I; 81,1‘ N W UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA PUBLICATIONS B 478001 BULLETIN OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIET Y Scientific Series, Vol. I, No. 7, pp. 200-221, January, 1912 A Contribution to the Geology and Mineralogy of Graves Mountain, Georgia B Y THOMAS L. “"ATSON AND J. \VILBUR VVATSON U'NI"ERSITY OF VIRGINIA Charlottes"ille,Virginia, U. A. UNIVERSITY or VIRGINIA PUBLICATIONS The Proceedings and Transactions of the Philosophical Society of the University of Virginia are published in the form of Bulletins and offered in exchange for the pub- lications of learned societies; institutions, universities and libraries. The Bulletins are issued at irregular intervals in the form of separate papers. These are to be made up into volumes, consecutively paged, of about 400 pages each, for each of the Scien- tific, Humanistic and Medical Sections. Separate numbers may be purchased from the Distribution Committee, to whom remittances should be made. Communi- cations should be addressed to Dr. Thomas L. Watson, University, Virginia. Thus far have been published the following papers. SCIENTIFIC SECTION 1. ' Intermediate (Quartz Monzonitic) Character of the Central and Southern Appala- chian Granites, with a Comparative Study of the Granites of New England and the Western United States. By Thomas L. Watson. Vol. I, pp. 140. Price $0.75. 2. On Chemical Interaction of Substances in the Solid State. By J. W. Mallet. Vol. I, pp. 41-44. Price $0.25. 3. On the Maximum and Minimum Values of a Linear Function of the Radial Co- ordinates of a Point with respect to a Simplicissimurn in Space of n Dimensions. By W. H. Echols. Vol. I, pp. 45-84. Price $0.75. 4. New Positions of the Stars in the Huyghenian Region of the Great Nebula in Orion. By R. E. Wilson. Vol. I, pp. 85-126. Price $0.75 5. On the Flow of Water in Pipes, Conduits and Open Channels and the Losses of Energy Due to its Motion. By W. H. Echols. Vol. I, pp. 127—186. Price $0.75. 6. An Investigation of the Value of an Infinite Series on the Boundary of the Region of Convergence. By W. H. Echols: ‘Vol. I, pp. 187499. Price $0.25. 1 7. A Contributioii tothe Geology and Mineralogy of Graves Mountain, Georgia. By Thomas L. and J. Wilbur Watson. Vol. I, No. 7. Price $0.25. 4 8. An Unusual Occurrence of the Mineral Evansitc. By John Sharshall Grasty. Vol. “I, No. 8. Price $0.25. ’ HUMANIBTIC SECTION. 1. The Sacred Tripudium. By ’l‘horrias Fitz-Hugh. Vol. I, pp. 1- 50. Piicc $0.75 Wlfim iJ$l'$’|mv Q5 /€f3Z.# is/‘:24; Z-Ité .*0~3!-38 .: .1‘ ‘<2 ‘*4. W3 “w I \\\_1 \‘. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA PUBLICATIONS BULLETIN OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY SCIENTIFIC SECTION Vol. I, No. 7, pp. 201-221 January, 1912 A CONTRIBUTION TO THE GEOLOGY AND MIN ERALOGY OF GRAVES MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA.* BY THOMAS L. AND J. WILBUR WATSON. INTRODUCTION. To the mineralogist, Graves Mountain, Georgia, has long been known for the occurrence of an interesting association of rather uncommon min- erals. Knowledge of the occurrence of the interesting group of minerals at this locality was first made known in a published paper by Professor Charles U. Shepard in 1859. Since the appearance of Professor Shepard’s paper in 1859 practically no work, based on field study of the mountain proper, has been published, although the literature contains many refer- ences to the description of mineral specimens from this locality. Very little is known of the geology of the immediate area within which Graves Mountain is located. Mining for gold and copper three and one- (Q half miles north, and for gold ten miles south, of the mountain has been engaged in at frequent intervals since the early 50’s. Detailed field studies have not extended beyond the limits of the mines and no maps of any description have been attempted for this part of Georgia. Within recent years several geologists have recorded the results of their studies of the metal mines but the intervening area, more especially that of Graves Moun- tain and the immediate vicinity, still remains for detailed study and map- ping. ' The description of the geology of Graves Mountain briefly summarized in this paper is based on several short visits to the area by the senior author since 1900. The last visit was made in March 1911, when a collection of the rocks and minerals was made for laboratory study. The chief object *Read before the Scientific Section, February 5, 1912. 201 I 202 UNIVERSITY or VIRGINIA PUBLICATIONS of this paper is to record _the results of field and laboratory (chemical and microscopical) studies,pf'ar'r interesting area that has long been"known to the mineralogist but pijacticafly neglected by the geologist. The chemical analyses of the speciméns collected are the work of the junior author. GENERAL GEOLOGY. Location. Graves Mountain lies in the extreme western part of Lin- coln County, Georgia, within less than a mile of the Wilkes County bound- ary; ten miles nearly east from Washington, the county seat of Wilkes _-fix-_—“ -,./xx \ \ . Scale 8 ° _ 5 1oMi1es \ 0 '\ 0 \ 7» * N \ L I N c o L N 84% A W I K s\ ‘kg I C‘ x SE/VI//VOLE etasville ‘COPPER M//V5 © Lmcolmon Q q \s \§§C-3raves_ ($3 Washmgton Mountam E G E O\ R I A Q 0 \ hi 0 C \ / yg \ I,__\ \ / E \/ - \ J, / “$5689 \ },-~“'/ 4‘ fijéjfi \ ' I > X. The index of refraction is moderate, double refraction strong; cleavage is indistinct but numerous irregular fractures occur. The axial angle is large being 2 EI = 111° as determined by von Lasaulx. The lazulite contains inclusions of rutile and quartz, and occa- sionally cyanite and muscovite. Alteration has progressed along the periphery and fractures or cracks, yielding very minute scales and fibers * Op. cit., 1859. T Op cit., 1859. 214 UNIVERSITY or VIRGINIA PUBI.IcATIoNs of a light gray nearly white substance, sometimes stained with iron oxide, having high refraction and double refraction, and can probably be ‘referred to hydrargillite as suggested by Rosenbusch.* The common mineral asso- ciates of the lazulite in thin sections are quartz, cyanite, rutile, and musco- vite. These may be discerned megascopically in the hand specimens. .In the following table are given the analysis of the lazulite from Georgia, and analyses of lazulite from North Carolina, Canada, and Sweden: Analyses of Lazulite from Graves Mountain, Lincoln County, Georgia, and other localities. .1 II na , III IV* VT 38.25 40.57 284 1 43.76 42.52 46.39 Al2O3............... 33.92 35.97 353 1.2 31.70 32.86 29.14 FeO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.99 4.23 58 8.17 10.55 2.09 MgO . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9.08 9.63 241 1.3 10.04 8.58 13.84. CaO................ 3.12 3.31 59 trace 2.837 H20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.83 6.21 350 1.2 5.59 5.30’ 6.47 6.05 1.07 ~ 100. 24 100.00 100. 33 99. 81 100. 76 Specific gravity... 2.958 3.122 . 2.78 3.045 * MnO-—trace. I Deducted 3 per cent S102. 1 corresponds to the formula ' (F6, Mg, Ca) O.Al2O3.P2O5.H2O FeO: Mg(Ca) O = 1 :5 MgO:CaO = 1 :3 I. Lazulite collected by Thomas L. Watson from Graves Mountain, Lincoln County, Georgia. J. Wilbur Watson, analyst. II. I calculated to SiO;> free basis. IIa. Ratios from II. , III. Lazulite from Gaston County, North Carolina; average of two analyses. Smith and Brush, Amer. J ourn. Sci., 1853, vol. 16, p. 670. IV. Lazulite from Horrsjiiberg, Sweden. (Ingelstr6m, 'Journ. pr. Ch., 1855, vol. 64, p. 253). Quoted by Dana, E. S., A System of Mineralogy, 1900, 6th ed., p. 799. V. Lazulite fromnear mouth of Churchill River, Keewatin, Canada. Hoffman, Ch., . Geol. Surv. of Canada, 1878-79, p. 2. Rutile. Knowledge of the occurrence of rutile at Graves Mountain was early made known by Professor Charles U. Shepardt who was the first to * Rosenbusch-Iddings, Microscopical Physiography of Rock Making Minerals, 1893, p. 236. TShepard, C. U., Op. cit., p. 36. GEOLOGY or GRAVES MOUNTAIN ' 215 describe and work it. According to Kunz* the rutile from this locality has realized at least 320,000 for cabinet specimens and has supplied the col- lections of the world. The rutile was won from the central depression on top of the ridge and along the northwest slope. The openings are of long standing and had so greatly caved at the time of the senior author’s visit in March, 1911, that they were largely obscured. . N o specimens of coarse rutile were observed by the senior author durin his visit but it is plentiful in every specimen collected, chiefly as microscopic inclusions in other minerals and frequently as small crystals and grains visi- ble to the naked eye. It has been observed megascopically in the quartzite, and in intimate association with cyanite, lazulite, pyrophyllite, and hema- tite. As a microscopic accessory rutile in crystals and formless grains of red and reddish-brown color has been identified as inclusions in the lazulite,' cyanite, pyrophyllite, hematite, and quartz, and formed along the bound- aries of these minerals. In each case it shows the usual optical properties. Veatch]L observed rutile with quartz and iron oxide in veins not exceed- ing a few inches in width on top of the mountain. The rock fragments thrown out of the small pits on top of the mountain show fracturing and brecciation, and formation of the vein rutile was probably subsequent to the fracturing of the quartzite but a part of it may have existed in the veins prior to the crushing. ' The coarse rutile crystals from this locality observed in the various mineral collections in this country are lustrous black to reddish-brown and red, with brilliant orange red in thin crystals. They vary in size usually up to 5 inches and occur both as single and twin forms. Kunzl reports fine single crystals have been found up to four pounds each and with it very interesting hydrous anthophyllite. The single crystals are usually prismatic with frequently pyramidal terminations shown. Besides the common forms of rutile crystals this locality has furnished some rather rare and interesting ones, which have been figured and de- scribed chiefly by German crystallographers,§ especially Rose, Haidinger, vom Rath, and Miigge. Especially interesting are the beautiful rutile twins figured and described by Rose and others, composed of as many as six- and eight-fold twins commonly known as sixlings, and eightlings; * Kunz, G. F., N. C. Geol. Survey, Bull. 12, 1907, p. 52. 1' Personal communication, January, 1912. It Personal communication, February 28, 1910. § See Dana, E. S., A System of Mineralogy; and Hintze, C., H andbuch der Miner- alogie for references. ' 216 ' ' UNIVERSITY or VIRGINIA PUBLICATIONS those made up of a less number of parts, such as trillings and fourlings being not uncommon from the Georgia locality. , The three following analyses quoted by Hintzeserve to show the essen- tial chemical composition of the Graves Mountain rutile. Analyses of rutile from Graves Mountain, Georgia. T102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97.22 97.52 97.64 F8203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.62 2.64 2.61 99.84 100.16 100.25 While coarse rutile was not observed at this locality by the senior author, careful examination of the dumps alongside the numerous openings on the northwest slope of the mountain from which the mineral was mined, and the presence of rutile in microscopic proportions in thin rock slices, clearly ' indicate the rutile matrix to be a heavy, dark-colored rock, composed of an aggregate of long bladed and coarsely columnar crystals of cyanite and massive granular hematite, with usually some quartz. Frequently the rock is composed of excessive hematite with less cyanite, and as often cyan- ite may predominate. In either case the rock presents a more or less porous texture which perhaps is most pronounced in specimens showing dominant cyanite. Professor Shepard’s description of the occurrence of rutile in this rock follows. He says:"‘ The central part of the mountain, to the thickness of 50 feet, is composed of a hema- titic rock, which includes in some places an abundance of a ferruginous kyanite, much resembling in appearance the diaspore from the U rals. With the kyanite is found rutile, often in gigantic crystals (weighing upwards of a pound), and possessed of much regularity of crystalline form. The prevailing figure is a square prism with truncated lateral edges, and surmounted at both extremities by an eight-sided pyra- mid. There is also found a most remarkably perfect twin crystal, in which the geniculation is six times repeated,-—producing an hexagonal prism, surmounted at each end by a six-sided pyramid, with a reéntering, six-sided hopper-shaped cavity, at the tips. These crystals are all more remarkable for their symmetry and polish, than any I have ever seen. Some are fully equal in lustre to the brilliant crystals of cassiterite from Cornwall or Bohemia. The most perfect rutiles are generally im- bedded in the massive kyanite ; and when detached leave behind impressions having a polish and lustre equal to that of their own planes. A little common quartz is also mingled with the kyanite and rutile. Closely associated with kyanite, rutile and quartz, are considerable masses (8 or 10 inches thick) of a mineral known among the miners of Georgia as steatite, but which is true pyrophyllite,—differing in no respect from that of the Urals, except in the finer stellulations it presents, and in the slight ferruginous stain it exhibits near their centres. * Op. cit., 1859. GEOLOGY or GRAVES MOUNTAIN ' 217 Cyanite. Cyanite is very generally but irregularly distributed through both phases of the quartzite composing the mountain, and is intimately associated with rutile, lazulite, pyrophyllite, coarse crystalline quartz, and hematite. It is a prominent constituent of the rutile-bearing rock, chiefly a mixture of cyanite and hematite with quartz; and it is frequently a'con- spicuous mineral in the lazulite-bearing quartzite (itacolumite), especially in the lazulite areas. It forms long bladed and coarsely columnar forms up to several inches in length, is usually colorless though green is not uncommon. In the weathered portions of the rock cyanite is partially discolored a yellowish brown from iron stain. Muscovite is a frequent associate and is derived in part at least from the alteration of cyanite. In thin sections under the microscope the cyanite is colorless and non- pleochroic. It usually shows polysynthetic twinning in broad bands, and good cleavage parallel to the direction of elongation (100) and less often .and less well developed a second cleavage parallel to 010. Fracture is common. The cyanite contains inclusions of rutile and quartz, and in some cases it forms inclosures in the lazulite. The rutile inclusions usually show perfect crystal boundaries and the mineral is some shade of red in 'color. Rutile as formless grains sometimes occurs along the boundaries of the cyanite and other minerals. Concerning the coarse rutiles Professor Shepard* remarks: “the most perfect rutiles are generally imbedded in the massive kyanite; and when detached leave behind impressions having a polish and lustre equal to that of their own planes.” An interesting feature of the cyanite is its alteration to muscoviteI and iron oxide. The cyanite of the rutile matrix has been designated by Shep- ardI a ferruginous cyanite. Muscovite in scales is frequently observed on the cyanite by the naked eye and in such relations as to leave no doubt of its derivation from the cyanite by alteration. This is entirely confirmed by the Inicroscope. Thin sections often show the cyanite to have frayed- out or ragged ends altered to muscovite shreds, and at times the cyanite substance is clouded by muscovite scales, not infrequently discolored by reddish brown oxide of iron. Iron oxide has formed along cleavage and fracture directions and, in case of the rutile matrix, it masks much of the cyanite substance. In the table below is given an analysis of the Graves Mountain cyanite " * Op. cit., 1859. T Watson, Thomas L. and Watkins, J. H., Association of Rutile and‘Cyanite from a New Locality. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1911, vol. 32, p. 200. I Op. cit., 1859. 218 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA PUBLICATIONS (1), together with analyses of the mineral from North Carolina (II), Sweden (III), and Canada (IV). Analyses of Cyanite. I : Ia II III IV S102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39.14 } 0.652 1 37.60 40.02 36.29 A1203 ...... . .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59.52 0. 584 1 1 60.40 58.46 62.25 1.09 0.007] 1.60 » 2.04 0.55 CaO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.18 0.004 I 1.06 MgO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.40 , 0009 I ' 0.36 ’100.33 99.60 '100.52 I 100.51 Specific gravity. . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . 3.282 I I. Cyanite collected by Thomas L. Watson from Graves Mountain, Lincoln County, _ Georgia. J. Wilbur Watson, analyst. Ia. Molecular ratios from I. ' II. Cyanite, Lincoln County, North Carolina. (Smith and Brush, Amer. Journ. Sci., 1853, vol. 16, p. 371.) . III. Cyanite, Horrsjiiberg, Sweden (Ingelstr6m, J ourn. prakt. Chem., vol. 64, p. 61). ' IV. Cyanite, British Columbia. (Hoffman, Rept. Geol. Surv. Canada, 1878-79', p. 1.) Hematite; Hematite was observed as an important constituent of the rock at all the openings from which rutile had been won. Together with cyanite and less quartz it forms the rutile matrix, which according to Shep- ard* marks a band 50 feet in thickness. The hematite is massive granular, steel-gray to red in color, has filled in the spaces between the blades of cyanite, and presents a somewhat roughened surface. At times it presents an open or cellular texture due, according to Shepard, to “including the decomposing ferruginous cyanite, particles of pyrophyllite, and even por- tions of compact rutile.” The ratio Of hematite‘to cyanite is variable, sometimes one sometimes the other mineral is in excess. On weathered surfaces cyanite and -quartz stand out in relief. Thin sections show an aggregate of cyanite blades and steel-gray hem- atite, with some quartz and rutile. Hematite fills the cyanite interspaces and is formed as rims around, and along the cleavage and fracture direc- tions in, the cyanite. Rutile occurs as inclusions in the principal minerals. Cyanite is partly altered to muscovite, and in some hand specimens the, cyanite individuals are more or less curved and bent. * Op. cit., 1859. GEOLOGY OF GRAVES MOUNTAIN 219 Mineral Genesis. Genesis of the minerals of the unusual association noted at Graves Mountain cannot be considered entirely solved until more detailed work in the field has been accomplished. The quartzite in which the minerals occur affords evidence of both anamorphic and katamorphic changes. Anamorphism is shown chiefly in the production of foliation, the formation of certain characteristic heavy minerals, and recrystallization. Crushing, fracturing, and brecciation of the quartzite, and the occurrence of quartz veins are structures characteristic of the zone of fracture or katamorphism. No intrusions of igneous rocks of any kind have been observed at Graves Mountain, although granites and basic igneous types are known at several localities some miles away. -It is not known whether the igneous rocks are older or younger than the quartzite composing the mountain. The age of the rocks has not yet been determined but reasoning from similarity of lithologic types of widely separated areas it seems not improbable that the Graves Mountain quartzite will prove to be of Cambrian age. No evi- dence is available at present for regarding the minerals as having formed from the effects of intrusions of igneous rocks. Dr. Genth regarded the minerals of this locality, except rutile and quartz, as secondary products derived from the alteration of corundum. He says :* The same association of cyanite, rutile, pyrophyllite and lazulite in an arenaceous sandrock is found at Graves Mountain, Lincoln County, Georgia, and although as far as I am aware, corundum has never been found at this place, there can be very little doubt that at this locality also all these species except rutile and quartz owe their existence to the former presence and subsequent alterations of corundum. Not only has corundum never been found at Graves Mountain but the authors have discovered no evidence for regarding the minerals as having been derived from such alteration. From the evidence already developed in this paper and from the state- ments which follow below, it seems probable that the minerals at this locality were not all formed at the same time nor under the same condi- tions. Pyrophyllite, a hydrous silicate of aluminum, belongs to the kao- linite group of minerals, the better known members of which are secondary, the products of hydrous alteration of other species,I chiefly feldspars. They are produced under the conditions of katamorphism. Stellate struc- * Genth, F. A., Corundum, Its Alterations, and Associated Minerals. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1873, vol. 13, p. 382. I Clarke, F. W., Bull. 491, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1911, p. 395. 220 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA PUBLICATIONS ture of the pyrophyllite and lack of evidence indicating the original mineral . from which it was derived, suggest more than the usual processes of resid- ual weathering to explain the formation of pyrophyllite at the Georgia locality. Structure and other conditions of occurrence strongly suggest formation of pyrophyllite at this locality from solution,‘ as the final stage in genesis. Likewise the relations of hematite to the associated minerals, as shown more especially in the study of thin sections, indicate that it was formed in the zone of katamorphism. On the other hand the cyanite and in large part the rutile are regarded from microscopic evidence as products of dynamic regional metamorphism, formed therefore under anamorphic conditions. The very narrow quartz veins which sometimes carry rutile and hematite were formed under different conditions, probably as products of the deep vein zone. Thus far the rather rare mineral lazulite has been noted chiefly in quartz- ite of different ages in separate crystals and in pockets and veins. It has been observed in narrow veins in clay slate near Werfen in Salzberg, in massive veins in quartzite in the district of Keewatin, Canada, and in the iron mine at Scania in Sweden. These occurrences clearly indicate formation of lazulite as solution deposits under katamorphic conditions. The occurrence of lazulite at Graves Mountain as observed by the authors was not in veins but as separate and grouped crystals and aggregates dis- tributed through the rock in intimaterassociation with cyanite and rutile. The evidence thus far obtained at the Georgia locality is regarded by the authors as indicating formation of the lazulite under the probable condi- tions of dynamic regional metamorphism. LITERATURE . DANA, E. S. A System of Mineralogy, 1900, 6th ed., pp. 239, 692. DANA, J. D. Seventh Supplement to Dana’ s Mineralogy. Amer. J ourn. Sci., 1859, vol. 28, pp. 128-144. For lazulite, Graves Mountain, Ga., see p. 138; rutile, p. 141. GENTH, F. A. Contributions to Mineralogy. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1854, vol. 18, p. 410. Corundum, Its Alterations, and Associated Minerals. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1873, vol. 13, pp. 361-406. Contributions to Mineralogy. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1882, vol. 20, pp. 381-404. HAIDINGER, M. W. Die Rutilkrystalle von Graves’ Mount in Georgia, U. S. N. A. Sitzungsberichte Alc., Wien, 1860, vol. 39, pp. 5-9, 2 figs. of rutile crystals. HINTZE, C. Handbuch der Mineralogie, pp. 161, 829, 831, 1617-1618, 1622. HUNTER, C. L. Notices of the Rarer Minerals and New Localities in Western North Carolina. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1853, vol. 15, pp. 376-377. GEOI_.OGY OF GRAVES MOUNTAIN 221 _JONES, S. P. Gold Deposits of Georgia. Bull. No. 19, Georgia Geol. Survey, 1909, pp. 53-62, 248-254. KUNZ, G. F. Gems and Precious Stones of North America. New York, 1890, pp. 191, 192-193. ' History of the Gems Found in North Carolina. Bull. N o. 12, North Car- olina Geol. Survey, 1907, pp. 52, 57-58. LASAULX, A. VON Optisch-mikroskopische Untersuchung der Krystalle des Lazulith von Graves Mt., Lincoln CO., Georgia, U. S. A. Sitzungsber. d. Niederr- hein. Ges., Bonn. 1883, p. 274. MUGGE, O. Bemerkungen iiber die Zwillingsbildung einiger Mineralien. N. J ahrb. f. Min., 1884, I, pp. 216-234. For rutile at Graves Mountain, Ga., see p. 221 et seq. Zur Kenntniss der Flachenveranderungen durch Secundétre Zwillingsbild- ung. N. J ahrb. f. Min., 1886, I. pp. 137-154. For rutile see pp. 147-154. Mineralogische Notizen. N. Jahrb. f. Min., 1897, II, pp. 67-85. For rutile see pp. 82-84. PRATT, J. H. Mineralogical Notes on Cyanite, Zircon, and Anorthite from North Carolina. Amer. J ourn. Sci., 1898, vol. 5, pp. 126-128. For Graves Moun- tain, Ga., see p. 127. RATH, VOM G. Die Krystalle aus Arkansas und Georgia ungehend verglichen. Verh. N aturhistor. Ver. Rheinl., Bonn. 1877, p. 185; Idem, 1884, p. 297. Allgemeine Sitzung vom 8 Nov. 1880. N iederrhein. Ges., Bonn, 1880, vol. 37, p. 239. Mineralogische Mittheilungen, n. F. (Mit taf. I u H). 13. Ein neuer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Krystallisation des Cyanit. Groth’s Zeitschr. f. Krystallographie und Mineralogie, 1881, vol. 5, p. 23. ROSE, VON G. Ueber eine neue Kreisformige Verwachsung des Rutils. Pogg. Ann., 1862, vol. 115, pp. 643-649. 9 figs. of rutile crystals. SHEPARD, CHAS. U. On Lazulite, Pyrophyllite, and Tetradymite in Georgia. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1859, vol. 27, pp. 36-40. SMITH, J . L. and BRUSH, G. J . Reéxamination of American Minerals, etc. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1853, vol. 16, pp. 370-371. WATSON, THOMAS L. The Seminole Copper Deposits of Georgia. Bull. 225, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1904, pp. 182-186. WEED, W. H. Copper Deposits of the Appalachian States. Bull. 455, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1911, pp. 145-149. 1111l\lIlII\EI1IIIIiIIIill\11|