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A single specimen of Bubo, collected by Mr. George K. Cherrie in Venezuela, and now deposited in the collection of the Brooklyn Institute Museum, proves to belong to an apparently undescribed form. Through Mr. Cherrie's courtesy, I am privileged to provide it with a name : and in view of its comparatively dark coloration, it appropriately may be called : Bubo virginianus Scotinus, subspecies nova. Chars. Szösp.—Nearest Auðo virginianzas melancerus, from Mexico, but darker, particularly on the entire upper surface; face darker, more rufescent, legs more deeply rufous, and less heavily mottled with dusky. Description.—Type, adult male, No. 5242, Museum of Brooklyn Institute ; Caicara, Rio Orinoco, Venezuela, June 28, 1907 ; George K. Cherrie. Upper parts blackish brown, much mottled with tawny ochraceous, ochraceous buff, and buffy white; wings the same, but rather lighter, the quills irregularly barred ; tail similar—dark brown, with broad irregular and broken bars of buff and ochraceous buff, narrower and somewhat ill-defined on the middle feathers ; face tawny, mixed with blackish and buffy ; sides of neck similar, but with more blackish markings; chin tawny, with broad black shaft markings; moustachial stripe and a transverse throat patch white; rest of lower Issued September 15th, 1908 “258960 37.2 BROOKLYN INSTITUTE MUSEUMI. SCIENCE BULLETIN : I ; 14. Surface ochraceous buff or creamy white, barred with dark brown, most heavily on breast and jugulum, least so on crissum ; thighs ochraceous, Sparsely spotted with dusky ; tarsi ochraceous buff, almost immaculate ; under wing-coverts ochraceous, varied a little with whitish, and barred with dark brown ; axillars whitish, somewhat mixed with buff, and barred with deep brown ; iris orange yellow ; bill black ; feet slate gray, claws blackish. Wing, 338; tail, 184; exposed culmen, 42 ; culmen without cere, 28.5 ; tarsus, 56 mm. This new race is of about the same size as Bubo virginianzas ſnese/zórizzzas, from Costa Rica, but differs conspicuously in its much less rufescent coloration throughout ; in fact, it is much less like B. v. mesemårinzes than like /32/60 virginia/zzas me/ancerzºs, from Mexico. The coarseness of its barring, particularly on the lower parts, distinguishes it readily from Auðo virginianus macuruttu (=mageſ/azzicus), as does also its darker coloration. From the recently described east Brazilian form, Antôo virginianus desertiº, it may be separated by its much more rufescent colors both above and below, as well as on the face ; for B. v. deserti is entirely gray or blackish and white, with little or no admixture of brown or ochraceous. In a revision of the American great horned owls published a few years agof, I employed the generic name Asio in place of Buôo, follow- ing Mr. Stoneſſ. Recent changes in the rules for fixing types of genera now make it possible to retain the name Æzzôo, since by tautonymy the type of Asio Brisson Š is a species of another genus, and Æuffo is, there- fore, apparently the earliest available name for the horned owls. * /32.60 meageſ/azzicz's deserti Reiser, Anzeiger Kais. Akad. Wiss., Math.- Natur. Kl., XLII, I905, No. XVIII, p. 324 (Joazeiro, Brazil). f Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVII, 1904, pp. 177-192. j Auk, XX, 1903, pp. 272-276. § Ornith., I, I 760, p. 477. OBER HOLSER : ON A NEW GREAT HORNED OWL. 373 The subspecific term of Buôo virginianus mage/lamicus is untenable from Gmelin”, as usually cited, since it is there merely a varietal name under Stria bubo, and consequently without nomenclatural status. Furthermore, it seems not to have been employed by any other author prior to 1817, when the bird was called by Vieillot Strix macurutuí, which designation, therefore, must now be revived. The name Asio mageſ/anicus wapacułhu (Gmelin)†, used by me $ for the preoccupied Stria (Auðo) arctica of Swainson", should be replaced by AEubo virginia/zzas subarcticus Hoy", as shown by Mr. William Brewster”, for Gmelin's Sºria waſ acut/ºut", is apparently, after all, based upon AVychea nyctea. The New-World forms of Buôo are all, without doubt, subspecies of Aztóo virginia/12/s, and should now stand as follows: Aztóo virginia/zzls virginianus (Gmelin). Aztóo wing in ianzºs /agop/lonzºs (Oberholser). Aztóo virginianzas ice/us (Oberholser). Aztóo wing in iazzz's /*eferocnemas (Oberholser). Złºtóo virginiazzz's safºtratus Ridgway. Aztóo virginianzas a/gis/us (Oberholser). Z32/60 wing inzianzas occidenta/is Stone. Zºzzóo virginia/12/s szlóarcticus Hoy. Aztóo wing inianzas pa//escens Stone. Auðo wingizzianzus facificals Cassin. Antôo virginianzas elachistus Brewster. Antôo virginianzas mayensis Nelson. * Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 286. f Nouv Dict. d’ Hist. Nat., VII, 1817, p 44. # Słria waſ acut/ºz, Gmelin, Syst Nat., I, 1788, p. 291 § Proc U S. Nat. Mus, XXVII, 1904, p. 191. | Fauna Boreali-Amer., II, 1832, p. 86 | Bubo subarcticus Hoy, Proc Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1852, p. 211. ° Birds Cambridge Region, 1906, p. 205. // Syst. Nat , I, 1788, p. 291. : : : : •. : 374 BROOKLYN INSTITUTE MUSEUM. SCIENCE BULLETIN: I ; 14. Bubo virginianus melancerus (Oberholser), Bubo virginianus Scofinus Oberholser. Bubo virginianus mesembrinzes (Oberholser). Bubo virginianus deserti Reiser. Buôo virginianus nigrescens Berlepsch. Bubo virginianus macurutu (Vieillot). sº * iº * © º : ; ►į. §§ §§§ ¿ §§ §§§ ſae §§§ ™-5. § ¶√≠ §§ UNIVERSITY OF MICH! 3 9015 O6835 571 |||||||| §§§§§§§*** §§§§ ∞∞∞ 、。 -~ :|× ºr… , , , , , ,*~~§§ **********¿¿. }; ¿ ș3: ∞ º 4, … , ** ********.*** : : tº }} ; ; # # wº º: } § ; g # tº § {{...} º § # §