VII-1-‘ INTERNATIONAL INLAND NAINGA’IION CONGRESS. THE HAGUE, 1594. 6th QUESTION. RIVER CURRENTS AND THE Configuration of river beds. BY L. |__r-i|_|AvsK|, Engineer. THE HAGUE, Printed by Belinfante Bl“, late A. D. Schinkel, PAVELJOENSGRACHT, 19. 18134. I N ‘Q ‘h - ! > , U {~‘¢'\' it-“.. : u g 3 . " -3 7. » e-' I. 0- , ‘- \ ' J / V o;il"(1/$¢'w?/ La- "law-it-,""~_+ 4 » ~75» * Ff? ‘% V’ v f3r-N - A ' » VIth International Inland Navigation Congress. THE HAGUE, 1894. Rllllll NJIIIIIINTS AND THE NlNllllllllAl‘lllN NI RNIIN BEDS BY L.LELIAVSKL Engineer. / Nothwithstanding the great works of several mathematians, hydrodynamics have not yet given a single exact formula absolutely adoptable to practical combinations. This arises, in our opinion from the fact that the subject of the displacement of fluids in the midst of resistances has not been sufficiently examined in an experimental way; and that in the principles of mathematical deductions there are admissions incompatible with reality. Observations show that there is no one point in a fluvial current where the threads of water have a direction completely parallel, but, as the laws on which the direction \ _\ of the water—threads depend are unknown and their deviation from a parallel \ine appears to be accidental, it has been generally admitted for the deduction of hydrodynamic formulae that all water-threads run in parallel directions to 3 Q, //3.!/.¢, and G = m -- g, we shall have successively: 7/=j>-2‘, therefore : 2‘ := ‘sis. 5 2/ 2/2 5-:-——— !=—— 2 X 21; U2 further ,0 - s = — 27 212 j) m .s:77Z — 27 712 P-s=m- ~— 2) the second part of the equation we name conditionally active power which is equal to the force required to communicate to the mass /22 the speed 2/. If 1 = I, we obtain 7) J :-—_ 2: G .- therefore P -: m - 0 = —v = A - Q - L (1) g g In adapting these absolutely exact dynamic formulae to the power of the shock of a single thread of water, it must be calculated that the volume Q equals the efflux of which is expressed, as is known by the area of the trans- verse section of the thread of water multiplied by the average speed of water. That is to say T X 22; we obtain: 7,2 2 0' P:2AT :2AT~/z, (2) (3 in which k is the height of a colomn of water corresponding to the speed 21. A similar application of the formula (I), which has reference to the shock of a solid body to a liquid mass is irregular, because the efflux of water can be equal to the average speed, multiplied by the area of the transverse section of the thread of water, only in cases where the threads are in the same line as _the smooth surface; this is however not possible, as the water threads are not parallel to each other. However, experiments which have been made for the verification of the above named formula by M. BIDON have given results which approximate confirm its exactitude. This is to be attributed to the cir- cumstance that the quantity of water directed in the tube can be immediately measured, instead of being calculated by the multiplication of the area of the active section by the speed of the water. (Plate I design I). Nevertheless, the quantity of the pression on the surface depends much on the dimensions of tha surface and above all on its distance from the orifice of escape of the water from the tube, so that BIDOU when he placed the surface near the orifice of the tube obtained the result P = 1,5 A - T- /z, and according to Dnnors and LANGSDORFF P = only A - T - /z. The force of the shock, in reality, is generally less than is calculated from the formula and this results from the fact that by the shock of the liquid mass a considerable part of the energy belonging to it is lost by the shock of the separate threads against one another. With the shock of a liquid mass against a solid the latter only receives directly the pression of the particles of liquid, infinitely thin, which come in immediate contact with it, while the entire 6 mass of the liquid particles transmits a shock from one to the other of the particles, in consequence of which the direction of their movement deviates strongly from the direct line of the solid surface and there can be no question of the parallelism of the threads. The greater the speed of the water, that is to say the greater its pression in the tube, the more must be, with exact experiments, the nearness of the coefficient in formula (2) to the given fig‘ure 2. In the experiments of BIDON the speeds were very considerable, not less than 8 metres per second; with small speeds it must be supposed that the coeflicient of the formula (2) may be considerably less than the unit, even as much as less than the half of the result of the calculation. So that the for- mula of the shock of a single thread of water, looked upon as the most exact of formulae concerning the shocks of liquid bodies really does not possess the desired exactitude ; and the incompatability of the results of experiments with these calculations proves the inexactitude of the admissions made in the transformation of the formula Also, it should be observed, that the pres- sion on the surface at the time of the commencement of the efflux of the thread is more considerable than it is during the course of its flow. However for a mathematical expression of the shock of an unlimited mass of water we have no other means to apply than the formula (2) which is composed for the shock of a single tread of water. Therefore for this part of hydrau- lics we use the following phrase: [I is very jbroéable that we may admit that the laws governing, the shock of an unlimited mass of water are the same as those relating to that of a single thread of water. According to this sup- position or admission the pression of a shock of water on a solid body on the side of its affluent equals ‘ 7,2 K, - A - .7"—;; . <5 in which K, is the numerical coefficient defined by experiments and depen- dant only on the form of the body. Besides should be taken into conside- ration the relaxed pression or the want of pression (according to DUBOIS, non-pression). This can be expressed in the same way as the pression on the side of the affluent by the formula 92 K2-A-T— 2g The hydrostatic pression being equal on each side of the body in opposite directions may be left out of account. _ Therefore, the result of the pression of moving water on a solid body may be expressed as follows: - [i1-A-T———Ké-A-T—.=f<'-A-T—-. <3) 2g 2g 2g All the coeflicients K, , K2 and K are to be defined by means of experi- ments and will be certainly very different under various conditions and to 7 different observers. If for a single straight thread of water we may admit; with a certain degree of approximation, the efflux of water to be equal to the product of the area of section and the speed, such supposition can not be admitted for the movement of an unlimited mass of water, for it is im- possible to suppose that the entire quantity produces a shock against a solid body through one cylinder which is separated from it and which has for basis the transverse section of the body attacked. Even with parallelism of threads the beds of moving water surrounding the cylinder participate in the shock in consequence of their connection and in consequence of the adhesion of the water to the eliminated cylinder. But as the threads of water have convergent and divergent directions, and as it is not possible to separate from the mass of water, the threads working at every moment on a solid body, the formule (3) may give results which may diverge as much from the real quantities as the volume of the cylinder may differ from the volumes of one or several truncated cones. The convergence of the threads of water does not conduce to condensation of the water, nor to the accleration of the speed of the current, which, on the contrary is lessened by the shock of the threads one against the other, and only causes an increase of pression on the solid bodies encountered on the way of the moving water. As proved by repeated observations the threads of water form curved lmes which are still more curved when they turn around a solid body. When we say that a thread of water shocks against a solid body we do not mean that all the mass of the thread of water enters into contact with a solid body, but that on it is direc- ted the action of the thread of water which is transmitted by the intermediary beds of water. An indefinite quantity of threads may work upon a body from different sides at any moment; they meet in their movement some resistance from the solid body; this resistance being communicated to them by these intermediate beds of water, they deviate from their direction and prolong this movement around the solid body with decreasing speed. As the laws which govern the direction of particles of water are unknown to us, we cannot follow the threads which in the mass of water, press on the solid body in the bed of the river. But in order to throw some light on pos- sibile cases of transmission of pression, let us suppose that their laws are known and we will represent them by lines as shown on Plate I fig. 2. Then, suppose a solid body of small dimensions, for example a stone in the bed of the river submitted to the hydraulic or, to the active pression of the body of water moving towards it. In order to determine the strength of this pression, we must seek out in the lines the points in which at a given moment are found the moving particles of water; and iii these points draw tangents to the lines, which tangents show the direction of the pressure at the given moment. Looking at all these tangents, which cut the solid body we see a mass of straight lines convergent or divergent, which form one or several truncated cones, lying with their upper or lower end against the solid body. In the first case the body will be submitted to the hydraulic pression of the 8 convergent threads and of the greatest number of the particles of water, in the second to the pression of the divergent threads and of the smallest number of particles of water. Supposing these particles of water to be mutually equal in their mass, which we take as unit, if we define the average speed by 2) and the number of particles by m, we flnd for the active power or the mecha- nical work the mathematical term and for the force of the shock (P) P = m 2'), in which the quantity m 2/ represents what is called the quantity of movement. It is evident from what we have just said, that the figure 172, or the moving mass of water on a solid body is a variable quantity and must not be elimi- nated from the formula by substituting for it the product of the density of the water with a determined volume. It is, also, evident that with the same speed at the bottom, but with alteration of the mass of water producing the pression. the alluvions may be submitted to a hydraulic pression different to the flowing water according to the disposition of the threads. Observations on water-threads show that in deep waters, ordinarily disposed in the concave parts of the bed, all the water-threads move the floats towards the concave banks, from which it is evident that the hydraulic pression moving the floats is always directed towards these concave banks, while the particles of water follow lines which never have a point of intersection with the bank. So that the conception of the convergence and divergence of the threads of water and of hydraulic pressions must not be identified with the idea of the compression of the molecules of water, by the reunion of the threads of water. Directing themselves by curved lines and moving between themselves the threads produce impulsions in two directions; firstly the tangent lines, which we have examined above and, secondly, in the normal lines, so that impulsions in the directions of the latter may induce rotary movements of molecules of water contributing to the accumulation of alluvion. By the transformation of 0 I 2 I 0 I I I the active force (1) in two directions its quantity must gradually be con- 2 sumed and proportionately more as the angle of the convergence of the water- threads is larger. The reduction of the active force of each separate molecule of water in the mass admitted as unit must be expressed by the reduction of the speed of the current on all the bed. In fact, as the curves of the bed are stronger the more remarkable is the depth produced by a great pression of water on the bottom, caused by the convergence of the water-threads towards the concave banks. The importance of the increase of the mass of the converging water-threads is seen iu the 9 following of the fluvial bottom along the concave banks, which occurs with the slackening of the current and causes the formation of a dead-water in the longitudinal section of the river. The cause of the reduction of speed and the increase of dead-water, is, as has just been said, the consumption of a considerable part of the quantity of active power for the shocks of the threads one against the other in the normal directions of the molecules of water. On the contrary, in the deep parts where the water-threads have divergent directions, opposite phenomena are manifested and the displacement of alluvion in spite of the enormous speed of the current is effected slowly. If we were to imagine in the direction of the tangents, molecules of water as, for instance, thin threads of water moving against a solid body, all the quantity of the mechanical force would at a given moment be employed in the shock, of which the volume would perhaps be sufficient not only to move the solid body forward, but even to crush it; and the mole- cules or the mass of moving water towards upstream would be unlimited. But in reality the shock of the moving water is transmitted in a different way. 1° Each molecule approaching the solid body parts with, in the shock, only a part of its active power and diverging sideways keeps by far the greatest part of this power for its further flow. 2° Repeated observations have shown that the resistance of the solid body to the free movement of the water flowing towards it does not extend to all the mass of water flowing upstream, but that the deviations of the molecules commences at a certain distance from it, so tbat neither theoretical calculations, nor actual observations enable us to determine this distance. It is probable that it depends on the velocity of the current, on the pro- portion of the area of the greatest transverse section of the solid body to the area of the transverse section of the bed, on the shape of the body and on the disposition of the water-threads. Examination of the pression exerted by flowing water on a solid immovable body immerged in it has shown that there being no data by which the mass of water transmitting the shock to the solid body and submitting to deviation from the resistance offered to its free movement by the body could be deter- .-,2 . . - . . ( mined, it l1as not yet been found possible to give to the expressions //1 —— 2 and 72/ v,.a propre form for practical calculation. These formulae, however. are correct in their simple, form and very suitable for general decisions, relative to transport of alluvion by flowing water. As we have already said, the part of the flowing water working on a solid body, does not expend in the shock 2 all the quantity of its active power, as for its complete use //2 % would be equal to O, and this is only possible if 21 : O, that is to say when the mass of water is completely at rest. In reality it continues to flow with a some- 10 . . 1) 2 what relaxed speed 211 preserving a working power of //z —‘- so that the 2 quantity of power expended in the shock is 02 012 __ 2 2 //z_2 /u_2_(v __Z)1>. . . (4) and the power of the shock = //z (21 —v1). The greater the power used the stronger is the shock and thus greater the possibility of removing the solid body from its place. As the practical problem of the improvement of rivers consists above all in the deepening of the bed we must next examine by what means an increase in the value of the terms 25- (712—2112) and m (v—~v1) may be obtained. Examining these terms we see that the work of deepening and the force of the shock increase in proportion to the inerease m of the mass of molecules of water directing their pression on the projections in the bed, in proportion to the increase 2) of the speed of the flow of these molecules and in propor- tion to the decrease 1/1 of the speed of these same molecules when they are sent back by the resistance of the projections in the bed. For the increase m it is necessary to direct to the suitable depth the largest possible quantity of water-threads so as to concentrate their shock at this place. In practice this is obtained by shutting of the lateral arms, as well as the crossing threads which break themselves on the bottom, by means of regula- tion works which form a guide for the direction of the lines of water. The value 21 is the average speed, not of all the transverse section, but only of that part of it, with which the hydraulic pression of the water extends to the river bed. If the quantity 2) increases and decreases with the average speed of all the section, it must be admitted that the decrease of the section must serve to augment the quantity 2) and consequently to augment the deepening power in the bed. With this object the narrowing of the bed is effected by works of regulation, it must however be remarked that the reduction of the width of the bed does not always give the desired reduction to the area of the section, for the latter is often found in a manner non-normal to its projected line but follows its curves in lines which are oblique, so that the water-threads take also a direction not only non-parallel to the projected banks, but some- times are nearly straight; so that the width of the transverse section passing by the ridges of sandbanks may in these cases appear comparatively narrower than its primitive widths. Consequently projects of the configuration of a river compiled according to ordinary systems and the works of regulation executing according to these projects do not afford the desired depth of bed. For this reason it is necessary to take measures for the desired disposition of the water- threads and with this object to form regulation works to direct the water- threads so that they give the desired configuration. Besides, as is known, the 11 narrowing of the section has still the defect of causing with the deepening of the bed, the lowering of the level of the water and the displacement or considerable inclines of water towards neighbouring parts of the river, thus again causing new hindrances to navigation. It is true, that this could be remedied by submerged banks. which maintain the strong slopes in the regu- lated sections; such constructions are, however, very dear and they may become temporary hindrances to navigation if the amount of water diminishes or the draught of the vessels increases. I The quantity 1/1 that is the average speed of the molecules of water which diverge in their movement under the influence of the resistance of the projec- tions in the bed, against which they rush, enter in the mathematical expres- sion for the power expended for the deepening of the bed with a negative sign and for this reason in increasing the depth attention should be paid to all possible reduction of the quantity 0,. To examine this question let us suppose that a single thread of water is directed in a tube against a solid body firmly fixed at its end. If the solid body is not displaced by the force of the shock of the thread, the water in the tube will be brought to a stillstand, 01 becomes —-= o, and the entire 2 quantity of the mechanical power 121% will be expended in the shock of which the force will be equal to m 21. If the water-thread is not confined in a tube but flows freely, the water surrounding easily the sides and the upper part of the solid body, will keep after the shock a considerable part of its speed and the shock be incomparably weaker. When the water-thread working on the solid body is surrounded by other threads nearly parallel among themselves or even divergent its action on the solid body will be greater than that of an isolated thread, for its flow around the solid body will be somewhat hindered by the resistance of the neigh- bouring threads. If the direction of the neighbouring threads, even when they do not direct their shock against a solid body, becomes convergent, it will be still more diflicult for the attacking water-thread to turn at the side or the body and it will then flow over it. This way will be difficult when there are other water-lines in a position above the attacking line, for the latter will have to lift them up. In the same degree as the difficulties in encircling the solid body increase the speed of the water-thread '01 diminishes and the shock increases. The more water-lines there are above the solid body, or with other words the greater the depth of water, the more difficult it becomes for the attacking line to lift up this mass of water, until at last, at a certain depth it is no longer capable of this action, in which case 2), reaches its minimum and the force of the shock its maximum. It should be remarked that 2/I in the river bed never equals 0, for the attacking water-thread may flow around the body increasing the speed of the current of the neighbouring threads without lifting them up to any extent. It is evident from what has been said above that the increase of depth and 12 the convergence of water-threads contribute to the increase of the action of the water in the river bed, but it must not be concluded that an artificially created channel in the river bed could be preserved and increased by the action of the current; as for this to be effected would be required, n.ot only the depth of water but, also, the disposition of the convergent threads of water directed on the projections in the bed. And without this last condition there would be scarcely any current in the channel, which would be obstructed by particles of solid matter moving above and plunging into it on account of their weight. ‘ The considerable influence of the depth on the formation of the river bed is confirmed by observations on cuttings. When a cutting is formed at a small depth, for instance, o.4 to 0.6 meters below the level of the water, the deepening of the bottom takes place very slowly and this in spite of the enormous incline existing at times of low-water and in spite of the consi- derable speed of the current; but at high water when the fall is less the operation of deepening becomes so strong that, as I have repeatedly had occassion to observe on the _Dnieper and on the Pripet, the section-of the cutting becomes in a very short time sufliciently large for navigation. These results will show that the deepening power increases, not with the speed of the current, but in accordance with the augmentation of the mass of water working on the deepening, and especially at an increased depth, the water by its gravity does not allow its lower beds to pass over the inequa- lities in the bottom, but carries them away in descending the stream. Generally, the more that the circuit of water around a solid body is hindered, 7'1 is less and the force of the shock and the power expended by the water for the shock is greater. We know, for example, that small streams flowing in narrow beds with banks but little excavated often carry away enormous stones. In the same way rainwater in the gutters of the streets carries with it bricks and stones with a speed not much less than that of a river current; but in wide river beds even small grains of sand remain. The difference of the quantity of the power expended in the displacement of the solid bodies in these two cases, does not depend so much on the speeds of the current 2'), as on the quantity of the lost speed 2/—— 2'1], that is to say or the quantity 2),, and the latter again depends upon the great difference in the proportions of the transverse sections of the objects carried to the sections of the beds, or to the quantity of the narrowing of the section of the current by the transverse section of the body moved. If the bed be large and the size of the solid body small, then 2/, differs very littie from 21 and the quantity 7” 2 0 2 is nearly :: O. If the current be narrow and the transverse section of the object which obstructs the free movement of the water, larger, a considerable delay in the movement will be caused, that is, 01 may become much less than 21, and a part of the mechanical power of the Water whi_ch is expended 13 on the shock may attain a quantity suflicient to displace even heavy obstacles. With regard to a closer examination of means for the diminution of the quantity 2'1 let us suppose a flowing water in a gutter barred at its end by a solid screen. After the shock of the water against the screen ,2), will be : O and the shock complete, that all the active power of the water will be expended. If, however, at the side of the screen a lateral piece of the gutter be removed the power of the shock against the screen will not be complete and will be in proportion as much less as the lateral opening is large. See plate I fig. 3. If the screen be removed the water flowing direct exercises the least pos- sible hydraulic pression on the walls of the tube. Exactly similar observations have been made in fluvial beds. Lines of water flowing against ihe concave bank and the part of the fluvial bed, which is contiguous to it being turned back lose a great part of the speed employed for the shock, and for the deepening of the bed at the side of the banks. On the contrary, in a straight bed the loss of speed in the stream is comparatively insignificant; 2/1 is almost = 2/, and the power of excavation consequently very small. Therefore to obtain the quantity of the 1; (2/2——2/12) by the diminution 211 the straight parts of the projected configuration must be avoided and the windings of the curves enlarged as much as possible, that is their radius diminished. However this last measure has up to the present time not been practically applied, for the object of the regulation of rivers does not consist in the general deepening of the bed but, only the excavation of the bottom at places where the depth of water is insufficient, which places are generally found not in the concave elbows but at the points of inflexion of the bed. In any case the application of such a measure should be restricted within certain limits, depending; I) on the disadvantage of sharp curves for navigation especially for steam tug navigation; 2) the underwashing of the banks; 3) the washing away of the submerged banks by the water at high tides which seek to follow a more direct line. ' Thus in projecting the trace of the banks we must principally follow the configuration of natural concave banks, except in cases where their windings are feeble and irregularly developed. At the points of inflexion of the bed great divergency is generally found in the directions of the water threads; and this affords them comparative faci- lity in passing round obstacles. ' The loss of speed is, therefore not great, 2/, differs very little from 22 and the transport of alluvion is weak, T o augment the value of 21, we must unite the separate threads and give them a convergent direction towards the projected line of the channel, so that for the deepening of extensive beds the narrowing of the bed is not sufllcient, but it is necessary to give the bed a configuration, which will cause the water threads to take always a convergent direction. Consequently we find it possible to increase the excavating power of the 14 river bed, not only by increasing 2/, that is the average speed of the current, but also, by increasing the value of 222 and diminishing that of 2'1. To increase 22 is not suflicient to narrow the section; it is necessary that the water-threads have corresponding directions, and this is required, also for the production of the desired influence on the quantities 222 and 221. It is likewise acknowledged that the regulation of the bed may be effected, not by narrowing it, but chiefly by guiding the water-threads in a suitable direction, by which it is evident that a narrowing of the section will occur. In examining the question of the action of the force of the current on the deepening of the bed, we have considered the inert power of the water as an independ.ant cause, while the active power is supplied by the force of gravity of the water in its movement. We have, therefore, now to consider to what extent we are able to dispose usefally of this force of gravity. If Q be the efflux of water, A the density and H the slope, we obtain as term for the force of gravitation theiproduct of A - Q - H. The yearly efflux of water cannot be regulated, for this depends on meteo- rological and climatic conditions; it is, however, known, that the cultivation of forests conduces to the increase of moisture falling in the atmosphere. But, for the maintainance of a navigation depth, it is not the general quantity of moisture falling into the basin of the river which is of importance, but much rather a suitable and regular supply of water. This is attained by forest cultivation near to the basin of the river and by construction of reser- voirs. The general slope of a river or of a more or less great part of it cannot be altered; still, care should be taken that it be divided on the length of the river as far as possible in such a way as to obtain uniformity of the longitudinal section. Formulae concerning the uniform movement of water teach us the necessity of regulating the slopes so as to obtain uniformity of longitudinal section of the bed of the river. But in the solution of practical questions of regulation of rivers a complete levelling of the bed is not necessary; the possibility of such Llevelling as well as of uniformity of the current is very doubt full, as the condition of the stream in the curves is very different to that in the inflexions. This disparaty is especially shown in the disposition of the water-threads, and if we could succeed in obtaining in the inflexions a con- vergence of threads such as are shown in the windings of the bed the ques- tion of levelling would be considerably nearer to an ideal solution. The above examination of the application of dynamic forms to river currents shows the anomaly of the admission of parallelism of threads of water. The very great difference of movement and of shock of solid, elastic and liquid bodies arrises from the fact that in the first the mutual position of the molecules and of the distances between them does not vary either during the movement or during the shock. The direction of all the molecules is parallel or concentric, while in the 15 movement of liquid bodies, in consequence of the resistance of the surface, on which they move and the surroundings in which the movement is effected, there is in the interior of the liquid body a continual translation of molecules, giving rise to interior independent currents, and this consumes a considerable quantity of the stock of mechanical power acquired by the working of the force of gravity. This loss of active force is especially great in the shock of liquid bodies against solid bodies, since it consumes itself in the distribution and the shock of the threads. In order to place hydrodynamics in the rank of the exact sciences, abstract mathematical operations, such as those made by NAVIER, HELMHOLTZ and their disciples, BUSSINECK and many others are not sufficient. It must be acknowledged that hydrodynamics is, just as physics, an expe- rimental science and the bases of its conclusions must not be arbitrary admis- sions, but data acquired by generalisation and direct experiments. As the movement of liquid bodies in the midst of resistance are the result of laws, which govern the movements of solid bodies, we consider it a principal duty of those who make a study of the practical application of hydrodynamics, to examine the combinations of the movement of water, resulting from the configuration of the river bed and influencing its reformation, and especially to pay attention to the particularities of the movements of the water, by which liquids differ from solid bodies, that is, the interior translation of molecules in bodies during their displacement. The researches made under our direc- tion on the Dnieper near Kief have shown the possibility of examining the direction of water threads relative to the surface of the water the particu- larities then discovered concerning the direction of water-threads connected wirh observations on the configuration of the relief of the river bed have contributed to the explanation of the established law of the disposition of isolated and independant currents appearing in every watercourse. In order to solve the question as to the possibility of closing the lateral bridge openings in the dike of the Dnieper on the causeway between Kief and Tchernigoff and for the security of concentration of all the waters of high tides in one principal bed at the right side of the town, so as to con- duct them into the opening of the suspension bridge, we have made, in addition to repeated measurements of the quantities of water, by means of floats, definitions of the dispositions and the measurements of the speeds of the water-threads on the surface of the water. The floats are made round, of dry pine boards o,o6 m. in thickness, 0,25 in diameter (see fig. I, Plate II). They are painted all round in awhite oil-colour, the upper disk is divided in 4 sectors, varnished in different colours, so that the direction of its rotation may be observed from a boat at acertain distance and the number of revolutions counted. An iron rod is passed through the float, having at its lower end an iron screw on which is fixed es many iron plates as are suflicient to sink the float nearly entirely in the water. At its upper end is placed a glass ball of bright colour. 16 Before commencing the compilation of a plan of the disposition of the threads of water on the section under examination, transverse sections are drawn up at a distance of 50 to 44 meters from each other according to the importance of the section for the projected works, and according to the variability of the character of the bed. These profiles are indicated on the banks at each side of the bed by double stakes, as are shown on the plate. Then a plan of the sheet of water is made on a scale of 25 or 50 m. to o,or m. The entire section is divided into several parts, in such way that one plan does not show more than 6oo to 7oo m. on each side, that is to say, upstream and downstream, since at a greater distance with a KIPREGEL glass, the glass balls of the floats cannot be distinctly seen. In accordance with rough notes on the duration, of the courses of the floats on the sections, plans have been made in two forms. On the plans 22 are shown the directions of movements of floats and the profiles of their speeds; on the plans [2 are shown, also, the directions of the floats and their position at a certain lapse of time, after their passing the first profile simultaneously, there were fixed on their lines of route, according to their speed, the points at which they were at a lapse of 2, 4 or 5 minutes after passing the first profiles; uniting these points we have the profiles of the position of the floats at the end of these given intervals. From these points in the direction of movement of the floats, the distances were traced which they had travelled in the same interval according to the time. The union of the points found, defined the second profile and so on. In examining the positions of the lines of direction of the floats, it is im- possible to overlook one particular characteristic, at the first view appearing a strange one; namely, that all the floats move from the convex banks to the channel and to the concave banks, and then their lines of direction cross. And, as the points of these crossings have a certain fixedness, the fact cannot be attributed to accidental causes, such as currents of wind, movement caused by passing steamers, etc.; the more so, as these observations were made in calm weather, and passing steamers were warned by means of a speaking-trumpet to keep at a certain distance from the floats. If the course of the float be considered as a water-thread, that is, as the route followed by a certain mass of water, the intersection of these masses, while they maintain each their own direction is evently impossible. For this reason it is necessary to examine in how far the course of a float coincides with that of the direction of a water-thread. Let us suppose a volume of water in a spherical form or in the form of a rotating body with a vertical axis placed 011 a quite smooth horizontal surface. A fload placed horizontally above this rotating body will, after the water has flown off descend vertically. According to its movement as seen on the plan, we can only judge, that the water was quite motionless. If, however, the surface~on which the water rests be not quite horizontal, or that there be hollows or projections in the surface and inequalities in different directions, 1'7 by the increase of speed and of active force, the float will be drawn in the direction of the greatest speed; from this, however, it does not follow that the water does not move also in other directions. Likewise, because the floats move towards the channel and towards the concave banks, it does not follow that all the water moves in the same direc- tion; it shows, however, that near the surface of the water the greatest speeds of the current are not directed parallel to the banks, but obliquely to the channel. This deviation of the water-threads towards the channel is the reason that the efflux of water, measured by us in different rivers gives sometimes results very different from their true value. The difference in this respect is much too great to be ascribed to want of precision in the instruments of l11€8.SIll‘€- ment, for these may be brought to a great degree of perfection if the turning wings are carefully attended to and the coefficient of fiiction correctly defined. With the confluence of two watei-threads their masses unite and the further movement follows in the direction of the result of both their speeds. The complete union of the two masses of water can be judged by the colour of the water, which is different on each river. Marshy rivers have a dark brown colour, mountainous rivers are transparant, others yellow, of a greenish shade and so on. This difference in colour at the confluence of two rivers is only observable at a certain short distance from the place of union, and gradually disappears as one thread of water connects itself with the other. The float at the junction of two water-threads moves in the direction of the result of its own speed and that of the two threads. Thus, we find that at the confluence of two water-threads the floats ca.rried by these threads will not unite and will not float together, but their lines of direction will cross and that if the place of union of the threads remains unchanged in a certain part of the bed, the points of intersection of the lines of direction are not altered. If a ship navigates a part of a river where another river or branch flows into it at a sharp angle and where the concave banks form a point, it usually passes into the thread issuing from the other arm. The float receives at every instant a shock from the water which carries it but it always tends to follow a straight line at a tangent to the curve of the line of the thread. The mass of the water-threads oppose this movement of the float and tend to draw it in the direction of their route. This opposition is partly overcome by the active force of the float, so that the direction of its movement does not entirely agree with the line of the water-thread and the float deviates towards the concave bank and reaches it sooner than the thread on which it had been launched. Up to the present it has not been found possible to define to what extent the float deviates from the direction of the thread which carries it, since the direction of the current is only to be observed by the movement of the floats. We will later on describe an apparatus which we have invented namely L1iLIA.vsi\'I. 2 18 a submarine vane, by means of which the direction of the current at any point of the transverse section of the bed may be determined. If the density of the float were very nearly the same as that of the water and its dimensions infinitely small, its direction would coincide exactly with that of the water-thread. It the float were of final and very small dimensions its directionwould deviate very little from the movement of the mass of water surrounding it; and we may, therefore, admit that the deviation of a solid floating body from the direction of the mass of water which carries it, is to a certain extent proportionate to the dimensions of the body. The deviation of the float results from the power of inertia which is proportionate to the mass of the body, that is to say to the quantity of three dimensions, and the resistance of the water transmitted to the float by the shocks against its surface is proportionate to the dimensions of the surface, that is, to the quantity, of the two measure- ments ; so that the power resulting from inertia andresistance is proportionate to a linear quantity, for example for floats, of equal height it is in proportion to their diameter. From the deviations in direction of two floats of different dimensions some idea may be formed of the extent of the error admitted, when it is supposed that the direction of the float coincides with the position of the water thread. 7 With the object of throwing light 011 this point we had a float made with a diameter of one meter, that is tho say four times as large as the usual size. Its organisation is shown on fig. 2, Plate II. . Observations on the progress of this large float showed that in weak curves it moved almost identically in the same way as floats of smaller dimensions. When the configuration of the water-threads is more curved the larger floats deviate more strongly than do the small ones towards the concavities of the water lines. (See Plate IV thread NO. 5). ‘ Generally the progress of a large float is less subject to deviation by the shock of lateral threads of water, than is a small float, therefore, it may be accepted that the floats follow lines which differ but very slightly from the directions of the water-threads. We consider it here the appropriate place to give an explanation of the expression 22/22222-//zr2'2r2z’s, an expression which we shall frequently use in the following pages. By water-threads we understand a mass of water of indefinite ‘amount, but, with a determined direction. This direction usually agrees nearly with that of the float. Its dimensions being undetermined, the water-thread is notaphysical body, but a representation made ta explain the movement of the water. In a river there are no separate water-threads of defined limits and extre- mities. The movement of the water is the movement, not of a thread, but of a mass, the same as the movement of a solid body, with this difference that all the molecules of a solid body describe parallel and concentric directions, while all the molecules of a liquid body, having different speeds describe curved lines, not parallel and not concentric. 19 On further examination of the plans attached to this work, it is impossible to overlook the characteristic particularity of the position of the water-threads near the hanging bridge. In the neighhourhood of this bridge the threads gradually move away from the banks. ' Thus, also, on the projection IX, Plates IV and V, all the floats are direc- ted towards the right bank and against the concave part of it; the one excep- tion being float NO. I on the left side, which only travelled a distance of sixty meters from the concave part of the bed. The floats reaching the banks _were obstructed by the fascines, only floats IV and VI glided on to a smooth surface of the bank, floated off it and descended farther with the stream. The inclination of all the surface of the water in the entire bed towards the channel, and towards the concave banks, therefore, from the shallow water towards the deep parts, is a great security to navigation. Without this disposition of the character of upper currents, ships and floats would ground on sandbanks, where as under the present circumstances a ship has only to follow the stream and to take care that it does not strike against the banks. The current itself does not allow the vessel to flow against the sandban-ks on the convex side, Floats navigate on the Dnieper and its bran- ches in calm weather without being steered. It is only on account of this inclination of the water to stream towards the channel, that vessels find their way between the shallows. We have often heard navigators say that the best indication of the deepest waterway was shown by floating barrels filled with tar and joined together. As soon as such a reft is launched on the surface of the water it follows the deepest parts, except at curves where by the force of converging water-threads it is moved towards the concave bank. The French engineer FARGUE, proceeding from the idea that the convex banks drive the water towards the channel, based on this his principal of the curved configuration of the banks on the inflexions of the bed. But, if the channel attracts to itself the threads of water and if the convex banks reject them, we must ask from where comes the water on the convex banks and where does it flow to from the channel and the concave banks? We all know that the water on the convex bank is not stagnant but has sometimes considerable speed of current; thus, for example, in the stream where a part of the hanging bridge 011 the Dnieper was temporarily removed, the current was so strong, that two tugs were required to draw a vessel through it. ' The answer to the question is very simple. The water flowing towards the channel and to the concave banks having no other possible issue, rises slightly and forms a transversal declivity in the channel from the concave towards the convex side and by its pressure on the under currents causes them to flow in the inverse direction and obliquely to the banks. The existence of such an under-current from the channel towards the banks has not up to the present time been exactly determined, as correct instru- ments for the purpose of measurement do not exist, but it is confirmed by 20 many observations. Thus, for example, the excavations in sandy concave beds, by which large pieces of sandy, marshy soil are frequently carried away do not cause sanding of the neighbouring parts, and the water flowing along such banks apparently quite pure and transparent, while in the shallows it is cloudy and lifts a quantity of alluvion from the bed. This is because the earth loo- sened from the bank is carried away bythe under-current, which distributes it not only over the lowest tongue on the same bank, but also in the direc- tion of the opposite convex bank. In this way is explained the increase in the number of the tongues of land under water on the convex bank and the corresponding hollows in the concave banks in higher parts. The best proof of the presence of the existence 'of an under-current is, however, obtained by examination of the bottom of the bed. If, in the bed there is a sandy elevation in the direction of the current, the grains of sand of the ridge of this elevation are thrown on to the lower slope down stream to be replaced by others brought from the upper parts of the stream. The upper slope is levelled, takes a slight incline, coinciding with the power of the water-flowing above it; and the lower slope, protected from the shock, becomes of a less incline. By the levelling of the upper ridge to a slight slope and by the increase of the lower slope, the sandy ridge gradu- ally descends with the course of the current. As the displacement of the par- ticles of soil is effected on the side of the water-curent, the top of the sandy ridge is directed along the line of the water-threads, that is to say on the bottom-current. These well-known appearances afford us a certain means of fuiding the direction of the stream from the configuration of the bottom of the bed. The soft banks which are visible at low water present a row of sandy pro- jections which against the stream have a very slight slope and are rather steep on the side of the bank. This form of tongues of land on sandy banks which is everywhere observable, shows that there is in every river with an alluvial bed, a bottom current directed obliquely against the slighter sloped banks. By examination, by means of a water-scale the direction of the sub marine ridge can be defined and its limits determined. It is sometimes found that these sandy deposits occupy the largest part of the width of the bed, rea- ching even ‘to the channel; sometimes even they cross in the bed, so that at such places no channel really exists, at least, no channel caused by conver- ging currents. In this case, the upper water-streads have a divergent direction, that is to say, that the upper convergent uniform current is replaced in these parts by an under-current, fan-formed, extending over all the bed. The cuniform current converging towards the concave banks engenders by its shocks an under current in a direction lateral to the surface so that the current of the bed appears to be a consequence of the current of the channel. A more exact examination shows however that the working of both of the currents is dependant on different causes. If we represent the transverse section of the bed with the speeds given on 21 design 4, Plate I, we see that these lines divide the section in different beds of water which move away gradually fiom the bottom and the banks towards the channel; the bed of water nearest to the channel is generally the one with the greatest speed. The various speeds arise as is known from the exterior resistances to the current of water represented principally by the friction against the bed and partly against the air. If we leave the upper part of the bed out of notice and consider only the bed of water which has the greatest speed relative to the others we observe that flowing away over the others, it withdraws from the smooth surface of the section. Then, to fill the place, of these removed particles of water, all the molecules of the upper bed are thrown from upstream into it. Thus, the current of the comparatively rapid channel absorbing the water of all the bed is the cause of the deviation of the superficial current towards the channel or towards the concave bank near to which it flows. In this way the water-threads arrive at the concave bank by the force of inertia and partly also by the result of centrifugal. Every bed and each thread of water which moves more rapidly attracts a neighbouring bed or water- thread; herefrom arises a deviation of the particles of water moving at a comparatively.slow rate along the bank towards those moving more freely and more quickly in the channel. To find the cause of the deviation of the stream of the bed towards the banks which have a slight slope we must consider the position of the water- threads in a vertical smooth surface. As is known, the direction of the wind blowing over the earth’s surface does not follow a line parallel to it but at an angle to the horizon which is sometimes as much as 15°. This arises from the friction of the air on the earth’s surface and on its inequalities and projections. A similar phenomenon occurs with the movement of the water. The lower beds of water are arrested by the roughness and unequality of the bed; the upper beds pass in advance of the lower ones and descend before them to the bottom; there they are again arrested by the shock and the friction against the latter and overtaken by still higher beds of water. Thus the position of a water-thread in a vertical plan should be inclined towards the depth, so that the angle of deviation from the horizon gradually increases towards the bottom. There is to be observed in the upper-water beds a certain deviation in the water-threads from the horizon to the surface of the water, which deviation arises from its friction against the air. Such deviation of water threads from the horizontal direction is related to the shocks of surface in friction with the bottom and with the air and, with the consequent loss of mechanical power or of active force in the water-threads. This loss is accompanied by a lessening of speed in the current. I The upper current descending from the banks to the bed of the channel has a direction almost parallel to the bottom and levels the bottom while forming in it extensive longitudinal ridges; there are thus no isolated shocks against the projections in the bed, and the speed of the bottom beds of water 22 differs but little from that of the upper beds. On the contrary when the move- ment of the water is from a deep part to a shallow part, the lower water- threads strike much more strongly, against the bottom and the loss of speed be therefore more considerable. In fact the graphical representations of speeds measured in a vertical plan, present convex lines very nearly approaching the direction in the channel and have a considerable inclination towards the banks which are slightly sloped and towards extensive shallows. The inclination of the water-threads to the horizon increases the error in our calculations of the efflux of water. We can only obtain a correct calculation by multiplication of the speeds on a smooth surface with the normal sections, therefore the speeds on smooth surfaces must be determined for curved sections as well as for horizontal and vertical directions. As however it is very difficult to find in nature the position of these to be determined points, it is necessary when a section has been chosen to measure the direction of the threads at the same time as the speed of the current and to multiply the section not with the speeds, but with their projections on the perpendiculars on the plans of the sections. As the rectangular projections of lines are always less than the lines themselves, it follows that the actual efflux of water is really less than shown by our measurements. The water-threads directed towards the bottom are the cause of shocks against it, they move grains of sand forward and rushing again upwards with them carry them down the stream. A particularity of this kind of movement of alluvion is the great speed remarkable where there are extensive shallows. The power of the shock of the water against the bottom is modified by the inequalities in the river-bed and accordingly each mass of sand as it is carried forward cannot directly cross the bed but forms single stripes of different forms which are in the middle at their highest and lower towards the extremities. The slope which is directed towards the upper stream is slight and the one towards the lower stream is sharp. As by the increase of the lower slope the upper gradually disappears, the masses of sand are thus continually moved down-stream; and their height, their length and their position with regard to the profile of the subject to continual change. These changes are caused by the fact that the water which rushes against the sandbanks does not flow over them but flows of at both sides where the height is less. The water thrown of the sandbank forms a new stream which is directed against the top and the two sides of the ridge and observations show that the alluvion moves more in the directions of the two sides than over the top. The smaller grains of sand are carried by the water from the top and deposi- ted on the bed at some distance down stream where they form the beginning of a new ridge. The movement of alluvion is thus caused more around the ridges than over their summits. The ridges formed lower down are opposite the upper ones. Generally the ridges are not found on the horizontal part of the bed but on the slopes of 23 the banks. The water-threads flowing round the ridges have a greater speed in the direction where the resistance is less; as the principal resistances of the movement of the water-threads from above consists in the weight above them, the water rather flows round the ridges sideways where the depth is less, that is towards the bank. By each shock of the bottom current the greater part of the water deviates towards the bank; thus the union of the mass of these continually moving impulsions, causes a deviation of the stream towards the bank and a flow of water in a fan-like form towards the shallows. With regard to the causes of these bottom and upper-currents, we acknow ledge that they depend upon the form of the profile of the transverse section of the bed, which is deep in the channel and has a soft incline on one or both of the banks. We must, however, not conclude that these currents are due to the existence of such a profile, on the contrary, the formation of the profile of the bed arises exclusively under the influence of these currents, without which that is to say, with aparallel waving movement of the water, the transverse profile would be nearly a trapeze. In consequence of the current of the cuneiform channel descending towards the bottom, the smooth bed of the river within the limits of the stream must have a triangular form of transverse section; the point of this triangle is only observable in rivers with a more or less even efflux of water. Generally the position of the axis of the stream of the channel varies in every river accord- ing to the alteration in the height of the horizon and the efflux of water. This is the. cause of the triangular profile becoming obtuse at the rounded points, and at the lower sides, rather concave, so that the profile of its form approa- ches a parabola. The upper part of the slightly sloping banks form convex curves in the transverse section, so that the active force carrying away the alluvion of the channel towards the bank, gradually diminishes; therefrom the slope of the bank on which the particles of sand are moved, becomes less sharp. By this we are able to approximately determine, by means of the shape of the trans- vers section; the limits between the converging and diverging currents, which limits must be near the point of inflexion at which the concave part of the profile becomes convex (Plate I design 5). With the translation of the channel at the inflexions of the bed from one bank to the other, its transverse profile may take all imaginable irregular curves. ' We are able to observe on a small scale the way in which flowing water works on the profile of the bed, according to its movement in two streams, the one in the channel and the one on the bank. For this purpose we have only to follow the course of a mass of rainwater flowing in ground which is easily hollowed out. Even on the smooth places of the surface of the ground there are always some parts which are lower, towards which the water firstly in a wide stream directs its course. 2-1 Where the thickness of the stream is the greatest, is seen the greatest speed in the upper water, because the resistance caused by friction and adhesion to the surface of the ground upon it, has then its least influence. In any case an accelerated movement of the water arises; this attracts the threads of the neighbouring parts on the bed, hollows out the ground and causes a deepening in the bed, in the parts, lying under the converging currents. At the same time, appears a current on the bottom which, arises in conse- quence of the shock of the water in the direction of its quickest threads. The converging current causes longitudinal cavities, which are especially deep in their curves, and the bottom current rejects the soil on the slightly sloped banks and on the widenings of the bed, and that in a wavelike form. In a very short time the bed has depth and sandbanks of great extent which are distinctly visible when the bed is dry. According to the laws of its current the water does not only follow its bed in porous and dry grounds. but, also in those which are hard and rocky. Of this proofs are found on the Dnieper. The old way, called the cossack-way used by floats in the spring, flows in the deepest part of the rocky bed. According to the explanations of persons well-acquainted with the cataract district of the Dnieper these channels owe their origin to accidental fissures in the rocks, these having suffered, in their less solid parts, destruction by the rushing out of the water. If however, we examine carefully the conditon and the direction of the old channel, it will be seen that this explanation of acci- dental origin is unfounded. The ancient waterway is situated near to the right bank and is the natural channel of the Dnieper in the cataract district. The new channel at low water, affords an excellent course for entering and leaving the canals. They are con- structed near the left bank in parts which are less deep and less dangerous. The natural deviation of the channel is in our opinion due to the action of the northeast wind extending over centuries. We have proved in a previous report that the steepness of the right banks of rivers flowing southwards is not caused by the earth, rotation, but by the influence of the wind at the time of the passing of the ice in autumn. The greatest degrees of cold in our climate, which cause the ice on the rivers, occur only with north and east winds. The culting power of the ice in autumn is so great that it is sufficient after a few hours to divide a beam of 0,25 m. in diameter. The current of the water itself has scarcely any effect of friction on wood. The steepness of the right bank in the cataract district and the approach of the old channel to this bank are therefore not due accidental causes but almost entirely to the effect of the northeast wind. The rocky bed of the cataracts has a depth for floats nearly sufficient for their passage even at low tides. The obstacles are the summits of rocks, which cross the bed in a straight line and are called la-222$. Throug these laves the old channel takes its course towards deepcr parts where there are no rocks rising out of the bed. 25 If these deep parts were of an accidental origin, the old channels in the cataracts would be curved, and have a winding direction when passing from one lave to the other; in reality however the channel runs in a straight line through the mutually parallel rows of laves. It is impossible to suppose an accidental piercing of the laves at all the cataracts in the same perpendicular line; we must therefore be convinced that the deepening and the natural washing away of the laves is caused by the water in the direction of the channeh The absorbing power of the converging stream is so great, notwithstanding the small width of the channel (at most 40 to roo m. with a river-width of 7oo m. that a vessel launched at some distance from a cataract, in calm weather finds, itsself, its way into the old channel; and is then carried by the converging current over all the laves. pTo guide the vessel well, it is only necessary to take care that it be not caught by any lateral current; for this purpose a rudder is used which is formed of several planks. If the converging currents were not as we have just described, the passage of floats in the cataract districts could not be effected. There exist, therefore, in the bed two currents; the upper one, convergent and cuneiform, which, descending to the bottom of the channel causes there longitudinal excavations, and might be compared to a plough throwing the earth up on each side of it; and another at the bottom, divergent and fan- shaped which gradually deviates from the convergent direction along the channel to a direction nearly normal to the banks. The soil washed ont by this second current and thrown on to the concave banks forms slopes with slight declines and drives in zig-zag lines slantingly over the ridges of sand. If we could examine the direction of a single particle of water it would at first sight appear to us to be very irregular especially on account of its different and apparently accidental deviations from its normal direction, which are caused by the projections in the bed and on the banks produced by the continual variation in the flowing quantity of water. A particle of water in the outer layer a short distance from the banks takes a slanting direction towards the channel and when it has reached it, falls slowly. down, and then travels quickly over the bottom, in a line almost parallel to it. It then turns on one side and joins the bottom current, rushes against the foot of the slightly sloped banks, thereby losing the active power acquired in its movement along the channel. Now it springs sometimes upwards, sometimes downwards and so continues on its way, until it joins again the upper water bed, with which it again descends in the direction towards the channél. The sharper the curve of the concave bank, the more rapid is the descent of the particle from the upper beds towards the bottom, the greater is the active power acquired by the movement and the greater the excavation of the bottom. For this reason the depth at the hollowed parts agrees in inverse LELIAVSKI. Q* 26 ratio to the radius of the curve; still, the parts of greatest depth are not found exactly opposite the largest curves of the concave bank, but slightly lower down stream where the water particles which have the most active power reach the bottom. In this way arises the constant mixture of particles of water, without which, that is, with a direction parallel to the threads, the rapid mixture of the coloured or troubled water of the affluents with that of the river, would not be explicable. The upper converging current arising from the bottom current, aft_er depo- siting the alluvion, directs itself towards the channel; therefore this upper current is of clear water, which causes no deposits in the channel. If the power of the converging current is strong enough to hollow out the concave bank, this power is also sufficient to carry away the loosened earth of the channel and without obstructing it, deposits this soil on the slight slopes of the banks. Freed from this alluvion, the bottom current arises at the surface of the water and is transformed into the upper current of a pure form and flows again to the channel. In this direction of currents the channel with the exception of accidental causes can never suffer from deposits of sand. The sand can only descend in a tongue form upon them from up-stream. Only at low-water and when the transverse section becomes exceedingly large in proportion to the reduced quantity of water, the bottom may receive a slight deposit of mud. The depth and constancy of the navigable bottom are thus the effect of the converging current, therefore, in regulation of rivers in the interests of navigation care should be taken to grand to this stream the fullest possible extent. It must, however, not be forgotten that to have a convergence of waters, it is necessary to admit a free divergence by a bottom current on the tongues and the slight slopes on the banks, considering that it is only by its equal divergence that the bottom current can be translated into the upper current, and proportionately supply the channel with the water threads of the converging current. _ The converging currents are directed against the concave banks not in consequence of centrifugal force; as is often seen and still more frequently in regulated parts of rivers, there often exists a beautiful channel commencing on the concave bank, and continuing along a great length of the convex bank, which serves as a prolongation of the concave bank. The converging current towards the concave banks results exclusively from the concave situa- tion turning progressively to the side of the bed; it constantly reencounters the current of the channel which deviates from it, divides again the water threads flowing towards the concave bank and in consequence of the hydrau- lic pressure hereby caused is directed towards the bottom which it excavates. At the same time the bottom current following the convex bank, being transformed into an upper current supplies new water threads to the bed which flows towards the channel. For the maintainance of the converging 27 current, all that is necessary is to give a sufficient curve to the convex bank, for a constant intersection with a direction of the returning water threads of the converging upper current. Not only the concave bank may be treated in this way. but on a proportionately short extent, also the convex; therefore the convexity of the bank should project considerably in the bed and be turned against the current with the object of meeting again the water-threads flowing towards it. Therefore, the more the convexities forming the extremities of the concave banks are developed, the more they retain near them the convergence of the water. We have verified this principal on the surfaces of the entire Dnieper and of the Pripet and found every where that the more the upper parts of the convex banks project, that is the sharper the water is driven by them against the opposite concave banks the greater is the depth on the neighbouring points of inflexion. In natural non-consolidated beds the spring current being directed with great speed on the tongues of sand forms frequently at the convexities of the bancs convergent watersthreads which excavate the bank and cause, on the sandy ridges near the banks, longitudinal holes with a gulf or a lake-like form. Such a hollowing out of the convex bank is always accompanied with a reduction of depth on the inflexions of the bed and in time projections are formed which are a hindrance to navigation. From the point at which the concave bank ceases to intersect the upper current, the convergence of the water lessens and a dimunation of the depths of the channel results. In proportion as the bank diviates from the general direction of the bed, the angle of convergence of the water-threads lessens and finally instead of converging, they diverge. At this place the longitudinal channel of the bed is replaced by a superficial wave-formed bed, the depth of which diminishes by degrees; the channel ceases to be the meeting-place of the converging water- threads and the muddy bottom-stream rises to the surface of the water. The characteristic phenomena of convergence of water-threads in an under current, and the principals of their divergences near the junction of the two opposite curves of the bed, may be followed on several plans made in accord- ance with our investigations ou the Dnieper at Kief. These plans are not shown here in order not to burden the report with a too great number of supplements. At the cessation of the convergent position of the water-threads, the fan- shaped bottom currents reach the surface which then presents a boiling appea- rance caused by impulsive local rising and falling back of the threads. The displacement of alluvion is no longer effected directly but in zig-zag lines and in the ridges of the sandbanks in a slanting direction. Banks disappear and are replaced by others and in this way the bottom movement continues and the banks moves down-stream. If the water flowing on the banks met with no hindrances in its course, this movement of alluvion would be continual as is seen in the deltas of sea-mouths. 28 In river-beds such an incessant descent cannot take place for at a short distance from the ridge the water strikes against the bank of the river, whereby the further removal of the bank is prevented. The ridge of each submarine tongue at an inflexion of the bed unites the two banks, consequently the place of its tangent with the bank which is left by the water is always situated much lower down-stream as the point of the tangent of the ridge which meets the bank towards which the current flows. (See design 3, Plate II). On this plan the tangent point A on the ridge with the left bank is much farther up stream than the tangent point B with the right bank. The water flowing over the ridge at point A strikes against the bank and springing back encounters the neighbouring water-threads, forming a convergence of water; which are strengthened by the additional stream of water-threads flowing from the right towards the concave bank. By this convergence the extremity of the ridge is washed away, thus a certain limit only is allowed to descend. In consequence of the increase in the mass of the converging water-threads, the power of their flow down stream is augmented and at the same time the distance of the summit of the ridge from the concave bank becomes greater. We know that the ridges in spite of the resistance offered by the bank move farther downstream as the water becomes smoother. This has two causes, first the excavation of the concave bank and second the reduction of the power of convergence with the decrease of flow of water in the river. If the curve of the left bank be sharp and long, so that is forms itself a convergent current, as shown on the plan a deepness will arise. If the insuf- ficiently developed curve of the concave bank cannot keep the convergence of the water, a divergence to the right will result. If the right bank is at some distance the diverging water meeting with no resistance diverges in dif- ferent directions oblique to one another. In consequence of the deviation of the stream in different directions the river be- comes divided into several single currents, which often become independent arms. The wider the bed the easier is the formation of new currents and the developement of these into separate arms. Generally, rivers which flow through meadows have the greatest tendency to divide into separate arms, whereas rivers with high banks never divide into more than two arms and that only at places where the bed becomes wider. (See design 4). In consequence of the divergence of the water at the widening of the bed a tongue of land is formed, which if the bed is straight is placed inaslightly convex form towards the lower part of the stream in a line nearly normal to the banks. This convexity continually increases in consequence of the excava- tion of the banks produced by the water flowing from the top of the ridge. The longer the tongue of land, and the smoother the water, the nearer be- come the water-threads to a direction normal to the banks, in consequence of which the excavation and the widening of the bed is increased. 29 The spring water advancing with great power of inertia on the central part of the tongue -of earth brings with it a mass of alluvion, so that in time an island is formed, the height of which increases from one end to the other. The difference between such a shallow or island and the shallow of a river flowing in meadow grounds, (see Plate II). is that the first has nearly always two submarine tongues, one at the beginning and the other at the end of each arm; the second has only one submarine tongue, or when the bank is very irregular an indefinite number of them. The force of convergence is proportional to the active power of the moving water, therefore the united water-threads can keep on banks which are but slightly concave and at spring-tides even on convex banks when all the water- threads flow against all the sandy shallows. At low spring-tides the convergent current is limited to the concave parts of the banks and a larger concavity is always required to retain the line of the axis of the converging current directed along the channel. Accidental elevations on the submarine tongues of land may cause separa- tion and divergence of the water-threads and even the formation of isolated currents. On one of the attached plans (Plate II) are seen six dotted lines; these indicate the direction of the axes of the converging currents at the deep places and the most important depths above the elevations of the bed. The numbers I to VI correspond to the gradual lowering of the level of the water. Based on combinations confirmed by direct measurements we have pre- sented on Plate II, design 3 six longitudinal profiles of the water surface in the direction of the dotted axis-lines corresponding to the gradually descending levels of water. The increase of the superficial speed of the current and of the longitudinal slope of the water depends on the angmentation of the divergence of the water-threads, that is the flow of the water towards the wider parts of the bed. When the sandy tongues are submerged at high-water the middle parts of the deep places form eddies which extend to the extremities of the ele- vation. The divergence of the threads of the Spring-water begins at the point where the distance between the summits of the ridges commences to increase and near the point where the concavity of the bank ceases. (Point B on the plan). The divergence of the threads of the Spring water induces a descent of the water-level below the shallows, which extending a little upstream increases the slope of the lower part of the deep channels of the river. The convergence of the threads of the Spring water resulting from the lessening of the distance between the summits of the banks, begins about the middle of the shallows. The diminution of slope hereby caused extending over the entire sand-bank, gradually increases the current in descending to the middle of the deep part. The longitudinal profile resulting herefrom has in the depths a concave form. 30 After the high-water has flown off and the Sandy tongues of land are dry the current encounters an obstacle formed by the masses of soil brought down by the spring water and deposited on the upper part of the shallow. The sandy alluvion of the upper part of the stream gradually disappears under the influence of the bottom current and re-appears at the lower end of the shallow, where at the same time the fall of the water is considerably concentrated. In consequence of the drying of the deposits of sand, the point of division of the water-threads descends more and more down stream; therefore, the slopes below the deep parts and above the elevations are lessened. The dimi- nution of the slope at this part is caused also by eddies, which are the result of the accumulation of alluvion at the lower part of the shallows. On the shallow, and particularly on the summit of the tongues of land, there is a strong fall of water, the sleepness of which increases with the lowering of the level of the water; the position of this fall on the longitudinal section moves forward against the stream. So that, as the water lowers. the longitudinal profile of the shallow from being concave becomes gradually convex. The point of the strongest fall changes quickly after, the tongues of land become dry. It passes suddenly from below a deep part to a place below a shallow, then with a further lowering of the water it goes upstream, within the limits of the summit of the submarine tongue of land. The deposit of alluvion on the shallows is caused by the water at high tide extending over the tongues of land; the deposit diminishes as the level of the water is lowered, which results from the tongues laid dry diverting the water-threads towards the middle of the bed and thus causing a narrowing of the angle of their divergence. At the beginning of this movement, when the mass of water has sufficient power to displace large quantities of sand, the latter advance from the upper part of the shallows in the direction of the greatest speed towards lower part of the tongue or land (on our drawing on the right bank near the point B). The increase of the summit of the submarine tongue at the point indicated serves to turn the water in another direction (to the left) adding on one side to the curve of the channel and on the other side to its depth and to the intersection of the upper part of the submarine tongue. To this cause must be attributed the well-known phenomena of the deepening of shallows with a lowering of the level of the water. After examining the direction of the fluvial currents, resulting from the con- figuration of the ridges of the banks and the influence of these currents on the form of the bed, we can determine with precision the form of bank which corresponds best with the requirements af navigation and assists to the forma- tion of a deep and constant channel. We have already seen that in order to keep the converging current of the channel on the concave bank, the latter must have a sufllciently developed and continuous curve. Therefore the naturel parts must be provided with a 31 dressing, projections must be cut down and hollows covered by regulating dikes, connected by transversel planks with the bank, the object of which is to prevent the water threads at high tide extending across the dike and for- ming behind at a converging current capable of excavating the bank and increasing the dimensions of the hollows. There is no converging current at the inflexions of the bed; there are, so to speak, not even banks, for at these parts the bed being placed at nearly a right angle to the tops of the banks is limited on one side by the parts of the river downstream and on the other by those upstream. In order to form in the inflexions of the bed a longitudinal cavity, durable and of sufllcient depth it is necessary to have a converging current and for this purpose, taking as a basis the combinations which we have shown, we must create an artifi- cial bank, the direction of which must always intersect the flowing threads; therefore, the banks should always be so constructed that the tangents of their curves form at every point angles with the direction of the converging current. The concave bank must have, as far as possibe, a concave form, but it may have a certain convexity at the place where, projecting into the bed, it inter- sects the direction of the threads. The length of the artificial bank should be so fixed that the converging current directed by it, not expanding at low- water may reach the concavity of the opposite bank, where the water having flown off the rongue of earth has already formed a converging current. As the extremety of the artificial bank is intended to direct the threads at low- water, the height of the bank at this part should be as little as possible, in order not to provoke a superfluous eddy at high water. The foot of the arti- ficial bank, if it is submerged, should be constructed in masonry up to the top of the bank, and when it is not under water to the highest water-level. I11 order to join easely the artificial with the natural bank, the foot of the first must be in masonry at the part where the concavity decreases. As the object of the artificial bank is to prevent the water flowing off on one side, to form a convergence of the water-threads, and to return them near to it, a suitable style of regulation must be selected and a proper position and profile given to it. To retain the current of the channel along the bank the most suitable system is found to the groins laid slantingly with their top against the current; as the water-threads not only follow the shape of the tops but endeavour to cross over them and wet each head on both sides. The upper part of the artificial bank wich serves to throw back the spring water-threads from the convexity of the natural bank can be best preserved from excavation by the construction of a longitudinal dike attached by trans- verse work to the bank. Sharp sloping banks contribute to the retention of a convergent current along the banks, while slight slopes induce divergence of the water-threads and the formation of a bottom current; for this reason, it is necessary to give a sharp slope to the heads of the groins laid along the converging current. In an arrangement with fascines on the Dnieper and on the Pripet at 32 summer low-water wo gave the part or the heads above water an incline almost vertical and placed the fascines with their thick ends upwards. This arrangement of the upper part of the heads of the groins is of great service in preventing as much as possible injury to the fascine work by the number of enormous floats which drift about without any order. If the slope of the heads be steep the converging stream directed downwards hollows out the bottom to a great extent; to prevent this a layer of facines of large dimensions is placed under the heads, so that deep excavations cannot occur. Danger of collision from vessels is less when the bank is steep, than when it is at a soft incline. Notwithstanding the active navigation both by day and by night on the comparatively small channel of the Pripet it has, up to the present never happened that a steamer or any other vessel has run againt the heads on the concave bank. This is due to the fact that the converging cur- rent allong the steep bank carries the vessel away from the bank and prevents any collision, even if the distance of the vessel from the bank be small. A configuration of the bank in a soft incline would cause the water-threads to drive against the banks, and the vessel would run aground. The bottom ends of the groins may be unbedded in the sand-banks, but in order to prevent to hollowing out of the tongues of land by the spring current, the bottom ends of the groins must be prolonged to the bank and arranged perpendicularly to the convex bank. They will form a curve as shown on Sketch 3, Plate II and their height should correspond with the height of the projected bank, gradually diminishing as it descends the current. It cannot be doubted that with a configuration of converging bank as represented on Sketch 3, Plate II a deep cavity is formed in the length of the river-bed, its depth will, however, be less than the depth of the two united current situated lower downstream, so that the form of the bank does not provide a complete equalisation of depths. In order to lessen the depth at the parts mentioned of the concave bank and at the same time to protect the foundation from being hollowed out by the concentrated current, erections, as shown by dotted lines in the plan may be applied, giving them a down- stream direction, and thus change the converging current which is directed downstream into a diverging one which tends upwards. In thus profiting of the bottom elevations there is no danger of an increase of the hollowing of banks, for the depths forming in the bottom beyond the elevations are of but small width. The soil which is hollowed out is carried away by the diverging threads. and heaped up at the foot of the bank, giving it a slight incline. In reviewing the measures to be taken in the construction of a projected bank, it may be accepted as a rule that it is advisable to lengthen the con- cave banks and to advance the convex extremities In the bed; the projection of the upper part of the convex bank should be developed as much as possible. 33 There is no fear of any danger arising from the retention of the water by the artificial bank, as the height of the bank does nos exceed that of the elevation situated lower downstream in the direction D E (Plate II). An eddy of the spring waters is formed above the shallows and the eddies in the depths are proportionately diminished, so that the lower concave section of the high tides approaches the natural straight configuration, and the slope and the surface speed become more regular. After the excavation of the submarine sandy reach along artificial bank, the eddy of the summer water will diminish, the surface will extent upstream over the lower part of a depth and down- stream over the upper part of another depth. Nevertheless, the surface of the summer water concentrates, itself at the sharp curve of the banks, as this causes a strong eddy. This concentration of the slope on the deepened shoals preserves the neightbouring depths from the undesirable transference upon them of the fall of the water, which often occurs in the application of the system of retaining the water for the regulation of the bed. The rule laid down for the advancement of the extremities of concave banks in the bed has been practically applied in the regulation of the bed of the Pripet, as we have shown in a previous report to the assembly of Russian hydrostatical Engineers. Primitively, the width given to the projected bed of the Pripet was the considerable one of 200 m., and for the execution of the work groins were built on each bank. These works were done in 1884 and 188 5. But the parts of the least depth moved from the shallows to the curves of the bed. This result is inevitable, for, after the narrowing of the bed, when the direction of the banks is divergent a divergence of threads and a deposit of alluvion always ensues. Therefore it was necessary to narrow the bed gradually up to the concavities by advancing the groins; and this explains why the lengthening of the groins situated above the concave bank has no influence on the deepening of the shallows; whereas the advancement of the groins at the extremi'y of the opposite bank produces at once a deepening of the channel and constancy in its position, especially as the number of bottom elevations is increased by the construction of intermediate groins. The correctness of the rule has also been confirmed by the construction of groins on the Dnieper above Kiev, where in order to deepen the entrance to the port of the town it was found necessary to advance considerably the extremity of the slightly concave left bank into the bed. The shape of bank and the position of the groins as represented on Plate II have been applied to the regulation of the Pripet on the sandbank Proghnoiski, to which, however, so much developement has not been given on the converging bank in order to avoid the expensive powerful strengthening of the opposite bank, for which a considerable depth was not necessary. After the configurations described had been made in the course of the Pripet near Tschernobyl on four sand-banks, the depth at the inflexions of the canal was I. 5 times more than was desired if the summer water-level be taken as a basis. No unfavourable results to the neighbouring parts were 84 caused, for a great part of the slope remained on the regulated reach, and this on account of the eddies formed by the projections of the banks. It is also, to be observed that these projections are far from being deve- loped to the extent shown on Plate II; therefore, if a later deepening of the bed became necessary, the convergence of the water could be strengthened by strengthening the basis of the opposite banks. Thus the explanation given of the positions of fluvial currents is quite confirmed by the data obtained in practice, the manifestation of which preceded the theoretical explanation and gave cause to examinations, observations and generalisation of the subject. In order to have a considerable and stable deepening of the bed it is necessary to give to the concave bank a regular form and a sufficient curve, and by an artifial lengthening to conduct the water to the concavity of the opposite bank, which has to be treated in the same manner. With this the inflexions of the bed disappear and we obtain banks alternatively concave on each side. These banks may be designated conductors of the converging water-threads and of the channel. Up to the present we have spoken of concave banks, by the development of which the inflexions of the bed can be obviated. The formation of such banks is the principal means of regulating the current in the interests of steam navigation; we must, however, also consider the opposite lying banks against which the bottom current flows. The bottom current rising on the slight slopes reaches the upper beds of water and is transformed into an upper current, which with the threads converging towards the channel forms a channel-cur- rent near the concave banks. In view of the transformation of bottom-current into an upper-current, care must be taken that the water diverges proportion- ately along the convex bank, so that the divergence arises of the threads from the channel which is winding and of diminishing depth. A particular obstacle to the uniforme divergence of water along slightly sloping banks is the side-arms by which the bottom current flows away, depriving the principal converging current of its threads, and, thus, diminish- ing the convergence of the water towards the channel; in consequence of which may be caused a divergence in the channel and even its entire ces- sation. The sanding of the arms has often been observed; this is a consequence of the phenomenon described and is the reason why the side-arms should be closed. By these arms we understand those of which the direction, when they sepa- rate from the principal bed, does not accord with the direction of its current, flows into a side arm and is then changed into a converging current near to one of the banks. Besides the side-arms in the banks the transformation of the bottom current into an upper current arises from the increase in the slight slope of the convex bank, when the bottom current, flowing to a considerable distance from the 35 channel ceases to supply it to a suflicient degree with converging threads, from which results a diminution of convergence, increase of the distance of the channel from the concave bank, divergence of the upper water-threads and a deposit of alluvion. This phenomenon is principally observed on the shallows at widenings of the bed. Even a considerable narrowing of the bed at these parts produces no impro- vement and the channel has neither the desired depth nor a permanent posi- tion. That is because artificial narrowing iufluences the consequence and not the cause. The widening of the bed is not the primitive cause of the sanding and instability of the channel; the cause is the irregular distribution of the currents of the river. In narrowing the bed by advancing the two banks con- verging currents are created on each bank and the channel cannot possibly maintain a durable position near to one of them, and so flows in irrugular curves from one bank to the other under the influence of the changes taking place on the neighbouring parts of the river and the rising and falling of the water-level. Parallel, or nearly parallel lines look very well on the plan, but are in reality not applicable, as the idea on which they are based is in contradiction to the laws of movements of currents in rivers. According to plans of regula- tion works executed or several foreign rivers it is seen that in these the channel deviates systemattically from the position expected, that the windings of the channel are arbitrary and temporary, that the channel often extends to the convex banks and the concavities are covered with alluvion in the form of moving tongues of land. These consequences of the application of the system of hydraulic obstruction on the shallows will be understood if we examine the influence which the elevations advancing from the extremity of the convex bank has on the bottom current. The bottom current reaching the heads of the groins cannot turn towards the concave bank, but is inevitably changed into a converging current descending towards the bottom, rushing towards the elevations and excavating holes in them. Then becoming again a bottom current it diverges, carrying the excavated soil into the channel, which in this way is not only not deepe- ned, but may become sanded up. The groins confining the width of the diverging current in a fan-like form can only increase the flow of water towards the channel at a certain distance downstream; they must therefore not be constructed nea.r to the tops of the submarine tongues, but are of much more use when situated at the commencement of the shallows. The arrange- ment and the profile of the groins near the convex bank must be quite diffe- rent to the extremity of the concave bank, for their purpose is not to attract the current of the channel, but on the contrary to direct it towards the opposite bank, and, in particular, to reduce the angle of divergence of the threads of the bottom current, so that it can be sooner changed into an upper current, which increases the divergence near the tops of the tongues. For this reason these groins must be inclined downstream, their extremities directed 86 against the current and their slope very slight. The arrangement of the groins near the tongues downstream, just where a diminution of convergence is desirable, in order to prevent the excavation of the bottom towards the con- cave bank. However, in order to utilise the watér-threads and to return them more quickly to the channel, submerged works may be erected on the convex bank, parallel to the bank. (Similar to those shown on Plate II). It is to be supposed that such works in changing the longitudinal direction of the bottom current into a transverse one may accelerate the transformation of this current of upper water-threads into a current directed towards the channel. In a natural bed the convergence and divergence of the water are unequal. In the depths we observe a converging current and on shallows of great extent a diverging current. The tendency of the regulation of the bed should be to promote a proportionate partition of these currents along the river, to accomplish which the current should be directed by a suitable construction of the banks, in such way that a converging and a diverging current is ob- tained in every transverse profile It is in the interests of navigation to have a converging current all along the river, and, for this reason great care should be taken in transforming the diverging currents on extensive elevations into converging currents; but, it is also necessary to attend to the conformitv of the divergence of the bottom current by reducing as required the angles of the divergence of the threads, as will as to the increase or their divergence in the depths in causing submerged erections. Narrowing of the bed is of no use and is only the consequence of the advancing of the guiding bank in the bed on the shoals themselves, and of the concave bank above the shoals. The theory exposed concerning the directions of river currents and the rules which have been deduced for the rational regulation of rivers are founded on observations on the effect of regulating works, observations on the movement of floats and, generally on any Objects floating on the water, on examinations of the forms of river-beds and on the transference of allu- vion. A part of these observations has confirmed the correctness of the rules deduced; and the results gathered by means of the formulae of dynamics likewise prove the exactitude of the theory. Nevertheless, for the develope- ment of this scientific theory in the interests of regulation works and in order to obtain principles which are exactly in accordance with reality for the mathematical treatment of hydrodynamics, it is requisite that future observa- tions on the directions and positions of water-threads be more exact. Up to the present such observations could not be made for want of suitable instru- ments. We must consider that it has hitherto been impossible to determine exactly the direction of a current even in an upper bed of water, since the direction of the movement of a float is, as explained above, not in exact accordance with the direction of the water-threads. Therefore, in order to become an exact science, hydraulics demands instruments by which the direc- 37 tion of the movement of water at all points of the transverse section of the bed may be determined. To determine the direction of the wind a fane or weathercock is used, and a similar apparatus may also serve for the direction of water-threads ; still, the construction of such an instrument for use in water must be of a much more complicated nature, than that of an aerial fane, and the observation of the water-threads much more difificult. The aerial fane indicates the direction of the wind in an horizontal surface while a submarine fane must show the direction of the movement of the water at the same time horizontally and vertically. The deviations in the directions of water-threads are made slowly and are weak, it is, therefore, necessary that the instrument of measurement be very sensitive and exact. The principal difliculty is, however, the fixing and arrangement of the submarine apparatus and the observation of its indi- cations. However securely a vessel may be layed to with anchors and ropes, there always exists some swinging and rotative motion, which is the result of the force of the current, of the wind or even caused by the moving about of the people on board. For this reason the placing and using of the apparatus on a boat would afford inexact and even quite erroneous results. It is impos- sible to take direct observations of the movement of the submarine fane. The use of instruments for the transmission of the movements is however diflicult, because they hinder the free working of the fane and reduce its sensitiveness. These observations show that such an apparatus must not but of ordinary construction, but must, to answer its purpose be of a very complicated nature. Researches made by a submarine fane should be executed, as faraspossible, on an extensive scale, in order that exact deductions may be made from the observations taken, leaving on one side accidental influences, which often so complicate the phenomenon observed that it seems to be at first sight out of all rule and subject to no definite laws. Thus, for example, in order make clear the two kinds of currents in the fluvial bed we have said that a part of the section is occupied by converging and the other part by bottom or divergent water-threads. In reality, however, it may happen that a convergence appears at several places and a divergence may exist not only at two points, but at many points of a section. In order to discover the causes of these complications we must examine them with exactitude and in detail by means of repeated measurements at points near to one another and on several adjacent transverse sections of the bed. For the execution of such examinations the writer of the present report has projected two submarine fanes, one of wich is complete, and is found to be quite suitable for its purpose. Designs of it are attached (See Plates VI, VII, and VIII). It is composed of two steel arms A A, perpendicular to each other, fixed across a steel rod P, which moves vertically, as well as horizon- tally. To equalise the wings of the fane a leaden weight 15’ in the form of a cone is placed at the other extremity of the rod. 38 A brass tube T serves as axis for the horizontal movement, with a conical steel stop D at its lower end. The axis for the vertical movement passes through the diameter E of this tube. The inner axis of the rests in a suppor- ting steel socket S, fixed inside a brase ring Z. The ring Z ' screwed into the lower end of the iron tube U, which serves as base for all the apparatus. The brass tube passes through the centre of this supporting tube, so that the geometrical axes of both agree. To the upper part of the principal tube, as also to its lower part a bronze arch I is screwed at the upper extremity of which is a steel screw with ‘a point and K supporting the upper part of the middle tube. Such a submarine fane gives the movement of a water-thread in horizontal as well as in vertical diretions. The needle A shows the horizontal deviation. This needle is fixed to the centre tube and to the index ./I! on the principal tube. The water-thread having turned the wing of the the fane to the right or to the left, turns the middle tube and consequently the needle, which shows on the index the extent of the angle of deviation of the thread. By means of the rod H and the index 0, the needle indicates the vertical deviations of the threads. Both of these parts of the apparatus are fixed on the middele tube; the needle moves on the axis and the index is immo- vable. The vertical movements of the fane are transmitted to the needle by two brass wires N N of equal length running parallel to one another from the bend -of the rod of the fane to the needle. The correction and extension of the brass wires is effected by means of screw-couplings P P. ‘For placing the fane at the desired depth the principal tube is marked out in centimeters in colours. To set the apparatus according to the profile designated by the indicators on the bank pinules C are used attached to the side of the upper part, and for placing it vertically a level G is employed which is fixed on a horizontal index. The entire length of the apparatus is about 6 m., so that it can be placed in the water to a depth of 5 m. For placing the fane we take a support with three legs which carries a rectangular frame of hollow iron tubes, and is made of oak or other heavy, solid wood. The supporting table has iron plates at its sides, with projecting ends which serve as holes for the feet. The feet are coated at the sides on all their length with iron and are fixed in the holes by means of compressing screws 22 22 a. To prevent the feet sinking in the soft ground small iron cups .5‘ SS are fixed at their extremities. These cups resting on their sharp edges prevent the supports from slipping on stony soil. In order that the supports may not separate from each other more than is desirable they are joined at about half their height by ropes fibé. The ends of these ropes are free, so that when the apparatus is placed in the water they may be pulled or slacke- ned as required for the alteration of the position of the feet. The frame by means of which the fane is let down is fixed on the upper 89 part of the support by means of a double hinge r so that it can move freely. On the principal frame a small frame 2’ moves up and down on rollers. This small frame has two cramp-irons e 2. A similar cramp-irion is placed on the upper part of the principal frame g. The tube of the fane is placed in these three cramp-irons. To keep the tube in a vertical position three tin cords zzz issue from the lower part of the frame, each of which passes over the pullies 22 at the end of the supporting feet, passing thence upwards along the foot towards the winders and ratchet-wheels 222'. By winding up or unwin- ding these three cords the fane is kept in a vertical position. For raising and for letting down the fane a cord 12 is used issuing from the frame 21’, which turns with the apparatus. The card passes over the pulley A which is fixed to the upper part of the large frame to the winder /2’. For observations to be made in one single place at different depths it is not necessary to rearrange the pinules each time an observation be taken, as the tube of the fane can be fixed to the cramping-irons 22 by the screws 22 22 at the commencement of the observations. In order to give greater wheight to the apparatus, with the view of obtai- ning greater fixety, a cylindrical iron reservoir 2 is suspended by a pulley in the middle of the upper plate and underneath it. This reservoir can be filled with water and emplied by means of an opening and a valve. For the transport and fixing of the fane and the supports two boats are required, fitted with scaffolding as seen on the sketch. Scaffolding of 3.5 m. in height is sufficient to lift the supports out of the water. The lifting and lowering is effected by means of a small windlass or capstan placed on the bridge at the after part of the boat. Moveable platforms at each side of the apparatus serve as standing places for the observers and are so elevated as to be always near the upper end of the tube and in view of the indices, The same windlass or capstan which works the apparatus also raises the platforms. For this purpose are attached to the principal cable at point .5’ two side cables, which travel together over a fixed pulley T with three wheels, placed at the top of the scaffold, thence under the pulleys D D, over the pulleys E E and then descend to the platform. For lifting and laying out the anchors a small boat is required. The arrangement of the boats is shown on the plan. With the aid of this apparatus measurement was effected in the months of September and October 1893 of the direction of water-threads on the Dnieper at jekaterinoslaw. The results of these observations are embodied in a special report. Inscriptions les Plancles. PLANCHE I. Les courants divergent. ,, ,, convergent. PLANCHEIH. Vert. Jaune. Rose. Rouge. Facade. Profils longitudiuaux. Monille. Bane de sable. A un niveau élevé de printernps. A un has niveau de printemps. A un niveau élevé d’été. Au niveau d’étiage. A un niveau bas. Au niveau d’eau le plus bas. PLANOHE III. Embouchure du bras . . . . Embouchure du golfe et an prin- ternps du torrent Starik. Digue conductrice des fils d’eau. Cnlée fluviale. ,, du bord. Quai. Culée riveraine. Les inscriptions sur les profils des plans . . . désignent le nombre de minutes écoulées du départ des flotteurs du premier profil. Les inscriptions sur les profils des vitesses désignent la vitesse en sagenes en une seconde. Signes conventionnels. Lnnrnvsm. Inchriften IIBI‘ Zeichnmnen. BLATT I. Die Stromungen laufen auseinander. ,, ,, ,, zusammen. 'BLATTiL Griin. Gelb. Rosa. Roth. Aufriss. Langsprofile. Tiefes VVasser. Sandbank. Bei hohem Friilijahrswasser. ,, niedrigem ,, ho hem Sommerwasser. niedrigstem ,, VVasserstande. dem niedrigsten ,, BLATT III. Miindung des Armes. llliindung des Golfes und im Friih- ling des 'Wildstromes Starik. Leitditmme fiir die Striimung. Flusspfeiler. Landpfeiler. Uferdamm. Landpfeiler. Die Inschriften auf den Profilen . geben die Anzahl welche seit niedrigem der Plane . . der Minuten Abgang der Schwimmer des ersten Profiles verstrichen sind. Die Inschriften auf den Geschwin- digkeitsprofilen geben die Ge- schwindigkeit in Saschenen per Sekunde an. an, Zeichenerklarung. llesniptlun of the Plates. \\\\\ \'\ PLATE I. The currents diverge. ,, ,, converge. PLATE II. Green. Yellow. Rose. Red. Elevation. Longitudinal sections. Deep water. Sand-bank. High spring level. 77 I‘) High summer ,, Low-water level. At a low level. At lowest level. PL ATE III. Mouth of the branch stream . . . . Mouth of the gulf and rapids of Starik in spring. Dike regulating the current. Abutment in the river. ,, on shore. Wh&1‘f. Abutment on the bank. The references in the sections of the projections. . . . indicate the number of minutes spent from the departure of the floats of the first section. The sections showing the speed indicate the references on the speed in sa_q2‘:ncs per second. Conventional signs. 2 PLANCHE IV. Plan de disposition des ondes sur le Dniépre à. Kief dressé selon les recherches faites en Avril 1892, a un niveau + 1,09 Sagène de la tringle de Phydromètre du pont suspendu. Profils des vitesses. Limite naturelle de Natalka. Voies des flotteurs. Crue de Peau au niveau du prin- temps. Démarcation a un niveau bas. Crête du bord. Direction de la rotation des flot- teurs, les chiffres marquent le nombre de tours entre les deux profils voisins. Travaux couverts d’eau. Flotteur au diamètre de . . . Les chiffres vitesses marquent la vitesse des sur les profils des flotteurs en sagènes en une se- conde. PLANCHE V. Plan de la direction des fils d’eau et profils de la direction des flotteurs a Pexpiration d’in.ter- valles de temps égaux. Les chiffres sur les profils de direc- tion des flotteurs marquent les minutes écoulées depuis le départ à. partir du premier. (Pour les autres inscriptions, voir les traductions „ Planche IV”.) PLANCHE VI. Dessin de la girouette sous-marine, 1/2 de la grandeur naturelle. Section de Pextrémité du tuyau par l’axe. Vue de la partie postérieure. (loupe par la ligne (4-1). BLATT IV. Darstellung der Wellenbewegung auf dem Dnjepr bei Kiew, auf- genommen nach im April 1892 bei einem Wasserstande + 1,09 Saschene meter der Hängebrücke ange- stellten Beobachtungen. Geschwindigkeitsprofile. Natürliche Grenze von Natalka. Weg der Schwimmer. VOIl am Hydro- Hochwasser im Fruhjahr. Begrenzung bei niedrigem Wasser- stande Uferkamm. Richtung der Drehung der Schwim- mer, die Zifiern geben die Anzahl der Umdrehungen zwischen zwei benachbarten Profilen an. Kunstbauten unter Wasser. Schwimmer mit einem Durchmesser von . . . . Die Zahlen auf den Geschwindig- keitsprofilen geben die Geschwin- digkeit der Schwimmer in Sa- schenen per Sekunde an. BLATT V. Richtung der Strömung und Pro- file der Richtung der Schwimmer nach Verlauf gleichmässiger Zeit- intervallen. Die Ziffern auf den Profilen der Richtung der Schwimmer geben die Anzahl der welche seit Abgang des ersten Minuten an ‚ verflossen sind. (Die übrigen Inschriften Uebersetzung zu Blatt IV.) siehe BLATT VI. Zeichnung des Strömungsanzeigers % der natürlichen Grosse Querschnitt des aussersten Röhrenen- des durch die Achse. Ansicht des hinteren Theiles. Schnitt in der Linie n—-b. PLATE IV. Projection of the state of the waves on the Dnieper at Kiev drawn up from investigations made in April 1892, at a level of 1.09 sagéne above the rod of the hy- drometer of the suspension bridge. Sections showing the speed. Natural limit of Natalka. Ways taken by the floats. Water-level during spring floods. Limit at a low level. Top of the bank. Direction taken by the floats in rotation, the figures indicate the number of turns between the two neighbouring sections. VVorks under water. Float of a diameter of . . . . The figures on the sections showing the speed mark the speed of the floats in saqünes per second. PLATE V. Projection of the direction of the current and sections of the direc- tion taken by the floats at regular intervals. The figures on the sections showing the direction taken by the floats mark the minutes that elapse after the departure of the first. (For other references see transla- tions under Plate IV.) PLATE VI. Sketch of the submarine vane, half actual size. Section of the extremity of the tube made by the bed of the river. Vue of the back. Section at the line a-b. PLANCHE VII. Elévation de cote. Vue de devant. Dessin du support de la girouette sous-marine. Section du pied de support. _ Elévation de cote, 1/12 de la grandeur naturelle. PLANOH E VIII. Dessin concernant le projet de la girouette sous-marine. Chaland et structure pour le trans- port et le posage de la girouette sous-marine. Plan schématique du posage du chaland par rapport an jalon. Pin. Chéne. Fer. Fonte. Vue de devantj Inscriptions souoent répétées. Bras. Dessin. Pile. Mesures. 1 sagene : 2,13 111. : 3 arsjines. 1 arsjine : 0,71 m. T. 16 verchoes. 1 verchoc : 0.0444 m. 3 BLATT VII. Seitenansicht. Vorderansioht. Zeichnung des Stéinders des Strt5— mungsauzeigers. Querschnitt des Stiinderfilsses. Seitenansicht 1/12 der natiirlichen Grtisse. BLATT VIII. Zeichnung das Project eines Str6— mungsanzeigers hetretfend. Schute nebst Vorrichtung Transport und zur Aufstellung des Stromungsanzeigers. Skizze der Aufstellung der Schuten mit Hinsicht auf die Bake. Tannenholz. Eichenholz. Eisen. Zl1II1 Gusseisen. Vorderansioht. H1'i:.r/ig wiederholle A2(sd’r1'lc/ce. Arm (eines Flusses). Zeichnung. Pfeiler. M aasse. 1 Sasehenc: 2,13 m.: 3 Arschinen. 1 Arschine :0,71 ,, : 16 Werschok. 1 VVerschok :: 0,0444 n1. PLATE VII. Elevation of the side. Front view. Sketch of the support of the sub‘ marine fane. Section of the foot of the support. Elevation of the side 1/12 actual size. PLATE VIII. Sketch relating to the project of the submarine fane. Barge and arrangement for the transport and fixing in posi- tion of the submarine fane. Projection of the scheme for the fixing in position of the stake. Pine. Oak. Iron. Cast-iron. ' W ords f)"e(~/21011 ily repeated. Branch. Sketch. Pile, pier. 11/Jeasmws. 1 sagene : 2.13 m. :: 3 arsjines. 1 arsjine : 0.71 m. :: 16 verchocs. 1 vercl1oc_ : 0.0444 111. Qeooin 1. ..____==== ._.__-.__-____-~_._._ . V . . _ .-___‘-‘_ -_.__- _‘ ___._.___.__.__-_._-_-___._ ___._-...__- _.-...._. _ --_—-""'-=—'."—-—~'-"—-Y"-‘-4*.->;<‘"\\\“ ' ‘_ .,i n' 1} .1 - ...__=:—-’_ - '_ -___ _— _ _.._._;__._ ._ ____ ‘ u.- __.._.__' ....___..._____—_-.~__.__ ‘ --_\ 3111.!‘ __ ___=:;:;—-“ \ \\ ;1|;'h'|l T-L, ,.__r-__ , —: wl§r';' 1 V, < V .',/‘lllllll '.—'/ ['8 <;. P’ , / /’ // ////' //,1 ’ '1‘,////I , ' 1/ /,,///'// //// I///5//' //}/, -__...-._--_-‘‘-~-'. -- .._.._ ____,_._-____.__ _.___.-..,__..__. ...-_____-__.'..._...._ ..__._._. _'.:'£I=‘~ __-m _>--_’---'_ -.._—__- _,. -1~ ~ ' ‘ .__.._.__._ ______-_~_- -.__.-___....\-. \ ileooi/vs ’ 3| L615‘ £01:/'¢z7z.z‘.v. S Planche N°. 1. Sur le rapport des Dessin. Plan. \\ Qæèäç, - \\\~\-;_<~‘ Plan. Dessin. —.-.* Vert. . sur. ‘Hpc’? i” p1 .lfi\’M!1\|liilfllLi'.1'lJ Ec/zelle pour les flotteurs 1/10 de la grandeur naturel/e. -—-' Dessin 4. Disposition normale d’un ‘bas-fond sur un fleuve aux bortis insublnergibles. "_..—_-, ‘ä ’ s ‘a \ \ \ ‘ ’ \~ ’/ . I ‘ _ ~ . . - . ’ -——--‘ ‘ . / -‘ courants fluviaux. et de la forme du lit fluvial. ‘ .___ “.- Mouille. r"--- .--.._...-_'--......-.._-.. Dessin. Forme normale d’un haut-fond dans une rivière de sol sablonneux . — q ---..'—-——-o“' - --- —--— _“ '~' P--_-~ r...,.-.-_.-..---..-...--q ..--_- -. .--.-.-‘_---..-—- ,.--__-——.-_ et aux bords submergés. 993%. r’-n’-*-'-\'.-:::: - v __.;s \ ‘s W_:__~Z:: \ \’ _-__ ‘\‘ ~ ä...‘ s ‘\ 5 _ \ s 4"‘ æ I ,1 .,/" 1;‘.-¢anfl" PROFILS LONGITUDINAUX. Banc de sable. A un niveau élevé de präntenzps. l I l I I A un fins niveau de printemps. 1.--} L.__I Planche N°. I I . ' i""‘~F ': L. 15.-“ v PLANS DE LA DISPOSITION DES FILS D'EAU profils des vitesses et positions des flotteurs?! Pexpiratlon des Intervalles de tumps égaux de leur flottement depuis le 10" profil sur le Dnlépre près du pont suspendu Nicolas N 3 I (L , . N°11 dressés suivant les recherches fnîtes en aÿvril et mai 188G ù un horizon + 1,45 et + 0,93 selon la tringle ,du pont suspendu. 9 I 6 ' v ' I v = op. . - 6 ‘ 3km C/£1/¢ et au, punie m 0 tonne, ni, Stank \\\\"\\a \|\ , Ëmaoucituvc du oefe M IY -'-.-.-..._I. 8.“ V, —————— ._ __ ‘\ _ __ ',n-._.._.;_,_d_ bQIO-----__ \\\§ x «À ï / p —«—-*-'°*"':::::'""" x“ .. / / __ ' l V _ - "F/-/' _______,_...------H-E:>--l‘_______om ' 1:}: \ I --------- _-------»----"1 i---7--—-’®X Ï o M .-3,»----u ---- ——'0Xl r / W---mm n- --—--mm \ mm . ‘Ïm .fè__._-_——--—--- > m ‘HI III k I l {SIÂIÀJ û ‘Û cL- Ë; ‘on F“ d C1? s e» ï en C?) Photoflthogr, procédé Ir. B. J. Amy. STEENDRUKKERIJ 1‘/h. AJIAND, Ami. Signée co"/ve’1’V|:'i’o"M4’z/L9: ‘ Remarque: Les inscriptions sur 1:5 profil: dz: plan: Itttrc I) rlésxlgnenl le rwmbre dz minute: [coulées (in départ des fltlficîll‘: du ]>rnn1'e/'1)/vfil. ___.______ 2 minutes. ._ ,._ 10 minutes Prqfik de la poxilion de: flotlmr: pour les plan: 50 m.. sur 0,01 m. sagènzs ~ Les inscnptzbns sur 1:: profils des vitesses dlsignmt 1a vitase en sagènzs en um semnde 4 I2 » à I’ ex;tiratz'an- ' ———————— —-— ------- m“. ' , 100 o 7 100 200 “00 0o - , ..,_‘._.._.._. ô _______ marche dt: flatteurs. Q‘?/FLQ/£’£§’/O . ht-O-H-‘în ï '. : : Ê - g _ g J; j? 47"‘) "' *_ _______ ____ 8 Q flol/ML pour les prqfils n'es 21116:3“ 2,00 m. mr 0,0! m .> ll .- ll|lI[ 4L0“. Î . 0 4,00 8,qo l2,Q0 m, I ‘ ‘j Üfamcaüe IV. Plan de la dlsposltlon des ondes sur le’ Dniépre à Kjef. dressé selon les recherches faites en avril 1892, à un niveau + 1.09 sagène de la tringle de Phydromètre du pont suspendu. êcûeaz au pïan 100 m. par 0.01 m. :00 100 0 200 400 000 m‘ — ù+ -— ~+ - l J ëofwfle 9m ‘ptofifo 30: viteooeo. I m. par 0,005 m. 2 00 0 2.00 4.00 0.00 8.00 10.00 }—H—O—0—0 I +— —+_ ._Q—4 -_..__ _..---_ I‘ 3 ‘ ÆZÎÏÆ-Ïèfçäîfigi .. ‘ . . A I .- éx/p{1"oa€/ion-. 3go Digne): . - U ' /' voies des flotteurs‘. crue‘ de l'eau au niveau du primtemps + 1,00 sagènes. Dtmarmtion à un niveau [ms de - 0,80 sagéne. (rite du âord. Direction de la rotation des flotteurs et les r/qfres marquent le nombre de tours entre les deux profil: voisiru. jbrafils des vitesses. _ _-_ tmz/aux rmaurt: d ‘eau. œ c’ flatteur au diamètre de (v zinc/tors. Q O jiotteurs au diamètre de I arc/u'ne é’ vert/tors. ‘Li I " v‘ _ l Qoa-u-g-c-d-"ÏM .. v V . d - ' ‘ _ -__-'. 4 1 ‘ __'_“ , . v _ V, . (‘(3 Les r/ufre: sun les profils de: vitesses marquenl la vitesse des "n" ' n" , "'" ' _ » , . '_ , _ ' . flotteurs en sagèrtes en une seconde. _‘-’-“ fi‘ 14- STZRQDR UKKERIJ 0/h. AMAND‘ Amt. éS)"[:CM/L Ea /(<1 91'~wc'/61'/014 9&0 / 1'/£0 9’acm/L at‘ pzzof-'vfo 29¢ ‘Ca Qiwc’éiow 900 flofiieuw {'<'/xpizativon B'in’CezvaH¢:> Ga tempo égaux Ea ‘awn 'f{oHe114ent 6» pa-zfiz Eu pzamiew pzof/W ow: fa Q)niépw d Jfief. l)ressc' xclon [es rec/zerc/zes faites 01 avril 1892 (‘I 202 niveau a"m1_¢ + 1,09 sngérles suz'7/ant la lring/6' ".9 d t 1 . Ea/zelle 100 m. par 00] 1‘ PO" suspem u ' 2 0 O0 7 . 1 O ggcg, .91‘, ._V__ O_‘_,__-,_W4 M _¢:<1pm \ F1 i Vuies des flotteurs _____-.._ De'marcat1'0n de l'eau a an nizwzu + 1.09 sagémx » zi -0,80 sagéne. .-.-»~---~_ créte du bard. ______ Ira:/aux sous l'eau. ' I Démarcation de l'eau 21 an niz/mu dc 0,80 sagémx —‘:] Crue [2 un m'2/eau + 1,14 sagénen. 0? _/iotteur diamc'trv 6 wrc/was. ,, ;-_ flotteur dz'arm>tm I arc/zine 8 1/err/zocs. I \_ — -11¢-uq ----- " __ . §~—’“‘-_...- - M‘ Lrs c/11fi‘re's sur 1:: })r0fi1: dc d:'rn'tion dm flotteurs marqumt /es nn'm'(tes écoulérs dw/1': le dvpar! 1'1 par/ir du />r¢'mz'¢’r ])r0fi/. natuzefle glataffia. Piancizc N“. VI. Dessin de la girouette sous-marine 1/8 de la grandeur naturelle. " - -» ‘ ' * -.31;-=~ O \ 5%‘ mm : mm ||||1m-'||ir|_':i:|_l F Vue de la ;hzrtz'e I/W de Cate, pastérzkure. Section de Z;€;t$'Z‘7’£'77ZZl‘€( rZ’a;»'e, —H-r ' . _ U Iii ' ‘ -mi .' I);-1-{iii r.. 1 liq, 0....‘ _/- .1-. 03‘! I ‘Hi H ,q|~ " '.v 1 ll ::-- ' - .' . ‘ . .u- I I W . -H EHLJI '__ ‘ 14“ H I ‘ '~ " ' 5 8 w// ‘ I ‘ .5 3" -_ - ""_-— _. . W _._.~._;—1 .;.~._—_- -4’ ’-':-;,..,_._‘y --".. ' __.. _ ' < : i H 5;- ‘-,~’-_~'.' ‘ _ V1 . __ E96” --// “ N Z - . ,_.‘ i .'f- “f: F-" '5, flfsgxsl ' _ < - If I ........ .. -._ \ ~ ~\_~:~.~‘;‘.':'~ ' Q 5 -\: ._. v \ | PG ,- _ ;-_'_ \ _ } ‘ IE3‘ \. \ .. .. \Q\\ PI“ . I ~ ' 3 5.- \; \ __.. .__., :-:21, ' 1 _ I321!‘ '.>—".-luwl -' W W V’ _ 5 ‘-\/, Ea/zelle ’/3 de la grandeur naturelle. Planche N°, V111 té Élévation de‘ cô Dessin du support de la Élévation de côte’. a .m n! a m S U O S e w Lb t W w s . o Mm, b .w d z g ,., a æ a, r W M Æ J” a .m r w m, C/w ,. Coupe par la Zigne f“ D. m’ ‘ï rififi] /2 ‘~’\__ /U\'/*/’ _1,u1v s49. Ec/zelle 1/18 de la grandeur naturelle. Ea/ze/Ze I/36 de la grandeur îzaturæl/ÏL”. Dessin concernant la pr0j et de la girouette sous-marine ' Plane’)? N"- VIII- Chalaml et structure pour le t1'a,nsp0rt et le posage de la girouette sous-mamine. v ._ "JV-‘ ; Cc... . _3 ‘ >-P<~‘;-1-\>-—. I _ - ‘I 2 ; ; I I “'5. w L1.‘ ‘-3 . ‘I \' I ";'.\|‘ fill . Q‘ .'.'.~'_,"' /_ >~"_'\'_‘ -‘ /v , \__ ¢--:: R -£.>'~"~ '-52.,-A _ '-’ ‘it ' ' '.- ' -_"'Z£‘ - -, r‘ *1‘ I ‘“-_-.>\__, \ =-I Vue de devant. -"\.<..1:...=', .. ‘ --: -~ .._. - if‘-',_p '__.-¢'f_¢=__. . ~¢_ ‘~\¥-\-‘W -=;=r>- ,-.. - 9 \ ,;J\__' a ' In fiyzw n, H __.__ _ .. fl'I(/ "' _ __--. -‘ -_' »" .-1‘ :-‘-7:?’ _ - ~ ' ' - "'“mI""~ 4 H53 : - '~/ Ziifl ‘ -T“ _“,_.=='a‘%--\l'-'\“x“Q’-T-I-, --—'~.,- ~.._\\\ f1"- 1‘? ' -— .' ‘ H-""1 "1; , ';';_.v:z_--%~‘-9 -9.‘-~“'1 -:~_- -_ :.;-‘.4---w’M _/I-*1,--__l~ ._\'_‘\~\ ____. = ._ -_ . . . - . . -__ \ _ m O 7 - _ ‘“~ 'L~--:_‘:.;~ - ' " - \ I ! _'-(.‘_" _'T_:’ :_ )‘ 1.,...¢:' I . “ ‘§“\?~_'~$_._v——— _ ___ -_ “~_. ‘I :,_,',~-/ "f~ 7//I . ' ' \' ‘d-_ ‘ /--f’'_' ..K_ ""_;"_ -.\\\ T‘ "’_<_,_,_-¢"“_E;-:2;--< ‘ ' “‘-~ I ' Q‘ \)-é.-’-__' .'/Q I ‘ ‘ I Y‘ I ; I ‘ 2 M " ~_ _ H I § > \~ \_ 4;-:ifl_s:H ‘ _ h v > ' -- -‘ ‘ H » I ' H ____ -- £ *1 $5;:;E‘_\,:\,-_\;_\§\f:_--';\‘I:_f~>.fi> ,\ _ >“~1 _______ _- . _" - . ' ‘ _ I ' '-'“~—_ ’ /_ ___'\'."/_';il’~"":‘ "' ___ j ' _' *1 _ _ ____' __ __ _ > - v x _ .._ __ ~\___ v; - ‘~- .. 0‘ la‘ ~-~~~»_l ______._ __~__~ ‘ _ H ""“" "“ “_-W " "' ./'4’;-~ cl W '_.~. - 1’-1 4/24;-i , ;.’_.;*::::7-' iv.» -= \_l -_. ==_. ._ _ ___ :\~-_-. r.__:I —~,\ ~__ . -—r ' M A . Y-.\'r"*_l~.\;:l'.- “.::’-"."-if-"Q ‘ ‘i ‘ Q“ _»~--...~-- .~ ‘“"~:_' . »~.v _ 1-__§~=f'__.:.’}v ‘''''‘p "N ' _ .Vv;‘=:6~':4. 15 ‘ . -_._.-_. -.2-..-4d _ l " ‘ ‘ ‘ > ". ”'v ' -~ , /’//~ _ ~ ~—-\_ ~ _ - - _', —-" _ ' - - .__-_ A \-§\ F L——--~‘::':~_-_:\:\‘ ~*~_-_ ’ " ' -- . . . . , W/*~ ,~ -‘ x. __ 11 _ ‘:,~~\ - ' '. . _ _ \ -‘ '3-E /1 - '\\\\ - ‘ \ __ fl?‘'.'__..;_-_''\ ‘ .-L. \ \-:\-\ -\_\ ' \\ .—.‘_—\_-‘n_ / / x‘ \\1 ‘\_:&__-‘Z’.-:::-Kt’-_:‘__f' J ‘ ' ‘I . \\->-‘W’ -,/-'1’/"._'§=--9?: "\\\"‘~T\\';\ \ _ ' / -/_:—_” '_‘ ‘ X .‘ ‘ ‘$__ \‘\“ '- I ’“‘*_*___.,/,,:_/,_1:% - -“F-= >>~»~/~::.. ' \-““/>—:'f___ . ,€K_.._- x... —r__ - 7/\~~§‘_\?\ . . __ - /L» {_< ~ -7 \ / ‘Q1 2 "_.,;’////>’__ -'--' % -~ Ph°t°ml10gr; pl-océdé Mi‘. E. J. Aasér. -QTEEIVDR UK 'ERIJ 1'/fl. AM.liNl' '1I')$“‘