B 349681 CONSTITIIHONS AND BY—LAWS MICHIGAN STATE BEE ASSOCIATION —-AND— PROCEEDINGS OF FIRST MEETING. 4 DETROIT, MICH; SPEAKER PRINTING COMPANY. 1890. ORlGlNAL CALL. CALL FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF A STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. HE undersigned members of the Bar of the State of Michigan, believing that a State Bar Association would tend to promote the Welfare and interest of the profession generally, in a proper code of ethics among its members, and the interest and welfare of the people at large, in securing just and necessary legislationz~~do hereby sign this call for the organization of a State Bar Association, which shall have for its general purpose and object, the advancement of the science of jurisprudence, the promotion of the administration of justice, uniformity of Wise and just legis~ lation and the upholding of the honor of the profession of the ban), and the encouragement of cordial intercourse among the members of the Bar of this State. URSUANT to the foregoing call, a meeting was held at the U. S- Court Rooms, in the City of Detroit, February 22nd, 1890, very numerously attended. A very general and earnest discussion was had by members of the Bar of the State, urging the expediency of organization, and such organization was unanimously determined upon. Articles of Associatlon were adopted and the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to draft a Constitution and report the same at a meeting to be held June 2nd, at the same place: Judge Henry B. Brown, Wm. H. Wells and W. H. H. Russell, of Detroit, Thos. A. E. Weadock, Bay City, and Watts S. Humphrey, Cheboygan. JUNE, 2nd, 1890. The Association meet pursuant to adjournment and after adopting the Constitution reported by the committee, proceeded to elect the following ofiicers: PRESIDENT, HENRY M. DUFFIELD, Esq. . Detroit. VICE-PRESIDENTS:— lst District—WM. P. WELLS, Esq. . . Detroit 2d District—CHAS. R, WHITMAN, Esq. . Ann Arbor 3d District—JOHN C. PATTERSON, Esq. . Marshall 4th District-—DALLAS BOUDEMAN, Esq, . Kalamazoo 5th District—THUS. J. O’BRIEN, Esq. . Grand Rapids 6th District—GEO. H. DURAND, Esq. . . Flint 7th District—HARRISON GEER, Esq. . . Lapeer 8th District—STEWART DRAPER, Esq. . Saginaw 9th District—MICHAEL BROWN, Esq. . . Big Rapids 10th District— WATTS S. HUMPHREY, Esq. . Cheboygan 11th District—THUS. L. CHADBOURN, Esq.. Marquette RECORDING SECRETARY:— DURELLE F. GLIDDEN, Esq. . . . Detroit iv TI-IE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY2—- WALTER S. HARSHA, Esq, . . . Detroit TREASURERI~ HENRY M. CAMPBELL, Esq. . . . Detroit BOARD OF DIREoToRs:-- HENRY M. DUFFIELD, Esq. . . . Detroit W. H. H. RUSSELL, Esq. . . . . Detroit HENRY M. CAMPBELL, Esq. . . . Detroit GEO. H. HOPKINS, Esq. . . . . Detroit T. A. E. WEADOCK, Esq. . . . . Bay City E. O. GROSVENOR, Esq. . . . . Monroe GEO. P. WANTY, Esq. . . . . . Grand Rapids BENTON HANCHETT, Esq. . . . . Saginaw W. P. HEALEY, Esq. . . . . . Marquette MEMBERS GENERAL CoUNoIL:-— lst District—MICHAEL BRENNAN, Esq. . Detroit 2nd District—JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Esq. . Ann Arbor 3rd Distriot—THOS. A. WILSON, Esq. . Jackson 4th District—ALFRED J. MILLS, Esq. . Kalamazoo 5th District—FRED A. MAYNARD, Esq. . Grand Rapids 6th District—RICHARD A. MONTGOMERY, Esq. Lansing 7th District—ALEXANDER R. AVERY, Esq. Port Huron 8th District—ROB’T MOKNIGHT, Esq. . Saginaw 9th District—FRED A. NIMS, Esq. . . Muskegon 10th District—CHESTER. L. COLLINS, Esq. Bay City 11th District— DAN. H. BALL, Esq. . . Marquette MEMBERS OF LOCAL CouNornsz— lst District—W. H. WELLS, Esq. . . Detroit 2nd District—A. J. SAWYER, Esq. . . Pontiac 3rd District—~PHILIP T. VAN‘ZILE, Esq. Charlotte 4th District—EDWIN M. IRISH, Esq. . Kalamazoo THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. V 5th District—ADOLPH A. ELLIS, Esq. . Ionia 6th District—R. C. OSTRAN DER, Esq. . Lansing 7th District—THOS. M. CROCKER, Esq. . Mt. Clemens ' 8th District—J. E. NOLAN, Esq. . . Saginaw 9th District—WM. CARPENTER, Esq. . Muskegon 10th District—J AS. VAN KLEECK, Esq. . Bay City 11th Districti—GEO. W. HAYDEN, Esq. . Marquette By vote of the Association, all members of_ the Bar who had signed the original call were declared elected members of the Association, and the Secretary was instructed to send to each, a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws, and list of Committees and members of Councils, whereupon the Association adjourned, subject to call. ' D. F. GLIDDEN, H. M. DUFFIELD, Secretary. President. THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. LIST OF STANDING COMMITTEES. 1890-91 . ON J URISPRUDENCE AND LAW REFORM:— ON ON Detroit O. A. KENT, . EDWIN F. CONELY, Detroit JAMES T. KEENA, Detroit R. E. FRAZER, Detroit F. O. CLARK, . ‘Marquette JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION AND REMEDIAL PROCEDURE!— H. O. WISN ER, Detroit H. L. BAKER, . Detroit JOHN B. OORLISS, Detroit R. M. MONTGOMERY, Grand Rapids A. E. OOWLES, Lansing LEGAL EDUoATION AND ADMISSION To THE BAR:— LEVI T. GRIFFIN, Detroit S. S. BABOOOK, Detroit B. M. THOMPSON, . Ann Arbor O. F. WISNER, Saginaw MARK NORRIS, INTERNATIONAL LAW:— Grand Rapids -' ISAAC MARSTON, . Detroit JOHN G. DONNELY, Detroit THOMAS R. SHERWOOD, Kalamazoo L. E. KNAPPEN, Kalamazoo N. A. EARLE, . Grand Rapids ‘II-IE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. vii ON PUBLICATIONS:— ANDREW HOWELL, . . . . . Detroit A. C. ANGELL, . . . . . . Detroit HoYT PosT, . . . . . . . Detroit H. o. YOUNG, . . . . . . Ishpheming JOHN PATTON, JR. . . . . . Grand Rapids ()N GRIEVANCESi— GEO. ~s. HOSMER, . . . . . . Detroit E. A. FRASER, .‘ . . . . . Detroit M. J. SMILEY, _ . . . . . Grand Rapids JAMES H. CAMPBELL, . . . . Grand Rapids J. C. KNOWLTON, . . . . . . Ann Arbor viii THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. First—The undersigned members of the Bar of Michigan in good standing, and authorized to practice in the Courts thereof, residents off, or practicing in the said State, and more than fifteen in number, and whose names and residences are particularly set forth by their signatures subscribed to these articles, in pursuance and by authority of an act of the Legislature of the State of Michigan, entitled: “An Act to Authorize the Formation of Incorporations of Associations of Members of the Bar,” approved April 25th, 1881, do hereby associate together for the purpose of incorporation. Second—The name and Style of said Association shall be the “MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION.” The office for the transaction of its business shall be in the City of Detroit, in the County of Wayne. The period of incorporation shall be thirty years. Third—The objects of said Association shall be to maintain the honor and dignity of the profession of the law, increasing its usefulness in promoting the due administration of justice, and cultivating social intercourse among its members. Fourth—The regular ofiicers of said Association shall be a President, a Vice-President from each Judicial District, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Board of Directors. The oflicers named shall be elected at the regular meeting, which shall be held on the first Tuesday in June in each year at said City. Fifth—Any member of the Bar of Michigan in good standing, residing or practicing in the State of Michigan, may become a member by a majority vote of the Directors of the Association. THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. 9 CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. This Association shall be known as “THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR AssooIATIoN.” Its object shall be to advance the science of jurisprudence, promote the administration of justice, uphold the honor of the profession of the law, and encourage cordial intercourse among the members of the Michigan Bar. ARTICLE II. Any person shall be eligible to membership to this Association, who shall be a member in good standing of the Bar of Michigan, and who .shall be nominated as hereinafter provided. ARTICLE III. The following ‘officers shall be elected at each Annual Meeting, for the year ensuing: A President, (the same person shall not be elected President two ‘years in succession), one Vice-President for each Congressional District, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, a General Council, consisting of one member from each Congressional District, which shall be a standing committee on nominations for oflice; a Board of Directors, consisting of nine members. The Vice-President for each Congressional District and not less than two other members from such District, to be annually elected, shall constitute a local Council for such district, to which shall be referred all applications for membership from such district. The Vice-President will be ew-ojficio chairman of such Council. The following committees shall be annually appointed by the President for the year ensuing, and shall consist of five members each: 10 THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. On Jurisprudence and Law Reform. On Judicial Administration and Remedial Procedure. On Legal Education and Admission to the Bar. On International Law. On Publications, On Grievances. A majority of those members from any committee. including the Council, shall constitute a quorum of such committee for the purposes of such meeting. ARTICLE IV. All nominations for membership shall be made by the local Council of the district to the Bar of which, the persons nominated belong. Such nominations must be transmitted in writing to the Chairman of the General Council, and approved by the Council on vote by ballot. The General Council may also nominate and elect members from Congressional Districts having no local Council. All nominations thus made, or approved, shall be reported by the Council to the Association, and all whose names are reported, shall thereupon become members of the Association; provided, that if any member demands a vote upon any name thus reported, the Association shall thereupon vote by ballot. A majority vote shall elect. ARTICLE V. ‘ By-Laws may be adopted at any Annual Meeting of the Association by a majority of the members present. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors, without delay, to adopt suitable By-Laws, which shall be enforced until rescinded by the Association. ARTICLE VI. Each member shall pay to the Treasurer, one dollar as annual dues, and no person shall be qualified to exercise any privilege of membership Who is in default. Such dues shall be payable, and the payment thereof enforced, as may be provided for by the By-Laws. Members shall be entitled to receive all publications of the Association free of charge. THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. 11 ARTICLE VII. The President shall open each Annual Meeting of the Association with an address in which he shall communicate the most noteworthy changes in statute law, on points of general interest, made in the State and by Congress during each preceding year. ARTICLE VIII. This Association shall meet annually, the first week in June, at such time and place as the Board of Directors may select, and those present at such meeting shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE IX. This Constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of three-fourths of all the members present at any meeting, but no such change shall be made at any meeting at which less than twenty members are present. 12 THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. BY—LAWS THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. MEETINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION. FIRST.- The Board of’ Directors, at their first meeting after each Annual Meeting, shall select some person to make an address at the next Annual Meeting, and not exceeding six members of the Association to read papers, SECoND.—The order of exercises at the Annual Meeting shall be as follows: (a) Opening address of the President. (1)) Nominations and Election of Members. (0) Election of the General Council. (d) Reports of the Secretary and Treasurer. (6) Report of Directors. (f) Reports of Standing Committees: On Jurisprudence and Law Reform; ' On Judicial Administration and Remedial Procedure; On Legal Education and Admission to the Bar; On Commercial Law; On International Law; On Publications; On Grievances. (g) Reports of Special Committees. (h) Nomination of Oflicers. (71) Miscellaneous Business. (j ) Election of Of‘ficers. THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. Address to be delivered by the person invited by the Board of Directors. The reading and delivering of essays and papers shall be at such other time as the Board of Directors may determine. THIRD.-—NO person shall speak more than ten minutes at a time, or more than twice on one subject. A stenographer shall be employed at each Annual Meeting. FOURTH.--At any of the meetings of the Association, members of the Bar of any foreign country, or of any state, who are not members of the Association, may, on motion of a member, be admitted to the privileges of the floor during such meeting. FIFTH.-—All papers read before the Association shall be lodged with the Secretary. The Annual Address of the President, the reports of committees, and all proceedings at the Annual Meeting shall be printed; but no other address made or paper read or presented, shall be printed, except by order of the Committee on Publications. Extra copies of reports, addresses and papers read before the Association, may be printed by the Committee on Publications for the use of their authors, not exceeding two hundred copies to each of such authors. The Secretary shall send one copy of the report of the proceedings of this Association to the Governor of this State; to each of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States; to each of the Justices of the Supreme Court of this State; to the Library of Congress; to the Library of the Supreme Court of the United States; to the State Library of Michigan; to the Library of the University of Michigan; to the Library of the Law School of the University of Michigan and to the Secretary of the American Bar Association. 14; THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. SIXTH.-——Th6 terms of office of all officers elected at any Annual Meeting shall commence at the adjournment of such meeting, except the Council, whose term of office shall commence immediately upon their election. SEvENTH.—The President shall appoint all committees, except the Committee on Publications, within thirty days after the Annual Meeting, and shall announce them to the Secretary, and the Secretary shall promptly give notice to the persons appointed. The Committee on Publications shall be appointed on the first day of each meeting. EIcHTH.-—The Treasurer’s report shall be examined and audited annually, before its presentation to the Association, by two members to be appointed by the Board of Directors. NINTIL—The Council and all standing Committees shall meet on the day preceding each Annual Meeting, at the place Where the same is to be held, at such hour as their respective chairmen shall appoint. If at any Annual Meeting of the Association any member of any committee shall be absent, the vacancy may be filled by the members of the committee present. The Secretary of the Association shall be Secretary of the General Council. TENTH.——The Committee on Publications shall also meet Within one month after each Annual Meeting, at such time and place as the chairman shall appoint. ELEvENTIL—Special meetings of any committee shall be held at THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. such times and places as the Chairman thereof may appoint. Rea- sonable notice shall be given by him to each member by mail. All committees may have their reports printed by the Secretary before the Annual Meeting of the Association, and that portion of any such report containing any recommendation for action on the part of the Association, shall be printed and distributed by mail by the Secretary, to all the members of the Association, at least fifteen days before the Annual Meeting at which such report is proposed to be submitted. ANNUAL DUES. TWELFTH.-—'1‘he Annual dues shall be payable at the Annual Meeting in advance. If any member neglects to pay them for any year, at, or before the next Annual Meeting, he shall cease to be a member. The Treasurer shall give notice of this By-Law. within sixty days after each meeting, to all members in default. 16 THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. LIST OF MEMBERS. ANN ARBOR. E. D. Kinne John W. Bennett J. Willard Babbitt Chas. R. Whitman A. J. Sanger J. F. Lawrence J. C. Knowlton B. M. Thompson BAY CITY. T. A. E. Weadock J as. Van Kleeck Chester L. Collins BIG RAPIDS. M. Brown CHARLOTTE. Philip T. Van Zile C H E BOY GAN. Watts S. Humphreys DETROIT. Henry B. Brown Alex. D. Fowler A. C. Stellwagen William P. Wells J. W. Finney Charles G. Smith John Atkinson Hamilton G. Howard R. A. Parker Henry M. Cheever Elwood T. Hance A. C. Blodget Geo. W. Bates Frank D. Andrus J. II. Robinson R. E. Frazer Geo. F. Beasley William C. Maybury THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. E. H. Sellers Thomas Hislop Frank T. Lodge Wm. H. Wells Henry M. Duffield Alexis C. Angell E. T. Wood Levi L. Barbour W. H. H. Russell Geo. H. Hopkins Charles H. Freeman Wm. C. Sprague Andrew Howell Allan H. Frazer Albert H. Wilkinson Hoyt Post F. C. Harvey F. G. Russell Geo. W. Moore F. L. Brooke Isaac Marston John Miner C. A. Kent H. C. Wisner James Blair Jacob Kleinhans DETROIT.——CONTINUED. W. L. January Durelle F. Glidden Herbert L. Baker Jno. F. McKinlay Fred H. Warren Walter S. Harsha Levi T. Grif‘fin Geo. Gartner Floyd R. Mechem Sylvester Larned Whit. C. Beckwith Edwin F. Conely John J. Speed Ed. E. Kane Willard M. Lillibridge William L. Carpenter Sands F. Moore Geo. S. Hosmer C. J. Sheehan S. M. Cutcheon A. H. Fleming Michael Brennan Martha Stricklan John C. Donnelly FLINT. Geo. H. Durand GRAND RAPIDS. John Patton, JR. Arthur R. Rood D. Bethune Duffield F. H. Canfield C. J. Reilly Otto Kirchner George F. Robinson Edgar O. Durfee M. E. Dowling Charles Flowers A. F. Sellers Wilson H, Gray. F. A. Baker William J. Gray Alfred Russell Hibbard Baker Henry H. Swan John G. Hawley C. P. Black Elisha A. Fraser Henry M. Brevoort Willis G. Clarke James H. McDonald F. H. Chambers John B. Corliss S. S. Babcock R. M. Montgomery John E. More 18 THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. GRAND RAPlDS.——CONTINUED. Roger W. Butterfield James H. Campbell Horton H. Drury J. Edward Earle Edmund D. Barry Geo. P. Wanty A. C. Adsit Reuben Hatch Walter H. Hughes M. H. Ford McGeorge Bundy Chas. M. Wilson Mark Norris Daniel E. Corbitt Lawrence P. Eddy James E. McBride Clark H. Gleason John S. Lawrence Henry J. Folker William C. Sheppard Charles Chandler E. S. Eggleston N. A. Fletcher Wm. D. Fuller H. O. Young W. S. Hill M. J. Smiley William Alden Smith Wm. J. Stuart E. F. Sweet Willard Kingsley Chas. B. Blair Willard F. Keeney Peter Doran Alfred Wolcott Wesley W. Hyde J. C. Fitzgerald Edgar A. Maher Wm. F. McKnight Birney Hoyt Harvey J oslin Thos. McGarry L. G. Rutherford Chas. O. Smedley N. A. Earle Francis A. Stace Edward Taggart Moses Taggart C. Van Cleve Ganson George Clapperton lONlA. Adolph A. Ellis ISHPEMING. Geo. Hayden Lyman D. Norris T. J. O’Brien Cyrus E. Perkins L. E. Knappen W. B. Perkins ' Thos. F. Carroll E. F. Uhl F. A. Maynard Arthur C. Dennison Wm. Aldrich Tateum I. M. Turner Albert Crane C. Chase Goodwin George W. Thompson Chas E, Temple Myron H. Walker L. A. Ward L. W. Wolcott Wm. Wisner Taylor H. F. McCormick J. T. Preston Chas. E. Ward Sybrant Wesselius G. A. Wolf E. E. Osborn T Milli? till 90 ll ‘HI gilt“ THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. 19 J. M. Edwards J. W. Osborne E. M. Irish Alfred S. Frost George M. Buck R. A. Montgomery Dan H. Ball F. O. Clark W. P. Healey A. B. Eldredge JACKSON. Thomas A. Wilson KALAMAZOO. James M. Davis Alfred J. Mills E. S. Roos Frank E. Knappen Dallas Boudeman LANSl NG. A. C. Ostrander LAPEER. Harrison Geer MARQUETTE. J. L. McClear Irving D. Hanson C. B. Grant MARSHALL. John C. Patterson MONROE. E. O. Grosvenor William G. Howard J. F. Alley K. M. Stearns Hampden Kelsey George Smith John Q. Adams J. M. Edgarton 20 THE MICHIGAN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. l MT. CLEMENS. Edgar Weeks Thos. M. Crocker" MT. PLEASANT. Chas. T. Russell \ McNamara MUSKEGON. F. A. N ims Wm. Carpenter PONTIAC. A. J. Sawyer. PORT HURON. Alex. R. Avery SAGINAW. Benton Hanchett Stewart Draper J. E. Nolan