| B 493952 | - + . . . - * : *- #: t 33: . || $ III SIRVEY OF CANADA George M. DAWSON, C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S., Director. t 4. •". •º MAP S | of THE PRINCIPAL AURI FEROUs CREEKS IN THE || CARIBOO MINING DISTRICT, BRITISH COLUMBIA, # || r= Y AMOS BOVV MAN. * * : . | : . S- - º | | . . . - -Q. } i º - | 364 PLACER MINES AND QUARTZ Locations of WILLIAMs CREEK. i - 365 PLACER MINEs ...; D QC.A.Tz VEINs of LIGHTNNG CREEK. & w 366 PLACER MINES OF ANTLER CREEK. f | 367 QUARTZ VEINS AND PLACER DIGGINGs of GROUSE CREEK. - * : 368 PLACER MINES OF CUNNINGHAM CREEK. i ## , º, . ; : | 369 QUARTZ WEINS AND PLACER MINES OF LITTLE SNowsHoF AND . | KEITHLEY CREEKS: º . | - 370 VEINS AND PLACER MINES OF SUGAR, HARDSCRABBLE AND l # \ SLOUGH CREEKS. - - . tº º i 371 PLACER MINEs of HARVEY CREEK. . . . . . . i . 72 SECTIONS ALONG HARVEY CREEK. st: ; ; Nº. - | - 372 Sections * - $, $ #t # * * * *. ; - * ºf T N i. | Price 50 Cents. !. | # * ; º: | (The maps may also be obtained separately at 10 cents each.) |i : PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. ºf OTTAWA | PRINTED BY S. E. DAWSON, PRINTER to THE QUEEN's Most ExCELLENT MAJEsry. - 1895. • - & - - * - - - …, 2.3. ***** º s_-sºº Zºº”, º * §ºrgiº Science Library TN *# / / C 3 3 & OF > # 3rºmar- axº~/º/* t Note to accompany Maps of the Principal Auriferous Creeks of the Cariboo Mining District, British Col- umbia. º In 1885 and 1886 Mr. Amos J3owman was engaged in geologically examining the Cariboo mining district of British Columbia, the expense of the undertaking being borne jointly by the Geological Survey of Canada and the Government of British Columbia. Mr. Bowman was assisted by Mr. James McEvoy, and for a part of the time by Messrs. S. P. Tuck and L. R. Voligny. The year 1885 was necessarily given chiefly to geographical and topographical work, but in the following year Mr. Bowman devoted most of his own time to the geological and mining features. His general report was published by the Geological Survey in the volume for 1887-88, together with a geological map of the district on a scale of two miles to an inch, and maps on a large scale of Hixon Creek (2) and Island Mountain and Mosquito Creek (1). It was intended to follow the report above mentioned by a second, in which detailed descriptions should be given of the principal aurifer- ous creeks of the district. Maps of these creeks were prepared by Mr. Bowman and lithographed, but as he had in the meantime been obliged to sever his regular connection with the Survey in favour of urgent private business, the final correction and printing of these maps was only completed after long delays, and in June, 1894, Mr. Bowman died, without having written any descriptive matter to accompany these mining maps. As the maps themselves contain, in the form of notes, the principal data required to make them intelligible, it appears under the circum- stances to be best now to issue them to the public, particularly as the present renewed interest in mining in Cariboo is likely to render them of considerable immediate utility. The place of each of the eight maps enclosed, is indicate i on the general geological map first referred to. They are accompanied by one section on a separate sheet, that of Harvey Creek. In addition to the notes printed upon the maps themselves, the fol- lowing brief explanation may be of service in connection with them. The superficial deposits, to which they chiefly apply, are in the Cari- boo mining district, broadly divided into those of pre-glacial and i*. those of post-glacial age. Where the boulder-clay is present, it sepa- . rates these two classes of deposits, of which the first-mentioned may be included in the later Tertiary (probably for the most part Pliocene) while the second class are described as Pleistocene, and are no doubt largely made up of the rearranged material of the older beds, as well as of that of the boulder-clay. Both classes of deposits are largely repre- sented by gravels, but sands and silts are also not wanting. The old pre-glacial channels of the streams are usually filled to a considerable depth by Tertiary or Pleistocene deposits, or both, and in the Tertiary gravels of the valleys, most of the highly auriferous ground worked by deep drifting, as well as much that has been worked open-cast, occurs. The actual channel or “gutter’ of the old stream usually contains the richest accumulations of “heavy” gold, but much of the “side ground” is also often remunerative. The gold worked in the beds and banks of the present streams is generally associated with the Pleistocene or post- glacial gravels, and deposits of the same character and age form “benches” or terraces along many of the valleys, at varying heights. These, where they contain sufficient gold, are best situated for the pur- poses of hydraulic mining. The approximate contour-lines and sec- tional diagrams will be found of special importance in this connection. The old channels of the various streams are marked upon the maps by heavy red lines, or where unproven and more or less conjectural as to position, by heavy broken lines. The area known, or supposed to be occupied by the Tertiary deposits (in so far as these lie below the pre- sent drainage level) are indicated by a heavy red stipple, while-post- glacial gravels and sands are shown by a light red stipple. Parallel horizontal red lines indicate finer alluvial deposits of still more recent date, often old lake beds, floored with silts or clays. It must be remembered, however, that our actual knowledge of the older or Tertiary deposits is chiefly derived from shafts and other sink- ings made into them, and that the newer beds may elsewhere conceal important extensions of them. Much information on the position of the richer parts of the deposits in the several valleys, may be obtained by noting the distribution of the areas where placer mining has been carried on, as well as those parts of the buried channels which have actually been worked by drift- ing. Further details respecting the yield of different parts of the creeks will be found recorded in the “Mineral Wealth of British Columbia.” by the writer, included in the report of the Geological Survey for 1887–88; also in the annual reports of the Minister of Mines of British Columbia. GEORGE M. DAWSON. Geological Survey of Canada, April, 1895. - GENERAL LIBRARY, UNIV. OF MICH, 4. *-. (5eological and Natural ºigtorp Surucu of Uſamada. ALFRED R. C. SELWYN, C. M. C., L. L. D., F. R. S., Di RecroR 2%. , 2 & 2 × Ży- º "T---~ 6000 f & - ** r Cºledonia Tºne - / º º >{{* \ Worth Fork AW F. $º . Nºoid *:::A;%. 7 ſº * ſº ſ Theodo?"e's Benc isºtopolitan Užer Shaft Ho. 70-ft. to Bed R. -– pºet ºn. W p * foºt. lºs X, Q Ava. #. Ces lºan Lower Shaft Ho. 47 fººto Bed R. 7 /*e * Zast C * Côºft. to Bed º - - º: Nº." A - - - - *** to º - - - - - annel, 20 ft. ** * Creek º . & K09 roºstone Ledg § Y. ... .ft. to Bed R -1, . § - - jmiths Old Store º soutlet pieri, - s º Žº. %, wºul, --- */mum i fs. Marion. - Yºo iſ/ºst rate A’eftovº of A wºos Bowman. *LACE'ſ MINES OF H A R V E Y C R E E K IN CARIBOO DISTRICT BRITISH COLUMBIA. Survey ED AND DRAWN BY AMOS BOWMAN, MINING ENGINEER. ASSISTED BY JAMES McEVOY, B, AP. Sc., EXPLANATION.— Ledges die as indicated. -t- Strike, dig tº Deep Channel. High Channe. —.-. Contours 250 ft. vey tical interval o º # Shaft. ununu, 7'erraced slopes & bluffs. %io C % Jºcazal I | Il Mile Old grazel deposits below Aresent ºf rainage level. Hill gravels & Terraces. Alluvium. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GENERAL LIBRARY CL .# Hon. E. DEWDNEY, Minister, UNIV. QR nº." Dº 21-7-ºvº - (5eological and Natural ſistorp Suroep of Canada. ALFRED R. C. SELWYN, C. M. C., L. L. D., F. R. S., D. RecroR. %. , a 4, 2 / 20- & Asaac's Diggings º º º º º - º - º A º */cano Sºp. 936 2 To %. Mountain. 1 m.S.W. Tº — ` Es E. |-E º-ºº: º- - º fe R. - SURVEYS CARRIED OUT with the CO-OPERATION of the PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT of BRITISH COLUMBIA 7% illustrate Report of Amos Bowman - The Hon. JOHN ROBSON, Minister of Mines, - in 1885-6 - --> - Veins & Placer JMines of - SUCAR CREEK, HARDSCRABBLE, SLOUCH CREEK, NELson CREEK, WILLOW RIVER AND DRAGON CREEK. CARIBOO DISTRICT, BRITISH COLUMBIA. º - SURVEYED AND DRAWN BY - AMOS BOWMAN, MINING ENGINEER, AssistED BY JAMES McEvoy, B. App.Sc. DATA—Wheel Traverse from Hardscrabble to Sugar Creek diggings by S. P. Tuck, Sept. 4th. 1885. Track surveys on Mustang Creek, Sugar Creek aud Coopers Gulch by A. Bowman Sept 7th, 1886. Track surveys from Sugar Creek pass camp to Mt. Wiley, Sept. 7th. 1886, and from Devil's Cañon along Slough and Dragon Creeks to Dragon Mt, Sept. 9th. 1886, by J. McEvoy. Transit work and topographical Sketches on Mt. Wiley, Sep 7th, 1886, and on Dragon Mountain, Sept. 10th. 1886, &c., by J. McEvoy. EYPLANATION.—Contours, 4 to every 1000 ft. vertical; the dotted represent 50 ft. vertical – Quartz Ledges. A Dip and strike #4. Shaft - ................. />itch. ---------- ------------ Zºozzfes frazelled. [T] Tº "... [T] ºne E. Superficial ...-72se? Grazed Deposits ź.”- surfaces. - - ... Slate country rock. - Pre-glacial Gravels, including gravels below Superficial Hill Gravels, and Allazzºum—A’ecent Alacer Mizzing Cariboo.Sc/fsts—/lower Palaeozoic. present drainage levels—Zertiary. terraced surfaces—Pleistocene. - 3. Scale 2%. Inches to One Mile. Nat. Scale ºn 4o Chs.3g 22 IC O % 8o Chs = I Mile. E=== Millſº º - gºtº £ * №n • Lae cr: ! !!*№.±ºs...º ----* *… --• § (3 § § § § § § š5 - S Š š • Š (S - Ē Ģ S **® �§ ¶ (S TOE SA S, Š• <∞ → № №.§ §' S£ +< & c) S(§ $<! § § → · § § § § →© § § § § § § § §cae … ~ š g, º iš § (ºſ<ſ ºs .. *S § → · ·∞ √‘5 § § § § § § § š (; g. © ® Ş Ş SÊ “`§ .± ğ Ģ S, § §§ § 3 ºſº© $ $ $ $ $ > ` ~ ¡ ¿£) - <>∞∞! se → Š. Ē Ē s, § ) ( ?~♥~ "Š § § ·§ § § § § § 22● § § § § § § § § § →5 Š š Ť Š ` § § § § §ſ- --★ → § §§ § § S©wae sq (S &ºs∞∞ $E § © ® ...): "Ș s, ſº & § ¶± Š, «º� ~$ ls{ $ $ $ $ š §tae § © ® „Sº ºš § §S|- Q § § § § § § § ¶ § § § § § § § § ) § § © ® § § ¶ § → - §§} ș į š|| 5 #§§ į 3 || ? £ ($§§į, į}}│ │ │ │ ș.§Š§§|- T*§§№įºts |ק),§ |(~§ §|- E¡ ¿ $¢ £SèÈ ſ š || ? №-§.§§ ŞÇ2.r.× ×< $GOED± ță,$ſi· § 1, §g ) ğ ș|| ¡ ¿ £; £ º.-----į_^|<\Lu , ž ,∞ }}ſ',|§|| ğ # È È§!N is º $ $ $ |#| §§ ¶ ¡ ¿ $|| ¡ ¿ № №§eº |№ ſº ſ§ § §į || || $ $ $ || |#| ? čſ), ºș © ® È CD È Ě Ě *ģ Ķ Ļ $ $ $ $ || 3 ģ ►►§§ 5§ § § →§ (3 §§ § §|| ē ģ §Š§ § © ® 3 ) ğ§ * ģ ī ķ ° || Ē ē *№.§§ ^-§§ ž Ź Źſºs,∞§ § || ? ? ºș$ . ,``S, § §§§ģğÄ%$§§ģ( )oð§>>§ à :Q„ Š š || # # es e 3}Řſą § < $ $ $ || || Šį ſae, § §|| Ė Ė Ę ›). §§§Š§ = − Š š Ž T - Șºſiſ į ș|| ≤ ≤ , ! }*****!==== § T -l ( ?| 3 || || ſ || || ¡ ¿ $¢ £ è: >–1§| §ā ſºlšſ, į š[| ff & ( ( ) ?Řſae:)});| * | ſº ºſ į ș|| ā Č Š Š š }}// Œğ-1§§§ § § || ? $ $ $ $ º }į[×]>tae• | * |§ §|| # № № №s iš }}§ ] |ŠŠŠģ§ 3§º º T jſą©§:S §|}) (*.1 ģ-į šl|# !! ) ■ ■ ■ |-§|į)È È || ° § § ¶ ¡ ¿ �| ||~ ! ----| | | || ( ) № №\ S & № ●§ §§§¿ † | $ $ $ º§ © ® $ |- … ~~~~ ·§§ § §§ § § § § ---- §; -Ō§ ¶ ¡ ¿ § ¶ • ¡ ¿ … --------|×//|Š§§§ };§ § → · § }№ {------ſ ( )§Š ſl */ și§ § §§§ ˺ºo,***, ~]Š§§§§ ºð § § § § s Ëį (s.ºv,Š§S§S S § § §§ Dr.(~) § § § §§ șº.ſae }§ § ¶ ¡ ¿ ÈSvš| $ $ $ $ $ }§ §# ¿ $ $ $ $ $ }Ē§ § § § ¶ ¡ ¿ :S§§|§ § § §§§§ $.}ğ º § § ¶ ¡ ¿ ſõ \ry}# S ( ( ( $ ) |f ( $ $ $ $, š …---****---- | |?§§§§ §§ |×Ë § § § § § § |×|# !! ) ■ ■ ■ ■ /§ §§§§§ |- |-S.Aſ.|-}§ § § § § -|-|?? -ºzzzzzº ººººººººººººººº!!!«^ºººººººoº |- - |×^ ^^^) Z^^y|}}}|0||9|\\ſ[T]|\\ ]0 N0||0ĀS TVN|0||0||0N0] … . . . . …│ │ │!\, . \\? ) N· º : ?|- №ſ:(``````,`````№()SÄÄN |-|- №), _) ___ (__) (_) ) - |-■ſae???ŅŅŅ§&&ſae№№\\RŅ№ | , ) () () ( ) $()、、、」。、。・、「」、。。、「」、TTOES,|~~';(.…….…….….………#!*=+(?==++· ###· ± ………………………………………… «««'5',ºſº}Ș?7Ș***~__š}§§.},È|-§.##}ËŠ§ §§|- |-§ §-ȧ§------ | Ș | T.-§ § §*§§§ ~§ §}§§?:: || ŠŠ§ § § § ¶ … -} );§, ----§.Ņ! № ºģ}§§.È :§-ſhonnº saenols (~~~~----ș~~~~ ~~~~------____}}ş--------- ~~§§ŠÈ è№│ │ │§ §-ſ # $ %§ § (~~~~$ $ $ $ $ ºſºzzz! ;-) (~)ºš§.$ $§ſí ſ §| + i ; ; ) {§ § (~).*: № ~~ºĒ§?§§ ~\~|(~~~~}ſaeį§Ë§ § (~~~~ -^§§Ë ~~}·§ſá | ~---§$ $ $ 3ș----- ^ $ $ ?±} ~ ~)NŠ și|-# | $--------§}Ë*§§ºwą ſąr øņmaepſiſ ºp.10.tnº^<$$$: ~ ).*§Šș§!\,|ק §*}ſae·???sođđo ‘pºpºqºyºng ønſj pwò prºſiyº?? T wººn.§ Ņ(---)*} ~~|-!Ñ#}-ſøą ºw02 ºm oº.ºººººo,) ſºwº ºw0483?!!?? ???? ??????§ ù .(~~~~________ģ^,}§ ~~}$§Š§Š!pºſ:40osso ºwºan sºw? ſae wººrd 483?!??-t ºſſ.ſ.Ñ §(~~~~)__𧧠~ ~)-,§§· |§()~~~~).:È� |-~~~).--, *·§!·!- § §----- ___ ||}§ § §ŠN Tș------|- § § §§.ș.} }-Š*}·È.è § §-· - }§ §§§. Š·§§ SS º -- à ()(&(º, ----¿`№,N № № ………!!! * t - f |- 4%Zºzº, They are often wººer ſeve/ed, and wer, ſº super- levels. The solº Anºres to represent banks, ºffs, or sºdes. ſºcially terraced by the Pleistocene receding wºrs. The terraces are indicated by short ſight hacº. rºº ºne represents the lowest known erosion, or gutter ºf the tertiary stream. QF # # 364 *o tº BRITISH COLUMBIA CARIB00 DISTRICT. Williams Creek. (5eological Surbºp ſepartment, (ºf 4. e'* ISLAND - UPTHROW |-so: BURNS’ MTN. UPTHRow 87° — peºples LEDGE, (reported.) Mr. Perkins also reports easterly and westerly trending ledges as having enriched the head of Burns' Creek, and induced continuous mining operations here from 1861 to date of map. -- "**** , | silver LEDGE y / | s 3° W. A.A. Are: Coz Tłowie/. | - --- | SLICKENSIDES --.S. *above Z, Jezzh. 58' $1 Sº I s & - | © outlook To N. AND N. E. 's --- | s OLALLY LEDGE §l §I | s! $1 Śl cº | | -- º' | º - ..S. | Mountain - - - º : º - 3. º º i jº § º --~~ º: : ---------- º º § - º: - º - º u º - - º º --- º - - - - *. * - T --- OF PLACER M S & QUARTZ VEIN'S DRAWN BY JAMES McEvoy B.A.Sc. ºf CHAINs. 2000 FEET. ----- ºritish-Americanlank Nate ce.Montral SUPERAEYCZAZ (GAZOZOG V. The Pliocene and Pre-glacial detritus here represented is. usually only that found below the present drainage levels, in the principal creek bottoms, as exposed by mining shafts and drifting; not including that exposed at higher ſevels *y slides and by hydraulicing, which is indicated by heavy - *achures to represent banks, bluffs, or slides. The solid red ºne represents the lowest known erosion, or gutter of the tertiary stream. * 7%e Pleistocene Hill and Mountain gravels, and other detrital deposits are z, of the earliest silting up period (in Aart later pliocene) and 2, of the final subsidence or flood. ing period, commonly recognized as laterglacial, or diluvial, the latter in Cariboo are entirely above present drainage *veſs. They are often water levelled, and were left super- ficially terraced by the Pleistocene receding zwaters. The terraces are indicated by short light hachures. THE COUAVTR Y ACOCA.S. 7%e Zower Palaeozoic Rocks as indicated, are believed to - - range from Cambro-Silurian and perhaps Cambrian, to DATA made use of: Wheel tra- Sºurian, and are the slates and related rocks of the - verse, A. Bowman and S. P. Zuck, country-ºrieſ’); the Cariboo Schists. - 1885. Mocal track-surveys, A. Bow- man, 1885-6. Transit and topo- graphical stations on Mt. Anderson, Aragon Mtn., J. McEvoy, 1885-6; EXPANATION OF COLORS AAWD SIGAWS. on Burns Mtn. and Mt. Agnes, A. Willillºlilº Bank auuuuun Zºrrace - Bowman, 1886. Mining map of D | | I, 3 t . Mi-2 [ ] Area M3 E É [2] John Evans, 1877. Claim surveys Aower - º - Hillórarels and Zºrraced Alluvium-Recent Plazer-Mºntº. Zºrºzºv º º - - Pºlavºor? *::::::::::::: *::::::::::::- º º: al/ recorded at Richfield, * ave ſerels – Tºrtiary Evans and others. John James' sur- All the hearings are astronomical - Quartz Ledges, - ſounty Rock Djo, ºr Shafts, **** Ditch, –2–2–Leº Channel,----- Higher Channe. vey of “Mew Road” to Barkerville. - To illustrate Report of A.Bowman Mining, Etiqneer Drawn for Photolithography by L.N. Richard. B'App.Sc. and ls.Marion. SURVEYS CARRIED OUT with the CO-OPERATION of the PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT of BRITISH COLUMBIA The Hön, JOHN ROBSON, Minister of Mines. § - # º – “… § | f - s --- i. M OU Nºr, , , "º------. } t § | s º …--" " TA'ſ N E - § { § 3 -------- ºr , , , ; ; ; – - l PET wes, sº Ş § s M O U N T A N § - M : : - --- - § s - - - PLEISTocºnº Tuniº S. - * *AW Bon E si è s sº § § § | § - . jor watº to the Highest ALTITUDES IN t i § º: - - $. i. - - § s ; * § ----------------- º $ º f t § º ..." * § - -- § § SA § -------- 3. § § § § - t R t # iſ Nelson ... ; : ; ; ; ; ; , , --- s -----ºr- º º .. Ş, is §§ $ O M. Sºº-------------- § - § ; s $ § 3 ; § N. : CREE ks; S. & § Ş § s & §§ { - - L8 i t § §§ § { *ś t § ; : § - - fruo' - § § § § $ - & º: ###$ºś - - ----------------~~ zºza' Raw, sº Lºrra Level -— - - - - s - - - º . - - - ---------------- - º - ------ --- - PRE-CºA. tº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: - - - - -- - - º - - --- - - --------------------- --- --------- - - - - - - - - Fº: - ~ - ** & - -º- º - - - - - - SILIS . . . …— - - ------- Nº. - -: - - - - T - ºs, - - - G. --- --- - - - - Lº Pºº-GLACLAL º MOST Lý slº-FLUV IATILE º CRAVELS, - - Saddle - Palaeozoic TSlates º, º, Reſºed, Rocks, followed by S. Lightning Creek longitudin. - - A3 dicated, ºS ºw’ - 1.3 . - - º º, - º * 4%. MILEs ........"> (2) ---------------- 4%. MILES - º * LONG|TUDINAL SECTION OF UGHTNING CREEK % | *s - - % *A* grººrºº’eezseasº, ºesºe. º,º, o --- º, C. %, - - | 365 ; : % tº BRITISH COLUMBIA CARIB00 DISTRICT. Lightning Creek. º Oralumiral Sunny Departurnt. (Canada. 2 º' ALFRED R.C.S.E.Lw YN, C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S., &c,01 RECTOR. \ N *..., \ * Old ºur º * * * ... º. º Zimºnsº *- Pellow Lion 7 wrºnel 35- Pump : Anot of ºngº. gºt Åed Aº. Chinese Biggings. Bank £d to soft. worked to BedRock. - ***. º *A Slate vertical. * \s º - A. Lothair 4. **te. - % 7.2" Gree & iggings Ž º ~~~ - - / º SS º - º - sº"...” s’s C− AV. 6; Wºr: º ° 2. º ~ *) Tº sº - Grity Safe ºwn.Pº cabins iss, John AosºLGeo. Weaver & Sºwash *Donald ; : Haseline AZay. 2° C, *~ Jim way & Capt Boone - 2 \ - e º - - -> 2° 22 23. S - ~~ - * 42. M2 * < S ***CE a do ijeg - *2. Awºlº, º § Zower Žna. B --- §ºne Cº. 4 * - o ; N. Tº I S | *- <-2 ºzº i. - º f - * Slătes strike E. S. E. vertial hos. 8o, *J. along with “Black &ock” (limes/one y * º *}. Ca Town ºf inaham; will s ºf colored sºoted sale) - ~- - - ºº, *- - º == º Žºstone Zed. *~~~ s S/afe & Zimestone” - -- Antjeſ grº *~& A w ł I e ºr = ºr ers “... -4 rough Sºrea”, zo*rying large bould 3.s * - M 2 º \ -v- -- DATA— Wheel Traverse S. P. Zuck, 1885. Motes made on Round Top in 1885, and on Palmer's Mountain in 1886. Examinations and Surveys, A. Bowman, 1886. Mining Plots recorded at Richfield. Various Zopographical \ EXPLANA 7/0M –Contour lines 4 to every 1oooft. vertical ; dotted lines represent 50 ft. vertical. | Quartz Ledge |- Dip and strike. º Zittlers \ - Dip Vertical.-- # Shaft. --------Ditch. All bearings fram True Meridian. º - \ - * - Q G F L* M*** Me * \ - [ ] #=- Allllllllll: £º-*i- =E i / Upper Palaeozoic 2 Limestone Pliocene 3- Pre-glacial Pleistocene areas Recent Alluvium, &c. *. º | - areas, bluffs and gutters. and Terraces. - Y ----------------wº- & - - O I Scazº, 34 —o-o-o-Deep Channel. –---—- Aſigh Channel. * - * . A - Placer Mining. Superficial Hydraulic Drift. |- ". % % * /waz / º º \ rooo ſº. about 26 Chains to One Inch Z ſ \ \ - — - - - To illustrate Report of Amos Bowman. Mortime, & Co., Lith. - SURVEYS CARRIED OUT with the CO-OPERATION of the PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT of BRITISH COLUMBIA. Sººyººſ. Gºo/log º The Hon. JOHN ROBSON, Minister of Mines, 7//E COUAV7'A' | Avocals. The Pºtocene and Pre-glacial aerºus here represented is usually only IN 1885-6. */* * * *esent damage levels, in the principal creek ºn, 1. - D. L lºosed by mining shafts and ºne; not including that exposed a higher /2 /. A CA. A” A/A.AVA.S. O/ 3. * * *des and by hydraulicing, which is andicated by heavy hachnres to ºresent hanºs, bluffs, or slides, Zºe solid rea ºne represents the lowest or- - - > * Zºe Upper Paleozoic'rocks are believed to range from the pºonian to ºn erosion or gºer of the tertiary stream. R E E K º º G. | Carboniferous, or the “Cache Creek " horizon; they are the “Antier Creek" Zºe ºeistocene Hill and Mountain gravels, and other ºa/ deposits º “a chert series, and the Bear /ake heds. are (1) of the earliest silting Zºe Zoºver /a/eozoic rocks as indicated, are believed to range from Cº-Sºrian and perhaps Cambrian to sºurian, and are the ºre, and related rocks of the country-ºrieſ, the Cariboo sº. * Aeriod (an ºar later ºveme); and ſay of ºnal subsidence or ſtooding period, commonly recognº lºº. Mr, 2. diluvial, the latter in Cariboo are º above º dºwage . They IN CARIBOO DISTRICT, B.C. F. are ºften water levelled, and were left sºcially tº ºn the ºleistocene receding waters. The terraces are ºngº by short /g/n Wachºres. The Limestone ſands observed and noted in the Lower Paleozoic forma. tions, are lithologically alike, and in their attitude, as represented in the section, suggest a possible folding. Surveyed AND DRAwn BY AMOS BOWMAN, MINING ENGINEER, sº f - ASSISTED BY JAMES McEvoy, B. A.P. So, *** * 366 , § BRITISH COLUMBIA CARIB00 DISTRICT. Antler Creek. (Brulmiral Suring ſepartiſtriſt, (Canada. ALFRED R.C.selwyn, c.M.G.,LL.D,FRs, &c,director. 3,760 #44 of Guyets R / // º - // - // 2’ … 3940 * of favºrºž. Á #/ - º - - - - - #º £950 Waverley Air Shaft. Big Hoff 50 */.../ 4060 Pińe crosses Ander Ardiz 95 ft. - | **º 3 | º żºł(((((( ºf º- \º-gº ºsº- ºff." £100 Słrvey & né º | | || sº T || ||Fºº ºf 2, ſº º 2 ſº-Sºº.… / … \\ \ \ \ \ \\ £260 Falls ºft Zimestone lºge: | º £360 Mealinden store. Tº creek 20. To 4ttom oft-- To Bed rock% f . . wild Goose cºm. A little ſº in old & .{ | § old channel is 12 to 15 ft, above Receht on level with tº ºf - º ,” ~ ,” . . Ž’.” ,” Z | - * / | - / - Sº Cascade & Shy Robin. Old Channel is # * Rece º M 2 | º - e º º: º 1. Now or Nezer. High * bench; -- | TT f : *_. 2^ s - . - Sº Ç \s º --- - ºx s --- y . * Nº. \ - º º w *EDGE: -s - | \ -- " " ------. -- - 2 º S | \ 1247.4-7 raverse by S. P. 7uck of Zºail to Antler Creek Sept. 7 h, ditto along Grouse Cr, diggings Aug. 28th, 1885. Track Surveys on upper Grouse & Lower Antler Creek, A. Bowman, Sept. 15 & 16, 1886; along Canadian Creek, V. McEvoy, Sept. 16, 1886. Mining plots recorded at Æichfield. Transit & topographical work, J. McEvoy, on Mt. Mu, ray, Sept. 14th & Mt. Palmer Aug. 20, '86. |s|| | | l | º EXPLANATIOM.–Contours 4 to every loooft. vertical ; the dotted represent 50 ft. vertical = Quartz Ledges _* Dip and strike –– Dip Vertical. + Shaft. -------------. Ditch. All bearings fram 7 rue Meridian. § 3. 3. Z - --> D G F - L* M1 + 2 Ms H 1. T E- Mill, ſº- º: - Lower Palaeozoic? Upper Palaeozoic? Limestone Pliocene & Pre-glacial Pleistocene areas Recent Alluzium, &c. areas, bluffs and gutters. and Terraces. "/2 mºnº-ºn-ºnly Afigh Channel. — Deep Channel. - º ºn 2 | ºfo 2% | Joaze— ºD. I - / Milf *R- T-T :- Morº & Co., Lith - - 7To illustrate report of Amos Bowman. pºeº- 0. zz/2. - * - - f BRITISH COLUMBIA SUPEA*A*/C/.4/, GA. O.J. O.G. V. SURVEYS CARRIED OUT with the CO-OPERATION of the PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT o The Hon. JOHN ROBSON, Minister of Mines, The Pliocene and Pre-glacial detritus here represented is usually only TA/A. COUAV7'Aº V A'OC.A.S. - - º found below the present drainage levels, in the principal creek bottoms, as - - - IN 1885-6. - - L3 - exposed by mining shafts and drifting: * including that exposed 4. higher The Lower Paleozoic? rocks as indicated, are believed to range from Ozzar/2. I/€272.5 C ; A /acer /O 49.º2729.S. ....”.º,ºº *...*.*. ".ſº";. º D. : Cambro-Silurian and perhaps Cambrian to Silurian, and are the slates and 2- - º * ººzºº. west ºn, hº -- hasts, - - - - known erosion or º of the tertiary stream. * , ". . ºº, . .." ". AD in the vicinity of - - "... … - - -- he Upper Palaeozoic?rocks are believed to range from the Devonian to - - - Zºe º Aſiſ, ; Mountain gavels, and other * deposits G Carboniferous, or the “Cache Creek " horizon; they are the “Antler Creek." - are (, ) ºf the earliest silting up period (ºn part later ºccene); and (2) of chert series, and the Bear Lake beds. M1, 2 the final subsidence or flooding period, commonly recognized as later glacial or - - - º - * ** diluvial; the latter in Cariboo are entirely above present drainage levels. They Zºe *...". º º!". º in the Zower Palaozoicºſarma- - s” 4. are often water levelled, and were left superſºcially terraced by the Pleistocene F fºoms, are lithologically alike, a in their attitude, as represented in the r - - º waters. The terraces are indicated by short light hachures. section, suggest a possible folding. CARIBOO DISTRICT, BRITISH COLUMBIA. % R& M3 A'ecent Alhazºw”. ors SURVEYED AND DRAWN BY # - AMOS BOWMAN, MINING ENGINEER º Assisted BY JAMEs McEvoy, B. A.P. sc. - *, º 367 s” . Sºo & BRITISH columbia. CARIB00 DISTRICT, Grouse Creek. Sururu (Brulmiral ſepartiſtritt, * ..}ſtles J2 * ſ a - - ASSISTED BY JAMES MoEVOY, D. AMOS BOWMAN 47 gºlfe. §§ſå ----|---J<~ * (º.:::- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - è:* **ºº|-: ---- - - - - - - - - - - - -→ +- - - - --→<07 07�§ș---- 1.|-"…|- -- -22,02 s^0,097220|×ș|×Ř| Š š o.�---- ->~|-·'$*ae\,№ º ſavº- ^|-№~);S****~ . -^caeS:§ )Ř■ ■ ~).*~);§ È+<: ; ***-§§ |-^**)Š§ ! )§ º * -,^ȘĞ S Ř} >* • ·&$ $§ || ?s ºš |ק § § § §* § § šį $• № |-* ,§ § § § §§ 32 ) ğ ȘI ȘI, ! /*$ $ $ $§ §§ 7§ § §-S º . Š•...ºQ-ca.¿ $¢ £*§| šS º 3 *0 \\! $ $ $ $§§§§ į š Ť|ğ , , šį >; /~,§ § ž¿]š §§„Š ). Į Š . . È È È §2… ,§ § § § →ğ șē ģ § § | № 3 ºſº ºň ~// § § § § § …,§ È i § šļš § §§§ &ºŘ S Š Š š ž)– ° )ș§ §§§ ~ŘŞ -Ē Ģ ģ Ķ ºs* $ $ $ Èš …), „3 × Š š= Š Š š Ş3>È s ---- <>¿ $¢ º 3 ( $!= $, È Ò È,§ § § Or J§ § un º-- -|-\,§< ∞, √ √ Q„1 J È º ģ' º £ și§:ſſäß § § § §§ § §§ LLI ·■ •��&!• 2. § → · § § 3§ (1), ģ§ § §§§ §§ ģ| Š š Š Š šQ∞§ ( № g *. § §§ ȧș și**)© * :« (S. Cr)• ſf å§ ] š Ş`!$ º#§ §Ķșiš № Q— g º§ ø § § § §Šº. Èȧ §§§ ±2,ſb+№§ §§),----&º.Ş ş È § 2… ~ - ~ $ € £§ .jſ]]šĞ§ § § ~Š šLaesi !!!!!}||}§ § >№ -<ſ ~}§ § § z ~ ~ ! <ſO„ “? È ∞ ~ S. ß<£S š Ş ſ § § Q> © & ſae - * Q)~ © D Ilower Palaeozoic.” Upper Palaeozoic? +++ - Ditch, Fº Shaft, —t Strike and diº, º Placer Mining. Superficial H.yº. Drift. f* T tood CUNNINGHAM CREEK afe azd Alfºca S. Canada. ALFRED R.C.S.ELVVYN, C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S., &c, DIRECTOR The Hon. JOHN ROBSON, Minister of Mines. 1885-6 ngham, r&z. Heavy gold ** aboze. lºſſºm. Cºmmi - Z. ED OUT with the CO-OPERATION of the PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT of BRITISH COLUMBIA. #4. A’ock SURVEYS CARR tritus here represented is usually only leves, in the principal creek bottoms, as �- - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — = = = = = = = - - - ~ ~ ~ ~*$'º??!�^)!??…~ -or — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~|- - -- ·|- |- ?? Aº. q^{547 ºſ§ 480.44 „ſo w0449, º 0,1, : ºtwoº ºººoº…?????? :) -º ºtrºſsºſº?7 ºſ./7 2/7??? -|- ???ou ſ oſaº… O fiºn, oſſ (o qąvuºwanº 4?, ??? I 'Og ſºm ſº ºdvutº wao,~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~} ſpºwººzoºs» º, sºw?« zazwy, yººyºae ø, №ž (),?)(?: … №№\!:ss=:=≡≡≡≡≡xaeºĒĒĒĒĒĒ----======----------------~--~------------~--~_-__ --~--~~~~→======::= ±±±,±,±),№№№№№№№±- №№|-|-----~--~ -----~~№ ¿:ESOE№, № () (¿?; ;-))), : |-·---- |-~~~~-±º:----ſaeaeſaeſaeaeae-------------№№|- ~ •■7----№ºae-¿№ſſae?!!?!!?!!?!…!!!!'*) №ſſae,№ № №è---- -------S=№ ſ=№¿№№№--№----~ №→=&=№!= |-È2===S=№S2) → → → → → → →№±S±2€.----_-|-- -- ----№ſì!!!! -±S Œ -№ae,№ae,:-№**==5 :~~~~№ae,№------ :-) ----- № © ~ ~~~~); § §№- --------· §--------_ ¿№ № № № №ſē ~ ~)-sèS№=№ĒĒĒĒ ^^!-- ----§,-3©-----:::::-:---- ~№№Şē +∞`~~ _ _S~Q ----) :-) 3(~~~~ _ _№§©�� S(~)∞+→.§|5 ~~ ~~~~- ſaeºwo-Sè|- §| ||* №|- ∞! | \s*' ),f) ©· .S.^_^© ſ-©| ~#~! 3($Œ§ ©!!!! - "- $ ſºrºŠ,§§§|× *5-~ ~ ~)------_§s §£ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ — – •ºo& ~)._ _ _ _ _ — ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ _ _Ş (5§ __ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ _ _ _ _$ º ſae,~ !(¿QI9§ Ř ¿¿.*¿S· ~~~~¿¿.*·¿¿.|_- Š._ _ - - - - ……!!! :,:;&#::::::::.*¿¿.::::------- - - - - - - º? Zº ºffőſ㺠(73#ÄN¿(…)--~~~~ ~~~~**&#################!!!!!!!!!!!!*®*** T -----------.-.-.-;);##~######ż:::::::::::::::: %, Sſiøqwumaſº?? ?? ? ? ? ? Aſø Ø ¡ s ň o ºu S~~~~ ·… zoic 2 ; not including that exposed at higher which is indicated by heavy hachures to The solid red line represents the lowest horizon; they are the “Antler Creek’’ rocks are believed to range from the Devonian to * Cache Creek " and the Bear Lake beds. º rows, or the The Upper Pale chert series, Carbonife >. ∞---- S§ ©? §§> ©? → · § §. §.S. §.$----|× !ºs $ $ $3· § § § §§ ); * § §§§§§§ § §§§ § © ® § §§ § § (ºs ‘’’:’, :, §),§§ § ¶§ . ##§),§ 3. § ( ) §- - - - - S~ $ $,€ £ Ř Š (šķ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::№ģ$§§** tae§ §§§§§ - - sº º ºd s! $ºš§ § § § ); º șºš žiš Š Š 3 ( $ È.ŞA™§§ §§§§ !§:S • § & :§№• Š §-§ § → · § § *º *~ →§ §§§ § &Q!3 3 № }! 3§§§§ §Șš§ §§ §§ *** ~--~ St.• Œ §/}cae Š}) §~~~~)_ſae/Š§ cally alike, and in their attitude, as represented ble folding. The Limestone bands observed and noted in the Lower Paleozoic * > 3 ºs) §§ ~ ! < ? →§ § §§ • § 3| iš , §§| § || § 3 §§ §§ ~--~ ſae zed as later glacial or cº esent drainage levels. ter pliocene); and (2) of efally terraced by the eriod (in part la d, commonly re - boo are entirely above pº the Jazzer ºn Car: º, and were left sºfte: . --- They are often water ſeved º Pleistocene receding waters. The terraces are indicated ºys” ºf ºachºres. the earliest silting ºf A dence or flooding perio The Persiocene Aill and Mountain gravels, and other detrital deposits are (r) of the final subs: dilazzº aſ : M1, 2. - O F 368; BRITISH COLUMBIA, CARIB00 DISTRICT. Cunningham Creek. * § S. º &zzzyz Jºzzrºy & º $zrzºza 4 Arvaerºsor. Zºzcºz - tº - Viº Zºyºrooz o.º. czózzz/ºrºž overº ºy ºweds’ &crºſy *...*. Aere Zºe Creek razzº ºr zezzrock… T Jºzzzczorº of AV 3 & Żorks } zzzzzz Zzzzze esrooms/toez Zºzºe Cºrzzazz/ Zºezzoº, 2/ Zºz Cºzzzzzeź. rises zzzzzzŻy *}} | Czzzzzzzzzezz-Zºrris Zo cree?: 42: - Zeeſ. Cºrrºzzeſ. 240° àezow Creek.___ _ _ ZPeerz Cºzzzzzeſ ºs /& * creed Żarnoozzº Cºzăzzzz Zöö6. C/zzzzese £zoo —ºrzzz. Zyazazz.e. ozzº Pezzcz. zo’ 2&ore creeze. Zºey & Azzºzłózºv, a zºº & | Zarver- <5%zzº Zºzwºey Co. 73 &reeſ: Aºzz, za Złeczzoccº cºaº. Zºezreezzº. 3 &e Zorzzzzzzzzzezzºe TVezzº & Zorzzzzz3 **re.----. § Žeºrezzº &. & Shºzº 3o Wºzzer Zzzzz of Zorºr Zzzzzzzez.” ZZZ” &ezo ºr szzz-zzce. Zozº, Zºrzyzezcz. Złoczrºy *} 7% Czee/c 70' 77-e Yeezzº cºzzzzzzer Pºzzº &eezzº &ozºzzez zzº zzazzº ºr. 7& 7º. Aſh, Zoy. ZoºZºee/ºCºrºnez Zºe. º Žer CAE cºrºzzeź, 7"cryº, ozz, ºezroczºv ºerzczz & 7z zºore &zrezzzzz/ | J/ºzzezzzzze/Zºzzzzz. Zºerce 3. ZºoZºrzzere 7,536. Aſſeſſorzºz's 500 of the Creek: Vºrzoz àeer, * - seeaszoeo, a, anar. Zºey, Cºzzº & 23 aezor & -- F. I. 1. 1. |: A/y Ayooz & Cº Zºrºrº Azerte 7zzzzzzez-Azzzzzzer. Azzº carº tazzea &y zºe/zresertz streazzº Goozzzzºy. § - Ziegº Chazzzzeź rererzozºo/rzez. Cozzrºe sarza’. cerzezzzzºrzzzº &ea.orzzzeservº sºrear”. Ø722 Cyzzzzzzzez, Zozº cºove ereeſe. Awesºsow wrozavºc ºzºne ceases(zoº we streamw- _ZPeerzzC/texrºzzez, 40-ft. Zºezow Czee/cº. Jºzzzczzozzº of 572 orws/toe (ºr !. |- #. i. | |- i. | | | l S. s s ; { | | T., I !. ! t -- Ş. º º: zzzzzz sever, tº } º : § º s º s § s s § Węczzer” ºr i º i | º | - | - -- - ſº ºozzerzzzzzzzzzzzzzz__ _ H. Zºzºr AZZZe Creek: - - - - Jºzzzzzz ºf a za 7.5 ºz. Oww.aao Savaar. — — —l i Tavov weaveraw 64.4//w.---- Zºzzer Złotºzzºy of 62/Porro Czaſ/Mºr, L_ Were Aſeºze£y Creeze 7-zerºs ºrv &eºrod/c. . . . . .x: Zzzzeź of Gºzzº, Zzzzzzzez. 7%zz of ƺ Z30 cºove Zºzzzzzzez. _______ — S. - x --> Arcºre over- Zºtºr Creek: - - - - - ~5 غez of ºrozzo 7%zzzzer 2623s Cºzzº&22 –Zºée ºf soczºv zrezr –232 a P Večº 3 Zºoz-zezzzzz Zºerzerºck/4 Jºore & 72 Cºzzº&oo Zzzae, -- - - - - _- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Hon. E. DEWDNEY, Minister, (5eological and Natural Đistorp Suroep of Canada. Alfred R.C.Selwyn, C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S., Director. º H. White SQVA 1-1- 4 - co. 1880. 30 ft R ETR FAT - - e, arrºz Joy gºz I Lo NG Tutinº - o. 18.8 37%'. Øvºet. Scale 2%. Inches to One Mile. Nat. Scale ºn 40, Chs. 30 20 IO. O. % Data – Wheel traverse of Saw Mil/ Flat, Harvey Creek and Quesne! Forks trails by / McAvoy and S. P. Tuck, Aug. 14–21, 1885. Surveys by A. Bowman, from Breakneck AEidge to Yanks Peak, Aug. 15,85, along Keith/ey Creek, &c., Aug. 27, 1885 and /u/y 19–22, 1886. Survey of Zittle Snowshoe Creek, Z. R. Woligny, Aug. 17, '85. 27, '85, &c. AExplanation : Confours, 4 to every zooof. Vertica/, - 250 ft. interza/ AMotted, = 50 ft. vertical interva/. | ] Slate country rock. Cariboo Schºfs—/Lozºwer Falaozozc. present drainage levels–7ertiary. Superficial Hill Grazels, and - A/acer A/zzzzzzg. terraced surfaces—Pleistocene. º A//wzºumz—A’ecent. º Peef, Channel. +++++++ Aſ sº High ſolder) AJºſch. Shaft. side channel. —H Piº Vertical. Quartz Zedge. --- - +- --- Acouſes fraze/Zed. A// bearings are from true meridian. Aigures indicate height above sea level. 8o Chs = I Mile. E=== Trans?f work (triangulation and topogražica/sketekés) on Yanks Peak, 24. Aozº- man, Aug, 15, 85, on Base Mountain, / McAvoy, Aug. 23, 86, with * intersections from Goose Creek range, Vuly 13, 86, and Round /o/, Aug. - 2 || Hi//Grazels, occasionally III. exposed by slides. tº Deeſ, Gravel Deposits f Pre-glacial Gravels, including gravels below 7 ez-races. - ºf Water levelled FI Sufferſºcia? - surfaces. |→ ſº Dip & Strike. &zw ºna, & Zºe, ZºoZezrūz ºrož. zzzzzzz exº~ &rea S - : . *. -. DišcoxeRY CLAM 1860) ºr 7-zzzz's orº A3eº rºtºcºcº ill- *Gnor-rk, C. Lai -, 2. ---, - - - º _/563 º: : -----------" " ". * *A*. % &arezºzzzzzzzze f. %. . ºtſiliffſ -* ". | w --. - &ze: 9. exacy 2^ &# 11 7 Azzo tº Ay J. 73. Hazrez, Ø Zz 27 ºfºº e Jarveyor Gerzerzz's Q/fice, Oºccº. The Hon. JOHN ROBSON, Minister of Mines. 1885-6 surveys CARRIED OUT with the CO-OPERATION of the PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT of BRITISH COLUMBIA QUARTZ VEWS 3. (PLACER M.I.WES OF LITTLE SNOWSHOE AND KEITHLEY GREEKS CARIBOO DISTRICT, BRITISH COLUMBIA. Surveyed AND DRAwn BY AMOS BOWMAN, Mining Engine ER. Assist ED BY JAMEs McEvoy, B.App. sc. Z% £2/~straze Zeyzorz of A. AEorºzzazz. tº .9 369;... BRITISH COLUMBIA, CARIB00 DISTRICT, Little Snow Shoe and Keithley Creeks. * * º w DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Hon. E. DEWDNEY, Minister. (5eological and Natural ºigtorp Surucu of Canada. ALFRED R. C. SELWYN, C. M. C., L. L. D., F. R. S., DiRecroR. g / A º º ºwnp Sep. 936 To %% Mawz, tzºn 1 m., S.W. above ºe. &. ) SURVEYS CARRIED OUT with the CO-OPERATION of the PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT of BRITISH COLUMBIA The Hon. JOHN ROBSON, Minister of Mines, in 1885-6 Veins & Placer JMines of SUCAR CREEK, HARDSCRABBLE, SLOUCH CREEK, NELSON CREEK, WILLOW RIVER AND DRAGON CREEK. CARIBOO DISTRICT, BRITISH COLUMBIA. SURVEYED AND DRAWN BY AMOS BOWMAN, MINING ENGINEER, - ASSISTED BY JAMES McEvoy, B. App.Sc. DATA—Wheel Traverse from Hardscrabble to Sugar Creek diggings by S. P. Tuck, Sept. 4th. 1885. Track surveys on Mustang Creek, Sugar Creek aud Coopers Gulch by A. Bowman Sept 7th. 1886. Track surveys from Sugar Creek pass camp to Mt. Wiley, Sept. 7th. 1886, and from Devil's Canon along Slough and Dragon Creeks to Dragon Mt, Sept. 9th. 1886, by J. MeFooy. Transit work and topographical Sketches on Mt. Wiley, Sep 7th, 1886, and ºn Dragon Mountain, Sept. 10th. 1886, &c., by J. McEvoy. oº: - - sº - EXPLANATION.—Contours, 4 to every 1000 ft. vertical ; the dotted represent 50 ft. vertical – Quartz Ledges. * Dip and strike #4. Shaft -- º, º .........., , , , , , -/Jitch. ---------- ------------ Routes frazelled. ſ Fºº Fraze?s, ozzº […iii. Terraces. - - [T] IT | "...” fº.º. E Superficial º.....Dee; Gravel pºsits. ſº.” surfaces. Slate country rock. A re-glacial Grazels, including gravels below Superficial Hill Gravels, and - - - - Carzboo Schäs/s—/ozºez Palaeozoic. present drainage levels—Zertiary. terraced surfaces—Alez stocene. Alluzzum—A’ecent. Placer Mining. Scale 2%. Inches to One Mile. Nat. Scale #3; 4o Chs. 39 22 IC O % 8o Chs = 1 Mile. H= 7% illustrate Report of Amos Bowman .o" + º ſº 370*, * BRITISH COLUMBIA CARIB00 DISTRICT, Sugar, Hardscrabble and Slough Creeks. ſae· ©∞ · avº; Ž <ſ: (_) ſı, O ► ſų > D, :-) cae -l < O |- ∞ O -} O ſų Ľ |- |- 6000 5000 40 3000 ºyw, ooq; æ3 pww * ºº y ffurvozs. Ao zºº.ººr *2^o^º you wy º?????øy ſo????? ?ønázy) zºu ºg ſørſno ?^ ^4 #øø4-pøg og ºop ºyw? ?/wws sygą.?/#r qºox-pºſ? º.ſ. ?wºodſ anºſp?pT(~~~~); !foº…o oſº yoo…-pøg og : saņww.ſucop pwºg aeows pww sºwguraen, wººm, ºg 4.ax punog · *****-pº ? o.ſ. "Zºoºººoº sºuſ aeneº ?no pºſaom º ºpis A, wo swar zºwww.wo ſººq (~~~~ 7øwww.w3 «ºppo puw zawºły ucz/p7o3 ºsazzopº?-?22, ſu ºvºy už 4 vø pooº (7/ of sygway$ſ. 1. *****3 ºooººººoº ; ºpaes Ay wo gugog4yoo, w pwſyºg zºu wowo #3:Aſ?wºodſ ºuſſºvſ)”,† ºººººpºº oſ ſąſø4 ºffwy adoņw ywys:ºšſae $' ; § ; *** -- × § ff. ?20, pº? o ? ?/^ ººº/vwº ºwww-0 #sw7 ·ș ;---- “) o£ : 3wysso, gyv.). Z +25 pae,"¿ ?" ?/?.*GT 'proš øsævoº º ºff pooº ·șoa, pag og ºg/oº ºſ ozºſ ºsztoſ, z/ſw.ws …ºffſ, a www??offouaeso?” ºpºs A, wo spºuum z apņs uzvy unoſ y ſº oººº zaawae} ?/^ orºſ zºuten z sºwwºwo, yao, 'A' (ſº wznowºj” ºp º.a.w.ſ. Ao pwoły ºsºr puee ºn ſy ſuwo ×9 ww.yºuyuang ſº pwºff on sºwº zpraeſ) ºooºº : ær yfhoe ºn y ffuwo ſuunsj øóoç pww oőós sºovaez rozoº ș30,3 uezºſºw; uzun o Y: Ao prººſ oſ ssway 37,7… 6000 5000 4000 **«???? ſorºzyºſº, ºſºaſ “”, * > 2. 3000 17 T - - * f : ** 22, 2000 2000 feet above the sea SECTION ALONG HARVEY Cº. (For explanation of signs etc., see Harvey Creek map) florations of Deep Channel owing ea. Sh Vertical Scale exaggerated 5 times to 1 of zontal distance. - Hori , 4– ºwna, 372 #"; % tº British columbia. CARIB00 DISTRICT. Section along Harvey Creek. (5eological and Natural ºigtorp Surucu of Uſamada. ALFRED R. C. SELWYN, C. M. G., L. L. D., F. R. S., DiRECTOR i N -T- * Gregg and V. - old|Wheel North Fº fºgo Bed R. Theodºre's Benc Płospect shafts \ ... r foºt. º *ēlitan zower shaft Ho. 47 fººto Bed R. Atamkin Sod º: Incline **** to A. --, W. castine Pož * 50 ft. w - c Nº. --- -- * 60 rºtºne Leag 1, *:- Ayazuº *&oze the sea N - \ ºfº). Short Bend Co. ºoft. to Bed & outlet piºn - ºrs % Zaidlaw Poinzº %mm. ſo iſ/ºstrate A’effort of Amos Bowman. Is. Marion. (PLACEſk. MINES OF H A R V E Y C R E E K IN CARIBOO DISTRICT BRITISH COLUMBIA. Survey ED AND DRAWN BY AMOS BOWMAN, MINING ENGINEER. Assisted by James McEvoy, B. A. sc. Contours 250 ft. we fical interval High Channel. —, . º o EXPLANATION.— Ledges die as indicated. -t- Strike, dº —t Deep Channel. unuſuun, 7Terraced slopes & bluffs. * Shaft. %0 C % J'cazal I | |l/Wils Qia - - — > * º º 2 ** Old gravel deposits below fºresent ºrainage level. Hill gravels & Terraces. Alluviume. § $º gº 3:...ºf § Tºg s 3-º- iſiºn ** ****, *.*.*.*...* * ‘...."...ºr rºº: :::::::: * ***** * º: tº: tºº Žº . §§ * º §§ §§. * º º sº *** §: - ... i*,\!. *...*.*. **:::::::