,L-v‘, , t . ,‘~ ‘ if“ we“, 54 My; ‘3 :75‘? ‘ a‘ _ 3J3 ‘w 7"’ ‘ 1v‘ ‘ .vutL-iu “5'; i ‘i i " t“. W? a ‘Lg-:23? 1:» i‘: .MJAU KUJQWMMWAW“ a.éiggé,§§§§. ,, .U.-5%.géiaafigaa ‘ . . ‘ , . .fla. . . l in“ w . ‘ k :1. x 3 ‘ . Q..fl@m.“_%_. r - ~ rs; m I ' -. JIGQAULILLU w W: U m .R ‘ w, P MLVJQKULIIAILWLH ‘ ‘ _._=___._W__‘._._._._.___\__,_.=w.w. .. .. ‘__._.‘_.=_‘._.__M_R..._.._.._.._M_ * 7' A‘.-.g.a;__5%?a? . :w A _ L f f‘ \ IR 335"‘ Y 7 ‘1/ ,A /' ‘1’, q {,{M ‘$1 {a ‘j‘ cums-“i, "Ti-L“ (‘ILLS K Le- OF THE STATE OF NEW l YORK PASSED AT T HE SESSIONS OF THE LEGISLATURE HELD IN THE YEARS I785, I786, 1787 and 1788, inclusive, BEING THE EIGHTH, NINTH. TENTH AND ELEVENTH SESSIONS. REPUBLISHED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY—ONE OF THE LAWS OF EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY—FIVE. VOLUME II. .._ J '4 ii .p’ , ' L ~11,“ 4 .-'.~ F \. 3 "I wk .\-2-.v:_~_-_‘- ‘ ‘s- '-1._.. A L B A N Y : WEED PARSONS AND COMPANY. PRINTERS. I886, CHAPTER 841.. AN ACT to provide for the publication of the session laws from seventeen hundred and seventy-seven to eighteen hundred and one, inclusive. PASSED May 27, 1885; three-fifths being present. The Peaple of Me Sz‘ezz‘e of New York, represem’ed z'iz Semzzfe and Assemély, d0 emzez’ as follows .- SECTION I. The Secretary of State is directed to republish, verbatim, preserving the original spelling and punctuation, the session laws of this State from seventeen hundred and seventy-seven to eighteen hundred and one, both inclusive. References showing when each law was amended or repealed, may be added. § 2. The republication shall be in octavo volumes of not less than six hundred or more than seven hundred and fifty pages each, with an index to each volume, and of a material equal in style and quality to the session laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-four. § 3. The edition shall consist of one thousand copies and shall be dis- tributed as follows : One copy to each judicial district library ; one copy to the clerk's oflice of each county; one copy to each justice of the supreme court, and each judge of the court of appeals ; one copy to each legislative library, and each State department; two hundred copies to the trustees of the State library, for literary and scientific exchanges. The remainder shall be delivered to the trustees of the State library, and such trustees shall reserve sutficient copies for the future use of the State, and in their discretion sell the balance at a price to be fixed by them, and pay the proceeds into the treasury of the State. §4. Six thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry this act into effect, and the same shall be paid by the Treasurer on the warrant of the Comptroller in such sums and to such persons as the Secretary of State shall approve. The work herein author- ized shall not be begun unless it can be completed for the sum herein appropriated. § 5. The title page of each volume shall state that it was published pursuant to this act, and the same may be cited in any action or pro- ceeding with the same force as the original edition. § 6. This act shall take efiect immediately. STATE OF New YORK, % s , Office of the Secretary of State, 8 l have compared the preceding with the original law on file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original law_ FREDERICK COOK, Secretary of State. STATE OF NEW YORK, \ OFFICE or THE SECRETARY OF STATE, i SS‘ " I hereby certify that the Laws, contained in this volume, were repub- lished by me pursuant to chapter three hundred and forty-one of the Laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five. FREDERICK COOK, Seei'elary 0f Sfafe. LAWS STATE OF NEW-YORK, FIRST MEETING OF THE EIGHTH SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE. CHAP. 1. AN ACT further to continue the treasurer of this State in office. PASSED the 11th of November. 1784. W'HEREAs by the act further continuing Gerard Bancker Esquire Preamble: treasurer of this State the time of his continuance in office was limitted treasurer‘s to sixty days after the rising of the Legislature at their next meeting 3%’5‘6‘1’ifm- after the first Monday in July which would be in the year of our Lord “ed- one thousand seven hundred and eighty four. Be it Z/zerefare e/zaez‘ea’ by the People of t/ze Slate of New Yer/e repre- sem‘ea’ 2'22 Seizaz‘e and Assemély and it is /zereéy enaez‘ea’ éy aat/wrz'z‘y 0f Z/ze same, That the said Gerard Bancker shall be and he is hereby further Gerard continued in office as treasurer of this State until sixty days after the 53359332‘, rising of the Legislature at their next meeting after the first Monday in for one july which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred year‘ and eighty five. Ana’ ée z'z‘ fart/lei’ enacted @1 Me aat/wrz'zj) aforesaid, That the said Oath of Gerard Bancker shall on or before the first day of December next, take Omce- such oath as was directed and required by the third clause of the act entitled “An act to appoint a treasurer of this State,” passed the first day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight. A 12a’ &e if farZ/zer erzaez‘ea’ [2)’ the aat/zerz'ly aforesaid That the speaker Bond of of the Assembly for the time being shall take a'bond from the above Egegs‘lreri named Gerard Bancker on or before the said first day of December lodgidin, next, with not less than four sufficient sureties, to the people of this State 31%;?” s in the sum of twenty thousand pounds lawful money of this State, with a- condition that he the said Gerard Bancker shall and will during his VoL. 2.— I. ‘ ,2 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 2. continuance in the said office of treasurer, well faithfully and honestly execute and perform the said office; which bond when so taken shall be lodged in the secretary's office of this State. CHAR). 2. AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An act to appoint commis- sioners to complete the running of a jurisdiction line between this State and the State or Commonwealth of Massachusetts, passed the 17th day of March 1783.” PASSED‘ the IIllhaOf November, 1784. Preamble, WHEREAS by the act entitled “An act to appoint commissioners to gi‘gffglsisgo complete the running of a jurisdiction line between this State and the run out State or Commonwealth of Massachusetts, only three persons, to wit, $555,, the Honorable Robert Yates and Philip Schuyler Esquires, and Gerard figgfligg’ Bancker Esquire are declared commissioners on the part of this State, to aet. who, or any two of whom shall have full power and are thereby author- ized to meet with commissioners who are or may be lawfully authorized and appointed by the said State or Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and in conjunction with such commissioners, to be appointed on the part and behalf of the said State or Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to run out and mark the said jurisdiction line according to the true intent and meaning of certain articles made and entered into on the eighteenth day of May in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy three between the commissioners appointed by an act of the Leg- islature of the late Colony of New York and commissioners appointed by an act of the Legislature of the late Colony of Massachusetts-bay, which agreement is particularly set forth in the act of the Legislature Preamble; of this State herein in part recited. And whereas it may prove incon- {gig-3513;, venient or impracticable for two of the commissioners so named in the Lntignngt said reclted act to attend to the discharge of the trust reposed _1n them ' by the said act ; whereby the final running and marking the said juris- diction line may be procrastinated and a great expence be unnecessarily incurred. Surveylor ,Be 2'2‘ t/zerefere erzaez‘ed by Z/ze Pee/file 0f Z/ze Share of New York repre- ggiigiil to seated in Senate and Assemlrly, and 2'; 2'5 lzereéy e/zczez‘ezz’ éy f/ze auf/zorz'zj/ 0f Sfolgfnis‘ f/ze same, That Simeon DeWitt Esquire, surveyor general of this State, . . shall be and is hereby declared to be one of the commissioners on the part of this State, and who together with the said Robert Yates, Philip Schuyler and Gerard Bancker, the commissioners named in the said in part recited act, or any two or more of them the said Robert Yates Philip Schuyler, Gerard Bancker, and. Simeon DeW'itt shall have full ' power and are hereby authorized to meet with commissioners who are or may be lawfully authorized and appointed by the said State or Com- monwealth of Massachusetts and in conjunction with such commission- ers to be appointed on the part and behalf of the said State or Com- monwealth of Massachusetts to run out and mark the said jurisdiction line according to the true intent and meaning of the said articles of agreement as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if the said Simeon DeWitt had been expressly declared, appointed and author- ized to be one of the said commissioners on the part of this State in and by the said in part recited act. ‘ tcHAP. 4.] ElGHTH SESSION- - 3 CHAP. 3. AN ACT to pardon Teunis Casey alias Teunis Keire of the felony “ therein mentioned. PASSED the 11th of November, 1784. WHEREAS Teunis Casey alias Teunis Keire is confined in the gaol of P‘reamble; the city and county of New York for the murder of Sarah Rhodes in '駧e“,3>'(,,,n_ February last, whereof he was convicted by the name of Teunis Casey mgtreaiff and sentence of death passed against him for the same at a court of oyer found ’ and terminer and general gaol delivery held in and for the city and Insane‘ county of New York in May last. Ami ztl/zereas it appears to the Legislature that the said Teunis Casey alias Teunis Keire was at the time of the murder and conviction afore- said disordered in his mind, and he has been represented to the Legis- lature as a proper object of mercy. Be it fixerefore erzaez‘ea’ by Me People of Me Sz‘az‘e of New Yer/c repre- seizz‘ea’ 2'72 Seezaz‘e and Assembly, and if is heme)» emzez‘ed éy l/ze auZ/zorz'z’y of Me sa-me, That the said Teunis Casey alias Teunis Keire is hereby fully and Teunis absolutely pardoned and discharged of and from the felony and judg- Sgiggf’ar' ment aforesaid, and of and from execution for the same. Arm’ w/zereas it has been suggested to the Legislature that if the said Teunis Casey alias Teunis Keire should be suffered to go at large he might prove dangerous to the community. Be z'z‘furZ/zer eizaez‘ea’ éy Z/ze azzf/zorz'zy aforesaid, That it shall and may Mayor, be lawful for the mayor alderrnen and commonalty of the city of New ?$§a‘¥ork, York to confine the said Teunis Casey alias Teunis Keire in the brid- gay 0°"- ie him well of the said city, or in such other place as to them may seem con- in the venient. bl'idewell. 4. AN ACT to appoint agents or commissioners for vindicating the right and jurisdiction of this State against the claims of the Commonwealth of the Massachusetts pursuant to the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union of the United States. PASSED the 12th of November, 1784. \YHEREAs the United States of America in Congress assembled, at Preamble; the city of Annapolis, on the third day of June last, did make and pub- Con’ lish a certain act in the words following, that is to say. “ By the United States in Congress assembled in the city of Annapolis ' on the third day of june, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, and in the eighth year of the independence of the United States of America. “To the legislative authority of the State of New York. It is hereby made known, that pursuant to the ninth of the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, have presented a petition to Congress in the words following—— “ To the United States in Congress assembled -- The petition of the Petition of Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts —— Sheweth — That 8.333%; whereas James the First, late king of Great Britain, by his letters patent, M3858" ~l LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 4. ohusetts relating to boundary; letters patent from King James I. New York State claims part of the lands. Congress asked to appoint eommis~ sioners to determine _ contro— versy. Day fixed for hear- ing. bearing date at \Nestminster the third day of November in the eighteenth year of his reign, granted unto the council established at Plimouth in the county of Devon and kingdom of Great Britain, commonly called the council for planting, ruling and ordering, and governing of New England in America, all that part of America, lying and being in breadth from forty to forty eight degrees of northerly lattitude, and of lenght of and within all the’breadth aforesaid throughout the main lands from sea to sea, to hold the same to themselves, their successors and assigns forever: And whereas the said council established at Plimouth by their deed, indented under their seal, dated the nineteenth day of March in the third year of the reign of Charles the First, late king of Great Britain, did bargain sell, enfeoff alien and confirm unto Sir Henry Roswell and his associates, and to their heirs and assigns, all that part of New Eng-~ land in America, which lieth and extendeth between a great river called Merrimac, and a certain other river there called Charles river, being the bottom of a bay there called Massachusetts bay, and also all those lands lying within three English miles to the southward of the southermost part of the said bay, and extending thence northward in lattitude to the: northward of every part of the said river Merrimac, and in the breadth of lattitude aforesaid, extending throughout all the main land in longi- tude westwardly to the Southern ocean. And the said Legislature in their claim herein prescribed, do aver, that the point or'place situate three miles south of the bay called Massachusetts bay, is a point or place situ- ate in forty two degrees of northern lattitude two minutes north, and that the place point or boundary aforesaid of three miles to the vnorthward of every part of the river Merrimac, is a place or point situate in forty four degrees northern lattitude fifteen minutes north, and that by the grant aforesaid, the said Sir Henry Roswell and his associates became seized of all the lands before described and contained in the grant afore- said of the said council established at Plimouth; and that the same grant was confirmed to the said Henry Roswell and his associates by the said King Charles by his letters patent, dated in the fourth year of his reign, and that the said Sir Henry Roswell and his associates were immediately upon the making the grant aforesaid by the said council, in the actual seizen and possession of all the lands aforesaid, and for many years held the same under the name and title of the Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay in New England : And that such proceedings and possessions have been done and had respecting the territory aforesaid, granted to the said Sir Henry Roswell and his asso- ciates, and such subsequent grants have been made of the same, that all the said territory is now the just and proper right of the Commonwealth aforesaid, and all this the said Legislature are ready to verify. “Ami w/zereas the State of New York have set up a claim to some part of the land before mentioned, and it being highly necessary to have the same claims brought to an immediate decision. They do therefore in behalf of the said Commonwealth most solemnly request the United States of America in Congress assembled, that commissioners may be appointed for enquiring into and determining upon the claim aforesaid of the said Legislature, and that such other proceedings respecting the premises may be had, as are by the Federal government of the said United States in such cases made and provided.” “And that the first Monday in December next, is assigned for the appearance of the said States of Massachusetts and New York by their lawful agents at the place in which Congress shall then sit, to proceed in the premises, as by the said Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union is directed.” CHAR '4_j EIGHTH SESSION. , 5 ' Be it t/zerefore erzaeted by the People of the State of New York repre- Agents seated in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the aut/zorizy of 352533596 .t/ze same, That James Duane, John Jay, Robert R. Livingston, Egbert gilt? this Benson and Walter Livingston Esquires, shall be and they are hereby a 6' declared to be agents for this State in the controversy between this State and the said Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the said recited act of the United States in Congress assembled mentioned; and the said James Duane, John Jay, Robert R. Livingston, Egbert Benson and Walter Livingston Esquires, or any two or more of them are hereby authorized and directed on the day and place for that purpose in the said a-ct limitted, and at such other times and places as the occasion shall require in behalf of this State to appear before the said United States in Congress assembled, in order by the joint consent of them the said agents, or any two or more of them and the agents on the part of Appoint- the said Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to appoint commissioners or judges to constitute a Federal court for hearing and determining the Ejotnel'sto controversy aforesaid. And if it shall so happen, that the agents for cgniigime the said State of New York and Commonwealth of Massachusetts :33? how respectively shall not agree by joint consent in appointing commission- ' ers or judges to constitute such court, then it shall and may be lawful to and for the said agents on the part of this State, or any two or more of them, and they or any two or more of them are hereby authorized and required to proceed in behalf of this State to the appointment of such commissioners or judges in the manner and form directed and prescribed in and by the said Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, and also to appear before the said commissioners or judges, when lawfully constituted and there to represent this State, and to man- Agents to age vindicate and defend the rights and jurisdiction thereof against the gigft‘gdof claim of the said Commonwealth of Massachusetts by all lawful ways this State; and means with full power and authority to employ such council, learned 22350,, in the law and such sollicitors as they shall think necessary to enable Counsel- them more effectually to discharge the trust vreposed in them by this act. And be it fart/zer enaeted by t/ze aat/zorizj/ aforesaid, That it shall and Secretary 0 may be lawful, to and for the secretary of the State of New York, and gfifi'tgfigm the, clerk of the city and county of Albany or their respective deputies, Officials to . . . produce and for the respective clerks of the Senate and Assembly of this State, papers on to produce on the hearing of the controversy aforesaid, and for that 3,1211%“ purpose to convey out of the State, all such original papers remaining in their respective offices, as by the agents herein appointed to manage the controversy aforesaid, on the part of this State, or any two or more of them shall be judged necessary for the better manifestation of the boundaries and jurisdiction of this State. Provided always Atld be it further enaeted by the aut/zority aforesaid, That this act, or Proviso; any article clause matter or thing herein contained, shall not extend or 5,31,36,56,, be deemed, construed, adjudged or taken, to annul, alter or in anywise With Mas- . . saehusetts affect certain artlcles of agreement, made and concluded upon the not to he eighteenth day of May in the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven ,j‘ggcgggby hundred and seventy three between commissioners appointed by an act of the Legislature of the late Colony of New York, and commissioners appointed by an act of the Legislature of the late Colony of Massa- ehusetts Bay. Nor to annul, alter, or in anywise affect a certain instru- ment in writing bearing date the eighteenth day of May in the year last aforesaid under the hands and seals of the then governors of the said _Proceed- Colonies of New York and Massachusetts Bay‘respectively signifying ‘fgfggrnder their approbation of the said agreement; nor any act or proceeding in agreement . . . not to be pursuance of the said articles of agreement which have been done and affected. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CI-IAP. 5. Proceed- ings of commis- sioners now run- ning line not to be affected. Certain act repealed. ‘Preamble. Jane Blake. ad- ministra- trix of Jonathan Blake. to exhibit in- ventory to Daniel Dunscomb and others. ‘Tana Blake and others named may con- vey parts of the es- tate, real or per— sonal, to pay debts. performed, since the settlement of the said jurisdiction line by commis- sioners and surveyors appointed, as well on the part of this State while the Colony of New York, as on the part of the State or Commonwealth of Massachusetts, while the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, respecting the running and marking in part, the jurisdiction line, in the said articles of agreement described ; nor any act or proceeding which is now doing and performing, or shall be done and performed by the commissioners and surveyors appointed on the part of this State, and on the part of the State or Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to complete the said jurisdiction line according to the true intent and meaning of the said articles of agreement. A 1m’ be [2‘ furf/zer enaez‘ed by Z/ze azzz‘berz'zj' aferesaz'd, That a certain act of the Legislature of this State entitled '“An act to empower the Con- gress of the United States of America to determine all controversies, relative to certain lands in the counties of Cumberland, Gloucester, Charlotte and Albany, commonly called the New Hampshire grants” passed the zrst day of October 1779, so far as the same act respects claims or boundaries in controversy between this State and the State or Commonwealth of Massachusetts Bay, be and the same hereby is repealed. CHAP. 5. AN ACT for the relief of jane Blake, and the creditors of her late husband jonathan Blake deceased. PASSED the 18th of November, 1784. VVHEREAs it appears by the last will and testament of jonathan Blake deceased, that jane Blake sole executrix of the said will and tes- tament, is not by the said will authorized to sell and dispose of any part of the estate of her late husband for the payment of the debts contracted by him; and it also appears to the Legislature that the annual income of the said estate is altogether inadequate to the pay- ment of the said debts. _ Be 2}‘ z‘berefere euaez’ea’ by Z/ze Peep/e 0f z‘be Sz‘az’e 0f New Yer/e, repre- serzz‘ezi z'xz Serzaz‘e and Assembly, and i! is bereby enacted by the auZ/zerz'zfy 0f i/ze same, That it shall and may be lawful to and for jane Blake sole executrix of the last will and testament of jonathan Blake late of the city of New York deceased, to exhibit on oath to Daniel Dunscomb Daniel Niven and john Elliott all of the said city a true inventory of all the real and personal estate of the said jonathan Blake deceased that hath come to her knowledge, and also a true inventory to the best of her knowledge and belief of the debts due by the said jonathan Blake at the time of his decease, whether by bond mortgage or other- wise; and that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said jane Blake Daniel Dunscomb Daniel Niven and john Elliott or any three of them to sell, dispose of and convey such part or parts of the said estate either real or personal as in the judgment of them or of any three of them shall be sufficient to discharge all debts due or monies owing by and from the estate of the said jonathan Blake deceased, and to give good and sufficient releases, and conveyances in fee simple for the same. And if the monies that arise by-such sale or sales shall exceed the monies due to the creditors of the said jonathan Blake, the surpluss after payment of the creditors shall by the said jane Blake be disposed of CHAP. 6.] EIGHTH SESSION. 7 and applied as by the said will and testament the personal estate of the said jonathan Blake deceased, is directed to be disposed of and applied. And if the monies that may arise by the saleor sales of the whole Mortgages real and personal estate of the said jonathan Blake deceased should not gehfg‘ll? be sufficient to discharge the monies due to the creditors the said jane Sgtceeisif <39‘ Blake Daniel Dunscornb Daniel Niven and john Elliott or any three Solvent? of them shall out of the monies to arise by such sale or sales pay the debts due on mortgage or mortgages as the law directs and divide the residue among the remaining creditors in proportion to their respective just demands against the said estate, preferring debts due on specialties to those due on simple contracts. And be farz‘lzer marred by file aaZ/zorizfy aforesaid That the said trus- Trustees teesshall before they exercise any of the powers to them hereby given, 39383020,, file in the Court of Chancery a bond to the register or one of the clerks in 0711111- of the court in such penalty as the chancellor shall think fit, with awn‘ condition that they the said trustees will well and faithfully discharge the trust and powers in them by this act vested, and render a just and true account of the said estate when thereunto lawfully required. Ana’ be iz‘ farz‘lzer eizaez‘ea’ by Z/ze aaz‘lzorizj/ aforesaid, That the trustees Trustees appointed by this act shall have the same power to cite any of the cred- ggljlggewer itors of the estate of the said jonathan Blake deceased within the to cite description of the fourth clause of the act entitled An act relative to §gef2;‘;,°§,sny debts due to persons within the enemies lines, passed the 12th day of court, etc. july r782, before any court of law within this State to have a settle- ment of the debt of the said creditor or creditors, and to make pay- ment agreeable to the mode prescribed by the said act, as fully and effectually as the said jonathan Blake would have had in case he was now living. CHAP.‘ 6. AN ACT for the establishment ofa custom house. \ PAssED the 18th of November, 1784. WHEREAS the establishment of a custom house, and the appoint- ment of proper officers for the regular collection of the impost is neces- sary. Be it enaez‘ea’ by tile People of Me Sz‘az‘e of New York represented in collectors Seizaz‘e and Assembly, 6272127 if is bereby eizaez‘ea’ by Me aaZ/zoriz‘y of the same, of customs That it shall and may be lawful for the governor or person administer- igiiiivgd). ing the government, of this State for the time being, by and with the 52,2552, advice and consent of the council of appointment, from time to time to New YOrk . and Sag appoint one collector for the port of New York, one collector for the Harbor; port of Sagg Harbour, one surveyor and searcher for the port of New Z‘Lss‘ioogier York, one or more guagers, one or more weighmasters, and as many officers- land and tide waiters within this State as to the said council shall appear necessary. Ana’ be if farZ/zer enaefea’ by z‘be aaZ/zoriz‘y aforesaia’ That it shall Registers and may be’ lawful for either of the collectors of the customs for the {1255615 time being, to grant registers to such owners or proprietors of vessels, granted by being subjects of any of the United States, or their representatives, who Collectors’ shall apply for the same; provided that the vessel for which such reg- ister shall be required be at the time actually within the jurisdiction of this State; and provided also that previous to the issuing any such reg- ister the person or persons who as aforesaid shall apply for the same, LAWS OF NEW YORK. [calm 6. Oath to person ap- plying for registry. Clearances to be granted . Certain vessels need not make en- try at cus- tom house. Fees of collectors for enter- ing in and clearing out vessels. Collectors shall subscribe his or their name or names to the said register, and take the following oath, or if of the people called Quakers affirmation, viz. I do solemly swear (or if of the people called Quakers affirm) that the called the being a of the burthen of tons, or thereabout, was built in in the year of and that of of and of is or are the owner or owners thereof; and that no foreigner directly or indirectly has any part share or interest therein. And the said collec- tor is hereby allowed to demand and receive for every such register the sum of twelve shillings and no more. And oe iz‘ furz‘lzer eizaez‘ed 6y t/ze auz‘lzorizj/ aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the said collectors to grant clearances in such form as they shall devise for that purpose, for such ships or other vessels as shall from time to time sail from the port of New York, or of Sagg Harbour, which clearances shall be subscribed by the 'said collectors respectively. And be it furt/zer eizaeted oy z‘lze aat/zorizj/ aforesaid, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed to compell any master of any ves- sel of less than the burthen of twenty tons which shall arrive from or be bound to any port or place in the United States, or of any vessel which shall be bound from the said port of New York, or the port of Sagg Harbour to any other place in this State, or from any other place in this State to the said port of New York to make entry in the manner herein after mentioned, unless such vessel arriving at the said port of New York or port of Sagg Harbour shall have any goods wares or mer- chandizes on board subject to the payment of duties and for which the duties have not been paid. And be iz‘furt/zer enaez‘ed fly the authority aforesaid That the following and no higher fees shall be demanded or received by the collector that is to say, for entering inwards and clearing out any vessel the property of any of the citizens of the United States of the burthen of one hun- dred and fifty tons or upwards the sum of three pounds, for entering and clearing out any vessel the property of any of the citizens of the United States under the burthen of one hundred and fifty tons, and above seventy tons the sum of one pound ten shillings ; and for enter- ing and clearing any vessel the property of any of the citizens of the United States of less burthen than seventy tons sixteen shillings; for entering and clearing out any vessel other than the actual property of citizens of the United States of the burthen of one hundred and fifty tons or upwards, the sum of five pounds; for entering & clearing out any vessel other than the actual property of the citizens of the United States under the burthen of one hundred and fifty tons the sum of three pounds; for every vessel belonging to citizens of any of the United States which shall arrive at the port of New York or port of Sagg Har- bour and shall only report their vessel at the custom house, without entering or unlading any part of the cargo, the sum of two pounds; and for every vessel not belonging to citizens of any of the United States which shall so only report their vessels at either of the custom houses without entering or unlading any part of the cargo,_the sum of four pounds ; for every permit or let pass the sum of two shillings for every bond the sum of three shillings, and for every certificate the sum of two shillings. And oe iz‘furz‘lzer enaez‘ed &y the authority aforesaid, That the collectors to be appointed by virtue of this act before they enter upon the execu- tion of their respective offices shall take the following oath (or if of the people called Quakers affirmation) before one of the judges of the CHAP. 6.] EIGHTH SESSION. supreme court or one of the judges of the inferior court of common pleas vizt. I appointed collector for the port of do solemnly swear (or if of the people called Quakers affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of collector, 'and keep fair and regular entries of all goods wares and merchandize on which duties are payable, and that I will once in every three months render to the auditor for this State, just and true accounts of the same, and of all monies that shall ‘ come to my hands, or specialties that I shall take as collector, so help me God. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That the collector for the port of New York before he enters upon the execution of his office shall give bond with four or more sufficient freeholders to the treasurer of this State in the sum of twenty thousand pounds, and the collector for the port of Sagg Harbour before he enters upon the execu- tion of his office shall give bond with two or more sufficient freeholders to the treasurer of the State in the sum of two thousand pounds, with condition that such collectors respectively shall well and faithfully exe- cute and perform all and singular the duties and services required of. them in an thereof. . And be it fart/zer enacted by the azct/zority aforesaid, That the surveyer and searcher before he enter upon the execution of his office, shall take the following oath (or if of the people called Quakers affirmation) before the mayor recorder or one of the aldermen for the city and county of New York vizt. I appointed surveyer and searcher for the port of New York do solemnly swear (or if of the people called Quakers affirm) that I will well and faithfully execute the office of sur- veyer and searcher, so help me God. , And be it fart/zer enacted by the aat/zority aforesaid, That the weigh- masters and guagers before they enter upon the execution of their respective offices shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirma- tion before the mayor recorder or any justice of the peace; that is to say, the guagers shall take the following oath or affirmation vizt I appointed guager for the port of do solemnly swear, (or if of the people called Quakers affirm) that I will well and faithfully execute the office of a guager, and that I will make true and exact returns to the collector of all liquors subject to duty that shall be by me guaged or computed; and the weighmasters shall take the following oath or affirmation vizt. I appointed weighmaster for the port of do solemnly swear (or if of the people called Quakers affirm) that I will well and faithfully execute the office of weighmaster, and that I will make true and exact returns to the collector of all goods subject to duty, which shall be by me weighed so help me God. And be it farther enacted by t/ze ant/zorzty aforesaid, That the land and tide waiters to be appointed in pursuance of this act, before they enter upon the execution of their respective offices shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation before the mayor recorder or one of the aldermen in the city of New York, or any one justice of the peace, vizt. I ‘ appointed land and tidewater do solemnly swear, (or if of the people called Quakers affirm) that I will well and faithfully exe- cute the office of a land and tidewaiter and that I will regularly attend all vessels having on board goods wares or merchandize subject to duty which I shall be directed by the collector or surveyor and searcher to attend; and that I will make true and exact returns of all goods wares or merchandize subject to duty on board of each such vessel, to the collector, so help me God. VOL. 2. _ 20 by this act according to the true intent and meaning Form of oath . Collectors to enter into bonds. Surveyor and searcher, oath of office. Weigh- masters and gaugers, oaths of office. Land and tide wait- ers, oath of office. 10 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 6. Surveyor and searcher, duties of. Gaugers, duties of . Weigh- masters, duties of. Fees of weigh- masters ‘and gaugers. Penalty for enact— ing exces- sive fees. Salaries of collectors, surveyor and search er and land and tide waiters fixed. And be z'tfzert/zer enacted by tile azct/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That the surveyor and searcher to be appointed by virtue of this act is hereby authorized and directed to go on board of every ship or vessel coming into this port; and the said surveyor and searcher shall direct one of the land and tide waiters to go and continue on board of every such ship or vessel having on board goods wares or merchandize subject to duty, until such ship or vessel shall depart this port or is duly entered at ‘the custom house, and for such longer time as the collector or surveyor and searcher shall think necessary and that the surveyer and searcher shall also report to the collector from time to time any delinquency he may discover in any of the land and tide waiters. A7207 be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zorz'ty aforesaid That either of the guagers to be appointed in pursuance of this act shall guage all liquors imported into this State from time to time subject to duty in casks exceeding the quantity of fifteen gallons, and shall calculate the quan- tities contained in the casks of a less quantity and in cases, in such manner as he shall think best adapted to ascertain the same, and mark on each cask and case with marking irons after so guaged‘ or computed the initial letters of his name, the quantity it would contain if full, and the wantage when guaged or computed; and that such guager shall from time to time make return to’ the collector of the quantities of liquors he has guaged or computed, the vessel out of which they were unladed, and the name of the master of each ship or vessel, and the name or names of the owner or owners of the liquors so guaged. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ce acct/zorz'tv aforesaid That in all cases where the weight of any goods wares or merchandise shall not be ascer- tained at the custom house, upon the oath of the person or persons who shall make entry thereof, it shall be the ‘duty of the weighmasters or one of them to attend when thereunto required by the collector, and weigh such goods and make a regular and specific report thereof, together with the name of the vessel (and of the master thereof) out of which they were landed. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zorz'ty aforesaid, That the owner or consignee of the liquors guaged or merchandize weighed as afore- said shall pay the expence of the guaging or weighing and marking the same to such guager or weighmaster, as the case may be, at and after the rates following viz. For guaging and marking every but pipe hogs- head or cask containing ninety gallons or upwards the sum of six pence, for guaging or computing and marking every cask or case of less quantity four pence, for weighing of every hundred weight of any mer- chandize the sum of three pence and that any guager or weighmaster who shall exact or take any greater tees than those herein before men- tioned, shall for every offence upon conviction, forfeit and pay the sum of ten pounds with costs to be recovered before any of the justices of the peace by any person who shall prosecute for the same, pursuant to the act entitled "An act to nnpower justices of the peace mayors record- ers and alde'rmen, to try causes to the value of ten pounds or under and to repeal sundry acts therein mentioned” passed the 11th April 1782; ‘and upon conviction be removed from office by the person administering the government of this State, by and with the advice and consent of the council of appointment. And be it furt/zer enacted by me aat/corz'ty aforesaid, That the treas- urer of this State shall pay to the collector for the port of New York in quarterly payments at and after the rate of fifteen hundred pounds per annum; to the collector for the port of Sagg Harbour at and after the rate of seventy five pounds per‘ annum; to the surveyer and. CHAP. 7.] EIGHTH SESSION. ll} searcher at and after the rate of two hundred and fifty pounds per annum; to the land and tide waiters at and after the rate of ten shillings per day for every day they shall be in actual service, to be certified by the collectors respectively, or either of them, and the accounts to be audited by the auditor for the State, in full compensation of all services and expences whatsoever, tocommence from and after the passing of this act, for the term of one year, out of any money in the treasury unappropriated. Ana’ be ii‘ farZ/zer eizaez‘ea’ by Me aai‘boriify aforesaid, That the clerks to be employed by the respective collectors by virtue of this act before they enter upon the duties of their office shall respectively take and subscribe the following oath before the mayor or recorder or any of the aldermen or justices of the peace of any city or county in this State, vizt. I do solemnly swear (or if of the people called Quakers affirm) that I will well truly and impartially execute the business of clerk to the collector of the port of and that I will at all times give the earliest information to the collector of all frauds, or of any attempts made by any person or persons to defraud the people of the State of New York of any duty imposed by the act entitled “An act for impos- ing duties on certain goods wares and merchandize imported into this State that shall come to my knowledge; and that I will not take or receive any other or greater wages gratuity or fees for my services as clerk than what I shall take of the said collector, so help me God; a copy of which oath or affirmation, so taken, shall be filed with the col- lector of the customs with whom such clerk shall serve. Aria’ be ii‘ farz‘lzer enacted by Me aal/zorii‘y aforesaid That it shall be the duty of the several officers appointed to be appointed by virtue of this act to assist the collector in carrying the same into effect; to be watchful over all vessels which shall come into the respective ports to which such officers shall be assigned; and to give information to the collector of all frauds committed or intended to be committed against the true intent and meaning thereof which shall come to their respect- ive knowledge or which they shall have just cause to suspect. (JHAP. 7. AN ACT imposing duties on certain goods Wares and merchan- dize imported into this State. PASSED the 18th of November, 1784. Be ii‘ eizaez‘ezi by Me .Pé’O/J/E of i/ze Slate of I/Ve'zo York represe/zz‘ea’ in Senate aria’ Assembly, and ii‘ is bereby e/zaez‘ed by llie aaf/zoriz‘y of i/ze same, That from and after the passing of this act, all such such goods wares and merchandize as are herein after enumerated and mentioned which shall be imported or brought into the State by land or water shall be subject to the duties and imposts herein after mentioned that is to say, every gallon of Maideira wine six pence, every gallon of wine of any other kind or quality three pence, every dozen of bottles of wine of any qual- ity one shilling, every gallon of rum brandy or other distilled spirituous liquors imported in ships or vessels owned by citizens of this or of any of the United States two pence, every gallon of rum brandy or other distilled spirituous liquors imported into this State in vessels having British registers, four pence, every pound of Bohea tea three pence, Clerks toi collector to take oath. Form of oath. All cus- toms of- floors to assist col» lector to carry this act; into effect. Duties im~ posed on certain goods, wares and merchan- dize. Various articles, rate of duty fixed- LAWS OF NElV YGRK. [CHAR 7. Certain ar- ticles im- ported from Europe. Articles not enum- erated, of foreign growth, rate of duty. The free list . Master of vessel to report to col- lector on arrival. Master to deliver manifest of cargo und er oath to col- lector. and for all teas of a superior quality ten per cent ad valorem, every pound of coffee one penny, every pound of loaf sugar three pence, and after the first day of March next, five pence; and the following enumerated articles imported from Europe shall be subject to the duties herein after mentioned, vizt. Every pound of snuff one shilling, every coach or chariot twenty pounds, every other four wheeled carriage ten pounds, every curricle chaise chair ketereen or sulky five pounds, every bushel of malt four pence, every gallon of porter ale beer or cyder six- pence, every dozen of‘ bottles of porter ale beer or cyder one shilling, every pound of cheese two pence, every ounce of wrought plate one shilling, every ounce of wrought gold four shillings, every clock twenty shillings, every gold watch twenty four shillings, every other watch eight shillings, every hundred weight of hollow ironware four shillings, every dozen of scythes, scyths, or axes twelve shillings, every saddle eight shillings, every pair of mans or womans leather or stuff shoes six pence, every pair of womans silk shoes one shilling every pair of boots two shillings, every pound of starch or hair powder four pence, every gallon of lintseed oyl six pence, every pound of ‘dressed or tanned leather four pence, every dozen of packs of playing cards three shillings ; white rope, twine, manufactured copper, tin, brass, pipes beef, pork, butter, candles, soap, anchors, barr iron, hatts, raisins, pruins, figs and currants, five per cent ad valorem; cordage either from Europe or any of the United States or elsewhere four shillings per hundred weight ; choco- late two pence per pound, and all other goods wares and merchandize not herein before enumerated, of foreign growth or manufacture the sum of two pounds ten shillings for every hundred pounds value prime cost, and after that rate for a greater or less quantity excepting cocoa, raw hides, molasses, coals, bricks, pantiles, unmanufactured tin in blocks, mahogony, logwood lignum vitee, Nicaragua wood, red wood, fustick and all other dey woods, copper in sheets, whale and fish oyl, whalebone, beaver peltry, furs, deer skins, sheeps wool cotton wool, woad, madder, cochineal, rocou, salt, bees-wax, elephants teeth, and all other goods wares and merchandize of the growth, product or manufac- ture of the United States of America, or any of them. And fie it fari/zer elzaez‘ed oy f/ze az/Z/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the master mate or purser of any ship or other vessel which shall arrive at or come to any port creek or harbour within this State, if such ship or other vessel shall come to any port creek or harbour in this State to the southward or eastward of the port of New York (except Sagg Harbour in the county of Suffolk) within seventy two hours after the arrival of such ship or other vessel in such port creek or harbour, or if such ship or other vessel shall arrive at or come to the port of New York or port of Sagg Harbour, within twenty four hours after such arrival, shall report to the collector of the port his arrival, and, the place where the ship or vessel was last from; and that after such report is made the said ship or vessel may remain in port ninety six hours without making entry of her cargo, after which time the said master mate or purser shall deliver to the collector of the port an exact and true manifest under his hand of all and every such packages, bales, chests, casks, trunks, cases or boxes, and of all such goods wares and merchandize stowed in bulk in such ship or other vessel, and which such ship or other vessel had on board at the time she left the port from which she last sailed, or at any time since ; and which manifest shall particularly specify the mark or marks, number or numbers of such packages, bales, casks, chests, trunks, cases or boxes, and the name or names of the person or persons who is or are proprietor or proprietors, consignee or consignees cHAP.'7.j EIGHTH SESSION. 13 of such packages, bales, casks, chests, trunks, cases or boxes, and such goods wares or merchandize stowed in bulk in such ship or other ves- sel as aforesaid; and such master mate or purser shall upon exhibiting such ‘manifest to the collector take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation, which oath or affirmation the collector is hereby impow- ered to administer, that is to say, I of the called the Form of do swear (or if the people called Quakers affirm) that the Oath- manifest now by me exhibited and delivered to the collector of the port of is true, and that no more or other packages, bales, casks chests, trunks, cases or boxes, or goods wares or merchandize other than those mentioned the said manifest were on board of the said vessel when she left the port of or at any time since; and that the said vessel last sailed from the said port of so help me God. And be it farther enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any Penalty master of any ship or other vessel arriving at or coming to any port creek or harbour in this ‘State, shall land, put on Shore, or unlade within before ex- this State, any goods wares or merchandize before such manifest shall 325955,, have been exhibited, and such oath taken as herein before mentioned, and before he shall have paid the duties or given such sureties as herein after mentioned, every such master so offending shall forfeit a sum equal to double the value of the goods wares or merchandize so landed, put on shore or unladed, to be recovered by the collector in an action of debt, or other action, in any court of record in this State, having cognizance of the same ; and when recovered to be paid into the treasury for the use of the people of this State.‘ And be it farther enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the master of Penalty any ship or other vessel arriving at or coming into any port creek or harbour in this State, who shall neglect or refuse to deliver such mani- manifest fest, and to take such oath or affirmation as aforesaid, within the time re‘ herein before for that purpose limitted, shall for every such neglect or times refusal forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds with costs to be recov- ered and applied in the manner herein before mentioned. And be it farther enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any mer- Goods chant, factor or other person, shall land or put on shore, or remove li'llg‘zffltge' from on board of any ship or vessel, any goods wares or merchandize paid, before he or they shall have duly entered the same with the collector, $33,532:}, and paid or secured the payment of the duties thereof, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, all such goods wares and merchan- dize so landed, put on shore, or removed, shall be deemed to be for- feited, and be subject to be seized, proceeded against, and disposed of by the respective persons, and in the manner herein after mentioned; And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and Land and may be lawful for any land & tide waiters put on board of any ship or ggetgmit‘ .vessel by the collector or surveyer and searcher, at sunset, to have locks geguae t I 3. G as a affixed so as effectually to prevent the goods wares or merchandize in sunset un. such ship or other vessel from being taken out, and in such manner that 2331,23? . . V- such hatches or other places cannot be opened, without breaking or opening such locks, and after such locks are locked and affixed the land and tide waiter shall retain the key or keys of such locks until the next morning at sunrise; and if it shall appear that any of the said hatches have been opened, or that any of the locks shall have been broken in Breaking the absence of such land and tide waiter appointed or put on board as ‘(igggcelés aforesaid, then and in that case, the opening of the Said hatches or evidence breaking any of the said locks shall be deemed sufficient evidence of 0 fraud‘ fraud; and the master of such ship or other vessel upon conviction shall in every such case, forfeit the sum of five hundred pounds, with 14 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP- 7. Importer to exhibit to col- lector in— voice un- der oath of all goods imported. Form of oath. Duty, when un- der £20, to be paid at once; where greater,im- porter may give bond. Goods en- tered un- der bond if re-ex- ported within sixty days, to be ex- etnpted from duty. Form of oath. costs to be recovered and applied in the manner directed by the third section of this act. , And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by file aut/zority aforesaid That after entry is made in the manner herein before mentioned of any ship or other vessel, every merchant factor or other person having goods wares or merchandize on board of such ship or other vessel, shall make particu- lar entry with the collector, by exhibiting to him the original invoice of such goods wares and merchandize, and shall take the following oath or affirmation; which said oath or affirmation the said collector is hereby authorized to administer, that is to say, I do swear (or if the people called Quakers affirm) that the paper by me exhibited to the collector of the port of contains to the best of my knowledge and belief a true invoice of all the goods wares and merchandize contained in the respective packages bales, casks, chests, trunks, cases or boxes, as the case may be, marked and numbered as in the said invoice is specified and described, and that the said invoice also to the best of my knowledge and belief con- tains a true account of the price at which the said goods wares and mer- ch andize have been bona fide purchased or charged; and that if any goods wares or merchandize other than those mentioned in such invoice exhib- ited to the said collector shall be contained in such packages, bales, casks, chests, trunks, cases or boxes, as the case may be, or if I shall at any time hereafter receive any other invoice than that now exhibited of such goods wares and merchandize, I will forthwith after discovering such goods wares and merchandize, or receiving such invoice, exhibit an account of such goods wares and merchandize or such invoice to the said collector so help me God. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That the merchant factor or other person having exhibited any such invoice whereof the duties of the goods wares and merchandize therein mentioned, do not exceed twenty pounds shall immediately pay the same to the collector, and if the duties shall exceed that sum, the said merchant factor or other person shall give bond with one sufficient surety being a freeholder for the payment of the duties on all goods wares and merchandize imported from any of the West-India islands, subject by this act to duty, in three months from the date thereof, and for payment of the duties on all other goods wares and merchandize imported from any other country or place, in six months from the date ~thereof. That after such payment shall be made or security given, the collector shall give to the person or persons paying or securing the same, as aforesaid, a certificate thereof directed to any of the land or tide waiters, specifying the packages, bales, casks, chests, trunks, cases or boxes, and the goods wares and merchandize stowed in bulk for which the duties have been paid or secured to be paid, and thereupon such goods wares and merchandize may he landed, without any farther let or obstruction. And be it fartber enacted by t/ze ant/zorizy aforesaid, That any goods _ wares or merchandize brought into this State, for which bonds‘ have been given for the payment of the duties thereon, which shall be ex- ported out of this State by the owner or consignee to any of the United Sates in the original packages, within sixty days after their importation, the amount of the duty on such goods wares and merchandize shall be deducted, upon the owner or consignee taking an oath or affirmation in the words following vizt'. I do solemnly swear (or if of the people called Quakers affirm) that the packages of goods enumerated marked and numbered as per account and invoice herewith delivered, were goods actually imported .by me, or consigned to me (as the case may be) in the ship or vessel called the from for which CHAP. 7.] EIGHTH SESSION. ' , 15 I have given bonds ior the payment of the duty, and that the said goods were exported to in the original packages in which they were imported; and that the said packages have not been opened, nor any part of the said goods therein contained exchanged or taken out; and that I exported the said goods wares and merchandize from this State to the State of amounting to prime cost, and producing a certificate from the proper officer of any of the United States, that such goods wares and merchandize have actually been regularly entered at the custom house there; which certificate shall express the marks and numbers of such packages respectively. And be ii‘fari/zer eizaez‘ed by file aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That it shall and Collector may be lawful for the said collector to receive the monies due for the duties aforesaid on such bonds respectively, and if the said duties shall OIiIbQHdS; not be paid within the term in and by the said bonds for that purpose, $316081"? respectively limited, the said collector shall and he is hereby required {)elfgggcfig forthwith after the expiration of such time to commence and prosecute to effect, an action or actions in his own name for the recovery of the sums due on such bonds respectively with costs. And be ii‘ fzirz‘lzer e/zaez‘ed by file azii/iorizy aforesaid, That if the said Collector collector shall not forthwith after the monies shall become due on such lslggglsrgle bonds respectively, commence an action or actions for the recovery of Where ’ the monies which shall become due thereon respectively, and prosecute the same to effect, that then, and in every such case the said collector fluted . . when due. shall be deemed to have received such monies, and be accountable for the same to the people of this State, as if the same had actually been received by him. And that the said monies shall be sued for and recovered in any court of record having cognizance of the same, from the collectors respectively, their respective heirs executors or adminis- trators in an action or actions of debt, or in any other action or actions, by and in the name of the treasurer of this State; and it is hereby made his duty to sue for and recover such monies for the use of the people Of thiS State. Collector And be if farz‘lzer eizaez‘ed by z‘lze auz‘lzoriz‘y aforesaid, That the collector of shall enter in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, the amount in iall 209d?’ . . . . mpoited value of the goods wares and merchandize in and by this act subject to subject; to the duty of two pounds ten shillings for every hundred pounds as Sl’et’ific or ad valorem aforesaid, the quantity of the goods wares and merchandize in and by (may. f this act particularly enumerated and described, and the amount of the gfimgms duties due thereon respectively; and the collector shall once in every '10 three months deliver such accounts to the auditor for the State, who quarterly shall examine the same, and certify the amount to the treasurer. figcéugttir. And be iz‘ furz‘lzer eizaez‘ed by Me aai‘lzorizy aforesaid, That in cases where where the collector shall have cause to suspect that the invoice exhib- ggi‘égdsus" ited to him does not specify all the goods wares and merchandize con- collecthr tained in the packages, bales, casks, chests, trunks, cases or boxes, or goods wares and merchandize stowed in bulk, reported in the invoice P6 (merged . . and exam- thereof, that the said collector shall and may take the said packages, bales, med, casks, chests, trunks, cases or boxes, or goods wares and merchandize stowed in bulk, into his custody, and open and examine the same ; and if upon such examination more or other goods wares or merchandize shall be found therein, with an apparent intention of fraud, than those Where ,ap- specified in the invoice which was to him exhibited, such package, {33,232,213} bale, cask, chest, trunk, case or box with all the goods wares or mer- ‘frat/‘851,150 chandize therein contained, or such goods wares or merchandize stowed be confis- in bulk, shall be seized by the collector, and forfeited to the people of Gated‘ 16 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 7. Penalty for any person aid- ing to un- lade goods on which duty is unpaid. Collectors to pay over monies to State treasurer quarterly. Rate of exchange of British sterling money . Liquors as sea stores exempted from duty. All actions for penal- ties. etc., to be pros- ecuted in the name of the attorney general or collector. Where probable cause shown, no costs to be awarded against person who seizes goods. 1 this State, and shall after condemnation be sold by the said collector at public auction, for the use of the people thereof. Be it further enacted by i/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That if any water- man, boatman, carter, porter, or any other person or persons whatso- ever, after sunsetting and before sunrising shall aid or assist in the taking up, landing, carting or carrying any- goods wares or merchandize, for which the duties in and by this act imposed have not been paid, or secured to be paid in the mannner aforesaid, every such person so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty pounds for every offence, to be recovered with costs, in any court-of record in this State having cognizance of the same; the one half of the said penalty to be paid into the treasury of this State, and the other half to any person who shall prosecute for the same. . And be it fari/zer eizaez‘ed by i/ze aaz‘borizy aforesaid, That the res-I pectivecollectors shall once in every three months pay to the treasurer of this State all monies which shall arise or come to their respective hands, as well for duties as for fees of office in pursuance of this act, without any deduction whatever. And be iz‘fari/zer erzaez’ed by Me aat/zorizy aforesaid, That where duties arise on any goods the invoice whereof shall be made out in British sterling, the duties shall be paid at the exchange of one hundred and seventy five pounds New York money, for every one hundred pounds of British sterling. ‘ And be if fari/zer enaez‘ed by i/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That such liquors as are for sea stores for any master or commander of any ship or other vessel, and actually on board, not exceeding the quantity of forty gal- lons, shall be, & are hereby declared exempt from duty. And be iz‘ farz‘lzer e/zaez‘ed by z‘lze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That it shall not be lawful for any informant whatsoever to enter or cause or procure to be entered, or prosecuted, any action or information against any person or persons for the recovery of any penalty or penalties inflicted by this or any other laws relative to the customs or duties mentioned in this act, unless the same be entered and prosecuted in the name of the attorney general, or in the name of the collector of the customs; and if any action or information shall be entered or prosecuted in any other persons name, than as before mentioned, the same and all proceedings thereupon are hereby declared to be null and void. And be if fart/zer erzaez‘ed by t/ze aaf/zoriiy aforesaid, That in case any action or information shall be commenced and brought to trial on account of the seizure of any goods wares or merchandize wherein a verdict shall be found for the claimer thereof, and it shall appear to the judge or court before whom the said action or information shall be tried that there was a probable cause _of seizure, the judge or court before whom the said action or information shall be tried, shall certify on the record that there was a probable cause for the prosecutors seizing the said goods wares or merchandise, and in such case the defendant shall not be entitled to any costs whatsoever, nor shall the informer seizor or prosecutor be liable to any action indictment or other suit or prosecution, on account of such seizure. And that in case any action indictment or other prosecution shall be commenced and brought to trial against any person or persons whatsoever on account of the seizure of any such goods wares or merchandize as aforesaid, wherein a verdict shall be given against the defendant or defendants, if the court or judge before whom such action or prosecution shall be tried shall certify on the said record that there was a probable cause for such seizure, then the plaintiff besides his goods wares or merchandize so seized, or the CHAP. 7.] EIGHTH SESSION. 17 value thereof, shall not be entitled to above two pence damages, nor to any costs of suit ; nor shall the defendant in such action or prosecution be fined above one shilling. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That if any goods ' wares or merchandize Shall be seized for non payment of duties, or any other cause of forfeiture, and any dispute shall arise whether the cus- toms or duties have been paid or secured to be paid for the same, or the same have been lawfully imported or condemned, or concerning the place from whence such goods wares or merchandize were brought, or concerning the property thereof, then and in such cases the proof thereof shall lie on the owner or claimer of such goods wares or mer- chandize, and not on the officer who shall seize or stop such goods. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That upon infor» mation made by the collector or any other officer of the customs, and upon oath made by such officer that he hath probable cause to suspect and doth really suspect that any person or persons have landed removed or reshipped any goods wares or merchandise, or caused the same to be ' done without due entry thereof made, or without having paid or secured to be paid the duties thereon, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, it shall and may be lawful for the ‘chancellor, the judges of the Supreme court, the mayors recorders or any of the aldermen of the cities of New York or Albany, or the justices of the peace of any of the connties in this State, or any or either of them, to whom such informa- tion on oath shall be given as aforesaid, to issue a warrant under his hand and seal, directed to the marshal of the Court of Admiralty, or to the Sheriff of the county where the offence shall have been committed, or to the sheriff of the county next adjoining thereto, and who are hereby respectively authorized and required to execute such warrant, thereby commanding the said marshal and sheriff, or any of them, to enter into any house outhouse or other building or enclosure in the day time, where such goods wares or merchandize are suspected to be deposited or concealed ; and in case of resistance, or after demand and refusal to open such house, outhouse or other building or enclosure, or where such house outhouse or other building or enclosure shall be unin- habited, to break open such house outhouse or other building or enclo- sure, and to seize and secure the said goods wares and merchandize so deposited or concealed; and all officers and ministers of justice are hereby required to aid and assist therein. Provided always that no house shall be entered by virtue of this act act unless it be within one month after the offence supposed to have been committed. _ And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the marshal and sheriff, and every of them, having received such warrant as afore- said, are hereby authorized and enabled to go and enter on board of any ship or vessel, and from thence to bring on shore into the store or ware houses provided for the purpose, any goods wares or merchandize, ,liable to seizure by this act; and that where the said marshall sheriff or collector shall in the due execution of their office be by any person or persons resisted, obstructed, abused, assaulted, beatten or wounded, either on board of any ship or vessel, or upon land or water, all and every such person or persons so offending, shall forfeit and pay to the people of this State, the sum of two hundred pounds, together with costs. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in case of the seizure of any such goods wares or merchandize as aforesaid, the said collector shall from time to time procure and provide good and sufficient store or ware houses, for the purpose of depositing and Securing the said goods, at the public expence. Vor... 2. — 3 Damages and fine in such cases to be nom- inal. Burden of proof in all cases to lie on the claimer, and not on the otficer. Proceed- ings Where collector suspects goods to have been landed Withoutt paymen of duty. N 0 house to be en- tered after one month from time of offence. Marshal and sherifl’ with War- rant, may seize goods on ship- board and convey them to ware houses; penalty for assaulting officer. Collector to procure ware- houses for storage of goods seized. 18 LAWS NEW YORK. [CHAP. 7. Officer seizing goodsto receipt therefor; collector to have custody of goods. Goods seized. to be libelled in court of admiralty; persons other than oflicers prosecut- ing to give bonda Penalty for conceal- ing dutia- ble goods. Penalties, how dis- posed of; how en~ forced. Goods con- demned to be sold at public auc- tion. Vessels driven into port by dis- tress, priv~ ileges of. Former act im [3051 ng ' repealed; bonds formerly given to be prose- outed to effect when due. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by Me azct/zority aforesaid, That the marshal or sheriff who shall seize the said goods wares and merchandize as afore- said, shall give his receipt for the same, expressing the particular pack- ages, marks and numbers ; and that all such goods wares and merchan_ , dize shall remain in custody of the collector, until the order of the court of admiralty. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That the said goods wares and merchandize so seized as aforesaid, shall within ten days after seizure be libelled in the court of admiralty; and that the informant shall enter into a bond or recognizance with one sufficient surety, in the sum of one hundred pounds with a condition to prosecute the same to judgment or condemnation. Provided always that such bond or recogni- zance shall not be entered into or deemed requisite, where the collector or any other officer of the customs is the informant. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That if any person or persons shall knowingly harbour keep conceal or buy, any goods wares or merchandize liable to seizure by this act, such person or per- sons shall forfeit and pay double the value of the said goods wares or merchandize. And be it further enacted by t/ze ant/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the one half of all the forfeitures and penalties mentioned in this act shall be to the use of the people of this State, and the other half to him or them that shall inform and sue for the same, after deducting all necessary costs and charges; to be recovered by bill plaint or information in any court of record in this State, except such forfeitures and penalties as are by this act otherwise particularly mentioned to be recovered or appropri~ ated.- And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That the collector after condemnation of any goods wares or merchandize, so seized as aforesaid, shall and may cause the same to be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, at such place as the said collector shall deem proper, giving at least fourteen days previous notice of such sale, in two of the public news papers of this State. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zorizy aforesaid, That any ship or vessel driven into port by distress may continue in port as long as may be necessary to refit, without being compelled to an entry at the custom house or the payment of office fees, other than the payment of the sum allowed for the attendance of the land and tide waiters on board of the said ship‘ or vessel, during the continuance of the said ship or vessel respectively in any of the ports of this State. And that the master 0f such ship or vessel may land and sell under the direction of the wardens of the port, into which such ship or vessel may be driven, as great a part of the cargo of the said ship or vessel as may be necessary to pro— cure provisions, and to pay the expences of repairs, and other necessary charges. And be it fnrt/ier enacted by t/ze ant/iority aforesaid, That the act enti- tled “An act imposing duties on the importation of certain goods wares and merchandize,” passsed the 22d day of March last shall be and is hereby repealed, and that the collector shall prosecute to effect such bonds taken for duties as directed in and by the said act, and which are not yet due, immediately after they shall respectively become due; and that if the said collector shall neglect to do the same, he shall be deemed to have received the monies due on such bonds, and be accountable for the same to the people of this State, as if he had actually recovered the - same; and that all suits informations or prosecutions already com- menced, or which may be commenced for any forfeiture or penalty CHAP. 9.] EIGHTH SESSION. . 19 incurred by force of the said act may be continued and prosecuted in the same manner as in and by the said act is directed and provided. Afld be ii‘ fzirz‘lzer e/zaez‘ed by z‘lze aaz‘borizy aforesaid That the present Present collector and all the other officers of the customs shall hold and exer- g‘éisctggto cise their respective offices until they shall be reappointed, or until other hold office , . . . t'l th ' persons shall be appointed and duly qualified to exerclse the 531d OffiCes lslililcbessoei'lsr . . are ap— respectively. pointed. CHAP. 8. AN ACT to empower Fernandus Suydam Elizabeth Debeavois and John Van Der Bilt, administrators with the will annexed to Jacobus Debeavois deceased, to execute the trust and power given to the executors in the said will named. PASSED the 23d of November, 1784. WHEREAS it is represented to the Legislature, that Jacobus Debeavois Preamble; was in his life time, and at the time of his death, seized in fee of certain 3,3325%, lands and tenements, situate in the township of Brooklyne in Kings Ofwillof . . - Jacobus county on Long Island in the State of New York, and by his last will Debeavois and testament, devised the same to his two sons Joost and Samuel 32223855,, Debeavois in fee as tenants in common, and that the executors in the the provis- said will named are since dead ; by reason whereof the execution of the $36013. will of the said Jacobus, yet remains to be done and performed, and that Fernandus Suydam Elizabeth Debeavois and John Van Der Bilt have taken out letters of administration to the estate of the said Jacobus. Be ii‘ z‘lzerefore eizaez‘ed by Me People of i/ze Stale of New York .repre- Trustees sealed in Seiiaz‘e and Assembly, and ii‘ is lzereby e/zaez‘ed by the aaz‘lzorizj/ of Me same, That it shall and may be lawful, for the said Fernandus Suydam, provisions Elizabeth Debeavois and John Van Der Belt, the administrators afore- of thewlu' mentioned to divide the estate of the said Jacobus, as in and by the said will is directed, and further to execute and perform all and what- soever the executors in the said will named, are directed to do, as fully in every respect, as if the said executors were now living to perform the same, any law, usage or custom of this State, to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. C CHAP. 9. AN ACT to vest the real estate of Anthony Byvanck the elder deceased in trustees for the payment of his debts and other purposes. - . PASSED the 23d of November, 1784. WHEREAS Catherine Bingliam by her humble petition tothe Legisla- preamble; ture, hath represented, that she and her brother Anthony Byvanck Sfggglglf’f Junior by virtue of the last will and testament of Anthony Byvanck trioee of their father, were entitled to the real estate, whereof their said father 3,9553%, died siezed; that by the said last will and testament, the wife of the infant testator and Mary Burnsides widow, the only executrixes thereof were em vested with full and absolute power, to dispose of his real estate for the payment of his debts; that her said brother lately died, and hath left an LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR IO. only child, now an infant of the age of four years, and that the eXecuv trixes named in the last will and testament of her said father are also dead, without having made any sale or distribution of the said estate; that there were sundry debts due from her said father at the time of his decease, which cannot be paid, nor can the said infant be educated, " unless the real estate of her said father is disposed of, and converted Real estate of An— thony By- vanck, deceased, vested in trustees for certain purposes. Monies arising from sale of lands, how ap— plied. Trustees to file bond in chancery. Certain prosecu- tions to be discon- tinued by the attor- ney gen- eral. into money: The petitioner hath therefore prayed, that a law may be passed to authorize the sale of the said estate for the purposes aforesaid: And the prayer of the said petitioner appearing to be just and reasonable. Be it therefore enacted by the People of the State of New York, repre- sented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That all the real estate of the said Anthony Byvanck deceased, be and the same hereby is absolutely vested in William Goforth Esquire, Ezekiel Robins and james Bingham their heirs and assigns, who are hereby authorized and required forthwith to sell and dispose of the same, in such manner, to such person or persons, and for such consid- eration, as they may think fit, and may deem most condusive to the interest of the devisees of the said estate and their representatives and deeds and conveyances thereof to seal and execute ; which sales so made, and deeds or conveyances thereupon executed by the said Wil- liam Goforth Esquire, Ezekiel Robins and james Bingham, or any two of them, or the survivor of them, or the heirs of such survivor, are hereby declared to be good and effectual, to all intents and purposes in law and equity, to vest in such purchaser or purchasers the whole estate and interest which the said Anthony Byvanck had, in the said real estate, and every part thereof at the time of his death ; and upon the receipt of the monies arising from such sale, the said trustees or any two of them, or the survivor of them, shall first pay and discharge all the debts due from the estate of the said Anthony Byvanck in the order which the law prescribes; and divide the overplus in the manner directed by the said Anthony Byvanck in his last will and testament, and agreable to law among the representatives of the said Anthony Byvanck and those claiming under them. And be it further erzaeted by the authority aforesaid, That the said trustees shall,before they exercise any of the powers to them hereby given, file in the court of chancery, a bond in such penalty and to such person or persons as the chancellor shall think fit, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the trust and power in them hereby vested ; and to render an account of the said estate, when thereunto lawfully required- CHAP. 10. AN ACT respecting certain prosecutions existing in the supreme court ofjudicature of this State. PASSED the 23d of November, 1784. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New Yorh, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enaeted by the authority of the same, That it shall be lawful for the attorney general of this State, and he is hereby directed to enter a discontinuance in each of the prosecutions commenced on the act entitled “An act, for the forfeiture and sale of the estates of persons who have adhered to the enemies of this State, and for declaring the sovereignty of the people of this State in respect to all. property within the same,” and not already prosecuted to judgment: CI-IAP. [1.] EIGHTH SESSION. 21 and that the several persons against whom indictments now exist founded Pegsgngt on the act aforesaid, and not already prosecuted to judgment, be dis- {3, (jig? 0 charged respectively from the said indictments, and all prosecutions ggzgggd on thereon on the payment of costs. costs. CHAP. \l 1. AN ACT instituting a court for the trial of impeachments and the correction of errors. PASSED the 23d of November, 1784. WHEREAS by the Constitution of this State it is ordained that a court preamble; Shall be instituted for the trial of impeachments and the correction of 1:351:65, errors, under the regulations which shall be established by the legisla- the Con- ture, and to consist of the president of the senate for the time being, Summon‘ and the senators chancellor and judges of the supreme court, or the major part of them. . Be it therefore enacted by the People of the State of New Yorh, repre- Courts for sented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority giffoflgfand of the same, That the president of the senate for_the time being, and impeach— the senators chancellor and judges of the supreme court, or the major HLe£t§5m_ part of them, shall be and hereby are constituted a court for the trial Posed- of impeachments and the correction of errors. And it shall and may be lawful for the same court at all times hereafter during the sitting of the legislature, to assemble for the purposes aforesaid, on such days and at such places as the same court shall from time to time appoint. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, The said court Sealof the hereby instituted shall be and hereby is authorized and required forth- Sgggiiiodne' with to cause a seal for the same court to be devised and made, and as to be filed soon as conveniently may be after the same seal is made, shall cause a £5996‘ description thereof in writing to be delivered to the secretary of this Oflice- State who shall record and deposit the same in his office there to remain as a public record. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it Shall and Clerk of may be lawful for ‘the person administering the government of this gg‘ggtihgeog State for the time being, by and with the advice and consent of the council of appointment, from time to time to appoint a fit and proper person to be clerk of the same court, who shall hold his office during the pleasure of the said council; and that all writs and process issuing out of the same court shall be made in the name of the people of the Writs,how State of New York, and tested in the name of the president of the testedfim' senate for the time being, and signed by the clerk of the same court. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all impeach- Impeach- ments shall be delivered to the president of the senate for the time 323555;“ being, who shall thereupon immediately cause the court hereby insti» On- tuted for the trial of impeachment to be summoned; and the same court shall thereupon forthwith cause the person so impeached to appear or be brought before them to answer the charge exhibited against him; and upon the appearance of such person so impeached he shall be entitled to have a copy of the said impeachment, and a reasonable time to plead or answer to the same. And when issue shall be joined upon such impeachment, the court shall appoint a time and place for the trial thereof; and at the time and place so appointed, and before they pro- 22 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR II. Two-th irds part of members present must agree to a con- viction. Extent of judgment. Power of impeach- ing vested in the assembly. Person impeached suspended from oflice. Errors hap- pening in court of chancery, supreme court and court of admiralty to be re— dressed; proceed— lngs on appeal from supreme court. ceed upon the trial, the president of the senate for the time being, shall administer to each of the members of the said court then present, and the clerk of the said court shall at the same time also administer to the president an oath, or if of the people called Quakers, an affirma- tion, truly and impartially to try and determine the charge in question according to evidence; and the said court shall then proceed to hear try and determine the same, and may from time to time if necessary adjourn the said trial to any other time or place; and no member of the same court shall sit or give his vote upon such trial until he shall have taken the oath or affirmation aforesaid before the president of the sen~ ate for the time being: Provided always that no judgment or sentence of conviction shall be given against any person upon any impeachment, unless two third parts of the members of the said court then present shall assent to such judgment or sentence. And if two third parts of the members then present shall not assent to a judgment or sentence of conviction, then and in such case the person so impeached shall be considered as acquitted from such impeachment; and no judgment or sentence of conviction upon any such impeachment shall extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold or enjoy any place of honour trust or profit, under this State; but the party so con- victed or acquitted shall be nevertheless liable and subject to indict ment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to the laws of the land. - And be it fart/zer'enacted by Me azitborizj/ aforesaid, That the power of impeaching all officers of the State for mal and corrupt conduct in their respective offices be vested in the representatives of the people in assembly; but that it shall always be necessary that two third parts of the members present shall consent to and agree in such impeachment. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze aatborizy aforesaid, That when any officer shall be so impeached as aforesaid he shall be and hereby is sus- pended from exercising his office until his acquital: And if the president of the senate should at any time be impeached as aforesaid, notice thereof shall be immediately given by the assembly to the senate, that another president may be appointed, And be it fart/tel" enacted by Me azct/Zoritv aforesaid, That all errors happening in the court of chancery the supreme court the court of probates, and the court of admiralty, except in cases of captures, shall be redressed and corrected by the court hereby instituted; and that it shall and may be lawful as well for the attorney general in behalf of the; people of this State, as for any party plaintiff or demandant or defend- ant, tenant or vouchee, against whom any judgment hath been or may hereafter be given in the said supreme court, or their representatives‘ who may be thereby aggrieved, to sue forth out of the court of chancery a writ of error to be directed to the judges of the supreme court for the time being, commanding them to cause the record of such judgment and all things concerning the same to be brought before the president of the senate and the senators and chancellor, which writ of error if issued during the sitting of the legislature shall be made returnable at the place where the senate shall then sit, without delay; but if issued during the recess of the legislature, then such writ of error shall be made returnable at the next meeting of the senate, wheresoever the same shall then be; and the party prosecuting such writ of error, shall without delay cause a transcript of the said record to be made, and the said judges to whom such writ of error may be directed, or any one of them. shall within fifteen days after notice of the said writ of error, if the same be returnable without delay, or if otherwise, at the day of the return CHAP. 11.] EIGHTH SESSION. thereof, annex the said transcript to the said writ of error, and indorse a proper return upon the same writ, and return the same : And the presi- dent of the senate for the time being, and the senators and chancellor, or the major part of them, shall have full power and authority, and hereby are authorized and required to examine all such errors as shall be assigned or found in such record or in any process or proceeding concerning the same, and to call upon the judges of the said supreme court to assign the reasons of such judgment, and thereupon to reverse or affirm the said judgment, and to give such other judgment therein as the law shall require; and shall then cause the Said transcript of the record, with their judgment thereon, and all things concerning the same, to be remitted back into the said supreme court, where such further proceedings shall be thereupon, as well for the execution'as otherwise, as may be agreeable to law and justice. A 12d be it fari/zer eiiaez‘ed by Me auz‘lzoriz‘y aforesaid, That if at the return of any such writ of error, or at any other time to which the same or the proceedings thereon shall be adjourned or continued, there should not be present a sufficient number of the members of the said court of errors to proceed thereon, the said writ of error or the proceedings thereon, shall not be thereby abated or discontinued, but the members of the said court of errors then present shall in such case adjourn or continue the same to some further day: Provided always that no judg- ment shall be given, nor any rule or order made upon any such writ of error, or process or proceeding thereon; except for adjourning or con- tinuing the same, unless the president of the Senate for the time being, and the senators and chancellor, or the major part of them at the least, be present. A 72d be it further eizaez‘ed by the aaz‘liorizfy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for all persons who are or may be aggrieved by any sen- tence judgment decree or order of the court of chancery, to appeal from the same or any part thereof to the president of the senate for the time being, and the senators and the judges of the supreme court; and the president of the senate and the senators and the judges of the supreme court for the time being, or the major part of them, shall have full power and authority, and hereby are authorized and required to call upon the chancellor to assign the reasons of such sentence judgment decree or order, and to examine hear and finally determine such appeal and all matters concerning the same, and to reverse affirm or alter such sentence judgment decree or order, and to make such other order or decree thereon as equity and justice shall require, and thereupon to remit the same, with their judgment decree and order in the premises, and all things concerning the same, back into the said court of chancery, where such further proceeding shall be thereupon as well for execution as otherwise, as may be agreeable to equity and justice : Proz'ided (Z/7C'(Z_}'S, that all such appeals, except those from final decrees, be made within fifteen days next after making the orders or decrees so appealed from. And be it farilzer mauled by file aul/zoriiy aforesaid, That it Shall and may be lawful for all persons who are or may be aggrieved by any sen- tence judgment decree or order of the court of probates, or of the court of admiralty, (except in the cases of captures) to appeal from the same, or any part thereof, to the president of the senate for the time being, and the senators chancellor and judges of the supreme court. And the president of the senate and the senators, the chancellor and the judges of the supreme court, or the major part of them, shall have full power and authority, and hereby are authorized and required, to examine hear, and finally determine all such appeals and all matters concerning the Where quorum of court not present, case to be adjourned. No judg- ment to be entered when a quorum not pres- ent. Proceed- ings on ap- peals from court of chancery. Appeals from order to be made in fifteen days. Proceed— ings on ap- peals from court; of probates or court of admiralty. I 24 LAWVS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 12. Time lim- itsu which ap— pea] can be rought. President of senate to have a. casting vote in case of ties. Appeals from judg- ments and definitive sentences to be brought in five years. Writs of right; writs of grace. Preamble. Act re- ferred to extended to execu— tors and adminis- trators. same, and to reverse affirm or alter such sentence judgment decree or order, and to make such other order or decree therein, as equity and justice shall require ; and thereupon to remit the same with their judg- ment decree and order in the premises, and all things concerning the same, back into the court so appealed from, where such further pro- ceeding shall be thereupon as well for execution as otherwise, as may be agreeable to equity and justice: Provided always, that all such appeals from the said court of adm1ra1ty and from the said court of probates be made within fifteen days next after making or giving the sentence judg- ment decree or order so appealed from. And that all appeals from any sentence, judgment or decree heretofore made by the court of admiralty or court of probates, shall be made within six weeks after the passing of this act. . A rzd be itfurther enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in all questions arising upon such writts of error and appeals, and the proceedings and judgments thereon, when the other members of the court then present shall be equally divided in opinion, the president of the senate for the time being, shall have a casting voice in the decision, but shall not vote in any other case whatever. A7207 be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all writs of error upon judgments in the supreme court, and appeals from definitive sentences in the court of chancery heretofore given or made, or here- after to be given or made, shall be brought within five years next after rendering the-judgment or making the decree, and not after. A ud be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That writs of error in all civil cases, and criminal cases not capital, shall be considered as writs of right, and issue of course ; and in all capital cases writs of error shall be considered as writs of grace, and shall not issue but by order of the chancellor for the time being, made upon motion or petition, notice whereof shall always be given to the attorney general for the time being or the prosecutor for the State. CHAP. 12. AN ACT to explain and amend the act entitled “An act relative to debts due to persons within the enemies lines ” passed 12th july 1782. PASSED the 24th of November, I784. WHEREAS doubts have arisen whether the said act doth extend to executors and administrators both of debtors and creditors, especially the executors and administrators of persons who have deceased since the passing of the said act. Be it therefore enacted by the People of the State of New Yorh repre- sented in Serzate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted and declared by the authority of the same, That the above said act doth extend to the execu- tors and administrators of all such debtors and creditors as fully and absolutely as it would extend to their testators and intestates, were ‘they in full life, and shall be so deemed, construed and taken toall intents constructions and purposes whatsoever both in law and equity. And rwhereas some of the creditors described in the fourth section of the before in part recited act, have withdrawn, or may hereafter With- draw themselves from this State, and thereby put it out of the power of CHAP. 12.] EIGHTH SESSION. 25 their debtors, (to whom the aforesaid act was intended to give relief) to cite them before any court of law in this State to have a settlement and make payment agreable to the mode prescribed in and by the said act. Be it therefore further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for such debtor or debtors as aforesaid, by advertisement to be published for eight weeks successively in two of the public news papers printed in this State, to notify and require such his, her or their absent creditor or creditors, to appear at a time and place to be mentioned in such advertisement before some certain court of law in this State to have a Settlement and payment made as aforesaid (which time shall not be less than eight kalender months from the first publica- tion of such advertisement) and that such notification shall be‘deemed, taken and adjudged to be a sufficient citation to all intents and purposes, and shall have the same validity and effect, as if such creditor or credit— ors had been personally cited. Provided always that no such advertise- ment or any proceeding thereon shall be deemed adjudged or taken to be good or effectual in the law, unless the debtor or debtors shall pre- viously have made an affidavit or affirmation (in cases where by law an affirmation is allowed) before one of the judges of the court of law before which the appearance of such creditor shall be required, that he verily believes that the creditor hath departed the State, or concealed himself therein and that it is not in the power of such debtor or debtors personally to serve such creditor with a citation for his appearance which departure or concealment shall also be proved to the satisfaction of such judge by two witnesses. Provided also And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That nothing in this act, or the act hereby in part recited contained, shall affect, injure or take away, or be deemed or adjudged to extend to the claims rights and interests of any legatee or other person legally entitled in his or- her own right, to the personal estate of any testator or intestate, such legatee or legal representative not having remained or come, or by virtue of any law of this State been sent, within the power of the Where ebtors have with- drawn themselves from the State, they may be cited be- fore the court by advertise- ment. Proviso; that no citation deemed valid un- less credi- tor makes proof of the with- d rawal of the debtor. Proviso as to rights of certain persons. enemy during the late war; provided also that no person shall be allowed Proviso as the benefit 'of this proviso, unless he Shall first have taken the oath of to those claiming abjuration, and the oath of allegiance to this State, and shall have benefit of obtained a certificate signed by two reputable and well affected free- this sec- tion. holders of this State, one whereof shall be a judge of the inferior court of common pleas or mayors court, of the county or city in which the person named in such certificate shall reside, certifying, that he hath constantly and uniformly since the ninth day of July one thousand seven hundred and seventy Six been well attached to the freedom and inde- pendence of the United States of America, and hath taken an active and decided part therein. ' And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in all cases, Assign- where any debt, bill, or other obligation, mortgage, security or demand ggeb‘ggsgd whatsoever mentioned in the said herein in part recited act, shall have other Obli' been assigned Since the time of the passing of the said act, or shall'gggglllgy hereafter be assigned to any person or persons whomsoever, by any per- gigglyflsthe son who has remained with, gone into, or was sent within the enemies lines lines during the said war; every such assignment shall be deemed and 33;?“ adjudged fraudulent, and to have been made with intent to elude the said act, and every such assignee, and his representative shall be bound to receive payment from the debtor or his representative in the same manner as the original obligee, mortgagee or creditor would have been held to receive the same, had no assignment been made. You 2. -—4_. 26 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 13. Corpora— tion not afiected, except as to assign- merits. Act extend to as- signees and trus- tees of in- solvent debtors. Preamble ; discovery of silver mine in West- chester county. Id.; Orange county. Ludewig Shoub, et al., and Jonas Den- ton given sole right of working said mines for a fixed period. And be it fzcrtber enacted by t/ze aat/iority aforesaid, That nothing in the aforesaid in part recited act, or this act, shall be deemed, taken or construed to prejudice or affect any corporation or body politic, except only with respect to assignments herein before mentioned and described. And be it fart/tor enacted by tbe aat/zority aforesaid, That the above- mentioned act shall be construed to extend to the assignees or trustees of the estates of such persons who became insolvent debtors before the ninth day of july 1776, so far as relates to monies due to persons who remained within the British lines in this State. CHAP. I 3. AN ACT to exempt Ludewig Shoub and Peter Learman, and jonas Denton and their respective heirs executors administra- tors & assigns from paying out any part or share of the pro- duce of the mines therein mentioned. PASSED the 24th of November, 1784. VVHEREAS Ludiwig Shoub and Peter Learman have by their petition represented to the Legislature that they have discovered a mine in the manor of Courtlandt in West Chester County which may be so charged with silver as to be subject to the payment of a proportion thereof to the people of this State as sovereign thereof; and that if such propor- _ tion should be demanded it may not only take away any profit that may arise, but if there should not be a profit equal to such proportion it may prove ruinous to the workers, and the said petitioners have prayed that they and their assigns may by a law of this State be ex- empted for some certain period, from paying to the people of this State any part or proportion of the said mine. And wbereas jonas Denton of Goshen in Orange county'hath by his petition represented to the legislature that he has discovered a mine on his own land in Orange county, which he conceives is so charged with silver as to be subject to the payment of a proportion thereof to the people of this State, and that if the same should be demanded, it would not only take away any profit that would arise, but if there should not be a profit equal to such proportion, it may prove ruinous to the work- ers, and the said jonas Denton hath prayed that he and his assigns may by a law of this State be exempted for a certain period from the pay- ment of any proportion of the said mine to the people of this State as sovereign thereof. Be it t/ierefore enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of ill/Yew York, repre- sented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze azztborizyof t/ze same, that the said Ludewig Shoub and Peter Learman, and the said jonas Denton, and their several and respective heirs executors adminis- trators and assigns shall be and hereby are exempted acquitted released and discharged from paying or yielding to the people of this State as sovereign thereof, or to any commissioner agent collector or receiver for their use any part share royalty proportion or dividend whatsoever of the said mines so discovered by them the said Ludewig Shoub and Peter Learman, and Jonas Denton respectively, until the first day of May which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six. CHAP. 14;] EIGHTH SESSION. 27 And be 2'! furZ/zer enacted by Z/ze aat/wrz'zy aforesaid, that neither the Not to said Ludiwig Shoub and Peter Learman, nor the said Jonas Denton, or ‘$353 their or either of their heirs executors administrators or assigns, or any figégetéme of them, shall presume to work or intermeddle with the said mines ' respectively on any pretence whatever after the day last mentioned, until he or they shall have obtained permission from the Legislature of the State, fixing the part or share of the said mines respectively to be paid to the people of this State as their proportion. And in order to give the discoverers and ‘their heirs executors admin- Pél'sogst istrators and assigns respectively every advantage that may arise from mgr. their respective discoveries; be it fzzrl/zer e/zaez‘ed by i/ze aaZ/zurz'zj' aferesaz'd, Si'f’gggfn That in all treaties with the Legislature for working the said mines tracts_ respectively, the said Ludewig Shoub and Peter Learman as to the said fifgig'efffn" mine by them discovered, and the said jonas Denton as to the mine on his own land, and their several and respective heirs executors or admin- istrators shall have the offer to be a party and privy thereto, and shall on every offer have the preference ; it being the will and design of the Legislature that no other persons shall have the priviledge to work the said mines respectively upon such terms as the said petitioners respect- ively or their respective heirs executors administrators or assigns will accept. Provided always that nothing in this act contained‘ shall be 51311283; construed to permit or give any right to the said Ludewig Shoub and (wgyners of Peter Learman or the said Jonas Denton, or their respective heirs ex- igéltgcliik ecutors administrators or assigns to break or dig up the soil or ground of any other person or of the people of this State without having pre- viously by contract obtained permission for that purpose as well from the owner or possessor of the improvements as from the proprietor or proprietors of the fee of the land. CHAP. 14. AN‘ ACT to revive and amend an act entitled “An act for the relief of insolvent debtors within this State,” passed 17th April 1784. PASSED the 24th of November, 1784. Be it e/zaez‘ed by t/ze People of f/ze Sz‘az‘e 0f ZVew Yer/e, represem‘ed The act in Seizaz‘e and Assembly, and 2'2‘ 2'3 bereby enacted by t/ze aaZ/zbrz'ty 0f t/ze £23211“ ex_ same, That the act entitled “ An act for the relief of insolvent debtors tended to within this State,” passed the 17th April 1784, shall be and is hereby revived, and that the same shall and is hereby declared to extend to the jail' respective debtors who at the time of the passing of this act shall be actually confined in any of the gaols or prisons of this State. And be z'z‘farZ/zer eyzaez‘ed by Z/ze aat/mrz'zy aforesaid, That the assignee Assignees or assignees to be appointed in pursuance of the act hereby revived 33,531,‘; and of this act, and every of them, shall within three months after three such assignment, as in the said revived act is specified, of the insolv- 225:2; ent debtors estate shall have been made and executed, appear before Signment' one of the judges of the Supreme Court, or one of the judges of the inferior court of common pleas of the county where such debtor shall have been imprisoned, and take an oath (or if the people called Quakers an affirmation) justly truly faithfully and impartially without any favor or affection, to perform do and execute the trust reposed in him or them by virtue of this act, for the best benefit and advantage of all and every '28 LAWS OF NEWV YORK. ‘[CHAP. I4. To file ac- countof each divi- dendin one month. Dividends to credit- ors, time in which to be made. Assignee must be a. sufilcient freeholder. Penalty for neglect to assign. Creditors must give bonds be- fore prose- outing assignee. If assignee neglects to make divi- dend. creditor may sue. Papers in each case to be filed with clerk the creditors of the said insolvent debtor; and that he‘or they the said assignee or assignees shall and will within one month after he or they shall have made any division among the creditors of the insolvent debtor, exhibit and file in the office of the clerk of the county where such debtor shall have been confined a list or inventory of the estate or monies so divided as aforesaid. And &e 2'! fart/zer eaaez‘ea’ a)’ [/26 aaf/zorz'zfv aforesaid That the said assignee or assignees shall within one month after the expiration of six months notice directed by the act hereby revived, proceed to and make a division as aforesaid; and in case the whole of the said insolvent debtors estate shall not then be converted into money, that then and in such case the said assignee or assignees shall proceed with all con- venient dispatch to convert the residue of the said insolvent debtors estate into money, and Within two months after such first division as aforesaid, shall proceed to another division of the residue, giving at least one month’s previous notice of such second division, in one or more of the public newspapers printed in this State, and so as often as shall be necessary, until the whole of the said insolvent debtors estate be converted into money and divided among the creditors as aforesaid. And be it fart/zer eyzaez‘ed by t/ze aaZ/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That no person or persons shall or may be appointed an assignee or assignees unless he or they shall be a good and sufficient freeholder or freeholders of one of the counties in this State. A ad a) it fart/zer eaaez‘ed 6y Z/ze azd/zorz'zy aforesaid, That in case any assignee or assignees that shall be appointed by virtue of this act, and shall accept of such appointment shall neglect or refuse to convert the whole or any part of the said insolvent debtors estate into money, that then and in every such case such assignee or assignees so neglecting or refusing shall forfeit and be liable to pay a sum or penalty equal to the value of the estate which he or they shall so neglect or refuse to con- vert into money as aforesaid, to be recovered with costs by any of the creditors of the said insolvent debtor in an action of debt, or upon the case, in any court of record in this State, and by such creditor or cred- itors so having recovered the same, be paid and divided among all the creditors of the said insolvent debtor, in such manner and form as a division is herein before directed to be made by an assignee or assignees. And [2e 2'! fart/zer eaaez‘ed oy Z/ze az/f/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That no creditor shall or may prosecute or recover against any such assignee or assignees as aforesaid until such creditor shall previously have entered into a bond payable to the other creditors or the major part of them, with at least one sufficient surety, being a sufficient freeholder, in such penalty as the court or any of the judges of the court by whose process such insolvent debtor shall have been confined in gaol as aforesaid, shall order, with a condition well and faithfully to prosecute for the said for- feiture or sum so to be recovered, and to make such division as afore- said. ' And be 2'! farz‘lzer enaez’ed oy l/ze aaf/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That in case any assignee or assignees, that shall be appointed by virtue of this act, shall neglect or refuse to make a division or divisions of any monies by him or them received for the use or benefit of any creditor or creditors, such assignee or assignees, shall be liable to pay the said monies by him or them received, to be recovered, with costs, by any or every of the creditors in any court of record in this State. . Arzd a; 2'2‘ farZ/zer erzaez‘ed &y the aaz‘lzorz'zjl aforesaid, That the peti- tion account inventory depositions assignment and warrant of discharge, of each insolvent debtor who shall be discharged in pursuance of this CHAP. 14.] EIGHTH SESSION. 29 act, shall be filed in the clerk’s office of the court out of which the pro- of court cess issued whereby such insolvent debtor shall have been imprisoned; ex_ except where the discharge shall be made by any justice of the peace ecution upon any process issued by him; that in such case the petition account Issued‘ inventory depositions assignment and warrant of discharge, shall be filed with the said justice. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no person No person shall be entitled to a discharge by virtue of this act, unless one or more $3,135,355“ person or persons shall declare before the court or judge to whom the uptiol said petition shall be presented, that he or they are willing to accept of 2221,3126 such appointment, and to perform the duties required of him or them trust- by this act, or unless a certificate of such acceptance under the hand and seal of such assignee or assignees, shall be previously produced to such court or judge, and proved before such court or judge by at least one credible witness. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That this act shall Act ex- extend to William Mead of the town of Schenectady in the county to of Albany, Robert Gordon late of Schenectady, in the county of pgrsops Albany, Isaac Burton of Amenia precinct in Dutchess county, Christo- £1,323: pher Codwise, Christopher Bancker, Archibald Kerly and Frederick N. Sander, respectively, of the city of New York, James Blackwell of Black- wells Island and Duncan McDougall of the county of Albany, although they are not in actual confinement in any gaol or prison within this State; and that the proceedings and discharge with respect to each of them shall be had in the like manner and have the like effect as if they were in actual confinement at the time of the passing of this act. Pro- Proviso; aided always, that none of the debtors herein particularly named shall be entitled to relief from the present act, unless so many of the credi- 0t Credit tors, other than mortgagees, whose debts shall amount to two third 8513M, parts of the whole monies owing by such debtor (debts secured by mortgage or mortgages excepted) shall certify to such judge or judges their consent that such debtor shall have the benefit of this act. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the as- Assignees signee or assignees to be appointed by virtue of this act, may as often $323“ as may, be necessary exhibit to the judge or judges who shall make such making appointment his or their accounts of all disbursements made by the ii’gli’if'gi. Said assignee or assignees in transacting the business relative to the lowances' the estate of such insolvent debtor or debtors; and the said judge or judges to whom such account shall be exhibited is and are hereby au- thorized to allow the same, and to make such further allowances to the _ said assignee or assignees as the said judge or judges may deem reason- able; and shall certify and tax for the trouble and time expended in the business relative to the estate of such insolvent debtor or debtors; and it shall be lawful for the said assignee or assignees to retain such monies in his or their hands, before anv division of such debtors estate shall be made as aforesaid. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That no person Certain who has been employed in any public department as quartermaster gélfizlégs, commissary or purchaser either under the United States or under this assign- State, shall be discharged by virtue of this act, unless he proves to the menus by‘ satisfaction of the judge or judges to whom he shall apply for such his discharge that his public accounts are settled. 30 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [Cl-lAP. 15. Preamble; Regents of University, difficulty of securing - quorum. ‘H etc. Additional Regents named. ‘l New Re- gents to enjoy full power and authority- Number of Regents , to form a ‘quorum. What con— stitutes a legal meet- ing of Regents. (MAR 15. AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An act for granting certain privileges to the college, heretofore called Kings college: for altering the name and charter thereof, and erecting an univer- sity within this State” passed the Ist day of May 1784. PASSED the 26th of November, 1784 VVHEREAs it is represented to the legislature, that the dispersed residences of many of the regents of the university of this State, and the largeness of the quorum, who are made capable of business, the interest and prosperity of the said university, have been greatly obstructed: And it is also represented, that certain doubts have arisen in the construction of the act entitled “An act for granting certain privileges to the college heretofore called Kings-college, for altering the name and charter thereof and erecting an university within this State” passed the 1st day of May 1784.” For remedy whereof. Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of jVew Yor/e, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze azct/zority of tbe sanze, That in addition to the regents appointed in and by the before men- tioned act, the several persons herein after named, shall be and hereby respectively are constituted regents of the said university (that is to say) john jay, Samuel Provost, john H. Livingston, john Rodgers, john Mason, john Ganoe, john Daniel Gros, johann Ch. Kunze, joseph Delaplain, Gershom Seixas, Alexander Hamilton, john Laurance, john Rutherford, Morgan Lewis, Leonard Lispenard, john Cochran, Charles McKnight, Thomas jones, Malachi Treat and Nicholas Romain of New York, Peter W. Yates, Mathew Vischer and Heenlock Woodruf of Albany, George I. L. Doll of Ulster, john Vanderbilt of Kings Thomas Romain of Montgomery, Samuel Buel of Suffolk, Gilbert Liv- ingston of Dutchess Nathan Kerr of Orange Ebenezer Lockwood of VVest-chester, john Lloyd jun of Queens, Harmanus Garrison of Rich- mond & Ebenezer Russell of \Vashington. And that the said respec- tive regents, hereby constituted, shall enjoy the same power and author- ity, as are granted to, and vested in the other regents appointed by the said act, as fully and effectually, as if they had been therein expressly named. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful, to and for the chancellor of the said university, and in his absence the vice chancellor, and in the absence of both, the regent next‘ nominated in the before mentioned act who shall be present, together with any eight or more of the regents duly convened to form a quorum for the dispatch of the business and affairs of the said uni- versity, whose acts and proceedings shall be as valid and effectual to all intents and purposes, as if all the members of the said regency were actually present. Provided always, that to constitute a legal meeting of the regents, the time and place for holding the same, shall be previously fixed by the chancellor, or in his absence the vice chancellor, or in the absence of both, the regentnext nominated in the said act, by writing under his hand, and notice thereof signed by the secretary of the uni- versity shall previously be advertised in one of the public newspapers for at least two weeks, to give all the regents within a convenient dis- tance, an opportunity of attending. CHAP. 16.] EIGHTH SESSION. 31 A 12d be z'z‘farz‘ber enacted by the aaz‘borz'zfy aferesaz'd, That there shall Annual be an annual meeting of the Regents of the said university, which shall {,‘i‘gimg‘gh be held at the time and place, where the legislature shall first be con- Place- vened after the first Monday of July in every year and that at every such meeting, the acts and proceedings of the regents of the university, shall be reported and examined. And be {2‘ farz‘ber enaez‘ed by the auZ/zorz'z‘y aferesaz'd, That it shall and Clerical re- may be lawful to and for the clergy of each respective religious denom- 5122;211:015‘; ination in this State, respectively to meet at such time and place as have full . . power. they shall deem proper after the passing of this act, and then and there by a majority of voices of the members of each respective denomina- tion so assembled, to elect oneof each of their respective bodies to be a regent of the said university, and in case of death or resignation, to elect successors in the same manner; and every regent so elected shall have the like powers as any regent constituted by this act, or the act hereby amended. ' ' And be z'z‘farZ/zer eaaez‘ed by Z/ze azzt/zbrz'zy aferesaz'd, That the next meet- Time Of - - - - next meet- ing of the regents of the said unlverslty, shall be held at the senate iugfixed, chamber, the day after the rising of the legislature, if that day shall not happen on Sunday, in which case, the said meeting shall be held on the day succeeding, and a sufficient quorum of the regents being assembled shall have power to adjourn from time to time, and to any place, they shall think fit for the dispatch of the business of the said university. And be 2'! farZ/zer e/zaez‘ed by Z/ze aaZ/wrz'zj/ aforesaid, That it shall and Treasury - . - - , to advance may be lawful to and for the treasurer of this State, and he 15 hereby monies for authorised and required to advance, to the treasurer of the said uni-‘6213mm versity for the use of Columbia college, a sum not exceeding two thous- College. and five hundred and fifty two pounds, for which the said regents shall be accountable out of the funds of the said Columbia college. ()HAP. 16. AN ACT to compel the payment of the arrears of taxes, for enforcing the payment of fines and amerciaments, obliging sheriffs to give security for the due execution of their offices, and for other purposes. ‘ PASSED the 26th of November, 1784. WHEREAS it has been represented to the legislature that the tax Preamble; directed to be raised by virtue of the act entitled “An act for raising 22111115,? to £100,000 within the several counties therein mentioned” passed the 2¥6§i$10t0%§ 6th May 1784, has not been raised and collected, and that in some of levied (in the towns manors districts precincts and wards no assessments have been made within the time directed, and in others the assessments have been made without the assessors having been previously qualified; and doubts have arisen whether the said tax can be collected without farther legislative provision. ' ‘ Be it Z/zerefbre erzaez‘ed by Z/ze Peejfile 0f z‘be Sz‘az‘e 0f [Vew Yer/e, repre- Assessors sealed in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby e/zaez‘ed by file aaZ/zbrz'zj/ 0f $922215‘. [be same, That the assessors of the respective districts towns manors ffisfh’nents precincts and wards in the several counties wherein the said tax was ,allpvssible directed to be raised who have not made or completed the assessments Chspatch 3 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [cam 16. Oath of assessors. Appoint- ment of county treasurer, Where vacancy exists. Forfeit- ures. amount in- creased ; attorney general to prosecute for. Former as~ sessments and collec- tion de— clared valid. Time fixed for pay- ment of monies to State treas- urer. as directed by the said act, shall with all possible despatch after the . passing of this act make and complete the same in the manner in and by the said act required; and that each assessor, if he hath not taken the following oath, shall before he proceeds on the execution of his office take and subscribe before a justice of the peace of the county wherein he resides, and who is hereby required to administer the same, an oath prescribed in and by the sixth clause of An act for increasing the number of assessors throughout this State, passed 12th May 1778, and which oath is in the words following vizt. I an assessor elected for do solemnly & sincerely swear and declare in the presence of Almighty God that I will honestly and impartially assess the several persons and estates within the and that in making such assessments I will to the best of my knowledge and judgment observe the directions of the several laws of this State requiring and directing each respective assessment to be made, so help me God. Pro- aided that if any assessor shall be of the people called Quakers, before he enters upon the duties of his office he shall take a like affirmation instead of the oath aforesaid. And a» it fart/zer e/zaeted 6)) the aat/iorizy aforesaid, That the super- visors in the several counties within this State (except in the city and county of New York) wherein no county treasurer, is appointed, shall forthwith meet together and in the manner heretofore accustomed Within this State appoint some fit person to that office, and in case of neglect of the supervisor to make such appointment for the space of thirty days next after the day of the passing of this act each such supervisor so neglecting shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds to be recovered with costs in an action of debt by the treasurer of this State in his own name for the use of the people thereof. A /:d oe it fart/zer enacted try the aat/iority aforesaid, That the forfeiture of twenty pounds mentioned in the thirteenth section of the afore- said act shall be and is hereby encreased to the sum of one hundred pounds. And the several officers mentioned in this act, for every neg- lector refusal to execute the duties thereby enjoined on them respect- ively, besides the aforesaid forfeitures by the aforesaid acts or herein declared, are hereby declared to be and made subject to a prosection at the suit of the people of this State by information in the name of the attorney general; and it is hereby expressly made his duty on the report of the treasurer of this State that either of the said officers have neg- lected or refused to execute or perform any duty thereby enjoined on him, to file and prosecute such information, any former or other law to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding; and that in such prosecution or prosecutions the defendant or defendants shall not be allowed more than one iniparlance, and if convicted shall have judg- ment against him or them for such fine or fines as the court in which the information may be prosecuted shall adjudge, with the costs of the prosecution. And ae it fart/zer erzaeted 5y t/ze aztt/zorizj/ aforesaid That the assess- ments which have been made in pursuance of the aforesaid act, and the tax or any part thereof which has been collected in pursuance of the said act, are hereby declared to be valid and effectual, notwithstanding the assessors at the time of making such assessment had not taken the oath or affirmation by law prescribed. And w/zereas the time limitted in and by the aforesaid act for the pay~ ment of the first moiety of the monies thereby directed to be raised, is elapsed. Be it therefore enaeted 6)) the aut/zority aforesaid, that the first moiety of the said tax shall be paid into the treasury of this State on or CHAP 16.] EIGHTH SESSION. 33 before the first day of March next and the other moiety thereof on or before the first day of October next. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That Joshua Pine Assessors George Briggs and Eden Hunt, assessors of the burrough and town of ‘SQQQZQGZE West Chester, who assessed the sum apportioned to the said burrough “In: dish and town, pursuant to the act for raising one hundred thousand pounds frhaihgeeer- within the several counties therein mentioned, according to the direc- Penal‘ tions of the said act, shall be and are hereby declared to be discharged from suits commenced against them respectively for the penalty of twenty five pounds, as having been incurred by them respectively for having neglected to take the oath of an assessor as prescribed by the act entitled “An act for increasing the number of assessors throughout this State ”; and that the attorney general of this State shall enter dis- continuances in the said several suits, and not farther prosecute the same. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That no writ of Oertiorari, certiorari already issued to remove the proceeding of any justice of the Zggciifg, peace who may have given‘ judgment in favor of any collector against nfit‘wge. any person or persons for neglecting or refusing tolpay the tax assessed m on him her or them by virtue of the said act entitled “An act for raising cases‘ £100,000 within the several counties therein mentioned ” shall stay or supersede the execution thereon; and that no writ of certiorari shall be hereafter allowed to remove the proceedings of any justice of the peace who shall give judgment in favor of any collector against any person or persons who shall neglect or refuse to pay the tax asssessed on him her or them by virtue of the act aforesaid, or by virtue of any of the acts herein after mentioned to compel the payment of the arrearage of taxes therein specified, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. And whereas the fine imposed on county treasurers by the act entitled “An act to compel the payment of the arrearages of taxes” passed 24th July 1782, is inadequate, Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, That instead of the Penalty forfeiture of fifty pounds imposed by the last mentioned act on the {gr $53? county treasurer for neglect or refusal to perform the duties prescribed treasure!‘ by the said act, the said county treasurer shall for every future neglect misled, or refusalforfeit the sum of two hundred pounds, to be recovered and applied in the same manner as in the second clause of this act is directed. And whereas it has been represented to the legislature that some of Preamble, the supervisors and collectors of the wards towns manors districts or 33580131?’ precincts mentioned in the said act entitled “ An act to compel the pay- ew- ment of the arrearages of taxes ” have not within the time thereby directed delivered the tax lists therein mentioned or copies thereof to the county treasurers, and that some of the tax lists have been lost or destroyed, by means whereof the said taxes have not been collected. Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid That the said Super- Supervis- visors or collectors of the said wards towns manors districts or pre- 35181353,” cincts, or any of their successors in whose hands or possession any of to deliver the said tax lists shall be at the time of the passing of this act, shall to within three kalender months after the passing of this act, deliver the f‘fiifi‘lllrer same to the county treasurer of the county in which the assessment was three made; and that each supervisor or collector who shall neglect so to do, months‘ shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds, besides costs of suit, to be recovered and applied as in the second clause of this act is directed. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That where the Froceed- . . . . or b tax lists of any ward town manor district or precinct shall not be 2213116; VoL. 2. ——5. 34 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 16. treasurer where tax list not delivered. Assessors to notify persons, who have previously paid their taxes, to make proof thereof. Certain taxes, when to be paid. Collectors, penalty for neglect; to be prose— outed by county treasurer. Treasurer who does not prose—- cute to be accounta— le for amount of deficiency. County treasurers accounta- ble to State treasurer for all monies re- ceived; may be prose- cuted. Interest not to be allowed on certifi- delivered to the county treasurer, the treasurer of the county shall in that case proceed without delay to ascertain the value of the money agreeable to the fourth clause of the act entitled “An act to compel the payment of the arrearages of taxes ” at which such ward town manor district or precinct had been quotaed, and which remains unpaid to the treasurer of the county ; and thereupon direct the assessors thereof to apportion the same as in and by the act the tax list whereon is so lost or destroyed, is directed ; and each assessor who shall neglect or refuse to make such apportionment shall forfeit the sum of one hun- dred pounds, besides the costs of prosecution, to be recovered and applied as in the said second clause is directed: Provided that before the respective assessors proceed to make their assessments on the inhab- itants of the ward town manor district or precinct aforesaid for the purpose mentioned in this clause, they shall respectively cause adver- tizements to be put up in at least three of the most public places in the said ward town manor district or precinct, notifying that they will respectively meet at a certain time and place therein to be mentioned, to make such assessment as in this‘ clause is mentioned ; and it shall be lawful for the said assessors respectively to administer an oath, or if of the people called Quakers an affirmation, to each person respectively who cannot otherwise prove that he has paid the said tax to be assessed; and upon such oath or affirmation being made, or other proof given of the payment of the tax, to omit to assess such person on any‘ sum for the said tax. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by tbe ant/zority aforesaid, That the taxes directed to be paid by the said last mentioned act, shall be paid into the treasury of this State on or before the first day of October next. And be it fzcrt/ter enacted by Me azct/zority aforesaid, That in case any collector or collectors shall have neglected to pay the monies or any part thereof by him or them collected in pursuance of the said last mentioned act and shall neglect to pay the same into the county treas- ury, in specie, (according to the value of such monies when he or they should have paid the same into the treasury) within three months after the passing of this act, every such collector so neglecting shall forfeit and pay to the people of this State, besides costs, a sum in specie equal to the several sums by him or them so collected, to be recovered with- out delay, in an action of debt, or upon the case, in the name of the said treasurer, in any court of record in this State, and by him be paid into the treasury thereof. And in case the said treasurer shall neglect to prosecute for the said forfeitures, or any of them, as aforesaid, he shall be accountable for the amount thereof to the treasurer of this State as so much money actually received by him for the use of this State. And be it fccrt/zer enacted by t/ce azct/zority aforesaid That in case any county treasurer or treasurers shall have neglected to pay into the treas- ury of this State any monies by him or them received for taxes, such treasurers, and every of them, shall be accountable to the treasurer of this State for the amount of such sums of money so by him or them received, according to the value thereof at the time he or they shall so have received the same. And the said treasurer of this State is hereby authorized and required to prosecute for the same without delay in his own name in any court of record in this State in an action of debt, or upon the case, wherein he shall recover with costs. And be it fart/zer enacted by tile ant/zority aforesaid That the collectors respectively in this act mentioned shall not allow to the person or per- sons respectively who may be in arrear for taxes, any interest on the "CHAP. 16.] EIGHTH SESSION. 35 certificates directed to be received in the fifth clause of the act last cates re- _ . . - - ceived in before mentioned. , and that all certificates receivable in payment of payment sales of confiscated property sold at public vendue, specified in an act of taxes; entitled“ An act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned” passed 12th May 1784, shall be received by the collectors respectively, in all payments for the arrears of taxes to be collected in pursuance of the act last before mentioned, without any computation of or allow- ance for the interest due on such certificates. And 'zrl/zereas counterfeit bills of credit have in some instances been Preamble; received by the collectors of the respective wards towns manors pre- I‘jgrtf‘éi‘éfgh'ls cincts and districts in this State in payment for taxes in pursuance of Of Credit- laws heretofore passed, the loss whereof has fallen upon the respective collectors; therefore, Be iz‘ farz‘ber e/zaez‘ed by the aaz‘lzorizj/ aforesaid, That it shall and Proceed- may be lawful for the justices and supervisors of the several wards re_ towns manors precincts and districts in this State where it shall appear to them reepectively by satisfactory proof on oath that the collector of feit bills or the said ward town manor precinct or district in which such justices ggtfglgtgg’, and surpervisors do reside, hath received counterfeit bills of credit in payment for taxes by law heretofore directed to be collected not know~ ing them to be counterfeit, the loss whereof hath been sustained by such collector, to reduce the amount of such loss to its value in specie at the time such bills were respectively received, and to cause the said sum in specie to be raised in the said respective wards towns manors pre- cincts or districts in like manner as the other contingent charges of such ward town manor precinct or district are raised; and when raised to be paid to such collector. And w/zereas it is necessary to enforce the collection of the arrearage Preamble; arrearages . c‘ . . . . ‘of the taxes on the act entitled An act for raising a tax in specie and a of taxes_ tax in paper currency ” passed June 30th 1781, and on the act entitled “An act for levying a tax within this State” passed 20th November 1781, and also on the act entitled An act for raising the sum of £18,000, and the further sum of £18,000 by tax within this State, and for set- tling public accounts, passed the 11th April 1782, and also on an act entitled “An act for levying a tax within this State” passed 22d july 1782, and also on the act entitled An act for raising moneys by tax” passed 25th March 1783. Be it z‘lzerefore e/zaefed by Z/ze aaz‘borizj/ aforesaid, That the several Former persons who were collectors btween the thirtieth days of June one thou- 5812663353,, sand seven hundred and eighty one, and the first Thursday of May one for monies thousand seven hundred and eighty four shall and they are hereby {3°55}? required on or before the first day of March next to pay unto the pres- sent county treasurer in each county respectively, such monies as they ' shall have collected under all or any of the last mentioned acts, and which have not already been paid into the treasury of the county, and that the said collectors also shall and are hereby required without delay to proceed to collect the arrearages of the taxes which have not yet been collected on the said acts, or any of them; and that they the said col~ lectors shall on or before the first day of October next, pay into the treasury of the said counties respectively, the monies which they shall so collect as aforesaid. And be iz‘ farz‘ber eizaez‘ed by t/ze aaZ/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That in case any Where of the said persons who were collectors as aforesaid have since died, figlgilgfitroris then and in every such case the executors or administrators of such deadfiax . . . 'm b collector so deceased, shall, and they are hereby respectively required ‘Ailiv‘ére‘é 36 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 16. to present collector. Where former col- lector has removed to another district in same county Where former collector has re- moved out ofthe county Where former collector has re- moved out of the State. Rate of al— lowance to collectors. Taxes. in what mon- ies receiv- able. Collectors, how to proceed to enforce collection . Penalties if collec- tors fail to to deliver the several tax lists of the said collectors, whose executors or administrators they are, to the present collector of the city town manor district or precinct of the county, without delay: And the said present collectors and every of them are hereby authorized and commanded on the receipt of such tax lists, without delay to proceed to the col~ lection of the arrearages due on the several tax lists aforesaid. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That in case any of the said former collectors who have neglected to collect all of the monies due according to his tax list, shall have removed, and now reside out of the first district, whereof he was collector as aforesaid, and shall now reside in any other district of the same county, every such former collector shall, and is hereby authorized and required with- out delay to proceed to the collection of the arrearages due on the taxes aforesaid, and which might by him to have been collected. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That in case any such former collectors who have neglected to collect all of the monies due according to the tax list, shall have removed, and now reside out of the county in which he resided when he was a collector as aforesaid, then and in all such cases the said several former collectors shall, and they are hereby required on or before the first day of February next to deliver their respective tax lists as aforesaid, to the present collector of the respective wards towns manors precincts and districts in which the said former collectors shall been chosen as aforesaid. And the said present collectors shall and are hereby authorized and severally required on the receipt of such tax list, without delay to proceed to the collection of the arrearages due on the several tax lists aforesaid. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid, That in case any former collector shall have removed and now resides out of this State, then and in every such case it shall be the duty of the supervisor of the ward town manor district or precinct from whence such collector shall have removed, to procure the said tax list of such collector, and deliver the same without delay, to the present collector, who is hereby required to proceed thereupon immediately, to collect the arrearage or monies thereupon due. And be it fart/zer erzaeted by t/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the several collectors who shall collect any of the aforesaid taxes, to keep and retain in their hands, at the rate of sixpence in the pound, and no more, for the monies they shall respectively collect in pursuance of this act; except the collectors of the cities of New York & Albany, Where no greater poundage shall be allowed than at the rate of three pence in the pound for the monies that shall be there collected in pursuance of this act, any law to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. And be it fart/zer eaaeted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid That the said sev- eral taxes shall be collected and paid in specie or new emission money of this State. And be it fart/zer erzaeted by tbe aat/zorizy aforesaid, That the collectors in all and every of the wards, towns, manors districts and precincts in the several counties of this State, and every of them, shall, and may, in case of neglect or refusal of the payment of any of the aforesaid taxes in manner and form aforesaid, proceed to levy and recover the same agreeable to the fifth clause of the said act entitled “An act for raising £ 100,000 within the several counties therein mentioned,” passed May 6th 1784. And be it further matted by the authority aforesaid, That in case any of the persons who were collectors between the said thirtieth day of 'CHAP. 16.] - EIGHTH SESSION. 37 June one thousand seven hundred and eighty one, and the first Tues- day in May one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, and also in case any of the'executors or administrators of such of the said collectors as have since died, and also in case any of the present collectors of any . of the cities wards towns manors districts or precincts in any of the counties in this State shall neglect or refuse to do and perform any of the duties required of them by this act, all and every such former col- lector his executors and administrators, and all and every present col- lector so neglecting or refusing to do and perform any of the duties aforesaid, in manner and form aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay to the people of'this State the penal sum of one hundred-pounds, besides costs, to be sued for and recovered in the name of the treasurer of the county Where such neglect or refusal shall or may happen, and by such treas- perform duties iin- posed on them as above. ures of the county be paid into the treasury of this State; proziz'dedProviso; always that none of the said forfeitures or penalties shall extend to such of the said persons, or of the said executors or administrators who shall not have it in their power to procure and deliver the said tax lists according to the true intent and meaning of this act. A no’ fie 2'2‘ fare/lee e/zaez‘ea’ fiy [fie aaZ/zorz'zfy aforesaz'a’, That in case any of the said county treasurers shall neglect or refuse without delay to prosecute to effect for the recovery of any such forfeitures or penalties aforesaid by him to be sued for and recovered, every such county treas- urer so neglecting or refusing, shall for every such neglect or refusal forfeit and pay to the people of this‘ State the penal sum of two hundred pounds, to be recovered with costs in any court of record in this State, in the name of the treasurer thereof; and it is hereby declared to be the duty of the said treasurer, and he is hereby required to prosecute for the same. . A 12a’ fie z'z‘farf/zer e/zaez‘ea’ fiy Z/ze auf/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That the secretary of this State shall with all convenient despatch, procure a sufficient number of copies of this act to be printed, and transmit the same with- out delay to the several treasurers of the respective counties in this State, by them to be forwarded as soon as possible to the several super— visors assessors and collectors in the said counties respectively. A no’ fie z'z‘farZ/zer e/zaez‘ea’ fiy Z/ze aaf/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That the act enti- tled An act for the appointment of commissioners to procure monies on loan and clothing for the use of this State, passed the 7th day of March 1781, shall be and the same is hereby declared to be repealed, so far as where not in power of persons to perform. Penalty if county treasurer neglects to prosecute. Printed copies of this act to be forth- With dis- tributed by secretary of State. Certain act therein named re- pealed. the same imposed a tax on the articles therein enumerated. Prooz'a’ea’ Proviso; ne-ziert/zeless, that such repeal shall not be construed so as to excuse the ‘collection of any arrears due on any former assessment made in conse- quence'of the said act. ~ A/za’ fie z'z‘ furl/£67’ eizaelea’ fiy Z/ze azzZ/zorz'zj/ aforesaz'a’, That the tax quotaed on the united districts of Duanesburgh and Schoharie in the county of Albany, in pursuance of the act entitled “An act for raising monies by tax,” passed 25th March 1783, is hereby remitted. A no’ fie z'z‘ fa/"f/zer e/zaez‘ea’ fiy Z/ze aat/zorz'zj/ aforesaz'a’ That in case‘ any of the persons who have been rated or taxed on any of the aforesaid acts shall have removed to and reside in another county than where he was rated or taxed, then and in every such case the several collectors of the district out of which such person shall so have removed shall and may prosecute for the arrears of taxes due by such person so having removed as aforesaid before any justice of the county in which such person so having removed shall reside; and such justices and every of ‘them are hereby authorized and required to hear try and determine the not 130 effect as- sessments already made. Duanes- burg,r and Schoharie, certain tax remitted. Where person taxed has removed to another county, how tax collected. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 16.. Former collectors to im medi- ately ren- der ac- counts to supervi- sors. Courts of record to file in office Of State treasurer list of all fines and amercea- ments im- posed by virtue of this act. Sheriffs to render ac- counts of all fines and amer- ceaments collected by them. Penalty for neg- lect. Sheriffs hereafter to give se- curity in the sum of £200. Bonds‘, where filed. same, in the like manner as if such person so rated or taxed had not removed as aforesaid. . And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid That every of the said former collectors shall and they are hereby required without delay to appear before the present supervisor of the ward town manor pre- cinct or district where such collector shall have been chosen, and deliver to such supervisor an account on oath or if of the people called Quakers affirmation of all and every the sum and sums of money which any such collector shall have received or collected for taxes on any of the aforesaid acts, and which said oath or affirmation the said supervisors are hereby respectively authorized and required to administer; and that the said several supervisors who shall receive such account on oath as aforesaid shall without delay deliver the same to the treasurer of the county. ' And be it fart/ier enacted by t/ze azct/iority aforesaid, That the clerks of the respective courts of record in this State shall and it is hereby declared to be their duty on or before the first day of March next, trans- mit and file in the treasury of this State an account or list of all and every the fines and amerceaments which have been laid or adjudged in any of the courts of record in this State since the first day of April one thousand seven hundred and eighty. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid That the respec~ tive persons who have been appointed a sheriff or sheriffs of any of the counties of this State since the twentieth day of May one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven, and the present sheriffs of any of the said counties shall and they are hereby required on or before the first day of june next to exhibit and file on oath an account or list of all such monies which they shall have received for any of the fines or amercea- ments aforesaid, and the several days they have levied or received the same, and deliver such account to the auditor of this State for settle- ment; and that every such person who has been or now is sheriff as aforesaid, who shall neglect to do the same, shall forfeit. and pay to the people of this State the penal sum of five hundred pounds, besides costs, to be sued for and recovered in the name of the treasurer of this State ; and it is hereby declared to be the duty of the said treasurer to prosecute for the same. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That every person hereafter to be appointed to the office of sheriff of any city or county within this State before he be permitted to exercise the said office shall give and enter into bond to the people of this State in the penal sum of two hundred pounds with two sufficient sureties being freeholders, each in the penal sum of one thousand pounds, conditioned that such sheriff shall well and faithfully in all things perform and execute the said office of sheriff without fraud deceit or oppression, which bonds shall be filed in the clerks office of the counties respectively, for which the respective sheriffs shall be appointed, and the said clerks respectively shall judge of and determine the competency of such sureties. can». 17.] EIGHTH SESSION. 39 CHAP. l 7. AN ACT for the payment of certain contingent expences, and for other purposes therein mentioned. PASSED the 29th of November, 1784. Be it e/zaeled by l/ze People of Me Slale of New Yor/e, represented in Treasurer Se/zale and Assembly, and if is lzereby e/zaeled' by l/ze aal/zorizy of l/ze same, $015,138 That the treasurer of this State shall out of the monies which now are out of or hereafter may be in the treasury and not otherwise specially appro- figeggfigg'm priated pay the following sums of money, and to the following persons Perseus- to wit. To each of the delegates of this State at and after the rate of five Delegates dollars per day for such time as they have attended or shall attend or 2362311‘ were going to or returning from Congress to their respective places of” ' abode, according to such accounts as they shall respectively produce audited by auditor of the State, provided that the monies from time to time advanced to the said delegates shall be charged to their accounts respectively, and the treasurer is hereby authorized to advance to each of the delegates respectively who shall attend in Congress a sum not exceeding two hundred pounds. To the several members of the Senate and Assembly for each and Members every day they shall have severally attended in Senate and Assembly gflgenate during the present meeting of the Legislature and for each and every Assembly- day they shall have been or may be travelling to and from their respec- tive places of abode, to the place of the said meeting of the Legislature each the sum of sixteen shillings per day, agreeable to such accounts thereof as they shall ‘severally produce certified by the president of the Senate or speaker of the Assembly as the case may be; the account of the president of the Senate to be certified by the clerk of the Senate, and the account of the speaker of the Assembly to be certified by the clerk of the Assembly. To the former members of the council of appointment at and after Council of the rate of sixteen shillings per day during their attendance on the gepn‘gnt" council in the recess of the Legislature, and for the time of their travel- ling from and to their respective places of abode, according to such accounts as the clerk of the said council shall certify. To John McKesson Esquire clerk of the Assembly, and Abraham B. Clerks of Bancker Esquire clerk of the Senate for their services in their respec- tive stations during the present meeting of the legislature, each thirty shillings per day, and for several sums by them severally advanced for the use of the Senate and Assembly respectively, the amounts of such accounts thereof respectively as they shall severally produce certified by the president of the Senate or speaker of the Assembly, as the case may require. To the door keepers of the Senate and Assembly during the present noerkeep- meeting of the legislature each sixteen shillings per day agreeable to 2258"" such certificates thereof as they shall respectively produce, certified by Assembly- the president of the Senate or speaker of the Assembly. Arid w/zereas in and by the forty sixth section of the act entitled Preamble; “ An act for the speedy sale of the confiscated estates within this State 35,35?“ and for other purposes therein mentioned, passed the 12th day of May 8%“ _ 1784 it is declared that citizens of this State who are indebted to any YatZSBa‘i-i persons whose real or personal estates are forfeited to the people of this forfeited‘ 40 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 17. Time for payment extended. Robert Henry et al. for stove de- stroyed. Advances to agents for vindi- cating rights of this State in the con- troversy with Massachu— setts. Auditor . audit ac- counts of levies drafted into conti- nental line and issue certi fl— cates. William Roe, for services during late war. Collector of customs at New York to remit cer- tain duties. State should and might pay such debts into the treasury of this State within six months after the passing of the said act, and zo/zereas it is deemed expedient that a farther time should be given for the payment of the said debts, be it t/zerefore enacted by t/ze azct/zorizy' aforesaid that it shall and may be lawful for such debtors, and for such person or ' persons who have purchased any lands which were at the time of such purchase mortgaged and which mortgages have become forfeited as aforesaid to pay the monies as provided in and by the said act and the monies due on such mortgages into the treasury, provided the same be so paid on or before the first day of November next ; and the commis- sioner or commissioners are hereby inhibited from suing for and recov- ering the said debts untill after the said first day of November, any thing in the said forty sixth section to the contrary notwithstanding. And be it fart/zer erzacted by t/ze azct/iorizy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this State to pay out of any monies in his hands unappropriated to Robert Henry or Matthew Watson the sum of thirty seven pounds for an iron'stove the property of the Pres- byterian Church in the city of Albany which was destroyed by fire while in the use of the Legislature of the State at Kingston. And be it fart/cor enacted by t/ze azct/zorizfy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this State and he is hereby required to advance unto the agents appointed in pursuance of the act entitled “ An act to appoint agents or commissioners for vindicating the right and jurisdiction of this State against the claims of the Common wealth of the Massachusetts pursuant to the Articles of Confederation and Per- petual Union of the United States passed during the present meeting of the legislature,”'or to any two of them, on their receipt, such sum or or sums of money as they shall require to defray the expence of the trust reposed in them, not exceeding one thousand pounds, for which they shall be accountable. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by tile azct/zorizj/ aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the auditor to audit the accounts of the levies of this State who were from time to time drafted in the Continental line of this State on the officers under whose command the said levies served producing the necessary proofs to the auditor from the paymaster of the regiment in which the levies respectively served the time of their inlistment and which have not been settled with by the paymaster gen- eral and charge the same to the account of the United States, and the treasurer is hereby directed to grant certificates to the levies aforesaid in like manner as has been granted to the levies and ‘militia of this State agreeable to an act entitled An act for the settlement of the pay of the levies and militia for their services in the late war and for other pur- poses therein mentioned, passed 27th day of April 1784. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid That it shall be lawful for the treasurer of this State to pay William Roe out of any unappropriated monies in his hands the sum of twenty pounds in con- sideration of services rendered by him to the United States in the course of the late 4 war, and charge the same to the account’ of the United States. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the collector of the customs at New York and he is hereby authorized and required to remit the duties accrued on merchan- - dize consigned to Samuel Franklin & Co. and to be by them forwarded to New Port in the State of Rhode Island, and were exported by them accordingly, & for payment whereof they have given bonds to the said collector, the said Samuel Franklin & Co. first producing to the CHAP. 17.] EIGHTH SESSION. 41 said collector proper certificates of the said merchandize having been duly landed reported and entered at the custom house at New Port aforesaid. ~ And fie iz‘ fari/zer enaez‘ed fiy z‘fie aaZ/zorizj) aforesaid, That it shall be Pensions lawful for the treasurer of this State to pay the pensions of John Rice, fl‘i’s‘ég‘ig‘g“ David Wendell and Gerardus Moke disabled soldiers inhabitants of this Soldiers State on their producing to him their discharges as required by the act making further provision for persons who have or may become disabled while in the service of the United States passed 18th March, 1783, any thing in the said act to the contrary notwithstanding. A/zd fie ii fari/zer e/zaez‘ed fiy i/ie aat/zoriij' aforesaid That it shall and Lieut. may be lawful for the auditor of this State to audit the account of Ephraim Vrooman a lieut. in Collo. Peter Vrooman’s regiment of militia account ' for his pay while in actual service or in captivity and the treasurer of Of‘ this State is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the said Ephraim Vrooman twenty pounds in specie in part of such account and grant certificates in like manner as has been given to the militia of this State for the residue of the amount of such account. A/id fie ii fari/ier e/zaez‘ed fiy i/ze aai/iori/y aforesaid That it shall and Johns— may be lawful for the commissioners of forfeited estates in the western gifl‘l‘gglfree district to set apart for the use of a school, the house and lot of ground house at. in Johnstown commonly known by the name of the free school house if not already disposed of consisting of half an acre of ground any thing in the act for the speedy sale of confiscated and forfeited estates within this State and for other purposes therein mentioned passed Izth May 1784 to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. A/id fie ii‘ fari/zer eizaez‘ed fiy z‘fie aai/zoriij/ aforesaid That it shall be Maj, Gen_ lawful for the auditor and treasurer of this State and they are hereby {H'Pggh directed to audit and settle the accounts of Major General McDougall, gilhers, ac- Brigadier General James Clinton and such of their respective suits as counts of‘ are inhabitants of this State, of John Gano chaplain and of the late troops of this State in the service of the United States for the months of August, September, October November and December in the year 1:780, and the treasurer is hereby directed to pay to Michael Conolly out of any money unappropriated in his hands the sum of‘five thousand pounds on account, and to be by him applied to the payment of the said Major General McDougall, Brigadier General James Clinton and such of their suits as aforesaid the said John Gano and of the said troops for the months aforesaid, in equal proportions according to the sums due to them respectively. Azzd fie ii‘ fart/zer e/zaez‘ed fiy t/ie aat/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That it shall be Margaret lawful.for the treasurer of the State to pay to Margaret Riker, the one Pike?» for half of the amount of a certificate given to her, for her late husbands fifi‘gbifii’rs depreciation of pay and indorse the same on the said certificate. pay‘ A/id fie ii‘ fari/ier e/zaez‘ed fiy Z/ze aai/zoriziv aforesaid That it shall be Cornelius lawful for the said treasurer to pay unto Cornelius Jansen Junr. for transporting the records of this State from Kingston to Poughkeepsie porting‘ the sum of eight pounds. records‘ A 12d fie i/farZ/zer eizaez‘ed fiy Z/ie aaZ/zorizj/ aforesaid That the said treas— Loans to urer be and is hereby authorized and required to pay the principal and goggl‘nor interest of all such monies as have been taken on loan by his excellency repaid. the governor, in pursuance of any laws of this State heretofore passed to such persons respectively who have loaned the same, out of any monies which may hereafter come into the treasury by virtue of the act entitled An act for raising £100,000 within the counties therein mentioned, passed 6th May 1784. VOL. 2. — 6. 42 LAWS or NEW YORK. [can 17. Hannah And be it fart/cor enacted by t/ze ant/iorizy aforesaid That the said treas— gjlceoalé'dfigf urer pay to Hannah Nicoll executrix of john Nicoll deceased out of Egilillégeilate any monies in the treasury.not otherwise appropriated four pounds husband_ twelve shillings in full for diverse small quantities of wheat delivered by the said john Nicoll in his life time to the wives and children of several persons then serving in the line of the troops of this State in the service of the United States. ggfiii-gtet And be it fzcrt/ier enacted by t/ce azct/cority aforesaid, That it shall be forfeitegi lawful for Daniel ‘Graham Esquire commissioner of forfeitures for the tegtligecggi middle. district of this State, and he is hereby directed to convey to veyed to Cornelius T. jansen late a captain in the First New York Regimenti all 328386;?" the estate which George Folliot (who was attainted by a law of this Jansen. State) had in a farm situate in Amenia precinct, in the county of Dutchess, located by the said Cornelius T. jansen and appraised to him, for the sum at which it was so appraised, ' Mary Barc- And be it fzcrtber enacted by t/ce ant/zority aforesaid, That the said treas- lesgffglgfzeéd urer is hereby authorized and required to deliver unto Mary Barclay glyisbsgifier the widow of Henry Barclay deceased the plate and other property of Seques- (belonging to her) which was deposited with him by the commissioners 15mm“- of sequestration for the county of Ulster. Certain And be it fart/cor enacted by tbe ant/cority aforesaid That it shall and 335,22? may be lawful for the several persons mentioned in the third clause of main With- the act entitled “An act to preserve the freedom and independence of in the - j . . State, this State and for other purposes therein mentioned, passed the 12th May 1784, to remain and reside within this State without any molesta- tion, until the end of the next meeting of the legislature after the first day of November next or until the legislature shall make further pro- vision in the premises. Indian And be it fart/zer enacted by Me azct/zority aforesaid, That it shall and Sgtiiirrsi’tfip' may be lawful for his excellency the governor by warrant under his tions for; hand to draw from the treasurer of this State any sums of money not £531,132‘? exceeding the sum of five hundred pounds to negotiate Indian affairs within this State, and to be accounted for by the commissioners for that purpose appointed. And a further sum not exceeding five thousand pounds to enable his excellency and the commissioners for Indian affairs to purchase from the Oneidas & Tuscaroroes for the use of the people of this State a tract of the country which they now occupy and (as this legislature are informed) are willing to dispose of. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ce aat/zority aforesaid that no part of the lands which may be so purchased shall be granted or located untill the legis- lature shall make further provision respecting the same. Preamble; W/zereas by thev3oth clause of the act entitled “An act imposing 95231,??? duties. on the importation of certain goods wares and merchandize passed ggléglgggll'ns 22nd day of March 1784, it was enacted that the collector for the port of New of New York should .be entitled to receive and deduct out of the money York' which would come into his hands in pursuance of the said act a salary at and after the rate of £1200 per annum as a full reward & com- pensation for his services and for house or office rent, clerk hire, fire wood, messengers or servants to attend the office, stationary and all other contingent expences whatever. And w/zerea's the said salary for the time past appears to the legislature to have been insufficient be it Salary of t/zcrefore enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid That the said salary of £1,200 mentioned in the said act shall be and is hereby encreased to the sum of one thousand four hundred'pounds. New Com- And be it furt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/corny aforesaid That \Nilli-am Den- to ning Comfort Sands and Henry Remsen Esquires or any two of them CHAP. 17.] EIGHTH SESSION. 43 be and are hereby appointed a committee to advise and instruct the auditor of the State instead of Philip Schuyler, Abraham Yates Junr. and John Lansing Jun. Esquires who from the places of their resi— dence cannot conveniently instruct the said auditor in all cases where he finds himself incompetent to the liquidation of accounts without such aid and instructions. And be it farl/zer enaez‘ed by Me aal/zorily aforesaid That it shall be lawful for the said treasurer and he is hereby directed to pay Samuel Louden the sum of three hundred pounds to be accounted for by him on a settlement of his accounts with the State; To Ezra L’Hommidieu fifteen pounds eleven shillings & four pence being the ballance due him for his services in attending the legislature in the year 1782, to be charged to Udny Hay (his order as State agent of the 14th April 1782 on Collo. Abraham Brincherhofff or the said sum being unpaid,) and to Tuenis T. Van Veghten or his order the sum of thirty pounds agree- able to his account for his services and monies expendedby him in procuring wheat on a subscription by sundry members of the legislature in the year 1781, for the use of the troops in Albany and charge the amount thereof to the account of the United States. And be it farl/zer ezzaeled by file az/l/zorizy aforesaid That the treas- urer of this State be and he is hereby authorised and directed to pay out of any monies in the treasury unappropriated to Captain Tyrannus Collins the sum of one hundred and seventeen pounds nine shillings and one penny to enable him to discharge his debts contracted while he was a prisoner in Canada to be endorsed on the certificate which he has received from the treasurer for his pay. Arid zo/zereas it appears to the legislature that George Fisher of the city of New York thro’ his activity and public spiritedness detected a combination for counterfeiting the notes of the superintendant of ‘finance and treasurer of the United States, the bills of credit of the said United States and of this and other states and caused the coun- terfeit types and a large sum of counterfeit money to be seized and the offenders to be arrested while the British garrison were yet in possession of the city of New York and that the conduct of the said George Fisher was highly laudable. ' Be it z‘lzerefore enaeled by l/ze aaz‘lzorily aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this State & he is hereby authorised and directed to pay to the said George Fisher the sum of forty pounds being so much expended by him in executing the said business. A ad be it farl‘lzer elzaeled by l/ze aal/zorz'z‘y aforesaid That the several persons who have been commissioners of sequestration in the several counties in this State who have not already done it shall exhibit 8: file in the office of the auditor of this State an account on oath according to the best of their knowledge, of the personal estate by them seized or sold by virtue of law of this State and of the monies by. them received in consequence of such sales or of any houses lands or tene- ments by them leased on rent and pay such monies into the treasury of this State after deducting such expences and fees as are by law allowed for their services on or before the first day of June next and that every such commissioner neglecting or refusing so to do shall forfeit and pay to the people of this State the penal sum of five hundred pounds besides costs to be recovered in the name of the treasurer of this State whose duty it is hereby declared to be to prosecute for the same and the audi- tor of this State is hereby directed to publish this clause in one of the news papers printed in the cities of New York and Albany respectively for four weeks successively within three months from the passing of this instruct the auditor. Samuel _ Louden, monies ad-- vanced to. Ezra L‘Hom m i- dieu, bal— ance of salary as member of legislature. Teunis rI‘. Van Vegh— ten,serv— icesin procuring wheat in Capt. Tye rannus Collins, monies ad- vanced to. Preamble ;. merito- rious serv— ices of George Fisher. Monies appropri- ated as a reward to.. Commis- sioners of sequestra- tion, to acv count for all pro— ceedings. 44 LAl/VS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 18. Id., not to be sued for acts done. Preamble; as to cer— tain mort- gages held by persons whose es- tates are forfeited. M? Course of procedure fixed to secure dis- charge of mortgages referred to act. Provided rzeoert/zeless and be it fart/zer enacted by Me aat/zority afore- said that it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to sue or prose- cute the said commissioners of sequestration or any of them for any act. or acts which they or any of them have done in or about the execution of the trust reposed in them. CHAP. IS. AN ACT to enable the clerks of the respective cities and coun- ties within this State, to cancel the records of certain mort- gages, made and executed to persons, whose estates are for- feited, on proof that such mortgages are satisfied. ‘2% PASSED the of November, 1784. WHEREAS it is represented to the legislature, that certain mortgages to persons, whose real and personal estates are forfeited to, and vested in, the people of this State, are registered in the offices of the clerks of several of the cities and counties within this State, pursuant to an act of the late Colony entitled “An act for preventing frauds by mortgages, which shall be made and executed after the first day of june, in the year one thousand seven hundred- and fifty-four ” passed the 12th day of December 1753: And that in many cases, the original mortgages remain in the hands or power of the mortgagees. A/zd w/iereas it is required by the said act, that the certificate thereby prescribed, to enable the respective clerks to discharge the entry of mortgages, shall be signed only by the mortgagee, his or her executors administrators or assigns; and by reason thereof, mortgages so as aforesaid, vested in the people of this State, altho they should be fully redeemed and paid off, could not be cancelled, but must remain an incumbrance to the great discouragement of purchasors, and the detriment of the public: For remedy whereof Be it enacted by Me People of t/ie State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze azct/zority of tbe same, That where any person or persons, entitled to the equity of redemption of lands tenements or hereditaments, vested in manner aforesaid in the people of this State, shall be desireous to redeem and discharge the incumbrances thereon or who have redeemed and discharged the incum— brances on such lands tenements or hereditaments since the twelfth day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, it shall and may be lawful, to and for all and every such person or persons, to apply to any one of the judges having authority to take proofs and acknowledg- ments of the due execution of mortgages, in the city or county wherein the same lands tenements or hereditaments may be situated, and to pro- duce to such judge, the evidence respecting such mortgage, and the payments made thereon, and if the judge on satisfactory testimony, shall be able to ascertain the ballance in arrear on such mortgage, he shall, after due examination certify under his hand and seal to the treasurer of the State, and to the clerk of the city or county, in whose office the mortgage may be registered, the ballance which shall so appear to him to be justly due thereon, and upon producing such certificate to the treasurer, and tender in the manner which the law directs of such bal— lance; the treasurer shall and he is hereby authorized and directed to * So in original. CHAP. 18.] EIGHTH SESSION. 45 receive the same, and to sign a certificate of such receipt, which certifi- cate, being acknowledged by him, or proved by the oath of one or more witnesses in the manner directed by the said act with respect to the cer- tificate of the mortgagee, or his representative, and being filed with the certificate of the judge first mentioned in the office of the clerk of the city or county where such mortgage shall be registered, it shall and may be lawful, to and for the said clerk, and he is hereby required to enter in the book of mortgages, a minute of the said certificates, which minute so entered, shall operate as a full and absolute bar to all and every such mortgage and mortgages to all intents and purposes whatsoever. Pro- vided that with respect to such persons who have redeemed or dis- charged the said incumbrances on such lands tenements or hereditaments since the twelfth day of Way one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, it shall only be necessary for the said persons respectively to pro- duce the certificate of discharge given by the treasurer on payment, and upon proof of the same in manner aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the said clerks, and they are hereby respectively required to enter in the book of mortgages, a minute of the said certificates respectively, which shall operate as a discharge in like manner as aforesaid. Proviso; as to mort- gages paid since May 12. 1784. , LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK, PASSED AT THE SECOND MEETING OF THE EIGHTH SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE. OHAP. 19. AN ACT to amend an act entitled An act to lay a duty of ton- nage on vessels for defraying the expence of the light house at Sandy Hook, passed 12th February, 1784. PASSED the 15th of February, 1785. Be it enacted [2y Z/ze People 0f Z/ze State of New Yer/e, represented in Semzz’e a/zd Assemb/y and be if eizaez‘ed é)’ Z/ze azlf/zorz'fy 0f z‘/ze same That all vessels having foreign registers, or being the property of foreigners which shall arrive from sea into the port of New York shall instead of four pence pay a duty of eight pence per ton, to be levied and collected in like manner as the duty of tonnage is directed to be levied and col- lected in and by the said act entitled “An act to lay a duty of tonnage on vessels for defraying the expence of the light house at Sandy Hook. Provided nevertheless that no vessel employed as a packet from any for- eign prince state or potentate, or hearing a commission as a ship sloop or vessel of war under any such prince state or potentate shall be obliged to pay any duty of tonnage to be paid by this act, or by the act entitled An act to lay a duty of tonnage on vessels for defraying the expence of the light house at Sandy Hook any thing to the contrary notwithstand- Rate of tonnage on certain vessel increased. Proviso; ships of war, etc.. exempted from duty of tonnage. 111g. CHAP. 20.] EIGHTH SESSION. 47 CHAP. 20. AN ACT to punish delinquent jurors constables and other ' persons. PAssEn the 25th of February, 1785. WHEREAS a defect of sufficient power in the several courts of record in this State in imposing fines for the default of jurors constables and other persons occasions remissness in their attendance to the delay of justice. 7 Be it i/zerefore enaez‘ed by l/ze People of Me Slaz‘e of New Yor/e, repre- Fine for seated in Senate and Assembly, and ii‘ is lzereby erzaez‘ed b; Z/ze aaz‘lzorizy of \ i/ze same, That every grand or petit juror constable or other person attend. whose duty it is to attend any of the courts of record in this State who shall refuse or neglect to attend shall be liable to be fined by the court in a sum not exceeding five pounds. And in every case where such fines shall be imposed by any of the said courts, such court shall before the court rises, cause public proclamation of such fines to be made by the crier of the court. And be it farl/zer eaaeled by z‘lze aal/zorizfy aforesaid That if such In default delinquent juror constable or other person who shall be fined as afore- ?§CS$;,S,'GX_ said shall not on or before the second day of the subsequent term after @1188, pro- such fine is imposed, offer legal and satisfactory reason or excuse to ii'sisfiewm- the court for his default or non-attendance, that thereupon an order or g‘f’lfll‘fl‘gtion process of the court shall issue to the sheriff of the city or county com- ' manding him to levy the fine or fines so imposed as aforesaid, by dis— tress and sale at public vendue of the goods and chattles of the de- faulters respectively; and which sheriff shall and may retain out of the produce of the same, a sum equal to the fine or fines, and also a milage fee of six pence per mile from the defaulters house to the court house of the county, and shall return the overplus money, if any there shall be, to such defaulter: Provided neoerz‘lzeless that the sheriff of the city and county of New York, instead of a milage fee shall and may levy have and retain a fee at the rate of one shilling in the pound on each such fine. _ And be ii‘ farz‘lzer e/zaeled by file aat/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the sheriff Sheriflf to who shall have levied any such fines as aforesaid, shall within one month after he has levied the same, give an account thereof to the clerk of the court to be filed. - A ad be ii‘ farl/zer erzaeled by Me aal/iorizy aforesaid, That the sheriff Penaltyfm‘ or officer who shall have levied any of the said fines shall on or before of the first day of the subsequent term after he has levied the same pay gggdap‘ the same to the treasurer of the county, where such fine shall have i been incurred, under the penalty of double the sum of such fine or fines respectively omitted to be paid, to be recovered with costs by and in the name of the treasurer of the county where such fines shall respectively.have been incurred, in any court of record in this State having cognizance of the same, by action of debt or on the case; which said fines and forfeitures shall respectively be applied by the supervisors for defraying the necessary and contingent charges and expences of the county where such fines shall have respectively been Id, New incurred; except in the city and county of New York, where the fines York city levied shall by the sheriff be paid to the chamberlain of the said city to Zfiunty, 48 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 21. Court may issue pro- cess forth- with. Act not to extend to inferior courts. Preamble; as to estate of Philip Livingston late of New York city , deceased. Id., peti— tion to the legislature by widow and others for relief. Id., neces- sity of legislative relief. be applied to the use of the poor of the said city and county; and in case of neglect to pay the same within the time for that purpose above limitted the like penalty of double such fine or fines may be recovered by the said chamberlain in his own name with costs in an action of ‘debt or upon the case in any court of record having cognizance thereof, and when so recovered be applied to the use of such poor as last afore- said. I And be it jart/zer enacted by t/‘ze aat/iorizy aforesaid That nothing in this act contained shall be construed to prevent any court of oyer and terminer or gaol delivery from issuing an order or process immedi- ately, or during its sitting, to the sheriff of the county where such court hall then be, to levy any fines which shall by them be imposed: And that this act as far as relates to the power of imposing fines, shall not be construed to extend to any court for the trial of causes to the value of ten pounds and under. ' CHAP. 21. AN ACT for vesting the estate of Philip Livingston late of the city of New York Esquire deceased, in trustees for the pay- ment of his debts, and other purposes therein mentioned. PASSED the 25th of February, 1785. WHEREAs it hath been represented to the legislature that Philip Liv- ingston late of the city of New York Esquire deceased, at the time of his death, owed very considerable sums of money to a number of differ- persons, and that his personal estate is far from being adequate to the payment of his debts, and zo/zereas it hath been further represented to the legislature, that the surviving executors named in the last will and testament of the said Philip Livingston, have renounced the administra~ tion of his said personal estate, and thereupon administration of all and singular his goods and chattels, rights and credits with his said last will and testament annexed, hath been granted to his son Philip Ph. Livings- ton who hath given security according to law for the due performance of the same. And ztI/zereas a humble petition hath been presented to the legislature by the said Philip Ph. Livingston, Christina Livingston, widow of the said Philip Livingston deceased and others, praying that the real estate of the said Philip Livingston deceased may by an act of the legislature be vested in him the said Philip Ph Livingston, and in Isaac Roosevelt and Robert C. Livingston their heirs and assigns as trustees, first for the payment of the debts due from the said Philip Livingston at the time of his decease and his funeral charges, and then of the several legacies given in and by his last will and testa- ment aforesaid, and afterwards in trust, to convey the residue of the same real estate (if any) to the several persons interested therein ac- cording to the proportions which they are entitled to of the same. And praying also that by the said act it may be provided, that the inter- est of Christina Livingston the widow of the said Philip Livingston deceased, in the said estate may only be disposed of, in case the other parts of the said real estate are insufficient for the payment of the afore- said debts, unless she shall consent to the sale thereof. And zo/zereas the interposition of the legislature in this case hathbecome necessary, because the part of the real estate aforesaid, devised by the last will and CHAP. 21.] EIGHTH SESSION. 49 testament of the said Philip Livingston deceased to his son Abraham in fee, is legally vested in Henry Alexander Livingston (the son of John H. Livingston of the city of New York doctor of divinity, one of the petitioners aforesaid) an infant unable to make any legal disposition of his estate. And whereas all the surviving devisees of the said Philip Livingston (except the said infant whose tender years did not admit thereof) have assented to the prayer of the said petition, which appears to be reasonable in itself and the legislature think it proper to adopt a measure calculated to do justice to the creditors and legatees. Be iz‘ Z/zerefore enaez‘ed fiy i/ze People of z‘lze Stale of New York, represenz‘ed Estate or in Seizaz‘e and Assemfiiy, and i2‘ is lzerefiy enaez‘ed fiy i/ze aaZ/zoriz‘y of the same, $23851)" That all and singular the real estate, lands, tenements and hereditaments gggtigisgg» within this State, whereof thesaid Philip Livingston deceased died seized, trustees shall at and immediately after the passing of this act, be vested in the g‘zll‘rggges said Philip Ph. Livingston Isaac Roosevelt and Robert C. Livingston therein their heirs and assigns (as joint tenants and not as tenants in common) gfigtggifii upon the several trusts herein after mentioned and expressed, that is to ‘0 Convey- say, in trust and confidence that the said real estate, lands tenements and hereditaments of the said Philip Livingston deceased, or such parts or parcels thereof as may be found necessary and sufficient (in aid of the personal estate of the said Philip Livingston deceased) to pay and discharge in the first place the debts and funeral charges of the aforesaid Philip Livingston deceased, and also in the next place, to raise, pay and discharge the several pecuniary legacies in the aforesaid last will and testament specified and mentioned (that is to say, the sum of twelve hundred pounds bequeathed by the same Philip Livingston to each of his four children Margaret, Sarah, Abraham and Henry), and to raise an annuity for the payment of the annual sums by the said last will and testament directed to be paid to and for the use of the testators son Richard, shall and may be sold and disposed of in the best and most advantageous manner at the discretion of the said Philip Ph. Livingston, and upon such sale or sales shall and may be granted and conveyed in fee simple by the said trustees to the purchaser or purchasers thereof. And upon this further trust and confidence that as soon as the said Division of debts and funeral charges shall be paid and discharged, and the several $31955? legacies and annuity aforesaid shall be raised as is herein before men- (1,1183% ggd tioned, that then the said trustees or the survivors of them shall grant annuities. and convey in due form of law, all the said testators estate in the town- ship of Brooklyn in Kings county on Nassau island, and also the house late his dwelling house in the city of New York together with the lot of ground, store, outhouses and buildings ‘appertaining thereto, and also the house and lot of ground adjoining the said dwelling house and formerly occupied by Wynandt Van Zandt (or so much thereof as shall not be sold in pursuance of this act) to the said Christina Livingston for and during her natural life, and that the rest and residue aforesaid of the same real estate, lands tenements and hereditaments, shall be divided and conveyed to the persons and in the manner and proportions specified and expressed in a certain indenture of four parts, bearing date the sixth day of July last, and made between Eilardus Westerlo of the city of Albany and Catharine his wife, Thomas Jones of the city of New York physician and Margaret his wife, and John H. Livingston of the city of New York doctor of divinity and Sarah his wife of the first part, James Roosevelt of the city of New York gentleman of the second part, the aforesaid Philip Ph. Livingston of the third part, and the said Isaac Roosevelt and Robert C. Livingston of the fourth part. Provided always. VoL. 2.——7. 50 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 21. In case And 5e it further enacted by the authority aferesaz'a, That in case the letters of - - ~ - - - - - - adminis- administration so as aforesaid granted to the said Philip Ph. Livingston ggfliionltg of the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of the said Livingston Philip Livingston deceased at the time of his death shall at any time £331,123 hereafter be revoked or annulled, or if such administration shall or may trustees’to be granted to any other person or persons (during the life time of the 33311220 said Philip P“. Livingston) that then and in either of the said cases, $222123 the said Philip Ph. Livingston Isaac Roosevelt and Robert C. Living- ' ston, and the survivors and survivor of them, and in case of the decease of the said Philip Ph. Livingston, then the said Isaac Roosevelt and Robert C. Livingston, and the survivor of them shall grant and convey all the said real estate, lands tenements and hereditaments (not before sold and disposed of pursuant to the trusts herein before mentioned) to such person or persons as may be nominated and appointed, with the assent of the said Eilardus Westerlo and Catharine his Wife, Thomas Jones and Margaret his wife, John H. Livingston and Sarah his wife and Henry Alexander Livingston or the majority of them, or the survivors or majority of such survivors, to administer the goods and chattels rights and credits aforesaid, and his or their heirs and assigns forever, who shall from the time of such conveyance, be seized of the said real estate lands tenements and hereditaments subject to and for the completion of the trusts aforesaid, andshall in all respects, relating to the execution of the same, stand in the place of the said Philip Ph. Livingston Isaac Roosevelt and Robert C. Livingston. Sales of And ée z't fart/zen enacted &y the azct/zerz'ty aferesaz'd, That whilst the {gagjg‘gate said Philip Ph. Livingston shall continue administrator as aforesaid, all 8018 discre- sales of the said real estate lands tenements and hereditaments or any tion of ad- . . . miniSm-w part thereof to be made in consequence of this act, shall be made at his €ggg‘ge_ sole discretion, and that he alone shall receive and be accountable for cutedeeds. the purchase or consideration money thereof, but the deeds for the same, shall be signed and executed as well by the said Isaac Roosevelt and Robert C. Livingston or the survivor of them as by the said Philip Ph. Livingston. ' Preamble; And inasmuch as the said Philip Ph. Livingston has already sold or @2130 “13;; agreed to ‘sell the share or right of the said Philip Livingston deceased glgwlrll in a certain sugar house and lot of ground fronting upon Crown street Street,New in the city of New York to John Lawrence and others in fee simple for Yorkcity- the consideration of one thousandfour hundred and sixteen pounds, thirteen shillings and four pence by him received. ' Trustees Be z'tfnrt/zer enacted a)» t/ze ant/zerz'ty aforesaid, That the said sale be $323213? and it is hereby ratified, and the said Philip Ph. Livingston Isaac Roose- Property velt and Robert C. Livingston or the survivors of them are hereby fully :fiferred authorized and required to grant, convey and release the one third part ' of the said sugar house and lot of ground to the said John Laurence and others in fee simple, which grant, conveyance and release shall be sufficient to bar all persons claiming or to claim under the said Philip Livingston deceased from any right or claim of in and to the said sugar house and lot of ground and the consideration money aforesaid for the same, shall be applied pursuant to and in performance of the trusts herein before specified. 6. And 6e z't fzcrt/zer enacted e)» the aut/zm'z'ty aferesaz'd, That such part $313533? of o the real estate aforesaid, as is particularly bequeathed to the afore- tina Liv- said Christina Livingston for her life, in and by the said last will and Lnészgnbe testament aforesaid of her said husband, or any part thereof shall not sold With- be sold by virtue of this act to perform the trusts herein before specified, 233828;; unless the remainder of the said real estate and the personal estate of Real estate CHAP. 22.] EIGHTH SESSION. 51 the said Philip Livingston deceased shall be found insufficient to dis- charge his debts, or unless the said Christina Livingston shall give her consent in writing to such sale or sales, in which last case, she shall be entitled during her life to such sum and sums of money as she and the said Philip Ph. Livingston shall agree, to be paid her by the administra- tor for the time being upon her husbands said estate, if his estate real and personal shall be sufficient to make good the same, after the pay- ment of all bona fide debts. Provided always that nothing herein con- Proviso; tained shall be construed to enure or extend in any manner to deprive Ems aclnot o afl‘ect the administrator of the goods and chattels rights and credits of the Cierfiain said Philip Livingston deceased of any right power or privilege which Bfaffimn- he might lawfully have or claim as representative of the said Philip Egggfiglas Livingston deceased, by virtue of a‘certain act of the Legislature enti- melee..- tled “An act relative to debts due to persons within the enemies lines ” tame‘ passed the 12th of july 1782, or in anywise to abridge the same. And Prpviso; provided also that nothing in this act contained shall in any manner bind, 2121,5222,“ abridge or effect the estate or right which any other person or persons iiflelftts 0,, except the said Christina Livingston, Philip Ph. Livingston, Eilardus pgrties \NCStCI'lO and Catharine his wife, Thomas jones and Margaret his wife, gigs; ,tnheilrf john H. Livingston and Sarah his wife and Henry Alexander Living- tioned- ston may have or claim in any lands or real estate that may be sold or disposed of by virtue or under colour hereof. And be iz‘ farz‘lier enacted by z‘lze aal/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That in case it If legisla- shall so happen that any act of the legislature shall hereafter be passed £35355?“ obliging non residents or aliens within a limited time to sell such real glisenjsgof estate, as they may have and hold, or claim to hold within this State lanldsina. that then and in such case the said limited time with respect to such parts of the said real estate, lands tenements and hereditaments as shall time Shall fall to the share of the said Philip Ph. Livingston shall only be com- P3533?‘ puted from the time of such division as is herein before mentioned, and the said Philip Ph. Livingston or his heirs shall be at liberty within that time to sell and dispose of such parts of the said real estate and to exe- cute deeds and conveyances to the purchasor or purchasors thereof in fee simple, which deeds and conveyances shall be valid and effectual, any law or statute to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding. CHAP. 22. AN ACT relative to the mortgage therein mentioned. PASSED the 25th of February, 1785. WHEREAS Samuel Shidmore surviving executor of the last will and Preamble; testament of Thomas Denton late of jamaica in Queens county hath by 3,20%?“ his petition to the legislature, set forth, that the said Thomas Denton gages exe— - . ' - outed by died in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven leaving Richard four children, the eldest of whom is about fourteen years of age, and by Deane- his said will appointed Amos Denton and john Shidmore now deceased, and the said Samuel Shidmore executors thereof. That on the tenth day of April in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight (being in the life time of the said Amos Denton and john Shidmore) the said Amos Denton john Shidmore and Samuel Shidmore executors as afore— said did lend to Richard Deane of the city of New—York distiller the sum of eleven hundred pounds, and the said Richard Deane to secure the repaymenr thereof did, together with Mary his wife, on the said tenth- LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 23. Mortgage executed to Amos Denton and others as execu— tors may be re- corded and be a valid lien as of the date of execution. Maps and records of surveyor generals day of April one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight, execute a deed of mortgage to the aforesaid executors, of certain messuages tene- ments tracts and lots of land in the same mortgage described, and amongst them, of all that certain messuage or tenement and lot of land situate near the main street in the township of Jamaica aforesaid, bounded northerly, westerly and southerly by the higways or streets and easterly by land now or late in the tenure and occupation of James L wis and John Smith containing the whole, twenty acres more or less; which deed of mortgage was afterwards acknowledged before Hugh Wallace who then stiled himself one of his majesty’s council for the province of New York and recorded in the register of mortgages for Queens county by Whitehead Hicks who then stiled himself clerk of the said county. That sometime in the year one thousand seven hun- dred and seventy nine, the messuage tenement and lot of land above described was again mortgaged by the said Richard Deane and Mary his wife to William Deane of New York brother of the said Richard Deane for securing the payment of eight hundred pounds; and which last mentioned deed of mortgage hath, since the establishment of civil ‘government in the southern district of the State, been acknowledged and recorded in the register of mortgages for Queens county by the present clerk of said county, and praying at law to confirm the acknowl- edgment and recording of the first above mentioned mortgage. Be it t/zerefore enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of [Vera York, repre- sented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze ant/zority of tbe sanze, That the first above mentioned deed of mortgage executed by the said Richard Deane and Mary his wife to the said Amos Denton, John Skidmore and Samuel Skidmore executors of the last will and tes- tament of Thomas Denton late of Jamaica in Queens county, for secur- ing the payment of eleven hundred pounds and dated the tenth day of April in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight, shall immediately from and after the day the same may have been or shall be duly acknowledged and recorded in register of mortgages for Queens county by officers appointed under the Constitution of this State, be deemed both in law and equity to have priority to any deed of mortgage whatsoever of the premises or any part thereof described in the deed of mortgage aforesaid executed by the said Richard Deane and Mary his wife to the said Amos Denton, John Shidmore and Samuel Shidmore executors as aforesaid, which shall or may have been duly executed by the said Richard Deane, or by the said Richard Deane and Mary his wife to any person or persons whatsoever, subsequent to the day of the date of the said mortgage to the said Amos Denton, John Skidmore and Samuel Skidmore executors as aforesaid. oHAP. 23. AN ACT to empower the present surveyor general to procure the maps certificates locations surveys and returns of surveys papers and records which are in the possession of the late sur- veyor general of this State. PASSED the 26th of February, 1785. Be it enacted by t/ze People of tile State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the aat/zority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the late surveyor general cHAr. 24.] EIGHTH SESSION. 53 of this State, and he is hereby required to deliver to the surveyor gen- office to be eral of this State for the time being. on or before the first day of May next all the papers certificates locations surveys and returns of surveys surveyor books maps and records in his possession appertaining to the office of general‘ surveyor general of this State. And fie iz‘ farz‘lzer eizaez‘ed fiy z‘lze aal/zorizj» aforesaid, That the eighth A certain section of the act entitled “An act for granting certain lands promised to be given as bounty lands by laws of this State, and for other purposes Sui-d d therein mentioned” passed iith May 1784, shall not continue in force p61 8 ' after the said first day of May next. Provided always, that in case any Proviso; warrant of survey shall be given and a return of survey in pursuance thereof, shall not be returned to the late surveyor general till after the to said first day of May, such return of survey shall be transmitted to the VeyQr-gen. surveyor general as soon as may be after the same shall be received by ‘the late surveyor general. fixed. ' CHAP. 24. AN ACT to enable the trustees of Southampton in Suffolk county to fence up certain public roads therein mentioned. PASSED the 26th of February, 1785. NVHEREAS the trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the town preamble; of Southampton in Suffolk county have petitioned the legislature at their present meeting that they may be enabled to fence across the pub- ing across lic roads runing through a large tract of land known by the name of Fouad‘scin Shenicoe Plains within the township of Southampton aforesaid, and to Shenicoe fix swinging gates at each end of the respective roads running through ms‘ the said plains which will prevent the expence and trouble of making and keeping in repair a great length of fence along the main roads run- ning through the said Plains. Pe i2‘ e/zaez‘ed fiy Z/ze People of z‘fie Sz’az‘e of New Yor/e represented Trustees in Seaale and Assemfily, and ii‘ is fierefiy enacted fiy z‘lie aal/ioriz‘y of gfnsp‘iggh‘ of z‘lze same, That it shall and may be lawful for the trustees of the free- given dis— holders and commonalty of the town of Southampton aforesaid for the $532.22.“ time being, from time to time whenever they shall deem it necessary, to enclose within fence the said tract of land or plains at such place or places as they shall deem most convenient : Provided always that the Proviso;_ said trustees shall keep and maintain or cause to be kept and main- tained on every public road running through the land so to be inclosed Stringing in fence as aforesaid one or more good and sufficient swinging gate or es gates as may be necessary, as well for the conveniencyof the inhabi- tants of the said town as for travellers. A/zd fie ii farz‘fier erzaez‘ed fiy z‘lze aaz‘lzorify aforesaid, That whoever Penalty shall at any time cut break or otherwise injure such fence or fences when £22535“- so put up as aforesaid, or stake or otherwise leave open, fasten up or $1‘ injure any or either of such gates when put up and provided as afore- how recov‘ said, shall for each and every such offence forfeit and pay a sum not gggjiggfl exceeding five pounds, to be recovered with costs before any justice of the peace of the said county; one moiety of which forfeiture shall be paid to the overseers of the poor in the said town, to be applied to the benefit of the poor in the said town, and the other moiety to the person who shall sue for and, recover the same. 54 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 26.. Preamble; resolution of Con- gress re— spectlng accounts of certain Indian officers. Auditor to settle the accounts referred to. Id.; man- ner of set- tling the accounts. CHAP. 25. AN ACT to carry into effect the act of congress of the 11th of February I785, providing for the settlement of accounts with the Indian officers therein narned. PASSED the 3rd of March, 1785. WHEREAs the United States in congress assembled by their act of the eleventh of February one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five did recommend in the words following, to wit-—— “Resotaed that it be and it is hereby recommended to the State of New York to settle with Cap- tains Hamjury Tewahangahkan, John Otaawighton, James Wakanran- tharaw, and Leutenants Nicholas Kayhuatsho, Cornelius Rahiktotow, Cornelius Okonista Indians of the Oneidas and Tuscarora Nations late officers in the service of the United States, and pay their accounts in like manner as other officers in the line of the said State. Therefore Be it enacted oy the People of tile State of New York represented in Senate and Assenzo/y, and it is nereoy enacted oy t/ze authority of t/ze sanze, That the auditors appointed to liquidate and settle the accounts of the troops of this State in the service of the United States be and hereby are authorized and required to audit the accounts of and grant certifi- cates to, the said Indian officers, for the depreciation of their pay in like manner as the officers in the line of their State have been settled with. And 6e it fnrt/zer enacted oy the authority aforesaid, That the said auditors be and hereby are authorized and required to grant to the said Indian officers for their pay of the three last months of the year 1780 - and the whole of the year 1781, the like certificates as have been granted Preamble; estate of J oost De- beavuis, deceased. to the troops of this State in the service of the United States for their pay of the said year 1781. And that the treasurer of this State be, and hereby is directed to pay the said several Indian officers their pay- for the months of August and September in the said year 1780. CHAP. 26. AN ACT to empower Elizabeth Debeavois widow, and Johannis E. Lott and John Vanderbilt Esquires administrators to the estate of Joost Debeavois deceased, to sell and dispose of eight acres of land of the ‘real estate of the said Joost Debeavois for the payment of his debts and other purposes. PASSED the 7th of March, I785. WHEREAS it is represented to this legislature, that Joost Debeavois. died in or about the month of August, one thousand, seven hundred and eighty—one, leaving issue ‘who are at present minors, and that he the said Joost at the time of his death was indebted to sundry persons on specialty, which debts for want of sufficient goods and chattels remain still due and unpaid, and it is conceived to be most beneficial for the widow and children of the said Joost, that the debts due from the said estate, and the interest accrued thereon should be immediately dis-- charged and paid. CHAP. 27.] EIGHTH SESSION. 55 Be it t/zerefore enacted by the People of tbe State of New York, repre- Estate ‘ sented in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by t/ze aat/zorizj/ of tbe ggsgiflils? sanze, That Elizabeth Debeavois widow, and johannis E. Lott, and john trators for Vanderbilt Esquires, who have in due form of law, administered upon $2,261?“ the estate of the said intestate, and their heirs and assigns, for the pur- figffi pose of paying and discharging the said debts, shall immediately be, tioned. and hereby are vested in fee simple, of and in eight acres of land at the most easterly end of the farm in the township of Broekelen in Kings county, which on a division of the estate of jacobus Debeavois deceased, fell to the share or dividend of the said joost Debeavois deceased; which said eight acres of land are bounded, southerly by the road which leads from Broekelen Ferry to jamaica, westerly by land of john R. Covenhoven, and northwardly by other part of the land which on a division of the estate of the said jacobus Debeavois deceased fell to the share of the said joost Debeavois deceased, and that it shall and may be lawful, to and for the said Elizabeth Debeavois, johannis E. Lott and john Vanderbilt and the survivors and survivor of them, and the heirs of such survivor, to sell and dispose of all the said eight acres of land, and with the monies to arise from such sale or sales, to pay off and discharge the debts which were due from the said joost Debeavois the intestate, at the time of his decease, in the order which the law pre- scribes, and the overplus money, if any there shall be, to put out at interest for the use and benefit of the wife and children of the said ‘ joost, and to appropriate and apply the principle and interest as the law directs. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That the said Adminis- administrators shall, previous to their selling or disposing of any part $3533, of the said eight acres of land, file 1n the court of chancery, a bond to Chancery- the register, or one of the clerks of the court, in such penalty as the chancellor shall think fit with a condition that they the said administra- tors shall, well and faithfully discharge the trust and powers, in them by this act vested, and render a just and true account of the monies that . shall arise by the sale of the said eight acres of land, and the adminis- tration thereof thereunto lawfully required. . And be it fart/zer enacted by the authority aforesaid, That nothing in This act this act contained, shall be construed, to debar the widow of the said joost Debeavois, of or from her right of dower in the lands tenements dpwer . . . ht r and real estate of the said joost Debeavois above mentioned. tit-dot? CHAP. 27. AN ACT for making process in courts of equity effectual against mortgagors who abscond, and cannot be served therewith or who refuse to appear. PASSED the 7th of March, 1785. Be it enactea by the People of tbe State of New ‘York represented Mode of in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by the aut/zority of the Frjon‘iggfire same, That if any suit hereafter to be commenced by a mortgagee in gahge cases, any court of equity against any mortgagor, agalnst whom a subpoena or ficirfiafi‘fr‘ other process shall issue, such mortgagor shall not cause his her or their goefdléeon appearance to be entered upon such process in such amanner as accord- mortgagor. ing to the rules of the court the same ought to have been entered in case such process had been duly served; and an affidavit shall be made 56 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 27. Mortgaged premises to be ap- praised and sold by the sheriff, Monies arising on sale, how applied. Proviso, as to estate to be con- veyed by Bherifi’. Proceed- ings where mortgagor appears before time of sale. to the satisfaction of such court that such mortgagor is withdrawn out of this State, or cannot upon, due inquiry, be found Within the same so as to be served with such process; that in such case, the court out of which such process issued may make an order, directing such mortgagor to appear at a certain day therein named; a copy of which shall within twenty days be inserted in at least two of the public news papers printed in this State for the term of eight weeks, and if such mortgagor do not appear within the sited by such rdcr, or within such further time as the court shall appoint; then on proof made of the publication of such order in manner aforesaid, the court being satisfied of the truth thereof, may order the plaintiffs bill to be taken pro confesso, and there- upon decree a sale of the mortgaged premises, or only part or parts thereof as to the said court shall seem just and right. Be 2'! fart/261' eaacz‘ea’ [2y l/ze aaZ/zorz'zy aforesaid, That before any decree shall be made on such bill, the court shall cause the mortgaged premi- ses to be appraised on oath by two indifferent persons to be appointed by the court, that the value of the same may be known to the court as nearly as may be before the decree be made; and upon such decree for the ‘sale of the mortgaged premises, or such part thereof as shall be thought sufficient to discharge the debt due to such mortgagee, to- gether with his costs, a writ shall be issued from such court to the sheriff of the county Where such mortgaged premises lie, commanding . . fn'wno l1 \nLl-LLU .LL him to make sale of the lands decreed to be sold, at public vendue, and _ to return the monies arising by the sales into court at a day to be men- tioned in the same writ, not less than three months after the teste, and the day on which such writ issued: and the said sheriff shall thereupon, cause an advertisement or notice of the intended sale of such lands, to be inserted in one or more of the public news papers, printed in this ‘State, and continue the same in the said paper or papers weekly for six weeks before the day to be by him appointed for the sale of the same, and at the day so by him notified, shall proceed to sell the same ‘to the highest bidder, and shall execute deeds for the same to the purchasor, in such manner as the case may require; and such deeds shall be of the same validity, and“ as beneficial to the purchasor, as if such deed had been executed by the mortgagee and mortgagor, and shall be judged an intire bar against them and each of them, and their and each of their heirs, both in law and equity; and the monies arising by the sale of the said mortgaged premises, shall be applied to pay of and discharge the debt due to such mortgagee, with such costs as the court shall award, and the remainder, if any be, shall be put at interest, on such security as the said court shall think sufficient, and the same shall be paid to the mortgagor or mortgagors or his her or their executors administrators or assigns upon his or their application to the court for the same, provided always that no greater estate in the premises sold, shall at any time -be granted or conveyed by the sherif to such purchasor than would have vested in the mortgagee, had the equity‘ of redemption been duly for- closed. Prat/idea’ also - Ana’ 6e 2'! marred by the aaz‘lzorz'zjl afaresaz'a’, That if the mortgagor or mortgagors shall at any time before the sale made by the sheriff ln pur- suance of such writ issued to him as aforesaid, cause his appearance to be duly entered in such court, and shall pay such costs to the mortgagee or mortgagees as the said court shall think reasonable, that then a super- sedeas shall issue from the said court, directed to the sheriff to stay his proceeding to the sale of such mortgaged premises; and upon such appearance being entered, such proceedings shall and may be there- upon had, as if an appearance had been entered within such time and jcexr. 28. J . EIGHTH SESSION. 57 in such manner, as, according to the rules of the court the same ought to have been entered, in case the first process in the suit had been duly served. And fie it farz‘lzer erzaez‘ed fiy i/ze aaz‘lzorizj/ aforesaid, That in all cases Mortgagor in which as aforesaid, a decree for the sale of the mortgaged premises 1333,2338, shall be made, and the mortgagee or mortgagees shall be paid the for aq- money alledged by him her or them to be due as above directed, that it shall and may be lawfull for any such mortgagor or mortgagors, within the space of seven years, from the time of the sale of such mortgaged premises, if he she or they find himself herself or themselves agrieved, and that the mortgagee or mortgagees hath received more money than was due to him her or them on the mortgage, to file his her or their bill in the said court against such mortgagee or mortgagees to compel him her or them to account with, and settle what was really, and truly the sum due to such mortgagee or mortgagees at the time of the sale of the mortgaged premises, and to refund and repay to him her or them what shall be found such mortgagee or mortgagees hath been overpaid, together with interest from the time of such payment made, with costs of suit; the former decree for the sale of the mortgaged premises not- withstanding. Arzd fie it fart/zer enaez‘ed fiy z‘lze aaz‘fiorilv aforesaid, That if any Where mortgagor or mortgagors by virtue of any writ of habeas corpus, or Iggggagf other process issuing out of any court of equity shall be brought into mortgagor court and shall refuse to cause an appearance to be entered according $321.23 by to the rules of the court such court shall and may appoint a clerk in gfigecro‘agts court or attorney of such court to enter such mortgagors appearance, ' and such proceedings may be thereupon had in the cause, as if the party had actually appeared. And fie ii‘ fari/zer erzaeled fiy z‘lie aaz‘lzoriij/ aforesaid, That all and This act singular the provisions in this act shall be, and hereby are extended to $53,633?“ the several and respective commissioners of forfeitures, appointed in pur- gésgifollgp ' 4‘ suance of an act entitled An act for the speedy sale of the confiscated feitures in and forfeited estates within this State, and for other purposes therein eggs, mentioned” passed 12th of May 1784, within the several districts in this mortgages State, in all cases where any mortgagee or mortgagees shall have been {$51122}, attainted or convicted, and whose estate real and personal by such attainder or conviction has become forfeited to the people of this State, and also to the legal representative and representatives of every mort- gagee or mortgagees and mortgagor, or mortgagors. CHAP, 28.1 AN ACT to authorize the United States in congress assembled, to appoint commissioners to complete the running a certain line ofjurisdiction therein mentioned between this State and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. PASSED the 7th of March, 1785 WHEREAS an agreement was made and entered into, on the eigh- Preamble. teenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hun- dred and seventy-three, between commissioners appointed by an act of the legislature of the late colony of New York, and commissioners VOL. 2. —- 8. 58 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 28. Agree— ment be- tween the Provinces of New York and Massa- chusetts Bay. Agree- ment ap- proved by the gover— nors of the Prov- inces. Disagree- ment in running out the ‘boundary line. appointed by an act of the legislature of the late colony of the Massa- chusetts Bay, which agreement is in the words following, to wit, “ This agreement indented, made the eighteenth day of May, in the thirteenth year of the reign of his most gracious majesty George the third king of Great Britain France and Ireland, defender of the Faith &c. and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-three, between John Watts, William Smith, Robert R. Living- ston and William Nicoll Esquires, duly authorized to make such agree- ment by virtue of a law of the province of New York of the one part; and William Brattle, Joseph Hawley, and John Hancock Esquires, thereunto also duly authorized by virtue of a law of the province of Massachusetts Bay of the other part; witnesseth that the commissaries- aforesaid, being met at Hartford, in the colony of Connecticut, for the settlement of a partition line of jurisdiction between the said provinces of New York and the Massachusetts Bay, on the easterly part of the said province of New York, and from the south to the north boundaries of the said Massachusetts Bay, in pursuance of the said laws, and certain commissions, respectively issued to the commissaries abovenamed, by the governors of the provinces aforesaid; and in compliance with the royal recommendation heretofore signified to Sir Henry Moore Baronet, and Francis Bernard Esq. the then governors of the said provinces, by letters from the right honorable the Earle of Shelburne late one of his majesty’s principle secretaries of State; and after having had divers conferences, relative to the aforesaid boundary of the said provinces, they the said commissaries do thereupon unanimously agree, that the following line, that is to say. A line beginning at a place fixed upon by the two governments of New York and Connecticut, in, or about the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty-one, for the north west corner of a tract of land commonly called the Oblong or Equivalent land, and running from the said corner north twenty-one degrees ten minutes and thirty seconds east as the magnet needle now points, to the north line of the Massachusetts Bay, shall at all times hereafter, be the line of jusisdiction between the said province of the Massachusetts Bay, and the said province of New York, in all and every part and place where the said province of New York on its eastern boundary, shall adjoin on the said province of the Massachusetts Bay—— In testimony whereof the commissaries aforesaid have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first abovementioned.” And w/zereas the governors of the said colonies of New York and Massachusetts Bay by an instrument in writing under their hands and seals respectively, bearing date the eighteenth day of May in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-three, signified their approba- tion of the said agreement, which said instrument is in the words fol- lowing, to wit, “ We the governors of the provinces aforesaid, having been present at the execution of the agreement aforesaid, in testimony of our con- sent thereto, and of our approbation thereof, have hereunto set our hands and seals at Hartford aforesaid, this eighteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-three, and the thirteenth year of his majesties reign.” And ‘whereas since the settlement of the said jurisdiction line in man- ner aforesaid, commissioners and surveyors have been twice appointed on the part of the said State of New York and commonwealth of Mass- achusetts respectively, to run and work the said line, pursuant to the said articles of agreement, and altho such commissioners in both instances proceeded in part to run the said line, yet they could not CHAP. 28.] EIGHTH SESSION. 59 agree so as to complete the same. And whereas the borderers on the said line, now suffer great inconveniences and injustice by being exposed to taxation under the authority of both governments, and a regard to their security and the public tranquillity require that some adequate remedy should be provided. Be it enacted by t/te People of tlie State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the ant/zorizy of t/ze same, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the United States of America in congress assembled, and they are hereby fully authorized to appoint, three skilful judicious and disinterested persons as commissioners to run out, survey mark and ascertain the said line of jurisdiction between this State and the said commonwealth of Massachusetts, according to the true intent and meaning of the articles of agreement “herein before recited. And be it fart/zer enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the lines so to be run marked and ascertained by the said commissioners or any two of them according to the true intent and meaning of the said articles of agreement shall be and forever hereafter remain a jurisdiction or boun- h dary line as far as the same shall extend between the commonwealth of Massachusetts and this State. Prooided always that the commissioners so to be appointed, shall, before before* they proceed upon the execu- tion of their trust, be respectively sworn in the presence of a magis- trate,_to perform the same, faithfully and impartially according to the best of their skill and judgment, and shall within two years from the passing of this act, complete the said survey and make a true and exact return thereof into the secretaries office of the United States in Con- gress assembled, in order to be there filed as a perpetual evidence of the said jurisdiction line—Provided also, that the legislature of the commonwealth of Massachusetts shall consent to such appointment of commissioners; and shall within nine months from the (publication of this act, pass a law for vesting the United States in congress assembled with similar powers and authorities, as are vested in them, in, and by this act. And be it fnrtber enacted by t/ze antbority aforesaid, That the gover- nor or person administring the government of this State for the time being, shall be, and is hereby authorized to nominate and appoint one or more person or persons, to furnish the said commissioners which shall be appointed by congress to run the said jurisdiction line, with the necessary documents and papers relative to the said line, and to dis— burse and pay from time to time the one half of the expences attending the survey, as well as to pay the said commissioners for the one moiety of their services. And the person or persons so nominated and ap- pointed as aforesaid, or any one or more of them is and are hereby authorized to draw upon and receive from the treasurer of this State a sum not exceeding five hundred pounds for the purpose aforesaid, and for which they shall be accountable to this State. Necessity of relief for resi- dents in the dis- puted ter- ritory. Congress authorized to appoint; commis- sioners to mark the boundary line. Line so run to for- ever re- main the boundary 'ne. Proviso ; as to oath of commis— sioners. Proviso; as- to consent» of Massa- chusetts. So in original. Governor to appoint. person to attend commis- sioners on behalf of this State. Person so named to receive ad- vances ‘from trees- urer. '60 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 29. Preamble; Pennsyl- vania boundary line, former running out of. Commis- sioner on the part of Pennsyl— Vania. Former proceed- ings, how , far boun- dary line run out. CHAP. 29. AN ACT for running out and marking the jurisdiction line between this State and the Commonwealth of Pensylvania. _ PASSED the 7th of March, 1785. WHEREAS the Honorable Cadwallader Colden Esquire, leutenant governor of the late Colony now State of New York, with the advice of the then council did on the eighth day of November one thousand seven hundred and seventy-four, nominate and appoint Samuel Holland Esquire to proceed in conjunction with Mr. David Rittenhouse, or such other person as might be appointed on the part of Pensylvania, to fix the beginning of the forty-third degree of north lattitude on the Mohawk or western branch of Delaware, and to proceed westward as far as the season should permit along the beginning of the said degree which is the boundary between this State and the State of Pensylvania. Ana’ w/zerea's the Honorable john Penn Esquire late governor of the late Colony now Commonwealth of Pensylvania did on the twenty-fourth day of October in the year aforesaid, nominate and appoint the said David Rittenhouse to proceed on the like service in conjunction with the said Samuel Holland or such other person as should be appointed, on the part of the then Colony now State of New York. ' Ana’ w/zereas the said Samuel‘ Holland and David Rittenhouse did, in pursuance of their said respective appointments, proceed on the said business, and made a return thereof under their hands, bearing (late at Philadelphia the fourteenth day of December in the same year, by which return it appears, that the said commissioners ascertained and .fixed the beginning of the forty-third degree of north lattitude on the Commis- sioners to be ap- pointed by governor to com- plete the running out of the boundary line. Mohawk or western branch of Delaware, and there in a small island NEW-YORK planted a stone with letters { I774- cut on one side, and on the top LAT. 42? VAR. 4? 20'. thence due west on the West side of Dela- . ware river they collected a heap of stones at high water mark, and in the said west line four perches distant planted another stone with the - { PENNSYLVANIA. ' letters - __I774—— 42? VAR. 4? 20'.and from thence due west eighteen perches, marked an ash tree; and that the rigour of the season prevented them from pro- ceeding further, as by the report of the said commissioners, filed with a map annexed thereto and filed of record in the secretarys office of this State will more fully appear. Aim’ w/zereas it is necessary the said line should be run out marked and ascertained. ’ T/zerefere fie z'z‘ enaez‘ea’ éy the People of t/ze State of New Yer/k repre- seated in Senaz‘e and Assembly, and 2'! is awed)» eaaez‘ea’ &y the aat/wrz'z‘y of Me same, That the person administring the government of this State for the time being by and with the advice and consent of the council of appointment, shall fortwith after the passing 'of this act, appoint and commission under the great seal of this State three commissioners, that the said commissioners or any two of them are hereby authorized on the part of this State, to meet with such person or persons who may be appointed and authorized on the part of the Commonwealth of Pensyl- vania, at such time or times, place or places as shall be agreed upon, and determined by the persons administering the government of this cut on the south. side, and on the top LAT. CHAP. 30.] EIGHTH SESSION. 61 State for the time being and the Commonwealth of Pensylvania then and there to run out, mark and ascertain the said line of jurisdiction between this State and the Commonwealth of Pensylvania beginning at the place so fixed and ascertained by the said commissioners as above mentioned, in the Mohawk or western branch of Delaware at the begin- ning of the forty-third degree of north lattitude, and from thence to proceed westward along the beginning of the said forty-third degree of north lattitude, as far as this State and the said Commonwealth of Pen- sylvania border on each other— And fie iz‘ enaez‘ed fiy l/ze azn‘fioriz‘y aforesaid, That the said commis- sioners or any two of them be and they are hereby authorized and im- powered to employ a surveyor or surveyors, chainbearers and such and so many other persons as may be found necessary to perform the exec- utive part in running, marking and ascertaining the said line in con- junction with such person or persons as may be appointed on the part of the Commonwealth of Pensylvania for that purpose; and such line so agreed upon, approved of, and consented to, by the said commis- sioners or any two of them and such person or persons as shall be ap- pointed by and on the part of the Commonwealth of Pensylvania, being Oommis-r sioners may em- ploy sur- veyors. Such line, when rati- fied by leg- islature of he respec- reported to the persons administering the government of this State and 5..., States, the Commonwealth of Pensylvania for the time being, confirmed by the legislature of this State and the legislature of the Commonwealth of Pensylvania, shall hereafter be the line of jurisdic- tion between this State and the Commonwealth of Pensylvania. And fie iz‘ enaez‘ed fiy z‘lzev aaflzoriz‘y aforesaid, That the said commis- sioners or any two of them be, and they are hereby authorized from time to time to draw upon the treasurer of this State for such sums of money as they shall judge necessary for defraying the expences of run- ning out marking and ascertaining the said jurisdiction line, on the part of this State, not exceeding in the whole the sum of one thousand pounds, for which they are to be accountable. CHAP. 30. AN ACT for the relief of the collectors of the tax therein men- tioned. PASSED the 10th of March, I785. and ratified and to PG Pb‘? jurisdiction 1H8. Commis~v sioners may re- ceive ad— vances from treasr urer for expences. - Be it enaez‘ed fiy llze People of the Stale of New York, represenz‘ed Suits in Senate and Assenzfily, and i2‘ is lzerefiy enaez‘ed fiy llze aaz‘fiorizfy of llze same, That all suits and proceedings against any collector, for neg- lect of duty, in collecting and paying the tax to be raised and levied by virtue of an act entitled “An act for raising one hundred thousand pounds within the Several counties therein mentioned,” made and passed on the sixth day of May 1784. And another act entitled, “An act to compel the payment of the arrears of taxes, for enforcingthe pay ment of fines and amerciaments, obliging sherifs to give security for the due execution of their offices and for other purposes” made and passed on the twenty-sixth day of November in the Same year, shall be and hereby are suspended until the fifteenth day of April next, and such of the collectors respectively, as Shall on or before the said fifteenth day of April, well’ and faithfully perform and execute the duties which accord- ing to the true intent and meaning of the said act, they ought to have against collectors for neg- lect of duty un- der certain acts, sus— pended until April 15th. 62 . LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 31. Proviso; collectors to pay costs. Collectors to proceed to com- plete the collection of taxes. done and performed on or before the first day of the present month of March, shall be, and hereby are fully and effectually indemnified for any and every such neglect or omission. Provided always, that the collectors respectively who have been prosecuted by virtue of the said acts or either of them shall be subject to the payment of the costs of suit heretofore accrued against each of them respectively. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said several collectors be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to levy and collect the said tax, in like manner as is directed in and by the said acts, notwithstanding the time in which the same ought to have - been levyed and collected, is expired. Deer, not 13 b o e killed dur- ing certain months of the year; penalty. CHAP. 31. AN ACT for the preservation of deer heath-hens and to prevent ' damages by firing the woods in the county of Suffolk. PASSED the nth of March, r785. WHEREAS many deer in the county of Suffolk are killed in seasons when they are of but little value Be it enacted by the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Senate and Asseinbiy and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same That if any person or persons after the passing of this act shall kill or destroy any wild deer of any kind whether buck doe or fawn in the county aforesaid at any time of the year ‘except in the months of Septem— ber October and November every such person or persons so offending ' shall forfeit and pay the sum of five pounds with costs of suit for every Where green deer skins and venisons found, pos- :sessor made lia- ble to penalty. Justices to issue war- rants to constables to search for skins and ven- ison. such deer so killed or destroyed as aforesaid the one half of which for- feiture shall be paid to him or her who shall inform and sue for the same before any justice of the peace of the county aforesaid who is hereby empowered and required to hear and determine the same and to convict the offender or offenders by the oath or affirmation of one or more credible witness or witnesses provided that such conviction be made within three months after such offenceis committed, and the other half to the overseers of the poor of the town or precinct where the said offence shall be committed and for want of effects to discharge the said penalty and costs such offender shall be committed to the com- mon goal of the county aforesaid for the space of three-months if not sooner discharged by paying the said penalty and costs. And for the better convicting offenders against this act, Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid That every person in whose custody shall be found or who shall expose to sale any green deer skin or skins or fresh venison at any time except in the months aforesaid and shall be con- victed thereof by the oath or affirmation of one or more credible witness or witnesses or by the confession of the party shall be liable to the penalty and costs aforesaid and to be recovered in manner and form aforesaid. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That any con- stable being authorized by a warrant from a justice of the peace under his hand and seal, upon oath or affirmation previously made, shall and may at any time except in the months aforementioiied and is hereby required in the day time to enter into and search the house or houses or other places belonging to such suspected persons as shall be mentioned CHAP. 31.] EIGHTH SESSION. . 63 in the said oath or affirmation and warrant and in case any green deer skin or skins or fresh venison shall there be found such officer shall appre- hend the offender and carry him before ajustice of the peace in the said county which said offender shall be convicted by the said justice of such offence and who on such conviction shall be subject to the forfeiture hereby inflicted for killing of any deer in the same manner as if thereof convicted as aforesaid unless the said person in whose cus- tody the said deer skin or skins or .fresh venison shall be found shall offer satisfactory evidence of his innocence to the said justice. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that it shall be no legal Juror may objection or disqualification against any freeholder or inhabitant in the igggegrh said county otherwise lawfully qualified as a juror or witness to serve penagtly on any jury or give evidence in any suit or suits that shall be brought t’gtiteai- by virtue of this act notwithstanding the one half of the forfeitures are in made payable to the county treasurer and to be disposed of by the which he supervisors as aforesaid. I resldes' And whereas many inhabitants in the county of Suffolk are liable to suffer damage by careless or designing persons setting fire to the woods. Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid That if any person or Woods, persons after the passing of this act shall wilfully set fire to the woods gfl‘gglfif in in any part of the county aforesaid and thereof be convicted before any county, justice of the peace in the said county every such person or persons for $12M“ every offence shall forfeit and pay the sum of five pounds and be liable to all such damages as may be sustained by any inhabitant or inhabi- tants of said county by means thereof and for want of effects to pay such fine the offender or offenders shall be committed to the common goal of the said county for the space of three months unless the said fine and costs be sooner paid the one half of which fine shall be paid to the person who shall sue for the same and the other half to the over- seers of the poor of such town or precinct where the offence was com- mitted for the relief of the poor of such town or precinct. Provided Proviso; always and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That neither 1,32%, this act nor any thing therein contained shall be taken or construed to prevent any person from firing the woods upon his or her own land ble if tire provided such person do not suffer the fire to get off the same so as to Spreads‘ endanger the woods of any other person upon pain and penalty of the forfeiture and damages aforesaid, which forfeiture shall be recovered and applied in manner and form last aforesaid. ' And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That if any person Heath- or persons in the county aforesaid shall between the first day of April {lgggikgi’gd and the first day of October in any year kill or destroy any heath-hen gluing 061" such person or persons shall for every such offience forfeit and pay the 82151833?- sum of ten shillings to be recovered and applied in the same manner as $3333?“ , the forfeitures for killing of deer are by this act directed to be recov- ' ered and applied; and that if any heath-hen so so* killed shall be found in the possession of any person or persons such person or persons shall be deemed guilty of the offence aforesaid and suffer the penalty aforesaid. * So in original 64 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 33. Persons , named to cancel and destroy certain bills of credit of this State. To report to legisla- ture. Corn pen- satlon. Commis- sioner-s of sequestra- tionindem- nified for acts done. Proviso; as to suits for waste. CHAP. 32. AN ACT for cancelling the bills of credit therein mentioned. PAssED the 12th of March, I785. Be it enacted by the Penile qf t/ze State of New York mg/rresewted in Senate aaa’ Assemfily, and it is fierefiy eaaetea’ by t/ze aat/wrz'ty 0f t/ze same That Peter Van Brugh Livingston and Henry Remsen Equires and the treasurer of the State or any two of them, who before they proceed to discharge the duties required of them by this act shall respectively take an oath well and truly to perform the same, be and they hereby are appointed commissioners to cancel and destroy all the paper bills of credit emitted under the authority of this State while a colony and the bills of credit emitted by the provincial congress, of this State, and the bills of credit emitted by the convention of this State, and also the bills of credit emitted agreeable to an act entitled “ An act for emitting monies upon the credit of this State,” passed 27th March I78I, that are in the treasury of the State; and that the said commissioners do make a report in writing by them subscribed to the legislature at their next meeting of the number amount and denomination of such bills of credit by them cancelled and destroyed; for which service they shall respec- tively be allowed sixteen shillings per day while employed therein, to be paid by the treasurer of the State agreeable to such accounts thereof as shall be produced to him audited by the auditory of this State. GHAP. 33. AN ACT for the indemnification of the commissioners of seques- tration and the commissioners of forfeiture, and the lessees under them; and for other purposes therein mentioned. PAssEn the 14th of March, 1785. Be it eaaetea’ éy t/ze People of t/ze State of New Yer/c, represented in F‘ . Senate and Assemt/y, and it is Izereby eaaetea’ éy t/ze authority of 't/ze same, That the late commissioners of sequestration within the several counties of this State, shall be and and they are hereby declared to be indemni- fied for all and every lease and leases, made or given by them, of lands and tenements the property of persons, who at any time during the late war, had gone over to, remained with or joined the enemy: And that no suit or suits already brought, shall be maintained, or hereafter com- menced against the said commissioners of sequestration, or against any person or persons holding under them, by any person or persons claim- ing property in or to such lands and tenements: And such indemnifica- tion shall also be and hereby is extended to the commissioners of for- feitures for the several districts of this State and the lessees under them. Prow'a’ea’ always, that nothing herein contained shall be con- strued to bar or preclude any suit or suits, which may be brought for the recovery of damages sustained by wanton and unnecessary waste and destruction. ' Ana’ w/zereas certain lands, tenements and hereditaments, forfeited to the people of this State, are so circumstanced that they cannot be speedily sold, and no authority is vested in the commissioners of forfei- tures, to demise the same after the first day of May next. CHAP. 34.1 ' EIGHTH SESSION. 65 - Be it therefore enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That the commis- Cpmmig- sioners of forfeitures for the several districts of this State, shall be and @gfggfiot hereby are authorized to demise such lands tenements and heredita- ures may ments for any term not exceeding one year after the first day of May {5655310, Sold. CHAP. 34. AN ACT to explain and amend an act entitled “An act impos- ing duties on certain goods wares and merchandize imported into this State,” passed 18th November 1784. PASSED the i5th of March, 1785. WHEREAS doubt has arisen on the first section of the before men- Preamble; tioned act whether the like duty on every gallon of rum brandy or other I‘lé’guatjgsing distilled spiritous liquors imported into this State in foreign vessels cpnstruc- (except British) should be collected and paidyas by the Said act are 313528125 imposed on the like articles imported by citizens of this or of any of the act- United States. ' Be it enacted fiy the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Hum, etc., Senate and Asseinfily, and it is herefiy enacted fiy the. authority of the same, tgngggggg that every gallon of rum brandy or other distilled spiritous liquors other than - - - - - - British, brought into this State in any foreign vessel (except British) shall be duty on, Subject to the like duties as by the said. act are imposed on rum brandy or other distilled spiritous liquors imported by citizens of this or any of the United States. And whereas the importation of goods into this State, in vessels built therein and owned by citizens thereof ought to be encouraged Be it enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That from and after the first British day of July next, all goods wares and merchandize Subject to a duty by Zggass'imfi the first Section of the act entitled “An act imposing duties on goods portedin. wares and merchandize imported into this State,” passed 18th Novern- 353$; ber 1784 which shall "be brought in any British ship or vessel, or in any duty- Ship or vessel owned in the whole or in part by any British Subject or subjects, arriving at or coming into any of the ports or harbours of this State with or without British registers, shall be subject to double the duties laid on goods wares and merchandize imported in any other ship or vessel. And fie it enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That from and after Pewter the first day of July next, all pewter hallow ware which shall be im- ported or brought into this State shall be subject to a duty of five per duty 011- cent, except the same shall be brought in any British ship'or vessel aforesaid, in which case, such pewter hallow ware shall be subject to a duty of ten per cent, to be collected in the mode prescribed in and by the act above mentioned. And fie it enacted fiy authority aforesaid, That every Set of harness Harness, for two horses which Shall be imported into this State from beyond sea, duty 0”‘ Shall be subject to a duty of five pounds, and every harness for a single horse to a duty of two pounds ten shillings to be collected in manner aforesaid. - And fie it further enacted by the authorizjl aforesaid, That all ships or Foreign other vessels which Shall hereafter be built in this State by or for any fiihg‘gsdwith foreigner, and rigged with cordage of the growth and manufacture of American any of the United States shall be entitled to the same priviledges as if ‘éiffiifieé" VoL. 2. -—-9. 66 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 35. 22523512: owned by citizens ofothis or any of the United States, on proof being ' made to the satisfaction of the collector of the customs, and that no higher or other duties or fees shall be paid on the goods wares and merchandize brought into this State in such ships or vessels, than is paid by the citizens of this or any of the United States. Goods im- And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the ported - from Ger- first day of July next, all goods wares and merchandize other than the g‘lifilgmtes produce and manufacture of any of the United States, imported into Union, this State from the States of Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey $505,538,312. and Pensylvania shall be subject to the like duties as are by this act duty 011- imposed on all goods wares and merchandize imported into this State after the said first day of July, in any British ship or vessel, or any ship or vessel owned by any British subject or subjects, unless it shall' be proved to the satisfaction of the collector, that such goods wares and merchandize were not brought into Be it Z/eerejfore enacted oy the same authority That the commissioners Rule as to may in such case run the limits in such manner as the said surveyor $330“, general or his deputy shall direct, and also in the manner directed 332221353’ by the party or parties first sueing out a partition of the lands so to be disputed. divided, and attending such survey for the partition thereof; and shall make a separate division of the lands so in dispute, and shall proceed to the complete partition of the same in_ the manner before directed ; and the lines run for the limits of the bounds of the patent shall always be laid down on the map on which the division is made, and on those to be filed in the secretary’s office, and in the office of the clerk of the county. Provided always, and oe z'z‘ enacted by Z/ze autlzorz'zj/ aforesaid Proviso; That no survey of the outlines of any patent shall be made by virtue of this act, in any case where such survey has already heretofore been bgFHd- made, by virtue of any former law of the legislature of this State while patient. a colony, or at the instance or request of the patentees or parties inter- ested in the said lands, unless the said commissioners shall‘conceive such former survey of the outlines of any patent is not sufficiently cer- ' tain to proceed to a partition and division as aforesaid. A no’ whereas many small estates held in common require a more easy Partition and less expensive mode for the division thereof than that which is 35,311“ hereinbefore provided held in ommon, Be 2'! Z/zerefore eazaez‘ed oy Z/ze auz‘fiorz'zj/ aforesaid That where any lands flow made, tenements or hereditaments shall be held in common, it shall and may be lawful for the court of common pleas in the county where such lands Shall be upon the application of one or more of the owners or proprietors of such lands tenements and hereditaments for partition thereof, it being proved to the satisfaction of the court that the value of the said lands tenements and hereditaments do not exceed five thousand pounds to appoint three reputable freeholders of the county, commissioners for that purpose, affidavit being first made before the court by the person or persons making such application that the other owners or proprietors residing within the State or the guardians of Such owners or proprietors as are minors have had thirty days previous notice of his or their intention of making such application; and the commissioners so to be appointed after they shall have been duly sworn before one of the judges of the court of common pleas in such county, honestly and impartially to exe- cute the trust reposed in them respectively as commissioners for making partition of the lands tenements and hereditaments as directed by the court shall proceed to make partition of the said lands tenements and hereditaments among the owners and proprietors thereof according to their respective rights therein, which partition being made by the said commissioners or any two of them, and a return being made thereof in writing under their hands and seals to the court, particularly describ- ing the lands allotted to each respective owner or proprietor, and men- tioning which of the owners or proprietors are minors, if any such there shall be, which return being acknowledged by the said commissioners or any two of them, before one of the judges of such court, and accepted by the court, and entered of record in the clerks office shall be a par- tition of such lands tenements and hereditaments as are therein men- tioned. Provided always that where any houses and lots are so circum- Proviso; stanced that a division thereof cannot be made without great prejudice 35226022? to the owners or proprietors of the same, and the commissioners not be _ - - - - made with- appointed to make partition of the same shall so report to the court, if out preju- it shall then appear to the court that such houses and lots do not exceed dice- 80 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [Cl-lAP. 40. Proviso : no parti- tion to be made con- trary to terms of any will. Guardians to be ap- pointed for minors, to represent them in carrying outthe provisions of this act. Taxes in New York city, how rated and assessed. in value the sum of three thousand pounds, the court shall thereupon give orders to the said commissioners to sell such house and lot or houses and‘ lots of land at public vendue, and shall make and execute good and sufficient conveyances to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, which shall operate as an effectual bar both in law and equity against such ,owners proprietors and all persons claiming under them, and the monies arising therefrom to pay to the owners or proprietors of such houses and lots of land, their guardians or legal representatives as shall be directed in the said order, retaining in their hands for their services and expences such sum as shall be allowed by the court; and the said commissioners on a division of lands tenements and hereditaments, by order of the court as aforesaid shall be allowed such sum as the court shall award for their services and expences to be paid by the owners or proprietors of the lands tenements and hereditaments so divided in pro- portion to their respective rights therein; and in case of the neglect or refusal of any of the owners or proprietors to pay his her or their pro- portion of the sum so awarded, the court shall order so much of the lands tenements and hereditaments allotted to such owner or proprietor so refusing or neglecting, to be sold at public vendue as will be sufficient to pay his or her proportion of the sum awarded by the court, together with the costs of such sale. And provided also that no division or sale shall be made by order of the court as above directed contrary to the intention of any testator as expressed in his last will and testament. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful for the inferior Courts of common pleas in the several counties to allow of guardians who shall be chosen by minors of the age of fourteen years, and to appoint guardians for such as shall be within that age; and the court on allowing or appointing any guardian as aforesaid shall take sufficient security of all such guardians for the faithful discharge of their trust, and to render a just and true account of such guardianship to the court when thereunto required. And the guardians of all minors so to be allowed or appointed as aforesaid, shall be and hereby are respectively authorized and impowered on behalf of the respective minors whose guardians they are to do and perform any act matter or thing respecting the division of any lands tenements and hereditaments as is directed in the above preceding clause, which shall be binding on such minor, and be deemed as valid to every purpose as if the same had been done by such minor after he should have arrived at full age. CHAP. 40. AN ACT for the more easy assessment of taxes, for prolonging the terms of the court of general sessions of the peace, alter- ing the mode of punishment in certain cases of petit larceny in the city and county of New York; and for the confinement of vagrants and common prostitutes to hard labour. PASSED the 18th of March, 1785. . Be it enacted by tlze People of tbe State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by the aat/zority of the same, That all taxes to be levied within the city and county of New York, by virtue of any law hereafter to be made and passed, whether for the use of the State or for the maintenance of the poor, and defraying the con- CHAP. 41.] EIGHTH SESSION. 81 tingent charges within the said city and county, shall be rated and assessed, by the assessors, now, or hereafter to be, chosen, for assessing the taxes to be raised within the said city and county; and that the power duty and authority of overseeing and providing for the poor, shall be vested in the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the said city, in common council convened, to be assisted by such commissioners as they have commissioned or appointed, or hereafter shall commission or appoint for that purpose, except so far as relates to the taxes to be raised by an act entitled “An act to enable the mayor recorder and aldermen of the city and county‘of New York to raise monies by tax for the purposes therein mentioned,” passed the 26th of April last past. Ana’ fie 2'! further enaez‘ea’ fiy z‘lze autlzorz'zfy aferesaz'a’, That it shall and may be lawful, for the court of general sessions of the peace of and for the city and county of New York, whenever in their judgment,‘ the due administration of justice shall render it necessary, and from time to time in any of the terms appointed or to be appointed for holding the said court, to prolong such term or terms for one or more days, not extend- ing in the whole, beyond the Tuesday following the first day of each term inclusively and respectively. Ana’ fie it further enaetea’ fiy z‘fie auz‘fiorz'z‘y aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful, to and for the mayor recorder and aldermen of the said city for the time being, in all cases, where by law they, or any of them are authorized to inflict corporal punishment for any crime or misde- meanor, to substitute at their discretion, instead of such corporal pun- ishment, a confinement of the offender in the house of employment or bridewell, belonging to the said city, to be kept at hard labour therein, or at any work or employment, within any part of the jurisdiction of the said city and county, for a longer, or shorter period according to the nature of the offence: And also to confine and set to hard labour in manner aforesaid, all idle and disorderly vagrants, not having visible means of a livelihood, and all common prostitutes, who ~now are, or from time to time shall come into, or sojourn within the said jurisdic- tion : Prem'a’ea’ always, that no person shall be confined in manner afore- said by virtue of this act, for any term longer than six months. CHAP. 41. AN ACT to vest the estate of Daniel Bevier in trustees for the purposes therein mentioned. PASSED the 21st of March, 1785. WHEREAS it is represented that Daniel Bevier of the township of Rochester in the county of Ulster hath been a long time insane and deprived of his reason, and that there is no probability that the said Daniel Bevier will ever recover his reason; and that the estate of the Said Daniel Bevier remaining unimproved doth not produce an income sufficient for his support. Poor, power and duty of oversee- ing, how vested. Court, of general sessions ofthe peace, terms may be pro- longed. Misde- meanors, imprison- ment may be substi- tuted for corporal punish-' ment. Disorderly persons. punish- ment of . Proviso; as to dura- tion of improve- ment. Preamble; insanity of Daniel Bevier. Ana’ whereas the heirs apparent and others the nearest of kin to the 1d.; peti- said Daniel Bevier have by their petition to this legislature prayed that the real estate of the said Daniel Bevier may be vested in trustees or commissioners with power to sell the same to provide for the mainte- nance of the said Daniel Bevier. tion to the le 'sla~ VoL. 2. -—- 11. ture. '82 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 4r. Estate of Daniel Bevier vested in trustees for pur- poses therein named. Proviso, as to rights of legal represen- tation. Trustees to file bond in chan- cery. Proviso; no estate to vest in trustees until in- sanity of Daniel Bevier found by inquest. .Be it enaez‘ed oy z‘lie People of the Stare of New York represented in Serzaz‘e and Assemlly and ii‘ is lzereby enaeied oy z‘lze auz‘lzoriiy of tlze same, That all the real and personal estate of the said Daniel Bevier be and the same is hereby absolutely vested in Jacob Bevier, johannis Bevier and Ben- jamin Bevier, brothers, and Daniel Dubois and Abraham Bevier, nephews of the said Daniel Bevier, their heirs and assigns who are hereby author- ized and required to sell and dispose of the real estate of the said Daniel Bevier in such manner, to such person or persons and for such consid- eration as they may think fit, and may deem most conducive to the interests of the said Daniel Bevier and his representatives; and deeds and conveyances thereof to seal and execute; which sale so made and deeds or conveyances thereupon executed by the said jacob Bevier Johannis Bevier Benjamin Bevier Daniel Dubois and Abraham Bevier or the major part of them, the survivors of them, or the major part of such survivors are hereby declared to be good and effectual to all intents and purposes in law and equity to vest in such purchaser or purchasers the whole estate and interest which the said Daniel Bevier has in the said real estate, and every part thereof; and upon the receipt of the monies arising from such sale the said trustees or commissioners or any two of them or the survivors of them shall put the same at interest on good security, and apply the income or yearly product thereof to the support and maintenance of the said Daniel Bevier during his natural life, and from and immediately after the decease of the said Daniel Bevier to be and remain in the heirs or legal representatives of the said Daniel Bevier Provided always that nothing herein contained shall preju- dice the persons who may be the heirs or legal represenatives of the said Daniel Bevier, but that the monies arising from the sale of the real estate of the said Daniel Bevier shall descend to his right heirs in the same manner as the other personal estate of the said Daniel Bevier shall legally descend; and that the personal estate of the said Daniel Bevier shall also be distributed among the legal representatives of the said Daniel Bevier after his decease, as the same would have been done if this act had not been passed. A ad provided also and le itfartker enacted by z‘lze auz‘lzoriz‘y aforesaid that before the said Jacob Bevier johannis Bevier, Benjamin Bevier Daniel Dubois, and Abraham Bevier or either of them take upon them the trust reposed in them by this act, they shall duly execute abond to such officer of the court of chancery in such sum or sums, and with such surety or sureties as the chancellor of this State shall direct and approve of with condition that such trustee or trustees will well and faithfully from time to time apply the whole estate of the said Daniel Bevier or so much thereof as shall be necessary for the support of the said Daniel Bevier during his natural life, and after his decease distribute and pay the surplus, if any there shall be, to and among his legal representatives in such proportions as the same would by law have been distributed if this act had not been passed; which bond when executed shall be filed in the office of register of the said court of chancery. Provided always, that no estate shall be vested in, nor shall any sale or sales be had or made in pursuance of this act by the said jacob Bevier Johannis Bevier Benjamin Bevier Daniel Dubois and Abraham Bevier unless a writ shall be previously issued out of the court of chancery to enquire of the insanity of the said Daniel Bevier, and it shall be found by inquest, in due form of law that the said Daniel Bevier is insane and unable .to take care of his person and ‘property. CHAP. 43.] EIGHTH SESSION. 83 CHAP. 42. AN ACT to lay a tax on dogs~in the city of New York. PASSED the 21st of March, 1785. WHEREAS it is found by experience, that the great number of dogs, kept in the city of New York occasion an unnecessary expence and ought to be considered as a public nuisance: For remedy whereof. Be it enacted oy t/ze People of t/ze State of New York, represented in Senate and Assenzo/y, and it is fiereoy enacted oy t/ze ant/writ] of the same Preamble. That every owner or keeper of a dog or dogs within the said city to the Dogs, tax dwelling house late of James Delancey Esquire, shall be and hereby is and are respectively made subject to an annual tax of eight shillings for each respective dog so from time to time to be kept within the limits aforesaid ; which tax shall all be disposed of and applied for the sup- port of the poor of the said city, or such public uses as the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the said city shall from time to time order and direct : provided always that every butcher and tanner within the limits aforesaid, shall be at liberty to keep one dog respectively without being subject to any tax for the same. And tie it further enaeted oy the authority aforesaid, That for the more easy collection of the said tax, it shall be'the duty of the respective assessors at the time when they shall rate and assess the tax for the maintainance of the poor, and for other contingent charges within the said city, to add to each of their respective assessment rolls, the tax hereby directed to be levied upon the owners or keepers of dogs within their respective wards, and the same shall thereupon be collected in the same manner as the annual taxes for the support of the poor and other contingent expences shall from time to time be directed by law to be levied Within the said city. CHAP. 43. AN ACT to appoint certain trustees therein named to sell and dispose of the real estate of Elizabeth Richards deceased. PASSED the 3Ist of March, I785. southward of an east and West line to pass on the south side of the field on, in rtam parts of New York city. Proviso, as to butch- ers and tanner’s dogs. Tax, how rated and assessed. WHEREAS Henry Van Rensselaer of Claverack in the county of Preamble; Albany surviving executor of last will and testament of Elizabeth Rich- estate of Elizabeth ards deceased and one of the devisees and legatees therein named Richards, together with divers other persons parties in interest under the same last will did present a petition to this Legislature at the last meeting thereof setting forth in substance that from the remote and dispersed situation of the devisees and legatees under the said will it was neces- sary in order to effect a final settlement of the estate of the said Eliza- beth Richards that trustees should be appointed with full power to sell and dispose of the whole undivided real estate of the said Elizabeth Richards deceased devised by her said will the said trustees when the sales of the said real estate should be compleated to account with the devisees for the proceeds of the same praying that jeremiah Van Rens- selaer John De Peyster Ten Eyck and jeremiah Lansingh of the city of Albany gentlemen might be appointed trustees for the purposes aforesaid. deceased. 84 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 44- Estate vested in trustees for pur- poses therein named. Be it therefore ehaetea’ hy the Peeple 0f the State of New Yorh, repre- sentea’ in Senate and Assemh/y, and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same That the said Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, John De Peyster Ten Eyck and Jeremiah Lansingh be and they are hereby constituted and appointed trustees for the purpose of selling and disposing of, in such manner and upon such terms and conditions as to them shall appear ‘ most for the advantage of the parties interested therein all and every Proviso, as to ac- counting by trus- tees. Proviso; trustees to file bond in chan- oery. Preambie. Supervis- ors of Queens county to levy tax for build- ing a. court house and gaol. part of such undivided real estate which was of the said Elizabeth Richards deceased in her life time and to execute seal and deliver such conveyances and assurances of the said premises, and of every part and parcel thereof to the purchaser or purchasers, his her and their heirs and assigns as shall‘ be needful and requisite for the perfect and absolute conveying and assuring thereof, Which conveyances and assur- ances so to be by the said trustees made shall be to such purchaser or purchasers according to the true intent and meaning thereof good and effectual in the law to all intents constructions and purposes whatsoever as fully as if made and executed by the said Elizabeth Richards in her life time, or as if made and executed by the devisees and legatees of the said Elizabeth Richards in her said testament and last will men- tioned since her decease, and in case of the death or absence from the State of one or more of the said trustees the survivors or survivor of them or such as shall remain within the State shall be and are hereby invested with the like powers and authorities which are herein before given to the said trustees-jointly, proz/z'a’ea’ always and it is the true intent and meaning of this act that the said trustees shall well and truly account with the said devisees and legatees of the said Elizabeth Rich- ards, or their lawful representatives for the proceeds of the said sales so to be by them made as aforesaid and shall distribute and pay over the said proceeds (after reasonable and necessary charges and expences being deducted) to the said devisees and legatees or their lawful repre- sentatives according to the interests proportions and shares to them respectively devised bequeathed and given in and by the said testament and last will of the said Elizabeth Richards deceased pro'az'a’ea’ always that the said trustees before any sale or sales shall be made in pursu- ance of this act shall enter into bond in such manner under such pen- alty and with such security as the Court of Chancery, or one of the- masters thereof shall direct for the faithful performance of the trust hereby in them reposed. CHAP. 44. AN ACT for building a court house and gaol in‘ Queens county and for repairing the court house and gaol in Suffolk county and for other purposes. ‘ PASSED the grst of March, 1785. WHEREAS the court house and gaol of the county of Queens have been destroyed. Be it enacted hy the Peaple 0f the State hafNew York represented in Sea- ate and Assemhly aha’ z'tz's herehy enaetea’ hy the authority of the same That the supervisors of the several towns and districts in the said county for the time being shall and they are hereby authorized and required to- direct to be raised and levied on the freeholders and inhabitants of the said county a sum not exceeding two thousand pounds for building a court house and gaol in the said county with the additional sum of nine CHAP. 44.] EIGHTH SESSION. . 85 pence in the pound for collecting the same; which said sum shall be raised XI. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That the Common _ . . . council. mayor recorder aldermen and assistants of the said city for the time how com- 158 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 83. posed ' to make y- laws. Proviso: by-laws not to con- flict with any law 0 the State. Proviso; bye-laws to be in force but one year. Common council, meetings of ; penalty for non-at- tendance. being (whereof the mayor or recorder always to be one) be and shall be forever hereafter called The common council of the city of Hud- son, who, or the major part of them shall have power to make by-laws relative to the public markets within the~said city, so as such by-laws shall not extend to the regulating or ascertaining the price of any com- modity, or article of provision which may be brought for sale within the said city: relative to the streets and high-ways of the said city: relative to nuisances within the limits of the said city: relative to the cleaning of chimnies and preventing the said city from fire: relative to the manner of warning the meetings of the said city and the common council thereof and the time and place where they shall be holden : relative to a city watch: relative to bonds and secutities to be given by constables collectors treasurers, or any other officers of the said city for the faithful discharge of the duties of such office or offices: relative to the burial of the dead: relative to the public lights or lamps of the said city: relative to the restraining geese and swine going at large within the limits of the said city: relative to the overseeing of the poor; and relative to any thing whatsoever which may concern the good government and police of the said city: Prem'a’ea’ that such by-laws be not contrary to or incon- sistentiwith the constitution laws and statutes of this State, and that the said common council of the said city for the time being, or the major part of them, as often as they shall make ordain and publish such laws for the purposes aforesaid, may make, ordain, limit and provide such and the like pains punishments and penalties, fines and amerciaments, upon, towards and against all and every person that shall offend against such laws statutes rights and constitutions, or any or either of them as by the said common council or the major part of them shall be thought requisite to make, ordain, limit and provide for the observation and preservation of the same laws statutes rights and constitutions, to be prosecuted and recovered in any court of record within the jurisdiction of the said city'having cognizance of the same by action of debt or otherwise to the use of the said mayor aldermen and commonalty of the said city of Hudson and their successors forever: frat/idea’ alsa that no such by-laws shall continue in force longer than for the term of one ear. y XII. Ana’ be 2'! fart/zer enaez‘ea’ by Z/ze aai/zorz'zj/ afaresaz'a’, That the common council of the said city, shall be summoned called and held from time to time, so often and at such times and places as the mayor, or in case of his sickness or absence, the recorder of the said city for the time being shall think fit to appoint or direct, and that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said common council of the said city or the major part of them to assess and lay such reasonable fines and amerciaments in and upon every officer and member of the body corpo- rate aforesaid for the time being, who after having had due notice or being duly summoned to appear or attend at any such common council to be held for the said city, shall neglect so to do or make default therein or shall not appear or attend according to such notice or sum- mons in that behalf, or- shew a reasonable cause, (by the said common council or a major part of them at their discretion to be allowed), and so as often as such case shall happen, so that no such fines or amercia- ments for any one default of appearance or' attendance of any such officer or member aforesaid shall ‘exceed the sum of twenty shillings in the manner and form aforesaid to be levied for the use of the said mayor aldermen and commonalty of the said city and their successors to be recovered and received. CHAP. 83.] EIGHTH SESSION. - 159 XIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Regulation common council of the said city of Hudson for the time being or the ,afag'fam major part of them have, and from time to time forever hereafter shall 001m- . . . - 0 [31'0- have full power licence and authority, to establish appoint order and vide for. direct the making and laying out all other streets lanes ways alleys high- ways water courses and bridges not already made or laid out, but also the altering amending and repairing all such streets lanes ways ‘alleys highways, water courses and bridges heretofore made or laid out, or hereafter to be made or laid out in and throughout the said city limits and precincts thereof in such manner as the common council for the time ‘being or the major part of them shall think or judge to be neces- sary and convenient for all inhabitants and travellers there: Proz'ided Proviso; always that in all cases ,where the property of individuals is affected by Rfggi‘gdge the laying out repairing or altering such streets ways lanes alleys high- in accord- ways water courses and bridges as aforesaid, the said common council shall and do proceed according to the mode pointed out to the commis- fflrgggg f0!‘ sioners of highways for the county of Albany in and by certain acts of county. the legislature in such cases made or to be made and provided. And whereas a punctual and well regulated ferry across the river at the said city of Hudson is of the utmost consequence to the good people of this State at large. ' '_ XIV. Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the com- Ferry mon council of the said city for the time being or the major part of them ‘I‘féggighe from time to time and at all times forever hereafter shall and may have river, com~ full power and authority to settle, appoint, establish, order, direct and EFQOCSFJT superintend and shall and may settle appoint establish order direct and “d6 for- superintend, such and so many ferries from the said city, to the opposite or western shore of the Hudsons river for the carrying and transporting people, horses, cattle, goods and chattles across the said river in such manner as the common council of the said city for the time being or the major part of them shall conceive to be'most conducive for the pub- lic good. Provided always, that nothing in this act contained shall Proviso; extend or be construed to debar or deprive any of the citizens of this Qggéf’ey State, of the property or possession of the soil on the eastern or western isting . . . rights of shore of any right which they now may or ought lawfully to enjoy or ferriage, hereafter may obtain with respect to the priviledge of ferriage; nor shall this act or any thing therein contained, extend to, or be deemed or construed to debar or deprive any of the citizens of this State of any other right or privilege (as to right of soil or ferriage) which any such citizen now has or may lawfully have or enjoy, nor shall be deemed or construed to debar or prevent Coenraedt A. Flaak of or from conveying or carrying across the said river to and from either side of the said river with a ferry boat, any person or persons, horses, cattle, goods or chattles. XV. And be itfurtherlenacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Public mayor recorder aldermen and commonalty of the said city and their {'C‘,a§§‘;,t§5_ successor shall and may from time to time, and at all times forever {Sided for ythecom- hereafter have hold and keep a market or markets at such place or moncoun- places within the limits of the said city, as the said common council for c“- the time being shall appoint and direct on any or every day of the week (Sunday excepted) and that the said mayor for the time being is and for ever hereafter shall be (ex officio) clerk of the said market or markets of the said city, and water bailif for the same and that he shall have full power and authority to'do and execute, and shall and may do and execute forever hereafter within the liberties limits and precincts of the said city, all and whatsoever to the said offices of clerk of the market and water bailif doth or may respectively appertain and belong; and also that the 160 - LAws OF NEW YORK. [CHAR s3. mayor of the said city for the time being, shall have full power and authority, by and with the advice of the common council, to licence and appoint, by warrant under his hand and seal, or otherwise for the said city, one or more porter or porters carriers cartmen carmen, packers cullers common criers schavengers, inspectors of lumber, and also one or more surveyor or surveyors, measurer or measurers, guager or guagers, beadles, garblers, bellmen, watchmen, bridewell keepers, or keepers of a house or houses of correction and alms houses, and to dis- charge the same at pleasure; provided that no gauger to be appointed by this act, shall have authority to gauge liquors or molasses for ascer- taining any duty to be imposed thereon by act of legislature unless thereunto expressly authorized by law. Brideweus, XVI. A 12a’ be z'z‘fart/zer elzaez‘ea’ by f/ze a/lf/zbrz'z‘y afbresaz'a’, That the said houses of mayor, aldermen and commonalty, forever hereafter, have full power correction, , . . . and work and authority to erect and build one or more bridewell or brldwells, Egéifi'fiof, house or houses of correction work house or work houses, together “0- with full power and authority to the said mayor recorder and alder- men, or any one of them, to take up and arrest, or order to be taken up or arrested all or any rogues vagabonds straglers and idle and sus- picious persons, and as they the said mayor recorder and aldermen or any one of them shall see cause to order any such rogues vaga- bonds straglers and idle and suspicious persons, either to the said work house, there to remain and work any time not exceeding thirty days, or else to the house of correction, there to receive such corporal punishment'as the said mayor recorder and aldermen or any three of them, whereof the mayor or recorder to be one, shall think fit such cor- poral punishment not to exceed thirty nine stripes for any one offence, and that the said mayor aldermen and commonalty and their successors forever hereafter, may and shall have power to erect and build an alms house for relief of the poor with as full power to order direct and reg- ulate the aforesaid houses, and the persons to be put in and ordered there, as to any city or corporation in any other part of this State and and to the officers and ministers thereof doth or may belong. ' Gaols for XVII. A 12a’ be z'z‘farZ/zer e/zaez‘ed by fire az/f/wrz'zj' afbresaz'a’, That the said $12,332; mayor recorder aldermen and commonalty, and their successors forever Ofmprison- hereafter may have one or more public gaol or gaols in such fit place or 61°‘ places with in the said city and limits and jurisdiction thereof as by the common council of the said city or the major part of them for the time being shall be appointed to imprison and safely keep all and every per- son and persons for any treason or treasons, murders felonies, trespasses, evil doings, and all other matters and causes, to be arrested or attached or to be committed to the gaol or gaols aforesaid in safe custody, there to remain until they be delivered by- due course of law, and that the common council of the said city for the time being or the major part of them shall and may have power from time to time to chuse constitute and place one or more fit person or persons in the office or offices of keeper or keepers of the gaol or gaols aforesaid, to hold the same dur- ing the pleasure of the common council of the said city for the time being or the major part of them, and it is hereby empowered and com- manded the keeper and keepers of the gaol and gaols aforesaid for the time being, that all and singular traitors murderers felons malefactors, disturbers of the peace, and other delinquents, and all others for any crime and offence, or other reasonable causes or'matters to the gaol or gaols aforesaid ordered or committed, or to be ordered or committed, to receive, take, keep and cause to be kept in the same gaol or gaols, until they shall be thence delivered by due course of law. CHAP. 83. ] EIGHTH sEssIoN. 161 l XVIII. And be it enacted by t/ze a'zct/zority aforesaid, That the mayor Tézvelrns, recorder aldermen and commonalty of the said city and no other what- 3,355,631,15- soever, shall have power to give and grant licences annually under the the mayor.- . . . . recorder, public seal of the said city, to all such persons as they shall think fit aldermen to licence to keep a tavern inn ordinary‘or victualling house, and to 3511,2013: sell wine brandy rum strong waters cydef beer ale, or any other sort of exciseable or strong liquors within the said city of Hudson or the liber- ties and precincts thereof by retail or small measure, and that it shall and may be lawful to and for the mayor recorder aldermen and com- monalty of the said city to ask demand and receive for every such licence by them to be given and granted as aforesaid, such sum or sums of money as they, and the person to whom such licence shall be given and granted, shall agree for, not exceeding the sum of sixteen shillings for each licence, all which monies as by the said mayor recorder alder- men and commonalty shall be so received, shall be used and applied to the public use of the said mayor aldermen and commonalty of the said city and their successors forever—and that every and each of which licence shall continue and be in force for one year from the granting thereof but no longer. XIX. And be it further enacted by t/ze aat/iority aforesaid, That it Citizens shall and may be lawful to and for the freemen citizens and inhabi- ,figggftgr tants of the said city of Hudson at their annual meetings for election Cgmeteri', of officers, to vote any sum or sums of money to be raised which they 8 c’ may think proper and necessary for the purchasing any lot or lots of ground within the limits of the said city for the purpose of burying the dead, or for'erecting a court house and gaol alms house work house Or house of correction, or for the purpose of the support and relief of the poor within the limits of the said city. - XX. And be it fart/zer enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall Mayor’? and may be lawful to and for the mayor recorder and aldermen of the said 3123153351,; city, or any three of them, whereof the mayor or recorder shall‘ always of’ etc- be one, to hold, on the first Tuesday in every month, one court of common pleas of record, within the said city, to be called the mayors court, which shall and may hold, plea, have cognizance of all and all manner of plaints, suits, causes, trespasses, actions and demands what- soever, personal and mixed, arising or accruing, within the said city and the jurisdiction thereof, with full power and authority to hear and determine all and every such actions and pleas, and judgment and exe- cution thereon to render and award, and to proceed and act therein in such manner and form, and by such and the like methods, process and proceedings, as fully and amply, as in other courts of common pleas of record, in and for the respective counties in this State, in like cases can or may be acted done adjudged or determined according to the laws and constitution of this State ; and it shall be lawful for the said mayor’s court in every such term respectively to continue each term to the day succeeding inclusively, or to adjourn the first day of each term to the next term, as the dispatch of the business to be depending before the said court may from time to time render necessary or require. XXI. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid, That the Clerk of common clerk of the said city of Hudson for the time being, shall, and 31313;” he is hereby forever declared to be, the clerk of the said court of record, 223%“ to do and perform all manner of acts and things within the city afore- ' said, the limits and jurisdictions thereof which to the office of clerk of the said court of record doth appertain and belong, and to receive, demand, have collect and enjoy all fees perquisites and profits, which may to the office of such clerk belong or appertain. VOL. 2.-—2I 162 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 83. Certain XXII. Ana’ a 2'! further enacted Z2] Z/ze aza‘lzorz'zfy aforesaz'a’, That the officers of i - city to common clerk, Chamberlain, marshal, constables, gaol keepers and all 32322,?“ other subordinate officers of and in the said city, who hereafter may be court; exe- nominated, chosen, elected constituted and appointed, and every of them 333%‘; respectively, jointly and severally as cause shall require, shall be, and hereby are commanded to be, obedient to and attend upon the judge and judges of the court of the said city, and every or any of them, at all times hereafter, according to the duty or obligation of their respec- tive offices and places, and to execute all and every the commands pre- cepts, warrants to them respectively directed and issued, and given out, and to be issued and given out by the said court or any one of the judges thereof, and that the said marshal, ministers and officers of the said city for the time being, shall and may, and they and each of them is and are hereby authorized and commanded, to execute and return all and every the process and precepts of the said court to them respect- ively directed or to be directed, from time to time, and at all times, as fully and effectually as any marshal minister or officer of or in any city or place within this State the precepts or processes of any court of record therein hath used, or can or may execute and return in any man- ner whatsoever. Freemen XXIV. Aim’ fie z'z‘ fart/zer enacted a)» the auz‘fiorz'ijl aforesaid, That all $5,312,556 and every freeman, citizen inhabitant of the State of New York or any Considered- other of the United States of America, who shall become inhabitants within the limits and jurisdiction of the said city of Hudson, and who shall have therein resided for the space of four months together and shall continue therein to reside, & shall pay any taxes, and not be dis- qualified by, law, shall be entitled to every freedom right privilege and immunity of the said city, and be considered to all intents and purposes a free citizen thereof. 'gélélsaagg a A 2212’ fie z'z‘ ezzaez‘ed by t/ze auz‘lzorz'z‘y aforesaid, That this act be, and it is public act hereby' declared to be a public act and that the same be and shall for- ever hereafter he construed in all courts and places benignly and favourably, for every beneficial purpose therein intended. Preamble; Ami w/zereas Thomas jenkins, Seth jenkins, David Lawrence, Heze- ffg‘rdivggr kiah Dayton, Shubael Worth, joseph Barnard, Ezra Reed, Charles jen- gliltgfom 0f kins, Benjamin Folger, Reuben Folger, William Wall, Nathaniel Green, ' Samuel Mansfield, Cotton Gelston, john Thurston William Minturn, Peleg Clark and Titus Morgan, have by their humble petition repre— sented to the legislature that they have at a considerable expence pur- chased the tract of land, formerly called the Clavarack Landing for the purpose of establishing a commercial settlement, and that they have built theroeon several wharfs and are about to build others, together with a ship yard, and being apprehensive, that the land under the water, below highwater mark, might at a future day, become the cause of dis— sentions and disputes, and from a desire to preserve good order and harmony among the citizens and inhabitants of this State, they have prayed the legislature for a grant of the said land from high-Water mark to the channel of the said river opposite the land so purchased. Ana’ whereas the prayer of the said petition appears to be reasonable. (Illealpgvsazleg- Be it z‘lzerefore eaaez‘ea’ éyf/ze auz‘lzorz'zfy a faresaz'a’, That the said Thomas in front or jenkins, Seth jenkins, David Lawrence, Hezekia Dayton Shubael Worth, lands Pur‘ Joseph Barnard, Ezra Reed, Charles jenkins, Benjamin Folger, Reuben $135335“ Folger, \Villiam Wall, Nathaniel Green, Samuel Mansfield Cotton Gel- 233%,}, to ston, john Thurston, William Minturn, Peleg Clark and Titus Morgan, them- and each and every of them, have, hold, use, occupy, possess and enjoy all and all manner of right title interest property claim and demand cHAP. 84.] EIGHTH SESSION. ' 163 whatsoever of in and to all the land lying under the water, and directly opposite to the tract of land so purchased by them as aforesaid from high water mark one hundred and eighty feet to the channel of the said river in a course north fifty-seven degrees west, to the sole use benefit and behoof of them the said Thomas jenkins, Seth jenkins, David Lawrence, Hezekiah Dayton, Shubael Worth, joseph Barnard, Ezra Reed, Charles jenkins, Benjamin Folger, Reuben Folger, William Wall, Nathaniel Green, Samuel Mansfield, Cotton Gelston john Thurston, William Minthurn, Peleg Clark, and Titus Morgan and to their heirs and assigns forever in severalty. Provided always, that nothing in this act Frovisoz, contained, shall extend, or be construed to extend, or in any manner to ggi‘iofiac‘jg' affect impede or interrupt the free navigation of the said river, or any g‘vgg public right or privilege heretofore held and enjoyed, by the good people peded. of this State; or the private right or privilege heretofore lawfully held, and enjoyed by any citizen or citizens of this State. CHAP. 84. AN ACT to enable the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York in common council convened, to order the raising monies by tax for the maintenance of the poor and other contingent expences arising in the said city. PASSED the 22d of April, 1785. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New Yorh, represented in New York Senate and Assembly, and 'it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York in Publiqpur- common council convened shall be, and hereby are, fully empowered posesm' and authorized, as soon as conveniently may be, after the passing of this act, to order the raising a sum not exceeding six thousand pounds, by a tax on the estates, real and personal, of all and every the freehold- ers and inhabitants within the city and county of New York to be applied to the support and maintence of the poor of the said city and county, the bridewell and the criminals from time to time confined in the prison of the said city and county, and to the repairing and main- taining the public roads, and cleaning and improving the streets within the said city and county; and also a further sum not exceeding four Tax for thousand pounds, by a tax on the estates, real and personal of all and every the freeholders and inhabitants within the said city, on the south 1PM}? gf city Side of a line, beginning at the out-let of the Swamp of Leonard Lis- ewe ' penard Esquire into Hudsons river, thence to and along the north Side of the dwelling house of Nicholas Bayard Esquire, thence to and along the north side of the dwelling house late of Thomas jones Esquire, and thence to and along the north side of the dwelling house of Abra- ham Cannon to the East river, to be applied to the payment of so many watchmen as the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the said city and county of New York shall think necessary for guarding the said city, and also to the purchasing of oil, providing lamps, and repairing and attending the lamps, which now are or hereafter may be erected within the said city, and for the making, repairing and maintaining the public wells and pumps within the said city, and defraying other contingent expenses within the said city, which said Sums abovementioned shall 164 ' LAws OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 85.. be rated and assessed by the assessors according to the estate and abilities to pay taxes, of each respective person so- to be taxed, that the tax shall be raised and collected in one payment, and shall be assessed by the assessors of the said city and county for the time being, and levied and collected in the same manner as hath heretofore been accus- tomed within the ‘said city and county, for levying and collecting the tax for the maintenance and support of the poor and other contingent charges within the said city and county, and that the said tax shall be paid into the hands of the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city and county for the time being, to be applied and disposed, of from time to time in such manner and proportions for the purposes mentioned in this act as the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the said city'shall appoint and direct. Assessors And be ii‘ fari/zer eizaez‘ed by l/ze azeZ/zoriiy aforesaid, That in case of figr‘gfgfigfé any vacancy or vacancies in the office of assessor or collector, or any 0? ‘recall? other of the usual officers within the said city and county, requisite and gléiégot necessary in and about the levying and collecting of taxes, however such vacancy may be or may have arisen, it shall and may be lawful, for the said mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the said city in com- mon council convened, and they are hereby authorized and required, to appoint a time for holding an election or elections to supply any and every such vacancy or vacancies, and to cause due notice thereof in writing to be given to the inspectors of the general election for the ward in which the vacancy or vacancies aforesaid shall have happened, and it shall be the duty of the said inspectors and they are hereby directed and required thereupon to give at least eight days previous and public notice to all persons entitled by law to vote at such election, of the time and place of holding the same, and the said election shall be accordingly held and conducted in the same manner to all intents and purposes as the election for the office so becoming vacant ought by law Proviso; to be held and conducted. Provided always, that the clerks of the sen- ggeggi‘egfld ate and assembly respectively, who being officers of the legislature of 3x82353313’ this State shall not be obliged to serve in the office of an assessor or _ from act- collector by virtue of this act. ing as as sessor or collector. CHAP. 85. AN ACT to vest the estate of William R. Van Cortlandt in trustees for payment of his debts and other purposes. PAssED the 23d of April, 1785. ‘Preamble; WHEREAS by the petition of the creditors and wife of the said landt. iv’fii‘lpity of William R. Van Cortlandt it hath been represented to the legislature 1am R. , , , - . . Van Cort- that the said William R. Van Cortlandt hath been a long time insane and is still deprived of his senses, and now confined in bedlam in the State Pensylvania, that the said creditors are without relief without the interposition of the legislature and that the present income of the estate of the said William R. Van Cortlandt is insu‘fficient to support his wife‘ and children; the petitioners have therefore prayed that a law may be passed to authorize a sale of the estate. of the said William R. Van Cortlandt for the payment of his debts and such other purposes as the legislature should deem meet. - CHAP. 85. j EIGHTH sEssIoN. 165 Be it enacted by t/ze People of t/ze State of New York represented in Estate of Senate and Assembly and it is lzereby enacted by the aat/zoriiy of t/ze same lgguggrfi' That all the estate real and personal of the said William R. Van Cort- landt _ landt be and the same are hereby vested in Peter Schermerhorn and 333536;“ Solomon Simpson of the city of New York merchants their heirs and gl’lrrggges assigns who are hereby authorized and empowered as soon as may be therein convenient to sell and dispose (for such considerations and in such named‘ manner as they shall think proper) so much of the said real and per- sonal estate of the said \Villiam R. Van Cortlandt as shall be sufficient to pay and.discharge all his debts and to seal execute and deliver good and sufficient deeds and conveyances to the purchaser or purchasers thereof which sale or sales so made by the said Peter Schermerhorn and Solomon Simpson or the survivor of them or his heirs are hereby declared to be good and effectual to all intents and purposes in law and equity to vest all the estate right title and interest of the said \Villiam R. Van Cortlandt and of the said trustees in the purchaser or purchasers thereof and the said trustees and the survivor of them andv his heirs are hereby further authorized directed and empowered to sue for recover and receive all such debts and other personal property as may be due and belonging to the said William R. Van Cortlandt and on receipt of such money arising from the sale of the said real and personal estate or collection of debts or other property as aforesaid. to dispose thereof as follows, first to pay and discharge all mortgages that may be due on the said estate secondly to pay and satisfy all judgments that may be docketted against the said William R. Van Cortlandt, thirdly to pay the remaining creditors. But if the said monies should be insufficient to pay the last men-tioned creditors their whole demands then to pay them respectively an equal part in proportion to the debts due to them respectively. And the said trustees are hereby directed to publish a notification in one of the public newspapers of the city of New York for three months successively requiring all persons having demands against the said \Villiam R. Van Cortlandt to produce their accounts to the said trustees, immediately after which they shall pro- ceed to pay off such creditors as shall then have presented their demands in the manner before mentioned. And be it fart/ter enacted by the ant/rarity aforesaid That if there Balance should remain any real estate after the payment of the said \Villiam R. §%{2?‘§;‘;? Van Cortlandts debts as aforesaid, that then the same shall be to all ment of intents and purposes revested in the said William R. Van Cortlandt or giffgaii‘ his heirs, in the same manner as the same was before the passing this $3,133,13- law, any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. landt. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azct/iority aforesaid, That the said Eg‘lilisgees trtistees shall before they exercise any of the powers to them hereby bond“, given, file in the court of chancery a bond to the register or one of the chancery- clerks of the said court in such penalty as the chancellor shall think fit, with a condition that the said trustees will well and faithfully discharge the trust vested in them by this act, and render a just account of their disposition of the said estate, when thereunto required. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid That the laws Certain respecting the payment of debts due to persons who had during the late l‘ggiyggw war remained within the enemies lines shall not extend to any debtors ggtfltiggg to the said William R. Van Cortlandt but that the same shall be paid as Van Cort- if the said laws had never been made. landt- 166 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [Cl-IAP. 86. Preamble; premises of Benja- min Coe, in Queens county, taken pos- session of and laid waste dur- ing the war by Alexan- der Grant. Benjamin Coe may prosecute heirs of Alexander Grant to recover damages incurred; mode of procedure. CHAP. 86. AN ACT for the relief of Benjamin Coe. PASSED the 23d of April, 1785. WHEREAS Benjamin Coe of Newtown in Queens county hath by his petition to the legislature set forth that a certain Alexander Grant did take possession of his buildings and farm situate at Newtown in Queens county aforesaid in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven, and that subsequent to his taking possession thereof the said Alexander Grant was killed at Fort Montgomery when in the service of the King of Great Brittain; and that the family of the said Alexander Grant did occupy the said buildings and farm until about the time the troops of the said king abandoned the city of New York. That great waste and destruction were committed thereon by the said Alexander ‘Grant and his family and that altho’ the said Alexander Grant at the time of his death was the proprietor of a large estate in this State, yet as the legal representative or representatives of the said Alexander Grant are not to be found in the State and are also unknown to the petitioner, he must remain without remedy unless the legislature should grant him relief. Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly and it is bereby enacted by t/ze aat/zorz'ty of tbe same, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Benjamin Coe his heirs executors or administrators to file a declaration against the heirs execu- tors, and administrators of the said Alexander Grant deceased, generally and without naming such heirs executors and administrators in such declaration, and proceed in like manner as is directed in and by the act entitled An act to amend an act entitled An act for relief against absconding and absent debtors and to extend the remedy of the act entitled “An act for granting a more effectual relief in cases of certain trespasses and for other purposes therein mentioned ” passed May fourth, one thousand seven hundred and eighty four: and that the said Benja- min Coe his heirs executors or administrators shall within ten days after the filing such declaration cause notice thereof to be published in two or more public news papers printed in this State for ten weeks; and that unless the legal heirs executors or administrators of the said Alex- ander Grant shall enter his her or their respective appearance in such action within six months from the date of such notice a judgment will be entered against the heirs executors or administrators of the said Alexander Grant in such action, and the said plaintiff shall therein be entitled to recover his damages as well against the said Alexander Grant as against his heirs executors administrators and devisees and each and every of them as if they had been in such declaration and in this act particularly named and designated. CHAP. 87.] EIGHTH SESSION. 167 I CHAP. 87. AN ACT granting relief to certain insolvent debtors. PASSED the 25th of April, 1785. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Persons‘ Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, 2iajgg%ene_ That the act entitled “An act for the relief of insolvent debtors within fltofinsol- this State ” passed the 17th of April I784, and another act entitled “An vent acts‘ act to revive and amend an act entitled “An act for the relief of insolv ent debtors within this State ” passed the 24th of November 1784, shall be and hereby respectively are revived and declared to extend to- the .persons hereafter named, who respectively now are actually confined in one of the prisons of this State or are in the custody of the sherifs of Dutchess or Queens counties where at present there are no prisons, that is to Say, to Seth Harding, William Tapp, Robert Nisbett, john C. Phil- ips, Enos Smith, Lewis Peffer, Kamp Ayres, Abraham Van Zile, Edward Simmond, Edward Broadrick, Samuel jones, \Villiam Mason, Samuel Provoost, joseph \Vood, jonathan Clark, Abijah Clark, Thomas Ocraft, joseph Smith, David Cornwall, john Goddard, Richard Haight, john Haley, Martin Foye, Anthony Morss, Samuel Hitchcock, Benjamin Thorne, Charles Montcrief, Abraham Legget of the city of New York, William Grinding, Lewis Herrington, james Arden, of the city of New York bricklayer, Chas Romine, William Griffith, Henry Conkling, jas per jennings, William Allison junior, Robert Ellis, joseph Willis, Wil- liam Sutton, Bartholomew Noxon junior, Obidiah Cooper, David Mills, Matthew Halsey junior, james Webster, john Leveret Hudson, joseph Corwin, Dirck I. Brinckerhoff, jeromes Van Voorheis, Gerard Cochran, Nathaniel Tylee, Robert Gordon, Abraham Swartwout, Francis Mc- Gaugy, Ezra Keeler, john Smith of Queens county, john Martin, Increase Bennet, Adam Vandenbergh, Christopher Tompler, Henry Webb, Gilbert \Vheeler, Thomas Stanbrough, Luther Hildreth, Henry H. Van Salsberghan, john Thatcher, james O’Flaherty, john Bostwick, Abraham Miller'of Bedford in the county of Westchester, Frederick N. Saunder, Richard Woodcock, Lawrence Martin of Queens county, Paul johnson, Ephraim Bostwick, Oliver Glean, james Carpenter of the city of New York, joseph Sebring, Aaron Smith, Stiles Beardsley, Simon Noachs, Peter Depond, Noah Dodge, Moses Darling, john O’Connor, john Denney, john Howard, joseph Trow, Melancthon Lloyd Wool- sey, and josuah Sands Senior of Queens county and to each of them respectively, as fully and effectually as if they and each of them had been in actual confinement in any of the gaols within this State, at the time of passing of either of the above said acts, or as fully and effectu- ally as though they had been expressly named, in either of the aforesaid acts, any law usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That john Leveret Persons Hudson, Robert Gordon, Ephraim Bostwick, john Howard, \Villiam ggt’gegetge- Tapp and Frederick N. Sander shall be entitled to all the benefits of fit Of acts, although this and the said recited acts as effectually as if they were now in actual not in act- confinement, in any gaol or prison in this State. Eggfifenn't And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any or False ac- either of the abovenamed person or persons shall willfully give a false $555353, account, of his or their estate or estates with an intent to defraud his ngrrpagg. or their creditors, such person or persons so offending shall be guilty of for, y 168 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 89. Counter- feiting of certificates, penalty for. Counter- feiting gold or sil- Yer coins, penalty for. Preamble; attainder of execu- tor of David Pro— voost, late of New York city. felony, and being thereof convicted shall suffer the pains of death, with- out benefit of clergy. - CHAP. 88. AN ACT making it felony without benefit of clergy to counter- feit or forge or to pass knowing the same to be counterfeit any of the public certificates of the United States or of this State, or any species of gold or silver money now or hereafter to be current in this State. PAssED the 25th of April, 1785. WHEREAS it has been represented to the legislature that various public certificates issued under the authority of Congress and of this State respectively, have lately been counterfeited and forged therefore Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enaeted by t/ze aatlzority of t/ze sanze, That if any person or persons shall be convicted of counterfeiting any of the said certificates to the likeness and similitude of any of the genu- ine certificates, or of counterfeiting any of the said certificates by alter- ing the denomination thereof, in Order to encrease the value of the same, or shall forge the name of any of the signers of such genuine certificates, or shall pass or utter any such certificate or certificates knowing the same to be counterfeited or forged as aforesaid, whether such counter- feiting forging passing or uttering shall be done within this State or elsewhere every such person or persons so offending and being convicted thereof shall suffer death without the benefit of clergy. And be it enacted by tile aat/zority aforesaid That any person or persons who shall hereafter counterfeit any of the species of gold or silver coins, now current or hereafter to be current in this State Or shall pass any such counterfeits knowing the same to be counterfeit, shall for every such offence on being thereof convicted suffer the pains of death as in case of felony without benefit of clergy; any law usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. OHAP. 89. AN ACT to vest the real estate of David Provoost deceased in trustees for the purposes therein mentioned. PAssED the 25th of April, 1785. WHERE-AS the devisees of David Provoost late of the city of New York gentleman deceased have by themselves or their respective agents or guardians set forth that the said David Provoost did by his last will and testament appoint David Mathews late of the same city his sole executor with full and absolute power and authority at his discretion to sell and dispose of the said David Provoost’s whole real estate not therein specially devised. That by the attainder conviction and banish‘- ment of the said David Mathews he is rendered forever incapable to discharge the said trusts. That they the said devisees being numerous and residing in parts remote vfrom each other and some of them infants no amicable partition or sale can be made thereof whereby the same remain in common among them to their great detriment and contrary to the intent of the said testator. And having prayed that the same ‘CHAP. 89.] EIGHTH sEssIoN. 169 may be vested in trustees for the sale and division thereof which appears to this legislature reasonable and proper. Therefore Be it enacted by t/ze People of tire State of New York represented in Real estate Senate and Assembly and it is /zereby enacted by t/ze ant/rarity of t/ze same giloQggggl That all the real estate which was of the said David Provoost deceased vested in at the time of his death within this State be and the same is hereby absolutely vested in George Remsen Charles Crommeline and Aaron Sfjgijjsgggs Burr and the major part of them, or the survivors and survivor of them, of his will. who are hereby authorised to sell and dispose of the same in such man- i ner to such person or persons and for such consideration as they may think fit and may deem most conducive to the interest of the devisees of the said David Provoost and their representatives; and deeds and conveyances thereof to seal and execute, which sales so made and deeds and conveyances thereupon executed by the said George Remsen Charles Crommeline and Aaron BUI'I' or the major part of them or the survivors or survivor of them are hereby declared to be good and effectual to all intents and purposes in law and equity to vest in such purchaser or purchasers the whole estate and interest which the said David Provoost had in the said real estate and every part thereof at the time of his death; and upon the receipt ‘of the monies arising from such sale‘ the said trusteees or the major part of them, or the survivors or survivor of them shalllpay the same to the devisees of the said David Provoost or their legal representatives or to the guardians of such devi- sees or representatives as may be infants in the manner directed by the said David Provoost in his last will and testament and agreeable to law. Provided that the said trustees shall not by virtue hereof sell any estate Proviso; in remainder and reversion or expectant on condition or limitation fitteoifislig until such estate shall actually vest or such condition or limitation cease mainder. or be fulfilled. 3590mm» And providedfart/zer that no part of the said estate to which any one Trltlsgceesn DO 0 86 person is entitled in fee in his own right in severalty shall be deemed to parts of be hereby vested in the‘ said trustees or be liable to be by them sold by ‘sifi'tiiggtgne virtue hereof, or any other how impeached. person is And be it further enacted by the ant/zority aforesaid That the said .fkrllé’lfég‘} to trustees shall before they exercise any of the powers to them hereby Trusteesto given file in the Court of Chancery a bond in such penalty and with Ejleagzggyin such surety as the Chancellor shall think fit conditioned for the faith- ‘ full discharge of the trust and powers in them vested and to render an account of the said estate when thereunto required. Provided that the said trustees shall be deemed to be severally liable Proviso, for their conduct and not 'ointl or one for the other or unless the trustees to J y 2 Y be sever- shall become voluntarily bound one for the other as surety. Egg'josg‘tlly And be it enacted by the aat/zority aforesaid That the said trustees liable. ’ shall be allowed for their time trouble and expences in the exercise of Qompensa- ~ ‘ - tion 0 the trusts and powers hereby given and reposed in them at the rate of trustees“ two pounds for every hundred pounds upon the amount of all sales by them to be made by virtue hereof. . Provided that if either or all of the persons herein before named as Proviso, as trustees shall neglect or refuse to take upon him or them the execution 3‘; $55,152:‘ of the trusts hereby reposed in them, or shall die before the same are 30 stefiveior discharged it shall be lawfull for the Chancellor upon application of any as]? “3,. of the said devisees to appoint such other person or persons in the room ffiged or stead of him or them so neglecting or refusing or dying which per- ' son or persons so appointed shall upon filing such security as aforesaid be vested with all the trusts and powers hereby given to the trustees herein before named. VOL. 2.—22. l 1 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 90.. Annual ap~ propriation bill CHAP. 90. AN ACT for the payment of the salaries of the several officers of government, and for other purposes therein mentioned. PASSED the 27th of April, 1785. Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze authority of t/ze same, - That the treasurer of this State shall out of the monies which now are Governor. Governor, incidental expenses. Chancellor. Chief jus- tice. Puisne justices of the su- preme court. Secretary ofthe State, at- tendance on legisla— ture and council of appoint- ment. Id.; copies of laws. etc. Members of the leg- islature . or hereafter may be in the treasury and not otherwise specially approx priated, pay the following sums of money to the following persons to wit To his Excellency the Governor for administring the government of this State from the first day of July last to the first day of July next at and after the rate of one thousand ‘five hundred pounds per annum. To the person administring the government of this State for the time being to defray the incidental charges which may arise in and about the administring the government of this State such sum or sums of money as he shall from time to time by warrant under his hand and the privy seal of the State draw from the treasury of the State for the purpose, not to exceed in the whole the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds To the Honourable Robert R. Livingston Esquire Chancellor of this State for his services in that station from the first day of July last, to the first day of July next, at and after the rate of four hundred pounds per annum. To the Honourable Richard Morris Esquire Chief Justice of this State for his services in that station from and to the respective times aforesaid at and after the rate of four hundred and fifty pounds per annum. To the Honourable Robert Yates and John Sloss Hobart Esquires, puisne justices of the Supreme Court of this ~State respectively, for their services in that station from and to their respective times afore- said at and after the rate of four hundred and fifty pounds per annum. To the secretary of this State for attending the legislature during the present session for the purpose of receiving the laws and for attending the council of appointment from the first day of July last to the first day of July next at and after the rate of twenty pounds per annum. To the said secretary for his services in recording the laws making copies thereof with marginal notes for the press, and making copies by the direction of the governor, or of the senate or assembly, and for engrossing the minutes of the council of appointment from time to time, after the rate of one shilling and six pence per folio to consist of one hundred and forty four words, agreeable to such, accounts thereof as he shall produce audited as aforesaid. To the several members of the Assembly and Senate for each and every day they shall have severally attended in assembly or senate dur- ing the present meeting of the legislature, and for each and every day they shall have been or may be travelling to and from their respective places of abode to the place of the meeting of the legislature, each the sum of sixteen shillings per day, agreeable to such accounts thereof as they shall respectively produce certified by the president of the senate or the speaker of the assembly as the case may be ; the account of the president of the senate to be certified by the clerk of the senate and the account of the speaker of the assembly to be certified by the clerk of the assembly. CHAP. 90.] EIGHTH SESSION. 17! To John McKesson Esquire clerk of the assembly and Abraham B. Clerks 0f Bancker Esquire clerk of the senate for their services in their respective Egielegisla‘ stations during the present meeting of the legislature, each thirty shil- lings per day, and for several sums by them severally advanced for the use of the assembly and senate respectively the amount of such accounts thereof as they shall severally produce, certified by the president of the senate or Speaker of the assembly as the case may require. To the treasurer of this State the sum of five hundred pounds, which Treasurer. sum he is hereby authorized to retain out of any monies which may be in the treasury, for his services from the first day of July last to the first day of July next. To the said treasurer the further sum of three hundred and thirteen Treasurer, pounds five shilling and sixpence for his incidental charge and services; giggggg} which sum he is hereby authorized to retain out of any monies which may be in the treasury. To the auditor of this State the sum of three hundred and fifty Auditor. pounds, for his salary for the present year. To the secretary to his excellency the governor at and after the rate Secretary’ of one hundred and fifty pounds per annum. §(’,$l;§m,,._ To the door keepers of the assembly and senate during the present Dourkeep~ meeting of the legislature each sixteen- shillings per day agreeable to fiergsiglgsgfm such certificates thereof as they shall respectlvely produce certified by the president of the senate or Speaker of the assembly. Ana’ fie 2'! furt/zer ezzaez‘ed fiy Z/ze azzz‘lzfirz'zfy affiresaz'd That it shall and Isaac . . . - - \Vool, de- may be lawful for the auditors to liquidate and settle the depreciation preciatiou of the pay of Isaiah Wool and grant him a certificate therefor in the of Pay of- same manner as if he had been particularly provided for in the act enti— tled “An act to liquidate and settle the accounts of the troops of this State in the service of the United States” passed the fourth day of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty. Aim’ fie z'z‘ flfi'Z/lé’?’ e/zaez‘ed fiy f/ze azef/zfirz'zj/ affiresaz'd That it shall and Ebenezer may be lawful for the said auditors to liquidate and settle the deprecia- 253,335,533- tion of the pay of Ebenezer Young and grant him a certificate therefor of pay Of- in the Same manner as if he was particularly mentioned in the said act entitled “An act to liquidate and settle the accounts of the troops of this State in the service of the United States passed the fourth day of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty. Ami fie z'z‘ furZ/zer enacted fiy i/ze azzf/zfirz'z‘y aforesaid That the treas- Stephen urer is hereby authorized and required to deliver unto Stephen Cross- 33551331“, field the plate (belonging to the said Stephen which was deposited with stored to- the said treasurer by the commissioners of sequestration for the county of Dutchess. Ami fie z'z‘ furl/lei" ezzaez‘ea’ fiy Z/ze azez‘lzfirz'zfl/ affiresaz'd That the treas- Surveyor urer is hereby authorized and directed to pay unto John Lasher Esquire ggfrcher of surveyor and searcher of the port of New York the sum of twenty three on of pounds to enable him to procure a proper boat for the purpose of vis- £3’ £3?!" iting all vessels coming into the port with goods wares and merchan- dize subject to duties agreeable to the laws of this State. And fie 2'! furl/1e?’ enaez‘ed fiy t/ze auz‘lzfirz'zj/ aforesaid, That the treas- urer of this State pay the following sums of money to the following persons and to the uses following vizt. ~ To Samuel Loudon one hundred and sixty pounds for h1s first half State years salary as printer to the State. punter‘ To Simeon DeWitt Esquire surveyor general the amount of his Surveyor account for his services in procuring extracts from the records and fgfggi'ing patents in the secretary’s office and other public offices and protracting extracts 172 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 90. from the records. John Mc- Donald, services duri in: the war. Christo- pher Colles, for removing obstruc— tions in the M o- hawk river. Capt. John \Vood, ad- vances to, to be in— dorsed on certificates issued. Daniel Dunscomb, additional compensa- tion to, for services during the war. 1d.; com- pensation of assist- ants. Brinton Paine, re- payment to, of mon- ey ad- vanced to prisoners in New York. Mai-Gen. McDougall and others, balances due to: to he paid to Michael Conolly. the boundaries of the said patents and making maps thereof for the use of the State, to be audited by the auditor who shall allow the said‘sur- veyor general at the rate of twenty shillings per day for the said ser- vices. To john McDonald employed as a miner by this State during the late war (in exploring lead mines pursuant to certain resolutions of Congress on that subject the sum of fifty pounds as a reward for his faithful services in that business, and charge the same to the account of the United States. To Christopher Colles fifty pounds for the purposes of enabling him to make an essay towards removing certain obstructions in the Mohawk river and to exhibit a plan thereof to the legislature at their next meet- ing; and for which he shall be accountable to the treasurer of this State. And be it fart/zer enacted by Me ant/zority aforesaid That the treas- urer of this State be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay out of any monies in the treasury unappropriated to Captain john WVood the sum of two hundred pounds to enable him to discharge his debts contracted while we was a prisoner in Canada to be endorsed on the certificate which he has received from the treasurer for his pay. And w/zereas the legislature by an act entitled “An act for the pay- ment of the salaries of the several officers of government and of certain contingent expences and for other purposes therein mentioned ” passed the twelfth day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty four did authorize the treasurer to grant unto Daniel Dunscomb a certificate for the sum of twenty pounds for his services in collecting the lead from the houses of many citizens of New York by Order of the convention of this State and ztI/zereas it is conceived that the said certificate is inadequate to compensate the said Daniel Dunscomb for his services aforesaid. ' Be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid That the treasurer of this State shall be and he is hereby authorized and required in lieu of the said certificate and as a full compensation for all the services of the said Daniel Dunscomb respecting the said business to pay unto the said Daniel Dunscomb at the rate of twenty shillings per day for his said services to be audited by the auditor of this State upon such evi- dence as shall be satisfactory to the auditor. And that the said treasurer shall also pay such additional sum as shall be audited for the labour and services of such persons as were necessarily employed in the said business and who were not at that time entitled to receive payment from the public for any other services. To Brinton Paine such account as he shall produce certified by the governor, and audited by the auditor of the State for monies borrowed by him and furnished to the prisoners in New York, in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven, and one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight while he was a prisoner at New York, and that the treasurer charge the same to the account of the United States. And it shall be lawful for the treasurer of the State and he is hereby directed to pay unto Michael Conolly such ballances as may be due unto Major General McDougal Brigadier General Clinton and such of their respective suits as are inhabitants of this State, to john Gano chaplain, and to the late troops of this State in the service of the United States, on account of their pay from the months of August, September, October November and December one thousand seven hundred and eighty, whenever the said ballances are ascertained, to be by the said Michael Conolly applied to the payment of the said ballances due to the respective persons as aforesaid; and which ballances shall be paid CHAP. 90.] EIGHTH SESSION. 173 out of any unappropriated monies which may be in the treasury after the sum required by Congress and ordered to be paid by an act entitled “ An act directing the treasurer of this State to pay in to the treasury of the United States, 147,7343795 dollars, is fully discharged. And be it fart/ter enacted by the aat/zority aforesaid That the said Michael Conolly before he shall be entitled to receive from the treas- urer any money on account of the ballance aforesaid shall enter into bond to the said treasurer; with two sufficient sureties such as the said treasurer shall approve, in the penal sum of ten thousand pounds law- ful money of this State, with a condition thereunto annexed, well and truly to pay the monies he shall receive to the persons respectively aforesaid or their respective executors administrators or assigns within nine calender months from the time he shall receive the same. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That the said Michael Conolly shall deliver an account on oath of what monies he shall have paid to the respective persons aforesaid, with the receipts of such payments, unto the treasurer aforesaid on or before the expiration of ten months after he shall have received the said money from the treasurer, and the said Michael Conolly shall also at the same time return into the treasury of the State, such sums of money as may remain in his hands for which he doth not produce receipts for the payment of. And it is hereby made the duty of the treasurer in case of neglect or refusal of the said Michael Conolly to deliver the said receipts and pay the ballance as directed, to prosecute the said Michael Conolly in any court of record in this State having cognizance of the same for the whole amount of the above mentioned bond. And w/zereas james Fairlie appointed agent by the council of appoint- ment by virtue of an act entitled “An act to facilitate the settlement of the accounts of the United States within this State ” passed the twenty seventh day of April one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, to aid and assist the claimants in stating their accounts and demands to the commissioner appointed by congress to liquidate and settle the accounts of the inhabitants of this State with the United States. And w/zereas it is conceived that such agent is unnecessary. Therefore Be it enacted by t/ze aat/iority aforesaid That the said act entitled “An act to facilitate the settlement of the accounts of the United States within this State” passed the twenty seventh day of April one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, so far as it respects the appointment of sue-h agent as aforesaid, shall from and after the sixth day of May next be and hereby is repealed, and the office of the said agent is thence- forth declared vacant. W/zereas Isaac Everet junior a serjeant in Colonel Henry Ludintons regiment of militia was ordered by the committee of Fredericksburgh precinct on the twenty ninth day of March one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight to apprehend a person who was deemed dangerous to the liberties of the United States, but in the execution of the said order he was taken prisoner at the White Plains by the late enemy, and con- fined four months in prison at New York, where he suffered much by his imprisonment Be it enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid That the treasurer pay unto the said Isaac Everet junior, the sum of twelve pounds, as a full com- pensation for his time and sufferings while in confinement. And be it further enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid That the treas- urer pay unto Abraham B. Bancker and john McKesson Esquires clerks of the senate and assembly, the amount of such accounts thereof as they shall produce, audited by the auditor of this State, to enable them to Michael Conolly to- give bond to treas- urer. Michael Conolly to account for moneys Within ten months. Agent to assist claimants in settling accounts with United States, office abol- ished. Isaac Everet, compensa- tion for, while a prisoner. Clerks of legislature, for inci- dental ex- penses. 174 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 90. ‘Cornelius Ja: Scher- merhorn , for appre— hending a. criminal. Samuel Townsend, compensa— tion for, while a prisoner. Adam D0bbs,bal- ance due, as keeper of Sandy Hook light. .John Day, for prop- erty ille- gally taken from him by com- missioners of seques- tration. Rozina Rush, judgment for, against persons named, vacated. discharge the expence of making repairs in the senate chamber and exchange, and the other expences necessarily accrued in providing chairs, wood and candles for the senate and assembly, at the present meeting. ' And in pursuanceof concurrent resolutions of the senate and assembly on the twenty eighth day of October one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight, offering a reward for apprehending Thomas Wood junior, Be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze ant/corny aforesaid That the treasurer of this State pay unto Cornelius Ja: Schermerhorn of the county of Albany twenty four pounds as a full reward for his vigilance and trouble in apprehending and conveying to prison the said Thomas Wood junior, whereby he was brought to justice. W/zereas it appears to the legislature that Samuel Townsend late a deputy State agent, while in the service of this State, was taken pris- oner and brought into New York and confined near twelve months in prison; and it is reasonable that a compensation should be made to him in the premises Be it enacted by Me ant/zority aforesaid That the treasurer of this State pay to the said Samuel Townsend the sum of two hundred and twenty eight pounds sixteen shillings. Be it fnrt/zer enacted by tile ant/corny aforesaid That the master and wardens of the port of New York are hereby authorized to pay unto Adam Dobbs the ballance that shall be due to him for his salery for taking care of the light house at Sandy-hook previous to the late war, agreeable to such account thereof as he shall produce, audited by the clerk of the said master and wardens. And be it further enacted by t/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid That the treasurer of this State shall and he is hereby required to give a certificate, on interest at five per cent per annum, to John Day for such sum as the said John Day has obtained a judgment against Martin Wiltsie in the Supreme Court of this State for a petteauger sold by the commissioners of sequestration of the county of Dutchess in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven to the said Martin \Viltsie, on the said John Days producing a certificate to the treasurer from the clerk of the said court of the sum for which judgment was obtained as aforesaid, and the said certificate shall be receivable in‘ payment for forfeited estates and unappropriated lands within this State; and all further proceedings shall be and are hereby stayed in the said suit against the said Martin Wiltsie for the petteauger aforesaid. I/V/zereas it appears to the legislature that Rozina Rush has recovered a judgment or judgments in the supreme court of this State against Garret Ackerson, Isaac Coe, and John Deronde; for taking, and deliv- ering a number of cattle to the commissioners of sequestration for the county of Orange, which cattle were forfeited to the people of this State by the conviction of John Rush, husband of the said Rozina Rush. And w/zereas sufficient reasons have been assigned to the legislature to relieve the said Garret Ackerson, Isaac Coe, and John Deronde from the said judgment or judgments. Be it enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid That the said judgment or judg- ments obtained in the supreme court in favour of the said Rozina Rush against the said Garret Ackerson, Isaac Coe, and John Deronde ‘respec- tively, shall be and hereby is and are declared to be vacated and of no effect and that no further proceedings be had thereon. Wbereas by the act entitled “An act for the appointment of com- missioners to procure monies'on loan and cloathing for the use of this State,” passed the 7th day of March 1781, the faith of this State was can». 90.] EIGHTH SESSION. . . 175 pledged to the said commissioners for such compensation for their ser- vices and expences in the execution of their trust, as to the legislature should appear just and reasonable: Arid w/zereas no provision hath as yet been made for that purpose therefore Be it fZH’f/ZW" elzaez‘ed fiy z‘fie aaZ/zoriz‘y aforesaid, ‘That there shall IsaacRose- be allowed to Isaac Rosevelt and William Floyd Esquires, the acting commissioners, each the sum of one hundred pounds as a compensation Floyd. ser— . . . . . vices dur- for the1r services and expences 1n and about the said business; and the ing the treasurer of this State, is hereby required to pay the same out of any War- monies unappropriated which may be in the treasury. And w/iereas by the twenty-fifth section of the act entitled “An act for raising £100,000 within the several counties therein mentioned" passed the sixth day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty- four, it is provided that any of the supervisors, of the city town manor district or precinct wherein any lands lie belonging to absentees and which are or may be advertised for sale conformably to the said act shall proceed to sell and give deeds for the same and ‘whereas there is no supervisors in the city and county of Ne“,r York. ~ Be it eizaez‘ed fiy Z/ze auz‘lzorizfy aforesaid That in all cases Where such Mayor, re- sale is carried into execution it shall and may be lawful for the mayor giggggggd recorder and aldermen of the said city, or any two of' them whereof the .Of New, . . York city mayor or recorder to be one, to do and perform the duties requ1red of to perform the supervisors (respecting the sale of the lands aforesaid) by the said guug’grgfsors section of the act aforesaid. under act A/zd fie ii‘ fzu'Z/ier elzaeled fiy Z/ie azet/zorizj/ aforesaid That it shall and gfsslgzgim may be lawful to and for the treasurer of this State and he is hereby setts’ authorized and required to advance and pay to the agents appointed figgnfggrgm by law for managing the controversy depending between this State and Ont’he part- 0 this the Common wealth of Massachusetts, on the order of any two or State, more of them out of any money in the treasury a sum or sums not ex- ceeding in the whole four thousand pounds to defray the quota of this State of the expences which shall arise in the collection of evidence and the management trial and determination of the said controversy, and the fee of such council as are or may be employed therein, for which the Said agents shall be accountable. And it shall be lawful for such of the said agents respectively, as shall attend the said trial to retain in their hands at and after the rate of eight dollars for every day they shall respectively and actually be absent from their homes on the said business, for their expences, exclusive of such reasonable provis- ion as the legislature shall make for their services. And w/iereas \Villiam Paulding Esquire late a purchasing commissary under the authority of this State did in the execution of his said office bind himself in his private capacity for the payment of sundry debts contracted for porvisions and other articles for the use of the army, for some of which debts he has been arested, and actions are now depend- ing for the same and zo/zereas the said William Paulding hath rendered an account of his transactions in the said office and hath obtained a certificate from the registers office established under the authority of Congress for the ballance due to him, being nine thousand nine hundred and Sixty two dollars and eighty three ninetieth parts of a dollar upfin which interest hath ‘accrued from the date thereof; therefore Be it furl/2e?’ enacted fiy f/ze auZ/zoriz‘y aforesaid That it shall and may William be lawful to and for the treasurer of this State and he is hereby author- gxagllgiglgé ised and required upon the application of the said William Paulding— to or certifi- give him in exchange for the aforesaid certificate, other certificates to Gates for‘ the amount of the said principal sum and the interest thereof out of 176 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 90. William Miller, com pensa- tion for, while a. prisoner. Neal Shaw, certificate to be re- turned to. Com mmis- sioners of forfeitures, advances to. Frederick Benninger, certificate to be issued to. any certificates remaining in the treasury and which by law have been made recievable upon the sale of estates forfeited to and vested in the people of this State. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/iority aforesaid, That the treas— urer of this State is hereby required to pay out of any unappropriated money in the treasury unto William Miller the sum of one hundred pounds, as a full compensation for his pay and sufferings during his confinement as a prisoner among the enemy, at the city of New York in the course of the late war. I/V/zereas Neal Shaw late of the city of New York rope maker lodged in the hands of the treasurer a certain note issued by William ‘Barber Esquire commissioner of congress for settling accounts in this State, the sum of six hundred and seventeen pounds two shillings, in order to countenance his claim to a certain house and lot of land forfeited to the people of this State by the attainder of james jauncy, which house and lot of land have nevertheless been since sold by the commissioners of forfeitures for the southern district, and the monies paid into the treasury of this State for the benefit of the people. And 20/267’6618 altho’ it is reasonable that the said note so lodged by the said Neal Shaw in the treasury for the express purpose aforesaid should be deliv- ered to his legal representatives, yet the treasurer doth not concieve himself justifiable in returning the same without the authority of the legislature. > Be it t/zerefore enacted by t/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said treasurer and he is hereby authorised and required to deliver the said note to the legal representatives of the said Neal Shaw to be applied by them as the law directs. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid That the treas- urer of this State is hereby required to advance on account to the com- missioners of forfeitures appointed by virtue of an act for the speedy sale of confiscated and forfeited estates within this State and for other purposes therein mentioned passed the twelfth day of May one thousand seven hundred and'eighty four of the several districts respectively that is to say, to the commissioner of the middle district a sum not exceed— ing the sum of one hundred pounds, to the commissioners of the western district a sum not exceeding eight hundred pounds, and to the com- missioner of the eastern district a sum not exceeding one hundred and twenty pounds, to enable them to proceed on the business enjoined on them by the aforesaid act, to be paid out of any monies unappropriated which may be in the treasury. And w/zereas Frederick Beninger of the county of Albany has produced to this legislature satisfacttory evidence that fifteen barrels of flour, his property, was delivered by Henry Dencker to persons appointed to receive public flour, and for which he has not received any compensation. Be it t/zerefore enacted by file azct/torizy aforesaid, That it shall be lawful for Udny Hay Esquire to issue to the said Frederick Benninger a certificate (of like tenor as the certificates issued by him as State agent) for the sum of fifty two pounds eight shillings and three pence, with interest at six per cent per annum from the thirtieth day of March one thousand seven hundred and eighty one, and that the said certificate shall be recievable in payment for forfeited and unappropriated lands in like manner as the State agents certificates. And whereas Dinah Rapelje widow and relict of joris Rapalje late of Kings county deceased by virtue of the last will and testament of the said joris was vested with the possession of the lands and tenements of which the said joris Rapalje died seized. And w/zereas the said Dinah CHAP. 90.] EIGHTH SESSION. 177 Rapalje did for and in consideration of a certain yearly support convey her said right of possession to a part of the said lands to john Rapalje in whom the reversion thereof was vested after her decease, and the said lands and tenements being forfeited to the people of this State by the attainder of the said john Rapalje, and the legislature willing to do justice to the said Dinah Rapalje. Be it t/zerefore enacted by tile authority aforesaid That it shall be lawful for the treasurer of this State to pay the said Dinah Rapalje during her natural life out of any unappropriated moneys in the treasury at and after the rate of one hundred and twenty five pounds per annum, to be computed from the first day of july one thousand seven hundred and eighty four. And be it fart/ter enacted by fire aut/zority aforesaid That the said treasurer shall pay unto john Daniel Gross the sum of sixty seven pounds eighteen shillings and three pence in full compensation and pay- ment for forty five hundred one quarter and three pounds of flour by him lent to this State in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty. And w/zerea's Samuel Broom and jeremiah Platt by their petition presented to the legislature among other things set forth that since their removal from this city to New Haven in Connecticut goods and mer- chandize to a very considerable amount have been shiped by their part- ners then in Europe, and other correspondents, for their account, which goods were immediately reshipped for New Haven, and such part as was landed, was immediately carried down to another vessel and conveyed to the said port of New Haven. That the petitioners having given security for the duty arising on such goods, and merchandize have been called upon by the collector of the port for the payment of the same. That the petitioners not having derived any benefit from the sale of the said goods in this State, conceive it to be extremely hard to oblidge them to pay the duties thereon. Be it t/zerefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the said collector and he is hereby authorized and required to remit to the said Samuel Broome and jeremiah Platt the amount of the duties which they owe to this State on such goods and merchandize, as from satisfactory testimony shall appear to the said col- lector to have been reshipped from the port of New York by the said Samuel Broome and jeremiah Platt for the port of New Haven, subse- quent to the act entitled “An act imposing duties on certain goods wares and merchandize imported into this State, passed the 18th day of November 1784, which were unpacked and unopened at the time of such reshipping. ' And be it further enacted by the aut/zority aforesaid That the treasurer of this State be and be hereby is authorized and required to pay to his excellency the governor for sundry expenditures in the late treaty with the Indians the sum of thirty pounds. To Abraham Cuyler Henry Glenn and Peter Schuyler Esquires, commissioners of Indian affairs, for this State, the ballance which may be due them in their account for expenditures in, and in preparations for the said treaty, to be audited by the auditor of this State with the asssistance of the committee appointed to aid him in the execution of his office, together with the sum of forty pounds to each of them for their services from the time they have respectively entered upon the execution of the said office. And to jacob Lansing for eighteen silver gorgets presented at the said treaty, to the principal Indians, the sum of thirty six pounds. And be it also enacted by the authority aforesaid That the commis- sioners to be appointed by virtue of an act entitled “An act for running VOL. 2. —— 23 Dinah Rapalje, annuity to. John Dan- iel Gross, for flour furnished in 1780. Samuel Broome and Jere— miah Platt, remission of duty on goods im- ported by. Indian afl’airs, payment of charges incurred in relation to. Pennsyl- vania boundary 178 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 90. line, com- pensation of commis— sioners, and for expenses. Melancton Smith,quit rent on land in New York Governor to employ erson to ave care of ord- nance, etc. Laws of the State, distribu- tion of copies of, by the State printer. John Mason,and to de- ranged officers, advance of three months’ pa , to be in orsed on certifi- cates. out and marking a jurisdiction line between this State and the Common- wealty of Pennsylvania,” passed the 7th day of March 1785, be and they are hereby respectively allowed at and after the rate of forty shillings per diem for their services, over and above their provisions and neces- saries, while they shall be employed in the said work; the accounts, as well of the expenditures, as of the time of service, to be ascertained and certified to the treasurer, by the auditor of this State; and on such accounts rendered, to be paid by the treasurer of this State. And be it further enacted by tbe authority aforesaid That the treasurer of this State shall be and he is hereby required to pay unto Melancton Smith Esquire such a sum as shall appear to the satisfaction of the said treasurer to have been due and in arrear as quit rent due to the corporation of the city of New York on the day of sale, on a certain lott of land and water lot sold by the commissioners of forfeitures for the southern district to the said Melancton Smith on the second day of August one thousand seven hundred and eighty four. And whereas it is necessary that some person be authorized and ap- pointed to take care of the cannon and other ordnance stores on or near the Battery in the city of New York and to keep the said Battery in repair; Therefore, Be it enacted by tile ant/zority aforesaid That his excellency the governor or person administring the government for the time being, be and hereby is authorized to employ such person or persons, and give such directions as he may think necessary for the purposes aforesaid. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid That the printer for this State be and he is hereby directed to deliver unto his excellency the governor or the person administring the government of this State for the time being thirteen copies of the laws of this State for the use of Congress and the United States and to each of the following persons copies of the Laws and Journals (vizt.) to his excellency the governor or person administring the government for the time being two copies, to each member of the senate and assembly one copy to the chancellor and each of the judges of the Supreme Court one copy to the clerk of the senate three copies, and to the clerk of the assembly six copies for the use of the senate and assembly respectively, to the secretary of the State, the treasurer of the State, the State auditor, and the surveyor general each one copy; to the clerk of the Supreme Court, and to the register of the Court of Chancery each one copy for the use of the said court; to the clerk and treasurer of each county respectively, to the clerk of the supervisors of each county respectively, and to the clerk of each town, manor, district or precinct & to the clerk of the courts of nisi prius and to the register of the Court of Admiralty each one copy. And be it further enacted by the aat/zority aforesaid, That the treasurer of this State is hereby required to pay out of any unappropriated monies which may be in the treasury, after the sum required by Congress and ordered to be paid by an act entitled “ An act directing the treasurer of this State to pay to the treasury of the United States 147,7 341,90 dollars," is fully discharged, to Mr. John Mason, and to each and every of the deranged officers of the late five New York regiments (who have re- ceived certificates for the amount of their pay accrued in the months of October November and December 1780, from the auditors appointed to liquidate and settle the accounts of the troops of this State in the service of the United States) each three months pay, they delivering into the treasury the certificates which they have respectfully received from the said auditors for the said three months pay. - LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK, PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE AT THEIR NINTH SESSION CHAP. 1. AN ACT relative to buildings in the city of New York. PASSED the 31st of January, I786. Be iz‘ enaez‘ed fiy Z/ze People of Z/ze Sz‘az‘e of New York reyresenz‘ed in Buildings Senate and Assenzfily, and i2‘ is fierefiy enaez‘ed fiy z‘fie authority of t/ze same, ‘{flogilfvgity; That all and every fine or penalty incurred before the passing of this penalties act, for any offence or neglect commuted or suffered contrary to the true intent and meaning of an act entitled An act for the more effectual Egglcgltlnlfw preventions of fires, and for regulating of buildings in the city of New ing re— York, passed the 31st of December in the year of our Lord 1761, and mmed" 0f the act entitled An act to amend an act for the more effective pre— vention of fires, and for regulating of buildings in the city of New York, passed the rst of April 1775 shall be and the same are hereby respect- ively remitted; and that the two above mentioned laws be and they hereby are suspended until the first day of January next. CHAP. 2. A supplementary act to the act entitled an act vesting the real estate of Benjamin Moore Senior late of the city of New York sailmaker deceased, in trustees for the payment of his debts, and for other purposes therein mentioned. PASSED the 3Ist of January, 1785. WHEREAS it was necessary in and b the said act that the trustees preamble, thereby appointed, should before theyéxercised any of the powers to 180 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 4. Acts of trustees of . estate of Benjamin Moore. Sr., legalized. Preamble. John Grif~ fen par— doned of a felony. Gerard Ban cker reappoint- ed treas- urer. Oath of office as treasurer. them in and by the said act given file in the court of chancery a bond in such penalty, and to such person or persons as the chancellor should think fit, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the trust and powers vested in the said trustees in and by the said act and to render an account of the aforesaid estate when thereunto required. And w/zereas the absence of the chancellor from the city of New York after the pass- ing of the said act, prevented the filing of the said bond agreeable to the directions of the said act. Be it enacted by the People of tbe State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly and it is lzereby enacted by t/ze aat/zority of the same, That the said bond filed by the said trustees as aforesaid, and all and every of their proceedings under the said act, before and since the filing of the said bond shall be and hereby are declared to be as good valid and effectual in law and equity, to all intents constructions and pur- poses what soever as if the said bond had been filed before any proceed- ings were had in virtue and pursuance of the said act, any thing in the aforesaid act to he contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. GHAP. 3. AN ACT to pardon john Griffen of the felony therein men- tioned. PASSED the 31st of january, 1786. WHEREAS john Griffen late of Bedford in the county of Westchester labourer, was indicted, tried and convicted of the murder of john Stron late of the said county, and was sentenced to be executed for the said felony and murder; and w/zereas for certain special reasons sug- gested to the Legislature, it is deemed proper to pardon the said john Griffen. Therefore Be it enacted by the People of t/ze State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly and it is hereby enacted by t/ze aat/zority of tbe saine, That the said john Griffen, be and he is hereby fully and absolutely discharged and pardoned, of and from the felony aforesaid, and the conviction aforesaid and from execution and all forfeitures thereon. CHAP. 4. AN ACT to continue the treasurer of this State in office. PASSED the 4th of February, 1786. Be it enacted by the People of tile State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by the ant/zority of tbe sanze, That Gerard Bancker Esquire shall be, and he hereby is continued in office as treasurer of this State, until sixty days after the rising of the Legislature at their next meeting, after the first Monday in july, which will be in the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and eighty eight. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by the antbority aforesaid, That the Said Gerard Bancker Esquire, if he shall take upon him the execution of the said office, Shall on or before the first day of April next, appear before CHAP. 5.] NINTH SESSION. 181 one of the judges of the supreme court of this State, and take the following oath, vizt — I Gerard Bancker appointed treasurer of this State do solemnly and sincerely swear and declare in the presence of Almighty God, that I will during my continuance therein, well, faithfully and honestly, to the best of my knowledge and ability, execute the office'of treasurer of this State: and that I will not on any occasion or pretence apply any monies which shall or may come to my hands as belonging to this State to any private uses or purposes whatsoever, so help me God. And be it fnrt/ier enacted by fire azct/zority aforesaid, That the speaker of the Assembly for the time being, shall take a bond from the above named Gerard Bancker on or before the said first day of April next, with not less than four sufficient securities, to the people of this State, in the sum of twenty thousand pounds, lawful money of this State, with a condition that he the said Gerard Bancker shall and will well, faithfully, and honestly execute and perform the duties of the said office ; which bond when so taken, shall be lodged in the secretary’s office of this State. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That if the said Gerard Bancker shall upon the expiration of the time for which by this act he is continued in office, procure and lodge in the office of the sec- retary of the State, a certificate duly executed by the auditor of the State and the committee appointed or to be appointed to assist the auditor in the settlement of the public accounts, expressing that the accounts of the said Gerard Bancker as treasurer are regularly stated and ballanced, and also that the ballance of money if any there be is actually in the treasury, such certificate when lodged in the office of the secretary of the State as aforesaid shall be to all intents and purposes a discharge of the bond directed by this act to be given by the treas- urer, with securities, for the faithful performance of the duties of his office as aforesaid. \ And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze 'aat/zority aforesaid, That immediately after the execution of the bond aforesaid, the securities heretofore by the said Gerard Bancker given as treasurer of this State, shall be, and they are hereby discharged from their several obligations ; any thing in this, or any other law of this State, to the contrary hereof notwithstand- ing. CHAP. 5. AN ACT to revive and continue an act entitled An act to amend an act entitled An act to lay a duty of tonnage on vessels for defraying the expence of the light house at Sandy Hook, and also the act thereby amended. PASSED the 4th of February, 1786. WHEREAS the said amended act hath expired by its own limitation—— Therefore Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by t/ze authority of tbe same, That the act entitled “An act to lay a duty of tonnage on vessels, for defraying the expence of the light house at Sandy Hook” passed the 12th day of February I784; and also the act passed 15th February 1785, entitled “ An act to amend an act entitled An act to lay a duty of Bond to be given to speaker of assembly. Former bond, how dis- charged. Sureties on former bond , when discharged of liability. Acts re- cited, re- vived. 182 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 7. Clerk of master and wardens, ort of ew York , salary in- creased. Dominick. Lynch natural ized. ' Preamble . Trials by battle abolished . tonnage on vessels, for defraying the expence of the lighthouse at Sandy Hook, passed the 12th February 1784” shall be, and the said acts are hereby revived and continued in force, until the first day of May, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety. And whereas by the sixth section of the act aforesaid, passed the 12th day of February 1784, the sum of forty pounds per is allowed to the clerk of the master and warden of the port of New York, which sum the said master and wardens represent as inadequate to his services, Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That from and after the passing of this act, and during the continuance thereof the sum of fifty pounds per annum shall be allowed and paid to the clerk of the master and wardens of the port of New York out of the monies to be raised by virtue of this act. CHAP. 6. AN ACT to naturalize Dominick Lynch. PASSED the 4th of February, I786. WHEREAS Dominick Lynch, hath by his petition prayed to be natural- ized. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the said Dominick Lynch shall be and he hereby is naturalized and shall from and immediately after having taken and subscribed in any court of record within this State the oath of allegiance to this State, and abjured and renounced all allegiance and subjection to all and every foreign King Prince Potentate and State, in all matters ecclesi- astical as well as civil, be deemed a citizen of this State, to all intents constructions and purposes whatsoever ; and that the court in which the said oath shall be administered, shall cause an entry thereof to be made in the records of the said court, and shall give to him a certificate thereof, for which the judges of the said court shall be entitled to demand and receive six shillings, and the clerks of such court three shillings, and no more. CHAP. 7. AN ACT for regulating trials upon writs of right. PASSED the 6th of February, 1786. WHEREAS formerly trials upon writs of right were by battle ,or the grand assise, and whereas the barbarous custom of trials by battle hath deservedly fallen into disuse but hath never been abrogated by law. And whereas by the institution of the trial by the grand assise four knights are to be summoned to elect the recognitors. And whereas there is not nor cannot by law be any such order of men in this State. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That trials by battle in all cases shall be and hereby are forever abol- ished. CHAP. 7.] NINTH SESSION. 183 And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid That in all writs arena as- hereafter to be issued for Summoning electors of the grand assise, instead $3,135,” of the words “Four lawfull knights of your county girt with swords” W110 to'be the words “ Four good and lawful men of your county ” shall be inserted; igfnmmd and that every of the said men to be summoned and returned to make election of the grand assise shall always be such as are or shall be duly qualified to vote for senators, according to the Constitution of this State. And fie- it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That if either Challenges party shall have cause to challenge the electors so summoned and returned or any of them such challenge shall be taken and made upon mined- their appearance and before they be sworn to make election of the grand assise, and not after; and the justices shall thereupon proceed to try and determine such challenges in such manner as challenges in-cases of common juries are by law to be tried and determined. And if any such electors shall be found not duly qualified or not indifferent between the parties, then a new writ Shall be issued for summoning another or others as the case may require and those who are not challenged or found duly qualified and indifferent between the parties as well as the parties shall be adjourned over to the day of the return of such new writ. And when such four electors as shall not be challenged or shall be found duly Recogni- qualified and indifferent shall appear they shall be severally sworn law- ggfgégc’lw fully and truly to chuse in the presence of the parties, in addition to and Surp- themselves, twenty other good and lawful men of the county who best 312332;“ know and will declare the truth between the parties to make recognition of the grand assise and every of the recognitors so to be chosen by the said four electors shall always be such men as shall be duly qualified by the laws of this State to serve as jurors upon trials at bar in the supreme court: and if either party shall have cause to challenge any of the said recognitors such challenge shall be taken and made before the said four electors who shall immediately try and determine the same. And if any man named by the said four electors as a recognitor shall be chal- lenged and found not duly qualified or not indifferent between the par- ties they shall leave his name out of the pannel and chuse another in his stead and when they have compleated a panel of twenty four recognit- ors of themselves and others as aforesaid they shall in their proper per- sons return and deliver the same to the justices in open court. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid That upon the Recogni- delivery of such pannel into court, a writ shall issue to the proper officer 11383233213}; commanding him to cause the said recognitors to come before the jus- gixteen '10 tices at a certain day and place to make recognition of the grand assise eswom' between the parties: And if the cause is to be tried at the circuit court in any of the counties a proper clause of nisi prius Shall be inserted in such writ for the purpose. And when a sufficient number of the said recognitors shall appear to make the said recognition, such of them as do appear shall be called and sworn as they stand upon the said pannel, until sixteen of them shall be sworn, who shall make the said recogni- tlon. Ana fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That it a sufficient Elecogni- _ . . . . . ors,at- number of the said recognitors to make the said recognition shall not tendance appear at the return of the first process for summoning, them, writs of gaggg 6”‘ distringas shall be issued against them from time to time until they shall appear. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid That all trials Trials or upon writs of right shall be had in the county where the tenements in of demand shall be Situated unless the court upon motion of either party gehgieito shall order the trial to be at the bar of the supreme court. 184 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 8. Preamble, Secretary to procure blanks and distribute to sheriffs. Sheriff to distribute blanks to consta- bles; con- stables to enumerate the inhabi- tants; de- livery of returns to sheriflf and secretary. Secretary to make summary of returns. Penalty for neglect of duty by sheriff or constable. CHAP. 8' AN ACT for taking the number of inhabitants within this State. PASSED the 8th of February, 1786. WHEREAS in order fully to comply with the act of congress of the 18th day of April 1783, it is become necessary to take the number of all the inhabitants Within this State, except Indians, not paying taxes. Be it enacted éy Z/ze Peopie 0f the State of New York represented 2'72 Senate and Assemély, and it is lzereéy enaez‘ezz’ ey t/ze azez‘fim'z'zfy of Me same, That the secretary of this State, shall forthwith, cause a competent number of blank returns to be printed in the form of the schedule annexed to this act, and shall, on, or before the first day of April next deliver or cause to be delivered, to the sherif of each county within this State for the time being, such a number of the said returns, as the said secretary shall deem sufficient to accomplish the purposes intended by this act, together with a copy of this act. That it shall be the duty of each sherif, on or before, the first day of May next, to deliver or cause to be delivered a competent number of such returns, to any one of the constables in each of the districts Within his county, requiring and commanding such constable, to take the num- ber of the inhabitants within his district, and to enter the number of inhabitants under the respective heads in the returns so to be delivered by the sherif, and after having taken the number of the inhabitants, and entered them as before directed, to subscribe such return, certifying the same to be a true return on his oath of office, and deliver or cause the same to be delivered to the sherif in Whose county such constable doth reside, on or before the fifteenth day of June next. And each sherif is hereby strictly required to deliver or cause to be delivered all the returns, compleated in the manner aforesaid from the different districts within his county countersigned by himself, and certifying on his oath of office, that the returns so by him, delivered, are the true returns made to him by the respective constable, to the secretary of the State, on or before the first day of August next, and the secretary of the State shall within one month next after he shall have received the returns from the different sherifs, make out one general return, containing a like number of col- umns as in the schedule annexed, and captined in like manner, except the first column, over which shall be written “ names of the counties ” and opposite to each county, and under the respective heads contained in the other columns, he shall enter the aggregate of all the numbers contained in the corresponding columns of the district returns, and having made out such general return, and signed the same, shall deliver the same to the person adminstering the government of the State for the time being, to be by him, transmitted to congress. And 6e it further enaez‘ed éy z‘lze auz‘lzorz'zfy aferesaz'a’, That if any con- stable shall neglect or refuse to perform the duties enjoined him by this act, or shall not deliver or cause to be delivered to the sherif, the return by this act required, on or before the time by this act appointed, such delinquent constable shall forfeit to the people of this State, the sum of ten pounds, and a like further sum of ten pounds for every month he shall continue so delinquent, to be recovered by the sherif of the county in his own name, before any justice of the peace, and the fine or- fines so recovered, to pay into the treasury of this State, and on every judg ment to be rendered for such fine or fines, execution shall issue forth- CHAP. 9.] NINTH sEssIoN. 185 with after such judgment rendered. And further that if any sherif shall not perform the duties enjoined him by this act, or shall neglect or refuse to make the return to the Secretary of the State by the time in this act mentioned, such delinquent sherif shall forfeit to the people of this State the sum of fifty pounds, and a like further sum of fifty pounds for every month he shall continue delinquent to be recovered by the Secretary of the State in his own name in any court of record within this State, and the fine or fines so recovered to pay into the treasury of this State, Provided always that such delinquent sherif shall not be Plrovigo; t liable to prosecution by this act, if on the said first day of August next, $36.51, he shall file a certificate in the Secretarys office signed by the magistrate ggll'lgtiffigt before whom a delinquent constable has been brought and prosecuted, - ' that Such delinquent constable was convicted. And provided also that at the end of every future month whilst the sherif continues so delin- quent, he shall file such certificate as aforesaid. And be it fart/ter enacted by tlze antlzorizy aforesaid, -That the sherifs Qompffmsa- and constables Shall severally be allowed Such sum for their Services, as sheriffs the corporation of the city of New York, and the supervisors of the gélglggnr several counties shall respectively deem an adequate compensation for ' the duties enjoined by this act; and that such allowance shall be deemed a county charge, and be levied and paid in like manner, as other county charges are levied and paid. SCHEDULE. CITIZENS AND INHABITANTS. SLAVES. Schedule. Names of M l ‘ Indians the heads of Males b01686 Males Females Females Male Female who pay families. under 16 aand gdler above 60 under 16 above 16 negro negro taxes. , years. 60 yléars ’ years. years. years. slaves. slaves. CHAP. 9. AN ACT for the better levying and accounting for fines, forfeit- ures, issues, amerciaments, and debts due to the people of this State. PASSED the 9th of February, 1786. Be it enacted by tlze People of tlze State of [Vew Yorb, represented in Court of Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by tlze azct/zorizy of tlze same, Egfifflgfi" That the junior justice of the supreme court of judicature of this State‘ by thetiun- for the time being, or in his absence, one other of the puisne justices of Birth‘? we the Same court, shall and may, during every term of the said supreme Z‘éf’liilne court, or during Such part thereof as may be necessary, in some con- jurisdiction venient place near where the said supreme court shall then sit, hold a of court‘ court for the hearing and determining of all causes matters, and things concerning fines, forfeitures, issues, amerciaments and debts due to the people of this State, according to law and the course of the exchequer. And that it shall and may be lawful to and for such justice to cause due process of law to be issued for the levying of all fines, forfeitures, issues VOL. 2.— 24. 186 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 9. Justice may trans- fer cases to the supreme court. Clerk of court, appoint- ment and duties. Seal of the court. Process , how tested. and amerciaments which have been, or hereafter may be set, laid, imposed, assessed, lost, or adjudged in any court of record of this State; and to cause all sherifs, coroners and other officers who have received, or here- after shall or may receive any monies for any such fines, forfeitures, issues, or amerciaments, duly to account for the same; and to examine audit, and settle such accounts; and to cause the sums which shall appear or be found to be due thereon to be duly paid; and to cause due process of law to be issued for recovering all monies upon recognizances for- feited, or to become forfeited to the people of this State; and to hear and determine all questions and matters concerning the same, and the forfeiture thereof; and upon good cause shewn to remit any such for- feiture, or part thereof and to discharge such recognizance according to equity and justice. And further that it shall and may be lawful to and for such justice in all cases of difficulty to adjourn the cause and matter, and deliver the record thereof into the supreme court, where the same shall be heard and determined; and then the said record shall be sent back by the clerk of the said supreme court, to the said court so to be held before the junior, or other puisne justice of the said supreme court, in order that execution may be there done according to law. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the justices of the ‘supreme court for the time being, from time to time, when and as often as may be necessary, by rule or order, to be entered in the min- utes of the same supreme court, shall nominate, and the chief justice of the same supreme court, under his hand and the seal of the same supreme court, commission an experienced and proper person to be clerk of the court so to be held, who shall be called the clerk of the exchequer in the supreme court, and shall hold his office during the pleasure of the justices of the said supreme court. And such clerk shall make and enter all such minutes, memorandums and records, and make and issue all such process as such justice who shall hold such exchequer court shall from time to time direct. And shall receive and be accountable for all monies to be paid into the said court. And shall yearly on the first day of January term in every year, make a just and true account, upon his oath, of all monies paid into the said exchequer court, and of all expences by him paid for stationary, and other necessaries for the said office, and produce the same account to such justice as may then hold the same exchequer court, for his allowance and approbation thereof; and shall within twenty days thereafter deliver a true copy of such account, so approved, to the treasurer of this State for the time being, and pay to the same treasurer, for the use of this State, the amount of such account, after deducting thereout, the sallary allowed to the said clerk, and the sums so allowed for necessaries as aforesaid; upon pain of forfeiting his office for any neglect of his duty therein, besides being answerable for the money in his hands. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the justices of the supreme court for the time being, shall devise and cause to be made a seal for the said exchequer court, upon which shall be engraved the words New York Exchequer Seal, and shall deliver a description thereof in writing to the secretary of this State, to be deposited and recorded among the records of this State, and shall deliver the said seal to the clerk of the said exchequer court, who shall pay for the same, out of the monies to be by him received as aforesaid. And further that all pro- cess of the said exchequer court shall be made in the name of the people of the State of New York, and be tested in the name of the junior jus- tice of the supreme court for the time being, and signed by the clerk of the said court of exchequer, and sealed with the said seal so to be made; CHAP. 9.] NINTH SESSION. 187 and shall be returnable as follows; that is to say “Before one of our justices of our supreme court in our court of exchequer ” on such day as the said court of exchequer may then be appointed to be held, where- soever the same court shall then be held. - And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That every such Clerk,oath clerk, so to be appointed, before he enters upon the execution of his 82,32,058; office, shall take the oaths required by law to be taken by ministerial tion. officers; and shall be allowed and paid the yearly salary of two hundred and fifty pounds for his services; but Shall not upon any pretence whatsoever, have, receive, accept, or take, any fees, perquisites or reward whatsoever for any of the services by him to be oerformc l, in the execu- tion of his said office. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That no justice Justicenet of the said supreme court, who may at any time hold the said court of jgegeggwe exchequer, shall have, receive, accept or take any fees, perquisites, or perquisites reward whatsoever for any services by him to be performed by virtue of this act; his salary and fees as justice of the supreme court, being con— sidered as a full compensation for the services aforesaid. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That the respective Annual re- clerks of every court of record in this State, shall yearly, on the first Zilgr‘iisbg’f day of the term of July in every year, make and deliver into the said Courtg of court of exchequer a just and true account and estreat of all fines, for- iiigorieuii feitures, issues, and amerciaments, set, laid, imposed, assessed lost or Sgfxgggil‘ adjudged, and of all recognizances forfeited, before the first day of alty’ for June, immediately preceeding the first day of July term, on which such neglect account shall be rendered, in and by the respective courts of which they are or shall be clerks, together with the said recognizances; noting in every such account and estreat, where any such fines, forfeitures, issues or amerciaments have been paid, or process issued, or the person com- mitted, for the same, to whom such payment or committment was made, and what process has been issued, and to what officer; upon pain that every clerk who shall neglect his duty therein, shall not only forfeit his office, but become and be answerable for all such fines, forfeitures, issues, and amerciaments, and the amount of all such recognizances, as such clerk shall neglect to give an account of, and estreat and deliver as aforesaid. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That all sherifs, Sherifls, coroners and other officers, who have, or hereafter shall, or may receive, or be accountable, for any such fines, forfeitures, issues, or amercia- %°?°untifé8 . y,pena. y ments, shall yearly, on the first day of the term of July, 1n every year, for neg- render a just and true account thereof, on oath, to the said court of 160"‘ exchequer; and the same account being examined, audited and settled by the judge of the same court, shall pay the ballance appearing or found due on such account, if any there be in favor of the people of this State, to the clerk of the said court; and upon payment thereof, the said court of exchequer shall make and grant to such sherif, coroner, or other officer, a quietus or discharge for the same, under the seal of the said court of exchequer. And if any such sherif, coroner, or other officer, shall not pay such ballance so found due, within twenty days after the auditing of his account, execution shall be issued against him for the same; and if any such sherif, coroner, or other officer, shall refuse or neglect to make or render such account, such officer so neg lecting or refusing, shall be liable to pay all such sums of money as shall be, or ought to have been, or might have been, received by him for any such fines, forfeitures, issues, or amerciaments, as well as all such fines, forfeitures, issues and amerciaments, as shall have been set, laid, imposed, 188 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR IO. Suits, by Whom prosecuted. Execu- tions, is- suance of, proceed— ings un- der, and return of. Clerk to give bond. Preamble; estate of Anne Avery, de- ceasedJate of New York city. assessed, lost or adjudged, by, or against, or upon, such officer so neg- lecting or refusing, in any court of record in this State; and execu- tion shall thereupon be issued against such officer for the same. A na’ Zze it therefore enacted éy Z/ze anZ/zerz'zjl aforesaid, That all suits in the said court of exchequor, shall be followed and prosecuted by the clerk of the said court, or the attorney general of this State, and by no other person. And xccutions to be issued by the said court shall be against the body, lands and goods of the debtor or the defend- ant, commanding the officer, to whom the said executions shall be directed, to cause to be made of the goods and chattles of such debtor or defendant, in his bailiwick or county, the debt or sum of money in the said execution specified; and if sufficient goods and chattels of such debtor or defendant to satisfy such debt, shall not be found in the baili- wick, or county, of the officer, to whom such execution shall be directed, that then he diligently enquire, by the oath, of good and lawful men of his bailiwick or county, what lands and tenements, the same debtor or defendant hath or was seised of in his said bailiwick or county, on the day such debt accrued, or such monies became due, which shall be par- ticularly specified in such writ of execution; and that of all and singular those lands and tenements, in whose hands soever they may then be, he cause to be made the said debt specified in such execution; and that he take the body of the said debtor or defendant, and him in prison safely keep, until he shall fully satisfy the people of this State of the said debt. But where sufficient goods and chattels of such debtor or defendant shall be found to satisfy such debt, his land shall not be sold, nor his body taken in execution for the same debt. And when any such execu- tion shall be issued against any sherif, coroner or other officer, while in office, or against any heir, executor or administrator, such execution shall not be against their bodies; but only against the lands goods and chattels, of such sherif, coroner or other officer, or the lands, goods and chattels of the ancestor, testator, or intestate, of such heir, executor, or administrator. And a if fari/zer i/zerefore enaez‘ea’ fiy z‘lze aaz‘lzorz'z‘y aferesaz'a’, That the said clerk of the court of exchequer, shall before he enter upon the dis- charge of any of the duties directed to be performed by him in and by this act, give a bond with two sureties to be approved of by one of the judges of the supreme court, to the people of this State, in the sum of two thous- and pounds, conditioned for the true and faithful performance of the duties of his said office; and shall file such bond in the office of the clerk of the supreme court. til-tac- .-.11 A LllaL 61.1.]. L, CHAP. 10. AN ACT to enable the administrator, with the will annexed, of Anne Avory, widow, deceased, to cary the said will into effect. PASSED the 20th of February, 1786. WHEREAS it appears to this legislature, that Anne Avory, late of the city of New York, widow, deceased, by her last will and testament duly executed, did appoint Francis Brashier, and Bernardus Legrange, late of New Brunswick in the State of New jersey, to be executors of her said will, with power to sell certain portions of her real estate in fee simple: Ana’, whereas the said Francis Brashier is since dead; and the said Bernardus Legrange is removed into parts beyond sea: and w/zereas CHAP. 11.] NINTH SESSION. 189 by occasion of the premises; administration with the will annexed, of the estate of the said Anne Avory, is in due form of law granted to Abraham Beach, of the city of New York clerk. Therefore, Be it enacted by tlie People of tlze State of New Yer/e, represented in Senate and Assembly; and it is liereby enacted by tlze ant/iority of the same; That it Shall and may be lawful to and for the said Abraham Beach, and he is hereby fully authorized and enabled to sell the land, whereof the said testatrix so died seized, in the county of Albany; and to make, seal, and execute, good and sufficient deeds, and conveyances, for the same, in fee Simple, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes, as the executors named in the said will, might, or could, lawfully have done; and to distribute and apply the monies to arise therefrom, as the said will directs : Provided always, that the said Abraham Beach, before he enters upon the execution of the trust hereby in him reposed, Shall give bond with such security, and in such manner, as the chancellor shall direct, for the faithful performance of the said trust. CHAP. l 1. AN ACT to raise a fund for defraying the damages done by dogs in the county of Richmond. PASSED the 20th of February, I786. WHEREAS many of the inhabitants within the county of Richmond in the State'of New York have sustained great losses occasioned by dogs killing their sheep without being able to obtain redress. I. Be it enacted by tlze People of tlie State of New Yorle represented in Senate and Assembly and it is hereby enacted by tlze ant/rarity of tlze same That it shall and may be lawful for the collector in each respect- ive precinct and manner within the said county once in every year after the first day of May next during the continuance of this act to demand and receive of and from all persons, having the property in or keeping any dog or dogs of what kind soever of three months old and upwards the sum of two shillings for any dog kept by any one person or family the sum of six shillings for the second dog, and the sum of twelve Shil- lings for every dog above the number of two to be kept as aforesaid. II. And be it enacted by tlze antbority aforesaid That if any per- son or persons having property in or keeping any dog or dogs of what kind soever as aforesaid shall neglect or refuse to pay unto the collector of their respective precincts or manor the sum or sums as aforesaid twenty days after the same is demanded it Shall and may be lawful and it is hereby made the duty of the collector of each respective precinct or manor to commence & prosecute his or their action or actions against any delinquent or delinquents for the recovery of the same, with costs of suit, before any justice of the peace for the said county. And if any person or persons shall deny that he, She or they, have property in or keep any dog or dogs, yet if it can be proved that Such person or persons are in possession of or suffer the Same to remain about his or her house twenty days before the demand made by the col- lector, he she or they shall be deemed to be owner or owners of such dog or dogs and liable to the payment of the aforesaid tax, to be recov— ered as above. And if any dog or dogs shall continue or keep about any persons house twenty days and no person appearing within that time to claim such dog or dogs, it Shall and may be lawful for such Adminis- trator with will an- nexed given au- thority to dispose of real estate. Proviso; bond to be given Preamble . Tax laid on dogsin Richmond county. Collection of tax, how enforced. 190 LAws OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 11. person having such dog or dogs about his house as aforesaid to kill the same at any time after the said twenty days. Damage III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That when ggggibgow any person or persons within the said county shall have sustained dam- ggfifé‘a damages by dogs of any kind as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful ' for him her or them to call in the persons who are or shall be appointed fence viewers in each respective precinct of the said county for the time being who reside next adjacent to the person or persons where the damage shall happen, who are hereby empowered to view the sheep so killed or hurt. And if it shall appear to their satisfaction that they were killed by dogs only; then the said fence viewers shall certify the same, with the true and real value of the sheep or damage sustained, and the number killed or hurt under their hands, which certificate shall be a sufficient voucher to the supervisors for paying the value of the sheep or damage therein expressed. where IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That when- ililfigg’ ever sheep within the said county shall hereafter be killed or hurt by . ggvéuliiraglte any dog or dogs, and it can be proved whose dog or dogs it was that for dam- did the damage if the owner or owners of such dog or dogs shall neg- age- lect or refuse to kill the same and make satisfaction to the person or persons injured after demand made it shall and may be lawful for the person or persons so injured to get the value of the sheep or the dam- ages certified by the aforesaid fence viewers and commence his her or their action or actions against the owner or owners of such dog or dogs before any justice of the peace of the said county and recover the same with costs of suit. , Dogs found V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That if any 3131,15,, person or persons shall find any dog or dogs worrying or_killing any be killed- sheep it shall and may be lawful for them immediately to kill such dog . or dogs and if it shall be proved that such dog or dogs had before killed sheep and the same Came to the knowledge of the owner or possessor thereof then and in such case it shall and may be lawful for the person or persons injured to get the value of the sheep or damages certified as above and to commence his her or their action for the recovery thereof as aforesaid. Collectors, VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the col- duty of‘ lector or collectors of each respective precinct within the said county shall keep a book and therein enter the names of every person in his or their respective precincts or manors keeping dogs, and the number thereof with the tax or sums collected by virtue of this act and shall pay the same into the hands of the county treasurer to be disposed of by the supervisors for the purposes above mentioned. Fees of VII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the col- conectors' lector or Collectors of each respective precinct or manor within the said county shall retain and keep in his and their hands one shilling in the pound for all sums by him or them collected and paid in pursuance of this act. Penalty for VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That if either neglect‘ of the collectors of any of the precincts or manor within the said county shall refuse or neglect to collect-the taxes aforesaid and do what is enjoined upon them by this act, he or they so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of five pounds to be recovered by action of debt before any justice of the peace of the said county with costs of suit by any person or persons who will prosecute the same to effect, the one half to the prosecutor, and the other half to be applied to the uses aforesaid. CHAP. 12.] NINTH SESSION. ' 191 CHAP. I 2. AN ACT to abolish entails, to confirm conveyances by tenants in tail, to regulate descents, and to direct the mode of convey- ances to joint tenants. PASSED the 23d of February, 1786. Be it enacted fiy the People of the State of New York represented in Estates Senate and Assenzfity, and it is herefiy enacted fiy the authority of the same, 153111163901’ That all estates tail shall be and are hereby abolished ; and that in all ‘ cases where any person or persons now is or are, or if the act herein after mentioned and repealed had not been passed would now be seised in fee-tail, of any lands, tenements or hereditaments, such person and persons shall be deemed to be seised of the same in fee simple absolute. And further That in all cases where any person or persons would, Estates to if the said act and this present act had not been passed, at any time l’ggttgll hereafter become seised in fee-tail of any lands, tenements, or heredita- shall be’- ments, by virtue of any devise, gift, grant or other conveyances, here- 23523,?‘ tofore made, or hereafter to be made, or by any other means whatso- fee-Simple- ever, such person and persons instead of becoming seised thereof in fee-tail, shall be deemed and adjudged to become seised thereof in fee simple absolute. . And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That where any Title of lands, tenements, or hereditaments heretofore have been devised, gg'iggsggrs granted, or otherwise conveyed, by a tenant in tail, and the person or devised _by 1 - tenants 1!) persons to whom such oevlse, grant or other conveyance hath been taihcon- made, his her or their heirs or assigns have Or hath, from the time such firmed- devise took effect, or from the time such grant, or other conveyance, ' was made, to the day of the passing of this act, been in the uninter- rupted possession of such lands, tenements or hereditaments, and claim- ing and holding the same under, or by virtue of such devise, grant or other conveyance, then such devise, grant or other conveyance shall be deemed as good, legal and effectual, to all intents and purposes, as if such tenant in tail had, at the time of the making of such devise, grant or other conveyance, been seised of such lands, tenements or heredit- aments in fee simple any law to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That where any Inheri- person shall die seised of any lands, tenements or hereditaments, with- giflfibgfée out devising the same in due form of law and leaving more than one 59mm , . . . . res intes- person lawful 1ssue, or wlthout lawful 1ssue, the Inheritance shall here- tate. after, in the five Several following cases, descend and go, as in each case is particularly specified ; that is to say, First. In case the person, so seised, shall leave several persons lawful Equal issue, in the direct line of lineal descent, and all of equal degree of 38%;‘: of consanguinity, to the person so seised,the inheritance shall then d'escend guinity- to the said several persons, as tenants in common, in equal parts, how- ever remote from the person so seised, the common degree of consan— guinity may be, in the same manner as if they were all daughters of the person so seised. Secondly. In case the said person, so seised, shall die leaving lawful Diflerent issue of different degrees of consanguinity to him, or her, the said 33%;?“ person so seised, the inheritance shall descend to the lawful child Or guininy' children of the said person so seised, if any or either of them be then living, and to the lawful issue of such of the children of the said person so seised, as shall be then dead, leaving lawful issue, as tenants in com- 192 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 12. When father and mother inherit. When brothers and sisters inherit; whole and half blood. Brother or sister’s children to succeed to I parents‘ share . Proviso; estates in courtesy and dower not af— fected. Posthu- mous chil- dren to in- herit as if born in lifetime of father. mon, such issue always to inherit if one person solely, and if several persons, as tenants in common, in equal parts, such share only as would have descended to his her or their parent, if such parent had been then living: and each of the lawful children of the said person so seised, always to inherit such share, as would have descended to him, or her, if all the children of the said person so seised who shall be then dead, leaving lawful issue, had been living at the time of the death of the said person so seised: And if there be no child, of the said person so seised living, at the time of the death of the said person so seised, and only a grand child, or grand children, and the lawful issue of a grand child, or grand children, who shall be then dead leaving lawful issue, then the inheritance shall descend to such grand child, or grand children of the person so seised, and to the lawful issue of such of the grand children of the said person so seised, as shall be then dead leaving law- ful issue as tenants in common; such issue always to inherit, if one per- son solely, and if several persons, as tenants in common, in equal parts, such share only as would have descended to his, her or their parent, if such parent had been then living; and each of the grand children, of the said person so seised, who shall be living at the time of the death of the person so seised, always to inherit such share, as would have descended to him, or her, if all the grand children of the said person so seised, who shall be then dead leaving lawful issue, had been living at the time of the death of the said person so seised. And the same law of inheritance and descent shall be observed in case of the death of the grand children, and other descendants, to the remotest degree. T/zirdly, In case the said person so seised shall die without lawful issue, leaving a father, then the inheritance shall go to the father of the said person so seised in fee-simple, unless the said inheritance came to the person so seised from the part of his or her mother, in which case it shall descend as if such person so seised had survived his or her father. Foart/z/y, In case the said person so seised, shall after the death of his or her father, die without lawful issue leaving a brother or sister, or leaving a brother or brothers and a sister or sisters, the inheritance shall descend to such brothers or sisters, or to such brother or brothers and sister or sisters, as the case may be as tenants in common, in equal parts. And in such case every brother and sister of the half blood, of the said person so seised, shall inherit equally with those of the whole blood; unless where such inheritance came to the said person so seised, by descent, devise, or gift of some one of his or her ancestors; in which case, all those who are not of the blood of such ancester shall be excluded from such inheritance. And Fzftlzly, In case any such brother or sister who would have inherited by this law, if living, shall die before the said person so seised, and leave a lawful child or children, such child or children surviving the said per- son so seised, shall inherit, if a child, solely, and if children, as tenants in common, in equal parts, such share as would have descended to his, her or their father or mother, if such father or mother had survived the said person so seised. And in all cases of descent not particularly pro- vided for by this act, the common law shall govern. Provided always and be it fnrt/zer enaeted oy the authority aforesaid, That nothing herein contained, shall be construed to bar or injure vthe right or estate of a husband as tenant by the courtesy; or a widow’s right of dower. And oe it further enaeted oy t/ze authority aforesaid, That all posthu- mus children shall in all cases whatsoever, inherit in like manner as if, they were born in the lifetime of their respective fathers. CHAP. 13.] NINTH SESSION. 193 And &e if farz‘lzer enacted by the auz‘lzorz'z‘y aforesaid, That no estate in Joint ten- joint-tenancy, in lands, tenements or hereditaments, shall be held or gé‘t‘ilt’gfthoat claimed by or under any grant, devise or conveyance whatsoever, here- be consid- after to be made, other than to executors or trustees, unless the prem- $1153 ises therein mentioned shall expressly be thereby declared to pass, not in tenancy in common, but in joint tenancy; and every such estate other than to executors or trustees, unless otherwise expressly declared as aforesaid, shall be deemed to be in tenancy in common: any law cus- tom or usage to the contrary notwithstanding. A Md be it fZU’Z/ZKI’ EiZdCl‘é’d oy Z/ze aaZ/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That the act enti- Apt re- tled “An act to abolish entails, to confirm conveyances by tenants in $5525?- tail, to distribute estates real of intestates, to remedy defective convey- ances to joint-tenants, and directing the mode of such conveyances in future” passed the twelfth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two, shall be, and hereby is repealed: but all descents and conveyances which have happened or been made, since the passing of the said act, hereby repealed, shall take effect according to the said act: Provided always, That notwithstanding any Provismas thing in the said act contained, every grant conveyance or devise here- giggzg'iges tofore made, or hereafter to be made, to executors or trustees, shall be made While deemed to be in joint-tenancv, and not in tenancy in common. ‘éitg‘itflidm OI'CO. CHAP. 13. AN ACT for transcribing certain records of patents. PASSED the 23d of February, 1786. WHEREAS certain of the records of patents in the office of the secre— Preamble, tary of the State, are by various accidents so injured, that a frequent recourse to them may render them illegible; to prevent which. Be it enaeted oy Z/ze People of file State of New York, represented 2'72 SEIZ- committee az‘e and Assemoly, and ‘2'! is hereoy enaez‘ed oy Me aat/zorz'ty of t/ze same, gniiugggin' That the secretary of State for the time being, shall transcribe, or cause transcrib- to be transcribed in his office, such of the said records of patents as the gfifnftghii’, said secretary, James Duane, Isaac Roosevelt, Samuel Jones and Rich- gfsfigcre' ard Varick Esquires, or a majority of them shall deem necessary. And office. that such transcripts being compared with their originals, shall be certi— fied by the said secretary to be true copies of the originals aforesaid. Add a) z'z‘farZ/zer enacted oy t/ze aaZ/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That the secretary, Books of together with the persons herein before named, or a majority of them ggcr‘gd t° shall cause to be re-bound such of the books of records in the office of bound. the said secretary, as to them shall appear to be necessary, and shall employ one or more person or persons for that purpose. And that the Transcrib- transcribing of the said records, as Well as the binding, to be done in $53,112,, pursuance of this act, shall be performed in the office of the secretary where to of the State, and in the presence of the said secretary, or of his sworn be done‘ deput. And, oe z'z‘farZ/zer enaez‘ed oy Z/ze aaz‘lzorz'ly aforesaid, That the secre- Secretary, tary of the State shall be allowed for copying the said records, at and flglf’gabny‘fe after the rate of one shilling and six pence for every one hundred and ing. twenty eight Words. And a» z'z‘farZ/zer enaez‘ed (3y Z/ze authority aforesaid, That the treasurer Treasurer of the State shall, and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay, to £35350?” VOL. 2. -— 25 194 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 15. secretary, w en audited. Secretary to re ort to legis ature. Meetings of the leg- islature, where and when held. Clinton, precinct of, erected out of parts of precincts of Char- lotte and Rhinebeck, in Dutchess county. the said secretary such sum or sums of money, as shall from time to time appear by accounts duly audited by the auditor of this State to be due to him for his services and expenditures in pursuance of this act. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the secretary of the State shall, and he is hereby directed to report to the legislature, his progress in the execution of the duties by this act required, in order that further provision may be made, for perpetuating the evidence aris- ing from the said records. CHAP. 14. AN ACT to regulate the future meetings of the legislature. PA-ssED the 13th of March, 1786. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That in case the person administering the government for the time being, shall not, on or after the first Monday of July, and before the first Tuesday in January in any year, convene the legislature by procla- mation, then the legislature shall meet on the said first Tuesday of January without any summons or notification whatever, at such place as the senate and assembly, at their meeting next preceding the said first Tuesday in January shall have adjourned to; and in case there shall have been no such adjournment, or the senate and assembly shall not have adjourned to a place. certain, then they shall convene on the said first Tuesday in January at the place at which the last preceding meet- ing of the legislature was held. CHAP. 15. AN ACT to divide Charlotte and Rhynbeck precincts into three precincts. PAssED the 13th of March, 1786. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That all the lands parcel of Charlotte and Rhynbeck precincts in Dutch- ess county comprehended within the limits and bounds following, shall be a seperate and distinct precinct, and Called and known by the name of Clinton precinct; that is to say to begin at the east bank of Hudsons river, at the north west corner of the tract of land called Pawlings pat- ent, and to run thence along the north line of the said patent to Crum- elbow Kill, (alias Fish Creek) thence up along the said creek to the line of the tract of land called Little or Upper Nine Partners, thence east- erly along the said line to the north east corner of lot Number One, (so known and distinguished in the first division of the tract of land called the Great or Lower Nine Partners) thence southerly in the line of that tier of lots, to the most southerly line of the aforesaid Great or Lower Nine Partners, thence westerly along the line last mentioned to Hud- sons river, and from thence up along the said river to the place of beginning. CHAP. 16.] - NINTH SESSION. 195 And he it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That the freehold- Clinton ers and inhabitants of Clinton precinct aforesaid, shall have full power 522x593, and authority to assemble and hold annual town-meetings within the freehold- said precincts, and-by a plurality of voices of the inhabitants so assem- ers’ etc’ bled to elect and chuse a supervisor, town clerk, assessors, and as many constables and collectors as the inhabitants so assembled shall judge necessary for the said precinct, and all other town officers incident to other precincts in Dutchess county; which officers, when chosen, shall respectively do, perform and execute the like duties and services, and be liable to the same penalties as other persons in like offices in the other precincts in the said county, by law are intended, ought to do, or are liable to. A 11d fie it enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That the collectors of the Arrears of - , taxesln arrears of any taxes heretofore assessed In Charlotte and khynbeck Charlotte precincts respectively, in whose hands such tax lists now are, shall col- gggkmég'f- lect such arrears of taxes as if Clinton precinct had not been erected. lection of. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That the inhab- Clinton itants of Clinton precinct shall hold their annual town meetings on the $533M“ usual day by law prescribed for holding the town meetings in the other ,meetines . . . . n. where precincts 1n the sa1d county; that the first annual town meetlng shall be to beheld. held at the dwelling house of David Knapp in the said precinct, and the annual town meetings thereafter, at such place in the said precinct as the inhabitants shall by plurality of voices at their town-meetings from time to time direct. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That such part of Charlotte the precincts of Charlotte aforesaid as is not comprehended within the 1,33,21,11“, limits of the precinct by this act designated ,by the name of Clinton, C'Whanhged t0 shall hereafter be called and known by the name of Washington pre- .02? £15; cinct, and that the inhabitants of Washington precinct shall hold their fifetings first annual town meeting at the dwelling house of Samuel Herrick and their annual town meetings thereafter at such place in the Said precinct as the inhabitants shall from time to time, by pluralty of voices, at their town meetings in the‘ said precinct direct. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That Rhynbeck Rhinebeck precinct shall contain all the lands formerly comprehended within the gigging limits and bounds of the said precinct, except the lands by this act com- former . . . . . . privileges. prehended 1n Clinton preclnct, and shall retain all Its former precinct privledges. CHAP. 16. AN ACT to appoint the place of holding the supreme court of judicature of this State in April term I786. PASSED the zrst of March, 1786. Be it enacted fiy the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Aprilterm. Senate and Assenzfiiy and it is herefiy enacted fiy the authority of the same $83,182,238 That the supreme court of judicature of this State to be held on the COHPUO be third Tuesday of April one thousand Seven hundred & eighty six New 3110.]. shall be held at the city hall of the city of New York any thing in the city‘ act entitled “An act to appoint the place of holding the supreme court of judicature of this State in future and to prolong the terms thereof and for other purposes therein mentioned” to the contrary thereof not- withstanding. 19G LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 18. ‘Process And be it furt/zer enacted by tile azct/zority aforesaid That all process made re- - - . tui'nableat issued out of the said supreme court since January term last shall be "01"!‘ deemed to be returnable at the city of New York notwithstanding the same may have been made returnable at the city of Albany. sheriffs, And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That every sheriff coroner and other officer, who by the act entitled “An act for the better 223225581‘ levying and accounting for fines forfeitures issues, amcrciamcnts and in April or debts due to the people of this State” was to account for fines issues or gélilééfirms amerciaments by him received or to be received yearly on the first day option. of the term of july in every year to the court of exchequer may account to the said court of exchequer on the first day of the term of April yearly in every year or on of the said first day of the term of july at his option, any thing in the aforesaid act to the contrary notwithstanding. CHAP. l 7. AN ACT enabling james Barclay to become an auctioneer or vendue master. PASSED the 21st of March, 1786. James Be it enacted by the people of tbe state of New York, represented in Barclay Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by the authority of tbe same, b - . . . pmoaiiiteeilap That it shall and may be lawful to and for the mayor of the city and ' er ' ' ' 353,513? county of New York, or in case of vacancy in the said office the recorder York city; of the said city for the time being, by licence under his hand to author- oath to be . . taken. me and empower james Barclay of the city of New York to act a vendue master, or auctioneer in the city and county of New York con- formably to the act entitled “ An act for the regulation of sales by pub- I lic auction ” passed the 20th February 1784. Provided always, that it shall not be requisite for the said james Barclay to produce the certifi- cate mentioned in the third enacting clause of the said act, but instead thereof shall take and subscribe an oath of abjuration and allegiance to the people of this State, to be administred by the said mayor or recorder as the case may be. CHAP. IS. AN ACT for dividing the county of Washington into townships. PASSED the 23d of March, 1786. Washing- Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New Yor/e, represented in g‘i’ggggmy Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby ‘enacted by t/zeaat/zority of tbe same, That all the lands comprehended with the following bounds, that is to ps' say, beginning at the north east corner of the county of Albany, thence Salem running along the north line of the county of Albany, to the south east corner of the township of Argyle, thence north along the east line thereof to the north west corner of Turners patent, thence along the north line thereof to the north east corner thereof, and thence east to the county line, and thence southerly along the county line to the place of beginning, shall be and hereby are erected into a town by the name of Salem. And all the lands comprehended within the following CHAP. 18.] NINTH SESSION. 197 bounds, that is to say, beginning at the north east corner of the said Hebron. town of Salem, and running thence northerly along the east line of the county until it meets with an east line from the south east corner of a tract of land formerly granted to Lieutenant Byrn, thence west to the east line of a tract of land called the Provincial Patent, thence south- erly along the east line thereof and east line of the township of Argyle to the north bounds of the said town of Salem, and thence easterly along the same, to the place of beginning shall be and hereby are erected into a town by the name of Hebron. And that all the lands Granville. comprehended within the following bounds, that is to say, beginning at the north east corner of the said town of Hebron and running thence northerly along the east line of the county until it meets an east line from the south east corner of a tract of land heretofore called Skeens- borough thence west to the said tract heretofore called Skeensborough, thence southerly along the east line thereof and the tracts called the Artillery and Provincial Patents to the north west corner of the said town of Hebron., and thence easterly along the same to the place of beginning, shall be and hereby are erected into a town by the name of Granville. And all the lands in the said county of Washington lying Hampton. northward of the said town of‘ Granville and easterly of the said tract of land, heretofore called Skeensborough, and the north line of Skeens- borough to Pultney river shall be and hereby are erected into a town by the name of Hampton. All that tract of land heretofore called Skeens— Whitehall. borough and all the lands between the said last mentioned tract of land and the waters of East Bay, and all the lands between the said tract of land heretofore called Greenfield, and the said tract heretofore called Skeens- borough, shall be and hereby are erected into a town by the name of \Vhite-l—lall. And all the lands comprehended within the following Argyle_ bounds, that is to say, beginning at the north west corner of the said town of Salem and running thence north along the same to the place of beginning, shall be and hereby are erected into a town by the name of Argyle. And all that tract of land called Kingsbury, shall be and Kingsbury. hereby is erected into a town by the name of Kingsbury. And all that tract of land called Queensbury and all the lands on the west side Queens- thereof and the east side of Hudsons river to a line to begin at the my‘ east branch of Hudsons river and to run east so as to run one mile north of Sabbath day Point on Lake George, and thence continuing east across Lake George to the east bank thereof thence up along the side of Lake George to the mouth of the creek running into the said lake on the east side of where Fort George stood, and thence to the north east corner of the said tract called Queensbury, shall be and hereby are erected into a town by the name of Queensbury. And all Westfield. those tracts of land called the Artillery and Provincial patents, and all the lands to the north thereof not included in either of the towns above named, as far north as the north line of the said town of Queensbury and continued east to South Bay, thence along the waters thereof to the west line of the said tract heretofore called Skeensborough and thence along the west line thereof to the north line of the said tract called the Artillery patent, shall be and hereby are erected into a town by the name of VVestfield. And all the several tracts of patented lands Crown lying on the west side of Lake- Champlain, south of the township of Pomt' Platts-burgh, north of the said towns of Queensbury and Westfield, and east of unpatented lands, shall be and hereby are erected into a town by the name of Crown-Point. And &e if fzert/zer enaez‘ed oy Z/ze azez‘lzorizy aforesaid, That the free- Powers of . . . . n ld- holders and inhabitants of each and every of the said towns for the time efieanod in- 198 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 18. habitants; town officers Towns to have same privileges as other towns in the State. Special town meetings, how called. Town meetings, where held. Certain districts annexed to Platts- burgh . being respectively, shall forever hereafter have full power and authority, to assemble together, and hold town meetings in their said respective towns, on the first Tuesday of May in every year, and then and there to elect and chuse one supervisor, one town clerk, three assessors, one col- lector, one constable, two overseers of the poor, three commissioners of high-ways, and so many overseers of the high-ways, fence viewers and poundmasters for each town respectively as to the freeholders and inhabitants of the same town so met, or the major part of them shall seem necessary and convenient. And in case any of the officers so chosen shall die, remove out of town, refuse, or become incapable to serve before the next annual town meeting, then and in every such case, from time to time when it shall be necessary, to elect and chuse others in the room of such of them so refusing or becoming incapable to serve, or dying or removing out of such town; and to assemble together, and to hold town meetings for that purpose, which several officers when chosen, shall be respectively vested with and have the same powers and authorities, and be subject to the like rules, regulations and penalties, as are by law allowed to, and prescribed for the like officers respectively by law. ' And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the free- holders and inhabitants of each of the said towns respectively for the time being shall have the same power and authority, to make bye-laws and regulations, and shall have and enjoy the like priviledges as the- freeholders and inhabitants of any town or district in this State, may do, or are entitled to, by law. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That whenever it may be necessary to hold a town meeting in either of the said towns for any of the purposes aforesaid, at any time between any of the said annual town meetings, due notice thereof shall be given by any one jus- tice of the peace residing in the said county in writing under his hand specifying the time place and purpose of such town meeting, and fixed up at four or more of the most public places in the same town at least eight days before the time therein appointed for holding such town meeting; and one of the justices of the peace for the time being, resid- ing in or near each of the said towns respectively, within the county is hereby directed and required to give such notice as aforesaid, whenever- it shall appear to him to be necessary to hold such town meeting, or he shall be requested so to do, by twelve or more freeholders of the said town. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the first town meeting in the said town of-\Vestfield shall be held at the dwelling house of Isaiah Bennet near Fort Ann; and in the said town of Crown- Point, at the dwelling house of Robert Cochran at Crown Point; and in each of the other towns at such places, as such meetings have heretofore usually been held ; and that such town meetings shall thereafter be held in each respective town at such place in each town respectively, as the majority of the freeholders and inhabitants of the same town, shall from time to time at their town meeting direct and appoint. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all the inhabitants within this State, to the north of the north bounds of Platts- burgh aforesaid, continued to the west’ bounds of the county of Wash- ington, to the eastward of the said west-bounds, to the southward of the north bounds of this State, and to the westward of Lake Champlain, together with the inhabitants of the islands called Isle La-motte, Long Island and Grand-Isle or Island, may meet and vote in every town meeting to be held in and for the township of Plattsburgh in common CHAP. 20.] NINTH SESSION. 199 ' settlement of the public accounts of this State with the inhabitants residing in the said township, until further legisla- tive provision shall be made. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That it shall and Taxes, col~ may be lawful to and for the treasurer for the time being of the said },3.<;gg’,g&f_ county of Washington to prosecute and recover from all and every col- lector in the said county all arrears of taxes by action of debt in his own name and further that it shall be lawful for all and every of the said collectors to collect and recover the said arrears in the same man- ner as if this act had never been made. OHAP. ‘19. AN ACT for making public securities payable to the bearer. PASSED the 28th of March, 1786. Be it enacted fiy the People of the State of New York represented in Public se- Senate and Assenzfity, and it is herefiy enacted fiy the authority of the same, 3115212653.? That all notes, certificates or securities, given or issued in pursuance of able to any law of this State and which are not negotiable, shall be, and hereby eater’ are declared to be negotiable after the passing of this act; and that the monies due, or to become due on any such notes certificates or securi- ties, and on any notes, certificates or securities originally issued and made assignable in pursuance of any law of this State, shall hereafter be payable to the bearer thereof, any thing contained in such notes, certificates or securities, or any law to the contrary in any wise notwith- standing. oHAP. 20. AN ACT further to continue and amend an act entitled An act for the appointment of an auditor and the settlement of the public account of this State. ' PASSED the 28th of March, 1786. ' Be it enacted fiy the People of the State of New York represented in Act recited Senate and Assernfily, and it is herefiy enacted fiy the authority of the same fggglrlég‘igr That the act entitled “An act for the appointment of an auditor and the two years- ” shall be and hereby is continued in full force and virtue to all intents and purposes until the twenty third day of March which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid That the said Auditor, auditor shall be allowed for his services in that station from the twenty third day of March in this present year one thousand seven hundred and eighty six at and after the rate of three hundred and fifty pounds per annum during the continuance of this act to be paid in four equal quar- terly payments. 200 . LAws or NEW‘ YORK. [CHAR 21. CHAP. 21. AN ACT for the more effectual collection of the arrears of taxes. PAssED the 31st of March, 1786. Preamble. WHEREAS a considerable part or the arrears of taxes directed to be collected by the act entitled “An act to compel the payment of the arrears of taxes for enforcing the payment of fines and amerciaments, obliging sheriffs to give security for the due execution of their offices, and for other purposes,” passed the twenty sixth day of November in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, is yet unpaid. And w/zereas a great proportion of the inhabitants of this State, did, during part of the late war, receive certificates only, in com- pensation for their personal services, and for the property taken from or delivered by them for the use of this State, and of the United States, by means whereof many of the said inhabitants are rendered incapable to discharge such of the taxes imposed on them as were made payable in specie. And w/zereas the time prescribed by the said act for collect- ing the said arrears is expired —— therefore. _ Arrears of Be it enacted . by t/ze People of tbe State of New York represented in gzxyzillgagle Senate and Assembly and it is bereby enacted by Use autbority of tbe same, certificates That it shall and may be lawful to and for all and every person or persons wit’g‘r‘ffime chargeable with the payment of any such arrears to pay the same at any Specified time on or before the first day of October nextin any certificates or other securities specified in the fifth section of the act entitled an act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within this State and for other purposes therein mentioned, or in certificates issued or to be issued by the treasurer of this State, but no computation or allowance shall be made for interest on any such certificates in the said payments, and it is hereby made the duty of the collectors respectively to collect and receive the same. Arrears of And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by tile aatbority aforesaid Thall* all arrears of 285300500 to tax due on the tax imposed by the “Act for raising £100,000 within-the be paid’in several counties therein mentioned passed May 6th 1784 ” shall be col- Specle' lected in gold and silver money only, and the monies so collected shall be paid into the hands of the treasurers of the counties respectively wherein the same shall be collected and shall be appropriated to the use of the said counties respectively (as the supervisors thereof shall direct, proviso; provided nezIert/zetess, that it shall and may be lawful for the said treas- gfelgggers urers respectively and they are hereby required to apply so much of the maypay said arrears so to be collected to the purchase of any of the public {15531153538 securities designated in the first nlause of this act as shall amount in lslry Of' nominal specie value exclusive of interest, to the amount of the arrears tate. . . . due from the county whereof he is treasurer and to pay the securities so purchased into the treasury of this State on or before the first day of October next in discharge of such arrears any thing in this or any other act to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. Arrears And be it fart/zer enactea by the ant/zority aforesaid, That all such part not be paid of the said arrears as shall not be paid to the treasurer of this State on by Novem . . berdLto be or before the first day of November next shall be collected and paid in 53,201? gold or silver coin, and shall be collected and recovered in the manner directed in and by the said act, entitled “An act to compel the payment of the arrears of taxes, for enforcing the payment of fines and amercia- * So in original. CHAP. 21.] NINTH SESSION. , -. 201 ments obliging sheriffs to give security for the due execution of their offices and for other purposes,” and shall be paid to the treasurer of this State on or before the first day of January next—And all and every the assessors, collectors, supervisors, treasurers and justices in the same act maintained shall be and hereby are respectively vested with all the powers and authorities, and made subject to all the penalties and forfeitures in the same last mentioned act prescribed. A 12d be it farZ/zer enaez‘ed by Me aza‘borz'z‘y aforesaid, That in case any Vacancy in county treasurer shall die, "remove from the county or become incapable 3353? or refuse to execute his office, it shall and may be lawful to and for the gigasul‘eri supervisors of the county and they are hereby required to appoint ' another treasurer in the place of him so dying, removing or becoming incapable or refusing to execute the said office, and if any supervisor or supervisors of any county shall neglect or refuse to perform any of the duties required of them by the said act or by this act, he and they so neglecting or refusing shall forfeit and pay to the people of this State the sum of.five hundred pounds to be recovered by the treasurer for the use of the people of this State by action of debt in any court of record. And be iz‘ furZ/zer erzaez‘ed by Z/ze aal/zorizy aforesaid, That if any Penalty treasurer of any county shall neglect or refuse to perform any of the {,‘gft'llggéf’ct duties required of him by the said act or by this act, such county treas- urer- urer shall for every month he shall so neglect or refuse forfeit and- pay to the people of this State the sum of two hundred pounds to be recovered by the treasurer of this State for the use of the people of this State by action of debt in any court of record. And be it farZ/zer enacted by Z/ze aza‘borizy aforesaid, That all monies Taxes . . . . . already which have been paid or shall be paid 1n gold or silver to the collector paid in of any town manor district or precinct shall be paid to the treasurer of gpecie, to . . . . 8 3C- the county 1n gold or silver only and that all monies which now are or counted hereafter shall be received by any county treasurer in gold or silver £3251‘, shall be paid to the treasurer of this State in gold or silver only and the county treasurers shall examine the respective collectors their executors or administrators under oath as to the sum by such collector received of the said taxes in gold and silver. and any of the judges of the infer- ior courts of common pleas shall examine the treasurers of the respec- tive counties in which they are judges, their executors or administrators as to the sum by such treasurer received in gold or silver and give a certificate of such examination to such county treasurer, his executors or administrators, specifying the amount of the sum so received by him in gold or silver which certificate shall be filed with the treasurer of this State. _ And be it further enaeted by file azef/zorz'zfy aforesaid, That all suits Actionsfor already commenced, or which may hereafter be commenced, for any ggtgglgggii, . penalties already incurred by virtue of the act herein before recited passed on the 26th day of November 1784 against any county treasurer, supervisor, assessor or collector, shall be and hereby are discharged, any thing in the said act to the contrary hereof notwithstanding, proz'ided Proviso; always, that the defendant in every such suit shall be and hereby is figfggfams required to ‘pay .all costs and charges which have attended any suit so Costs- commenced. - And be it further mated by Z/ze azef/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the taxes Taxes as- heretofore assessed on the districts of Skeensborough, Kingsbury, figiiggm Queensbury, Fort Edward, Fort Miller and Granville in the county of Washington (other than district or county taxes) shall be and hereby ' are remitted, any thing in this or any other law to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. VOL. 2. —— 26 ‘15' . LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 22. Persons in confine- ment on civil pro- cess to be discharged. Persons discharged not to be again ar- rested for same cause. Judgment to continue a lien against property and new execution may issue. CHAP. 22. AN ACT for the relief of insolvent debtors with respect to the imprisonment of their persons. PASSED the 3rst of Be it enactea by the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Senate and Assembly and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That all and every person and persons now confined in any goal within this State upon execution or upon any other writ or process or by virtue of any judgment or order of any court of record or warrant from any justice of the peace for any debt or debts or sum or sums of money or fine or fines or forfeiture or forfeitures not exceeding in the whole the sum of fifteen pounds exclusive of costs shall be discharged from- such imprisonment: and the sheriff, goaler, or keeper of the goal in which any such person is confined as aforesaid shall upon notice of this act discharge such person out of custody if detained for such debt, sum of money, fine or forfeiture and for no other cause: and no such sheriff or goaler shall be liable to any action of escape or other suit or informa- tion upon account thereof: and if any action suit or information shall be brought or exhibited against any such sheriff or goaler for or on account of such discharge, such sheriff or goaler may plead the general issue and give this act in evidence and if the plaintiff be non suited, or discontinue his or her action or a judgment be given against him or her upon a verdict or demurrer the defendant shall have treble costs. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no person dis- charged from imprisonment by virtue of this act shall at any time there- after be imprisoned for the same cause and if any such person ‘so dis- charged shall be arrested for the same cause it shall be lawful for any judge of the court out of which the process issues to discharge such person out of custody, so as such person do give a warrant to some attorney of the same court to appear and plead to such action. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That notwithstanding such discharge all and every debt and demand against such person so discharged and all and every judgment and decree had or obtained against him or her, shall stand and be good and effectual in law to all intents and purposes against the lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods and chattels of such person so discharged which he or she or any person or persons for him or her hath at the time of such discharge, or at any time thereafter may have, or be in any wise seised or possessed of or entitled to either in law or equity except the necessary wearing apparel and bedding of such person and of his wife - and children: and it shall and may be lawful for any creditor of such person so discharged and at whose suit such person is now confined, and for the executors or administrators of such creditor to take out a new execution against the lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods and chattels of such person so discharged, except as before excepted, for the satisfaction of his or her debt in such sort manner and form as he or she might have done if such person had never been taken in exetion: and in case no judgment is obtained against such person so discharged by such creditor, then it shall be lawful for such creditor to continue or prosecute his or her action to judgment, and to take out execution as aforesaid against the lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods and chat— tels of such person so discharged, except as before excepted, for the CHAP. 2 3.] NINTH SESSION. _ 203- satisfaction of his or her debt or damages and costs of.suit; but the person of such debtor so discharged shall not be 1mprlsoned for the same debt or debts, sum or sums of money, fine or fines, forfeiture or forfeitures, for which he or she is now confined, or any or elther of them. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid That this act shall Act ex- extend to all debts sums of money, fines and forfeitures due to the 311%? to ' fi es,’ to., people of thls State. _ dge fife State. CHAP. 23. AN ACT for the collection and commutation of quit rents. PASSED the 1st of April, 1786. Be it enacted fiy the People of the State of New York represented in Arrears of Senate and Assenzfi/y and it is herefiy enacted fiy the authority of the same, ‘glgfifiglt That in all cases where any person or persons being citizens of this ,I’Jitgfaitgscel‘ State, or of any of the United States, is or are or shall be seised of any ' ' lands or tenements in this State, charged with the payment of quit rent, it shall and may be lawful to and for such person and persons, at any time on Or before the first day of January next to pay to the treasurer of this State for the time being for the use of the people of this State, all the arrears of such quit rent then due, in any public securities receivable in payment on sales of confiscated estates or in any other securities or certificates issued or to be issued by the treasurer of this State, and at the same rate such securities and certificates are receiva- ble in payment for confiscated estates: But no quit rent which Arrears accrued between the twenty ninth day of September, one thousand seven 5113;?“ hundred and seventy five and the twenty ninth day of September, one remitted. thousand seven hundred and eighty three, shall be demanded or exacted from any such person or persons. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That it shall and Qommuta- may be lawful to and for all and every person and persons being citi~ 33,135,“, zens of this State, or of any of the United States, who is, are, or shall be gowflpadé . . . . ycltlzens. seised of any lands or tenements In this State, charged wlth an annual quit rent, to commute for the same by paying fourteen shillings for every shilling of such annual quit rent, at any time on or before the first day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven in such public securities or certificates as aforesaid, to the treasurer of this State for the time being, for the use of the people of this State; and the said treasurer shall upon such payment give the person making such pay— ment a receipt or certificate expressing the sum paid, the annual quit rent in lieu or discharge of which the same is paid and the land on which the same annual quit rent was charged or reserved, and shall enter the same receipt or certificate in a book by him to be kept for that purpose: Which receipt or certificate or the entry thereof shall be a good discharge of such quit rent for ever. . And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid That where there 1d-, where are or shall be several owners or proprietors of any tract of land 3,1532?” chargeable with quit rent and which shall have been divided into as among, many shares as there were original proprietors in the grant, it shall and gi-igeirnal may be lawful to and for any original proprietor or his or their legal Propnewrs representative to pay the proportion of such share in manner directed in the first clause of this act, and to commute for the future quit rents 204 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 23. of such share in manner directed by the second clause of this act, provided that such payment and commuting shall be on or before the first day of January next. Id_., by And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid That it shall and aliens‘ may be lawful to and for all and every person or persons not being citi- zens of this State or any of the United States who is or are seised of any lands or tenements in this State charged with an annual quit rent to commute for the same by paying fourteen shillings in gold or silver for every shilling of such annual quit rent at any time on or before the first day of January 1788, to the said treasurer for the use of the people of this State, and the said treasurer shall give a like certificate and enter the same as directed in the next preceeding clause. Id., where And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by Me azct/zoritv aforesaid That where, in the grant or patent of any lands or tenements in this State the reservation glodnggtin is in kind, and not in money, the value thereof shall be estimated ' according to the accounts of the receiver general of the late colony now State of New York; and in cases where no such estimation has been had by the receiver general, or that his books and accounts shall not be found, it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of the State for the time being to settle the accounts of such quit rents expressed in kind as aforesaid, according to equity and good conscience. Quitrentg And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zoritv aforesaid That all quit {31383538 rents now ‘due and to become due from. any person or persons not citi- in Specie: Zens of this State, or of any of the United States, shall be paid in gold and by citi- - - - Zens after or silver coin: And all quit rents now due and to become due from dayfixed- any person or persons being citizens of this State or of any of the United States, and which shall not be paid on or before the said first day of January next, shall also be paid in gold or silver coin only. Quit, rent And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid That whenever ifgrag‘fi‘jgf there shall be three years quit rent due and in arrear upon any grant or years, sale patent for lands in this State, or upon any lands contained in such grant $323,‘? to or patent, it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this State for the gigo9eed— time being and he is hereby required to give notice in two or more of gs. . . . . . . . the public news papers printed in this State (which public notice shall be so continued for three months at the least) that if the owners or proprietors of such lands, do not within twelve months after the date of such public notice, pay the arrears of quit rent, due for such lands, with the charge of such notices to the treasurer of this State for the time being, then so much of the said lands will be sold at public ven- due, as will pay the same with the charges of [such notices and sale. And such notice so to be given as aforesaid shall express to whom the grant or patent was originally made ; the date thereof, and the sum due thereby to the last day of payment preceeding such notice, as far as the same does appear from accounts of quit rents in the books of the said late receiver general or the accounts of the said treasurer : And upon the failure of payment of the said quit rent and charges of such notices as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this State for the time being, and he is hereby required by himself or his attorney, or the attorney general of this State, to apply to the junior justice of the supreme court of judicature of this State for the time being, who is hereby authorized and required as justice of the court of exchequer for this State, to cause an advertisement to be published in one of the public news-papers printed in the city of New York, notifying all per- sons interested in such lands, to appear before him on such day, and at such place, as he shall therein appoint, not less than thirty, nor more than forty days thereafter, to shew cause if any he, she, or they hath or CHAP. 23.] NINTH SESSIQN. 205 have, why so much of the said lands shall not be sold as will satisfy and pay the said quit rent, with the charge of such notices : And in case no person shall appear at the time and place so appointed, either in person or by attorney ; or if any person or persons shall appear at such time and place the said justice shall hear the party or parties so appear- ing in a summary way, and shall thereupon certify under his hand, the sum due for quit rent on the said lands, together with the charges of the said notices, and .the process to issue thereon : And shall then issue process, under his seal, directed to the sheriff of the county where the said lands lie, commanding such sheriff within sixty days after the teste of such process (which shall be in the name of the people of this State, and tested in the name of the said justice on the day of the date of such certificate) to sell at public vendue to the best bidder, so much of the said lands, as will pay the sum so certified to be due for quit rent and charges as aforesaid, and the further incidental charges thereon, and'to pay the same monies so certified to be due for quit rent and charges, to the treasurer of this State within sixty days after such sale. And-every such sheriff to whom any such process shall be directed is hereby empowered and required within six days after the receipt of such process to cause advertisements to be affixed on the court house and three or more of the most public places in the county where the lands lie, that on such day (which shall not exceed fifty nor be less than thirty days after the date of such advertisement) so much of the said lands will be sold at public vendue at' the said court house to the best bidder, as will pay the sum mentioned in the said process and the charges of advertisement, sale, survey and conveyance thereof. And upon the day appointed for such sale as is before directed, the same sale shall be made at the court house of the county in which the lands lie, between the hours of nine of the o’clock in the forenoon and two of the clock in the afternoon : And at the time of such sale such person or persons as will accept of the least quantity of land to pay the sum mentioned in the said process and all charges, which such sheriff shall then make a true account of, as far as can be then ascertained, shall be deemed the best bidder. And upon such sale such sheriff shall cause such land so sold to be surveyed and shall. then upon the receipt of the purchase money; make, sign, seal, and deliver deeds and conveyances thereof to the purchaser or purchasers thereof : 'Which deeds and con- veyances so made and executed shall be and are by virtue of this act declared to be a good, valid and sufficient title, both in law and equity, to all intents and purposes whatsoever; and the purchaser and purchasers of lands by virtue of this.act, and their respective heirs and assigns shall be hereby severally vested in and intitled to an estate in fee simple of and in all and every part of the said lands tenements and hereditaments so by him her or them purchased by virtue of this act: Provided always that the lands so to be sold by virtue of and in pursuance of this act, shall be ‘surveyed and laid out in one entire piece, and at one side or end of the tract out of which the same shall be sold; and shall always be of the unimproved land, if there shall be so much thereof unimproved in one piece, Proozded also that in any county in which there shall not be a court house at the time of such advertisement and sale, the adv'er- tisement shall be affixed and the sale shall be at the place where the then last inferior court of common pleas was held, Arzdpro'oidedfurz‘lzer, that no such sale shall be made, until after the first day of January next. And be it farz‘lzer enacted by l/ze auz‘lzority aforesaid That every sheriff Sheriff, to whom any such process shall be directed and delivered, shall before he proceeds to execute the same, take an oath to be administered to him oath to be taken by. 206 LAl/VS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 23. 'Sherifl’ to account for monies received _ on sale; compensa— tion. Undivided lands, per- son paying quit rent may re- cover of joint own- ers. Id., where lands of one of sev- eral owners is sold to satisfy quit rent. Quit rent remitted on forfeit— ed estate sold Sterling and proc- lamation money, how com— puted. in the Words following, to wit; You shall well, truly, faith- fully, and honestly discharge the trust reposed in you by virtue of an act entitled “An act for the collection and commutation of quit rents” according to the best of your skill and understanding. Which oath any justice of the peace is hereby authorized and required to administer, and to give a certificate thereof to the said sheriff who shall file the same with the clerk of the county in which the lands lie. Ana’ fie z'z‘fzerz‘fier erzaetea’ fiy t/ze auz‘lzerz'z‘y affiresaz'a’ That the respective sheriffs to Whom any such process shall be directed and delivered, shall after the delivery of such deeds and conveyances as aforesaid, and within sixty days after such sale, pay to the treasurer of this State for the time being, the sum so certified by such justice of the supreme court and mentioned in such process to be due for quit rent on the said lands, and for charges as aforesaid. And it shall and may be lawfull for such sheriff to retain for his own trouble and the other charges attending such sale, so much as the justices of the peace of the same county Where the lands lie in their general sessions, shall allow and certify to be due ' for the same; and shall return the surplus of the monies if any there be, to the person or persons to whom the lands so sold did belong immedi- ately before such sale; or if he, she, or they cannot be found then such sheriff shall deliver such overplus monies to the said treasurer, who is hereby required to receive andapply the same from time to time, to the payment of the quit rent that shall become due thereafter from such person or persons: And the said sheriff shall at the same time deliver to the treasurer a full and just account of the monies arising from such sale, and of’ the application of the same. Ana’ fie z'z‘ fart/lee enaez‘ea’ fiy i/ze azef/zorz'fy affiresaz'd That where there are or shall be several owners or proprietors of any tract of land charge- able with quit rent, it shall and may be lawful for any or either of such owners or proprietors to pay his, her, or their proportionable part of such quit rent; and in such case no part of the lands of such person or persons so paying shall be liable to be sold by virtue of this act; and in such case if such lands shall be undivided, then such part of the undi- vided shares of the persons who have not paid, shall be sold as will be sufficient to pay the said quit rent and charges. Alla’ fie 2'! furZ/zer eezaez‘ea’ fiy t/ze auz‘lzorz'z‘y aforesaid, That where there are or shall be several owners or proprietors of any tract of land charge- able with quit rent, and the lands of one or more of them shall be sold by virtue of this act for payment of the quit rent due upon the whole tract, it shall and may be lawful for the person and persons whose lands shall be so sold to recover from the other owners or proprietors of such tract, such part of the monies for which the same land shall be sold, as such other owners or proprietors ought to have paid, together with interest and costs. A 12a’ fie z'tfzerf/zer e/zaez‘ea’ fiy t/ze aut/zfirz'z‘y aforesaid That no purchaser of forfeited estates shall be liable to pay quit rents for any lands pur- chased or to be purchased by him or her, but the same and all the arrear- ages thereof shall be and are hereby forever remitted. Ana’ fie 2'1‘ farZ/zer erzaez’ea’ fiy Z/ze aut/wrz'z‘y affiresaz'a’ That all quit rents reserved in sterling money shall be computed at and after the rate of one hundred and seventy five pounds lawful money of this State for every one hundred pounds sterling money aforesaid ; and that all quit rents reserved in proclamation money, shall be considered as current money of this State. Ana’ w/zereas many of the inhabitants of this State have been driven from their habitations by the incursions of the enemy and thereby have been greatly distressed, therefore CHAP. 24.] NINTH SESSION. 207 Be it enacted fiy the authority aforesaid That any person or persons Where havlng been so driven off as aforesaid, shall be exempted from paying 835.5828 any arrears of quit rents now due and which are required to be paid fr°mlands~ . . . by enemy. by this act for so much land and was 1ncluded 1n the farm whereon rentremit- they actually resided and from which they were driven as aforesaid pro- ted‘ z/ided such farm does not contain more than one hundred & fifty acres. And provided that any person claiming such exemption shall produce a Proviso; certificate signed by one of the judges of the inferior court of the county 23%;‘??? wherein such person resides specifying that he or she was obliged to (“wed- quit his or her farm on account of the war, and also specifying the number of acres contained in such farm. CHAP. 24. AN ACT for relief against absconding and absent debtors. PASSED the 4th of April, 1786. WHEREAS divers persons, being indebted within this State, and having Preamble, estates or effects in the same, with design to defraud their creditors of their just dues, do secretly depart the State and procure their estates and effects, or the value thereof, to be remitted to them, or conceal themselves‘ within the State in order to elude the service of the ordi- nary process of the law or to bring their creditors to an unreasonable composition, for remedy whereof. Be it enacted fiy the People of the State of New Yorh, represented in Abscond- Senate and Assenzfity, and it is herefiy enacted fiy the authority of the same, mg and concealed That from and after the passing of this act, whensoever it shall happen, dpthttgrs. that any person or persons whomsoever, being indebted within this flnefis State, shall either secretly depart this State, or keep concealed within 312-13312), the same, any one creditor, or joint company whose debt or demand is of, how due to them jointly, to whom such absconding or concealed person or $821532“ persons is or are indebted in the sum of forty founds or upwards, or any two to whom he she or they is or are indebted in the sum of sixty pounds or upwards or any three to whom he she or they is or are indebted in the sum of eighty pounds or upwards, over and above all discounts, may make application to the judges of the supreme court of this State for the time being, or any one of them, and make affidavit or affirmation in writing, in cases where by law an affirmation is allowed, that the said absconded or concealed person or persons is or are indebted to him her or them in the sum in one of the sums* herein before mentioned, or in any sum exceeding the said sum hereinbefore men- tioned in any of the cases aforesaid over and above all discounts and that he she or they, do verily believe that the said absconding or con cealed person or persons, is or are, either departed the State or concealed within it with intent and design to defraud him her or them, and other creditors if any such there be, of their just dues, or to avoid being arrested by the ordinary process of law, which departure or conceal- ment shall also be proved to the satisfaction of such judge or judges by two credible witnesses, and on such affidavit or affirmation and such other proof made, the said judge or judges or any one of them, hereby is, and are fully impowered, authorized and required forthwith to issue * So in original. 208 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 24. Notice to absconding person to be pub— lished. Perishable goods seized to be sold. Where goods seized are claimed by others, proceed— ings to de— termine title. his or their warrant or warrants to the sheriff of the city or county, which contains the last usual place of residence of such absconding or con- cealed person or persons, or to the sheriff or sheriffs of any or every other city or county within this State, commanding such sheriff or sheriffs respectively to attach, seize, take and safely keep, all the estate as‘well real as personal of the said absconding or concealed person or persons, of what kind or nature soever, and every or any part or parcel thereof in whatever part of his bailiwick they can be found, with all evidences’, books of accounts, vouchers and papers relating thereto, which warrant or warrants, the sheriff or sheriffs respectively, to whom the same shall be directed and delivered, are hereby required well and truly to execute, and with the assistance of two substantial freeholders, forthwith to make a just and true inventory of all such estate and effects as he shall seize and take by virtue thereof and to return the same, signed by himself and the said two freeholders to such judge orjudges who issued the warrant or warrants for taking and seizing thereof. And be it fart/tor enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That such judge or judges who shall issue such warrant or warrants shall immediately thereafter, order notice to be given in two of the public news papers printed in this State, one of which to be printed in the city of New York, that on application to him or them made by a creditor or credit- ors, as the case may be, of such absconding or concealed person or persons, he has directed all his her or their estates, real and personal within this State to be seized, and that unless he she or they, by name, so absconding or concealed, return and discharge his her or their debt or debts within three months after such public notice given, all his her or their estates, real and personal will be sold for the payment and saris- faction of his, her or their creditors. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by Me ant/zority aforesaid, That in case any sheriff or sheriffs shall by virtue of any warrant or warrants to be issued in pursuance of this act, seize and take any perishable goods or chattels, it shall and may be lawful for the judge or judges who issued such war- rant or warrants at his or their discretion, to order the sale of such perishable goods and chattels, and the monies arising thereby, to be delivered and paid to the trustees who shall be appointed in pursuance of the directions of this act. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That if any sheriff shall by virtue of any warrant or warrants to be issued in pursuance of this act, through ignorance or want of proper information seize and take any goods chattels or effects, which shall and may be claimed or challengedby any person or persons as his her or their property, it shall and may be lawful for such sheriff thereupon to summon and swear a jury to enquire into and try the right and property thereof, and if such jury shall upon such inquest find the right and property of such goods chattels or effects, to be in the person or persons so claiming the same, or in any other than the person or persons against whose effects or estate such warrant or warrants did issue, such sheriff shall forthwith after such inquisition had and taken, deliver such goods chattels and effects to the person or persons in whom the property thereof shall be so found, or to his her or their agent attorney or assigns, and such sheriff shall not be liable to any suit or prosecution for his having seized and taken such goods chattels or effects, so seized and taken through ignorance or for want of proper information; and all reasonable charges arising by the sale of such perishable goods or chattels or by such inquest as aforesaid, shall be allowed and certified by the judge or judges who issued such warrant, and paid out of the estate or affects of the ab— CHAP. 24.] NINTH SESSION. 209 scondin'g or concealed person or persons against whose estate and effects such warrant issued, if the property of such goods chattels or effects so claimed shall by such inquisition be found to be in any other than the person or persons against whose estate or effects such warrant issued; but if the property of the goods chattels or effects so claimed, shall by such inquisition be found to be in the person or persons, against whose estate or effects such warrant of attachment did issue, then all costs charges and expences accrued or arising, by such claim and inquisition, or either of them shall be paid by the person or persons who claimed the same or applied for an inquisition to be had, or occasioned the same to be had and taken. A 12d be if fzirz‘lzer mated by Me aaz‘lzorizy aforesaid, That if any per- persons son or persons, indebted to any such absconding or concealed person Sféigggsflgo or persons, or having the custody or possession of any effects or other absconding thing or things whatsoever of any such absconding or concealed person fitsbggggg or persons, shall after such first public notice as aforesaid given, pay afteqnotice _ . . published, any debt or demand or deliver any such effects or other thing or things deemed to whatsoever, to any such absconding or concealed person or persons, or Pglledgflted his her or their attorney agents factors or assigns, the person or persons lently. so paying any such debt or demand or delivering such effects or other thing or things whatsoever, shall be deemed to have paid or delivered the same fraudulently, and is and are hereby made liable to answer the same, or the amount or value thereof to such trustees or the survivor of them, as shall by virtue of this act, be appointed to receive and dis- tribute the estate and effects of such absconding or concealed person or persons, towards the payment and satisfaction of his her or their creditors, and if any person or persons, indebted to or having the cus- tody or possession of any effects, or other thing or things whatsoever, of any absconding or consealed debtor or debtors, shall after such pub- lic notice as aforesaid given, be sued by him her or them, or by his her or their order, attorney or procurement for any such debt or debts, duty demand effects or thing, he she or they so sued may plead the gen- eral issue, and give this act and the special matter in‘ evidence. And be if fzirl/zer eizaeled by l/ze azel/zoriiy aforesaid, That all sales sales and and conveyances of the estates lands goods chattels or effects of such convey‘ . . ances by absconding or concealed person or persons and all assignments of any absconding promisary note, bill of exchange, security, or chose in action to him her gglgfifgofice or them, due or belonging, made by him her or them after such public gublished, . . . . . eolared notice as aforesaid given, and all letters of attorney by him her or them void, for selling any estate or effects, or collecting any debts or demands whether made after or before such first public notice as aforesaid given,’ shall be null and void to all intents constructions and purposes what- soever as to all acts done or to be done, after such first public notice given, any law usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. And be ii‘ fzirz‘lzer eizaez‘ed by Me aziz‘lzoriz‘y aforesaid, That if any per- proceed- son or persons against whose estate or effects, such warrant or warrants 172525321“ of attachment as aforesaid shall have issued, shall at any time before tachment, the appointment of trustees for all the creditors of such debtor or fbhsiggding debtors be made, either by him her or them or by his her or their attor- debtor ney or agent by petition to the judge or judges who issued such warrant, appears offer to prove to the court of which he or they is or are judge or judges, in open court that he she or they against whose estate or effects such warrant or warrants issued, is or are resident within this State and were not, at the time such warrant issued, nor within thirty days preceding nor at any time after, and is or are not then absconding or concealed and thereby pray that the same may be heard and determined at the then VoL. 2.--— 27. 210 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 24. Trustees of property of abscond- ing debtor, appoint— ment of. next term of such court, and shall and do at the same time execute and deliver to the creditor or creditors who applied for and obtained such warrant or warrants of attachment a bond with good and sufficient secu- rity to be approved of by the said judge or judges in the sum of forty pounds binding the obligors jointly and severally with -a condition that if such person or persons by-name against whose estate or effects such warrant or warrants issued, do not prove to the said court at the then hext term, that he she or they, is or are resident in this State and were not at the time such warrant or warrants issued, nor within thirty days preceding the issuing thereof nor at any time after, and is or are not absconding or concealed, then such bond or obligation to be void, other- wise to remain in full force and virtue, then and in ‘every such case, the judge or judges who issued such warrant or warrantsshall report his or their proceedings in the premises to the court whereof he or they is or are judge or judges at the next term thereof which court is hereby authorized and empowered to compel the parties and their witnesses to come into court, and hear the proofs and allegations of the parties and their witnesses in a summary way, and thereupon to determine whether the matters and things in such petition have been fully proved and sup- ported, and if such court shall adjudge and determine that the matters and things contained in such petition have been fully and satisfactorily proved and supported, then such court shall grant a supersedeas to such warrant or warrants, and the person or persons against whose estate or effects such warrant or warrants did issue, shall recover his her or their costs to be taxed by the said court in open court, of the creditor or creditors who procured such warrant or warrants of attachment to be issued ; but if the said court shall judge and determine that the matters and things in such petition mentioned have not been fully and satisfactorily supported and proved to the said court, then the person or persons to whom such bond as aforesaid shall have been given, his her or their executors or administrators shall recover the penalty or sum of such bond together with costs of suit by action of debt, bill, plaint or otherwise, in any court of ‘record within this State: The one moiety of such penalty or sum to the use of the obligee or obligees his her or their executors, administra- tors, or assigns ; and the other moiety thereof when recovered and received to be paid to such trustees or the survivor of them as shall be appointed to manage and distribute the estate and effects for seizing whereof such Warrant or warrants issued; to be by such trustees or the survivor of them disposed of and distributed in like manner as all other monies that may come to their hands by virtue of their appointment as trustees, are directed to be disposed of by virtue of this act. And fie z'z‘ fart/2e?" eizaez‘ed fiy z‘fie aut/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That if such absconding or concealed person or persons do not return within three months next after such public notice as aforesaid given, and discharge his her or their debt or debts, or otherwise compound with or satisfy his her or their creditors not having presented such petition and given such bond as aforesaid; or if such absconding or concealed person or per- sons shall have presented such petition and the court shall have adjudged and determined that the matters and things in such petition mentioned ‘ have not been fully and satisfactorily supported and proved, or shall have refused’ to grant a supersedeas to such warrant or warrants, that then and in either such case, it shall and may be lawful for the judge or judges who issued the warrant of attachment, or the judges of the same court 'for the time being or any one of them to nominate and appoint three or more fit persons to be trustees for all the creditors of such absconding or concealed person or persons, which trustees shall take an CHAP. 24.] NINTH SESSION. 211 oath or affirmation as the case may be, well and truly to execute the trust by that appointment reposed in them according to the best of their skill and understanding; which oath or affirmation the judge or judges appointing the said trustees is and are hereby required to administer. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That the said trustees or any two of them, when so as aforesaid appointed, shall as soon as may be thereafter, cause public notice to be given in two of the news papers printed in this State, one of which to be printed in the city of New York, of such their appointment and thereby require all persons indebted to such absconding or concealed person or persons, by a day certain to be appointed by them in their said notice, to pay all such sum or sums of money or other debt, duty or thing, which they owe to such absconding or concealed person or- persons, and deliver all effects of such absconding or concealed person or persons, which he she or they may have in his her or their hands power or custody, to them the said trustees; and that the said trustees shall also by public adver- tizement in two of the said news papers, desire all the creditors of such Trustees, notices to be pub- lished by. absconding or concealed person or persons by a certain time in such - advertizement to be mentioned to deliver to the said trustees, or any one or more of them their respective accounts and demands against such absconding or concealed debtor or debtors. And he it further enacted .fiy the authority aforesaid, That such trustees and each and every of them, when so nominated and appointed under the hand and seal, or hands and seals of the said judges, or any one of them, hereby is and are fully authorized and impowered to take into their hands all the estate of such absconding or concealed person or persons, for the management of whose estate or effects they were appointed. and every part and parcel thereof that shall have been seized as aforesaid, and all other his her or their estate and effects, which they the Said trustees may afterwards discover in any part of this State, and all evidences, books of accounts, vouchers and papers relating thereto, and such trustees, immediately after their appointment, shall be, and hereby are declared to be vested with all the estate real and personal of such absconding or concealed person or persons for the management of whose estate they were appointed, and they and the survivors and survivor of them is and are hereby enabled and made capable, to sue for, recover, and receive all such estate as well real as personal, debts, dues, effects or other thing or things whatsoever, as they shall find due, pay- able or belonging to, such absconding or concealed person or persons, and such sheriff or sheriffs as shall have seized attached or taken any estate real or personal, or any other matter or thing whatsoever by virtue of any such warrant or warrants as aforesaid, shall deliver the same to such trustees or one of them, and such trustees and the survi- vors and survivor of them is and are hereby authorized and directed, to make sale by public vendue of all Such estates and effects of such absconding or concealed person or persons as shall come to their hands (after fourteen days notice of each time and place of sale respectively) and of all estate and interest which such absconding or concealed person or persons had in the same, and deeds and releases, bills of sale or other conveyances for the same, or any part or parcel thereof from time to time to make and execute, which being so made and executed, by them or any two of them or the survivor of them for such estates or effects or any part or parts thereof shall be and are hereby declared to be as good valid and effectual to transfer the property thereof to all intents construc- tions and purposes whatsoever as if executed by the said absconding or concealed person or persons before such public notice as aforesaid given. Trustees to take possession of, and sell all the property of absconding debtor. 212 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 24. Penalty for withhold- ing prop— erty from the trust- ees. Discovery of prop- erty, mode of proced- ure for; examina~ tion of witnesses; commit- ments for refusal to answer. And be it fztrt/z'er enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That if any per- son or persons indebted to such absconding or concealed debtor or debtors, or having the custody of any goods chattels or effects, or other thing or things whatever of such absconding or concealed debtor or debtors shall conceal the same, and not deliver a just account thereof to such trustees as aforesaid or one of them, by the day for that purpose by them appointed, he she or they so concealing, or not delivering such account thereof shall forfeit double the sum of the debt or debts, or double the value of the goods chattels effects or other thing or things so concealed or not accounted for to be recovered by the said trustees in any court within this State having jurisdiction to the amount of such forfeiture and applied as hereinafter directed: Which said courts are hereby respectively fully empowered, to compel to come before them, all such person or persons who shall so conceal or not account ‘as afore— said and them to examine upon oath or affirmation touching the prem- ises, and to commit them or either of them to prison if they refuse to be so examined, or being so examined, refuse to answer fully and satisfac- torily to such court. And be it fztrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the trustees of any debtor oi debtors estate, here- tofore appointed by virtue of any of the laws of this State, or the late colony of New York, relating to fraudulent or absconding debtors, or hereafter to be appointed by virtue of this act or the survivors or sur- vivor of them or the major part of such survivors, to apply to any jus— tice of the peace in this State, who is hereby in such case required to grant a warrant under his hand and seal, commanding such debtor or debtors, the wife or wives of such debtor or debtors respectively and every other person whomsoever, known or suspected to detain any part of the estate of such debtor or to be indebted to it, or knowing or sus- pected to know any thing concerning the concealment or embezlement thereof by their respective names, forthwith to be brought before such justice and trustees, at such place as the said justice and trustees, or the major part of them, or the survivors or survivor of them, or the major part of such survivors, shall at the time of the application for, or the issuing of such warrant, appoint, where the said justice of the peace is also hereby required and commanded to be present, or in case of his death, absence or indisposition such other justice of the peace as the said trustees, or the major part of them, or the survivors or survivor of them, or the major part of such survivors shall request to be present, at which meeting as well the said justice of the peace as the said trustees, or the-survivors or survivor of them, or the major part of such surviv- ors, shall and may examine on oath, or if a person privileged by law to affirm, on his or her affirmation (which oath or affirmation the said jus- tice of the peace is hereby required to administer) as well by word of mouth as on interrogatories in writing, all and every person or persons brought before the said justice and trustees by virtue of such warrant or warrants; and any other person or persons present at any such meet- ing, touching all matters relative to the person trade, dealings, debts. credits, estate or effects, of all and every such debtor or debtors; and also to reduce to writing the answers of every such person, had, given or taken before them as aforesaid, which examination so reduced to writing, the person so examined shall and is hereby required to sign and subscribe; and in case any person so brought before them the said jus- tice and trustees, or the survivors or survivor of them or the major part of such survivors, shall refuse to be sworn, or if a person so privileged by law, to affirm as aforesaid, or being sworn or affirrned, shall refuse to ' CHAP. 24.] 213 NINTH SESSION. answer, or shall not fully answer to the satisfaction of the said justice, all lawful questions put to him her or them by the said justice and trus- tees, or the major part of them then present, as well by word of mouth as by interrogatories in writing, or shall refuse to sign or subscribe his her or their examination so taken down in writing as aforesaid, not hav- ing a reasonable objection, either to the wording thereof, or otherwise, to be allowed by the said justice, it shall and may be lawful for the said justice of the peace, and he is hereby required by warrant under his hand and seal to commit him her or them to prison, there to remain without bail or mainprize until such time as such person or persons respectively shall submit to the said justice to be sworn or affirmed as aforesaid, and full answer to make to the satisfaction of the said justice to all such questions as shall be put to him her or them as aforesaid, and to sign and subscribe such examination as aforesaid, according to the true intent and meaning of this act: Provided always that in case any person or persons shall ‘be committed as aforesaid for refus- ing to be sworn or affirmed, or to answer, or for not fully answering any question or questions put to him her or them by the said justice and trustees or the major part of them then present, by word of mouth or on interrogatories, that the said justice of the peace shall in his war- rant of commitment specify such default respectively, and if the com- mitment be for refusing to answer any question or interrogatory the said justice shall in his warrant specify such interrogatory or interrogatories, question or questions; provided also, that in case any person or persons committed by such warrant or warrants by virtue of this act, shall bring any habeas corpus in order to be discharged from any such commitment and on the return of any such habeas corpus, there shall appear any insufficiency whatever, in the form of the warrant whereby such person was committed, by reason whereof the party might be discharged of such commitment, that then it shall and may be lawful for the court or judge before whom such party shall be brought by habeas corpus as aforesaid, and such court or judge shall, and is hereby required by rule order or warrant to commit such person or persons to the same prison to which he was first committed, there to remain as aforesaid, unless it shall be made appear to such court or judge by the party committed, that he she or they have fully answered all lawful questions put to him her or them by the said justice and trustees that were then present, or the major part of them, or in case such person was committed for not signing his her or their examination unless it shall be made appear to such court or judge that the party so committed had a good and suffi- cient reason for refusing to sign the same and in case any gaoler or keeper of any prison or gaol to whom any such person or persons shall be committed as aforesaid, shall willfully suffer any such person or per- sons to escape from such prison until he she or they shall be duly dis- charged as aforesaid, such gaoler or keeper shall for every such offence first being duly convicted thereof on indictment or information forfeit to the trustees appointed to manage and distribute the estate and effects of such absconding or concealed person or persons respectively, a sum equal to all such sum or sums of money, as shall be due or owing to the creditor or creditors of such absconding or concealed person or persons, provided the same does not exceed the sum of one thousand pounds, to be sued for and recovered by the said trustees or the survivors or sur- vivor of them in any court of record within this State, and distributed as hereinafter directed. A 11d be iz‘farl/zer enacted by tile auz‘lzorily aforesaid, That in case any person so to be examined as aforesaid, either in court or before such Proviso, default of witness to be specified in com- mitment. Habeas corpus for discharge of witness committed. 214 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 24. Penalty for false swearing. Reward for discovery of‘ secreted property. Trustees to have full power to settle es- tate, etc. Controver— sies arising in settle- ment of the estate to be set- tled by ar- bitration. justice and trustees as aforesaid, shall wilfully and knowingly swear or affirm falsely, the person so offending shall be liable to the same pains and penalties as those who are convicted of wilful and corrupt perjury. And fie iz‘ farZ/zererzaez‘ed fiy z‘fie azzf/zorizjl aforesaid, That any person or persons (other than those who have the effects in their custody) who shall discover any effects of any absconding or concealed debtor or debtors, secreted contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, so that they be recovered by the trustees of such absconding or concealed person or persons estates, shall be and hereby is or are entitled to ten per cent. on the value of all effects so discovered recovered and received by the said trustees, to be paid to the person or persons so discovering by the said trustees, out of the estate or effects of such absconding or concealed debtor or debtors. And fie iz‘ fzeri/zer ezzaez‘ed fiy t/ze ant/writ)’ aforesaid, That the trustees of any absconding or concealed debtors estate already appointed in pur- suance of any of the said laws of this State, or of the late colony of New- York, relating to absconding and fraudulent debtors, or hereafter to be appointed in pursuance of this act, or any two of them are hereby fully empowered to settle and adjust all matters contracts and accounts that may be subsisting between such absconding or concealed person or per- sons, and his her or their debtor or debtors, and also between such absconding or concealed person or persons, and his her or their creditor or creditors, and to examine any person or persons upon oath or affir- mation concerning any matters accounts or settlements between them or either of them, which oath or affirmation the said trustees or any one of them, two of them being present, is and are hereby empowered to administer. And for the greater ease and relief of such trustees as aforesaid. Be it fart/zer erzaez‘ed fiy z‘fie aat/zorzz‘y aforesaid, That in case any con- troversy shall arise, concerning any debt matter or thing claimed by any creditor or creditors of such absconding or concealed person or persons, or concerning any debt, due, duty, matter or thing claimed by the said trustees from or against any person or persons, as belonging to or in right, of the effects or estate of such absconding or concealed debtor or debtors previous to such public notice as aforesaid first given, it shall and may be lawful for such trustees already appointed as aforesaid, or hereafter to be appointed in pursuance of this act or any two of them or the survivors or survivor of them, to have such - controversy deter- mined in the following manner, that is to say, the said trustees or any two of them or the survivors or survivor of them may nominate two referees, not being creditors of such absconding or concealed debtor or debtors, or to them known to be otherwise interested in such contro- versy, or related to any person interested in such controversy, and the other party or parties in such controversy shall also nominate two indiff- erent persons to be referees, and their names shall be seperately written on four pieces of paper as nearly as may be of the same size and figure, which shall be rolled up seperately in the same manner and put into a box, and from thence one of the trustees shall draw out three of the said pieces of paper, and the persons whose names are so drawn shall finally settle such controversy; and if any referees so appointed, shall refuse or be incapable of acting in a reasonable time, a new choice shall be made in like manner as before of another or others in the room of him or them so refusing or being incapable of acting as aforesaid, and in case any person or persons, who shall have any controversy with any such trustees as aforesaid, shall refuse to nominate fit persons to be referees on his her or their part, then such trustees on any two of them, or the CHAP. 24.] NINTH SESSION. [\9 H O t survivors or survivor of them are hereby impowered to nominate referees for him her or them so refusing and to proceed to the final Settlement of such controversy in manner aforesaid. And he it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That all trustees Trustees, hereafter to be appointed by virtue of this act, shall proceed to convert 3193253,,‘ the estate real and personal, of such absconding or concealed debtor or debtors, for the management of which estates respectively they shall be appointed, into money, and collect the debts due to the same, and that the Said trustees, or any two of them, or the survivors or survivor of them, shall cause public notice to be given in two of the public news papers printed in this State, one of which to be printed in the city of New York, requesting a general meeting of all such creditors as shall choose to attend, to examine and see the debts due to each person, ascer- tained, at a certain time and place by such trustees in their said notice to be appointed, which shall not be less than two, nor more than three months after such notice given, nor more than one year and an half from the time of their first appointment, at which meeting, or other subsequent meetings necessary for that purpose, to be continued by adjournment if necessary, when all accounts are fairly stated and adjusted, they shall proceed to make a distribution or division amongst the creditors in pro- portion to their respective just demands, of all such monies, as shall have come to their hands as trustees of such estate or effects (of which all forfeitures by them recovered and received by virtue of this act, shall be considered as a part,) first deducting thereout all legal charges and commissions ; in which payments no preference shall be allowed to debts due on specialties: And if the whole of such absconding or concealed debtor or debtors estate shall not be then settled and distributed, such trustees or any two of them, or the survivors or survivor of them, shall within the space of one year thereafter, make a second dividend of all such monies as shall have come to his or their hands, after the first division, and so from year to year until a final settlement thereof and a just and equal distribution of such estate or effects shall have been made amongst the creditors of such absconding or concealed debtor or debtors in proportion to their respective just demands, and if any sur- plus shall remain after all just debts and legal charges and commissions are fully paid and satisfied, such surplus shall be paid or delivered to the said absconding or concealed person or persons his her or their executors administrators or assigns. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That any person Debts not or persons, who may have given credit to any such absconding or con- ggglfa‘il’t cealed debtor or debtors, on a valuable consideration for any Sum of of. money, which shall not be due or payable at the time of any such divis- ion or distribution as aforesaid, but will become due or payable at some after time, shall and may nevertheless be admitted and considered as a creditor or creditors whose debts were then due, and shall receive a dividend of the estate of such absconding or concealed debtor or debtors, in the same proportion as other creditors, deducting thereout only a rebate of legal interest for what shall be received on such debt or debts, to be computed from the actual payment thereof, to the time such debt or demand respectively would have become due. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That if any Presenta— creditor or creditors, shall neglect or refuse to give notice of, or deliver to the said trustees an account of his her or their debt or demand, or Whgljg having any controversy relating to or concerning the estate of such 32212202280 absconding or concealed debtor or debtors, shall refuse to adjust or make: settle the same, with the said trustees, in the manner in and by this act 216 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 24. Creditors residing out of the State . Debtors residing out of the _ State, at- tachment of property in the State of. Proviso; roofs to Id.; pro- ceedings to vacate attach- ment. directed, until after a division shall have been made, of the monies and effects in the hands of the said trustees, any such creditor or creditors, shall not be entitled to any dividend; and the whole monies then in hand to be divided, shall be divided by the said trustees, among the other creditors: but in case the whole of the estate of such debtor or debtors, shall not be divided and settled at the first division, then if such creditor or creditors respectively shall prove and deliver unto such trustees, an account of his her or their debt or demand, before the time appointed for the second division, or shall have settled such con- ,troversy as aforesaid with the said trustees; then such creditor or credi- tors shall have his her or their first dividend, or so much money, as he she or they would otherwise have been entitled to on the first division, before any second dividend shall be made. And be it fart/zer enacted by the authority aforesaid, That any creditor or creditors, residing out of this State, shall be entitled to all the privi- leges and benefits of this act; and that the attorney or attornies of every such creditor or creditors residing out of this State, on producing a letter of attorney from such creditor or creditors, duly authenticated, and legal proof of the debt due, shall and may in all respects, act, do, and proceed for and in behalf of such creditor or creditors in the same manner as such creditor or creditors might or could do, for securing or recovering their respective debts from such absonding or concealed debtor or debtors, if such creditor or creditors was or were personally present. And w/zereas persons who dwell out of this State may be indebted within the same, and have estates or effects sufficient within the same to pay and satisfy such debts or parts thereof. Therefore Be it fzcrt/zer enacted by tile aat/zority aforesaid, That the estates goods chattels and effects, real and personal of all and every such person and persons (so indebted) as do or may dwell or reside out of this State, shall also be subject and liable to be taken, seized, proceeded against, sold, conveyed and disposed of for the payment and satisfaction of such of the said debts as aforesaid, as near as may be, in like manner as the estates and effects of other debtors in and by this act are made subject and liable to: Provided always, That instead of the proof of abscond- ing or concealment of such debtor or debtors; the creditor or creditors applying for any attachment against the estate or effects of any person or persons residing out of this State, shall make proof by two witnesses, to the satisfaction of the .judge or judges to whom application for such attachment shall be made, that such debtor or debtors reside out of this State; And also provided, That in any such case, no trustees shall be appointed until the expiration of one year after such public notice as aforesaid given. And be it fart/zer enacted by the ant/torily aforesaid, That if any per- son, against whose estate or effects such warrant or warrants of attach; ment shallv be issued shall at any time before the appointment of trus— tees in the manner aforesaid in person, or by attorney or agent, apply to the judge who shall have issued such warrant or warrants, and give such security as such judge shall direct and approve, to the person or persons at whose instance such warrant or warrants issued, to appear ' and plead to any suit or action to be brought in vany court of law or equity in this State, within six months thereafter, against the same per- son against whose estate or effects such warrant or warrants shall be issued by the person or persons at whose instance such warrant or war- rants issued; and pay all such sums as may be adjudged or decreed-in any such suit or action, then' and in every such case such judge shall issue a supercedas to such warrant or warrants, and no farther proceed- CHAP. 24.] NINTH SESSION. 217 ings shall be had thereon. And further That in all cases where upon any such attachment or attachments any ship or vessel or any part thereof shall be seized or attached, it shall be lawful for the judge who shall have issued fuch warrant or warrants, to cause such ship or vessel or part thereof so seized or attached, to be valued by indifferent persons, and if any person will give security, to be approved of by such judge, to the people of the State of New York for the benefit of the creditors of such debtor, to pay the amount of such valuation, to the trustees to be in such case appointed, then such judge shall cause such ship or vessel, to be discharged from such attachment. And be ii‘ farz‘lier mauled by l/ze aai/ioriij/ aforesaid, That the first judge of the inferior court of common pleas, in each county within this State, and the mayor and recorder of the city of New York, and each and every of them, is hereby authorized and empowered to put this act in execution in their respective counties ; provided always, That where warrants shall be issued by any judge or judges of the supreme court, and also by a first judge of any of the said inferior courts or such mayor or recorder, against the estate or effects of the same person or persons, in such case, the judges of the supreme court or any one of them shall award a writ or writts of certiorari to the judge of such inferior court or mayor or recorder as the case may require, to remove the proceed- ings there, before the judge or judges of the supreme court, that he or they may proceed upon both warrants, or either of them. And be it farl/zer mauled by file azil/iorizy aforesaid, That the judge or judges mayor or recorder who shall issue any warrant or warrants of attachment in pursuance of this act, shall make report to the court whereof he or they'is or are judge or judges, of the proof of the debt or demand made by the creditor or creditors on whose application such warrant or warrants issued, of the issuing of such warrant or warrants, of the notice thereon ordered, of the publication of such notice, of the appointment of trustees, and of all other matters required of him or them by this act to be done out of court, and cause that report to be entered in the minutes of the said court to be evidence of the facts .50 reported, and such report, or the record, or entry thereof in the minutes of the said court shall be full and conclusive evidence of the facts so reported, in all courts of record within this State. And be it fZl7’l/267’ enacted by i/ze azii/zorizy aforesaid, That the judge or judges mayor or recorder who shall make any such appointment of trustees shall and is and are hereby required, at the request of the trus- tees thereby appointed, or any one of them, to endorse on such appoint- ment an allowance that the same may be recorded, which allowance, signed by the said judges, mayor or recorder or any one of them, if a judge of the supreme court shall be a sufficient warrant, and authority to the secretary of this State, and to all or any of the clerks of the respective cities or counties within this State to record the same, and if such judge be a judge of an inferior court of common pleas or mayor or recorder shall be a sufficient warrant and authority to the clerk of the court or county whereof he is a judge to record the same and any appointment of trustees under the hand and seal or hands and seals of any judge or judges or mayor or recorder authorized to put this act in execution, or the record thereof duly made in the said secretarys office, or in the office of the clerk of any city or county of this State, shall be full and conclusive proof in all courts and places within this State, that the person or persons against whose estate or effects such warrant or warrants issued, was or were at the time of issuing thereof, either absent absconding or concealed debtor or debtors, within the meaning of this Id. ; ships and vessels Judges, jurisdic- tion of, in carrying this act into effect. Proceed- ings of Judges to be entered in minutes ofthe court. VoL. 2.—28 Appoint- ment. of trustees, recording of ; effect of. 218 LAWS OF NEW YORK, [CHAR 24. Papers and records, disposal of. Where lands sold, appoint- ment of trustees must be recorded. act, and that the said appointment and the proceedings previous thereto were regular and according to the directions of this act. A/zd ztl/zereas the affidavits or affirmations of the creditors whereon warrants of attach- ment have issued against concealed or absconding debtors, by virtue of sundry laws of this State relating to fraudulent and absconding debtors, and the warrants of attachment issued as aforesaid, and the sheriffs returns thereof and inventories therewith returned,have usually remained with the judge or judges who issued the same or one of them; and the appoint- ments of trustees made in pursuance thereof, remained in the hands of the trustees appointed, or one of them, and by reason of the decease of such judges, and death or removal of such trustees, are many times lost or mislaid; by means whereof such persons as have or may purchase any messuages lands tenements or hereditaments, which were of such absconding or concealed debtors, from or under any trustees for all the creditors of any concealed or absconding person or persons appointed as aforesaid, may be disabled to make out their rights and titles to the same, and such affidavits or affirmations, warrants of attachment or appointments of trustees in case they can be found, are not at present of record, or filed in any public office of record, which may be of evil consequences to such purchasers as aforesaid, or persons claiming under them; for remedy whereof. Be iz‘ fzerZ/zer enaez‘ed fiy Zlze azei/zorizj/ aforesaid, That any judge or judges, or mayor or recorder who shall issue such warrant or warrants of attachment as aforesaid pursuant to this act, shall, and he or they, is and are hereby required and directed to cause the affidavits or affirma- tions of the creditor or creditors made before him or them previous to the issuing of such warrant or warrants respectively, within thirty days after the taking of such affidavit or affirmation, and such warrant or warrants of attachment as aforesaid, within thirty days after the return thereof by such sheriff, as shall return the same, together with the sher- i'ffs return thereof to be delivered into the office of the clerk of that court, whereof he or they is or are judge or judges, which ‘clerk is hereby required and commanded to mark or cause them to be marked respectively with the day and year on which each of them respectively shall be filed in his office, and to preserve the same amongst the papers filed in such office: And all trustees hereafter to be appointed by vir- tue of this act or the survivors or survivor of them, who by virtue of such appointment, shall sell and convey any messuages lands tenements or hereditaments, shall cause such appointment of trustees to be duly proved or acknowledged, and allowed, so that the same may be recorded, and shall cause the same to be entered of record, either in the secre- tarys office of this State, or in the office Of the clerk of the city or county, wherein such messuages lands tenements or hereditaments do lie, and every appointment of trustees for the estate of any fraudulent, or absconding or concealed debtor heretofore made by any judge or judges of the supreme court, or any of the inferior courts of common _ pleas, or by the mayor or recorder of the city of New York and every appointment of trustees hereafter to be made in pursuance of this act, or the record thereof made by such proper officer as aforesaid, or an office copy thereof attested by any such proper officer as aforesaid, in case such record should have perished by fire or other accident, together with a legal title or conveyance from such trustees or any two of them, or the survivors or survivor of them, proved or to be proved in such due form as by law required, there shall be a full compleat and perfect title for such messuages lands tenements or hereditaments, to such pur- chaser or purchasers his her or their heirs and assigns, against such CHAP. 24.] NINTH SESSION. 219 absconding absent or concealed debtor or debtors, his her or their heirs or assigns, and all other persons claiming or to claim, by, from or under him her or them by virtue of any act, deed, matter, or thing, after such first public notice as aforesaid given and all sales and conveyances of any messuages lands tenements or hereditaments heretofore bona fide sold and conveyed by any trustees heretofore appointed by such judge or judges mayor or recorder as aforesaid, for the management and dis- tribution of the estate of any absconding or concealed debtor or debt- ors, are hereby confirmed and declared to be valid and effectual to all intents and purposes, to such purchaser or purchasers, his her and their heirs and assigns, against such absconding or concealed or absent debtor or debtors his her or their heirs or assigns, or any person claiming or to claim_by from or under him her or them by virtue of any act deed matter or thing after such first public notice as aforesaid givemprew'a’ea’ always that such purchaser or purchasers, his her or their heirs or assigns, now are and have been for the space of three years last past, in the actual possession of snch messuages lands, tenements or hered- 1taments. Ana’ ée z'z‘ fart/2e?’ eyzaez‘ea’ 5y t/ze aaZ/zerz'z‘y aferesaz'a’, That such trus-' Accounts tees as shall. hereafter be appointed by virtue of this act, shall keep a of trustees ‘ to be kept; regular book or regular books of account, of all such monies as shall cpmpensa- come to their hands by reason or on account of such their appointment, to which book or books, every creditor interested in such monies or estate, at all reasonable times may have recourse, and that such trustees and each of them, shall be subject to such orders and directions for the more effectual putting this act in execution, and finishing a distribution of such estate or effects as may come to their hands by virtue of such appointment, as shall from time to time be made and given in the court, by the judge or judges whereof such appointment of trustees was made, and also that such trustees shall render unto the court by the judge or judges whereof they were appointed a just and true account or accounts in writing upon oath or if of the people called Quakers, affirmation made -in open court of their proceedings and accounts in the premises by virtue of their appointment, which shall be filed with the clerk of the said court for the satisfaction of all persons concerned, and such trus- tees of the estate of any such absconding absent or concealed person or persons, already appointed or hereafter to be appointed, shall and may, retain and keep in their hands for the trouble and services to be by them peformed, the sum of five per cent. on the whole sum which shall come into their hands by virtue of such appointment, before each divi- dend made, over and above all necessary disbursements in the premises. Ana’ be it fZH’l/Ml’ eizaefea’ @1 f/ze aaZ/zorz'zjl aferesaz'a’, That any judge Proceed- or judges mayor or recorder who have issued any warrant or warrants in pursuance and by virtue of any act or acts, against absent, abscond- ing or concealed debtors, may proceed thereon by virtue of this act, and that trustees, appointed by any of the said acts, may exercise all the powers given by this act to such trustees, and shall be subject to such rules orders and regulations as in and by this act are appointed. Ana’ fie z'z‘ furt/zer erzaez‘ed ZJy Z/ze ant/writ] aforesaid, That if any per- son or persons shall be sued for any matter or thing done in pursuance or by virtue of this act, it shall and may be lawful for him her or them to plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence, and also that this act shall be beneficially construed for the creditors in all courts of record within this State. Ana’ whereas by the first section of the act entitled An act to amend an act entitled “ An act for relief against absconding and absent debtors,” and to extend the remedy of ings com- menced under formeracts to be con- tinued under this act. Act to be construed favorably to credit- ors. 220 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 25. Proceed— ings under act refer- red to may be contin- ued under this act. / Militia; enrolment of; wh 0 subject to \ military ‘d uty. Equip- ments to be pro- vided. Governor to arrange militia in commands the act entitled “ An act for granting a more effectual relief in cases of certain trespasses, and for other purposes therein mentioned ” passed May the 4th 1784,” remedy was given to creditors against debtors desig— nated in the said first section of the said act, with authority to proceed against such debtors in manner as nearly as may be, as is prescribed and directed in and by an act entitled “An act for relief against ab— sconding and absent debtors” passed 3d day of April 1775.” And w/zereas the act last mentioned is expired by its own limitation. Be it t/zereyfore enacted by the ant/zority aforesaid, That all proceedings hereafter to be had, against such debtors as are particularly described, in, and by the aforesaid first section of the act first aforesaid, shall as nearly as may be. be in the manner prescribed and directed in and by this act. CHAP. 25. AN ACT to regulate the militia. PAssEi) thei4th of April, 1786. Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New Yor/e, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by Me ant/zority of t/ze sanze, That every able bodied male person being a citizen of this State, or of any of the United States and residing in this State (except such persons as are herein after excepted) and who are of the age of sixteen and under the age of forty five years shall by the captain or commanding officer of the beat in which such citizens shall reside within four months after the passing of this act be enroled in the company of such beat. That every captain or commanding officer of a company shall also enrol every citizen as aforesaid who shall from time to time arrive at the age bf sixteen years, or come to reside within his beat, and without delay‘ notify such enrolment to such citizen so enroled by some non commis- sioned officer of the company, who shall be a competent witness to prove such notice. That all disputes which may happen with respect to the age or ability of any person to bear arms, shall be determined by the captain or commanding officer of the company with a right of appeal by the person'who may conceive‘ himself aggrieved or by any other person belonging to the company, to the colonel, or commanding officer of the regiment. That every citizen so enroled and notified shall within three months thereafter provide himself at his own expence with a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt a pouch with a box therein to contain not less than twenty four cartridges suited to the bore of his musket or firelock, each cartridge containing a proper quan- tity of powder and ball, two spare flints a blanket and knap sack; and shall appear so armed, accoutered and provided when called out to exercise or duty, as herein after directed ; except that when called out to exercise only, he may appear without blanket or knapsack. That the commissioned officers shall be respectively armed with a sword or hanger & an espontoon. That the commander in chief for the time being shall by general orders arrange the whole militia, into commands as nearly equal as conveniently may be, of brigades, regiments and com- panies, and may from time to time alter such arrangements as he shall think proper; and that to each brigade of infantry there shall be one company of artillery and one troop of horse. That each regiment of CHAP. 25.] ' NINTH SESSION. 221 infantry shall consist of two battalions, each battalion to be composed Companies‘ of four companies, and each company of ofmfa‘ntry' one captain four corporals one lieutenant one drummer one ensign one fifer, and not less than four serjeants sixty five privates, as nearly as local circumstances will admit the ser- geants, corporals drumers and fifers to be from time to time appointed by the captain or commanding officers of the several companies. And if any non commissioned officer so to be appointed shall refuse to accept the office to which he shall be appointed, he shall forfeit the sum of forty shillings to be adjudged levied and disposed of as is herein after directed with respect to fines for neglecting or refusing to appear to exercise. That each regiment shall be commanded by three field Regiments officers, vizt. One lieutenant colonel commanding and two majors, and ofmfa‘ntry' that to each regiment there shall be a regimental staff, to consist of one adjutant one quarter master, and To rank as lieutenants. one pay master one surgeon and ' one surgeons mate and that to each regiment there shall be two light infantry companies composed of such active young men as shall voluntarily engage in such infantry companies, and who shall form on the flanks of the regiment, and be clothed in such uniform as is herein after directed. That four regiments thus constituted shall form a brigade to he commanded by a Brigades. brigadier general who may nominate his own brigade major which brigade major shall rank as captain. That each troop of horse shall Troops of consist of - horse’ I one captain four corporals one captain lieutenant one sadler one lieutenant one farrier one cornet one trumpeter and four serjeants forty horsemen each trooper to furnish himself with a serviceable horse at least four- teen hands high, a good saddle bridle, housing, holsters, breast plate and crupper, a pair of boots and spurrs, a pair of pistols, a sabre, a cartrouch box to contain twelve cartridges for his pistols; and that the commis- sioned officers shall be armed with a sword and a pair of pistols, the holsters of which to be covered with bearskin caps. That each com- Artillery, pany of artillery shall consist of g‘f’fnpames . one captain six gunners one captain lieutenant six bombardiers three lieutenants one drummer six serjeants ‘ one fifter and six corporals thirty two matrosses, each commissioned officer‘ shall be armed with a sword or hanger, a fuzee bayonet and belt and cartridge box to contain 12 cartridges, and each artillerist shall furnish himself at his own expence with all the equipments of a private in the infantry until proper ordinance and field artillery can be provided by the State; the drum and fife to be provided by the commissioned officers of the company. That each company of Artillery artillery and troop of horse shall be formed of volunteers from the dis- trict of the brigade within which they reside, and shall be uniformly ments in- clothed in regimentals, to be furnished at their own expence, the colour and fashion of which to be determined by the brigadier commanding 222 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 25. Militi when to rendez- vous. Regiment- a1 parades. Adjutant general, duty of. Brigade inspector. the brigade. That on every enlistment of a volunteer into the horse, artillery or light infantry, the captains of such troops or companies respectively shall immediately certify the same to the captain of the heat from which such volunteer shall enlist. That each regiment shall be provided with State and regimental colors, at the expence of the field officers, and each company with a drum and fife at the expence of its commissioned officers, That all the militia of the State shall rendezvous four times in every year, for the purpose of training, disciplining, and improving in martial exercises; twice by companies within their beats once by regiments, and once by brigades; the time and place of ren- dezvous for the companies to be appointed by the colonel, or command- ing officer of the regiment, and arranged on different days, that the field and staff officers may have an opportunity of attending the several com- panies exercised in detail, in order to introduce uniformity in the manoeuvers and discipline of the regiment. That each commanding officer of a regiment shall appoint a regimental parade at some conve- nient place as nearly central as may be within the district of his regi- ment, and each brigadier general shall appoint a brigade parade at some convenient place within the district of his brigade, as nearly central as may be, at which brigade parade such brigade shall rendezvous on such days as the commander in chief shall appoint by general orders; and which days shall be so arranged that the adjutant general may be enabled to visit and review them at their respective brigade parades. That there shall be an adjutant general of the militia whose duty shall be to distri- bute all orders from the commander in chief to the several corps; and once in every year review the brigades; to attend the respective brigades on their respective parades; and the regiment of infantry and companies of artillery and cavalry during the time of their being under arms, pur- suant to this act; and shall inspect their arms, and ammunition accoutre- ments and clothing, superintend their exercises and manoeuvers, and introduce a system of military discipline throughout the State, agreable to such orders as he shall from time to time receive from the commder in chief; to furnish blank forms of different returns that may be required, and explain the principles on which they shall be made; that within three weeks after he shall have finished his annual review he shall de- liver to the commander in chief a return of all the militia of the State, reporting the actual situation of the arms, accoutrements and ammuni- tion of the several corps, their delinquencies, and every other thing which in his judgment may relate to their police and the general advance- ment of good order and military discipline; that he shall have the rank of lieutenant colonel and shall be allowed as a full compensation for all the services he is required to perform by this act, at and after the rate of two hundred and fifty pounds for every year. That to every brigade there shall be an inspector, to rank as major, whose duty it shall be to attend the regimental parades, and shall then and there inspect their arms, ammunition accoutrements and clothing; superinted their exer- cises and manoeuvers, and introduce a proper system of military disci- pline throughout his brigade, agreable to such orders as he may, from time to time receive from the adjutant general. That at the annual brigade rendezvous the light infantry companies or the regiments com- posing the brigades shall be formed into a regiment to be commanded by such field officers as the commanding officer of the brigade shall appoint for that service. That when so embodied they shall continue together together at least four days, and perform such manoeuvers and evolutions under the direction of the adjutant general as he shall assign them. That the artillery company and troop of horse belonging to each CHAP. 25.] NINTH SESSION. 223 brigade shall during such service, be attached to and remain with the regiment of light infantry, and be subject to the orders of the command- ing officer thereof. That every regimental commissioned officer shall Commis~ report his acceptance of his appointment within ten days from his gigigggs to receiving notice thereof, to the commanding officer of the regiment; who report ac- shall in like manner within ten days make return thereof to his brigal ceptance' dier. The commissioned officers of cavalry and artillery shall also notify the acceptance of their appointments within ten days after they have received notice, to their captains; and the captains shall make similar returns to their brigadiers within ten days. That a general court General martial shall consist of thirteen commissioned officers who shall appoint their own judge advocate which judge advocate shall tender to each ' member, and each member is hereby enjoined to take the following oath ~— You do swear, that you will well and truly try, and determine, Oath of according to evidence, the matter now depending between the people members’ of the State of New York, and the prisoner or prisoners to be tryed; and you do further swear that you will not divulge the sentence of the court until the same shall be approved of pursuant to this act. Neither will you upon any account at any time whatsoever disclose or discover the vote or opinion of any particular member of the court martial, unless required to give evidence thereof by a court of justice in a due course of law; so help you God And the president is hereby authorized to tender to the judge advo- cate, who is hereby enjoined to take the following oath You do swear that you will not upon any account at any time oath to whatsoever disclose or discover the vote or opinion of any particular tg‘égfefi‘d' member of the court martial unless required to give evidence thereof as a witness by a court of justice in a due course of law; and that you will not divulge the sentence of this court until the same shall be approved pursuant to this act; so help you God. That every commissioned officer who shall be convicted by a general court martial of having refused or neglected to perform any of the duties of his office, shall be punished according to the nature and degree of his offence at the discretion of the said court either by fine or re- moval from his office Prew'a’ea’ no fine shall exceed ten pounds for the first offence, or fifty pounds for any subsequent offence ; which fine shall be levied and collected by warrant under the hand and seal of the commanding officer of the brigade directed to any serjeant of the regi- ment to which such officer on whom such fine is imposed may belong in like manner as the fines herein aftermentioned to be recovered of non commissioned officers and privates for neglect or refusal of duty. That the commanding officer of a brigade may order courts martial for Brigade the tryal of offences within his brigade; the members of which shall $253851. be warned for that duty by the brigade major, who is to keep a roster for that purpose. That the proceedings and sentence of every court martial by which any officer shall be removed from office, shall be in writing, signed by the president thereof; and that all proceedings and sentences shall by the president be delivered to the commanding officer of the brigade, to be by him transmitted to the commander in chief, who shall approve or disapprove of the same in orders; and, that all other proceedings and sentences of brigade courts martial shall be delivered by the president thereof to the commanding officer of the ' brigade who shall approve or disapprove of the same in orders. That for a court martial for the trial of general officers shall be ordered by the ‘malof . . eneral commander in chief, and composed of general and field officers, who 5mm, 224 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 25. P Non-com- missioned officers and privates, penalty for failure to appear when warned. Order of rank of oflicers. Fines. dis- posal of Fines, how payment of en- forced New York city, regi- ment of ar- tillery in. shall be warned to that duty by the adjutant general, from a roster to be by him kept for that purpose. That the proceedings and sentences of such courts shall be transmitted by the presidents thereof to the commander in chief, who shall confirm or disapprove of the same in general orders. Provided, that no sentence of a court martial on a gen- eral officer shall go farther than removal from office. That all senten- ces of courts martial. by which any officer shall be removed. ‘and which shall be approved by the commander in chief, shall by him from time to time be laid before the council of appointment, to the end that the person administering the government of this State for the time being, by and with their advice and consent, may appoint others instead of the officers so removed from office. That every non commissioned offi- cer or private who shall neglect to appear when warned in pursuance of this act, without sufficient excuse, shall for every day he neglects to appear at the brigade rendevous, forfeit the sum of twenty shillings, and shall for every day he neglects to appear at the regimental or com- pany parades, forfeit the sum of eight shillings; and if he shall not be armed and equipped according to the directions of this act, when so appearing, without sufficient excuse, he shall for every deficiency forfeit the sum of one shilling, and appearing without a musket the sum of four shillings. That the commissions to be granted to officers of the militia shall be numbered, and the officers of the same grade shall take rank according to the numbers marked on their respective commissions, and when officers of different corps shall meet on duty the rank of officers of the like grade shall be determined by ballot, by the commanding officer of the whole then present. That one brigade, regiment or com- pany of foot, (except the light infantry companies herein before men- tioned) shall not be considered as .older or having rank or preference of the other; but each brigade, regiment or company shall be posted in the line or on command as the commanding officer shall think proper. That all fines arising from offences in a company only, shall be adjudged of and imposed by the commissioned officers of the said company, or the major part of them ; and all fines to arise from offences on calling . out the regiment, or brigade, with respect to the non commissioned officers and privates shall be adjudged and inflicted by the major part of the field officers of the regiment ; and shall be levied with costs, not exceeding three shillings, by warrant from the colonel, or commanding officer of the regiment, or captain or commanding officer of the com- pany, as the case may be, directed to one or more serjeants; by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offenders respectively. And in case any such defaulter shall be under age, and live with his father or mother, or shall be then an apprentice or servant, the master or mis- tress, or father or mother, as the case may he shall be liable to pay the said fine with costs : And in default of payment the said serjeant shall levy the same upon the goods and chattels of such father or mother, or mas- ter or mistress ; such fines when recovered, to be paid by the serjeant or serjeants, to the officer granting such warrant, whose duty it shall be to account for, and pay the same to the commanding officer of the brigade; and such commanding officer shall pay the same into the treasury of this State. That the city and county of New York shall raise one regi- ment of artillery, to consist of as many companies as the commander in chief shall judge necessary, not to exceed four; which companies shall consist of the same number of officers, non commissioned officers and matrosses, as the artillery companies herein before mentioned ; that such regiment of artillery shall have three field officers, shall be armed and accoutred in the same manner as the other artillery companies men- CHAP. 25.] NINTH SESSION. 225 tioned in this act, until further provision is made therein by law ; and shall be called out to exercise by orders from the commander in chief at least six times in every year, and be subject to the same fines and penalties as are inflicted by this act for the neglect or refusal to do duty, or being deficient in any arms or equipments. And be ii‘ fart/zer eizaeled by the aat/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the corn- mander in chief for the time being, may, in case of invasion or other emergency, when he shall judge it necessary, order out any proportion of the militia of the State to march to any part thereof, and continue as long as he may think necessary, and likewise, may, in consequence of an application from the executive of any of the United States, on an invasion or an apprehension of an invasion of such State, at his discre- tion, order any number of the militia, not exceeding one third part thereof, to such State; Pro'oided they be not com elled to continue on duty out of this State more than forty days at any one time. That while in actual service in consequence of being so called out, they shall receive the same pay and rations, and be subject to the same rules and regulations as the troops of the United States of America. And be ii‘ fziri/zer enaez’ed by t/ze aaz‘lzoriz‘y aforesaid, That the lieuten- ant governor, members and officers of Congress, and their servants not citizens of this State, members of senate and assembly the clerks of senate and assembly, the chancellor, chief justice and other justices of the supreme court, judge of the court of probates, and all other judicial officers, secretary, treasurer, attorney general, and auditor of this State, surveyor general, registers of courts, sheriffs, coronors, and gaolors, two ferry men employed to each boat and the surrogates in the several coun- ties; all ministers or preachers of the gospel, physicians and surgeons, except in their respective professions and callings, the professors tutors and students of Columbia college, post officers and stage drivers who are employed in conveying the mails of the post office of the United States, all school masters engaged for six months, the actual attendant of every grist mill, and the fire men of the cities of New York and Albany, and of the township of Brooklyn and twenty fire men to be from time to time appointed by the majority of the magistrates of the county of Albany residing in the township of Schenectady, notwithstanding their being above sixteen and under forty five years of age, shall be and hereby are exempted from training or doing duty in the militia. And be if farz‘lzer eizaeled by file aaf/zorizj/ aforesaid That all persons being of the people called Quakers who would otherwise be subject to military duty by virtue of this act, and who shall refuse personal mili- tary service, shall be exempted therefrom on paying annually the sum of forty shillings each for such exemption ; such sum to be assessed on each of them respectively by the assessors, and collected by the collect— ors of the districts wherein they respectively reside, with the contingent charges of the county, and paid to the county treasurer, who shall pay the same into the treasury of this State, to be applied toward the sup- port of government. And it is hereby made the duty of every captain of infantry within three months after he shall have received his com- mission, and yearly and every year thereafter, on the first Monday of June in every year, to make a list of the names of all and every person and persons within his beat who being of the people called Quakers shall neglect or refuse personally to perform military service, and deliver such list in the city of New York to the clerk of the said city, and in each of the other counties of this State to the supervisor of the town, precinct or district where such person or persons so neglecting or refus- ing to perform military service shall respectively reside: And the clerk VOL. 2. — 29 Governor may order out militia when nec- essary. Persons exempt from mili- tary duty. Quakers may be exempted on pay- ment. of forty shil— lings; how collected. 226 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 25. Com pensa- tion of militia directed to remain embodied. Muster- rolls, how made out. Muster and pay-r0] to be certi- of the said city of New York shall forthwith after receiving such lists, deliver the same to the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the said city in common council convened, and the mayor, recorder and alder- men of the city of New York or any three of them in the said city, and the supervisors or major part of them of each of the other counties of this State respectively shall at their first meeting after the delivery of such lists, cause tax lists to he made out according to such lists so deliv- ered, with warrants thereon under their hands and seals directed to the collector of the ward town, precinct or district, in which such persons named in such lists respect-ively reside for levying the sum of forty shil- lings of the goods and chattels of each of the persons named in the same lists. And the said collectors are hereby respectively .authorized and required to demand and receive of each of the persons named in such tax list the said SUnl‘Of forty shillings; and in default of payment such collector shall levy the said sum of forty shillings by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the person‘ so neglecting or refusing to pay the same ; and in case any person named in such tax list shall be under age and live with his father or mother shall be then an apprentice or servant the master or mistress or father or mother as the case may be, shall be liable to pay the said sum of forty shillings for such person so under age: And in default of payment the collector shall levy the same by distress and the sale of the goods and chattels of such fathor or mother master or mistress. And the said respective collectors shall respect- ively pay the said monies to the city or county treasurer, deducting their fees for collecting, on or before the first Monday of January in every year; and the county treasurers shall respectively pay the same to the treasurer of this State, deducting his fees for receiving the same, on or before the first Monday in March in every year. And the col- lectors and county treasurers shall have the like fees for collecting and receiving the said monies, as they are respectively entitled to for col- lecting and receiving the monies raised for defraying the necessary con- tingent charges of the said city or counties. _ And fie iz‘fzzrt/zer enaez‘ed fiy z‘lze auz‘lzorizji aforesaid, That the non com— missioned officers and privates of the companies of artillery, cavalry and. infantry, which by this act are directed to remain embodied for the purpose of being trained and instructed in military discipline, after the other enroled militia of this State are dismissed, shall be allowed and paid for every day which they shall so remain as aforesaid longer than the said enroled militia, each two shillings. And fie it furt/zer erzaez‘ed fiy Z/ze auz‘lzorizfy aforesaid, That the captains of the respective companies of artillery, cavalry'and infantry, which shall remain embodied as aforesaid, shall make out and deliver to the inspector of the brigade to which such companies shall respectively belong, a roll of their respective companies, specifying the names of the non commissioned officers and privates who have actually been in the field as aforesaid, and the times which they have so been in the field. And that the said inspector shall muster the said companies on the day next before the day of their dismission, and shall certify the exact state of such companies respectively upon the muster roll thereof, and sub- scribe his name thereto; which muster roll being subscribed and sworn to by the captains of such companies respectively before the brigadier or commanding officer of the brigade, shall by the said captains together with a pay roll, be delivered to such brigadier or commanding officer of the brigade. _ And fie i2! fzert/zer enacted fiy t/ze auz‘lzoriz‘y aforesaid, That when the muster rolls and pay rolls of the said companies respectively shall be 'CHAP. 25.] _ NINTH SESSION. 227 delivered as aforesaid to the brigadier or commanding officer of the 364 and . . . . . . elivered respective brigades, the said brigadier or commanding officer of the totreas- brigade shall cause the major of brigade to make out an abstract of the urer- whole of the pay of the said companies of cavalry artillery and infantry of his brigade, which musterrolls pay rolls and abstracts being severally examined and certifyed by the said brigadiers or commanding officers of the brigades respectively, shall be transmitted to the treasurer of the State. A //d be if farZ/zer enacted by zf/ze aaZ/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That when the Treasurer _ - - to pay muster iolls, pay rolls and abstract shall have been delivered in manner amounts aforesaid to the treasurer of the State, the said treasurer shall and may to Captains . . . . of com— and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the captains of such panies, companies respectively, upon application therefore the amount of the pay of their respective companies, to be specified in their pay rolls as aforesaid, out of any unappropriated monies in the treasury; and such captains shall as soon as conveniently may be pay the same to such non commissioned officers and privates respectively who are entitled'to the same, or their executors or administrators. And [re z'z‘ fart/zer eizaez‘ed oy t/ze az/t/zorz'z‘y aforesaid That the com- fljwo divi- mander in chief shall from time to time arrange the militia in two divi- 21,23,883‘? be sions as nearly equal as circumstances in his opinion will admit of. And 'zo/zereas from the great extent of the counties of Washington and Montgomery, some of the inhabitants would be subject to great expence and difficulty, if they were obliged to attend at regimental & brigade _ parades ; Be 2'! Z/zerefore e/zaez‘ed o] Z/zo auf/zorz'z’y aforesaid, That it shall and Certain ' ' ' ' ' ' persons in may be lawful for the respective commanding officers of the militia in Montgom each of the said counties to exempt such persons from attending regi- ery and - - . - - \Vashing- mental and brigade parades, as shall live at a greater distance than thirty ton Conn- ' ' ties ex- miles from such parades aforesaid. empted And whereas, from the insular situation of the county of Richmond from it will be attended with much inconvenience and expence if the militia parades‘ thereof should be compelled for the purpose of improving in military discipline to attach themselves to the militia of any other county. Therefore Be 2'! f art/[er eizaez‘ed oy f/ze auZ/zorz'zfy aforesaid, That the militia of the Richmond said county of Richmond shall be formed into one regiment to consist of as many companies as the commander in chief shall judge necessary, regiment which regiment shall meet four times in the year in the manner and “1' during the periods which the other militia of this State are directed to meet; but such regiment shall be inspected in the said county by such inspector of the militia of the city and county of New York as the commander in chief shall direct, and shall be attached to and consid— ered as part of the militia of the city and county of New York, and be- subject to the immediate command of the senior brigadier of the said city and county as part of his brigade. A 11d [1e z'Zfart/zer ezzaez‘ed 12y z‘lze auz‘lzorz'fy aforesaid That if a sufficient Infantry number of volunteers shall not offer themselves to compose the infantry 3321533588 companies of any regiment it shall and may be lawful from time to time by voluni) when a deficiency in the complement of any such company shall arise, E‘ffifi’b? 8’ to and for the field officers of the regiment to cause a list to be made of draft' all the young men enroled in the district of such regiment above the age of sixteen and under the age of twenty six years, and who shall not already have enlisted in the said infantry companies, and shall by lot determine which of the said young men shall be compelled to attach themselves to the said companies of infantry. 228 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 25. ‘ Invasion, calling out of militia in case of. Commis- sary of military stores. Penalties for refusal to obey orders, etc. Uniforms, of what to consist. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any major general or commanding officer of a brigade or commanding officer of a regiment when and as often as any invasion may happen to order out themilitia under their respective commands for the defence of this State, giving notice of such invasion and every circumstance attending the same, as early as possible to their immediate commanding officer, by whom such information shall be transmitted with the utmost expedition to the commander in chief ; and that in cases of insurrections the commanding officer of the regiment within the limits of which any such insurrection may happen shall im— mediately assemble his regiment under arms, and having transmitted information thereof to the commanding officer of the brigade and to the commander in chief shall proceed to takesuch measures to suppress such insurrection as to any three of the judges or justices of the county in which such insurrection shall happen shall appear most proper and effectual. And if any person be wounded or disabled while in actual service in opposing any invasion or insurrection or in suppressing the same, he shall be taken care of and provided for at the public expence, without having any regard to the rank such person may hold. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful for the person administring the government of the State for the time being, by and with the advice and concent of the council of appointment, to appoint a commissary of military stores,‘ who shall be allowed at and after the rate of forty pounds per an-num : And such commissary shall have the charge and keeping of ordinance, and mili- tary stores of the State, subject to such- orders and instructions in the execution of his duty as he shall receive from the commander in chief. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That every non commissioned officer and private who shall neglect or refuse to obey the orders of his superior officer while under arms shall forfeit twenty shillings for every such offence, and if any such non commissioned officer or private enroled to serve in either of the companies of artillery cavalry or infantry shall refuse or neglect to perform such military duty or exercise as he shall be required to perform, or shall depart from his colours or guard, without the permission of his superior officer as afore— said, he shall forfeit the sum of twenty shillings and for the non pay- ment thereof the offender shall be committed by warrant from the cap- tain or commanding officer of the troop or company then present to which such offender doth belong to the next goal there to be confined until the fines as aforesaid together with the goalors fees are paid. And the respective sheriffs of the respective cities and counties of the State are hereby empowered and required to receive the body or bodies of such offender or offenders as shall be brought to them by virtue of a warrant or warrants under the hand and seal of such officer as aforesaid ; and him or them to keep in safe custody until such fines as are men- tioned in such warrant together with the goalers fees as aforesaid shall be paid, and the sheriffs and goalers respectively shall be allowed the same fees as are allowed in other cases: Provided, that in case of a military guard where a captain doth not command in person, a warrant granted by an inferior officer who shall have the command of such guard, shall be of the same authority against all offenders as if such warrant had been issued by such captain. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the military uniform of this State shall be as follows, that is to say General officers, dark blue coats with buff facings, linings, collars and. cuffs and yellow buttons with buff under cloths—- CHAP. 26.] NINTH SESSION. 229 Regimental officers of infantry, dark blue coats with white linings," facings, collars and cuffs, and white buttons, with white under clothes— Non commissioned officers and privates of infantry, dark blue coats with white linings collars and cuffs, and white under clothes-— Staff officers, dark blue coats with buff collars and linings and yellow buttons— - Provided, that none of the non commissioned officers and privates of the regiments of militia, except those composing the light infantry com- panies, directed to be formed by this act, shall be obliged to appear in uniform in manner aforesaid. And be iz‘ far/ber eizaez‘ed by Me aul/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That all persons who have heretofore been commissioned officers in the line of the army of the United States, shall be, and hereby are exempted from serving in the militia of this State, any thing in this act to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. Provided neverz‘lzeless, that if any such officer being above the age of sixteen and not more than forty five years, shall be commissioned in the militia to a rank equal to that which he held in the said army and shall refuse to accept such commission such officer so refusing, shall be liable to serve in the militia. And be if farl/zer enacted by file azel/zorizfy aforesaid, That the com- mander in chief shall, as soon as may be after the passing of this act, take such measures as to him shall seem proper, to obtain the age rank and residence of all officers who heretofore have served in the militia of this State, and the number of men between the age of fifteen and forty five directed to be enrolled by this act. And all executive officers within this State, are hereby strictly enjoined and required to carry into execution such directions relative to the premises as the commander in chief may from time to time give and enjoin. And be ii‘ furl/zer mated by l/ze azit/zorii‘y aforesaid, That all other laws of this State, for regulating the militia thereof ‘shall be and hereby are repealed. Provided always, that the act entitled “ An act to regulate the militia ” passed the 4th of April 1782 shall continue to be in full force and effect in the different counties of this State until the militia of such counties shall be arranged and officered. agreable to the direc- tions of this law and no longer. CHAP. 26. AN ACT to enable the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, in common council convened, to order the raising monies by tax for the maintenance of the poor, and other contingent expences arising in the said city. Passer) the 4th of April, 1786. Be ii‘ mated by z‘be People of [be Slaz‘e of 1Vew Yor/e, represem‘ed iiz Se/zale and Assembly, and it is bereby enaez‘ed by file aziilzorizy of file same, That the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, in common council convened, shall be and hereby are fully empowered and authorized, as soon as conveniently may be after the passing of this act, to order the raising a sum not exceeding six thousand pounds, by a tax on the estates real and personal of all and every the freeholders and inhabitants within the city and county of New York, to be applied to the support and maintenance of the poor of the said city and county, Former officers in the line of the United States exempt. Lists to be made of officers who have formerly served in the militia. Certain acts re- pealed. Tax laid in New York city for contingent expenses. 230 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 27. Creditors of deceased person may sue heirs and devisees. the bridewell and the criminals from time to time confined in the prison of the said city and county and to the repairing and maintain- ing the public roads and cleaning and improving the streets within the said city and county; also a further sum not exceeding four thousand pounds, by a tax on the estates, real and personal, of all and every the freeholders and inhabitants within the said city on the south side of a line beginning at the outlet of the swamp of Leonard Lispenard Esquire into Hudson’s river; thence to and along the north side of the dwelling house of Nicholas Bayard Esquire; thence to and along the north side of the dwelling house late of Thomas Jones Esquire; and thence to and along the north side of the dwelling house of Abraham Cannon, to the East river to be applied to the payment of so many watchmen as the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the said city of New York shall think necessary for guarding the said city; and also to the purchasing of oil, providing lamps and repairing and attending the lamps which now are or hereafter may be erected within the said city; which said sums above mentioned shall be rated and assessed by the assessors according to the estate of each respective person so to be taxed ; that the said tax shall be raised and collected in one payment, and shall be assessed by the assessors of the said city and county for the time being, and levied and collected in the same manner as hath heretofore been accustomed within the said city and county for levying and collecting the tax for the maintainance and support of the poor, and other contin- gent charges within the said city and county; and that the said tax shall be paid into the hands of the treasurer or Chamberlain of the said city for the time being, to be applied and disposed of from time to time, in such manner and proportions, for the purposes mentioned in this act, as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the said city in common _ council convened, shall direct and appoint. CHAP. 27. 'AN ACT for the relief of creditors against heirs devisees, execu- tors and administrators, and‘ for proving wills, respecting real estates. PASSED the 4th of April, 1786. Be it enacted fiy Me People of file Siaz‘e of ZVew- York represented in Senaz‘e and Assemfi/y and ii‘ is lzerefiy erzaeted fiy Z/ze aaz‘fiorizj/ of Me same, That all and every creditor whether by simple contract or specialty and whether the heirs are mentioned therein or not, shall and may by virtue of this act have and maintain his her and their action and actions against the heir and heirs at law of any debtor who hath already died or shall hereafter die intestate seised of any manors, messuages, lands tenements or hereditaments; and against the heirs, and heirs at law and devisee, and devisees of such debtor in case such debtor made any last will and tes- tament; and such heir and heirs, devisee and devisees, shall be liable and chargeable for a false plea by him her or them pleaded in the same manner as any heir should have been for any false plea by him pleaded in any action of debt upon specialty, or for not confessing the lands or tenements to him descended. Arid fzerz‘lzer, that all creditors shall be preferred as in actions against executors and administrators. CHAP. 27.] NINTH SESSION. 231 And be it further marred by Me aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That in all cases Heirs an- where any heir or .heirs at law, is, are, or shall be liable to pay the debt fixfigj’llg of his, her, or their ancestor in regard of any lands, tenements, or liered- 9fpl'qperty ' , j‘ - . - inherited, itaments, descending to him, her, or them, and shall sell alien or make although over the same before any action brought or process sued out against jlgreenggfilg him her or them, such heir and heirs at law shall be answerable for such brought. debt to the value of the said lands, so by him, her or them sold aliened or made over; in which cases all creditors shall be preferred as in actions against executors and administrators; and such execution shall be taken out upon any judgment or judgments so obtained against such heir or heirs to the value of the said land as if the same were his her or their own proper debt or debts; but the lands tenements and heredita- ments bona fide aliened, before the action brought, shall not be liable to such execution. Provided always, and be ii‘ farz‘lzer elzaez‘ed by Z/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid, Mode of That where any action shall be brought against any heir or heirs, such procedure’ heir and heirs may plead riens per descent at the time of the original writ brought or the bill filed against him, her, or them, any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding; and the plaintiff in such action may reply that such heir or heirs had lands, tenements or hered- itaments from his her or their ancestor before the original writ brought or bill filed,‘ and if upon issue joined thereupon it be found for the plaintiff, the jury shall enquire of the value of the lands tenements or hereditaments so' descended, and thereupon judgment shall be given and execution awarded as aforesaid; but if judgment be given against such heir or heirs by confession of the action without confessing the assets decended, or upon demurrer, or nihil dicit, it shall be for the debt and damages without any writ to inquire of the lands, tenements and hereditaments so descended. Provided also, and be it fziri/zer enacted by tile aziz‘lzorizy aforesaid, Devisees That all and every devisee and devisees made liable by this act shall $1313; be liable and chargeable in the same manner as the heir and heirs at tent as law by force of this act notwithstanding the lands tenements and hered- hens‘ itaments to him or them devised shall be aliened before the action brought; and shall and may in all cases plead the like pleas, and be liable to the like judgments and executions as the heir and heirs at law. - And be it farz‘ber enacted by f/ze aaz‘lzorizy aforesaid, That no lands Judgment or other real estate of any testator or intestate shall be sold or in any wise affected by virtue of any judgment or execution against executors "011611- or administrators. And be it fart/zer mailed by the aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid That when any Executors executor or administrator whose testator or intestate hath died seised $233321“ or shall die seised of any real estate shall discover or suspect that the proceduie personal estate of his, her, or their testator or intestate is insufficient to 22.11255“ pay his or her debts such executor or administrator shall as soon as Paydebts, conveniently may be make a just and true account of the said personal estate and debts as far as he or she can discover the same and deliver the said account to the judge of the court of probates of this State for the time being and request his aid in the premises; and the said judge shall thereupon make an order directing all persons interested in such estate to appear before him at a certain day and place in the same order to be specified not less than six weeks nor more than ten weeks after the day of making such order to shew cause why so much of the real estate whereof such testator or intestate died seised should not be sold as will be sufficient to pay his or heir debts which order shall immediately thereafter be published for four weeks successively in two 232 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 27. Convey- ances, by whom made; effect of. Applica- tion of monies re- ceived on sale of real estate. Proof of will of real estate; lands in one county or more of the public newspapers printed in this State. And the judge of the court of probates for the time being shall at the time and place specified in such order or at such other time and place as he may then appoint hear and examine the allegations and proofs of such executors or administrators and of all such other persons interested in such estate as shall think proper to make or offer any; and if upon due examina- tion, the said judge shall find, that the personal estate of such testator, or intestate is not sufficient to pay his or her debts the said judge shall order and direct the Whole, if necessary, or if not, so much, of the real estate of such testator or intestate, then remaining unsold, to be sold, as will pay his or her debts, and when only a part of the real estate is ordered to be sold, such order shall specify the amount so ordered to be sold. Provided alvzlays that where any houses and lots are so circum- stanced that a part thereof cannot be sold without manifest prejudice to the heirs or devisees the judge of probates at his discretion may order the Whole, or a greater part thereof than is necessary to pay such debt or debts, to be sold, and to distribute the overplus money arising from such sale to and among the heirs and devisees, as the case may be. And be it farZ/zer eaaez‘ed /)y Z/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid That all sales of any real estate to be made by order of the judge of the court of pro— bates, shall be made, and conveyances for the same executed by the executors or administrators applying for such order and such other per- son or persons as the said judge may think proper to appoint. And the conveyances for the same shall set forth such order at large and shall be good valid and effectual against the heirs and devisees of such testator or intestate and all claiming by from or under them or any of them. And oe it fart/zer enaez‘ed oy z‘lze auZ/zorily aforesaid, That Where only a part of the real estate is ordered to be sold as aforesaid the monies arising by such sale or sales shall be received by the executors or administrators applying for such order and shall be considered as assets in their hands for the payment of debts but where the whole real estate is ordered to be sold the monies arising thereby shall be brought into the said court of probates and if the same after deducting all charges and expences shall not be sufficient to pay all the debts of the testator or intestate, the said judge shall cause the same after deducting all charges and expences, to be divided among the creditors in proportion to their respective debts without giving any preference to bonds or other specialties. Provided always, that before the judge of the court of pro- bates makes any such distribution he shall cause at least three months notice of the time and place of making the same to be given by adver- tiseing the same in two or more of the public news-papers printed in this State for six weeks successively. Provided always that no part of the real estate of any testator or intestate shall be ordered to be sold as aforesaid until the executors or administrators shall have applied the personal estate or such part thereof as may have come to their hands towards payment of the debts of such testator or intestate. And no more of the real estate shall be sold in any case than may be necessary to pay the residue of the said debts. Provided also, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent or bar any person from bring- ing or maintaining any suit or action against any executor or adminis- trator for or in respect of the personal estate of his or her‘ testator or intestate or for or in respect of any waste or misapplication thereof by such executor or administrator. , - And oe it furt/zer erzaez‘ed by the aat/zorz'ty aforesaid That in all cases where any real estate is or shall be devised by any last will or testament it shall be lawful for the executor or any other persons interested in CHAP. 27.] NINTH SESSION. I 233 such real estate, if they or any of them shall think proper to cause such last will and testament to be brought before the inferior court of com- mon pleas held in and for the'county where such real estate is or shall be situated and the said inferior court shall'cause the witnesses to such last will and testament to be examined before the same court in open court which examination shall be reduced to writing and if it shall appear to the same court that such last will and testament was‘ duly executed according to law and that the person who executed the same was at the time of executing the same of full age and of sound mind and memory, and not under any restraint, then the said court shall order and direct the clerk of the same court to record such last will and tes- tament ‘together with the proof thereof so taken in the said court, in a book to be provided by the said clerk for that purpose. And fart/ter 1a.; in that if the lands or real estate so devised are or shall be situated in fg1€§gles_ several counties then such last will and testament shall be proved in - manner aforesaid before the supreme court and recorded as aforesaid by the clerk of the same supreme court. A 12d be it fart/ter eizaeted by t/ze aztt/zorizy aforesaid That neither tll€~Noti_ce to supreme court nor any of the said inferior courts shall proceed to 82%,?“ examine the witnesses to the execution of any last will and testament Ofl’erins unless it shall appear or be proved to such court that due notice of such intention had been given to the heir or heirs of the testator, or if such heir or heirs are not to be found within this State, fixed up at the last place of abode of such testator at least fifteen days before such exami- nafion. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aztt/zorizy aforesaid That it shall and Witnesses, may be lawful for the said courts and for each and every of the judges $651933“ of the said courts to cause the witnesses to all such last wills and testa- compelled- ments and all such other witnesses as any person interested may desire, to be summoned to appear before such court to testify what they shall know concerning the premises and if any such witness shall neglect or refuse to appear the said court shall and may cause such witness to be brought before the same.court to be examined as a witness touching the premises. And be it fart/ter enacted by the aat/zority aforesaid That every person Person in whose custody or power any such last will and testament is or shall ffgz‘yngfcus' he, shall upon request produce the same before such court as he or she will]! (acm— may be required for the purpose aforesaid and when the same shall be 5§03u62°i,_ proved and recorded as aforesaid the original shall be returned to the person who brought it to the said court if such person desire it. And further that if any person in whose custody or power any last will or testament is or shall be, shall refuse to produce and deliver the‘ same then the said court before which such person ought to produce the same shall and may commit such person to the common goal there to remain without bail or mainprize until he or she shall produce and deliver such last will and testament to the same court or to one of the judges thereof. A 12d be it furt/zer enacted by tile aztt/zority aforesaid That the records Record to of the said wills so proved and recorded as aforesaid shall be as good Qgggtsgg‘e and effectual in all cases as the original wills would be if produced and Original proved. wln' And be it fart/ter enaeted by t/ze authority aforesaid That the expence Expense of of proving and recording the said wills ‘shall be paid by the person 3,1323%, applying to have the same done and the witnesses and officers shall have paidbv the like fees for attendance and services in virtue of this act as they are 3231;,“ intitled to for the like attendance and services in other cases. VOL. 2.—3o 234 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 28. Fees for proving wills. Columbia county, erection of, out of Albany. Court- house and gaol to be built at Claverack; prisoners confined in Albany gaol. Act not to affect suits and prose- cutions com- menced before day named. Supervisor to levy tax to build court- house and gaoL And fie it fart/zer enacted fiy t/ze azct/zority aforesaid That the judge of the court of prob-ates shall have and take for the services to be by him performed by virtue of this act, the following fees, to wit for filing every petition one shilling, for making and entering every order six shillings; for every citation under seal to witnesses or for any other purposes six shillings; for every sentence or decree thirty shillings; for receiving and paying out all monies which may come into his hands in consequence of any sale by order of the said court a commission of three per cent; for-copies of all records and proceedings when required for each sheet consisting of one hundred and twenty eight words one shilling and six pence. CHAP. 28. AN ACT to divide the county of Albany into two counties. PASSED the 4th day of April, 1786. VYHEREAS the county of Albany is so extensive as to be inconvenient to its inhabitants. Therefore Be it enacted fiy t/ze People of t/ze State of New York, represented irz Senate and Assemfi/y, azzd it is lzerefiy enacted fiy t/ze azct/zority of t/ze same, That that part of the county of Albany, which lies on the east side of Hudsons river, on the south side of the north line of Kinderhook dis- trict, and on the south of the north line of Kings district, shall be one seperate and distinct county, and be called and known by the name of Columbia. And fie it fzcrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze aut/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the said county of Columbia, shall hold and enjoy all the rights priviledges and immunities which appertain to other counties within this State. And fie it fzcrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze azctfiorizj/ aforesaid, That the court house and gaol for the said county of Columbia, shall be erected at or near the place where the old church in Claverack now stands, and until the gaol for the said county shall be erected, the sheriff and other offi- cers of justice having process, and the custody of prisoners, may com- mit prisoners to the gaol of the county of Albany, and the gaoler thereof shall receive such prisoners, and be answerable for them as if they were delivered to his care, by the sheriff or other officers of the said county of Albany. And fie it fzcrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That nothing in this act contained, shall be construed to affect any suit or action already commenced, or that shall be commenced, before the second Tuesday in October next, so as to work a wrong or prejudice to any of the parties therein, nor to affect any criminal or other proceedings on the part of the people of this State but all such civil and criminal proceedings shall and may be prosecuted to trial, judgment and execution as tho’ this act had never been passed, and that all writs and process which may issue out of the inferior court of common pleas of the said county of Columbia subsequent to the first Tuesday in October next shall bear teste as of the last day of the term of September next, as tho’ such term had been held on the second Tuesday of September aforesaid. And fie it furt/zer erzacted fiy t/ze aut/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the super- visors in the several districts in the said county for the time being shall and they are hereby authorized and required to cause to be levied and raised of the freeholders and inhabitants of the said county, a sum not CHAP. 28.] NINTH SESSION. - 235’ exceeding two thousand pounds, for the purpose of building a court house and gaol in the said county, with an additional sum of nine pence in the pound for collecting the same, which said sums shall be levied raised and collected in the said county in like manner as all other necessary and contingent charges of the said county of Albany have been heretofore levied raised and collected. And be ii‘ farZ/zer eizaez‘ed by file aaZ/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the said Supervis- supervisors of the said county of Columbia, shall meet at the dwelling house of Gabriel Esselstyne at Claverack on the first Tuesday of june to meet- next for the purpose of dividing and apportioning amongst the several districts in the said county of Columbia the quotas to be raised by vir- tue of this act. And it is hereby made the duty of Peter Van Ness Esq. to notify the respective supervisors of such meeting. . And be it fari/zer eizaez‘ed by Me aaz‘borizj/ aforesaid, That the sum of Tax,when~ money so to be raised ‘as aforesaid, shall be collected and paid into the $3335, hands of the treasurer of the said county of Columbia at such time Paid- and times as the supervisors at the said meeting shall appoint and direct, and the said supervisors are hereby required by plurality of voices to appoint atreasurer for the said county, and also a clerk of the supervisors, on or before the first Tuesday in june next. And be itfart/zer enacted by i/ze aaz‘borizy aforesaid, That William B. Trustees ‘10' Whiting Abraham I. Van Alstyne, john Livingston, Henry I. Van iffiig’i‘fi' Renselaer Mathew Scott Seth jenkins and William H. Ludlow Esquires, gaol- be, and they are hereby appointed trustees, to superintend and direct the building of the said court house, and gaol in such manner as they or the majority of them shall judge most eligible and consistent with the interest of the inhabitants of the said county ; and the said trustees, or a majority of them may and they are hereby authorised to contract with and purchase from any person or persons in the town of Clavarack so much land as they shall deem necessary for the erecting a court house and gaol upon, and for the use of the same, and to take a deed and conveyance thereof to the supervisors of the said county and their successors forever, in trust for the freeholders and inhabitants of the said county. And that the said trustees or a majority of them shall and may contract with workmen, and purchase materials, and employ an overseer or overseers of such workmen, and from time to time draw upon the treasurer of the said county for such sums of money raised by virtue of this act as may be necessary for the purpose aforesaid, and the treasurer is hereby required out of the said monies, to pay to the order of the said trustees, or of the majority of them, such sum or sums of money, as they may, from time to time draw for. And be if farZ/zer eizaez‘ed by Z/ze aat/iorizy aforesaid, That the said Trustees trustees, their executors or administrators shall, when thereunto required £3,235,112; by the supervisors of the said county, account for the expenditure and received- disposition of all monies to be by them received by virtue of this act, and if the said trustees or either of them, or the executors or adminis- trators of either of them shall neglect or refuse to account to and with the supervisors for the time being for the monies by them received by virtue of this act, and after an order for that purpose served upon them severally, signed by the clerk of the supervisors, it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of the said county, and he is hereby directed to commence and prosecute in his own name, a suit or suits for money had and received to his use, and all damages which shall be recovered in such ‘suit or suits shall be applied in like manner as the monies directed to be raised by virtue of this act. 236 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 28. Penalty for neglect by officers on whom duty en- joined. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze azctbority aforesaid, That if the said treasurer, supervisors, assessors or collectors shall neglect or refuse to perform the duty required of hini or them by this act, the person so neglecting or refusing shall forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds, to be recovered in any court of record within this State, at the suit and in the name of the said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them, which said sum when recovered. shall be disposed of by the said trustees in like manner as the monies ,to be raised by virtue of this act are to be ' applied. District officers to be chosen as in Albany county. Next elec- tion for governor, etc., to be d as formerly; afterward, Columbia to choose three and Albany seven as- , sembly men Columbia county, courts in. Sherifl.’ of_ Albany county, duty re- séard i ng_ olumbla county prisoners And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze ant/zorizy aforesaid, That the super- visors and other district officers in and for the said county of Columbia, shall be elected and chosen, on the same days, and in the same manner as the like officers are elected and chosen in the several districts in the county of Albany. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by file azct/zority aforesaid, That the next ensuing election for governor, leutenant governor and members for Senate and Assembly, shall be held on the same day, and in the same manner as tho this act had not passed. And that it shall and may be lawfull for the freeholders and inhabitants of the said county of Columbia yearly thereafter to elect three members to represent the same county in assembly, and that the remainder of the said county of Albany shall remain and continue a separate county by the name of the county of Albany, and that it shall be lawful for the free- holders and inhabitants of the same elect seven members and no more, to represent the said county of Albany in Assembly, and that the said county of Columbia shall remain part of the western district of this State. ' And be itfzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze aatborizy aforesaid, That there shall forever hereafter be held, in and for the said county of Columbia an inferior court of common pleas and a court of general sessions of the peace, and that there be in the said county of Columbia, three terms in every year to commence and end in the days following, to wit, the first term to commence on the second Tuesday in january, and to end on Saturday next ensuing inclusive the second term to- commence on the second Tuesday in May, and to end on the Saturday next ensuing inclusive, and the third to commence on the second Tuesday in Sep- tember and to end on the Saturday next ensuing inclusive. Provided that on any of the terms aforesaid, the court may adjourn previous to the day assigned, if the business of the court will admit, and that the first inferior court of common pleas and general sessions of the peace in the said county, shall be held on the second Tuesday of january next ensulng. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That nothing in this act contained shall be obligatoryon the sheriff of the county of Albany to retain in his custody, prisoners from the sheriff or other offi- cers of the said county of Columbia for any longer term than two years from the passing of this act, and that the sheriff of the said county of Columbia shall remove out of the gaol of the city of Albany, Within the said two years all such prisoners as shall have been committed or sent to the said gaol by the said sheriff of the county of Columbia. county of Albany yearly to r ' CHAP. 30.] NINTH SESSION. 237 CHAP. 29. AN ACT to repeal certain acts respecting attornies, solicitors and counsellors at law, and also part of the act entitled “An act for the regulation of sales by public auction. PASSED the 6th of April, I786. Be it enacted by the people of tbe State of New York, represented in Acts Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by the aat/zbrity of the same, giggfggfr That the act entitled “An act making it necessary for the attornies, solicitors, and counsellors at law, who have been licensed to plead or practice in any of the courts of law or equity, within the late colony of New York to produce certificates of their attachment to the liberties and independence of America;” and the act entitled, an act to amend an act passed the ninth day of October one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine, relative to attornies, solicitors, and counsellors at law shall be and the same are hereby respectively repealed. Provided always, that every attorney, solicitor or counsellor, the suspension of Proviso; whose licence is hereby taken off, shall, previous to his being admitted 2,128; {,(jbe' to practise, prove to the satisfaction of the court, of which he shall be attPmeY, admitted attorney, solicitor or counsellor that he is of good moral char- acter, shall be licensed by such court, and shall take the oath of abjura- tion and allegiance, and an oath for the faithful execution of his office. And be it fart/ter enacted by the azct/zority aforesaid, That so much of Part of act the act entitled “An act for the regulation of sales by public auction” £333,516,- as requires a person who shall make application for licence to act as a vendue master to produce a certain certificate in and by the said act described previous to the obtaining such licence, shall be and the same is hereby repealed. CHAP. 30. AN ACT respecting the terms of the courts in the counties of Queens, Ulster, Orange, Richmond and Westchester. PASSED the 6th of March, 1786. WHEREAS the terms of the inferior courts of common pleas and gen- eral sessions of the peace in the counties of Queens, Ulster, Orange, Richmond and \Vest-Chester, are found to be insufficient for the dis- charge of the necessary and encreasing business in the said courts. Therefore Be it enacted by t/ze People of t/ze State of New’ York represented in Courts in Senate and Assembly and it is lzereby enacted by t/ze azct/zority of tbe same, 383531-1168‘ That there shall be three terms of the inferior courts of common pleas, additional - ' ' ' terms. and general sessions of the peace in the said counties of Queens, Orange, ' Richmond and West Chester respectively, in every year: and that the Queens terms of the inferior court of common pleas and of the general sessions county’ of the peace, in the county of Queens, shall hereafter commence on the first Monday in June the secondv Monday in November and the first Monday in February in every year, and shall continue until the several Saturdays next following, inclusive ; and the terms of the inferior court 238 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 31. Orange county. Richmond county. West- chester county. Ulster county. Process is- sued to be returnable on first day of next term Court's may ad- journ be- fore last day speci— fled. of common pleas and of the general sessions of the peace, in the county of Orange shall be held alternately at the court house in the new city, and at the court house in Goshen, and shall after the first day of January next commence on the second Tuesdays in February May and October, in every year, and shall continue until the several Saturdays next fol- lowing inclusive: the terms of the inferior court of common pleas and of the general sessions of the peace in the county of Richmond, shall hereafter commence on the first Monday in May, and the fourth Mon- days in September and January in every year, and shall continue until the several Saturdays next following respectively, inclusive; and the terms of the inferior court of common pleas, and of the general sessions of the peace in the county of West Chester, shall hereafter commence on the fourth Mondays in May, September and January, in every year, and shall continue until the several Saturdays next following, inclusive. And fie it fart/zer enacted fiy t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That there shall be four terms of the inferior court of common pleas, and two terms of the court of general sessions of the peace in the county of Ulster in every year; that one court of common pleas, and a court of general sessions of the peace for the said county shall hereafter commence on the first Tuesday in May, and shall continue until the Saturday next following, inclusive; one court of common pleas shall commence on the first Tuesday in January, and shall continue until the Saturday next following inclusive; and one court of common pleas and a court of general sessions of the peace shall commence on the third Tuesday in September, and shall continue until the Saturday next following, inclu- sive; and another court of common pleas shall commence on the first Tuesday in July, and shall continue until the Saturday next following, inclusive. And fie it fzcrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That all process issued out of the said respective courts, and made returnable on the usual return days, and all recognizances by which any person or persons shall be bound to appear on the usual return days, shall be deemed re- turnable, and are hereby respectively required to be returned on the first day of the said terms respectively next succeeding the passing of this act and all actions and proceedings shall be and hereby are contin- ued until the first day of the several last mentioned terms. And fie it fart/zer enacted fiy t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for each of the said courts respectively, when they shall conceive the due administration of justice will admit thereof, to adjourn the said courts respectively, to the succeeding term on any day pre- ceeding the last day, to which the power of holding such of the said courts is hereby extended as aforesaid : and all process which shall be issued out of the said courts respectively, in the succeeding vacation, shall bear test the day on which the said respective courts shall have adjourned. CHAP. 31. AN ACT for compleating the court house and goal in the county , of Dutchess. PASSED the 6th of April, 1786. WHEREAS it is represented that the sum directed to be raised in and by the act entitled “ An act for building a court house and goal in the county of Dutchess and for other purposes therein mentioned,” is in- adequate to compleat the said court house and goal. Therefore CHAP. 31.] NINTH SESSION. 239 Be if enacted by Zbe People of z‘lze Slate of New York, represented in Dutchess Se/zaz‘e and Asserzbly, and ii‘ is lzereby enaoted by the aaz‘lz'oriiy of t/ze same, $53,238,?‘ That the supervisors of the several precincts in the said county for the Emavladdi- time being, shall be and they are hereby authorised and required to fbg'ngoliglf direct to be raised and levied on the freeholders and inhabitants of the Egg,“ and said county, a further sum not exceeding two thousand pounds, fora ' compleating the said court house and goal, with an additional sum of nine pence in the pound for collecting the same; which said sum shall be raised, levied, and collected in the like manner as the sum of one thousand five hundred pounds is, in and by the before recited act, directed to be raised levied and collected. And be ii‘ fari/ier marred by file aat/ioriify aforesaid, That the super- Supervis- visors of the said county of Dutchess shall meet for the purpose of 33% $1313., dividing the said sum to be raised, and levied by virtue of this act, at to meet- the dwelling house of Stephen Hendrickson of Poughkeepsie in the said county on the first Tuesday of May next: and it is hereby made the duty of the clerk of the supervisors of the said county to notify the respective supervisors of such meeting : and that the said sum shall be collected and paid into the treasury of the said county, on or before the first day of October next. A 12d be ii‘ fari/zer eliaez‘ed by i/ze azit/zorizfy aforesaid, That it shall and Persons to may be lawful for the supervisors of the said county of Dutchess, at 3333;... to their first meeting after the passing of this act, to appoint one or more fit person or persons, which person or persons when so appointed as penditui'e aforesaid, shall superintend and direct the compleating the said court of monies‘ house and goal in the said county, in such manner as to him or them shall appear most eligible, and consistent with oeconomy and the advan- tage of the county; and shall and may contract with workmen, purchase materials, and employ an overseer of such workmen, and from time to time draw upon the treasurer of the said county for such sums of money for the purposes aforesaid, as shall be paid into the treasury by virtue of this act : and the said treasurer is hereby required, out of the monies aforesaid to pay to the order of such person or persons so appointed, as aforesaid, the several sums to be by him or them drawn for: And it is hereby made the duty of such person or persons so to be appointed as aforesaid, to account with the supervisors of the said county for the monies by him or them received, when thereunto re- quired. . A 12d be it fzirf/zer enacted by i/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That it shall and Supervis- may be lawful for the supervisors of the several precincts in the said county to contract for and take a grant and conveyance in their own lands for . . court— names for the use of the said county of Dutchess of a small piece or house yard parcel of ground adjoining the said court house and goal and now in the possession of Ebenezer Badger for the purpose of enlarging the yard to the said court house and goal: and the said supervisors are hereby required to draw upon the treasurer of the said county for the purchase money of the said piece or parcel of land, to be paid out of the monies received by the said treasurer by virtue of this act and it is hereby made the duty of the said treasurer to pay the said purchase money out of the monies received by him as aforesaid. A 12d be if farf/zer mated by i/ze aaz‘lzoriij/ aforesaid That it shall and County may be lawful for the said treasurer to retain in his own hands six pence gig-5,5?“ in the pound for his trouble in receiving and paying out the monies directed to be raised by this act and the act herein before recited. ' t 240 LAWs OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 33. Suffolk county, payment of arrears of poor and other taxesdev- ied during the war. Collectors, New York city, bonds to be given by. CHAP. 32. AN ACT to enforce the payment of certain monies assessed in Suffolk county.‘ PAssEb the 8th of April, 1786. WHEREAS it hath been represented to the legislature of this State, that during the late war assessments were made in many of the towns in the county of Suffolk for the support of the poor and other contingent expences certain proportions of which are still unpaid. Therefore, Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly and it is bereby enacted by t/ze aat/Zority of tbe same, That it shall and may be lawful for the supervisors of the several towns in the said county, or the major part of them, in every case where such assessments remain in the whole or in part unpaid, to deliver a copy of such assessment together with their warrant under their hands and seals to the collector of the town in. which such assessment was made, requir- ing him to levy and collect the several sums which shall appear to the said supervisors to be due and unpaid by the several persons in such town, according to such assessment for the support of the poor, and other contingent expences made as aforesaid within such town during the late war: and the collector shall proceed in levying and collecting the several sums by him to be collected, in like manner as it is directed in and by the act, entitled, “An act for the settlement and relief of the poor,” passed the seventeenth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, and shall pay the monies so by him to be collected into the hands of the overseers of the poor of the town to which he shall belong, and such overseers of the poor shall discharge the debts for which such assessments were originally made. GHAP. 33. - AN ACT to compel collectors and constables to give security. PASSED the 13th of April, 1786. WHEREAS the freeholders and inhabitants of the cities and counties of this State have sustained considerable losses by the insolvency and mis- conduct of collectors and constables in the said cities and counties: for remedy whereof - Be it enacted by the People of tbe State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by t/ze azct/zority of tbe same That every collector hereafter to be chosen for any of the wards in the city and county of New York immediately after he shall be elected and before he shall enter upon the business of the said office of collector, shall enter into a‘ bond with sufficient security to the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the said city in such sum as the said mayor or recorder and any two aldermen of the said city, for the time being, shall think proper, Well and faithfully to execute the office of collector of such ward as he shall be so elected for, during the time he shall continue to be collector. can». 33.] NINTH SESSION. 241 And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid That if the col- When lector of any of the respective wards within the city and county of New fgijféocrép York shall not comply with the condition of the bond or obligation, geigtioltttnd . . . posltlon above directed to be given, whereby the penalty of such bond or obli- of penalty. gation shall be forfeited, in such case it shall be lawful for the said mayor aldermen and commonalty of the said city of New, York to sue for and recover the same with costs of suit in any court of record within this State, and the monies that shall be recovered in such suit or action shall be applied towards making good any such difficiency as shall hap- pen by reason or means of the neglect or misconduct of such collector And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/iority aforesaid, That every col- collectors lector hereafter to be chosen in each and every of the towns, manors gééf’gggas precincts or districts within this State shall previous to his collecting 1:9 be any and every tax enter into bond or obligation with sufficient security, gwen by’ to the clerk of the town, manor, precinct or district for the time being, whereof he is elected collector in double the sum to be by him collected, to be ascertained from the tax list, delivered to such collector, by the superviser assessor or clerk or any of them well and faithfully to execute the office of collector of such respective town, manor precinct or dis— trict during the time of his continuing to be collector. And be it fart/ter enacted by Me ant/zority aforesaid, That if any col- Recovery lector of any town, manor, precinct or district shall not comply with the $90213?‘ condition of the bond or bonds obligation or obligations above directed Penalty- to be given, whereby the penalty of such bonds or obligations shall be forfeited, in such case it shall and may be lawful for the clerk of the same town, manor, precinct or district, for the time being by the name of the clerk of such town, manor, precinct or district for the time being to sue for and recover the same with costs of suit in any court of record within this State, and the monies that shall be recovered in any such suit or action shall be applied towards making good any deficiencies that may happen by reason or means of the neglect or misconduct of such collector. ~ And be it fzirt/zer enacted by the azet/zority aforesaid, That every con- Constables stable hereafter to be chosen in each respective ward town, manor, pre- $2,551,? cinct or district within this State (unless he shall make oath before a magistrate at the time of his being so chosen that he was chosenagainst his inclination) within eight days after he shall be elected, and before he shall enter upon the business of the said office of constable shall enter into bond or obligation with sufficient security in the sum of one hundred pounds, well and faithfully to execute the office of constable of such respective city, town, manor, precinct or district for which he shall be so chosen as aforesaid; which bond in the city of New York shall be given to the mayor aldermen and commonalty, and in each of the other counties of this State to the clerk of the town manor precinct or district for which such constable shall be chosen. And be it furt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zoritv aforesaid, That if any con- Recovery stable hereafter to be chosen shall not comply with the condition of the 333%???’ bond or obligation above directed to be given, in such case it shall and Penalty- may be lawful for any person or persons aggrieved by the misconduct or negligence of such constable or constables to cause a suit to be com- menced on such bond in any court of record within this State: and if the defendant in any such action or actions so to be commenced shall make default, or if it shall appear that the said constable hath been guilty of neglect or misconduct, judgment shall be entered for the pen- alty of such bond and a writ shall thereupon issue to inquire what dam- ages the person or persons at whose instance such suit shall be com- VOL. 2.——5I LAWS OF NEW‘ YORK. [CHAR 34. Process, to whom issued. Petition for ap- pointment of trustees of debtor’s estate. What cred- itors can— not peti- tion. menced, hath sustained, and execution shall issue for the damages so found with costs, and such damages so found when recovered, shall be paid to the person or persons at whose instance such suit shall be prose— cuted. And it shall and may be lawful for any other person who may be aggrieved by the negligence or misconduct of such constable to cause a writ of scire facias to be issued on such judgment, and to recover his or her damages in the manner aforesaid. Provided always, that such action or actions be commenced within one year from the time that the cause of such action or actions shall accrue. And fie it fnrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze ant/zorizj/ aforesaid, That in all suits and matters cognizable before a justice or justices of the peace, it shall be lawful for the justice and justices to issue process to the constable of any ward, town, manor, precinct or district in the same city or county, any law usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. CHAP. 34. AN ACT for the relief of insolvent debtors. PASSED the 13th of April, 1786. WHEREAS insolvent debtors, who in order to obtain a general dis- charge, are willing to deliver up all their effects to their creditors, are often prevented from doing it by a few of them, to the great prejudice of the rest, and to the injury of trade; therefore, Be it enacted fiy the People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assemfily, and it is fierefiy enacted fiy t/ze ant/writ)’ of Me sanze, That it shall and may be lawful for any debtor who now is or hereafter shall be insolvent, in conjunction with so many of his or her creditors, or the attorney or attornies of such creditors as have, or shall have debts owing to them by the said debtor, amounting at least to three fourths of all the money owing by the said debtor, whether the same be then due, or payable at some future time or times, in order to a general discharge, to present a petition to the supreme court, or in the vacation to one or more of the judges, or if the said debtor be arrested, to the court or any ‘one of the judges of that court out of which any process against such debtor issued, praying that the said debtors estate may be delivered to one or more such person or persons, as the said petitioners or a majority of them in respect to their demands on the said debtor shall nominate, to receive and dispose of the same for the use of all his or her creditors. And fie it fzcrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze ant/zorizj/ aforesaid, That no person having any mortgage judgment or assignment or other security of, or upon any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, goods, or chattels, or thing or things, in action whatsoever either to him or her, or to any other person, in trust for him or her, for securing the payment of any sum, or sums of money, from such debtor; shall for such sum or sums become or be considered a petitioner for the relief of such debtor; unless such person shall upon signing the petition of such debtor, add to his or her name subscribed to the same petition a declaration in writing that he or she doth thereby relinquish and give up to the assignee or assignees to be appointed in consequence of such petition, such mortgage judgment assignment or other security for the benefit of all the creditors of such debtor: and all such mortgages judgments assignments and securities so relinquished as aforesaid, and the lands, tenements, hereditaments, good can». 34.] NINTH SESSION. 243 and chattels and things in action so mortgaged or assigned, or affected by such judgment shall with the ‘residue of such debtors estate vest in the assignee or assignees of such debtors estate for the purposes aforesaid. And be it farZ/zer enacted by f/ze aaz‘borizfy aforesaid, That every such Debtor to debtor within four days after the presenting such petition, shall deliver jineégffory in writing a full and true account of all his or her creditors, and the under Oath monies owing to them respectively by the said debtor, and also a full and true inventory and account of all the estate both real and personal in law and in equity of such debtor, and of all books vouchers and securities relating to the same; and the said judge or judges shall there- upon administer to such debtor an oath or affirmation to the following effect I do solemnly swear in the presence of Almighty God (or Form of being of the people called Quakers, do sincerely and truly declare and Oat ° affirm) that the account now by me delivered is a just and true account of all my creditors and of the monies owing by me to the best of my knowledge or remembrance, and that the inventory and account now delivered by me is a just and true account of all my estate real and per- sonal both in law and in equity either in possession reversion or remain- der, and that I have not, directly or indirectly, sold, leased, assigned or otherwise disposed of, or made over, either in trust for myself, or other- wise, except as set forth in the same account, any part of my estate real or personal, for my future benefit, or in order to defraud my credi- tors. So help me God. \Vhich oath or affirmation being taken by such debtor, notice shall be given by the petitioners to all the creditors of such debtor, by advertis- ing the same in two or more of the public news papers, to show cause if any they have, by such a day as shall be appointed by the court, or one or more of the judges, why an assignment of the said debtors estate should not be made, and the debtor discharged. At which day if no sufficient cause to the contrary appear, the court or any one or more of the judges, shall direct a grant or assignment of all such debtors estate both in law and equity to be made by such debtor to the person or per- sons nominated by the petitioners or a majority of them in respect to the amount of their just demands on the said debtor; and upon such debtor producing a certificate under the hand and seal or the hands and seals of the assignee or assignees, executed in the presence of two wit- Discharge nesses, that such debtor has granted, conveyed, assigned and delivered f’focllfl’bwr for the use of his or her creditors, all his or her estate real and personal, prison. both in law and equity; except as herein after is mentioned; and all the books vouchers and securities relating to the same; they shall dis- charge such debter if in prison, from his imprisonment, which discharge or the record thereof in the minutes of the court from whence the pro- cess issued, shall be a sufficient warrant to the sheriff or goaler for sett- ing such prisoner at large. And be it farZ/zer eizaoz‘ed by the aaZ/zorii‘y aforesaid, That every such Where debtor who shall, before the delivery of such petition, have become bail in any cause, on account of which he has reason to think, judgment may bail bond- be had against him, and shall make oath, that at the time he so became bail, he had a clear estate, sufficient to answer any demand that could with any probability be made upon him as bail, may add to the account of the creditors, and the monies owing by him before directed to be given, an account of the manner of his becoming bail, and annex such a sum as he imagines he will be liable to pay on that account, and then the assignees shall reserve in their hands for the space of one year and a half such a dividend as a creditor for the like sum would have a right 244 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 34. Debts not due, re— bate of interest on. to receive, and after judgment obtained against any such debtor, the person obtaining the same, shall be considered in every respect as another creditor, Whose debt was due before the delivery of the petition; but if in the space of one year and a half after the petition is delivered, no judgment shall be obtained against such debtor, the monies so reserved shall be divided among the other creditors, in the same man- nor as the rest of such debtors estates, and such debtor shall be dis- charged from all obligations as bail in the same manner as if the sum so annexed to the account of his creditors were paid: and if judgment shall be obtained against such debtor as bail for any sum, within one year and an half after the petition is delivered, and after the division of the produce of his or her estate among his or her creditors, and the said debtor should have omitted either wholly or in part to annex the said sum to the account delivered, the person obtaining such judgment, shall recover against the said debtor either for the whole or the part omitted, as the case shall happen to be, so much as the other creditors of the said debtor ought to have received for a like just debt, and no more: Provided always, that the sum for which judgment is obtained against such debtor, being added to the account of his or her creditors, and of the monies owing to them, before directed to be given, the debts owing by him or her to the petitioning creditors, shall still appear to have been three fourths of all that was owing by the said debtor. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, Thall * all other per- sons who have given credit to such debtor, on a valuable consideration, for any sum of money, or other matter or thing, which is, or shall not be due or payable at or before the time of the delivery of the peti- tion, shall and may be admitted and considered as creditors whose debts are then due, and shall receive a dividend of such debtors estate in the same proportion as the other creditors, deducting thereout only a rebate of interest, at the rate of seven per cent for what shall be received on such debts, (unless such debts shall be payable with interest‘), to becom- puted from the actual payment thereof, to the time they would have become due. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid, That such assignee or assignees, shall have power and authority to dispose of all the real and personal estate of such debtor which shall be assigned to him or them, or which ought, by virtue of this act to be assigned to him or them, and to convert the same into money; to execute good and suffic- ient deeds for such real and personal estate, to redeem all mortgages, and conditional contracts, and satisfy all judgments, and to recover in his or their own name or names all such real and personal estate of such debtor, and all deeds books of accounts and papers respecting the same, and shall have full power and authority to refer to arbitration, settle, compound, or agree with any person indebted to such debtor, in such manner as shall from time to time appear to such assignee or assignees most advantageous to the creditors of such debtor; and shall within the space of one year proceed to make a division of all the money which shall come to his or their hands of such estate first giving three months notice of the time and place of making such division by advertising the same in two or more of the public newspapers printed in this State; and if the whole be not then settled, shall within the space of one year there- after, make a second division of such monies as may come to his or their hands after the first division and so from year to year until a final settle- ment thereof, and a just and equal division of the whole be made. Power and authority of as- sign ees. *So in original. CHAP. 34.] NINTH SESSION. 45 6) d And be it fart/ter enacted by tile ant/zority aforesaid, That the assignees shall at least one month before a division be made appoint a day by advertising the same in two or more of the public news papers, for a general meeting of all such creditors as shall choose to attend, to exam- ine and ascertain the debts due to each-creditor; and in case of any con- troversy relating to such debts, it shall be determined in the following manner, that is to say, the assignees shall nominate two referees, not being creditors of the debtor, and the creditor whose debt is in contro- versy shall nominate two others, and their names shall be seperately written on four pieces of paper, as nearly of the same size as possible, which shall be rolled up in the same manner, and put into a covered box, and from thence one of the assignees shall draw out three of the said pieces of paper, and the persons whose names are so drawn shall finally settle such controversy, and if any referee so appointed shall refuse or be incapable of acting in a reasonable time, a new choice shall be made in the same manner, and in case any such creditor shall refuse to nominate referees on his part, the assignees are hereby impowered to nominate them for him. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azit/zority aforesaid, That the assignee or assignees shall immediately after the assignment, take an oath or affirm- ation to be administered by the court, or any one of the judges, well and faithfully to manage the debtors estate and keep and render a true account of all that shall come to his or their hands, of the same; and for that purpose shall keep regular books of accounts, to which every creditor at all reasonable times, may have recourse; and for the care and trouble incumbent on the assignees they shall be allowed out of the debtors estate, such a consideration as the petitioners or a major part of them shall agree and fix upon. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aztt/zority aforesaid, That for the more full discovery for the estates of such debtors, the court or any one of the judges at the request of the assignees, shall have full power, and are hereby required to summon, and examine on oath, or affirmation such debtor or his wife, and every other person whatsoever known or sus- pected to detain any part of the said debtors estate, or to be indebted to it; and in case any person on such summons shall refuse to attend, having no reasonable excuse, or shall refuse to be sworn, or if a Quaker to affirm, then it shall and may be lawful for the said court, or any of the judges, to commit the person so refusing to gaol, till he or she shall submit to ‘be examined concerning what he she or they may know relating to such estate, and if any such person or persons shall willfully and knowingly affirm or swear falsely, the person or persons so offend- ing shall be liable to the same pains and penalties as those are who are convicted of willful and corrupt perjury. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aut/zorizy aforesaid, That no suit in equity shall be commenced by any assignee, without the consent of the majority of the petitioners with respect to the amount of their debts as aforesaid, at a meeting held for that purpose: and if any creditor shall neglect or refuse to give notice * to give notice of, and prove his or her debt within one year and an half after the assignment, and a division of the whole estate be made, such creditor shall not be entitled to a dividend, and the whole money shall be divided by the assignees among the other creditors; but in case the whole of such debtors estate shall not be divided and settled by the time hereby appointed for the first division, and such creditor shall prove his debt before the time Meeting of creditors; disputed claims. Oath to be taken by assignees. Proceed- ings to discover property. * So in original. Proof of claims; division of estate. 246 LAWS OF ‘NEW YORK. [CHAR 34. Debtor dis- charged all debts due at time of assign- ment. Penalty for perjury. etc., by debtor. J urisdic- tion of courts. Costs of assign- ment, how paid; overplus. Proof to be furnish- ed before debtor dis- charged. appointed for the second division, then such creditor shall before a second division be made among the other creditors have his first divi- dend, or so much money as he would have been entitled to on the first division, had his debt then been proved, but no creditor shall be admitted to prove his debt in order to intitle himself to a share in the debtors estate, after the second division, but shall by this act be debarred from any share thereof. And fie it fnrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That every such debtor having given up his or her estate and conformed in all things to the directions of this act, shall be discharged from all debts due at the time of the assignment, or contracted for before that time, though pay- able afterwards; and if prosecuted for any such debt or contract, may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. And fie it fnrt/zer enacted fiy t/te ant/zorizj/ aforesaid, That in case any such debtor shall be guilty of perjury, by concealing any part of his or her estate or effects, or shall after the assignment of his or her estate by virtue of this act, receive any debt or debts due to him or her before, or he or she shall secret any part of his or her estate, or any books or writings relating thereto, with an intent to defraud his or her credi- tors, then and in every such case the discharge of the said debtor under this act shall be void, and his person and estate be subject to the pay- ment of all his former debts, as well to his petitioning creditors as others. And fie it fnrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze azet/zority aforesaid, That when any debtor is arrested by process out of the supreme court, and also by pro- cess out of an inferior court, the petition shall only be made to the supreme court, or one of the judges thereof in the vacation. Provided always, and fie it enacted fiy t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That all costs of suit, prison and gaol fees shall be first paid, and then deduct- ing all such costs, charges and expences as shall be necessarily'laid out and expended by the assignee or assignees, together with their commis- sions for their care and trouble therein, the residue shall be divided, equally, among the creditors, in which division no preference shall be given to debts due by specialty; but if there should be an overplus after all the creditors are fully satisfied for all their just demands, it shall be paid by the assignees to the debtor, his or her executors or administrators. And fie it fnrt/zer enacted fiy t/ie ant/zorizj/ aforesaid That no such debtor shall be discharged until every petitioning creditor shall swear, or if of tne people called Quakers affirm, that the sum annexed to his or her name in the account exhibited by the debtor of all his creditors, is justly due to him or her, or will become due to him or her, at some future time, meaning the time when; and that he or she hath not received from such debtor any payment of part of his or her demand against such debtor in money, or by sale, conveyance, assignment or delivery of any lands, tenements hereditaments goods chattels or any thing or things in action upon any express or secret or implied contract promise engagement intent trust or confidence, that he or she should become a petitioner for or in behalf of such debtor and in case such petitioning creditor be out of this State, and petitions by attorney, then instead of the oath or affirmation of the principal it shall be sufficient if the attorney who shall sign such petition swears, or if of the people called Quakers, affirms, that he verily believes that the sum claimed by. him for the person or persons for whom he acts, is justly due to him, her, or them, or will become due to him, her, or them at some future time, naming the time when; and that he the said attorney hath not, and that he doth not know nor believe that the person or persons for whom he CHAP. 35.] NINTH SESSION. 247 acts, ‘bath or have received any part of his, her, or their demand, in money or by sale, conveyance, assignment or delivery of any lands tenements, hereditaments goods chattels or any thing or things in action, upon any express or secret or implied contract promise, engage- ment, intent trust or confidence, that such attorney or the person or persons for whom he acts should become a petititioner or petitioners for or in behalf of such debtor. Provided always, That nothing in this act contained, shall be construed to deprive landlords of the right of distraining for or securing their rents, which by law they had before the making of this act. And be ilfarl/zer enaeled by l/ze aaz‘liorily aforesaid, That if any person Act maybe be sued for any matter or thing done by virtue of this act, it shall be lawful for him to plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. A7207 be ii‘farl/zer erzaeled by file aal/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the court, judge or judges, to whom the petition of any insolvent debtor or debtors shall be presented, are hereby respectively authorised to allow every such debtor to retain such articles of wearing aparel and beding as in the opinion of such court judge or judges shall be reasonable and necessary for the family of such debtor, and also the arms and accou- trements, if any there be mentioned in such inventory, required by the law for regulating the militia, to be provided by every enroled citizen. CHAP. 35. AN ACT for revising and digesting the laws of this State. PASSED the 15th of April, 1786. WHEREAS by the constitution of this it is declared that such parts of the common law of England, and of the statute law of England and Great Britain, and of the acts of the legislature of the Colony of New York, as together did form the law of the said Colony on the nine- teenth day of April in the year of our~Lord one thousand seven hun- dred and seventy five, (except such parts thereof as are by the said constitution abrogated) shall be and continue the law of this State; subject to such alterations and provisions as the legislature of this State shall from time to time make concerning the same. And w/zereas such of the said statutes as have been generally supposed to extend to the late Colony and to this State are contained in a great number of vol— umes, and those statutes as well as the acts of the legislature of the late Colony are conceived in a stile and language improper to appear in the statute books of this State ; Therefore Be il eizaeled by like People of l/ze Slate of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and i2‘ is bereby erzaeled by Me aal/zorily of f/ze same, pleaded in evidence. Court to allow debt- or to retain certain property. Preamble. Samuel Jones and Richard That Samuel jones and Richard Varick Esquires shall be and hereby Varick to are authorised and appointed to collect and reduce into proper form under certain heads or titles of bills all the said statutes and lay the same bills before the legislature of this State from time to time as they shall prepare the same, and that they the said Samuel jones and Richard Varick Esquires also collect and reduce all the public acts of the late Colony which yet remain in force into the proper form under certain heads or titles of bills, and lay the same bills before the legislature from time to time as they shall prepare the same that such of them as shall be approved of by the legislature may be enacted into laws of this State, compile English and C010- nial laws in force. 248 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 35. Compila- tion of laws passed by egislature. Titles only of obsolete acts to be printed. Two years allowed for com- pilation. Printing of the laws. Appropria— tion to pay for print— ing. Public rec- ords may be ex— amined. to the intent that when the same shall be completed then and from thence forth none of the statutes of England or of Great Britain shall operate or be considered as laws of this State. And be it fart/ter enacted by the az-ct/zority aforesaid, That when all such of the said statutes so to be collected and reduced into proper forms shall be enacted into laws of this State and all such acts of the late Colony as shall by the legislature be deemed proper and shall be so enacted as aforesaid ‘then ‘the said Samuel jones and Richard Varick Esquires shall collect revise and digest all the laws of this State then in force passed by the legislature thereof since the revolution, and pre- pare the same for the press, to be printed in so many volumes as the said Samuel jones and Richard Varick Esquires shall deem proper, and they are hereby directed to cause to be inserted in the said work the title of all acts that shall have been passed by the legislature of this State, and to distribute each act into one chapter, and to subdivide each act into sections, and abstract the substance of each section on the margin and distinguish and note in the margin which of the said acts were temporary and whether expired, revived or repealed, and when ; and to examine and correct the press; and to make an index and table to each volume of all the principal matters contained therein, alphabet- ically digested, with reference to each matter in every act, section and page ; and to make references from one act to another where the mat- ter in one act may have relation to any principal matter in another. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by tile ant/torily aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Samuel jones and Richard Varick Esquires to cause only the titles of such acts as shall not then be in force to be printed, noting on the margin when such act expired or was repealed. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by tice aatborizyaforesaid That the said Samuel jones and Richard Varick Esquires shall be, and they hereby are allowed the space of two years to complete the said work; and shall respectively be allowed for the same, at and after the rate of four hun- dred pounds for every year. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Samuel jones and Richard Varick Esquires and they are hereby authorised to cause the said work to be printed on the best paper in large folio, and with the usual types for such work ; and to agree with a printer to do the said work on such terms and for such consideration as they may think fit. And further that such printer shall deliver at least three hundred copies of the said work completely bound in calf skin to the treasurer of this State, to be by him retained subject to the future order of the legislature. And be it fart/ter enacted by tile ant/zority aforesaid, That when such printer shall produce to the treasurer of this State a certificate from the said Samuel jones and Richard Varick Esquires certifying that the work undertaken by the said printer is faithfully performed according to the agreement made with such printer, and specifying the sum due to such printer according to such agreement, it shall and may be lawful to and for the treasurer of this State to pay such printer such sum so due for the said work, out of any monies in the treasury, not otherwise specially appropriated. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze antbority aforesaid, That the said Samuel jones and Richard Varick Esquires shall and may from time to time have access to and be permitted to examine any of the records books or papers in any of the public offices of this State, without fee or reward. CHAP. 37.] NINTH SESSION. 249 CHAP. 36. AN ACT to alter the mode of making assessments in Dutchess county. PASSED the 15th of April, 1786. Be 2'! e/zaez‘ed by Z/ze People of Z/ze Slate 0f New York, represem‘ea’ 2'72 Se/zrzz‘e and Assemely, and it is /zere&y enacted by t/ze auZ/zerz'ty 0f Z/ze same, That the sixth section of an act, entitled an act to divide Dutchess county into precincts, and to repeal the act therein mentioned, and the act entitled, An act directing when the supervisors and assessors of Dutchess county shall meet, shall be and hereby are repealed so far forth as the same or either of them relate to the meeting of the asses- sors. And further that it shall be lawful for the assessors of the respec- tive precincts in the said county to meet in the precincts for which they are respectively elected assessors, to make assessments for raising the necessary and contingent charges of the said county apportioned to such precinct, in the same manner as the other taxes in the same county are raised and levied. CHAP. 37. AN ACT for the relief of Henry Rutgers and others. PASSED the 15th of April, 1786. In compliance with an act of the United States of America in Con- gress assembled of the second day of June one thousand seven hundred and eighty five Be it enaez‘ed éy t/ze Peeple of fire State of New Yer/e, represem‘ed in Se/zezz‘e and Assembly, and 2'1‘ 2'5 Izerelly eizczez‘e/z’ éy Z/ze azef/zorz'z‘y 0f the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the auditors appointed to liquidate and settle the accounts of the troops of this State in the service of the United States to settle with Henry Rutgers late deputy muster master general and muster master in the army of the United States ; Richard Lush and Jacob John Lansing late deputy muster masters in the said army, by allowing them What their arrears of pay and years advance was worth in specie at the time they respectively became due, agreable to the said act of Congress, and grant to them certificates for the Same, which certificates shall be received in payment for lands and be paid in like manner as certificates granted to the troops in the late line of this State in the said army of the United States for the depreciation of their pay are received and paid. VOL. 2. ——32 Assessors, meeting of, Dutchess county. Henry Rut- gers et al., settlement of ac- counts of. 2 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 38. Preamble. Commis- sioners to audit and divide ex- penses of settling dispute of title of lands be— tween pro- prietors of patents of Waway- anda and Cheese- cocks; Waway- andas share. Notice of apportion- ment to be published; when not CHAP. 38. AN ACT to explain and amend an act, entitled “An act to settle and finally establish the line or lines of division between the patents of Wawayanda and Cheescocks in the county of Orange,” passed the 17th March 1783.” PASSED the 17th of April, 1786. \VHEREAS it was in and by the said act enacted, that one half part of all expences, costs and charges, that should accrue in fixing and ascer- taining the said line or lines, or respecting the execution of the powers given by the said act, should be paid by such of the said proprietors of \Vawayanda, as were interested in the lands disputed between the said patents of \Vawayanda and Cheescocks. And w/zereas a committee was by the said act appointed for the said proprietors of Wawayanda to manage their claims to the said disputed lands. And w/zereas the com- missioners who were to be elected by virtue of the said act, were author- ized to audit all the accounts against the said proprietors of Wawayanda, and to adjudge and determine the particular sum with which each of the said proprietors of Wawayanda, were chargeable towards the pay- ment of the said accounts. And whereas the said patent of W awayanda has, many years ago, been divided into thirteen original rights, which formerly did belong to John Bridges, Lancaster Symes, John Cholwell, John Merritt, Cornelius Christianse, Dirck Van Denbergh, Daniel Honan, Peter Mathews, Benjamin Ask, Hendrick Teneyck, Philip Rokeby, Christopher Denn and Samuel Staats. And as it is not in the power of the said commissioners to determine, who are the present pro- prietors of the said thirteen original rights it is impossible to perform what is required of them, in and by the said act. Therefore Be it enacted fiy t/ze People of t/ze State of New Yor/e represented in Senate and Assenzfiiy, and it is fierefiy enacted fiy t/ze antfiority of t/ze same, That the said commissioners or the major part of them, after they shall have audited the said accounts, shall divide the whole amount of them, into thirteen equal parts, and each of the said original rights, shall be chargeable with one of those parts. And in case the proprietors of the said thirteen original rights or any of them shall refuse or neglect to pay their respective proportions of the money chargeable on the same to the said committee of Wawayanda or one of‘ them at the time to be appointed by the said commissioners or the major part of them, it shall then be lawful for the said committee or the major part of them, or the survivors or the survivor of them or the major part of such survivors, to sell so much of the lands tenements and hereditaments in the balloted lots of such proprietor or proprietors, whose proportions of the said audited accounts shall remain unpaid, as shall be necessary, to pay his her or their respective proportions of the sum of money chargeable in the original right under which his her or their title is derived, together with the charges of such sale, and every sale of such lands tenements and hereditaments, shall convey as good an estate and title to the pur- chaser, as the proprietor or proprietors held in the same, at the time of making such sale. And fie it enacted fiyt/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the said committee or the major part of them or the survivors or survivor of them, or of the major part of such survivors, shall advertise in one or more of the public newspapers of this State, the particular sum of money with which CHAP. 38.] NINTH SESSION. 251 each of the said thirteen original rights will be chargeable, and sha-- paiddands give notice to the said proprietors to pay their respective proportions of to be s d’ the said sum by a certain day to be fixed as aforesaid, at the distance of at least eight weeks from the date of the said advertisement, other- wise that so much of the lands in the ballotted lots belonging to such of the said proprietors, who shall neglect to pay their respective propor- tions, will be sold at public vendue as will be necessary to discharge the said respective proportions of such defaulters with the charges attend- ing the sale. Which vendue shall be held at the house of jonathan Archer, near Sugar Loaf in the said county of Orange on a day also to be fixed by the said commissioners or the major part of them, and men- tioned in the said advertisement, any law to the contrary notwithstand- ing. And w/zereas the committee appointed to manage the claims on the part of the proprietors of Cheesecocks, have by their petition prayed that the said commissioners may be authorized and impowered, to audit and settle all the accounts of the expences, costs and charges that have accrued or arisen in the management of the said controversy on the part of the said patent of Cheesecocks. A7207 w/zereas the said patent of Cheesecocks was many years ago divided into seven original rights, which did formerly belong to Anne Bridges, Hendrick Ten- Eyck, Dirck Van Denburgh, john Cholwell, Christopher Denn Lancaster Symes and John Merritt, being the original grantees named in the said letters patent. Be ii‘farz‘lzer mated by z‘lze aal/zorizy aforesaid, That the said commis- Id-; share . . - of expense sioners or the major part of them shall, and are hereby full authorized chargeable and impowered, to audit and settle all the said accounts of the costs charges and expences against the said proprietors of Cheesecocks, and cooks. shall allow interest if demanded, for every sum of money that hath been, or may be advanced by the said committee or any one of.them, in the management of the said controversy on the part of the proprietors of the said patent of Cheesecock, and after the said commissioners or the major part of them shall have audited and settled the said accounts, they or the major part of them shall divide the whole amount thereof into seven equal parts, and that each of the said original rights shall be chargeable with one seventh part of the said whole amount. And in case the proprietors of the said seven original rights or any of them, shall neglect or refuse to pay their respective proportions of the money chargeable on the same, to the said committee of Cheesecocks or one of them at the time to be appointed by the said commissioners or the major part of them, it shall and may be lawful for the said committee or the major part of them or the survivors or survivor of them or the major part of such survivors, to sell so much of the lands tenements and hereditaments of such proprietor or proprietors, whose proportion of the said audited accounts shall remain unpaid as shall be necessary to pay his her or their respective proportions of the sum of money chargeable on the original right under which his her or their title is derived together with the charges of such sale, and every sale of such lands tenement and hereditaments shall convey as good an estate and title to the purchaser and purchasers, as the proprietor or proprietors held in the same at the time of making such sale. And be ii‘ farz‘lzer eizaei‘ed by i/ze aal/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the said Notioepf committee or the major part of them or the survivors of them, or the 355;?“ major part of such survivors, shall advertise in one or more of the public when not - - _ - - paid, lands news papers of this State, the particular sum of money with which each to be sold, of the said seven original rights will be chargeable, and shall give notice to the said proprietors to pay their respective proportions of the said 252 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 39. Suffolk county, drawing of seines and nets pro- hibited during times speci- fied; pen- alty. Possession or selling fish deem- ed evi— dence of guilt. Possession of nets deemed evidence of guilt. sum by a certain day to be fixed as aforesaid, at the distance of at least eight Weeks from the date of the said advertisement otherwise that so much of the lands belonging to such of the said proprietors, who shall neglect to pay their respective proportions, will be sold at public vendue as will be necessary to discharge the said respective proportions of such defaulters with all the charges attending the sale, which vendue shall be held at the house of loseph Drake at Chester in the county of Orange on a day also to be fixed by the said commissioners or the major part of them, and to be mentioned in the said advertisements, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided always that where any of the pres- ent or former proprietors or owners of any or either of the said shares of the said patent of Cheesecocks have sold and conveyed any part of the same share to any person or persons in severalty, then and in such case, no part of such land so sold and conveyed in severalty, shall be sold by virtue of this act. CHAP. 39 AN ACT to prevent the destruction of fish‘ in the county of Suffolk. PASSED the 17th of April, 1786. WHEREAS the fish in the bays rivers and creeks in the county of Suffolk are greatly diminished by reason of the inhabitants fishing with long seins or nets in the winter season, to the great damage of the inhabitants of the said county, and of the public in general, therefore to prevent the same for the future. Be it enacted by t/ce People of t/ze State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze ant/zoritv of tbo same, That if any person or persons after the passing of this act, shall draw any sein or net of any length whatever, or set any sein or net more than six fathom in length, or with marshes less than three inches square, from the first day of December to the first day of April in any year, in any of the bays rivers creeks or waters in the said county, such person or persons shall for every offence, forfeit the sum of fifty pounds, with costs of suit, to be recovered in any court of record within this State, by any person or persons who will sue for the same, the one half of the forfeit- ure when recovered, to belong to the prosecutor or prosecutors, and the other half to be paid to the treasurer of the said county, to be disposed of by the supervisors towards defraying the public expences of the said county. Be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That if any person or persons within the said county, shall be discovered to have in his or their possession any quantity of fish, or to have sold or disposed of any quantity of fish, from the first day of December to the first day of April such person or persons shall be deemed guilty, and suffer the same pen- alty as aforesaid, to be recovered and applied as above directed by this act, unless such person or persons can bring sufficient proof, that he or they became possessed of or caught them otherwise than by such seins or nets as are prohibited by this act. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That if any per- son or persons shall carry any sein or seins, net or nets in any fishing craft in any of the bays rivers or creeks in the said county, other than the short seins or nets afore described, from the first day of December CHAP. 40;] NINTH SESSION. 253 to the first day of April in any year, and shall be convicted thereof such person or persons shall for each offence forfeit the sum of five pounds, to be recovered by any person or persons who will sue for the same, with costs of suit, before any of the justices of the peace of the said county, to be disposed of as the other forfeitures by this act are directed. CHAP. 40. AN ACT for emitting the sum of two hundred thousand pounds , in bills of credit for the puposes therein mentioned. PASSED the 18th of April, 1786. WHEREAS from the distresses occasioned by the late calamitous war the inhabitants of this State labour under great difficulties for want of a sufficient circulating medium. I. Be it enaetea’ fly the People 0f t/ze State of New Yer/e represented in Bills_of Senate and Assembly, (Z7Zll7 it is hereby etzaetea’ fiy t/ze azzt/zerz'ty of fire same, gggilgggnt That bills of credit to the value of two hundred thousand pounds cur- gf IfQOOfiQg rent money of New York forthwith after the passing hereof be printed tgdf” em‘ as follows (vizt.) Six thousand bills each of the value of ten pounds four thousand bills each of the value of five pounds six thousand bills each of the value of four pounds ten thousand bills each of the value of three pounds ten thousand bills each of the value of two pounds twenty four thousand bills each of the value of one pound twenty thousand bills each of the value of ten shillings and forty eight thousand bills each of the value of five shillings upon which bills shall be impressed the arms of the State of New York on the right side of every of the said bills; and the said bills shall be in the words following By a law of the State of New York this bill shall be received in all payments into the treasury for New York the day of , one thousand seven hun- dred and eighty six. \Vhich bills shall be numbered by Evert Bancker, Henry Remsen Jonathan Lawrence John De Peyster and William Heyer and signed by any two of them and shall by such signers be delivered to the treasurer of this State. II. Ana’ be it fart/ter enacted ey t/ze aat/zorz'tv aforesaid That the said Printing of - - ' - bills; oath signers are hereby directed and empowered upon the delivery to them ofaprinter. of the said bills by the printer thereof to administer to him and he is hereby directed to take an oath in the words following I do solemnly swear and declare that from the time the letters were set and fit to be put in the press for printing the bills of credit now delivered by me to you, until the bills were printed, and the letters afterwards dis- tributed into the boxes I went at no time out of the room in which the said letters were without locking them up so as they could not be come at without violence a false key or other art unknown to me, and there- fore, to the best of my knowledge, no copies were printed off but in my presence, and that all the blotters and other papers whatsoever impressed by the said letters Whilst set for printing the said bills, to the best of my knowledge are here delivered to you together with the stamps; and in all things relating to this affair I have well and truly demeaned myself according to the true intent and meaning of the law in that case made and provided to the best of my knowledge and understanding, so help me God. Which printer shall have a copy of this oath at the time he LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 40. Engraving of stamps and coat of arms to be printed on bills. gets orders to print the said bills that he may govern himself accord- ingly ,oro'oided always that if any unforseen accident happens, such prin- ter may have liberty to make an exception thereof in such oath declaring fully how such accident happened. And if any more of the said bills are printed than by this act is directed when the said Evert Bancker, Henry Remsen Jonathan Lawrence John De Peyster and William Heyer or any two of them, have signed the number hereby directed to he issued they shall immediately destroy all the remainder. III. And fie it enacted fiy t/ze ant/zority aforesaid That such person as the major part of the said signers of the said bills of credit shall agree with shall engrave according to the directions he shall receive from the majority of the said signers so many stamps for the sides of the said bills and for the arms of this State as the majority of the said signers shall deem necessary and shall deliver them to the treasurer who shall in the presence of the majority of the said signers deliver them unto Samuel Loudon printer, and take his receipt for the same: And when the said Samuel Loudon has finished and completed printing the bills hereby directed to be struck and issued he shall re-deliver the said stamps to the said signers who are hereby directed and required to seal them up with their several seals, and to deliver them to the treasurer who shall deposit the same in the treasury of this State there to remain until they shall be ordered to be made use of by any future act of the legislature and the receipt of the said treasurer to the said signers shall be a suffic- ient discharge for such delivery but in the case of the death, sickness or ‘ inability of the said Samuel Loudon to print the said bills, then the Oath to be taken by signers. Distribu— tion of bills to loan officers. New York. Albany. Kings. Queens. Sufl’olk. Richmond. West- chester. Dutchess. majority of the said signers shall appoint another printer for the service aforesaid in his place which printer so appointed shall take the oath as above directed. IV. And fie it enacted fiy t/ze ant/zority aforesaid That before the said signers do receive any of the said bills they shall (before any of the magistrates of the city of New York) respectively take an oath or (if of the people called Quakers) affirmation well and truly to perform what by this act they are enjoined as their duty and that they will not knowingly sign more bills of credit than such as are directed by this act. V. And fie it fnrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze ant/writ] aforesaid That the said treasurer shall, out of the bills of credit so signed and mumbered as aforesaid 'deliver to the loan officers herein after mentioned on produc- ing the certificates of qualifications herein after directed the sums and quota’s following to wit. To the loan officers of the county of New York, to and for the pur- poses herein after mentioned the sum of thirty two thousand pounds. To the loan officers of the county of Albany to and for the purposes herein after mentioned the sum of twenty two thousand pounds. To the loan officers of Kings county to and for the purposes herein after mentioned the sum of four thousand five hundred pounds. To the loan officers of Queens county to and for the purposes herein after mentioned the sum of eleven thousand five hundred pounds. To the loan officers of Suffolk county to and for the purposes herein after mentioned the sum of ten thousand pounds. To the loan officers of Richmond county to and for the purposes herein after mentioned the sum of four thousand five hundred pounds. To the loan officers of West Chester county to and for the purposes herein after mentioned the sum of nine thousand five hundred pounds. To the loan officers of Dutchess county to and for the purposes herein after mentioned the sum of seventeen thousand pounds. CHAP. 40.] NINTH SESSION. 255 To the loan officers of Orange county to and for the purposes herein after mentioned the sum of ten thousand pounds. To the loan officers of Ulster county, to and for the purposes herein after mentioned the sum of fourteen thousand pounds. ' To the loan officers of Montgomery county to and for the purposes herein after mentioned the sum of twelve thousand pounds. To the loan officers of the county of Washington to and for the pur- poses herein after mentioned the sum of three thousand pounds. For which respective sums, the said loan officers respectively shall give receipts to the said treasurer indorsed on the clerks certificate herein after directed: which receipts shall be to the said treasurer, his execu- tors and administrators, a sufficient discharge if otherwise he has well and truly performed the duty enjoined by this act. VI. And be it fzcrl/z'er enacled by file azci/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That before the said loan officers do respectively enter upon their said office, every of them shall give bond to the people of the State of New York, with such sufficient security,‘ as shall be approved of by one or more of the judges of the inferior court of the county together with a majority of the supervisors of the same county, and in the city of New York, by any one, or more, of the judges of the supreme court, signified, by signing such his, or their approbation on the back of the said bond, which bond shall be in the full sum by this act committed to his charge, with condition for the true and faithful performance of his office and duty and that without favor malice or partiality. VII. And be if farz‘lzer enacted by i/ze azcl/zorizfy aforesaid That each loan officer respectively shall take the following oath, or if of the people called Quakers affirmation (vizt.) “ I will according to the best of my skill and knowledge, faithfully, impartially, and truly, demean myself in discharge of the trust committed to me as one of the loan officers for the of by the act entitled “ An act for emit- ting the sum of two hundred thousand pounds in bills of credit for the purposes therein mentioned, according to the purport, true intent and meaning of the said act, so as the public may not be prejudiced by my consent privity or procurement” which oath or affirmation shall be admistered by any justice of the peace and indorsed on the back of the said bond and signed by such justice and the loan officer. VIII. And be it farl/zer enacted by z‘lze azci/iorily aforesaid, That the aforesaid bond indorsed with the approbation and affidavit or affirma- tion aforesaid shall be lodged with the clerk of the county, who upon receipt thereof shall give the loan officer a certificate that such bond indorsed as aforesaid is lodged with him which certificate shall be delivered to the said treasurer on his delivering to the loan officer the bills of credit aforesaid; which bond and indorsements shall be recorded by the clerk, and in case of the forfeiture of the same bond the majority of the supervisors with any one or more of the judges of the inferior court of such county are hereby impowered to order the same to be put in suit; and the monies recovered by virtue thereof shall be applied to the use of the county. IX. A 22d be it furl/zer enacted by z‘lze aal/zorily aforesaid That on the second Tuesday in May next the judges of the inferior courts, or any one or more of them, together with the supervisors (or the majority of them) of the several counties respectively of this State, shall meet at the court house of the counties respectively, or if there be no court house in any county at the place at which the inferior court of common pleas has been held the term next preceding the passing this act at which place the majority of them shall elect two sufficient freeholders Orange. Ulster Mont- gomery. Washing- ton . Loan officers to give security. Oath to be taken by loan officers. Bond to be filed in office of county clerk. Loan offi- cers, when and where to meet. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 40. Loan offi- cers to be bodies politic, may sue, etc. Loan offi— cers to let outthe bills of credit on loan on mortgage. Examina— tion of title; oath to appli- cants for loans. Loans to be made on prop- of their respective counties to be loan officers for the same county, ex- cept in the county of Orange in which county such meeting shall be at the court house in the new city. X. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze azctkorizy aforesaid, That the loan officers of the several counties, when elected appointed and qualified according to the directions of this act, shall respectively be bodies politic and corporate in fact and in law, by the name and stile of the loan officers of the county of which they are respectively loan officers with full power to every the said bodies politic, to use a common seal, and by the same seal and in the name of such body politic, to grant receipts, receive mortgages, and again to grant the same, to sue and be sued, and generally with all such powers as are necessary to be used for the due execution of the trust reposed in the said. loan-officers by this act; any law, usage, or custom, to the contrary in any wise notwith- standing. / XI. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ce azct/zority aforesaid, That when the said loan officers respectively have qualified themselves as by this act is directed, they shall receive the said bills of credit signed by two of the said signers which bills of credit so signed, shall be let out to such as shall apply for the same, and can and will give security to the said loan officers, by mortgage on lands lots or houses lying in the same county; they the said loan officers first giving public notice (as inlother cases is by this act directed for notice) and by advertizement to be pub- lished'in one of the newspapers printed in this State that on a certain day at least ten days after the said notice given they will be ready to receive borrowers qualified according to the directions of this act: And as on that day borrowers do offer, their names and sums they apply for shall be orderly entered in the minute book of proceedings; and every one shall be served according to the priority of application, if there be no reasonable objections against the title and value of the lands offered to be mortgaged, or some other sufficient reason, which shall be entered also in the minute book of proceedings. Provided always that if upon the first day so many borrowers do offer as to apply for a greater sum than the whole sum in that county to be lent out; then, and in such case every such borrower shall be abated of the sum applied for proportionably. XII. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid That the said loan officers respectively before they accept of any lands, lots or houses in mortgage for any of the said bills, shall first view, what is so offered in mortgage, or make due enquiry respecting the value thereof, and shall examine the titles thereto, by perusing the deeds, patents, sur— veys, and other writings and conveyances by which the same are held, and by which the value and quantity may be better known; and the said loan officers respectively, are hereby empowered, and required to administer to all persons applying for any of the bills as aforesaid, the following oath or (if of the people called Quakers) affirmation to wit, “I am bona fide seised in fee simple of the lands tenements and hereditaments, by me now offered to be mortgaged, in my own right, and to my own use, and the same were not conveyed to me in trust, to borrow any sum or sums of money upon the same, for the use of any other person or persons whatsoever ; and the said premises are free and clear from any other or former gift, grant, sale mortgage judg- ment, extent, recognizance or other incumbrance whatsoever, to my knowledge. XIII. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze azctkority aforesaid, That the loan officers of the said counties respectively, upon finding borrowers CHAP. 40.] NINTH sEssIoN. 257 qualified, and the loan officers being satisfied as aforesaid, are hereby erty Worth required, and by virtue of this act, have full power, to lend out the s bills delivered to them as aforesaid at the interest of five per cent per annum for the term of fourteen years from the third Tuesday in June next to come, in sums not exceeding three hundred and not under twenty pounds, (unless the proportion as aforesaid be less) to any one person the said loan officers, taking security for the same by way of mortgage as aforesaid of at least double the value in lands tenements and hereditaments; and of at least three times the value in houses within the said respective counties, and administering an oath or affirma- tion to the borrower as aforesaid, and the said mortgage shall be exe— cuted before two or more witnesses signing thereto, and the substance thereof shall be minuted in a book to be by the said loan officers kept for that purpose in each respective county, for the making of which mortgage and minute the borrower shall pay to the said loan officers the sum of four shillings and no more; which mortgage and minute shall be and each of them are hereby declared to be matter of record; and an attested copy of the said mortgage, if in being, or of the said minute in case the said mortgage is lost, under the hands of the said loan officers and the seal of the loan office shall be good evidence of the said mortgage in any court within this State. 0L1 6 um loaned XIV. Ana’ fie z't fart/lee eaaetea’ 5y t/ze aut/zerz'ty aferesaz'd That the Interest on interest of the money lent out as aforesaid shall be payable yearly on the loans,when payable; third Tuesday of June to the loan‘ officers; and the principals of all the Principal- monies lent out as aforesaid shall be paid in again in the following manner; that is to say, one tenth part of the principal money on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thou- sand seven hundred and ninety one; one other tenth part thereof on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety two; one other tenth part thereof on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety three; one other tenth part thereof on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety four; one other tenth part thereof on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five; one other tenth part thereof on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six; one other tenth part thereof on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven; one other tenth part thereof on the third Tuesday in June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight; one other tenth part thereof on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine; and the remaining tenth part thereof on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred. And the respective loan officers at the lending the money are hereby required to take the Security or the same accordingly; and the said loan officers for every sum paid to them shall give to the person paying the same a receipt, and shall enter one minute of the same payment, on the back of the mortgage and another minute thereof in the books of accounts by them to be kept, and that without any fee or reward; but if the. borrower his heirs executors, or administrators shall see cause to pay in, a fourth or half part or three quarters or the whole of the prin- cipal due to the said loan officers on any third Tuesday of June before the said third Tuesday of June one thousand eight hundred the said VOL. 2.—33 258 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 4o. Vacanc in office 0 loan offi- cer, fill- ing of. Resigna— tion of loan oflicer. loan officers are hereby required and empowered to receive the same on the said third Tuesday of June annually, and no other day of the year, unless so many do offer payment on that day that the said loan officers cannot within the day receive the whole, and in that case, they are to continue to receive until all who on that day offered have paid the monies so offered; or unless he brings along with him another suf- ficient borrower to give new security to the satisfaction of the loan officers for the whole of the money by him paid in; and in that case the loan officer shall accept thereof on any of their stated days of meet- ing; and when the whole principal and interest is paid, the said loan officers shall (if required) give the party paying a release of the mort- gage given by the borrower and shall tear off the name and seal, and make an entry in the margin of the mortgage and in the margin of the minute made thereof, that on such a day, and year; such release was made, for which release, the releasee shall pay the sum of two shillings, and no more, and when any parts of the principal are paid in as afore- said before the said third Tuesday of June one thousand eight hundred, the loan officers shall at the end of that meeting compute the whole of the principal so paid in, and give public notice of the amount thereof ' by advertisements set up, and that they are ready to lend the said mon- ies to such persons as shall appear to be qualified according to the directions of this act to borrow the same; and in the lending and tak- ing security shall conform themselves (as near as the circumstances of the case can admit) to the directions herein before prescribed, and if any monies shall remain in their hands, for want of borrowers, they shall set up advertisements of the amount thereof and continue to do 'the like, at the end of every of their stated meetings. XV. And fie it further enacted fiy t/ze ant/zorizj/ aforesaid That in case any loan officer shall remove out of the county, die or neglect or refuse to perform the duty required or enjoined him by this act, or shall behave himself in his office with favor, affection partiality or malice, whereby the public, or any private person may be injured; upon report or complaint made thereof to any two or more of the judges aforesaid of the county for which he is loan officer the said judges are hereby required and commanded by summons to convene the judges and super- visors of the same county, to meet at such time and place, as in the said precept shall be appointed to hear and determine summarily upon the said report or complaint; and upon sufficient proof made to any one or more of the said judges with a major part of the said supervisors of any death, removal, neglect or refusal in the said office as aforesaid, then and in that case the said majority of the supervisors, with concur- rence of one or more of the judges aforesaid, shall proceed in manner as herein before directed to elect and are hereby required and com- manded to elect a loan officer in the room and stead of such deceased or absent person, or such person who shall have neglected or refused as aforesaid, which loan officer so elected as aforesaid having entered into bond and been qualified in like manner as other loan officers, are by this act directed, shall then have all the powers priviledges and advan- tages, and shall be subject to all the penalties, and forfeitures, which any of the loan officers of the county as aforesaid, are vested or charged with, entitled or subject to, by virtue of this act. XVI. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That if any of the loan officers hereafter to be elected shall desire to be discharged off and from the said office any one or more of the judges aforesaid shall and may upon application of such loan officer for that purpose issue his or their precept to summon the ‘ judges aforesaid and supervi- caxp. 40.] NINTH SESSION. 2559 sors to meet at a day and place, in the said precept mentioned ; to whom when met the said loan officer shall produce or render an account of his proceedings in his said office; and if it appear upon examination to a majority of the said judges and supervisors that the said loan offi- cer, hath faithfully demeaned himself in the discharge of his said office, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, then and in such case, such loan officer, shall be discharged off and from his said office, and another fit person shall be by them elected to supply his place who shall take the same oath, or affirmation, give the like security, be sub- ject to the like penalties, restrictions and regulations, and receive the same salaries and advantages as the other loan officers for that county by virtue of this act, are liable, subject or intitled unto. XVII. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That when Person a loan officer shall be chosen and qualified, as herein is directed in the i‘é’gglégggy place of a former loan officer, such former loan officer his executors or to receive administrators, shall, upon demand, deliver to the new loan officer $15332?" chosen in his place, and qualified as aforesaid all the monies, books, and @3801‘- papers, that were in such former loan officer’s custody, belonging to his office, upon oath, or if of the people called Quakers, on affirmation before any justice of the peace, and in case any such former loan offi- cer, or his executors, or administrators, shall delay or refuse, to make such delivery on oath or affirmation when demanded as aforesaid, the bond of such former loan officer shall be forfeited. XVIII. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze azit/zority aforesaid, That if Whereber- any borrower shall neglect to bring in and pay, or cause to be brought l'g’glg‘gonfii; .in_ and paid yearly and every year on the third Tuesday in june or gj'iilllligzlst, within twenty two days thereafter, on one of the days, which the loan loan oin- officers aforesaid are by this act directed to attend the respective loan ggfgetgb'ggj offices, the yearly interest due by his mortgage, and also the part of the lute pos- - - - - - sessors of principal as it becomes payable, then, and in either of these cases, the time. loan officers to whom such mortgage was granted shall be seised of an absolute indefeazible estate, in the lands, houses, tenements and here- ditaments thereby mortgaged, to them, their successors and assigns, to the uses in this act mentioned ; and the mortgagor his or her heirs and assigns shall be utterly foreclosed and barred of all equity of redemption of the mortgaged premises; any law, usage, or custom, or practice in courts of equity, to the contrary notwithstanding. XIX. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That the Loan loan‘ officers shall respectively attend the loan office every year to receive $533853 the monies by this act directed to be paid to them upon the third Tues- days Speci- day of june and thereafter on the Tuesday in each week for the term of three weeks. XX. And be it fart/ier enacted by t/ze azct/iority aforesaid, That the loan Notice of 8'80 officers shall within eight days after the last of the Tuesdays aforesaid lands for yearly and every year cause advertisements to be fixed at not less than default (‘if three of the most public places, in three or more towns, precincts or paymen ' districts, of the county where the premises are situated, describing the quantity and situation of the lands mentioned in the said mortgage and giving notice that on the third Tuesday in September in the same year they are to be sold at the court house of the respective counties where the lands lie, by way of public vendue to the highest bidder. XXI. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That the Sale of loan officers of the respective counties aforesaid, shall on the said third gae‘if‘ifift‘fr Tuesday of September yearly, expose the lands in the mortgages fore- closed as aforesaid, to sale at public vendue ; and upon such sale shall convey the said lands to the highest bidder, or bidders, and the pur- LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 4o. Disposition of proceeds of sale. Proceed- ings where title of borrower fails. chaser or purchasers shall and may hold and enjoy the same lands for such estate as was conveyed to the said loan officers by the mortgage executed by such mortgagor clearly discharged and freed from all ben- efit and equity of redemption and all other incumbrances made and suffered after the execution of such mortgage, by the mortgagor, his or her heirs or assigns and such purchaser or purchasers shall pay the loan officers for drawing and executing such conveyance the sum of five shillings. XXII. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid, That the money for which the premises are sold, shall upon the sale thereof be paid to the said loan officers, out of which they shall retain in their hands, the amount of the principal then due together with the interest which would have been due thereon on the third Tuesday of june next thereafter if such sale had not been made, as also the expence of the advertizements, and of the sale, such expence not exceeding fifteen shil- lings and the remainder (if any be) the loan officers shall pay to the mortgagor, his, or her heirs or assigns. Provided always, that if any person or persons offer at the time of the sale to borrow (on sufficient security within this act) the whole principal that is to be retained out of the price, and lent out again, then and in that case the loan officers, shall not retain interest beyond the day of sale. Provided also that if the purchaser incline to borrow the principal sum or sums, that is, or are to be paid by him, and lent out again, and if the loan officers be satisfied with the security to be given by such purchaser in manner aforesaid, such purchaser shall be preferred to any other borrower. Provided likewise that the loan officers shall not be obliged to take notice of any assigns of the mortgagor unless they enter a notice of their right with the said loan officers at or before the time of sale ; which notice the loan officers shall enter on the mortgage and minute thereof on demand, the assignee paying one shilling for the same; and assignees shall be preferred according to the priority of their entries of such notices. XXIII. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid That after any lands houses tenements or hereditaments, are mortgaged according to the directions of this act, if it shall appear to the loan officers, upon good and sufficient grounds (which they shall insert in the minute book of their proceedings) that the mortgagor had no good right or title to the premises mortgaged, or has otherwise broken the covenant ‘of his mortgage so that the public may be in danger of loosing the Counter- feiting bills of credit a felony. monies, or any part thereof advanced in loan upon the credit of the premises, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said loan officers, and they are hereby empowered, and required to commence an action or actions of debt or covenant, upon the said mortgage against the said mortgagor, his or her heirs executors or administrators and the same to prosecute to judgment by all lawful ways and means whatsoever in any court of record for the recovery of the whole monies lent upon the mortgages and the interest become due and that shall become due until the third Tuesday of june next following the judgment, with costs and charges in which action or actions the mortgagor shall be held to special bail and the court in which such action is brought, is, and the judges thereof in vacation are hereby authorized and directed to give such short day for the rules of pleading thereon, that judgment or a trial and final determination may be had the first court after the court at which the defendant first appeared to the same action. XXIV. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze autkority aforesaid, That if any ‘person or persons whatsoever shall presume to counterfeit any of the bills of credit to be issued by virtue of this act, or shall alter any of ‘CHAP. 40.] NINTH SESSION. 261 the said bills issued as aforesaid, so that they shall appear to be of greater value than by this act the same bill or bills so altered, were enacted signed or numbered to pass for, or shall knowingly pass or give in pay- ment any of the bills aforesaid so counterfeited or altered, every person guilty of counterfeiting or altering any of the said bills as aforesaid, or of knowingly passing or giving in payment any such counterfet or altered bill or bills, shall be guilty of felony, and being thereof convicted, shall forfeit all his or her estate both real and personal to the people of this State, and be committed to the bridewell of the city of New York for life, and there confined to hard labor, under the direction of the corporation of the said city, at the expence (if any should arise) of this State, and to prevent escape shall be branded on the left cheek with the letter C, with a red hot iron and though such counterfeiting, altering or knowingly passing counterfeit or altered bills, shall be done out of this State, yet any grand jury within this State, is hereby empowered to pre- sent the same and to set forth in the indictment, the place where, by their evidence it appeared that the fact was committed, which indict- ment is hereby declared good, notwithstanding that the place alledged be out of this State; and the petit jurors on the trial of all such foreign issues, shall be returned from the body of the county where the said supreme court shall be statedly held, any law usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. XXV. A/za’ ée it enacted éy t/ze aat/wrz'ty aforesaid, That the respect- ive loan offices in this State shall be kept at the court house of each respective county, or at some other convenient place near the same except that the loan officers for the county of Grange shall meet alter- nately at Goshen, and at the new city in the said county, and their first meeting to be at the court house in Goshen; and the said loan officers shall so soon as the said bills are signed and delivered to them, set up 'advertizements, of the first day of their attending the loan office, for the purposes herein before mentioned, and shall duly attend the same on that first day, and on every Tuesday and \Vednesday in each week for the space of four weeks thereafter, if their be occasion of their sitting so long, and the said treasurer so soon as he can fix the day upon which he can deliver the said bills to the loan officers shall send notice by letter to them to come and receive the bills at that day. XXVI. And a; it fart/zer eaaetea’ éy t/ze aat/zerz'ty aferesaza That the loan officers respectively shall retain in their hands so much of the interest monies paid into them as will pay them their respective salaries appointed by this act, any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstand- ing, and the remainder of the said interest monies shall be annually paid to the treasurer of this State on or before the last Tuesday of the month of August and the said treasurers receipt shall be to the said loan officers and every of them their heirs executors and administrators a sufficient discharge. XXVII. Ana’ fie z't fltt’f/le’i’ 672(162‘6’67 a)’ t/ze aat/zerz'zfy aferesaz'a’ That the yearly salary of the loan officers aforesaid for the Services required of them by this act shall be as follows to Wit For every of the loan officers of the county of New York forty pounds For every of the loan officers of the county of Albany thirty pounds For every of the loan officers of Kings county ten pounds For every of the loan officers of Queens county sixteen pounds For every of the loan officers of Suffolk county fifteen pounds For every of the loan officers of Richmond county ten pounds For every of the loan officers of West Chester county fifteen pounds For every of the loan officers of Dutchess county twenty pounds Oflice of loan oflicer to be kept at court— ouse. Loan offi- cers to retain salaries out of interest. Salaries of loan officers. 262 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 40' Supervis- ors and judges to inspect loan offi— cers’ ac- counts. Attend- ance of judges and supervis- ors, how enforced. For every of the loan officers of Orange county fifteen pounds For every of the loan officers of Ulster county eighteen pounds For every of the loan officers of Montgomery county sixteen pounds For every of the loan officers of Washington county ten pounds XXVIII. And fie z'z‘furz‘lzer enacted [2)/ the aut/wrz'zj/ aforesaid That the supervisors and judges aforesaid of the several counties of this State shall on the first Tuesday in October which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, and yearly there- after on the first Tuesday in October meet together with the said loan officers at the court house of the county; and the majority of the super~~ visors with one or more of the judges aforesaid, shall carefully inspect and examine the mortgages, minutes and accounts of the loan officers and if it be found that any loan officer or loan officers has or have refused or neglected to perform the duties enjoined upon him or them by this act, the said judges and supervisors shall elect a loan officer or loan officers in the stead of such who shall so have refused or neglected as aforesaid and if any deficiency has happened by borrowers not having right to the lands mortgaged or by the selling thereof for a less price than what is before mentioned, or otherwise; then the said supervisors or a majority of them, with the concurrence of one or more of the said judges shall cause all such deficiencies to be assessed and levied in the county as other county charges, so that the whole of such deficiencies be paid to the said loan officers by the third Tuesday of June then next following. XXIX. And &e 2'! fart/lei’ enaez‘ed fiy Z/ze aaZ/zorz'g‘y aforesaid, That in case one or more of the said judges and a majority of the supervisors aforesaid shall not meet on the second Tuesday of May next or in case they shall not meet yearly on the first Tuesday of October, or in case they shall not meet when summoned by ‘a precept of one or more of the said judges for the several purposes in this act mentioned; every of them in either of these cases that are absent (unless detained by sickness) shall forfeit the sum of two pounds; and the judge or judges then attending, shall issue his or their precept to one or more constables, to summon the judges and supervisors to attend on that day week for the purposes aforesaid under double the penalty aforesaid, which each neg- lecting then to attend, if duly summoned, shall also forfeit, altho’ a sufficient number do appear: And in case a sufficient number do not then appear, the judge or judges appearing shall proceed in the like manner from week to week until a full number of supervisors do appear to per- form the duty for which they before ought to have met. And in case the said supervisors, or either of them, when a majority of them are met, shall neglect or refuse to do the duty enjoined on him or them by this act when met, or shall on any pretence whatsoever, on the day of their annual meeting neglect or omit the causing to be assessed, levied, and raised the whole deficiencies that have happened, by any of the means aforesaid, every of them neglecting their duty herein, shall forfeit to the people of this State, the sum of five pounds. All which penal- ties before in this clause mentioned, are to be recovered before any one of the justices of the peace within the county where such forfeiture shall arise; one half to the use of such judge or judges, and supervisors of the same county, endeavouring to perform their duty herein, who will sue and inform against the others, and prosecute their suit to effect; and the other half to the treasurer of the State, and be applied towards cancelling the bills of credit in such manner as shall be directed by act or acts of the legislature. CHAP. 40.] NINTH SESSION. 263 XXX. And be it fartlzer enacted by t/ze antnorz'zy aforesaid, That all and every the sums of money which may at any time afterwards be recovered by the loan officers aforesaid, of such persons as have been the occasion of such deficiencies as aforesaid, shall be applied to the use of 'such county; and the judge or judges and supervisors are hereby empowered to take all lawfull ways and means in the name of the said loan officers to recover the same. XXXI. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the said loan officers to let out upon loan any of the said bills of credit in such manner as they shall think best upon security of good plate to be delivered to them at six shilling per ounce, to be paid to the said loan officers on the third Tuesday in june annually then next, with a years interest, at five per cent for the same, and in case of non payment at any of the three. stated days of meeting of the loan officers, then the said loan officers are to sell the same plate in such manner, and upon the same day, as they are directed to sell the lands of the mortgagors forfeited as aforesaid; and they are to return the overplus if any be to the owner after payment of the principal and charges, with interest past and to come; until the third Tuesday of june then next, unless a borrower offers at the time of sale, as in case of lands herein before mentioned; any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. XXXII. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid That if any monies shall remain in the hands of the loan officers for want of bor- rowers, four weeks after the first day appointed for lettingit out, it shall be lawful for them to let out the same on good security by mortgage of lands in the county, or on plate as aforesaid to any person who will bor- row the same, in any sums, though they be upwards of three hundred pounds. ' ‘ XXXIII. And be it further enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That if any of the bills of credit shall remain four weeks over and above the four weeks aforesaid that is tosay in all eight weeks, in the hands of the loan officers for want of borrowers, after the first day appointed for letting out as aforesaid, then and in that case the said loan officers or one of them by consent of the other to be entered and signed in the minute book of proceedings, shall carry it to the loan officers of the next county or counties, where there were more ‘monies demanded in loan than there were monies to lend, and deliver it to the loan officers of such next county or counties, upon their receipts for the same, and their entering a memorandum of it in the minutes of their proceedings; which loan officers to whom such sum is brought, shall accept thereof and shall set up advertizements thereof, and therein assign a day in the next week for borrowers to offer, and shall proceed in the lending such further sum, in their county, as nearly as circumstances will admit, in the like manner as they proceeded in lending the first sum; of which transposition of those monies, the loan officers of the several counties, shall give notice in writing signed by them to the treasurer at the time of their paying to him the first interest monies thereafter, of which notices to him he shall enter memorandums in his books of accounts the better to ascertain the interest he is to receive yearly from the respec- tiue counties, and the principal sums that the counties are finally to cancel XXXIV. And to prevent frauds that may happen by executors in their nonpayment of any part of the money borrowed as aforesaid by Monies recovered to be paid to use of he co unty. Loans to be made on plate. Monies re- ' maining after four weeks, loaning of . Monies remaining after eight weeks, dis- position of Where bor- rower dies, liability of their respective testators, Be it fartlzer enacted by t/ze antbority aforesaid ggyisees. That if any person or persons who shall become a borrower or borrow- irs and executors. 264 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 4o. Penalty for false swearing. Loan officers‘ books to be open for inspection. Form of mortga es to be ta en ers of the bills issued by virtue of this act shall afterwards make his her or their last will and testament in due form of law, thereby devising the premises so mortgaged, to any other person or persons, leaving personal estate sufficient to pay his or her debts, with an overplus not otherwise in the said will disposed of, and not expressly providing in other man- ner by the said will; in such case it shall be understood, that the devisor intended that the mortgage money in arrear at the time of his death should be paid out of his personal estate, and his executor or executors shall accordingly be compelled to pay the same thereout in aid of such devisee or devisees: But in case the said last will was made before the premises were mortgaged, then it shall be understood that the testators intent was (unless otherwise expressed in such will) that the devisee or devisees should pay the residue of the mortgage money in arrear, at the time of such testators death; and in case any executor or executors con- trary to the intent of this act, having effects sufficient, shall permit a sale to be made of the premises mortgaged; such devisee or devisees may immediately have his, her or their action either in proper person, or by guardian or next friend, if under age, against such executor, or executors, and recover double the damages sustained with costs of suit; and in case any executor or executors, shall in such case be a pur— chaser of the premises so mortgaged, or any other in trust for him, or for his use, he or they shall be deemed seised of the premises for the use of the devisee, or devisees; and such executor or executors and their trustee or trustees, are hereby disabled from making any conveyance thereof, from such devisee or devisees, and if any such conveyance is made, the same is hereby declared fraudulent and void against such devisee or devisees. XXXY. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze antkority aforesaid, That if any person shall falsely swear or affirm in any of the cases where an oath or affirmation is required to be taken by this act, or shall wilfully or knowingly act contrary to the oath or affirmation, he has before taken, such offence is hereby declared to be perjury, and the offender being convicted thereof shall suffer the pains and penalties, of perjury. XXXVI. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the respective loan officers within this State for the time being, shall permit any person or persons at seasonable times to search and view the books of mortgages in their hands and custody, upon their paying one shilling for the search, and the entry of the respective mortgages in the books of the said loan offices shall have the like priority operation and effect as if such mortgages were registered in the clerks office of the county in which the lands mortgaged lie. XXXVII. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That for the greater uniformity in the securities to be taken in the loan offices for the money to be lent by virtue of this act; the mortgages shall be in the form following to wit, This indenture, made the day of Lord one thousand seven hundred and the county of of the one part and the loan officers of the said county of of the other part witnesseth that the said for and in consideration of the sum of by the loan officers of the said county of to him well and truly paid; hath granted, bar- gained, sold, released, enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell release, enfeoff and confirm to the loan officers of the of and their successors and and assigns forever all that together with all and all manner of improvements, hereditaments, and in the year of our between of CHAP. 40.] NINTH SESSION. 265 appurtenances, whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wise apper- taining; and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand of the said to the above bargained premises and every part thereof to have and to hold the above bargained premises to the loan officers of the county of their successors and assigns forever to the uses and purposes mentioned in an act of the legislature of the State of New York, entitled “An act for emitting the sum of two hundred thous- and pounds in bills of credit for the purposes therein mentioned. And the said for himself his heirs executors and administrators, doth covenant, grant and agree to and with the said loan officers of the of and their successors that at and before the time of the ensealing and delivery hereof the said was lawfully seized of the above bargained premises, of a good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance in the law in fee simple, and that the same now are free and clear of all former and other gifts, grants, bargains, sales, leases, releases, judgments, extents, recognizances, dowers, and other incumbrances whatsoever. Prew'a’ea’ always, and these'presents are upon this condition that if the said heirs, executors administrators or assigns, do pay or cause to be paid to the loan officers of the of the interest at the rate of five per cent of the said principal sum of on the third Tuesday of June yearly until the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety inclusive and if the said heirs, executors administrators or assigns shall pay to the loan officers of the of the one tenth part of the said principal sum of on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety one together with the interest then due on the said principal sum of and one other tenth part of the said principal sum on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety two together with the interest then due, one other tenth part of the said principal sum on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety three, together with the interest then due; one other tenth part of the said principal sum on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety four together with the interest then due; one other tenth part of the said princi- pal sum on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five together with the interest then due; one other tenth part of the said principal sum on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thou- sand seven hundred and ninety six together with the interest then due; one other tenth part of the principal Sum on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven together with the interest then due; one other tenth part of the said principal sum on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight together with the interest then due; one other tenth part of the said principal sum on the the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine together with the interest then due; and the remainder of the said principal sum on the third Tuesday of June which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred together with the interest then due thereon, according to the true intent and meaning, of the said act, then the above grant bargain and sale and every article and clause thereof shall be void, but if failure be made in any of the payments VOL. 2. ——- 34 266 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 40. above mentioned, then the above bargain and sale is to remain in full force and virtue. And the said heirs and assigns agree to be absolutely barred of all equity of redemption of the premises at the expiration of twenty two days after such failure. And the said heirs executors and administrator covenant grant and agree to and with the loan officers of the of and their successors, well and truly to pay to them all and every of the sums of money above mentioned at the times on which the same ought to be paid as afore- said, and that the above bargained premises upon the sale thereof pur- suant to the directions of the said act, will yield the principal and inter- est aforesaid remaining unpaid at the time of such sale and until the third Tuesday of june next after the day of.sale together with fifteen shillings for the charges of such sale: In witness whereof the parties . to these presents have interchangeably set their hands and seals the day Books of mortgages to be print- ed and dis- tributed. Mortgages taken to be filled out in book. Additional books for loan offi- cers. Substance of each mortgage to be min- uted in second book; custody of books. and year first above written. Sealed and delivered in the presence of .XXXVIII. And fie it fzcrZ/zer erzacz‘ed fiy Z/ze aui/corizj/ aforesaid, That the said Samuel Loudon shall print eight thousand copies of the said mortgages, and bind so many of them in a book together with six leaves of clean paper for an alphabet for the use of the loan office of each county, that there may be a mortgage for every twenty pounds of bills of credit given to the loan office of that county, and the number remain- ing he shall give in loose sheets in the like proportion to each of the loan officers in ‘order therewith (if there should be occasion) to give attested copies of the original mortgages to the purchasers of any of the mortgaged lands: l/Vhich books together with the said loose sheets, are to be delivered by the printer to the treasurer of this State; by him with the bills to be delivered to the loan officers of each county. XXXIX. Arid fie iz‘ furt/zer erzacz‘ed fiy z‘/ze azcZ/zorizj) aforesaid That no mortgage shall be taken in the loan offices but by filling up one of the blanks of the said book of mortgages ; none of them shall be defaced or torn out, except the seals, when the mortgagor pays off the whole prin- cipal and interest of the mortgage: And the loan officers shall proceed in the taking the mortgages from the beginning of the book forward, numbering the mortgages as they are taken and inserting the mortga- gors name and number in the alphabet under the letter answering the mortgagors sirname. XL. And fie iz‘ furz‘fier enacted fiy t/ze azcz‘fiorizfy aforesaid, That the printer shall also cause to be bound up twelve books of paper one for the use of each loan office and to be about two thirds of the size of the book of mortgages for the same county, to be delivered as aforesaid with the book of mortgages. XLI. And fie it fzcrt/zer erzacz‘ed fiy t/ze azcZ/zority aforesaid That the loan officers shall in one end of the last mentioned book minute the substance of each mortgage to wit, the number thereof the date, the mortgagors name, the sum lent and the boundaries of the lands mort- gaged; and when the one loan officer, has the custody of the book of mortgages, the other shall have the custody of the other book, that fire or other accidents which might happen may be guarded against; and the printer shall make an alphabet to it like to that of the book of ‘ mortgages; and for the satisfaction of the mortgagor he may examine or Second book, min- utes of loan ofl‘i- see the minute examined with the original mortgage, and with the wit- ness shall sign the same. XLII. And fie iz‘ furt/zer enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That the loan officers beginning at the other end of the said book shall insert the minutes of their proceedings therein, to wit. CHAP. 40.] NINTH SESSION. 267 First The day they meet, place, house and loan officers present. Second, If any one is absent, they shall at their next meeting minute the cause of his absence. Third Shall enter the hour that every one applies for the loan of money, and the sum he applies for. Fourth, Shall enter down the reason why a prior applicant had not the money according to his application, and the substance of examina- tions for clearing titles and value. Fifth, Shall enter down the monies received from the treasurer, and the monies delivered to or received from the loan officers of another county, and the day when, with a copy of the notice thereof, to be delivered to the treasurer, and when that notice was delivered to the treasurer, and by whom. Sixth, The last day of their four days of meeting, for receiving of monies yearly, they shall enter whose mortgages are forclosed, and the numbers and sums of them. Seventh, Shall enter the orders for, and copies of the advertisements for sale, and places at which they are to be set up, and the persons names that are to set them up. Eighth Shall enter the names of the purchasers of lands, and prices sold for, and payment of the overplus to whom it belongs with the time and witnesses of such payment. Ninth In case any principals or part thereof are paid in before the ‘ times of payment in the mortgages, the whole amount of such principals so paid in, shall be entered in the said books— Tenth, Shall enter the cause of all suits, and the informations they have received, and of whom at length, or if too long, refer to them in papers apart, minuting the substance. Eleventh Shall enter the meetings, with the judges, and supervisors, and persons present, together with the minutes of all proceedings of such judges and supervisors, particularly what were the deficiencies laid before them what measures were taken for assessing and levying such deficiencies and which of the said judges and supervisors were for assessing or for neglecting or delaying it. XLIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the printer shall also cause to be bound other twelve books of paper, one of them for the use of each loan office, about two thirds of the size of the book of mortgages for the same county, to be delivered as aforesaid with the book of mortgages and that therein shall be entered all the accounts of the loan office; that at the beginning there shall be an alphabet wherein shall be inserted every mans name, and the page wherein his account stands, and that this book be kept in the fairest and best method that the loan officers can, and it is to remain in the custody of him who has the minutes of the mortgages and proceedings. XLIV And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the deeds to be granted by the loan officers for any lands to be sold by them, whereof the equity of redemption is foreclosed shall be in form following to wit. This indenture made the Tuesday of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and r in the year of between the loan officers of the of of the one part; and of the other part. W'itnesseth that the said loan officers of the of for and in consideration of the sum of to them in hand paid whereof they acknowledge the receipt, and discharge the said heirs executors and administrators thereof forever have pursu- ant to a law of the State of New York, intitled “ An act for emitting the cers to be kept in; what to be noted. Books of account for loan oflicers. Deeds given by loan officers, form of. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 4o. On sale of land, copy of mort- gage to be given pur- chaser. Form of bond of loan offi- cers. Suits on bonds, how stayed. Examina- tion into title of borrower. Expense of printing and sign— ing the bills sum of two hundred thousand pounds in bills of credit for the purposes therein mentioned,”. granted, bargained, sold, released, enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain, sell, release, enfeoff and confirm unto the said heirs and assigns all that together with all and all manner of improvements, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wise apper- taining, and all the estate right title, interest, claim and demand what- soever of the loan officers of the of and their succes- sors, to the above bargained premises and every part thereof. To have and to hold the above bargained premises and every part thereof with the appurtenances, to the said heirs and assigns to the sole and only proper use benefit and behoof of the said heirs and assigns forever in witness whereof, the loan officers of the have here— unto set the seal of their corporation together with their hands, the day 'and year above written. Sealed and delivered in the presence of To which deed the loan officers shall affix the seal of the loan office and respectively subscribe their names in the presence of two witnesses. XLV. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That upon every sale of lands the loan officers shall fill up one of the loose sheets of blank mortgages like to the original mortgage, and attest the same as a true copy under their hands and seal of the loan office, and give it instead of the original mortgage for evidence of the title ‘to the pur- chaser. And the bond to be entered into by the loan officers shall be in the form following (vizt). Know all men by these presents, That we are held and firmly bound unto the people of the State of New York in the sum of to be paid to the said people for which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves, our heirs executors and administra- tors and every of us and them jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated the day of in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and The condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bounden shall and do well and truly perform the office and duty of one of the loan officers of the of and shall demean himself therein, without favour, malice or partiality, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Sealed and delivered in the presence of ' XLVI. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze' ant/torily aforesaid, That in case of the forfeiture of such bond as aforesaid the suit thereon shall be staid, on the defendants paying or tendering in court to pay the damage arisen by the breach of the condition of the said bond, with the costs to that time; and if judgment be had thereon a jury shall inquire of the damages according to law. XLVII. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That for the better satisfaction of the loan officers, as to the title and value of what is offered in mortgage, by borrowers; the loan officers or either of them are hereby authorized and impowered to examine the borrower, and witnesses upon oath, or if of the people called Quakers, on affirma- tion, concerning the same, a brief minute of which examination, and the names of the persons so examined, they shall enter into their minute book of proceedings. XLVIII. And be it fart/ter enacted by tke aut/zorizy aforesaid That the treasurer shall pay the expence of printing the said bills and the incidental expences which may arise in or about the same and to each of the same persons authorized to sign the bills to be emitted by virtue ‘CHAP. 40.] NINTH SESSION. 269 of this act at the rate of two shillings for every hundred of the said bills they may have respectively signed according to such accounts thereof as they shall respectively produce audited by the auditor of this State. XLIX. And be it fart/ter enacted by tile aut/zorz'ty aforesaid, That the Bills_of _ signers of the said bills or any three of them, shall meet at the treasury fggg‘tthgmd of this State on the first Monday in November which will be in the year treasury one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, and annually on every 22,233,? first Monday ‘in November; and the treasurer of this State shall, when the said signers are so met as aforesaid, deliver unto them all such of the said bills of credit as shall then have come into his hands as treas- urer of this State from any of the said loan officers, for principal and interest together with a list of the several denominations of the said bills, and having examined and compared the said bills, with such list, shall destroy the said bills, and shall certify that they have destroyed the bills mentioned and designated on such list, which list so certified shall be delivered to the said treasurer, and a copy thereof, so signed shall be kept by the said signers, or one of them, to be by him or them delivered to the legislature, when thereunto required. L. And be z'tfztrt/zer enaeted by tile ant/zorz'ty aforesaid, That whenever Etedempf the said treasurer shall have received from the said loan officers a sum g',°§,.gf,}’,‘1,1§ equal to one hundred and fifty thousand pounds in gold or silver, partly gold and in gold and silver, and partly in the bills of credit aforesaid, it shall and Sllver' may be lawful to and for the said treasurer and he is hereby required to exchange such of the said bills as may be then in circulation for the gold and silver, so received at the nominal value expressed on such bills, as may by any person be tendered to him for exchange; and the said treasurer is hereby required as soon as he shall have received to the said amount in manner aforesaid, to give public notice thereof by advertise- ment to be published in three of the newspapers printed in this State, and shall require all persons having any of the said bills of credit in possession, within sixty days from the date of such advertisement to bring the same into the treasury, and to receive gold or silver therefore, and if any such bills should be brought in, those remaining in circula- tion shall not be so exchanged, but shall be received in all payments into the treasury of this State. LI. And be z'tfart/zer enaeted by t/ze aut/zorz'ty aforesaid That the treas- Form of - - ' - blank cer- urer of this State be, and he is hereby authorized and required to pro- tiflcates to cure at the expence of the people of this State a competent number of g6 issued . . , . y State blank certificates with sucn checks and devices as he may deem proper treasurer. to guard against counterfeits, and with a margin or counterpart suffic- iently large to contain a memorandum of the annual payment of interest which may be made thereon; the blanks of which certificates so to be procured shall be filled up as to the numbers, sums, date, day and year of passing this act, and be delivered as herein after directed, and the said blank certificates shall severally contain the words following, vizt. Number The people of the State of New York have received on loan from the sum of to be paid to the said or bearor on or before the first day of January which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety with interest from the day of one thousand seven hundred and eighty five at the rate of per centum per annum to be paid annually at the treasury, according to a law of this State, passed on the day of LII. And be z‘tfnrt/zer enaeted by t/ze aat/zorz'ty aforesaid That the Said Certifi- treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and required to receive on 2535,35,, loan in behalf of the people of this State such public securities as are issued- 270 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 4o. Blanks in certifi- cates, how filled‘up. Securities receivable at treasury on loan. herein after described and to issue and deliver in lieu thereof to any per- son or persons who shall before the first day of May which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven make such loan or loans a certificate or certificates at the election of the lender in the form herein before prescribed to the amount or value of the sum or sums due as principal money on the security and securi- ties which he shall so receive on loan, and shall indorse on each certifi- cate by him delivered, the amount of interest due to the first day of January one thousand seven hundred and eighty five and subscribe his name thereto. Provided always that no more than one certificate shall be issued by the said treasurer for a sum less than twenty pounds received from any one person. LIII. And fie iz‘ furZ/zer erzacz‘ed fiy t/ze azd/zoricj/ aforesaid That each certificate to be delivered by virtue of this act shall be numbered begin- ning with number one and so on in arithmetic progression to the last that shall be delivered inclusive, and the blanks of the certificates shall be filled as follows vizt. The first and third with the name of the per- son making the loan, the second with the amount of principal money of the security or securities loaned the fourth with the word first, the fifth with january, and the sixth with a rate of interest equal to the interest expressed in the certificates received on loan ; and the day month and year in which this act passed shall be printed in the certificates; and each certificate before the same is delivered shall be signed by the said treasurer with his name and stile of office. ' - LIV. And fie iz‘fzcrz‘lzer enacted fiy z‘lze azcz‘lzorizj/ aforesaid That the said treasurer shall be and he is hereby authorized and required to receive the following public securities on loan in manner aforesaid, vizt. Loan office certificates issued by the Continental commissioner of loans in this State for monies lent to the United States, at the nominal value expressed therein if issued on or before the first day of September one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven. Loan office certificates issued by the Continental commissioner of loans in this State for monies loaned to the United States since the said first day of September reduced to specie value by the scale of deprecia- tion established by the United States in Congress assembled on the twenty eighth day of July one thousand seven hundred and eighty one. Certificates issued, or to be issued by the Continental commissioner of accounts within this State for services performed or articles delivered by the inhabitants of this State for the use of the United States, com- ‘ monly called Barbers notes. Certificates issued by the treasurer of this State, for monies borrowed for the use of this State, and directed to be paid by an act entitled an act to provide for the payment of certain contingent expences of this State passed the 25th October 1779 reduced to specie value by the Con- tinental scale of depreciation. Certificates issued by the agent of this State, in pursuance of an act entitled an act to procure supplies for the use of the army and to pre- vent a monopoly of cattle within this State and more effectually to pre- vent supplies of cattle to the enemy passed the 24th of june r780. Certificates issued by the treasurer of this State in pursuance of an act entitled an act to provide for the payment of certain monies taken on loan by this State passed the 30th day of June 1780 at the rate of one dollar in silver for every forty of the nominal dollars specified in such certificates. ‘ Warrants with receipts thereon indorsed given by virtue of the act entitled “An act to compleat the Continental battalions raised under the CHAP. 40.] NINTH SESSION. 271 direction of this State, passed the first day of july 1780, at the rate of one dollar in silver for every bushel of wheat specified in such warrants. Certificates granted for horses, purchased by this State for the use of the armies of the United States in the year 1780. Accounts liquidated and certified or certificates granted by the late auditor general of this State or the auditor of this State for the time being, reduced to specie value, if not already so reduced, by the Conti- nental scale of depreciation. - Certificates issued by the auditors appointed in pursuance of the act entitled “An act to liquidate and settle the accounts of the troops of this State in the service of the United States” passed the 4th day of October I780. Certificates given or which may be given, by virtue of the act entitled an act to empower the auditors appointed to liquidate and settle the accounts of the troops of this State in the service of the United States to grant certificates to the troops of this State in the service of the United States for their pay accrued for the time therein mentioned passed the 6th day of April 1784. Certificates issued or to be issued by virtue of an act entitled “An act for the settlement of the pay of the levies and militia for their ser- vices in the late war and for other purposes therein mentioned ” passed the 27th day of April 1784. And all other certificates issued by the treasurer.of this State for. monies due by the people of this State to any person or persons whom- soeven LV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said treasurer and he is hereby authorized and required immediately after completing any certificate or certificates and having signed and endorsed the same as herein directed to pay to the holder thereof the one fifth part of the interest endorsed thereon as aforesaid in the said bills entitled by virtue of this act and remaining in the treasury; and for the residue of the said inter- est so endorsed as aforesaid to give unto such holder a certificate in the form following, to wit, Number The people of the State of New York are indebted unto in the sum of for interest to be paid to the said or bearor on or before the first day of May which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, according to an act entitled an act for emitting the sum of two hundred thousand pounds in bills of credit for the purposes therein mentioned— which certificate so to be given for interest shall be numbered with the same number as the certificate given for the principal sum on which Interest on certifi- cates, h ow payable. Form of certificate for inter- est such interest is due and the blanks in the body of each certificate so to - be given for interest shall be filled up as follows; the first and third with the name of the person to whom such interest is due and the second with the sum so due to such person for interest as aforesaid and each certificate so given for interest shall before the same is delivered be signed by the treasurer with his name and stile of office and the said treasurer having so paid a part of the interest in the said bills of credit and given such certificate as aforesaid for the residue of the interest shall indorse on the certificate by him given for the principal money of the security or securities so loaned “interest paid to the first day of Ian-- uary one thousand seven hundred and eighty five ” and subscribe such indorsement with his name and stile of office. Ad 9 LAWs OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 40. 72 Memoran- da of cer- tificates issued to be kept by treasurer. Bills of credit to be received for duties, etc. What species of money re- ceivable on payment of mort- gage loans. Common council of New York to perform duties of supervisors Bills of credit a legal ten- derin suits be- fore or after judg- me Mileage fees of loan officer. Certificates issued by authority of this act receivable for forfeit— ed estates, etc. LVI. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid That the said treasurer shall make regular entries in a book or books to be kept for the purpose of the certificates for securities loaned as aforesaid which he shall issue by virtue of this act and which book or entries shall contain in convenient order the number and date of such certifi- cates and the names of the persons to whom such certificate shall be issued, the principal sum, the interest paid thereon, the day to which it was paid and the annual interest to arise thereon and also a like entry of each and every security he shall receive on loan as aforesaid reduc- ing in all cases the nominal sum to specie value as herein before directed. And to the end that the credit of the bills to be emitted by virtue of this act may be most effectually established. LVII. Be it enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid That gold and silver and the bills of credit to be emitted by virtue of this act, shall be received by the collector for duties arising on goods wares and mer- chandize which shall be imported into this State after the passing of this act, and in the treasury of this State in payment arising from the duty on goods sold by public vendue by virtue of the act entitled “An act for the regulation of sales by public auction.” LVIII. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid That gold and silver and the bills of credit emitted in pursuance of this act and no other species of monies or bills shall be received by the loan officers in discharge of the principal and interest due on such mortgages. LIX. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ce ant/torily aforesaid That all the power and authority by this act given to and duties required to be done by the judges and the supervisors of the several counties of this State shall be vested in and exercised by the mayor aldermen and common- alty of the city of New York in common council convened, who shall be subject to like forfeitures so far forth as the manners and things in this act contained relate to the said city and county of New York; and that the word county in this act mentioned shall be construed to com- prehend the said city and county of New York. LX. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the billsof credit to be emitted by virtue of this act shall be a legal tender in all cases where any suit is or shall be brought or commenced for any debt or damages and the costs of suit in any stage of the proceedings thereof. Provided always that nothing in this act shall extend to con- travene any treaty between the United States of America and any for- eign State or power. LXI. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid That one of the loan officers of each respective county shall be allowed, in addi- tion to the salaries herein before mentioned, the sum of six pence for every mile such loan officer shall be obliged to travel for the purpose of receiving the bills of credit in and by this act directed to be delivered to the loan officers, to be computed from the court house of the county for which such loan officer shall be appointed to the city of New York. LXII. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid That the certificates to be issued by the treasurer by virtue of this act for securi- ties taken on loan and also the certificates to be issued for part of the interest due thereon previous to the first day of january one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, shall be receiveable at the treasury of the State in payments for confiscated estates to be sold by the commis- sioners of forfeitures, and also in payment for the waste and unappro- priated lands of this State. CHAP. 41.] NINTH SESSION. ‘ 273 CHAP. 41. AN ACT for regulating trials of issues, and for returning able and sufficient jurors. - PASSED the 19th of April, 1786. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York, represented in Igguesin Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by tile aut/zorz'ty of the same, gggi‘t’lgljm That all issues joined or hereafter to be joined in the supreme court, or tried in any other court, and brought into the supreme court to be tried, and $3,332? which are or may be triable by the country, Shall be tried in the proper $12268 counties where the lands tenements or hereditaments in demand or ' question shall be situated, or the cause of action, suit, controversy or offence shall arise or be committed, unless the supreme court upon motion in behalf of the people of this State if they be interested or upon motion of any plaintiff, demandant or avowant or tenant or defendant, shall think proper to order the trial to be at the bar of the said supreme court, which Shall only be done in cases of great difficulty, or which require great examination. But this clause shall not extend to any action merely transitory, nor prevent the said supreme court from ordering trials by foreign juries in all cases where it shall be proper and necessary. And be it fart/ter enacted by tile aut/zorz'ty aforesaid, That the jus- Circuit tices of the supreme court for the time being, or some or one of them, gt‘flli'gifles' shall yearly and every year forever hereafter in the vacations, at least ment of, once in a year, and oftener if need be, hold a court in each of the coun- and terms‘ ties of this State, as well in the counties where the supreme court shall sit as in every of the other counties of this State, for the trials of all issues joined or to be joined in the supreme court or in any other court, and brought into the supreme court to be tried, and which are or may be triable in the said respective counties, which courts shall be called the circuit courts; and that each of the said circuit courts shall be held in each of the counties of this State so many days each time, as the jus- tices or justice holding the same, shall think necessary. And furt/zer that the justices of the supreme court for the time being, shall from time to time in ths term next preceding the holding of every of the cir- cuit courts, appoint the time of holding such circuit courts in every of the said counties in which it shall be necessary to hold the same in the then next vacation, and shall cause the same to be entered in the minutes of the same supreme court ; and that such circuit court shall respectively be held at the court house of the county, in which the said circuit court is so appointed to be held; and in case there be no court house in the county, then at such place as the said justices of the supreme court during the term next preceeding the holding of such circuit court, shall for that purpose appoint. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That when any Tran- such issue is to be tried at any of the said circuit courts, the tenor or iggg’fffo transcript of the record thereof, with a respite of the jury, or an award E: slat; of process for their appearance to the supreme court at the next term, hoildiplgce unless the justices of the supreme court some or one of them at the day circum- and place appointed for holding the said circuit court, at which such issue is or ought to be tried shall Sooner come, shall be made and sent under the seal of the said supreme court to such of the justices of the same court as may hold the said circuit court, in the county where such VoL. 2. — 35 274 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 41. Justices at circuit, jurisdic- tion of. Sheriff to return all writs, etc., to circuit courts. Divorce and bas- tardy cases triable by the country Allowance of and hearing on exceptions. issue is or ought to be tried; and a similar clause shall be inserted in the process for the appearance of the jury at the said circuit court; and if one party demand and have such tenor or transcript of the record as aforesaid to deliver to such justices or justice before whom such issue is to be tried; another tenor or transcript of the same record shall be made and delivered to the other party, if he require the same. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaia, That the justices of the supreme court for the time being, and each and every of them, as a justice orjustices of the supreme court, and without any other commission to be had or made for that purpose, shall be and hereby is and are fully authorized empowered and required at the said respective circuit courts to try all such issues, and take all such inquest, by default or otherwise, as are or ought to be tried or taken in the said circuit court respectively and to record nonsuits and defaults before him or them; and to do and execute all other matters and things as fully in every respects as any justices of nisi prius, or justices of assize may or ought by law to do and execute ; and the said justices or justice before whom any such circuit court shall be held, shall return the said tenor or transcript, and the writ or process for the appearance of the jury and the pannel, with the verdict and proceedings before him or them had thereupon, to the supreme court at the next term; and the said supreme court shall receive and record the same, and give judgement thereupon according to law. And further that it shall and may be lawful to and for the justice of the supreme court and each and every of them for the time being, as a jus— tice or justices of the supreme court and without any other commission to be had or made for that purpose, to take assizes of novel disseisin, or any other assizes at the said several circuit courts; and ii the taking of any assize at any such circuit court be deferred for any cause whatso- ever to adjourn the same, and send the record with the original writ to the said supreme court, where such proceedings shall thereupon be had as law and justice may require. And when the matter shall come to the taking of the assize the said supreme court shall remit the matter to such of the justices as shall hold the next circuit court in the county where the same assize is or ought to be taken before whom the said assize shall be taken, any law custom or usage to the contrary notwith- standing. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That all sheriffs and other officers to whom the return of any writs of assize, juries, or certificates shall appertain, shall cause to come, at every such circuit court to be held in their respective counties, before the justices or jus- tice of the supreme court who shall hold such circuit court, all such writs of assize, juries, and certificates before whatsoever justices or justice arraigned, or by whatsoever writs, in their respective counties, together with the panels, attachments, reattachments, summons, resum- mons and all other minuments whatsoever any ways concerning those assizes, juries, and certificates, in all things according to law and the nature of them arrayed and executed ; provided always, that the attach- ments, reattachments summons, and resummons thereof, shall be made at least fifteen days before the holding of such circuit court. - And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That all issues upon legality of marriage and upon pleas or allegations of a general or special bastardy, shall be tried by the country, and not otherwise, any law, custom or usage to the contrary notwithstanding. VII. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That when any one who is or shall be impleaded before any judges or justices doth alledge an exception, praying that the justices will allow it; and they 'CHAP. 41.] NINTH SESSION. . 275 will not allow it, if hewhoalledged the exception, do write the same exception, and require that the justices will put their seals to it for a " witness, the justice shall do so, and if one will not another of the jus- tices shall. And if a writ shall be brought to reverse the judgment in such case, and the same exception be not found in the roll, and the plaintiff shew the exception written with the seal of the justices put to it, the justice shall be commanded that he appear at a certain day either to confess or deny his seal : and if the justice cannot deny his seal, the court shall proceed to judgment according to the same exception, as it ought to be allowed or disallowed. \ VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every Jurors to venire facias for the trial of any issue in any action or suit civil or 1,5602%? criminal, in any court of record within this State, shall be awarded of from L . . . - - count the body of the proper county where such issue is triable, excepting in whereyac- such cases in which foreign juries shall be deemed necessary ; in which 3.221512” cases the venire facias shall be awarded of the body of the county from which such foreign jury are directed to come. ' IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all Qualifica- jurors (other than strangers upon trials per medietatem linguee) who shall be returned upon trials of issues in the supreme court, or in any of the circuit courts, or in any of inferior courts of common pleas, or in the mayors courts of the cities of New York, Albany or Hudson ; or in any court of general or quarter sessions of the peace, or before any justices of assize, oyer and terminer or goal delivery in any city or county of this State, or in any other court of record, shall every of them be above the age of twenty one and under the age of sixty years and shall each of them have in either of the said counties in‘his own name or right, or in trust for him or in his wifes right in the same county, a freehold in lands messuages or tenements, or of rents in fee or for life, of the value of sixty pounds, free of all reprizes debts demands or incumbrances whatsoever; and in the cities of New York Albany or Hudson a free- hold of the value aforesaid, or a personal estate of the like value free from all reprises debts, demands or incumbrances whatsoever. And all men having such estates as aforesaid are hereby enabled and made lia- ble to be returned and to serve as jurors for the trials of issues before the judges, justices, and courts aforesaid ; and if any man not so quali- fied shall be returned upon any such jury, or tales in default of such jurors, it shall be good cause of challenge to the juror not so qualified, and such person so returned shall be discharged upon such challenge or his own allegation and oath thereof And to the end that jurors so qualified, may be always returned, the writs of venire facias juratores which shall at any time hereafter be awarded and issued for the impaneling of juries within any of the counties of this State, except the county of New York,- shall have in the body thereof the words following, that is to say (twelve free and lawful men of your county each of whom shall have in his own name or right, or in trust for him, or in his wife’s right, a free- hold in lands, messuages or tenements, or of rents in fee, or for life, of the value of sixty pounds, free from all reprises, debts, demands, or in- cumbrances whatsoever.) And in the city and county of New York the words following, that is to éay (twelve free and lawful men of your city and county, each of whom shall have, in his own name or right or in trust for him or in his wifes right, a freehold in lands messuages or ten- ements, or a personal estate of the value of sixty pounds, free of all reprizes debts demands or incumbrances whatsoever.) And in the cities of Albany and Hudson for trials in their respective mayors courts the words following that is to say (twelve free and lawful men of your city, 276 . LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 41. Sherifl’, return of precept of venire facias jura- tores by. Names to be inserted in panel annexed to writ. each of whom shall have in his own name or right, or in trust for him, or in trust for him,* or in his wife’s right, a freehold in lands, messu- ages, or tenements, or a personal estate of the value of sixty pounds, free of all reprises, debts, demands or incumbrances whatsoever.) And the residue of the said respective writs shall be in the usual form : And that upon every such writ and writs of venire facias juratores the sheriff, coroner, or other returning officer or officers in each respective city and county, unto whom the making the panel of jurors shall appertain, shall not return any man in any such panel unless he shall be so quali- fied as aforesaid. And be it fnrtker enacted by t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That every sheriff and other officer to whom any writ or precept of venire facias juratores shall be directed for the trial of issues in the said supreme court, or in any of the courts aforesaid, exepct * in Cases where a special jury shall be struck by order or rule of court, shall upon return thereof annex a panel to the same writ or precept, containing the names, places of abode and additions of a competent number of jurors so qualified as aforesaid, to serve on juries, not less than forty eight, nor more than seventy two, without the direction of the judge or judges, justice or justices, before whom such issue is ‘to be tried, who are hereby respect- ively empowered and required if he or they see cause, by order under his or their hands respectively, to direct a greater or less number; and then such number as shall be so directed shall be the number to be returned on such jury. And such sheriff or other officer shall return a like panel containing the same names places of abode and additions to every writ or precept of venire facias juratores, directed to and return- able by him at the same court; (except in cases where a special jury shall be struck by order or rule of court.) And in order that such judge or judges, justice or justices may be the better enabled to direct accord- ing to the intent of this act what number of jurors are necessary to be summoned the party or parties in any cause or causes which may be at issue and to be tried in any of the courts aforesaid, or his or their attorney or attorneis,* shall at the same time he or they give notice of trial to the party or attorney on the other side, give the like notice in writing to the judge or judges, or justice or justices before whom such suit action or issue is to be tried or is triable. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That the names of all the persons contained in the panel annexed to the writ of venire facias juratores need not be inserted in the bodies of the writs of habeas corpora juratorum, or distringas subsequent to such writ of venire facias juratores; but it shall be sufficient to insert in the mandatory part of such writ of habeas corpora juratorum [The bodies of the several per- sons named in the panel to this writ annexed] and in the mandator part of such writs of distringas [The several persons named in the panel to this writ annexed] or words of the like import, and to annex to such writs respectively, panels containing the same names places of abode and additions, as were returned in the panels to such venire facias juratores. And that for the making the returns and the panels afore- said, and annexing the same to the said respective writs, no other fee or fees shall be taken than such as are now allowed by law to be taken for the return of the like writs and panels annexed to the same. And fur- tker that the parties concerned in any such trials may have timely notice of the jurors who are to serve upon such trials in order to make their chalenges to them, if there be cause, every sheriff or other officer to Fees. Sherifl's to deliver copies of panel to parties,ete. * So in original. can. 41.] NINTH SESSION. 277 whom the return of the venire facias juratores or other process against them does or may belong shall upon application made to him for that purpose at any time within five days next before the day on which such writ or process is returnable, deliver or cause to be delivered to any party or parties in any cause or issue to be tried by such jurors, or to any attorney or agent for any or either of the parties, a true copy of such panel of jurors certified under his hand to have been summoned, and whose names shall be so inserted in the panel annexed or to be annexed to such writ or process, with their respective places of abode and addi- tions; Such person or persons so applying for the same paying therefor to such sheriff or other returning officer giving the same, the sum of two shillings and no more. And be it fart/ter enacted by the ant/eerily aforesaid, That every suni- Service of mons of any person so qualified, to any the services aforesaid, shall be 333133.???“ made by the sheriff or other returning officer or his lawful deputy, six days at the least before the day on which the person so summoned as a juror ought to make his appearance. And to the end that the respective sheriffs may be the better enabled Sheriffs to to summon jurors qualified according to the intent and direction of this act Be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aztt/zority aforesaid, That it Shall be, Qualified . . . . JllI‘OI‘S an- and it is hereby made the duty of the sheriff of the city and county of nually. New York, and of each and every sheriff of each of the other counties of this State, at their own expence respectively, yearly and every year to procure a list of the freeholders and others in their respective baili- wicks qualified to serve as jurors on trials. And be itfzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That no man shall Jurors not be summoned or returned as a juror to serve on trials, unless upon $023,?“ struck juries, at any of the courts aforesaid, who hath or shall have gigécein . . . . year. served therein within the space of one year before (the said several mayors courts excepted). And if any sheriff or his deputy shall will- fuly transgress therein, the court to which such return shall be made is hereby authorized and required on examination and proof of such offence, to set a fine upon such offender for every such offence, not exceeding forty shillings. And be it furt/zer enacted by t/ze aatbority aforesaid, That no sheriff Sherifl.’_not or other officer to whom any writ or precept for summoning any jury or 32533313’ inquest shall be directed, or any bailiff or deputy of any such sheriff or excuse per- . . . . son from officer, shall directly or indirectly take accept or receive any money or Serving as other reward to excuse any man from serving or being summoned to juror serve on any jury or inquest, or under that colour or pretence, on pain of forfeiting fifty pounds for every such offence; the one moiety thereof to the people of the State of New York, and the other moiety thereof to any person who shall prosecute for the same to effect, and to be recov- ered with costs of suit in the inferior court of common pleas of the county, or any of the said mayors courts where the offence shall have been committed, by action of debt bill plaint or information wherein no essoin shall be allowed, nor more than one imparlance. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That upon all Impanel- trials in any of the courts aforesaid, (except for capital offences or by l‘fEQgQ—“gg, struck juries, or where views shall have been had) the name of each and every man who shall be summoned and impanelled as a juror upon such ' trial, with his place of abode and addition, shall be written on several and distinct pieces of paper or parchment being all as near as may be of equal size, and shall be delivered unto the clerk of the court in which such trial is to be had, by the sheriff or other officer who shall have returned such jury or his deputy or agent, and shall by direction and LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 41. Penalty for non-attend- ance of juror. View of premises in question by jury. care of such clerk be rolled up, all as near as may be in one and the same manner, and put together into a box, to be by each respective sheriff provided for that purpose; and when the cause, or any cause or issue for the trial whereof they are returned as jurors shall be brought on to be tried, the clerk of the court, or some other indifferent person by direction of the court, shall in open court draw out twelve of the said papers or parchments one after another; and if any man whose name shall be so drawn shall not appear, or be challenged and set aside, then such further number thereof shall be drawn as shall make up the number twelve who do appear after all causes of challenge allowed, as fair and indifferent. And the said twelve men so first drawn and appear- ing and approved as indifferent, shall be sworn, and be the jury to try such cause or issue, and their names shall be marked in the panel. And the names of the men so drawn and sworn shall be kept apart by them- selves in some other box to be provided as aforesaid, and kept for that purpose untill such jury shall have given in their verdict, and the same is recorded; or until such jury shall by consent of the parties or leave of the court be discharged; and then the said names shall be rolled up again and returned to the former box, there to be kept with the other names remaining at that time undrawn, and so it shall be done as often as any cause or issue remains then to be tried; but the names of such as shall at any time be drawn and shall not appear, or be challenged and set aside shall immediately after the jury in such case, be sworn, be rolled up again and returned to the same box with the names at that time undrawn. And if any cause or issue shall be brought on to be tried in any of the said courts respectively, before the jury in any other cause or issue shall have brought in their verdict or be discharged, it shall and may be lawful for the court to order a jury to be drawn in manner aforesaid out of the names then remaining in the said first men- tioned box, for the trial of such cause or issue, which shall be so brought on to be tried. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That every grand or petit juror, constable or other officer, whose duty it is to attend any of the courts of record in this State, who shall refuse or neglect to attend according to his duty shall be liable to be fined by such court in a sum not exceeding ten pounds; and in every case where such fine shall be imposed by any of the said courts, such court shall immediately cause public proclamation of such fine to be made by the crier of the court and if such delinquent, juror, constable or other offices who shall be fined as aforesaid shall not during the term of setting of the said court in which such fine shall be imposed, shew a satisfactory reason or excuse to the said court for his default or non-attendance then such fine so imposed shall be entreated into the court of exchequer, in order that the same may be levied and paid into the treasury for the use of the people of this State. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That in any actions brought or to be brought in the supreme court or in any of the inferior courts of common pleas in either of the courts of this State, or in either of the said mayors courts, where it shall appear to the court in which such actions are or shall be depending, that it will be proper and neces- sary that the jurors who are to try the issues in any such actions should have a view of the messuages, lands or place in question, in order to their better understanding the evidence that will be given upon the trials of such issues, in every such case the said respective courts in which such actions are or shall be depending, may order special writs of distringas or hebeas corpora juratorum to issue, by which the sheriff CHAP. 41.] _ NINTH SESSION. 27 9 or other officer to whom the~said writ shall be directed shall be com- manded to have six out of the first twelve of the jurors named ‘in the panel annexed to such writ, or some greater number of them at the place in question some convenient time before the trial, who then and there shall have the matters in question shewn to them by two persons in the said writs named, to be appointed by the court; and the sheriff or other officer who is to execute the said writs, shall by a special return upon the same, certify that the view hath been had according to the command of the said writs, and in such case if there is not a struckjury in such cause, and the parties or their agents or attornies on both sides shall not mutually agree by writing under their hands on the jurors who are to have the view, the names of all the jurors returned for the trial of such cause with their places of abode and additions shall be written on several and distinct pieces of paper or parchment and rolled up and put into a box as aforesaid in the presence and by the direction of one of the judges of the court in which such cause is or shall be depending, and then the names of so many of them as shall be necessary to go upon the view but not less than six, shall be drawn out one after another in the presence of such judge. And the names of the jurors so mutually agreed upon or ballotted as aforesaid with their places of abode and additions shall be first written on the panel to be annexed to such writs of habeas corpora juratorum or distringas, and the names of the residue of the jurors returned for the trial of such cause with their places of abode and additions shall be written on such panel immediately follow- ing the names of the jurors so agreed upon, or balloted for the view, in the same order they may stand in the panel annexed to the venire facias: And when such cause is brought on to be tried, such of the said jurors as shall have had the view and do appear, shall be first sworn upon the; jury to try the said cause, before any drawing, and then so many more‘ shall be drawn as aforesaid to be added to the viewers who appear as shall after all defaults and challenges allowed, make up the number twelve to be sworn for the trial of such cause. And further that in all other cases where any of the jurors shall have had the view of the prem- ises in question or demand by virtue of any writ original or judicial, such of the jurors as shall have had the view and do appear and are not challenged or found unexceptionable, shall be first sworn, and only so many drawn or balloted, as to make up the number twelve. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and strnck may be lawful for the said supreme court, and the several inferior courts Qjiglgfi’ng and mayors courts herein before mentioned, upon motion, in behalf of andirn- the people of this State or of any prosecutor or defendant in any indict- paneling of ment or information, other than for capital offences, or of any plaintiff, demandant avowant defendant or tenant in any action cause or suit whatsoever depending, or to be had, brought, prosecuted or carried on in any of the said courts, and triable by a jury of twelve men, to order and appoint a jury to be struck for the trial thereof. And in such case the said courts shall order the sheriff of the proper county, or other officer who ought to impanel the jury in such case to bring into the office of the clerk of the said court at a certain day a book containing the names of the several persons in his county or bailiwic qualified to serve as jurors on such trial, with their places of abode and additions; and after the return of such book the party applying for such struck jury shall give due notice to the opposite party, and to the clerk of the said court, or his deputy, of the time and place of striking suchjury; at which time and place the clerk of the said court or his deputy shall attend with the said book, and shall in the presence of the parties, or, ‘280 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 41. Jurors dis— qualified in civil causes not to be summoned in capital cases. Actions between citizens and aliens, juries for trial of. Challenges in prosecu- tions on such of them as shall attend for that purpose, copy out of the said book the names of forty eight such persons, with their places of abode and additions, as he shall think most indifferent between the parties, and best qualified to try such cause or issue ; and then r the party applying for such struck jury or his agent or attorney shall first strike out one of the said names, and then the opposite party or his agent or attorney another, and so alternately until each shall have struck out twelve: But if such opposite party shall not attend such striking, nor any person in his behalf, then the said clerk or his deputy shall strike for the party not attending. And when each have struck out twelve as aforesaid, the remaining twenty four shall be the jury to be returned to try the said cause or issue. And the clerk of the said court or his deputy shall thereupon make a fair copy of the names of the same remaining twenty four persons, with their places of abode and additions, and certify the sameunder his hand to be the list of jurors struck as aforesaid for the tryal of such cause or issue, which list shall be delivered to the sheriff or other officer who ought to summon such jury, together with the venire facias; and such sheriff or other officer shall thereupon annex the same list to such venire facias, and return the same as the panel of the jury to‘try such cause or issue, and summ'on them according to the command of the same writ. And upon the trial of such cause or issue there shall be no balloting, but the jurors so struck shall be called as they stand upon the panel, and the first twelve of them who shall appear and are not challenged, or shall be found duly qualified and indifferent, shall be the jury and be sworn to try the said cause or issue; but the person or party who shall apply for such struck jury shall bear and pay the fees for striking thereof, and shall not have any allowance for the same upon the taxation of costs. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid, That no sheriff or other officer to whom the return of juries shall or may at any time belong, shall impanel or return any person or persons to serve on any jury for the trial of any capital Offence, who at the time of such return would not be qualified by virtue of this act to serve as jurors in civil causes in the supreme court, and the same matter and cause alle-dged by way of challenge and so found, shall be admitted and taken as a prin- cipal challenge, and the person and persons so challenged shall and may be examined on oath of the truth of such matter. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That all manner ofjuries and inquests hereafter to be taken or made between aliens and citizens of ‘any of the United States of America, be they merchants or others, in any court or before any justice or justices, and whether this State be party or interested, or not, except in cases of treason, the one half of the jury or inquest shall be citizens of this State, and qualified by this act to serve on such juries or inquests and the other half of aliens if so many aliens and foreigners be in the city county or place where such jury or inquest is to be taken or made, who be not parties nor with the parties in the contracts, pleas, quarrels or offences whereof such juries or inquests are or ought to be taken. And if there be not so many aliens or strangers then there shall be put on such juries or inquests as many aliens and strangers as shall be found in the same city county, or place, which be not thereto parties, nor with the parties as aforesaid, and the remnant of citizens of this State qualified by this act to serve on such juries or inquests, and who shall be good men and not suspicious to the one party, nor to the other. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by tke aut/zority aforesaid That in all cases where the attorney general of this State in behalf of this State, or he CHAP. 41.] NINTH SESSION. 281 who shall in any case prosecute for the people of this State, shall chal- lenge any juror as not indifferent or for any other cause, he who shall make any such challenge shall immediately assign and shew the cause of such challenge, and the truth thereof shall be inquired of and tried in the same manner as the challenges of other parties are or ought by law to be inquired of and tried. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That the ustices or justice of the supreme court before whom any trial shall be brought at any of the said circuit courts by virtue of any writ, with a nisi prius, where a full jury shall not appear or after appearance of a fully jury, by challenge, the jury is like to be remain untaken for default of jurors, shall have authority by virtue of this act upon request made for the people of the State of New York, by any authorized thereunto or assigned by the justices or justice of the court before whom the inquest is to be taken, or upon request made by any party who prosecutes as well for the people of this State as for himself, in any case, or upon request made by the parties plaintiff demand or avowant or tenant or defendant or his or their attorney to command the sheriff or other officer to whom the making the return of the said writs shall appertain to name and appoint as often as need shall require so many of Such other able per- sons of the said county qualified to serve on such juries according to the intent of this act, then present at such circuit court, and to add and annex their names to the former panel as shall make up a full jury of twelve men for the tryal of every such issue. And every of the parties shall and may have his or their challenge to the jurors so named, added and annexed to the said former panel by the said sheriff or other officer, in such wise as if they had been impaneled upon the venire facias awarded to try the said issue. And the said justices or justice shall and may proceed to the trial of every such issue with those jurors that were before impanelled and returned, and with those newly added and annexed to the said former panel by virtue of this act, in such wise as he or they might or ought to have done if all the said jurors had been returned upon the writ of venire facias awarded to try such issue. And furt/zer that all and every such trial shall be as good and effectual in the law to all intents, constructions and purposes, as if such trial had been had and tried by twelve of the jurors impaneled and returned upon the writ of venire facias awarded to try such issue. And in case such persons as the said sheriff or other officer shall name and appoint as aforesaid or any of them after they shall be called, be present, and do not appear, or after his or their appearance, do willfully withdraw him or themselves from the presence of the court, that then such justices or justice shall and may set such fine upon every such juror making default or willfully withdrawing himself as aforesaid as such justices or justice shall think good by his or their discretion; the same fine to be levied in such man- ner and form as issues forfeited and lost by jurors for default of their appearance are or ought by law to be levied. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid That if any jurors Bribery of ' - JUI‘OI‘S, sworn for the trial of any issues or in any assizes or other inquests to be taken between the people of the State of New York and any party, or between party and party, shall take any thing by them or other of the party, plaintiff or defendant, or of any other to give their verdict, and thereof be found guilty in any court of record either at the suit of the party that will sue for himself, or for the people of the State of New York, or any other person, by original writ, bill or plaint, every of the said jurors shall pay ten times as much as he hath taken, with the costs of suit, and he that will sue shall have the one half, and the people of VoL. 2. —36 behalf of State. Extra. panel of jurors, or- daring and summon- ing of. penalty. 282 LAws OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 42. the State of New York the other half: And that all the embraceors that Embracery bring or procure such jurors or inquests to take gain or profit, shall be General and spe- cial ver— dicts. Firemen in certain places ex- empt from jury duty. Acts re- cited re- pealed. Preamble: provisions of Con- gress for pensions to invalid an disabled soldiers. punished in the same manner and form as the jurors. And if the party to the plea shall bring any such suit or action, and shall recover therein he shall, also recover his damages by the assessment of the inquest; and if the juror or embraceor so found guilty shall not have whereof to make satisfaction in the manner aforesaid he shall be imprisoned for one year. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That no jury upon any trial hereafter, to be had shall in any case be compelled to give a general verdict, so that they find a special verdict and shew the truth of the fact, and require the aid of the court or justices. But if they of their own will, do give a general verdict, their verdict shall be admitted at their own peril. Provided always, that this act shall not extend to compel any fireman of the city of New York, or of the city of Albany, or of the township of Brooklyn in Kings county, lawfully appointed or to be appointed to serve as jurors in any case whatsoever. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That the act entitled An act concerning the circuit courts, and the act entitled An act to punish delinquent jurors, constables, and other persons, and all the laws of the late colony of New York relating to jurors, shall be and hereby are repealed. CHAP. 42. AN ACT making provision for officers, soldiers and seamen who have been disabled in the service of the United States. PASSED the 22nd of April, 1786. WHEREAS the United States in Congress assembled, by their act of the 7th of June 1785, did resolve in the words following, to wit, “Resolved, That it be, and it is hereby recommended to the several d States, to make provision for officers, soldiers or seamen, who have been disabled in the service of the United States in the following manner vizt: Ist. A complete list shall be made out by such person or persons as each State shall direct, of all the officers, soldiers or seamen resident in their respective States, who have served in the army or navy of the United States, or in the militia in the service of the United States, and have been disabled in such service, so as to be incapable of military duty, or of obtaining a livelihood by labour. In this list shall be expressed the pay, age, and disability of each invalid, also the regiment, corps or ship to which he belonged, and a copy of the same shall be transmitted to the office of the secretary at war, within one year after each State shall pass a law for this purpose, and a like discriptive list of the invalids resident in the respective States, shall from year to year be annually transmitted to the office of the secretary at war.” “ 2nd. No officer, soldier or seaman, shall be condsidered as an invalid, or entitled to pay, unless he can produce a certificate from the commanding officer or surgeon of the regiment, ship, corps or company in which he served, or from a physician or surgeon of amilitary hospital, or other good and sufficient testimony, setting forth his disability, and that he was thus disabled while in the service of the United States.”_.-—“ 3d. That all commissioned officers within the aforesaid description, disabled in CHAP. 42.] NINTH SESSION. 283 the service of the United States, so as to be wholly incapable of mili- itary duty, or of obtaining a livelihood, be allowed a yearly pension equal to half of their pay respectively. And all commissioned officers as aforesaid, who shall not have been disabled in so great a degree, be allowed a yearly pension which shall correspond with the degree of their disability compared with that of an officer wholly disabled: That all non-commissioned officers and privates within the aforesaid descrip- tion, disabled in the service of the United States, so as to be wholly incapable of military or garrison duty, or of obtaining a livelihood by labour, be allowed a sum not exceeding five dollars per month: And all non-commissioned officers and privates as aforesaid, who shall not have been disabled in so great a degree, be allowed such a sum as shall cor- respond with the degree of their disability, compared with that of a non-commissioned officer or private wholly disabled.”———“ 4th. That each State appoint one or more persons of suitable abilities, to examine all claimants, and to report whether the person producing a certifi- cate, setting forth that he is an invalid, be such in fact, and if such, to what pay he is entitled; and thereupon, and thereupon,* the persons appointed to make such enquiry, shall give to the invalid, a certificate specifying to what pay he is entitled, and transmit a copy to the per- son who may be appointed by the State, to receive and record the same.” “5th. That each State be authorized to pay to the com- missioned officers, non-commissioned officers and privates, the sum or sums to which they shall be respectively entitled, agreably to the before mentioned certificates; the said payments to be deducted from the respective quotas of the States for the year on which they shall be made. Provided that no officer who has accepted his commutation for half pay, shall be entered on the list of invalids, unless he shall have first returned his commutation.” “ 6th. That any State may form such invalids under the aforesaid description, as are citizens of the same, and are capable of garrison duty, into corps, to be employed in guarding military stores, aiding the police, or otherwise, as the State may direct.”—-——“ 7th. That when invalids shall be formed into corps, there be quarterly returns, comprehending the pay, age, disability regi- ment, ships or corps to which they severally belong, made out and assigned by their commanding officer, and transmitted to such person or persons, as the State shall direct, that their pay may be ordered according to said return.”————“8th. That all invalids, as well those formed into corps, as those who are not, shall annually apply themselves to a magistrate of the county in which they reside, or may be stationed, and take the following oath viz: A. B. came before me, one of the justices for the county of in the State of and made oath, that he was examined by appointed by the said State (or Commonwealth) for that purpose, obtained a certificate, or had his certificate examined and countersigned setting forth that he had served in that he was disabled by and that he now lives in the and in the county of ”———“ 9th. That the affidavits, drawn according to the above form, and dated and attested by a magis- trate, be sent by the said magistrate, to the person or persons appointed by the State, to receive and record the same, and that a counterpart of the affidavit, be preserved by the person taking it, to be exhibited to such persons, as shall be appointed by the State to pay the invalids.” Therefore in order to comply with the said act of Congress. Be it enacted by the People of the State of [Vew Yorh, represented in Persons . . ' ted Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, figgglarinine That the governor or person administering the government of this State 553333,, * So in original. 284 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 42. for the time being Richard Varick and Richard Platt Esquires or any two of them in the city of New York, and Abraham Ten Broeck, Peter Gansevoort junr. and Philip Schuyler Esquires or any two of them in the city of Albany be, and they hereby are authorized and empowered, to examine all persons resident in this State and claiming relief under the said act of Congress, whether the person producing a certificate that he is an invalid, be such in fact and if such, to what pay (upon the principles of the said act of Congress) he is entitled; and shall there- upon give to such invalid a certificate specifying to what pay he is entitled, and transmit a copy thereof to the auditor of this State for this time being, who is hereby directed to receive and record the same. Pro- vided always that it shall and may be lawful to and for the persons above designated and maned, or any two of them to call to their assistance such and so many surgeons and physicians as they may from time to time think proper, and to examine any such claimant and any other person or persons whom they may think proper on oath or affirmation concerning any such claim. Oath to be And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That all such giléggggrs. invalids as may reside within this State, shall annually, between the first ' day of April and the first day of june, apply themselves to a magistrate of the county in which they respectively reside or may be stationed, and take an oath in substance, as contained in the following form of an affi- davit, to wit, A. B. came before me one of the justices for the county of in' the State of New York, and made oath that he was examined by appointed by ‘the said State for that purpose, obtained a certificate, or had his certificate examined and countersigned, setting forth that he had served in that he was disabled by and that he now lives in the and in the county of . Oaths filed And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the affida- with - . auditor, vits so drawn according to the above form, and dated and attested by the justice before whom the same may be taken, shall be sent by the said justice to the auditor of this State for the time being, who is hereby required to receive and record the same. And that a counterpart of such affidavit be delivered by the said justice to the person making the same, to be by him exhibited to the treasurer of this State. Auditor to And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the auditor transmit of this State for the time being, be and he hereby is required and list of , . . . pensioners directed, to make out a compleat list of all such disabled officers, soldiers :gr§,e§§§fa,._ and seamen resident in this State, who according to the tenor of the said act of congress, are to be considered as invalids and entitled to pensions; in which list shall be expressed the pay, age, and disability of each invalid, also the regiment corps or shij: to which he belonged, one copy of which list, the said auditor shall as soon as may be transmit to the office of the secretary at war and another to the treasurer of this State. Andfnrt/zer that the auditor of this State for the time being, shall yearly and every year transmit to the office of the secretary at war, a like descriptive list of the invalids resident in this State, and a copy thereof to the treasurer of this State. Treasurer And be it fart/ter enacted aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful $01,123’ pew for the treasurer of this State for the time being, on the first Monday of z'figrllg'szn June in every. year, or as soon thereafter as may be, upon having received Monday of from the auditor of this State, the list herem before directed to be June‘ delivered him, to pay to the said invalids, the pensions or sums, to which they shall be respectively entitled, according to the certificates and lists aforesaid, the said invalids first exhibiting to the treasurer the CHAP. 43.] - NINTH sEssIoN. 285 affidavits in the form aforesaid, by them respectively made in the month of April or month of May then last past, and to charge such sum or sums as paid to the United States, to be deducted from the quotas of this State, agreably to the above recited act. Provided always that the said treasurer, shall not pay any of the said invalids for any period for which they respectively may have been settled with, in pursuance of any former law of this State. And be it fart/ter enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the act Acts entitled “An act to cary into execution certain resolutions of Congress 155235,, making provision for persons, who may become disabled while in the service of the United States “passed the 10th of March 1779,” and the act entitled “An act for making further provision for persons who have or may become disabled while in the service of the United States “ passed the 18th of March 1783,” be and the same are hereby repealed, as far as respects pensions or allowances on account of disability after the first day of June last. CHAP. 43. AN ACT for the more effectual prevention of fires in the city of New York. PAssED the 22d of April, 1786. WHEREAS the storing of pitch, tar, turpentine, rosin, spirits of tur- Preamble.‘ pentine, linseed oil, or shingles in any houses, store houses, cellers or other places within this city, may be of very bad consequence in case of fire breaking out at or near the place, where any such commodities are stored. And whereas the firing and discharging of guns, pistols, rockets, Inflam- crackers, squibs and other fire works in the city of New York, may not $23522?“ only do personal injury to the inhabitants and others, but the city be ,Storine 0f, in danger of being set on fire by such practices; for remedy whereof. if‘mig‘gity Be it enacted by the People of tbe State of New York represented in lg‘ggfi‘ted Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by t/ze ant/zority of the same, specified. That from and after the first day of June next, no pitch, tar, turpentine, rosin,\spirits of turpentine, linseed oil, or shingles, shall or may be put in any place in the city of New York to the southward of fresh water, other than in such proper place or places as shall be appointed and approved of by the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, in .common council convened, under the penalty of ten pounds for every offence or refusal to remove the same, to be levied by warrant under the .hand and seal of one or more justices of the peace for the city and county of New York, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender upon due conviction upon oath, or upon the view of one or more of such justices of the peace, rendering the overplus (if any be) to theowners: And for want of such distress, the offender shall be imprisoned by warrant from the said justice or jus- tices, who are hereby impowered and required to issue such warrant until payment as aforesaid ; which said forfeitures shall be paid to the chamberlain of the city of New York for the time being, for the use of the poor of the said city. Provided always that it shall and may be lawful to and for such inhabitants of the said city, who are ship chand- lers, to have near their doors in the open street, and not in any building 286 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 44. Discharge of fire- works in part of city specified, penalty for. Colonic, cleaning and clear- ing of streets in, provisions for. or inclosure, a small quantity of pitch, tar, rosin and turpentine, not exceeding in the whole at any one time, twenty barrels, in order the more readily and handily to supply the merchant ships and others, who may have occasion for small quantities of such commodities, any thing herein before contained to the contrary hereof in any wise nothwith- standing. ' And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid. That if any person or persons of what age sex or quality soever, from and after the said first day of june next, shall fire and discharge any gun, pistol, rocket, cracker, squib or other fire work, in any street, lane or alley, garden or other inclosure or from any house, or in any other place where persons frequently walk, to the southward of fresh water ; that then every such person or persons so offending and‘ being thereof convicted before one or more justice or justices of the peace, for the said city, and county of New York, either by the confession of the party or parties so offending or the oath of one or more witness or witnesses (which oath the said justice or justices of the peace is and are hereby impowered and re- quired to administer) shall for every such offence forfeit the sum of twenty shillings, the said forfeitures to be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of every such offender by Warrant under the hand and seal of the said justice or justices of the peace before whom such conviction or convictions, shall be as aforesaid made ; which for- feiture shall be paid to the said chamberlain for the use of the poor of the said city of New York. And if the said offenders shall not pay the said forfeiture or' forfeitures, upon conviction as aforesaid, and want of sufficient distress whereon the same can be made, that then every such justice or justices of the peace is and are hereby impowered and required by warrant under his or their hands and seal to commit every such person or persons so as aforesaid offending, to the common gaol of the city and county of New York, there to remain without bail or mainprize for the space of ten days, unless such forfeiture or forfeitures be sooner paid; but in case such offender or offenders, in the premises last above mentioned, shall happen vto be a slave or slaves, and the for- feiture or forfeitures aforesaid, shall not be forthwith paid, that then it shall and may be lawful to and for such justice or justices before whom the conviction shall be, to cause such slave or slaves to be publicly whipped on the naked back, such number of stripes as he or they shall think proper, not exceeding ‘thirty nine which punishment shall be in lieu and stead of the said forfeiture. ' GHAP. 44. AN ACT for keeping the highway in that part of the manor of Rensselaerwyck called the Colonic in repair. PAssED the 22d of April,'1786. Be it enacted fiy the People of the State of New York represented in Senate and Assemfily and it is herefiy enacted fiy the authorip/ of the same That it shall and may be lawful to and for the overseers of the highway to be elected in the manner herein after mentioned respectively from time to time to direct all and every person and persons being inhabi- tants of that part of the west district of the manor of Rensselaerwyck lying to the northward of the city of Albany and to the southward of can. 44.] NINTH SESSION. 287 Vater Vliet commonly called the Colonie, or holding any lots of ground in the same to clear or clean the streets or highways directly opposite to the lots of ground owned or possessed by such person or persons respectively to the middle of such streets or highways and to remove all fire wood, stones or any other thing whatsoever which may at any time be placed or conveyed on or into such part of any such streets or high- ways, which he she or they are hereby required to clear and clean (the necessary materials for building any dwelling house only excepted). And if any such person or persons when thereunto required by the said overseers or either of them shall neglect or refuse for the space of three days being so required to clear or clean such streets or to remove any fire wood, stones or other things as aforesaid the person or persons shall for every day he, she, or they shall so neglect or refuse; forfeit and pay ~ the sum of three shillings to be recovered and applied in the manner herein after directed. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That each and Streets to every person, being an inhabitant of the said Colonie shall from time to 2?, giggle time within two months after notice shall be given to them respectively from ever- by the said overseers pave or cause to be paved with stones or pebbles 23238;”, in such manner as the said overseers shall direct opposite their respect- ive lots of ground the said streets or highways not exceeding fifteen feet in breadth and that all and every person and persons not being an inhab- itant or inhabitants of the said Colonie but holding or possessing any real estate or lot of ground therein shall within two months after they shall be respectively required thereunto by any of the said overseers, lay with gravel in such manner as the said overseers shall direct not exceeding fifteen feet in the streets or high ways opposite their respect- ive real estates or lots of ground; and if any person shall neglect or refuse to comply with the directions of any of the said overseers respect- ing paving or laying the streets or highways with gravel he or she so offending shall forfeit and pay for every month he or she shall so neg- lect or refuse the sum of twenty shillings. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the said Streets to overseers shall from time to time direct the said streets or high ways to beleveled' be levelled by the persons who are by this act compelled to clear or clean the same in such parts as they are hereby respectively required. to clear or clean the same in such manner as to the said overseers shall appear most promotive of public convenience; and if any person shall neglect or refuse to comply with the directions of the said overseers given in pursuance of this clause, he or she so offending shall for every month he or she shall so neglect or refuse forfeit the sum of ten shil- lings. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every person _Fast driv- or persons who shall ride or drive with any carriage or horse or horses ing-$3,? thro’ any of the said streets or highways or any part thereof so paved a??? or gravelled as aforesaid, or in any other part of such streets or high for. y ways, faster than a common trot shall, for every such offence, forfeit the sum of three shillings. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That it shall and Overseers may be lawful to and for the freeholders and inhabitants of the said gfaiifillgc- Colonie at their annual election for town officers, yearly to elect two 510“ 0f- freeholders to be overseers of the highways to carry this act into effect. Fineq and And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That every fine penalties and penalty incurred in pursuance of this act shall and may be sued for {gcg’ov‘gged and recovered by the overseers aforesaid in their names before any jus- highway tice of the peace of the county of Albany and when so recovered shall ifififindge LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 45. Preamble. Meadows in New- town to be drained. Persons to be chosen to superin- tend drain- ing, appor- tion ex- pense, etc. be retained by the said overseers to be applied to the special purpose of constructing bridges in the said Colonie and after such bridges shall be compleated to improving and amending the said street, or highways in such manner as the said overseers shall from time to time deem proper- # —___—__- CHAP. 45. AN ACT for the more effectual draining a certain tract of meadow land in New Town in Queens county. PAssED the 22d of April, 1786. WHEREAS there is a certain tract of meadow in New Town in Queens county which is often covered with water for want of being properly drained. And w/zereas Charles Roach and others inhabitants of New Town aforesaid by their petition to the legislature in the present session have prayed that the owners of the said meadow may be compelled to drain the same ; Therefore Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly and it is kereby enacted by t/ze authority of t/ze same That the owners or proprietors of the said meadow shall cause the same to be drained by making and keeping properly cleared a sufficient ditch for that purpose from the upland of the said Charles Roach to the division line between Abraham Rapelje and Ann Fish and running as the main ditch now does through the said meadow. And further that each and every owner or proprietor of any part of the said meadow shall from time to time at his or her own expence cause his or her pro- portionable part of the said ditch to be made and properly cleared according to his or her right interest or share of or in the said meadow. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful for the owners or proprietors of the said meadow for the time being to meet together at the dwelling house of Gabriel Smith in New Town aforesaid on the first Tuesday of june next and yearly and every year thereafter on the first Tuesday in May yearly at such place in New Town aforesaid as shall be appointed for that purpose by a majority of them at their first or any other annual meeting and then and there to elect and chuse such or so many person or persons to superintend and direct the making and clearing such ditch as the said owners or proprietors or the major part of them so met together shall think proper and such person or persons so elected and chosen shall ' from time to time whenever it shall be necessary direct how much and what part of the said ditch each and every owner or proprietor of the said meadow shall make or clear and in what manner the same shall be made or cleared and give notice thereof to them respectively in Writing or cause such notice to be fixed up in some public place in New Town aforesaid and if any or either of such owners or proprietors shall not within fifteen days after such notice make or clear his or her part of the said ditch then the person or persons so elected and chosen shall and may cause the same to be done and the expence thereof shall be paid by the owner or proprietor who ought to have done the same and the person or persons so elected and chosen are hereby authorised to sue for and recover such expence by action of debt with costs of suit before any justice of the peace in the county aforesaid but in case any CHAP. -46.J NINTH sEssIoN. 289 such owner or proprietor is or shall be under age or out of the said county then it shall be lawful for the said person or persons so elected and chosen to take and receive the rents or profits of the part or share of the said meadow belonging to such person or persons so under age or absent to the amount and in payment of the said expence. CHAP. 46. AN ACT to amend an act entitled An act for building a court house and gaol in Queens county and for repairing the court house and gaol in Suffolk county and for other purposes. PASSED the 25th of April, 1786. WHEREAS by an act entitled An act for building a court house and Preamble. gaol in Queens county and for repairing the court house and gaol in Suffolk county and for other purposes passed the thirty first day pf March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five it was enacted that the supervisors of the several towns and dis- tricts in the said county for the time being should and they were thereby authorised and required to direct to be raised and levied on the free holders and inhabitants of the said county a sum not exceeding two thousand pounds for building a court house and gaol in the said county. And w/zereas the persons appointed in and by the said act to superin- tend and direct the building of the said court house and gaol in the said county of Queens have proceeded so far in the said business that the house for the purpose has been raised and inclosed but no part of the monies directed by the said act has been raised or levied. And w/zereas many of the freeholders and inhabitants of the said county of Queens have petitioned the legislature in the present session praying that the said house may be removed and put in a more suitable and convenient place ; Therefore ~ Be it enacted by t/ze People of the State of New Yor/e represented in Queens Senate and Assembly and 2t zs lzereby enacted by t/ze aat/zorzty of tbe same, $332,232“. That it shall and may be lawful for the judges of the court of common Supervisors pleas in and for Queens county aforesaid and the supervisors of the $332321, said county for the time being or the major part of them, either to ffcourt' . . . 101188 and cause the said house to be removed and put and finished in a more gaol; mon- convenient place or to be finished where it now stands, as to them or L‘fb‘fgg; the major part of them shall seem most proper and for the best advan- tage and convenience of the freeholders and inhabitants of Queens county aforesaid and to apply for that purpose all such monies as now are or hereafter may be in the hands of the treasurer of Queens county aforesaid by virtue of an act entitled An act for the more effectual col- lection of the arrears of taxes passed in the present sessions of the legislature and not otherwise appropriated. And if the said monies shall not be sufficient for the purposes aforesaid then it shall be lawful for the supervisors of Queens county aforesaid or the major part of them to cause so much of the said sum of two thousand pounds but not exceeding the sum of eight hundred pounds as the said judges and supervisors or the major part of them shall think necessary for the pur- poses aforesaid, to be assessed raised levied and collected in the manner the necessary and contingent charges of the said county are or ought to be assessed raised levied and collected and to be paid into the hands VOL. 2. -— J7 290 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CI-PAP 47. of the treasurer of Queens county aforesaid at such time as the said judges and supervisors or the major part of them shall direct. Treasurer And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid That the treasurer $012,223; on of_ Queens county aforesaid shall and heis hereby required to pay the warrant of said monies so in his hands and the monies so to be raised as aforesaid gflgiifii‘gt‘d in such manner as the said judges and supervisors or the major part of ("5- them shall from time to time by warrant under their hands and seals direct and appoint. ' Meeting of And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid That the said gfigifiii'g‘i‘d judges and supervisors shall meet together for the purposes aforesaid on glésiawhere the first Tuesday in June next, at the house of Benjamin Cheesman in ' North Hempstead, and it is hereby made the duty of the clerk of the supervisors to give them notice thereof; and it shall and may be lawful for the said judges and supervisors or the major part of them so met to adjourn to any other time, and further to adjourn from time to time as they may think proper. Orange And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid That the sheriff 3833?’ of the county of Orange with Henry "Wisner Esquire and Coe Gale 1332:? merchant, of the said county, may cause a yard to be made adjoining the court house in Goshen in the county aforesaid, in such manner as they or the survivors or survivor of them may think proper, and the ex- pence of making the same shall be levied and paid by the precincts of Goshen and Cornwall in the said county in the same proportions as the other contingent charges of the said precincts are levied and paid. CHAP. 47. AN ACT to naturalize the persons therein named. PASSED the 25th of April, 1786. Preamble; WHEREAS Peter McDougal, James Brebner, Alexander Riddle, Andrew Bglfggf’lsf’f Brown, Hugh Henderson, Thomas Vaughan James, John Robertson, petitioning James Philips, John Goodeve, Alexander Lindsay, George Barnewall, 3122,32,“; John Given, James Caldwell junior, William McMath, John Cary, John Stuart, John McDonald, Conrad Beehrig, Samuel Kerr, James Saidler, George Shea, John McCarthy, Stephen Menton, George Courtauld, 'William Hill, George Syder, Henry Sadler, William Bailie, Carlile Pol- lock, George Pollock, William Makee, James Mason, Hugh Smith, John Sullivan, Gibbon Bourke, Andries Morris, Charles Maylon, John Camp- bell, David Reedy, Francis I’ans, John Turner junior, Johannes Henri- cus, Andries Mynants, John Tatton, Louis Chollet, Frederick Chollet, Henry Pope, Thomas Price, Alexander Carens, Nathaniel Osborne, David C. Franks, William Kidson, Dirck Zeeman, Fox Smith, Philip Boyd, John Perken, Alexander McAuley, John Franklin, Christopher Smith, George Fisher, Peter Ropp, Samuel Norton and Martha his wife, Samuel Judah, James Macombe, Robert Willson, James McKeoun, James Inglis, John Johnson, Marin Francis Durand, Christopher Kins- man, \Nilliam Wade, Andrew Stroudman, John F entfreyde, Peter Sailley, James Rousse, Duncan McLaran, Hugh Chalmers, John Houlroyd, Joseph Hudswell, James Forrest, John Hudswell, John Carey, James McIntosh, James Grant, Henry Asdore, John Keyser, Lewis Dixon, Thomas Warr and Samuel Kelly, have by their several petitions prayed to be naturalized. (IHAP. 48.] NINTI-l SESSION. ~ 291 Be 2'! eaaez‘ea’ by z‘lze People of {be Sz‘az‘e of New Yarb, represem‘ed 2'72 Persons Senate ana7 Assembly and 2'! is Izereby eaaez‘ea’ by tile aut/zarz'zfy 0f {be same 3231331; That the above named persons shall be and they are hereby respectively ized; oath naturalized, and shall from and after having taken and subscribed in ggggligige any court of record within this State, the oath of allegiance to this State taken- and abjur'ed and renounced all allegiance and subjection, to all‘ and every foreign king, prince, potentate and State, in all matters ecclesias- tical as well as civil, be deemed citizens of this State to all intents, con- structions and purposes whatsoever, and that the court in which any of the persons hereinbefore mentioned, shall be admitted to take such oath, shall cause an entry thereof to be made in the minutes of the said court in pursuance of this act, and such persons upon taking such oath shall respectively pay to the judges of such court six shillings and to the clerk thereof three shillings,proziz'a’ed always A 12a’ be if fart/2e?’ marred by t/ze aaflzorz'z‘y aforesaid, That such of the If oath not persons above named and hereby naturalized as shall not take the oath ‘51689613, of allegiance and abjuration aforesaid in manner herein before directed act Inf3t to within twelve calendar months next after the passing of this act shall app 3' have no manner of benefit by this act any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Ana’ be 22‘ fZU’f/M?’ enactea’ by [be aaz‘barz'zj/ aforesaid, That John Leake Children of Norton, Robert Burridge Norton and Samuel John Leake Norton, chil- .dren of the said Samuel Norton and Martha his wife, shall be and each may take . . . oath 0n and every of them 15 and are hereby naturalized to all intents, construc- arriving at tions and purposes whatsoever and from henceforth and at all times igggegfn hereafter shall be entitled to and have and enjoy all the rights, liberties, age. privileges and advantages which the citizens of this State have and enjoy or ought to have and enjoy as fully to all intents and purposes whatsoever as if all and every of them had been born in this State; pro- w'a’ea’ always that the said John Leake Norton, Robert Burridge Norton, and Samuel John Leake Norton shall respectively take the oath of alle- giance and abjuration aforesaid within one year after they shall respect- ively arrive to the age of fourteen years. Ana’ be if farz‘lzer ezzaez‘ea’ by Z/ze aai/zarz'zy afaresaz'a’, That any lands Lands tenements or hereditaments purchased within this State previous to the {$335313 passing of this act, by any of the persons hereinbefore mentioned, shall Eglgggsggi not on account of souch purchase being previous to the passing of this to escheat. act, escheat to the people of this State, but shall rest in such purchaser in the same manner as if such purchaser had been naturalized at the time of such purchase any thing in any law to the contrary notwith- standing. CHAP. 48. AN ACT acceding to the acts of Congress of the twenty seventh of September and the twelfth of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty five. PASSED the 28th of April, 1786. WHEREAS the United States in Congress assembled in and by their Preamble. act of the twenty seventh of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty five among other things made a requisition on this State for the sum of two hundred and fifty siX thousand four hundred and eighty six dollars, in such manner that the one third of which sum being paid in 292 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 48. Act of Congress acceded t0 . Treasurer to pay sums speci- fied to United States. Deficiency in certifi— cates to be paid in specie. actual money, the other two thirds may be discharged by the interest due upon loan office certificates and upon other certificates of the liqui- dated debts of the United States. Therefore I. Be it enacted by t/ce People of tbe State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze authority of tbe same, That the said act of Congress of the twenty seventh of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, so far forth as the same relates to this State be, and the same is hereby fully acceded to. II. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze antkority aforesaid That the treas~ urer of this State shall be and he is hereby required to pay to the Con- tinental loan officer within this State or to the order of the United States in Congress assembled on or before the first day of May next, out of any money which may be in the treasury of this State, the one third part of the said sum of two hundred and fifty six thousand, four hundred and eighty six dollars in gold or silver coin, amounting to eighty five thousand, four hundred and ninety five dollars and thirty ninetieths of a dollar, and the other two thirds of the said sum of two hundred and fifty six thousand, four hundred and eighty six dollars, amounting to one hundred and seventy thousand, nine hundred and ninety dollars and sixty ninetieths of a dollar, in the certificates to be issued in payment of the interest of the domestic debt of the United States previous to the first of january one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, conformable to the said requisition of Congress dated the twenty seventh of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty five. And the treasurer of this State is hereby required from time to time to transmit to the Continental loan officer within this State all such loan office certificates issued out of the said loan office, as now are or hereafter from time to time shall come into his hands, and all other cer— tificates of liquidated debts of the United States, which by any law of this State are or may be receiveable in the treasury, and have the inter- est settled and certified agreeable to the directions in the aforesaid act of the United States in Congress assembled of the twenty seventh of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty five. And also to transmit all such loan office certificates as have been issued out of the loan offices of any other of the United States, and which now are or hereafter may from time to time come into his hands, to the loan offices from which such loan office certificates respectively issued, and to have the interest settled and certified as by the said act of Congress is directed. And the interest due on all such loan office certificates as aforesaid and upon all other certificates of the liquidated debts of the United States so settled and certified as aforesaid to pay towards the discharge of the said sum of one hundred and seventy thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars and sixty ninetieths of a dollar, being the two thirds of the above mentioned requisition'. 'And for preventing the depreciation of certificates to be issued in pursuance of the said act of Congress of the twenty seventh of Septem- ber one thousand seven hundred and eighty five. III. Be it fart/ter enacted by tlze ant/torily aforesaid, That if on the first day of january one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven cer- tificates so to be issued as aforesaid to the amount of the said sum of one hundred and seventy thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars and sixty ninetieths of a dollar shall not be in the hands of the treasurer of this State or shall not by him before that time be paid to the Continen- tal loan officer within this State, or to the order of the United States in congress assembled, the deficiency shall be paid into the Continental treasury or to the order of the United States in congress assembled, in CHAP. 49.] NINTH SESSION. 293 specie, by the treasurer of this State out of any monies which may be in the treasury. ‘ And whereas, the United States in congress assembled by their act of the twelfth of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty five required such of the States as were deficient in paying their respective quotas of the interest of the domestic debt pursuant to the requisition of the fourth of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty two, and the twenty seventh and twenty eighth of April one thousand seven hundred and eighty four to collect and pay into the public treasury the amount of such deficiencies either in certificates to be issued by the commissioners of the Continental loan officers pursuant to the requisi- tion of the twenty seventh of September 1785 for the payment of the said interest, or in specie; to be applied to the redemption of such cer- tificates: and w/zereas the deficiency of this State upon the said requisi- tion is fifty four thousand dollars, the quota of one million, two hundred thousand dollars apportioned to this State by the act of cong- ress of the fourth of September, one thousand seven hundred and eighty two. IV. Be it enacted by t/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid, That the treasurer of this Deficiency State be and he is hereby required to pay into the treasury of the United States or to the order of the United States in congress assembled in any certificates to be issued by the commissioners of the Continental loan offices pursuant to the requisition of the twenty seventh of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, the said sum of fifty four thousand dollars required of this State by the aforesaid act of the twelfth of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, being the quota of one million two hundred thousand dollars apportioned to this State by the aforesaid act of the fourth of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty two, and the whole of the deficiency of this State upon the said requisition of the fourth of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty two and the twenty seventh and twenty eighth of April one thousand seven hundred and eighty four. CHAP. 49. AN ACT supplementary to the act entitled “An act to appoint agents or commissioners for vindicating the right and jurisdic- tion of this State against the claims of the Commonwealth of the Massachusetts, pursuant to the Articles of Confederation, and perpetual Union of the United States.” PASSED the 28th of April, 1786. I WHEREAS in and by the act entitled “An act to appoint agents or com— missioners for vindicating the right and jurisdiction of this State against the claims of the Commonwealth of the Massachusetts, pursuant to the Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union of the United States” passed the 12th of November 1784,” James Duane, John Jay, Robert R. Livingston, Egbert Benson and Walter Livingston Esquires were declared to be agents for this State, in the controversy between this State and the Commonwealth of the Massachusetts as mentioned in the said act. And w/zereas the said John Jay and Walter Livingston have informed this legislature, that they cannot attend the duties required of them by the said act, by reason of the offices they severally hold under of $54,000 to be paid certifi- Preamble. 294 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 50. John Haring et al appoint- ed agents in Massa- chusetts contro- versy. £4,000to be paid agents. the United States, and have requested to resign their appointments as agents in the controversy aforesaid, whereby it is become necessary, that other persons be appointed in the place of the said John Jay and Walter Livingston. Therefore Be it enacted fiy the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Senate and Assenzfily, and it is herefiy enacted fiy the authority of the same, That John Haring Melancton Smith Robert Yates and John Lansing Junior Esquires be, and they are hereby appointed and declared to be agents, in the place of the said John Jay and Walter Livingston, for this State in the controversy aforesaid. And in order that the said con- troversy may be brought to a speedy issue. Be it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That the said James Duane, Robert R. Livingston, Egbert Benson, John Haring Melancton Smith, Robert Yates and John Lansing Junior or such of them as shall attend the tryal of the controversy aforesaid, at the Federal court appointed to determine the same, have a credit on the treasury, for a ‘ sum not exceeding four thousand pounds, to be paid them by the treas- Agents to settle con- troversy as may seem best. Preamble. urer of this State on account. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the said James Duane Robert R. Livingston, Egbert Benson, John Haring Melancton Smith, Robert Yates and John Lansing Junior or any five or more of them, to settle the said controversy between this State and the Commonwealth of the Massachusetts other- wise than by the said Federal court as mentioned in the said act, in such manner as they shall judge most conducive to the interest of this State- CHAP. 50. AN ACT supplementary to an act entitled “An act to appoint commissioners to settle and adjust any differences which may arise between the proprietors of certain lots in the city of New York the buildings whereof were burnt in the year 1776, and for altering the streets which heretofore were laid out adjoining to such lots.” PAssEn the 28th of April, 1786. vVHEREAS it is represented by the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York in common council convened, that in pursu— ance of the law of this State entitled “ An act to appoint commissioners to settle and adjust any differences which may arise between the pro- prietors of certain lots in the city of New York, the buildings whereof were burnt in the year 1776', and for altering the streets which hereto- fore were laid out adjoining to such lots passed the 4th day of May 1784,” the corporation did appoint Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Leon- ard Lispenard, Abraham Lott, Henry Remsen and Gerard Bancker Esquires, as commissioners for laying out the streets in such parts of' the said city, as have been destroyed by fires which have happened therein during the late war; that among other streets, the said commis- sioners did lay out the street commonly called Greenwich street in the west ward of the said city, to be sixty six feet wide, and to be continued from the south side of Courtlandt street to the battery; that the plan and report of the said commissioners, were laid before and approved of by the said corporation: but that the mode in and by the said law directed CHAP. 5 1.] NINTH SESSION. 295 for ascertaining the damages supposed to be sustained by the proprietor or proprietors of any such lot or lots is wholly inadequate, and that the said law bath in other respects been found by experience not to answer the good purposes for which it was intended. Therefore Be [2‘ enaez‘ea’ by l/ze People of l/ze Slate of .New York, represem‘ea’ 2'12 Commis- Se/zaz‘eaaa’ Assembly, ana’ zl is hereby enactea’ by l/ze authority 0f the same, 3183:3355? That instead of appraisers 1n and by the said law directed to be land darn- appointed, by the proprietor or proprietors of such lot or lots respec- i‘fii’fifi‘g" tively on the one part, and by the corporation on the other part, it shall g‘iggfwich and may be lawful to and for the said Peter Van Brugh Livingston, street. Leonard Lispenard, Abraham Lott, Henry Remsen and Gerard Bancker Esquires, or any three of them to appraise each lot which is altogether taken into Greenwich street aforesaid, and shall also upon a full and equitable investigation of all the circumstances attending the alteration and continuation of the street aforesaid, determine and award the lessened or advanced value of each lot, occasioned by such alteration and continuation as aforesaid, whether the quantity of land in any lot continues the same, or has been diminished or increased, and shall report their determination and award thereon in writing to the said cor- poration, in order that provision may be made as in the said law is directed, for paying the proprietor or proprietors, his, her or their law- ful representative or representatives, the full amount of the damages so adjudged to be sustained by him her or them, by the taking in as afore- said of his her or their lot or lots, or by the decrease in value of his her or their said respective lot or lots, with the interest at five per cent. to incur after the expiration of six months, from the time of such apprais- ment as aforesaid. And that the amount of such sum or sums of money, as any such lot or lots shall be adjudged and reported by the said com- missioners in manner aforesaid _to have been worth or increased in value, shall be deemed a debt due from the proprietor or proprietors thereof his her or their lawful representative or representatives to the said cor- poration, and shall and may be recovered at the suit of the chamberlain thereof in any court of record within this State, with the like interest of five per cent. to incur after the expiration of six months from the date of such appraisement with costs of suit. Praaz'a’ea’ always that nothing in this act'contained shall be taken deemed, or construed to affect, annul or render void any appraisment heretofore made by virtue of the said in part recited act, unless by the voluntary consent of the parties to such former appraisement. CHAP. 51. AN ACT to promote the manufactory of iron. PASSED the 28th of April, 1786. WHEREAS Samuel Ogden, William Constable, W'illiam Neilson, Solo- Preamble, mon Simpson, Alexander Stewart and others, have represented that they are disposed to associate themselves, by the name of “ The Asso- ciated Manufactoring Iron Company of the City and County of New York” for the purpose of promoting the manuracturing of iron in this State; Therefore, 296 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 32. figsnolptigged Be it enacted by Me Pebble. of t/ze State of New- York represented in wring Iron Senate and Assembly, and 2t zs bereby enacted by the ant/zority of t/ze same, gylilgglp'ty That the said Samuel Ogden, William Constable, William Neilson, Solo- and county mon Simpson, Alexander Stewart and others. their associates, shall $013}; severally and respectively be liable for every debt contracted on the corporated credit of the said company by the name aforesaid, for the special pur- poses of promoting the manufacturing of iron. in such proportion of the whole of the said debts from time to time contracted on the credit of the said company, as his or her subscription or stock shall bear to the whole amount of the stock of the said company, without regard to the sums by the said copartners respectively paid for the discharge of any other debts by the said company contracted: and that such per- sons composing the said company, shall not be jointly liable for the dis- charge of such debts, beyond the whole stock of the company; any law usage or custom to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. Provided always, That a duplicate of the original articles of agreement subscribed by all the persons composing such company and particularly specifying the shares and amount in value thereof, of each of them, in the said stock of the company, shall within four months after the passing of this act be filed in the office of the clerks of the city of New York, to which duplicate every person who shall from time to time be admitted of the said company, shall from time to time subscribe his or her name, and specify his or her share in the said stock of the said company, and no person whose name shall not be signed to the said duplicate agreement filed in the clerks office shall receive any benefit from the provision made by this act. 232226,,“ And be it fnrt/zer enacted by tke autlzorizy aforesaid That this act years. shall be in force for the term of seven years and no longer. CHAP. 52. AN ACT to empower certain persons therein named to sell and dispose of the real estate of john Aspinwall deceased for the payment of his debts and for other purposes therein metioned. PASSED the 28th of April, 1786. Preamble. WHEREAS John Aspinwall late of the city of New York merchant did in and by his testament and last will among other things direct that all his debts and funeral charges should be paid out of his personal estate; and after certain specific legacies therein mentioned did devise and bequeath all the remainder of his estate both real and personal what- soever and wheresoever to be equally divided among his children with certain contingent remainders and executory devises therein limited and expressed; and did appoint his wife Rebecca Aspinwall executrix and William Smith Paschal N. Smith and Benjamin Kissam executors of his said testament and last will: And whereas the said Rebecca‘ Aspinwall executrix and Paschal N. Smith, surviving executor, and others devisees of the same testament and last will have presented a petition to this legislature setting forth among other things that from the impediments occasioned by the late war to the recovery of the debts due to the estate and from other circumstances it was out of the power of the said executors with the proceeds of the personal estate to satisfy the demands of the creditors of the said deceased, and that the said execu- CHAP. 52.] NINTH SESSION. 297 tors are threatened with suits which if prosecuted would be productive of much expence, and by forceing the sale of the real property upon executions would tend to the great loss and injury of the devisees of the said deceased; and also, that there is no power given in and by the said testament and last will to any persons to make sale of any part of the real estate; and that as all the devisees of the same are minors, there is no method without the aid of this legislature, of disposing of any part of the said real estate, to satify the creditors and prevent the inconveniences aforesaid ; and that it would be greatly conductive to the interest and benefit of the children of the said deceased that a power should be given to certain trustees to be appointed by this legislature to make sale of so much of the real estate of the said John Aspinwall as to them shall appear adviseable and for the advantage of the parties interested under the said will; and did therefore pray leave to bring in a bill to vest certain trustees therein to be named with the power and authorities necessary for the purposes aforesaid. Ana’ w/zereas it is also represented that it would be prejudicial to the interest of thesaid divisees and legatees under the said will if the executors should be com- pelled to sell certain public securities parcel of the said personal estate of the said John Apinwall for the payment of the said debts. A/za’ whereas this legislature are disposed to grant the prayer of the said petition so far as may be necessary for doing justice to creditors with- out injuring the interest of the said devisees or legatees and providing for the maintenance and education of the children of the said deceased. Be 2'2‘ z‘lzerefore enacted by the People of tile Sz‘afe of New Yer/e repre- sented in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereay enaetea’ by Me aaZ/zorz'zy 0f t/ze same, That the said Rebecca Aspinwall widow and executrix, and the said Paschal N. Smith of the city of New York merchant surviving executor of the testament and last will of the said John Aspinwall deceased, John Blagge and Samuel Franklin of the said city merchants, be, and they or a majority of them are hereby appointed trustees with full power and authority to sell and dispose of so much of the real estate of the said John Aspinwall deceased, as may be necessary for paying off and discharging the debts of the said deceased, together with such lawful interest as may have accrued since his death, and as may be further necessary for maintaining and educating such of his chil- dren being minors, until they arrive at full age; and good and suf- ficient conveyances and assurances in- the law to make seal and and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers of such real estate, which conveyances and assurances shall be good and effectual to such pur- chaser or purchasers to all intents, constructions and purposes as if made by the said deceased in his life time: Prozrz'a’ea’ ahr/ay, that the said trustees shall be answerable for the due and faithful execution of the trust reposed in them as in other like cases of trust according to the true intent and meaning of this act: *Arzdfrow'a’ed also, that the said trustees shall not sell or dispose of any part of the said real estate, but such as the chancellor of this State shall by his order direct, and shall determine to be beneficial to the interest of the said devisees, being minors. Ana’ pmw'a’ea’ also that such trustees shall before they execute any of the trusts reposed in them by this act, give bond with security to be approved of by the chancellor in such sum as he shall appoint for the due and faithful execution of the trusts reposed in them in and by this act. VOL. 2.——38 Real estate ofJohn Aspinwall, deceased, vested in trustees forthe purposes named. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 54. Preamble. Massachu- setts boundary line; run- ning out of by com- missioners appointed by Con- gress. Preamble. Copyright of author for period of fourteen years. CHAP, 53. AN ACT supplementary to the act entitled “An act to authorize the United States in Congress assembled to appoint commis- sioners to compleat the running a certain line of jurisdiction therein mentioned, between this State and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. PAssEn the 29th of April, 1786. WHEREAS it is represented that great difficulties will probably occur in ascertaining on what angle from the magnetic meridian the line of jurisdiction between this State and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts should be run. To remove which Be it enacted fiy the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Senate and Assenzfily and it is herefiy enacted fiy the authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful to and for Robert Yates, Philip Schuy- ler, and Gerard Bancker Esquires, or any two of them, with the assist- ance of John Ewing, David Rittenhouse and Thomas Hutchins Esquires commissioners appointed by the United States in Congress, assembled, to agree with the agents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on what principles the said line shall be run, and if such agreement cannot be affected, then the said John Ewing David Rittenhouse and Thomas Hutchins, or any two of them are hereby authorized and empowered to run the said line in the direction mentioned in the act entitled “An act to authorize the United States in Congress assembled to appoint commis- sioners to compleat the running a certain line of jurisdiction therein men- tioned between this State and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts passed the seventh day of March 1785,” on such principles as to the said John Ewing David Rittenhouse and Thomas Hutchins or any two of them shall appear the most accurate to ascertain the true direction of the said line. CHAP. 54. AN ACT to promote literature. PASSED the 29th of April, 1786. \VHEREAs it is agreable to the principles of natural equity and justice, that every author should be secured in receiving the profits that may arise from the sale of his or her works; and such security may encour— age persons of learning and genius to publish their writings, which may do honor to their country and service to mankind. I. Be it enacted fiy the People of the State of New Y or e, represented in Senate and Assenzfily, and it is herefiy enacted fiy the authority of the same, That the author of any book or pamphlet being an inhabitant or resi- dent in these United States, and his or her heirs and assigns, shall have the sole liberty of printing publishing and vending the same within this State, for the term of fourteen years, to commence from the day of its first publication in this State; and if any person or persons, within the said term of fourteen years as aforesaid, shall presume to print, or reprint any such book or pamphlet within this State, or to import or introduce into this State, for sale, any copies of such book or pamplet reprinted beyond thelimits of this State, or shall knowingly publish, vend, utter CHAP. 54.] NINTH SESSION. 99 or distribute the same, without the consent of the proprietor thereof in writing, signed in the presence of two credible witnesses, every such person or persons shall forfeit and pay to the proprietor of such book or pamphlet double the value of all the copies of such book or pamph- let, so reprinted, imported, distributed, vended, or exposed for sale to be recovered by such proprietor in any court of law in this State, proper to try the same. Prooz‘ded nez/erz‘beless, that no author assignee or pro- prietor of any such book or pamphlet,- shall be entitled to take the benefit of this act, until he or she shall duly register his or her name as author assignee or proprietor, with the title of such book or pamphlet in the office of the secretary of this State, who is hereby impowered and directed to enter the same on record. II. And be it‘ fart/zer e/zaez‘ed by file auZ/zorz'zy aforesaid, That at the expiration of the said term of fourteen years, in the cases abovemen- tioned, the sole right of printing and disposing of any such book or pamphlet, in this State, shall return to the author thereof if then living, and his or her heirs and assigns, for the term of fourteen years more, to commence at the end of the said first term, and that all and every per- son or persons who shall reprint, import, vend, utter, or distribute in this State, any copies thereof without the consent of such proprietor obtained as aforesaid, during the said second term of fourteen years, shall be liable to the same penalties, recoverable in the same manner as is hereinbefore enacted and provided. Ana’ w/zereas it is equally necessary for the encouragement of learning, that the inhabitants of this State be furnished with useful books at rea- sonable prices. III. Be it further enacted by l/ze auz‘lzorz'z‘y aforesaid, That whenever any such author or proprietor of such book or pamphlet shall neglect to furnish the public with sufficient editions thereof or shall sell the same at a price unreasonable and beyond what may be adjudged a sufficient compensation for his or her labor, time, expences and risque of sale, any one of the judges of the supreme court of judicature of this State, on complaint made thereof to him in writing, is hereby authorized and impowered to summon such author or proprietor, to appear at the next supreme court of judicature, and the said court are hereby authorized and impowered to enquire into the justice of the said complaint, and if the same be found true, to take sufficient recognizance and security of such author or proprietor, conditioned that he or she shall, within such reasonable time as the said court shall direct, publish and offer for sale in this State, a sufficient number of copies of such book or pamph- let, at such reasonable price as the said court shall, on due consideration affix; and if such author or proprietor shall neglect or refuse to give such security as aforesaid; the said court are hereby authorized and impowered to give such complainant a full and ample licence to reprint and publish such book or pamphlet, in such numbers and for such term, as the said court shall judge just and reasonable ; provided such com- plainant shall give sufficient security before the said court, to afford such reprinted edition at such reasonable price as the said court shall thereto affix. IV. And be z'z‘fafl/zer e/zaeted by i/ze aul/zorzb/ aforesaid, That any per- son or persons, who shall procure and print any unpublished manuscript, without the consent and approbation of the author or proprietor thereof first had and obtained, if such author or proprietor be living, and resi- dent in or inhabitant of these United States, shall be liable to pay to the said author or proprietor his or her damages, for such injury, to be recovered with costs by action brought on this act, in any court of Copyright extended for addi- tional term of fourteen years. 0 Where book not published or at ex- orbitant price, court may grant privilege of publishing to others. Illegal pub- lishing, damages recover- able for. 300 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 55. Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatbush may grant lands for an acad- emy. ' Preamble. record; prew'a’ea’ always, that nothing in this act, shall extend to effect prejudice, or confirm the rights, which any person may have, to the printing or publishing of any book or pamphlet, at common law, in cases not mentioned in this act; or to authorize any person or persons, to print or publish any book, pamphlet or paper, that may be profane trea- sonable, defamatory, or injurious to government, morals or religion. Jprum'ahlalsu that this act shall not extend, or be construed to extend in favor or for the benefit of any author or person residing in, or inhab- itant of any other of the United States, until the State, in which such person resides or dwells shall have passed similar laws in favor of the authors of such new publications and their heirs and assigns. V. Ana’ be it further eaaez‘ea’ a)! Z/ze aul/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That the trus- tees of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flat Bush in the county of Kings, shall be and they are hereby authorized to grant bar- gain and sell in fee simple such part or parts of their real estate within the said county, to such person or persons, and for such price or prices as they may think proper, for the express purpose of erecting an academy in the said county. Provided that the quantity which the said trustees shall grant and convey by virtue of this act, shall not exceed six acres. CHAP. 55. AN ACT to ascertain the south bounds of the township of Beek- ' man lying on the west side of Lake Champlain. PASSED the 29th of April, 1786. \VHEREAs, by letters patent under the great seal of the late colony of New York bearing date the 27th day of March in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine, all that certain tract or paroel of land situate lying and being on the west side of Lake Champlain, in the then county of Albany, now Washington, in the then Colony now State of New York ; beginning on the west bank of the said lake, at the distance of thirty six chains measured on a course north forty three degrees west from a bass wood tree, standing on the west bank of the said lake, at the north east corner of a neck of land called Cumberland Head or point, and runs from the said place of beginning west six hundred and ninety one chains, then north three hundred and forty chains, then east eight hundred and fifty six chains to the said lake, and then along the lake as it runs to the place where the said tract begun, containing twenty two thousand four hundred and seventy-five acres and the usual allowance for highways was granted to WVilliam Beekman and twenty nine others his associates. Ana’ w/zereas Zephaniah Platt has obtained letters patent under the great seal of this State of New York, bearing date the twenty sixth day of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty four for a grant of thirty one thousand five hundred acres of land next adjoining the said tract of the said William Beekman and his associates, on the south side thereof, also another patent for twenty nine hundred acres of land, partly adjoining the land of the said Wil- liam Beekman and his associates as aforesaid. Ana’ whereas doubts have arisen concerning the true place of beginning of the said patent of the said William Beekman and his associates. Ana’ w/zereas the parties interested in the said several patents herein before mentioned have mutually consented, to remove any doubts and difficulties that CHAP. 56. _| NINTH SESSION. 301 might have arisen from the want of ascertaining the true place of beginning of the said patent of the said William Beekman and his asso- ciates, as appears by their petition. Therefore Be it enaetea’ hy the People of the State of New York represented in Beekman Senate and Assenzhly and it is hereby enacted hy the authority of the same, 3325M“? That the south bounds of the said tract of land, granted in manner towns'of. aforesaid to the said William Beekman and twenty nine others his asso— 3331331.)’— ciates, shall be a line which was run by William Cockburn and John g‘fi‘itsllhgtg Cox, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, for the ' south bounds of a range of lotts which in their map are distinguished by the numbers seventy-one, seventy-two, seventy-three, seventy-four, seventy-five, seventy—six, seventy-seven, seventy-eight, seventy-nine, eighty-one and eighty-two, which said south bounds are to be continued the same course eastward to that part of the Lake Champlain called the Bay of Saint Amont, and westward as far as the south bounds of the said tract shall extend from the most westerly point of the said south line north three hundred and forty chains, then east to Lake Cham- plain, and then along the said lake as it Winds and turns until it inter- sects the said south line on the banks of that part of the said lake called Bay Saint Amont, and which line above intended to be described is fixed by mensuration on the said map made by the said William Cock- burn & John Cox to lie one hundred and twenty two chains measured on a course north one degree west from the mouth of Sandy Creek which empties itself into the cod* of Cumberland bay. Prooz'a’ea’ always that nothing herein contained shall in anywise take away or injure the sev- eral and respective rights, privileges and immunities and emoluments of the said William Beekman and twenty nine others, his associates and of the said Zephaniah Platt respectively, contained, mentioned and expressed in their said several patents, other than that the line last herein beforementioned shall be the south bounds of the said township of Beekman and the north bounds of the said township of Plattsburgh. CHAP. 56. AN ACT for raising monies by tax. PASSED the 29th of April, 1786. Be it enaetea’ by the People of the State of New York represented in Apportion- Senate and Asse/nhly and it is herehy enaetea’ lzy the authority of the same, 513mg; of That there shall be raised and levied within this State, the sum of fifty £50,000- thousand pounds: and that the quota of the city and county of New York of the said sum, shall be thirteen thousand pounds ; the quota of, the city and county of Albany, shall be four thousand seven hundred pounds; the quota of the county of Columbia, shall be two thousand three hundred pounds; the quota of the county of Dutchess, shall be five thousand pounds; the quota of the county of Ulster, shall be three thousand four hundred pounds ; the quota of the county of Orange, shall be two thousand eight hundred pounds; the quota of the county of West Chester, shall be three thousand four hundred pounds ; the quota of the county of Suffolk, shall be four thousand five hundred pounds ; the quota of Queens county, shall be four thousand five hun- dred pounds; the quota of Kings county, shall betwo thousand four * So in original. 302 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 56. Assess- ment of tax, mode of. New York city. Oath of assessors. Assess- ment, mode of, other than in New York city. Copies of tax—roll to be trans— mitted. hundred pounds; the quota of the county of Richmond, shall be one thousand six hundred pounds ; the quota of the county of Montgomery, shall be one thousand six hundred pounds ; and the quota of the county Washington, shall be eight hundred pounds. And oe it farZ/zer eizaez‘ed &y the aaz‘lzorizj/ aforesaid, That the mayor recorder and aldermen of the city of New York or the major part of them for the time being, shall assemble and meet at the City Hall of the said city, on the first Thesday of September next, and then and there issue their warrants to the several assessors of the said city and county, to take a true and exact account of all the estates, real and personal, of all the freeholders, inhabitants, and residents within the several wards of the said city and county, for which they at the time of issuing such warrants, shall be assessor, or assessors, and.true, equal and impar— tial assessments to make, and to return the same accounts and assess- ments to the same mayor, recorder, and aldermen, on or before the first Tuesday in October next; and when the same accounts and assessments shall be delivered to the said mayor, recorder, and aldermen they or the major part of them, shall cause the amount thereof to be cast up, and compute and ascertain, and then insert in such assessment rolls respectively, the sum each person is to pay of the said sum of twelve thousand five hundred pounds, according to the value of his or her estate ; and shall then issue their warrants to the several and respective collectors within the said city and county, to collect and pay the same to the treasurer of this State on or before the first day of March next ; and the said mayor, recorder and aldermen shall at the time they issue such warrants to the collectors, transmit true copies thereof, and of the said tax rolls, to the treasurer of this State. A 12d be it furi/zer e/zaez‘ed by fire aut/zorizj/ aforesaid, That every asses- sor in the said city and county of New York, and in each of the other counties of this State, shall before he enters upon the performance of the duty and service required of him by this act, take an oath, or if of the people called Quakers, an affirmation in the words following to wit, I. A. B. do swear (or affirm) that I will well, truly, and impartially, according to the best of my skill knowledge, and understanding, assess and rate all the freeholders, inhabitants and residents of the ward, town, precinct, or district (as the case may be) for which I am assessor— which oath or affirmation the mayor, recorder, or any one alderman in the city of New York, and any one of the judges or justices of each of the other counties of this State in their respective counties, are hereby empowered, required, and directed to administer, and to give the assessor taking the same a certificate thereof. And a ii‘ fart/zer enacted o] t/ze aat/zoriz‘y aforesaid That the supervi- sors of every county in this State, or the major part of them respectively, shall meet on the first Tuesday in September next, and cause the said respective quotas and allowances aforesaid of their respective counties to be raised, assessed, levied and collected, in the same manner as the other necessary and contingent charges thereof, have been usually raised, assessed, levied and collected: and the respective collectors are hereby required to pay the respective sums to be by them collected, unto the respective county treasurers, on or before the first day of March next. And each of the county treasurers are hereby required to pay the respec- tive quotas of their counties, to the treasurer of this State, on or before the first day of April next. And oe iz‘ fzirz‘lzer egzaez‘ed joy the authority aforesaid That the supervi- sors of the several counties of this State shall, and they are hereby respectively required, when they issue warrants to the collectors to col- CHAP. 56.] \ NINTH SESSION. 303 lect the said tax, to transmit true copies thereof, and of the tax rolls, to the treasurer of the county. And each county treasurer is hereby ‘required to transmit true copies of all such tax ‘rolls, to the treasurer of this State. A/zdbe i2‘ farl/zer mated by i/ze aal/zorizy aforesaid That the bills of What credit issued by virtue of an act, entitled, “An act ‘for emitting two $33,133,018 hundred thousand pounds in bills of credit for the purposes therein invayfnenfl mentioned,” and gold and silver coins only, shall be received in pay- wf?§.;n,a_ ment of the said tax: and the collectors shall be allowed and may retain in their hands for their services in the execution of this act, out of the treasurers. monies by them collected, six pence in the pound; except in the city and county of New York, and city of Albany, where the collectors shall only retain, four pence in the pound; and the several county treasurers shall be allowed and retain in their hands for their services in the exe- cution of this act, out of the monies they shall respectively receive, ten shillings for every hundred pounds they shall receive; except in the counties of Montgomery and Washington, where the county treasurers shall respectively have and take twenty shillings for every hundred pounds they shall receive. And be it farz‘lzer enacted by Me aal‘borz'zy aforesaid That if any per- Paymentof son shall refuse or neglect to pay the tax or sum imposed on him her or them, the collectors shall levy the same by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the person so refusing and neglecting; and where the goods and chattels so distrained, shall be sold for more than the amount of such tax and the charges of the distress and sale; the overplus shall be returned to the owner of such goods and chattels. Arzdfarl/ier, that the person in possession of any real estate at the time the said tax is to be collected, shall be liable to pay the tax imposed on such real estate. And if any other person by agreement or otherwise ought to pay such tax, the said possessor, who shall pay the same, shall and may recover such amount thereof, from such person; and for want of goods and chattels whereon to levy such tax, and where any real estate shall be taxed and the owner thereof shall not reside in the ward, town, precinct, or district, where such real estate is situated ; the collector shall be and hereby is authorised and required, to commence a suit in his own name for the said tax against the person charged therewith, in the said tax roll, before any justice of the peace, mayor, recorder or alderman where the person so taxed can be found; and the said tax roll being produced before such justice, mayor, recorder, or alderman, or any jury who may try such cause, and proved to have been signed by the supervisor or supervisors, shall be full and conclusive evidence to entitle the plaintiff to recover against the defendant such sum, as such defendant may be charged with, or taxed at in the said tax roll with costs of suit. And the authority and jurisdiction of such justice, mayor, recorder, or alderman, is hereby extended to all such actions notwithstanding the sum sued for, shall exceed the sum of ten pounds. And every such justice, mayor, recorder, or alderman, is hereby authorised and required immediately after judg- ment in any such action, to award execution thereon against the defend- ant in the manner directed in and by the act, entitled “ An act to empower justices of the peace, mayors, recorders and aldermen, to try causes to the value of ten pounds and under, and to repeal sundry acts therein mentioned,” and therein directing the officers to pay the monies mentioned in such execution and to make return of such execution within twenty days after the date thereof. And be _iz‘ fart/zer eaaez‘ea’ by file aat/zorz'z‘y aforesaid That if any asses- officers . - char ed sor, collector, or supervisor, shall die, refuse to serve, or remove out of wim‘liiuties 304 LAWS OF NEW YORK. LCHAP. 56. lresppcting the town, precinct, or district, for which he is, or shall be chosen, or gfi'égfigé appointed, and the freeholders and inhabitants of such town, precinct, “Milling or district, shall not within twenty days thereafter chuse another in the ' of vacan- . . . . . cies. room of him so dying, refusing to serve, or removing, then, and in every such case, any three justices of the peace of the county, shall from time to time, as often as may be necessary, and Within twenty days after such neglect, appoint another or others in the room of such person so dying, refusing to serve, or removing. And in the city of New York, the mayor or recorder, and any two or more aldermen, shall in such case, appoint assessors and collectors in the room of such, as shall die, refuse to serve, or remove as aforesaid. And in case the supervisors of any county, shall neglect to appoint a county treasurer, for the space of twenty days, at any time when there shall be a vacancy in that office; then the judges of the inferior court of common pleas, and the justices of the peace of such county, or the major part of them, shall within twenty days after such neglect, appoint a treasurer of such county; and all and every such assessors, collectors, supervisors and county treas- urers so appointed, shall be, and hereby are vested with the same powers and authorities, and made liable to the same penalties and for- feitures, as any other assessor, collector, supervisor or county treasurer is vested with, or made liable to, by this act. Collector, And be it enacted a); t/ze aat/zorz'zj/ aforesaid That if any collector 2221223531‘ shall neglect to pay the money, which by this act he is directed to paying pay into the county treasury, at the time above limited for that pur- gftromom pose, then, and in every such case, the treasurer of the county shall, gggflsurel" and he is hereby required, to issue a warrant under his hand and seal, directed to the sheriff of the county, commanding him to levy the same, or if a part is paid, so much as such collector shall be deficient, by dis- tress and immediate sale of the lands and tenements, goods and chattels of such collector, and shall transmit a true copy of such warrant, to the treasurer of this State. And every sheriff to Whom any such warrant shall be directed and delivered, shall immediately cause the same to be executed; and shall within twenty days after he shall receive such war- rant, return the same, with the monies he shall have raised, or levied by virtue thereof, to the county treasurer. And for want of sufficient lands and tenements, goods and chattels, whereon to levy the whole amount of such deficiency, such sheriff shall take such delinquent col- lector and confine him in the common gaol, there to remain without bail or mainprize, until such deficiency shall be paid. But in all cases where no goods or chattels can be found, whereon to levy the tax imposed upon any person mentioned in such tax roll, or not sufficient to pay the whole, the collector shall not be charged with more then he shall or might have levied, or shall or might have recovered as aforesaid. And it is hereby made the" duty of every collector, to deliver a true account upon oath of all such deficiencies, at the time he is to pay in the money to be collected by him as aforesaid; and if any collector shall neglect to deliver such account, such collector shall be accountable for the whole sum by him to be collected, and for which he shall not ren- der such account; and the county treasurer shall deliver all such accounts of deficiencies, to the supervisors of the county at their next meeting, after he shall have received the same; and the supervisors shall cause the amount of such deficiencies, to be raised, levied, and collected in the towns, precincts, or districts, where such deficiencies shall happen, which shall be assessed with the contingent charges of the county, next after such deficiency shall happen, and be paid to the county treasurer within six months thereafter. And the county treas- CHAP. 56.] NINTH SESSION. 305 urer shall pay the same, to the treasurer of this State, within thirty days after he shall have received the same; and further the treasurer of this State shall prosecute all delinquent collectors in the city and county of New York, in the same manner as if he was the county treasurer of the same city and county, and shall deliver all such accounts of deficien- cies as aforesaid to the mayor, recorder, and aldermen of the said city, who shall cause the same to be raised, levied and collected, in the wards where such deficiencies happen, and to be paid to the treasurer of this State within six monthsthereafter. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That if any county treasurer shall neglect to pay the monies he shall receive from the collectors or sheriff, or any of them, or shall not in case of default of any collector, issue his warrant as aforesaid, then it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this State at the expiration of thirty days next after the day on which the collectors are directed by this act to pay the taxes into the county treasury, and he is hereby directed and required to proceed against such delinquent county treasurer in like manner, as such county treasurer is authorised by this act to proceed against a delinquent collector. And he it further enaeted hy the authority aforesaid, That if the mayor, recorder, or either of the aldermen in the city of New York, or any judge, justice of the peace, supervisor, or assessor, shall neglect or refuse to perform any of the duties required of them by this act, the person so neglecting or refusing shall forfeit to the people of this State, the sum of fifty pounds for every offence, to be recovered with costs, by action of debt, by the treasurer of this State, by the name of the treasurer of the State of New York, in any court of record in this State. And it shall be sufficient for the plaintiff in such action to declare, that the defendant at a certain time and place became indebted to the treas— urer of the State of New York, for the use of the people of this State, in the sum of fifty pounds, by virtue of an act, intitled “An act for rais- ing monies by tax” and to give the special matter in evidence; and no suit shall be abated, or discontinued by the death of the treasurer, or by his resignation or removal from office; but shall and may be con- tinued and prosecuted to effect by his successor in office. And it is hereby made the duty of the treasurer of this State to prosecute for the said penalties for the use of the people of this State, which penalties when recovered shall remain in the treasury of this State, subject to the order of the legislature. And he it further enaeted hy the authority aforesaid That the thirteenth section of an act entitled “An act to divide the southern part of the county of Ulster into precincts and to enable the corporation of King- ston and the manor of Fox Hall to chuse and elect one supervisor more, and for regulating the supervisors and assessors within the said county;” and also an act entitled “An act to amend and explain the thirteenth section of the said act, entitled, “An act to divide the southern part of the county of Ulster into precincts, and to enable the corporation of Kingston, and the manor of Foxhall to chuse and elect one supervisor more, and for regulating the supervisors and assessors within the said county, and also an act entitled, “An act for defraying the contingent charges and maintaining the poor in the counties of Ulster Orange West Chester Tryon and Charlotte ” shall be and hereby are repealed. And he it further enaeted hy the authority aforesaid, That in case there shall not be in the hands of the treasurer, a sufficient sum in pub- lic securities or in certificates issued out of any Continental loan office, in the United States for interest due on public securities by the first VoL. 2. —— 39 County treasurer, penalty for neglect , etc. Neglect by officer on whom duty is charged, penalty. Acts'and parts of acts recited repealed. Payments to United States treasurer to procure securities. 306 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 57_ Preamble. Agreement between parties named ratified . day of December next, to enable him to pay the requisitions of the United States in congress assembled on this State, as he is directed in and by the act entitled “An act acceding to the acts of congress of the twenty seventh of September and twelfth of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, it shall and may be lawful for the said treasurer, and he is hereby required, to procure by any ways and means in his power such additional sum in certificates or public securities as aforesaid, as will be necessary to enable him to discharge the said requisitions in the manner directed in and by the said act, on or before the first day of January next, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. CHAP. 57. AN ACT for confirming an agreement made between Stephen Van Rensselaer, Philip Van Rensselaer, Elizabeth Van Rensse- laer, Eliardus Westerlo and Catharine his wife executrix Abra- ham Ten Broeck John H. Ten Eyck and Gerardus Groesbeck executors of the testament and last will of Stephen Van Rens- selaer deceased. , PASSED the 29th of April, 1786. WHEREAS Stephen Van Rensselaer of the manor of Rensselaerwyck did lately present a petition to this legislature setting forth that he had entered into an agreement with his brother Philip Van Rensselaer and his sister Elizabeth Van Rensselaer Eliardus Westerlo and Catherine his wife Abraham Ten Broeck, john H. Ten Eyck and Gerardus Groes- beck by which agreement it is among other things stipulated that the said petitioner shall allow to his said brother and sister being minors a certain sum of money in gross together with certain annual sums of ‘money therein specified until they respectively come of age, for their maintenance and education and as a full equivalent and satisfaction for all their claims upon or out of the personal estate and the rents and profits of the real estate of the said Stephen Van Rensselaer deceased, all whichclaims they thereby release to the said petitioner and also that by the said agreement the said Eilardus Westerlo and Catherine his wife Abraham Ten Broeck john H. Ten Eyck and Gerardus Groesbeck renounce and release to the said petitioner their offices, ri-ghts interests and authorities as executors of the said last will and testament and that the said petitioner thereby covenants to pay all the debts due from the estate of his said father as by the said agreement recorded in the secre- tary’s office of this State may appear and in as much as the petitioners said brother and sister are minors and the said executors have hereto- fore administered under the said will the said petitioner being advised that the said agreement cannot with safety be carried into execution without an act of this legislature for confirming the same did therefore pray for leave to bring in a bill for confirming the said agreement with such clauses and provisions as might be found necessary and convenient to effectuate the same, Therefore Be it enacted &y the People of t/ze State of New York represented in Senate ana7 Assenzoly and it is lzereliy enacted oy the authority of the same That the said agreement bearing date the thirteenth day of january in this present year made and concluded by and between Stephen Van Rensselaer of the manor of Rensselaerwyck gentleman proprietor of CHAP. 58. j ' NINTH sEssioN. 307 the said manor of the first part Philip Van Rensselaer of the city of Albany gentleman and Elizabeth Van Rensselaer of the said city of the second part Eliardus Westerlo clerk and Catherine his wife Abraham Ten Broeck Esquire John H. Ten Eyck and Gerardus Groesbeck ex- ecutors of the last will and testament of Stephen Van Rensselaer late of the manor of RensselaerwyckEsquire of third part and every arti- cle clause matter and thing therein contained shall be and the same is and are hereby confirmed and made valid and effectual in law and equity to all intent and purposes in the same manner and with the same force and effect as if all the parties thereto had been at the time of the execution thereof of full age; any law usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. And be ii‘ furi/zer enacted by i/ze aui/zoriz‘y aforesaid That the said Executors - - - and other parties of the second and third parts to the said agreement shall be for- heirs of ever thereafter discharged and exonerated of and from all actions, eftephen . . . an Rens- claiins, and demands whatsoever in law and equity of any person or selaer, de- persons for or by reason of any sum of money debts dues‘ or demands gfiigghdgsf' which the said Stephen Van Rensselaer deceased owed, or was indebted liabilityfor to any such person or persons at the time of his death and also for and $310311; by reason of any other matter or thing for which they or any of them were before the passing of this act liable and chargeable as executors legatees or devisees of the said Stephen Van Rensselaer deceased in every thing relating to any matter in the said agreement mentioned according to the true intent and meaning thereof ; and that in case any suit shall be brought against the said parties of the second and third parts or any of them for or by reason of any such debt claim demand matter or thing from which they are hereby exonerated and discharged it shall be lawful for them or any of them as the case may be to plead the general issue and give this act in evidence in support thereof. And be if fari/zer eaaoled by lbe aal/zorizj/ aforesaid That the said Stephen Stephen Van Rensselaer party of the first part shall be in his own $53,513“; right liable and chargeable and may be impleaded and prosecuted in lialélfiiifxglé any court of law or equity within this State as for his own proper debt ' or default for all or any of the debts claims and demands for which the said parties of the second and third parts were before the passing of this act liable and chargeable and from which they are hereby exone- rated and discharged; and this without any special reference to or recital of this act; any law usage or custom to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding. CHAP. 58. AN ACT further to amend an act entitled “An act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within this State and for other purposes therein mentioned.” PASSED the Ist of May, 1786. Be ii‘ e/zaez‘ed by i/ze People of [be Siaz’e of New York represented in Certificates .Se/zale and Assembly and i2‘ is lzereby ezzaeled by i/ze aai/zorii‘y of z‘lze same, g‘z’lcesgigglff That the following species of certificates to any citizen or inhabitant of forfeited this State shall be receivable in payment for all forfeited estates which estate“ Shall 0r may be sold after the passing of this act, to wit, certificates issued by William Denning Esquire as Commissioner of the United 308 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 58. Forfeited estates, location of for Widow and next of kin of attainted person. States to settle the accounts of the quarter master generals department in the late army of the United States; certificates issued by joseph Bindon Esquire as commissioner to settle the accounts of the clothing department in the late army of the United States; certificates issued by Jonathan Burrell Esquire as commissioner to settle the accounts of the commissarys department in the late army of the United States; certifi- cates issued by john Pierce Esquire as Commissioner to settle the accounts of the late army of the United States commonly called final settlements; certificates issued by joseph Panel Esquire as commissioner to settle the accounts of the naval department of the United States; certificates issued by Edward Fox Esquire as commissioner to settle the accounts of the medical department of the army of the United States; and certificates issued out of any Continental loan office in the United States to persons who were citizens of this State at the time they were issued for monies lent by them to the United States: Prew'ded that the commissioners of forfeitures respectively shall be and they are hereby required, whenever a doubt shall arise if any of the said certificates were originally granted to a citzen or other inhabitant of this State to examine on oath or affirmation any person or persons to enable them to deter- mine whether such certificates as may be offered to them were origin- ally issued to any citizen or person an inhabitant of this State at the time of granting thereof and if such certificates shall be proved to have been so granted, to the satisfaction of the said commissioners they shall accept thereof and not otherwise. And w/zereas it is suggested to the legislature that there are consider- able tracts of land and other real estate vested in the people of this State by the conviction or attainder of divers persons which have not yet been discovered by the commissioners of forfeitures —— Be it fart/zer enaez‘ed &y the aaz‘lzorz'zjl aferesaz'd That when any per- son or persons shall, after the passing of this act discover to the com- missioner or commissioners of forfeitures for any district of this State any lands or other real estate vested in the people of this State by the attainder or conviction of any person or persons whomsoever it shall be lawful for such person or persons who shall make the discovery of any real estate as aforesaid to locate the same in trust for the widow (if such attainted or convicted person be dead) and children or childrens children if any such there be or otherwise for the next of kindred of such attainted or convicted person to be divided and distributed by the person or persons making such location in the same manner and with the like restrictions and limitations as if such attainted or convicted person was dead intestate, and as if such lands or other real estate were personal estate according to the law for the distribution of the personal estate of persons dying intestate, provided always that in case such attainted or convicted person be at the time of such location in full life the wife of such attainted or convicted person shall have no share in the distribution to be made as aforesaid but such distribution shall be made in the same manner as if such wife was also dead. And the commission- ers of forfeitures of the district where such lands or real estate shall be situated are hereby authorised and directed to have the same appraised at the value thereof in gold or silver by appraisers to be appointed in the mode prescribed in and by an act entitled “An act to liquidate and settle the accounts of the troops of this State in the service of the United States,” passed the fourth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty,” and upon the payment of such sum at which such lands shall be appraised in any public secu- rities receivable for forfeited estates to make seal and deliver a convey- CHAP. 58.] NINTH SESSION. 309 ance for the same to such person or persons and his or their heirs in manner and form as is prescribed in and by the act aforesaid upon the trust nevertheless herein before expressed: For the better execution whereof the person or persons to whom such conveyance may be made his her or their heirs shall have full power and authority to sell the lands and other real estate to him her or them respectively conveyed in such manner as to him her or them shall appear most for the advantage of the persons intitled to distribution as aforesaid. Provided also that none of the conveyances to be given as aforesaid shall operate as a warranty from the people of this State for the real estate or estates so to be con- veyed. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That it shall and Mortgages, may be lawful for any person or persons being citizens of this State who giggi‘llllggdto is or are indebted by mortgage bond specialty contract or on account persons‘, to any person or persons whose estate real and personal is or are by payment“ conviction or attainder forfeited to the people of this State within twelve months after the passing of this act to pay the said debts dues and demands to the treasurer of this State who is hereby required to receive the same in gold or silver or public securities made receiveable in pay- ment upon the sale of forfeited estates and upon the payment of such debts dues and demands as aforesaid the said treasurer shall give his receipt which receipt shall be a sufficient discharge for so much of the said debts, dues and demands. And that in every case in which such debts as aforesaid were due by any person or persons who have not remained within the enemies power and who shall within the time and in manner aforesaid pay such debts shall be discharged from the interest which may have become due on such debts between the first day of January one thousand seven hundred and seventy six and the first day of January one thousand seven hundred and eighty three; provided always that in either of the said cases if any suit or suits has or have been commenced for the recovery of such debts the defendant or defend- ants shall pay the costs accrued therein. ' And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That the commis- suits on sioners of forfeitures respectively shall stay all proceedings in any suits 223mg??? . ., 3e by them commenced for the recovery of such debts herein before men- for one tioned until the expiration of the said twelve months and shall not com- year‘ mence any other suits for any such debts until the time aforesaid. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That if any person Failure to who shall become a purchaser of any confiscated estate shall neglect or glam d6‘ refuse when demanded to deposit one third of the purchase money in P33102326 the manner prescribed in and by the act entitled An act for the speedy $533,655,? sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within this State and for Ceedinss otherpurposes therein mentioned the commissioner or commissioners on’ who shall make such sale shall and may within twenty days thereafter again expose such confiscated estate to sale at public vendue and if upon such second sale such confiscated estate shall not be sold for a sum equal to the sum which such purchaser offered on the first sale thereof the commissioner or commissioners shall and may recover in his or their own name or names of such first purchaser in an action of debt in any court of record of this State the sum which the, sum contracted for on such second sale shall be less than the sum offered at the first sale thereof with costs and in every such action the defendent shall be held to bail in double the sum demanded. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That all rents Rents ac- which became due during the time the troops of the king of Great Britain were in possession of the southern district of this State for any certain 310 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 58. lands re- mitted. Certificates receivable to be de- scribed in notices of sales. Location void, if appraise- ment not made in three months. Vacancy in office of commis- sioner of forfeiture. Relief to purchaser where title fails, for improve- ments made. estates in the said southern district vested in the people of this State by the attainder or conviction of any person or persons whatsoever shall be and the same are hereby remitted in every case in which it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the chancellor the chief justice or any of the justices of the supreme court or the first judge of the inferior court of common pleas of the county in which the lands on which such rents accrued shall be situated or if such estates lie in the city or county of New York, of the mayor or recorder of the said city, that the tenant or tenants holding such estate did pay such rents to the person or persons by whose attainder or conviction such estates became forfeited their heirs attornies or agents during the time the said southern district was in possession of the said troops of the king of Great Britain, and the chancellor chief justice or other justices of the supreme court first judge mayor or recorder shall in every case in which such payment shall he proved to have been made give a certificate to the person making appli- cation therefor and intended to be relieved thereby, that such proof has been made and specifying the time for which the rent ought to be remitted in pursuance of this act which certificate shall be a sufficient warrant to the commissioners of forfeitures to remit such rent accrued during the time mentioned in such certificate, and such certificate shall be retained by such commissioners and accounted for with the auditor on the settle- ment of their accounts. Prot/idcd that such proof shall be made and such certificate produced to the commissioners on or before the first day of August next and that the person or persons applying for and obtaining such certificate shall pay the expence and charges thereof. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid That it shall be and is hereby made the duty of the commissioners of forfeitures in every advertisement of the sale of lands and tenements by them to be made to insert a description of the several certificates made receivable by this act, in paymentfor the said lands and tenements. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azct/zorizy aforesaid That in every case .in which any location has been made by virtue or in pursuance of an act entitled An act to liquidate and settle the accounts of the troops of this State in the service of the United States and the person or persons who made such location shall not within three months after the passing of this act apply to the commissioner or commissioners of forfeitures of the district in which such location has been made for an appraisement of the lands by him her or them located, such location shall be deemed to be relinquished and the certificates deposited become forfeited to the people of this State. And be it fart/ter enacted by tile azct/zorizjv aforesaid That in case any vacancy shall have happened or may hereafter happen by the death res- ignation or removal from office of any commissioner or commissioners of forfeitures it shall and may be lawfull to and for the governor or per- son administring the government for the time being by and with the advice and consent of the council of appointment from time to time to appoint an other or.others in the room and stead of such commissioner or commissioners so dying, resigning or removed from office. And be it fart/ter enacted by the authority aforesaid That in all cases of purchases made of any forfeited estates in pursuance of any of the laws directing the sale of forfeited estates in which any purchaser of such- estates shall be evicted by due course of law in the manner mentioned in the first enacting clause of the act entitled “An act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within this State and for other purposes therein mentioned,” such purchaser shall have the like remedy for obtaining a compensation for the value of improvements by l CHAP. 58.] NINTH SESSION. 311 him or her made on such estate so by him or her purchased and from which he or she shall be so evicted as is directed in and by the said first enacting clause of the said act. And be iz‘ farz‘lzer eizaeied by the aaz‘lzorizy aforesaid That the commis- Sale 91 sioners of forfeitures for the southern district shall be and they are $55,255,631 hereby authorised and required from time to time to sell so much of 323533? the confiscated and forfeited estates described in the ninth section 0 ' the said act, entitled, An act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within the State and for other purposes therein men- tioned” as will together with the gold and silver now in the treasury and arising from the sales of forfeited and confiscated estates, and together with the gold or silver or bills of credit of the new emission designated in the said act and now due on sales heretofore made of such estates amounting to a sum in bills of credit of the said new emis- sion or in gold or silver equal to the whole amount of the said bills of credit in circulation. And be it further enacted by l/ze auz‘bority aforesaid That it shall and Certificates may be lawful for the commissioners of forfeitures for the southern dis- Ef‘gglzglfn trict to receive from any purchaser of forfeited estates by them sold for squthern bills of credit of the said new emission or gold or silver, the monies ‘strict’ remaining due and unpaid by any such purchaser provided such pay— ment shall be made in bills of credit of the new emission above speci- fied or in gold or silver and such purchaser shall within three days after being thereunto required pay unto the said commissioners one third of the purchase money so due and in arrear and for the residue thereof shall execute such bond as is directed to be taken from all purchasers of forfeited estates hereafter to be sold by the commissioners of for— feitures: and in case any such purchaser shall neglect or refuse to make such payment and enter into such bond as aforesaid all monies by such purchasers already paid on such purchases shall be forfeited to the people of this State and the lands be again sold in the manner prescribed in and by the act mentioned in the last preceding clause. And wbereas by an act, entitled “An act to amend an act entitled an act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within this State and for other purposes therein mentioned ” it is enacted that in all sales of forfeited estates to be made by the commissioners of for- feitures to any person or persons whatsoever after the passing of that act, such person or persons so purchasing shall immediately pay to the said commissioner or commissioners one third part of the said purchase money, and the remaining sum due within nine months from the time of such sale. And w/zereas it is conceived that the time given for the payment of the said two third parts of the purchase money is too long, therefore Be iz‘farZ/zer enacted by tile aat/zoriz‘y aforesaid That every person who Time for shall hereafter purchase any forfeited estate or estates shall immediately £33,312,“ pay to the commissioner or commissioners making such sale one third money- part of the purchase money and the remaining sum in four months from the time of such sale. And the commissioners of forfeitures are hereby required to take the security directed by the said act to be given for the same accordingly. And be it further ezzaeied by z‘lze aai/zorizj/ aforesaid That in all cases Where title where any person bath or hereafter shall purchase any lands, tenements $232,332}, 'or hereditaments forfeited to the people of this State and any such lands locate . - th 1 d tenements or hereditaments hath been or shall be recovered against 8f $112? 8 such purchaser his heirs or assigns by due course of law then and in value- every such case it shall be lawful for the person against whom such 312 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 58. Epinetus White , ayments y. Henry White, lands for- feited by, sale 01:‘. Id. ; man- ner of making sale. recovery is or shall be had, to locate any other forfeited estate to the amount of the sum paid to the people of this State for the lands tene- ments or hereditaments so recovered according to the directions pre- scribed in and by an act entitled “An act to liquidate and settle the accounts of the troops of this State in the service of the United States” passed the fourth of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty: And the commissioners of forfeitures for the district where such loca- tion shall be made are hereby authorised and required to have the same appraised at the value thereof in gold and silver in the manner pre- scribed in and by the said last mentioned act, and to convey to such person or persons and his her or their heirs so much of the said lands so located as according to such appraisement shall amount to the sum so paid for the land so recovered: Provided always that every person making such location shall at the time of making the same produce and deposit with the commissioner of forfeitures the deed from the commis- sioners of forfeitures for the land so recovered and a certificate from the attorney general of this State for the time being that such recovery .vas had for want of title in the people of this State. And provided also that it shall and may be lawful for any such person against whom any such recovery hath been or shall be had as aforesaid at his election instead of locating as aforesaid to receive a certificate from the treas- urer of this State for the sum paid for the lands so recovered. And the treasurer of this State for the time being is hereby authorized and required upon producing and depositing with him the original deed from the commissioners of forfeitures for the land so recovered and such certificate from the attorney general as aforesaid to give such person a certificate or certificates for the sum so paid as aforesaid which shall be of like value and effect as the certificate or certificates paid for the land so recovered; provided always that if any such appraisement shall exceed the amount of the principal and interest of such certificate or, certifi~ cates the surplus shall be paid in gold or silver before any conveyance be given for any hands so located, And whereas the commissioners of forfeitures for the western district were by the said act required to convey to Epinetus White of Balls Town in the county of Albany, a certain tract of land lying in the Kaya- derosseras Patent, and doubts having arisen whether the said commis— sioners were authorised to receive payment for the said tract of land in public securities. Therefore Be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That the said commis- sioners are hereby authorized and required to receive such public secur- ities in payment for the said tract of land as are made receivable in and by the fitfh section of said act provided such payment be made within three months after passing this act. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the commissioners of the southern district, and they are hereby authorised and directed to sell and dispose of the lot of ground with the buildings thereon situated in the east ward of the city of New York and fronting to Queens street forfeited to the people of this State by the attainder of Henry White Esquire late one of the members of the council of the late Colony of New York. And he it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That the said commissioners shall sell, and dispose of the said lot at public sale or auction, at the Coffee House in the city of New York, after having given six weeks notice of such sale, in one or more of the news papers printed in the city of New York and receive the amount of the purchase money in any of the public securities specified in the fifth section of the CHAP. 58.] NINTH SESSION. 313 act entitled, an act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within this State and for other purposes therein mentioned and the several species of certificates herein before mentioned and shall make seal and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers a good and suffic- ient deed and conveyance in the law to vest the same in such purchaser or purchasers in manner form and effect as is prescribed and directed in and by the first section of the act above mentioned. Provided, that the possession of the said premises shall not be given to the purchaser or purchasers as aforesaid until the first day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven. And whereas Abraham Bloodgood of the city of Albany on the sev- enth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hun- dred and eighty two purchased from the commissioners of forfeitures for the western district for the consideration of eight hundred pounds a messuage and lot of ground in the town of Schenectady which was supposed to be forfeitted to the people of this State by the conviction of Richard Duncan but it has since been discovered that the legal title to the said premises at the time of the said conviction was vested in Peter Van Brugh Livingston of the city of New York, merchant, there- fore. Be it enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be law- Abraham ful for the treasurer of this State and he is hereby required to give the 2,1829%?’ said Abraham Bloodgood a certificate or certificates for the said sum of fegllélre of eight hundred pounds payable with interest at five per cent: from the ' said seventh day of August one thousand seven hundred and eighty two: and further that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Abraham Bloodgood his heirs or assigns to locate any other forfeited estate to the amount of the principal and interest of such certificate or certificates according to the directions of the said act entitled “An act to liquidate and settle the accounts of the troops of this State in the service of the United States” and the commissioners of forfeitures for the district where such location shall be made are hereby authorised and required to cause the land so located to be appraised at the value thereof in gold or silver in the manner prescribed in and by the said last mentioned act and to convey to the said Abraham Bloodgood or to his heirs and assigns in fee simple so much of the said lands so located as according to such appraisement shall amount to the principal and interest of such certificate or certificates. Provided always that if such appraisement shall exceed the amount of the principal and interest of such certificate or certificates the surplus shall be paid in gold or silver before any con- veyance be given for the lands so located. And whereas Anthony Post of the city of New York carpenter on the seventh day of July one thousand seven hundred and eighty four pur- chased of the commissioners of forfeitures for the southern district for the consideration of two hundred and twenty five pounds a messuage and lot of ground in the west ward of the same city which was supposed to be forfeited to the people of this State by the conviction of James Leonard of which said premises the said Anthony Post by due course of law has been evicted the judges of the supreme court having on a special verdict given an unanimous opinion that the said premises were not forfeited to the people of this State. Be it therefore enacted hy tho authority aforesaid That it shall and Anthony may be lawful for the treasurer of this State and he is hereby required fgrsggffgzf to give to the said Anthony Post a certificate or certificates for the said Of title- sum of two hundred and twenty five pounds with interest at five per cent. from the seventh day of July one thousand seven hundred and VoL. 2. — 4o 314 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 58 Andrew Finck, J r., relief for, on pur— chase of lands on execution. Commis— sioners of forfeitures, settlement of accounts for sales of lands. Philip Skeene, lands for- feited by, sale of. eighty four: and also to pay to the said Anthony Post out of any monies unappropriated in the treasury his cost in defending the said premises to be taxed by one of the judges of the said court: and it shall and may be lawful for the said Anthony Post his heirs and assigns to make a location of any lands in the southern district forfeited to the people of this State to the amount of the said principal and interest to be located appraised, conveyed and paid for in like manner as is directed by the last preceeding clause in the case of Abraham Bloodgood. And to/zereas it appears that Abraham Van Horne late sheriff of the county of Montgomery by virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the supreme court of this city at the suit of Cornelius Van Scherlyn against Philip Empie did sell sixty two acres of land unto Andrew Finck, junior for two hundred pounds in specie. And w/zereas it after- wards appeared that the lands sold were at the time of the sale forfeited to the people of this State by the conviction of the said Philip Empie. Be it t/zerefore enacted by t/ce azct/zority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners of forfeitures for the western district to cause the said lands to be appraised at specie value as though no improve- ment had been made thereon since the sale of the said sheriff and after deducting the said sum of two hundred pounds if the appraised value shall exceed two hundred pounds to pass a deed of quit claim from the people of this State unto the said Andrew Finck junior on his paying such excess if any there be in any of the public securities made receiv- able in payment for forfeited and confiscated estates. And be it fart/ter enacted by tile azct/cority aforesaid That the com- missioner or commissioners of forfeitures for the several districts of this State are hereby required within three months next after the passing of this act to settle the accounts of all sales by them respectively made and completed to the time of such settlement with the auditor of this State for the time being and the said auditor is'hereby required to certify to the treasurer of this State the ballances due from the said commissiom ers respectively and also to audit the accounts of the said commissioners for their pay and necessary expences agreable to the directions in that case made andv provided in and by the act entitled “An act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates Within this State and for other purposes therein mentioned ” passed the twelfth day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty four and the treasurer is hereby required to pay unto the said commissioners respectively the ballance of their accounts out of any money unappropriated in the treasury: And the said commissioners shall in every succeeding three months after the first settlement exhibit their accounts for settlement to the said auditor in manner aforesaid. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azct/zorizy aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful to and for the commissioners of forfeitures for the time being for the eastern district to sell at public vendue all that certain tract of land being the southermost of two certain tracts of land on the west side of Lake Champlain granted unto Philip Skeene by letters patent hearing date the sixth day of July one thousand seven hundred and eighty one and he is hereby required to sell the same in twenty equal shares, by one at a time and to give to each of the purchasers of any share or shares thereof a deed for such share or shares to hold the same as a tenant in common with the purchaser or purchasers of any other share or shares any thing in this or any other law of this State to the contrary hereof notwithstanding Provided always that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to render void the privilege granted unto Zephaniah Platt Esquire of taking ore from the said tract of land CHAP. 58.] NINTH SESSION. 315 in manner directed by the second clause of the act entitled An act for granting certain privileges to the township of Plattsburgh. And be ii‘ farz‘lzer eizaez‘ed by fire aal/zoriz‘y aforesaid That the treasurer Nathaniel of this State be and he is hereby required to pay unto Nathaniel Platt Sil;,§'é'£s,;e_ assignee of Benjamin Sands the sum of sixty five pounds with the inter- he? for f est from the first day of August one thousand seven hundred and eighty 13311;“) 0 one being for so much money in the bills of the new emission received of the said Benjamin Sands by Johnathan Lawrence Esquire one of the commissioners appointed for the sale of confiscated and forfeited estates in part payment for a farm in Dutchess county which has not been for- feited or confiscated, and by him put into the treasury. ' And w/zereas doubts have arisen respecting the title of the people of this State to a certain house and lot in Wall street in the city of New York now possessed by Ann White, the widow of Thomas White late of the city of New York deceased an attainted person, and w/zereas the said house and lot has been located by Charles McKnight of the city of New York physician Be iz‘ i/zerefore enacted by tile aaz‘borizfy aforesaid That the like relief Charles shall be extended to the said Charles McKnight as is by this act extended Siffét‘lfi?“ to Abraham Bloodgood and the commisssioners of forfeitures for the figure of . . . - 6. southern district are hereby required to stay the sale of the said house and lot until the further order of this legislature. And be it further enaez‘ed by the aai/zorz'zy aforesaid That it shall and Reformed may be lawful to and for the commissioners of the western district {ggagegtant to convey to the trustees of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church at Church at Caghnawaga in the county of Montgomery by the name in which they wiiaf‘a' lands to be a now are or shall be incorporated pursuant to the law of this State in conveyed that case made and provided, twenty acres of land described in the con- to. dition of a bond executed by John Butler to Cornelius Smith, Johannes Veeder and Johannes E. Van Eps bearing date the seventeenth day of January one thousand seven hundred and sixty three. And be it fart/zer enaez‘ed by Me aza‘borizfy aforesaid That it shall and Reformed . . . . . utch may be lawful for the commissioners of forfeitures for the southern dis- church at trict to convey to the trustees of the Reformed Dutch church at Tarry 'lganl'gtggmw Town in the manor of Philipsburg in the county of Westchester by the be con- name in which they now are or shall be incorporated pursuant to the “Wed to‘ law of this State in that case made and provided, the church and two acres of land adjoining thereto including the burial ground situate near the upper mills in the said manor and also a certain farm situate near Tarry Town aforesaid lately possessed by Samuel Hiisted deceased and now in the possession of Stephen Van Vorhis the present minister of the said church containing about one hundred acres, the improvements of which were purchased by the trustees of the said church in lieu of such lands as were heretofore set apart by the former proprietor of the said manor for the use of the said church and are directed to be sold by the said commissioners. And also to convey to such trustees as afore- said of the Episcopal church in the said manor, the church or building situate near the mansion house lately the residence of Frederick Philips of the said manor together with two acres of land adjoining to the said church and also the parsonage or glebe situate on the east side of the saw mill river in the said manor and now in the occupation of the widow of Luke Babcock clerk late deceased containing about ninety seven acres, which was by the said Frederick Philips heretofore appropriated for a parsonage or glebe. And in order to arrest the interest accruing on bills of the said new emission now in circulation. Q q C Q L U. . c on.‘ 0.. Q 00".. 0.’ .0 Q‘.‘ '1 g. I. I 316 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 59. New emis— sion bills, redemp- tion of. Commis- sioners to coHect monies due and make sales with all convenient speed. Negro slaves for- felted, manumis- sion of. Id. ; care of infirm. Philip and Andrew Skeene, sale of estates stayed. Tax to be levied in West- chester county for court- houses and ga . Be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That the treasurer shall immediately after the passing of this act redeem as much of the said new emission as he is now enabled to do or shall from time to time hereafter be enabled to do with any gold or silver now in the treasury or which may hereafter come therein and which has arisen or may arise from the sales of forfeited and confiscated estates. And whereas there have been unnecessary delays in tnc sale of the confiscated estates in some parts of this State, therefore Be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the commission- ers of forfeitures for the several districts of this State shall, and they are hereby directed and required to collect the monies remaining due upon the sales of confiscated estates, and to proceed in the sales of such of them as remain unsold, and directed to be sold by the said act hereby amended with all convenient speed. And he it farther enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That all negro slaves, become the property of the people of this State, by the attainder or conviction of any person whomsoever and now in possession of the commissioners of forfeitures be, and they are hereby manumitted. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the com- missioners of forfeitures for the several districts be and they hereby are required to provide for the comfortable subsistence of all such slaves so forfeited in their respective districts as by age or infirmity are become unable to gain a subsistence, at the expence of the people of this State. And whereas there are supposed to be sundry mortgages on the for- feited estates of Philip Skeene and Andrew Skeene at Skeensborough, the amount whereof cannot be ascertained as the records of the county of Washington late county of Charlotte have hitherto not been found but are supposed to be in Canada, and whereas his excellency the goven nor is requested to pursue measures for the recovery of the said records. Therefoie Be it enacted hy the azcthorizy aforesaid, That the commissioner of for- feitures for the-eastern district shall be and he is hereby required to stay the sale of the said forfeited estates until the said records shall be recovered and lodged with the clerk of the county of Washington, or until his excellency the governor shall advise the said commissioner that the said records cannot be obtained, or until the further order of the legislature. CHAP. 59. AN ACT for building two court houses and a gaol in the county of Westchester, and raising monies for that purpose. PASSED the 1st of May, 1786. Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Sen- ate and Assemhly, and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, That the supervisors of the several towns manors and precincts in the county of Westchester for the time being, shall be and they are hereby author- ized and required, to cause to be raised and levied on the freeholders and inhabitants of the said county, a sum not exceeding one thousand eight hundred pounds, for building two court houses and a gaol in the county, with an additional sum of sixpence in the pound for collecting the same; which said sum shall be raised levied and collected in like manner as the other necessary and contingent charges of the county are raised levied and collected. I. . U .4. ‘.0 O Q ‘I 9 D ‘Q 0'.‘ U... Q U ) I O I‘.‘ O‘. \ Q a a CHAP. 59.] NINTH SESSION. - 317 And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the said super- Meeting of visors shall meet at Bedford in the said county on the second Tuesday supervlso-rs in May in this present year 1786, for the purpose of dividing & appor— tioning among the several towns manors and precincts of the said county the money to be raised by virtue of this act ; and it is hereby made the duty of the clerk of the said supervisors to notify the respective super- visors of such meeting. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That one moiety Time when of the sum to be raised as aforesaid shall be collected and paid into the to be treasury of the said county on or before the first day of October next, and the other moiety thereof on or before the first day of April next. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That there shall be Court- two court houses and a goal in the said county of Westchester; that one 3351835“ court house and the gaol shall be erected and built at the White Plains ghite d on or near the place where the court house and gaol formerly stood; will}? an and the other court house shall be erected and built at Bedford in the ggggggf. said county; that the first moiety of the money to be raised by virtue of this act, shall be applied to building the court house and gaol at the White Plains; and that four hundred pounds of the second moiety of the money to be raised by virtue of this act shall be applied to building a court house at Bedford, and the residue of the said second moiety shall be applied towards compleating the court house and gaol at the White Plains. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That Stephen Ward, Qommis- Ebenezer Lockwood, Jonathan G. Tompkins, Ebenezer, Purdy, Thomas 3,0513%}? Thomas, Richard Hatfield and Richard Sackett Junior Esquires, be and Pegd build- they are hereby authorized and empowered, to superintend and direct m'°' the building of the said court houses and goal ‘by virtue of this act, in such manner as they or a majority of them, shall from time to time judge most eligible, consistent with oeconomy and the interest of the county; to contract with workmen, purchase materials, employ an over- seer or overseers, of such workmen and occasionally to draw upon the treasurer of the county for such sums of money as may be necessary for the purposes aforesaid: and the said treasurer is hereby required, out of the money so to be raised, as aforesaid, to pay to the order of the before- named persons or a majority of them, such sums as they may from time to time draw for. retaining in his hands a sum not exceeding one half per cent. on the monies received and paid out by him by virtue of this act: and the beforementioned persons shall, when thereunto required by the supervisors of the the said county, account for the money so by them to be received and expended. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That if the said Neglect of treasurer or any supervisor assessor or collector shall neglect or refuse duty by . . . officers on to perform the duty required of him by this act, the person so neglect- whom duty ing or refusing, shall forfeit the sum of fifty pounds, to be recovered in glgfigglffgor an action of. debt, in any court of record within this State, by the before- mentioned Stephen XVard, Ebenezer Lockwood, Jonathan G. Tomp- kins, Ebenezer Purdy, Thomas Thomas, Richard Hatfield and Richard Sackett Jonior, or the survivors of them; which forfeiture or forfeitures when recovered, shall be applied to defraying the expences of building the said gaol. ' And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That as soon as Courts. the said court house, to be erected at the White Plains shall, in the 533%,‘; opinion of the judges and justices of the inferior court of common pleas, 8w, OIL - - . completion and general sessions of the peace of the said county of Westchester, or a of court. majority of them, be sufficiently convenient for holding courts therein, houses- 318 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 60. Prisoners to be con- fined in gaol when erected. Preamble; will of William Nicoll, late of Islip, Suflolk county. the said judges shall adjourn the said courts, to be held at the next term thereof at the court house in the White Plains: and that thenceforth the inferior courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace, to be holden in and for the said county of Westchester, shall be alternately held at the court house in the White Plains, and at the Presbyterian meeting house in the township of Bedford, or at the court house to be erected at Bedford. And that as soon as the court house to be erected at Bedford, shall, in the opinion of the court then met at Bedford afore- said, be deemed convenient for holding courts therein, the then term and every term thereafter to be held at Bedford, shall be held at the court house in Bedford; and that nothing in this act contained, shall be construed to vitiate any process, recognizance, notice or other pro- ceedings depending in the said courts. And be it further enacted by the ant/zority aforesaid, That as soon as the said gaol, to be erected at the White Plains, shall, by the judges of the inferior court of common pleas of the said county, or a majority of them, be deemed sufficient for the detention of prisoners, they shall sig- nify the same to the sherif of the county for the time being, who is hereby required as soon as conveniently may be, to remove all prisoners then in his custody to the gaol at the White Plains; and that thenceforth the said gaol shall be the gaol of the county. CHAP. 60. AN ACT for the relief of William Nicoll. PASSED the 3d of May, 1786. WHEREAS William Nicoll late of Islip in the county of Suffolk Esquire deceased, did among other things, give and bequeath in the words and manner following unto his son William Nicoll “All my lands and here- ditaments at Islip in the county of Suffolk not herein after disposed of to my daughters, for and during his natual life without impeachment of waste, subject to the authority herein after given to my executors, with remainder to'the Honorable George Duncan Ludlow Esquire and the Honorable Whitehead Hicks Esquire both of Queens county in New York aforesaid and their heirs during the life of my said son William to preserve the contingent remainders herein after limited to wit with remainder to the first son of my said son William for life with remainder to the said trustees and their heirs during the life of the said first son of my said son William to preserve the contingent remainders herein after limited, to wit, with remainder to the first and every other son and sons of the eldest son of my said son William successively according to their seniority the eldest to be preferred before the younger to hold the same in tail male and in case of the death of the first son of my said son William without issue then I give the said lands tenements and heredit- aments to the second son and the issue male of such second son in the same manner as ifl had repeated the above devise to his first or eldest son with like devises to the said trustees for preserving contingent remainders intending to give an estate for life only to such second son with a tail to his issue male successively, and so to every other son of my said son William and the issue of such son successively upon the .like contingencies.” and in default of such issue male then to the eldest daughter of his said son William for life without impeachment for waste with remainder over to the first and every son of such daughter succes- CHAP. 60.] NINTH SESSION. 319 sively to hold in tail mail and in default of such issue then to the second and every other daughter of his said son William successively for life with like remainders over to their respective sons successively in tail mail and in default of such issue then to his son Samuel Benjamin for life without impeachment for waste with like remainders over to pre- serve the contingent remainder to this said son Samuel Benjamin and his heirs male (without regard to his female issue) in the same manner as he had before limited the same estate to his son William for life, and then to his issue male, and in default of such issue male of his said son Samuel Benjamin then to his three daughters and their issue male to be equally divided between them and in default of their issue male then to their issue female to be in like manner equally divided, and did in the said last will and testament declare that it was his general intent to con- tinue the estate at Islip first in the male descendants of his son William, then in the male issue of his daughters, then in the male issue of his son Samuel Beniamin, then in the male issue of his own three daughters in severalty, and upon failure of such male issue then to their issue female in severalty, and that it should not be in the power of any of his descendants before his great grand children to cut of the entail. And w/iereas the said William Nicoll, the son, the devisee in the before in part recited will mentioned hath presented his petition to the legis- lature, setting forth that doubts have arisen whether the estate which he holds under the said will be an estate tail or only for life. That many of the farms in Islip were at the time of his fathers decease leased at very low rents and that he is charged by the said will with the pay- ment of annuities to the amount of one hundred and twenty six pounds for ten years to his three sisters and an annuity of one hundred pounds for twelve years to his brother. That conceiving himself to be pos- sessed of an estate in tail he had been induced to contract debts to a large amount but that the doubts respecting the nature of his estate are such as render it impracticable to sell any part of the lands so as to dis- charge his debts; that a number of executions have been issued against him, that should they be levied on his estate, while the doubts respect- ing it remain, it would prove insufficient to pay his debts, he must be turned out of the possession, and deprived not only of the means for suitably educating his children, but of subsisting his family, and the greater part of his creditors thereby ruined. That if trustees were to be appointed by the legislature with authority to sell so much of the lands as would produce the sum of four thousand pounds these evils might be prevented and he enabled by honest industry and application in a short time to discharge the remainder of his debts, and praying for such relief as the legislature shall deem meet. And w/zereas the said Samual Benjamin Nicoll to whom a contingent remainder in the lands and hereditaments in Islip, by the aforesaid will is limited, hath by his petition signified his desire that the legislature would afford relief to his brother the said William Nicoll. And w/zereas there is reason to believe that great destruction will inevitably take place upon the lands and hereditaments aforesaid if the possession of them during the life of the said William should be sold to the highest bidder, whereby the estate of the remainder man will be greatly impaired besides the injury which he must sustain by being deprived of the advantages of a suitable education who being an infant and unable to act for himself, and there being no law in this State affording relief in cases particularly circumstanced, it is become necessary for the legislature to interpose and by law as far as is possible to preserve the estate of the infant in remain- der and provide for his maintenance and education, therefore 320 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 61. Eestéiggto Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Veyed to Senate and Assenzhly and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, That as soon as the said William Nicoll shall by good and sufficient poses deeds have conveyed to Ezra L Hommedieu William Floyd and Selah named' Strong Esquires, all his right, title, interest and estate in and to the lands tenements and hereditaments at Islip devised to him by the before mentioned last will and testament of his father the said William Nicoll deceased, the same shall therefrom and thereafter be vested in the said Ezra L Hommedieu William Floyd and Selah Strong their heirs and assigns for ever in trust for the following purpose-s, that is to say, to sell so much thereof as shall be sufficient to raise the sum of four thousand pounds to be applied to the payment of the debts owing by the said .William; but if such debts shall not amount to the sum of four thousand pounds, then to sell so much only as will be necessary to discharge the same: And that the deeds to be given by the said Ezra L Hommedieu, William Floyd and Selah Strong to the purchaser or purchasers of the lands to be by them sold by virtue of this act, shall operate to vest a fee simple title in such purchaser or purchasers. That the said Ezra L’Hommedieu, William Floyd, and Selah Strong shall then lease out the residue and remainder of the said lands and tenements for any term not exceeding the life of the said William Nicoll or seven years, reserving the highest rents that can be obtained for the same, and to apply the monies arising from such rents in the first instance to the payment of the annui- ties charged thereon by the will aforesaid; and then to the maintenance and education of such issue of the said William Nicoll as shall be next in remainder, according to the disposition in the said will made, and the residue of such rents to be paid to the said William Nicoll or his assigns during his life; and from and after the death of the said William Nicoll the said residue of the said lands tenements and hereditaments shall revest to the uses and trusts of the aforesaid will as if this act had never been made. Trustees to And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That the said trus- 2115333233,? tees shall before they enter upon the execution of the trust hereby reposed in them give bonds to the people of this State in such sum and with such security as the chancellor of this State shall direct conditioned for the faithful performance and discharge of the duties and trusts com- mitted to them by this act. CHAP. 61. AN ACT for giving and granting to the United States in Con- gress assembled, certain imposts and duties on foreign goods imported into this State, for the special purpose of paying the principal and interest of the debt contracted in the prosecution of the late war with Great Britain. PASSED the 4th of May, 1786. \VHEREAs the people of this State are disposed to contribute to the utmost of their power to the payment of the debt contracted for the common defence of the Union during the late war, therefore Congress Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New York represented in $532,. to Senate and Asseinhly, and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, lay duty on That the people of this State do give and grant to the United States in $332?" Congress assembled to be levied collected and applied in the manner CHAP. 61.] NINTH SESSION. 321 hereinafter mentioned, the following duties upon goods imported into this State from any foreign port island or plantation whatsoever, that is to say— upon all rum Jamaica proof per gallon four ninetieths of a dol- lar upon all other spirituous liquors three ninetieths upon Madeira wine twelve ninetieths upon all other wines six ninetieths upon common Bohea tea per pound six ninetieths upon all other teas twenty four nine- tieths, upon pepper per pound three ninetieths, upon brown sugar per pound one half ninetieth, upon loaf sugar per pound two ninetieths upon all other sugars one ninetieth, upon molasses per gallon one nine- tieth upon cocoa and coffee per pound one ninetieth, upon all other goods a duty of five per cent ad valorem at the time and place of importation. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That the said duties and imposts shall be levied and collected in the manner directe in and by the act entitled An act imposing duties on certain goods wares and merchandize imported into this State passed the eighteenth day of November one thousand seven hundred and eighty four. And it is hereby made the duty of the collectors of the said duties to render a just and true account thereof from time to time when thereunto required to the United States in Congress assembled. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the collector Duties to or collectors of the said duties of imposts within this State for the time being shall from time to time during the continuance of this act pay to the United States in Congress assembled or to their order the whole amount of the said duties after deducting the salaries of the several officers concerned or employed in collecting the same) to be by them applied towards paying the principal and interest of the debt contracted during the late war with Great Britain: Provided always that the said salaries shall not exceed eight per cent on the product of the said impost. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful to and for the United States in Congress assembled to cause the said collectors or any other person concerned or employed in collecting the said duties and imposts to be prosecuted by information to be filed in the supreme court of judicature, or in the court of exchequer by the attorney of the United States to be appointed by their resolution or act, for any default or neglect in the execution of the duties required of them by this act, or by the said act entitled An act imposing duties on certain goods wares and merchandize imported into this State, and that all fines imposed on conviction for such neglect or default shall be applied to the use of the United States; and upon every such conviction another person shall be appointed instead of the person so convicted. And whereas it is the intention of the legislature that the monies aris- ing by the said duties shall be applied to the discharge of the principal and interest of the debts contracted by the United States during the late war and to no other purpose whatsoever: Therefore Be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That it shall, and is hereby declared to be a condition upon which this act is made, that all the monies to arise from the duties or imposts aforesaid shall be applied towards the discharge of the interest and principal of the debts con- tracted on the faith of the United States for supporting the late war and that an annual account of the proceeds and application of the revenue aforesaid shall be made out and transmitted to the person administring the government of this State for the time being, to be laid before the leg- islature, distinguishing the produce of each and every of the specified VOL. 2. —-41 Manner of collection of duties. e paid to United States, less expense of collection. Prosecu- tion against collectors or others for default or neglect. Monies arising by duties to be applied to payment of war debts. 322 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 62. Act, when in) take effect and how long to be in force. Act recited to be sus- pended when this act is in force. Preamble. Estate of Robert Hemp— stead. de- ceased, vested in trustees for pur— poses named. articles, and the whole of the revenue received from each State, and an account of its application; and upon failure thereof the legislature of this State reserve to themselves the right of repealing this act, and the grant thereby made, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstand- ing. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by the ant/zority aforesaid That this act shall take effect and be in force whenever the United States in Congress assembled shall declare to the person administering the government of this State for the time being that the imposts aforesaid are agreed to or granted to their acceptation for the term of twenty five years by the several other States in the Union, and shall continue in force for the space of twenty five years unless the said debt shall be sooner discharged, and this State shall be answerable to the United States in Congress ‘assembled, that the monies in which the said duties and imposts shall be received and paid by any law of this State, shall be equal to gold and silver coin. , And be it fart/ter enacted by the ant/zority aforesaid That the said act entitled An act imposing duties on certain goods wares and merchan- dize imported into this State so far forth as the same imposed duties on goods wares and merchandize, and all other acts imposing duties on goods wares and merchandize imported into this State or allowing draw- backs on goods wares and merchandize exported from this State shall be and hereby are respectively suspended, during the time this act shall opperate and be in force. CHAP. 62. AN ACT for vesting the real and personal estate or Robert Hempsted Esquire deceased, in trustees for the payment of his debts. ' PAssEn the 4th of May, 1786. WHEREAS it hath been represented to the legislature, that the estate of Robert Hempsted Esquire late of Southold in the county of Suffolk deceased, is not sufficient for the payment of his debts, and that Mehi- table Hempsted, who by his last will and testament was appointed his sole executrix, has renounced the administration of the said will, and that the said estate is so particularly circumstanced in respect to certain claims and debts, that it cannot be settled without great loss to his cred- itors without the interposition of the legislature. And zobereas the creditors of the said Robert Hempsted, his heir at law, and his widow the said Mehitable Hempsted, by their several petitions, have prayed that the said estate may be vested in trustees for the payment of the testators debts, and settling the claims of his heir at law. Therefore Be_it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by the azct/zority of the same, That all the estate real and personal, which was of the said Robert Hempsted at the time of his death, he, and the same is hereby vested in trustees, to wit, in Jonathan N. Havens, Daniel Osburn and William Horton Junior of the said county, their heirs and assigns, who are hereby authorized and impowered as soon as may be, after the passing of this act, to sell and dispose of the said estate, in such manner, to such per- son or persons, and for such sum or sums of money, as they, or the sur- vivors or survivor of them shall deem most conducive to the interest of CHAP. 62.] NINTH SESSION. 323 the said estate, and to seal and execute good and sufficient deeds and con- veyances for the said real estate, which sale or sales so made and the deeds and conveyances to be executed for the same, by the said trus- tees, or the survivors or survivor of them, are hereby declared to be good and effectual to all intents and purposes in law and equity, to vest in such purchaser or purchasers the whole estate and interest which the said Robert Hempsted at the time of his death had in the real estate so ‘ purchased. And be it enacz‘ed by c/ze aaz‘lzorizy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said trustees, or the survivors or survivor of them by and with the consent of the major part of the said creditors in respect to the amount of their debts against the estate, to agree with Thomas Hempsted, the said heir at law of the said Robert Hempsted, to refer to arbitrators mutually to be chosen between the said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them, and the said Thomas Hempsted, all claims which he may have in the right of his mother Mary Hemp- sted deceased, of in and to the lands devised or ordered to be sold in and by the last will and testament of the said Robert Hempsted deceased: and the award, judgment and determination of the arbitrators so chosen or a majority of them, duly authenticated under their hands and seals, acknowledgedand entered of record in the office of the clerk of the . said county, shall be conclusive to the parties, so that the said trustees, or the survivors or survivor of them may sell and dispose of in manner aforesaid, all the lands devised or ordered to be sold in and by the said last will and testament of the said Robert Hempsted deceased, except such part thereof as the said arbitrators shall adjudge award and deter- mine to belong to the said Thomas Hempsted in the right of his mother as aforesaid: Provided always, that the said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them by and with the consent of the creditors as afore- said, may agree and settle with the said Thomas Hempsted, all disputes respecting his said claim, which agreement shall be binding on all the said creditors. And be if farz‘ber enacted by file azcz‘lzoriz‘y aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the said trustees by and with such consent of the creditors as aforesaid, to purchase of Mehitable Hempsted, the said widow of the said Robert Hempsted, her right of dower, of, in or to the lands which belonged to him at ":e time of his death, and to pay her such sum or sums of money as shall be agreed on by her and the said trustees, for her release of her said right of dower, and by such con- sent as aforesaid, to settle all disputes which may arise between her and them respecting the said personal estate, by arbitration or otherwise as may be agreed on. And be it farl/zer enacted by Me aal/corily aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them to bring a suit or suits for the recovery of any estate or belonging, or debts due, to, the said‘ Robert Hempsted,‘ and shall within one year hereafter, make a division of all the monies belonging to the said estate, which may have come into their hands, among the said creditors in equal proportion according to the amount of their respective debts, without any preference to bonds or other sealed instruments, giving timely notice to the said creditors of the time and place of making such division, and within one year thereafter shall make a further division in manner aforesaid, if they shall have any such monies in their hands, and shall within that time make a final settlement of the said estate, retaining in their hands such sum of money for their services and expences in settling the said estate as shall be allowed by such majority Trustees to settle claim of heir at law by arbitra- tion. Trustees may pur- chase dower— right of wioow. Trustees may sue to recover debts; di- vision of estate among creditors. 324 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 63,. Trustees to file bond with clerk of court of common pleas. Treasurer to pay sum of money to persons named; governor. Chancellor Chief justice. Puisne justices Secretary of State. of the creditors as aforesaid, and in case there should be any estate remaining after paying the debts and expences as aforesaid, the same shall be distributed and disposed of by the said trustees as is directed in and by the last will and testament of the said Robert Hempsted deceased. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the trus- tees before they exercise any of the powers hereby given, shall file in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas for the county of Suffolk, a bond in the penalty of one thousand pounds, with such security as the said clerk shall think fit, continued for the faithful discharge of the trusts and powers vested in them in pursuance of this act and to render an account of the said estate when thereunto required. CHAP. 63. AN ACT for the payment of the salaries of the officers of gov- ernment and other contingent charges. PASSED the 5th .of May, 1786. Be it enacted hy the People of the State of jVew Yorh, represented in Senate and Assernhly, and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, That the treasurer of this State shall pay out of any unappropriated monies in the treasury the following sums as herein after directed, that is to say, to his excellency the governor for administering the govern- ment of this State from the first day of july last to the first day of july next at and after the rate of one thousand five hundred pounds per annum to the person administering the government of this State for the time being to defray the incidental charges which may arise in and about the administering the government of this State such sum or sums of money as he shall from time to time by warrant under his hand and the privy seal of the State, draw from the treasury of the State for the purpose, not to exceed in the whole the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds. To the Honorable R. Livingston Esquire Chanseller for his services in that station from the first day of july last to the first day of july next at and after the rate of five hundred pounds per annum. To the Honorable Richard Morris Esquire chief justice of this State for his services in that station from and'to the respective times aforesaid at and after the rate of five hundred pounds per annum. To the Honor- able Robert Yates and john Sloss Hobart Esquire puisne justices of the supreme court of this State respectively for their services in that station from and to the respective times aforesaid, at and after the rate of five hundred pounds per annum. To the secretary of the State for attending the legislature during the present sessions for the purpose of receiving the laws and for attending the council of appointment from the first day of july last to the first day of july next at and after the rate of thirty pounds per ann um. To the said secretary for his services in record- ing the laws making copies thereof with marginal notes for the press and making copies by direction of the governor of the Senate or Assembly and for engrossing the minutes of the council of appointment from time to time after the rate of one shilling and six pence per folio to consist of one hundred and twenty eight words agreable to such accounts thereof as he shall produce audited by the auditor of this State. To the said secretary for his extra services as secretary to the commissioners of the land office to the time of passing this act the sum of seventy pounds. CHAP. 63.] NINTH SESSION. 325 To the S€V€T€Ll members of the Senate and Assembly for each and every day they shall have attended in Senate and Assembly during the pres- ent meeting of the legislature and for each and every day they shall have been or may be traveling to and from their respective places of abode to the place of the meeting of the legislature each the sum of fourteen shillings per day to be computed at and after the rate of thirty miles per day agreable to such accounts thereof as they shall respectively produce certified by the president of the senate or the speaker of the assembly as the case may be, and the account of the president of the senate to be certified by the clerk of the senate and the account of the speaker of the assembly to be certified by the clerk of the assembly. To John McKesson and Abraham B. Bancker Esquire clerks of the assembly and senate each the sum of thirty shillings per day for their respective services during the present sessions. And also the amount of such accounts for monies by them advanced for the use of the assembly and senate as they shall respectively produce certified by the president of the senate or the speaker of the assembly as the case may require. To the treasurer of this State the sum of five hundred pounds for his services from the first day of July last to the first day of July next. To the said treasurer the sum of four hundred pounds for the incidental charges of his office to the auditor of the State the sum of three hundred and fifty pounds as his salary for the last year ending the twenty third day of March last. To the secretary to his excellency the governor at and after the rate of one hundred and fifty pounds per annum. To each of the delegates of this State at and after the rate of one pound twelve shillings per day for such time as they have attended or shall attend or were going to or returning from Congress to the respective places of their abode according to such accounts as they shall respectively produce audited by the auditor of this State. To Egbert Benson Esquire attorney general of this State at and after the rate of two hundred pounds per annum from the time of his appoint- ment to the first day of July next provided that on a settlement of the said salary such sums as have been advanced by the treasurer of this State to the said attorney general on account shall be deducted. To the door keepers of the senate and assembly at and after the rate of sixteen shillings per day agreable to such certificates thereof as they shall respectively produce, certified by the president of the senate or speaker of the assembly as the case may be. To the serjeant at arms at and after the rate of twelve shillings per day agreable to such certificate thereof as he shall produce certified by the speaker of the assembly. To the members of the council of appointment at and after the rate of sixteen shillings per day during their attendance on the council in the recess of the legislature and for the time of their travel~ ing from and to their respective places of adode, according to such accounts, as they shall produce certified by the clerk of the said council. And in order the better to enable the treasurer to make the payments aforesaid. Be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That the collectors for the port of New York and for Sagg Harbor shall and they are hereby respectively required to pay into the treasury of this State all the monies arising from the duties on goods wares and merchandise imported into this State on or before the seventeenth day of April one thousand seven hundred and eighty six with all convenient speed and if any per- son or persons who have or hath given bond or security for payment of any such duties shall refuse or neglect to pay the same the collector to whom any such bond or security hath been given shall and he is hereby Members 0 gis- lature. Clerks of legislature. Treasurer. Secretary to the governor. Delegates to Con- gress. Attorney— general. Door— keepers of legislature. Sergeant- at-arms. Council of appoint- ment. Collectors of customs to pay over monies to State treasurer. 326 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 65. Act recited to be car- ried into effect, asif Albany county had not been divided. Loan offi- cers may be appoint- ed on last Tuesday of May. Preamble. required Within ten days ‘after the same shall become due to cause such bonds or securitfes to be put in suit, and to prosecute such suit or suits to effect. And the monies due or to become due on such bonds or- securities or recovered in any such suit shall be paid in gold or silver only, to the ‘collectors and shall by them respectively be paid to the treasurer of this State in gold or silver only, any law to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. CHAP. 64. AN ACT supplementary to an act entitled “An act for emitting the sum of two hundred thousand pounds in bills of credit, for the purposes therein mentioned. PAssED the 5th of May, r786. WHEREAS the county of Albany, has, since the passing of the act entitled “ An act for emitting the sum of two hundred thousand pounds in bills of credit for the purposes therein mentioned,” been divided into two counties by the names of Albany and Columbia. Therefore. Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New- Yor/e, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by t/ze ontborizy of tbe sanze, That the bills of credit to be emitted in pursuance of the said act, and assigned for loan to the county of Albany, and all and every proceed- ings by virtue of the said act respecting the loan of the said bills assigned as aforesaid, to the county of Albany, shall be lent, and had in like manner as if the act entitled “ An act dividing the county of Albany into two counties” had not passed. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by tile ant/corny aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the judges of the inferior courts of common pleas, and supervisors of the several counties, who shall not have appointed loan officers, in pursuance of the directions of the said act on the day for that purpose mentioned in the said act, to make such appointments on the last Tuesday of May instant. CHAP. 65. AN ACT to enable Charles John Evans and Agatha his wife to make the conveyance therein mentioned. PASSED the 5th of May, 1786. VVHEREAS a controversy subsisted between the heirs and devisees of John Bradstreet late of the city of Albany Esquire and their representa- tives of the one part and \Villiam Walton and Gerard iValton of the city of New York relative to the lands situate in the county of Montgomery comprehended within the bounds and limits following to wit all that tract of land situate and lying on the west branch of the Delaware river in the county of Montgomery beginning where the line of property as run by Simon Metcalfe in the year 1769 departs from the Delaware river and running along the said line as the needle pointed in the year 1769 before mentioned north nine degrees east one thousand three hundred chains to the tract granted‘ to Alexander Wallace and others, CHAP. 65.] NINTH SESSION. 327 then along the same as the needle pointed in the year 1770 east three hundred and seventy two chains to the north west corner of a tract of thirty thousand acres of land granted to John Rapelje and others, thence along the west bounds thereof as the needle pointed in the year 1775 south one degree and thirty minutes east one thousand chains to the west branch of Delaware river aforesaid, and then westerly along the said branch as it winds and turns to the place of beginning containing fifty one thousand acres of land and the usual allowance for highways. And also all that certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the county of Montgomery beginning at the south west corner of a tract of twenty thousand acres of land granted to William Walton and others in the,year 1770, which corner is on the west bank of the west branch of Delaware river at or near the mouth of a creek called Caniskutty, and runs thence along the line of the said tract north twenty two degrees west one thousand and seventy chains to a tract of twenty eight thousand acres of land on Susquehanna river granted to Alexan- der Wallace and others, then along the last mentioned tract south fifty degrees west ten chains and sixty two links to a tract of thirty thousand acres of land granted in the year 1775 to John Rapelje and others thence along the line thereof south twenty two degrees east one thousand and forty four chains to the west branch of Delaware river aforesaid and up along the stream of said branch to the place of beginning containing one thousand acres of land and the usual allowance for highways to which said lands the same being then unpatented the said parties respec- tively laid claim before the board of commissioners of the land office. And w/zereas for settling and determining such controversy Charles John Evans one of the persons interested under the heirs and devisees of the said John Bradstreet did by a certain agreement under his hand and seal duly executed covenant and agree to convey in fee simple ten thousand acres of the said lands with the usual allowance for highways to the said William Walton and Gerard Walton one thousand acres whereof and the usual allowance for highways to be located between the township of Walton and a certain tract of land granted to John Rapelje and others and the other nine thousand acres with the usual allowance for highways to adjoin the said tract so granted to the said John Rapelje and others and to begin in the southerly bounds of a tract of land on the Susquehannah river granted to Alexander Wallace and others at a small beech corner tree marked W C 1773 which tree is surrounded with stones and stands on the west side of a run of water thence from the said corner tree along a line of trees marked for the bounds of a tract of land granted to Alexander Wallace and others west one hundred chains thence south one degree and thirty minutes west to the Cookquago branch of Delaware river aforesaid thence up the same river easterly as it winds and turns to the lands so granted to the said John Rapelje and others then along the bounds thereof north one degree and thirty minutes west one thousand chains to the place of beginning and the said William Walton and Gerard Walton for themselves and their associates thereupon relinquished their claims to the said tracts of land first above described. And w/zereas two certain letters patent have lately been issued under the great seal of this State respectively bearing date the twelfth day of January 1786 for granting the said lands to Agatha Evans, wife of the said Charles John Evans, Eliza- beth Livius wife of Peter Livius and Samuel Bradstreet and Martha Bradstreet all devisees of John Bradstreet And w/zereas several of the said representatives of Martha Bradstreet one other of the devisees of the said John Bradstreet are minors but the said agreement was entered 328 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 66. Charles John Evans and wife may execute sufficient deed for lands re- ferred to. Treasurer to pay sum of money to Isaac Roosevelt and John Stagg. Certificate to Reuben Bloomer. executor. Commis- sioners of sequestra- tion may receive certain certificates into by the consent and approbation of the attornies of Sir Charles Gould the sole executor of the last will and testament of the said Mar- tha Bradstreet who was authorized in and by the last will and testament to dispose of all the real estate of the said Martha Bradstreet. - And whereas it is represented that the said agreement was beneficial to the said minors. Therefore Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Senate and Assenzhly and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Charles john Evans and Agatha his wife to convey and grant to the said \Villiam Walton and Gerard \Valton their heirs and assigns for ever the said ten thousand acres of land agreed by the said Charles john Evans to be conveyed to them as aforesaid and that from and after the said Charles john Evans and Agatha his wife shall have granted and conveyed the same all and every person or persons claiming or deriving title under the said letters patent shall be barred and precluded therefrom and such title shall be vested in the said William Walton and Gerard \Valton their heirs and assigns for ever as fully and absolutely as if all the persons deriving title under the said letters patent had become parties to the said conveyance. CHAP. 66. AN ACT for the payment of certain sums of money and for other purposes therein mentioned. PASSED the 5th of May, 1786. Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Senate and Assenzhly, and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, That the treasurer of this State, shall out of the monies which now are or hereafter may be in the treasury, and not otherwise specially appro- priated, pay to Isaac Roosevelt and john Stagg Esquires, such sums of money as have been advanced and applied by them towards repairing the hospital in this city, for the use of the State, not exceeding in the whole the sum of two hundred and forty pounds. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the treas- urer shall, and he is hereby required to ascertain the sum due for prin- cipal and interest on a certain bond bearing date the twenty fifth day of March one thousand seven hundred and seventy five, executed by Gilbert Drake of the county of West Chester, to William Lownsbery, in the penal sum of one hundred and fifty four pounds, and conditioned for the payment of seventy seven pounds; and for the sum so due as aforesaid, to issue a certificate to Reuben Bloomer, executor of the last will and testament of the said William Lownsbery now deceased, which certificate shall bear an interest of five per cent per annum. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the late commissioners of sequestration of the sev- eral counties in this State to receive in payment of debts due for arti- cles sold, or rents reserved by them, any of the public securities desig- nated in the fifth section of the act, entitled, “An act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned ; ” provided such payments shall be made, by the said commissioners into the treasury of this State on or, before the first day of October next. CHAP. 66.] NINTH SESSION. 329 And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That it shall be Accounts, and it is hereby made the duty of the late commissioners of sequestra- Sfggisoéue tion, and of all other persons possessing books, papers, bonds, notes or fvl'feited other evidences of debts due from any person or persons to any estate Eitglfio'g‘l or estates forfeited to the people of this State to deliver the same to lgggsigry the treasurer of this State without delay. And it is hereby made the ' duty of the treasurer to receive such books,,papers, bonds, notes or other evidences of debts due as aforesaid, and on neglect or refusal of any person or persons in whose possession such books, papers, bonds, notes or other evidences of debts shall be to deliver the same, the said treasurer is hereby directed to prosecute the person or persons so neg- lecting or refusing in an action of debt, or detinue, in his own name, in any court of record within this State, having cognizance of the same. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That it shall and Certificate may be lawful for the treasurer and he is hereby required, to issue to $183311“ John Alsop, a certificate bearing an interest of five per cent per annum, for such sum as shall appear to be due to him by an account to be audited by the auditor of this State, for his proportion of the amount of the sales of tea, the property of the said John Alsop and Christopher Smith, which was seised and sold by the commissioners of sequestra- tion in Ulster county during the late war. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That it shall and Certificate may be lawful for the treasurer and he is hereby required, to issue to £35338? Jonathan Shephard, a certificate for the sum of seventy four pounds, hard- thirteen shillings and four pence, to replace a like certificate formerly granted to said Jonathan Shephard, which was casually burnt ; provided, that the said Jonathan Shephard, shall previously make oath of such loss, and describe the said certificate, to the satisfaction of the treas- urer; and give bond in a sum double the amount of the principal and interest due on such certificate, with sufficient security to the treasurer of this State, to be approved of by the said treasurer to indemnify the people of this State in the premises. And he it further enacted .hy the authority aforesaid, That the treasurer Certificate of this State be, and he is hereby authorised and required, to issue a £20112? certificate to Peter Ricker for the sum of one hundred and twenty seven pounds ten shillings with the interest thereon, from the first day of October last; being the sum paid by the said Peter Ricker, to the loan officers of the county of West Chester in discharge of a mortgage on a farm forfeited to the people of this State, by the conviction of Shubal Sniffen, and purchased by the said Peter Ricker. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the said treas- Sum of urer shall pay to Brinton Paine Esquire the amount of such account as he iiiaoliiziihttiii shall produce, audited by the auditor of this State, for monies expended by the said Brinton Paine, for procuring necessaries for prisoners, citi- zens of this State, and of the other United States while in captivity, not exceeding in the whole, the sum of fifty two pounds ten shillings ; and that the said sum be charged to the account of the United States. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That the treasurer Sums of of this State, shall pay to Nicholas Fish Esquire, ninety four pounds {,‘goggggtfio fourteen shillings and five pence, which together with forty eight pounds llji'iigélglnag advanced to him by his excellency the governor, is in full for his ser- Petrus vices and expenditures for repairing to the province of Quebec, to con- Kynkoop, vey an exemplification of the definitive treaty between the United States and the King of Great Britain, to the said province, and for conferring with the governor of the said province respecting the British garrisons in this State. To Petrus WynkOOp Junior nine pounds, three shillings VOL. 2. —— 42 330 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [cam 66. Certificate to Harrison Palmer and Charles Doughty. Money due from Rob- ert Hinch— man re_ mitted. Allow- ances to com mis~ sioners of sequestra- tion of Montgom— ery county Persons re- ferred to restored to citizenship James Peters may return to the State. Rent due from Rob- ert Coch-_ ran re- mitted. Udny Hay to release Henry Glen from a judg- ment. in full for a judgment recovered against him by William Pease for dam- ages he sustained in consequence of the said Petrus \Vynkoop Junior, having executed a warrant of impress issued by his excellency the gov- ernor. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zorizjv aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this State for the time being, and he is hereby directed to issue a certificate to Harrison Palmer and Charles Doughty, for five hundred and twenty five pounds, four shillings and seven pence being the amount of monies detained from them by the late commissioners for inquiring into, detecting and defeating con- spiracies, payable with interest at five per cent from the twenty third day of January, in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven, which sum has been accounted for by the said commissioners to the auditor of this State‘. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by Me azct/zority aforesaid That the sum of two hundred and twenty seven pounds one-shilling and five pence half penny, loan office money due from the estate of Robert Hinchman deceased, late one of the loan officers of Queens county, shall be, and hereby is remitted. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zorizj/ aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the auditor of this State, in auditing the accounts of the commissioners of sequestration for the late county of Tryon, now Montgomery, and of the county of \Vest-Chester, to make such allow- ances to the said commissioners, as shall appear reasonable, for such sums of money due for goods or chattels, sold by thesaid commission- ers respectively; and which it shall appear to the auditor by satisfactory proof that the said commissioners were prevented from recovering, by the events of the late war. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the several persons mentioned in the third clause of the act entitled “An act to preserve the freedom and independence of this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned,” passed the 12th day of May, 1784, and Peter Van Schaack Richard Bartlett, Theophilus Nellson, and Zebulon \Valbridge, shall be and they are hereby respectively restored to all their rights, privileges and immunities as citizens of this State, from and after such time as the said persons respectively shall in any court of record of this State take the oath of abjuration and allegiance pre- scribed by law, any thing in any former law contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ce ant/cority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for James Peters late of Orange county, to return to and remain in this State for the purpose of settling his private affairs, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by the aut/zority aforesaid, That one years rent due to this State for lands demised to Robert Cochran, at Crown ‘Point, be and the same is hereby remitted. And be it fart/ter enacted by the ant/zority aforesaid, That Udny Hay Esquire, late State agent, is hereby authorised and required, to release and discharge Henry Glen Esquire, of and from a judgment recovered before John Jacob Beekman Esquire, against the said Henry Glen, by the said Udny Hay, for twenty pounds, as a forfeiture for neglecting to perform certain duties required of the said Henry Glen as supervisor of the district of Schenectady in the county of Albany, upon the said Henry Glen’s paying the costs accrued on the said judgment. And zo/zereas two several locations have been made on a certain mes- suage and farm at Fishkill in the county of Dutchess forfeited to the CHAP. 66.] NINTH SESSION. 331 people of this State by the conviction of John Kane and seperate deeds thereof given by the commissioners of forfeitures for the middle district, to John H. Sleght and Charles McKnight and w/zereas a suit is now depending between the persons claiming under the said deeds respec— tively, concerning the title of the said messuage and farm: in order therefore to put an end to such suit and to quiet the parties thereto. Be ii‘ fnrl/zer enacz‘ed by fire anz‘borizfy aforesaid, That as soon as the (30mm- said Charles McKnight shall release all his right title and interest in giggle?“ and to the said messuage and farm to the said John H. Sleght or to Charles such person or persons as may now hold the same by title derived from the said John H. Sleght that then it shall and may be lawful for the said H- Sleght- Charles McKnight to locate on any forfeited lands and tenements in the southern district of this State, to the amount of the first appraisment made of the said messuage and farm at Fishkill, together with the inter- est thereof from the time of the said first location; and also together with the costs accrued in the suit above mentioned to be taxed by a judge of the court in which such suit is pending, shall be considered as so much paid towards the lands and tenements which shall be located in manner aforesaid; to be appraised, conveyed and paid for in like manner as it is directed by the act, entitled “An act to liquidate and settle the accounts of the troops of this State, in the service of the United States; provided, that if the lands and tenements to be located as aforesaid shall be appraised at an higher sum than the amount of the principal and interest and such costs as aforesaid, the excess shall be paid in gold or silver. And be it fari/zer enacz‘ed by t/ze aal/zorizy aforesaid That the treasurer Treasurer of this State shall out of any monies which now are or hereafter may be 3,133,188"; in the treasury and not otherwise specially appropriated pay the follow- specified- ing sums of money and to the following persons, that is to say—to his excellency the governor the sum of four hundred pounds thirteen shil- Governor. lings and eight pence in full of his account for the incidental charges of administring the government of this State after deducting the several sums he has received on account thereof; and also the sum of one hundred and forty nine pounds and two pence for monies advanced by him for defraying the expences of and making presents to certain Oneida Indians in pursuance of concurrent resolutions of the senate and assem- bly of the seventh day of March last. To Gilbert Livingston and Gilbert Augustine Lawrence Esquires one hundred and forty pounds for sign- Qggigisggg ing stamping and delivering certain bills of credit commonly called bills tine Law- of the new emission. To the surveyor general of this State the ballance :fii'yop of such account as he shall exhibit audited by the auditor of this State general. for his expenditures in surveying the lands purchased of the Oneida Jonathan and Tuscarora Indians. To Jonathan Landon Esquire the sum of one Landon hundred and fifty four pounds eleven shillings and ten pence being the‘ ballance due to him on his cash account as the same is audited by the auditor of this State. And be iz‘farl/zer enacz‘ed by i/ze ani/zorizy aforesaid That the treasurer Commis- of this State shall pay unto the commissioners of forfeitures for the §§,‘,’.’,‘.§,§?,§§s_ western district out of any monies unappropriated in the treasury the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds on account. To Samuel Loudon Samuel the sum of three hundred pounds on account as printer to the State. London- To Anthony Post for repairs to the exchange the sum of eight pounds Anthony five shillings and two pence. To Elizabeth Holt the sum of two hun- Eist‘ lzabeth dred pounds for one years salary of her late husband John Holt as a Holt. printer employed by the late convention of this State. To Abraham B. Abraham Bancker seventy five pounds in full for his services during the late war B'Bancke' 332 LAWS or NEW YORK. ' [cHAR 66. as deputy secretary of the State for which he has received no compen- John sation. To john McKesson Esquire, clerk of the assembly for his McKesson' services in that station and for sundry disbursements for the assembly in September and October 1780 and at the two first meetings of the legislature in the year 1781, the sum of two hundred and two pounds five shillings and ten pence. To Samuel Frauncis in compensation for Samuel sundry disbursements by him made to support prisoners belonging to Francis- this State during the late war and for sundry services by him performed during the same war the sum of two hundred pounds. Commis- And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the Honorable Robert Yates Esquire Philip Schuyler and Gerard Bancker Esquires Mflssa- commissioners appointed to assist in ascertaining and running a line of chusetts . . . . . boundary jurisdiction between this State and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts “116' or any two of them be and they are hereby authorised from time to time to draw upon the treasurer of this State for such sums of money as they shall judge necessary for defraying the expences attendant on the business committed to them not exceeding in the whole the sum of six hundred pounds for which they shall be accountable, and the said com- missioners and the commissioners appointed to complete the running of a jurisdiction line between this State and the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts by virtue of a law of this State passed the 11th day of Novem- ber 1784, and a law passed this present session, be and they are hereby allowed forty shillings per day over and above their expences of pro- visions and necessaries, the accounts as well of the expenditures as of the time of service to be ascertained and certified to the treasurer by the auditor of this State, and on such account rendered to be paid by the treasurer of this State. Collectors And he it further enacted hy the authorizy aforesaid, That the treasurer 2238?)?‘ of this State is hereby authorised and required to pay to the collector customs of the port of New York in quarterly payments at and after the rate of one thousand five hundred pounds per annum. To the collector of the port of Sagg Harbour at and after the rate of seventy five pounds per annum. To the surveyor and searcher at and after the rate of two hundred and fifty pounds pr. annum and to each of the land and tide waiters the sum of ten shillings pr. day. And whereas john Gelston and Francis Post respectively were indebted to the loan office of the late colony now State of New York and have by their several petitions shewn that they were unavoidably prevented from making payments of their said respective debts within the time limited in the act entitled, “ An act to enable persons to dis- charge debts due to this State for monies loaned while this State was a colony passed the 7th April 1785 ” and whereas the real estate of the said debtors mortgaged for their respective debts in the said loan office have in pursuance of the said act been sold by the loan officer of the city and county of New York for specie; and Were purchased by the said debtors who are now indebted for the same and the said debtors having prayed that they may be permitted to discharge their said debts in such certificates as are mentioned in the said act, therefore Certificates Be it enacted hy the authority aforesaid That it shall and may be law- figfiggegf ful for the said loan officers to receive of the said john Gelston & Fran- ggohnnafifil- cis Post in discharge of their respective mortgages such certificates as Francis are made receiveable in discharge of estates mortgaged in the said loan Post’ office by the said act to the amount of the principal and interest due on their respective mortgages as if no such sale had been made provided such certificates be paid to the said loan officer by them respectively CHAP. 66.] NINTH SESSION. 333 within thirty days after the passing of this act and the expences accrued in selling the same be paid in specie. And whereas William Barber, Esquire, Continental commissioner for liquidating and adjusting accounts within this State has given certifi- cates to the treasurer of this State for sundry articles of property taken from inhabitants of this State and whereas a considerable part of such property as aforesaid, was taken from persons whose estates were not sequestered, therefore Be it enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be Certificates lawful to and for Stephen Ward and Samuel Drake Esquires to certify 33,1535? unto the treasurer of the State, which of the persons or their legal rep- described- resentatives for which he has received such certificates as aforesaid, appear to them entitled to compensation and the treasurer is hereby required to give unto each person so to be certified as entitled to com- pensation, his or her legal representative a certificate of equal amount to the sum allowed by the said William Barber and bearing like interest from the day of the date of the certificate granted by the said \Villiam Barber. _ And .he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the surveyor Advances general of this State be and he is hereby authorised from time to time to $33,137“ draw on the treasurer of this State for a sum not exceeding five hundred pounds to enable him to carry into effect such duties as may be enjoined him by the commissioners appointed by the act entitled An act for the sale of the unappropriated lands within this State and for other pur- poses therein mentioned. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That every person Certificates or person holding or possessing certificates issued by Udney Hay 232%,?‘ Esquire late agent of this State or any of his assistant agents or by lieu of Jacob Cuyler Morgan Lewis or Andrew Bostwick, Esquires in pursuance 23323,, of former laws of this State shall after such person or persons shall have certificates endorsed his her or their name or names on such certificates in his her or their own proper handwriting, deliver the same to the treasurer of this State on or before the first day of September next and every such person or persons holding or possessing such certificates and who shall not endorse and deliver the same to the treasurer on or before the day last aforesaid shall be from thenceforth barred and precluded from any compensation or payment for such certificates, and the treasurer of this State in hereby authorised to issue certificates to such person or persons for the amount of the sums mentioned in the certificates delivered to the said treasurer, in the manner directed in and by the act entitled An act for emitting the sum of two hundred thousand pounds in bills of credit for the purposes therein mentioned and the treasurer is hereby required to publish this clause so far as the same respects the said cer- tificates in one or more of the public news papers printed in the cities of New York and Albany for the term of six weeks And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That the auditor of Auditor to this State be and he is hereby required to settle and audit all the 233111131323; accounts of the said Udney Hay together with such other accounts of Udney Hay the said Udney Hay for services which he was authorised to perform by laws or concurrent resolutions of the legislature as soon after the said first day of September next as conveniently may be, and to settle and and adjust the same upon principles of equity and good conscience, when it shall appear that the proper vouchers were lost, by the fire which consumed the said Udney Hays house and also agreable to the directions contained in a law of this State passed the 22d of April 1785, the non settlement of his accounts by his assistants notwithstanding. 334 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 67. That the treasurer of this State be and he is hereby authorised and required to pay unto the said Udney Hay the ballance of the sum of one thousand pounds for so much due from the said Udney Hay as late State agent unto Daniel Parker Esquire and which the said Udney Hay was by law directed to pay and to charge the same in account with this State. Certain And ée z'z‘ farZ/zer eizaez‘ed av z‘lze aul/wrz'zfy aforesaid, That it shall and 83351;)?‘ may be lawful for any public officer who was employed during the late pay_claims war, under the authority of the United States or of this State, and who iggg‘sifi, now is or hereafter shall be prosecuted for services performed at his certificates request or articles by him purchased or taken for the use of the United referred to . . . . . States or this State, to tender 1n court any of the public securities enumer- ated in the fifth section of the act entitled An act entitled an act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within this State and for other purposes therein mentioned passed the 12th day of May 1784, at the rates at which such certificates are respectively receivable for forfeited estates in full discharge of such demand; provided it shall appear to the court that the services done or articles furnished were done for or applied to the use of the United States or of this State. And w/zereas the corporation of “ The Marine Society of the City of New York in the province of New York in America have, by their peti- tion to the legislature setting forth that in consequence of the late happy revolution several terms in the stile and name of the corporation are become improper, humbly praying that the stile and name of the said corporation may be altered, Therefore Marine Be it enacted [ly the authority aforesaid That the stile and name of Society of - - - the City of the sa1d corporation shall be altered from the present stile and name to fifgéfgé“ the stile & name of The Marine Society of the City of New York in name. the State of New York and that the said society shall from and after the passing of this act be known by such stile and "name as last men- tioned and not by the stile or name expressed in their charter of incor- poration. CHAP. 67. AN ACT for the speedy sale of the unappropriated lands within this State and for other purposes therein mentioned. PASSED the 5th of May, 1786. WHEREAS experiment has evinced that the settlement of the unap- propriated lands in this State, in the manner directed by former acts, is subject to great embarrassment and inconvenience and productive of controversy. For prevention whereof Land Be it enacted by i/ze Peejfile 0f the State 07‘ New Yer/e represe/zz‘ed 2'22. $3132.??? Senaz‘e and Assemely and 2'! 2'5 /zere&y eizaered l2)’ t/izea’ut/zm'z'zj/ 0f Z/ze same compose. That his excellency the governor or person adminlstering the govern— ment of this State for the time being, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the assembly, the secretary of the state, the attorney general, the treasurer and the auditor of this State respectively for the time being shall be and they hereby are appointed commissioners of the land office, to direct the disposing and granting of the unappropriated lands within this State according to such powers and directions as shall from time to time be prescribed by the legislature ; and all and every of the powers and trusts to be vested in them by this or any future, CHAP. 67.] NINTH SESSION. 335 act, shall and may be lawfully executed by any three of them, the gov- ernor or person administering the government of this State for the time being to be always one, and that the secretary of this State shall ex officio always be the secretary of the said commissioners. And be it fart/ler enacted by t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said commissioners and they are hereby authorized from time to time, to direct and require the surveyor gen- eral of this State for the time being, to cause actual survey of the out- lines of all such of the waste and unappropriated lands of this State, as they shall deem proper for sale, and most promotive of the interest of this State, to be made, provided always that the said commissioners whenever they shall think proper, may direct the surveyor general, to lay down on amap any tract of land for sale, without proceeding to the survey of the out lines thereof. ‘And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zoritv aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said commissioners and they are hereby required from time to time to direct the surveyor general to lay each and every of the tracts, directed to be laid out by the said commission- ers into townships on a map to be by him made, each township to con- tain as nearly as may be sixty four thousand acres of land, and as nearly in squares as local circumstances will permit. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zorizy aforesaid, That the said surveyor general, where any township shall include lands heretofore granted, under the great seal of the late colony of New York, or under the great seal of this State, or which may have been located as bounty lands by virtue of any law of this State, or shall have been granted, or determined to be granted by the said commissioners on equitable claims, shall lay down the same on the map thereof and the unappropriated lands in such township or townships only, shall be sold in manner herein after directed. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That the said surveyor general as soon as may be, shall make a map of such tracts so intended for sale, on which shall be laid out, the townships contained therein, which townships shall be numbered from number one progres- sively to the last inclusive, and each township shall on such map be sub- divided into lots as nearly square as may be, and each lot to contain six hundred and forty acres, or as nearly so as may be, and the lots in each township shall be numbered from number one to the last inclusive in arithmetic progression, and on every fourth township in such map shall be written “ To be sold by single lots.” And one copy of such map shall be filed in the office of the secretary of this State, and the original thereof in the said surveyor generals office, and the said secretary and surveyor general respectively, shall cause the maps so to be filed, to be put up in some conspicuous part of their respective offices, and shall permit any person whatever, freely to inspect such maps between the hours of nine and twelve in the morning, and three and six in the after- noon, of every day Sundays only excepted, on paying for inspection in morning sixpence, and the like in the afternoon. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That the said surveyor general shall, immediately after having filed such map as afore— said in the secretarys office, give notice thereof by public advertisement, to be published in at least three of the newspapers printed in this State, and shall in the said advertisement mention and appoint a day certain, not more than forty, nor less than thirty days from the day on which such advertisement shall be first published, on which day he will com- mence the sale of the said lands at public vendue, to the highest bidder, Surveyor- general to lay out lands un- der direc- tion of land board Lands to be laid out in town- ships of 64,000 acres Lands heretofore granted to be marked on maps. Maps of lands, how made and marked; where filed Notice of sale of lands to be published. 336 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 67. Manner of sale. Purchaser to pay one- fourth part at time of sale. Commis- sioner of land office to issue patent when cer- tificate of payment presented. Commis- sioners may direct sale of any unpatent- ed lands ,and shall also mention in such advertisement, the place where such vendue will be held. And oe itfarz‘lzer erzaez‘ed oy Z/ze azet/zorizj/ aforesaid, That at every such sale, the said surveyor general shall put up to sale, as nearly as may be, one quarter part of the unappropriated and unreserved lands in every township, in lots contiguous to each other, and shall strike off the same to the highest bidder, with a reservation of five acres of every hundred acres so sold, for highways, and shall continue to sell in such quarter parts until the whole of such townships are sold. Provided that none of the lands so laid out shall be sold at a less price than one shilling per acre: Arzdprooided also that the first fourth township, and every other fourth township in the said tracts, shall be sold by single lots only, and not otherwise. And a it farZ/zer enacted oy i/ze aai/zorizy aforesaid, That every pur- chaser, shall immediately after having made his purchase, pay unto the said surveyor general, one fourth part of the purchase money, and hav- ing paid the same, the surveyor general shall give unto such purchaser a certificate containing such a description of the bounds of the land purchased, as that the same may be inserted in the letters patent to be granted therefore, and shall indorse on such certificate the sum by him received, and also the sum still due on such purchase. And if the pur- chaser shall not within sixty days next after the date of such certificate, pay the sum so still due, to the treasurer of this State, the purchase made, by every such delinquent purchaser, shall be, and hereby is declared null and void, and the money so paid, shall be forfeited to the use of the people of this State, but if the sum so remaining due, shall be paid to the said treasurer within the time herein limited, he shall indorse a receipt therefore on the said certificate. Provided always, that none of the interest arising on any public securities, with which such sum so unpaid, shall be discharged and which shall have accrued subse- quent to the date of such certificate, shall be allowed, by the said treas- urer. Arzd provided also, that if any purchaser shall not immediately after such purchase, pay the said one fourth part, the said surveyor general shall, at the same vendue, again expose the lands so purchased, to sale, and every purchaser who shall refuse or neglect for the space of twenty four hours next after such purchase, to pay the said one fourth part, shall forfeit to the people of this State the sum of twenty pounds, to be sued for and recovered by the said surveyor general in his own name, in any court of record, within this State and such purchase shall be, and hereby is declared to be null and void. And be it farZ/zer eizaefed by f/ze azit/zorify aforesaid, That if any pur- chaser, by himself or herself or his or her legal representative, shall pro- duce such certificate, with such receipt as aforesaid, indorsed thereon to the said commissioners, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said commissioners to direct letters patent to be prepared and issued for granting the lands described in such certificate to the purchaser thereof or to the purchaser and such other person or persons, as he shall under his hand and seal signify to be concerned in the purchase so by him made, in the manner herein before mentioned. And w/zereas a tract of land, commonly called Jessups purchase was heretofore laid out into townships of six miles square, and into tracts of less dimension, a great part whereof remains unpatented. Be ii‘ t/zerefore e/zaoz‘ed oy t/ze aaZ/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said commissioners to direct the surveyor gen- eral, to sell all or any of the said townships and smaller tracts remaining unpatented, in such parts and parcels, as they shall direct, and the said CHAP. 67.] NINTH sEssIoN. 337 surveyor general shall advertise, sell and certify the same in manner, herein before directed; and the treasurer shall endorse on every such certificate on payment of the purchase money, and letters patent shall pass for the same, as herein before directed. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That in every Reserva- township so laid out, or to be laid out as aforesaid, the surveyor general ggsnpselff“ shall mark one lot on the map “gospel and schools ” and one other lot $911901 and u - - n - . iteiature. for promoting literature which lots shall be as nearly central In every township as may be, and the lots so marked, shall not be sold, but the lot marked “ gospel and schools” shall be reserved for, and applied to, promoting the gospel and a public school or schools in such township: And the lot marked “ for promoting literature ” shall be reserved to the people of this State, to be hereafter applied by the legislature for pro- moting literature in this State. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the said Surveyor . . . to make surveyor general shall, within thirty days next after the sale of any of return 0; the lands herein before directed to be sold by virtue of this act, make gfiejfgfm return of every such sale to the treasurer of this State, and if the pur- neglect by chasers or some other persons on their behalf respectively, do not pay purchaser‘ the purchase money due on the sale within the time or times herein . before limited, the said treasurer shall transmit to the said surveyor general, the name of every delinquent purchaser, and the surveyor gen- eral shall thereupon advertise all the lands so sold and not paid for, to be again sold at a time and place in such advertisement to be men- tioned, and in manner aforesaid. And it he further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the said Towns laid commissioners shall designate every township to be laid out by virtue 333mg?’ of this act, or which is already laid out, by such name as they shall deem proper, and such name shall respectively be mentioned in the let- ters patent for granting a township or part of a township. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That all lands Lands 1'6’ . . verted to for which letters patent have at any time heretofore been granted, and colony to which have since been vacated, by laws of the late colony of New Poecgtligfifo York, all lands having been so granted, and which have been resigned to the crown of Great Britain while this State was a colony, and not regranted, are hereby declared lands on which locations might have been and may hereafter be legally made. And whereas by virtue of acts heretofore passed, for granting bounty lands, sundry locations have been made, on lands belonging to the Onon- daga Cayuga and Seneca nations of Indians, and whereas an attempt to settle such lands by the persons entitled to letters patent therefore by virtue of the said acts may involve this State in a disagreeable contro- versy with the said Indians. Therefore Be it enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be Persqns _ lawfull to and for an erson havin mad such locati f r aid lOca-tmgm y p g e on as a 0 es Indian to withdraw; such location, and each and every of them are hereby E1533; 1'6‘ authorized, to locate on any of the lands to be sold by virtue of this ' act, excepting on the lands purchased from the Oneida Indians as afore- said, and to receive from the said surveyor general a certificate, of such location directed to the said commissioners who shall thereupon direct letters patent to be prepared, and having approved the same, the gov- ernor or the person administering the government of this State for the time being, shall cause the great seal of this State to be affixed thereto. Provided that locations to be made for any bounty lands in pursuance of any law of this State, shall not be made on any lands directed to be laid out for sale by the said commissioners after such lands shall have VOL. 2.—43 .338 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 67. ' ‘been directed by the said commissioners to be set apart for sale, unless such locations shall be made for any whole lots or number of whole lots into which any township shall be subdivided. And provided also, that no such locations or grants in consequence of such locations shall be made for any lands included in the purchase made of the Indians by the people of this State, on the twenty eighth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five. Lands in And be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That none of the southern . . . . , _ district not vacant and unapproprlated lands w1th1n thls State and which lay in the fgcgged southern district thereof shall be located or granted by virtue of this ' act or any clause thereof. Locations And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That it shall be 23,’,5?§§°§§ lawful for any person (who shall heretofore have made any location for Paonudléty bounty lands, or who shall hereafter make a location for such lands, ' and whose locations have not been or hereafter shall not be allowed of~ by the said commissioners or the surveyor general) to locate on any of the vacant and unappropriated lands subject to location for bounty lands in and by this act. Grants of And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That it shall and land under - - - water_ may be lawful for the said commlssioners to grant such and so much of the lands under the water of navigable rivers, as they shall deem neces- sary to promote the commerce of this State. Provided always that no such grant shall be made in pursuance of this act, to any person what- ever other than the proprietor or proprietors of the adjacent lands. And provided also, that every applicant for such grant, shall previous to his or her application give notice thereof by advertisement to be pub- lished in one of the newspapers printed in this State for six weeks suc- cessively, and shall cause a copy of such advertisement to be put up at the court house of the county in which the lands lay so intended to be applied for, and if there be no court house in the county, then at such place as the said commissioners shall direct. Grants to XIX. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That where fififive any person is now in the actual possession of any of the said unappropri- Fnade ated lands, and hath been so possessed, prior to the twenty fifth day of july improve- . . ments, one thousand seven hundred and eighty two, and hath made improve- -' ments thereon, it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners afore- said, to grant to every such person in fee simple, a farm not exceeding two hundred acres, including such improvements, upon such persons paying as aforesaid, one shilling an acre for the same. Provided always that the person so in possession is the original settler or the heir or legal representative of such original settler or shall have purchased such im- provements from the original settler, or from his legal representatives, and that such original settler did not go off or join the then enemies of this State during the late war; and provided also that such person shall make application to the said commissioners for such grant within six months after the passing of this act. Grants to And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That it shall and %§’,1,‘,’(§1,‘;,1y may be lawful to and for the said commissioners to appropriate a tract ggiglroh of land equal to eight miles square in any of the townships to be la1d out in pursuance of this act, for the use of Colonel Timothy Church Major William Shattuck and Major Henry Evans, and such other per- sons of the counties of Cumberland and Gloucester, as shall be deemed by the said commissioners to be sufferers in opposing the government of the pretended State of Vermont, and to grant the land in such town- Ship, in SHCh PIOPOI'tiOH t0 €ach of such sufferers as to the said commis- sioners shall seem meet and proper, and to direct letters patent to be i CHAP. 67.] ‘NINTH SESSION. 339 prepared accordingly, and having approved of the same, the governor or person administering the government of this State for the time being, shall cause the great seal of this State to be affixed thereto. And w/zereasb the act entitled “An act to revent rants or locations of Y P g the lands therein mentioned passed the 25th of July 1782 ” a certain tract of land was set apart for the use of such of the inhabitants of this State, as had served in the army of the United States. And w/zereas from sundry ‘circumstances which have intervened, since the passing of the said act, the lands so intended to be granted would be of little use to the said inhabitants having so served. Therefore Be it enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the said commis- sioners shall be, and they are hereby authorized to direct the sur- veyor general to lay out the following tract of land, to wit, begin- Lands to be laid out for loca- tion as . . . . . b ning at a certain point in the north bonds of Jessiip’s purchase, thirty la‘il‘t’gfy miles distant from the north east corner of two certain tracts of land granted to Philip Skeene by letters patent bearing date the sixth day of July one thousand seven hundred and seventy one, and running thence north to the north bounds of the State, thence easterly along the same twenty miles, thence south to the north bounds of Jessups purchase aforesaid continued easterly, thence to the place of beginning, all which tract of land shall on a map thereof to be made, by the sur- veyor general, be laid out into townships of ten miles square, and each township shall on the said map be numbered; and the commissioners shall thereupon from time to time devise such regulations for laying out lots of such dimensions, as they shall think proper for satisfying out of the said tract of land such claims of all such persons who are or shall be entitled to grants of lands by virtue of the tenth eleventh and fourteen clauses of the act entitled “An act for granting certain lands promised to be given as bounty lands by laws of this State and for other purposes therein mentioned,” or such of them are as still unsatisfied, as to the said commissioners shall appear best calculated to enable the persons hold- ing such rights to participate as equally as may be in the advantages derived from locating the said lands to which they shall be respectively entitled. Provided that all persons claiming such rights, and who have not already exhibited their claims, shall exhibit their respective claims to the said commissioners on or before the first day of January next, or shall be precluded from the same. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said commissioners to appropriate a tract of land in or adjoining to the land set apart in and by this act for the use of persons entitled to grants for military services, not exceeding in quantity six thousand acres to be divided between such refugees who during the late war or since have come from Canada, and who in the opinion of the said commissioners may be entitled to the bounty of this State or of the United States, and who are not provided for by any law of this State. 4 And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That on the lands to be granted by this act or any former act, there shall be an actual set- tlement made for every six hundred and forty acres, which may be granted to any person or persons, within seven years from the first day of January, next after the date of the patent by which such lands shall be granted, and on failure of such settlement the unsettled lands shall revert to the people of this State, any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aut/zorizy aforesaid, That where equit- able claims have heretofore been allowed of by the commissioners Lands to be laid out for Cana- dian refu- gees. Lands to be settled in seven years- Claimants not suing out patent 340 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 67. in sixty days to be barred. Grant to James Deane. Abraham Wemple Samuel Kirkland. Fees of land office. Fees of surveyor general. appointed by former acts and the elainant or claimants have not sued out letters patent, the claim or claims of such claimant or claimants shall be null and void, unless he she or they shall within sixty days next after the passing of this act, or if such claim shall hereafter be allowed in pursuance of any law of this State, within sixty days after the allowance thereof pay the purchase money at the rate of one shilling per acre into the treasury of this State, and shall within forty days next after the expiration of the said sixty days, sue out letters patent therefore and pay all the charges accrued on such claim or claims. Aild a it fart/ter erzaeted oy t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the said commissioners to direct letters patent to be prepared and granted in manner aforesaid, to grant to James Deane, his heirs and assigns in fee simple, the following tract of land, to wit, beginning at a certain place where the west line of the patent of Cox- borough crosses the stream or brook formed by the junction of the streams or brooks Kaneghtarageara and Kanyonskotta, it being one of the branches of the Oriskany creek or river, running thence north twenty four degrees and thirty minutes west forty chains, thence south sixty five degrees and thirty minutes west one hundred and sixty chains, thence south, twenty four degrees and thirty minutes east one hundred and sixty chains, thence north forty five degrees and thirty minutes east one hundred and sixty chains, thence on a direct line to the place of beginning. And to Abraham \Vemple his heirs and assigns in fee simple six hundred and forty acres in a square, next adjoining to, and on the south side of the tract to be granted to james Deane, aforesaid. To Samuel Kirkland the quantity of six hundred and forty acres in a square, to be bounded on the tract to be granted to the said james Deane, and on the tract to be granted to the said Abraham \Vemple, one moiety whereof in fee simple to the said Samuel Kirkland and the other moiety to the said Samuel Kirkland in trust for any minister of the gospel, who may hereafter for the time then being be employed by the Oneida Indians to preach the gospel among them. A 12d tie it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That the commis- sioners and the secretary, shall respectively be entitled to the following fees, for the services performed or to be performed by them respect- ively by virtue of the acts, or any of them herein after in part repealed, or to be performed by virtue of this act, and to be paid by the person or persons in whose favor any letters patent shall issue that is to say, to the governor for his attendance on signing and affixing the great seal to letters patent, the sum of three pounds four shillings for a whole town- ship, the sum of two pounds eight shillings for three quarters of a town- ship, the sum of one pound twelve shillings for half or one quarter of a township, and the sum of sixteen shillings for any less quantity. And the others of the said commissioners jointly, exclusive of the secretary, shall be entitled to take and receive a sum equal to one half of the fees allowed to be taken by the governor by virtue of this act on the issuing of each patent, to be divided between them in such proportion as to a majority of them shall seem proper. To the secretary for pre- paring the letters patent recording and keeping the minutes of the said commissioners the like fees as allowed to the governor by virtue of this act. And 6e it fart/zer enacted oy t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said surveyor general to receive and take the fees herein after mentioned, for all services performed in the office of surveyor general, previous to the first day of May one thou- CHAP. 67.] NINTH SESSION. 341 sand seven hundred and eighty five for the benefit of the said surveyor general and his predecessor in office, to wit, for filing every certificate, transfer, indorsement or location at and after the rate of one shilling for each and every of them so filed; for his warrant of survey, for entering a copy thereof, for entering the return of survey, for his cer- tificate to the said commissioners, for copy of any certificate, transfer, indorsement or location, for copy of any caveat, and for every other writing which may be required of him at and after the rate of two shil- lings for every one hundred and twenty eight words. And whereas it is deemed expedient, that the said surveyor general should have a fixed salary in lieu of all other fees which may arise in his office for services performed subsequent to the said first of May I785 or hereafter to be performed. Therefore Be it enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the salary of the sur- Annual veyor general for the time being shall be at and after the rate of four 3321352: hundred pounds per annum, to commence from the first day of May general. one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, for and during the term of three years, and that the said surveyor general shall receive the like fees as mentioned in the next preceding clause of this act, for all and every paper by him to be filed, or copies to be given out of his office, and shall account for the monies arising from the fees directed to be by him received in pursuance of this act, or which he may have heretofore received, or may hereafter receive for services by him performed after the first day of May last aforesaid, once in every year to the auditor of this State and shall pay the same to the treasurer of this State. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That all letters Letters patent hereafter to be granted, shall be in such words and forms as the said commissioners shall direct, and shall contain an exception and res- ervation to the people of this State of all gold and silver mines and shall vest the lands in fee simple. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the follow- Allow- ing allowances, shall by the surveyor general be made, to persons employed by him to carry into effect the duties enjoined him by this gmployed act, to wit, for a deputy surveyor a sum not exceeding twenty shillings veyyfil'gen. per day, and two shillings for a horse to carry the baggage of himself eral- and the persons employed with him. That each deputy so employed shall be allowed two chain bearers, two markers one flag carrier and a man to attend the baggage horse, to each of which there shall be allowed a sum not exceeding six shillings per day, and that the said deputies, chain bearers, flag carriers, markers and attendant shall furnish them- selves with provisions and the necessary implements at their own expence. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That gold and Mcmsys silver and every species of bills of credit or public securities now receiv- §§‘§,“;,Y?}§§, able or which shall hereafter be made receivable in payment for forfeited fm' lands- estates, shall and may be received in all payments to be made in pursu- ance of this act, at the rates they are respectively receivable for forfeited estates. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That it shall and gtliorget a1 may be lawful to and for George Klock and Jacob G. Klock now or late matching of the county of Montgomery, Hendrick Remsen now or late of the city §gg§gi§m_ of New York, and John Van Sice now or late of the county of Albany erycounty. or their respective legal representatives, jointly to locate the quantity of forty eight thousand acres of land, out of any of the ungranted, unap- propriated, or unlocated lands in the county of Montgomery, part and parcel of the lands, alledged to have been conveyed unto them by a cer- 342 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CI-LAP. 67 Grant to Baron Steuben. Lands laid out for Canadian and Nova Scotia refugees, subdivis- ion of. Patented lands to be exempt tain deed bearing date the twenty-eighth day of May one thousand seven hundred and sixty six, and now remaining of record in the office of the secretary of this State. Provided always that such location shall be in one entire piece or parcel, if so much can be so located, and if not, then to locate the greatest possible quantity of such land in one piece and the residuein one or more pieces, each to contain not less than eight thous- and acres. And provided also that such location or locations be made within sixty days next after the day of the passing of this act. And that the said George Klock, Jacob G. Klock, Hendrick Remsen and john Van Sice, or their legal representatives, shall cause the lands so by them to be located, to be surveyed in manner directed by this act and being so surveyed, shall produce the surveyor generals certificate, to be granted in manner herein before directed, with a receipt indorsed thereon by the treasurer of this State, specifying that the sum of one shilling per acre for every acre mentioned in such certificate has been paid, then the said commissioners shall cause letters patent to be pre- pared for granting the said lands and having approved thereof, the gov- ernor shall affix the great seal of this State thereto. And whereas Baron Frederick William Steuben, late a major general in the army of the United States, has rendered very essential service to this State as one of the United States, by introducing a regular discipline in the army, and a spirit of oeconomy in the interior administration of the regiments, and this legislature being willing to afford a public testi- mony of the just sense they entertain of his services. Therefore Be it enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the said commissioners shall, and they are hereby authorized, to direct letters patent to be pre- pared for granting to the said Baron Frederick William Steuben in fee simple, one quarter of a township equal to sixteen thousand acres of land, part of any township which he may chuse, out of the townships to be laid out in any of the tracts of land, directed to be laid out in pursu- ance of this act except in the bounds of the said lands purchased of the Oneida Indians, without fee or reward, or paying any consideration for the lands so to be granted to him, and having approved of such letters patent, his excellency the governor shall affix the great seal of this State thereto. And whereas by the sixteenth section of the act entitled “ An act for granting certain lands promised to be given as bounty lands by laws of this State ” and for other purposes therein mentioned, the surveyor gen- eral was directed to make a subdivision of the lands set apart for the Canadian and Nova Scotia refugees into lots of two hundred and fifty acres each. And whereas the laying out of such lots to the Canadian and Nova Scotia refugees as aforesaid, may not in all cases tend to pro- mote a speedy settlement of the said lands for remedy whereof Be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That whenever it shall appear to the commissioners of the land office, that a deviation there- from will be beneficial to this State by promoting a more speedy and effectual settlement of the said lands, it shall and may be lawful for the said commissioners to direct a subdivision of such lots in manner and form as to them shall seem proper at the expence of those interested in such subdivisions. Provided always that nothing in this act contained, shall be construed to affect or in any wise annul the proceedings here- tofore had by the commissioners in favour of the Canadian or Nova Scotia refugees so far as respects the quantity of lands already set apart for them. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That all lands that have been granted by letters patent under the great seal of this CHAP. 67.] NINTH SESSION. 343 State, or that shall be so granted by virtue of this act, shall be and fF0mfmXa~ hereby are exempted until the expiration of seven years from the issuing £352,101‘ of such grants, from all taxes hereafter to be imposed upon the inhabit- Years- ants of this State, except county and district taxes. And be it fart/zer enacted by tile azct/cority aforesaid, That the first Certain second and third clauses, and the proviso annexed to the said third clause, in the act entitled “ An act to prevent grants or locations of the lands acmere- therein mentioned passed the 25th of July, 1782 ” and the eighth ninth e ' and twelfth clauses of the act entitled “An act for granting certain lands promised to be given as bounty lands by laws of this State and for other purposes therein mentioned passed the I 1th of May, 1784,” the act enti- tled “An act to encourage the settlement of the waste and unappropri- ated lands within this State” passed the 10th of May 1784,” and the act entitled “An act to facilitate the settlement of the waste and unappro- priated lands Within this State and for repealing the act therein men- tioned ” passed the 11th day of April 1785,” shall be and hereby are repealed. LAWS OF THE STATE or NEW-YORK, PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE AT THEIR TENTH SESSION. CHAP. 1. AN ACT concerning the rights of the citizens of this State. PASSED the 26th of January, 1787. Be it enacted by t/ze Peopte of tbe State of New Yer/e represented in Senate and Assembly and it is bereby enacted and declared by Me azct/zority of tbe same. A11 author, First, That no authority shall, on any pretence whatsoever be exer- ity derived cised over the citizens of this State but such as is or shall be derived from State - from and granted by the people of this State. Right of Second, That no citizen of this State shall. be taken or imprisoned or 2x11321591 be disseisedof his or her freehold or libertles of free customs or out- sonallib- lawed or exiled or condemned or otherwise destroyed, but by lawful em" judgment of his or her peers or by due process of law. T/iird That no citizen of this State shall be taken or imprisoned for any offence upon petition or suggestion unless it be by indictment or presentment of good and lawful men of the same neighbourhood where such deeds be done, in due manner or by due process of law. 1d, Fonrt/z That no person shall be put to answer without presentment before justices, ‘or matter of record, or due process of law according to the law of the land and if any thing be done to the contrary it shall be void in law and holden for error. Id. Fzft/z That no person, of what estate or condition soever shall be - taken or imprisoned, or disinherited or put to death without being brought to answer by due process of law, and that no person shall be put out of his or her franchise or freehold or lose his or her life or limb, or goods and chattels, unless he or she be duly brought to answer and be forejudged of the same by due course of law and if any thing be done contrary to the same it shall be void in law and holden for none. can. 1.] TENTH SESSION. 345 Sixth That neither justice, nor right shall be sold to any person, nor Justice to denied nor deferred; and that writs and process shall be granted freely be free‘ and without delay to all persons requiring the same and nothing from henceforth shall be paid or taken for any writ or process but the accus- tomed fee for writing and for the seal of the same writ or process and all fines duties and inipositions whatsoever heretofore taken or demanded under what name or description soever, for or upon granting any writs, inquests, commissions or process to suitors in‘their causes shall be and hereby are abolished. Seventh That no citizens of this State shall be fined or amerced with- Fines tobe out reasonable cause and such fine or amerciament shall always be {gifnpe‘g'to according to the quantity of his or her trespass or offence and saving to 3333:3153; him or her, his or her contenement; That is to say every freeholder ments, saving his freehold, a merchant saving his merchandize and a mechanick saving the implements of his trade. Eighth That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excestive Excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Biglited. Ninth That all elections shall be free and that no person by force of Elections arms nor by malice or menacing or otherwise presume to disturb or to be free- hinder any citizen of this State to make free election upon pain of fine and imprisonment and treble damages to the party grieved. Tenth That it is the right of the citizens of this State to petition the Right or person administering the government of this State for the time being, pemwn' or either house of the legislature and all commitments and prosecutions for such petitioning are illegal. Eleventh That the freedom of speech and debates and proceedings in Freedom of speech ‘ the senate and assembly shall not be impeached or questioned in any in legisla_ court or place out of the senate or assembly. wre- Twelfth That no tax duty aid or imposition whatsoever shall be taken Taxes to or levied within this State without the grant and assent of the people of ‘33%, this State by their representatives in senate and assembly and that no g'j-ltIGgiI‘QEY citizen of this State shall be by any means compelled to contribute to iatuiia. any gift loan tax or other like charge not set laid or imposed by the legislature of this State: Audfurther, that no citizen of this State shall be constrained to arm himself or to go out of this State or to find soldiers or men of arms either horsemen or footmen, if it be not by assent and grant of the people of this State by their representatives in senate and assembly. Thirteenth That by the laws and customs of this State the citizens Billeting and inhabitants thereof cannot be compelled against their wills to giofiifitggi receive soldiers into their houses and to sojourn them there and there- fore no officer military or civil nor any other person whatsoever shall from henceforth presume to place, quarter or billet any soldier or soldiers upon any citizen or inhabitant of this State of any degree or profession whatever without his or her consent and that it shall and may be lawful for every such citizen and inhabitant to refuse to sojourn or quarter any soldier or soldiers notwithstanding any command order warrant or billetting whatever. VoL. 2. -~ 44 346 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CI-IAP. 2. CHAP. 2. AN ACT for taking away and abolishing all right and claim of purveyance within this State. PASSED the 26th of january, I787- Purvey- Be it enacted by the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Zfii’fiffggg- Senate and Assenzhly and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same 2852:: 0': _ That no sum or sums of money or other thing shall be taken raised, p10 . . . . . . hibited. taxed, rated, imposed, paid or levied for or in regard of any provision carriages or purveyance for the chief magistrate or officer or any other officer or officers for the time being of this State or of the United States or for any person or persons whomsoever and that no person or persons by any warrant commission or authority under the great seal or otherwise by colour of buying or making provision or purveyance for the chief magistrate or officer or any other officer or officers for the time being of this State or of the United States or for his their or any of their household or for any person or persons whomsoever shall take any timber fuel cattle corn grain malt hay straw victuals cart carriage or other thing whatsoever of any of the citizens of this State without the free and full consent of the owner or or owners thereof had and obtained without menace or inforcement nor shall summon warn take use or require any of the said citizens to furnish or find any horses oxen or other cattle carts waggons wains or other carriages for the use of the chief magistrate or officer or of any other officer or officers for the time being of this State or of the United States or of any other person or persons whomsoever for the carrying of his or their or any of their goods without such full and free consent as aforesaid: And further that no pre-emption shall be allowed or claimed in the behalf of the chief magistrate or officer or of any other officer or officers for the time being of this State or of the United States or of any other person or persons whomsoever in market or out of market but that it shall be forever hereafter free to all and every of the citizens of this State to sell dispose or employ his and her goods to any other person or persons at his or her pleasure any pretence of making provision or purveyance of victuals carriages or other things for the chief magistrate or 'officer or other officer or officers for the time being of this State or of the United States or for any other person or persons whomsoever or any pretence of pre-emption in his their or any or either of their behalfs notwithstanding and if any person or persons shall at any time hereafter . make provision or purveyance for the chief magistrate or officer or any other officer or officers for the time being of this State or of the United States or for any other person or persons whomsoever, or impress or take any such carriages or other things aforesaid on any pretence or colour of any warrant aforesaid under the great seal or otherwise con- trary to the intent of this act, it shall be lawful for the justices of the peace or any one or more of them, dwelling near and the constables of such town or place, where such occasion shall happen, at the request of the party grieved and they are hereby enjoined to commit or cause to be committed, the party or parties so doing and offending, to gaol, ’till the next general sessions, there to be indicted and proceeded against for the same ; and that the officers and inhabitants of the said town or place, where such offence shall happen, shall be assistant therein '; and moreover the party grieved shall have his or her action or actions against 'cnxr. 4.] ‘‘ TENTH sEssioN. 347 such offender or offenders and therein recover his or her treble damages and treble costs: In which action no aid-prayer, privilege, protection, imparlance, injunction, or order of restraint shall be granted or allowed; and if any person or persons shall (after notice given that the action depending is grounded upon this statute) cause or procure any action at the common law grounded on this statute to be delayed or stayed before judgment by colour or means of any order, injunction, power, warrant or authority, save only of the court where such action shall be brought and depending, or after judgment had upon such action, shall cause or procure execution of such judgment to be stayed or delayed, by colour or means of any order injunction, warrant power or authority, save only by writ of error or attaint, or order of such court where such writ of error or attaint shall be depending, that then the person so offending shall forfeit to the people of this State all his or her goods and chattels and the issues and profits of his or her lands and tenements during life. CHAP. 3. AN ACT for the recovery of damages in writs of assize and real actions. PASSED the 26th of January, 1787. Be it enacted by tbe People of tbe State of New York represented in Recovery Senate and Assembly and it is bereby. enacted by t/ze autlzority of t/ze same, ‘3,1222%? That in all assizes if judgment be given for the plaintiff he or she shall assize _ . . . . . and real recover his or her damages; and in all assizes of novel disseisin and actions! writs of entry the demandants if they recover the tenements demanded, shall also recover their damages against the disseisors : And if the dis- seisors alien the land and have not whereof the damages may be levied, they, to whose hands such tenements shall come, shall be charged with the damages, so that every one shall answer for his or her time; and fart/zer that in all writs and actions possessory, whereby lands or tene- ments are demanded. damages shall be recovered as aforesaid. CHAP. 4. AN ACT concerning dower. PASSED the 26th of January, 1787 Be it enacted by t/ze People of tile State of New York represented in widow's Senate and Assembly and it is bereby enacted by t/ze azct/zority of tbe same, E‘gggff That a widow after the death of her husband shall give nothing for her ' dower or her inheritance which her husband and she held at the day of the death of her husband and she shall tarry in the chief house of her husband forty days after the death of her husband or until her dower be assigned to her and she shall have in the mean time her reasonable sus- tenance out of the estate of her husband and for her dower shall be assigned unto her the third part of all the lands of her husband which were his at any time during the coverture. 348 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 4. Deforee~ ment of dower, damages for. When writ of dower to abate. Dower in lands sold on j udg- ment or recovered from hus- band in his life-time. Heir may recover where dower awarded by favor. Writs of admeas- urement of And be it further enacted by t/ze antborizy aforesaid, That in case widows after the death of their husbands be deforced of their dowers and cannot have their dowers or quarantine without suit, whosoever deforce them of their dowers or. quarantine of the lands whereof their husbands died or shall die seized, and be convicted of such wrongful deforcement shall yield damages to the same widows, that is to say the value of the whole dower to them belonging from the time of the death of their husbands unto the day that the said widows shall recover seisin of their dowers by,judgment of the court and the deforceors shall never- theless be amerced. And be it fart/ter enacted by file ant/torily aforesaid That in a writ of dower unde nihil habet the writ shall not abate by the exception of the tenant because she hath received her dower of another person before her writ purchased unless he can shew that she hath received part of her dower of himself and in the same town before the writ purchased. And be it fart/ter enacted by the azct/iority aforesaid That in case where the husband being impleaded for land giveth up the land demanded unto his adversary by covin, after the death of the husband his wife shall recover her dower of the same land if she demand it by writ and in case where the husband loseth the land in demand by default and his wife after his death demandeth her dower she shall be heard, and if it be alleged against her that her husband lost the land whereof dower is demanded by judgment whereby she ought not to have dower and then it be inquired by what judgment and it be found that it was by default whereunto the tenant must answer then it behoveth the tenant to answer further and shew that he had and hath right in the same land according to the form of the writ that the tenant before purchased against the hus- band and if he can shew that the husband of such wife had no right in the lands nor any other but he that holdeth them, the tenant shall go quit and the wife shall not recover her dower therein which thing if he cannot shew the wife shall recover her dower. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid That where a woman not having a right to demand dower and the heir being within age shall purchase a writ of dower against a guardian and the guardian shall endow the woman by favour or make default or by collusion defend the plea faintly whereby the woman is awarded her dower in prejudice of the heir in all such cases the heir when he comes to full age shall have an action to demand the seisin of his ancestor against such a woman like as he should have against any other deforceor. But the woman shall have her exception saved against the demandant to shew that she had right to her dower which if she can shew she shall go quit and retain her dower and the heir shall be amerced and if she cannot shew that she had right to her'dower the heir shall recover his demand and in like manner a woman shall be aided if the heir or any other do implead her ‘for her dower or if she lose her dower by default in which case the default shall not be so prejudicial to her but that she shall recover her dower if she have right thereto, and she shall have a writ in this form: "' Command A that justly and without delay he render to B who was the wife of F so much land with the appurtenances in C, which she claims to be her reasonable dower,” or “of her reasonable dower” and of which the aforesaid A deforceth her and to this writ the tenant shall have his exception to shew that she had no right to be endowed which if he can verify he shall go quit if not the woman shall recover the land whereof she was before endowed. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid That a writ of admeasurement of dower shall be from henceforth granted to a guardian, CHAP. 4.] TENTH SESSION. 349 and the heir when he cometh to full age shall not be barred by the suit dower; of such a guardian that sueth against the tenant in dower feignedly and {$115,031} by collusion but that he may admeasure the dower after as it ought to arriving at be admeasured by law and in the writ of admeasurement of dower as u age‘ well as in the writ of admeasurement of pasture when it is come to the great distress, day shall be given within which two counties may be holden at which open proclamation shall be made that the defendant shall come at the day contained in the writ to answer to the plaintiff at which day if he come the plea shall pass between them and if he do not come and the proclamation be testified and returned by the sheriff in manner aforesaid upon his default admeasurement shall be made, and further that hereafter no sheriff shall hold pleas of admeasurement of Admeas- dower or of pasture but all such writs shall be made returnable before 353351;}, of the justices of the supreme court or in the courts of common pleas in be by the respective counties. iiihiiiine And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That if a wife Woman willingly leave her husband and go away and continue with her adulterer igfifégf and be thereof convicted she shall be barred forever of action to demand barred Of her dower that she might have had of her husbands lands, unless her Ower' husband willingly, be reconciled to her and permit her to dwell with him in which case she shall be restored to her action of dower. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That where any man Joint ten- hath purchased or hath an estate made and conveyed of and in any gggggfd lands tenements or hereditaments unto him and to his wife and to the efldwife- heirs of the husband or wife or to the husband and to his wife and to the heirs of their two bodies begotten or to the heirs of one of their bodies begotten or to the husband and to his wife for the term of their lives or for the term of the life of the said wife or where any such estate or pur- chase of any lands tenements or hereditaments hath been or hereafter shall be made to any husband and to his wife in manner and form above expressed or to any other person or persons and to their heirs and assigns to the use and behoof of the said husband and wife or to the use of the wife as is before rehearsed for the jointure of the wife that then and in every such case every married woman having such jointure made or hereafter to be made shall not claim or have title to have any dower of the residue of the lands tenements or hereditaments that at any time were her said husbands by whom she hath any such jointure nor shall demand nor claim her dower of or against them that have the lands and inheritances of her said husband; but if any such woman be lawfully expulsed or evicted from her said jointure or from any part thereof without any fraud or covin by lawful entry or action or by discontinu- ance of her husband then every such woman shall be endowed of as much of the residue of her husband’s lands tenements or hereditaments whereof she was before dowable as the same lands and tenements from which she shall be so evicted and expulsed shall amount or extend unto. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That if any wife Where_ have or hereafter shall have any lands tenements or hereditaments given jgljgf’niifg or assured unto her after marriage for the term of her life or otherwise :Qggmay in jointure and the said wife after that shall survive her same husband jointure in whose time the said jointure was made or assured unto her that then 351,136‘ the same wife so surviving shall or may at her liberty after the death of dower. her said husband refuse to have and take the lands tenements and hered— itaments so to her given appointed or assured during the coverture for term of her life or otherwise in jointure and thereupon shall or may have ask, demand and take her dower by writ of dower or otherwise accord- ing to the common law, of and in all such lands tenements and heredita- 350 ‘LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 6. Widow of attainted person en- titled to dower. Itavished woman and rav~ isher dis- abled . Essoin not to be al- lowed. Wager of law abol- ished. Liability for waste; guardian. ments as her husband was and stood seised of any estate or inheritance at any time during the coverture. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That the wife of every person who shall hereafter be attainted convicted or outlawed of any treason petty treason misprision of treason murder or felony what- soever shall be endowable and enabled if she survive her husband to demand have and enjoy her dower in like manner and form as if her husband had not been attainted, convicted or outlawed. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That wheresoever and whensoever any woman shall be ravished and after such rape do consent to the ravisher as well the ravisher as she that is ravished and every of them shall from thenceforth be disabled and by the same deed be unable to have or challange any inheritance, dower, jointure, joint feoffment or joint purchase after the death of their husbands and ances- tors and that in this case the next of blood of the ravisher or of her who is ravished to whom such inheritance dower jointure, joint feoffment or joint purchase ought to revert remain or fall after the death of the rav- isher or of her that is ravished shall have title immediately that is to say after the rape to enter upon the ravisher or her that is ravished and their assigns and tenants in the same inheritance, dower jointure joint feoff- ment or joint purchase, and to hold the same in state of inheritance. Q CHAP. 5. AN ACT for preventing delays by essoins and protections and for abolishing trials of issues by wager of law. PASSED the 30th of january, 1787. Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Senate and Assenzhly and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, That no essoin or protection shall hereafter be allowed in any suit what- soever. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That trials by wager of law shall be and hereby are abolished in all cases except in the case of non summons and that no person shall hereafter be permitted to wage his or her law in any case except that of non summons in real actions. CHAP. 6. AN ACT for preventing waste. PASSED the 30th of january, 1787. Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Senate and Asseinhly and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, That no guardian shall make or suffer any waste, sale or destruction of the inheritance of his ward or of those things that he hath or may have in his custody, but shall safely keep the same inheritance to the use of the said heir and keep up and sustain the houses gardens and other things pertaining to the same lands by and with the issues and profits thereof and shall deliver the same to his ward when he cometh to his full age in as good order and condition at least as such guardian received CHAP. 6.] TENTH SESSION. 351 the same and shall answer to such heir for the residue of the issues and profits of the same inheritance by a lawful account, saving to the same guardians their reasonable charges and expences. And if any guardian shall make or suffer any waste sale or destruction of the inheritance of his ward he shall lose the same custody and shall recompence the ward thrice so much as the damages shall be taxed at by the jury. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zorizy aforesaid That no tenant Id.; tenant for life or years or for any other term shall during the term make or suffer any waste sale or destruction of houses gardens orchards lands or woods or any thing belonging to the tenements demised without special licence in writing making mention that he may do it. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ce azct/zority aforesaid That from hence- Writs of forth any person may have a writ of waste out of the chancery against $55588,’ him or her who holdeth by curtesy or otherwise for term of life or for tenpnts by term of years or other term or a woman in dower as well as against $33323}, guardians. And whoever shall be convicted of waste shall lose the thing or place wasted and shall recompence thrice so much as the dam- ages shall be taxed at by the jury. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aatbority aforesaid That in all actions Inquest ' of waste if the defendant come not at the return of the original writ he fiéffé‘fls shall be attached and if he come not at the return of the attachment he ascertain shall be distrained and if he come not after the distress or if he come damages‘ and afterwards make default, the sheriff shall be commanded that in his proper person he take with him twelve good and lawful men of his. county and go to the place wasted and enquire of the waste done and return an inquest and after the inquest returned the plaintiff shall have judgment to recover the place wasted and treble the damages found by the inquest. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by the aut/zority aforesaid That ‘where two Waste by or more do or shall hold any lands tenements woods fishing or other £315,323?- such things in common as parceners, tenants in common or joint tenants, iilglinogom- wherein none knoweth his or her several part and some or one of them coparcener do waste against the mind of the other, an action shall lie by a writ of waste and when it shall come unto judgment the defendant shall chuse either to take his or her part in a place certain by the sheriff with a jury to be assigned or else he or she shall grant to take nothing from thence- forth in the same lands tenements woods fishings or other such thing but as his or her partners will take and if he or she chuse to take his or her part in a place certain the same shall be assigned him or her in the part wasted as it was before he or she committed the waste. But if the defendant shall not chuse to take his or her part in a place certain or if the waste exceed his or her proportion the plaintiff shall recover against such defendant such damages as shall be found by the jury or inquest. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze azct/iority aforesaid That every heir Heir may in whose ward soever he or she be and whether he or she be in ward or recover for not and as well within age as of full age shall have his or her recovery be— by a writ of waste for waste and destruction made in lands and tene— fitgriflmh ments of his or her inheritance as well in the time of his or her ancestor of ancestor or ancestors as at any other time after' the inheritance descended or come to him or her and shall be answered unto therefore and he or she shall recover the tenements wasted and treble damages as aforesaid. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by tbe aut/zority aforesaid That where any Whereten- tenant for term of life or for anothers life or for term of years or any gggg‘gg‘fe other term hath or shall let or grant his or her estate in the lands and grants his tenements demised to or held by him or her to any person or persons fight, and shall still continue to occupy the same lands and tenements or take for Waste- 352 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 8. Elections in Caugh- nawaga to be held at J ohnstown Justices of the peace to be com- missioned underthe great seal; jurisdic- tion in the apprehen- sion and punish- ment of offenders. the profits thereof and shall commit or suffer waste and destruction in the same lands and tenements to the disinheritance of him her or them in the reversion, he she or they to whom the reversion doth or shall appertain may in such case have and maintain a writ of waste against the said tenant for term of life or of anothers life or for term of years or other term and recover against him or her the place wasted and his her or their treble damages for the waste done, if the said tenant was punishable of or for waste before he or she leased or granted over his or her estate as aforesaid but not otherwise. CHAP. 7. AN ACT to alter the place of holding elections in Caughnawaga district in the county of Montgomery. PASSED the 30th of january, 1787. WHEREAS the place assigned by law for holding the annual town meetings and elections in Caughnawaga district is mconvenient for the people of the said district; for remedy whereof Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly and it is lzereby enacted by t/ze ant/torily of tbe saine That the annual town meetings and elections in the said district, shall in future be held at the court house in johns Town, in the district afore- said, instead of the place heretofore assigned by law for that purpose. CHAP. 8. AN ACT concerning justices of the peace. PASSED the 30th of january, I787. Be it enacted by Me People of tbe State of New York represented ire Senate and Assembly and it is bereby enacted by t/ze aat/zority of tbe sarne, That in every county of this State good and lawful men of the best repu- tation and who be no maintainers of evil or barretors shall be assigned by commission under the great seal from time to time according to the constitution of this State justices to keep the peace in the same counties respectively who shall jointly and severally have power to keep and cause to be kept all laws and ordinances made or to be made for the good of the peace and for the conservation of the same and for the quiet rule and government of the citizens and inhabitants of this State in all and every the articles thereof in the same counties respectively as well within liberties as without according to the force form and effect of the same laws and ordinances and to chastise and punish all persons offending against the form of those laws and ordinances or any of them in the said respective counties in such manner as according to the form of those laws and ordinances shall be fit to be done and to cause to come before them or any or either of them all those persons who shall break the peace or have used or shall use threats to any one or more of the citizens or inhabitants of this State concerning their bodies or the firing of their houses or barns to find sufficient security for the peace or their good behavior towards the people and inhabitants of this State CHAP. 8.] TENTH SESSION. 353 and if they shall refuse to find such security, then them in prison until they shall find such security to cause to be safely kept: And to cause to come before them or any or either of them all those who be not of good fame where they shall be found to find sufficient security for their good behaviour towards the people and inhabitants of this State and if they refuse to find such security then them in prison until they shall find such security to cause to be safely kept. And further that the Larcenies, same justices or any three or more of them shall have power in the 1’ efts’eto' same respective counties to enquire by the oath of good and lawful men of the same counties respectively by whom the truth may be the better known of all and all manner of larcenies, thefts, trespasses, forestallings, regratings, eng-rossings and extortions whatsoever and of all and singu- lar other crimes and offences of which justices of the peace may or ought lawfully to inquire by whomsoever and after what manner soever in the said respective counties done or perpetrated or which shall happen to be there done or attempted. And also of all those who in the said Armed respective counties have gone or rode or hereafter shall presume to go ggsagggggrs' or ride in companies with armed force against the peace to the disturb- etc. ' ance of the citizens and inhabitants of this State. And also of all those who have there lain in wait or hereafter shall presume to lie in wait to maim or cut or kill any citizen or inhabitant of this State. And also of all victuallers and innholders and all and singular other persons who False have offended or attempted to offend or hereafter shall presume or Z'If’éggtgw attempt to offend in the same respective counties in the abuse of weights tires. or measures or in the sale of victuals against the form of the laws and ordinances of this State or any of them made for the common good of this State and the citizens and inhabitants thereof. And also of all sheriffs, bailiffs, constables, gaolers and other officers whatsoever who in Sheriffs the execution of their offices about the premises or any of them have g‘éidcgger- unduly demeaned themselves or hereafter shall presume to behave them- nesleet selves unduly, or have been or hereafter shall happen to be careless, y'ew' remiss or negligent in the same respective counties and of all and singu- lar articles and circumstances and all other things whatsoever that con- cern the premises or any of them by whomsoever and after what manner soever in the said respective counties done or perpetrated or which shall hereafter there happen to be done or attempted in what manner soever and to inspect all indictments whatsoever so before them or any of them taken or to be taken or before others late justices of the peace in the same respective counties made or taken and not determined and to make and continue processes thereupon against shall and singular the persons so indicted or who before them shall happen to be indicted until they be taken, surrender themselves or be oulawed and to hear and determine'all and singular the larcenies, thefts, trespasses, forestal— lings, regratings, engrossings, extortions, unlawful assemblies, indict- ments aforesaid, and all and singular other the premises according to the laws ordinances and statutes of this State as in the like case it has been accustomed or ought to be done. And the same offenders and every of them for their offences by fines, ransoms, amerciaments, for- feitures and other means according to the law and custom of this State and the form of the ordinances and statutes aforesaid it has been accus- tomed or ought to be done to chastise and punish. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That the respective 3215:3651 ‘5° sheriffs of each and every of the respective counties of this State at sherifl'to certain days and places which the justices of the peace of the same 3532,2203, counties respectively or any three or more of them shall make known sit at . . 1 to them shall cause to come before the same justices of the peace of 5:535:18, VoL. 2. —-45 354 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR s. the same counties respectively so many such good and lawful men of their bailiwick or counties respectively as well within liberties as without by whom the truth of the matter in the premises shall be the better known and enquired into. Justices to And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid Tha the said jus- 321955;? tices of the peace or any three or more of them shall hold and keep “Pi-“inm- their general sessions in their respective Counties at such times and places as they are or shall be authorised and required to do by the laws and ordinances of this State and oftener if need be. Ana further that Suits not no suit, indictment, plea, process or proceeding before justices of the 355%?“ peace in any county shall be discontinued by any new commission of 553355;“ the peace to be made, but the same suits indictments pleas process and mission 5f proceedings shall stand in their full force; and the justices in such new the Peace- commissions so assigned after that they shall have the records of the same pleas and process before them shall have power and authority to continue the same pleas and process and the same pleas and process and all that shall depend upon them to hear and finally determine as the other justices might and ought to have done of and in the same, if no new commission had been made. Finesto be And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That all fines to $5,153,313‘ be set and imposed by justices of the peace or any or either of them gravity of for a trespass or any other offence done or committed or to be done or offense. . . ‘ committed by any person shall be reasonable and just having regard to the trespass or offence and the causes for which they be set and im- posed. Recogni- And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That every justice :22??? be of the peace who hath taken or shall take any recognizance for the general keeping of the peace or good behavior shall certify send or bring the Sessions‘ same recognizance to the next general sessions of the peace where he is or hath been justice that the party so bound may be called and if the party so bound make default the same default shall be then there re- corded and the same recognizance with the record of the default shall be sent and certified into the exchequer. In case of And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That all and every justice and justices of the peace and every mayor recorder and alder- girrifigytfg- man having the authority of and acting as a justice of the peace before be taken whom any person shall be brought for any treason, misprison of treason, 33,5523‘; murder, manslaughter or felony or for suspicion therefor before he or pourt hav- they shall commit or send such prisoner to ward, shall take the exami- ‘£5,135,125 nation of such prisoner and information of those that bring him or her try- of the fact and circumstance thereof and the same or as much thereof as shall be material to prove the offence shall be put in writing within two days after the said examination and shall certify the same in writing subscribed or signed by him or them with his or their own hands at the next court in which such prisoner is or ought to be tried for the same Justices to offence. And further the said justices, mayors recorders and aldermen figgge‘g'lg and every of them are hereby authorised and required to bind all such appear- by recognizance as do declare any thing material to prove the said trea- son, misprison of treason murder, manslaughter or felony against such prisoner, to appear in the supreme court the term following or at the next sessions of oyer and terminer or general gaol delivery of or for the county, city or place where the offence was committed or in such other court where the said offence is properly cognizable then and there to give evidence against the party and shall certify the said recognizance and recognizances taken before them together with the said examina- tions into the said court where such witnesses are bound to appear on ‘CHAP. 8.] TENTH SESSION. 355 the first day of the term or sessions of the same court and in case any justice of the peace mayor recorder or aldermen shall refuse or neglect to take such examination as aforesaid or to certify the same as afore- said or shall refuse or neglect to bind the witness to appear as aforesaid or to certify the recognizances by him taken as aforesaid the judges and justices of the court wherein such witness ought to be bound to appear and to which such examinations and recognizances ought to be certified upon due proof thereof by examination before them shall for every such offence or neglect set such a fine upon every of the said jus- tices, mayors, recorders and aldermen as the same judges and justices of such court shall think meet and estreat the same as other fines and amerciaments assessed before such judges and justices ought to be estreated And w/zereas in many cases where the justices of the peace are by law empowered to give or make judgments or orders great ex- pences have been occasioned by reason that such judgments or orders have on appeals to the justices of the peace at their respective general sessions been quashed or set aside upon exceptions or objections to the form or forms of the proceedings without hearing or examining the truth and merits of the matters in question for remedy whereof Be it fart/zer enacted by t/ce azct/zority aforesaid That upon all appeals to be made to the justices of the peace at their respective general ses- sions to be holden for any county city or place in this State against judgments or orders given or made by any justices of the peace as aforesaid such justices so assembled at any such sessions shall and they are hereby'required from time to time within their respective jurisdic- tions upon all and every such appeals so made to them to cause any defect or defects of form that shall be found in any such original j~udg_ ments or orders to be rectified and amended without any cost or charge to the parties concerned and after such amendments made shall pro- ceed to hear, examine and consider the truth and merits of all matters concerning such original judgments or orders and likewise to examine all witnesses upon oath and hear all other proofs relating thereto and to make such determinations thereupon as by law they should or ought to have done in case there had not been such defect or want of form in the original proceeding. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid That in case any person against whom a warrant shall be issued by any justices or justice of the peace of any county city or place in this State for any offence there committed or done shall escape, go into, reside or be in any other county city or place out of' the jurisdiction of the justices or justice granting such warrant as aforesaid it shall and may be lawful for any justice or justices of the peace of the county, city or place where such person shall escape, go into, reside or be and such justice or justices is and are hereby required upon proof being made upon oath of the hand writing of the justice or justices granting such warrant to endorse his or their name or names on such warrant which shall be a sufficient authority to the person or persons bringing such warrant and to all other persons to whom ,such warrant was originally directed to execute _ such warrant in such other county, city or place out of the jurisdiction of the justice or justices granting such warrant as aforesaid and to apprehend and to carry’ such offender or offenders before the justice who indorsed such warrant or some other justice or justices of such other county city or place where such warrant was indorsed and in case the offence for which such offender shall be so apprehended as aforesaid shall be bailable in law and such offender shall be willing and ready to give bail for his or her appearance at the next general gaol delivery or Hearin before ins- tices in general sessions on appeals. Apprehen— sion of prisoner on warrant from another county. LAWS OF NEW‘ YORK. [CHAR 8. Indict- ments sent gaol delivery. Mayors, etc., of New Y ork next general sessions of the peace to be held in and for the county city or place where the offence was committed such justice or justices of such other county city or place before whom such offender or offenders shall be brought shall and may take bail of such offender or offenders for his her or their appearance at the next general gaol delivery or at the next general sessions of the peace to be held in and for the county city or place where such offence was committed in the same manner as the justices of the peace of the proper county city or place and the justice or justices of such other county city or place so taking bail as aforesaid shall deliver the recognizance together with the examination or confession of such offender or offenders and all other proceedings relating thereto to the constable or other person or persons so appre- hending such offender or offenders as aforesaid who are hereby required to receive the same and to deliver over such recognizance examination or other proceedings to the clerk of the court of general gaol delivery or clerk of the peace of the county city or place where such offender or offenders is or are required to appear by virtue of such recognizance; and such recognizance, examination or confession shall be as good and effect- ual in law to all intents and purposes and of the same force and validity as if the same had been entered into taken or acknowledged before a jus- tice or justices of the peace in and for the proper county city or place where the offence was committed and the same proceedings shall be had thereon; and in case such constable or other person to whom such recognizance examination or confession or other proceedings shall be so delivered as aforesaid shall refuse or neglect to deliver over the same to the clerk of the court of general gaol delivery or clerk of the peace of the county, city or place where such offender is required to appear by virtue of such recognizance such constable or other person shall forfeit the sum of ten pounds to be recovered against him by action of debt bill plaint or information in any court of record by any person or per- sons who will prosecute or sue for the same. And in case the offence for which such offender or offenders shall be apprehended and taken in any other county city or place shall not be bailable in law or such offender or offenders shall not give bail for his or her appearance at the next general gaol delivery or next general sessions of the peace to be held in and for the county city or place where the offence was com- mitted to the satisfaction of the justice before whom such offender or offenders shall be brought, in such other county, city or place, then and in that case the constable or other person or persons so apprehending such offender or offenders shall carry and convey such offender or offenders before one of the justices of the peace of the proper county city or place where such offence was committed there to be dealt with according to law. And fart/ter that no action of trespass, false impris- onment information or indictment or other action shall be brought, sued, commenced or prosecuted by any person or persons whatsoever against the justice or justices who shall indorse such warrant for or by reason of his or their indorsing such warrant; but such person or per- sons shall be at liberty to bring or prosecute his her or their action or suit against the justice or justices who originally granted such warrant, in the same manner as such person or persons might have done in case this clause of this act had not been made. And be it fart/ter enacted by the aut/zoritv aforesaid That the justices of the peace shall send their indictments before the iustices assigned or empowered to deliver the gaols in their respective cities and counties. And be it fart/ter enacted by the aut/zority aforesaid That the mayors recorders and aldermen of the cities of New York and Albany and each ‘CHA P. 9.] TENTH SESSION. 357 of them shall respectively have the like powers in the said respective Zggany to cities as the justices of the peace have in their respective Countles by have like virtue of this act. authomy- CHAP. 9. AN ACT declaring what process may be issued in certain per sonal actions, and for regulating outlawries. PASSED the 3rd of February, I787. Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Processin Senate and Assenzhly, and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, ggggounstof That in all actions of account, debt, detinue, annuity, covenant, con- debt, etiz.; spiracy and of the case, and in actions of replevin, after a capias in outlawry’ withernam is returned that the person against whom it is issued has no goods, the like process may hereafter be had and used as in actions of trespass, done with force and arms, and in these as well as in all other cases where process issues for taking the body, if it be returned that the person against whom such process issued is not found, such process may be pursued to the exigent and outlawry thereupon. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That each and sheriflfjs every sheriff shall respectively in his county hold a court either in per- son or by his sufficient deputy, on every first and third Monday in judgment every month at the court house in his county, to be called his county court, for the purpose of demanding persons upon exigents and pro- nouncing outlawries thereupon; and that it shall not be necessary for the coroners of the county, or any of them, to attend at such court, or to give judgment of outlawry; but it shall be sufficient for the sheriff or his deputy to give the judgment of outlawry, and to return the same upon the exigent, without saying by the judgment of the coroners. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That in every Oqtiawry original writ of actions. personal,‘ and in all appeals, indictments and 3313,8320,’ informations and in which the exigent shall be awarded, to the names of in writ _ the defendants, in such writs original, appeals, indictments and infor- Kgélhfiddb mations, additions shall be made of their estate or degree or mystery, Bi“? and and of the towns or places and counties of which they were or be, or in a 0 e' which they be or were conversant; and if by process upon the said orig- inal writ, appeal indictments or informations, in which the said additions be omitted, any outlawries be pronounced they shall be void, frustrate and holden for none, and that before any outlawries pronounced, the said writs, appeals, indictments and informations shall be abated by the exception of the party where in the same, the said additions be omitted; provided always that although the said writs of actions personal, be not according to the records and deeds by the surplusage of the additions aforesaid, they shall not be abated for that cause. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That no person Accessory charged as accessary in any indictment or' appeal shall be outlawed, ggglgsv'gf, until the principal be attainted; but such indictments and appeals may before I be nevertheless prosecuted; but the exigent against the accessary shall pnnclpa ' remain until the principal be attainted by outlawry or otherwise. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That after any Treason person is or shall be indicted or appealed of treason or felony, it shall gngefigbgi be commanded to the sheriff to take the body of the person so indicted 8011 in let- ' - - - ed cannot or appealed by a writ of precept called a caplas, and if the sheriff return be found, 3) v LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 9. 8 goods to be on the same writ or precept, that the body is not found, another writ or seized and sold. Proceed- ings in case of in- dictment of person residing in another county. Actions personal and indict- ments for trespasses and misde- meanors. precept of capias shall be immediately made returnable at a certain day, not less than three months after the date of the same writ; and in the same writ shall be comprised, that the sheriff shall cause the goods and chattels of the person indicted or appealed to be seised, and safely kept, until the ‘day of the return of the writ or precept; and if the sheriff return that the body is not found, and the person indicted or appealed cometh not, the exigent shall be awarded, and the goods and chattels so seized shall be forfeited to the people of this State. But if the person indicted or appealed come and yield himself, or be taken by the‘sheriff or other officer, before the return of the second capias, then the goods and chattels shall be saved. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That upon every indictment and appeal against any citizen of this State dwellingin other counties than where such indictment or appeal is or shall be taken, of any treason or felony after the first writ of capias returned, another writ of capias shall be awarded directed to the sheriff of the county where the person indicted or appealed is or shall be supposed to be conver- sant by the same indictment or appeal, returnable in the same court or before the same justices before whom the indictment or appeal is or shall be taken, at a certain day, not less than three months after the date of the same writ; by which writ the sheriff shall he commanded to take the body of the person so indicted or appealed, if he or she shall be found in his bailiwic, and if he or she shall not be found in his bailiwic, that the said sheriff shall make proclamation in two of his county courts before the return of the same writ, that the person so indicted or appealed shall appear at the said court or before the said justices where he or she is or shall be indicted or appealed at the day of the return of the same writ, to answer to the people of the State of New York or the party, of the treason, felony or trespass whereof he or she is, or shall be so indicted or appealed, and after such writ of capias so served and returned, if he or she so indicted or appealed come not at the day of the return of the same writ of capias, the exigent shall be awarded against such person so indicted or appealed. And where any such indictment or appeal is or shall be taken before justices assigned to hear and deter- mine, or before justices of the peace, or before any other having power to take such indictments or appeals, and shall be removed or delivered into the supreme court by certiorari, or otherwise, no exigent shall be awarded by the same supreme court until such writ of capias with proc- lamation shall be awarded and served and returned as aforesaid. And if any exigent shall be awarded upon any such indictment or appeal before such capias with proclamation .be awarded, served and returned as aforesaid, and outlawry be upon that pronounced, as well the exigent so awarded and the outlawry thereupon, and every of them, shall be holden for none and void; and the party against whom such exigent shall be awarded or outlawry pronounced, contrary to the form afore- said, shall not be endamaged thereby, nor put to loss of his or her life, or goods or chattels, lands or tenements. ' And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That in every action personal, and in all cases of indictments and informations for trespasses or misdemeanors, wherein or whereupon any writ of exigent shall be awarded out of any court, one writ of proclamation shall be awarded and made out of the same court, having day of test and return as the said writ of exigent shall have, directed and delivered of record to the sheriff of the county where the defendant at the time of the exi~ gent so awarded shall be dwelling, which writ of proclamation shall con- CHAP. 9.] TENTH sEssioN. 359 tain the effect of the same action, indictment or information. And the sheriff of the county unto whom any such writ of proclamation shall be directed shall make or cause to be made three proclamations in the form following, that is to say, one of the same proclamations in his open county court, and one other of the same proclamations at the general sessions of the peace in those parts where the party defendant at the time of the exigent awarded shall be dwelling, and one other of the same proclamations one month at least before the fifth demand by virtue of the said writ of exigent at or near to the most usual door of the church of the town or place where the defendant shall be dwelling at the time of awarding the said exigent ; and if there be more than one church in such town, than at or near the most usual door of the church nearest the defendants dwelling; and if there be no church in such town, then at or near the the most usual door of the church in the next town near. est the defendants dwelling, and upon a Sunday immediately after divine service and sermon, if any there be. And if any such defendant shall at the time of awarding the exigent reside out of this State, then such writ of proclamation shall be directed to and executed by the sheriff to whom the exigent shall be directed; and in such case such writ of proclamation shall be published in one or more of the news papers to be printed in the city of New York for twelve several weeks before the return of the exigent. And that all outlawries had and pro- nounced and no writs of proclamations awarded and returned according to the form of this statute, shall be utterly void and of none effect, and may be avoided by averment, without suing out any writ of error. And be it furtber enacted by t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That before any Defendant reversal of any outlawry be had by plea or otherwise, and before any 2:633:33, allowance of any writ in error upon any outlawry, the defendant and before defendants in the original action or suit shall put in bail, if bail was fig‘éligg’: required in such original action or suit, not only to appear and answer to the plaintiff in the former suit in a new action to be commenced by the said plaintiff for the cause mentioned in the first action, but also to satisfy the condemnation, if the plaintiff shall begin such suit before the end of two terms next after the allowing of the writ of error, or other- wise avoiding of the said outlawry. And be it furt/zer enacted by tile azct/zority aforesaid, That no person Persons or persons whomsoever who are or shall be outlawed in any court, for outlawed . may apply any cause, matter or thing whatsoever, other than for treason or felony, for re- shall be compelled to come in person into court, or appear in person in Qfiigi‘filé’yy, court, to reverse such outlawry, but shall or may appear by attorney and reverse such outlawry, without bail in all cases, except where special bail shall be ordered by the court. And be it furt/zer enacted by t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That in all cases outlawry where an outlawry shall be had before judgment in any personal action, 353315333} the plaintiff at whose suit the same outlawry shall be had, may suggest fore J'udir- and set forth his cause of action upon the roll of the exigent after the .‘ii’i‘iggt’g return of the same, upon which a writ shall be issued to the sheriff ofggggg‘gge the county where the action shall be brought, to summon a jury to ' appear in the same court where the action shall be brought, if the same shall be brought in any other court than the supreme court; and if the same action shall be brought in the supreme court, then before the jus— tices or justice of the supreme court at the next circuit court to be held in the county where such action shall be brought, to inquire into the truth of the matters charged by the plaintiff, and to assess the damages that the plaintiff shall have sustained thereby. And if the action shall be in the supreme court it shall be commanded in the same writ to the 360 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 10.1 Payment of damages or judg- ment to work dis- charge of outlawry. Terms of court; New York. Albany. Suffolk . Queens. justices or justice who shall hold such circuit court, that he or they shall make a return thereof to the supreme court, at the time in such writ mentioned and upon the return of such writ if the action shall be in the supreme court, or upon the execution of such writ, if the action shall be in any other court, execution shall be awarded for the sum found by the jury, with costs, both upon the outlawry and prosecution of the said inquiry. And fart/ter, that upon the execution of every such writ of inquiry the plaintiff shall prove his cause of action and debt or damages, in the same manner as if the defendant had appeared, and traversed the same. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by the authority aforesaid, That upon the payment of the sum so found upon such inquiry as aforesaid, with costs as aforesaid, or where any outlawry shall be had after judgment in any personal action, upon payment of the debt or damages and costs adjudged or upon the same being levied by any execution, or brought into court by the defendant, such outlawry and judgment shall be con- sidered as satisfied, and shall cease to have any further or other opera- tion; and an entry shall in such case be made on the roll of the exigent after the return of the same, and after the execution or return of the inquiry, where such inquiry as aforesaid shall be made, that the debt or damages and costs are paid or levied, or brought into court, and that the defendant, as to the outlawry, or judgment and outlawry, and all execution thereupon, go without day. And fart/ter that no outlawry in any personal action shall work any disability or forfeiture whatsoever, in favour of any other person, than the plaintiff at whose suit it shall be had. CHAP. 10. AN ACT concerning the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace. PAssED the 5th of February, 1787. Be it enacted by tlze People of tire State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by tile ant/torily of tlze sanze, That the court of general sessions of the peace in and for the city and county of New York shall be held on the first Tuesdays in February, May, August and November in every year, each of which sessions of the peace may last continue and be held until the several Tuesdays next following inclusive. That the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace in and for the county of Albany shall be held at the city hall of the city of Albany on the Third Tuesday in janu- ary, and the first Tuesday in june and October in every year, each of which courts may last continue and be held until the several Tues- days next following inclusive. That the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace in and for the county of Suffolk shall be held at the court house in the same county on the last Tuesday in March and the first Tuesday in October in every year and may continue and be held until the several Saturdays next following inclusive. That the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace in and 101‘ the county of Queens shall be held at the court house in the same county on the first Mondays in February and lune and the second Mon- day in November in every year. and may continue and be held until the several Saturdays next following inclusive. That the courts of com- CHAP. 10.] TENTH SESSION. 361 mon pleas and general sessions of the peace in and for the county of Kings. Kings shall be held at the court house in the same county on the third Tuesdays in April and October in every year, and may continue and be held until the several Saturdays next following inclusive. That the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace in and for Richmond, the county of Richmond shall be held at the court house in the same county on the fourth Monday in January, the first Monday in May, and the fourth Monday in September in every year, and may continue and be held until the several Saturdays next following inclusive. That the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace in and for West- the county of West Chester shall be held on the fourth Mondays in Chester’ January, May and September in every year, and shall be held alternately at the court house at the White Plains, and at the court house at Bed- ford, and may continue and be held until the several Saturdays next following inclusive. That the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace in and for the county of Orange shall be held on Orange, the second Tuesdays in February, May and October in every year, and shall be held alternately at the court house in the New City, and at the court house in Goshen, and may continue and be held until the several Saturdays next following inclusive. That the courts of general sessions of the peace in and for the county of Ulster, shall be held at the court Ulster, house in the same county on the first Tuesday in May, and on the third Tuesday in September in every year, and may continue and be held until the several Saturdays next following inclusive; and that the court of common pleas in and for the said county of Ulster shall be held at the court house in the same county on the first Tuesdays of January, May and July, and the third Tuesday in September in every year, and may continue and be held until the several Saturdays next following inclusive. That the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the Dutchess. peace in and for the county of Dutchess shall be held at the court house in the same county on the third Tuesdays in January and May and the second Tuesday in October in every year, and may continue and be held until the several Saturdays next following inclusive. That the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace in and for the county of Columbia shall be held at the court house of Clav- Columbia, crack on the second Tuesdays in January, May, and September in every year, and may continue and be held until the several Saturdays next following inclusive. That the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace in and for the county of Washington shall be held Washing— at Salem in the same county, on the second Tuesday in February, the ton last Tuesday in May, and the first Tuesday in November in every year, and may continue and be held until the several Saturdays next follow- ing inclusive. And that the courts of common pleas and'general sessions of the peace in and for the county of Montgomery shall be held at the Montgom- court house in the same county on the second Tuesdays in February ery' June and October in every year, and may continue and be held until the several Saturdays next following inclusive. Provided always, And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That it shall and Courts may be lawful to and for the judges and justices of the said respective {,fgfiggfmd _ courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace respectively, Predvious when they conceive the due administration of justice will admit thereof, flies? to adjourn the said courts respectively, to the next succeeding term, on any day preceding the last day, to which the power of holding such of the said courts is hereby extended as aforesaid; and that all process which shall be issued out of the said courts respectively, shall always bear teste the day on which the said respective courts shall have adjourned. VOL. 2. — 46 362 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR Io. 'Ili‘lear‘ncingf And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the terms Cou'rts ex_- of the mayors courts of the cities of New York and Albany, shall be $335338 and hereby are lengthened and extended to three days, provided never- ' theless that when the business of any of the said respective courts shall be completed, the said courts may adjourn to the next term, without sitting until the end of the term. And that all process issuing out of the said respective courts shall always be tested the day on which the court shall have adjourned. Jurisdic- And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That the said gié’ffrfgof courts of common pleas and mayors courts shall be and hereby are common respectively authorised and empowered to hear, try and determine gigtigid according to law all actions real, personal and mixed, suits, quarrels, Courts- controversies and differences arising within the several and respective cities and counties for which the same are or shall be held. New York And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the mayor 5:33:18, recorder and aldermen of the city of New York or any three of them, mgfgom of whom the mayor or recorder always to be one, shall have power to mon’pleas hold such courts of general sessions of the peace and mayors courts in iggrtlgizg the said city, any charter law or usage to the contrary notwithstanding; and that the judges and assistant justices of each of the other counties in this State, or any three of them, of whom one of the judges of the court of common pleas always to be one, shall have power to hold such courts of common pleas in their respective counties, any law or usage to the contrary notwithstanding. Affidavits And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That all affidavits gifggrggus' to be taken before any justice of the supreme court, in or concerning Supreme any cause, matter or thing, depending or hereafter to be depending, or court may . . . . . , be usedin in any wise concerning any proceedings to be had in any of the said 332118,.“ courts of common pleas, or courts of general sessions of the peace, or general mayors courts, shall or may be read and made use of in the said courts Sessions‘ respectively in the same manner, and shall be of the same force and effect to all intents and purposes, as if they were or had been taken before one of the judges or justices of the said courts of common pleas, courts of general sessions of the peace, or mayors courts respectively. And whereas an opinion hath prevailed, that no diminution can be alledged of records removed by writ or writs of error from any of the mayors courts or courts of common pleas in the several cities and coun- ties of this State, and that therefore not only the declaration, pleadings, verdict and judgment, but the plaint, process, continuances and all other proceedings in each cause, in the said respective courts, must be set forth specially and particularly in the record of the judgment therein, which occasions a very considerable expence to the parties and is pro- ductive of many inconveniences; for remedy whereof Records of Be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That in all records [,‘g‘lf‘ggg‘g of judgments hereafter to be‘made up and entered in any of the said uP- courts, in any cause now depending or hereafter to be brought therein, it shall be sufficient immediately after the caption thereof to enter the declaration, without setting forth or entering upon the same record, the plaint or process against the defendant or defendants, and then if judg- ment is not entered or the defendant or defendants shall not plead at the same term of which the declaration is filed, an imparlance shall be entered to the term when judgment is entered, or the plea of the defend- ant or defendants shall come in, without entering the continuances from term to term; and when an issue shall be joined to be tried by a jury, if the same is not tried at the next term after the joining thereof, instead of entering all the continuances from term to term until the trial, it shall CHAP. 10.] TENTH SESSION. 363 be sufficient to enter the continuance upon the record in the following form, “ and hereupon the process thereof is continued between the par- ties aforesaid of the plea aforesaid in this same court before the ” mayor recorder and alderman of the city of New York, or Albany, or Hudson, or “judges and assistant justices of the same court,” as the case may be, until the term when the same issue shall be tried, or some necessary rule or order made concerning such cause or the trial thereof, if any such shall be made: And fart/zer that the caption of all records of judg- ments in the said mayors courts, shall be in the following form: “ Pleas in the court of common pleas called the mayors court, held at ” such place “ of or in” such city as the same court shall be actually held, “in and for the said city before the mayor recorder and aldermen of the same city, on” such day as the process against the defendant or defendants in such cause shall be returnable and be returned served; and that the caption of all records of judgments in the several courts of common pleas in the several counties of this State shall be in the follow- ing form “Pleas in the court of common pleas held at” such place as the same court shall be actually held, “ in and for the county of” West Chester or other county as the case may be “before the judges and assistant justices of the same court on ” such day as the process against the defendant or defendants in such case shall be returnable and be returned served ; and that it shall not be necessary in any such records in any of the said mayors courts or courts of common pleas in the sev- eral counties, to insert the names of the mayor, recorder, aldermen, judges or assistant justices, or any of them, either in the caption of the same records or in any continuance or other part of the same records, nor shall it be necessary in any such record, to set forth the authority by which any such court is held. And be it further enacted by fire ant/zority aforesaid, That upon the 0n_removal removal of any such record by writ of error, or upon error brought in $63,335,; any manner upon any such judgment, it shall be lawful to alledge any gigggirégim' diminution, or defect, or variance, or the want of any process or pro- etc., may ceeding, in'the same manner, and the like proceeding shall be there- be alleged’ upon had, as may or ought to be done, in cases of error upon judgments in the supreme court. _ And be it fart/ier enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That there shall Fees ,for be taken, allowed and paid, for drawing making up and entering or 33535515, engrossing every such record in any of the said mayors courts, or other judgment‘ courts of common pleas, the sum of twelve shillings, and no more, to be taken by the attorney or clerk who shall do the service. And fart/zer that no execution, in any case, shall be issued, until the judgment is made up and signed. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That instead of the F888 _f01' fees allowed for drawing a declaration in any of the mayor’s courts, or 322F553 courts of common pleas in the several cities and counties within this “0115- State, in and by an act entitled “An act for regulating the fees of the several officers and ministers of the courts of justice within this State,” there shall be allowed, paid and taken the sum of six shillings, and for a copy of such declaration the sum of three shillings, and no more. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That all former pets 59‘; laws for fixing the times and places of holding the said courts of com- £221,163 mon pleas and general sessions of the peace, and mayors courts of the cities of New York and Albany, shall be and hereby are repealed 364 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 12. Forfeited landsin eastern dis- trict may be sold at the coffee- house in New York. Penalties of estreat- ed recog- nizances remitted. Certain fines, etc. , remitted. Fines, etc., how paid over. CHAP. l 1. AN ACT for the further direction of the commissioner of forfeit- ures for the eastern district. PAssEu the 5th of February, 1787. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful, to and for the commissioners of for- ' feitures for the Eastern district, to sell and dispose of at public vendue at the coffee house in the city of New York, all or such parts as he shall think proper of the forfeited estates situated in the said eastern district any law to‘ the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding. Provided nevertheless, that the said commissioners shall have previous to any such sales, advertized the same in two of the public news papers printed in this State, for the term of six weeks successively. CHAP. 12. AN ACT to remit certain penalties, fines and amerciaments. PASSED the 6th of February, 1787. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, anc‘z7 it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the penalties of all recognizances which have become forfeited to the people of this State, and estreated before the fourth day of May last, and which have not been paid, shall be, and the same are hereby declared to be remitted and discharged: and all prosecutions for the recovery of any such penalties shall from and after the passing of this act, cease and be discontinued. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all fines and amerciaments imposed or set in any court of record, previous to the said fourth day of May last, and not already levied and collected other than fines in cases where convictions have been had, shall be, and the same are hereby declared to be remitted and discharged. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all fines, forfeitures and amerciaments, received by any officer, before the first day of january in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two, and which have not been accounted for, may be paid into ' the court of exchequer in any public securities made receivable upon Allowance to be made to James Black. sales of confiscated estates, provided the same be accounted for and paid into the exchequer, before the first day of November next. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the court of exchequer to make such allowance to James Black of the city of New York, for such sums as he has expended and paid, as administrator of the goods and chattels of jane Downie, a felo de se, out of such part of her estate now in his hands, as by the said court shall be deemed reasonable. CHAP. 13.] TENTH sEssIoN. 365 CHAP. 13. AN ACT for preventing usury. PASSED the 8th of February, 1787. Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Yorh, represented in _Rate of Senate and Assenzhly, and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, glgfggsgr That no person or persons whomsoever, shall hereafter take directly or ceed Seven indirectly, for loan of any monies, wares, merchandize, or other things per cent’ whatsoever, above the value of seven pounds for the forbearance of one hundred pounds for one year, and so after that rate for a greater or less sum, or for a longer or shorter time; nor take any bond, bill, note or security whatsoever, for payment of money to be lent, or to be due or payable by any means whatsoever, whereupon or whereby there shall be reserved or taken, or included, above the rate of seven pounds in the hundred as aforesaid. And further, that all bonds, bills, notes, con- tracts and assurances whatsoever, and all deposites of goods or other things whatsoever for payment of any principal or money to be lent, or covenanted or agreed to be paid. upon, or for any usury, whereupon or whereby they shall be reserved or taken or secured or agreed to be reserved -or taken, above the sum of seven pounds in the hundred as aforesaid, shall be utterly void. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That if any person Person or persons whomsoever, shall hereafter take, accept or receive, by way $53,351:!“ or means of any corrupt bargain, loan, exchange, chevizance, shift or :gken interest of any money, wares, merchandize, or any other thing or things 0031...}... whatsoever, or by any deceitful ways or means, or by any covin, engine fg‘tlilgnmft or deceitful conveyance, for the forbearing or giving day of payment brought for one whole year, of or for his, her, or their money, or other thing, $31,???“ above the sum of seven pounds, either in money, goods, or any other Pot, the“ . . any person thing whatsoever, for the forbearing of one hundred pounds for one may sue year, and so after that rate for a greater or less sum, or for a longer or 3336;?‘ shorter time, the person or persons so paying any such sums of money or delivering any such goods or other thing, his her or their executors or administrators shall be at liberty at any time within one year then next, to sue for and recover the money so paid, or the value of the goods or other thing so delivered, above the rate aforesaid, or any part thereof, from the person or persons who shall have taken, accepted, or received the same, or from his, her, or their executors or administrators, with costs of suit, by action of debt founded on this act, to be prose- cuted in any court of record having cognizance of the same, in which actions it shall be sufficient for the plaintiff or plaintiffs to alledge, that the defendant or defendants, or his, her or their testator or intestate, is or are, or we're indebted to the plaintiff or plaintiffs, or to his, her, or their testator or intestate in the sum so paid, or the value of the goods or other things so delivered, over and above the rate aforesaid, whereby an action accrued to the plaintiff or plaintiffs according to the form of the statute intitled “An act for preventing usury,” to demand and have of the defendant or defendants, of his, her, or their testator or intestate, the said sum, without setting forth the special matter; and in case the person or persons so paying any such sum or sums of money, or so delivering any such goods or other thing, shall not within the time aforesaid, really and bona fide and without covin or collusion, commence his her or their ,uit or action for the money so paid, or for the value of 366 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 13. Scriviners, brokers. etc., not to receive more than one-half of one per centfor negotiating loans; lia- bility to action. the goods or other things so delivered as aforesaid, or shall suffer such suit or action to be delayed or discontinued, then it shall and may be lawful for any other person or persons, within one year after such neglect discontinuance or delay, by any such action or suit as aforesaid, to sue for and recover the same in manner aforesaid, with costs of suit, against the person or persons who shall have taken, accepted or received the same, his, her, or their executors or administrators; the one moiety thereof to the use of the person or persons who will prosecute for the same with effect, and the other moiety thereof to the use of the poor of the town or place where the offence shall be committed. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That no scriviner, broker, solicitor, or driver of bargains or contracts, shall hereafter take or receive, directly or indirectly, any sum or sums of money, reward, goods or other thing, for brocage, soliciting, driving or procuring, the loan or forbearance of any sum or sums of money, over and above the rate or value of ten shillings for the loan or forbearance of one hundred pounds for one year, and so in proportion for a greater or less sum, or above three shillings for making or renewing any bond, bill, note or other security, for the loan or forbearance thereof, or for any counter bond, bill or other security concerning the same; and in case any scrive- ner broker, solicitor, or driver of bargains or contracts, or any other per- son or persons, shall take, accept or receive, directly or indirectly, any sum or sums of money, reward, goods or other thing, or any deposit or security for brocage, soliciting driving or procuring the loan or forbear- ance of any sum or sums of money, over and above the rate or value of ten shillings for the loan or forbearance of one hundred pounds for one year, and so in proportion for a greater or less sum, the person or per- sons so paying such'sum or sums, or delivering or depositing any such goods or other thing above the rate aforesaid, or his, her or their execu— tors or administrators, shall be at liberty, at any time within one year after paying or delivering the same, to sue for, and recover the money ‘so paid, and the value of the goods or other thing so delivered or deposited above the rate aforesaid, or any part thereof, from the person or persons who shall have taken, accepted or received the same, or from his, her, or their executors or administrators, with costs of suit, by action of debt, founded on this act, to be prosecuted in any court of record having cognizance of the same; in which actions it shall be sufficient for the plaintiff or plaintiffs to alledge that the defendant or defendants, or his, her, or their testator or intestate, is or are or were indebted to the plaintiff or plaintiffs, his, her or their testator or intestate, in the sum so paid, or the value of the goods or other thing so delivered or deposited, over and above the rate aforesaid, whereby an action accrued to the plaintiff or plaintiffs, or to his, her or their testator or intestate, accord- ing to the form of the statute intitled “An act for preventing usury,” to demand and have of the defendant or defendants, or his her or their testator or intestate, the said sum, without setting forth the special matter; and in case the person or persons so paying any such sum or sums of money, or delivering or depositing any such goods or other thing, or his, her or their executors or administrators, shall not within the time aforesaid really and bona fide and without fraud or collusion, commence his, her or their suit or action for the money so paid, or for the value of the goods or other things so delivered or deposited as afore- said, over and above the rate aforesaid, or shall suffer such suit to be delayed or discontinued, then it shall and may be lawful for any other person or persons, within one year after such neglect discontinuance or delay, by any such action or suit as aforesaid, to sue for and recover the CHAP. 14.] TENTH SESSION. 367 same in manner aforesaid, with costs of suit, against the person or per- sons who shall have taken accepted or received the same, his her or their executors or administrators, the one moiety thereof to the use of the person or persons who shall prosecute for the same with effect, and the other moiety thereof to the use of the poor of the town or place where the offence shall be committed. And for the better discovery of the money, goods or other things, so taken, accepted or received as aforesaid, upon or for the loan or for- bearance of money, goods or other things, or for brocage, solicting, driving or procuring the loan or forbearance of any sum or sums of money, Be it fart/ier enacted by t/ze azct/iority aforesaid, That all and every the per- son or persons, who by virtue of this act shall or may be liable to be sued for the same, shall be obliged and compellable to answer upon oath, such bill or bills as shall be preferred against him, her or them in the court of chancery for discovering the sum or sums of money, goods or other thing so taken, accepted or received as aforesaid; ana’fart/zer, that upon the discovery and repayment or return of the money, goods or other thing, so to be discovered, the person or persons who shall so discover, and repay or return the same as aforesaid, with costs pf suit, shall be acquitted and discharged from any further or other punishment, forfeiture or penalty, which he she or they may have incurred or become liable to, by taking, accepting or receiving, such money, goods or other thing so discovered, and repaid or returned as aforesaid. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the act entitled “ An act for lowering the interest of money to seven per cent,” passed the 16th of December 1737, be and the same is hereby repealed; pro- vided that such repeal shall not be construed to affect any suits already commenced, or which hereafter may be commenced, for any penalties heretofore incurred by force of the said act; or to affect the right and benefit of pleading the said statute in bar to any suit already brought, or hereafter to be brought, upon any contract heretofore made; but such suits may be prosecuted, and such pleas made and allowed, and judgment thereupon given, in the same manner as if this present act had not been passed. CHAP. 14. AN ACT to reduce the laws concerning costs into one statute. PASSED the 12th of February, I787. I. Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of 1V cw Yor/e, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze azct/zority of tbe same, Persons sued must answer un- der oath. Act recited repealed. In what actions plaintiff, if That if any person or persons shall commence or sue in any court of :uccessfulr record within this State, any action, bill or plant, of debt, covenant, trespass upon the ‘case, detinue, account, or upon any statute for any offence or wrong personal, immediately supposed to be done to the plaintiff or plaintiffs, trespass, ejectment, or any other action whatsoever, real, personal 'or mixt, and the plaintiff or plaintiffs, demandant or demandants, shall by verdict or otherwise recover damages in any such action, bill or plaint, that then the plaintiff or plaintiffs, demandant or demandants, in every such action, bill or plaint, shall have judgment to recover his, her or their costs, against every such defendant or defend- ants, to be assessed and taxed by the descretion of the court where any such action, bill or plaint, shall be commenced, sued or taken; and 0 have judgment for costs. 368 LAws OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 14. shall be levied and recovered together with the debt or damages afore- said, against the body or bodies, of goods and chattles, lands and tene- ments of the defendant or defendants. Defendant, II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any Iffliutffggsvg, person or persons shall commence or sue in any court of record within Cospsjf this State, any action, bill or plaint whatsoever as aforesaid, wherein the Iflalfltlfl - - - - . . . would have plaintiff or plaintiffs, demandant or demandants might have costs, (if in Sgii‘hsegi. case judgment should be given for him, her or them,) and the plaintiff or plaintiffs, demandant or demandants, in any such action, bill or plaint, after appearance of the defendant or defendants be non suited, or that any verdict happen to pass by any lawful trial against the plain- tiff or plaintiffs, demandant or demandants, in any such action, bill or plaint, that then the defendant or defendants, in every such action, bill or plaint, shall have judgment to recover his costs against every such plaintiff and plaintiffs, (except against executors or administrators prosecuting in the right of their testators or intestates) demandant or demandants, to be assessed and taxed by the discretion of the court, where any such action, bill or plaint, shall be commenced, sued and taken 25 aforesaid; and also, that every defendant or defendants, shall have such process and execution for the recovery and having of his, her and their costs, against the same plaintiff or plaintiffs, demandant or demandants, as the same plaintiff or plaintiffs, demandant or demand- ants, should or might have had against the defendant or defendants, in case that judgment had been given for the said plaintiff or plaintiffs, demandant or demandants, in any such action bill or plaint. Avowants, III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every $55,?” avowant, and every other person or persons that make avowry, justifica- costs- tion or cognizance, as bailiff or servant to any person or persons in any replevin or second deliverance, if the same avowry, cognizance or justi- fication, be found for them, or the plaintiff or plaintiffs in the same be non suit or otherwise barred, that then they shall recover their damages and costs against the said plaintiff or plaintiffs, as the same plaintiff or plaintiffs should have done, if he, she or they, had recovered in the same replevin or second deliverance, if the same had been found against the defendant or defendants. Actions IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any where d9‘ action, bill, plaint, suit or cause, not concerning any freehold, or inheri- fendant . . . awarded tance or title of land, nor for any assault, battery or imprisonment, nor gflsgihgh for slander, nor replevin, nor malicious prosecution, which have been llgéggnvtgg, or shall be brought or commenced ‘in any of the. courts of common judgment, pleas or mayors courts in any of the cities or counties of this State ; if the plaintiff shall not recover above the sum of ten pounds, not having caused an affidavit on oath to be made and filed before the commencing such suit or action, that the debt due or damage sustained, or the value a of the thing in demand exceed the sum of ten pounds, then and in every such case the plaintiff shall not recover any costs of suit, but the court shall award that the plaintiff shall pay to the defendant his, or her costs to be taxed, for which the defendant shall have execution against the body or lands, and goods and chattels of the plaintiff. ' Actions of V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in all gfgpffis actions of trespass, and assault and battery, commenced or prosecuted assault, in the supreme court, wherein the judge at the trial of the cause shall costsm' not find and certify under his hand upon the back of the record, that an assault and battery was sufficiently proved by the plaintiff against the defendant, or that the freehold or title of the land mentioned in the plaintiffs declaration was chiefly in question, the plaintiff in such action CHAP. 14.] TENTH SESSION. 369 in case the jury shall find the damages to be under the value of forty shillings, shall not recover or obtain more costs of suit than the dam- ages so found shall amount to: And if any more costs in any such action shall be awarded, the judgment shall be void, and the defendant shall by this act be acquitted of and from the same, and may have his action against the plaintiff for such vexatious suit, and recover his damages and costs of such suit, in any of the said courts of record. VI. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, T hat in all Actions on actions upon the case, for slanderous words, to be sued or prosecuted 32%??? by any person or persons in the supreme court, if the jury upon the Slaltlad?r, trial of the issue in such action, or the jury that shall inquire of the 0088 n' damages, do find or assess the damages under forty shillings, then the plaintiff or plaintiffs in such action shall have and recover only so much costs as the damages so given or assessed amount unto, without any further increase of the same. VII. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That in all Actions or actions of trespass to be commenced and prosecuted in any court of EfI‘ESgQSQaY record within this State, wherein, at the trial of the cause, it shall ap- allow costs pear and be certified by the judge under his hand upon the back of the record, that the trespass upon which any defendant shall be found guilty, was wilful and malicious, the plaintiff shall recover not only his dain- ages, but his full costs of suit, anything in this act contained to the con- trary notwithstanding. VIII. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That in all Costs upon suits upon any writ or writs of scire facias, and suits upon prohibitions, gigsfgflias the plaintiff obtaining judgment, or any award of execution, after plea pleaded, or demurrer joined therein, shall likewise recover his costs of suit; and if the plaintiff shall become non suit, or suffer a discontinu- ance, or a verdict shall pass against him, the defendant shall recover his costs, and have execution for the same, in manner aforesaid. - IX. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That where Costs , several persons are or shall be made defendants to any action, bill or $115,253.12 plaint of trespass, assault, false imprisonment or ejectment, and any one ed as 1100116 . . . ormore de- or more of them shall be, upon the trial thereof, acquitted by verdict, fendants. every person or persons so acquitted, shall have and recover his, or her costs of suit, in like manner as if a verdict had been given against the plaintiff or plaintiffs, and acquitted all the defendants, unless the judge, before whom such cause shall be tried, shall immediately after the trial thereof, in open court, certify upon the record, under his hand, that there was a reasonable cause for the making such person or persons a defendant or defendants to such action, bill or plaint. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That when and Person as often as any person or persons shall sue forth, or by any means, cause 3526555,?” or procure to be sued forth out of any court, any bill, latitat, capias, entitle? to alias or pluries capias, against any person or persons, who upon the 513515111 is same writ or writs or process, shall happen to be imprisoned, or 8l18.1133€8%1:088— upon the return of the same writ, or writs or process, appear and put in bail, to answer such suit as shall be objected against him, her or them, according to the common order or practice of such court, then and in every such case, if the party or parties at whose suit the same writ or writs, or process, was or were obtained or. sued forth, do not before the end of the next term or court, after the return of the same writ, or writs or process or after such bail had and taken, put into the same CPUI'E, his, .her or their bill or declaration against the same party or parties against whom such writ or writs, or process hath been or shall be sued“; or if after a declaration had and put into the same court, the \“r VOL. 2. ———47 ' 370 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR I4. Writs of error, costs on; sued out by plaintiff. Id.; sued out by de— fondant. Id. ; afi‘irm- an oe of judgment. Id.; uash- ingo . plaintiff or plaintiffs, in such case, shall not prosecute the same with effect, but shall willingly and apparently to the same court, suffer his, her or their suit to be delayed, or shall suffer the same suit to be dis- continued, or otherwise shall be non suit in the same, then and in every such case, such court shall or may, at their discretion, award and adjudge to every such person and persons, so arrested, vexed, molested or troubled, by such writ or writs, or process or suit, his, her and their costs, damages, and charges, by any means sustained by occasion of any such writ or writs, process, arrest or suits, taken, sued or had againstj him, her or them, to be paid by such person or persons so causing or procuring any such writ or writs, or process to be sued forth as afore- said, and for which costs, damages and charges, the person or persons to whom the same shall be awarded or adjudged, shall and may have like execution as aforesaid. ' And he it further eizaeted by the authority aforesaid, That if at any time hereafter, any person or persons shall commence or prosecute in any court of record, any action, plaint or suit, wherein upon any demurrer, either by plaintiff or defendant, demandant or tenant, judg- ment shall be given by the court against such plaintiff or demandant, or if at any time, after judgment given for the defendant or tenant, in any such action, plaint or suit, the plaintiff or demandant shall sue any writ or writs of error to annul the said judgment, and the said judgment shall afterwards be affirmed to be good, or the said writ of error shall be discontinued, or the plaintiff shall be non suit therein, the defendant or tenant in every such action, plaint, suit or writ of error, shall have judgment to recover his costs against every such plaintiff or plaintiffs, demandant or demandants, and have execution for the same, in like manner aforesaid. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That if any defendant or defendants, tenant or tenants, or any other person or per- sons, that shall be bound by any judgment obtained in any court of record, shall sue, before execution had, any writ of error, to reverse any such judgment, in delay of execution, that then, if the same judgment be affirmed good in the said writ of error, and not erroneous, or if the said writ be discontinued in the default of the party, or if any person or persons, that sueth any writ of error, be non suited in the same, that then the said person or persons against whom the said writ of error is so sued, shall recover his, her or' their costs and damages, for his, her or their delay and wrongful vexation in the same, to be assessed and taxed by the discretion of the justices or court, before whom the said writ of error is returnable, and have execution for the same in manner aforesaid. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That if‘ any person or persons shall sue or prosecute any writ or Writs of error, for reversal of any judgment whatsoever, given, after any verdict, in any of the courts aforesaid,'and the judgment shall afterwards be affirmed, then every such person or persons shall pay unto the defendant or defendants in the said writ or writs of error, his, her or their double costs, to be assessed by the court where such writ of error shall be depending for the delaying of execution. _ And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That upon the quashing of any writ of error, for variance from the original record, or other defect, the defendant or defendants in such Writ of error, shall recover against the plaintiff or plaintiffs issuing out such writ, his, her or their costs, as he, she or they should have had if the judgment had _ been affirmed, and to be recovered in the same manner. can». ‘15] TENTH SESSION. 37f And be it furt/zer enacted by tbe azct/zority aforesaid, That no writ or Writs of "writs commonly called ca ias pro fine, in any suit or action of trespass, $222858? ejectment, assault and faPlse imprisonment, in any court of record be ished? sued out or prosecuted against any defendant or defendants, or any further process thereupon, but the same fines are and shall hereby be remitted, and forever discharged. And for preventing vexatious suits in courts of equity: Be it fzcrt/zer Costs to enacted by Me azct/zority aforesaid, That upon the plaintiffs dismissing Ofifgi‘fifif‘t his ‘own bill, or the defendants dismissing the same, for want of prose- tifi'fé der cution, the plaintiff in the suit shall pay to the defendant or defendants, ' his, her or their full costs, to be taxed by a master. And be it fzcrtber enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That in all suits gcticynston commenced or to be commenced upon any obligation or specialty, made 031.55%?" or to be made to the people of the State of New York, or to any person of People‘ or persons to or for their use, the people of this State, or other plaintiff or plaintiffs, shall have and recover both the debt and costs, and dam- ages, as any other common persons may do, in suits for their debts. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That where any Id-; 110 b suit on action is or shall be commenced, sued and prosecuted, by and gsvsriridteh e in the name of any person or persons, for any debt, sum or sums of defendant" money, due, owing or belonging to the people of this State, and the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall be non suited therein, or if a verdict shall pass against such plaintiff or plaintiffs, the defendant or defendants shall not recover any costs against such plaintiff or plaintiffs. Provided always, and be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, Applica- That nothing in this act contained shall extend to any popular action, fi‘fifit‘gflf‘“ nor to any action to be prosecuted by any person in behalf of himself and the people of this State, upon any penal statute, nor to any indict- ment, presentment, inquisition or appeal. CHAP. 15. AN ACT for regulating elections. PASSED the 13th of February, 1787. Be it enactea by t/ze People of tbe State of .New York, represented in Elections Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze aut/zorizy of tbe same, ballot; by That all elections for governor, lieutenant governor, senators and mem- digtrivhtsfd bers of assembly, shall be by ballot; and that such elections shall be w en 8 ' held, not by counties, but by wards in the cities of New York and Albany, and by cities, towns, manors, precincts and districts, in all other parts of this State ; and for that purpose, the last Tuesday in April, in every year forever hereafter, shall be the anniversary day on which such elections shall respectively be held, and from which the same shall be respectively continued by adjournments, if necessary, from day to day, not exceeding five days, until the same shall respectively be completed. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the respect— Inspectors ive town clerks, supervisors and assessors, of the several cities, towns, gfheget‘if'ggj manors, precincts and districts in this State, for the time being, or the majority of them, or the survivors of them, or the majority of such sur— vivors, shall, from time to time, be the inspectors of the said election in each city, town, manor, district and precinct respectively, except in the 372 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 15. New York and Albany. Election notice to be issued by clerk of senate to sherifl’s. Sheriff to give notice to inspect- ors. Notice of election to be posted in each election district. Oath of inspectors. Poll clerks. cities of New York and Albany, wherein the appointment shall be as follows, that is to say, that the mayor, recorder, aldermen and assistants or common council men, shall convene together in common council, at the city hall of the said cities respectively, on the first Tuesday of April in every year; and then and there shall, by plurality of voices, elect from among the substantial freeholders, actually resident in each ward in the said cities respectively, three persons for inspectors of the then ensuing election to be held in the several wards of the said cities respect- ively, for governor, lieutenant governor, senator or senators, and mem- bers of assembly, or such of them, as by the constitution of this State and this act, shall be to be chosen at such election. And be it further‘ enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the clerk of the senate for the time being, shall forthwith, in the present year, and between the first day of january and the first day of March in every year hereafter, inclose and send in writing under his hand, to the sev- eral sheriffs of the different counties, in the respective great districts of this State, a notification of the names of the senators for each respective district, whose seats are to become vacant, at the expiration of the year; and of the names of those, if any, whose seats are become vacant by death or otherwise; and of the number of senators to be elected in such district at the next ensuing election; and also that a governor and lieutenant governor, or a lieutenant governor only, (as the case may require) is or are to be chosen at the then next election, if any such choice shall be necessary; and in case of the death or inability, or of the removal of such clerk out of this State, it shall be the duty of the secretary of this State, and he is hereby enjoined, to do all and every thing and things which the said~clefrkis hereby enjoined to do. And each sheriff shall without delay' transmit a copy of such notification to some one inspector in each ward, town, manor, district and precinct respectively, in his county; and also affix a copy of the same notifica- tion upon the door of the court house in his county. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That each inspector, upon receiving such notification as aforesaid, shall immediately give notice thereof to the other inspectors of the same ward, town, manor, precinct or district; and the several and respective inspectors for each respective ward, town, manor, precinct and district, or the major part of them, shall without delay covene together, and by writing under their respective hands to be affixed in at least three of the most public places of such ward, town, manor, precinct or district respectively, give eight days notice of the place, (which shall be most public and convenient for the purpose) within the same, where such election for a governor, lieutenant governor, senator or senators and members of assembly, or such of them, as shall then be to be chosen, then next, shall be held within the same, on the anniversary day hereby appointed for that pur- pose; and on such day, and at such place, the several inspectors attend- ing, which shall be the major part of them, shall in full view and hear— ing of the people, administer to each other, and respectively take at the opening of the election, the following oath vizt. I do solemnly and sincerely declare and swear, in the presence of Almighty God, that I will in all things, well, faithfully, honestly and impartially, and according to the best of my knowledge and abilities, execute the office of inspector of this election: And further that at every such election as aforesaid, capable and sufficient clerks, not less than two, for each ward, town, manor, district and precinct respectively, shall be appointed by the inspectors, or the major part of them, to be the clerks of every such court of election as aforesaid respectively ; each of whom CHAP. 15.] TENTH SESSION. 373 shall keep apoll list at every such election, under the direction and view of the said inspectors ‘respectively, or the major part of them; and the said ‘inspectors or the major part of them respectively, shall preside at everyhsuch election, and, conduct and direct the same according to the regulations herein ‘prescribed, and be the returning officers thereof IeSPQQt-ivjely, in manner here in afterdirected; and before admitting any person to vote at any such election, shall administer to each clerk, who is hereby required to take the following oath vizt. I do sol- Oath of emnly'and sincerely declare and swear in the presence of Almighty'God, p011 clerks’ that I will faithfully, truly, honestly and impartially, enter and keep the poll lists at this election; and in all things will faithfully, truly, honestly and impartially, according to the best of my knowledge and abilities, do perform and fulfil my' duty as a clerk.- thereofz” And the inspectors and clerks being thus sworn, the said inspectors shall cause proclamation to be three times made, with a loud voice, as follows, vizt. “ Hear ye ! Opening hear ye ! hear ye ! The poll of this election is opened; and all manner 0 polls‘ of persons attending the same are strictly charged and commanded by the authority, and in the name of the people of this State, to keep the peace thereof, during their‘ attendance at this election, upon pain of imprisonment:” Which proclamation shall be, in like manner made, at ,the opening of the poll, upon every adjournment thereof; and on every adjournment of the poll, and on the closing thereof, proclamation thereof respectively, shall be made with a loud voice; praw'a’ea’ always, that the proclamation whereby the same shall be closed, shall be pre- ceded by a proclamation to be made three hours before the closing of the poll, that the same will be closed at the expiration of three hours. And the poll of every such election shall only be held open in the day time, and not before sun rise, nor after sun set. ' Ana’ fie z'z‘ fart/lar enaez‘ea’ éy t/ze aat/zorz'fy aforesaid, That the poll 'ljwo poll lists for governor, lieutenant governor and senators, or such of them as 1222;?“ shall be to be chosen at any such election, shall be kept distinct and seperate from those for member of assembly. And that no person shall vote at any such election, out of the ward, town, manor, precinct or dis- trict wherein he shall actually reside. Ana’ 6e 2'! furZ/zer enaez‘ea’ ay t/ze autlzerz'zjl aforesaid, That the mode Mannerpf of conducting every such election as aforesaid, shall be as follows, to 3121513133‘? wit, every person respectively who shall be qualified according to the ballots for constitution of this State and this law, to vote for governor, lieutenant governor and senators, shall at such election openly deliver his ballot gggegggf for governor, lieutenant governor and senators, or such of them as shall ators. be then to be chosen, to one of the inspectors, who shall receive the same in the presence of the other inspectors attending at such election; which ballot shall be a paper ticket containing the name of a person for governor, and the name of a person for lieutenant governor, and the names of so many persons for senators, as shall be then to be chosen in that district wherein the elector shall reside, or such and so many of them respectively, as are then to be chosen, and such elector shall think proper to vote for, severally written upon the same paper-ticket, and distinguishing who is voted for as governor, when a governor is to be chosen, and who is voted for as lieutenant governor, when a lieutenant governor is to be chosen, and who are voted for as senators. And the said paper ticket shall be so folded or rolled up, and tied or otherwise closed as to conceal the writing thereon. And on receipt of every bal- lot or ticket for governor, lieutenant governor and senators, or any or either of them, the inspectors shall cause the name ‘of the elector to be entered in the books or poll lists for governor, lieutenant governor and 374 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 15. Ballots for members of assem- bly. .l Adj ourn-l ments of the poll.’ Oaths to be admin- istered to electors senators, or such of them as are then to be chosen, by all the clerks, and shall cause the ballot, without suffering the same to be inspected, to be put into a box to be provided for the purpose of receiving the ballots for governor, lieutenant governor and senators, or such of them as are then to be chosen, with a sufficient lock thereto; and which box shall be locked, and the key thereof be kept during the election by one of inspectors attending such election, to be appointed for the purpose by the major part of them: and a small hole shall be made in the lid or cover of the box, sufficient only to receive each ballot, and through which all the ballots shall be put into the box, and which box shall only be opened at the times herein after mentioned. Andfnrther that every person who shall be qualified according to the constitution of this State and this law, to vote for members of assembly, shall at such election openly deliver his ballot for members of assembly to one of the inspec- tors, who shall receive the same in the presence of the other inspectors attending at such election, and which ballot shall be a paper ticket con- taining the names of as many persons for members of assembly, as are then to be chosen for the county wherein such elector shall then reside, or so many of them as such elector shall think proper to vote for, sev- erally written upon the same paper ticket; and the said paper ticket shall be so folded or rolled up and tied, or other wise closed, as to con- ceal the writing thereon. And on receipt of every ballot or ticket for members of assembly the inspector shall cause the name of the elector to be written in the books or poll lists for members of assembly, by all the clerks, and shall cause the ballot without suffering the same to be inspected to be put into a box to be provided for the purpose of receiv- ing the ballots for members of assembly, with a sufficient lock thereto; and which box shall be locked and the key thereof be kept during the election, by one of the inspectors attending such election, to be appointed for the purpose by the major part of them; and a small hole shall be made in the lid or cover, sufficient only to receive each ballot, and through which all the ballots for members of assembly shall be put into‘ the box, and which box shall only be opened at the times hereinafter mentioned. Andfnrther that on every adjournment of the poll, the clerks books or poll lists for governor, lieutenant governor, senators and members of assembly, or such of them as are then to be chosen, shall be carefully compared in the presence of the inspectors; and any mistakes in either of them, shall be corrected according to the judgment of the major part of the inspectors; whereupon the boxes shall be opened, the books or poll lists put into them respectively, and the boxes then locked with the books or poll lists therein, and the keys delivered to such one of the inspectors-as the majority of them shall appoint. And the seal or seals of one or more of the inspectors shall be put upon the said boxes, so as to cover the holes in the lids thereof. And the boxes shall then be delivered to such other one of the inspectors attending such election, as a majority of them shall direct, who shall carefully keep the same and shall without having suffered the same to be opened, or the said seal or seals to be broken or removed, deliver the same boxes in at the election table at the next opening of the poll, in the presence of all the spectators attending on the said election, when and Where the seals shall be broken, and the boxes opened, and the poll books or lists taken out, and the boxes again locked, in order to proceed in the said election; which course shall be observed and pursued until the poll be closed. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That whenever any person shall present himself to give his vote or ballot, at any such election as aforesaid, as a freeholder qualified by the constitution of this CHAP. 15.] TENTH SESSION. 375 State, to vote for a governor, or lieutenant governor, and either of the upon chal- inspectors shall suspect, or any other person entitled to vote at such {fiat-"$1123? election, shall challenge him to be unqualified for the purpose, the tions- inspectors shall tender and administer to him the following oath, to wit. do solemnly and sincerely swear and declare in the pres- ence of Almighty God, that I am possessed of a freehold in my own right (or in the right of my wife, as the case may be) of the value of one hundred pounds within this State, over and above all debts charged thereon; and that I am an actual resident of the ward, town, manor, district or precinct of in the county of (as the case may be) and have not been before polled in any part of this State, at this election. And that whenever any person shall present himself to give his vote for senators, and either of the inspectors shall suspect, or any person intitled to vote at such election shall challenge him to be unqualified for the purpose, the inspectors shall tender and administer to him the following oath, to wit. “I do solemnly and sincerely swear and declare, in the presence of Almighty God, that I am possessed of a freehold in my own right, (or in the right of my wife, as the case may be) of the value ef one hundred pounds within the county of in the district (as designated by the consti- tution of this State) over and above all debts charged thereon; and that I am an actual resident, of the ward, town, manor, district or precinct of in this county (as the case may be) and have not been before polled, in any part of this State, at this election.” And that whenever any man shall present himself to give his vote or ballot for members of assembly only, and either of the said inspectors shall suspect, or any person present and intitled to vote at such eleceion, shall chal- lenge him to be unqualified for the purpose, the inspectors shall tender and administer, to him the following oath, vizt. “ I do sol- emnly and sincerely swear and declare, in the presence of Almighty God, that I am and have been for six months next and immediately preceding this election, a freeholder, and possessed of a freehold in my own right, (or in my wife’s right, as the case may be) of the value of twenty pounds in the county of or have for six months next and immediately preceding this election, rented a tenement of the yearly value of forty shillings, within the county of and have been rated and actually paid taxes to this State; and that I now am an actual resident of the Ward, town, manor, district or precinct of , (as the case may be) and that I have not been polled before, in any part of the said county, at this election;” And in case the elector shall refuse to take the said oath when so tendered to him as aforesaid, he shall lose his vote at the said election; peat/idea’ nevertheless, that noth- ing herein before contained, shall be construed to deprive the persons who were freemen of the city of New York on the fourteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousend seven hundred and sev- enty five, or freemen of the city of Albany on the twentieth day of’April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven, and who shall be actually and usually resident in the said cities respect- ively, and who may refuse to take the oath last above contained, of the right of voting for representatives in assembly, in the said cities, reserved to them by the seventh article of the constitution of this State : Pro- vided also, that whenever any man shall present himself to give his vote or ballot as a freeman of the said city of New York, or city of Albany, for representative in Assembly, and either of the inspectors shall suspect him to be unqualified for the purpose, they shall tender to him the fol- owing oath, to wit; “ I do solemnly and sincerely swear 376 LAws or NEW YORK. [CHAR 15. and declare, in the presence of Almighty God, that I now am and was a freeman of the city of New York, before the fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy five, or a freeman of the city of Albany, before the twenty-first day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven, (as the case may be) and that I now am an actual resident in ward of the city of New York (or Albany, as the case may be,) and that I have not been polled before at this election in any part of this State.” And in case such elector shall refuse to make such oath, when tendered to him as aforesaid, he shall lose his vote at the said election. Oath to And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That at every 53532356,, such election, the inspector shall tender and administer to each elector gt beinr-r . presenting himself to vote at such election, if any or either of them shall isafl‘ected ' ' .- suspect that such elector 15 not well affected to the government of this ,- State, the following oath, to wit, “ I do solemnly without any mental reservation or equivocation whatsoever, swear and declare and call God to witness that I do abjure and renounce all allegiance and subjection to the king of Great Britain, and to all and every other for- eign king, prince, potentate, and State whatsoever, and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the State of New York, as a free and inde- pendent State ; and that I will in all things to the best of my knowledge and ability, do my duty as a good and faithfull citizen of the said State ought to do.” And if any elector shall refuse to take the said oath ,when tendered to him as aforesaid, he shall not be permitted to vote at such election; and if at any such election the inspectors shall receive the vote or ballot of any elector who upon being tendered the said oath shall refuse to take the same, the person or persons so offending, shall for each offence, forfeit the sum of five pounds, to any person who will sue for the same, to be recovered with costs. And further it shall and maybe lawful for the inspectors at any such election, and they are hereby required to administer the said oath to any elector who shall voluntarily offer to take the same. Closing of And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That on closing {,lgylgglgnd the poll at every such election, the poll books or lists for governor, lieu- £8111 glgitf tenant governor and senators, or such of them as were to be chosen at emonetc" such election, shall after due examination and correction thereof, be fi‘lvgfedet‘o signed by the inspectors attending the closing of the poll,.and the clerks sheriff. who shall have kept the same poll books or lists respectively; and the box containing the ballots or tickets for governor, lieutenant governor and senators, or such of them as were to be chosen at such election, shall then be opened, and the ballots or tickets contained therein be taken out, and without being inspected, shall together with the poll books or lists be immediately put up under cover, and inclosed, and the inclosure bound with tape and sealed in such manner as to prevent its being opened without discovery, and the inspectors present at closing the poll, shall then put their seals and write their names upon the same inclosure, and one of the inspectors then present, to be appointed for that purpose by a majority of them, shall deliver the same inclosure so sealed up as aforesaid, to the sheriff of the county without delay. And Ballots and further that _the poll books or lists for members of assembly, shall, on £51! H1232- closing the poll at every such eleetion, after due examination and cor- ggé‘gxgfol rection, be signed by the inspectors attending at the closing of the poll, y - to be deliv- and the clerks who shall have kept the same poll books or lists respect- ggigig ively, and then the box containing the ballots or tickets for members of clerk- assembly, shall be opened, and the ballots or tickets contained therein taken out, and without being inspected shall together with the poll books CHAP. 15.] TENTH SESSION. 377 or lists for members of assembly be immediately put under cover and inclosed and the inclosure bound with tape, and sealed in such manner as to prevent its being opened without discovery: And the inspectors present at closing the poll shall then put their seals and write their names upon the same inclosure, and one of the inspectors then present, to be appointed for that purpose by a majority of them, shall deliver the same inclosure so sealed up as aforesaid, to the clerk of the county Without delay, who shall carefully preserve and keep the same unbroken and unopened, until the meeting of the persons appointed to canvass and estimate the ballots therein contained, when he shall deliver the same inclosure unbroken and unopened, to them. And do 2'! farZ/zer enacted fiy l/ze aat/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That each and Sherifls to every sheriff of the respective counties in this State, shall upon receiving iioilslgegdbal' the said inclosures directed to be delivered to them as aforesaid, with- poll liststo out opening or inspecting the same, or any or either of them, put the Z?°§€§?§?’ said inclosures and every of them into one box, which shall be well closed and sealed up by him under his hand and seal, with the name of his county wrote on the box, and be delivered by him, without opening the same, or the inclosures therein contained, into the office of the sec- retary of this State before the last Tuesday of May'in every year, 'where the same shall be safely kept by the secretary of this State, or his deputy, unbroken and unopened, until the meeting of the persons appointed ‘to canvas and estimate the ballots therein contained, when he shall deliver all the said boxes unbroken and unopened, to them. And [76 2'2‘ farZ/zer enacted by z‘lze'aaZ/zorz'zfy aforesaid, That a joint com- Joint com. mittee shall be appointed yearlyfand every year to canvas and estimate $3,213,328“ the votes for governor, lieutenant- governor and senators, or such of them ballots for as are then to be chosen; which ‘committee shall consist of twelve mem- bers, that is to say, six to be appointed by the senate out of their body, gg'z’iegggf and six to be appointed by the assembly out of their body; and such ators; c n- committee shall be annually appointed, by resolutions of each body Z§f,%'u1:,%ed_ respectively, and shall meet at the office of the secretary of this State, on the last Tuesday of May; at which meeting the said joint committee, or a major part of them, or the survivors of them, or the major part of such survivors, shall on the said day and on so many days next succeed- ing thereto as shall be necessary for the purpose, proceed to open the said boxes one after the other, and the inclosures therein contained respectively, and canvas and estimate the votes therein contained: and if the number of ballots in any inclosure shall exceed the number of electors contained on the poll lists in the same inclosure, then the said joint committee or other persons appointed to canvas such ballots, shall proceed to draw out and destroy unopened so many of the said ballots as shall amount to the excess, and shall proceed to canvas and estimate the residue: And when and as soon as they shall be able to determine upon such canvas and estimate, who by the greatest number of votes shall have been chosen for a governor, if a governor was to be chosen, and who, by the greatest number of votes shall have been chosen for lieutenant governor, if a lieutenant governor was to be chosen, and who by the greatest number of votes shall have been chosen for senators, and within fourteen days next after the said last Tuesday in May, the said joint committee, or the major part of them, or the survivors of them, or the major part of such survivors, or other persons appointed to canvas such ballots, shall determine the same; and thereupon without delay make and subscribe with their own proper names and hand Writing a certificate of such determination, in abook to be kept for that purpose in the said secretarys office, there to remain of record, and without delay VoL. 2. -— 48 378 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 15. Ballots and poll lists to be de- stroyed. If quorum of commit~ tee do not attend, chancellor and justice of supreme court to act. deliver or cause to be delivered a true copy thereof so subscribed as aforesaid to each of the persons so elected respectively, and to the per- son administring the government of the State for the time being; and another copy thereof subscribed as aforesaid, unto the senate, on the first Monday in July in every year, or at the next meeting of the legisla- ture thereafter. And when a governor or lieutenant governor shall be to be chosen, the said joint committee, or the major part of then, or the sur- vivors of them, or the major part of such survivors, or other persons appointed to canvas such ballots, shall also cause true copies thereof, subscribed as aforesaid, to be published in at least three of the public news papers printed in this State. And when at any election a senator is to be chosen in the room of one dead or removed from office, the said joint committee or the major part of them, or the survivors of them, or the major part of such survivors, or other persons appointed to canvas such ballots shall also upon the said canvas and estimate, determine and certify in the manner afforesaid, which of the persons chosen for sena- tor at such election, is elected in the room of the person deceased or removed from office ; and in order to enable them to determine the same, it is hereby declared that when a senator is to be chosen in the room of one dead or removed from office, and any elector does not on his ballot designate who he votes for as senator in the room of the person deceased or removed from office, then the person last named on the ballot shall be taken to be voted for in the room of the person deceased or removed from office, if the elector votes for the full number of senators then to be chosen; but if he does not vote for the full number, then it shall be supposed that he did not mean to vote'for any person in the room of the person deceased or removed from office; and so in all cases where more than one senator is to be chosen in the room of others either dead or removed from office, thelast person named on the ballot shall be sup- posed to be voted for in the room of the person whose time of continu- ance in office was nearest expiring at the time of his death or removal from office, and the last but one in the room of the next; and so on unless otherwise distinguished on the ballot. And further that immed- iately upon making such determination as aforesaid, all the poll books or lists and ballots or tickets for governor, lieutenant governor and sen- ators, and for each and every of them, shall be destroyed by the said joint committee. Andfarther, that in case no such committee should be appointed, or if such committee should not meet as aforesaid on the last Tuesday in May in any year, then it shall be the duty of the secre- tary of this State for the time being, to give notice thereof on the said last Tuesday in May, or within four days thereafter to the chancellor and the justices of the supreme court of this State, for the time being; and the chancellor and justices of the supreme court, or the major part of them, shall be and hereby are in such case, authorised and required to meet at the office of the secretary of this State on the second Tuesday in june in the same year, and on that day, and on so many days next succeeding thereto as shall be necessary for the purpose, canvas and estimate the said votes, and do, execute and perform all and every thing and things in and about the premises, in the same manner as such joint committee might or ought to have done. And moreover, when a major- ity of the said joint committee, or a majority of the survivors of them, or the major part of the said chancellor and justices of the supreme court, shall meet as aforesaid for the purpose of canvassing and estimat- ing the votes for governor, lieutenant governor and senators, or for any of them, such majority shall be and hereby are authorised, empowered and required, to proceed to such canvas and estimate; and all ques- CHAP. 15.] TENTH SESSION. 379 tions which shall arise upon such canvas and estimate, or upon any of the proceedings therein, shall be determined according to the opinion of the major part of the persons so met comformable to this act; and their judgment and determination shall in all cases be binding and conclusive. Ana’furf/zer, that the governor and lieutenant governor so elected, hav- ing severally taken their respective oaths of office, shall severally enter upon the execution of their respective offices, on the first day of july then next ensuing. And that the senators so elected shall respectively give their attendance and take their respective seats in senate, on the first Monday of july in every year, or at the next meeting of the legisla- ture thereafter. And be it furl/Aer enacted by Z/ze azez‘lzerz'ty aferesaz'd, That the said joint committee, and the chancellor and justices of the supreme court, or such of them as shall attend to make such canvas and estimate as aforesaid, before they proceed to open any of the boxes delivered by the sheriffs as aforesaid, shall severally take and subscribe, before the secretary of this State or his sworn deputy, or a master in chancery, the following oath to wit, “ I appointed by the senate or assembly, as the case may be, to canvas and estimate the votes for governor, Oath to be taken by persons attending to canvass votes. lieutenant governor and senators or for lieutenant governor and sena— . tors, or for senators, as the case may be, taken at the last election held within this State, (or I chancellor, or one of the justices of the supreme court of the State of New York, (as the case may be) do solemnly and sincerely swear and declare in the presence of Almighty God, that I will faithfully, honestly and impartially canvas and estimate the votes for governor, lieutenant governor and senators, or for lieuten- ant governor and senators, or for senators (as the case may be) con- tained in the boxes delivered into the office of the secretary of this State, by the sheriffs of the several counties; and that I ‘will publish and declare the person who bath the greatest number of votes for gov- ernor, (if a governor was to be chosen at such election) to be elected to the said office of governor, and the person who hath the greatest num- ber of votes for lieutenant governor, (if any was to be chosen at such election) to be elected to the said office of lieutenant governor; and the persons who have the greatest number of votes for senators, to be elected to the said offices of senators respectively; and if I shall discover any of the other persons appointed a committee with me, (or who shall attend with me) for the purpose aforesaid, conducting himself or them- selves partially, unduly or corruptly in the premises, that I will divulge and discover the same, to the end, that the person so offending may be brought to justice.” Which oath shall be entered of record by the sec- retary or his deputy, in the same book in which the certificate of the determination upon such canvas and estimate, is to be entered as afore- said. Azzd fie z'z‘ fZH’Z/ZL’?’ ezzaez’ed &y the auZ/zerz'z‘y aforesaid, That the mayor, recorder and aldermen of the city of New York for the time being, or the major part of them, shall be, and hereby are authorised and required to canvas and estimate the votes for members of assembly for the said city and county of New York, and shall yearly meet together for that purpose, at the city hall of the city of New York, on the last Tuesday in May, in every year, and on that day, and on so many days next suc- ceeding thereto as shall be necessary for the purpose, proceed to open the said inclosures delivered to the clerk of the said city, and canvas and estimate the votes therein contained; and when and as soon as they shall be able to determine upon such canvas and estimate, who, by the greatest number of votes shall have been chosen for members of Mayor, re- corder and aldermen to canvass votes for member of assembly in New York city. '380 LAWS OF NEW YORK. |_CHAP. I5. Supervis- ors to can- vass votes for mem- bers of assembly in each county. If quorum of super- visors do not attend, justices of common pleas to be summoned assembly for the said city and county of New York at the last preceeding election, and within fourteen days after the said last Tuesday of May, they shall determine the same; and thereupon without delay make and subscribe with their own proper names and hand writing a certificate of such determination in a book to be kept for that purpose in the office of the clerk of the city of New York, there to remain of record: and without delay deli er, or cause to be delivered a true copy thereof so subscribed as aforesaid, to each of the persons so elected respectively, and to the person administring the government of this State for the time being; and shall also deliver or cause to be delivered another copy thereof so subscribed as aforesaid, unto the assembly, on the first Mon- day of july in every year, or at the next meeting of the legislature thereafter ; and immediately upon making such determination as afore- said, all the poll books, or lists, and ballots or tickets for members of assembly for the same‘ cityand county, shall be destroyed by the said mayor, recorder and aldermen, or by some or one of them; And a 2'2‘ fart/ter enaez‘ea’ 12y z‘lze aaf/wrz'z‘y aforesaid, That the super- visors of each and every of the other counties of this State for the time being respectively, or the major part of them, shall be, and hereby‘ are authorised and required to canvas and estimate the votes for members of assembly for their respective counties. And the supervisors of each respective county for the time being, or the major part of them, shall yearly meet together for that purpose on the last Tuesday of May in every year, at the court house in the same county, if there be any, and if not, or if there be more than one court house in such county, then at the house or place where the then last court of sessions of the peace for the. same county was held; and on that day, and on so many days next succeeding thereto as shall be necessary for the purpose, pro- ceed to open the said inclosures delivered to the clerk of the said county as aforesaid, and canvas and estimate the said votes therein contained; and when and as soon as they shall be able to determine upon such canvas'and estimate, who, by the greatest number of votes, shall have been chosen for members of assembly for the same county at the last preceeding election, and within fourteen days after the said last Tuesday of May, they shall determine the same, and thereupon without delay make and subscribe, with their own proper names and hand writing, a certificate of such determination, in a book to be kept for that purpose in the office of the clerk of the same county, there to remain of record; and without delay deliver or cause to be delivered a true copy thereof so subscribed as aforesaid to each of the persons so elected respectively, and to the person administring the government of this State for the time being. And shall also deliver or cause to be delivered another copy thereof so subscribed as aforesaid, unto the assembly, on the first Monday of july in every year, or at the first meet- ing of the legislature thereafter. And immediately upon‘ making such determination as aforesaid, all the poll books or lists, and ballots or tickets for members ofassembly for the same county, shall be destroyed by the said supervisors, or by some or one of them. - A 1212’ a 2'! fart/2e?’ enacted by Z/ze aaZ/zm'z'zj/ afaresaz'a’, That in case the supervisors for the time being of any county, or a majority of them, shall not meet as aforesaid on the last Tuesday of May in any year, then the clerk of such county shall, on the said last Tuesday of May, or within three days thereafter, give notice thereof to the judges and assistant justices of the court of common pleas for the time being in the same county; and the same judges and justices, or the major part of them, shall be, and hereby are in such case, authorised and required to CHAP. 15.] TENTH SESSION. 381 meet together on the second Tuesday in june in the same year, at the same place where the supervisors ought to have met, and on that day, and on so many days next succeeding thereto as shall be necessary for the purpose, canvas and estimate the votes for members of assembly for the‘ same county, and do, execute and perform all and every thing and things in and about the premises, in the same manner as the super- visors of the same county, or the major part of them, might or ought to have done. ' And be it fzcrt/zer enacted ay t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That if the number Excess of of ballots for member of assembly in any inclosure shall ‘exceed the ggsiitggsf’lg number of electors mentioned on the poll lists contained in the same be de- - - - - stroyed. inclosure, then the said supervisors or other persons appointed to can- vas such ballots, shall proceed to draw-out and destroy unopened so many of the said ballots as shall amount to the excess,»and shall proceed to canvas and estimate the residue; and if two or more ballots or tickets shall be found folded or rolled up together, none of the ballots so folded or rolled up together shall be estimated. And no it fart/ter enacted [1y t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That when a Determi- majority of the said mayor, recorder and aldermen of the city of New 33533,? York, or a majority of the supervisors of any county, or the major part 033mg‘;- of the judges and assistant justices of the court of common pleas of any togbe dbrn- county, shall meet as aforesaid, for the purpose of canvasing and esti- cluswe' mating the votes for members of assembly as aforesaid, such majority shall be, and hereby are authorised, empowered and required to proceed to such canvas and estimate; and all questions which shall arise upon such canvas and estimate, or upon any of the proceedings therein, shall be determined according to the opinion of the major part of the persons so met, and their judgment and determination shall in all cases, be bind- ing and conclusive. . And be it further enacted 5y t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That the members Term of - - - office of of assembly so elected, shall respectively give the1r attendance, and take assembly_ their respective seats in assembly on the first Monday of july in every men to l . . COHJIIIGHCB year, or at the next meetlng of the legislature thereafter. on first And a it fart/ter enacted 6y t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That the mayor 3181??“ of recorder and aldermen of the city of New York, or such of them as shall Oath to be make such canvas and estimate as aforesaid, and the supervisor and Eggggglg judges, and assistant justices of the court of common pleas of each of of canvass- the other counties of this State, or such of them as shall make such mgboard' canvas and estimate as aforesaid, shall, before they proceed to open any of the inclosures containing the ballots for member of assembly, severally take and subscribe the following oath, to wit, “ I mayor or recorder, or one of the aldermen of the city of New York, or supervisor of in the county of or one of the judges, or one of the assistant justices of the court of common pleas in the county of ‘ do solemnly and sincerely declare and swear, in the presence of Almighty God, that I will faithfully, honestly and impar- tially canvas and estimate the votes for member of assembly for the city and county of New York, (or for the county of ) contained in the inclosures delivered into the office of the clerk of the same city (or county), and that I will publish and declare the persons who have the greatest number of votes for member of assembly, to be severally elected to the said office respectively; and that if I shall discover any of the other persons who shall attend with me for the purpose aforesaid, conducting or demeaning himself or themselves partially unduly or cor- ruptly in the premises, that I will divulge or discover the same, to the end that the person so offending, may be brought to justice.” Which LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR I5. Penalty for partial or corrupt conduct. Penalty for neglect to perform duty. Penalty for disorderly conduct, etc., at elections. oath shall be taken by the said mayor, recorder and aldermen of the city of New York, before the clerk of the same city, or either of the jus- tices of the supreme court, or a master in chancery, and shall be entered of record by the clerk of the same city in the same book where the cer- tificate of their determination is to be entered as aforesaid: And the said oath shall be taken by the supervisors or judges, and assistant jus- tices of the court of common pleas, in each of the other counties respect- ively, before the clerk, of any justice of the peace of the same county, and shall be entered of record by the clerk of the same county, in the same book where the certificate of their determination is to be entered as aforesaid. And be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That if any or either of the said joint committee, or the chancellor, or any or either of the justices of the supreme court, or the mayor, or recorder, or any or either of the aldermen of the city of New York, or any or either of the supervisors, or judges, or assistant justices of the court of common pleas in any county, or any inspector, shall be guilty of any partial or corrupt or undue conduct or behaviour in the business by this act committed to ' them, and be thereof convicted, he, and they, and every of them so con- victed, shall suffer the same pains and penalties as in cases of wilful and corrupt perjury; and shall, from and after such conviction be utterly disabled and disqualified to hold or enjoy any place or office in this State; any pardon that may be issued by the person administring the government of this State to the contrary hereof in any wise notwith- standing. And he it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any or either of the said joint committee, or the chancellor, or any or either of the justices of the supreme court, or the mayor or recorder, or any or either of the aldermen of the city of New York, or any or either of the supervisors or judges or assistant justices of the court of common pleas in any county, or any inspector, sheriff or'clerk, shall wilfully neglect to perform the duties respectively required of them by this act, or shall be guilty of any corrupt misbehaviour in any matter or thing in or relating to the business committed to them respectively by this act, and be thereof convicted, he, they and every of them so offending and con- victed, shall forfeit and pay, for every such offence, the sum of two hun- dred pounds, to be recovered by action of debt, bill, plaint or informa- tion, in any court of record; the one moiety thereof, to the use of any person who shall prosecute for the same, and the other moiety thereof, to the use of the people of this State. And if the prosecutor in any such suit shall prevail, he shall likewise have judgment for and recover his costs of suit against the person convicted. But if the person so pro- ceeded against shall be acquitted, he shall recover double costs against the prosecutor. And no process shall issue to bring in the party accused, until bond be filed in the office of the clerk of the court out of which such process shall issue, in the penalty of two hundred pounds, with two sufficient freeholders as sureties, such as the court shall approve, to secure the defendant double costs, to become due on a dis-continu- ance, Withdrawing of the suit, or an acquittal, or neglect to bring the same to trial within five terms after the appearance of the defendant to answer the same. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That if any per— son shall be guilty of any disorderly conduct at any such election for governor, lieutenant governor, senators and members of assembly, or any of them, or of using any indirect, sinister or corrupt means to influence any elector, or electors, in giving in his or their ballots, the CHAP. 15.] TENTH SESSION. 383 major part of the inspectors at such election, are hereby authorised, empowered and required to commit the offender to the gaol of the county, there to remain committed, for a space not exceeding thirty days; and all sheriffs, under sheriffs, constable and gaolers, are hereby strictly charged, commanded and required, to aid and obey the inspec- tors herein. ’ _ Arid fie it furt/zer enaez‘ed fiy the authority aforesaid, That whoever shall, by bribery, menace or other corrupt means or device whatsoever, either directly, or indirectly, attempt to influence any free elector of this State, in giving his vote or ballot, or deter him from giving the same, at any election within this State, and shall thereof be convicted, such per- son so offending and convicted, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, the sum of five hundred pounds, to be sued for, and recovered by any person, and in the manner, and under the restrictions above prescribed, in actions to be brought for neglect of duty or corrupt mis- behavior, one moiety of which penalty shall be recovered to the use of the person suing and prosecuting for the same, and the other moiety thereof to the use of the people of this State; and on such conviction, the person convicted, shall thenceforth and forever thereafter, stand and be utterly disabled, disqualified and incapacitated, to hold exercise or enjoy any office, or place of trust or profit, whatsoever within this State. And fie ii‘ farl/zer e/zaez‘ed fiy z‘lze aul/zorizjl aforesaid, That no person under the age of twenty one years, nor any person not a citizen of this State, or of one of the United States, shall have a right to vote at any election in this State. And fie i2‘ farl/zer enaez‘ed fiy z‘fie auz‘lzorizfy aforesaid, That every mort- gagor while he continues in the occupation of the premises mortgaged, and every mortgagee of a real estate to him and his heirs, after he obtains possession of the mortgaged premises, and every person pos- sessed of a freehold in right of his wife, shall be deemed and esteemed a freeholder within the meaning of this act. Arid fie i2‘ furz‘lzer enaeted fiy z‘lze aaz‘lzoriz‘y aforesaid, That all and every person and persons, inhabitant and inhabitants of this State, who at any time after the ninth day of july in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy six, and during the late war between the king of Great Britain and the United States of America, did voluntarily take up arms with the the British troops, or with the Indians then at war with this State, or any of the United States; and every person or person who did within the time aforesaid voluntarily take any commission or appointment in the army or navy of the king of Great Britain; and every person and persons who shall have acted as captain, lieutenant, or master, of any privateer or privateers, or vessels of war, to cruise against or commit hostilities upon vessels, property or persons of any of the citizens of this State, or any other of the United States, shall be and hereby is and are declared to be utterly disabled disqualified and incapacitated to hold, exercise or enjoy, a seat in either house of the legislature, or any office, or place of trust, honor or profit whatsoever, within this State. Provided always, that nothing in this act contained, shall be construed to disqualify persons who have not been commissioned or employed otherwise than as officers of the militia, or in doing militia duty, during the time aforesaid. Arzdproz/idedfarz‘fier, that nothing in this act contained shall be construed to disqualify any person who has been naturalized since the said ninth day of july one thousand seven hundred and seventy six. And fie i! farl/zer enaez‘ed fiy l/ze aaz‘lzorizj/ aforesaid, That the act entitled “An act to regulate elections within this State ” and the second Penalty for bribery, etc. Persons] disquali— fied from voting. Persons deemed freeholders ‘Persons disquali- fled from holding offices of trust. Act recited repealed . 384 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 16. Manner of conducting town meet- ings; jus- tices of the peace to preside. Persons qualified to vote. Day on which town meet- ings to be held. section of the act entitled “An act for the better securing the indepen- dence of this State, and to that end requiring all public officers and electors within this State, to take the test oath therein contained,” and the second section of the act entitled “An act to preserve the freedom and independence of this State, and for other purposes therein men- tioned,” and all laws heretofore made in this State, while the same was the colony of New York, relating to the election of representatives to sit in general assembly, shall be, and hereby are repealed CHAP. 16. AN ACT for the more orderly holding of town meetings. PASSED the 14th of February, 1787. Be it enacted by t/ze People of the State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly and it is hereby enacted by t/ze aut/zorz'ty of the same, for the more orderly holding of town meetings, it shall be, and is hereby made, the duty of the justices of the peace for the time being, to attend at every town, precinct and district meeting, hereafter to be held in and for the town, precinct and district in which they respectively reside; and that the said justices of the peace, or such of them as shall attend at such meeting, shall preside at, and superintend the same, and take care that the business thereof be orderly and regularly conducted, and shall, in case of dispute, determine who have, and who have not a right to vote, or be elected, at such meeting according to law. And if no justice of the peace shall reside in the town, precinct or district, at the time of holding such meeting, then the clerk of the town, precinct or district, who was elected at the last preceding meeting, shall preside at such meeting, and have and exercise all the powers and authorities hereby vested in the justices. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zorz'ty aforesaid, Thatevery male person, being a citizen of this State, who shall be above the age of twenty one years, and shall have resided in any town, precinct or dis- trict, six months next preceding such town, precinct or district meeting, and 'paid taxes within the same, or shall be posessed of a freehold, or shall have rented a tenement of the yearly value of forty shillings, for the term of one year, within the same, shall have a right to vote at such meeting, and no other person. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid, That the first Tuesday in April in every year hereafter, shall be the anniversary day of holding town meetings in the several towns, precincts and districts, in the several counties of this State; and that no such town meetings shall be held longer than two days, and shall only be held open between sun rise and sun set, any law, usage or custom, to the contrary notwith- standing. CHAP. 17.] TENTH sEssIoN. . 385 CHAP. l '7. AN ACT authorizing the sheriff of Queens county to remove his prisoners from the gaol in the city and county of New York, and the sheriff of Dutchess county to remove his prison- ers from the gaol in Ulster county. PASSED the 14th of February, I787. Be it enacted by t/ze People of t/ze State of New Yor/e, represented in Queens Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by the aat/zorizy of tbe sanze, 33,2232“ That the sheriff of Queens county shall, on or before the first day of to be 1'6- April next, remove all his prisoners from the gaol at the city of New §§3§$%6W York, to the gaol in Queens county aforesaid, and there confine them Yorkjan- and every of them in safe custody, until they respectively be discharged by due course of law. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the sheriff Dutchess of the county of Dutchess, shall on or before the first day of April next, remove all his prisoners from the gaol in Ulster county to the 230127256- gaol in Dutchess county aforesaid, and there confine them and every from _ _ of them in safe custody, until they respectively be discharged by due Ulster'Jall‘ course of law. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That neither of Sheriffs the said sheriffs shall be liable to an action or actions of esca e or might-‘Pie L Y P ; for escape other action at law, for the removing of the said prisoners, or either of them; and that if any action, bill, plaint, suit or information, shall be of prison- commenced or prosecuted against the said sheriffs, or either of them, em‘ for removing the said prisoners, or either of them, in pursuance of this act, it shall and may be lawful for such sheriff to plead the general issue, and to give this act, and the special matter in evidence; and if the plaintiff or prosecutor in any such action, bill, plaint, suit or infor- mation, shall become non-suit, or discontinue, or cease to prosecute the same, or if a verdict or judgment be given against him, or her, the defendant shall recover double costs, for which he shall have like remedy as in other cases, where costs by law are given to defendants. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze ant/cority aforesaid, That in case any Sheriff prisoner or prisoners shall escape from the custody of either of the said {,‘g‘ggggfl sheriffs, in the time of his, her or their removal, and the sheriff, from p51'i§g€1§g_ whom such prisoner or prisoners shall escape, shall not retake such taken in prisoner or prisoners, and confine him, her or them, in the gaol to which Slxty days‘ he, she or they ought to be removed by virtue of this act, within sixty days next after such escape made, the same sheriff shall be liable to all actions for such escape and escapes, in the same manner as he would have been, if this act had not been made. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azct/zorizy aforesaid, That so much Acts and of the act entitled an act relative to the gaols in Suffolk, Kings, Queens, gggstie‘fted Richmond and Westchester counties, and for other purposes therein repealed- mentioned, as authorized the sheriff of Queens county, and the officers and ministers of justice in and for the same county, to commit prison- ers to the gaol of the people of this State, in the city and county of New York, and the act entitled “ An act enabling the sheriff and other peace officers of Dutchess county, to imprison and confine certain debtors and criminals in the gaol of Ulster county, shall be and hereby are from and after the said first day of April next, repealed. VoL. 2.——49 386 LAWs OF NEW YORK. [CHAR r8. Coroners to be appointed; duty of. cHAP. 18. AN ACT concerning coroners. PASSED the 14th of February, 1787. Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Yorh, represented in Senate and Assenzh/y, and it is hereby enacted hy the authority of the'sanze, That in every county of this State, sufficient men shall be appointed to be coroners, of the most wise and discreet men of the same county, who know, will, and may best attend upon such offices. And further that every coroner, upon notice, or being certified by the people of the county, shall go to the places where any be slain, or suddenly dead, or wounded, or where houses are broken open, or where treasure is said to be found, and shall forthwith command twenty four good and lawful men of the same county, to appear before him, at such place in the same county as he may find most proper and convenient, and shall appoint, and when they or any twelve or more of them, shall appear, the coroner shall, upon their oath, and upon view of the body, when any is slain, or suddenly dead, inquire, by what means and in what manner, the person so dead came to his or her death, and whether the person so dead be known or a stranger, and where he or she lay the night before, and if such person was slain, where and when the same person was slain, and whether it was in any house, field, bed, tavern or company, and who were there, if any, and who were guilty, and in what manner, either of the act, or as accessary, and who were present, either men or women, of what age soever they be, if they can speak, or have discretion: and such as shall be found guilty by inquisition, in any of the manners aforesaid, shall be taken and delivered to the sheriff, and shall be committed to the gaol; and if any person shall be found dead in the fields or in the woods, it shall be inquired, whether he or she was slain there or not; and if the body so found were brought and laid there, they shall do so much as they can, to follow the steps of those who brought the body thither; and if any person be found guilty of murder, the coroner shall immed- iately go into his house,'and shall inquire how much land he bath, and what it is worth yearly, and what corn he hath upon the ground, and what goods and chattels he bath, and shall value the same lands, goods and chattels, as if they should be immediately sold, and thereupon the coroner shall seize and be answerable for the same. And immediately after such inquiry shall be made, the bodies of such persons, being slain or suddenly dead, shall be buried. And in like manner it is to be inquired of persons that be drowned, or suddenly dead, when their bodies be found, whether they were so drowned, or slain, or strangled, or killed by any other and what hurt found upon their bodies; whereupon the coroner and jury shall proceed in manner aforesaid. And in like man- ner it is to be inquired of them that die in prison, or be killed by misfor- tune. And the coroner ought also to inquire of treasure that is found, who “were the finders; and likewise who is suspected thereof ; and such as be so found may be attached by the coroner, and bound, with at least two sureties, to appear before the justices of the next gaol delivery in the same county, to answer the premises. And moreover, if any be appealed of rape, they shall be taken and delivered to the sheriff, and be com- mitted to the gaol, if the appeal be fresh, and there be apparent sign of truth, by effusion of blood, or an open cry made. But if there was no CHAP. 18.] TENTH SESSION. 387 cry, nor any manifest sign or token of the truth of the appeal, the defend- ant shall be bound, with two or more sufficient sureties, to appear before the justices of the next goal delivery in the same county, to answer the premises. And upon appeals of wounds and such like, especially if the wounds be mortal, the parties appealed shall be taken and delivered to the sheriff, and shall be committed to the goal, and kept until it be per- fectly known whether the person hurt shall recover, or not: and if the person hurt die, the defendant shall be kept; but if the person recover, the defendant may be let to main prize, by one of the justices of the supreme court, but by none other. And if the wounds be not mortal, or if the appeal be for a maim, the defendant shall be bound, with two or more sureties, to appear before the justices of the next goal delivery in the same county, to answer the premises. And also all wounds ought to be viewed, the length, dreadth and depth, and how many wounds there be, and with what weapons they were made, and in what part of the body the wound or hurt is, and who are guilty, and if there be many wounds, who gave each particular wound. And if any be appealed of any act done as principal, they that be appealed as accessary shall also be taken and safely kept in gaol, until the principals be attainted or delivered. And if any be suspected of the death of any person, or of doing any hurt to any person, so as to endanger life, such person so sus- pected shall be taken and imprisoned as aforesaid; all which things must be inrolled in the roll of the coroners. And moreover hue and cry shall be levied for all murders and burglaries, and for men slain, or in peril to be slain; and all persons shall follow the hue and cry, and pursue the offenders as near as can be; and he that doth not, and is convict thereupon, by the record of the coroner, shall be attached to be before justices of the next gaol delivery in the same county, to answer the premises. Andfzirt/zer that all coroners shall deliver their inquisitions and rolls, before the justices of the next gaol delivery in their respective counties, and the same justices shall proceed thereupon against the offenders, if they be in gaol, and if not, the same justices shall deliver the same inquisitions and rolls into the supreme court, there to be proceeded upon according to law. And fie i! farl/zer enaez‘ed fiy z‘lze aaz‘lzorizj/ aforesaid, That every coro- ner, upon any inquisition before him found, whereby any person or per- sons shall be indicted of murder or man slaughter, or as accessary or accessaries to the same, before the murder or man slaughter committed, shall put in writing the effect of the evidence given to the jury before him, being material; and every such coroner is hereby authorized and required, to bind all such by recognizance, as do declare any thing material to prove the said murder or manslaughter, or to prove any per- son or persons to be accessary or accessaries to the same, to appear at the next gaol delivery to be holden within the county or city where the trial thereof shall be, then and there to give evidence against the party so indicted, at the time of his or her trial; and shall certify, as well the same evidence, as such recognizance and recognizances, in writing, as he shall take, together with the inquisition or indictment before him taken and found, to the same court, at or before the time of the trial of the party so indicted: And in case any coroner shall be remiss and do not take inquisition as aforesaid, or do not certify as is before ordained, or shall offend in any thing contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, the justices of gaol delivery of the county or city, where such offence shall be committed, upon due proof thereof, by examination before them, shall, for every such offence, set such fine upon every of the same coroners, as the same justices of gaol delivery shall think meet, Coroner to put evi- dence in writing in case of murder, etc., and bind Wit- nesses by recogni— zance to appear. 388 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 19. and estreat the same as other fines and amerciaments assessed before justices of gaol delivery, ought to be estreated. ' Returns And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/iority aforesaid, That any return $522,?’ made and signed by any one of the coroners for the time being, in any be of the counties of this State, to any future process, except process for effect asif summoning juries,wh1ch shall issue from and out of any court of record ill-feed by in this State, directed to the Colonels of the said counties respectively, shall, and is hereby declared to be as good and valid in law to all in- tents, constructions and purposes, as if such return was made and signed by all the coroners of the said counties respectively; but the act or return of any one or more of the coroners, shall in no degree preju- dice the rest. GHAP. 19. AN ACT concerning executors and administrators. PASSED the 14th of February, 1787. Executors Be it enacted by t/ze people of tbo State of New York, represented in glgifshgg’e Senate and Assembly, and it is izereby enacted by t/ze ant/torily of tbe same, account- That from henceforth executors shall have a writ of account, and the same action and process in the same writ, as the testator might have had if he had lived. Actions of And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That executors igisggfis shall and may have an action for a trespass done to their testator, as of against the goods and chattels of the same testator carried away in his life time, §§§§fl§§§§ against the trespassers, and recover their damages in like manner as the $01161“, person whose executors they be, should have had, if he or she were in estators . . - . - . life-time. llfe. And where any testator or intestate, shall, in his life time, have taken or carried away, or, converted to his or her use, the goods or chattels of any person or persons, such person or persons, his, or her executors or administrators, shall have and maintain the same action against the executors or administrators of such testator or intestate, as he, she or they might have had or maintained, against such testator or intestate, and shall have the like remedy and process for the damages recovered in such action, as are now had and allowed in other actions against executors or administrators. Actions And be it fart/cer enacted by the ant/zority aforesaid, That in actions giggfftl‘ors_ against divers executors, all the same executors shall be considered as one person, representing the person of the testator; and although the sheriff answer at the summons, that some of them have nothing whereby he, she or they may be summoned, yet there shall be an attachment awarded upon him, her or them ; and if the sheriff answer, that he, she or they have nothing whereby he, she or they may be attached, the great distress shall be awarded, and he, she or they, that do first appear in the court, shall answer to the plaintiff; and in case judgment shall pass for the plaintiff, he, or she shall have his or her judgment and exe- cution, against him, her or them, that have appeared, according to the- law heretofore used, and against all others named in the writ, of the goods of the testator, as well as if they had all appeared. But it is to be understood, that if any in such case will sue according to the law that hath been antiently used, he, or she may freely do it, notwithstand‘ ing this statute. CHAP. 19.] TENTH SESSION. 389‘ And be it fart/cor enacted by t/ze ant/zerity aforesaid, That executors of Executors executors shall have actions of debt, account, and of goods carried away, of the first testator, and execution of judgments obtained by or recog- nizances made to the first testator, in any court of record, in the same manner as the first testator should have had, if he were in life, as well of actions of the time past, as of the time to come: And that the same executors of executors, shall answer to others, of as much as they have recovered of the goods of the first testator, as the first executors should, do if they were in full life. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That where any person dieth intestate, the widow or next of kin, or any of them, of the deceased person, if they or either of them will accept the same, and if not, some other proper person or persons shall be deputed, to administer the goods of the intestate, and that such administrators shall have actions to demand and recover as executors, the debts due to the said person intestate, and shall answer to others to whom the intestate was holden and bound, in the same manner as executors shall answer, and shall be accountable as executors be in case of testament, as well of the time past as the time to come. of execu- tors, ac- tions by. Adminis- tration, to whom granted; action by admi nis~ trator. And be it fart/zer enacted by Me aat/zority aforesaid, That a writ of Writs of idemptitate nominis shall and may be granted, and made good and maintainable for the executors of every testator, and the administrators of every person dying intestate, to the same effect, as the same action of idemptitate nominis would have been maintainable for the testator, or intestate, if such testator or intestate were in life, and were or might have been molested or grieved because or by colour of any outlawry, of any person having such and the like names as the same testator or intestate had. 0 And for as much as it is sometimes practiced, to the defrauding of creditors, that such persons as are to have the administration of the goods of others dying intestate committed unto them, if they require it will not accept the same, but suffer or procure the administration to be granted to some other of mean estate from whom themselves, or others by their means do take deeds of gifts and authorities by letters of attorney, whereby they obtain the estate of the intestate into their hands, and yet stand not subject to pay any debts owing by the same intestate, and so the creditors for want of knowledge of the place of habitation of the administrator cannot arrest or sue him or her; and if they happen to find him or her out, yet for want of ability in him, or her to satisfy, of his or her own goods, the value of that he or she hath conveyed away or wasted, ofthe intestates goods, or released of his or her debts the creditors cannot have or recover their just debts. Therefore be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze az/t/zority aforesaid, That every person and persons who shall obtain, receive and have, any goods or debts of any person dying intestate, or a release or other discharge of any debt or duty that belonged to the intestate, upon any fraud as is aforesaid, or without such valuable consideration as shall amount to the value of the same goods or debts, or near thereabouts, (except it be in or towards satisfaction of some just and principal debt, of the value of the same goods or debts to him or her owing by the intestate, at the time of his or her decease,) shall be charged and chargeable, as executor of his or her own wrong, and so far only as all such goods and debts coming to his or her hands, or whereof he or she is released or discharged by such administrator, will satisfy; deducting nevertheless, to and for himself, allowance of all just, due and principal debts upon good consideration, without fraud owing to him or her, by the intestate, at the time of his idempti- _ tate nomi— 111s. Provisions for pre— venting frauds on estate of person dying intestate. 390 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 20. or her decease, and of all other payments made by him or her, which lawful executors or administrators, may, and ought to have and pay, by the laws of this State. Execution And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That where any judgment hath been or shall be had, by or in the name of any executor, or administrator, and every such case an administrator .de bonis non, ism-at“, may sue forth a scire facias, and have and take execution upon such judgment. Executor-s, And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That all and every gfiggégfin, the executors and administrators of any person or persons, who as executor or ‘executors, eithercf right, or in his, her, or their own wrong, name for or as administrator or administrators, hath or have wasted or converted, Waste‘ or hereafter shall waste or convert, any goods, chattels, estate or assets of any person deceased, to his her or their own use, shall be liable and chargeable, in the same manner, as his, her or their testator or intestate would have been, if living. ‘Acqtggrlilsg of And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That actions against of account, shall and may be brought and maintained against the execu- execuwl‘s- tors or administrators of every guardian, bailiff and receiver. Inventory And he it furtherenacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the executor g5 gitfiffide and executors named by the testator, or person deceased, or such other Egrgfifilr person or persons to whom administration hath ‘been, or shall be come adminis- mitted, where any person hath died or shall die intestate, or by way of trators’ intestate, calling or taking to him, her or them, such person or persons, two at the least, to whom the said person so dying was indebted, or made any legacy, and upon their refusal or absence, two other honest persons, being next of kin to the person so dying, and in their default or absence, two other honest persons, and in their presence and by their discretion, shall make or cause to be made, a true and perfect inventory of all the goods, chattels, wares and merchandize, as well moveable as not moveable whatsoever, that were of the person so deceased and the same shall cause to be indented; whereof the one part shall be, by the said executor or executors, administrator or administrators, presented and delivered to the judge of the court of probate, or to the surrogate in whose office the testament of such person so dying was proved, or administration committed, upon the oath or oaths of such executor or executors, administrator or administrators, to be taken before the said judge or surrogate, that the same inventory is just and true; and the other part of the same inventory, shall remain with the said executor or executors, administrator or administrators. CHAP. 20. AN ACT for the better apprehending of felons. PASSED the r4th of February, 1787. £13m?- Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Yorh, represented in 5.22;‘? of Senate and Assenzh/y, and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the sauce, PE‘bll" out‘ That when any murder, robbery burglary, burning of houses theft or cry for. . ’ . D ’ other felony, shall be committed, cries thereof shall be solemnly made immediately, in all the towns, markets and places of public resort, near where the same felony shall be committed, so that no man, by ignorance, may excuse himself; and that fresh pursuit after such robbers and fel- CHAP. 22.] TENTH SESSION. 391 ons, shall be forthwith made, from town to town, and from county to county, by horsemen and footmen, to apprehend and arrest the same robbers and felons. And farZ/zer, that all men generally be ready, and Persons armed and accoutred, at the commandment and summons of sheriffs, coroners, bailiffs, constables and marshall's, and at the cry of the coun- outcry try, to pursue and arrest felons, whenever there shall be occasion, as well within franchise as without; and they who will not do so, and be 1118"“- thereof convicted, either in the supreme court, or before justices author- ized or assigned to hear and determine, or before the justices of the peace, at their general sessions, in or for the city or county where such neglect shall happen, shall be punished by fine, according to the discre- tion of the justices of the same court. And if any sheriff, coroner, Penaltyfor bailiff, constable or marshal, within any franchise, or without, for reward, 33%???“ or for prayer, or for fear, or for any manner of affinity, or for any other sheriff or cause, shall conceal or consent, or procure to be concealed, any felony 32361‘ Om‘ whatsoever; or will not attach or arrest such felons when he may, or otherwise will not do his office, for favour to such misdoers, or for any other cause, and be thereof convicted, in any such court as aforesaid, he and they and every of them, so offending, shall be punished by fine and imprisonment, according to the discretion of the justices of the same court. CHAP. 21. AN ACT for the punishment of the vice of buggery. Passer) the 14th of February, 1787. Be it e/zaez‘ed fiy i/ze People of Me Sla/e of New York, represented in Bugger)‘. Se/zaz‘e and Assemfily, and ii‘ is lzerefiy e/zaeled, fiy l/ze aal/zoril‘y of Z/ze same, Bygggfile That the detestable and abominable vice of buggery, committed with mankind, or beast, shall be from henceforth adjudged felony; and such order and form of process therein shall be used against the offenders, as in cases of felony at the common law; and that every person being thereof convicted, by verdict, confession, or outlawry, shall be hanged by the neck, until he or she shall be dead. CHAP. 22. AN ACT concerning murder. Passer) the 14th of February, 1787. Be iz‘ enacted fiy Me People of tile Stale of New York, represented in Murderof Serzaz‘e and Assemfily, and if is fierefiy enaez‘ed fiy l/ze aza‘fiorizfy of l/ze same, That all wilful killing by poisoning of any person or persons, done, per- ishabfe by petrated or committed, or that at any time hereafter, shall be done, per- death‘ petrated or committed. shall be adjudged taken and deemed, wilful murder of malice prepense : and the offenders therein, their aiders, abettors, procurors and counsellors, shall suffer death, and forfeit in every behalf, as in other cases of wilful murder of malice prepense. A 12d fie it further eizaez‘ed fiy z‘lze aat/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That if any person Willful or persons shall stab or thrust any person or persons, that hath not then murder‘ . gunishahle any weapon drawn, or that hath not then first stricken the party who ydea'h- 392 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 22. Persons killed in self-d e- fense, etc. Murder by servant 01' wife. Killing of person attempting to murder or rob. If killing found to be done in self—de- Tense, per- son charg- ed to be acquitted. If killing found to be done in effort to arrest per- son killed shall so stab or thrust, so as the person or persons so stabbed or thrust shall thereof die, within the space of six months then next following, although it cannot be proved that the same was done of malice afore- thought, every such unlawful killing shall be adjudged taken and deemed wilful murder. And the offenders therein, their aiders, abettors, pro- curers and counsellors, shall suffer death, and forfeit in every behalf, as in other cases of wilful murder of malice prepense : But this shall not extend to any person or persons who shall kill any person or persons in his, her or their own defence, or by misfortune, or in any other manner then as aforesaid; nor to any person or persons who, in keeping and preserving the peace, shall chance to kill any person or persons, so as such killing be not done wittingly, willingly and of purpose, under pre- text and colour of keeping the peace; nor to any person or persons, who, in chastising or correcting his her or their child or servant, shall, contrary to his her or their intent and purpose, chance to kill such child or servant. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by fire ant/torily aforesaid, That when a ser— vant killeth his master, or a wife her husband of malice prepense, such offences shall be deemed and adjudged to be, and shall be punished, as murder. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by Me antbority aforesaid, That if any evil disposed person or persons, shall attempt feloniously to rob or murder any person or persons, in or nigh any high-way, or in his or their man- sion house or dwelling place, or shall feloniously attempt to break any dwelling house in the night, and shall happen, in his or their being in such their felonious attempt, to be slain by him, her or them, whom the said evil doers shall so attempt to rob or murder, or by any person or persons being in the dwelling house, which the same evil doers shall attempt buglariously to break by night, then and in every such case, if the person or persons so happening to kill any such person or persons so attempting to commit any such murder, robbery or burglary, shall be indicted or appealed, of or for the death of such evil disposed person or persons, so attempting to commit murder, robbery or burglary as afore- said, if it be found by verdict, that the party so indicted or appealed, killed such evil disposed person or persons, in such felonious attempt, the party so indicted or appealed, shall not forfeit or lose any thing for the death of such evil disposed person, in manner aforesaid slain, but shall be thereof and for the same, fully acquitted and discharged, in like manner as the same person or persons should be, if he, she or they, were lawfully acquitted of the death of the said evil disposed person or persons. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That upon all indictments and appeals of or for the death of any person or persons, if it be found by verdict, that the party indicted or appealed killed the person or persons for whose death he she or they is are or shall be indicted or appealed, in his, her or their own defence, or by misfortune, then and in every such case, the party so found by verdict, to have killed the person or persons for whose death, he, she or they is are or shall be indicted or appealed, in his, her or their own defence, or by misfortune as aforesaid, shall not forfeit or lose any thing for the death of the same person or persons so killed, but shall be thereof and for the same, fully acquitted and discharged. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/‘torily aforesaid, That upon all indictments and appeals, of or for the death of any person or persons, if it be found by verdict, that the party indicted or appealed happened to kill the person or persons, for whose death, he, she or they is, are or CHAP. 23.] TENTH SESSION. 393 shall be indicted or appealed, in attempting or endeavouring by any lawful ways or means, to apprehend, take or arrest the same person or persons, for any treason or felony, done and committed, or hereafter to be done and committed, or in the lawful defence, of his, her or their husband, wife, parent, child, master, mistress or servant, or in suppres- sing any riot, or in keeping and preserving the peace, or in lawfully chastising or correcting, his, her or their child or servant, then and in every such case, the party so found by verdict, to have killed the person or persons, for whose death he, she or they is, are or shall be indicted or appealed, shall not forfeit or lose any thing for the death of the same person or persons so killed, but shall thereof and for the same, be fully acquitted and discharged. CHAP. 23. AN ACT for preventing and punishing rapes, and the forcible taking of women. PASSED the 14th of February, 1787. Be it enacted by t/ze Pee/ate of tbe State of New Yor/e represented in Senate and Assembly and it is bereby enacted by t/ze azct/cority of tbe sanze, That if any person shall unlawfully and carnally know and abuse, any . woman child, under the age of ten years, every such unlawful and carnal knowledge, shall be deemed and adjudged to be a rape, and felony; and every offender, being thereof duly convicted or attainted, shall suffer deathfor the same. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That if any per- son shall by force ravish a married woman, or maid, or any other woman, it shall be deemed and adjudged felony; and every offender being thereof duly convicted or attainted, shall suffer death for the same. And in all cases of rape, the offenders may be prosecuted and punished at the suit of the people of this State, as well as by appeal at the suit of the party. And w/zereas women, as well maidens, as widows and wives, having substance, some in goods moveable, and some in lands and tenements, and some, being heirs apparent unto their ancestors for the lucre of such substance, he sometimes taken by misdoers, contrary to their will, and afterwards married to such misdoers, or to others, by their assent, or defiled. For prevention whereof, Be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That if any person or persons, shall take any woman so against her will, unlawfully, that is to say, maid, widow 0r wife, such taking, and the‘procuring and abetting to the same, shall be felony; and every offender, being thereof duly convicted or attainted, shall suffer death for the same: And that such misdoers takers procurators and abettors to the same in form aforesaid, shall be reputed and judged as principal felons; but this clause of this act shall not extend to any per- son taking any woman, only claiming her as his ward, or bond woman. VOL. 2. ——50 for felony, person charged to be acquitted. Carnal knowledge of female child under ten years de— clared rape; penalty. Ravishing of Worn an by f orce declared rape; penalty. Unlawful taking of woman punishable by death. 394 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 25. Court of admiralty, jurisdic- tit) 11 Of. Act not to extend to libels, etc., under cus- toms act. Preamble. CHAP. 24. AN ACT to prevent encroachments of the court of admiralty. PASSED the 14th of February, 1787- 56 1'1‘ enacted h/v the Poof/e of the State of xvd'ZU Yorh, represented in Senate and Assenzhly, and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, That the court of admiralty of this State shall not meddle or hold plea of any thing done within this State, but only of things done upon the sea, as it hath been formerly used; and further that of all manner of contracts, pleas and quarrels, and of all other things done, arising within the body of any county of this State, as well by land as by water, and also of wreck of the sea, the court of admiralty shall have no manner of cognizance, power nor jurisdiction; but all such manner of contracts, pleas and quarrels, and all other things arising within the body of any county, of this State, as well by land as by water as aforesaid, and also wreck of the sea, shall be tried, determined, discussed and remedied, by the laws of the land, and not before, nor in or by the court of admi- ralty. Nevertheless of the death of any person and of maihem done in ships or vessels being and hovering in the main stream of great rivers out of the body of any county, or nigh to the sea, and in none other places of the same rivers, the court of admiralty shall have cognizance. And moreover that as touching a pain to be set on the judge of the court of admiralty, this statute and the common law shall be holden against him: and that any person who shall be aggrieved, against the form of this statute, shall have his action by writ grounded upon the case, against him that doth so pursue in the court of admiralty, and recover his double damages against the pursuant, and the same pursuant shall‘ incur the pain of ten pounds to the people of this State for the pursuit so made, if he be convicted. Provided always, that nothing in this act shall extend to any libel, information or suit in the court of admiralty, for or concerning the for- feiture of any goods, wares or merchandize, seized or to be seized, by virtue of an act intitled “An act imposing duties on certain goods, wares and merchandize, imported into this State. GHAP. 25. AN ACT for the relief of Arthur Noble, and others. PASSED the 15th of February, 1787. WHEREAS it is represented to the legislature, that Arthur Noble hath been at great expence, in order to obtain lands in this State, for the settlement of one hundred families ; but by unavoidable accidents, hath been hitherto frustrated in his intentions. And whereas the intro- duction and actual settlement of a number of industrious families on the fronties* of this State, would be for the general advantage thereof. Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Y or/e, represented in Senate and Assenzhly, and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners of the land office, to grant to the said Arthur Noble, a quantity of land equal to one Commis- sioners of land office to grant certain lands to * So in original. CHAP. 26.] TENTH SESSION. 395 township of ten miles, or two townships of eight miles square, of the firtéllur waste and unappropriated lands in any part of this State, on such terms 0 e‘ and conditions, as to them shall appear most conducive to the interest thereof, on his, the said Arthur Noble’s paying into the treasury of this State, at and after the rate of one shilling per acre, in certificates made receivable by law in the treasury, on the sale of unappropriated land. Arid w/zereas joshua Mersereau by his petition hath represented, that gal-Sig he lately purchased at public vendue several parcels of waste and un- Mersereau. appropriated lands, and that by unavoidable accidents he was prevented from making payment for the same, within the time limited by law. Therefore, fie it fart/zer erzaeted fiy t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That it shall be lawful for the commissioners of the land office, to grant letters patent to the said joshua Mersereau, for the lands so by him purchased, upon his paying for the same in such manner, and within such time, as the said commissioners shall direct. Arid av/zereas Sluman Wattles, has by his petition to the legislature Itl.,to set forth, that he was intitled to lands upon an equitable claim, and thro’ ignorance of the act, entitled “An act for the speedy sale of the unappropriated lands within this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned,” passed the fifth day of May, one thousand seven hundred and eighty six, be neglected to pay for the said lands, within the time limited by the said act. Therefore, fie it fart/zer e/zaeted fiy t/ze aat/iority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners of the land office, to grant letters patent to the said Sluman Wattles, for so much land, as it shall appear to the said commissioners he has a just and equitable claim to, on his paying into the treasury, one shilling per acre for the said lands, in such certificates as are made receivable by the said act, and within such time, as the said commissioners shall direct. CHAP. 26. AN ACT for preventing of vexations and oppressions by arrest. PAssEn the 16th of February, 1787. Be it enaeted fiy t/ze People of t/ze State of New York, represented in Sheriffs Senate and Assemfily, and it is lzerefiy e/zaeted fiy t/ze aat/iority of t/ze same, gtfglcgllgig That all and every sheriff, under sheriff, coroner, gaoler and other officer, let all per- shall let out of prison all manner of {persons by them or any of them Z‘gngfirc'fii'i' arrested, or to be arrested, or being in their custody by force of any ge‘lficessm writ, bill or warrant, in any personal action, or by reason of any indict- ' ment for trespass, upon reasonable sureties, of sufficient persons having sufficient within the counties where such persons be so let to bail or mainprize, to keep their days, in such place as the said writs, bills or warrants shall require, (except such person or persons as be or shall be in their ward, by condemnation, execution, capias utlagatum, surety of the peace, and all such persons as be or shall be committed to ward, by special commandment of any court or justices) and that no sheriff, or any of the officers or ministers aforesaid, shall take or cause to be taken, or make any obligation, for any cause aforesaid, or by colour of their office, of any person, or by any person who shall be in their ward by course of law, but only to themselves, and by the name of their office, and upon condition written, that the said prisoners shall appear at the LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 26. Persons arrested, exceptin instances recited, not re- quired to give bail in a sum exceeding forty pounds. Appear- ance of erson ailed Works a discharge of bail. . When non-suit may be entered against plaintiff. day contained in the said writ, bill or warrant,-and in such places as the said writs, bills or warrants shall require; and if any of the said sheriffs, officers or ministers aforesaid, take any obligation in other form, by colour of their offices, it shall be void. And fnrt/zer, that if any sheriff or other officer, or minister aforesaid, return upon any person that he hath taken the body, or that such person hath surrendered him- self, such sheriff or other officer or minister aforesaid, shall be charge- able to have the body of such person at the days of the returns of the said writs, bills or warrants, in such form as they were before the mak- ing of this act. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid, That no person or persons who shall happen to be arrested by any sheriff, under sheriff, coroner, minister or other officer, or any other person or persons whom- soever having or pretending to have authority or warrant in that behalf, by force or colour of any writ, bill or process, issued or to be issued out of the supreme court (except writs of capias utlagatun, attachments upon rescous, attachments upon contempt, and attachments of priviledge at the suit of any priviledged person,) in which said writ, bill or process, the certainty and true cause of action is not expressed particularly, and for which the defendant or defendants in such writ, bill or process named, is and are, or shall be bailable by such sheriff, under sheriff, coroner, minister and other officer as aforesaid, shall be forced or com- pelled to give security, or to enter into bond with sureties for the appearance of such person or persons so arrested, at the clay and place in the said writ, bill or process specified or contained, in any penalty or sum exceeding the sum of forty pounds lawful money of this State, to be conditioned for such appearance. And that all sheriffs and other officers and ministers aforesaid, shall let to bail and deliver out of prison, and from their and every of their custodies respectively, all and every person and persons whomsoever, by them or any of them arrested, upon any such writ, bill or process, wherein the certainty and true cause of action is not particularly expressed, (except as before excepted) upon security, in the sum of forty pounds, and no more, given for the appear- ance of such person or persons so arrested, unto the said sheriff or other officer aforesaid, in manner and form aforesaid, or upon such person or persons so arrested, indorsing his, her or their appearance upon such writ, bill or process. Andfnrt/zer, that where such appearance shall be in dorsed upon any such writ, bill or process, the clerk of the said supreme court shall at the return of the same writ, bill or process, enter the appear- ance of such person or persons so indorsed; and where such person or persons so arrested shall give bond in the sum of forty pounds, for his, her or their appearance as aforesaid, and shall either in person or by any attorney of the same court, cause his, her or their appearance unto the same writ, bill or process, to be entered with the clerk of the same court, in the term wherein the same writ, bill or process shall be returnable, such bond or bonds so given for appearance, shall be, and hereby are declared to be thereby satisfied and discharged; and after such appear- ance so entered, no amerciaments shall be set or estreated upon or against any sheriff, or other officer aforesaid, or any other person or persons, concerning the want of such appearance. the plaintiff or plaintiffs in any such writ, bill or process named, shall put into the same court, his, her, or their bill or declaration, against the person or persons so arrested, in some personal action, or ejectment of lands or tenements, before the end of the term next following after appearance, that then a non suit for want of a declaration may be entered against the said plaintiff or plaintiffs; and that every defend- And nzoreooer, unless _ CHAP. 26.] TENTH SESSION. _ 397 ant, in every such writ, bill or process named, shall or may have judg— ment to recover costs against such plaintiff or plaintiffs, to be assessed, taxed and levied, in like manner as costs awarded to defendants in cases of verdicts or judgments for them, are to be assessed, taxed and levied. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That where on any Appear- process issued, or to be issued out of any mayors court, or court of “0.83188 common pleas within this State, special bail is not required, and the iibaiiiits and defendant or defendants shall indorse, his, her or their appearance upon 383E005 the same process, the clerk of the same court, shall, at the return of the pleas- same process, enter the appearance of such defendant or defendants so in- dorsed, which shall be a sufficient appearance of such defendant or defendants, to enable the plaintiff or plaintiffs to proceed to judgment and execution, in his, her or their suit or action. And be it fart/ter enacted by tile aat/zority aforesaid, That if any sheriff, Sheriff not under sheriff, coroner or other officer, or minister whatsoever, shall at giggggfro any time or times hereafter, have in his or their custody, any person or fins’ publifi persons by virtue of or colour of any writ, process or other warrant 0328523,; whatsoever, it shall not be lawful for such officer or officers, to convey géftc‘ifgr or carry or cause to be conveyed or carried the said person or persons enfo'ree to any tavern, ale house, or other publick victualing or drinking house, 325,555, without the free and voluntary consent of the said person or persons, fees- so as to charge such prisoner with any sum of money, for any wine, beer, ale, cyder, punch, victuals, tobacco, or any other thing whatsoever, but what the said person or persons shall call for, of his, her or their own accord; and such officer or officers shall not demand, take or receive, or cause to be demanded, taken or received, directly or indi- rectly, any other or greater sum or sums, than what by law ought to be taken or demanded for such arrest, taking or waiting, until such person or persons shall have procured an appearance, found bail, agreed with his, her or their adversaries, or be sent to the proper gaol belonging to the county, city town or place, where such arrest or taking shall be, nor take or exact any other award or gratuity for so keeping the said person or persons out of the gaol or prison, than what he, she or they shall or will, of his, her or their own accord, voluntarily and freely give; nor take nor receive, any other or greater sum or sums for each nights lodging, or other expences than what is reasonable and fitting in such cases, or shall be so adjudged by the next justice of the peace, or at the general sessions; and shall not cause or procure the said person or persons to pay for any other wine, beer, ale, cyder, punch, victuals, tobacco, or other things, than what the said person or persons shall voluntarily, par- ticularly, and freely call for. And fart/ter, that every sheriff, under Sheriffs to sheriff, gaoler, keeper of prison or gaol, and every person and persons 3232??‘ whomsoever, to whose custody any person or persons shall be delivered Send f0!‘ or committed, by virtue of any writ, or process, or on any pretence $83,883? whatsoever, shall permit and suffer the said person or persons, at his, her and their will and pleasure, to send for and have any beer, ale, victuals, and other necessary food, where and from whom they please; and also to have and use such bedding, linen and other things, as the said person or persons shall think fit, without any purloining, detaining, or paying for the same, or any part thereof; and shall not demand, take or receive, of the said person or persons, any other or greater fee or fees whatsoever, ,for his, her or their commitment, release or discharge, than what is or shall be allowable by law, nor any thing whatsoever, for his, _ ' her or their chamber rent. And moreover, that it shall not be lawful for $7,151]? any sheriff, goaler, or keeper of any gaol or prison, to put, keep or lodge Prisoners . - to be he t prisoners for debt, and felons, together in one room or chamber, but that Separate? 398 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 26. Penalty for sheriffs Offending aaainst this act. Penalty for sheriff's apprehend- ing a per- son by false or forged writs or process. Malicious and vexa- tious arrests, penalty for. they shall be put, kept and lodged, seperate and apart, one from another, in distinct rooms. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That all and every sheriff, under sheriff, coroner, gaoler, and other officer or minister afore- said, who shall offend against any thing in this act herein before con- tained, or the true intent and meaning thereof, or any part thereof, shall forfeit and lose his office, place or employment; and shall forfeit treble damages to the party grieved, to be recovered by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, in any court of record, with costs of suit. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That if any sheriff, under sheriff, coroner or other person, having authority, or taking upon him to open writs, shall make any warrants for the summons of any per- son, as upon any writ, process or suit, or for the arrest or attaching of any person or person, by his, her or their body or goods, to appear in any court of record, (not having before that time the original writ or process warranting the same) that then upon complaint thereof made to the justice or justices, who shall hold the circuit court in the county where the offence shall be committed, or to the judges or justices of the court out of which the process issued, not only the party who made such warrant, but all those who were the procurers thereof, shall be sent for before the same judges or justices, by attachment or otherwise, as the same judges or justices shall think fit, and be examined thereof upon oath; and if the same offence be confessed by the same offenders, or proved by sufficient witnesses, to the satisfaction of the same judges or justices, that then the same judges or justices who shall so examine the same, shall forthwith by force of this act, commit every of the same offenders, to the gaol of the county or court where the same shall be examined, there to remain without bail or mainprise, until such time as they, amongst them, have fully satisfied and paid unto the party grieved by such warrant, not only the sum of ten pounds lawful money of this State, but also all such costs and damages as the same judges or justices shall set down, that the same party hath sustained thereby, and likewise twenty pounds each, for their offence against the people of this State. And he itfurther enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That if any person or persons shall by any ways or means, maliciously, or for vexation and trouble, cause or procure any other person or persons to be arrested, or attached to answer in any court of record, or in any other court or place, at the suit, or in the name of any person or persons, where indeed there is no such person or persons known, or Without the assent, consent or agreement, of such person or persons, at whose suit or in whose name such arrest or attachment is, or shall be so had and procured, that then and in such case, every such person and persons, who shall so cause or procure any such arrest or attachment, of any other person or persons, to be had or made, for vexation or trouble as aforesaid, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay to the party or parties, so arrested or attached, by his, her or their means or procurement, treble the costs, charges, damages and expences, that he, she or they, so arrested or attached, shall be put unto, by reason or occasion of such arrest or attachment, so had, to be recovered by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, in any court of record, with costs of suit; and shall also forfeit and pay unto such person or persons in whose name, and at whose suit, such arrest or attachment shall be had or made, if then there shall be any such person known, the sum of twenty pounds for every such offence, to be recovered as aforesaid; and shall also, upon con- viction thereof, have and suffer imprisonment, by the space of six cal- enda. months, without bail or mainprise. CHAP. 27.] TENTH SESSION. 099 0 CHAP. 27. AN ACT for the more easy pleading in certain suits. PASSED the 16th of February, 1787. Be it enaeted fiy the People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Asse/nfily, and it is lzerefiy enaeted fiy the authority of the same, That if any action, bill, plaint, or suit upon the case, trespass, battery or false imprisonment, is brought, or hereafter shall be brought, against any sheriff, coroner, justice of the peace, mayor, recorder or aldermen, bailiff, constable, marshall, collector or overseer of the Poor, and their deputies or any of them, or any other person, who in their aid or assist- ance, or by commandment, have done, or shall do anything touching or concerning his or their office or offices for or concerning any matter, cause or thing, by them or any of them done, by virtue or reason of their or any of their office or offices, that the said action, bill, plaint or suit, shall be laid within the county where the trespass or fact hath been or shall be done and committed, and not elsewhere ; and that it shall be lawful to and for all and every person and persons aforesaid, to plead thereunto the general issue, that he or they are not guilty, and to give such special matter in evidence to the jury which shall try the same, which special matter, being pleaded, had been a good and sufficient matter in law, to have discharged the said defendant or defendants of the trespass, or other matter laid to his or their charge; and that if upon the trial of any such action, bill, plaint or suit, the plaintiff or plaintiffs therein, shall not prove to the jury which shall try the same, that the trespass, battery, imprisonment, or other fact or cause of his, her or their such action, bill, plaint or suit, was or were had, made, committed or done within the county, wherein such action, bill, plaint or suit, is or shall be laid, that then and in every such case, the jury which shall try the same, shall find the defendant and defendants in every such action, bill, plaint or suit, not guilty, without having any regard or respect to any evidence given by the plaintiff or plaintiffs therein, touching the trespass, battery, imprisonment or other cause, for which the same action, bill, plaint or suit, is or shall be brought: And if the verdict shall pass with the defendant or defendants in any such action, bill, plaint or suit, or the plaintiff or plaintiffs therein become non suit, or suffer any discontinuance thereof, that in every such case the justices or justice, or other judges or judge, before whom the said matter shall be tried, shall by force and virtue of this act, allow unto the defendant or defendants, his, or their double costs, which he or they shall have sustained by reason of his or their wrongful vexation, in defence of the said action, bill, plaint or suit, for which the said defendant or defendants shall have like remedy as in other cases, where costs by the laws of this State, are given to defendants. And fie it fnrt/zer enaeted fiy t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That if any action of trespass, or other action or suit, shall be brought against any person or persons, for taking of any distress, making any sale, or any thing done by authority of any statute of this State, made or hereafter to be made, the defendant or defendants in any such action or suit, shall and may either plead not guilty, or otherwise make avowry, cognizance or justification, for the taking of the said distress or distresses, making of sale, or other thing done, or to be done by virtue of such statute, alledging in such avowry, cognizance or justification, that the said dis- Pleadings in actions against public fficers Pleadings in actions brought for acts done by authority of any statute. \ 400 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 28. tress, sale, trespass or other thing, whereof the plaintiff or plaintiffs com- plain, was done by authority of such statute, and according to the tenor, purport and effect thereof, without any expressing or rehearsal of any other matter or circumstance contained in such statute ; to which avowry, cognizance or justification, the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall be ‘ admitted to reply, that the defendant or defendants did take the said distress, make the said sale, or did any other act or trespass, supposed in his or their declaration, of his, or their own wrong, without any such cause alledged by the said defendant. Whereupon the issue in every such action shall be joined to be tried by a jury, and not otherwise, as is accustomed in other personal actions; and upon the trial of that issue, the whole matter shall or may be given in evidence by both par- ties, according to the very truth of the same; and after such issue tried for the defendant or defendants, or non suit of the plaintiff or plaintiffs, after appearance, the same defendant or defendants shall recover treble damages, by reason of his or their wrongful vexation .n that behalf, with his or their costs also in that behalf sustained, which damages shall be assessed by the same jury which shall try the issue, or upon a writ to inquire of the damages, as the case may require. Headings And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze ant/cority aforesaid, That in all actions if; and suits, to be taken or pursued in any court in this State, for the 322E338? recovery of any debt or debts, which now be, or that hereafter shall the State, happen to appertain, accrue, remain, or be, to the people of the State ew' J of New York, by reason of any attainder, outlawry, forfeiture, gift of the party, or by any other collateral way or means, it shall and may be sufficient in the law, to shew and alledge, in the said suit, generally, that the party to whom the said debt or debts, was or were owing, or did belong, such a day and year, did give the same debt or debts to the people of the State of New York, or was attainted, outlawed, or did commit or do some offence, forfeiture, deed, act or thing, by reason whereof the said debt or debts did accrue, and ought to remain, come and be to the people of the State of New York; and that the same matter so to be shewed, alledged or declared, generally, without shewing or declaring the circumstances thereof, shall be of as good force and effect in the law, to all intents, constructions and purposes, as if the whole matter thereof had been or were alledged and declared at large, in every point, according to the due order of the common laW. CHAP. 28. AN ACT concerning wrecks of the sea, and giving remedy to merchants and others who be robbed, or whose goods shall be lost on the sea. PASSED the 16th of February, 1787. Be it enacted by file People of t/ze State of New York, represented in upon land Senate ana Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze ant/zority of tile same, £333,221? That if a ship, vessel or boat, or any kind of goods, wares or merchan— giilfillined dize, shall be cast by the sea on the land, neither such ship, vessel or time s eci- boat, nor any thing 1n them, nor such goods, wares or merchandize, shall gigégeg‘st’ be adjudged Wreck; but the ship, vessel or boat, and every thing therein totbesizaiisd contained, and such goods, wares and merchandize, shall be saved and Eegsutyf’ kept by the view of the sheriff or coroner, or other person appointed for CHAP. 28.] TENTH SESSION. 401 that purpose, who shall cause the same to be appraised, and safely keep them, so that if any person within a year and a day sue for those goods, and prove that they were his, or lost in his keeping, they shall be restored to him, without delay, upon his paying the charges and expences of sav- ing and keeping the said goods; but if not, they shall remain to the people of this State, and shall after. the expiration of the said year and day, be sold at public vendue, by the sheriff, coroner, or other person appointed for that purpose, who shall have found or seized the same, who shall account for the same at the exchequer, deducting the charges and expences of saving and keeping the same, and of such sale: And he that doth otherwise, and is thereof convicted, shall yield damages to the party grieved, and shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both, at the discretion of the court, or justices, before whom he shall be convicted. Andfnrt/zer, that if any merchant, citizen or stranger, or any other, be robbed of his goods upon the sea, and the goods come into any part of this State, and he will sue to recover the said goods, he shall be received to prove the said goods to be his own, by his marks, or by his cocket, or by good and lawful merchants, citizens or strangers, or others; and upon such proof, the same goods shall be delivered to him without delay. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the person administering the government of this State, for the time being, by and with the advice and consent of the council of appointment, from time to time, by commission under the great seal of this State, to appoint such and so many proper persons in each of the counties of this State, bordering on the sea, as ‘they may think necessary, to aid and assist all such ships and vessels as may happen to be stranded on the coasts in the same counties; and such persons so appointed, shall be and hereby are respectively authorized and required to give all pos- sible aid and assistance to all such ships and vessels, and to the people on board of the same, and to use their utmost endeavours to save the same, and to save, preserve and secure for the purposes aforesaid, the cargoes of all such ships and vessels, and all goods and chattles whatso- ever, which may at any time be cast by the sea upon the land; and to employ such and so many men for the purpose, as they may respectively think proper: And the sheriff, coroner, or other person so appointed as aforesaid, and all persons by them employed, shall have a reasonable allowance out of the same goods, so saved and preserved, for saving, preserving and keeping the same. And such sheriff, coroner, or other person so appointed as aforesaid, shall and may detain the same goods, until payment thereof; and in case any dispute shall arise concerning such allowance, the same shall be settled and adjusted by any two or more justices of the peace, dwelling in or near the town or place, where the said goods shall be found or saved. And if any person shall take away any goods whatsoever, out of any ship or vessel stranded as afore- said, or any goods cast by the sea upon the land, or found in any bay or creek, and not deliver the same goods to the sheriff, or coroner of the county where the same shall be found, or to one of the persons appointed as aforesaid, within forty eight hours after taking the same, or shall secret any such goods, or convert them to his own use, every person so offend- ing shall yield double damages to the owner of such goods, to be recovered, with costs of suit, in any court having cognizance thereof, and be further punished by fine or imprisonment, or other corporal pun- ishment, at the discretion of the court, not extending to life or limb. And it is hereby made the duty of every sheriff, coroner, justice of the VOL. 2. —— 51 Goods stolen at sea and brought into State may be recovered by owner. Governor to appoint persons in counties bordering on the sea to assist stranded vessels and to have custody of goods cast up. LAWS or NEW YORK. [cHAR 29'. peace and constable, and the person so appointed as aforesaid, to pre- Treason defined. Misprison of treason. Trials to be by due course of common law. Rights of prisoner on trial for treason. sent all offences and offenders against this act, at the sessions of the peace in their respective counties; and the justices of the peace in their sessions, are hereby authorized and required, to hear and determine the same. ‘ CHAP. 29. AN ACT declaring what offences shall be adjudged treason, and regulating trials in cases of treason, and misprision of treason. PASSED the 16th of February, 1787. Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Yer/e, represented in Senate and Assenzhty, and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, That if any person do levy war against the people of this State, within this State, or be adherent to the enemies of the people of this State, or of the United States of America, within this State, giving to them aid and comfort in this State, or elsewhere, and be thereof, by good proof, attainted of open deed, such offences, and none other, shall be adjudged treason against the people of the State of New York. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That concealment, or keeping secret any treason, shall be from henceforth adjudged, deemed and taken to be, misprision of treason, and the offender therein, shall forfeit and suffer as in cases of misprision of treason. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That all trials to be had, awarded or made, for any treason or misprision of treason, shall be had and used only according to the due order and course of the com- mon law and this act, and not otherwise. And he itfurther enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That all and every person and persons whomsoever, that shall be accused and indicted for treason, or misprision of treason, shall have a true copy of the whole indictment, with a list of the witnesses to be produced on the trial for proving the said indictment, mentioning their names, profession and place of abode, delivered unto him or them so indicted, five days at the least before he, she or they, shall be tried for the same, whereby to enable him, her or them, to advise with counsel thereupon, to plead and make their defence, (his her or their attorney or attornies, or agent or agents requiring the same;) and that every person accused and indicted, arraigned or tried for any treason or misprision of treason, shall be received and admitted to make his, her or their full defence by counsel, and to make any proof that he, she or they can produce by lawful wit- ness or witnesses, who shall then be upon oath, for his, her and their just defence in that behalf. And in case any person or persons so accused or indicted shall desire counsel, the court, before whom such person or persons shall be tried, or some judge of that court, shall and is hereby authorized and required, immediately upon his, her or their request, to assign to such person or persons, such and so many counsel, not exceeding two, as the same person or persons shall desire, to whom such counsel shall have free access at all reasonable hours : And that all and every person and persons who shall be accused, indicted and tried for any treason or misprison of treason, shall have copies of the panel, containing the names, places of abode and additions of the jurors who are to try him, her or them, duly returned by the sheriff, and CHAP. 29.] TENTH SESSION. 403 delivered unto him, her or them, and every of them so accused and indicted respectively, four days at least before he, she or they shall be tried for the same. And that all persons so accused and indicted for any treason or misprison of treason, shall have the like process of the court, where they shall be tried, to compel their witnesses to appear for them at such trial or trials, as is usually granted to compel witnesses to appear against them. ' And fie it further enaeted fiy the authority aforesaid, That no person or Testimony h 1 r shall b indicted tried r ttaint d of treason or of “WW1” persons w on soeve , e , o a e , messes re- of misprison of such treason, but by and upon the oath and testimony quirfzdtwf of two lawful witnesses, either both of them to the same overt act, or one of them to one, and the other of them to another overt act, of the same treason ; unless the party indicted and arraigned, or tried, shall willingly, without violence, in open court, confess the same, or in case of treason, shall peremptorily challenge above the number of thirty five of the jury: And if two or more distinct treasons of divers heads or kinds shall be alledged in one bill of indictment, one witness produced to prove one of the said treasons, and another witness to prove another of the said treasons, shall not be deemed or taken to be two witnesses to the same treason, within the meaning of this act. Andfart/ier, that no evidence shall be admitted or given of any overt act, that is not expressly laid in the indictment, against any person or persons whom- soever. _ And fie it fnrt/zer enaeted fiy t/ze ant/eerily aforesaid, That all offences Extra ter- by this act declared to be treason, which shall be committed, perpetrated or done upon the land, out of this State, or upon the sea, shall and may tifmjn . . . . . cases of be 1nqu1red of, heard and determined, in the supreme court of this State, treason. by good and lawful men of the same county, where the said court shall sit, in like manner and form, to all intents and purposes. as if the said treason had been committed, perpetrated and done, within the same county. And fie it fart/zer e/zaeted fiy t/ie ant/zozv'izji aforesaid, That any person Outlawry or persons, being indicted for any treason or misprison of treason, may for treason be outlawed, and thereby attainted of or for any of the said offences: And that all process of outlawry to be had and made within this State, against any such offenders, being resident or inhabiting out of the limits of this State, or in parts beyond sea, at the time of the outlawry pro- nounced against them, shall be as good and effectual in the law to all intents and purposes, as if such offenders had been resident and dwell— ing within this State, at the time of such process awarded, and outlawry pronounced: I But if the party so outlawed, being out of this State as aforesaid, shall within one year next after the said outlawry pronounced, or judgment given upon the said outlawry, yield or surrender himself to either of the justices of the said supreme court for the time being, and offer to traverse the indictment, whereupon the said outlawry shall be pronounced as aforesaid, that then, he shall be received to the said traverse, and if he shall be thereupon found not guilty by the verdict of a jury, he shall clearly be acquitted and discharged of the said outlawry, and of the penalties and forfeitures by reason of the same , and upon the trial of such traverse, the defendant shall in all respects have the benefit of this act. And fie it fart/zer enaeted fiy t/ze aatlzority aforesaid, That no person Prosecut; tion to e i or persons whomsoever, shall be indicted, tried or prosecuted, for any com treason or misprison of treason, that hath been, or shall be committed mggced or done, unless the same indictment be found by a grand jury, within ‘gm-glee three years next after the treason or offence done or committed. 404 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 30 Technical errors in indict— ments for treason. Forfeiture of lands and prop- erty of person convicted. Appeals of felony, how tried. Appeal of Woman for death of husband. Appeals for rape. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That no indict- ment for any of the offences aforesaid, nor any process or return there- upon, shall Ebe quashed, on the motion of the prisoner, or his or her counsel, for mis-writing or mispelling, unless exception concerning the same, be taken and made in the court where such trial shall be, by the prisoner, or his, or her counsel, before any evidence given, in open court upon such indictment; nor shall any such mis—writing or mispelling, after conviction on such indictment, be any cause to stay or arrest judg- thereupon; but nevertheless, any judgment given upon such indictment, shall and may be liable to be reversed upon a writ of error, in the same manner, and in no other, than as if this act had not been made. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze aztt/iority aforesaid, That every offender or offenders, being hereafter lawfully convicted of any manner of trea- son, by presentment, confession, verdict or process of outlawry, accord- ing to the due course and custom of the laws of this State, shall lose and forfeit to the people of this State, all such lands, tenements and hereditaments, which any such offender or offenders shall have, of any estate of inheritance in his own right, in use or possession, by any right, title or means, within this State, at the time of any such treason com- mitted, or at any time after; and also all his, her and their goods and chattles, saving to every person and persons, their heirs and successors, other than the offenders and their heirs, and such person and persons as claim to any their uses, all such rights, titles, interests, possessions, leases, rents, reversions, offices and other profits, which they or any of them shall have at the day of committing such treasons, or at any time before, in as large and ample manner, as if this act had never been made. CHAP. 30. AN ACT concerning appeals of felony. PASSED the 16th of February, 1787. Be it enacted by t/ze People of Me State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by t/ze ant/zority of t/ze sanze, That all appeals of things done within this State, shall be tried and determined according to the laws of this State, and that no appeals‘ shall be made, or in any wise pursued, before either house of the legis- lature. is And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azctkority aforesaid, That no person shall be taken or imprisoned, upon the appeal of awoman, for the death of any other, than of her husband. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid, That if any mar- ried woman, or maid, or any other woman, shall be ravished, and doth not consent to the ravisher, neither before nor after the rape committed, such woman so ravished, may sue and prosecute against such offenders, by appeal, and pursue the same to judgment and execution. But if such woman after the rape committed, consent to the ravisher, she shall be thereby barred of her appeal. And fart/ter, that wheresoever, and whensoever, any woman shall be ravished, and after such rape, do con- sent to such ravisher, the husband of such woman, if she have a hus- band, or if she have no husband in life, then her father, or other next of her blood, shall from henceforth have the suit, to pursue, and may sue by appeal, against the same offenders and ravishers, in this behalf, CHAP. 31.] TENTH SESSION. 0 to have them thereof convicted, and pursue the same to judgment and execution, altho’ the same woman after such rape, do consent to the ravisher. And be it fart/ter enacted by Me azct/tority aforesaid, That in all appeals of murder, if the appellant declare the deed, the year, the day, the hour, and the town or place, where the deed was done, and with what weapon the person killed was slain, the appeal shall stand good in effect, and no such appeal shall be abated for default of fresh suit, if the party shall sue within the year and the day, after the deed done. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/iority aforesaid, That if any person be slain or murdered, and therefore the slayers, murderors, abettors, maintainers and comforters of the same, be indicted, that the same slay- ers and murderers, and all other accessories of the same, shall be arraigned and determined of the same felony and murder, at any time, at the suit of the people of this State, within the year after the same felony and murder done, and not tarry the year and day, for any appeal to be taken for the same felony or murder. And if any person named as principal, or accessary, shall be acquitted of any such murder or felony, at the suit of the people of this State, within the year and day, that then the same justices before whom such person shall be acquitted, shall not suffer him to go at large, but shall either remit him again to prison or else let him to bail after their discretion, till that year and day be passed. And if the said felons or murderes,""" and accessaries so arraigned, or any of them, be acquitted, or if they or any of them happen to be attainted, the wife or next heir to the person so slain, as shall require it, may take and have their appeal of the same death and mur- der, within the year and day after the same felony and murder done, against the said persons so arraigned and acquitted, and all other their accessaries, or against the accessaries of the said principal, or any of them, so attainted, or against the principals so attainted, if they be alive; and that the appellant shall have such and the like advantage, as if the said acquittal or attainder had not been, the said acquttal or attainder notwithstanding. Andfnrt/zer, that the wife or heirs of the said person so slain, or murdered, as the case shall require, may commence their appeal in proper person, at any time within the year after the said felony done, before one of the coroners of the county where the said felony or murder was done, or before the people of the State of New York, in their supreme court, or before justices of the jail delivery, or justices assigned to hear and determine; and the appellants, in any appeals of murder, or death of any person, or of rape, or any other felony, may make their attornies, and appear and prosecute the same appeals by their attornies, after the same appeals be commenced, to the end of the suit, and execution of the same. CHAP. 31. AN ACT touching the bailment of persons. PASSED the 16th of February, 1787. Appeals for mur- der. Prosecu- tions for murder by people; if prisoner acquitted, to be re- mitted to jail until a year and a day be expired to await appeal by wife or heir of person slain. Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New Yor/e, represented in Persons arrested Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze aut/zority of tbe same, on crimi_ That no sheriff, under sheriff, coroner, gaoler, or other officer, shall let 321012208288 * So in original. 406 LAws or NEW YORK. [CHAR 31. Iggélgg by out of prison, or permit to go at large, on bail or otherwise, any person ‘ by them or any of them arrested, or to be arrested, or being in their or any of their custody, by virtue of any writ, process, warrant or commit— ment, for any treason or felony, or misprision of treason, or upon any condemnation, execution or capias utl‘agatum, or for surety of the peace; or any person, taken, or arrested or committed, or to be taken, arrested or committed, by special commandment of any court, or justices, upon pain of being punished by fine and imprisonment, and to answer the damages to the party grieved, if any be thereby aggrieved. And for as much as divers persons have been arrested and imprisoned for suspicion of felony, some times of malice, and some times of light suspicion, and so kept in prison without bail or mainprise, to their great vexation and trouble. Therefore, gllllgtiggigf Be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the justices of maypbail the peace in their general sessions, or any two of them at the least, being out l’e‘“ present together out of sessions, in every county and city of this State, SOUS 3.1‘- rested oln shall have authority and power, by their discretion, to let such prison- 0‘ l I I I . I U ers, and persons, so arrested, in their respective cities or counties, to bail or mainprise, unto their next general sessions, or unto the next gaol A delivery, to be holden in the same county, or city, where the said-per- son or persons shall be arrested, or suspected, (as the case may require). Andfurther, that the said justices, or one of them, when any such pris- oner shall be brought before them, before any bailment or mainprise, shall take the examination of the said prisoner, and information of them that bring him, of the fact and circumstances thereof, and the same, or as much thereof as shall be material to prove the felony or offence, shall put into writing, before they 'make the same bailment; which said examinations, together with the said bailment, the said justices shall certify, in writing, subscribed or signed with their own hands, at their next general sessions, or the next gaol delivery, to which the said person or persons so let to bail or mainprise shall be bound to appear. And the said justices are hereby authorised and required to bind all such by recognizance, as do declare any thing material to prove the said felonies or offences, to appear at their next general sessions, or at the next gaol delivery, to be holden within the county, or city, where the trial thereof shall be, as the case may require, then and there to give evidence against the said party, and shall certify such recognizance and recognizances, in writing, as they shall take, to the same court, together with the said examinations and bailment; and in case any justice of the peace, or mayor, recorder or aldermen acting as a justice of the peace, shall offend in any thing contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, the justices of the peace, in their general sessions of the peace, or the jus- tices of the gaol delivery, of the city or county where such offence shall be committed, upon due proof thereof, by examination before them, shall for every such offence, set such fine, on every of the same justices of the peace, as the same justices of the peace in their general sessions, or the justices of gaol delivery shall think meet, and estreat the same, as other fines and amerciaments assessed before justices of the peace, in their general sessions of the peace, or before justices of the gaol deliv- ery, ought to be estreated. can). 32.] TENTH SESSION. 407 CHAP. 32. AN ACT concerning sheriffs, and the service and return of process. PAssEn the 19th of February, 1787. Be it enaeted fiy t/ze People of tlze State of New Yor/e, represented in Quanflm- Senate and Assenzfily, and it is lzerefiy e/zaeted fiy t/ze ant/zority of t/ze same, Ehoenriféfs That none shall be sheriff of any city or county of this State, unless he ' be a substantial freeholder within the same city or county where he shall be sheriff. And fnrt/ier, that every person hereafter to be Bond of appointed to the office of sheriff of any city or county within this State, $235131‘), before he be permitted to execute the said office, shall enter into bond ofdamages to the people of this State, in the penal sum of two thousand pounds $1331???“ with two or more sufficient sureties, being freeholders jointly and sever- etc- ally in the penal sum of two thousand pounds to answer the people of this State and the parties, if any will complain and conditioned that such sheriff shall well and faithfully, in all things, perform and execute the said office of sheriff, without fraud, deceit, or oppression; which bonds shall be filed in the clerks office of the counties respectively, for which the respective sheriffs shall be appointed, and the said clerks respectively shall judge of and determine, the competency of such sure- ties. And in case of any recovery, by any party aggrieved against any sheriff, for any default or misconduct in his office, it shall be lawful for the justices of the supreme court, upon motion in open court, to order the bond so given by such sheriff to be put in suit against such sheriff or his sureties, or all or any or either of them, and when judgment shall be obtained on such bond, the said supreme court, shall, upon motion in open court, direct so much money to be levied thereon, as shall be sufficient to pay the party the debt or damages so recovered, with costs, and to be paid to such party grieved: But if such sheriff, or his sure- ties or either of them shall pay the debt or damages so recovered against such sheriff, with costs, then such suit on such bond shall thereupon be stayed and be no further prosecuted. And fart/zer that if, after judg- ment obtained upon such bond, any other party aggrieved and who shall have recovered any debt or damages against such sheriff, for any default or misconduct in his office, shall apply to the said supreme court, for relief, the said supreme court shall, upon motion in open court, direct such further sum‘ to be levied on such judgment, on such bond, as shall be sufficient to pay the debt or damages so recovered with costs, and to be paid to such party aggrieved, and so as often as any recovery shall be had against such sheriff for any misconduct or default in his office: Provided that the sureties in any bond shall not be charged by virtue of this act, beyond the amount of the sums in which they are or shall be bound in any such bond. And provided that two or more such recoveries shall be had against such sheriff in the same term, or at the same time, amounting together to more than the whole amount of the sums contained in such bond, the said supreme court shall order the monies, to be levied thereupon, to be distributed to the parties respect- ively, in proportion to the respective amounts of their respective recov- eries. And fie it fnrt/zer enaeted fiy t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That the sheriff igsgiggrgo of each of the respective cities and counties of this State, shall have the and 0118— custody, rule, keeping and charge, of the gaols and prisons, and the ,Zng'ff 408 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 32. Sheriff not to charge excessive fees or show favor for reward. “Ln Provisions to prevent abuse of Office by sheriffs; sheriff to receipt for writs deliv- ered him. Proceed- ings \ against sheriff for failure to make re- turn of Writ. prisoners in the same, in the same city or county, as before this time they were wont to have; and the same sheriffs respectively shall put in such keepers for whom they will answer; and if the keeper or under keeper of any prison, by too great duress of imprisonment and by pain, make any prisoner, that he hath or shall have in his ward, to become an appellor against his will, it shall be felony, and if any keeper be thereof convicted or attainted, he shall have judgment as in cases of felony. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid That no sheriff or other officer or minister, by occasion, or~under colour of their or any of their office, shall take any other thing or more, by themselves, or by any other person, to their or any of their use, profit or avail, of any person, by them, of any of them to be arrested, or attached, nor of any other, for the omitting of any arrest or attachment, to be made by their body, or of any person by them or of any of them, by force or colour of their or any of their office, arrested or attached, for fine, fee, suit of prison, main prise, letting to bail, or shewing any ease or favour, to any such per- son so arrested or attached, or to be arrested or attached, for their, or any of their reward or profit, but such as are or shall be allowed and estab- lished by the law of this State: And fart/cer, that every sheriff‘ in this State, shall yearly make a deputy of record in the supreme court, to receive all manner of writs and warrants to be delivered to them: And moreover that every sheriff, or other officer or minister, who shall do con- trary hereto, in any point, shall forfeit and pay to the party in that behalf aggrieved, his treble damages, to be recovered with costs of suit; and shall also forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds, at every time that they or any of them do the contrary thereof in any point, the one moiety thereof to the people of this State, and the other moiety thereof to the party who shall sue for the same, to be recovered with costs of suit in any court of record, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That such as do fear the malice of sheriffs, or others having the return of writs, shall deliver their writs original and judicial in the county where they are to be executed, and may take of the sheriff under sheriff or other officer, to whom the same writ shall be directed, a certificate, wherein the names of the demandants or'plaintiffs, and tenants or defendants named in the writ, and the day of delivering the writ shall be mentioned; and the sheriff or under sheriff or other officer to whom the writ shall be directed, shall, at the request of the party delivering the writ, put his seal to the said certificate, for a testimony; and if the sheriff, or under sheriff, or the officer to whom the writ shall be directed, will not put his seal to such certificate, the witness of other credible persons being present, shall be taken, and shall put their seals to such certificate. And fnrt/zcr that at what time or place soever in the county, any person doth deliver any writ to the sheriff, or the under sheriff, or other officer, to whom the writ shall be directed, they shall receive the same writ, and make a certifi- cate thereof as aforesaid, without taking anything therefore ; and.if the sheriff or other officer to whom the said writ shall be directed, do not return the same writ, and complaint thereof be made to the court where such writ shall be returnable, if the writ was to be executed in the same county, where such court shall then sit, an inquest shall thereupon be taken, in the presence of such sheriff or other officer, if he will attend in the same court, to inquire whether the writ was delivered, and what damages the party hath sustained, having regard to the quality and quantity of the action, and the peril that may happen by reason of the delay; and if it be found by the inquest, that the writ CHAP. 32.] 409 TENTH SESSION. was delivered, the party shall recover his, or her damages aforesaid, against such sheriff, under sheriff, or other officer, with the costs of taking the same inquest, and shall have execution for the same, in like manner as for damages in any other cases: but if such writ was to be executed in any other county, then a writ judicial shall be awarded to the justices or justice who shall hold the next circuit court in such county, to inquire as aforesaid, and an inquest shall be thereupon taken in such circuit court, and returned; and if it be found by the inquest that the writ was delivered, the party demandant or plaintiff shall recover, and have exe- cution for the damages and costs as aforesaid, and by the same means there shall be remedy, where the sheriff or other officer returns that the writ came too late, so that he could not execute the same. And more- over, that in all cases where the sheriff or other officer shall be com- manded, that of the issues of the lands and chattles of any person he answer, if the plaintiff demand hearing of the return, it shall be granted; and if the plaintiff offer to aver that the sheriff or other officer might and ought to have returned greater issues, it shall be inquired, by an inquest to be taken in the manner aforesaid, of what and how great issues the sheriff or other officer, might, and ought to have made return, from the day of the writ purchased, unto the day of the return thereof; and if it be found that he hath not answered for the whole, he shall be charged with the overplus, and shall also be amerced for the conceal- ment. And it is hereby declared that rents, corn in the grange, and all moveables (except arms, implements of trade and house hold goods) be contained within the name of issues. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That when the sheriff or any of his deputies shall find that resistance will be made against any process of execution, the sheriff, laying aside all other things, and taking with him the power of the county, shall forwith go in his proper person and do execution; and if he find resistance, he shall certify to the court the names of the resisters, aiders, consenters, com- manders and favourers, and by a writ judicial they shall be attached by their bodies to appear in the same court; and if they be convicted of such resistance, they shall be punished by fine and imprisonment. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That sheriffs and other officers, to whom the return of any writs or process shall apper- tain, shall put their own names to the returns of the same writs and process, so that the court may know of whom they took such returns, if need be; and if any sheriff or other officer leave out his name in any return, he shall be amerced, and also answer the damages to the party. And be it fart/ter enacted by fire ant/zority aforesaid, That sheriffs and gaolers, shall from henceforth receive and safely keep in prison, all thieves and felons appealed, indicted or taken in the fact, who shall be taken and attached by constables and other officers, by the delivery of the constables and other officers without taking any thing for the receipt. Andfzcrt/zer that as well the justices of the peace, at their gen- eral sessions in their respective counties, as the justices of the supreme court and the justices of gaol delivery, and justices assigned or author- orized to hear and determine, shall have power to hear the complaints of those who will complain against sheriffs and gaolers in such cases, and to punish the sheriffs and gaolers, if they be found guilty. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze az/t/zority aforesaid, That every sheriff and other officer, to whom any process out of the exchequer shall be directed and delivered, for levying any debt, fine or forfeiture, to the people of the State of New York, shall, upon demand, shew the same process, and deliver a copy thereof to the debtor or person against whom Power of sheriff in case of resistance. Sherifl' to sign re- turns made by him . Sheriffs to receive prisoners into jail from con- stables. VoL. 2.—52 Process out of court of exchequer, duty of sheriff. 410 LAWS OF NEW YORK. ' [CHAR 33. the same process shall be issued, without denying to any, and without taking any reward; and shall, upon receiving or levying the money mentioned in such process, lawfully acquit the debtor thereof, and account for the same, at his next account, after he shall have received or levied the same; and if any sheriff or other officer do otherwise, and be thereof convicted, he shall render to the party aggrieved treble dam- ages, and costs of suit, and be further punished by fine, according to the discretion of the court wherein he shall be convicted. lsjlttliirgfof And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That no sheriff or persgms other person, shall take or seize the goods of any person arrested or sggfflgfeeff imprisoned for suspicion of felony, before that the same person so arrested ony, etc. or imprisoned, be convicted or attainted of such felony according to law, or the same goods be otherwise lawfully forfeited, upon pain to forfeit double the value of the goods so taken, to him who shall be so injured in that behalf, to be recovered with costs of suit, in any court of record, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information. Seizure of And whereas sheriffs and other officers, sometimes seize the lands, goods and chattles of divers persons, surmising that they be outlawed, throlfsh or their lands, goods and chattles forfeited, where they be not, because error, pro- ceedings that they hear such names as those who be outlawed, or whose lands g‘trargeéiffgw goods and chattles be forfeited, for default of good declaration of the ed party. name, sirname and addition; for remedy whereof Be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That if any will complain in such case, he or she shall have a writ of identitate nominis, and if the lands, goods or chattles of any person shall, in such case, be seized byjany sheriff or other officer, such person shall find surety before the sheriff or other officer, who hath the warrant to seize, to answer to the people of this State, of the value of such lands, goods and chattles, in case he or she cannot discharge himself or herself; and such sheriff or other officer, shall thereupon restore the same lands, goods and chattles, to the party, without taking any thing of the party: And if such sheriff or other officer do not the same, and thereof be convicted, the party shall have suit against such sheriff or other officer, and recover his or her double damages, and costs of suit; and such sheriff or other officer shall be further punished by fine for his offence. Offenses And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That as well the to justices of the peace in their open general sessions, and the justices of ‘g; gaol delivery, and justices assigned or authorized to hear and determine, in sage...“ within the limits of their authority respectively, as the justices of the $33-23“ of supreme court, shall have full power and authority to hear and deter- delivery. mine all offences and defaults, done contrary to this act, as well by pre- sentment and information, as indictment; and upon conviction of the offenders, to award execution for the levying of the forfeitures aforesaid, by fieri facias, attachment, capias or exigent. CHAP. 33. AN ACT that the solemn affirmation and declaration of the people called Quakers, shall be accepted instead of an oath. PAssED the 19th of February, 1787. Quakers Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Yorh, represented in in . . . iiiggegd gin Senate and Assemhly, and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, Zi‘fifg That every Quaker, who shall be required upon any lawful occasion to CHAP. 34.] TENTH sEssIoN. 411 take an oath, in any case where by law an oath is required, shall, instead of the usual form, be permitted to make his, or her solemn affirmation or declaration, in the words following, to wit, “ I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm ” which solemn affirmation or declaration shall be adjudged and taken, and is hereby enacted and declared, to be, of the same force and effect, to all intents and purposes, in all courts of justice, and other places where by law an oath is required, as if such Quaker had taken an oath in the usual form. - And fie it further enacted fiy t/ie ant/zority aforesaid, That in all cases, Who wherein by any act or acts of the legislature of this State now in force, 333163,? or hereafter to be made, an oath is or shall be allowed, authorised, directed or required, the solemn affirmation or declaration, in the form above described, of any of the people who shall be a member of the religious society of the people called Quakers, or shall usually associate with the people called Quakers in their religious worship, or be gener- ally reputed to be a Quaker. shall be allowed and taken instead of such oath, although no particular or express provision be made for that pur- pose, in such act or acts: And all persons, who are or shall be author- ised or required to administer such oath, shall be, and hereby are authorised and required to administer the said affirmation or declara- tion. And the said solemn affirmation or declaration, so made as afore- said, shall be adjudged and taken, and is hereby enacted and declared to be, of the same force‘and effect, to all intents and purposes, in all courts of justice, and other places, where by law an oath is or shall be allowed, authorised, directed or required, as if such Quaker had taken an oath in the usual form. Ana fie it fnrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze aat/iorizj/ aforesaid, That if any person False _ making such solemn affirmation or declaration, shall be lawfully con~ victed of having wilfully, falsely and corruptly, affirmed and declared Perjury- any matter or thing, which, if the same had been deposed in the usual form, would have amounted to wilful and corrupt perjury, every person so offending shall incur and suffer the like pains, penalties and forfeit- ures, as by the laws and statutes of this State, are, or shall be directed to be inflicted on persons convicted of wilful and corrupt perjury Provided always, And fie it fart/zer enacted fiy tfie ant/zority aforesaid, That no Quaker, Exemption or reputed Quaker, shall, by virtue of this act, be compelled to serve of Quakers on any juries in criminal cases, nor to act as an assessor or collector. any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. CHAP. 34. AN ACT to amend the charter of the corporation for the relief of the widows and children of clergymen, in the communion of the Church of England, in America. PASSED the 19th of February, 1787. Be it enacted fiy t/ce People of t/ze State of New York, represented in Change of Senate and Assenzfily, and it is fierefiy enacted fiy t/ze aat/zority of t/ze same, Egllggrgi That the said corporation hereafter, in all their acts and proceedings, tion- and in all suits, pleas, deeds, gifts, obligations, matters and things, in any wise respecting the same, shall be called and known by the name d ‘) LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 35. By-laws to conform to laws of this State. Accounts of corpora- tion to be subject to revision of governor, chanceflor and chief justice. Non-user not to work forfeitu re. Parties may ap- pear by attorney in all actions. Warrants of attor- ney, how taken out. or stile of “The corporation for the relief of the widows and children of clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the United States of America,” the said charter, or any clause thereof, or usage there- upon notwithstanding. And w/iereas it is provided by the said charter, that the bye laws of the said corporation shall not be contrary to the laws of that part of Great Britain called England. Be it enacted by t/ze ant/iority aforesaid, That the said clause be, and the same hereby is repealed. And be it fart/ter enacted and provided Instead thereof, that the bye laws or regulations of the said corporation, shall not be repugnant to the constitution or laws of this State. A nd be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze az/t/zority aforesaid, That the last clause in the said charter, subjecting the accounts and proceedings of the said corporation, to the revisal and ratification therein expressed, be and the same is hereby repealed and annulled. And it is lzereby enacted, that the said accounts may, in the manner directed by the said charter, hereafter be ratified and confirmed, by the governor, the chan- cellor and the chief justice of this State, for the time being, or any two of them; or be subjected by them, or any two of them, to such revisal, check and confirmation, as by them, or any two of them, may be thought just and reasonable. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid, That the said charter, and every part thereof, as altered and amended by this act, be, and the same hereby is confirmed, the non user of the powers and privi- ledges thereby granted, in any wise notwithstanding. CHAP. 35. AN ACT concerning counsellors, attornies, solicitors, advocates and proctors of the several courts in this State. PASSED the 20th of February, 1787. Be it enacted by t/ze People of t/ze State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is liereby enacted by t/ze aat/zority of the same, That it shall be lawful for all and every person and persons whomso- ever of full age and sound memory, other than defendants in cases where corporal punishments may be inflicted, to make and appear by his her or their attorney or attornies, in all and every or any suit, action or plea, real or personal, moved or to be moved, by or against him, her or them, in any court in this State; and to commence, pursue, prosecute or defend the same suit, action or plea in person, or by his, her or their attorney or attornies. And be it fart/ter enacted by fire ant/zority aforesaid, That all warrants of attorney of the parties, or of any or either of them, in all suits, actions and pleas, in any court of record, shall be taken before the judges or justices of the respective courts in which the same suit, action or plea is or shall be depending, or one of them, or before the chancel- lor of this State for the time being, who shall certify and send the war- rants of attorney before him taken to the judges or justices of the court in which the suit, action or plea is or shall be depending. And fart/ter, that such as cannot conveniently come before any or either of the judges or justices of the court in which such suit, action or plea is or may be CHAP. 5 5.] TENTH SESSION. 413 depending, or before the chancellor, to make his, her or their attorney or attornies in the same suit, action ‘or plea may appear before such judges justices or chancellor, or either of them, by his, her or their agent or attorney having sufficient authority therefore in writing, by letter of attorney or otherwise, from the person or persons in whose behalf such suit action or plea is or may be depending; and in cases where it may be necessary, shall have a writ out of the chancery to some sufficient man to receive his, her or their warrant of attorney, in the same suit, action or plea; and in all cases, where any infant is or shall be entitled to any suit or action, some or one of the next friends of such infant shall be admitted in manner aforesaid, to sue and prose- cute for such infant. And if any infant is or shall be impleaded, a guardian shall be appointed in manner aforesaid for such infant, to defend the same suit, action or plea, for the same infant. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zorizy iaforesaid, That no person Admissidn shall henceforth be admitted a counsellor, attorney, solicitor, advocate fligf’ggfgg: or proctor in any court, but such as have been brought up in the same neyaew court, or are otherwise well practiced in soliciting causes, and have been found by their dealings to be skilful, and of honest disposition; and that every person hereafter to be admitted a counsellor, attorney, solic- itor, advocate or proctor of any court, shall, before such admission, be examined by the judges or justices of the same court; and such only as shall be found virtuous and of good fame, and of sufficient learning and ability, shall be admitted; and their names shall be put in a roll or book to be kept in each court respectively for that purpose; and each and every person so admitted shall upon such admission in open court take and subscribe an oath of office, in the words following. “ I do swear, that I will truly and honestly demean myself Oath of in the practice of an attorney, (or of a counsellor, solicitor or proctor, attorney’ or of an advocate, as the case may be) according to the best of my knowledge and ability. - And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That if any Attorneys counsellor, attorney, solicitor, advocate or proctor of any court, here- $5,232.35}, tofore admitted, or hereafter to be admitted, shall be found notoriously fol‘ default in default, of record, or otherwise, he shall be put out of the roll, and never after be received to act as counsellor, attorney, solicitor, advocate or proctor in any court. And fart/ter, that when any attorney shall die or cease to act, or be put out of the roll of attornies, the persons for whom he was attorney shall be warned to appoint another attorney in his place, so that in the mean time no damage or prejudice may come to the party. And be it further enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That if any Attorneys counsellor, attorney, solicitor, pleader advocate, proctor or other, do $31,235,315. any manner of deceit or collusion in any court of justice, or consent collusion unto it in deceit of the court, or to beguile the court, or the party, and dci-Ospea thereof be convicted, he shall be punished by fine and imprisonment, and shall moreover pay to the party grieved treble damages, and costs of suit. And be it furt/zer enacted by tile azct/cority aforesaid, That if any Attorneys attorney, solicitor, or proctor, do or shall wilfully delay his clients suit, $325150!" to work his own gain, or wilfully demand by his bill any sums of money making or allowance for or upon account of any money which he hath not laid ciafges, out or disbursed, or become answerable for, in every such case the party etc’ grieved shall have his or her action against such attorney, solicitor, or proctor, and recover therein treble damages, and costs of suit; and such attorney, solicitor, or proctor, shall thereupon be put out of the 414 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 35. roll, and be discharged from thenceforth, from being an attorney solic- itor or proctor any more. ' ~ Attorneys And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That no attorney, $1232“ solicitor or proctor, shall .commence any suit or action for recovery of services any fees, charges or disbursements, until eight days after he shall have 3251515115,?‘ delivered to the party to be charged therewith, or left for him or her at figggggd. his or her'dwelling house, or last place of abode, a bill of Such fees, charges and disbursements, written in a common legible hand in the English tongue, (except law terms and the names of writs, and in words at length (except times and sums, and such abbreviations as are commonly used in the English language,) subscribed with the proper hand of such attorney, solicitor or proctor. Warrants And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That the attor- ggj‘gci’iliggy ney for the plaintiff or demandant in every action or suit, shall file his withcourt; warrant of attorney with the proper officer of the court where the cause penalty for - - neglect is or shall be depending, the same term he declares, and the attorney for the defendant. or tenant, shall file his warrant of attorney as afore- said, the same term he appears, upon pain to forfeit for every neglect or offence the sum of ten pounds, to be recovered by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, the one moiety thereof to the use of the people of this State, and the other moiety thereof to the officer to whom or in whose office the same warrant should be delivered, entered or filed; and also to make satisfaction to the party grieved, according to the discretion of the court, where any such default or neglect shall be had or made. Writs of And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That every pro- Eg‘fi‘f‘t‘iPbi; cess for arresting, and every writ of execution, or some label annexed, iglgigirgg shall, before service or execution thereof, be subscribed or indorsed ' with the name of the attorney or person by whom the same process or writ of execution shall be sued forth. Penalty for And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That if any attor- flffé’éfi‘gg’s ney of any court of record shall knowingly and willingly permit or Obhel'per- suffer any other person to sue out any writ, or commence, prosecute or 2%‘; defend any action or suit in his name, and be thereof convicted, he inhisname shall be put out of the roll of attornies, and from the time of such con- viction be disabled to practice in such court. Andfurther that as Well the same attorney as he who shall sue out any such writ, or commence prosecute or defend any such action or suit, shall each of them forfeit for every such offense the sum of twenty pounds, the one moiety thereof to the people of this State, and the other moiety thereof to the party grieved, to be recovered by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information, in any court of record. Certain And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid That from and ggfisrfnl’fi' after the first day of May next, no clerk, or register, or deputy register tlri(l)>lil";eglrac_ of any court, nor any examiner or master of the court of chancery, shall ticing as act as counsellors, attorney, solicitor, advocate or proctor, in any suit, :{ffmeys’ action or matter in the same court; and that no under sheriff, sheriffs clerk, coroner oi bailiff, shall during his continuance in office, act as counsellor, attorney, solicitor, advocate or proctor, in any court what- soever. Prouidedneoertheless, that every such clerk, register or deputy register, examiner or master of the court of chancery, who now prac- tices as counsellor, attorney, solicitor, advocate or proctor, shall and may proceed to prosecute such actions and suits in which he now is, or before the first day of May next, shall be attorney of record, solicitor or proctor, until such suit or action is finally concluded. CHAP. 36.] TENTH sEssloN. 415 CHAP. 36. AN ACT concerning tenures. PASSED the 20th of February, 1787. Be it enacted fiy t/ze People of t/ze State of New York, represented in Alienation Senate and Asseinfily, and it is kerefiy enacted fiy tke autkority of t/ze sanze, 33133353,, That it shall forever herearter be lawful for every freeholder, to give, to hold , sell or alien, the lands or tenements, whereof he or she is, or at any Fonr‘ifirsiltff time hereafter, shall be seised in fee simple, or any part thereof, at his i3? 23mm or her pleasure; so always that the purchaser shall hold the lands or ofsgrvice. tenements so given, sold, or aliened, of the chief lord, if there be any, of the same fee, by the same services and customs, by which the per- son or persons making such gift, sale or alienation, befor'e held the same lands or tenements. And if such freeholder, give, sell or alien, only a part of such lands or tenements, to any, the feoffee or alienee, shall immediately hold such part of the chief lord, and shall be forthwith charged with the services for so much as pertaineth or ought to pertain to the said chief lord, for the same parcel, according to the quantity of the land or tenement so given, sold or aliened; and so in this case, the same part of the service shall remain to the lord, to be taken by the hands of the feoffee or alienee, for which he or she ought to be attend- ant and answerable to the same chief lord, according to the quantity of the land or tenement, given, sold or aliened, for the parcel of the ser vice so due. And fie it fzcrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze acct/coritv aforesaid, That all wardships, Wardships, liveries, primer seisins, and ousterlemains, values and forfeitures of mar— riages, by reason of any tenure by knithts service, and all mean rates, niriinsem. and all other gifts, grants, and charges incident or arising, for or by discharged reason of wardships, liveries, primer-seisins, or ousterlemains, shall be, and hereby are declared to be taken away and discharged; from the thirtieth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and sixty four; and that all fines for alienations, seizures and pardons for alienations, tenure by homage, and all charges incident or arising, for or by reason of wardship, livery, primer seisin, ousterlemain, or tenure by knights service, escuage, and also relief, and aid pur file marrier, and pur fair fitz chivalier, and all other charges incident thereunto, shall be and hereby are likewise declared to be taken away and discharged, from the said thirtieth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thou- sand six hundred and sixty four, and that all tenures by knights service, and by knights service in capite, and by socage in capite, and the fruits and consequents thereof happened, and which “shall or may hereafter happen, or arise thereupon or thereby, shall be, and hereby are declared to be taken away and discharged, and for ever abolished, any law, statute, custom, or usage, to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. And fie it fart/zer enacted fiy t/ze azct/cority aforesaid, That all tenures Tenures of any honours, manors, lands, tenements or hereditaments, or of any Efrigfeftgfie estate or inheritance at the common law, held either of the king, or of gfgléiggd any other person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, at any time be- free and fore the fourth day of july, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven £35226?" hundred and seventy six, are hereby declared to be turned into free and common socage, to all intents and purposes and shall be construed, *So in original. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 37. Convey- ances de- clared to be of same effect as if estates held in common socage. Proviso; reserva- tions of rents cer- tain, etc., not af~ fected. Tenures upon pat~ ents or deeds from State declared alloidal. Persons to whose use estates are held in trust. de— clared to be in law- ful seisin and pos- session of the same. adjudged and deemed to be free and common socage, from the time of the creation thereof, and forever thereafter: and that the same honors, manors, lands, tenements and hereditaments, shall for ever hereafter stand and be discharged, of all tenure by homage, escuage, voyages loyal, and charges for the same, wardships incident to tenure by knights service, and values and forfeitures of marriage, and all other charges incident to tenure by knights service, and of and from relief, aid pur file marrier, and aid pur fair fitz chivalier, any law, statute, usage or custom, to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. - And be it fart/ter enacted by Me az/tborizy aforesaid, That all convey- ances and devises of any manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments, at any time heretofore made, shall be expounded to be of such effect, as if the same manors, land, tenements and hereditaments, had been then held and continued to be holden in free and common socage only, any law, statute, customs, or usage to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstandingf Provided alzt/ays. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/iority aforesaid, That this act or any thing herein contained, shall not take away, nor be construed to take away or discharge, any rents certain, or other services, incident or belonging to tenure in common socage, due or to grow due to the people of this State, or any mean lord, or other private person, or the fealty or distresses incident thereunto. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze ant/iority aforesaid, That the tenure upon all gifts, grants, and conveyances heretofore made, or hereafter to be made, of any manors, lands, tenements or hereditaments, of any estate of inheritance, by any letters patent under the great seal of this State, or in any other manner by the people of this State, or by the commissioners of forfeitures, shall be and remain allodial, and not feudal, and shall forever hereafter be taken and adjudged to be and continue in free and pure allodium only ; and shall be forever discharged, of all wardship, value and forfeiture of marriage, livery, primer seisin, ousterlemain, relief, aid pur file marrier, aid pur fair fitz chivalier, rents, renders, fealty, and all other services whatsoever, any law, statute, rcservation, custom or usage, to the contrary hereof, in any wise not- withstanding. CHAP. 37. AN ACT concerning uses. PASSED the 20th of February, 1787. Be it enacted by t/ze People of t/ze State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by tile aztt/zority of tbe same, That where any person or persons stand or be seized, or at any time hereafter shall stand or be seised, of and in any manors, messuages, lands, tenements, rents, services, reversions, remainders or other hered- itaments, to the use, confidence, or trust, of any other person or persons, or of any body politic, by reason of any bargain, sale, feoffment, fine, recovery, covenant, contract, agreement, will or otherwise, by any man- ner of means whatsoever, in every such case, all and every such person and persons, and bodies politic, that have, or hereafter shall have, any such use, confidence or trust, in fee simple, for term of life, or of years or otherwise, or any use, confidence or trust, in remainder or reversion, shall from henceforth stand and be seised, deemed and adjudged, in CHAP. 37.] TENTH SESSION. ~ 417 lawful seisin, estate and possession, of and in the same manors, mes- suages, lands, tenements, rents, services, reversions, remainders and hereditaments, with their appurtenances, to all intents, constructions and purposes in the law, of and in such like estates, as they had or shall have, in use, trust or confidence, of or in the same; and that the estate, title, right and possession, that was or shall be in such person or per- sons, that were or hereafter shall be seised, of any lands, tenements or hereditaments, to the use, confidence, or trust, of any such person or persons, or of any body politic, be from henceforth clearly deemed and adjudged to be, in him, her or them, that have or hereafter shall have, such use, confidence, or trust, after such quality, manner, form and condition, as they had before, in or to the use, confidence or trust, that was or shall be in them. Andfnrt/zer, that where divers persons be, or hereafter shall be jointly seised, of and in any lands, tenements, rents, reversions, remainders, or other hereditaments, to the use, confidence or trust, of any of them so jointly seised, in every such case, the person or persons who have, or hereafter shall have, any such use, confidence or trust, in any such lands, tenements, rents, reversions, remainders, or hereditaments shall from henceforth have, and be deemed and adjudged to have, only to him or them, that have or hereafter shall have, such use, confidence or trust, such estate, possession and seisin, of and in the same lands, tenements, rents, reversions, remainders and other hereditaments, in like nature, manner, form, condition and course, as he or they had before, in the use, confidence or trust, of the same lands, tenements, rents, reversions, remainders or hereditaments; saving and reserving to all and singular persons and bodies politic, their heirs and successors, other than the person or persons who be seised, or hereafter shall be seised, of any lands, tenements or hereditaments, to any use, confidence or trust, all such right, title, entry, interest, possession, rents and action, as they or any of them had or might have had, before the making of this act; and saving and reserving also, to all and singular those per- sons, and to their heirs, who be, or hereafter shall be seised to any use, all such former right, title, entry, interest, possession, rents, customs, services and action, as they or any of them might have had, to his or their own proper use, in or to any manors, lands, tenements, rents, or hereditaments, whereof they be, or hereafter shall be seised, to any other use, as if this act had never been made. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/tority aforesaid, That where any Id.; estates person or persons, stand and be seized, or hereafter shall stand and be seized, of and in any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, in fee simple or otherwise, to the use or intent that some other person or persons shall have and perceive yearly to them and to his or their heirs, one annual rent of ten pounds, or more or less, out of the same lands, tene- ments and hereditaments, and some other person or persons, one other annual rent, to him or them and their assigns, for term of life or years, or for some other special time, according to such intent and use as here- tofore hath been, or hereafter shall be declared, limited and made thereof, in every such case, the same persons, their heirs and assigns, and every of them, who have such use and interest, to have and per- ceive any such annual rents, out of any lands, tenements or heredita- ments, shall be adjudged and deemed to be in possession and seisin of the same rent, of and in such like estate as they had in the title, interest or use of the said rent or profit, and as if a sufficient grant or other law- ful conveyance had been made and executed to them, by such as were or shall be seised, to the use or intent of any such rent to be had, made or paid, according to the very trust and intent thereof; and that VOL. 2. -—53 Id.; where estate is held by several in trust for one. held sub- ject to an- nual rents to others. 418 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 37. Rights of persons for whose use estates are held. Sheriff on execution may levy on estates held in trust for the use of the judg- ment debtor. Grants by persons of full age and sound ‘mind to be good as against grantor and heirs. all and every such person and persons as have, or hereafter shall have, any title, use and interest, in or to any such rent or profit, shall lawfully distrain for non payment of the said rent, and in their own names make avowries, or by their bailiffs or servants make cognizances and justifica- tions, and have all other suits, entries and remedies for such rents, as if the same rents had been actually and really granted to them, with suffi- cient clauses of distress, re-enti'y or otherwise, according to such condi- tions, pains, or other things limited and appointed, upon the trust and intent, for payment or surety of such rent. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That all and sin- gular person and persons, and bodies politic, which have or shall have any estate unto them executed, of and in any lands tenements or hered- itaments, by the authority of this act, shall and‘ may have and take the same or like advantage, benefit, voucher, aid prayer, remedy, commod- ity, and profit by action, entry, condition or otherwise, to all intents, constructions and purposes, as the person or persons seised to their use, of or in any such lands, tenements or hereditaments so executed, had, should, might or ought to have had, at the time of the execution of the estate thereof by the authority of this act, against any other person or persons, of or for any waste, disseisin, trespass, condition broken, or any other offence, cause or thing, concerning or touching the said lands or tenements, so executed by the authority of this act. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for every sheriff, and other officer, to whom any writ or precept is or shall be directed, at the suit of any person or persons, of, for and upon any judgment or recognizance, made or had, or hereafter to be made or had, to do make and deliver, execution unto the party in that behalf suing, of all such lands, tenements, rents and hereditaments, as any other person or persons be in any manner of wise seised or pos- sessed, or hereafter shall be seised or possessed, to the use, or in trust, for him against whom execution is so sued, like as the sheriff or other officer might or ought to have done, if the said party against whom exe- cution is, or shall be so sued, had been seised of such lands, tenements, rents or other hereditaments, of such estate as he is or shall be seised (if, in the use or trust, at the time of the said execution sued; and such lands, tenements, rents and other hereditaments, by force and virtue of such execution, shall accordingly be held and enjoyed, freed and dis— charged of all incumbrances, of such person or persons as are or shall be so seised or possessed, to the use or in trust for the person against whom such execution is or shall be sued ; and if any person intitled to or having any such use or trust, hath devised or shall devise the same, by his last will, or hath died, or shall die intestate, leaving the same to descend to his heirs, the same shall be liable to the debts of the testator or intestate, and deemed and taken to be assets in the hands of the heirs or devisees, who shall be chargeable for the same, in like manner as they are by law chargeable and liable in cases where lands or tenements descend, or are devised to them, and not otherwise. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That every estate, feoffment, gift, release, grant, lease and confirmation, of lands, tene- ments, rents, services or hereditaments, made or had, or hereafter to be made or had, by any person or persons, being of full age, of sound mind, at large, and not in duress, to any person or persons, and all recoveries and executions, had or made, or to be had or made, shall be good and effectual to him, her or them, to whom it is so made, had or given, and to all others to his, her or their use, against the seller, feoffor, donor or grantor thereof, and against the sellers, feoffors, donors or cHAP. 38.] TENTH SESSION. 419 grantors, his, her and their heirs, claiming the same, only as heir or heirs, to the same sellers, feoffers, donors or grantors, and every of them, and against all others having or claiming any title or interest in the same, only to the use of the same seller, feoffor, donor or grantor, sel- lers, feoffors, donors or grantors, or his, her or their said heirs, at the time of the bargain, sale, covenant, gift or grant made. CHAP. 38. AN ACT for settling intestates estates, proving wills, and grant- ing administrations. \ PASSED the 20th of February, 1787. Be it enacted fiy t/ze People of t/ce State of New York represented in Letters of .Senate and Assenzfily and it is kerefiy enacted fiy t/ie azct/zority of t/ze sanze £533?‘ That administration of the goods chattles and credits of any person Who e11ti~ dying intestate shall be committed or granted to the widow or next of fled to‘ kin of the intestate or to some or one of them if they or any or either of them will accept the same and if neither of them will accept the same then to such other proper person or persons as will accept the same and such administrators shall have the benefit and incur the charge of and be accountable as executors. And fie it fnrt/ier enacted fiy t/ze ant/coritj/ aforesaid That just and oistribrb. equal distribution of what remaineth clear, of the goods and personal glsoggfof estate of any person dying intestate, after all debts funeral charges and person just expences of every sort first allowed and deducted shall be made iiniiisgam amongst the wife and children or childrens children if any such there be, or otherwise to the next of kindred to the intestate in equal degree, or legally representing their stocks, each according to his or her respec- tive right, pursuant to the laws in such cases, and the rules and limita- tions herein after set down. And fie it fnrt/cer enacted fiy t/ze ant/zority aforesaid That the whole Manner of surplusage of the goods and personal estate of ‘every person dying in- Si‘ggnvlgggm testate shall be distributed in manner and form following. That is to there are say, one third part of the surplusage to the wife of the intestate and all chlldren‘ the residue by equal portions to and amongst the children of such per- sons dying intestate and such persons as legally represent such children in case any of the said children be then dead other than such child or childrenwho shall have any estate by settlement or shall be advanced by the intestate in his life time by portion or portions equal to the share which shall by such distribution be allotted to the other children to whom such distribution is to be made and in case any child shall have any estate by settlement from the said intestate or shall be advanced by the said intestate in his life time by portion not equal to the share which will be due to the other children by such distribution as aforesaid then so much of the surplusage of the estate of such intestate shall be distributed to such child or children as shall have any land by settle- ment from the intestate or were advanced in the life time of the intes- tate as shall make the estate of all the said children to be equal as near as can be estimated. And in case there be no children nor any legal representatives of Where them, then one moiety of the said estate shall be allotted to the wife of 312,653,? the said intestate, and the residue of the said estate shall be distributed dren- 420 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 38. Where there is no w‘ e. Who to take share of child dying after father’s death. Act not to extend to estates of feme covert. Surro- gates. ap- pointment of ; duty. Seal of surrogate. equally to every of the next of kindred of the intestate who are in equal degree, and those who represent them, but no representation shall be admitted among collaterals after brothers and sisters children. And in case there be no wife then all the said estate to be distributed equally to and amongst the children and in case there be no child then to the next of kindred in equal degree of or unto the intestate and their legal representatives as aforesaid and in no other manner whatsoever. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze az/t/iority aforesaid That if after the death of a father any of his children shall die intestate without wife or children in the life time of the mother every brother and sister and the representatives of them shall have an equal share with her, any thing in this act or any law usage or custom to the contrary notwith~ standing. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze ant/iorizy aforesaid That neither this act nor any thing therein contained respecting the distribution of intes- tates estates shall be construed to extend to the estates of feme coverts that shall die intestate but that their husbands may demand and have administration of their rights credits and other personal estates and recover and enjoy the same as fully as they might have done before the passing of this act. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful to and for the person administering the government of this State for the time being by and with the advice and consent of the council of appointment from time to time and at all times hereafter to nominate and appoint during the pleasure of the said council, and commissionate under the great seal of this State a surrogate in each and every county of this State who shall be and hereby are respect- ively authorized and empowered to take the proof of the last wills and testaments and codicils of all persons dying in the several counties for which such surrogates shall be respectively appointed and commissioned and to make and issue probates thereof and to grant letters testamen- tary thereon and to grant administrations with the will annexed in all cases where it may be necessaary or proper and to grant letters of ad- ministration of the goods chattles and credits of all persons dying intestate in the respective counties for which such surrogates shall be respectively appointed and commissioned. And if it so happen that any person who is or shall be an inhabitant in any part of this State shall die while absent from home upon a journey or business the will of such person if he or she shall have made any shall be proved before and the probate thereof granted, or if such person shall die intestate, administration of his or her goods chattles and credits shall be granted, by the surrogate of the county where such person so dying was an inhabitant as if such person had died at home: And fart/zer that such letters testamentary and administrations shall be made in the name of the people of the State of New York and tested in the name of the sur- rogate who shall grant or issue the same and be sealed with his seal of office and all such probates letters testamentary and administrations, shall be as good valid and effectual to all intents and purposes as if the same were made granted and issued by the judge of the court of pro- bates of this State, any law usage or custom to the contrary notwith- standing. And be it fart/ter enacted by the ant/zority aforesaid, That each of the said surrogates shall at his own expence cause a seal to be made for his office with such device as they may respectively think proper, upon which seal shall be inscribed the name of the county for which it is to be used and the words surrogate seal, and shall deliver a description in CHAP. 38.] TENTH SESSION. 421 writing of such seal to the secretary of this State, who shall deposit and record the same in his office, there to remain as a public record of this State. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid That each of the Recordsto said surrogates shall record (in books to be provided for that purpose be kept‘n, i surrogate s at his own expence,) all wills proved before him together with the proof Office- thereof, and all letters testamentary and administrations by him issued or granted, with all things concerning the same, which records shall be of the same force validity and effect as the like records in the office of the judge of the court of probates of this State: And fart/ter that all wills proved before any such surrogate shall upon demand after the same are copied by the surrogate be returned to the person who deliv- ered the same to such surrogate; or in case of the death, insanity or removal of such person from this State, before the will shall be delivered to such person then such will to be returned to any devisee named in such will, or to the heirs or assigns of such devisee. And in case of demand of such will from the surrogate by such devisee or the heirs or assigns of such devisee, on the suggestion of the death, insanity or removal from this State of the person who delivered the will, the surro- gate shall not be compelled to deliver such will until the truth of the suggestion shall be proved to him by the oath of a witness or witnesses, and which witnesses the surrogate is authorized and required to exam- ine on oath, touching the truth of the suggestion. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zorizy aforesaid That every sur~ oath of rogate so to be appointed and commissioned shall before he enters upon Surrogate; the execution of his office take and subscribe the following oath to wit 23102231 to “ I surrogate of the county of do solemnly and Egg}? sincerely promise and swear that I will in all things well and faithfully successor- execute the office of surrogate of the said county according to the best of my knowledge and ability.” And fart/ter that upon the death or removal from office of any such surrogate the said seal and all original wills with all records books and papers belonging to the said office shall be delivered over to the successor in office upon the oath of the preced- ing surrogate or of his executors or administrators in case of his death. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/tority aforesaid That in all cases Surrogate - tohearand where a caveat shall be entered in the office of any such surrogate or determine any objection be made against the proving of any will or granting of Sgrsltgggfr- administration of the goods chattles and credits of any person who is probate of or shall be an inhabitant of the county for which such surrogate shall Egglsigirg be appointed and commissioned such surrogate shall cause the parties tration. and witnesses to be cited to appear before him and hear and determine the matter in controversy according to law and grant and issue such probates letters testamentary or administrations as shall be agreeable to law and justice saving to every one conceiving him her or themselves aggrieved his her and their right of appeal to the judge of the court of probates of this State so as such appeal be taken within fifteen days next after the order or sentence appealed from, be made. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid That in all cases Persons ' ' . ' ' ' ' ‘ dying out of persons dying out of this State, or of persons dying within this State of state not inhabitants of this State, their wills shall be proved before, and anddnvp- administrations of their personal estates when necessary be granted, {,ii‘bfi’ei" by the judge of the court of probates of this State 1n the manner here- gglégtjlifrik tofore used and before or by no other person. diction. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zorizj/ aforesaid That the judge of Bonds to the court of probates of this State and the surrogates of each of the Egrgggég‘ig respective counties of this State and every of them for the timebeing and surro- 422 LAWs or NEW YORK. [CHAR 3s- gate’s shall and may upon their respective granting and committing of admin- istration of the goods of persons dying intestate take of the respective fiéfil‘rfigf person or persons to whom such administration ‘shall be committed, tration. except where administration shall be granted to a husband of the goods chattles and credits of his wife, sufficient bonds, with two or more able sureties, to the people of the State of New York, in such penalty as the said judge or surrogate shall think reasonable, respect being had to the value of the estate, with condition as follows to wit “ The condition Form of of this obligation is such that if the above bound adminis- bond' trator of all and sin ular the oods chattles and cr dit f g g e s o deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods chattles and credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of the said or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for the said and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited (where such bond shall be taken by the judge of the court of probates) into the registry of the court of probates of this State (but where such bond shall be taken by a surrogate) into the office of the surrogate of the county of at or before the expiration of six calendar months from the date of the above written obligation and the same goods chattles and credits and all other goods chattles and credits of the said deceased at the time of death which at any time after shall, come to the hands or possession of the said or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for the said do well and truly administer according to law; and further when thereunto lawfully required do make or cause to be made a just and true account of administration and all the rest and residue of the said goods chattles and credits which shall be found remaining upon the said administrators account, the same being first examined and allowed of by the judge of the court of probates of this State for the time being, shall deliver and pay unto such person or persons respectively as the said judge by his decree or sentence shall pursuant to the true intent and meaning of the act entitled “An act for settling intestates estates proving wills and granting administrations,” limit and appoint; and if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and testament was made by the said deceased and the executor or executors therein named or any other person or persons do exhibit the same and request to have it allowed and approved then if the said being thereunto required do render and deliver the letters of administration granted on the estate of the said deceased to the office from which the same were issued then this obligation to be void and of none effect or else to remain in full force and virtue; which bonds shall be good to all intents and purposes and pleadable in any courts of justice. And in case any such bonds Forfeiture shall become forfeited it shall and may be lawful for the judge of the of bond‘ court of probates of this State to cause the same to be prosecuted in any court of record at the request of any party grieved by such forfeiture and the monies recovered upon such bond shall be applied towards making good the damages sustained by the not performing the said con- dition in such manner as the said judge shall by his sentence or decree direct. Andfurther that it shall and may be lawful to and for the judge of the court of probates of this State to call such administrators to account for and touching the goods chattles and credits of any per- son dying intestate and upon hearing and due consideration thereof to order and make just and equal distribution of what remaineth clear after debts funeral charges and just expences of every sort first allowed and deducted according to the laws in such cases and the rules and limita- CHAP. 38.] TENTH SESSION. 423 tions in this act mentioned; and the same distributions to decree and settle and to compel such administrators to observe and pay the same by due course of law; and also to hear and determine all causes touch- ing any legacy or bequest in any last will and testament payable or coming out of the personal estate ‘of the testator, and to decree and com- pel payment thereof, saving to every one supposing him her or them- selves aggrieved, his her and their right of appeal. ' And fie it fart/zer enacted fiy t/ze azct/zority aforesaid That if any person Decrees of or persons shall neglect or refuse to perform any such sentence or decree of the judge of the court of probates of this State it shall and may be how 611-’ lawful to and for the judge of the said court for the time being to cause forced‘ such person or persons by process directed to any sheriff of any county of this State to be taken and imprisoned until he she or they shall per— form the same sentence or decree and every sheriff is hereby directed to cause all such process to him at any time directed to be duly executed and to confine the persons against whom such process shall be issued as in execution until they shall be delivered by due course of law; and if any sheriff shall neglect his duty therein he shall be answerable to the party grieved in such manner as he would be answerable upon process of the like nature issuing out of the supreme court. And fie it fart/ier enacted fiy t/ce acct/cority aforesaid That no distribu- Distribu- tion of the goods chattles and credits of any person dying intestate shall {,lglfngggto be made until after one year be fully expired after granting administra- until after tion thereof. And that each and every one to whom any distribution Bfifig‘ifie and share shall be allotted or any legacy or bequest paid or delivered gl‘g‘gzlzgr shall give bond with sufficient surities to the administrators or execu- 91- admin- tors. That if any debt or debts truly owing by the intestate or testator lstmtor' as the case may be shall be afterwards sued for and recovered or other— wise duly made to appear and which there shall be no other assets to pay that then and in every such case he or she shall respectively refund and pay back to the administrators or executors his or her rateable part of such debt or debts, and of the costs of suit and charges by reason of such debt or debts out of the part and share so allotted to him or her or out of such legacy, thereby to enable the said administrators or execu- tors to satisfy such debt or debts. And fie it fartker enacted fiy t/ce ant/cority aforesaid That no adminis- Account— trator or executor shall be cited to the said court of probates to render gnfiitgnlis, at an account of the personal estate of his intestate or testator otherwise Suit 915 than by an inventory or inventories thereof, unless it be at the instance f'ggegget‘g'gr or prosecution of some person or persons in behalf of a minor or having "ex" Of km a demand out of such personal estate as a creditor legatee or next of kin, nor be compellable to account before the said court otherwise than as is aforesaid, any thing in this act or any law usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. And fie it fart/cer enacted fiy t/ze ant/corny aforesaid That in all cases Adminis- where any administration shall be granted with a will or testament $331,031,, annexed either by the judge of the court of probates of this State or by will any surrogate of any county of this State the will of the deceased in such annexed‘ testament expressed shall be observed and performed. Andfart/zer that all former proceedings according to the provisions of such laws as were in force before the passing of this act and all rights and claims agreeable to the provisoes of this act, shall be and hereby are confirmed. And fie it fartker enacted fiy tke antkority aforesaid That instead of Fees of the fees allowed to the surrogates in and by an act entitled “An act for gléirgggate’s regulating the fees of the several officers and ministers of the courts of ' justice within this State,” the following and no other fees shall be 424 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 39. Surrogate not to ex— act fees where estate is less than £15. Acts [recited repealed. Courts to proceed according to course of common law. Courts to exercise former powers until May 1. Preamble. allowed to such surrogates that is to say, for administring an oath one shilling; for drawing the proof of a will or codicil for each folio consist- ing of one hundred and twenty eight words one shilling and six pence, for recording wills and codicils of the proof thereof, and recording let- ters testamentary, and letters of administration, for each folio consisting of one hundred and twenty eight words, one shilling; for a probate of a will and the letters testamentary thereon, for each folio consisting of one hundred and twenty eight words, one shilling; for the seal of the same four shillings; for a bond upon granting administration, four shil- lings; for letters of administration, for each folio consisting of one hun- dred and twenty eight words, one shilling; for the seal of the same, four shillings; for entering and filing a caveat one shilling and six pence; for a citation including the seal, six shillings; for taking and filing arenun- ciation, three shillings; for filing an inventory, one shilling; for every search for records in his office, one shilling; for copies of records, for each folio consisting of one hundred and twenty eight words, one shil- ling. And be it fart/cer enacted by Me ant/zority aforesaid That whenever it shall appear to the surrogate by the oath of the person applying for letters testamentary, or letters of administration, that the goods chattles and credits of the testator or intestate do not exceed in value the sum of fifteen pounds, no fees shall be exacted by or paid to the surrogate on granting letters testamentary, or letters of administration of the goods chattles and credits of such testator or intestate, any thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/iority a oresaid That the several acts of the legislature of the late colony of New York “for the super- vising intestate’s estates, and regulating the probate of wills and grant- ing letters of administration” and for extending the same to several counties and “ for the better settling of intestates estates,” shall be and hereby are repealed. And be it fart/cer enacted by file ant/cority aforesaid, That the courts of the said surrogates, and the said court of probates, in the matters sub- mitted to their cognizance respectively by this act, shall proceed accord- ing to the course of the courts having, by the common law, jurisdiction of the like matters: Prooided That the same shall not be construed to extend to the inflicting any ecclesiastical pains or penalties whatsoever. Provided always, And be it fart/zer enacted by file ant/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the judge of the court of probates, and the surrogates in the several counties within this State, to continue to exercise the like powers they were respectively vested with immediately before the pass- ing of this act, until the first day of May next. CHAP. 39. AN ACT for the better securing the liberty of the citizens of this State, and for prevention of imprisonments. PAssED the 21st of February, 1787. WHEREAS great delays have been used by sheriffs, gaolers and other officers, to whose custody persons have been committed for criminal or supposed criminal matters, in making returns of writs of habeas corpus CHAP. 39.] TENTH SESSION. 425 to them directed, and by other shifts, to avoid their yielding obedience to such writs, contrary to their duty, and the known laws of the land, whereby many persons have been, and hereafter may be, long detained in prison, in such cases, where by law they are bailable, to their great charges and vexation: For the prevention whereof, and the more speedy relief of all persons imprisoned for any such criminal, or sup- posed criminal matters, Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by Me az/t/zority of tbe sanze, That whensoever any person or persons shall bring any habeas corpus, directed to any sheriff, gaoler, minister or other person or persons what- soever, for any person in his, or their custody, and the said writ shall be served upon the said officer, or other person or persons, or left at the gaol or prison, with any of the under officers, under keepers or deputy of the said officers, or keepers, that the said officer or officers, his or their under officers, under keepers or deputies, or other person or per- sons, shall within three days after the service thereof as aforesaid, (unless the commitment aforesaid were for treason or felony, plainly and speci- ally expressed in the warrant of commitment.) upon payment or tender of charges of bringing the said prisoner, to be ascertained by the judge or court that awarded the same, and indorsed upon the said writ, not exceeding twelve pence per mile, and upon security given by his own bond, to pay the charges of carrying back the prisoner, if he shall be remanded by the court or judge, to which he shall be brought, accord- ing to the true intent of this act, and that he will not make any escape by the way, make return of such writ, and bring or cause to be brought the body of the party so committed or restrained, unto or before the chancellor of this State for the time being, or the justices of the supreme court, or unto or before such of them before whom the said writ is made returnable, according to the command thereof, and shall then likewise certify the true causes of his detainer or imprisonment, unless the com- mitment of the said party be in a place beyond the distance of twenty miles from the place or places where such court or person is, or shall be residing; and if beyond the distance of twenty miles and not above one hundred miles, then within the space of ten days, and if beyond the distance of one hundred miles, then within the space of twenty days after such delivery as aforesaid, and not longer. And to the intent that no sheriff, gaoler or other officer, may pretend ignorance of the import of any such writ; Be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zorizy aforesaid That all such writs shall be marked in this manner, by the statute, and be signed by the person that awards the same; and if any person or persons shall be or stand committed, or detained as aforesaid, for any crime, unless for treason or felony plainly expressed in the warrant of commitment, in the vacation time, and out of term, it shall and may be lawful to and for the person or persons so committed or detained, (other than persons convict, or in execution by legal process) or any one, on his, or their behalf, to apply or complain to the chancellor, or any one of the justices of the supreme court, and the said chancellor or justices, or any of them, 'upon view of the copy or copies of the warrant or warrants of commit ment, and detainer, or otherwise, upon oath made that such copy or copies were denied to be given by such person or persons in whose cus- tody the prisoner or prisoners is, or are detained, are hereby authorized and required, upon request made in writing by such person or persons, or any on his, her, or their behalf, attested and subscribed by two wit nesses who were present at the delivery of the same, to award and grant VoL. 2. —— 54 Habeas corpus, prisoner to be pro- duced by sherifl on writ of. Issuance of writs dufing vacation time 426 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 39.. Court to admit pris- oner to bail for the next gen— eral ses- sions or gaol deliv- ery. an habeas corpus, under the seal of such court whereof he shall then be one of the judges, to be directed to the officer or officers, or person or persons in whose custody the party so committed or detained shall be, returnable immediately before the said chancellor or justice of the said supreme court; and upon service thereof as aforesaid, the officer or officers, his or their under officer, or under officers, under keeper or under keepers, or their deputy, or person or persons in whose custody the party is so committed or detained, shall, within the times respectively before limited, bring such prisoner or prisoners before the said chancel- lor, or justices of the said supreme court, or one of them, before whom the said writ is made returnable; and in case of his absence, before any other of them, with the return of such writ, and the true causes of the commitment and detainer; and thereupon, within two days after the party shall be brought before them, the said chancellor, or such justice, before whom the prisoner shall be brought as aforesaid, shall discharge the said prisoner from his imprisonment, taking his or their recognizance, with one or more surety or sureties, in any sum according to their dis- Cretions, having regard to the quality of the prisoner, and nature of the offence, for his, or their appearance in the supreme court, the term fol- lowing, or at the next general sessions or gaol delivery, of and for such county, city or place, where the commitment was, or where the offence .was committed, or in such other court, where the said offence is prop- Penalty for refusal by sherifl.’ or other ofli- cer to obey writ of habeas corpus. erly cognizable, as the case shall require; and shall then certify the said writ, with the return thereof, and the said recognizance or recognizances, into the said court where such appearance is to be made; unless it shall appear unto the said chancellor or justice or justices, that the party so committed, is detained upon a legal process, order or warrant, out of some court that hath jurisdiction of criminal matters, or by some war- rant signed and sealed with the hand and seal of any of the said justices, or some justice or justices of the peace, for such matters or offences, for the which by the law the prisoner is not bailable. But if any person shall have wilfully neglected by the space of two whole terms after his imprisonment, to pray a habeas corpus for his enlargement, such person so wilfully neglecting, shall not have any habeas corpus to be granted in vacation time in pursuance of this act. And he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That if any officer or officers, his or their under officer or under officers, under keeper or under keepers, or deputy, or other person or persons, shall neglect or refuse to make the returns aforesaid, or to bring the body or bodies of the prisoner or prisoners, according to the command of the said writ, within the respective times aforesaid, or upon demand made by the prisoner, or any person in his behalf, shall refuse to deliver, or within the space of six hours after demand shall not deliver, to the person so demanding a true copy of the warrant or warrants of commitment and detainer of such prisoner, which he and they are hereby required to deliver accordingly, all and every the head gaolers, and keepers of such prisons, and such other person or persons in whose custody the prisoner shall be detained, shall for the first offence, forfeit to the prisoner or party grieved, the sum of one hundred pounds, and for the second offence the sum of two hundred pounds, and shall, if an officer, he and is hereby made incapable to hold or execute his said office; the said penalties to be recovered by the prisoner or party grieved, his or her executors or administrators, against such offender, his executors or ad- ministrators, by action of debt, suit, bill, plaint or information, in any court of record, wherein no privilege, injunction or stay of prosecution by non vult ulterius prosequi, or otherwise, shall be admitted or allowed, CHAP. 39.] TENTH SESSION. 427 or any more than one imparlance: and any recovery or judgment at the suit of any party grieved, shall be a sufficient conviction for the first offence; and any after recovery or judgment at a suit of a party grieved, for any offence after the first judgment, shall be a sufficient conviction to bring the officers, or person or persons, within the said penalty, for the second offence. And for prevention of unjust vexation, by reiterated commitments for the same offence, Be it fccrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze ant/zerity aforesaid, That no person or persons, who shall be delivered or set at large, upon any habeas corpus, shall at any time thereafter be again imprisoned or committed for the same offence, by any person or persons whatsoever, other than by the legal order and process of such court, wherein he or they shall be bound by recognizance to appear, or other court having jurisdiction of the cause : and if any other person or persons shall knowingly, contrary to this act, recommit or imprison, or knowingly cause or procure to be recommitted or imprisoned for the same offence, or pretended offence, any person or persons delivered or set at large as aforesaid, or be know- ingly aiding or assisting therein, then he or they shall forfeit to the prisoner or party grieved, the sum of five hundred pounds, any colour- able pretence or variation in the warrant or warrants of commitment notwithstanding, to be recovered as aforesaid. And fie it fccrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That if any per- son or persons shall be committed, for any treason or felony, plainly and specially expressed in the warrant of commitment, upon his prayer or petition in open court, the first week of the term, or first day of the sessions of oyer and terminer, or gaol delivery, to be brought to his trial, shall not be indicted some time in the next term, sessions of oyer and terminer, or gaol delivery, after such commitment, it shall and may be lawful to and for the justices of the supreme court, and justices of oyer and terminer or gaol delivery, and they are hereby required, upon motion to them made in open court, the last day of the term, sessions or gaol delivery, either by the prisoner, or any one in his behalf, to set at liberty the prisoner, upon bail, unless it appear to the justices, upon oath made, that the witness against the prisoner could not be produced, the same term, sessions, or gaol delivery. And if any person or persons committed as aforesaid, upon his prayer or petition in open court, the first week of the term, or first day of the sessions of oyer and terminer, or gaol delivery, to be brought to his trial, shall not be indicted and tried the second term, sessions of oyer and terminer, or gaol delivery, after his commitment, or, upon his trial, shall be acquitted, he shall be discharged from his imprisonment. Provided always, That nothing in this act shall extend to discharge out of prison, any person charged in debt, or other action, or with pro- cess in any civil cause, but that after he shall be discharged of his im- prisonment for such his criminal offence, he shall be kept in custody according to the law for such other suit. And fie it fart/zer enacted fiy t/ze ant/cority aforesaid, That if any per- son or persons, citizens of this State, shall be committed to any prison, or in custody of any officer or officers whatsoever, for any criminal or supposed criminal matter that the said person shall not be removed from the said prison and custody, into the custody of any other officer or officers, unless it be by habeas corpus, or some other legal writ or pro- cess, or where the prisoner is delivered to the constable or other infe- rior officer, to carry such prisoner to some common gaol, or where any ‘person is sent by order of any court or judge or justice of the peace, to Persons discharged not to be rearrested on same charge, except as specified. Person praying to e tried, if not tried at first; term, to be let to bail; if not at second term. to be discharged Proviso: discharge not to affect other process. Prisoner not to be removed from cus- tody or prison ex- cept by Writ of habeas corpus or order of court. 428 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 39. Penalty for refusal of Writ of habeas corpus. Citizens of this State not to be sent out of State for trial for acts done in this State; pen- alties re- coverable in such case. any common work house, or house of correction, or where the prisoner is removed from one prison or place, to another Within the same county, in order to his, or her trial, or discharge, in due course of law, or in case of sudden fire or infection, or other necessity ; and if any person or persons shall, after such commitment aforesaid, make out and sign, or countersign, any Warrant or warrants, for such removal aforesaid, contrary to this act, as well he who makes or signs, or countersigns such warrant or warrants, as the officer or officers who obey or execute the same, shall for every offence forfeit to the prisoner or party grieved two hundred pounds, to be recovered in manner aforesaid, by the party grieved. A 1m’ [w it flél’l/ZC?’ marred by 2716 az/f/wrz'zj/ aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any prisoner and prisoners as aforesaid, to move for and obtain his or their habeas corpus, as Well out of the court of chancery, as out of the supreme court; and if the chancellor, or any justice of the supreme court, for the time being, in the vacation time, upon view of the copy or copies of thewarrant or warrants of commit- ment, or detainer, or upon oath made that such copy or copies were denied as aforesaid, shall deny any writ of habeas corpus, by this act required to be granted, being moved for as aforesaid, they shall seve- rally forfeit to the prisoner or party grieved, the sum of five hundred pounds, to be recovered in manner aforesaid. And for preventing illegal imprisonments of the citizens of this State, in prisons out of this State. Be it fuzz/ter marred by 2726 azzZ/wrz'fy afaresaz'd, That no citizen of this State, who now is, or hereafter shall be an inhabitant or resident within this State, shall or may be sent prisoner to any place whatsoever, out of this State for any crime or offence committed within this State; and that every such imprisonment, is hereby enacted and adjudged to be illegal; and that if any of the said citizens now is, or hereafter shall be so imprisoned, every such person and persons so imprisoned, shall and may for every such imprisonment, maintain, by virtue of this act, an action or actions of false imprisonment, in any court of record, against the person or persons by whom he or she shall be so committed, detained, imprisoned, sent prisoner, or transported, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, and against all or any person or per- sons, who shall frame, contrive, write, seal, sign or countersign, any warrant or writing for such commitment, detainer, imprisonment or transportation, or shall be advising, aiding or assisting in the same, or any of them; and the plaintiff in every such action shall have judg- ment to recover treble costs, besides damages; which damages so to be given, shall not be less than five hundred pounds, in which action no delay, stay or stop of proceeding, by rule, order or command, nor no injunction or privilege whatsoever, nor any more than one imparlance shall be allowed, excepting such rule of the court wherein the action shall depend, made in open court, as shall be thought in justice neces— sary for special cause to be expressed in the said rule. And the person or persons who shall knowingly frame, contrive, write, seal, sign, or countersign, any warrant for such commitment, detainer or transporta— tion, or shall so commit, detain, imprison or transport, any person or persons contrary to this act, or be any wise advising, aiding or assist- ing therein, being lawfully convicted thereof, shall be disabled from thenceforth to bear any office of trust or profit within this State, and shall forfeit to the people of this State, all his goods and chattels, and the issues and profits of his lands and tenements, during his natural life. CHAP. 59.] TENTH SESSION. 429 Provided always, that nothing in this act shall extend to give benefit Proviso; to any person who shall, by contract in writing, agree with any mer- gggggcom chant or owner of any plantation, or other person whatsoever, to be tracts . _ where ear- transported to any place out of this State, or to any part beyond the nest paid, seas, and receive earnest upon such agreement, although that afterwards such person shall renounce such contract. Prozn'ded also, that if any person or persons lawfully convicted of any Id.; not felony, shall 1n open court pray to be transportedbeyond the seas, and §f§j,‘;“p,,,,,,_ the court shall think fit to leave him or them in prison for that purpose; giggnfor such person or persons may be transported into any parts beyond the y’ seas, this act, or any thing therein contained, to the contrary notwith- standing. Bro'oided also, that if any person or persons at any time resident in Id-= not to . . . . - afl'ect tree... this State, shall have committed or be charged with having committed Son against - ~ ' other any treason, felony, or other high m1sdemeanor,1n any other of the States. United States of America, where he or she ought to be tried for such offence, such person or persons may be sent to such place, there to receive such trial, in such manner as the same might have been used, before the making of this act, any thing herein contained, to the con- trary notwithstanding. Provided also, and be it fart/zer enacted by Me aat/zority aforesaid, Prosecu- That no person or persons shall be sued, impleaded, molested or $3382? troubled, for any offence against this act, unless the party offending be gggitlsggfis sued or impleaded for the same, within two years at most, after such brought time wherein the offence shall be committed, in case the party grieved two shall not then be in prison; and if he or she shall be in prison, then within the space of two years after the decease of the person imprisoned, or his or her delivery out of prison, which shall first happen. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That if any infor- Pleadings mation, suit or action, shall be brought or exhibited against any person 1,“, ggfifongg or persons, for any offence committed, or to be committed against the br0usht_ form of this law, it shall be lawful for such defendants, to plead the 23361‘ thls general issue, that they are not guilty, or that they owe nothing, and to give such special matter in evidence to the jury that shall try the same, which matter being pleaded, had been good and sufficient matter in law, to have discharged the said defendant or defendants against the said information, suit or action; and the said matter shall be then as availa- ble, to him or them, to all intents and purposes, as if he or they had suffiicently pleaded, set forth or alledged the same matter, in bar or discharge of such information suit or action. And to the intent that no person may avoid his trial, at the sessions of oyer and terminer or gaol delivery, by procuring his removal before the setting of the same court, at such times as he cannot be brought back to receive his trial there. Be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That after the sessions Writs of of oyer and terminer, or gaol delivery proclaimed for that county where 233%; the prisoner is detained, no person shall be removed from the common ghgélhggllg gaol upon any habeas corpus granted in pursuance of this act; but upon before any such habeas corpus, shall be brought before the justice or justices gitl‘flgff of the circuit court, in open court, who is or are thereupon to do what livery- to justice shall appertain. Provided, that after the sessions of oyer and terminer, or gaol delivery are ended, any person or persons detained, may have his or their habeas corpus, according to the direction and intention of this act. And because oftentimes persons charged with felony, or as access- saies thereunto, are committed upon suspicion only, whereupon they are 430 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 4i. Person arrested for felony, bailing of. Abraham Lott to be discharged from ous- tody on security given. Frederick Weissen- fels, relief of bailable, or not, according as the circumstances making out that suspic- ion, are more or less weighty, which are best known to the justices of the peace who committed the persons, and have the examinations before them, or to other justices of the peace in the county. Therefore Be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That where any per- son shall appear to be committed by any judge or justices of the peace, and charged as accessory before the fact, to any felon r, or upon suspic- ion thereof, or with suspicion of any felony, which felony shall be plainly and specially charged in the warrant of commitment, that such persons shall not be removed or hailed by virtue of this act, or in any other manner than they might have been, before the making of this act. CHAP. 40. AN ACT for the relief of Abraham Lott. PASSED the 23rd of February, I787. Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Senate and Assenzhiy, and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this State, to dis- charge Abraham Lott late treasurer of the late colony now State of New York from the judgment obtained against him by the people of this State, upon his paying and discharging the costs and poundage of the suit against him and on his paying to the treasurer, two hundred pounds in certificates issued or to be issued by the said treasurer, and on his giving to the said treasurer sufficient security for the payment of the ballance of the sum for which the said judgment was obtained, within two years from the passing of this act, in certificates issued or to be issued by the treasurer of this State. CHAP. 41. AN ACT for the relief of Frederick Weissenfels. PASSED the 23rd of February, 1787. Be it enacted hy the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Senate and Assenzhiy, and it is herehy enacted hy the authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this State to receive a bond from Frederick Weissenfels to the people of this State, for such sum as shall be found due from him to them, to be paid in certificates issued, or to be issued by the said treasurer, and thereupon to discharge him from the suit commenced against him by the people of this State. CHAP. 42.] TENTH sEssioN. 431 CHAP. 42. AN ACT to regulate the election of charter officers in the city of New York. PASSED the 23rd of February, 1787. Be it enacted fiy t/ze People of tke State of New York, represented in Senate and Assenzfily, and it is kerefiy enacted fiy t/ze ant/cority of t/ze same, That the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, in common council convened, shall and may, on such day in the month of September, in every year hereafter, as to them shall seem meet, at least eight days before the day of election of officers to be chosen in and for the said city, by virtue of the charter thereof, fix upon a proper place in each respective ward where such election shall be held; and nomi- nate and appoint a fit and discreet person, for each respective ward in the said city, being a resident in the ward, for which he shall be so appointed, and a freeholder there, or a freeman of the said city, to pre- side at, and be the inspector or returning officer, as well of the election of the said officers to be chosen in the month of September, for the year next ensuing, to see that the same respective elections be fairly con- ducted and had, as for the election of such officers respectively, as shall be to be chosen, in the same year, to fill any vacancy or vacancies, which from time to time shall or may happen in any of the said offices, by death, removal out of the said city, refusal to serve, or otherwise. And fnrt/zer that in case any of the said inspectors shall die, remove out of the said city, refuse to serve, or be rendered incapable of attending any of the said elections, before, or on the day on which the same is to be held, that then and in such case, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, in common council convened, or the major part of them, to appoint another fit and discreet person, being a resident in the ward in which such election shall be to be held, and a freeholder there, or a freeman of the said city, to be an inspector of the said election, in the room and stead of the said person, so dying, removing, refusing to serve, or being rendered incapable of attending the said election, and so as often as the said case shall happen. And fnrt/zer, thatleach of the said persons so to be from time to time nominated and appointed to be inspectors of the said respective elections, shall appoint a person, properly qualified, to act as clerk at the election to be held in their respective wards, and shall tender and administer to such clerk (who is hereby directed and required to take the same) the following oath, to wit “ I do solemnly and sincerely swear and declare in the presence of Almighty God, that I will truly and impartially execute the trust reposed in me as a clerk of this election, for the ward of the city of New York.” And shall thereupon in the presence of the said inspector, in a poll book, to be provided for the purpose, set down the name of each voter, and for whom he shall vote, and whether he votes as a freeholder or freeman; which said poll book, shall immediately after the closing of the poll of every of the said elections, be subscribed with the proper name and hand writing of such inspector, and be by him delivered to the clerk of the. said city or his deputy, to be by him delivered to the said mayor aldermen and commonalty of-the city of New York, in common council convened. And fzcrt/zer, that the respective clerks of the said elections, New York city, elec- tion for charter officers in; notice; in- spectors. Vacancy in office of inspector, how filled. Poll clerks, LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 42. Elections to fill vacancies in city i‘offices. Penalty for neglect of inspector to act. Where inspector fails to act, vacancy to be filled as provided by charter. Qu aliflca- tions of electors; freeholders Freemen. Oaths to be taken by electors. shall be allowed the sum of sixteen shillings, for each election, to be paid by the said mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York. . A/zd fie z'z‘farz‘lzer enacted fiy Z/ze azeZ/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That in case it shall so happen, that any of the aldermen, assistants, assessors, collectors or constables, so chosen, shall die, or remove out of the said city, before the day by the said charter appointed for the annual election of such officers, or, being duly elected, shall refuse to serve in the office to which he or they shall respectively be chosen, then and in such case, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said mayor, aldermen and common- alty of the city of New York, in common council convened, to order an election or elections to be held to fill such vacancy or vacancies, and appoint a place in the respective wards, and the time, (not less than five days previous to such intented eleetion,) for holding the said election, and to give notice thereof to the inspector of the ward in which such vacancy shall happen, and so as often as any such vacancy shall happen, and that the said inspector shall forthwith cause the same to be pub- lished, by advertisements put up in at least three of the most public places of the ward. A/zd fie z'z‘ fart/lor eizaez‘ed fiy z‘fie azez‘fiorz'zj/ aforesaid, That if any per- son, who shall be nominated and appointed as an inspector as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to execute the said office, every such person shall forfeit and pay, for every such neglect or refusal, to the use of the cor- poration of the said city, the sum of twenty pounds, to be levied by Warrant, under the seal of the said city, signed by the mayor or recorder, for the time being. And fie z'z‘furz‘fier ezzaez‘ed fiy t/ze azez‘lzorz'zjl aforesaid, That in case the‘ said mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, in com- mon council convened, shall neglect to appoint such persons as inspec- tors of the election for any of the officers aforesaid, or if the personsso to be nominated and appointed, or any of them, shall not attend or do the duty of their said office, at any election in any ward of the said city, that then the said election of the said officers, or such of them as shall then be to be chosen, in such respective ward, shall be had and made according to the directions in the charters granted to the said city, any thing in this act contained, to the contrary hereof, in any wise notwith- standing. A 12d fie z'z‘farZ/zer enacted fiyZ/ze azet/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That no person shall vote, at any of the said elections, as a freeholder, but such as shall be possessed of a freehold estate, in his own right, or in the right of his Wife, in lands or tenements to the value of twenty pounds, over and above all debts charged thereon, within such ward of the said city where he shall vote, and shall have possessed the same one month at the least, before the day of such election, unless he shall hold his estate by descent or devise. And fart/lei", that no person shall vote at any of the said elections, as a freeman of the said city, unless he shall have been admitted to the freedom of the said city, three months at the least, before the day of such election, and shall have actually resided in the ward, in which he shall so vote, for one month before the day of such election. Andfurt/zer, that every elector, before he shall be admitted to poll at the said election, shall, if required by the inspector of such election, first take the following oath, which oath each of such inspectors is hereby authorised to tender and administer, that is to say, if the said elector votes as a freeholder, the oath following, to wit I do solemnly and sincerely swear and declare in the presence of Almighty God, that I am and (if he shall not hold his estate by descent or devise) CHAP. 43.] TENTH SESSION. have been for one month next and immediately preceding this election, a freeholder, and possessed of a freehold in my own right, (or in my wife’s right, as the case may be,) of the value of twenty pounds, in the ward in which I now offer to vote; that I do not hold the same in trust for any body politic or corporate, or for any pious or religious use what- soever; that I have not been before polled at this election, and that I have not procured this freehold under any obligation or promise to re-convey the same to the seller, after this election.” And if the said elector shall vote as a freeman, the following oath, to wit, “ I do solemnly and sincerely swear and declare in the presence of Almighty God, that I am and have been for three months next and immediately preceding this election, a freeman of the city of New York, and have actually resided in the ward in which I now offer to vote, one month now last past, and that I have not been before polled at this election.” And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/iority aforesaid, That if any free- holder or freeman shall refuse or neglect to take the oath by this act appointed to be taken by him or them respectively; or if any elector shall refuse or neglect to declare whether he votes in the right of a free- holder or freeman, (being thereunto respectively required by the in- spector,) then and in such case, the poll or vote of such person or per- sons so neglecting or refusing, shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be, null and void, and as such shall be rejected and disallowed ; any charter, law, usage, or custom, to the contrary hereof, in any wise not- withstanding. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That every mort- gager, while he continues in the occupation of the premises mortgaged, and every mortgagee of a real estate, to him and his heirs, after he obtains possession of the mortgaged premises, and every person pos- sessed of a freehold in right of his wife, shall be deemed and esteemed a freeholder within the meaning of this act. But that no person or persons, holding lands, tenements or hereditaments, in trust for any body politic or corporate, or for any religious or pious use or purpose, in virtue of such trust, nor any person under the age of twenty one years, shall be qualified to vote for any of the officers aforesaid, which shall hereafter be to be chosen, in and for the said city. And be it fart/ter enacted by Me azct/zority aforesaid, That every per- son seised of a freehold estate, of and in any houses or lots of ground, of value sufficient by this act to entitle him to a vote, lying and being on the east side of and fronting to the Broad Way, in the said city of New York shall vote for the officers aforesaid, in the west ward only, and not in the north ward of the said city, altho’ their lots of ground fronting the said Broad \Vay, shall extend in the same north ward; any charter, law, usage or custom, to the contrary hereof, in any wise not~ withstanding. CHAP. 43. AN ACT concerning fines and recoveries oflands and tenements. PASSED the 26th of February, I787. Be it enacted by t/ze Peo/rle of tbe State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by t/ze azct/zority of tbe sanze, That all fines of lands and tenements shall be levied in the supreme court, before the justices of the same court, and not elsewhere; and VOL. 2. — 55 Where electors refuse to take oath, vote to be rejected. Who deemed freeholders Freehold- ers in the west ward. Fines of lands and tenements, how levied. 434 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 43. Fine levied a bar to a persons, parties or not. Fees on the levying of fines. Procedure for levying of fines. that when the original writ is returned and delivered to the court, a pleader, in the presence of the parties, before the justices, shall say to the court, “ We pray leave to agree,” and one of the justices shall say, “Leave is granted by the court; ” and when the parties have made their agreement, proclamation shall be made that all persons keep silence while the agreement between the parties is read ; and the pleader shall then read the concord between the parties, in open court, and then deliver the same into court, where the cognizors shall acknowledge and sign the same in the presence of the justices. And it is to be known, that the order of the law will not suffer a final accord to be levied, without an original writ, and that must be in the supreme court, before two justices of the same court at the least, and in the presence of the parties named in the writ, who must be of full age, of sound memory, and out of prison ; and if a woman covert be one of the par- ties, she must be first examined by one of the said justices, and if she doth not assent thereunto, the fine shall not be levied. And the cause wherefor such solemnity ought to be observed in a fine, is because a fine is so high a bar, of so great force, and of so strong a nature in itself, that it concludeth not only such as be parties and privies thereto, and their heirs, but all other people of the world, being of full age, not covert of baron within this State, out of prison, and of sound memory, the day of the fine levied, if they make not their entry and bring their action within five years after the fine levied. And be it flfi’f/léi’ eezaez‘ea’ éy Z/ze aaf/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That nothing shall be taken or paid for any writ or writs of covenant for levying of any fines, but the accustomed fees for writing, and for the seal of the same writ or writs; and that all duties and impositions heretofore demanded and taken upon levying of fines, for the alienation or licence to agree, under the names of fines, post-fines, and the kings silver, shall be and hereby are for ever abolished. Ana’ fie 2'2‘ fZH'f/ZH’ eflaez‘ea’ a)! file aaf/20r2'2j/ aforesaid, That as well the parties demandant or plaintiff, as the tenants or defendants, that will yield or acknowledge their right of land or tenements unto others, in pleas, of warrantia chartae, covenant, or other pleas, whereupon fines are to be or may be levied, shall before such fines do pass, appear person- ally in the said supreme court, so that their age, idocy, or any other default (if any be) may be adjudged and discerned by the justices : but if any person or persons willing to levy such fine or fines, shall be out of this State, or cannot by reason of age, sickness or other reasonable impediment come in person before the justices in the said supreme court, to acknowledge the same fine or fines, then and in every such case,'a writ or writs of dedimus protestatem may be granted out of the court of chancery, to the justices of the supreme court, giving power to them or any one or more of them, or to any other proper and discreet men, of good fame and credit, residing at or near the place where such party, being out of this State, or so diseased, or unable to travel, shall be, given power to them, or any two or more of them to go to the party being out of this State, or so diseased or unable to travel, and to receive his, her or their acknowledgment or cognizance, upon that plea, or form of plea, that he, she or they have or hath, whereupon the same fine or fines ought to be levied; and the said justice or justices, or other persons so impowered, shall certify the justices of the supreme court thereof, by the record, so that all things incident to the same fine, or fines, being examined by him or them, the same fine or fines may be lawfully levied. And it shall and may be lawful for the chief justice of the supreme court for the time being, to receive such acknowledgments can». 43.] TENTH sEssioN. 435 or eognizances as aforesaid, by virtue of his office, and without any such commission as aforesaid. And fnrt/zer, that no person to whom any Appear— such fine shall be acknowledged, shall be allowed to appear in the said 2;‘,‘§§,,‘g§._ supreme court by attorney, unless such attorney shall be appointed by the person for whom he shall appear, before one of the justices of the supreme court, or commissioners authorized by a writ of dedimus potes— tatem out of the chancery, his, or her attorney, to gain or lose in the plea, whereupon such fine is to be levied, and his warrant of attorney be signed by such justice or commissioners. And fie it fnrt/zer enacted fiy t/ce antfiority aforesaid, That every person, Certificates who shall at any time hereafter take the acknowledgement or cognizance 3 ‘5,333.35?’ of any fine, or any warrant of attorney of any demandant or plaintiff, of M1101‘— - - ney, how in any plea whereupon any fine or fines shall be levied, or of any made out, demandant or plaintiff, or tenant or vouchee for suffering any common recovery, or shall certify them or any of them, shall, with the certificate of the concord or warrant of attorney, certify also the day and year when the same was acknowledged, and that no person, who shall take such acknowledgement or cognizance of any fine, or any warrant of attorney, for any of the purposes aforesaid, shall be bound, or by any means enforced to certify any such acknowledgement or cognizance, or warrant, except it be within one year next after the same shall be taken. Andfart/zer, that no attornment in or upon any fine be entered upon record, unless the party mentioned to attorn therein, shall have first appeared in court in person, or by attorney warranted by the hand of one of the justices of the supreme court, or commissioners as aforesaid, upon a writ of quid juris clamat, quem redditum reddat, or per quae servitia, as the case may require; and every entry of attornment here- after to be made, where there shall be no appearance as aforesaid, shall be utterly void and of none effect, without any writ of error, or other means to be used for the avoiding thereof. - And fie it fart/zer enacted fiy t/ze aat/zoritv aforesaid, That after the Fines t0 _ . . - be openly engrossing of every fine hereafter to be levied in the said supreme proclaimed court, before the justices of the same court, of any lands, tenements or other heritaments, the same fines shall be openly and solemnly read and terms. proclaimed in the same court, four times, that is to say, once in the same term wherein it is engrossed, and once in every of the three terms holden next after the same engrossing, and in the same time that it is so read and proclaimed, all pleas shall cease; and the said proclamations being so had and made, the fine shall be a final end, and conclude as well privies as strangers to the same, except women covert not parties to the same fine, and every person then being within the age of twenty one years, in prison, or out of this State, or not of sound mind at the time of the said fine levied, not parties to such fine, saving to every person and persons, and to their heirs other than the parties to the said fine, such right, claim and interest, as they have to or in the said lands, tene- ments or other hereditaments, at the time of such fine engrossed, so that they pursue their title claim or interest, by way of action or lawful entry, within five years next after the said proclamations had and made; and saving also to all persons, such action, right, title, claim and inter- est, in or to the said lands, tenements or other hereditaments, as first shall grow, remain, descend or come to them, after the said fine ingrossed and proclamation made, by force of any gift, or by any other cause or matter had and made before the said fine levied, so that they take their action, or pursue their said right or title according to law, within five years next after such action, right, claim, title or interest to them accrued, descended, fallen or come, and that they and their heirs may 436 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 43. Right of certain per- sons, not parties to the fine, to bring actions of entry. . Entry on lands,when ' not to avoid fine. Writs, re- turns, etc., on which fine levied, to be filed in office of clerk of court. have their said action against the pernor of the profits the said lands, tenements, and other hereditaments, at the time of the said action to be taken; and if the same persons at the time of such action, right and title accrued, descended, remained or came unto them, be covert of baron, or within age, or in prison, or out of this State, or not of sound mind, then their action, right and title, to be reserved and saved to them, and to their heirs, unto the time that they come and be at their full age of twenty one years, out of prison, within this State, discovert and of sound mind, so that they or their heirs, take and pursue according to law, their said actions or their lawful entry, according to their right and title, within five years next after they come and be at their full age, out of prison, within this State, discovert, and of sound mind. And farf/zer, that all such persons as be covert of baron, and not party to the fine, and every person being within the age of twenty one years, or in prison, or out of this State, or not of sound mind, at the time of the said fine levied and ingrossed, and by this act before excepted, having any right or title, or cause of action, to any of the said lands, tenements, or other herita- ments, that they or their heirs inheritable to the same, take their said actions, or lawful entry according to their right and title, within five years next after they come and be of the age of twenty one years, out of prison within this State, discovert, and of sound mind; and the same actions sue, or their lawful entry take and pursue, according to law; and if they do not take their actions and entry as is aforesaid, they and every of them, and their heirs, and the heirs of every of them shall be con- cluded by the said fine for ever, in like form as they be that be parties or privies to the said fine; saving to every person and persons not party nor privy to the said fine, their exception to avoid the same fine, for that those who were parties to the said fine, had nothing, nor either of them, nor any person or persons to their use, nor to the use of either of them, had any thing in the lands and tenements comprised in the said fine, at the time of the said fine levied. And fie z'z‘farz‘fier e/zaez‘ed fiy f/ze aat/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That no entry to be made upon any lands, tenements or hereditaments, shall be of any force or effect to avoid any fine levied, or to be levied with proclama- tions in the said supreme court, unless upon such entry, an action shall be commenced within one year after making such entry, and prosecuted with effect. And fie z'z‘ fart/lor enaez‘ed fiy flee aaZ/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That every writ of covenant, and other writ whereupon any fine shall hereafter be levied, with the return thereof, the writ of dedimus potestatem, for taking the acknowledgment or cognizance of any of the same fines, with the return thereof, the concord, note and foot of every such fine, the proclama- tions thereupon, and the licence to agree, and also every original writ of entry in the post, or other writ, whereupon any common recovery shall hereafter he suffered or passed, with the returns of the same writs, and the writs of summons ad warrantizandum, with the returns thereof, and every warrant of attorney, as well of every demandant and tenant, as vouchee, shall and may be inrolled in rolls of parchment, to be of record for ever, and to remain in the safe custody of the clerk of the supreme court, and his successors. And that the said inrollments shall be of as good force, and validity in law, to all intents and purposes, as the same writs, concords, notes, feet, and warrants of attorney, ought to be, by law. And fart/zer, that the original writ whereupon any fine shall be levied, with the return thereof, the warrants of attorney, if there be any, taken before any or either of the justices of the supreme court, the licence to agree, and concord of every fine, shall be inrolled upon can. 45.] TENTH SESSION. 437 one and the same roll; and the writs of dedimus potestatem, if there be any, with the returns thereof, and the note and foot of the same fine, .shall be inrolled upon seperate rolls. And for the more easy discovery of fines, and the security of purchas- Fines to be ers; Be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the counter- fé‘ggfgdiff part of the foot of every fine hereafter to be’ levied, which is to be office of delivered to the party, shall be signed by one of the judges of the said 315%,? supreme court, and by the clerk of the said court; and shall be recorded 12231151118, by the clerk of the city or county where the lands or tenements, com- notice td prised in the same fine, shall be situated, in a book to‘ be by him kept for beposted‘ that purpose within one year next after the ingrossing of the same fine, at the expence of the party to whom the same shall be levied. And that the respective clerks of every city and county of this State for the time being shall, without fee or reward, immediately after recording the same, make and write, or cause to be made or written, a table or note, wherein shall be contained the contents of the same fine, So recorded in their respective offices, that is to say, the names of the parties, and descrip- tion of the lands and tenements comprised in such fine, and the time of levying the same; and shall, on the first day of the next general Sessions of the peace for the same city or county, affix the same on the principal door of the court house, of the same city or county, and see that the same continue there during the same session, upon pain that every clerk offending therein, shall forfeit the sum of ten pounds; one moiety thereof to the people of this State, and the other moiety to him or them who will sue for the same, in any court of record, by action of debt, bill; plaint or information. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aztt/zority aforesaid, That no fines, Fines not proclamations upon fines, or common recovery, heretofore had, levied, £33,313? suffered or passed, or hereafter to be had, levied, suffered or passed, shall nical be reversable by any writ of error, for any razure, interlimng, misenter- errors‘ ing of any warrant of attorney, or of any proclamation, misreturning or not returning of the sheriff, or other want of form in words, and not in matter of substance. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid, That no fine or Five years common recovery, shall hereafter be reversed or avoided, for any error to or defect therein, unless the writ of error, or suit for reversing such fine reverse or recovery, be commenced or brought, and prosecuted with effect, within De‘ five years after such fine levied, or recovery suffered: Provided always, that if any person who is or shall be intitled to any Id., to such writ of error as aforesaid, shall at the time of such title accrued, ‘figfieaggm be within the age of twenty one years, or covert of baron, or imprisoned, gliligoveetlg . or not of sound mind, or out of this State, then such person, or his or ’ ' ' her heirs, notwithstanding the said five years expired, shall and may bring his, her or their writ of error, for reversing any such fine, or recov- ery, so as the same be brought within five years after his or her full age, discoverture,enlargement out of prison, coming of sound mind, or com- ing within this State, but not afterwards, or Otherwise. 438 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 44. Deeds of gift in trust for grantor declared void. Grants in fraud of creditors declared void ex— cept as against grantors. CHAP. 44. AN ACT for the prevention of frauds. PASSED the 26th of February, 1787. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New Yor/e, represented :72 Seaaz‘e arza’ Assemoly, and 2'! is fiereoy enaez‘ea’ oy Z/ze aai/zorz'zj/ of i/ze same, That all deeds of gift, and conveyances of goods and chattels, made or to be made in trust to the use of the person or persons making the same deed of gift, or conveyance, shall be, and hereby are declared to be void, and of none effect, And for the avoiding and abolishing of all feigned, convenous and fraudulent feoffments, gifts, grants, alienations, conveyances, bonds, suits, judgments and executions, as well of lands and tenaments, as of goods and chattles, which have been, and are devised and contrived of malice, fraud, covin, collusion or guile, to the end, purpose and intent, to delay hinder or defraud creditors, and others, of their just and lawful actions, suits, debts, accounts, damages, penalties, forfeitures and demands, not only to the let or hindrance of the due course and execu- tion of law and justice, but also to the overthrow of all true and plain dealing, bargaining and chevisance, between man and man, without which no common wealth or civil society can be maintained, or con- tinued. Be 2'! farZ/zer eaaez‘ea’ oy t/ze aat/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That all and every feoffment, gift, grant, alienation, bargain and conveyance of lands, tene- ments, hereditaments, goods and chattles, or of any of them, or of any lease, rent, common, or other profit or charge out of the same lands, ten- ements, hereditaments, goods or chattels, or any of them, by writing or otherwise, and all and every bond, suit, judgment and execution, at any time had or made or hereafter to be had or made, to or for any intent or purpose before declared and expressed, shall be from henceforth deemed and taken (only as against that person or persons, his, her or their heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns, and every of them, whose actions, suits, debts, accounts, damages, penalties, for- feitures, and demands, by such guileful, covenous or fraudulent devices and practices as aforesaid, are, or shall or may be in any wise disturbed, hindred, or defrauded,) to be clearly and utterly void, frustrate and of none effect, any pretence, colour, feigned consideration, expressing of use, or any other matter or thing, to the contrary notwithstanding. And for as much as not only the people of this State, but divers of the citizens thereof, and bodies politic and corporate, after conveyances obtained or to be obtained, and purchases made or to be made, of lands, tenements, leases, estates, and hereditaments, for money or other good considerations, may have, incur and receive great loss and prejudice, by reason of fraudulent and covenous conveyances, estates, gifts, grants, charges and limitations of uses heretofore made, or hereafter to be made, of in or out of the lands, tenements or hereditaments so purchased, or to be purchased, which said gifts, grants, charges, estates, uses and con- veyances were, or hereafter shall be, meant and intended, by the parties who so make the same, to be fraudulent and covenous, or purpose and intent to deceive such as have purchased, or shall purchase the same; or else by the secret intent of the parties, the same to be to their own proper use and at their free disposition, coloured nevertheless, by a feigned countenance, and shew of Words and sentences, as though the CHAP. 44.] TENTH SESSION. 439 same were made bona fide, for good causes, and upon just and lawful considerations. For remedy of which inconveniences, and for the avoiding of such fraudulent feigned and covenous conveyances, gifts, grants, charges, uses and estates, and for the maintenance of upright and just dealing in the purchasing of lands, tenements and hereditaments. Be it fzcrt/cer enacted fiy t/ce azct/zority aforesaid, That all and every con- veyance, grant, charge, lease, estate, incumbrance and limitation of use or uses, of, in or out of any lands, tenements or other hereditaments whatsoever, had or made or hereafter to be had or made, for the intent anrJ purpose to defraud and deceive such person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, as have purchased or shall hereafter purchase any estate of inheritance, or for life, lives or years, of or in the same lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or any part or parcel thereof, so before conveyed, granted, leased, charged, incumbered, or limited in use, or to defraud and deceive such as have or shall purchase any rent, profit or commodity, in or out of the same, or any part thereof, shall be deemed and taken, (only as against the person and persons, bodies politic and corporate, his, her and their heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns, and against all and every other person and persons lawfully having or claiming, by from or under them, or any of them, who have purchased, or shall hereafter so purchase, for money or other good consideration, the same lands, tenements or hereditaments, or any part or parcel thereof, or any rent, profit or commodity, in or out of the same,) to be utterly void, frustrate and of none effect, any pretence, colour, feigned consideration, or expressing of any use or uses, to the contrary notwithstanding. And fie it fzcrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That all and every the parties to such feigned covenous or fraudulent feoffment, gift, grant, alienation, bargain, lease, charge, conveyance, bonds, suits, judgments, executions, and other things before expressed, or being privy and know- ing of the same, or any of them, who at any time hereafter, shall wit- tingly and willingly put in use, avow, maintain, justify, or defend the same, or any of them, as true, simple, and done, had or made, bona fide, and upon good consideration, or shall alien or assign, any the lands, tenements, goods, leases, or other things before mentioned, to him, her or them, conveyed as aforesaid, or any part thereof, shall incur the penalty and forfeiture of one years value of the said lands, tenements, and here- ditaments, leases, rents, commons or other profits, of or out of the same, and the whole value of the said goods and chattels, and also so much money as is or shall be contained in any such convenous and feigned bond, the one moiety whereof to be to the people of the State of New York, and the ether moiety to the party or parties grieved by such feigned and fraudulent feoffment, gift, grant, alienation, bargain, conveyance, bonds, suits, judgments, executions, leases, rents, commons, profits, charges and other things aforesaid, to be recovered in any court of record, by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information. And fie it fzcrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That if any per- son or persons have made, or hereafter shall make, any conveyance, gift, grant, demise, charge, limitation of use or uses, or assurance, of in or out of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, with any clause, pro- vision, article or condition of revocation, determination or alteration, at his, her or their will or pleasure, of such conveyance or assurance, gift, grant, limitation of use or uses, or estates, of, in or out of the said lands, tenements or hereditaments, or of, in or out of any part or parcel of them, contained or mentioned in any writing, deed or indenture, and Id. Penalty for defending fraudulent convey— ance. Convey- ance of lands for value to revoke previous grant con- taining power of revocation. 440 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 44. 1a.; not to afiect grants made in good faith and for value. Common recovery to have same effect against person en- titled to reversion as if this act not passed Act not to aflect vouchers in Writs of formedon. Leases _not in writing after such conveyance, gift, grant, demise, charge, limitation of use or uses, or assurances so made, or had, shall or do, bargain, sell, demise grant, convey or charge the same lands, tenements or hereditaments, or any part or parcel thereof, to any person or persons, bodies politic and corporate for money or other good consideration, paid or given, (the said first conveyance, assurance, gift, grant, demise, charge or limitation, not by him, her or them revoked, made void or altered, according to the power and authority reserved or expressed unto him, her or them, in and by the said secret conveyance, assurance, gift, or grant,) then the said former conveyance, gift, grant, demise, charge, limitation of_use and uses, and assurance, as touching the said lands, tenements and hereditaments, so after bargained, sold, demised, granted, conveyed or charged, against the said bargainees, vendees, lessees, grantees, and every of them, their heirs successors, executors, administrators and assigns, and against all and every person or persons, who have or claim, or shall or may lawfully have or claim any thing, by, from or under them, or any of them, shall be deemed taken and adjudged to be void, frustrate, and of none effect, by virtue and force of this act. Broaided always, and fie i2‘ fziri/ier elzaez‘ed fiy Z/ze am‘fiorizj/ aforesaid, That this act, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend or be construed to impeach, defeat, make void or frustrate, any conveyance, assignment of lease, assurance, grant, charge, lease, estate, interest, or limitation of use or uses, of, in, to or out of any lands, tenements or hereditaments, goods or chattles, at any time heretofore had or made, or hereafter to be had or made, upon or for good consideration, and bona fide, to any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, not having at the time of such conveyance or assurance to him, her or them made, any manner of notice, or knowledge of such covin, fraud or col- lusion, as is aforesaid; and that no lawful mortgage, made or to be made, bona fide, and without fraud or covin, and upon good considera- tion, shall be impeached or impaired by force of this act, but the same shall stand in like force and effect, as the same should have done, if this act had never been made, any thing before in this act, to the con- trary in any wise notwithstanding. A/zd av/zereas sundry common recoveries of lands, tenements and hereditaments have been had and hereafter may be had, against a tenant of the free hold, the reversion or remainder, or the right of the rever- sion or remainder, then begin in some other person or persons. Be if fari/zer ezzaez‘ed fiy z‘fie azeZ/zori/y aforesaid, That every such common recovery heretofore had, and hereafter to be had, of any lands tenements or hereditaments, shall as touching such person and persons who then had any reversion or remainder, or right of reversion or remainder, and against the 'heirs of every of them, stand, remain and be, of such like force and effect, and of none other, as the same should have been, if this act had never been made. Provided always, and fie if further eizaez‘ed fiy i/ze azet/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That this act, or any thing herein before contained, shall not extend to make void any estate or conveyance, by reason whereof any person or persons shall use any voucher in any writ formedon now depending, or hereafter to be depending; but that all and every such vouchers in any writ of formedon, shall stand and be in like force and effect, as if this act had never been made. And for the prevention of many fraudulent practices which are com- monly endeavored to be upheld by perjury, and subornation of perjury; Be it fart/lor eizaez‘ed fiy t/ze auz‘lzoriz‘y aforesaid, That all leases, estates, interest of freehold, or terms of years, or any uncertain interests, of», in, CHAP. 44.1 TENTH SESSION. 441 to or out of any messuages, manors, lands, tenements or hereditaments, to be made or created, or hereafter to be made or created, by livery and lei‘g‘g‘seadt seisin only, or by parol and not in writing, and signed by the parties so Will- making and creating the same, or their agents thereunto lawfully author- ized by writing, shall have the force and effect of leases or estates at will only, and shall not, either in law or equity, be deemed or taken to have any other or greater force or effect, and consideration for making any such parol leases or estates, or any former law or usage, to the con- trary notwithstanding. Exeepz‘ zze'zxert/ie/ess, all leases not exceeding the Leases term of three years from the making thereof, whereupon the rent reserved £33566 to the land lord during such term, shall amount unto two third parts at the least, of the full improved value of the thing demised. Ariel oe iz‘ fZH’Z/Ml’ e/zaez‘ea’ 6y z‘/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That no leases, Assign- estates or interests, either of freehold, or terms of years, or any uncertain {Igggletg’jid interest, of, in, to or out of any messuages, manors, lands, tenements or if 1110}; in . . - _ Writing. hereditaments, shall at any tlme hereafter be assigned, granted or sur- rendered, unless it be by deed or note in writing, signed by the party so assigning, granting or surrendering the same, or their agents there- unto lawfully authorized by writing, or by act and operation of law. A no’ oe iz‘farf/zer e/zaezfea’ [2y z‘/ze aaZ/ioeizjl aforesaid, That no action shall Certain be brought whereby to charge any executor or administrator, upon any special promise to answer damages out of his own estate, or whereby to in Writing- charge the defendant upon any special promise to answer for the debt default or miscarriages of another person, or to charge any person upon any agreement made upon consideration of marriage, or upon any con- tract or sale of lands, tenements or hereditaments, or any interest in or concerning them, or upon any agreement that is not to be performed within the space of one year from the making thereof, unless the agree- ment upon which such action shall be brought, or some memorandum or note thereof, shall be in writing, and signed by the party to be charged therewith, or some other person thereunto by him or her lawfully author- ized. Alia’ &e if fzirf/zer e/zaez’ea’ oy Z/ze aaf/zoriify aforesaid, That all declar- Declara- tions or creations of trusts or confidences, of any lands, tenements or figgis‘fif hereditaments, shall be manifested and proved by some writing, signed lands Yoid _ if not in by the party who 18 or shall be by law enabled to declare such trust, or writing. by his last will in writing, or else they shall be utterly void, and of none effect. But all declarations or creations of uses, trusts or confidences, of any fines or common recoveries, of any lands, tenements or heredita- ments, manifested and proved, or which hereafter shall be manifested and proved, by any deed already made, or hereafter to be made, by the party who is or shall be by law enabled to declare such uses or trusts, after the levying or suffering of any such fines or recoveries, are and shall be as good and effectual in the law, as if this clause of this act had not been made. Provided always, and be it fart/lee e/zaez‘ea’ 12y Z/ze aai/zorizj/ aforesaid, Act not to That where any conveyance hath been or shall be made, of any lands, Cre_ tenements or hereditaments, by which a trust or confidence shall or may ategi 01', . . . . - extinguish- arise or result by implication or construction of law, or be transferred ed by 0D. or extinguished by act or operation of law, then and in every such case, fration of such trust or confidence shall be of the like force and effect, as the same would have been, if this act had not been made. And oe iz‘ fart/lei’ e/zaez‘ea’ oy z‘lze aaZ/zorizfy aforesaid, That all grants Assign- and assignments of any trust or confidence, shall likewise be in writing Egg’: of signed by the party, granting or assigning the same, or by his or her last must be in will in writing, or else shall likewise be utterly void, and of none effect. Writing’ VoL. 2. — 56 442 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 45. Contracts for goods of £10 or upward not void unless earnest paid or memoran- dum made. Preamble. Convey- ancesin good faith acknowl- edged be- fore British authorities declared valid. Judgments heretofore recovered not af- fected. And be iz‘fart/zer eizaez‘ed by the aat/zoriry aforesaid, That no contract for the sale of any goods wares and merchandize for the price of ten pounds or upwards, shall be allowed to be good, except the buyer shall accept part of the goods so sold, and actually receive the same, or give some thing in earnest to bind the bargain, or in part of payment, or that some note or memorandum in writing of the said bargain be made, and signed by the parties to he charged by such contract, or their agents thereunto lawfully authorized. ()HAP. 45. AN ACT concerning the proofs, acknowledgments and registries of certain deeds and conveyances. PASSED the Ist of March, 1787. WHEREAS during the late war, between the United States of America and the king of Great Britain, many deeds, conveyances and writings, relating to the title or property of lands, messuages, tenements or hered- itaments, within this State, executed bona fide, and for good and valu- able considerations, within'the southern district of ‘this State, have been proved and acknowledged before, and registered by, persons residing in the said district, and deriving their authority from the said king. Arid zo/zereas it has now become impracticable, from the death of many persons, and the removal of others from this State, before and since the conclusion of the said war, to have the said deeds conveyances and writings proved, acknowledged and registered, in the manner required by the laws of this State, by reason whereof many of the said deeds, conveyances and writings, will be rendered altogether invalid and ineffectual, therefore, Beiz‘ enacted by Z/ze People of fire Siaz‘e of New Yor/e, represented in Seizaz‘e and Assemb/y, and it is bereby marred by i/ze aat/zorizy of i/ze same, That all deeds, conveyances and writings, relating to the title or prop- erty of any lands, messuages, tenements or hereditaments, within this State, which have been executed bona fide, and for good or valuable considerations, within the southern district of this State, after the ninth day of July, in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy six, and before the twenty fifth day of November one thousand seven hun- dred and eighty three, and have been proved and acknowledged before, and registered by any person or persons residing in the said district, and deriving authority for the purpose from the said king of Great Britain, in the mode and manner which have been usual in cases of the like nature, whilst this State was a colony, shall be as valid and effectual in the law, and shall have the like operation and effect in every respect, to all intents. constructions and purposes whatsoever, as if the said deeds, conveyances and writings, had been proved and acknowledged, before, and registred by, persons duly authorized by the laws of this State, to take the proofs and acknowledgments of the said deeds, con- veyances and writings, and to register the same. Provided always that nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent or stay any execution or writ of possession in any cause wherein judgment has been given, and no execution or writ of possession issued. CHAP. 46.] TENTH SESSION. 443 CHAP. 46. AN ACT to complete the running a certain line of jurisdiction therein mentioned between this State, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. PASSED the Ist of March, I787. WHEREAS an agreement was made and entered into, on the eighteenth day of May in the year one thousand, seven hundred and seventy-three, between commissioners appointed by an act of the legislature of the late colony of New York, and commissioners appointed by an act of the leg- islature of the late colony of the Massachusetts bay, which agreement is in the words following, to wit, “ THIS AGREEMENT INDENTED, made the eighteenth day of May, in the thirteenth year of the reign of his most gracious majesty George the third, king of Great Britain, France and Ireland, defender of the faith &c and in the year of our Lord one thous- and, seven hundred, and seventy-three, between John \Vatts, \Villiam Smith, Robert R. Livingston and William Nicoll Esquires, duly author- ized to make such agreement, by virtue of a law of the province of New York of the one part; and William Brattle, Joseph Hawley and John Hancock Esquires, thereunto also duly authorized by virtue of a law of the province of Massachusetts-bay of the other part; witnesseth, that the commissaries aforesaid, being met at Hartford in the colony of Con- necticut, for the settlement of a partition line of jurisdiction between the Said provinces of New York, and the Massachusetts bay, on the easterly part of the said province of New York, and from the south to the north boundaries of the said Massachusetts-bay, in pursuance of the said laws, and certain commissions respectively issued to the commissiaries above named, by the governors of the provinces aforesaid; and in compliance with the royal recommendation, heretofore signified to Sir Henry Moore Baronet, and Francis Bernard Esquire, the then governors of the said provinces, by letters from the Right Honorable the Earl of Shelburne, late one of his majesty’s principal secretaries of state; and after having had divers conferences relative to the aforesaid boundary of the said provinces, they the said commissaries, do thereupon unanimously agree that the following line, that is to say, a line beginning at a place fixed upon by the two governments of New York and Connecticut in or about the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and thirty-one, for the north west corner of a tract of land commonly called the Oblong or equiv- alent land, and running from the said corner north twenty-one degrees, ten minutes and thirty seconds east as the magnet needle now points to the north line of the Massachusetts bay, shall at all times hereafter, be the line of jurisdiction between the said province of the Massachusetts bay, and the said province of New York, in all and every part and place where the said province of New York on its eastern boundary, shall adjoin on the said province of the Massachusetts bay. In testimony whereof the commissaries aforesaid have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first abovementioned.” A/za’w/zereas the governors of the said colonies of New York and Massa- chusetts-bay, by an instrument in writing under their hands and seals respectively, bearing date the eighteenth day of May in the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and seventy-three, signified their approbation of the said agreement, which said instrument is in the words following, to wit, “\Ve the governors of the provinces aforesaid, having Preamble. 444 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 46. Congress may ap- point two commis- sioners to run Massa— chusetts boundary line. Running of boundary line, how commis- sioners to proceed. been present at theexecution of the agreement aforesaid, in testimony of our consent thereto, and of our approbation thereof have hereunto set our hands and seals at Hartford aforesaid, this eighteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-three, and the thirteenth year of his majestys’ reign.” And w/zereas since the settlement of the said jurisdiction line in man- ner aforesaid, Commissioners and surveyors have been twice appointed on the part of the said State of New York, and Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts respectively, to run and mark the said line pursuant to the articles of agreement; and although such commissioners in both instances proceeded in part to run the said line, yet they could not agree so as to complete the same. And 'aI/zereas the borderers on the said line now suffer great inconvenience and injustice by being exposed to taxation under the authority of both governments, and a regard to their security and the public tranquility require that some adequate remedy shall be provided. A/zd w/zereas the time limited, by the act entitled “An act to authorize the United States in Congress assembled to appoint commissioners to complete the running a certain line of jurisdiction therein mentioned between this State and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ” passed the seventh day of March 1785, in which the commissioners thereby appointed were to execute the trust reposed in them, will expire on the seventh day of March next. Therefore Be iz‘ erzaez‘ed fiy f/ze People of i/ze Slate of [Veal York, represented in Seizaz‘e and Assemfiiy, and i2‘ is fierefii' eizaez‘i’d i/ze aui/zorizj/ of Me same, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the United States of America in Congress assembled, and they are hereby fully authorized to appoint two skilful,judicious and disinterested persons, who, together with john Ewing, David Rittenhouse and Thomas Hutchins Esquires, shall be commissioners to run out, survey, mark and ascertain the said line of jurisdiction between this State and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, according to the true intent and meaning of the articles of agreement herein before recited. A 12d fie iz‘ fari/ier eizaez‘ed fiy i/ze aaZ/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Honorable Robert Yates Esquire, Philip Schuyler, Gerard Bancker and Simeon DeWitt Esquires, or any two of them, with the assistance of the said john Ewing, David Rittenhouse and Thomas Hutchins, and the commissioners so to be appointed by the United States, or a majority of them .or a majority of such of them as shall attend to agree with any agent or agents thereunto appointed, or to be appointed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, on what principles the said line shall be run; and if such agreement cannot be effected, then the said john Ewing, David Rittenhouse and Thomas Hutchins, and the other commissioners so to be appointed by the said United States, or a majority of them, or a majority of such of them shall attend, are hereby fully authorized and empowered to estimate the variation of the variation* of the needle, since the said eighteenth day of May 1773, on such principles as to them shall appear just and equit- able, and to run the said line accordingly. _ A 12d fie iz‘fart/zer eizaez-‘ed fiy i/ze auZ/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the line so to be run, marked and ascertained by the said commissioners, or by such majority as aforesaid, according to the true intent and meaning of the said articles of agreement, shall be, and forever hereafter remain, a jurisdic- tion or boundary line, as far as the same shall extend, between the Com- Boundary line so run to remain as perpet- ual line of jurisdic- tion. * So in original. CHAP. 47.], ,TENTH SESSION. 445 monwealth of Massachusetts and this State, proaided always that the said Commis- commissioners shall before they proceed upon the execution of their 5,153,328,113 trust, be respectively sworn in the presence of a magistrate to perform the same faithfully and impartially, according to the best of their skill and judgment, and shall within two years from the passing of this act coinpleat the said survey, and make a true and exact return thereof into the secretary’s office of the United States in Congress assembled, in order there to be filed as a perpetual evidence of the said jurisdiction line, [bro- Proviso; "oided also that the legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts géiifighu' shall consent to such appointment of commissioners, and shall within consent. nine months from the passing of this act, pass a law for vesting the United States in Congress assembled with similar powers and authorities, as are vested in them in and by this act. And be ii‘ farl/zer e/zaefed l/ze aul/iorilv aforesaid, That the said Documents Robert Yates, Philip Schuyler, Gerard Bancker and Simeon De\Vitt, 3313?; shall furnish the commissioners with the necessary documents and papers relative to the said line, and disburse and pay from time to time the expenses. one half of the expences attending the survey, as well as to pay the said commissioners the one moiety of their services, and they or any two of them are hereby authorized, to draw upon and receive from the treas- urer of this State, a sum not exceeding five hundred pounds, for the purposes aforesaid, and for which they shall be accountable to this State. And be ii‘ fari/ier e/zaez’ed by l/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the act Acts - u v- - - recited entitled An act to EllllhOilZC the United States in Congress assembled, repealed. to appoint commissioners to complete the running a certain line of jur- isdiction therein mentioned, between this State and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,” passed the 7th day of March 1785, and the act sup- plementary thereto passed the 29th day of April 1786 are hereby sever- ally repealed. CIIAP. 47. AN ACT to reduce the laws concerning wills into one statute. PASSED the 3d of March, 1787. Be ii maez‘ed by Me People of [be Slate of Are-a’ Yor/e, represem‘ed in Wills of Se/zaz‘e and Assembly, and ii‘ is lzereby marred by Me azii/iorily of l/ze same, $153515; that all and every person and persons having a sole estate or interest in Of testawr- fee simple, or of any estate of inheritance, or seized in fee simple in coparcenary, or in common in fee simple, or of any estate of inheri- tance, of and in any manors, lands, tenements, rents or other heredita- ments, in possession, reversion or remainder, or of rents or services incident to any reversion, or remainder, shall have full and free liberty, power and authority, to give, dispose, will or devise, to any ‘ son or persons (except bodies politic and corporate) by his last will and testa- ment in writing, or otherwise, by any act or acts lawfully executed in his life time, by himself solely, or by himself and others jointly, severally, or particularly, or by all those ways or any of them, as much as in him of right is or shall be, all his said manors, lands tenements, rents and hereditaments, or any of them, or any rents commons, or other profits or commodities, out of, or to be perceived of the same, or out of any ,part thereof, at his own free will and pleasure. Proziided always 446 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 47. Wills, how And be it farZ/zer enacted by Me aaf/zorizfy aforesaid, That all devises ggggvgtggd and bequests of any manors, lands, tenements, rents or hereditaments, or of any rents, commons, or other profits or commodities, out of or to be preceived of the same, shall be in writing, and signed by the party so devising the same, or by some other person in his presence, and by his express directions; and shall be attested and subscribed in the presence of the said devisor, by three or more credible witnesses, or else they shall be utterly void, and of none effect. Revocation And be ilfzcri‘lzer coached by i/ze azci/zorizfy aforesaid, That no devise or of Wlns' bequest in writing, of any manors, lands, tenements, rents, or heredita- ments, or of any rents, commons, or other profits or commodities, out of, or to be perceived of the same, or out of any parcel thereof, or any clause thereof, shall be revocable, otherwise than by some other will, or codicil in writing, or other writing declaring the same, or by burning, cancelling, tearing or obliterating the same, by the testator himself, or in his presence, and by his direction and consent; but all devises and bequests, of any manors, lands, tenements, rents or hereditaments, or of any rents, commons, or other profits or commodities, out of, or to be perceived of the same, or out of any parcel thereof, shall remain and continue in force, until the same be burnt, cancelled, torn or obliterated by the testator, or by his directions in manner aforesaid, or unless the same be revoked or altered by some other will or codicil in writing or other writing of the devisor, signed in the presence of three or more witnesses declaring the same. Estatespur And be iz‘fari/zer enacted by i/ze azzi/zoriiy aforesaid, That all estates pur ggtgeg’lgf auter vie, shall be devisable by will in writing, signed by the party so devising the same, or by some other person in his presence, and by his express directions, and attested and subscribed in the presence of the devisor by three or more witnesses. And if no such devise thereof be made, the same, or so much thereof as shall not be so devised, shall go to the executors or administrators, of the party who had the estate thereof by virtue of the grant, and shall be assets in their hands, and be applied and distributed in the same manner as the personal estate of the testator, or intestate. ‘Wills of A 12d be iz‘farf/zer e/zacz‘ed by f/ze azci/zoric‘y aforesaid, That wills or tes- realestate taments made of any manors, lands, tenements, rents or hereditaments, bycertain . . persons to or of any rents, commons, or other profits or commodities, out of, or to be Void‘ be perceived of the same, by any woman covert, or person within the age of twenty one years, idiot, or any person of unsane memory, shall .. not be taken to be good or effectual in the law. Detvise tp And be if fzcri/zer e/zacz‘ed by i/ze aaf/zorizjl aforesaid, That if any person W1 ness 0 Wmdeclam hath attested the execution of any will or codicil, after the first day of ed vOid- March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty three, or shall attest the execution of any will or codicil, hereafter to be made, to whom any beneficial devise, legacy, estate, interest, gift, or appointment, of or affecting any real or personal estate, other than and except charges on lands, tenements or hereditaments, for the payment of any debt or debts, hath been or shall be thereby given or made, such devise, legacy, estate, interest, gift or appointment, shall, so far only as con- cerns such person attesting the execution of such will or codicil, or any Devisee person claiming under him, be utterly null and void: And such person gigi‘gged shall be admitted as a witness to the execution of such will or codicil as Witness» within the intent of this act, notwithstanding such devise, legacy, estate, interest, gift or appointment, mentioned in such will or codicil. Creditor And be ii‘ fari/zer enacted by i/ze auz‘boriz‘y aforesaid, That in case by whose debt . . . is charged any will or COdlCll, made or to be made, any lands, tenements or here- CHAP. 47.1 TENTH SESSIoN. 447 ditaments, are or shall be charged with any debt or debts, and any cred- on lands_ . . - by the W111 1tor Whose debt is so charged, hath attested, or shall attest the execution Inay baa of such will or codicil, every such creditor, notwithstanding such charge, witness‘ shall be admitted as a witness to the execution of such will or codicil, within the intent of this act. Ana’ fart/261', that if any person hath Witnesses attested the execution of any will or codicil, made on or before the said Salim? first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hun- made- dred and fifty three, to whom any legacy or bequest is thereby given, whether charged upon lands, tenements or hereditaments, or not, and such person, before he shall give his testimony concerning the execu- tion of any such will or codicil, shall have been paid, or have accepted or released, or shall have refused to accept such legacy or bequest, upon tender made thereof, such person shall be admitted as a witness to the execution of such will or codicil, within the intent of this act, notwith- standing such legacy or bequest; and in case of such tender and refusal as aforesaid, such person shall in no wise be entitled to such legacy or bequest, but shall be forever afterwards barred therefrom, and in case of such acceptance as aforesaid, such person shall retain to his own use the legacy or bequest which shall have been so paid, satisfied or accepted, notwithstanding such will or codicil shall afterwards be adjudged or determined to be void for want of due execution, or for any other cause or defect whatsoever. Ami fZU’f/Zé’l’, that in case any such legatee as aforesaid, who hath attested the execution of any will or codicil made on or before the said first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty three, shall have died in the testators life time, or before he shall have received or released, or refused, on tender, his legacy, such legatee shall be deemed a legal witness to the execution of such will or codicil, within the intent of this act, notwith- standing such legacy or bequest. Provided always, that the credit of every such witness so attesting the execution of any will or codicil, in any of the cases in this act before mentioned, and all circumstances relating thereto, Shall be subject to the consideration and determination of the court, and the jury, before whom any such witness shall be examined, or his testimony or attestation made use of, or of the court of equity, in which the testimony or attestation of any such witness shall be made use of, in like manner to all intents and purposes, as the credit of witnesses in all other cases ought to be considered of, and deter- mined. A/za’ &@ z'z‘ farf/zer ezzarz‘ea’ a,’ {/26 aaf/mrz'zfyafaresaz'a’, That no person witness to to whom any beneficial estate, interest, gift or appointment, hath been, Jiginbggrfd or shall be given or made, which is hereby enacted to be null and void, claim or who shall have refused to receive any such legacy or bequest, on ten- the der made as aforesaid, and who shall have been examined as a witness concerning the execution of such will or codicil, shall, after he shall have been so examined, demand or take possession of, or receive any profit or benefit, of or from any such estate, interest, gift or appointment, so given or made to him, in or by any such will or codicil, or demand, receive or accept, from any person or person whatsoever, any such legacy or bequest, or any satisfaction or compensation for the same, in any manner, under any colour or pretence whatsoever. A ad a, 2'2‘ furZ/zer elzacied fiy i/ze aaZ/zarz'g' aforesaid, That the clauses comm- in this act concerning the competency or credibility of the witnesses to tency of . . . _ , witnesses, wills and codicils, made on or before the sa1d first day of March, in the in Whatt year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty three, shall not 332850“ extend, or be construed to extend, to the case of any heir at law, or of have 6380‘; any devisee in a prior will or codicil of the same testator, executed and 448 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 47. Power of sale may be exe- cuted by such of executors as qualify. Testator may dis- pose of custody and tuition of minor children. attested according to this act, or any person claiming under either of them respectively, who was in quiet possession on the said first day of March. in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty three, as to such lands, tenements and hereditaments, whereof he was then in quiet possession as aforesaid; nor to any will or codicil, the val- idity or due execution whereof hath been contested in any suit in law or equity, commenced by the heir of such devisor, or the devisee in any such prior will or codicil, for recovering the lands, tenements or heredit- aments, mentioned to be devised in any will or codicil so contested, or any part thereof, or for obtaining any other judgment or decree relative thereto, and which has been already determined in favour of such heir at law or devisee, in such prior will or codicil, or any person claiming under them respectively: but no possession of any heir at law or devisee, in such prior will or codicil as aforesaid, or of any person claiming under them respectively, which is consistent with, or may be warranted by or under any will or codicil attested according to the true intent and mean- ing of this act, or where the estate descended or might have descended to such heir at law until a future or executory devise, by virtue of any will or codicil attested according to this act should or might take effect, shall be deemed to be a possession within the intent of this clause of this act. A 12d fie ii fari/zer eizaez‘ed fiy i/ze aai/zorizj/ aforesaid, That where any lands, tenements or hereditaments, have been, or shall be given or devised, by any last will or testament, executed in due form of law as aforesaid, to the executors therein named or any of them, to be sold, or hath been, or shall be thereby ordered or directed to be sold by theexecutors therein named, or any of them, and after the death of such testator, part of such executors named in such last will and testament, refuse or neglect to take upon him or them the execution or administration and charge of the same last will and testament, wherein they be so named to be execu- tors, and the residue of the executors do accept and take upon them the execution, administration and charge of the same last will and testa- ment, then, all bargains and sales, of any such lands, tenements or here- ditaments, so willed to be sold by the executors of any such testator, as well heretofore made, as hereafter to be made, by him or them, only to the said executors that so do accept, or that heretofore have accepted and taken upon him or them any such charge of administration, of any such will or testament, shall be as good, and as effectual in the law, as if all the residue of the same executors named in the said will or testa- ment. so refusing the administration of the same will or testament, had joined with him or them in the making of the bargain and sale of such lands, tenements, or other hereditaments, so willed to be sold by the executors of any such testator, who hath heretofore made or declared, or who hereafter shall make or declare any such will, of any such lands, tenements or other hereditaments, after his decease to be sold by his executors. And fie it further enaez‘ed fiy z‘lze azez‘fiorizj/ a oresaid, That when any person hath, or shall have, any child or children, under the age of twenty one years, and not married at the time of his death, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the father of such child or children, whether born at the time of the decease of the father, or at that time in ventre fa mere, or whether such father be within the age of twenty one years or of full age, by his deed executed in his life time, or by his last will and testament in writing, signed by such father, or by some other person in his presence, and by his express direction, and attested and subscribed, in the presence of such father, by three or more credible CHAP. 47.] TENTH SESSION. 449 witnesses, in such manner and form, and from time to time as he shall respectively think fit, to dispose of the custody and tuition of such child or children, for and during such time as he or they shall respectively remain under the age of twenty one years, or any less time, to any per- son or persons in possession or remainder; and that such disposition of the custody of such child or children, made or hereafter to be made, shall be good and effectual, against all and every person and persons claiming the custody or tuition of such child or children, as guardian in socage, or otherwise. and that such person or persons to whom the cus- tody of such child or children, hath been, or shall be so disposed or devised as aforesaid, shall and may maintain an‘ action of ravishment of ward, or trespass, against any person or persons who shall wrongfully take away or detain such child or children, for the recovery of such child or children, and shall and may recover damages for the same in the said action, for the use and benefit of such child or children. And be ii‘ farz‘lzer e/zaeled by Me aal/zorizy aforesaid, That such person or persons, to whom the custody of such child or children, hath been or shall be so disposed or devised, shall and may take into his and their custody, to the use of such child or children, the profits of all lands, tenements and hereditaments, of such child or children, and also the custody, tuition and management, of the goods, chattels and personal estate, of such child or children, ’till their respective age of twenty one years, or any less time, according to such disposition aforesaid, and may bring such action or actions in relation thereunto, as by law a guardian in common socage might do. And be ii‘ farl/zer e/zaeled by i/ze aal/iorizy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for all and every person and persons, by his or their testament orlast will in writing, to give, bequeath or dispose of, all his, her or their goods, chattels and personal estate, in the same man- ner as he, she or they lawfully might do, before the passing of this act. And be if farl/zer eizaez‘ed by i/ze aui/zorizy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for widows to bequeath the crop of their ground, as well of their dowers, as of their other lands and tenements. _ A Md be iz‘farl/ier e/zaez‘ed by Me aal/zorily aforesaid, That no nuncupa- tive will heretofore made, or hereafter to be made, shall be good, where the estate thereby bequeathed, shall exceed the value of thirty pounds lawful money of this State, unless the same be proved by the oaths of three witnesses at the least, who were present at the making thereof; nor unless it be proved, that the testator, at the time of pronouncing the same, did bid the persons present, or some of them, bear witness that such was his, or her will, or words to that effect; nor unless such nun- cupative will was made in the time of the last sickness of the deceased, and in the house of his or her habitation or dwelling, or where he or she hath been resident for the space of ten days, or more, next before the making of such will; except where such person was surprised or taken sick, being from his or her own home, and died before he or she returned to the place of his or her dwelling. A/zd be ii‘ farf/zer e/zaez‘ed by l/ze aal/zorily aforesaid, That after six months passed, after the speaking of the pretended testamentary words, no testimony shall be received to prove any nuncupative will, except the said testimony, or the substance thereof, were committed to writing, within six days after the making of the said will. And be ii‘ farl/zer e/zaeled by l/ze aal/zorizj/ aforesaid, That no letters testamentary or probate of any nuncupative will, shall pass the seal of any court, ’till fourteen days at the least after the decease of the testa- tor shall be fully expired; nor shall any nuncupative will be at any time VoL. 2. — 57 Guardian named by will, power and duty of Act not to affect; wills of personal property. Wills of widows. Nunoupa- tive wills. Id.; must be proved in six months. Letters testament— ary on nun- cupative wills. , i450 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 48. Revoca- tion, etc., of wills of personal property. Witnesses to nuncu- pativewvills Act ex~ tended to wills made during last fifty years. Personal estate of soldiers and sea.- men . Where lands held by woman for life are alienated from her, remainder- man may have im- mediate entry. received to be proved, unless process hath first issued to call in the widow or next of kindred to the deceased, to the end they may contest the same, if they please. And be iz‘ fari/zer enacted by z‘lze aat/zorizfy aforesaid, That no will or testament in writing, concerning any goods or chattels, or personal estate, shall be repealed, nor shall any clause, devise, or bequest therein, be revoked, altered or changed, by any words, or will by word of mouth only, except the same be, in the life time of the testator, committed to writing, and after the writing thereof read unto the testator, and allowed and approved of by him, or her, and proved so to be done, by three witnesses at the least. And be if fari/zer e/zacz‘ed by i/ze azci/zorizy aforesaid, That all such witnesses as are and ought to be allowed to be good witnesses upon trials at law, by the laws and customs of this State, shall be deemed good witnesses to prove any nuncupative will, or any thing relating thereunto. And be iz‘fz'cri/ier enacted by file aai/zoriiy aforesaid, That this act shall extend as well to wills and testaments made within sixty years last past, except where it is otherwise herein before provided, as to wills and tes- taments hereafter to be made. Provided always,- azzd be if fzcri/zer e/zacz‘ed by i/ze aai/ioriz‘y aforesaid, That notwithstanding this act, any soldier being in actual military ser- vice, or any mariner or seaman, being at sea, may dispose of his move- ables, wages and personal estate, as he or they might have done, before the making of this act. CHAP. 48. AN ACT for preventing and avoiding alienations by tenants for life, and recoveries by collusion. PASSED the 3rd of March, 1787. Be it enacted by i/ze People of Me Siaie of New Yer/e, represe/zz‘ed iii Sé’iZa/L’ and Assembly, and i1‘ is bereby enacted by Me azzi/zorizy of z‘be same, That if any woman, who hath had, now hath, or hereafter shall have, any estate in dower, or for term of life, jointly with her husband, or only to herself, or to her use, in any lands, tenements or hereditaments, of the inheritance or purchase of her husband, or given to the said husband and his wife for term of life, by any of the ancestors of the said husband, or by any other person, seised to the use of the said husband or of his ancestors, and being sole, or with any other after taken husband, hath discontinued, aliened, released or confirmed, or hereafter shall discon- tinue, alien, release, or confirm, with warranty or without warranty, or hath suffered, or shall suffer, any recovery by covin, against her, them or any of them, or any other seised to their use, or to the use of either of them as aforesaid, that all such recoveries, discontinuances, alien- ations, releases, confirmations and warranties, so had and made and henceforth to be had and made, shall be utterly void and of none effect. And that it shall be lawful to every person and persons, to whom the interest title or inheritance, after the decease of Such woman, of the said lands, tenements and hereditaments, so being discontinued, aliened, or suffered to be recovered as aforesaid, do or shall appertain, to enter into all and every of the said premises, and peaceably to possess and enjoy the same, in such manner and form, as he, she or they should have done, if no such discontinuance, alienation, warranty or recovery had been had or made. And farz‘lzer, that if any such woman, with any such after taken husband, or any other seised or who shall be seised to their or "CHAP. 48.] TENTH SESSION. 451 either of their use, of such estate as aforesaid, shall during the coverture between them, make or cause to be made, or suffer, any such discontin- uance, alienation, warranty or recovery in form aforesaid, that then it shall be lawful to the person or persons, to whom the said lands, tene- ments or hereditaments, should or ought to belong, after the decease of .the said woman, immediately after the said discontinuance, alienation, warranty or recovery, to enter into the same lands, tenements and here- ditaments, and then to possess and enjoy during the life of the said hus- band, according to such title and interest, as they should have had in the same, if the same woman had been dead, and no discontinuance, warranty nor recovery had. But that the said woman, in such case, after the decease of the said husband, if she survive him, may re-enter into the same lands, tenements and hereditaments, and enjoy the same according to her first estate in the same. But if the said woman, at the time of such discontinuance, alienation, recovery or warranty in form aforesaid to be had, made or suffered, of any of the premises, be sole, that then she shall be barred and excluded of her title and interest in the same from thence forth: and the person or persons to whom the title, interest and possession of the same should belong, after the decease of the said woman, shall immediately after the said discontinuance, alien- ation, warranty or recovery, enter into the same lands, tenements and other hereditaments, and possess and enjoy the same, according to his, her or their title in the same. Provided always, that this act shall not extend to any such recovery or discontinuance, had or to be had, with the heirs next inheritable to the said woman, or where he or they, that next after the death of the same woman should have estate of inherit- ance in the same lands, tenements or hereditaments, be assenting or agreeable to the said recovery, where the same assent or agreement is of record, or inrolled. Aadpravz'ded aZs0,-.that it shall be lawful to every such woman, being sole or married, after the death of her first husband, to give, sell or make discontinuance of any Such lands, tenements or hereditaments, for term of her life only, after the course and use of the common law. _ And a) 2'2‘ fart/Mr erzarz‘ed ay [/15 azd/zorz'z‘y afaresaz'd, That no fine, Finesfif- feoffment or other act or acts made suffered or done or hereafter to be fared by > 9 , husband made, suffered or done, by the husband only, of any lands, tenements Svfhlgrgiof or hereditaments, being the inheritance or freehold of his wife, during to barright the coverture between them, shall in any wise be, or make any discon- of ‘me’ . tinuance thereof, or be prejudicial or hurtful to the said wife, or to her heirs, or to such as shall have right, title or interest to the same by the death of such wife. But that the same wife or her heirs, and such other to whom such right shall appertain, after her decease, shall and may then lawfully enter into all such lands, tenements and hereditaments, and hold and enjoy the same, according to their rights and titles therein, as if no such fine, feoffment or other act had been-done or suffered. A/zd w/zcreas when a man doth lose by default the land which was the right of his wife, it is very hard, that the wife, after the death of her husband, should have none other recovery but by writ of right; for remedy whereof. Be 2'! farZ/zer marred by Z/ze azzz‘lzorz'fy aforesaid, That a woman, after Where the death of her husband, shall recover by a writ of entry, whereto she 1012333,, could not disagree during his life, which shall be pleaded in the follow- of ‘gife bY ing form: If the tenant do except against the demand of the wife, that widowrnay he entered by judgment, and it be found that his entry was by default, $312,121‘ whereto the tenant of necessity must make answer, if it he demanded of him, then he shall be compelled to make further answer, and to shew 452 LAWs OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 48. When wife may de- fend with- out her husband. Inter- pleader by owner of the rever- sion where action is brought against tenant. Owner of reversion may have writ of entry where ten- ant suffers default. Proceed- ings by owner of reversion. his right according to the form of the writ that he purchased before against the husband and the wife: and if he can verify that he hath or had right in the land demanded, the woman shall gain nothing by her writ; which thing if he cannot shew, the woman shall recover the the land in demand. Arid fie it fart/zer eizaeted fiy t/ze az/t/zority aforesaid, That when any husband and wife shall be impleaded, if the husband absent himself and will not defend his wife’s right, or against his wife’s consent, will render the land, if the wife do come before judgment, ready to answer the demandant and to defend her right, the wife shall be admitted without her husband. And fie it fart/ter e/zaeted fiy t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That if any tenant in dower, tenant by the courtesy, or other tenant for term of life or lives, is or shall be impleaded, and he, she or they, to whom the rever- sion or remainder doth or shall appertain, shall come into court and pray to be received to defend his, her or their right, at the day that the , tenant pleadeth to the action, or before, and before judgment, he, she or they shall be received to defend his, her or their right and to plead in chief to the action. And that days of grace shall be given, by the discretion of the court, between the demandant and him, her or them, who is, are or shall be received in such case, without giving the common days in pleas of land, unless the demandant will consent, to the intent that the demandant be not too much delayed, because he must plead with two adversaries. Provided a/rc/ays, that he, she and they, who shall come in by a collateral title, and desire to be received as aforesaid, as well where the receipt is counterpleaded, as where it is granted, shall, before he, she or they be received, find sufficient surety, as the court shall award, to satisfy the demandant of the issues of the tenements demanded, from the day that he, she or they shall be received, until the time that final judgment be given, if judgment pass for the demandant against him, her or them in reversion or remainder aforesaid. And if the demandant recover his demand, he shall also recover his damages and costs of suit against such tenant by receipt. But if such tenant can prove his or her right to as good as he or she affirmed at such time as he or she was received, then he or she shall go quit, and recover his or her costs against the demandant. And fie it fart/zer enaeted fiy t/ze az/tfiority aforesaid, That if any ten- ant in dower, tenant by the courtesy, or other tenant for term of life or lives who hath been, now is, or shall be impleaded, hath made, or shall make default, or hath given, or shall give up the tenements demanded, and judgment hath been or shall be given upon such default, or sur- render, then the heirs, or he, she or they, to whom the reversion or remainder doth or shall appertain, after the death of such tenants, shall have their recovery by a writ of entry, in which the like process shall be observed, as in cases where the husband loseth his wife’s land by default, and so in the cases aforesaid, two actions do concur, one between the demandant and tenant, and another between the tenant shewing his or her right, and the demandant. A red fie it fart/ter enacted fiy t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That if any tenant for term of life, tenant in dower, or tenant by the courtesy, be impleaded, and plead to an inquest, and lose by the oath of twelve men, or by default, or in other manner, that the person or persons to whom the reversion or remainder of the tenements so lost cloth or shall appertain, at the time of such judgment given, his, her or their heirs or successors, shall have an action by writ of attaint, to attaint the same oath, if he, she or they will assign the same oath to be false; and also by writ of CHAP. 48.] 453 TENTH SESSION. error, if error be found in the record of such judgment, as well in the life time of such tenants, who have lost or shall lose, as after their death. And if such judgment be reversed, or such oath be found false, that the tenant who lost by the first judgment, if he or she be in life, shall be restored to his or her possession of the tenements so lost, with the issues in the mean time; and the party pursuing to the arrearages of rent, if any be due, for the same tenement. And if such tenant be dead, at the time of the judgment given, upon such writs of attaint,'or of error, that restitution be made to the party pursuing, with the issues, after the death of the said tenant, together with the arrearages of rent, if any, to him or her were due, in the life time of the said tenant. Provided always, That although the tenant who so lost by the first judgment, be in life, if the party pursuing will alledge, that the same tenant was of covin and of assent of the demandant who recovered, that such tenement should be lost, that restitution of the same tenements shall be made to the same party pursuing, with the issues and arrearages as aforesaid. But in such case, such tenant, shall have his or her action by writ of scire facias out of the same judgment so reversed or given, on such writ of attaint or writ of error, if he or she will traverse the covin and assent aforesaid, and not otherwise. And be ii farl/zer eaaez‘ed by i/ze aai/ioriiy aforesaid, That if any man hath aliened or shall alien any tenement, which he held, or doth or shall hold by the courtesy, his children shall not be barred, by the deed of their father, to demand and recover of the seisin of their mother, although the deed of their father doth or shall mention that he and his heirs be bound to warranty. Nor shall the issue of any such children be barred in such case by any such deed. And li/eezoise, and in like manner, the heirs of the wife shall not be barred of their action, after the death of their father and mother, by the deed of their father, if they demand by action, the inheritance of their mother, which their father did alien in the life time of their mother. Arzd be ii‘ fari/zer erzaez‘ed by l/ze aal/zorizy aforesaid, That the suit of ‘the woman or her heirs, after the death of her husband, for lands or tenements aliened by the husband, shall not be delayed by the non age of the heir or heirs, who ought to warrant. But let the purchaser, who (ought not to have been ignorant that he or she bought the right of another, tarry, until the full age of his or her warrantor, to have his or her warranty. And w/zereas divers persons being seised of lands, tenements and hereditaments, as tenants by the courtesy or otherwise, only for term of life or lives, or of estates determinable upon life or lives, have permitted or suffered other persons, by agreement or covin between them had, to recover the same lands, tenements and hereditaments, against the same particular tenants; or have permitted or suffered themselves to be vouched by other persons, by agreement or covin between them had, in recoveries suffered of the same lands, tenements and other heredita- ments, to the prejudice of those to whom the reversion or remainder thereof appertained, or ought to appertain; for remedy whereof, Be it fari/zer enaeied by i/ze aaz‘boriiy aforesaid, That all such recov- eries heretofore had or prosecuted, or hereafter to be had or prosecuted by agreement of the parties, or by covin as aforesaid, against any such particular tenant, of any lands, tenements or hereditaments, whereof the same particular tenant was, is, or shall be seised, of any such particular estate as aforesaid, or against any other, with voucher over of any such particular tenant, or of any having or that had right or title to any such particular estate or tenancy as aforesaid, shall from henceforth, as Alienation by tenant bythe courtesy, children not barred. Infancy of heirs not to delay action. Recoveries by agree- ment or covin void as against owner of reversion. 454 LAWS OF NEW YORK. ‘ [CHAR 48- Proceed- ings by ten- ant, where lessor suf- fers recov- ery by covin. against such person or persons, to whom any reversion or remainder- thereof, by force of any conveyance or device, before that time had or made, did, shall, ought or lawfully may appertain, and against their heirs and successors, be clearly and utterly void and of none effect: Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall extend, or be prejudicial to any person or persons, who hath or have or hereafter shall, by good title, recover any lands, tenements or hereditaments, without fraud or covin, by reason of any former right or title; but that all and every such recov~~ cry and recoveries, so had or prosecuted, or to be had or prosecuted, upon former rights or titles, shall stand and be in like force, strength and effect, as if this act had not been made: Brotiided also, that all and" every such recovery and recoveries, heretofore had or prosecuted, or hereafter to be had or prosecuted, of any lands, tenements or heredita-r ments as aforesaid, by the assent and agreement of any person or per- sons, to whom any reversion or remainder thereof then, did, shall or" ought to appertain, so as the same assent and agreement do appear of record in the court where such recovery is or shall be had, shall stand and be of like force, strength and effect, against such person and per- sons, who did or shall so assent and agree, their heirs and successors, as if this act had not been made. And w/zereas before this time divers persons have made leases of their manors, lands, tenements and other hereditaments, sometimes by deed, and sometimes without writing, to other persons, for term of years, and afterwards the same lessors their heirs or assigns, have caused or suffered recoveries to be had against them, upon feigned and untrue titles, by craft or covin, to put the same farmers from their Said terms, and after such recoveries had, the said recoverers by reason of such recoveries and judgments, have entered into the said manors, lands, tenements, and other hereditaments, so to farm letten, and thereof have expelled the said farmers, contrary to their said leases, covenants and agreements: And because it hath been doubted whether the same farmers might falsify such recoveries or not; T/zerefore be it farl/zer canceled by i/ze aaz‘lzoriz‘y aforesaid, That every‘ ' such farmer shall and may falsify, for his and her term only, such recov- eries, as well heretofore had, as hereafter to be had, in such wise and form as a tenant of the freehold shall and may do by the course of the common law, where such tenant of the freehold was neither privy nor party to the same recovery. Aadfarz‘lzer, that the same farmers, their‘ executors, administrators and assigns, notwithstanding Such recoveries so had, shall retain, hold and enjoy their said terms, according to their said leases, against all such recoverers, their heirs and assigns, as they Should or might have done, against the said lessors, if such recovery had not been had nor suffered. And that the said recoverers, their heirs- and assigns after such recovery so had, shall have the like remedy against the said farmers, their executors administrators and assigns, by avowry or action of debt, for the rents and services reserved upon the same leases, being due, after the same recoveries; and also like actions against them for waste done, after the same recoveries so had, ‘in like manner" and form, as the said lessors should or might have had, if the same recoveries had never been had. And li/eewise, no execution shall here- after be avoided, or in any wise made frustrate, by means of any such feigned recovery, but that all persons having any lands, tenements or other hereditaments, in execution, or being entitled to have execution of any lands, tenements or hereditaments, shall have, by force of this: statute, like means to avoid and falsify the same recoveries, as is above provided for the lessees for term of years. CHAP. 49.] TENTH SESSION. 455 CHAP. 49. AN ACT for dividing the district of the manor of Livingston in Columbia county, and for annexing the manor of Foxhall to the town of Kingston, in Ulster county. PASSED the th of March, 1787. WHEREAS the extent of the district of the manor of Livingston, sub— jects its inhabitants to inconveniences, for remedy whereof, Be 2'! erzaez‘ed by Me Peeple 0f Z/ze Sz‘az‘e 0f New Yer/e, reyfiresezzz‘ed 2'12 Senaz‘e and AssemaZy, and 2'! is hereby marred by file aaf/zarz'z‘y 0f the same, That so much of the said district, as is contained in the boundaries hereinafter described, be erected into a seperate township by the name of the township of Clermont; that is to say, beginning on the south side of the mouth of a certain river, commonly called Roeloff Jansens- kill, thence along the south side of the said river, easterly, ’till it meets with the tract of land heretofore granted to Derick \Vessels, lying on both sides of the said river, thence along the north and east boundaries of the said tract, ’till it again meets with the said kill or river, thence along the south side of the said river, to the south bend thereof, where it meets with the north line of the county of Dutchess, thence along the said line to Hudsons river, and along the said river to the place of beginning; excepting thereout, the district of East Camp. And fie 2'! f arZ/zer eaaez‘ed ay Z/ze aaz‘lzorz'ty afaresaz'd, That the inhabi- tants of the said township of Clermont, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be, entitled, to elect their own supervisors, assessors, col- lectors, and other officers; in like manner as other districts, in the county of Columbia, are entitled to elect the same. And that the annual elections be held, at the house of Johannes Cooper, in the said township of Clermont, until otherwise determined, by the greater num- ber of votes of the taxable persons in the said township, in legal town meeting assembled, or it be otherwise provided for by law. And ztl/zereas it may happen, that the line of the township may inter- sect the houses or farms of some of the inhabitants of the said town- ship, whereby inconveniences may arise, in the assessment of taxes ; Be 2'! Z/zerefore mated by Z/ze aaZ/wrz'z‘y aferesaz'd, That wheresoever the township, or county line, shall intersect a farm, the possessor of such farm shall pay all his taxes, in whichever township or district his dwelling house shall be ; but if the said line shall intersect any dwelling house, then the possessor of such house, shall be taxed for both house and farm, in the township of Clermont aforesaid. And w/zereas the freeholders and inhabitants of the manor of Fox- hall, in the county of Ulster, have, by their petition to this legislature prayed, that an act might be passed, permitting them to vote for town officers, in conjunction with freeholders and commonalty of the town of Kingston, at their annual elections; and subjecting them to the assessment land the collection of taxes and rates, in conjunction with the said freeholders and commonalty of the said town of Kingston. Be 2'! z’fierefore enaefed éy z‘/ze azez‘lzorz'zj/ aferesaz'd, That the said manor of Foxhall, in the county aforesaid, be, and the same is hereby annexed to the corporation of the trustees, of the freeholders and commonalty of the town of Kingston, for the purposes of elections, and for the assessment of taxes, and county and town rates: and the said manor Clermont, town of, erected. Township privileges. Taxation of inter- sected farms. Foxhall annexed to town of Kingston. 456 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 50. degrees. Heirs of different degrees may unite in one action. Writs of deceit. Recovery of lands lost by default . Form of writ. Writs for nuisance . Form of writ. I Id. ; re- turn of. of Fox Hall and town of Kingston, shall for the purposes aforesaid and for no other, he considered as one town ; any law usage or custom, to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. CHAP. 50. AN ACT for giving further remedy, and regulating the process and proceedmgs 1n assises and other actions. PASSED the 12th of March, 1787. Be it enacted fiy t/ze Peojde of Me State of New York, 7'67§7’6’S£722‘6’d7 in Senate and Assemfi/y, and it is fierefiy enacted fiy t/ze azct/zorizjv of t/ce same, That if the alienations, whereupon writs of entry ought to be granted, happen to be made in so many degrees, that-by reason thereof the writ of entry cannot be made in the usual form. mentioning the degrees, then the demandants shall have a writ to recover their seisin, without making mention of the degrees, into whose hands soever the tenements shall happen to come bysuch alienations; but writs of entry without mention- ing the degrees, shall not be maintained, but in cases where the writs making mention of the degrees, cannot lie or hold place. And fie it fart/zer enacted fiy t/ze azct/cority aforesaid, That if any per- son hath died, or shall die, leaving several persons his, or her heirs, either in the same degree or different degrees, all such heirs shall or may recover in one writ or action, as heirs of the deceased person. And fie it fart/cer enacted fiy t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That a writ of deceit shall be maintainable and hold place, as well in the case of gar- nishment touching plea of land, where such garnishment is given, as in the case of summons, in a plea of land. And w/zereas formerly, if any person had lost his, or her lands or tenements by default, he or she had no other recovery but by writ of right, which was not maintainable by any who could not claim of mere right, as tenants for term of life, where a reversion is reserved. T/zerefore fie it fart/cer enacted, fiy t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That their default shall not be so prejudicial, but that they may recover their estate by another writ than by writ of right, if they have right, and for recov- ery of land for term of life, lost by default, a writ shall be made in this form. Command A, that justly and without delay, he render to B, one mes- suage with the appurtenances in C., which he claims to hold for term of his life, and of which the aforesaid A doth deforce him. And fie it fart/ter enacted fiy t/ce aut/zority aforesaid, That in cases of nusance, the plaintiff shall not go without remedy because the land is transferred to another. And fzcrt/zer, that where the writ is granted against him or her, who hath levied, or shall levy the nusance, the writ shall be made as hath been heretofore used, in the following form. A B hath complained to us, that C D unjustly and without judgment hath erected (or made or levied) a house, (or a wall, sink, pond or whatever other thing it may be) to the nusance of his freehold. And if such things so levied, erected or made be aliened from one to another, the writ shall be thus. A B hath complained to us that C D and E F have erected. And fart/ter, that all writs of nusances shall from henceforth be made returnable and be determined, in the nature of assises, either in the CHAR SQ] TENTH SESSION. 457 supreme court, or at the circuit court in the county, where such nusan- ces shall happen. And be ii‘ fari/zer eizaeied by i/ze aaz‘lzorizy aforesaid, That whensoever, Writ to be in one case a writ is found and used in the chancery, and in a like case, gl‘fi‘gig‘éto falling under like law and requiring like remedy, there is none found, a Case- proper writ shall be devised and made in such case. And that suitors may not go without remedy, they shall have writs according to their cases. ' And be it fari/zer enacted by Me aai/zoriiy aforesaid, That a writ of Writs of novel disseisin shall lie, and be maintainable for estovers of wood, and Qg‘slieé dfig; for any profit to be taken in woods, for a corody, for delivery of corn, what £0 be and other victuals and necessaries, to be received yearly in a place cer- Issued‘ tain, for toll, passage, and such like, to be taken in places certain, and for offices in fee, or for life, as well as for lands and tenements, and for common of pasture, fishing, and such like commons, which any person hath, or shall have appendant to free hold, or without freehold, by special deed, at the least for term of life; and in all the cases aforesaid, according to the accustomed manner, the writ shall express the thing in demand to be a free tenement. And although it has been doubted whether a remedy could be had by this writ, where one seedeth the several pasture of another, it is hereby declared that a good and sure remedy is given in that case, by the said writ. Aad farl/ier, when any person holding for a term of years, or in Id.; where ward, doth alien the same in fee, and by such alienation the freehold is $51,112,, transferred to the feoffee, then remedy shall or may be by writ of novel iignasggrs disseisin, and as well the feoffors as the feoffee shall be had for dissei- possession_ sors, so that during the life of any of them the said writ shall hold place ; and if by the death of the parties the remedy fail by that writ, the remedy may be had “by writ of entry. And be ii‘ fari/zer enabled by i/ze aza‘lzorizy aforesaid, That if any per- Disseiser . . . . - - - - mulcted in son or persons named disseisors 1n any writ of assize of novel disseisin, damagesif alledge any false exception, whereby the taking of the assise may be exceptions _ . . to writ fail deferred, as that at another time an assise of the same land passe between the said parties, or that a writ of a higher nature is depending between the same parties of the same land, and upon these, and like matters do vouch rolls or records to warranty, then and in every such case, if he or she who shall alledge such exception fail of the warranty, that he or she hath vouched, at the day to him or her given, he or she shall be adjudged for a disseisor, without taking the assise, and shall restore the damages before inquired of, or after to be inquired of, to the double. And if such exception be alledged by a bailiff, the taking of the assise shall not be delayed therefore, nor the judgment upon the restitution of the lands and damages. But if the master of such bailiff that was absent, come afterwards, before the same justices or justice who took the assise, and offer to prove by record or rolls that at another time an assise passed between the same parties, of the same lands, or that the plaintiff at another time did withdraw his or her suit in a like writ, or that a plea is depending by a writ of a higher nature, a writ of venire facias shall be granted unto him, to cause the same record to be brought, and when he hath the same, and the justices do perceive that the record so shewed by him would have been so available before the judgment, that the plaintiff by force of the same, should have been barred of his or her action, the justices shall immediately cause the party who first recovered, to be warned to appear at a certain day, at which the defendant shall have again his or her seisin and damages, if he or she before paid any, by the first judgment given, which shall be VoL. 2. — 58 ¢ 45S LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 5o. Remedy of last dis- seisor against first dis- seisor. Sherifl? not to disseise possessor of land ; without authority certain. Special assise in case of lands granted by letters pat~ ent. Forcible entry, spe- cial assise in case of. restored to him or her to the double, as aforesaid; and in the same manner, if the defendant, against whom any assise shall pass, in his or her absence, shew any deeds or releases upon which the jury were not examined, nor could be examined, because no mention was made of them in pleading, and by probability might be ignorant of them, the justices upon the sight of these writings, shall cause the party who first recovered to be warned to appear at a certain day, and shall cause the jurors of the same assise to come. And if such defendant shall verify those writings to be true by the verdict of a jury, or by inrollment, he or she who purchased the assise contrary to his or her own deed, Shall restore to him or her the damages before recovered, as aforesaid. Aizd w/zereas many persons do disseise others of their tenements, and after such disseisin done, make divers alienations and feoffments thereof, whereby the said disseisees and other demandants and their heirs are delayed of their recovery. I T/zerefore be it farz‘ber enacted by i/ze az/l/zorizy aforesaid, That the Said disseisees shall from henceforth have their recovery against the first di'sseisors, during their lives, if they take the profits at the time of the suit commenced, as well of the lands and tenements, as of their double damages, without having any regard to such .alienations, gifts or feoff- ments. AudfarZ/zer, that this shall hold place in every other action, in plea of land, where such feoffments be made by fraud or collusion, for the demandants to have their recovery against such first feoffors, if they thereof take the profits. . And be ii‘ fzcrl/zer eizacz‘ed by z‘be aai/zorizy aforesaid, That no Sheriff or other officer, by colour of his office, without special warrant, or commandment, or authority certain, pertaining to his office, disseise any person of his or her freehold, nor of any thing belonging to his or her freehold. And if any do, it shall be lawful for the person disseised to sue at the common law, by writ of‘ novel disseisin; and he who shall be convicted thereof, shall pay double damages to the plain- tiff, and be further punished by fine or imprisonment, at the discretion of the justices. And be ii‘ fari/zcr enacted by Me aaz‘boriz‘y aforesaid, That in case- any lands or tenements have been, or shall be granted by letters patent, without title found by inquest or otherwise, where the entry of the people of this State is not given by law, they who shall be put out or disseised of their freehold, shall or may have a special assise granted by the chancellor, without any suit to the people of this State in that behalf to be made; and if the parties or persons who have such letters- patent, do pray in aid, a writ of procedendo Shall be granted by the chancellor; and in case they who be so put out or disseised, recover against the persons having such patents, they who be so put out or disseised, shall recover their treble damages. A/zd w/zereas divers persons do make forceable entries into the lands and tenements of others, and put the possessors out of the Same, claim- ing sometimes in their own right, where their entry is not lawful, and sometimes in the right of others, where they have nothing in reversion, in right, nor in demesne, and there is not any affinity or cousinage between them, and those in whose right they have entered, and some- times take away the goods and chattles of the possessor. T/zerefore be it enacted by Me azcc/zoriiy aforesaid, That if any person, of what estate or condition soever he or she may he, hath made, or shall make, any such forcible entry, in his, or her own right, or to his or her own use, or in the right or to the use of any other, by way of maintenance, or take or carry away any goods, after such forcible entry, CHAP. 50.] TENTH SESSION. 459 from the possessor of the freehold, then and in every such case, if the party grieved or other lawful man for him or her, will make affida- vit that the entry was made in such forcible manner, the chancellor shall have power, by his discretion to grant a special assise in this \‘case, to the party aggrieved, of whatsoever value the tenements may be; and if such disseisor, be convicted of'such disseisin, made in such forcible manner, he or she shall yield to the party grieved his or her double damages, and be further punished by fine or imprisonment according to the discretion of the justices. And if such disseisor be convicted by the same assise, that he or she hath taken or carried away the goods or chattles of such disseisees, the justices of assise shall have power to hear and determine, as well for the people of this State, as for the party, of the goods and chattles so carried away, and to award to the party grieved his or her damages. And farZ/zer that in every such special assise, one at least of the justices of the supreme court be named as one of the justices to take such assise, and that no writ of supersedeas be granted to the contrary of such special assises. A/zd fie iz‘fari/zer eizaez‘ed fiy Z/ze az/i/zoriij/ aforesaid, That if in any writ of assise, the sheriff of the same county is or shall be named one of the Where sheriff named as disseisors, and the tenants in the same assise, or any of them will aver gifggifior that the said sheriff is not, nor ever was disseisor, nor tenant of the tene- liision. ments in demand, but was named a disseisor by collusion, the aver- inent shall be received, and if it be found by the said assise, that the said sheriff is not, nor ever was disseisor, nor tenant of the tenements in demand, but was named disseisor by collusion, then the justices shall cause the said writ so purchased, or to be purchased, in form aforesaid, to be abated and quashed; and the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall pay double costs thereupon to be taxed. And fie if fari/zer eizaez‘ed fiy i/ze auz‘fiorizy aforesaid, That an assise of Assise of novel disseisin may from henceforth be granted of rent in arrear, due of tenements in divers counties, to be holden in the confine of the counties within which the tenements be; and thereupon the assise shall be taken and tried by jurors of the said counties, in the same manner as ought to be done of a common of pasture in one county, and appendant to tenements in another county; and that as well of disseisins done in times past, as of disseisins yet to be done. And that writs thereupon at the suit of the plaintiff, be made from henceforth in the chancery, in due form, without any manner of contradiction; but in all such assises, one at the least of the justices of the supreme court, shall be named as one of the justices to take such assises. And w/zereas in cases where dower is or shall be demanded, of lands or tenements recovered against the husband by default or covin, and when the wife, being endowed, loseth her dower by default, and when tenants by the courtecy, or for term of life, must demand their land lost by default, divers actions do concur, and when it is come to that point, that the tenants must be compelled to shew their right, they cannot make answer without them to whom the reversion or remainder, of right belongeth. T/zerefore fie ii‘ fari/zer eizaeied fiy Z/ze aai/zorizj/ aforesaid, That it shall be lawful for them to vouch to warranty, as if they were tenants, if they have a warranty: And when the warrantor hath warranted, plea shall pass between him or her that is seised, and the warrantor, accord- ing to the tenor of the writ that the tenant purchased before, and by which he or she recovered by default. And so from many actions, they shall at length resort to one judgment, which is this; that the demand- ant shall recover his or her demand, or that the tenant shall go quit; novel dis- seisin for rent in arrear. Dower and courtesy; roceed- ings Where lands lost by default. 460 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 50. f) Person vouched to warranty to be sum- moned. Proceed- ings in writs con- cerning possession, etc . and if the action of such a tenant who is compelled to shew his right, he by writ of right, although the great assise cannot be joined by the words accustomed, yet it shall be joined by words convenient; for when the tenant, in that he or she sheweth his or her right, which belongeth to him or her by the writ which he or she before purchased, instead of a demandant, the warrantor may well defend the right of the tenant, who is accounted in place of the demandant as aforesaid, and put himself or herself upon the great assise, and pray recognition to be made, whether he or she hath more right to the land in demand, than the party afore- said; or otherwise the great assise may be joined thus. Such an one defends the right and so the warrantor may defend the right and acknowledge the seisin of his or her ancestor, and put himself or her- self upon the great assise, and pray recognition to be made, whether he or she hath more right in the land, as in that whereof he or she enfeoffed such a one, or that such a one released and quit claimed, than the aforeasid party. And fie it fart/ter enacted fiy t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That when any person, not present in court, shall be vouched to warranty in a plea of land or tenement, the party so vouched shall have reasonable summons according to the discretion of the justices ; and if the demandant will aver that the person vouched is dead, or that there is no such person, such averment shall be received and tried without delay. And fie it fzcrt/zer enacted fiy t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That in writs concerning possession whereby lands or tenements are demanded, which ought to descend, remain, revert or fall, by the death of any ancestor or otherwise, if the tenant vouch to warranty, and the demandant coun- ter pleadeth him or her and will aver by assise, or by the country or otherwise, as the court will award, that the tenant or his or her ancestor or predecessor, whose heir he or she is, was the first that entered after the death of him or her, of whose seisin he or she demandeth, the averment of the demandant shall be received, if the tenant will abide thereupon; and if not, he or she shall be further compelled to another answer, if he or she have not his or her warrantor present, who will warrant him or her freely, and immediately enter into the warranty, and the demandant shall have the like exceptions against the warrantor, if he or she will vouch further, as he or she had before against the first tenant; and in all manner of writs of entry, which make mention of degrees, none shall vouch out of the line. Andfnrt/zer, that as well in the writs aforesaid, as in writs of right, if the tenant vouch to warranty, and the demandant will counterplead him or her, and be ready to aver by the country, that he or she, who is so vouched to warranty, nor his or her ancestors or predecessors, had never seisin of the land or tenement demanded, nor fee nor service by the hand, of his or her tenant, or his or her ancestors or predecessors, since the time of him or her on whose seisin the demandant declareth, until the time that the writ was pur- chased, and the plea moved, whereby he, she or they might have enfeoffed the tenant, or his or her ancestor or predecessors, then, whether the party vouched be present or absent, the averment of the demandant shall be received, if the tenant will abide thereupon, if not, the tenant shall be further compelled to another answer, and the demandant shall have his or her exceptions against the warrantor, as he or she had before against the first tenant. And fnrt/zer, if the tenant hath a deed, that compriseth warranty of another man who is bound in none of the cases before mentioned, to the warranty of an older degree, his or her recovery by a writ of warranty of charters out of the chancery, CHAP. 50.] TENTH SESSION. ' 461 shall be saved to him or her, at what time soevef he or she’will purchase it, but the plea shall not be delayed therefore. And be it fart/ter erzaeled by i/ze aaz‘lzorizy aforesaid, That when any Id. person shall demand lands or tenements against another, and the party impleaded, voucheth to warranty, and the warrantor denieth his or her warranty, and it be found that the vouchee is bound to warranty by the law and custom of this State, then in like manner as the tenant should lose the land or tenement in demand, in case where he vouched, and the vouchee could discharge himself of the warranty, in the same man- ner shall the warrantor lose, in case where he or she denieth his or her warranty, and it be tried against him or her, that he or she is bound to warranty. Arid farl/zer, that in all cases where an inquest shall be depending between the tenant and the warrantor, and the demandant will require a writ to cause the jury to come, it shall be granted. And be ii‘ farl/zer mated by the aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That if any per- son be disseised of his or her freehold, and shall recover seisin by assise Proceed- ings where possession of novel disseisin, or by confession of them that did the disseisin, and recovered after the plaintiff hath had seisin delivered by the sheriff, if the said y writ of novel dis- disseisors do again disseise the same plaintiff of the same freehold, and Zfigsiggiifd thereof be convicted, the plaintiff shall recover double damages, and the redisseisors shall be also punished by fine and imprisonment, and shall be forthwith taken, and committed and kept in gaol until they shall have paid such damages and fine, and be thence delivered by due course of law. And the manner of proceeding in such case shall be as follows; when the plaintiff shall come to the chancery, he or she shall have a writ directed to the sheriff in which must be contained the plaint of disseisin upon the disseisin, and therefore it shall be commanded to the 'sheriff, that taking with him the coroner of the county, or one of them, if there be more than one in the same county, and two or more justices of the peace in the same county, he go in his proper person to the tene- ment or pasture, whereof the plaint had been made, and before them, by the first jurors and other neighbours and lawful men, if the first recovery was by verdict, if not, then by neighbours and lawful men, he dilligently thereof make inquisition; and if they find the plaintiff dis- seised again as aforesaid, then the sheriff shall do according to the pro- vision aforesaid: but if it be found otherwise, then' the plaintiff shall be amerced, and the others shall go quit. But no sheriff shall proceed in any such plaint without a special writ. And in the same manner it again dis- seised by same dis- seisor. shall be done to them, who shall recover their seisin of any lands or - tenements, by verdict, default, reddition or otherwise, in any real action, in any court of record, if they be afterwards disseised by the first de- forcers, against whom they shall have recovered. And be it furi/zer enaeled by i/ze aui/zorizy aforesaid, That if any per- son hath demised, or shall demise, his or her lands, to any other person, and to his or her heirs, rendering a certain annual rent for the same, and he or she who holdeth the land so charged, letteth it lie fresh, so that the party can find no distress there by the space of two years to compel the farmer to render, or to do as is contained in the writing or lease, then the two years being passed, the lessor or grantor, or his heirs or assigns, shall have an action to demand the land in demesne, by writ out of the chancery, in this form. Command A, that justly and without delay he render to B, one mes- suage with the appurtenances in C, which the same B demised to the aforesaid A, rendering therefore yearly to the same B (such a certain rent) and which to him ought to revert, because the aforesaid A, in paying the aforesaid rent hath ceased, by two years, as he saith. And Action to recover rent of lands where dis- tress can- not be found. Form of writ. 462 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 50. View of land, when to be granted. Writs of cousinage, afleand besaile. Writs, abatement of. Novel disseisin; death of disseisor before assise passed. if he or she against whom the land is demanded, come before judgment, and pay the arrearages, and the damages and costs, and find surety, such as the court shall think sufficient, to pay the rent from thenceforth, as is contained in the writing or lease, he or she shall keep the land; but if he or she neglect until it be recovered by judgment, he or she shall be barred for ever; and in like manner if any withhold from any person, of whom he or she holds, his or her due and accustomed ser- vice, by two years, the person to whom the same is or shall be due, shall have an action to demand the lands in demesne, by a writ in this form. “Command A, that justly and without delay he render to B, (such a tenement) which the aforesaid A holds of him, by (such certain service) and which to the aforesaid B ought to revert, because the afore- said A in doing the service aforesaid, hath ceased by two years, as he saith.” And fart/ler, that as well in the case of rent, as in the cases of services, writs of entry shall be made as aforesaid, for the heirs of the demandant, and against the heirs of the tenant, and against them to whom such land shall be aliened. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That from hence- forth view shall not be granted to the tenant, but in case where a view of the land is necessary; and that if one lose land by default, and he or she who loseth shall purchase a writ to demand the same land, and in case where one, by an exception dilatory, abateth a writ after the view of the land, as by non tenure, misnaming of the town, or such like, and the demandant purchaseth another writ, in these cases the view shall not be granted if the party had view in the first writs: And in a writ of dower where the dower in demand is of land that the husband aliened to the tenant, or his or her ancestors, where the tenant ought not to be ignorant what land the husband did alien to him or her, or to his or her ancestor, though the husband did not die seised, yet the view shall not be granted to the tenant. And in awrit of entry, that is abated because the demandant misnamed the entry, if the demandant purchaseth another writ of entry, if the tenant had View in the first writ, he shall not have it in the second. And in all writs where lands are or shall be demanded by reason of a demise made by the demandant, or his or her ancestor to the tenant, and not to his or her ancestor, as that which the demand- ant or his or her ancestor, being within age, not of sound mind, or in prison, and such like, demised to the tenant, view shall not be granted ; but if the demise was to the ancestor of the tenant, view shall be granted, as hath been done before. > And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azctbority aforesaid, That in all writs of cousinage, aile and besaile, if the tenant will plead, that the plaintiff is not the next heir of the ancestor, by whose death he or she demand- eth the land, such plea shall be received, and the matter inquired of, and the court shall proceed to judgment, according to the verdict there- upon to be given. And be iifurt/zer enacted by Me ant/zority aforesaid, That no writ shall be abated by the exception of nontenure of parcel, but for the quantity of the nontenure so alledged. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by the azct/zority aforesaid, That if any person shall purchase a writ of novel desseisin, and he or she, against whom the writ is brought as principal disseisor, dieth before the assise be passed, then the plaintiff shall have his, or her writ of entry upon desseisin, against the heir or heirs of the disseisor or disseisors, of what age soever such heir or heirs may be; and likewise the heir or heirs of the disseisee shall have his, her or their, writ or writs ‘of entry, against 'the disseisors, or their heirs, of what age soever they be, if the disseisee die before he ca“. 50.] ' TENTH SESSION. 463 hath purchased his writ, so that for the non age of the heirs of the one part or other, the writ shall not be abated, nor the plea delayed. And fie ii‘ fart/zer eizaez‘ed fiy z‘lze aaz‘lzorizjl aforesaid, That if a child Inquest on within age be holden from his or her inheritance, after the death of his 23,’, or her father, mother, brother, sister, cousin, grand father or great grand légrg’gddg' father, whereby such‘infant is driven to his or her writ, and his or her reason of adversary cometh into the court, and for answer alledgeth a feoffment, Infancy‘ or pleadeth some other thing by which the court would formerly award the age, and defer the inquest until the full age of the infant, from hence— forth, in every such case, the inquest shall not be deferred until the full age of the infant, but shall pass as if he or she was of full age. And fie i2‘ farz‘lzer eizaez‘ed fiy i/ze aai/zoriiy aforesaid, That all tenants Pleas may in assise of novel disseisin, may either appear and plead in person, or gggglggg'gi; make and appear and plead by their attornies, or plead by bailiffs, at bailiff- ftheir pleasure. A 72d fie iz‘furlfiereizaeledfiy l/ze aai/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the pannels of Panel qt the assises shall in all cases be arrayed, and a copy thereof delivered by Egebzsgfe‘i the sheriff or his deputy to the plaintiffs, tenants and defendants, if they pared Six demand the same, at least six days before the circuit court, or session fgficboegrt, of the justices at which the same shall be returnable, upon pain that every sheriff or other officer, neglecting his duty herein, shall forfeit, for every offence, to the party grieved, the sum of twenty pounds, to be recovered with costs of suit, in any court of record, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information. A 12d fie iz‘fari/zer eizaez‘ed fiy i/ze aai/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the plaintiff Plaintiff in every assise may from henceforth at his pleasure sever and abridge $31,162, his or her plaint, of a moiety, or any other part or parts, whereunto any plaint} . . . - - where bar bar is or shall he pleaded, in such like manner as he or she might do, in pleaded_ case the pleas in bar had been made, and divided to any certainty or number of acres in the plaint; and that the plaint for the residue of the part or parts of the lands, not abridged, shall be and‘ stand good and effectual in the law. And fie ii‘ fzlri/zer eaaez‘ed fiy l/ze azeZ/zorily aforesaid, That from the Tenant not time any plea shall be moved by writ, the tenant shall not make any fiyagggnmlt waste or estrepement of land in demand, pending the suit; and if he or Whigesuit she do, the court wherein the plea depends shall cause the land in pan mg’ demand to be kept at the suit of the demandant. And fie ii‘ farz‘lzer eizaez‘ed fiy i/ze aal/zorizy aforesaid, That all writs Fifteen of summons, and attachments, and other process in pleas of lands, shall foagiglba from henceforth have full fifteen days at the least between the days of g‘gigggtgate the test and the days of the return thereof. And farl/zer, that in all and return. writs of dower, after issue joined, it shall not be needful or requisite to have above fifteen days between the test and the return of the venire facias, or any other process to be sued out for the trial of the said issue, but that the writ of venire facias and other process after issue joined, and until judgment be given, having only fifteen days between the teste and the return thereof, shall be good and effectual. And also, that all writs of summons to the warranty, and all other process in any real action, being tested the last day, or any other day in any term and returnable the first day or anyother day in the next succeeding term, shall be good and effectual. And for avoiding secret summons in real actions, without convenient Proclama- notice to the tenants of the freehold; Be it farz‘lzer 67ZCZCZ8£27 fiy z‘lze 3,05,32,15 aal/zorizj/ aforesaid, That after every summons upon the lands, in any at nearest - church real action, and fourteen days at the least before the day of the return do“ thereof, the sheriff to whom such summons shall be directed, shall make 464 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 50. Where default made on first attach- ment, great distress awarded. Court may order issues lev- ied to be sold; ap- plication of process. Writs of execution . When non- sult not to pass on or cause proclamation of the same summons to be made, at or near the most usual door of the church of the town or place Where the land whereupon the summons was made, doth lie, upon a Sunday, immediately after divine service and sermon, if any there be; and if there be more than one church in such town, then such proclamation shall be made in form aforesaid, at or near to the most usual door of the church nearest to the said lands: and if there be no church in such town, then such proclamation shall be made in form aforesaid, at or near to the most usual door of the church in the same county nearest to the said land; and such proclamation so made as aforesaid, shall be returned, together with the names of the summoners ; and if such summons shall not be proclaimed and returned as aforesaid, then no grand cape to be awarded, but an alias or pluries summons, as the cause shall require, until a sum- mons and proclamation shall be duly made, and returned as aforesaid. And for avoiding delays in all manner of writs and attachments; Be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aztt/zority aforesaid, That if the tenant or defend— ant, after the first attachment returned, make default, the great distress shall be immediately awarded, and the tenant or defendant shall be dis- trained from time to time, until he or she do appear, or comply with the purpose of such writ. And if the sheriff do not make a sufficient return to any such writ, at the day of the return thereof, he shall be amerced. And w/zereas the process by distringas as heretofore used, is dilatory and expensive; for remedy whereof, Be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That the court out of which the writ proceeds, may order the issues levied, from time to time to be sold, and the monies arising thereby to be applied to pay such costs to the plaintiff as the court shall think just, under all the circumstances to order, and the surplus to be. retained until the defendant or tenant shall have appeared, or other purpose of the writ be answered; and when the purpose of the writ is answered, that then the said issues shall be returned, or if sold, what shall remain of the money arising by such sale, shall be repaid to the party distrained upon. And because such things as be recorded before the chancellor, and the judges and justices who have record, and be inrolled in their rolls, process of plea ought not to be made by summons, attachment’, view of land, and other solemnities of the court, as hath been used to be done of bargains and covenants made out of court; therefore be it fart/ter enacted [2y t/ze aztt/zority aforesaid, That from henceforth those things which are found inrolled before those who have record, or contained in fines, whether they be recoveries or judgments had, or contracts, cove- nants, obligations, services or customs acknowledged, or other thing whatsoever, inrolled, wherein the court, without offence of the law and custom, may execute their authority, shall have such force that the party at any time within the year, after the same are or shall be had, levied or acknowledged, shall have a writ of execution of the same, and when the fine, judgment, recovery or recognizance be levied, had or made of a further time passed, the sheriff shall be commanded that he make known to the party of whom it is complained, that he or she be before the jus- tices or court at a certain day, to shew if he or she have any thing to say why such matters inrolled or contained in the fine ought not to have execution, and if he or she do not come at the day, or do come and can say nothing why execution ought not to be done, the sheriff shall be commanded to cause the thing inrolled or contained in the fine to be executed. And a; it fart/ter enacted [2y t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That where a verdict hath been or shall be found in assise, or in any other action CHAP. 52.] TENTH SESSION. 465 whatsoever, and the parties have been or shall be adjourned upon diffi- verdict for - , - - defendant. culty in law upon the matter so found, the plaintiff shall not be non— suited if the verdict pass against him or her. CHAP. 51. AN ACT for the relief of persons holding or possessing State agent’s certificates. PASSED the 13th of March, 1787. Be ii‘ e/zaeled by Me People of z‘lze Stale of 1V6‘ZU York, rryfireselzled ia Treasurer Seattle and Assembly, and ii is hereby mauled by i/ze aai/zoriiy of i/ze same, ggilyerg'n That it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this State, to receive lean cer— on loan until the first day of May next, certificates issued by Udny Hay Esquire, late agent of this State, or any of his assistant agents, any thing iggsassist' in the twenty-fifth section of the act entitled “An act for the payment ' of certain sums of money and for other purposes therein memtioned ” passed the 5th of May 1786, to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. Provided always that the person offering any such certificates to the treasurer, shall upon oath or otherwise, prove to the satisfaction of the said treasurer, that the same certificates were in the hands of a bona fide proprietor, on the first day of September one thousand seven hun dred and eighty six. CHAP. 52. AN ACT for the relief of Garret Rapalie. PASSED the r3th of March, 1787. WHEREAS it hath been represented, that Garret Rapalie an insolvent Preamble_ debtor, now confined for debt in the gaol of the city of New York is indebted to the people of this State, and the said Garret Rapalie having prayed for relief in the premises. Therefore Be it eaaeled by Me People of fire Siaie of .Nezt' Yer/e, represented in Treasurer Se/zai‘e and Assembly, and ii‘ is lzereby e/zaeled by l/ze aal/zoriiy of i/ze same, gtg’ebggti- That the treasurer of this State shall be, and he is hereby authorized tioning and required, to liqudate the debt due from the said Garret Rapalie to i’éidéiii... the people of this State, on such principles and proofs as to him shall 53211;‘: appear proper and just, and having so liquidated the same, and ascer- debt due tained the amount of the debt so due, it shall and may be lawful, to and State‘ for the said treasurer on the behalf of the people of this State, to join in a petition with any other creditor or creditors of the said Garret Rapalie, and to state the sum which shall be so found due as. aforesaid, to be due to the people of this State, in order to enable the said Garret Rapalie to take the benefit of the act entitled “An act for the relief of insolvent debtors” passed 13th April 1786. Provided 'aeoerz‘lzeless, that the said treasurer shall on oath declare, that the debt so by him stated as due to the people of this State, is to the best of his knowledge and belief true and just, and that he doth not know or believe that any security of any kind whatsoever hath been taken for the same. VoL. 2.—— 59 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 54 Preamble. Court may order sale of mort- gaged premises without appraise— ment. Preamble. Death of absconding debtor not affect pro- ceedings by trustees CHAP. 53. AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An act for making process in courts of equity effectual against mortgagors who abscond and cannot be served therewith, or who refuse to appear. PASSED the 13th of March, 1787. \VHEREAS in and by the act entitled “An act for making process in courts of equity effectual against mortgagers who abscond and cannot be served therewith, or who refuse to appear” passed the 7th March 1785, it is directed, that before any decree shall be made on any bill therein mentioned, the court shall cause the mortgaged premises to be appraised on oath by two indifferent persons, to be appointed by the court, that the value of the same may be known by the court as nearly as may be before the decree be made. And w/zereas it is found by experience that in most cases, the causing the mortgaged premises to be appraised in manner aforesaid before any decree shall be made, is attended with delay and considerable expence, and no valuable purpose answered thereby. Therefore Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New Yor/e, represented in Senate and A ssenzbly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze ant/zority of tbe same, That it shall and may be lawful for the chancellor, to decree and order a sale of any such mortgaged premises in pursuance of the said act, without any such appraisement as aforesaid, except in such cases where he shall judge the same to be necessary, any thing in the aforesaid act to the contrary notwithstanding. CHAP. 54. AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An act for relief against absconding and absent debtors.” PASSED the 13th of March, 1787. WHEREAS doubts may arise upon the said act, whether deeds executed by the trustees, and proceedings carried on against fraudulent, abscond- ing or concealed debtors after their decease, are valid in the law. Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New Yer/e represented in Senate and A ssenzbly, and it is bereby enacted by tbe ant/zorizj/ of tbe san'ze, That in all cases as well where any such debtor or debtors shall have died, as where any such debtor or debtors shall die after the time fixed for such debtor or debtors appearance by the order or notification of the judge before whom the proceedings were had shall have expired, the proceedings shall not be discontinued by the death of Such debtor or debtors, but may be carried on to a final conclusion, as if the said debtor or debtors had remained in full life, and all such proceedings and all deeds executed or to be executed in pursuance thereof are hereby declared as legal as if executed whilst the said debtor or debtors were living. CHAP. 56.] ' T TENTH sEssioN. 467 CHAP. 55. AN ACT for raising a further sum of money to complete the court house and gaol in Dutchess county. PASSED the 14th of March, 1787 WHEREAS the supervisors of the county of Dutchess, have by their preamble_ \ petition requested the legislature to enable them by law, to raise a further sum of money, to complete the court house and gaol in the Said county, therefore. Be it‘ eizaeled fiy l/ze People of Me Slate of New Yer/e, represented in Supervis- Senate and Assemfily, and it is lzerefiy eizaei‘ed fiy i/ze aalfiorizfy of tile same, 01's to levy - . . . tax of That the supervisors of the several precincts in the said county for the £1.300in time being, shall be, and they are hereby authorized and required to 033133338 direct to be raised and levied on the freeholders and inhabitants of the said county, a further stun of one thousand three hundred pounds, with an additional sum of eight pence in the pound for collecting the same; which said sum shall be raised levied and collected in the like manner, as the other necessary and contingent charges of the county are levied and collected. And fie ii‘ farl/zer elzaez‘ed fiy i/ze aal/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the super- Meeting of visors of the said county of Dutchess, shall meet for the purpose of Eggemi'n dividing the said sum to be raised and levied, by virtue of this act, at and where the dwelling house of Stephen _Hendrickson in Poughkeepsie, in the held‘ said county, on the first Tuesday in May next; and it is hereby made the duty of the clerk of the supervisors of the said county, to notify the respective supervisors of such meeting. A/zd fie it farl/ier enacted fiy l/ze aai/ioriz‘y aforesaid, That the monies Tax, when directed to be raised by virtue of this act, shall be collected and paid {gclggdcgjgd into the treasury of the said county of Dutchess, on or before the first paid; how‘ r . - paid out. Tuesday of September next; and the treasurer of the said county is hereby required and directed, to pay to the order of the supervisors of the said county, so much of the said monies as they shall require for completing the court house and gaol aforesaid, and the residue, if any there be, shall be retained by him to be disposed of, and applied for the general benefit of the county, in such manner as the supervisors of the said county shall direct. And fie if fZlI’Z/ZL’I’ e/zaeied fiy l/ie aal/zorily aforesaid, That it shall and Fees of may be lawful for the treasurer of the said county of Dutchess, to re- fifgg‘gfgen tain in his own hands the sum of three pence in the pound, for his trouble in receiving and paying out the monies directed to be raised by this act. CHAP. 56. AN ACT for making lands and tenements, liable to be sold by executions for debt, and for the more easy discovery of judg- ments, and the better security and relief of purchasers, and creditors. PASSED the 19th of March, 1787. Be iz‘ eizaez‘ed fiy the People of l/ze Siaz‘e of New York, represe/zz‘ed in Real estate Senate and Assemfily, and ii‘ is izerefiy enacted fiy tfie aal/zoriz‘y of file same, 235 33 That all and singular the lands, tenements and real estate of every execution- 468 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 56- debtor, shall be, and hereby are made liable to be sold upon executions, to be issued by virtue of any judgment, heretofore had or hereafter to’ be had in any court of record, against such debtor, for the payment and satisfaction of the debt or damages, so recovered, or to be recovered. J udge to And oe it fart/ter enacted by Me aat/torizj/ aforesaid, That every judge or officer of any court of record, who shall sign any judgment, shall at glllldsljiglllégi the time of signing the same, ‘without any fee for doing the same, set D down the day and year of his signing the same judgment, upon the mar~ gin of the roll or record where the same judgment shall be entered; and that the clerks of the said respective courts shall mark upon the back of every roll or judgment filed in their respective offices, the time of filing the same. A/zdfart/zer, that no judgment shall affect any lands or tenements, as to purchasers or mortgagees, or have any preference against heirs, executors or administrators, in their administration of their ancestors, testators, or intestates estates, but from the time of the actual filing of the roll or record of the same judgment in their respective offices, after the same shall have been signed as aforesaid. gaglilglé A //d oe it fart/cer enacted by t/zc aztt/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the several m 15;, made and respective clerks of the several and respective courts of record in by clerks' this State, shall, before the last day of the term or court next after the first day of july, in the present year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, and so in every term, or at every court, or within six days thereafter, make or cause to be made and put into an alphabetical docket, by the name or names, of the party or parties, against whom any judgment shall be entered, a particular of all judg- ments, by confession, non sum informatus or nihil dicit, and upon ver- dicts, writs of inquiry, demurrer and every other judgment, for debt or damages, entered in the said respective courts, of the term, or at the court preceding; which shall contain the name and names of the plain- tiff and plaintiffs, and the name and names of the defendant and defend» ants, his, her or their place or places of abode and title, trade or pro- fession, if any such be in the record of such judgment; and the debt damages, and costs recovered thereby; and the said respective dockets. shall be fairly put into and kept in books,_in the respective offices of the said respective clerks, to be searched and viewed by all persons, at reasonable times, upon pain that every clerk of the said respective courts, shall respectively, for every term or court in which he shall omit or neglect to do his duty in the premises, forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds, the one moiety to the party aggrieved,‘ and the other moiety to‘ him or them who shall sue for the same; to be recovered with costs of suit in any court of record, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information.. Aadfart/zer, that no judgment, not docketted and entered in the books as aforesaid, shall affect any lands or tenements, as to purchasers or mortgagees, or have any preference against heirs, executors or adminis- trators, in their administration of their ancestors, testators or intestates estates. . Date of en- Arid oe it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aztt/torizj/ aforesaid, That the day of the 131832219? of month and year of the enrollment of recognizances, shall hereafter be Zancetobe set down in the margin of the roll, where the same recognizances are- entered on _ _ - 7 ~ . roll. enrolled; and that no recognizance shall bind any lands, tenements or hereditaments, in the hands of any purchaser or mortgagee, bona fide, and for valuable consideration, but from the time of such enrollment. Execution And tie it fart/ter enacted oy t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That no writ of 13,208,133,“ execution, shall from henceforth bind the property of the goods of any debtolj person, against whom such writ of execution shall be sued forth, but from “me from the time that such writ shall be delivered to the sheriff, under CHAP. 56.] :I‘ENTH SESSION. l 469 ‘sheriff, coroner or other officer to be executed. And for the better ‘manifestation of the said time, the sheriff, under sheriffycoroners and other officers, their deputies and agents, shall, upon the receipt of any such writ, without fee for doing the same, indorse upon the back thereof, the day of the month and year, when he or they received the same. A ad be ii‘ farl/zer eaaei‘ed by i/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That where any debt hath been or shall be recovered or acknowledged, or damages adjudged or awarded, in any court of record, it shall from henceforth be lawful for him, her or them, who shall sue for such debt or damages, to have an execution against the body of such debtor, or a writ com- manding the sheriff or other proper officer, to cause such debt and dam- ages to be made of the goods and chattles of such debtor, or person chargeable with such debt, in the usual form, or of the goods and chat- tels, lands and tenements of the debtor, or person chargeable with such debt, in the form herein after mentioned; but no execution shall be issued against the body, or the proper goods and chattels, lands and tenements of any heir, devisee, executor, or administrator, unless he, she or they, shall have made their estate liable to the same debt, by false pleading, or otherwise. A/zd fari/zer, that every person who hath been or shall hereafter be taken or arrested, by virtue of any such writ of execution, against his or her body, for any such debt or damages, by any sheriff or other officer, to whom any such writ hath been or shall be directed, and every person who hath been or shall be committed to the ‘custody of any sheriff or other officer, in execution for any such debt or damages, shall be safely kept in prison, in close and secure custody, without bail or mainprize, living at his or her own costs, until he or she shall satisfy and pay such debt and damages; and if any such sheriff or other officer, shall permit any such person so taken, arrested or com- mitted, or hereafter to be taken, arrested or committed, to go out of prison, or be at large, by bail, mainprize or otherwise, without the assent and agreement of the plaintiff, such sheriff or other officer shall thereby become answerable to the plaintiff, for the debt and damages for which such person was taken, arrested or committed, and the plaintiff may recover the same with costs, by action of debt, bill or plaint, against such sheriff or other officer. And be ii‘ fziri/zer enaeied by l/ze azii/zorizy aforesaid, That in every writ of execution hereafter to be issued against lands and tenements, the sheriff or other officer, to whom such writ shall be directed, shall be commanded, that of the goods and chattels of the person or persons against whom such execution issues, in his county or bailiwick, he cause to be made, the debt, damages, and costs or sum of money, in such ex- ecution specified; and if sufficient goods and chattels of such person or persons cannot be found in his bailiwick or county, that then he cause the said debt, damages, and costs or sum of money, to be made of the lands and tenements whereof such person or persons were, or was seised, on the day when the same lands became liable to such debt, damages, or sum of money, specifying the day particularly, or at any time afterwards, in whose hands soever the same may then be. But when any such execution shall be issued against any person or persons, as tertenants, or as heirs or devisees of any person deceased, unless they shall have made their estate liable by false pleading, or otherwise, such writ shall only command the sheriff or other officer, to whom the same shall be directed, that of the lands and tenements, whereof the ances- tor, testator or person deceased was seized, on the day the same lands became liable as aforesaid, or at any time afterwards, or at the time of his or her death, as the case may require he cause to be made, the of delivery to sheriff. Body exe- cution, in what ac- tions to issue. Contents of execu- tion; direc- tion to sheriff. 470 LAWS OF NEW YORK. ‘ [CHAR 56. debt, damages and costs, or sum of money in the same writ specified- Where one And fart/ter, that where lands or tenements, in the hands of several of several parcels of and liable to judg- ment, is sold. Purchaser of lands on execution; right of action in case of eviction. persons, are or shall be liable to satisfy any judgment or debt of record, and the whole, or more than a due proportion Shall be paid by, or levied upon the lands of any one or more of them, the person or persons so- aggrieved, his, her or their executors or administrators, may have a writ out of chancery, setting forth his, her or their grievance, directed to the justice of the supreme court, commanding them to hear the complaint, and to do justice to the parties ; and the justices of the supreme court shall thereupon cause the party or parties, against whom such complaint shall be made, to be warned, to be before them, at a certain day, to shew, if he, she or they have any thing to say, why his, her or their lands should not be charged with a due proportion of the monies so paid or levied ; and if he, she or they, do not come at the day, or do come and can say nothing, why his, her or their lands Should not be charged with a due proportion of the monies so paid, or levied, then the sheriff of each county, in which Such lands and tenements So charge- able, are or shall be situated, shall he commanded, that by the oath of twelve good and lawful men of his county or bailiwick, he diligently inquire, what was the true value of the lands and tenements in the hands of each of the parties respectively, in his county or bailiwick, so charge- able, at the time they became chargeable as aforesaid ; and that he send the inquisition which he Shall take thereof, before the Same justices, at a certain day, under his Seal, and the seals of those by whose oath he shall take such inquisition: And when the value of the whole lands and tenements so chargeable, shall be found, the justices shall apportion the money so paid or levied, together with the plaintiff’s damages and‘ costs of suit, among the several holders of the said lands and tenements so chargeable, according to equity and justice; and shall cause so much as each person ought to pay, to be levied of the said lands and tene- ments, so held by him or her, and to be paid to the plaintiff or plaintiffs. And fnrt/zer, if any purchaser of any lands or tenements, upon any execution heretofore issued, or hereafter to be issued, or his or her heirs or assigns, shall be evicted on account of any irregularity in the pro- ceedings or want of title in the person or persons, against whom such execution issued, or by reason of any prior incumbrance, then, and in every such case, the person or persons so evicted, his, her or their ex- ecutors or administrators, may have a writ out of the chancery, setting forth, his, her or their grievance, directed to the justices of the supreme court, commanding them to hear the complaint, and to do justice to the parties; and the justices of the supreme court shall thereupon cause, as well the party or parties, at whose suit, or for whose benefit the same lands and tenements were sold, as the party against whom the execution issued, or their respective heirs, devisees, executors, or administrators, to be warned to be before them at a certain day, to shew if they or either of them have any thing to say, why the plaintiff should not be restored to the monies paid for the said lands and tenements; and if they do not come at the day, or do come and can say nothing why the plaintiff should not have restitution of the said monies, the plaintiff shall have judgment and execution for the same, together with his costs of suit, against him, her or them, who ought to repay the same; and the party in whose favour such former judgment was had, or his heirs, devisees, executors or administrators, who may be charged by such judgment of restitution, shall thereupon have such further judgment and execution as justice shall require. CHAP. 56.] TENTH SESSION. 471 And fie ilfzcri/zer enacted fiy i/ze azcz‘lzorizy aforesaid, That all prisoners, Prisoner to be actually either upon contempt or mesne process, or in execution, who are or detained shall be committed to any prison, shall be actually detained within such iuflngrison prison, until they shall be from thence discharged by due course of law. fully 1 law- dis- And if at any time the keeper or keepers of any prison shall permit or charged‘ suffer any prisoner committed to his or their custody, either upon con- tempt or mesne process, or in execution, to go or to be at large, out of his or their respective prisons (except by virtue of some writ of habeas corpus or rule of court, (which rule of court shall not be granted but on motion made, or petition read in open court) every such going or being out of the said prison, shall be judged and deemed, and is hereby declared to be an escape. A/zd fie iz‘ fari/zer e/zacled fiy i/ze aai/ioriz‘y aforesaid, That if any sheriff Penalty for ’s or keeper of any prison, shall take any sum of money, reward or gratuity whatsoever, or any security for the same, to procure, assist, connive at, or permit any escape of any prisoner, in his or their custody, and shall be thereof lawfully convicted, every such sheriff or keeper, shall, for every such offence, forfeit the sum of five hundred pounds, and his said office, and be for ever after incapable of executing any such office. A/zd fie ii‘ fari/zer enacted fiy i/ze aal/zorizy afi2resa2'd, That no retaking on fresh pursuit, shall be given in evidence on trial of any issue in any action of escape, against any sheriff or keeper of any prison, unless the same shall be specially pleaded; nor shall any special plea be taken, received, or allowed, unless oath be made, in writing, by such sheriff or keeper of any prison, against whom such action shall be brought, and filed with such plea, that the prisoner, for whose escape such action is brought, did without his consent, privity or knowledge, make such escape, and if such affidavit shall at any time afterwards appear to be false, and such sheriff or keeper of any prison shall be convicted thereof by due course of law, he shall forfeit the sum of five hundred pounds And fie ii‘ farl/zer e/zacz‘ed fiy l/ze aai/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the party or parties at whose suit, or to whom any person doth or shall stand charged in execution, for any debt or damages recovered, his, her or their, executors or administrators, may, after the death of the said per- son so charged and dying in execution, lawfully sue forth and have new execution against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements, or any of them, of the person so deceased, in such manner and form, to all intents and purposes, as if he, she or they, or any of them, might have had, by the laws and statutes of this State, if such person so deceased had never been taken or charged in execution; but no person or per- sons, his, her or their executors or administrators, at whose suit or suits any such party shall be in execution, and die in execution, shall have or take any new execution against any the lands, tenements or heredita- ments of such party, so dying in execution, which shall at any time after the judgment or judgments against such party so dying, and by reason whereof such party was taken or charged in execution, be by him, or her, sold bona fide for the payment of any of his or her creditors, and the money which shall be paid for the lands so sold, either paid or secured to be paid, to any of his or her creditors, with their privity, and consent, in discharge of his, her or their due debts, or of some part thereof, nor against any lands, tenements or hereditaments of any such person so dying in execution, which shall have been sold by reason of any other judgment against the said party so dying in execution. And fie if furz‘lzer enacted fiy i/ze azcl/zorizy aforesaid, That if any person who is or shall be committed in execution to any prison, shall escape sheriff taking bribe to allow escape. Retaking notbe given in evidence unless pleaded. Execution against property of deceased _ debtor. Where prisoner escapes, 47 2 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 57. newexe- from thence, by any ways or means howsoever, the creditor or creditors 355,332, at whose suit such prisoner was charged in execution, at the time of his or her escape, shall, or may retake such prisoner by any new capias, or ' capias ad satisfaciendum, or sue forth any other kind of execution on the judgment, as if the body of such prisoner, had never been taken in execution. Debtor And be itfarfl/er enacted by .t/re ant/writ); aforesaid, That if any person . condemned to prison hath been or shall be condemned in any court of record in this State, byorderqf and hath been or shall be, by virtue of any such condemnation com- court until - - ~ - - - Satisfac_ mitted to prison, there to remain until he or she shall make satisfaction fligtntglggei to the party, to whom he or she is or shall be condemned, and any writ released or writs shall be granted, commanding the sheriff or keeper of the prison, on ball’ where such prisoner is holden, to have the body of such prisoner, with the cause of his or her imprisonment, in the chancery, or in any other court, or before the chancellor, or before any judge or justice, and it be returned upon the said writ or writs, that such prisoner is condemned by judgment given against him or her, then, and in every such case, such prisoner shall be immediately remanded, where he or she shall remain continually in prison according to the law and custom of this State, without being let to go by bail or mainprize, against the will of the party to whom such prisoner is or shall be condemned, until satis- faction be made to him or her for the sum adjudged. CHAP. 57. AN ACT for granting and securing to John Fitch, the sole right and advantage of making and employing for a limited time, the steam boat by him lately invented. PASSED the 19th of March, 1787. Preamble. \VHEREAS John Fitch of Bucks county in the State of Pennsylvania, hath represented to the legislature of this State, that he hath constructed an easy and expeditious method of impelling boats through the water by the force of steam, praying that an act may pass, granting to him, his executors, administrators and assigns, the sole and exclusive right of making, employing and navigating, all boats impelled by the force of steam or fire, within the jurisdiction of this State, for a limited time. Wberefore, in order to promote and encourage so useful an improve- ment and discovery, and as a reward for his ingenuity, application and diligence, Sole right‘ Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New Yor/e, represented in 'gggagjga' Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze ant/iority of t/ze sanze, Steamboat That the said John Fitch, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, Etta, shall be, and they are hereby vested with the sole and exclusive right of Pen.“— and privilege of constructing, making, using, employing, and navigating, sylvania. . . . all and every species or kind of boats or water craft, which may be urged or impelled through the water by the force of fire or steam, in all creeks, rivers, bays and waters whatsoever, within the territory and jurisdiction of this State, for and during the full end and term of fourteen years, from and after the present session of the legislature. 'Penalty for unauthor_ And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That if any person izftq nagi- or persons whomsoever, without being properly authorised, by him the IUD - . . . . . Sgteamboic said John Fitch, his heirs, executors or administrators, shall make, use, CHAP. 58.] TENTH SESSION. 473 employ or navigate any boat or water craft, which shall or may be urged, impelled, forced or driven through the water, by the force, power or agency of fire or steam as aforesaid, within the territory or jurisdiction of this State, every person or persons so offending, against the tenor, true intent and meaning of this act, for each and every such offence, shall forfeit and pay unto the said John Fitch, his heirs, executors or administrators, or to such other person or persons as he the said John Fitch his heirs or assigns, shall authorise and empower for that purpose, the sum of one hundred pounds, to be recovered by action of debt in any court of record, within this State, wherein the same may be cogniz- able, with costs of suit; and shall also forfeit to him the said john Fitch, his heirs or assigns, all such boats or water craft, together with the steam engine, and all the appurtenances thereof, to be recovered in manner aforesaid, with costs of suit. Provided always, A 12d be ii‘ fari/zer eaaeled by Me aai/zoriiy aforesaid, That neither this Act to act, nor any clause, manner or thing therein contained, shall be taken, $233; $3? deemed or construed to prohibit or prevent any person or persons from 556123 by making, using, employing or navigating, within this State, any kind of ' boats or water craft, heretofore invented, or hereafter to be invented, on any other principles construction or model, which may be urged, impelled, or driven along through the water, by any other power, force, agency or means, except fire or steam. CHAP. 58. AN ACT for the better extinguishing of fires in the city of New York. PASSED the 19th of March, I787. Be ii eaaeied by the People “of i/ze Siaie of New York, represented in Firemen in Senate and Assembly, and ii‘ is lzereby erzaeied by file aza‘lzorizfy of i/ze same, 15%;‘: York That it shall and may be lawful, to and for the mayor, aldermen and appoint?- commonalty of the city of New York, in common council convened, or ment 0 ' the major part of them, and they are hereby required to nominate and appoint a sufficient number of strong, able, discreet, honest and sober men, willing to accept, not exceeding three hundred in number, of the inhabitants, being freeholders or freemen of the said city, to have the care, management, working and using the fire engines, and the other tools and instruments now provided, or hereafter to be provided, for extinguishing of fires within the said city; which persons so to be nom- inated and appointed, as aforesaid, shall be called, The Firemen of the City of New York, and who, with the engineers of the same city, are hereby required and enjoined, to be ready at all times, as well by night as by day, to manage, work and use the same fire engines, and other the tools and instruments aforesaid, so provided, and to be provided, for extinguishing of fires in the same city. And in order that the firemen so to be nominated and appointed as Firemen aforesaid, may be diligent and vigilant in the execution of their duty, ",ifoerglgéfig Be ii‘ fzirl/zer erzaez‘ed by i/ze aal/zorizfy aforesaid, That the persons so to and militia. be nominated and appointed firemen as aforesaid, and each and every duty’ etc‘ of them, from time to time, during their continuance in that office, and no longer, shall be, and hereby are declared, to be freed, exempted and privileged, from serving in the office of constable, and from being impaneled or returned upon any juries or inquests, and of and from VOL. 2. — 6o 474 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 58. Removal of fireman. Common counofl may ordain rules LO govern firemen. Sheriff. constables, etc., to keep order at fires. Inhabit- ants may be com- pelled to keep fire buckets. militia duty Within the said city, except in cases of invasion, or other imminent danger; and that the names of all firemen, to be nominated and appointed by virtue of this act, shall, from time to time, be registered and entered with the clerk of the peace of the said city; and his certifi- cate shall be sufficient evidence, in all courts and cases, of such privi~ lege and exemption. Ana’ furl/ler, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the said city, in com— mon council convened, or the major part of them, to remove and dis- place all or any of the firemen now appointed, or so as aforesaid to be nominated and appointed, by virtue of this act, when and as-often as they shall think fit, and others in the room or places, of such as they shall so remove or displace, to nominate and appoint, and so from time to time as they the said mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the said city, in common council convened, or the major part of them, for the time being, shall think proper. A 1m’ be it fm'i/zer maria! éy Z/m az/Z/mrz'fy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the said city, in common council convened, or the major part of them, to make establish and ordain, such rules, orders, ordinances and regula- tions, in respect of the government, conduct, duty and behavior of the persons to be by them from time to time, nominated and appointed firemen, in virtue of this act, in the working, managing and frequent exercising, trying and using of the same fire engines, tools and other instruments, and to impose and establish such reasonable fines, pen- alties and forfeitures, upon them, or any of them, for default or neglect of the duties and services thereby to be enjoined or required from them, as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the same city, in common council convened, or the major part of them, shall from ‘time to time think proper. Aim’ fie z'z‘ f/H'f/ZL’)’ e/zaaz‘m’ fiy f/ze al/Z/mrz'z‘y aforesaid, That upon the breaking out of any fire within the said city, the sheriff, deputy sheriffs, constables and marshals (upon notice thereof) shall immediately repair to the place where such fire shall happen, with their rods, staves and other badges of authority, and be aiding and assisting, as well in the extinguishing of the said fires, and causing th e persons attending the same, to work, as in preventing any goods or household furniture, from being stolen at such fires; and shall seize and apprehend all ill disposed persons whom they find stealing or pilfering: And that the officers afore- said shall also give their utmost assistance to the inhabitants in remov; ing and securing their said goods and furniture; and in the execution of the duties required from them by this act, shall in all respects be obedient to the orders and directions of the mayor, recorder and alder~ men of the said city, or such of them as shall from time to time, be pre- sent at such fires. A7207 be it furl/2121' guarded by {/26 azzZ/mrz'fy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the said city, in common council convened, by a bye-law or bye-laws, ordi- nance or ordinances, by them for that purpose to be made and ordained, to direct and require the inhabitants or owners of houses and other buildings in the said city, to furnish and provide themselves with such and so many fire buckets, to be ready in their respective houses and other buildings, for the purposes of extinguishing fires, which may hap- pen in the said city, and to impose and establish such reasonable fines, penalties ‘and forfeitures, for every neglect, default or disobedience thereof, as the said mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the said city, in common council eonvened, shall think proper. CHAP. 59.] TENTH SESSION. 47 01 And w/zereas the inhabitants of the said city, have, on all occasions of fire, not only chearfully afforded their ready assistance in extinguishing the same, but have also sent out their leather fire-buckets for that pur- pose, many of which have, from time to time, been burnt, distroyed or lost, for which no recompence or allowance hath been provided, which may approve a great discouragement to owners of buckets in furnishing them on the like occasion, for the future; for remedy whereof. Be it fz/ri/zer e/zacz‘ed fiy Z/ze aai/zorizfy aforesaid, That in case any per- Common son or persons shall hereafter lose any bucket or buckets, at any fire comm“ to _ _ _ _ providefor which may happen in the said city, and shall make proof before the payment mayor, recorder or any one of the aldermen of the said citv, for the £34553 time being, of the value of such bucket or buckets, and that the same 105w‘ fires was or were actually lost or destroyed in that service; that then and in such case, the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the said city in common council convened, shall, by warrant under the hand of the mayor or recorder, presiding at such common council directed to the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city, for the time being, order the value of such bucket or buckets to be paid to such person or persons, so making proof of the loss thereof, out of any monies remaining in his hands, for the payment of the contingent expences arising in the said city. And if any person or persons shall, at any time thereafter be convicted of having taken a false oath, touching the premises, he, she or they so offending, shall incur the penalties of willful and corrupt p e r u ry. Proaided (Z/‘ZUQTS. A/zd fie ii‘ farl/zer elzacz‘ed fiy l/ze aaz‘lzorizy aforesaid, That if any such Lost_buck— bucket or buckets, so proved to be lost as aforesaid, shall afterwards ,Qgsu’rigato happen to be found, the property thereof shall thenccforward be in the bepyoperty - v of city. mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, unless the owner or owners thereof, will take back the same, and return the money allowed and paid to him or them, for the loss thereof. CHAP. 59. AN ACT for the vmore effectual preservation of the public wells and pumps in the city of New-York. PASSED the 19th of March, I787. YVHEREAS it is found by experience that the keeping the public wells Preamble, and pumps in the city of New York in constant repair, hath contributed to-the safety of the said city against accidents by fire; Therefore Be ii‘ e/zacz‘ed fiy l/ze People of file Slate of New York, represe/zz‘ed i/z Overseers Se/zaz‘e a/zd Assez/zfily, and 2! is fierefiy e/zacz‘ed fiy i/ze azci‘fiorizfy of l/ze same, gld'fnps That it shall and may be lawful to and for the mayor, recorder and in New, _ aldermen, or any five of them, whereof the mayor or recorder to be one, and they are hereby directed and required, on the first Tuesday in May ment of- next, and on the first Tuesday in May in every year thereafter, to nom- inate and appoint one or more fit person or persons, for each and every of the wards of the said city, being inhabitants of the said city, and actually resident in such respective wards, to be overseers of the wells and pumps in such respective wards, for the year then next ensuing: All which persons so to be appointed as aforesaid, shall have the care and charge of all and every the public wells and pumps, which now are, or hereafter shall be sunk or made in the ward, for which he or they shall 476 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 59. Id. ; duty. Vacancies. Accounts to be kept. Penalty for neglect of duty. Accounts to be ren- dered to mayor, etc. be so severally appointed overseers, as aforesaid; of which appointment so to be made the said mayor, or recorder, with three or more aldermen shall within three days thereafter, send notice in writing, to each and every of the said persons, so by them to be appointed overseers as afore- said: And if any public well or pump shall stand in a street where two wards do join, then the aldermen of the two wards so joining, or if they disagree, the mayor or recorder, with them, shall. direct appoint which of the overseers shall take the care and charge of such well or pump: And if any public well or pump shall stand in a street where three wards do join, that then the aldermen of the said wards so join- ing, or the major part of them, shall direct and appoint which of the said overseers shall take the care and charge of such well or pump. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid, That each and every person so to be appointed overseer as aforesaid, shall, within eight days next after his being so appointed, and notice thereof to him given as aforesaid, cause all and every the wells and pumps, whereof he is or shall be appointed overseer as aforesaid, to be viewed, examined, cleansed and put in good order and repair, and shall so keep and main- tain them, from time to time, as long as he shall continue overseer thereof; and shall also from time to time, cause new pumps to be put into such wells as the alderman and assistant of the ward shall judge necessary. And in case any one or more of the overseers to be appointed by virtue of this act shall remove out of the said city, or shall die before the expiration of one year next after his being appointed, or being appointed, shall refuse to act; that then, and in either of the said cases, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said mayor, recorder and aldermen of the said city, or any five of them, whereof the mayor or recorder to be one, by a majority of voices, to appoint another or others in his or their room and stead; and so as often as such case shall happen. Andfnrt/zer, that all and every the overseers to be appointed by the said mayor, recorder and aldermen, by virtue of this act, shall keep just, fair and exact accounts of all and every sum and sums of money, which they, or any, of them, shall pay and expend, in about and towards the cleansing, maintaining and keeping in good repair, the wells and pumps, in his or their charge. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid, That in case any or either of the overseers so to be appointed by virtue of this act, shall neglect or refuse to accept the office, or having accepted thereof, shall neglect or refuse to do his duty therein, as is required by this act, every' such person, shall for every such refusal, neglect or delay, forfeit the sum of five pounds lawful money of this State, to be recovered by action of debt, with costs of suit, in any court within this State, having cogni- zance thereof, by any person or persons who shall sue and prosecute the same, to effect; one half of which forfeiture, when recovered, shall be paid to the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city, for the time being, and applied towards repairing such public wells and pumps, in the same manner as the other monies to be raised for that purpose, are directed to be appropriated; and the other half to the person who shall sue and prosecute for the same to effect, as aforesaid. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the over- seers of the public wells and pumps, in each of the wards of the said city, shall, once in every thee month, render to the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the said city of New York, in common council convened, a just and true account upon oath, of all and every sum and sums of money by him or them respectively paid and expended, in and about the cleansing, amending and repairing, the wells and pumps aforesaid, CHAP. 60.] TENTH SESSION. 477 together with the vouchers or receipts for the same, (to be by them inspected, examined and filed). And the said common council of the city of New York, shall thereupon forthwith issue their warrant, to be signed by the mayor or recorder, presiding at such common council, directed to the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city for the time being, and requiring him to pay to such overseer so producing vouchers, and making oath to his account, the full amount thereof, out of any monies remaining in his hands for such purposes. A/zd w/zereas divers disorderly persons, have frequently been guilty of cutting well ropes, and breaking the handles of pumps and doing other mischiefs to both, for prevention whereof for the future. Be iz‘fari/zer e/zaez‘ed by z‘lze aza‘borizj/ aforesaid, That if any person or persons shall artfully or maliciouslycut any of the public well-ropes, or break or injure the handles of, or do any other hurt or damage to any of the said wells or pumps, and shall thereof be convicted before the mayor, recorder or any one of the aldermen of the said city, either by the confession of the party or parties so offending, or by the oath of one or more credible witness or witnesses, he, she or they, shall for every such offence, forfeit the sum of forty shillings, to be recovered with costs of suit, and levied by warrant under the hand and seal of such mayor, recorder or aldermen, before whom such offender or offenders shall be convicted; one half of which forfeiture to be paid to the treasurer or chamberlain of the same city, for the time being, to be applied as afore- said and the other half to the person or persons, who shall prosecute for the same to effect: And upon refusal of payment of such forfeiture or forfeitures, and want of sufficient distress, whereon the same can be levied, then the said mayor, recorder or alderman, before whom such conviction shall take place, is hereby empowered and required, by war— rant under his hand and seal to commit every such offender, to the bridewell or house of employment of the said city, there to remain with- out bail or mainprize, for the space of one month, or until such forfeit- ure and cost shall be paid. And if such offence shall be committed by any apprentice, servant or slave, such forfeiture shall be paid by his or her master, mistress or owner; or in default thereof, such apprentice, servant or slave shall be committed to the bridewell or house of employ- ment of the said city in manner aforesaid. CHAP. 60. Malicious injury to pumps or wells, pun— ishment, for. AN ACT to vest the real estate of Hendrick Remsen deceased, ‘ in trustees, for the purposes therein mentioned. Passer) the 215i of March, 1787. \VHEREAS Hendrick Remsen late of the city of New York, merchant, deceased, did in his life time make and subscribe a certain instrument of writing, to the following effect, to wit, “My estate to be divided after my decease, joris 1500, Henry 1000, and the remainder to be equally divided among my four children, to wit, George Remsen, Henry Remsen, Dorothy Remsen and Phebe Remsen.” And zo/zereas all the said children of the said Hendrick Remsen being then of full age, did enter into articles of agreement with each other, under their several and respective hands and seals, to observe and abide by the intentions of the Said Hendrick, so as aforesaid expressed in the aforesaid instru- Preamble. 478 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 60. Real estate of Hen- drick Rem- sen, de- ceased, vested in trustees for pur- poses named. ment of writing, as fully to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been his last will and testament, executed in due form of law. And w/zereas Dorothy Remsen, daughter of the said Hendrick, subsequent to the execution of the articles of agreement aforesaid, did make her last will and testament in due form of law, and did therein and thereby give and devise her whole estate to the legatees and devisees therein named, as follows, unto her godson and nephew Henry Remsen, son of her brother Henry Remsen, the sum of five hundred pounds current money of New York. [fem to joris Remsen, son of Henry Remsen, the like sum of five hundred pounds current money aforesaid. Item to jeronimus A. Remsen, son of Aris Remsen, twenty five pounds for a suit of clothes and-a mourning ring, and the residue of her estate to her mother Catalina Remsen, and her brothers joris and Henry Rem- sen, and to her sister Phebe Remsen, and to their respective heirs and assigns, equally to be divided share and share alike. And w/zereas the said Phebe Remsen, one of the daughters of the said Hendrick Rem- sen, subsequent to her entering into the articles of agreement aforesaid, did marry with jeronimus Remsen, by whom she had issue two children, which said children, are still minors, and the said Phebe hath since departed this life. And w/zereas all the parties who are interested in the estate of the said Hendrick Remsen, are desirous that the dispo- sition of the estate of the said Hendrick, so as aforesaid manifested by him in the aforesaid instrument, should be carried into execution, which cannot be done without the aid and assistance of the legislature. Aezd w/zereas the said George Remsen, Henry Remsen and jeronimus Rem- sen, by their petition have prayed that the real estate of the said Hen- drick Remsen, deceased, may by an act of the legislature, be vested in George Remsen, Henry Remsen, jeronimus Remsen and Henry Rem- sen junior, and their heirs in trust, to sell the same, and to divide the monies arising from the said real estate among the several persons inter- ested therein ; and their request appearing to the legislature to be reasonable, Therefore Be it emzez‘ed by file People of z‘be Sz‘aie 0f 1Ve10 Yer/e, represented in Semzz‘e and Assembly, and 22‘ is bereby enacted by file azef/zerz'z‘y of the same, That all and singular the real estate, lands, tenements and heredita- ments, within this State, whereof the said Hendrick Remsen died seized, shall, at and immediately after the passing of this act, be, and hereby are vested in the said George Remsen, Henry Remsen, jeronimus Rem- sen and Henry Remsen junior, and their heirs, upon trust, that they the said George Remsen, Henry Remsen, jeronimus Remsen and Henry Remsen junior, and the survivors and survivor of them, and the heirs of such survivor, shall and do with all convenient speed sell and dispose of the said real estate, lands, tenements and hereditaments, with the appurtenances, at public vendue or otherwise, in such parts and parcels as they shall find necessary, for the most money, and best price and prices, that can be reasonably got for the same, and shall and do dispose of and apply the money to arise by such sales, and the mean profits by them to be received until such sale or sales shall be made, in manner following, that is to say, first, for paying and reimbursing themselves for their trouble, and all such charges and expences as they shall sus- tain, or be put to, by reason of the trust so reposed in them; and in the next place for paying and discharging the debts and funeral charges of the said Hendrick Remsen, deceased, if any there be unpaid, the sev- eral pecuniary legacies in the aforesaid instrument of writing of the said Hendrick specified and mentioned, that is to say, the sum of fif- teen hundred pounds to the said George Remsen, and one thousand CHAP. 60.] TENTH SESSION. . 479 pounds to the. said Henry Remsen, and shall and do' pay one fourth part of the residue of the monies arising from the sale of the said real estate to the said George Remsen,_one other fourth part thereof to the said Henry Remsen, one other fourth part thereof to the execu- tors named in the last will and testament of the said Dorothy Remsen deceased, for the use and benefit of the legatees and devisees therein named, in the manner by her directed in her said last will and testa- ment, and the remaining fourth part thereof to the children of the said Phebe Remsen, equally to be divided between them, or to the guardians i . of the said children lawfully to be appointed, for their use. Azzd fie ii‘ farl/zer e/zacz‘ed fiy i/ze aai/iorizj/ aforesaid, That the said trustees shall by virtue of this act be deemed and adjudged in the actual possession of all and singular the premises so vested in them as aforesaid; and that all and every sale, grant, conveyance and assurance to be made in virtue of this act by the said trustees, or the survivors or survivor of them, or the heirs of such survivor, of all and every or any part of the premises so vested in them, shall be good and effectual to all and every purchaser and purchasers, his, her and their heirs and assigns, according to the purport and effect thereof; and the said purchasers, their heirs and assigns, shall and may by virtue thereof, and of this act, have, hold and enjoy the same premises, against the heirs, devisees, legatees, executors and administrators, of the said Hendrick Remsen deceased, and their and every of their heirs, executors, ad- ministrators and assigns, saving to all other persons, bodies politic and corporate, their and every of their heirs, successors and assigns, all such right, title, estate, and interest, claim and demand, as they, or any, or either of them had, or should, or ought to have, of, in, to, or out of, any of the said real estate, so sold as aforesaid, if this act had not been made. A 12d fie z'z‘ far/leer enaci‘ed fiy i/ze aal/zorily aforesaid, That the receipt or receipts of the said trustees, or the survivors or survivor of them, and the heirs of such survivor, under his her or their hands or hand respectively, shall be a sufficient discharge to the purchaser or pur- chasers of the premises so sold, or any part thereof, and to their respec- tive heirs, executors administrators and assigns, for so much of the pur- chase money for which such receipt or receipts shall be given ; and such purchaser or purchasers, his, her or their heirs, executors, administra- tors or assigns, shall not be answerable for any loss, misapplication or non application of the said purchase money, or any part thereof. A/zd fie il fzirz‘lier eizacz‘ed fiy l/ie azcl/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the said trustees, shall not, nor shall either of them, or the heirs, executors or administrators of either of them, be answerable or accountable for any money to be received by virtue of or under the trust hereby reposed in them, any otherwise, than each person for such sum and sums of money, as he or they shall respectively actually receive or give a receipt or receipts for ; and that no one of them shall be answerable or account- able for the acts, receipts, neglects, or defaults of any other of them. And fie iz‘ fiiri/zer e/zacz‘ed fiy z‘lze aal/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the said George Remsen, Henry Remsen, Jeronimus Remsen and Henry Rem- sen Junior, shall severally, before they enter upon the trust hereby reposed in them, give bond with such Security and in such manner as the chancellor shall direct, for the faithful performance of the said trusts. Grants by trustees to have full effect. Receipt of trustees to be full dis- charge of purchase- money. Trustees severally and not jointly liable. Bond to be filed in chancery. 480 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP.,61. Common council of New York city de- clared commis- sioners of highways. Powers and duties of commis- sioners of‘ highways. CHAP. 61. AN ACT for the better regulating the public roads in the city and county of New York. PASSED the 215i of March, 1787. Be it enacted by t/ze people of tbe State of JVew York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by t/ze ant/zority of t/ze sanze, That the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, in common council convened, and their successors, shall be, and hereby are appointed commissioners to regulate and keep in repair the present public roads or high ways; and to lay out, regulate and keep in repair such other public roads or high ways, as shall hereafter be laid out in the said city and county. And be it fz/rt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the said commissioners, so as aforesaid by this act appointed, shall be, and hereby are fully authorized and impowered to widen or alter, all public roads and highways, already laid out in the said city and county, to such convenient breadth, not exceeding four rods, nor less than two rods, as the said commissioners shall judge fit, to make them passable for horses and carriages. And also, to lay out and make such other public roads or highways, as they shall think necessary or convenient for the said city and county, in manner aforesaid, if the owner or owners of the said lands thro’ which such new roads are to run, or his her or their agent or legal representative will, on reasonable recompence, consent to the same: And if in widening or altering any such public road or highway, now in being, or if in laying out any public road or highway hereafter, or in widening or altering the same, the said commissioners shall take, or require for such purposes the lands of any person or persons, they shall give notice thereof to the owners or proprietors of such land, or to his her or their agent or legal representative. And to the end, that reasonable satisfaction may be made for all such lands, as shall be taken and employed for the use aforesaid, the said commissioners shall and may treat and agree with the owners and persons interested therein, or his her or their agent or legal representative; and if any such owners or proprietors shall refuse to treat in manner aforesaid, then and in such case, it shall and may be lawful to and for the mayor or recorder, and any two or more aldermen, by virtue of this act, to issue a precept directed to the sheriff of the said city and county of New York, com- manding him to impannel and return, and he is hereby required to impannel and return, a jury to appear before the mayors court, at the then next meeting thereof, not less than three weeks from the date of such precept, to inquire of and assess the damages and recompence due to the owner or owners of such land; and at the same time to summon the owner or owners of such land, or his her or‘ their agent or legal representative, by notice to be left at his or her last most usual place of abode, to appear beforesuch mayors court, on the day and at the place of the return of such precept, which jury, being first duly sworn for that purpose, and having viewed the premises, if necessary, shall inquire of and assess such damages and recompence as they shall, under all the circumstances, judge fit to be awarded to the owner or owners of such land, according to their several and respective interests and estates, of and in such land, or any part thereof, for their respective interests and estates in the same; and the verdict of such jury, and the judgment of CHAP. 61.] TENTH SESSION. 481 the said mayors court thereupon, and the payment of the sum and sums of money so awarded and adjudged to the owner or owners thereof, or tender and refusal thereof, shall be binding to all intents and purposes, against the said owners and their respective heirs, executors, adminis- trators and assigns, claiming any interest or title in or to the same land, and shall be a full authority to the said commissioners, to cause the said land to be converted to, and used for the purposes aforesaid; any thing herein, or in any other law contained to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding. Provided airways, and be ii‘ farz‘lzer eizaeled by Me aal/zoriify aforesaid, Proviso, as That nothing in this act before contained, shall be deemed to authorize 3,3035% or require compensation to be made to any person or persons for any ments. lands, which he, she or they shall have obtained by encroaching on such public road or highway. AildfiVOT/idfll fari/zer, that the main road or Kings highway leading to Kings bridge shall not be of less breadth than it is bndgeroa'd at present nor any part thereof less than four rods wide. A ad be if furl/ter e/zaez‘ed by i/ze aaz‘lzoriz‘y aforesaid, That it shall and causeways may be lawful to and for the said commissioners to cause to be made, $1,331,168, built and erected, such, and so many causeways and bridges, and at such 213233251213; places, as they shall think necessary; and to cause ditches from such of high. public roads or highways to be made and cut, thro’ any persons land, Ways‘ where they shall judge proper, for conveying the water from, and keep— ing the same roads or highways dry and in good order, and from time to time to appoint one or more surveyors or overseers of the said roads or highways, and to employ labourers and workmen, to make and keep the same in repair. And be if fart/ter enacted by Me azii/zorizfy aforesaid, That the said Returns of commissioners shall, from time to time, make regular returns in writing, {QEEPXKYS of all the roads or highways, by them widened, altered or laid out, to be figtgglllfgfed signed by the clerk of the common council of the said city of New York, corded in and cause the same to be entered in the records of the same city, and glglgéis that whatever the same commissioners shall do, according to the power given them by this act, being so entered on record, shall be deemed good and valid, to all intents, constructions and purposes in the law whatsoever. And be ilfari/ier enacted by i/ze aai/zoriiy aforesaid, That if any person Obstruct- or persons, shall wantonly spoil or damage any such roads, bridges or tfizt’y‘gfirhq causeways, or fill up, or destroy, any of the ditches aforesaid, or fence gflfialty across any of the said roads or highways, or erect or set up any gates /~- thereon, or put or leave in any of them, any unnecessary obstruction, without leave of the said commissioners, or if any person or persons, shall leave a dead horse, or the carcase of any other beast, or any broken carriage, in any of the said roads or highways, for any longer time, than may be necessary to remove the same, or set up, in or near the said roads or highways, any thing by which horses are usually affrighted, or shall, by any improper behaviour, affright any horse or traveller, on any of the same roads or highways, every such person, shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay to the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city, for the time being, the sum of forty shillings lawful money of this State; to be recovered by the same treasurer or chamberlain, with costs of suit, by action of debt, before any court having cognizance thereof; and when recovered, to be applied to the repairing and improving the said roads or highways, as the said commissioners shall think fit. And far- z‘lzer, to prevent as far as possible, the evasion of the good purposes intended by this act, that the owner of every dead horse, or other nusance aforesaid, left in any of the said public roads or highways, VOL. 2.— 6r 482 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 62. shall be deemed to have put or left the same thereon, unless he or she prove the contrary. Removal Arid be it farz‘ber mauled by file aat/zorily aforesaid, That on informa- 2,232,522,?” tion being given, by any person whomsoever, to the overseer or over- quiry as to seers of the said roads or highways, of any of the said nusances oi wrongdoer. . . . _ obstructions, he shall immediately proceed to the removing thereof; and shall also use his best endeavours to discover the person or per- sons, who committed the same, who, upon discovery, shall not only be liable to the penalties, herein before appointed, but also to the costs of removing them, and a reasonable compensation to such overseer or overseers, for his or their time or trouble therein; to be recovered by such overseer or overseers with costs of suit, before any court having Neglect by cognizance thereof as aforesaid. Arid farz‘ber, that every overseer who overseer‘ shall neglect or refuse to do his duty, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, shall, for every such neglect or refusal, forfeit and pay to the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city for the time being, the sum of five pounds like lawful money, for every offence, to be recov- ered with costs of suit, and paid and applied as aforesaid. process And be it fart/zer mated by z‘be azit/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the first giggfxecu‘ process to be issued against any offender or offenders against this act, shall be by warrant and not otherwise; and that the execution, on con- viction, shall be against the goods and chattels of the offender or offend- ers; and for want of such goods and chattels, against his, her or their bodies, and shall be contained in one and the same precept, and not otherwise; any law, usage or custom to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding. Penalty for And be it fart/ter enacted by Z/ze aza‘boriz‘y aforesaid, That in case any gggggtgges person or persons, shall sell or otherwise destroy any tree or trees, stand- ing on any of the said roads, or within the distance of one rod thereof, without the leave of the said mayor, aldermen and commonalty, or cf the owner of such tree or trees, such person or persons shall for every such offence, forfeit the sum of three pounds, to be recovered, paid and applied as aforesaid. Waggns And be it farz‘ber enacted by Me aaz‘borz'z‘y aforesaid, That in all cases going - . . , southward of_ persons meeting each other on any of the said roads or highways, in to gavef carriages, waggons, carts or sleighs, those who are going out north ward, gay? 0 shall give way to such as are coming in southward, under the penalty of forty shillings for every offence, to be recovered, paid and applied in manner aforesaid. CHAP. 62. AN ACT for the more easy assessment and collection of taxes in the city and county of New York. PASSED the 21st of March, 1787. Alltaxes to Be it e/zaez‘ed by Me People of Me Sz‘az‘e of New York, represented in belevied in Serzaz‘e and Assembly, and it is bereby erzaez‘ed by z‘lze auz‘lzoriz‘y of [be same, the same _ . . . . . manner- That all taxes to be levied within the city and county of New York, by virtue of any law hereafter to be made and passed, whether for the use of the State or for the maintenance of the poor and defraying the contingent charges within the said city and county, shall be rated and assessed by the assessors, and collected by the collectors, now chosen, or hereafter to be chosen for the assessing and collecting of taxes, to CHAP. 63.] TENTH SESSION. 483 be raised within the said city and county, any law, usage or custom to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. And fie ii furl/zer enacz‘ed fiy t/ze azii/iorizy aforesaid, That all monies Taxes for heretofore raised, or hereafter to be raised, by tax on estates real and ggitsgflhe personal of the freeholders and inhabitants of the said city and county, poor and for the maintenance of the poor, and for defrayin g the contingent charges $1,121,523.11; within the said city and county, shall be paid into the hands of the treas- urer or chamberlain of the same city, for the time being, and shall be applied and disposed of for the purposes for which the same are or shall be so raised, in such proportions and from time to time, as the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the same city, in common council convened, by warrant under the hand of the mayor or recorder of the said city, presiding in such common council, shall direct and appoint. And fie i2.‘ furl-ner enacz‘ed in’ fire czar/eerily afioresaid, That the mayor, Mayor, re- recorder and aldermen, for the time being, of the city of New York, or $33,953? the major part of them, of whom the mayor or recorder always to be declared“) - - be the su— one, shall be, and hereby are declared to be, the supervisors of the city pervisors and county of New York, and shall be so considered in all laws already $0132“), made, and hereafter to be made, except in such cases where in and by i this act or any other of the laws aforesaid,‘ it is, or hereafter shall be otherwise expressly directed. And fie ii‘ fzirl/ier e/zacz‘ed fiy l/io anf/iorizj/ aforesaid, That no minister Persons of the gospel, phisician, surgeon, clerk or attorney of any court of record, 35333,. or any person who shall have served as a member or clerk of the senate ing as Col-d or assembly, or in any office in the corporation of the said city, superior Coclfgiib‘i‘l‘, to that of collector or constable, shall be compelled to serve in the said office of collector or constable, within the said city. CHAP. 63. AN ACT for altering the charter rights of the city of Albany. PAssED the 21st of March, 1787. WHEREAS by the charter of incorporation granted to the mayor alder- Preamble. men and commonalty of the city of Albany, on the twenty second day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred and eighty six, it is, among other things granted and declared, that the mayor of the said city for the time being, and no other, shall have power and authority to grant licences annually under the public seal of ths said city, to all tavern-keepers, ordinary-keepers; victuallers and all public sellers of wine, strong waters, cyder, beer or any sort of liquor by retail, within the liberties and precincts thereof, or without the same, in any part of the county of Albany; and that the mayor of the said city for the time being, shall be the sole coroner of the said city and county of Albany. That the said mayor, aldermen and commonalty, should have the exclusive right of regulating the trade with the Indians in the said city of Albany, and to the eastward northward and westward of the said city; and that the freemen of the said city, and no other inhabitant of the colony of New York, should be admitted to such trade. That the election of aldermen, assistants and chamberlain for the said city, shall be annually held on the feast of St. Michael the archangel. That the mayor and any three or more of the aldermen, and three or more of the assistants, shall be the common council of the said city. And that a court of common pleas shall be held once every fortnight for the said 484 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 63. Certain charter rights of the city of Albany abrogated. Election of charter officers to be held on the last Tuesday of September. Recorder to act as mayor in case of absence. Three aldermen to hold court of common pleas in absence of mayor and recorder. One coro- ner to be appointed for the city of Albany. city of Albany, before the mayor, recorder and aldermen, or any three of them, whereof the mayor or recorder to be one. And whereas the said mayor, aldermen and commonalty, have by a deed under their ‘common seal, surrendered and yielded up to the people of this State, the said above mentioned and recited rights and privileges granted to them in and by the said charter, of the mayor of the said city granting licenses to tavern-keepers, and others as aforesaid, in any part of the county of Albany, (the said city of Albany only excepted) and of the mayor being the coroner of the said city and county of Albany; and also the right of regulating and exclusively enjoying the said trade with the said Indians, and also the right of elect- ing the officers aforesaid, on the feast day of St. Michael the arch-angel. And ro/zereas the said mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the said city, have also by their petition under their common seal as aforesaid, prayed to have certain alterations made in the rights and privileges herein before recited, and not in and by the said deed surrendered and yielded up; Therefore. Be it enacted by t/ze People of t/ze State of New York, represented in Senate and A ssenzbly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze ant/writt) of tbe same, That the said deed of the said mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of Albany, is hereby declared to be accepted; and that the said rights and privileges of the mayor of the said city, of granting licenses to tavern-keepers, and others as aforesaid, (excepting only in the city of Albany), and of being coroner of the said city and county of Albany, and also the right of regulating and carrying on the said trade with the Indians, and also the right of electing the said aldermen, assistants and chamberlains on the day aforesaid, respectively granted in and by the said charter of incorporation, shall be, and the same are hereby respect- ively abolished, abrogated, annulled, and made void, any thing in the said charter contained, to the contrary thereof in any wise, notwithstanding. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the election of the said aldermen, assistants and chamberlain, to be elected in pur- suance of, and in virtue of the said charter, shall forever hereafter be held on the last Tuesday of September in every year; and that the said aldermen assistants and chamberlain, shall, instead of taking the oaths of office pursuant to the directions of the said charter on the fourteenth day of October in every year forever hereafter, take the said oaths in the manner prescribed in and by the said charter, on the second Tues- day of October in every year. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful, when and as often as the mayor of the said city for the time being, shall be sick, die, or be absent from the said city, for the recorder of the said city to convene a common council for the said city, and to hold the same in like manner, and with the same number of' aldermen and assistants, as the mayor of the said city in and by the said charter is authorised and empowered to convene and hold the same. And be it fart/ter enacted by fire ant/zority aforesaid, That in case of‘ the sickness, death or absence of the mayor and recorder, it shall and may be lawful to and for any three of the aldermen of the said city, to hold and keep the court of common pleas established in and by the said charter, in like manner, as if the said mayor, or recorder were present, and together with two aldermen, held and kept the same. And it be fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That one of the’ coroners to be appointed in and for the county of Albany, shall forever hereafter be a citizen of the said city, and that such coroner, so being a citizen of the said city, shall be the sole coroner in and for the said city. CHAP. 65.] TENTH SESSION. 485 Provided always, that nothing in this act contained, shall be construed to alter, change or abolish the/right granted in and by the said charter, to the mayor of the said city,'to grant licenses to tavern-keepers, and others, who sell liquors in the said city, in the manner directed and declared in and by the said charter; or to affect, alter abridge or extend any right or privilege, granted in and by the said charter, other than those in and by this act particularly mentioned, as altered, abrogated or abolished. CHAP. 64. AN ACT for the relief of persons, who were in exile during the late war in respect to the payment of certain arrears of taxes. PASSED the 22nd of March, 1787. WHEREAS it has been represented to the legislature by the humble Preamble. petition of William Van Deursen, joseph Hall and several other persons who were inhabitants of the city of New York previous to the evacuation thereof by the army of the United States; that they are charged with certain arrears of taxes, assessed against them during the time of their exile, and while they were resident in the city of Albany, and before their return with their families to the said city of New York; and w/zereas the time limited by the act entitled “An act for the more effectual col- .lection of the arrears of taxes ” passed the 3rst of March 1786, for the payment of such arrears in certificates, had expired before the said per- son were required to pay the same; and wbereas suits have been com- menced against the said persons for the payment of the said arrears in gold or silver coin, and it is deemed reasonable, that the said persons should be relieved in the premises. Therefore Be it erzaeted by tbe People of tbe State of l/Vew Yor/e represented in Arrears of Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby eizaeted by t/ze azit/zority ‘of t/ze same, 31:58:33,? That it shall and may be lawful for all such persons respectively, to pay in certifi- such sums as shall be found due and owing by them for any such arrears £33318?‘ in the certificates made receivable by the said act, and it is hereby made the duty of the collectors, the county treasurers, and the treasurer of this State, to receive the same in like manner, as they might have done had such payments been made before the first day of November last any thing in the said act to the contrary hereof in any wise notwith- standing provided that each of the said persons shall pay the costs of prosecution in any suit or suits that have been or may hereafter be commenced against them for or on account of the said arrears respects . ively. CHAP. 65. AN ACT for the speedy trial and punishment of such persons as shall commit any offences, under the degree of grand larceny. PASSED the 24th of March, 1787. Be it enacted by Me People of tbe State of New York, represented in Petty lar. Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby eaaeted by tbe azit/zority of tile same ceny’ what . . _ r d 1 That every person who shall after the passing of this act, be guilty :ccitio it?“ 486 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 65. False pre- tences. obtaining goods by. Trial and punish- ment of offenders in New York city. of the felonious or fraudulent taking and carrying away, of the meer personal goods, of another, of the value pf five pounds lawful money of this State, or under (except in such cases where the offence is or shall be by law punishable with death) shall be deemed and adjudged to be guilty of petty larceny only, and being thereof duly convicted, by ver- dict, or confession or indictment, in the supreme court, court of oyer and terminer or gaol delivery, or court of general sessions of the peace of the city or county in which such offence shall have been committed, shall suffer such corporal punishment, not extending to life or limb, as the some court in which such conviction shall take place, in their dis- cretion, shall think proper to award. And if such corporal punishment shall be by whipping, it shall not exceed thirty nine lashes, in one day. And 'aI/zereas evil disposed persons do frequent] go to shops, stores and other places within this State, and purchase or take up monies, goods or merchandize of various kinds, in the name of other persons, without their knowledge or consent; for prevention and punishment whereof. Be if farZ/zer eaaez‘ed by Me az/z‘borizjv aforesaid, That if any person or persons shall, from and after the passing of this act, knowingly and design- edly, by false pretence or pretences, obtain from any other person or persons, any monies, goods, or merchandize, or other effects whatsoever, with intent to cheat or defraud such person or persons, of the same, he, she or they, shall be deemed guilty of an offence against the people of this State; and being thereof duly convicted in manner aforesaid, in any of the courts aforesaid, shall suffer such punishment, as in cases of petty larceny by this act is directed to be inflicted. And za/zereas not only several disorderly persons inhabitanting in the city and county of New York but many other vagrant and idle persons, passing the same, from the neighboring counties and States, or elsewhere, have often committed divers misdemeanors, breaches of the peace, and other criminal offences aforesaid, under the degree of grand larceny, and not being able to procure bail, to appear at the general sessions of the peace, then next to be held in and for the said city and county, and having no substance of their own, have been a great expence to the inhabitants thereof, in maintaining them in the mean while in goal; for remedy whereof, - Be iz‘ farl/zer enacted by Z/ze azez‘lzoriz‘y aforesaid, That every person wh shall, after the passing of this act, commit of any of the offences, in this act above mentioned and described, within the said city and county of New York, and who being apprehended and brought before the mayor, recorder or any one of the aldermen, of the said city, and charged on oath with having committed any of the offences aforesaid, shall not forthwith give good and sufficient bail, for his or her appearance at the r then next general sessions of the peace, to be held in and for the said city and county of New York, then and there to answer the offence or offences, which he or she shall be charged with, such person so charged, shall be committed to the common goal of the said city and county. And in case any person shall be so committed, and being kept in the said goal, for the space of forty eight hours from and after such commit- ment, shall not give good and sufficient bail, for his or her appearance, at the then next general sessions of the peace, to be held in and for the- said city and county of New York, then and there to answer for the offence or offences. wherewith he or she shall be charged; then and in every such case, it shall and may be lawful to and for the mayor, recorder and aldermen of the said oity, for the time being, or any three of them, of whom the mayor or recorder to be one, forthwith to hear and deter- mine the offence or offiences committed by such offender as aforesaid : can». 65.] TENTH SESSION. 4537 And the said offender being convicted by confession, or the oath, of one or more credible witness or witnesses, the said mayor, recorder and aldermen, or the major part of such of them as do appear in such court, are hereby further authorised and impowered to give judgment against the said offender, so convicted as aforesaid, to have and receive such corporal punishment, (not extending to life or limb, nor exceeding thirty nine lashes in one day, as aforesaid) as they in their discretion shall think proper; and to be confined in the house of employment or bridewell of the said city, to be kept at hard labour therein, or at any work or employment, within any part of the said city and county, for any longer or shorter period, according to the nature of the offence, or either of the said punishments, as in the judgment of the said court the nature of the offence, and caracter of the offender, shall render proper. But that no person shall be confined in manner aforesaid by virtue of this act, for any term longer than six months. And after the said offender shall have received his or her punishment, being an inhabitant of the said city and county, shall be immediately discharged without paying any fees; but not being such an inhabitant, he or she shall immediately be ordered or transported out of the said city and county, to his or her last place of settlement or abode, if known. And if any person or persons having been so ordered or transported out of the said city and county as aforesaid, shall remain in the same for the space of forty eight hours, or return thereto within six calendar months after such order or transportation, such person or persons, so remaining, or return- ing, shall be forthwith apprehended and again receive such corporal punishment (not extending to life or limb, nor exceeding thirty nine lashes in one day as aforesaid) or be confined in bridewell, for so long a time, not exceeding three months, as the said mayor, recorder and aldermen, or any three of them as aforesaid, in their discretion, shall order and direct. And fie ii‘ fnrz‘fier enacted fiy i/ze aui/zorily aforesaid, That in order to Mayor to carry the sentences or judgments of such respective courts, or the mayor irisrftetg'ar' or recorder and aldermen into immediate and effectual execution, it shall sheriff to and may be lawful for the mayor or recorder, presiding at such court, $2,213,; 51%;‘; by warrant or order under his hand and seal directed to the sheriff of effect- said city and county, to command the same sheriff, and the same sheriff is hereby directed and required, to cause the sentences or judgments of such respective courts, of the mayor or recorder, and aldermen, to be carried into effectual execution, at the time and in the manner in the respective warrants or orders to be specified, according to the true intent thereof: And the deputy sheriffs, constables and marshals, and every of them, are by this act commanded and required, from time to time, to aid and assist such sheriff or deputy sheriffs, in the execu- tion of such respective warrants or orders. And fie ii‘ fari/zer enacted fiy l/ze anz‘fiorizfy aforesaid, That the charges Costs of of prosecuting and punishing every such offender as aforesaid, in the l’igfiguge manner above mentioned, shall be raised levied and paid, in the same citycharse manner, and at the same time, that money is raised in the said city and county, for the maintenance of the poor, and the other contingent expences, arising in the said city and county; so as the whole charge for prosecuting and punishing each such offender, shall not exceed the sum of twenty shillings. And fie i2‘ furi/zer enacled fiy l/ze aai/zorizy aforesaid, That if any person, Proceed- who shall be charged with an offence by this act, intended to be pun- {,‘g‘g’lsi‘gvhere ished, and being apprehended for the same, shall within the time allowed given- by this act for that purpose, give good and sufficient bail for his or her 488 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 65. Trial and punish- ment of offenders outside of New York city. appearance at the then next general sessions of the peace, to be held in and for the said city and county, then and there to answer the offence or offences, he or she shall be charged with, then and in such case the said sessions, shall take cognizance of the same; and on such offender being indicted and convicted, shall give such judgment, as the said mayor, recorder and alderman might have given ; in case the said offender had been tried and convicted by them, as before mentioned: Which said judgment the said court shall cause to be put in execution, by order under the hand of the clerk of the same court, in like manner, as the judgment of the mayor recorder and aldermen is directed to be executed. And after the offender shall have received his or her punish— ment, he or she shall be immediately discharged as aforesaid. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze aztt/zority aforesaid, That if any person, shall, after the passing of this act, commit any of the offences in this act above mentioned and described, within any of the counties of this State, and be apprehended and brought before any justice of the peace of the said county, and charged on oath, with having perpetrated any of the offences aforesaid, and thereupon committed for the same, to the com- mon gaol of the county, or to the custody of the constable of the town or place where such offender shall be taken, and be kept in the said gaol, or in the custody of such constable as aforesaid, the full space of forty eight hours, from and after such commitment, shall not give good and sufficient bail for his or her appearance, at the then next general sessions of the peace, to be held in and for the county where such offender shall be in custody, then and there to answer the offence or offences, wherewith he or she shall be charged as aforesaid; then and in such case, it shall and may be lawful to and for the justices of the peace, who committed such offender, to certify the cause of such commitment to two other justices of the peace in the said county, and require them by virtue of this act, to associate themselves with him, which they are hereby required to do. And the said justices being met, are hereby authorized and empowered forthwith to hear and determine the offence or offences, committed by such offender. And the said offender being convicted, by confession, or by oath of one or more credible witness or witnesses, the said justices, or any two of them agreeing, are hereby further authorized and impowered, to give judgment against the said offender, so convicted as aforesaid, to have and receive such corporal punishment, (not extending to life or limb nor exceeding thirty nine lashes in one day as aforesaid) as they in their discretion shall think proper; and by their warrant directed to the constable of the town or place, where such justices shall hear and determine the said offence or offences, (who is hereby directed and required to execute the same) shall cause their said judgment to be put in execution: And after such offender shall have received his or her punishment, being an inhabitant of such county, shall be immediately discharged, without paying any fees, but not being such an inhabitant he or she shall be ordered, or trans- ported by warrant from the said justices, to the place of his or her last settlement or abode, if known; which warrant, the said justices are hereby impowered and directed to issue. And fart/ter, that nothing in this act contained, shall be construed to prevent the justices from trying any such offender, in less than forty eight hours, if he or she shall require the same. Andfnrt/zer that if any person having been so ordered or transported out of such county, shall remain in the same county for the , space of forty eight hours, or return thereto within six calendar months, ‘ after such order or transportation, such person so remaining or return- ing, shall be forthwith apprehended, and again receive such corporal (3,1,1. 66,] TENTH SESSION. 489 punishment (not extending to life or limb, nor exceeding thirty nine lashes in one day as aforesaid) as three justices of the peace in the same county assembled for that purpose, or any two of them, shall in their discretion think proper; and so from time to time, as often as such per- son or persons shall so remain or return. And be it fart/ter mated by t/ze azit/zority aforesaid, That the charges Costs of of prosecuting, punishing and transporting every such offender, shall be ,Eligfilsiguge defrayed by the respective counties, where the same offence shall hap- acounty pen, and shall be raised levied and paid, in the same manner, and at the charge’ same time, that money is raised for the payment of the other contingent charges of such respective counties, so as the whole charges for each such offender, shall not exceed the sum of forty shillings. And be it fart/ter ezzaeted by tlze aat/zoriiy aforesaid, That the justices, pom-t may or court before whom any person, shall be convicted of any of the gjllé’g’rsl‘jigu offences aforesaid, shall be, and hereby are impowered, if they think it of corporal proper, in lieu of corporal punishment, to impose a fine on such offender, $3,131‘ not exceeding the sum of ten pounds; which fine or so much thereof, as shall be sufficient, shall be applied towards the payment of the charges of the prosecution, and the remainder, if any he, shall be paid to the treasurer of the county, where the same shall be imposed, for the use of the same county; any thing in this act contained, to the contrary not- withstanding. Provided always, and be it fart/zer erzaeted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, Act not to That the person or persons, from whom any monies, goods, merchan- ggft‘gfélya" dize or effects, shall have been taken, or fraudulently obtained, contrary civilaction to the true intent and meaning of this act, shall have such remedy by suit at law therefore, as he, she or they, might have had, if this act had .never been made, any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. CHAP. 66. AN ACT for the more effectual punishment of persons, who shall be guilty of the trespasses therein mentioned, in the cities of New York, Albany and Hudson, and the township of Schenectady. PASSED the 24th of March, I787. WHEREAS evil minded persons, have often broken, taken down or Preamble. carried away, the glass lamps hung out or fixed up, before the dwelling houses of ‘many of the inhabitants, and in the streets of the city of New York, to illuminate the streets aforesaid in the night time, or have extinguished the lights therein; and have also been guilty of breaking glass windows, porches and knockers of doors in the said city, and in the cities of Albany and Hudson, and township of Schenectady, and of com- mitting other trespasses and enormities, injurious to the property of the inhabitants, and to the disturbance of the peace, in the said respective cities and township; for prevention whereof in future; Be it erzaeted by t/ze People of the State of New York, represented in Malicious Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby erzaeted by t/ze aat/zority of tbe same, geegglfifor That if any person, shall, after the passing of this act, wilfully break, take down, or carry away, any glass lamp, already hung or fixed, or hereafter to be so hung or fixed as aforesaid, in any of the streets of the said cities or township, or extinguish the lights therein, or be aiding or VOL. 2.'—- 62 490 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 66. Offender to be im— prisoned if forfeit- ure not paid. Arrest of offenders. abetting in the same, or shall wilfully break or deface any glass window, porch, knocker or other fixture, in any of the said cities or township, and shall thereof be convicted before the mayor, recorder or any one of the aldermen of the said cities respectively, or before any justice of the peace residing in the township aforesaid, either by the confession of the party, or by the oath of one or more credible witness or witnesses, he or she, shall, for every such offence, forfeit a sum not exceeding ten pounds lawful money of this State, to be recovered with costs, and levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of every such offender, by warrant under the hand and seal of such mayor, recorder, alderman or justice, before whom such offender shall be convicted; one moiety of which forfeiture when recovered, to be paid to the treasurer or cham- berlain, of the said cities respectively, for the time being, to be ap lied for the purposes of providing new lamps, in the room of such, as shall be so taken out or carried away, and for repairing such of them, as shall be broken or injured as aforesaid, and for the support and maintenance of the poor of such respective cities or township, where such offences shall be committed; and the other moiety of such forfeiture, to be paid to the person or persons, who shall prosecute for the same to effect. A 12d be iz‘farZ/zer marred by fire aaz‘boriz‘y aforesaid, That upon refusal of payment of such respective forfeiture or forfeitures, and want of sufficient distress, whereon the same can be levied, it shall and may be lawful, for such mayor, recorder, alderman or justice of the peace, before whom such conviction or convictions shall take place, by warrant under his hand and seal, to commit every such offender, if convicted in the city of New York, to the bridewell or house of employment of the said city; if convicted in the cities of Albany or Hudson, to the common gaol of the same cities respectively; and if convicted in the township of Schenectady aforesaid, to the common gaol of the city and county of Albany; there to remain without bail or mainprise, for the space of two months, or until such forfeiture and costs are paid. And if any such offence shall be committed, by any apprentice, servant or slave, such forfeiture shall be paid, by his or her master, mistress or owner, or in default thereof, such apprentice servant or slave, shall be committed, to such bridewell or gaol, in manner aforesaid. A/zd raI/zereas the mischiefs aforesaid, are generally committed in the night time, when the offenders cannot be easily known ; in order there- fore to carry this act into effect, Be iz‘farZ/zer e/zaez’ed by Me aaZ/zorizfy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful, to and for any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable marshal or watchman, of the said cities and township aforesaid, who shall see any person commit any of the mischiefs or trespasses, in either of the cities or the township aforesaid, if such person or persons shall be unknown to such sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, marshal or watchman, to seize, secure and detain such offender, so unknown to him as aforesaid, until he can discover the name of such offender; or until the next morning, if the offence shall be committed in the night time, and the offender shall refuse to discover his or her name; when such offender shall be brought before the mayor, recorder or one of the aldermen of the said cities respectively, or justice of the peace residing in the township afore- said, who, on conviction of such offender, shall proceed against him or her, in the manner herein before directed. And furz‘ber, in case any person shall commit, any or either of the offences aforesaid, in the presence of any such sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, marshal or watchman, that then, every such sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, mar- shal or watchman, shall, forthwith' give information thereof, to such can». 67.] TENTH sEssioN. , 491 mayor, recorder, alderman or justice of the peace, in order that such offender may be convicted thereof, and punished in manner and form, as by this act is directed. And fie ii‘ fari/zer enacted fiy z‘lie ani/zorizjv aforesaid, That this act or Act not to any thing herein contained, shall not bar, or preclude any person or persons, from recovering his, her or their damages, against any other damages- person or persons, who shall be guilty of any of the mischiefs or tres- passes aforesaid, but that the same may be recovered in the same man- ner, as if this act had never been passed. And fie iz‘ farl/ier enacted fiy i/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That every per- Persons son, who shall or may be present when any of the mischiefs or trespases Egfgemnigflt in this act mentioned, shall be committed, shall be deemed to be $1011 Of guilty thereof, and be subject to the penalties inflicted by this act, 32.22554 although he, or she, shall not be aiding, abetting or assisting therein; Parties- unless such person, shall give evidence, whereby to convict the person or persons really guilty thereof; or unless he or she, shall declare upon oath, that he or she came there accidentally, and that he or she doth not know, who the offender or offenders is, or are. ' And for the more easy discovery and detection of such offenders; Reward Be it fzcri/ier enacied fiy i/ze aal/zorizy aforesaid, That if two or more 3,211,213??- persons, shall have been jointly concerned in committing any of the fenders; offences aforesaid, and one or more of them, (not being before informed against), shall within the space of one month after the offence com- mitted, inform against any, or all the other or others, concerned in the same offence, so as to convict him, her or them, the person so inform- ing, shall not be liable to the payment of the forfeiture herein before mentioned, but shall notwithstanding his, or her offence, be entitled to the reward herein before allowed to informers ; any thing herein before contained, t0 the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding. CHAP. 67. AN ACT giving further powers to the assignees of insolvent debtors. PASSED the 24th of March, 1787. WHEREAS in and by the act entitled “ An act for the relief of insol- Preamble. vent debtors,” passed the 17th of April 1784 “and in and by an act to amend the said act” passed the 24th of November 1784, no provision was made, nor is any made in and by the act entitled “An act for the relief of insolvent debtors” passed the 13th of April 1786,” for applying any surplus effects or monies arising out of the estate of any insolvent debtor who may have taken the benefit of either of the acts above- mentioned, or hereafter shall take the benefit of the last mentioned act, which shall or may remain in the hands of the assignees of any insol- vent debtor after paying the full amount of the debts exhibited against such insolvent debtor and the costs and charges attending the settle- ment of such estate agreable to the direction of the law in such cases made and provided. Therefore Be ii‘ enacied fiy i/ze People of z‘lze Sz‘az‘e of r/Vew York, represenz‘ed in Balance of Senate and Assenzfily, and i2‘ is lzerefiy enacz‘ed fiy i/ze aal/zoriiy of Me same, gnggggsgt That in all cases where any insolvent debtor has been, or hereafter shall estateafter be discharged in pursuance of any of the acts abovementioned, and the discharge 492 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 68. of debts, etc., to be returned. Tax levy in New York city for crim- inal ex— penses and street pur- poses. For watch- men. assignees of the estate of any such insolvent debtor, after paying the full amount of the debts exhibited to them against such insolvent debtor, and the costs and charges in settling such estate, agreable to the act by which they were appointed assignees, shall have any effects or money, remaining in their hands, part of, or arising out of the estate of such insolvent debtor, it shall and may be lawful for such assignees, to deliver such effects, and pay such money so remaining in their hands, to such insolvent debtor, of whose estate they were assignees, or to his or her legal representatives. Provided always that in respect to such debtors who have been discharged in virtue of the said two first men- tioned acts, no creditor shall be entitled to a dividend, who shall not have exhibited his or her demand to the assignee or assignees, prior to the twentieth day of September next, and in respect to such debtors as have been, or shall be discharged by virtue of the said last mentioned act, such creditors only as shall have exhibited their respective demands to the assignee or assignees of such debtors, within one year from the time of the assignment of their respective estates shall be entitled to a dividend : Broz'ided neaertlzeless that no creditor shall be precluded from such dividend who shall exhibit his or her claim within six months from the passing of this act. CHAP. 68. AN ACT te enable the mayor recorder and aldermen of the city of New York, to order the raising monies by tax for the main- tenance of the poor, and for defraying the other contingent expences arising in the same city and county, and for other purposes. PASSED the 26th of March, 1787. Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New Yer/e, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze ant/zority of t/ze sanze, That the mayor recorder and aldermen of the city of New York, or the major part of them, (of whom the mayor or recorder always to be one), shall be, and hereby are fully authorised and empowered as soon as conveniently may be, after the passing of this act, to order the raising the sum of six thousand pounds, by a tax on the estates real and per- sonal, of all and every the freeholders and inhabitants within the city and county of New-York, to be applied to the support and mainte- nance of the poor of the said city and county, the bridewell, and crim- inals from time to time confined in the prison of the said city and county, and to the repairing and maintaining the public roads, and cleaning and improving the streets within the said city and county: And also a further sum of four thousand pounds, by a tax on the estates real and personal, of all and every the freeholders and inhabitants within the said city, on the south side of a line, beginning at the outlet of the swamp of Leonard Lispenard Esquire, into Hudsons river; thence to and along the north side of the dwelling house of Nicholas Bayard Esquire, thence to and along the north side of the dwelling house of Morgan Lewis Esquire, and thence to and along the north side of the dwelling house of Abraham Cannon, to the east river, to be applied to the payment of so many watchmen, as the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the said city, in common council convened, shall think necessary for guarding the said city ; and also to the purchasing CHAP. 68.] " TENTH SESSION. 493 of oil, providing lamps, and repairing and attending the lamps which now are, or hereafter may be erected within the said city; which said several sums above mentioned, shall be rated and assessed according to the estate of each respective person, so to be taxed, and collected in one payment, and paid into the hands of the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city, at such time as the said mayor, recorder and aldermen, or the major part of them, shall direct and appoint. And be it fart/ter e/zaeted by Me aat/zoriiy aforesaid, That it shall and Fees of may be lawful for the treasurer or chamberlain of the same city, to flfigfnber' retain in his own hands, the sum of two pence in the pound, and no more, for his trouble in receiving and paying out the monies, by this act directed to be raised. And for the more effectual recovery of the arrears of taxes hereto- fore directed to be raised for the maintenance of the poor, and the other contingent expences arising in the said city; . Be it fart/zer ezzaeted by t/ze 'azitbority aforesaid, That in all cases Collectors. where the collector or constable of any ward in the said city, 51121113352305? have received any taxes, and not paid the same to the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city, it shall be lawful for the treasurer or bythems chamberlain of the said city, for the time being, to commence and collected‘ prosecute a suit for the recovery thereof, in his own name, as treasurer or chamberlain of the said city, against such collector or constable, his executors or administrators, in an action on the case, for monies had and received for the use of the said city and county of New York ; in which suit it shall be sufficient to set forth in the declaration, that the collector or constable is, or in his life time was, indebted to the said treasurer, or chamberlain of the said city, in a certain sum, for so much money by him as collector of such ward, before that time had and received, for the the use of the said city and county; andbeing so thereof indebted, promised to pay the same, when required, to the same treasurer or chamberlain, without setting forth the special matter; and that no such suit shall be abated or discontinued by the death, resigna- tion or removal from office, of any such treasurer or chamberlain ; but the same shall or may be prosecuted to effect, by his successor in office. And be it fart/zer elzaeted by Me aat/zority aforesaid, That it shall and Arrears of] may be lawful, for the mayor, recorder and aldermen of the said city, 3356211533’, or the major part of them, of whom the mayor or recorder always to be of- one, to meet together at such times and places, within the said city, as they may think proper; and to examine what sums of money remain unpaid of the several taxes aforesaid, in the said city and county of New York, laid or assessed since the twenty fifth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty three: and where they find any sum or sums of money uncollected, of any such tax, and the persons or estates charged with the same, are suffic- ient to pay the same, they shall issue their warrant to the collectors, for the time being, of the same respective wards, where such sums remain unpaid, for the collection thereof; and the respective collectors shall levy and collect all such sums; and shall pay the same to the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city, at such time as the said mayor, recorder and aldermen, in their said Warrant shall direct. And if any collector shall neglect his duty herein, he shall be chargeable with the monies so directed to be levied and collected, to be recovered by the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city and county of New York, for the time being, with costs of suit, in manner aforesaid. And fart/zer, that where the said mayor, recorder and aldermen, shall find that the deficiency, of any of the said taxes, in any wards, shall have happened by the insol- 49Jr LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 69. vency, or the want of goods and chattels whereon to levy the said tax, of any person or persons in such ward, on whom the same was assessed, they shall add such deficiency to the next tax of the like nature, to be _ levied upon the same ward. al‘éggrigfv And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zorizfy aforesaid, That all and applied every sum and sums of money to be raised by virtue of the three last Eglgteéld‘fm“ mentioned clauses of this act. shall be applied to the purposes in the several acts by virtue of which such respective taxes were directed to be raised, and from time to time as the mayor, aldermen and common— alty of the said city, in common council convened, by warrant to be signed by the mayor or recorder presiding at such common council, shall direct and appoint. CHAP. 69. AN ACT directing a mode of trial, and allowing of divorces in cases of adultery. PASSED the 30th of March, 1787. Preamble. WHEREAS the laws at present in being within this State respecting adultery are very defective, and applications have in consequence been made to the legislature praying their interposition; and wlzereas it is thought more adviseable for the legislature to make some general pro- vision in such cases, than to afford relief to individuals upon their par- tial representations, without a just and constitutional trial of the facts. Action for Be it t/zerefore enacted by t/ie People of tbe State of New Yor/e, repre- $13233: sented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze aatlzority of ing? Pre- t/ze same, That it shall and may be lawful, in all cases of adultery that scribed. - . have already been committed, or may hereafter be committed, where the parties are inhabitants of this State, for the party injured to exhibit or present a petition or bill to the chancellor of this State for the time being, in chancery, setting forth the adultery of which he, or she com- plains, whereupon a subpoena, and other process shall issue, as in other causes in the said court, until the party complained of shall appear and answer the allegations of the said bill or petition, which answer shall be received without oath ; and if the party complained of, shall, by his or her answer, deny the fact or facts of adultery stated in the said bill or petition, the chancellor shall and may thereupon direct such proper issue or issues, as to him shall seem expedient for trial of the fact or facts of adultery stated in the said bill or petition, which issue or issues shall be tried either by a special or common jury, before the judges of the supreme court, or some or one of them, at the bar of the said court, or at any circuit court within this State, as the chancellor for the time being, shall direct. But if the said party complained of, shall not in his, or her said answer deny the allegations of the said bill or petition, or if such proceedings shall be had in the same court of chancery that the said bill or petition, ought, according to the course of that court, to be taken pro confesso, then and in either of the said cases, the chan- cellor shall nevertheless direct proof to be made before one of the mas- ters of the said court of the facts stated in the said bill or petition, who shall report the same proofs, and his opinion thereon, to the chancellor, at such time, as shall be, by the said court of chancery, for that purpose appointed. CHAP. 70.] TENTH SESSION. 495 Ami fie 2'! further enactea’ éy z‘lze ant/eerily aforesaid, That if, by the verdict of a jury, upon trial of such issue or issues as aforesaid, it shall appear or be found that the said party complained against was guilty of adultery, or if sufficient proof has been thereof had in the manner herein before prescribed, where the fact or facts stated in such bill or petition as aforesaid have been confessed by the answer of the party complained against, or ought according to the course of the said court of chancery, to be taken pro confesso, then and in any such case the chancellor shall and may proceed by sentence or decree in the same court, to ‘pronounce the marriage between the said parties to be dis- solved, and both of them freed from the obligations of the same. Pre- zlz'zz’ea’, that such dissolution of such marriage, shall in no wise affect the legitemacy of the children thereof : And the chancellor shall and may thereupon take such order touching the care and maintenance of the children, (if any there be) of that marriage, and also touching the main- tenance,of the wife, or any allowance to be made to her, and the secu- rity to be given for the same, as from the circumstances of the parties, and the nature of the case, may be proper and sufficient. Ami fie z'z‘ fzert/zer eizaez‘ezi ey f/ze azez‘lzerz'zj/ aforesaid, That after the dissolution of any marriage has been pronounced by virtue of this act, it shall not be lawful for the party convicted of adultery to remarry any person whatsoever, and that every such remarriage shall be null and void, but that the other party may make and complete another mar- riage, in like manner as if the party convicted was actually dead, any law, usage or custom, to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwith- standing. CHAP. 70. AN ACT for collecting the arrears of taxes in New Town in Queens county, and for discharging the late collector from imprisonment. PASSED the 4th of April, 1787. WHEREAS John Gosline, late collector of New Town in Queens county, is now confined in the gaol of the said county, for neglect of his duty as collector of the said town. And zcl/zereas a considerable part of the taxes on the said town remains to be collected. Therefore, Be 1'! enizeled ey Me People of Z/ze State Of Ne'zcl Yer/l’, mpreserzz‘ee’ z'lz Seizafe aim’ Arse/UM)‘, am! 2'2‘ is hereby e/zaez‘ed éy f/ze azzf/zorz'zj/ 0f Z/ze same, That the said John Gosline shall deliver to the treasurer of the said county, all the tax lists in his hands, possession or power, with account upon oath, of the monies remaining to be collected thereon. And the said treasurer is hereby authorized and required, thereupon to discharge the said John Gosline from his imprisonment, and to issue a warrant to the collector of the said town for the time being, commanding him to levy and collect the monies remaining to be collected on the said tax lists; and the said collector shall thereupon levy and collect all the said taxes, so remaining to be collected, in the same manner as the said John Gosline might, or ought to have done; and shall pay the same, after deducting sixpence in the pound for collecting, to the treasurer of the said county, on or before the first day of June nexthto be by him applied according to law. Decree of divorce, when to issue. Proviso, as to children Efl’ect of decree as to after marriage of parties. Preamble. John Gos» line to be released from im- prison- ment; col. lection of , arrears of taxes. 496 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 72- Part of act specified repealed. Preamble. Costs in supreme court where plaintiff recovers less than £20. Id.. above at . ' depending, CHAP. 71. AN ACT to repeal part of an act, entitled “An act for granting a more effectual relief, in cases of certain trespasses. PASSED the 4th of April, 1787. Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of [Veto Yorle, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzercby enacted by t/ze ant/tority of tbe same, That so much of the act aforesaid, as is contained in the words follow- ing, to wit, “And if any such action shall be brought in any inferior court within this State, the same shall be finally determined in such court; and every such action shall be considered as a transitory action. That no defendant or defendants shall be admitted to plead in justifica- tion, any military order or command whatever, of the enemy, for such occupancy, injury, destruction, purchase or receipt, nor to give the same in evidence, on the general issue,” he, and the same is hereby repealed. CHAP. 72. AN ACT for preventing suits being brought in the supreme court, for any debt or sum not exceeding one hundred pounds. PASSED the 5th of April, 1787. \VHEREAsthere now are and long have been, courts of record in each of the respective cities and counties of this State, where such, as have occasion to sue for debts or wrongs, may, with small expence, receive justice according to the merits of their causes: And zo/zereas the pros- ecution of suits in the supreme court of this State, is necessarily attended with great charge and trouble, as well as loss of time to the suitors, who, in many instances, live at places remote from the said court: T/zerefore, be it enacted by tlze People of t/ze State of N era Yorlc, repre- sented in Senate and A ssenzblv, and it is, bereby enacted by t/ze ant/torily of t/te sanze, That if in any personal action or suit, already commenced and now depending, or hereafter to be commenced and prosecuted in the said supreme court, the plaintiff shall not recover above the sum of twenty pounds, besides costs, then, and in every such case, the plaintiff shall not be entitled to or recover any costs of suit; but shall pay costs to the defendant thereupon, to be taxed; and the defendant shall, in such case, have judgment and execution for such costs, in the same manner, as if a verdict had been given for such defendant. Andfart/zer, that if in any personal action or suit already commenced, and now or hereafter to be commenced and prosecuted in the said supreme court, the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall recover a judgment, in such suit or action, in his, her or their favor, for a debt or sum, which, exclu- sive of costs, shall be upwards of twenty pounds, and not exceed one hundred pounds, then and in every such case, the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall be entitled to and recover no more or other costs, than he, she or they would have been entitled to, if such suit or action had been com- menced and determined in any mayors court, or court of common pleas in this State. Provided always, that such costs shall not exceed the sum CHAP. 72.] TENTH SESSION. 497 of ten pounds; and provided also, that in all cases where any suit or Proviso,_ action commenced in either of the mayors courts, or courts of common pleas, hath been, or shall be removed into the supreme court, by, or at Supreme , . . . . . cour by the instance of the defendant, if the plaintiff shall obtain a judgment defendant;_ therein, for any sum exceeding ten pounds, besides costs, then the plain- tiffin every such case, shall have and recover costs of suit in the Said supreme court, together with the costs in such mayors court, or court of common pleas, including all such expences as the same plaintiff shall have been put to, in the prosecution of such suit. A ad be it fart/ter e/zaeted by Me aat/zority aforesaid, That no personal Removal of action or suit now depending, or hereafter to be commenced in any gfigfefjflgo mayors court, or court of common pleas in this State, upon any bond or Court- specialty, or for any other matter, cause or thing whatsoever, where the sum mentioned in the condition of such bond or specialty, with the interest thereof, or the matter or thing in demand, suit or controversy, shall not exceed the sum of one hundred pounds current money of this State, shall be stayed, or removed into the supreme court, by any writ of habeas corpus, certiorari, or other writ or process whatsoever, other than writs of error or attaint. And be it fart/ter eaaeted by fire aat/zoritv aforesaid, That no writ or m, writs of habeas corpus, or any other writ or writs, sued forth or to be Sued forth, by any person or persons whomsoever, out of the said supreme court, to remove any action, suit plaint or cause, depend- ing or to be depending in any mayors court, or court of common pleas in this State, shall be received or allowed by the judge or judges, officer or officers of the court, wherein, or to whom any such writ or writs shall be directed, or offered to be delivered; but that he and they shall and may proceed in the said cause or causes, as though no such writ or writs were sued forth, or delivered to him or them, unless the said writ or writs,- be delivered to the judge or judges, officer or officers of the said court, before any interlocutory or other judgment entered in the said cause, and before that the jury, which is to try the cause in question, between the party or parties plaintiffs, and the party or parties that sued forth the said writ or writs, or for whose benefit the said writ or writs is or shall be sued forth, have appeared, and one of the said jury sworn to try the said cause. i A 12d be it fart/ter enacted by Me aat/zorizy aforesaid, That if any action, 1d, suit, bill, plaint or cause, which is or shall hereafter be brought, com- menced or depending in any of the mayors courts, or courts of common pleas in this State, shall be removed or stayed by any such writ or writs, or process, to be sued forth or out of the said supreme court, and the same action, suit, bill, plaint or cause, shall afterwards he remanded or sent back again, by any writ or writs of procedendo, or other writ what- soever, that then the said action, suit, bill, plaint or cause, shall never afterwards be removed or stayed before judgment, by any writ or writs whatsoever, to be sued forth or out of the said supreme court. And be it fart/zer e/zaeted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That no writ of Id. habeas corpus or certiorari, or other writ or process whatsoever, shall be granted or sued forth, or out of the said supreme court, to remove any action, suit, bill, plaint or cause whatsoever, out of any of the mayors courts, or courts of common pleas in this State, unless the same writ or process be signed with the proper hand of one of the justices of the said supreme 'court. A rid be it fart/ter e/iaeted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That if any writ m, or writs whatsoever, shall be granted or sued forth, or out of the said supreme court, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, that VOL. 2. —— 63 498 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 73. Jurisdic- tion of courts of common pleas, etc. Certain actions not to be affected by this act. Preamble Certificates to be re- ceived on bonds forlands before sale on execu- tion. Reformed Protestant Dutch Church at Caghna- waga. lands granted to. then it shall and may be lawful, to and for the judge or judges, officer or officers, to whom such writ or writs shall be directed or delivered, to disallow and refuse the same and they are hereby directed and required to proceed as if no such writ or writs had been granted or sued out or forth as aforesaid. ‘ And be it fZH'l/lé’i’ enacted by t/ze azit/zority aforesaid, That all trans- itory actions and suits, new depending or hereafter to he brought, commenced or prosecuted, in any of the mayors courts, or courts of common pleas in this State, may be heard, tried and determined therein, although the real cause of action did not arise within the city or county where such action or suit is or shall be brought, or commenced; and that the said courts shall not admit or allow of any foreign plea, in any such case, to quash, bar or stay any such suit or action; but proceed to hear, try and determine the same, in such manner, as if the cause of action, had arisen within the jurisdiction of the court, where such suit or action is or shall be so brought or commenced, any law, usage or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided always. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by tbe ant/zority aforesaid, That this act shall not extend to any suit or action, wherein the people of the State of New York are, or shall be interested; nor to any suit or action, where free- hold, inheritance or title to lands or tenements, shall in any wise come in question; not to actions of replevin, or of assault and battery, or of false imprisonment, or of slander; nor to any suit or action to be brought or commenced by or against the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, or the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of Albany, or the mayor, recorder, aldermen and commonalty of the city of Hudson. CHAP. 73. AN ACT to remove doubts respecting judgment bonds given to the commissioners of forfeitures, and for other purposes therein mentioned. PASSED the 7th of April, 1787. \VHEREAS doubts have arisen, whether the said commissioners can receive in payment in discharge of such bonds, the certificates made receivable on the sales of such lands, for securing the payment whereof bonds were taken after the expiration of the term or time expressed in the bonds, for remedy whereof .Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New York, represented in. Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze aat/zorizy of tbe sanze, That it shall and may be lawful for the said commissioners, at any time before actual sale on execution on any bond and judgment as aforesaid, to receive in discharge of the debt for which such bond shall have been taken, the same species of certificates, or other monies for which the said lands were sold, in like manner as they might) have received the same before the expiration of the term or time aforesaid. And be it fzn't/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners of forfeitures of the Western dis- trict to convey to the trustees of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church at Caghnawaga in the county of Montgomery, by the name in which they now are, or shall be incorporated, pursuant to the law of this State in that case made and provided, lot number forty, containing twenty acres of land situate in Butlers-bury in the said county of Montgomery, CHAP. 73.] TENTH SESSION. 499 forfeited to the people of this State by the attainder of John Butler, instead .of the twenty acres of land, directed to be-conveyed to the said trustees by the twenty-fifth section of the act entitled “An act further to amend an act entitled “An act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned” passed the rst of May 1786.” Am! fie z'z‘ furl/lei‘ e/zaez‘ea’ fiy t/ze azef/zerz'zj/ aferesaz'a’, That the ninth section of the said last before recited act, be, and the same is hereby repealed, so far forth only, as that no appointment of any commissioner of forfeitures, shall hereafter be made, unless such commissioners in any of the great districts shall be dead, or become incapable of execut- ing the duties of the office. And zel/zereas George Fisher late of the city of New York deceased, s me time in the month of June last, purchased from the commissioners of forfeitures for the southern district of this State, several lots of land in the out-ward of the city of New York, forfeited to the people of the State of New York by the attainder of James Delancey Esquire, and paid to the said commissioners, the sum of seven hundred and fifty three pounds, part of the consideration of the same, and executed a bond for the payment of the residue thereof. Ami w/zereas a judgment hath been obtained on the said bond and an execution issued thereon, against the lands and tenements, goods and chattels of the said George Fisher, who hath since died intestate, leaving several children ,all infants. Ami w/zereas it is represented to the legislature that the said George Fisher, at the time of his making the purchase aforesaid, was not of sound mind, and his Widow in behalf of herself and the children of the said George Fisher hath prayed relief in the premises, therefore Be z'tfurt/zer elzaez‘eei fiy t/ze azeZ/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That the commissioner of forfeitures for the southern district, shall cause the said lands so pur— chased by the said George Fisher to be sold upon, and by virtue of the said judgment and execution; and in case the same lands shall not sell for the sum agreed to be given for the same by the said George Fisher, then the said commissioners, shall cause the same to be purchased for the use of this State, and shall then cause the same lands to be sold at public vendue for certificates issued or to be issued by the treasurer of this State, after giving least three months notice of such sale, and the treasurer of this State is hereby directed to pay to the administrator of the said George Fisher for the use of his estate, out of any monies now in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the said sum of seven hundred and fifty three pounds, being the sum so paid by the said . George Fisher. Ana’ fie z'z‘fzerZ/zer e/mez‘ezi fiy Z/ze az/f/zerz'zj/ afm'esaz'd, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the treasurer of this State, to redeem all such of the bills of credit emitted by this State, commonly called bills of the new emission with any monies which now are in his hands, and not otherwise appropriated. That the said treasurer shall with all conveni- ent speed, cause an advertisement to be published in one or more of the newspapers printed in this State, requiring the holders of all such bills, to bring the same to him for redemption on or before the fifteenth day of June next, and the interest of all such bills as shall remain in circula- tion after the day last aforesaid, shall cease from and after the said fifteenth of June. Ana’ fie 2'2‘ furl/2e?" elzaefezz’ fiy z‘lze azeZ/zerz'ty aferesaz're, That the com- missioners of forfeitures shall and may sell at vendue the lands appro- priated to the redemption of the said bills in like manner as is herein before directed. Part of act specified repealed. Preamble. Relief of heirs of George Fisher. Bills of credit, re- demption of new emission of Certain lands may be sold at public venduea 500 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 74. Miles Sher- brooke, relief of. Collectors of taxes to be prose- cuted by county treasurer for taxes not paid over. Supervis- ors, pro- ceedings by to en- force pay- ment of arrears. Ana’ fie z'z‘ furl/lee enacted by the (ml/writ)» aforesaid, That Miles Sher- brooke late of the city of New York merchant be, and he is hereby per- mitted to return and remain within this State, unmolested, until the legislature shall make further or other provision in the premises, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. CHAP. 74. AN ACT for the more effectual recovery of the arrears of county taxes, and other purposes therein mentioned. PASSED the 7th of April, 1787. Be it e/zaez‘ed by Me People of z‘/ze Sz‘az‘e 0f 1Ve2c' Yer/e, represented in Senate and Assemely, and if is /zere&y eizaez‘ed 12)) Me authority of Z/ze same, That in all cases, where the collector of any town or place, shall have received any taxes or county rates, and not paid the same to the county treasurer, it shall be lawful for the treasurer of such county, for the time being, and he is hereby authorised and required, to commence and prosecute a suit, for the recovery thereof, with costs, in the name of the treasurer of such county, against such collector, his executors or admin- istrators, in an action on the case, for monies received to the use of such county; in which suits, it shall be sufficient to set forth in the declara- tion, that the collector is, or in his life time was indebted to the treas- urer of such county, in a certain sum, for so much money by him, as collector of such town or place, before that time received, for the use of such county: And being so thereof indebted, promised to pay the same, when required, to ‘the treasurer of such county; without setting forth the special matter: and no such suit or action shall be abated or discontinued, by the death, resignation or removal from office, of any such county treasurer; but the same shall, or may be prosecuted to effect, by his successor in office. And ée z'z‘ fZH’l/Mi' enaez‘eez’ &y the azez‘lzorz'zj/ aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful, for the supervisors of each of the respective counties in this State, for the time being, or the major part of such supervisors respectively, to meet together at such times.and places, as they may think proper, in their respective counties; and to examine what sums remain unpaid of the several county taxes, in their respective counties, laid or assessed, since the first day of November, in the year of our- Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty, for the necessary and contingent charges of such county; and where they find any sum or sums of money remain uncollected, on any such tax, and the persons or estates charged with the same are sufficient to pay the same, they shall issue their warrant to the collectors of the respective towns and places, where such sums remain unpaid, for the collection thereof; and the respective collectors, shall levy and collect, all such sums, in the same manner, and under the same penalties, as they are authorised and required to collect the taxes for the necessary and contingent charges of such county; and shall pay the same, to the treasurer of the county, at such time, as the supervisors in their said Warrant shall direct. And if any collector shall neglect his duty herein, he shall be chargeable‘ with the monies so directed to be levied and collected, to be recovered in the manner aforesaid, by the treasurer of the county for the time being, with costs'of suit. Am! fieri/lee, that Where the said supervisorsx CHAP. 75.] TENTH SESSION. 501 shall find, that any deficiency of any of the said taxes has happened in any town or place, by the insolvency, or the want of goods and chattels, whereon to levy the said tax, of any person or persons in such town or place, or by the insolvency of the collector, they shall add such defi- ciency, to the next tax of the like nature, to be laid upon the same town or place. And be it fzirt/zer erzaeted by t/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid, That all and every Applica- sum and sums of money, to be raised or recovered by virtue of this act, shall be applied in each county, as the supervisors of such county, for Iglégéldcolr the time being, or the major part of them, shall direct. ' And w/zereas it hath been represented, that several collectors of the public taxes, to be raised by virtue of the act for raising monies by tax,” passed the twenty ninth day April last are prosecuted by county treas- urers, for neglecting to pay the taxes by them collected, by law is directed; and w/zereas it appears to this legislature, that some of the col- lectors have become delinquent, because sufficient time did not inter- vene, wherein to collect the taxes, between the delivery of the tax list, and the day appointed for paying into the county treasury : therefore Be it eaaeted by t/ze az/t/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be Certain lawful for such county treasurers, who shall have commenced any such Ejgonsgcu' suit or suits, against any such collector or collectors, to stay such suit or against - - - collectors suits, in any stage thereof, until the first day of June next; and the to be collectors respectively shall proceed to collect the arrears of the said Stayed' tax or taxes, and pay the same into the treasury of the county, on or before the first day of June next, in like manner, as they could or might have done on or before the first day of March last, as required in and by the said act; and the treasurer of such county, shall pay the said taxes so to be collected and paid into his hands, into the treasury of this State, within one month thereafter, any thing in the said act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. CHAP. 75. AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An act supplementary to an act to appoint commissioners to settle and adjust any differ- ences which may arise between the proprietors of certain lots in the city of New York, the buildings whereof were burnt in the year 1776 and for altering the streets which heretofore were laid out adjoining to such lots.” PASSED the 7th of April, 1787. WHEREAS the commissioners named in the act aforesaid, except Henry Preamble. Remsen, are desirous of being excused from acting in the premises. Therefore, Be it enacted by tile People of t/ze State of New York, represented in Commis- Serzate and Assembly, and it is kereby enacted by Me aat/zority of t/ze same, sloners named in That Thomas Randall, William Maxwell, David Brooks, Joshua Sands, place of John McComb and Jacobus Lefferts, be, and they hereby are appointed gigiirsgdlei commissioners, in the place and stead of the persons in the said act named, except the said Henry Remsen, for the purposes therein men tioned, who, together with the said Henry Remsen, or any three of them, shall perform the duties, and exercise the powers by the said act pre scribed for, and given to the persons therein named. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 76. Preamble . Time for payment and com- mutation of quit rents ex- tended. Treasurer to receipt for pay- ments, specifying the lots for which paid. Proceed- ings for payment of arrears and com- mutation of quit rents on original shares CHAP. 76. AN ACT to amend an act entitled “ An act for the collection and commutation of quit rents. PAssEi) the 11th of April, 1787. WHEREAS sundry circumstances have intervened, which have rendered it impossible for those, from whom quit rents were due, to discharge or commute for the same by the times limited in the act entitled “An act for the collection and commutation of quit rents” passed the rst day of April 1786. Therefore Be it enacted by t/ze People of t/ze State of N ew York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted ' by t/ze aat/zorizy of tbe sa/ne, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the treasurer of this State, at any time between the passing of this act and the first day of May, one thousand, seven hundred and eighty eight, to take and receive from any person being a citizen of this State or of any other of the United States, any sum or sums of money due and in arrear for quit rents, or any sum or sums of money in commutation for annual quit rents, in such public securities and certificates as are designated in the first. and second sections of the said act, and in the manner thereby directed, and that no process shall be commenced by the said treasurer for the recovery of any quit rents, which may be due or become due to the people of this State until after the first day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight any thing in the said act to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. And be it fart/zer enacted by tbe azct/zority aforesaid, That where quit rents shall be paid for such shares of land as are designated in the third section of the said act, or that such shares shall be commuted for, the treasurer shall upon such payment, give the person making such pay- ment a receipt or certificate, expressing the sum so paid, and specifying whether the same be for quit rents due and in arrear, or for quit rents and commutation both, and designating the patent, and the lot or lots for which such payment is made, and if such payment is for both arrears- of quit rents and commutation, the lands so paid for, shall never there- after be subject to process or sale for any quit rents, which may at any time become due from any other lot or lots in such patent, and if such payment is for arrears of quit rent only, then the lands so paid for, shall not be subject to process or sale for any arrears of quit rent which may be due to the time of such payment from any other lot or lots, in such patent, any thing in the said act to the contrary hereof notwith— standing. And w/zereas tracts of land within this State, have been so divided, and alienated, that many of the present owners and proprietors hold less then an original proprietors share, and difficulties may arise as well with those who may pay the quit rents and commute for their respective shares, as with the treasurer, to ascertain such share; for remedy whereof. Be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for any three or more of the present proprietors or owners of any such'patent or lands, by advertisement to be put up and continued for ten days successively on any part of such lands, to notify and require all owners and proprietors of lands within such patent, to meet at a place certain within the same, and at a day certain to be expressed in such advertisement, such day not to be assigned at less than twenty CHAP. 76.] ‘ TENTH SESSION. . 503 days from the date of such advertisement, and such of the owners and whichhave proprietors as shall then meet, may proceed by plurality of voices, to B‘ffifaz‘éf" chuse two assessors and one collector, which assessors so chosen, shall within twenty days thereafter, make an assessment roll of the several owners and proprietors of lands in such patent, and shall enter in such roll, the sums respectively due for quit rents, to the twenty ninth day of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, from each according to the proportion and share which each shall have, hold, pos- sess and enjoy within such patent, so as that the whole shall make up and amount to the whole of the quit rents which will be due to the people of the State to the time herein before mentioned, and shall desig- nate which share or shares, have by forfeiture to the people of this State, become discharged of quit rent, and which share or shares are entitled to remission of quit rents by this or the said act, passed the first day of April 1786, and shall also specify the amount of the commutation for every share or shares subject to present or future quit rents, to the end, that such as incline to commute may be enabled to pay for the same to the collector, and shall in seperate colomns charge each share or shares, subject to quit rents and for which commutation may be made with six per cent to be paid in specie on the amount of the quit rent next due, and on the amount of the commutation, five per cent whereof to go as a compensation to the collector for his trouble in collecting and paying the same to the treasurer of this State, and one per cent thereof to be paid to the assessors for their trouble in the execution of their office; (UL/Z7 furZ/zer, that the said assessors, before they begin such assessment, shall take an oath before a. justice of the peace, well, truly, impartially and in due proportion, according to the best of their understanding, to assess and rate the several owners and proprietors of such patent for which they are chosen assessors; and furZ/zer that the said assessors shall within ten days next after compleating such assessment roll, and having signed the same and put their seals thereto, deliver the same unto the collector so chosen as aforesaid, which said collector shall forth- with collect the several sums charged in such assessment, for arrears of rent, and for commutation, if the party or parties are willing to pay such commutation, in such public securities as are designated in the said act passed the 1st day of April 1786, together with the said six per cent in specie on the arrears of quit rent and on such commutation as shall be paid, so that he pay the same (except the six per cent as afore- said) to the said treasurer on or before the first day of May, one thou- sand seven hundred and eighty eight and if any of the said owners or proprietors of such patent, shall refuse, neglect or delay to pay his or her share or proportion of the said rate or assessment of quit rent, and the said five or six per cent, as the case may be, then it shall and maybe lawful for such collector, and he is hereby required to collect and levy the same, by distress and sale of any goods and chattels if any can be found on the share or shares so charged, and for which payment has been refused, neglected or delayed, in the same ‘manner as the collectors of public taxes are or may be empowered by law to do, or to prosecute the defaulter or defaulters for the same, before any one justice of the peace within the county where such lands lay, who is hereby authorized to hear and determine the same. A/m’ fm'f/zer, if such collector shall not find goods and chattels on the lands in such share or shares whereon to make distress, or shall not be able to recover such rate or assessment for quit rents before such justice, then such collector shall at the time of his paying the public securities by him collected unto the said treas- urer, deliver the assessment roll to the said treasurer, together with an 504 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 76 Remission of quit rents in certain cases. Treasurer to trans— mit state- ment of quit rents to certain counties. Parts of acts speci- fied re- pealed. abstract of the names of such as have paid the quit rents only, and the amount so paid by each, together with the names of such whose lands were discharged from quit rents as aforesaid, and another abstract of such as have paid both the quit rents and the commutation, and the amount so paid by each, and a third abstract containing the names of the defaultersif any there be, and the sums charged to each for quit rents, all which abstracts shall be sworn to as just and true by the said collector and the said treasurer-shall thereupon give a proper receipt at the foot or on the back of the respective abstracts for which he shall have received the amount for quit rents, or for quit rents and commu- tation both, as the case may be, which receipt for quit rents shall exon- erate the persons named in the abstract from any demand for quit rents to the time for which they were paid; and the lands so paid for, shall not be subject to process or sale for any quit rents then due from any one or more defaulters, and the receipt for quit rents and commutation both, shall forever thereafter exonerate and discharge the lands for which they shall have been paid, from any demand on the part of the people of this State for quit rents; nor shall process issue, or any sale be hereafter made of such land so paid or commuted for, on account of any quit rents which may be due from any other lands in such patent, any thing in the said act to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. Arid w/zereas many of the inhabitants of this State, have during the late war been driven from their habitations by the incursions of the enemy, and thereby have been greatly distressed, therefore Be iz‘fart/zer e/zaez‘ed by t/ze azez‘lzorizfy aforesaid, That any person or per- sons having been so driven off as aforesaid, shall be and hereby are dis- charged, from paying, as well all future quit rents, as those which have already become due to the people of this State, for so much land only and no more, as was included in the farm whereon such person or persons actu- ally resided, and from which he or she were driven as aforesaid. Provided that any person claiming such exemption, shall produce a certificate, signed by one of the judges of the court of common pleas of the county wherein such person did reside, specifying that he or she was obliged to quit his or her farm on account of the war, and also specifying the number of acres, which it shall appear to such judge were contained in such farm. And provided such certificate shall not intitle any person to a remission for more than one hundred and fifty acres. Arid prooided also that such certificate shall be delivered to the assessors herein before mentioned, where assessments shall be made, previous to the making of such assessment, or to the said treasurer where quit rents shall be made without assessment. - A/zd oe it farz‘lzer elzaez‘ed oy i/ze authority aforesaid, That the treas~ urer of this State, shall, and he is hereby required, as soon as may be, after the passing of this act, to transmit to the respective clerks of the several counties within this State (except to the clerks of the city and county of New York, the counties of Kings, Queens and Richmond) a schedule of all the quit rents due, or to become due, within the county ofwhich he is clerk, to the twenty ninth day of September next, speci— fying the date of every patent, the names of the patentees, and the quantity of lands contained in each patent where a quit rent is reserved per hundred acres, and the annual quit rent, where a quit rent in gross is reserved, and where quit rents are reserved in kind, to specify the value in money, as by the said act herein referred to is directed. And &e if farZ/zer eflaez‘ed 6)) the azeZ/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the tenth, eleventh and fourteenth sections of the said act, and the preamble to the said fourteenth section are hereby repealed. ‘CHAP. 77.] TENTH SESSION. 505 CHAP. 77. AN ACT for raising monies by tax. PASSED the 11th of April, 1787. Be 2'! eezaez‘ed a)’ Z/ze Peep/e“ of l/ze Slate 0f New York, represented 2'22 Taxlevy Senate and Assemaly, and it is lzereay enaez‘ed by f/ze aaZ/zerz'z‘y 0f Z/ze same, Ordered- That there shall be raised and levied, within this State, the sum of fifty thousand pounds. That the quota of the city and county of New York of the said sum, New York_ shall be, thirteen thousand pounds. The quota of the city and county of Albany, shall be five thousand Albany. five hundred pounds. The quota of the county of Columbia shall be, two thousand four Columbia, hundred pounds. The quota of the county of Dutchess, shall be five thousand pounds. Dutchess, The quota of the county of Ulster, shall be three thousand four Ulster, hundred pounds. ' The quota of the county of Orange, shall be two thousand five hun- Orange. dred pounds. . The quota of the county of \Vest Chester, shall be three thousand West- four hundred pounds. Chester‘ The quota of the county of Suffolk, shall be four thousand five hun- Sufi‘olk. dred pounds. The quota of Queens county, shall be four thousand five hundred Queens. pounds The quota of Kings county, shall be two thousand three hundred Kings. pounds The quota of Richmond county, shall be one thousand three hun- Richmond, dred pounds. The quota of the county of Montgomery, Shall be one thousand six Montgom- hundred pounds. 61'3" The quota of the county of Washington, shall be six hundred pounds. Washing- And fie z'z‘furZ/zer enaez‘ed &y the aaz‘fierz'ty aforesaid, That the supervi- Sigervig sors of the several ‘counties, or the majority of them, shall respectively orstocause meet on the first Tuesday in September next, and cause the said respec- {35,33 tive quotas’, assigned to their several counties, to be raised, assessed, Same man' levied and collected, in like manner, as the contingent charges of such £5,222?” counties are usually raised, assessed, levied and collected; that the giliggggfii respective collectors shall pay the sums by them severally collected, to payment- the respective county treasurers, on or before the first Tuesday of March next, and that the county treasurers, shall pay the respective quotas of their counties, to the treasurer of this State, on or before the first Tues- day in April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight. A 11d fie z'z‘farZ/zer enacted a)» t/ze aaz‘lzerz'z‘y aforesaid, That the several Powers, judges, justices of the peace, county treasurers, supervisors, assessors gggifliiggd and collectors, shall respectively perform the like duties, exercise the 9f Ofliqel's . . . . 1n levying like powers, be entitled to the like rewards and be subject to the same and no}- penalties, for neglect or refusal to discharge such duties, as are directed lectingtax' and prescribed, in and by the act, entitled “An act for raising monies by tax,” passed'the twenty ninth day of April last provided always that the assessors shall specify and rate the real and personal estate by them to be rated, in separate and distinct columns in the assessment rolls, any thing in the said act to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. VOL. 2.—64 y LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 78 06 Time of completing assessment Penaltyfor neglect by assessor. Preamble. Oneida purchase, partition of . And be it fztrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That the assessors of the several cities, towns, manors, districts and precincts, in the said cities and counties respectively, shall meet on the last Tuesday in Sep- tember next, to make the assessments in pursuance of this act, and shall complete such assessments, within twenty days after such meeting. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That if any asses- sor shall neglect or refuse, to perform any of the duties required of him, by this act; such assessor so neglecting or refusing to perform any such duty, shall forfeit to the people of this State, the sum of fifty pounds, to be recovered in the manner, directed in and by the eleventh section of the said act, entitled “An act for raising monies by tax,” passed the twenty ninth day of April last. CHAP. 78. AN ACT for the more easy partition of a tract of land called the Oneida purchase. PASSED the 11th of April, 1787. W'HEREAs several of the proprietors of a certain tract, of land com- monly called the Oneida purchase, situate on the south side of the Mohawk river, near the German Flatts in the county of Montgomery, and granted to William Bayard and fifty four other persons on the twelfth day of june one thousand seven hundred and seventy one, have by their petition represented to the legislature, that the said tract was surveyed and laid out in lots, previous to the late war, by Thomas Pal- mer and Beriah Palmer, at the request of all the proprietors of the said tract, but that no division having then been actually made, they now find, that by reason of the attainder of some of the proprietors, and the death or removal of others, it is altogether impracticable to procure a division of the said tract, without a resurvey thereof, which will be attended with great trouble and expence, unless the legislature should think fit to relieve them in the premises. And w/zereas it appears to the legislature, that relief ought to be granted to the said petitioners. Therefore, Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of JVew Yor/e, represented in. Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze ant/zority of t/ce sa/ne, That Evert Bancker, john Ramsay and Thomas Randall shall be, and hereby are appointed commissioners, to make partition of the said tract, agreeable to the survey so made thereof, by the said Thomas Palmer and Beriah Palmer; and for that purpose shall cause an advertisement to be published for at least four weeks, in one or more of the news papers printed in the city of New York, and one or more of the news papers printed in the city of Albany, appointing a particular time and place, at which the several lots in the said tract will be ballotted for, and requiring all persons interested, then and there to attend; at which time and place the said commissioners, having made as many tickets as there are patentees mentioned in the said patent, with the name of one of the said patentees written on each ticket, and also half as many tickets as there are lots, into which the said tract has been divided by the said survey, with the numbers of two of the said lots written on each ticket, so coupled as to make each share as nearly equal as may be; the tickets of names shall be put in one box, and the numbered tickets in CHAP. 79.] TENTH SESSION. 507 another box, and such person or persons, as the said commissioners shall appoint, shall proceed to draw a ticket of the names and then a ticket of the numbers, and so proceed until all the tickets are drawn; whereupon the several lots, bearing the numbers written on the tickets, drawn next after the drawing of the ticket on which the name of the patentee shall be written, shall be seperate and divided property of the person or persons legally entitled to the share of such patentee; of which ballotting, and all other proceedings in the said partition, the said com- missioners shall make a full and fair entry in a book, one copy whereof certified under the hands of the said commissioners, or the hands of a majority of them, shall be filed in the office of the secretary of this State; and another copy certified in like manner, in the office of clerk of the county of Montgomery; either of which same books, or an exemplified or certified copy thereof, shall be good evidence of such partition; which partition so made as aforesaid, shall be and hereby is declared valid and effectual in law. And fzu'z‘lzer, that the lots which by such balloting shall be drawn for the share or shares part or parts of the said tract of land which by the attainder or conviction of any person or persons whomsoever, belongs to and is vested in the people of this State, shall be the seperate share or shares, lot or lots of the people of this State, and be vested in them, in as full and ample man- ner, as if such partition had been had previous to such attainder or conviction: and that it shall and may be lawful to and for the commis- sioners of forfeitures in the western district, to sell at public vendue, such lot or lots in the said tract of land, as by such partition shall fall to ‘the share or shares of the people of this State, in the same manner, as if such lands had been divided, and held in scr'craltv, previous to such attainder or conviction. @HAP. 79. AN ACT to revive and amend the acts therein mentioned, rela- tive to a jurisdiction line between this State and the common- wealth of Massachusetts. PASSED the 11th of April, 1787. Be it emzez‘ea’ fiy z‘fie Beep/e 0f z‘fie Smz‘e ef Ne'ze/ Yer/e, e'epresezzz‘ed in Act recited Senate and Assemfily, and 2'2‘ 2'3 fierely e/zaez‘ed fiy t/ze azel/zerz'zfy 0f Z/ze same, revival That the act entitled “ An act to authorize the United States in Congress assembled to appoint commissioners to complete the running a certain line of jurisdiction therein mentioned between this State and the com- monwealth of Massachusetts” passed the 7th day of March 1785, and the act supplementary to the said act” passed the 29th of April 1786, be and they are hereby respectively revived and declared of full force and effect, except so far forth as respects the time limited by the said first recited act, in which the commissioners therein mentioned were to perform and complete the survey thereby directed. Aim’ fie z't flirt/£61’ e/zaez‘ed fiy Z/ze azzf/zw'z'z‘y aferesaz'd, That the said Time ex- commissioners are hereby authorized and impowered, at any time within gglgazdbgor the term of one year from the 7th day of March 1787 to do and per- CpmmlS form all and singular the services of them required by the said acts or sloners inther of them. And fie z'! fzzrZ/zer e/melea’ fiy z‘lze azeZ/wrz'zj) afaresaz'd, That the act Act recited entitled “ An act to complete the running a certain line of jurisdiction suspended’ 508 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 80. Preamble. Wood- stock, town of, erected Town offi- cers to be chosen. therein mentioned between this State and the commonwealth of Mass- achusetts” passed at the present meeting of this legislature is hereby suspended until the 8th day of March 1788, except so far forth as respects the appointment of Simeon De \Vitt Esquire as one of the agents on the part of this State. CHAP. 80. AN ACT to erect the settlements of Woodstock and Great and Little Shandaken, in Ulster county into a seperate township. PASSED the 11th of April, 1787. \VHEREAS in and by a law of this State entitled “ An act for increas- ing the number of assessors throughout this State,” it is enacted and declared, that as well for the purpose of assessments, as all military purposes whatsoever, the settlements of \Voodstock and Great and Little Shandaken, in the county of Ulster, should be thereby severally annexed to, and made parts of the township of Hurley : And whereas the inhabi- tants of the same respective settlements, by their petition have repre- sented to the legislature, that they live remote from other inhabitants, and have no town officers to regulate the roads, or to compel any per- sons to work on them ; and that they are subject to other inconveniences, by means whereof other persons are discouraged from settling among them : and thereupon praying to be erected into a district, in their said petition described and named ; and it appearing to the legislature reasonable that the prayer of the said petition be complied with. There- fore, Be iz‘ enaez‘ed d} the People of Me State of New York, represented in Senate and Assemely, and ii‘ is fiereoy eizaez‘ed e)» Z/ze aaZ/zorizj/ of file same, That so much of the same three settlements of Woodstock, and Great and Little Shandaken, as is contained in the boundaries herein after de- scribed, shall be, and hereby are erected into a seperate township, by the name of the township of Woodstock ; that is to say, beginning at the head of Cartwrights Kill, being the northern boundary line of the county of Ulster, and from thence along said line northwesterly towards the Lake Otsiantha, to the easterly bounds of lot number twenty, be- longing to the heirs of Leonard Lewis; thence along the said bounds, south thirty three degrees west, (as the trees are marked) about fourteen miles to the south easterly corner of the said lot; thence the same course continued about eight miles to the bounds of Gulian Ver Plancks land, in lot number seven; thence along his bounds, south easterly, about eighteen miles to the bounds of Marbletown; thence along the said bounds northeasterly to the Esopus Kill ; thence east to the west- ern bounds of Kingston; thence along the said bounds (and the line setled and run by the arbitrators) northerly to the aforesaid Cartwrights Kill; and thence up the same to the head thereof. And &e if farZ/zer enacted by the aai/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the inhabi- tants of the said township of Woodstock, shall be and hereby are declared to be entitled to assemble and hold annual town meetings within the same township, and by a plurality of voices, to elect one supervisor, one town clerk, three assessors, one collector, two constables, two overseers of the poor, three commissioners of the highways, and so many overseers of the highways, fence viewers and pound masters, as CHAP. 81.] TENTH SESSION. 509 to the freeholders and inhabitants of the same township, so met, shall seem necessary and convenient; which officers when so elected, shall have the like powers and authority, and be subject to the like rules, regulations and penalties, as are bylaw prescribed for such officers respectively, in the other precincts in the same county. That the annual elections be held at the house of Captain Elias Haasbrouck, in Little Shandaken aforesaid, until otherwise determined by a majority of votes, of the taxable persons in the same township, in legal town meeting assembled, or it be otherwise provided for by law. And w/zereas it may happen that the line of the said township may intersect the houses or farms of some of the inhabitants of the said township, whereby inconveniences may arise in the assessment of taxes; for remedy whereof, Be it fart/cer enacted 15y t/ie azzt/Eorz'ty aforesaid, That wherever the Division of line of the said township shall intersect a farm, the possessor of such {gifisltgeg farm shall pay all his taxes in which ever township or precinct his P918 inf dwelling house shall be ; but if the said line shall intersect any dwell- case 0 ' ing house, then the possessor shall be taxed for both houses and farm in the township or precinct so adjoining the township of \Voodstock aforesaid. Provided always, and oe it fart/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, Effect That nothing in this act contained, shall be construed, deemed or ad- act‘ judged to extend, benefit or establish, the claims or possessions of any patentees, their or any of their heirs, successors or assigns, in any pat- ent or grant of land, or any part thereof, lying within, or next adjoining the township of Woodstock aforesaid, or any part thereof; or to defeat or prejudice, or in any manner to alter, or affect the same. Andfnrt/zer, that neither this act, nor any thing herein contained, shall be offered as evidence in favor of the claims of any or either of the parties, in any suit or suits whatsoever respecting the title of lands; but only to prove the line of township of Woodstock, by this act established. And oe it furt/zer enacted oy t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That it shall and Town may be lawful for the inhabitants of the township of Woodstock to $133,115; assemble for the present year at the dwelling house of the said Elias be held- Haasbrouck in Little Shandaken on the first Tuesday in june next, and by plurality of voices, elect town officers in like manner as is directed in and by the second clause of this act, any thing in this act to the con- trary notwithstanding. CHAP. 81. AN ACT imposing duties on goods and merchandize, imported into this State. PASSED the 11th of April, 1787. Be it enacted 6y t/ze People of t/ze State of New York, represented in Duties 1m. Senate and Assenzoly, and it is nereoy enacted oy t/ze azct/zority of t/ze same, Posgd on goo sand That from and after the first day of August next, all such goods and merehan- merchandize, as are hereinafter enumerated and mentioned, which shall Sgiihule be imported or brought into this State, by land or water, shall be sub- Sfliilgécific ject to the duties and imposts herein after mentioned, that is to say, ' Every gallon of molasses, one penny, Every gallon of distilled spirituous liquors, four pence, Every gallon of Madeira wine, eight pence, 510 LAWS OF NEW YORK. ['CHAP. 81. Every gallon of Wines, other than Madeira wine, four pence, Every gallon of lintseed oil, eight pence, Every gallon of porter, ale or beer, six pence, Every bushel of malt, four pence, Every bushel of salt, water measure, six pence, Every pound of snuff, six pence, ' Every pound of manufactured tobacco, three pence, Every pound of loaf or lump sugar, two pence, Every pound of other sugar, a half penny, Every pound of coffee, one penny, Every pound of chocolate, three pence, Every pound of pepper, three pence, Every pound of pimento or alspice, one penny, Every pound of steel, three farthings, Every pound of dressed leather, four pence, Every pound of tanned leather, three pence. Every pound of spikes, and every pound of nails commonly called threepenny nails, and of all nails of a larger size, one penny. Every pound of Bohea tea, imported direct from Asia, in ships or vessels of the built of this State, or whereof three fourths parts are owned by citizens residing in this State, three pence. On every pound of Bohea tea, otherwise imported, four pence. Every pound of tea of a superior quality, imported directly from Asia, in ships or vessels of the built of this State, or whereof three fourths parts are owned by citizens residing in this State, six pence. Every pound of tea of a superior quality, otherwise imported, eight pence. Every pound of cheese, four pence, Every pound of starch or hair powder, four pence, Every hundred weight of cordage, four shillings, Every hundred weight of bar iron, four shillings, Every pound of raisins, currants, almonds, prunes or figs, one penny, Every hundred weight of iron hollow ware, six shillings, Every hundred weight or nail rods, four shillings, Every dozen bottles of wine, in bottles commonly called quart bottles, and in that proportion for all wines in bottles, two shillings, Every dozen bottles of malt liquors, in bottles commonly called quart bottles, and in that proportion for all bottled malt liquors, one shilling and six pence, Upon carriages of pleasure from a foreign port as follows, Every coach, chariot or post chaise, or coach, chariot or post chaise box, fifteen pounds, Every other four wheeled cariage of pleasure, eight pounds, Every two wheeled carriage of pleasure, four pounds, Every clock twenty shillings, Every dozen of scythes, siths or axes, twelve shillings, Every saddle, ten shillings, Every dozen of saddle trees, twelve shillings, Every pair of womens or children shoes or slippers of stuff or mor- occo leather, sixpence. Every pair of womens silk shoes, one shilling, Every pair of mens or womens leather shoes or slippers six pence. Every pair of boots, four shillings, Every pair of boot legs, one shilling and sixpence, Every dozen packs of playing cards, four shillings, Every pair of wool or cotton cards, six pence, can». 81.] TENTH SESSION. 511 And the following articles at and after the rate of seven pounds ten shillings per centum, ad valorem, to be computed on the prime cost. Anchovies, olives, capers, horse harness, bridles, stirrup irons, bridle Goods pay bits, pictures with or without frames, paper hangings, pewter and block 32g, tin hollow ware, pantiles and all sorts of earthern and glassware, china ad Valol‘em ware, writing paper, blank books, quills, brushes, horn combs and all other articles made wholly of horn, plane stocks, and all kinds of manu- factured tools of wood, mens and womens hats (excepting wool hats) foreign marble, and cabinet and joiners work. - And the following articles at and after the rate of five pounds per centum ad valorem, to be computed on the prime cost, that is to say, Beef, pork, butter, candles, soap, anchors, all utensils made in the goods pay- whole or in part of copper, tin or brass, bellows, shovels and spades, sad 15521311)“ irons, screw augurs, frying pans, urugs and medicines, flour of mustard, 'v'alOi’ew- white rope, twine and white lines. And all other goods and merchandize not herein before enumerated Goods pay- and mentioned, at and after the rate of two pounds ten shillings, per fifffffialf centum ad valorem, to be computed upon the prime cost, excepting raw Rfgecl‘ggtfi hides, whale and fish oil, mahogany, logwood, lignum vitee, Nicaragua wood, red wood, fustick, and all other dye woods, sheeps and cotton wool, whale bone, beaver, peltry, furs, deer skins, woad, madder, cochi— neal, rocou, bees wax and eliphants teeth, and all goods and merchan- dize, of the growth, production and manufacture of any of the United States of America. And fie iz‘ furz‘lzer erzaez‘ed fiy Z/ze aaz‘fiorizj/ aforesaid, That all goods Additional and merchandize, which shall be imported or brought into this State, Sg‘ggtdi‘gn after the said first day of August next, in any ship or vessel, not built ggtdesdiggr within any of the United States, shall be subject to the following addi- foreign tional duties; that is to say, on all the herein before enumerated articles, Vessels‘ other than those subject to a duty ad valorem, at and after the rate of one fourth part of the duties in and by this act imposed on such articles respectively; and on all goods and merchandize, subject to a duty ad valorem, the further sum of two pounds ten shillings per centum, ad valorem, to be computed on the prime cost. A no’ fie it fart/zer eizaez‘ed fiy Z/ze aaZ/zoriiy aforesaid, That in order to Foreign enable the collector to determine, whether any ship or vessel, in which goods or merchandize are imported into this State, is of the built of this gegttggfne State, or any other of the United States, it shall and may be lawful to what are. and for the collector, to demand from the master or other person, hav— ing the command of such ship or vessel, the register thereof; and in case any doubts arise on the inspection of such register, whether such ship or vessel is of the built of this State, or of any other of the United States, it shall and may be lawful to and for the collector, to examine, as well the master of such ship or vessel, or other person having the command, as any other person or persons whom he shall think proper, on oath, touching and concerning the built of such ship or vessel. /1 11d fie i! farf/zer e/zaefed fiy Z/ze azzZ/zoriijr aforesaid, That the master Master of or person having the command of any ship or vessel, which after the said first day of August next, shall come into, or arrive at any port 21532111210‘, within this State, within twenty four hours after such arrival, shall report deliver to the collector of the port, his arrival, and the place from whence the mamfest' ship or vessel last sailed ; and that after such report is made, the said ship or vessel may remain in port forty-eight hours, without making entry of her cargo, at, or before the expiration of which time, the said master or person having the command of such ship or vessel, shall deliver to the collector of the port, an exact and true manifest under his LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 81. Oath to manifest. Id.: in case of loss of goods by disaster. Sea stores exempted. Oath to be taken by consignee before goods landed. Form of oath. hand, of all and every such bales, chests, casks, trunks, cases boxes or other packages, and all such goods or merchandize stowed in bulk in such ship or other vessel, and which such ship or vessel had on board at the time she left the port from which she last sailed, or at any time since; and which manifest, shall particularly specify, the mark or marks, number or numbers, of such bales, casks, chests, trunks, cases, boxes or other packages, and the or names of the person or persons who is, or are, the owner or owners, consignee or consignees, of such bales, casks, chests, trunks, cases, boxes, or other packages, and such goods or merchandize, stowed in bulk in such ship or vessel as aforesaid; and the master or person commanding such ship or vessel shall, upon exhib- iting such manifest to the collector, take and subscribe the following oath, (which oath the collector is hereby impowered to administer, that is to say. “ I do swear, in presence of Almighty God, that the mani- fest now by me delivered, contains a just and true account of the cargo on board of the vessel, called the under my command; and that no more or other bales, casks, chests, trunks, cases, boxes or other packages, or goods, than those mentioned in the said manifest, have been on board of the said vessel at any time since she left the port of , and that the said port was the last from which she sailed.” Which first blank, shall be filled with the name of the person having the command of the vessel, the second with the name of such vessel, and the third with the name of the port from which she last sailed: Provided aZzc/ays, that if after the sailing of such vessel from such last port, any part of the cargo thereof shall have been thrown overboard, or lost by reason of stress of weather, or other unavoidable accident or cause, it shall be lawful for such master, or person having the command of such ship or vessel, to declare such disaster or misfortune, in the manifest to be by him delivered as aforesaid, specifying the quantity and kinds of goods, as near as may be, so thrown overboard, or other- wise lost; and thereupon the collector to whom such manifest is deliv- ered, shall insert in the oath by him administered, immediately after the name of the port, the following clause “ Except the goods therein declared to have been lost, since she left the said port, which goods were to the best of my knowledge bona fide lost, in the manner therein speci- fied.” And 6e iz‘fzeri/zer erzaez‘ed oy Z/ze aai/zorizj/ aforesaid, That such liquors, as are intended for sea stores, for any master or commander, of any ship or vessel, and actually on board of such vessel, not exceeding the quan- tity of forty gallons, shall be exempted from duty. And be it fart/zer erzaez‘ed [2y i/ze aat/zorizfy aforesaid, That after the report and manifest, in manner herein before mentioned have been made and delivered, to the collector, of any ship or vessel, which shall after the first day of August next, come into any of the ports of this State, and of the cargo on board, every person having goods or merchandize on board of such ship or vessel, shall, before the same, or any part thereof, shall be landed, put on shore, or unloaded, exhibit to the col~ lector of the port, the original invoice, or an account of the said goods or merchandize; and shall take the oath hereinafter mentioned, which oath, the collectors respectively, are authorized to administer, that is to say, I do swear, in the presence of Almighty God, that the paper now by me exhibited to the collector of the port of , contains, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true invoice or account, of all the goods or merchandize, contained in the respective bales, casks, CHAP. 81.] TENTH SESSION. 513 chests, trunks, cases, boxes or other packages therein mentioned, and of all the goods stowed in bulk on board of the ship or vessel, called ‘the owned by, or consigned to me, or under my charge; and also contains a true account of the price or prices at which the said goods or merchandize have been bona fide purchased or charged, and that if any goods or merchandize, other than those mentioned in the said invoice or account, now by me exhibited to the said collector, shall be contained in any of the said bales, casks, chests, trunks, cases, boxes or other packages; or if I Shall discover that there are more goods or merchandize stowed in bulk, owned by, or consigned to me, or under my charge, than in the said invoice or account is mentioned; or if I shall at any time hereafter receive any other invoice, than that which I now produce, of the said goods or merchandize, I will forthwith, after discovering such goods or merchandize, or receiving such invoice, deliver an account thereof, to the collector of the port of a . And tie it fart/zer enacted by t/ze az/t/zority aforesaid, That if any ship or vessel, shall arrive at, or come into any of the ports of this State, having on board goods or merchandize, subject to any duty by this act, destined for any port or place out of this State, it shall be lawful for the person having the command of such ship or vessel, or the owner, or consignee of such goods or merchandize, at‘ the time of delivering the manifest aforesaid, to enter the same for exportation, particularly speci- fying the same; and the goods or merchandize so entered for expor- tation, may afterwards be exported on the same vessel, or in any other, but without having been landed, to any part or place out of this State, free from the said duties; provided, that such goods and merchandize shall be exported in the original bales, casks, chests, trunks, cases, boxes or other packages, and shall not be removed from one ship or vessel to another, withoutlthe presence of some officer appointed by the collector of the port, to superintend such removal. And proz/ided fart/ter, that the person having the command of such ship or vessel, Shall, prior to the departure of the said goods or merchandize out of this State, take an oath, to be administered by Such collector, in the words following. I in the presence of Almighty God, do swear, that none of the goods or merchandize imported in the vessel under my command, entered for exportation, other than those, whereof notice hath been given to the collector of, the port, and a permit ob- tained for landing the same, have been directly or indirectly landed or put on Shore within this State ; and that the said goods and merchan- dize, to the best of my knowledge and belief, are now on board the ship or vessel called the about to depart from this State, and are not intended to he landed within this State, or in any other, for the pur- pose of being again brought within this State. And the owner or con- signee of such goods or merchandize, if other than the person having the command of such vessel shall also take an oath, to be administered by such collector, in the words following. I do swear in the presence of Almighty God, that the goods and merchandize imported in the ship or vessel called the owned by, or consigned to me, and which were entered for exportation, other than those for which a permit to land hath been since obtained, are, to the best of my knowl- edge and belief, now on board the ship or vessel called the about to depart from this State; and that the said goods or merchan- dize, are not intended directly or indirectly to be landed within this State, or elsewhere, for the purpose of being brought within this State. And prof/idea’ last/y, that it shall be lawful for the master, or person having the command of such vessel, or the owner or consignee of the VoL. 2. — 65 Importa- tion of goods des- tined for places out ofthe State, entry and exporta- tion of. Oath of master Oath of consignee. entry. Change of f514 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 81. Penalty for failure to enter at custom house and exhibit manifest. Duties of £20 or less to be paid in specie; above that amount security may be taken by collector. Goods landed be- fore inani- fest exhib- ited, to be forfeited. l goods and merchandize on board, or of any part thereof, at any time within ten days after the day of the arrival of such vessel, to enter for importation, any part of the goods or merchandize, before entered for exportation ; but it shall not be lawful, at any time after the expiration of the said ten days, to enter for importation, or land any part of such goods or merchandize, so before entered for exportation. And if such goods or merchandize, so entered for exportation, shall, without a per- mit for that purpose from the collector, at any time after such entry for exportation, be landed within this State, or elsewhere, and brought within this State, without paying or securing the payment of the duties thereupon, such goods or merchandize shall be forfeited to the people of this State. And in case such goods or merchandize, to the value of fifty pounds or upwards, shall be so landed from on board any ship or vessel, lying in any port or harbour of this State, such ship or vessel shall also be forfeited to the people of this State. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That if‘ any master or other person, having the command of any vessel which shall come into any of the ports of this State, after the said first day of August next, and shall neglect or refuse to make a report of the arrival of such vessel, or to deliver a manifest of the cargo on board, in the manner and within the time herein before for those purposes respectively men— tioned, or to take the oath prescribed as aforesaid, every such master'or person, having command as aforesaid, shall forfeit the sum of one hun- dred pounds, for each such neglect or refusal; and at the rate of twenty pounds for each day, that either of the said matters shall be delayed, beyond the time for that purpose limited. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That when the duties upon any parcel of goods or merchandize, to be entered at the custom house, by any merchant, factor or other person, does not ex- ceed the sum of twenty pounds, the same shall be paid to the collector before a permit for landing shall be granted; but if the duties on the goods specified in any invoice or account, to be exhibited as aforesaid, ex—, ceed the said sum of twenty pounds, the collectors respectively, are hereby authorized to take a bond with one or more sufficient surety or sureties, being a freeholder or freeholders, from the person exhibiting such in- voice, or account, upon oath, as aforesaid,ifor the payment of the said duties, if, upon goods or merchandize imported from any of the West India islands, in four months; and if upon goods or merchandize im- ported from any other country or place, in six months from the date of such bonds respectively. And after such payment of the said duties shall be made, or security given therefore, in manner aforesaid, the col- lector shall grant a certificate or receipt thereof, if required, and a per— mit for unloading the bales, casks, chests, trunks, boxes, cases or other packages, or goods, or merchandize, for which the duties shall have been so paid, or secured to be paid as aforesaid, directed to the land and tide waiters, who, upon receiving such permit, shall allow the bales, casks, chests, trunks, cases, boxes, or other packages, or goods or mer- chandise, specified therein, to be unloaded or discharged. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That if any master or person, having the command or charge of any vessel, which shall come into this State, after the said first day of August next, shall land, or put on shore, or unlade any part of the cargo of such vessel within this State, before report and manifest have been made and delivered as aforesaid, or upon exhibiting such manifest, shall omit to mention therein .any of the bales, chests, casks, trunks, cases, boxes or other pack- ages, or goods, or merchandize on board such ship or vessel, all such CHAP. 81.] TENTH SESSION. 515 goods and merchandize so landed, put on shore, unladen, or omitted, together with such vessel, her tackle, apparel and furniture, shall be forfeited to the people of the State of New York. Provided, that the forfeiture of such vessel, her tackle, and furniture, proviso; shall not be incurred, unless the goods so landed, put on shore, unladen Zggézéofio or omitted, shall exceed in value the sum of fifty pounds. Arid fie it farf/ier e/zaez‘ed fiy z‘fie aaz‘fiorizjl aforesaid, That all the Goods not goods and merchandize, subject to any duty by this act, according to $02,156" weight or measure, shall be weighed, guaged or measured upon the fromwharf wharf or place Where the same shall be landed or put on shore, before 32%,... or they are removed therefrom; and the guager weighmaster or measurer, measured- guaging weighing or measuring the same, shall mark on all bales, casks, or packages, the quantity contained in the same respectively. And if any goods or merchandize subject to duty by this act shall be removed from the wharf or place where the same shall have been landed, before such goods or merchandize shall be weighed, guaged or measured and marked, as the case may be, without the consent of the collector and his permit for that purpose obtained, such goods or merchandize so removed, shall be forfeited to the people of the State of New York. .4 12d fie iz‘ farf/ier eaaez‘ed fiy Z/ze aat/zorizfy aforesaid, That if any mer- Vessel to chant, factor or other person shall after the first day of August next, 15535-3 land or put on shore, or remove from on board of any ship or vessel i€€3;)(<11§dbe_ within this State, any goods or merchandize subject to a duty in and by fore permit this act, before he shall have obtained, from the collector, a permit for ggj‘fifi‘grf’y that purpose, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, all such goods or merchandize, so landed, put on shore or removed, together with the vessel, her tackle, apparel and furniture, shall be forfeited to the people of this State. Provided, that such forfeiture of the vessel, her tackle, apparel and Proviso; furniture, shall not be incurred, unless the goods so landed, put on shore ggfig‘gg‘jgso, or removed, shall exceed in value the sum of fifty pounds. A 12d fie ii‘ farf/zer e/zaez‘ed fiy i/ze az/i/zorify aforesaid, That it shall and band and may be lawful for any land or tide waiter, put on board of any ship or Egdgegfiger vessel by the collector, or surveyor and searcher, at sun set, to have lllgffiltlgsgrat locks affixed to the hatches, or other parts of such ship or vessel, in bars; pen- order to prevent the landing or ‘discharging any part of the cargo from ilrtoyklén on board such ship or vessel, in the absence of such land and tide Open. waiter. And the said land and tide waiter shall keep the key or keys of such locks until the next morning at sun rise; and if it shall appear that the said locks, or any of them, have been broken open in the absence of the land and tide waiter by whom they were affixed, or that the hatches, or any of them have been opened, then and in every such case, the opening of any such hatches, or the breaking of any such locks, shall be deemed a sufficient evidence of fraud; and the master or per- son having the command on board of any such ship or vessel, shall in every such case. forfeit the sum of five hundred pounds. Alia’ fie ii‘ farZ/zer eizaez‘ed fiy i/ze aai/zorizji aforesaid, That it shall Enforce- and may be lawful for the collectors respectively, to receive the money £113,252,, payable for duties by virtue of this act; and if any duty shall not be paid 0f dutigsb within the time in the said bonds respectively mentioned, (excepting 23nd: y the cases in which drawbacks are allowed for exportation, the collector to whom such bond or bonds shall be payable, is hereby directed and required forthwith after the expiration of the time of payment therein limited, to commence and prosecute to effect an action or actions in his own name, for the recovery of the sums due on such bonds respectively, with costs. 516 ' LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 81. Collector declared liable for all sums, where bond not prosecuted when sum falls due. Account to be kept by collector; report to auditor. Duties to be paid into treas- ury quar- terly. Collectors to cause suspicious bales, etc., to be ex— amined; in case of fraud,bale, etc., for- feited. Question of fraud to be passed on by jury. Penalty for landing, etc., duti- able goods in the night. And be iz‘ fart/zer mated by z‘lze aaz‘borizy aforesaid, That if the said collector shall not forthwith, after the monies shall become due on such bonds respectively, commence an action or actions for the recovery of the monies which shall become due thereon respectively, and prosecute the same to effect, (except as aforesaid) then and in every such case, the said collector shall be deemed to have received the said monies, and be accountable for the same to the people of this State, in like manner as if the same had actually been received by him. And that the said monies shall be sued for and recovered in any court of record having cognizance of the same, from the collectors respectively, their respec- tive heirs, executors or administrators, in an action or actions of debt, or iii-any other action or actions, by and in the name of the treasurer of the State. And it is hereby made his duty to sue for, and recover such monies, for the use of the people of this State. And be if farz‘ber enaez‘ed by Me azef/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the collec- tors shall respectively enter in a book to be kept by them for that pur- pose, the amount in value of the goods and merchandize in and by this act subject to a duty, ad valorem, as aforesaid, the quantity of goods and merchandize in and by this act particularly enumerated and described, and the amount of the duties thereon respectively. And the collectors respectively shall also once in every three months deliver such accounts to the auditor of this State, who shall examine the same, and certify the amount thereof to the treasurer. _ And be if farf/zer e/zael‘ed by z‘be az/i/zorizj) a/foresaid, That the collec— tors, shall, once in every three months, pay to the treasurer of the State, all the monies which shall arise or come into their hands respectively, as well for duties and forfeitures, as for fees of office, in pursuance of this act, without any deduction whatsoever. And be iz‘ farZ/zer e/zaez‘ed by Z/ze aaf/zoriiy aforesaid, That in cases when either of the collectors shall have information upon oath, or reas~ onable cause to suspect, that the invoice exhibited to him does not specify all the goods or merchandize, whether contained in bales, casks, chests, trunks, cases, boxes or other packages, or stowed in bulk, whereof the same is exhibited as a true invoice, the said collector shall and may take all such bales,_casks, chests, trunks, cases, boxes or other pack- ages, and the goods or merchandize contained therein, as also the goods or merchandize stowed in bulk as aforesaid, into his possession, and may open and examine the same; and if upon such examination, it shall be found that there were other goods or merchandize not men- tioned in such invoice, which were omitted with an apparent design to defraud the State of the duties thereupon, as well those mentioned, as those omitted in such invoice, shall be seized by the collector, and pro-- ceeded against, and forfeited to the people of this State. Provided, for greater caution, that in every case in which defence shall be made in any of the courts of common law, and judgment shall not pass by defualt, it shall be the province of the jury charged with the cause to try the intent aforesaid and to collect from the facts and cir- cumstances of the case, whether the same was fraudulent, or otherwise. And be if farz‘ber eizaez‘ed by Z/ze aaz‘borizy aforesaid, That if any person or persons whomsoever, after sun sett and before sun rise, shall take up, land or carry, or aid or assist, in taking up, land_ing,_cart1ng or carrying any goods or merchandize, for which the duties-1n and by thisact imposed, have not been paid or secured to be paid, in manner aforesaid, every person or persons so offending, shall forfe1t and pay the sum of fifty pounds, for every such offence. CHAP. 81.] TENTH SESSION. 51-7 And oe it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid, That it shall be land and ‘the duty of such of the land and tide waiters, as the collector or sur- gigf’gffiiig's veyor and searcher shall direct, to remain on board of any ship or vessel of- having any goods or merchandize on board subject to duty, until such vessel shall be discharged. And oe it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That the duties Rate of to arise on any goods or merchandize, the invoice or account whereof is Zicg‘r‘ittsi, made out in British sterling money, shall be completed and paid at the Sterling- exchange of one hundred and seventy five pounds lawful money of this State, for one hundred pounds of such sterling money. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That all and every Penalties, penalty and penalties imposed or incurred by this act, or any other act Eilgons‘jgtlf‘ relative to the customs in this State, shall and may be sued for, and recoveryof recovered, with costs of suit, by action of debt, bill, plaint or informa- tion, in any court of record in this State, in the name of the collector of the customs of the port of New York, or in the name of the attorney general of this State. And if any action or information shall be entered or prosecuted in the name of any other person, the same, and all pro- ceedings thereupon shall be void, and of none effect; the one moiety of all which penalties, when recovered, shall be to the use of the people of the State of New York, and the other moiety thereof to him, her or them, who shall inform concerning the same. And oe it fart/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That all ships and Forfeiture vessels, goods and merchandize which shall become forfeited by virtue 220351333.‘ of this act, shall be prosecuted by the collector, or officer or other per- ggggiélfgsin son who shall seize the same, by information in the court of admiralty, ' or in the court of exchequer, or in any mayors court or court of com- mon pleas in this State, in order to condemnation thereof. And if such information shall be prosecuted in the court of exchequer, or in any mayors court, or court of common pleas, proclamations shall be made in the accustomed manner: And in case no person shall appear and claim such ship or vessel, goods and merchandize, the same shall be adjudged to be forfeited; so as there shall always three proclamations before judgment or forfeiture be given, and at least two days between each proclamation; and judgment of forfeiture shall not be given, until four days after the third proclamation shall be made. And if any per- son shall before judgment of forfeiture, appear and claim such ship or vessel, goods or merchandize, and defend the prosecution thereof, the court shall proceed to hear and determine the cause according to law. And fnrt/zer, that on the prayer of any claimant to the court, that any ship or vessel, goods or merchandize, so seized and prosecuted, or any part thereof, should be delivered to such claimant, it shall be lawful for the court to appoint three proper persons, to appraise such ship or ves- sel, goods or merchandize, who shall be sworn in open court for the faithful discharge of their duty; and which appraisement shall be made at the expence of the party, on whose prayer the same shall be made; and the appraisers shall be allowed such sum, as the court in each case shall deem reasonable, not exceeding in any case, twenty shillings for each day, to each appraiser. And on the return of such appraisment, if the party claimant shall thereupon with one or more sureties, to be approved of by the court, execute a bond in the usual form, to the col- lector of the port of New York, for a payment of a sum equal to the sum at which theship or vessel, goods or merchandize so prayed to be delivered, shall be appraised, the court shall, by rule, order such ship or vessel, goods or merchandize to be delivered to the claimant; and the said bond shall be lodged with the clerk of the court. And if judg- 518 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [cHAp. 81. ment shall pass in favour of the claimant as to such ship or vessel, and , as to the whole of such goods¢and merchandize so delivered, the court Prosecu- tion for forfeitures, ow brought. Proceed- ings in prosecu- tions. Burden of proof, where to lie. shall cause the said bond to be cancelled; but if judgment shall pass against the claimant, as to the whole or any part of such ship or vessel, or goods or merchandize, then if the claimant shall not within ten days thereafter, pay into court, or to the collector of the port of New York, the amount of the appraised value of such ship or vessel, or goods or merchandize, so condemned, with the costs, the court shall direct such bond to be put in suit, and shall from time to time give such relief therein, as shall be agreeable to equity and good conscience. Aim’ furl/ler, that one moiety of all forfeitures to be incurred by virtue of this act, clear of all costs of prosecution, and other charges and expences, shall be to the use of the person or persons who shall inform and pros- ecute for the same, and the other moiety, after deducting all costs, charges and expences, shall be to the use of the people of this State. And be 2'! fzu'z‘lzc’r ezzarz‘m’ [2y Z/ze azzf/zorz'z‘y oresaz'd, That in all cases of prosecution for any such forfeiture, it shall be in the discretion of the collector of the port of New York, or of the attorney general, to direct in which of the courts aforesaid any information shall be brought touching such forfeiture; and if such information shall not be in the name of the said collector, or attorney general, the informant shall, in every such case, previous to filing his or her information, enter into a bond or recognizance with one sufficient surety, in the sum of one hun- dred pounds, with a condition to prosecute the same to judgment and condemnation. Aim’ fie z'z‘ furl/22;" emu/m’ by Z/ze az/Z/zorz'z‘y afrrrcsaz'a’, That in case any action, or information, shall be commenced and brought to trial, on account of the seizure of any goods or merchandize, wherein a verdict shall be found for the claimant or claimants thereof, and it' shall appear to the judge or court, before whom such action or information shall be tried, that there was a reasonable cause of seizure, the same judge or court shall cause a proper certificate or entry to be made thereof; and in such cases, the defendants shall not be entitled to any costs whatso- ever, nor shall the informer, or person who made the seizure, or the prosecutor, be liable to any action, indictment, or other suit or prosecu- tion, on account of such seizure or prosecution; provided the goods or merchandize seized, forthwith, after judgment shall be given for the said claimant or claimants, be restored to such claimant or claimants, his, her, or their agent: and if any action, indictment or other prosecu- tion, shall be commenced and brought, against any person or persons whomsoever, on account of any such seizure, it shall be lawful. for the defendant or defendants, to plead the general issue, and to give in evi- dence the certificate or entry aforesaid, which shall be, and is hereby declared to be sufficient to discharge such defendant or defendants, from all damages by reason of such seizure; provided, that it shall not preclude the recovery of the value of the goods seized, if the same shall not have been restored as aforesaid, or of such part thereof as may not have been restored. A 720.’ {16 2'2‘ fZ/i’Z/ZFI’ enacz‘ea’ éy z‘ize auflmrz'z‘y aforesaid, That if any goodsv or merchandize, shall be seized for non payment of duties, or any other cause of forfeitures, and any dispute shall arise, whether the duties have been paid, or secured to be paid for the same, or whether the same have been lawfully imported, or concerning the port or place from whence such goods or merchandize were brought, or concerning the property thereof, or the vessel, in which such goods or merchandize Were imported; then and in every such case, the burthen of the proof shall lie on the‘ CHAP. 81.] TENTH SESSION. 519 owner or owners, or claimant or claimant of such goods or merchandize, and not on the person who shall seize the same. And fie ii‘ fart/zer e/zaefed fiy f/ze aI/f/zorizjr aforesaid, That upon infor- mation made by the collector, or any other officer of the customs, and upon oath made by such officer, that he hath probable cause to suspect, and doth really suspect, that any person or persons have landed, removed, reshipped, or brought into this State, any goods or merchan— dize subject to duty by this act, or caused the same to be done, without having made an entry thereof with the collector, and paid or secured to be paid the duties thereon, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, it shall and may be lawful for the chancellor, the justices of the supreme court, the mayors, recorders or any of the aldermen of the cities of New York, Albany or Hudson or the justices of the peace of any of the counties of this State, or any or either of them, to whom such information, on oath, shall be given as aforesaid, to issue a warrant or warrants under his hand and seal, directed to the marshal of the court of admiralty, or to the sheriff of the county, where the offence shall have been committed, or to the sheriff of the county next adjoin- ing thereto, who are hereby respectively required and authorised to execute such warrants, thereby commanding the said marshal and sher- iffs, or any of them, to enter into any house, out house, or other build- ing or inclosure, or ship, vessel or boat, in the day time, where such goods or merchandize are suspected to be deposited or concealed; and in case of resistance, or after demand and refusal to open such house, out house or other building or inclosure, or ship, vessel or boat, or where such house, out-house or other building or inclosure or ship, ves- sel or boat shall be uninhabited or unoccupied, to break open such house, out house or other building or inclosure, or such ship vessel or boat, and to seize and secure the said goods or merchandize, so depos- ited or concealed therein; and all officers and ministers of justice, are hereby required to aid and assist therein: Provided always, that no house shall be entered. by virtue of this act, unless it be within one month after the offence is supposed to have been committed. And fie ii‘ fari/zer eaaeied fiy Z/ze az/f/zorizjr aforesaid, That the marshal and sheriffs, and every of them, having received such warrant as afore— said, are hereby authorized and enabled to go and enter on board of any ship or vessel, and from thence to bring on shore, into the store or warehouse provided for that purpose, any goods or merchandize liable to seizure by this act; and that whenever the said marshal, sheriff or collector, or any officer of the customs, shall, in the due execution of their respective offices, be, by any person or persons resisted, obstructed, abused, assaulted, beaten or wounded, either on the board of any ships vessel or boat, or upon the land or water, all and every such person or persons so offending, shall forfeit and pay, for every such offence, the sum of two hundred pounds. Arid fie iz‘ fart/zer e/zaez‘ed fiy Z/ze aut/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That in case of the seizure of any goods or merchandize as aforesaid, the collectors respectively, shall and may for depositing and securing thereof, procure and provide good and sufficient storehouses, at the expence of the people of this State. And fie iz‘ farf/zer eizaeied fiy Z/ze az/z‘fiori/y aforesaid, That the mar- shal or sheriff, who shall seize any goods or merchandize as aforesaid, shall give his receipt for ‘the same, expressing the particular bales, casks, chests, trunks, cases, boxes and other packages, and the marks and numbers thereof. And that all such goods or merchandize so to be seized, shall be put into, and remain in the custody of the collector, Suspicion of violation of act, pro- ceedings in case of . / Seizure of goods by marshal and sheriffs. Store- houses to be pro- vided for goods seized. Officer to receipt for goods seized. 520 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 81. , until such proceedings shall be had, as are required by this act, to ascer- tain, whether the same have been forfeited, and ought to be condemned, or not; and if it shall be found and adjudged, that the same were not forfeited, they shall be forthwith restored to the owner or owners, or claimant or claimants thereof. - - Penaltyfor A no’ be it farf/ier e/zaez‘ed by [he aaZ/iorizy aforesaid, That if any person gggggélmg or persons, shall knowingly harbour, conceal, or buy any goods or mer- chandize, liable 'to seizure by this act, such person or persons shall for- feit and pay, for every such offence, the sum of twenty pounds. Sale of ves- And be it farf/ier e/zaez‘ed by [be aai/zorizfy aforesaid, That all ships, Z‘ilig‘g‘gom Vessels, goods or merchandize, which shall be seized and condemned by demned- virtue of this act, shall be sold by the proper officer of the court, in which such condemnation shall be had, to the highest bidder, at public auction, by order of the collector, and at such place as he shall appoint for that purpose, giving at least fourteen days notice, (except in case of perishable goods)in two of the news papers published in this State; and such officer shall render an account of all such sales, and pay the monies arising therefrom, to the collector, by whose order such sales shall have been made, within twenty days thereafter, in order that the same may be distributed, as is herein before directed. Vessels And be it farz‘ber e/zaez‘ed by Me azet/zorizj/ aforesaid, That when any 332%,)“ ship or vessel, shall, by distress, be driven or compelled to come into disfiress- the port of New York, the master or person having the command, shall make a report of such arrival; and deliver an account or manifest of the cargo on board of such vessel, as is herein before directed in other cases; and may remain a reasonable time in port to repair and refit, without being subject .to any duties, except on such goods liable to a duty, which shall be actually landed; or to any charges or expences to this State, except the daily pay of the custom house officer or officers, to be put on board by the collector, or the surveyor and searcher. And the master of any such ship or vessel, may land and sell, under the in— spection and direction of the port wardens, and an officer of the cus- toms, to be appointed by the collector, for that purpose, such part of the cargo, as shall appear to the collector of the port, to be necessary to procure provisions, and to defray the necessary and incidental expen- ces of such refitting and repairs. Provided aZ'zr/ays, that in all cases, where it shall be necessary to unload any such vessel for repairing thereof, the cargo, or such part thereof, as may be unladed, in order to be taken again on board, shall be unladed, and again loaded, under the inspection of the officers of the customs, and not otherwise. And pro'oided farZ/zer, that in order to ascertain, what ships or vessels shall be entitled to the exemptions and privileges hereby allowed to ships and vessels in distress, it shall be the duty of the master or other person having the command of any such ship or vessel, at the time of making the report and delivering the manifest aforesaid, to report the cause, which obliged such ship or vessel to come into port; whereof the col- lector shall give notice to the wardens of the port. And the said mas- ter or other person, having the command of such ship or vessel, shall within four days after making such report, cause a protest on oath, in the usual form, to be made, before some notary public, setting forth the causes and circumstances, which obliged such vessel to come into port, and shall lay such protest, before the said wardens of the port, who, or any two of whom, are hereby authorized to inspect and examine such vessel; and also further, to examine the master, or person having the command of such vessel, on oath, touching such causes and circum- stances; and the said wardens of the port, shall, as soon as may be, CHAP. 81.] TENTH SESSION. 521 certify to the collector, whether in their opinion, such vessel came into port in distress or not: And if they shall certify, that such vessel did not come into port in distress, thenceforth all the exemptions and privi- leges- hereby allowed to vessels in distress, shall cease with respect to such ship or vessel; and the said vessel and her cargo, shall be thence- forth liable to the same regulations, as are prescribed by this act in other cases. And be it fart/ter enacted Zzy t/ze azrt/zoritv aforesaid, That if any goods Goods re- or merchandize imported or brought into this State, subject to duty by glg'lfzgfifn this act, for the duties whereof a bond or bonds shall have been given, y_on_d the shall be exported out of this State within ninety days after the impor- Lg‘g‘gia‘f, tation thereof, to any other part of the United States of America, the amount of the duty on such goods and merchandize, shall be deducted from the same, payable upon such bond or bonds : And to ascertain upon what goods or merchandize such deduction or drawback shall be allowed, it shall be necessary for the exporter or exporters thereof, after such goods or merchandize shall have been laden on board of any vessel for exportation, and before the departure of such vessel, to report the same to the collector, delivering an invoice or account of the bales, chests, casks, boxes, cases, trunks and other packages, the marks and numbers of such bales, chests, casks, boxes, cases, trunks and other packages, and specifying the ship or vessel, in which the same have been laden for exportation ; and thereupon the exporter of such goods and merchandize, being the.original importer or consignee thereof, shall take an oath, to be administered by the collector, in the words follow- ing, to wit. I do swear in the presence of Almighty God, that Oath of the bales, chests, casks, boxes, cases, trunks and other packages, Speci- reshlpper‘ fied in the invoice now by me delivered, and marked and numbered as is therein mentioned, were actually imported into this State, in the ship or vessel called the , from the port of for the duties whereof I have given bond, to the collector of the port of , and that the said goods and merchandize, were actually laden on board the vessel called the for exportation, in the original bales, chests, casks, boxes, cases, trunks and other packages, in which they were imported; and that the said bales, chests, casks, boxes, cases, trunks and other packages, were not opened, nor any part of the goods therein contained taken out or exchanged, before they were laden on board of the said ship or vessel last mentioned; and that the said bales, chests, casks, boxes, cases, trunks and other packages, with the goods and merchandise therein, are bona fide intended to be exported for the port of in the State of and that the goods and mer- chandize so to be exported subject to a duty ad valorem, are of the value of computed on the prime cost ; and that there were no enumerated articles, subject to a duty, contained in the said bales, chests, casks, boxes, cases, trunks and other packages, than those men- tioned in the invoice now by me exhibited : And fart/ter, that the said goodseor merchandize have not been laden on board the said ship or vessel last mentioned, with design to evade the payment of the duties thereupon, or to be relanded, or in any other manner brought back into this State. But if such exporter shall not be the original importer or consignee of such goods or merchandize, then such original importer or consignee, shall take an oath, to be administered by the collector, in the words following, to wit. I do swear in the presence of Oath by Almighty God, that the bales. chests, casks, boxes, cases, trunks and gggig other packages, specified in the invoice now by me delivered, and marked and numbered as is therein mentioned, were actually imported VoL. 2. —— 66 (J! l\') [\D LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 81.. Oath of exporter. into this State, in the ship or vessel called the from the port of and that the goods and merchandize therein contained, have been by me sold and delivered in the original bales, chests, casks, boxes, cases, trunks and other packages, in which they were imported to ; and that the prime cost of such part thereof, as is sub- ject to a duty ad valorem, is , and that there were not, to my knowledge or belief, any enumerated articles contained in the‘ said bales, chests, casks, boxes, cases, trunks and other packages, other than those mentioned in the invoice now by me exhibited.” And the said exporter of such goods and merchandize, shall take an oath, to be administered by the collector, in the words following to wit, “ I do swear in the presence of Almighty God, that the goods and merchandize contained in the bales, chests, casks, boxes, cases, trunks and other packages, specified in the invoice herewith delivered, and marked and numbered as is therein mentioned, were by me pur- chased of , , and that no part of the goods in the said bales, chests, casks, boxes, cases trunks and other packages, contained at the time of delivery thereof to me, have been taken out or exchanged, since the time of such delivery: and that the said bales, chests, casks, boxes, cases, trunks and other packages, together with the goods and merchan- dize therein contained at the time of the said delivery, as are specified in the invoice aforesaid, have been bona fide laden on board the ship or vessel called the for the purpose of being exported to the port of in the State of ; and that the said goods and merchandize were not so laden on board the said ship or vessel last mentioned, in the design to evade the payment of the duty thereupon, or to reland or otherwise bring back the said goods and merchandize into this State.” And thereupon, if the balance due upon such bond, be paid within the time, for that purpose limited, it shall be lawful for the collector, to whom such bond was given, and he is hereby required, to suspend the prosecution of such bond, for the space of four calendar months, after such exportation; and if at or before the expiration of the said four months, the exporter of such goods and merchandize shall produce to such collector, a certificate from the chief officer of the cus- toms, of the place where such goods or merchandize shall be landed, that such goods and merchandize have been there landed, specifying the marks and numbers of the bales, chests, casks, boxes, cases, trunks and other packages, wherein the same were so landed; then such collector shall deduct and allow the amount of the duties thereupon, and not otherwise. Praz'z'ded always, that in case such goods and merchandize, or any part thereof, shall be lost, or perish by any unavoidable accident, after their exportation, and prior to their arrival at the place of their destination, such drawback or deduction as aforesaid shall be made and allowed, without the production of such certificate; instead of which the exporter of such goods and merchandize, shall take an oath, to be administered by the collector, that to the best of his information, knowl- edge and belief, the said goods and merchandize were actually lost on the passage to the place of their destination, specifying such goods and merchandize, and the cause of such loss: Prow'dcd, that if such exporter shall be a resident in another State, an oath to the foregoing effect, taken by such exporter, before a notary public, or mayor, or other chief mag- istrate of the place where such exporter shall reside, and certified under the seal of such notary public, mayor or other chief magistrate, shall and may be admitted in lieu of the oath to be administered by the col- lector aforesaid. CHAP. 81.] TENTH SESSION. ‘ 523 And fie iz‘ fart/zer e/zaez‘ed fiy z‘fie aaz’fiorizj/ aforesaid, That from and Fees to be after the passing of this act, no higher or other fees shall be demanded gggifigfigr or received by the collector for the port of New York, for entering inwards and clearing out any vessel or boat, the property of the citizens of any of the United States, arriving either from the State of Connecti- cut, or from the eastern division of the State of New Jersey, and having on board any goods or merchandize subject to the payment of duties, by this act, or any law of this State, and for which the duties have not 'been paid, than the following, that is to say, for every vessel or boat of the burthen of forty tons and upwards, and under seventy tons, the sum of twenty shillings. For every vessel or boat, of the burthen twenty tons and upwards, and under forty tons, the sum of twelve shillings. And for any vessel r beat, with a deck thereon, of less burthen than twenty tons, the sum of eight shillings. And for entering inwards. and clearing outwards, any vessel or boat, the property of a citizen or citizens of any of the United States, arriving either from the State of Connecti- cut, or from the eastern division of the State of New Jersey, and not having on board any goods or merchandize subject to the payment of duties, by any law of this State, no higher or other fees than the follow- ing, that is to say; for every vessel or boat of the burthen of forty tons and upwards, and under seventy tons, the sum of five shillings. For every vessel or boat of the burthen of twenty tons and upwards, and under forty tons, the sum of three shillings. And for every vessel or boat, with a deck thereon, of less burthen than twenty tons, the sum of two shillings. A/zd fie i! fari/zer eizaez‘ed fiy z‘fie aai/zorilfi' aforesaid, That the tonage Tonnage, of every such vessel or boat shall or may be ascertained by the oath or ,lz‘zg‘gegscel" oaths of the master, or owner or owners thereof, or otherwise, which ' oath or oaths the collector for the port of New York for the time being is hereby authorized and required to administer. Aad fie iz‘fz/rz‘fier eaaeied fiy z‘fie az/t/zorizfy aforesaid, That all the fees Fees, how arising by virtue of this act, shall be applied and accounted for, in the applied- manner directed by the law of this State, entitled an act for the estab- lishment of a custom house. And fie ii farZ/zer eaaez‘ed fiy f/ie aar/zoriijv aforesaid, That it shall Registers and may be lawful to and for the respective collectors of the customs in ggssels this State, to grant registers for all and every ship or vessel which shall granted by . . . . collectors. or may be built within th1s State, by any person or persons whatsoever, or for any ship or vessel actually owned by any citizen or citizens of this State; and that such registers shall.express the tonage and description of every such ship or vessel. Proz'ided always, that the ship or vessel for which such register shall be required, be at the time actually within this State; alzdjirozrided also, that the person or persons who shall apply for the same, shall, previous to the issuing any such register. subscribe his or their name or names to the same register, and make oath before such collector, that the ship or vessel for which he or they require a register, was actually built within this State, or is bona fide the property of a citizen or citizens of this State. And fie it fzzrZ/zer e/zaez‘ed fiy i/ze ai/i/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the act Act's entitled “An act imposing duties on certain goods, wares and merchan- iggggféd. dize imported into this State,” and the act entitled “An act to explain and amend an act, entitled An act imposing duties on certain goods wares and merchandize imported into this State, passed the eighteenth day of November, 1784; and the act entitled “An act imposing duties .on the importation of certain goods wares and merchandize," and the ‘) LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 82. Preamble. Regents of the univer- sity, board of , estab— lished. Names of regents. fourth section of the act entitled “An act for granting a bounty on hemp to be raised within this State, and imposing an additional duty on sun- dry articles of merchandize, and for other purposes therein mentioned,” shall, from and after the said first day of August next, be, and the same are hereby respectively declared to be repealed. Pro'z'ided always, that the collector shall prosecute to effect, such bonds which shall be exe— cuted for duties arising on goods and merchandize imported into this State, before the said first day of August next, by virtue of any of the acts hereby repealed; and that all suits, informations or prosecutions, already commenced, or which may be commenced, for any forfeiture or penalty incurred by virtue of any of the said acts, before the said first day of August next, may be prosecuted in like manner as if such acts had continued in full force. And ,oroz/ided fart/zer, that whenever the United States in Congress assembled, shall by any of their acts declare their acceptation of the impost intended to be granted in and by the act entitled “An act for giving and granting to the United States in Congress assembled, certain imposts and duties on foreign goods imported into this State, for the special purpose of paying the principal and interest of the debt contracted in the prosecution of the late war with Great Britain,” that then and from thence forth, this act shall cease and be void, and the said acts now in force, and herein declared to be repealed, shall be respectively revived, and remain in full force. CHAP. 82. AN ACT to institute an university within this State and for other purposes therein mentioned. PASSED the 13th of April, 1787. WHEREAS by two acts of the legislature of the State of New York, the one passed the first day of May, and the other twenty sixth day of November, one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, an university is instituted within this State, in the manner and with the powers therein specified. Arid w/zereas from the representation of the regents of the said university, it appears there are defects in the constitution of the said university which call for alterations and amendments. And 'w/zereas a number of acts on the same subject amending correcting and altering former ones, tend to render the same less intelligible and easly to be understood. T/V/zereof to the end, that the constitution of the said uni- versity may be properly amended and appear entire in one law, it will be expedient, to delineate and establish the same in this, and repeal all former acts relative thereto. Be it enacted by t/ze Peeyit'e of t/ze State of New York. represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze azzt/zorizjr of tbe same, That an university be, and is hereby instituted within this State, to be called and known by the name or style of the regents of the university of the State of New York. That the said regents shall always be twenty one in number, of which the governor and lieutenant governor of the State for the time being, shall always in virtue of their offices be two. That the governor and lieutenant governor, and john Rodgers, Egbert Benson, Philip Schuyler, Ezra L’Hommedieu, Nathan Carr, Peter Syl- vester, john jay, Dirck Romeyn, james Livingston, Ebenezer Russel, Lewis Morris, Mathew Clarkson, Benjamin Moore, Eliardus Westerlo, CHAP. 82.] TENTH SESSION. 525 Andrew King, William Lynn, jonathan G. Thompkins, john McDonald and Frederick William De Steuben, shall be, and hereby are appointed the present regents, and that they, and all the future regents, shall con- tinue in place during the pleasure of the legislature. That all vacancies in the regency which may happen by death or removal or resignation shall from time to time be Supplied by the legislature in the manner in which delegates to Congress are appointed. That the said regents as soon as may be after the passing of this act, shall convene at such time and place as the governor shall appoint and by plurality of voices by ballot choose a chancellor and vice chancellor to continue in office dur- ing the pleasure Of the said regents. That the said chancellor, or in his absence from the Said meeting, the vice chancellor, or in case both be absent, then the senior regent present (and whose seniority, shall be decided by the order in which the regents are named or appointed) shall preside, and in case of division have a casting voice at all meetings of the said regents. That all meetings of the said regents, after the first, shall be held at such time and place as the chancellor, or in case of his death, absence from the State, or resignation, the vice chancellor, or in case of the death, absence from the State or resignation of both of them, then at such time and place as the senior regent present in the State shall appoint. 'And it shall be the duty of the chancellor, vice chancellor or senior regent, as the case in virtue of the above contingencies may be, to order and call a meeting of the said regents, whenever and as often as three regents shall in writing apply for and request; the same; such order or call to be published in one or more of the public news papers in the city of New York, at least ten days prior to such meeting. Andfzzrt/zer that any eight of the said regents meeting at the time and place so ordered, shall be a quorum, and be enabled to transact and do the business, which by this act they shall be authorized or directed to do and transact. That the said university shall be and hereby is incorporated, and shall be known by the name of The regents of the university of the State of New York, and by that name shall have perpetual succession and power to sue and be sued, to hold property real and personal, to the amount of the annual income of forty thousand bushels of wheat, to buy and to sell, and otherwise lawfully dispose of lands and chattels, to make and use a common seal, and to alter the same at pleasure. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze az/t/zority aforesaid, That the said corporation shall appoint by ballot, a treasurer and a secretary, to con- tinue in office during the pleasure of the corporation. That the treas- urer shall keep fair and true accounts of all monies by him received and paid out, and that the secretary shall keep a fair journal of- the meetings and proceedings of the corporation, in which the yeas and nays on all questions shall be entered, if required by any one of the regents present. And to all the books and papers of the corporation every regent Shall always have access, and be permitted to take copies of them. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said regents, and they are hereby author- ized and required, to visit and inspect all the colleges academies and schools which are or may be established in this State, examine into the state and system of education and discipline therein, and make a yearly report thereof to the legislature; and also to visit every college in this State once a year by themselves or by their committees, and yearly to report the state of the same to the legislature; and to make such bye laws and ordinances, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the State as they may judge most expedient for the accomplishment of the trust hereby reposed in them. And in case the trustees of the said Vacancies . Organiza— tion of ' board. Treasurer ‘ and secre- tary to be elected. Regents to inspect colleges and acade- mies . CD LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 82. Honorary degrees may be conferred. Funds to be applied for promo- tion of literature. Annual meetings. Incorpora— tion of colleges. Columbia college. colleges or any of them shall leave the office of president of the college, or the trustees of any academy shall leave the office or place of principal of the academy vacant, for the space of one year, it shall in all such cases be lawful for the regents, unless a reasonable cause shall be assigned for such delay, to their satisfaction. to fill up such vacancies, and the persons by them appointed, shall continue in office during the pleasure of the regents, and shall respectively be received by the college or acad- emy, to which they may be appointed, and shall have all the powers, and exactly the same salary, emoluments and privileges, as his next immedi- ate predecessor in office enjoyed, if any predecessor he had; if not, then such salary, as the regents shall direct, to be paid by the trustees, who shall, out of the funds or estate of their college or academy, be compel- lable by the said president or principal to pay the same. A no’ be if fzirZ/zer ezzaeied 19/ Me aaf/zorizj) aforesaid, That the said regents shall have the right of conferring by diplomas’ under their com- mon seal, on any person or persons whom they may think worthy thereof, all such degree or degrees, above or beyond those of bachelor or master of arts, as are known to and usually granted by any university or col- lege in Europe. And be ii‘ fzeri/ier enacted [91 z‘/ze aaZ/zori/y aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful, to and for the said regents, from time to time, to apply such part of their estate and funds in such manner as they may think most conducive to the promotion of literature and the advance- ment of useful knowledge within this State. Prooided always, that where grants shall be made to them, for certain uses and purposes therein expressed and declared, the same shall not be applied, either in the whole or in part, to any other uses. , A ad a: if far/fie," eizarz‘ed a)’ Mre azzf/zorizj' aforesaid, That the regents shall annually meet on the second Thursday next after the senate and assembly, at the annual session of the legislature, shall have formed a quorum respectively, and at the assembly chamber, immediately after the assembly shall have adjourned. That the said regents at suce meet- ings, and all others, may adjourn from time to time, not exceeding ten days at any one time. ‘ Arid 6e ii‘ fz/rZ/zer e/zae/ed oy t/ie azzi/iorizj/ aforesaid, That any citizen or citizens, or bodies corporate, within this State, being minded to found a college at any place within the same, he or they shall, in writing, make known to the regents, the place where, the plan on which, and the funds with which it is intended to found and provide for the same, and who are proposed for the first trustees; and in case the regents shall approve thereof, then they shall declare their approbation by an instrument under their common seal, and allow a convenient time for completing the same. And if at the expiration of the said time it shall appear to the satisfac- tion of the regents, that the said plan and propositions are fully exe- cuted, then they shall, by act, under their common seal, declare, that the said college, to be named as the founders shall signify, and with such trustees, not exceeding twenty four, nor less than ten, as they shall name, shall fortwith become incorporated, and shall have perpetual succes- sion and enjoy all the corporate rights and privileges enjoyed by Colum- bia college, herein after mentioned. And a) it further erzaez‘ed oy t/ze aaZ/ioriijl aforesaid, That the charter heretofore granted to the governors of the college of the province 'of New York, in the city of New York, in America, dated the thirty first day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty four, shall be, and hereby is fully and absolutely ratified and confirmed, in all respects, except that the college thereby established CHAP. 82.] TENTH SESSION. 527 shall be henceforth called Columbia College. That the style of the said corporation shall be the trustees of Columbia college in the city of New York, and that no persons shall be trustees of the same in virtue of any offices, characters or descriptions whatever; excepting also such,clauses thereof, as require the taking of oaths and subscribing the declaration therein mentioned; and which render a person inelligible to the office of president of the college on account of his religious tenets, and prescribe a form of public prayer to be used in the said college; and also excepting the clause thereof which provides, that the bye laws and ordinances to be made in pursuance thereof, should not be repugnant to the laws and statutes of that part of the kingdom of Great Britain called England. Bxeepz‘ aZso, that in all cases where fifteen governors are required to constitute a quorum for the dispatch of business, thirteen trustees shall be sufficient. Providedairways, that the bye laws and ordinances to be made by the trustees of the said Columbia college shall not be contrary to the constitution and laws of this State. A 12d fie iz‘farz‘fier eizaez‘ed fiy i/ie aaZ/zorizj/ aforesaid, That James Duane, Samuel Provost, John H. Livingston, Richard Varick, Alexander Ham- ilton, John Mason, James Wilson, John Gano, Brockholst Livingston, Robert Harpur, John Daniel Gross, Johan Christoff Kunze, \Valter Livingston, Lewis A. Scott, Joseph Delaplaine, Leonard Lispenard, Abraham Beach, John Lawrance, John Rutherford, Morgan Lewis, John Cochran, Gershom Seixas, Charles McKnight, Thomas Jones, Malachi Treat, Samuel Bard, Nicholas Romein, Benjamin Kissam and Ebenezer Crossby shall be, and they are hereby constituted and declared to be the present trustees of Columbia college in the city of New York, and that when by the death or resignation or removal of any of the said .trustees, the number of those trustees shall be reduced to twenty four, then and from thenceforth the said twenty four trustees shall be, and they hereby are declared and constituted trustees of the said Columbia college in perpetual succession, according to the true intent and mean- ing of the said charter; and all vacancies thereafter shall be supplied in the manner thereby directed. A/zd fie i2‘ fari/zer e/zaez‘ed fiy z‘fie aai/zoriiy aforesaid, That all and singular the power authority rights privileges franchises and immunities so heretofore granted to and vested in the said governors of the college of the province of New York, in the city of New York in America, by the said charter, excepting as before excepted, shall be, and the same hereby are granted to, and vested in the trustees of Columbia college in the city of New York, and their successors forever, as fully and effectu- ally to all intents and purposes as if the same were herein particularly specified and expressed ; and all and singular the lands, tenements, hereditaments and real estate, goods, chattels, rents, annuities, monies, books, and other property, whereof the said governors of the college of the province of New York in the city of New York, in America, were seized, possessed or entitled, under and in virtue of the said charter, or with which the regents of the said university were invested under or by virtue of the said acts, for the use or benefit of the said Columbia college shall be, and the same hereby are granted to, and vested in the said trustees of Columbia college, in the city of New York, and their successors forever, for the sole use and benefit of the said college, and it shall and may be lawful, to and for the said trustees and their suc- cessors, to grant, bargain, sell, demise, improve and dispose of the same, as to them shall seem meet; provided always, that the lands given and granteb to the governors of the college of the province of New York Trustees of Colum- bia college. Powers of trustees of Columbia college. O"! LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 82. _ Special meetings of trustees. Incorpora- tion of academies. in the city of New York, in America, by the corporation heretofore styled, The rector and inhabitants of the city of New York in commu- nion of the church of England as by law established, on part whereof the said college is erected, shall not be granted for any greater estate, or in any other manner, than is limited by the said charter. _ A7207 be it fart/ter eaaeted by t/ze aut/iorizfy aforesaid, That when any special meeting of the trustees of the said college shall be deemed necessary, it shall and may be lawful, to and for the senior trustee of the said college then in the city of New York, and taking upon himself the exercise of the office (which seniority shall be deter- mined according to the order in which the said trustees are named in this act. and shall be elected hereafter) and he is hereby authorized and required, on application for that purpose, in writing, under the hands of any five or more of the said trustees, to appoint a time for such special meeting, in some convenient place with the said the said* city, and to cause due notice thereof to be given in the manner directed by the said charter. Arid 'w/iereas academies for the instruction of youth in the languages, and other branches of useful learning have been erected and instituted in different parts of this State, by the free and liberal benefactions of corporations, as well as individuals; and the regents of the university having represented, that the appointment and incorporation of trustees for each of the said academies, with competent powers to manage the funds already appropriated, and the donations which may be made to such academies, and to superintend the morals and education of the scholars, and the conduct of the principal, masters and teachers, would greatly conduce to their security and prosperity. Therefore Be it fzert/zer enaeted by Me az/t/zorizfy aforesaid, That upon the appli- cation of the founders and benefactors of any academy, now or here- after to be erected or established, within any of the cities or counties of this State, or as many of them as shall have contributed more than one half in value of the real and personal property and estate, collected or appropriated for the use and benefit thereof, by an instrument in ‘writing, under their hands and seals, to the regents of the university, expressing their request that such academy should be incorporated, and be subject to the visitation of the regents, nominating in such instru- ment the trustees, not more than twenty four or less than twelve, for such academy, and specifying the name by which the said trustees shall be called and distinguished, and whenever any such request shall be made to the said regents, they shall in every such case, if they conceive such academy, calculated for the promotion of literature, by an instru- ment under their common seal, signify their approbation of the incor- poration of the trustees of such academy, named by the founders thereof, by the name mentioned in and by their said request in writing; which said request in writing, and instrument of approbation by the said regents, shall be recorded in the secretary’s office of the state. And be it fart/ter enaeted by t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That the trustees so constituted, shall be the first trustees for the academy for which they shall be appointed, and immediately after recording the said request in writing, and instrument of approbation, shall-be legally invested with all the real and personal estate appertaining to such academy, or in any wise given or granted for the use thereof ; and the said trustees from the time of their appointment as aforesaid, and their successors forever thereafter, shall be a body corporate and politick, in deed, fact and Trustees of academies. powers and duties. * So in original. CHAP. 82.] TENTH SESSION. 529 name, known and distinguished by the name and style to be expressed in the said instrument; and by that name shall have perpetual succes- sion, and be capable in the law to sue and be sued, and defend‘ and be defended, in all courts, and in all causes, plaints, controversies, matters and things whatsoever; and by the same name and style, they and their successors shall lawfully hold, use and enjoy, the lands, tenements and hereditaments, in any wise appertaining to the academy for which they shall be constituted trustees; and shall and may lawfully have, take, acquire, purchase and enjoy, lands, tenements and hereditaments, and use and improve such goods and chattels, in such manner as they shall judge to be most beneficial for such academy; Provided that the annual revenue or income arising from the real and personal estate of any such academy, shall not exceed the value of four thousand bushels of wheat; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/coritv aforesaid, That it shall and Id. may be lawful to and for such trustees, and their successors forever, to have and use a common seal, and the same to alter, break and make a new one at their pleasure. And as often as any three or more of the said trustees shall think fit, and signify their request, the senior trustee actually exercising his office, and residing within three miles of such academy, shall call a meeting of the said trustees, at such convenient time and place as he shall appoint, not less than eight nor more than twelve days from the time of such request, of which previous notice in writing shall be affixed on the door of the academy, and of the church nearest thereto, within two days after such appointment; and at every such meeting, the senior trustee shall preside; such seniority in all cases to be determined according to the order of their nomination in the said instrument, or according to the priority of election after all the first trustees shall become extinct: And the major part of such trustees shall always be a sufficient quorum to proceed on business, and shall have full power and authority to adjourn from time to time, not exceed- ing seven days at any one time, as the duties of their trust may require. And it shall and may be lawful to, and for such quorum of the said trustees, when assembled, and met in manner aforesaid, or the major part of them, from time to time to appoint a treasurer and clerk, princi- pal, masters, tutors, teachers and other necessary officers; to ascertain their respective salaries, and to remove and displace any of them at their pleasure; and to make bye-laws for the admission, education, govern- ment and discipline of the scholars or students, and the establishment of the price or terms of tuition; for securing, revising and paying out and disposing of the revenues, and in general for conducting and man- aging the estate, business and affairs Of the said academy, and every matter and thing relating thereto, in such manner as they shall judge to be most conducive to its interest and prosperity, and the end of their trust. And in order to preserve the succession of trusees for the said acade- mies respectively, Be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That whenever aVacancies. vacancy shall happen in any corporation of trustees, by the death, res- ignation or refusal to act, of any trustee, it shall and may be lawful, to and for the trustees of Such academy, and they are hereby authorized and required, at any legal meeting of the trustees, to elect and choose a fit person to fill up and supply such vacancy. And for the greater encouragement of such academies, and to render them more useful and respectable ; VOL. 2.—67 530 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 82. Regents to be visitors of acade— mies. Admission to Colum- bia college. Be it furz‘lzer e/zaez‘ed by fire az/i/zoriiy aforesaid, That the regents of the university shall be visitors of such academies, and the chancellor, vice chancellor, or a committee of the regents, shall as often as they see proper, visit such academies, to enquire‘into the state and progress of literature therein. And be it furl/ter eizaeled oy l/ze aaz‘lzorizy aforesaid, That when any scholar who shall be educated at any of the said academies, on due examination by the president and professors of Columbia college, or any other college subject to the visitation of the said regents, shall be _ found competent in the judgment of the said president and professors, Id. Colleges, when acad- emies ma be erecte into. President and pro- f essors , eligibility, etc. Same per- son cannot act as agent and trustee. to enter into the sophimore, junior .or senior classes of such colleges respectively, such scholar shall be entitled to an admission into such of the said classes, for which he shall be so adjudged competent, and shall be admitted accordingly, at any one of the quarterly examinations of such respective classes. Provided always, And 6e it further enaez‘ed by the aal/zorily aforesaid, That to entitle the scholars of any such academy to the privileges aforesaid, the trustees thereof shall lay before the regents of the said university, from time time, the plan or system proposed to be adopted for the education of the students in each of the said academies respectively, in order that the same may be revised and examined by the said regents, and by them be altered or amended, or approved and confirmed, as they shall judge roper. P Area’ fie it fZlff/lé’l' enaez‘ed by file aal/zorily aforesaid, That whenever it shall appear to the said regents, that the state of literature in any acad- emy is so far advanced, and the funds will admit thereof, that it may be expedient that apresident be appointed for such academy; the said regents shall in such'case, signify their approbation thereof under their common seal, which being entered of record as aforesaid, shall authorize the trustees of such academy to elect a president, who shall have, hold and enjoy, all the powers that the president of any college, recognized by this act, shall or may lawfully have, hold and enjoy; and such academy thereafter, instead of being called an academy, shall be called and known by the same name it was called while it was an academy, except that the word college shall be used in all cases instead of the word academy; and be subject to the like rules, regulations, controul and visitation of the regents, as other colleges mentioned in this act. And a; it fart/zer enaez‘ed [2y z‘lze aut/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That no presi- dent or professor shall be ineligible for or by reason of any religious tenet or tenets that he may or shall profess; or be compelled by any law, or otherwise, to take any test oath whatsoever; and no professor or tutor of any college or academy recognized by this act, shall be a trustee of any such college or academy, nor shall any president of any college, or principal of any academy, who shall be a trustee, have a vote in any case relating to his own salary or emoluments, nor shall any trustee, president, principal, tutor, fellow or other officer, of any college or academy, be a regent of the university. And oe iz‘ farl/zer ezzaez‘ed oy z‘lze aaz‘lzoriz‘y aforesaid, That whenever any person, now or hereafter appointed a trustee of any college or academy, shall be appointed or elected a regent of the university, and whenever any person being a regent of the university, shall be appointed or elected a trustee of any college or academy, such person so appointed or elected shall on due notice thereof decide and elect in which of the said places he will serve, and by writing under his hand shall make known such election, whether of refusal or acceptance, to those lg whom he was elected, to the end, that such appointment may take effect, ‘CHAP. 83.] TENTH SESSION. 531 in case he accept it, or that they proceed to a new appointment, in case he refuse it. And fie iz‘fart/zer enaez‘ed fiy z‘lze aza/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the act enti- Acts tled “An act for granting certain privileges to the college heretofore called Kings college, for altering the name and charter thereof, and erecting an university within this State,” passed the rst day of May 1784,” and the act entitled “An act to amend an act, entitled “An act for granting certain privileges to the college heretofore called Kings college, for altering the name and charter thereof, and erecting an uni- versity within this State,” passed the 26th day of November, 1784,” be, and they are hereby severally repealed. CHAP. 83. AN ACT acceding to the act of Congress of the second day of August, one thousand seven hundred and eighty six. PASSED the 13th of April, 1787. recited repealed. WHEREAs the United States in Congress assembled, in and by their Preamble, act of the second day of- August one thousand seven hundred and eighty six, have made a requisition on this State, for the sum of one hundred and eighty five thousand, five hundred and sixty seven dollars, to be paid into the treasury of the United States, in specie, and likewise the further sum of one hundred and thirty seven thousand, four hundred and thirty four dollars, to be paid in indents of interest, on’ loan office certificates, and upon other certificates of the liquidated debt of the United States. Therefore, Be it enacted fiy i/ze People of t/ze State of New York, represented in Senate and Assemfily, and it is herefiy enacted fiy Z/ze autfiorizfy of tile same, That it shall be lawful for the treasurer of this State. and he is hereby required, to pay to the Continental loan officer within this State, or to the order of the United States in Congress assembled, the aforesaid sum of one hundred and eighty five thousand, five hundred and sixty seven dollars, and also the further sum of one hundred and thirty seven thous- and, four hundred and thirty four dollars, in certificates issued, or to be issued, in payment of the interest of the domestic debt of the United States, agreeable to the requisition of Congress of the second day of August, one thousand seven hundred and eighty six. Provided nez/ertlzeless, that it shall be lawful for the said treasurer, and he is hereby required to deduct out of the aforesaid sum of one hundred and eighty five thousand, five hundred and sixty seven dollars, so to be paid into the treasury of the United States as aforesaid, the sum of twenty nine thousand three hundred and three dollars and twenty four ninetieths of a dollar, being the ballance due to this State, for monies overpaid on former requisitions of the thirtieth of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty one, and subsequent thereto; together with all such sum or sums as shall be paid on or before the first day of June next, for the pensions of invalids who are inhabitants of this State, and all such sum or sums of money as the said treasurer shall on or before Treasurer to pay moneys time, Unite " States. the first day of July next pay out of the treasury of this State in pur- - suance of an act entitled “An act making provision for officers, soldiers and seamen, who have been disabled in the service of the United States.” I532 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR s3. figgtgilplts of And be it fart/zer erzaeted by the aat/zority aforesaid, That of the monies- howapi’ now in the treasury of this State, or which shall hereafter come into the Plied- same, for any duties or taxes heretofore imposed or laid, or hereafter to be imposed or laid, and which may not have been already othenvige appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be applied by the treasurer, and he is hereby required to apply and pay the same, in manner following, that i to say, so much thereof as shall be requisite \aAVk/A for that purpose, shall in the first place be applied, to the payment of the civil list and contingent expences of this State, as the same may be hereafter specified and provided for; and out of the residue thereof a sum sufficient to discharge one half the amount of the requisition afore- said, after such deduction thereout as aforesaid, shall, as soon as the same shall come into the treasury, be applied towards the payment of the said requisition; and the remaining half of the amount of the requisition aforesaid, shall be paid out of any monies which shall remain or come into the treasury, and be unappropriated at the adjournment of the legislature, at their present session. Loan office And be it fart/ter erzaeted by t/ze aat/zorizj» aforesaid, That the said certificates _ - - . - ~ . ~ to be trans- treasurer, shall, from time to time transmit to the Contnental loan officer alggtffl ‘10 within this State, all such loan office certificates issued out of the said nentalloan loan office, as now are, or hereafter from time to time, shall come into officer’ his hands, and all other certificates of the liquidated debts of the United States, which by any law of this State, are, or may be receivable in the treasury, and have the interest settled and certified, agreeable to the directions of the aforesaid act of the United States, in Congress assem- bled, of the second day of August, one thousand seven hundred and eighty six. ‘And that the said treasurer shall also transmit all such loan office certificates as have been issued out of the loan offices of any other of the United States, and which now are, or may hereafter from time to‘ time come into his hands, to the loan officers from which such loan office certificates respectively issued, and have the interest settled and certified as by the said act ‘of Congress is directed; and the interest due on all such loan office certificates as aforesaid, and upon all other certifi- cates of the liquidated debts of the United States, so settled and certi- fied as aforesaid, shall pay towards the discharge of - the aforesaid sum of one hundred and thirty seven thousand, four hundred and thirty four dollars, so to be paid into the treasury of the United States as aforesaid. And for preventing the depreciation of certificates to be issued in pur- suance of the said act of Congress, of the second day of August one thousand seven hundred and eighty six. Ifsufi‘icient Be it fart/ter e/zaeted by Me az/t/zoritv aforesaid, That if on the first ggffgilgégtgg day of july, one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, certificates 285%? so to be issued as aforesaid, to the amount of the said sum of one hundred balancbto and thirty seven thousand, four hundred and thirty four dollars, shall Egeléfléfim not be in the hands of the treasurer of this State, or shall not by him, before that time, be paid to the Continental loan officer within this State, or to the order of the United States in Congress assembled, the deficiency shall be paid into the Continental treasury, or to the order of the United States in Congress assembled, in specie, by the treasurer of this State, out of any monies which may be in the treasury. CHAP. 84.] TENTH SESSION. 533 CHAP. 84. AN ACT to remove certain obstructions in tne navigation of Hudsons river. Passzcn the 13th of April, 1787. WHEREAS it has been represented to the legislature, that it is neces~ Preamble. sary, that certain obstructions in the navigation of Hudsons river should ' be removed. Therefore, Be 2'! e/zarz‘e/z’ by Z/ze Peaple 0f [/26 Sz‘rzz‘r? of .New Var/e, 7’6’191'686771'667 2'72 Tonnage 5.612412? all/17 AMY/126411, (Z7207 2.2‘ 20.5‘ [If’l'K/LV (jjflffgd 17/1! [/15 [lg/[6017.332 (if {/15 Vega/g, giélxs (3352?? That every vessel, of the burthen of ten tons or upwards, which shall ing the from and after the fifteenth day of May next, cross the bar in the said verslagh‘ river, about three miles below the city of Albany, commonly called the 'Overslagh, in ascending the said river, shall pay a tonnage of three- pence for every ton such vessel shall measure. as often as such vessel shall cross the said bar in ascending the said river. Prat/dad, that no scow shall be subject to the payment of such tonnage. A 1m’ he 2'! fm'Z/zer e/zarz‘ezi éy f/ze auZ/zarz'zj/ afar/maid, That it shall and Mayor,etc., may be lawful to and for the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the $1,533,, city of Albany, in common council convened, from time to time, and as C'Plllmis- d often as they shall deem it necessary, to appoint one or more commis- 21233150” sioner or commissioners not exceeding three, and a clerk, for the pur- Sgirsrlégtut poses herein after mentioned. That the Said commissioner or com- ' missioners shall not receive any fee or reward, for any service to be performed by him or them, in pursuance of this act. A 120’ he 2'! furl/m" e/zrzrz‘m’ éy Z/ze azzZ/zorz'ty aforesaid, That every master, Account to or person having the command of any vessel, shall within two days after 3?, Egg, such vessel shall have crossed the said bar, in ascending the said river, measure- . . . - ment of make report to the said clerk of the dimensions of such vessel, which vessels, report the said clerk shall enter in a book, to be kept by him for that purpose; and if any master or person having the command of such vessel, shall make a report, which such clerk shall have reason to believe is fraudulent, it shall and may be lawful to and for such clerk, to cause a fit person to survey and take the exact dimensions of such vessel, and compute her tonnage in the manner following, that is to say, three fifths of the beam to be deducted from the length of the maindeck, the remain- der multiplied by the breadth of the beam, that sum multiplied by half the breadth of the beam for the depth of the hold, that divided by ninety five to be deemed the contents of the vessel in tons; but if such vessel shall be a single decked vessel, to multiply her length and breadth by her depth in the hold from skin to skin, and divide the same by ninety five as aforesaid; and if upon such survey and calculation, it shall appear that the number of tons contained in such vessel exceed the tons mentioned in such report, the master or person having the com- mand of such vessel, shall be subject to the payment of the sum of five shillings, for every ton which the tonnage of such vessel, shall exceed the number of tons mentioned in such report; and that if any master or person having the command of any vessel, crossing the said bar in ascending the said river as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to make such report, within the time for that purpose herein before limited, every such master or person, having the command of such vessel, shall forfeit for every such neglect or refusal, the sum of thirty shillings. LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 84. Provided, that no person shall be compelled to make report of the contents of any vessel more than once in any year, such year to be com- puted to commence from the first day of March in every year, but shall nevertheless, make report of the arrival of such vessel, as often as such vessel shall cross the said bar. And be it furl/zer enacted by l/ze aui/zoriiy aforesaid, That the said ton— nage, shall be paid to such clerk within three days after any vessel, sub— ject to the payment of tonnage, shall have crossed the said bar; and that if any person, subject to the payment of the said tonnage, shall neglect or refuse to pay the same longer than the time for that purpose herein before limited, he shall forfeit the sum of three pounds for every such neglect or refusal. And be ii‘ fari/zer eizaez‘ed by Me auz‘lzorizy aforesaid, That all forfeit- ures to be incurred for neglect or refusal, of any matter or thing required by this act, shall and may be recovered in an action of debt with costs, by and in the name of such clerk, before the mayor, recorder or any one of the aldermen of the city of Albany, or any justice of the peace, of any county in this State, and shall be paid and applied in like man- ner, as the product of the said tonnage, is herein directed to be paid and applied. And be ii‘ farz‘ber e/zaeied by Me azii/zorii‘y aforesaid, That the clerk to be appointed as aforesaid shall, previous to his performing any of the duties enjoined on him by this act, take an oath before the mayor, recorder or any one of the aldermen of the city of Albany, well, faith- fully and impartially to execute the duties required of him by this act, according to the best of his knowledge and abilities; and shall enter into a recognizance, before such mayor or recorder, to the chamberlain of the said city of Albany, in the sum of five hundred pounds, with one sufficient surety in the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds, condi- tioned, that the said clerk will faithfully and impartially execute the duties required of him by this act, according to the best of his knowl- edge and abilities. And be iz‘farl/zer ezzaez‘ed by i/ze aaz‘borizj' aforesaid, That if any master or person, having the command of any vessel, subject to such tonnage, shall, with intent to evade the payment of the said tonnage hereby imposed on such vessel, sail from any part of the said river, above the said bar, to any part of the said river below the said bar, without hav— ing paid the said tonnage, every master or person having the command of such vessel, shall for every such offence, forfeit the further sum of ten pounds. And be itfari‘lzer eizaez‘ed by l/ze aal/iorily aforesaid, That the said clerk, shall be allowed for his services, a sum not exceeding ten per cent on all monies, actually received by him, for and on account of the said tonnage, to be retained out of the monies to be raised and collected by virtue of this act; and that the residue of the monies, arising from the said tonnage hereby imposed, shall from time to time be paid to the commissioners to be appointed as aforesaid, to be by them applied for the purpose of removing any obstructions in the navigation of the said river, within fourteen miles of and below the city of Albany, in such manner, as to them or amajor part of them, shall in their discretion appear fit and most effectual to remove such obstructions. And be iz‘fziri/zer enacted by file aaz‘boriz‘y aforesaid, That the said com- missioners, shall once in every year, render regular accounts of their receipts and expenditures, in pursuance of the powers vested in them in and by this act, to the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of Albany, in common council convened. CHAP. 85.] TENTH sEssioN. " 535 A ad fie itfuri/zer enacted fiy i/ze aui/zorii‘y aforesaid, That every vessel Exemption crossing the bar aforesaid, upon the return of such vessel from any place Egg"; below the said bar, to which such vessel shall have been conveyed for the purpose of careening only, and every vessel laden with wood or stone, or crossing the said bar, to take in part of her lading, to be con- veyed to New York, shall be exempted from the payment of the ton- nage aforesaid, upon crossing the said bar in ascending the said river. Provided that it shall be made to appear to the clerk, that such vessel was carried across the said bar, down the said river, for either of the pur- poses aforesaid, and for and with no other intent or purpose whatsoever. A/zd fie itfari/zer enacted fiy t/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That this act shall Time act to remain in force, for the term of five years and no longer. ‘commune’ CHAP. 85. AN ACT to vest the estate of Richard Maitland deceased, in trustees for the payment of his debts. PASSED the 14th of April, 1787. WHEREAS by the petition of Ann McAdam of the city of New York Preamble. widow of William McAdam deceased, Margaret Ogilvie, widow of John Ogilvie deceased, and Judith Bruce, widow of William Bruce deceased, it hath been represented to the legislature, that Richard Maitland, deceased, was in his life time seized and possessed, of a considerable real and personal estate, in the State of New York; that the said Richard Maitland, in and by his last will and testament, bearing date the sixteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and seventy one, did give, devise and bequeath, all his estate, both real and personal, to his two natural sons, Richard and Peter, children of Mary McAdam, and to the said Mary McAdam and the child of which she was then pregnant, and their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns respectively, equally to be divided among them, share and share alike : That the said Richard Maitland, in and by his said last will and testament, did request, authorize and impower, his executors therein named, or such of them as should take upon them the execution of his said will, to manage, govern and direct his estate, in such manner as they, or the major part of them, should think most for the advantage of his devisees. And in case his executors, or such of them, as should take upon them the execution of his said will, or the major part of them, should think fit or esteem it, for the benefit of his devisees, he did by his said will desire, authorize and impower his said executors, and the survivors and survivor of them, who would at any time take upon them the execution of his said will, to grant, bar— gain and sell all or any part or parts of his real estate ; and of his said will did appoint Alexander Maitland, and the said \Villiam McAdam, John Ogilvie and William Bruce deceased, the respective husbands of the petitioners; and Thomas Moncrief, and the survivors and survivor of them, to be executors or executor. That after making the same will, the said Mary McAdam had issue, one other son named John, and that soon thereafter she was intermarried with the said Richard Maitland and had issue another son named James, who was born after the decease of the said Richard Maitland. That the said Richard Maitland died sometime in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy two, Iand that the said William McAdam, John Ogilvie, and \Villiam Bruce, 536 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 85. Estate of Richard Maitland, deceased, vested in trustees for pur- poses named. proved his will, and took upon themselves the execution thereof, but that the said Alexander Maitland and Thomas Moncrieff never became acting executors thereof; that the said Richard Maitland was, in his life time, indebted to Sampson Simson, and Solomon Simpson respect- ively, in very considerable sums of money; and that the respective husbands of the petitioners, together with the said Thomas Moncrieff, became jointly and severally bound for the payment thereof, by two ' several bonds, executed by them to the said Sampson Simson and Solo- mon Simson respectively, which monies are still due; that the said Richard Maitland was, at the time of his death, also indebted to the said \Villiam McAdam deceased, in very considerable sums of money, and that after the death of the said Richard Maitland, other sums of money were paid and advanced by the said \Yilliam l\"'lcAdam, in his life time, for the estate of the said Richard Maitland deceased ; part of all which monies are unpaid, and due to the petitioner Ann McAdam, as sole legatee and executrix of the last will and testament of the said \Villiam McAdam deceased. And that the said Richard Maitland was, in his life time, also indebted to other persons, all which sums of money, are also yet due and unpaid; that the said \Villiam McAdam, john Ogilvie and \Villiam Bruce are dead; and that the said Alexander Maitland, resides in that part of Great Britain, called England; and the said Thomas Moncrieff in Halifax, or some other part of the British Dominions ; and have never taken upon themselves the executorship of the will of the said Richard Maitland deceased. That all the children of the said Richard Maitland deceased, are infants, and that the two eldest reside in that part of Great Britain called England, and the two youngest in the State of New jersey; that by reason of the death of the said William McAdam, john Ogilvie and William Bruce, and the absence of the other executors aforesaid, the estate of the said Richard Maitland deceased, cannot be sold and disposed of, for the payment of his debts, and the maintenance and support of his widow and children, in the manner directed by his will; and thereupon praying, that the estates, both real and personal, of the said Richard Maitland deceased, may be by law, vested in trustees, and that the whole or such part thereof, as may be necessary for those purposes, may be directed to be sold, as well for the payment of the debts due therefrom, as for the maintenance and education of the children of the said Richard Maitland deceased. And the prayer of the said petitioner, appearing to be just and reason- able, Therefore Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze ant/torily of tbe same, That all the estate, real and personal, of the said Richard Maitland deceased, shall at and immediately after the passing of this act, be, and the same is hereby vested in trustees, to wit, Daniel McCormick, Wil- liam Cockburn and Richard Varick, their heirs and assigns; who are hereby authorized and impowered, as soon as may be convenient, to sell and dispose of, all or'so much of the same real and personal estate, of the said Richard Maitland deceased, as they may deem sufficient, to pay and discharge the debts due therefrom; at such time and times, in such manner to such person or persons, and for such sum or sums of money, as they the said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them, or the heirs of such survivor, shall deem most conducive to the interest of the devisees, of the said Richard Maitland deceased, and their repre- sentatives; and to seal execute and deliver, good and sufficient deeds and conveyances, to the purchaser or purchasers of such real estate; which sale, or sales, so made, and the deeds and conveyances for the CHAP. 85.] TE‘NTH SESSION. 537 same, by the said trustees, or the survivors or survivor of them, or the heirs of such survivor, are hereby declared to be good and effectual, to all intents and purposes, in law and equity, to vest in such purchaser or purchasers, the whole estate, right, title, property and interest, which the said Richard Maitland deceased, had in such real estate, and every part thereof, at the time of his death. Aim’ [re 2'! fI/rZ/zer e/mez‘eo’ by 272:? ozzf/zorz'ty aforesaid, That the said trustees, and the survivors and survivor of them, and the heirs, execu- tors and administrators of such survivor, and every of them, are hereby authorized, impowered and required, (in case it shall become necessary) in their own names, to bring one or more suit or Suits in law or equity, as the case may require, for any part or parts of the real or personal estate of, or debts due to the said Richard Maitland deceased, or to his executors aforesaid, or any of them, for and in behalf of the estate of the said Richard Maitland deceased. And be fz/rf/zer e/zeze/eo’ by Me az/Morz'z‘y aforesaid, That after the said truste&, and the survivors and survivor of them, shall have pro- ceeded to convert all the estate, real and personal, of the said Richard Maitland deceased, or so much thereof, as they or he shall deem suffi- cient to pay and discharge the debts due therefrom, into money, and shall have collected the debts, due to the same estate, they or the sur- vivors or survivor of them, or the heirs, executors or administrators of such survivor, shall at some time after the expiration of two years, and within two years and six months after the passing of this act, cause to be published in two of the public newspapers printed in the city of New York, for four weeks at the least successively, a notification of a time and place, in the said city, at which the said trustees or any two of them, or the survivors or survivor of them, intend to meet, to make a dividend or distribution among the creditors; and thereby requiring all persons, having demands against the estate of the said Richard Maitland deceased, to produce their accounts to the said trustees; and to prove such of their respective demands, as have not been before presented and proved. That thereupon, previous to any dividend, debts due to the people of this State, for taxes and quit rents, shall be first paid; then all costs of suit, and such other charges, expences and disbursements, as shall be necessarily expended by the said trustees, and the allowance herein after made to the trustees, for their care and trouble, shall be first paid: That said trustees or any two of them, or the survivors or Survivor of them, shall then, at the said meeting, and other subsequent meetings to be continued by adjournments, if necessary, forthwith cause a dividend or distribution to be made of all the monies which shall have come to his or their hands, as trustees of the estate and effects of the said Richard h’laitland deceased, among such of the creditors, as shall have then pre- sented and duly proved, their demands. But if the said monies, shall be insufficient, to pay to the creditors their whole demands, then to pay to them respectively, an equal part in proportion to the debts due to them respectively, without any preference to bonds or other sealed instruments. A/zd furf/zer, that if any creditor or creditors, shall neg- lect or refuse to present and prove his, her or their demand, until after a dividend shall have been made of the monies and effects, in the hands of the Said trustees, or the survivors or survivor of them, such creditor or creditors, shall not be entitled to any dividend, and the whole monies in hand to be divided, shall be divided among the other creditors. Aim’ oe z'z‘ fz/rf/zer eizarfed a); Z/ze az/Z/zorz'g/ aforesaid, That in case the monies to be raised by the sale of the real estate, and recovery of the debts due the estate of the said Richard Maitland, shall be insufficient VOL. 2. — 68 Trustees empow- ered to sue to recover estate. Applica- tion of moneys re- ceived by trustees. 538 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 85. Compensa- tion of trustees. Overplus, how dis— posed of. Trustees to file bond in chancery Trustees, how ac- countable for acts. to pay the whole demands of all the creditors, the said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them, shall proceed to a sale of the remainder of the real estate, of the said Richard Maitland deceased, in manner above directed; and that the second dividend of the monies, arising from such sale, shall take place within three years and six months from the passing of this act; on the like previous notice being published in two of the public newspapers as aforesaid. And in case an Y creditor or creditors respectively, shall present and duly prove, to the trustees afore- said, or any two of them, or the survivors or survivor of them, his, her or their debt, or demand, as aforesaid, before the time appointed for such second dividend, then such creditor or creditors, shall have his, her or their first dividend, or so much money, as he, she or they would otherwise have been entitled to in the first division, before any second division shall be made. And be if fart/{er e/zaez‘ed by i/ze aui/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the said trustees, and the survivors and survivor of them, shall be lallowed and shall and may retain in his or their hands, for his or tl%ir care and trouble, and the services to be performed by them, the sum of five per cent on all the monies which shall come to their hands by virtue of this act, before each dividend made, over and above all such costs of suit, charges, expences and disbursements. as shall be necessarily laid out, and expended in the premises aforesaid. And be if fari/zer e/zaez‘ed‘ by z‘be aai/zorizjr aforesaid, That if there shall remain any real or personal estate, after the payment-of the debts due from the estate of the said Richard Maitland deceased, as afore- said, that then the same shall be to all intents and purposes, revested in the devisees and legatees of the said Richard Maitland, and their law- ful representatives, in the same manner, as the same was before the passing of this act; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwith- standing. Aizd be if fz/rZ/zer e/zaez‘ed by Me azzz‘boriify aforesaid, That the said trus- tees shall, before they exercise any of the powers to them hereby given, respectively file in the court of chancery a bond to the register, or one of the clerks of the said court, in such penalty, and with such surety and sureties, as the chancellor shall think fit; with a condition, that they respectively will, well and faithfully discharge the trust vested in them by this act, and render a just account of their disposition of the said estate, when thereunto required. And be iz‘fari/zer eizaez‘ed by f/ze aziZ/zorizfy aforesaid, That the said trus- tees shall not, nor shall either of them, or the heirs executors or admin- istrators of either of them, be answerable or accountable for any money to be received, by virtue of, or under the trust hereby reposed in them, any otherwise than each person for such sum and sums of money as he or they shall respectively, actually receive, or give a receipt or receipts for; and that no one of them shall be answerable, for the acts receipts, neglects or defaults, of any other of them. Provided always, that this act shall not be in force, but the same is hereby suspended, until the chancellor upon examination of the facts and circumstances in the said petition set forth, shall certify that this act may take effect, without prejudice to any infant or feme covert, whom it may concern: and it shall be the duty of the chancellor upon application to him by the said petitioners, or any of them, to examine into the said facts and circumstances; and if it shall appear to him that this act may take effect without prejudice to any of the persons aforesaid, to certify the same, which certificate shall be recorded in the secretary’s office; whereupon this act shall be and remain in full force. CHAP. 86.] TENTH SESSION. 539 CHAP. 86. AN ACT for the more effectual collection of the arrears of the tax therein mentioned, and for the relief of persons improperly taxed in the city and county of New York, and for other pur- poses. PASSED the 14th of April, 1787. WHEREAS the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New Preamble. York, in common council convened, have by their petition, represented to the legislature, that sundry arrears of the taxes directed to be raised in the city and county of New York, in and by the law of this State, entitled “An act for raising one hundred thousand pounds, within the several counties therein mentioned” are yet unpaid; and that divers persons have been aggrieved, as they alledge, in the assessment thereof; that the provisions made by the legislature for collecting those arrears and redressing the grievance complained of, have hitherto proved inef- fectual, principally by reason that those arrears were due either from persons who resided in the out ward, the collector of which absconded with his assessment role or tax book, and has not, ’till lately, put it in the the power of common council, or from persons who, between the time of assessment and collection departed the said city; that for hearing and determining every claim to a reimbursement of the taxes improperly assessed, a quorum of all the members, of the common council, is by law made necessary; and that from the numerous complaints of injus- tice, this duty cannot be discharged without great delay and injury to the members of that board; and thereupon praying, that the legislature will make further provision in the premises; the prayer of which said petition appears to be reasonable. Therefore Be ii‘ e/zaez‘ed fiy i/ze Peop/e of Z/ze Sz‘az‘e of N ew Yer/e, represented in Mayor, Se/zaie a/zd Asseozfily, and ii is fierefiy e/zaez‘ed fiy i/ze aai/zorizjv of the same, em" to That it shall may be lawful for the mayor, recorder and aldermen of the Zigéggrhint said city, or the major part of them, of whom the mayor or recorder always to be one, to meet together at such times and places, within the g'fta‘éscg’gn said city, as they may think proper; and to examine the assessment of arrears rolls and rate lists, made in pursuance of the same law, what sums of ggggefj, money remain unpaid, by any of the freeholders, residents and inhabi- tants within the several wards of the said city, of the same tax of one hundred thousand pounds; and where they find any sum or sums of money uncollected, and the persons or estates charged with the same, are sufficient to pay the same, they shall issue their warrants to the col- lectors, for the time being, of the same respective wards, in which such sums remain unpaid, for the collection thereof: And the respective col- lectors shall levy and collect, all such sums, and shall pay the same to the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city, for the time being, at such time as the said mayor, recorder and. aldermen in their said warrant shall direct, to be applied in the manner hereinafter mentioned; after deducting therefrom four pence in the pound, for his or their trouble, in collecting the same. And fie it farzj/zer eaaez‘ed fiy' z‘fie aaz‘fioriiy aforesaid, That in all cases, Collectors where .the collector of any ward in the said city, shall have received any ggé’tigmi" part of the tax aforesaid, and not paid the same to the treasurer of this city “6118' State, it shall be lawful for the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city, 35,133,353, for the time being, to commence and prosecute to judgment and execu- beenmade'. 540 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 86. Mayor, etc., to examine and deter- mine what estates are exempt from the tax. Inquest by jury to determine exemption. tion, a suit or suits, for the recovery thereof with costs, in his own name, as treasurer or chamberlain of the said city, against such collector, his executors or administrators, in an action on the case, for monies had and received, for the use of the said city and county of New York; in which suit it shall be sufficient to set forth in the delaration, that the collector is, or in his life time was, indebted to the said treasurer or chamberlain, of the said city, in a certain sum, for so much money by him, as collector of such ward, before that time had and received, for the use of the said city and county; and being so thereof indebted, promised to pay the same, to the said treasurer or chamberlain, when required; without setting forth the special matter: And that no such suit or action, shall be abated or discontinued, by the death, resigna- tion or removal from office, of any such treasurer or chamberlain, but the same shall or may be prosecuted to effect, by the successor in office. And furl/Mr, that if any collector shall neglect the duty by this act required of him, he shall be chargeable with the monies so directed to be levied and collected, to be recovered by the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city, for the time being, with costs, in manner aforesaid. A m! [26 2'2‘ furZ/zer marred 12y f/ze az/f/zm'z'zj/ aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the said mayor, recorder and aldermen of the said city, or any five or more of them, of whom the mayor or recorder always to be one, to meet together, at such times and places within the said city, as they may think proper; and to examine whether the estates real or personal, of any, and which of the freeholders, residents or inhabi— tants, within the several wards of the said city, were not within the description of persons designed to be taxed by virtue of the said law; ‘ and if any person shall make proof to the satisfaction of the said mayor, recorder and aldermen, or to the major part of them, who shall be so met as aforesaid, of his, her or their being taxed, and not being within the description of the persons designed to be taxed as aforesaid, and that such person or persons hath, or have paid the same tax, to the col- lector, they shall allow the same, and shall thereupon, by warrant under their hands and seals, directed to the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city, or the whole amount of the said sum so assessed and collected, together with the interest of the same, from the time it was received by the collector, to be paid to the person or persons, soimproperly taxed, or his, her or their legal representative. And if any such tax, which by the said mayor or recorder and aldermen so met, shall be adjudged to have been improperly assessed, shall not have been collected, it shall and may be lawful for the said mayor or recorder and aldermen, so met as aforesaid, by warrant, or order under their hands and seals, to direct the collector of the ward in which such tax shall remain to be collected, to surcease from collecting the same. And fart/162', that if the monies to be collected in virtue of this act, shall be insufficient to pay all the demands of the persons who shall be so as aforesaid adjudged to have been improperly taxed, it shall be the duty of the said mayor, recorder and aldermen, to order a rateable proportion of the monies so collected, to be paid to the respective persons, who shall be adjudged to have been improperly taxed as aforesaid. And fie z't furz‘lzer eizarz‘m’ fy Z/ze auZ/wrz'zj/ aforesaid, That if any per- son, who shall conceive himself, or herself, not within the description of persons liable to be taxed as aforesaid, shall be desirous of having a jury to investigate the facts, suggested by him or her, it shall be lawful for the said mayor or recorder and aldermen, on the application of the said person, to issue a precept to the sheriff of the city and county of New York, commanding him to summon twelve freemen or freeholders, of can». 86.] TENTH SESSION. 541 the said city and county, to inquire into the facts so suggested by the person so taxed as aforesaid, at a day and place in the same precept to be mentioned: And the said sheriff with the persons so summoned by him as aforesaid, Shall proceed to inquire into the facts suggested by the person so taxed, and shall report the facts so found by them, under their hands and seals, to the said mayor or recorder and aldermen; and the said mayor or recorder and aldermen, shall determine upon the facts reported to them, whether the said person was within the description of persons liable to be taxed as aforesaid, or not; And in case he or she, was not, they shall proceed to give him or her relief in manner afore- said. And in case the persons so summoned, shall not attend at the time and place appointed, in the precept aforesaid, the sheriff shall summon them, to attend at some other day and place, giving the person so taxed, two days notice of the same; and the same fees shall he allowed to the sheriff and jurors, for the business done in pursuance of this act, as they are allowed on other civil inquests, and shall be paid by the party who applied for the inquest, in case he shall be within the description of persons liable to be taxed, in virtue of the law aforesaid; and to be recovered by the sheriff, in any court of record having cognizance of the same: And in case he shall not be within the description of persons liable to be taxed as aforesaid, then the costs shall be paid by him or her, and he or she, shall have the same relief from the mayor, recorder and aldermen, as is provided respecting the tax so paid by him or her as aforesaid. And oe z'z‘ fart/zer enacted oy Z/ze aat/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That the treasurer Compensa- or chamberlain of the said city, shall, and may retain in his own hands, 33253;,‘ the sum of two pence in the pound, and no more, for his trouble, in receiving and paying out the monies, by this act directed to be collected. A/zd farf/zer, that if any monies so to be collected as aforesaid, shall Applica- remain in the hands of the same treasurer or_ chamberlain, after reim- 22,2858 bursing the persons improperly taxed as aforesaid, in manner aforesaid, collected~ it shall and may be lawful for the said mayor, recorder and aldermen, and they are hereby required, to order the residue of the same monies so to be collected as aforesaid, to be applied to the purchase of such sum in certificates issued or to be issued by the treasurer of this State, as shall amount in nominal Specie value, exclusive of interest, to the amount of the arrears due from the city and county of New York, and to pay the certificates so purchased, into the treasury of this State, on or before the first day of January next, in discharge of such arrears, any thing in this or any other act to the contrary hereof, in any wise notwithstanding. A/zd oe z'z‘ farZ/zer eizaez‘ed a.» Z/ze aaZ/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That the act A0118 - u - ' - v _ ,, recited a entitled An act for the relief of persons improperly taxed and the repealed, act entitled "An act for the more effectual collection of the arrears of taxes,” so far as the same extend to the city and county of New York, be, and the same hereby are severally repealed. A/zd zo/zereas Philetus Osborn, collector of taxes in the township of East Hampton in the county of Suffolk, is confined in gaol, for not having collected the tax laid in the said town, by virtue of the said act, entitled “An act for raising one hundred thousand pounds within the counties therein mentioned.” And rtr/zereas, the amount of the said tax, has been paid into the treasury of this State, and the monies now to be collected are to be applied to the use of the said county; and the said Philetus Osborn hath prayed a further time to collect the arrears of the said taxes, therefore, ‘542 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 87. Philetus Be it farz‘lzer enaez‘ed by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may 2,5,23,21,26,, be lawful, for the ‘sheriff to discharge the said Philetus Osborn, from his confinement. And that it shall and may be lawful for him the said ment; to Philetus Osborn, and he is hereby authorised and required, to collect Evlj‘gfieggb the arrears of the said taxes, and to pay the same to the treasurer of the 16051011’ said county; and if he shall not collect and pay the same, before the first day of ~lune next, he shall be liable to be prosecuted for his default, in the same manner as he was when he was prosecuted as aforesaid. CHAP. 87. AN ACT for the relief Jesse Hunt. PAssEn the 16th of April, 1787. Preamble WHEREAs jesse Hunt late sherif of the county of Westchester, hath by his petition represented that he was sherif of the county or West— chester from the nineteenth day of March one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one, to the nineteenth day of March one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five ; that the gaol of the said county was destroyed in 1776, and there being no place for the confinement of prisoners on civil process, until the legislature by an act passed the 2d of March 1784, authorized the sherif of the said county to repair the gaol in the late borough of Westchester, and to confine prisoners therein on civil process until such time as a gaol could be built in the said county and which gaol was not repaired until the fifteenth of june following. That during the said sherifs continuance in office, and previous to the repair- ing of the gaol at the said borough of Westchester, he was frequently under the necessity of returning cepi corpus on process, when in fact he could not get bail for many persons, who knowing that there was no gaol, absolutely refused to give bail on arrest, by which means the said Jesse Hunt has become exposed to many suits for escapes on mesne process; and to exonerate him from which, he has prayed the inter- vention of the legislature. Therefore Jesse Hunt Beir enacted by z‘be People of tbe State of New York, represented in fig‘gggg’g Senate and Assembly, and ii‘ is hereby enacted by file azit/zoriz‘y of [be same, actions for That in any action or suit whatsoever, which has been or may be escapes‘ brought against the said jesse Hunt for any escape which happened before the fifteenth day of june one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, it shall be lawful for the said Jesse Hunt to plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. And if upon the trial of such issue, it shall be made appear to the satisfaction of the jury, that such escape was wholly owing to the want of a sufficient gaol in the said county, and not to any neglect, omission or misconduct of the said jesse Hunt, the said jury shall find a verdict for the defendant, and he shall be thereupon discharged from such suit or action. CHAP. 88.] TENTH sEssloN. 543 CHAP. 88. AN ACT for regulating the buildings, streets, wharfs and slips, in the city of New York. PASSED the 16th of April, 1787. WHEREAS for the encouragement of the trade and commerce of this Preamble. State, it is necessary, that the buildings, streets, wharfs and slips in the city of New York, should be regulated with uniformity, for the accom- modation of habitations, shipping and transportation; w/zerefore, to remove all impediments or obstruction that may retard so necessary a work; Be ii‘ enacted fiy Me People of r/ze Scale of jVe'zo Yer/l’, represe/zc'ed in Common Senate and Assemfi/y, and ii‘ is fierefiy enacted fiy i/ze aac/coriiy of i/ce same, g’glynfélgw That it shall and may be lawful, to and for the mayor, aldermen and late erec— commonalty of the city of New York, in common council convened, {fir-figs, from time to time, to make such bye-laws, ordinances, rules and orders for the better regulating and arranging with uniformity, such new build- city sur- ings, as shall, after the passing of this act, be erected for habitations, or veyor‘ for the purposes of trade and commerce; and also for regulating and altering the streets, wharfs and slips in such manner as shall be most commodious for shipping and transportation; and also at their will and pleasure, from time to time, to nominate and appoint two or more dis— erect and intelligent persons to be the surveyors of the buildings, streets, wharfs and slips of the said city, whose office and duty it shall be, to direct and see that all buildings, streets, wharfs and slips, to be laid out or altered in the said city, be regulated with uniformity, for the accom- modation of habitations, shipping,trade and commerce, according to such bye-laws, ordinances, rules and orders, as by the common council of the said city shall be for that purpose, from time to time, ordained and established; which said surveyors shall respectively, before they enter upon the duties of their said offices, take the following oath, before the mayor or recorder, vizt “ I appointed a surveyor of the city of New'York, do swear in the presence of Almighty God, that I will faithfully, truly, and impartially execute the office of one of the surveyors of the same city.” And zeI/zereas in the laying out of new lots of ground for buildings, controveries may arise, by reason that a lot or lots, if built upon to their full extent, would incommode and obstruct some street of the said city, and be hurtful to the trade and health of the inhabitants thereof: Therefore Be if fari/zer eaacz‘ed fiy i/ze azci/zoriz’y aforesaid, That it shall and Encroach< may be lawful, to and for the mayor aldermen and commonalty of the $32,320 said city, in common council convened, to hinder and prevent any be grg; building or buildings, that may narrow or encroach upon any street $5818.11; within the said city: And if in the doing thereof, or in the laying out "f Streets- for the future, any streets, wharfs or slips, they shall require for such purposes, the ground of any person or persons, they shall give notice thereof to the owner or parties interested in such ground, or his, her or their agent or legal representative: And to the end that reasonable sat- isfaction may be made for all such ground as shall be necessary for the uses aforesaid, the said common council shall and may treat with the owners or persons interested therein, or his, her or their agent or legal representative; and if any such owner or owners shall refuse to 544 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 88. Regulation of sewers, drains, vaults, etc. treat in manner aforesaid, then and in such case, it shall and may be lawful, to and for the mayor or recorder, and any two or more aldermen, by virtue of this act, by a precept under their hands and seals, to com- mand the sherif of the said city and county of New York, to impannel and return, and he is hereby required to impannel and return, a jury, to appear before the mayors court of the said city, at any term thereof, not less than three weekq from the date of such precept, to enquire of and assess the damages and recompence due to the owner or owners of such ground, or his, her or their agent or legal representative, and at the same time to summon the owner or owners of such ground, by notice, to be left at his, her or their most usual place of abode, to appear before such mayors court, on the day and at the place in such precept to be specified; which jury being first duly sworn faithfully and impar- tially to inquire into and assess the damages in question, and having viewed the premises, if necessary shall inquire of and assess such dam- ages and recompence, as they shall, under all the circumstances, judge fit to be awarded to the owner or owners of such ground, for their respective losses, according to their several interests and estates therein. And the verdict of such jury, and the judgment of the said mayors court thereupon, and the payment of the sum or sums of money so awarded and adjudged to the owner or owners thereof, or tender and refusal thereof, shall be conclusive and binding to all intents and pur- poses, against the said owner and owners, his, her and their respective heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, claiming any estate or in- terest of, in, or to the same ground; and it shall thereupon be lawful to and for the said mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, and their successors, to cause the same ground to be converted to and used for the purposes aforesaid. Ana’ zcl/zereas the dirt and soil lying in the streets, doth often prove a common nuisance, and very prejudicial to the health of the inhabitants of the same city; for remedy whereof, Be it f/fi’f/le’l' e/zaez‘ea’ [1y f/zeaaZ/zerz'fy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful, to and for the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the said city, in common council convened, by ordinances and bye-laws for that purpose, to be made and ordained, from time to time, and in such man- ner as they shall judge to be most conducive to health and public con- venien/ce, to cause common sewers, drains and vaults to be made and constructed in any part of the said city, and to order and direct the pitching and paving the streets thereof; and the cutting into any drain or sewer already made or to be made; and the altering, amending, cleans- ing and scouring of any street, vault, sink or common sewer within the same city. And for the better effecting thereof, it shall and may be lawful to and for the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the said city in common council convened, to cause to be made, an estimate or esti- mates of the expence of conforming to such regulations as aforesaid, and a just and equitable assessment thereof among the owners or occupants of all the houses and lots intended to be benefited thereby, in propor— tion, as nearly as may be, to the advantage, which each shall be deemed to acquire respectively. And in order that the same may be faithfully and impartially performed, the said common council shall, from time to time, appoint five sufficient and disinterested freeholders, for every such purpose, who, before they enter upon the execution of their trust, shall be duly sworn, before the said mayor or recorder, to make the said esti- mate and assessment, fairly and impartially, according to the best of their skill and judgment, and a certificate in writing of such estimate and assessment, being returned to the said common council, and ratified CHAP. 88.] TENTH SESSION. 0 45 by them, shall be binding and conclusive upon the owners and occu— pants of such lots so to be assessed respectively; and such owners or‘ occupants respectively, shall thereupon become, and be liable and chargeable, and they are hereby required, upon demand, to pay to such person as shall be authorized by the said common council to receive the same, the sum at which such house or lot shall be so assessed, to be employed, & applied for and towards the making, altering, amending, pitching, paving, cleansing and scouring such streets, and making, con— structing and repairing such vaults, drains and sewers as aforesaid. And in default of payment thereof or any part thereof it shall and may be lawful to and for the mayor, recorder and aldermen of the same city, or any five of them, of whom the mayor or recorder always to be one,'by warrant under their hands and seals, to levy the said sum and sums of money so assessed, by distresssand sale of the goods and chattels of the owner or occupant of such house or lot, so assessed, and refusing or neglecting to pay the same, rendering the overplus, if any there be, after deducting the sum assessed, and the charges of distress and sale, to such owneror-occupant respectively, or‘their legal representatives. Provided always, And a; ii‘ fare/ter eizaez‘ed by file aai/zoriz’y aforesaid, That nothing in the last mentioned clause of this act contained, shall be construed to affect any contract or agreement that hath been, or shall be made, between any landlord and tenant respecting the payment of any such charges or repairs, but they shall he answerable to each other, in the same manner as if this act had never been made. AizdfarZ/zer, in case any money so from time to time to be assessed for the services aforesaid, shall be paid by any person, when by agreement or by law, the same ought to have been borne and paid by some other person, that then it shall and may be lawful to and for the person so paying the same, and he shall be and hereby is empowered and authorized to sue for and recover the same, with interest and costs of suit, in any court having lawful cognizance thereof, as so much money paid for the use of the person for whom or for whose use the same shall have been paid; and the assessment afore- said, with proof of payment, shall be conclusive evidence to such court, and judgment ‘and execution shall be awarded accordingly. Arid zo/zereas more effectually to accommodate the trade, and preserve the health of the citizens, it is necessary, in certain parts of the city, to level adjoining lots, by raising some, and reducing others, in order to draw away the stagnate water and filth, and render the streets dry, and the passage easy and convenient, and it frequently happens, that there are vacant lots, owned by persons who refuse to contribute to any expence with respect to their lots, or the Streets on which they are bounded; however detrimental such refusal may prove to the proprie- tors of the adjacent lots, and the public good. For remedy whereof, Be it farZ/zer e/zaez‘ed fiy Z/ze aal/zorily aforesaid, That when in any such case, a general regulation shall be judged necessary in any part of the city, and be ordered and directed, by any ordinance or bye-law of the said mayor, alderman and commonalty of the said city, in common council convened, for raising, reducing, levelling or fencing in, any such lot or lots as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said common council, to cause an estimate to be made, of the whole expence of conforming to such regulation, with respect to each lot, which the owner thereof shall refuse or neglect to put in the order thereby required, which estimate shall be made and certified under the hands and seals of five sufficient freeholders, to be appointed for that purpose, and sworn in manner aforesaid; and the same estimate, being duly returned to, and VoL. 2.—69 Leveling of lots, etc. , procedure for. 546 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR as. Id. approved by the said common council, they shall take order for adver- tising the same, in two or more of the public news papers printed in the id city, for three weeks, thereby requiring the owners of such lots respectively, to pay the sum at which the said lots shall be so assessed, to the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city, to defray the expence of the intended work; and that, if default shall be made in such payment, such lot will be sold at public auction, at a day and place therein to be specified, for the lowest term of years, at which any person shall offer to take the same, in consideration of advancing the sum assessed on the same, for the expence aforesaid. And if notwithstanding such notice and demand, the owner or owners should refuse or neglect to pay such assessment with the charge of appraisement and advertisement, then it shall and may be lawful to and for the said common council to cause the said lot to be sold at public auction, for a term of years, for the pur- poses and in the manner expressed in the said advertisement, and to give a declaration of such sale to the purchaser thereof under the com- mon seal of the said city; and such purchaser, his executors, adminis- ‘trators and assigns, shall by virtue thereof and of this act, lawfully hold and enjoy the same, for his and their own proper use, against the owner or owners thereof, and all claiming under him or them, until his term -therein shall be fully compleat and ended; being at liberty to remove all the buildings and materials, which he, she or they shall erect or place thereon, but leaving the ground in sufficient fence, and with the street or streets fronting the same, in the order required by the said regulations; any law, usageor custom to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. Pro- vided always, that if, after defraying the actual expence of conforming any lot, so to be sold for a term of years, to the regulations aforesaid, and deducting all reasonable charges attending the same, a surplus of the purchase money, bidden or given therefore, at such auction, shall remain in the hands of the chamberlain or treasurer of the said city, the same shall forthwith be rendered to the owner or owners of such lot or lots respectively, or his, her or their respective legal representatives. And be if farz‘be?“ eizaez‘ed by z‘lze azii/zorizy aforesaid, That if upon the completion of any such regulation as aforesaid, it shall appear to the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the said city, in common council convened, that a greater sum of money hath been bona fide expended in making such regulation, than the sum mentioned in the estimate so made as aforesaid, and actually collected, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said common council to cause a further assess- ment to be made, of the sum which such bona fide expenditures shall exceed the sum so estimated and collected as aforesaid, upon and among the owners or occupants of all the houses and lots before assessed as aforesaid, and to cause the same to be collected, in the same manner as herein before directed. Aizd furl/ler, that in case the sum actually expended, shall be less than the sum expressed in such estimate and actually collected as aforesaid, the surplus shall be forthwith rendered to the respective persons from whom the same were so collected and received as aforesaid, or his, her or their respective legal representatives. CHAP. 89.] TENTH SESSION. 547 CHAP. 89. AN ACT for the more speedy recovery of debts to the value of ten pounds. PAssEl) the 17th of April, 1787. Be it enacted fiy i/ze People of i/ze Sea/e of [Vere Yer/e, represented i/z Se/zaz‘e and Asse/afi/y, and if is fierefiy e/zacz‘ed fiy z‘fie az/i/zorizfy of Me same, That from and after the first day of June next, all actions of debt, detinue, account, covenant, trespass and trespass on the case, wherein the sum or ballance due, or thing demanded shall not exceed ten pounds, current money of this State, shall be, and hereby are made cognizable before any justice of the peace, of any city or county of this State; and every such justice shall be. and hereby is respectively authorized and impowered, to hear try and determine, all such causes and actions, according to law and equity; and shall and may hold a court for the trial thereof, and is hereby vested with all such power and authority for the purpose aforesaid, as is usual in courts of record, in this State ; and shall sign all process to be issued out of such court. A/zd farc/zer, that every such justice of the peace, upon application to him made for the recovery of any such debt, damages or demand, shall issue a sum- mons or warrant, as the case may require, directed to some constable or other proper officer, of the city, town or place, where the defendant dwells or can be found, commanding him, when a summons is issued, to summon the defendant to appear before such justice, at a certain time and place in the same summons to be expressed, not less than six nor more than twelve days from the time of issuing such summons, to answer the plaintiffpf the plea in the same summons to be mentioned ; and when a warrant is issued then commanding the constable or other officer to take the defendant and bring him or her forthwith before such justice to answer the plaintiff of the plea in the same warrant to be mentioned, and upon the return of such summons if the same be duly served, or upon bringing the defendant before such justice by vir- tue of any such warrant, or at such other time and place, as the same justice shall think reasonable to appoint, not exceeding six days there- after, the same justice shall proceed to hear and examine the allegations and proofs of the parties plaintiff and defendant, and within four days thereafter, give judgment thereon, in such manner as shall appear to him, to be agreeable to law and equity, together with costs of suit, as hereafter allowed. A/zd fie it fzcri/zer eaacz‘ed fiy z‘/ie aat/zority aforesaid, That the first pro- cess against all freeholders and inhabitants having families, (except as hereafter is excepted) shall be by summons which shall be served at least six days before the time of appearance mentioned therein, by reading the same summons to the defendant, and delivering to him or her a copy thereof, when required, if he or she shall be found, and if not, by leaving a copy thereof at his or her house or place of abode, in the presence of some one of the family, of suitable age and discretion, who shall be informed of the contents thereof: And the constable or officer serving such summons shall upon the oath of his office, indorse thereupon the time and manner he executed the same, and sign his name thereto. And in case the defendant does not appear at the time and place appointed in such summons, and it shall appear by the return Justice 01 the peace, civil juris- diction of. Process to be by sum- mons; pro- ceedings on return of. 548 LAYVS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 89. Id. , where justice cannot proceed. Warrant, when to issue. Voluntary joinder of issues. Adjourn— ment. indorsed thereon, that the summons was duly served upon the person of the defendant, in the manner aforesaid, and no sufficient reason shall appear to the justice, why the defendant does not appear at the time appointed, then the said justice who issued the said summons, shall proceed to hear, and try and determine the cause, in the same manner as if the defendant had appeared; but if such summons was served only by leaving a copy thereof at the house r place of abode of the defendant as aforesaid, and the defendant does not appear at the time and place appointed in such summons, and no sufficient reason shall appear to the justice why the defendant does not appear, then the said justice shall issue a warrant against such defendant, in the manner aforesaid, and proceed as above directed, unless the plaintiff shall elect to have a new summons against such defendant. And in all cases. where a sufficient reason shall appear to the justice, why the defendant does not appear, at the time and place appointed in the summons, the justice shall give the defendant, such further time as he shall think reasonable, and at such time so given, the justice shall and may proceed as aforesaid. Provided always, A 12d &e if flH‘Z/M’l’ e/zaez‘ed a)» Mo auZ/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That in all cases, where a warrant shall be issued by virtue of this act, and upon service thereof, the justice who issued the same shall be absent, or unable to hear and try the cause, it shall and may be lawful for the constable or other officer serving such warrant, to carry the defendant before the next justice, of the city or county where the justice who issued the warrant shall reside, and such other justice shall take cognizance of, and hear, try and determine the cause, in the same manner, as he could or might have done, if he had issued the warrant, by virtue of which the defendant shall be taken; but in all other cases, where any process shall be issued in pursuance of this act, and served on the defendant, for any debt, damages or demand, of what nature soever the cause shall be tried before the justice who first issued such process, and not before, any other justice; and the defendant, if he or she has any account or demand against the plaintiff in such action, shall and may plead and set off the same, against the debt or demand of the plaintiff. And oe z'z‘ fart/1e?" ezzaez‘ed dy z‘/ze azet/zorz'zfy aforesaid, That if any plaintiff, or his or her attorney, so applying for process, shall prove upon oath, to the satisfaction of the justice, that if such process be by summons, against any such freeholder or inhabitant having a family, the plaintiff will be in danger of losing his debts, or demand thereby, or doth really and sincerely believe that such freeholder or inhabitant will depart the city or county, wherein he or she doth reside; then the justice shall issue a warrant, in such manner as is above directed. Arid oez'z‘ fart/lor e/zaez‘ed [2)’ {lie aaZ/zorz'gi aforesaid, That where any parties shall agree to enter an action before any justice, without any process, the justice shall proceed to trial,'in the same manner as if a summons or warrant had issued. And &e 2'! f m'f/zer erzaez‘ea by the authority aforesaid, That in all casesv where a warrant shall be issued if the plaintiff or defendant, shall require a longer time than is first appointed by the court, to try the said cause, and will, if required, give sufficient security to appear and stand trial, on such other day as shall be appointed, then the justice is hereby im- powered and required, to adjourn the trial of such cause to any day he shall judge most convenient, not exceeding twelve days, nor less than three days, unless the justice and parties shall otherwise agree. Pro- z'z'ded always, that where the plaintiff in any cause of action to be brought by virtue of this act, shall be a non resident of the county, and shall ‘CHAP. 89.] TENTH sEssIoN. 549 ‘give security to pay the debt or damages, and costs of suit, in case judg- ment shall be given against.him, that then he may have a warrant returnable immediately; and the justice before whom such cause is to be tried, shall not adjourn the same for more than three days, unless the parties agree to allow a longer time: And if any adjournment be made without the consent of the plaintiff, then the defendant shall give sufficient security for his or her personal appearance, on.the day to which such adjournment shall be made, and in default of such appear- ance, to pay the debt and costs, if judgment shall be given against him or her; and in default of giving such security, the justice shall proceed to trial without an adjournment. And oe ii‘ fari/ier e/zaez‘ed 5y i/ze aai/zorizy aforesaid, That no per- Person not son shall be proceeded against by summons, out of the city or county to be Sued 1 1 1 A ‘.A out of ‘.VAEZI'S .16 01’ 8.16 "QC Ypblu’é. county. Avid ée ii fziri/zer e/zaez‘ed oy Z/ze aaZ/zorizy aforesaid, That in every Jury trial action that shall hereafter be brought in this State, by virtue of this act, liggglgggm it shall be lawful for either of the parties to the suit, or the attorney of ed; pro- either of them, after issue joined, (and before the court shall proceed cedure' to enquire into the merits of the cause) to demand of the said court, that such action be tried by a jury; and upon such demand, the said justice holding such court, is hereby required to issue a venire directed "to any constable or other proper officer, of the city, town or place, where the said cause is to be tried, commanding him to summon twelve good and lawful men, being freeholders or freemen of such city, or being free- holders of such town or place, where the said cause is to be tried, and who shall be in no wise of kin to the plaintiff or defendant, nor interested in such suit, to be and appear before such justice issuing such venire, at such time and place as shall be expressed in such venire, to make a jury for trial of the action between the parties mentioned in the said venire, which constable or officer, shall, at the return of the said venire, return a panel of names of the jurors he shall so summon by virtue ‘thereof, and the names of each person so impanneled, shall be written on several and distinct pieces of paper, as nearly of one size as may be, and shall be delivered to the said justice, before whom such action is to be tried, by the constable or other officer returning such panel and shall by the said constable or other officer, be rolled up, all as near as may be in one and the same manner, and put together in a box. or some con- venient thing; and on the trial of such cause, such justice or such indif- ferent person as he shall appoint for that purpose, shall draw out six of the said papers, one after another and if any of the persons whose names shall be so drawn, shall not appear, or shall be challenged and set aside, then such further number thereof shall be drawn as shall make np the . number of six who do appear, after all legal causes of challenge allowed by the said justice, unless the parties agree that the said constable shall summon six men at his discretion and the said six persons so first drawn and appearing, and approved by the court as indifferent, shall be the jury who shall try the cause, to each of whom the said justice shall administer the following oath “ You do swear in the presence of Qath of Almighty God, that you will well and truly try the matter in difference, Jurors‘ between plaintiff and defendant, and a true verdict will give according to evidence.” And after the said jury have taken the oath aforesaid, they shall sit together, and hear the several proofs and alle- gations of the parties, which shall be delivered in public, in their pres— ence; and to each of the witnesses on the said trial, the said justice shall administer the following oath, vizt. “ You do swear in the pres’ ence of Almighty God, that the evidence you shall give’in this matter in 550 , LAws OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 89. difference, between plaintiff and defendant, shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,” and after hearing the proofs and allegations, the jury shall be kept together in some convem _ ient place, until they all agree upon a verdict; and for which purpose a constable shall be sworn, and to whom the said justice shall administer the following oath vizt. You do swear in the presence of Almighty God, that you will to the utmost of your ability, keep every person sworn on this inquest together in some private and convenient place, without meat or drink, you will not suffer any person to speak to them, nor speak to them your self, unless by order of the justice, unless it be to ask them whether they have agreed on their verdict, until they have agreed on their verdict,” and when the jurors have agreed on their ver- dict, they shall deliver the same to the justice in the same court, who is hereby required to give judgment thereupon, and to award execution in manner herein after directed. Provided always, that no oath of either party, or exparte affidavit of any other person, shall be allowed or given in evidence in any such action, unless the parties agree to allow of such evidence. Penaltyfor And be ii fzirz‘lzer e/zaez‘ed by fire aai/zorizfy aforesaid, That every per- son summoned and drawn as a juror, or subpoenaed as a witness, who- Juror. shall not appear, or appearing, shall refuse to serve, or to give evidence in any such action, shall forfeit and pay for every such default or refusal (unless some reasonable cause be proved on oath, to the satisfaction of the said court) such fine, or fines, not exceeding the sum of four pounds, nor less than five shillings, as the said court shall think reasonable to impose; and the said court is hereby authorized and required to issue a warrant to any constable, or other proper officer, to levy the same, of the goods and chattels of the offender, and for want thereof, to take and convey him or her, to the gaol of the city or county wherein the offence shall have been committed, or for want of a gaol in such city or county, then to the nearest gaol, there to remain until he or she pay such fine, together with the costs attending the same. And the keeper of such gaol, is hereby commanded to keep such offender in safe custody, in such gaol until such fine, together with the costs, shall be paid. Provided always, that no such fine or fines shall be imposed, unlessv oath shall first have been made before the court by some credible per- son, that such juror or witness so in default, hath been lawfully sum- moned or subpoenaed as aforesaid. All and every of which said fines, when recovered, shall be delivered by the said court, to the overseers of' the poor, for the use of the poor of the town or place, where the same shall be levied. Costs, - And be ii‘ fzirz‘ber e/zaez‘ed by Me azil/zorily aforesaid, That if the plain- when“) be tiff other than executors or administrators in any such action shall be granted to _ _ o _> defendant; non suited, or discontinue, or withdraw his or her action, without the execumon' consent of the defendant, then judgment shall be given against such plaintiff, for the costs accrued; or if he or she shall appear to be indebted to the defendant, then judgment shall be given against him or her for the debt or damages, and costs, as the case may require. And when-- ever judgment shall be given against either plaintiff or defendant, in any of the before mentioned actions, the said court shall grant exe— cution thereupon, directed to one of the constables, or other proper officer, of the city, town or place, where the party dwells, or can be found, commanding him, to levy the debt or damages, and costs, of the goods and chattels of the person against whom such execution should be granted; and for want of sufficient goods and chattels, whereon to levy the same, to take the body of the person against whom such execu—- CHAP. 89.] TENTH SESSION. QR tion shall be granted, and him or her to convey to the gaol of such city or county, which said constable, or other proper officer, after taking such goods and chattels into his custody, by virtue of such execution, shall immediately give public notice, by an advertisement, signed by himself, and put up at three public places in such city, town or place, Where such goods and chattels shall be taken, of the time and place, when and where they will be exposed to sale, at least five days before the time appointed for selling them; and therein describe the goods and chattels so taken; and at the time and place so appointed for selling them, shall expose them to sale by public vendue, to the highest bidder, and pay the debt or damages, and costs levied, to the justice who issued the exe- cution, (returning the overplus if any,) to the owner; and for want of goods and chattels whereon to levy, the said constable or other proper officer, sh ll according to the tenor of id execution, take the body of the person against whom the same execution shall be granted, and convey and deliver him or her to the keeper of the common gaol of the city or county, which keeper is hereby commanded to keep such person in safe custody, in the common gaol aforesaid, until the debt or dama- ges, with costs, shall be fully paid, or until he or she shall be from thence delivered by due course of law. Prat/[dad nearer/balms, that no execution of any judgment given by virtue of this act, shall issue against any freeholder or inhabitant, having a family, in less than forty days after giving the said judgment, unless the party in whose favour judgment shall be given, shall make it appear to the satisfaction of the said justice, on his or her own oath, or the oath of some other person, that such plaintiff or plaintiffs will be in danger of losing the debt, or damages, if such delay be allowed; in which case the said justice shall issue execution immediately, as herein before directed; unless the party against whom such judgment shall be given, shall thereupon give security to the party in whose favour judgment was given, that he or she will pay the debt or damages, and costs, before, or surrender himself or herself in execution, at the expiration of forty days. And fie z'z‘ fZH'Z/la’i’ e/zarz‘ed d} 2726 azzi/zw'z'zfy afare’saz'd, That in case any constable or other proper officer, to whom any execution shall be deliv- ered, shall not within thirty days after receiving such execution, levy the same on the goods and chattels of the person against whom such execution shall be granred, and in ten days thereafter pay the debt and costs so levied into the hands of the justice who issued the same, or in case of his death, or removal from office, to the person in whose favour the execution was granted; or if no goods nor chattels can be found whereon to levy, then if the said constable or other officer shall not take the body of the person against whom such execution was granted, if to be found, within thirty days from the receipt of such execution as afore- said, then and in every such case, the said constable or other officer, shall be holden to pay the amount of such execution, to be recovered by an action of debt, with costs, by the person in whose favour such execution was granted, in which case execution shall issue forthwith. Prat/idea’ always, That neither this act, nor any thing herein con- tained, shall be deemed or construed to extend to any action wherein the people of this State shall be concerned, or where the title of any lands shall in any wise come in question, or to any action of assault and battery, or of slander, nor to matters of account, where the sum total of such accounts exceed in the amount or value thereof, the sum of eighty pounds, and that account proved to the satisfaction of the said COllI‘t. 41-.“ A,‘ LllC Del Liability of officer to whom exe- cution issued. 552 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 89. Trespass; action re- movable to higher court. Actions for sums of money not exceed- ing £10. Execution of process. Costs, amount of. Justice. And oe z'z‘farZ/zer e/zaez‘ed éy f/ze aaflzorz'zj/ aforesaid, That when in any action of trespass to be brought by virtue of this act, the defendant or defendants shall justify on a plea of title, the defendant or defendants shall commit such plea of justification to writing, and having signed the same in the presence of such justice, shall deliver such plea to the jus- tice, who shall then countersign the same, and deliver it to the plaintiff or plaintiffs; and that it shall and may be lawful to and for such plaintiff or plaintiffs, to commence and prosecute an action for such trespass against such defendant or defendants, in the court of common pleas of the county, in which such trespass shall have been committed, and if such plaintiff or plaintiffs shall recover any damages in such action, the defendant or defendants shall be liable to pay to such plaintiff or plain- tiffs double costs. And on every trial to be had for such trespass, the plea signed by such defendant or defendants, shall be conclusive evi- dence that the defendant or defendants relied on his, her, or their title, to justify such trespass. And that every justice to whom a plea of jus- tification shall be tendered, shall, before he shall receive such plea, exact from the defendant or defendants, together with one sufficient surety, a recognizance in the sum of twenty pounds, conditioned that if such plaintiff or plaintiffs shall commence a suit before the next court of common pleas, for the recovery of damages for such trespass, such defendant or defendants shall appear and put in special bail in such court, within twenty days after the first day of the then next term of the said court; and that in every case in which such plea shall be tendered, and the defendant or defendants shall not forthwith enter such recogni- zance, the justice shall proceed in the same manner as if such plea had not been tendered. And oe z'z‘fart/zer enaez‘ed oy z‘/ze auZ/zorz'zfy aforesaid, That all and every sum and sums of money, not exceeding the value of ten pounds, to be sued for and recovered in any court of record, by virtue of any law of this State, shall be, and hereby are made cognizable before any one jus- tice of the peace, in manner aforesaid, any thing in this or any other act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. And also that where in any city town or place no constable or other proper officer shall be chosen or appointed, or the constable or other proper officer be absent, or where a process shall be issued against such constable or other proper officer, of any city, town or place, that then and in such case the justice upon application made, shall and may direct the process or execution to the constable or other proper officer of the next adjoining town or place, living nearest where the defendant dwells or can be found, who is hereby required to execute the same. And fie it further enacted by t/ze auZ/zorz'zy aforesaid, That when any process shall be issued by any justice, by virtue of this act, the constable of the city town or place, to whom such process shall be directed, shall proceed agreeable to this act, and execute such process in his own proper person, unless the justice who issued such process, shall (at the request of the plaintiff) judge it expedient to depute some other proper person, who will voluntarily undertake to execute the same without fee or reward; but no person shall be so deputed to impannel or summon any 111‘ . o J 34,7207 a; it furt/zer erzaez‘ed oy z‘/ze auZ/zorz‘z‘y aforesaid, That no greater or other costs shall be allowed, taxed or taken, in actions brought by virtue of this act, than the following. justices fees. A summons nine pence, a warrant one shilling, judgment one shilling, administring every oath six pence, subpoena for each witness six pence, issuing the venire facias to summon a jury, one shilling and six pence, swearing the jury HAP. 89.] TENTH SESSION. Oi) H) one shilling, every execution one shilling and six pence, every witness attending and sworn one shilling. Constable or other proper officer, for serving a warrant or summons, notifying the plaintiff to trial, or serving an execution, mileage for one mile or under, one shilling, for every mile more six pence. Provided that on all precepts to be issued by virtue of this act, the fees for serving be computed only from the place of abode of the defendant, or where he shall be found, to the place where the precept is returnable. Serving every execution, for every pound, one shilling, summoning every jury three shillings. jurors fees. For all causes tried one shilling per man, when summoned and attending and not trying the cause, six pence per man ; to the constable or other per— son serving subpoena one shilling for each witness. Provided, that the whole costs to be recovered or allowed in any cause or action, shall not exceed the sum of two pounds. A 12d &e if furl/ter e/zaeied [2y i/ze aai/zoriiy aforesaid, That nothing herein contained, shall extend to oblige any justice of the peace, being a mem- ber of the senate or assembly, or any judge of any county court, to take cognizance of any actions by virtue of this act; but that they shall be at liberty, at all times, to act therein, or not, at their discretion. A Md fie ii‘fzirf/zer e/zaez‘ed by Me az/i/zoriiy aforesaid, That no judgment order or proceeding whatsoever, to be had or made by virtue of this act, shall be removed by any writ of error, or false judgment. Alzdfari/zer that no justice of the supreme court shall grant or allow, any certiorari, or other process, to remove any judgment order or proceeding whatso- ever, to be had by virtue of this act, unless the party applying for such certiorari, shall within thirty days after such judgment given, make affi- davit, satisfying such justice of the supreme court, that there is reason- able cause for granting such certiorari to remove Such judgment, either for error therein, or for some unfair practice of the justice, who shall have tried the cause; which shall be particularly specified in the said affidavit; and which affidavit may be made before one of the justices of the supreme court, or one of the judges of the court of common pleas of the county, where such judgment shall be given, or before one of the commissioners for taking affidavits to be read in the supreme court: And such affidavit shall be left with the justice of the supreme court who may allow such certiorari, in order that the adverse party may obtain a copy thereof. And if any certiorari or other writ shall be granted or issued otherwise than is above mentioned, the same shall be void, and of none effect. And fari/zer, that no execution upon any judgment to be given by virtue of this act, shall be prevented or stayed by any certiorari, or other writ, in case the party in whose favour such judgment shall be given, shall give such security as may be satisfactory to the justice by whom such judgment shall be given, to restore the debt or damages for which such judgment shall be obtained, with the inter- est and costs, in case such judgment shall be reversed. And if any judgment to be given by virtue of this act, shall be removed into the supreme court, by certiorari or otherwise, and be there confirmed, then the party procuring such certiorari, shall pay to the adverse party all costs of defending such suit in the supreme court, to be taxed; and the party entitled to such costs shall and may have execution for the same, out of the said supreme court, against the body or goods and chattels of the party who ought to pay the same: But if such judgment shall be reversed, then the party procuring such certiorari, shall in like man- ner recover his or her costs, to be taxed, and recovered as aforesaid. Constable. Jurors. Certain justices not to try actions. Action not removable by Writ of error or false judg- ment; cer— tiorari. And be ii‘ fari/zer erzaez‘ed éy i/ze aai/zoriiy aforesaid, That in all causes Defendant to be brought in pursuance of this act, if the defendant or defendants in VOL. 2. —-— 7o barred of 004 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 89. claim not pleaded. Adjourn- ment on behalf of defendant. Governor to appoint justices in New York city. Justice who is tavern keeper not to act. Constable in certain counties . such suit or action, shall neglect or refuse to plead, and give in evidence‘ his, her or their account, or demand, if any he, she or they have against such plaintiff or plaintiffs, then the defendant or defendants, so neglect- ing or refusing to plead, and give in evidence, his, her or their accounts or demands, as aforesaid, shall, forever thereafter, be precluded from having or maintaining any action or actions against such plaintiff or plaintiffs for the recovery of such account or demand, or any part thereof. Provided always, That where the balance found to be due to the defendant, exceeds the sum of ten pounds, that in every such case, the defendant shall not be precluded or barred from recovering his account or demand, against such plaintiff, in any other court of record, having cognizance of the same. And be if far/ber e/zaez‘ed by fire azil/zorizy aforesaid, That in case the defendant shall make oath that he or she cannot for want of some ma- terial evidence or witness safely proceed to trial, the justice shall in such case postpone the trial, for such reasonable time, as will enable the defendant to procure such evidence or witness; provided such time shall not exceed three months; and provided also, that such defendant or defendants, before he she or they shall be entitled to have the trial postponed as aforesaid, shall give security to the said justice to appear and answer the said action, and to pay the debt and damages, and costs, in case judgment shall be given against him, her or them. Provided also that in any suit or action to be brought by virtue of this act, if either the plaintiff or defendant shall request an adjournment, he shall not be entitled thereunto, unless the party requesting such an adjourn- ment (after having seen the account or demand of the adverse party) shall, if required, exhibit his or her account or demand or state the nature thereof, as far forth as may be in his or her power, to the satis— faction of the justice before whom the cause is to be tried, any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. And be ii‘ farl/zer e/zaeied by Me aal/zorizy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the person administering the government of this State for the time being, by and with the advice and consent of the council of appointment, for the time being, by commission under the great seal, from time to time, to constitute and appoint, such and so many proper persons in the city and county of New York, as they may think neces— sary, to hear try, and determine causes in the said city and county, by virtue of this act, by the name of assistant justices ; and each and every of the persons so constituted and appointed shall be and hereby are vested with the like and the same power and authority in the same city and county, with respect to hearing, trying and determining causes of the value of ten pounds and under, as are given to or vested in the justices of the peace in the several counties of this State, by virtue of this act. Arid be ii‘ fzirz‘lzer e/zaez‘ed by file aai/zorizj/ aforesaid, That no justice of the peace nor any person so to be confirmed and appointed as afore- said, being a tavern keeper or inkeeper, shall try any cause by virtue of this act. A 12d be if farz‘ber eaaeled by l/ze azil/zoriiy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any constable in the counties of Albany, Ulster, Suffolk, Orange, Montgomery, Washington or Richmond, to ex- ecute any summons, or precept, to be issued in pursuance of, and by virtue of this act, in any city, town, manor, district or precinct, in the county in which such summons or precept was issued, altho’ the defendant or defendants shall not reside in, or be found in, the city, town, manor, CHAP. 90.] TENTH SESSION. 555 district or precinct, in and for which such constable shall be elected; any thing in this act contained, to the contrary thereof in any wise not- withstanding. Arza’ w/zereas sundry persons make a practice of pleading in courts held by a justice, and because of the emoluments therefrom arising are induced to promote suits ; for the prevention whereof, Be 2'! fZH’Z/Zé’l' eizaez‘ea’ by Me azeZ/zm'z'zj/ afa/"esaz'a’, That no person so Person practicing, shall be permitted by any justice to prosecute, defend, plead practicing . . . . . . before JUS- or counsel, in any suit or action to be tried by virtue of this act, unless tice. oath such person so offering or appearing to prosecute, defend, plead or give E31” taken counsel as aforesaid, shall previously swear before such justice, that he has not received or taken any fee or reward for the same, either directly or indirectly, nor any other person to or for his use, and that he will not directly or indirectly, receive or take fee or reward for the same, either by himself or by any other person to or for his use. Alla’ fie z'z‘ fZtl’f/ZL’)’ enaez‘ea’ by i/ze aaZ/zorz'z‘y aferesaz'a’, That the act Acts entitled “An act to empower justices of the peace, mayors, recorders £231,312,,‘ and aldermen, to try causes to the value of ten pounds and under, and to repeal sundry acts therein mentioned” together with the several acts therein mentioned, and the act entitled, An act supplementary to the act entitled An act to impower justices of the peace, mayors recorders and aldermen, to try causes to the value of ten pounds and under, and to repeal sundry acts therein mentioned, and the seventh enacting clause of the act entitled “ An act to compel collectors and constables to give security,” shall be, and hereby are, from and after the first day of june next, repealed ; but all suits which shall be commenced before the said first day of june next, and be then depending, before any mayor, recor- der, alderman or justice of the peace, within this State, by virtue of any of the acts hereby repealed, shall and may be prosecuted to judg- ment and execution, as fully and effectually, as if this act had not been made. CHAP. 90.’ AN ACT to repeal the laws relative to buildings in the city of New York. Passer) the 18th of April, 1787. Be 2'! e/zaez‘ea’ Z11’ Z/ze Pea/Me 0f f/ze Slate 0f r/Vea/ Yer/e, represented [12 Acts Senate and Assemé/y, and 2'! is /ze1'e&y e/zaez‘ea’ 6y z‘/ze az/Z/zurz'zy of Me same, zggggl‘ii That the act entitled “An act for the more effectual prevention of fires” and the act entitled “ An act to amend an act for the more effec- tual prevention of fires and for regulating of buildings in the city of New York” shall be and hereby are repealed. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 91. Preamble. Person named to be natural- ized on taking oaths of allegiance and abj u- ration. Oaths to be taken within one year. Previous purchases of lands by persons named legalized. CHAP. 91. AN ACT to naturalize the persons therem named. PASSED the 18th of Aprll, 1787. \VHEREAs Arnold Henry Dohrman, john Kemp, David Fitz Gerald, john McQueen, james Rose, Robert Mills, joze Roiz Silva, Francis Thomas, john Darah, james F. Atlee, james McKell, Patrick McKell, Mary Dawson, Michael McLachlan, john Wilson, john Powell, Benja- min Crookshanks, john Baptist Founclaire, johannes Ditricks, john Wheellan, Charles Wheellan, Daniel Beek, james Thompson, Frederick Petrey, Thomas Obyrne, john Ramage, Nathaniel Smith, George Chris- tian Anthon, Walter Healey, Peter Penet, George Metcalf, Patrick Hussey, Thomas Brown, john Frederick Moyentz, john Creckenboom, Emanuel Mitchel, Robert Erwin, john Newelt, jean Louis Victor le Townelier, john Louis Chollet, john Peter Vemont, Alexander Macomb, \Villiam Wilson, james Hardie, \Valter Minto, Lewis D. Flinn, Christian Abelman, George tVilliams, Frederick Charles Hans Bruno Poelnitz and Alexander Lindsay have by their petitions presented to the legislature, prayed that an act of naturalization might be passed in their behalf. Therefore, Be it enacted fiy Me People of [be Sta/e of New York, represe/zz‘ed in Senate and Assemfily, and i2‘ is lzerefiy e/zaeled fiy z‘lze aaz‘lzoriiy of l/ze same, That the above named persons shall be, and they are hereby respectively naturalized, and shall from and after having taken and subscribed, in any court of record within this State, the oath of allegiance to this State, and abjured and renounced all allegiance and subjection, to all and every foreign king, prince, potentate and state, in all matters eccle- siastical, as well as civil, be deemed citizens of this State, to all intents constructions and purposes whatsoever. And that the court in which any of the persons herein before mentioned, shall be admitted to take such oath, shall cause an entry thereof to be made in the minutes of the said court ; and shall give a certificate to such persons respectively, purporting, that such person hath been admitted to such oath in the said court, in pursuance of this act; and such person, upon taking such oath, shall respectively pay to the judges of such court six shillings, and to the clerk thereof three shillings. Provided always, And fie iz‘ furz‘lzer e/zaez‘ed fiy l/ze aziz‘lzorizjl aforesaid, That such of the persons above named and hereby naturalized as shall not take the oath of allegiance and abjuration aforesaid, in manner hereinbefore directed, within twelve calendar months next after the passing of this act, shall have no manner of benefit by this act; anything herein contained, to the contrary notwithstanding. And 'zr/lzereas it appears to the legislature, that several of the said persons have unadvisably made purchases of lands and tenements in this State, and have prayed relief inthe premises. Therefore, Be ii‘ furz‘lzer enaeled fiy z‘lze aziZ/zorizfy aforesaid, That any lands, tene— ments or hereditaments purchased within this State, previous to the passing of this act, by any of the persons herein before mentioned, shall not, on account of such purchase being previous to the passing of this act, escheat to the people of this State ; but shall vest in such pur- chaser, or persons holding under him or her, in the same manner as if such purchaser had been naturalized at the time of such purchase ; any thing in any law to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. CHAP. 92.] TENTH SESSION. 557 CHAP. 92. AN ACT to amend an act, entitled An act to regulate the militia. PASSED the 18th of April, 1787. Be it enacted Ziy the People of i/ze State of [Veto Yor/e, represented in Senate and Assem/i/y, and ii is /zere/2y eizaezfed [1y i/ze aai/iorizy of i/ze same, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the brigadier or commanding officer of any brigade, and the commanding officer of any regiment, not annexed to any brigade, respectively, if he shall deem it expedient, to direct the light infantry of such brigade or regiment, to uniform them- selves in rifle frocks and over alls. A2107 ve ii‘ fari/ier enacted by i/ze aai/ioriiy aforesaid, That instead of the annual training by brigades, directed in and by the said act, entitled An act to regulate the militia, it shall and may be lawful for one or more of the regiments of any brigade, if the brigadier or commanding officer of the brigade shall direct it, to rendezvous seperately at such of their regimental parades as shall be designated in' brigade orders for that purpose ; at which parades, the adjutant general shall attend and per— form the duties enjoined on him in and by the said act, with respect to the brigades. That the light infantry companies of such regiments as may be excused from attending at the brigade parade, shall rendezvous with their respective regiments, and shall, together with the cavalry and artillery companies of such brigade, perform the like duties, as are in and by the said act required, unless otherwise directed by the brigadier or commanding officer of the brigade. Provided, that instead of the light infantry, cavalry and corps of artil- lery continuing four days in service, they shall not be compelled to con- tinue together any longer than the other militia. And'zv/zereas disputes have arisen respecting the rank of commissioned officers of the same grade, appointed on the same day; and the mode prescribed in and by the said act, is, in many cases found inexpedient, and productive of inconveniences. Therefore Be iz‘ farZ/ier eiiaez‘ed [2y i/ze aai/iorizy aforesaid, “ That instead of the rank of officers of the same grade being determined by the numbering of their commissions, as directed in and by the act hereby to be amended” it shall and may be lawful to and for the commander in chief, from time to time, whenever he shall deem it necessary, to appoint a board of officers, consisting of not less than three, to determine and report to him respecting any dispute concerning rank, which shall or may have arisen; which report, being approved by the commander in chief, shall establish such disputed rank, according to the determination of such board. Arid fie i2‘ farZ/zer e/zaez‘ed [1y i/ze az/i/zoriiy aforesaid, That the fifth Section of the said hereby amended act, shall be, and the same is hereby repealed. Arid fie ii fzzri/zer eizaeied éy i/ze aai/zorizj/ aforesaid, That when, and as often as forty men of the enrolled militia in the city and county of New York, (excepting such as shall be enrolled in the cavalry, artillery or light infantry) shall incline to arm, accoutre and uniform themselves, as a company of grenadiers, it shall and may be lawful to and for the brigadier, or officer commanding the brigade, within the limits of which any such company shall be inclined to form, to direct such company to be formed, and to be officered by such captain, lieutenant and ensign of Light infantry, uniform of Brigadier may direct annual training to be by regiments. Relative rank of officers, how de- termined. Grena— diers, for- mation of companies of. in New York city. 558 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 93. Company officers to reside Within theirbeats. Fines, how disposed of Preamble. the regiment in which such company shall be proposed to be formed as a majority of the field officers of such regiment shall choose for that purpose. And every such company so formed, shall be considered as one of the companies composing such regiment, and after such estab- lishment thereof, be armed, accoutred and uniformed, as grenadiers, and do and perform the like services, and be subject to the penalties, as are directed and prescribed in and by the act hereby amended, respecting the light infantry. And be iz‘ fari/zer eaaeied by Me aal/zoriiy aforesaid, That all captains, lieutenants and ensigns of the enrolled militia (except in the cities of New York and Albany) who shall be hereafter appointed, shall reside in the beats of the respective companies, to which they are appointed. And be if fi/rl/zer eaaeied by Me aal/zorizii’ aforesaid, That all fines which shall be imposed in any regiment, corps, company or troop, shall be paid into the hands of the paymaster or person acting as such of such regiment, corps, company or troop, and be paid and appropriated, by warrant under the hands of a major part of the field officers, or the com- manding officer of the corps, or captain, or commanding officer of the company, or troop, as the case may be, for the purposes of providing colours, drums and fifes, for their respective regiments, corps, companies and troops, and for the purchasing and providing arms and accoutre- ments, for such of the men, of the same respective regiments, corps, companies and troops, as are, or shall be unable to furnish and provide themselves therewith; and that it shall be the duty of the paymaster, or person acting as such, of each respective regiment, corps, company or troop, once in every year, to render an account to the brigadier or offi- cer commanding the brigade, of all his receipts and expenditures in pursuance of this act. And be if farl/zer e/zaeied by Me az/iboriij/ aforesaid, That the provi- sion contained in the seventeenth section of the said act, entitled “An act to regulate the militia” and the proviso thereto annexed relative to persons who have served as officers in the line of the army of the United States, during the late war, is hereby extended to all officers who have heretofore served in the militia of this State or in the militia of the late colony of New York. CHAP. 93. AN ACT for the relief of Theodosius Fowler and others. PASSED the 18th of April, 1787. \VHEREAS all the real and personal estate of jonathan Fowler deceased, hath, by his conviction in pursuance of the act entitled “An act for the forfeiture and sale of the estates of persons, who have adhered to the enemies of this State, and for declaring the sovereignty of the people of this State, in respect to all property within the same,” been forfeited to and is now vested in the people of this State. And 'zv/zereas Theodosius Fowler and George Fowler, two of the sons of the said jonathan Fowler, and john johnson who intermarried with Abigail one of the daughters of the said jonathan Fowler, have presented a petition to the legislature, setting forth, that they have in the course of the late war, been well attached to the freedom and independence of the United States of America, and have borne arms in support of the same; and the said jonathan Fowler died, leaving four helpless chil- can). 93.] TENTH SESSION. _ 559 dren, who now depend upon the said Theodosius Fowler, George F ow- ler and john johnson for their subsistence; and praying the legislature to vest the said estate in them, and the other children of the said jona- than Fowler deceased; the prayer of which petition, the legislature deem it reasonable to grant; Therefore Be 2'! eizaez‘ea7 fiy Me People of Me Sz‘az‘e 0f New Yer/e, represented in Forfeited Senate and Assemfi/y, and z‘! is fierefiy e/zaez‘ea’ fiy z‘lze aaf/wrz'zfy 0f t/ze same, estate 0‘ . Jonathan That all the real and personal estate, of the said jonathan Fowler FOWler_ deceased, forfeited to, and vested in the people of this State by his conviction, in pursuance of the act aforesaid, shall be, and hereby is vested in his children Theodosius Fowler, George Fowler, Alexander Fowler, Abraham Fowler, Abigail johnson the wife of the said john johnson, Mary Daft the wife of Thomas Daft, Margaret Fowler, and Levina Fowler, their heirs and assigns, as tenants in common, and not as joint tenants; and that it shall and may be lawful for the said Theo- dosius Fowler, George Fowler, Alexander Fowler, Abraham Fowler, john johnson and Abigail his wife, Thomas Daft and Mary his wife, Margaret Fowler and Levina Fowler, and the survivors and survivor of them, in their names, to demand, sue for, recover and receive, all such debts, and other personal property, as may be due and belonging to the said estate, and that if any, or either of the said Theodosius Fowler, George Fowler, Alexander Fowler, Abraham Fowler, john johnson and Abigail his wife, Thomas Daft and Mary his wife, Margaret Fowler and Livina Fowler, shall depart this life pending any suit or suits by them brought, for recovery of any debt, or other personal property, due and belonging to the said estate, such suit or suits shall not abate by reason of the said death or deaths, but it shall and may be lawful for the sur- viving plaintiffs or plaintiff in the said suit or suits, to prosecute the same judgment, and to have execution thereon. Provided, that nothing in this clause of this act contained, shall be deemed to extend to any debts, or monies which may have been paid into the treasury of this State, pursuant to the resolution of the commit- tee of safety of this State, of the first day of March one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven, or pursuant to any law of this State. Ana’ fie z'z‘ fart/ler eizaefea’ fiy z‘fie aaZ/zfirz'zji/ afuresaz'a’, That the said Heirs Theodosius Fowler, George Fowler, Alexander Fowler, Abraham FoW- 3,23%, ler, john johnson and Abigail his wife, Thomas Daft and Mary his git-58$ of wife, Margaret Fowler and Livina Fowler, and their respective heirs 6 ts‘ shall be, and hereby are charged with the payment of all debts and demands due from the said estate, to the value of the said estate, which shall come to their hands respectively, and no further; and that the parol shall not demur by reason of the infancy of either of the defend- ants, in any suit or suits, which may be brought against the said Theo- dosius Fowler, George Fowler, Alexander Fowler, Abraham Fowler, john johnson and Abigail his wife, Thomas Daft and Mary his wife, Margaret Fowler, and Livina Fowler or their respective heirs, for recovery of any debt or demand due from the said estate. And fie z'z‘ farZ/zer eizaez‘ea’ fiy z‘fie azez‘lzorz'z‘y aforesaid, That the estate Forfeited of Benjamin Close, lately of the county of \Vest Chester deceased, gigging, forfeited to the people of this State, by the conviction of the said Close _ Benjamin Close, be, and the same is hereby vested in jesse Trus— $333815“ dale, Benajah Starr and David Smith, and their heirs, upon trust, in the for pur‘ . , . DOSES first place, to pay the debts due from the said Benjamin Close, and named. after payment thereof, to divide and apply the residue of the said estate, to, and among the persons following; one third thereof to, and among the children of Mary Reynolds deceased, wife of Sylvanus Reynolds, 560 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CI—IA P. 93. Heirs, etc., of Edward Stevenson discharged of a certain mortgage. and daughter of the said Benjamin Close, deducting thereout, so much as may be equal to two third parts of any portion or advancement. given or made by the said Benjamin Close, to the said Mary, if any such por- tion or advancement there was; and the other two third parts thereof, together with the amount of such deduction, if any there be, to and among the children now living of the said Benjamin Close, except his two sons Benjamin Close and Abraham Close. Bron/ded always, that one third part of the produce of the said resi- due of the said estate, after payment of debts, shall be applied by the said trustees, the survivors and survivor of them, or the heirs of such survivor, to the use of the widow of the said Benjamin Close deceased, during her natural life. And the better to enable the said trustees, to execute the trust hereby reposed in them, they are hereby empowered, at their discretion, to demise, sell, or otherwise dispose of, the said estate; andthe monies arising from such sale, to put at interest or otherwise, in such manner as shall appear to them most for the benefit and advantage of the parties interested in the said estate. And a'lzereas Edward Stevenson, late of the borough town and county of \Vest Chester, and late Colony of New York Yeoman deceased, in his life time, by his bond or obligation, hearing date the sixth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight, became bound to james jauncey, then of the city of New York, mer- chant, for the payment of one thousand five hundred pounds, lawful money of the late colony of New York; and for the better securing the payment thereof he the said Edward Stevenson and Gloriana his wife, did mortgage his farm at Frogs Neck, in the county of West Chester aforesaid, to the said james jauncey in fee. And whereas it appears to the legislature that the said james jauncey during the late war between the United States of America and the King of Great Britain, received, at different times, of the estate of the said Edward Stevenson divers sums of money to the amount of the said bond. Therefore Be it fart/ter matted fiy t/ze aat/zorizj/ aforesaid, That as well the heirs, executors and devisees of the said Edward Stevenson, and each and every of them, as the said farm and lands so mortgaged to the said james jauncey, shall be, and hereby is and are released, acquitted and for ever discharged of and from the said bond and mortgage, and of and from all actions, suits and demands whatsoever, for by reason or on account of the same bond and mortgage, or either of them. And zcI/zereas Goldsbrow Banyar and Hugh Wallace, did on or about the third day of june in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hun- dred and seventy five, sell and convey in fee simple, unto William john- ston, then of the county of Albany clerk, all that certain parcel of land, part of a larger tract, granted by letters patent to Alexander Wallace and others, the sixteenth day of june, in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy, situated on the southerly side of the Susquehanah river, comprehending the lots, number seventy, number seventy one, number seventy two, and number seventy three, beginning on the bank of the said river, at the fence made between john Glassford junior, and William johnston, and runs thence south one hundred and eighty chains. and fifty links, to the out line of the patent, near a hemlock corner, marked sixty nine, seventy; thence along the said line west, fifty nine— chains; thence north seven degrees and fifteen minutes east, one hun~ dred and eighteen chains and fifty links, to the aforesaid river; thence up the stream thereof to the place of beginning; containing five hun- dred and seventy two acres, and one half, be the same more or less. CHAP. 93.] TENTH SESSION. And zv/zereas the said William johnston paid part of the consideration money for the said land, and executed a bond and mortgage of the same land to the said Goldsboro Banyar and Hugh Wallace, to secure the payment of the residue thereof, being one hundred and fourteen pounds and eight shillings. And zv/zereas all the estate, both real and personal of the said Hugh Wallace, is vested in the people of the State of New York, by the attainder of the said Hugh Wallace; and VV'itter johnston, son and heir of the said William johnston, hath paid to the treasurer of this State, for the use of the State, the part and share of the monies which was due to the said Hugh \Vallace on the said bond and mort- gage. Arzd v’I/iereas it is represented to the legislature that the conveyance from the said Goldsbrow Banyar and Hugh Wallace was burnt upon the destrtlction of Cherry Valley, in the late war. Therefore, Be ii fari/zer erzaeied by file aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever, both "in law and equity, of the people of the State of New York, of, in and to, or out of the said parcel of land, so sold and conveyed to the said William johnston, and of, in and to, or out of any part or parcel thereof, with the appur- tenances, by means of the attainder of the said Hugh W'allace, shall be, and hereby is granted, released and confirmed, to the heirs and devi- sees, of the said William johnston deceased, and to their heirs and assigns forever. And be ii‘ fziri/zer eizaeied by i/ze aai/zorizjr aforesaid, That all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand, of the people of the State ofK New York, of, in and to, a certain farm or plantation, in the Eike Bosch, in the district of Kinderhook, in the county of Columbia, forfeited to the people of this State, by the conviction of Andries Kettle, late of Kinderhook deceased; shall be, and hereby is granted to Catherine Kettle, Widow of the said Andries Kettle and to her heirs and assigns for ever, she paying all debts contracted by her said husband, prior to the time of his having adhered to the enemies of this State. And rv/zereas the estate of james Lamb late of Haverstraw in the county of Orange, hath, by conviction of the said james Lamb, become forfeited to the people of this State. And w/zereas jacob Waldron and Catharine his wife, and john Waldron and Elizabeth his wife the said Catharine and Elizabeth being daughters of the said james Lamb, have by their petition to the legislature, set forth, that the said jacob Waldron and john Waldron, being zealously attached to the freedom and inde— pendence of America, upon the approach of the enemy during the late war, left their habitations and exerted themselves in the public service, while their estates become a prey to the ravages of the enemy, and praying that such part of the estate of the said james Lamb, as remains unsold, may be restored to the heirs of the said james Lamb. A/zd vv/zereas this legislature are satisfiedaof the truth of the representation, and thinks it proper to grant the prayer of the petition. Therefore, Be ii‘ farz‘ber e/zaeied by i/ze azii/zoriiy aforesaid, That so much of the estate of the'said james Lamb, forfeited to the people of this State, as remains unsold and undisposed of, pursuant to any law of this State, be, and the same is hereby vested in such persons (who if the said james Lamb were now dead) according to the present law of descents within this State, would be the lawful heirs of the said james Lamb, as tenants in common, subject to the payment of the debts of the said james Lamb; for which purpose, actions may be brought against the said persons, in the same manner, and with the same effect, as if the said james Lamb were now dead. VoL. 2. -— 7r Estate of people in certain lands re- leased to heirs, etc., of m. Johnston. Id., to Catherine ettle. Id., to heirs of James Lamb. L’! LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 94. Allowance of lands to regiment of Colonel Moses Hazen. Certain persons discharged of interest. annual in- stalinents. Aizdwlzereas no provision hath heretofore been made, to intitle such officers and soldiers of the regiment, lately commanded by Moses Hazen, who were inhabitants of this State, to a like allowance of lands, to that which hath been made to other inhabitants of this State, serving in the army of the United States. And w/iereas it is equitable that such pro— vision should be made. Therefore, Be it fart/ter eizaeied by {be aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid That the officers, non commissioned officers and privates, of the regiment aforesaid, who, at the time of their entering into service in the said regiment were inhabi- tants of this State, who continued in service until the termination of the late war with Great Britain, and who have not heretofore been provided for by any other law, or their legal representatives, shall be entitled to the same allowance of land, as other officers, non commissioned officers and privates, mentioned in the concurrent resolutions of the senate and assembly, passed the twenty seventh day of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty three, are entitled to, by virtue of the said concur- rent resolutions, and the acts of the legislature pursuant thereto, to be laid out and located for them, in the tract of land set a part for that purpose, in and by the twenty first section of the act entitled “An act for the speedy sale of the unappropriated lands within this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned.” CHAP. 94. AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An act relative to debts due to persons within the enemy’s line's,” and another act entitled “An act to explain and amend the act entitled An act relative to debts due to persons within the enemy’s lines'passed 12th july, 1782. PAssEn the 20th of April, 1787. Be it eaaez‘ed by [be People of file Slaz‘e of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and ii is hereby eizaez‘ed by Me aai/zorizfy of Me same, That all persons, described in the fifth section of the said first mentioned act, and the executors and administrators of such persons, indebted by simple contract, bill single or penal, or any other obligation, mortgage, security or demand whatsoever, to any person or persons described in the said fifth section of the act aforesaid, or to the executors or admin- istrators of such person or persons, shall be, and hereby are discharged from any interest, which may have become due upon any such contract, 'bill, obligation, mortgage or securities, since the first day of january one thousand seven hundred and seventy six inclusively, to the first day of May, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty six. Provided, that nothing in this clause contained shall be deemed to operate as a discharge of any interest, which may have accrued on'any such bill, obligation, mortgage or other security, executed since the first day of january, one thousand seven hundred and seventy—seven. And be it furl/zer marred by i/ze azii/zorizy aforesaid, That the said persons so indebted as aforesaid, their executors or administrators, shall be obliged to pay the debts, or sums by them owing, (after such deduc- tion of interest as aforesaid) to the person or persons aforesaid, their executors or administrators, in the lawful current money of this State, in three yearly instalments, and not otherwise; to wit, one third part CHAP. 94.] TENTH SESSION. .563 thereof, on or before the first day of May, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight, another third part thereof on or before the first day of May, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine, and the other third part thereof on or before the first day of May, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety, with interest upon the amount of such debts, or sums now due (after such deduction as aforesaid) from the said first day of May in the said year one thousand seven hundred and eighty six; any law, contract or usage to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. Provided always that in case default shall be made in the payment of either of the said yearly installments, and not sooner, it shall be lawful for the creditor or creditors, of the person or persons making such default, to prosecute for his, her or their debt or demand in the same manner as if this act and the acts herein before mentioned, had never been passed; but there shall not be levied by virtue of any execution upon any judgment, sentence or decree, thereupon obtained, any other or greater sum, than the amount of the installment or installments, with the interest thereon, in respect to which default shall have been made, and no foreclosure of any mortgage, shall operate as a bar to any equity of redemption, ’till after the said first day of May, in the said year one thousand seven hundred and ninety; but it shall be lawful in every such case, for the chancellor, to direct a sale of so much of the said mort- gaged premises, as will be sufficient to satisfy the installment or install- ments which shall have become due, and the interest thereon. Prooz'a’ea’ also, that the said time given as aforesaid, for the pay- ment of such debts or demands, in cases where the creditor or creditors has or have no mortgage, or other security, upon any lands, tenements or hereditaments, shall be, and the same hereby is upon the express condition, that the debtor or debtors, his her or their heirs, executors or administrators, as the case may be, shall, within six months from the passing of this act, either give to the creditor or creditors, good real or personal security for the amount of the debt or demand, to the satisfac- tion of such creditor or creditors; or shall deposit with, or tender to, such creditor or creditors, if within this State, and to be found, or if not within this State, in the hands of the treasurer of State, for the bene- fit of such creditor or creditors, by way of collateral security, for his, her or their debt or demand, the full amount of the principal and inter- est thereof, without such deduction as aforesaid, in the certificates issued or to be issued, by the treasurer of this State; in default whereof, it shall be lawful, for such creditor or creditors, to prosecute for his, her or their debt or demand, in the same manner, as if this act or the acts hereby intended to be amended, had never been passed. Prooz'zlerlfarl/zer, that if such creditor or creditors, shall be willing to accept the payment of the whole of the principal and interest of his, her or their debt or demand, without such deduction as aforesaid, in any of the certificates or sureties aforesaid, and shall notify the same to his, her or their debtor or debtors; and if such debtor or debtors shall not make payment according to such notification, within six calender months there- after; then, and in every such case, it shall be lawful for such creditor or creditors, to proceed in the same manner, as if this act, or the acts hereby intended to be amended, had never been passed. Ana’prooz'dedfarlfier, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to extend to any persons creditors or debtors not comprehended in the acts aforesaid, except in cases of the assignment of any bond bill obliga- tion mortgage security or demand whatsoever, made to any person or Extent of provision. ‘564 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 95.. Id. ld. Acts repugnant repealed. Commis- sioners of highways in Albany, Montgom_ ery and Columbia. Roads to be opened and ex- tended to two rods injwidth. Orchards and gar- dens. New road to be four rods wide. Additional work on roads in persons whomsoever, by any person who has remained with, gone into or was sent within the enemy’s lines during the late war. And provided fart/ter, that the same shall be deemed to extend to the executors and administrators of all such persons, being now deceased, to whom the same would extend, if such person were in full life, whether the said person died before or since the passing of the said first men- tioned act. Proziided neoert/zeless, that the same shall not be deemed to extend to any subjects of the king of Great Britain, comprehended in the treaty of peace between the United States of America, and the said king. And fie it fzcrt/zer enacted fiy t/ce azct/zority aforesaid, That all such parts of the said acts last mentioned, as are in any wise repugnant to the true intent and meaning of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. CHAP. 95. AN ACT to amend an act, entitled “An act for the better laying out regulating and keeping in repair, all common and public high ways and private roads, in the counties of Ulster, Orange, Dutchess, Washington, Westchester, Albany and Montgom- ery. PASSED the 20th of April, 1787. Be it enacted fiy tlze People of tlze State of New Yorle, represented in Senate and Asseinfily, and it is lzerefiy enacted fiy t/ce ant/zorizjv of the sanze, That the justices of the city and county of Albany, and counties of Montgomery and Columbia respectively, shall, at the next general ses- sions of the peace in and far the said counties respectively, which shall be held after the first Tuesday of September next, or at any general ses- sions of the peace within six months thereafter, appoint for each town in such counties, instead of the commissioners directed to be elected by virtue of the said agt hereby intended to be amended, of the freeholders actually residing in such towns, not more than five, nor less than three commissioners of the highways. And fie it fart/ter enacted fiy t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That it shall be, and it is hereby expressly made the duty of the commissioners of high- ways, in every town in the said counties, to cause all public roads in such respective counties, to be opened and extended, within six months after the passing of this act, to the breadth of two rods at the least; and that no compensation shall be made to any proprietor or proprietors of any land which such roads shall include, in consequence of such open- ing or extension. And fie it fzcrtfier enacted fiy tlze ant/torily aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the commissioners of the highways, to lay out across or through any garden or orchard, any public road or highway, unless such orchard shall be of the growth of at least four years, or such garden shall have been cultivated as such, at least four years, before such road or highway shall be laid out. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That all public roads or highways hereafter to be laid out by virtue of the act hereby amended, shall be four rods wide at the least. And fie it further enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That whenever any road district in the counties of Albany, Montgomery and Washington, CHAP. 95.] TENTH SESSION. 565 shall require a greater number of days work to make or repair any of the roads, in any of the said counties, than are or shall be rated on the inhabitants of such road district, by the commissioners at their annual meeting, agreeable to the directions contained in the fifth section of the act hereby amended, that then and in such case, it shall and may be lawful, for the overseers of any such road district, to cause the several persons on his list named, to work a further number of days, in propor- tion to the number of days such persons shall have been respectively rated, as aforesaid; any thing in any former law to the contrary not- withstanding. Aad w/zereas in and by the act hereby intended to be amended, no provision is made in cases where any dispute may arise about the roads between adjoining counties; for remedy whereof. Be i2‘ erzaez‘ed by i/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That whenever any dispute shall arise about any road, leading or extending, or intended to extend from one county into another county, it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners of the highways in the town aggrieved, to apply to any one justice of the peace of the county, who is hereby required to issue his precept, directed to the sheriff of such county, requiring and com- manding him to summon twelve freeholders, not interested in the road so in dispute, to be and appear before him at a time and place to be‘? mentioned in such precept; and the said justice shall give notice in writing, under his hand, to some one justice of the peace in the adjoin- ing county, with which the dispute subsists, who is also hereby required to issue his precept to the sheriff of such county, who shall also sum- mon twelve sufficient freeholders as aforesaid; and the .said justices shall agree on a day certain, (not more than twenty, nor less than five days) from the date of such precept, when and where they shall meet ; and the said justices, freeholders, commissioners and sheriff, being so met, the said justices shall proceed to draw, by ballot, six of such free- holders out of each twelve so summoned from the two counties; and when six men from each list shall be so drawn, and sworn by one of the justices, well, truly and impartially, to determine the matter in dis- pute, respecting the most convenient place for such road to cross the line- which divides such counties, they shall be one jury, notwithstand- ing they are summoned from different counties ; and such jury, together with the two justices, the commissioners and sheriff, shall proceed to view the road so in dispute, and when the said jury shall have carefully viewed the premises aforesaid, and heard the proofs and allegations of the contending parties, they shall go together in some convenient place, and after any nine or more of them shall agree on a verdict, they shall deliver the same, in writing, under their respective hands and seals, to the said justices, who shall also subscribe the same ; which verdict shall be lodged in the office of the clerk of such county, where the complaint was first made, there to be entered of record; and the said justices shall make two other copies of the said verdict, and shall deliver one of them to the clerk of one town, and the other to the clerk of the other town, through which the said road shall be so established in the different counties, between which such dispute did subsist; and the clerks of such towns, shall respectively, enter the same in the records of such towns; after which it shall be the duty of the commissioners in the respective towns, to open such road agreeable to the verdict of the jury aforesaid, and cause the same to be repaired, as other public roads in an such county are repaired. ProvideagrThat this_clause shall only extend to the counties of Albany, Washington and Montgomery. countie named . Disputes over roads running from one county into another. Extent of clause. 566 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 96.v Penalty for neglect of duty by public officer. Preamble. And fie z'z‘ fart/267' marred éy Z/Ze azzf/zorz'zfy aforesaid, That if any us- tice, commissioner, sheriff or other person, shall neglect or refuse, to do, execute or perform, any of the duties hereby enjoined on him, 01 them, by this act, such person or persons, shall respectively, forfeit the sum of two pounds, to be recovered by any overseer of the highways, in the town where such default shall have been, before any justice of the peace, in either of said counties with costs ; and when recovered to be applied towards repairing the public roads, in the town where such neglect or refusal shall have happened, in the manner directed in and. by the act hereby amended. CHAP. 96. AN ACT for partition of the lands therein mentioned, among the devisees of John Bradstreet and Martha Bradstreet, in the pro- portions directed by their respective wills, and for other pur-- poses therein mentioned. PASSED the 2oth of April, 1787. WVHEREAs two certain letters patent, have lately been issued, under the great seal of this State, bearing date the twelfth day of January 1786; for granting two certain tracts of land therein described, to Agatha Evans, the wife of Charles John Evans, Elizabeth Livius, wife‘ of Peter Livius, and Samuel Bradstreet and Martha Bradstreet, children of Samuel Brad- street deceased, which tracts of land, are also described in an act passed the fifth day of May last, entitled “An act to enable Charles John Evans and Agatha his wife, to make the conveyance therein mentioned.” Ami whereas, in pursuance of the said act the said Charles John Evans and Agatha his wife, have made such conveyance and grant of ten thousand acres, parcel of the said two tracts of land, as in and by the said act they were impowered to make. And w/zerms, the patentees named in the said letters patent, ought to have been interested in the lands thereby granted, in like manner, as they would have been by, and under the wills of the said John Bradstreet, and Martha Bradstreet his daughter, if the said lands had been granted to the said John Bradstreet, in his life time. Ami w/zereas, it is the interest of the State, that its waste lands should be settled and cultivated, as soon as possible, and it hath been represented to the legislature, that it would also be for the benefit of all the said parties, that partition should be made of the residue of the said lands vested in them the said Agatha Evans, Elizabeth Livius, Samuel Bradstreet and Martha Bradstreet; but the act for the partition of lands, does not afford a mode proper for a case, where the parties are inter- ested in different proportions; and a voluntary partition thereof cannot be effected, as the said Samuel Bradstreet and Martha Bradstreet, two of the said patentees are infants. Ana’ w/zereas, a survey and map of such parts of the said tracts, granted by the said letters patent, as are still vested in the said patentees, have been made by William Cockburn, and the same run out and divided into a number of lots, for the purpose of making partition of the said lands into two parts, equal in quantity and quality; which lots were entered in two books, ready to be ballotted for, upon such partition. Ana’ whereas, there is a certain gore or nar- row piece of land adjoining to the said tracts of land, granted by the said letters patent, and bounded as follows, that- is to say, beginning upon-the west branch of Delaware river, where the line of property . ‘l _ CHAP. 96.] TENTH SESSION. 567 between this State, and the State of Pensylvania, touches the said river; and running from thence along the boundary line, between this State and Pensylvania, to the mouth of Unadilla branch of the Sus- quehanna river; thence up the said Unadilla, to the land granted to Alexander Wallace and others; and thence along the West bounds thereof, and of the lands granted to the said Agatha Evans and others, to the place of beginning. Ana’ wlzereas it appears to the legislature, that the said gore ought upon the same equitable principles, on which the letters patent herein before mentioned were founded, to have been granted to the devisees of the said john Bradstreet and their represent- atives, but that by mistake, it was not included in the letters patent aforesaid, which mistake the legislature are disposed to rectify. There- fore, Be it enactea’ fiy the People of z‘fie Sz‘az‘e of JVew York, represented in Goyeriior Sezzaz‘e and Assemfily, and it zs lzerefiy lerzaez‘ea’ fiy z‘fie azlz‘fioez'zfy of the same, {gigging That it shall and may be lawful for the governor of this State, for the ent to time being, by letters patent under the great seal of this State, to grant 33323? the said gore or narrow piece of land, to the said Agatha Evans, Eliza- beth Livius, Samuel Bradstreet and Martha Bradstreet, in fee, in the usual manner, upon payment of the sum of one shilling for each acre thereof, in any public securities receivable upon the sale of confiscated‘ property. ' Ana’ fie z'z‘ fzerz‘lzer erzaez‘ea’ fiy z‘lze azez‘lzorz'ly aforesaz'a’, That William Commis- Maxwell, Daniel McCormick and Richard Harison, all of the city of 2132112519. New York, shall be, and they are hereby nominated and appointed, $15132“ commissioners for dividing all and singular the said two tracts of land, ' mentioned in the said letters patent, (except such part thereof as has already been conveyed to William Walton and Gerard Walton) and also for dividing the said gore, between the said Agatha Evans, Elizabeth Livius, Samuel Bradstreet and Martha Bradstreet, in a fair and equit- able manner, according to their respective interests in the same, under the wills of the said john Bradstreet, and his daughter Martha Brad- street deceased. And that the said commissioners shall and may, in dividing the said tracts already granted, make use of the said survey and books heretofore made and performed by William Cockburn for the use of the said parties; a true copy of which survey and books shall be filed as well in the office of the secretary of this State, as in the office of the clerk of Montgomery county, previous to the said division. And that the same division may be duly performed, the said commissioners, or any two of them, shall in the first place, make a division of the said tracts into two parts by balloting for the lots as they are contained in the said books, in the presence. of one or more of the judges of the supreme court of this State; and upon such balloting, the said Agatha Evans, shall be and become seized in fee, in severalty, of all and singu-- lar the lots of land, described in the book drawn for her, in like manner as if they had been granted to her alone by the said two letters patent; and the lots of land described in the other book, shall be, and become the property of the said Agatha Evans, Elizabeth Livius, Samuel Brad- street and Martha Bradstreet, in like manner, as if they had been granted in fee, to the aforesaid Martha Bradstreet deceased, in her life time, according to their several rights, under the said wills. Ana’ fie if fzerz‘fier ezzaez‘ea’ fiy z‘lze aaz‘lzorz'zy aforesaid, That the said ,Sglggivis‘ commissioners or any two of them, shall and may at any time or times moiety of within the space of six months, from and after the said first division so lgg‘jgfalt to be made as aforesaid, subdivide that moiety of the said tracts of land, Share of which shall so as aforesaid, fall to the share of the said Agatha Evans, 322235,; 568 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 96. Subdivis- ion of gore to be pat- ented. Report of commis- sioners to be filed. Elizabeth Livius, Samuel Bradstreet and Martha Bradstreet, into three parts, by setting down upon three seperate tickets, the number of such lots comprising the said moiety, in such a manner, as to make the said three parts as nearly equal as possible in quantity and quality; which tickets shall be put into a box, and three other tickets shall be put into another box, one of them marked with the name of the said Agatha Evans, another of them marked with the name of the said Elizabeth Livius, and the third marked with the names of the said Samuel Brad- street and Martha Bradstreet, and the said tickets shall thereupon be drawn out of the said boxes alternately, first a ticket with the number of lots, and then the ticket of names, by an indifferent person to be appointed by the said commissioners, or any two of them, in the pres- ence of one or more of the judges of the said supreme court; and the several lots mentioned in the ticket drawn immediately before the ticket, bearing the name of the said Agatha Evans, shall, upon such balloting, vest in the said Agatha Evans, in like manner, for the same estate, and subject to such limitations, and contingencies, to the said Elizabeth Livius, as in and by the last will and testament of the said Martha Bradstreet, are expressed; as to the one third part of her estate, so as aforesaid devised, to the said Agatha Evans. And in like manner, the lots mentioned in the ticket, drawn immediately before the ticket, bear- ing the name of Elizabeth Livius, shall be vested upon such balloting, in the said Elizabeth Livius, in like manner, as she would‘ be entitled, to the one third part of the real estate of the said Martha Bradstreet deceased, by virtue of her last will and testament aforesaid, subject to the contingent right of the said Agatha Evans, in the same. And the several lots mentioned in the ticket drawn immediately before the ticket, bearing the name of the said Samuel Bradstreet and Martha Bradstreet, shall be vested in them upon such balloting; in the like manner, and subject to the same limitations, in favour of the said Agatha Evans and Elizabeth Livius, as the one third part of the real estate of the said Martha Bradstreet, is, in and by her will, devised to them. And fie it furl/cer enacted fiy t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the said commissioners or any two of them, shall cause the said gore, when granted as aforesaid, to be surveyed and divided by a surveyor, to be by them nominated and appointed, into six lots, as nearly equal in quan- tity and quality as possible; a copy of which survey, subscribed by the said commissioners, or any two of them, shall be filed in the said secre— tary’s office; and another copyin the office of the clerk of Montgomery county aforesaid; and the said commissioners or any two of them, after such survey made and filed as aforesaid, shall, in the presence of one or more of the judges of the supreme court, as aforesaid, proceed to divide the said lots, by ballot, as nearly as possible, in the manner herein before prescribed; and upon such balloting shall cause three of the said lots, to be first drawn, for the said Agatha Evans, who shall thereupon be solely seized thereof in fee; and the other three lots, shall be drawn against the names of the said Agatha Evans, Elizabeth Livius and Sam- uel Bradstreet and Martha Bradstreet, who shall respectively upon such balloting, have such estates in the said three lots, as they respectively are by virtue of this act to have in their several proportions of the moiety of the lands already granted, which is so as aforesaid to be divided between them. And fie it furtlzer enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That the said com- missioners or any two of them, shall make and set down in writing, all their proceedings respecting the said balloting and partition; one copy whereof, certified under the hands of the said commissioners, or any two ‘CHAP. 97.] TENTH SESSION. 569 of them, and under the hands of the judges present, at such division, shall be filed in the said secretary’s office; and another copy thereof, certified in like manner, shall be filed in the office of the clerk of Montgomery county; either of which same certified proceedings, or an attested office copy thereof, shall for ever thereafter be good evidence of such partitions. Ana’ [2e 22‘ farz‘lzer enaez‘ea’ by i/ze aaz‘lzorz'ly aforesaid, That the expences Expenses of the said divisions, shall be borne and paid by the several persons, interested in the said tracts of land, in the following proportions, that Paid. is to say, seven twelfths parts thereof by the said Agatha Evans, three twelfths parts thereof by the said Elizabeth Livius, and two twelfths parts thereof by the said Samuel Bradstreet and Martha Bradstreet equally. CHAP. 97. AN ACT to regulate the circulation of copper coin. PASSED the 20th of April, 1787. Be it enaez‘ea’ éy t/ze Peep/e 0f Z/ze Stale 0f New Yer/e, represem‘ea’ 2'22 Copper Senate am’ Assemé/y, aiza’ 2'2‘ 2'5 Izerely/ e/zaez‘ea’ [1)/ Me aaZ/zorz'fy 0f Z/ze same, Sv‘gling'ht and That from and after the first day of August next, no coppers shall pass value- current inthis State, except such as are of the standard and weight of one third part of an ounce averdupois, of pure copper, which coppers shall pass current at the rate of twenty to a shilling of the lawful current money of this State, and not otherwise. Ana’ be it fart/lee enaetea’ fly the auz‘lwrz'z‘y aforesaid, That if any person Penalty for or persons, shall after the said first day of August next, offer in payment ggggggt‘" any copper coin, other than of the standard and weight aforesaid, such Cfipper copper coins shall be liable to be seized, and shall be forfeited to the $32,525 use of the person or persons who shall seize the same. And it shall be 23255;” lawful for any person or persons, to whom such offer of payment shall ' be, to seize and take such copper coin; and the person or persons mak- ing such seizure, shall forthwith give information thereof, and shall deliver the coppers so seized to some justice of the peace of the city or county in which such seizure shall have been made; and the said cop- pers shall remain in the custody of such justice of the peace, for the space of ten days; and if not claimed within that time, shall be adjudged to be forfeited, and shall be returned to the person or persons who delivered the same to such justice of the peace. And the person or persons seizing such coppers shall on the request of the person or per- sons offering the same payment, give information of the name of the justice to whom the shall have been delivered. And in case the said coppers should be claimed, and the legality of the seizure controverted, it shall be lawful for such justice to hear and determine the same, in a summary manner; provided the sum for which such coppers shall have been offered in payment, do not exceed the sum of forty shillings; but if the same shall exceed the sum of forty shillings, then the said justice of the peace, if either of the parties require it, shall take to his assist- ance two able and sufficient freeholders, who, under oath, shall with said justice summarily hear and determine the said claim and contro- versy, and their judgment in the case shall be final between the parties. And the said justice shall, after such determination, deliver the coppers deposited with him, to such of the said parties as shall be adjudged VOL. 2.-- 72 P4 0 70 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 98 Act not to extend to coin struck by United States. Penalty for attempting to pass base metal. Prisoners confined for debts to be dis- charged. Persons discharged not to be again con— fined for same cause to be intitled to the same, according to the true intent and meaning of this act. i Provided that nothing in this act contained, shall be construed to extend to any copper coin to be struck by the United States of America in Congress assembled. A 72d a 2'2‘ farz‘lzer e/zaez‘ed by t/ze aaZ/zorz'zjl aforesaid, That if any person‘ or persons shall pass, or Offer to pass in payment, any'coppers of base metal, or of a standard or weight different from that which is hereby permitted to pass, knowing the same to be of such base metal, or of such different standard or weight, such person or persons shall forfeit five times the value of the sum, for which such coppers shall be so offered or passed in payment, to be recovered with costs of suit, before any justice of the peace, by any person that will sue for the-same; which- justice is hereby fully impowered and required summarily, to hear and determine the same, and to award execution thereupon, if the said for- feiture shall not amount to more than six pounds current money of this State; but if such forfeiture shall amount to more than that sum, then to be recovered with costs of suit, in any court of record within this State, by action of debt, bill or information; in either case, to the use of the person or persons who will sue for the same. CHAP. 98. AN ACT for the relief of insolvent debtors, with respect to the- imprisonment of their persons. PASSED the 20th of April, 1787. Be 2'2‘ erzaez‘ed [2y Z/ze Pearle 0f Z/ze Sz‘az‘e 0f 1V e'zr/ Yark, represezzz‘ed z'rz Seattle and Assembly, and 2'2‘ is hereby e/zaez‘ed Zly Z/ze aaf/wrz'z‘y 0f Z/ze same, That all and every person and persons, now confined in any gaol within this State upon execution, or upon any other writ or process, or by vir- tue of any judgment or order of any court of record, or warrant from any justice of the peace, for any debt or debts, or sum or sums of money, or fine or fines, or forfeiture or forfeitures, not exceeding in the Whole the sum of fifteen pounds exclusive of costs, shall be discharged from such imprisonment; and the sherif, gaoler, or keeper of the gaol in which any person is 'confined as aforesaid, shall upon notice of this act, dis- charge such person out of custody, if detained for such debt, sum of money, fine or forfeiture, and for no other cause. And no such gaoler shall be liable to any action of escape, or other suit or information upon account thereof. And if any action, suit or information, shall be brought or exhibited against any such sheriff or gaoler, for or on account of such discharge, such sheriff or gaoler, may plead the general issue, and give this act in evidence; and if the plaintiff shall be non suited, or discon- tinue his or her action, or judgment'shall be given against him or her, upon a verdict or demurrer, the defendant shall have treble costs. And fie z'z‘ farZ/zer erzaez‘ed 12y Z/ze aaz‘lzorz'zji aferesaz'd, That no person discharged from imprisonment by virtue of this act, shall at any time thereafter be imprisoned for the same cause; and if any such person so discharged shall be arrested for the same cause, it shall be lawful for any judge of the court, out of which the process shall have issued, to dis- charge such person out of custody; so as such person do give a warrant to some attorney of the same court, to appear and plead to such action. CHAP. 99.] TENTH SESSION. 571 Pro'oz'a’ea’ always, and fie z'z‘ furz‘lzee enaez‘ea’ fiy l/ze auz‘lzorz'z‘y aforesaid, That notwithstanding such discharge, all and every debt and demand, him, for against such personso discharged, and all and every judgment and decree had or obtained, or to be had or obtained, against him, or her, shall stand, and be good and efiectual in law, to all intents and purposes‘, against the lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods and chattels, of such person so discharged, which he, or she, or any person or persons for him or her, hath at the time of such discharge, or at any time thereafter may have, or be in any wise seized of, or entitled to, either in law or equity, except the arms and accoutrements of such person, and the necessary wearing apparel and bedding, of himself, and of his wife and children. And it shall and may be lawful for any creditor of such per- son so discharged, and at whose suit such person is now confined, and for the executors or administrators of such creditor, to take out a new execution, against the lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods and chat-- tles, of such person so discharged, except as before excepted, for the satisfaction of his or her debt, in such suit, manner and form, as he or she might have done, if such person had never been taken in execution. And in case no judgment ‘is obtained by such creditor, against such person so discharged, then it shall be lawful for such creditor to con- tinue or prosecute his or her action to judgment, and to take out execu- tion as aforesaid, against the lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods and chattels, of such person or persons so discharged, except as before excepted, for the satisfaction of his or her debt, or damages, and costs of suit; but the person of such debtor so discharged, shall not be impris- oned for the same debt or debts, sum or sums of money, fine or fines, forfeiture or forfeitures, for which he or she is now confined, or for any or either of them. CHAP. 99. AN ACT for the payment of the salaries of the officers of govern- ment and other contingent charges. Passer) the rust of April, 1787. Be 22‘ ezzaez‘ea’ fiy Me People of Me Stale of New Yoe/e, repeeserzz‘ea’ 2'12 Se/zaz‘e area’ Assemfily, aua7 it is lzerefiy eaaelea’ fiy l/ze aaz‘lzorz'ly of Me same, That the treasurer of this State shall pay, out of any unappropriated monies-in the treasury, the sums of money herein after directed, vizt. To his excellency the governor, for administring the government of this State, from the first day of July last, to the first day of july next, at and after the rate of one thousand five hundred pounds per annum. To the person administring the government of this State, for the time being, to defray the incidental charges which may arise in and about the administring the government of this State, such sum or sums of money as he shall from time to time, by warrant under his hand, and the privy seal of the State, draw from the treasury for the purpose, not exceeding in the whole the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds. To his excellency the governor for disbursements on his late journey to the county of Columbia, at the request of the legislature the sum of ninety three pounds, eighteen shillings and five pence. To the Honorable Robert R. Livingston, Esquire, chancellor, of this State, for his services in that station, from the first day of july last to the first day of july next, at and after the rate of five hundred pounds per annum. Act not to affect lia- debt or execution against property. Annual . appropria- tions. Governor. Chancellor. 572 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 99. Chief justice. Puisne Justices. Delegates [11 Congress Council of appoint- ment. Members of legis- ature. Secretary of State. Id. Id Govern or’s secretary. Treasurer. To the honorable Richard Morris, Esquire, chief justice of this State, for his services in that station, from and to the respective times afore- said, at and after the rate of five hundred pounds per annum. To the honorable Robert Yates and john Sloss Hobart Esquires, puisne justices of the supreme court of this State, respectively for their services in that station, from and to the respective times aforesaid, at and after the rate of five hundred pounds per annum. To each of the delegates of this State in the Congress of the United States, at and after the rate of twenty four shillings per day for such time as they shall have attended or were going to, or returning from Congress to the respective places of their abode, according to such accounts as they shall respectively produce, audited by the auditor of this State. To the members of the council of appointment, at and after the rate 'of sixteen shillings per day, for their attendance on the council in the recess of the legislature and for the time of their travelling from and to their respective places of abode, according to such accounts as they shall produce, certified by the clerk of the said council. To the members of the senate and assembly, for each and every day they shall have attended in senate or assembly, during the present meet- ing of the legislature, and for each and every day they shall have been or may be travelling to and from their respective places of abode, to the place of the meeting of the legislature, the sum of fourteen shillings per day each ; such travelling charges to be computed at and after the rate of thirty miles per day, agreeable to such accounts thereof as they shall respectively produce, certified by the president of the senate, or speaker of the assembly, (as the case may be) and the accounts of the president of the senate, to be certified by the clerk of the senate, and the account of the speaker of the assembly, to be certified by the clerk of the assembly. To the secretary of the State, for attending the legislature during the present session, for the purpose of receiving the laws and attending the council of appointment, from the first day of july last to the first day of july next, at and after the rate of thirty pounds per annum. To the said secretary for his services in recording the laws, making copies thereof with marginal notes for the press, and making copies by direction of the governor, or of the senate and assembly, and for engrossing the minutes of the council of appointment, from time to time, after the rate of one shilling and six pence per sheet, each sheet to consist of one hundred and twenty eight ‘words, agreeable to such account thereof as he shall produce, audited by the auditor of the State. To the said secretary for his extra services, as secretary to the com- missioners of the land office to the time of passing this act, the sum of forty pounds. To the secretary to his excellency the governor, at and after the rate of one hundred and fifty pounds per annum. And fie it fart/cer enacted fiy t/ze ant/torily aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for Gerard Bancker Esquire treasurer of this State, to retain in his own hands, the sum of five hundred pounds for his ser- vices as treasurer from the first day of july last to the first day of july next, and the farther sum of seven hundred and seventy three pounds, eighteen shillings and nine pence for the incidental charges of his office, from and to the respective times last aforesaid. And fie it furtlzer enacted fiy the authority aforesaid, That the said treasurer shall pay to the following persons the sums herein after men- tioned vizt. CHAP. 99.] TENTH SESSION. 57 3 To Egbert Benson Esquire, attorney general of this State, for his Attorney. services in that station, from the first day of july last to the first day of general- ]uly next, at and after the rate of six hundred pounds per annum. To the auditor of this State, the sum of three hundred and fifty Auditor. pounds for his services as auditor for one year, ending the twenty third day of March last. To Simeon De Witt surveyor general of this State, such sums as shall Surveyor- be certified by the auditor of this State to be due to him for his salary, general‘ and the expences of his office to the first of May next. To Nicholas Fish adjutant general of the militia of this State, the Adjutant;- sum of two hundred and fifty pounds in full, for his salary from the general’ thirteenth day of April one thousand seven hundred and eighty six to the thirteenth day of April instant. To the collector of the "ustoms for the port of New York, in quar- gonector terly payments, at and after the rate of fifteen hundred pounds per @150??? annum. To the collector of the customs for the port Sagg Harbour, at and 1a., atSag after the rate of fifty pounds per annum. Harbor‘ To the surveyor and searcher, at and after the rate of two hundred Surveyor. and fifty pounds per annum. To each of the land and (tide waiters, the sum of ten shillings per Tidewait- day_ ers. To Iohn McKesson and Abraham B. Bancker Esquires, clerks of the Clerks 0rd assembly and senate, each the sum of thirty shillings per day, for their 333331"; respective services during the present session; and also the amount of such accounts for monies by them respectively advanced for the use of the assembly and senate, as they shall respectively produce, certified by the president of the senate or speaker of the assembly, as the case may require. To the doorkeepers of the senate and assembly, at and after the rate Doorkeep- of sixteen shillings per day, agreeable to such certificates thereof as ers- they shall respectively ‘produce, certified by the president of the senate or speaker of the assembly, as the case may be. To the sergeant at arms, at and after the rate of twelve shillings per Sergeant- day, agreeable to such certificate thereof as he shall produce, certified at'al'ms' by the speaker of the assembly. To Samuel Loudon, printer to this State, the sum of five hundred State and thirty pounds in full for his services in that station including the punter present year. To Andrew Moody commissary of military stores, the sum of forty Commfis- saryo pounds, in full for his salary from the thirteenth day of April one thou- mimary' sand seven hundred and eighty six to the thirteenth day of April instant. stores. To the said Andrew Moody, for the purpose of enabling him to col- Id. lect and secure the cannon, and other public stores, according to such directions as he shall receive from his excellency the governor or per- son administring the government‘of this State for the time being the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds, for which sum he shall be accountable. To the said Andrew Moody, such sum as the auditor of this State shall Id. certify to be due to him, for the expences of repairing the carriages and harness,_of four of the field pieces of this State, in pursuance of concur- rent resolutions of the senate and assembly of the fifth day of March last. To Samuel jones and Richard Varick Esquires, for revising and Revision digesting the laws of this State, such sums as shall be certified by the oflaws' auditor of this State to be due to them respectively, for their services in that station. °l Ha LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 99. Indian affairs. Pennsyl— Vania boundary line. Id. Commis- sioners of f orfeitures Commis— sioners to convention Commis- sioners of pensions. Montgom- ery monu- ment. Henry Broadwell. Anthony Post. Peter Stuyver- sandt. To Abraham Cuyler, Henry Glen and Peter Schuyler Esquires, com- missioners of Indian affairs for this State, the sum of twenty four pounds seven shillings and eight pence, for that sum due to them on their account for extra expenditures in the said department, as audited by the auditor of this State ; and the sum of forty pounds to each of them for their services, in the execution of their respective offices as aforesaid, to the first day of May next. To Simeon DeWitt and James Clinton Esquires, such sums as shall be certified by the auditor of this State to be due to them for their ser- vices and disbursements, in running the line between this State and the common-wealth of Pensylvania; allowing to the said James Clinton Esquire, one pound twelve shillings for'every day he has been upon the said service; and to the said Simeon DeWitt for his extraordinary ser- vices, as a commissioner in running the line aforesaid, the sum of forty pounds To the commissioners appointed or to be appointed on the part of this State to continue the running out making and ascertaining the juris- diction line between this State and the common-wealth of Pensylvania a sum or sums not exceeding in the whole the sum of six hundred pounds for which they are to be accountable. To the commissioners of forfeitures for the western district the sum of two hundred pounds on account. To the commissioners appointed by this State, to attend at the con- vention held at Annapolis in Maryland in the month of September last, for their expences upon that occasion, such sum as the auditor of the State to be due to them respectively. ' To Richard Varick, Richard Platt, Abraham 'l‘enbroeck, Peter Ganse— voort Junior, and Philip Schuyler Esquires, appointed commissioners by the act entitled “An act making provision for officers soldiers and sea- men, who have been disabled in the service of the United States,” for examining invalids in pursuance of the said act between the first day of May last and the first day of June next, according to such accounts thereof as they shall produce, audited by the auditor of this State; and in settling of which accounts, the auditor shall audit the accounts of the said commissioners in New York seperately from those in the city of Albany, and shall allow the sum of one shilling per sheet, each sheet to contain seventy two words, for the drafts, and nine pence per sheet for the copies of all depositions and certificates, to be divided among the said commissioners in New York and Albany respectively, as they shall agree on. To the chamberlain or treasurer of the corporation of the city of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, to be applied by the common council of the said city to defray the expence of erecting the monument in memory of the late General Montgomery. To Henry Broadwell the sum of thirty pounds, for a building by him erected on a lot of ground forfeited to the people of this State by the attainder of James De Lancey Esquire and which was with the said lot sold by the commissioners of forfeitures for the southern district. To Anthony Post the amount of the costs which shall have been adjudged to be paid by him in an action brought against him by James Leonard for the mesne profits of a house and lot located by.the said Anthony Post. A 72d a; z'z‘furt/zer enacted &y the aaz‘lzorz'zjl afaresaz'd, That the treasurer of this State shall deliver to Peter Stuyversandt the money and plate belonging to him, deposited in the treasury during the late war, by the commissioners of sequestration for thecounty of Dutchess. ‘CHAP. 99.] TENTH SESSlCN. ' 575 And fie z'z‘ furl/ler ezzaez‘ea’vfiy z‘lze aaz‘lzorz'zy aforesaid, That Peter T. Cur- Clerk of tenius audi‘tor of this State, Richard Varick and Samuel ‘jones Esquires igglr'gfrle shall be and hereby are authorized and required to liquidate and settle the accounts of the clerk of the supreme court for his services, both as clerk of the supreme court and as clerk of the courts of oyer and ter- miner and gaol delivery, in prosecutions on behalf of the people of the State of New York against persons for having adhered to the enemies of this State, and in other prosecutions on behalf of the people of the State of New York and the treasurer is hereby authorised and directed to pay the amount of such ballance as may be certified by the said Peter T'Curtenius, Richard Varick and Samuel jones, or any two of them, to be due to the said clerk for his services. Ana’ fie z'z‘ fart/ler eaaez‘ea’ fiy l/ze aaz‘lzorz'zy aforesaz'a’, That Peter T. Agents, Curtenius auditor of this State, do collect and lay before the legislature 5,23,51,11,‘, » at their next meeting, the accounts of the several persons who were vontro- ' employed as agents or commissioners to collect and procure evidence, versy' vouchers and materials for manifesting and maintaining the boundaries and jurisdiction of this State, and the accounts of the persons employed by the said commissioners; and the accounts of the several persons who have been employed as commissioners for vindicating the right of juris- diction of this State, against the claims of the commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, pursuant to the articles of confederation and perpetual union of the United States, and of the several persons who have been employed in making preparations for defending the rights of this State, against the said claim. Ami w/zereas the real estate late of john Kane, forfeited to the people of this State, by the attainder of the said john Kane, hath been sold; and it now appears that the same estate, long before the forfeiture thereof, was mortgaged to john Montresor, for securing the payment of the sum of one thousand three hundred pounds, who hath caused suits -to be brought against the purchasers of the said lands. Therefore, Be z'z‘farl/zer enaez‘ea’ fiy z‘lze azel/eorz'zy afoeesaz'a’, That it shall and may John Mon- be lawful for the treasurer of this State, and he is hereby required, out tresor ‘of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to pay to the said john Montresor, or his attorney, the said sum of one thousand three hundred pounds with the interest thereof since the first day of january in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty three, and the costs of the said suits and that the said treasurer, upon payment thereof, procure an assignment of the said mortgage to the people of the State of New York. Ana’ wfiereas Angus McLean of the county of Ulster, now deceased, ‘on the twenty third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, located and purchased of the commis- sioners of forfeitures, for the middle district, for the consideration of two hundred and forty eight pounds ten shillings in depreciation certifi— cates, two hundred and forty eight acres and a-half of land in the county of Ulster, which was then deemed to be forfeited to the people of this State, by the attainder of David Colden, A/zel w/zereas it is represented to the legislature, that the representatives of the said Angus McLean deceased, have been dispossessed of the said premises by Cadwallader Colden, in whom the said lands are said to be legally vested. Ana’ wlzereas it is reasonable that the representatives of the said Angus McLean, be compensated for the costs and expences they have been put to in the prosecution of their claim, under the conveyance aforesaid. Therefore, 576 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 99. Angus McLean, heirs of. G. S. Veeder, jr. Be it furtlzer enacted fiy t/ze ant/torily aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this State, out of any monies remaining in his hands unappropriated, to pay to the representatives of the said Angus McLean, all costs which may have accrued, in defending any suit or suits, for the said land, so located to be taxed by the proper officer of the court in which such suit or suits shall have been brought; and such reasonable sums as shall appear to have been expended in the surveying and appraising the lands aforesaid, to be certified by any two of the late commissioners of forfeitures for the middle district, and audited by the auditor of this State and that the representatives of the said Angus McLean have the priviledge of locating other lands as is directed in and by the fourteenth section of the act entitled “An act further to amend an act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within‘this State and for other purposes therein mentioned,” passed the first of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty six. And zo/zereas Christopher Yates and john Lansing junior, commis- sioners for procuring a sum in specie in the eastern and western districts of this State, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty, for the consideration of one hundred and seven pounds nineteen shillings, in bills emitted on the credit of this State commonly called bills of the new emission, conveyed to Garret S. Yeeder junior and his heirs, a cer- tain lot of land situate in the patent of Clifton Park in the county of Albany called lot number thirty one in the third allotment in the division of the said patent. And nI/zereas previous to the sale by the above mentioned commis- sioners to the said Garret S. Vedder junior, the same one hundred and twenty seven acres of land had been already sold and conveyed by the commissioners of forfeitures to one Isaac Truax. Therefore Be it furt/zer enacted fiy tlze azct/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this State and he is hereby required, out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay to the said Garret S. Veeder junior, the said sum of one hundred and seven pounds nineteen shillings, being the consideration money by him paid for the said lot, upon his depositing the conveyance made to him of the said lot by the said commissioners with the treasurer of this State and his reconveying all his right and title in the same lot under the convey- ance aforesaid, to the people of this State, with a covenant against all his acts and deeds respecting the same. And zo/zereas the said Christopher Yates and john Lansing junior, commissioners as aforesaid, their deed hearing date the third day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two, for the consideration of one hundred and seventy two pounds and eleven shillings, in bills emitted on the credit of this State, commonly called bills of the new emission, conveyed to Samuel Stringer and his heirs, a certain lot of land in the county of Albany, called lot number nine, in the first allotment of the patent of Clifton Park, then deemed to be forfeited to the people of this State, by the attainder of Oliver i DeLancey Esquire; but it hath since been discovered, that the said lot Samuel Stringer. of land did not belong to the said Oliver DeLancey at the time of his attainder. Therefore, _ Be it fart/zer enacted fiy t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this State, and he is hereby required, out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to pay to the said Samuel Stringer, the said sum of one hundred and seventy two pounds and eleven shillings, being the consideration money by him paid for the said lot, upon his depositing the conveyance made to him of the CHAP. 99.] TENTH SESSION. 577 said lot, by the said commissioners, with the treasurer of this State, and conveying his right in virtue of the said conveyance, to the people of the State of New York. And oe z'z‘ fart/zer erzaez‘ed oy i/ze aaZ/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the auditor of this State and he is hereby required to do and perform every act, matter and thing which the treasurer is directed to do and perform in and by the act entitled “An act for the collection and comutation of quit rents,” passed the first day of April, one thousand seven hundred and eighty six, and in and by the act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled an act for the collection and commutation of quit rents passed the eleventh day of April one thous- and seven hundred and eighty seven. And w/zereas part of the real estate late of john Turner lying in the middle district and forfeited to the people of this State by the convic- tion of the said john Turner, hath been sold, and it now appears that the same was mortgaged to john Leake of the city of New York (for securing the payment of the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds) who hath caused a suit to be brought against the purchaser of the said land. Therefore Auditor, duty of regarding quit rents. Be 2'! farZ/zer elzaez‘ed Z2)’ Z/ze aaZ/zorz'zjr aforesaid, That it shall and may John be lawful for the treasurer of this State and he is hereby required upon the said john Leake executing to the people of this State an assignment of the said bond and mortgage so executed by the said john Turner, out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay to the said john Leake or to his attorney the said sum of two hundred and fifty pounds and the costs of the said suit to be taxed by one of the judges of the supreme court and that no prosecutions shall hereafter be had on the said bond and mortgage. Leake. A/zd &e 2'! farz‘lzer enaez‘ed 6y f/ze azzZ/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That the treasurer Certifi. of this State, be, and he is hereby authorised and required after pay— ment of the several sums herein before mentioned, and the first moiety of the'monies to be paid to the United States of America in Congress assembled, pursuant to the act entitled “An act acceding to the acts of Congress of the second day of August one thousand seven hundred and eighty six,” and also the amount of pensions and arrears of pensions, which shall be payable to invalids by the first day of june next, pur- suant to the act entitled “ An act making provision for officers soldiers and seamen who have been disabled in the service of the United States,” and the amount of the new emission money still in circulation, to set apart and apply such sum as will be sufficient for the payment of one quarter part of the certificates issued and to be issued for the four fifths part of the interest of the public securities which shall have been loaned to this State, by virtue of the act entitled “An act to emit the sum of two hundred thousand pounds in bills of credit for the purposes therein mentioned,” passed the eighteenth day of April one thousand seven hundred and eighty six; which said sum of fifty thousand pounds, shall be distributed to the several holders of the said certificates, in pro- portion to the respective amounts thereof, and the sum paid upon each certificate shall by the said treasurer be indorsed thereon. VoL. 2.——73 cates, pay- men 0 , out of sur- plus in treasury. 578 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 100. Preamble. Lands of Thomas Hicks. de- ceased, vested in Richard Penn Hicks. CHAP. 100. AN ACT to vest all the right and claim of the people of this State, to the lands and tenements whereof Thomas Hicks died seized, in the persons therein named. PASSED the zrst of April, 1787. WHEREAS Thomas Hicks late of Little Neck, in the township of Flushing, in Queens county, on Nassau Island, attorney at law, deceased, being seized in fee simple, of certain lands and tenements within this State, this State, on the nineteenth day of June one thousand seven hun- dred and eighty two, made his last will and testament, duly executed in the presence of three credible witnesses, and thereby devised all his lands and real estate, to his sister Mary Hicks, (the then wife of Stephen Hicks) and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten, or to be begotten, and for want of such issue to the said Stephen Hicks, and to the heirs of his body, lawfully to be begotten, and for the want of such issue, to Richard Penn Hicks, son of his late friend and cousin William Hicks, of Pensylvania deceased, and for want of such issue to the right heirs of the said Richard Penn Hicks; as by the said original will, filed in the prerogative office, fully appears. And whereas it is represented to this legislature that the said Thomas Hicks died so seized as aforesaid, leaving the said will in full force, and that thereupon the said Mary Hicks became seized of the lands and tenements of the testator, by virtue of the said devise, but died without issue. That upon her death, the said Stephen Hicks entered upon the same, and also died without issue, by means whereof, according to the will and intention of the said testator, the lands and tenements whereof he died seized, would have vested in the said Richard Penn Hicks, in fee tail general, but by the operation of the late laws of this State for abolishing entails, the estate in fail tail general, devised to the said Mary Hicks, was converted into a fee simple; and that she having been born out of wedlock, can have no heirs, whereby the said lands and tenements might escheat to the people of this State. And it being further represented, that the said Richard Penn Hicks is an orphan, destitute of any support, but what is so provided for him by the said testator; and the legislature con- ceiving it just and reasonable, that the estate vested in the people of this State by the means aforesaid, should descend, according to his intentions expressed in the said will, as far as it is consistent with the above mentioned law. Therefore, Be it enacted by z‘he People of z‘he State of New York, represented in Seizaz‘e and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the aza‘horz'z‘y of rho same, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Richard Penn Hicks, his heirs and assigns, to enter into, have, hold and enjoy, for his and their own proper use, in fee simple for ever, all and singular the lands tenements and hereditaments, whereof the said testator so died seized, and which are devised to him in remainder, in fee tail general as aforesaid; (except a certain farm called the new field now in the possession of James Hicks situated in North Hempstead in Queens county and a small piece of salt meadow belonging to the same,) and to have and maintain any suit or action tor the recovery thereof, not- withstanding any right or claim which the people of this State may or can have or make to the same by reason of the escheat thereof as afore- said, or in any other manner whatsoever, and altho’ no office hath been found respecting the same. CHAP. 101.] TENTH SESSION. 579 A no’ fie z'z‘furl/zer enaez‘ed fiy z‘lze auz‘lzorz'z‘y aforesaid, That all the estate, Certain right title and ,interest, of the people of this State, in and to the said ($1213 farm called new field, and the piece of salt meadow belonging thereto, H191“, etc- shall vest in the said james Hicks and Deborah his wife, during their natural lives, and the life of the survivor of them; and from and after the decease of such survivor, shall vest in Mary Hicks, daughter of \Villiam Hicks of North Hempstead in the county of Queens, her heirs and assigns. Proziz'ded that nothing in this act contained shall be construed to Actnotw 4_ . . . . . _ . . affect, affect or injure any right title interest or estate in and to the said lands, rights of tenements and hereditaments herein before mentioned, or any part gg‘i‘ggants. thereof, which any person or persons whomsoever could or might have claim challenge or demand if this act had not been passed; but such estate only as the people of this State might lawfully claim by the means aforesaid, shall vest in the persons herein before named in the propor- tion and in the manner aforesaid. CHAP. 101. AN ACT for vesting the estate of David Colden, deceased, not already sold, in Cadwallader Colden. PASSED the zrst of April, 1787. Be it EIZdL‘Z‘é’d fiy Me People of file Slaz‘e of r/Vew Yor/e, represented in Forfeited Se/zaz‘e and Assemfily, and if is lzerefiy e/zaez‘ed fiy z‘lze azel/zorz'zj/ of z‘lze same, ‘gob That the real estate of the late David Colden, except such parts thereof den, un— - - _ - sold,vested. as have been already sold by the commissioners of forfeitures, or by the in Cadwal- commissioners for procuring a sum in specie, or any of them shall be lad"? Col‘ . . ’ T ’ den in and is hereby vested in Cadwallader Colden, of the county of Ulster trust. Esquire, his heirs, executors and administrators, in trust, for the chil- of the said David Colden; and that the said Cadwallader Colden, his heirs, executors or administrators, shall and may, by virtue of this act, have and maintain, in his or their own name or names, any action or actions, that shall or may be necessary, for the recovery of the same, or of the possession thereof, or of any part or parts thereof, in like manner, and no other, as the said David Colden might or could do, if he was in full life, and had not been attainted. Pror'z'ded always, and it is hereby further enacted, that the said Cad- Proviso as wallader Colden, his heirs executors or administrators, do and shall pay {,‘ifgayrjrvlveafilf to the commissioners of forfeitures for the western district of this State, lader 001- or some or one of them, or the treasurer of this State for the time being, den‘ in any public securities receivable by law upon the sale of forfeited estates, the amount at which such lands as are mentioned in a certain location, made by the said Cadwallader Colden on the first day of August last past, and delivered to the commissioners of forfeitures of the said western district, and not already sold, shall or may be appraised, in such parts and proportions, and by such appraisers for each part or proportion, as the said commissioners shall deem expedient, in the mode prescribed by the thirty seventh and thirty ninth sections of the act entitled “An act for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates within this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned” passed the twelfth day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, within three calender months after the same lands shall be so 580 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [cHAP. 102. appraised. And that the wages of the appraisers, and the costs and expences of making such appraisements and surveys, shall be paid and borne by the said Cadwallader Colden. Proviso as And peat/{ded also, that this act shall not take effect, until the said 231,131,195’ Cadwallader Colden shall procure and deliver unto the surveyor general 9110- of this State for the time being, all the maps, returns and other papers, belonging to the office of surveyor general of the late Colony of New York, which were in the possession of the said David Colden, or any other person or persons for his use, at the time of his decease; nor until the said Cadwallader Colden shall make affidavit before one of the judges of the supreme court of judicature, that he has delivered to the said surveyor general, all such maps, returns and other papers, belong- ing to the office of surveyor general of the late Colony of New York, which, to the best of his the said Cadwallader Colden’s knowledge and belief, were in the possession of the said David Colden, or any other ,_ person or persons for his use, at the time of his decease. Cadwalla— A 71d Zze z't fzzrt/zer matted [2y t/ze azet/zorz'ty afw'esaz'd, That the commis- der Golden ; ‘ A - _ T . . ‘ may sell sioners of forfeitures for the western district, shall and may proceed to £552,381“ have the whole of the lands mentioned in the said location, not hereto- ' fore sold, appraised with all convenient speed, in the mode mentioned and prescribed in and by the said sections of the act aforesaid. And that the said Cadwallader Colden, or his heirs, after having complied with the terms of this act, may sell or mortgage such part of the estate of the said David Colden, so as aforesaid vested in him, for repayment of such money as he may advance to pay the sum at which the said lands shall be appraised, and the incidental expences attending the same. Act not to Provided, that nothing in this act contained, shall be construed to- ?g‘iftts of affect or injure any rights of any person claiming under the said David gléilélenrams Colden deceased; but such rights shall be and remain in full force, any‘ David thing in this, or any other act, to the contrary notwithstanding. Golden. \ CIIAP. 102. AN ACT for the relief of persons who paid money into the treasury of this State, in consequence of a resolution of the committee of safety of the first day of March, one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven, and for other purposes therein mentioned, PASSED the 21st of April, 1787. Preamble. \VHEREAS several persons have paid monies into the treasury of this State, in consequence of a resolution of the committee of safety, made the first day of March, one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven. But as the said resolution hath not been adopted, or confirmed by any convention, nor by the constitution or the legislature of this State, many of the persons who so paid money into the treasury, have petitioned _ the legislature for relief. Therefore, fileg'gfilg’sitgg Be it erzaeted by tile Pee/file 0f t/ze State of New Yark, represented in Ephgegjggs Senate and Assemély, and zt 2's /zere&y emztted &y the aut/zmrzty 0f the same, money into That it shall and may be lawful for the treasurer of this State for the {$323230 time being, and he is hereby authorized and required, to give to every lution Of person who hath paid money into the treasury in consequence of the ' t . . . . Zé’ga‘i‘gl’fe sa1d resolution, or to the executors or administrators of such person, a CHAP. 102.] TENTH SESSION. ' 581 certificate for the amount of the money so paid into the treasury, with the interest thereof, at the rate of five pounds per cent per annum, from the time the same was so paid into the treasury, if the same was so paid before the first day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven; but if the same was so paid after that day, then such certificate shall be given for the value thereof, after reducing the same according to the Continental scale of depreciation, with interest for the same, at the rate aforesaid, from the time the same was so paid ; which certificate shall be payable with interest, at the rate ‘of five percent per annum, and shall be received and taken in all pay- ments, where any other certificates given by the treasurer of this State, are, or shall be receivable by law : Provided always, that no such cer— tificate shall be given to any person, for any money so paid into the treasury, as due to any person or persons, whose estate hath been for- feited to the people of this State ; but where monies have been so paid upon or in discharge of any bond or mortgage, to any person whose estate is forfeited to the people of the State of New York, such pay- ments shall be considered as good and effectual, for the specie amount of the monies so paid and no more ; such amount to be settled agree- able to the scale of depreciation herein before mentioned; and such mortgages may be discharged in the manner directed by an act, entitled " An act to enable the clerks of the respective cities and counties within this State to cancel the records of certain mortgages, made and executed to persons whose estates are forfeited, and proof that such mortgages are satisfied.” And the treasurer of this State, and the justices of the supreme court, shall make such inquiries, and give such certificates as may be necessary for that purpose. A 71d ée iz‘farZ/zer enaez‘ed izy z‘/ze aat/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That the treasurer Treasurer of this State shall be, and hereby is discharged and indemnified, of from hi‘gfmn“ and against all suits whatsoever, which have been or shall be brought against him, for or on account of any money so paid into the treasury as aforesaid. And this act shall or may he pleaded or given in evi- dence, in discharge of any such suit. Arid zo/zereas all the estates both real and personal, of Israel Seaman and Adam Seaman, late of the county of \Vest Chester, are become for- feited to the people of the State of New York, by the conviction of the said Israel Seaman and Adam Seaman, and the commissioners of for- feitures for the southern district of this State, have sold and recovered such parts of the estate of the said Israel Seaman and Adam Seaman, as they have been able to discover. And w/zereas the said Israel Sea- man and Adam Seaman, at the time of their respective convictions, were respectively indebted to james Franklin of the city of New York mer- chant, and sundry other persons in divers sums of money, and the said james Franklin hath represented to the legislature, that there are debts due, and other property belonging to the estates of the said Israel Sea- man and Adam Seaman, which have not been discovered by the said commissioners, and prayed that the same may be vested in trustees, to be recovered and applied to the discharge of the debts owing by the said Israel Seaman and Adam Seaman, at the time of their conviction respectively. Therefore, . Be it e/zaez‘ed oy z‘/ze azd/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That all the joint and several Israel and estates, of the said Israel Seaman and Adam Seaman, both real and giggfggg personal, debts, and sums of money whatsoever, due and owing to them, 9frJvested .at the time of their respective convictions, and not sold or recovered by Irilraiiirliili. the commissioners of forfeitures, nor paid into the treasury, by the debt- ors, shall be and hereby are vested in the said james Franklin, his heirs 582 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 102. executors and administrators, in trust to sell all such real estate, and to recover and receive all such debts and sums of money, and to apply the produce thereof, in the first place, to pay the costs, charges and expen- ces, of such sale and recovery, and the residue thereof towards payment of the debts owing by the said Israel Seaman and Adam Seaman, at the time of their respective convictions, to such persons, in equal propor- tions, as have not applied for payment to the treasurer of this State; and if any surplus remains after payment of such debts, the same shall be paid to the treasurer of this State. Id. And be it farther e/zaez‘ed by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the said James Franklin, his executors or administra- tors, in his or their Own names, to sue for and recover, all such debts and sums of money, hereby vested in them; and it shall be sufficient for the plaintiff in any such suit or action, to alledge that the defendant or defendants is, or are indebted, or if the suit or action be against heirs, executors or administrators, then to alledge that the ancestor testator or intestate, was indebted to the plaintifif, in the sum so due and owing, whereby an action accrued to the plaintiff, without setting forth the special matter, and shall and may give this act, and the special matter in evidence. Daniel And be iz‘farz‘her eizaez‘ed by z‘he authorizy aforesaid, That the treasurer $353535‘; of this State, be, and he hereby is authorized and directed, to issue to Egsggd to Daniel Williams of West Chester county, a certificate for such sum, as the auditor of the State shall certify to be due to him, for his services as a guide to the army, in the said county, in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven, and that for such services he receive pay as a lieutenant, which certificate shall be dated the thirty first day of December one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven, and bear interest at the rate of five per centum per annum; and that the treasurer charge the same, to the United States. And rt/hereas the mode provided by the first section of the act, entitled “An act further to amend an act, for the speedy sale of the confiscated and forfeited estates, within this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned,” for ascertaining whether loan office certificates of the other States, were actually issued at the time of granting thereof, to citizens . of this State, is not sufficiently precise or effectual. Therefore Conti— Be i2‘ e/zaez‘ed by the aaz‘horizy aforesaid, That in all payments hereafter “mallow to be made to the commissioners of forfeitures, or any of them, on the fitiilgriitggi sales of forfeited property, or to the treasurer of this State on the sales 235%? of unappropriated lands, if any certificates issued out of any Continental loan office in any of the United States, other than this State, shall be offered in such payments, the said commissioners of forfeitures, and treasurer respectively, are hereby required to examine on oath, the per- son or persons to whom such certificates were originally issued, concern- ing the time they were respectively issued, if such person or persons, are now inhabitants of this State ; but if such person or persons be dead, or removed out of this State, then the said commissioners of forfeitures, .. and treasurer respectively, shall examine on oath the person or persons offering the same in payment, touching the time aforesaid; and unless it shall appear to their satisfaction respectively that such certificates were actually issued prior to the twenty seventh day of September, one thou- sand seven hundred and eighty five, to citizens of this State, who were inhabitants of this State at the time of issuing the same, such certificates shall not be received, nor shall any certificates issued out of the loan office of this State, be received by such commissioners or treasurers, but such as are countersigned by Dirck Ten Broeck or Abram Yates Junior. CHAP. 102.] _ TENTH SESSION. 583 And fie il furl/ler enaez‘ed fiy z‘lie aul/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the treas- certificates urer of the State is hereby authorised and required, to receive from all 2232565}, persons who are indebted to the people of this State, the payment of treasurer. such debts respectively, in any of the certificates or public securities issued from the treasury of the State. Provided always, that this clause shall not extend to any payment to be made for forfeited property sold for specie or bills of the new emission, nor to payments for quit rents, heretofore directed by law to be paid in specie, nor for articles of impost, or taxes imposed, or hereafter to be imposed ; which said sev- eral matters shall remain as heretofore. Arid w/zereas the surviving trustees of the estate of Abraham De Peys- ter, formerly treasurer of the late Colony of New York, have, on the twenty ninth day of March one thousand seven hundred and eighty six, reported to the legislature, that the books, receipts and other documents, relating to the execution of their trust, were during the late war lost; but that they would endeavour to extract an account for the informa- tion of thelegislature from such papers as were still to be found, which account have not yet been produced. Therefore, Be ii‘ furl/ler eizaeletl fiy z‘lze azii/zorizy aforesaid, That john Cruger Accounts and Leonard Lispenard Esquires, surviving trustees of the estate afore- {iggbljgl said, do, without delay, deliver to the auditor of this State, the said Peystel'. - - - - L - ' te treas' account; and it is hereby made the duty of the said auditor LO receive urer of and audit the same, in the best manner he can, from the vouchers still 6010113’- to be found, and from the information he can obtain; and that he cause such books, papers and money, as still remain in the hands of the said trustees, appertaining to the said estate, to be delivered into the hands of the treasurer of this State, as soon as the said audit shall be com- pleted; and the said treasurer is hereby authorized and required to receive the said books, papers, money and other documents, and to pro- ceed in the execution of the said trust, in the same manner as the said trustees might have done had this act not been passed. A/zd fie i2‘ fart/ler e/zaez‘ed fiy z‘lie aai/zorizy aforesaid, That it shall James be, lawful for the auditors appointed in pursuance of the “ act for liqui- 05,135 2%: dating and settling the accounts of troops of this State, in the service of the United States ” to liquidate and settle the account of, and grant a certificate to james Giles for the depreciation of his pay, for service as conductor of ordnance and military stores. A/zd w/zereas the inhabitants of North East precinct in the county of Dutchess, have represented to the legislature, that by reason of their not having been able to obtain the collectors lists, they were unable to collect the arrears of taxes in certificates, within the time limited for that purpose, by the act entitled “An act for the more effectual collec~ tion of arrears of taxes” passed the thirty first day of March one thou- sand seven hundred and eighty six, and have prayed further time to pay the said arrears in certificates as aforesaid, which request appears to the legislature to be reasonable, therefore, Be ii‘ farz‘lzer eizaez‘ed fiy z‘lze azil/zorizy aforesaid, That the inhabitants North East of the said precinct shall be allowed to pay the said arrears, at any time before the first day of October next, in the certificates mentioned in the LE111-Payers- act aforesaid; which arrears shall be assessed and collected in the man— ner specified in and by the act entitled “An act to compel the payment ofithe arrears of taxes, for enforceing the payment of fines and amercia- ments, obliging sheriffs to give security for the due execution of their offices, and for other purposes:” And each and every of the present assessors, collectors and supervisors of the said precinct, shall be, and hereby are respectively, vested with all the powers and authorities, and 584 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 102. Peter Byyauck, relief to. Certificates to officers and sol- diers of regiment. made subject to all the penalties and forfeitures, in the same last men- tioned act prescribed. And w/zereas Peter Byvanck, by his petition hath represented to the legislature, that he was prevented by accident from exhibiting his claim against the State of Israel Seamon and Joshua Pell, forfeited to the people of this State, therefore, Be it fart/ter enacted oy t/ze ant/torily aforesaid, That the treasurer of this State, be and he is hereby authorised and directed, to receive the certified demand of the said Peter Byvanck, against the estates of the said Israel Seamon and joshua Pell, in the same manner, as if he had made application within the time required by the forty second and forty third sections of the act, entitled “An act for the speedy sale of the confis- cated and forfeited estates within this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned;” and to grant a certificate for the sum to which he shall appear to be entitled, according to the true intent and meaning of the said act. And 'za/zereas it is represented to the legislature, by the petition of Charles Stewart junior, late a sergeant in a regiment of levies in the ser- vice of this State, commanded by Frederick Weissenfels, that he hath not received any compensation for his services in that regiment. And w/zereas the said Frederick \Veissenfels, instead of paying or delivering the certificates entrusted to him for that purpose, to the officers and soldiers of the said regiment, hath in divers instances applied them to his own use, and is now unable to make compensation for the same; and it being just that such persons should be indemnified by the State. Therefore. Be it fart/ter enacted oy t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the treasurer of this State shall issue certificates to all such of the officers and sol- diers of the said regiment, for the sums respectively due to them, as shall by satisfactory evidence, make it appear to the said treasurer, that they have not heretofore received their certificates; and that the certifi- cates so to be issued by the said treasurer, shall be of the like tenor and effect, of the certificates heretofore issued, to such officers and soldiers respectively. And w/zereas one certain farm. situate in Rumbout precinct in Dutchess county, containing by estimation one hundred and thirty four acres, was heretofore sold and conveyed by the commissioners of forfeitures for the middle district, to Zephaniah Platt Esquire, in fee simple; and also one other farm situate in the said precinct, and containing by estimation two hundred acres, was in like manner sold and conveyed to Peter Dates, as parts of the estate forfeited by the attainder of john Watts. And it appearing by the report of the attorney. general that the said ~Iohn Watts was tenant by the courtesy only, in the’ said farms and prem- ises, and that the reversion is vested in Robert Watts his son, as heir at law to his mother Ann Watts deceased. And w/zereas it is suggested in the said report, that the said Robert \Vatts would be willing to release his title to the said reversion, upon being paid the value thereof, to be ascertained by appraisement; whereby the purchasers under the State would be secured in their title. Therefore, Be it fart/zer enacted oy t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the commis- sioners of forfeitures for the middle district, be and they hereby are authorized and directed, to join with the said said* Robert Watts in the appointment of the two appraisors, for the purpose of appraising the said farms; one of which said appraisers to be nominated by the said Robert Watts, pay- ment to, for release of lands. * So in original. CHAP. 102.] TENTH SESSION. 585 commissioners, and the other by the said Robert Watts; and the said appraisers so appointed shall have power to appraise the value of the said reversion, of and in the same farms; and in case of disagreement, to nominate a third person to make the appraisement in their stead, and the treasurer of the State is hereby directed nominate a third person to make the appraisement in their stead. And the treasurer of the State is hereby directed to pay to the said Robert Watts his heirs or assigns, such sums of money as by the report of the said appraisers, or in case of disagreement, by the report of the said person so appointed by them, shall be determined to be the value of the reversion so vested in him the said Robert Watts, of and in the said several farms and premises; upon receipt whereof the said Robert Watts his heirs or assigns, as the case may be, shall forthwith, by good and sufficient conveyances in the law, release to th respective purchasers of the said farms, their heirs or assigns, all his or their estate, right title and interest, in and to the said farms and premises. A 12d Zle iz‘fari/zer e/zaez‘ed By i/ze aui/ioriz‘y aforesaid, That the act enti- tled “An act to liquidate the depreciation of the pay of the officers of the military hospital and medical department, and of the officers and privates of the levies and militia of this State, made prisoners by the enemy,” and the act entitled “An act for the settlement of the pay of the levies and militia for their services in the late war, and for other purposes therein mentioned,” shall be, and hereby are respectively repealed. A 11d YtI/zereas Dominick Lynch, by petition to the legislature hath rep- resented, that Francisco Pablo de Vidal, being an alien, had purchased of Christian Pierce and Christiana his wife, a certain house and lot of ground in the city of the New York, of the description following. All that certain messuage or dwelling house lot piece or parcel of ground, situate, lying and being in the city of New York being part of a lot known by No. 80, bounded north west by King George street, in the rear by lot No. 81, on the north east side by lot No. 87, and on the south west by part of the said lot No. 80; containing in length one hundred feet, and in breadth twenty one feet, be the same more or less, which house and lot he has conveyed to the said Dominick Lynch, in trust, to be disposed of for the benefit of his creditors; and the said Dominick Lynch hath prayed that the said conveyance might be con— firmed to him, to have the same effect, as if the said Pablo De Vidal had not been on alien. Therefore, Be iz‘ fari/zer elzaeied oy i/ze aaf/ioriz‘y aforesaid, That the deeds of conveyances from the said Francisco Pablo De Vidal, to the said Dom- inick Lynch, bearing date respectively the seventeenth and eighteenth days of November, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty six, shall have the same force and effect, to vest the estate of and in the said house and lot in the said Dominick Lynch, his heirs and assigns, upon the trusts in the said deed mentioned, as if the said Francisco Pablo De Vidal had been a natural born subject of this State. And w/zereas sundry proprietors of a tract of land called the Town- ship of New Stamford in Ulster county, have by petition set forth that some time in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty four, the said tract was surveyed at the request of the proprietors and divided into lots by a certain Henry Wooster, who affixed the names of the different proprietors to their respective lots on a map or plan of the said survey. That the lines of the said lot cannot now be discov- ered without a new survey, that many of the proprietors of the said township are now without the State, and praying that the said division VoL. 2. —— 74 Acts recited repealed. Convey— ance named declared valid. 586 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 102. Commis- sioner to partition township of New Stamford. Id. Id. of the said Henry Wooster might be confirmed, and a law passed for making a resurvey of the said townships, and providing for the expences of the same. Therefore, Be it e/zaeted by the aathorizy aforesaid, That William Cockburn be, and he is hereby appointed sole commissioner for making a survey and division of the said township or tract of land; that so far as the said commissioners can collect satisfactory information, of the division and survey made by the said Henry \Vooster, it shall be his duty to pursue the same, in making the resurvey and division of the said tract of land, so that such lots or lot of land therein, as were surveyed and set apart by the said Henry Wooster as the property of any one of the said pro- prietors, shall be surveyed and set apart by the commissioner hereby appointed, for the same proprietor, or any person or persons legally claiming under him. And be it farther e/zaeted by the authority aforesaid, That the said commissioner shall forthwith proceed to made a survey of the said tract of land, and divide the same among the different proprietors thereof, always pursuing the division made by the said Henry Wooster when he can obtain satisfactory information respecting the same, and if it shall so happen that the said commissioner cannot obtain any satisfactory information of the said Henry Wooster’s survey of any part of the said tract of land, or if any part of the same shall not have been divided by the said Henry W'ooster, that then with respect to such part the said commissioner shall proceed to make division of the same in the mode prescribed for the commissioners appointed by virtue of an act entitled “An act for the partition of lands,” which said division shall be as valid, as if all the proceedings in the division of this tract of land, were had under the said act. And to defray the expence of the said survey and division, Be it further enaeted by the authority aforesaid, That after the said survey and division shall be completed, the said commissioner shall present his accounts of the whole expence of the said survey, to one of the judges of the courts of common pleas of the county of Ulster, who is hereby impowered to audit and pass the same, the said commissioner first giving six weeks notice of the time and place of auditing his said accounts, in two of the newspapers printed in the city of New York; and after the said account shall ‘be so audited, the said commissioner shall apportion the whole expence of the said survey and division among the different proprietors, in proportion to the number of acres surveyed and set apart for them respectively, and shall deliver an account of such proportion to such of the said proprietors as may be found within- this State, and if any of the said proprietors cannot be found within this State, then the said commissioner shall publish the accounts of the pro~ portion of such absentee in at least two of the newspapers printed in the State of New York, for at least three months; and if the said accounts shall not be paid within four weeks from the time of presenting the same, or within four months from the time of commencing the said pub- lication, then the said commissioner is hereby authorised to sell at public auction, such part of the lands set a part for the said person, so making default of payment, as will be sufficient to discharge the said accounts, together with the charges incident to such sale rendering the overplus, if any there be, to the person whose land shall be so sold, on demand; and the said commissioner is hereby authorised, on the sale of such land for the purposes aforesaid, to make and execute good and effectual convey- ances in the law for the same, to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, which said conveyances shall be as good and effectual to all intents and CHAP. Ioz.j TENTH SESSION. . purposes, as if the same had been executed by the person or persons for whom the land so sold was set apart, and surveyed. And the commis- sioner, surveyor and other persons employed in making the said survey, shall be allowed for their services, after the rate allowed by the act entitled “An act for the partition of lands.” And fie i2‘ furl/ler e/zaez‘ed fiy z‘lze aaz‘lzorily aforesaid, That when the said commissioner shall have completed the said survey and division, he shall make two maps, and two fair copies of the field books of the same survey, with the names of the several proprietors affixed to their respective lots therein; and within six weeks after completing the said survey shall file one of the said maps and field books in the office of the clerk of the county of Ulster and the other map and field book in the office of the secretary of the State of New York; which said map and field book shall be record of the said division, and of the title of the different proprietors to the respective lots, on which their names, or the names of them under whom they claim, shall be respectively marked. Broziidid always, that nothing in this act shall be so construed as to Id. give title to any person or persons to any part of the said tract, who could not at the time of passing this act, have legally claimed such pro- portion as tenant in common with the other proprietors, or to defeat any security upon the same by mortgage, judgment or otherwise. Andprooided furl/ler, that the said division shall not be received as Id. evidence, in any controversy of boundary, between the said township and the patents adjoining thereto. A 71d fie iz‘fzerz‘lzer ezzaez‘ed fiy l/ie azez‘lzorizj' aforesaid, That the said com- Id. missioner shall, before he begins the said survey or division, take an oath before one of the judges of the court of common pleas of the county of Ulster, for the faithful performance thereof, and of the several things required of him by this act, according to the best of his skill and ability. And w/zereas George Turner late of Philadelphia, hath set forth by petition that he had located three hundred and sixty five acres of land, in the county of Albany, forfeited to the people of this State, but that full payment for the same was not made within the time limited by law, for reasons in the said petition mentioned. Therefore, Be iz‘ furl/ler e/zaez‘ed fiyl/ze aaz‘lzorizy aforesaid, That the commission- George ers of forfeitures for the western district, do, and they are hereby impowered and required, to execute, within three calender months from ance 110- the passing of this act, (if full payment shall be previously made to them of such part of the purchase money as yet remains to be discharged with interest from the time the same became due,) a proper deed or convey- ance, vesting in him the said George Turner his heirs and assigns for ever, in fee simple, all the right and interest of the people of this State of in or to the said three hundred and sixty five' acres of land. A/zd w/eereas Francis Dominick hath set forth by his petition, that he became the purchaser of one half of the township, number twenty five, in jessups alias Totten and Crosfields purchase, for which he hath not been able to maks due payment, for the reasons in the said petition con- tained. Therefore, Be ilfarifier eizaez‘ed fiy z‘lie aziz‘lzorizfy aforesaid, That the commission- Francis ers of the land office of this State, do, and they are hereby empowered 300331“ and required, within three calender months from the passing of this act, ance 150. (if full payment shall be previously made to the treasurer of this State, of such part of the purchase money, as yet remains to be discharged with interest from the time the same became due,) to cause letters patent under the great seal of this State to issue to the said Francis Dominick, H d. 588 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 102. Courts in Washing- ton county. Harpers- fleld , town erected. Melancton Smith and Hendrick Wyckofl', certificate to. John Sayre, cer- tificate to. vesting in him the said Francis Dominick his heirs and assigns for ever, the fee simple of the moiety or half part of the township aforesaid, with such apt and proper words of description as the said commissioners of the land office shall deem necessary. And w/zereas the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace, in and for the county of Washington, are now held in Salem, in the said county; and it-hath been represented to this legislature, that it would be more convenient for the inhabitants of the said county, to hold the said courts once in every year in Argyle. Therefore, Be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That from and after the passing of this act, the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace in and for the county of Washington, shall thenceforth be held at Salem aforesaid, on the last Tuesday in May, and on the first Tuesday in November in every year and at the house of A-diel Sher- wood Esquire, at Fort Edward, in the township of Argyle on the sec- ond Tuesday of February, in every year, any thing in any other law contained, to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding. And fie it fart/zer enacted fiy t/ze aat/zorizj/ aforesaid, That all the tract of land in the county of Montgomery, between the Cookquago branch of the Delaware river, and the branch of the Susquehannah river, called Adigitange, beginning at a rock maple tree marked on four sides with a blaze and three notches, and with letters and figures A C 1768, standing on a high point of land, at the south side of a small pond of water, called by the Indians Utstayantho, from whence the said branch of the Delaware, called by the Indians Cookquago issues, and running from thence north thirty degrees west to the said Adigitange, and thence down the same to where the same falls into the Susquehannah, and then down the Susquehannah to a brook called Ouel el Ouit, thence on a direct line to a brook called Canauscutje and then along the same to the said river Delaware, and then up the same river to the place of beginning, shall be, and hereby is erected into a township by the name of Harpersfield; and that the freeholders and inhabitants of the said township, shall be, and hereby are empowered to hold town meetings, and choose such town officers as the freeholders and inhabitants of any district in the said county of Montgomery, may do by law, and shall have the same powers and privileges. And that the first town meeting shall be held at the house of Alexander Harper, in Harpersfield, on the first Tuesday in june next. And a; it fart/zer enacted oy t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the treasurer of this State issue to Melancton Smith and Hendrick Wyckoff, a certifi- cate for the sum of two hundred and eighty one pounds twelve shillings and eight pence, bearing interest at five per cent from the day on which their respective accounts as deputy state agents under Udney Hay were audited by the auditor of the State, being the ballance due to them, after deducting the sum of three hundred and eighty eight pounds seventeen shillings and one penny, due from them, as copartners to the State, for wheat purchased from Robert Hoffman treasurer of Dutchess county, by the said Melancton Smith, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty two. , That the said treasurer issue to John Sayre, a certificate for twenty five pounds five shillings, bearing an interest of five per cent per annum, from the fifteenth day of October one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven, in payment for six hundred and six pounds weight of beef at that time furnished by him to the regiment of militia commanded by Colonel John Hathorn, which was employed in guarding waggons _ loaded with ammunition and military stores belonging to the United CHAP. 102.] TENTH SESSION. 589 States, from Newburgh to Easton, by the order of his excellency the governor, at the request of the commander in chief of the army of the United States and that the treasurer charge the same to the United States. That the said treasurer pay to the corporation of the city of New York, for quit rents on certain water lots forfeited to the people of this State by the respective attainders of Oliver Delancey and john \Veather- head, and the conviction of Waldron Blouw and sold by the commis- sioners of forfeiture for the sourthern district, the sum of one hundred and thirty two pounds eighteen shillings and five pence one farthing, which is due to the said corporation, after deducting the quit rents, for seven years, during the war. That the said treasurer issue certificates to the treasurer of Suffolk county for such sums, reduced by the scale of depreciation, bearing an interest of five per cent per annum, from the eighth day of March one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine, as he has received from the committee of Seabrook and Gillford in Connecticut, for cattle and sheep transported from the said county, and by them sold, and the treasurer of the said county is hereby directed to pay the same to the respective persons to whom such cattle and sheep did belong. And be it farZ/zer erzaez‘ed by i/ze aai/zoriiy aforesaid, That his excel- lency the governor be and he is hereby authorized and impowered, to draw from the treasury such sum or sums of money as he may deem necessary not exceeding the sum of one thousand pounds, to enable him to hold a conference with the Indians of the six nations agreeable to concurrent resolutions of the legislature at their present meeting. A 12d be iz‘ farz‘ber erzaez‘ed by Me aai/zorizfy aforesaid, That it shall and Public ofii- may be lawful, for any public officer who was employed during the late war under the authority of the United States, and who now is or here— after shall be prosecuted for services performed at his request, or arti- cles by him purchased or taken for the United States or this State, to tender in court, the same public securities of the United States, or of this State, as he has received, or shall receive on the settlement of his accounts, for such services performed, or articles purchased as aforesaid in full discharge of such demand. New York city, water lots. Suffolk CO 06 to tinty, rtificabes Governor, appropria- tion for In dian affairs. 06 1'8, pay- ments by. And be it farf/zer enacted by Me aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That it shall and Sluman may be lawful for the commissioners of the land office, to grant to Slu- man \Vattles, such letters patent for a certain proportion or part of a tract of land in Montgomery county, as john Harper, who has sold and transferred his interest therein, to the said Sluman Wattles, would have been entitled to receive, in virtue of the determination of the said com- missioners, if the sum directed to be paid for the said land, had been paid into the treasury, within the time limited by law, on the treasurers certifying that such sum is deposited with him by the said Sleuman W'attles, for the payment of the said lands. A 12d be it fari/zer enacted by Me aai/zoriiy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the auditor of the State, in settling the accounts of Michael Connolly, to allow him for his services, as agent, to the second New York regiment, in pursuance of the act of Congress of the twenty seventh day of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, the pay and rations of a lieutenant from the third day of November one thousand seven hundred and eighty three, to the first day of Belay next and to charge the same to the United States. And 'w/zereas a certain farm in Dutchess county forfeited by the attainder of Malcolm Morrison and conveyed by the commissioners of forfeitures to Philip Pelton, Benjamin Pelton and Daniel Pelton, for the WV ttle as, convey- anceto. Michael Connolly, ac of counts 590 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 103. John Ogil- vie. execu— tors of. Goshen drainage , ad vertise- ment of. Certain certificates not re- ceivable. Appoint- ment of commis- sioners to fill vacan- cies. sum of five hundred pounds, was, on the twenty fifth day of March one thousand seven hundred and seventy two, mortgaged by the said Malcolm Morrison, to John Ogilvie deceased, for the payment of one hundred and eighty three pounds fifteen shillings, with lawful interest. Therefore Be it enaeted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be law- ful for the treasurer, out of any monies which shall be in the treasury unappropriated, to pay to the executors or administrators of the said John Ogilvie, the said principal sum of one hundred and eighty three pounds fifteen shillings, with the interest thereof, from the date of the said mortgage, or so much thereof as shall appear to be due, to the time the same shall be paid. lVhereas by an act of the late colony, now State of New York, passed the sixth day of February one thousand seven hundred and seventy three, entitled “An act to raise fifteen hundred pounds for draining the drowned lands in the precinct of Goshen in Orange county,” certain proceedings in the said act mentioned were directed to be advertised in a public newspaper, commonly called the New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury. And whereas at this time there is not any paper with such title or description, printed in this State. Therefore _ Be it enaeted by the authority aforesaid, That all the proceedings in the said act mentioned may be published in any of the newspapers printed in this State, for four weeks successively, which shall be as valid to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been published in the news paper first above mentioned. And be it further e/zaeted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall not be lawful for the treasurer of this State, or the surveyor general of this State, or any of the commissioners of forfeitures, to receive in any pay- ment, any certificate, issued either by William Denning, Joseph Bindon, Jonathan Burrell, John Pierce, Joseph Pannel, or Edward Fox, unless such certificates as aforesaid, have been, or shall be issued, to a person or persons, who were actually citizens of this State, at the time when the services were performed, or articles furnished, for which such cer- tificates have been, or shall be granted, and if such certificates shall be for articles furnished, that such articles were furnished within this State: and the treasurer of this State, and the surveyor general of this State, And the commissioners of forfeitures, for the time being, are hereby respectively authorized and required, to examine upon oath or other- wise any person who shall offer any of the said certificates in payment, or any other person, in order to determine whether such certificate or certificates are receivable, according to the true intent and meaning of this act or not. CHAP. 103. AN ACT supplementary to an act entitled An act for running out and marking the jurisdiction line between this State and the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and for other purposes therein mentioned. PASSED the 21st of April, 1787. Be it enaeted by the People of the State of New Yorh represented in Senate and Assembly and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same That it shall and may be lawful for the person administring the govern- ment of this State for the time being, by and with the advice of the ‘CHAP. 103.] TENTH sEssioN. 591 council of appointment, to appoint and commission under the great seal of this State, one or more commissioners to continue the running out, marking and ascertaining the line of jurisdiction between this State and the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the room of such of the commis- sioners appointed by virtue of the act entitled “An act for running out and marking the jurisdiction line between this State and the common- wealth of Pennsylvania,” as shall have resigned, declined the office, be sick or unable to attend the same: And that the commissioners so appointed and to be appointed, or such two and not more than three of them, as the commissioners of the land office shall direct, are hereby authorised on the part of this State, to meet with such person or persons who may have been or shall be authorised and appointed on the part of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania aforesaid. 14720-7 zel/iereas by an act entitled “An act for the speedy sale of the unappropriated lands within this State and for other purposes therein mentioned,” the commissioners of the land office are authorized, when- ever they think proper, to direct the surveyor general to proceed to the sale of lands, without making a previous actual survey thereof. And w/zereas, difficulties may arise to the proprietors of such lands by hav- ing them surveyed by different persons ; for prevention whereof, Be iz‘ farz‘fier e/zaez‘ed fiy l/ze azel/ioriz‘y aforesaid, That before the pro- Surveyal of prietors of any lands hereafter to be sold, without being previously sur- gfififiesgfi. veyed, proceed to divide or settle the same, they shall make application VQY made- to the surveyor general, in writing, to run the out lines thereof. And it is hereby made the duty of the said surveyor general to cause the same to be done as soon as may be after such application shall have been made. And fzirz‘lzer that in every survey hereafter to be per- formed by the surveyor general by virtue of his office, he shall give notice to the proprietors when he will commence the same: And if such proprietors shall attend, or cause some person to attend at such time with a flag-bearer, two markers, a sufficient quantity of provision for the purpose, and the means of transporting it as occasion shall require, the said surveyor general shall cause such survey to be made, and be allowed to charge such proprietors for the services of a surveyor at the rate of twenty shillings per day and for two chainbearers, to be furnished by him, four shillings per day each. And fare/ler, that the thirtieth section of the said act shall be and hereby is repealed. IQZXYVfS STATE or NEW-YORK, FIRST MEETING OF THE ELEVENTH SESSION OF THE LEGISLA- TURE OF THE SAID STATE. cum. 1. : AN ACT to naturalize Robert Edmeston. PASSED the 6th of February_ 1788. preamble, WHEREAS Robert Edmeston hath by his petition to the legislature, prayed, that an act of naturalization might be passed in his behalf. Therefore Robert, Be it enacted oy t/ze People of t/ze State of New York, represented in Egtngfjion Senate and Asset/col)’, and it is here/1)) enacted Zzy t/ze ant/zority of t/ze sanze, ized. That the said Robert Edmeston shall be, and he is hereby naturalized, and shall from and after having taken and subscribed, in any court of record within this State, the oath of allegiance to this State, and abjured and renounced all allegiance and subjection to all and every foreign King Prince Potentate and State, in all matters ecclesiastical as well as civil, be deemed a citizen of this State, to all intents, constructions and purposes whatsoever; and that the court, in which the said Robert Edmeston shall be admitted to take such oath, shall cause an entry thereof to be made, in the minutes of the said court, and shall give a certificate to the said Robert Edmeston, purporting, that he hath been admitted to such oath, in the said court, in pursuance of this act ; and that he shall upon taking of such oath, pay to the judges of such court, six shillings, and to the clerk thereof three shillings. And zo/zereas the said Robert Edmeston, hath by his said petition represented, that he hath unadvisedly made purchase of lands and ten- ements in this State, and hath prayed relief in the premises. Therefore, Previous Be it fart/zer enacted 12y t/ze aat/iority aforesaid, That any lands ten- pumhases ements or hereditaments, lying within this State, and purchased previous oflands _ _ , ilesalized- to the passing of this act, by the said Robert Edmeston, shall not on CHAP. 2.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 593 account of such purchase being previous to the passing of this act, escheat to the people of this State, but shall vest in the said Robert Edmeston, or persons holding under him, in the same manner, as if he had been naturalized at the time of such purchase. And be if furt/zer erzaez‘ed by Me azei/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That if the said Robert Edmeston shall not take oath of allegiance and abjuration afore- said in manner herein before directed, within twelve months next after the passing of this act, he shall have no'manner of benefit by this act, any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwith- standing. CHAP. 2. AN ACT to prevent delays of proceedings at the general sessions of the peace and abuses in suing out writs of certiorari. Passer) the 6th of February, 1788. Be it e/zaefed by f/ze People of f/ze Siaie of N'ew Yor/c, refreserzz‘ed in Senate and Assembly, and ii‘ is bereby e/zaez‘ed by Me aaf/zoriz’y of Z/ze same, That all writs of certiorari, for the removal of any indictment or pre- sentment or any judgment or order, out of any court of general ses- sions of the peace, shall be delivered at the sessions of the peace in open court. A no’ be iz‘fari/zer mated by Me aaz‘boriz‘y aforesaid, That in term time no writ of certiorari whatsoever at the prosecution of any party in- dlcted or presented be hereafter granted awarded or directed out of the supreme court to remove any indictment or presentment of or for any trespass, riot, forcible entry, assault and battery, fraud, nusance con- tempt or misdemeanor whatsoever before trial had from before any justices in their courts of general sessions of the peace, unless such certiorari shall be granted or awarded upon motion of counsel by rule of court made for the granting thereof before the justice or justices of the supreme court, sitting in open court, and that all the parties indicted, prosecuting such certiorari before the allowance thereof shall find two sufficient sureties who shall enter into a recognizance, to the people of the State of New York, before one of the justices of the supreme court, or before one or more justices of the peace of the county or place or before the justices at their general sessions of the peace of the county or place where such indictment or presentment shall be found or made in the sum of fifty pounds, with condition that the party or parties so indicted or presented, and prosecuting such certiorari, shall at the return of such writ, appear and plead to the said indictment or presentment in the said supreme court, and at his her or their own costs and charges cause and procure the issue that shall be joined upon the said indict- ment or presentment or any plea relating thereto, to be tried at the next circuit court to be held for the county wherein the said indictment or presentment was found or made, after such certiorari shall be return- able, if not in the county where the said supreme court shall set, and if in such county, then to cause or procure it to be tried the next term after such certiorari shall be granted, if the said supreme court shall not appoint any other time for the trial thereof, and if any other time shall be appointed by the said supreme court, then at such other time, and shall give due notice of such trial, to the prosecutor or his attorney, and shall appear from day to day in the said supreme court, and not depart, VoL. 2. — 75 Oath of allegiance to be taken within one year. Writs of . certiorari . During term time to be granted in open court. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 2. Costs in certiorari in criminal cases. Security to be given before writ issued. until he, she or they shall be discharged by the said court. And more- over that in any of the vacations, writs of certiorari may be granted by any of the justices of the supreme court, whose name shall be endorsed on the said writ, and also the name of such person at whose instance the same is granted; and that the party or parties, indicted or pre- sented, prosecuting such certiorari, shall, before the allowance of such writ or writs of certiorari, find such sureties, in such sum, and with such conditions as are before mentioned and specified. And further that every recognizance taken as aforesaid shall be delivered to the court or justices to whom the certiorari is directed, together with the said writ and the recognizance so taken as aforesaid shall be certified into the said supreme court with the said certiorari and indictment or present- ment, and there filed, and the name of the prosecutor, if he be the party grieved or injured, or some public officer, shall be indorsed on the back of the said indictment or presentment, and if the person prosecuting such certiorari, being the defendant, shall not, before allowance thereof, procure such sureties to be bounden in a recognizance as aforesaid, the justices of the peace may and shall proceed to trial of the said indict- ment or presentment at the said general sessions of the peace notwith- standing such writ of certiorari so delivered. And be it farther enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if the defend— ant prosecuting such writ of certiorari be convicted of the offence for which he was indicted or presented, that then the said supreme court shall give reasonable costs to the prosecutor if he be the party grieved or injured, or be a justice of the peace, mayor, recorder, alderman con- stable, or overseer of the poor, or any other civil officer, who shall pros- ecute upon the account of any fact committed or done, or any thing omitted, that concerned him or them as officer or officers to prosecute or present, which costs shall be taxed according to the course of the said supreme court; and that the prosecutor for the recovery of the said costs shall at any time after the expiration of ten days after demand made of the defendant and refusal or neglect of payment, proof thereof being made on oath, have an attachment granted against the said defend- ant by the said court for such his contempt, and that the said recogni- zance shall not be discharged till the costs so taxed shall be paid. And whereas in many cases where justices of the peace are impowered by law to give or make judgments or orders, writs of certiorari have been procured to remove such judgments or orders into the supreme court in the hope thereby to discourage and weary out the parties con- cerned in such judgments or orders, by great delays and expences; For remedy whereof, Be it farther enacted, by the authority aforesaid That no certiorari shall be allowed to remove any such judgment or order from before any justice or justices of the peace, or general sessions of the peace, other than judgments given or to be given in suits or actions for debts or demands, between party and party, made or to be made cognizable before justices of the peace or any of them, unless the party or parties prosecuting such certiorari, before the allowance thereof, shall find sufficient sureties who shall enter into a recognizance to the people of the State of New York before one of the justices of the supreme court, or before one or more justices of the peace of the county or place, or before the justices at their general sessions of the peace of the county or place, where such judgment or order shall have been given or made in the sum of fifty pounds, with condition that the party or parties pros- ecuting such certiorari shall prosecute the same at his, her or their own costs and charges to effect, without any wilful or affected delay, and perform such judgment or order as the same supreme court shall give or CHAP. 3.] ELEvENTH SESSION. 595 make against him or them in the premises, and pay the party or parties in whose favour or for whose benifit, such judgment or order so to .be removed was given or made, within one month after the said judgment or order shall be confirmed, his, her or their full costs and charges, to be taxed according to the course of the said supreme court; and in case the party or parties prosecuting such certiorari shall not procure such sureties to be bound in such recognizance as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for the said justice or justices, or court of general sessions of the peace to proceed and make such further order or orders for the ' benefit of the party or parties, for whom such judgment or order shall be made or given, in such manner as if no certiorari had been granted 'or delivered; aizdfzerz‘lzer that every recognizance to be taken as afore- said, shall be delivered together with the writ of certiorari, to the jus- tice or justices, or court to whom such writ shall be directed, and the said recognizance shall be certified into the said supreme court with the said certiorari, and the judgment or order removed thereby, and there filed; and if the said judgment or order shall be confirmed by the said court, the person or persons entitled to such costs, for the recovery thereof at any time after the expiration of ten days, after demand made, of the person or persons who ought to pay the said costs, upon oath made of the making such demand and refusal or neglect of the payment thereof, shall have an attachment against him, her or them, granted by the said court for such comtempt, and the said recognizance so given, upon the allowing of such certiorari shall not be discharged, until the costs shall be paid, and the judgment or order so confirmed shall be complied with, and obeyed. Aria’ fie ii‘ furl/ler e/zaez‘ed fiy z‘lze azif/iorz'zy aforesaid, That no Writ of write to be certiorari shall be hereafter granted to remove any indictment, present- fig‘ggigt ment, judgment, order recognizance or other process or proceeding, gggggmp unless the same writ be signed with the proper hand, of one of the jus- ' tices of the supreme court, and in default thereof such writ shall be void, '- and of none effect. CHAP. 3. AN ACT to avoid unnecessary delays of executions. PASSED the 6th of February, 1788. Be it e/zaeled fiyi z‘lze People of l/ze Sz‘az‘e of rVew Yor/e represe/zz’ed in Execution Se/iale and Assemfily and i2‘ is fierefiy eizaez‘ed fiy f/ze azif/eoriify of r/ze same, 2% bgtgtay' That no execution shall be stayed or delayed upon or by any writ of onb'iviienl error, or supersedeus thereupon to be sued for the reversing of any ,sfiséllifty judgment'given or to be given in any action of debt upon any single bond for debt, or upon'any obligation with condition for the payment of money only, or upon any action of debt, for rent or upon any con- tract sued in any court of record in this State, unless such person or persons in whose name or names, such writ of error shall be brought, with two sufficient sureties, such as the court, wherein such judgment is or-shall be given, shall allow of, shall first before such stay made or supersedeas awarded, be bound unto the party for whom any such judgment is or shall be given, by recognizance, to be acknowledged in the same court, in double the sum adjudged to be recovered by the said former judgment, to prosecute the said writ of error with effect and also to satisfy and pay, if the said judgment shall be affirmed, all and singu- 596 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 4. Writs of - error after verdict in Writs of dower. Guardian, bailiff, etc., how com- pelled to account. lar the debts, damages and costs adjudged or to be adjudged upon the former judgment, and all costs and damages to be awarded for the delay of execution. Andfart/zer that no execution shall be stayed or delayed in any of the courts aforesaid by any writ or writs of error, or super- sedeas thereupon after any verdict and judgment thereupon obtained in any personal action whatsoever, unless such recognizance, and in such manner as is above directed, shall be first acknowledged in the said court where such judgment is or shall be given. And be it fart/ter enacted éy t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That in writs of error to be brought upon any judgment after verdict in any writ of dower, or in any action of ejectment, no execution shall be thereupon or thereby stayed, unless the plaintiff or plaintiffs in such writ of error shall be bound unto the plaintiff in such writ of dower or action of ejectment, in such reasonable sum as the court to which such writ of error shall be directed, shall think fit, with condition that if the judg- ment shall be affirmed in the said writ of error, or if the said writ of error be discontinued in default of the plaintiff or plaintiffs therein, or if the said plaintiff or plaintiffs be nonsuit in such writ of error, that then the said plaintiff or plaintiffs, shall pay such costs, damages, and sum and sums of money as shall be awarded upon or after such judgment affirmed, discontinuance, or nonsuit. And to the end that the same sum and sums of money and damages may be ascertained, the court wherein such execution ought to be granted, upon such affirmation, discontinuance, or nonsuit shall issue a writ to inquire as well of the mesne profits, as of the damages by any waste committed after the first judgment in dower or in ejectment, and upon the return thereof judgment shall be given and execution awarded, for such mesne profits and damages, and also for the costs of suit. Broz/ided always, that this act or any thing therein contained shall not extend to any writ of error to be brought by any executor or administrator; nor to any action popular; nor to any action upon any penal statute; nor to any indictment, presentment, inquisi- tion, information, or appeal. CHAP. 4. AN ACT for giving further remedy by action of account. PASSED the 6th of February, I788. Be it enacted oy the People of t/ze State of fv'ew York, represented in Senate and Assembly and it is /zereti y enacted oy t/ze aat/zority of t/ce same, That where any person is or shall be bound or liable to account, as guardian, bailiff, receiver or otherwise, to any other, and will not give account willingly and the party to whom such account ought to be made, shall sue out a writ of account, if the person against whom such writ is issued, being summoned, do not appear at the return of the writ, or if it be returned that the defendant hath nothing, then the defendant shall be attached by his or her body to come and make his or her account, and if it be returned that the defendant cannot be found, the process may be pursued to the exigent and outlawry thereupon; and when such accountant shall appear in court and submit or be adjudged to account, auditors shall be assigned to take his or her account, and if he or she shall be found in arrears and cannot pay the arrears and the costs of suit forthwith, he or she shall be committed to goal, there to be kept CHAP, 5.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 597 under safe custody, living at his or her own costs, until he or she shall have fully satisfied such arrears, with the costs of suit: And if such accountant shall neglect or refuse to account before the auditors, he or she shall be committed to goal, there to be kept as aforesaid until he or she shall satisfy the plaintiff of his or her demand, with costs as afore- said. Andfnrtber, that if it shall be found, that there is a surplusage due on such account from the plaintiff to the defendant, then the defend- ant, shall have judgment to recover such surplusage, with costs of suit, against the plaintiff, unless where the suit is brought by executors or administrators in right of their testator, or intestate, in which case the defendant shall not recover costs against them. 'And the defendant shall or may have such execution for the same, as he or she might have had, if he or shehad recovered such surplusage by action of debt. And )20/"6’02'57' if any sheriff or goalcr shall suffer any such prisoner to go out of prison, without the assent of the plaintiff he shall be answerable to the plaintiff for the debt or damages done to him or her by such account- ant, according as it may be found by the country; and the party at whose suit such prisoner was committed shall have his or her recovery by action of debt, or by bill or plaint in any court of record. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That actions of account shall and may be brought and maintained by one joint-tenant or tenant in common, his or her executors or administrators, against the other, as bailiff for receiving more than comes to his or her just share or proportion, and against the executors or administrators of such joint- tenant or tenant in common. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the auditors appointed by the court where any action of account shall be depending, shall be and hereby are empowered to administer an oath, and to exam- ine the parties on oath touching the matters in question; and for their pains and trouble in auditing and taking such account, shall have such allowance as the court shall adjudge to be reasonable, to be paid by the party in whose favour the ballance shall be found, and to be allowed to him or her in the costs to be taxed against the opposite party, where costs are recoverable. CHAP. 5. AN ACT to prevent abuses and delays in actions of replevin. PASSED the 6th of February, 1788. Be it enaeted by the People of tbe State of New Yor/e, represented in Senate and Assembly and it is bereby enacted by t/ze az/t/iority of tbe same, That if the beasts or goods or chattels of any person at any time hereafter be taken and wrongfully detained, the sheriff, by a writ of replevin to be issued out of the chancery, or upon complaint thereof to him to be made without writ, shall cause the same beasts or goods or chattels to be replevied and delivered, without let or gainsaying of the person who took them, whether they were taken within liberties or with- out, and shall summon the person who took them to appear, if the suit be by writ, at the return thereof, and if by plaint, at the next court of common pleas to be held in his county, to answer the plaintiff of the taking and unjust detention of the same beasts or goods or chattels. And if any defendant shall not appear according to such summons, then Joint ten- ancy, ac- counting in. Auditors to be sworn; al- lowance t0. Writs of replevin. 598 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 5. he or she shall be attached and if such defendant shall not appear upon the return of the attachment, then he or she shall be distrained from time to time until he or she shall appear to answer the plaintiff. A/zd Form of fart/ler, that such plaint before the sheriff shall be in writing and in the following form, “ West-Chester county, to wit, A. B. of Bedford in the sheriff- county of West Chester yeoman complains of C. D. of the manor of Pelham in the county of West Chester gentlemen of a plea of taking and unjustly detaining his beasts (or his beasts, goods and chattels, or his goods and chattels, or his certain mare or his certain silver bowl) and gives security to prosecute his said complaint and to return the same beasts, if return thereof shall be adjudged; which plaint the sheriff shall return to the next court of common pleas to be held in and for his county, in the same manner as if it was a writ of replevin returnable into the same court, and the like proceedings shall thereupon be had in the same court as may or ought to be had upon a writ of replevin. And mereezler, it shall be lawful for either party in any writ or plaint in replevin to be depending in any court of common pleas at any time before any juror is sworn or any judgment obtained to cause the writ or plaint and the proceedings thereon to be removed into the supreme court, by writ of certiorari and such proceedings shall be thereupon in the supreme court as if the suit had been originally commenced in the supreme court. Writs to be And fie z'z‘ fare/ter enacted éy Z/ze aut/wrz'z‘y aforesaid, That all writs of returnable replevin shall henceforth be made returnable in the supreme court or in to supreme 0mm or the court of common pleas in and for the county where the beasts or ‘ mmon - . gieas; goods or chattels, for the taking whereof the writ shall be brought, were Torin» taken and shall be in the form following, The people; to the sheriff; If A. B. of the city of New York merchant shall give you security to prose- cute his complaint and to return his beasts (or his beasts, goods and chattels or his goods and chattels, or his certain horse, or his certain silver tankard), which C. D. of Goshen in Orange county gentleman took and unjustly detains against gages and pledges, as he saith, if return thereof shall be adjudged; then cause the same beasts to be replevied and delivered to the aforesaid A. B. without delay and sum- mon, by good summoners, the aforesaid C. D. that he be before our justices of our supreme court (or our judges and assistant justices of our court of common pleas to be held in and for your county) at (such a place) on (such a day) to answer the aforesaid A. B. of a plea of tak~ ing and unjustly detaining the beasts aforesaid. Execution A 12d fie z'z‘fzeeZ/zer emzez‘ed fiy Z/ze az/t/zm'z'fy aferesaz'zz’, That if any person gfiggg by shall take the beasts or goods or chattels of another and drive or con- vey and put them into any house or place of strength and the person from whom the same beasts or goods or chattels shall be taken, sues for a replevin thereof by writ or plaint, the sheriff shall solemnly demand deliverance thereof at the house or place where the same are detained, and if neither the taker nor any person on behalf of such taker, shall, upon demand, deliver. the same, or if no person shall come upon such demand to deliver the same, the sheriff shall take the power of his county and break open such house or place of strength and make replevin according to the writ or plaint. Sheriff And a) 2k‘ furl/lee enacted by f/ze auZ/wrz'zj/ aforesaid, That every sheriff Zgctfiifiyo before he makes deliverance of any beasts, goods or chattels, by virtue of any writ or plaint in replevin, shall take of the plaintiff sufficient security to prosecute the suit and to return the same beasts, goods or chattels, if return thereof shall be adjudged, and if any sheriff shall take security otherwise, or neglect to take such security, he shall- answer for CHAP. 5.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 599 the price or value of the beasts goods and chattels, and the person who distraineth shall have his ,or her recovery by writ that he shall restore to him or her so many beasts, goods or chattels. And oe z'z‘fzerf/zer e/zaez‘ed oy Z/ze azef/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That if the plaintiff in any action or suit in replevin shall make default and a return of the beasts or goods or chattels is awarded to the distrainor, the sheriff shall be commanded by a judicial writ to make return of the beasts or goods or chattels unto the distrainor; in which writ it shall be expressed that the sheriff shall not deliver them without writ making mention of the judgment, which cannot be without a writ issuing out of the same court in which the matter was moved; and if the plaintiff cometh unto them and desireth replevin of the same beasts, goods and chattels, he or she shall have a judicial writ, that the sheriff, taking security for the suit th return of the same beasts, goods and chattels, or for the price or value of them, if return shall be awarded, shall deliver unto the plaintiff the beasts, goods and chattels before returned and the dis- trainor shall be attached to come and be at a certain day at the court in which the plea was moved, in the presence of the parties, and if the plaintiff make default again or for another cause return of the distress be awarded, being now twice replevied the distress shall remain irre- pleviable. But if a distress be taken of a new and for a new cause, the process aforesaid shall be observed in the same new distress. A/zd w/zereas frequent abuses have been committed in the execution of writs of replevin, by sheriffs making deliverance, notwithstanding due notice and claim of property have been interposed by the defendant or possessor; for the more effectual prevention whereof; Be 2'2‘ farz‘lzer e/zaez‘ed oy Z/ze aza/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That if at any time hereafter, on a writ or plaint of replevin, the defendant in replevin or possessor, shall claim property in the thing whereof deliverance is sought, and the sheriff, either by himself, his under-sheriff or bailiff, having due notice, shall nevertheless proceed to make deliverance, and dispossess such defendant thereof, before the claim of property shall be inquired into or tried, according to law; such sheriff, for every such offence, shall, besides being answerable to the defendant for the trespass, for- feit the sum of one hundred pounds, to be recovered by any person who shall sue for the same, in any court of record, by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information; the one moiety thereof to the use of the person who shall sue for the same, and the other moiety thereof to the use of the people of this State. And be 22‘ furl/ler e/zaez‘ed 12y Z/ze aaf/zorz'zjv aforesaid, That no distress of beasts shall be driven out of the town, manor, district or precinct where such distress is or shall be taken, except that it be to a pound- overt within the same county, not above three miles distant from the place where the said distress shall be taken, and that no beasts or goods or chattels distrained or taken by way of distress, for any cause whatso- ever, at one time, shall be impounded in several places, whereby the owner or owners of such distress shall be constrained to sue several replevins for the delivery of the said distress so taken at one time; upon pain that every person offending therein shall, for every such offence, forfeit to the party grieved ten pounds and treble damages, to be recov- ered in any court of record, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information. And a; z'z‘fart/zer erzaez‘ed a)’ f/ze aaf/zorz'fy aforesaid, That every sheriff shall in every replevin of a distress for rent, take, in his own name from the plaintiff and two sureties, a bond in double the value of the beasts or goods or chattels distrained (such value to be ascertained by the oath of one or more witnesses not interested and which oath such sheriff is and also for Proceed- ings after execution of Writ by sheriff. Trial of contro- verted title to property Distress of beasts not to be taken out of town where distress made. Distress for rent. 600 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 5. Id. Writs of replevin, etc., plead- ings in .. Sheriff’s jury to de- termine arrears of rent. hereby authorised to administer) and conditioned for prosecuting the suit with effect and without delay and for returning the beasts or goods and chattels, in case a return shall be awarded, before any deliv- erance be made of the distress; and the sheriff shall at the request and costs of the defendant, avowant or person making cognizance, assign such bond to the defendant, avowant or person making cognizance, by indorsing the same and attesting it under his hand, in the presence of two witnesses; and if the bond be forfeited the defendant, avowant, or person making cognizance, may bring an action thereupon in his or her own name, and the court may, by rule give such relief, to the parties upon such bond, as shall be agreeable to justice and such rule shall have the nature and effect of a defeazance to such bond. And a it fart/ter enacted oy t/ze ant/zorizj/ aforesaid, That wheresoever any lands, tenements or hereditaments, are or shall be held by any per- son or persons, by rents, customs or services, if the person of whom any such lands, tenements or hereditaments are or shall be held, shall dis— train upon the same lands or tenements, for any such rents; customs or services, and replevin thereof be sued, the person of whom the same lands, tenements, or hereditaments are or shall be so holden may avow, or his or her bailiff or servant make cognizance or justify, fortaking the said distress upon the same lands, tenements or hereditaments so holden, as in lands or tenements within his or her fee, alledging in the said avowery, cognizance and justification, the same lands and tenements to be holden of him or her, without naming any person certain to be ten- ant of the same and without making any avowery, cognizance or justifi- cation upon any certain person. And that the distrainor, or his or her bailiff or servant, may make avowery, cognizance or justification in like manner and form upon every writ of second deliverance. And a; it fart/ter enacted [7y t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That the plaintiffs and defendants in all writs or plaints of replevin, or writs of second deliverance and in every of them, shall and may have like pleas and like aid prayers in all such avowries, cognizances and justifications (pleas of disclaimer only excepted) as they might have had before the making of this act and as though the said avowry, cognizance, or justi- fication had been made after the due order of the common law, and that all such persons as by the common law may lawfully join to the plaintiffs or defendants in the said writs or plaints of replevin or second deliverance, as well without process, as by process shall or may from henceforth join unto the said plaintiffs or defendants, as well without process as by process, and have like pleas and like advantages in all things (pleas of disclaimer only excepted) as they might have done by the order of the common law before the making of this act. And oe it fart/cer enacted oy t/ze ant/zorizj/ aforesaid, That whensoever any plaintiff in replevin shall be nonsuit before issue joined in any suit of replevin, by plaint or writ lawfully returned, removed or depending in any court of record, the defendant, if the distress was made for rent, making a suggestion in nature of an avowry or cognizance for such rent, to ascertain the court of the cause of distress, the court, upon his or her prayer, instead of awarding a return of the distress, shall ward a writ to the sheriff of the county where the distress was taken, to inquire by the oath of twelve good and lawful men of his bailwick touching the sum in arrear at the time of such distress taken and the value of the beasts, or goods and chattels distrained, and thereupon fifteen days notice shall be given to the plaintiff or his or her attorney in court, of the sitting of such inquiry; and thereupon the sheriff shall inquire of the truth of the matters contained in such writ, by the oath of twelve CHAP. 6.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 601 good and lawful men of his county, and upon the return of such inqui- sition the defendant shall have judgment to recover against ‘the plaintiff the arrearages of such rent, in case the beasts goods and chattels dis- trained shall amount unto that value, and in case they shall not amount to that value, then so much as the value of the said beasts, goods and chattels so distrained shall amount unto, together with his or her full costs of suit, and shall have execution thereupon for the same, by capias ad satisfaciendum, fieri facias, or otherwise, as the law shall require: and in case such plaintiff shall be nonsuit after avowry or cognizance made, and issue joined, or if the verdict shall be given against such plaintiff, then the jurors impannelled or returned to enquire of such issue, shall, at the prayer of the defendant, inquire concerning the sum of the arrears and the value of the beasts or goods and chattels dis— trained, and thereupon the avowant or the person who makes cognizance shall have judgment for such arrearages or so much thereof as the beasts, goods and chattels distrained amount unto, together with his or her full costs and shall have like execution for the same as aforesaid. And fart/ter that if judgment be given upon demurrer for the avow- ant, or the person whomakes cognizance, for any rent, the court, instead of awarding a return of the distress, shall, at the prayer of the defendant, award a writ to inquire of the value of such distress, and upon the return thereof, judgment shall be given for the avowant or person who makes cognizance as aforesaid, for the arrears alledged to be behind in such avowry or cognizance, if the beasts, or goods and chattels so dis- trained shall amount to that value, and in case they shall not amount to that value, then for so much as the said beasts, or goods and chattels so distrained amount unto ' together with his or her full costs of suit and and shall have like execution for the same as aforesaid; provided always, that where the value of the beasts, goods and chattels distrained as aforesaid, shall not be found to be of the full value of the arrears dis—' trained for, the party to whom such arrears were due, his or her execu- tors or administrators, may from time to time distrain again for the res- idue of the said arrears. And be it fnrt/zer enacted and deelared by Me aat/zority aforesaid, That Distress no replevin shall lie in any case of distress for any tax, assessment or fine, fm'mx'etc' to be collected or levied in pursuance of any law of this State. And if any person or persons shall hereafter sue out or prosecute a replevin in any such case, he, she or they shall forfeit the sum of fifty pounds, to be recovered with costs of suit, in any court of record within this State, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information; the one moiety to any person who shall sue for the same and the other moiety to the people of this State. And be it fnrt/zer enaeted by t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That the act Actrecited entitled “An act to prevent the abuse of writs and plaints in replevin,” repealed’ and an act entitled “An act to prevent delays by writs of replevin in cases of distress for taxes, assessments or fines, shall be and hereby are repealed. CHAP. 6. AN ACT to prevent forcible entries and detainers. PASSED the 6th of February, 1788. Be it enaeted by t/ze People of tbe State of New York represented in Entrytobe Senate and Assembly and it is bereby enaeted by t/ze aat/zority of tbe same, ,Qgfi'tvgfig That no person or persons shall hereafter make any entry into any lands, by law. VoL. 2.— 76 602 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 6. Forcible entry, pro- ceedings in case of. Restitu- tion to party ag- grieved. Justices to remove person making forcible entry with power of the county Sheri ff‘s jury. tenements or other possessions, but in cases where entry is given by the law, and in such case not with strong hand nor with multitude of people, but only in peaceable and easly manner; and if any person from henceforth do to the contrary and thereof be duly convicted, he shall be punished by fine and imprisonment. And flfl'i/ZL’I', that at all times when such forcible entry shall be made and complaint thereof cometh to the jus— tices of the peace of the same county. or to any of them, the same jus- tices or justice shall take sufficient power of the county and go to the place where such force is made, and if they find any that hold such place, forcibly, after such entry made, the same justices or justice shall record such force and set and impose a fine, not exceeding five pounds, upon every of the said offenders, to be paid by them for their said offences to the people of this State, and cause every of them so holding by force to be taken and put into the next goal of the same county, there to abide convict by the record of the same justices or justice, until they shall have respectively paid such fine to the people of this State. And fzzrf/zer, that all the people of the county, as well the sher- iffsas others, shall be attendant upon the justices, to go and assist the same justices to arrest such offenders, upon pain of fine and imprison- ment. A/zd z‘o Z/ze end that the party aggrieved, where any person shall make any such entry by force or shall enter in peaceable manner, and after hold by force, may have restitution; Be iz‘fari/zer e/zaez‘ed by fire aai/ioriz‘y aforesaid, That where any person doth make any forcible entry into any lands, tenements or other posses- sions, or them hold forcible, after complaint thereof made within the same county where such entry is made, to the justices of the peace of the same county, or to any one of them, by the party grieved, the same justices or justice so warned, within a convenient time, shall go to the place where such force is made taking the power of the county with him, or them, if need be, and remove such force, if any there be; and shall at the costs of the party grieved, cause this act to be duly executed; and whether the persons making such entries be present or departed before the coming of the same justices or justice, the same justices or justice in some good town in the same county next to the tenements so entered or in some other convenient place, according to their discretion; shall have and either of them shall have authority and power to inquire, by the people of the same county, as well of them that make such for- cible entries into lands or tenements, as of them which the same hold with force; and if it be found before any of them that any doth con- trary to this statute, then the said justices or justice shall cause the lands, and tenements so entered or holden as aforesaid, to be reseised and shall put the party so put out, in full possession of the same lands and tenements so entered or holden as aforesaid. And if any person, after such entry into lands or tenements, holden with force, make a feoffment or other discontinuance to any person, to have maintenance or to take away and defraud the possessor of his recovey in any-wise, if after, in assize or other action thereof to be taken or pursued, in any court of record, by due inquiry thereof to be taken, the same feoffments and discontinuances be duly proved to be made for maintenance as aforesaid, then such feoffments or other discontinuances so as before made, shall be void, frustrate and holden for none. And oe ii fart/ter 6’72062‘607 oy t/ze authority aforesaid, That when the said justices or justice make such inquiries as aforesaid, they or one of them shall make a warrant or precept, to be directed to the sheriff of the same county, commanding him in the name of the people of the CHAP. 6.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 603 State of New York to cause to come, before the same justices or justice, at a certain time and place therein to be specified, not less than two days from the time of issuing thereof twenty four good and lawful men of the same county duly qualified to serve as jurors in such county on trials in the supreme court to inquire of such entries, and shall at the time of making such warrant or precept, cause a notice in writing of the issuing thereof, and of the time and place of the return thereof, to be affixed up in some public and suitable place upon the lands or tene- ments so entered or holden, or delivered to the party, against whom such complaint is made, if such party he on the premises. Arzdfz/rZ/zer, that the sheriff shall return issues upon every one of the jurors, at the day of the return of the first precept err/enty s/ziZ/izzgs and at every day after the double. And if any person who shall be indicted upon this act, before such justices or justice, shall immediately indictment, then the same justices or justice shall make a warrant or precept to be directed to the sheriff of the same county, commanding him, in the name of the people of the State of New York, to cause to to come before such justices or justice, at a certain day, not less than four nor more than eight days from the time of issuing such precept, and at a certain place therein to be specified, twelve good and lawful men of the same county, who shall be such as are or shall be qualified to serve as jurors as aforesaid, to try the same traverse, and the sheriff shall return issues upon every of them in the manner aforesaid. And if any sheriff be slack and make not execution duly of such precept to him directed to make such inquiries, or try such traverse, he shall for- feit twenty pounds, for every default, to the party grieved, to be recovered with costs of suit in any court of record in the same county where the offenee shall be committed by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information. v a A a .ML U‘Et‘v CI'Sc DLlbll. And oe ii‘ fart/ier enacted oy i/ze aat/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That no restitution Restitution upon any indictment of forcible entry or holding with force, be made to any person, or persons, if the person or persons so indicted or his or their ancestors, or those whose estate they have in such lands and to party aggrieved, when made tenements, hath or have had the occupation or hath or have been in' quiet possession, by the space of three whole years together, next be- fore the day of such indictment so found, and his, her or their estate or estates therein not ended or determined; which the party indicted shall and may alledge for stay of restitution, and restitution to stay until that be tried, if the party complaining will deny or traverse the same, and then the justices or justice before whom such indictment shall be found, shall proceed to try the same in the manner herein before directed. A 12d oe il‘farZ/zer eizaez‘ed oy Z/ze aaf/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That if the allega- tion or traverse taken or made by the person or persons indicted, be tried against the person or persons so indicted, either before the same justices or justice, or before the justices of the supreme court, or either of them, in case the proceedings be removed into the supreme court, before such trial, then and in every such case, restitution shall be awarded by the justices or justice before whom the same shall be tried or, by the supreme court, in the same manner, as if no plea or traverse had been made or put in by such persons so indicted, and the person or persons so convicted shall pay such costs and damages to the party complaining, as shall be assessed by the justices or justice before whom the same is tried, or by the supreme court, if the proceedings shall be removed into the supreme court before such trial as aforesaid ; the same costs and damages to be recovered and levied in the same manner, as costs and damages upon judgments in other actions are recovered. 604 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 7. Act, to whom to extend. Damages to party put out of possession. What offi- cers may execute powers of justices of the peace. Grantees of rever- sions, rights against lessees. And to it fnrtker enacted oy t/ze azct/zorizy aforesazdf That this act shall extend as well to tenants for vears and guardians, as to such as have estates of freehold. And oe it fart/zer enacted by the aat/zority aforesaid, That if any person be disseised or ejected, or ut out of any lands or tenements, in forcible manner or put out peaceafily and after holden out with strong hand, or after such entry any feoffinent or discontinuance in any wise thereof be made to defraud and take away the right of the possessor, the party grieved in this behalf shall have assise of novel disseisin, or a writ of trespass against such offenders ; and if the party aggrieved recover by assise or by action of trespass, and it be found by verdict, or in any other manner by due course of law, that the party defendant entered with force into the lands and tenements or them, after his entry, did hold with force, the plaintiff shall recover his treble damages, with costs of suitagainst the defendant. And to it fart/ter enacted oy t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That all mayors, recorders, justices of the peace and aldermen and sheriffs of cities, shall have, in the same cities, the like power to remove such entries and in the other articles aforesaid, arising within the same, as the justices of the peace and sheriffs have by this act in the several counties of this State. CHAP. 7. AN ACT to enable grantees of reversions to take advantage of the conditions to be performed by lessees. PASSED the 6th of February, 1788. Be it enacted ky the People of t/ze State of New York, represented in Senate and Asseinkty and it is kereoy enacted by t/ze ant/zority of t/ze same, That as well all and every person and persons and bodies politick and corporate, their heirs, successors and assigns, which have or shall have any gift, or grant, of the people of the State of New York, by any ways or means howsoever, of any manors, lands, tenements, rents or other hereditaments, or of any reversion, or reversions of the same, which did belong or appertain to any other person, or persons and have or shall by any ways or means come to the people of the State of New York, as also all other persons, being grantees or assignees to or by the people of the State of New York, or to or by any other person or per- sons and the heirs, executors, successors and assigns of every of them, shall and, may have and enjoy like advantages against the lessees, their executors administrators, and assigns, by entry for the non payment of the rent or for doing of waste or other forfeiture; and also shall and may have and enjoy all and every such like and the same advantage, benefit and remedies by action only, for not performing other condi- tions, covenants, or agrements, contained and expresed in their leases, demises, or grants against all and every the said lessees, and termers, and grantees, their executors, administrators and assigns, as the lessors or grantors themselves or their heirs or successors ought, should or might have had and enjoyed at any time or times in like manner and form as if the reversion of such lands, tenements or hereditaments had remained and continued in the same lessors or grantors or in their heirs or successors. CHAP. 8.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 605 And be it fart/ter enacted by tbe aat/zority aforesaid, That all termers, Lessee’s lessees and grantees, of manors, lands, tenements, rents or any other 2151,18? hereditaments, for‘ term of years, or life or lives, their executors, admin- agvajglfilzt istrators, and assigns, shall and may have like action, advantage and gdversion. remedy against all and every person and persons and bodies politick and corporate, their heirs, successors, and assigns, which have or shall have any gift or grant of the people of the State of New York, or of any other person or persons, of the reversion of the same manors, lands, tenement, rents or hereditaments, so letten or any parcel thereof, for any condition, covenant or agreement contained. or expressed, in their lease or leases, as the same lessees or any of them might and should have had against their lessors, and grantors, their heirs or successors; all benefits and advantages of recoveries in value by reason of any . . 16' +1 7. n I AxrnrxnQ-AA warrantee in deed or in by voucher or otncrvvisc only cxccptco. CHAP. 8. AN ACT to compel joint tenants and tenants in common to make partition and for the more easy obtaining partition of lands in coparcenary, joint tenancy and tenancy in common. PASSED the 6th of February, 1788. Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New York, represented in Writ of Senate and Assembly and it is lzereby enacted by t/ze antlzority of tbe sanze, gag-‘3191;? That all joint tenants and tenants in common, that now be or hereafter tenancy shall be, of any estate or estates of inheritance, in their own rights or 233;?- in the right of their wives, of any manors, lands, tenements or heredit- Commom aments within this State, shall and may be compelled by virtue of this act to make partition between them, of all such manors, lands, tene- ments and hereditaments, as they now hold or hereafter shall hold, as joint tenants or tenants in common, by writ of partition in that case to be devised in the court of chancery, in like manner and form as copar- ceners by the common law have been and are compelled to do, and the same writ to be pursued at the common law; but that every of the said joint tenants or tenants in common and their heirs, after such partition made, shall and may have aid of the other or of his, her or their heirs, to the intent to dereign the warranty paramount and to recover for the rate, as is used between coparceners after partition made by the order of the common law. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That all joint Id. tenants and tenants in common and every of them, who now hold or . hereafter shall hold, jointly or in common, for term of life or lives, year or years and joint tenants or tenants in common, where one or some of them have or shall have estate or estates for term of life or lives, or year or years, with the other or others, that have or shall have estate or estates of inheritance or freehold, in any manors, lands, tenements or hereditaments, shall and may be compellable from henceforth by writ of partition out of the court of chancery, upon his, her or their case or cases and to be pursued at the common law, to make severance and partition of all such manors, lands, tenements and hereditaments, which they hold jointly or in common, for term of life or lives, year or years, or where one or some of them held jointly or in common, for term of life or lives, year or years with another or others that have an estate or 606 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 8. Proceed- ings after process . Proviso in case of default. estates of inheritance or freehold ; but that no such partition or sever- ance hereafter to be made by force of this clause of this act, be, nor shall be prejudicial or hurtful to any person or persons, their heirs or successors, other than such as be parties unto the said partition their executors or assigns. And be if far/ber enacted by i/ze aat/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That after pro- cess of pone or attachment returned upon any writ of partition. between coparceners at the common law or custom, or between joint tenants or tenants in common by virtue of this act, affidavit being made by any credible person, of due notice given of the said writ of partition to the tenant or tenants to the action and a copy thereof left with the occupier or tenant or tenants, or if they cannot be found, to the wife, son or daughter, (being of the age of one and twenty years or upwards) of the tenant or tenants, or to the tenant in actual possession, by virtue of any estate of freehold, or for term of years, or uncertain interest, or at will, of the manors, lands, tenements or hereditaments, whereof the partition is demanded, (unless the said tenant in actual possession be demandant in the action) at least forty days before the day of the return of the said pone or attachment, if the tenant or tenants to such writ or any of them, or the true tenant to the messuages, lands, tenements and hered- itaments aforesaid shall not in such case within fifteen days after return of such writ of pone or attachment, cause an appearance to be entered in such court Where such writ of pone or attachment shall be returnable, then, in default of such appearance, the demandant having entered his declaration, the court may proceed to examine the demand- ant’s title and quantity of his part and purpart and accordingly as they shall find his right part and purpart to be, they shall for so much give judgment by default and award a writ to make partition, whereby such proportion, part and purpart may be set out severally; which writ being executed, after eight days notice given to the occupier or tenant or ten- ants of the premises and returned, and thereupon final judgment entered, the same shall be good and conclude all persons whatsoever, after notice as aforesaid, whatever right or title they have or may at any time claim to have, in any of the manors, messuages, lands, tenements and hered- itaments mentioned in the said judgment and writ of partition, although all persons concerned are not named in any of the proceedings nor the title of the tenants truly set forth. Provided always, that if such tenant or person concerned or either of them, against whom, or their right or title, such judgment by default is given, shall, within the space of one year after the first judgment entered or in case of infancy, coverture insane memory, or absence out of the State, within one year after his, her or their return, or the determination of such inability, apply themselves to the court where such judgment is entered, by motion, and shew good and probable matter in bar of such partition, or that the demandant hath not title to so much as he hath recovered, then in such case the court may suspend or set‘ aside such judgment and admit the tenant and tenants to appear'and plead and the cause shall proceed according to due course of law, as if no such judg- ment had been given; and if the court, upon hearing thereof, shall adjudge for the first demandant, then the said first judgment shall stand confirmed and be good against all persons whatsoever, except such other persons as shall be absent or disabled as aforesaid, and the person or persons so applying, shall be awarded thereupon to pay costs; or if within such time or times aforesaid, the tenants or persons concerned, admitting the demandants title, parts and purparts, shall shew to the court an inequality in the partition, the court may award a new partition CHAP. 8.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 607 to be made, in the presence of all parties concerned, if they will appear, notwithstanding the return and filing upon record of the former; which said second partition, returned and filed, shall be good and firm forever against all persons whatsoever, except as before excepted. And be ii‘ fart/ler erzaez‘ed by the aaZ/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That no plea in abatement shall be admitted or received in any suit for partition; nor shall the same be abated by reason of the death of any tenant. And be it fart/ler eizaez‘ed by Me aui/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That when the sheriff, by reason of distance, infirmity or any other hindrance, cannot conveniently be present at the execution of any judgment in partition, in such case the undersheriff, in the presence of two justices of the peace of the county where the lands, tenements or hereditaments to be divided do lie, shall and may proceed to the execution of any writ of partition, by inquisition in due form of law, as if the sheriff were then personally present, and the sheriff thereupon shall and is hereby enabled and required to make the same return, as if he were personally present at such execution; and in case such partition be made, returned and filed, he or they that were tenant or tenants of any of the said messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments or of any part or purpart thereof, before they were divided, shall be tenant or tenants for such part set out severally, to the respective landlords or owners thereof, by and under the same conditions, rents, covenants and reservations, where they are or shall be so divided; and the landlords and owners of the several parts and purparts so divided and allotted as aforesaid, shall warrant and make good to the respective tenants the said several parts severally, after such partition, as they are or were bound to do, by any agreement, leases or grants of their respective parts, before any partition made; and in case any demandant be tenant in actual possession to the tenant to the action, for his part and proportion or any part thereof, in the mes- suages, lands, tenements and hereditaments to be divided by virtue of a writ of partition as aforesaid, for any term of life, lives or years or uncer- tain interest the said tenant so in actual possession shall stand and be possessed of the said purparts and proportions, for the like term and under the same conditions and covenants, when it is set out severally in pursuance of this act. A 12d be iz‘farZ/zer eizaez‘ed by the aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, T hat the respective sheriffs, their under sheriffs and deputies, and in case of sickness or dis- ability of the sheriff, all justices of the peace within their respective counties, shall give due attendance to the executing such writ of parti- tion, unless reasonable cause be shewn to the court, upon oath, and there allowed of, or otherwise be liable, every of them, to pay unto the demandant such costs and damages, as shall be awarded by the court not exceeding five pounds, for which the demandant or plaintiff may bring his action in any court having cognizance thereof and recover the same, with costs; and in case the demandant shall not agree to pay to the sheriff, or under sheriff, justices and jurors, such fees as they shall respectively demand for their pains and attendance in the execution of the same, and the returning thereof, then the court shall award what each person shall receive, having respect to the distance of the place from their respective habitations, and the time they msut necessarily spend about the same; for which they may severally bring their actions as aforesaid. Pleas of abatement not, al- lowed. Under sherifi’ and justices may act where sheriff un- able to attend. Id. 608 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 9_ Actions by informers upon penal statutes. Actions to be laid in counties where of- fense com~ mitted. CHAP. 9. AN ACT to redress disorders by common informers and to pre- vent malicious informations. PASSED the 6th of Febraary, I788- Be it enacted liy t/ze People of tile State of New York represented in Senate and Asseinkly and it is kereoy enacted lry t/ze aatkority of t/ze sanze, That every informer upon any penal statute made or to be made, shall exhibit or commence his suit in proper person and pursue the same only by himself or by his attorney in court, and that no person shall be admitted or received to pursue against any person or persons upon any penal statute, but by action of debt, ‘bill, plaint or information, and not otherwise, nor shall have nor use any deputy or deputies at all and that upon every such information which shall be exhibited a special note shall be made of the very day, month, and year of the exhibiting thereof, into any office or to any officer, who lawfully may receive the same, without any manner of anti-date thereof to be made, and that the same information shall be accounted and taken to be of record from that time forward and not before. And that no process be sued out upon such information until the information be exhibited in form aforesaid. And fart/ter, that upon every process to be sued out upon any such action, bill, plaint or information, to compel the appearance of any defendant, shall be indorsed, as well the name of the party who pursueth the same pro- cess, as also the title of the statute upon which the action or informa- tion in that behalf had or made, is grounded; and that every clerk mak- ing out or issuing process contrary to the tenor and provision of this act, shall forfeit and lose three pounds for every such offence; the one half to the use of the people of this State of New York and the other half to the party against whom any such defective process shall be awarded, to be recovered with costs in any court having cognizance thereof, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information. And lie it fart/ter enacted o)» t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That in all informa- tions to be exhibited and in all bills, plaints and declarations in any action or suit to be commenced against any person or persons, either by or on behalf of the people of the State of New York, or by any other or on the behalf of the people of the State of New York and any other, for or concerning any offence committed or to be committed against any penal statute, made or to be made, the offence shall be laid and alledged to have been committed in the county where such offence was in truth committed and not elsewhere; and if the defendant to any such infor- mation, action or suit, pleadeth that he oweth nothing or that he is not guilty, and the plaintiff or informer in such information, action or suit upon evidence to the jury, that shall try such issue, shall not both prove the offence laid in the said information, action or suit and that the same offence was committed in that county, then the defendant and defend- ants shall be found not guilty. Provided always that this act or any thing herein contained shall not extend to the laying or alledging of any offence in any declaration, bill, plaint or information for or concerning any maintenance, champerty, buying of titles, imbracery or extortion, or for or concerning any matter of corrupt usury, or for or concerning any custom, duty or impost upon any goods, wares or merchandize imported or to be imported into this State; but that every such offence shall or may be laid in any county at the pleasure of any such informers. CHAP. 9.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 609 And be it fart/zer enacted by the ant/zority aforesaid, That if any inf or- Plea by mation, suit or action shall be brought or exhibited against any person defendant or persons for any offence committed or to be committed against the form of any penal law made or to be made, either by or on behalf of the people of the State of New York or by any other, or on the behalf of the people of the State of New York and any other, it shall be law- ful for such defendants to plead the general issue, that they are not guilty or that they owe nothing and to give such special matter in evi- dence to the jury that shall try the same, as if pleaded would have been a good and sufficient matter in law to have discharged such defend- ant or defendants against the said information, suit or action, and the said matter shall be as available to him or them to all intents and pur- poses, as if he or they had sufficiently pleaded, set forth or alledged the same matter in bar or discharge of such information, suit or action. And be it fnrt/ier enacted by Me antlzority aforesaid, That the like pro- Process, cess in any action, bill, plaint, information or suit, to be commenced ifr‘gge sued or prosecuted upon any penal statute made or to be made, shall pass- be had and awarded to all intents and purposes, as in an action of tres- pass with force and arms at the common law. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That if any citizen Defendant. of this State or of any of the United States of America, shall be sued 1;‘,;g;.'g°;,‘,, or informed against in the supreme court or in the court of exchequer, allowed. upon any penal law made or to be made, where such person is bailable 1,123.12‘; by law or where by the leave or favour of the court such person may “dome?- appear by attorney, then in all and every such case the person so impleaded or sued shall and may at the day and time contained in the first process, served for his or her appearance, appear by attorney of the same court where the process is returnable to answer and defend the same and shall not be urged to a personal appearance or to put in bail for the answering of such suit. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/iority aforesaid, That no jury shall Jury in be compelled toappear in the supreme court or court of exchequer for the trial of any issue, in any action, information or suit, upon any penal Utes- statute for any offence committed above thirty miles from the place where the same court shall sit, except in case where the attorney general for the time being, for some reasonable cause in that behalf to be shewed, shall require the same to be tried at the bar in either of the said courts; which request shall be noted on the back of the writ of distringas there- upon awarded, to the end the sheriff or his bailiff may and shall signify the same to the jury that are in such case impaneled. And be it f art/cor enacted by t/ze ant/eerily aforesaid, That if any person Where or persons shall sue with good faith any action popular and the defend— ant or defendants in the same action plead any manner of recovery in Pleadod in any action popular in bar of the said action or else that the same defend- bdr' ant or defendants plead that he or they before that time barred any plaintiff or plaintiffs in any such action popular, that then the plaintiff or plaintiffs in the action taken with good faith may aver that the said recovery in the said action popular was held by covin, or else aver that the said plaintiff or plaintiffs so barred was or were barred in the said action popular by covin and then if after such averment the said collu- sion or covin so averred be lawfully found the plaintiff or plaintiffs in the action sued with good faith shall recover according to the nature of the action and have execution upon the same in like manner as if no such action or recovery had been before had. Andfnrt/zer that in every such action popular, wherein the defendant or defendants shall be law- fully condemned or attainted of covin or collusion as aforesaid, every \‘0L. 2. —-77 610 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 9. Actions for penalty nub L0 be com- pounded. such defendant shall have imprisonment of two years by process of capias to be sued within the year after such judgment had or at any time after till the said defendant or defendants shall be had and imprisoned as aforesaid; and that as well at the suit of the people of the State of New York, as of every other that will sue in that behalf and such process shall and may be pursued to outlawry. And more- over no release of any common person made or to he made to any such defendant or defendants, whether before or after any action popular or indictment of the same had or commenced, or made or pend— ing the same action, shall be in any wise available or effectual to let. surcease or bar the said action, indictment, process or execution. Pro- vided always that no plaintiff or plaintiffs be in any wise received to aver any in covin an action popular, where the point of the same action or else the covin or collusion have been once tried or lawfully found with the plaintiff or plaintiffs, or against them by the verdict of twelve men and not otherwise. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by tile aut/zority aforesaid, That no informer or plaintiff in any action popular shall or may compound or agree with any person or persons who shall offend or shall be surmised to have offended, against any penal statute made or to be made for such offence committed or pretended to have been committed, but after answer made in court to the information or suit in that behalf exhibited or prose- cuted, nor after answer but by the order or consent of the court in which the same information or suit is or shall be depending. Andfart/zer, that if any such informer or plaintiff as aforesaid shall willingly delay his suit or shall discontinue or become non suit in the same, or shall have the trial or matter passed against him therein, by verdict or judg- ment of law, that then and in every such case the same imformer or plaintiff shall yield, satisfy and pay unto the party defendant, his costs, charges and damages to be assigned by the court in which the same suit is or shall be attempted ; for the recovery whereof every such defend- ant shall immediately upon the same costs, charges and damages assigned, have his execution for the same to be awarded unto him out of the same court in which the same shall be so assigned as aforesaid, as in other cases of execution. A 12d be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That if any person or person, (except the clerks of the court only for making out of process otherwise than is above appointed) shall offend in suing out of process, making of composition or other misdemeanor, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, or shall by colour or pretence of pro- cess, or without process upon colour or pretence of any matter of offence against any penal law, make any composition or take any money, reward or promise of reward for himself or to the use of any other, without the order or consent of some court of record, that then he or they so offend- ing, being thereof lawfully convicted shall forever be disabled to_ pursue or be plaintiff or informer in any suit or information upon any statute popular or penal; and shall also for every such offence, forfeit and loose the sum of forty pounds; the one half thereof to the people of the State of New York and the other half to the party grieved thereby, to be recovered with costs in any court of record, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information. And that justices of oyer and terminer, justices of goal delivery and justices of the peace in their sessions, shall have full power and authority to hear and determine all offences to be com- mitted or done contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act. Provided aizc/ays, CHAP. 10.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 611 And be it fart/zer enacted by the auz‘borizfy aforesaid, That this act t Act not 0 afl’ect shall not extend to restrain any certain person, body politic or corpo- Where pen. rate to whom or to whose use, any forfeiture, penalty or suit is or shal 1 alty not granted to be specially limited or granted, by virtue of any statute and not gener- State. ally to any person who will sue; but that every such certain person, body politic or corporate may in such case sue, inform and pursue, as he or they might have done if this act had never been made. And to prevent malicious informations in the supreme court of judicature of this State for trespasses, batteries and other misdemeanors. Be iifari/zer ezzaeied by Z/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the clerk of the supreme court, for the time being, shall not, without express order to be lap battery or other misdemeanor, or seal any process thereupon, before .W shall have delivered to him a recognizance from the person or persons procuring such information or informations to be exhibited, to be entered into, to the person or persons against whom such information or informa- tions is or are to be exhibited, with sufficient security in the penalty of twenty pounds that he she or they will effectually prosecute such informa- tion or informations, and abide by and observe such orders as the said court shall direct (which recognizance any one of the judges of the said supreme court is impowered to take); And after the taking and receipt whereof the clerk of the said court shall make an entry thereof upon record and shall file a memorandum in some public place in his office, that all persons mayresort thereunto without fee. And in case any person or persons, against whom any information or informations for the causes aforesaid, or any of them, shall be exhibited, shall appear thereunto and plead to issue, and the prosecutor or prosecutors of such information or informations shall not, at his and their own proper costs and charges, at or before the second court (in which the same might be tried) next after issue joined therein, procure the same to be tried; -or if upon such trial a verdict pass for the defendant or defendants or in case the said informer or informers procure a nolle prosequi to be entered, then in any of the said cases, the said supreme court is hereby author- ized to award to the said defendant or defendants, his or their costs, unless the judge before whom such information or informations shall be tried, shall at the trial of such information or informations in open court certify upon record that there was a reasonable cause for exhibiting the same. And in case the said informer or informers shall not, within ten days next after the said costs shall be taxed and demand made thereof, pay to the said defendant or defendants the said costs, then the said defendant or defendants shall have the benefit of the said recognizance to compel them thereunto. CHAP. 10. AN ACT tor the more effectual discovery of the death of persons‘ beyond sea or absenting themselves upon whose lives estates do depend. PASSED the 6th of February, 1788. Clerk not to file in— formation given by the said court, receive or file any information for any trespass, {In trespass ntil . an nuke-v rvUui ivy given. WHEREAs divers persons have estates for one or more life or lives, or Preamble: for one or more year or years, determinable upon one or more life or lives ; and it hath often happened that such person or persons for whose life or lives such estates are held, have gone beyond sea, or so absented themselves for many years, that the lessors, reversioners or persons in 612 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP.,ro. Person absent sev- en years deemed evidence of death. Where absent persons reappear. Life estate of minors and mar- remainder, cannot find out whether such person or persons be alive or dead; therefore ‘ Be it enacted by t/ze People of t/ze State of New Yore, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by Me ant/zority of the same, That if such person or persons, for whose life or lives such estates have been or shall be granted or held as aforesaid, shall remain beyond sea, or absent himself, herself or themselves, in this State or elswhere, by the space of seven years together, and no sufficient and evident proof be made of the life or lives of such person or persons respectively, in any action commenced or to be commenced for the recovery of such tenements, by the lessors or reversioners or other person or persons entitled to the same estate, upon the death of such person or persons, in every such case the person or persons, upon whose life or lives such estate depended shall be accounted as naturally dead; and in every action brought for the recovery of the said tenements by the lessors or reversioners, or other person or persons entitled to the same, upon the death of such person or persons, and their heirs or assigns, the judges, before whom such action shall be brought, shall direct the jury to give their verdict as if the person or persons so remaining beyond sea or otherwise. absenting himself, herself or themselves were dead. Provided always, and Be it fart/cer enacted by t/z-e ant/torily aforesaid, That if any person or persons shall be evicted out of any lands or tenements by virtue of this act, and afterwards if the person or persons upon whose life or lives such estate or estates depend, shall return again from beyond sea, or shall on proof in any action to be brought for the recovery of the same, be made appear to be living or to have been living at the time of the eviction, that then and from thenceforth the tenant or lessee who was ousted of the same, his, her or their executors, administrators or assigns, shall or may re-enter, repossess. have, hold and enjoy the said lands or tene- ments in his, her, or their former estate for and during the life or lives, or so long a term as the said person or persons, upon whose life or lives the said estate or estates depend, shall be living; and also shall upon an action or actions to be brought by him her or them, against the lessors reversioners or tenants in possession, or other persons respect- ively, which since the time of such eviction received the profits of the said lands or tenements, recover for damages, the full profits of the said lands or tenements respectively, for and from the time that he, she or they were ousted of the said lands or tenements, and kept and held out of the same by the said lessors, reversioners, tenants or other persons, who after the said eviction received the profits of the said lands or tene- ments, or any of them respectively, as well in the case when the said person or persons, upon whose life or lives such estate or estates did depend, are or shall be dead, at the time of bringing of the said action or actions, as if the said person or persons were then living. Andw/zereas divers persons, as guardians and trustees for infants, and husbands in right of their wives, and other persons having estates or interests determinable upon a life or lives, have continued to receive the rents and profits of such lands or tenements, after the determination of their said particular estates or interests; and w/zereas the proof of the death of the persons on whose lives such particular estates or interests depended, is very difficult, and several persons have been and may be thereby defrauded: for remedy whereof and for preventing such fraudu- lent practices in future, Be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That any person or persons who hath or have or shall have any claim or demand in or to L1! CHAR 10.] ELEVENTH SESSION 613 any remainder, reversion or expectancy, in or to any estate, after the ried wo- death of any person within age, married woman, or any other person or aiflinzl's‘l'o persons whatsoever, upon affidavit made 1n the court of chancery in this prevail; State, by the person or persons so claiming such estates, of his, her or JSQLMZOI. their title, and that he, she or they hath or have cause to believe that guardian‘ such infant, married woman or other person or persons, is or are dead, and that his, her or their death is concealed by such guardian, trustee, husband or any other person or persons, shall and may, once a year, if the person or persons aggrieved shall think fit, move the chancellor, for the time being, to order, and he is hereby authorized and required to order such guardian, trustee, husband or other person or persons concealing or suspected to conceal such person or persons, on whose life or lives such estate doth shall or may depend, at such time and place as the said court shall direct, on personal or other uue s rvice of such order, to produce and shew to such person or persons (not exceeding two) as shall in such order be named by the party or parties prosecuting such order, such infant, married woman or other person or persons afore- said; and if such guardian, trustee, husband or such other person or per- sons as aforesaid shall refuse or neglect to produce or shew such infant, married woman or such other person or persons on whose life or lives any such estate doth or shall depend, according to the directions of the said order; that then the said court of chancery is hereby authorised and required to order such guardian, trustee, husband or other person or persons to produce such infant, married woman or other person or persons so concealed in the said court of chancery or othewise, before commissioners to be appointed by the said court, at such time and place as the court shall direct; two of which commissioners shall be nominated by the party or parties prosecuting such order, at his, her or their costs and charges; and in case such guardian, trustee, husband or other person or persons shall refuse or neglect to produce such infant, married woman, or other person or persons so concealed, in the court of chancery, or before such commissioners, whereof return shall be made by such commissioners, and that return filed in the office of the register of the said court of chancery; then in any or either of the said cases, the said infant, married woman or such other person or persons so con- cealed, shall be taken to be dead; and it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons claiming any right, title or interest in reversion or remainder or otherwise, after the death of such infant, married woman, or such other person or persons so concealed as aforesaid, to enter upon such lands, tenements and hereditaments, as if such infant, married woman or other person or persons so concealed, were actually dead. Ana’ [w 2'! flU'Z/Ml’ marred &y 2716 auZ/zorz'ly aforesaid, That if it shall Order . appear to the said court, by affidavit, that such infant, married woman, $22,331,‘? or other person or persons, for whose life or lives such estate is holden, nobddiscov- is or are, or lately was or were, at some certain place or places beyond ere ' sea, or elsewhere out of this State, in the said affidavit to be mentioned, it shall and may be lawful for the party or parties prosecuting such order, as aforesaid, at his, her or their costs and charges, to send one or both the said persons appointed by the said order, to view such infant, married woman or other person or persons, for whose life or lives any such estate is or shall be holden; and in case such guardian, trustee, husband or other person or persons, concealing or suspected to conceal such person or persons, as aforesaid, on whose life of lives any such estate doth or shall depend, shall refuse or neglect to produce or pro- cure to be produced to such person or persons, appointed by the said order, a personal view of such infant, married woman or other person LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 10. Order where life tenant re- appears. Where guardian or husband cannot produce life tenant. Person h olding posses- sion after estate de- termined deemed trespasser. or persons, for whose life any such estate is or shall be holden, that then and in such case the person or persons appointed by such order are hereby required to make a true return of such refusal or neglect, to the said court, which return shall be filed in the office of the register of the said court and thereupon any such infant, married woman or other person or persons, for whose life or lives any such estate is or shall be holden, shall be taken to be dead; and it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons claiming any right, title or interest. in reversion, remainder, or otherwise, after the death of such infant, married woman, or other person or persons for whose life or lives any such estate is or shall be holden, to enter upon such lands, tenements and hereditaments, as if such infant, married woman, or other person or persons, for whose life or lives any such estate is or shall be holden, were actually dead. Provided always, And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That if it shall afterwards appear upon proof in any action to be brought, that such infant, married woman, or other person or persons, for whose life or lives any such estate is or shall be holden, were alive at the time of such order made, that then it shall be lawful for such infant, married woman, guardian, trustee or other person or persons, having any estate or inter- est, determinable upon such life or lives, to re-enter upon the said lands, tenements or hereditaments, and for such infant, married woman or other person or persons, having any estate or interest determinable upon such life or lives, his, her or their executors, administrators or assigns, to maintain any action or actions against those who, since the said order, received the profits of such lands, tenements or hereditaments, or their executors or administrators, and therein to recover full damages for the profits of the same received, from the time that such infant, married woman, or other person or persons having any estate or interest deter- minable upon such life or lives were ousted of the possession of such lands, tenements or hereditaments. Provided also, And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azit/zorizy aforesaid, That if any such guardian, trustee, husband or other person or persons, holding or hav- any estate or intetest determinable upon the life or lives of any other person or persons, shall, by affidavit, or otherwise, to the satisfaction of the said court, make appear, that he, she or they hath or have used his, her or their utmost endeavours to procure such infant, married woman, or other person or persons, on whose life or lives such estate or interest doth or shall depend, to appear in the said court of chancery or else- where, according to the order of the said court in that behalf made, and that he, she or they cannot procure or compel such infant, married woman or other person or persons so to appear, and that such infant, married woman or other person or persons, on whose life or lives such estate or interest doth or shall depend, is, are or were living at the time of such return made and filed as aforesaid, that it shall be lawful for such person or persons to continue in the possession of such estate and receive the rents and profits thereof, for and during the infancy of such infant, and the life or lives of such married woman, or other person or persons on whose life or lives such estate or interest doth or shall depend as fully as he she or they might haveedone, if this act had not been made. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aatborizy aforesaid, That every per- son who as a guardian or trustee for an infant, and every husband seised in right of his wife only, and every other person, having an estate determinable upon any life or lives, who after the determina- tion of such particular estates or interests, Without the express con- CHAP. 11.] ELEVENTH SESSION. sent of him, her or them, who are or shall be next and immediately entitled upon and after the determination of such particular estates or interests, shall hold over and continue in possession of any messuage, lands, tenements or hereditaments, shall be and are hereby adjudged to be trespassers; and that all and every person and persons, his, her and their executors and administrators, who are or shall be entitled to such messuages, IElIlClS, tenements or hereditaments, upon or after the deter- mination of such particular estates or interests, shall and may recover in damages against every‘ such person or persons so holding over as aforesaid, and against his her or their executors or administrators, the full value of the profits received during such wrongful possession as aforesaid. CHAP. l l . AN ACT for rendering the proceedings upon writs of mandamus and informations in the nature of quo warranto more speedy and effectual. PASSED the 6th of February, 1788. Be it enaeted by t/ze People of tile State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly and it is Izereby enaeted by t/ze ant/zority of the same, That if any mandamus shall issue out of the supreme court directed and delivered to any person or persons, who by the laws of this State are required to make a return to such writ of mandamus, such person or persons shall make his or their return to the first writ of mandamus. And be it fZN’Z/lél’ enaeted by the antborizj/ aforesaid, That from and after the passing of this act, as often as any writ of mandamus shall issue out of the said supreme court and a return shall be made thereunto, it shall and may be lawful to and for the person or persons suing or pros- ecuting such writ of mandamus, to plead to or traverse all or any the material facts contained within the said return, to which the person or persons making such return, shall reply, take issue, or demur; and such further proceedings and in such manner shall be had therein for the determination thereof, as might have been had, if the person or persons suing such writ had brought his or their action on the case for a false return; and if any issue shall be joined on such proceedings, the person or persons suing such writ shall and may try the same in such place as an issue joined in such action on the case should or might have been tried; and in case a verdict shall be found for the person or persons suing such writ, or judgment given for him or them upon a demurrer, or by nil dicit, or for want of a replication or other pleading, he or they shall recover his or their damages and costs, in such manner as he or they might have done in such action on the case as aforesaid; and such damages and costs shall and may be levied by fieri facias or capias ad satisfaciendum, as in other cases, and a premptory mandamus shall be ;ranted without delay for him or them for whom judgment shall be given as might have been, if such return had been adjudged insufficient; and in case judgment shall be given for the person or persons making such return to such writ. he or they shall recover his or their costs of suit, to be levied in manner aforesaid. Provided always, And be it fart/ler enaeted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That if any dama- ges shall be recovered by virtue of this act against any such person or persons making such return to such writ as aforesaid, he or they shall Return to mandamus Where damatres revnvered, other 616 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 11 actions barred . Usurpation of office; quo W211‘- ranto. Judgment in case quo warranto sustained. Defendant to he al— lowed time to plead. not be liable to be sued in any other action or suit, for the making such return; any law, usage, or custom to the contrarythereof notwithstand- ing. A na’ at; 2'! fart/lar marred &y the aaZ/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That in‘case any person or persons shall usurp, intrude into or unlawfully hold and exe- cute any office or franchise within this State, it shall and may be lawful to and for the attorney general, with the leave of the-said supreme court, to exhibit one or more information or informations in the nature of a quo warranto at the relation of any person or persons desiring to sue or prosecute the same who shall be mentioned in such information or informations to be the relator or relators, against such person or persons so usurping, intruding into or unlawfully holding and executing any such office or franchise, and to proceed therein in such manner as is usual in cases of informations in the nature of a quo warranto; and if it shall appear to the said supreme court that the several rights of divers persons to the same office or franchise may properly be determined on one information, it shall and may be lawful for the said supreme court to give leave to exhibit one such information against several persons in order to try their respective rights to such office or franchise; and such person _or persons, against whom such information or informations in the nature of a quo warranto shall be sued or prosecuted, shall appear and plead as of the same term in which the said information or informa- tions shall be filed, unless the said supreme court shall give further time to such person or persons against whom such information or informa- tions shall be exhibited, to plead; and such person or persons who shall sue or prosecute such information or informations in the nature of a quo warranto shall proceed thereupon with the most convenient speed that may be; any law or usage to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. Ana’ fie z'z‘ fart/m’ e/zacz‘ea’ &y 2716 aza‘fiarz'zjl aforrsaz'a’, That in case any person or persons against whom any information or informations in the nature of a quo warranto shall in any of the said cases be exhibited in the said supreme court, shall be found or adjudged guilty of an usurpa- tion or intrusion into, or unlawfully holding and executing any of the said offices or franchises, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said supreme court, as well to give judgment of ouster against such person or persons of and from any of the said offices or franchises, as to fine such person or persons respectively, for his or their usurping, intruding into or unlawfully holding and executing any such ‘office or franchise; and also to give judgment that the relator or relators in such informa- tion named, shall recover his or their costs of such prosecution; and if judgment shall be given for the defendant or defendants in such infor- mation, he or they for whom such judgment shall be given, shall recover his or their costs therein expended against such relator or relators; such costs to be levied in manner aforesaid. Ana’ [26 2'1‘ fart/lar e/zarz‘ea’ fiy f/ze aut/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said supreme court to allow to such person or persons respectively, to whom any writ of mandamus shall be directed, or against whom any information in the nature of a quo war- ran'to, in any of the cases aforesaid, shall be sued or prosecuted, or to the person or persons who shall sue or prosecute the same, such con- venient time respectively to make a return, plead, reply, rejoin or demur, as to the said supreme court shall seem just and reasonable; any thing .herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. can». 12.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 61 . CHAP. 12. AN ACT concerning ideots, lunaticks, and infant-trustees. PASSED the 6th of February, 1788. Be 2'! ezzaez‘erz’ Z51’ Z/ze Peep/e 0f Z/ze Sz‘az‘e 0f Ne7t1~ Yer/I’ represe/zz‘ea’ 2'72 Se/ztzz‘e and Arse/111%] and 2'! is hereby e/zae/ezz' by Z/ze az/l/zorz'fy 0f f/ze same, That the chancellor for the time being shall have the care and provide for the safe-keeping of all 1deots and their lands and tenements, goods and chattels, and that they may live and be competently maintained by and out of their goods and chattels, the profits of lands and tenements respectively; and that no waste or destruction of their lands or tenements be done or permitted, and such lands and tenements shall in no wise be aliened, but shall, upon the death of such ideot, descend and go to his heirs, and the residue of the said goods, chattels and profits, if there be any, shall go to and be distributed according to law, among the next of kin of such ideot. Am! [2e [2‘ furl/ter e/zczeferz’ Ziy f/ze azzZ/wrz'zj/ aferesaz'zz’, That the chan- cellor for the time being, shall have the care and provide for the safe- keeping of all lunaticks, and of their lands and tenements and goods and chattels; and that they and their houshold, if they have any, may live and be competently maintained by and out of their goods and chattels and the profits of their lands and tenements respectively, and that no waste or destruction of their lands or tenements be done or permitted and such lands and tenements shall in no wise be aliened, but shall, together with the residue, of the goods, chattels and profits, if there be any, be restored to such lunatick if he comes to his right mind; and if he dies in his lunacy, his lands and tenements shall descend and go to his heirs and the residue of the said goods, chattels and profits shall go to and be distributed according to law, among the next of kin of such lunatick. A/zrz’ w/zereas many inconveniences do and may arise, by reason that persons under the age of twenty one years, having estates in lands, tene- ments or hereditaments, only in trust for others, or by way of mortgage, cannot ttho’ by the direction of the cestuy que trust or mortgagor) con- vey any sure estate in any such lands, tenements or hereditaments to any other person or persons; for remedy whereof Be 2'! fm'Z/zer ezzaez‘ed by t/ze azrf/zerz‘z‘y aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any such person under the age of twenty one years, by the direction of the court of chancery, signified by an order made upon hearing all parties concerned, on the petition of the person or persons for whom such infant or infants shall be seised or pos- sessed in trust, or of the mortgagor or mortgagors or guardian or guardians of such infant or infants, or person or persons entitled to the monies secured by or upon any lands, tenements or hereditaments, whereof any infant or infants are or shall be seised or possessed by way of mortgage or of the person or persons entitled to the redemption thereof, to convey and assure any such lands, tenements or heredita- ments, in such manner as the said court of chancery shall, by such order, so to be obtained, direct. to any other person or persons; and such con- veyance or assurance so to be had and made as aforesaid, shall be as good and effectual in law, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as if the said infant or infants were, at the time of making such conveyance VOL. 2.—— 78 flnavr Lllbll. Court of chancery to have custody of idiots. Id., luna— ties. Convey- an cos of trust estate by infants. 618 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 14. Infant trustee may be compelled to convey. Acre de- fined. Preamble. Two JUS— tices may compel father or mother to support bastard child. or assurance, of the full age of twenty one years; any law, usage, or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. A no’ be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That all and every such infant and infants, being only trustee or trustees, mortgagee or mortgagees as aforesaid, shall and may be compelled, by such order so as aforesaid to be obtained, to make such conveyance or conveyances, assurance or assurances as aforesaid, in like manner as trustees or mort- gagees of full age are compellable to convey or assign their trust-estates or mortgages° CHAP. l 3. AN ACT for ascertaining the measure of land. PASSED the 7th of February, 1788. Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New Yor/e represented in Senate and Assembly and it is bereby enacted by t/ze az/t/zority of tbe same, That an acre of land shall contain one hundred and sixty square perches or rods; each perch or rod being in length five yards, and one half of one yard; and each yard three feet, and each foot twelve inches; so that when an acre of land shall be sixteen rods in length, it shall be ten rods in breadth. CHAP. 14. AN ACT for the relief of cities and towns from such charges as may arise from bastard children born within the same. PASSED the 7th of February, 1788. \VHEREAs bastards or children begotten and born out of lawful mat- rimony are often left to be kept and provided for at the charge of the respective cities or towns in which the same are so born, to the great burden of the same cities or towns; for remedy whereof, Be it enacted by t/ze People of t/ze State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly and it is bereby enacted by t/ze azct/zorizy of tbe same, That any two justices of .the peace of any city or of any county, one whereof residing in or near the town within which such bastard shall be born, upon examination of the cause and circumstance, shall and may by their discretion take order for the better relief of every such city or town, in part or in all, and shall and may likewise by like discretion take order for the keeping of every such bastard child by charging such mother or reputed father with the payment of money weekly, or other sustentation, for the relief of such child, in such wise as they shall think meet and convenient; and if after the same order by them subscribed under their hands, the mother or reputed father, upon notice thereof, shall not for his or her part observe and perform the said order, that then every such party so making default, in not performing the said order, shall be committed to the house of correction or (for want thereof,) to the common goal of such city or county, there to remain without bail or mainprise, except he or she shall put in sufficient surety to perform the said order, or else personally to appear at the next general sessions CHAP. 14.] ELEVENTH SESSION. (319 of the peace, to be holden in and for the city or county, where such order shall be taken; and also to abide such order as the said justices of the peace or the major part of them, in their said sessions, shall take in that behalf (if they then and there shall take any); and that if at the said sessions the said justices shall take no other order, then to abide and perform the order before made as aforesaid. And be it fnrtlzer enaeted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That if any woman shall be delivered of a bastard child, which shall be chargeable or likely to become chargeable to any city or town, or shall declare herself to be with child, and that such child is likely to be born a bastard and to be chargeable to any city or town, and shall in either of such cases, in an examination to be taken in writing, upon oath, before any one or more iistice or justices of the peace of any city or of any county, wherein such town shall lie, charge any person with having gotten her with child, it shall and may be lawful to and for such justice or justices, upon appli- cation made to him or them, by the overseers of the poor of such city or town or persons acting as such or by any one of them, to issue out his or their warrant or warrants for the immediate apprehending such person so charged as aforesaid and for bringing him before such justice or justices, or before any other of the justices of the peace of such city or county; and the justice or justices before whom such person shall be brought is and are hereby authorized and required to commit the per- son so charged as aforesaid, to the house of correction or common goal of such city or county, unless he shall give security to indemnify such city or town, or shall enter into a recognizance with sufficient surety with condition to appear at the next general sessions of the peace to be holden for such city or county and to abide or perform such order or orders as shall be made in pursuance of this act. Provided nevertbeless, And be it furt/zer enaeted by the aat/iority aforesaid, That if the woman so charging any person as aforesaid, shall happen to die or be married before she shall be delivered, or if she shall miscarry of such child, or shall appear not to have been with child at the time of her examination, then and any of the said cases such person shall, at the next general ses- sions of the peace, to be holden for such city or county, be discharged from his recognizance or immediately released out of custody by war- rant under the hand and seal or hands and seals of any one or more justice or justices of the peace of such city or of any one or more jus- tice or justices of such county, residing in or near such town. Provided also, And be it furtber enaeted by Me aat/zority aforesaid, That upon appli- cation made by any person who shall be committed to any house of correction or goal by virtue of this act or by any person in his behalf to any one or more justice or justices of such city or to any one or more justice or justices of such county, residing in or near such town, such justice or justices is and are hereby authorized and required to summon the overseer or overseers of the poor of the city or town to appear before him or them, at a time and place to be mentioned in such summons to shew cause why such person should not be discharged; and if no order shall appear to have been made in pursuance of this act, within six weeks after such woman shall have been delivered, such justice or jus- tices shall and may discharge him from his imprisonment in such house of correction or goal to which he shall have been committed. Provided always, And be it fart/zer enaeted by t/ze aut/zorizy aforesaid, That it shall not be lawful for any justice or justices of the peace to send for any woman whatsoever in order to her being examined concerning her pregnancy or 0 Proceed— lugs to determine paternity of child. Death of child_or marriage of mother to abate proceed ings. Proceed— ings to release per~ son com- mitted to jail as putative father. Woman not com- pelled to be exam— 620 LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 15. tgeedglamth supposed pregnancy until one month after she shall be delivered or to after compel any woman before she shall be delivered to answer to any ques- delivery' tion relating to her pregnancy. A/za’ av/zereas the putative fathers and lewd mothers of bastard chil- dren often run away out of the city or town and sometimes out of the county and leave the said bastard children upon the charge of the city or town where they are born, although such putative father or mother: have estate sufficient to discharge such city or town; Therefore Overseers Be it fZ/l’Z/ZEI’ e/zaetea’ by Me ant/writt’ aforesaid, That it shall and may 2 Y’ Lt‘ Ch ~ ‘ 21,381,114 be lawful for the overseers ot the poor of such city or town, where any Impefwof bastard child shall be born, to apply to any two justices of the peace of _ putative . father or the city or county where the estate real or personal or any part thereof I‘Qggllfiaw of such putative father or lewd mother may he. and by warrant under fled. the hands and seals of the said two justices (who are hereby authorized and required to issue the same) to seize and take the goods and chat- tles and to let out and receive the annual rents and profits of the lands and tenements of such putative father or lewd mother, so absconding as aforesaid, for and towards the bringing up and providing for such has- tard child so left as aforesaid; and so soon as the said seizure shall be allowed of and confirmed by the justices in their general sessions of the peace, it shall and may be lawful for the overseers of the poor of the city, town or place, or any two of them, from time to time, and as often as the case may require, to sell and dispose of so much and so many of the said goods and chattels at public vendue, to the highest bidder and to receive the said rents and profits, or so much thereof as shall be ordered by the said sessions and to apply the money arising thereby towards the bringing up and providing for such bastard child so left as aforesaid. Ana’ fm't/zer that the said overseers of the poor shall be accountable to the justices of the peace in their said general sessions, for all such monies as shall or may arise by every such sale or sales, or to be received, by them for the rents and profits of such lands or tene- ments. Suits for A no’ be it fart/zer eizaetea’ by t/ze aat/zorz'ty aforesaz'a’, That if any person 3235K or persons shall be sued for any matter or thing which he or they shall do in execution of this act, he or they may plead the general issue and give the special matter in evidence; and if a verdict shall pass for the defendant or defendants, or if the plaintiff shall be non-suited or dis- continue his suit, the defendant or defendants shall recover treble costs; and shall have the like remedy for the same as any defendant hath in other cases by law. Town. Ana’ be it flli’f/Zé’i' enaetea’ by t/ze aat/zorz'zjt aforesaid, That the term what to - - - - - compre_ town made use of 1n thls act, shall be descriptive of, equivalent to and hend- be understood to comprehend, borough, township, town, manor, parish, district, precinct and place, respectively. CHAP. 15. AN ACT concerning apprentices and servants. PASSED the 6th of February, 1788. Agreement by appren- Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New York represented in ‘glcfcg’ftt Senate ana’ Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by file: authority of the same, same town That no master or mistress or other person or persons shall, after the 33525?“ passing of this act, compel or cause any apprentice or journeyman, by 'CHAP. 15.] ELEVENTH SESSION. oath or bond, heretofore made or hereafter to be made, or otherwise, that he or she, after his or her apprenticeship or term expired, shall not set up keep or occupy any shop, house, or cellar, and therein use or exercise such his or her said art, craft, mystery, profession, trade, employment or manual occupation, nor by any means exact or take, of any such apprentice or any journeyman, nor any other, setting up, occupying, using or exercising for him or themselves, nor of any other persons for them, after his or their said years or term expired, any sum of money or other thing whatsoever, for using or exercising the same, upon pain to forfeit, for every time that they or any of them shall offend contrary to this act, the sum of forty pounds; the one half thereof to- the people of this State and the other half to such person or persons as will sue for the same; to be recovered with costs of suit by action of debt, bill, plaint or infori'nation, in any court of record having cogni- zance thereof; and that all and every bond or other security given or entered into, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act shall be void. Ana’ w/zereas doubts have arisen whether any person within the age of twenty one years and bounden to serve, as a clerk, apprentice, or se'r- vant, shall be holden, accepted and taken as a clerk apprentice or ser- vant ; for removing such doubts, Be it furf/zer e/zaez‘ea’ by t/ze az/f/wrz'zy aferesaz'a’, That all and every such person or persons, that at any time or times hereafter shall be bounden by indenture, of his or her own free will and accord and by and with the consent of his or her father, or in case of the death of his or her father, by and with the consent of his or her mother, or guardian, to be expressed in such indenture, and signified by such parent or guardian sealing and signing the same indenture, and not otherwise, or by the justices and overseers of the poor, as is herein after directed and prescribed, to serve as a clerk, apprentice or servant in any art, craft, mystery, science, profession, trade, employment, manual occupation orElabour, in manner and form aforesaid, until he or she shall be of the age of twenty one years, or for any shorter time, although the same clerk, apprentice or servant shall be within the age of twenty one years, at the time of making of his or her indenture, shall be bounden to serve for the years or term in his or her inclentures contained, as amply and largely, to every intent, as if the same clerk, apprentice or servant was of full age, at the time of making such indenture; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding; pros/idea’ always that any child of any Indian woman shall not be so bound or indented as afore- said, except in the presence 8: with the consent ofa justice of the peace, a certificate of such consent being also signed by the justice 8: filed with the clerk of the town or place in which such indenture shall be executed. Am! be 2'! furZ/zer eizaez‘ea’ by z‘be auflzerz'ly afbresaz'a’, That it shall and may be lawful for the overseers of the poor of any city or town within this State, by and with the consent of the justices of the peace of the same county or any two of them, residing in or near such town or in the cities of New York, Albany and Hudson, by and with the con- sent of the mayor, recorder and aldermen or any two of them, to bind out any child who is or shall be chargeable or whose parents are or shall become chargeable to the city or town wherein they respectively inhabit, or who shall beg for alms, to be apprentices or servants, accord- ing to their degree and ability, where they shall see convenient, till such child or children, if male, shall respectively arrive or come to the age of twenty one years, and if female to the age of eighteen years; and that the indentures or articles of agreement, for binding any such infant, Apprentice bound by agreement to serve, although a. minor. Binding out of children by over- seers of the poor. 622 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 15. Proceed- ings Where apprentice or servant refuses to serve. Age of in fant bound to be in- serted in indenture. Money con- sideration to be in- serted in indenture. Indenture not con~ forming to this act to be void against apprentice or servant. Agreement not voided because not in- dented. shall be as effectual to all intents and purposes as if such infant were of full ageand by indenture of covenant bound him or herself. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That if any person, who shall bind him or herself, by and with the consent of his or her parent or other guardian, as aforesaid, or who shall be bound by the overseers of the poor and justices or mayor or recorder and aldermen or any two of them, as aforesaid to serve, as an apprentice or servant in the manner in this act above directed and prescribed, shall refuse so to do, that then, upon complaint of the master or mistress, to whom such apprentice or servant is or shall be bound as aforesaid, to one justice of the peace of the county wherein the said refusal is or shall be made, or to the mayor or recorder or any one of the aldermen of any city, if any such refusal shall be there, they and each of them shall have full power and authority by this act, by warrant under hand and seal, or otherwise, to send for the same person so refusing; and the said justice or the said mayor or recorder or alderman respectively, shall have power and authority, by virtue of this act, if the said person refuse to serve, as an apprentice or servant, to commit him or her unto ward in the bridewell or house of correction if any there be, or if there be no bridewell or house of correction, in the gaol of the city or county wherein such refusal shall take place, there to remain until he or she be contented and will serve as an apprentice or servant should serve, according to the true intent and meaning of this act. And to the end that the time of the continuance of the service of such apprentice or servant may the more plainly and certainly appear, the age of every such infant so to be bound apprentice or servant, shall be mentioned and inserted in his or her indentures; and where the binding is by the overseers of the poor, by and with the consent of two justices of the peace, or mayor, recorder and aldermen as aforesaid, the same justices of the peace or mayors, recorders and aldermen shall, as fully as they can, inform themselves of such infant’s age, and from such information shall insert the same in the said indentures; and the age of such infant so inserted and mentioned in the said indentures (in relation to the continuance of his or her service) shall be taken to be his or her true age, without any further proof thereof. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That all and every sum and sums of money which shall be given, paid, contracted or agreed for, with or in relation to every clerk or apprentice, which shall, after the passing of this act, be put or placed to or with any master or mis- tress, to learn any art, craft, mystery, science, profession, trade, employ- mentor manual occupation, shall be inserted in the indentures so to be executed by such clerk or apprentice as aforesaid. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze ant/zority aforesaid, That all inden- tures, covenants, promises and bargains, of or .for the having taking or keeping of any clerk or apprentice hereafter to be made or taken, other- wise than is by this act limited, ordained and appointed, shall be clearly void in law to all intents and purposes as against such clerk or appren- tice only. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid That no deed, contract, agreement or writing, whatsoever made or to be made for binding any person as a clerk, apprentice or servant as aforesaid, after the passing of this act, shall be deemed or adjudged to be void and of no effect by reason or on account of such deed, contract, agreement, or writing not being indented only. And n/bereas the emigration of poor persons from Europe hath con- duced greatly to the settlement of this State, while a colony; and CHAP. 15.] ELEVENTH SESSION. whereas doubts have arisen tending to the discouragement of further importation of such poor persons; therefore be it fart/zer enacted by file ant/zority aforesaid, That every contract already made or hereafter to be made by any infant or other person, coming from beyond sea, executed in the presence of two witnesses and acknowledged by the servant, before any mayor, recorder, alderman or justice of the peace, shall bind the party entering into the same, for such term and for such services as shall be therein specified: And that every assignment of the same, exe- cuted before two credible suscribing witnesses, shall be effectual to trans- fer the same contract for the residue of the term therein mentioned. But that no contract shall bind any infant longer than until his or her arrival to the full age of twenty one years; excepting such as are or shall be bound in order to raise money for the payment of their pas- sages, who may be bound until the age of twenty four years, provided the term of such service shall not exceed four years in the whole. And be it fart/zer enaeted by t/ze ant/writ)» aforesaid, That if any mas- ter or mistress shall be guilty of any misusage, refusal of necessary pro- visions, or cloathing, cruelty or other ill treatment, so that his or her said clerk, apprentice, or servant shall have any just cause to complain or the said clerk, apprentice or servant be guilty of any misdemeanor, miscarriage or ill behaviour, or do not his or her duty to his or her master or mistress, then the said master or mistress, or the said clerk apprentice or servant, being aggrieved and having just cause of com plaint, shall repair unto one justice of the peace within the county or to the mayor or recorder or any one of the aldermen of the city where the said master or mistress dwelleth, who shall by his wisdom and discre tion, take such order and direction between the said master or mistress and his or her clerk, apprentice or servant, as the equity of the cause shall require; and if for want of a good conformity in the said master or mistress, or clerk, apprentice or servant, the said justice of the peace, or mayor, recorder or alderman, cannot compound or agree the matter between such master or mistress, and his or her clerk, apprentice or servant, then the said justice or the said mayor, or recorder, or alder- man, shall take a recognizance of the said master or mistress, in such sum as he shall think proper, to appear at the next general sessions of the peace, then to be holden in the said county or city, where the said master or mistress doth reside, and upon his or her appearance and hearing of the matter before the justices, at the said general sessions of the peace, if it be thought meet unto them, to discharge the said clerk, apprentice or servant of his or her clerkship, apprenticeship or service, that then the said justices or three of them at the least, shall have power, by virtue of this act, by rule or order of the said court, to discharge the said clerk, apprentice or servant of his or her clerkship, apprenticeship or service, and to order all such part of such sum and sums of money, as shall have been given, paid, contracted or agreed, for, with or in rela- tion to every such clerk, apprentice or servant, as they shall judge meet and proper, to be refunded and paid back, to the person or persons who paid the same, his or her executors or administrators: And that such order so entered in ‘the minutes of the said court shall be a suffic- ient discharge for the said clerk, apprentice or servant against his or her master or mistress and his or her executors and administrators, the said indenture or any law or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. And if the default shall be found to be in the clerk, apprentice or ser- vant, then the said justices shall cause such due correction and punish- ment to be administered unto him or her, as by their wisdom and dis- cretion shall be thought meet. Contracts of service by immi- grants. M isusage by master. 6124 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 15. Differences between master and apprentice, how set- tled. Offending apprentice may be committed to jail. Apprentice compelled to make up time lost by absence after arriv- ing at full age. And whereas in some cases, as well by reason of the distance of the place of residence of thesaid masters or mistresses, from the places where the respective courts of general sessions of the peace are holden, as for other causes, it is very inconvenient that the final decision of dif- ferences between masters and mistresses and their apprentices or ser- vants, should be deferred till the setting of the next general sessions of the peace for the city or county, wherein such master or mistress reside; For remedy whereof, be it farther ehaeted [y the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful, to and for any three or more ju-stices in any county or for the mayor recorder and aldermen, or any three or more of them, upon any complaint or application, by any apprentice or servant, upon whose binding out no sum of money was paid, touching or concern- ing any misusage refusal of necessary provision or cloathing cruelty or other ill treatment, of or towards such apprentice or servant, by his or her master or mistress, by precept under their hands and seals, to summon such master or mistress to appear before such justices, or such mayor, recorder and aldermen, or any two or more of them, at areasonable time and place to be named in such summons; and such justices, mayor, recorder'and aldermen, shall and may examine into the matter of such complaint; and upon proof thereof made upon oath, to their satisfac- tion; (whether the master or mistress be present or not, if service of the summons be also upon oath proved), the said justices, or mayor, recorder and aldermen may discharge such apprentice or servant, by warrant, or certificate under their hands and seals; for which warrant or certificate no fee shall be paid. And be it farther enacted by the authority aforesaid That it shall and may be lawful to and for such justices, or mayor, recorder and alder- men, or any two or more of them, upon application or complaint made, upon oath, by any master or mistress, against any such apprentice or servant, touching or concerning any misdemeanor, miscarriage, or ill behaviour, in such his or her service, to hear, examine and determine the same, and to punish the offender, by commitment to the house of correction (if any there be) or to the common gaol of the county or city, thereto remain and be corrected and held to hard labor for a reasonable time, not exceeding one kalender month, or otherwise by discharging sucn apprentice or servant, in manner and form before mentioned. Aha’ zclhereas, many persons are taken as apprentices or servants, when they are very young, and for several years of their apprentice- ships or service, are rather a burthen, than otherwise, to their masters or mistresses: A/zd whereas it frequently happens that such apprentices or servants, when they might be expected to be useful to their masters or mistresses, absent themselves from their service: And whereas the laws in being are not sufficient to prevent these inconveniences: For remedy whereof: Be it farther e/zaeted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the passing of this act, if any apprentice or servant shall absent him or herself, from his or her masters or mistress’s service, before the term of his or her apprenticeship or service shall be expired, every such apprentice or servant shall, at any time or times thereafter, whenever he or she shall be found_,'be compelled to serve his or her said master or mistress, for double the time he or she shall have so absented him or hereself from such service, unless he or she shall make satisfac- tion to his or her master or mistress for the loss he or she shall have sustained by such absence from his or her service; and so from time to time, as often as any such apprentice or servant, shall, without leave of his or her master or mistress, absent himself or herself from his or her service, before the term of his or her contract shall be fullfilled. CHAP. 16.] ELEVENTH SESSION. Provided always and be ii‘ furz‘lzer enacted by fire aziz‘lzorizy aforesaid, That nothing in this clause of this act shall extend to any apprentice, whose master or mistress shall have received with such apprentice any sum or sums of money to learn such art, craft, mystery, profession, trade or employment. And also that no apprentice or servant shall be com- pelled to serve for any time or term or to make any satisfaction to any master or mistress, after the expiration of three years, next after the end of the term for which such apprentice or servant, shall have contracted to serve; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided also and be iz‘ fz/rz‘lzer e/zaez‘ed by Me am‘lzorizy aforesaid, That if any person or persons shall think himself, herself or themselves, aggrieved, by such determination, order or warrant of such justice or justices, mayor or recorder and aldermen as aforesaid, (except an order of commitment) he, she or they may appeal to the next general sessions of the peace, to be holden in and for the county, city or place where such determination or order shall be made; such person or persons giving six days notice of his, her or their intention of bringing such appeal and of the cause and matter thereof, to such justice or justices of the peace, mayor, recorder or aldermen and the parties concerned, and entering into a recognizance, within three days after such notice, before some justice of the peace or the mayor, or recorder or one of the aldermen for such county, city or place, with sufficient surety, con- ditioned to try such appeal at, and abide the order or judgment of, and pay such costs as shall be awarded by, the justices at such general ses- sions: \Vhich said justices at their said sessions, upon due proof, upon oath, of such notice being given and of entering into such recognizances as aforesaid, shall and are hereby empowered and directed to proceed in and hear and finally determine the causes and matters of all such appeals and to give and award such costs to any of the respective parties, appellant or respondent, as they in their discretion shall judge proper and reasonable, not exceeding four pounds; the same to be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of such person or persons, against whom such determinations shall be made, and that their judge ments and orders theirin shall be final and conclusive to all parties con- cerned. Provided also aazd be ilfari/zer marred by f/ze az/f/zorizjr aforesaid, That no writ of certiorari or other process shall issue or be issuable to remove into the supreme court any proceedings whatsoever had in pursuance of this act, before any justice or justices of the peace, mayor or recorder, or alderman, or any of them, or before any court of general sessions of the peace, until after determination and final judgment therein had by, or in such court of general sessions of the peace. CHAP. 16. AN ACT against buying and selling of offices. PASSED the 7th of February, I788. For the avoiding of corruption in officers and to the intent that per- sons worthy and meet to be advanced to places where justice is to be administered, or any service of trust executed and no other should here- after he preferred to the same ; Be iz‘ e/zaez‘ed by l/ze People of tbe Sz‘afe of New York represented in Seizaz‘e 59’ Assembly and it is bereby elzaez‘ed by t/ze aaf/zorily of the same, That if any person or persons, at any time VOL. 2.—79 Appeals from deter- min ation of justice. Certiorari to supreme court not to issue until judg- ment by general sessions. Penalty for buying or selling offices. LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 16. Official acts of person convicted not affected hereafter bargain or sell any office or offices, or deputation of any office or offices,'or any part or parcel of any of them, or receive, have or take any money, fee, reward or any other profit directly or indirectly or take any promise, agreement, covenant, bond or any assurance, to receive or have. any money, fee or reward or other profit directly or indirectly for any office or offices or for the deputation of any office or offices, or any part of them, or to the intent that any person should have, exercise or enjoy any office or offices, or the deputation of any office or offices or any part of any of them, then all and every such person and persons who shall so bargain or sell any such office or offices, deputation or deputations, or who shall take any money, fee, reward or profit for any such office or offices, deputation or deputations of any such office or offices. or any part of any of them, or who shall take any promise, agreement, cove- nant, bond or assurance for any money, fee, reward or profit to be given for any such office or offices, deputation or deputations, of any such office or offices, or any part of any of them, shall not only lose and for- feit all his and their right and estate which such person or persons shall then have of, in or to such office or offices, deputation or deputations, or any part of any of them, or of in or to the gift or nomination of such office or offices, deputation or deputations, for the which office or offices, or for the deputation or deputations of which office or offices, or for any part of any of them, any such person or persons shall so make any such bargain or sale, or take or receive any sum of money, fee, reward or profit or any promise, agreement, covenant, bond or assurance to have or receive any money, fee, reward or profit: But also all and every such person or persons who shall give or pay any sum of money, reward or fee, or shall make any promise, agreement, covenant, bond or assurance for any such office or offices or for the deputation or deputations of any such office or offices or any part of any of them shall immediately, by and upon the same fee money or reward given or paid, or upon any such promise, agreement, covenant, bond or assurance had or made for any fee, sum of money or reward to be paid or given as aforesaid be adjudged a disabled person in the law to all intents and purposes, to have, exercise and enjoy the said office or offices, deputation or deputa- tions, or any part of any of them, for the which such person or person shall so give or pay any sum of money, fee or reward or make any promise agreement covenant bond or other assurance to give or pay any sum of money fee or reward. Andfzzrt/zer that all and every such bar- gains, sales, promises, agreements, covenants, bonds, and assurances as be before specified shall be void to and against him and them by whom any such bargain, sale, promise, agreement, covenant, bond or assurance shall be had or made. ' Pro-vided always and be it fart/cer enacted by Me al/t/zority aforesaid, That if any person or persons do offend in any thing contrary to the tenor and effect of this statute, yet notwithstanding all judgments given, and all other act and acts executed or done by any such person or per- sons so offending by authority or colour of the office or deputation which ought to be forfeited or not occupied or not enjoyed by the person so offending as aforesaid, after the said offence so by such person committed or done and before, such person so offending for the same offence be removed from the exercise, administration and occupation of the said office or deputation, shall be and remain good and sufficient in law, to all intents, constructions and purposes in such like manner and form as the same should or ought to have remained and been, if this statute had not been made. CHAP. 17.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 627 CHAP. 17. AN ACT for preventing and punishing perjury and subornation of perjury and for compelling the attendance of witnesses. PASSED the 7th of February, r788. Be it enaeted by t/ze People of Me State of Mao York, represented in Senate and Assembly and it is lzereby e/zaeted by t/ze authority of tbe same, That all and every person and persons who shall unlawfully and cor- ruptly procure or suborn any witness or witnesses, by letters, rewards, promises, menaces, threats, or by any other sinister or unlawful labour or means whatsoever, to commit any wilful and corrupt purjury, in any matter or cause whatsoever, now depending, or which hereafter shall 'depend, in suit and variance, by any writ, action, bill. complaint, infor- mation or indictment, in any wise touching or concerning any lands, tenements or hereditaments, or any goods, chattels, debt, damages or offence, in the court of chancery, or in the court of admiralty, or in the court of probates, or in any court of record, or before any justice of the peace, mayor, recorder, or alderman, or shall unlawfully and corruptly procure or suborn any witness or witnesses who shall be sworn to testify in perpetuam rei memoriam, that then every such offender shall for his or her said offence, being thereof lawfully convicted or attainted, lose and forfeit the sum of one hundred pounds. And if any such offender being so convicted or attainted as aforesaid, shall not have any goods or chattels, lands or tenements to the value of one hundred pounds, that then every such person so being convicted or attainted of any of the offences aforesaid, shall, for his said offence, suffer imprisonment for the space of six months, without bail or mainprize, and shall stand upon the pillory the space of one whole hour in some town or public place in the county or city where the offence was committed. Andfart/ier, that no person being so convicted or attainted shall thenceforth be ieceived as a witness to depose or be sworn in any matter or cause whatsoever, until the judgment given against him or her shall be reversed, by attaint or otherwise. And be it fart/ler enaeted by Me aat/iority aforesaid, That if any person, either by the subornation, unlawful procurement, sinister persuasion, or means, of any other or by his or her own act, consent or agreement, wilfully and corruptly commit any manner of wilful perjury, by his or her deposition in any of the courts aforesaid, or before any person or persons having competent authority to take the same and administer such oath, or on being examined in perpetuam rei memoriam, then he or she so offending and being thereof duly convicted or attainted, shall, for his or her said offence, lose and forfeit one hundred pounds and be imprisoned six months without bail or mainprise. And such person so offending from thenceforth shall not be received as a witness to depose or be sworn in any matter or cause whatsoever, until the judgment given against him or her shall be reversed by attaint or otherwise. Andfar- t/zer, if any such offender being so convicted or attainted as aforesaid, shall not have any goods or chattels, lands or tenements to the value of one hundred pounds, that then every such offender so being convicted or attainted shall be set on the pillory for the space of one hour in some town or public place in the same county or city where the said offence shall be committed. Suborna- tion of perjury, penalty for Perjury, penalty for Perj urer disqualifiea as witness. 628 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 17. Forfeiture, one moiety to prose- cutor. What to be set forth in indictment Id Court to direct prosecu- tions for perjury. Penalty for default by witnesses. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That one moiety of the said forfeiture shall be to the use of the people of this State and the other moiety to such person or persons as shall be grieved, hindered or molested by reason of any the offence or offences aforesaid, who will sue for the same, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information in any court of record. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in every information or indictment to be prosecuted against any person for wil- ful and corrupt perjuty, either at the common law, or upon this act, it shall be sufficient to set forth the substance of the offence charged upon the defendant and by what court, or before whom, the oath was taken (averring such court or person or persons to have a competent authority to administer the same) together with the proper averment or averments to falsify the matter or matters wherein the perjury or perjuries is or are assigned, without setting forth the bill, answer, information, indictment, declaration or any part of any record or proceedings, either in law or equity, other than as aforesaid, and without setting forth the commis- sion or authority of the court or person or persons, before whom the perjury was committed; any law, usage or custom to the contrary not- withstanding. Aud be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in every information or indictment for subornation of perjury or for corrupt bargaining or contracting with others to commit wilful and corrupt per- jury, either at the common law, or upon this act, it shall be sufficient to set forth the substance of the offence charged upon the defendant, with- out settmg forth the bill, answer, information, indictment, declaration or any part of any record or proceedings, either in law or equity, and without setting forth the commission or authority of the court or person or persons, before whom the perjury was committed, or was agreed or promised to be committed; any law usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. A 12d be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any of the justices of the supreme court, either at the supreme court or any of the circuit courts or justices assigned to hear and determine, or justices of goal delivery and they are hereby author- ized, setting the court, or within twenty four hours after, to direct any person examined as a witness upon any trial before him or them, to be prosecuted for the said offence of perjury, in case there shall appear to him or them a reasonable cause for such prosecution and that it shall appear to him or them proper so to do, and to assign the party injured or other person undertaking such prosecution, counsel who shall and are hereby required to do their duty without any fee, gratuity or reward for the same, and every such prosecution so directed as aforesaid, shall be carried on without payment of any fees in court or to any officer of the court, who might otherwise claim or demand the same, and the clerk or other proper officers who shall be attending when such prosecution is directed, shall and is hereby required, without any fee or reward, to give the party injured or other person undertaking such prosecution, a certificate of the same being directed, together with the names of the counsel assigned him by the court; which certificate shall in all cases be deemed sufficient proof of such prosecution having been directed as aforesaid: ‘But that no such direction or certificate shall be given in evidence upon any trial to be had against any person upon a prosecu- tion so directed as aforesaid. A 12d be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any person upon whom any process out of any of the courts of record within this CHAP. 1a] ELEVENTH SESSION. 629 State shall be served to testify or depose concerning any cause or mat- ter depending in any of the same courts and having tendered to him or her, according to his or her degree or calling, such reasonable sums of money, for his'or her costs and charges, as, having regard to the distance of the place, is necessary to be allowed in that behalf, do not appear according to the tenor of the said process, not having a lawful and rea- sonable let or impediment to the contrary, then the person making default shall lose and forfeit, for every such offence, the sum of twenty pounds and shall yield further recompence to the party grieved accord- ing to the loss and hindrance which the party who procured the said process, shall sustain by reason of the non-appearance of such witness; the said several sums to be recovered by the party so grieved against the offender by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information in any court, of record, with costs of suit. CHAP. IS. AN ACT for preventing and punishing champerty and mainte_ nance. PASSED the 7th of February, I788. Be ii‘ e/zaez‘ed by z‘lze People of [be Slaz‘e of JVea'I Yor/e revrese/zz‘ed in Seville and Assembly, and ii‘ is lzereby e/zaeied by file aaz‘liorizy of the same, That no officenor any other person shall take upon him any business that is or may be in suit in any court for to have part of the thing in plea or demand; and no person upon any such covenant or agreement shall give up his right to another and if any do, such conveyance cove- nant and agreement shall be void. A/zdfarZ/zer, that all and every per- son and persons who shall maintain any plea, suit or matter depending or hereafter to be depending in any court, for lands, tenements or other things, for to have part or profit thereof, shall be punised by fine or imprisonment: But this act shall not prohibit any person to have coun— sel of pleaders or men learned in the law for his fee or of his parents and next friends. And be ii‘ fari/zer enacted by file az/i/zorizfy aforesaid, That neither the chancellor, the justices of the supreme court, the president of the senate, senators, officers of the court of chancery, clerks or other officers, judi- cial or ministerial, or any or either of them, shall take or receive any land or tenements in fee, by gift, or by purchase, or to farm, or by champerty, or otherwise, so long as the thing is in plea in any court, nor shall take any reward thereof, and he who doth the contrary, either by himself, or by any other, or makes any bargain concerning the same, shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, as well he that purchaseth, as he that doth sell. And it is bereby deeiared by Me azii/zorizy aforesaid, That all such as confederate or bind themselves by oath, covenant, agreement or other alliance, that every of them shall aid and bear the other, falsely and maliciously to indict or cause to be indited any person or persons or falsely to move or maintain any plea or suit, and such as maliciously cause children within age to appeal men of felony, whereby they are imprisoned and grieved, as such as retain men in the country with liv- eries or fees for to maintain their malicious enterprises, as well the takers as the givers are properly to be called conspirators. And such Person not to prose- cute action for share of demand. Court offi- cers not to urchase ands of which title is in suit. Conspira- tors and champer— tors der fined. 630 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 18. Process against oonspi ra- tors, in- ventors and m ain- tainors. Penalty for main- taining quarrels. Actions for malicious ind ict- ments or appeals. Penalty for malic- ious appeal of murder or other felony. as move pleas and suits or cause them to be moved, either by their own procurement or by others and sue them at their own proper costs, for to have part of the land or thing in variance, controversy or demand, or part of the gains, are properly to be called champertors. Ami [2e 2'! fzerZ/zer e/zezez‘ed éy Z/ze azel/zorz'l‘y aferesczz'd, That whosoever will complain of conspirators, inventors, and maintainors of false quar- rels and the paitakers thereof, may cause them to be attached that they be before the people of the State of New York to answer unto the plain- tiffs, by a writ out of the chancery in form following; the people of the State of New York to the sheriff greeting; we command you that if A. of G. shall make you secure of prosecuting his complaint, then put by gage and safe pledges C. of D. that he be before us on the third Tues- day of january next, wheresoever we shall then be, to answer the afore- said A. of a plea of conspiracy and trespass, according to our ordinance thereof lately provided, as the same A. can reasonably shew that he ought to answer unto him thereof; and have you there the names of the pledges and this writ. Ami fzerZ/zer that if any person shall prosecute by bill without writ, the court shall do right to the plaintiff without delay. Aim’ &e if furt/zer emzefea’ {2}) Me azzt/zerz'z‘y aferesaz'd, That no person whosoever great or small, either by himself or by any other, by sending letters or otherwise, shall take upon him to maintain quarrels other, than his own, nor parties in the country or elswhere, to the let and disturbance of law upon pain of being punished by fine or imprison- ment, and to lose his office if he be an officer. A 1m’ [2e 2'! fzeri/zer e/zaez‘ea’ a)! the az/Z/mrz'zj) aforesaid, That every citizen of this State, who shall maliciously be indicted or appealed, of or for any treason, felony or trespass, by any indictment or appeal before the justices of the supreme court, or before justices assigned to hear and determine, or before justices of the peace, or before any other having power to take such indictments or appeals, and who shall be then dwell- ing in any other county than where such indictment or appeal shall be taken, and who shall afterwards be duly acquitted thereof by verdict, shall after such acquittal have a writ and action upon his case against every procurer of such indictment or appeal, and like process shall be upon and in the same writ, as in a writ of trespass done with force and arms, and if such procurer be convicted in this behalf the plaintiff shall recover his treble damages. A 12a’ fie z'z‘ fm'Z/zer emzez‘ed 12y Z/ze azet/zorz'z‘y ezferesezz'd, That if any per- son or persons through malice, intending to grieve another, do procure false appeals to be made of murder or other felony, when the party appealed doth acquit himself, in any court having cognizance thereof, in due manner, either at the suit of the appellor or at the suit of the people of this State, the justices, before whom the appeal shall be heard and determined, shall punish the appellor by fine or imprisonment and the appellor shall also restore to the party appealed, his or her damages according to the discretion of the justices, having respect to the impris- onment or arrestment that the party appealed hath sustained by reason of such appeal, and to the infamy he or she hath incurred by the impris- onment or otherwise. And if such appellor be not able to recompence the damages, it shall be inquired by whose abetment or malice the appeal was commenced, if the party appealed desire it, and if it be found by the same inquest, that any person is abettor through malice, he shall be distrained by a judicial writ at the suit of the party appealed to come before the justices, and if he be lawfully convicted of such malicious abetment, he shall be punished by fine or imprisonment and restitution of the damages as above is said, of the appellor. CHAP. 18.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 631 And zv/zereas many persons having right and true title, as well to lands, tenements and rents, as to recover in personal actions, be wrongfully prevented or delayed of their right and action by means that the occu- piers or defendants, in order to be maintained and sustained in their wrong, do make gifts and conveyances of their lands and tenements, which be in debate and of their goods and chattels to others : There- fore Be it fart/ler enaeted by Me ant/zority aforesaid, That all such gifts and conveyances so made or to be made, by fraud or for maintenance. shall be void and holden for none. And be it fart/ler enaeted by t/ze antboritv (U‘oresaid, That no person or persons shall from henceforth bargain, buy, sell or convey, or by any ways or means, obtain, get or procure, any pretended rights or titles or make or take any promise, grant or covenant to have any right or title of any person or persons, in or to any manors, lands, tenements or hereditaments, unless such person or persons, who shall so bargain, sell, grant or convey, or covenant, or promise the same, or their ancestors or those by whom he she or they claim the same, have been in the possession of the same, or of the reversion or remainder thereof, or taken the rents or profits thereof, by the space of one whole year next before the said bargain, sale, grant, conveyance, covenant or promise made, upon pain that he or she who shall make any such bargain, sale, grant, conveyance, covenant or promise, shall forfeit the whole value of Convey- ances of disputed lands de— clared void. Purchase and sale of pretended titles. the lands tenements or hereditaments so bargained, sold, granted, con- _ veyed, covenanted or promised contrary to the form of this act; and the buyer or taker thereof, knowing the same, shall also forfeit the value of the said lands, tenements or hereditaments so by him bought or taken as aforesaid; the one half of the said forfeitures to be to the use of the people of this State and the other half to the party that will sue for the same, in any court of record, by action of debt, bill, plaint or informa- tion; provided always, that it shall be lawful for any person or persons being in lawful possession, by taking of the yearly farm, rents or profits, of or for any manors lands, tenements or hereditaments, to buy, obtain, get or'have, by any reasonable ways or means, the pretended right or title of any other person or persons, to, of, or in, such, manors, lands, tenements or hereditaments, whereof he or they shall be so in lawful possession. And be it fart/ler enaeted by t/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid, That no person or persons do hereafter unlawfully maintain or cause or procure any unlaw- ful maintenance, in any matter or cause whatsoever now depending or which hereafter shall depend in suit and variance, by any writ, action, bill, complaint, information or indictment, in any-wise touching or con cerning any lands tenements or hereditaments, or any goods, chattels, debts, damages or offences, in any court in this State or before any person or persons who have or hereafter shall have, authority, by com- mission patent, writ or otherwise, to examine, hear or determine any matter or witnesses concerning the same and that no person or persons do hereafter unlawfully retain for maintenance of any suit or plea, any person or persons or embrace any freeholders or jurors, by letters, rewards, promises, or any other sinister labour, or means, to maintain any matter or cause or to the hindrance or disturbance of justice, or to the procurement or occasion of any false verdict in any of the courts aforesaid, upon pain to forfeit, for every such offence one hundred pounds; the one moiety thereof to the use of the people of this State and the other moiety thereof to him who will sue for the same, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, in any court of record. Unlawful mainte- nance, pen~ alty for. 632 LAWS or NEW YORK. LCHAP. 20. Extortion by public officer, pen- alty for. Forgery and coun— terfeiting records, Wills, bonds, notes, etc. GHAP. 19. AN ACT for the prevention and punishment of extortion. PASSED the 7th of February, 1788. Be it enacted by the Peo/n'e of the State of [View Yor/e represented in Senate and Assembly and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That no judge, justice, sheriff or other officer whatsoever, ministerial or judicial, shall receive or take any fee or reward to do his office, but such as is or shall be allowed by the laws of this State; and if any doth, he shall restore to the party grieved double damages. And further, that if any judge, justice, sheriff or other officer aforesaid hath received or taken, or shall receive or take, by colour of his office, any fee or reward whatsoever, not allowed byv the laws of this State for doing his office, and be thereof convicted, either at the suit of the party grieved, in any court of record, or at the suit of the people of this State, in the supreme court, or before'justices of goal delivery, or before justices assigned to hear and determine, or in any court of general sessions of the peace, he shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both, accord- ing to the discretion of the court in which such conviction shall be had. CHAP. 20. AN ACT for preventing and punishing forgery and counterfeiting. PASSED the 7th of February, 1788. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York, represented in Sena” and A $567,151)’, and it is hereby enacted by the author/in) of the same, That if any person shall falsely make, alter, forge or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be falsely made, altered, forged, or counterfeited, or willingly act or assist in the false ma1<_1r.1g> altenng’ fiorgmg or Counter— feiting any record, charter, deed or writing sealed, will, testament, bond, Writing-obligatory, bill of exchange, promisory note for payment of money, indorsement or assignment of any bill of exchange, or promi- gory note for payment of money, or any acquittance or receipt, either for money or goods, or any acceptance of any billof exchange, or the number or principal sum of any accountable receipt for any note, bill or other security, for payment of 111011€Y,_0r any Warrant or Order for payment of money or delivery of goods, with intention to defraud any person, or body politick or corporate whatsoever, or shall utter or pub- lish as true, any false, altered, forged or counterfeited, record, charter, deed or writing sealed, will, testament, bond, writing—obligatory, bill of exchange, promisory note for payment of money, indorsement or assign- ment of any bill of exchange or promisory note for Payment of money’ acquittance or receipt, either for money ‘or goods, or any acceptance of any bill of exchange or the number or ptincipal sum of any accountable receipt, for any note, bin 01' other Secunty for the Paymsnt of money’ or any warrant or order for the payment of money or delivery of goods, with intention to defraud any person or body politick or corporate what- soever’ knowing the same to be false, altered, forged or_ counterfeited, then every such person being thereof convicted according to the due CHAP. 20.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 633 course of law, shall be deemed guilty of felony and shall suffer death as a felon. And be it’ furi/zer marred by z‘lze aui/zorizfy aforesaid, That if any person shall counterfeit, or cause or procure to be counterfeited, or act or assist in counterfeiting, any certificate or other public security, issued or to be issued by the authority of the United States in Congress assembled, or by the authority of the legislature of this State, for payment of money, or acknowledging the receipt of money or goods, or any bill of credit emitted or issued, or hereafter to be emitted or issued by or under the authority of the United States in Congress assembled, or by or under the authority of the legislature of this State, or by or under the author— ity of the legislature of any other of the United States of America, or shall alter any certificate issued or to be issued as aforesaid, or any bill of credit, itted or issued or to be emitted or issued as aforesaid, so that the same shall appear to be of greater value than the same was or shall be issued or emitted for, or intended to pass for, by the law resolu— tion or act in pursuance of which the same was or shall be issued or emitted, or shall utter, pass or give in payment, or offer to pass or give in payment, or procure to be uttered, passed or given in payment, any such counterfeited or altered certificate or bill of credit, knowing the same to be counterfeited or altered, then every such person being thereof convicted, according to the due course of law, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall suffer death as a felon. ' And zv/zereas it frequently happens that the persons who so alter cer- tificates and bills of credit with respect to their denomination, do at the same time alter the same, as to the numbering or indenting thereof, and also in other respects, in so much that it is in some cases extremely difficult and in others impossible to discover, from the checks or other memorandums remaining in the public offices, the sum for which the certificate or bill of credit so altered, originally issued; Therefore, Be ii‘ furz‘lzer enacted by Me auz‘lzorizy aforesaid, That in all cases where any such certificate or bill of credit, shall be charged to have been altered, and the same shall appear to have been altered, the same shall be presumed to have been altered from a less to a greater value, sum or denomination, and the burthen of proving that the certificate or bill of credit, charged to have been altered, was not altered from a less to a greater sum, shall lie on the defendant charged with altering the same. And be iz‘fzirl/zer enacted by 'z‘lze azii/zorizy aforesaid, That if any person shall counterfeit or cause or procure to be counterfeited, or act or assist in counterfeiting, any of the species of gold or silver coins, now current or hereafter to be current in this State, or shall pass or give in payment, or offer to pass or give in payment, any such counterfeit, knowing the same to be counterfeit, then every such person being thereof convicted, according to the due course of law, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall suffer death as a felon. A 12d be iz‘fziri/zer enaeted by z‘lze aziz‘borizfy aforesaid, That all other acts and clauses of acts heretofore made concerning forgery and counter- feiting, or the punishment thereof shall be and hereby are repealed, except as to offences heretofore committed... pm v1.1.1. VOL. 2. —— 80 Id., public securities, certifi- cates, etc. Altered bills judged to have been raised Counter- feiting of gold and silver coins LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 22, False per- sonation in acknowl- edgment of deeds, 6L0. Not ‘(.0 affect at- torneys of record. Theft and m uti lation of records deemed felony. Not to affect amend- ments by order of court.‘ CHAP. 21. AN ACT making it felony in such who shall levy any fine, suffer any recovery or acknowledge any deed, recognizance, bail or judgment in the name of another not being privy and consent- ing thereto. PASSED the 7th of February, 1788. Bez'z‘ e/zaez‘ed a» t/ze Peep/e 0f t/ze Stale 0f New Yer/e represented in Senate and Assemaly and it is hereby e/zaez‘ed by Me aI/Z/éerz'z‘y 0f Z/ze same, That all and every person and persons who shall acknowledge or pro— cure to be acknowledged any fine or fines, recovery or recoveries, deed or deeds, recognizance or recognizances, bail or bails, judgment or judgments, in the name or names of any other person or persons, not privy or consenting to the same, and all and every person and persons who shall, before any person or persons authorised to take bail or bails, represent or personate any other person or persons, whereby the person or persons so represented or personated, may be liable to the payment of any sum or sums of money for debt or damages to be recovered in the same suit, or action wherein the person or persons are represented or personated, as if he or they had really acknowledged and entered into the same bail or bails, being lawfully convicted or attainted thereof shall be adjudged guilty of felony. Praz'z'ded always and &e 2'! furl/lei" e/zaez‘ed Z51’ f/ze az/i/zarz'z‘)" aforesaid, That this act shall not extend to any judgment or judgments acknowl- edged by any attorney or attorneys of record for any other person or persons, against whom any such judgment or judgments shall be had or given. CHAP. 22. AN ACT to prevent stealing and avoiding records. PASSED the 7th of February, 1788. Be it elzaez‘ed Zgy Z/ze Peep/e of Me Sz‘az‘e 0f New- Yer/e, represented in Senate and Asses/1&2)’, and 2'! is hereby e/zaeied by Z/ze aaZ/zerz'fy 0f Z/ze same, That if any record or parcel of the same, writ, return, pannel, process or other proceeding in the court of chancery, supreme court, exchequer, or in any other court of record, or in the office of the secretary of this State, or in the office of the clerk of any city or county in this State, hath been or hereafter shall be stolen, or willingly taken away, with- drawn, or avoided, by any clerk, or by any other person, by reason whereof any judgment shall be reversed, then every such stealer, taker away, withdrawer, or avoider, their procurers, counsellors, and abettors, being convicted or attainted thereof, according to the due course of law, shall be adjudged guilty of felony. Prevz'ded always, And fie z'z‘ fZH’f/wi’ eI-zaez‘ed fly Z/ze aaZ/zofz'zj/ aforesaid, That this act shall not extend to any amendment or entry made or to be made by any rule, order, judgment, or decree of any court. CHAP. 24.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 635 CHAP. 23. AN ACT declaring it to be felony in servants to embezzle their masters goods. PASSED the 7th of February, 1788. Be it enactea’ &y 2716 People of z‘ize Sizzle 0f New Yor/e represezzz‘ed 2'22 Selzaz‘e aim’ Assemfily, and 2'2‘ 2'5 ber/My gnarled [)y Z/ze azzZ/wrz'zj) 0f {/26 same, That if any servant to whom any money, goods or chattels heretofore have been, or hereafter shall be, by his or her master or mistress, deliv- ered to be safely kept, hath withdrawn himself or herself from his or her said master or mistress, and gone away, or hereafter shall withdraw himself or herself from his or her said master or mistress, and go away with the said money, goods or chattels, or any part thereof, to the intent to steal the same, and defraud his or her said master or mistress thereof, contrary to the trust and confidence in him or her reposed, by his or her said master or mistress; or being in the service of his or her said master or mistress, without assent or commandment of his or her said master or mistress, hath embezzled or shall embezzle the same money, goods or chattels, or any part thereof, or otherwise hath converted or shall convert the same to his or her own use, with like purpose to steal the same, then and in every such case, if the said money, goods or chattels, that any such servant hath gone away with or shall go away with, or which such servant hath embezzled or shall embezzle, with purpose to steal the same as aforesaid, be of the value of twenty shillings, or above, the same, false, fraudulent and untrue act or demeanor, shall be adjudged felony. But this act shall not extend to any apprentice, nor to any person within the age of eighteen years, going away with the goods or chattels of his or her master or mistress, or otherwise converting the same to his or her own use during the time of his or her apprenticeship or being within the age of eighteen years, and every apprentice, and every other person under the age of eighteen years, doing or offending contrary to this act, shall stand and be in like case as if this act had not been made. CHAP. 24. AN ACT to restrain all persons from marrying, until their former Wives and former husbands be dead. PASSED the 7th of February, 1788. Be z'z‘ ezzarz‘ea’ Z2}! 2726 Peaple 0f #26 Stale 0f N 612/ Var/e represwzz‘ed 2'12 Sen- az‘e and Assemfily and 2'! is izereby enactea’ lg) 2716 auZ/wrz'zj/ of 2716 same, That if any person or persons being married, or who hereafter shall marry do at any time marry any person or persons, the former hus- band or wife, being alive, then every such offence shall be felony; and the party and parties so offending, shall receive such and the like proceedings, trial, judgment and execution in the county where such person or persons shall be apprehended, as if the offence had been com- mitted in the same county where such person or persons shall be taken or apprehended; but neither this act nor any thing therein contained shall extend to any peason or persons whose husband or wife shall be Embezzle- ment by servant or apprentice deemed felony. To Whom act not to extend. Bigamy declared a. felony. 636 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 26. Mayhem defined; declared a felony. Breaking of prison . judgment for. continually remaining without the United States of America by the space of five years together, or whose husband or wife shall have absented him or herself the one from the other by the space of five years together, the one of them not knowing the other to be living within that time; nor to any person or persons who are or shall be, at the time of such marriage, divorced by the sentence or decree of any court hav- ing cognizance thereof; nor to any person or persons where the former marriage hath been or shall be, by the sentence or decree of any such court declared to be void and of no effect; nor to any person or per- sons for or by reason of any former marriage, had or made, or to be had or made within the age of consent. CHAP. 25. AN ACT to prevent malicious maiming, and wounding. PASSED the 7th of February, 1788. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New Yorh, represented in Senate and A ssenzbly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That if any person or persons shall on purpose and of malice afore- thought cut out the tongue or put out the eyes of any other person; or if any person or persons shall on purpose and of malice aforethought, and by lying in ,wait, unlawfully cut out or disable the tongue, put out an eye, slit the nose or lip or cut off the nose or lip or cut off or disable any limb or member of any other person, with intention in so doing to murder, or kill, or to maiin, or disfigure, in any the manners aforesaid, such other person, every such offence shall be deemed and adjudged felony, and every person or persons so offending, and every person and persons who shall aid, abet, assist, counsel, hire or command any person or persons to commit any of the said offences, being thereof convicted, or attainted, shall be and hereby are declared to be felons, and shall suffer death for the same. CHAP. 26. AN ACT concerning prisoners breaking prison. PASSED the 7th of February, 1788. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New- Yor/e, represented in Senate and Assembly and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That no person from henceforth who being imprisoned shall break prison, shall have judgment of life or member for breaking of prison only, except the cause for which such prisoner was taken and imprisoned did require such judgment, if he had been convicted thereupon accord- ing to the law and custom of this State. CHAP. 2a] ELEVENTH SESSION. 637 CHAP. 27. AN ACT to repeal an act entitled “An act to prevent the destruc- tion of fish, in the county of Suffolk. PASSED the 8th of February, 1788. Be it e/zaei‘ed by file People of file Siaie of .ZVL’TU Yor/Iz represem‘ed in Act ridged Se/zaz‘e and Assembly and ii‘ is lzereby e/zaez‘ed by the aal/zorizy of {be same, 16p ea 8 ' That the act entitled “An act to prevent the destruction of fish in the county of Suffolk” passed the seventeenth day of April one thousand seven hundred and eighty-six, be, and the same is hereby repealed. CHAP. 2S. ' AN ACT requiring all persons holding offices or places under the government of this State to take the oaths therein mentioned. PAssED the 8th of February, 1788. Be if ezzaeled by Me People of file Siai‘e of jVeru Yor/e, represented in Certain Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby e/zaez‘ed by l/ie azii/zorizj) of Me same, cars’ 0am That every person who shall hereafter be elected a member of the sen- to be taken ate of this State, and every person who shall hereafter be elected aby‘ member of the assembly of this State, before he takes his seat, and every person who shall hereafter be elected governor or lieutenant gov- ernor of this State, and every person who shall hereafter be appointed a delegate to represent this State in the Congress of the United States, and every person who shall hereafter be appointed to any office, civil or military, before he enters upon the execution of his trust, place or office, shall and hereby is required to take and subscribe the following oath, that is to say, “ I do solemly without any mental reserva- tion or equivocation whatsoever, swear and declare that I renounce and abjure all allegiance and subjection to all and every foreign king, prince, potentate and State, in all matters ecclesiastical as well as civil; and that I will bear faith and true allegiance to the State of New York, as. a free and independent State.” A lid be iz‘farz‘lzer e/zaez‘ed by i/ie aai/zorizy aforesaid, That every person Perspn who shall hereafter be elected governor or lieutenant governor of this igrlifgglgsgw State and every president of the senate, who shall at any time adminis- ernment ter the government of this State, shall also, before he enters upon the execution of his trust, place or office, take the, following oath of office, to wit, “ I elected governor, lieutenant governor, or president of the senate (as the case may be) of the State of New York, do solemnly swear and declare that I will in all things to the best of my knowledge and ability, faithfully perform the trust reposed in me as governor, lieu- tenant governor, or president of the senate (as the case may be) of the State of New York, by executing the laws, and maintaining the peace, ‘freedom and independence of the said State, in conformity to the pow- ers delegated unto me by the constitution of the said State.” And be iz‘furz‘lzer enacted by tile aaz‘borily aforesaid, That the president Judicial of the “court for the trial of impeachments and the correction of errors ” officers‘ public otfi- , 638 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 28. Secretary of State. Sheriffs, coroners and mar- shals. and every member of the said court and all judicial officers in this State hereafter to be elected or appointed, shall also, before they enter upon the execution of their respective offices, severally take and subscribe the following oath, to wit, “I do solemnly sweal and declare that I will to the best of my knowledge and ability execute the office of (here describe the office) according to the constitution and laws of the State of New York in defence of the freedom and independence thereof and for the maintenance of liberty and the distribution of justice among the citizens and inhabitants of the said State, without any fear, favour, partiality, affection or hope of reward. IV. And Z2e if further eizaez‘ed oy Z/ze azei/iorii‘y aforesaid, That every person who shall hereafter be appointed secretary of this State shall also before he enters upon the execution of his office, take and subscribe the following oath, to wit, “ I secretary of the State of New York, do solemnly swear and declare that I will in all things according to the best of my knowledge and ability, justly and honestly keep the records, parch- ments papers and instruments of writing, committed unto me, and which shall be from time to time hereafter committed unto me by virtue of my said office and in all things to the best of my knowledge and understand- ing faithfully and honestly perform the duty of my sa1d office of secre- tary and the trust reposed in me, without favour or partiality. V. And be it fm'Z/zer enaez‘ed by Me auZ/zorizjv aforesaid, That every person who shall hereafter be appointed sherif or coroner of the city and county of New York or Albany, or of any other county in this State, and the chief marshal of the city of Hudson, and all and every of their deputies respectively, shall also before he they or any of them shall enter upon the execution of the said office, take the following oath, to wit, “ I sherif, or coroner, or chief marshal or deputy marshal or under sherif, or one of the deputies of the sherif (as the case may be) of the city and county of New York or Albany, or Hudson, or of the county of (as the case may be) do solemnly swear and declare that I will well and truly serve the people of the State of New York in the office of sherif, or coroner, or chief marshal or deputy marshal or under sherif or one of the deputies of the sherif (as the case maybe) of the said county, or city and county, or city (as the case may be) during my continuance therein, and will faithfully and truly execute or cause to be executed (the words “ or cause to be executed,” to be omitted in the oath to be administered to an under sherif or deputy sherif or deputy marshal) all writs and precepts which shall be delivered to me, or come to and remain in my hands for that purpose according to the best of my knowledge, skill and judgment; and that I will not corruptly or unjustly use or exercise the said office during the time that I shall remain therein; neither will I directly or indirectly accept, receive or take by any colour means or device whatsoever, or consent to the taking any manner of fee or reward whatsoever of or from any person or persons whomsoever, for the summoning, impanneling or returning of any inquest jury or tales, in any court for the people of this State, or between party and party, other than such fees or reward as now are, or hereafter shall be allowed by law for the same; and that I will not directly or indirectly exact or demand any manner of fee or reward whatsoever from any person or persons whomsoever for serving or returning of any writ precept or pro- cess whatsoever, or for any other service whatsoever in my said office, other than such fees or reward as now are or hereafter shall be allowed for the same by law; but that I will demean myself honestly and impar- tially in all things that shall belong to the duty of my said office, accord- ing to the best of my knowledge, skill and ability. CHAP. 29.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 639 , and subscribe the following oath, to wit, “I Ami fie z'z‘fzzrz‘lzer enaez‘e/z’ [1}/ fire am‘lzorz'zj/ aforesaid, That every person who shall hereafter be appointed register or clerk of any court, or clerk of any city or county in this State, shall also, before he enters upon the execution of his office, take the following oath, to wit, “ I regis- ter or clerk, or one of the clerks of the court of or clerk of the county of or of the city and county of or of the city of (as the case may be) do solemnly swear and declare that I will justly and honestly keep the records parchments papers and writings committed to me by virtue of my said office and which shall be from time to time hereafter committed unto me, and in all things to the best of my knowledge and understanding, faithfully and honestly perform the duty of my said office, and the trust reposed in me, without favour or partiality. A 1211’ he z'z‘furz‘fzer erzaez‘ed .79’ Me azzl/zerz'zfy aforesaid, That all other min- isterial officers hereafter to be appointed shall also before they respec— tively enter upon the execution of their respective offices, severally take appointed to the office of (here insert the officers title of office) do solemnly promise and swear that I will in all things to the best of my knowledge and ability, faithfully perform the trust reposed in me. And be [1‘.furf/1er e/mez‘ed by t/ze azzl/zm'z'fy a rrresrzz'd, That the said oaths shall be taken and subscribed before such person or persons as shall be appointed by commission for that purpose under the great seal of this'State in nature of a dedimus potestatem who shall take such sub- scriptions on a roll or rolls to be provided for that purpose, containing .a. proper caption or captions, with the said oaths written at length thereon, and subscribed with the proper names and hand writing of the several person and persons taking such respective oaths; which rolls shall be disposed of as follows, to wit, those containing the oaths and subscriptions of any governor, lieutenant governor president of the senate, member of the senate or assembly, chancellor, judge of the supreme court, judge of the court of admiralty, judge of the court of probates, or any officer of either of the said courts, or attorney general, or secretary of this State, or military officer whose office shall extend into more than one county, shall be deposited and kept in the office of the secretary of this State, and those containing the oaths and subscrip- tions of the respective county officers, both civil and military, shall be deposited and kept in the office of the clerk of the same county. Pro- vided always A110.’ [1e 2'! fm'Z/zer maze/ea.’ Zly f/ze (zz/f/zorz'éi' aforesaid, That this act shall not extend to any county treasurer, supervisor, town clerk, com- missioner of the highway, assessor, collector, constable, or other town officer. CHAP. 29. AN ACT to reoeal the act, entitled “An act for the relief of insol- vent debtors.” PASSED the 8th of February, 1788. WHEREAs it has been found that the act entitled “An act for the relief of insolvent debtors,” has been productive of much mischief, and there is great reason to suppose that wicked men have in many instances been guilty of the most fraudulent practices to obtain those benefits which the legislature intended only for the innocent and unfortunate. Registers, erks of court and county clerks. _Oi;her llll u isterial officers. Oaths. be- ore whom taken; where filed. Officers to whom act does not extend. Preamble. 640 LAWS OF NENV YORK. [CHAR 30. Act refer- red to repealed. Proceed- ings under not de- elaretl valid. Preamble. New emis— sion of bills of credit provided for. Committee designated to direct printing of bills. Be it therefore enacted by the People of the State of New Yorh, repre- sented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the said act, and every clause, matter and thing therein contained shall be, and the same is hereby repealed. Brom'ded always, and be it further enacted by' the authority aforesaid, That all discharges heretofore regularly and bona fide had under the said act, shall be as valid; and that in every case where an assignment has been already made by virtue of the said act, the assignee or assignees may proceed and act and the court or judge by whom the assignment was directed, may proceed to the final discharge of the said insolvent debtor in all respects as if this act had not been passed; any thing herein to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. CHAP. 30. AN ACT to take out of circulation the bills of credit emitted by law and to emit others as a substitute. PASSED the 8th of February, 1788. WHEREAs by virtue of an act of the legislature of this State entitled “ An act for emitting the sum of two hundred thousand pounds in bills of credit for the purposes therein mentioned,” passed the eighteenth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and eighty six, bills of credit to the amount of two hundred thousand pounds were emitted: And whereas counterfeits of the said bills have been made, and have been passed as true bills, to the great injury of the good people of this State; Therefore, Be it enacted by the People of the State of New Yorh, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That bills of credit to the amount and of the several denominations of the bills specified in the first section of the act herein before recited, and still remaining in circulation, be made forthwith after the passing of this act; and that upon every of the said bills shall be impressed the arms of the State of New York, and the words following, to wit “by a law of the State of New York, this bill shall be received in all payments into the treasury, for New-York, the day of one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight; and also the words “It is death to counterfeit this bill,” together with such other words and devices as the treasurer of this State for the time being, and Daniel McCormick, john De Peyster, Nicholas Hoffman and Hendrick \Vyckoff or any three of them shall direct ; which bills when so impressed shall be numbered by Daniel McCormick, Hendrick WVyckoff, john De Peyster and Nicholas Hoffman or any of them, and signed .by any two of them, and when signed shall by the persons hereby appointed signers thereof, or any of them, be delivered unto the said treasurer, who shall give duplicate receipts for the same, one of which shall be delivered by the said signers, or any one of them, to the legislature of this State whenever the same shall be required. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said treasurer, and the said Daniel McCormick, Hendrick Wyckoff, john De Peyster and Nicholas Hoffman, or any three of them, shall and they are hereby authorized to employ such and so many engravers as they shall deem proper to engrave such and so many plates for the said bills, 9’ CHAP. 30.] ' ELEVENTH SESSION. 641 as they may judge necessary, and shall direct with what types the words to be printed on the said bills shall be impressed thereon, and shall pro— cure such paper for the said bills as in their judgment shall be best adapted to the purpose, and shall employ such printer to print the said bills as they may think proper; which printer shall perform the printing under such inspection, and agreeably to such directions as they shall from time to time give and order: A/zd fzzri/zer that they the said Daniel McCormick, Hendrick \rVyckoff, John De Peyster and Nicholas Hoffman and every person by them, or any of them employed in engrav- ing the plates or printing the bills, or to inspect the printer whilst the same bills are striking off, shall before they respectively enter on the business assigned them, take and subscribe before one of the justices of the supreme court, or the mayor or recorder of the city of New-York, an oath well and truly to execute the trust reposed in them, by and in pursuance of, this act. i A no’ be ii‘ furi/zer enacted by i/ze azil/zorizy aforesaid, That if any more Evxcesspf ' of the said bills shall be printed than is directed by this act. then the Egfzfgt‘é‘sfi' said Daniel McCormick, Hendrick VVyckoff, john De Peyster and 8w" to be Nicholas Hoffman, or any two of them, as soon as the number of bills destroyed‘ of each denomination to be made as aforesaid, shall be signed and delivered to the said treasurer, shall immediately, and in the presence of the said treasurer, destroy such supernumerary bills, and the plates by which the bills were struck off shall be melted down, or otherwise destroyed, in the presence of the said treasurer, and of the said Daniel McCormick, Hendrick Wyckoff, John De Peyster and Nicholas Hoff- man or any two of them. IV. A 12d be it further emailed by l/ze aui/zorizfy aforesaid, That as soon Treasurer as the said treasurer shall have received from the said signers, to the KER: amount of thirty thousand pounds of the said new bills, he shall cause gggjcsnof advertisements to be published in two of the newspapers printed in the ofold bills. city of New York, and in each of the public newspapers printed in the other cities and counties within this State, requiring the holders of any of the bills of credit emitted by virtue of the said recited act, to bring the same into the treasury, and notifying that he will give in exchange for the same, bills of credit of equal value emitted by virtue of this act. V. Azzd be ii‘ fziri/zer enaeled by Me aailzoriz‘y aforesaid, That the bills of credit to be emitted by virtue of this act, shall pass and be receivable in all cases in like manner as the bills of credit emitted by the said herein before recited act were thereby enacted to be recievable and taken. VI. And be it fziri/zer e/zaeied by i/ze aziz‘liorizy aforesaid, That- all the Destruc~ bills of credit which the said treasurer shall receive in exchange as afore- 35;}, ‘329*‘1 said, shall be by him from time to time destroyed in the manner directed Ceivrfd in by the forty ninth section of the said recited act, in the presence of the em ange' said Daniel McCormick, Hendrick \Vyckoff, john De Peyster and Nich~ olas Hoffman, or any two of them; but the said treasurer shall on the first Monday of November next ensuing the passing of this act, and annually on the first Monday of November in each year following, pre— vious to the destroying of the said bills, deliver unto the persons hereby nominated as signers of the bills to be emitted by virtue of this act, two seperate accounts subscribed by himself, of the amount and denomina- tion of the bills so by him to be at that time cancelled, which signers or any three of them, after having examined the said bills, and having found that the amount and denominations correspond with the said accounts, and having seen the said bills destroyed, shall indorse and subscribe a certificate on each of the said accounts, purporting that the VOL. 2. — 81 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 30. Bills re- ceived by loan offi- cers to be destroyed. bills therein specified have been cancelled by the said treasurer, one of which accounts so certified and subscribed shall be delivered to the said treasurer, and the other retained by the said signers, or one of them, to be delivered to the legislature, whenever required. A/zd w/iereas it may so happen that persons possessed of bills of credit emitted by virtue of the said recited act, and who may have borrowed the said bills at any .oan office established by the said act, may find it most convenient to pay the same bills into such loan office, for principal or interest, or for both, of the money so borrowed ; therefore, VII. Be zi fur/ber e/zae/ed by i/ze azii/zoriiy aforesaid, That all such of the bills emitted by virtue of the said recited act, as shall be so paid into any loan office, and by any loan officer into the treasury of this State, shall be cancelled. accounted for, and disposed of in the manner directed in the last preceding section of this act. Proz/ided aize'ays that none of the bills emitted by virtue of the said recited act, shall be received by any loan officer, after the ninth day of july next, but that thenceforth all such bills shall be exchanged at the treasury until the third Tuesday of june, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine, after which period they shall not be so exchanged nor taken in any payments whatsoever. A/zd zc'bereas doubts have arisen whether any of the bills of credit or 4 other monies which may be paid into the loan offices by the borrowers Reloaning of moneys paid in prior to June, 1790. Moneys to be can- celledif not reloaned. Gold or silver re- ceived for of such bills, as in part of the principal loaned, were to be paid into the treasury and there destroyed, if such payment was in bills, or detained if in gold or silver for the redemption of the bills in circulation; there- fore to remove such doubs, Be ii farf/zer elzaez‘ed by the az/i/zorizfy aforesaid, That any part of any principal borrowed by any person whosoever which shall have been paid, or have come into any loan office or which shall hereafter, and on or before the third Tuesday in june, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety, or within twenty two days thereafter, be paid or come into any loan office, shall and may be reloaned by the respective loan officers, on the terms and conditions directed in the said recited act; any thing in the said act, or this act, to the contrary notwithstanding. A 12d be ii‘ farf/zer e/zaez‘ed by i/ze aui‘borily aforesaid, That all monies which shall hereafter, and on or before the third Tuesday of june, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety, or within twenty two days thereafter be paid into any loan office for inter- est, and all monies which shall from and after the said third Tuesday in June last mentioned, or within twenty two days thereafter be paid intovany loan office in discharge either of principal or interest, shall by the loan officers respectively be paid into the treasury of this State, and so much of such monies as shall be so paid into the treasury in bills of credit, shall by the treasurer be cancelled, accounted for, and disposed of in the manner directed by the sixth section of this act; any thing in the said recited act, or in this act. to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. But if such monies or any part thereof shall be paid in gold or silver, the same shall be disposed of in the manner herein after directed. A/zd-m/zereas provision was made in and by the said recited act for the redemption of the bills of credit emitted by virtue thereof, so as that the whole of the said bills should be redeemed in the year one thousand eight hundred; in order therefore more effectually to accelerate the said redemption, Be ii‘ fari/zer enaeted by tile azez‘lzorizy aforesaid, That whenever any gold or silvershall be paid into the treasury of this State for principal or .CHAP. 31.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 64.3 interest of any of the bills of credit which have been or may be loaned, the loans to b; exchange treasurer shall, and he is hereby required from time to time to exchange for bills» such gold or silver for such bills at the value expressed on such bills; and the bills so recieved in exchange shall be cancelled, accounted for, and disposed of, .in the manner directed by the sixth section of this act. A 12d oe ii‘ fart/ler eiiaez‘ed éy i/ze aiit/zorizj/ aforesaid, That if the treas- Bills to be urer shall not by means of such exchange as aforesaid, have redeemed gyijleaggiifl the whole of the said bills of credit on or before the first Monday of berlil, 1500- November, in the year one thousand eight hundred, he shall, by adver- tisements to be published in three of the news papers printed in this State, require all persons having any of the said bills of credit in posses- sion, to come and exchange the said bills for gold or silver, on or before the last day of December then next ensuing; and if any of such bills shall remain in circulation after the said last day of December, they shall not be so exchanged, but shall nevertheless be recieved in all payments into the treasury of this State. And fie ii‘ farZ/zer eizaez‘ed oy i/ze authority aforesaid, That the treas- Expense of urer shall pay the expences which shall accrue for engraving the plates, {fisflEi procuring the paper, printing the bills, and inspecting the printer, and gzfiégiiégd. all other incidental expences which may arise in or about the execution of this act; and also to each of the persons authorized to sign the bills to be emitted by virtue of this act, at the rate of two shillings for every hundred of the said bills which they shall respectively sign, and at the rate of one shilling and six pence for every hundred of the said bills which they shall respectively number; the accounts of the said expences and charges being first audited by the auditor of this State, for the time being. A/zd oe ii‘ fziri/zer enaez‘ed a)’ Z/ze azii/lzority aforesaid, That if at any Mortsflsors time before a sale by the loan officers the respective mortgagors their finegge' heirs or assigns shall pay to the loan officers the whole of the monies by garnndisfifie reason of the neglect to bring in and pay which such sale shall have been befyore sale advertised, together with the expences of advertising, the loan officers gijilcfgarg shall not proceed to a sale; and the several mortgagers and their respect- ive heirs and assigns shall, on such payment be, with respect to the equity of redemption, and their estate and right of in and to the mort— gaged premises, restored to and be in the same condition as if there had not been a neglect to bring in and pay the said monies, any thing in the herein recited act to the contrary notwithstanding. CHAP. 31. AN ACT for apprehending and punishing disorderly persons. ' PASSED the 9th of February, 1788. Be ii‘ e/zaei‘ed 1)) Me People of the Shire of r/Vew Yor/e reprerelzied i/z Disorderly Se/zaie and Assembly and if is Izereliy enacted by [/ze aai/zoriiy of the same. That all persons who threaten to run away and leave their wives or chil- sidered as; dren to the city or town, and all persons who shall unlawfully return to 1,1335%}, the city or town, from whence they shall respectively have been legally removed by order of two justices of the peace, without bringing a certifi- cate from the city or town whereto they respectively belong; and also all persons, who not having wherewith to maintain themselves, live idle 644 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 31:. Commit- ment, and discharge of ofl’end- ers. General sessions, punish— ment of person adjudged disorderly by. Id. without employment, and also all persons who go about from door to door or place themselves in the streets, highways or passages, to beg in the cities or towns where they respectively dwell, and all juglers, and all persons pretending to have skill in physiognomy, palmestry or like crafty science or pretending to tell fortunes, or to discover where lost goods may be found; and all persons who run away and leave their wives or children, whereb‘r they respectively become chargeable to any city or town; and all persons wandering abroad and lodging in taverns, beer houses, out houses, market places or barns, or in the open air, and not giving a good account of themselves, and all persons wandering abroad and begging, and all idle persons not having visible means of livelihood and all common prostitutes, shall be deemed and adjudged disorderly persons; and it shall and may be lawful for any justice of the peace to commit such disorderly persons (being thereof convicted before him, by his own view or by the confession of such offenders respectively, or by the oath of one or more credible witness or wit- nesses) to the bridewell or house of correction of such city or town, there to be kept at hard labour for any time not exceeding sixty days or until the next general sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the city or county in which such offence shall happen. And w/zereas doubts have arisen and hereafter may arise, where au- thority is given to any justice or justices of the peace to commit offend- ers to the bridewell or house of correction for offences cognizable before them out of the general sessions of the peace, how long offenders may be there detained and in what matter treated, where the time and man- ner of their punishment is not by law expressly directed, limited or appointed; therefore Be 2'! fart/z” e/zaez’ea’ [2y z‘lze aaZ/zorz'z‘y aforesaz'a’, That where any offenders shall be committed as aforesaid, by virtue of any law now in being or hereafter to be made, other than in cases of petit larceny, and the time and manner of their punishment is not expressly limited, directed and appointed, the said justice or justices shall commit such offender to the bridewell or house of correction, there to be kept to hard labour until the next general sessions of the peace or until dis- charged by a due course of law; and it shall and may be lawful for two justices (of whom the justice who committed such offender to be one) to discharge such offender before the said general sessions of the peace, if they shall see cause; and if he or she shall not be so discharged, the said general sessions of the peace may either discharge him or her or continue him or her in custody for such time as they shall see fit, not exceeding six months. And be it fzn'f/zer e/zaez‘ea’ oy Z/ze aat/zorz'zfy aforesaz'a’, That where any offender against this act shall be committed, as aforesaid, to the bride- well or house of correction, there to remain until the next general ses- sions of the peace, and the justices at such sessions, shall, on examina- tion of the circumstances of the case, adjudge such person to be a disorderly person within the intent and meaning of this act, they may, if they think convenient, order such disorderly person to be detained and kept in the said bridewell or house of correction to hard labour, for any further time not exceeding six months; and during the time of such confinement, to be corrected by whipping in such manner and at such times and places, as, according to the nature of such persons offence, they in their discretion shall think fit. Ana’ be it further enaez‘ea’ by Me authority aforesaz'a’, That where any person offending against this act shall have been committed as aforesaid, to the bridewell or house of correction, there to remain until the next CHAP. 31.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 645 general sessions of the peace, if upon the examination of the person so committed as aforesaid. the last legal place of settlement of such person cannot be found, the justice shall, at the said general sessions, order such persons so to be detained and employed in the bridewell or house of correction until they can provide for themselves or until the justices of the peace at their next general sessions of the peace can place them out in some lawful calling, as Servants, apprentices, mariners or other- wise; which the said general sessions of the peace are hereby impowered to do, in such manner as they shall think fit. And be iz‘ fari/zer enaez‘ed by Me azrf/zorizjv aforesaid, That the sev- Jails to be deemed houses of bridewell or house of correction is or shall be built, shall be used and Correction- eral goals in the respective cities and counties in this State, in which no considered as houses of correction, for all or any of the purposes, in. and by this act directed. with respect to houses of correction and the gov- ernment thereof. until there shall be such house or houses of correction built as aforesaid; and the keepers of the respective goals, for the time being, or such persons as they respectivelv shall appoint, shall be mas- ters or keepers of such goals as houses of correction as aforesaid and shall have the same authority and be under the same regulations. as in this act are before given and provided respecting houses of correction; and all and every person and persons ordered to be sent to a house of correction according to this act, shall be sent to and received in such goals respectively and there be kept. taken care of and governed accord- ing to the directions of this act, until such house or houses of correc- tion shall be provided as aforesaid. ' And v/I/zereas there are sometimes persons, who by lunacy or other- wise are furiously mad, or are so far disordered in their senses that they may be dangerous to be permitted to go abroad; therefore Be ii‘ farf/zer erzaeled by l/ze aai/zorify aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for any two or more justices of the peace, where such luna- tick or mad person shall be found, by warrant under their hands and seals, directed to the constables and overseers of the poor of the city or town or some of them, to cause such person to be apprehended and kept safely locked up in some secure place within such city, or within the county in which such town shall lie, as such justices shall, under their hands and seals‘, direct and appoint; and (if such justices shall find it necessary) to be there chained, if the last legal place of settle- ment shall be in such city or in any town within such county: And if the last legal place of settlement of such person shall not be in such city or county, then such person shall be sent to the place of his or her Insane per sons, pro~ visions for the safe keeping of. last settlement in the manner directed in and by the laws relating to ‘ the poor and shall be locked up or chained, by warrant from two jus- tices of the city or county to which such person shall be so sent in manner aforesaid. And the reasonable charges of apprehending, main- taining, keeping and removing such person shall be satisfied and paid by the overseers of the poor of the city or town in which such person shall be legally settled as aforesaid, in the manner in and by the said laws directed. Provided always, that this act or any thing therein contained, shall not extend or be construed to extend to restrain or abridge the power or authority of the chancellor of this State for the time being, touching of concerning such lunaticks or to restrain or prevent any friend or relation or such lunatick from taking them under their own care and and protection. And whereas it often happens that disorderly persons wander from the places of their legal settlement and are in circumstances sufficient to pay for their passage or journey home; therefore 1 646 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 32. Disorderly person ordered re- moved to be searched Misprision of clerk not to- affect validity of record. Court may direct am end- ment of records, etc. Be itfurther enaeted by t/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid, That it shall be lawful for any justice or justices of the peace, before whom any such disorderly person shall be brought, to order such disorderly person to be searched and his or her bundle to be inspected, by a constable or overseer of the poor of such city or town, 'in the presence of such justice; and if it shall appear that any such disorderly person hath sufficient wherewithal to pay his or her passage or journey, either in the whole or in part, to the city or town to which he or she shall belong, then the said justice or justices shall order so much of the money so found to be paid, or other effects found with and upon such disorderly person, to be sold and employed, for and towards the expence of taking up and passing such disorderly person to his or her last legal place of settlement; returning the overplus (if any there be) after deducting the charges of such sale, to such disorderly person. CHAP. 32. AN ACT concerning amendments and jeofails. PASSED the 20th of February, 1788. Be it eflaeted by t/ze People of tbe State of New York' represented in Senate and Assembly and it is bereby enaeted by t/ze aut/zority of tbe same, That by the misprision of a clerk in any place wheresoever it be, no record or process shall be annuled or discontinued, by mistaking, in writing one syllable, or one letter, too much or too little: But as soon as the thing is preceived by challenge of the party or in other manner, it shall be immediately amended in due form without giving advantage to the party that challengeth the same because of such misprision. And the justices or judges before whom such plea or record is made or shall be depend- ing, as well by adjournment, as by way of error, or otherwise, shall have power and authority to amend such record and process, as well after judgment as before judgment given, in any such plea, record or process, as long as the same record and process is before them. And fart/ler, that the judges and justices of the courts and places in which any record, process, declaration, count, plea, warrant of attorney, writ, pannel or return, is or may be, while the same remains before them, shall have power to examine such records, declarations, counts, pleas, warrants of attorney, writs, pannels and returns by them and their clerks and to reform and amend (in affirmance of the judgments of such records and process) all that which to them, in their discretion shall seem to be misprision of the clerks in such record, process, declaration, count, plea, warrant of attorney, writ, pannel or return, so that by such misprision of the clerk no judgment shall be reversed nor annulled. And if any record, process, declaration, count, plea, warrant of attorney, writ, pannel or return be certified defective, otherwise than according to the writing which thereof remaineth in the offices, court, or places from whence they be certified, the parties, in affirmance of the judgments of such records and process, shall have advantage to alledge that the same writing is variant from the said certificate, and that being found and certified, the same variance shall be, by the said judges or justices, reformed and amended according to the first writing. And moreover, that the judges and justices, before whom any misprision or default is or shall be found in any record or process, which now is or hereafter shall be depending ,bef ore them or any of them, as well by way of error as otherwise, or in CHAP. 32.] ELEVENTH SESSION. (347 the returns oi the same, made or to be made by sherifs, coroners, or any other, by misprision of the clerks of any of the‘said courts, or by mis- prision of the sherifs, under sherifs, coroners, or their clerks, or other officers, clerks, or other ministers whatsoever, in writing one letter or one syllable too much or too little, shall have power to amend such defaults and misprisions, according to their discretion and by examina- tion thereof by the said judges and justices to be taken, where‘they shall think needful. And also that all such amendments may be made as well after a judgment given upon verdict, confession, nihil dicit, or non sum informatus, as upon matter of law pleaded. And be it fziri/zer enaez‘ed by fire azii/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That for error assigned or to be assigned in any record, process, warrant of attorney, writ original or judicial, pannel or return, for that in any places of the same there be I‘ELSLTPSS or interlincations, or that there be any addition, subtraction or diminution of words, letters, or titles or parcel of letters, found in any such record, process, warrant of attorney, writ, pannel or return, no judgment or record shall be reversed or annulled. And be ii‘ fari/zer eizaeied by fire azii/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That the record and process of pleas real and personal and of assises and certifications whereofjudgment is given and inrolled or things touching such plea shall in no wise be amended norimpaired by new entering of the clerks, either by the record, or things certified, in no term after that such judg- ment in such pleas is given and inrolled. And be it fart/ler elzaei‘ed by i/ze aai/zorizfy aforesaid, That all pleas which shall be pleaded in any courts whatsoever in this State, shall he pleaded, shewed, defended, answered, debated, judged, entered, and inrolled in the English tongue. And that all writs, process, and returns thereof, and all proceedings thereon, and all pleadings, rules, orders, indictments, informations, inquisitions, presentments, verdicts, prohi- bitions, certificates and all patents, charters, pardons, commissions, records, judgments, recognizances, bonds, rolls, entries, fines and recov— eries and all proceedings relating thereunto, and all proceedings what- soever in any courts of justice in this State, shall be in the English tongue and language only, and shall be written or printed in a good strong legible hand and character and in words at length and not abbre- viated, except such abreviations as are now commonly used in the English language: But it shall and may be lawful to express numbers by figures, in like manner as hath been heretofore, or is now, commonly used in the said courts respectively and to express the proper and known names of writs or other process or technical words in the same language as hath been commonly used, so as the same be written or printed in a common legible hand or character. And be it fart/ler ezzaeied by the authority aforesaid, That no person shall be prejudiced by the antient terms and forms of pleaders, so that the matter of the action be fully shewed in the writ, declaration and pleadings. A no’ be it fari/zer eizaei‘ed by i/ze aziZ/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That if any issue hath been or hereafter shall be tried by the oath of twelve men or more, for the party plaintiff or demandant, or for the party tenant or defendant, bailiff in assise, vouchee, prayee in aid, or tenant by receit, in any man- ner of action, suit, bill, plaint, or demand in any court of record, then thejudges or justices, by whom judgment thereof ought to be given, shall proceed and give judgment in the same, any mispleading, lack of colour, insufficient pleading, or jeofail; any miscontinuance or discon- tinuance, or misconceiving of process, misjoining of the issue, lack of warrant of attorney of the party against whom the issue shall happen to Judgment no to be annulled for correc- tions in record. Pleas to be entered in English language. Use of ancient terms not to work prejudice. Judgment to be en- tered after verdict, notwi th - standing: default by person against whom verdict rendered. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 32. Id.. not- withstand- ing default, in form in any Writ. Id. be tried; or any other default or negligence of any of the parties or of their counsellors, or attornies, had or made, to the contrary notwith- standing: And thejudgments thereof so to be had, and given, shall stand in full strength and force to all intents and purposes, according to the said verdict, without any reversal or undoing of the same by writ of error or otherwise, in like form as though no such default or negli- gence had ever been had or committed. Ana’ fart/lei", that if any verdict of twelve men or more hath been or'shall be given in any action, suit, bill, plaint, or demand in any court of record, the judgment there- upon shall not he stayed or reversed, by reason of any default in form, or lack of form, touching variance from the register, or other defaults in form, in any writ original, or judicial, count, declaration, plaint, bill, suit or demand; or for want of any writ original or judicial; or by reason of any imperfect or insufficient return of any sheriff or other officer; or for want of any warrant of attorney or by reason of any manner of default in process, upon or after any aid prayer, or wvoucher; nor shall any such record or judgment, after verdict, be reversed for any of the defects or causes aforesaid. Ana’ moreover, that if any verdict of twelve men or more hath been or hereafter shall be given for the plaintiff or demandant or for the defendant or tenant, bailiff in assize, vouchee, prayee in aid, or tenant by receit, in any action, suit, bill, plaint or demand in any court of record, the judgment thereupon shall not he stayed or reversed, by reason of any variance in form only between the original writ, or bill, and the declaration, plaint, or demand; or for lack of any averment of any life or lives of any person or persons, so as upon examination, the said person be proved to be in life; or by reason that the venire facias, habeas corpora, or distringas, is awarded to a wrong officer upon any insufficient suggestion; or by reason that any of the jury, which tried the said issue, is misnamed, either in the christian name, sir name, or addition, in any of the said writs, or in any return upon any of the said writs, so as upon examination it be proved to be the same man who was meant to be returned; or by reason that there is no return upon any of the said writs, so as a pannel of the names of the jurors be returned and annexed to the said writ or writs; or for that the sheriffs name, or other officers name, having the return thereof, is not set to the return of any such writ, so as upon examination it be proved that the said writ was returned by the sheriff or under sheriff, or any such other officer; or by reason that the plaintiff in any action of ejectment or in any personal action or suit (being an infant under the age of twenty one years) did appear by attorney therein and the verdict pass for him or her, and also that if any verdict of twelve men or more hath been or shall be given in any action, suit, bill, plaint, or demand in any court of record, the judgment thereupon shall not he stayed or reversed for default in form or lack of form; or by reason that there are no pledges, or but one pledge to prosecute returned upon the original writ; or because the name of the sheriff is not returned upon such origi- nal writ; or for default of entering pledges upon any bill or declaration; or for default of alledging the bringing into court any bond, bill, inden- ture, or other deed whatsoever, mentioned in the declaration or other pleading; or for default of alledging the bringing into court letters tes- tamentary or letters of administration; or by reason of the omission ,of the words “ with force and arms” or “ against the peace : ” or for, or by reason of the mistaking of the christian name, or sir name of the plain- tiff or defendant, demandant or tenant, sum, or sums of money, day, month, or year, by the clerk, in any bill, declaration, or pleading, where the right name, sir name, sum, day, month, or year in any writ, plaint, CHAP. 32.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 649 roll, or record preceding, or in the same roll, or record, where the mis- take is committed, is or are once truly and rightly alledged and to which the party might have demurred and shewn the same for cause; nor for want of the averment or words “ and this he is ready to verify,” or “ and this he is ready to verify by the record,” or for not alledging “ as appears by the record,” or for that there is no right venue, so as the cause was tried by a jury of the proper county or place where the action is laid; nor shall any judgment after the verdict be reversed for want of entr- ing that the person against whom such judgment is given “ be in mercy” or, be taken,” or by reason that the words “ be taken ” are entered for “ be in mercy,” or the words “ be in mercy,” are entered for “ be taken,” nor for that in the judgment the words “ it is granted” are entered for “it is considered” nor for that the increase of costs after a verdict in any action, or upon a nonsuit in replevin, are n be at the request of the party to whom the judgment is given; nor by reason that the costs in any judgment whatsoever are not entered to be by the con- sent of the plaintiff; but that all such omissions, variances, defects, and all other matters of like nature not being against the right of the matter of the suit, nor whereby the issue or trial are altered, shall be amended by the justices or other judges of the courts where such judgments are or shall be given or whereunto the record is or shall be removed by writ of error. Aim’ fie z'z‘ flfl'f/lé’l' elzarz‘m’ &y [/16 az/f/wrz'z‘y aforesaid, That where any demurrer hath been or shall be joined and entered in any action or suit in any court of record in this State, the judges or justices shall proceed and give judgment according as the very right of the cause and matter in law shall appear unto them, without regarding any imperfection, omission, defect or want of form, in any writ, return, plaint, declaration, or other pleading, process, or course of proceeding whatsoever, except those only which the party demurring shall specially and particularly set down and express, together with his demurrer as causes of the same, notwithstanding that such imperfection, omission or defect might have heretofore been taken to be matter of substance, so as sufficient matter appear in the pleadings upon which the court may give judgment accord— ing to the very right of the cause, and therefore no advantage or excep- tion shall be taken of or for an immaterial traverse; or of or for the default of entring pledges upon any bill or declaration; or of or for the default of alledging the bringing into court any bond, bill, indenture, or other deed whatsoever mentioned in the declaration or other pleading; or of or for the default of alledging the bringing into court letters testa- mentary, or letters of administration, or of or for the omission of the words “with force and arms” or “ against the peace ” or either of them; or of or for want of the averment or words “and this he is ready to verify ” or “and this he is ready to verify by the record; ” or of or for not alledging “ as appears by the record; ” but the court shall give judg- ment according to the very right of the cause as aforesaid, without regarding any such imperfections, omissions or defects, or any other matter of like nature, except the same shall be specially and particularly set down and shewn for cause of demurrer, and that no judgment shall be reversed by any writ of error for any such imperfection, omission, defect or want of form as is aforesaid, except such only as are before excepted. Ana’ furt/zer, that after demurrers joined the court where the same are or shall be depending shall and may by virtue of this act, from time to time, amend all and every such imperfections, omissions, defects and want of form as are berore mentioned, other than those only which the party demurring shall specially and particularly express and ot entereo to set down together with his demurrer as aforesaid. _ VOL. 2. -— 32 Demurrer. trial of; only defects pleaded to be consid— ered. 650 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 33. Act to ex- tend to judgment by confes- sion. Writs of error to be amended to conform to record. Judgment not stayed by defect in writ original. To what actions act to extend. Act not to extend to criminal cases. Promissory notes to be negotiable. And be it furt/zer e/zaeted by tile aat/zority aforesaid, That every thing herein before contained shall extend to all judgments which have been or shall be entered upon confession, nihil dicit or non sum informatus in any court of record; and no such judgment shall be reversed nor any judgment upon any writ of inquiry of damages executed thereon, be stayed or reversed, for or by reason of any imperfection, omission, defect, matter or thing whatsoever, which would have been aided and cured by this act, in case averdict of twelve men had been given in the said action or suit, so as there be an original writ or bill duly filed according to law. A 71d be it fart/ter enaeted by Me aut/zorizfy aforesaid, That all writs of error wherein there shall be any variance from the original record or other defect, may and shall be amended and made agreeable to such record by the respective courts where such writ or writs of error are or shall be made returnable. And that where any verdict hath been or shall be given in any action, suit, bill, plaint, or demand in any court of record, the judgment thereupon shall not be stayed or reversed, for any defect or fault, either in form or substance, in any bill, writ original or judicial, or for any variance in such writs from the declaration or other proceedings. And be itfartber eizaeted by t/ze ,azet/zority aforesaid, That this act shall extend to all suits in any court of record for recovery of any debt due to the people of this State, or for any debt duty or revenue belonging to them. And also to all writs of mandamus and informations in the nature of a quo warranto, and to the proceedings thereon. Proz'ided always And be it fart/ter eizaeted by t/ze aut/zorizy aforesaid, That this act or any thing therein contained shall not extend, to any writ, declaration or suit of appeal of felony or murder; nor to any indictment or present- ment of felony, murder, treason, or other matter, nor to any process upon any of them; nor to any writ, bill, action, or information, upon any popular or penal statute; nor to any outlawry or any process there- upon or in order thereunto. CHAP. 33. AN ACT for giving relief on promissory notes. PASSED the 20th of February, 1788. Be it enaeted by Me People of tbe State 0 New York represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enaete by the aat/zority of tbe same, That all notes in writing already made or hereafter to be made, and signed by any person or persons, or by the factor or agent of any mer- chant or trader who is usually intrusted by him her or them to sign such promissory note for him her or them whereby such person or persons, his her or their factor or agent as aforesaid, doth or shall promise to,[ pay, to any other person or persons, body politic or ‘corporate, his her or their order, or unto bearer, any sum of money, mentioned in such note shall be taken and construed to be by virtue thereof due and payable to any such person or persons, body politic or corporate, to whom the same is or shall be made payable; and also every such note payable to any person or persons, body politic or corporate his her or their order, shall be assignable or indorseable over, to any other person or persons, body politic or corporate; and that the person or persons, body politic CHAP. 34.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 651 or corporate, to whom such sum of money is or shall be by such note made payable, shall and may maintain an action for, and recover the money made payable by such note, against the person or persons, who, or whose factor or agent as aforesaid, signed the same; and that any person or persons, body politic or corporate, to whom such note that is payable to any person or persons body politic or corporate, his, her or their order, is or shall be indorsed or assigned, or the money therein mentioned ordered to be paid by indorsement thereon, shall and may maintain his her or their action for such sum of money. either against the person or persons, who, or whose factor or agent as aforesaid, signed such note, or against any of the persons who indorsed the same; and in every such action the plaintif or plaintifs shall recover his her or their damages, and costs of suit; and if such plaintif or plaintifs shall be non- suited, or a verdict be given against him her or them the defendant or defendants shall recover his her or their costs against the plaintif or plaintifs; and every such plaintif or plaintifs, or defendant or defend- ants respectively recovering, may sue out execution for such damages and costs, by capias ad satisfaciendum or fieri facias, as is usual in other cases. CHAP. 34. AN ACT for preventing any inconveniences that may happen by privilege. PASSED the 20th of February, 1788. Be ii’ e/zaez‘ed by Z/ze People of [be Slate of New York represented in Actions Serzaz‘e and Assembly, and ii‘ is hereby e/iaez‘ed by i/ze azii/ioriiy of [be same, glggrilg'sé’rs That from and after the passing of this act, any person or persons, shall pfitheles- and may, commence and prosecute any action or suit, in any court of Lsiiéfifegf record in this State, against any senator or member of assembly for the Privilege" time being, or against their or any of their servants, or any other person, entitled to the privilege of either house of the legislature, at any time from, and immediately after, the prorogation or adjournment of the leg- islature, until a new legislature shall meet, or the same be reassembled; and from and immediately after any adjournment of both houses of the legislature for above the space of fourteen days, until both. houses shall meet or reassemble; and that the said respective courts of record shall and may after such prorogation or adjournment as aforesaid, proceed to give judgment, or to make 'final orders, decrees and sentences, and award execution thereupon, as such court may now lawfully do, against other persons liable to be arrested and imprisoned; any law usage or custom to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. Provided always, that no member of the legislature, or his servant or servants, shall be liable to arrest, on any civil process, while coming to, or returning from, the place where the legislature shall sit, to the place of such members resi- dence, but such time of coming or returning, shall not exceed fourteen da 34nd be ii‘ farther enacted by the authority aforesaid, That where any statute of plaintif or plaintifs, shall by reason or occasion, of any privilege of either Irififfi‘giggfij house of the legislature, be stayed or prevented from prosecuting, any suit by him her or them commenced, such plaintif or plaintifs, shall not be barred by any statute of limitation, or nonsuited, dismissed, nor his, ,her or their suit discontinued for want of prosecution, of the suit by him 652 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 35. Actions against public offi— cerfor official mis- conduct not stayed by privilege. Securities given for gambling debts de— clared void. her or them begun, but may after the time aforesaid, be at liberty to proceed to judgment and execution thereupon, as aforesaid. And whereas it is just and reasonable, that persons employed. in offices and places of public trust, should at all times be accountable, for any misdemeanors therein, and the public justice of the State requireth, a vigorous prosecution of such offenders. Therefore Be z'z‘farz‘aer e/zaoz‘ed a)! Z/ze aaz‘lzorz'zfy aforesaid. That any action or suit, shall and may be commenced and prosecuted, in any court of record in this State, against any officer or person, intrusted, or employed in the revenue of this State, or any part or branch thereof, or in any other office or place of public trust, for any forfeiture, misdemeanor, or - breach of trust, of, in, or relating to, such office or place of trust, or any penalty imposed by law, to enforce the due execution thereof; and that no such action, suit or any other process, proceeding, judgment, or execution thereupon, altho’ such officer or person shall be, a member of the senate or gassembly, shall be impeached, stayed or delayed, by or under colou-rior pretence, of any privilege of either house of the legis- ture. CHAP. 35. AN ACT to prevent excessive and deceitful gaming. PASSED the 20th of February, I788. WHEREAS the laws now in force, for preventing the mischiefs which happen by gaming have been found insufficient; for remedy whereof. Be it ewzaez‘ed oy t/ze People of Me State of jVew York, represented in Se/zaz‘e and Assemldy, and it is lzereoy enacted a)» [/ze authority of f/ze same, That all notes bills, bonds, judgments, mortgages or other securities or conveyances whatsoever, given, granted, drawn or entered into, or exe- cuted by any person or persons whatsoever, where the whole or any part of the consideration of such notes, bills, bonds, judgments, mort- gages or other securities or conveyances, shall be for any money or other valuable thing or things whatsoever, won by gaming. or playing at cards, dice, tables, billiards, tennis, bowls, shuffle board, or other game or games whatsoever; or by betting on the sides or hands of such as do play at any of the games aforesaid; or for the reimbursing or repaying any money, knowingly lent or advanced for such gaming or betting as aforesaid, or lent or advanced at the time and place of such play, to any person or persons so gaming or betting as aforesaid, or that shall during such play so play or bet, shall be utterly void, frustrate and of none effect, to all intents and purposes whatsoever; any law or usage to the coatrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. And that where such mortgages, securities or other conveyances shall be of lands tenements or hereditaments, or shall be such as incumber or affect the same, such , mortgages, securities or other conveyances, shall enure and be, to and, for the sole use and benefit of and shall devolve upon such person orl persons as should or might have, or be entitled to, such lands tenements or hereditaments, in case the grantor or grantors thereof, or other per- son or persons so incumbering the same, had been naturally dead; and as if such mortgages, securities or other conveyances had been made to such person or persons so to be intitled after the decease of the person or persons so incumbering the same; and that all grants and convey- ances to be made for the preventing of such lands, tenements or heredit- CHAP. 35.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 653 aments from coming to or devolving upon such person or persons, hereby intended to enjoy the same as aforesaid, shall be deemed fraud- ulent and void, and of none effect, to all intents and purposes whatso- even And be z'z‘farl/zer marred by t/ze aat/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That any person or persons whatsoever, who shall at any time or sitting, by playing at cards, dice, tables, billiards, tennis, bowls, shuffle board or other game or games whatsoever, or by betting on the sides or hands of such as do play at any of the games aforesaid. lose to any one or more person or persons so playing or betting, in the whole the sum of ten pounds in money, or any other thing or things of the value of ten pounds, or in money and any other thing or things to the amount of ten pounds lawful money of this State, and shall pay or deliver the same, or any part thereof, it shall and be lawful for the person or persons so losing ‘ass-r‘ and paying or delivering the same money and other thing or things or either of them, within three months next thereafter, to sue for and‘ recover the money, or value of the thing or things so lost, and paid or delivered, or any part thereof, from the respective winner or winners thereof, with costs of suit, by action of debt founded on this act, in any court of record within this State having cognizance of the same: In which actions it shall be sufficient for the plaintif or plaintifs, to alledge in his or their declaration, that the defendant -or defendants is or are indebted to the plaintif or plaintifs in the monies so lost and paid, or in the amount or value of the thing or things so lost and delivered, for so much money had and received by such defendant or defendants to the plaintifs use, whereby an action hath accrued to the plaintif or plaintifs according to the form of this act, without setting forth the special matter. And in case the person or persons who shall lose such money or other thing or things as aforesaid, shall not, within the time aforesaid, really and bona fide and without covin or collusion, sue and prosecute with effect for the money or other thing or things so by him or them lost and paid or delivered as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons by any such action or suit as aforesaid, to sue for and recover the same and treble the amount or value thereof, with costs of suit, against such winner or winners as aforesaid; the one moiety of such forfeiture, when recovered, to be paid to the‘over- seers of the poor of the city or town in which such offence shall be committed, and the other moiety to the person or persons who will sue for the same. And for the better discovery of the monies or other thing or things so won and to be sued and recovered, as aforesaid, Be 2'! fart/zer eizaez‘ed by z‘/ze aaf/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That all and every person or persons, who by virtue of this act, shall or may be liable to be sued for the same, shall be obliged and compellable to answer upon oath, such bill or bills as shall be exhibited and filed in any court of equity against him or them for discovering the sum and sums of money, or other thing or things so won at play as aforesaid, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act: And it shall and may be law- ful for such court in which such bill shall be brought, exhibited and filed, to proceed and decree thereupon, and enforce such decree or decrees as shall be made in pursuance thereof in the same manner as is practiced and used in other causes upon bills and answers depending in the courts where such bill shall be so brought, exhibited and filed. Provided always. And be it furl/zer enaeted by t/ze aut/zorz'ly aforesaid, That upon the discovery and repayment, or re-delivery of the money or other thing or things so to be discovered and repaid or re-delivered as aforesaid, the Money lost at gam- bling may be recov- ered. Defendant to answer under oath; de- crees en_ forced. Repay- ment of money won at, gam- 654 LAWS OF NEW YORK; [CHAR 35. bling to excuse from other penalty. Forfeiture for win-~ ning over £10 of one person; fraudulent; practice declared infamous. Indictment for exces- sive gam- bling. Informer excused from penalty. Witnesses. Dissolute persons, examina— person or persons who shall rediscover and repay or redeliver the same as aforesaid, shall be acquitted, indemnified and discharged from any further or other punishment, forfeiture or penalty, which he, she or they may have incurred by the playing for or winning such money or other thing or things so discovered and repaid or redelivered as aforesaid, any former law, or any thing in this act contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding A no’ be it fari/zer e/zaeted by i/ze aai/zoriziv aforesaid, That if any per- son or persons whatsoever, do or shall by any fraud or shift, cousenage, circumvention, deceit or unlawful device or ill practice whatsoever, in playing at, or with cards, dice or any of the games aforesaid, or in or by bearing a share or part in the stakes, wagers or adventures in, or betting on the sides or hands of such as do or shall play as aforesaid, win, obtain or acquire to him or themselves, or to any other or others, any sum or sums of money, or other valuable thing or things whatsoever, or shall at any one time or sitting, win of any one or more person or persons whatsoever, above the sum or value of ten pounds; that then every person or persons so winning by such ill-practice as aforesaid, or winning at any one time or sitting above the sum or value of ten pounds, and being convicted of any of the said offences upon any indictment or information, to be exhibited against him, her or them for that purpose, shall forfeit five times the value of the sum or sums of money or other thing or things so won as aforesaid; and in case of such ill practice as aforesaid, the person or persons so winning as aforesaid, shall be deemed infamous, and suffer such corporal punishment as in cases of wilful and corrupt perjury; and such penalty shall and may be recovered by any person or persons who shall sue for the same in manner aforesaid, and when recovered shall be appropriated as herein above directed. And be iz‘fari/zer eflaeied by i/ze aaz‘boriz‘y aforesaid, That if any person shall win or lose at play, or by betting, at anytime, the sum or value of ten pounds or upwards, or within the space of twenty—four hours, the sum or value of twenty pounds, such person shall be liable to be indicted for such offence at any time within one year after it is committed, either in the supreme court, or in any court of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery; and being thereof legally convicted, shall be fined five times the value of the sum so lost or won; which fine (after such charges as the court shall judge reasonable to allow to the prosecutors and wit- nesses out of the same) shall be paid to the overseers of the poor of the city or town where such offence shall be committed, for the use of the poor thereof. Provided always. A 12d be it farZ/zer enacted by f/ze aaz‘lzorigz aforesaid, That if any per- son so offending, shall discover any other person so offending, so that such person be thereupon convicted, the person so discovering shall be discharged and indemnified from all penalties by reason of any such offence, if such person so discovering hath not been before convicted thereof, and he shall be admitted as an evidence to prove the same. And be it farf/zer marred by t/ze aal/zorizjr aforesaid, That no person or persons, other than the parties plaintif, or defendant in the cause, shall be incapaciated from being a witness, touching any offence com- mitted against this act, by reason of having played, betted, or staked at any game prohibited by this act. A/zd a'I/zereas divers lewd and dissolute persons live at great expences, having no visible estate profession or calling, to maintain themselves but support those expences by gaming only; therefore Be it further enaeied by [be aaz‘lzorizjl aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful, for any two or more justices of the peace in any. city or county CHAP. 36.] ELEVENTH SESSION. ' 655 within this State, to cause to come or be brought before them every per- tion of: son within their respective cities or counties, whom they shall have just cause to suspect to have no visible estate profession or calling to maintain frow- themselves by, but who do for the most part support themselves by gaming; and if such person or persons shall not make it appear to such justices that the principal part of his or their expences are not main- tained by gaming, that then such justices shall require of him or them sufficient sureties for his or their good behaviour for the space of twelve months; and in default of his or their finding such sureties, to commit him or them to the common gaol of the city or county, there to remain until he or they shall find such sureties as aforesaid. And be ii‘ farl/ier enacted by Me aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That if such per- Recogni- son or persons so finding sureties as aforesaid, shall during the time for if?" which he or she shall to be so bound to the good behaviour at any one gambling- time or sitting, play or bet for any sum or sums of money or other thing, exceeding in the whole the sum or value of twenty shillings, that then such playing shall be deemed or taken to be a breach of his her or their good behaviour. and a forfeiture of the recognizance given for the same. CHAP. 36. AN ACT concerning distresses, and for the better security and more easy recovery of rents and renewal of leases, and to pre- vent frauds by tenants. PASSED the zist of February, 1788. Be iz_‘ eaaeled by Me People of l/ie Slale of [Vera Yor/e, represented in Excessive Senate and Assembly, and ii‘ is lzereby eizaeled by fire azil/zorizy of l/ze same, That all distresses made or taken for any cause whatsoever, shall be taken reasonable, and not too great; and whosoever shall take great and unreasonable distresses shall be punished by fine for the excess of such distresses, and shall answer the damages to the party aggrieved. And be ii‘ farz‘lzer enaez‘ed by the aid/eerily aforesaid, That no person Fine for, ' - - - - illegal (113— shall take any distress wrongfully, or distrain in the highway oncommon tress, em street, or cause any distress that he or she shall take, to be driven out of the county where it shall be taken; and every person who shall do so, of his or her own authority and without judgment, shall be pun- ished by fine, as for a thing done against the peace and shall answer the damages to the party aggrieved. And be ii‘ fari/zer enacted by l/ze azil/zorilv aforesaid, That no person Distress shall be distrained for any cause whatsoever, by his or her beasts of the plough or sheep, or by the impliments of his or her trade, but until other imple- distress or chattels where of the debt may be levied or sufficient for the demand, can be found, (except the distraining and impounding beasts ifa‘geobtgg’gr found on the ground of any person damage feasant, according to the goods. custom of this State). A no’ be if fart/ler elzaeled by l/ze az/l/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That when any Beasts dis- beasts are distrained for any cause whatsoever, they shall be put in open 3,1,11,83,30 pound, in the same county where they shall be taken; and they to whom Oven the beasts do belong may give them their feeding without disturbance, pound’ so long as they shall be impounded. And be ii‘ farl/zer enaeied by file azil/iori/y aforesaid, That where any goods or chattels shall be distrained for any rent reserved and due upon be sold at . bl‘: any demise, lease or contract whatsoever, and the tenant or owner of ‘32.1.1116, LAWS or NEW YORK. [CHAR 36. Distress of farm pro ducts. Distress may be kept on premises where lev- ied until sold Penalty for pound breach. the goods so distrained, shall not, within five days next after such dis- tress taken, and notice thereof; (with the cause of such taking) left at the chief mansion house or other most notorious place on the premises charged with the rent distrained for, replevy the same, with sufficient security to be given to the sheriff according to law, that then in such case, after such distress and notice as aforesaid, and expiration of the said five days, the person distraining shall and may, with the sheriff or under sheriff of the county, or with the constable or other officer of the town or place where such distress shall be taken, (who are hereby required to be aiding and assisting therein) cause the goods and chattels so distrained, to be appraised by two sworn appraisers, (whom such sheriff, under sheriff, constable or other officer as aforesaid are hereby impowered to summon for that service, and to swear, well and truly to appraise the same, according to the best of their understanding); and after such appraisement, shall and may lawfully sell at public vendue the goods and chattels so distrained, for the best price that can be gotten for the same, (giving three days public notice) towards satisfaction of the rent, for which the said goods and chattels shall be distrained, and of the charges of such distress appraisement and sale; leaving the over- plus, (if any) in the hands of the said sheriff, under sheriff, constable or officer, for the owner’s use. VI. A 12d be it fzzrz‘ber erzaez‘ed by Z/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid, That it shall be lawful for any person or persons, having rent in arrear and due upon any such demise, lease or contract as aforesaid, to seize and secure any sheaves or cocks of corn, or corn loose, or in the straw, or hay lying or being in any barn or granary, or upon any hovel, stack or rick, or else- where upon any part of the land charged with such rent, and to lock up or detain the same, in the place where the same shall be found, for and in the nature of a distress, until the same shall be replevied, upon such security to be given as aforesaid; and in default of replevying the same as aforesaid, within the time aforesaid, to sell the same after the appraise- ment thereof in manner as above directed. Andfarf/zer it shall be law- ful for such landlord or lessor to take and seize as aforesaid, any cattle or stock of such tenant or tenants, feeding or depasturing upon any common appendant or appurtenant, or any ways belonging to the prem- ises demised or holden; and also to take and seize all sorts of corn and grass, roots or other produce, growing or being thereon, as distress for arrears of rent. and the same to cut, gather, make, cure, carry and lay up, in some convenient place on the premises, and for want thereof, in some other place to be procured by such landlord, (due notice of such place being given to such tenant or lessee, or left at his place of abode) and within the time and in manner herein before directed, to appraise sell or dispose of the same. VII. A 12d be z'z‘farZ/zer erzaez‘ed by Me auz‘boriz‘y aforesaid, That it shall be lawful for any person lawfully taking any distress, to impound or other- wise secure the distress so made, of whatever nature or kind it may be, in such place or on such part of the premises as shall be most conveni- ent for the purpose, and to appraise, sell and dispose of the same upon the premises, in like manner as any person taking a distress for rent may do, off the premises, by virtue of this act. And it shall be lawful for any person or persons to come and go, to and from such place or part of the said premises, in order to view appraise and buy, and also to carry off, and remove the same. And be it furz‘lzer enacted by tile auz‘boriz'y aforesaid, That upon any pound breach, or rescouse of goods or chattels distrained for rent, the person or persons grieved thereby shall, in a special action upon the CHAP. 36.] ELEVENTH SESSION. case for the wrong thereby sustained, recover his and their treble dam- ages, and costs of suit, against the offender or offenders, in any such rescouse or pound breach, any or either of them, or against the owner of the goods distrained, in case the same be afterwards found to have come to his use or possession. Provided always, and Be iz‘fzirZ/zer e/zaez‘ed by [be aai/zorizj/ aforesaid, That in case any such distress and sale as aforesaid, shall be made by virtue or colour of this present act, for rent pretended to be in arrear and due, where in truth no rent is in arrear or due, to the person or persons distraining, or to him or them in whose name or names, or right, such distress shall be taken as aforesaid, that then the owner of such goods or chattels dis- trained and sold as aforesaid, his executors or administrators, shall and may, by action of trespass, or upon the case, to be brought against the person or persons so distraining, any or either of them, his or their executors or administrators, recover double of the value of the goods or chattels so distrained and sold, together with full costs of suit. A 12d be if farZ/zer e/zaez‘ed by i/ze az/Z/zorizfy aforesaid, That where any distress shall be made, for any kind of rent justly due, and any irregu- larity or unlawful act shall be afterwards done by the party or parties distraining, or by his, her, or their agent or agents, the distress itself shall not be therefore deemed to be unlawful, nor the party or parties making it be deemed a trespasser or tresspassers ab initio: But the party or parties aggrieved by such unlawful act, or irregularity, shall and may recover full satisfaction for the special damages, he, she, or they shall have sustained thereby, and no more, in an action of trespass, or on the case, at the election of the plaintiff or plaintiffs: Prozlided always, Actions of trespass to lie for illegal distress. Illegal acts by distrain- ing party after legal distress. that where the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall recover in such action, he, she, or they shall be paid his, her or their full costs of suit, and have all the like remedies for the same as in other cases of costs: But that no ten- ant or tenants, lessee or lessees, shall recover in any action for any such unlawful act or irregularity as aforesaid, if tender of amends hath been made by the party or parties distraining, his, her or their agent or agents, before such action brought. A red be ii‘fari/zer wanted by Z/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That in all actions of trespass, or upon the case, to be brought against any person or per- sons intitled to any rents or services of any kind, his, her or their bailif or receiver, or other person or persons, relating to any entry by virtue of this act, or otherwise, upon the premises chargeable with such rents or services, or to any distress or seizure, sale or disposal of any goods or chattels thereupon, it shall and may be lawful to and for the defendant or defendants in such actions, to plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence; any law or usage to the contrary notwith- standing: And in case the plaintif or plaintifs shall become non suit, discontinue his, her or their action, or have judgment against him, her or them, the defendant or defendants shall recover double costs of suit. XII. And be if fzerf/zer ei-zaeied by Z/ze auZ/zorii‘y aforesaid, That no goods or chattels whatsoever in or upon the demised premises, shall be liable to be taken by virtue of any execution, on any pretense whatsoever, unless the party at whose suit the said execution is sued out, shall, before the removal of such goods from off the said premises, by virtue of such exe- cution, pay to the landlord of the said premises, or his bailif all and every sum or sums of money due for rent for the said premises, at the time of the taking such goods or chattels, by virtue of such execution; provided the said arrears of rent do not amount to more than one years rent; and in case the said arrears shall exceed one years rent, then the said party at whose suit such execution is sued out, paying the said land- VoL. 2.—83 Actions of trespass, plea by defend- ants in. Goods taken on execution not to be removed from prem- ises until rent paid. 658 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 36. Distress may be made within thirty days after goods removed, Penalty for concealing goods. Distress of concealed goods, how made. lord or his bailif, one year’s rent, may proceed to execute his judgment as he might have done before the making of this act: And the sheriff or other officer is hereby impowered and required to levy and pay to the plaintiff as well the money so paid for rent, as the execution money. And be iz‘ fart/zer erzaez’ed by Z/ze aaz‘lzorizfy aforesaid, That in case any such lessee for life or lives, term of years, at will, or otherwise, shall convey or carry off or from such demised premises, his or her goods or chattels, leaving the rent unpaid, it shall and may be lawful for such lessor or landlord, or any person or persons by him or her, for that pur- pose lawfully empowered, within the space of thirty days next after such conveying away, or carrying off such goods or chattels as aforesaid, to take and seize such goods and chattels, wherever the same shall be found, as a distress for the said arrears of rent; and the same to sell or otherwise dispose of, in such manner as if the said goods and chattels had actually been distrained by such lessor or landlord, in and upon such premises, for such arrears of rent; any law, custom or usage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. Provided neoeri/zeiess, that nothing in this act contained shall extend or be construed to extend, to impower such lessor or landlord to take or seize any goods or chattels as a distress for arrears of rent, which shall be sold bona fide and for a valuable consideration, before such seizure made, to any person not privy to such fraud; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwith- standing. And to deter tenants from such conveying away their goods and chattels, leaving the rent unpaid, and others from wilfully aiding or assisting therein, or concealing the same: Be iz‘furt/zer enacted by the aat/zorizj/ aforesaid, That if any such tenant or lessee shall remove and convey away his or her goods or chattels as aforesaid, or if any person or persons shall wilfully and knowingly aid or assist any such tenant or lessee in such conveying away or carrying off any part of his or her goods or chattels, or in concealing the same, all and every person or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay to the landlord or landlords, lessor or lessors, his, her or their heirs or assigns, from whose estate such goods and chattels were so carried off as afore- said, double the value of the goods by him her or them respectively carried off, or concealed as aforesaid; to be recovered by action of debt in any court of record. And be ii‘ furi/zer enaez‘ed by the authority aforesaid, That Where any goods or chattels shall be conveyed or carried away as aforesaid, by any tenant or tenants, lessee or lessees, his, her or their servant or ser- vants, agent or agents, or other person or persons, aiding or assisting therein, shall be put, placed or kept in any house, barn, stable, out house, yard, close or place, locked up, fastened or otherwise secured, so as to prevent such goods or chattels from being taken and seized as a distress for arrears of rent, it shall and may be lawful for the landlord or landlords, lessor or lessors, his, her or their heirs or assigns. or his, her or their steward, bailif, receiver or other person or persons impowered, to take and seize, as a distress for rent, such goods and chattels (first calling to his, her or their assistance, the constable or other peace officer of the town or place, Where the same shall be suspected to be concealed, who are hereby ‘required to aid and assist therein; and in case of a dwelling house, oath being also first made, before some justice of the peace, of a reasonable ground to suspect that such goods or chattels are therein) in the day time to break open and enter into such house, barn. stable, out-house, yard close or place, and to take and seize such goods and chattels for the said arrears of rent as he, she, or they might have 'CHAP. 36.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 659‘ tenants. done by virtue of this act, if such goods and chattels had been put in any open field or place. XVI. Ana’ fie z'z‘farf/zer enactea’ 5y Z/ze aut/wrz'z‘y afaresaz'a’, That it shall Rent due on lease be lawful for any person or persons, having any rent in arrear or due for Jim upon a lease or demise for life or lives, to bring an action or actions of debt for such arrears of rent, in the same manner as they might have done in case such rent was due and reserved upon a lease for years. Ana’ w/zereas, tenants pour autre vie, and lessees for years or at will, frequently hold over the tenements to them demised, after the determi- nation of such lease; and w/zereas after the determination of such, or any other leases, no distress can by law be made for any arrears of rent that grew due on such respective leases before the determination thereof; for remedy whereof, Be it fari/zer enaez'ezi (3)) file aaZ/zorz'zj/ afaresaz'a’, That it shall be law- ful for any person or persons having any rent in arrear and due upon a lease for life or lives, or for years, or at will, ended or determined, to distrain for such arrears after the determination of the said respective leases, in the same manner as they might have done if such lease or leases had not been ended or determined. Pravz'dea’, that such distress be made within the space of six kalender months after the determination of such lease, and during the continuance of such landlord’s title or interest, and during the possession of the tenant from whom such arrears became due. . Ana’ zu/zereas by the common law, the executors or administrators of tenants in fee simple, or for term of life, of rent service, rent charge, rent seck and fee farms, have no remedy to recover such arrearages of the said rents of fee farms, as were due unto their testators or intestates in their lives, nor may the heirs of such testator, nor any person having the reversion of his or her estate, after his or her decease, distrain or have any lawful action to levy any such arrears of rents or fee farms; for remedy whereof, Be it furz‘lzer enaez‘ea’ éy t/ze auz‘lzorz'z‘y aforesaid, That the executors or administrators of every such person and persons, unto whom any such rent or fee farm is or shall be due, and not paid at the time of his, her or their death, shall and may have an action of debt for all such arrearages, against the tenant or tenants, who ought to have paid the ‘said rent or fee farms, so being behind in the life of the testator or intes- tate, or against the executors or administrators of the said tenant or Ana’ fart/ler, that it shall be lawful for every such executor and administrator of any such person or persons unto whom such rent or fee farm is or shall be due and not paid at the time of his, her or their death as aforesaid, to distrain for the arrearages of all such rents and fee farms, upon the lands, tenements and hereditaments, which were, are, or shall be charged with the payment of such rents, or fee farms, and chargeable to the distress of the testator, or intestate, so long as the said lands tenements or hereditaments continue, remain and be, in the seisin or possession of the said tenant in demesne, who ought imme- diately to have paid the said rent or fee farm so being behind, to the said testator or intestate, in his or her life time, or in the seisin or pos- session of any other person or persons, claiming the said lands, tene- ments and hereditaments, only by or from the said tenant by purchase, gift or descent, in like manner and form as their testator or intestate might or ought to have done in his or her life time, and the said execu- tors or administrators shall for the same distress lawfully make avowry upon their matter aforesaid, and make appraisement and sale of such distress in the manner aforesaid. Distress for rent in arrear after deter- mination of lease. Executors and admin- istrators, recovery of arrears of rent by. '660 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 36. Husband. after death of Wife, may re- cover arrears of rent due her. Recovery of rent of fee farm And be it fari/zer erzaez‘ed by tile aui/zority aforesaid, That if any man, who now hath or shall hereafter have, in the right of his wife any estate in fee simple, or for term of life, of or in any rents or fee farms, and the same rents or fee farms now be, or hereafter shall be, due, behind and unpaid in the said wife’s life time, then the said husband, after the death of his said wife, his executors or administrators, shall have an action of debt for the said arrearages against the tenant of the demesne who ought to have paid the same, his or her executors or administrators. Arzdfarf/zer, that the said husband after the death of his said wife, may distrain for the said arrearages in like manner and form as he might have done, if his wife had been then living, and make avowry upon his matter as aforesaid, and make appraisement and sale of such distress in the manner aforesaid. A 12d be iz‘ fzirz‘ber erzaeied by fire azit/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That if any person who now hath or hereafter shall have, any rents or fee farms for aftel‘death term of life or lives, of any other person or persons, and the said rent of person on Whose life rent depended. Double yearly rent value to be recovered for with- holding lands from owner of reversion after deter— mination of life estate. Tenant holding over after giving notice of intention to quit. or fee farm now be, or hereafter shall be due and behind and unpaid, in the life of such person or persons, for whose life or lives the estate of the said rent or fee farm did depend or continue, and after the said per- son or persons do die, then he or she to whom the said rent or fee farm was‘ due in form aforesaid, his or her executors or administrators. shall and may have an action of debt against the tenant in demesne, who ought to have paid the same, when it was first due, his or her executors or administrators; and also may distrain for the same arrearages upon the lands and temements out of which the said rents or fee farms were issuing and payable, in such like manner and form as he or she ought or might have done, if the person or persons, by whose death the aforesaid estate in the said rents and fee farms determined and expired, were in full life; and the avowry for the taking of the same distress to make in manner and form aforesaid, and make appraisement and sale of such distress in manner aforesaid. And be if farz‘ber e/zaez‘ed by the aat/zoriz‘y aforesaid. That in case any tenant or tenants for any term of life, lives or years, or other person or persons, who are or shall come into possession of any lands, tenements. or hereditaments, by, from or under, or by collusion with such tenant or tenants, shall wilfully hold over any lands, tenements or hereditaments, after the determination of such term or terms, and after demand made, and notice in writing given for delivering the possession thereof, by his or their landlord or lessor, or the person or persons to whom the remain- der or reversion of such lands, tenements or hereditaments shall belong, his or their agent or agents thereunto lawfully authorized, then and in such case such person or persons so holding over, shall, for and during the time he, she or they shall so hold over or keep the person or persons entitled out of possession of the said lands, tenements or hereditaments as aforesaid, pay'to the person or persons so kept out of possession, his, her or their executors administrators or assigns, at the rate of double the yearly value of the lands, tenements or hereditaments so detained, for‘ so long time as the same are detained; to be recovered in any court of record in this State, by action of debt, whereunto the defendant or defendants shall be obliged to give special bail; and against the recov- ering of which said penalty there shall be no relief in equity. And be ii‘ furi/zer erzaez‘ed by the auz‘lzorizj/ aforesaid, That in case any tenant or tenants shall give notice of his, her, or their intention to quit the premises, by him, her, or them holden, at a time mentioned in such notice, and shall not accordingly deliver up the possession thereof, at ' the time in such notice contained, that then the said tenant or tenants, CHAP. 36.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 661 his, her or their executors or administrators, shall from thenceforward pay to the landlord or lessor, his or her heirs or assigns, double the rent or sum which he, she, or they should otherwise have paid; to be levied, sued for and recovered at the same times, and in the same manner, as the single rent or sum, before the giving such notice, could be levied, sued for or recovered; and such double rent or sum shall be continued to be paid during all the time such tenant or tenants shall continue in possession as aforesaid. Aizd w/zereas great inconveniences may happen to lessors and land— lords, in cases of re-entry for non payment of rent, by reason of the many niceties that attend re-entries at common law, and for as much as when a legal re-entry is made, the landlord or lessor must be at the expence, charge and delay of ‘recovering in ejectment, before he can obtain the actual possession of the demised premises: For remedy whereof, ' Be itfzeri/zer eizaez‘ed by i/ze azit/zorizj/ aforesaid, That in all cases between landlord and tenant, as often as it shall happen, that one half years rent shall be in arrear, and the landlord or lessor to whom the same is due hath right by law to re-enter for the non-payment thereof, such landlord or lessor shall and may, without any formal demand or re-entry, serve a declaration in ejectment for the recovery of the demised prem- ises, or in case the same cannot be legally served or no tenant be in actual possession of the premises, then affix the same-upon the door of any demised messuage, or in case such ejectment shall not be for the recovery of any messuage, then upon some notorious place of the lands, tenements or hereditaments comprised in such declaration in ejectment, and such affixing shall be deemed legal service thereof: Which service ‘or affixing such declaration in ejectment, shall stand in the place and stead of a demand and re-entry; and in case of judgment against the casual ejector, or non suit for not confessing lease, entry and ouster, it shall be made appear to the court where the said suit is depending, by affidavit, or be proved upon the trial, in case the defandant appears, that half a years rent was due before the said declaration was served, and that no sufficient distress was to be found on the demised premises, countervailing the arrears then due, and that the lessor or lessors in ejectment had power to re-enter, then and in every such case the lessor or lessors in ejectment shall have judgment and execution, in the same manner as if the rent in arrear had been legally demanded and re-entry made; and in case the lessee or lessees, his, her or their assignee or assignees, or other person or persons claiming or deriv- ing title under the said lease, shall suffer judgment on such eject- ment,_"and execution to be executed thereon, without paying the rent and arrears, together with full costs, and without filing any bill or bills for relief in equity, within six kalendar months after such execution executed; then and in such case the said lessee or lessees, his, her or their assignee or assignees, and all other persons claiming and deriving title under the said lease, shall be barred and foreclosed from all relief or remedy in law or equity, other than by writ of error for reversal of such judgment, in case the same shall be erroneous; and the said land- lord or lessor, shall from thenceforth hold the same demised premises, discharged from such lease or contract; and if on such ejectment, a verdict shall pass for the defendant or defendants, or the plaintif or plaintifs shall be non suited therein, except for the not confessing lease, entry and ouster, then and in every such case, such defendant or defend- ants shall have and recover his, her and their full costs. Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall extend to bar the right of any mort— Ejectment where one- half years rent is due and lessor has right of re-entry, proceed- ings for. 662 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 36. Stay of proceed- ings where rent claim- ed paid into court. Payment of rent and costs, ac- tion to be discontin- ued on. Surrender of old lease and taking gagee or mortgagees of such lease or any part thereof, who shall not be in possession, so as such mortgagee or mortgagees shall and do within six kalender months after such judgment obtained, and execution exe- cuted, pay all rent in arrear, and all costs and damages sustained by such lessor or person or persons intitled to the remainder or reversion as aforesaid, and perform all the covenants and agreements which on the part and behalf of the first lessee or lessees, are and ought to be per- formed. . XXIV. And be it furZ/zer enacted by Me az/f/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That in case the said lessee or lessees, his, her or their assignee or assignees or other person or persons claiming any right, title, or interest in law or equity, of, in or to the said lease, shall, within the time aforesaid, file one or more bill or bills for relief in any court of equity, such person or persons shall not have or continue any injunction against the proceed- ings at law on such ejectment, unless he, she or they, do or shall, within forty days next after a full and perfect answer shall be filed, by the lessor or lessors of the plaintiff in such ejectment, bring into court and lodge with the proper officer such sum and sums of money as the lessor or lessors of the plaintiff in the said ejectment, shall, in his, her or their answer swear to be due and in arrear, over and above all just allow- ances, and also the costs taxed in the said suit, there to remain, until the hearing of the cause, or'to be paid out to the lessor or landlord, on good security, subject to the decree of the court; and in case such bill or bills shall be filed within the time aforesaid, and after the execution is exe- cuted, the lessor or lessors of the plaintiff shall be accountable only for so much, and no more, as he, she or they shall really and bona fide without fraud, deceit or wilful neglect, make of the demised premises, from the ,time of his, her, or their entring into the actual possession thereof; and if what shall be so made by the lessor or lessors of the plaintiff, happen to be less than the rent reserved on the said lease, then the said lessee or lessees, his, her, or their assignee or asssignees, before he, she, or they shall be restored to the possession or possessions, shall pay such lessor or lessors or landlord or landlords, what the money so by them made, fell short of the reserved rent for the time such lessor or lessors of the plaintiff or landlord or landlords held the said lands. Provided always, and Be it farZ/zer eizaeied by z‘/ze aai/zoriiy aforesaid, That if the tenant or tenants, his, her, or their assignee or assignees, shall at any time before the trial in such ejectment, pay or tender to the lessor or landlord, his executors or administrators, or his, her, or their attorney in that cause, or pay into the court where the same cause is depending, all the rent and arrears, together with the costs, then and in such case all further proceed- ings on the said ejectment shall cease and be discontinued; and if such lessee or lessees, his, her or their executors, administrators or assigns, shall, upon such bill filed as aforesaid, be releived in equity, he, she, or they shall have, hold and enjoy the demised lands, according to the lease thereof made, without any new lease to be thereof made to him, her, or them. And, for making the renewal of leases more easy for the future; Be it fari/zer mated by i/ze aaz‘lzoriiy aforesaid, That in case any lease shall be duly surrendered in order to be renewed, and a new lease outof nfew, made and executed by the chief landlord or landlords, the same new effect 0 . lease shall, Without a surrender of all or any the under leases, be as good and valid to all intents and purposes, as if all the under leases derived thereout, had been likewise surrendered at or before the taking of such new lease; and all and every person or persons in whom any estate CHAP. 36.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 663 for life or lives, or for years, shall from time to time be vested by virtue of such new lease, and his, her and their executors and administrators, shall be entitled to the rents, covenants and duties, and have like remedy for recovery thereof, and the under lessees shall hold and enjoy the demised premises respectively, as if the; original leases, out of which the respective under leases are derived, had been still kept on foot and continued; and the chief landlord or landlords shall have and be enti- tled to such and the same remedy, by distress or entry in and upon the demised premises, for the rents and duties reserved by such new lease, so far as the same exceed not the rents and duties reserved in the lease out of which such under lease was derived, as he, she or they would have had in case such former lease had been still continued, or as he, she or they would have had in case the respective under leases had been renewed under such new principal lease; law, custom, or usage to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. XXVII. And 6e 2)‘ flH’f/lel’ e/zaez‘ed oy z‘/ze azzf/zorz'zj’ aforesaid, That Executors where any tenant for life shall happen to die, before or on the day on Sggigg {$3,}, which any rent was reserved or made payable, upon any demise or proportion lease of any lands, tenements or hereditaments which determined on $33,352,? the death of such tenant for life, that the executors or administrators of “filmm— . . . antsdeath such tenant for life shall and may, in action on the case recover of and from such under tenant or under tenants of such lands, tenements or hereditaments, if such tenant for life die on the day on which the same was made payable, the whole, or if before such day, then a proportion of such rent, according to the time such tenant for life lived of the last year, or quarter of a year, or other time in which the said rent was grow- ing due as aforesaid, making all just allowances, or a proportionable part thereof, respectively. And w/zereas the possession of estates in lands, tenements and heredi— taments is rendered very precarious, by the frequent and fraudulent practice of tenants in attorning to strangers, who claim title to tie estates of their respective landlord or landlords, lessor or lessors, who by that means are turned out of possession of their respective estates, and put to the difficulty and expence of recovering the possession thereof, by actions or suits at law; for remedy whereof, Be z'z‘farf/zer er-zaez‘edoy Z/ze auZ/zorz'zj/ aforesaid, That all and every such Attorn- attornment or attornments of any tenant or tenants, of any messuages, gggggfiim lands, tenements or hereditaments, shall be absolutely null and void to to afl’ecfi all intents and purposes whatsoever, and the possession of their respect- B‘f’iiiiifi‘gr’él ive landlord or landlords, lessor or lessors, shall not be deemed or con- strued to be in any wise changed, altered or affected by any such attorn- ment or attornments: Proz/z'ded always, that nothing herein contained shall extend to vacate or affect any attornment made pursuant to and in consequence of some judgment at law, or decree, or order, of a court of equity, or made with the privity and consent of the landlord or land- lords, lessor or lessors, or to any mortgagee after the mortgage is become forfeited. Arzd be 2'! fart/ler erzaez‘ed oy f/ze aaz‘lzorz'zfy aforesaid, That every ten- Tenant. ant, to whom any declaration in ejectment shall be delivered, for any $233)?‘ lands, tenements or herditaments, shall forthwith give notice thereof to ejectment his or her landlord ._or landlords, or his, her or their bailiff or receiver, mitléfi‘fifif under penalty of forfeiting the value of three years improved or rack lgl'grifeaf‘il' rent, of the premises so demised, or holden in the possession of such ceiver. tenant, to the person of whom he or she holds, to be recovered by action of debt, to be brought in any court of record within this State. 664 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 37. Landlord may join himself with ten- ant as de- fondant. Action on the case for lands held and occupied. Benefit of clergy abolished. Crimes whereof the pun- ishment is death . And be iz‘ farz‘ber enaez‘ed by fire aza‘lzorizy aforesaid, That it shall be lawful for the court, where such ejectment shall be brought, to suffer the landlord or landlords to make him, her, or themselves defendant or defendants, by joining with the tenant or tenants, to whom such decla- ration in ejectment shall be delivered, in case'he or they shall appear; but in case such tenant or tenants shall refuse or neglect to appear, judgment shall be signed against the casual ejector for want of such appearance. But if the landlord or landlords of any part of the lands, tenements or her-ditaments, for which such ejectment was brought, shall desire to appear by himself, herself or themselves, and consent to enter into the like rule, that by the course of the court the tenant in posses- sion, in case he or she had appeared, ought to have done; then the court where such ejectment shall be brought, shall and may permit such landlord or landlords so to do, and order a stay of execution upon such judgment against the casual ejector, until they shall make further order therein. And to obviate some difficulties that many times occur in the recov- ery of rents, where the demises are not by deed; ' Be ii‘ furf/ier marred by [be aaf/zorizjl aforesaid, That it shall be lawful to and for the landlord or landlords, his, her or their heirs or assigns, where the agreement is not by deed, to recover a reasonable satisfaction for the lands, tenements or hereditaments held or occupied by the defendant or defendants, in an action on the case, for the use and occu- pation of what was so held and enjoyed; and if in evidence on the trial of such action any parole demise, or any agreement (not being by deed) whereon a certain rent was reserved, shall appear, the plaintiff in such action shall not therefore be non-suited, but may make use thereof as an evidence of the quantum of the damages to be recovered. GHAP. 37. AN ACT for punishing treasons and felonies, and for the better regulating the proceedings in case of felony. PASSED the 21st of February, 1788. Be it erzaez‘ed by Z/ze People of fire State of New York, represeaied iri Se/zaz‘e and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by i/ze aziZ/zorizfy of [be same, That the privilege or benefit of the clergy heretofore allowed in crimi- nal cases, shall be and hereby is taken away and for ever abolished. And be if furl/1e?‘ eizaez‘ed by i/ze aaZ/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That every person who hereafter shall be in due form of law convicted or attainted of any manner of treason, murder, rape, buggery burglary; or of feloniously taking any goods or chattles out of any church or place of public wor- ship; or of feloniously breaking any house, by day or by night, any person being then in the same house where such breaking shall be com- mitted and thereby put in fear or dread; or of robbing any person or persons in his, her, or their dwelling house or dwelling place, the owner or dweller in the same house or his wife or his or her children or ser- _ vants or any or either of them then being within the same house or place, where the robbery shall be committed and done, or any other place within the precinct of the same house or dwelling place, whether the owner or dweller in the same house, or his wife, or his or her chil- dren or servants, or any or either of them then and there being shall ‘CHAP. 37.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 665 be waking or sleeping; or of robbing any person, or of feloniously taking away any goods or chattels being in any dwelling house, the owner or any other person being therein and put in fear; or of robbing any dwelling house, in the day time, any person being therein, or of robbing any person or persons in or about any highway; or of willfully burning any dwelling house, or any barn; or of any offence specified, in the act entitled an act to prevent malicious maiming and wounding; or of any offence specified in the act entitled an act for preventing and for- gery punishing and counterfeiting; and every person who shall aid, abet, assist, counsel, hire or command, any person or persons to commit any of the said offences, and thereof be duly convicted or attainted, shall suffer death for the same, and shall be hanged by the neck until he, she or they shall be dead. all and every of the cases aforesaid shall invariably be that the person so convicted or attainted shall be hanged by the neck, until he or she shall be dead; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstand— ing. And moreover, that all and every person and persons who shall in due form of law be convicted or attainted of any felony, other than such as are herein before mentioned, shall, for the first offence, be punished by fine, imprisonment, or corporal punishment, or by all or any of them, in such manner as the justices before whom such conviction or attainder shall be had, or who shall give judgment thereilpon shall in their dis— cretion think proper to direct and award, not extending to life or limb ; and for any second offence or felony committed after such first con- viction, every such offender shall suffer death, and shall have judgment to be hanged by the neck, until he or she shall be dead; and shall be- accordingly hanged by the neck, until he or she shall be dead; but nothing herein before contained shall extend to petty larceny, which is the feloniously taking and carrying away the goods or chattels of another of the value of five pounds or under. III. And be it fari/zer eizaez‘ed by tile aaZ/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the law relative to the piene fort et dure shall be and hereby is abolished; and that in all cases of treason or felony, where the party indicted shall, on being arrainged obstinately stand mute, or refuse to plead and be tried in due course of law, such obstinately standing mute or refusal to plead and be tried as aforesaid, shall be adjudged to amount to and be a proper traverse or denial of the facts charged in the indictment; and the trial shall thereupon proceed in like manner, and the record shall be in the same form, and the same judgment shall be given against the said party, if found guilty, as if he or she had on being arraigned pleaded not guilty, and for trial had put himself or herself on the country; any law to the contrary notwithstanding. And be it furz‘ber eaaez‘ed by Z/ze az/i/zorizj/ aforesaid, That the clerk of the supreme court. the clerks of every circuit court, and court of oyer and terminer and goal delivery, and the clerks of the peace for the time being, where any attainder, outlawry or conviction, of any person or persons for any manner of treason, murder, rape, buggery, burglary, robbery or other felony shall be had, shall, without fee or reward, certify intov the court of exchequer at the next term, there to remain of record for ever, a transcript briefly and in few words containing the tenor and effect of every such attainder, outlawry or conviction, and of the indict- ment or appeal upon which the same shall be so had; that is to say, the name, sirname and addition of every such person so convicted, outlawed or attainted, and the certainty of the said felony or other offence where- upon he or she shall be so convicted, outlawed or attainted, and the day and place of the conviction, outlawry or attainder, and before whom VoL. 2. — 84 And farZ/zer, that the judgments to be given in ' Where party in dicted stands mute, same proceed— ings as in plea of not guilty Clerks to file in court of ex- chequer record of attainder and out- lawries. 666 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 37. Trial for stealing in one county where proof shows rob- bery in another county. Death sen-‘ tence to work for- feiture of estate. Attainder not to cor— rupt blood or forfeit dower of wife. Murder and poison- ing, indict- the same was had, and the day and place where and when the said felony or other offence was done, and the judgment thereupon given, upon pain to forfeit, for every omission, or neglect, the sum of ten pounds to the people of this State. And the clerk of the court of exchequer shall receive all such certificates, and transcripts when the same shall be pre- sented and offered to him by any of the respective clerks aforesaid, or by his or their deputy or deputies, without taking any thing for the same; and shall at all times, without fee or reward, when requested by the attorney general of this State, or by any prosecutor against any per- son named in any such certificate or transcript, for any second offence, make and deliver to the attorney general or prosecutor, a true copy of such certificate or transcript certified under his hand and the exchequer seal; and every such copy so certified shall be good evidence of such former conviction, outlawry or attainder. And be it fari/zer enacted by i/ze azir/zorizy aforesaid, That if any per- son or persons shall be indicted of felony, for stealing of any goods or chattels in any county of this State, and thereof be convicted or attainted, if it shall appear upon evidence and be found by the jury, that the said goods or chattels were taken by robbery or burglary, or in any other manner in any other county, whereof if such person or persons had been convicted by a jury of“ such other county, he, she or they would by virtue of this or any other act now in force, or hereafter to be made, be liable to suffer death, then and in every such case, judgment shall be given that the said offender or offenders shall be hanged by the neck, until he, she or they shall be dead; and such offender and offenders shall be put to death accordingly. A 12d be ii‘ fari/zer eizaeied by file aai/iorizy aforesaid, That every person who shall in due form of law be convicted or attainted of any manner of treason, murder, rape, buggery, burglary, robbery or other felony, for which he or she ought, or is or shall be by any law of this State now in force, or hereafter to be made, liable to suffer death, shall forfeit to the people of this State, all his, or her goods and chattels, and also all such lands, tenements, and hereditaments, which any such offender shall have of any estate of inheritance, in his or her own right, in use or pos- session, and all rights, entries, conditions, reversions and remainders, of, in or to, any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, at the time of any such offence committed, or at any time after. And the people of this State, without any office or inquisition to be found, shall be deemed and adjudged in the actual and real possession of the lands, tenements hereditaments, uses, goods, chattels and all other things, of the offenders so convicted, or attainted which the people of this State ought lawfully to have, and which the offenders so being convicted or attainted ought to lose and forfeit, or might lawfully lose and forfeit; saving to every person and persons, and to his, her and their heirs and successors, other than the offenders and their heirs, and such person and persons as claim to the use of any such offender or offenders, all such rights, titles, inter- est, possessions, leases, rents, reversions, offices and other profits, which they or any of them shall have at the day of committing any such offence, or at any time after, in as large and ample manner, as if this clause of this act, had not been made. VII. And be ii fari/zer e/zaez‘ed by i/ze azii/zoriij/ aforesaid, That no attainder of any person or persons, of or for any manner of treason or felony whatsoever, shall hereafter extend to corrupt the blood of the offender, or to forfeit the dowery of his wife. ' VIII. A 12d be iifari/zer enacted by z‘/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That where any person hereafter shall be feloniously stricken or poisoned in one CHAP. 37.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 667 county, and die of the same stroke or poisoning in another county, then an indictment thereof found by jurors of the county where the death shall happen, whether it shall be found before the coroner, upon the sight of such dead body, or before the justices of the peace, or other justices or commissioners, who shall have authority to inquire of such offences, shall be as good and effectual in the law, as if the stroke or poisoning had been given, committed and done in the same county where the party shall die, or where such indictment shall be so found. ArzdfarZ/zer that‘ the justices of goal delivery, and justices authorised or assigned to hear and determine, in the same county where such indictment at any time hereafter shall be taken, and the justices of the supreme court, where such indictment shall be taken or removed before them,’ shall and may proceed upon the same in all points, as they should or ought to do in case such felonious stroke and death thereby ensuing, or poisoning and death thereof ensuing, had grown all in one and the same county. And moreover, that such party, to whom appeal of murder is or shall be given by the law, may commence, take and sue appeal of murder in the same county where the party feloniously stricken or poisoned shall die, as well against the principal and principals, as against every accessary to the same offences, in whatsoever county or place the accessary or acces- saries shall be guilty to the same. And the justices before whom any such appeal shall be commenced, sued and taken, within the year and day after such murder and manslaughter committed and done, shall pro- ceed against all and every such principal and principals, accessary and accessaries, in the same county where such appeal shall be so taken, in like manner and form, as if the same offence or offences had been com- mitted and done in the same county where such appeal shall be so taken, as well concerning the trial by the jurors of the county where such appeal or appeals shall be taken, upon the plea of not guilty pleaded byw such offender or offenders, as otherwise. Arzdfarz‘lzer, that where any murder or felony shall be committed and done in one county, and another person or more persons shall be accessary or accessaries in any manner of wise to any such murder or felony in any other county, then an indictment found and taken against such accessary and accessaries upon the circumstance of such matter before the justices of the peace, or other justices or commissioners having authority to inquire of felonies in the county where such offences of accessary or accessaries in any manner or wise shall be committed or done, shall be as good and effec- tual in the law, as if the said principal offence had been committed or done within the same county where the same indictment against such accessary shall be found; and the justices of goal delivery, or justices authorised or assigned to hear and determine, or any two of them, of or in such county where the offence of any such accessary shall be com- mitted and done, upon suit to them made shall write to the clerk or keeper of the records where such principal shall be attainted or con— victed, to certify then whether such principal be attainted, convicted or otherwise discharged of such principal felony, who, upon such writing to them or any of them directed, shall make sufficient certificate in writing, under his or their seal or seals, to the said justices, whether such principal be attainted, convicted or otherwise discharged, or not; and after that they that so shall have the custody of such records do certify that such principal is attainted, convicted or otherwise discharged'of such offence by the law, then the justices of goal delivery or justices authorized or assigned to hear and determine such offences, or other justices thereunto authorized shall proceed upon every such accessary in the county where such accessary or accessaries became accessary, in ment and trial may be in county w ere act done or where vic- tirn died. 668 LAWS OF NEW YORK, [CHAR 37. such manner and form, as if both the principal offence and accessary had been committed and done in the said county where the offence of accessary was or shall be committed or done; and that every such acces- sary and other offenders above expressed, shall answer upon their arraign- ments, and. receive such trial, judgment, order, and execution, and such forfeitures, pains and penalties, as is used in other cases of felony. Theft of IX. Ana’ a; it fart/ter e/zaez‘ea’ by z‘/ze aaZ/zorz’ly aforesaz'a’, That if any gggi‘gzigum person or persons shall steal or ‘take by robbery any bill of exchange, ishable bond, order, warrant, bill or prom1ssory note, for payment of any money, of or any certificate, or other public security issued or to be issued by the authority of the United States in Congress assembled, or by authority of the legislature of this State, for payment of money, or acknowledging the receipt of money or goods, being the property of any other person or persons, or of any corporation, notwithstanding any of the said par— ticulars are or may be termed in law a chose in action, it shall be deemed and construed to be felony of the same nature, and in the same degree, and in the same manner, as it would have been if the offenders had stolen or taken by robbery any other goods of like value, with the money due on such bill, bond, order, warrant or note or certificate, or other public security, or secured thereby and remaining unsatisfied; and such offender shall suffer such punishment as he or she should or ought to have done if he or she had stolen other goods of the like value with the money due on such bill, bond, order, warrant or note or certificate, or public secu- rity respectively, or secured thereby and remaining unsatisfied. Receiving X. Ana’ &e 2'! fart/zer elzaez‘ea’ [2} Me aaz‘lzorz'ziv aforesaz'a’, That if any 232,132, person shall buy or receive any goods or chattel of any value whatso- accessol‘y ever, that shall be feloniously taken or stolen from any other person, after the - fact, knowing the same to be stolen, he or she, shall be taken and deemed an accessary to such felony after the fact, and shall incur the same punish- ment as an accessary to the felony after the felony committed. Ana’ fart/zer that it shall and may be lawful to prosecute and punish every such person buying or receiving any stolen goods, knowing the same to be stolen, as for a misdemeanor, to be punished by fine and imprison- ment, although the principal felon be not before convicted of the said felony, which shall exempt the offender from being punished as acces— sary, if the principal shall be afterwards convicted; any law to the con- trary notwithstanding. Accessory XI. Alla’ oe z'z‘ farZ/zer enacted a); Z/ze aaf/zorz'f'v aforesaid, That if any Ema/gros— principal felon shall be convicted of any felony, it shall and may be law- thpugh ful to proceed against any accessary either before or after the fact, in principal . . . , pardoned, the same manner as 1f such pr1nc1pal felon had been attainted thereof, notwithstanding any such principal felon shall be pardoned or otherwise delivered before attainder; and every such accessary shall suffer the same punishment if he or she be convicted, as he or she should have suffered, if the principal had been attainted. Supreme A no’ a 2'2‘ farZ/zer e/zaez‘ea’ [1y t/ze aaZ/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That the justices gt’gg'c'fgial of the supreme court shall have full power and authority by their dis— Pf crime? cretion to remand and send down as well the bodies of all felons and 1n counties Wherecom- murderers brought or removed, or that shall be removed or brought mitted’ before the people of the State of New York, in their supreme court, as the indictments against such felons and murderers, into the said coun- ties where the same murders and felonies were or shall have been com- mitted and done; and to command all justices of goal delivery, justices of the peace, and all other justices and commissioners, having authority to hear and determine the same felonies, and every of them, to proceed and determine upon all the aforesaid bodies and indictments so removed, CHAP. 37.] ELEVENTH sEssioN. ' 669 according to law, in such manner as the same justices of goal delivery, justices of the peace, or commissioners, or any of them might or should have done, if the said prisoners or indictments had never been brought into the said supreme court. And be ii‘ fz/ri/zer eizaez‘ed by Me azii/zoriz’y aforesaid, That no writs of eertiomri habeas corpus or certiorari, shall be hereafter granted to remove any lfifgglfihogég prisoner out of any goal, or to remove any indictment, inquisition, recog- ofiusblce nizance, record or other thing, except the same writs be signed with the gfififigfreme proper hand of one of the justices of the court out of which the same writs shall be awarded; and every such writ not signed as aforesaid shall be void and of none effect. XIV. And be it farz‘ber e/zaez‘ed by f/ze az/z‘boriz‘y aforesaid, That all Foreign manner of foreign pleas triable by the country, hereafter to he pleaded glaze-$5,, by any person or persons arraigned upon any indictment or appeal, for country. any treason, murder or felony, shall be forthwith tried before the same justices before whom such person or persons shall be arraigned, and by the same jurors of the same county that shall try the treason, murder or felony, whereof he, she or they shall be so arraigned, without any further respite or delay, in whatsoever county or counties, place or places, the matter of the same pleas be supposed or alledged. XV. And be if f ari/zer e/zaez‘ed by i/ze aai/zorizy aforesaid, That no per— Peremp- son arraigned for any murder or felony, shall be admitted to any per- ,tgggecfml' emptory challenge above the number of twenty; and if any person arraigned for any murder or felony, shall peremptorily challenge above the number of twenty of the jurors returned for the trial of such person, such challenge shall be disallowed, and the trial shall proceed as if no such challenge had been made. And be ii‘ fart/zer enaez‘ed by fire aai/iorizy aforesaid, That no indictor Indictor of any person or persons for any crime or offence whatsoever, shall be Rfittirai“ put upon the inquest for the trial of such person or persons, if he be i‘ghgnged challenged for the same cause by him her or them so indicted. And be iz‘farf/zer mated by i/ze aaZ/iorify aforesaid, That every person yitgesses who shall be arraigned or tried of or for any felony, shall be admitted fgfise‘i'com. to make any proof that he or she can produce, by lawful witness or wit- $330302?‘ nesses, who shall then be upon oath, for his or her just defence in that behalf; and shall have the like process of the court where he or she shall be tried, to compel his or her witnesses to appear for him or her at such, trial as is usually granted to compel witnesses to appear against him or her. A 12d be itfari/zer eizaez‘ed by Me aaz‘borizy aforesaid, That from hence- Contents forth the words “with force and arms ” or any such like words, shall not $615,511,32- of necessity be put or comprized in any inquisition or indictment of treasaoni treason, murder, felony, trespass, or any other offence, and that no party igiiinyiréte. or parties being hereafter indicted of any offence, shall have or take any advantage, by writ or writs of error, plea or otherwise, to annul or avoid any such inquisition or indictment, for that that the words “with force and arms,” or any such like words, shall not be put or comprized in the said inquisitions or indictments: But that the same inquisitions and indictments and every of them lacking the said words “with force and arms ” or any such like words, shall from henceforth be taken, deemed and adjudged, to all intents, constructions and purposes, as good and effectual in the law, as the same inquisitions and indictments, having the said words “with force and arms” comprized and put in every of the same inquisitions and indictments, were or heretofore have been taken, deemed or adjudged. 670 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 37. S'olen goods to be returned to owner on conviction of felon. Persons committed to jail for felony or misde— meanor to pay ex— pense of conveying to jail. XIX. A 11d be ii‘ farther eizaez‘edrby i/ze aai/zoriify aforesaid, That if any felon or felons, do rob or take awav any money, goods or chattels, from any person or persons, from the person or otherwise, and the said felon or felons be thereof indicted, and after arraigned of the same felony and found guilty thereof, or otherwise attainted, by reason of evidence given by the party so robbed, or owner of the said money, goods or chattels, . or by any other, by his, her or their procurement, then the party so robbed or owner, shall be restored to his or her said money, goods and chattels; and that as well justices of goal delivery0 as other justices before whom any such felon or felons shall be found guilty, or other- wise attainted, by reason of evidence given by the party so robbed, or owner, or by any other, by his or her procurement, shall have power by this act to award, from time to time, writs of restitution for the said noney, goods and chattels, in like manner, as if such felon or felons were attainted at the suit of the party in appeal A/zd zo/zereas, the honest and faithful citizens of this State are often harged and burthened in conveying felons and other malefactors and offenders against the laws unto the goal, when the same offenders have goods and chattels of their own whereby to defray the same charge themselves, which tends to the encouragement of such offenders, and to the discouragement of the said honest and faithful citizens in prose- cuting the said felons, malefactors and offenders. XX. T/zerefore be it furi/zer mated by i/ze aaiborizfy aforesaid, That all and every person and persons whomsoever, who shall be committed to the common or usual goal in any city or county of this State, by any justice or justices of the peace, for any felony, offence or misdemeanor, having means or ability thereunto, shall bear their own reasonable charges for so conveying or sending them to the said goal, and the charges also of such as shall be appointed to guard them to the said goal and shall guard them thither; and if any such person so to be committed as afore- said, shall refuse, at the time of his or her commitment and sending to the said goal, to defray the said charges, or shall not then pay or bear the same, then any justice or justices of the peace of the county shall and may, by writing, under his or their hand and seal or hands and seals after conviction of the person so committed give warrant to the con- stable or constables or either of them, of the town or place where such persons so committed shall dwell or inhabit, or where he or she shall have any goods within the same city or county to levy by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said person so to be committed, so much money as by the discretion of the said justice or justices shall satisfy and pay the charges of his or her conveying and sending to goal: And when any person not having goods or money within the city or county, where he or she shall be taken, sufficient to bear the charges of himself or herself and of those who convey him or her, is committed to goal, by warrant from any justice or justices of the peace, then, on application by any constable or other officer who conveyed him or her to goal as aforesaid, to any justice of the peace for the same city or county, the justice shall, upon oath, examine into and ascertain the reasonable allowances to be made to such constable or other officer, both for his expences and trouble, the said allowance for trouble not to exceed six pence for each mile that he shall travel to convey the said offender to goal as aforesaid; and the said justice shall forthwith, without fee or reward, by warrant under his hand and seal, order the treasurer of the city or county to pay the same which'the said treasurer is hereby required to do, as soon as he receives such warrant and shall have monies in his hands. And zo/zereas many persons are deterred from prosecuting per- CHAP. 37.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 671 sons guilty of felony upon account of the expence attending such prose- cutions which is a great cause and encouragement of felonies, in order therefore to encourage the bringing offenders to justice; XXI. Be 2'2‘ fart/ler mated by t/ze aat/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That it shall and Court may may be in the power of the court before whom any person shall have direct ex- . . penses of been tr1ed and convicted of any larceny or other felony, at the prayer prosecutor of the prosecutor and on consideration of his circumstances, in open 25 {$135 court, to order the treasurer of the city or county, in which the offence shall have been committed, to pay unto such prosecutor such sum of money as to the same court shall seem reasonable, not exceeding the expences which it shall appear to the court the prosecutor was put unto in carrying on such prosecution and making him a reasonable allowance for his time and trouble therein, which order the clerk of such court is hereby directed and required forthwith to make out and deliver to such prosecutor, upon being paid for the same the sum of one shilling and no more; and the treasurer of such city or county is hereby authorized and required upon sight of such order, or as soon after as he shall have monies sufficient in his hands, forthwith to pay such prosecutor or other person authorized to receive the same, such sum of money so ordered to be paid as aforesaid. And w/zereas the expence as well as loss of time in attending courts of justice is a discouragement to the poorer sort to appear as witnesses against offenders who thereby escape the public justice and the punish- ment due to their crimes; therefore be it fart/ler enacted by the Court may aaz‘lzorz'zfy aforesaid, That when any poor person shall appear on recog- ggfsfgseoxt' nizance in any court to give evidence against another accused of any poor wit— larcen or other felon it shall and ma be in the ower of the court Hesse-Sm Y y, y P , be paid. at the prayer and on the oath of such person and on consideration of his or her circumstances, in open court, to order the treasurer of the city or county in which the offence shall have been committed, to pay unto such person such sum of money as to the said court shall seem reasonable, for his or her time, trouble and expence; which order the clerk of such court is hereby directed and required forthwith to make out and deliver to such person, without fee or reward and such treas- urer is herereby authorized and required, upon sight of such order, or as soon after as he shall have monies sufficient in his hands, forthwith to pay to such person or other person authorized to receive the same, such sum of money so ordered to be paid as aforesaid. And be it furz‘lzer enaez‘ed by Z/ze aaz‘lzorz'z‘y aforesaid, That the treas- Moneys urer of each city and county shall be allowed in his accounts, all such gggitbg’rder sums as he shall pay upon any such warrant or order as aforesaid, which to be a’ . - count) sums shall be considered and deemed as part of the contingent charge charge. of such city or county; and that the several treasurers may be enabled to comply with such warrants and orders, the supervisors of the several counties are hereby required to cause a sum sufficient for the purposes aforesaid, to be raised, levied and collected in their respective counties, yearly, in the same'manner as the contingent charges of the same county are to be raised, levied and collected. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 38. Over and terminer and gaol delivery. courts of; what judges to constitute- jurisdlc- tion. CHAP. 38. AN ACT concerning courts of oyer and terminer, and gaol delivery. PASSED the 22nd of February, 1788. Be 22‘ e/zaez‘ea’ a), Me People of Me Siaz‘e of New Yor/e, represented in Se/zaz‘e ana’ Assem/zly, and 2'! is hereby erzaez‘ea’ oy f/ze aaf/zorz'z‘y of Z/ze same, That the justices of the supreme court for the time being, or any or either of them, together with the mayor recorder and aldermen of the city of New York for the time being, or any three or more of them, of ’ whom either of the justices of the supreme court shall always be one, in and for the city and county of New York, and together with the mayor, recorder and aldermen of the city of Albany for the time being, and the judges and assistant justices of the court of common pleas of the county of Albany for the time being, or any three or more of them, of whom either of the justices of the supreme court shall always be one, in and for the city and county of Albany, and together with the judges and assistant justices of the respective courts of common pleas of each and every of the other counties of this State, for the time being, or any three or more of them, of whom either of the justices of the supreme court shall always be one, in and for each of the same counties respect- ively, shall be, and hereby are authorized and impowered, by virtue of their respective offices, and this act, without any other commission, from time to time for ever hereafter, at such times and places in each of the said cities and counties respectively, as the same justices of the supreme court, or any or either of them shall hold the circuit court in the same cities or counties respectively, to enquire by the oath of good and law- ful men of the same cities and counties respectively, and by other ways methods and means, by whom and by which the truth of the matter may be the better known, of whatsoever treasons, misprison of treasons, insurrections, rebellions, murders, felonies, homicides, killings, burglar- ies, rapes of women, counterfeitings, unlawful congregations and assem- blies, misprisons, confederacies, false allegations, trespasses, riots, routs, extortions, escapes, contempts, falsities, negligencies, concealments, maintenances, oppressions, champerties, conspiracies, deceits and other misdoings, offences and injuries whatsoever, and also of the accessaries to them, in the same cities and counties respectively, by whomsoever, and howsoever, had, done, perpetrated or committed, or at any time hereafter to be had, done, perpetrated or committed, and by whom, to whom, when, where, and how, and in what manner; and of all other articles and circumstances concerning the premises and every of them, or any one or more of them, in any manner whatsoever; and the said treasons and other the premises to hear and determine according to the law of this State, doing therein that which to justice doth or shall apper— tain; and also to deliver the goals in the same cities and counties respect- ively, of the prisoners therein then being, doing therein what to justice doth or shall appertain, according to the law of this State. Arza’furt/zer that each and every of the said courts shall be held and continued in each and every of the said cities and counties for so long time at each session, as may be necessary to dispatch the business in the same city or county, whether the circuit court for trial of issues in the same city or county be then so long continued or not. CHAP. 38.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 673 And be it fart/zer enaez‘ed by t/ze aui/zoriiy aforesaid, That the sheriff Grand of the city and county of New York for the time being, and the respect- 3,123,332,, ive sheriffs of each and every of the other counties in this State, for the of- time being, shall cause to come before the justices of the supreme court for the time being, and such other persons as are by this act authorised and empowered to inquire, hear and determine as aforesaid, and to deliver the goals in the several cities and counties of this State respectively, as aforesaid, or any three or more of them, of whom either of the justices of the supreme court shall always be one, at every circuit court to be held in the same cities and counties respectively, twenty four good and lawful men of the same cities and counties respectively to inquire for the people of the State of New York, and the bodies of the same cities and counties respectively, and to do and receive all those things which on the behalf of the people of the State of New York sh ll be then and there enjoined them; and also all the prisoners then being in the said goals respectively, together with their attachments, indictments and all other minuments any ways, concerning those prisoners; and likewise so many good and lawful men of the same cities and counties respectively, duly qualified to serve as jurors in the same cities and counties, as the same justices of the supreme court, and other persons hereby are author- ized and empowered to inquire hear and determine as aforesaid, and to deliver the same. goals as aforesaid, or any three or more of them, of whom either of the justices of the supreme court always to be one, shall from time to time direct, by- whom the truth of the matter may be the better known and inquired into, and who have no affinity to those pris- oners. And the said respective sheriffs shall cause to be publicly pro- claimed throughout their respective bailiwicks and counties, that all those who will prosecute against those prisoners be then and there to prosecute against them, as shall be just; and shall also give notice to all justices of the peace, coroners, bailiffs and constables within their respect- ive bailiwicks and counties, that they be then and there in their own persons with their rolls, records, indictments and other remembrances to do those things which to their offices in that behalf shall appertain to be done. And the ‘said respective sheriffs and their respective under sheriffs, together with their respective bailiffs and other officers shall then and there attend in their own proper persons, to do those things which to their offices do or shall appertain in that behalf to be done. AizdfarZ/zer, that the clerk of the supreme court for the time being shall Precept to from time to time, as soon as conveniently may be after any and every ‘emits’ circuit court shall be appointed to be held in the respective cities and counties of this State, and at least fifteen days before the time of hold- ing the said courts respectively, in the said respective cities and coun- ties, issue precepts under the seal of the same supreme court, directed to the respective sheriffs of the same cities and counties respectively, for the purposes aforesaid, mentioning the day and place when and where the same courts are to be held, and commanding the same sheriffs respectively to do what is hereby required of them, and that the said precepts shall always be in the name of the people of the State of New York, and be tested in the name of the chief justice of the same supreme court. Provided that in case the office of chief justice shall be vacant, the precepts shall be tested in the name of the next senior justice of the said supreme court. And be it further enaez‘ed by the auz‘lzority aforesaid, That nothing in Mayor, this act shall extend to authorize the mayor, recorder and aldermen of ggtggsogf the city of New York or any or either of them, to sit or act as justices pleas. em. . . . . tt '1; of the said courts of oyer and terminer and goal delivery or either d331, £81 VoL. 2. —85 674 LAWS OF NEW' YORK [CHAR 38. theh‘re- specflve counties. Comnfis- sions of oyerand tenniner issued by thegov- ernor. them in any place out of the city of New York; nor to authorize the mayor, recorder and Aldermen of the city of Albany~or any or either of them, or the judges and assistant justices of the court of common pleas of the county of Albany, or any or eitherof them, to sit or act as justices of the said courts of oyer and “terminer and goal delivery or either of them, in any place out of the said county of Albany; nor to authorize the judges and assistant justices of the courts of common pleas of any of the other counties of this State, or any or either of them, to sit or act as justices of the said courts of oyer and terminer and goal delivery or either of them, in any place out of their respective counties. A 12d be it fzirz‘ber elzaez‘ed by Me aai/zoriiy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the person administering the government of this State for the time being, by and with the advice and consent of the council of appointment for the time being, to grant and issue commissions of oyer and terminer and goal delivery, or either of them, in the manner and form heretofore used, at any time or times hereafter, when and as often as occasion shall require. But the justices of the supreme court for the time being, shall always be named in such commissions, as the justices or commissioners, with such others as the person administring the govern- ment of this State, by and with the advice and consent of the council of appointment may think proper, to execute the same: And no such commission shall at any time be executed, nor any proceedings there- upon had, without the presence of one or more of the justices of the supreme court. And be if fari/ier eizaez‘ed by i/ze aai/zorizy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the justices hereby authorised and empowered to enquire hear and detirmine felonies as aforesaid, and for all other jus— tices who shall be duly assigned to hear and determine any such felo- nies, to directtheir writs into all .he cities and counties of this State where need shall be to arrest and take such persons as shall be indicted or appealed before them or any of them. And be ii‘ farilzer enacted by z‘be azii/zorizy aforesaid, That no-manner of process or suit, made, sued or had, or hereafter to be made, sued or had before any justice of assise, justices of goal delivery, oyer and ter- miner, or other commissioners of the people of this State, shall in any wise be discontinued by the making and publishing of any new commis- sion or association, or by altering the names of the justices of assise, goal delivery-and oyer and terminer, or other commissioners, but that the new justices of assise, goal delivery, oyer and terminer, and other vcommissioners, shall and may proceed in every behalf as the old justices .and commissioners might have done, if their commissions and authority .had still remained and continued not altered. And be if f art/ter eizaeied by t/ze aai/zoriiy aforesaid, That in all cases 'where any person or persons heretofore have been or hereafter shall be found guilty of any manner of treason, murder, rape, or other felony whatsoever; for which judgment of death should or may ensue, and shall be reprieved, without judgment at that time given against him, her or them, so found guilty, that those persons who at any time hereafter shall by virtue of this act deliver the goal where any such person or persons so found guilty shall remain, or those persons who shall at any time thereafter by commission be assigned justices to deliver the same goal, shall have full power and authority to give judgment of death against such person and persons so found guilty and reprieved, as the same justices before whom such person or persons was 01 were found guilty might have done, if their commission or authority had remained .and continued in full force and strength. CHAP. 40.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 67.5 And be it fart/ler enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the justices of assise, goal delivery, and oyer and terminer shall once in every year send all their record and processes determined and put in execution to the exchequer there to remain of record. And be it fart/ler enacted by the aat/zority aforesaid, That no person little or great shall sit upon the bench with the justices to take assises or with the justices of oyer and terminer and goal delivery in their ses- sions, upon pain of fine and imprisonment. And the said justices are hereby charged that they do not suffer any person to sit with them on the bench in their session, contrary to the intent of this act. And be it fart/ler enactea’ by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That the said courts of general goal delivery in the several cities and counties shall have power to deliver the goals of those prisoners who shall be indicted before the justices of the peace in the same cities and counties respec- tively. CHAP. 39. AN ACT to continue the act for the appointment of an auditor, and the settlement of the public accounts of this State. Passer) the 22d of February, 1788. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York, rebreserzted in Act ap- Serzate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by t/ze azct/zorizy of t/ze same, That the act entitled “An act further to continue and amend an act continued- entitled an act for the appointment of an auditor and the settlement of the public accounts of this State,” shall be and hereby is continued in full force and virtue to all intents and purposes, until the twenty first day of March, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety. And be it fart/ler enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That the time Time for limited for the payment of quit rents and commutation for annual quit giggling rents, in and by the first section of the act entitled “An act to amend extended- an act entitled an act for the collection and commutation of quit rents ” shall be, and hereby is extended to the first day of May which will be in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine. Andfart/zer, that it shall and may be lawful for the auditor of this State for the time being, and he is hereby required, to do and perform every act, matter and thing, which the treasurer is directed to do and perform, in and by the said act, and in and by the act entitled “An act for the collection and commutation of quit rents.” CHAP. 40. AN ACT concerning slaves. PASSED the 22d of February, r788. WHEREAS in consequence of the act directing a revision of the laws preamble, of this State, it is expedient that the several existing laws relative to slaves, should be revised, and comprized in one. Therefore, 676 LAWS or NEW YURK. [CHAR 4o, Slaves to Be [1'' enacted by file People of z‘be S/a/e of New York, represerzz‘ed z'n Senaz‘e and Assembly, and it is bereby e/zaez‘ed by Z/ze aaZ/zorz'zj’ of f/ze same, tlillgglilgliiss That every‘ negro, mulattoor mestee, within this State, who at the time wt of the passing of this act, 15 a slave, for his or her life, shall continue such, for and during his or her life, unless he or she, shall be manumit- ted or set free, in the manner prescribed in and by this act, or in and by some future law of this State. children And be it farl'ber erzaez'ed by the autism zl‘y afo/ esaz'd, That the children of every negro, mulatto or mestee woman, being a slave, shall follow 0f mother- the state and condition of the mother, and be esteemed, reputed, taken and adjudged slaves to all intents and purposes whatsoever. Baptism A 12d be z'z‘farZ/zer ezzaez‘ed by t/ze azzt/zorz'ty aforesaid, That the baptizin g lg’ctttsf’efifj of any negro, or other slave, shall not be deemed, adjudged, or taken, itude- to be a manumission of such slave. Ijnporta- And to prevent the further importation of slaves into this State, gjgge‘slffor Be it fart/zer enacted by f/ze aal/zorz'ty aforesaid, That if any person shall sale, pro- sell as a slave within this State, any negro, or other person, who has been ‘med’ imported or brought into this State, after the first day of june, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, or who shall be imported or brought into this State, after the passing of this act, such seller, or his or her factor or agent, making such sale, shall be deemed guilty of a public offence, and shall for every such offence, for- feit the sum of one hundred pounds, current money of this State, to be recovered by any person, who will sue for the same, with costs of suit, by action of debt, in any court of record within this State, having cog- nizance thereof; the one half of which forfeiture, when recovered, to be paid to the treasurer of this State, for the use of the people thereof; and the other half to the person, who shall sue for the same to effect. Am? fzzrZ/zer, That every person so imported or brought into this State, and sold contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, shall be free. purchase ,Arzd be it fart/zer enacted by Me aaz‘borz'zj) aforesaid, That if any per- ‘f’gjlrg‘fes son shall, at any time purchase or buy, or shall, as factor or agent to moval to another, take or receive any slave, with intent to remove, export, or g',‘;,“§§{.o_ carry such slave from this State, to any other place without this State, hibibed- and there to be sold, the person so-purchasing or buying, or so as fac- tor or agent, receiving or taking a slave, with such intent as aforesaid, shall be deemed to have committed an offence, against the people of this State, and shall for every such offence, forfeit the sum of one hun- dred pounds, to be recovered with costs, by any person who will sue for the same; the one moiety to the use of the people of this State, and the other moiety to the use of the person, who will sue for the same ; and the slave so purchased, bought, taken, or received, shall be, immediately after he or she shall be so purchased, bought, received, or taken, and hereby is declared to be, free. Concealing A 11d be z'z‘farz‘lzer enacted by t/ze aat/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That if any person or persons, shall, after the passing of this act, employ, harbour, conceal or entertain, any negro or other slave, knowing such negro or other slave, to be the slave of any other person or persons, without the con- sent of the owner or owners of such slave, he, she or they shall forfeit, to the owner or owners of such slave, the sum of five pounds, for every twenty four hours, and in that proportion, for a greater or less time, while such slave shall have been employed, harboured, concealed or entertained as aforesaid; but that such forfeiture, shall not in the whole, exceed the value of such slave. And further, that if any person or per- sons, shall be found guilty of harbouring, entertaining, or concealing any slave, or of assisting to convey him or her away, and if such slave CHAP. 40.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 67 *1 shall be lost, die or be otherwise destroyed, the person or persons so harbouring, entertaining, concealing, assisting or conveying away such slave, shall be liable to pay to the owner or owners of such slave, the value thereof; which several sums of money shall, and may be recovered by action of debt, with costs of suit, in any court of record, having cog- nizance thereof. A ad be ii‘ farz‘lzer enacted by the aai/zorizy aforesaid, That no person or Tratfic persons, shall trade or traffick, with any slave or slaves, either in buying “'lth slaves or selling, without leave or consent, of the master or mistress of such slave or slaves, on pain of forfeiting treble the value of the thing or things traded for, and also the sum of five pounds to the master or mis- tress of such slave or slaves, for each offence, to be recovered with costs, against the person or persons so trading, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, by action of debt, in any court having cognizance thereof. Andfart/zer, that every contract or bargain so made, or to be made, with any slave or slaves, without consent of his, her or their mas- ter or mistress, shall be utterly void. And be it furi/zer eizaez‘ed by i/ze azez‘lzoriz‘y aforesaid, That if any per- selling son or persons, shall sell any ruin or other strong liquor, to any slave or $132; t‘,’.0_ slaves, without the consent of his or her master or mistress, and shall hibite - thereof be convicted, upon complaint made by the master or mistress of such slave or slaves, before any justice of the peace, mayor, recorder or alderman, in the city or county where the offender shall dwell or reside, shall forfeit and pay the sum of forty shillings, for every such offence, to be recovered with costs, before any such justice, mayor, recorder or alderman, the one half of which forfeiture, when recovered, shall be paid to such master or mistress, and the other half to the overseers of the poor, of the city or town where such offence is committed. And be iz‘furt/zer enacted by the aat/zorizfy aforesaid, That if any person Theft by or.persons, shall, by theft or other trespass, committed by any slave or Slaves‘ slaves, sustain damages to the value of five pounds or under, the owner or owners of such slave or slaves shall be liable to make satisfaction for such damages, to the party injured, to be recovered by action of debt, with costs of suit in manner aforesaid. And be iz‘farz‘ber erzaez‘ed by i/ze azei/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That if any slave Assault on shall strike a white person, it shall be lawful for any justice of the peace, $31,‘? per‘ to commit such slave to prison; and such slave, shall thereupon be tried and punished in the manner directed in cases of petit larceny, in and by the act entitled “An act for the speedy punishment of such persons as shall commit any offences under the degree of grand larceny.” A 12d be it fari/zer eizaez‘ed by i/ze azei/zorizy aforesaid, That all negroes Jury trial and other persons whatsoever, commonly reputed and deemed slaves, gggggfital shall forever hereafter, have the privilege of being tried by a jury in all capital cases, according to the course of the common law. And be it farZ/zer enaeied by file aai/zorizj/ aforesaid, That from and Slavesas after the passing of this act, no slave shall be admitted a witness, for or Wltnesses‘ against any person, in any matter, cause or thing whatsoever, civil or criminal, except in criminal cases, in which the evidence of one slave, shall be admitted for or against another slave. And be it furi/zer eaaeied by t/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That from and Begging by after the passing this act, no person or persons within this State, shall Slaves‘ knowingly and willingly, suffer or permit, his, her, or their slave to go about begging of others, victuals, clothing or other necessaries; and if any person or persons shall be guilty of an offence, against this clause of this act, he, she or they, shall for every such offence, forfeit the sum of ten pounds, to be recovered by action of debt, with costs of suit, in LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 40. Pretended sales of decrepit slaves. Manumis- SIOll of slaves. 1d. any court of record within this State, by any person or person who will sue for the same; the one half of which forfeiture, when recovered, to be paid to the overseers of the poor of the city or town where such offence shall be committed; and the other half to the person or persons who shall sue and prosecute for the same to effect. A no’ be if furt/zer enaez‘ed by i/ze aaz‘borizj/ aforesaid, That if any per- son or persons shall by any collusive conveyance or fraudulent agree- ment, sell or dispose, or pretend to sell or dispose of any aged or decrepid slave, to any person or persons, who is or are, unable to keep and main- tain such slave or slaves, such sale or pretended sale, shall be absolutely void, and the person or persons making such sale, or pretended sale, shall forfeit the sum of twenty pounds, for each offence; and shall moreover be deemed, the owner or owners of such slave or slaves, within the true intent and meaning of the next preceding section of this act; which for- feitures shall be recovered and applied, in the manner directed in and by the said section. And be it fari/zer enaeied by tile aut/zoriiy aforesaid, That when the owner or owners of any slave, under fifty years of age, and of sufficient ability to provide for himself, or herself, shall be disposed to manu- mit such slave, he, she or they, shall previous thereto, procure a certifi- cate, signed by the overseers of the poor, or the major part of them, of the city, town or place, and of two justices of the peace of the county, where such person or persons shall dwell or reside; and if in the cities of New York or Albany, then from the mayor or recorder, and any two of the aldermen, certifying that such slave appears to be under fifty years of age, and of sufficient ability to provide for himself, or herself, and shall cause such certificate of manumission, to be registered in the office of the clerk of the city, town or place, in which the owner or owners of such slave, may reside; that then it shall be lawful for such person or persons, to manumit such slave, without giving or providing any security, to indemnify such city, town or place. And every slave so manumitted, shall be deemed, adjudged and taken, to be free; and the clerk for registering such certificate, shall be entitled to two shillings, and no more. And be iifziri/zer enacted by i/ze aziiboriiy aforesaid, That if any person, by his or her last will and testament, shall give his or her slave, freedom, such slave being at the death of the testator or testatrix, under fifty years of age, and also of sufficient ability to provide for himself, or her- self, to be certified in manner aforesaid, such freedom given as afore- said, shall without any security to indemnify the city, town or place, be deemed, taken and adjudged to be good and valid, to all intents and purposes. Aizd fari/zer, that if the owner or owners of any other slave, shall be disposed, to manumit and set at liberty, such slave, and such owner or owners, or any other sufficient person, for, or in behalf of such slave, shall and do, at the court of general sessions of the peace, for the city or county, where such negro or other slave shall dwell or reside, enter into a bond, to the people of the State of New York, with one or more surety or sureties, to be approved by such court, in a sum, not less than two hundred pounds, to keep and save such slave from becoming or being any charge to the city, town or place within this State, wherein such slave shall at any time, after such manumission, live, the said slave shall be free, according to such manumission of the owner or owners of uch slave. Andfari/zer, if any such slave hath been, or hereafter shall oe made free, by the last will and testament of any person deceased, and if the executor or executors of such person so deceased, or in case of the neglect or refusal of such executor or executors, if any other suffi- can». 42.] ELEVENTH SESSION 67 9 cient person, for, and in behalf of such slave, shall and do, enter into such surety as aforesaid, in manner aforesaid, then the said slave shall be free, according to the true intent and meaning of such last will and testament. A/zd moreover, that if any person shall, by last will or other- wise, manumit or set free, his or her slave, and no such certificate or security as aforesaid be given or obtained, such slave shall nevertheless, be considered as freed from such owner, his or her executors, adminis— trators and assigns. But such owner, his and her heirs, executors, and administrators, shall remain and be liable, to support and maintain, such slave, if the same slave shall become unable to support and maintain himself or herself. ‘ CHAP. 41. AN ACT, in the form of the act, recommended by the resolution of the United States in Congress assembled, of the twenty_first day of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, to be passed by the several States, relative to the treaty of peace between the United States, and the king of Great Britain. PASSED the 22d of February, 1788. W'HEREAS certain laws or statutes made and passed in some of the Preamble. United States are regarded and complained of, as repugnant to the treaty of peace with Great Britain, by reason whereof not only the good faith of the United States, pledged by that treaty, has been drawn into ques- tion, but their essential interests under that treaty greatly affected: And zo/zereas justice to Great Britain, as well as regard to the honour and interests of the United States, require that the said treaty be faithfully executed, and that all obstacles thereto and particularly such as do or may be construed to proceed from the laws of this State, be effectually removed; T/zerefore be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of New Acts re- Yor/Iz, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by t/ze aat/zority of tbe more, That such of the acts, and parts of acts, of the re‘ legislature of this State, are as repugnant to the treaty of peace between pealed. the United States and his Britanic majestv, or any article thereof, shall be, and hereby are repealed. And fart/2e , that the courts of law and equity within this State, be, and they hereby are directed and required, in all causes and questions cognizable by them respectively, and arising from or touching the said treaty, to decide and adjudge according to the tenor, true intent and meaning of the same; any thing in the said acts or parts of acts to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. CHAP. 42. AN ACT for suppressing immorality. PASSED the 23rd of February, 1788. Be it enacted by the BeopZc of tbe State of New York, represented in Sunday, Senate and Assembly, and it is lzereby enacted by the authority of the same, gg’stgaxm That there shall be no travelling, servile labouring, or working, (works of necessity and charity excepted) shooting, fishing, sporting, playing, LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 42. Persons observing Saturday as holy time. Service of process prohibited. horse racing, hunting or frequenting of tipling houses or any unlawful exercises or pastimes, by any person or persons within this State, on the first day of the week commonly called Sunday. And that every person being of the age of fourteen years or upwards, offending in the premises, shall, for every such ofifence, forfeit and pay to the use of the poor of the city or town where such offence shall be committed, the sum of six shillings; and that no person shall cry, shew forth or expose to sale, any wares, merchandize, fruit, herbs, goods or chattels, upon the first day of the week commonly called Sunday, except small meat and milk, and fish, before nine of the clock in the morning, upon pain that every person so offending shall forfeit the same goods so cried, shewed forth or exposed to sale, to the use of the poor of the city or town where such offence shall be be committed; and if any person offending in any of the premises shall be thereof convicted, before any justice of the peace for the county, or any mayor, recorder or aldermen of the city, where the offence shall be committed, upon the view of the said justice, mayor, recorder or alderman, or confession of the party offend- ing, or proof of any witness or witnesses upon oath, then the said jus~ tice, mayor, recorder or alderman, before whom such conviction shall be had, shall direct and send his warrant, under his hand and seal, to some constable of the city or county where the offence shall have been committed, commanding him to seize and take the goods so cried, shewed forth or exposed to sale as aforesaid, and to sell the same, and to levy the said other forfeitures or penalties, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of such offenders, and to pay the money arising by the sale of such goods so seized, and the said other forfeiture or penal- ties, to the overseers of the poor of the city or town, where the said offence or offences shall have been committed, for the use of the poor thereof. And in case no such distress can be had, then every such offender, shall, by a warrant under the hand and seal of the said justice, mayor, recorder or alderman, be set publickly in the stocks by the space of two hours. And farz'lzer, that if any person shall be found fishing, sporting, horse-racing, hunting, gunning or going to or returning from any market or landing, with carts, waggons or sleds, on the first day of the week called Sunday, it shall be lawful for any constable or other citizen to stop every person so offending, and to detain him or her until the next day, and then to carry or convey him or her to some justice of the peace, to be dealt with according to law. J’rooided always, That no person going to or returning from, any church or place of Worship, within the distance of twenty miles, or going to call a physician, sur- geon or midwife, or carrying a mail to or from any post office, or going express by order of any public officer, shall be considered as travelling within the meaning of this act. And be it farz‘lzer enacted by ilze auibority aforesaid, That if any per- son charged with having laboured or worked on the said first day of the week called Sunday, and shall be brought before a justice of the peace to answer to such charge, and shall then and there prove, to the satis- faction of the said justice, that he or she uniformly keeps the last day . of the week as holy time, and does not labour or Work on that day, then such defendant shall be discharged. Provided always, that the work or labour with which he or she is charged, has not disturbed other per- sons in the observance of the first day of the week as holy time. And be it furz‘lzer enacted by the aut/zoriiy aforesaid, That no person or persons, upon the first day of the week commonly called Sunday, shall serve or execute or cause to be served or executed, any writ, pro- cess, warrant, order, judgment or decree (except in cases of treason, CHAP. 42.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 681 felony, or breach of the peace,) but that the service of every such writ, process, warrant, ordei, judgment or decree shall be void to all intents, and purposes whatsoever; and the person or persons so serving or exe— cuting the same, shall be as liable to the suit of the party grieved, and to answer damages to him for doing thereof, as if he or they had done the same without any writ, process, warrant, order, judgment or decree at all. And be ii‘ furi/zer enacted by i/ze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That if any per- Profanity, son or persons shall at any time or times hereafter, profanely swear or Ejggg’ljgn curse, and be thereof convicted, by the confession of the party offend- ing, or on the oath of any one or more witness or witnesses, or in the manner herein after mentioned, before any justice of the peace for any county, or any mayor, recorder, or alderman of any city in this State, every person so offending, shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay to the use of the poor of the city or town. where such offence or offences shall be committed, the sum of three shillings. And be- ii‘ fari/zer enacted by {be aui/zorizy aforesaid, That in case any Id. person shall profanely swear- or .curse in the presence and hearing of any justice of the peace for any county, or in the presence and hearing of any mayor, recorder or alderman of any city, while in the execution of his office, every such justice of the peace, mayor, recorder or alder- man, shall and is hereby authorized and required to convict every such offender, of such offence, without any other proof whatsoever. And be iz‘fart/zer eizaeted by z‘lze aai/zoriiy aforesaid, That in case any Profane person, who shall be convicted of profanely swearing or cursing, shall 3,62%? put not immediately pay down the respective sums so forfeited, with the Ewcksif charges of such conviction, or give security to the satisfaction of the p231?“ justice, mayor, recorder or alderman, before whom such conviction is had, for the payment thereof Within six days, then every such offender, being above the age of sixteen years, shall, by warrant under the hand and seal of such justice, mayor, recorder or alderman, be set publickly in the stocks, by the space of one hour, for every single offence, and for any number of offences, whereof any such offender shall be convicted, at one and the same time, two hours; but if the offender shall not be above the age of sixteen years, and shall not forthwith pay the said for- feitures, or give security for payment thereof, the parent or master shall pay, the same, to be recovered as aforesaid. And be it fari/ier eizaez‘ed by i/ze am’borizy aforesaid, That if any per- Drunken- son shall be drunk, and of the same offence of drunkeness shall be law- $5155?‘ fully convicted, before any justice of the peace for the county, or before the mayor, recorder or any alderman of the city, wherein such offence shall be committed, either upon the view of such justice, mayor, recorder or alderman. or 'upon the confession of the party offending, or proof of any one or more witness or witnesses, on oath, every person so offend- ing, shall forfeit and pay, for every such offence, three shillings, to the use of the poor of the city or town wherein such offence shall be com- mitted. And in case any person who shall be convicted of drunkeness as aforesaid, shall not immediately pay down the sum so forfeited, with the charges of such conviction, or give security to the satisfaction of the justice, mayor, recorder or alderman, before whom such conviction is had, for the payment thereof, within six days, every such offender shall, by warrant under the hand and seal of such justice, recorder, or alder- man be set publickly in the stocks, by the space of two hours. And be ii‘ furt/zer eizaeied by z‘lze aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That every jug-$532153}? tice of the peace, mayor, recorder or alderman, shall, immediately upon fenders 1:0 . . . b ' r 1nformat1on given, upon oath, of any constable, or other peace officer, or 1,3515%?— VOL. 2. -— 86 68?. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 42. Record _of conviction, form of. Costs of_ conviction. Forfeiture to be paid to overseer of poor. All just- ices, etc., to act. Prosecu- tion to be brought in of any other person, whatsoever, cause the offender and offenders against this act, to appear before him, and upon such information being proved as aforesaid, shall convict such offender and offenders, in such manner as in and by this act is prescribed. And be itfarz‘lzer enacted by i/ze aai/zorizfy aforesaid, That every justice of the peace, mayor, recorder and alderman, before whom any person or persons shall be, by virtue of this act, convicted of any of the offences aforesaid, shall cause such conviction to be drawn up in the form fol- lowing. City of New York, (or Westchester county, or other city or county, as the case may require) to wit, be it remembered that on the day of in the year of our Lord one thousand A. B. was convicted before me C. D. (mayor or recorder, or one of the alder- men) of the said city (or one of the justices of the peace of the said county) of crying (or shewing forth, or exposing to sale) one (or two or more, specifying the number, quantity and kind of goods) on a Sunday, in the said city (or the town of in the said county) or (of travelling or doing servile work, or labour or of shooting. fishing, sport- ing, playing, horse-racing, hunting or frequenting tipling houses, or using some unlawful exercise or pastime) on Sunday (or) of swearing one (or two or more) profane oath (or oaths) (or) of cursing one (or two or more) profane curse (or curses) (or) of having been drunk in the said city (or at the town of in the said county) as the case may require. Given under my hand and seal the day and year abovesaid. And such conviction shall not be liable to be removed by certiorari into the supreme court, but shall be deemed and taken to be final to all intents and purposes whatsoever. And be ii‘ fari/zer enaez‘ed by i/ze azzi/zorizfy aforesaid, That all charges of the information and conviction of any such offender, shall be borne and paid by the party offending, if able, over and above the penalties inflicted by this act, which charges shall be settled and ascertained by the justice, mayor, recorder, or alderman, before whom such conviction shall be had, but shall in no case exceed ‘in the whole three shillings. And the justice, mayor, recorder or alderman, before whom any pro- ceedings shall be had upon this act, or his clerk, may take, for the infor- mation, summons, conviction and warrant thereupon, one shilling and no more; and if the offender shall be set in the stocks for the same offence, no charges whatsoever shall be paid by any person whomsoever. A no’ be it fart/ter enacted by Me azzi/ioriiy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for every such offender to pay the said forfeitures and charges to the justice, mayor, recorder or alderman, before whom such conviction is had; and such justice, mayor, recorder or alderman, shall receive the same, and as soon as conveniently may be, pay the same forfeitures to the overseers of the poor of the city or town where such offence was committed, for the use of the poor thereof. A 12d be i.- fzzri/zer ezzaez‘ed by Me aai/zoriz‘y aforesaid That all and every justice of the peace for the county, and every mayor, recorder or alder- man of the city, wherein any such offence shall be committed, may, and they are hereby respectviely authorized and required to put this act in execution, against any person or persons within their respective juris- dictions, although such justice, mayor, recorder or alderman, shall be rated and pay to the relief of the poor of the city or town where any offence contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act shall be committed; any law or statute to the contrary notwithstanding. And be it far/ber eizaefed by i/ze az/f/zorifv aforesaid, That no person shall be prosecuted or troubled for any offence against this act, unless CHAP. 43.] ELEVENTH SESSIGN. 683 the same be proved or prosecuted within twenty days, next after the offence committed. And be it fart/ter enacted by tile azct/zority aforesaid, That if any suit or action shall be commenced or brought against any justice of the peace, mayor, recorder, alderman, constable or other officer or person whatsoever, for doing or causing to be done any thing in pursuance of this act, concerning any of the said offences, the defendant in such action or suit may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evi- dence; and if in any such action or suit, a verdict shall be given for the defendant or the plaintiff become non suit or discontinue his action, then the defendant shall have treble costs. CHAP. 43. AN ACT for the limitation of criminal prosecutions, and of actions and suits at law. PASSED the 26th of February, 1788. t t (1:33. y Actions against. public ofi’i- cerfor acts done. WHEREAS it is necessary for the peace of society that certain times Statute of be limited for bringing all actions and suits at law; t/zerefore be it enacted by t/ce People of t/ze State of N ew York, represented in Senate and A sseni- limitations; the State notto maintain bly, and it is lzereby enacted by t/ze aut/zoriz‘y of tbe same, That the people claim to of the State of New York shall not, nor will, at any time after the first day of january which will be in the year one thousand eight hundred, sue. impeach, question or implead, any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, for, or in any wise concerning, any manors, lands, tene- ments, rents or hereditaments whatsoever, (other than liberties or fran- chises) or for or in any wise concerning, the revenues, issues or profits thereof, or make any title, claim, challenge or demand, of, in- or to the same, or any of them, by reason of any right or title which hath not first accrued and grown, or which thall not thereafter first accrue and grow within the space of forty years next before the filing, issuing or commencing of every such action, bill, plaint, information, commis- sion or other suit or proceeding, as shall at any time or times thereafter, be filed, issued or commenced, for recovering the same, or in respect thereof, unless the people of the State of New York, or some other per- son or persons, bodies politic or corporate, under whom the people of the State of New York any thing have or lawfully claim, or thereafter shall have or lawfully claim, have or shall have been answered by force and virtue of any such right or title to the same, the rents, revenues, issues or profits thereof, or the rents, issues or profits of any manors or other hereditaments, whereof the premises in question shall be part or parcel, within the said space of forty years. And fart/cer, that all and every person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, their heirs and successors, and all claiming by, from or under them, or any of them, for and according to their and every their several estates and interests, which they have or claim to have, or hereafter shall or may have or claim to have in the same respectively, shall‘ at all times hereafter quietly and freely, have, hold and enjoy, against the people of the State of New York, claiming by any title which hath not first accrued or grown, or which shall not thereafter first accrue or grow within the space of forty years, all and singular the manors, lands, tenements, rents and heredita- ments whatsoever, (other than liberties and franchises) which he or they, real prop- erty after forty years 684 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 43. Real ac- tions; sixty years’ adverse possession. or his or their, or any of their ancestors or predecessors, or those from, by or under whom, he or they, do or hereafter shall, claim, or have, or hereafter shall have held or enjoyed or taken the rents, revenues, issues or profits thereof, by the space of forty years next before the filing, issuing or commencing of every such action, bill, plaint, information, commission or other suit, or proceeding, as shall at any time or times thereafter be filed, issued or commenced, for recovering the same, or in respect thereof, unless the people of the State of New York or some other person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, under whom the people of the State of New York any thing have or lawfully claim, or‘ hereafter shall have or lawfully claim, in the said manors, lands, tene- ments, rents or hereditaments, by force of any right or title, have been or shall have been answered by virtue of any such right or title, the rents, revenues, issues or other profits thereof, within the said space of forty years. Aizdfurilzer, that all and every person or persons, bodies politic and corporate, their heirs and successors, and all claiming or to claim, by, from and under them, or any of them, for and according to their and every of their several estates and interests, which they have or claim, or hereafter shall or may have or clain respectively, shall, forever hereafter, quietly and freely, have, hold and enjoy all such manors, lands, tenements, rents and hereditaments, (other than liberties and franchises,) as they now have, claim or enjoy or hereafter shall or may have, claim or enjoy, whereof the people of the State of New York, or he or they, by, from or under whom the people of the State of New any thing have or lawfully claim, or hereafter shall have or lawfully claim, or some of them, by force of some right or title to the same, have not or shall not have been answered by virtue of such right or title, the rents, reve- nues, issues or profits thereof, within the space of forty years, next before the filing, issuing or commencing of every such action, bill, plaint, information, commission or other suit or proceeding, as shall at any time or times thereafter be filed, issued or commenced, for recovering the same, or in respect thereof, within the said space of forty years, against all and every person and persons, his and their heirs and assigns, having, claiming or pretending to have, or who shall or may have, claim or pretend to have, any estate, right, title, interest, claim or demand whatsoever, of, in or to the same, by force or colour of any letters patent, or grants upon suggestion of concealment, or wrongful detaining, or defective titles, or by, from or under any patentees or grantees, or any letters patent or grants upon suggestion of concealment, or wrongful detaining, or defective titles, of or for which said manors, lands, tene- ments, rents and hereditaments, or any of them, no verdict, judgment, decree, judicial order upon hearing, or sentence of any court, now stand- ing in force, hath been had or given, or any such verdict, judgment, decree, judicial order upon the hearing, or sentence of court, shall here- after be had or given, in any action, bill plaint or information, in any court of record in this State, for or in the name of the people of the State of New York, or for any of the said patentees or grantees, or for their or any of their heirs or assigns, within the space of forty years then last past,or within the space of forty years next before the filing, issuing or commencing, of every such action, bill, plaint, information, commission, or other suit or proceeding, as shall at any time or times hereafter be filed, issued, or commenced, for recovering the same, or in respect thereof as aforesaid. And be ii farl/zer e/zaez‘ed by t/ze aat/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That no person or persons shall hereafter and before the first day of january, which will be in the year one thousand eight hundred, sue, have or maintain, any CHAP. 43.] ELEVENTH sEssIoN. Z) 68 ‘service or other hereditaments, and cannot prove that he or they, or hi writ of right, or make any prescription, title or claim, of, to or for, any manors, lands, tenements, or other hereditaments, of the possession of his or their ancestor, or predecessor, and declare and alledge any further seisin or possession of his or their ancestor or predecessor, but only of the seisin or possession of his or their ancestor or predecessor, which hath been or now is, or shall be seised of the said manors, lands, tene- ments or other hereditaments, within sixty years next before the teste of the same writ, or next before the said prescription, title or claim so hereafter to be sued, commenced, brought, made or had. And be it fzeri/zer enacted by [be az/i/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That no manner of person or persons shall hereafter, and before the said first day of january, which will be in the year one thousand eight hundred, sue, have or maintain, any writ of entry, or other writ of action upon dis- seisin done to any of his or their ancestors or predecessors, or any other action possessary, upon the possession of any of his or their ancestors or predecessors, for any manors, lands, tenements or other heredita- ments, of any further seisin or possession of his or their ancestor or predecessor, but only of the seisin or possession of his or their ancestor or predecessor, which was or hereafter shall be seised of the same manors, lands, tenements or other hereditaments, within fifty years next before the teste of the original of the same writ hereafter to be brought. And be ii‘ fari/zer elzaez‘ed by i/ze aaz‘boriiy aforesaid That no manner of person or persons, shall hereafter, and before the said first day of January which will be in the year one thousand eight hundred, sue, have or maintain any action for any manors, lands, tenements or other hereditaments, of or upon, his, her or their own seisin or possession therein, above thirty years next before the teste of the original of the same writ hereafter to be brought. And be itfari/zer elzaez‘ed by i/ze az/i/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That no manner of person or persons shall hereafter and before the said first day of janu- ary which will be in the year one thousand eight hundred, make any avowry or cognizance for any rent, suit or service and alledge any seisin of any rent, suit or service in the same avowry or cognizance, in the possession of his, her or their ancestor or ancestors, predecessor or prede- cessors, or in his her or their own possession, or in the possession of any other, whose estate he, she or they shall pretend or claim to have, above fifty years next before the making of the said avowry or cognizance. Provided nevertheless Arid be if fari/zer enaez‘ed by i/ze aui/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That from and after the said first day of january, which will be in the year one thou- sand eight hundred, no action real shall be maintained, and no avowry or cognizance shall be made, unless on a seisin or possession of the hereditaments, either of the demandant or plaintiff, or person making avowry or cognizance, or of the ancestor or predecessor of such demand- ant or plaintiff, or person making avowry or cognizance, within twenty five years next before such action brought, or avowry or cognizance made; with a saving that no part of the time during which the demand- ant or plaintiff, or person making avowry or cognizance, shall have been within the age of twenty one years, insane feme covert, or imprisoned, shall be taken as part of the said period of limitation of twenty five years. ' And be itfurz‘ber enaez‘ed by the aut/zorizy aforesaid, That if any person or persons do at any time hereafter, sue any of the said actions or writs for any manors, lands, tenements or other hereditaments, or make any avowry, cognizance, prescription, title or claim, of or for, any rent, suit, 5 Fifty years’ ad verse possessio n. Thirty years’ ad- verse pos- session. Fifty years’ adverse possession. After Jan- uary1,1800, twenty-five years to bar real action. If proof of possession not made in time limited, claimant barred. 686 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 43. Writs to be brought in twenty years. Entry to be made in twenty years. Actions to be brought in six years. ‘Four years. Two years. New ac- tions to be brought in one year. or their ancestors or predecessors, were in the actual possession or seisin of and in the same manors, lands, tenements, rents, suits, services, annui- ties, commons or other hereditaments, at any time or times within the years before limited and appointed in this act, and in manner and form aforesaid, if the same be traversed or denied by the party plaintiff, demandant or avowant, or by the party tenant, or defendant, that then and after such trial therein had, all and every such person and persons, and their heirs and successors, shall from thenceforth be utterly barred for ever, of all and every the said writs, actions, avowries, cognizance, prescription, title or claim thereafter to be sued, had or made, of and for the same manors, lands, tenements, hereditaments or other the prem- ises, or any part of the sarne, for the which the same action, writ, avowry, cognizance, prescription, title or claim, hereafter shall be so had sued or made. A ad a it furt/zer enacted a)’ f/ze auz‘lzorz'zj' aforesaid, That all writs of formedon and scire facias upon fines, of any manors, lands, tenements, or other hereditaments, hereafter to be brought, shall be sued and taken within twenty years next after the title and cause of action first descended or fallen, and at no time after the said twenty years. And fie z'z‘ farf/zer marred by t/ze azd/zarz'z‘y afaresaz'd, That no person or persons shall at any time hereafter, make any entry into any manors, lands, tenements or hereditaments, but within twenty years next after his or their right or title descended or accrued to the same, and in default thereof such person or persons so not entering and his, her or their heirs, shall be utterly excluded and disabled from such entry after to be made. A/zdfart/zer that no claim or entry of or upon any manors, lands, tenements or hereditaments, shall be a sufficient entry or claim within the meaning of this act, unless upon such entry or claim, an action shall be commenced within one year next after the making of such entry or claim, and prosecuted with effect. And be z'z‘fart/zer enacted ay t/ze aat/zm'z'zfy aforesaid, That all actions of trespass quare clausum fregit, all actions of trespass, detinue, actions of trover and replevin for taking away of goods and chattles, all actions of account and upon the case, other than such actions as concern the trade of merchandize between merchant and merchant, their factors or serv- ants; all actions of debt grounded upon any lending or contract without speciality, all actions of debt for arrearages of rent, all suits and actions in the court of admiralty for seamen’s wages, and all actions of assault, menace, battery, wounding and imprisonment, or any of them, which shall at any time hereafter be sued or brought, shall be commenced and sued within the time and limitation hereafter expressed, and not after; that is to say, the said actions upon the case, other than for slander, and the said actions for account, and the said actions for trespass, debt, deti- nue and replevin for goods or chattles, and the said actions of tresspass, quare clausum fregit, and the said suits and actions for seaman’s wages, within six years next after the cause of such actions or suits, and not after; and the said actions of trespass for assault, menace, battery, wounding and imprisonment, or any of them, within four years next after the cause of such actions or suits, and not after; and the said actions upon the case for words, within two years next after the words spoken, and not after. Provided always, and be it fart/zer enacted a)! t/ze aaZ/zarz'év aferesaz'd, That if in any of the said actions or suits, judgment shall be given for plaintiff, and the same be reversed by error, or if a verdict pass for the plaintiff, and upon matter alledged in arrest of judgment, the judgment be given against the plaintiff, that he take nothing by his plaint, writ or CHAP. 43.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 687 bill; or if any of the said actions shall be brought by original, and the defendant therein be outlawed, and shall after reverse the outlawry, that in all such cases, the party plaintiff, his heirs, executors or administra- tors, as the case shall require, may commence a new action of suit, from time to time, within one year next after such judgment reversed, or such judgment given against the plaintiff, or outlawry reversed, and not after. Provided also, and be it fart/ler enacted by the ant/corny aforesaid, Proviso in That if any person or persons who is or shall be entitled to such writ ‘$55025,’ or writs of formedon or scire facias, or who hath or shall have such right i‘nsaniwol‘ or title of entry, be or shall be, at the time of the said right or title first bovermre' descended, accrued, come or fallen, within the age of one and twenty years, feme covert, insane, or imprisoned, that then such person and persons and his and their heir and heirs, shall or may after the said twenty years be expired, bring such action, or make such entry, as he or they might have done before this act, so as such person or persons shall, within ten years next after his or their full age, discoverture, com- ing of sound mind, or enlargement out of prison, or the heir or heirs of such person or persons, within ten years next after the death of such person or persons, take benefit of and sue forth the same, and at no time after the said ten years. Andfzcrt/zer, that if any person or persons who is or shall be intitled to any such suit or action, for seamans wages, or to any such action of trespass quare clausum fregit, detinue, trover, replevin, actions of account or upon the case, action, of debt, action of trespass for assault, menace, battery, wounding, imprisonment, or action upon the case for words, or any of them, be or shall be, at the time of any such cause for action given or accrued, fallen or come, within the age of twenty one years, feme covert, insane or imprisoned, that then and in every such case, such person or persons shall be at liberty to bring the same actions, so as they take the same within such times as are before limited, after their coming to, or being of full age, discovert, of sane memory, or at large, as other persons having no such impedi- ment should have done. And moreover, that if any person or persons against whom there is or shall be any such cause of suit, or action for seamans wages, or against whom there is or shall be any cause of action of trespass, detinue. trover, or replevin, or of action of account, or upon the case, or of debt, grounded upon any lending or contract without specialty, or debt for arrearages of rent, or of trespass for assault, menace, battery, wounding or imprisonment, or any of them, be or shall be out of this State, at the time of any such cause of suit or action given, or accrued, fallen or come, then and in every such case, such per- son or persons, who is or shall be intitled to any such suit or action, shall be at liberty to bring the said actions, against such person or per- sons, after his, her or their coming or return to this State, so as they take the same after such return or coming to this State, within such times as are respectively before limited, for the bringing of the said actions, by this act. A na’ be z'tfart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/iority aforesaid, That all actions, Action to suits, bills, indictments, or iiiformations, which at any time hereafter Rfgggugm shall be had, brought, sued or exhibited, for any forfeiture upon any years- penal statute made or to be made, whereby the forfeiture is or shall be limited to the people of the State of New York only, shall be had, brought, sued or exhibited, within two years next after the offence com- mitted or to be committed against such penal act, and not after the said two years. And that all actions, suits, bills or informations, which shall One year. at any time hereafter be had, brought, sued, commenced or exhibited, for any forfeiture upon any penal statute, made or to be made, the ben- 688 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 43. Two years. Three years . Proviso; actions limited by statute. Indict- ments for crimes other than murder, three years Proviso. where lim- ited by statute. Time be— tween Oct. 14, 1775, and March 21. 1783, not to be com- puted. efit and suit whereof is, or shall be, by the said statute, limited or given to any person or persons who shall prosecute for the same, or to the people of the State of New York, and to any other, who shall prosecute in that behalf, shall be had, brought, sued, commenced or exhibited by any person who may lawfully pursue for the same as aforesaid, within one year next after the offence committed or to be committed against the said statute: And in default of such pursuit, that then the same shall be had, sued, exhibited or brought for the people of the State of New York, at any time within two years after that year ended. And that all actions, suits, bills or informations, which shall at any time here- after be had, brought, sued, commenced or exhibited, for any forfeiture or cause, upon any statute made or to be made, the benefit and suit whereof is or shall be given or limited to the party aggrieved, shall be had, brought, sued, commenced or exhibited, within the space of three years, next after the offence committed or to be committed, or cause of action accrued, and not after. And if any action, suit, bill, indictment or information, for any offence against any statute, made or to be made, shall be brought after the time in that behalf before limited, that then the same shall be void and of none effect; any law usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. Prozxided always, that where any action, information, indictment, or other suit, is or shall be limited by any statute, to be had, sued, com- menced, brought or exhibited, within a shorter time than is hereby limited, then and in every such case, the action, information, indictment or other suit, shall be brought within the time limited by such statute. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze azctlzority aforesaid, That all suits informations or indictments, which at any time hereafter shall be brought, commenced or exhibited, for any crime or misdemeanor, (mur— der excepted) whether capital or not capital, shall be brought, com- menced or exhibited, within three years next after the offence committed or to be committed, and not after the expiration of the said three years. And if any suit, information or indictment, for any crime or misdemeanor (except murder) shall be had, brought or exhibited, after the time hereby limited, that then the same shall be void and of none effect; any law, usage or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided always, that where any information, indictment or other suit, for any crime or misdemeanor, is limited by any statute, to be brought or exhibited, within a shorter time than is hereby limited, then and in every such case, the information, indictment, or other suit, shall be had, brought or exhibited within the time limited by such statute. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze azctlzority aforesaid, That no part of the time from the fourteenth day of October in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy five, to the twenty first day of March one thous- and seven hundred and eighty three, shall be deemed, computed, pleaded or adjudged, as part of the respective periods herein before limited for making any title, prescription, cognizance or claim, or bringing, sueing, commencing or prosecuting any writ, action, suit or plaint. iCHAPi 44.] 689 ELEVENTH SESSION. CHAP., 44. AN ACT for directing the manner of proving deeds and convey- ances to be recorded. PASSED the 26th of February, 1788. Be ii‘ eizaez‘ed by Me People of Me State of N ew York, rqoresem‘ed in Seizaz‘e and Assembly, and ii‘ is bereby eizaez‘ed by Me aai/zoriz‘y of [be same, That all and every deed and deeds, conveyance and conveyances, and writings whatsoever, relating to the title or property of any mes- suages, lands, tenements or hereditaments within this State, heretofore executed or hereafter to be executed, being duly acknowledged by the party or parties executing the same, or duly proved by one or more of the subscribing witnesses to the execution thereof, and recorded in the office of the secretary of this State, or in the office of the clerk of the county in which such lands are situated, shall and may be read as evi- dence in any court in this State, without further or other proof of the execution thereof, and the record thereof, or a transcript of the same, shall and may be given and received in evidence. And be it fari/zer eizaez‘ed by Me az-ii/zorizy aforesaid, That no deed, conveyance or other writing, relating to any lands, tenements or real estate, heretofore executed and not already acknowledged or proved according to law, or hereafter to be executed, shall be recorded, unless the same shall be duly acknowledged by the party or parties executing the same, or the execution thereof be duly proved by one or more of the subscribing witnesses to the same, before one of the justices of the supreme court, or a master in chancery, or one of the judges of the court of common pleas in and for the county where such lands and real estate are situated; or if such lands and real estate be in the city of New York, Albany or Hudson, before the mayor or recorder of the same cities respectively; and a certificate of such acknowledgment or proof be indorsed upon such deed, conveyance or other writing, signed by the person before whom the same was taken; And be ii‘ farl/zer enacted by Me aza’borizy aforesaid, That no estate of a feme covert, shall henceforth pass by her deed, without a previous acknowledgment by her on a private examination, apart from her hus band, before one of the justices of the supreme court, or a master in chancery, or one of the judges of the court of common pleas, in and for the county where such lands or real estate shall be situated ; or if such lands or real estate be in the city of New York, Albany or Hudson, before the mayor or recorder of the same cities respectively; that she execute such deed freely, without any fear or compulsion of her hus- band, and a certificate thereof purporting that she had been privately examined, and confessed that she executed the same freely, without any fear or compulsion of her husband, indorsed on the deed conveying the same, and signed by the person before whom such acknowledgment. shall be made. VOL. 2. ——87 Convey- ances, how acknowl- edged; efiectofl Not to be recorded until prop- erly at:- k nowi- edged. Acknowl- edgnient by feme covert. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 45 Record of mortgages Ln be kept by county clerks. How mort- ease to be acknowl- edged. ‘What con- veyances deemed mortgages. CHAP. 45. AN ACT to prevent frauds by mortgages, and for securing the purchasers of mortgaged estates. PASSED the 26th of February, 1788. Be 2'! erzaez‘ed by Me People of tbe Sz‘az‘e of New Yer/e, represented in Senate and Assembly, and 2'! is bereby enacted by t/ze aaz‘berz'zj' 0f t/ze same, That each and every of the clerks of the respective cities and counties in this State, shall from time to time provide fit and convenient blank books for the registering of all mortgages, of any messuages, lands, tene- ments or hereditaments, situate and lying within their respective cities and counties, in which register shall be entered the names of the mort- gagors and mortgagees; the dates of the respective mortgages, the mortgage money, the time or times when payable; the description and boundaries of the messuages, lands, tenements or hereditaments mort- gaged, and the time when such mortgages are registered, or recorded; to which register all persons whomsoever at proper seasons may have recourse and search, and for which the said clerks shall have and receive for entering each mortgage, the sum of six shillings, and for every search one shilling, and no more. And fart/zer, that if any clerk shall neglect or refuse to do the duty required of him by this act, he shall answer to the party injured, all damages which shall happen by reason of such neglect or refusal. Prazrz'ded always, and be it fzlrz‘lzer enacted by l/ze aZ/z‘lizarz'z‘yl aforesaid, That no deed, conveyance, or other writing by the way of mortgage, shall after the passing of this act, be entered in any such register, unless the execution thereof be duly acknowledged by the grantor or grantors, or proved by one or more of the subscribing witnesses to the execution thereof, before one of the justices of the supreme court, or a master in chancery, or one of the judges of the court of common pleas of the county, where the messuages, lands, tenements or hereditaments so mortgaged lay; or if the same messuages, lands, tenements or heredita- ments, shall be in the city of New York, Albany or Hudson, before the mayor or recorder of the same cities respectively, who are hereby respectively authorized and required to take the same, and to indorse a ‘certificate of such acknowledgment or proof of the execution of such mortgages, in the manner and form directed and prescribed in and by the act, entitled “An act directing the manner of proving deeds and conveyances to be recorded.” A 12d be it fart/zer enacted by l/ze azzl/zorz'zjr afbresaz'd, That every deed conveying a real estate, made after the first day of june, in the year of one thousand seven hundred and seventy four, or to be made after the passing of this act, which by any other instrument or writing, shall appear to have been intended only as a security in the nature of a mort- gage, tho’ it be an absolute conveyance in terms, shall be considered as a mortgage, and be deemed and adjudged to be liable to be registered as other mortgages are by virtue of this act; and that the person or persons for whose benefit such deed shall be made, shall not have the advantages given by this act to mortgagees, unless every instrument and writing operating as a defeazance of the same, or explanatory of its being designed to have the effect only of amortgage or conditional deed, be also therewith registered in substance, as in case of a mortgage CHAP. 45.] ELEVENTH sEssioN. 691 And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze aut/zority aforesaid, That if any per- Priority of h ' hath or have after. .the first da of June mortgages’ son or persons, w omsoev er, , y , in the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty four mortgaged, or shall, after the passing of this act, mortgage any messuages, lands, tene— ments or hereditaments to two or more personshat different times, and any doubt or dispute shall arise about the priority of such mortgages, that then and in such case, the mortgage first entered in the register in the city or county where the lands, tenements or real estates so mort- gaged lie, in the manner herein before directed, shall be deemed and taken, and is hereby declared, and shall be adjudged by all courts of law and equity within this State, to be the first or prior mortgage; pro- vided it hath been or shall be made bona fide and upon good and valu- able consideration; any law, usage or custom, to the contrary notwith- standing. And be it fzcrtker enacted by t/ie azct/zority aforesaid, That every mort- Id. gage of the same real estate or estates, or parts thereof, executed after the nineteenth clay of March, in the year one thousand seven hun- dred and seventy four, or to be executed after the passing of this act, whether made by the same or different persons, shall have priority, and the benefits thereof given by this act, according to the time of the actual registry thereof. And be it fzcrtker enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That whenever Discharge any mortgage or mortgages so entered as aforesaid, shall be redeemed, paid off and discharged, the clerks of the respective cities and counties, the record- on application to them made by the mortgagors, or persons redeeming, paying off and discharging such mortgages, and producing a certificate to the respective clerks of the respective cities or counties, signed by the respective mortgagee or mortgagees in such mortgage named, his, her, or their executors, administrators or assigns, in the presence of two or more witnesses, and acknowledged by the party or parties signing the same, or proved by the oath of at least one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, before one of the justices of the supreme court, or a master in chancery, or one of the judges of the court of common pleas of the county, where the messuages, lands tenements or hereditaments, so mortgaged lie; or if such mortgaged premises be in the city of New York, Albany or Hudson, before the mayor or recorder of the same cities respectively, and the same acknowledgment or proof be indorsed on such certificate, such respective clerks shall, and they are hereby required, to enter in the aforesaid book or register of mortgages, a min- ute of the said discharge or discharges; which minute so entered, shall be deemed and taken to be, and is hereby declared to be, a full, perfect and absolute bar to the first entry of any such mortgage or mortgages; for which entry the respective clerks shall have and receive the sum of one shilling, & no more. And *zv/zereas many real estates are held under sales made by mort- gagees, who were authorized by the mortgagor or mortgagors to make conveyance of the same in fee, for the payment of the debt or demand secured by such mortgage, and to returnthe surplus of the purchase money to the mortgagor or mortgagors; and as many inconveniences may arise, vexatious suits be promoted, and bona fide purchasers ruined if such estates should be redeemable in equity. T/zerefore, be itfzcrtker Bona fide enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That no good and bona fide sale of iilfigzfged messuages, lands tenements or hereditaments, made or to be made by Premises - - confirmed. mortgagees, or others authorized thereunto, by special power for that purpose, in due form of law, from him or them who had the equity of redemption,shall be defeated to the prejudice of the bona fide pur- LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 46. Power of sale by per- soniinder twenty-five not to operate. Powers to be ac- knowl— edged. Sales to be at public auction. chasers thereof, in favor, or for the advantage of any person or persons claiming a right of redemption in equity: Prooided always, that noth- ing in this act contained, shall be construed to prejudice any other mortgagee of the same messuages, lands, tenements or hereditaments, or any part thereof, whose title accrued prior to such bona fide sale; or any creditor to whom 'the mortgaged premises or any part thereof, was before bound, by any judgment at law, or decree in equity. And to prevent fraudulent advantages from being taken to the preju- dice of young and extravagant persons, be it further enacted by the author- ity aforesaid, That nothing in this act contained shall operate for the security of any purchase in fee, under any power executed for that pur- pose, after the said nineteenth day of March in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy four, or to be executed for that purpose after the passing of this act, to the mortgagee or mortgagees, unless the person or persons giving such power, he of the age of at least twenty five years: And further, that all power to mortgagees now made, or hereafter to be made, for making sales in fee. shall be acknowledged or proved and recorded, as other deeds and conveyances usually are, before the conveyances for the sale be executed. And moreover that every such sale shall be at public auction or vendue; and public notice shall -be given thereof, by advertisements, one copy whereof to be inserted Deeds op erating as mortgages. Mutual ac- counts, at:- monsin - case of; counter- claims. and continued at least once a week for six months previous to such sale, in one of the public news papers printed in this State, and another copy thereof to be fixed upon the outward door of the court house of the city or county, in which the mortgaged premises, or the greater part of them lay. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no deed conveyance, instrument or writing whatsoever, in the nature of a mort- gage, made and executed after the said nineteenth day of March, in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy four, or to be made and executed after the passing of this act, shall in any manner defeat, preju- dice or affect, the title or interest of any bona fide purchaser, of any messuages, lands, tenements or hereditaments, unless the same shall have been duly registered in manner aforesaid, any thing in this act contained, to the contrary notwithstanding. CHAP. 46. AN ACT for the amendment of the law, and the better advance- ment ofjustice. PASSED the 27th of February, 1788. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New Yorh, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That if any two or more, dealing together, be indebted to each other, upon bonds, bills, bargains, contracts, promises, accounts or the like, and one of them or his or her executors or administrators, commence an action against the other or others his or her or their executors or administrators, in any court of this State, if the defendant or defendants cannot gainsay the deed, bargain or assumption, upon which he she or they is or are sued, it shall be lawful for such defendant or defendants to plead payment of all or any part of the debt or sum demanded, giving notice, in writing, with the said plea, of what he, she or they will insist CHAP. 46.] ELEVENTH SESSION. upon at the trial, for his her or their discharge, and to give any bond, bill, receipt, account, bargain or contract so given notice of, in evidence; and if such suit shall be brought on a bond, bill or other contract for the recovery of a penalty, or the nonpayment of money only, or for a penalty to secure or enforce the payment of money only, and if any bond, bill, or contract with such penalty as aforesaid shall be given in evidence for the plaintiff or defendant upon such trial, in all such cases the sum bona fide and in equity due, and not the penalty shall be deemed as the debt due; and if it shall appear that the debt or sum demanded is paid or satisfied, the jury shall find for the defendant or defendants, and judgment shall be entered that the plaintiff or plaintiffs take noth- ing by his, her or their writt, bill or plaint; and unless the plaintiff or plaintiffs, prosecute as executors or administrators, the defendant or defendants shall also recover, his, her or their costs of suit against such plaintiff or plaintiffs; and if it shall appear that any part of the debt or sum demanded is paid or satisfied, then so much as is found to be paid or satisfied, shall be discounted, and the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall have judgment for the residue only, with costs of suit. But if it appear to the jury that the plaintiff or plaintiffs is or are overpaid, then they shall find a verdict for the defendant or defendants, and withal certify to the court how much they find the plaintiff or plaintiffs to be indebted or in arrear to the defendant or defendants, more than will answer the debt or sum demanded; and the sum so certified, shall be recorded with the verdict, and the defendant or defendants shall have judgment and exe— cution for the same, together with, his her or their costs of suit, unless the plaintiff or plaintiffs prosecute as executors or administrators, in which case the sum so certified shall be deemed a debt of record, to be paid in the course of administration, and the defendant or defendants, for recovery thereof, shall have an action of debt, or a scire facias against the plaintiff or plaintiffs in the said action. Arid be ii‘ farZ/zer eizaeied by i/ze aaz‘borizy aforesaid, That whenever it shall appear probable in any cause depending in any court of record in this State as well where an executor or executors, administrator or admin- istrators, is, are or may be party or parties, as otherwise that the trial of the same will require the examination of a long account, either on one side or the other, the said court at any time after issue is joined in such cause, is hereby authorized with or without the consent of the parties to refer such cause by rule to be made at discretion to referrees who shall be three such persons as the court shall nominate, unless upon naming them, the parties agree upon and name others, or shall elect that three persons be ballotted for out of the panel of the jurors, if there be a jury returned for the trial of the cause, in the usual form of ballotting for jurors; Which referrees finally fixed on, shall hear and examine the mat— ters in controversy and report thereon, upon pain of contempt; and an entry shall be made upon the record, of such reference, and day shall be given to the parties from time to time, until the referrees shall make a report in the premises, or they be thereof discharged: And if the report or award of the referrees, or of the major part of them shall be confirmed by the said court, and any sum be thereby found for the plaintiff or plaintiffs, judgment shall be entered for the same with costs, if by law the plaintiff or plaintiffs would have recovered costs, had a verdict passed in the same cause for the sum so reported to be due; but if the referrees or the major part of them shall report that there is not any thing due to the plaintiff or plaintiffs, and the report be con- firmed, then judgment shall be entered against the plaintiff or plaintiffs, that he, she or they take nothing by his, her or their writ, bill or plaint; Actions of account, when ref— erence may be ordered; proceed- ings. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 46. Scire facias against ex— ecutors OI‘ adininis- trators. Costs, taxx ing of, and amount. Payment of sum secured before action , brought, to dis- vharge bond. and the defendant or defendants shall in such case have judgment for and recover his, her or their costs, to be taxed, against the plaintiff, or plaintiffs, if by law such defendant or defendants would have been enti- tled to costs, if a verdict had passed in the same cause for him, her or them; and if in any case the referrees or the major part of them shall report any sum to be due to the defendant or defendants and the report be confirmed, then judgment shall be entered against the plaintiff or plaintiffs, that he, she or they take nothing by his, her or their writ, bill or plaint. A/zd furl/ter that the defendant or defendants shall recover against such plaintiff or plaintiffs the sum so reported to be dueto him, her or them, with costs of suit to be taxed, and shall have execution for the same; unless the plaintiff or plaintiffs prosecuted as executors or administrators, in which case the sum so reported, with the costs so taxed, shall be deemed a debt of record, to be paid in the course of administration, and the defendant or defendants for the recovery thereof shall have an action of debt or a scire facias against the plaintiff or plaintiffs. And be z'z‘fzlrz‘lzer e/zaez‘ed by l/ze aut/wrz'ly aferesaz'd, That where any such action or scire facias shall be brought for the recovery of any sum so found or reported to be due to any defendant or defendants, the person or persons against whom such action or scire facius shall- be brought, may plead that he, she or they had fully administred, the goods of his her or their testator or intestate, at the time of the verdict given or report made, and may give in evidence any payments made by him, her or them, or judgment obtained against him, her or them before that time. And be 2'! furt/zer marred by z‘lze aut/zerz'z‘y aforesaid, That upon taxing the costs in all causes so referred, where costs are to be recovered, a reasonable allowance shall be made to the prevailing party, for such services and expences as may accrue upon or attend the referrence of the cause; and that process of subpoena may issue to convene witnesses before the referrees, as is usual on the execution of writs of enquiry of damages, who shall be examined on oath; and that there shall be allowed to each referree attending the said business, the sum of eight shillings for every day necessarily spent in the business of the reference, besides a reasonable allowance for their expences, which shall be paid by the prevailing party, and shall be allowed upon taxing costs, where costs are recoverable. Arzdfarz‘lzer that each referree before he proceeds to the business of the referrence, shall take an oath faithfully and fairly to hear and examine the cause and make a true and just report, according to the best of his skill and understanding; which oath, as well as the oaths of the witnesses, may be taken before any judge of any court of record or any justice of the peace. And be 2'! farl/zer marred by l/ze auz‘lzerz'z‘y aforesaid, That where any action of debt is or shall be brought upon any single bill; or where any action of debt or scire facius is or shall be brought upon any judgment, if the defendant hath paid the money due upon such bill or judgment, such payment shall and may be pleaded, in bar of such action or suit; and where an action of debt is or shall be brought upon any bond which hath a condition or defeazance to make void the same upon payment of a less sum, at a day or place certain, if the obligor, his heirs, executors or administrators, have, before the action brought,'paid to the obligee, his executors or administrators, the principal and interest due by the condition or defeazance of such bond, though such payment was not made strictly according to the condition or defeazance, yet it shall and may nevertheless he pleaded in bar of such action, and shall be as effec- CHAP. 46. j ‘ ELEVENTH sEssioN. 695 tual a bar thereof, as if the money had been paid at the day and place, according to the condition or defeazance, and had been so pleaded. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zorizy aforesaid, That if at any time Payment pending an action upon any such bond with a penalty, the defendant shall bring into the court where the action shall be depending, all the principal money and interest due on such bond, and also all such costs as have been expended in any suit or suits, in law or equity, upon such bond, the said money so brought in, shall be deemed and taken to be in full satisfaction and discharge of the said bond, and the court shall and may give judgment to discharge every such defendant of and from the same accordingly. And be it fartker enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That in all actions Actions on now depending or hereafter to be commenced or prosecuted in any 28333123, court of record, upon any bond or bonds, or for any penal sum, for non. breaches- performance of any covenants or agreements in any indenture, deed or writing contained, or upon any bond or bonds, with any condition, other than for payment of money, the plaintiff or plaintiffs may assign as many breaches as he or they may think fit, and the jury, upon trial of such action or actions, shall and may assess, not only such damages and costs of suit as have heretofore been usually done in such cases; but also damages, for such of the said breaches so assigned, as the plaintiff or plaintiffs, upon the trials of the'issues, shall prove to have been broken, and that the like judgment shall be entered on such verdict, as hereto- fore hath been usually done in such like actions: And if the judgment shall be given for the plaintiff or plaintiffs on a demurrer, or by confes- sion, or nihil dicit, the plaintiff or plaintiffs may suggest upon the roll or record as many breaches of the covenants, conditions or agreements, as he or they shall think fit, upon which shall issue a writ to the sheriff of the county where the action is or shall be brought or laid, to summon a jury to appear in the court, where the action is or shall be brought, if such court shall sit in the same county where the action is or shall be brought, or in case the court in which the action is or shall be brought, shall not sit in the county where the action is laid, then before the jus- tices or justice of the supreme court, at the next circuit court to be held in the county, where the action is laid, to enquire of the truth of every one of those breaches, and to assess the damages that the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall have sustained thereby; in which writ, if to be executed ‘before the justices of the supreme court or any of them, at the circuit court, it shall be commanded to the said justices or justice, who shall hold such circuit court, that he or they make a return thereof to the court from whence the same writ shall issue at the time in such writ men- tioned; and in case the defendant or defendants, after such judgment entered, and before any execution executed, shall pay into the court where the action is or shall be brought, to the use of the plaintiff or plaintiffs, or his or their executors or administrators, such damages, so to be assessed by reason of all or any of the breaches of such covenants, conditions or agreements, together with costs of suit, a stay of execution of the said judgment shall be entered upon record; or if, by reason of any execution executed, the plaintiff or plaintiffs or his or their execu- tors or administrators shall be fully paid or satisfied all such damages so assessed, together with his or their costs of suit, and all reasonable charges and expences for executing the said execution, the body, lands and goods of the defendant shall be thereupon forthwith discharged from the said execution, which shall likewise be entered upon record; but notwithstanding, in each case, such judgment shall remain, continue and be, as a further security to answer to the plaintiff or plaintiffs, and 696 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAP. 46. Bail bond taken by sheriff, assign- ment to plaintiff. Death of parties after inter- locutory and before final judg- ment. his or their executors or administrators. such damages as shall or may be sustained, for urther breach of any covenant or covenants, con- dition or conditions, agreement or agreements, in the same bond, inden- ture, deed or writing contained, upon which the plaintiff or plaintiffs or his or their executors or administrators, may have a scire facias upon the said judgment, against the defendant or defendants, or against his, her, or their heirs, devisees, or terre-tenants, or executors or administra- tors, suggesting other breaches of the said covenants, conditions or agreements, and to summon him or them respectively to shew cause why execution shall not be had or awarded upon the said judgment, upon which there shall be the like proceedings as were in the action of debt upon the said bond or obligation for assessing of damages upon trial of issues joined upon such breaches, or inquiry thereof, upon a writ to be awarded in manner aforesaid. And that upon payment or satisfaction in manner as aforesaid, of such future damages, costs and charges as aforesaid, all further proceedings on the said judgment shall again he stayed, and so toties quoties; and the defendant. his body, lands and goods, shall be discharged out of execution as aforesaid. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any person or persons have been or shall be arrested by any writ bill or process issuing out of any court of record, at the suit of any common person or persons, and the sheriff or any other officer hath taken or shall take bail from such person or persons, against whom such writ, bill or process was or shall be taken out, the sheriff or other officer, at the request and cost of the plaintiff in such action or suit, or his lawful attorney, shall assign to the plaintiff in such action, the bail bond or other security taken from such bail, by indorsing the same and attesting it under his hand and seal, in the presence of two or more credible witnesses; and if the said bail bond or assignment or other security taken for bail, be for- feited, the plaintiff in such action, after such assignment made, may bring an action or suit thereupon in his own name, and the court where the action is brought, may by rule or rules of the same court, give such relief to the plaintiff and defendant in the original action, and to the bail upon the said bond, or other security taken from such bail, as is agreeable to justice and reason; and that such rule or rules of the said court shall have the nature and effect of a defeazance of such bail bond, or other security for bail. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in all actions depending or to be commenced in any court of record, if any plaintiff happen to die after an interlocutory judgment, and before a final judg- ment obtained therein, the said action shall not abate by reason thereof, if such action might be, originally prosecuted or maintained by the executors or administrators of such plaintiff; and if the defendant die after such interlocutory judgment and before final judgment therein obtained, the said action shall not abate, if such action might be origin— ally prosecuted or maintained against the executors or administrators of such defendant; and the plaintiff, or if he be dead, after such interlocu- tory judgment, his executors or administrators, shall and may have a scire facias against the defendant, if living, after such interlocutory judgment, or if he died after, then against his executors or administrat- ors, to shew cause why damages in such action should not be assessed and recovered by him or them; and if such defendant, his executors or administrators shall appear at the return of such writ, and not shew or alledge any matter sufficient to arrest the final judgment, or being returned warned, or upon two writs of scire facias, it be returned that the defendant, his executors or administrators, had nothing whereby he CHAP. 46.] ‘ ELEVENTH sEssIoN. or they might be summoned, and could not be found in the county, shall make default, that thereupon, a writ of inquiry of damages shall be awarded; which being executed and returned, judgment final shall be given for the said plaintiff, his executors or administrators prosecuting such writ or writs of scire facias against such defendant, his executors or administrators respectively. Arid be ii‘ fart/ter e/zacfed by i/ce aai/zorizfy aforesaid, That if in any action or suit there be two or more plaintiffs or defendants, and one or more of them shall die, if the cause of such action shall survive to the surviving plaintiff or plaintiffs, or against the surviving defendant or defendants, the writ or action shall not be thereby abated, but such death being suggested upon the record, the action shall proceed at the suit of the surviving plaintiff or plaintiffs, against the surviving defend- ant or defendants. Afld be ii‘ fari/zer enacted by z‘be azei/zorizy aforesaid, That in all actions real, personal or mixed, the death of either party between the verdict and the judgment shall not hereafter be alledged for error, so as such judgment be entered within two terms after such verdict. A/zd 'co/iereas suits commenced by original writs have been protracted and delayed, by reason of the necessity of having fifteen days at the least, between the days of the teste and the days of the return of the writs used in personal actions, and in actions of ejectment for lands and tenements; for remedy whereof, be ii‘ fzcri/zer enacted by i/ze aai/zorily aforesaid, That in all actions of debt, and all other personal actions whatsoever, and in all actions of ejectment for lands or tenements now depending or which at any time hereafter shall be depending, by orig— inal writ, in any court of record, after any issue joined therein, to be tried by a jury, and also after any judgment had or obtained or to be had or obtained, in any such court, in any such action as aforesaid, there shall not need to be fifteen days between the teste day and the day of the return of any writ or writs of venire facias, habeas corpora juratorum, or distringas juratores, writs of fieri facias, or capias ad sat- isfaciendum [except writs of capias ad satisfaciendum whereon a writ of exigent after judgment is to be awarded, and writs of capias ad sat- isfaciendum against defendants in order to make any bail liable]; and that the want of fifteen days between the teste day and the day of the return of any such writ (except as before excepted) shall not be, nor shall be assigned taken or adjudged to be any matter or cause of error. And w/zereas many great inconveniences have arisen to the citizens and inhabitants of this State, by means of delaying the trials of causes between party and party after issue joined; for remedy whereof, be ii‘ farz‘ber enacted by tbe aat/zorizy aforesaid, That where any issue is or shall be joined whether the issue roll be filed or not in any action or suit at law, in any court of record, and the plaintiff or plaintiffs in any such action or suit hath or have neglected, or shall neglect to bring such issue on to be tried according to the course and practice of the said courts respectively, it shall and may be lawful for the judge or judges of the said court respectively, at any time after such neglect, upon motion made in open court, (due notice having been given thereof) to give the like judgment for the defendant or defendants in every such action or suit as in cases of non suit, unless the said judge or judges shall, upon just cause and reasonable terms allow any further time or times for the trial of such issue; and if the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall neglect to try such issue within the time or times so allowed, then and in every such case, the said judge or judges shall proceed to give such judgment as aforesaid; and that all judgments so given shall be of like force and VOL. 2. — 88 Death of one of two or more plaintiffs or defend- ants. Death of party after verdict. Teste day and return of writ. flmeba tween. Dismissal of com- plaint for want of prosecu- tion. 698 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 46. Notice of trial. Id. Chancery, death of one of de- fendants. Chancery, death of one of parties. effect as judgments upon non suits and of no other force or effect: And also that the defendant or defendants shall upon such judgment be awarded, his or her or their, costs in any action or suit where he, she or they would upon non suit be entitled to the same, and in no other action or suit whatsoever. And be iz‘fart/zer enacted by t/ze aaz‘lzorizy aforesaid, That no indictment, information or cause whatsoever, shall be tried before any judge or judges of any court of record within this State, where the defendant or defendants reside above forty miles from the place where the court is held, in which such cause shall be tried, unless notice of trial in writing has been given at least fourteen days before such intended trial. Arzd be iz‘fart/zer enacted by t/ze aaz‘lzority aforesaid, That in case any party or parties shall have given such notice of trial as aforesaid, and shall not afterwards'duly countermand the same, in writing, at least six days before such intended trial, every such party shall be obliged to pay unto the party or parties to whom such notice or trial shall have been given as aforesaid, the like costs and charges, as if such notice of trial had not been countermanded. And be it far/ber e/zaez‘ed by the aal/zorizfy aforesaid, That if in any suit or action now depending or hereafter to be brought in the court of chancery, there be two or more plaintiffs or defendants, and one or more of them shall die, if the cause of such suit or action shall survive to the surviving plaintiff or plaintiffs, or against the surviving defendant or defendants, such suit or action shall not be thereby abated; but such death being suggested and shewn by affidavit or otherwise, to the satis- faction of the court, such suit or action shall proceed at the suit of the surviving plaintiff or plaintiffs, against the surviving defendant or defendants. - And be iz‘ farz‘lzer enacted by t/ze aal/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That in all and every suit or action in the court of chancery in which any bill or bills is, are or shall or may hereafter be filed, and in which there shall be two or more plaintiffs or defendants and any of them shall die and the cause of action shall not survive, but other persons shall become parties in interest, in right or by the death of such deceased party, such suit shall by reason of such death he abated, only with respect to such deceased person or persons, and the surviving plaintiff or plaintiffs shall and may proceed against the surviving defendant or defendants, without reviving the suit against the representatives of the deceased party, or any other who may become interested by the death of such person or persons; but that in such case such representatives, or such person or persons as shall become interested by the death of such party, shall not be bound by any order or decree in such cause to which they are not made parties: And in case the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall chuse to make the representatives of the deceased person, or others who may become interested by the death of such person, parties to such suit, no bill of revisor or subpoena revivendum shall be necessary, but the court shall and may, by rule or order, as often as there shall be occasion for it, direct the suit to stand revived, which rule or order shall be served on the adverse clerk; and unless the representatives of such deceased per- son, or others who may become interested by the death of such person shall within eighty days after such service as aforesaid, appear and put in their answer or signify their disclaimer of the suit, and the mat- ters in controversy therein, the plaintiff or plaintiffs may cause their appearance to be entered, and in such case the answer of the deceased person shall be deemed and taken as and for the answer of such repre- sentatives, or other person or persons interested by the death of such CHAP. 46.] ELEVENTH SESSlON. 699 person. And fart/zer, that in case any plaintiff or plaintiffs in any such suit now depending, or hereafter to be brought, wherein the cause of action shall not survive as aforesaid, shall happen to die pending such suit, the lawful representative or representatives of such deceased plain- tiff or plaintiffs, or any other person or persons interested by the death of such plaintiff or plaintiffs, shall and may upon affidavit thereof by him or them, or any other person or persons, and on motion made in open court, be, by the rule or order of the court, inserted as a complainant or complainants in the said suit, and be permitted to make such amendment in the bill or bills of complaint, as his, her, or their title or interest therein may require; to which amendment or amendments the defend- ant or defendants shall be compellable, by rule or order of the said court, to answer, proceed to issue and examination of witnesses, and production of proofs; and all other proceedings shall be had thereon as in ordinary cases; and in case such person or persons shall not, in eighty days after the death or deaths of such plaintiff or plaintiffs, cause him~ self, herself or themselves to be entered as plaintiff or plaintiffs as afore- said, in the room of such deceased plaintiff or plaintiffs, that then and in every such case the surviving plaintiff or plaintiffs may insert the representative or representatives of such deceased plaintiff or plaintiffs, or other person or persons interested by his her or their death, as defendant or defendants in such suit, and proceed in the manner herein before directed, in cases where the lawful representative or representa- tives of a deceased defendant or defendants may be made party or parties. A nd be it fart/ler enacted by fire ant/iority aforesaid, That no subpoena, or any process for appearance do issue out of the court of chancery, until after the bill is filed with the proper officer in the said court, except in cases of bills for injunctions to stay waste, or to stay suits at law com- menced; and that no injunction shall be granted or issued in any case until the bill is filed as aforesaid. And fart/cer, that no copy, abstract or tenor of any bill in equity do go with the dedimus or commission for taking the defendant’s answer. And be it fzcrt/zer enacted by t/ze azct/zority aforesaid, That if in any suit which hath been or shall hereafter be commenced in the court of chancery of this state, any defendant or defendants, against whom any subpoena or other process shall issue, shall not cause his, her or their appearance to be entered upon such process, within such time and in such manner as according to the rules of the said court the same ought to have been entered, in case such process had been duly served; or if any such defendant or defendants after service of any subpoena or other process so issued out of the said court, shall neglect or refuse to enter, his, her or their appearance, within such time and in such manner as directed by the rules of the said court, and an affidavit or affidavits shall be made to the satisfaction of the said court, that the said defendant or defendants is or are beyond sea, or out of this State, or otherwise absent himself, herself or themselves, in this State, then and in any such case, the said court shall and may make an order directing and appointing such defendant or defendants, to appear at a certain day therein to be mentioned; and a copy of such order shall, within twenty days, be inserted in one or more of the public newspapers printed in this State, and be published therein eight weeks successively, at least once in each of the said weeks, and if the defendant or defendants do not appear within the time limited by the said order, or within such further time as the court shall appoint, then, on proof made to the satisfaction of the Court that such order was duly published as aforesaid, the said court Subpoenas and injunc- tions. Neglect of defendant to enter appear- ance in chancery. 700 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 46. Decrees against absent person . Entry of appear- ance by order of court. may order the plaintiffs bill to be taken pro confesso and make such decree thereupon as shall be thought just; and may thereupon issue process to compel the performance of such decree, either by an immedi- ate sequestration of the real and personal estate and effects of the defendant or defendants so absent as aforesaid, or such part thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy the demands of the plaintiff in the said suit, or by causing possession of the estate or effects demanded by the bill to be delivered to the plaintiff; and the said court of chancery may like- wise order such plaintiff or plaintiffs to be paid and satisfied his, her or their demands, out of the estate or effects so sequestered, according to the true intent and meaning of such decree; such plaintiff or plaintiffs first giving sufficient security in such sum as the court shall think proper, to abide such order touching the restitution of such estate or effects, as the said court shall think proper to make concerning the same, upon the defendant or defendants appearance to defend such suit, and paying such costs to the plaintiff or plaintiffs, as the court shall order : But if the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall refuse or neglect to give such security as aforesaid, then the said estate or effects shall remain under the direction of the said court until the appearance of the defendant or defendants and his her or their paying such costs to the plaintiff or plaintiffs, as the said court shall think reasonable, or until such order shall be made therein as the court shall think just. Provided alvtlays, and it is hereby further enacted by the authority afore- said, That if any decree shall be made in pursuance hereof, against any person or persons so absent as aforesaid, and such person or persons, his, her or their heirs devisees, executors or administrators, (as the case may require) shall within one year after notice in writing being given to him, her or them, of such decree, or if no such notice is given, then within seven years after the making of such decree, appear in court, and petition to be heard with respect to the matter of such decree, and shall pay down or give security for payment of such costs as the court shall think reasonable in that behalf, the person or persons so petitioning may be admitted to answer the bill exhibited, and issue may be joined, and witnesses on both sides examined, and such other proceedings, decree and execution may be had thereon, as if the absent defendant or defend- ants had originally appeared, or as if no former decree had been in the same cause. Provided nez'ertheless, and be it further enacted by the author- ity aforesaid, That if any person or persons, against whom such .decree shall be made, his, her or their heirs, devisees. executors or administra- tors, shall not, within seven years next after the making of such decree, appear and petition to have the cause reheard, and pay down or give security for payment of such costs as the court shall think reasonable in that behalf, such decree made as aforesaid shall stand absolutely con- firmed against the said~person or persons against whom such decree shall be made, his, her and their, heirs executors and administrators, and against all persons claiming or to claim, by, from or under him,her, them or any of them, by virtue of any act done or to be done subse- quent to the commencement of such suit; and at the end of such seven years it shall and may be lawful for the court to make such further order as shall be just and reasonable, according to the circumstances of the case. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any defend- ant or defendants shall be brought into the said court of chancery, by any writ of habeas corpus, or other process issuing out of the said court, and shall refuse or neglect to enter, his, her or their appeanance, accord- ing to the rules of the said court, or to appoint a clerk in court to act CHAP. 46.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 701 on his, her or their behalf respectively, the said court may appoint a clerk in court to enter an appearance for such defendant or defendants respectively, and such proceedings may thereupon be had in the cause, as if the party had actually appeared. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That all persons who now are or hereafter shall be jointly indebted to any other person or persons whomsoever, for or upon any joint contract, obligation, matter or thing whatsoever, for which remedy could or might be had at law, against such debtors, in case all were or could be taken by process issued out of any court in this State, shall be answerable to their credi- tors seperately for such debts, that is to say, such creditor or creditors shall and may issue process against such joint debtors in the manner now in use; and in case any or either of such joint debtors shall be taken and brought into court by virtue of such process, he, she, or they so taken and brought into court, shall answer to the plaintiff or plain— tiffs. And in case the judgment shall pass for the plaintiff or plaintiffs, he, she or they shall have, his, her or their judgment and execution against him, her or them so brought into court, and against the other joint debtor or debtors named in the process, in the same manner as if they had been all taken, and brought into court by virtue of such pro- cess: But it shall not be lawful to issue or execute any such execution against the body, or against any lands or goods the sole property of any person not brought into court. And a’l/iercas a practice hath lately been introduced of inserting in bonds, bills, covenants and other contracts in writing, a clause or power or warrant to confess a judgment thereon, whereby many persons, being ignorant of the efficacy and consequence of such a clause, power or warrant, have suffered great loss; for remedy whereof, Be it fart/ter enacted by Me az/tborizy aforesaid, That no judgment shall hereafter be entered upon any bond, bill, covenant or other contract in writing to be made after the first day of january next, upon the confession of any attorney, by virtue or in consequence of any warrant, power or authority whatsoever, contained, written or printed in the same instrument, paper or parchment with the same bond, bill, covenant or contract. Andfar- t/zer, that every attorney who shall confess any judgment in any case whatsoever, shall, at the time of making such confession, produce his warrant for making the same to the court or judge before whom he makes the same confession, and the same warrant shall then be filed with the proper ofi’icer of the court in which the judgment shall be entered. And moreover, no judgment shall hereafter be entered upon any confession taken out of court, before any or either of the judges of the courts of common pleas or mayor’s courts or either of them and if any judgment shall be so entered, the same shall be void and holden for none. But all such judgments heretofore bona fide entered, and which shall be bona fide entered before the first day of May next, and all exe- cutions thereon shall be and hereby are confirmed, although the same judgments were or shall be entered upon confession before one only, or more of the judges out of court. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze azctbority aforesaid, That the supreme court shall and may, by one or more commission or commissioners under the seal of the said supreme court, from time to time, as need shall require, impower such and so many person and persons, as they shall think fit and necessary in all and every the several counties within this State, to take and receive all and every such affidavit and affidavits as any person or persons shall be willing and desirous to make before any or either of the persons so impowered, in or concerning any matter, Actions against joint legis- lature. Judgments not to be entered on confession of an attor- ney. Com mis- sioners to take affi- davits. LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 46. Judges of common pleas, power to take bail. cause or thing depending, or hereafter to be depending, or any wise concerning any of the proceedings to be had in the said supreme court, or in the court of exchequer; which said affidavits taken as aforesaid, shall be filed with the proper officer of the court in which they are to be used, and then be read and made use of in the said courts to all intents and purposes, as other affidavits taken before any or either of the jus- tices of the supreme court now re or may be: And that all and every affidavit and affidavits taken as aforeaid shall be of the same force as affidavits taken in the said supreme court, or court of exchequer now are; and that every person forswearing himself, or herself, in any such affidavit or affidavits, shall incur and be liable unto the same penalties as if such affidavit or affidavits had been made and taken in open court. And flll'i/lé’l’, that for the taking of every such affidavit, the person so impowered and taking the same, shall take and receive, for so doing, one shilling and no more. A 12d be if fari/zerenaez‘ed by Z/ze aaZ/zorizfy aforesaid, That the several judges of the courts of common pleas within the respective cities and counties of this State, shall be, and hereby are fully authorized and impowered, in each of the said cities and counties, where such judges are or shall be commissioned, to take and receive every such recogni- zance or recognizances of bail as any person or persons, is, are or shall be desirous to make before him, in any action or suit depending or hereafter to be depending in the supreme court, or court of exchequer; and in such manner and form and by such recognizance or bail piece, as the respective justices of the supreme court usually take the same; which said recognizance or recognizances, or bail piece or bail pieces so taken as aforesaid, shall be forthwith transmitted, by the defendant in the suit or action, to one of the justices of the supreme court; and the said justice, to whom such recognizance or bail piece shall be so trans- mitted, shall accept and receive the same: And every such recogni- zance of bail or bail piece so taken and transmitted as aforesaid, shall be of the like effect, as if the same were taken before any justice or justices of the said supreme court; and the cognizor or cognizors of such bail or bails, shall not be compelled to appear in person before such justice or justices, or in the said supreme court or court of excheq- uer: And the said judges of the courts of common pleas shall examine the sureies to such recognizances of bail or bail pieces as aforesaid, when and so often as they shall be thereunto respectively requested, by any person or persons concerned, interested in, or affected by, such bail, recognizance or surety thereon, concerning the value of such surety’s estate and personal circumstances. Provided always, that all plaintiffs, their council or attornies shall have the same time allowed for excepting against the sureties to be given in the manner aforesaid, as is allowed when such recognizance or bail is taken before one of the justices of the supreme court. Aadfarl/zer, that such justice of the supreme court, as shall accept and receive any such recognizance or bail piece, so to him transmitted, shall receive one half such fees as he is or shall be entitled to by law for taking bail and upon receipt thereof, shall file such recog- nizance of bail or bail piece, and in all things proceed thereon, as if the said recognizance of bail or bail piece had been taken by him; and the judge of the court of common pleas who shall take such recognizance of bail or bail piece, shall be allowed and receive for taking the same one half of such fee, as is or shall be allowed by law to the justices of the supreme court for taking bail, when the same is taken before them, or any of them, and no more. CHAP. 46.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 70“ And be it fart/zer enacted by tile azctkority aforesaid, That if now, or at any time hereafter, any defendant or defendants be taken or charged in custody at the suit of any person or persons, upon any writ or writs or process out of any court of record, and imprisoned or detained in prison for want of sureties, for his, her or their appearance to the same, the plaintiff or plaintiffs in such writ or writs or process, shall and may, by virtue of this act, before the end of the next term after such writ or process shall be returnable, declare against such prisoner or prisoners in the respective court or courts out of which the writ or writs or pro- cess issued, whereupon the prisoner or prisoners shall have been, or may be taken and imprisoned or charged in custody, and shall or may cause a true copy thereof to be delivered to such prisoner or prisoners, or to the sheriff or other officer, goaler or keeper of the prison or goal, in whose custody such prisoner or prisoners shall be and remain; to which declara- tion or declarations, the said prisoner or prisoners shall appear and plead; and if such prisoner or prisoners shall not appear and plead to the same, the plaintiff or plaintiffs, in such cases, shall have judgment in such manner as if the prisoner or prisoners had appeared in the said respective courts and refused to answer or plead to such declaration. And fart/zer, that in all declarations against any prisoner or prisoners detained in prison by virtue of any writ or process, issued or to be issued out of any court of record, it shall be alledged in custody of what sheriff or officer such prisoner or prisoners shall be at the time of such declaration, by virtue of the process of the said court at the suit of the plaintiff or plaintiffs. And moreover, that every such sheriff, officer, goaler or keeper of any prison or goal, upon whom any such copy of any such declaration shall be served, shall, within ten days thereafter, deliver the same to the defendant or defendants therein named, with a note of the time of the service thereof upon such sheriff or officer as aforesaid; and if any such sheriff, officer, goaler or keeper of any prison or goal, to whom any such copy of any declaration shall be delivered as aforesaid, shall neglect to deliver the same to such defendant or defendants, such sheriff, officer, goalor or keeper of any prison or goal, shall be liable and answerable to such defendant or defendants, for all damages occasioned by such neg- lect. And wkereas equal justice ought to be administred as well to the poor, as to the rich; and for the relief of the poor, who be not of ability to sue according to law for the redress of injuries and wrongs to them done, as well concerning their persons, and their inheritance, as other causes, Be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/iori/y aforesaid, That every such poor person or persons, who have or hereafter shall have cause of action or suit against any person or persons in this State, shall have, by the discretion of the chancellor for the time being, writ or writs original or writs of subpoena, according to the nature of their causes, without paying any thing for the seals or for writing of the same writs; and if the suit is to be prosecuted in the court of chancery, the chancellor shall assign to the same poor person or persons, council learned in the law and solicitors, and all other officers requisite and necessary for the prosecuting and speeding of the same suits, who shall give their council and do their duty without taking any reward, for their council, help and business in the same suit or suits: And if such action or actions, suit or suits, is or are to be commenced or prosecuted in any other court, the judges or justices of such court shall, by their discretion, assign to such poor person or persons council learned in the law and attornies, and all other officers requisite and necessary for the prosecuting and speeding Proceed- ina's where defendant is confined in jail ful‘ want of bail. Actions by poor per- sons. of the same actions and suits, who shall give their council and do their _ --J 6 ‘ LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 46. Actions for trespass. Id. Dilatory pleas. Grants of lands con- firmed. Warranties devlared void. duty without taking any reward for their council, help and business in the same actions and suits. And in case any such plaintiff or plaintiffs shall be nonsuited, or a verdict or judgment be given against him, her or them, in any such action or suit, he, she or they shall not be com- pelled to pay any costs to the defendant or defendants in any such action or suit. Ana’ w/zereas persons trespassing upon lands often defend against suits brought for the same, under feigned pretences, until judgment passes for the plaintiff and then abscond or depart out of the State, to the great injury of the plaintiff or true proprietors, for Want of bail given by the defendant at the commencement of the suit; for remedy whereof, be if farZ/zer eaaez‘ea’ by t/ze az/z’lzoriz‘y aforesaia’, That the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall in all such actions of trespass be entitled to special bail, and that an ac etiam or proper clause for that purpose may be accordingly inserted in the first process; and that the plaintiff or plaint- iffs shall have all the advantages, as well thereupon as upon the bail bonds that may be taken on the arrest, as in assumption and other actions where the defendant is held to bail, and that both parties shall be sub- ject to such discretionary rules and orders of court, respecting such suits in trespass, and on the bail bonds, as are used in other cases. And be ii‘ far/ber enacted by Me auf/zorizfy aforesaid, That in all actions of trespass quare clausum fregit, already brought, or hereafter to be brought, wherein the defendant or defendants shall disclaim in his, her or their plea to make any title or claim to the land in which the trespass is by the declaration supposed to be done, and the trespass he by negligence or involuntary, the defendant or defendants shall be admitted to plead a disclaimer, and that the trespass was by negligence or involuntary, and a tender or offer of sufficent amends for such tres- pass before the action brought, whereupon or upon some of them the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall be enforced to join issue; and if the said issue be found for the defendant or defendants, or the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall be nonsuited, the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall be clearly barred from the said action or actions, and all other suits concerning the same. A no’ be if fart/av‘ e/zaez‘ea’ by l/ze aaf/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That no dilatory plea shall hereafter be received in any court of record, unless the party offering such plea do by affidavit prove the truth thereof, or shew some probable matter to the court to induce them to believe that the fact of such dilatory plea is true. ' And be it flll’l‘llé’l’ enacted by Me aid/torily aforesaid, That all grants and conveyances made since the eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy three, or hereafter to be made, by fine or otherwise, of any manors, messuages, lands, tenements or rents, or of the reversion or remainder of any messuages, lands or tenements, shall be good and effectual to all intents and purposes, with- out any attornment of the tenants of any such manors, messuages, lands or tenements, or of the lands out of which such rents shall be issuing, or of the particular tenants upon whose particular estates any such reversions or remainders were, shall or may be expectant or depending, as if their attornment had been had and made; provided neaerl/zeless that no such tenant shall be prejudiced or damaged by payment of any rent to any such grantor or cognizor, or by breach of any condition for nonpayment of rent, before notice given to him of such grant, by the conusee or grantee. A no’ be iz‘farf/zer enacted by file aat/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That all Warranties which have been made since the said eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy three, or which CHAP. 47.] ELEVENTH sEssIoN. 705 ‘shall hereafter be made, by any tenant for life, of any lands, tenements or hereditament, the same descending or coming to any person in rever- sion or remainder, shall be void and of none effect; and likewise all colateral warranties which have been made since the said eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy three, or which shall hereafter be made. of any lands, tenements or hereditaments, by any ancestor who had or has no estate of inheritance in possession in the same at the time of making such warranty shall be void against his heirs. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That the dying Descent seized of any deseizor, of or in any manors, lands, tenements or other from dis‘ seisor not herditaments, having no right or title therein, shall not be taken or deemedde- deemed any such descent in the law as to toll or take away the entry of fgfifim any such person or persons, or th ir heirs, who at the time of the same descent, had, or shall have, good and lawful title of entry into the said manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments; except that such diseisor hath had the peaceable possession of such manors, lands, tenements or hereditaments, whereof he hath died or shall die seized, by the space of five years next after the disseisin by him committed, without entry or continual claim, by or of such person or persons as had or shall have lawful title thereunto. . And be it fart/zer enacted by tbe azct/zority aforesaid That every person Foreman‘ who shall hereafter be appointed foreman of a grand jury, shall be, figfg‘f, from the time of his being appointed till his discharge, impowered and Sgéltllisnisiel‘ authorized to administer the usual oath to such witnesses as shall come ' to give evidence to the grand jury whereof he is foreman. And be it fart/der enacted by tbe ant/larity aforesaid, That the law Attaints concerning attaints upon untrue verdicts shall be and hereby is abet-$3,151,153? ished. And be it furt/zer enacted by tbe ant/zority aforesaid That from and English after the first day of May next none of the statutes of England or of 101738321? to Great Britain shall operate or be considered as laws of this State. CHAP. 47. AN ACT for appointing commissioners, to hold treaties with the Indians, within this State. PASSED the rst of March, 1788. Be it enacted by t/ze People of tbe State of L/Vezt/ Yor/e, represented in Commis- Senate and Assembly, and it is bereby enacted by t/ze aat/zorizy of tbe same, $32,623,231 That the person administering the government of this State for the time Indians- being, and \Villiam Floyd, Ezra L'Homedieu, john Laurence, Richard Varick, Samuel jones Egbert Benson and Peter Gansvoort junior be, and are hereby appointed commissioners, with power either jointly with commissioners to be appointed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for the purpose, or on the part of this State seperately, to hold treaties and conferences, from time to time, as the person administring the government of this State for the time being, shall deem the occasion to require, with the Indians, residing within this State, and every or any tribe or nation of the said Indians, touching such matters, and to take such measures for preserving the friendship of the said Indians, and also to enter into such engagements and contracts with the said Indians, and to purchase or procure from them such lands and other heredita- VoL. 2. — 89 706 LAws or NEW YORK. [CHAR 47; ments, on such terms, and in such form, as the said commissioners hereby appointed shall deem fit, for the welfare of this State; and with further power, to enquire touching all leases, or other purchases of, or contracts for the sale of lands, suggested to have been obtained or made, without the authority or consent of the legislature, from or with the said Indians, or any of them, by or to any person or persons; and to make report thereof, from time to time, to the legislature; and to that end to examine persons, on oath, touching the premises so to be enquired of, and by writing under their hands, to require persons to appear before them, at such time and place as shall be specified in such writing, and to give evidence touching the said premises, on pain of one hundred pounds. And every person being duly summoned, who shall refuse to appear, or appearing shall refuse to give evidence, shall forfeit the said sum of one hundred pounds, to the people of this State; and with fur- ther power, to make and enter into agreements and stipulations, with commissioners to be authorized by the commonwealth of h’lassachusetts for that purpose, touching the means to be used by the said common- wealth and this State jointly, for preventing intrusions on the lands reciprocally ceded by this State and the said commonwealth to each other, and for preserving to the said commonwealth and this State, their respective rights to the said lands Militia And for the more orderly holding and conducting such treaties, be it g£15gg%ut. farz‘lzer enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be lawful for the person administering the government of this State for the time being, in his discretion, to order out any proportion of the militia from any part of this State, to march to the place or places where the said treaties and conferences may from time to time be held, and such occasion to be deemed an emergency intended in the second section of the act entitled “An act to regulate the militia,” passed the 4th day of April one thou- sand seven hundred and eighty six; and the detachments so from time to time to be ordered out, to receive the same pay and rations, and to be subject to the same rules and regulations, as is provided in the said Persons re- section of the said act. Arzdfurc/zer, that it shall be lawful for the said 21123501?” commissioners, by writing under their hands, to require any and every {Irglgtipgnay person, not being an actual resident within one mile of the place where be Com- the said treaties may from time to time be held, to depart from such Eggggtfo place, within such reasonabletime, as in such writing shall be specified, and to retire to such convenient distance from the said place, as the said commissioners shall deem proper; and every person who being so required to depart, shall not depart, or departing, shall during the hold- ing such treaty return again to such place, without the licence of the commissioners, shall be deemed to have offended against the people of this State, and shall on conviction, be punished by fine or imprison- ment, in the discretion of the court. And fzcrl/zer, that it shall be law- ful for the said commissioners, by warrant under their hands, to be directed to the sheriff of the county, or to such other person as they shall appoint to execute the same, to cause every person so refusing to depart, or who having departed, shall return again, without such licence as aforesaid, to be apprehended, and to be conveyed to the goal of the city and county of Albany, and there to remain in close custody, with- out bail or mainprize, for such time as the said commissioners shall deem it probable the said treaty will be in holding, and to be specified in the said warrant, but not to exceed one month from the date of such warrant; and the keeper of the said goal is hereby required to receive every such person so committed, and safely keep him in close custody in his goal, accordingly. r-QHAP. 48.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 707 Ana’ 5e z'z‘ fm'Z/zer enacted &y the auz‘fiorz'zji aforesaid, That it shall be Expenses ilawful for the person administering the government of this State for the 350312515018‘ time being, from time to time, by warrant under his hand, to draw from ‘the treasury of this State, such sum and sums of money, as the said commissioners shall deem neccessary to be expended and applied, in the execution of the trust and powers hereby granted, in such manner as they shall deem proper, and beneficial for the State: And the treas- urer of this State is hereby required, out of any monies he may have in the treasury, forthwith to answer such warrants, any other appropriations of the said monies, not being appropriations to private persons in dis- charge of contracts, notwithstanding. And every person to be appointed ~ or intrusted by the said commissioners with the expenditure of any of the said monies, shall be responsible to the people of this State for the respective expenditures, and shall account with the auditor of this State accordingly. And be 2'1‘ furl/ler enacted éy Z/ze azzt/wrz'zfy aferesaz'd, That the com- Duration missioners hereby nominated and appointed, Shall continue in office ofomce' until thirty days after a quorum of both houses shall be assembled at the first meeting of the legislature, after the first Monday in July next, and no longer; and that any four of the said commissioners, of which the person administering the-government for the time being, always to be one, shall be a quorum, from time to time to execute the trusts and powers hereby granted. CHAP. 48. AN ACT to lay a duty of excise on strong liquors, and for the better regulating of inns and taverns. PASSED the ISt of March, 1788. Be it enaez‘ed 6y z‘lze People of Z/ze Sfaz‘e of New- York, represented 2'72 Qommis- Senaz‘e and Assemely, and it is izereey 672(le'f6’zl7 e)» [be (zuZ/zm'z'zj/ 0f Z/ze same, 3535;?“ That it shall and may be lawful for the person administring the govern- New York ment of this State for the time being, by and with the advice and con- cm’ sent of the council of appointment, from time to time, to constitute and appoint such person in the city of New-York, as they shall think proper, to be the commissioner for collecting the duty of excise, of and from the several retailers of strong or spirituous liquors in the city and county of New-York. Ana’ fie z'z‘furz‘fier enaez‘ea’ éy Z/ze auz‘lzorz'z‘y aforesaid, That the following Albany, persons shall be commissioners for collecting the duty of excise, of 5551533 ‘and from the several retailers of strong and spirituous liquors within the respective several other cities and counties in this State, that is to say, in and for towns" the city of Albany, the mayor of the said city, for the time being; and in and for the city of Hudson, the mayor, recorder, aldermen and com- monalty of the said city; and in and for the several towns and places in the respective counties in this State, the supervisor of, and any two jus- ' tices of the peace resident within the same respective towns or places; or in case there shall not be two justices, or in case of the absence of the justices residing in any such town or place, then such neighbouring justice or justices, as the supervisor of such town or place shall notify and associate with him for that purpose. Provided that no permit shall be granted, except in either of the said cities of Albany or Hudson, unless three commisssoners shall be present at the granting thereof. 708 LAWS OF‘NEW YORK. [CHAR 48.. Licenses to be granted. New York city. Elsewhere. Salary of commis- sioner in New York city. And be if fzerf/zer eizaez‘ed by z‘be azil‘lzorizy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners of excise appointed or to be appointed by virtue of this act, annually, by writing under their respect- ive hands and seals, to grant to the several persons who shall reside in the respective cities, towns or places, for which they are or shall be appointed a commissioner or commissioners as aforesaid, who shall apply for the same, permits to retail strong or spirituous liquors under five gallons; which said respective permits shall continue in force from the time of granting the same, until the first day of March next ensuing the date of such permit, and no longer. A no’ be if farz‘ber mated by Z/ze azzt/zoriiy aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the commissioner of excise to be appointed in the city and county of New-York, by virtue of this act, to determine and ascer- tain the sum which each respective person applying for a permit as aforesaid, shall pay for the same, not being less than forty shillings, nor more than twenty pounds, as a duty of excise; which sum shall be paid to him by the person applying, before the permit shall be issued as aforesaid. And be it fart/zer marred by f/ze auf/zoriz‘y aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners of excise appointed in the several other cities, towns and places in this State, by virtue of this act, to determine and ascertain the sum which each respective person, in their respective cities, towns and places, applying for a permit as aforesaid, shall pay for the same, not being less than forty shillings, nor more than twelve pounds, as a duty of excise; which, together with the sum of six shillings, as a fee to the respective commissioners for granting such per- mit, shall be paid to him or them by the person applying for a permit as. aforesaid, before the permit shall be issued as aforesaid. Alia’ farZ/zer, the said commissioners are hereby respectively required to keep an account of the persons to whom permits shall be granted, and of the sums by each of the said persons paid for a permit, and to file the same with the clerk of such city, town or place, on or before the first day of March in every year; and shall from time to time, without delay, pay the monies so to be by them received‘for the duty of excise, to the over- seers of the poor of the respective cities, towns and places, for which they are commissioners as aforesaid, to be applied to the relief of the poor thereof. And be if fari/zer enacted by l/ze am‘lzorizy aforesaid, That instead of the fees herein before allowed, the commissioner of excise for the city and county of New-York, for the time being, shall be entitled, for his. service, to a salary, at and after the rate of sixty pounds per annum; which it shall be lawful for him to retain out of the monies which shall come into his hands from the duty of excise aforesaid; and the residue thereof, he shall, from time to time, and without delay, pay to the treas- urer or chamberlain of the said city, for the time being, to be applied and disposed of (except as to eight hundred pounds for the time herein after mentioned) for and towards the payment of the contingent charges of the said city, in such manner as the mayor, aldermen and common-- alty of the said city, in common council convened, by warrant under the hand of the mayor or recorder of the said city, presiding in such common council, shall from time to time direct and appoint. And" furt/zer, that the said commissioner shall keep an account of the persons- to whom permits shall be granted in the said city and county, and of the sums by each of the said persons paid for a permit, and file the same with the treasurer or chamberlain of the said city, for the time being, on. or before the last day of February in every year. CHAP. 48.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 709 A/za’ oe z'z‘ farf/zer enaez‘ea’ oy Z/ze aat/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That the treas- Iurer or chamberlain of the said city of New-York, shall, out of the monies to arise from the excise to be raised in the said city and county of New-York, on or before the first Tuesday in February in every year, for and during the term of four years, from and after the first day of February in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight, pay to the treasurer, for the time being, of the society of the hospital in the ‘city of New-York in America, at and after the rate of eight hundred pounds and no more, for the better support of the hospital erected in the said city, for poor and indigent persons. A/za’ oe 2'2‘ fZH’f/ZL’I‘ e/zaez‘ea’ by f/ze aaf/zorz'zj/ aforesaz'a’, That the com- missioners appointed, or to be appointed by virtue of this act, to grant permits to retail strong and spirituous liquors, shall not grant permits to any person or persons to retail. stromJr or spirituous liquors, for the pur- pose of keeping an inn or tavern, unless it shall appear to the said com- missioners, that an inn or tavern at the place, at which such permit is applied for, is necessary for the accommodation of travellers, and that the person applying for such permit is of good character. And that in every such permit to be granted for the purpose of keeping an inn or tavern, shall be expressed, that it appears necessary to the commission- ers, that a public inn or tavern be kept at such place, and that the person to whom such permit is granted, is of good moral character as aforesaid. ‘ A/za’ 6e 2'! farz‘lzer enaez‘ea’ oy z‘lze aut/zorz'zfy aforesaid, That no person shall sell by retail any strong or spirituous liquors, to he drank in his or her house, out house, yard or garden, unless such person shall appear before a justice of the peace of the county in which he or she shall reside, and enter into recognizance to the people of the State of New- York, in the sum of fifty pounds, conditioned that he or she will not, during the time that he or she shall keep an inn or tavern, keep a dis- orderly inn or tavern, or suffer or permit any cock fighting, gaming or playing with cards or dice, or keep any billiard table, or other gaming table or shuffle board, Within the inn or tavern by him or her to be kept; or Within any out house, yard or garden belonging thereunto; which recognizances so to be taken, shall be lodged by the person or persons before whom the same shall be taken, with the clerks of the respective ~cities or counties Where the same shall be taken; and if any person shall be convicted of an offence against this act, it shall be lawful for the ‘courts of general sessions of the peace in the respective cities and coun- ties in this State, to suppress the permit and licence of such respective offenders. But that no person who shall be permitted or licenced to retail strong liquors, not to be drank in his or her house, but carried elsewhere, .shall be obliged to enter into recognizance as aforesaid; any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. A no’ lie z'z‘furt/zer ezzaeteo’ by file azez‘lzorz'fy aforesaid, That if any person shall sell by retail, any strong or spirituous liquors, without having such permit as aforesaid, or if any person shall sell any strong or spirituous liquors, to be drank in his or her house, out house, yard or garden, without having entered into such recognizance as aforesaid, every per- .son who shall be guilty of either of the offences aforesaid, shall, for each offence, forfeit the sum of ten pounds. Prow'a’edahoays, that no person or persons shall be subject to be sued or prosecuted by virtue of this act, for selling metheglin, currant wine, cherry wine or cyder, to be by him, her, or them made, and which shall not he drank in his, her or their house, out house, yard or garden. Provided also Hospital in ew York. Tavern licenses discretion- ary. Penalty for ' a1 sales. 710 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 48.. Cities. Gaming prohibited. Two bed clause. Id.; ex- emptions. Appren- tices, serv- ants and slaves. And be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze azct/cority aforesaid, That all licences» to retail strong or spirituous liquors within the cities of New-York, Albany or Hudson, shall be granted in the manner directed and pre- scribed in and by the charters granted to the said cities respectively; and the recognizances to be entered into by retailers, shall be taken before the mayor, for the time being, of each respective city, or in case of his sickness or absence, before the recorder thereof. And the more effectually to prevent every species of gaming or incite- ment thereunto, in public inns or taverns ; Be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/zoritv aforesaid, That it shall be deemed an offence against the people of this State, for any person who shall keep a public inn or tavern, to permit or suffer any cock fighting, playing with cards or dice, or to keep any billiard table, or other gaming table or shuffie board within his or her house, or within any out house, yard or garden belonging thereto, or therein to permit any kind of gaming by lot or chance; and that as well the courts of oyer and terminer and. goal delivery, as the courts of general sessions of the peace in the several counties within this State, shall have cognizance of offences against this. act, and shall and may punish offenders convicted thereof, by fine and imprisonment, or either, at the discretion of the court in which any such. conviction shall be had. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze aat/zo'rity aforesaid, That every keeper of any public inn or tavern in this State, except in the city of New-- York, shall keep in his house, at least two spare beds for guests, with good and sufficient sheeting and covering for such beds respectively, and provide and keep good and sufficient stabling and provender, of hay in the winter, and hay or pasturage in the summer, and grain for four horses or other cattle, more than his or her own stock, for the accom- modation of travellers, upon pain of forfeiting for every neglect or‘ default of having either of the articles in this clause before mentioned, the sum of forty shillings. And av/zcreas in some parts of this State, so little resort is had to some inns or taverns, as would make the last mentioned regulations burthen- some; and which inns or taverns are nevertheless of public utility. Therefore Be it fart/cer enacted by t/ze antborizy aforesaid, That it shall be in the discretion of the commissioners or the major part of them, in any of the: towns of this State, by writing for that purpose, under their hands and seals, to exempt one or more inn-holder or tavern-keeper, in the said towns respectively from keeping such spare beds and stabling, provender and forage, as is herein before directed. And be it fart/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid, That if any inn holder or tavernkeeper, shall sell any strong or spirituous liquors to any apprentice, servant or slave, knowing or having reason to suspect or believe him or her to be such, without the consent of his or her master or mistress, such innholder or tavernkeeper, shall forfeit and loose every’ debt which such apprentice, servant or slave shall or may contract for any such liquor; and also for every offence, forfeit the sum of forty shillings, to be recovered with costs of suit, by the master or mistress of such apprentice, servant or slave. And fzcrt/zer, that the permit and licence of every such innholder or tavernkeeper, shall be and hereby is. declared void from the time of such conviction; and such innholder or tavernkeeper shall be and is hereby declared to be incapable or receiv- ing any further or other permit or licence for holding any public inn or tavern, for the space of three years, from the time of such con- viction. CHAP. 48.] ELEVENTH SESSION. 711' And be it fart/ler marred by z‘lze aaz‘borz'z‘y aforesaid, That if any inn- Id. holder or tavernkeeper, or any other person or persons, shall take or receive, directly or indirectly, from any such apprentice, servant or slave, any clothing, or any other goods, chattles, wares or merchandize, in payment for any such strong or spirituous liquors, or in pawn or pledge, to secure any such payment, and thereof be convicted, by the oath of any one credible witness, he she or they so offending, besides the payment of the penalty and forfeiture of the debt as aforesaid, shall, within three days after such conviction, restore to the master or mis- tress of such apprentice, servant or slave, all such clothing or other goods, chattles, wares or merchandize, which he, she or they shall have so taken or received, from any such apprentice, servant or slave, or shall forfeit and pay unto the master or mistress of such apprentice, servant or slavc, double the value of all such clothing, or other goods, chattles, wares or merchandize, which he, she or they Shall have so taken or received as aforesaid, to be recovered by such master or mistress, his or her executors or administrators, with costs of suit, in any court having cognizance thereof. A no’ be if ‘furl/ler enacted by fire aaz‘lzorz'z‘y aforesaid, That if any inn- holder or tavernkeeper within this State, shall trust or credit any person or persons, other than travellers, more than, or above the sum of ten shillings, lawful money of this State, for any sort of strong or spiritous liquors, or other tavern expences; he she or they so trusting or credit- ing any person or persons as aforesaid, shall loose the debt and be for- ever disabled from sueing for or recovering the same or any part thereof: And if any innholder or tavernkeeper shall sue for any such debt above the sum of ten shillings, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, the person or persons sued, shall and may plead this act in bar; and if the plaintiff in such suit shall become nonsuit, or a verdict or judgment shall be given for the defendant, every such plaintiff shall pay double costs. - And be 2'2‘ fart/ler enaez‘ed by f/ze aaZ/zorz'zy aforesaid, That if any inn- holder or tavernkeeper, shall take or get from any person or persons, trusted as aforesaid, any note, bill, bond, or other security, for any sum above ten shillings, for any strong or spirituous liquors, by him or her, sold or drank in, or at his or her house, under pretence that it is for victuals, pipes, tobacco, or any other thing whereby to evade this act; every such note, bill, bond or other security, shall be void, and the defendant or defendants may plead this act in bar, to any action or suit to be brought thereon. And fart/ler, that every person who shall be convicted of an offence against this clause of this act, shall forfeit double the sum mentioned in and intended to be secured by such note, bill, bond or other security; to be recovered by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, with costs of suit, in any court in this State having cognizance thereof. Provided always, And be Z'z‘farf/zer eflaez‘ed by z‘/ze aaZ/zorz'fy aforesaid, That nothing in this act contained, shall be construed or taken to debar any innholder or tavernkeeper from taking, receiving or recovering any sum or sums of money which shall or may become due, and owing to him or her, from any person or persons who shall or may be lodgers in his or her house, of from travellers not residing in such city or town; any thing in this act contained to the contrary notwithstanding. And be 2'! farZ/zereizaez‘ed by Z/ze aaf/zorz'z‘y aforesaid, That every inn- holder or tavernkeeper, shall, within thirty days, after obtaining his or her permit, put up and fix a proper Sign on or adjacent to the front of his or her house, with his or her name thereon and keep such sign up during Debts for ‘ liquors. 1 Act not to bar claims from trav- elers. Signs to be put up. 712 LAWS OF NEW YORK. [CHAR 49. Penalties, how recov- ered. Former laws re‘ pealed . Preamble. Schenec- tady, night watch in part of town of. Id. altie ; Pen- s. V the time he, or she shall keep an inn or tavern, under the penalty of ten shillings for every month’s neglect thereof. And be it fart/ter enacted by t/ze ant/torily aforesaid, That all and every the penalties and forfeitures, imposed in and by this act, shall and may be recovered, with costs of suit, in any court within this State, having cognizance thereof, by any person or persons who will sue and prose- cute for the same to effect. unless in this act otherwise provided; and the one moiety of the said penalties and forfeitures, not in and by this act otherwise appropriated, shall, when recovered, be paid to the over- seers of the poor of the city or town in which each respective offence shall happen, for the use of the poor thereof; and the other moiety to the person or persons who shall sue for the same as aforesaid. And be it fart/ter emitted by t/ze aztt/zorizy aforesaid, That all laws of the late Colony of New-York, and of this State, heretofore passed for the regulating of inns and taverns, and for retailing of spirituous liquors within this State, be, and the same are hereby severally repealed. CHAP. 49. AN ACT to impower the justices of the peace residing in that part of the township of Schenectady therein mentioned, to establish and regulate a night watch and for other purposes therein mentioned. PASSED the 1st of March, 1788 WHEREAS the establishing a night watch and appointing firemen to manage the fire engine in that part of the township of Schenectady which lays to the southward of. the Mohawk river & not more than three quarters of a mile from the Dutch church, will tend to the safety and preservation of the inhabitants thereof, therefore Be it enaeted by Me People of tbe State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly and it is bereby enaeted by t/ze azzt/zoritv of tbe same, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the justices of the peace or the major part of them for the time being living or dwelling in that part of the township of Schenectady which lays to the southward of the Mohawk river and not than three quarters of a mile distant from the Dutch church, to meet together with all convenient speed after the pub- lication of this act, and being so met, they are hereby required and directed to order, establish and regulate a night watch; which watch shall consist of six men and an officer for each night out of the inhabi- tants of that part of the said township herein before described, who shall and hereby are required and directed in their turns to keep watch and guard in such manner and at such times and places as the said justices shall order and direct. And be it fnrt/zer enacted by t/ze aat/zority aforesaid That it shall —‘ and may be lawful to and for the said justices or the major part of them, to make, establish and ordain such rules, orders, ordinances and regulations for the government, conduct, duty and behaviour, of the said watch and watchmen, and to impose and establish such reasonable fines, penalties and forfeitures upon them, or any of them, for default or neglect of the duties and services enjoined or required by such orders or ordinances, as to the said justices shall from time to time seem meet and convenient. CHEMUNG, TOWN OF. Appropriation for expense of laying out —chap. 3, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834 Erected—chap. 95, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 846 CHURCHES. Protestant Episcopal, corporation for relief of widows and children of clergy- men —chap 34, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 411 Trinity church, New York, name changed—chap. 66, 11th sess . . . . . . . . .. 776 Reformed Protestant Dutch, Caughnawaga, lands— chap. 73, 10th sess . . . . . . 498 Flatbush, academy—chap. 54, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 300 incorporation of— chap. 61, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... p30 CITIES. Albany, charter amended —chap. 63, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 483 Bastard children, support of— chap. 14, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . .. 618 Hudson, incorporated —-chap. 83, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 154 Malicious mischief in —chap. 66, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 489 Poor, to support their own — chap. 62, I 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731 . CITIZENS. Liberty of, to secure --chap. 39, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 Rights of, concerning— chap. 1, 10th sess . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 See, also, NATURALIZATION. CLARK, THOMAS. Relief of, lands at New Perth ——chap. 73, 8th sess ................. ... ..... .. '139 CLAVARACK PRECINCT. Hudson. city of, erected —- chap. 83, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 > ‘ CLERKS. Fees of—chap. 71, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 124 Recording fees — chap. 71, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 See, also, CONVEYANCES; CoURTs. CLERMONT, TOWN OF. Erected -- chap. 49, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 CLINTON COUNTY. Boundaries of— chap. 63, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747 Courts and elections in—chap. 63, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747 Towns in —chap. 64, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760 CLINTON PRECINCT. Erected, out of Charlotte and Rhynbeck—chap. 15, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 CLOSE, BENJAMIN. Relief of heirs of— chap. 93, 10th sess., 559; chap. 95, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . .. 845 COIN. Copper, regulating circulation —- chap. 97, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569 See, also, COUNTERFEITING. COLDEN, CADWALLADER. Estate of David Colden vested in -— chap. 101, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . 579 COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. New York and Sagg Harbor-- chap. 6, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New York, salary increased —chap. 17, 8th sess. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 See, also, TRADE AND COMMERCE. INDEX. 859 COLLECTORS OF TAXES. Relief of -;- chap. 30, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .. . . 61 Security to be given by -— chap. 33, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 See, also, ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION. COLLEGES. Columbia, charter confirmed —-cha_p. 82, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 526 money advanced to —— chap. 15, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Incorporation of—chap. 82, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 524 See, also, EDUCATION. COLONIE. Repairs of highway in —-chap. 44, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 ‘ COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Charter confirmed— chap. 82, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526 Treasurer to advance money to —-chap. 15, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . COLUMBIA COUNTY. Boundaries of—chap. 63, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746 Clermont, town of, erected out of manor of Livingston — chap. 49, 10th sess. 455 Court-house and gaol, assessment for—— chap. 74, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 797 Erected from Albany— chap. 28, 9th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Highways in, amended— chap. 95, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564 Loan of £200,000 in 1786 —- chap. 64, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 326 Towns in— chap. 64, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 756 COMBUSTIBLES. New York city, storage of— chap. 43, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 COMMERCE. ' See TRADE AND COMMERCE. COMMISSIONERS OF FORFEITURES. Eastern district, instructed— chap. 11, 10th sess. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 364 Indemnification of—chap. 33, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 64 Oflice abolished—chap. 90, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 818 Speedy Sales, amended—chap. 58, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 \Nestern district, conveyances by— chap. 91, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822 See, also, FORFEITED ESTATES. COMMISSIONERS OF SEQUESTRATION. Indemnification of—chap. 33, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 64 COMMISSIONERS OF THE LAND OFFICE. Board of, created—chap. 66, 8th sess., 114; chap. 67, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 334 Powers of, extended—chap. 89, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 815 See, also, LANDS. COMMON PLEAS. See CoURTs. CONFISCATED ESTATES. See FoRFErTED ESTATES. CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. Acceding t0 requisition of— chap. 83, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 Exportation and importation, may prohibit—chap. 56, 8th sess - . . . . . . . . . . .. 102 Massachusetts boundary line—chap. 28, 8th sess., 57; chap. 53, 9th sess. .. .. 298 See, also, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. CONSPIRACY. To prevent and punish—chap. 18, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ . . . . . . 629 860 INDEX. CONSTABLES. Delinquents, to punish—chap. 20, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 47 Security to be given by—chap. 33, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 24o CONVEYANCES. Acknowledgments, false personation in- chap. 21, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 634 Mortgages, recording of—chap. 45, I 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 690 Proof of, for recording ——chap. 44, 11th sess.; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 689' Recording fees of clerks—chap. 71, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 137 Registry of certain — chap. 45, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 442 Tenants In tail, etc., by—chap. 12, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 191 See, also, LANDS. COPARCENY. Partition of lands held in—chap. 8, 11th sess. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 605 COPYRIGHT. Providing for —— chap. 54, 9th sess. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 CORONERS. Act concerning— chap. 18, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 386 Albany city, one coroner in— chap. 63, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 484 Fees of—chap.71,8th sess...-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I36 CORPORATIONS. _ Associated Manufacturing Iron Company—chap. 51, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Marine Society of New York city, name changed—chap. 66, 9th sess . . . . . . .. 334 Society of the Hospital, New York city, excise monies -——chap. 48, 11th sess. . 709 See, also, CHURCHES. COSTS. General act—chap. 71, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Laws relating to, reduced to one statute—chap. 14, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367 COUNSELLORS. See ATTORNEYS AND CoUNsELLoRs; CoURTs. CO UNTERFEITING. A felony—chap. 88, 8th sess. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 168 To prevent and punish—chap. 20, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 632 COUNTIES. Act dividing State into—chap. 63, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 744 Arrears of taxes—chap. 74, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Columbia, erected from Albany—chap. 28, 9th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Contingent and necessary charges —— chap. 65, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769 Mortgages, cancellation of record— chap. 18, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Towns, act dividing counties into-—chap. 64, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748 COUNTY CLERKS. See CLERKs; CoNvEYANcEs; CoURTs. COURT-'HOUSES. See the various counties. COURT OF CHANCERY. See CoURTs. COURT OF ERRORS. Established - chap. 11, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Fees of clerks—chap. 71, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 See, also, COURTS. . COURT OF EXCHEQUER. Established --chap. 9, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 See, also, COURTS. INDEX. 861 COURTCHPPROBATES See COURTS. COURTS. Absconding and absent debtors, relief against -- chap. 24, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . Accounts, actions of, remedy by --chap. 4, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . procedure—chap. 46, 11th sess... .. Actions and suits, limitations of -— chap. 43, '1 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administration, granting of — chap. 38, 10th sess. .. Admiralty, to prevent encroachments of— chap. 24, 10th sess. .. . . . Alienations by life tenants—chap. 48, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amendments, concerning -- chap. 32, I 1th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the law and advancement ofjustice —— chap. 46, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . Arrests, to prevent vexatious - chap. 26, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . Assises, process, etc., in —— chap. 50, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attornies and counsellors, act concerning—chap. 35, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . .. relating to, repealed -— chap. 29, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bailment of persons, act touching —— chap. 31. 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buggery, to punish —- chap. 21, 10th sess . . . . . . . Certiorari, writs of, to prevent abuses by —— chap. 2, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Champerty, to prevent and punish —- chap. 18, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit courts, establishment of-—-chap. 41, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clinton county, terms, at Plattsburgh— chap. 63, I 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collusion, to prevent recoveries by— chap. 48, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Common pleas, regulating courts of -- chap. 10, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coroners, act concerning— chap. 18, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costs, general act regulating—chap. 71, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . justices’— chap. 89, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . laws relating to, reduced to one statute -- chap. 14, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . Damages in writs of assise and real actions--chap. 3, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . Death of persons, when absence deemed evidence of— chap. IO, 11th sess. . . . . 12, 8th sess . . . . . . . . Delinquent jurors, constables and others, to punish — chap. 20, 8th sess. . . Descent, law of-- chap. 12, 9th sess . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Distress for rent, concerning—~chap. 36, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Divorces, trial and allowing of —- chap. 69, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . Dower, concerning— chap. 4, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Errors, for correction of— chap. 1 I, 8th sess. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . revent -- chap. 5, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exchequer, establishe — chap. 9, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executions, delays of, to avoid -— chap. 3, 11th sess.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sale of lands on— chap. 56, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executors and administrators, concerning—chap. 19, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . .. Extortion, to prevent—chap. 19, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fees of officers and ministers of justice — chap. 71, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Felons, apprehension of— chap. 20, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Felony, appeals of—chap. 30, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. proceedings in case of-— chap. 37, I 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fines, concerning--chap, 43, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forcible entries and detainers, to prevent—chap. 6, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frauds, statute of-—-chap. 44, 10th sess. . .. . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Gaol delivery, courts of— chap. 38, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General sessions of the peace, regulating‘—— chap. 10, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . .. to prevent delays in — chap. 2, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Habeas corpus, writs of— chap. 39, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Idiots, lunatics and infant trustees, concerning— chap. 12, 11th sess . . . . . . . lmpeachments, trial of— chap. I I, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inferior, acts supplementary— chap. 58, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . debts of value of ten pounds — chap. 89, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Informers, actions by— chap. 9, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Intestates’ estates, settlement of— chap. 38, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Debts due persons in enemy's lines, actions for-- chap Essoins, delays by, to Issues, trial of, regulating— chap. 41, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o I I l O Q 0 O Q O I O I Q U Q Q I I. O I l D Q 0 O O I ' O I l Q O O I I b U i I I. 450 360 386 .124. 5%! 367 347 61 1 24 47 I 91 655 494 347 21 350' 18 5 595 467 388 632 I 24 390 404 664 433 601 438 672 360 593 .. 424 .. 617 21 103 547 .. 608 .. 419 273 862 - INDEX. Jeofails, act conderning -—chap. 32, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 646 Jurors, impanelling of—chap. 41, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Justices o the peace, concerning—chap. 8, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 352 Lands, partition of-- chap. 39, 8th sess . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 73 partition of, held in joint tenancy, etc. ——chap. 8, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 605 recoveries of—chap. 43, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 sale of, to pay decedent’s debts —chap. 27, 9th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. v230 Larceny, offenses under degree of grand - chap. 65, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 Maintenance, to prevent -—chap. 18, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629 Mandamus, writs of— chap. 11, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615 Minors and married women on whose lives estates depend, production of— chap. 10, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 611 Mortgage foreclosure, absconding mortgagor —chap. 27, 8th sess., 55; chap. 53, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466 Murder, act concerning— chap. 22, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 New York city, terms of—chap. 40, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8o Outlawries, regulating—chap. 9, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 357 Oyer and terminer and gaol delivery, concerning—chap. 38, 11th sess . . . . . . . 672 Penalties, fines and amerciaments, remission of certain —-chap. 12, 10th sess. . 364 Perjury, to prevent -—chap. 17, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 627 Personal actions, process in —— chap.‘ 9, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Pleadings in certain suits ——chap. 27, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 Prisoners breaking prison, judgment in case of— chap. 26, 11th sess . . . . . . . .. 636 Privilege, preventing inconveniences from -— chap. 34, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651 Process, service and return of —- chap. 32, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 407 Procedure, regulating—chap. 46, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 692 Promissory notes, relief on — chap. 33, 1 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65o Quakers, affirmation by— chap. 33, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 Quo warranto, proceedings in —chap. 1 1, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615 Rape, to prevent and punish— chap. 23, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 393 Records, stealing and avoiding of—chap. 22, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634 Replevin, actions of, delays and abuses—chap. 5, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597 Reversions, grantees of, rights against lessees -- chap. 7, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . 604 Slaves and negroes, jury trial in capital cases—chap. 68, 8th sess ,_. . . . . . . . . . . 122 Statute of frauds—chap. 44, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438 Statute of limitations ——chap. 43, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683 Supreme, April term, 1786—chap. 16, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . . . . 195 place of holding terms —- chap. 61, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 suits for less than £ 100— chap. 72, 10th sess . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 Terms, various counties —chap. 30, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Treason, act for punishing - chap. 37, 1 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664 trials in case of-- chap. 29, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 401 Wager of law, trials by, abolished —- chap. 5, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Washington county, terms of—chap. 37, 8th sess., 71 ; chap. 102, 10th sess. . 588 Waste, to prevent ——chap. 6, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Wills, proving of— chap. 27, 9th sess., 23o; chap. 38, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 statute concerning—chap. 47, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 Witnesses, to compel attendance -- chap. 17, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627 Writs of right, trials on ——chap. '7, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 182 See, also, FELONY; LANDS; POLICE LAws; the various counties. CREDITORS. Relief of, against heirs, devisees, etc.— chap. 27, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 See, also, DEBTS AND DEBTORS. CRIERS. Fees of, supreme court— chap. 71, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 other courts —chap. 71, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 CRIMINAL LAW. See CoURTs; FELoNY; POLICE LAws. CROWN POINT, TOWN OF. ‘Erected — chap. 18, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 INDEX. 863 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. ' Boundaries of—chap. 63, 11th sess.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 746 CUSTOM DUTIES. See TRADE AND COMMERCE. D. DEAN, JAMES. Grant of lands to - chap. 67, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 DEAN, RICHARD. Mortgage by, recording of—chap. 22, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 DEATH. Absence of seven years deemed —chap. 10, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 DEBEAVOIS, JACOBUS. Administrators of estate of, powers to —— chap. 8, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 DEBEAVOIS, JOOST. Sale of real estate of, deceased —=chap. 26, 8th sess . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 DEBTS AND DEBTORS. Absconding debtors, relief against—chap. 24, 9th sess., 207; chap. 54, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 466 Absconding mortgagors, amended—chap. 53, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 466 Colony of New York, debts due to—chap. 60, 8th sess., 106; chap. 76, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 _ Creditors of estates, relief of —chap. 27, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23d Enemies’ lines, debts due to persons within, relating— chap. 12, 8th sess., 24; ‘chap. 94, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 562 Insolvency, relief in cases of— chap. 92, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823 Insolvent debtors, relief of, amended -- chap. 14, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 .relating to certain —chap. 87, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 relief with respect to imprisonment—chap. 22, 9th sess., 202; chap. 98, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. 570 relief of, general act— cha . 34, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 relief of, general act, repea ed—chap. 29, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 639 further owers to assignees—chap. 67, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 491 "Van Derloc t, William, relief of, and others —chap. 94, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . 835 DEEDS. .Acknowledgment, proof of— chap. 45, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 442 See, also, CoNvEYANcES; LANDS. DEER. See GAME LAWS. DELANCEY, OLIVER. Forfeited lands at New Perth —— chap. 73, 8th sess . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 139 DELAPLAIN, SARAH ANN. ' Estate vested in trustees — chap. 83, 1 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808 DENTON, JONAS. Mine discovered by— chap. 13, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 DENTON, THOMAS. Mortgage held by estate of -- chap. 22, 8th sess... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 51 ‘ DEscENT. .Law of—chap. 12, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 191 864 INDEX. DE VIDAL, FRANCISO PABLO. Conveyance to Dominick Lynch—chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585 DEVISEES. See HEIRS AND DEVISEES. DIGEST OF THE LAWS. Provisions for—chap. 35, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 DISORDERLY PERSONS. Apprehension and punishment of— chap. 31, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643. DISTRESSES. Act concerning—chap. 36, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 655 _ DIVORCES. Mode of trial, and allowing of— chap. 69, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494 . DOGS. New York city, tax on—chap. 42, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83. Richmond county, tax on—chap. 11, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 DOWER. Act concerning—chap. 4, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 347' DUANESBURGH, TOWN OF. Erected — chap. 95, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . 848' DUBOIS, PETER. Forfeited lands at New Perth—chap. 73, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139- : DUTCHESS COUNTY. Assessments, mode of—chap. 36, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.9‘ Boundaries of— chap. 63, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746 Charlotte precinct, name changed to Washington — chap. 15, 9th sess.. .. . . . . 194 Clinton precinct erected from Charlotte and Rhynbeck—chap. 15, 9th sess.. 194 Court-house and gaol, tax for—chap. 67, 8th sess. 119; chap. 31, 9th sess. 238; chap. 55, 10th sess. 467; chap. 78, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801 Tappan, Peter, indebtedness to—chap. 78, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 801: Towns in—_—chap. 64, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 752 Ulster gaol, prisoners to be confined in -— chap. 51, 8th sess. .' . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 prisoners to be removed from — chap. 17, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 DUTIES, CUSTOMS. See TRADE AND COMMERCE E. EDMESTON, ROBERT. Naturalized—chap. I, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592 EDUCATION. Flatbush, academy zit—chap. 54, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 _ Regents of university established —-chap. 15, 8th sess. 3o; chap. 82, 10th sess. 524 ELECTIONS. Albany city -— chap. 63, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 484 Caughnawaga district —— chap. 7, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 ‘Clinton county— chap. 63, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747 Free, to be —chap. I, Ioth sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 General act—chap. 15, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371' New York city— chap. 42, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 431 Town meetings ——chap. 16, 10th sess. 384; chap. 64, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 762 INDEX. 865 ENEMIES. - Persons adhering to, prosecutions stayed —— chap. 10, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Persons within lines, debts due to. (See DEBTS AND DEBTORS.) ENROLLMENT AND DRAFT. Troops for United States army — chap. 82, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I53 ENTAILS. , Abolished —chap. 12, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 ERRORS, COURT OF. See CoURT or ERRoRs; CoURTs. ESSOIN. Delays by, to prevent —chap. 5, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 35o ESTATES CON F ISCAT ED. See FORFEITED ESTATES. ESTATES FORFEITED. See FORFEITED ESTATES. EVANS, CHARLES JOHN. Conveyance to, by William Walton, etc., and partition of lands of Bradstreet heirs~chap. 65, 9th sess. 326; chap. 96, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 566 EXCISE. Liquors, license to sell, and regulating inns and taverns —- chap. 48, 11th sess. 707 EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS. See MONOPOLIES. EXEC UTIONS. Delays, to avoid -—-chap. 3, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595 See, also, COURTS. EXECUTO RS AND ADMINISTRATORS. Act concerning -— chap. 19, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 Creditors. relief of —-chap. 27, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23o Dower, concerning -— chap. 4, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Estates, settlement of, proving wills, etc.-chap. 38, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 Waste, to prevent—chap. 6, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 350 EXPORTATIONS. Beef and pork, inspection of-- chap. 55, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719 Butter and lard, inspection of— chap. 53, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 717 Congress may prohibit -- chap. 56, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Flax seed and lumber, inspection of—chap. 50, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714 Flour, inspection of—chap. 35, 8th sess. 66; chap. 58. 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . .. 725 Staves and heading, culling of—chap. 56, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723 See, also, TRADE AND COMMERCE. EXTORTION. Public officers, to prevent and punish -—chap. 19, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632 F. FALSE PRETENCES. New York city, obtaining goods by—chap. 47, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . 93 Trial and punishment for—chap. 65, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 FEES. General act— chap. 71, 8th sess; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Land ofiice— chap. 67, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34o. V01.. 2. —- 109 866 INDEX. FELONY. Appeals of-chap. 30, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Bigamy—chap. 24, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635 Buggery— chap. 21, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 Counterfeiting certificates and specie—chap. 88, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 168 False personation in acknowldgements—chap. 21, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634 Felons, apprehension of—chap. 20, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 Forgery and counterfeiting—chap. 20, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632 Malicious maiming and wounding—chap. , 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 636 Murder—chap. 22, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 391 Perjury -— chap. 17, 1 1th sess . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627 Proceedings in case of, regulated— chap. 37, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 664 Rapes—chap. 23, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 393 Records, stealing and avoiding of—chap. 22, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634 Servant, embezzlement by—chap. 23, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635 See, also, CoURTs; PoLIcE LAws. FENCES. Divison, relative to —- chap. 64, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767 FERRIES. East river, Oyster Bay and New Rochelle-~— chap. 46, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Westchester and Flushing—chap. 72, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 FINES AND FORFEITURES. Court of exchequer— chap. 9, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 185 Payment of, to enforce—chap. 6, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Remission of certain—chap. 12, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 FIREWORKS. 'New Year's day, prohibited— chap. 81, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 152 New York city, discharging of—chap. 43, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 FISH. See GAME LAws. FITCH, JOHN. Steamboat monopoly granted to— chap. 57, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472 FLATBUSH, TOWN OF. Reformed Protestant Dutch Church may grant lands for an academy—chap. 54, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 300 F LAX SEED. Regulating exportation of— chap. 50, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714 FLOUR. Exportation of, regulating—chap. 35, 8th sess., 66; chap. 58, 11th sess . . . . . . 725 FLOYD, DAVID RICHARD. fSirname changed to Floyd-Jones -— chap. 75, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 798 FLUSHING, TOWN OF. Ferry to Westchester—chap. 72, 8th sess... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 138 FORCIBLE ENTRIES AND DETAINERS. To prevent— chap. 6, 1 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601 FORFEITED ESTATES. Bayard, \Villiam —- chap. 48, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Claims arising out of sales of -—- chap. 66, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 ‘Close, Benjamin—chap. 93, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 559 Colden, David— chap. 101, 10th sess . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579 Commissioners, eastern district—chap. 11, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 office abolished — chap. 90, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 818 INDEX. 867 Conveyances to divers persons -— chap. 102, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587 western district—~chap. 91, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 822 De Lancey, Oliver—chap. 73, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Dubois, Peter —-chap. 73, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Fowler, Jonathan—chap. 93, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558 Johnston, NVilliam— chap. 93, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 Judgment bonds on—chap. 73, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498 Kettle, Andries —— chap. 93, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 Lamb, James—chap. 93, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 New Perth, lands at —chap. 73, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Prosecutions dismissed—chap. 10, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 Quit rents, commutation of— chap. 23, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 203 Relating to various—chap. 95, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 837 Sales of, providing for—chap. 49, 8th sess., 95; chap. 58, 9th sess., 307; chap. 73, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498 Seaman, Adam and Israel—chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 581 Surveyor-general, to sell lands— chap. 90, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818 Watts, John — chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584 FORFEITU RES. See PENALTIES. FORGERY. To prevent and punish -—chap. 20, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632 FORT EDI/VARD, VILLAGE OF. Washington county courts to be held at -- chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588 FOWLER, THEODOSIUS. Relief of— chap. 93, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . .._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558 FOXHALL, MANOR OF. . Annexed to Kingston -— chap. 49, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 FRAUD. ' False pretences —— chap. 47, 8th sess., 93 ; chap. 65, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 485 Statute of frauds —- chap. 44, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438 G. GAME LAWS. Deer and heath hens —chap. 31, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 62 Deer, to prevent destruction of— chap. 82, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807 Suffolk county, fish - chap. 39, 9th sess., 252; chap. 27, 1 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . 637 GAMING. To prevent deceitful and excessive —chap. 35, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652 GAOL DELIVERY. Act concerning courts of — chap. 38, 1 1th sess . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672 GAOLS. See the various counties. GENERAL SESSIONS OF THE PEACE. See CoURTs. GLO UCESTER COUNTY. Boundaries of— chap. 63, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 747 GOSHEN, TOWN OF. Court-house yard at —chap. 46, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 Drainage, advertisement 0 —-—chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 GOSLINE, JOHN. Relief0f—chap.70,10th sess.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 868 INDEX. GOVERNOR. Election of— chap. 15, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 371 Oath of—chap. 28, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 637 Purveyance abolished —-chap. 2, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 346 GRAND ASSISE. Trials of writs of right—chap. 7, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 182 See, also, COURTS. - GRANTS. See LANDS. GRANVILLE, TOWN OF. Erected —- chap. 18, 9th session . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 196 GREAT BRITAIN. Acts repugnant to treaty with, repealed —- chap. 41, 11th sess . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 679 Laws not to operate after May 1, 1788 —chap. 46, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705 GRIFFEN, JOHN. _ . Pardoned of a murder—chap. 3, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 GUEST, JOHN. Mortgage to John Carpenter -— chap. 74, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . 141 H- HABEAS CORPUS. Writs of—chap. 39, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 HAMPTON, TOWN OF. Erected— chap. 18, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 196 HARPERSFIELD, TOWN OF. Erected -— chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588 HAWKERS AND PEDLARS. To restrain -- chap. 54, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOO‘ HAY, UDNY. See STATE AGENT. HEADING. Culling of, for exportation -chap. 56, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._... 723 HEATH HENS. See GAME LAWS. HEBRON, TOWN OF. Erected -chap. 18, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 HEIRS AND DEVISEES. Descent, law of --chap. 12, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Relief of creditors against— chap. 27, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 230 See, also, COURTS; ExEcUToRs AND ADMINISTRATORS. HEM P. Bounty on -—chap. 68, 8th sess., 120; chap. 54, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 718 HEMPSTED, ROBERT. Estate vested in trustees -- chap. 62, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 HERTEN-BURGH, RAM Mortgage to, recording of—— chap. 74, 8th sess. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 I INDEX. 869 HICKS, THOMAS. Forfeited estate of, concerning — chap. 100, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578 HIGGIN BOTTOM, NILES. Mine discovered by—chap. 36, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7o HIGHWAYS. Colonie —Chap 44, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 General act amended -— chap. 38, 8th sess., 72; chap. 95, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . 564 New York city— chap. 61, 10th sess, 48o; chap. 88, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 543 Richmond county — chap. 78, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Southampton—chap. 24, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 53 HOOSICK RIVER. Toll bridge, built by William Chase—chap. 59, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 727 HUDSON, CITY OF. Excise commissioners in —chap. 48, 11th sess . . . - » . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707 Incorporation of —-chap. 83, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Malicious mischief in —chap. 66, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Poor, settlement and relief of -- chap. 62, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 731 HUDSON RIVER. Navigation of, to improve—chap. 84, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 533 HUNT, DAVID. Relief of executors— chap. 64, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 HUNT, JESSE. Relief of - chap. 87, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 HUSBANDS. Bigamy, to prevent — chap,24,11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635 I. IDIOTS. Act concerning—chap. 12, 11th sess..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 617 IMMORALITY. Act to suppress— chap. 42, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679 IMPEACHMENT. Court for trial of—chap. 11, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 IMPORTATIONS. Congress may lay duty on, to pay war debt —-chap. 61, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . .. 320 may prohibit—chap. 56, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Cordage, additional duty on —— chap. 68, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . 120 Duties laid on —chap. 7, 8th sess, 11; Chap. 34, 8th sess., 65; chap. 76, 8th sess, 145; chap. 81, 10th sess., 509; chap. 72, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 786 Relief, in certain cases —-chap. 72, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 786 See, also, TRADE AND COMMERCE. IMPRISONMENT. Habeas corpus act—chap. 39, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 424 Insolvent debtors. (See DEBTS AND DEBTORS.) INDIAN AFFAIRS. Appropriation —chap. 102, 10th sess., 589; chap. 47, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705 to purchase lands — chap. 17, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Commissioners to make treaties—Chap. 47, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 705 Indian officers, accounts of— chap. 25, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 Land contracts with Indians prohibited -—chap. 85, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810 Lands of, locations on — chap. 67, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 870 INDEX. INFANT TRUSTEES. Act concerning -—chap. 12, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617 INFORMERS. Malicious information, to suppress—chap. 9, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608 INHABITANTS. Census of I786—chap. 8, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 184 INNS. Regulating —- chap. 48, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707 INSOLVENT DEBTORS. See DEBTS AND DEBTORS. INTEREST. Usury, to prevent, and fixing rate of— chap. 13, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 INTOXICATION. Punishment for—chap. 42, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 679 IRON. Manufacture of, to promote— chap. 51, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 295 JAILS. See the various counties. JEOFAILS. Amendments and, act concerning—chap. 32, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646 JOHNSTOWN, VILLAGE OF. i Election to be held at -—chap. 7, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 352 JOINT TENANTS. Conveyances by— chap. 12, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I91 Partition of lands— chap. 8, 1 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 605 JUDGES AND JUSTICES. See COURTS. - JURO RS. Delinquent, to punish -— chap. 20, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Fees of— chap. 71, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Impaneling of—chap. 41, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 See, also, COURTS. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Act concerning—chap. 8, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 Civil jurisdiction of— chap. 89, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547 See, also, COURTS. K. KEIRE, TEUNIS. Pardoned of a murder— chap. 3, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 KETTLE, CATHARINE. Relief of—chap. 93' 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 KINGSBURY, TOWN OF. Erected -— chap. 18, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 O INDEX. 871 KINGS COUNTY. Boundaries of—chap. 63, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746 Brooklyn, town of, fire department — chap. 8o, 1 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804 Flatbush, Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, academy—_-chap. 54, 9th sess. 300 Towns in — chap. 64, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749 KINGSTON, TOWN OF. Foxhall, manor of, annexed to—chap. 49, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 KIRKLAND, SAMUEL. Grant of lands to—Chap. 67, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34o KLOCK,GEORGE May locate lands in Montgomery county—chap. 67, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 L. LAMB, JAMES. Relief of heirs of --chap. 93, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V . . . . . . . . . . . .- 561 LAND BOARD. See COMMISSIONERS OF THE LAND OFFICE. LAND OFFICE. See COMMISSIONERS OF THE LAND OFFICE. LANDS. Acre defined -—cha . 13, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618 Bradstreet, heirs 0 John and Martha, grant to——chap. 65, 9th sess. 326; chap. 96, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566 Church, Col. Timothy, and others, grant to—— chap. 67, 9th sess... .. . . . . . . . 338 Collusion, to prevent recoveries by—chap. 48, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45o Commissioners of land office. powers extended -- chap. 89, 11th sess. .. . . . . . . 815 Conveyances, acknowledgment and registry of— chap. 45, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . 442 acknowledgment of, false personation—chap. 21, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 634 by joint tenants, etc.—-chap. 12, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . .. 191 proof of, to be recorded —- chap. 44, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689 Descent, law of —chap. 12, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 DeVidal, Francisco Pablo, conveyance by, legalized -—chap. 102, 10th sess. . . 585 Distress for rent —-chap. 36, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 655 Dower, concerning —- chap. 4, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Entails abolished -- chap. 12, 9th sess . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Execution, Sales of land on —chap. 56, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 467 Fines and recoveries —chap. 43, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 Forcible entries and detainers—chap. 6, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . .. 601 Grants, adverse claims for ——chap. 89, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 815 Hazen, Colonel Moses, allowance to regiment of — chap. 93, 10th sess . . . . . . .. 562 Indians, land contracts void — chap. 85, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . -. 810 Lessees, relief of, driven away during war — chap. 59, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 rights of grantees of reversions -chap. 7, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 604 Life estates, when absence deemed evidence of death —- chap. 10, 11th sess. . . 611 Life tenants, to prevent alienations by—chap. 48, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 Mortgages, to prevent frauds and secure title to purchasers —chap. 45, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..690 New Paltz patent, partition of —chap. 45, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 New Perth, relative to lands at -chap. 73. 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 New Stamford, partition oflands at ——chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 586 Oneida purchase, partition of —chap. 78, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 506 Partition of, general act —chap. 39, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 joint tenancy, tenancy in common and coparceny ~——chap. 8, 11th sess. . . . 605 Patents, transcribing of records of—chap. 13, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Private claims for grants --chap. 95, 11th sess . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837 872 INDEX. Quit rents, collection and commutation 0f—chap. 23, 9th sess., 203; chap. 76, 10th 5655-, 502; Chap. 39, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 675 Reversions, grantees of, certain rights of, respecting leases—chap. 7, 11th sess. 604 Sales of, to pay decedent’s debts—chap. 27, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23o Steuben, Baron, grant of lands to -— chap. 67, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 341 Surveyal of, after sale by State —chap. 103, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591 Tenants, distress for rent— chap. 36, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 655 Tenures, act concerning—chap. 36, 10th sess... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 415 Unappropriated and waste, sale of—chap. 66, 8th sess., 114; chap. 67,9th sess. 334 intrusions on—chap. 85, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ’10 Upton, Francis, quit rents — chap. 84, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 809 Uses, act concerning — chap. 37, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 Vermont settlers, grants to—chap. 89, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815 Waste and unappropriated, sale of—chap. 66, 8th sess. 114; chap. 67, 9th sess. 334 Wills of real estate, proof of—chap. 27, 9th sess. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 230 See, also, CoURTs; FORFEITED ESTATES. LANSING, JACOB JOHN. Audit of accounts of — chap. 37, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 LARD. Inspection of, for exportation —-chap. 53, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 717 LAWVS. Revision and digesting of -~chap. 35, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . 247 LEARMAN, PETER. Mine discovered by -—chap. 13, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 LEASES AND LESSEES. See LANDS; TENANTs. LEGISLATURE. , Assembly, election of—chap. 15, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 Meetings, when and where —chap. 14, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Oaths of members --chap. 28, 11th sess.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637 Privilege, to prevent inconveniences —-chap. 34, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651 Senators, election of—chap. 15,10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . .. 371 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. Election of, regulating — chap. 15, 10th sess. . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 371 LIQUORS. License for sale of— chap. 48, 11th sess.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707 LIMITATIONS, STATUTE OF. Criminal and civil actions —chap. 43, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 683 LITERATURE. Copyrights, providing for — chap. 54, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 LIVINGSTON, MANOR OF. Clermont, town of, erected from —chap. 49, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 LIVINGSTON, PHILIP. Estate vested in trustees -—chap. 21, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . 48 LOAN OFFICERS. Loans made by Colony of New York ——chap. 60, 8th sess. 106; chap. 76, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 145 Loan of£ 200,000 in bills of credit - chap. 40, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 See, also, PUBLIC LoANs AND PUBLIC MONEYS. LOTT, ABRAHAM. Accounts of, as Colonial treasurer —-cl1ap.- 70, 8th sess . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Discharged from arrest on execution -—chap. 40, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 INDEX. 873 LUMBER. Inspection of, for exportation—chap. 50, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 714 LUNATICS. Act concerning—chap. 12, 11th sess. .. . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 617 LUSH, RICHARD. Audit of accounts of— chap. 37, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 LYNCH, DOMINICK. Conveyance by Francisco Pablo DeVidal to ~—chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . 585 Naturahzed—chap. 6, 9th 5688.................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 M. MAINTENANCE. To prevent and publish -—Chap. 18, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629 MAITLAND, RICHARD. Estate vested in trustees -— chap. 85, 10th sess, 555; chap. 51, 11th sess... . . . . 716 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF. Punishment of, in certain cities — chap. 66, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 MANDAMUS. Proceedings on writs of —-chap. 11, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615 MANUFACTURES. Associated Manufacturing Iron Company — chap. 51, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . 295 MARINE SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Change of name — chap. 66, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 MASSACHUSETTS. Agents to indicate rights of New York State, supplementary—chap. 49, 9th Bifiitda'y' 1...; 1.50am; a'.;.;.'.;,,;'a'_'sr.;,5.';.e tar as: ::::.'.':: :::::::: 22; Commissioners to complete running of boundary line — chap. 2, 8th sess. . . . . 2 Congress may appoint commissioners to run line—chap. 28, 8th scss., 57; chap, 53, 9th scss., 298; chap. 79, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 507 MASTER IN CHANCERY. Fees of— chap. 71, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 MAYHEM. Act to prevent— chap. 25, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636 MAYOR'S COURTS. See CoURTs. MEAL. Inspection of, for exportation —chap. 58, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725 MERSEREAU, JOSHUA. Lands granted to -— chap. 25, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 MICHEAU, BENJAMIN. Relief of— chap. 52, 11th sess . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716 MILE STONES. Defacing of— chap. 88, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814 MILITARY AFFAIRS. Accounts, auditing of— chap. 17, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4o Billeting of troops prohibited— chap. 1, 10th sess. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Depreciation of pay (hospital and prisoners), repealed—chap. 102, 10th sess.. 585 VOL. 2.— 110 874 INDEX. Indian officers, accounts of— chap. 25, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 Levies and militia, pay, appealed —chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 585 Militia, acts regulating chap. 25, 9th sess., 220; chap. 92, 10th sess . . . . . . .. 555 may be called out at time of holding Indian treaties —chap. 47, 11th sess. 705 removal of intruders on lands ——-chap. 85, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810 Pensions to disabled soldiers and seamen—chap. 42, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 282 Rutgers, Henry, and others, accounts of— chap. 37, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 State agent, account of, and claims against —— chap. 80, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 147 United States army, troops for— chap. 82, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 153 War claims, payment of certain— chap. 90, 8th sess., I70; chap. 66, 9th sess., ' 328; chap. 102, 10th sess., 584; chap. 95, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 837 MINES. Denton, Jonas, exempted from State claim —chap. 13, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 Platt, Daniel and Benjamin, exempted from State claim—chap. 36, 8th sess . 7o Shoub, Ludwig, and Peter Learman, from State claims—chap. 13, 8th sess. .. 26 Smeed, Samuel, and Niles Higgenbottom, from State claims—chap. 36, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70 MISPRISION OF TREASON. See TREAsoN. MOKE, GERARDUS. Pension to--'-chap. 17, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 MONOPOLIES. Copyright, providing for—chap. 54, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 Fitch, John, steamboat—chap. 57, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 472 . Van Wyck, Isaac, stage route—chap. 52, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 I MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Boundaries of— chap. 63, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747 Caughnawaga district, elections in —chap, 7, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 Chemung, town of, erected —chap. 95, 11th sess . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 846 Harpersfield, town of, erected— chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588 ‘ Highways,amended-—chap.95, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . .. 564 Poor and contingent charges, repealed -- chap. 56, 9th sess. . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Towns in--chap. 64, 11th sess.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 761 . MONTGOMERY, GENERAL. Appropriation for monument— chap. 99, 10th sess., 574; chap. 93, 11th sess.. 834 MOORE, BENJAMIN. Estate vested in trustees—chap. 50, 8th sess., 96; chap. 2, 9th sess . . . . . . . . .. 179 MORTGAGES. Carpenter, John, recording of, held by'—-chap. 74, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 141 Colony of New York, loans by— chap. 60, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Denton, Thomas, recording of, held by estate of—chap. 22, 8th sess . . . . . . . . .. 1 Foreclosure, absconding mortgagor—chap. 27, 8th sess., 55; chap. 53, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 466 Frauds by mortgagees, to prevent, and to secure title to purchasers —- chap. 45, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690 Hertenburgh, Ram, recording of, held by—chap. 74, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 141 Record of certain, to be cancelled—chap. 18, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 44 MURDER. ' Act concerning—chap. 22, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 391 Appeals of— chap. 30, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 See, also, F ELONY. INDEX. _ 87 5 N. NAMES CHANGED. Corporation for Relief of Widows and Children of Clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal Church—chap. 34, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 411 Floyd, David Richard, sirname to Floyd Jones—chap, 75, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . 798 Marine Society of the City of New York—chap. 66, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Trinity Church, New York city — chap. 66, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776 Washington precinct, from Charlotte—chap. 15, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 194 NATURALIZATION. Edmeston, Robert— Chap. 1, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 592 Lynch, Dominick—chap. 6, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . I82 Persons named—chap. 79, 8th sess., I46; chap. 47, 9th sess., 290; chap. 91, 10th sess., 556; chap. 87, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 813 NAVIGATION. Hudson river, to improve -—chap. 84, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 Steamboats, monopoly of, to John Fitch -— chap. 57, 10th sess. .. . . . . . . . . . . 472 NEGROES. Selling of, as slaves, prohibited — chap. 68, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Slaves, general act —- chap. 40, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675 NEW PALTZ PATENT. Partition of— chap. 45, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 NEW PERTH. Lands at, relating to—chap. 73, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 139 NEW ROCHELLE, TOWN OF. Ferry to Oysterbay— chap. 46, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 NEW STAMFORD, TOWN OF. _ Partition of lands -— chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586 NEWTOWN, TOWN Arrears of taxes and relief of collector—chap. 70, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 Drainage of lands in ——chap. 45, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 NEW YEAR’S DAY. Fireworks prohibited on — chap. 81, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 NEW YORK CITY. Appropriation to, for water lots — chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589 Associated Manufacturing Iron Company -— chap. 51, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Boundaries of— chap. 63, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745 Buildings, relative to —chap. 1, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I79 streets, wharves and slips—chap. 88, 10th Sess'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543 Chatham, Earl of, relative to statute of— chap. 57, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725 Combustibles, storing of, and discharge of fireworks — chap. 43, 9th sess.. . . . 285 Commissioners of the alms—house and bridewell —— chap. 62, 11th sess. . . . . . 743 Courts. “relative to— chap. 40, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Dogs, tax on -—-chap. 42, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Election of charter officers — chap. 42, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 Excise commissioner of—Chap. 47, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707 False pretences. obtaining goods by —— chap. 47, 8th sess . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Fires, and buildings, colonial acts repealed— chap. 90, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . 555 more effectual prevention of— chap. 43, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 better extinguishing of -— chap. 58, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473 Gunpowder. storage of— chap. 81, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805 Hospital, Society of the, excise monies '— chap. 48, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709 Malicious mischiefin --chap. 66, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Marine Society, name changed -— chap. 66, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 87 6 INDEX. Petty ofi’enses, punishment of—chap. 40, 8th s'ess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Taxes, arrears of— chap. 86,r10th sess _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 539 assessment and collection of— chap. 40, 8th sess., 80; chap. 62, 10th sess., 482; chap. 67, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 776 contingent and poor—chap. 84, 8th sess., 163; Chap. 26, 9th sess., 229; chap. 68, 10th sess., 492; chap. 68, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 782 Stage route to Albany —— chap. 52, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Streets and roads, to regulate -- chap. 61, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 480 in burnt district, altering of—chap. 50, 9th sess., 1294; Chap, 75, 10th sess. 501 Trinity Church, name changed -— chap. 66, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 779 Wells and pumps, preservation of—Chap. 59, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 475 NE\V YORK, PORT OF. Custom house — chap. 6, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 Tonnage, duty on, act continued ~— chap. 5, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 See, also, TRADE AND CoMMERCE. NICOLL, WILLIAM. Relief of— chap, 60, 9th sess . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 NOBLE, ARTHUR. Land grant to -—chap. 25, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 _ NORTH EAST, PRECINCT OF. Relief of tax-payers — chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583 NORTH HEMPSTEAD, TOWN OF. Court-house at —chap. 44, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 O. OATHS. Public officers, required of—chap. 28, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637 Quakers may affirm —chap. 33, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 OFFICE. See PUBLIC OFFICE. ONEIDA PURCHASE. Partition of lands in -— chap. 78, 10th session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506 ORANGE COUNTY. Boundaries of—chap. 63, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746 Courts, terms of— chap. 30, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Goshen, court-house yard at - chap. 46, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 drainage of lands in -— chap. 102, 10th sess.. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 Poor and contingent charges repealed— chap. 56, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Poor in Goshen, Warwick, Minisink and New Cornwall -— chap. 64, 11th sess. 762 Towns in —chap. 64, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 753 Wawayanda and Cheescocks, boundary line— chap. 38, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25o OUTLAWRY. Proceedings for— chap. 9, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Treason —- chap. 29, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . .. 403 OVERSLAGH. ' Hudson river, obstructions at— chap. .84, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 533 OYER AND TERMINER. Act concerning courts of- chap. 38, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672 OYSTERBAY. TOWN OF. Ferry to New Rochelle—chap. 46, 8th sess. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 INDEX. 87 7 P. PARDONS. Casey, Teunis, alias Keire, of murder— chap. 3, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Griflen, John, of murder—chap. 3, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 PARTITION OF LANDS. Bradstreet heirs, lands on Delaware river— chap. 65. 9th sess. 326; chap. 96, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Coparceny, joint tenanc and tenancy in common --chap. 8, 11th sess . . . . .. 605 General act -—chap. 39, th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 New Paltz patent—chap. 45, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 New Stamford, lands at ——Chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586 Oneida purchase—- chap. 78, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 506 PATENTS. Records of, secretary 5 office -—chap. 13, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 See, also, LANDS. PEDDLERS. To restrain—chap. 54, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 PENALTIES. Remission of certain-chap. 12, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 PENNSYLVANIA. Boundary line, running of— chap. 29, 8th sess, 60; chap. 103, 10th sess . . . . .. 590 expenses — chap. 93, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . 833 PENSIONS. General act providing for— chap 42, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 Moke, Gerardus —chap. 17, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 41 Rice, John —chap. 17, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Wendell, David—Chap. 17, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 PERJURY. To prevent and punish —chap. 17, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 627 PERSONAL ACTIONS. Process in —Chap. 9, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 357 PERSONAL RIGHTS. Purveyance abolished — chap. 2. 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 Secured to citizens—Chap. 1, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 344 PERSONS. Apprentices and servants—chap. 15, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620 Bailment, act touching-chap. 31, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 Death beyond sea. discovery of— chap. IO, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 611 Idiots and lunatics-—-—chap. 12, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 617 Slaves, act concerning—chap. 40, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675 PETIT LARCENY. Trial and punishment— chap. 65, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 PLATT, DANIEL AND BENJAMIN. Mine discovered by -— chap. 36, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7o PLATTSBURGH, TOWN OF. Clinton county courts at ——Chap. 63, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748 Districts annexed to -chap. 18, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Erected — chap. 57. 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 North boundary of —- chap. 55, 9th sess . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . 300 878 INDEX. PLEADINGS. Certain actions. for the more easy pleading in—chap. 27, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . 399 POLICE LAWS. Arrest, to prevent vexatious— chap. 26, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 Bastards, support of— chap. 14, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 618 Buggery, punishment of—chap. 21, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 391' Common informers, to prevent disorders by, and malicious informations— chap. 9, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 608 Coroners, act concerning—chap. 18, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 386 Counterfeiting certificates and specie -- chap. 88, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 168 Disorderly persons, who are— chap. 31, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 643 Excise, regulating inns and taverns-- chap. 48, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 707 Felons, apprehension of— chap. 20, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 390 Fireworks on New Year’s day, to prohibit—Chap. 81, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 152 Forgery and counterfeiting, to prevent -— chap. 20, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632 Gaming, to prevent excessive— chap. 35, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 652 Hawkers and pedlars—chap. 54, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100 Immorality, act'to suppress—chap. 42, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 679 Justices of the peace, criminal jurisdiction —-- chap. 8, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 352 Malicious mischief, in certain cities -—chap. 66, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 489 Mile stones, defacing of— chap. 88, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 814 Murder, act concerning —- chap. 22, 1oth sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 391 New York city, combustibles, storing of, etc. ——chap. 43, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . .. 285 false pretences —- chap. 47, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 gun powder, storage of—chap. 81, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 805 petty offences—chap. 40, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8o Perjury, to prevent and punish -—chap. 17, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 627 Petit larceny and false pretences ---chap. 65, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 485 Poor, settlement and relief of—chap. 62, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 731 Rape, concerning— chap. 23, 10th sess.. 393; Chap- 30, 10th 5655 - - ' - - - - - - - - -- 404 Slaves, act concerning— chap. 40, 11th sess.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 675 Servants, embezzlement by— chap. 23, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635 Statute of limitations—chap. 43, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683 Treasons and felonies, to punish— chap. 37, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664 Woods, firing of, to prevent— chap. 71, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 785 Wrecks, concerning ——chap. 28, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 400 See, also, CoURTs; FELONIES. POOR LAWS. Settlement and relief ofthe poor- chap. 62, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731 PORK. Inspection of, for exportation—~chap. 55, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 719 PORT OF NEW YORK. See NEW YORK, PORT OF. POUGHKEEPSIE, VILLAGE OF. Court-house and gaol at—chap. 67, 8th sess . . . . ..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 PRECINCTS. See TowNs. PRISONERS. Bailment of persons—chap. 31, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 405 Breaking prison, concerningr— chap. 26, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 636 Right to bail --- chap. 26, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 395 PRIVATE ACTS. - Aspinwall, John --chap. 52, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 296 Avory, Anne — chap. 10, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Barclay, James —— chap. 17, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Bevier, Daniel -- chap. 41, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 INDEX. 879 Byvanck, Anthony—chap. 9 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Casey, Teunis, alias Keire —chap. 3, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Colden, Cadwallader—Chap. 101, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 579 Debeavois, Jacobus —~chap. 8, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 Debeavois, Joost ——chap. 26, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 Delaplaine, Sarah Ann—chap. 83, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 808 Denton, Jonas ——Chap. 13, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Denton, Thomas—chap. 22, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Edmeston, Robert — Chap. 1, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592 Evans, Charles, John and Agatha—Chap. 65, 9th sess., 326; chap. 96, 10th sess. 566 Fitch, John—chap. 57, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 472 Grifiren, John —chap. 3, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 180 Hempsted, Robert—chap. 62, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Hicks, Thomas—chap. 100, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 578 Livingston, Philip—Chap. 21, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Lynch, Dominick—Chap. 6, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I82 Maitland, Richard—chap. 85, 10th sess., 535; chap. 51, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . .. 716 Moore, Benjamin, Sr—Chap. 50, 8th sess., 96; Chap. 2, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I79 Naturalization, divers persons—chap. 79, 8th sess.. 146; Chap. 6, 9th sess., I82; chap. 47, 9th sess., 290; Chap. 91, 10th sess., 556; chap. 1, 11th sess. 2; chap, 87, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 813 Platt, Daniel and Benjamin —Chap. 36, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7o Provoost, David —— chap. 89, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Remsen, Hendrick—chap. 60, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 Richards, Elizabeth —Chap. 43, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . 83 Shoub, Ludewig, and Peter Larman —-Chap. 13, 8th sess. ..~ . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 26 Smeed, Samuel, and Niles Higginbottom-chap. 36, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7o Spier, Abraham—Chap. 77, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 145 Van Cortlandt, \Villiam R.—-chap. 85, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Van Rensselaer, Stephen—Chap. 57, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 306 Van Wyck, Isaac—chap. 52, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 See, also, RELIEF ACTS. PRIVILEGE. Inconveniences from, to prevent —chap. 34, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651 PROBATE, COURT OF. See COURTS. PROCESS. Service and return of—chap. 32, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . 407 See, also, COURTS. PROCTOR. See COURTS. ' ‘-‘ PROFANITY. Act to suppress -—Chap. 42, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679 PROMISSORY NOTES. Giving relief on—chap. 33, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650 PROSECUTIONS. Certain, to be discontinued— chap. 10, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 PROTECTION. Delays of trial by, to prevent—chap. 5, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35o PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. See CHURCHES. PROVOOST, DAVID. Estate vested in trustees—chap. 89, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. See EDUCATION. 880 INDEX. PUBLIC LOANS AND PUBLIC MONIES. Accounts, settlement of-—chap. 95, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 837 Arrears of taxes payable in certificates —chap. 77, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 799 Auditor, act appointing, continued —- chap. 20, 9th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Bills of credit, cancellation of certain — chap. 32, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 for,§2oo,ooo to be loaned —-chap. 40, 9th sess., 253; chap. 64, 9th sess.. . . 326 issue of 1788 -— chap. 30, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64o Certificates, redemption of — chap. 93, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834 Colonial loans, relating to—chap. 60, 8th sess., 106; chap. 76, 8th sess . . . . . . . 145 Committee of safety, persons paying monies to --chap. 102, 10th sess. . . .. . . 580 Congress may levy imposts to pay war debt -— chap. 61, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 Copper coin, regulating —chap. 97, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569 Counterfeiting securities — chap. 88, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Lott, Abraham, late treasurer, accounts of—chap. 70, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Public securities, payable to bearer —- chap. 19, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 redemption of—chap. 93, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 834 State agent’s certificates, relief of persons holding— chap. 51, 10th sess . . . . . . 465 United States, payments to -chap. 53, 8th sess., 100; chap. 48, 9th sess... . 291 See, also, APPROPRIATIONS. PUBLIC MONUMENTS. Defacing of—chap. 88, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 814 PUBLIC OFFICERS. Actions by or against—chap. 27, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 Auditor, oflice continued — chap. 20, 9th sess., 199; chap. 39, 11th sess . . . . . .. 675 Buying and selling of, prohibited --chap. 16, 1 1th sess. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625 Commissioners of forfeitures, abolished—chap. 90, 1 1th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . - -. 8i8 Constables, security to be given — chap. 16, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 Coroners, act concerning— chap. 18, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 386 County treasurers, relating to —chap. 65, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772 Customs officers — chap. 6, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Extortion, to prevent— chap. 19, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632 Justices of the peace, concerning — chap. 8, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 Oaths required of—chap. 28, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 637 Privilege, preventing abuses—chap. 34, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 651 Regents of the University—chap. 15, 8th sess., 30; chap. 82, 10th sess . . . . . .. 524 Sheriffs, security to be given by —- chap. 16, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 State treasurer, continued in OITICC —— chap. 1, 8th sess., 1 ; chap. 4, 9th sess. .. 180 Supervisors, clerks of— chap. 65, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 772 Town officers — chap. 64, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 762 PUBLIC RECORDS. Surveyor géneral‘s office --chap. 23, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 PUBLISHERS. Copyright, providing for —chap. 54, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 PURVEYANCE. Right of, abolished—chap. 2, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 346 QUAKERS May affirm -- chap. 33, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 410 QUEENSBURY, TOWN OF. Erected - chap. 18, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 196 QUEENS COUNTY. Boundaries of --chap. 63, 11th sess. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745 Court-house and gaol, erection of--chap. 44, 11th sess., 84; chap. 46, 9th sess. 289 Courts, terms of -—chap. 30, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 237 INDEX. 881 Ferries to Westchester county — chap. 46, 8th Sess., 91 , chap. 71, 8th sess 138 Hempstead, North and South, oystering in —chap. 64, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . .. .. 762 Newtown, arrears of taxes in — chap. 70, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 drainage of lands in —chap. 45, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 288 Poor taxes, arrears of—chap. 55, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 101 Prisoners to be removed from New York jail— Chap. 17, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . 385 Towns in—chap. 64, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749 " QUIT RENTS. Collection and Commutation of — chap. 23, 9th sess., 203; chap. 76, 10th Sess., 502; Chap. 39, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 675 Upton, Francis, relief of —~ chap. 84, 1 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 809 QUO \VARRANTO. Proceedings in, regulating — chap. II, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - = . . . . . . . . 615 R. RAPE. Appeals of — chap. 30, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 To prevent and punish — chap. 23, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 RAPELIE, GARRET. Relief of - chap. 52, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 465 REAL ACTIONS. Recovery of damages in - chap. 3, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 347 REAL ESTATE. See LANDS. RECORDERS’ COURTS. See CoURTs. RECORDS. Conveyances. proof of—,— Chap. 44, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 689 Mortgages, proofof —-chap. 45, 11th sess.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 69o Patents in secretary’s office -—- chap. 13, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Stealing and avoiding of~~ chap. 22, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 634 Surveyor-Generals office ~ chap. 23, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 REFORMED PROTESTANT DUTCH CHURCH. General act for incorporation of--- chap. 61, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730 See, also, CHURCHES. REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. Board of, established -— chap. 15, 8th sess, 30; chap. 82, 10th sess. . .. .- . . . . . . 524 REGISTER IN CHANCERY. Fees of—Chap. 71, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 125 RELIEF ACTS. Absconding and absent debtors, relief against —— chap. 24, 9th sess, 207; chap. 54, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 466 Banyar, Goldsbrow, and others -— chap. 93, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 561 Blake, Jane, and creditors of Jonathan - chap. 5, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Byvanck, Peter — Chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 584 Carpenter, John —- Chap. 74, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 141 Chase, William 3- chap. 59, 11th sess. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727 Clark, Thomas -- chap. 73, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Close, Benjamin, heirs of --- chap. 93, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559 Coe, Benjamin -— chap. 86, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Collectors of taxes — chap. 30, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 61 Committee of Safety, persons paying money to -- chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . .. 580 Creditors against heirs, executors, etc. - Chap. 27. 9th sess . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23o ‘ VoL. 2.—111 882 INDEX. Fowler, Theodosius, and others ~—chap. 93, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 558 Hertenburgh, Ram —chap. 74, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 141 Hunt, David, executors of --chap. 64, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 112 Hunt, Jesse --- chap. 87, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 542 Insolvent debtors —- chap. 14, 8th sess., 27; chap. 87, 8th sess., 167; chap. 22, ‘9th sess., 202; chap. 34, 9th sess., 242; chap. 98, 10th sess., 570, chap. 92, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 823 Kettle, Catharine —— chap. 93, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 Lamb, James, heirs of—-chap. 93, 10th sess. . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 Lessees driven from lands during war-_ chap. 59, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Lott. Abraham —chap. 40, 10th 5655 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 430 Mersereau, Joshua --~— chap. 25, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 395 Micheau, Benjamin —-- chap. 52, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 716 Nicoll, William —-~chap. 60, 9th sess . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 318 Noble, Arthur—chap. 25, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 394 North East precinct, tax payers in —-chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 583 Persons improperly taxed —chap. 75, 8th ,sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 143 in exile during the war, taxes ——-chap. 64, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 485 Rapelie, Garret —— chap. 52, 10th sess.. . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 465 Rutgers, Henry, and others —-chap. 37, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 249 Smith, George —-chap, 65, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 113 State agent’s certificates, persons holding —-chap. 51, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 465 Stevenson, Edward, heirs oI~- chap. 93, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 560 Thompson. John —--chap, 48. 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 94 Upton, Francis —— chap. 84, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 809 Van Derlocht, \Villiafn, arid others -— chap. 94, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 835 Vardell, Thomas - chap. 62, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 110 Wattles, Sluman —chap. 25, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 395 \Veissenfels, Frederick —- chap. 41, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 430 See, also, PRIVATE AcTs. REMSEN, HEN DRICK. Estate vested in trustees —- chap. 60, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 477 RENSSELAER‘VVYCK, MANOR OF. Colonie, highways in --— chap. 44, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 286 RENTS. See LANDs; QUIT RENTs; TENANTs. REPLEVIN. Action of, to prevent abuses by -- chap. 5, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 597 REVERSIONS. See LANDS. REVISION OF THE LAWS. Provisions for — chap. 35, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 RHYNBECK, PRECINCT OF. Clinton precinct erected from --chap. 15, 9th sess . . . . . . . .~.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 RICE, JOHN. Pension to ——cliap. 17, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 RICHARDS, ELIZABETH. Estate vested in trustees —chap. 43, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 RICHMOND COUNTY. Boundaries of ~~ chap. 63, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746 Courts, terms of - chap. 30, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Dog tax in -~ chap. 11, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Highways, general act extended to —chap. 78, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Micheau, Benjamin, late treasurer, relief of—Chap. 52, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . .. 716 Towns in — chap. 64, 11th sess. ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 749 INDEX. 883 RIGHTS OF CITIZENS. Act concerning—chap. 1, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 344 Purveyance abolished -— chap. 2, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 ROADS. See HIGHWAYS. RUTGERS, HENRY. Auditing of accounts of—- Chap. 37, 9th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 S. Custom-house at —- chap 6, 8t“ sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 SALARIES. See APPROPRIATIONS. SALEM, TOWN OF. Erected —chap. 1.8, 9th sess.. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 196 SANDY HOOK. Light-house at—Chap. 19, 8th sess., 46; Chap. 5, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 181 SCHENECTADY, VILLAGE OF. Malicious mischief in — chap. 66, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 489 Night watch and firemen —- chap. 49, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 712 SCHOOLS. See EDUCATION. SEAMAN, ISRAEL. Forfeited estate vested in James Franklin -— chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . .. 581 ' SECRETARY OF STATE. Fees of—chap. 71, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I37 Patents, records to be transcribed --chap. 13, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 193 SENATE. See LEGISLATURE. SEQUESTRATION. See COMMISSIONERS OF SEQUESTRATION ; FORFEITED ESTATES. SERVANTS. Act concerning —chap. 15, 11th sess. . . .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 620 Embezzlement by—chap. 23, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 635 SHERBROOKE, MILES. May return to State — chap. 73, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 500 SHERIFFS. Act concerning, service of process — chap. 32, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 Fees oI—chap. 71, 8th sess ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 135 Security to be given by -— chap. 16. 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 31 SHIPPING. Tonnage, duty on --chap. 19, 8th sess., 46; chap. 5, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I81 SHOUB, LU DEWIG. Mine discovered by—chap. 13, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 SLAVES. _ General act Concerning—Chap. 40, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675 Manumission of— chap. 68, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 884 INDEX. SMEED, SAM UEL. Mine discovered by— chap. 36. 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 7o SMITH, GEORGE. Suspension of attorney’s license revoked ~—chap. 65, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 SOCIETY OF THE HOSPITAL, NEX/V YORK CITY. Excise monies to be paid to -— chap. 48, 11th sess. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 709 SOLICITORS. See ATTORNEYS AND CoUNsELLoRs; CoURTs. SOUTHAMPTON, TOWN OF. Fencing highways in —- chap. 24. 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 53 SPIER, ABRAHAM. Real estate of, deceased, sale of— chap. 77, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 STAGE ROUTES. New York to Albany— chap. 52, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 99 STATE AGENTS. Accounts of, and claims against ——c‘nap. 80. 8th sess. ...~ .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 147 Relief of persons holding certificates of -- cnap. 51, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 465 STATE TREASURER. Bancker. Gerard, continued in office -- chap, 1, 8th sess., I ; chap. 4, 9th sess. 180 Lott, Abraham, Colonial, accounts of—- Chap. 70, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 123 STAT UTE OF FARUDS. General act --— chap. 44, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 438 STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. Civil and criminal actions —~chap. 43, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . 683 STAVES. Culling of, for exportation -—chap. 56. 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723 STEAM BOATS. Monopoly of, granted to John Fitch -— chap. 57, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472 ' STEUBEN, BARON. Grant of lands to —— chap. 67, 9th sess. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 STEVENSON, EDWARD. Relief of heirs of—Chap. 93. 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 56o SUFFOLK COUNTY. Appropriation to, for cattle sent to Connecticut —- chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . .. 589 Arrears of taxes levied during war — chap. 32, 9th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 24o Boundaries of —-chap. 63. 11th sess. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 745 Court-house and gaol, repairs —chap. 44, 8th sess.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Fish, protection of—chap. 39, 9th sess., 252-, 1epealed——chap. 27, 11th sess.. 637 Highways, general act extended to — chap. 38, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Southampton. fencing roads in — chap. 24, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Towns in — chap. 64. 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 748 Woods, firing of—chap. 31, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 62 SUNDAY. Unlawful acts on -— chap. 42, I 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679 SUPERVISORS. Duty of, in apportioning taxes —chap. 65. 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77o SUPREME COURT . See OoURTs INDEX. 885 SURROGATES. Fees of —chap. 71, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 137 See, also, COURTS. SURVEYOR—GENERAL. Annual salary to —~chap. 67, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 341 Forfeited estates, empowered to sell — chap. 90, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 818 Maps and surveys, in office of—chap. 23, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 Oflice removed to Albany —— chap. 66, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 T. TAPPEN, PETER. Dutchess county indebtedness to —‘ chap. 78, 11th sess. . . .. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .. 801 TARIFF. See TRADE AND COMMERCE. TAVERNS. Regulating inns and ——chap. 48, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707 TAXES. See ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION’. TENANTS. Distress for rent, concerning—chap. 36, I 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655 Waste by, to prevent —chap. 6, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 See, also, LANDS. TENANTS IN COMMON. Partition of lands held by— chap. 8, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605 TENANTS IN TAIL. Conveyances confirmed -—chap. 12, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 191 TENURES. Act concerning—chap. 36, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 THOMPSON, JOHN. Grant of lands to —- chap. 48, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 TITLE. ' Lands, relating to —— chap. 12, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 191 Tenures, act concerning — chap. 36, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 Uses, act concerning —chap. 37, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 416 TON-NAGE. Sec SHIPPING. TOWN MEETINGS. General provisions, act dividing counties into towns —- chap. 64, 11th 763 More orderly holding of-— chap. 16, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 384 TO\VNS. Act dividing counties into— chap. 64, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .. 748 Bastard children, support of— chap. 14, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. 618 Beekman and Plattsburgh, boundary of— chap. 55. 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 300 Charlotte precinct, name changed to Washington —— chap. 15, 9th sess . . . . . . . . 194 Chemung erected —-chap. 95, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846 Clermont erected — chap. 49, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 455 Clinton precinct erected out of Charlotte and Rhynbeck —chap. 15, 9th sess. 194 Division of State into -— chap. 64, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748 Duanesburgh erected —chap. 95, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 848 Excise commissioners in — chap. 48, 11th sess. . . ... 707 FoXhall, manor of, annexed to Kingston — chap. 49, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 886 i INDEX. Harpersfield erected -— chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588 Plattsburgh, districts annexed to — chap. 18, 9th sess . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 erected—chap. 57, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Poor, general act for relief of—chap. 62, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 731 Washington county, towns in — chap. 18, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Woodstock erected—chap. 80, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 508 TRADE AND COMMERCE. Auction, sales by, amended —- chap. 29, th sess . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Beef, inspection of, for exportation — 0 mp. 55, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719 Butter and lard, inspection of, for exportation —— chap. 53, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . 717 Congress may levy imposts to pay war debt —— chap. 61, 9th sess. . .. . . . . . . . . 320 may prohibit importations and exportations — chap. 56, 8th sess . . . . . . . .. 102 Cordage, additional duty on -—chap. 68, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:20 Custom-houses, New York and Sagg Harbor— chap. 6, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 Duties imposed on goods, wares and merchandize—chap. 7, 81h sess., 11; chap. 34, 8th sess., 65; chap. 76, 8th sess., 145; chap. 81, 10th sess., 509; chap. 72, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 786 Flax seed, inspection of, for exportation — chap. 50, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 714 Flour, inspection of, for exportation —~chap. 35, 8th sess., 66; chap. 58, 11111 sess . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 725 Lumber, inspection of, for exportation -- chap. 50. 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714 Meal, inspection of, for exportation —- chap. 58, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725 Pork, inspection of, for exportation — chap. 55, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719 Relief of certain importers —-chap. 72, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 786 Staves and heading, inspection of, for exportation—chap. 5, 9th sess., 181; chap. 56,11th sess..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 Tonnage, duty on —chap. 19, 8th sess., 46; chap. 5, 9th sess.. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 181 \Vrecks, and goods lost at sea, concerning-— chap. 28,- 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . .. 400 TREASON. Act for punishing—chap. 37, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 664 Defined, and regulating trials— chap. 29, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 TREASURER, STATE. See STATE TREASURER. TREATIES. Acts repugnant to, with Great Britain, repealed —-chap. 41, 11th sess . . . . . .. 679 Indian. (See INDIAN AFFAIRS.) TRESPASSES. Malicious mischief in certain cases —— chap. 66, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 489 Relief in case of certain, amended -— chap. 71, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . .. 496 See, also, COURTS. TRINITY CHURCH, NEW YORK. Change of name —-chap. '66, 11th sess.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776 I TRUSTS. Act concerning uses — chap. 37, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 416 U. ULSTER COUNTY. Boundaries of— chap. 63, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746 Courts, terms of— chap. 30, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 237 Dutchess county, prisoners injail of—chap. 51, 8th sess . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Foxhall annexed to Kingston ——-chap. 49, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 New Paltz, partition of lands—chap. 45, 8th sess. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . 86 New Stamford, partition of lands -— chap. 102, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586 Poor and contingent charges repealed —— chap. 56, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Supervisors and assessors, Colonial, repealed— chap. 56, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Towns in-- chap. 64, 1 1th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754 Woodstock, town erected— chap. 80, 10111 sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508 INDEX. ' 887 UNAPPROPRIATED LANDS. See LANDS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Act of Congress of August 2, I786, acceded to — chap. 83, 10th sess . . . . . . . . .. 531 Accounts with State, settlement of— chap. 95, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 837 Articles of confederation amended— chap. 63, 8th sess . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Congress may levy imposts to pay war debt —~ chap. 61, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . .. 320 Payments from State treasury to — chap. 53, 8th sess., 100; chap. 48. 9th sess. 291 Treaty with Great Britain, acts repugnant repealed—chap. 41, 11th sess . . . . . . 679 Troops for army of—chap. 82, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 153 UNIVERSITY, REGENTS OF. See REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. UPTON, FRANCIS. Payment of quit rents by —— chap. 84, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 809 USES. Act concerning —— chap. 37, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 416 USURY. Act to prevent -- Chap. 13, 10th sess. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 365 V- VAN CORTLANDT, WILLIAM R. Estate vested in trustees— chap. 85, 8th sess . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . .. I64 VAN DERLOCHT, \VILLIAM. Relief 0f-—chap. 94, 11th sess . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 835 VAN RENSSELAER, STEPHEN. Agreement between heirs and executors confirmed—chap. 57, 9th sess . . . . .. 306 VAN WYCK, ISAAC. Exclusive right to stage route, New York to Albany -—chap. 52, 8th sess. . . . . 99 VARDELL, THOMAS. Relief Of— chap. 62, 8th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 110 VERMONT, STATE OF. Grant of lands to sufferers in opposing government Of— chap. 67, 9th sess., 338; chap. 89, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 815 “I v ' WAGER OF LAW. Trial by, abolished— chap. 5, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 350 WALTON, \VILLIAM. Conveyance to Charles John Evans—chap. 65, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 326 WAR CLAIMS. Appropnations for sundry—chap. 90, 8th sess., 170; chap. 66, 9th sess., 328; chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 584 Audit of certain—chap. 17, 8th sess., 40; chap. 80, 8th sess., I47; chap. 95, IIthsess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..837 Hazen, Col. Moses, allowance of lands to soldiers of —— chap. 93, 10th sess . . . . 562 See, also, MILITARY AFFAIRS. 888 INDEX. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Beekman and Plattsburgh, boundary—chap. 55, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 300 Boundaries of— chap. 63, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 747 Courts, terms Of—Chfip. 37, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 71 to be held at Fort Edward --chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .. 588 Elections in, and Clinton county— chap. 63, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 747 New Perth, lands at, relating to — Chap. 73, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . I39 Plattsburgh, town erected—chap. 57, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 103 Poor and contingent charges, repealed—chap. 56, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Towns, division of county into ——chap. 18, 9th sess., ‘196; chap. 64, 11th sess. 759 WASHINGTON PRECINCT. Name changed from Charlotte —— Chap. 15, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . 19.]. WASTE. To prevent—chap. 6, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35o WASTE LANDS. See LANDS. WATTLES, SLUMAN. Land grant to --chap. 25, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 395 WATTS, ROBERT. Appropriation to, for release of lands —— Chap. 102, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 584 VVAWAYANDA, PATENT OF. Cheescocks boundary, amended — chap. 38, 9th sess.. ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25o WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Acre, how much land to contain — Chap. 13, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 618 Wheat, sixty pounds to the bushel —chap. 58, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726 ‘ VVEISSENFELS, FREDERICK. Certificates to troops of-— chap. 102, 10th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584 Settlement of accounts of—chap. 41, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 430 WEMPLE, ABRAHAM. Grant of lands to —— chap. 67, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34o \VENDELL, DAVID. Pension to —— chap. 17, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 \VESTCHESTER COUNTY. Boundaries of— chap. 63, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 746 Court-houses and gaol, tax for— chap. 59, 9th sess., 316; chap. 60, 11th sess. 728 Courts, terms of -— chap. 30, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Ferries to Queens county —chap. 46, 8th sess., 91 ; chap. 72, 8th sess . . . . . . . . 138 Poor and contingent charges, repealed—chap. 56, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 305 Poor in Cortlandt, Yorktown, Stephentown, Philipsburgh, Greenburgh and Mt.‘ Pleasant— chap. 64, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . 762 Towns in chap. 64, 11th sess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75o WESTCHESTER, TOWN OF. Ferry to Flushing -- chap. 72, 8th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 WESTFIELD, TOWN OF. ' Erected — chap. 18, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I96 WHEAT. _ Standard weight of— chap. 58, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726 WHITEHALL, TOWN OF. _ Erected — chap. 18, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 . INDEX. . 889 WHITE PLAINS. Court-house and gaol to be erected at —— chap. 59, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 WIDOWS. Right of dower— chap. 4, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 347 WILLS. Proving of— chap. 27, 9th sess, 230; chap. 38, 10th sess . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 419 Statute concerning — chap. 47, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 WITNESSES. ' Fees of— chap. 71, 8th sess . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 133 WIVES. Bigamy, to prevent — chap. 24, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635 \VOMEN. Forcible taking of, to prevent —- chap. 23, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 Rape, appeals of, by-- chap. 30, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 WOODS. Suffolk county, firing of— chap. 31, 8th sess. . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 To prevent firing of— chap. 71, 11th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785 WOODSTOCK, TOWVN OF. Erected -— chap. 80, 10th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508 VVRECKS. Act concerningsm chap. 28, 10th sess . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 WRITS OF ASSISE. See ASSISE, WRITS OF; COURTS. WRITS OF RIGHT. Regulating trials upon —~- chap. 7, 9th sess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 VOL. 2. —— 112 .. .,' Ia; an... N; . I. ' . Pm"??? falter ‘‘ v ' u 1.! 51354355, I,‘ )- a‘: r. ‘,1 -, > . . v a, dam: w; i ‘I . ear i, l l‘ A i ‘A ~ , _ "‘ a‘- '1 y? *ré'ifiksaia . ! ‘.7 SK?“ Q \ v1 . .~,, 1', . _ u ,.._ i‘ u ‘ "_{IJ L ‘ if H ,7 . ' ,J‘ if i v ‘ . "'7 ‘i " Jr; 6,“ .. ‘ A“ ,ra-s 1:‘ v‘a 5.: twist-T _ Rwy», r'§o~ amt ._,.' - 19b9, . A" as.» N . 1. a 58‘: mesarabzrxti' - .3751 ‘ mm“, A» m. . ._ .11.,4. ,6 .r ' H». _ ~ . 44...,‘1. , 4w“: , .. at a so 1 i A w “life-:13‘; "a ' .g i .4’ ‘Fit » ‘n4 ‘- . as’, - “"‘v. :4’ ‘ 1. ~i-4glig 3. 1.. x 'l" v - _ .f ‘1 31w 1 .A ~ 1.3 y My», , ‘a, y u» ‘six? than. ._ .. n5 . flux-fly, A x :6: .m. ‘large v 3155. ‘fly/7; .6 ,,. a: ‘fig; . . a. . 1 >‘V$ >-,.Q?-'l 4:4: