¦ NIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES 266892 MARCH 1930 ལ་ ཞི IN IL A STATE FINANCES HJ 11 · 1/72 A 44 Hi ܐ I STATE Lax OF NEW p EXCELSION COMPTROLLER B 450031 YORK DUPL EUGENE M. TRAVIS State Comptroller j. No. 4 PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT ALBANY, NEW YORK Each 7- ادا کر JAMES A. WENDELL, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE Deputy Comptroller WILLIAM BOARDMAN, I ALBANY YORK EUGENE M. TRAVIS, Comptroller Deputy Comptroller, N. Y. City Office CHARLES H. DORN, Secretary I FOREWORD All work performed by State officials is public business. Not only should the citizens have access to the records, but official reports should be so clearly and forcibly presented at frequent intervals as to render them easily understood. To this end, the publication of "State Finances" was undertaken. FRED G. REUSSWIG, Deputy Comptroller WILLIAM J. MAIER, Deputy Comptroller The State Comptroller is the chief financial, and one of the most responsible, officers in State Government. Because his administration peculiarly affects the economic welfare of every citizen, they should be kept informed of all that is being accom- plished that they may feel that they are taking part. Eigene Metravis AUDIT BUREAU In addition to the other duties of this bureau already set forth in a previous issue is the auditing of the purchases made by the institutions, boards, commissions and departments; the supervi- sion and operation of the funds for retired employees and the nraintenance of highways. The auditing of purchases of over 150 departments, boards, commissions and institutions requires much detail work, such as the supervision of hids, contracts, etc., the total purchases aggre- gating about seven million and a half dollars and embracing all DEC of D. 5 1913 ¦ UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES 266892 MARCH 1930 3 character of purchases, from eggs to the materials for construct- ing one of the large institutions of the State. The work of this bureau has saved the State many thousands of dollars during the last few years. COURT AND TRUST FUND BUREAU Probably no duty entrusted to State government carries with it a higher degree of honor or fiduciary relationship than that affecting the management of moneys known as "Court and Trust Funds." These include sums paid into the various courts of record for the benefit and to the credit of infants, widows, orphans, creditors, incompetents and the estates of deceased persons. Be- cause the amounts in most instances represent the sole support of claimants who usually have no voice in their disposition, every principle of equity and justice requires that such entrusted es- tates be amply safeguarded. (The comptroller is required to cause yearly examinations to be made of all these accounts. During May and June examinations were conducted in the counties of Albany, Broome, Livingston, Niagara, Rensselaer, Schenectady, St. Lawrence, Sullivan, Wayne, Westchester, and in those wholly included within the city of New York.) FINANCE BUREAU The Balance Sheet as of July 1, 1917, is presented showing in condensed form the various State funds; this is supported by the following statements: I. Treasury Transactions for the year, p. 12-13. II. General Fund Financial Operations for the year, p. 13-14. III. Statement of State Debt and Sinking Funds, p. 14. IV. Statement of General Fund Appropriations in Force, p. 15. V. Comparative Statistics, p. 16. The fiscal year of the state was changed by chapter 118, Laws 1916 to end June 30 instead of September 30. This report there- fore reflects the transactions of the first full year since the law became effective. As shown in the statement below the actual results have exceeded the estimates made for the year. 1 The actual and estimated financial transactions for General Purposes of Government (i. e., transactions of the General Fund and Canal Maintenance and Repair Fund combined) are con- trasted in the following statement for twelve months of the present and past fiscal years: Revenue receipts for gen- eral purposes: General Fund Direct taxes Indirect taxes Other revenues and receipts. Refund of advances to Canal Fund..... Canal Fund Maintenance, repairs, etc. • Total revenue re- ceipts, etc. Expenditures: General fund Ordinary expenditures, etc... Advances to canal fund. Debt service contribu- tions .. Redemption of revenue bonds and interest.. repairs, Canal Fund — M 4 Excess revenue receipts over expenditures Excess expenditures over revenue receipts TWELVE MONTHS ENDED June 30, 1917 Estimated June 30, 1917 Actual $2,745,383 43 53,440,260 78 5,229,594 99 177,871 84 $2,924,546 41 49,537,500 00 3,966,555 00 10, 548, 309 38 100,000 00 $711,813 20 $61,593,111 04 $56,528,601 41 $56,528,601 41 $75,079,012 29 June 30, 1916 Actual $48,610,418 95 $47,916,966 45 $47,956,537 32 3, 154, 000 00 10, 564, 545 49 $20,031,600 60 47,137,323 21 4,188,512 26 3,654,000 00 67,576 22 *$3,005,400 27 Maintenance etc... 1,722,569 51 1,052,489 74 1,577,657 92 Total expenditures..$60, 881, 297 84 $59, 534,001 68 $71, 215, 883 63 12, 468, 188 39 6,059, 500 00. $3,863,128 66 * Estimates based on appropriations in force July 1, 1916, and accrued direct taxes. عر 肇 Chap. No. 734 751 755 737 738 739 740 744 756 766 Public Works Department, Canandaigua lake, dredging. Public Works Department, Keuka lake, Liberty street bridge.. Schenectady-Scotia bridge 735 780 Repair of dyke across Mohawk, between Cohoes and Green Island 781 Improving Cowasselon creek. 757 758 741 Protective: 736 748 New York Monument Commission, monument to 79th N. Y. S. Volunteers Public lands, assessment for local improvements, city of Cort- land Conservation Commission, Lake George, Preserving shores of 754 islands 759 Conservation Commission, fish hatcheries, Dunkirk, equipment. 767 Conservation Commission, fish hatcheries Chautauqua, 745 794 809 746 APPROPRIATION LAWS SIGNED SINCE JUNE 1, 1917 Constructive: 747 749 5 Highway Department, maintenance and repairs, State and county highways between Albany and New York. Public Works Department, Limestone creek, improvement. Highway Department, bridge across South Bay, South Bay, protecting trestle approaches General: Robert H. Roy, John F. Hylan, expenses defending title as county judge, Kings county. • 742 743 750 752 753 760 761 762 765 Paving East Whitesboro street, Rome. Judicial: Commission on Uniform State Laws. Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Second Department, assist- ant deputy clerks, etc.. Defensive: • National Guard, mobilization, encampment and field exercises. Education Department, protection of Education Building. National Guard, Second Regiment, losses sustained by fire.. Attorney-General, expenses of inquiries concerning public peace, etc. 1 Curative: Compensation certain employees in hospitals (no amount appro- priated). Erie canal bridge, Buffalo. Direct tax Canal: Bridge between Crescent and Rexford. In re route of canal between Tonawanda and Buffalo Reimbursement. St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Rome, for lands Approaches to Erie canal bridge, Yorkville, reappropriation, $16,320.85. Bridge over Black River canal, East Whitesboro street, Rome.. Ellicott creek · • • Charitable: Board of Charities, relief for women nurses. Agricultural: Cornell University, College of Agriculture, game farm. • • · Educational: In re deaf mutes, certain institutions (no amount appropri- ated). Education Department, Deputy Commissioner's office, salaries, regular Supplemental Appropriation Bill. • Regulative: Industrial Commission, Bureau of Employment, Juvenile Place- ment Department Amount $100,000 00 35,000 00 10,000 00 16,500 00 1,000 00 15,000 00 8,000 00 12,000 00 5,000 00 138 95 10,000 00 5,000 00 7,000 00 4,000 00 2,500 00 15,000 00 150,000 00 10,000 00 25,000.00 50,000 00 2,500 00 5,000 00 975 00 15,000 00 55.000 00 30,000 00 13,058,752 65 2,500 00 62,100 06 779,560 35 2,500 00 15,000 00 15.000 00 Chap. No. Saratoga Springs State Reservation Fund: Principal 763 Interest on debt. 764 Sinking funds, interest on debt. 782 Chap. No. 2 13 23 26 33 39 41 46 49 56 69 71 72 84 91 97 99 124 127 128 136 142 168 194 207 211 218 222 236 251 255 261 265 266 286 302 307 315 318 355 NEW LAWS OTHER THAN FINANCIAL 361 384 386 387 · 390 391 409 410 435 458 459 462 468 • • 6 • Legislative: Legislature, Joint Committee to Investigate Public Service Commissions Motor vehicles, registration fees. Lands for public defense. Payment military and naval forces. TRATION OF STATE COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE AFFECTING THE ADMINIS- Canal traffic agent. Employment Daniel McCarthy, Sing Sing, as hazardous. Amending Tax Law, generally. Court of Appeals, clerks to judges, compensation. Taxing lands, Hyde Park and Pougekeepsie for school purposes. Military and disciplinary training. Fees to be collected by Secretary of State. Lands and forests. Commissioners of Land Office, quit claim to Lewiston Heights, Lewistown Road 5590. Apportionment, etc., mortgage tax, secured debt. Stenographers to justices, Fourth Department. Amount $95,000 00 32,360 00 10,102,500 00 Transfer taxes, discount and interest thereon. Court and trust funds, surety company bonds. Payment by counties, portion of cost of highways under repair contracts. Exemption of bonds, State and civil divisions. Attorney-General, temporary stenographer. Highway maintenance, town or village bond. Naval militia. Purchasing committee for departments, boards, etc. Palisades Park Commissioners, jurisdiction. Transfer tax clerk, Onondaga county, salary and expenses. Education Law, agricultural schools. Agricultural Law, State farms and institutions. Leasing New York city buildings to State. Prison Law, representation in board of classification. Training school, Westchester county. Palisades Park Commission, condemnation proceedings, Additional judges, Court of Claims. Amending Highway Law, generally. New York sheriff, poundage and fees. Lands and forests. 28,000 00 Insanity Law, salaries, certain officers and employees. Moneys received by Commission for Blind by gift or bequest. State Comptroller to examine accounts of school authorities. Improvement to State routes. Employment of convicts, State routes. Insanity Law, salaries of agents. County Law, reports of county indebtedness. Lands at Beekman for military purposes. Appointments, Appellate Division, Second Department. Official referees, appointments and compensation, First, Third and Fourth Departments. 481 Tax Law, Transfer tax clerk Queens county. 482 Tax Law, Transfer tax appraiser, Erie and Suffolk counties. Maintenance of convicts on construction work. Leasing of sites for farm and other labor. Census and inventory, military resources. Lien of corporation tax. Salaries, States employees on military duty. Salary of librarian, Buffalo library. Civil Code, Court of Claims and officers. Federal aid, improvement of highways. Finance Law, capital fund, Saratoga Reservation and moneys received by Commission for Blind. 490 Tax Law, License tax, foreign corporations. 493 Tax Law, organization tax on corporations. 497 Commission to ascertain difference in pay to members of National Guard by United States and State. 501 Franchise tax on corporations having shares of capital stock without nominal or par value. Typewriters. Appellate Division, First and Second Departments. 502 506 Amending chapter 205, Laws of 1917, Food Commission. Chap. No. 514 519 526 533 555 565 574 576 595 596 598 635 642 649 652 653 6.54 660 667 689 715 729 730 7 Supreme Court librarian, Newburgh. Replacing motor vehicles now on canals. Tax Law, lien of mortgage and redemption by mortgagee from tax sale. Relief of town of Clifton, St. Lawrence county, assessment on State lands. Repeal, Athletic Commission. Highway Law, powers of certain towns in Adirondack Park to borrow money for highway purposes. Constitutional oath by employees of State, civil divisions and cities. Providing for acceptance by the State of benefits of an act of the United States, for promotion of vocational education. Executive Law, power of Attorney-General to inquire into matters concerning public safety, etc. Finance Law, emergency relief by State institutions during war. Highway Law, acquisition of toll bridges by State. Military Law, compensation of retired officers. 66 Canal Board to convey to New York city rights for rapid transit railroads. General Business Law, cancellation of bonds for license to sell steamship and railroad tickets. Employment of school children in agricultural pursuits. Tax Law, tax on investments and transfers. 700 707 Tax Law, tax on investment companies. 712 Conservation Law, bonds for river improvement, Canaseraga creek. Civil Service Law, system of service records and ratings. United States to acquire lands for maneuver grounds. Agricultural Law, relative to diseases of animals. New Printing Law. Retirement of guards and other employees, prisons and reformatories. Legislative Law, messenger for legislative library. 731 768 773 774 775 792 802 807 New York Patriotic Fund. Deposits by Comptroller of agreed compensation for property appropriated. Civil Code, deposits by Comptroller of money on account of awards for prop- erty taken by the State. Civil Code, court and trust funds. Civil Service Law, retiring veterans and pensioning them. Civil Code, relative to actions for foreclosure of mortgage brought against the people of the State. Civil Code, relative to partition actions brought against the people of the State. Judiciary Law, publication of Session Laws and court reports. Judiciary Law, expenses of investigations to be borne by State. Department Farms and Markets. LAND TAX BUREAU Under this bureau is the computation and disbursement of State Aid" for the repair of town highways. The computation is based upon the valuation per mile of highways in each town. outside of incorporated villages, ascertained by adding to or de- ducting from the assessed valuation the percentage added to or deducted by the State Board of Equalization in equalizing for State purposes, and dividing this amount by the number of miles of highways in the town outside of such villages. Since the first authorization of "State Aid" in 1898, there has been paid to the towns the sum of $17,475,733.09, the amount paid on taxes levied in 1898 being $34,517.73 and on taxes levied in 1915. $1,950,575.85. MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS BUREAU During the months of May and June, the comptroller received reports of examinations of the fiscal affairs of the cities of Little Falls and Plattsburgh and the towns of Fishkill, Pine Plains and Yorktown the villages of Chatham and Wilson. Examinations. were commenced in the city of Amsterdam, the village of Mam- aroneck and the towns of Clinton, Durham, Fayette, Jewett, La Grange, Pleasant Valley and Seneca Falls. Accounting work of a constructive character was performed in Wyoming, Onondaga (where a complete system of accounting is being installed in the auditor's office) and Westchester, in relation to the office of commissioner of charities and correction; and in Canandaigua, Cortland, Dunkirk, IIornell, Little Falls, Lockport, Poughkeepsie and Olean. Examinations are in progress in Amsterdam, Bacon, Glens Falls, Niagara Falls and White Plains, in the village of Mamaroneck, and in the towns of Durham, Fayette and Jewett. 1916 July August September October November December 1917 January February March April▾ May June. • 8 • STOCK TRANSFER TAX BUREAU *STOCK TRANSFER TAX RECEIPTS Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1917 $313,328 96 441,336 64 873,873 24 868,484 60 1,011,983 52 966,515 62 541,181 88 467,839 92 554,100 06 480,994 60 609,103 26 657,769 58 $7,786,511 88 Total for the twelve months. * This revenue is derived from the tax imposing two cents on each hundred dollars on transfers of stock. TRANSFER (INHERITANCE) TAX BUREAU 66 Since July first the transfer of certain investments under the Inheritance or Transfer Tax Law may be liable to an additional tax imposed by a new section to article 10 of the Tax Law enacted by chapter 700 of the Laws of 1917 and reading in part as follows: '§ 221-b. Additional tax on investments in certain cases. Upon every transfer of an investment, as defined in article fifteen of this chapter, taxable under this article, a tax is hereby imposed, in addition to the tax imposed by section two hundred and twenty- one-a, of five per centum of the appraised inventory value of such [ 9 investment, unless the tax on such investment as prescribed by article fifteen of this chapter or the tax on a secured debt as defined by former article fifteen of this chapter shall have been paid on such investment or secured debt and stamps affixed for a period including the date of the death of the decedent or unless the per- sonal representatives of decedent are able to prove that a personal poperty* tax was assessed and paid on such investment or secured debt during the period it was held by decedent; * 22 In the appraisal of estates where the decedent died subsequent to July 1, 1917, it will be necessary for the executor or adminis- trator to present to the appraiser all investments of the character included in the Investment Tax Law which the testator or intes- tate owned at the time of his death or furnish such proof of a compliance or non-compliance of the decedent in his life time, with the requirements of the Investment Tax Law as the appraiser or Comptroller may require in order that the appraiser's report may contain proper and sufficient findings of fact from which this additional tax can be fixed in the taxing order of the surrogate or the investments declared exempt from this section of the Transfer Tax Law. * * MISCELLANEOUS One of the new laws enacted relates to the license tax on foreign corporations which shall not be less than ten dollars. Already the result of this law is apparent as several payments have been received from foreign corporations. This fee is due from every corporation after the first year of carrying on its business in this State. It is computed at the rate of one-eighth of one per centum upon the capital stock employed within this State. During the current year the department has collected a single fee amounting to $15,075.50. Revenues received by the State from indirect sources during the fiscal year ended June 30, showed a gain of $7,344,020.30 over the previous twelve months, according to a statement on page 13. The total amount collected was $58,669,855.77, against $51,325,835.47 for 1916. Increases were shown in all save excise, motor vehicles, mortgage and secured debt tax receipts. These deficits were due principally to local option, division of auto- mobile moneys, war conditions, and the inoperation of the secured debt tax law since January 1. CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET OF THE STATE RESOURCES Revenue required to meet appropriations in force.. Cash (statement I). *General Fund: Canal Fund: • Construction accounts: Investments at par. Cash (statement I) *Cash for (statement I): Appropriations in force. Surplus... Highway Improvement Fund: Construction accounts: Construction. Construction.. Investments (J. R. Shanley Est. Co.)... Cash (statement I). Canal Debt Sinking Funds: Cash (statement I) Highway Debt Sinking Funds: Investments at par. Cash (statement I) + • Trust Funds: • • Saratoga Springs State Reservation Fund: Purchase of land, etc. Cash (statement I). • · State Forest Preserve Fund: Land, etc.. Cash (statement I) Sinking Fund Funds: Investments at par. Cash (statement I)……. Total Resources. • · Palisades Interstate Park Fund: Extensions and improvements. Cash (statement I). Palisades Interstate Park Debt Sinking Cash (statement I) Principal investments at par. Principal cash (statement I). Revenue cash (statement I). 10 + • • *For General Purposes of Government • • · ► D $75,096,843 70 6,825,722 30 $126,384,584 36 411,500 00 22,921,773 43 29,645,272 15 2,958,231 62 388,961 05 33,424 97 $68,610,510 97 11,642,598 82 12,867,315 00 2,598,903 57 $808,986 59 13 41 $4,463,584 30 536,415 70 229,300 00 249,605 99 $2,394 26 2,497,605 74 140,699 81 $8,922,691 33 1,199,795 27 4,600 07 $81,922,566 00 182,743,747 58 95,719,328 36 809,000 00 5,478,905 99 2,640,699 81 10,127,086 67 $379,441,334 41 Canal Fund: †General Fund: Appropriations in force (statement IV). Surplus July 1, 1917 (statement II, p. 14). . OF NEW YORK AS OF JULY 1, 1917 APPROPRIATIONS, LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS $75,096,843 70 6,825,722 30 Funded debt. Miscellaneous receipts on account of con- struction appropriated... Miscellaneous receipts on account of con- struction unappropriated. Highway Improvement Fund: Funded debt. Canal debt sinking funds. Appropriations in force (maintenance, etc.). †Surplus, July 1, 1917 (statement I, p. 12). 11 • Highway debt sinking funds. Miscellaneous receipts on account of con- struction unappropriated. . Saratoga Springs State Reservation Fund: Funded debt. State Forest Preserve Fund: Funded Debt. Sinking Fund. Trust funds.. Palisades Interstate Park Fund: Funded debt.. Palisades Interstate Park Debt Sinking Funds.. · For General Purposes of Government $148,000,660 00 99,240 59 1,617,957 20 32,603,503 77 388,961 05 33,424 97 $80,000,000 00 15,466,218 57 253,109 79 $5,000,000 00 478,995 99 $2,500,000 00 140,699 81 Total appropriations, liabilities and surplus.. $81,922,566 00 182,743,747 58 95,719,328 36 S09,000 00 5,478,905 99 2,640,699 81 10,127,086 67 $379,441,334 41 EUGENE M. TRAVIS, Comptroller. 3 I. TREASURY TRANSACTIONS Summary Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the Various Funds in the State Treasury (Including Transfers Between Funds) for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1917 FUNDS GENERAL FUND Revenue Receipts, Ex- penditures, etc. . . . . . Total General Fund Barge Canal Term- inals. Total. Canal Debt CANAL FUND Construction Accounts Erie, Champlain and Oswego Canals.... $12,881,761 25 $10,516,590 99 Cayuga and Seneca Canals. 689,947 04 178 85 8,367,329 16 4,582 10 $21,939,037 45 $10,521,351 94 ► Sinking Funds Funds for matured debt. Fund No. 2. Fund No. 3. Fund No. 4. Fund No. 5. Fund No. 6. Fund No. 7. Fund No. 8. Fund No. 9. Fund No. 10.. Fund No. 11.. Fund No. 12. Total.. Other cash for · • Maintenance, repairs, etc... Surplus.. Unapportioned in- terest. Total. Total Canal Fund.. HIGHWAY IMPROVE- MENT FUND Construction Account.. · • Highway Debt Sinking Funds Fund No. 1. Fund No. 2 · Fund No. 3 Fund No. 4. Fund No. 5. Fund No. 6. Total. · • T • + Total Highway Im- provement Fund... Saratoga Springs State Reservation Fund.. • Palisades Interstate Park Fund... Palisades Interstate Park Debt Sinking Fund Fund No. 1... Fund No. 2. Total.. Cash balance July 1, 1916 $5,411,264 94 *$5,411, 264 94 • $660 00 146,170 15 395,722 38 641,002 55 168,672 27 397,498 98 180, 105 47 195,101 85 319,624 92 369,821 40 81,845 36 91,823 20 $2,988,048 53 *$1,052,489 74 *72,540 44 $1,125,030 18 $26,052, 116 16 $7,015,678 11 $4,663 09 715,918 53 365,983 56 164,879 92 756,798 33 104,888 44 $2,113,131 87 $9,128,809 98 $93,436 97 12 $52,292 89 $52,292 89 Fiscal year ended June 30, 1917 Expenditures Receipts $61,955,289 22 $61,955, 289 22 $101,809 82 690,918 64 3,433, 153 86 199,212 59 393.980 81 2,000,731 56 268,381 80 387,076 05 500,521 92 1,493,400 18 451,047 12 $9,920,234 35 $1,170,992 98 289,824 00 760,101 69 $2,220,918 67 $22,662,504 96 $10,133,598 87 $119,414 58 1,767,630 66 800,094 43 310,376 18 633,487 77 985,385 66 $4,646,389 28 $14,779,988 15 $2,500,000 00 163,644 22 133,668 88 $2,797,313 10 $60,540,831 86 $60,540,831 86 $6,897,455 08 $16,500,897 16 483,377 63 206,748 27 2,157,783 26 6,214,128 00 $9,538,615 96 $22,921,773 43 $60,000 00 630,000 00 3,228,648 14 313,526 68 731,648 68 1,948,212 70 375,040 73 605,176 77 765,265 34 1,172,532 22 120,000 00 $9,950,051 26 $1,834,521 67 328,939 47 760,101 69 $2,923,562 83 $22,412,230 05 $36,662 24 1,955,009 50 728,567 32 277,005 05 963,373 47 200,000 00 $4,160,617 58 $5,506,678 16 $11,642,598 82 $93,423 56 Cash balance June 30, 1917 $6,825,722 30 *$6,825,722 30 $1,963,584 30 100,000 00 $660 00 187,979 97 456,641 02 845,508 27 54,358 18 59,831 11 232,624 33 88,442 92 101,524 20 105,077 98 402,713 32 422,870 32 $2,958,231 62 $1,063,584 30 $388,961 05 33,424 97 $9,667,295 74 $14,241,502 39 $422,386 02 $26,302,391 07 $87,415 43 528,539 69 437,510 67 228,251 05 426,912 63 890,274 10 $2,598,903 57 $13 41 $536,415 70 115,937 11 133,668 88 $786,021 69 1 FUNDS State Forest Preserve Fund.. State Forest Preserve Debt Sinking Fund No. 1.. Total. Cornell University Fund TRUST FUNDS Common School Fund Principal Revenue. Literature Principal. Revenue.. United States Deposit Fund Principal, Revenue... Military Record Fund TREASURY TRANSACTIONS- Concluded Fiscal year ended June 30, 1917 Expenditures Receipts $2,500,000 00 $2,394 26 • Principal. Revenue.. Public Administrator's Fund... Twenty-year Court and Trust Fund. actions.. · · Total Trust Funds Total Treasury Trans- Cash balance July 1, 1916 $225,613 06 • 1,121 40 4,408 69 287,938 79 540,968 17 $1,186,751 51 GENERAL FUND REVENUE RECEIPTS Direct taxes. 119,080 00 7,621 40 Indirect taxes Excise (liquor tax) Corporations... Organization of corporations Transfers (inheritance tax). Stock transfers (stamp tax) Secured debt... Mortgages. Motor vehicles. Motor cycles. Other revenues and receipts. 13 · 140,699 81 $2,640,699 81 $50,000 00 $41,924,672 45 $106,611,030 35 *The funds available for general purposes of government are: General Fund, cash. Canal Fund, maintenance and repairs, cash. Canal Fund, surplus cash.. Total. $952,238 12 216,772 04 19,666 66 13,525 98 Total General Fund Revenue Receipts... 307,082 03 177,188 70 13,000 00 1,654 01 ? 12.257 38 11,850 21 $1,725,235 11 $12,685,228 22 13,982,723 87 1,217,436 96 13,791,969 65 7,786,511 SS 766,791 28 1,183,409 50 1,989,847 11 36,342 31 5,229,594 99 Total Indirect Revenue Receipts $58,669,855 77 Refund from sale of Canal Fund bonds. $2,394 26 $50,000 00 $890,505 22 216,772 04 $61.415,239 20 5,500 00 12,988 61 361,124 60 177,188 70 2,000 00 9,074 35 32,437 78 $1.707,591 28 $96,537,351 05 Twelve months ended June 30, 1917 $2,745,383 43 July 1, 1916 $5,411,264 94 1,052,489 74 72,540 44 $6,536,295 12 II. General Fund Financial Operations for Twelve Months Ended June 30, 1917 and 1916 June 30, 1916 $20,031.600 60 $12,721,695 52 12,036,365 33 1,054,664 73 9,344.686 91 6,871,155 42 1,065,550 14 1,655,401 66 2,368,545 00 19.258 50 4,188, 512 26 $51,325, 835 47 3,654,000 00 Cash balance June 30, 1917 $2,497,605 74 $75,011,436 07 140,699 81 $2,638,305 55 $287,345 96 21,788 06 537 37 65,037 43 ++++ ||| ++ 14,121 40 4,062 70 291,121 82 520,380 60 $1,204,395 34 $51,998,351 75 June 30, 1917 $6,825,722 30 388.961 05 33,424 97 $7,248,108 32 Increase (+) or Decrease (-) -$17,286,217 17 $36.467 30 1,946,358 54 162, 772 23 4,447,282 74 915,356 46 298,758 89 471.992 16 378,697 89 17,083 81 + 1.041,082 73 + $7,344,020 30 3,654,000 00 $13,596,196 87 II. General Fund Financial Operations for Twelve Months Ended June 30, 1917 and 1916 - 1916 — Concluded Twelve months ended EXPENDITURES Executive.. Administrative. Legislative.. Judicial. Regulative. Educational. Agricultural. Defensive. Penal. Curative. Charitable. • Protective.. Constructive. General.. • Contributions payable to Canal Fund for appropriations. · Total Ordinary Expenditures, etc.... Debt Service Contributions to: Canal Debt Sinking Fund.. Highway Debt Sinking Funds.. Palisades Interstate Park Debt Sink- ing Fund.. SURPLUS Saratoga Springs Reservation bonds and interest. Total Debt Service.. Total General Fund Expenditures.. Balance July 1. Credits.. Transfers from Canal Fund Sur- plus.... Excess Revenue Receipts over Ex- penditures.. Charges Redemption Revenue bonds and in- terest. Surplus June 30. Net Funded Debt. i • • 14 FUNDED DEBT Canal bonds. Highway bonds. Palisades Interstate Park bonds. State Forest Preserve bonds. Saratoga Springs State Reservation bonds Total Funded Debt. • June 30, 1917 $133,876 39 1,559,523 32 2,173,694 78 3,203,428 54 3,420,471 18 9,654,665 63 2,530,760 91 2,768,257 49 1,946,721 85 8,071,319 24 3,773,054 53 1,828,949 74 6,614,806 84 930,888 51 June 30, 1916 $105,962 74 1,984, 872 99 2,699,328 18 2,082,900 62 4,005,978 78 9,471,901 50 2,853,288 17 1,152,629 42 1,772,808 54 7,989,114 11 3,940,048 31 1,770,711 03 7,135,536 76 991,456 17 $48,610,418 95 $47,956,537 32 1,170,992 98 5,442,515 47 · ► $49,781,411 93 $53,399,052 79 $7,097,407 48 3,168,465 64 $5,371,337 30 6,671,551 38 150,880 26 293,208 74 131,556 00 132,090 97 $10,548,309 38 $12,468,188 39 $60,329,721 31 $65,867,241 18 Less Sinking Funds (For accruing interest and redemptions) Canal Debt Sinking Funds.. Highway Debt Sinking Funds. Palisades Interstate Park Debt Sinking Funds. Forest Preserve Debt Sinking Fund. Total Sinking Funds. $5,411,264 94 $2,224,872 32 328,939 47 1,085,517 89 $6,825,722 30 $11,470,764 94 6,059,500 00 - $6,852,722 30 - $5,411, 264 94 June 30, 1917 $148,000,660 00 80,000,000 00 5,000,000 00 2,500,000 00 809,000 00 $236,309,660 00 $27,913 65 425,349 67 525,633 40 + 1,121,527 92 585,507 60 182,764 13 322,527 26 1,615,628 07 173,913 31 82,205 13 167,993 78 58,238 71 520,729 92 60,567 66 $653,881 63 4,271,522 49 +1+++1+1+ $32,603,503 77 15,466,218 57 478,905 99 140,699 81 $48,689,328 14 $187,620, 331 86 + 101,697 73 + 9,144,194 89 III. Statement of State Debt and Sinking Funds as of June 30, 1917 and June 30, 1916 Increase (+) or Decrease (---) + $1,726,070 18 3,503,085 74 142,328 48 534 97 $1,919,879 01 $5,537,519 87 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ P 3,617,640 86 + $3,186,392 62 227,241 74 8,058,677 00 $4,645,042 64 6,059,500 00 + $1,414,457 36 June 30, 1916 $138,000,660 00 70,000,000 00 2,500,000 00 904,000 00 $211,404, 660 00 $29, 560, 536 10 13,932,796 87 281,592 89 $43,774,925 86 $167,629,734 14 STANDARD CLASSIFICATIONS Executive. Administrative. Legislative. Judicial Regulative. Educational Agricultural. Defensive. IV. Statement of General Fund Appropriations in Force, Showing Unexpended Balances at July Add Deduct 1917 appropriations Penal Curative. Charitable Protective Constructive General Contributions payable: Canal Fund for appropriations. Total Ordinary Debt Service Contributions to: Canal Debt Sinking Funds Highway Debt Sinking Funds. Palisades Interstate Park Debt Sinking Funds. State Forest Preserve Debt Sinking Fund. Saratoga Springs State Reservation bonds and interest. Total Debt Service. Total General Fund. Unexpended Balances July 1, 1916 $124,010 10 1,583,039 60 1,223,006 24 2,096,759 10 4,583,517 43 10,472,780 95 2,401,448 16 2,781,911 69 2,700,624 92 9,226, 144 35 4,540, 193 49 2,240,272 58 1,866,029 46 982,715 08 $46,822,453 15 1,094,513 30 $47,916,9€6 45 $7,097,407 48 3,168,465 64 150,880 26 147,792 11 $10,564, 545 49 $58,481,511 94 Lapses revived Immediate $25,551 41 292,103 41 1,465,084 06 1,504,431 47 989,733 21 492,047 72 1,035,073 95 6,448,605 00 432,635 09 2,150,453 43 1,085,805 93 1,442, 145 36 7,157,066 79 154,432 95 $128,255 07 $24,675,169 78 $24,675,169 78 $38,809,803 59 646,954 68 1,442,447 00 $128,255 07 $25, 322, 124 46 $40, 252, 250 59 $375 00 1,203 61 63,955 46 189 81 6,557 39 43,247 72 29 14 7,591 56 4,778 38 327 00 $128,255 07 Available July 1, 1917 $111,650 00 1,577,715 33 1,264,050 00 1,865,517 59 3,842,020 00 9,529,584 00 1,968, 145 30 1,713,908 72 1,965,325 62 8,307,232 45 3,380,206 73 1,675,794 85 576,653 00 1,032,000 00 87,714,337 22 4,924,842 55 276,531 18 125,388 21 127,360 00 $13, 168, 459 16 $38,490,583 62 $40, 252, 250 59 Expenditures to June 30, 1917 $7,097,407 48 3,168,465 64 150,880 26 $133,876 39 1,559,523 32 2,173,694 78 3,203,428 54 3,420,471 18 9,654,665 63 2,530,760 91 2,768,257 49 1,946,721 85 8,071,319 24 3,773,054 53 1,828,949 74 6,614,806 84 95,883 34 81,193 20 613,814 97 233,503 67 $123,452 1,841,382 60 1,696,732 10 2,185,293 29 5,796,311 28 10,689,404 05 2,837,379 06 8,080, 284 58 3,077,227 97 11,041,943 74 4,999,677 09 3,456,284 45 2,909,095 23 1,180,994 70 80,570 16 80,625 56 57,591 82 930,888 51 $48,610,418 95 $1,909,800 10 $59,915,462 54 1,170,992 98 2,012,922 00 $49,781,411 93 $1,909,800 10 $61,928,384 54 131,556 00 $10,548, 309 38 $60, 329, 721 31 Lapses $3,882 72 51,952 42 81,713 42 78,361 33 199,691 79 214,298 45 36,717 25 ► .. bar July 1 $16,236 11 $16,236 11 $1,926,036 21 $7,714,337 22 4,924,842 55 276,531 18 125,388 21 127,360 00 $13, 168, 459 16 $75,096,843 70 15 3 9015 06925 5647 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN A YEAR 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888. 1889 1890. 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914. 1915 + • 16 1917 V. COMPARATIVE STATISTICS, STATE OF NEW YORK, OCTOBER 1, 1880, TO JUNE 30, 1917 Treasury transactions for general purposes of government • D ► U U *State population 5,174,369 5,265,867 5,357,365 5,448,863 5,540,362 5,631,860 5,723,358 • 5,814,856 5,906,354 5,997,853 6,255,598 6,513,343 6,607,787 6,702,231 6,796,675 6,891,119 6,985,563 7,080,007 7,174,451 7,268,894 7,428,577 7,588,260 7,747,943 7,907,626 8,067,308 8,276,570 8,485,831 8,695,092 8,904,353 9,113,614 9,228,440 9,343,266 9,458,092 9,572,918 9,687,744 10,273,375 Assessed value of real and personal property $2,681, 257,606 2,783,682,567 2,872,257,325 3,014,591,372 3,094,731,457 3,224,682, 343 3,361,128,177 3,469, 199, 945 3,567,429,757 3,683,653,062 3,779,393,746 3,931,741,499 4,038,058,949 4,199,882,058 4,292,082, 167 4,368,712,903 4,506,985, 694 4,898,611,019 5,076,396,824 5,461,302,752 5,686,921,678 5,754,400, 382 5,854,500,121 7,446.476, 127 7,738, 165, 640 8,015,090, 722 8,565,279,394 9,173,566, 245 9,666, 118, 681 9,821,620,552 10,121, 27',458 11,022, 985, 914 11,128,498.055 11,385, 137, 127 12,070,420,887 11,790,628, 803 12,091,437, €43 Totals Cash Balance October 1, 1880. Trust funds transferred from General Fund 1910. Cash Balance June 30, 1917 Direct State tax rate † (mills) 2.25 2.45 3.25 2.575 2.96 2.95 2.70 2.62 3.52 2.34 1.375 1.98 2.58 2.18 3.24 2.69 2.67 2.08 2.49 1.96 1.20 .13 .13 .13 .154 None None None None None .60 1.00 .5805 None 1.70 None 1.08 · Direct State taxes levied $6,032,829 61 6,820,022 29 9,334,836 31 7,762,572 78 9,160,405 11 9,512,812 91 9,075,046 08 9,089,303 86 12,557,352 74 8,619,748 17 5,196,666 40 7,784,848 16 10,418,192 08 9,155,742 88 13,906,346 23 11,751,837 71 12,033,651 80 10, 189, 110 93 12,640,228 09 10,704, 153 39 6,824,306 01 748,072 05 761,085 02 968,041 90 1,191,677 51 U • · · · 6,072,766 48 11,022,985 91 6,460,093 12 20,519,715 51 13,058,752 65 $259,373,203 69 Funded State debt (gross) $9,109,054 87 9,109,054 87 8,473,854 87 8,461,854 87 9,461,854 87 9,327,204 87 7,567,004 87 6,965,354 87 6,774,854 87 4,954,304 87 2,927,654 87 763, 160 00 660 00 660 00 660 00 2,320,660 00 5,765,660 00 9,340,660 00 10, 185, 660.00 10,130,660 00 10,075,660 00 9,920,660 00 9,665,660 00 9,410,660 00 11,155,660 00 10,630,660 00 17,290,660 00 26,230,660 00 41,230,660 00 57,230,660 00 79,730,660 00 109,702,660 00 135, 355, 660 00 159,260,660 00 186,400,660 00 211,404,660 00 236, 309,660 00 * Periods between Federal Census and State Enumerations estimated. † A one mill tax is equal to $1.00 tax on each $1,000 of real and personal property, the above rates therefore she y for ear the tax on each $1,00 of valuation.g Receipts } $12,468,522 33 9,503,255 57 10,064,675 22 11,974,624 28 11.416,472 68 12,912, 109 21 13,261,660 07 13,585, 113 40 12,687,410 54 14,460,586 37 14,836,028 02 10,364,427 56 13,842, 181 27 15,131,290 37 17,211,858 20 24,786, 181 54 22,387,587 29 23, 183, 541 32 22,717,694 96 28,072,441 06 26,455,869 72 23,149,609 26 23,516,080 02 24,981,651 16 25,286,916 86 34,059,518 54 35,032,053 87 33,996,769 90 31,567, 185 51 37,905,876 73 36,138,376 06 50,492,863 56 55,521,777 76 50,907,945 40 42, 141, 009 68 61,437,404 35 61,593,111 04 1960 Expenditures $10,682, 386 01 10,198,222 16 10,254.333 73 11,168,954 79 12,196,939 79 11,509,585 94 11,988,408 07 13,533,366 40 13,327,862 99 13, 152,610 26 13,837,616 33 14,018,830 67 15, 115, 836 39 16,192,049 13 17,550,012 81 21,422, 352 33 21,384, 294 58 24,839,031 79 22,061,592 93 25,152,296 65 23,395,030 08 23,260,249 19 23, 240, 381 04 25,938,464 87 27,359,485 90 27,424, 363 08 32,619,734 94 34,318,052 13 39,237,426 69 38,332,015 66 38, 119, 377 16 44,858,059 07 50,011,422 53 53,828,583 62 57,342,600 39 52,725,240 14 60,881,297 84 $969,051,680 68 $962,478,368 08 1,082,053 34 407,257 62 7,248,108 32 Excess receipts over expenditures or decrease (---) $1,786,136 32 1881 1882 694,966 59 -189,658 51 805,669 49.. -780,467 11 1,402,523 27 1,273,252 00 51,747 00 —640,452 45 1,307,976 11 998,411 69 -3,654,403 11 1,273,655 12 1,060,758 76 -338, 154 61 3,363,829 21 1,003,292 71 -1,655, 490 47 Year $970, 133, 734 02 $970,133,734 02 + The year 1916 is for nine months owing to the fiscal year by Chapter 118, Laws 1916, from September 30 to Jung 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1900 1901 656, 102 03 1899 2,920, 144 41 3,060,839 64 110,639 93 275,698 98 -956,813 71 -2,072,569 04 6,635, 155 46 2,412,318 93 -321,282 23 7,670, 241 18 1 426, 138 93 -1,981,001 10 5,634,804 49 5,510,355 23 -2,920, 638 22 -15, 201,590 71 8,712, 164 21 711, ,81 $6,573 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 16 T