. v v - — ’* ""“"*'“FH v. TRANSPORTATION . m .. wm LIBRARY v B 480539 LEBANON TRAFFIC SURVEY I I I I I I I I I I I'I:I'I'I'I‘I:I:I' i i l l I l ll.‘ I'll‘ l I I l lll I I l l l l I l ' III ‘|." l|':.':.|l I I m I Ilislil II I I I I I I I I I II IIIII I IIIII II III . IIII II II II III I IIIII II w . I ':"l:|'l:l‘:‘|'I::‘\:l‘ II:I:I: .l‘I‘l:ll::l::]l‘l| llllll l I I I I l ' I I III I I ‘I ill I II I III mh I I I I. t I I I I I I ‘I I I I I I I I I lll l I I lll IIIIIIIII I I IIII ' I IIII II II I I iii l II iiinum ' '"I'.".'I'I'I‘I‘I'I‘III lllll l l l l l lll ll l l I I.‘ l l l.lll. l ‘I ll I I l l l "I. I’ ‘|“'. I l l l l l l | I I \ l 'l'I‘l‘l'l'l‘I I I I I l l i l l i l I 'I:I‘I:I'I\I I I I I:l‘l I'III'I:I I:l‘l‘ II IIII\ I I I lll II I I I I I I I I I I I i I l ‘I l l l ‘ l ' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I ‘I'l‘l‘l|\.l‘I‘ I II I I I li 1:! 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Br M” F 7/ g E 4~§§w 21/ aw» , V 6 $5 av / ,(1/ f {TQWMPZ/V ‘W graaw 1 0-. Aa'~,w%.» ...:v /9 x/,..¢. #§.d.HW A..€. A §!/ WE lo.-5 VJ Ill w 1 inn 1 r 1&1 *3 A ¢ “l is $14 3 M P.“ v T a $k~.8?d/ V» f .4” ¢ Ed M ~§w/, 5 P. A rvpy 4”§fiW W n w. / 1 9 fi $5 , , . 6 M7 Lhnfl A £PL 1» /...f:.. I C a J h/ 1/ W) ‘l<\\‘b-1 Jrlmdilfltr &h g it / V (E. S 1- W 57/ /I . W fifir 35 W J 9 $5.: . Q /1 6/ ’'§‘’‘ is V i517 ARTES r 04 Q! , :3; COMMONWEALTH OF%_ENNSYLVANIA- QEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS iLANNING AND TRAFFIC DIVISION TRAFFIC SURVEY HONORABLE JOHN S. FINE Governor E. L. SCHMIDT C. H. BUCKIUS Secretary cf Highways Chief Engineer IN COOPERATION WITH THE BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS u.s. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 1954 I I I I I I I ‘£1 mspsfidté P: U‘); M31 ,& 2: , L $25 /.9 <4 Ifranspormeua LIbmry TABLE OF CONTENTS 0“); ¢ ;. I Page DEC 2 9% 0 o '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 I0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 or 0' 0 0 0 I 0 0 q‘ V O O 0 O 0 O O O O U 0 U O O 0 I __O I O O . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 Q‘ 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - INTRODUCTION . 'HiSI;01‘iCa1 Background 0 0 0 0 '0 e 0 0 0 0 O I 0‘ 0 0 0 0 0 1 Industries '0 0 I O 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Q 0 0' 0 0 o 0 I 0 0 0 0' 0 1 Transportation 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 I I 9- I 2 Population Increase . . . . . . Q .' . . . . . Q g . . . . . Z Existing Traffic Congestion . Q 0 . . . . .~ .~ . . . . . .' . 3 Scope Report '0‘ 0 0 0 9' a 0 0' 0 0 0 0 I 0' I 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Description Of the Survey 0 0 '0 0 0' I o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 - THE TRAFFIC SURVEY Operation . The External Survey 0 O 0 .» 0 . 0 Q 6 . 0 Q 9 °~ . Q 0 4 ‘ The Internal S‘L1I‘V€‘Y o 0 0 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 4 . Q Q . Q Q . ° ° ' . . O . Q O Q . 5 6 D3128. Presented 0 0 I 9 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THE PARKING SURVEY Operation Parking Survey Area . 0 . . 0 . Q . . 0 . . . . . . . Inventory 0 c 9 . . 0 . . ° °~ . . . . . - 0 . . . 0 . Parking Cordon Count 0 . . .~ Q . 0 . . . . O 0 . . . ., Interviewing 0 . 0 . Q . .- . . Q . . 9 . 0 . . . Q . . \O\OGDW PARKING SURVEY (Continued) Page Parking and Traffic Volumes V€hiCl€ Movements o 0 0 0 0 o c 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 Q Classification of Traffic 9 a D 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 - .. . - 0 Q 11 Parked V€hiCl€£S 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 9 b 0 U 0 o 0 Available Parking Facilities The Parking Space-Hours a 0 0 0 0 e o 0 a o 0 0 1 0 o Summary Of Spa.Ce—H0urs 0 o a 6 0 0 e 0 0 o 0 I w 0 0 How the Parking Facilities Are Used Turnover 0 Q Q 0 . Q 0 O 0 Q . ‘o 0 . 0 . . O 6 . Q 0 I4 Time Periods Parked Q 0 0 0 O Q . Q 0 6 O 0 0 . O . 0 15 Trip Purpose 0 0 Q Q . 0 u . O . D d . Q 0 Q . Q . 6 16 Distance Walked Q 0 0 0 0 0 Q Q 0 0 O . 0 0 Q . 0 . . 19 Illegal Parking 9 O 0 Q 0 0 0 U Q 0 . 0 Q 0 . Q 0 ¢ 0 19 Overtime Parking 0 . O O . O 0 0 O 0 ¢ 6 0 O Q . 0 0 20 Double Parkingo O O O 0 Q Q O O . O .1 . . U 0 0 . . . 21 Parking Needs Core Area 0 O O 0 O 0 0 O O O Q 0 O G . Q 0 Q 0 Q 0 . 22 Ring Area 6 0 . . O 0 . 0 . 9 D Q 0 . » 0 O Q . . 0 . 23 Outer Area 0 Q . 0 O 0 O O Q o 0 Q 0 0 9 O Q 6 6 Q . 23 Unused Private Spaces 0 O O 0 Q Q 0 0 0 0 0 O . ° ° 0 23 Destinations Outside the Central Business District .. O 0 . 23 Status of Parking Supply and Demand 0 0 O . 6 0 . . 0 0 25 Increase in Parking Demand 0 6 0 0 0 G a . ¢ 0 . . ¢ 0 25 Parking Facilities Required to Replace Curb Parking‘-.. 9 0 26 Solution of the Problem 0 ¢ Q Q 0 0 O 0 . 0 0 . Q 0 0 0 27 Parking Legislationo 0 . 0 . . . G 0 . 0 . . . 0 Q . . 0 O 28 References . . 0 O . Q 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 Q 0 . Q . 30 TAB LES HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SURVEY ~ ~ . fin fin a4i9é1¢'<;1d4a{l'/zegu/laeq On the average 24-hour weekday during the period of the sur- vey,, (July-August, l953}9 49,, 4112 daily vehicle trips were made into or out of the Traffic Survey Area9 including 8,461 vehicle trips that pass- ed completely through this area.) In addition, 34, 722 vehicle trips were made entirely within the Survey Area9 beginning or ending in the down- town busines s district» Of all the traffic into or out of the downtown business district 549 8 per cent had origin or destination thereD and the remaining 45° 2 per cent passed through that district en route to some other destinationc The greatest number of daily vehicle trips passing through the external survey stations into the central business district was 4,266 trips through Station 118 on U0 So Route 422 west of Lebanono The next highest volume of trips (29 ll?) passed through Station 7 on U» S. Route 422 east of Lebanom The largest flow of through traffic” moving through the Lebanon traffic survey areawithout making any major stops9 was 29 332 vehicles using U.) SQ Route 422 east and west, This was the only flow of through traffic with an appreciable volumeo Tractor trailer truck trips followed the same pattern - the only large flow of through trips (238) was also on U. 5. Route 422 east and west, The average daily traffic load of l3, 403 vehicles on U. S. Route 422 (west) was the highest recorded volume of any of the external sur- vey stations. The next highest volume (8, 374 trips), was found on U. S. Route 422 (east). The other sixteen survey stations varied from a low of 579 to a high of 7, 332 vehicles dailya Between 8 ac m. and 6 Pa m0 on an average weekday, 27, 907 vehicles entered the Parking SurveyAreaQ Of these vehicles 16, 770 or about 60 per cent of the total, parked within the area while the remain- ing ll, l37 vehicles traveled through the central business district with- out stopping to park‘. Thegreatest accumulation ofparked vehicles occurred at l0:30 ac m. , when 2, 177 vehicles were parked, The greatest number of ve- hicles entered parking spaces in the interval between 12:30 porn. and 1:30 pom, and during that hour period l, 920 vehicles entered legal and illegalparking spaceso Atotal of 3,, 751 vehicles parked during the peak- hour, 10:00 to H300 a. m. There were 3, 494 available parking spaces in the Parking Sur- vey Area of Lebanon at the time of the survey, consisting of 2, l33 curb spaces, l, 349101: spaces andl2 garage spaces, These spaces provided 34, 940 theoretical space-hours,, or 27,, 946 practical space-hours, dur- ing the daily ten-hour periode Vehicles parked at the curb represented 82» 8 per cent of all 11 the vehicles Pparked legally and illegally in Lebanon“s central business district Lot parking accounted for 11700 per cent of the vehicles and the remaining 0 2 of one per cent were parked in garageso An average of 604 vehicles (legally parked as to position) oc- cupied each curb parking space in the survey area during the 8 a0 m. to 6 porn‘, period0 Parking lots had a 203 vehicle turnover and garages a 304 vehicle turnover in the same periodo Of all the vehicles parked at curbs, in lots and in garages9 almost 76 per centwere parked less than one hour and almost 50 per cent were parkedless than l5 minuteso These vehicles exclude those parked at prohibited curbso Motorists used an average of 28 minutes to shops Drivers parking for business reasons averaged 29 minutesg and workers in the parking survey area parked for an average of 3 hours 3 minutes each Trip purposes of parkers were found to be as follows: 2908 per cent to shops 2207 per cent for business reasons9 l8°4 per cent for work, while the rernaining 290 Ilper cent included all other purposeso Shoppers amounted to 310 8 per cent of all curb parkers, but used only 1'7, 5 per cent of the total curb parking time0 Those drivers parking for business reasons constituted 24° 8 per cent of the total yet used only 1307 per cent of the total time, while the I20 I. per cent of the ill totalparkers whose reason for parking was work, used 36., 7 per cent of the available curb parking timeo Ofthe total number of drivers parking at curbs, l, 490, or 9. 9 per cent, parked their vehicles at illegal parking locations, including prohibited curbs, and 949 motorists left their vehicles overtime in their parking spacieso During the ten-hour period, ll‘? passenger cars and 349 com- mercial vehicles double parked in the survey area, The peak-hour parking load was ll. l per cent higher than the average of the ten-hour survey period. However, during seven of the ten hours, the parking load was close to the peak-hour volume‘, As of July-August, l9539 the entire downtown business district of Lebanon had a peak-hour surplus of 258 parking spaceso Consider- ing only the parking facilities within the "Core Area, " (or critical area) plus the surrounding blockwide "Ring Area, " there was a peak-hour defi- ciency of 227 parking spaces‘, Limitation of parking on the downtown streets carrying the U0 S, and Pennsylvania traffic routes to one side of each street would increase the deficiency (in the Core and Ring Areas) to a total of 338 SpaCeS<> IV .1 l Plate N00 6to23 24 24A 25 26 27 28 29 30 ran /Ma TRAFFIC DATA Western Pennsylvaniao . . Q 0 Q 0 D . . . 0 Principal Streets and Highways Q 0 . Q 0 Q a Type and Distribution of Trips 0 Q 0 . Q . . District Map 9 0 O . 0 0 D a Q 0 . O O O 0 9 Traffic Volumes 0 O Q Q 0 Q 0 9 0 Q Q . ¢ 9 Desired Lines - Vehicle Trips Through Each 0 0 0 9 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 9 External Through and Local Trips Q O O ., 0 0 Tractor Trailer Through Trips 0 0 O O G o 0 Vehicle Trips with Origin or Destination in the Downtown Business District . O 0 O 0 . . Major Directional Flows of Traffic Into, Out of and Through the Downtown Business District, G Major Directional Desired Lines . Q 0 0 0 o 0 PARKING DATA Location of Sectors9 Parking Facilities and Number of Parking Spaceso 6 . Q . O . 0 . . Vehicles Entering or Leaving the Central Business District and Vehicles Parked . . 0 8 Number of Vehicles Parked at Curbs and Length ofTime Parked 0 0 0 G O 0 O 0 Q 0 9 Following Page N00 XII l0 l5 ~l Following Plate No. Page No» 31 Destination and Trip Purpose of Parkers . Q Q Q 17 32 Parking Location and Trip Purpose of Parkersocoodq0410600000000 gt 33 Destination and Trip Purpose of Parkers with Destinations along Main Street. . . ¢ . . . l9 5;; 34 Parking Location and Trip Purpose of Parkers 1 with Destinations along Main Street‘. . 0 . Q 0 . 19 it 35 Supply, Usage and Demand for Parking Space . U 23 d 36 Supply, Usage and Demand for Parking Space f along Slll'€€lla a 0 0 a 0 O O a 0 0 G 0 u o 37 Excess or Deficiency of Parking Spaces G . . . . Z6 1 € i '2 VI M ii l I ll Table Numb e r B—2A B-4A B-5 B-6 Pa ge Number lto 38 Table Number P-l P-—1A P— 2A nu 0; ‘7aA1¢4 TRAFFIC Trip purpose of external vehicle trips. Average car occupancy of external auto trips. Volumes and percentages of local and through vehicle trips. Volumes and percentages of local and through truck trips at each external station. Vehicle trip tables. PARKING VOLUMES Vehicles entering and leaving the parking survey area in each half-hour period and the half—=-hourly accumulation of vehicles . Vehicles entering and leaving parking spaces in the parking survey area in each half-=hour period and the halfwhour accu— mulation of vehicles . Vehicles entering and leaving each type of parking facility" in each half~hour period and the half—hourly accumulation. Vehicles entering and leaving parking spaces in each half»- hour period classified by trip purpose. AVAILABLE PAR KING FAG ILIT IES Parking spaces and practical spacechour capacity in each facility. ~ Parking lots and garages with characteristics, rates9 capa-= cities, and extent of use‘. VII Table Numb e r P-9A P-10 P-10A P-ll P-12 P-l3 P-14 P-15 USAGE Spaces available, vehicles parked legally and illegally, and turnover for each type of facility. Space-hours available and the number and percentages of space-hours used legally and illegally for each type of fa- cility. Vehicles parked and turnover for each curb restriction and for each type of parking facility. Vehicles parked in each sector classified as to distance walked from parking place to destination. Summary of vehicles parked classified as to distance walked from parking space to destination and length of time parked. Summary of vehicles parked, space-hours used and average time parked for each type of parking and each trip purpose. Summary of vehicles parked and space-hours used in each. sector for each trip purpose. Vehicles parked in each sector classified as to parking re- strictions and length of time parked. Summary of vehicles parked classified as to length of time parked and parking time restrictions. Vehicles parked i-llegally (as to position) at the curb in each sector and the length of time so parked, classified as to type of illegal parking. DE MAN D The number of destinations and hours of demand in each sec- tor classified as to trip purpose. The number of destinations in each sector (without regard to location ofthe parked cars) classified as to the length of time parked. Summary of supply, usage and demand in each sector, General Summary of supply, usage and demand in the core, ring, and outer areas, with calculation of parking needs. VIII I‘ AI 2 '4. .t. I A definition of some of the terms used in connection with the traffic and parking surveys is included to enable the reader to obtain a clearer understanding of this report. Available Parking Space The number of legal parking spaces pro- vided in off-street parking facilities and at curbs. See "Supply." An imaginary line encircling the Traffic Survey Areao C or don Line (External) An imaginary line encircling the Parking Survey Area. Cordon Line (Parking) Core Area ' That portion of the central business dis- trict where the parking space deficiency (the excess of demand over supply) is most acute. Demand The need for parking space as determined by the destinations of the parked motorist, assuming that all motorists who parked at prohibited curbs parked in the same sector as their destination. Desired Line A line betweenthe point of origin and point of destination ofatrip without reference to existing street or highway patterns. Destination The location of the end of a trip. District Subdivisions within the Traffic Survey Cordon line9 for zoning purposes. See District l\/lap. Downtown Business The principal business district. Same as District "Parking Survey Area. " IX External Survey External Trip Illegal Parking Internal Survey Internal Trip Legal Parking Local Trip Off-Stre et Parking Origin Parking Facility Parking Space Parking Survey Area The phase of the survey in which traffic data were obtained by interviewing motor vehicle drivers passing through survey stations on allhighways entering the Traf- fic Survey Area.) A trip having origin or destination, or both, outside the Traffic Survey Area, in- cluding local and through trips. Parking at curbs and in alleys at loca- tions other than those provided by city ordinances, or not in compliance with time limits. The phase of the survey in which traffic data were obtained by interviewing parked motorists inthe central business district. (Same as Parking Survey). Atrip with both origin and destination within the Traffic Survey Area. Parking in lots, in garages, and at curbs where permitted by city ordinances and in compliance with established time lim- its. A trip passing through the External Cor- don Line which either originated or ended within the Traffic Survey Area. Parking in a lot or a garage providing for the Storage of motor vehicles entirely off public streets and alleys. The location of the beginning of a trip. Accommodations providing for the stor- age of motor vehicles either at curbs or off-street. Area necessary for the efficient storage of one motor vehicle. The portion of the downtown area within the Parking Survey Cordon Line, (identi- fied on each parking survey plate). X H M .5 in » -m_M__.~.&t ‘I @% -a M M__1l_“;-a__-_._-:_r_1-M-_.L -i:L.i__A-i _l Practical Space-Hours Private Lot Pr ohibite d Curb Public Garage Public Lot Restricted Curb Space-Hour Supply Theoretical Capacity Theoretical Spac e-Hour Theoretical space-hours as reduced by loss of time due to turnover. An open-air-off-street facility for the storage of vehicles. not available for the general public. Curb space where parking is not permit- tedby ordinance at any portion of the curb betweena street and an alley or within the entire block referred to. An off-street structure opento the general public for the storage of vehicles upon the payment of a fee. An open-air off-street facility open to the public for the storage of vehicles, either upon the payment ofa fee or without charge. Curb space at fire hydrants. painted curbs, special permit spaces or loading zones, all located in blocks where parking is otherwise permitted. One parking space for one hour. The number of legal parking spaces pro- vided in off- street facilities and at curbs. Same as "Available Parking Space. " The total area of facility (less aisles) di- vided by the average area needed by one car. which is 200 square feet per car for lots and garages and 20 linear feet for curbs, unless otherwise marked. The product of the theoretical capacity and a stated time (in this report within the ten-hou'r period, 8 a. m. to 6 p.m.) For example. one parking space during the ten-hour period equals ten theoretical space-hours. XI ~ Through Trip T raffic Survey Area Turnover Usage W eekday ‘ . - .............................. - ... . I I C I . ‘ . I . I I C I U I C Q I I . Q I I ‘ I I \ I ' I O I I I I \ I I I I I ‘D ............................................. .. .............................................. .. ............................................... .. A trip which has both origin and destina- tion outside the Traffic Survey Area, and passed completely throughthe area, cross- ing the External Cordon Line twice. The area covered by the Traffic Survey, bounded by the External Cordon Line. Number of vehicles using one space during a stated period of time. Number of vehicles parked or the number of space-hours used by vehicles parked. Monday through Friday only. Q - u o n 0 - | o Q u | u . I n 0| TRAFFIC SURVEY GORDON L/NE XII __ t . ....l.. _ ,_ _' ,,_ -_ - 1 Lin"? vi" ' _ »-I~.Q" "’~.r~“ ‘F' “~ 4 ~ I ~.. " L. "_.L»‘;"-'~kJl“_ J .. ‘L. - -L ‘ ‘ 5-5.1% P l- .r- -~—- -— =4 '‘'‘-"‘~~ ‘ INTRODUCTION EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA lniaaclaolinn Historical Background - In the 18th century, German immi- ___r grants came into the Lebanon area and George Steitz settled on a tract of land along the Quittapahilla Creek about I738. In the 1750's he laid out part of his 365-acre farm in building lots. This was the beginning of Lebanon, known for many years as Steitztown. In l8l3, Lebanon County was created from Lancaster and Dau- phin Counties and named for Lebanon Township in Lancaster County. Cedar trees in the area doubtless also suggested the biblical Cedars of Lebanon to the pioneers. The Borough of Lebanon was incorporated in l82l and chartered as a third-class city in 1868. Industries - Agriculture, mining and manufacturing are all im- portant in Lebanon County. The City of Lebanon is a center of the iron and steel industry, and also a center for textile products, paper boxes, and food products. In l952, over 7l million dollars worth of metals and metal products were produced or processed in the City of Lebanon. Textiles and textile products worth approximately 30% million dollars ranked next followed by over 8% million dollars worth of food and kindred products. In the county as a whole, in l952, metals and metal products valued at over 79 million dollars ranked first, textiles and textile pro- ducts valued at almost 41 million dollars ranked second, and the food and kindred products produced or processed were worth almost 20 mil- lion dollars. Transportation - Railroad passenger service is provided by the Reading Railroad, while freight service is provided by the Reading, Pennsylvania, and Cornwall Railroads. Bus passenger service is also provided by the Reading Transportation Company, the Greyhound Bus Company, and the Lebanon Auto Bus Company, while the city and en- virons are serviced by the Lebanon Coach Company. U. S. Route 422 and Pennsylvania Routes 72, 24l, 343 and 897 serve the city, while there are approximately 150 miles of improved State highways in the county. Population increase inthis general area is shown in the follow- ing table: l940 I950 l0-Year Communities Population Population Increase City of Lebanon (including Lebanon Independent Borough) 29, 631 30, 934 + 4, 40 North Lebanon Township 2, 647 3, 436 +29. 80 South Lebanon Township 3, l68 4, 488 +41. 70 Total 35, 446 38, 858 -1- 9° 63 Lebanon County 72, 641 81, 683 +12. 40 -I-II-T-I-I---QEEE I II Ii 0 n s = H‘) G5 III 1955 Existing Traffic Congestion- The population in both Lebanon County and the City of Lebanon has increased from l940 to 1950 at a higher rate thanmost other areas in the State, but the traffic growth has been greater than the population growth and has resulted in congestion on the city streets, particularly those downtown streets which are des- ignated as U.S. 422 or Pennsylvania 72 and 241 traffic routes. Future traffic growth is sure to further aggravate the existing traffic problems. A thorough knowledge of existing conditions must be obtained prior to the analysis of any traffic problem. The traffic and parking surveys of the Lebanon metropolitan area were conducted to obtain ade- quate factual data from which detailed traffic analyses could be made. This report has been prepared to present only the basic data obtained in the surveys and does not include any analysis of relief facilities. The Lebanon survey consisted of two basically separate sur- veys - atraffic survey andaparking survey. These surveys were com- bined by reason of the origin and destination data for all vehicle trips stopping in the downtown business district (Parking Survey Area) being obtained in the parking survey. The report is divided into two sec- tions - Traffic and Parking - and the details of the surveys are pre- sented in the appropriate sections. P i I i l 1 f T i I i i i EBRON H .y \\ MOUNT GRETNA PRINCIPAL STREETS AND HIGHWAYS OF THE LEBANON AREA-I953 W! I OLEBROOK \ PLATE 2 THE TRIIFFIC SURVEY W I ~ ~ A F TRAFFIC SURVEY GORDON LM/E, <:I@I__:> DOWNTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT INTERVIEWED AT EXTERNAL STATION 20,000 l5,000 IO,OOO 5,000 I,OOO VEHICLE TRIP SCALE INTERVIEWED AT PARKING LOCATION VOLUME FROM PARKING GORDON COUNT IDDO INTERVIEWED AT INDUSTRIAL LOTS TYPE AND DISTRIBUTION OF TRIPS LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY , PLATE 3 TI-IE TRAFFIC SURVEY am The traffic survey was conducted in accordance with methods developed by the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads for smaller cities where mass transportationis nota major factor. The operationwas conducted in two separate phases; the External Survey and the Internal Survey. The type of trips for which data were obtained in the surveys is shown on Plate 3 on the facing page. The External Survey was identical in method with those con- ductedin larger metropolitanarea surveys. Eighteen interview stations were established on the principal highways entering the Lebanon met- ropolitan area, andalmost 99 per cent of the vehicles passing those sta- tions during the periods of operation (24 hours on the major highways and 16 hours on the lower volume routes) were stopped and the drivers interviewed. All traffic passing the stations during the survey periods was manually counted and classified by type of vehicle and direction of travel. These datawere supplementedby automatic recorder counts ex- tending over longer periods. The external survey thus obtained the ve- hicle type, origin, destination and purpose of the vehicle trips enter- ing or leaving the Lebanon area. The Internal Survey was conducted in combination with the Parking Survey and consisted of obtaining the origin, destination and trip purpose of all vehicles parked within the central business district during the average weekday period of 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Therefore, the only internal trips for which data were not obtained were those trips both originating and terminating within the area and neither passing throughthe external cordon line surrounding the Lebanon area nor park- ing in the central business district. From other comprehensive surveys, it is known that these trips, represented by the "Unknown" band on Plate 3, are distributed in such a manner that any major route selected without their use would not be materially changed. The data obtained by the interviewers (the origin, destination, type of vehicle, trip purpose, time of travel, etc.) were reduced to numerical codes and transferred to keypunch cards for machine tabu- lation. Appropriate factors were developed for expanding both the ex- ternal and the internal traffic data to represent the average 24-hour weekday traffic of the survey period, July and August, 1953, and all traffic data in this report are presented on that basis. A check ofthe accuracy of the data obtained was made by com- paring information duplicated in the internal and external surveys, as follows: E I ]%%-H The parking interview data showed that during the ten-hour period 5, 190 vehicles parked within the parking survey area, with trip origins outside the traffic survey cordon line (including a pro-rata por- tion ofthe vehicles parked at prohibited curbs, for which no origins were known). The expanded external traffic ‘survey data included 4, 805 ve- hicles inbound with destinations in the parking survey area during the ten-hour, period of the parking survey. Thus, the data from the two surveys was within 7.4 per cent of complete agreement. This report presents the data obtained in the traffic survey in both tabular and graphic form in order to provide readily usable basic information for traffic analyses. ( Outstanding items of information from the survey are present- ed as "Highlights of the Survey" on pages I and II. Traffic data are presented in tabular form in the back of this report (see "List of Tables") and in graphic form in several types of maps and charts, as follows: Orientation Maps - Plates 1 and 2 are maps showing the rela- tion of Lebanon to the general region and the location of the principal DISTRICT MAP LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY-I953 PPPP E 4 streets and highways. Plate 4 shows the location of the external sur- vey stations and the internal districts of the Traffic Survey Area. Type and Distribution of Vehicle Trips recorded in the survey are shown graphically on Plate 3. Volume Data - Plate 5 portrays the relative traffic loads on the main streets and highways of the area. _ Desired Lines - Plates 6to 25 show lines of travel between the origin and destination of the trips without regard to available street 10- cations. Major Directional Desired Lines - Plates 26 and 27 are graph- ic summaries and show the trips grouped together by the general de- sired direction of travel. Other Traffic Data - Trip purpose and car occupancy of the external trips are included in the tables. Other data, such as time of trip, etc. , were obtained in the traffic survey and recorded on the key- punch cards, but are not included in this report. D IS T R I C T M A P Plate 4, on the preceding page shows the location of the external survey stations and the zoning subdivisions of the Traffic Survey Area. I I TRAFFIC VOLUMES Plate 5 This plate is a graphic presentation of the 24-hour traffic volumes on the principal streets during the period of the survey. Note that the heaviest volumes were found on Cumberland Street0 Ninth Street traffic volumes, the nexthighest, were almost as great between Chestnut and Willow Streets. Traffic volumes are shown on this plate for only the streets carrying the larger flows of traffic. The walls show the average traffic on the streets between points of major change in volumes. I w.../...#.. TRAFFIC VOLUMES LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY — I953 P ATE 5 VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH EACH SURVEY STATION Plates 6 to 23, Inclusive These plates present the distribution of traffic passing through each of the eighteen survey stations. The bands show the total traf- fic (in both directions) to and from other sta- tions or districts, and indicate the desired lines of travel between those stations or districts, not the actual traveled route. .1‘ '3‘ A ' 2. B A /:{__.'~' ‘A L'I{:- 1} Q." X. ‘ -I e ‘Z’ ' 5;./O6 @ is Y? r A_ $ 1 V ¢ ' | - p - O ¢ . A - . E . , | . , . . . . __ CORDON LINE '-"-‘ DISTRICT LINE STATION NUMBER - DISTRICT NUMBER EXTERNAL STATION AL VEHICLE TRIPS PER HOURS ERAGE WEEKDAY JULY-AU I953 VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION I ON PENNA. ROUTE 72 LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY-I953 PLATE 6 SCALE IN FEET ‘ op’ " ‘I 2.-. 7 .:?1--1-1-.-A: - I I .- -. “If.-_ _ __ L I: ‘ I ::- I::-‘nun ‘up .~ .0. ‘I .‘C ''I..‘;-., ~ -0 '- ' °"',"- '4 n,‘- '0 LEGEND CITY LINE /. W CORDON LINE —--‘-=— DISTRICT LINE /*7 DISTRICT NUMBER ____ _ i‘ 2500 ' 99 .='22'-°fl°- 3 STATION NUMBER -— IOO-l99 ‘ N) EXTERNAL STATION ' V A TOTAL VEHICLE TRIPS PER 24HOURS AVERAGE WEEKDAY JULY-AUG.I9§3 VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION 2 ON JONESTOWN RD. LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—I953 PLATE 7 . \ V ./ \‘\\ \ \ \ ‘\ \ . _/ * B /-" LEGEND _/, L W.-I}-II L; L115;-I-L=i CITY LINE /'1 a -1- GORDON LINE -_‘—- DISTRICT LINE STATION NUMBER - TOTA DISTRICT NUMBER I-99 500 I0 |OO—I99 0 EXTERNAL STATION L vvvvvvvvvvvv PE 5000 2500 R 2 4 O UR GE WEEKDAY JULY—-AUG. I \~ \ VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION 3 ON PENNA. ROUTE 343 LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—|953 . I .\ I, V p 4 fir ,/ “ I ‘ii T /' 42>.“ ‘ PLATE 6 -_T_ '£'._.i,_ I : :000 -0 IOOO 2000 3000 ._'.’.~'.-_.;, pr -_ l_..:,_u,‘:.v ._ 5‘5E:~ SCALE IN FEET .. . . . ._.p:-.‘ " ’ ' ’ . IA 0 ‘.0. 1 L; - ~ I 4 K ‘ /' LEGEND CITY LINE /7 ~ COROON LINE -...._- D|51-mgr uus '>.'{-'.;-,_'_,.‘."' ' H 3. * DISTRICT NUMBER ‘ Q " - snmou NUMBER ~ 1‘ I" _, EXTERNAL STATION VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION 5 ON MAPLE STREET . LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY-I953 PLATE 9 I .. V v > - - wuznm‘ m-»»--‘ \_ ‘ A -,> . .. / 1/ 1" A. " ‘ - 4 H ,1 /" I: '\ / -2 .r\ ['1 I . "‘~ '1 -_''''‘-‘.‘>_ ' 1- ' / ' ' '\ _ < VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION 6 ON LEHMAN STREET LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY-I953 PPPPP IO S C A L E I N F E ET CORDON LINE ”‘-“_‘_ DISTRICT LINE DISTRICT NUMBER .-TATION NUMBER J EXTERNAL STATION VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION 7 ON U.S. ROUTE 422 LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY-I953 PLATE II '\ \ 1/, vi \ ,4 '-:;;,_\ . /, A \ VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION 8 ON RURAL ROUTE 380|7 ll LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—l953 PPPPP I2 IOOO 0 I000 2000 3000 BEE: SCALE IN FEET / CITY LINE / Y /_A-' I /.,/ 4: r O 4 Q,’ -_,, ,7 I/:7 I I \ I \ 9;; :3 " ” ‘ \ .' ' \| , ‘ ‘. -7‘ ‘ ' 0,5 \ * i -8. , ‘ ‘ . 0 \ ‘%, - ->7-_‘_ .. \ N .‘ ‘ O I / / , LEGEND ' . /. _ GORDON LINE -_‘-— DISTRICT LINE DISTRICT NUMBER STATION NUMBER TOTAL VEHICLE TRIPS PER }4\H s ‘ AVERAGE WEEKDAY JULY—AUG: K >‘\ Y . \._. I EXTERNAL STATION VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION 9 ON FIFTH AVE. LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY-I953 PLATE I3 IOOO IOOO H B "E, $CALE_ IN FEET N2 E G E L CITY LINE CORDON LINE DISTRICT LINE DISTRICT NUMBER STATION NUMBER EXTERNAL STATION VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION IO ON STATE DRIVE LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—l953 PLATE I4 LEGEND / ----I , .'n I“ "'l_1'_l;‘ CITY LINE / _ CORDON LINE ‘--'_— DISTRICT LINE DISTRICT NUMBER STATION NUMBER EXTERNAL STATION VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION ON LINCOLN AVE. LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC‘ SURVEY- I953 PLATE I5 CITY I , OOROON LINE I; / -'-'—— DISTRICT LINE DISTRICT NUMBER STATION NUMBER EXTERNAL S TTTT ON VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION I2 ON PENNA. ROUTE 72 LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—l953 PLATE I6 VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION I3 ON QUENTIN ROAD LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY-I953 PLATE 7 VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION I4 ON PA. ROUTE 24I ll LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—|953 PPPPP IB VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION I5 ON OAK STREET LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—I953 II PPPPP I9 I , I I I\ > I 4 I -.;§ __ \\ i ‘-L T VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION I6 ON WALNUT STREET LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—I953 PPPPP 20 ., I ' ,, pr its, ~ ~', y / 4&1 J Y I. '\ E) //// . ‘ b/:./’ I’ .1 / ,, VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION I7 ON CHESTNUT STREET LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY-I953 u PPPPP 2| IOOO M SCALE IN FEET IQ ~:-O: LEGEND CITY LINE CDRDON LINE DISTRICT LINE DISTRICT NUMBER ‘TE ‘T 99 I000 ———-IO0—I99 50° STATION NUMBER TOTAL VEHICLE TRIPS PER 2 OURS AVERAGE WEEKDAY JULY-AUG. " EXTERNAL. STATION LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—I953 PLATE 22 / LEGEND CITY LINE / — GORDON LINE —-'_- DISTRICT LINE DISTRICT NUMBER STATION NUMBER "J EXTERNAL STATION VEHICLE TRIPS THROUGH STATION I9 ON LEHMAN STREET LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—l953 I] PLATE 23 I II II iii EXTERNAL THRQUGH AND LOCAL TRIPS Plate 24 This plate shows the desired lines of Izravelofthe throughtrips (trips with both origin and destination outside the cordon line) and of the local trips (trips between points outside the survey area and points within)° The bands show the total trips in both directions and are the desired lines of travel, not the actual traveled routes‘; The percentages shown indicate the proportion of through and local trips at each statiom All through trip bands are shown but bands of less than 50 local trips have not been plotted» I I I \_ ' I 7 I A ,/ ‘_ . /' R I I II / I I \ I I > J [I I I000 0 I000 2000 3000 SCALE IN FEET To_°./IE 30 °/o 6 4 °/0 \ \ \ ' A‘ ( 4O°/O / i—-— T 4‘ II I737 LL-IEEEQ ° - / “T - ' - 1. ..___-I ~“ 77°/ CITY LINE / 23% 11% "E" III. I O T _.'_~ .' . : ‘ 23 °/ _ GORDON LINE /_/‘ '-'.'_-. 5:. . "5 Q IOOO\ > --H»- DISTRICT LINE I I T , 5000 DISTRICT NUMBER ' If A I __ ‘_qq 2500 STATION NUMBER /é'°/° ; 79% '8% — '°°“'99 500 '00 V \J\\ , 82% ’ EXTERNAL STATION /' ' TOTAL VEHICLE TRIPS PER HOURS \\ I ‘ AVERAGE WEEKDAY JULY—AUG. 953 - LOCAL TRIPS T‘\7' V _2._ ; [I - THROUGH TRIPS ‘ H ‘ % INDICATES OMITTED LOCAL BANDS °F EXTERNAL THROUGH AND LOCAL TRIPS LESS THAN 50 TRIPS ll LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY — I953 PLATE 24 TRACTOR TRAILER THROUGH TRIPS Plate 24A This plate shows the volume of large (tractor trailer) truck trips passing entirely through the Lebanon Areao To clearly present the lower truck trip volumes, the flowbands on this plate are plotted ata larger scale than the preceeding Plates 6 to 24, v --Q ‘QAQ; ==".\' PAW .~ I ~--. 4 ,, l. ., . .. 4 T 1 MW ll -(1 '1 M » £11“ : W: Li” ’ Y~~~Q*~~ -* - K ~»=~ » -- - WM ‘ .____ ~ - ~ - ’ _ ‘ _ I TRACTOR TRAILER THROUGH TRIPS LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY-I953 L I L -1 I L . l - . _ I. I I II I I IIIIII . I IIIIIII -A E - PLATE 24A -0-‘,_ ~ ‘ L __ __,_____ flkww pw4_\Mr‘~___'w ~~ _~_-_ VEHICLE TRIPS WITH ORIGIN OR DESTINATION IN THE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT _. I '_ ‘ _-._~._ .___ _. .‘.._,_~___~ ‘ .~ - W’ ~wW *~(wk"u“ M M Plate 25 This plate shows the distribution and volume of trips with origin or destination in the downtown business district. I ‘ ‘_—~ - - ,, -——-nr‘,u-v.< ~.,.\~._,.._ ;»- mu *4... ..- -W -. >.. _>‘ ‘T 1 I The bands show the total trips in both directions and are the general desired lines of travel, not the actual traveled routeso - alum 1 L ' I ' CITY LINE LEGEND CORDON LINE DISTRICT LINE DISTRICT NUMBER STATION NUMBER EX TER NAL STATION DOWNTDC)|\;I1NmB:I%SlNESS TORI/I T7"/A EU VEHICLE TRIPS WITH ORIGIN OR DESTINATION IN THE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—l953 PLATE 25 MAJOR DIRECTIONAL FLOWS OF TRAFFIC INTO, OUT OF AND THROUGH THE DOWNTOWN AREA Plate 26 I This plate shows the major directional traffic flows into and out of the downtown busi- ness district; The survey indicates that 5408 per cent of all this traffic has its origin or des- tination in the downtown business district. The :- minor internal trips not having origin or desti- . nation in the downtown business district (and therefore not interviewed) amounted to 2104 per . cent and the remaining 230 8 per cent only passed through that area to some other destinations LEGEND :::::::::'.::::::::::: CITY LINE — CORDON LINE —-On DISTRICT LINE ' \l N H OUIT/15’P E / DISTRICT NUMBER STATION NUMBER EXTERNAL STATION - TRAFFIC WITH GIN OR °E """"°" ' -9- - VOLUMES snow TOTAL 24 HOUR LO ANO INTERNA AFFIC TRAFFIC FOR COMBINED FLOW - BANDS AT LOCATION INDICATED AVERAGE WEEKOAY JULY-AUG. I953 - BAR IN CENTER snows cLAssI- FICATION OF ALL TRAFFIC ENTERING BEBE on LEAVING DISTRICT. NOT ENDING IN D31). THROUGH TRAFFIC UMNOWN AND THROUGH THE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT ll MAJOR DIRECTIONAL LOWS OF TRAFFIC ITO, OUT OF \ II LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—I953 PLATE 26 MAJOR DIRECTIONAL DESIRED LINES ' I Plate 27 pvw-I--_-»w-fi This plate shows the volume of inter- nal, local and through trips grouped by the gen- eral desired direction of travel within the Leb- aw-/~ -v~ I f-\ -—~_---——~| anon Survey Areao —r Small groups of trips not generally parallel to these major lines, or near them, ,-_-Q .~___.. I- were not plotted and this plate represents r,fl- 65, 024 of the total 85, 974 vehicle trips» “ii EZEQQ I000 _0 I000 2000 3000 ‘ ~ 4 ~ / Q M \L \ __,_ \\(/ PE/VNSYL I/id/V/A LEGEND ~.' CITY LINE CORDON LINE DISTRICT LINE DISTRICT NUMBER STATION NUMBER EXTERNAL STATION \\ TOTAL VE E TRIPS PER 2 HOURS ,"- AVERAGE EKDAY JULY-AUG. Q53 , U . MAJOR DIRECTIONAL DESIRED LINES LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY-I953 PLATE 27 THE PARKING SURVEY -J’ I I ~ ~ ~ ~‘ ~‘ ~' *M§',£'"‘.! , I l'-~'. . . I ‘ 4 ‘V Q, 8"-'-xv‘-»-7:1 I L _ ,§ I I I r L \_l. d /~ ~ THE PARKING SURVEY The parking survey was conducted in accordance with meth- ods developedby the U» S. Bureau of Public Roads and consisted of three major phases: 1° Inventory of available parking facilities, 2. Parking cordon count of traffic entering or leaving the parking survey area, and 3° Interviewing of motorists parked within the parking survey area. All parking data in this report represent an average ten-hour (8 a. mo to 6 p. mo) weekday during the period of the survey, July and August, 1953. The Parking Survey Area included most of the section between the Reading Railroad on the north and Locust Street on the south from Twelfth Street east to Fourth Street. The exact Parking SurveyArea is identified on all parking plates. The Inventory consisted of obtaining the location, size, and capacity for eachpublic or private parking lot or garage within the area. Additional data were secured from the facility owners or operators as to the rates, peak time period, peak usage, and the average usage of each lot or garageo The inventory also included the location, number and ‘time limits of curb parking spaces as well as a record of the curbs at which parking was prohibited or restricted and the reasons for the restriction. The parking survey area included the outer curb of the bounding streets- This area was subdivided into sectors with each sector con- sisting of (one city block or part of a city block. The sectors were given five-digit identifying numbers and each parking facility (curb, lot, or garage) was given a one-digit facility number to identify it on both maps and tables included in the report. For example, Facility 001204 is the Ninth Street curb(Facility 4) of Sector 00120, All facili- ties and sectors within the parking survey area are identified on Plate 28 on the opposite pageo Inthe Parking Cordon Count, all vehicles entering and leaving the parking survey area were classified by type and direction of travel for each half-hour-period between 8 a. my and 6 p m. In addition to the manual counts, automatic traffic recorders were used. In the Interviewing, trained interviewers questioned the driv- er of each vehicle entering or leaving a parking lot, a garage9 or a curb parking space within the parking survey area‘, Each driver was asked the origin, destination, and the purpose of the trip‘) The inter- viewer also recorded the parking location, type of vehicle9 the time parked and the time of departure from the parking space. PRIVATE LOT ~~/Gm Q /\ SCALE IN FEET __ 2 5 NR (STREET WIDTHS NOT TO SCALE) 2 5 . ‘m? M? NR E 2 :00 7'“2F?52~F?5 “.3 209640 4% W E 4 . NI; 0) M W 2, 6 09630 § 09620 F0 ~ 'b~l§§ E "‘ MT” 8 NR 5 2 09610 % m r, 2 <1 2 4 0'5 09440 Or ~ . N 49 PRIVATE GARAGE CURB PARKING U FACILITY NUMBER 7 SECTOR NUMBE R M? M? 4 T 7 z 2%: 3 5 a . NR ~2'qF,F 4 2 9 MN 50630 6/ M NEH 2R$T ‘' ~ 7 E 5 9 4 3 NR '7 a Q T 8 M 2 NR 4 In % 00260 In 0 O: Q NR § "1. ‘ 00230 2 z m 8 5 M 2- RESTRICTION - [HR 3 3 0 is 00430 E Ix; 5 4 2 ,HR \ ,2 A tit 09450 it; 9 n SURVEY AREA 5 /H 9 ~01 7 4 I I aim? 2 B ' 7 '§ 4 7 Au‘ ' _ 0620 7 ,, "7 2 MT” 2‘”'§T_ _ 09230 T g ’ - > 00250 2 c: we 2 % Q 2 0 2 ’,*/94 ’ 5 5 B 22”” 2‘ E’ Hg 2””? Oozzfi 755:’ I 4 HR 3 2 Q 5 5 @‘ @ 5° "’ /711"’ Y Q “*5 I /0 09420 ' at-5 66 H Q ':'?q w w 55 Q 5 ‘° E" % 9 '9 L I ""“ 09220 “’ 5 8 [HR 7 S 0 5 2 K 2 6 tr; 5 002m 5 Q: "’ 2”” Q ~ Q 4; q , - 4 NR I &‘ O04|O A,/_ ""’/ 5 2 R M, D 5 if? 5 O94|O 3 2 0 4,5 # aw Q /5 2 4 M; I Z’ gr I . N W /I-no E N U) ,HR ' 0 O92|O I I2 21 are 2 /2 MIN ,_ L MIN_,HR22"/R4 8 <11 4 I E 5 ~ 4 _ T Sr-- LOCATION OF SECTORS, PARKING FACILITIES AND NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—l953 / PLATE as U In the survey, drivers of both automobiles and commercial vehicles were interviewed in the same manner. Drivers who parked their vehicles in restricted or prohibited spaces along curbs where legal parking was also permitted within the same block were interviewed in the same manner and the type of curb restrictionwas noted, Those who parked vehicles at curbs where park- ing was prohibited along the entire block were not interviewed, but a record of that parking was obtained by noting, at half-hour intervals, the license number of vehicles parked at these prohibited curbs. In all cases, interviewing covered a ten-hour period, 8 a.m. to 6 p, m, , on a weekday, Monday through Friday. PM W vqp um The cordon count, covering the same period as the interviews, showed the flow of passenger cars. and commercial vehicles into and out of the centralbusiness district during each hour-period. This data, shown in Table P-l, is graphically presented on the opposite page in Plate 29 which shows the volume of vehicles entering and leaving the district during the ten-hour survey period over each street intersecting the parking cordon line, The bar chart inthe center of the diagram on Plate 29 indicates the hourly parking and traffic volumes. The broken line curve on the chart shows the accumulation of vehicles which were parked, The l0 PARKING AND TRAFFIC DATA COVER A WEEKDAV BETWEEN BAM. AND 6 PM. JULY - AUGUST I953 INBOUNO L (iUTBOUND IIII M LEGEND IL wz2¢ mm|_o_Iu> 2000 |_<_umu220o mmozummai LEGEND FOR STREET TRAFFIC VEHICLES ENTERING OR LEAVING THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT AND VEHICLES PARKED LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—I953 PLATE 29 space between the broken and solid lines represents the hourly volume of moving traffic not entering parking spaces, Vehicle Movements - The survey data show that: 27, 907 vehicles entered the parking survey area between 8 a0 m, and 6 p, m. 16, 770 vehicles parked within the area during the same period, leaving ll, 137 vehicles which traveled through the area without stopping to park. Classification of Traffic entering or leaving the Lebanon cen- tral business district during the ten-hour period was as follows: Entering Leaving Number % Number % Zl,68Z 77.7 Passenger Cars ZZ,04l 77.7 6, 225 22, 3 Commercial Vehicles 6, 3l4 220 3 Z7, 907 lO0.0 ' Total 28, 355 l00,0 Parked Vehicles - At 8 a0 m0 , ll, 4l4 vehicles were already in parking spaces0 At 6 p, m, , l, 285 vehicles remained parked in the sur- vey area, A total of 3, 75l vehicles parked during the peak hour, lO:00 to H300 a0 me The greatest accumulation of parked vehicles occurred at l0230 a, mo, when 2, I77 vehicles were parked, (The accumulation was 2, I64 at ll300 a. mo and Z, l6l at l0:O0 aomo) The greatestnumber of vehicles entered parking spaces in the interval between l2:30 p. mo and 1:30 p, m, and during that hour period I, 920 vehicles entered legal and illegal parking spaces, ll I 4 1 p a. 4 .L.t. I A totalof 3, 494 parking spaces, consisting of Z, 133 curb spaces, 1, 349 lot spaces, and I2 garage spaces, were found to be available in the central business district of Lebanon. In lots and garages the capa- city was either furnished by the operator or a floor area of 200 square feet was‘ allowed for each vehicle in determining the available spaces (excluding aisle space), The location and number of spaces at each curb and in each lot or garage are shown on Plate 28, Informal spaces, i, e. off=—street spaces between buildings, etc,, not intended for parking, were not included in the inventory of available spaces nor in the interviewing, Lots or garages with less than 4 spaces were also excluded, The Parking Space-Hour (one parking space for one hour) is used as the unit of measure of parking, and on that basis, the available spaces theoretically provide 34,940 space-hours during the ten-hour (8 a. m. to 6 pa m.) period, A part of the space-hour is lost during the interval of time when one vehicle leaves a parking space and the next vehicle enters in its place. The percentage of lost time varies with the length of the al- lowable parking period and for various other reasons, but the survey data indicate that the practical space-hour, or the average percentage of the theoretical space--hours which can reasonably be expected to be I2 used, is 80 per cent of the theoretical space-hours at curbs and in lots and 75 per cent in garages. Summary of Theoretical and Practical Space-Hours - Between 8 avmo and 6 p, m, , the Lebanon central business district had accom- modations, in terms of space-hours, for parking vehicles as shown in the following table: Number of Number of Type of Number of Theoretical Practical Space Spaces Space-Hours Space-Hours Curb 2,133 21,330 17,064 Lot l,349 13,490 10,792. Garage 12 l20 90 Total 3, 494 34, 940 27, 946 The number of practical space-hours shown in this table was the total supply available in the entire parking survey area, The com- parison of the supply in each sector and the space-hours of parking ac- tually desired by those parkers having destinations in that sector re- veals the excess or deficiency of parking spaces. J/a¢a2%e/Ja/z/u'n4;4czc¢'li2‘¢'e4a/ze¢l4ecl Vehicles parked at the curb represented 82. 8 per cent of all the vehicles parked legally and illegally in Lebanon's central business district, Lot parking accounted for 17, 0 per cent of the vehicles park- ed and garage parking amounted to only , 2 of one percent ofthe total. l3 Turnover - An average of 604 vehicles (legally parked as to position) occupied each curb parking space in the parking survey area during the survey periodo In parking lots there was a turnover of 2° 3 vehicles for each lot space, and in garages the turnover was 3. 4 vehi- cles during the same period. While 14,906 vehicles were parked at curbs and interviewed during the ten-hour period (13, 569 in legal spaces, and 1, 337 adjacent thereto), 153 additional vehicles were parked at curbs on streets where curb parking was entirely prohibited. These vehicles were not inter- viewed and exact turnover information regarding them is not available, The following table shows the comparison of the actual and theoretical turnover for curb parking spaces in the Lebanon central business district during the ten-hour survey periods Number of» Available Vehicles Actual Theoretical Time Limit Spaces Parkedsig Turnover** Tugqover*** 2 Hour - M 420 3, 652 8,7 5 2 Hour - P 1165 870 5,3 5 1 Hour - M 344 4, 968 14,4 10 1 Hour - P l 5 50 0 IO 12 Minute - M l8 5I6 28,7 50 No Restrictions 1,185 3, 558 3, 0 - * Excluding all vehicles illegally parked as to position. ** Average number of vehicles which occupied each space. =*** Number of vehicles which could theoretically have occupied each space using its full parking time continuously and legally, M = Metered P = Posted I4 Time Periods Parked - Plate 30 indicates where and how long the motoristparked at curbs (exclusive of prohibited curbs), and shows the number of vehicles parked in each time group as well as the posted time periods for the curb parking facilities, This information is also presented in detail in Table P-l0- Table P-l0 shows the various lengths of time parked at each facility in each sector, while Table P-l0A summarizes the number of vehicles parking in each time period for the several types of facilities, The greatest demand in any central business district is usually for short-time parking facilities, and the Lebanon central business district was not an exception. Almost 76 per cent of all vehicles in- cluding those parked at curbs, were parked not longer than one hour, and almost 50 per cent were parked less than fifteen minutes, This is an important item to be considered in any solution of Lebanon's parking needs, Motorists parking in the survey area used an average of 28 minutes to shop. Drivers parking for business reasons averaged 29 minutes, and workers in the area consumed an average of 3 hours, 3 minutes each, 15 SECOND ST /7 7 [7 ” 500 SCALE IN FEET ET WIDTHS NOT TO SCALE) LENGTH OF TIME PARKED LEBANON METROPOUTAN AREA TRAFHC SURVEY—l953 W M \ HM U EP. WL wen mm WW0 RNA I D MAT MSW .z_z¢_o.:§_| M N v.s II A E M T I. U G GMW .z;_m~0.;_§l H E ABA NMM W ” 5 _ HS“ .z:zmmo._.Onm~ U RNY T P S EEL AE I WMU mm $50:~0E El GTJ MT 0 MM A wm:o:-_m>oU A R D N DA",/flflfllll PLATE 30 The following table shows the volume and percentage of vehi- cles parked in the Lebanon downtown business district in the various time periods, excluding those vehicles parked at prohibited curbs: Number Per Cent of of Time Periods Vehicles Parked Vehicles Parked l - 15 Minutes 8, 986 49,8 l5 - 30 Minutes 2,371 l3,l 30 - 60 Minutes 2, 300 12.8 l- - 2 Hours 1,610 8.9 2 - 3 Hours 662 3.7 3 - 5 Hours 913 5,1 5 - 7 Hours 380 2. l 7 - Hours and over 809 4,5 Total 18, 031 1100. 0 (This table includes all facilities) Trip Purpose - The principalpurpos es for which drivers park- ed their vehicles in the parking survey area were business, shopping and work, I The following table shows (for all facilities) the proportion of parking for eachtrip purpose in the survey area and in the core area. _, ._‘. _ m“ The core area referred to in this table is described on page 23 and shown on Plates 35, 36 and 37, It is the portion of the Lebanon centralbusiness district with the greatest deficiency of parking spaces, 16 I ( II Parking Survey Area Core Area I Q Number Per Cent Number Per Cent Trip of of of of Purpose Vehicles Total Vehicles Total Shopping 5, 364 29, 8 2, 073 43. 0 Business 4,100 22.7 1,272 26.4 Work 3,324 18.4 473 9.8 Social - Recreation 443 2. 4 80 1. 6 Loading 247 1. 4 48 1. 0 Service 2,014 11.2 545 11.3 Other 2,388 13, 2 316 6,5 Unknown 161 0. 9 18 0. 4 Totals 18,031 100.0 4,825 100,0 Plate 31 on the following page shows by the size of the circles the space-hours used by parkers with destinations in each sector, re- gardless of where they parked, and the trip purpose of those parkers is indicated by the color of the segments of the circles. Plate 32 shows by the size of the circles the space-hours used by motorists who parked in each sector, regardless of their final des- tination, with the trip purpose of the parkers also indicated by the color of the segments.) The data on both Plates 31 and 32 includes the entire parking survey area,> A comparison of these two plates shows graphically the differencebetweenwhere the motorists are now parking and where they would like to park, Shoppers amounted to 31,8 per cent of all curb parkers, but used only 17, 5 per cent of the total curb parking time, 17 N LL/LJ L/L/L] L/UL/U IIIII :::: IIIIIIHIIIIIIIII __ _ _ *9!" _____ IIIIEIINIIIII IIIIIII HOU SCALE HIMIIIIIIIIIII DA F BETW , . 2°’ JULY —AUG 2 5 5 THIRTEENT-H ST LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY — I953 QQKING LOCATION AND TRIP PURPOSE OF PARKE The 3, 696 motorists who parked at the curb for business rea- sons constituted Z4,> 8 per cent of the total number parked at curbs yet used only 13, 7 per cent of the total curb time, There were l, 806 drivers who parked at the curb for work rea- sons0 This group amounted to only l2. l per cent of all vehicles parked at the curb (in or adjacent to legal spaces) but used 36° 7 per cent of the total time parked at the curb by all vehicles, Curb parking for work in any downtown business district is an inefficient use of the diminishing curb parking spacewhich should be available for short-time parkers. Plates numbers 33 and 34 on the following pages are similar to Plates 31 and 32 but show parkingfldata for only those motorists hav- ing destinations along Eighth and Cumberland Streets as shown on the two plates, Plate 33 shows that a large portion of the demand for parking space inthose eleven blocks was by motorists who wanted to park while they worked, The next largest demand was by shoppers with business ranking as the third highest purpose for parking demand° Plate 34 shows the actual parking location of the motorists whose destinations (demand for parking) is shown on Plate 33, It will be noted that the parking locations were widely scattered and were in almost every sector of the entire parking survey area, 4 -*-~<-"-.v-‘~-' ""' ‘* ~ »~$“-s- ~'iJ\ qr ~ -~».. -A-L-,~‘--wmw-a~~____.* —~_ ~k , , "DI:-",'.7:'>“:-'1-'.‘ , . l ' .7, _,,-_'_._- 1 l 1 M L - ._ q:=~: ~ ...- _. ,,,,. ,_._,_lN)_Mi. - _ F ~.,.._ l8 I I__ _ ._,_, I T Distance Walked - Over 78 per cent of the drivers parking at curbs walked 350 feet or less and 84 per cent did not walk more than 450 feet, slightly more than one city block. The following table shows the distance walked from all vehicles parked in the survey area. Number of Per Cent Distance Walked Drivers of in Feet Walking Total 349 or less 13, 980 77. 6 350 to 749 2, 682 14. 8 750 to 1,149 858 4.7 1,150 and over 511 2. 9 Total 18, 031 100. 0 Illegal Parking — During the ten-hour period of the parking sur- vey (8 a. m. to 6 p. m. ), 15, 059 vehicles parked at curbs in the parking survey area anda rnajority of these parkers observed the city's regula- tions. However, 1,490 vehicles, or 9.9 per cent, were parked at 10- cations where parking was illegal and during the same period 949 mo- torists left their vehicles in curb parking spaces longer than the legal parking lim it. Illegalparking (except overtime parking) frequently is evidence ofa lack of convenient parking spaces rather than a deliberately planned violation of the city traffic code; however, traffic growth will undoubt- edly increasethe seriousness of the effect of parking in illegal locations of Lebanon‘ s streets. 19 5 DATA covzns AN AVERAGE WEEKDAYJ BETWEEN BAMAND 6 PM. 5’ JULY— ssssssss 53 ~ US )~ ,1 P UR 0 OF MOTORISTS H DESTINATIONQ II IGHTH CUMBERLAND ST TS / LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY—l953 ’\ , I / \ I -I I / N PAR LOCATION AND TRIP PURP OF PARKERS WITH DE NATIONS ALONG EIGHTH AN UMBERLAND STS. A I I II LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY-I953 ? PLATE 34 I Overtime Parking - The unbalanced and inequitable use of park- ing space which resulted when several of Lebanon's motorists parked for more than their fair share of time is shown graphically below, Seventy-five motorists could each have parked the legal limit in eight 12-minute parking spaces during the time eight vehicles occupied those spaces for periods vary- ing from 1 to 4 hours. otherlnotorists could each have parked the IHGXHHUHI legul thne 8 OVERTIME PARKERS USED All THE PARKING TIME “-' i ullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIllIIIIIIIIIllllllllllIIIllIIIlIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlll 20 llllllllll||||||||l|l|lllllllllllllll||lIIIlllllllllllllllllllllm I) ( vmmm ~ - . ‘ I: 3 ' 1 < 1 J I‘ ~; Time restrictions on downtown parking spaces should, (and, withthe motorists‘ cooperation, could) provide an equitable distribution of the available parking spaces. Stricter enforcement and better cooper- ation from the motorists areboth needed to prevent the results illustrat- ed on Page 20. Double Parking - During the ten-hour period, 11? passenger cars and 349 commercial vehicles double parked in the parking survey area. Most passenger cars double parked to make brief business con- tacts, or to wait for a passenger. Commercial vehicles double parked to make deliveries and receive goods. These two purposes create two ' widely different problems. Double parking by commercialvehicles is a part of the process in the daily turnover of thousands of items of merchandise in the cen- tral business district. It cannot be dismissed by considering it a..park-' ing violation to be corrected with a traffic ticket for the driver. De- livery service to and from stores in the central business district is an essentialpart of merchandising and when off- street loading and unload- ing facilities are not available, goods must be received and delivered fr om the street.- The solutions to this problem are (1) the withdrawal of park- ing space from in front of stores to provide unloading zones, or (2) (as other cities have done) the establishment of loading and unloading periods 21 at a time when traffic volumes are at a minimum. Stores with alleys along the side or in the rear should be re- quired by ordinance to make use of such alleys for pick-ups and de- liveries, To date over 70 cities have adopted zoning ordinances requir- ing new business structures to provide adequate off-street truck loading V facilities, /Ja/akin; /l/eeJ4 For the purpose of obtaining a clearer picture~of the present parking situation, and to determine the parking needs, the Parking Sur- vey Area is divided into (i) the "Core Area" (or critical area) (2) the blockwide "Ring Area" surrounding it, and (3) the remainder of the survey area whichis classified as the "Outer Area0 " These subdivisions are shown on Plates 35, 36 and 3,7, The space-hour information as to supply, use, and demand for each "Area" is summarized and presented on Table P-l5, The "Cjore Area" includes most 6f“ the section of the Parking Survey Area from the alley between Willow and Cumberland Streets south to Chestnut Street, between Sixth and Tenth Streets, The-totals of the majority of the sectors of this area show the demandfor parking space to 22 be in excess of the practical supply, as shown on Plate 35. The "Ring Area" is the block wide section comprising the sec- tors surrounding and adjacent to the "Core Area." The "Outer Area" comprises the remaining sectors outside the "Ring Area." The "Outer Area" is bounded by the cordon line of the parking survey area, (including the facilities with access to the bounding streets) and all sectors in this area show a consistent surplus of supply over both demand and usage. Unused Private Spaces - Itwas foundthat there were the equiv- alent of 166 unused spaces in private lots and garages and 51 perma- nent rental spaces in public lots. It is improbable that complete use of these private spaces or even an appreciable increase in their use dur- ing the ten-hour period studied will ever be obtained. The apparent surplus in these private spaces was thereflore deducted from the supply in the appropriate sections of the parking survey area. Destinations Outside the Central Business District - Similarly, in the ten-hour period, approximately 206 space-hours used by drivers with destinations outside the survey area were deducted from the apparent surplus since there is no practical means of ever excluding such park- ers. Details of these two deductions are shown on Table P-15. 23 ._____i__.______rii_=zEr___r____.l..l________%__a%___ .. 5 Q P. Q WU om: 0 5&5 5% mugs“ ~ u AAAAAA 5 /\’sTI ; RKING SPACE LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY-‘I953 /\ J .§s_____a. H . . egg . _==___r“=____E__s________ii__r__#__i . \ P . . . 0 I ,. U . s 1 TH M _ S O l O > _ :.: E .§___rr______u_u_a_r_r_r___rr__i___r_r___=_r_______ms___na__ . . AM QMMQQ \- O ll, TH AH .. Y E I . A F,d.sas=_s=_s._=__=sss_§_ass , 7 M I . .€_., 1,. -5 \ \\ W R / \A W m w .§E_=___=___=_E___r___:_______ H. pm. I W H ,3 III Y R L RSUPPLY—USAGE AND DEMAND FOR PA H I - - I Inthe following summary, space-hours of unknown destinations are distributed to the Core, Ring and Outer areas in proportion to the space-hours of known destinations. Where parking space-hours are needed, anexcess oftheoreticalspace-hours over the need must be pro- videdto compensate for space-hours lost in entering or leaving parking spaces. Additional spaces needed are calculated on the basis of 80 per c ent efficiency. Average Hour Peak Hour Spaces* Accumulated Spaces* Accumulated + - Deficiency** + - Deficiency“< Core Area - 439 -460 - 536 -557 Ring Area 400 - -136 356 - -227 Outer Area 780 - +498 683 - +258 * Surplus or deficiency of total supply over demand. + Indicates surplus spaces available. - Indicates additional spaces needed. ** Accumulated deficiency (or surplus) of parking spaces, including those areas listed in the table above the area referred to, with the deduction for private spaces and parkers with destinations outside the survey area. The peak-hour conditions should be given greater weight than the average-hour in evaluating the survey results, because, as shown on Plate 29, the parking load during seven hours of the ten-hour period was near the peak-hour load, which was 11.1 per cent above the av- erage-hour. Status of Parking Supply and Demand - From this survey and other parking surveys, it is known that most of the motorists in cities ofthe size of Lebanon do not willingly accept walking distances of more 24 than one city block from their parking location to their destination. The best indication of the status (July and August, 1953) of Lebanon's parking supply and demand is, therefore, the average week- day peak-hour deficiency of 227 spaces in the Core Area plus the Ring Area, A future deduction of llll spaces within the Core Area and Ring Areas is discussed on Pages 26 and 27 under HParking Facilities Re- quired to Replace Curb Parking," This deduction would increase the total peak-hour deficiency to 338 parking spaces, This is a generous estimate of the status of parking spaces because it includes the supply which would compel some motorists to walk at least one full block or more to a destination on Cumberland or Eighth Streets, the center streets of the Core Area- Increase in Parking Demand - In all probability, two conditions will, in the near future, increase the parking demand and require the further provision of additional parking facilities, These conditions are the necessity for the elimination of some existing curb parking spaces in order to provide for the increasing volumes of traffic andthe natural growth of parking demand, Traffic congestion is now present on the principal streets of 25 k s“ / DE 5 / Q. m H SUPPLY-USAGE AND DE D FOR PARKING SPACE T "I ALONG EIGHTH AND BERLAND STREETS ”’"'EE~rH “L” 51'. I -I \ LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY —I953 II / PPPPP as Lebanon and this congestion is bound to increase with the growth of traffic. Studies in other Pennsylvania cities have indicated that a 55 per cent growth in traffic in twenty years is a conservative estimate, In general, some additional traffic carrying capacity of streets may be obtained by minor street widening, signal time ..rev'is'ions,>~ -e‘l.i_r:nin§ati,on"~- of left turns, and one-way street systems. Data collected by the High- way Research Board from several hundred cities show very definitely that curb parking reduces the traffic carrying capacity of city streets even beyond the proportion of the street width occupied by the parked vehicles; parking on streets of 30-foot pavement width reduces the traffic flow on those streets by an average of 47 per cent. P;arking_Facilities Required to Replace Curb Parking_- It is evident that the ever increasing volume of traffic will before long force the elimination of some of the curb parking now permitted on Lebanon"_s principal streets, The present heavy traffic on U.S. Route 422 and Pennsylvania Routes. 72 and 241 (Cumberland and Ninth Streets) makes the retention ofparking spaces on both sides of those streets a very ex- pensive use of the streets. While no attempt is made in this report to recommend the elimination of curb spaces at specific locations, it seems obvious that any statement of parking surplus or deficiency should take into consideration the probability that increasing traffic volumes will, in the near future, require parking on the above mentioned streets to be .,vW- 26 I SUPPLY DEMAND — - . O O S 5' §' BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 6 P.M. 5 5 I5‘ I] \ /7 /\ /\, 5 TH/RTEE EXCESS OR DEFICIENCY OF PARKING SPACES M” 5T_ '4 , LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY - I953 / PPPPP 31 limited at least to one side of each of those streets‘, Plate 28 shows that a minimum of 178 parking spaces would be eliminated within the Parking Survey Area (111 within the Core Area and Ring Areas), if parking were limited to one side of each of those streetso Solution of the Problem - Public officials obviously should be the leaders of the effort to keep ahead of the ever increasing parking load, but the problem must be recognized as one vital to the entire met- ropolitan area, requiring the cooperation and active participation of private, commercial and municipal interests for its solution. The motorists of Lebanon are undoubtedly familiar with the present minor irritations of the parking problem. However, to secure their cooperation and support every effort should be made to insure the fact that the motorists realize the potential seriousness of the problem and understand the efforts which should be made for its remedyo The motorists can help materially by complying with the parking regulations‘, It is evident that all additional parking spaces provided must be in off-street facilitieso Those off-street facilities may successfully 27 ~‘ be attractive parking lots, multi-storied open structures, or buildings which combine shops and offices on the ground floor with parking stor- age space on the upper floors. The type of structure would depend on the location and demand. There has been considerable difference of opinion as to whether off- street parking facilities should be owned and operated by municipal authorities, publicly owned but leased to private operators, or owned and operated by private capital with or without public control. When well operated privately owned off-street parking facili- ties are available there is usually little need for any control and, gen- erally, such facilities are to be preferred. However, if private capital does notprovide sufficient off-street parking facilities to meet the demand, then it must be recognized that parking is as essential to the economic well-being of the central busi- ness district as are streets, and that the parking facilities must be pro- vided regardless of the source or control. Pennsylvania laws have recognized the importance of parking to the public welfare and have enacted the following: Parking Authorities Act of 1947 (as amended) - Which provided for incorporation of"Parking Authorities" for cities of the first, second, 28 second A and third classes, boroughs, and townships of the first clas s, authorizing such authorities to acquire, construct, improve, maintain and operate parking projects, to conduct research of the parking prob- lem, and to establish a permanent coordinated system of parking facil- ities, andto borrow money and issue bonds therefor; to enter into con- tracts with and accept grants from Federa1Government, State, political subdivisions of the State, or any agency thereof, and conferring right of eminent domain on such authorities, The authority may acquire by pur— chase or eminent domain proceedings either the fee or such right, title, interest, or easement in such lands as it may deem necessary for any of the purposes mentioned in the act. Parking Lots for Third-Class Cities (l945) -- Which authoriz- ed the city council of third-class cities (population under 135,000) to acquire by lease, purchase, or condemnation any land necessary for establishing and maintaining parking lots, and to regulate the use there- of. Land acquired may not be used for any other purpose° Inasmuch as it is not possible to accurately predict growth in parking, it is recommended that the data obtained in this survey be kept usable and up-to-date in the future by periodic rechecking. 29 I 5 l 1% /Zefmenca In connection with this report, the following publication deal- I -- /mama“ ing in more detail with specific aspects of the parking problem are a- vailable and it is recommended that the applicable volumes be consulted. PARKING MANUAL - American Automobile Association, . I I Washington, D. C. FACTUAL GUIDE ON AUTOMOBILE PARKING FOR THE SMALLER CITIES - Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C. PARKING; ZONING APPLIED TO PARKING; A STUDY OF INTERIOR BLOCK PARKING; THE PROHIBITION OF CURB PARKING; MUNICIPAL REGULATION OF PARKING LOTS? PARKING LOT OPERATION; THE TRAFFIC DESIGN OF PARKING GARAGES; PARKING AUTHORITIES - Eno Founda- tion for Highway Traffic Control, Saugatuck, Connecticut. As well as various bulletins of the Highway Research Board, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D. C., and the Transportation and Communication Department of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Washington 6, D. C. 30 - A. *..,V. C I I 1 I 1 I H E TRIII-TIC TABLES I I III llll! "L +3 ~ ~1 ~/ ~ ~ 1141 la 1 l~ ~|M ~llW I tn I J 5 4 It \. l I Work 1,986 639 969 590 1,078 1,668 376 529 627 373 960 A05 AAA 215 158 A9A 3,600 987 16,098 39-7 Business 677 220 272 136 215 660 1A5 231 75 1A8 371 21A 127 101 A9 162 1,251 232 5,286 13.1 LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY Medical- Dental TRIP PURPOSE OF EXTERNAL AUTO TRIPS .S_2.1_1_<.>.2;L. LA I\) I -I‘-'O\-F'\J'I I\) |IO\LJOlll-I:'I\)II\J‘lI --Q ‘-1 O I\) TABLE B-2a Social Recreation 1,870 378 533 A23 625 1,783 291 3A6 166 173 670 362 280 251 69 207 2,256 A93 11,176 27.6 — 1953 Change Eat Serve Service Over Mode Meal Shopping Passenger Vehicle Night Total 2 125 328 250 82 1A 5,AA6 - 30 2A9 113 29 - 1,700 - 27 18A 151 A8 1 2,266 - 21 182 78 A3 - 1,518 - A9 86 50 28 - 2,170 3 238 A51 152 65 10 5,163 - A5 100 99 18 - 1,080 - 9 179 36 39 l l,A06 1 35 52 82 10 - 1,062 1 19 73 53 21 - 886 2 AA 190 77 33 A 2,A16 3 12 72 A2 7 - 1,180 1 6 100 29 7 - 1,039 - 1 32 22 3 - 631 - A A3 25 7 - 360 1 55 AA 9A 32 - 1,11A 3 16A 1,082 280 138 5 9,001 - 2A 137 109 56 2 2,055 17 908 3,58A 1,7A2 666 37 A0,A93 0.1 2.2 8.9 A.3 1.6 0.1 100.0 Total Per Cent Trip Purpose Work Business Medical- Dental School Social Recreation Change Mode Eat Meal Shopping Serve Passenger Service Vehicle Overnight Average LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY - 1953 AVERAGE CAR OCCUPANCY OF EXTERNAL AUTO TRIPS TABLE B-ha Local Trips 1* 1.h8 l.7O 2.23 1.65 2.h9 2.07 1.86 2.3M 2.10 1-55 2.1u 1.91 Through Trips 1.61 l.9O 2.32 1.87 2.86 3.1% 2.62 2.7u Total 1.52 1-75 2.2M 1.77 2.6u 2.u1 1-99 2.38 2.13 1-55 2.08 _ ,_ -__. m LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY - 1953 TABLE B-5 VOLUMES AND PERCENTAGES OF LOCAL AND III THROUGH VEHICLE TRIPS AT EACH EXTERNAL STATION LOCAL TRIPS THROUGH TRIPS . Total Station Volume Per Cent Volume Per Cent Volume . 1 5,318+ 72-9 1,988 27.1 7,332 2 1,739 76.9 523 23.1 2,262 3 2,h19 76.5 72E 23.5 3,163 . 5 1,692 79.3 M12 20.7 2,131+ 6 2,267 89.1 303 10.9 2,770 7 E,5E2 5h.2 3,832 h5.8 8,37E I 8 1,126 80.8 268 19.2 l,39h I 9 1,1158 69.5 6&0 30. 5 2,098 10 1,001 63.8 569 36.2 1,570 11 899 80.2 222 19.8 1,121 12 2,380 60-3 1,567 39-7 3,9A7 13 1,210 77.0 361 23.0 1,571 In 1,051 82.0 231 18.0 1,282 15 652 79.1 172 20.9 822 16 EH7 77.2 132 22.8 579 17 1,192 82.0 262 18.0 1,u5u 18 9,065 67.6 E,338 32.u 13,E03 19 2,267 87.E 328 12.6 2,595 Total u0,951 82.9 8,h61 17.1 h9,u12 * *(A through trip, passing through two stations, is included in the total as one trip.) LOCAL TRUCK TRIPS THROUGH'TRUCK TRIPS TOTAL"TRUCKfTRIPS III Station. Volume Per Cent Volume Per Cent Volume Per Cent** 1 688 59.9 A61 A0.1 1,1A9 15.7 III 2 280 72.0 109 28.0 389 17.2 3 A21 7A.A 1A5 25.6 566 17.9 5 393 78.0 111 22.0 50A 23.6 III 6 532 90.2 58 9.8 590 21.3 7 71A A5.8 8AA 5A.2 1,558 18.6 8 211 82.7 AA 17.3 255 18.3 Ill 9 287 63.2 167 36.8 A5A 21.6 10 173 68.7 79 31.3 252 16.1 11 1A2 82.1 31 17.9 173 15.A 12 A15 53.3 36A A6.7 '779 19.7 III 13 236 72.8 88 27.2 32A 20.6 1A 1A5 76.3 A5 23.7 190 1A.8 15 92 76.7 28 23.3 120 1A.6 III 16 132 78.6 36 21.A 168 29.0 17 223 8A.8 A0 15.2 263 18.1 18 1,6A5 6A.0 927 36.0 2,572 19.2 Ill 19 382 8A.3 71 15.7 A53 17.5 Total 7,111 79.6 1,82A 20.A 8,935 18.1 I * (A through trip, passing through two stations, is included in the totals as one trip.) - LEBANON METROPOLITAN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY — 1953 TABLE B-6 VOLUMES AND PERCENTAGES OF LOCAL AND THROUGH TRUCK TRIPS AT EACH EXTERNAL STATION ** (Percentages in the "Total" column are percentages truck traffic is of the total traffic at each station.) . E‘. .. , 5 LEBANQN AREA TRAFFIC SURVEY VEHICLE TRIP TABLES INTERNAL TRIPS Internal trip data (secured from the Parking Survey) were re- corded only for trips inbound to the Parking Survey Area. These trips are shown in the "To" columns, and were also doubled and shown inthe "Total" columns, with subtotals only under the "From" colurnns° Internal trips without either origin or destination in the Park- ing Survey Area were not interviewed and are not included in these tables, withthe exception of 1, 600 trips obtained from interviews at sev- eral large parking lots adjacent to major industries outside thepark- ing survey area, EXTERNAL TRIPS , "To" columns show trips to the district or station in the head- ing from each district or station listed in the first column. "From" columns show the trips from the district or station in the heading to each district or station listed in the first column. "Total" columns show trips between the district or station in the heading and each district or station listed in the first column. CODING Each district has a three—digit number as shown on district map. In these tables an additional ‘'0'’ has been prefixed to identify them as district numbers, making them four-digit numbers° Stations are numbered 1 through 19. In these tables, stations are coded in four digits, as follows: One ‘'0'’ has been prefixed to sta- tion numbers I to 9, inclusive. In addition, a "10" has then been pre- fixed to each station number to identify them as station numbers, com- pleting the four-digit code number. For example, 0003 represents district 003 — 1003 represents Station 3. Data represent average 24-hour weekday volumes, July and August, 1953. A . - um up;-xwinv . ~ 15 :1 vy 0 -L -1 ~‘I ~k ~-i ~ .5,‘ DISTRICTOOOI CONT'D DISTRICT 0001 AVERAGE 24 HOUR 064279893950236 ,68268628448688586808822804868006226802242020404060 L 588355279428819 62434424440390279581565291585860253609216559195729 M L 4 1 2 913 331111 1 5221 1 1 23 511 1 1 11 L 3 m A L 5 026661567844935 6282804 44824 064 4 8 888228 840288 2 24 4404 M U 16 1 2 . 1117 842337 952 13 1 11232 1711 3 2 132 o M 1 3 1 T T 04861R336116301 06440688404864680404824804080888242884440006400666 L w 42715R078426602 88101714441770266580564291564527243527013538195596 M Q 4 1 2 810 21111 1 4121 1 1 22 411 1 1 1 m 3 A 67990105461899? M 23352384421364? 1 N 2 3 4 T 1 2 O L . 0 ||l ..l\I.||||l _ . O L. W S 3044 653217637 .T _ R Q 3 3 3 L C . F W 1 I L I T R 1 L M 1 1 L w 37550140140136O m M Q 203521744213344 3 2 3 3 W 1 49537R849342349 34184314224894398909916457939003168406171565757535 L 244732434214161 8676771272514513924523214 2424351213596 8274 42369 W 2 1 6 9 11 211 11 2 T 1 1 . 5 722261914637308 3146952 27912 582 7 4 499164 425699 6 12 2752 m U 3 1 1 813 471113 421 1 111 3 1 1 11 W 2 w 773117935715041 03725894207982340702912457540949126947275553755883 x 114632234113358 495553 272083513824523214 2322131212185 6264 42248 2 2 1 5 6 1 2 1 11 2 O 1 A m M 67890123456789m 12345612345612341234123456123412345612345612345123 mmm 00001111111111T 00000011111122 23333444444555566666677777788888999 F OOOOOQOOOOOOOOE 00000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000O00000 11111111111111& 00000000000000 000000000000000000000O000Q000000000 _ . _ 46226064888904680122000028026882866824680420886204060608868044886 9785 L 6659163501451724115389330 981542133454714307 43612908592 3211 27 2760 M L 131 1 1 3121 2 1 1 1 1.27) 311 1 .1 1111 21 2 4111 L . 6 m A M L 1 L 5 2662484 2n44888 3844444 00608244 4084408 4 44@T226O420 08 5021 M M 784242 21. 1 L 1 112122 41 1 13341 73 18 2122 O M W 1 . _ 8 T T L n M _ m L L L _ I L L _ 206022248862608022846666880208004264262406 68426628002T8868044888 .4764 L W 9807733501250714914277229 87942O1334fi27132 6 43599567519 3211 18 10648 M E 21 1 3121 1 L1 23 31 1 I 1 2 3 411 0 0A W L L I P 5 T m1 N _ L A H A _ _ _ L 1 L L 2 _ L M 8 2038 M 1 L 3 2764 m . L I 1 W 1 2 T A L L L L 3 L M _ . W S U _ 4 0 1 W 4 1- 1 W _ . L _ 4 _ _ _ 1 W M M M 4 12567 x _ W H 9_ 1653 W I w m _ 6 W L. L 1 2 23668087494L57345&66055514518941988462890715448152530854484572448 7757 1 887453125 780812032644115 445226 112773 7153 21356954246 11 13 0005 W 1 1L1 11 11 1 1 1 211 1... M 3 M L 1@11i:::;|1-=:;1-4 . ;I-|.|\;i;a;,1:!j:s,\- , 1:, I.< .1 . -.; . ; ;..;-.-a;,:;..-1 it 1<1, 7.. .=;- till- 2 6331212 1522449m2427222 55354122 2092254 2 22376635265 54 5550 m .2 342121 .11 _ 1 11 2 112 31 4 1 11 M _ W 4 L M ii: I . I lvlllilt Ii. }r,!>\..ll. |.|‘|y|1‘1< 1 IPIII IIIIYIIIIIIII l||!|l, I I 11] Iiill ‘ii .v.|l \ .. . 1 , 1. .. 1|-11 . lv >1 I i , 1|,‘ lIl>|l1‘ , I | 1 1 I . I, : I v vl, I, 111 ||ll|l,I,| w 60356667493635906fi42883394065400768263675313426886905699484572494 2207 N 445331125 6108 2922633114 434215 112563 6153 21244733204 11 9 9094 2 1 121 L 11 1 1 6 11 W I 2 W 2 1234561234561234123412345612341234561234561234512345678947234341o 1235 wwm 0000001111112222333344444455556666667777778888899999999911222335J 0000 F 000000000009000000000000000000000000U000000000000000000022222222b 0000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000O0000% 1111 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES WEEK DAY VOLUMES - 1953 LEBANON 5 DISTRICT 0003 CONT‘ D DISTRICT 0002 CONT'D AVER“AGH 24 HOUR WEEK D-AY VOLUMES N 08008n42244424886 220622044442 419 210739228837972 26206862284484 1 388111423 4161 240851295 2 7252191221541 12519 93442 338504 1 M 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 M 2 L 5 802 406 4 8 8 226064020 0. 87O5481207112214339 220602 8444 M M 32 13 12431 122 9 1 2 1 11 11 3 6 23211 1 6 m 5 1 T .I 28804 82846444884062422n044442 6495839532116623643 04246662440084 1 W 25511 022 3151 125531173 3 5131 7 111431 12212 70221 337594 1 M MM 1 6 1 5 1 6 3 1 T I; M 1 2867687474342575476 M 1 4 2 3 111321 17 5 m 1 3 1 1 .4. 0 . O .1 0 M .4 5 230? 61584562 135 3 T m “M 9 1 1 1 8 C | A 2 . I - R n 6 . E A 6 0565626990880562973 D K 1 3 1 3 1211 15 7 8 2 M 54059521622717443111581s522221 2333633365986362506 68103486192247 M 144 711 2 3 12542 142 1 3131 5 1 11 1813 46221 114252 a M 3 S 451 258 2 4 4 613582510 5 640342 72365 2 1836 160851 4272 m M 11 1 121 11 9 1 1 1 8 111 m 2 W 19957 41428777447n867665522226 693021364233616177O 52128386775047 m 122 511 1 2 1221 31 1 2 21 4 11 16 5 3511 113242 3 8 2 1 n a M 41235612345612451234567897242m 12356789O123456789m 12345623561234 WWW 56666677777788889999999Q91223T 0O00O0O011111111114 00000011112222 F 00000000000000000o00000002222b 000000000000000000b 00000000000000 00000000000O00O00n00000000000m 111111111i11111111m 00000000000000 1 . 1 06268646008482848 3830751069951280614 226206486006264068602642648 ._ 4835424644 3 46 8449350377191327606 54543212210361 371334212224 M ML 2 1 22 6 311 511 2 1 913 11 1 m 1 W 7 3 1 _ I _ rm 1 6660688 4 4 8 45O7771537595368732 6880424 6408482 404 808 M “M 5 3146 7 3111 6212 31 415 422211 2 1 2 1 1 o .m 2 1 4 T W i 1 1 H 40662B66068488840 93330805324669229B2 64826408604228 248662242840 1 mm 8894053643 2 49 4337388157870226181 0122111221735 251323212114 M K 1 21 3 311 4 1 1 1 8 9 11 6 H 6 2 _ 4 3000479039237451883 1 M 3 9673295633954113531 mm 8 1 2 3 5 .. 3 1 3 1 0 1 Ii 7 1- U H . 0 W 1. 9 6756341491703252230 T R1,“ 3 1 31 11 5 9 C F _ 6 1 m 1 T Tm E mm 5 7354138648534209653 D mm 9 75622645237441i2032 11 1 1 2 3 3 W, 3 1 1 03684323004246424 0830382030724839831 618153743508182589851371324 1 L 2462212322 1 1 23 9876154744246113065 772211 11 513 13 1121 1112 1 M 1 11 . 8 1 2 1 6 8 1 1 3 1 1 . 8385344 2 W 2 9 8851430146892116502 3440762 3254241 252 454 ml 3 2 1 23 M 3 1 1 3111 1 916 2111 1 1 mm H 6 2 M 1 - E- mm 20831983084244425 2089952994932723339 37418754357664 179836171970 Ma; 9442031321 _ 1 29 7864 23523036113158 5511 11 312 12 1111 1 2 12 11 _ 1 1 2 1 5 5 11 1 1 3 1 1 1 la . W 1 45678172345.4111m 123567890123456789% 123456123456123412341245123 MAW 99999 12222 3578T 000000001111111111_ 000000111111222 33334444555 r 00000 2222222222b 000O00000O0O00O000w 000000O0000000000O000000O00 00000 OOOOOQOOOOM 111111111111111111S 0000000000000000O00000OO00D . 1 AVERAGE 24HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES LEBANON - 1953 —g 1 m . T . A .u. ...;r. .‘. 1. hi 7 ,1’ -2 ~—--~'‘ . . _ . ,. ‘ H, '. . 3 , WEEK DAY VOLUMES AVERAGE 24 HOUR’ wmomomvwommcvovmmmwwvvvwvmmwmvmvvomcvwwwovmmmwwomvmmwwwvmvom momHH¢Mom J HQMNQH mHmmwHHm PNNH H H mmwH -HHmWwHMMH HMmMmm GMH HHQ vmmmHvHH <( __j FIF1 1"‘ \9 *‘ .1 2 < A J m vmvomm m cw mv wo vvmwv v Q m¢vmv w mvwwmvvow w v vMmvMHM 5 § ‘HHHN H H H H HQ H mm m E E "‘ mowwwcvmomwcoowwmvvmvwvmvvmmwow vmmwoommo momomwvomwv vvmwov w>M§mMoom J 2 FHHHHF mHvmvHHM rHNH H H HWWH HQNQ¢HNMH HMwMHH PM HHH vHmH vHH :5 H H -" J 2 g H H Q>mHmm>Mw j H m HH N 5 ® k LO 0 O _-_ ___._~__. 0 S In N H HN! ! I H E 3 °\ ‘ 2 5 H I {Q3 @ U3 0 . E Q N M§HOWN§WW ‘ w; m m H m E5 0 4. ®vmMQoNMMMHMFMPQQOmM@mv1>wMmMbvmhmHmmvmmmmmmwmMovbmwmmmm‘bmm ¢MQOQNQFH J M>HHQ H MHN N HH HvM MHHN HH HNHHH vm v NHHH m 5 w 2 Q NmbmHv Q mm mm mm. NbH€N N v wmmvm m HNMFHNNON m N MMvmMHM E U NH H H HH m E H 2 wmwmmwNMmvHcmmmmwvbMrmrvrmmHmm¢ rHHHomvmm wmwmwmmmwwm Nmvvmv HommMHM>H m Mm H NHN H H Mm mHHm HH HmH MH M NHH m 95 m 2 E 2 HwmvmmHmMmwHmvHNM1HmMwMHmMvHmMwmwHmMmmHmwmHmMwmwbwmbmMwMwHHo HNMWWkQQO 2&3 ooooocHHHHHNNNMMMMvwvwwwmmmwwwmwmbvfl>>mmmmmmmmmmmmmHmmmMnmm$ ooooooooH ~ “ OOOOOCOOOOOOOOQOOCOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOQOOOOONNNNNNNNQ ooooooooo ooooocoooooooooooqooooocooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooofi HHHHHHHHH ~wwmmmmowwwmvmmmommmmmvwomm*NwvNmmowo¢wmbm§mm MmwmmHomomwmmovmHbb J M mm H m mPHmmHHHoMM MHHN MHvvHHM wn H M mHMmmoHmmMmmmm HHNM <( _] H H m H 02 § P .1 2 < '* J m m vvw Q woo wvm vv momwovmvw o mHmvvHmHmMomHMMmMvm 5 3 H HH H HHv H NH w H H H M O Q 3 M H owvmmcowwvmwmwmommvmm mowmwmwwmooomwowmwwwwm wwHwwomvwmw>vbHM®Mw J g w HH H N NF vwH mMM MHHN MHNM@HN M¢ H v MHMHNQ NHN€HNT HFNQ : 2':-2 \1~ H w o M H P 5* Q m mm>moHmMHmHHwmmbMmM L j H w HHNW HHHMHH m w Z 5 O\ m O !- 0 g _ - _ _v _ _ , ‘ .~__._._'_. . _.__.,___ __ O 5 w 0 M HNMWHP MMHH HmwHw O E § m H v S E H H . m ‘“.V@__Wm+m“"_“»_@*MMM' - 2 g m owmMbm@mHmmom®Hm>>w ‘Q L? M v HHHM HHHNHH h M 9: v M D -1 mwwHHwmmwvHFwmmmwmH®wm®mmHmwmmHmmmMQ>vmvwmww wMmbwovmmPMHmvmwwmw§ J-m HH H.H mm .mHH H H H mmm H MN H MHH Q H HQHHH HfiP: : Q\ \-4 M O \ F : Q Q mum m- mmm mmm mm mmMvmmH>m o OHQNHWH m mw MN PMH 9 § N H m H H m‘ laj 1-1| 3 ovmmmwmmvmHbwvwmvwmmw wmmHmw®MmmmoHmommvvN¢w ®mmmbvMm>bwvmH mHwM fl'N H H mm vHH H H H HHM H Hm M NHH M H HH HH OHH % H M 2 "5 T6 5 HmMvHmMvmmHnMHmMwmHmMqmmHmMvHmMwmmvmm>NMQWHo HmMmwvwmoHmMwmw>mmg egg MMMMvvvwvwmmmmmwwwvhvbrvmmmwmmmmmmmmmHmmmMm$ OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHF “ ooooocooooocooooocooooooooeoooooooooammmmmmn ooooooooooooooooooi ooooocooooooooooocooooooooooooocoooo oooooofi HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH£ '/ VOLLJMP’:1 /'~."-JL3>'?/‘AGE 24 HOUR V‘/EE‘r< DA - 1953 LEBANON 3 DISTRICT 0006 CONT'D DISTRICT 0005 CONT'D FGQPH¢®?NOHWFVVFM mmvwvvmmmwom vmobomvvHmmmmwmn- wwwwwmmwmvmv J N mHHH HHH Hw H MNH H HHMW H H m~H mwmnm H J~ m mm >NWb H H H N M wwv vvvvmo mH NWNH H Hvv 5 j H m mm H m 9 5 vwwommmwHoomwvmvm m®owvwwwwmwm mmmwmHmnHmmmnmmw ¢mmwmmmvmvmv J g m w H HHH HE w MHH H H M‘ H E WVNMN H < if m H - 5 i- ‘_I," wvmmmo>Hmommmw>m> H vnvmmmHH N mmmwm 3 H M H N 0 m H w 5 H " _ N H I--4 O O , W A 5 m HH mm m m m P m H MH wHv H E 3 H g m H 2 E m 0‘ E—( H <11 <0 H -—- nmoqnbcamfimmncgmwmmfi G \O \O"\'QU)‘€>HHH N NNOWQ Q 33 H m H m w m H v 23 H 2 nmvmmwmmmvmmmmbmw wHbmmmmvmwmH vnvHovmnHHm HQMH @¢wwmvmmHmHm J H n m H HH Hm H m NNHHH '6 02 P W mm m mm H H H 0 P mmm mmmmHm QH vvmH H nmn 2 § H n Hm - m g HnvbmmvnmvrMvwvmH mmmmmmwmvmvw nmvHw HNH N.Hm m bvwwm¢mmHmHm 02 H N v w - H m N NNHHH H 3?: E E E nmw>mmoHmmwmmvwmo HmnmwHMvwwmO HmmmwvmmHmnm§mmo HmMwmwmHmMvH 2%; OOQQOQHHHHHHHHHH§ 0oooommmmmmT QOOQQQOOHHHHHHHT QOQQOGHNNNNM “ ooooooooooooooooa- oooooogoooog ooooooooooooooog -oooooocooooo HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHW oooooogoooow HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHm Qooooocooooo { OVO\l~l"\HO2I‘\0\CI) o\c\o<\2wroocoNoaJcoooooo~¢wr-mcwv~roo<\z~¢w.vwwo\om\g~¢Q\Qmmwn mwwo mmwwomvwmmomwmmw omowv mvmv vwmmmmwomwowmwmwwmmwwmm wm J 3 H Hm v MPH H mH H H HHHH NH MNNNHHM HHHN NM n m E K M > O ;"r';"i % f mvvmn mvmo > ‘F i: H m m W W 1 ‘j H J) " \o O O ,__-_____-_ -_-- _»__-_- _- _ -~-_o_ _ --____ M-_-1* M _ - _-_I__ g in NHH Homo H m M :1 I N 2 N * I 5 ad W 1 " F‘ . ! E "M P “M fj mmmmn mmno O ‘ 0 HQ flfl H w P m m Pi H Q g \ 3 >om¢ Hmmvw onmwmHmvwHmmmwovmbmmPNNQHNNNQNQmwnbmm¢wnnmvmmvhmmv> QF ‘J H Hm O 1 MNH H w m HNH vmHH H HHN mm m M ; II‘ F N 1 L0 : " I > i 1 s A _____~ -~__ _ __ A E --_~_ -~ - -- _. .. -_._ -»_H __ ____A..~l. .~ M __I_...__._._E.‘. V 5 , mm HmmHw v wHvv N m H mm W mHmm wvmm N Hmmmnm O“ m mm 2 .5 1 m H; H H mH Hm N i : N ! H ' ' 1 { é L‘H__ I .M4~mM“m' I \ 2 ;K wbmv OHMQ wfibmmwmvwvmvmvmv m@mbN‘¢Nflb mmwvHHbmwvmwmwHnMvMNNvm Mm IE Hm P H; M - H HHHH H H HH 0 m ,:;- 1"‘ M F ” E G} F Hmmvmwbwmg HmnvmwHmMmmHmvHmnvHnmHmnvHmnvmHmnmmHm¢HmnwmmbmmvnHB Hm :52 HHHHHHHHHP 0oooooHHHHHmmmmnnnvwwmmmmwwmwwbbrbvwwmmmmmmmmmmHmm§ oo ‘ oooooooooi omooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmQ oo HHHHHHHHH£ omooooooooooooooooooo0ooooooooooooocooooooooooooooa HH, AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES - 1953 LEBANON ~ I 4 N¢¢YO‘ DISTRICT 0013 CONT'D ~ DISTRICT 0012 CONT'D § 2 E 3 K , Qmvym mmbm§§mwsowmmbwomwmwmmovmommm m£¢mmw- mvwcmmmcmflvmobmmmmw J HH .- H _HNM -NMHH HHAM -HvHmHmHMm H w QNPWQWW‘ ;mHmH HOMM f j \ O\ H H Q H co 9 < ' J W m ww o wMwmHm v mm MNQ < 6 H- H Hm H m F ') 0 k |— :- . mwwfioqmmyvwmmmwmowmvwmwmmmvmmwmwwwovwommmmwwvmmv bwwmmrmmmwmoobmmwoo J A HH . _HU Hmm QMHH HH‘ HvHmHNHNH~ '=H m mmwmwMHM NHNH Hmnv 5 w - m H H ' I P 2 H 2 N ommHomomv bmmmmHmmm ; m vHvPv>HH QHN 6 v v F 5 3 1w- QNM ow M HM ONH E 8 H LO (I )- Em c b HMmHwHomv wvmmmHow¢ WQ - v wHwrmmHH VfiP 2: v . M 2 , HmmrmmvvmmwHpHMmQbvmmmmmHmhmHMH>wmmwwmwHwHvm§HHm~ NNWQ@HQHHWOMNQ HO®M : Hv _» 4 Hr HH . N m H HH , m >HNHQQ m m H HwHH 6 Q ¢ F J H mm m wflmmmm v v w § 9 g H v (I I- 2; HmmrmmyvmmvrwHMmowwmmmwmHmbwHMHbwmmbvmwmwHvm>HHv >WHM€H®m§Hmmmmm Hmww 3%. V H‘-. ~‘-H-4 -- cg m H H ~ :~E- \0H02HC\2L\ H H H 1-4&0‘-H0 o< v m )--i- 3 \ . ‘E E E-mMwHmMvHmMwwHmMwHmMmwHmMvmmHmvmHmMvmwb®mmMwmHHH8 HmMmmvmmoHmM‘mwv®oo ,9gg NQNMMMMvwwvummmmwwwwwvrrvvbwwmmmmmmommmmmmmMm§mH QQQQOQQOHHHHHHHHHHQ “-ooopocooooocooooccooooooooooodooooocoooommmmmmms oooooooooooooooooop ooopocooooocooooocooooocooooocooaoocooooooooooo5 HHHrHHHHHHHHHHHHHH£ vmw&mvvvwwoqoowmommwmvmmomvwvwmNwm- mH®HM¢6WNvmNONbNVN® mvwmomvmom J mmH.HmH H ' -NNHN HH v MmmmmmmmHmvHmH mwvm owmMH NH < J -. > m H H > HH P J 8 < J‘ m m m m Q o, v mMwHmvMm>mHm MMvm :5 5 H M H m (‘Q 2 E H vmw mvvvvmwmmowwomwwovmwomvwwvmmwm. HHmmbMmmmmm>mo>mHmM wvwmomwmom J. 2 mm NH H'< . NNHfl HH M ommH>wHH mm HH HHMM ovmMHg NH < :“'i’ L0 H H o HH 1 ;- mx 1. 2 2: ' < H >ommMhMmwHmvHM memo v WH mM~H Hm H HmHM , |- Q) n \ M H 1 2 _w ! 5 W M m H omvM QHH Mmmw P i E H H L" B E In Q1 ; |~ [__J 2 9 w momwMHHHmH@MoM mHmm Q ' X m QH QM H HH H‘ HQHP 95 N N It) NfimfifimmmmnmflmoQMW$MQMNHMWHNPFNHfiNH~ wHMwo%vHwMMwmmbwwvw vmMwmvmHmw .J HH H HH H v >HMHmHHH Hm mum MbHH H 5 ~ N v 8 8 ,6 N H m 2 F '9 NHM HmmmmMvwvQmMmwMvMmHMmmm>>mHHmm .wHHvvm>wvHowmv>vomH wmMwmvmHmv ‘w- HH H “ ~HH ® MHMHMHH Hm mum m>HH H 93 N M 3 E is ~i mMHmwHMwHmMmmHmMmmHwmHmMvwbmmmM‘HQ H@MmmrwmoHmMwmmPmmo HmMvmwMmwH $3,Mnxvvmmmmwwwmvmbbhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm$ ~oooooooQHHHHHHHHHH§ OOOOOOHHHN - “ QoooooooooocnoooocQOQQQQQQOOQNQNNg-_oooooooooooooooooog OOOOOOOOOO -co-Q-~oo,ooo_-0Q-.oco,o_oo_ocooooooooooooqapW HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHQ oooooooooo AVERAGE 24HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES 1953 LEBANON 5)? WEEK DA’ JOLUMESHW 1"- /UERAGE DISTRICT 0015 CONT'D DISTRICT 0014 028440 2155471770970895748 266820042026008208668 427003311732191: L 6509 7 2584389848934118044 6335211 2 2678641968 0222138534322 M 1 1 11 4 2 2 4 7 12 0 1 2 m N 2 1 1 L S 2442 0 9385943425787 45586 0844 808888 084 9566 00730537 M W 7 16 2 1 411 11 15 4 15 1 1 116 42 1 w H 5 2 1 0 884249 3870538355293850262 282420042028020428684 571403348789491 L T 8493 4 0474247746823114530 5735211 2 1568521842 9121196423211 M 1 1 9 2 2 3 5 11 9 1 m 3 1 1 M 5 6509501647096272874 4 985594132669121 M 3 02412454235121 3120 4 5 1 253121 1 m 2 1 1 2 9 5 1 1 1 /0 1 O \ . 0 W M 0 91226506 7023 20857 T 2 531 04425223 m M 6 21 1 2 2 E 8 .21 m 2 1 R T W 5 7487951040073253027 2 454594790147821 Z 7 92311144234121 2927 6 5 1 032121 3 9 1 1 7 4 1 W 064725 6656970133984623974 188915521013054109834 54251928917307 M 8259 K 1242 44424411 12814 81121 1 133432 434 4111 03112111 m 2 1 1 1 8 1 5 1 T 1 H 6271 0 0263393828764 26739 5922 454449 592 4256 06315314 w W 3 3 6 1 1 2 1 2 8 2 m 2 1 F 447625 649368731q22O607245 696715521019510719342 12701965864267 ? 4246 7 0232 23323411 11612 78121 1 23421 426 41 8211111 mm 9 1 1 1 7 4 M 5 11 1 a M 67892m 123567890123456J89m‘ 12345631424123456789m 123q67890123456 mwm 99992T 00000O0011111111114 000O0012688999999999T 0O0n00001111111 r 00002b 00000O0O00O000000Ob 0000000000000000O000h 000n000O0000000 00000m 111111111111111111m .00 00000O00000000000& 111111111111111 8408404484240 904354293285740612. 8802622202426444226422462448 L 141 1 1 3 121 184 13 8 4008681221 1111 13 31326 M L 1 _ 2 351 112 w M L 5 4 4 8 21 5703 21 13 5 0 246884 8 8 4 82204 M U 12 L 6 292 11 3291 m m 8008404484842 794307263 75610112 6444882222428440226422480244 L W 141 1 2 111 162 13 2 2177461211 111 13 28135 M 1 2 34 11 m 3 W 5 808 6691 444 48 2 M 6 1 31 1 2 M 1 w 5 O L 0 W M 4 2 971 1 1 4 5 T R M 2 C F \ I m R T H) 4 L M 1 608 672 343 44 7 D MM 6 1 21 1 9 3 9254252242625 106398383241346810 4401316106218777113266286724 L 2 6 11 42 1 6 755434 11 1 15613 1 12 1 1 2 W 2 4 1 5832 2 3 1 5 173497 4 4 2 46157 w M 1 3 141 114 _mm 9054252242421 196340063 41316715 3777446166214775113266240677 _$ 2 L 6 1 41 1 2 603323 1 1 14562 “mm 1 12 1 m 0 1Z31Z34R67BQW 1235678901234678Q/Im 1234562351Z.416.51241232412345 mmm 000999999999% 00000000111111111T. 0000001112223346667778899999 F 000000000000» 00000000000000000b 0000000000000000000000000000 O000000n0000u 11111111111111111a 0000000000000000000000000009 5 \.l AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES 1953 LEBANON - a I: u ' ¢ ' _ . 5 :' .2 J -n M ~ 3 4 . J. I . J J 1 .: J DISTRICT 0022 CONT'D DISTRICT 0016 CONT'D Avnwaca ZAHOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMF' 22426860844 8864 8571450872265668707 664844246240448422 92512305 L 2358131424 .4121 743541.11 811 22 13 1 17 1 222 A L. 7 5 1 m 1 T .1 L S 4 8 882 5312 783043 22128 1 8 4 48 48 6 1 126 M H 5 1 6 2 1 o W T T 2242686686428082 32694225789634569O6 86 844246202448424 32412289 L W . 12257131419 412 63343 11 715 12 12 1 4 1 111 M E 6 4 1 m 3 W 2 3052472723457031274 6 Q22 2733 M 7 211 42122 1 5 7 8 1 11 m 3 2 L T _ 3 _ 2 _ 0 C I |.|..'|I|||\l| IIIIIL W S 6 131 5625 1 121 5 3 T 4 23 K H W. 2 3 m 1 m R T E w 6 2742426573356821771 D 2 622 2710 mm 4 2 1 41112 4 4 7 11 mm 3 2 w 1121393592769432 5529 28159818637533 3324221231752742A6 9 31 672 L 1124 1 217 2 1 21231 3 4 11 1 8 1 1 W 3 2 T S 2 4. 446 4 2 921542 1 23 8 4 2 24 94 2 1 1 3 m U 2 2 1 1 W T W 1121393398769096 1527 66005617635235 93 4221231R1274242 7 21 579 E 1123 1 2 4 2 1 91231 3 1 1 1 7 mm 3 2 M H H 1 . a M 235242123456789m 123567890123456789m 12342324243456789m 12356789 wmm 11146H9999QQ999J 00000Q001111111111J 00001146889999999T 00000000 F 00000000000O000b 00000m000000000000b 0000000000n000000b 00000000 000000O00O00000m 111111111111111111m 0000000000 000000m 11111111 1713 0 24084824842424422820688240 8757633326174570127 486448 L 1036 196051 1 112167361350 82511426465231 3022 701411 A L 2 9 22 1 1 1 4 1 2 9 11 T L 1 m A L 5 3532 420400 4402404 42 722 228128 1 11838 44844 M H 3 6 21111 116 1 8 1 5 o W . 1 1 T T 8281 .6620084224842424428428284208 1537415208173569399 048008 L W 720 07594 1 111050351351 82511316455231 2916 70 411 M MM 1 8 22 1 1 2 1 1 8 11 w 2 1 A 3273 O 3339643O00496727455 M 111 0 412 714232 1 1915 m 1 5 7 4 T 1 2 2 2 0 O W S 1024 T 1 512 54 2 1 538 T R M 2 8 E 9 2 C F U I m R R T T S. S . I W 2259 D 9 8219699008496717927 D m 912 O 312 6 4222 1 1812 mm 4 6 4 M 8540 SQ12592462421212761915849670 5428090326788853772 748279 L 915 04352 153813 120 413 161223211 10 7 85 2 W .4 11 7 1 4 T S 2518 215755 2751252 21 21 274126 1 13 0 22422 w M 1 7 1 3 9 3 H T W 6032 3865042462421212769264697659 332882620O787852472 524059 x 817 03242 52512 120 413 6 223211 10 4 85 2 3 3 11 6 1 4 N 2 W M 7890 123456235614224512123456789m 123567890123456789o 123456 mmm 1114 000000111133466678999999999T 0000000011111111114 000000 F 000% 000000000000000000000000O00b 00000000000O000000w 000000 1118 0£000000000O000000000000000& 111111111111111111S 000000 1953 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEl\" DAY VOLUMES LEBANQN Q 468844 37 888884 1953 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES 24 HOUR WEEK DAY 44848806484886 97132841368778611 4 084026620860 033 L 11 6951411463 6151123232622121537 451 1 1 7231127 2 1 M 1 1 1 3 1 1 7 3 m M 1 L S 8 8 2 00008 4802 9431354752515703666 4 4 8 644 44 6 M N 5914 141 11 2 111 2 4 0 3 6 w W 4 2 ,. 488 4444648806680084 4366888199853075055 44884840 4020280826 433 L y 1 1047311322 514 922214111 1126 451 1 1 4221120 1 1 M MM 1 9 1 5 3 o 3 T 0 , 8 2388722530123074434 5 329 D 4 6 312 6211141111 810 8 1 T 6 4 1 N . r 2 O 3 c wor M w 4 6 646534342196723 128 T 2 3 M m 1 O 1 1 2 O M 3 T W 2 1 R C T M ~ S T Wu 2 6023489119266844316 .D 3 029 B 52 6 2 2 4111 3 619 5 1 D WM 4 2 1 M 78442222424958297448 1419410311245704287 2994442542518365935 714 M 39252 936 3 3 61121211 11716 22 311 18 T 6 3 1 m H 4 4 1 55504 2Q06 3 76 11331658573548 2 2 4 822 22 3 m C 24 2 20 1 2 9 1 3 W 2 T W 744 2222329408895542 8443409080697231749 27942425 2510145913 414 E 5231 116 2 2 5 1111 1416 22 211 15 mm 4 . 2 1 U A m . m H M 3512214124123456789m. 123567890123456789o 123456931424234689m 123 wmm 1123456788999999999T 0000000O1111111111J 00000O113688Q99999J 000 F 00O000O0000O0000000b. 0000000OO000000000b 000000 00000000000b 000 OOOOOJOOOOOOOOOOOQOM: 1111111111111.1111m 000O00;00000000000m 111 7648113423 88O408242244024288684 9O69326787700158839 0668404 _ 2 5 .47311 ..1 1313 216 31 3 113111 519 197554 N L 1 3 2 21 T 1 m N L S 11 2314 808 4 4 4 8 6511 84337 14 8652 862882 M M 3 1. 7 3 6 132112 6 W T r 7538111119 082408242244084888286 355834245079615 287 2040684 L w 2 1 46211 1 1212 21 3 2 1131 _ 5 3 965431 A Q 1 2 11 m M T L D 2248 724 T 3726 93028067115673 T M 1 8 2 1 1111 3 7 N _m 1 O w . 4 . 1 C _ W W 3 3 \ 7 7777 |_ 0| 7 I I Ill‘! 7 I11: 7 .. 7. 7.. 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A> DISTRICT 0034 CONT'D DISTRICT 0032 CONT'D 02848442222R6048B4826 8415591248122156273. 08224a68244446406484660 L 3211 1 11 2295111228 312 711 1642 1028 854221 6483 11230 A L 6 1 1 5 6 m L T A L 5 4444 2 34888 6 782 4j2 3533 5419 4 040 8264 4484 M M 1 21 1 3 111 2 2 1 1 4221 5 o M 1 1 1 T T 68408442022022608482O 1695559048879851864 68284R6824444824248O286 L w 2111 1 11 1263111227 3 1 4 1 9421 1725 753111 1252 11224 M MM 5 4 4 m 3 M 3 1845202623444736247 0 M 4 2 1 4 . 532 610 0 m 3 3 3 T 1 4 \ w W M 8 351 1 1 778 12 5 T 7 m W 5 1 1 5 M 7 m R T E W 5 8335292523776735041 D 3 mm 8 1 1 2 421 515 2 mu 2 2 2 U A 519747216614357997413 767 39962578B420036 09112934122223208297380 L 11 1142 114 1 3 5211 1417 42211 3241 110 W 3 2 3 T M 2222 1 02494 8 431 321 6853 4213 2 525 4137 2247 m m 1 5 2 1 7 211 7 m W 39754721561511859?415 336 367525103126823 89697Q34122229171295143 x 1 131 118 1 1 5211 210 321 121 112 mm 2 2 2 M m M m M 34563512424123456?89o 123567890123456789m 1234562312424123456789m .mmm 000O11246889999999994 0000000011111111114 00000n11566B8999999999T F O000O0O0000n0O000000b 0O000000000O000000b O00O0n0000000OO000O00Ob 000000000OOn00OO0000m 111111111111111111& 0O000n000O000O0OO0O0OO& 53613168O4428995 2068842444424080804642 27845947128O43734 28 L 41 1 21 .3 2 583 314111218 2 1 2 2221, 616 31 A L 2 3 2 11 M L T A L s 2 O 2426 11 5 9 4 4 4 4 84 48 0 533256 2147 660 84 M M 1 3 4 5 1 o W T T 3361174203328496 80648 244442468240O842 74520345081043174 44 L W 31 21 3 8 483 213111114 1 1 2 2121 6 1 20 m mm 1 3 2 111 o 2 T 0 A 3276273542 12143 1 81135433664611585 1 2 1 2 2 9 1 1 111 3 4 m 1 1 1 T 3 4 3 3 0 0 O nu 0 W s 2 5 1423 1 3 4 T 0 213233 2135 522 T R M. 2 C 2 3 C . F U T... I m R R T T 4) Eu 1 I M 1226131241 12849 D 1 6 812131539611063 D E 2 1 1 9 7 1 11 3 1 WM 1 1 WM 2195143362416852 6084421222212590957371 46710514564432259 69 L 1 1 1 O 241 1 2 1 9 1 1 1 3 1 65 H 1 1 1 W S 5 1 3 1 2 S 2 2 2 2 42 24 0 32 23 12 148 47 w 1 2 1 1 T W 2145 43062316657 40824 1222212396755971 14718214552432111 22 mm 1 1 1 8 241 1 1 7 1 1 3 O 65 mm 1 1 U A M 2 2 L M 567890123456789o 123456231424123456789m 1235789O23456789m 12 wmm 0000011111111114 000000115688999999999T 0000000111111111T 00 F 00O000000000000b O00000O0O0000000000OOb OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM 00 111111111111111M 0000OO00000O0000O00O0m 1111111111111111m 00 1953 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES LEBANON AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES Q DISTRICT 0042 CONT'D DISTRICT 0041 CONT'D 34630/..$ 231575065300 02040448422408484 31612 0533904 0844428444 L 2 1 21 626 35111. 22 1 1 2 1 3 L1 13 217 321 M L 2 2 . 1 m A L 5 5 11 483348 48 44 0 1 21.5.2 2 .328 4 4 M U 1 4 2 1 o W T T 73 475682062 64040448428 08484 214 28443960333686 684442844 L W 1 1 1 511 24111 21 1 1 0. 1 2 1 13 .2 5 221 . A5 1 M SM 9 2 1 m A 631954362021 2 813 251318157 3424 M 1 1 316 1 1 1 1 8 m 1 1 M2 4 0 4 L 0 . D 0 M .4. 2 1 41 923 T 0 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 w M C T m 2 M 1 1 M T T R B n D D K F 43 954952108 2 711 221118155 3323 D mm 1 212 0 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 M 6 621703389 56575224211254742 5 31 833215583 580 5472214222 L 1 3 n 12 11 1 1 1 1 9 11 M 1 1 O T S 3 1 73425 24 22 0 1 2 227 2 2 m M 2 1 W W 3 52173 964 32575224219.54742 5 3 633215583 363 347221422 x 2 8 12 1 0 1 1 1 8 11 X 1 1 1 1 m m a M 901234567890 1245613243456789o 13356789023456789m 1234523211 mwm 011111111114 00000158899999994 00000000111111111T 0000011456 F 00000n000O0b 00000 0000000000b 000000000000O000nb 0000000000 11111111111m 00000.0000000O00m 11111111111111111& 0000000000 0470497752290091758 02686242224242242226424222226226426 3857622 L 31 1 51 2 1211117 962 2 . 1 12622151 0 3 2 A L 1 3 T L w A L 5 5137 735 32130 213 4 4 3 4 4 48 0 3 15 M W 1 1 3 9 1 1 5 0 W T T 5343424252979791545 62286 42224242242226424228286288426 0857572 L w 21 41 1 1 1818 762 2 1 2422 41 5 3 1 A Q 2 4 T 5x 0 x 7924291329956038002 3 044246 L 1 21 11 610 5 2 1 M 2 . 2 H 2 4 0 0 w 3 41 1 732 2 1 8 5 4 H 5 1 3 R M 1 4 I 2 F W m D w 382322812275505R508 8 944243 NW 1 2 1 415 2 1 1 x 1 2 355620643 344063756 51343121112121121613212116113168713 3415262 L 1 3 1 1 5 7 431 1 1311 2 5 1 M 1 2 4 1 36 0 3 112 32 719 7 2 1 2 7 24 5 2 12 m 1 1 . 1 4 2 W 252 20613122474304? 81143 21112121121613212114143144718 1415142 WW 1 2 _1 _4 2 331 1 1211 2 2 1 L 1 2 W 1 . _ 1 _ H1 2 “ 123R67890423456789o 1234523123144514123461351123456894o 1235678 wmm 000000001111111111T 0000011222334455666667778999999992J 0000000 F 000A00000&000O0n00h 0000000000000000000000000000000002® 0000000 111111111111111111% 0000000000000000000000000000000000S 1111111 _ HO AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES 1953 LEBANON - ’ ~ ~ DISTRICT 0045 CONT'D DISTRICT 0044 CONT'D 21692 848444 40 42132451 086284424224426224424282880488462 L 3 1 1 5 9522 1 1 12945 32 M L 2 m M L < 1 328 4 48 11 088 8 4424 88 M H 1 1 513 1 o W T T 11374 8444444 2 42121451 008284424224426224424284846248682 L W 3 9 1 4 8512 1 1 2422 2 A AM 1 T 41 m 3 W 2 371 5 11 3121 M 83 2 m 1 T /D M M 1! 0 M 1 31 ( 4 11 0 0 M 0 H T W 1 1 1 m m m m E m W 1 061 D 1 11 2 21 D x 2 2 2 .3 1 U A 1321 474222225 311 1241 593142262112263112212146490744731 L 1 8 2 4211 1422 11 W T W 18 2 24 544 4 7762 49 _.O| c 21 U R T W 1313 4722222 1 311 124125 059142262112263112212142423124341 % 1 7 2 1 42 1 1211 1 3 U A 1 1 1 2 a 4. V 67890 124134R8m 3702345680 123456233124212461356121234567897 WWW 1111J 000999994 0011111114 000000113444566667777889999999991 F 0000b 000000n0b 000000000b 000000000000000000000O000O0000002 1111a 000000£0& 111111111m 000000000000000O000000000000000O0 6684848400 944125183161390939 20284424286406484042 0423162135746 L 1 28 1 131317 092211 1 2152 317 1 4 1114 m M L > 4 02 1 0 0 3 4 4 4 4 6 1 1 46 A W 12 1 1 2 1 T o W T _ 6684448408 844125183961390936 80284424286002484646 0413162134700 L W 1 15 1 121215 992211 1 2152 215 1 4 1114 A Am 1 1 4 T SK 2 2 A 0 431153 51551815176 6 62 1261121683 M 9 2 2 9 3 2 1 3 v 2 T 5 4 O D M S 1 3 5 9 T 8 1 22 W A c F W 1 I R R T T B W 9 431153 51451885677 D 8 62 1261120661 K 7 1 1 8 2 2 1 3 mu 2 U A 3347424200 513 7213261 585863 15147717143753242576 42229 1 14163 L 19 1 1 8 5411 1 21 1 3 1 1 1 W 2 O T 4 2 51 1 7 5 4 2 2 2 2 8 1 24 m U 1 1 U Q T W 3347224259 413 7213251 515369 95147717143551242378 42129 1 14149 3 7 1 1 6 4411 1 21 1 2 1 1 0A 2 T. J A W 2. 2 M 42134q678o 12357890123456789m 1234563522123456789m 1235789012345 WWW 689999999J 00000O01111111111T O000001148999999999J 0000000111111 F 00000n000w 00O00000000000000b 00000000000000O0000b 0000000000000 0000000005 11111111111111111& 000O000000000000000& 1111111111111 AVERAGE 24HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES LEBANON - 1953 A\/FF/AGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES DISTRICT 0052 CONT'D DISTRICT 0051 CONT‘ D AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES om wmmmmmvwvmwmmomowvmmmw fiMw®mFON$OPHmHvflmVm moommvwwwmmwmv J >0 Hmvr H mwmHmHvmmm MMMNHPHN HNNHH nvmm mwnmm H H Q 2' Z J W mv wmmvv mm wvwwmm mHmmwHmm vH>wvHmmmo ommvm v 5 é NE NH Hm H HHHr H m H bNH Hm HH H 9 % H N mm ooomvmvwvmmmwmvomomwow mmvmhwmnrwwvmrnwomm mmmmwvmvvmwvww J 2 vm mvw H mmvH Hmwmw mmmH m H HHH mvmv vmmH H H m 5 x v Q H m 9 H om m nwHHmimomwmnpmnH®mw 3 mm H H HH v H HH Hmvm 5 m m H n F-' m w m Lfl O O O O E W ow H w mHHmmmNw NbmvvHHvmn H m § mm U w v o O L .2 H H E m H M P H E E % 0H Q m orcmmm mwwmmnmmowoH Q x no m H H n Hmvm % m m m 2 ov wmvwvwmnmrmHHomwnvnmvm ®mmFOn®NHNH®NNHOHmH momnHmmmmHmmHm J mo mmm HNM H NNMH HQNHHM H H H mmvo mvHHH N E n H H w E m mm mmvmm mfi mmmbmw m Hmmmmm mwm 'vmo> MHV§Q b 2 § m H H w H nmo H g H 3 Nv moo¢mvmmmn®HHHmwvmvmmn nmvmmHmbH >wmmHwmmv vmHwmmwmmHmNvm w Hm vmm HHN HNNN HNN m H Hwmm NNH H H m N N 2 '5 F - 3 2 mg Hmmmmmow mwvvv mwvm'wooo voww n¢mmwHbvmmHHHwmoH J 2 v mm m HH mm Hmwvm FWHHH HHH HNP NHN m HH HHH mm <1 ‘-1’ ‘Q’ M N H r- WX o M |- 5" Q bwbmmmmMwmHmmvmm§mw H mHmmmrwmmmw>®wwmm J O H N NH NMHO 0 H N H mm 3 M (Q H 2 S O U 2 M v NNH mm mmHHHHwmvm H q Nv MHWN fiflmmfimm 3 5 w m 8 W H M l‘_ J Dd " H E 2 o mvwmmr mm m¢vmwHmmH Q h rrvmmwvmowmwwwwmow ,§ m H H HH mmHv m H H mm E N H H 32 i NHHNQ PQMM Hmmm mvmmmmvwm HMNPFNHNNHN¢wOONV®®d wmvHmmmobmHrmmvwH J 0 HH H NH HN¢NN wwH HH Hfim HHH N H H >WH .i m N H H I C i ' a W mv QHO i H & H®mHNw mom N N mmmmmvw w mmw vm Wm B 5 w ' 3 H M H m M Q 7 5 NHH o mbmn HHwm Hvmvvwnmv wvrbr HNNH vmmm mmw> -m>vHmvmw§mvmmQvon T N HH H NH Hmmw mm Hm H H H ‘H H H E S - S M vm ; m;~q(\2Q'5 ‘...;(Qrqln\o(_-(po\(),-4(\2rq~q-|_()\O[~0)O\O 1-i(\1fq'"‘(\1 ‘Low 3%; mmnna QOQOOQOOHHHHHHHHHHT ooooooHmmwmmmmmmmmm| OOQQOQOOHHHHHHHHH ’ ‘I NNNNQ oooooooooooooooooog ooooooooooooooooooog ooooooooooooooooq OOOOD ‘._;,.q,_4,-41-|1-h-11-41-4‘.-|'-1,-|‘.-h-if-qr-h-\{1-H/J OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL/) ‘-41-11-Iv-H-'l1-Ir-l\-Ix-if-lrlq-Ir-h-I1-Iv-h-I — 1953 LEBANON :-77:21‘!-‘\'\f-l\'I'.C'I‘ 12 I DISTRICT 0061 CONT'D DISTRICT 0054 CONT'D mnHmmmvwmmbv mwommvwvmvwmmmowmo0mmowwvoow mmmbmm>mHwm>mmmwwmm J mnHbnmH vmmm mowmmmmm H M vmnbmmbmmmnm mmmombHvmmomnHHm>mn < J NHN mm HH NHQ nHHHH H nHm P J O <( H N H ‘- J W ommmm mHvmom mwmomo NQ owvwmmvvw mvmvom mmvHm>mnvmnm 3 § H HMMH NNNH H HnvHHnmvm mmmmm NH Hmnv o E N n m }— I- mHmnwmmmHHvm ommmwwwwmwvmmmm wowwommmmwww owoommvpmcvmmwomwwm J 3 Hm wmmH mmqv o>mwmHmm H m QNM®NbW¢NO®® nHmwomHnmmmmmH wHmm 5 3 N c mm H N w MHH H nHm 2 ,g,’: P1 Q4 H < wmwwwommmHmm n wnwrmwmHmombwm>nmow ; HH nHm mvmm H Hm§vww mHHmnH mmmv 5 H \O O 02 H 0\ )- N d \O 2 5 W nmHnm Hmvmc H m mmmgmm v mmnHmmmvmQ E § N N B P M NH HH mHm E H pad \—I H [-1 Q 2 HbWHHCQHPbQN G v HvmrwmmvmbmwmwmmHww w HH nHm HHmw M mmmmmn HH vmH Hmwm 9: H m m H H > 2 mwmmmmwvmwvm HnomnmnbHmmwnwmmnommoomnbomn nmoonwmwmvoomomnmmm J HH MHH HHw@ mmvmnHHH H mHHnhwmnmnmH Evmwmn mHmmmHH nmvw E H m HH H o H H m P H m P Hww m mvHo HvHmvm HQ mmmbmwvmm vmmvvv vnHmww HmvHm 2 6 Hmq HHH HN HNNP NHHHH mNw g H H 3 wvvmmwvvvvnv ommvmbn>Hmmwnvw MOQMOQHQHNMQ momnmomomnmvnovbmwn w H MHH Hovm mnmmm HH H mHHnwnnmHo¢n vwmvvn mHmvHHH mwmm % H v HH H w H H v 3 Ts '3 T; E moHmn¢mmvwm3 HmnwmwmnmHHmHmvmmwHmnwmw>omg HmnmmvmmoHmnvmwvwm3 253 OHHHHHHHHHHH OQOOQCHHHNQwmwwbmmmmmmmmmmma OQQQOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH “ ooooooooooo5 ooooocooooooooooooooooooooo5 oooooooeooooooooooi HHfldHHHHHflH% ooooocooooooooooooooooo00005 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH£ wmmwm mmmwmmwmnmcmowHmmmm wommvwvoqvmwmmomwvvomvwomoovmm mmMmnHw I mmmn mHH Hm H H Hmvo vmmmmvmmH HHHH mHmHmmHmmmm HvbmHmm 2 J v n mm H NH> N H 6 2 H *- J m Qwvw H vvvv H Hmvn wnvv mmoomm v w m wvvv vomoo mvmm mommvwm 5 5 HQ m N m QMMHNN HHHH Hwvw NHNHH o 52 H rfl }— |— mmmmo mmmvvmmwmmmnnHHnmmm ommmmmvoovm mmov owvmomomowo omovmmm J g HmmH NH Hm Hwww mmmvwmmmH H H N mmmmHbvo@ mmmvmmH 5 23 M m mm HHM H 2 35 H < m mmwnmmnwmmvmmnHwmom m oommmnv 1 H HH mmr P mmnmwmH 8 N H (D \-I 7‘ '--4 \D O Q _ S Q n H Nmm vmm HmH® S H vmmmonw E g W H M H ® H H H m of‘ H P H E Q m mmw ommwmmvm Hk>OF Q m mmmmmoH w m H nmm w oHmHmMH W H H m H D vnHmw vmmmmvmH mmmH Hmmv wovmQmmo>mHmwmmmmmNommmoHmm§mw mmvmH®v J HMHH H H HWHM mmvmvmHH H nmmm WNPP mmmmmm g N H HH H m m mmmm NHPQ H PHN mmmm wwmmHH m m w vmmm mmmmm QNQH mmvmvnm 2 5 H m m HHH HH vmm H : H 3 v®wHm vmwvwcm wHmH wmwm owmvHHmommH mvmm ovvmmmmwmmm wvbmbmm w HHm H H mHo HHNNMHHH H mwmm nmmw mmmmvm H H H HH m 2 E S T} E mvwmg Hmmmm>mmoHmnwmmbmmo Han‘mmmnmHmwHHwHmmHmHmnvmw>wmE Hmmmwbm 953 QQQQH oooocoooHHHHHHHHHH§ cocoooHHHnvvmmmvh>mmmqmmmmmomh OOOOQQQ “ 0000' ooooooooooqooooooog oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooi ooooooo ooooa HHHHrHHHHHFHHHHHHHm oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooa HHHHHHH AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES — 1953 LEBANON AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES 13 DISTRICT 0064 CONT'D DISTRICT 0063 -1953 mwwmwmoomommomwmmmw §VNWMFHOVW#MMNVN§N wmmvmvvvmcvomwmo Hwwmcmwm J H NHHHH NH H m mvmmv H m mmnm MMH H H vmm HmnmH 5 J v H Hm ~ N H 9 i J W m cw w ommwmH H wm mmmo Q w w moHmmmH E 6 M m P H MH 0 2 P v- mvvmwaomoowmomvmmmo bmvovmHmvmo>mmmmmm wmw QQQVQOQOQONQ mmnmm>mm J Q H NHHHH Md H'm mvHnm m mmmm nnH H H vmo ommH 5 ;-I? v H HI-0 ~ 02 H 0 O4 i— 5*" Q ommwm mmHmwmmmbwH o mmwmmmm 3 m mmHHm nkfl H rwHH kg N M \-4 Lfl \O ' 8 5 Q m H Hnm H H QMH H m wcmnn F 5 H H M 0 N J. .)-~| h m P: O I . . H 2 o mmmHm wmHmwmmmmnQ Q m wmvmmmm E H bNfiHfi mbm o wmH M N m H D < mmmHmHmmmmvqmHmHwrm @mmmHhHmmwmmn mmHH' mmmmwmwmvmmmwmHo mwwmmwvm J H P N mH mm‘ H PNWQ HH NHH nvHH 5 N N H ,9 O m w mm m mmvnmH mm mHwm m m m mommmmH O X »- '1’ H n H E *- 2 mmmHmHwmmmmmmHmHwHo mvmmmwHmmwmnm mwmm mwv wmmmvmmmwQHm mwqonmmm 12 H F mH-HH H Hmmv HH NHO mm H 25 N H 3 <1 5 G . E 2 mwHmHmnvmwvmmrnwHro Hmmmw>wmoHmnvm wag HmnmmmHvmHmnbmoo flNHmmbmO egg >>wwmmmmmmmmmHmmmr§ QQOOQQQQHHHHHHFHHH ooooHHmmmmmmmmo¢ ocoooooH “ ooooo ooooocommmmmp ooooooomoooooo 00¢ ooooooooooooooop oooooooo ooooo>ocooo ooooocfi HHHHHHHHHHHHHHhHH$ ocooooooqoooooc$ HH HHHHH wmoowwommmvwvmvv wwHvmmwHwmomvm¢¢ mmmdvmmmmvmvvvmvmwmmvoomwwwm J HmHHH H HHv H H mm mmH H HM Hm < _: 1-I \-1 P‘ .1 E < J S v vvm mvw vm H mam vmw m N 5 S N H L? c? vmooo mwmmw¢voow' wwHwmwvHwmomwmmom mvmmvmmmmwmvvvovmmmwwommwwwm J 3 HQHHH HHH H H NNH mv H Hm HQ : -+ H o 91 1- D" 4 m mm nwwmHn wwHmnmw i F HHP 6 *' "L-_-__'$;L."-~ '< 57 .-. . T -_ ‘ ‘V _ T ' I I A ' ‘ ' . '- I .' T ‘ ' "-"~"'.‘ 3-_& =1-.._~'-J0 Y > ~.~ V‘ L > V . ly — . - - I Z’ ’ ' 3 I1 ~ i ," _ 4 b 1 1 I l 1 DISTRICT 0065 CONT'D DISTRICT 0071 CONT'D 08644242446686826n682 0728227887422555767 42262666442&04842864826 L 23 1 115 2713573368 6081835552244113275 49232511 2311547131666 M L 11 224 311121 1,. 412 11 9 o M 2 2 T L S 8 088448068 3376057225831225902 88 8 4 2 4 844 8 8 M U 1 4 483 423151 1 1 522 11 2 1 1 1 2 w W 4 3 1 086442444466880822624 5452270662691330865 642628664 2404444424028 L W 23 1 15 2609472984 1840315452034113653 27232211 2311545121563 M mm 1 110 3 1121 1 319 11 8 o E 2 1 T u A 1 3234230630341647630 3 M 4 2595674332622 1201 8 M 2 1 1 212 4 T 1 1 2 7 D W S 9 386758462173 2 2037 M 4 m M 1 2 1 3 316 C 6 T R T E W 2 0477756019611445603 D 9 mm 2 6474263331522 1994 1 mm 0 1 1 1 O 4 M 1 1 093721267733989685841 7594097257181918137 26181888221857926987413 M 11 2 1356231134 758625122 612 11074 791112 11 223 1 338 M 112 1 1 2 0 4 T 1 1 5 4 544224039 25195736 41 1 23975 99 4 2 1 2 927 9 4 m M 2 241 212 1 1 2 5 1 6 R 2 1 T W 093722227733445461812 508552465308n995262 371814882 1757727717519 MM 11 2 1354231992 346505112 512 1769 681111 11 222 1 231 mm 0 1 1 1 8 4 W 1 4 M 23511211424123456789o 123567890123456789m 1234562351424123456789o wmm 11123456688o999999994 n0000O001111111111T 00000011166889999o99994 F 00000000000n00000n00b n00000000000n00000b 0000000000000000000000b 00000000000000000000m 1L1111111111111111M 0000000000000000O00000a 289613500‘ 88 24404424668408444666 4731771571448611760 204200 L 226 46111 12 1 11 424 3111211 1 1 2462 504018 A L 3 3 3 35111 T L m A L S 12 246 4004 2 0 088 252465 1 3536 026888 N U 7 11 1 1 5 14 4731 4 o W T T 277613364 48 84484424668408444688 2217121471448618234 288422 L w 218 45 1 2 1 1 318 311 211 1 1 1457 120803 H mm 2 2 2 341 1 O 3 _. 1 146213180 3 195561515 826814298 M 1 9 7 2 11 1226 T 1 1 1 m /0 .l. /0 7 0 0 C !i :i§1 ,2 0 1 11 W S 2 39 T 9 132234 3266 T R U 3 C 2 2 C F 0 I I H R R T . T S I. . 1,1 1. 23 . . L . ‘ , | :It I _L H W 144213151 D 4 063337515 826811032 D x 1 5 4 2 1 1224 mm 1 .1 1 U A 1434 420 44567252212384259222333 38861664216228 7572 602150 L 117 23 1 217 1 1 235 757554 W 1 1 1 12 T 5 1 217 2552 1 5 549 12 231 1 370 068944 m M 3 2 2 231 2 H. T W 1334 213 29 47242212384254222894 26848563216228 7202 644216 3 113 22 1 1 4 1 233 515451 x 1 1 1 12 W H. 2 2 M 123457890 1234562321242123456789% 123567890123456789m 123456 mum 111111114 0000001145568999999999_ 000000001111111111J 000000 F 00000nO0w 0000000000000000000000w 000000000000000000b 000000 111111115 0000000000000000000000S 111111111111111111m 000000 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES - 1953 LEBANON 3 DISTRICT 0074 DISTRICT 0072 CONT'D 84442048486 109160532113126067 024646062244880248260288 58 _ 11 1 7 21 251 3 8 46434211 121244131855 34 M L 1 11 8 1 T L m A _ 4 4 8 11 2721 1 2 4 1 028444 44 44 064 08 M M 2 13 121 1 .0 W 1 T T 444 2048488 099998431111126666 0063020622 880244860224 50 W 11 1 6 2 14 2 6 33334211 121244 31734 24 M T 1 11 7 1 T 57 0 mm T U A 8 837060131 2122747 9 95 L 3 221 1 0 2 72 M 1 4 m 5 7 0 M 4 11 232 2 2 3 0 7 75 L W 1 M 5 W I .7 R H W 4 727838131 122544 M 2 20 M6 1) 12 1 9 7 72 1 M 97221524248 37210 4 1111 4320 012823581122945124685199 63 L 3 1 3 1 8 782121 1 122 1 422 52 H 4 O T 5 2 2 4 4 1 1 2 8 564222 22 22 537 33 o M 1 15 T m m w 772 1624244 37216 3 111 4122 5586015811 945122485662 30 NH 3 1 2 1 7 661121 1 122 1 317 52 R 3 HT 1 1234334689m 12356789012346789m 12345623211242423456789m 12 0mm 0000199999% 00000000111111111T 00000011456668899999999% 00 .(m 5000000000. 00000000000000000b 00000000000000000000000_ 00 0000000000w 11111111111111111u 0000000000000Q0000O0000® 11 S S S 066R932680196225407 62220262244224686046662 9668509047346534010 15208413124411 1252 723333 ll 111213343673 834264 1 31 1348 M L 2 21 1 1 1 7 1 5 M 1 394763 722885 13165 484 80 L 4 44 804 483 9622 17 1429 M M 3 422 2 0 1 1 118 1 1 118 T m 8 O m T T 7721302968311212342 24822262244224286606868 5838647846646533691 6 74886412113411 1042 702322 11 111213243464 723253 21 1129 M M4 1 1 1 9 1 6 1 4 m T 0 1111108229640026419 6 35972258 4614234083 L 220542 21 1211 637 6 512142 11 723 H 1 1 5 3 3 H 3 7 m i M 830531 42 323 11826 M 2 937 9111 13 768 w W 1 211 9 C 4 . 4 H 1 T. m R _ T _ E io 3816898809327015693 D 4 42273147 3314234325 1“; 018421 11 12 1 528 2 412132 11 628 95578344615562 9098 81665636622667398528386 61713842437323 0037 832442 1 122 614 361111 1 1121336 321121 1 1614 1 5 3 2 . 564932 3;&562 2349 292 45 2 22 952 556 511 4 1761! o M 1 211 1 0 4 1 T .1 1L 49155141690942 1759 62461136622667198308434 16113331433323 9376 141 720132 1 21 413 351111 1 1121232 311121 1 5 0 1 1 4 3 2 WM 1 1 ‘law 123567890123456789m 1234562352124123456789m 123567890123456789m QRN 000n00001111111111% 0000001114588999999999T 000000001111111111T 10» 000n00000000000000_ 00000O0000000000000000b 000000000000000000b 111111111111111111® 0000000000000000000000u 111111111111111111m\ S S HQ AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES LEBANON - 1953 ‘_"_'Y \ I ~ ~ I v v 1 DISTRICT 0081 CONT'D DISTRICT 0075 CONT'D 606022444686004480 297635O896078729121 004266220286480424858826 31 1 11 3542113 124913221 21 1233 791233 3211 1 1 1 1 M 2 1 8 L T L w A 8 2 4 2 4 40 8 391239 144122 139 44 44 2 M W 1 27 2 6 T 2 1 806822 42646064482 472379956375 9092 664222220286460424868826 W 21 11 3531112 4643111 11 1026 681233 3211 1 1 1 1 M Q 1 1 6 T sm 2 MT A 4 05015413485216827 L 5 512402111 1 521 H 3 1 4 O T 2 8 O M 1 278224 132 1 726 0 S W U 4 12 7 m F U I m R T E w 3 882930121652 6101 D Q 1 1271111 1 524 .%M 3 3 TT U A 8S3S11227848502793 71345483693513304 557188160693745262434418 L 1 1221 1 2511 1 1611 34 111 11 m 1 4 O T S 4 1 2 1 2 25 A 123 15 12121 413 22 22 1 O K 1.4 1 9 T C U R T. w 453411 2682858779103 690449835723 3991 337166160693735262434418 Q 1 121 121 2371 14 2 34 111 11 5X 0A 3 3 TT U A 1 M 56232114241234567R9m 356789O123456789m 123456356123412341345123 wmw 0011456688999999999T 0O00001111111111T 000000111222233334444555 R ‘ F O00000000000O0000n0h 0000000000000O00b 0000000000000000O00O00O0 O0000000000D00000n0u 1111111111111111m 000O0000O000000000000000 S 66766450345021738L 4040448444828000048 40629293550823626 2228 76451312332112869 351111 1 1111350 613231 11 1 410 0561 M 1 1 9 3 1 4 11 L T L m A 6032 2 64 54291 4 406 9 1821 76 11 950 28 M m 112 2 2 12 13 9 2 W W 1 06446250705O77547 040048444828000642 50547196959723776 2048 0 652513122321 1657 51111 1 1111248 512831 3 1 0351 M y 1 1 8 2 3 11 T sx m 2 A 50739623842591154 4 44689766456622331 L 4283 111121 1035 5 3 15 2 9 M 1 5 1 1 O T /O 1 m M 1 M 0 01 2 53 43268 0 3 2 43 43 11 525 T S m M 1 2 1 7 W 1 1 3 C F. .0 I I m R R T T 5 E 2 50729423312558996 M 1 242597621555228 6 D M2 3263 111121 827 4 3 14 1 5 mm 4 1 1 WT A 16037837503530684 7575774722419555574 060405371 42 1395 1619 L 3462 1 111 1824 12 125 3 263 1 2 1 573 N 4 1 2 T O T S 6031 11 11033 2 253 Z;7S21IT3 435 14 O K 1 1 .4 1 2 5 1 T m R 0 56727837493529651 3575574722419555321 363984348 42-1960 I$T9a $ 2352 1 1 1 720 12 124 2 132 1 6 562 g 4 1 1 TT U A 35678901234j6789m 123456231424234689m 1235678901235789m 1234 omm 0000001111111111T 000000115688999999T 00000O0011111111% 0000 T . W 0000000000000000b .000000000000000000h 0000O00000000000_ 0000 1111111111111111u 0000O000O0000O00O0u 1111111111111111w 0000 S S 5 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES 1953 LEBANON A‘/E*~‘%AGE 24 HOL'.-R WEEK DA“! VOLUMES H4 TOTAL. /-\l_l_ 33856 31244 564 80 20886 22442 244220602026240244882644 336763773 , ..2 111 11 321 123 9 411241 1 L 5 42 221 1 23 0 4 . 84 4 0 5 51751 4 M M 2 4 2 1 0 m T 1 396543211441264 4082088642244222442206O2026242844888644 831698679 TOTAL mno-5. AND '! A ‘A15 3 1 O 49 31 . 2 111 11 211 122 7 31122 1 4 1 " "'1 DISTRICT 0083 CONT'D S E M U .7 1982422 1221831 7 347998 57 m m 2 7 T M Y 0 A 0 D W 12 19 1 9 H 0 2 2 84 2 K 0 R 1 I E 1 F 1 M 1 E 11 S W I ., D R v 18623 2 1221732 7 145914 55 u , 54 1 5 3 2 5 o 2 M 2 H . M 4 U, 2 1; 240323111222733 454654432112211122110356518625172946327 099875726 E 1 3 7 24 1 1 11 11 4 2 18 G n 2 A » W R A E H V . A (7 30 1 1 1 22 1 2 42 2 0 3 31911 2 m 1 2 1 TRUCI<5- M|10‘i1 AND 1A>*.1.<- 21031-) 1 B2 532 Z546544321l22111221l0356518621972944327 796784624 .1 1 1 11 .6 1 17 2 5 2 4 1 DISTRICT 0082 CONT'D a . M 23S67B912347B9M 12345623563412341334212356121345678911m 123567890 mmw 00000001111111T 00000011112233334455677777889999999958T 000000001 M . F 0000O000000000b 0000000000000000O000000000O0O00O000022b 000000000 W 11111111111111m 0000000000O000000O0000O000000000000000% 111111111 _ 4 N W m _ 06428 46288484204 6482866244848 6949214121017145906 8444244426 6 A L 24 15312 1 121 3511 5411 6 34582213 22121 3231 1 1 16 1 H A 0 1 3 1 0 L 7 _ 2 9 4 4 88 2 8 8228045325 4 126 4 442 3 W 1 5 29 1 6 1 0 1 - T 06428644288284204R6488888244640 8721279806077145880 8444844 84 3 L W 24 15312 1 1212351 4211 1 245631 2112 21 3125 1 5 1 M Q 0 1 2 1 8 O X 1 s 7 T m E L M ~ U 4 5692808862754 19842 3 6 m 1 3 522361 1 1 1 1529 3 v .4 5 1 4 .1 3 M W I 21'}! D ~ 0 W id 9 41 1022 22 4 514 T 6 2 K R1 U 2 15 8 C E F w M M “_ H _| WL R “W 5 1591886840714 19338 D 7 4 u WM” 0 52221 1 1 1 1520 2 0 MW 5 1 4 H 1 A. H 2 7 03214878644742607s8796483672424 1357416369363136164 4722622263 0 E W L 12 21 1 1 112 22 .3 822551 1 1 11 17 2 . _3 1 G W H 5 1 5 A 7, H R E V 1||.1‘1i-: >||‘. 117" . .,77|11|i= -“!\:| I. .l. 11 7 1.‘ --11|@|!1- 7 A 1 1 2 2 49 1 9 41270233 3 612 2 226 1 m 2 14 8 % 0321427764464260748794444672325 7230493066363136552 4722422 47 9 12 21 1 . 1 112 21 0 72241 1 1 11 16 4 2 5 1 4 11 1 1 L , a a a 123455123561234512345678973411m 123567890123456789m 124224589m 1 mm 666665777778888899999999912258T 00000O0011111111114 000899999T 0 00000000000A000O00000000022222b 0000000O000000O000b 000000000» 0 , 00000n00000n00000£0000000000O0m 111111111111111111m 000000000& 1 _ AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES 1953 LEBANON M E57 DA / ~-/OLU HOUR WEEK w#NmNmmwNvN®NmvowmvvmvvwwwNvmvNNmwwvmmmvo nmNmmomHmHvmnmm>Ho> owm J, m NwH N H NHHM H NHH H .wnmwNH vm w v H m HH mHH HNNNN HN¢ 5 J H m HH 9 5 H J m 0 Nmv mv v v vvmNmN mN w v N vN HNM Hw vw Hn>wmN voN 3 3 m Hv .nNmHH H 1 H m HnN D , 8 E M R i. mvowwmwvv NwmmvommwvvvwwvNwNNNNvvv wNvwvN mmNwv>moNHoomwoon>m wmo J H? 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M 512 695221 1 6312 21 4431 2 4 3257 52 2 211 433522193 11 m 2 T S 13835 623525? 145 2 52 437 7 1798 4 429398935602 .4 m M 4 112 1 11 2 1 1 11 1 31 m . . w 35425 638648439561s95701917417522524902555429525581526849809757939 m 417 48212 1 5322 21 3221 2 2 2146 52 2 211 222311152 1 Q 1 . m . . M 6789a 123456123456123412341234561234123456123456124512345678972341 mmm 11114 0000001111119222333344444455556666667777772888999999999l2225 F 0000b 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000O000022222 1111a 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 42628420802860642488O4464244886286228668268840044444480 64063944537865 L 43224 1613397324212 4 67 2 7522l33113175221681 1 2 5111 511113 11 A L 1 1 1 1 1 4 m A L S 820 2044406442 4 8 00 044 44 486284 66 4 2 8262 911244313 M W 1 1 311 93 2 1 11 1 2426 2 9 o W 5 T T 60628400468806222088244642448422868882820848840 4444488 82443033393552 L m 23124 8502204222212 2 56 2 6522132 11659121551 1 2 41 1 5111 3 11 A A6 1 1 8 T S‘ o 3 1 T m 0 07542281062589 L 1 3 7) 11 1 W 2 T 1 M S 6 212 2111212 1 m U 9 F M 2 14 w _ 4 86342070941388 mm 1 2 3 1 1 x 9 WT A _ 1 . 2631426095698532174402282122993198669889634920522722240 67521763575386 L 21112 53511931121 1 2 33 1 3211.11 153711 34 1 2 1 2 2 M L 2 m 1 1 1 1 S 915 6572258221 2 9 55 522 22 243142 33 2 6 6142 7 123112 m m 1 41 1 1213 1 9 W N 2 T 1 w 35814205234403111544127321224711984496465929975 2722244 06101063453274 Q 11 12 42511621111 1 1 23 1 3211 11 324 1 22 1 2 1 2 2 W... 9 7.- , . 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O4 2 y H 4 Q N wmwmbmmom mHowHvHwH L i m H N H HHH m E L k F ' H g 2 U 4 \O g 5 W H HN NMNHHH H -H H w o I § P H L .- H E fl B M O ' H 5 b mmwmwvwmv vHov vowm E J m H N HPH n m D H m H D < oovw>wmmmmmmmvvvNbmmmN®wNvwm@wNN>wHwmvovnwN>Nm omNwmoHmmnNHHNHwwmo i mNnH n MHN H HNv NHHN m n v HHH m H 6 ' ' L“ N P Q mom N NNQ Q NEW N HNm> wHmNN NH bwHn v H HH H HmHn E 3 M H H > H w E H 2 vHmmbqmmmmmvmvvN mmvmNwHovNmvvNNwNmvmmmmHvNb h nmvHnwH¢nNHHoNHnowv x QHNH N MHN H HHN H H N N m HHH v m H m H 3 < v——( r—| B S E moHNnwHNMvHmnvmHNMHNvwHNmvmmHNvmHNnwmmbwmvmvmo HNmmmbwmQHNmvmwbmmo 253 HHNNNNnnnmvqvvwmmmwwwmbbvvbrmwmmmmmmmmmmmHNNN$ ooooooooHHHrHHHHHH§ “ OOOOOOOOOOOCO0OOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNQ oooooooooooooooooon ooooodooooo oooooooocoodooooooooooooooooooooo5 -HHHHHHHHHHHPHHHHHH£ wvwvowmNmmvNNoNvwwwmmmmvommwwvvvmw hmmw>N>vHmmnoHmNwmN oNwoooNNwm J mNN m>H mHmHNH HNNmvmHnwN w 0 H w NH vHHH movN NMHMNHHNN 5 J v N m H 9 3 H J W NON ovw vwwvo mmwww wNovv N mnm ¢Nmmm mm MWPHHV omvoNwvv 5 5 MHH HH H H H N HNN o H wHw HM H 2 3 q H - ¢vvNowwNNovN¢wNvmvvNwmooowmm vvmv mmvmnmvwmmmoowvmmmw omNomwmwmN J 9 NH mwH vHN HH HHHmwvHHw v N H m H MHH Nvmv bQHNH HN 5 x O H w 2 5» H n Nvwmnm#Hb Nowmmwoom 9 4 N v n H NH HOMH E E L“ H N'\ O \O 0 g L) g 3 W H NNv nvHNm wN NHHnv H o 0 CQ ‘-0 2 H Q N m 0 ” ' H 2 B P 3 N oNvm Hnmw mwmwwmmbH Q Q Q N v M H HvNw Q ég m N NNN>onvHmmNmmmwNmNbwmmmNmmwMNNNNvm HmHHvnnmvmHMNmMwwm> OW®mOm©H#v J NHH mm N H H HHNNm HMH N m H m H N HQHQ vm HH HH ; N H M > i W wmm mvw @NNNm wvmnm NHONN H wHH HmNvN vH mnwomo mmNmHNNN 2 i H i H HH 0 V m H 2 f N E I ;_~v 3 NNNHmvvwHmN{rmvbmNvwmmoommnm NNQN mwoHnmHmNmrNNN Nwdb mmmomnvmvv Q H NM M H HNN N N v H N H HmHH nv H H Q m N H E N , vmwHNnvHNvwHNnmHNnvHNmwmwvNmNnvvH3 HNnmwPmmoHNmvmw>Nm8 HNMwmwHNmv 933 vvvmmmmwwwmvb§bwwwwmmmmmmmmmNNNnmB QOOOOOQQHHHHHHHHHHH OOQOQQHHHH “ ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooNNNNN5 ooooocoooooooooooop oooooooooo oooooqooooooooooooooooooooooooooo5 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH5 >oooooooooo 1953 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES‘ AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES LEBANON 22 D-IS'.'.I‘Ii1c'_r 0097 0ONT'D ; DI-5‘I'R-IjC'T‘ 0097 /~'v.'\/ERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES 906 0820486422862B4688686640Q4468240864668642006486240484820844244 L »658 94969411310934 2412225123 3356561344366 8335 22469163729 1 2 M 1 1.4 22 1 . . 22 .2 . 11 21. L m A L S.341 2622404 4440 8 48 8 48 0448646448440088 04884 8862826066 4 44 m U 410 742222 11 1 1 121285 1411 1 7121307 0 W 1 1 T T . . 0 665 8208082488462042088828406 604606020660842628 8848866886484 2 L W 238 107372112 9834 2311224112 2143701343954 7224 21351941411 1 2 M MW 1 1, 22 12 1 1 11 m mu A 97.9 L .724 W 2 T 8 9 O 7 C M s 652 T m m 1 4 C F U I ... M W 327 .D A5 3 2 U A 037 .54607487664864234934387052789170982384321558243125747915472122 L 923 424342 1 5412.12 1112 11 112323 122133 4112 11239531319 1 W 2 11 11 1 1 T 5.799 63 1202 2275 4 29 4 24 5224373274225099 52442 4436918538 2 22 m M 2 5 32 111 1 142 2 3 1 153 W W 348 9159546744736021599414753 35285356O885426314 4979983948747 1 x 617 003131 1 4412 11 112 1 1 2180 121922 3112 1 12542 255 1 0A \. . TT 1 1 11 1 . 2 . M;89&. 12345612345612341234123456123412345612345612345123456789723423 wWW.11@ 00000011111122223333444444555566666677777788888999o99999122233 F.00b 00000000000000000000000Q00000000000000000000000000000000222222 <11% 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 662636404288884444844886604884046088828062068240440 6105986051358884 L 553 1 5111 1111 . 4295 31311 1 13232373 1 4 322 4 2 31 2 A . . 0 m 1 1 T A L S 40044 4 4 44 4 480824 8 0862006 8 5341 711 351274 A m 11 1113 1 1 23 3 T 0 O R 2 T T 262246404884880040844848622484246088828086868640442 1864915951007610 L. w 541. 1 4111 111.1. 2.17.2 21311 1 131111.42 1 O 311 4 1 31 2 M ~ 8 m 2 A 0 8991984321574454 L 2 1 2 1 1 1 H 5 O T W 5 9 3 4 311 121 41 R w 1 F W 1 T . W 1 1 5951953221153413 Q 0 1 2 1 1 1 € 4 L U A 881343252699947777422443357442578594919536089625220 8214 0273 884430 L 221 J 2 2142 1 1 1111131 2 111 2 1 1 M . 5 O T S .25522 2 2 22 2 .295962 4 5481053 .9 .23 1 4 23 233 U R 1 T W 636123252497945R75422424861242178594919098984325221 6913.6273 6542 7 .3 22 . 2. 1 31 1 1 1 21 0 1 1 1 1 0A 4 TT U A ~ w. M 12345623456123134134512341245612351241234567892361o 1235678901234567 mww 00000011111222313444455556666677778889999999992245J 0000000011111111 .F 000000000000000n00000000000000000000000O0000002222@ 0000000000000000 000000000000000n0000000000000000000000000000000000S 1111111111111111 LEBANON — 1953 mu AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES 62206.486620024024488 1999439370267306468 88 1124 644824222 L 41312 75243931412 7 3383542433633111337 34 1 1 M N 1 11 2 1 1 2 0 m A 3 1 L S 844 22080466248 4 4 8 5516004324715639326 1.1 8 44 M U 1 122322 75 8 3 2123 211111 6 0 w W 9 3 D 888044406264886082 B0 6483435056552777142 88 1 23 664484222 L N 2 211R52 2217 311 9 9362312221422 737 . 33 _ 1 M x 1 1 2 1 1 7 w m 2 A D 9 8714706284609851354 4 22 ' M 3 6142371211221 1125 M m 6 1 1 5 0 1 M n C \ W 2 O1 . D \ W W M 4 2319493167658416016 T T 1 O W W 9 1 1 11 1 3 5 m m T m 4 1 R R C T T M B S T w 5 .6405313127051445348 D 4 22 D B mm 4 513125111 211 829 D mu 1 3 M 1 36653n793365562512249 3285733196668555114 44 1152 822462116 M 2 1 143712196 2 1 3 6241171211311 212 12 m 6 1 5 T 1 5 922 61090238624 2 2 4 3207611267167223310 1 1 4.22 m M 11111 32 9 2 1 1 1 1 3 5 . m 4 .1 W 444577703137948592 45 0088122939501332804 44 1 1 8822421l6 E 1 1 226 1183 1 4 423 161 1 211 817 . 11 m 1 3 A 1 4. 2. 2 M M 23451234567897234211m 123567890123456789m 1m 781O 123456142 mum 88889999999Q91222358@ 00000000111111l111T 04 0014 000000568 F 00000n00000002222222b 000000000000000000b 0b 000% 000000000 000O0n00000000000000m 1111111111l1411111w. 0% 1118 000000000 882 4696549430927421094 _86042404244646288642648466862040268268840 L 4 26735235232511 3479 225557312 965211621231 12362531122667 555 A L 0 2 1 1 4 4 12 1 11 2 m M 4 1 L S 46 9846260171496217025 .0804082.4 28484 04 8 8884844 86 0 600 M W 3 5 212212 16 627 3621242 61 4 1 1 44 8 1 211 w W O 1 4 1 846 5850389369531214079 88002684842808888242848488024600282268240 L W 0 65523923116411 2851 953432 11 3451 1221221 1 252081121866 344 M x 0 1 2 0 1 1 . 1 1 m mm 3 1 A 1 2252608603638814060 D M 2 133227121163 1347 T m 0 1 2 7 w 1 2 9 C O/ O W W M 8 4281114844042 148 T 0 m N 1 2 111 3 811 E T m 5 2 R C T M B T w 3 8071594869696814922 D E m 0 83211511 32 1435 D mu 5 .1 5 W 1 441 2444941837399617034 43576757127373694371874738436575134184975 L 2 134125221161 1132 6122231 1 9321 31 11 113176 11333 222 W O 1 . 2 7 1 1 T 2 s 28 566515633»/.454Z17987 5407.041 2 19242 02 4 9492422 43 5 355 m 1 3 .1 11 1 3 7 5 131 121 3 2 22 4 1 W 5 2 w 423 78898985009454 0157 99506347926459494171474744512355191134620 m 0 722 13111121 1326 471211 . 622 11 11 12154 1 933 122 K 5 1 4 w 1 1 m m M 11m 123567890123456789% 12345612345612341234123512341234561234561 mmm 56T O00000001111111111_ 00000011111122223333444455556666667777778 F 22% 000000000000000000® 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00% 111111111111111111S 00000Q000000000000000000000000000000 0000 ‘AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY .\/OLUMES LEBANON - 1953 ~ Ni DISTRICT 0223 , > 1 ,1 DISTRICT 0217 CONT'D ,;,V,- - - av,‘ 0n8442224444884404O6 5195755372312633 404842822446844228 657 L 14 1 12 1 17 1 7 14 121 1220 1 A L 1 2 m L T A L S 4 4 4 4 6 3 1 2 6 4 4 42 151 m w. 1 1 o W T T 008 422244 488 40 00 5165655352212637 464842822446444286 506 L W 14 1 12 1 16 1 6 13 121 1219 1 M x 1 1 0 K ~T W 8 2124732 51.12235 4 464 M B 1 4 0 m 1 T 4 2 2 11C W N R 2 1 2 5 T 6 11 R C 7 C F U I m R T . S O . I MS 0 2104632 31 12230 D 8 354 0A TT U A 5n422111272294225258 3 71 233212 4 8 702421411273927114 293 M 9 1 8 . 2 2 1 110 w 1 T o M ,2 2 2 2 8 1 1 2 2 26 41 T W . R T 3 5n4 211127 294 25 50 3 61 233212 4 7 782421411273727198 252 y 2 1 8 2 1 1 1 9 3 U A , .7 Q 2 a, M 12456231421234567899 137890123456789o 12345232422345689m 123 mmm 0n00011568999o999994 .0000011111111114 O0000114689999999T 000 F 0n0000000000000O00Ob O00000000000000w OO0O00000O00000O0b 000 On00000000O00n00000% 111111111111111S OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOM 111 0482828 552916219851220 864844844444244440 411213506332461169 L 11 1 18 2 2 431 4 2 26 1 12 145 1 3 11 3 3 A L 1 2 2 1 M L T A L S 4 4 48 215 3341 24 5 4 44 80 2L 14 82 4 6 8 M H 2 11 4 2 2 0 M T T 0088880 3479139788512 647 8648448444 48 4460 2 12 9508132421561 L w 11 6 2 1 31 3 7 26 1 11 133 1 2 1 2 1 H mm 1 / 1 2 1 o 3 T W 4 6312 8056341120 5 71 2 2 3833 221835 M 9 1 1 22 2 2 2 2 1 7 m 1 1 T. 2 Z 2 W S 4 214 8911 23 1 T 0 21 2 42 3 4 K m w 1 3 E 1 1 m R T E w 0 4272 01483411 7 D 5 5 2 0 3413 221531 x 8 1 21 1 1 2 1 6 0A 1 T? U A 5746464 92171826351 1 0 432922422227122725 7 1 11578 224 334 M 9 1 11 2 13 1 22 1 1 6 m 1 T 6 2 2 24 1 543 1 4 2 22 40 12 4 4 3 4 m 1 1 1 11 W T W 5544440 92071383351 1 9 3 4329224222 79 2785 7 1 9574 22 030 MM 8 1 1 1 8 13 11 1 5 0A TT 1 U 7 A W. m m 2 M 2346890 12356789n1234789o 12345235112345789o 12356789012345689m mum 9999990 0O0O0000L1111111J 00000111599999999J 000O000O111111111T F O00OO0w O000O0O0nO000000w 00000000000000000® 0OO00000O0000000Ob 000000S 11111111i1111111S 000000000000O00O0S 11111111111111111% AVERAGE 24HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUME5 1953 C) LEBANON /\'~/EFZAGE Z4 HOUF-? WEEV DAY VOLUMES mm DISTRICT 0234. DISTRICT 0224 CONT'D . AVERAGE.24HOUR WEEK UAY VQLUMES 1953 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK D_AY VOLUMES 884848448 21221323. 44 .22 F448. 2312110. 8284844386. L 4 1 . -: 1 1 23 1 11. A L T L m A L 5 .44 8 1 315 22 2 .114 04 2 A m 1 m w T n 6 = = .8848 4440 21121 18. 44 448 312 6 8884844266 L w 4 . ; . .12.1 11 . A Q . . m x T WT A 4 1 1211.6 .2. 4 11 1 3 4 2 ; n w .5. 6 .4. .4 M .m 2 Q. R U ,C L. C F u .1 I m R R R . T ;T T . . .S .. 5 S O . . .4.m\._ . . . N 0 1 2.1 4. .. Z . .4. 11 2 AB 2 . . SX . . 2 U A 442424224 ;111 227. 222 22 224 22 2417 4647427643; L 2 . . . . 11 . M . O T M 22 4 213. , .22 2.. 13 52 .1 R T w 4424 2220 .111, 14. 22 @224 2 2 4. 9447427633 SM . 8 . . 1 . _ . . OA 2 . M . M .12451125o .1372348a. /40. 0%. .270 3723590. 1245623424. mwm 000059994 .QOO1i11@. .93; 4%. 994..001111¢ 0000011688 F 00000000b. 00000008 0%. 08 0ObnI00O000@ 0000000000 OOOOOOOOM .4111111m, .08 1% .00m..111111s .0000000009 3467959324284 84m40..1@3 .4443848442.H422123138 44446 112. L 1 1 2 2 .2. 4 .1 M 1 1 . m A L S 4 143 134 7. 448 .22 .44 8 11 31 44 11 M M 2 . . . m m 3427816211837 84 2 1 1 4442844 44 .31212 32 444 2 1 1 L W 1 1. 1 9 1 3 . 1 A A2 4 T 5x 2 mm 3285497 136 O 11 1 3 2 3 18 8 L .1 6 .1 2 . m m 2 5 3 3 2 .2 3. 2 O 2 C . . 0 . W S 2 122 2 1 T 4 11 W 4 .3 T 2 R m .1 C I . C F W M m M T E T $ .D . $ W 3265375 935 D 6 7 2 2 15 D 6 Ah 1 $X S K W 2825622241 8 42220 112 2221424221 22 12 12 22228 112 L -1 5 1 2 . . 5 2 21 132.6 224 11 22 4 11 1 22 11 O K 1 .. T m m W 2625412119 2 42 6 1.1 2221422 27 .11 12 27. 222 6 1 1 AM. .4 .. 1 1.. .1 1 . .1. .1... a m m . m M w m 4 56789025678qm 21460 180 2331124890. 136701280 15480 720 wmm 000001111111T 09994 014 0015999996. 000011114 00994. 014 F 000000000000». 0000b 00% 000O0000O® L00000000®. D0O0® 00%. 1111111i1111m 0000& 115 000000000S.H11111111s. .0000S 118 mm LEBANON - ~$ , ) DISTRICT 0281 DISTRICT 0251 CONT‘ D . 402448080..54402132269 .9343334529248899302803350451399871400915426 L 41 1 9 1 1 4 287849134l2084136223331.13232l8151361823613 m L .. 43 11 21 .23 11 32 1 11 m M L S 6 11 19 548549545299756696575311 4281994O9253410978 m. M 2311 31 1 25 2 431 1 o M T T 402448080 54442121250 496844917735133344715O240033200472257505558 L W 41 1 9 1 4 045648 0210984135113231 1322293130317722502 M E 43 11 2 . 13 11 31 1 11 o R T M 5. 4482112 12 7028497821655595174733554768493079379636031 L 4 3 093323 7711442 13 1111 111197163178315358 A m 21 1 1 1 T 1 0 0 1 W m 6 11 8 N 586036426 042423333412 1 2 5 542931255 3764 m W O 11 1 2 1 12 21 R I T T m . n.J T M 5 44221 1 14 S .2268133661613173841321544563449886254133377 Q 4 2 972223 5610442 12 1111 111184 53157315247 mm 11 1 1 1 M 251224545. 2 2.257 23254477086933032381708 6793906802131389495 M 2 4 1 294425 57 05421231 212 1 1 21 972825 7355 m 21 1 12 11 T T S 11 06251312929551436323411 223145216138917214 m m .111 1 . 13 1 21 .m 251224545 2. 2 246 27003165167482606068397 6570861696003472281 % 2. 4 . 1 173425 46 9532 221 111 1 1 08 762604 7355 K \\ 21 . 11 11 M 31¢ M M 25324349“ 1256923478m 1234561234561234123412345123412345612345612 mum 00188999¢ 00000111114 0000001111112222333344444555566666677777788 T 0000000Ob 0000000000b 0000O0000000000000000000000000000O000000000 00000000% 1111111111M 00000000000000000O000000000000O000000000000 886234842 23535722024157985 886H.31115 82246 01263147 9 . 21 1 1 18 1 . 1 1 1 3 A L 2 T L m A L. S 84 42 1..3 31122 "44 1 1 1 2 14 A m 3 1 m W T T 8888848 0 2532722024126863 842. 21 14 82246 91243133 L M 1 8 1 17. 1 1 1 3 A A6 1 T SX o 3 T M 6 14 252 322 1 486 8 11 2 8 6 13 22 M O 14 1 m 1 T 11 1 /0 7 2 2 M 6 124 0 2 0 2 1 o M . T T 3 m. m 1 C C R I I T R R T T 0 . B . N 0 14 252 322 1 362 D 6 11 2 D 8 6 11 19. AS gm 9 14 . _ mm 1 W __ 443642426 21332 27 21475 9 448 1 113 41128 41133125 L 1 0 7) . 1 2 H 1 O T \ S. 42 26 1 3 31 8 22 1 1 1 1 0 U 1 . T U R T M 4494424 0 113.2 27 21165 1 426 .1 12 41128 31133124 mm . 9 . . 3 1 2 0A TT U A 1 2 M M1 2 2. M 12345789m. 123567a902345789m 38m 1237m 2341m 1235628m mum 99999999T 000000n011111111T 994 00004 0169T 00000114 F.0O000000h .000000n000000000h. 00% 000Ow 0000b 0000000w OOOOOOOOM 1111111111111111% 008. 11118 0000M 11111118 AVERAGE 24HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES 1953'“ LEBANON — /3..\/ERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES NQ STATION 1002. CONT'D STATION 1001 CONT'D 814446329864677660809933954959416951531149 84464847650253 839 L . .223143 48105314124.1 132 1263 .1. 3 51213 21 51 .1112 645 A L .1 1 1. .. 7 1 1 5 11 m M 1 T v L S .321 04220539818 72 i235 363851151. 0 64725.52 92 12229 200 m H 1 12. 3 2 1 . 8 3 3 0 212 .0 W 2 1 T T 81441422944262478900273333245688844 021149. 234234944927648034 639 L. M 213131 451842 4124 1 122 153. 1; 5 31113 11 41 811 433 m fi 1 4 1 4 11 w W: 1 A 4 128553953948551736632953792592422~93 1 6W 380813491946335906 533 M =Y112 27 14 532 2 12 . 11 132 4 8 1 2 1 2 517 073 m . 9 2 1 T 3 O W S 18 551202565 3 31 1217 14362 41 7 73412 41 4 11727 1 550 R W 1 1 1 . 4. 1 1,5 W 1 1 F W 1 T. T T . . M M 4 127753402746096706322941622459802 51 1 9 656793O81546324289 no 083 mm . 1 2 26 13 421 2 12. 11 22 9 6 1 1 2 4 1 962 CA 7 2 TT U A . 41326189033529215Z543614427034592731611 43 591671073901325357 306 L 1 26 24 521 2 12 21 31. .u 9. 7 1 1 1 21 5 4 672 M 7 2 O T M 241 591 Q383315 41 18 22.23111 3 91313 11 52 15 2 750 m C 2 . . . 3 1 1 5 1 U R 1 T W 41324779542526482204951442623239042 511 40 688541963481324855 656 mm . 15 22 411 2 2 11 31 . 6 5 1 2 . 3 9 561 0A 6 1 TT U A 1 1 . m . L2 H M 234512341234561234561234512345678972411110 .13567890123456789o 123 mwm 444455556666667777778888899999999912256784 000000011111111114. 000 F 000000000000000006000000090000000O2222222b 00000000000000O00® 000 00000000000000000n00000Q000Q0000000Q00000M 11111l11111111111S 000 630362636641545614222054 827646774884470518 7819O4617012752073744 14245009432321 .114 5139822034921 3718 742121 2225221 11 11 M L 11 21 3 111 3 11 4 1 9 11 . T L 5 .1 m A L 5 35348708859522 1 1 1 1 8. 677856652865315011 0571351 313523 54 381 A M 11 53 8 31227 41 23 3 6 11 m M 6 1 4 T T , 387985658156325513212956 25089Q122029165507 734879514987522533463 L w 13134898336921 15 2916028932611.2412 63111 2214121 1 1 A Q 1 6 1 1 3 3 1 5 11 T mu 4 1 m M2 A O006622108239732121 1460. 539006729143645532 .78333731206445 341665 L 121125453116 5 756591651151 17 7 08111 111211 N 1 5 1 2 9 1 m 2 m M S 131263667253 1 1 2 9426O4751292112410 M 5841321 11221 2 23 m m 1 32 6 1 114 2 61 1 3 O F M 3 2 U M w 9794096536709732111.1368 .697402078951533122 .S 20920521194235 141435 mm 1 123342174 8 545351441431 .16 4 08 11 11 211 mm 1 1 1 7 1 . TT . w 2 6307004268286724 2121694 398640055741835086 008677305053302732189 L 212356411161 9 856491651341 10.1 76 1112 11 1 M 1 7 1 2 1 0 m 2 1 2 22222442134222 1 1 6 7352529016732 36.1 573 3 2 1313 34 151 w M 21 2 11113 11 61 1 3 W 3 2 T W 4185860O55864523 2111698 663498154178632485 535674303045272492 38 Q 2 2246411851 6 64535 44172 18 8 65 1112 1 mm 4 1 1 7 U 2 A M Q P 34512345678972345241111m ;2356789O123456789® 123456123456123412341 mmm 88899Q99999Q12222335678T 00000Q011111111114. 0000O0111111222233334 F 0O0O0000000022222222222h 000000000O00d0O00b 000000000000000000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM 11111111111111111m 000O000O0000000000000 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES NW AVERAGE 24 HOUR WE.EK DAY VOLUMES 1953' LEBANON - K_‘1“'~“ 1 BU .,_ O |::--: '‘T‘_.. . -__ 0 ..-‘__ .,__,._, <-4-_. -¢_r:~:___- L‘... I I 4 -I ‘. r f A I '1 5 ) '1 1' 3 ~ ( v I W ‘ - rM_~‘/'v_-_ rm "0' 1 V’ i P. 1 STATION 1003 CONT'D STATION 1003 CONT'D vvommrwvwwmww mooNHmwHonmovHHmbmvmo>HHnmnmwwrwwwHwmwHwNmmmvHmmomwm J QN PNH HoHv OONNN NM vNHH H H N mo mNHHoNNwNmmmN HNH < J N F H H HH H 6 _| i_ < J m nmnmmn HvwNm HFWV¢M mm mm N HHNN b H Nwmv mmvwr NONNNNH HNHM w 5 5 H H M v NH H H HN HN HMNNN 0 3 H |'— i- bHwwmvmv>N>m@ vmmwbwwmmno#vmHmwmNmnb Hmwmwv¢ovom>NHwmww>HmmH#vmNww J g mH mHH HmHm N>HHH HN vHH H vw Md omNHmwmmmN HHH < “'1' H |_() 1- mx Fl 0 H F 3 <1 mmowHvbnmm>Hm hon>omHmmnmmmmHnmNH wmH NMH§WQOHNWQQFHHQ¢HbOQHHNOQHQ i NH MP wHm mwH H HH NH H Nm NH mvH vwmmnH HH 5 n F L0 2 5 m wHNmuH HNoHw 2 oHnNNN Nm mm N m m H QHMb mwNmN omNboH N n M X E 3 N P 0 HH H H HNHHH CC H P H 55 2 mbmNmownvnboN w bmOmmMHQ€MmQmbHMMNH m NnHmwmmHmovmmHHwmmoo>HHoomHH w H NP mHm W¢H HH N NQ HH mmH mnmvNH HH H N D < HmommmHHnHmbm wormHvmmH mmmN mmnmmvN fiHnNHM®>MvNmVHFOO®mN®m vvommm J HH v H HH ® vn HH H H H Nv HH mwHNNmvmN H 5 H n O ‘- 3 mHHnNN NwHm HQNNNH H N HmNN H nnmo mmNpm N MFHN H H N E 3 H H w H H H HHHH ,‘E 3 HwmvNbmHmmomb kvmnmnmvH bmmN mmHHmmN HHMNN mbmHmnvm>wommHmm nvmmmn x H M 0 H MN H H H HM H wvHHNwNNH 8: H M D < 76 5 mmoHNmvmmr®m3 HNnvmwHNmvmwHNnvHNmvHNmwmHNMvHNmvm‘HNMwmwHNnvmHNnvmw egg OOHHHrHHHHHwT ooooooHHHHHHNNNNmmnnvvvvvmmmmwwmww >>bbv§mmwwwmmmmmm “ ooooocoooooop oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo HHHHHrHHHHHr£ oooocooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo wwvmmvvmbmvmmmmmHbmw¢NvohmNnmHNwmNwwmwm>vmwmNoommmommNHHbNHNmHNm Nbbmfi J NNN mbHmNmN mHHN HNMHbm NnHmNv vmwmHH HH#MHHNbQN H HHvNm < _1 H HQ? ‘T H 6 J N '_ < J m mmm Nm mwNHHHm MNM N H H N¢MQ mHN>wm mHmNvmw mmvmHwwHm HH N H H bwNvN 5 6 H NM H mvH HH mm N H H 6 o 3 V P '- HMwwwmv>HnmvmmnmmvmvvHvmnvwooH§nHmNmmomwNmHmNvmHvmwmm>HHmHH m NN mnmmm J g MNN mmHbNmN vHHH Nm mN HNHwwm mNwm H H mmHHHmwH m OHNNQ 3 x H HH Q 2 §‘»‘ H <( mmnvmmmmNNNMwHvvvmHMMNMMwmwvoHmmwmmbNHo>mwmwNmmmHmHvwHH MNHNHHHM mmoHH i HHH mN ¢fiMH m HN mm H wmfi MNNN HHH HvwH w m NHN v— \-l N O I- H 5 m vwm Nw mm HHP Hm H Hmbm vm Hvw WFHNMMM vHmHH wQH HH N H w MHNH> E § H NN HH N H E (V 3 mmH¢Hm®mFNNNmWfiF@NHMMHMmW¢€PWHWGQQHHNmMWMH©H®HmMO§Hw®OH NHH H HP JQMQ» m HHH mN n MH N HN Nw wQH NHNN HHH HNMH M ‘v HHW 93 H O 3 H vNwvmmmommmNNNmHvNvnH HbmHwmw mmmmHm>mwommvmwmvmwmmmHH Hw v Hm ‘mwvmm J HHH v vHNH N HH H Mb'HH QQN QHNN NH Mfifi m in NHv 5 H H I O P H Q HHH M NHNH m MH N H HNmm HNNmo> OfiN HNH NvHw v@Hv m wmmmm 2 S HN HN H H m L) 0: \'’i F 3 wHnwmmmmwHvNNNmmmNvHH Hmmovmm NwnbHNvmNwmwmvwmom¢mm@Ov HQ v HH mmNN® X fififi Q MHNH N H H Nm HH F®N MHHN NH mm w W HHM 83 m D ( ' E E vmwHNmvmmHNmvHNnvHNmwmmHNnvHNmvmmHNnvmmHNmvmHNMvmm>mm§NmvNvwHHHB Hmmwv 9gg ooOHHHHHHNNNNnMmnwvvvvvmmmmmmmmmmvvvb>>wwmwmmmmmmmmmmHNNNnmwmm>T ooooo “ ooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNp ooooo ooooo»ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo3 HHHHH AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES 24 HOUF% "/\/EEK DA-’ VOLUMES A E F’ A G E - 1953 LEBANON 2.9 31346.3 7 67932R6363527095411425307 646783642 65114764647335323659923 L »54312 48 11 1 55 16 912 1 920, .859046 5688347232427523 M 2 1 23 1 4 3. 45 1 =1 221 1 m A 2 L M 73210 732 5 43 20 1 3 62 8241111511 1848 27811751974027185054755 m W 2 79 13 22 3 2 5 6611 121441 1 21 31 m 4 5 D 9472259O4302379341 422345 .822672591212625 483O3013773318248605278 L ? 42343 25 11 33 3 612. 824. 287946 4364936129324412 M gm 1 12 1 9 2 44 1 211 m M1 1 A 00034378410343 97112 3320..66522 26 111259 98302247187998631909068 D 8 36315 83 1 21 . 6 4 1 . 413 455423 19440621161133 1 T m 11 1 1 22 11 N T 1 O 7. c w . . % w m 43230 962 2 1 16 1 3 1 213 1 11 335 M 232615455890%2131523022 w m N 44 1 1. 5 1 2 O. 331 . 1 12 1 1 21 R 2 I N T T O . A I D . . . "1 M ? 67804382218333 811 2 329 45221 15 111924 8 751417 26O8926500486046 T 1 25271 72 11 0 3 1 311 124322 1742862 151 12 1 S Q 1 9 1 22 1 W . 67908295225937967. 222 87 0815634822 2214 7781252756044779Z750965 M 28 06 54 23 0 5 1 516. 393623 3734274 16214211 m 11 3 1 22 11 T 1 1 o m 30 80 87 3 33 14 61 6111 1 411 1513 0465 216495055 54531733 T W 2 25 1 . 11 8 1 3 33 1 22 1 1 R . 2 T ? 379282182229 4953 222 26 4704624411 1701 73262311175w92748229232 Z 26 71 52 12 2 3.1 413 063523 3621064 14212211 3 1 0 1 22 11 M 1 1 a . M 45612345123456789724211la 12357902456789m 12345612345612341234123 mmm 777888BB999Q999991223S7BT 00000011111111J 000000111L1122223333444 F 00000O000000000O0Q222222b..00000000000000b 00000O00000000000000000 0000000O00000O000n000000m 11111111111111m 00000000000000000000000 5699233642 717782128599377902 Q7281693654064231354622858355307295 L 33 1 9 324 1 11 4 814 53121.1891311 1 1112.412886 M L 6 1 4 11 2 m M 1 L S 166 2 3 7781 143732 42031 07443 76159 2 3 1 8440 956069 M W 11 9 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 12 52 o W 3 1 T T 4039233449 049682086867335971 ;00848627505044238354522874955451236 L W 22 1 9 112 1 1 2 6 3 43 2 1781211 190 3 2365 M 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 MN 1 A 4457 33 1 817582476986234550 4368640069910 341322 206131151083 D M 11 1 2 612 1 4 3 21 162 1 1 56 2 1242 1 m 9 2 1 T T W M c m % W 5 157 9 5391 122631 11229 N 74413 46553 2 1. 5144 62353 0 W W 1 1 1 5 O 1 11 1 W 2 H N A m T . T w 3987 33 2 388482354355223331 Q6 7927346414618 341321 .255791538553 A 1 0 5 1 . 1 3 7 1 52 4.4 1 032 H mm 7 1 1 W 124223 341 90020 752613143452 646052930659642 7222422652224256212 L 22 7 612 1 . 2 . 4.1 22 Z 27 Z . 166 2 1644 M 7 2 1 m S 19 2 4 249 2 1 1 31812 33 3 3 6 6. 3 3306 333539 m M 1 7 1 1 5 1 31 W 1 W 115223 147 76120 732512112640 316752634699642 4222422629264923783 mm 11 9 5 1 1 1 3 6 22 1 26 1 . .. 55 1 1223 mu 5 1 _ 1 M M M M 789724111M 12367890123456789m 12345612345612341241231234123456123 wwm 999122578T 000000011111111114 .00000011111122223334445555666666777 F 000222222b 00000000000000000b. 0000000000000000Q000000000000000009 0000000O0w 11111111111111111w 0000000000O000000O00000000000000000 "AVERAGE 24HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES LEBANON — 1953 “IT .2...- ‘ ,_._.__, '=\—:_\_-:-.~_r~:_ ':,-':":,~:_'._ L ./' A \' I ~ “ D 2 ' ' Q6 7_S'I‘ATIO:N'1008 ‘ .410031 .4OQBf+3 300621 741172 706991 STATION L007 CONT 'D .917245641084 956904575433 255726 647219633 L .801111 21498242 31 11 11 21 151 1 21 .122 1 32 3 2 2 4 1 3 A L 1 1 N L 1 .T A L 5 61123222 03088244 623 345 8 7 21 3521 1613110413 1 6 43211 m M 2 212 1 1 1 U o R 2 T T . 80980928928352828139424561758674110274697936537249595 955725 047276422 L W 78 1 11276131 21 1 11 151 .1 1 112 22 1 1 2 3 1 3 As H SM 9 m 2 A . 5%346237930208730q596232 258579216744473563736993121312512 9 011 24625 M 44 1 24311 1 1. 21 1 9 1 .2 1 H . .. 4 T W N 20 13 2 33642 31 32 1.133 2. 3 11 13.1 12 6114 9 2 2211 W W 1 1 \ . 8 R T W 32333217907666? 94276232 1255592164433734336369811252 8512 0 811 02515 Q 43 1 132.1 . . 1 11 1 2 1 0A 4 TT U A . 99767913091132332A421 1362623782.5085196582 284449486 0 4527 636295018 “.35 1155121 2 1 1 .4 1 11 11 2 2 1 1 1.1 .2. 6 T “.4111 2 2 70446213 3 3 212 6. 4 1. 222 16 11143 9 2 4 211 1 m m 1 11 . . 2 H .. 1 w.586577110217961296128 136 5.3182 568419636 278438343 1 4525 236274917 % 34 1143 11 1 1 .3 1 1 11 1 O 1 1 1 2 \ 5 U . A 1 . . m M 123456123456123412341234512341234612345612341234567894723410 123579012 mum 00000011111122223333444445555666667777778n88999999999112225% 000000111 F 00000000000000000000000000O00000000O00000000O000000O0222222b 000000000 00000000000000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOO000000000000000000m 111111111 212427918879723005251630091486843163961123712 484881539970552222 L 14 357267 .134415132 11551066424 4311. 4 8391 4057547436363 A L 1 .11 11. 5 3 11 2 3 8 m M 4 2 3 T. . L 5 611469 12553622124253395026760 3434 1 4 552 14253896327114 M H 22 1 111 23 1 1. 7 1 2117 1 624 o W 7L 5 8 T T 212816559867270484137487706460183139621113718 932877386184235118 L W 14 235256 1143 5131 459956491 3211 . 2 0381 3836836425748 M E . 1 . 1 . 8 3 1 1 7 9 o 2 3 1 2 T u A ¢7911534842746938 3541255874230043181781112219 473069322595153936 M 1 123123 521 2 11 125534257 11 . 5 9141 1474223213337 m 1 1 1 1 8 T 2 1 1 W S 82434 191725 11 211 177784451 5212 7 535 2946144243428 m M 1 11 6 3 4 710 W 3 8 4 n W 7911710502625213 2449145707556692139661112212 948067486451910518 x 1 112123 521 9 1 124423136 1 9 5131 1363823113626. mm . 7 1 8 4. 1 W 1 1“ 5213745346 q13020Z710485227256800 8228 115 3 011822217485409396 L. 2.224134 172213 21 335532277 221 8 925 2683313222925 W . 3 1 1 1_ 9 T 2 1 1 _ 5 639 35 481121 22143228342319 8222 1 7 027 12317752184796 w W 1 11 4 4 11.3 8 3 W 3 2 ,4 W 5217455096 5759189798342009914591 0006 15 6 O9481O9OO7333256OO Z 2 113133 612 3 1 334432255 221 3 514 2473913212022 mu 0 1 9 5 W 2 1 H H M 45612341234461234561234512345678947234234611m 12356890123456789m mmm.444555566666677777788888999999999112223334564 00000001111111111J F 00000000000900000000000000000000022222222222b 00000000000000O00b .00000000000n0000000000000000000000O000000000& l1111111111111111m AVERAGE 24HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES AVERAGE 24HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES LEBANON — 1953 QB STATION 1009 CONT'D STATION 1008 CONT'D 744.13 051097 76305 .625371 111573 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES 79228 598502 0 277841745338 31642788425 L . 5 2241 0 1 1 11314. 5722 11i 4345 131, . 11 33 51 1 A L 4 1 1 2 6 m L 1 T A L S 11 7 65311233 3 2151567 6302 73 :2320 3542 2 23 22 1 M W 8 4 1 2 5 6 21 1 o W 2 1 T T 68221 191023655728469413 .1338599535807759754533811137318642766415 L W 7 8131 8 817 5511 4244 12 . 11 32 51 1 A Q 1 1 4 m 3 1 T MT 52 1 009732534527274897 73691941339255614423 23.1571 45322256413 M 9 611 6 1 2 34 2123 2 . 11 2 m 6 1 3 T ‘ \ 0 l (L . ... w 5 8 915 1311 1 1 3 534 1 6422 5 .2125 13 3 1 4 W 5 1 1 2.7 w 1 m 1 U M . .w 52 3 194729424426244363..S 19471441318005584423 23 1571 423222564 3 m 3 4 1 4 9 5 32 2123 1 11 2 3 5 2 U A . . 74 27 7454 34515 3346183 03714784 420232373223151 68639632 532 12 L 6 612 4 2 1 2311 . 2122 11 11 31 1 M 7 1 3 O T S 11 9 7481 922 2 1121033 98 23 2 5 2242 2 2 22 m w 2 2 3 9 U R 1 T W 63 28 0073 42313 2225150 04914554 400720131223151 66637632 510 12 x 3 411 3 9 2 22 1 2121 11 11 31 1 3 6 2 U A M M M 3411M 12356780123456789m¢ 1234862345612341234123456123412345612345 mmm 22584 .000O0001111111111%. 0000Q01111122223333444444555566666677777 F 2222b 0000000O000OO0000b O0000000OO000O00000000O0O0000000O00000O0 0000M 1111111L111111111M 0000000000O00O000000000000000000O00O0000 64138058 207508469971385783427261215259510658603438137914814504310 L O 6 332211 23 8563212 1 2 122 24 1. 531 3123 11322125411 A L 1 2 11 m L T A L 5 31 12734 6521 2177347136372 3553 .19108 111272 27931 61131621134 m H 1 4 111 1 .1 1 1 1 22 o W T T 33126324 6554063926342594114027412143497195469832698273035O8393070 W 8 2 111211 13 7463112 1.1 111 13 . 42 3 12 112211132 1 M Q 2 11 T 5X 0 K T u A 32 12526 303278311818312T311646311802154.544242 874312233903578157 L 4 1 7711. 12 41221 1 , _ 11 12 21 1 11 . 111 22 W 1 T 0/ 0 ill.) W S 2 1720 1 217 2134283113 31 133 65174 11631 3531 1 7141 323 R w Z nNu ll .11 F4 M I T T A . T .. . . . . W 12 118 6 S 1962762876352097O 1513311847 80 533611.8490 2133299475937 x 3 9 65 1 1 3122 1 . . 2 A 11 1 1 .1 1 2 M1 32126532 90433015816307305236363 135044115216283664825781911036253 L 5 5 5611 1 11 4341111 1 .11 12 32 1 11 11111122 N 1 O T 4 11 11014 4451 43164 23341 1222 54 34 1 641 244 5116 211811 O @ 1 2 1 T U R T m 21115528 569230115 0905071135141 130641714210873420825270319928143 W2 4 2 55 1 1 11 42411 1 1 1 11 1 31 1 11 111 111 1 W M 1 3456789“ 123456123456123412341234512341234561234561234512345678972 mmw 1111111T 00000011111122223333444445555666666?777778828899999999912 F 000000Qb 00000000000000000000000000000O000000000000O000000O0000022. 1111111& 0000O0000000000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO0Q00000O0O0000000000 MN AVERAGE 24.HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES LEBANON - 1953 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES ZAHOJR WEEK OAK 80214252170710561171136853100283539 4498935321342142 892442357893 L 1 13 22 2 2 112 .33 9. 3 7 . 6 2 215521 42 93 M M 8 2 22 m A L S 4 24 .521 15.3 421 1 14. 2 32 2 3231 3 7 1 551051175175 M M 11 4 1 3 2311 1 m m 1 D 862902521286105561411947521962815 7 2466625321312441 341491282728 L y 3 21 2 1 12 .11 . 5 3 6 5 9 084411 32 82 M sm 7 . 1 21 m .2 A 62 54241171317 391 1170353 76 5 3 4 535271111 231428 879309130497 D M \ 2 1 11 11 5 1 3 2 9 42121 22 41 T m 4 11 w. 2 C 1 . J .H W M 2 11 42 3 211 1 77 6 1 1 7 3 3 5 M 986531134 73 N.m M 7 1 m 11 N T T A m D .. 1 M ?.6 43241139317 361 1159252 09 5 3 8 434201111 2 1123 S 993878 06424 T Z . 2 1 1 7 1 3 2 8 2011 21 41 S m 3 11 A 28260 11 094 3532 7 665 134233235 9146224211111724 023143227406 M 1 2 1 1 1 11 4 1 4 3 2 89331 2 51 m 4 1 T o M 2 13 1 1 12 3 21 47 2 36 1.2261 4 6 67552 41102 m y 26257 11 993 3520 4 45% 1972312 9 8124614211111328 458623286304 1. 1 1 1 1 7 1 3 3 0 77221 1 41 0A MT 3 1 A M M .M 2341234561234561234512345678947232m 123578923456789m 123456123456 mmm 55566666677777788R88999Q9999911223T 000000011111111T 000000111111 F 000000000000000000O000000000022222b 000000000000000b 000000000000 00000000000000O00000000n00O0O00000&. 111111111111111M 000000000000 5923365941853796552201 76026368644759159 999204146207626716821332 L. 1111 11221 23 1 1 10 0121 51 816 57131 2 8464 32 M L O 1 1 1 5 o M 1 T L S 6 24 425651 7218 4 2 3 52241523 1131 729 17733 2 250841722 1 2 m M 1 1 7 1 1 2 7 . 11 o W 1 T T 9909323486756588512 08 24885845633449430 822974126 5788509482 33 w 11 1111 12 1 12 911 31 519 5712 2 6353 31 L AS M SM 8 1 1 4 W m A 1866 85904333938262278 570541O5232555188 8057731362316949135 21 D M 1 11 11 9. 5 1 81 O 0 24 1 1 4231 11 T m 4 1 3 N T m n 1 C 9 . w W S 3 2 31132 36 4 2 2 9 0112 112 131 711 M 163 3 2 28564 31 O K 1 m M 1 8 1 1 1 5 w W T T A I :5 T . M W 8864 54872330334242 79 56934093231245477 S 742743116 560546035 T UM 11 O 4 7 8 5 23 1 1 3131 11 1 S mm 4 2 U A 416738004752086839 33 290722634122 4071 194531 1 76032803321122 L 1 111 11 0 5 1 7 8 6 3311 1 3232 11 . W 5 2 T L 1 5 3 22 114331 4614 2 4 51121411 1 018 143 752 1412 ml 2 m M 8 1 2 W T w 114537961442625437 39. 789518524 22 4063 180231 1 0183149132 12 x 1 1 1 1 4. 6 7 3 3311 1 3222 1 Q 4 2 A . 2 W M 612451234567897234251m 1335678923456789o. 123456123456123412412451 wmm 78888999999Q991222345T 000000Q011111111J 000000111111222233344445 F OOOOOOOOOOOOOO2222222h OQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOb OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00000000000n00000n000& 1111111111111111% 00O000000000000000000000 ‘/OLLJMES AVERAGE — 1953 LEBANON aw STATION 1012 CONT'D STATION 1012 CONT'D 294185 552325261271 AVERAGE 24HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES 56467 9522902225727680602297667 799942943487146568 L 12756 7942 1 11 322 12126 1 212 35 441 3 11.. 1 5212153 M L 4 5 m M 1 L 4 21914 69151 52 83 11 452 1137599122 38 24144 263233 591 .2 M U 716 11 1 1 1 11 1 m 3 D 35553 361780270599768950277766718143688774914107374630519020351251 L p 12940 7731 1 1 212 1114 1 211 23 341 3 1 1 4 12142 M Z 3 2 . m m 1 A 61803 42815498318381 4466842511147829035328531029622 033231896 22 M 1320 3411 111 1 2 1 1 12 12 1 1 21 1 11 m 2 8 T 3 1 D 1 w M 1231 N 1954 4 61 15 182 22146 2 6 1 2 61491 356 W W 3 8 0 . R 1 I T T .A 0 I ? 60672 "8 33375494312281 396%022511145615433328931927622 429321540 22 SM 1012 331 111 2 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 0A 2 6 TT U A 95664 534146 49499958624645515615736676462441246852456500017301 51 M 1336 4521 1 1 13 1 1 13 221 2 3111 32 T 2 7 O T M 2 783 50611 12 22 6 17 11154531 2 32 23124 2 2842 245 2 w W 4 8 1 1 m 1 M 75981 038036 37477Q58664K755155 4682145442121 15612436326815951 31 m 1828 4411 1 12 1 .12 221 2 2 1 21 OA 1 5 TT U A M M 6789“ 123456123456123412z41234E61234123456123456123451234567897234 wwm 11114 000000111111222233l34444445555666666777777888889999999991223 F 0000b Q00000m00000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000002223 1111& 000000nO0000n00000 0000000000000Q000000000000000000000000000 12473 11259153467025048441313000286779037392533911212110 8865493063815 L 51 1622121111 41217012.1243 3122 536742326 8 45741531 12 M L 1 1 1 1 3 .4 2 o M 2 T L 5 31 561331 211551191 41 887 614 11 741182347 311 5 89875813 435 M M 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 61 1 2 11 7 o W . 4 1 T T 193782089499429169340074636179601760389550555336 212115 0988912763480 L w 5 14229111 1 311 6812 1032 2 12 435532364 6 2452 83 2 A Q 1 9 3 1 T SX o 3 1 T m1 A 78 7235736164 3116806546157154631619588128361 3211 1 8 .7956848542550 M 2 21 51 1 211 35 1 621 1 1 223321163 3 3242 31 1 m 2 2 1 T .1 W S 2 63 611 1 244168 31 154 1 1 11 936841241 111 4 65314712 213 R W 1 31 2 6 11 3 F U m 2 W 76 7605125124 177822623600314453 510220716951 31 1 4 1425477342347 mm 2 11 51 1 2 34 1 521 1 1 223311122 1 7231 91 OA 0 1 TT N 1 444015649988131564454948366 864712582122556643 7 212 12 1919655521365 L 2 14115 1 2 1 35 611 1 1 213321162 4 1231 21 1 M 1 8 1 m 1 S 11 93172 111317 33 1 733 513 815341106 2 1 245611 1 222 m M 1 3 9 6 4 m 1 T W 433022577984028494124848633 351712501698446043 5 212 11 9563545421143 Q 2 13114 1 1 34 511 1 1 212211132 5 4221 81 1 0.1 9 1 T1- U A 1 m M 12341234123456123412345612345612345123456789723423461110 1235678901345 mmm 22223333444444555566666677777788888999999999122233345784 0000000011111 F 00000000000000000n0000000000000000000000000022222222222® 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005 1111111111111 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK “DAY VOLUMES Q» LEBANON - 195 3 r__.L__ pm ,-_'_-- ,-, aw» 1 _ 1—~ ‘_ --,-"3? I 1 I . 1 1 1. _.L- £~ 1 Y I I I " 2 4 1 .' ; L. 1 1 ‘ 1 14 \ 1 1 ! I ! 1 .% T ,3 :~ 5 1 ¢ 1 : . 1 i {361 ~ u ‘~“‘ ‘Q l STATION 1014 CON’I"D» STATION 1013 CONT'D 4.16360 .92040§113029 928035227 9018772423191. 4Y3 251 89561174010O53659 L 112212 13 5 2 1 7 1 .1 1 4 3 L43 2 111 11 1 1222214 ML 0 2 .21 1 L S 144 1165 3 15 5 z216121.314.3215 8323 2 2 71 3342 6 2 Ma 1 4 . 14 WW 1 416356500712242 116 97R714383l82626046 19673520789541103087633O57 L N 111212 12“ 0. 1 1 6 3 8. 42 1 111 11 1 1111214 AAS 9 1 Tsx o 3 TM 2 .481621498121Z1 4 111325232162126918 3834 3 9867861 74440785345 M 11 1 1 1, 1 1 3 1 0 21 1 11 1 m 5 . 1 T 5 1 W S 114 1 47 2 7 3 211211 211 2513 M 6123 2 51 33 4 1 K 4% 6 20 R I T T ~ M. m 2 470220451121 1 7 819213122141 244 5 S. 7711 3 7867861 23417785944 mm 11 1 1 4 3 . 1 8 11 1 1 0A 4 TT U A .2169893804891211 27 3676 5272 519 3343 6456322392270 10 670378314 L 111 31 3 22 21 111 1113 A T 5 1 O T S 1 128 1 18 2 11 4.11 1 3 17 2 22 2 2 42 2 1 0% 7 2 TU R T W 216986380361121 19 1665 1261 416 2641 4256322392278 18 670958113 % \ 1 1 1 5 1 3 1 0 21 1 1 1 3 R x 4 1 U A . m M . M 3451234567897234116 12356789n12356789m 12345612356123412341234561 wwm 88899o99999q122358@ .00000000111111111T 0OO00011111222233334444445 F.O00000O0O000222222® O0n00000n000OO0O0b 0000000000000O00000O0O00O0 QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS 11111111111111111& 00000000000O0O000000000000 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES A3/i-IF?/AGE 24 HOLP WEEK DAY VOLUMES .2430 .84397624283890441 L3188710070145108482050144039O8545682661587 L 1 9l2 4 11 6 9112.122 4231 12 241 1 1 111133 41 2 2 M L 2 1 3 l L 1 m A L 5 16 626393 1 4112 0 8 7521111 17712 451731 4.1247 7 15 1 A K 3 3 2 8 . 1 1 m w 2 . T m . 2424 Z2768323242770443 .6667609O6343316331995O10491538845681161577 L w 7 611 3 19 7 8012 112 3131 1 22 1 1 11 32 41 2 2 AS m 1 9 2 1 0 0A T WT A 2226 409183 1131365319 9462489234088135248415 625525893342162 333 M 3 41 1 . 6 6 46 1 1 111 1 11 1 11 2 1 1 m 5 1 T . 1 1 O W S 8 722 51 1 2 2 1 3 1 42 1 4411 18 25 2 2 6 12 1 R M O 1 1 4 N F U 0 m 1 U A . .i1 w 2228 787132 111345216 M 5262479230677127223415 4255238333420“; 325 x 2 2 1 5 2 46 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 2 1 1 1. Z 4 1 . U A I 214 44489323152535132 .4726331846167 732446451825875O6122610T1254 L 7 5 1 2 5 9 4411 1 211 1 12 21 21_ 1 1 M 6 1 1 W 1 1 S 18 .9 4342 211 9 5 33211 1 133 1 371581 2 1245 1 1 w M 2 1 . .4 . w 1 T . : W 2 6 54055123131435237 1405230833866 46196545162463 0512261741254 x 4 3 1 2 4 4 4411 1 2 1 1 21 2 1 1 2 5 1 U A M 1 . a . .J.M 611W 12357890124€6789m 123456234561234123412345612341234561234512 WWM 458% .0000000111111111T 000000111112222333344444455556666667777788 3 222b 0O00000OO00Q0000b 0000000000000000Q0000000000000000000000000 000% 1111111111111111m 00000000OO0000O00000000OOO0000000000000000 LEBANON — 1 953 Qm STATION 1016 CONT'D STATION 1015 CONT'D 72459 39211041621€232224823275928201127.I758715315459212982 007524 L 2 11 3 21 1 1 1 1111 1 4 1 3 1 1 3 872121 M L 4 1 O L T A L 5 0 02 01 911 13 21 52 2337 51713. 12 1114 2151322 1116 48424 m W 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 m 1 D 7245923911293159131327 48 0905411171115 647313264137211876 623384 L N 2 1 1 1 11 1 . 2 1 .9 662111 A. Aw 3 m x T MT 01326038 1241 45 1 3133 747531315 25 3234 024 193 11339 292838 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 . 5 431 1 T 2 O T 7 1 . . O . W 4 7 27 7 8 1 2 11 212 3 312 14 3 812 2 17 M, 761 3 W W 6 1 0 R I T T .1 0 HJ . ? 31324331 1441 44 Q 2 33 5355 1 3 11 3231 212 173 11322 5 531808 52 1 5 1 4 331 1 0A 1 TT U A 711335 12 963127142329115268006151511 2 4353151753662 1653 815796 L 1 1 2 11 3 1 7 331 M 2 O T M 3 81 31 111 12 1 41 2125 214 1 8. 1111 4 315 2 11 9 72321 m C 1 6 . 1 w 41135R 81 822115141325 15 56504 11411 4 324211144 642. 554 192536 AS gm 1 1 6 1 5 321 3 1 U A -M 1 a M 12341234561234126123451245123456789234m 12356789012345789m 123456 mum 33334444445R55666777778288999Q99999222J 00000Q001111111114 000000 F 00000000000n00000n00000 0000O000000222b 000000000O0000000b 000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000000& 11111111111111111m 000000 814482165250271365331684 622152 .464335157358016652 58341775491765 L 1 11 111 1 1 1111 lf . 5 .1 4 2 1 2 7 221 1 A L 6 1 T L m A L S 24322 2 2 13 23 2264 132 3 13 13 514.2418 461311 34 11 A m 9 2 M u R T T 6712621632502513523186627222 20 164322144307614244 1221 675151655 L W 11 111 1 1 111 1 6 1 4 2 2 4 221 1 A As 5 1 T. SX 0 0A T mr A 22160 89235 511267852465422.49 8311241321559 5022 436215T 42 534 L 1 1 0 2 1 1 9 11 1 W 3 T /O 1 . 0 L w 5 2 2 12 23 2224 36 2 11 1 213 22 5 1 31 211 .32 R m. 5 .1 N F U 0 R I T T A . w 22140 89235 311147622243 22 13 6311131221346.3827 M 126 47 10 534 E 1 . 1 5 2 1 7 11 1 wm 2 w 69388218602522 24965644882 113 633211 25203111630. 1572 2 5 71231 L .1 . 4 2 1 1 8 11 H 3 . O T S 243 2 2 1 4 1 6 1 2 3 3 1 213 1511 2 11 m M 3 1 U m m 45 86218402522 24865644842 17 533219 22273 11427 0061 2 5 51121 cm 3 W. A M 23412456123R612412345678923461o 12356789012346789o 12345623456124 mmm 5556666677777888999999999222454.:000000001111111114 00000011111222 F 000000000000000000000000022222® 00000000000000000® 00000000000000 00000Q0000000000000000000000005 11111111111111111S 00000000000000 um - AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES 1953 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES LE BANON '- u_- ‘H 1 V - > . ~--\ ~_v--.__ _‘. _ ,_._ ~ ~ ~' .~ F 1 ' 1 W ""”“'_. .:_.._~q A,‘/ERAGE 24 HOUR 2572 269134649677174869727399651498944257740O761956417696990401622 L 316 8651182403000825536016233 80485726242233842216389570864343 2 M m 2 99121 11 422 1 11 22 23 411 1 11 212 142 m A L S 1630 9733721335558836656423303 63938829259144291139081111930346 42 M M 4 143311131 53 4 231 1 177235 521 2 21 1 15461466 0 W 11 1 T T 1942 39686251612239120418506935510516233283665?O82743658506016568 L M 212 6127971193579725136785223 63762125246012630115278O34728732 1 M x 2 8811 1 311. 1 , 11 23 311 1 11 211 121 w W1 A 1579 3858978408957572282073583241168915451003633179192536800103411 D M 1 2 108155 6618903 2713453111 412318121206618267 3145290591221 1 T m 1 66 1 1 11 11 2 1 1 21 N. T 0 m C 0 1 N W M 1310 N 358780344175331 52127425 185844 1239372044626448600879313 21 M m W 2 O 8911 1 21 2 11 133 12 21 1 1 3341273 I N m T 0 A I 1 M y 269 S 037117506720426276180933323368451422273169955375493603189049 T Z 1 0 316054 516803 2413242111 378206121274517146 3 44866463811 S mm 1 55 1 1 11 1 1 M 1003 98434780988242764152O0413373821537126407138887325160190308211 M 213 6579521841119813823663122 392548131226710255 2234380373121 1 m 1 33 21 1 11 2 1 1 1 21 T m 320 6256928994805R26135259153 55454428 20872257513643511161033 21 m C 2 3511 22 2 11 34123 3 1 112 183 W W 1783 36975501040297503800513603284771191O663598137478265903937529 m 1 1 3057421541998413613542112 358315121295618155 2124177364811 2 1 33 1 11 1 1 1 M m , M 6890 1234561234561934123412345612341234561234561234512345678972345 mum 1114 0000001111112222333344444455556666667777778888899Q99999912222 F 000b 0000000 00000 00000000000000000000000000000000O00000000022222 111% 0Q00000 00000 0000000000000000000000O000000000000000000000000 3220510838883615301111956243155461395392724128416224722 00673280926096 L 211513 1 573145 2 2311 2 13 1 21333 231 9 311 6 1 21 M 1 1 m A 1 L S 3 5312283 215644 2 3531 4 2 7337714792 31 3 52421721 1 32 m U 1 11 11 1 2 m 2 392008961 58311230190631222380236739519209145704? 21629 58252569925064 L M 1114 2 1 362134 2 1311 1 13 1 2 222 22 6 2 1 5 21 S M sm 9 o R T u A 1416383733462033 51660193 5 78904013620 487184075 4722 55132966415531 D 4 1 2 1 1 242113 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 121 11 4 1 1 2 1 T m 6 N T O C H W M 6912233 864556 2 321 1 2 434561373 31 8 31211411 1 w. W W 2 N.“ W 1 m M W 141676251 16263 1806647 3 757949136 0 053623702 1624 24921555415521 T 1 1 1 1 1 141 12 1 1 11 1 1 111 1 1 1 2 1 S mu 5 M Q 28142371 542168235 55186329347642126919234704444122 0 55541324511565 M 1 3 1 221 22 11 1 1 1 111 111 5 1 3 '1 M 5 L T _ I'|1Fl||lb 6 3 91 5 451198 321 3 3 921 1 62 5 2121 31 1 22 m C 9 U R T 3 25143271 42158235 100775293155428269192048834345 2 5 34331014510543 ? 1 2 1 221 11 11 1 1 1 11 5 1 3 1 mm 4 U ‘A W M 123455123412341234512341234561234561234512345678973411o 12356789012345 mum 1111112222333344444555566666677777788888999999999122584 00000000111111 F 00000 00000000000000000000000000000O000000000000022222b 00000000000000 00000 0000000000O0000000000000000000000000000000000000& 11111111111111 AVERAGE 24 HOUR WEEK DAY VOLUMES WEEK DAY VOLUMES LEBANON — 1953 Q4 STATION 1019 CONT'D STATION 1018 CONT‘ D 32206270415390964 33187 15806257546455870& L 6133 2 23324 573 16 111126 11 5 . 152 M L 2 . 3 L m A 2 L S 9532 1 337511422 122 3128341362 1 111301 m M 1 12 . 8 2 1 17 o W 3 T T 47986177140886744633.65 036721213454447407 L W 5 22 2 13223 353 18 111 24 11.4 145. A Q 8 .. 2 T SX . 0 mm 1 s T M E M . U 89063510542953311z 1 4 357519387263435062 m M 2 1 11111 231 4 12 3 . 127 v m 0 1 T 1 VI A D W S 3311 1 332 21981 1.0 1119131.8 1 220 .1 K R M . .1 . . 3 E F u 2 E m W R m 569534172221445013 4 .856400256283425842 u mm 2 1111 121 3 12 2] 24 0 0A 8 I H TT 1 M 53243760973047653333 83 301553298201123746 .E. L.3 22 1 11113 242 12 11 13 2 25 G M 2 1 A O R. T 1 E .v . - A S 6221 553 541 22 121232231 3.1.1181 m M 1 7 1 4 R 1 T m 9103376O928742243333 61 4280321 67271 22665 x 2 22 1 111 2 232 15 1 12. 1 11 mm 0 1 M 1 1 1 . m . . m M 5612345123456789723461o 123567890123456786 wmm 77888n89999o99991222454 00000Q00111111111@ % F 00000n0000000000222222b 00000000000000000b W 00000n00000000000n0000& 11111111111111111% 6 _ N . . M 329465 525942091144269508 317797922141202319375003960497997066016. A 6 71089303867142.353 1012 43 4321 13 121211 4724252326754 B L - M L 0 112 3121 41 3 11 1 11 1 1 W o M 9 2 4 T L S 11116 028081757790241607 33343 442 833 156 61142 26894039943062‘ m M . 4 3332 6152 721 12 11 22 33 12 1 o W 6 5 9 T T 4! 318350 507961344454028901 084367580168901859764683702557608636496 L W 2 48668788559932 241 0812 . 33 3211 2 211 1 4494922215542 M m 4 1 1 7 11 3 4 1 1 1 1 m mm 7 1 3 PS: A 1 M U 225252 038423510761366049 43094234617473 685535856270594911273932 m L 4 05145952833521 222 6611 21 11 . 1 1 2271671613711 v W 7 1 1 1 1 2 2 Y T 1 2 4. 9 A M 1 D 1 W S 1 17 658857000479721380 N 00331 32 31 54 41122 12803113617746 H R W 8 111 8131 4 8 O 11 2 22 E F U 8 2 4 I m M W T R W 215245 480676510392645769 8. 437632.2614373 145124666152563885106572 u m 6 83034049738411 114 55 1 21 11 1 1 215145 51361 m 3 2 1 9 1 7 M 3 1 M 1 4213 597529581483903569 987855686 77572734840227790903086893184 E L 2 75844341023611 120 43 11 211 1 111 15436817 2032 m M 3 1 11 2 1 1 R T 4 1 2 E v . . A 5 11 2 47023475732152 327 33 12 122.523 1 2 2 2 14091926336326 m H R 1121 7 21 31 4 2 1 1 W 7 2 4 T W 1 3116 127395834162483242 657735564 25271714640027650094823530924 Q 6 6463363982051 126 43 11 211 1 111 13425617 2922 HT M 3 1 M m 24111m 12356789012345679m 123456123456123412341234512341234561234 OWN 33578T 00000000111111111T 00000O111111222233334444455556666667777 T M 222228 00000000000000000b 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000% 11111111111111111M 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 6 mm PARKING TABLES . _ ..._...“s......_...v_.L VEHICLES ENTERING AND LEAVING THE PARKING SURVEY AREA IN EACH HALF- Table P—l HOUR-PERIOD AND THE HALF—HOURLY ACCUMULATION OF VEHICLES Lebanon (8 00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) PASSENGER CARS COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ALL VEHICLES Accumu- Accumu- Accumu- In Out lation _In_ Out lation In _lQQL _latlgn_ Cruising 8:00 AM 468 - - 43 - - 511 - - Parked 8:00 AM 1,306 - - 108 - - 1,414 - - 8:00 - 8:30 842 670 1,946 330 329 152 1,172 999 2,098 8:30 - 9:00 890 655 2,181 342 332 162 1,232 987 2,343 9:00 - 9:30 785 630 2,336 348 344 166 1,133 974 2,502 9:30 - 10:00 742 670 2,408 337 353 150 1,079 1,023 2,558 10:00 - 10:30 831 771 2,468 334 334 150 1,165 1,105 2,618¥ 10:30 - 11:00 773 783 2,478 339 335 154 1,132 1,118 2,632 11:00 - 11:30 817 900 2,395 305 341 118 1,122 1,241 2,513 11 30 - 12 00 873 956 2,312 340 339 119 1,213 1,295 2,431 PM 12:00 - 12:30 1,157 1,328 2,141 279 318 80 1,436 1,646 2,221 12:30 - 1:00 1,351 1,243 2,249 324 324 80 1,675 1,567 2,329 1:00 - 1:30 l,l97 1,093 2,353 337 338 79 1,535 1,531 2,432 1:30 - 2:00 1,096 1,054 2,395 343 361 61 1,439 1,415 2,456 2:00 - 2:30 985 1,097 2,283 301 307 55 1,286 1,404 2,338 2:30 - 3:00 954 957 2,280 291 283 63 1,245 1,240 2,343 3:00 - 3:30 1,052 954 2,378 292 302 53 1,344 1,256 2,431 3:30 - 4:00 1,330 1,221 2,487 307 298 62 1,637 1,519 2,549 4:00 - 4:30 1,480 1,737 2,230 326 297 91 1,806 2,034 2,321 4:30 - 5:00 1,551 1,698 2,083 314 308 97 1,865 2,006 2,180 5:00 - 5:30 1,638 2,223 1,498 273 301 69 1,911 2,524 1,567 5:30 - 6:00 1,318 1,401 1,415 163 170 62 , 1,481 1,571 1,477 TOTALS 23,456 22,041 - 6,376 6,314 - 29,832 28,355 *Peak Hour (10:00-11:00) VEHICLES ENTERING AND LEAVING PARKING SPACES IN THE PARKING SURVEY AREA IN EACH Table P-lA HALF-HOUR—PERIOD AND THE HALF—HOURLY ACCUMULATION OF VEHICLES Lebanon (8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) NOTE: The figures in Table P-lA and the following tables showing vehicles parked, include (unless separately listed): 153 Vehicles parked at Prohibited Curbs, 1,337 Vehicles parked in illegal places adjacent to Je@lcmm@ 173 Vehicles'parked with drivers known destination outside the Parking Survey Area, 161 Vehicles parked with unknown trip purposes, 0 Vehicles parked with unknown distances walked PASSENGER CARS COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ALL VEHICLES Accumu- Accumu- Accumu- AM In £§§i lation _gEL £251 lation _iEL Out lation 8:00 Inventory 1,306 - - 108 - - l,4l4 - - 8:00 - 8:30 513 320 1,499 230 196 142 743 516 1,641 8:30 - 9:00 595 349 1,745 219 215 146 814 564 1,891 9:00 - 9:30 656 472 1,929 245 233 158 901 705 2,087 9:30 - 10:00 617 544 2,002 206 205 159 823 749 2,161 10:00 - 10:30 594 580 2,016 238 236 161 832 816 2,177 10:30 - 11:00 625 637 2,004 236 237 160 861 874 2,164* 11:00 - 11:30 635 668 1,971 202 220 142 837 888 2,113 11 30 - 12:00 624 761 1,834 201 185 158 825 946 1,992 PM 12:00 - 12:30 711 815 1,730 140 148 150 851 963 1,880 12:30 - 1:00 820 688 1,862 143 169 124 963 857 1,986 1:00 - 1:30 760 667 1,955 197 179 142 957 846 2,097 1:30 - 2:00 722 673 2,004 184 180 146 906 853 2,150 2:00 - 2:30 618 624 1,998 168 160 154 ~ 786 784 2,152 2:30 - 3:00 553 559 1,992 147 160 141 700 719 2,133 3:00 - 3:30 617 661 1,948 168 164 145 785 825 2,093 3:30 - 4:00 755 780 1,923 146 133 158 901 913 2,081 4:00 - 4:30 848 995 1,776 128 156 130 976 1,151 1,906 4:30 - 5:00 816 952 1,640 115 118 127 931 1,070 1,767 5:00 P 5:30 711 1,040 1,311 77 97 107 788 1,137 1,418 5:30 - 6:00 547 655 1,203 43 68 82 590 723 1,285 6:00 Inventory - 1,203 - - 82 - - 1,285 - TOTALS 14,643 14,643 - 3,541 3,541 - 18,184 18,184 - or unknown destinations. Table P-2 AS22222; VEHICLES ENTERING AND LEAVING EACH TYPE OF PARKING FACILITY IN EACH HALF—HOUR-PERIOD AND THE HALF-HOURLY ACCUMULATION (8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) VEHICLES IN ALL VEHICLES AT CURBS VEHICLES IN L0Ts VEHICLES IN GARAGES FACILITIES Accumu- Accumu- Accumu- Accumu- Time ;gl_ SEQL lation ;§l_ ihgi lation QEL gagi lation _In; Out lation AM 8:00 - Inventory 797 - - 607 - - 10 - - 1,A1A - - 8:00 - 8:30 57A AA7 92A 169 67 709 - 2 8 7A3 516 l,6Al 8:30 - 9:00 6AA A82 1,086 170 82 797 - - 8 81A 56A 1,891 9:00 - 9:30 752 626 1,212 1A8 76 869 1 3 6 901 705 2,087 9:30 - 10:00 715 6AA 1,283 106 100 875 2 5 3 823 7A9 2,161 10 00 - 10:30 726 715 1,29A 107 101 881 - - 3 833 816 2,178* 10:30 - 11:00 7A0 75A 1,280 118 120 879 3 - 6 861 87A 2,165 11:00 - 11:30 725 756 1,2A9 111 128 862 1 A 3 837 888 2,llA 11:30 - 12:00 717 771 1,195 106 173 795 2 2 3 825 9A6 1,993 PM 12:00 - 12:30 7A5 756 1,18A 10A 207 692 2 -- 5 851 963 1,881 12:30 - 1:00 761 753 1,192 199 103, 788 2 1 6 962 857 1,986 1:00 - 1:30 825 722 1,295 131 121 798 1 3 A 957 8A6 2,097 1:30 - 2:00 79A 769 1,320 110 80 7828 2 A 2 906 853 2,150 2:00 - 2:30 656 681 1,295 127 102 853 3 1 A 786 78A 2,152 2:30 - 3:00 590 62A 1,261 109 95 867 1 - 5 700 719 ' 2,133 3:00 - 3:30 675 679 1,257 10A 1AA 827 6 2 9 785 825 2,093 3:30 - A:00 777 757 1,277 122 152 797 2 A 7 901 913 2,081 A:00 - A:30 816 932 1,161 158 218 737 2 1 8 976 1,151 1,906 A:30 - 5:00 815 865 1,111 116 205 6A8 - - 8 931 1,070 1,767 5:00 - 5:30 705 863 953 82 272 A58 1 2 7 788 1,137 l,Al8 5:30 - 6:00 510 598 865 80 125 A13 - - 7 590 723 1,285 6:00 - Inventory - 865 - - A13 - - 7 — - 1,285 ' TOTAL VEHICLES 15,059 15,059 - 3,08A 3,08A - _ - A1 A1 - 18,18A 18,18A - *Peak Hour - (10:00 AM to 11:00 AM) NOTE: 'The 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM inventories do not include vehicles parked at prohibited curbs; all other curb and total figures in this table in- clude vehicles parked at prohibited curbs. VEHICLES ENTERING AND LEAVING PARKING SPACES IN EACH HALF—HOUR Time Work Business AM _;gL_ Out pgi Out 8:00 - Inventory 787 - 57 - 8-00 - 8:30 229 61 105 83 8 30 - 9:00 218 72 155 87 9 00 - 9:30 123 77 216 175 9 30 - 10:00 76 90 204 176 10 O0 - 10:30 44 57 211 210 10 30 - 11:00 61 68 197 206 11 00 - 11 30 71 83 219 213 11 30 - 12:00 69 175 177 203 PM 12:00 - 12 30 65 232 197 215 12 30 - 1:00 258 68 208 186 1:00 - 1:30 125 95 224 201 1:30 - 2:00 82 68 241 224 2:00 - 2:30 75 63 167 175 2:30 - 3:00 71 56 130 169 3:00 - 3:30 67 113 154 150 3:30 - 4:00 72 131 180 172 4:00 - 4:30 69 252 193 203 4:30 - 5:00 58 162 160 203 5:00 - 5:30 62 358 99 136 5:30 - 6:00 56 136 75 107 6:00 - Inventory - 321 — 75 Sub-Totals 2,738 2,738 3,569 3,569 Passenger Cars at Prohibited Curbs TOTAL PASSENGER CARS PERIOD CLASSIFIED BY TRIP PURPOSE (8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) Shopping TATE 26 - 96_ 84 126 80 238 130 234 168 242 212 257 258 222 262 226 260 233 214 223 224 251 229 275 239 245 258 229 208 274 258 317 332 363 352 338 397 273 327 196 219 - 173 4,884 4,884 PASSENGER CARS Service _I£O_L1’° 14 - 23 17 29 27 29 22 40 34 21 28 43 30 37 36 19 32 24 22 29 22 35 35 27 33 34 24 33 36 28 34 21 25 26 36 32 29 18 21 20 25 - 14 582 582 Social Recreation £% 17 - 7 7 6 8 7 8 7 2 14 10 11 12 19 10 16 16 16 19 14 17 26 10 20 13 23 13 35 17 14 30 25 33 31 21 36 37 21 33 38 22 - 65 403 403 Other 11% 305 - 44 66 56 69 40 57 50 71 53 57 51 55 59 59 112 67 168 104 77 159 89 91 67 85 63 80 50 67 68 69 134 82 153 114 187 116 224 152 153 130 - 453 2,203 2,203 Loading In Out 1 _ - l - I l l 1 _ 1 l 2 I - l 2 2 l l - 1 III 10 Lebanon Unknown Total _I_n_ Out lY1_ 911 100 - 1,306 _ - l 505 319 2 2 592 346 2 3 655 472 3 1 614 542 3 - 588 574 1 4 621 633 3 1 631 664 1 1 620 755 3 4 706 8101 3 4 812 680 2 1 752 662 2 2 715 665 1 3 609 616 1 2 550 556 3 2 610 657 2 2 751 778 7 3 842 981 2 5 815 951 6 5 704 1,033 6 6 544 645 - 101 - 1,203 153 I53 14,542 14,542 101 101 14,643 14,643 Table P-2A COMMRCIAL VEHICLES _ Table P-2A (Concluded) LHEEEQH Social Time Work Business Shopping Service Recreation Other Loading Unknown Total AM H. ._O.u..t I_n Out I_n 9i H __°u’° I_n H11 .111 091?... In. 9111 I1. 9111 EH __Out 8:00 - Inventory A6 - 3 - 8 - l7 - 2 - l8 - 9 - 5 - 108 - 8:00 - 8:30 A8 37 26 18 28 2A 101 92 3 3 6 11 1A' 11 - - 226 196 8:30 - 9:00 27 36 2A 22 27 28 113 97 1 1 9 11 12 1A 1 1 21A 210 9:00 - 9:30 A0 35 39 36 36 29 100 102 A 5 12 10 13 16 - - 2AA 233 9:30 - 10:00 1A 15 A1 39 23 30 102 96 - - 6 8 17 15 1 1 20A 20A 10:00 - 10:30 29 27 31 33 2A 20 130 129 2 - 2 A 16 19 - - 23A 232 10:30 - 11:00 28 27 35 3A 28 27 122 123 - 2 6 6 16 17 - - 235 236 11:00 - 11:30 31 3A A7 A3 23 26 7A 92 1 1 7 6 17 1A - - 200 216 11:30 - 12:00 26 28 30 29 2A A5 82 75 3 1 18 10 15 1A - - 198 182 PM 12:00 - 12:30 15 21 16 2A 2A 22 50 58 1 - 2A 12 8 10 _ - 138 1A7 12:30 - 1:00 35 30 19 16 21 32 53 56 - 2 3 20 11 11 - - 1A2 167 1:00 - 1:30 38 35 30 31 25 18 79 72 - 1 A 9 IA 11 - - - 190 177 1:30 - 2:00 3A 30 A0 33 21 21 72 7A 2 1 5 7 9 12 - - 183 178 2:00 - 2:30 29 27 2A 29 27 29 57 55 3 - 11 6 1A 10 - - 165 156 2:30 - 3:00 2A 25 21 23 28 21 58 66 1 3 6 9 7 10 - — 1A5 157 3:00 - 3:30 2A 17 22 27 27 31 71 60 _ 1 6 6 1A 18 1 1 165 161 3:30 - A:00 30 18 20 21 29 26 A7 55 1 - 7 3 8 5 - - 1A2 128 A:00 - A:30 28 A0 23 23 18 22 A3 A8 1 2 5 8 7 6 - - 125 1A9 A:30 - 5:00 23 38 2A 23 19 17 29 25 2 1 7 6 9 6 - - 113 116 5:00 - 5:30 '12 18 10 16 15 15 19 29. 2 2 12 8 6 8 - - 76 96 5:30 - 6:00 5 1A 6 9 5 9 13 17 1 3 11 8 1 6 - - A2 66 6:00 - Inventory - 3A - 2 - 8 - ll - l - l7 - A - 5 - 82 Sub-Totals 586 588' E31 E31 A80' A80' 1,A32 1,A32 Hi5 Ti? I85‘ T555 237 237 '8‘ '8_' 3,A89 :3,A89 Comercial Vehicles at Prohibited Curbs ‘ ‘ , ' - 52 52 T0TAL COMMERCIAL VEHICLES 3,5Al 3,5Al ALL VEHICLES ’ Sub-Totals " 3,32A 3,32A A,100 A,100 5,36A 5,36A 2,01A 2,01A A33 A33} 2,388 2,388 2A7 2A7 161 161 18,031 18,031 Vehicles Parked at Prohibited Curbs ' ~ 153 ‘ 153 TOTAL ALL VEHICLES 18,18A 18,18A LOCATION Sector O0llO-C l - M l - M 2 - M Private Total 00120-C l - M l - M l - M Private Total OOl30-C l - M l - M 2 - M Total 00lM0-C l - M l - M l - M Private Private Private Total 00210-C 1 - M l - M 1 - M Total 00220-C l - M l - M Private Public Total 00230 1 - M N.R. l - M Public Total 00280-C l - M l - M l — M Total 00250-C l - M l - M l - M Total 00260 N.R. l - M l - M Private Public Total 00310 1 - M 2 - M 2 - M Public Private Private Total 00320-C l - M 2 — M l - M Private PARKING SPACES AND PRACTICAL SPACE-HOUR CAPACITY IN EACH FACILITY Table P-3 Facility -I="UJI\) \J1-P"f\)I—' \H~F‘I\)I-' -F“I\)I—' NO\\J'I-I='UJI\) Iruana truana / u1¢rn>kJ OVJID F v1£ruJn) —4Ch\n4rOon) O\u1$ruJnJ 2222222. (8=00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) CURBS LOTS GARAGES TOTAL No Hrs _No_ Hrs _NQL Hrs No Hrs 13 10M.0 - - - - 13 10M.0 12 96.0 - - _ - 12 96.0 6 M8.0 - - - - 6 M8.0 - - 12 96.0 - - 12 96.0 31 2M8 0 12 96.0 - - M3 3MI O 10 80.0 - - - - 10 80.0 3 2M.0 - - - - 3 2M.0 12 96.0 - - _ - 12 96.0 - - 8 6M.0 - - 8 6M.0 25 200.0 8 6M.0 - - 33 26M.0 13 10M.0 - - - - 13 10M.0 12 96.0 - - - - 12 96.0 8 6M.0 - - - _ 8 6M.0 33 26M.0 - - - - 33 26M.0 M 32.0 - - - - M 32.0 10 80.0 - - - - 10 80.0 10 80.0 - - - - 10 80.0 - - 18 1MM.0 - - 18 1MM.0 - - 6 M8.0 - - 6 M8.0 - - 12 96.0 - - 12 96.0 2M 192.0 36 288.0 - - 60 M80 0 15 120.0 - - - - 15 120 0 7 56.0 - - - - 7 56.0 M 32.0 - - - - M 32.0 26 208 0 - - - - 26 208 0 9 72.0 - - - - 9 72.0 8 6M.0 - - - - 8 6M.0 - - 8 6M 0 - - 8 6M 0 - - 50 M00.0 - - 50 M00 0 17 136.0 58 M6M 0 - - 75 600 0 13 10M.0 - - - - 13 ' 10M.0 7 56.0 - - - _ 7 56.0 5 M0.0 - - - - 5 M0.0 - - 19 152 0 - - 19 152 0 25 200.0 19 152.0 - - MM 352 0 7 56.0 - - - - 7 56 0 1M 112.0 - - - - 1M 112 0 8 6M.0 - - - - 8 6M 0 29 232.0 - - - - 29 232 0 7 56.0 - - - - 7 56.0 7 56.0 - - - - 7 56.0 7 56.0 - - - - 7 56.0 21 168.0 - - - - 21 168.0 5 M0.0 - - - - 5 MO-O 12 96.0 - - - - 12 96.0 6 M8.0 - - - - 6 M8.0 - - 8 6M.0 - - 8 6M.0 - - 8 6M.0 - - 8 6M.0 23 18M.0 16 128 0 - - 39 312.0 5 M0.0 - - - - 5 M0.0 15 120-0 - - - - 15 120.0 7 56-0 - - - - 7 56.0 - - 28 22M.0 - - 28 22 .0 - - 6 M8.0 - - 6 M8.0 - - 10 80.0 - - 10 80.0 27 216.0 MM 352.0 - - 71 568.0 7 56.0 - - - - 7 56.0 13 10M.0 - - - - 13 10M.0 5 M0.0 - - - - 5 M0.0 - - 28 22M.0 - - 28 22M 0 Total 25 200.0 28 22M 0 - - 53 M2M 0 -2- _ . Table P-3 (Continued) u Lebanon L0CATI0N CURBS LOTS GARAGES T0TAL Sector Facility & Hrs . lIo_. Hrs . _1\1o_. Hrs . _N_o; Hrs . II 00A10-C ' ' ~ 1 - M 2 7 56.0 - - A - 7 56.0 , p 2 - M 3 15 120.0 - - - - A 15 120.0 ' 1 - M A 6 A8.0 - - - - 6 A8.0 ‘Ml Private 5 - - 10 80.0 - - 10 80.0 Private 6 - - 8 6A.0 - - 8 6A.0 Private 7 - - 10 80.0 - - 10 80.0 Total 28 22A.0 28 22A.0 - - 56 AA8.0 00A20 _ 1 - M 2 8 6A.0 - - - - 8 6A.0 2 - M 3 IA 112.0 - - - - 1A 112 0 E- Private 5 - - A 32.0 - - A I 32 0 1 Private 6 - - 10 80. 0 - - 10 80 0 Private 7 - - 6 A8.0 - - V 6 A8 0 Total 22 176.0 20 160.0 - - A2 336 0 ~ 00A30 * E N.R. 2 8 6A.0 - - - - 8 6A.0 HII N.R. 3 ~ 16 128.0 - - - - 16 128.0 ‘ 1 - M A 8 6A.0 - - - - 8 6A.0 Total 32 256.0 - - - - 32 256 0 00510 2 - M 1 13 10A.0 - - - - 13 10A.0 1 - M 2 6 A8.0 - - - - 6 A8.0 2 - M A 7 56.0 - - - - 7 56.0 Private 5 - - A 32. 0 - - A 32. 0 Public 6 ' - - 50 A00 0 - - 50 A00.0 Total 26 208.0 5A A32.0 - - 80 6A0.0 00520 2 - M 1 10 80.0 - - - - 10 80.0 1 - M 2 6 A8.0 - - - - 6 A8.0 1 - M A 7 56.0 - - - - 7 56.0 Public 5 - - 12 96.0 - - 12 96.0 Private 6 - - 5 A0.0 - - 5 A0.0 Private 7 - - 13 10A.0 - - 13 10A.0 Publie 8 - - 22 176.0 - - 29 176.0 Total 23 18A.0 52 A16 0 - - 75 600.0 00610 2 - M 1 1A 112.0 - -. - - 1A 112.0 1 - M 2 6 A8.0 - - - - 6 A8.0 1 - M A 6 A8.0 - - - - 6 A8.0 Public 5 - - 17 136.0 - - 17 136.0 Public 6 - - 6 A8.0 - - 6 A8.0 Private 7 - - 8 6A.0 - - 8 6A.0 Total 26 208 0 31 2A8 0 - - 57 A56 0 00620 1 - M 2 7 56.0 _ - - - 7 56.0 1 - M A 7 56.0 - - - - 7 56.0 Private 5 - - A 32.0 - - A 32 0 Tbtal 1A 112 0 A 32.0 - - 18 1AA 0 00630 A N.R. 2 8 6A.0 - - - - 8 6A 0 1 - M A 8 6A.0 - - - - 8 6A 0 Public 5 - - 60 A80.0 - - 60 A80.0 Total 16 128 0 60 A80 0 - - 76 '608.0 omlo N.R. 1 16 128 0 - - - - 16 128.0 N.R. 2 26 208 0 - - - - 26 208.0 N.R. A 2A 192.0 - - - - 2A 192.0 N.R. 6 26 208.0 - - - - 26 208.0 Public 7 - - 5 A0.0 - - 5 A0.0 Total 92 736.0 5 A0.0 - _ 97 776.0 09120 2 - P 1 16 128.0 - - - - 16 128.0 N.R. 2 23 18A.0 - - _ - 23 18A.0 N.R A 22 176. 0 _ - - - 22 176. 0 u N.R. 5 18 1AA 0 - - - - 18 1AA.0 ~ Total 79 632.0 - - - - 79 632.0 09210 2 - P 1 12 96. 0 - - - _ 12 96. 0 I] N.R 2 15 120 0 - - - - 15 120 0 1 N.R A 25 200.0 - _ - - 25 200.0 N.R. 5 18 1AA.0 - - - - 18 1AA.0 Private 6 - - 35 280.0 - - 35 280.0 Private 7 - - 21 168 . 0 - - 21 168 . 0 ’ u - - 0 0 Total 70 560.0 56 AA8 0 126 1,008. -3- Table P-3 (Continued L_eb_eaaa LOCATIQN CURBS LOTS __§§§§g§§___ ___ig;ggL___ Sector Facility _1lo_ Hrs . No . Hrs . }& Hrs . _1\lo_. Hrs . 09220 2 - P 1 21 168.0 - - - - 21 168.0 N.R. h 18 1hh.0 - - - - 18 1hu.0 N.R. 5 20 160.0 - - - - 20 160 0 Private 6 - - 7 56 0 - - 7 56.0 Public 7 - - 17 136.0 - - 17 136.0 Total 59 h72.0 2h 192.0 - - 83 66A.0 09230 2 - P 1 18 1hu.0 - - - - 18 lun.0 N.R. 2 19 152.0 - - - - 19 152.0 N.R. h 25 200.0 - - - - 25 200.0 N.R. 5 26 208.0 - - - - 26 208.0 7 N.R. 6 17 136.0 - - - - 17 136.0 2 Public 7 - - 11 88.0 - - 11 88.0 5 Total 105 8h0.0 11 88.0 - - 116 928.0 t 09310 7, N.R. 1 6 u8.0 - _ _ _ 6 t8_o §§ N.R. 2 16 128.0 - - - - 16 128.0 1' N.R. 3 7 56.0 - - - - 7 56.0 - N.R. h 19 152.0 - - _ - 19 152.0 - N.R. 5 16 128.0 - - - - 16 128.0 v"' N.R. 6 10 80.0 - - - - 10 80.0 E ~ Total 7h 592.0 - - - - 7h 592.0 09320 2 - M l 12 96.0 - - - - 12 96.0 1 2 - M 2 11 88.0 - - - - 11 88.0 { N.R. 3 16 128.0 - - - - 16 128.0 ' N.R. h 17 136.0 - - - - 17 136 0 Private 5 - - 7 56.0 - - 7 56.0 .. ' Private 6 - - 8 6u.0 - - 8 - 6u.0 g Total ~ I 56 hM8.0 15 120.0 - - 71 568.0 ' Q9330 - 2 - M 1 1h 112.0 - - - - lll 112.0 7 - 12M - M 2 5 no.0 - - - - 5 h0.0 §. 1 - M 2 1 8.0 - - - - 1 8.0 i_ 2 - M 2 A 32.0 - - - - A 32.0 2 - P 3 17 136.0 - - _ - 17 136 0 - 2 - M h 15 120.0 - - - _ 15 120 0 Private 5 - - 19 152 0 - - 19 152.0 7 Private 6 - - 8 6h 0 - - 8 6h.0 1. Total 56 uh8.0 27 216 0 - - 83 66u.0 - 091110 7" 2 - M 1 1h 112.0 - - - - 1h 112 0 1 2.- M 2 13 l0u.0 - - - - 13 l0h.0 > 2 - P 3 ’8 6h.0 - - - - 8 6h.0 12M - M h h 32.0 - _ - - A 32.0 7 2 - M ' u 5 no.0 - - - - 5 h0.0 ; Public 5 - - 6 536.0 - - 67 536.0 ? Private 6 - - 8 6u.0 - - 8 6h.0 ‘ Public 7 - - h2 336.0 - - k2 336.0 Private 8 - - lh 112.0 - lh 112.0 Total nu 352.0 131 l,0h8.0 - - 175 1,n00.0 09h20 2 - M 1 16 128.0 - - - - 16 128.0 2 - M '2 1h 112.0 - - - - 1h 112 0 2 - P 3 20 160.0 - - - - 20 160.0 Public 5 - - 11 88.0 - - 11 88.0 Total 50 hoo.o 11 88.0 - - 3 61 u88.0 09h30 N.R. 1 16 128.0 - - - - 16 128.0 N.R 2 17 136.0 - - - - 17 136.0 2 - P 3 17 136.0 - - - - 17 136.0 2 - M M 16 128.0 _ - - - 16 128.0 Total 66 528. 0 - - - - 66 528.0 09hh0 N.R. 1 16 128.0 - - - - 16 128.0 N.R. 2 16 128.0 - - - - 16 128.0 2 - P 3 18 1hu.0 - - - - 18 luh.0 N.R. A 16 128.0 - - - - 16 128.0 2 - P 5 18 1hh.0 - - _ - 18 1hu.0 N.R. 6 16 128.0 - - - - 16 128 0 Total 100 ’ 800.0 - - - 100 800.0 -A- Table P-3 (Continued) ll Lebanon L0CATI0M CURBS LOTS GARAGES T0TAL Sector Facility l\T_o_. Hrs . _1_\I2_; Hrs . §o_. Hrs . & Hrs . I] 09510 N.R 3 22 176 0 - - - - 22 176.0 N.R 5 3 2A 0 - - - - 3 2A.0 N.R 6 A 32 0 - - - - 5 32.0 I'll N.R 7 25 200 0 - - - - 25 200 0 Total 5A A32 0 - - - - 5A A32-0 09520 N.R. 1 8 6A 0 - - - - 8 6A.0 N.R. 5 13 10A 0 - - - - 13 10A.0 N.R. 6 8 6A 0 - - - - 8 6A.0 N R. 7 A 32 0 - - - - A 32.0 Private 8 - - 1A 112.0 - - 1A 112.0 Private 9 - - 9 72.0 - - 9 72.0 Total 33 26A 0 23 18A.0 - - 56 AA8.0 I 09530 1 - M 1 7 56.0 - - - - 7 56.0 2 - M 2 12 96.0 - - - - 12 96.0 N.R. 3 8 6A.0 - - - - 8 6A.0 I'll N.R A 18 1AA.0 - - - - 18 1AA 0 - Total A5 360.0 - - - - A5 360 0 09610 N.R. 2 9 72.0 - - - _ 9 72.0' Ill! N.R. 3 16 128.0 - - - - 16 128 0 N.R. A 7 56.0 - - - - 7 56.0 N.R. 5 7 56.0 - - - _ 7 56.0 Total 39 312.0 - - - - 39 312.0 09620 I N.R. 1 16 128 0 - - - - 16 128.0 ' ‘“ N.R 2 10 80 0 - - - ~ 10 80.0 N.R A 10 80.0 - - - - 10 80.0 ,_ N.R 5 9 72.0 - - - - 9 72.0 Total A5 360. 0 - - - - A5 360. 0 - 09630 N.R. 2 7 56.0 - - - _ 7 56.0 N.R. 3 16 128 0 - - - - 16 128.0 N.R. A 7 56 0 - - - - 7 56 0 I'll N.R. 5 7 56 0 - - - - 7 56 0 A. Total 37 296.0 - - - - 37 296 0 096A0 N.R. 1 13 10A 0 - - - - 13 10A 0 N R 2 10 80 0 - - - - 10 80 0 N R A 9 72 0 - - - - 9 72 0 N R 5 6 A8 0 - - - - 6 A8 0 Total 38 30A 0 - - - - 38 30A 0 I 09710 I N.R. 1 5 A0.0 - - - - 5 A0 0 1 - P 2 1 8.0 - - - - 1 8 0 N.R. 2 5 A0.0 - - - - 5 A0 0 I 1 - M 3 2 16.0 - - - - 2 16 0 1 N.R. 3 16 128.0 - - - - 16 128 0 ! N.R. 5 22 176 0 - - - - 22 176 0 A ~ Private 6 - - 22 176.0 - - 22 176 0 Private 7 - - 6 A8.0 - - 6 A8 0 Private 8 - - 1A 112.0 - - 1A 112 0 1 " Total 51 A08.0 A2 336.0 - _ 93 7AA 0 I 09720 N.R. 1 A 32.0 - - - - A 32.0 2 - M 2 13 10A.0 - - - - 13 10A.0 1 - M 3 7 56.0 - - - - 7 56.0 Total 2A 192.0 - - - - 2A 192.0 09810 N.R. :2 37 296.0 - - - - 37 296.0 N.R. 3 23 18A.0 - - - - 23 18A.0 N.R. 5 12 96.0 - - - - 12 96.0 N.R. 6 25 200.0 - - - - 25 200.0 - Private 8 - - 23 18A.0 - - 23 18A.0 Private 9 - - 26 208.0 - - 26 208.0 Private x - - A0 320.0 - - A0 320 0 f ‘ Private Y - - 8 6A.0 - - 8 6A.0 5 Total 97 776.0 97 776.0 - - 19A 1,552.0 ~ 09820 12M - M 2 3 -2A.0 - - - - 3 2A.0 1 2 - M 2 1A 112.0 - - - - 1A 112.0 f 2 - M 3 16 128.0 - - - - 16 128.0 A A N.R. A 3A 272.0 - - - - 3A 272.0 Public 6 - - 16 128.0 - - 16 128.0 Public 7 - - 50 A00.0 - - 50 A00.0 7 Private 8 - - 16 128 . 0 - - 16 128 . 0 Total 67 536.0 82 656.0 - - 1A9 1,192.0 A- ‘I . 5 1! a '1 i¥:'lI9éM‘ .'* ~' ” "" ‘ " v ‘ ' I 1 T’ 7. S ‘ 1- ‘ i ‘ LOCATION Sector 09830 2 - M 2 - M l2M - M 2 - M Private Pubic Public Private Private Private Total 09920 N.R. 2 — M N.R. Public Private Private Total 09930 2 - M Public Private Private Private Private Total PARKING SURVEY AREA TOTALS CORE AREA TOTALS CURBS Facility lEh_ Hrs 2 20 160.0 3 11 88.0 M 6 M8.0 M 19 152 0 6 _ _ 7 _ _ 8 _ _ 9 .. - X _ _ Y _ - 56 MM8.0 2 17 136.0 2 5 M0.0 M 11 88.0 5 12 96.0 6 8 6M.0 8 - - 9 .. _ 3 _ .. 53 M2M.0 2 13 10M.0 M 7 56.0 5 29 232.0 6 _ - 7 .. .. 8 _ _ M9 392.0 2 10 80.0 3 13 10M.0 M 7 56.0 5 20 160 0 6 12 96.0 7 - .. 62 M96.0 2 5 M0.0 3 3 2M.0 3 15 120 0 M 16 128.0 5 - _ 6 _ _ 7 - .. 8 - _ 9 _ .. 39 312.0 2,133 l7,06M.0 259 2,072.0 _5_ LOTs REL Hrs. 1;» 960 18 1MM.0 20 160.0 7 56.0 ,M 32.0 61 M88.0 76 608.0 16 128 0 7 56.0 99 792-0 60 M80.0 6 M8.0 20 160.0 86 688.0 30 2M0.0 30 2M0 0 15 120.0 7 56.0 19 152.0 26 208.0 12 96.0 79 632.0 1,3M9 10,792.0 170 1,360.0 Table P-3 (Concluded) Practical space-hours are 80% of actual space-hours at curbs and in lots and 75% of actual space-hours in garages. -0 following a sector number denotes a sector in the Core Area. Type of off-street.facility (public or private) and length of restriction for curb facilities are shown in the ‘Sector’ column. N.R. - l2M — M - l — M - No Restrictions 12 Minute Metered 1 Hour Metered i\)f\)l-' 1 Hour Posted 2 Hours Metered 2 Hours Posted L£E2E9E_ __§iR_Aa1eS_ TOTAL & lPs_- _N_<>l Hrs- - 20 160.0 - 11 88.0 _ 6 M8.0 - 19 152.0 _ 12 96.0 - 18 lMM.0 _ 20 160 0 _ 7 56.0 - _ M 32.0 12 90.0 12 90.0 12 90.0 129 1,026.0 - 17 136.0 _ 5 M0.0 - 11 88.0 - 12 96.0 - 8 6M.0 - 76 608.0 - 16 128 0 - 7 56.0 - 152 1,216.0 - 13 10M.0 - 7 56.0 - 29 232 0 - 60 M80.0 _ 6 M8.0 - 20 160.0 - 135 1,080.0 - - 10 80.0 - - 13 l0M.0 _ _ 7 56.0 - - 20 160 0 - 12 96.0 - - 30 2M0.0 - - 92 736.0 - - 5 M0.0 - - 3 2M.0 - - 15 120.0 - - 16 128.0 - 15 120.0 - 7 56.0 _ 19 152 0 - 26 208 0 - 12 96.0 - 118 9MM.0 12 90.0 3,M9M 27,9M6 0 - M29 3,M32.0 PARKING LOTS AND GARAGES WITH CHARACTERISTICS, RATES, CAPACITIES, AND EXTENT OF USE Table P-A Lebanon (8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) IDENTIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS ' RATES CAPACITY V EXTENT OF USE ' -X- ** ‘ Number of Equivalent Entrance Distance in Available Practical No. of No. of Practical Number of Identifying on Alley Blocks from Available Space Space Vehicles Space % of Space Space Hrs. Spaces Letter or Street Square Hour _Pay_ Week Month Spaces Hours Hours Parked Hrs. Used Hrs. Used Unused Unused PARKING LOTS A Alley 1.8 - - - - 12 120.0 96.0 3A 62.1 51.8 33.9 3 B Street 1.3 - - _ - 8 80.0 6A.0 25 67.0 83.8 - 3.0 - C Street 0.7 - - - - - 18 180.0 1AA.0 A0 98.6 5A.8 A5.A 5 D Alley 0.9 - - - - 6 60.0 A8.0 10 33.6 56.0 lA.A 1 E Al ey 1.2 - - - 3.00 12 120.0 96.0 18 50.1 Al.8 A5.9 5 F Alley 2.3 - - - - 8 80.0 6A.0 18 65.6 82.0 - 1.6 - 0 Street l.A - - 1.25 5.00 50 500.0 A00.0 106 377.6 75.5 22.A 2 H Street 2.3 - - - 5.00 19 190.0 152.0 20 81.9 A3.1 70.1 7 I Alley 2.7 - - - - 8 80.0 6A.0 36 35.2 AA.0 28.8 3 S J Street 3.0 - - - - 8 80.0 6A.0 25 30.1 37.6 33.9 3 J K Street 1.7 - .35 1.50 5.00 28 280.0 22A.0 80 2A3.l 86.8 -19.1 -2 1 L Alley 3.3 - - 1.00 A 00 6 60.0 A8.0 5 2l.A 35.7 26.6 3 ' M Alley 3.2 - - - - 10 100.0 80.0 10 27.A 27.A 52.6 5 N Street 1.7 - - - 5.00 28 280 0 22A.0 62 l90.A 68.0 33.6 3 F 0 Alley 1.3 - - - - 10 100.0 80.0 89 88.8 88.8 - 8.8 - 1 1 P Alley l.A - - - - 8 80.0 6A.0 28 117.9 1A7.A _53.9 - 5 f Q Alley 1.3 - - - - 10 100.0 80.0 29 57.5 57.5 22.5 2 A R Alley 2.A - - - 5.00 A A0.0 32.0 6 10.9 27.3 21.1 2 S Alley 2.3 - - - 5.00 10 100.0 80.0 26 A9.l A9.l 30.9 3 T Alley 2.2 - - - _ 6 60.0 A8.0 23 AA.5 7A.2 3.5 - G U Alley 2.3 - - - - A A0.0 32.0 15 29.6 7A.0 2.A - A V Alley 1.8 .25 - - - 50 500 0 A00.0 223 A80 5 96.1 -80.5 - 8 A w Alley 0.8 .25 - - A.00 12 120 0 96.0 86 l0A.7 87.3 - 8.7 - 1 *‘ X Alley 1.3 - - - - 5 50.0 A0.0 2A 2A.9 A9.8 15.1 2 Y Alley l.A - - - 5.00 13 130.0 10A.0 52 98.9 76.1 5.1 1 Z Street 1.7 .25 - 1.00 5.00 22 220.0 176.0 A5 138.3 62.9 37.7 A AA Alley 0.9 - - - 5.00 17 170.0 136.0 52 l16.A 68.5 19.6 2 BB Alley 1.8 .25 - 1.00 A.00 6 60.0 A8.0 15 60.8 101.3 -12.8 - 1 CC Alley 1.2 - - - 8.00 8 80.0 6A.0 16 51.0 63.8 13.0 1 DD Street 2.8 - - - - A A0.0 32.0 13 16.2 A0.5 15.8 2 EE Street 3.A - 25 - 3.00 60 600.0 A80 0 27 71.5 11.9 A08.5 Al FF Street A.9 - - - - 5 50.0 Ao.0 10 9.3 18.6 30.7 3 G0 Alley 3.A - - - - 35 350.0 280.0 93 375.8 107.A 95.8 10 HH Street 2.1 - - - 5.00 21 210.0 168.0 25 113.7 5A.l 5A.3 5 II Alley 3.8 - - - 2.25 7 70.0 56.0 9 30.6 A3.7 25.A 3 JJ Alley A.5 - - _ - 17 170.0 136 0 23 116.0 68.2 20.0 2 KK Alley 5.3 - - - 11 110 0 88.0 23 59.7 5A.3 28.3 3 LL Street 2.3 - - - - 7 70 0 56.0 71 52.3 7A.7 3.7 - MM Alley 3.3 - - - - 8 80 0 6A.0 31 3A.8 A3.5 29.2 3 NN Street 1.3 - - - - 19 190 0 152 0 60 55.2 29.1 96.8 10 00 Alley 2.2 - - - - 8 80 0 6A.0 15 23.8 29.8 A0.2 A PP Street 1.3 - .35 - 5 00 67 670 0 536 0 10A 359.9 53.7 176.1 18 QQ Alley 2.1 - - - - 8 80 0 6A.0 20 62.8 78.5 1.2 - RR Street 2.A 25 .50 - 5.00 A2 A20 0 336.0 15 27.6 6.6 308.A 31 SS Street 2.A - - - - 1A lA0.0 112 0 A7 6A.3 A5.9 A7.7 5 TT Alley 2.7 - - - 2.00 11 110.0 88.0 1A 65.9 59.9 22.1 2 UU Alley 3.7 - - - - 1A lA0.0 112.0 3A 132.1 9A.A -20.1 - 2 VV Street A.3 - - - - 9 90.0 72.0 16 53.A 59.3 18.6 2 ww Street 3.6 - - - - 22 220 0 176.0 2A 117.1 53.2 58.9 6 XX Alley 3.3 - - - - 6 60.0 A8.0 8 38.7 6A.5 9.3 1 YY Street 3.A - - - - 1A lA0.0 112.0 13 66.6 A7.6 A5.A 5 ZZ Street 5.0 - - - - 23 230.0 18A.0 135 1A8 A 6A.5 35.6 A AAA Alley A.9 - - - - 26 260.0 208.0 A3 128.5 A9.A 78.5 8 BE) Street A.0 - - - - A0 A00 0 320.0 88 27A.2 68.6 A5.8 5 CCC Street 7.1 - - - - 8 80.0 6A.0 35 71.2 89.0 - 7.2 - 1 DDD Alley A.0 - - - - 16 160.0 128.0 20 78.5 A9.l A9.5 I 5 EEE Street 3.8 - .25 - 2.00 50 500.0 A00.0 62 299.8 60.0 100.2 10 FFF Street 5.2 - _ - - 16 160.0 128.0 66 177.7 111.1 -A9.7 - 5 GGG Alley 3.2 - - - - 12 120.0 96.0 26 73.8 61.5 22.2 2 HHH Street 2.1 - .25 - 2.50 18 180.0 1AA.0 20 68.5 38.1 75.5 8 III Street 2.A .25 1.00 5.00 - 20 200.0 160 0 19 27.1 13.6 132.9 13 JJJ Alley 2.6 - - - - 7 70.0 56.0 10 25.2 36.0 30.8 3 KKK Street 3.6 - - - - A A0.0 32.0 19 21.A 53.5 10.6 1 LLL Street 3.6 - - - - 7 70.0 56.0 16 55.5 79.3 0.5 - MMM Street 2.9 - - - - 76 760.0 608.0 186 AA7.0 58.8 161.0 16 NNN Street 2.3 - - - - 16 160 0 128.0 A7 A 129.3 80.8 - 1.3 - 000 Street 2.6 - .25 - A.00 60 600.0 A80.0 A6 116.7 19.5 363.3 36 PPP Street 2.8 - - - - 6 60.0 A8.0 87 38.1 63.5 9.9 1 QQQ Alley 3.A - - - - 20 200.0 160 0 25 9A.A A7.2 65.6 7 RRR Street A.6 - - - - 30 300.0 2A0.0 - 91 281.7 93.9 -Al.7 - A SSS Street 2.0 - _ - - 15 150.0 120.0 2A 71.1 A7.A A8.9 5 TTT Alley 1.9 - - - - 7 70.0 56.0 18 63.8 91.1 - 7.8 - 1 UUU Alley 2.3 - - - - 19 190 0 152 0 12 53.2 28.0 98.8 10 VVV Alley 2.2 - - - - 26 260.0 208 0 68 l70.A 65.5 37.6 A www Alley 1.8 - - - - 12 120.0 96.0 8 18.7 15.6 77.3 8 A PARKING SURVEY AREA T0TALS 1, 3A9 13,A90.0 10,792.0 3,08A 7,739 A 57 A PARKING GARAGES ‘m“ XXX Street A.2 - - _ - 12 120.0 90.0 A1 67.6 56.3 22.A 2 G PARKING SURVEY AREA TOTALS 12 120.0 90.0 A1 67.6 56.3 * A minus sign indicates space-hours or spaces needed, calculated on 80% efficiency for lots and 75% for garages. Spaces are needed due to overcrowding of existing facilities by parking in aisles or on adjacent property. ** Intersection of Eighth Street and Cumberland Street SPACES AVAILABLE, VEHICLES PARKED LEGALLY AND ILLEGALLY, AND TURNOVER SPACES AVAILABLE SECTOR .Curb 00110-0 31 00120-0 25 00130-0 33 001M0-c 2M 00210-0 26 00220-0 17 00230 25 002M0-0 29 00250-0 21 00260 23 00310 27 00320-0 25 00M10-0 28 00M20 22 00M30 32 00510 26 00520 23 00610 26 00620 1M 00630 16 09110 92 09120 79 09210 70 09220 59 09230 105 09310 7M 09320 56 09330 56 09M10 MM 09M20 50 09M30 66 09MMO 100 09510 5M 09520 33 09530 M5 09610 39 09620 M5 09630 37 096M0 38 09710 51 09720 2M 09810 97 09820 67 09830 56 09910 53 09920 M9 09930 62 099M0 39 Legal Facilities 2,133 Prohibited Curbs** SURVEY AREA TOTALS 2,133 Legal Facilities 259 Prohibited Curbs - CORE AREA TOTALS ‘Egg Lot l2 8 36 sé 19 16 MM 28 28 20 5M 52 Garage Total M3 33 33 60 26 75 MM 29 21 39 71 53 56 M2 32 80 75 57 18 76 97 79 126 83 116 l I I I I f\) |._l \O I\) f\) \O _ M29 Table P-5 FOR EACH TYPE OF FACILITY Lebanon (8:00 AM - 6=00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) NUMBER OF VEHICLES PARKED TURNOVER*** Curb* Lot Garage Total* Illegally* Curb Lot Garage Total M55 3M - M89 52 13.0 2.8 - 10.2 506 25 - 531 53 18.1 8.3 - 1M.5 MM6 - - MM6 12 13.2 - - 13.2 501 68 - 569 38 19.3 1.9 - 8.8 MM6 - - MM6 52 15.2 - - 15.2 260 12M - 38M 13 1M.5 2.1 - M.9 273 20 - 293 11 10.M 1.0 - 6.M 571 - - 571 65 l7.M - - l7.M 292 - - 292 21 12.9 - - 12.9 3M9 61 - M10 35 13.7 3.8 - 9.6 368 95 - M63 52 11.7 2.2 - 5.8 M80 62 " - 5M2 51 17.2 2.2 - 9.3 M09 1M6 - 555 M0 13.2 5.2 - 9.2 117 55 - 172 9 M.9 2.8 - 3.9 10M - - 10M 6 3.1 - - 3.1 216 238 - M5M 3 8.2 M.M - 5.6 M38 207 - 6M5 70 16.0 M.0 - 7.6 328 83 - M11 59 10.3 2.7 - 6.2 71 13 - 8M 3 M.8 3.3 - M.5 69 27 - 96 2 M.2 0.5 - 1.2 328 10 - 338 63 2.9 2.0 - 2.8 318 - - 318 31 3.6 - - 3.6 231 118 - 3M9 26 2.9 2.1 - 2.6 238 32 - 270 1M 3.8 1.3 - 3.1 385 23 - M08 21 3.5 2.1 - 3.3 227 - - 227 18 2.8 -- - 2.8 311 102 - M13 21 5.2 6.8 - 5.5 770 75 - 8M5 6M 12.6 2.8 - 9.M 603 186 - 789 51 12.5 1.M - M.2 2M3 1M - 257 19 M.5 1.3 - 3.9 323 - ' - 323 1M M.7 - - M.7 M32 - - M32 17 M.2 - - M.2 1M5 - - 1M5 1M 2.M - - 2.M 132 50 - 182 M9 2.5 2.2 - 2.M 261 - - 261 26 5.2 - - 5.2 138 - - 138 1 3.5 - - 3.5 181 - - 181 10 3.8 - - 3.8 198 - - 198 16 M.9 - - M.9 223 - - 223 7 5-7 - - 5-7 159 M5 - 20M 38 2.M 1.1 - 1.8 152 - - 152 12 5.8 - - 5.8 257 301 — 558 13 2.5 3.1 - 2.8 370 1M8 - 518 36 5.0 1.8 - 3.2 682 9M M1 817 56 11.2 1.5 3 M 5.9 217 2M9 - M66 12 3.9 2.5 - 2.9 156 158 - 31M 8 3.0 1.8 - 2.3 177 91 - 268 16 2.6 3.0 - 2.7 350 130 - M80 17 8.5 1.6 - 3.9 1M,906 3,08M M1 18,031 1,337 6 M 2.3 3.M M.8 153 — - 153 153 15,059 3,08M M1 18,l8M 1,M90 6 M 2 3 3 M M 8 _CORE AREA M,366 M59 - M,825 397 15.3 2.7 - 10.3 55 - - 55 55 M,M21 M59 - M,880 M52 15 3 2 7 - 10.3 _ 1-25 * Vehicles illegally parked at curbs (at fire hydrants, painted curbs, etc.), adjacent to legal curb facilities are included under "Curb" and "Total." ** "Prohibited Curbs" are curbs where parking is prohibited between a street and an alley or for an entire block. *** Turnover does not include vehicles parked in illegal positions. SPACE-HOURS AVAILABLE AND THE NUMBER AND PERCENTAGES OF SPACE-HOURS USED LEGALLY AND ILLEGALLY FOR EACH TYPE OF FACILITY (8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) Table P-6 Lebanon PER CENT OF SPACE—HOURS*** THEORETICAL SPACE-HOURS AVAILABLE T0TAL SPACE-HOURS USED USED Sector Curb Lot Garage Total Curb l£§L Garage Total* Illegally* Curb Lot_ Garage 00110-c 310.0 120.0 - h30.0 23A.A 62.1 - 296.5 9.5 72.5 51.8 - 00120-0 250.0 80.0 - 330.0 226.2 67.0 - 293.2 18.7 83.0 83.7 - 00130-0 330.0 - - 330.0 197.9 - - 197.9 5.0 58.h - - 001A0-0 2A0.0 360 0 - 600.0 20A.A 182.3 - 386.7 5.0 83.1 50.6 - 00210-0 260.0 - - 260 0 217.2 - - 217.2 12.9 78.6 - - 00220-c 170.0 580.0 - 750.0 88.0 AA3.2 - 531.2 1.6 50.8 76.h - 00230' 250.0 190.0 - AA0.0 131.3 81.9 - 213.2 1.2 52.0 A3.1 - 002u0-0 290.0 - - 290.0 228.0 - - 228.0 11.6 7h.6 - ‘ - 00250-c 210 0 - - 210.0 1A2.1 _ - 1A2.1 5.3 67.5 - - 00260 230.0 160 0 - 390.0 151.6 65.3 - 216.9 A.7 63.9 A0.8 - 00310 270.0 hA0.0 - 710.0 1A8.3 291.9 - AAO.2 11.3 50.7 66.3 - 00320-c 250.0 280.0 - 530.0 239.9 190.A - u30.3 6.9 93.2 68.0 - 00A10-c 280 0 280.0 - 560.0 219.9 26A.2 - A8A.1 5.7 76.5 9A.A - 00A20 220 0 200.0 - u20.0 82.8 10A.5 - 187.3 1.1 37.1 52.3 - 00A30 320.0 - - 320.0 173.1 _ - 173.1 0.9 53.8 _ - 00510 260.0 5A0.0 - 800.0 122.1 510.1 - 632.2 0.3 A6.8 9A.5 - 00520 230.0 520.0 - 750.0 196.9 366.8 - 563.7 1A.9 79.1 70.5 - 00610 260.0 310.0 - 570.0 168.5 228.2 - 396.7 23.0 55.9 73.6 - 00620 lA0.0 h0.0 - 180 0 26.7 16.2 - u2.9 0.3 18.9 A0.5 - 00630 160 0 600.0 - 760 0 55.A 71.5 - 126.9 0.2 3h.5 11.9 - 09110 920.0 50.0 - 970.0 h77.1 9.3 - h86.A 13.9 50.3 18.6 - 09120 790.0 - - 790.0 536.3 - - 536.3 10.8 66.6 - - 09210 700.0 560 0 - 1,260.0 h6A.1 A89.5 - 953.6 3.7 65.8 88.A - 09220 590.0 2A0.0 - 830.0 265.3 1A6.6 - A11.9 2.1 hA.6 61.1 - 09230 1,050.0 110 0 - 1,160.0 371.2 59.7 - A30.9 2.6 35.1 5A.3 - 09310 7h0.0 - - 7A0.0 A62.8 - - A62.8 2.1 62.2 - - 09320 560 0 150 0 - 710 0 u20.6 87.1 - 507.7 2.3 7A.7 53.A - 09330 560 0 270.0 - 830.0 AA3.3 79.0 - 522.3 8.3 77.6 29.2 - 09n10 uh0.0 1,310.0 - 1,750.0 288.8 51A.6 - 803.A 7.7 63.9 39.2 - 09h20 500.0 110 0 - 610.0 175.6 65.9 - 2A1.5 3.8 3A.3 59.9 - 09h30 660.0 - - 660 0 338.1 - - 338.1 1.9 50.9 - - 09AA0 1,000.0 - - 1,000.0 368.8 - - 368 8 2.1 36.7 - - 09510 5h0.0 _ - 5A0.0 2h9.7 - - 2A9.7 1.8 A5.9 - - 09520 330.0 230.0 - 560 0 28A.3 185 5 - A69.8 28.8 77.A 80.6 - 09530 u50.0 - - A50 0 302 8 - - 302.8 7.8 65.6 - - 09610 390.0 - - 390 0 158.6 - - 158.6 0.2 A0.6 - - 09620 A50.0 - - h50.0 267.8 - - 267.8 3.3 58.8 - - 09630 370.0 - _ 370.0 219.0 - - 219.0 3.A 58.2 - - 096A0 380.0 - - 380.0 236.2 - - 236.2 1.3 61.8 - - 09710 510.0 A20.0 - 930.0 256.0 222.A - h78.h 10.2 A8.2 53.0 - 09720 2A0.0 - - 2A0.0 99.2 - - 99.2 2.8 no.2 _ - 09810 970 0 970.0 - 1,9h0.0 516.5 622.3 - 1,138.8 3.1 52.9 6A.2 - 09820 670.0 820.0 - 1,A90.0 3A1.9 556.0 - 897.9 11.3 h9.3 67.8 - 09830 560.0 610.0 120.0 1,290.0 2A3.3 216.0 67.6 526.9 7.5 u2.1 35.h 56.3 09910 530.0 990.0 - 1,520.0 227.8 631.8 - 859.6 2.A A2.5 63.8 _ 09920 u90.0 860.0 - 1,350.0 180.2 2h9.2 - A29.A 1.0 36.6 29.0 - 09930 620.0 300.0 - 920.0 233.6 281.7 - 515.3 A.9 36.9 93.9 - 099h0 390.0 790.0 - 1,180.0 169.5 377.2 - 5A6.7 A.6 A2.3 A7.7 - Legal Facilities 21,330.0 13,A90.0 120.0 3u,9A0.0 11,853.1 7,739.h 67.6 19,660.1 295.8 5A.2 57.h 56.3 55.A Prohibited Curbs** ~ - - - 206.0 - - 206.0 206.0 SURVEY AREA TOTALS 21,330.0 13,A90.0 120.0 3A,9AO.0 12,059.1 7,739.h 67.6 19,866 1 501.8 5A.2 57.h 56.3 55.A CORE AREA Legal Facilities* _ 2,590.0 1,700.0 - A,290.0 1,998.0 1,209.2 - 3,207.2 82.2 7A.0 71.1 - 72.8 Prohibited Curbs** - - - 69.5 - - 69.5 69.5 CORE AREA TOTALs 2,590.0 1,700.0 - h,290.0 2,067.5 1,209.2 - 3,276.7 151.7 7h.0 71.1 - 72.8 * Space-hours illegally used (at fire hydrants, painted "Curb" and "Total." ** Prohibited curbs are curbs where parking is prohibited between a street and an alley, or for an entire block. curbs, etc.), adjacent to legal curb facilities) are included under *** "Per cent of Space-Hours Used" does not include vehicles parked in illegal spaces. .;;z,~,~,: ‘.1/.».=Aa1;:* I..-b-or is 3 ‘M *1 ‘ ‘"1’: ‘ 4"’ Q. 1 MW" if I I I : . . . =._ 1 1 h ".......'...-M--. _ : > ' h 1 VEHICLES PARKED AND TURNOVER.FOP.EACH CURB RESTRICTION AND FOR EACH TYPE OF PARKING FACILITY IN THE PARKING SURVEY AREA (8 00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) NUMBER 0F CURB TIME SPACES RESTRICTIONS AVAILABLE 2 Hour Metered M20 2 Hour Posted 165 1 Hour Metered 3MM 1 Hour Posted I I2 Minute Metered . 18 No Restrictions l,l85 Total at Legal Curbs 2,133 Vehicles Illegally parked as to position Vehicles parked at Prohibited Curbs TOTAL VEHICLES PARKED AT CURBS ALL LEGAL FACILITIES At Curbs 2,133 In Lots 1,3M9 In Garages 12 Total at all Legal Facilities 3,M9M Vehicles Illegally parked as to Position Vehicles parked at Prohibited Curbs TOTAL VEHICLES PARKED IN THE PARKING SURVEY AREA * Excluding all vehicles illegally parked as to position. ** Average number of vehicles which occupied each space. *** Number of vehicles which could theoretically have occu- pied each space using its full parking time continuously and legally. NUMBER OF VEHICLES PARKED* 3,652 870 M,968 5 516 3,558 13.569 1,337 153 15,059 13,569 3,08M M1 16,69M 1,337 153 18,18M ACTUAL TURNOVER** 8-7 |\) H LAJQD\J'I-J:'\J‘I Ch 4: 1:- C13 UJ|\)O\ C>~JC>:1p -ITU)-ll" Table P-7 Lebanon THEORETICAL TURNOVER*** 5 5 IO IO 50 e-"=is1-EIL £15}! “ ‘ "' VEHICLES PARKEID IN EACH SECTOR CLASSIFIED AS TO DISTANCE Table P-8 WALKETD FROM PARKING PLACE TO DESTINATION Lebanon (8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) NUMER OF FEET WALKED gin‘ It 0 150 250 350 A50 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 1250 Unknown Total to to to to to to to to to to to to and Distance Vehicles 5, ' Sector 1A9 2A9 3A9 AA9 5A9 6A9 7A9 8A9 9A9 10119 11119 12119 Over Walked Parked H CURBS NUMBER OF VEHICLES PARKED 00110-C 202 91 67 31 19 12 8 3 5 7 - - 10 - A55 00120-C 239 129 77 27 12 8 7 2 2 - 1 1 1 - 506 00130-C 238 89 60 22 1A 7 A 2 1 3 A 1 - A - AA6 001A0-C 201 132 68 51 12 8 15 1 A 2 2 1 A - 501 00210-C 2A3 83 56 25 1A 7 11 1 5 1 - - - 1- AA6 00220-0 97 23 82 7 26 A 5 5 5. 3 - 3 - 1' '260 00230 97 65 35 1A 29 8 7 3 3 A 3 - 5 - 273 002A0-C 279 118 86 39 29 8 A 1 A 1 1 - 1 - 571 00250-C 156 65 38 12 5 A 3 1 1 2. 1 3 1 - 292_ 00260 195 61 30 15 6 6 5 9 2 6 1 7 6 - 3A9 00310 163 52 A2 19 19 1A 20 A 18 2 5 - 10 - 368 00320-C 201 85 68 38 33 18 15 7 11 - 1 2 1 - A80 00A10_c 172 62 57 31 27 23 11 12 7 A 1 - 2 - A09 00A20 A8 2A 19 6 2 5 1 1 5 2 2 - 2 - 117 00A30 37 22 5 7 3 5 2 A A 1 3 - 11 - 10A 00510 58 59 12 21 7 15 9 12 3 A A 1 11 - 216 00520 205 5A 27 3A A9 16 18 19 9 1 1 3 2 - A38 00610 1A3 35 73 9 6 11 9 8 7 3 23 - 1 - 328 00620 29 25 7 1 3 2 A - - - - - - 1 71 00630 A6 10 5 1 2 - - - 2 2 - 1 1 - 69 1 09110 173 85 2A A 10 1 3 6 - 1 1 A 16 - 328 1 09120 119 53 30 2A 15 13 3 5 3 5 8 9 31 - 318 09210 130 25 16 9 11 2 11 6 2 2 2 7 8 - 231 09220 157 31 2A 2 - 3 1 - 6 1 2 2 9 - 238 09230 173 13A A2 18 2 13 - - - - - - 3 - 385 09310 120 58 8 2 A - A 1 9 - 2 - 19 - 227 09320 76 62 28 12 11 13 11 11 22 9 13 9 3A - 311 09330 365 71 61 A0 28 18 36 37 8 3A 23 9 A0 - 770 09A10 213 155 78 A7 1A 18 12 1A 19 A 5 7 17 - 603 09A20 10A -55 AA 9 2 3 1 9 - - 3 A 9 - 2A3 09A30 1A8 91 A8 11 - 3 2 3 1 5 A 2 5 - 323 09AAO 26A 111 A1 7 1 - - 1 1 - - - 6 - A32 09510 96 7 12 8 6 1 - - 1 - - 3 11 - 1A5 09520 85 17 6 3 15 - - - - 1 2 - 3 - 132 09530 176 A7 1A 3 3 1 1 A 2 1 3 3 3 - 261 09610 75 20 13 6 A 3 1 - - 3 - 2 11 - 138 09620 79 37 25 9 15 2 1 - 2 - 1 3 7 - 181 09630 138 35 13 2 1 1 - 2 - A - 1 1 - 198 096A0 107 65 3A - 2 3 - 2 2 2 1 1 A - 223 09710 79 36 10 12 3 7 7 1 - - 1 2 1 - 159 09720 11A 23 8 1 1 3 1 » - - - 1 - _ - 152 09810 151 A1 30 15 5 - 1 3 3 2 2 - A - 257 09820 221 33 39 2A 20 3 11 8 1 1 A 1 A - 370 09830 336 130 1A 50 38 33 31 8 18 10 A 3 7 - 682 09910 132~ 18 33 3 5 1 - 1 - 2 1 A 17 - 217 09920 70 2A 17 39 A 1 - - - - - - 1 - 156 09930 125 22 1A 8 - 7 1 - - - - - - - 177 099A0 159 59 1A 23 32 6 6 6 15 7 12 6 5 - 350 L0TS OOllO-C - 26 1 1 1 - 1 - - - 2 2 - - 3A A 00120-C 6 1 1A A - - - - - - - - - - 25 ,; 001A0-C 32 7 1A 6 7 1 1 - - - - _ - - - 68 § 00220-C 11 A0 12 31 8 3 6 A 3 3 1 1 1 - 12A ; 3 00230 1A A - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - 20 00260 57 3 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 61 00310 AA 2 6 15 9 A 1 6 1 2 - 2 3 - 95 A 00320-C -20 2 2 25 3 5 3 2 - - - - - - 62 '* 00A10-C '97 8 1 12 20 1 2 1 A - - - - - 1A6 I 00A20 8 2 26 18 - - - 1 - - _ _ _ _ 55 0510 A 150 12 12 10 10 23 2 5 3 1 - 6 - 238 00520 83 25 5 7A 5 6 A 3 - 2 - - - - 207 2 00610 7 3 38 20 1 7 - 2 - 2 2 1 - - - 83 00620 6 - A - - - - 2 - _ - 1 - - 13 - 00630 1 2 - - A 1A 1 1 2 - - 1 1 - 27 09110 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 09210 93 1 2 1 3 - 10 6 - 1 - -_ 1 - 118 j 09220 29 - - - 1 1 - - - - - - 1 - 32 T 09230 18 2 3 - - - - - - - - - - - 23 ‘* 09320 7 68 - 2A 1 - - - - - - 1 1 - 102 09330 57 1A 1 - - - - 1 1 1 - - - - 75 09A10 51 32 8 28 8 1A 9 5 17 2 2 A 6 - 186 ' 09A20 8 - - 2 A - - - - - - - - - 1A -2- Table P-8 (Concluded) NUMBER‘0F FEET WALKED Lebanon 0 150 250 350 M50 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 1250 Unknown Total to to to to to to to to to to to to and Distance Vehicles Sector 1M9 2M9 3M9 MM9 5M9 6M9 7M9 8M9 9M9 10M9 11M9 12M9 over Walked Parked L0TS NUMBER OF VEHICLES PARKED 09520 M8 - 1 - - - - - - - _ - 50 09710 M5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - M5 09810 188 106 M 2 - - - - - _ - 1 - - 301 09820 28 78 3 26 2 1 2 3 - - - 3 2 - 1M8 09830 60 - 5 1 7 - 16 1 - - 1 1 2 - 9M 09910 227 17 3 — l . - - l - - - - - - 2M9 09920 95 2 3 - 13 8 2 11 M 1 9 1 9 - 158 09930 91 - - - — - - - — - - - - - 91 099M0 3 M 6 2 3M 52 13 - 6 1 3 3 3 - 130 GARAGES 09830 M1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ml SUMARY OF DISTANCES WALKEU BY TYPE OF FACILITY PARKING SURVEY AREA Known Totals Curb 7,23M 2,829 1,65M 800 569 3M0 303 223 213 1M3 1M5 10M 3M9 - 1M,906 Lot 1,MM8 599 175 30M 1M2 128 96 50 M5 18 21 21 37 - 3,08M Garage Ml‘ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ -. _ Ml Parked at Prohibited Curbs* ~ 153 153 TCTAL VEHICLES PARKED IN THE SQRYEY AREA ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _______ 8,723 3,M28 1,829 l,l0M 711 M 8 399 273 258 161 166 125 386 153 l8,18M CORE AREA Known Totals Curb 2,028 877 659 283 191 99 83 35 M5 2M 8 10 2M - M,366 Lot 166 8M MM 79 39 10 13 7 7 3 3 1 - M59 Garage - - - - - - - - _ _ - - _ _ _ Parked at Prohibited Curbs* 55 55 TOTAL-VEHICLES PARKED IN THE CCRE AREA ___ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ______ 2,19M 981 703 362 230 109 96 M2 52 27 11 13 25 55 M,880 * Destinations of drivers of vehicles parked at prohibited curbs are considered to be in the sector in which they parked. -0 indicates a sector in the Core Area. SUMMARY OF VEHICLES PARKED CLASSIFIED AS TO DISTANCE WALKED FROM PARKING SPACE TO DESTINATION AND LENGTH OF TIM PARKED (8=00 AM - 6:00 PM weekday, July, August, 1953) 0 150 250 350 to to to to Time Parked 1A9 2A9 3A9 AA9 CURBS Minutes 1-15 , A,Al6 1,68A 860 3AA 15-30 903 388 29A 1A9 30-60 756 338 237 1A9 Hours 1-2 A66 202 1A2 8A 2-3 193 65 AA 18 3-A 111 31 2A 18 A-5 70 35 18 8 5-6 55 10 8 6 6-7 39 17 6 1 7-8 25 6 1 3 8 and Over 200 53 20 20 LCTS ‘ Minutes 1-15 635 139 Al 82 15-30 111 62 17 28 30-60 99 103 12 32 Hours 1-2 82 76 19 A5 2-3 69 A1 22 22 3-A 79 6A 20 33 A-5 73 39 13 20 5-6 69 21 8 10 6-7 22 8 7 A 7-8 26 6 A 6 8 and Over 183 A0 12 22 GARAGES Minutes 1-15 10 - _ _ 15-30 6 - - - 30-60 5 - - - Hours 1-2 A - _ - 2-3 5 - - - 3-A 2 - - - A-5 - - - - 5-6 - _ - _ 6-7 2 - - - 7-8 2 - - - 8 and Over 5 - - _ Curb Totals 7,23A 2,829 1,65A 800 % of Totals A8.5 19.0 11.1 5.A Lot Totals l,AA8 599 175 30A 5 of Totals A7.0 19.A 5.7 9.8 Garage Totals Al - - - % of Totals 100.0 - - - PARKING SURVEY AREA TOTALS 8,723 3,A28 1,829 1,10A % of Totals A8.A 19.0 10.2 6.1 Vehicles Parked at Prohibited Curbs TOTAL VEHICLES PARKED A50 5A9 237 107 99 58 1A 17 10 lh 569 3.8 1A2 A.6 VII 3-9 NUMBER OF FEET WALKED 550 to 6A9 NUMBER OF VEHICLES PARKED 650 to 7A9 750 to 8A9 122 103 53 61 50 36 75 65 62 50 A7 A1 1A 11 10 2 6 6 5 5 3 A 5 2 _ 1 _ 2 1 3 5 9 7 28 9 8 11 A 2 1A 6 1 11 18 1A 6 12 A 15 13 6 17 8 3 A 7 2 6 2 - 1 2 1 15 l5 9 SUMMARY BY TYPE OF FACILITY 3A0 303 223 2.3 2.0 1.5 128 96 50 A.l 3.1 1.6 A68 355 2'? 2.6 2.2 1.5 850 to 959 A7 32 59 38 '-I LuLul4 #'P’F‘FJ—4\n(D 15 H |||wwHm 258 l.A 950 to 10A9 2A 37 28 QINNHF H w|H|mmHm 1A3 18 0.6 325: 0.9 1050 to 11A9 31 25 F N OMNPWQ@W manwmmmw '3Ii§ 0.9 ll5O 12A9 h) FJK)—4 28 H “HM QNHFQOQ .9 05 QB 4? llllllll mw|HmHHw Table P-8A Lebanon 1250 and Over Total 56 7,986 '30 2,108 76 1,998 7A 1,283 38 #55 21 253 17 203 7 115 1 TA 3 51 26 380_ 7 990 l 257 6 297 8 323 3 ' 202 1 259 1 196 2 _135 - 2 5A - A9 6 322 - 10 - 6 - 5 - A — 5 - 2 I 5 — 2 — 5 3A9 lA,906 2.3 100.0 37 3,08A 1.2 100.0 - Al - 100.0 386 18,031 2.2 l00.0 153 , 18,18A ..__._. ‘_ n_..-\. .. _ . 1. .._....m».¢. . . A . I ' aaaa MMWMM_ , A _ . 1 , . I 1 1 1 1 »~ - , - ' ’ ‘ ‘ ~ V II I SURVEY AREA CURBS Number of Cars Parked Space-Hours Parked I Percentage of Total Number Parked Percentage of Total Time Parked Average Time Parked For Each Vehicle** LOTS Number of Cars Parked Space-Hours Parked Percentage of Total Number Parked Percentage of Total Time Parked Average Time Parked For Each Vehicle** GARAGES Number of Cars Parked Space-Hours Parked Percentage of Total Number Parked Percentage of Total Time Parked Average Time Parked For Eadh Vehicle ALL FACILITIES Number of Cars Parked Space—Hours Parked Percentage of Total Number Parked Percentage of Total Time Parked Average Time Parked For Each Vehicle CORE AREA ALL FACILITIES Number of Cars Parked Space-Hours Parked Percentage of Total Number Parked Percentage of Total Time Parked Average Time Parked For Each Vehicle SUMMARY OF VEHICLES PARKED, SPACE-HOURS USED AND AVERAGE TIME PARKED Work 1,806 11,3550 12.1 36-7 2H-25M _l,M87 5,758-7 M8.2 7M.M 3H—52M 31 M9.1 75-6 72.6 IH-35M 3,32LL l0,158.8 l8.M 51‘? 3H-3M M73 1,167.2 9.8 36.M 2H-28M FOR EACH TYPE OF PARKING AND EACH TRIP PURPOSE (8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) PURPOSE OF TRIP Business Shopping 1,21??? 2,i31.-PE 2M.8 31.8 13.7 17.5 26M 26M 368?Z M3??? 12.9 20.3 M.8 5.6 56M M1M 7 _ 5-7 — 17.1 - 8.M - M9M - M,100 5,36M 1,991.5 2,507.1 22.7 29.8 10.1 12.8 29M 28M 1,272 2,073 507.8 9MM 5 26.M M3.0 15.8 29.M 2MM 27M M2 1,873 5M5.8 12.6 M.6 ITM IMI 95-1 M.6 MOM 2,0lM 6M0.9 ll.2 3-3 l9M 5M5 166.7 Il.3 5.2 18M Social Recreation 381 32M.7 2.6 2.7 51M 52 82.6 1.7 1.1 IH-35M M33 M07.3 2.M 2.1 56M 80 70.M 1.6 2.2 53M Other 2,151 2,301.6 lM.M 19.M IH—hM 235 513.2 M.9 M.2 IH—2MM 2,388 2,817.6 13.2 1M.3 1H-llM 316 262.8 6.5 8.2 50M Loading 153 32.M I.O O.3 IBM 9M 58-3 3.0 0.7 35M 2M7 86.7 l.M 0.M 2lM M8 I2.2 I.O O.M ISM * Unknown purposes are the result of no contacts with drivers, refusals to answer questions asked of drivers, etc. ** PH" and "M" indicate hours and minutes, respectively. Table P-9 Eiaaaa Unknown Purpose* Total 109 1M,906 602 M 1l,853.1 0.7 100.0 5.1 100.0 5H-32M M8M 51 3,08M 437~8 7,739-LL 1.7 100.0 5.6 100 0 8H-35M 2H-31M 1 - M1 10.0 67.6 2.M 100.0 1M.8 100.0 10H 1H-39M 161 18,031 1,050.2 l9,660.1 ‘ 0.9 100.0 5.3 100.0 6H-31M 1H-5M 18 M,825 75.6 3,207.2 0.M 100 0 2.M 100.0 MH-12M M0M SUMMARY OF VEHICLES PARKED AND SPACE HOURS USED IN EACH-SECTOR FOR EACH TRIP PURPOSE Table P-9A ll Lebanon (8 00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) PURPOSE OF TRIP Social Unknown Sector Work Business Shopping Service Recreation Other Loading - Purpose Tote 1 II NUMBER OF VEHICLES AND TOTAL TIME-PARKED lflg; Hrs. No. Hrs. lElL Hrs. QELL ‘Hrs. 2B1; Hrs. QELL Hrs. j§1L Hrs 1gl_ Hrs JELL Hrs. 00110-0 39 73.3 151 56.3 183 96.8 58 15.9 23 21.6 32 32.3 1 0.1 2 0.2 A89 296.5 00120-0 32 57.A 176 58.8 195 108 A 77 16.6 8 5.6 31 33.A 9 1.7 3 11.3 531 293.2 00130-0 22 21.A 1A7 A8.7 167 6A.3 A7 l7.A 19 15.3 AA 30.8 - - - _ AA6 197.9 001A0-C 7A 2OA.8 262 99.0 169 63.0 29 8.0 A 2.A 28 9.0 3 0.5 - - 569 386.7 00210-0 36 25.0 105 A6.8 2A3 113.2 A0 15.6 2 1.1 13 lA.3 5 0.7 2 0.5 AA6 217.2 00220-0 91 3A6.9 27 16.0 213 122.0 30 9.3 2 2.0 13 32.6 8 2.A - - 38A 531 2 00230 21 6A.6 60 23.8 113 A1.8 27 6.0 15 7.1 A7 39.1 7 0.8 3 7330.0 293 213.2 O02A0-C 1A 13.1 157 53.7 269 110.9 69 20.0 6 2.8 53 25.6 3 1.9 - - 571 228 0 00250-0 15 12.9 A1 21.5 1A1 56.5 7A 29.7 A 12.6 11 7.5 5 1.2~ 1 0.2 292 lA2.l 00260 26 69.0 A0 22.0 253 86.1 5A 10.5 6 1A.9 25 13.0 5 1.0 1 O.A A10 216 9 . 00310 78 200.0 127 68.7 150 75.2 A3 16.6 8 A.9 5A 6A.O - - 3 10.8 A63 AAO.2 00320-C 75 201.A 108 57.3 260 111.7 62 19.2 6 A.7 28 2A.0 - - 3 12.0 5A2 A3O.3 OOA10-C 75 211.0 98 A9.7 233 97.7 59 15.0 6 2.3 63 53.3 1A 3.7 7 51.A 555 A8A.1 00A20 A9 105.A A6 21.3 32 19.1 17 3.9 8 7.9 18 17.7 1 2.0 1 10.0 172 187.3 00A30 1A 66.A 19 12.8 25 15.9 16 8.1 5 10.9 22 A8.5 2 0.5 1 10.0 10A 173.1 00510 59 2A5.5 79 66.1 2A7 210.6 16 A.O 18 12.3 29 53.3 2 O.A A A0.0 A5A 632.2 00520 81 278.8 179 77.5 2AA 96.0 63 2A.3 9 13.7 31 A1.3 33 21.2 5 10.9 6A5 563.7 '7 00610 92 215.3 95 A0.0 131 67.3 53 28.0 8 7.5 27 33.2 3 0.3 2 5.1 All 396.7 00620 12 10.0 9 6.3 19 5.5 21 3.3 6 3.0 16 1A.7 - - 1 0.1 8A A2.9 00630 10 A7.3 1A 2.7 18 8.9 29 28.9 2 0.6 22 28.5 - - 1 10.0 96 .126 9 09110 58 2A3.6 8A 52.7 27 5.6 69 18.A 6 A.5 71 117.6 19 A.0 A A0.0 338 A86.A 09120 59 25A.6 33 32.3 A2 37.0 63 29.2 17 16.7 102 1A6.5 - - 2 20.0 318 536.3 09210 182 782.5 31 36.6 13 A.8 30 7.8 12 18.6 72 72.0 6 1.3 3 30.0 ‘3A9 4953.6 09220 89 22A A A9 A7.1 23 8.1 20 5.2 20 13.8 58 61.0 5 0.8 6 51.5 270 A11 9 09230 35 88.2 A0 lA.3 100 15.5 71 11.7 1A 13.3 133 206.A 2 0.3 13 81.2 A08 A30.9 09310 A6 21A.0 21 1A.7 20 7.1 A7 6.7 6 5.8 82 17A.A 1 0.1 A A0.0 227 A62.8 09320 73 170.1 98 58.6 128 96.8 35 7.0 18 15.2 A3 87.2 9 2.6 9 70.2 A13 507.7 09330 101 15A.A 376 102.2 239 196.3 33 17.2 6 A.6 8A AA.6 1 0.1 5 2.9 8A5 522.3 09A10 20A A38.8 265 116.7 159 12A.9 52 10.9 16 18.9 73 59.2 11 2.0 9 32.0 789 _ 803 A 09A20 28 72.5 56 32.7 56 20.9 65 35.9 5 A.A A0 A9.9 2 0.3 5 2A.9 257 2A1.5 09A30 A9 160.5 A6 21.1 86 29.3 51 11.1 6 6.3 80 88.1 2 1.0 3 20.7 323 338.1 09AAO 63 133.2 28 11.5 88 18.3 62 1A.9 30 19.6 156 156.1 2 0.2 3 15.0 A32 368.8 09510 27 105.0 17 13.9 2 1.9 20 3.8 6 7.3 68 87.6 1 0.1 A 30.1 1A5 2A9.7 09520 63 293.A 16 15.A 31 13.2 29 12.1 1 A.7 3A 70.5 2 0.5 6 60.0 182 A69.8 09530 A8 1A8.9 57 A8.6 38 18.9 A5 17.6 5 3.6 63 5A.A 3 0.7 2 10.1 261 302.8 09610 12 A6.7 A3 2A.1 10 20.8 13 2.A A 6.3 55 58.1 1 0.2 1 - r 138 158.6 09620 3A 138.9 79 53.9 17 16.A 18 6.6 7 6.6 25 35.A - - 1 10.0 181 267. 09630 31 110.9 107 51.1 5 2.6 15 6.0 6 13.2 27 23.A 5 0.5 2 11.3 198 219.0 O96AO 50 1A3.1 78 31.A 10 6.2 15 2.6 7 2.1 63 50.8 - - - - 223 236.2 09710 88 39A.1 17 8.0 7 5.7 A6 13.7 A _0.8 A2 56.1 - - - I - 20A A78.A 09720 18 32.6 37 15.7 23 6.2 33 10.9 6 3.1 3A 30.6 1 0.1 - - 152 99.2 09810 17A 817.7 7A 53.5 117 26.6 52 2A.7 A 2.6 118 156.5 11 3.3 8 53.9 558 1,138.8 09820 167 636.9 77 33.5 11A 16.7 59 11.2 17 19.A 70 119.0 7 1.7 7 59.5 518 897.9 09830 1A8 239.7 189 100.5 310 79.1 68 15.9 21 16.0 66 A1.9 12 3.8 3 30.0 817 526.9 09910 201 687.2 81 2A.A 81 38.7 35 9.2 A 1.3 A2 36.1 1A 2.3 8 60.A A66 859.6 09920 87 230.5 A6 23.0 112 AO.5 22 6.9 3 3.6 36 73.5 1 0.5 7 50.9 31A A29.A 09930 130 A65.7 26 9.5 59 13.5 2A 3.7 2 1.3 17 19.0 9 2.3 1 _ 0.3 268 515.3- 099A0 1AA 261.2 89 95.5 1A2 6A.6 38 17.3 15 20.5 27 25.6 19 19.6 6 A2;A A80 5A6.7 TOTALS 3,32A 10,158.8 A,100 1,991.5 5,36A 2,507.1 2,01A 6A0.9 A33 A07 3 2,388 2,817 6 2A7 86 7 161 1,050.2 18,031 19,660.1 NOTE: -C indicates a sector in the Core Area. ll VEHICLES PARKED IN EACH SECTOR CLASSIFIED AS T0 PARKING Table P-I0 RESTRICTIONS AND LENGTH OF TIME PARKED Lebanon ll (8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) LENGTH 0F TIME PARKED 5 Sector Facility Minutes _ Hours 8 ‘ and 1-15 15-30 30-60 12 E: 3_-I E 5_-0. 6i .22 0ve..r. ____T00a1 0 CURBS NUMBER OF VEHICLES PARKED I 0,0110-C 1 - M 1 100 38 33 17 2 1 - 1 - - - 192 1 - M 2 111 M5 32 25 11 1 3 - - - 1 229 ~ 2 - M M 12 8 6 M 2 - 2 - - - - 3M I Totals 223 91 71 M6 15 2 5 1 - - 1 M55 00120-C 1'- M 1 99 M0 16 17 2 - 1 - 3 - - 178 ' 1 - M 2 M6 13 1M 3 l - - - - - 1 78 - l - M M 129 59 39 15 2 3 - - 3 - — 250 0- ~ Totals 27M 112 69 35 5 3 1 - 6 - 1 506 00130-C I 1 - M 2 180 61 3M 16 7 2 - - - - - 300 1 - M 3 55 22 18 1M 2 3 - 1 - - - 115 '7 2 - M M 1M 3 6 2 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 _ 31 Totals 2M9 86 58 32 11 5 2 1 1 _ 1 MM6 001M0-C _ . 1 - M 2 50 28 15 M 1 _ - - - 1 _ 99 "” ' 1 - M 3 117 29 23 12 6 2 2 - 1 - - 192 1 - M M 125 M2 29 12 2 - - - - - - 210 -0 Totals 292 99 67 28 9 2 2 - 1 1 - 501 . 00210-C 1 - M 1 120 MM M8 26 3 1 - - 1 - _ 2M3 1 - M 2 60 26 13 9 - 1 2 1 - - - 112 ‘ 1 - M M 58 13 12 7 - 1 - - - - - 91 . Totals 238 83 73 M2 3 3 2 1 1 - - MM6 00220-C 1 - M ‘ 1 116 25 30 8 - - _ - - - 183 1' 1 - M 2 M3 22 9 3 - - - _ - - - 77 . Totals 159 M7 39 ll - - _ - _ 260 00230 ,3 1 - M 1 131 25 18 7 M 1 - 1 - - - 187 N.R. 2 10 1 2 3 2 1 M - - - 1 2M I 1 - M M 38 15 6 2 1 - - - _ - _ 62 ‘I' Totals 179 M1 26 12 7 2 M 1 - - 1 273 .. 002M0-C 1 - M 2 60 28 21 M 1 - 1 1 - - - 116 1 - M 3 183 58 37 21 6 - 1 - - - 306 ‘ 1 - M M 65 31 M0 11 2 - - - - - - 1M9 Totals 308 117 98 36 9 - 2 1 _ _ - 571 I 00250-C _,7 1 - M 2 17 M 12 2 2 1 - - - - 1 39 1 - M 3 10M 32 20 10 M - 1 - - - - 171 1 - M M 37 20 10 9 M - - 1 - - 1 82 Totals 158 56 M2 21 10 1 1 1 - - 2 292 00260 N-R~ 2 17 - 2 3 ' - 1 2 - _ - 2 27 l - M 3 173 35 28 10 3 - - _ _ _ _ 219 1 - M M M7 12 7 5 - - - 1 1 - - 73 ' _ Totals 237 M7 37 18 3 1 2 1 1 - 2 3M9 00310 1 - M 2 69 11 2M 11 1 - - _ - - - 116 3. 2 - M 3 1M2 16 31 20 1 1 1 - - _ 212 , 2 - M M 22 3 7 3 3 - - _ - - 2 M0 ‘~ Totals 233 30 62 3M 5 1 1 - _ - 2 368 00320-C 1 - M 2 68 20 23 19 7 - - - - 1 1 139 2 - M 3 99 25 53 22 7 - 2 1 - - 1 210 1 - M M 83 1M 21 8 - 2 1 1 - _ 1 131 Totals 250 59 97 M9 1M 2 3 2 - 1 3 M80 -2- . . Table P-10 (Continued) LENGTH OF TIME PARKED Lebanon Sector Facility Minutes Hours 8 ’ and R CURBS 1-15 15-30 30-60 Qiéi _g:3_~ 3cA_ A;5 jgfi 6-7 7;8_ 933; Total 00A10-C . 1 - M 2 30 16 2A 6 - 1 1 - - - I 1 79 [I 2 - M 3 67 26 A9 2A 3 2 2 - - ‘- 3 176 1 - M A 90 2A 25 15 - - - - - - - 15A Totals 187 66 98 ' A5 3 3 3 - - - A A09 OOA20 1 - M 2 15 A 5 3 - - - - 28 2 M 3 37 8 19 17 8 - - - - - 89 Total 52 12 2A 20 8 - - l - - - 117 00A30 . N.R. 2 A 1 2 2 - 2 1 3 - - 1 16 N.R. 3 23 3 10 8 5 3 2 2 - 1 5 62 1 - M A 1A 1 6 3 1 1 - - - - - 26 Totals A1 5 18 , 13 6 6 3 5 - 1 6 10A, 00510 2 - M 1 32 19 20 2A 3 1 - - 1 - - 99 1 -'M 2 A2 22 2A 12 - - - - - - .- 100 2 - M A 7 2 3 A - - - - - - 1 17 Totals 81 A3 A7 ' A0 3 1 - - - - 1 216 00520 2 - M 1 88 25 29 10 A 2 2 - - - - 160 1 - M 2 126 2A 16 9 3 - l - - - - 179 1 - M A A6 21 . 21 10 - - - - 1 - - 99 Totals 260 70 66 29 7 2 3 - 1 - - ~938 00610 . 5 2 - M 1 62 29 21 18 8 2 1 ' l 1 - - 1A3 7 1 _ M 2 38 7 1A 6 1 1 - - - - ; 67‘ 1 1 : M A 79 18 7 ll 1 2 - - - - ~ -_ 118 Totals 179 5A A2 35 10 5 1 1 1 - - 7328 00620 ' 1 - M 2 13 3 6 1 - 1 - - - - - _2A 1 - M A 27 10 A 2 3 1 - - - A7 Totals A0 13 10 3 3 2 - - - - - 711 H N 00630 A N.R. 2 26 5 - 6 A - - - - A5 ‘ 1 - M A 17 3 1 - - - - - 2A Totals A3 8 3 7 A - - - - 69 1 09110 \ N.R. 1 18 3 3 1 A 1 9 - 2 A A ‘A9 N.R. 2 77 10 A A - A A - - - 15 118 N.R. A 38 5 1 A 1 A 1 3 1 - A 62 5 N.R. 6 60 11 11 3 3 2 3 1 - - 5 99 1 Totals 193 29 19 12 8 11 ' 17 A 3 A 28 328 1 09120 2 - P 1 21 9 19 1A 15 2 1 2 1 - 1 85 Y N.R. 2 18 A 5 5 9 5 7 1 6 1 11 72 i N.R. A A5 16 10 10 1 8 6 - - 2' 8 106' N.R. 5 20 3 6 6 6 2 3 1 2 1 5 55 Totals 10A 32 A0 35 31 17 17 A 9 A 25 318 g '1‘ 09210 2 - P 1 26 5 10 . 9 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 55 “ N.R. 2 23 A - 6 1 1 1 1 - - 8 A5 N.R. A 25 6 5 A 1 5 3 1 2 3 11 66 g 2 N.R. 5 26 7 6 A - 6 3 10 - - 3 65 1; Totals 100 22 21 23 A 12 8 12 3 3 23 231 A 1 09220 2 - P 1 62 22 1A 13 1 2 1 2 - - 1 118 5 < N.R. A 19 ll 9 6 3 2 3 2 2 1 6 6A iii!‘ N.R 5 27 3 6 - A A - 1 3 1 7 56 1 ; Totals 108 36 29 19 8 8 A 5 5 2 1A 238 09230 A 3 2 - P 1 90 19 6 7 - 2 - _ - _ _ 121, 2 {I N.R. 2 3A 6 8 3 1 - 2 - - - 6 60 A N.R. A 53 8 8 10 3 3 - 1 1 - 12 99 N.R. 5 28 6 5 7 2 1 l 1 - 2 2 55 ' N.R. 6 29 A 3 - 3 - 2 1 1 - A A7 ' 7 Totals 23A A3 30 27 9 6 5 3 2 2 2A 385 §" -3- Table P-10 (Continued) 3 Lebanon LENGTH OF TIM PARKED Sector Facility Minutes Hours 8 and CURBS 1-15 15-30 30-60 _1;EL EEQL _3;M_ M;5_ 5;§L §§i7_ _Z;8_ Over Total 09310 N.R. 1 26 3 2 - 2 - 1 1 1 - 2 38 NLR 2 10 1 6 3 3 M 3 - 2 1 9 M2 N.R 3 18 2 7 3 1 - 1 - - - 2 3M N.R M 10 M 5 5 3 2 1 1 2 - 6 39 N.R 5 17 2 5 3 1 3 2 - - - 8 M1 N.R 6 20 1 2 2 2 - - - 1 - 5 33 Totals 101 13 27 16 12 9 8 2 6 1 32 227 09320 2 - M 1 5M 23 26 12 7 2 1 - - - 1 126 2 - M 2 53 22 25 12 5 - 1 - - 1 - 119 N.R. 3 1M - 2 1 M 1 3 2 1 - 8 36 N.R M 7 1 5 - M 1 - - - 1 11 30 Totals 128 M6 58 25 20 M 5 2 1 2 20 311 09330 2 - M 1 69 32 38 26 1M 3 - - 2 - - 18M l2MM-l-M & 2-M 2 259 33 17 12 - 2 - - - - - 323 2 - P 3 36 13 18 11 9 8 2 - 1 1 1 100 2 - M M 5M 22 50 3M 2 1 - - - - - 163 Totals M18 100 123 83 25 1M 2 - 3 1 1 770 09M10 2 - M 1 75 27 M6 28 M 1 1 1 1 - 1 185 2 - M 2 111 21 26 17 - - - - - 1 2 178 2 - P 3 21 7 8 9 M - - 1 - - - 50 12M & 2 - M M 1M5 18 1M 8 2 1 1 - - - 1 190 Totals 352 73 9M 62 10 2 2 2 1 1 M 603 09M20 2 - M 1 38 12 12 18 6 6 2 - - - - 9M 2 - M 2 26 M 9 M 1 - - 1 - - - M5 2 - P 3 5M 19 16 6 3 3 - - 1 - 2 10M Totals 118 35 37 28 10 9 2 1 1 - 2 2M3 09M30 N.R. 1 12 2 7 7 1 2 3 2 1 1 7 M5 N.R. 2 55 5 6 11 3 2 M 3 - - M 93 2 - P 3 71 11 8 8 5 3 1 - - 2 1 110 2 - M M M6 7 6 8 2 - 2 2 - - 2 75 Totals 18M 25 27 3M 11 7 10 7 1 3 1M 323 09MMo N.R. 1 39 7 6 9 M 1 3 2 - 1 1 73 N.R. 2 22 7 5 6 3 5 2 - - - 2 M 53 2 - P 3 M8 7 9 10 3 3 1 - - - - 81 N.R. M M5 2 3 6 3 M 3 1 2 1 3 73 2 - P 5 M6 15 10 16 5 - 1 - 1 - - 9M N.R. ~ 6 35 6 3 7 1 - 2 - - - M 58 Totals 235 MM 36 5M 21 10 10 3 3 M 12 M32 09510 N.R. 3 33 7 8 M 8 2 2 - 1 - 9 7M N.R. 5 3 1 2 - - 1 - - - - - 7 N.R. 6 3 - 1 1 - - - _ : - 1 6 N.R. 7 23 3 M 7 6 M 2 - 2 - 7 58 Totals 62 11 15 12 1M 7 M _ 3 - 17 1M5 09520 N.R. 1 38 5 6 5 1 - 2 2 1 1 M 65 N.R. 5 1M 5 1 M 3 3 1 _ - 1 6 38 N.R. 6 7 5 1 3 2 - 2 2 M - - 7 26 N.R. 7 2 - - - - - 1 _ - - - 3 Totals 59 11 10 11 M 5 6 6 1 2 17 132 09530 1 - M 1 29 10 9 7 2 1 - - - - - 58 2 - M7 2 59 9 15 9 5 3 1 - 1 1 - 103 N.R. 3 18 7 2 7 1 1 1 2 - - M M3 N.R M 16 3 8 8 7 2 3 M 1 - 5 57 Totals 122 29 3M 31 15 7 5 6 2 1 9 261 09610 M N.R. 2 13 5 3 3 - 2 - _ - - 3 29 N.R 3 19 5 10 17 3 3 1 - 2 - - 60 N.R M 3 2 1 M 1 1 - - - 1 3 16 N.R 5 17 7 5 1 1 1 - - - - 2 33 Totals 52 19 18 25 5 7 1 - 2 1 8 138 Facility U1-I='l\)l—' Totals uwcwpso Totals \J'|-II'I\)l—I Totals \.r|uul\)l—J Totals UOIDI-' Totals C\\J‘lUO|\) Totals cwplu Totals -B"UOl\) Totals O\\I1-P"I\) Totals \J1-R"l\) Totals O\\J1-|="b\.)|\) Totals #'UU[\) Totals lO2 162 113 32 237 189 72 191 #52 82 25 121 10 16 82 10 11 18 117 60 lO5 212 -1- LENGTH OF TIME PARKED Minutes 15-30 30~60 12 11 A h 2 2 5 2 23 19 - 2 10 10 5 5 9 5 2h 22 12 8 9 8 7 6 10 12 38 35 l 3 l 3 u 5 9 6 15 17 3 2 10 8 l5 5 28 15 6 10 8 11 h 1 7 7 25 29 1h 10 11 11 6 3 31 2h 5h 27 22 30 2h 21 100 78 3 9 l9 7 1 .. 5 h 28 20 6 3 13 5 3 6 22 1h - 3 7 16 1 1 h - - 1 2 13 22 ll 5 18 18 25 16 5h 39 [DI-‘ OO-l:’\J1l—' H \J'10\-l="I\)uJ EI\)O\U0 H £3—4ch4r o\| | | rww (DUO\J'Il l\)|'\)llll O\O\ll Of\)l\)|\)-II’ -\]-R"|-—'[\) O\J1LMI\J [\)-F'l—-‘U0-I-“' O-Ir‘-I-“'l\) I\)-F"O\l—'l--‘ \J1f\)I—'lI\) U.) | 4:- |O\+-1-I? l P 4='I\)l\)c \J1|\>||-'|i\) UOl—'l\)l \n|uo|—1!—' \J'1r\)r\)l--I OI>O\l\>| \Ow|-'\r| u>l—'+—'l-' \nI-'I\)r\)| \nl—'|!-‘on 4:‘|r\>|-‘H Hours Li .5-_6 3 2 2 .. 6 _ - 1 11 3 i 1 1 _ 1 _ 3 1 2 _ 2 _ 1 2 1 - 6 2 1 _ l 2 5 h 2 1 9 7 2 l - 1 - 1 2 3 7 5 3 2 1 _ - 1 11 8 % é 7 6 1 - i I 1 h 1 1 1 _ 1 _ h 5 1 3 h 2 5 5 3 I h 3 IUQH O\l\) I-Ill WWII r\)|—'|i--1| |||| I\)l—'|||—' ||||| I-‘ll-‘I llllll llll l—'||l-'1 I-‘Ill-‘I Table P-lO (Continued) Lebanon 1-2 |||| NHIIHI |\)r\)|| ||||| |||| \nuoi-—'l-—' IUI-’lll—' I-—'lI—-‘I r\)|r\)|| Haul-1| i-‘I-‘III I-‘Ill-‘I 8 and‘ Over flPO|\)I\)I—' O\h)i—'[\)|-‘ l\)\'l|\)\J1C1) U->l-'§—‘|—' n> —4ru P11 xr +4 I :l~ I-'\O \fll\J'll L/OI-‘Ill-‘I-' -ro-\1oor\)| 217 2h 80 52 l56 18 llO 29 177 80 112. l58 350 1 I ‘ . V . : 1 ‘. ' -1 s 3' , :1 \ i ‘ I ‘ 1_1_=::il 11 3 1 . 1 ' 1 ; 1 y~ , , Sector LOTS 00110-C 00120-C 001M0-C 00220 00230 00260 00310 00320-C 00hl0-C 00M20 00510 00520 00610 00620 00630 09110 09210 09220 09230 09320 09330 Facilitl 17 ID l—'l\)l\) H I-J-P'\'l O\O\ (DO!) -7-? W22 15-30 |\)l\) \nU)I\) U)i—'lI\) WW I—'‘-' f\) -F’-F‘ |..J mdrmw wow mmrv wrHm mm wllw wmfl 000) row CD|I\>0\ H 0121;’ z-oao\ P'H -5... LENGTH OF TIME PARKED 30-60 O\O\ O\O\ I-‘ I -P‘I'\)l‘O F-‘I-" WW I-‘l-" -I-T'f\)l-'l—’ \O[\)-l="l'\)l—" -I-“'I\)l\) \1f\)-C'|—' O\\fl|. HP '7' H14 —J~J m FJFJ LULU ' H mp f\) -\]U~)-8:’ I\)|\) |._1 I\J -4-4 ID -P'UJ QDUOU1 CD-I74?’ \J1\J‘| L/OUJI -I-“'|\)I\) MN I\)[\) WW OOI-‘l—‘O'\ I\)\J‘l\O[\)O\ U0\O-C’ \l‘ll—'bdl-' \OUO|—'\J‘l id-4 c- u>srn>oo ‘P 0) H Hid Hmlw mwm we HOP wwww HP H I-‘H CD00!-'41-‘ \OO\I'Il--‘U0 ‘-4;’-I-“I CD4-*'LMI—I 4:-'or\)|\J I-‘i-' OI\)\O I\)II\) WW H P|~ \0 llll I\J|—'|—'I \J1l--'UOli—' \]\]l [\)||\)| O\I\DI\DI\) mm \.r|||\n P‘ FJPJ LULU | TQMJ Ilv #'#' I-' I |||||l-'||i—'l—'l—' I\)III\) l\Jlll\)UJi-‘I-‘Ii-' I-'|-’ Table P-10 (Continued) 122222 l-‘l—' f\)|—-'ll—’ |—'l—‘ mmw 4‘-‘ll-6-*' r\)I—'l—'| l—'1||l—' LJULUI |||| J='|4="| [\)[\)ll OI\)O\l\) K1-\1 H ‘-I Total 3M 3M 25 25 MO 10 18 18 106 12M 20 20 36 25 61 80 l0 62 62 89 28 29 1M6 26 55 15 223 238 86 2M 52 M5 207 52 15 16 83 13 13 l0 10 93 25 ll8 23 32 23 23 T1 102 60 75 _6_ Table P-l0 (Concluded) Lebanon LENGTH OF T111:-PAR;1l~_:Q Sector Facilitz Minutes Hours 8 ll _ and , LOTS 1-15 15-30 30-60 1-2 2-3 3:11 11-5 -6‘ 6-7 7_-8_ Over \ Total 09A10 5 8 A 6 - 25 11 15 11 6 1 2 15 10k 6 2 - 3 A - 3 A 1 - - 3 20‘ 7 1 - A 5 1 2 - 1 1 - - 15 8 1A 6 9 5 7 3 2 - 1 - - A7 Totals 25 10 22 39 19 23 17 8 3 2 18 186 091+20 5 1 - - 1 2 3 2 - - 5 1h Totals 1 - - - 1 2 3 2 - - 5 1E 09520 8 6 3 1 3 2 A A 2 - 8 31+ 9 2 - - 3 A - 2 1 - 1 3 7 16 Totals 8 3 1 6 6 A 6 3 1 1 11 ‘ 50 - 09710 6 1 - - - - 8 A 6 - 1 A 21+ 7 - - - - - 3 - 3 - - 2 8 8 1 - - - - 3 - A h - - ‘ 5 13 Totals 2 - - - - 1A A 13 - 1 I 11 A5 09810 8 99 12 3 2 3 1 - 1 1 1 12 135 9 1A - 5 5 3 . 6 5 A - - 1 A3 X 36 5 11 5 6 7 15 2 1 1 6 88 Y 15 5 5 it 1 2 - - — - 3 35 Totals 16A 22 17 16 13 16 20 7 2 2 22 301 I 09820 6 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 5 - - 2 20 "' 7 12 - A A 8 6 5 3 2 A 1A 62 ‘ 8 16 3 5 6 - 1h 3 12 - - 7 66 7 Totals 31+ A 10 12 9 21 9 20 2 A 23 1118 I 09830 -6 A 2 l 5 A . 2 2 1 1 - A 26 ,1 1 7 A 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 - 1 - 5 20 8 8 A 1 - 1 2 2 1 - - - l9 9 1 - 5 - 1 - - 1 - 1 1 10 ' X 8 5 1 - - 3 - 2 - - - 19 , Totals 25 ' 12 9 6 7 9 7 6 2 1 10 91+ 09910 3 3 - - 3 1 3 A 1 - 1 - 16 8 11A 19 8 7 A 2 2 1 6 5 18 186 9 17 A 5 5 A ~ 1 - 1 - - 10 A7 Totals 1311 23 13 15 9 , 6 6 3 6 6 28 219 09920 6 A 1 2 13 6 7 8 2 1 - 2 A6 7 66 7 9 - l 1 1 2 - - - 87 _ 8 h h 1 3 - 3 3 l 1 - 5 25 '* Totals 711 12 12 16 7 ll 12 5 2 - 7 158 09930 7 37 6 3 8 - 2 A 1 5 5 20 91 ~ Totals 37 6 3 8 - 2 1+ 1 5 5 20 91 099A0 5 2 3 3 A 3 1 1 1 1 - 5 2A 6 2 1 - A 3 3 - 1 - - A 18 7 5 1 - 3 1 - - - 1 - 1 12 8 22 5 8 5 3 6 7 1 3 - 8 68 9 - 1 2 1 2 - - - - 1 1 8 1 Totals 31 11 13 17 12 10 8 3 5 1 19 130 - GARAGES ; _. 09830 Y 10 6 5 A 5 2 - - 2 2 5 A1 Totals 10 6 5 A 5 2 - - 2 2 5 A1 1 PARKING SURVEY AREA - Curb Total 7,986 2,108 1,998 1,283 A55 253 203 115 7A 51 380 111,906 Lot Total 990 257 297 323 202 259 196 135 5A A9 322 3,081+ Garage 10 6 5 A 5 2 - - 2 2 5 Al ‘ Parking Survey ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ _______ Area Sub-Total 8,986 2,371 2,300 1,610 662 5111 399 250 130 102 707 18,031 Vehicles Parked at Prohibited Curbs 153 TOTAL VEHICLES PARKED m TEE SURVEY AREA 18,1811 CORE AREA Curb Total 2,388 816 712 315 83 21 21 7 9 2 12 11,366 J Lot Total 1A3 30 53 51+ 29 A6 29 11 12 11+ 38 A59 Garage Total - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ Core Area Sub-Total 2,1181 81» 765 399 112 '67- '5_0_ F5‘ -21- 16- B? 1+,825 '1 Vehicles Parked at Prohibited Curbs 55 TOTAL VEHICLES PARKED 111 THE CORE AREA 11,880 -C denotes a sector in the Core Area. LEGEND ' N.R. - No Restrictions l - P - 1 hour posted 11' l - M - 1 hour metered 2 - P - 2 hour posted 2 - M — 2 hour metered l2MM - 12 min. metered Parking Restrictions CURBS 12 Minutes - Metered 1 Hour - Posted 1 Hour - Metered 2 Hour - Posted 2 Hour - Metered Vehicles Parked in Time Limit Spaces Vehicles Parked in spaces with N0 Restrictions Total Vehicles Legally ‘Parked at Curbs Overtime Parking (Included above) Vehicles Illegally parked as to Position* Total Vehicles Parked at Curbs* LOTS Public Lots (Free) Public Lots (Pay) Private Lots (Free) Private Lots (Pay) Total Vehicles Parked in Lots GARAGES Private Garages (Free) Total Vehicles Parked In Garages VEHICLES PARKED IN ALL TYPES OF FACILITIES* Per cent of Total SUMMARY OF VEHICLES PARKED CLASSIFIED AS TO LENGTH OF TIME PARKED AND PARKING TIME RESTRICTIONS (8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) LENGTH OF TIME PARKED Vehicles Parked at Prohibited Curbs TOTAL VEHICLES PARKED IN TH PARKING SURVEY AREA Vehicles Parked in the Core Area* Per cent of Total Table P -10A Lebanon BEN2IE§ HOURS and 1-1 15-30 30-60 1-2 2-3 _3;M_ M-5 5-6 _6;7 7-8 Over NUMBER OF VEHICLES PARKED M31. L1 53 23 6 1 1 - - _ _ 1 2 1 1 - 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2,678 956 78M 8 7 91 27 1M 10 10- 3 8 M33 121 117 101 M7 23 8 5 5 3 7 1,836 5M1 651 M09 111 M1 21 8 8 6 20 5,380 1,672 1,576 903 251 92 M3 23 23 12 36 l,M60 3M3 370 351 197 156 158 92 50 38 353 6,8M0 2,015 1,9M6 1,25M MM8 2M8‘ 201 115 if?‘ EM? 379 - 53 23 393 251 92 M3 23 23 12 36 1,156 93 52 29 7 5 2 - I 1 1 1 7,986 2,108 1,998 1,283 M55 25 203 5 7M 51 380 32 8 1M 19 11 5 5 7 2 1 21 176 89 118 1M2 89 96 71 37 18 15 115 752 152 151 1M8 93 138 107 86 30 30 171 30 8 '1M 1M 9 20 13 5 M 3 15 99-0 T57 29'?‘ 32? E5 555 ‘£96 I3? 5 '15 322‘ 10 6 5 M 5 2 - - 2 2 5 TE? '6" '5‘ 'K‘ '5' ‘2' - _ 75' 2?‘ ??_ 8,986 2,371 2,300 1,610 662 51M 355' 250 130 102 707 M9.8 13.1 12.8 8.9 3.7 2.9 2.2 1.M 0.7 0.6 3.9 2,M81 8M6 765 399 112 67 50 18~ 21 16 50 51.M 17.5 15.9 8.3 2.3 1.M 1.0 0.M 0.M 0.M 1.0 Vehicles Parked at Prohibited Curbs TOTAL VEHICLES PARKED IN THE CORE AREA Figures shown above the dividing line parked overtime. indicate vehicles Total 516 5 M ,968 870 3,652 10,011 3,558 13,569 959 1,337 1M,906 125 966 1,858 135 3,08M 18,031 100.0 153 l8,l8M M,825 100.0 55 M,880 *Exclusive of Prohibited Curbs. VEHICLES PARKEZD ILLEGALLY (AS TO POSITION) AT THE CURB ]1\T EACH SECTOR AND THE Table P-ll ll LENGTH OF TIME SO PARKED CLASSIFIED AS TO TYPE OF ILLEGAL PARKING Lebanon (8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) PASSENGER CARS Drive- ~ Truck way or 1 Loading Taxi Bus Cross Painted Fire Double Sector Entrance Spaces Zones Stands Stops Walk Curbs Hydrants Parked Total A2.-Bfi &H_r& 1_\L0_-Eli &1i1"_~°.»_- &% §2_;H_Ii IiO_-H21 112lI& _11&H__I'_s_- 1\T2_-___HrS- OOllO-C - - - - 17 A.8 - - - - 1 0.3 6 0.9 5 0.5 A O.A 33 6.9 00120-O 1 10.0 1 0.1 2A A.9 1 0 2 3 0.3 - - 2 0.2 - - A I O.A 36 16.1 00130-0 - - - - 2 3.6 - - 1 0.1 - - - - - - - 1' - 3- 3.7 OO1A0-O - - 8 1.2 5 0.7 - - 3 0.5 - - 7 0.8 - - 1- 0.1 2A 3.3 I OO21O-0 6 1.5 3 2.2 21 3.7 - - 2 0.2 5 1.8 5 0.5 - - 2 O.2 AA 10.1 A» OO220—C - - - - 3 0.3 - - 5 0.7 - - - - - - - - 8 1.0 00230 - - - - - - - - 3 0.3 1 0.1 - - 1 0 1 - - 5 0.5 O02AO-0 1 0.3 1 0.1 17 2.A - - 18 2.A - - 8 1.0 - - 6 3.0 51 9.2 I 00250-0 1 0.8 - - 3 0.3 - - - - - - - - - - 1 0.1 5 1.2 OO260 2 0.2 A - 7 1.1 - - 1 0.3 5 0.7 1 0.1 - - 1 0.1 17 2.5 -5“ 00310 7 5.0 - A 18 2.8 - - - - 2 0.2 5 0.5 - - 3 0.3 35 8.8 00320-0 - - - - 1A 2.A - - 1 0.1 A O.A - - - - 11 1.6 30 A.5 0OAlO-0 - - - - 12 2.3 - - - - 1 0.1 A O.A - - 6 0.7 23 3.5 OOA20 - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 1.0 - - - - 8 1.0 I OOA3O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 0.2 2 0.2 ““" 00510 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0.1 1 0.1 00520 1 A.A 1 0.1 A0 5.3 - - - - - - A 1.2 - - A o.A 50 l1.A - 00610 - - - - 8 2.6 - - - - 1 0.1 2 1.1 - - 2, 0.2 13 A.0 I 09110 - - - - - - - - - _ 3 0.5 A , 1.0 - - 9 0.9 16 2.A ,1 09120 - - - - — - - - - - 1 1.1 2 5.5 - - 7 0.7 10 7.3 09210 - - - - - - - - - - 2 0.2 8 1.6 - - 3 O.3~ 13 2.1 09220 - - - - - - - - - - 1 0.1 - - - - 3 0.3 A O.A 09230 - - - - - - - - - - 1 0.1 3 0.6 - - 2 0.2 6 0.9 I 09310 - - - - A 0.6 - - - - 1 0.2 1 0.1 - - - - 6 0.9 --~ 09320 - - - - - - - - - - 5 0.7 A O.A - - 3 0.3 12 l.A 09330 - - - - -> - - - - - 2 0.2 22 2.7 - - 1A l.A 38 A.3 ‘ 09A10 - - - - 6 0.6 - - - - 3 0.3 3 l.A 12 2 2 3 0.3 27 A.8 O9A20 2 1.7 1 0.1 - - - - - - A O.A - - - - - - 7 2.2 09A30 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 0.3 - - A O.A 6 ~ 0.7 ~-" O9AAO - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0.1 - - 1 0.1 2 0.2 09510 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0.1 - - 1 0.3 2 O.A A 09520 - - - - - - - - - - A0 27.8 2 0.2 - - - - A2 28.0 09530 - - 1 1.9 1 O.A - - - - 3 2.9 1 0.1 - - 8 0.9 1A 6.2 I 09620 - - - - - - - - - - 1 2.0 - - - - - - 1 2.0 "W 09630 - - - - - - - - 3 1.1 2 0.5 2 0.6 - - 1 0.1 8 2.3 O96AO - - 1 0.3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0.3 ~ 09710 '7 1.3 - - 1 0.1 - - 1 0.1 - - 5 2.6 - - 1 0.1 15 A.2 I 09720 - - 1 0.1 7 1.9 - - - - - - A 0.8 - - - - 12 2.8 09810 1 1.9 - - - - - - - - _ - - - - _ - - 1 1.9 09820 2 A.l - - - - - - - - 3 O.A 10 2.0 - - 5 0.5 20' 7.0 09830 1 1.0 - - A2 5.2 2 0 2 - - - - 3 0.3 - - 2 0.2 50 6.9 3 09910 - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - 1 0.1 1 0.1 ! 09920 - - - - - - - - - - 1 0.1 2 O.A - - - - 3 0.5 09930 - - - - - - - - - - 6 1.A A 2.6 - - - - 10 A.O ' O99AO - - - - 6 3.1 - - - - 1 0.3 1 0.1 - - 1 0.1 9 3.6 W PARKING SURVEY AREA Ill Passenger Cars Parked Illegally as to Pos11:_ion* __ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ 32 32.2 - 18 6.1 258 A9.l 3 O.A A1 6.1 100 A2.9 137 31.2 18 2.8 117 15.0 72A 185.8 Passenger Cars Parked at Prohibited Curbs 101 l3A.O TOTAL PASSENGER CARS ILLEGALLY PARKED IN PARKING SURVEY AREA , 825 319.8 3 CORE AREA Passenger Cars Parked Illegally as to Pos1tioqfi__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ‘___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ 9 12.6 13 3.6 118 25.A 1 0.2 33 A.3 11 2.6 32 3.8 5 0.5 35 6.5 257 59.5 Passenger Cars Parked at Prohibited Curbs 26 36.0 [I TOTAL PASSENGER CARS ILLEGALLY PARKED IN THE CORE AREA 283 95.5 I Sector COMMRCIAL VEHICLES Drive- Truck way or Loading Taxi . Bus Cross Zones Stands Stops Walk Painted Curbs Entrance Spaces _1\_Ig_. Hrs. N_o_. Hrs. N_o_. Hrs. _N_o_. Hrs. N_o; Hrs. IQ Hrs. No_._ Hrs. O. H 0. '-I 0o110-0 - - 00120-0 - - - 00130-0 - - 001M0-0 - - 00210-0 - - 00220-0 00230 - - 002M0-0 00250-0 00260 00310 00320-0 00M10-0 - - 00M20 00M30 - - - - - - - - - - - - 00510 - - - - - 00520 _ - 3 0.7 1 0. 1 I I I|'\)|-‘I O I II—'II\)UJI O OO II-'I0\O\I I O I O II—-'|\)Il\)I OI-'OO II\)II—-'\OOOI—'Ir\) I II’-’-F’!-"I O I I-\]O\OI IIIHOOII _I—’ lIlI|—'l-‘II I II I O O I II |\> IIII I II IIII I II lI|'—'ll\J‘I-\]I\)[\)I"‘l\)II\)l O OI-'OOOO I I\)l lI\)l[\)l--‘I O OI-—’ OO I\J'II[\)UUIll-‘I-"I II-'U\|-’|'\)I I\I1II-'r\)\J'II—'I I-' OOOO I—‘ II--‘(IN--'OOI 00610 - - - - 00620 - - - - 00630 - - - - - - - - - - 09110 - - 1 3.5 - 09120 . - cpa0 - - - - - - - - - - 09220 - - - - - - - - - - 09230 - I - - - - - - - - - 09310 - - - -- - - - - - - 09320 - — — - - - - - — - 09330 - - - - — - - - — - 09M10 - - - - - - - - - - 09M20 - - - - -3 - - - - - 09M30 - - - - - - - - - - 09MM0 - - - - - - - - - - 09510 - 09520 - - - 09530 - - - - - - - - 09610 - - - 09620 - _ 1 09630 - - - 096M0 _ - 1 0. 7 ‘-I |_I I I I IFDI-‘I II III II III II III II III L»)I\)I\)-I='III| OOOO II 00 I I[\)I'-‘\J'IIU)\O-\]I ’_l OOO ONI-’ IImHmIwwmI I I I I I I OOOOOOO I|—’\OI-“I I OI-JO II\)I.0I\JI I 0 MI I I I I I I II-JI\)I-"I-‘DUI-"I I—'I—*OIJI--‘I I-‘I-—'CDOJI-—'l—1uJI OJLIOOI>O\I II II 09710 - - 09810 - - 09820 - - - 09830 - - - 09910 - - - - _ - - _ _ _ 09920 - - - - - _ - - _ - 09930 - - - - - - - - - - 099M0 - - - _ _ - - _ - - PARKING SURVEY AREA lI|O_p'| II | II | II | ll ' I I I P’l m I ll -FWIIHNI O0 O0 O\O\I II-—-'[\)I IHIUJIU)IU)|H| ID I ll-‘I\Ol\;—|||\)| Comercial Vehicles Parked Illegally as to Position* 7 3.M '25? III? III ‘I75 1 0.1 25 3.M 756 '9TM 'IIO' 32.6 Comercial Vehicles Parked at Prohibited Curbs TOTAL COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ILLEGALLY PARKED IN PARKING SURVEY AREA CORE AREA Commercial Vehicles Parked Illegally as to Position* 1 1.0 7 1.7 9 1.6 1 0.1 20 2.7 3 0.6 22 5.2 Commercial Vehicles Parked at Prohibited Curbs TOTAL COMERCIAL VEHICLES ILLEGALLY PARKED IN THE CORE AREA -C indicates a sector of the Core Area. *Vehicles illegally parked at curbs (at fire hydrants, painted curbs, etc.), Table P-ll (Concluded) 2222222 Fire Double 5‘ ? 2: O 22; 222; I22 3 0.5 1M I H |._.I I|I\)Il-—'I III.\)If.\)I II|'\)I-‘III-’I—’I O O IIUUI-"lII\)I\)I I-‘UJ I-’I-' -\]\O\J10\I\)l\J'IUJI\)-I:'IQ)\OI\J|\)\J'Il\)|-‘I-‘I-'O\O\ I—"I-‘OO Ol\)I-’OHOOOOOOI—'I-—' I |_I I II\)UU[\.)I OOO Il\J1UU|\)I I—-' I—'I—' I-'\J'I4‘-'[\)-\'l\OO3CD\J‘I I I I I Hc>PJoIc>c>PJc>P1P1o\9 P"U\flfv\fiIvI4\o\nt0-4 II»-4|o\n-:wm\oI» O3U%4\OI4—4CDhJI oIc>R>-II cnI-t0I0I-I0 P'PIPIo\ovq ' '|"‘u)I O m I lHij‘|| P'P P"v\fiIro1-II m>ox OOOI—'Ol—‘I-’OOOO Total E? I- H IJc>c>n>n>R>9>Irr0<3c*o:o ovoIo\oIo-4-0cn\n\nr0t0<>\nro-MI-I0 BWJIDIJ-F=4Ch(D—4huCh(h IIOT0 72.0 182.0 M 0.7 73 9.1 1M0 169 22.7 33-5 56.2 adjacent to legal curb facilities. THE NUMBER OF DESTINATIONS AN HOURS OF DEMAND IN EACH SECTOR CLASSIFIED AS TO TRIP PURPOSE Tnble P-l2 Lebanon (8 00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) PURPOSE OF TRIP Social Other Unknown Total Parking Jiggtgg Work Business Shopping Service Recreation Purposes Loading Purpose Destinations Available NMEER OF VEHICLES AND TOTAL TIME PARKED Space AL Hts No _§£§ No Hrs No He _§g; Hrs No Hrs _§2; Hrs lEh_ Bra No Hrs Spaces Hours 00110~c &1 75.5 63 .36.1 78 33.2 55 10.8 &5 33.6 33 39.3 1 0.1 3 10.7 319 239.3 &3 &30.0 00120-c 137 535.6 86 79.& 735 632.6 89 37.9 9 7.1 71 83.1 10 1.8 2 11.0 1,139 1,388.5 33 330.0 00130_c &8 138.5 126 &1.9 357 221.0 39 9.3 25 52.5 &2 &&.7 - - 1 0.1 638 508 0 33 330.0 001&0-c 111 &&2.7 613 323.7 70 28.9 26 11.& - - 35 29.2 2 0.& 1 0.3 858 836.6 60 600.0 00210-0 200 688.9 322 176.& 509 31&.6 60 22.3 6 3.9 38 32.0 16 5.8 2 0.5 1,153 1,2&&.& 26 260.0 00220-0 86 27&.o &2 22.0 31& 139.0 25 13.6 3 1.8 10 &.1 8 2.& - - &88 &56.9 75 750.0 00230 18 63.7 38 15.3 31 .6 13 3.1 5 5.3 3& 39.0 6 0.6 3 30.0 1&8 166.6 && &&0.0 002&0-0 97 386.3 291 135.8 &15 255.3 68 27.3 16 20.6 52 &5.& 2 1.6 2 5.1 9&3 877.& 29 290.0 00250-0 27 66.5 39 18.5 155 55.2 9& 29.0 7 16.6 12 8.3 7 1.& 2 0.3 3&3 195.8 21 210.0 00260 23 62.3 &0 18.2 220 6&.9 58 10.9 30 &5.5 3& 31.7 & 1.0 1 0.& &10 23& 9 39 390.0 00310 52 130.& 1&1 52.6 128 29.9 &2 15.2 8 5.8 32 69.8 - - 2 0.3 &05 30&.0 71 710.0 00320-0 78 265.8 79 76.5 255 9&.5 63 19.6 3 0.5 &8 &6.6 - - & 13.6 530 517.1 53 530.0 00&10-0 73 265.2 95 57.& 289 161.9 57 15.6 & 1.7 58 &8.9 10 2.6 7 60.8 593 61&.1 56 560 0 00&20 15 58.3 30 22.2 15 10.7 23 8.5 5 1.5 27 51.& - - 2 10.6 117 163.2 &2 &20 0 00&30 & 7.& 8 &.3 - - 8 2.7 1 2.9 27 &3.5 2 0.5 1 10.0 51 71.3 32 320.0 00510 21 57.1 20 7.8 27 8.1 17 3.1 18 11.7 1& 9.& 1 0.3 & &0.0 122 137.5 80 800 0 00520 81 289.0 99 &5.8 252 61.8 58 23.2 15 16.2 29 32.8 28 17.6 6 12.& 568 &98.8 '75 750.0 00610 76 1&2.& 63 32.0 73 33.6 51 18.& & 2.2 35 38.8 & 0.5 - - 306 267.9 57 570-0 00620 6 12.6 & 1.7 1 0.8 22 9.8 7 &.8 16 18.3 - - 1 10 0 57 58.0 18 180.0 00630 10 31.0 1& 2.8 16 6.2 23 21.5 8 2.5 25 19.9 - - - - 96 83-9 76 760 0 09110 19 &2.1 && 9.7 21 3.7 67 17.5 7 5.0 70 1o&.2 13 3.& & &0 0 2&5 225.6 97 970.0 09120 38 1&8.7 26 15.7 9 8.1 && 10.7 10 7.1 86 112.2 - - 2 20 0 215 322.5 79 790.0 09210 130 532.6 20 &.7 12 2.5‘ 31 11.3 9 13.9 7& 82.8 6 1.3 & 30 1 286 679.2 126 1,260.0 09220 110 253.7 && 35.1 &6 9.2 2& 6.5 28 19.7 76 75.5 5 0.8 6 51.5 339 &52.0 83 830.0 09230 2& 57.9 33 11.5 102 16.0 61 11.2 8 6.& 126 199.2 2 0.3 12 81.0 368 383.5 116 1,160.0 09310 27 60.3 38 11.8 28 7.5 60 8.7 6 6.2 107.& 7 0.7 & &0.0 23& 2&2.6 7& 7&0.0 09320 89 201.3 &6 19.2 30 8.2 28 1&.6 9 5.& 25 59.2 9 2.6 8 70.1 2&& 380.6 71 710.0 09330 1&3 188.2 386 88.1 87 33.1 31 10.9 5 8.1 80 63.6 1 0.1 5 1.& 738 393.5 83 830 0 09&10 85 186.& 186 68.8 20 6.8 38 6.5 9 8.9 &2 60.1 11 2.0 & 20.6 395 360.1 175 1,750.0 09&20 &5 138 8 81 55.9 16 3.6 72 0.9 11 9.1 57 60.& 3 2.3 7 26.1 292 327.1 61 610.0 09&30 18 &2.0 27 11.9 22 9.6 52 1&.8 8 5.& 65 67.9 2 1.0 3 20.2 197 172.8 66 660 0 09&&0 56 106.0 32 15.5 125 19.6 6& 15.5 10 5.0 138 123.5 1 0.2 & 15.7 &30 301.0 100 1,000.0 09510 21 77.2 17 11.1 1 1.7 20 3.5 3 0.7 73 125.8 1 0.1 5 &0 1 1&1 260.2 5& 5&0.0 09520 &7 195.7 15 16.2 33 16.0 33 13.5 - - 36 61.& 2 0.5 5 50 0 171 353.3 56 560.0 09530 29 59.8 65 &2.& &7 21.7 &0 19.8 7 3.5 71 62.3 1 0.1 2 10 1 262 219.7 &5 &50.0 09610 17 3&.& &6 36.2 3 &.8 22 &.8 1 0.1 53 55.7 2 0.2 - - 1&& 136.2 39 390.0 09620 16 66.3 39 13.3 5 6.5 15 5.& 2 1.7 30 35.& - _ 1 10 0 108 138.6 &5 &50.0 09630 29 99.0 151 66.6 9 2.2 17 6.6 3 &.7 30 29.7 5 0.5 2 11 3 2&6 220.6 37 370.0 096&0 3& 56.& &0 20.6 - - 11 1.5 - - 5& 35.6 - - _ - 139 11&.1 38 380.0 09710 116 532.9 30 13.& 6 6.3 &3 11.& 6 1.1 5& 53.3 - - - - 255 618-A 93 930.0 09720 35 122.8 3& 22.6 26 10.& 37 1&.8 2 0.2 38 28.8 3 0.7 - - 176 200.3 2& 2&0.0 09810 137 619.9 63 39.& 111 19.1 56 20.9 3 0.6 101 1&6.1 11 3.3 8 53.9 &90 903.2 19& 1,9&0.0 09820 150 509.7 51 16.7 133 1&.7 50 11.1 11 6.3 69 102.2 8 1.8 7 59.5 &79 722.0 1&9 1,&90.0 09830 153 27716 112 55.1 239 &3.1 87 19.9 12 6.5 &7 &0.7 11 3.7 5 30.& 666 &77.0 129 1,290.0 09910 207 685.9 111 55.1 65 20.9 29 &.6 9 8.7 &9 26.8 20 13.& 8 62.& &98 877.8 152 1,520.0 09920 71 151.9 36 12.9 76 1&.& 21 8.9 1 0.5 29 52.2 1 0.5 5 39.& 2&0 280.7 135 1,350.0 09930 1&6 5&2.2 52 15.6 60 1&.0 . 27 &.3 - - 1& 18.8 9 2.3 1 0.3 309 597.5 92 920.0 099&0 93 91.6 33 17.8 68 16.0 22 11.5 12 16.6 22 18.5 12 8.3 5 50.0 267 230.3 118 1,180.0 SURVEY AREA SUMMARY Known Inside Area 3,289 10,o7&.5 &,072 1,973.3 5,3&0 2,501.5 1,993 63&.8 &11 388.1 2,3&5 2,7&5 5 2&7 86.7 161 1,050.2 17,858 19,&5&.6 3,&9& 3&,9&0.0 Known Outside Area 35 8&.3 28 18.2 2& 5.6 21 6.1 22 19.2 &3 72.1 - - - - 173 205-5 sub- ______ _________ ______ _____ ______ ____ ______ ______ ________ ____ ______ ' ____ Total 3,32& 10,158.8 &,100 1,991.5 5,36& 2,507.1 2,01& 6&0.9 &33 &07.3 2,388 2,817.6 2&7 86.7 161 1,050.2 18,031 19,660.1 Destinations of Drivers parked at Prohibited Curbs* 153 206-0 153 206-0 TOTAL DESTINATIONS OF DRIVERS PARKED IN THE PARKING SURVEY AREA - - 18,18A 195866-1 CORE AREA SUMARY Sub- ____ ______ ______ _______ Total 898 3,139.0 1,756 967.7 3,177 1,936.2 576 196.8 118 138.3 399 381.6 56 16.1 2& 102.& 7,00& 6,878.1 &29 3,&32.0 Destinations of Drivers parked at Prohibited Curbs* - 55 69-5 55 69-5 TOTAL DETINATIONS OF DRIVERS PARKED IN THE CORE AREA 7,059 6,9h7 6 -C indicates a sector in the Core Area. *Destinations of drivers of vehicles parked at Prohibited Curbs are considered to be in the sector in which they parked. I 1 ~ ‘-I \ THE NUMBER OF DESTINATIONS IN EACH SECTOR (WITHOUT REGARD TO PARKING LOCATION Table P-13 CLASSIFIED AS TO THE LENGTH OF TIME PARKED Lebanon (8 00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) LENGTH OF TIME PARKED curbs are considered to be in the sector in which they Minutes Hours 8 and Sector 1-15 15-30 30-60 1-2 _2;3_ 3;M_ gtji 5-6 6;7 jgfi Over Total 00110-0 157 51 M1 -36" 15 5 7 "M' 1 - 2 319 00120-0 3M9 189 235 189 66 32 23 7 13 3 33 1,139 00130-0 , 230 136 132 68 30 16 12 6 2 1 5 638 001M0-0 M12 1M9 118 82 37 22 8 3 5 10 12 858 00210-0 M82 197 196 129 MM 38 21 1M 7 - 25 1,153 00220-0 23M 8M 67 53 15 11 7 3 2 6 6 M88 00230 77 20 15 11 7 3 5 3 - 1 6 1M8 002M0-c 387 156 183 113 31 27 13 11 2 5 15 9M3 00250-0 209 50 M0 23 8 2 3 2 1 - 5 3M3 00260 28M M3 27 21 17 M 5 3 2 1 3 M10 00310 275 3M 3M 18 9 6 6 3 2 2 16 M05 00320-0 250 86 87 M2 12 10 13 5 2 3 20 530 00M10M0 225 86 132 76 11 11 18 3 2 6 23 593 00M20 M1 17 18 15 M M 5 2 3 1 7 117 00M30 15 5 10 9 5 2 1 - - - M 51 00510 61 19 12 16 M - 2 1 - 1 6 122 00520 338 72 5M 26 23 16 11 8 5 1 1M 568 00610 163 53 28 28 13 9 M 2 - 1 5 306 00620 27 6 10 3 3 3 2 - 1 - 2 57 00630 M9 1M 11 9 3 2 3 2 - - 3 96 09110 163 21 15 9 7 6 3 2 2 2 15 2M5 09120 89 25 20 23 11 11 6 1 5 3 21 215 09210 97 19 18 15 9 3M 22 3M M 2 32 286 09220 16M M8 36 26 8 9 3 8 6 1 30 339 09230 216 38 28 30 12 >6 2 3 1 M 28 368 09310 133 18 28 18 7 5 2 1 2 - 20 23M 09320 113 30 31 15 7 10 18 2 1 2 15 2MM 09330 525 58 65 31 22 6 13 M 2 3 9 738 09M10 213 37 66 33 13 6 7 2 2 2 1M 395 09M20 136 30 M5 33 1M 13 3 5 2 - 11 292 09M30 113 20 17 17 8 M 5 3 1 1 8 197 09MMO 265 M0 27 M8 15 11 10 2 2 1 9 M30 09510 61 10 13 1M 10 7 2 - 3 1 20 1M1 09520 63 1M 17 19 11 8 10 5 2 1 21 171 09530 121 M1 M7 22 10 5 M M 2 1 5 262 09610 73 11 16 20 6 6 2 2 2 - 6 1MM 09620 53 16 11 6 5 3 2 3 3 1 5 108 09630 113 39 38 28 10 M 5 1 2 1 5 2M6 096M0 65 25 22 16 M 1 - 1 - 1 _M 139 09710 93 16 17 11 13 27 15 28 3 3 29 255 09720 91 23 22 15 9 6 3 1 1 1 M 176 09810 2M8 M5 38 37 19 21 23 10 M M M1 M90 09820 278 27 27 23 16 29 13 2M M 6 32 M79 09830 M12 93 50 37 17 19 12 6 M 2 1M 666 09910 272 53 M1 29 15 13 17 5 10 6 37 M98 09920 129 26 28 15 8 5 9 M - 2 1M 2M0 09930~ 176 32 18 15 M 10 13 M 5 7 25 309 099M0 157 32 26 20 9 M 1 1 3 - 1M 267 SURVEY AREA Known Inside ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ the Area 8,897 2,35M 2,277 1,592 65 512 39M 2M8 128 100 700 17,858 'Known Outside the Area 89 17 23 18 6 2 5 2 2 2 7 173 Sub-Total 8,986 2,371 2,300 1,610 662 51M 399 250 130 102 707 18,031 Destinations of Drivers parked at Prohibited Curbs* l53 T0TAL DESTINATIONS OF DRIVERS PARKED IN THE SURVEY AREA 18,18M CORE AREA Sub-Total 2,935 1,18M 1,231 811 269 17M 125 58 37 3M 1M6 7,00M Destinations of Drivers parked at Prohibited Curbs* 55 TOTAL DESTINATIONS OF DRIVERS PARKED IN THE 00RE AREA 7,059 NOTES: -0 indicates a sector in the Core Area. *Destinations of drivers of vehicles parked at prohibited parked. GENERAL SUMMARY OF SUPPLY, USAGE AND DEMAND IN EACH SECTOR Table P—lH Lebanon (8 00 AM - 6=00 PM Weekday, July, August, 1953) Number Vehicles Space Hours Per cent of Practical Total Additional Available Number Space Hours Number Space Hours Parked at Used at Available Space Space Space Surplus Available Space Vehicles Used by all of Demand by Prohibited Prohibited Space Hours Hours Hours Hours Space Sector Spaces . Hours Parked Vehicles Destinations* Destination Curb Curb* Used Legally Capacity Demand** Needed Hours 00110-0 &3 &30.0 &55 23&.& 319 239.3 16 21.0 66.7 3&& 0 260.3 - 83.7 00120-C 33 330 O 506 226.2 1,139 1,388.5 - - 83.2 26& 0 1,388.5 1,12& 5 - 00l30~C 33 330 0 &&6 197.9 638 508.0 6 &.0 58.& 26& 0 512.0 2&8 0 _ 001&0-0 60 600.0 501 20& & 858 836.6 - - 63.6 &80 0 836.6 356.6 - 00210-0 26 260 0 &&6 217.2 1,153 1,2&& & 3 1.5 78.6 208 0 1,2&5.9 1,037.9 - 00220-0 75 750 0 260 88.0 &88 &56.9 5 3.5 70.6 600 0 &60.& - 139.6 00230 && &&0.0 273 131.3 1&8 166.6 - - &8.1 352.0 166.6 - 185.& 002&0-0 29 290.0 571 228 0 9&3 877.& - - 7&.6 232.0 877.& 6&5.& - 00250_c 21 210.0 292 1&2.1 3&3 195.8 1 0.5 67.5 168 0 196.3 28.3 - 00260 39 390.0 3&9 151.6 &10 23& 9 1 0.5 5&.& 312 0 235 & - 76.6 00310 71 710 0 368 1&8.3 &05 30& 0 3 &.0 60.& 568.0 308.0 ~ 260.0 00320-0 53 530.0 &80 239.9 530 517.1 10 31.5 79.9 &2& 0 5&8.6 12&.6 - 00&10-0 56 560 0 &09 219.9 593 61&.1 1& 7.5 85.& &&8.0 621.6 173.6 - 00&20 &2 &20.0 117 82.8 117 163.2 1 0.5 2&.6 336.0 163.7 - 172.3 00&30 32 320.0 10& 173.1 51 71.3 6 11.0 53.8 256 0 82.3 - 173.7 00510 80 800.0 216 122.1 122 137.5 1 0.5 79.0 6&0 0 138.0 - 502.0 00520 75 750 0 &38 196.9 568 &98 8 1 0.5 73.2 600 0 &99.3 - 100.7 00610 57 570.0 328 168.5 306 267 9 6 3.0 65.6 &56.0 270.9 - 185.1 00620 18 180.0 71 26.7 57 58.0 - - 23.7 1&& 0 58.0 - 86.0 00630 76 760.0 69 55.& 96 83.9 1 1.5 16.7 608 0 85.& - 522.6 09110 97 970 0 328 &77 1 2&5 225.6 - - &8.7 776 0 225.6 - 550 & 09120 79 pl 790 0 318 536.3 215 322.5 _ - 66.6 632 0 322.5 - 309.5 09210 126 ' 1,260.0 231 &6&.1 286 679 2 - _ 75.& 1,008.0 679.2 - 328.8 09220 83 830.0 238 265.3 339 &52.0 8 9.0 &9.& 66& 0 &61 0 - 203.0 09230 116 1,160.0 385 371 2 368 383.5 5 3.0 36.9 928.0 386.5 - 5&1.5 09310 7& 7&0.0 227 &62.8 23& 2&2.6 - - 62.2 592.0 2&2 6 - 3&9.& 09320 71 710.0 311 &20.6 2&& 380.6 1 0.5 71.1 568.0 381.1 - 186.9 09330 83 830.0 770 &&3.3 738 393 5 - - 61.9 66&.0 393 5 -- 270.5 09&10 175 1,750.0 603 288.8 395 360.1 1 1.0 &5.5 1,&00.0 361.1 - 1,038 9 09&20 61 610 0 2&3 175.6 292 327.1 1 0.5 39.0 &88 0 327.6 - 160 & 09&30 66 660 0 323 338.1 197 172 8 2 3.0 50.9 528 0 175.8 - 352.2 09&&0 100 1,000.0 &32 368.8 &30 301.0 3 2.0 36.7 800.0 303.0 - &97 0 09510 5& 5&0.0 1&5 2&9 7 1&1 260.2 1 1.0 &5.9 &32 0 261 2 - 170.8 09520 56 560 0 132 28&.3 171 353.3 1 0.5 78.7 &&8.0 353.8 - 9&.2 09530 &5 &50 0 261 302.8 262 219.7 - - 65.6 360.0 219 7 - 1&0.3 09610 39 390 0 138 158.6 1&& 136.2 & 7.5 &0.6 312.0 1&3.7 _ 168.3 09620 &5 &50 0 181 267 8 108 138.6 3 3.5 58.8 360 0 1&2 1 - 217.9 09630 37 370.0 198 219.0 2&6 220.6 & 3.0 58.2 296.0 223.6 - 72.& 096&0 38 380 0 223 236.2 139 11& 1 1 1.0 61.8 30& 0 115.1 - 188.9 09710 93 930 0 159 256.0 255 618.& - - 50.3 7&&.0 618.& - 125.6 09720 2& _ 2&0.0 152 99.2 176 200.3 19 52.5 &0.2 192 0 252.8 60 - 09810 19& 1,9&0.0 257 516.5 &90 903 2 1 0.5 58.5 1,552.0 903.7 - 6&8 3 09820 1&9 1,&90.0 370 3&1.9 &79 722.0 8 9.5 59.5 1,192.0 731.5 - &60.5 09830 129 1,290.0 682 2&3.3 666 &77.0 1& 16.5 &0.3 1,026.0 &93.5 - 532.5 09910 152 1,520.0 217 227.8 &98 877.8 - - 56.& 1,216.0 877.8 - 338.2 09920 135 1,350.0 156 180 2 2&0 280 7 - - 31.7 1,080.0 280.7 - 799.3 09930 92 920 0 177 233 6 309 597 5 - - 55-5 736 0 597 5 ~ - 138 5 099&0 118 1,180 0 350 169.5 267 230 3 0.5 &5.9 9&&.0 230.8 _ - 713.7 PARKING SURVEY ____ ____ _______ .________ AREA TOTALS 3,&9& 3&,9&0.0 1&,906 11,853.1 17,858 19,&5&.6 153 206 0 55.& 27,9&6 0 19,660.6 3,799.7 12,085 6 * Destinations of vehicles parked at Prohibited Curbs are considered to be in the sector in which they parked. ' ** Space-Hours demand column includes time parked at Prohibited Curbs. NOTE: See P-15 for Core Area totals and calculation of parking needs. ~ ~ I V } I 1 I i . I ‘ l I ‘ '1 1 . I ‘ 1 . . . - . L ‘ i ( Table P-15 GENERAL SUMMARY OF SUPPLY, USAGE AND DEMAND IN THE CORE, RING AND OUTER AREAS, WITH CALCULATION OF PARKING NEEDS GENERAL SUMARY OF SUPPLY, USAGE OUER AREA, WITH CALCU- (8=00 AM - 6:00 PM Weekday, AREA SUPPLY USAGE PER CENT OF USE * 3 DEMAND Space Hours Illegal Parking *** % of By Prohibited , By Prohibited Practical Theoretical Practical Legal Position Curbs Theoretical Practical Destination Curbs Total Supply Core Area &,290.0 3,&32.0 3,125.0 82.2 69.5 72.8 91.1 6,878.1 69.5 6,9&7.6 202.& Ring Area 9,930.0 7,9&&.0 5,379.& 90.6 76.0 5&.2 67.7 3,867.& 76.0 3,9&3.& &9.6 Outer Area 20,720.0 16,570.0 10,859.9 123.0 60.5 52.& 65.5 8,709.1 60.5 8,769.6 52.9 Survey Area 3&,9&0.0 27,9&6.0 19,36&.3 295.8 206.0 55.& 69.3 19,&5&.6 206.0 19,660.6 70.& Destination Outside the area (Not included in Demand) (B) 205.5 205.5 Used Illegally (Not included in "Use, "% of Use,T or "Surplus Over Use" Summary 3&,9&0.0 27,9&6.0 19,36&.3 295.8 206.0 55.& 69.3 19,660.1 206.0 19,866.1 70.& NOTES * Per cent of space-hours used on legal usage. ** Calculation of Surplus or Deficiency based on practical supply. *** Space-hours demand of vehicles parked at prohibited curbs is considered 6 Additional spaces needed are calculated on the basis of 80% efficiency. Accuulation of surplus or deficiency includes all the areas within the ring or area referred to. For example, the accuulation for the outer area in- cludes the core and the ring area. as the location of the parked vehicle. The Peak Hour Demand is lll.l% of the Average Hour Demand. III! .\ r I I I \ I .' ‘I I‘ ‘: I I . _ I I I I I I, I AND DEMAND IN THE CORE, RING AND Table P-l5 LATION OF PARKING NEEDS Lebanon July) August: ** SURPLUS - - - - - - - - - - - - - or - - - - - - - - - - - - DEFICIENCY ** (Average Hour) (Peak Hour) Over Use 1 Over Demand Accumulation Over Use Over Demand Accumulation No Allowance With Allowance No Allowance With Allowance Space Space for for _ Space Space for for Hours Spaces Hours Spaces Items (A & B) Items (A & B) Hours Spaces Hours Spaces Items (A & B) Items (A & B) 0 ~ 0 307-0 31 -3,515-6 -M39 -M39 -M60 -39-9 -5 -M,286.8 -536 -536 ' -557 2,561+-6 256 M000-6 M00 - 39 -136 1,9_67..5 .197 3,5629 356 -180 -277 5,710.1 571 7,800.9 780 7M1 M98 M,50M.7 M51 6,827.0 683 503 258 8,581.7 858 8,285.9 7M1 - M98 6,M32.3 6M3 6,103.1 503 - 258 205.5 21 228.3 23 501.8 50 557-5 56 8,079.9 808 8,080.M 720 5,87M.8 587 5,87M.8 M80 NOTES (A) There was the equivalent of I66 unused (B) There were 205.5 space-hours used by drivers with destinations outside the survey area. Since there is no practical means of excluding these parkers, allowance must be made for this use. To provide for this would require additional spaces. This use and the nuber of spaces required is as follows: spaces in private lots and garages and 51 permanent rental spaces in public lots. It is necessary to deduct these spaces to determine actual surplus or deficiency. These spaces were distributed as follows: Core Area 21 -Average Hour Peak Hour Ring Area 7M Space Hours Spaces Space Hours Spaces Outer Area l22 Used Required 0 Used Required 0 Core Area - - - - Ring Area l6.8 2 l8.7 2 Outer Area 188.7 2M 209.6 26 Red figures are deficiencies of space-hours or spaces. ~ IIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DATE DUE . 4. .. I . . .-\ .. > _ I _ ~ ,1 I \ (~ , I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I .