ARCHITECTURE NK GSO3 º º & -: . Fº º : - | ºrk & Co. ºne * † & Cº. ºº, gº ºest ºf tº §ree: New Yºrk, N.Y., J.S.A., ºrst §: º §§§ * Pºdºlphia ſº *::. º * º º -rºad-Mar- DIRECT &ACO CO.,LORS 1 BACO Direct Brilliant Flavine 1% 2 BACO Direct Fast Yellow 4 GL 1% 3 BACO Direct Yellow 2 G Conc. º /0 4 BAC0 Chrysophenine Conc. 1% 5 BACO Direct Fast Yellow N N 2% 6 BAC0 Chrysamine 2% 7 BACO Direct Fast Orange E G 2% 8 BACO Direct Orange Y C 2% 9 BAC0 Direct Orange G T 2% 10 BAC0 Direct Fast Orange E R 2% 11 BACO Direct Fast Orange D 2% 12 BAC0 Direct Orange R. Conc. 2% 13 BAC0 Trisulphon Brown 3 G 3% 14 BACO Direct Brown Y 3% 15 BAC0 Trisulphon Brown G 3% 16 BACO Direct Brown 1 B 3% Recis-refºreca 17 BACO Direct Fast Pink B L 1% 18 BACO Direct Fast Rose C 2% 19 BACO Direct Fast Erika Pink 1% 20 BACO Direct Fast Pink B B 1% 21 BACO Direct Fast Pink Y 1% 22 BACO Direct Fast Pink B 1% 23 BACO Direct Fast Pink F. T 1% 24 BAC0 Direct Geranine G 2% 25 BACO Direct Brown B 3% 26 BACO Direct Fast Brown M B 3% 27 BACO Direct Tobacco Brown S 3% 28 BAC0 Trisulphon Brown B 3% 29 BAC0 Direct Fast Brown 2 R 3% 30 BACO Direct Khaki 2% 31 BACO Direct Tan D 3% 32 BACO Direct Dark Brown 3% – WITHOUT GUARANTEE DIRECT RAco COLORS BACO Direct Blue C B Ex 2% - n - REcis-repec, 33 49 BACO Direct Fast Red 8 B L BACO Benzo Purpurine 4 B 2% 2% o sº - O) - 34 50 BACO Direct Rhoduli Irec * Red B || BAC0 Congo Red 4 B 2% - BACO Direct Fast Scarlet 3 BS BACO Direct Fast Red A 2% 2% 36 52 BACO Direct Fast Scarlet S 2% BACO Direct Fast Scarlet B 2% 37 53 BACO Direct Fast Red 8 B S BACO Direct Fast Red F 2% 2% 38 54 BACO Direct Garnet 2% BACO Direct Geranine B 2% 39 55 BAC0 Benzo Purpurine 10 B BACO Direct Rhoduline Red 2% 3 B 2% 40 56 BACO Direct Fast Red 9 B L BACO Direct Brilliant Bor- 2% deaux B 2% 41 57 BACO Direct Bord - .. Fº Ordeaux BACO Direct Bordeaux B 2% 42 58 BACO Direct Fast Violet BL2% | *- BAC0 Direct Violet B 2% 43 59 BACO Direct Wiolet R 2% BACO Direct Violet 2 B 2% BAC0 Direct Bright Blue 2G BACO Direct Sky Blue G 34% 2% Di lue 6 BACO ** Blue 6 B BAC0 Neutral Fast Gray J4% 46 62 irect F lue 4 *colºr ºl BAC0 Direct Blue 3 B 2% 47 63 BACO Direct Sky Blue 8 G Ex BACO Direct Blue 2 B 2% %% 48 64 - BACO Direct Fast Blue F FL 2% WITHOUT GUARANTEE ºrnade raanx DIRECT RACO COLORS .R.Ecºsteºto BACO Direct Fast Green 2 G - 3% BACO Direct Green Y 3% 66 70 - BAC0 Direct Bright Green 3% BACO Direct Green 2 B 3% 67 - 71 BAC0 Direct Navy Blue D 3% BACO * Blue GN 68 72 BAC0 Direct Black G 5% BACO Direct Black B X 5% ACID EAco COLORS Recis-TERE- 73 83 BAC0 Fast Light Yellow 3 G BAC0 Chinoline Yellow 1% N Conc. 1% 74 84 BAC0 Fast Light Yellow 2 G ** * BAC0 Naphthol Yellow 1% 75 BACO Tartrazine Conc. 85 1% BAC0 Acid Yellow 1% 76 BACO Acid Golden Yellow 86 %3% BAC0 Metanil Yellow 13% 77 87 BAC0 Azo Yellow G 1% BAC0 Azo Yellow R 1% 78 88 - BAC0 Fast Light Orange G BAC0 Crystal Orange 2 G 1% - % - 79 89 BAC0 Croceine Orange BAC0 Acid Orange Y Conc. 1% 1% 80 90 BAC0 * 6 G - BAC0 Rhodamine B 1% – sº - 81 91 BACO Acid Scarlet 4 R 2% BAC0 Acid Scarlet 2 R 2% 82 92 BACO Acid Eosine 2 B 2% BAC0 Croceine Scarlet 2% witHOUT GUARANTEE 93 BAC0 Acid Brown R 2% Acid EACo colors R-cis-rered 94 BAC0 Acid Eosine G 2% 95 BACO Acid Fast Red 2% 96 BAC0 Amaranth 2% 97 BAC0 Azo Carmine G 2% 98 BAC0 Acid Bordeaux 2% 99 BAC0 Acid Maroon 3% 100 BAC0 Acid Brown G. 2% 101 BACO Acid Violet B 3% 102 BAC0 Naphtaline Green W 3% 103 BACO Patent Blue W Conc. 1% 104 BAC0 Acid Green B 3% 105 BACO Acid Green G Conc. 2% 106 BAC0 Cyanole Blue F F 2% 107 BAC0 Indigotine Conc. 3% 108 BACO Alizarine Blue SAE 2% S ~- --> SS F- --~~~~ SS 109 BACO Resorcine Brown Y 2% 110 BACO Acid Phloxine B 2% 111 BAC0 Azo Rubine 2% 112 BACO Acid Rubinole G 2% 113 BAC0 Acid Magenta 2% 114 BAC0 Violamine 1% 115 BACO Resorcine Brown R 2% 116 BAC0 Acid Aliz. Gray G 1% 117 BAC0 Acid Violet 4 B S 3% 118 BAC0 Naphtol Green B 3% 119 BAC0 Acid Green Y 3% 120 BAC0 Patent Blue A 1% 121 BAC0 Acid Bright Green 3% 122 BAC0 Acid Green A 3% 123 BACO Alizarine Cyanole Green Blue B 2% 124 BAC0 Alizarine Blue S A P 2% WITHOUT GUARANTEE Acid EAco COLORS Recis-refººto 125 134 BAC0 Brilliant Milling BAC0 Alizarine Blue S K Y Blue B 2% 2% 126 135 BACO Wictoria Blue B 1% BAC0 Acid Violet 10 B 3% 127 136 BACO Acid Violet 4 B 3% BAC0 Alkali Blue G 1% 128 137 BAC0 Acid Violet R 3% BAC0 Alkali Blue R 1% 129 138 BAC0 Acid Blue R 2% BAC0Acid Violet 5B 2% 130 BAC0 Sulphon Cyanine 2 R 139 2% BAC0 Induline 2 B 2% s 131 - 140 BAC0 Acid Navy Blue A 3% BAC0 Acid Navy Blue G 3% 132 141 BAC0 Sulphon Cyanine 3 R - 2% BAC0Acid Jet Black B 4% 133 142 BAC0 Acid Jet Black 4% BAC0 Acid Blue Black 4% ALUM EAco COLORS REGistERED 143 149 BAC0 Eosine B 1% BAC0 Eosine Y 1% 144 150 BAC0 Erythrosine B 1% BAC0 Rose Bengal. A 1% 145 151 BAC0 Phloxine S 1% BAC0 Soluble Blue 5 R 1% 146 152 BACO Soluble Blue R 1% BAC0 Soluble Blue 2 R 1% ºs SS Q: I - - 0 Nigrosi BACO Soluble Blue G 1% Baconiº B Cº. - - º o 148 154 BAC0 Nigrosine Bluish Crys. BAC0 Nigrosine Jet Crys. 3% - - º-CEFST 3% WITHOUT GUARANTEE 155 BAC0 Auramine 00 Conc. 1% 156 BAC0 Brilliant Phosphine R 1% 157 BAC0 Euchrysine G 1% 158 BAC0 Brilliant Phosphine P 1% 159 BAC0 Euchrysine R 1% 160 BAC0 Chrysoidine R 1% 161 BAC0 Bismark Brown Y 1% 162 BAC0 Safranine Y 1% 163 BAC0 Safranine B 1% 164 BAC0 Brilliant Green Crystals 1% 165 BAC0 Basic Brilliant Green Pdw. 1% 166 BAC0 Methylene Blue 2 B 1% 167 BACO Methyl Violet 6 B 1% 168 BAC0 Basic Navy Blue B B % 169 BAC0 Basic Indigo Blue Conc. 1% BASIC RAco COLORS REC is TERED, S --~~~~ s S --- S& - - - S. s - - - - T- - - - Sº SS s Sis S. - --- - Sº -- --- - --~~ SS - 170 BACO. Thio Flavine T 1% 171 BAC0 Brilliant Phosphine 5 G 1% 172 BAC0 Brilliant Phosphine 2 G 1% 173 BAC0 Brilliant Phosphine R 1% 174 BACO Phosphine 0 X Extra 1% 175 BAC0 Chrysoidine Y 1% 176 BACO Bismark Brown R 1% 177 BAC0 Fuchsine Conc. 1% 178 BAC0 Fuchsine S Crystals 1% 179 BAC0. Malachite Green Crystals 1% 180 BACO Basic Dark Green A Conc. 1% 181 BAC0 Brilliant Basic Blue 1% 182 BAC0 Methyl Violet 2 B 1% 183 BAC0 Methylene Blue R 1% 184 BAC0 Basic Black Extra 5% WITHOUT GUARANTEE ! INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF *Rabº MARx &ACO REGISTER ºn DYES ON SILK Percentages given are based on 100 pounds of material to be dyed ALUM COLORS Dissolve #4 to 1 pound of dye according to depth of shade desired in 250 gallons of hot water. Wet goods thoroughly and enter in this bath. Work well and add 2 pounds of Acetic Acid, quantity to be governed by the amount of dye used. Boil / to 3% of an hour, wring out and dry. EXCEPTION:—Nigrosine Jet and Bluish are dyed as follows: Dissolve 3 pounds of dye in 250 gallons of hot water and add 10 pounds of Calcined Glauber Salt. Wet goods thoroughly and enter in this bath. Work well and add 2 pounds of Sulphuric Acid. Boil 34 to 1 hour, rinse and finish. NOTE:—These colors are also used for dyeing cotton—see opposite page. BASIC COLORS Dissolve W4 to 1 pound of dye according to depth of shade desired in 250 gallons of hot water. Wet goods thoroughly and enter in this bath. Work goods well and add 1 to 2 pounds of Acetic Acid, quantity to be governed by the amount of dye used. Dye at 150° F. for W4 to 1 hour, rinse and finish. NOTE:-These colors are also used for dyeing cotton—see opposite page. DIRECT COLORS Dissolve y% to 5 pounds of dye according to depth of shade desired in 250 to 300 gallons of hot water. Wet goods thoroughly and enter in this bath. Work goods well and add 5 to 25 pounds of common salt or 10 to 35 pounds of Calcined Glauber Salt, quantity to be governed by the amount of dye used. Boil W3 to 1 hour, rinse and finish. EXCEPTION:—Primuline dyes a bright yellow and is developed to a Red by the following method: After dyeing diazotize for 15 to 20 minutes in a cold bath using about 250 gal- lons of water with 3% Nitrite of Soda and 6% Hydrochloric Acid, rinse well and develop in a fresh cold bath made with about 250 gallons of water and 1 percent of Beta Naphtol which has been dissolved in 3/4 percent of Caustic Soda powder. Note:–These colors are also used for dyeing cotton—see opposite page. ACID COLORS Dissolve 1 to 4 pounds of dye according to depth of shade required in 300 to 400 gallons of hot water, and add 10 to 20 pounds of Calcined Glauber Salt, quantity to be governed by the amount of dye used. Wet goods thoroughly and enter in this bath. Work well and add 2 to 4 pounds of Sulphuric Acid, quantity to be governed by the amount of dye used. Boil WA to 1 hour, rinse and finish. EXCEPTION:—Victoria Blue is dyed with 5 to 10 pounds of Acetic Acid, no Sulphuric Acid being used on this particular color. NOTE:—These colors are also used for dyeing wool—see opposite page. B A C H M E I E R & CO., In c. 438 West 37th Street, New York, N. Y., U. S. A. BosTON PIHILADELPHIA CHICAGo BUFFALO PROVIDENCE Toronto WITHOUT GUARANTEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF TRACE MARK EACO DYES REC1st EREC, ON MATERIALS OTHER THAN SILK ALUM COLORS ON COTTON Dissolve 94 to 1 pound of dye according to depth of shade desired in 250 gallons of hot water and add 5 to 10 pounds of Glauber Salt, quantity to be governed by the amount of dye used. Wet goods thoroughly and enter in this bath at a temperature of 160 to 180°, work well and add 2 to 3 pounds of Alum, quantity to be governed by the amount of dye used. Run at this temperature for 9% to 34 of an hour, wring out and dry. EXCEPTION:—Nigrosine Jet and Bluish are dyed by the above method with the exception that 3 pounds of dye are used to produce a full shade. BASIC COLORS ON COTTON First Bath or Mordant Dissolve 5 pounds of Tannin Powder in 250 gallons of water at the boiling point. Wet goods thoroughly and enter in this bath. Work well and boil from 2 to 3 hours—a method often used is to place the goods in the bath at the end of the day and let them stay in all night. The time it takes for the bath to cool is sufficient to mordant the goods. Rinse slightly. Second Bath Make a new bath with 250 gallons of hot water and 3% of a pound of Tartar Emetic, enter goods in this bath at 100°F., work thoroughly and run at this temper- ature for one hour. Rinse well. Dye Bath Dissolve V% to 1 pound of dye according to depth of shade desired in 250 gallons ; hot water. Enter goods in this bath and run at 150°F. for 1 hour. Rinse and nish. DIRECT COLORS ON COTTON Use the same method and percentages as given in the formula for dyeing on silk—see Opposite page. ACID COLORS ON WOOL Use the same method and percentages as given in the formula for dyeing on silk—see opposite page. If desired Acetic Acid may be used instead of Sulphuric Acid, but the quantity should be increased, using 5 to 10 pounds, amount to be governed by the quantity of dye used. Victoria Blue should always be dyed with Acetic Acid to get the best results. - EXCEPTION:—Alkali Blue is dyed for 1 hour at the boil with 5% of Borax; then rinsed and developed in a fresh lukewarm bath for 4 hour with 1% to 3% of Sulphuric Acid. B A C H M E I E R & CO., Inc. 438 West 37th Street, New York, N. Y., U. S. A. Boston PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO BUFFALO PROvIDENCE - Toronto WITHOUT GUARANTEE Suggestions FOR THE USE OF BACO BATIK DYES It is very essential that the color is thoroughly dissolved in boiling water and allowed to stand until solution is cold before using. The shade desired can be obtained by slowly adding color solution to the dye bath. To SET COLOR-We recommend adding approximately a tea- spoonful of Acetic Acid 28% to a gallon of water. In mixing your colors it is important to observe the following: That an Acid Color can not be mixed with a Basic Color, unless the material is first dyed with an Acid Color and then washed and put into a new dye bath with a Basic Color whenever this is necessary. In other words Acid Colors and Basic Colors MUST be dissolved SEPARATELY. However, Acid Colors and Direct Colors can be mixed safely together. When dyeing Silk material Acid Colors or Basic Colors should be used. When dyeing Cotton material Direct Colors should be used with the addition of 1 to 2 tablespoonfuls of salt to the dye bath. We recommend Peter Mijer's book, “BATIKs: AND How To MAKE TJIEM,” also Chas. E. Pellew's book, “DYES AND DYE- ING.” Can be secured from us. Price $2.50 each. Baco Batik Color Chart, price $3.00 A display of beautiful colors produced with Baco Batik Dyes BACHMEIER & COMPANY, INC. 438-448 WEST 37th STREET - NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON BUFFALO PHILADELPHIA CLEVELAND TORONTO Architectural \ ibrary /YK & 5 o 3 B 12- liliili -- 3 9015 06834 0580 Eº Eº º ſº- - Fº :C as§i :Wt -|§ E-7i -\- º| [T w T- Dº Dº º º Tº TE: º T º º E- -º | # Ell !!!!!!!!º º TUIſ: É 5 | | º E. U G º Elli ||||||||||||||||||||||||||ITE ºft- #E TELE es LFT OFT :- - -- - tº- ºxº-Kºº-E-ºº-ººººººººººººº- ñmmiſſ=