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Ro * +: ** cº f, včí věD 90 ; Cº-º-º: 3. WILLIAM HERBERT HOB BS ºf * 3% University of Michigan l 1915 Zº. 3 Ann Arbor, Mich, U. S. A. $C#NC; , ; U. V. OF MICH, Ll BRARY || 4 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE —- ! REPRINT g-z- *. FROM Vol. XLI, No. 486. JUNE, 1907 BOSTON GINN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERs Čhe 3themwum #ress 1907 Science Library 3/. 667 , If 7? A Preliminary Note on the Variation of Scutellation in the Garter Snakes.— Three years ago the writer began an investigation into the relationships of the different races of garter snakes (Thannophis) in an attempt to determine the laws involved in the differentiation of the genus. The results of this work are being included in a mono- graph of the genus, but as it will be several months before this work can be completed it has been thought best to publish a brief outline of some of the conclusions. In the progress of this investigation it was seen very early that before a serious attempt could be made to determine the affinities of the different races, the significance of the variations in scale arrangement or scutellation must be determined. This was attempted with the following results: (1) The number of dorsal scale rows on an individual snake decreases posteriorly by the elimination of certain rows, and the series eliminated are always the same for snakes with the same number of rows, as for example T. sirtalis and T. saurita. (2) The rows dropped posteriorly in individual snakes are those which have entirely disappeared in races with a fewer number of scale rows. (3) The reduction in the number of dorsal scale rows is generally accompanied by a reduction in the number of labial, ventral, and Subcaudal scales (gastrosteges and urosteges). (4) There is considerable evidence that the reduction in scutella- tion is directly or indirectly associated with a diminution in size. The general reduction in scutellation described above is exhibited by each of the several (natural 7) groups into which the genus can be divided. These groups all occur together only in northern Mexico, which may be considered the center of origin for the genus. The races that occur in this region all exhibit the maximum scutellation for their respective groups, the dwarfing in size and scutellation taking place at points away from the center of origin. The dis- covery of these methods of variation in the different series of scales has been an indispensable aid in determining the affinities of the dif- * ferent races. +4 ° ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN 2 ll- O Ō O C LLI > 2 ID E9 = N< = C\! ± N). == = LO =========== <!--** = Q =O) = C() . Gaylord Bros. - .*. . . . ; Makers Syraeuse, N. Y. PAI. M.N. 21, 1968 -: ºw- №t:· -vae;sese! ≡≡ ?!!?!!?!!?!!?!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,,,,。、、、、、、、、、、、、、、ſae?) ſae•· * * * **** •∞<!-- * s- … 0 !Šī£=,,=,<>)*)***********ş.· ĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒ №aeae*.******** §§£§§§§§E·-№ssae!!!!!!!!!!3!-(.*;----~~~~±,±,±,±,±,±,±,±,±,±,±,±,±,±,±,± **¿¿.*?*§§§=&ºff,**§.*<=…&S=&=•∞ √° √° √≠ √w */→^●• #################§§sae§§§§ĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĖĖĘĘſº<!--№№±,±,±,±,±,±,±,±,±· ≡≡≡§!!!!!!§©®°¶√∞∞∞∞∞3: --~·§§ſaeaex&·- |-≡• -&=x!± §·§§§§§§§§*№ae, :::::::::::::::±,±,±,±,±,±,±,±),sss!!!!!!!!!!!!.>>:>::>:>±,±,±,±,±,±,±,±),·№*s →,№ſaegºś, º ,,,********•••••••■<=::::::::::::::::!ſae§),ſaesaeç>---< ■■■■4,±,±,±,±,±,±§***********************(.*¿¿.*----■ ¿№*№ĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒ№£ ſaeaeae∞∞∞∞):-&ae ! !!, š , , , , ) è,-i,-,-,-,-,*** · · · · · · -¿(….…………..–.…… .………–…… --~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~º ~º--º-º-º-º º• • • • •‘ “ ’ ,- |- įsęſ, š, *** º, r. º.º. - * …º.º.º.º.º. ". . : º * *...* -