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The district is reached by team from Lander over a good wagon road, which may readily be covered in a day in ordinary weather. - - - The Chicago and Northwestern Railroad system reaches Lander from the east, making connections with the Burlington Route, at Crawford, Nebraska, and the Colorado & Southern Railroad at Orin Junction from Denver, Cheyenne and points on the Union Pacific System. The Burlington Route also reaches Thermopolis, in northern Fremont County, where connections may be made by stage or team with the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad at Shoshoni, thirty-five miles, over Copper Mountain, or to Lander direct, a distance of about eighty miles. . - Connections may also be made to Rawlins, on the Union Pacific Railroad, by way of the old stage road to Meyersville, 125 miles, or to Rock Springs, on the Union Pacific Railroad, by way of Pacific Springs, on the old freight road, eighty miles. A daily stage and mail route runs from Lander to South Pass, Atlantic and beyond to Pinedale and Jackson Hole points. 195335 —4— Good hotels are kept at Atlantic and South Pass and the district may be thoroughly covered from a comfortable head- quarters. HISTORY. Gold was first discovered in this region in 1842 and from that time until 1869 efforts were made to work the rich placers known to exist there, when the great rush to South Pass or “the Sweetwater Mines” occurred in the latter year, and the placers rich enough to pay when worked on a limited, crude scale were promptly worked to the profitable point and the miners then sought other opportunities in the newer fields of Colorado and Montana. During this time the Carissa Lode was opened up and paid large returns, followed by the Miners Delight at Peabody Hill, the Burr at Lewiston and numerous other properties that were worked for a time with great success, but which were allowed to run down and were abandoned when the level of water and base ores were reached. - Many attempts to start up these properties have been made, but usually by men of limited capital or little experience in mining or ore treatment, they becoming discouraged when their mills did not treat the ores successfully, and for many years little was accomplished in the district, but, with the new and much cheaper methods of ore treatment and more thorough test- ing of refractory or difficult ores, processes adapted to the suc- cessful treatment of the South Pass ores have been worked out and the future of the district seems assured. Recently a number of successful mining men have taken hold of promising properties and the results of their experiments and work indicate a more extensive and practical development of the ores that certainly exist here and warrant the close in- vestigation of any mining man who thoroughly understands his business. GEOILOGY. The district may be said to consist of an island of meta- morphic Schists of the Algonkian period lying upon the granites of the Archean, and with several intrusions of granite and dyke rocks in the schists at different localities. º A View of South Pass City. At this point cold was discovered in 1842 AND became FAMous during the Sweet- water MINEs RusH IN 1867, AT which TIME THERE were rex rhousand People IN THE District. —6— The granites of this section of the Wind River Range are usually the common reddish feldsitic granites, and here show an occasional gray granite island or band, usually of limited extent. Dykes of diorite and allied rocks are also noted in the granite, but to the present time nothing of commercial value has been reported from the granite areas. The schists show for a distance of about thirty miles long and from ten to twelve miles wide, the longer axis bearing norhteasterly and Southwesterly, in the same genéral direction as the strike of the schists, and with a general dip to the north, varying from 45 degrees to the perpendicular. Around these schists are the granites on the northwesterly sides and the succeeding sedimentary formations on the southerly sides. The Schists vary in composition in different parts of the district but are usually hornblende Schists, with some mica Schist and chlorite schist associated there with, and, as a rule, the varieties are fine grained. An exposure of garnet schist is noted near the Bryan mine and in the granite vicinities some gneisses are found, but these are usually of limited extent and of local importance. The schists frequently show tourmaline in small quantities and, locally, pyrite and magnetite are found as a constituent part of the schist. Nearly all the rocks of the region, but especially the above mentioned Schists, show strong evidences of alteration and change, in many instances giving an apeparance entirely foreign to the character of the rock, but an examination with an ordi- nary field lens is often sufficient to determine the true character of the rock at once. This altering material is usually silica, and where the rocks are weathered, as on an exposed outcrop, a hard quartzose character is noted, and these are often called “dykes,” but are simply altered schists and frequently carry gold values. Dykes occur in these schists, especially at the Miners De- light at Peabody Hill, where dykes of diorite and diabase are noted; at the Mary Ellen Mine near Atlantic; at the Carissa at South Pass, and along the northwesterſy edge of the schists in the vicinity of the Little Joe, and at Gold Creek. —7— At the Miners Delight, dykes of porphyritic material are noted, and these extend to the “Rustler Pelt,” north of Atlantic City, where the “Mormon Crevice” and Poiree Estate properties have produced very rich ore. TOPOGRAPHY. The district, topographically, is a series of broad table lands, devoid of timber, rising from the Sweetwater River Valley northward to the foot of the Wind River Mountains and cut by numerous creeks which furnish the water for the district, and whose beds and tributary gulches held the placer gold which first attracted attention to the region. Willow Creek at South Pass, Rock Creek at Atlantic City, Strawberry Gulch at Lewis- ton, and Beaver Creek at Miners Delight, are the principal creeks. Four camps were established in the early days, and all of them had periods of prosperity, followed by periods of depres– sion, but at the present writing there seems to be a better feeling than for many years, and work is proceeding on a busi- ness basis. South Pass is the most westerly of the camps, kept up for years by the work on the Carissa Mine; Atlantic City lies four miles northeast, supported by the old Granier Placers, and more recently by the Dexter M. & D. Co. enterprises; Miners Delight, brought into existence by the famous mine of that name, three miles further northeast, on Peabody Hill, and Lewis- ton, ten miles southeast of Atlantic City, where the Burr and Bullion mines produce wonderfully rich gold ores. THE CARISSA MINE. The Carissa was located in 1867, and has been a phenomenal producer for many years, often under adverse circumstances of working and management, and is today the best known and deepest developed property in the South Pass district. Here the high grade ore occurs in quartz lenses, lying in the schist, having the same dip and strike as the schist, and these lenses occur at irregular intervals. Associated with these quartz lenses are bodies of mineral- ized Schist carrying pay values in gold, and lying between, or near, the quartz lenses have been found schist ores of very The CARIssa MiNE. This was one of the First properties Located IN THE District and is locally credited with A MILLION DOLLAR PRODUCTION, —9– high grade, but with the usual intervals of lower grade ma- terials in the same ore. Formerly, the deevlopment in this mine was confined to the high grade lenses above noted, and the low grade ores practically ignored, owing to lack of facilities for treating them profitably. A crosscut has been run west from the lower, or 400-foot level, and the occurrence condition of these low grade ores determined. This crosscut is 180 feet long and cut through a Series of quartz lenses and schist leads, varying greatly in value, the limits being stated to the State Geologist as run- ning from a trace up to $50 per ton in gold. The free condition of the gold remained unchanged, as in other parts of the mine, and the results of the milling of this ore showed a mill value of six dollars per ton in gold for the whole length of 180 feet. This crosscutting is considered the most important work accomplished in the district for some years, as it demonstrates the existence of large bodies of low grade ores, capable of treatment on a large scale, and indicates the course to be pursued in other mines of the district. The present development in the Carissa consists of more than 2,500 feet of drifting, crosscuts, etc., with a shaft 384 feet deep, following the dip of the vein, equipped with hoist and necessary appliances for handling the ore on a limited scale. For extensive exploitation and development on a commercial scale, a new plant would be required and is fully warranted by the showing now made. In the upper portion of the Carissa workings the usual oxidized ores were found and these were very rich, as shown by the early history of the mine. As development proceeded, the oxidized ores passed out and the sulphide forms came in, being mostly arsenical pyrites, but experience in milling these ores has shown that the free gold character of the ore still per- tains, and on the lower level from 60 to 90 per cent of the gold values may be saved upon the plates. Ore is frequently encountered which shows free gold associated with pyrites, both in the quartz and in the adjacent schists. The ore has been run through a ten-stamp mill, over amal- gamating plates and concentrating tables, the concentrates being saved and the tailings being settled with a view of cyaniding, —IO— this process having been experimented with and found successful for these ores. The full extent of the ores in this mine has not yet been developed, and will require a system of further development by sinking to still greater depths, crosscutting through and beyond the lenses now known, to determine the full extent of the profitably mineralized zone, and drifts on the vein to get under the formation which showed great values on the surface, but which have been neglected in recent years. The development has simply proven beyond a reasonable doubt that a great mine exists here and with intelligent, extensive development and ore treatment may be made a great property. SOUTH PASS. At South Pass the Franklin, the Curry, the Carry Shields, and others are lying idle for want of capital to push their fur- ther development, and any of these are worthy of a close in- vestigation. The Copper Surprise, one mile north of the town, shows a strong lead carrying considerable copper pyrites, in ad- dition to gold values, and a shaft has been sunk to a depth of I35 feet on these showings. º Three miles north of South Pass, the Security Gold and Copper Mines Company are developing a group of thirty-two claims, having sunk four shafts to a maximum depth of one hundred feet, in addition to other works, on an ore that shows gold and copper values. Between South Pass and Atlantic are a number of proper- ties which have been worked at various times, and a great deal of ore was shipped or milled from these properties that now lie idle. The Doc Barr, Richard Albert, and neighboring proper- ties have shown up considerable good ore when worked and, while yet undeveloped, show conditions similar to the Carissa and merit extensive development along the lines indicated for the Carissa. t The Duncan has recently been bonded by Messrs. Strout, McLaughlin and associates, who are engaged in successful min- ing in the Black Hills, and are here preparing to develop this property. The first work will be to sink two hundred feet ad- ditional in the main shaft and drift on the ore, as may be necessary. ATLANTIC. Atlantic City is situated in the central part of the working district, four miles east of South Pass, and came into existence during the opening of the Rock Creek Placers and the adjacent lodes, when the Jim Dyer, Big Atlantic and Huff Tunnel were all producing rich ores. For the past eight years, this has been the working head- quarters of the Dexter Mining and Development Company, of Rochester, N. Y., who have acquired a number of promising properties in this section and erected a large mill to treat their own and custom ores. This is the largest plant in the district, having a capacity of I50 tons daily, using twenty I,050-pound stamps, with amal- gamating plates and a cyanide department for Saving tailings values. This mill will enable more extensive experiments to be made on the ores of the whole locality and provide a market for the small producer. Atlantic is surrounded by promising properties, nearly all of which have been developed to a slight extent, mostly on the high grade ores, but with an occasional small working on the adjacent lower grade ores, and it is worthy of note that this latter work has uniformly been successful. The Dexter Tunnel was driven to prospect a section of this ground, reaching a length of 1,400 feet, and cut three blind leads of low grade ore before work was suspended. Several well known mines and leads lie ahead of this work, the Bryan mine having produced some of the richest ore of the district, though only a small saving was made of the values at that time. The Mormon Crevice and Poirée Estate properties are similar properties with small development on rich lenses. Near the Bryan is the Garfield Mine, having a shaft and levels run on some rich ore lenses and some further work on the low grade ores noted in the usual connection with the rich lenses. The Tabor Grand, near the Duncan, shows the characteristic lens condition, but no deep work has been attempted. The ore was milled in a Huntington mill with some success and later in the Dexter mill at Atlantic. The Mary Ellen Mine, above the Tabor Grand, in Mary Ellen Gulch, shows a fissure vein cutting across the formtaion A View of ATLANT1c City, Looking NorthEast TowARD MINER's DELIGHT. Rock Creek, shown in THE FOREGround, is considerſºn one of the Most valuable placer properties in Wyoming, and is unique among the bedded veins of this locality, though the ore is among the richest produced from this section, a great deal of specimen ore being found. The property is developed by a shaft sunk on the vein and a small mill has been erected where a Huntington mill was successfully used. This is a valu- able property. Above Atlantic, on Rock Creek, is the Ground Hog Group, owned by Samuel Spangler, of Atlantic, which shows character- istics similar to the Carissa, having the same lenses of quartz and heavily mineralized schist carrying profitable values. It is considered one of the best propositions of the region, but de- velopment has been confined to the surface ores, but shown up fine development possibilities. With a working tunnel from Rock Creek, run on the vein, to cut under the ore now showing, the property permits of cheap mining and thorough development with a small plant. The Big Chief Mining Company is developing a promising property up Rock Creek from the Ground Hog by running a tunnel 375 feet long to cut their ore at a depth of 265 feet, about 3OO feet being now completed. Samples of ore from the upper workings show free gold in commercial quantity, and the propo- Sition is generally considered most encouraging. Northeast of Atlantic, on the west slope of Peabody Hill, is the Payrock Group, owned by Burton and McGraff, of At- lantic, who opened up the property by a shaft and drifts in such a manner as to show a large body of milling ore and the usual rich lenses. A tunnel has been run to a length of 700 feet, which will be extended this winter to cut the ores opened at the surface by the shaft workings. This property has been bonded by Denver capitalists and is being opened up under the direction of Frank Reinhard, after a thorough sampling and exploration. It is considered that this is a very promising property that fully merits the development proposed, and that the conditions noted here indicate an ore deposit similar to that of the Miners De- light Mine, on the east slope of the same hill. MINERS DELIGHT. Peabody Hill is the most prominent landmark of the eastern end of the district, and on the east side the most famous mine in Wyomng was found in 1867 by Owens, Holbrook and others, and which produced over $1,000,000 in gold from a very limited portion of its area. The first owners made no effort to mine carefully, but simply gophered through the vein where the gold was the thickest and milled whatever they took out in a rough stamp mill, paying little attention to the percentage saved. This vein was a fissure from four to six feet wide, running alongside a dyke of coarsely crystalline porphyry and the mining was done by open cuts and shallow shafts. Later work was done in a more careful manner, and a shaft sunk to a depth of 275 feet, drifts were run at intervals and ore taken from the first vein and the “blanket vein” opened up later, but passing by the lower grades of milling ore of the mine. The property laid idle for many years and was recently acquired by United States Senator Clark of Wyoming, and Rich- ard C. Adams of Washington, D. C., who made extensive ex- periments and demonstrated the value of the ore and property. The work has shown conclusively that the property con- tains a number of veins, instead of having the values confined to one ore shoot, as was formerly supposed. These veins center near the old open cuts, and have been traced by shafts and cuts along their courses and show a large ore territory, known to contain milling values at least, but which has never been opened by any deep development. In common with similar showings in other properties of the district, these are attracting attention and bid fair to prove the real valuable ores of the region. The entire problem shown at this mine is most interesting, hoth scientifically and com- mercially, and there is every evidence that the Miners Delight will work out into a great gold mine, as the veins are strong and well defined, the ore shoots so far have been large and profitable and the work at the Carissa has demonstrated that the ores continue with depth, the values are permanent and there is every probability that these ores will do the same. LEWISTON. At this camp, which was opened up in 1879 with the dis- covery of the Burr mine, development has been slow for the past few years. The Burr shows the same lens condition before noted and was very rich, some of the showiest specimen ore of this region being produced here. This ore was free milling and very easily handled, much of it being worked in a hand mortar, but no mining, aside from the work of the original lens, was attempted. The Bullion mine, Iron Duke, Ruby, and a number of others have produced heavily, but have not been worked steadily for a number of years. Experiments have been made at the Bullion mine with cyaniding the Lewiston ores, with success, but the results have not been given out for publication. Each year prospecting is active here, and lenses of quartz opened up which show conditions similar to those already known, but this camp needs a deep mine similar to the Carissa, in the hands of practical mining men, to demonstrate the value and permanence of the ores, and there is no reasonable doubt that such a property would be a commercial success, as it is fully warranted by the showings already made. PLACERS. Placer mining formed the first attractions of the South Pass, or “Sweetwater” country, as it was first known, when these mines were as famous as Nevada camps are today, but in recent years only placering on a small Scale, or experimental work, has been attempted. The largest placer works are those of the old Christina Lake Placer Company, better known as the Granier Placers, now held by the Dexter Company, which consist of some I,600 acres of patented placer ground on Rock Creek, above and below Atlantic, as well as other claims held by location. Water for this placer is secured from Christina Lake and Rock Creek and conveyed by a system of ditches and flumes twenty-five miles long. During the past year, the Virginian Gold Dredging Com- pany, was organized by Lander, Wyo., men to work I,280 acres of placer on Smith Gulch, Big Atlantic Gulch, and Promise Gulch, lying below Atlantic, and at the base of Peabody Hill, near Rock Creek. A Clark Little Dipper Dredge is to be erected this winter on the ground. Gravel is about I2 to 15 feet deep and values are stated to this office as from fifty cents to one dollar per yard, with pay gravel showing from two to —16— ten dollars per yard. Cost of handling figured at about 9 cents per yard and the first dredge, (capacity 500 yards daily) is ex- pected to be ready April Ist, 1908, others to be added during the summer. These gulches were all worked at various times by the crude methods of early days, and some wonderfully rich finds, or pockets, were opened in these gravels. Placering on a small scale has been carried on each year in the gulches of the district, at Miners Delight and in Straw- berry Gulch at Lewiston, and work reported from the Oregon Butte Placers, south of this section, but the results not made public. Last fall a report was circulated, alleging that the placer ground adjacent to the old Red Canon and Twin Creek placers, On the east side of the range, had been salted, and investigation ordered by the Governor. The State Geologist has had this matter under investigation since that time and practically com- pleted all outside work, with the exception of the actual sam- pling of the ground. There being no further funds available at this time, this sampling was necessarily postponed and must be taken up as funds are provided by the next Legislature, which meets in January, I909. ORES AND TREATMENT. In the past, the attention of the owner and miner has been directed to the high grade ores, but it is upon the great bodies of low grade ores which certainly exist in this vicinity, that the district must depend in the future for the permanent pros- perity of the mines, although it is to be expected that other lenses, fully as rich as those of the past, will be opened up and go to swell the production record of the district. The grade of ore of the South Pass District has certainly been remarkably high, and had proper care been used in handling or testing the ores, the percentage of values saved would have been equally high, but it is a fact, in many instances, that Ores were sent to the nearest mill without regard to the fitness of the proposed treatment for the ore in question, and when the values were not saved in that mill, the mine was turned down. It is admitted that the process of stamping and amalgamating the free gold values is suited to the ores of some of the mines —I7— of the district, especially the Carissa, as the mill figures for that mine readily show, but it should be stated with all possible em- phasis, that this method is not suitable for all the ores of the district. Nnmerous instances have been stated on good authority, where different lots of ores have been milled and only IO to 30 per cent of the assay values saved, the balance going into the tailings dump or washed into the creeks. Various reasons have been assigned for this state of affairs, and samples of ores examined have shown the gold in several forms, which left no doubt as to the variety or scope of the pro- cesses needed for treatment. Space does not permit discussion of the ores here, but it may be mentioned that the “brittle gold” and “crystallized gold” often spoken of in this locality, have been found to be partially oxidized tellurium minerals, which, of course, are not suited to stamping in their natural State and are wasted by such methods, the tailings values almost equalling the original ore values in well defined instances. “Rusty gold” is common and difficult of saving by amalga- mation as usual, but may be handled with proper precaution. No one process has yet been found which would successfully treat all the ores of the district, and before any property is taken up, a thorough test at some well equipped and reliable testing works should be made on as large an amount as con- venient, of the same grade or kind it is proposed to treat, and works then designed and constructed by some skilled designer according to the results actually obtained by this treatment. In these tests especial attention should be given to the saving and handling of the fines, of which an unusual amount is often pro- duced from the nature of the minerals noted in these ores. Attempts have been made at different times to treat the old mine dumps by the cyanide process, in some instances with success, but in a number of cases the people handling the work were not familiar with the process and the experiment did not succeed, owing to the fact that the ores were not properly crushed or handled, but it is believed that this process, conducted by competent cyanide millmen and with proper precautions deter- mined by actual experiment on the ore to be treated, will un- —I8— doubtedly be found to be adapted for a large amount of ore in this district. The Dexter mill provides a local plant where these experi- ments can be made on a large scale and should be a great factor in the opening up and prosperity of the whole locality. FUEL AND POWER. Up to the present, the fuel of the district has been wood. Formerly this cost from three to four dollars per cord, delivered, and was considered commercial fuel. During the recent run at the Miners Delight mine, the cost of wood was found to be from five to six or seven dollars per cord and soon ceased to be a practicable fuel, owing to the cost of obtaining and handling the amount required at this plant. The oil of the Pope Agie fields near Dallas Post Office, fourteen miles north of the Miners Delight, was then used, and can be delivered here for three dollars per barrel. These oils are very high grade fuel. ANALYSIS OF POPO AGIE OIL. Flashing point. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 degrees Fahrenheit Burning point. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I36 degrees Fahrenheit Specific gravity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90O. Heating power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO,437 calories per gramme Gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20–25 per cent Kerosene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-60 per cent Light lubricating oils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-IO per cent Paraffine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 per cent Coke and loss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–6 per cent Asphaltic residue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Oſle The oil appears black, is reddish brown by transmitted light and has a strong, disagreeable Odor. In refining this oil, the products are kerosene and gaso- line, lubricating oils and asphaltum. The oil is of heavy as- phaltum base and is suitable for high grade fuel, tests giving 1,571,OOO foot pounds of energy per pound of oil. One pound of this oil will convert I9.40 pounds of water at 212 degrees Fahrenheit into steam. e The great drawback to this region has been distance from transportation and lack of cheap power. The building of the : A view Looking North wells. Thi, Down. The Popo-Agiº River AND Along the strike of the ANTicine, From THE PREsent oil, Formations Along the sipes of the Anticline are RED sandstones and shale. —2O— Chicago and Northwestern Railroad into Lander has simplified the first item to a great extent, and there is every probability that railroads will reach the district itself before very long. The power question is about to be solved also by the erec- tion of an electric power plant at the Dallas oil wells and run- ning a power line to the mines. Mr. Richard C. Adams and associates, of the Miners Delight mine, having found that the wood fuel problem was an expensive item, decided on installing a plant to furnish their own power for the mine and later decided to make it a commercial plant and furnish custom power for the district. A large tract of oil land has been secured and wells are being drilled at this time. Additional rigs will be put in and the field thoroughly exploited both in extent and produc- tion. There are a dozen wells already on the Lobel, or old Murphy tract, and the quality and quantity of the oil has been amply demonstrated, but no regular production has ever been maintained. Work on the power plant and line is to begin at once, and the rates for power made as low as possible in order to induce a large number of properties to install electric plants. It is expected that a rate of $100 per horsepower per year can be made, and this will mean an enormous saving over the fuels now in use, as it has been shown that the present fuel prices means a cost of from $400 per horsepower per year up, and this is almost prohibitive in a number of the mines. This power plant is one of the most important advances that has yet been made and means a possible commercial future to the district. The opening up of the mines of the Hudson Coal Company at Hudson, I2 miles east of Lander, on the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, has placed commercial coal on the market and further advanced the fuel question. Tests have shown that about one and one-half tons of the Hudson coal equals one ton of Iowa coal. Hudson coal costs $2.50 per ton and Iowa coal about $6.00 per ton on the railroad. Tests on the Central Wyoming coals and oils show the following: I lb. Central Wyoming coal will convert Io.96 lbs. of water into steam at 212° F. –21- |- View or one of the origiNAt, ott, wells of this ſ Lºs ſae:: - ſºs Mae ! :) R• !! !! №:D, |- |-%. DQ. ſºſ, Lºs Sae |× ¿ ! |- |- |-/* |() -|- | field and known as the “Murphy Welt.” I lb. Popo-Agie oil will convert I9.60 lbs. of water into steam at 212° F. I.77 lbs. Central Wyoming coal is equal to I lb. of Popo- Agie oil. 2,OOO lbs. Central Wyoming coal is equal to I, 130 lbs. of Popo-Agie oil. Actual work with these coals and oils may vary somewhat from the above figures but they will serve to give a basis for estimates and comparisons. WAGES AND SUPPLIES. Standard union wages are paid throughout this district and living is about the same as in other mining regions. The Lan- der Valley and nearby farming communities afford the best of staple produce, which is sold through the mining district during the season. Wood fuel is generally used for domestic use, but supplies of good domestic coal may be had from the Hudson mines, twelve miles from Lander. Other coal exists south of the dis- trict but has not been put upon the general market. Lumber may be had by carload or less at Lander yards, from $20 to $30 per M., depending upon quality. Provisions and miners' supplies may be had at South Pass, Atlantic and Lander at standard prices. Telephone connection is had through the Lander Exchange with all outside points reached by the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company. CLIMATE AND ALTITUDES. The climate of this region is about the same as similarly situated sections in the Rocky Mountains. Mining work and freighting goes on at all seasons and the roads are being im- proved yearly, affording ready access to all parts of the district. The average altitude of the mining section may be taken at about 7,800 feet above sea level, other points being as follows: Lander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,372 feet Atlantic City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,850 feet Miners Delight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,550 feet Peabody Hill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,900 feet Briefly, it may be stated that the SouTH PAss GOLD DISTRICT is not a bonanza country, although the past history of the region records some wonderful finds, but it is certainly worthy of the closest attention and investigation of the mining investor who understands his business and is competent, both technically and financially, to carry on the work demanded. With the improved and still improving transportation con- ditions and outside connections, the immediate installation of cheap electric power for the entire region and reopening of the prominent properties, there is no reason why the district should not begin permanent production at once and the ores suc- cessfully treated. Z Y& "rawea rºyo fee & 1 a 72-ree sºno eas... s. 49. XA-1. R. & ‘A’. & gr. £r. % s A-3 . 1 < 1– – T | oc da cł & a 7 & © & 5 q+ «J& *corr-, fºr at 6.5 * OUTLINE MAP of CENTRAI, FREMONT County, WYOMING, SHOWING GEN- ERAI, SITUATION OF THE SOUTH PAss GOLD DISTRICT. Shaded area indicates outline of the District. * | | 3 9015 O6845 9547 IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N |||||||| U • • ¿ ģ№ :::::::#3ğĒģ¿、 -→- §§ --→ * ** * · *... 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