MATHEMA THE SCIENCE JAMES BYRNE SHAW, D. Sc. Presented to Faculty of Purdue University as part requirement for the Doctor's Degree. * - HENDERSON & DEPEw, - JACKSON VILLE, IL [... 1895. - . MATHEMATICS THE SCIENCE ALGORITHMS JAMES BYRNIE SHAW, D. Sc. Presented to Faculty of Purdue University as part requirement for the Doctor’s Degree. HENDERSON & DEPEW, JACKSON WILLE, ILL. 1895. ** j < */ PREFACE. The fundamental ideas of this paper are given in one of the Sen- tences quoted from Professor Benjamin Peirce: “In every form of material manifestation, there is a corresponding form of human thought;” and in the statement of Professor Felix Klein (Inaugural Address, Bulletin N. Y. Math. Soc., III, p. 2); “Proceeding from the idea of groups, we learn more and more to coordinate and connect different mathematical sciences.” That these are both true is evidenced by the bistory of mathe- matics, pure and applied, for the last twenty years. From the thought- side then, the thing to be studied is the group. To do this successfully it seemed necessary to investigate the very principles and processes themselves of Mathematics, and to trace the subtlest threads of connectiou between its members. In the course of this analysis of the structure of Mathematics it transpired that the prim- ary thing of importance was anterior even to “groups.” This paper is an attempt to bringto light these anterior elements of structure. It appears thus that the “associative” law is one of a great many such laws. Thus the whole field of “associative” groups and algebras is multiplied into many fields. Again, “commutative” is found to be one of four cases. It may be added, no example being given in the paper, that from the statement of any one of these laws to which a set of symbols may be subject, may be deduced all the general theorems of such sets of symbols. It is expected to develop in much greater detail the matter here set forth, and to push much farther the general development. It is hoped that all branches of Mathématics in their structure, function, and use, may be properly placed by means of this work, and the missing members pointed out. In this way a rational philosophy of the existence of this “Queen of all the Sciences” may be at last developed.