DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ...” JOHN BARTON PAYNE, SECRETARY * .. lſ As . ~~BUREAU OF MINES __--~~~ H. FOSTER BAIN, Acting DIRECTOR PLAN FOR CONDUCTING WORK UNDER OPERATING REGULATIONS TO GOVERN THE PRODUCTION OF OIL AND GAS UNDER THE Act of FEBRUARY 25, 1920 PUBLIC 146 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 Science TN/ 872. , A +'s | 4:20 The Bureau of Mines, in carrying out one of the provisions of its organic act—to disseminate information concerning investigations made—prints a limited free edition of each of its publications. . . . . When this edition is exhausted, copies māy be obtained at cost price only through the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. The Superintendent of Documents is not an official of the Bureau of Mines. His is an entirely separate office and he should be addressed: SUPERINTENDENT of DocumENTs, Government Printing Office, - Washington, D. C. The general law under which publications are distributed prohibits the giving of more than one copy of a publication to one person. The price of this publication is 5 cents. First edition, February, 1921. s\, s \. ** { C sº ~| | Vo /* { . CONTENTS. Page. With whom to deal.--------------------------------------------------------- 5 Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------... 5 Use and preparation of forms----------------------------------------------... 5 Sundry notices and reports on wells........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 Suggestions for testing water shut-off.......................................... 10 Formation shut-off with or without use of mud back of casing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Cemented casing... . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------------------------------------- 11 Statement of oil and gas sold during month. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Appendix------------------------------------------------------------------. 16 Operating regulations to govern the production of oil and gas... . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Definitions------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Powers and duties of supervisor and his deputies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Duties of lessees------------------------------------------------------... 17 Regulations relative to gaging oil--------------------------------------.... 18 Measurement of natural gas-----------------------------------------..... 19 Methods of computing value of casing-head gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Enforcement of orders.----------------------------------------------..... 20 Appeal to the Secretary------------------------------------------------- 20 3 PLAN FOR CONDUCTING WORK UNDER OPERATING REGULATIONS TO GOVERN THE PRODUCTION OF OIL AND GAS. WITH WHOM TO DEAL. In matters pertaining to drilling and producing operations, and the handling and gaging of oil or gas, the lessee should deal with the deputy Supervisor in whose district the permit or lease is located. Usually this officer will be the person from whom this pamphlet was obtained. When in doubt as to the proper officer with whom to deal, the lessee should inquire by letter of the Director of the Bureau of Mines, Washington, D. C. INTRODUCTION. In discharging the duty of supervising operations on the Govern- ment lands conducted under prospecting permit or under lease for the purpose of developing and producing oil or gas under the act of February 25, 1920, the Bureau of Mines has in view the maximum ultimate recovery of oil and gas from the various deposits that is consistent with good mining. This, in substance, is also the ulti- mate object of most producers of oil and gas. . To attain this common objective, the operator, as well as the Bureau of Mines, must be acquainted, as far as possible, with the facts pertaining to develop- ment and operation of the property. In order to make these facts of any considerable value, they must be properly recorded, filed, and coordinated. In operating, to know a property is to know the individual wells on it. For this reason much of the information called for by the Bureau of Mines concerns individual wells. Experience will probably show that these data are essential to careful operations. In order to increase the value of its work to the oil industry, the Bureau of Mines, through its various representatives and officers, is always anxious to receive advice and criticism from the industry which it is endeavoring to serve. DSE AND PREPARATION OF FORMS. Lessee's monthly report of wells.-Form No. 6–329 is to be filled out for each calendar month, and filed in duplicate with the deputy in whose district the lease or permit is situated, on or before the 10th day of the succeeding month. - 5 Form 6-329 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU of MINES PETROLEUM DIVISION LESSEE’S MONTHLY REPORT OF WELLS. (DRILLING AND OIL PRODUCING) State (or Territory)-----------------------------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . * - - - - - County (or subdivision).......... . . . . . . . . . . .----------------------- Field------------------------------------------------------------- Company-------------------------------------------------------- The following is a correct report of drilling and producing wells for the month of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 19 Signed -------------------------------------------------------- Title ---------------------------------------------- Sec. Twp. Range Yº! oº: d If gº º Barrels oil | Barrels water .# Gravity If shut down, CallS0 NoTE.—This report to be filed in duplicate with Deputy Supervisor on or before 10th of succeeding month. *- : *-*---- Form 6–330 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU of MINES PETROLEUM DIVISION LOG OF OIL OR GAS WELL LOCATE WELL CORRECTLY Company * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * us e º e s tº e s º º © tº º - º ºr º e º sº. Address --------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lessor or Tract ----------------......... tº gº º ºs º ºs º ºs & g = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Field -------------------------. State. --------------------------. Well No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sec. ------ T. ------ R. ------ Meridian -----------------------. County ---------------------------------. Location . . . . . . . . it'ſ e }of - - - - - - Line and ...... itſ; }of - - - - - - - - Line of ---------------- Elevation ---------------.................. & º (Derrick floor relative to sea level.) .The information given herewith is a complete and correct record of the well and all work done thereon so far as can be determined from all available records. - Signed ----------------------------------...................... Date.... . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tº º º Title -----------------............................. The summary on this page is for the condition of the well at above date. Commenced drilling........................ tº ºr s sº e º ºs º ºs e º ºs e º ºr , 19. --- Finished drilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 19.- ... dº OIL SANDS OR ZON ES No. 1, from -------------------------- to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No. 4, from ------------------------. to ------------------------- No. 2, from -------------------------- to ------------------------- No. 5, from ------------------------- to- ------------------------ No. 3, from -------------------------. to ------------------------- No. 6, from ------------------------- to ------------------------- & IMPORTANT WATER SANDS No. 1, from -------------------------- to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No. 3, from ------------------------- to ------------------------- No. 2, from -------------------------. to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * > * * º e - º º No. 4, from . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . º CASING RECORD - Perforated --- - Size Weſ. per Thrº per Make Amount . I(ind of shoe Cut *pulled | - Purpose From TO MUDDING AND CEMENTING RECORD Size Where set No. Sacks of cement Method used Mud gravity Amount of mud used ; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = s. ; : " '''' :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. à PLU GS AND ADAPTERS Heaving plug-Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * Length --------------------------------------- Depth set----------------- * @ º ºn tº dº º º ºs º is º Adapters—Material - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Size ------ ---------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *-----------------------------------------------. SHOOTING RECORD Size Shell used Explosive used Quantity - Dato | Depth shot Depth cleaned out |- – - - - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * sº e º – 4 tº sº ºn e ºs s I am - as a m = - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * as s - - a tº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * --~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | | | | | | | * * * * * * * * * * * e tº tº º ---.…..…..….…T…..... TOOLS US ED Rotary tools were used from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . feet to ------------------- feet, and from - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - feet to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . feet Cable tools were used from ----------------------- feet to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - feet, and from -----------------. feet to . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - feet DATES * = - - - - - - - - - - - - - e - - - s - - as e - - - - - as sº - - sº - - - - - - se - - sº * - - * - - , 19 t Put to producing.…......, 19 The production for the first 24 hours was . . . . . . . . . . barrels of fluid of which - - - - - - % was oil; ---------- % emulsion; - - - - - - - - - - % water; and . . . . . . . . . . % sediment. Gravity, *Bé. ------------------------------------------- If gas well, cu. ft. per 24 hours ------------...-------------------- Gallons gasoline per 1,000 cu. ft. of gas----------------------------- Rock pressure, lbs. per Sq. in. ---------------------------------. - EMPLOYEES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * , Driller -------------------------------------------------------, Driller * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *s as a sm , Driller -------------------------------------------------------, Driller FORMATION RECORD ------ - - - - - --- - --T-T-T—- ... — —- == -- - - - From TO Total feet w Formation 24601°–21. (To face p. 7.) TJSE AND PREPARATION OF FORMS. 7 This form is a general statement for the purpose of informing the deputy as to the operations on the property. The form should be submitted for each month throughout the life of the permit or lease, including the month in which the same was issued, as well as the month in which it is terminated. A separate report should be sent in for each lease or permit. The only information called for in this report which is likely to occasion any inconvenience to the operator is the number of barrels of oil and water produced by each well. It is desirable to base these figures on an average of three gages or more per month. It is obvi- ously impossible to give any detailed system of gaging that would be universally applicable. Usually the operator, with a little ingenuity, can devise a method of gaging his wells that will check, within a reasonable degree of accuracy, with the production of the lease for the same month. The deputy supervisor will be glad to advise with the operator as to methods of gaging on the lease or permit. If gas wells are brought in, they should be reported on Form 6–335. Determination of the number of days a well has produced as per Forms 6–339 and 6–335.-A well that is properly cleaned out and otherwise in good mechanical condition will produce oil every day if opened up or pumped; such a well is considered off the producing list when shut in or shut down for repairs, lack of tankage, or for any other cause and should be so reported. What is commonly known as a “head” well constitutes a different case. Suppose, for example, that a well can be pumped off in a few hours, and makes as much oil when pumped every other day, or one day a week, as if it were pumped steadily. In such a well, the pro- duction brought to the surface on the day when the well is pumped can not be properly credited to that one day, as it actually represents the underground accumulation of the well for two days or a week, as the case may be. Therefore such a well, if pumped regularly at the proper intervals as determined by experiment, would be consid- ered as producing each day of the month, even though it might be pumped but four or five days during the entire period. If a well pumps off in a few hours, or produces all its oil by pumping “daylights,” perhaps for eight hours, it is counted as a producer for that day, regardless of whether its production were lifted in eight hours or twenty-four. Log of well.—The necessity of a good, accurate log of a well is widely recognized. In compiling the log Form No. 6–330, herewith presented, the object has been to provide systematically arranged places for recording drilling data which hitherto may have been filed only in the memory of the driller or other employee, supple- mented merely by a skeleton or fragmentary log. It is necessary 8 PLAN OF WORK UNDER OIL AND GAS REGULATIONS. to keep a log accurately, whether the well is drilled by company labor or by contract. The log of a well should be furnished in duplicate on proper forms to the local deputy within 15 days after completion of the well. Should the department need the log data prior to completion of the well, a request for it will be made. STUNDRY NOTICES AND REPORTS ON WELLS. Form No. 6–331 has been issued to cover proposed work on wells and statements of the work actually done thereon. In order to work for the good of all concerned, each well of a group must be considered not merely as a unit, but as a portion of a system. An operation on one well which will permanently harm another well should not be allowable under ordinary conditions. For instance, One operator may consider an oil stratum as noncommercial, and shut off the top water and this oil by landing a string of casing below the oil, without in any way attempting to exclude the water from entering the oil formation. If a neighboring operator has left the same oil stratum open for production, the top water from the first well will be produced eventually by the second well, as it has access through the porous oil-bearing stratum. A comparatively dry and barren porous formation may act as a water carrier under conditions similar to those mentioned above. The conservation requirements, then, of a drilling campaign, are either (1) to shut off top water in each well opposite the same forma- tion, or (2) to seal each of the fluids of the upper formations in its own stratum by means of some reliable method. It is sometimes difficult to determine the continuation of a stratum from one well to another, and reliable conclusions can be drawn only from detailed studies made by experienced investigators. It is the duty of the engineers of the Bureau of Mines to cooperate with the lessees on Government land and with other operators for the purpose of preventing underground and surface losses of oil and gas due to infiltrating water, to dissipation of oil and gas into strata that are under less pressure, to evaporation, and to other causes. It becomes necessary, therefore, to consult the local deputy super- visor before work on wells is undertaken in order to prevent pos- sible damage and to avoid being faced with a repair job later on. This form (No. 6–331) will cover all the notices necessary and all the reports that are required, except those for which special blanks are provided. This form may be used for any of the purposes listed; the operator may also insert a special heading on the blank and use it for other purposes. The following explanation applies to the uses to which Form No. 6–331 may be put and the headings are discussed in order as they appear on the blank. - NO form 6–331 “. . ~ * • . .” : DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU of MINES PETROLEUM DIVISION SUNDRY NOTICES AND REPORTS ON WELLS (INDICATE NATURE OF DATA BY CHECKING BELOW) Notice of intention to drill-------------------------------------------------------|------ Statement of shooting--------------------------------------------------------- = • , , e, e - e. e. Notice of intention to change plans.---------------------------------------------|-----. Statement of perforating--------------------------------------------------------|------ Notice of date for test of water Shut-off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................l...... Notice to pull or otherwise alter casing........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as s = e = * * * * * * * * | * * * * * ** Report on result of test of water shut-off.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Notice of intention to abandon well.----------------------------------------- '- - - - - - - - - Notice of intention to redrillor repair well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report of work done on well Since previous report... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -------------------------------------, 19% * * notice of intention to do work permit & - e Following is a {:eport of work done on land under {}€3,862 described as follows: tº dº sº s 4º gº tº e º ºs º º sº se (state of Territory; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' (County of Parish) (Field) Well No. ------------------ ----------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- - - (%. Sec.) (Twp.) (Rg.) (Meridian) The well is located . . . . . . . . . . ft. {} of ---------- - - - - - - - sº e º ºs s sº tº º ºs º is º ºs º ºs ºs e º ºs and ---------. ft. #} of ------------------------------------ The elevation above Sea level is . . . . . . . . . . ft. Details of Plan of Work: 10 PLAN OF WORK UNDER OIL AND GAS REGULATIONS. Any written notice of intention to do work or of change in plans must reach the local deputy at least five days before commencement of the work. The operator is responsible for the deputy's receiving the notice in due time. Nctice of intention to drill (No. 6-331).-Although usually no special advice could be given an operator who is about to drill in “wild-cat” territory, a notice of such intention will obviously be necessary for the information of the Department of the Interior. In the notice of intention to drill any well it is important to give the location in feet from property lines, and if possible the elevation of the derrick floor, with a reasonable degree of accuracy; also the operator's estimate as to where the pay will be encountered and approximately where he plans to set the various strings of casing, and a statement as to whether any cementing, mudding, or other special work is contemplated. Ordinarily the accuracy of these estimates will be dependent on the amount and character of the development work previously done in the vicinity. Notice of intention to change plans (No. 6-331).-Owing to unex- pected conditions it may occasionally become necessary to change the plan of operation either in connection with the drilling or with the repair of wells. It is the object of the Department of the Interior to facilitate matters for the operator in every way possible. In certain cases the new situation can be explained by telegraph or telephone and advice given by the deputy without unnecessary delay. In any case, however, it will be required that both such transactions be confirmed and the decision be recorded on the forms in the usual way. Notice of date for test of water shut-off (No. 6-381).-As the exclu- sion of water from oil-bearing formations is one of the most im- portant items of conservation, the bureau's representatives will desire to witness as many tests as possible of water shut-off. The approxi- mate date figured for the test can be given in the notice, and the exact date of the test may be designated by the local deputy or other agent of the department when he can be present if he so desires. SUGGESTIONS FOR TESTING WATER SHUT-OFF. In testing the effectiveness of casing for excluding water from a well, the following outline is given as representing the best information and practice. In any case the fluids should be entirely removed or removed to a point consistent with safety from collapse of casing, and the well then left undisturbed for at least 12 hours. Any rise in level of water or mud fluid should then be noted. CEMENTED CASING. 11 FORMATION SHUT-OFF WITH OR WITHOUT USE OF MUD BACK OF CASING. If the level fluid of water or mud has risen during the test, owing to defective shut-off, it will be important to know whether the water or mud fluid entered through a leak in the casing or around the shoe. This point can be determined frequently by means of a casing tester or with the aid of a packer. CEMENTED CASING. After casing is cemented, there is usually some hard cement found inside of the casing. The procedure, under such circumstances, is to bail the fluid to the desired point, let it stand for at least six hours, and determine the fluid level in order to ascertain whether the casing itself is tight. If the casing is found to be tight, the cement should be carefully drilled out below the shoe just far enough to encounter formation in place. The regular 12-hour test of shut- off can then be made as indicated above. The whole should be kept free from débris during this test. A rise in fluid levels sometimes occurs in spite of the fact that the casing has excluded the water above the shoe. Other possible sources of water are (1) the return of drilling or cementing water from porous formations adjacent to the shoe, (2) new water encountered in the formation below the shoe, or (3) drain backs from a leaky boiler or poorly constructed dump box. Usually it is not difficult to determine the source of the entering water by making use of such factors as character of water, amount of water, and its tendency to decrease or remain constant. If any question exists as to the effectiveness of the shut-off, the deputy should be consulted before drilling is continued. Report on result of test of water shut-off-When the deputy has not witnessed the test of shut-off, the operator should submit a full report of the test on the proper form. The information given should be complete and should include such items as depth of shut-off, locations and amounts of water showings penetrated before landing pipe, weight, nominal diameter, and depth of all casing in hole, fluid levels before and after test, length of time the well stood for each test, depth drilled out below shoe, if any, note of oil or gas showing length and character of bridge if used, method of shut-off, amount and make of cement, if any, and time given for set. Notice of intention to redrill or repair well.—If it seems desirable to make repairs in or to deepen a well, a detailed statement of the proposed method of accomplishment should be made to the deputy as a basis for deciding the procedure. In work that affects only rods, well pumps, or tubing no notice or report will be necessary. 12 IPLAN OF WORK UNDER OIL AND GAS REGULATIONS. Statement of shooting wells.--When it is desired to shoot formations in an effort to increase production, it will not be necessary to send in a notice of intention. A report, giving such items as depth and size of shot and production before and after shot will be sufficient. A shot should not be exploded near a casing that has excluded water from the well, especially if the fluid in the hole has not been removed to a point below the shoe. When it is desired to shoot casing for the purpose of side-tracking or removal, such items can be included in the general advance notice of repair work. Statement of perforating casing.—Usually a statement covering the perforated casing in a well can be made on the log form. When, however, perforations are made after the log has been sent in, the facts should be stated on Form No. 6–331, and there will be no notice required for such work, providing it is not intended to perforate casing that has excluded water from the well. In such a case a notice will be necessary. - Notice to pull or otherwise alter casing in a producing or formerly producing well.—If it is desired to pull a portion or all of a string of casing, or to rip or perforate casing that has excluded water from a well, a notice will be required on Form No. 6–331. When it is desired only to add casing, without deepening the well and without changing the position of any casing that was previously in the well, it will be sufficient merely to make a report of what was done. Notice of intention to abandon well.—It is especially important that proposed work of abandonment for a well be thoroughly outlined in a notice of intention and the approval of deputy be obtained before abandonment work is commenced. It is also very important that the work be done according to the plan agreed upon by the deputy and operator, for in most cases there would be no opportunity for Subsequent correction in the event of damage ensuing from improper abandonment. Report of work done on well since previous report.—Form No. 6–331 is designed for filing with the log, and it is desired that all of the essential facts concerning a well, except production, will be included in such a file. Therefore, in sending in reports of work actually accomplished in a well, care should be taken that the reports give all of the data that have not been shown on previous reports of this nature. STATEMENT OF OIL AND GAS SOLD DURING MONTH. Form 6–384.—The chief purpose of this report is to afford the oper- ator of a lease an opportunity to advise the Department as to the monthly sales of oil and gas from the lease. While the oil accountants of the Government will make every effort to adjust an occasional error, the burden of proof in all such cases will be on the operator. STATEMENT OF OIL AND GAS SOLD DURING MONTH. 13 Since monthly reports on sales from each lease or permit must be rendered to other Government departments at Washington, the difficulty of adjusting errors is apparent. Therefore, the operator on Government land is urged, as a matter of self-protection, to submit this report separately for each lease for each month by the tenth of the next succeeding calendar month. The practice of selling oil and gas from the lease before it has been gaged and tickets issued for it must be discontinued except by special agreement. There are several reasons for this ruling, the chief being that the rate of royalty is determined on the total production sale in proportion to the number of producing wells. If some of the oil is sold other than by regular run ticket, the pipe line company will not have the data for computing the royalties and making the proper distribution according to the division orders delivered to them by the various parties at interest; in short, if a producing lease is connected up with a pipeline, the local purchaser of oil must buy from the pipe line company, not from the producer. If a property is not connected up to a pipe line company and the operator has a local market for his product, it should be taken up with the supervisor or deputy super- visor of oil and gas operations and a proper sale contract negotiated and approved. Form 6–335.-Form 6–335 is similar to 6–334 in purpose, but is arranged to show gas production and the gasoline content. Since the method of computing the price of casing-head gas for royalty purposes is based on the value of the gasoline content, the reason for requiring this information is obvious. Expediting agreements.-In reaching an agreement between the operator and the local representative of the Bureau of Mines concern- ing contemplated work, decisions can sometimes be expedited, when urgent, ahead of the routine method. Before telegraphing or tele- phoning the deputy regarding rush work, however, the operator should make sure that he has sufficient information at hand upon which a logical conclusion may be based. Assistance available to operators.-The Bureau of Mines, in carrying on this supervisory work, desires to do all in its power to assist in solving the problems of maximum and economical extraction of oil and gas. It is hoped that the operators will feel free to call upon the bureau for any assistance in connection with drilling and conservation. Statement of Oil and Gas Sold during the month of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * , 19.- ..., from lands being {º} by -----------------------------------------------------------------------------‘., and comprising the --------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - in -------------------------------- (Section.) (Township.) (Range.) (Meridian.) (Field.) in ------------------------------------------------ (State or Territory.) - - r Gals. gasoline gº Purchaser Fº Date Barrels of oil Gravity of oil | Sale price of oil º º ft. extracted sº pº * s sº as º ºs e º e as º ºs s as s tº sº s = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTE.-This form is to be used by the receiving pipe line, casing-head gasoline, or gas com- pany unless it is more convenient to give the same data on other forms. The producer or lessee by will use this or other convenient form each month and list all sales of oil and gas made to other parties than the regular purchasers of his production. If no unusual sales have been made he will so state, and also list the concerns that received the total oil and gas delivered from the property. Grift.) . . . . . . . . . . . . Form 6-334 - DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU of MINES PETROLEUM DIVISION per M cu. ft. gas TOTAL SALES. . . . $ $ These data should reach the local deputy not later than the 10th day of the month following. § 3)ie Šuben ber 3:iirtei. 13 feltgelegte Qusmanterungstidjtungen 311 peråmberm. Qſber bie Qusmanberung mad) Storbamerita bat aud) ibre großem ©djattenſeiten umb Gómierigfeiten, unter berent Iešterent bie Stoltenfrage midjt bent fleinſtem $3ſat einnimmt. Oie Iſberfahrt eimer fünffipfigent $amilie pont Stuffijd)=$oſen mad) ben Ber- einigten &taaten erforbert mun einmal einen Stojtemaufmamb pon etma 1000 9tart. Gdjon port jeber mar bie ameritantijd)e Qusmantberung auberorbentſidj beeintrád)tigt baburd), bab mur ber aſſerfſeinite ºeil ber unter ben jóredſidjiten jošiaſem umb mirtidjaftſidjen 93erbältnißen lebenbent ofteuropäijdjen Subembeit bielen groben 98etrag aufbringent tonnte. 3)ie Qſugmanberung mar bag lette Jüttel einer für ruñijdje $8erbältniße idjom midjt gamā belibloſen Štiajie, für meitaus bie SJeebrāabſ jerter Şuben aber blieb lie ber boljen Stolten megent ein unerfüII- bater ºraum. 30emgegentiiber marent bie QIusmantberungsfoſtent itad) bent tiirfijdjen Crient port jeber auberorbentlid) pieſ geringer. Oie ruñijdje 3abnfabri it mid)t teuer, umb bie liberfabrf pom Obeſia mad) $aſājtima mar beijpielsmeije mit 50 Stubeſ für bie Šamilie pon fünf Stöpfen 311 beſtreiten. $80ijere mirtidjaftſidje Śſtögſid}= feitent in ben tiirfijdjem Qāmberm bútten unter bielen Aſmitāmbent Iāngīt eine grüßete Cºinmanberung bortijin ge&pgen. §ebt mer- bent bie Šolgem beg Strieges bem 3irfijdjem Steid)e eine ſebi)aftere (£ntmidlung geben umb bie mirtidjaftſident Berbältniſſe bort jomeit perämhern, bab ein intelligentes, fleibiges, mild)ternes (ślement mie bag ber ºuten bier ein auberorbentſides 98e- tätigungsfelb findent mub. 3)ie neue Öubenfrage, bie als $olge beg Strieges in Słujijd)= $olen umb (5alisient entitebt, it aud) für £eutidylamb pom $8e- beutung. Wład) bem Striege mito man por ber §rage iteben, mie man jid) in 3Deutſd}lamb bent ofteuropäijdjen Subem gegen- iiber 311 perhalten babe, bie in bieſem Striege iſyre beutidjen Gryme patijient oft idjmer genug baben bilbert milijen. ($5 miro mid)t Iänger angeben, ibnen einfad) bie beutidjen (5remäent 311 per- idylieben, unb angelidjts ber ©djmierigfeiten, bie eine ºſtaſien- einmanberung pont Étſident Subem mad) 30eutidylamb im (Öefolge baben milrbe, miro man mur allºu frol) ſein, in ber jübijdjem APPENDIX. OPERATING REGULATIONS. TO GOVERN THE PRODUCTION OF OHL AND GAS. UNDER THE ACT OF FEBRUARY 25, 1920 (PUBLIC NO. 146). DEFINITIONS. The following terms used in these regulations shall have the mean- ings here given, namely: - Supervisor.-The agent appointed by and acting for the Secretary of the Interior to supervise all operations for the discovery or pro- duction of oil and gas under these regulations. Deputy supervisor.—Any person appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to supervise, under the direction of the supervisor, opera- tions for the discovery or production of oil and gas under these regulations. Lessee.—Any person, firm, corporation, or municipality to whom a permit or lease for the discovery or production of oil and gas is issued under the act of February 25, 1920. Leased lands, leased premises, or leased tract.—Any lands or deposits occupied under permit or lease granted in accordance with the act of February 25, 1920, for the discovery or production of oil or gas. POWERS AND DUTIES OF SUPERVISOR AND HIS DEPUTIES. It shall be the duty of the supervisor and his deputies— 1. To visit from time to time leased lands where operations for the discovery or production of oil and gas are conducted, to inspect and supervise such operations with a view to preventing waste of oil and gas, damage to formations or deposits containing oil, gas, or water, or to coal measures or other mineral deposits, injury to life or prop- erty, or economic waste; and to issue, in accordance with the provi- sions of the lease and these regulations, such necessary instructions to lessees as will effectively prevent waste or damage to deposits con- taining oil, gas, water, or other minerals or injury to life or property. 2. To make reports to the Secretary of the Interior as to the general condition of the leased property and the manner in which operations are being conducted and his orders are being complied with, and to 16 3)ie Šuben ber 3:iirfei. 21 $8iele 3.auſen be mamberten mad) Stonſtantinopel, Gmprma, ºſgryptem umb S3alăștina aus, umb bie 31ſrüdbleibenben baben mod) an= fangs 1915 bei 'eimer £emonſtration ber Chriſtem gegen bie 3:iirfei umb ibre QBerbümbetent ſo fråftig ngegenbemonſtriert", bab bie QIftion ing QBaſier fiel. ($g it mid)t unmäglid), bab bieier $80rgang bie Cºntidjeibung (5riedjemlambs mit beeinfluêt bat, benn idylieblid) iſt Gaſonif mid)f mur bie 3meitgrääte G5tabt bes Sambeg, jomberm aud) im Striegsfall bie exponiertejte beg meua griedjijdjen (5ebiets. $50bent mir bisher mur port bem $8erbältnis ber ºilrfen 311 bent ſpanioliidjem ºuten geiprodjem, ſo jeljem mir ibr gleid)eš QBobimoſlem gegeniiber ben jiibiidjen 2ſugman berernt aus Cit= europa. QIIs 311r 3eit ber ruijtjdjent Subenperfolgungent aniangs ber adjtSiger umb ber meumsiger Šabre beg porigent Sabrijumbents bie Qāmber (Čuropas jid) ben fliidjtembert Šubent id) ſplien, mabm bie ºilrfei jid) threr am, umb memn lie in ber §olge mandymal ©djmierigfeitent madjte, meiſ bie ruñijdje ?Intertamenidjajt bieier Cºinmamberer iſjr bebenflict) idjien, jo murbe bod) jeber neuent Stotſage gegeniiber bie meitbergigſte §antbijabung ber biesbegiiga lid)en $8prid}riften angeorbitet. Şebenfalls fommte bie 3ab1 ber ºuten in ibrem $50 upta einmanberungslanbe, SBalâtina, in ber 3eit port 1881 big jebt ppm etnod 25000 auf ammābermb 120000 anmadjien. QIber aud) ben rumânijdjen juben gegeniiber, bie 31ſr 3eit ber furd)tbaren Strijis beg Sabres 1899 ebenfalls aſle ºore Čuropas perid) ſplien fanben, bat bie ºilrfei bag biſfreid)ite ($nt- gegenfommen bemieſent. Ingefäljr 1000 rumâniidje Šuben, bie mittellos intº Santo getomment maren, murdent port ben ºilrten mit Qebensmittelm umb lunterfumit, mit (5rumb umb 3pbem, $8ieſ), Qiugiaat uſm. perjebent umb in jeber ºbeiſe geförbert. 98et bieier QImjiebelung, bie in Steinafien an ber ©fredie ber anatolijdjen 98aijm ſtattfamo, fommte ber $8erfaller jid) iſberäeugen, bab bie jubenfreuniolid)e Gtimmung ber ºilrfen jid) mid}t etma auf bie Đôber itebenben ober politijd) eimiid)tspollen Glemente bejdīrānite, jombern bab aud) bie porfmadjbarn uſm. İid) in jeber 90eije freunblid) umb biſfreid) 3eigten. Stidjt umermübnt joſſ bleiben, 18 PLAN OF WORK UNDER OIL AND GAS REGULATIONS. 8. The lessee shall not begin to drill, redrill, deepen, plug, or abandon any well or alter the casing in it without first notifying the supervisor or his deputy of his plan or intention. 9. The lessee shall keep on the leased premises or at his head- quarters in the field accurate records of the drilling, redrilling, deep- ening, plugging, or abandoning of all wells and of all alterations of casing, the records to show all the formations drilled through and their content of oil, gas, or water, if any, and the kinds, length, and sizes of casings used in drilling the wells; and copies of such records shall be transmitted to the supervisor by the lessee within fifteen days after the first completion of any well or after the completion of any further operations on it. The lessee shall also submit to the supervisor such other reports and records of operations as may be required, in the manner and form prescribed by the supervisor. 10. The lessee shall permanently mark all rigs or wells in a conspic- uous place with his name and the number or designation of the well and shall take all necessary means of precautions to preserve these markings. 11. If the lessee shall fail to plug properly any dry or abandoned well the supervisor, after giving thirty days notice to the parties in interest, may plug such well at the expense of the lessee or his surety. 12. The lessee shall recover all oil in B. S. or emulsion and put it into marketable condition if it can be recovered at a profit. If the . . formation of B. S. or emulsion is not preventable and the ol, can not ** be recovered by the usual modes of treatment the cost of Puttng theºs", oil into marketable condition by any unusual mode of treatmentº . shall first be deducted from the amount received for it before roylty º is computed. *::: 13. The lessee shall make a full report to the supervisor of U : accidents or fires on the leased premises. #, REGULATIONS RELATIVE TO GAGING OIL. 14. The lessee shall provide tanks suitable for containing and accurately measuring the crude oil produced from the wells, and shall furnish to the supervisor accurate copies of all tank tables and all run tickets as and when requested. The lessee shall not;">