott, Holy Cross, 57 St. Kilian, 78 Suamico, St. Benedict, 58 SS. Edward and Isidore, 65 No Name, 86 Wrightstown, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 64 BURNETT Village Grantsburg, Immaculate Conceptior 132 Webster, St. John the Baptist, 146 Settlement Amik, No Name, 124 Crescent Lake, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, 128 Danbury, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 129 Gaslyn, No Name, 131 Gordon Farm, No Name, 124 Loon Lake, No Name, 135 Mouth of Yellow River, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 138 Trade River, No Name, 145 Yellow Lake, No Name, 148 Town Oakland, No Name, 148 Scott, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary 128 No Name, 131 Swiss, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 12 138 No Name, 135 Trade Lake, No Name, 145 BUFFALO City Alma, St. Lawrence, 91 Buffalo, St. Anne, 96 Fountain City, Immaculate Conception, 102 Mondovi, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 110 Settlement Canton, St. Fatrick, 96 Montana, SS. Peter and Paul, 110 Nelson, Sacred Heart, 111 Waumandee, St. Boniface, 121 Town Canton, St. Patrick, 96 Glencoe, St. Joseph, 103 Montana, SS. Peter and Paul, 110 Nelson, Sacred Heart, 111 Waumandee, St. Boniface, 121 CALUMET City Chilton, Immaculate Conception, 60 St. Augustine, 60 New Holstein, Holy Rosary, 78 Village Brillion, St. Mary, 58 Hilbert, St. Mary, 68 Stockbridge, St. Mary of the Seven Dolors, 86 Settlement Charlesburg, St. Charles Borrome 60 Jericho, Holy Trinity, 69 Kloten, St. Elizabeth, 70 St. Anna, St. Ann, 82 St. John, St. John the Baptist, Sherwood, Sacred Heart of Jesus, ۱۲ • :.. 1 { : t i 188 Index, County and Local Government Unit CALUMET (cont.) Town Brothertown, St. Charles Borromeo, 60 Holy Trinity, 69 Charlestown, St. Martin, 60 Harrison, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 84 St. Anthony, 67 New Holstein, St. Ann, 82 Stockbridge, St. Catherine, 86 St. Elizabeth, 70 Woodville, St. John the Baptist, 83 CHIPPEWA (cont.) Town Anson, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 105 No Name, 91 Arthur, St. Anthony, 99 Colburn, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 105 No Name, 98 Cook's Valley, St. John the Baptist, 98 Eagle Point, Holy Angels, 111 Edson, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 100 Holcombe, St. Joseph, 104 Ruby, St. Louis, 92 Tilden, St. Peter, 120 CHIPPEWA City Bloomer, St. Paul, 94 CLARK Chippewa Falls, Holy Ghost, 97 Notre Dame, 97 St. Charles Borromeo, 97 St. Mary, 97 Stanley, St. Anne, 119 St. Mary, 119 Village Boyd, St. Joseph, 95 Cadott, St. Rose of Lima, 96 Cornell, Holy Cross, 98 Settlement Anson, No Name, 91 Arnold, St. Louis, 92 Brush Prairie, St. Catherine, 95 Colbourn Dam, No Name, 98 Drywood, St. Anthony, 99 Gaudiers Farm, No Name, 103 Holcombe, St. Joseph, 104 Huron, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 105 Jim Falls, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 105 Mud Lake, Holy Angels, 111 St. Ann, No Name, 118 Tilden, St. Peter, 120 Warners Station, No Name, 120 City Colby, St. Mary, 98 Greenwood, St. Mary, 103 Neilsville, St. Mary, 111 Owen, Holy Rosary, 112 Village Abbotsford, St. Bernard, 91 Dorchester, St. Louis, 99 Loyal, St. Anthony, 108 Thorp, St. Hedwig, 119 Withee, Sacred Heart, 123 Settlement Chili, St. Stephen, 97 Czestochowa, St. Mary, 98 Willard, Holy Trinity, 122 Town Fremont, St. Stephen, 97 Hendren, Holy Trinity, 122 Thorp, St. Bernard, 119 COLUMBIA City Columbus, St. Jerome, 11 Portage, Immaculate Conception, 40 St. Bartholomew, 40 St. Francis Xavier, 40 189 Index, County and Local Government Unit COLUMBIA (cont.) Wisconsin Dells, St. Cecilia, 53 St. Simon, 53 Village Cambria, St. Mary Visitation, 10 Doylestown, St. Patrick, 13 Lodi, St. Patrick, 23 Pardeeville, St. Mary, 39 Poynette, St. Thomas, 41 Randolph, St. Mary, 43 Reo, St. Joseph, 44 Wyocena, St. Augustine, 54 Settlement Dekorra, St. Kieran, 12 Marcellon, No Name, 25 Town Caledonia, St. Mary of the Pines, 10 Courtland, St. Mary, 11 Dekorra, St. Kieran, 12 Marcellon, No Name, 25 CRAWFORD City Prairie Du Chien, St. Gabriel, 114 St. John Nepomucene, 114 Village Eastman, St. Wenceslaus, 99 Gays Mills, St. Mary, 103 Wauzeka, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 121 Settlement Rising Sun, St. James, 115 Scott, St. Patrick, 116 Seneca, St. Patrick, 116 St. Philip, St. Philip, 119 Town DANE Clayton, St. Philip, 119 Scott, St. Patrick, 116 Seneca, St. Patrick, 116 Utica, St. James, 115 City Madison, Blessed Sacrament, 24 Holy Redeemer, 24 St. Bernard, 24 St. James, 24 St. Joseph, 24 St. Patrick, 24 St. Paul, 24 St. Raphael, 25 Stoughton, St. Maria-Anna, 49 Village Belleville, St. Mary of Lourdes, Cottage Grove, St. Patrick, 11 Cross Plains, St. Francis Xavier, 11 Dane, St. Michaels, 12 Deerfield, St. Anne, 12 De Forest, No Name, 12 Marshall, St. Mary, 25 Mazomaine, St. Barnabas, 26 Middleton, St. Bernard, 26 Mount Horeb, St. Ignatius, 35 Oregon, Holy Mother of Consola- tion, 38 Sun Prairie, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, 49 Waunakee, St. John, 51 Settlement Ashton, St. Peter, 5 East Bristol, St. Joseph, 14 Edgewood, St. Regina, 15 Martinsville, St. Martin, 25 Paoli, St. William, 38 Pine Bluff, St. Mary, 39 Roxbury, St. Norbert, 44 Springfield Corners, St. Martin, 48 Verona Junction, St. Andrew, 50 Vienna, St. Margaret, 50 Town Berry, Chapel of the Oaks, Bristol, St. Joseph, 14 Cross Plains, St. Mary, 39 Montrose, St. William, 38 Perry, Holy Redeemer, 39 Roxbury, St. Norbert, 44 Springfield, St. Martin, 25, 48 St. Peter, 5 Vermont, St. James, 50 Vienna, St. Margaret, 50 7 West Port, St. Mary of the Lake, 53 6 190 Index, County and Local Government Unit DODGE City Beaver Dam, St. Mary, 5 St. Michael, 6 St. Patrick, 6 St. Peter, 6 Fox Lake, Immaculate Con- ception, 16 Horicon, St. Malachy, 19 Juneau, Immaculate Concep- tion, 21 Mayville, St. Mary, 25 Village Clyman, Holy Assumption, 10 St. Isidore, 10 St. John, 11 Lomira, St. Mary Nativity, 23 Lowell, St. John the Evange- list, 23 Neosho, St. Mathew, 36 Reeseville, Holy Family, 43 Theresa, St. Theresa, 49 Settlement Elba, St. Columbkill, 15 Le Roy, St. Andrew, 23 Lost Lake, St. Mary, 23 Richwood, St. Joseph, 44 Rubicon, St. Bartholomew, 45 St. John, 45 Woodland, St. Mary Annuncia- tion, 53 Town Calamus, St. Mary, 23 Elba, St. Columbkill, 15 Herman, St. Mary Annunciation, 53 Le Roy, St. Andrew, 23 Rubicon, St. Bartholomew, 45 St. John, 45 DOOR (cont.) Village Sister Bay, St. Rosalia, 84 St. Wenzeslawa, 84 Settlement. Bailey's Harbor, St. Mary of the Lake, 57 Brussel, St. Francis Xavier, 59 Egg Harbor, St. John, 64 Fish Creek, St. Paul, 64 Institute, SS. Peter and Paul, 69 Jacksonport, St. Michael, 69 Little Sturgeon Bay, St. John the Baptist, 72 Maplewood, Holy Name of Mary, 74 Marchand, St. Francis de Paul, 74 Misere, St. Michael, 76 Washington Island, No Name, 88 Town Bailey's Harbor, St. Mary of the Lake, 57 Brussel, St. Francis Xavier, 59 St. Michael, 76 Egg Harbor, St. John, 64 Forestville, Holy Name of Mary, 7: Gardner, St. John the Baptist, 72 St. Joseph, 65 Gibraltor, St. Paul, 64 Jacksonport, St. Michaels, 69 Sevastopol, SS. Peter and Paul, 6: Union, Our Lady of the Snow, 88 Washington, No Name, 88 DOUGLAS City DOOR City Sturgeon Bay, Corpus Christi, 86 Patronage of St. Joseph, 86 Superior, Holy Assumption, 144 Sacred Heart of Jesus, 144 St. Adalbert, 144 SS. Anthony and Margaret, 144 SS. Cyrillus-Methodius, 144 St. Francis Xavier, 144 St. John, 144 St. Joseph, 144 St. Louis, 144 St. Mary, 145 191 Index, County and Local Government Unit DOUGLAS, Superior (cont.) St. Patrick, 145 St. Stanislaus, 145 Village Lake Nebagamon, St. Anthony, 135 Oliver, St. Joachim, 138 Solon Springs, Our Lady of Good Counsel, 142 Settlement Amnicon Falls, St. Edward, 124 Bennett, St. Benedict, 125 Blueberry, St. Ann, 126 Boylston, St. Ann, 126 Brule, No Name, 126, 127 Connors Point, St. John, 128 Crotty Brook, St. Joseph, 128 Dedham, St. Aloysius, 129 Foxboro, St. Michael, 131 Gordon, St. Anthony of Padua, 131 Itasca Station, No Name, 134 Maple, No Name, 136 Patzau, St. Agatha, 139 Poplar, No Name, 139 South Range, Holy Angels, 143 White Birch, Blessed Virgin Mary of Good Counsel, 147 Winneboujou, Our Lady of the Snow, 147 Town Bennett, St. Benedict, 125 Brule, No Name, 126, 127 Gordon, St. Anthony of Padua, 131 St. Ann, 126 Maple, No Name, 136 Parkland, Holy Angels, 143 Summit, St. Michael, 131 Superior, St. Agatha, 139 St. Aloysius, 129 St. Ann, 126 DUNN (cont.) Village Elk Mound, St. Joseph, 101 Settlement Eau Galle, St. Henry, 100 Menomonie, St. Martin, 109 Rock Falls, St. Joseph, 115 Town Eau Galle, St. Henry, 100 Rock Creek, St. Joseph, 115 Town 8 (Menomonie), St. Martin, 109 EAU CLAIRE City Altoona, St. Mary, 91 Augusta, St. Anthony, 92 Eau Claire, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 100 St. Patrick, 100 Village Fairchild, St. John, 102 Settlement Brackett, Holy Guardian Angel, 95 Springfield Prairie, St. Bridget, Town 118 Seymour, St. Bridget, 118 Washington, Holy Guardian Angel, 95 FLORENCE Settlement Aurora, Sacred Heart, 57 Florence, Immaculate Conception, 65 Long Lake, C.C.C. Camp, No Name, 73 Town Aurora, Sacred Heart, 57 Florence, Immaculate Conception, 65 Long Lake, C.C.C. Camp, No Name, 73 DUNN City Menomonie, St. Joseph, 109 Index, County and Local Government Unit 192 GOND DU LAC City Fond Du 123, St. Joseph, 16 St. Louis, 16 St. Mary, 16 St. Patrick, 16 Ripon, St. Patrick, 44 St. Wenceslaus, 44 Waupun, St. Joseph, 51 Village Brandon, St. Brendon. T Campbellsport, St. Matthew, 10 Eden, St. Mary, 14 North Fond Du Lac, Presenta- tion of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 37 Oakfield, St. James, 38 St. Cloud, St. Claudius, 45 Settlement Armstrong, Our Lady of the Angels, 5 Byron, St. John, 9 Dotyville, St. Michael, 13 Dundee, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 13 Eldorado, St. Mary, 15 Johnsburg, St. John the Baptist, 20 Marytown, Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 25 Mt. Calvary, Holy Cross, 35 St. Peter, St. Peter, 46 Woodhull, St. John the Baptist, 53 Town Ashford, St. Martin, 5 Auburn, St. Matthias, 5 Byron, St. John, 9 Calumet, Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 25 Eden, St. James, 14 Eldorado, St. Mary, 15 FOND DU LAC (cont.) Marshfield, Holy Cross, 35 St. Joseph, 25 Osceola, Our Lady of Angels, 5 Sacred Heart of Jesus, 13 Springvale, Holy Mary of Help, 49 Tayceedah, St. John the Baptist, 20 FOREST City Crandon, St. Joseph, 62 Settlement Argonne, St. Mary, 57 Armstrong Creek, St. Stanislaus Kostka, 57 Cavour, No Name, 60 Hiles, St. Michael, 68 Laona, St. Leonard, 71 Newald, No Name, 78 North Crandon, St. Mary, 78 Padus, No Name, 80 Wabeno, St. Ambrose, 88 Town Argonne, St. Mary, 57 Armstrong Creek, St. Stanislaus Kostka, 57 Blackwell, C.C.C. Camp, No Name, 58 Caswell, No Name, 60 Crandon, St. Mary, 78 Hiles, St. Michael, 68 Laona, St. Leonard, 71 Ross, No Name, 78 Wabeno, GRANT St. Ambrose, 88 No Name, 80 Forest, St. Michael, 13 Lamartine, St. John the Baptist, 53 City Boscobel, Immaculate Conception, 95 Cuba City, St. Rose, 98 A : 193 Index, County and Local Government Unit GRANT (cont.) Fennimore, St. Mary, 102 Lancaster, St. Clement, 107 Platteville, St. Mary, 113 St. Philip, 113 Village Bloomington, St. Mary, 95 Cassville, St. Charles, 97 St. Mary of Perpetual Help, 97 Hazel Green, St. Francis de Sales, 104 Montfort, St. Thomas, 110 Mount Hope, St. Lawrence O'Toole, 111 Muscoda, St. John the Baptist, 111 Patch Grove, St. John, 112 Potosi, St. Andrew, 114 St. Thomas, 114 Settlement Beetown, No Name, 93 Castle Rock, St. John Nepomucene, 97 Dickeyville, Holy Ghost, 99 Glenhaven, Holy Mary Help of Christians, 103 Kieler, Immaculate Con- ception, 106 Sinsinawa Mound, St. Joseph, 117 Tennyson, St. Andrew, 119 GREEN City Brodhead, St. Rose, 8 Monroe, St. Mary, 34 St. Victor, 35 Village Albany, St. Patrick, 4 Settlement Dayton, St. James, 12 Town Adams, St. Francis Xavier, 4 Exeter, St. James, 12 GREEN LAKE City Berlin, St. Joseph, 7 St. Michael, 7 St. Stanislaus, 7 Princeton, St. John the Baptist, 41 St. Patrick, 41 St. Stanislaus, 41 Village Green Lake, St. Mary, 18 No Name, 18 Kingston, St. Mary Immaculate Conception, 22 Markesan, St. Joseph, 25 Town St. Marie, St. Mary, 45 Town Beetown, No Name, 93 Castle Rock, St. John Nepomucene, 97 Glenhaven, Holy Mary Help of Christians, 103 Jamestown Immaculate Conception, 106 St. Joseph, 117 Paris, Holy Ghost, 99 Potosi, St. Andrew, 119 IOWA City Dodgeville, St. Joseph, 99 Mineral Point, St. Mary, 110 St. Paul, 110 Village Avoca, St. Joseph, 92 Barneveld, Immaculate Conception, 93 1 1 194 Index, County and Local Government Unit IOWA (cont.) Blanchardville, Immaculate Conception, 94 Highland, St. Anthony, 104 St. Philip, 104 Hollandale, St. Patrick, 104 Ridgeway, St. Bridget, 115 Settlement Clyde, St. Malachy, 98 Franklin, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, 16 Mifflin, St. John the Baptist, 109 Mill Creek, St. John the Baptist, 110 Pleasant Ridge, St. Peter, 113 Union Mills, St. John the Baptist, 120 Town IRON Arena, St. John the Baptist, 110 Clyde, St. Malachy, 98 Highland, St. John the Baptist, 120 Mifflin, St. John the Baptist, 109 City Hurley, Blessed Virgin of Seven Dolors, 133 Montreal, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 137 Settlement Fosterville, No Name, 130 Gurney, No Name, 132 Iron Belt, St. Mary Magdalene, 133 Kimball, No Name, 134 Mercer, St. Isaac Jogues and Com- passion, 136 St. Mary, 137 Pence, St. Anthony, 139 Saxon, St. Ann, 142 Town Gurney, No Name, 132 IRON Knight, St. Mary Magdalene, 133 Mercer, St. Isaac Jogues and Compassion 136 St. Mary, 137 Pence, St. Anthony, 139 Saxon, St. Ann, 142 JACKSON City Black River Falls, St. Joseph, 94 Village Alma Center, Immaculate Concep- tion, 91 Settlement City Point, St. Mary, 97 Fairview, St. Joseph, 102 Millston, St. Andrew, 110 Roaring Creek, St. Malachy, 115 Shamrock, St. Columbkill, 116 Spaulding, SS. Peter and Paul, 11 Woodlawn, St. Anne, 123 Town City Point, St. Mary, 97 SS. Peter and Paul, 117 Cleveland, St. Joseph, 102 Irving, St. Malachy, 115 Manchester, St. Columbkill, 116 Millston, St. Andrew, 110 JEFFERSON City Fort Atkinson, St. Joseph, 16 Jefferson, St. John the Baptist, 20 St. Lawrence, 20 Lake Mills, St. Francis, 22 Watertown, St. Bernard, 51 St. Henry, 51 Village Johnson Creek, St. Mary Magdalene 20 Palmyra, St. Mary, 38 Sullivan, St. Mary, 49 Kimball, No Name, 134 ! : 195 Index, County and Local Government Unit JEFFERSON (cont.) Waterloo, St. Joseph, 50 St. Wenceslaus, 50 Settlement Crawfish River, St. Malachy, 11 Town Milford, St. Malachy, 11 JUNEAU City Elroy, St. Patrick, 101 Mauston, St. Fatrick, 109 New Lisbon, St. Faul, 112 Village Camp Douglas, St. James, 96 Lyndon, St. Mary Immaculate Conception, 108 Necedah, St. Francis of Assisi, 111 Union Center, St. Theresa, 120 Wonewoc, St. Jerome, 123 Settlement Lindina, Holy Rosary, 108 Town Lindina, Holy Rosary, 108 Marion, St. Michael, 109 KENOSHA City Kenosha, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, 21 Our Lady of the Rosary, 21 St. Anthony, 21 St. Casimir, 21 St. George, 21 St. James, 21 St. Mark, 21 St. Mary, 22 St. Peter, 22 St. Thomas Aquinas, 22 Village Twin Lakes, No Name, 50 KENOSHA Settlement Brighton, St. Francis Xavier, 8 Bristol, St. Mary, 8 St. Michael, 8 New Munster, St. Alphonse, 37 Paris, St. Wendelin, 39 Powers Lake, St. Theresa, 41 Wilmot, Holy Name of Jesus, 53 Town Brighton, St. Francis Xavier, 8 Bristol, St. Mary, 8 St. Michael, 8 Paris, St. John the Baptist, 39 St. Wendelin, 39 Pleasant Prairie, No Name, 39 Randall, St. Theresa, 41 Salem, Holy Name of Jesus, 53 Wheatland, St. Alphonse, 37 KEWAUNEE City Algoma, Immaculate Conception, 55 Kewaunee, Holy Rosary, 70 Village Casco, Holy Trinity, 59 Luxemburg, Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 73 Settlement Alaska, St. Mary, 55 Casco Junction, Sacred Heart, 59 Coryville, St. John Nepomucene, 62 Dykesville, St. Louis, 63 Krock, St. John Nepomucene, 71 Norman, St. Joseph, 73 Peot, Sacred Heart, 59 Rosiere, St. Hubert, 82 Slovan, St. Adalbert, 84 Stangelville, St. Lawrence, 85 Thiry Daems, St. Odile, 86 Tonet, St. Martin, 87 Walhain, St. Amandus, 88 196 Index, County and Local Government KEWAUNEE (cont.) Town Carlton, St. John Nepomucene, St. Joseph, 78 Carroltown (Carlton), St. Methodius, 59 Casco, St. Adalbert, 84 St. Amandus, 59 71 LA CROSSE (cont.) Settlement Boswick Valley, St. Mary, 95 Lewis Valley, No Name, 107 Middle Ridge, St. Peter, 109 St. Joseph, St. Joseph, 118 Washington, St. Peter, 121 Woomata, St. Alphonsius, 123 Town Barre, St. Mary, 95 Greenfield, St. Joseph, 118 Washington, St. Peter, 109, 121 St. Edward, 59 Franklin, St. Lawrence, 85 Lincoln, St. Hubert, 82 St. Peter, 72 Luxemburg, Sacred Heart, 59 St. Amandus, 88 St. Martin, 87 Montpelier, St. Ann, 76 St. Joseph, 77 St. Mary of Seven Dolors, 77 Pierce, St. Mary, 55 Red River, St. Louis, 63 St. Odile, 86 St. Osilia, 82 West Kewaunee, St. Hedwig, 89 LA CROSSE City La Crosse, Blessed Sacrament, 107 Holy Cross, 107 Holy Trinity, 107 Our Lady of Lourdes, 107 St. James, 107 St. John the Baptist, 107 St. Joseph Cathedral, 107 St. Mary, 107 St. Wenceslaus, 107 Onalaska, St. Francis Xavier, 112 Village Bangor, St. Mary, 93 LA FAYETTE City Darlington, Holy Rosary, 98 Shullsburg, Our Lady of Hope, 117 St. Matthew, 117 Village Argyle, St. Joseph, 92 Benton, St. Patrick, 94 Gratiot, St. Joseph, 103 South Wayne, St. John, 117 Settlement Calamine, St. Michael, 96 Elk Grove, St. Peter, 100 St. Rose of Frairie, 101 Kendalltown, Immaculate Concep- tion, 106 New Diggins, St. Augustine, 112 Wiota, No Name, 122 Yellowstone, St. Michael, 123 Town Elk Grove, St. Peter, 100 St. Rose of Frairie, 101 Kendall, Immaculate Conception, 106 New Diggins, St. Augustine, 112 Willow Springs, St. Michael, 96 Wiota, No Name, 122 LANGLADE City Antigo, St. Hyacinth, 56 197 Index, County and Local Government Unit LANGLADE, Antigo (cont.) St. John, 56 St. Mary, 56 Village White Lake, St. James, 89 Settlement Elcho, Holy Family, 64 Parrish, St. John the Baptist, 80 Pearson, No Name, 80 Phlox, St. Joseph, 81 Town Ainsworth, No Name, 80 Elcho, Holy Family, 64 Langlade, St. Stanislaus, 71 Neva, St. Wenceslaus, 77 Norwood, St. Joseph, 81 Parrish, St. John the Baptist, 80 LINCOLN City Merrill, St. Francis Xavier, 137 Tomahawk, St. Mary, 145 Settlement Bloomville, St. John the Baptist, 126 Harrison, St. Augustine, 132 Jeffries, No Name, 134 Town Harrison, St. Augustine, 132 No Name, 134 Schley, St. John the Baptist, 126 MANITOWOC City Kiel, SS. Peter and Paul, 70 Manitowoc, Holy Innocence, 73 Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 73 Sacred Heart, 74 St. Andrew, 74 St. Boniface, 74 St. Paul, 74 MANITOWOC (cont.) Two Rivers, Sacred Heart, 87 St. Luke, 87 St. Mark, 87 Village Reedsville, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 82 Settlement Alverno, St. Joseph, 56 Centerville, St. George, 60 Clarks Mills, St. Mary Immaculate Conception, 61 Cleveland, St. Wendell, 61 Cooperstown, St. James, 61 Francis Creek, St. Anne, 65 Greenstreet, St. Wenzel, 67 Kasson, Most Holy Trinity, 69 Kellersville, St. Joseph, 70 Manitowoc Rapids, Holy Maternity, 74 Maple Grove, St. Patrick, 74 Meeme, St. Fidelis, 75 Mishicot, Invention of the Holy Cross, 76 Northeim, St. Casimir, 78 St. Nazianz, St. Gregory, 83 Schoolhill, Holy Trinity, 83 Tisch Mills, St. Mary Nativity, 87 Whitelaw, St. Michaels, 89 Town Cato, St. Mary Immaculate Conception, 61 St. Michael, 89 Centerville, St. George, 60 St. Wendel, 61 Cooperstown, St. James, 61 Eaton, St. Gregory, 83 Franklin, St. Patrick, 74 Kossuth, St. Anne, 65 St. Augustine, 71 St. Joseph, 70 Manitowoc Rapids, Holy Maternity, 74 St. Joseph, 56 Maple Grove, Most Holy Trinity, 69 : : 198 Index, County and Local Government Unit MANITOWOC (cont.) Meeme, Holy Trinity, 83 St. Fidelis, 75 St. Isidore, 75 Mi chicot, Invention of the Holy Cross, 76 St. Mary Nativity, 87 Newton, St. Casimir, 78 MARATHON City Mosinee, St. Paul, 111 Wausau, St. James, 121 St. Mary Immaculate Conception, 121 St. Michael, 121 St. Peter, 121 Village Athens, St. Anthony, 92 Brokaw, No Name, 95 Edgar, St. John the Baptist, 100 Fenwood, No Name, 102 Hatley, St. Florian, 104 Marathon, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 108 Schofield, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, 116 Spencer, Christ the King Parish, 117 Stratford, St. Joseph, 119 Settlement Bevent, St. Ladislaus, 94 Callon, St. Agnes, 96 Cassel, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 96 Galloway, St. Joseph, 102 Halder, St. Patrick, 103 Knowlton, St. Francis Xavier, 106 McMillan, St. Adalbert, 109 Milan, St. Thomas, 110 Norrie, St. Francis Assisi, 112 MARATHON (cont.) Poniatowski, Holy Family, 114 Holy Trinity, 114 Rozellville, St. Andrew, 116 Weber, Holy Trinity, 122 Wuertsburg, St. John the Baptist, Town 123 Bergen, No Name, 94 Bevent, St. Ladislaus, 94 Cassel, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Day, St. Andrew, 116 Eau Pleine, Holy Trinity, 122 Emmet, St. Patrick, 103 Franzen, St. Joseph, 102 Johnson, St. John the Baptist, 123 St. Thomas, 110 Knowlton, St. Francis Xavier, 106 McMillan, St. Adalbert, 109 Norrie, St. Francis Assisi, 112 Rietbrock, Holy Family, 114 Holy Trinity, 114 Weston, St. Agnes, 96 MARINETTE City Marinette, Our Lady of Lourdes, 75 Sacred Heart of Jesus, 75 St. Anthony, 75 St. Joseph, 75 Peshtigo, St. Mary, 80 Village Coleman, St. John the Baptist, 61 Goodman, St. Joan of Arc, 66 Niagara, St. Anthony, 78 Pound, St. Leo, 81 Wausaukee, St. Augustine, 89 Settlement Beaver, No Name, 58 Crivitz, St. Mary, 62 Dunbar, St. Joseph, 63 Klondike, St. Wenceslaus, 70 Pembine, St. Margaret, 80 199 Index, County and Local Government Unit MARINETTE (cont.) Pike, No Name, 81 Walsh, St. Joseph, 88 Town Amberg, St. Agnes, 56 Beaver, No Name, 58 Dunbar, St. Joseph, 63 Pembine, St. Margaret, 80 Porterfield, St. Joseph, 88 Stephenson, St. Mary, 62 Wagner, St. Edward, 88 MARQUETTE City Montello, St. John, 35 Village Neshkoro, St. James, 36 Settlement Briggsville, Town St. Mary Help of Chris- tians, 8 St. Pius, 8 Buffalo, St. Andrew, 8 Douglas, MILWAUKEE (cont.) Immaculate Conception, 27 Mother of Good Counsel, 27 Our Lady of Guadalupe, 27 Sacred Heart, 27 St. Adalbert, 27 St. Agnes, 27 St. Alexander, 27 St. Ann, 28 St. Anthony, 28 St. Anthony Padua, 28 St. Augustine, 28 St. Barbara, 28 St. Benedict the Moor, 28 St. Boniface, 28 St. Casimir, 28 St. Catherine, 29 St. Cyril and Methodius, 29 St. Elizabeth, 29 St. Emeric, 29 St. Francis of Assisi, 29 St. Gabriel, 29 St. Gall, (old church) 29 St. Gall, (new church) 29 St. George, 30 St. Gerard, 30 St. Mary Help of Chris- tians, 8 St. Hedwig, 30 St. Helen, 30 St. Pius, 8 MILWAUKEE City Cudahy, Holy Family, 11 St. Fredrick, 12 St. Joseph, 12 Milwaukee, Blessed Sacrament, 26 Blessed Virgin of Pompeii, 26 Gesu, 26 Holy Angel, 26 St. Hyacinth, 30 St. Ignatius, 30 St. John Cathedral, 30 St. John the Evangelist, 30 St. John Kanty, 30 St. John Nepomucene, 30 St. Joseph, 31 St. Josaphat Basilica, 31 St. Lawrence, 31 St. Leo, 31 St. Mary, 31 St. Mary Czestochowa, 31 St. Mary Magdalen, 31 St. Matthew, 32 St. Michael, 32 Holy Cross, 26 Holy Ghost, 27 Holy Name of Jesus, 27 Holy Redeemer, 27 Holy Rosary, 27 Holy Trinity, 27 St. Nicholas, 32 St. Patrick, 32 St. Paul, 32 St. Peter, 32 SS. Peter and Paul, 33 St. Rita, 33 200 Index, County and Local Government Unit MILWAUKEE, Milwaukee (cont.) St. Robert, 33 St. Rose, 33 St. Sebastian, 33 St. Stanislaus, 33 St. Stephen, 33 St. Thomas, 33 St. Vincent de Paul, 34 St. Wenceslaus, 34 South Milwaukee, St. Adalbert, 48 St. John, 48 St. Mary, 48 Wauwatosa, Christ King, 52 Mother of Good Counsel, 52 St. Ambrose, 52 St. Bernard, 52 St. Jude, 52 St. Theresa, 52 West Allis Holy Assumption, 52 MILWAUKEE (cont.) Summerville, St. Martin, 18 Tippecanoe, St. Veronica, 49 Town Franklin, Holy Assumption, 46 Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, 46 Greenfield, Holy Sacrament, 18 St. Barnabas, 18 St. Mary, 18 St. Mathias, 37 Lake, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 45 St. Francis Assisi, 37 St. Stephen, 37 Oak Creek, St. James, 37 St. Matthew, 38 Tippecanoe, St. Veronica, 49 St. Aloysius, 52 St. Augustine, 52 St. Joseph, 52 St. Mary Help of Chris- tians, 52 St. Rita, 52 Village West Milwaukee, St. Florian, 53 Greendale, St. Alphonsus, 18 Whitefish Bay, St. Monica, 53 Settlement Granville, St. Martin, 18 St. Michael, 18 MONROE City Granville Center, St. Catherine, 18 New Coeln, St. Stephen, 37 Nojoshing, St. Francis Assisi, 37 North Greenfield, St. Mathias, 37 St. Francis, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 45 St. Martins, Holy Assumption, 46 Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, 46 Sparta, St. Patrick, 117 Tomah, St. Mary, 120 Village Cashton, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 96 SS. Fewer and Faul, 96 Kendall, 25. Joseph, 105 Norwalk, St. Augustine, 112 Wilton, St. John the Baptist, 122 Settlement Indian Creek, St. Michael, 105 Ridgeville, St. Finbar, 115 St. Mary, St. Mary of the Pines, 118 St. Mary's Ridge, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 118 Summit, St. John the Baptist, 119 Town Jefferson, St. Mary of the Pines, 118 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 118 Oakdale, St. Michael, 105 Ridgeville, St. Finbar, 115 St. John the Baptist, 119 : 201 Index, County and Local Government Unit OCONTO City Oconto, St. Joseph, 79 St. Peter, 79 Oconto Falls, St. Anthony, 79 Village Gillett, St. John, 65 Lena, St. Charles Borromeo, 72 Suring, St. Michael, 86 Settlement Abrams, St. Louis, 55 Lakewood, St. Mary of the Lake, 71 Little Oconto, St. Joseph of the Lake, 72 Little Suamico, St. Pius, 73 Mountain, St. Agnes, 77 Sobieski, St. John Kantius, 84 Spruce, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 84 Stiles, St. Patrick, 86 Townsend, Holy Rosary, 87 White Rapids, Indian Mission, 90 Town Abrams, St. Louis, 55 Armstrong, St. Agnes, 77 Chase, St. Joseph, 60 Little Suamico, St. John Kantius, St. Pius, 73 84 Pensaukee, No Name, 80 Spruce, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 84 Stiles, St. Fatrick, 86 Townsend, Holy Rosary, 87 Wheeler, St. Mary of the Lake, 71 ONEIDA City Rhinelander, Immaculate Conception, 140 St. Joseph, 141 ONEIDA (cont.) Settlement Harrison, No Name, 132 Jennings, St. Mary, 134 Minoqua, St. Patrick, 137 Monico,,St..James, 137 Pelican Lake, St. John the Evangelist, 139 Robbins, St. Kunegunda of Poland, 141 Three Lakes, St. Theresa, 145 Tripoli, No Name, 145 Woodruff, No Name, 147 Town Lynne, No Name, 145 Minogua, St. Patrick, 137 Monico, St. James, 137 Schoepke, St. John Evangelist, 139 Three Lakes, St. Theresa, 145 Woodruff, No Name, 147 OUTAGAMIE City Appleton, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 56 St. Francis Xavier, 56 St. Joseph, 56 St. Mary of Seven Dolors, 57 St. Theresa, 57 Kaukauna, Holy Cross, 69 St. Mary, 69 Seymour, St. John, 83 Village Bear Creek, St. Mary, 57 Black Creek, St. Mary, 58 Combined Locks, St. Paul, 61 Hortonville, SS. Peter and Paul, 68 Kimberly, lioly Name of Jesus, 70 Little Chute, St. John Nepomucene, 72 Shiocton, St. Denis, 84 Settlement Dale, St. Joseph, 62 Darboy, Holy Angels, 62 Freedom, St. Nicholas, 65 202 Index, County and Local Government Unit OUTAGAMIE (cont.) Greenville, Immaculate Con- ception, 67 Helena, St. Catherine, 68 Isaar, St. Sebastian, 69 Mackville, St. Edward, 73 Oneida (Indian), St. Joseph, 79 St. Mary, 79 Snyderville, St. Peter, 84 Stephensville, St. Patrick, Town 85 Buchanan, Holy Angels, 62 Center, St. Edward, 73 Dale, St. Joseph, 62 Deer Creek, St. Catherine, 68 Ellington, St. Patrick, 85 Freedom, St. Mary, 65 St. Nicholas, 65 Greenville, Immaculate Con- ception, 67 Kaukauna, St. Peter, 84 Seymour, St. Sebastian, 69 OZAUKEE (cont.) Settlement Dacada, St. Nicholas, 12 Holy Cross, Holy Cross, 19 Kohler, Mother of Dolors, 22 Mequon, St. James, 26 Waubeka, St. John the Baptist, 51 Town Fredonia, St. John the Baptist, 51 St. Nicholas, 12 Mequon, St. James, 26 PEPIN City Durand, St. Mary Assumption, 99 Settlement Arkansaw, St. Joseph, 92 Lima, Holy Rosary, 108 Town Lima, Holy Rosary, 108 Waterville, St. Joseph, 92 PIERCE OZAUKEE City Cedarburg, St. Francis Borgia, 10 Port Washington, St. Ambrosius, 40 St. Mary, 41 St. Stephen, 41 Village Belgium, St. Mary, 6 Fredonia, St. Rose of Lima, 16 Grafton, St. Francis Xavier, 17 St. Joseph, 17 Saukville, Immaculate Conception, 46 St. Finbar, 46 Thiensville, St. Cecilia, 49 City Plum City, St. John the Baptist, 113 Prescott, St. Joseph, 114 Village Ellsworth, St. Francis, 101 Elmwood, Sacred Heart, 101 Spring Valley, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 118 Settlement Big River, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, 94 Cherma, St. Martin, 97 Clayfield, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 98 El Paso, St. Joseph, 101 Farm Hill, St. Nicholas, 102 Lost Creek, Immaculate Conception, 108 Perrytown, St. Ann, 112 7 { : 203 Index, County and Local Government Unit PIERCE (cont.) Town Ellsworth, Immaculate Con- ception, 108 El Paso, St. Joseph, 101 River Falls, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, 94 St. Martin, 97 POLK City Amery, St. Joseph, 124 Village Balsam Lake, No Name, 125 Centuria, St. Patrick, 127 Clayton, No Name, 128 Clear Lake, St. John, 128 Frederic, St. Dominic, 131 Luck, No Name, 136 Osceola, St. Joseph, 139 Settlement Blake, Our Lady of Holy Rosary, 126 Butternut Lake, No Name, 127 Clam Falls, St. Michael, 127 East Farmington, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 130 Long Lake, St. Patrick, 135 Mound, No Name, 137 Wolf Creek, No Name, 147 Town Apple River, St. Mary, 124 Clam Falls, St. Michael, 127 Farmington, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 130 Georgetown, Our Lady of Holy Rosary, 126, 131 Johnston, St. Fatrick, 135 Lorain, No Name, 147 Luck, No Name, 127 McKinley, Corpus Christi, 136 Sterling, No Name, 147 PORTAGE City Stevens Point, St. Joseph, 85 PORTAGE (cont.) St. Peter, 85 St. Stanislaus, 85 St. Stephens, 85 Village Almond, Holy Guardian Angels, 55 St. Martin, 55 Amherst, St. James, 56 Junction City, St. Michael, 69 Plover, St. Bronislava, 81 Settlement Alban, St. Adalbert, 55 Casimir, St. Casimir, 59 Custer, Immaculate Conception, 62 Fanchar, St. Mary of the Scapu- lar, 64 Mill Creek, St. Bartholomew, 76 Polonia, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 81 Stockton, St. John Cantius, 86 Torun, St. Mary, 87 Town Alban, St. Adalbert, 55 Belmont, St. John the Baptist, 58 Buena Vista, St. Martin, 59 Carson, St. Bartholomew, 76 Hull, St. Casimir, 59 Lanark, St. Patrick, 71 Sharon, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 81 St. Martin, 83 Stockton, PRICE City Immaculate Conception, 62 St. John Cantius, 86 St. Mary of the Scapular, 64 Park Falls, St. Anthony, 139 Phillips, St. Mary, 139 St. Patrick, 139 Village Catawba, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 127 Kennan, St. Michael, 334 Prentice, St. Mary, 140 Settlement Lugerville, St. Joseph, 136 Ogema, St. Julius, 138 Index, County and Local Government Unit 204 PRICE (cont.) Town Fifield, St. Francis of Assisi, 130 Flambeau, St. Joseph, 136 Ogema, St. Julius, 138 RACINE City Burlington, Immaculate Conception, 9 St. Charles, 9 St. Sebastian, 9 Racine, Holy Name, 41 Holy Trinity, 41 Sacred Heart, 42 St. Casimir, 42 St. Edward, 42 St. Ignatius, 42 St. John Nepomuc, 42 St. Joseph, 42 RICHLAND City Richland Center, St. Mary, 115 Village Boaz, St. Martin, 95 Cazenovia, St. Anthony, 97 Lone Rock, Sacred Heart, 108 Yuba, St. Wenceslaus, 123 Settlement Bear Valley, St. Kilian, 93 Keyesville, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 106 Melachton Creek, St. Patrick, 109 Sylvan, St. Peter, 119 Westford, St. Bridget, 122 Town Ithaca, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 106 St. Kilian, 93 Sylvan, St. Feter, 119 Westford, St. Bridget, 122 St. Lucy, 42 St. Luke, 42 St. Mary, 43 St. Mary of Mt. Carmel, 43 St. Patrick, 43 St. Rose, 43 St. Stanislaus, 43 Village Sturtevant, St. Sebastian, 49 Waterford, St. Thomas Settlement Aquinas, 50 Caledonia, Holy Family, 9 St. Louis, 9 Kansasville, St. Mary, 21 St. Rita, St. Rita, 46 Yorkville, St. Andrew, 54 Town Caledonia, Holy Family, 9 St. Louis, 9 St. Rita, 46 Yorkville, St. Andrew, 54 ROCK City Beloit, St. Jude, 6 St. Paul, 6 St. Thomas, 6 Edgerton, St. Joseph, 14 Evansville, St. Paul, 15 Janesville, St. Mary of Nativity, 20 St. Patrick, 20 Village Footville, St. Augustine, 16 Settlement Milton Junction, Immaculate Con- ception, 26 South Grove, St. Catherine, 48 Town Clinton, St. Catherine, 48 Porter, St. Michael, 40 D » 205 Index, County and Local Government Unit RUSK City Ladysmith, St. Mary Our Lady of Sorrow, 135 Village Bruce, St. Mary, 126 Conrath, Holy Trinity, 128 Glen Flora, No Name, 131 Hawkins, Our Lady of Per- petual Help, 132 Ingram, St. Augustine, 133 Sheldon, No Name, 142 Tony, St. Anthony de Padua, 145 Weyerhauser, SS. Peter and Paul, 146 Settlement Appolonia, St. Appolonia, 124 Crane, No Name, 128 Flambeau, St. Francis of Assisi, 130 Murry, St. Ann, 138 Pribram, Our Lady of Holy Mount, 140 Strickland, St. Anthony, 144 Town Big Bend, No Name, 126 Flambeau, St. Francis of Assisi, 130 Hubbard, No Name, 128 Murry, St. Ann, 138 Strickland, Holy Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 144 St. Anthony, 144 Stubbs, St. Appolonia, 124 ST. CROIX City Glenwood, St. Hubert, 131 St. John the Baptist, 131 Hudson, St. Patrick, 133 New Richmond, Immaculate Con- ception, 138 River Falls, St. Bridget, 141 ST. CROIX (cont.) Village Hammond, Immaculate Conception, 132 Somerset, St. Ann, 142 Wilson, St. Peter, 147 Settlement Cylon, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, 129 Stanton, St. Bridget, 143 Town SAUK Erin, St. Patrick, 130 Stanton, St. Bridget, 143 Warren, No Name, 146 City Baraboo, St. Joseph, 93 Reedsburg, Sacred Heart, 115 Village Ironton, St. Michael, 105 LaValle, Holy Family, 107 Lime Ridge, St. Boniface, 108 Plain, St. Luke, 113 Sauk City, St. Aloysius, 116 Spring Green, St. John the Evangelist, 118 Settlement Loreta, St. Patrick, 108 Westfield, St. Alphonsus, 122 St. Patrick, 122 Windfield, St. Patrick, 122 Town Bear Creek, St. Patrick, 108 Dellona, All Saints, 99 St. Bridget, 99 Honey Creek, Our Lady of Loretto, 105 Westfield, St. Alphonsus, 122 St. Patrick, 122 Windfield, St. Fatrick, 122 Woodland, St. Lawrence, 123 1 1 ! 206 Index, County and Local Government Unit SAWYER City Hayward, St. Joseph, 133 Village Couderay, St. Mary Magdeline, 128 Exeland, St. Mary, 130 Settlement Draper, No Name, 129 Edgewater, No Name, 130 Lac Courtes Oreilles (Indian Reservation), St. Anthony, 139 Lake Chetek, No Name, 135 Newpost, St. Ignatius, 138 Pakwewang, St. Anthony, 139 Raddison, Sacred Heart, 140 Reserve, St. Francis of Solanus, 140 Sand Lake, St. Philip, 141 Victory Heights, Our Lady of the Lake, 146 Weirgor, No Name, 146 Winter, St. Peter, 147 Town Bass Lake, St. Francis of Solanus, 140 Draper, No Name, 129 Edgewater, No Name, 130 Hunter, St. Ignatius, 138 Raddison, Sacred Heart, 140 Sand Lake, St. Philip, 141 Weirgor, No Name, 146 Winter, St. Peter, 147 SHAWANO City Shawano, Sacred Heart, 84 Village Aniwa, St. Boniface, 56 Birnamwood, St. Philomena, 58 Cecil, St. Martin, 60 Eland, St. William, 64 Gresham, St. Francis Solanus, 67 Matoon, St. Joseph, 75 Tigerton, St. Anthony, 87 Wittenberg, Holy Family, 90 SHAWANO (cont.) Settlement Eland Junction, All Saints, 64 Hofa Park, St. Stanislaus Martyr, 68 Keshena Indian Reservation, St. Michael, 70 Kinepowa Indian Reservation, St. Mary of the Woods, 70 Krakow, St. Casimir, 71 Leopolis, St. Mary, 72 Navarino, St. Lawrence, 77 Neopit (Indian Reservation), St. Anthony, 77 Wauke chon, St. Wenzel, 88 Town Angelica, St. Casimir, 71 Herman, St. Mary, 72 Maple Grove, St. Stanislaus Martyr, 68 Navarino, St. Lawrence, 77 Red Springs, Holy Angels, 82 Waukechon, St. Wenzel, 88 SHEBOYGAN City Flymouth, St. John the Baptist, 40 Sheboygan, Holy Name, 47 Immaculate Conception, 47 St. Clement, 47 St. Cyril, 47 St. Dominic, 47 St. Peter Claver, 47 Sheboygan Falls, St. Mary, 48 Village Adell, St. Patrick, 4 Cascade, St. Mary, 10 Elkhart Lake, St. George, 15 Glenbeulah, St. Fridolin, 17 Kohler, St. John, 22 Random Lake, St. Mary, 43 Settlement Centerville, St. Francis, 10 Mitchell, St. Michael, 34 Rhine, St. Andrew, 44 St. George, St. George, 45 Schwarzwald, St. Joseph, 47 Silver Creek, St. Mary, 48 4 Index, County and Local Government Untit 207 SHEBOYGAN (cont.) Town Herman, St. Joseph, 47 Lima, St. Rosa, 23 Mitchell, St. Michael, 34 Rhine, St. Andrew, 44 Sherman, St. Mary, 48 Wilson, St. George, 45 TAYLOR City Medford, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, 136 Village Gilman, SS. Peter and Paul, 131 Lublin, St. Stanislaus, 135 Rib Lake, St. John the Baptist, 141 Settlement Chelsea, Holy Assumption, 127 Donald, St. Joseph, 129 Hannibal, No Name, 132 Jump River, St. Michael, 134 Molitor Settlement, St. Anthony, 137 Stetsonville, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 143 Westboro, St. Theresa, 146 Whittesley, Our Lady of Town Perpetual Help, 147 Cleveland, No Name, 132 Greenwood, St. Anne, 132 Holway, St. Mary, 133 Pershing, St. Joseph, 129 TREMPELEAU (cont.) Settlement Elk Creek, St. Mary, 100 Ettrick, St. Bridget, 101 North Creek, St. Michael, 112 Pine Creek, Most Sacred Heart and St. Wenceslaus, 113 Town Arcadia, St. Michael, 112 St. Stanislaus, 92 Dodge, Most Sacred Heart and St. Stanislaus, 113 Ettrick, St. Bridget, 101 Hale, St. Mary, 100 VERNON City Viroqua, Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 120 Village Coon Valley, St. Mary, 98 De Sota, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 99 Genoa, St. Charles, 103 Hillsboro, St. Aloysius, 104 Settlement Bad Axe, St. Fatrick, 93 Dilly, St. John Nepomucene, 99 Greenwood, St. Patrick, 103 Liberty Pole, St. James, 107 Mount Tabor, St. Joseph, 111 Town Clinton, St. Patrick, 93 Forest, St. John Nepomucene, 99 St. Joseph, 111 Franklin, St. James, 107 Greenwood, St. Patrick, 103 TREMPELEAU City Arcadia, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 92 Village Galesville, St. Mary, 102 Independence, SS. Peter and Paul, 105 Trempealeau, St. Bartholomew, VILAS City 120 Eagle River, St. Peter, 130 Settlement Bellisle Falls indian Reserva- tion), St. Joseph, 125 Conover, No Name, 128 Hackley, St. Mary, 132 : & : 208 Index, County and Local Government Unit VILAS (cont.) Lac du Flambeau, 135 St. Anthony, 134 St. Joseph, 125, 134 Land O'Lakes, No Name, Phelps, St. Mary, 139 Sayner, St. Mary, 142 Star Lake, No Name, 143 Winchester, No Name, 147 Winegar, St. Rita, 147 Town Conover, No Name, 128 Lac du Flambeau, St. Anthony, 134 St. Joseph, 125, 134 Phelps, St. Mary, 139 Plum Lake, St. Mary, 142 No Name, 143 Presque Isle, St. Rita, 147 State Line, No Name, 135, 143 Winchester, No Name, 141 WALWORTH City Delavan, St. Andrew, 13 Elkhorn, St. Patrick, 15 Lake Geneva, St. Francis de Sales, 22 Whitewater, St. Patrick, 53 Village East Troy, St. Peter, 14 Fontana, St. Benedict, 16 St. Catherine, 47 Sharon, St. Aloysius, 47 Settlement Beulah Island, St. Joseph, 7 Big Foot Prairie, No Name, 7 Honey Creek, St. Luke, 19 Lyons, St. Joseph, 24 Pell Lake, St. Mary, 39 Sugar Creek, No Name, 49 Town Bloomfield, St. Mary, 39 East Troy, St. Joseph, 7 Lafayette, No Name, 49 WALWORTH (cont.) Lyons, St. Joseph, 24 St. Kilian, 24 Spring Prairie, St. Luke, 19 WASHBURN City Spooner, St. Francis de Sales, 143 Village Birchwood, St. John the Evange- list, 126 Minong, Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 137 Shell Lake, St. Joseph, 142 Settlement Spring Brook, St. Mary Magdalene, 143 Stone Lake, St. Philip, 143 Superior Junction, No Name, 145 Trego, Patronage of St. Joseph, 145 Town Bashaw, No Name, 125 Birchwood, St. Anthony, 126 Sarona, St. Catherine, 142 Spring Brook, St. Mary Magdalene, 143 Trego, Patronage of St. Joseph, 145 WASHINGTON City Hartford, St. Kilian, 19 West Bend, Holy Angel, 32 Village Barton, Immaculate Conception, 5 Jackson, Immaculate Conception, 19 Kewaskum, Holy Trinity, 22 Schleisingerville, St. Peter, 48 Slinger, St. Peter, 48 Settlement Addison, SS. Peter and Paul, 4 Allenton, Sacred Heart, 5 St. Anthony, 5 : F 209 Index, County and Local Government Unit WASHINGTON (cont.) Goldenthal, St. Boniface, 17 Holy Hill (Shrine), St. Mary of the Hill, 19 Hubertus, St. Hubertus, 19 Lake Five, St. Columba, 22 Nabob, St. Matthias, 36 Newburg, Holy Trinity, 37 Richfield, St. Augustine, 44 St. Killian, St. Killian, 45 St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence, 45 St. Michaels, St. Michael, 46 Wayne, St. Bridget, 52 Town Addison, Sacred Heart, 5 St. Anthony, 5 SS. Peter and Paul, 4 Erin, St. Columba, 22 St. Mary of the Hill, 19 St. Patrick, 15 Farmington, Holy Trinity, 37 St. John of God, 15 St. Peter, 15 Germantown, St. Boniface, 17 Hartford, St. Lawrence, 45 Jackson, St. Augustine, 20 Kewaskum, St. Michael, 46 Polk, St. Joseph, 40 Richfield, Holy Maternity, 44 St. Augustinę, 44 St. Hubertus, 19 Trenton, St. Augustine, 50 Wayne, St. Bridget, 52 St. Killian, 45 West Bend, St. Matthies, 36 WAUKESHA (cont.) Village Big Bend, St. Joseph, 7 Butler, St. Agnes, 9 Dousman, St. Bruno, 13 Eagle, St. Theresa, 14 Hartland, St. Charles, 19 Lannon, St. James, 23 Menomonee Falls, St. Mary, 26 Mukwonago, St. James, 35 Pewaukee, St. Mary, 39 Settlement Brookfield, St. Dominic, 8 Duplainville, SS. Peter and Paul 13 25 Elm Grove, Visitation of the Blessed Virgin, 15 Fussville, St. Anthony, 17 Genesee, St. Paul, 17 Mapleton, St. Catherine, Monches, St. John, 34 Muskego, St. Joseph, 36 New Berlin, Holy Apostle, 37 North Lake, St. Clare, 37 Okauchee, St. Joan of Arc, 38 Waukesha Beach, St. Anthony, 51 Town Brookfield, St. Dominic, 8 Delafield, No Name, 12 Genesee, St. Paul, 17 Menomonee, St. Anthony, 17 Merton, St. Clare, 37 St. John, 34 New Berlin, Holy Apostle, 37 Oconomowoc, St. Catherine, 25 Pewaukee, St. Anthony, 51 SS. Peter and Paul, 13 WAUPACA WAUKESHA City Oconomowoc, St. Jerome, Waukesha, St. Joseph, 51 City Clintonville, St. Rose, 61 New London, Most Precious Blood of Jesus, 78 Waupaca, St. Mary Magdalene, 89 Weyauwe ga, SS. Peter and Paul, 89 Index, County and Local Government Unit 210 WAUPACA (cont.) Village Big Falls, No Name, 58 Manawa, Sacred Heart, 73 Settlement Marion, St. Mary, 75 Northport, St. Bridget, 79 Royalton, St. Bridget, 82 Town Du Pont, St. Mary, 75 Lebanon, St. Patrick, 72 Royalton, St. Bridget, 79, 82 WINNEBAGO (cont.) Wolf River, St. Francis Xavier, 90 Town Black Wolf, No Name, 58 Clayton, St. Malachy, 61 Poygan, St. Thomas, 81 WOOD City "AUSHARA Village Plainfield, St. Paul, 81 Red Granit, St. Mark, 82 Wautoma, St. Joseph, 89 Settlement Saxeville, No Name, 83 Town Oasis, No Name, 79 Poysippi, Sacred Heart, 81 Saxeville, No Name, 83 WINNEBAGO Marshfield, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 109 St. John the Baptist, 109 Nekoosa, Sacred Heart of Jesus, 111 Fittsville, St. Joachim, 113 Wisconsin Rapids, St. Lawrence, 122 SS. Peter and Paul, 123 Village Auburndale, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 92 Milladore, St. Wenceslaus, 110 Settlement Altdorf, St. Joseph, 91 Arpin, St. Francis, 92 Babcock, All Saints, 93 Bakerville, Corpus Christi, 93 Blenker, St. Kilian, 94 City Menasha, St. John the Baptist, 76 St. Mary, 76 St. Patrick, 76 Neenah, St. Margaret Mary, 77 Oshkosh, Sacred Heart, 79 St. John the Evangelist, 79 St. Josephat, 80 St. Mary, 80 St. Peter, 80 St. Vincent de Paul, 80 Village Omro, St. Mary, 79 Winneconne, St. Mary, 90 Settlement Black Wolf, No Name, 58 Hewitt, St. Michael, 104 Sherry, St. Kilian, 116 Sigel, Holy Rosary, 117 Vesper, St. James, 120 Town Arpin, St. Francis, 92 Hansen, St. James, 120 Lincoln, Corpus Christi, 93 Marsh, St. Michael, 104 Milladore, St. Kilian, 94 Remington, All Saints, 93 Rudolph, St. Philomena, 116 Seneca, St. Joseph, 91 Sherry, St. Kilian, 116 Sige, Holy Rosary, 117 211 PUBLICATIONS OF THE WISCONS IN HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY Inventories of State Archives Department of State, vii, 265 pp. mimeo., 1942. Banking Department, vii, 325 pp. mimeo., 1942. Polk. xiii, 193 pp. 1941. Rusk. iv, 293 pp. 1939. Inventories of County Archives 3. Barron. iv, 387 pp. 1939. 43. Oneida. xi, 231 pp. 1941. 6. 9. 10. 16. 17. 18. 27. *32. 37. Marathon. Buffalo. iv, 277 pp. Chippewa. xi, 204 pp. xi, 204 pp. 1941. Clark. ix, 164 pp. 1941. Douglas. xiv, 242 pp. 1942. Dunn. viii, 168 pp. 1941. Eau Claire xiii, 175 pp. Jackson. Jackson. xii, 170 pp. 1941. La Crosse. iv, 324 pp. · 1939. iv, 387 pp. 1940. 1940. 46. Pepin. Pepin. ix, 148 pp. 1941. 48. 54. 55. St 58. 1942. 59. 60. 61 • 41. Monroe. xi, 184 pp. 1941. Third Class 62. St. Croix. ix, 256 pp. 1940. Shawano. xii, 205 pp. 1942. Sheboygan ii, 113 pp. 1937. Taylor. ix, 162 pp. 1941. Trempealeau. iv, 480 pp. Vernon. xiii, 131 pp. 1942. Vernon. 1940. 69. Waushara xi, 212 pp. 1941. Inventories of City Archives City of Cudahy, vii, 270 pp. mimeo., 1941. Inventories of Village Archives 141. Greendale. x, 87 pp. mimeo., July 1941. Inventories of Town Archives 9. Development of Town Boundaries in Wisconsin, Chippewa Co. vii, 157 pp. mimeo. March 1942. 36. Development of Town Boundaries in Wisconsin, Manitowoc Co. iv, 42 pp mimoo., Feb. 1911. American Imprints Inventory xiv, 132 pp.. 1942. No. 23. A Check List of Wisconsin Imprints, 1835-1349. xvi, 176 pp., 1942. No. 24. A Check List of Wisconsin Imprints, 1850-1854. No. 41. A Check List of Wisconsin Imprints, 1855-1858. xvii, 164 pp., 1942. 212 Publications of the Wisconsin Historical Records Survey (cont'd) Church Archives Publications A Directory of Catholic Churches in Wisconsin, x, 213 213 pp., 1942. *Directory of Churches and Religious Organizations in Wisconsin. ix, 358 pp. mimeo., Jan. 1941. History of the Southern Wisconsin District of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States by Otto F. Hattstaedt. ix, 96 pp. mimeo., Sept. 1941. Moravian. iv, 57 pp. iv, 57 pp. mimeo., Nov. 1938. United Brethren in Christ. iv, 136 pp. mimeo., April 1940. Church of the Nazarene. v, 57 pp. mimeo., Sept. 1941. Translation. Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America: Diocese of Fond du Lac. x, 188 pp. mimeo., Feb. 1942. Assemblies of God. v, 73 pp. mimeo., Apr. 1942. Disciples of Christ. v, 83 pp. mimeo 1942. Manuscript Publications Guide to Manuscript Depositories in Wisconsin. 36 pp. mimeo., Feb. 1941. Wisconsin Territorial Papers County Series Iowa County; Proceedings of the County Board of Supervisors, 1830-1843, Vol. I, iv, 275 pp. mimeo., 1942. Iowa County; Proceedings of the County Board of Supervisors, 1843-1850, Vol. II, iv, 281 pp. mimeo., 1942. St. Croix County; Proceedings of the County Board of Supervisors, October 5, 1340-April 2, 1849. v, 116 pp. mimer., Sept. 1941. II. III. Inventories of Federal Archives in the State The Federal Courts. 33 pp. mimeo., June 1939. Department of the Treasury. 181 pp. mimeo., June 1938. IV. Department of War. 61 pp. mimeo., Jan. 1938. Department of Justice. 21 pp. mimeo., Aug. 1938. VII. Department of the Navy. 111 pp. mimeo., Jan. 1938. Department of the Interior. Department of Agriculture. VIII. IX. X. XII. XIII. XV. XVII. 105 pp. mimeo., July 1939. 323 pp. mimeo., Mar. 1938. Department of Comme roe 54 pp. mimeo., Aug. 1938. Veterans Administration. 48 pp. mimeo., Jan. 1938. Federal Civil Works Administration. 19 pp. mimeo., Aug. 1939. Work Projects Administration. 149 pp. mimeo., July 1939. Miscellaneous Agencies. 67 pp. mimeo., Feb. 1941. 1 13 Publications of the Wisconsin Historical Records Survey (cont'd) Special Publications *Abstract and Check List of Statutory Requirements for County Records. 77 pp. mimeo., Feb. 1937. *Supplement No. 1 to Abstract and Check List. 8 pp. mimeo 8 pp. mimeo., May 1937. Questionnaire on County Government in Wisconsin. v, 55 pp. mimeo., n. d. *A Directory to United States Government Agencies in Wisconsin. 107 pp. mimeo., April 1938. An Index to Governors' Messages. Style Manual. v, 39 pp. mimeo., iv, 186 pp. mimeo. iv, 186 pp. mimeo., Feb. 1941. 1941. Guide to Public Vital Statistics Records in Wisconsin. ix, 249 pp. mimeo., Sept. 1941. Outline of Vital Statistics Laws of Wisconsin. xviii, 140 pp. mimeo., Sept. 1941. Guide to Church Vital Statistics Records in Wisconsin. xiii, 257 pp. mimeo., Feb. 19.12. * Out of Print UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06822 5260 : :