BUHR :in B a 39015 00014 506 36 SIQUARIS-PENINSULAM.AMCNAM CIRCUMSPICE W.UI.W.O.O.V.S. i ! 1 1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARY 1 1 ! i 1 1 1837 SCIENTIA ARTES VERITAS OF THE StuntGUD TÇEBOR ::: *** MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS MeGraw-Hill Book Cane PUBLISHERS OF BOOKS BOOKS FOR Coal Age Electric Railway Journal Electrical World Engineering News-Record American Machinist Ingeniería Internacional Engineering & Mining Journal 5 Power Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering Electrical Merchandising MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS BY 'W. MYRON DAVY AND C. MASON FARNHAM FIRST EDITION MCGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC. NEW YORK: 239 WEST 39TH STREET LONDON: 6 & 8 BOUVERIE ST., E. C. 4 1920 COPYRIGHT, 1920, BY THE McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC. THE DIAPLE PRESS YORK PA INTRODUCTION The use of the reflecting microscope as a means of determining the identity, relationship, and significance of opaque minerals in ore deposits has been steadily increasing since William Campbell, 1 in 1906, first applied the methods then used by metallographers in the study of metals, to the examination of opaque minerals. Nearly a century ago Berzelius published the results of polishing a specimen of pyrrhotite and suggested the possibilities of exam- ining opaque minerals in this way, but no practical methods resulted from his observations at that time. Even after Camp- bell's paper, mining and geological literature did not reflect any great interest in the subject until six or seven years had passed, when some admirable papers described the studies on particular types of ores. About this time the laboratories of mining geology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard Univer- sity, and Leland Stanford University, as well as a few other in- vestigators, were carrying on extensive researches in this field of study. In 1916, Dr. Joseph Murdoch? published the results of numerous microchemical tests, arranging them in a determinative table which was by far the most complete work on identification of minerals under the metallographical microscope, and his book deserves the credit for much valuable pioneer work. Several years have now passed and new ideas have originated as the result of further study along this line. Work carried on steadily in the laboratories at the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology on a wide range of ores, and at Harvard University on the original collection of minerals that formed the basis of Dr. Murdoch's book, justifies the following conclusions: 1. Fine distinctions in color value between the many so-called white minerals cannot be depended upon as a safe property on which to base the major classifications in making identity deter- minations. It has been found that hardly any two persons can 1 CAMPBELL, W. "The Microscopic Examination of Opaque Minerals." Economic Geology, Vol. 1, 1906, p. 751. 2. MURDOCH, J. “Microscopical Determination of the Opaque Minerals.” Preface by L. C. GRATON, John Wiley & Sons. 1916. V vi INTRODUCTION agree in the application of such terms as bluish white, pinkish white, creamy white, purplish white, etc. However, if two microscopes and a comparison eyepiece are used, or if a standard mineral can be mounted adjacent to the unknown, most observers will agree in pronouncing the unknown to be lighter, darker, or the same as the stardard; but at best this method is awkward, especially when the unknown mineral does not occur on the edge of the section. Some minerals change color after polish- ing, the kind of light used effects the colors seen, and a few cases have been observed where two freshly polished specimens of the same mineral differed so greatly in color as to fall into widely separated groups. The observed color of a mineral may be greatly influenced by the colors of other minerals in the field, for example, chalcopyrite is yellow when seen alone, but if seen adjacent to native copper it will appear to be a decided olive green. For these reasons the scheme of identification used in this book is independent of color distinctions which are only used in conjunction with many other properties as an ultimate means of separating the different minerals that fall into a final group. 2. Detailed descriptions of the way in which microchemical reactions proceed are in many cases valueless because of the fact that two specimens of the same mineral seldom yield exactly identical results. In nearly every case, however, they will check as far as reacting positively or negatively with a reagent is con- cerned, which is all that is needed for identification. Moreover, it has been found that slight differences in the character of the mineral surface, slight differences in the concentrations of the reagents, and sometimes even the crystallographic orientation of the polished section have an important influence upon the reactions. 3. The number of reagents which can be used advantageously throughout a determinative scheme is limited to four or five. Many others have been tried, but their application is very limited and as time goes on the tendency is more and more toward simplification. In this work no attempt is made to list all tests known to date, but only those supplementary ones are included which may be valuable in differentiating between two or more minerals falling in one final group. As emphasized in the fol- lowing paragraph, in most cases an easily applied blowpipe test is convenient and adds far more confidence to the determination. 4. As in the early application of new developments in all lines, INTRODUCTION vii mineragraphy has been pushed beyond its natural limitations in displacing other determinative methods and now a slight reaction is setting in. This art gives us our most useful means for ex- amining into the genesis of ore deposits, and is in itself a very valuable method of mineral determination; in certain cases, the best known method. But in the determination of the minerals in an average polished section of ore it is a handicap to restrict the examination to mineragraphic tests alone. One of a group of possible minerals can usually be run down quickly and confi- dently by gouging out from the edge of the section a small piece seen to contain the unknown, and treating it on charcoal before the blowpipe, or heating it in the open or closed tube, etc. The objection has been raised that the unknown cannot be cleanly separated, but very often all the other minerals are known and the reactions yielded by them can usually be discounted. There is never any need to run through a blowpipe analysis as the micro- chemical reactions narrow the possibilities down to a few min- erals, and one or two tests suffice. Consequently it has been found exceedingly helpful to include the characteristic blowpipe reactions for each mineral along with its other properties in the tables. The foregoing considerations have largely influenced the ar- rangement of the tables and the choice of the material to be included in them. The microchemical reactions listed are from various sources. The authors have independently studied one hundred and forty- three mineral species, thus covering all except a few of the rarest varieties; and as most of these species are also listed in Dr. Mur- doch's book, it is believed that this triple check results in the accurate determination of the reactions. Fourteen minerals not previously described in mineragraphy have been tested and included in this work. A few very rare and doubtful species and some mixtures described by Murdoch have been omitted as it is felt that their presence in the tables complicates and adds little of practical value for the average The impression must not be gathered, however, that the so-called rare minerals are unimportant for, although only the more common minerals are encountered in nine out of ten ores examined, it is of great importance to recognize the rarer ones when they do occur. Furthermore, these uncommon minerals are sometimes found in small quantities or as fine intergrowths user. viii INTRODUCTION and their presence is never suspected until examined micro- scopically with vertical illumination; consequently they become less rare and take on a greater importance in mineragraphic study than has been the case with former mineralogical methods. Mineragraphy is used throughout the book to designate the art of polishing, identifying, and examining the ore minerals under the metallographic microscope. Minera is late Latin meaning ore and graphy has been borrowed from the well esta- blished metallography. Whitehead' first used this name in print, and although mineragraphy as a word is not altogether pleasing, a name is much needed and it is here used with the hope that something better will be suggested. It is believed that an infallible determinative table has never been devised on any subject, and the task is even more difficult in this case where the available material is at best new and little- tried. The beginner, of course, must acquire familiarity with both the tables and the general appearance under the micro- scope of the more common minerals, and even the experienced mineralogist must serve a short apprenticeship in order to obtain good results. In preparing this book it was felt that a text was needed which could be used by both the profession and the student of mining and geology. Communications addressed to the laboratories of economic geology of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology indicate that the study of ore minerals in reflected light is to be introduced into the curriculum of several more of the country's larger institutions, and that a statement of the latest practice was desired. It is hoped that this rather brief review of the subject will serve such a practical purpose until such time as the combined experience and dis- coveries of many workers greatly increase our present knowledge along this line. The authors wish to express their appreciation to Professor Waldemar Lindgren whose able and patient guidance has made the book possible, and to Professor L. C. Graton whose keen interest in this work has ever been a helpful inspiration. 1 WHITEHEAD, W. L. “Notes on the Technique of Mineragraphy.” Economic Geology, Vol. xii, No. 8, 1917, p. 697. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE V INTRODUCTION. Previous work-Color an unreliable determinative factor-Lack of consistency in reactions--Advantages of employing few reagents in the tables-Necessity for utilizing all determinative means- Range of material examined-Definition of mineragraphy Acknowledgments. CHAPTER I 1 TECHNIQUE OF POLISHING AND EXAMINING THE SPECIMEN. Necessity for specialized polishing methods—Grinding-Polishing -Field preparation of a specimen by hand-Examination of the specimen-Microscope used-Optical principle involved-Con- struction and use of finder—Method of applying tests Electrical conductivity of minerals-Electropotential of minerals—Concen- tration of reagents. CHAPTER II 12 PHOTOMICROGRAPHY OF POLISHED SECTIONS. Equipment–Need for color filters-Methods of determining proper exposure-Exposure curves-Developing and printing. CHAPTER III 20 USE OF THE DETERMINATIVE TABLES.. Procedure in making determinations-Abbreviations used in tables - Outline of the tables-Determinative tables. CHAPTER IV . SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS... 120 Tabular arrangement of the minerals according to: Color of surface; Color of internal reflection; Color of powder; Electrical conduc- tivity; Electro-potential—Tests for the elements with minerals arranged according to elements-Mirochemical qualitative re- actions-Standard fusibilities--Heating on charcoal-Sublimates in the closed tube-Sublimates in the open tube-Bead colors with borax and salt of phosphorous. INDEX. .. 151 ix MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS CHAPTER I TECHNIQUE OF POLISHING AND EXAMINING THE SPECIMEN Preparation of the Specimen The successful determination of the identity of minerals with the reflecting microscope depends primarily upon having all minerals in the section properly polished with little relief, free from scratches, pits, and vugs; and without having changed the chemical character of delicate sulphides during the grinding process. It has been observed, for example, that chalcopyrite if ground under pressure on a rapidly revolving dry lap will develop bornite and chalcocite; and that pyrite when treated likewise will develop limonite. In 1917 W. L. Whitehead1 pointed out the fact that minera- graphic sections require grinding and polishing treatment funda- mentally different from that of metals for metallographic study. A metal specimen is usually one of uniform hardness and possesses far more ductility and toughness than an ore section which often consists of several minerals of widely differing hardness and of more or less brittleness. Pyrite, a mineral harder than almost any metal, is so universally present in ores that it often must be polished in the same section with a mineral so soft as to be scratched by the finger nail. When purely metallographic methods are used in polishing ores this difference in hardness presents formidable difficulties to good work. The soft broad- cloth surface of the wheel swells outward and rapidly wears down the soft minerals, developing a relief so pronounced that it is 1 WHITEHEAD, W. L. “Notes on the Technique of Mineragraphy." Economic Geology, Vol. xii, No. 8, 1917, p. 697. 1 2 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS impossible to focus upon two adjacent soft and hard minerals, especially at high magnifications. In the laboratory, specimens are usually desired for two dis- tinct purposes; first, for visual examination and second, for photomicrographs. Comparatively little effort is required in polishing sections for the former purpose, and while a badly scratched and pitted surface should never be tolerated, very fine and shallow scratches do not interfere with visual study at any magnification. However, these comparatively minute scratches and pits make photography difficult, and they require exhaustive and careful polishing for their elimination. The following procedure is in use at the Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology and with minor variations can easily be adapted to any grinding and polishing equipment. First, a portion of the specimen is chosen which appears to represent all the important features present, an area of a square inch or less usually being sufficient. This may be carefully chipped or cut off with a diamond saw. The latter method is by far the best when such equipment is available, as it rapidly yields an approxi- mately plane surface at any desired orientation and the opposite face of the cut can be made into a thin section if required. The saw used is 10 inches in diameter and is driven at 1600 R.P.M. Any large inequalities in the surface chosen should be re- moved by grinding wet upon a steel lap wheel with 150 emery or alundum. A 10-inch horizontal wheel revolving at about 200 or 225 R.P.M. is used. After thorough washing of the hands and specimen the grinding is continued on an 8-inch horizontal glass wheel driven at 1800 R.P.M. and using the finest optical alundum (manufactured by Norton & Co., Worcester, Mass.) mixed to a very thin slime with water. This is perhaps the most important stage in the preparation. Considerable pressure may be exerted at first to quickly remove the scratches caused by the coarse abrasive; then grinding should be continued with light pressure until the surface is free of all except very fine scratches and pits. More than a minute or two is seldom re- quired at this stage, but when needed more time should be taken, as a minute spent here saves ten minutes later. The true grinding part of the operation is completed and from now on the purpose of the work is to obtain a final polish. The same preparation of finest optical alundum is next used on a high speed 8-inch wheel covered with tightly stretched coarse linen POLISHING AND EXAMINING THE SPECIMEN 3 (about 15 threads per cm.). This wheel is horizontal and is driven at 1800 R.P.M. The specimen should be lightly held and constantly turned for 30 to 60 seconds, finishing up with about 30 seconds polishing without applying fresh alundum. The abrasive breaks down and developes a fine polish as seen by the naked eye. This polish is improved by holding lightly for 30 or 60 seconds on a similar wheel covered with fine linen (30 threads to the cm.) using a slime of rouge and water. This wheel is an 8-inch hori- zontal lap wheel driven at 1000 R.P.M. After thorough wash- ing and drying the final surface is obtained on a wheel similar to the preceding, but covered with tightly stretched calf skin. A split calf skin with the grease removed and finished with a very short nap on the flesh side is used. Care should be taken here to prevent overheating with consequent altering of the sulphides and burning of the leather. With a little practice 10 minutes will suffice for the entire process of cutting and polish- ing a surface comparatively free from scratches and trouble- some relief, which can be satisfactorily studied even under the highest magnifications. Out of a number of specimens studied from one deposit, two or three will usually be chosen for photographing, and these should receive additional preparation to eliminate the very fine scratches which cannot be avoided with the foregoing procedure alone. Chromic oxide has been found to yield the best results of all materials tried to date. Its use is introduced between the second optical alundum and the rouge wheels. The finest com- mercial chrome oxide is levigated to remove any coarse material and is used on a coarse linen wheel revolving at 1800 R.P.M. or faster. Careful treatment here eliminates the fine scratches pro- duced by the optical alundum. The specimen, as before, is finished on the rouge wheel. In discussing a method of polishing ore specimens no fixed rule can be formulated and the more work that is done the more evi- dent it becomes that each type of ore requires specialized treat- ment to obtain the best surface for photography. On the other hand, as previously stated, only a small portion of the specimens studied need be so prepared and the standardized and rapid method first described produces excellent results when only visual studies are to be made. The quality of the illustrations in many of the recent papers 4 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS on mineragraphic study proves that some of the laboratories have highly developed polishing methods and criticisms and sug- gestions from them should advance our knowledge of the subject. FIELD PREPARATION OF A SPECIMEN BY HAND The engineer studying or developing a prospect, or the geol- ogist in the field usually lacks the necessary equipment as above described, yet it is often important and helpful to clear up certain points without waiting until the apparatus is available. In this case fairly satisfactory results can be obtained by hand with a supply of coarse and fine emery or alundum, rouge and leather. They should all be used on surfaces similar to those described under mechanical polishing methods. So valuable does this line of investigation promise to become for the examining engineer and geologist and so inexpensive is the microscopic equipment necessary that a supply of the requisite materials should be a part of every field outfit. EXAMINATION OF THE SPECIMEN A good microscope in common use is the Sauveur and Boyleston metallographic microscope manufactured by the Bausch and Lomb Optical Company, and illustrated in Fig. 1. It is very convenient for examination in daylight and with moderate mag- nifications. The objectives usually used are of the short mounted type and are of 16 millimeters and 4 millimeters focal length. Many types of microscopes, however, can be fitted with a vertical illuminating prism and be used for ordinary mineragraphic pur- poses. The simple optical principle involved is illustrated in Fig. 1. Light enters at and is reflected vertically downward by the prism, strikes the polished surface, and is reflected vertically upward. A thin plane glass illuminator is used in place of the prism at higher magnifications and with artificial illumination, as it gives a sharper image. The plane glass reflector, however, is unsuited for use with daylight as it does not give sufficient intensity. Recently a silvered reflector to replace the prism has been placed on the market and has proved satisfactory with all kinds of light. A devise that gives the location of any particular feature in a polished section, and enables this feature to be brought again immediately into the field of the microscope, may be POLISHING AND EXAMINING THE SPECIMEN 5 easily constructed in a few minutes. (See Fig. 2.) A piece of metric cross-section paper ruled to millimeters is sealed between 00 Capillary Pipette- -Reflection Prism + Path of Light Polished Surface illos HNO3 CONC 0. Section Mounting Screw.Cup Bell-Top Bottle FIG. 1. two thin pieces of glass which are about four and one-half centi- meters long and two and one-half centimeters wide. (Glass slides used in mounting thin sections may be used.) To the under 0 10 20 30 40 D 10 20 Finder Polished Section FIG. 2. side, two narrow strips of wood are glued to two adjacent edges so that their intersection will form a perfect right-angled corner. The cross-section lines should be considered coördinate lines and 6 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS the point directly above the intersection of the wooden strips be considered the 0-0 coördinate. It is necessary that two sides of the polished section be ground so as to form a right-angled corner. This rough grinding requires only a few minutes additional work on the section, and the edges thus produced allow all minerals at the edges to be compared directly with standard minerals. In subsequent polishing, these sharp edges will not injure the polishing cloth, provided the corner is pointed in the direc- tion of revolution of the lap. When any feature in a polished section is to be located; the procedure is as follows: (1) raise the objective about a centimeter and gently place the finder upon the polished section, carefully fitting the corner of the sec- tion into the corner formed by the wooden strips on the finder; (2) focus upon the glass surface of the finder, using the 16-mm. objective, and place a minute drop of ink with a fountain pen in the center of the field; and (3) remove the finder and read directly the location as x millimeters to the right of, and y millimeters down from the coördinate 0-0. Relocation is made in reverse order. This method has been used on a large number of sections, and though rather crude, has been found to be simple and effect- ive, and almost indispensable with the highest magnifications. The specimen is mounted by being pressed into a lump of modelling clay on a glass slide or similar surface. The polished surface must be perpendicular to the axis of the microscope and probably the most convenient method of leveling it accurately is by means of a screw bottom cup also illustrated in Fig. 1. A piece of 2-inch pipe about 2 inches long is threaded on the inner side and fitted with a threaded plug bottom. The slide with the specimen pushed approximately level into the clay is placed in- verted across the top of the cup. By adjusting the bottom the slide is made to just clear the rim and it is then pushed firmly down. The surface of the specimen is now parallel to the slide which will rest upon the stage and consequently will be perpen- dicular to the axis of the microscope. For preliminary study and when applying reagents the 16 millimeter (low power) objective is always used. Focus upon the surface to be examined and adjust the vertical illuminator until the surface appears brightest. The opaque minerals will appear white or colored, while the transparent gangue minerals will be black or very dark gray. Tests for hardness, sectility, color of powder, chemical behavior, etc., may now be applied. POLISHING AND EXAMINING THE SPECIMEN 7 } A fine sharp needle mounted in a small handle five or six inches long will serve to test for hardness or similar properties. The user should accustom himself to always holding it in about the same manner when testing for hardness in order to correctly com- pare results. Those minerals that scratch easily without pres- sure or with very light pressure are classified as of low hardness; those which scratch very slightly with light pressure or easily with heavy pressure are classified as of medium hardness; and those minerals which scratch very slightly or not at all with heavy pres- sure are classified as of high hardness. The opaque minerals range through a uniform gradation from the softest, to the hardest, but after a short time it is not difficult to classify most of them readily. When a mineral is on the border line between two degrees of hardness it is usually found in both positions in the tables. Sectility or brittleness determination is another convenient test which is sometimes of value. When testing for this property the needle is pushed across the mineral surface with a rotary motion; when the mineral is brittle the powder formed, if any, usually flies away from the edge of the scratch; if the mineral is sectile, little or no powder is formed and the needle penetrates more or less as in cheese. When a heavy scratch is made by pushing the needle point across the mineral surface the color of the raised edge of the fur- row or of the powder formed is very characteristic in the case of certain minerals and this property is an important aid in identifi- cation in these cases. See Table 9, page 122. The microchemical tests are by far the most important in identifying the minerals and should consequently be ap- plied with care and uniformity. The reagents are conven- iently applied to the polished surface by the use of a pipette with a fine capillary opening fitted with a small rubber bulb. With such a fine pipette a very small drop of the reagent can be applied exactly where desired and great nicety of manipulation is easily possible. It has been found desirable to use a bell top bottle in which the pipette fits as a ground glass stopper, as the microscope is thus guarded from the acid fumes. A method of applying the reagents described by E. S. Bastin' has been found convenient in some cases, especially with the weaker reagents. In this method a small strip of blotting paper tapered at one end is used 1 Economic Geology, Vol. xi, No. 7, 1916, p. 691. 8 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS for touching the surface with the reagent and another clean strip is used for removing it to stop the reaction when desired. The tests should be watched under the microscope at all stages and the following points observed: (1) Is any effervescence pro- duced? (2) Does the surface change color? (3) Is there any structure developed (cracks or cleavage, etc., made more promi- nent)? (4) Do the fumes of the reagent affect the mineral sur- face beyond the edges of the liquid ? After the reaction has proceeded for ten seconds or up to a minute, depending upon rate of attack, the specimen may be removed from the stage and washed by directing a fine stream of water on the surface from a small wash bottle or dropping tube. The section is again ex- amined under the microscope without rubbing and the following points noted: (1) Is the area covered by the liquid tarnished? (2) Is there any structure or etching developed in this area? (3) Is the area subjected to the fumes tarnished? The specimen is again removed from the stage, carefully dried, and rubbed lightly on a block covered with chamois skin, and again examined to determine whether or not the effects are persistent. Before rubbing, the surface is sometimes slightly dirty due to the evap- oration of some of the liquid even though the reaction is entirely negative. This should not be mistaken for a slight positive reac- tion and may usually be avoided by carefully blotting the washed surface with a soft handkerchief or cloth. Electrical conductivity, in many instances, may serve to distinguish minerals of similar physical and microchemical properties. The test for electrical conductivity is made under the microscope, using a 16-mm. objective, and the equipment must be adapted to mineral surfaces as small as two millimeters in diameter. Therefore steel needles had to be used for contacts. At first it was thought that these contacts would have to be placed a fixed distance apart in order to give constant readings, but experiment has shown that the difference between having the terminals a centimeter apart and very close together, is too small to be recorded. The apparatus consists of two Columbia dry cells No. 6, and a Weston D.C. voltmeter connected in series. The voltmeter had a resistance of 251 ohms, and read 150 with the circuit closed. As would naturally be expected the needle points introduce additional resistance; and differences in read- ings arise from varying pressure with which the points are pressed upon the mineral surface, the fact that soft minerals POLISHING AND EXAMINING THE SPECIMEN 9 allow the points to penetrate further tnan do hard minerals; and that a rough surface will give a different reading from the same surface when perfectly polished. This method is, there- fore, qualitative rather than quantitative, but does serve to arrange the minerals in a series in proper order, beginning with those that do not conduct electricity, and ending with those that conduct electricity as easily as copper. Only minerals that are found widely apart in this series may be definitely distinguished by this means. The mineral to be tested is brought into the center of the field of the microscope, the two steel needle points are placed upon the surface, and the voltmeter reading noted. The mineral will immediately give either a reading of zero, of 150, or an intermediate reading; thus, giving at once three groups: minerals apparently non-conductors, minerals with conductivity equal to or greater than copper, and minerals having electrical conductivity but with greater resistance than copper. Minerals belonging to these three groups will be found tabulated in Table 10, page 123. By this method plagionite may be distinguished from galena, stromeyerite from argentite, tennantite from tetrahedrite, pentlandite from chalmersite, etc. Electrolysis may be used to etch and bring out the structure of minerals in polished sections. After a drop of the reagent is placed on the polished surface under the microscope, it was found that the chemical action could be “speeded up” by the use of a weak electric current. The current used was furnished by one dry cell of the same type as used in determining the comparative electrical conductivity; and the terminals were a sewing needle and a piece of fine platinum wire; the former being connected to the carbon pole, and the latter to the zinc pole of the dry battery. The needle is placed on the polished surface just outside of the drop of reagent, and the platinum wire brought into contact with the top of the drop of reagent. Using a 20 per cent. solution of FeCl3 a clot of metallic copper will be produced on the end of the platinum wire by algodonite, bornite, chalcocite, native copper, and covelite. With the same reagent a beautiful “wood grain” structure is developed on enargite, famatinite, and luzonite, which distinguishes them from tetra- hedrite and tennantite. The effects of a weak current on the microchemical reactions may be generalized as follows: (1) a reagent that is negative when used alone may be strongly 10 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS reactive with the current; (2) any reagent that reacts alone will give a much more intense reaction with the current; and (3) if the reagent with the current gives no reaction, it is a good check that the reagent is truly negative. The electro-potentials of minerals have been investigated not only as a possible means of identifying minerals, but also because of their important bearing upon the processes of en- richment of ore deposits. Although the results obtained cannot be considered as of general value for the purpose of identi- fication, still a summary of the work thus far accomplished is suggestive and may well lead to further investigation. The method used in making the test is very simple. A small drop of dilute nitric acid is applied to the mineral while under the microscope. The polished section is then removed and a minute primary cell is established by bringing a standard electrode into contact with the top of the drop and completing the circuit, into which has been introduced a millivoltmeter, with a wire placed on the mineral surface near the drop. Eight standard electrodes, which are wires composed of a solid solution of copper and gold and containing, respectively, 100 per cent., 95 per cent., 90 per cent., 80 per cent., 70 per cent., 60 per cent., 50 per cent. and 40 per cent. of copper, are used to determine the direction and intensity of the electric potential difference. The results of testing many of the minerals having high electrical conductivity are tabulated in Table 11, page 124, and indicate the position of the more common ore minerals in the electro- motive series. These tests have emphasized the fact that when an active reagent is placed upon the contact of two electrically conductive minerals, the reagent becomes the electrolyte of a primary cell in which the minerals in contact are electrodes, and a weak current will be produced. The result is that the mineral of lower potential will dissolve more rapidly than normally, and this demonstrates the fact that microchemical tests should only be made upon pure material, and that the influence of impurities may give conflicting microchemical observations. The following reagents have been used in this work and their effects are briefly described in the determinative tables. They are of the same strength as those used by Murdoch and thus it has been possible to compare directly the results obtained. POLISHING AND EXAMINING THE SPECIMEN 11 HNO3.. HCl..... KCN..... FeCl2 HgCl2... KOH. One part concentrated acid (sp. gr. 1.42) and one part water. One part concentrated acid (sp. gr. = 1.19) and one part water. 20 per cent. solution in water. 139 20 per cent. solution in water. N Saturated solution in water. Saturated solution in water. " s! N Care should be taken to use reagents of approximately the above strength as discordant results are otherwise often ob- tained. Care should be taken to confine the reagent to the sur- face of the mineral under examination also because reactions with soluble gangue substances sometimes confuse the results. Finally, qualitative chemical tests for the elements can be applied under the microscope. They are of great value in certain special problems and the mineragrapher must more and more resort to them. As a rule two or sometimes three reagents only are required for such a test and, with very little practice, results of such nicety can be obtained that, once used, microchemistry will always hold its place. A condensed list of the microchemical tests for elements commonly found in the ore minerals is given in Table 12, page 145. 1 See CHAMOT, E. M. “Elementary Chemical Microscopy.” New York, 1915. CHAPTER II PHOTOMICROGRAPHY OF POLISHED SECTIONS For the mining geologist, photographs of the ore minerals and the relations between them, as seen by vertical illumination are almost indispensable in preparing reports. A well-chosen illustration will establish a point more conclusively in the minds of the readers than pages of written description. For the student of ore deposits, such microphotographs are invaluable records to be preserved as reference material. The arrangement is simple, there being a camera in which a microscope takes the place of the lens. Practically, however, good results require a high-grade specially designed microscope and strong artificial light. The procedure has beea borrowed largely from metallography, except that metallographers seldom have to bring out color values by optical means, while in miner- agraphy the variety of different minerals in one section calls for rather refined methods of color screening or filtering. The large Leitz metallographic microscope has been used by the writers, but any good instrument made on the same optical principles such as the Leitz type manufactured by Bausch and Lomb would serve equally well. A 5-ampere D.C. arc lamp is used as the source of light with this microscope. A description of the construction and specialized directions for the use of such apparatus are out of place here and are always supplied by the makers with the instruments. We are, however, concerned with many factors dealing with the choice of subject and the technique of photomicrography in general. First, it is well worth the time to search carefully over all the polished sections available in order to locate an area which will best illustrate as many as possible of the important features in one picture. In too many microphotographs which have appeared in the literature the reader has to accept on faith the writer's statement that some relationship is established by the illustration. It is true that two people may not always interpret a particular structure in the same way, but it is a rare specimen which justifies positive conclusions and which does not show an area illustrating them. 12 PHOTOMICROGRAPHY OF POLISHED SECTIONS 13 When the subject for the photograph has been chosen care should be taken to adjust the reflector in such a way as to obtain uniform illumination over the entire field, otherwise a negative of uneven density will result. The proper color screen to bring out the contrasts between the various minerals must now be selected. The sensitiveness of the photographic plate to light of different colors or wave lengths is very different from that of the human eye. Ordinary white light and light from most artificial sources is a mixture of lights of all wave lengths. The eye sees all of these colors through a rather wide range, while the photographic plate "sees" colors outside of the limits of this range and is “blind" to much that is within it. For example the eye registers red as a bright color, but the ordinary plate is unaffected by red light and in a picture all red objects would appear black. For a complete and inter- esting treatment of this subject the reader is referred to "The Photography of Colored Objects" by Dr. C. E. Kenneth Mees.1 Certain dyes have the property of absorbing light of certain wave lengths and by passing the light to be used through filters made with these dyes, color effects can be controlled upon the negative to a large extent. Table 1 lists the Wratten M filters supplied by the Eastman Kodak Company and indicates the approximate range of light transmitted by each. Experience has shown that a filter should be used at all times as several optical difficulties arise when photography is attempted without them especially at magnifications greater than 100 diameters. For the average section with a variety of minerals clearly distinguishable by the eye the Kyellow filter most nearly reproduces the true values as seen (that is when used with the Wratten M plate described below). In many cases, however, when strong contrast is required between two minerals it is necessary to select one of the special filters described in Table 1, or, sometimes, one of the combinations of two filters. This is done usually by trial, the contrast obtained with each mineral being observed upon the ground glass screen. This visual trial method is only trustworthy when using a pan- chromatic plate which approximates the relative sensitiveness of the eye. The best panchromatic plate obtainable for this type of work is the Wratten M plate distributed by the East- 1 MEES, C. E. KENNETH. "The Photography of Coloured Objects." Wratten and Wainwright, Ltd., London, 1913. 14 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS TABLE 11 Visual color Wratten filter Range of spectral transmission in my of wave length A... B... C... D... Scarlet.. Green. Blue-violet. Purple.... From 580 to red end From 460 to 600 From 400 to 510 From 380 to 460 and from 640 to. red end From 560 to red end From 610 to red end From 510 to red end From 420 to 540 Wide range of lower spectrum F.. G... Blue..... 3 E.... Orange. Pure red. Strong yellow H.. Ki. Pale yellow (very pale). K2. Pale yellow K;. Yellow... D and H... Violet.. Cand H... Blue B and C... Blue-green. B and H... Bluish-green G and H... Pure green. B and G... | Yellowish-green. B and E... Greenish-yellow A and D... Deep red... + About 450 About 480 About 500 About 520 About 535 About 550 About 575 About 660 man Kodak Company. It has all the color sensitiveness of the true panchromatic plate, being even more sensitive to red light, and has an extremely fine-grained emulsion especially designed for microscopic photography. The worker along this line cannot do better than to use it exclusively. All of the data concerning proper filters and some of the factors for calculating exposures contained in this chapter are applicable only for use with the Wratten M plate. Having chosen the proper filter, accurate focusing is the next important step. It is impossible to obtain sharp, clear cut negatives by focusing upon the ground glass screen alone. After an approximate focus is obtained on this screen it should be replaced by a plain glass screen upon which the final focus is made with the use of a lens. This screen should be very carefully removed and the photographic plate put in its place. Everything should now be ready for the exposure. The data for calculating the proper exposure for different magnifications, sources of light, filters, etc., has been assembled i From the booklet “Photomicrography" published by the Eastman Kodak Co. PHOTOMICROGRAPHY OF POLISHED SECTIONS 15 by the Eastman Kodak Company and Tables 2 and 5 have been taken from their booklets. The formula for calculating expo- sures gives an approximate figure which should be tested ex- perimentally for different types of subjects. The formula does not take this latter factor into consideration, but the same exposure obviously will not give equally good results on a section composed largely of white minerals and one in which dark gray minerals are dominant. The method of making the test exposure is as follows: If the formula indicates that an exposure of 20 sec. is about right, expose successive portions of the plate for 5, 10, 20, 40, and 80 sec. by pulling out the slide and then pushing it in one-fifth the width of the plate at the end of each of the above periods. The exposure should increase by geo- metric progression as indicated rather than by arithmetical progression such as 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 sec., as the difference in density of negatives exposed 10 and 20 sec. respectively is twice as great as in those exposed 20 and 30 sec. respectively. With this test plate as a guide, the proper exposure can be easily determined. In making the original exposure calculation the following for- mula is used: Standard exposure X N.A. factor X source factor X magnifica- tion factor X filter factor exposure in seconds. The standard exposure used in the above empirical equation is taken as 10 sec. The exposure varies inversely as the numerical aperture, N.A. of the objective. (The numerical aperture is an optical constant for a lens of given focal length.) The factors for the N.A. of the objectives are given in Table 2. The source of light naturally is of the greatest importance in determining the length of exposure. In past publications the factors for the source of light have been adopted from data for transmitted light conditions. This has led to confusion because the polished surface does not reflect all of the light by any means, and consequently requires a longer exposure. Experience has shown that, on the average, the factor for reflected light is two to four times that for direct transmitted illumination. These factors for various sources of light are given in Table 3. 1 "Photomicrography, Color Plates and Filters for Commercial Photography, and Reproduction Work with Dry Plates." Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N. Y. 16 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS TABLE 2 Focal length objective Average N.A. Approximate ex- posure factor Inches Millimeters 4 3 2 1 23 1/2 13 14 16 78 112 100 75 50 25 16 12 8 6 0.08 0.09 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.50 0.80 0.85 0.90 1.30 40 30 10 4 2 144 1 24 29 14 74 NA O . . + . 14 TABLE 3 Exposure factor Source of light for M plate Oil.... 3 Incandescent gas. 1 Nernst lamp (1 amp.) 14 Acetylene... Direct current arc (5 amps.) 18 Direct current arc (10 amps.). 233 Direct current arc (30 amps.) 1330 (It should be understood that the above factors are by nature very approximate, dependent entirely on arrangement and power.) 120 110 100 90 80 40mm Obj. Obji 16 mm. oby 70 Position of Plate (cm.) 5.4 mm. 60 *3 mm. obj. 50 obj: 40 2 mm . 30 20 10 0 500 1500 2000 1000 Magnification FIG. 3. PHOTOMICROGRAPHY OF POLISHED SECTIONS 17 The greater the magnification, the longer is the required expo- sure. The degree of magnifioation depends upon the focal length of the objective, the projection eyepiece, the distance of the photographic plate from the objective, etc. It will be found convenient to prepare a set of curves for the instrument used, similar to those in Fig. 3, which have been calculated for the Leitz metallographic microscope. In Table 4 the exposure factors for different magnifications are listed. TABLE 4 Magnification Exposure factor for M plate Magnification Exposure factor · for M plate 36 56 10 25 50 100 250 500 K100 116 14 1 6 25 600 750 900 1000 2000 2500 81 100 400 625 The factor for any magnification may be calculated on the basis that it increases with the square of the diameter. The last variable in the exposure equation is the factor for the filter used. These factors are dependent upon the source of illumination since the different artificial lights have widely differ- ing color values. Table 5 lists the multiplying factors for the filters, singly and in pairs, calculated for the open arc and the Wratten M plate. TABLE 5 Filter Factor (M plate and open arc) Filter Factor (M plate and open arc) A.. . 1 · B... C.. D.... E.. F. G... H.. K. 10 18 12 Only used in combination 8 15 8 15 114 K2... K:.. D and G. A and D. B and E.... G and H. B and C. B and G... D and H. 3 4%, 250 240 250 1600 600 60 60 . The foregoing tables are used as follows: the approximate exposure for a photograph using a 16-mm. objective (Leitz 2 18 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS No. 3), a 5-amp. D.C. arc, magnification 50, and screen K3 would be: 10 sec. X 2 X 18 X 14 X %2 = 3 sec. (approximately) 250 200 150 Magnification 16 mm. Obj. 100 50 40 mm. obj. 0 1 2 3 4 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 6 7 8 9 10 Exposure in Seconds FIG. 4, 2200 1800 obj. 1400 2 mm. Magnification 1000 Obj. 60.0 3 to 6 mm. 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Exposure in Seconds Fig. 5. Figures 4 and 5 give the approximate exposures for an average specimen consisting, say, of galena, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite. These curves are calculated solely for the Wratten M plate. They are for the 5 amp. open arc, wide open stop, and without PHOTOMICROGRAPHY OF POLISHED SECTIONS 19 filter. When a filter is used the value obtained from the curves should be multiplied directly by the filter factor taken from Table 5. These curves are plotted from theoretical values checked in practice and may be multiplied by a suitable factor when another light source is used. The Wratten plate is very sensitive to red light and con- sequently must be opened and developed either in total dark- ness or in the light of the Wratten Safelight, series 3, a faint green light. With each box of plates an instruction sheet is enclosed giving the developing formula, proper temperatures, and times of development. These instructions, when followed, yield excellent results and should only be varied by the most experienced worker. In the course of the dark room treatment it will be found advisable to wash the carbon backing off the plates with a soft sponge while rinsing before placing in the fixing solution. In preparing positives a glossy paper usually yields the most satisfactory detail and reproduces best. After developing and fixing the print should be pressed face down upon a ferrotype plate with a rubber roller and allowed to dry thoroughly, when they will peel off without sticking providing a sufficient amount of hardening solution has been used in the fixing bath. Small amounts of a special polishing solution can be used on the ferro- type plate when necessary and will eliminate sticking entirely. Such a solution is sold by Burke and James of Chicago, Ill. CHAPTER III THE USE OF THE DETERMINATIVE TABLES The tables have been arranged with the idea of enabling the student to apply a uniform series of simple and positive tests at one time to all the different minerals present in appreciable amounts in the section. The following procedure in making determinations has been found to yield rapid and exact results. It must be appreciated that, as in all other things, experience and practice make for greater skill and, although it has been demonstrated that beginners can mechanically follow the tables with fair success, familiarity with the appearance and micro- chemical behavior of the common ore minerals naturally gives confidence to the worker. No one should attempt a serious application of this method of study to any problem without first applying it to a few of the common minerals. 12 3 FIG. 6. The polished section of ore pictured in Fig. 6 has been chosen as an example. This particular ore is of value in this connection because it illustrates the variety of tests which go toward exact mineral determinations under the metallographic microscope. The preliminary examination of the material should be done 20 THE USE OF THE DETERMINATIVE TABLES 21 systematically and the results recorded somewhat as in Table 6. The different minerals should be temporarily designated by num- ber and a brief description of their appearance. The reagents used in the scheme of identification are preferably applied in their order in the tables and the reactions, if any, observed and recorded. TABLE 6 1. Creamy white mineral 2. Yellow 3. Violet white with high relief HNO Unaffected for some time, Neg. Slowly effervesces and but slowly tarnishes turns bluish brown with very slow effervescence HCI Neg. Neg. Neg. KCN Neg. Neg. Neg. Hardness Very high Medium High to medium FeCl3 Neg. Neg. Neg. (Pyrite) (Chalcopyrite) (Polydymite) In first running down the unknown it is often most convenient to use the outline of the determinative tables, especially if the worker is familiar with the more common minerals by sight, be- cause larger groups of minerals are seen at one time and slight uncertainties as to the results of one or more tests can be elim- inated. (1) Readily falls out as pyrite, (2) as chalcopyrite, and (3) is limited to a small group of minerals. Of these, arsenopy- rite, willyamite, kallilite, and niccolite all contain arsenic or antimony. Blowpipe tests applied to a small piece of the mate- rial gouged from the edge reveal neither of these elements and polydymite is indicated by a process of elimination. However, since the mineral was dissolved readily by nitric acid, a qualitative microchemical test for nickel should be easily applied. (See Table 12, page 145, for list of these tests.) After a drop of nitric acid has remained on the supposed polydymite for a minute or two a drop of tartaric acid is added to keep iron in solution when a drop of concentrated ammonium hydroxide is next added to make the solution alkaline. If a drop of a solution of dimethyl glyoxime in alcohol is now added, a beautiful scarlet-red crystal- line precipitate appears under the microscope. This proves the presence of nickel in the unknown and leads to the conclusion that it is polydymite. 22 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS The foregoing illustrates the general method to be followed in making identity determinations. All reactions and properties are utilized when necessary and the individual must be the judge as to how much evidence is needed in each case before reaching a decision. This in turn is dependent upon the individual's experience and familiarity with the properties of the different minerals as seen under the microscope in reflected light. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE TABLES + B.B. = Before the blowpipe. C. Color seen megascopically. Fus. = Fusibility. HNO3 -E = Reacts with HNO3 with effervescence. HNO3 = Visible reaction such as tarnish, etc. (Without effervescence in the case of HNO3.) HNO3 -N = No visible reaction with HNO3. . H = Hardness high. L = Hardness low. M Hardness medium. Microchem. = Microchemical tests. O.F. = Oxidizing flame. R.F. = Reducing flame. S.Ph. = Salt of Phosphorus. Str. Streak. : THE USE OF THE DETERMINATIVE TABLES 23 OUTLINE OF THE DETERMINATIVE TABLE Effervesces with HNO3 Color Mineral Formula Page HCI KCN MFeCl3 Cream Creamy white Grayish white Whitneyite Huntilite Cuprite Cu,As Ag3As Cu20 33 33 33 L | FeCl3 Creamy white Creamy white Purple Pink Bluish white Galena white Chilenite Domeykite Rickardite (Native copper)? (Chalcocite) (HESSITE) Ag.Bi CuAs Cu Tez Cu Cuzs Ag2re 35 35 35 51 51 66 FeCl3-N Creamy white (Aikinite) 3(CuzPb)S.Bi2S3 63 KCN-N| H | FeCl3_N White (violet) (Polydymite) Ni So 57 MFeCl3-N Grayish white ALABANDITE Mns 41 L | FeCl3 White White Creamy white Creamy white Creamy white Naumannite Altaite Native silver Native bismuth Tapalpaite 43 43 43 43 (Ag2Pb)Se PbTe Ag Bi 3Ag2(STe).Biz- (STe): 5PbS.4Sb2S3 PbS Galena white Galena white Plagionite (Galena) 43 43 77 FeCl3-N Galena white White Galena white Galena white Grayish white Grayish white Galena white Semseyite (Aikinite) (Plagionite) (Dognacskaite) (JAMESONITE) (ALABANDITE) (Horsfordite) 7PbS.3Sb2S3 45 3(Cu2Pb)S.Bi2S3 63 5PbS.4Sb2S3 43 Cu, Bi, and s 63 2PbS.Sb2S3 62 Mns 41 Cu6Sb 63 HCI-N| KCN HFeCl3-N | White (Polydymite) Ni4S. 57 M] FeCl3 Pink (Native copper) Tu 51 L | FeCl3 Pink Native copper Bluish white Chalcocite Pinkish brown (Bornite) Cu Cu2S CusFeS4 51 51 53 FeCl3-N Pinkish brown Bornite Creamy white (Aikinite) Galena white (Stibnite) CuFeSA 53 3(PbCuz)S.Bi2S3 63 Sb2S3 87 KCN-N| H | FeCl3 Creamy pink Pinkish white White Niccolite Maucherite Smaltite NiAs Ni3AS2 CoAs? 55 55 55 1 Parentheses about a mineral indicate that it is not in its normal position, 24. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS Effervesces with HNO: Color Mineral Formula Page FeCl3-N White Arsenopyrite Violet white Polydymite White Willyamite White Kallilite Creamy white Pyrite Creamy white Marcasite Creamy pink (Niccolite) FeASS Ni4S6 (CoNi)Sbs Ni(SbBi)S FeS2 FeS2 NiAs 57 57 57 57 57 57 55 MFeCl3 Creamy white Galena white Cosalite Native arsenic Pb Bi2S. As 59 59 L | FeCl3 Cream Creamy white White Galena white Galena white Creamy white Creamy white Galana white Grayish white Melonite CALAVERITE Native tellurium Rezbanyite Tetradymite (KRENNERITE) (Native silver) (Plagionite) (Petzite) NizTez Au Ter-Ag Te 4PbS.5Bi2S. Biz(Te, S): AuTez-Ag Ag 5PbS.4Sb2S3 (Ag, Au).Te 61 61 61 61 61 63 43 43 97 FeCl3-N Creamy white KRENNERITE Creamy white Emplectite Creamy white Chiviatite Creamy white Aikinite Galena white Dognacskaite Galena white Boulangerite Galena white Horsfordite (jalena wbite Bismuthinite Grayish white REALGAR Grayish white JAMESONITE Grayish white Zinkenite Bluish Gray Tungstenite White (Native tellurium) Galena white (Stibnite) AuTez-Ag 63 CuBiS2 63 Pb Bi Su 63 3(PbCuz)S.Bi2S3 63 Cu, Bi, and S 63 3PbS.Sb2S3 63 Cu6Sb 63 Bi2S3 62 Ass 62 2PbS.Sb2S3 62 PbS.Sb2S3 62 WS2 62 Te 61 Sb2S3 87 THE USE OF THE DETERMINATIVE TABLES 25 Reacts with HNO3-does not Effervesce Color Mineral Formula Page HCI KCN M FeCl3-N Creamy white Galena white Sulvanite (Gucjarite) Cu3VSA Cu2Sb4S7 65 83 L FeCl3 Creamy white Dyscrasite Galena white Hessite Grayish white Argentite Grayish white Stromeyerite Grayish white Jalpaite Brown (Pyrolusite) Ag3Sb, Ag8Sb, etc. 67 Ag2Te 66 Ag2S 67 (Ag,Cu)2S 67 3Ag2S.Cu2S 67 MnO2 101 FeCl3-N Bluish white Brongniardile PbS.Ag2S.Sb2S3 69 KCN-N| H | FeCl3-N | Gray PSILOMELANE H.Mnog 71 MFeCl3 Grayish white TENORITE CuO 73 FeCl3-N Gray Cuprodescloizite (PbZnCu)4V 200.- H2O Zas Cuo Gray Grayish white (Sphalerite) (TENORITE) - L FeCl3 Purple Umangite White Clausthalite Galena white Galena Galena white Lillianite Grayish white Teallite Grayish white Cylindrite Grayish white Aguilarite White (Native antimony) Creamy white | (Native silver) Cu3Sez PbSe Pbs 3PbS.Bi2S3 PbSns, Pb Sb2Sn&S21 Ag2S.Ag2Se Sb Ag 77 77 77 77 77 77 76 96 43 FeCl3-N Galena white Meneghinite Galena white Geocronite Grayish white Franckeite White (Eucairite) Grayish white (Cylindrite) 4PbS.Sb2S3 5PbS.Sb2S: Pb.Sn Sb2Siz Cu Se.Ag2Se Pb Sb2SnoS21 79 79 79 97 77 HC1-N KCN MFeCl3 Grayish white (POLYBASITE) Ag,Sb Se 87 FeCl3-N Pinkish white Luzonite Brownish white Enargite Pinkish white FAMATINITE Galena white Guejarite Grayish white Freibergite Yellow (Chalcopyrite) Creamy white (Sulvanite) Grayish white (Tennantite) Grayish white (Tetrahedrite) CusAŞS4 Cu3ASS: CusSbS4 CuzSb4S7 (Cu, Ag)8Sb2S7 CuFeS2 Cu3VSA CusAs2S7 CusSb2S7 83 83 83 83 82 117 65 117 117 L FeCl3 Grayish white Pearcite Grayish white (Argentite) Grayish white (POLYBASITE) Grayish white (Jalpaite) Bluish white (Polyargyrite) AgoA$S6 Ag2S Ag9SbSe 3A82S,Cu2S Ag24Sb2S16 85 67 87 67 109 26 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS Reacts with HNO3-does not Effervesce Color Mineral Formula Page FeCl3-N Galena white Galena white Grayish white Galena white Stiboite KERMESITE PoLYBASITE (Livingstonite) Sb2S3 Sb2S20 AgoSbS. HgSb.S7 87 87 87 111 KCN-N| H | FeCl3 White White White Chloanthite Rammelsbergite GERSDORFFITE NiAs2 NiA82 NiASS 89 89 89 FeCl-N White White Creamy white Pinkish white Cream Cream Creamy white White White White Lollingite Ullmannite Linneite GLAUCODOT Hauchecornite (Pyrrhotite) (Pyrite) (Chloanthite) (GERSDORFFITE) (Willyamite) FeA82 91 NiSbs 91 COS 91 (Co,Fe) A8S 91 (NiCo)-(SSbBi)91 Fes(S)z 95 FeS2 57 NiA82 89 NiAss 89 (CoNi)Sbs 57 M FeCl3 Pink Breithauptite NiSb 93 FeCl3-N Pale yellow Cream Cream Creamy white Creamy white Galena white Grayish white Grayish white MILLERITE Pyrrhotite Chalmersite PENTLANDITE Wittichenite Andorite BOURNONITE Stylotypite 95 95 95 95 95 95 94 Grayish white Grayish white Grayish white Gray Yellow Creamy white Pinkish wbite Gray Grayish white Nis FeS(S). CuFe2S3 (Fe, Ni)S CuzBiS PbAgSb2S6 (PbCu2)3Sb2S6 3(CuzAg2Fe)- S.Sb2S3 SnCuFeS4 (CuTiAg)2Se MnS2 Zns CuFeS2 CuaVS CuzSbS ZnS 0 Cu8A82S7 Stannite Crookesite Hauerite Sphalerite (Chalcopyrite) (Sulvanite) (FAMATINITE) (Voltzite) (Tennantite) 94 94 94 94 94 117 65 83 116 117 L FeCl3 White White White Creamy white Grayish white Grayish white Grayish white Creamy white Galena white Grayish white Berzelianite Eucairite Native antimony Kalgoorlite Petzite Coloradoite Molybdenite (Native silver) (Plagionite) (Aquilarite) Cu Se Cu Se.Ag2Se Sb HgAusAg Teo (Ag,Au) Te HgTe MoS2 Ag 5PbS.4Sb2S. Ag2S.Ag2Se 97 97 96 97 97 97 97 43 43 76 THE USE OF THE DETERMINATIVE TABLES 27 Reacts with HNO3-does not Effervesce Color Mineral Formula Page FeCl3-N Pale brown Sternbergite Galena white Lengenbachite Galena white Rathite Galena white Jordanite Galena white Guitermanite Galena white Epiboulangerite Galena white Galenobismutite Galena white Beegerite Galena white Freieslebenite Galena white Nagyagite Creamy white Sylvanite Creamy white Guanajuatite White (Eucairite) White (Berzellanite) Creamy white (Emplectite) Galena white (Stibnite) Galena white (Geocronite) Galena white (Andorite) Grayish white (Crookesite) Grayish white (Regnolite) Grayish white (JAMESONITE) AgFe283 99 Pbo(AgCu)zAs4S13 99 Pb(AsSb)S 99 Pb4A82S7 99 3PbS.As2S. 99 Pb3Sb2S: 99 Pb Bi2S4 98 Pb Bi2S, 98 (PbAg2)6Sb4S11 98 Au2PbioSb2TeS16 98 AuAgTez 98 BizSea 98 CuzSe. Ag2Se 97 Cu2Se 97 CuBiS2 63 Sb2S3 87 5PbS.Sb2S3 79 PbAgSb3S6 95 (CuTlAg)2Se 94 CurAs2S12 119 2PbS.Sb2S: 62 28 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS Does not React with HNO3 Color Mineral Formula Page HCI KCN L | FeCl3 Grayish white Brown Grayish white Bluish white STEPHANITE Pyrolusite (Jalpaite) (Proustite) Ag.SbS MnO2 3Ag2S.Cuzs AgIAsS3 101 101 67 109 KCN-N. MFeCl3-N Grayish white Delafossile CuO, Fe2O3. 103 HCI-N KCN M FeCl3 Grayish white (POLYBASITE) Ag9SbS6 87 FeCl3-N | Yellow (Chalcopyrite) Brownish white (Enargite) Grayish white (PYRARGYRITE) CuFeS2 Cu3ASS4 Ag3SbSz' 117 83 111 L | FeCl3 Bluish white Proustite Bluish white Polyargyrite Grayish white Cerargyrite Grayish white (Jalpaite) Grayish white (Pearcite) Ag3A$S3 Ag24Sb2S16 AgCi 3A82S.Cuis AgoAsso 109 109 109 67 85 FeCl3-N Blue Covellite Yellow Native gold Galena white Livingstonite Bluish white Onofrite Grayish white PYRARGYRITE Bluish white Miargyrite Grayish white | Argyrodite Grayish white ORPIMENT Bluish white (Proustite) Grayish white (POLYBASITE) Cus Au HgSb4S7 Hg(SS) Ag3SbS: AgSbS2 AgoGeS. As2S3 Ag3ASS: Ag9SbS6 111 111 111 111 111 110 110 110 109 87 KCN-N| H | FeCl3 Gray Uraninite UO3, etc. 113 FeCl3-N White Sperrylite Pinkish white Cobaltite Creamy white Hematite Grayish white Magnetite Grayish white Ilmenite Grayish white Rutile Grayish white Franklinite PtAs2 CoASS Fe2O3 Fe3O4 FeTiO3 TiO2 (FeZnMn)O. (FeMn)203 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 (FeMn)W04 Grayish whitel MANGANESE OXIDES Grayish white | WOLFRAMITE Grayish white Rare earths Gray CASBITERITE Gray (variable) Limonite Gray CHROMITE White (Lollingite) SnO2 2Fe2O3.3H20 FeCr204 TeAs2 114 114 114 114 114 114 91 THE USE OF THE DETERMINATIVE TABLES 29 Does not React with HNO3 Color Mineral Formula Page MFeCl3-N Yellow Chalcopyrite Galena white Chalcostibite Galena white Berthierite Grayish white Baumhauerite Grayish white Tetrahedrite Grayish white Tennantite Gray Voltzite Gray Erythrozincite Pale yellow (MILLERITE) Cream (Pyrrhotite) Cream (Chalmersite) Creamy white (PENTLANPITE) Grayish white (BOURNONITE) CuFeS2 CuSb S2 FeSb2S4 Pb4AsS13 CusSb2S7 Cus As2S71 ZasS40 (MnZn)S Nis FeS(S) CuFeS3 (Fe, Ni)s (PbCuz)Sb2S 117 117 117 117 117 117 116 116 95 95 95 95 94 L | FeCl3-N Galena white Dufrenoysite Galena white Matildite Galena white Lehrbachite Bluish white Tiemannite Bluish white Vrbaite Bluish white Stützite Grayish white Regnolite Grayish white Seligmannite Grayish white Cinnabar Grayish white Metacinnabarite Grayish white Patronite Gray Lorandite Galena white (Freieslebentie) Galena white (Berthierite) Galena white (Lengenbachite) Galena white (Rathite) Grayish white (Baumhauerite) Grayish white | (Molybdenite) Gray (Erythrozincite) Pb,As2S. 119 AgBiS2 119 PbSe + HgSe 119 HgSe 119 TIAs2SbS 119 Ag4Te 119 Cu7A82S12 119 CuPbAsS3 119 HOS 118 HgS 118 VS4 118 TIASS2 118 (Pb, Ag2).Sb.Sii 98 FeSb2S4 117 Pb6(Ag Cu)2A84813 99 Pb4(AsSb)s 99 Pb4As6S13 117 MOS, 97 (MnZn)s 116 DETERMINATIVE TABLES See summary of reactions at upper right hand corner of each page to locate minerals between thumb tabs. 31 HNOGE DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI KCN Med. FeCl3 CREAM Whitneyite Cu,As (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces and turns brown; rubs gray. Tarnishes and rubs to faint gray showing structure. KCN, Tarnishes brown; rubs gray with structure. FeCl3, Quickly blackeńs; rubs to gray. HgCl2, Quickly blackens with structure; rubs light brown with structure. KOH, Tarnishes faintly. Hardness, Medium. 3.5. Very Sectile, Gray powder when scratched. Description. C. and Str.-Silver-white. Usually massive. B.B. Yields arsenic coat on charcoal (Chap. IV, 2, a) and mirror in closed tube (IV, 2, c). Gives azure-blue copper chloride flame with HCI (IV, 6, 6). Fus.—2. CREAMY WHITE Huntilite? AgzAs? (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces and quickly blackens; rubs to roughened surface. HCI, Liquid scarcely affects surface, but fumes tarnish per- sistently. FeCl3, Iarnishes iridescent; rubs to faint iridescence. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. KCN, Slowly turns dark; rubs to clean roughened surface. Description. C.-Dark gray to black. Described from Silver Islet, Lake Superior, as massive in occurrence. B.B. Yields arsenic coat on charcoal (IV, 2, a) and mirror in closed tube (IV, 2, c). When reduced with the fluxes yields metallic silver (IV, 18, a). GRAYISH WHITE Cuprite Cu2O Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces and forms a deposit of metallic copper; washes to coat of metallic copper; rubs gray. Fumes tarnish. HCI, Quickly darkens, forming a white coating as seen by inclined light; rubs faint. Fumes tarnish. KCN, Develops structure; rubs grayish. FeCl3 , Tarnishes; rubs to iridescence. Fumes tarnish. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 3.5-4. Slightly brittle, Blood red powder when scratched. Internal reflection seen by inclined light is deep red. Description. C.-Red to nearly black. Str.—Shades of red or brown. With metallic copper it is found in the oxidized zone of all copper de- posits. B.B. In R.F. on charcoal yields metallic copper and colors the flame an emerald-green. Fus.--3. i The microchemical reactions for minerals marked with an asterisk are from MURDOCA, JOSEPH, "The Microscopical Determination of the Opaque Minerals.” John Wiley & Sons. 1916. 33 HNOE , DETERMINATIVE TABLES нСІ KCN Low FeCig CREAMY WHITE Chilenite* Ag&Bi (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces and blackens; rubs to roughened surface. HCI, Turns brown; rubs to iridescent roughened surface. KCN, Turns brownish; rubs clean. FeCl3, Tarnishes iridescent; rubs gray. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. Description. C.-Silver-white, tarnishing to yellowish. Described as amorphous and granular. B.B. When reduced with the fluxes yields metallic silver (IV, 18, a). With KI & S flux yields brick-red bismuth coat (IV, 3, a). CREAMY WHITE Domeykite Cugas (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Quickly effervesces and blackens. HCI, Most specimens develop structure. KCN, Some portions tarnish faintly, some practically negative. FeCl, Quickly tarnishes; rubs to rough- ened surface. HgCl2, Tarnishes brown; rubs faint.' KOH, Quickly tarnishes; rubs clean. Hardness, Low to medium. 3-3.5. Description. C.-Steel gray. Str.-Gray. Occurs reniform, botroidal, massive, and disseminated. B.B. Yields arsenic coat on charcoal (IV, 2, a). Gives azure-blue copper chloride flame with HCl (IV, 6, b). PURPLE Rickardite Cu Tes (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Blackens with violent effervescence. HCI, Turns pale bluish and dissolves to pitted surface. KCN, Bleaches to a pale tint. FeCl3, Bleaches to brownish. HgCl2, Bleaches to bluish-green. KOH, Tarnishes iridescent. Hardness, Low. 3.5. Brittle. Description. C. and Str.-Purple. Massive; fracture irregular. . B.B. On charcoal fuses easily to a brittle globule, yielding a pale azure- blue flame tinged with green, and a white tellurium coat. Fus.1. PINK Native Copper See page 51. BLUISH WHITE Chalcocite See page 51. GALENA WHITE HESBITE See page 66. 35 HNO-E DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI KCN Low FeCl3-N CREAMY WHITE Aukinite See page 63. 37 HNO,-E DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI KCN-N High FeCl-N VIOLET WHITE Polydymite See page 57. 39 HNO-E DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI KCN-N Med. FeCl3-N GRAYISH WHITE ALABANDITE Mas Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces and tarnishes; rubs gray, showing solu- tion pits. Fumes tarnish brown. HCI, Nearly the same as with #NO3. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Fumes tarnish faintly; washes to pale brown; rubs clean. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 3.5–4. Sectile, but slightly brittle. Olive green powder when scratched. Internal reflection seen by inclined light is green. Description. C.-Iron black. Str.-Green. Has perfect cubic cleavage. B.B. Shows manganese with the sodium carbonate bead (IV, 11, a). Fus.--3. 41 HNO, E DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI KCN-N Low FeCl3 -. WHITE Naumannite* (Ag2Pb) Se (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Quickly effervesces and blackens; rubs to roughened surface. HCI, Tarnishes slowly to iridescence. KCN, Neg. FeCla , Tarnishes slowly brownish; rubs clean. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5. Description. C.-Iron-black. Str.-Black. Massive with cubic cleav- age. B.B. Selenium odor and coat on charcoal (IV, 17, a and b). With KI & S flux yields lemon-yellow lead coat on charcoal (IV, 10, a). Yields silver button on cupellation (IV, 18, a). Fus.—2. WHITE Altaite Pb Te (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces and quickly darkens, developing crys- tals and tree-like forms resembling microlites; rubs to grayish etched surface. Fumes tarnish iridescent. HCI, Quickly browns; rubs to pale brown with white patches. KCN, Neg. FeCls, Quickly tar- nishes brownish iridescent; rubs to gray, roughened surface. Ég Cl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 3. Sectile. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Tin-white. Str.-Gray. Has cubic cleavage. B.B. Yields tellurium flame and coat on charcoal (IV, 20, a). With KI & S flux gives a lemon-yellow lead coat on charcoal. Fus.-1.5. CREAMY WHITE Native Silver Ag Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces slightly for a moment; rubs to gray, roughened surface. Fumes tarnish. HCI, Fumes tarnish slightly; rubs clean. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Tarnishes iridescent; rubs to irides- cence. HgCl2, Tarnishes gray; rubs to brownish gray. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5-3. Very sectile. Description. C.-Silver-white. Str.—Silver-white. Usually in arbor- escent, sheet, and wire forms. B.B. Fuses easily on charcoal and yields a brown coat of silver oxide. (For other tests see IV, 18, a.) Fus.—2. CREAMY WHITE Native Bismuth Bi (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Quickly effervesces and darkens; rubs to brownish gray. HCI, Slowly darkens; Fumes tarnish brown. KCN, Neg. Fečls, Darkens quickly. HgCl., Slowly deep brown; rubs to brown. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2-2.5. Very Sectile. Description. C.-Reddish silver-white. Str.-Silver-white. Arbores- cent. B.B. On charcoal fuses easily and volatilizes completely, yielding yellow sublimate. With KI & S Äux gives brick-red coat on charcoal. CREAMY WHITE Tapalpaite 3Ag2(STe). Biz(STe);? (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Quickly effervesces and darkens; rubs to dark, rough surface. Fumes tarnish. HCI, Faintly tarnished; rubs clean. Fumes same. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Quickly darkens; rubs to gray, roughened surface. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. Description. C.-Pale steel-gray. Str.-Gray. Massive. B.B. Yields tellurium flame and coat on charcoal (IV, 20, a). With KI & Sflux gives brick-red bismuth coat on charcoal (IV, 3, a). Fus.-1. GALENA WHITE Plagionite 5Pb S.4Sbs (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slowly darkens with slight effervescence; rubs to light gray. HCI, Acid negative, but fumes tarnish bright brown. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Turns brown; rubs pale brown. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Slowly iridescent; rubs clean. Hardness, Low. 2.5. Brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C. --Blackish gray. Str.-Black. B.B. Yields antimony coat and sublimates (IV, 1, a-d). With KI & S flux gives lemon-yellow lead coat (IV, 10, à). Fus.—1. GALENA WHITE Galena See page 77. 43 . * HNO3-E DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI KCN_N Low FeCl3-N GALENA WHITE Semseyite 7PbS.3Sb2S3 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slowly effervesces and blackens; rubs gray. Fumes tarnish brown. HCI, Slowly faint brown; rubs clean. Fumes tarnish. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Some specimens unaf- fected; others faintly tarnish brown. Hardness, Low. Brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Gray. Str.Black. Tabular. B.B. Yields antimony coat and sublimates (IV, 1, a-d). With KI & S flux gives lemon-yellow coat (IV, 10, a). Fus.-1. WHITE Aikinite See page 63. GALENA WHITE Plagionite See page 43. GALENA WHITE Dognacskaite See page 63. GRAYISE WHITE JAMESONITE See page 62 GRAYISH WHITE ALABANDITE See page 41. GALENA WHITE Horsfordite See page 63. 45 HNO3-E DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI-N KCN High FeCl-N VIOLET WHITE Polydymite See page 57. 47 HNO- DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCl-N KCN Med. FeCl2 PINK Native Copper See page 51. 49 HNO3-E . DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI-N KCN Low FeCl3 PINK Native Copper Cu Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces without tarnishing; rubs to roughened surface. HCI, Neg. (Sometimes tarnishes faintly.). KCN, Slowly browns; rubs to clean roughened surface. FeCl3, Quickly darkens and dissolves. HgCl2, Quickly blackens; rubs to iridescence. KOH, Slowly turns brown to bluish; rubs bluish. Hardness, Medium. 2.5–3. Sectile. Pink when scratched. Description. C.-Copper-red. Str.-Shining. Malleable, ductile. Shows arborescent and irregular structures. Occurs in oxidized zone of all copper deposits. B.B. Easily fusible, yielding an emerald-green flame in the O.F. On charcoal becomes black after fusion. BLUISH WHITE Chalcocite Cu2S Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces vigorously, turning blue, and developing cracks or cleavage; rubs same. HCI, Tarnishes very slightly. KCN, Quickly blackens; rubs to etched surface, with structure. FeCl3, Tarnishes slightly. HgCl2, Tarnishes slightly. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5-3. Very Sectile. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C. and Str.—Dark lead-gray, tarnishing to blue on ex- posure. Occurs in zone of secondary enrichment in all copper de- posits. BB. Fuses easily and boils with spirting. Powdered and roasted with- out fusing, then heated in R.F., yields metallic copper. Fus.—2–2.5. PINKISH BROWN Bornite See page 53. 51 HNOZE DETERMINATIVE TABLES HC1-N KCN Low FeCl3-N PINKISH BROWN Bornite CusFeS4 Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces and turns yellowish brown; rubs to brown etched surface. Fumes tarnish. HCI, Neg. KCN, Browns; rubs to dark etehett surface. Fumes tarnish. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 3. Sectile. Golden-brown powder when scratched. Description. C.-Copper-red to brown; purplish bronze from tarnish. Str.-Grayish black. Massive. Common in most copper deposits. B.B. Fuses easily on coal in the R.F. to a magnetic globule. Roasted and reduced with sodium carbonate, yields malleable copper buttons (IV, 6, a). Fus.-2. CREAMY WHITE Aikinite See page 63. GALENA WHITE Stibnite See page 87. 53 HNO3-E DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI-N KCN-N High FeC13 | NiAs 7 CREAMY PINK Niccolite Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces and tarnishes with etching; rubs to gray, etched surface. Fumes tarnish. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Slowly tarnishes brown; rubs to pale brown. (Some specimens show this reaction very weakly.) HgCl2, Tarnishes brown; washes to per- sistent brown. KOH, Neg. Hardness, High. 5-5.5. Very brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Pale copper-red. Str.—Brownish. Occurs massive and disseminated. B.B. Fuses easily on coal to brittle globule, yielding arsenical odor and possibly a white coat of oxide. With dimethyl glyoxime gives a red precipitate (IV, 14, 6). ܕ2 PINKISH WHITE Maucherite NizAsz (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces and blackens quickly; rubs to gray, rough surface. HCl, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Slowly tarnishes brownish; rubs faint. HgCl2, Faintly browns; rubs clean. KOH, Neg. Hardness, High. 5. Very brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.—Reddish silver-white, tarnishing gray copper-red. Str. --Blackish gray. B.B. Same as niccolite. (NOTE: Temiskamite is not a mixture, but a homogeneous mineral identical with Maucherite.) WHITE Smaltite CoAs2 Microchem. HNO3, Quickly effervesces and darkens; rubs to gray, show- ing lath structure. Fumes tarnish. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3 , Slowly tarnishes brownish, showing structure; rubs pale. (This reaction is not always decisive.) ' HgCl2, Slowly browns; rubs clean. KOH, Neg. Hardness, High. 5.5-6. Brittle. Description. C.-Tin-white. Str.-Gray-black. Occurs massive. B.B. Easily fusible on charcoal, yielding a magnetic globule and an arsenical odor; may yield a white arsenic coat. With borax shows a persistent cobalt blue (IV, 5, a). Fus.—2.5. (Safflorite is the same as smaltite.) 55 HNOz-E DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI-N KCNN High FeCl3-N WHITE Arsenopyrite FeAss Microchem. HNO3, Slowly effervesces and quickly tarnishes through iridescence to_deep brown; rubs to roughened surface. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, High. 5.5-6. Brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Silver-white to steel-gray. Str.-Grayish black. Oc- curs as orthorhombic crystals, massive, granular, or compact. * B.B. On charcoal fuses easily to brittle magnetic globule and evolves arsenic odor. In the closed tube it yields first an arsenious sulphide sublimate and then an arsenic mirror. Fus.-2. VIOLET WHITE Polydymite Ni_S. (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slowly effervesces and turns to brownish or bluish; rubs to brown or blue, showing structure. HCI, Neg. ,(Acid turns green, but surface washes clean.) KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, High. 4.5. Brittle. Description. C.-Steel-gray. Str.-Grayish black. B.B. With dimethyl glyoxime yields red precipitate (IV, 14, b). Fus.- 2. WHITE Willyamite* (CoNi)Sbs (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slowly effervesces and turns dark brown; rubs gray, showing etching. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, High. °5.5. Description. C.--Tin-white to steel-gray. Str.-—Grayish black. Per- fect cubic cleavage. Massive. B.B. Tests for cobalt, nickel, and antimony in Chapter IV. WHITE Kallilite* Ni(Sb Bi)S? (Very Rare) Microchem. Like Willyamite. Hardness, High to medium. Description. C.-Light bluish gray. Str.Black. Massive. B.B. Tests for nickel, antimony, and bismuth in Chapter IV. CREAMY WHITE Pyrite Fes? Microchem. HNO3, Very slowly effervesces and faintly browns; rubs to faint brown. Fumes tarnish slowly. Other reagents negative. Hardness, High. 6-6.5. Cannot be scratched. Description. C.-Light brass-yellow. Str.-Greenish to brownish black. Pyrite is the most common of all sulphides and usually the oldest. B.B. Becomes magnetic on charcoal in the R.F. Fus.-3. FeS2 CREAMY WHITE Marcasite Microchem. Like Pyrite. Hardness, High. 6-6.5. Description. Like Pyrite except in crystal form and in occurrence. occurs always as a secondary mineral, B.B. Like Pyrite. It CREAMY PINK Niccolite See page 55. 57 HNO-E DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI-N KCN-N Med. FeCl3 CREAMY WHITE Cosalite Pb2Bi2S6 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Instantly effervesces and blackens; rubs to dark gray. Fumes tarnish. HCl, Neg. (Sometimes slowly faint tarnish; rubs clean.) KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Very slowly faint brown; sometimes appears negative. HgCl2, Fumés tarnish; rubs clean. KOH, Tar- nishes brown to iridescent. Hardness, Medium to low. 2.5-3. Brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Lead-gray. Str.-Grayish black. B.B. With KI & S flux shows both lead and bismuth (IV, 3 and 10). Fus.-1.5. GALENA WHITE Native Arsenic As (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Instantly blackens with slow effervescence; rubs to brownish gray. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCls, Quickly darkens to persistent brownish. HgCl2, Slowly tarnishes pale brown; rubs faint. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium to low. 3.5. Sectile, but slightly brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Tin-white. Str.--Gray. Has a basal cleavage. B.B. Yields white arsenic oxide coat on coal and easily volatilizes without fusion. 59 HNO3-E HC1-N DETERMINATIVE TABLES KCN-N Low FeCl3 CREAM Melonite* Ni Tez (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Quickly effervesces and blackens; rubs gray. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Slowly tarnishes; rubs faint. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. Description. C.-Reddish white. Str.--Gray. Has basal cleavage. B.B. Easily fusible, but not entirely volatile, yielding white coat on charcoal and coloring flame bright green (IV, 20, a). With dimethyl glyoxime gives a red precipitate (IV, 14, b). CREAMY WHITE CALAVERITE Au Teg + Ag Microchem. HNO3, Slowly effervesces and turns brown; rubs to lighter brown with etching. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Slowly tarnishes brown; rubs to faint brown. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Tarnishes pale brown; rubs to faint brown. Hardness, Low. 2.5. Brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Silver-white. Str.–Gray. B.B. Gives white coat on charcoal and colors flame bright green. Roasted and reduced with sodium carbonate, yields gold and silver; sometimes reduces to gold bead easily without soda. Fus.-1. WHITE Narive Tellurium Te (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Quickly effervesces and blackens; rubs to gray, rough surface. HCl, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Slowly tarnishes iridescent. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2-2.5. Somewhat sectile. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Tin-white. Str.-Gray. Has prismatic cleavage. B.B. Easily fusible and volatile, yielding a white coat on charcoal and coloring the flame bright green (IV, 20, a). Fus.-1. GALENA WAITE Rezbanyite 4PbS.5Bi2S3 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces and tarnishes iridescent; rubs to gray etched surface. Fumes tarnish. HCl, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Slowly faint brown. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5-3. Brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Lead-gray. Str.-Grayish black. Massive. B.B. With KI & S flux shows both lead and bismuth (IV, 3 and 10). May be isomorphous with small amounts of copper and silver. GALENA WHITE Tetradymite Big(Te,S); Microchem. HNO3, Quickly tarnishes with vigorous effervescence; rubs iridescent. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3 , Tarnishes slightly, developing scratches. HgCl2 , Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 1.5-2. Slightly sectile. Description. C.-Steel-gray, splendent. Str.-Gray. Perfect basal cleavage. Soils paper. B.B. On charcoal fuses, gives white fumes and entirely volatilizes; tinges the R. F. bluish-green; coats the charcoal at first white and finally orange yellow CREAMY WHITE KRENNERITE See page 63. CREAMY WHITE Native Silver See page 43. GALENA WHITE Plagionite See page 43. GRAYISH WHITE Petzite See page 97. 61 GALENA WHITE Bismuthinite Bi2S3 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Blackens with slow effervescence; rubs to gray, roughened surface. HCI, Neg. KCN, Nég. FeCl3, Neg.: HgCia, Tarnishes brown; rubs to faint brown. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2. Slightly brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Lead-gray. B.B. With KI & S flux gives a brick-red bismuth coat on charcoal (IV, 3, a). Fus.—1. GRAYISH WHITE REALGAR ASS Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces without visible change. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3 , Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Tarnishes brown to black with solution. Hardness, Low. 1.5-2. Internal reflection seen by inclined light is orange. Description. C.-Dark orange-red. Str.-Lighter. Occurs with anti- mony, arsenic, and silver ores. B.B. On charcoal in the O.F., burns, yielding arsenic odor and no residue when pure. In closed tube yields cherry-red sublimate of arsenic sulphide. Fus.-1. GRAYISH WHITE JAMESONITE 2PbS.Sb2S3 Microchem. HNO3, Quickly brown to black with very slow effervescence (Eff. often not detected); rubs to iridescent gray. HCI, Neg. Fumes tarnish slowly; rubs faint. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Slowly develops grain structure; some grains are iridescent, others gray. Hardness, Low. 2-3. Brittle. 2-3. Brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Steel-gray. Str.—Grayish black. Perfect basal cleav- age. Occurs fibrous or massive. B.B. Yields antimony and lead coat on charcoal (IV, 1 and 10). With KI & S flux gives lemon-yellow lead coat on charcoal (IV, 10, a). Fus.-1. GRAYISH WHITE Zinkenite PbS.Sb2S3 (Very Rare) Microchem. Like Jamesonite. Hardness, Low. 3–3.5. Description. C. and Str.-Steel-gray. Occurs in columnar crystals, striated lengthwise, also fibrous and massive. B.B. Like Jamesonite. BLUISH GRAY Tungstenite WS,(?) (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Does not change color, but effervesces after a few moments. HCI, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Quickly tar- nishes brown; rubs clean. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5. Description. C.-Dark lead-gray. Str.—Dark gray. Marks paper. B.B. See tests for tungsten (IV, 25). WHITE Native Tellurium See page 61. GALENA WHITE Stibnite See page 87. 62 HNO3-E HCl-N DETERMINATIVE TABLES KCNẠN Low FeCl3-N CREAMY WHITE KRENNERITE Au Tez + Ag Microchem. HNO3, Slowly effervesces and turns brown; rubs to lighter brown with etching. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Tarnishes pale brown; rubs to faint brown. Hardness, Low to medium. 2.5. Sectile, but slightly brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Silver-white. Str.-Gray. Has perfect basal cleav- age. (Calaverite lacks this perfect cleavage.) B.B. Gives white coat on coal and colors flame bright green. Roasted and reduced with sodium carbonate yields gold and silver; sometimes reduces to gold bead easily without soda. Fus.-1. CREAMY WHITE Emplectite CuBiS2 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces slightly and tarnishes pale brown; rubs clean. Fumes tarnish faintly. HČI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCla, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Tarnishes very slowly brown; rubs clean. Hardness, Low. 2. Slightly brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Grayish white. Str.—Black. B.B. Yields azure-blue copper chloride flame with HCl (IV, 6,5). With KI & S flux gives brick-red bismuth coat on charcoal (IV, 3, a). Fus.-1. CREAMY WHITE Chiviatite* Pb2Bi2S11 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slowly effervesces and turns iridescent to gray; rubs to clean, somewhat roughened surface. HCI, Neg. KÖN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. Description. C.-Lead-gray. Str.—Grayish black. Commonly foli- B.B. With KI & S flux shows both lead and bismuth (IV, 3 and 10). CREAMY WHITE Aikinite 3(PbCuz)S.Bi2S3 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces and blackens; rubs to heavy gray. Fumes tarnish brown. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. (Some specimens very slowly browned; rubs clean.) FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2-2.5. Brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Lead-gray. Str.-Grayish black. B.B. Gives azure-blue copper chloride flame with HCI (IV, 6,5). With KI & S flux shows both lead and bismuth (IV, 3 and 10). Fus.- 1-1.5. GALENA WHITE Dognacskaite Cu, Bi, and S (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Quickly effervesces and turns iridescent to black; rubs to gray, roughened surface. Fumes tarnish. HCI, Neg. Fumes tarnish brown; rubs to pale brown. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. Very Sectile. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Gray, tarnishing on exposure to the air. B.B. Same as Emplectite. GALENA WHITE Boulangerite 3PbS.Sb2S3 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Effervesces and blackens; washes to etched struc- ture. Fumes tarnish light brown. Other reagents negative. Hardness, Low. 2.5-3. Sectile, but slightly brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Bluish lead-gray. Str.—Black. Occurs fibrous, granu- lar, or compact. B.B. Like Jamesonite. GALENA WHITE Horsfordite Cu.Sb (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slightly effervesces and quickly blackens; rubs to faint gray. HCI, Practically negative; some specimens turn very slowly faint brown and rub to very faint gray. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Tarnishes a brown rim which rubs clean. KOH, Slowly tarnished faintly. Hardness, Low. Very Sectile. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Silver-white. Occurs massive. B.B. Reacts for antimony and copper. Fus.–1.5. 63 HNO: DETERMINATIVE TABLES NATI HCI KCN Med. FeCl3-N CREAMY WHITE Sulvanite Cu:VS4 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. Fumes tarnish; rubs clean. HCI, Neg. Fumes tarnish; rubs clean. KCN, Neg. Fumes tarnish; rubs clean. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 3.5. Brittle. Gray powder when scratched Description. C.-Bronze-yellow. Occurs massive. (South Australia.) B.B. Roasted and reduced with sodium carbonate and borax yields cop- per buttons. Gives vanadium bead with the fluxes (IV, 27, a). GALENA WHITE Guejarite See page 83. 65 GALENA WHITE Hessite Ag Te Microchem. HNO3, Slowly tarnishes iridescent to brown; rubs to rough- ened surface. (Sometimes slowly effervesces.) HCI, Tarnishes irides- cent; rubs faint or clean. (Sometimes nearly negative.) KCN, Slowly tarnishes. FeCl3, Tarnishes iridescent; rubs faint to clean. HgCl2, Tarnishes brown; rubs clean. KOH, Very slowly tarnishes slightly; rubs faint. Hardness, Low. 2.5–3. Quite sectile. Description. C.-Steel-gray. Str.-Gray. Occurs crystalline, massive, etc. B.B. Coat and flame are not decisive. Shows tellurium with concen- trated H2SO4. Reduced with sodium carbonate, yields silver buttons. Fus.-1. BROWN Pyrolusite See page 101. 66 HNO, DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI KCN Low FeCl3 CREAMY WHITE Dyscrasite Ag3Sb, Ag Sb, etc. (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes and develops differential etching. HCI, Slowly tarnishes with development of differential etching. KCN, Slowly and faintly etches differentially. FeCl3, Differential iridescent tarnish. · HgCl2, Tarnishes to brownish iridescence with structure; rubs same. Fumes tarnish light brown. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 3.5-4. Exceedingly sectile. Description. C.-Silver-white, sometimes tarnishing yellow or blackish. Str. -Silver-gray. B.B. Easily fuses to a globule, coating the charcoal with white antimony trioxide, and finally leaving a globule of pure silver. Soluble in nitric acid. Fus.—1.5. GRAYISH WHITE Argentite Ag2S Microchem. HNO3, Slowly tarnishes light brown; rubs clean. Fumes tarnish brown. HCI, Sometimes slowly tarnishes faint brown, but often almost negative. KCN, Tarnishes brown; rubs to faint gray. Fumes tarnish brown. FeCl3, Slowly brown to iridescent; rubs to very faint iridescence. HgCl2, Tarnishes brown; rubs to pale brown. KOH, Neg. Blackened by short exposure to unscreened strong elec- tric arc light. Hardness, Low. 2–2.5. Exceedingly sectile. Black powder when scratched. Description. C.-Lead-gray. Str.--Shining gray. Common in many silver deposits and also occurs in disseminated small crystals in silver bearing lead minerals, etc. B.B. Fuses with intumescence in the O.F. on charcoal, emitting sulphur dioxide odor and a globule of pure silver. Fus.—1.5. GRAYISH WHITE Stromeyerite (Ag, Cu), (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes slightly with etching; rubs to rough gray. Fumes tarnish. HCI, Slowly very faint brown. (Sometimes prac- tically negative.) Fumes tarnish. KCN, Tarnishes brown; rubs to FeCl3, Quickly tarnishes brown or iridescent with struc- ture; rubs to brownish iridescence. HgCl2, Tarnishes brown; rubs to pale yellowish. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5–3. 2.5-3. Very sectile. Black powder when scratched. Description. C. and Str.—Dark steel-gray. "Prismatic, massive, com- pact. B.B. Fuses in the 0. F. on charcoal to a semi-malleable globule, which reacts for copper (IV, 6) and cupelled with lead yields a silver button. Soluble in nitric acid. Fus.-1.5. faint gray. GRAYISH WHITE Jalpaite 3 Ag2S.Cu2S? (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Acid has no effect, but the fumes tarnish slowly brown; rubs clean. HCI, Acid turns green and surface is slightly roughened, but the reaction often appears negative. KCN, Tarnishes brown very slowly; rubs clean. FeCl3, Tarnishes and rubs to faint greenish iridescence. HgCl2, Tarnishes brown; rubs to faint spot. Fumes tarnish. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. Specimen from Tres Puntas, Chili is brittle and has a blood red powder when scratched. Internal reflection seen with in- clined light is blood red. Description. C.-Blackish lead-gray. B.B. Like stromeyerite. 67 HNO2 DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI KCN Low FeCl2-N BLUISH WHITE Brongniardite* PbS.Ag2S.Sb2S3? (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slowly tarnishes pale brown; rubs clean. HCI, Slowly tarnishes faint brown; rubs clean. KCN, Slowly tarnishes faint brown; rubs clean. FeCl3, Neg. KOH, Tarnishes iridescent; rubs to clean etched surface. Hardness, Low. 3+. Description. C. and Str.-Grayish black. Massive. B.B. On charcoal, decrepitates, fuses easily, and gives off sulphur dioxide vapors. Upon roasting yields an impure globule of silver and a yellow coating of lead oxide. In the closed tube yields a faint orange sub- limate. In the open tube, fuses, and yields a sublimate of white anti- mony trioxide. Fus.-1. 69 HNO3 DETERMINATIVE TABLES нсі KCN_N High FeCl3-N GRAY PSILOMELANE HM906? Microchem. HNO3, Acid tarnishes faintly; fumes strongly. Rubs nearly clean. HĆI, Tarnishes and rubs faint brown. KČN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, High. 5-6. Brittle. Description. C.--Iron-black. Str.-Shining brownish black. Massive, botroidal, reniform, and stalactitic. B.B. Infusible. In the closed tube yields water. Yields a green bead with sodium carbonate (IV, 11, a). Soluble in HCl with evolution of chlorine. May contain enough iron to become magnetic when roasted. 71 HNO DETERMINATIVE TABLES нСІ KCN-N Med. FeCl2 faint gray. GRAYISH WHITE Tenorite Cuo (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Acid without effect, but fumes tarnish; washes clean. HCI, Tarnishes and deposits a mass of white acicular crystals; rubs to Fumes tarnish. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Tarnishes pale brown very slowly; rubs clean. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 344. Slightly brittle. Description. C.-Iron-gray to black. Str.-Black. Occurs massive, crusted, in minute crystals, and scales. Found in oxidation zone in some Cu deposits. B.B. Like cuprite (page 33). 73 HNO, DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI KCN-N Med. FeC12-N GRAY Cuprodescloizite (Pb, Zn, Cu).V,0,.H,O? (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Blackens; rubs to roughened surface. Fumes tarnish brown. HCI, Tarnishes with structure, acid turning yellow; rubs to slightly roughened surface. Fumes tarnish. KČN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 3.5. Brittle. Reddish yellow powder when scratched. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light is greenish or yellowish brown, but may not always be noticeable. Description. C.—Dull green to greenish black or yellowish brown. Usually in crusts or reniform masses with mammillary surface and columnar structure. B.B. In the closed tube yields water. Will test for constituents in the formula above as well as for arsenic and other impurities. (See Chap. IV.) GRAYISH WHITE TENORITE See page 73. GRAY Sphalerite See page 94. 75 GRAYISH WHITE Aguilarite Ag2S.Ag Se (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slowly tarnishes brown; rubs clean. Fumes tarnish. HCI, Acid without effect, but fumes often tarnish brown; rubs to faint brown. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Slowly tarnishes iridescent; rubs to faint iridescence. HgCl2 , Tarnishes brown to iridescent; rubs to iridescence. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5. Extremely sectile. Description. C.-Iron-black. Štr.-Black. B.B. On charcoal yields a white coat with metallic-like luster, also a selenium odor and blue flame. Heated slowly in the open tube yields metallic silver. Fus.--1. 76 ANO, drical forms separating into distinct shell? нс1 DETERMINATIVE TABLES KCN-N Low FeCl2 PURPLE Umangite* CuzSez (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Turns blue; rubs same. HCI, Same as HNO3.- KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Same as HNO 3. KOH, Slowly tarnishes brown; rubs blue. Hardness, Low. 3. Description. C.-Cherry-red, tarnishing to violet-blue. Str.--Black. Massive. B.B. Roasted and reduced with sodium carbonate on charcoal, yields copper buttons. Also yields a white coat with metallic-like luster, a selenium odor, and colors the flame blue (IV, 17, a). Fus.—1.5. WHITE Clausthalite* PbSe (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Forms brick-red coating; rubs off to brown surface. HCI, Slowly tarnishes brown; rubs clean. KCN, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Slowly tarnishes, forming bluish and yellowish coating. 'KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5-3. Description. C.-Lead-gray. Str.-Black. Granular masses; cubic cleavage. B.B. Decrepitates in the closed tube. Gives all tests for lead and sel- enium. ( (See Chap. IV, 10 and 17.) Fus.-2. GALENA WHITE Galena Pbs Microchem. HNO3, Quickly blackens; rubs black, with rough surface. (In some specimens shows effervescence.) HČI, Tarnishes brown; rubs to gray. Fumes tarnish. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Tarnishes brown to iridescent; rubs brown. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5-2.75. Sectile, but slightly brittle. Gray powder. Description. C. and Str.-Pure lead-gray. Perfect cubic cleavage. B.B. Yields all tests for lead (IV, 10). Fus.-2. GALENA WHITE Lillianite* 3PbS.Bi,S, (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Quickly tarnishes iridescent; rubs clean. HCI, Slowly tarnishes pale brown; rubs clean. Fumes tarnish. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Slowly tarnishes iridescent; rubs clean. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. Description. C.-Steel-gray. Str.—Blck. Massive, also crystalline. B.B. With KI & S flux shows both lead and bismuth (IV, 3 and 10). Fus.—1-1.5. GRAYISH WHITE Teallite* PbSnS2 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes brown to iridescent; rubs clean. HCI, Slowly tarnishes light brown; rubs clean. Fumes tarnish. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Slowly tarnishes faint brown. KOH, Same as FeCl3. Hardness, Low. 1-2. Description. C.--Blackish gray. Str.-Black. Thin flexible folia. Perfect basal cleavage. B.B. Yields all tests for lead and tin. (See Chap. IV.) GRAYISH WHITE Cylindrite Pb.Sb2Sn.S21 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slowly tarnishes brown; rubs to iridescence. Fumes tarnish iridescent. HCÎ, Acid is without effect, but fumes tarnish brown; rubs to very faint gray. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Tarnishes brown; rubs to very faint brown. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Tarnishes brown to iridescent; rubs to faint gray. Hardness, Low. 2.5-3. Very sectile. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Blackish gray. Str.-Black. Massive; also in cylin- under pressure. B.B. See Chapter IV for tests for antimony, tin, and lead. Fus.—1.5. CREAMY WHITE Native Silver See page 43. WHITE Native Antimony See page 96. 77 ANO: DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI KCNN Low FeCl3-N GALENA WHITE Meneghinite* 4PbS.Sb2S, (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Quickly tarnishes and blackens; rubs to gray, rough surface. HCI, Very slowly faint brown to almost negative. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Tarnishes very slowly. Hardness, Low. 2.5. Brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Blackish gray. Str.-Black. Pinacoidal cleavage. Slender prismatic crystals; also massive, fibrous, and compact. B.B. Decrepitates and fuses very easily. Yields antimony flame and coat on charcoal (IV, a). With KI & S ilux yields lemon-yellow lead iodide coat (IV, 10 a). Fus.- 1. GALENA WHITE Geocronite 5PbS.Sb2S. (Very Rare) Microchem. Same as Meneghinite. Except KOH is negative. Hardness, Low. 2.5. Brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C. and Str.—Light lead-gray to grayish blue. Usually massive, granular, or earthy. B.B. Like Meneghinite. GRAYISH WHITE Franckeite Pb Sn Sb 2S12 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes brown, then iridescent; rubs faint irides- cent. HCI, Usually tarnishes faint brown. Fumes tarnish slightly. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg.. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Practically negative, but sometimes faintly tarnishes and rubs clean. Hardness, Low. 2.75. Extremely sectile. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.--Blackish grayStr.-Black. One perfect cleavage. Massive. B.B. See Chapter IV for tests for lead, tin, antimony, etc. Fus.—1. WHITE Eucairite See page 97. GRAYISH WHITE Cylindrite See page 77. 79 HNO, DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI-N KCN Med. FeCl. GRAYISH WHITE POLYBASITE See page 87. 81 GRAYISH (BROWNISH) WAITE Freibergite (Cu, Ag).Sb2S, Microchem. HNO3, Slowly tarnishes brown to iridescent; rubs pale. Fumes tarnish brown. HCI, Neg. KCN, Tarnishes brown to irides- cent; rubs same. FeCls, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 3-4. Description. Similar to tetrahedrite. B.B. Like tetrahedrite, but contains silver. 82 HNO3 DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCl-N KCN Med. FeCl3-N PINKISH WHITE Luzonite CuzAsS (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Very slowly tarnishes faintly; washes clean. Fumes tarnish slightly. HCI, Neg. KCN, Slowly tarnishes. FeCl3, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 3.5. Brittle. Gray or black powder when scratched. Description. C.--Dark reddish steel-gray. Str.-Black. Massive. B.B. Like enargite. BROWNISH WHITE Enargite CuzASSA Microchem. HNO3, Very slowly tarnishes faint brown; rubs clean. Fumes slowly tarnish faint brown. HCI, Neg. KCN, Sometimes re- acts very faintly, but quickly darkens some specimens, rubbing to a rough etched surface. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Slowly tarnishes brown; Hardness, Medium. 3. Brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C. and Str.-Grayish to iron-black. Often seen with pris- matic planes vertically striated; also massive or disseminated. Colum- nar cleavage. B.B. In the closed tube decrepitates, yielding a sublimate of sulphur. At a higher temperature it fuses and yields a sublimate of arsenic sul- phide (IV, 2, c). Roasted and reduced with sodium carbonate, yields a malleable copper button. PINKISH WHITE Famatinite CusSbS4 Microchem. HNO3, Very slowly tarnishes brown; rubs to brown. Fumes tarnish faintly. HCI, Neg. KCN, Slowly tarnishes brown with etching; rubs to pale etched surface. (Some specimens are prac- tically negative.) FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 3.5. Brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Gray with tinge of copper-red. Str.--Black. B.B. In the closed tube decrepitates, yielding sublimate of sulphur, and on higher heating, a sublimate of antimony sulphide (IV,1, c). Re- duced with fluxes, yields metallic copper and, when moistened with HCl, yields a blue copper chloride flame (IV, 6). Fus.—1-1.5. GALENA WHITE Guejarite Cu2Sb487 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes dark; rubs to gray. HCI, Neg. (Some specimens tarnish very faintly and rub clean.) KCN, Slowly tarnishes brown; rubs to a faint brown. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Tarnishes faint brown; rubs clean. KOH, Quickly tarnishes; rubs to deeply etched surface. Hardness, Medium. 3.5. Sectile, but slightly brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.--Steel-gray with tinge of blue. Str.-Black. Prismatic crystals. Good pinacoidal cleavage. B.B. Like Famatinite. ܕ2 YELLOW Chalcopyrite GRAYISH WHITE Tennantite GRAYISH WHITE Tetrahedrite See page 117. See page 117. See page 117. See page 65. CREAMY WHITE Sulvanite 83 HNO3 DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI-N KCN Low FeCl2 GRAYISH (GREENISH) WHITE Pearcite Ag Ass (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Acid without effect, but fumes tarnish and wash clean. HCI, Neg. KCN, Quickly blackens; rubs to gray, roughened surface. FeCl3, Iarnishes iridescent; rubs to very faint gray. (Some- times rubs clean.) HgCl2, Tarnishes brown; rubs to iridescent brown. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 3. Sectile. Description. C. and Str.-Black. Tabular crystals and massive. B.B. Yields arsenic odor and white coat on charcoal (IV, 2, a). Roasted and reduced with sodium carbonate yields silver buttons. Fus.—-1. BLUISH WHITE Polyargyrite See page 109. GRAYISH WHITE Argentite See page 67. GRAYISH WHITE Jalpaite See page 67. GRAYISH WHITE POLYBASITE See page 87. 85 HNO, DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI-N KCN Low FeCl3-N GALENA WHITE Stibnite Sb2S; Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes dark brown; rubs to gray. HCI, Neg. KCN, Dissolves, bleaches, and roughens surface, but does not tarnish. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Tarnishes brown and shows yellow coating; rubs to roughened surface often showing patches of yellow. Hardness, Low. 2. Slightly brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C. and Str.-Lead-gray. Crystals are long prisms with striations Parallel to elongation. Highly perfect "5" pinacoidal cleavage. B.B. Yields antimony flame and coat on charcoal (IV, 1, a). When pure volatilizes entirely. Fus.--1. GALENA WHITE KERMESITE Sb2S20 Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes light brown; rubs pale brown. HCI, Neg. KCN, Slowly tarnishes pale brown; rubs faint. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. (?). KOH, Tarnishes iridescent and is coated with yellow; rubs clean. Hardness, Low. 1-1.5. Very sectile. Red powder when scratched. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light is red. Description. C.-Cherry-red. Str.-Brownish-red. Usually in needle- like crystals. B.B. In the closed tube blackens, fuses, and at first yields a white sub- limate of antimony trioxide; after strongly heating yields the usual black or dark red antimony sublimate in closed tube. Otherwise like stibnite. Fus.-1. GRAYISH WHITE POLYBASITE Ag.SbSo Microchem. HNO3, Some specimens practically negative. Others tarnish_very slowly; rubs to faint gray etched surface. HCI, Neg: KCN, Develops scratches and tarnishes dark brown; rubs to gray etched surface. Fels, Practically negative, but some specimens tarnish faint brown; wash clean. HgCl2, Quickly tarnishes brown to black; rubs to faint brown. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2-3. Sectile, but slightly brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light is red. (Not always detected.) Description. C.-Iron-black, in thin splinters cherry-red. Str.-Black. B.B. On charcoal fuses with spirting to a globule, yielding antimony flame and coat (IV, 1, a). Reduced with sodium carbonate yields silver (IV, 18, a). Fus.-1. GALENA WHITE Livingstonite See page 111. 87 ANO, DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI-N KCNN High FeCl3 WHITE Chloanthite NiAs Microchem. HNO3, Slowly tarnishes faint brown; rubs to pale gray. Fumes tarnish. HCl, Ñeg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Slowly tarnishes faint brown, but is often almost negative. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, High. 5.5-6. Brittle. Gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Tin-white. Str.-Gray-black. B.B. Fuses easily to a globule and yields an arsenic odor and perhaps a white arsenic coat on charcoal. Yields a red precipitate with dimethyl glyoxime (IV, 14, 6). Gives a cobalt reaction with borax usually due to impurities of that element. Fus.—2. WHITE Rammelsbergite NiAsz (Very Rare) Like chloanthite in all properties except crystal system. WHITE GERSDORFFITE NiAss Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes brown, then black; rubs to rough gray surface. Fumes tarnish brown and develop structure. HCI, Mineral unaffected, but acid turns bright yellow. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Slowly tarnishes faint brown. (Sometimes practically negative.) HgCl2, Tarnishes brown; rubs clean. KOH, Neg. Hardness, 5.5. Brittle. Description. C.--Silver-white, tarnishing to gray. Str.--Grayish black. Good cubic cleavage. B.B. Decrepitates in the closed tube and yields a yellowish brown sub- limate (IV, 2, c). Otherwise like chloanthite. 89 HNO3 DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI-N KCN-N High FeCl3-N WHITE Löllingite FeAsz (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slowly_tarnished faint brown. Fumes tarnish. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, High. 5–5.5. Brittle. Description. C.-Silver-white. Str.-Black. B.B. Fuses to strongly magnetic globule in R.F. on charcoal. Gives arsenic coat and odor; also sublimate and mirror in open and closed tube respectively. Fus.—2. WHITE Ulmannite* NiSbs (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes brown to iridescent; rubs to iridescent gray. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, High. 5-5.5. Brittle. Description. C.-Silver-gray. Str.-Grayish black. : Perfect cubic cleavage. B.B. On charcoal in the R.F. fuses easily to a globule, boils, and yields an antimony coat (IV, 1, a). Yields a red precipitate with dimethyl glyoxime (IV, 14, 6). Fus.—1.5. CREAMY WATE Linncite Co SA (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes very faint brown. Fumes tarnish brown very slowly. HČI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Tar- nishes iridescent brown. KOH, Neg. Hardness, High. 5.5. Brittle. Description. C.-Pale steel-gray, tarnishing copper-red. Str.-Black. Imperfect cubic cleavage. B.B. On charcoal fuses to a magnetic globule. The roasted mineral yields with the fluxes reactions for nickel, cobalt, and iron usually. Fus.--2. PINKISH WHITE GLAUCODOT (Co,Fe) Ass (Rare Microchem. HNO3, Slowly tarnishes; rubs to rough gray surface. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOÅ, Neg. Hardness, High. 5. Brittle. Description. C.-Gray. Str.—Black. Usually prismatic crystals or B.B. Yields arsenic odor and coat on charcoal, etc. (IV, 2). In the R.F. fuses to a feebly magnetic globule, black on the surface, but a light bronze in color when freshly fractured. Fus.-2-3. Hauchecornite (Ni,Co),(S.Sb.Bi): (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Very slowly 'tarnishes brown; rubs to very pale brown. Fumes tarnish slightly. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Slowly tarnishes brown; rubs clean. KÓH, Ñeg. Hardness, High to medium. 5. Very Brittle. Steel-gray powder when scratched. Description. C.-Light bronze-yellow. Str.-Biack. B.B. Yields common reactions for constituents indicated in formula. (See Chapter IV.) massive. CREAM WHITE WHITE WHITE CREAMY WHITE CREAM GERSDORFFITE Chloanthite Willyamite Pyrite Pyrrhotite See page 89. See page 89. See page 57. See page 57. See page 95. 91 HNO3 DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI-N KCN-N Med. FeCls PINK Breithauptite NiSb (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Blackens; rubs to dark gray. HCI, Neg: KCN, Neg. FeCla, Tarnishes; rubs to clean-pitted surface. KOH, Neg. Hardness,, Medium to high. 5.5.? Brittle. Reddish-brown powder when scratched. Description. C.-Light copper-red. Str.-Reddish brown. B.B. Yields antimony flame and coat on charcoal and with dimethyl glyoxime gives a red precipitate. (IV, 14, 6).' Fus.-1.5-2. 93 GRAYISH WHITE BOURNONITE (PbCu)3Sb2S6 (Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Fumes usua HNO, Fumes usually tarnish slowly; rubs clean. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCla, Neg. HgCl2, Tarnishes faintly at edge of drop; rubs to very faint brown. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium to low. 2.5-3. Slightly brittle. Description. C.-Steel-gray. Str.-Black. B.B. In the closed tube decrepitates and gives a dark red sublimate. Yields antimony flame and coat on charcoal; with continued heating, yielding a lead coat. Residue reduced with sodium carbonate yields copper buttons. Fus.--1. GRAYISH WHITE Stylotypite 3(Cu,Ag,Fe)S.Sb2S, (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes brown very slowly; rubs faint or clean. Fumes tarnish. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 3. Brittle. Description. C. and Str.-Iron-black. B.B. Decrepitates and fuses easily, yielding a steel-gray, magnetic glob- ule. Also tests for constituents in formula. Fus. -1.5. GRAYISH WHITE Stannite SnCu Fes (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes brown to iridescent; rubs to very faint brown. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCla, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 4. Brittle. Description. C.-Steel-gray. Str.-Black. Massive, granulur, or dis- seminated. B.B. In the closed tube decrepitates, giving a faint sublimate only. See Chapter IV for tests for constituents of the mineral. GRAYISH WHITE Crookesite* (CuTiAg)2Se (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slowly tarnishes faint brown; rubs clean. Fumes tarnish. HCI, Neg. KČN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium to low. 2.5-3. Brittle. Description. C.-Lead-gray. Str.-Black. Massive, compact. B.B. Fuses easily to greenish black, shining enamel, coloring flame blue. Roasted and reduced with sodium carbonate yields copper and silver. (IV, 6, and 18.) Fus.--1. GRAYISH WHITE Hauerite MnS2 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Fumes tarnish brown very slowly; washes clean. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCla, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium.'4. Brittle. Brick-red powder when scratched. Description. C.-Brownish black. Str.-Reddish brown. B.B. Roasted mineral yields green bead with sodium carbonate. Fus. -3. GRAY Sphalerite Zus Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes faintly brown; rubs clean. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 3.5-4. Brittle. Yellow or brown powder when scratched. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light is yellow or brown. Description. C.-Shades of yellow, brown to black. Str.-.Pale to colorless. Perfect dodecahedral cleavage. B.B. Nearly infusible. Reduced with soda on charcoal yields white zinc oxide coat, which when moistened with cobalt nitrate sol. and again heated in the O.F. becomes green (IV, 29, a). Wurtzite is like sphalerite physically and microchemically. YELLOW Chalcopyrite Sulvanire CREAMY WHITE See page 117. See page 65. See page 83. See page 116. PINKISH WHITE FAMATINITE GRAY Voltzite 94 HNO, CREAM CREAM HCI -N DETERMINATIVE TABLES KCN-N Med, FeCl3-N PALE YELLOW MILLERITE Nis (Rare, Microchem. HNO3, Acid is without effect, but fumes tarnish brown; rubs to very faint brown. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Tarnishes brown; rubs clean. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 3-3.5. Brittle. Grayish yellow powder when scratched. Description. C.--Bronze-yellow. Str.-Greenish black. Commonly occurs as hair-like crystals or botryoidal crusts. At least two perfect cleavages. B.B. On charcoal in the R.F. the roasted mineral gives a coherent metallic mass, slightly magnetic. As well as yielding reactions for nickel, most varieties also show copper, cobalt, and iron. Fus.-2. Pyrrhotite FeS(S)x Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes very slowly faint brown; almost negative; rubs clean. Fumes tarnish brown. HCI, Neg. (Humes sometimes tarnish faintly.). KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Slowly tarnishes brownish or iridescent; rubs to brownish iridescence. Hardness, Medium. 3.5-4.5. Brittle. Description. C.-Bronze-yellow. Str.-Grayish-black. Usually mas- sive or disseminated. Naturally magnetic. B.B. In the R. F. on charcoal blackens and becomes strongly magnetic. Fus.--2.5-3, Chalmersite CuFeS. (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Fumes tarnish slightly; washes clean. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl, Neg. HgCl, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 3.5. Slightly brittle. Description. C.--Pale yellow. Str.-Grayish or greenish black. Strongly, though variably magnetic. B.B. In the R.F. on charcoal fuses to a strongly magnetic globule. Well roasted and reduced with sodium carbonate on charcoal yields cop- per (IV, 6, a). CREAMY WHITE PENTLANDITE (Fe, Ni)s (Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slowly tarnishes very faint brown; rubs to very faint brown. HČI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 3.5-4. Brittle. Description. C.-Light bronze-yellow. Str.--Bronze. Non-magnetic. Massive. B.B. Fuses readily to a magnetic globule on charcoal and yields a red precipitate with dimethyl glyoxime (IV, 14, b). Fus.—2. CREAMY WHITE Wittichenite CuzBiS: (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes light brown; rubs to gray. Fumes tarnish. HCl, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3 , Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Slowly tarnishes faint brown; rubs clean. Hardness, 3.5. Slightly brittle. Description. C.-Steel-gray. Str.-Black. B.B. On charcoal fuses easily, at first throwing out sparks, and yielding a bismuth oxide coat (IV, 3, a). The roasted material, moistened with HCl yields a strong blue copper chloride flame, Fus.-1. GALENA WHITE Andorite Pb AgSb S6 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slowly tarnishes brown or iridescent; rubs faint or clean. Fumes tarnish slowly. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Slowly tarnishes to pale brown; rubs to faint brownish iridescence. Hardness, Medium to low. Brittle. Description. C.-Steel-gray. Str.-Black. B.B. Shows lead and antimony as in bournonite, but when cupelled yields silver. Fus.-1. GRAYISH WHITE Tennantite See page 117. 95 WHITE Native Antimony Sb Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes brownish or iridescent; rubs same. HCI, (Sometimes appears to tarnish very faintly.) KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Tarnishes slowly brown; rubs to pale brown. HgCl2, Slowly Fe, tarnishes faintly brown; rubs nearly clean. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 3.3-5. Very brittle. Description. C. and Str.--Tin-white. Perfect cleavage. B.B. On charcoal yields a white coat in both R.F. and O.F.; with inter- mittent blowing the globule is finally crusted over with prismatic crystals of antimony trioxide. CREAMY WHITE Native Silver See page 43. GALENA WHITE See page 43. Plagionite Aguilarite GRAYISA WHITE See page 76. 96 HNO3 HCI-N DETERMINATIVE TABLES KCN-N Low FeCl3 WHITE Berzelianite Cu Se (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes iridescent; rubs to iridescent greenish gray. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Tarnishes very light brown; rubs clean. HgCl2, Tarnishes very light brown; rubs clean. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. Very sectile. Description. C.-Silver-white, soon tarnishing. Str. --Shining. Occurs in thin dendritic crusts and disseminated. B.B. In the open tube gives a red sublimate of selenium, with white crystals of selenium dioxide. On charcoal yields white coat, selenium odor, and blue flame; with soda in R.F. gives metallic copper. Fus.- 1.5. WHITE Eucairite Cu Se. AgzSe (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes black and shows orange coating; rubs to rough gray. Fumes tarnish slightly. HCl, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3 , Practically negative. (Sometimes tarnishes very slowly faint brown.) HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5. Very sectile. Description. C.-Silver-gray. Str.-Shining. Massive and granular. B.B. Like berzelianite except that silver is shown on reduction. CREAMY WHITE Kalgoorlite HgAu2Ag&Tec? (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Very slowly tarnishes faint brown; rubs almost clean. HCI, Neg. KËN, Neg. FeCl3, Tarnishes iridescent; rubs to rough brownish surface. HgCl, Neg.. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. Sectile, but slightly brittle. Description. C. and Str.-Iron-black. Occurs massive. B.B. Yields tellurium flame and coat on charcoal (IV, 20, a). Roasted and reduced with sodium carbonate yields gold and silver. With soda in a closed tube gives metallic mercury. GRAYISH WHITE Petzite (Ag, Au)2Te (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes brown to black; rubs gray. (Some specimens effervesce.) HCl, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3 , Tarnishes brown; rubs clean. HgCl2, Tarnishes light brown; rubs faint. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5-3. Very sectile. Description. C.-Iron-black. Str.-Gray. Granular to compact. B.B. Yields a bright green tellurium fláme and white coat on charcoal (IV, 20, a). Roasted and reduced with soda on charcoal yields gold and silver button. Fus.—1.5. GRAYISH WHITE Coloradoite Hg Te (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slowly tarnishes iridescent; rubs clean. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Tarnishes very faint brown; rubs clean. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 3. Very sectile. Description. C.-Iron-black. Str.-Black. Massive; granular. B.B. Easily volatile on charcoal. In the closed tube slightly decrepi- tates, fuses and yields metallic mercury, also tellurium oxide in drops, and next to the assay metallic tellurium. Fus.—1. GRAYISH WHITE Molybdenite MoS2. Microchem. HNO3, Slowly very faint tarnish; rubs clean. Fumes tarnish faint. (Reaction is often practically negative.) HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Practically negative, but sometimes tarnishes very faint brown; washes clean. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 1-1.5. Very sectile. Description. C.--Lead-gray to bluish black. Str.-Bluish gray. Marks paper. Laminæ are flexible, but inelastic. Perfect basal cleavage. B.B. Infusible, but yields a green flame, also a white coat in O.F. on charcoal (IV, 13). 97 GALENA WHITE Galenobismutite* Pb Bi SA (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes brown to black; rubs same. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 3-4. Description. C.-Lead-gray to tin-white. Str.-Grayish black. B.B. With KI & S flux shows both lead and bismuth (IV, 3, and 10). GALENA WHITE Beegerite* Pb.Bi2S, (Very Rare) HNO3, Tarnishes; rubs to faint gray. Fumes tarnish. HCl, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. Description. C.-Gray. Str.-Grayish black. B.B. Like galenobismutite. GALENA WHITE Freieslebenite (Pb,Ag2).Sb.Su (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes dark; rubs to rough gray. One fairly reliable specimen of_this mineral was negative with HNO 3. HCİ, Neg. KČN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2-2.5. Brittle. Description. C.-Steel-gray. Str.—Black. Vertically striated prisms. B.B. Yields antimony filame and coat on charcoal (IV, 1, a). With KI & S flux shows lead (IV, 10, a). Reduced with soda and cupelled shows silver. Fus.—1. GALENA WHITE Nagyagite Au2Pbı Sb Te&Sus? (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Slowly tarnishes iridescent; rubs gray. HCÍ, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 1-1.5. Description. C.-Gray. Str.—Black. One perfect cleavage. Thin laminæ are flexible. Tabular crystals; also granular massive. B.B. Complex, but yields tests for constituents of formula. (See Chap. IV.) CREAMY WHITE Sylvanite AuAgTez (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO), Tarnishes brown; rubs to deep brown, sometimes developing cleavage. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 1.5-2. Slightly brittle. Description. C.-Yellowish steel-gray. Str.-Gray. Perfect pinacoidal cleavage. Usually crystalline. B.B. Yields bright green tellurium flame and coat on charcoal (IV, 20, a). Roasted and reduced with soda yields both gold and silver. Fus.—1. CREAMY WHITE Guanajuatite BizSez (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Quickly tarnishes iridescent; rubs practically clean. Fumes tarnish brown. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Slowly tarnishes brown; rubs clean. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5-3.5.' Sectile to slightly brittle. Description. C.-Bluish gray. Str.-Black. B.B. Yields blue selenium flame, odor, and coat on charcoal (IV, 17, a). With KI & S ilux yields a brick-red bismuth iodide coat (IV, 3). Fus.—1.5. 98 HNO, DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI-N KCN-N Low FeCl3-N PALE BROWN Sternbergite* AgFe2S3? (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes iridescent; rubs gray. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. KOH, Tarnishes brown; rubs clean. Hardness, Low. 1-1.5. Description. C.-Bronze. Str.–Black. Perfect basal cleavage. Lam- inæ are flexible, like tin-foil. Marks paper. Tabular crystals. B.B. Roasted on charcoal becomes magnetic and the surface of the glob- . GALENA WHITE Lengenbachite Pb (AgCu),As S12 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Practically negative, but sometimes tarnishes slightly; rubs to faint gray. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. Brittle. Description. C.-Steel-gray. Str.–Brownish. Marks paper. B.B. Yields arsenic odor and coat on coal (IV, 2, a). See Chapter IV. GALENA WAITE Rathite Pb(As, Sb)S? (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Very slowly tarnishes brown; rubs to faint_gray. Sometimes practically negative. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. Fecis, Neg. HgCl2 , Neg. KOH, Tarnishes brown; rubs to faint gray. Hardness, Low. Brittle. Description. C.-Blackish lead-gray. Str.—Reddish brown. Prismatic cryst. B.B. Yields common tests for constituents in formula. (Chap. IV). GALENA WHITE Jordanite* Pb4As2S1 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes slightly; rubs clean. HČI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 3. Brittle. Description. C.-Lead-gray. Str.-Black. Six sided crystals. B.B. Decrepitates strongly yielding arsenic odor and white coat on char- coal; also a yellow lead oxide coat near the assay. Fus.--1. GALENA WHITE Guitermanite* 3PbS.As2S3? (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Quickly tarnishes iridescent; rubs clean. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCla, Neg.. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 3. Description. C.--Bluish gray. Str.---Black. Massive, compact. B.B. Like jordanite. GALENA WHITE Epiboulangerite* Pb3Sb2S. (Very Rare Microchem. HNO3, Tarnishes black; rubs to gray. Sometimes shows small white crystals after rubbing. HCI, Neg. (Fumes sometimes tarnish slightly.) KCN, Neg. FeCls, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. Description. C.-Dark bluish gray. Str.-Black. Striated prismatic needles. B.B. Yields antimony flame and coat on charcoal (IV, 1, a); also yellow lead oxide coat near the assay. Fus.-1. WHITE WHITE CREAMY WHITE GALENA WHITE GALENA WHITE GRAYISH WHITE GRAYISH WHITE GRAYISH WHITE GALENA WHITE Eucairite Berzellianite Emplectite Stibnite Geocronite Crookesite Regnolite JAMESONITE Andorite See page 97. See page 97. See page 63. See page 87. See page 79. See page 94. See page 119. See page 62. See page 95. 99 HNO3-N DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI KCN Low FeCl2 GRAYISH WHITE STEPHANITE Ag.SbS4 Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Fumes slowly tarnish brown to irides- cent; rubs clean. KCN, Quickly tarnishes brown; rubs pale brown, developing cracks. FeCl, Slowly gives a speckled surface; rubs clean HgCla, Quickly tarnishes brown; rubs to brown. KOH, Slowly tar- nishes deep brown; rubs clean. Hardness, Low. 2-2.5. Slightly sectile to brittle. Description. C. and Str.--Iron-black. B.B. In the closed tube decrepitates and fuses, after long heating giving faint antimony sublimate. On charcoal fuses easily with spirting, yielding a white coat which may become red with oxidized silver. Roasted and reduced with soda yields silver button. BROWN Pyrolusite MnO2 Microchem. HNO3, Practically negative. (Faintly tarnishes and dis- solves in two or three minutes.) HCl, Tarnishes slowly; rubs pale. KCN, With 20 per cent. solution almost negative, but rapidly tarnishes with very dilute solution and is noticeable usually after washing. FeCl3, Tarnishes dark brown; rubs pale. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low (Variable). Description. C.-Dark steel-gray to iron-black. Str.—Black. Soils fingers. B.B. Infusible. Yields manganese reactions with the fluxes. Evolves chlorine when treated with HCI. GRAYISH WHITE Jalpaite See page 67. BLUISH WHITE Proustite See page 109. 101 HNON DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI KCN-N Med. FeClz-N GRAYISH WHITE (CREAMY) Delafossite CuO, Fe2O3? (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Tarnishes slightly and acid turns yel- lowish-green; rubs to etched surface. KČN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 2.5. Brittle. Description. C.-Dark gray. Str.-Blackish gray. Cleavable in to laminæ. Occurs in small crystalline plates. B.B. Fusible with difficulty, coloring the flame green. Easily soluble in HCI. 103 HNO3-N DETERMINATIVE TABLES HC1-N KCN Med. FeCl2 GRAYISH WHITE POLYBASITE See page 87. 105 HNON DETERMINATIVE TABLES HC1-N KCN Med. FeCl3-N YELLOW BROWNISH WHITE GRAYISE WHITE Chalcopyrite Enargite PYRARGYRITE See page 117. See page 83. See page 111. 107 HNO3-N DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCl-N KCN Low FeCl2 BLUISH WHITE Proustite AgzAss Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HČI, Neg. Fumes sometimes tarnish faintly; rubs clean. KCN, Slowly tarnishes brown, developing scratches; rubs to faint brown. FeCl3 , Slowly tarnishes faintly; rubs clean. HgCl2, Slowly tarnishes brown; rubs to brownish irides- cence. KOH, Quickly tarnishes black; rubs to pale brown. Hardness, Low. 2.5. Slightly brittle. Blood-red powder when scratched. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light is bright red. Description.-C. and Str.Scarlet. Commonly as elongated crystals. B.B. Yields arsenic odor and white coat on charcoal., Prolonged heating in the 0.F, or reduction with soda in the R.F. yields silver. Fus.-1. BLUISH WHITE Polyargyrite* Ag24Sb2S16 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg: Fumes often tarnish slightly; rubs clean. HCI, Neg. KCN. Quickly tarnishes brown; rubs clean. FeCls, Tarnishes dark or iridescent; rubs clean. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5. Very sectile. Description. C.-Iron-black to grayish black. Str.-—Black. Cubic cleavage. B.B. Fuses easily on charcoal to a black globule, giving antimony flame and coat, and finally a brittle globule of silver. Fus.-1. GRAYISH WHITE Cerargyrite Agci Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Quickly tarnishes to red- dish brown; washes to dark solution pit. FeCl3, Quickly tarnishes dark brown; rubs same. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Slowly tarnishes; rubs pale. Hardness, Low. 1-1.5. Highly sectile. Description. C. -Pearl-gray, various. Str.---Waxlike. B.B. Fuses in closed tube without decomposition. On charcoal gives a globule of metallic silver. GRAYISE WHITE Bromyrite AgBr (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Tarnishes slightly; rubs nearly clean. FeCl3, Tarnishes dark gray to brown; rubs same. HgCl2, Slight tarnish? KOH, Tarnishes rapidly and forms whitish coating. Hardness, Low. Sectile. Description. C.-Bright yellow to grass or olive green. Str.-Yellowish green. No cleavage. B.B. On charcoal emits bromine vapors and yields a globule of metallic silver. In the closed tube reacts like cerargyrite. Embolite, Ag(CI, Br), and iodobromite, 2AgCl.2AgBr.AgI, are intermediate between cerargyrite, bromyrite and iodyrite in all chemical and physical properties as well as in composition. The differences in color on the polished surface are usually enough to distinguish between any two that may be present together, and the difference in the rates of reaction with any of the active reagents easily brings out contrasts between them. GRAYISH WHITE Jalpaite See page 67. GRAYISH WHITE Pearcite See page 85. 109 BLUISH WHITE Miargyrite AgSbS2 (Very Rare) Microchem. Like pyrargyrite. Hardness, Low. 2-2.5. Brittle. Cherry-red powder when scratched. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light is deep red. Description. C.-Iron-black to steel-gray. Str. —Cherry-red. B.B. On charcoal fuses quietly, giving a white antimony coat and a gray bead, which after continued treatment in the O.F. leaves a bright globule of silver. Fus.—1. GRAYISH WHITE Argyrodite Ag&Gesc? (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Tarnishes brown, devel- oping scratches; rubs to very faintly etched surface. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2 , Tarnishes brownish iridescent; rubs to iridescence. KOÉ, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5. Brittle. Description. C.-Steel-gray on a fresh fracture, with a tinge of reddish violet. Str.--Grayish black. B.B. In the closed tube yields a brilliant black sublimate; in the open tube fumes of sulphur dioxide. On charcoal fuses to a bead, giving near the assay a faint white sublimate; after long heating, an orange- yellow sublimate and a silver globule. Fus.---1.5. GRAYISH WHITE ORPIMENT As2S2 Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Tarnishes dark quickly; rubs nearly same. FeCl3 , Neg. HgCl2, Yellow coat, rubs clean. KOH, Quickly tarnishes black. Hardness, Low. 1.5-2. Sectile. Lemon-yellow powder when scratched. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light is yellow. Description. C.-Lemon-yellow. Str.–Pale yellow. Usually in foli- ated or columnar masses. Perfect pinacoidal cleavage. B.B. On charcoal fuses and volatilizes entirely, yielding arsenic odor. In the closed tube, fuses, volatilizes, and gives a dark yellow sublimate. Fus.-1. GRAYISH WHITE Iodyrite AgI (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HČI, Neg. KCN, Quickly dissolves and tarnishes to dark surface; rubs to gray, etched surface, FeCls , Neg. HgCl2, Tarnishes brownish to iridescent; rubs same or slightly lighter. KÓH, Very slowly yields slight tarnish. Hardness, Low. Sectile. Internal reflection seen by inclined light is yel- lowish to brownish. Description. C.--Yellow to yellowish green, sometimes brownish. Str. Yellow. Perfect C cleavage. B.B. In the closed tube fuses and assumes a deep yellow color, but re- sumes its yellow color on cooling. On charcoal gives fumes of iodine and a globule of metallic silver. 110 HNO3-N DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI-N KCN Low FeC1,-N BLUE Covellite Cus Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg.. KCN, Quickly tarnishes purple; rubs to grayish, deeply etched surface. Fels, Neg. HgCl2, Ñeg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 1.5-2. Slightly brittle. Description. C.-Deep indigo-blue. Str.-Gray to black. Perfect basal cleavage; flexible in thin leaves. Common in smaller quantities as a secondary mineral in nearly all copper deposits. B.B. On charcoal burns with a blue flame, fusing to a globule which reacts like chalcocite (IV, 6). Fus.—2.5. YELLOW Native Gold Au Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Slowly blackens; rubs to brownish, rough surface. FeCl3, Neg. (?). HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5-3. Sectile." Yellow powder when scratched. Description. C. and Str.-Gold-yellow. B.B. Fuses easily to yellow button. 'Not acted on by any of the fluxes. GALENA WHITE Livingstonite HgSb St (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. (?) HCI, Neg. KCN, Slowly tarnishes grayish. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Tarnishes to brownish iridescence; rubs same. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2. Red powder when scratched. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light is deep red. Description. C.—Lead-gray. Str.-Red. Usually in slender prismatic crystals. B.B. Roasted on charcoal is completely volatile. Yields antimony flame and coat (IV, 1, a). With soda in the closed tube yields mercury (IV, 12, a). Fus. -1. BLUISH WHITE Onofrite Hg(SSE) (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Faintly tarnishes brown or bluish, differentially; rubs to faint brown. Fečls, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Low. 2.5. Sectile to slightly brittle. Some flakes show yellow internal reflection as seen by inclined light. Description. C. and Str.-Blackish gray. Massive; fine granular. B.B. In the closed tube decrepitates and gives sublimates of sulphur and mercury (IV, 12, a). On charcoal gives copious fumes with selen- ium odor and a sublimate with metallic-like luster which touched by the R.F. disappears, coloring the flame azure-blue. GRAYISH WHITE PYRARGYRITE AgzSbS Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Tarnishes pale brown slowly; rubs to faint gray surface showing structure. FeCla, Neg. HgCl2, Slowly tarnishes light brown; rubs clean. KOH, Tarnishes black; rubs to speckled yellowish gray surface. Hardness, Low. 2.5. Brittle. Blood-red powder when scratched. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light is brilliant red. Description. C.--Black to grayish black. Str.-Purplish red. B.B. On charcoal fuses with spirting to a globule, coats the coal white, and the assay is converted into silver sulphide, which, treated in the O.F., or with soda in the R.F., gives a globule of silver. Fus.-1. BLUISH WHITE Proustite See page 109. (Very Rare) GRAYISH WHITE POLYBASITE See page 87. 111 HNO3-N DETERMINATIVE TABLES HC1-N KCN-N High FeCl, GRAY Uraninite Uranate of U,Pb, etc. (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl. Slowly tarnishes to still darker brownish gray; rubs same. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, High. 5.5. Brittle. Description. °C.--Pitch-black to greenish. Str.--Greenish brown to black. Usually massive and botryoidal. B.B. Infusible. In the R.F. gives a green bead with both borax and salt of phosphorous (IV, 26, a). Many impurities are always present and any or all may yield reactions. 113 GRAYISH WHITE WOLFRAMITE (Fe Mn) WO Microchem. Negative with all reagents. Hardness, High. 5–5.5. Brittle. Description. C.-Dark brown to nearly black. Str.—Reddish or brownish to nearly, black. Perfect pinacoidal cleavage. Crystals commonly tabular, bladed, columnar, etc. B.B. Fuses to a magnetic globule with a crystalline surface. With soda yields a green manganate bead (IV, 11, a). For tests for tungsten, see ÍV, 25. Fus.--3. (Note. Hübnerite, Mn WO4, and Ferberite, FeW04, differ from Wol- framite only in color.) SnO2 GRAY CASSITERITE Microchem. Negative with all reagents. Hardness, High. 6-7. Description. C.-Brown to black; variable. Str.-Light. B.B. Infusible. Reduced with soda and borax on charcoal yields metal- lic tin buttons. GRAY (VARIABLE) Limonite 2Fe2O3.3H,(? Microchem. . Negative with all reagents. Hardness, High.5-5.5. Brittle. Yellow powder when scratched. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light is often reddish brown. Description. C.-Ocher-yellow to brownish black. Str.-Yellowish brown. Never crystallized. Usually botryoidal, concretionary, mas- sive, earthy, etc. B.B. 'Infusible. Yields water when heated in the closed tube. Other- wise like hematite. (Note.-Göthite, Fe2O3.H,O, and Turgite, 2Fe2O3.H,0, behave chemically like Limonite, but Turgite is very much lighter in color.) GRAY CHROMITE FeCr204 Microchem. Negative with all reagents. Hardness, High. 5.5. Description. C.-Iron-black to brownish black; various. Str. -Brown. Commonly massive; fine granular to compact. B.B Infusible in 0.F., but in R.F. is slightly rounded on edges and becomes magnetic. For tests for chromium see IV, 4. GRAYISH WHITE Rare Earths Columbite, Tantalite, Samarskite, etc., are all chemically inert with the reagents used and are indistinguishable on polished sections. GRAYISH WHITE MANGANESE OXIDES MANGANITE, Mn2O3.H20, HAUSMANNITE, MnO.Mn208, and BRAUNITE, 3Mn203. MnSiO3, are all chemically inert with the reagents used. 114 HNO3-N HCI-N DETERMINATIVE TABLES KCN-N High FeCiz-N WHITE Sperrylite PtAsz (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCla, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, High. 6–7. Brittle, Description. C.-Tin-white. Str.-Black. In minute isometric crystals. B.B.. Decrepitates slightly.. Unchanged in the closed tube. Yields white arsenic trioxide sublimate in the open tube. Dropped on red- hot platinum foil, melts, gives off arsenic trioxide fumes, and deposits porous platinum on the foil. Fus.—2. PINKISH WHITE Cobaltite CoAss Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. (Sometimes slowly faint tarnish rubs clean.) Fels , Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, High. 5.5. Brittle. Description. C.-Silver-white, inclined to pinkish. Str.—Grayish black. Good cubic cleavage. Often in cubic crystals. B.B. Unaltered in the closed tube. On charcoal yields an arsenic coat and fuses to a magnetic globule. When well roasted it yields a blue bead with borax. Fus.—2-3. CREAMY WHITE Hematite Fe2O. Microchem. Negative with all reagents. Hardness, High. 5.5-6.5. Brittle. Brownish red to gray powder when scratched. Description. C.—Reddish brown, steel-gray, to iron-black. Str.- Cherry-red. B.B. Infusible. On charcoal in R. F. becomes magnetic. GRAYISH WHITE Magnetite Fe:04 Microchem. Negative with all reagents. . Hardness, High. 5.5-6.5. Brittle. Description. C.--Iron-black. Str.-Black. Naturally strongly mag- netic. B.B. Nearly infusible. In the O.F. loses its magnetism. With the fluxes reacts like hematite. GRAYISH WHITE Ilmenite FeTiO. Microchem. Negative with all reagents. Hardness, High. 5-6. Brittle. Description. C.--Iron-black. Str.—Black to brownish. B.B. Infusible in O.F., but slightly rounded on edges in hottest R.F. For wet test for titanium see (IV, 24, b and c). GRAYISH WHITE Rutile Microchem. Negative with all reagents. Hardness, High. 6-6.5. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light sometimes is reddish. Description. C.-Reddish brown to nearly black. Str.-Pale brown. Occurs usually in prismatic crystals. Knee-like twins. B.B. Infusible. Yields bead and wet tests for titanium (IV, 24). GRAYISH WHITE Franklinite (FeZn Mn)O.(FeMn)20 (Very Rare) Microchem. Negative with all reagents. Hardness, High. 5.5-6.5. Brittle. Description. C.-Iron-black. Str.---Very dark brown. B.B. Infusible. With soda gives a green manganate bead and on char- coal a coating of zinc oxide (IV, 29). (Note.-Chalcophanite (Mn, Zn)0.2MnO2.2H20, is also grayish white and behaves chemically like Franklinite.) WHITE Löllingite See page 91. TiO2 3 115 GRAY Voltzite ZnSO (Very Rare) Microchem. Negative with all reagents. (HNO3, fumes sometimes tarnish very faintly.) Hardness, Medium. 44.5. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light is reddish yellow or brown. Description. C.-Dirty rose-red, yellowish, or brownish. Str.-Light. Occurs thin curved, lamellar, etc. B.B. Nearly infusible.' Reduced with soda on charcoal yields white zinc oxide coat, which when moistened with cobalt nitrate solution and again heated in the O.F. becomes green (IV, 29, a) GRAY Erythrovincite* (MnZn)S '', (Very Rare) Microchem. Negative with all reagents. Hardness, Medium to low. Description. C.-Red. Str.-Pale yellow. Occurs in thin plates. B.B. Yields green manganate bead with soda. Also usual tests for zinc. ! ! 116 HNO3-N HCI-N DETERMINATIVE TABLES KCN-N Med. FeCl3-N YELLOW Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 Microchem. HNO3, Neg.. (Sometimes tarnishes brown; rubs faint. Fumes also tarnish in such cases.) HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. (Rarely tarnishes iridescent with development of scratches.) FeCl, Neg. HgCl2, Neg... KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 3.5-4. Brittle. Description. C.-Brass-yellow. Str.--Greenish. B.B. On charcoal fuses to a magnetic globule in R. F. Decrepitates in closed tube and gives sulphur sublimate. Roasted and reduced with soda, yields copper buttons. Fus.--2. GALENA WHITE Chalcostibite* CuSbS2 (Very Rare) Microchem. Negative with all reagents. Hardness, Medium. 3–4. Brittle. Description. C.-Blackish gray. Str.-Black. Perfect basal cleavage. B.B. Yields antimony flame and coat on charcoal. Reduced with soda gives a globule of metallic copper. Fus.–1.5. GALENA WHITE Berthierite FeSb2S4 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. KOH, Slowly tarnishes brownish; rubs faint or clean. Hardness, Medium to low. 2-3. Description. C.-Steel-gray. Str.- Black, Elongated prisms or fibrous massive. B.B. Fuses easily, yielding an antimony flame and coat on charcoal, and a magnetic residue. Fus.-2. GRAYISH WHITE Baumhauerite Pb4As&S12 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. (Sometimes tarnishes along cracks; rubs clean.) HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. (Sometimes tarnishes along cracks.) FeCl, Neg. HgCl2 , Slowly tarnishes brown;, rubs to pale brown. KOH, Tarnishes iridescent; rubs clean. Hardness, Medium to low. 3. Brittle. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light is often red. Description. C.-Lead-gray. Str.---- Brown. One perfect cleavage. B.B. Yields arsenic odor and coat on charcoal; lead coat near the assay. With KI & S flux gives lemon-yellow lead iodide coat (IV, 10, a). GRAYISH (BROWNISA) WHITE Tetrahedrite CusSb2S, Microchem. HNO3, Neg. (Fumes sometimes tarnish faint brown; rubs clean.) HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Neg. Hardness, Medium. 3-4.5. Very brittle. Description. C.-Gray to black. Str.—Brown to black. B.B. Reacts for copper, antimony, arsenic, silver, and often mercury, etc. Almost impossible to distinguish between tetrahedrite and tennantite. Fus. -1.5. GRAYISH (GREENISH) WHITE Tennantite CusAs2S7 Like tetrahedrite into which it grades chemically. PALE YELLOW MILLERITE See page 95. Pyrrhotite See page 95. CREAM Chalmersite See page 95. CREAMY WHITE PENTLANDITE See page 95. GRAYISH WHITE BOURNONITE See page 94. CREAM 117 GRAYISH WHITE Cinnabar HgS Microchem. Negative with all reagents used. Hardness, Low. 2-2.5. Slightly sectile. Carmine-red powder when scratched. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light is carmine-red. Description. C.-Cochineal-red, inclining to brownish and lead gray. Perfect prismatic cleavage. B.B. On charcoal entirely volatile when pure. In closed tube alone gives a black sublimate of mercuric sulphide, but with soda, one of metallic mercury. Fus.—1.5. GRAYISH WHITE Metacinnabarite Hgs (Very Rare) Microchem. Negative with all reagents used. (HNO, sometimes tarnishes faintly.) Hardness, Low. 3. Slightly brittle. Description. C.-Grayish black. Str.-Black. B.B. Like cinnabar. GRAYISH WHITE Patronite VS.(?) (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KČN, Neg. FeCla, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Tarnishes iridescent; rubs to paler iridescence. Hardness. Very low. Sectile. Description. C.-Bluish black. Str.-Bluish gray. Occurs massive and amorphous. B.B. Gives test for vanadium with S. Ph. bead. Also wet tests. GRAY Lorandite* TIA$S2 (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl, Neg. KOH, Quickly develops coating of orange; rubs clean to rough surface. Hardness, Low. 2-2.5. Dark red powder when scratched. Internal reflection as seen by inclined light is orange-red. Description. C.-Carmine-red, often tarnishes gray on the surface. Str.--Cherry-red. Perfect pinacoidal cleavage yielding flexible lamelle. B.B. For tests for the rare element thallium see Chapter IV, 21. GALENA WHITE Freieslebenite See page 98. GALENA WHITE Berthierite See page 117. GALENA WHITE Lengenbachite See page 99. GALENA WHITE Rathite See page 99. GRAYISH WHITE Baumhauerite See page 117. GRAYISH WHITE Molybdenite See page 97. GRAY Erythrozincite See page 116. 118 HNO3-N DETERMINATIVE TABLES HCI-N KCN-N Low FeCl2-N 1 GALENA WHITE Dufrenoysite Pb2As2S. (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCl, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KÖH, Tarnishes iridescent and darkens; rubs to faint gray, etched surface. Hardness, Low. 3. Brittle. Description. C.-Blackish gray. Str.-Reddish brown. Perfect basal cleavage. B.B.. On charcoal decrepitates, fuses, and yields a globule of lead which gives trace of silver on cupellation. Also gives arsenic coat on charcoal. Fus.-1. GALENA WHITE Matildite* AgBis, (Very Rare) Microchem. Negative with all reagents used. Hardness, Low. Description. C.-Gray. Str.-Light gray. Often as slender striated prisms. B.B. Fuses easily on charcoal, giving a coating of bismuth oxide and on long heating a globule of silver. GALENA WAITE Lehrbachite PbSe + HgSe Microchem. Negative with all reagents used. Hardness, Low. Quite brittle. Description. C.-Lead-gray to iron-black. Occurs massive, granular, etc. B.B. On charcoal yields to a strong odor of selenium and partly fuses. In the closed tube gives a lustrous metallic gray sublimate of mercury selenide, with sodium carbonate a sublimate consisting of globules of mercury. BLUISH WHITE Tiemannite HgSe (Very Rare) Microchem. Negative with all reagents used. Hardness, Low. 2.5. Sectile to slightly brittle. Description. C.--Blackish gray. Str. --Black. B.B. Decrepitates in the closed tube and when pure entirely sublimes, giving a black sublimate with the upper edge reddish brown. On char- coal yields selenium odor and blue flame and deposits a white coat with a metallic-like luster. BLUISH WHITE Vrbaite* TIAS2SbS. (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3, Neg. KOH, Tarnishes iridescent; rubs to gray. Hardness, Low. Internal reflection by inclined light is red. Yellowish red powder when scratched. Description. C.--Gray-black. Str.-Light yellowish red. BLUISH WHITE Stützite* Ag, Te? (Very Rare) Microchem. Negative with all reagents used. Hardness, Low. Description. C.-Lead-gray with reddish tinge. Str.-Blackish lead- gray: B.B. Easily fusible to a dark bead from which a silver globule is obtained by reduction with soda. Yields tellurium oxide in the open tube. (IV, 20, c). GRAYISH WHITE Regnolite Cu,As2S12 (Very Rare) Microchem. Negative with all reagent used. (HNO3 fumes sometimes tarnish faint brown; rubs clean.) Hardness, Low. Resembles tetrahedrite and tennatite very closely. GRAYISH WHITE Seligmannite CuPbAsS. (Very Rare) Microchem. HNO3, Neg. HCI, Neg. KCN, Neg. FeCl3 , Neg. HgCl2, Neg. KOH, Slowly tarnishes to iridescence; rubs clean. Hardness, Low. Sectile to slightly brittle. Description. C.-Blackish gray. Str.-Brownish black. B.B. Like bournonite except tests for arsenic instead of antimony. 119 CHAPTER IV SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS TABULATED PROPERTIES OF ORE MINERALS Some few of the opaque minerals when viewed on a polished surface with vertical illumination show colors other than shades of white or gray. The following table will often be helpful in immediately identifying these minerals. TABLE 7 Color Purple Purple Blue Yellow esite Yellow Pale yellow Cream Cream Cream Cream Cream Cream Cream Cream Cream Creamy pink Coppery pink Coppery pink Brown Mineral Umangite Rickardite Covellite Chalcopyrite Gold MILLERITE (Pyrite) (Marcasite) Pyrrhotite PENTLANDITE Chalmersite Whitneyite Maucherite Hauchecornite Sulvanite Niccolite Copper Breithauptite Bornite Formula CuzSez Cu Tea Cus CuFeS2 Au Nis FeS2 FeS2 FeS(S) (FeNi)s CuFe2S3 Cu,AS NizAsz (NiCo)-(Bi,S,Sb)s Cu3VSA NiAS Cu NiSb CusFest Page 77 35 111 117 111 95 57 57 95 95 95 33 55 91 65 55 51 93 53 When the vertical illumination is cut out and the light from some strong source is allowed to strike the polished surface at an inclination, a number of the ore minerals reveal more or less brilliantly colored internal reflections. These colors are quite characteristic of certain minerals and should always be observed in the course of an identification. Table 8 lists those minerals in which such colors are commonly seen. 120 SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 121 TABLE 8 Formula Page Color of internal Mineral reflection Red Baumhauerite Red Cinnabar Red Cuprite Red Jalpaite Red KERMESITE Red Livingstonite Red Miargyrite Red POLYBASITE Red Proustite Red PYRARGYRITE Red (Rutile?) Red Vrbaite Reddish brown Limonite Reddish brown Hübnerite Brown or yellow (CASSITERITE?) Brown or yellow Sphalerite Brown or reddish yellow Vollzite Brownish or greenish Cuprodescloizite ALABANDITE Orange red Lorandite Orange REALGAR Yellow (Onofrite?) Yellow ORPIMENT Pb 4AS S 13 HOS Cu20 3 Ag2S.Cu Sb2S20 HgSb.S, AgSbS2 Ag SbS. AgzAss, Ag3SbS, TiO2 TIAS SbS. 2Fe2O3.3H20 MnWO4 SnO2 Zns Zn SĄ0 (PbZnCu),V,0,.H2O Mns TIASS2 Ass Hg(SSe) As2S3 117 118 33 67 87 111 110 87 109 111 115 119 114 114 114 94 116 75 41 118 62 111 110 Olive green When the polished surface of an ore mineral is deeply scratched or gouged with a sharp needle a powder is usually produced, and although this is gray or black in the majority of minerals, a few yield a powder or scratch with distinct colors as seen under the microscope with vertical illumination. This property may often be used as a valuable aid in mineral identification. The minerals giving powders of characteristic colors in this way are grouped in Table 9 which follows: 122 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS TABLE 9 Page 118 33 Color of powder Carmen red Blood red Blood red Blood red Blood red Red Red Red Red Reddish brown Reddish brown Reddish brown Pink Golden brown Brown to yellow Orange Reddish yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Olive-green Mineral Cinnabar Cuprite Jalpaite Proustite PYRARGYRITE KERMESITE Livingstonite Lorandite Miargyrite Hauerite Hematite Regnolite Copper Bornite Sphalerite REALGAR Cuprodescloizite CHROMITE Gold Limonite ORPIMENT ALABANDITE Formula Hgs Cu20 3A82S.CuzS? AgzAss Ag3SbS3 Sb2S20 HgSbS 7 TIASS2 AgSbS2 Mn82 Fe2O3 Cu7As2S12 Cu Cu.FeSA Zns Ass (PbZnCu),V,0,.H2O FeCr204 Au 2Fe2O3.3H20 As2S3 Mns 67 109 111 87 111 118 110 94 115 119 51 53 94 62 75 114 111 114 110 41 SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 123 TABLE 10.—CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY, MEASURED WITH Two DRY CELLS WITH VOLTMETER, AND SHARP's No. 9 SEWING NEEDLES FOR TERMINALS USING Electrical conductivity equal to or greater than copper, voltmeter reads 150 Average voltmeter readings Apparently non-conductors, voltmeter reads 0 Arsenic (native) Algodonite Antimony (native) Bismuth (native) Calaverite Chalcopyrrhotite Chloanthite Coloradorite Copper (native) Covellite Dyscrasite Gersdorffite Glaucodot Harrisite Hauchecornite Hessite Huntilite Kallilite Krennerite Linnæite Magnetite Maucherite Melonite Millerite Mohawkite Niccolite Pentlandite Pyrrhotite Rammelsbergite Safflorite Silver (native) Skutterudite Smaltite Sternbergite Sylvanite Tellurium (native) Ullmannite Whitneyite Willyamite 147 Onofrite 145 Löllingite 142 Petzite 142 Bornite 142 Tiemannite 140 Clausthalite 137 Arsenopyrite 137 Eucairite 135 Chalcocite 130 Metacinnabarite 130 Ploydymite 126 Kalgoorlite 126 Altaite 124 Chalcopyrite 120 Galena 120 Stutzite 120 Luzonite 120 Tennantite 120 Aguilarite 109 Steinmannite 85 Berzellianite 80 Naumannite 70 Nagyagite 57 Polytelite 55 Stromeyerite 50 Pearceite 37 Cobaltite 25 Guanajuatite 15 Chivatite 15 Enargite 12 Marcasite 7 Regnolite 7 Lillianite 7 Rezbanyite 7 Pyrite 7 Ilmenite 5 Psilomelane 5 Jamesonite 3 Plenargyrite 3 Chalmersite 3 Famatinite 3 Cosalite 2 Bismuthinite 2 Argentite 2 Stannite 1 Stylotypite 1 Teallite 1 Frankeite 1 Polybasite I Molybdenite 1 Hematite Aikinite Alabandite Andorite Argyrodite Baumhauerite Boulangerile Bournonite Brongniardite Cassiterite Chromite Cinnabar Cuprite Cuprodescloisite Cylindrite Delafossite Dufrenoysite Emplectite Franklinite Geocronite Hauerite Horsfordite Jalpaite Jordanite Kermesite Legenbachite Limonite Lorandite Matildite Meneghinite Miargyrite Orpiment Plagionite Polyargyrite Proustite Pyrargyrite Rathite Realgar Rutile Seligmannite Semseyite Sphalerite Stephanite Stibnite Sulyanite Tenorite Tetrahedrite Uraninite Voltzite Wittichenite Wurtzite 124 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS TABLE 11.-ELECTRO-POTENTIALS OF ORE MINERALS Potential Less than 100 per cent. Cu Between 5 per vent. Au-95 per cent. Cu and 100 per cent. Cu 5 per cent. Au-95 10 per cent. Au - 20 per cent. Au-80) 30 per cent. Au-70 50 per cent. Au- per cent. Cu to 10 90 per cent. Cu per cent. Cu to 30 per cent. Cu to 40 per cent. Au-90 to 20 per cent. Au 40 per cent. Au-60 per- 50 per cent. Cu per cent. Au-70 cent. Cu to 50 per cent. per cent. Au-60 per cent. Cu -80 per cent. Cu per cent. Cu to 60 per cent. per cent. Cu Au-50 per cent. Cu Au-40 percent. Cu Arsenic Niccolite Mohawkite Domeykite Pyrrhotite (Domeykite) (Pyrite) Smaltite Cobaltite Pyrolusite Chloanthite Bornite Chalcocite Galena Tetradymite Dyscrasite Magnetite Marcasite Nagyagite Native silver Stromeyerite Maucherite Tennantite Tellurium Linnæite (Magnetite) Gersdorffite Hessite Enargite (Pyrite) Famatinite Löllingite Luzonite Lehrbachite Psilomelane (Famatinite) Arsenopyrite Millerite Covellite (Hessite) Metacinnabarite Coloradoite (Enargite) Pyrite SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 125 1 TESTS FOR THE ELEMENTS 9 1. Antimony, Sb ANTIMONY MINERALS Minera Formula Page Andorite Pb AgSb2S 95 Berthierite FeSb2S4 117 Boulangerite Pb3Sb2S6 63 BOURNONITE (Cu2Pb)3Sb2S. 94 Breithauplite NiSb 93 Brongniardite Pb Ag2Sb2S. 69 Chalcostibile CuSbS2 117 Cylindrite PbSb2Sn S21 77 Dyscrasite Ag.Sb, etc. 67 Epiboulangerite PbSb.S. 99 FAMATINITE CuzSbSA 83 Franckeite Pb .Sn Sb2S12 79 Freibergite (CuAg)8Sb2S7 82 Freieslebenite (Pb, Aga).Sb.Su 98 Geocronite Pb Sb2S, 79 Guejarite Cu2Sb S7 83 Hauchecornite (NiCo),(BiSbS). 91 Horsfordite Cu Sb 63 JAMESONITE Pb2Sb2S 62 Kallilite Ni(Sb Bi)s 57 KERMESITE Sb2S20 87 Livingstonite HgSb.S, 111 Meneghinite Pb4Sb2S7 79 Miargyrite AgSbS2 110 Nagyagite Au2Pb10SbTeXS16 98 Plagionite Pb 6Sb8S17 43 Polyargyrite Ag2 Sb2S15 109 POLYBASITE Ag SbS. 87 PYRARGYRITE Ag3SbS; 111 Rathite Pb (As, Sb), S 99 Semseyite Pb7Sb.S16 STEPHANITE Ag SbS4 101 Stibnite Sb2S3 87 Styloty pite 3(Cu,Ag Fe)S.Sb2S3 94 Tetrahedrite CusSb2S7 117 Ullmannite NiSbs 91 Vrbaite TIAs2SbS. 119 Willyamite (CoNi) Sbs Zinkenite PbSb2S4 62 9 Reference has been made to standard works on mineralogy and blow- pipe analysis by A. H. PHILLIPS, Moses and PARSONS, BRUSH and Pen- FIELD, etc. 45 57 126 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS (a) Coat on Charcoal.-Antimony minerals, when heated on charcoal in the O.F. yield a white oxide coat which settles fairly near the assay. This coat is volatile and may be completely driven off with either flame. The powdered mineral, when fused with KI & S flux on charcoal, yields a faint yellow coat (6) Flame Test.—When the above coat is quickly volatilized in the O.F. the flame is colored a pale yellowish-green. (Arsenic coat colors the flame faint violet.) (c) Closed Tube Reaction. Most minerals containing both antimony and sulphur, when heated in the closed tube, yield a black sublimate when hot, which becomes reddish-brown upon cooling. (d) Open Tube Reaction.—Minerals containing antimony and sulphur, when heated in the open tube, yield dense white fumes which settle along the lower half of the tube. This sublimate is volatile and can be entirely driven off. 2. Arsenic, As ARSENIC MINERALS Mineral Arsenic Arsenopyrite Baumhauerite Chloanthite Cobaltite Domeykite Dufrenoysite Enargite GERSDORFFITE GLAUCODOT Guitermanite Jordanite Lengenbachite Löliingite Lorandite Luzonite Maucherite Niccolite ORPIMENT Pearcite Proustite Rammelsbergite Rathite REALGAR Formula As FeAss Pb,As6S13 NiAs? CoASS CuzAs Pb2As2S CuzASS4 NiAss (CoFe) Ass Pb3As2S. Pb4As2S7 Pb6(Ag Cu)2A54S13 FeAs2 TIASS2 CuzASSA NizAs2 NiAs As2S3 Ag Ass Ag3AsSg NiAS2 Pb(AsSb)S Ass Page 59 57 117 89 115 35 119 83 89 91 99 99 99 91 118 83 55 55 110 85 109 89 99 62 SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 127 Mineral Regnolite Saffiorite Seligmannite Smaltite Sperrylite Tennantite Vrbaite Whitneyite Formula Cu7As2S12 COAS2 CuPbAsS COAS2 PtAs2 CugAs2S7 TIAs2SbS, Cu,As Page 119 55 119 55 115 117 119 33 (a) Coat on Charcoal.--Arsenic minerals, when heated on charcoal in the O.F. yield a white oxide coat which settles at a distance from the assay. (Beyond the antimony coat.) This coat is extremely volatile in either flame and, with the R.F. especially, strong characteristic garlic-like odors are given off, (6) Flame Test.—When arsenic minerals are heated on char- coal in the R.F. the flame is colored a faint violet. (Antimony yields a pale, yellowish green flame.) (c) Closed Tube Reaction.-Fusible arsenic minerals mixed with coal dust are placed in the bottom of a narrow closed tube and covered with a small splinter of charcoal. First heat the coal to glowing and then the mineral and coal dust mixture. Any arsenic present, reduced in passing over the hot carbon, deposits as a mirror on the cold walls of the tube. The mirror may be tested by breaking off the bottom of the tube and heat- ing in the Bunsen flame. The characteristic garlic-like odor of arsenic can now be detected as the fumes escape from the mouth of the tube. These fumes also impart a faint violet tinge to the flame if allowed to escape in it. Most arsenic minerals when heated in the closed tube without a flux yield a sublimate which is dark red when hot and reddish-yellow when cold. (d) Open Tube Reactions.--Arsenic minerals, when very slowly heated in the open tube, yield a ring of white crystals which are very volatile and may be completely driven off from the tube upon heating. No arsenic odor is usually noticed in this test. 128 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS 3. Bismuth, Bi BISMUTH MINERALS Mineral Aikinite Beegerite Bismuth Bismuthinite Chilenite Chiviatite Cosalite Dognacskaite Emplectite Guanajuatite Hauchecornite Kallilite Lillianite Matildite Rezbanyite Tapalpaite Tetradymite Wittichenite Formula Pb CuBisz Pb Bi2S, Bi Bi2S3 Ag.Bi Pb2Bi2Su Pb Bi S. Cu, Bi, and s CuBiS2 Bi2Sez (NiCo)(BiSSb) Ni(Sb Bi)s Pb3Bi2S6 AgBiS2 Pb Bi10S19 3Ag2(ST).Big(STe), Biz(Te,S); CuzBisz Page 63 98 43 62 35 63 59 63 63 98 91 57 77 119 61 43 61 93 (a) Coat on Charcoal.—Bismuth minerals, finely powdered and mixed with 2 or 3 parts of sodium carbonate, when heated in the R.F., yield metallic globules which are brittle instead of malleable (as in the case of lead). If the heating is continued, oxide forms and volatilizes, depositing a yellow coat close to the assay. This coat is very similar to that of lead and is best distinguished from it by means of the iodide reaction. The above coat moistened with hydriodic acid and heated gently in the O.F., or the powdered mineral mixed with 2 or 3 parts of KI & S flux and similarly heated, yields a brick-red bismuth iodide coat at some distance from the assay, inside of which there is often a yellow oxide coat. 4. Chromium, Cr CHROMITE FeCr204 Page 114 (a) Bead Tests.-The bead tests for chromium, as for most other elements are only satisfactory when other substances do not interfere. The colors of the borax and S.Ph. beads are given in Table 17, page 149. (b) Wet Test.-Fuse the finely ground chromium mineral mixed with 4 parts sodium carbonate and 2 parts of potassium nitrate SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 129 on a platinum wire. The fusion is dissolved in 2 or 3 c.c. of water, acidified with acetic acid, and filtered if the solution is not clear. If 2 or 3 drops of lead acetate are now added, any chro- mium present will be precipitated as yellow lead chromate. This may be filtered off and tested as in (a). 5. Cobalt, Co COBALT MINERALS 8 Minera Cobaltite GLAUCODOT Hauchecornite Linncite Saflorite Smaltite Willyamite Formula COASS (CoFe) Ass (NiCo)(BiSSb) CozS4 CoAs2 CoAsz (CoNi)SbS Page 115 91 91 91 55 55 57 (a) Bead Tests.—Cobalt minerals, when dissolved in S.Ph. or borax, after roasting on charcoal, yield a deep blue bead in all flames. This test is quite sensitive, but if very large amounts of copper or nickel are present the borax bead should be taken from the wire and reduced beside tin on charcoal. The copper and nickel are absorbed by the tin and the bead will remain blue. 6. Copper, Cu Mineral Aikinite Berzelianite Bornite BOURNONITE Chalcocite Chalcopyrite Chalcostibile Chalmersite Copper Covellite Crookesite Cuprite Cuprodescloizite Delafossite Dognacskaite Domeylcite Emplectite Enargite COPPER MINERALS Formula PbCuBisz Cu Se CuFeSA (PbCug) 3Sb2S6 Cu s CuFeS2 CuSbS2 CuFeS2 Cu Cus (CuTiAg)2Se Cu20 (PbZnCu).V209.H2O CuO, Fe2O3 Cu, Bi, and S CuzAS CuBis2 CuzAss Page 63 97 53 94 51 117 117 95 51 111 94 33 75 103 63 35 63 83 130 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS Page 97 83 82 83 63 67 Mineral Eucairite FAMATINITE Freibergite Guejarite Horsfordite Jalpaite Lengenbachite Luzonite Regnolite Rickardite Seligmannite Stannite Stromeyerite Styloty pite Sulvanite Tennantite TENORITE Tetrahedrite Umangite Whitneyite Wittichenite Formula Cu Se.Ag2Se CuzSbS4 (CuAg).Sb2S7 Cu2SbAS7 Cu.Sb Cu2S.3A82S Pb(Ag Cu),As $18 CuzAsS4 Cu7As2S12 Cu Tez CuPb ASS: Sn CugFes, (Ag, Cu)28 3(Cu,Ag Fe)S.Sb2S Cu3VS4 CugAs2S7 Cuo CuSb2S; CuzSez CugAS Cu Bis 99 83 119 35 119 94 67 94 65 117 73 117 77 33 95 (a) Reduction on Charcoal.—Copper minerals, roasted in 0.F. on charcoal, then finely ground and mixed with two or three parts of sodium carbonate and borax, when treated in a strong R.F. on charcoal, yield malleable copper buttons. It may some- times be necessary to crush and wash the charge in the mortar to obtain the buttons if small. (6) Flame Tests.-Copper minerals heated in O.F. on charcoal; moistened with HCl and then reheated in the R.F., yield a brilliant azure-blue copper chloride flame, which may be tinged with the green flame of copper oxide. This azure-blue flame is very sensi- tive and will detect a fraction of 1 per cent. of copper. Copper oxide and a few copper minerals when powdered and heated directly in the O.F. yield an emerald-green flame. (c) Bead Tests.—Copper minerals, when roasted in 0.F. charcoal, and dissolved in S.Ph. or borax, yield a green bead while hot, which becomes blue when cold. In the R.F. if much oxide is present, the cold bead in reflected light is an opaque red due to cuprous oxide, Cu20. (d) Wet Test.—Copper salts color all acid solutions blue or green. With an excess of ammonium hydroxide the solution turns deep blue. Iron, if present, may be held in solution by adding tartaric acid before introducing the ammonia. on SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 131 7. Germanium, Ge Argyrodito Ag Ges; Page 110 (a) Coat on Charcoal.–Argyrodite, when heated in the R.F. and O.F. on charcoal, yields a glazy white coat near the assay, which assumes a yellowish color at a distance from it. 8. Gold, Au GOLD MINERALS Mineral CALAVERITE Gold Kalgoorlite KRENNERITE Nagyagite Petzite Sylvanite Formula AgAuТe, Au Hg AugAg&Tec AgAu Teg Au2Pb10Sb Te S16 (AgAu)2Te AgAuТe, Page 61 111 97 63 98 97 98 Gold is usually present in such small amounts that ordinary blowpipe methods are not of much value in detecting it. It is present as a major constituent only in the tellurides, and reducing these minerals with sodium carbonate on charcoal in the R.F. yields a malleable button containing gold and silver. After dis- solving with nitric acid the black residue is ignited and turns gold yellow. 9. Iron, Fe Mineral Arsenopyrite Berthierite Bornite Chalcopyrite Chalmersite CHROMITE Delafossite Ferberile GLAUCODOT Göthite Franklinite Hematite Ilmenite Limonite IRON MINERALS Formula FeAss FeSb2S4 Cu, Fest CuFeS2 CuFe2S FeCr,04 CuO, Fe2O3 FeWO (CoFe) Ass Fe2O3.H20 (FeZnMn)O.(FeMn)203 Fe2O3 FeTi03 2Fe2O3.3H20 Page 57 117 53 117 95 114 103 114 91 114 115 115 115 114 + 132 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS Mineral Löllingite Magnetite Marcasite PENTLANDITE Pyrite Pyrrhotite Stannite Sternbergite Stylotypite Turgite WOLFRAMITE Formula FeAs2 Fe304 Fesz (FeNi)S Fes, FeS(S). Sn CuzFeS AgFe,S. 3(Cu,Ag,Fe)S.Sb2S3 2Fe203.H20 (FeMn)WOA Page 91 115 57 95 57 95 94 99 94 114 114 (a) Magnetic Test.-—Iron minerals when treated on charcoal in the R.F. become magnetic after cooling. Cobalt and Nickel also become magnetic when so treated and, when their presence is suspected, may be tested for as on pages 129 and 135. (6) Bead Tests. The colors obtained upon dissolving iron minerals after roasting in S.Ph. or borax are not very satisfactory and should not be depended upon alone for identifications. For these tests see Table 17, page 149. (C) Wet Test.--When ammonium hydroxide is added in excess to a solution obtained by boiling any iron mineral in nitric acid, a heavy precipitate of reddish-brown ferric hydroxide is thrown down. In this way iron may be quantitatively separated from the solution. The precipitate filtered off may be tested in the S.Ph. or borax bead or it may be ignited on charcoal and tested for magnetism. 10. Lead, Pb LEAD MINERALS Mineral Aikinite Allaite Andorite Baumhauerite Beegerite Boulangerite BOURNONITE Brongniardite Chiviatite Clausthalite Cosalite Cuprodescloizite Formula Pb CuBisz РЬТе Pb AgSb2S6 Pb4AS&S 13 Pb.Bi2S, Pb 3Sb2S (PbCuz) 3Sb2S6 PbAg2Sb2S. Pb2Bi2S11 Pb Se Pb Bi2S6 (PbZnCu).V209.H2O Page 63 43 95 117 98 63 94 69 63 77 59 75 SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 133 Mineral Cylindrite Dufrenoysite Epiboulangerite Franckeite Freieslebenite Galena Geocronite Guitermanite JAMESONITE Jordanite Lehrbachite Lengenbachite Lillianite Meneghinite Nagyagite Naumannite Plagionite Rathite Rezbanyite Seligmannite Semseyite Teallite Uraninite Zinkenite Formula Pb&Sb2Sn6821 Pb As2S5 Pb3Sb2S: Pb Sn Sb2S12 (Pb Ag2) Sb4S11 Pbs Pb .Sb2S: PbzAs2S. Pb2Sb2S Pb,As2S7 Pb Se + HgSe Pb (Ag Cu),As,S13 Pb Bi2S6 PbSb2S7 Au2Pb10Sb Te&S16 (Ag2Pb) Se Pb 6Sb 8,517 Pb (As, Sb),s Pb ,Bi10S19 CuPb AsSz Pb7Sb6S16 PbSnS2 Uranate of U, Pb, Th, etc PbSb.S. Page 77 119 99 79 98 77 79 99 62 99 119 99 77 79 98 43 43 99 61 119 45 77 113 62 (a) Coat on Charcoal.—Lead minerals when slowly heated on charcoal yield a volatile yellow oxide coat which deposits close to the assay. (If much sulphur is present and the heating is rapid, a white coat similar to the antimony coat is formed--this does not occur when the heating is done slowly.) This yellow coat, moistened with hydriodic acid and heated gently in the O.F., or the powdered mineral mixed with 2 or 3 parts of KI & S flux and similarly heated, yields a lemon-yellow lead iodide coat. (Similarly treated, Bismuth yields a brick-red coat.) (6) Reduction on Charcoal.—Lead minerals powdered and roasted in a very small O.F., then mixed with 4 parts sodium carbonate, 1 part borax, and 1 part charcoal dust, and treated with the R.F. on charcoal, yield soft, highly malleable metallic lead buttons. (Bismuth buttons are brittle.) (c) Wet Test.-Sulphuric acid added to a nitric acid solution of lead minerals, brings down a white powdery precipitate of lead sulphate. This, when filtered off, may be tested on charcoal as in (a) and (6) 134 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS 11. Manganese, Mn MANGANESE MINERALS Mineral Formula Page ALABANDITE Mus 41 BRAUNITE 3 Mn203. MnSiO3 114 Erythrozincite (MnZn)s 116 Franklinite (FeZnMn) 0.(FeMn)203 115 Hauerite Masz 94 HAUSMANNITE MnO.Mn203 114 Hübnerite MnW04 114 MANGANITE Mn202.H20 114 PSILOMELANE H.MnO 71 Pyrolusite MnO2 101 WOLFRAMITE (FeMn)WOA 114 (a) Sodium Carbonate and Niter Bead. Any manganese mineral and any mineral containing as much as 0.1 per cent. of manganese will give a decisive test with this method, which, moreover, is not interfered with by the presence of any other substances. The finely powdered mineral, after roasting on charcoal, is fused with sodium carbonate on a platinum wire in the O.F. and again fused with a small grain of potassium nitrate in the 0.F. The resulting bead will be green to dark blue, de- pending upon the amount of manganese present. (6) Common Bead Tests.-Manganese imparts characteristic colors to the borax bead, and to a lesser extent, to the S.Ph. bead. See Table 17, page 149, for these colors. 12. Mercury, Hg Mineral Cinnabar Coloradoite Kalgoorlite Lehrbachite Livingstonite Metacinnabarite Onofrite Tiemannile MERCURY MINERALS Formula Hgs HgTe HgAugAg&Tec PbSe + HgSe HgSbAS7 HOS - Hg (SS) HgSe Page 118 97 97 119 111 118 111 119 (a) Closed Tube Reaction.—Mercury minerals, powdered and mixed with 3 parts sodium carbonate, placed in a closed tube with a little sodium carbonate on top of the charge, and heated, yield a gray sublimate of metallic mercury globules on the walls of the tube. The common mercury mineral, cinnabar (and SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 135 metacinnabarite) when heated alone in the closed tube, yields a black sublimate on the cold walls of the tube. (6) Open Tube Reaction.--Mercury minerals, when heated very slowly in the open tube, yield a gray sublimate of metallic mercury. 13. Molybdenum, Mo Molybdenite MoS2 (a) Coat on Charcoal.-Molybdenite, strongly heated in the O.F. on charcoal, yields a volatile oxide coat which is yellowish while hot and white when cold. If this coat is touched in- stantaneously with the R.F. it turns deep blue. Close about the assay a non-volatile film of copper-red MoO, may sometimes be seen. (6) Bead Tests.-After roasting on charcoal, molybdenite imparts characteristic colors to the S.Ph. and borax beads. See Table 17, on page 149. Page 93 Mineral Briethauptite Chloanthite GERSDORFFITE Hauchecornite Kallilite Maucherite Melonite MILLERITE Niccolite PENTLANDITE Polydymite Rammelsbergite Ullmannite Willyamite 14. Nickel, Ni NICKEL MINERALS Formula NiSb NiAs2 NiASS (NiCo)-(BiSbS) Ni(Sb Bi)S NizAs2 Ni Te Nis NiAs (FeNi)S Ni,S. NiAsz NiSbs (CoNi)SES 89 89 91 57 55 61 95 55 95 57 89 91 57 (a) Bead Tests.-For the colors imparted by nickel to the borax and S.Ph. beads see Table 17, page 149. Tron, cobalt, and copper, etc. will often entirely obscure the nickel color. It may often be detected in the presence of these elements by the following procedure: The mineral is fused to a globule and most of the arsenic, antimony, or sulphur roasted off. A piece of borax twice the size of the globule is placed beside it on the charcoal and heated in the O.F. for a short time, and the color of the bead observed. Iron, cobalt, nickel, and copper oxidize in 136 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS the order named, and if successive charges of borax are each treated briefly in the O.F. beside the globule, each element will in turn impart its color to the bead. The amount of each present may be roughly estimated from the number of fresh charges of borax required to absorb it. For example, if it takes two or three beads to remove the cobalt it is present only as a minor constituent and after the cobalt blue has disappeared, the borax will be colored reddish brown by any nickel present. Even with this procedure the results are not always satisfactory, in which case the following wet reaction must be resorted to. (6) Wet Test.-The powdered mineral is dissolved in 4 or 5 C.C. of nitric acid, an equal amount of tartaric acid is added, and ammonium hydroxide to excess. The tartaric acid holds the iron in solution. The liquid may be filtered if not clear and then made neutral or very slightly acid with HCl. If 3 or 4 drops of a 1 per cent. solution of dimethyl glyoxime in alcohol are now added, any nickel present will be thrown down as a brilliant red precipitate. This precipitate, when filtered off, may be tested for nickel in the beads as in (a). This test is very sensitive and is not interfered with by other elements provided the iron is held in solution by sufficient tartaric acid. Mineral CASSITERITE CHROMITE Cuprite Cuprodescloizile Delafossite Franklinite Ferberite Hematite Hübnerite Ilmenite KERMESITE Limonite Magnetite PSILOMELANE Pyrolusite Rutile. TENORITE Uranninite Vollzite WOLFRAMITE 15. Oxygen, o OXYGEN MINERALS Formula SnO2 FeCr2O4 Cu20 (PbZnCu)4V,0,.H2O CuO.Fe2O3 (FeZn Mn0.(FeMn)203 FeWO. Fe2O3 MnW04 FeTiO3 Sb2S20 2Fe203.3120 Fe304 H4Mn05 MnO2 Page 114 114 33 75 103 115 114 115 114 115 87 114 115 71 101 115 73 113 116 114 TiO2 Cuo Uranate of U, Pb, Th, etc. Zn5S40 (FeMn) WO4 SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 137 Oxygen usually cannot be directly tested for in the minerals, but its presence is inferred from a knowledge of the character and behavior before the blowpipe of the other constituents. 16. Platinum, Pt NATIVE PLATINUM Pt Sperrylite PUAS2 Platinum is usually recognized from its physical properties and insolubility in acids. If present it is collected in the re- duction and cupellation for silver and gold. (See page 139.) Įf the button so obtained, or the residue after parting with nitric acid, is dissolved in aqua regia, evaporated nearly to dryness, a little hydrochloric acid added, and again almost evaporated, diluted with a little water, and concentrated ammonium chloride added, a precipitate of yellow ammonium platinic chloride is thrown down. Platinum tests are usually delicate operations and the standard references on qualitative analysis should be consulted 17. Selenium, Se SELENIUM MINERALS Mineral Aguilarite Berzelianite Clausthalite Crookesite Eucairite Guanajuatite Lehrbachile Naumannite Onofrite Tiemannite Umangite Formula Ag2S.Ag2Se Cu Se Pb Se (CuTiAg).Se CuzSe.Ag2Se Bi Sez PbSe + HgSe (Ag2Pb) Se Hg(SSE) HgSe CuzSez Page 76 97 77 94 97. 98 119 43 111 119 77 (a) Coat on Charcoal.--Selenium minerals, when heated on charcoal, yield a white oxide coat with a metallic-like luster, sometimes reddish at the edges. (6) Flame Test.-When the above coat is heated in the R.F. the flame is colored an intense azure-blue and a disagreeable characteristic odor is given off. This odor has been likened to that of horse radish, but really must be experienced in order to be recognized. It is noticed when even very small amounts of selenium are present. 138 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS (c) Closed Tube Reaction.-Some selenium minerals, when heated in the closed tube, yield fused brownish red globules of selenium on the walls of the tube. (d) Open Tube Reaction.-Selenium minerals, when heated in the open tube, yield colorless globules of selenous oxide, which crystallize and whiten when cold. The characteristic azure-blue color will be obtained if the volatile oxide fumes are allowed to escape into the Bunsen flame. 18. Silver, Ag SILVER MINERALS Mineral Aguilarite Andorite Argentite Argyrodite Brongniardite CALAVERITE Cerargyrite Chilenite Crookesite Dyscrasite Eucairite Freieslebenite Freibergite HESSITE Jalpaite Kalgoorlite Lengenbachite Matildite Miargyrite Naumannite Pearcite Petzite Polyargyrite POLYBASITE Proustite PYRARGYRITE Silver STEPHANITE Sternbergite Stromeyerite Stützite Styloty pite Sylvanite Formula Ag2S.Ag2Se PbAgSb2S Ag2S Ag.Ges. PbAg2Sb2S. AgAu Tez Ag Cl Ag.Bi (Cu TlAg) Se Ag6Sb, etc. Cu2Se.Ag2Se (Pb Ag2) 5Sb S11 (CuAg).Sb2S; Ag.Te 3Ag.S.Cugs HgAu,Ag.Te. Pb(Ag Cu)As.S13 AgBiS2 AgSbS2 (Ag2Pb) Se Ag Asso (AgAu).Te Ag24Sb2S16 Ag SbSg Ag3A$S2 AgzSbS; Ag Ag SbS4 AgFes: (Ag Cu)2S Ag Te 3(Cu,Ag2Fe)S.Sb2S, AuAgTea Page 76 95 67 110 69 61 109 35 94 67 97 98 82 66 67 97 99 119 110 43 85 97 109 86 109 111 43 101 99 67 119 94 98 SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 139 (a) Reduction on Charcoal.-Silver minerals, when powdered and well roasted in 0.F., then mixed with 3 or 4 parts of sodium carbonate and fused on charcoal in the R.F., yield metallic silver, which should be collected as much as possible into one button. If the button is not bright it should be heated beside borax on charcoal in the O.F. The base metals are oxidized first and dis- solve in the borax, leaving a bright, malleable silver button, which may be further tested by dissolving in nitric acid and pre- cipitating the silver as white silver chloride by adding hydro- chloric acid. This silver chloride precipitate, when filtered off is insoluble in hot water, while a similar lead precipitate is dis- solved by boiling water. Mercurous mercury also yields a white chloride precipitate which is blackened by ammonium hy- droxide, but mercury should not be found in a button treated as in the above case. When the suspected silver mineral occurs in very small amount and cannot be separated, conclusive tests can be applied provid- ing the microscope reveals no other mineral likely to contain silver. The powdered sample is mixed with an equal volume each of pure test lead and borax glass, and fused and reduced by the R.F. in a deep cavity on charcoal. Manipulate the assay to collect the lead in a single button. The O.F. is now applied to oxidize impurities of arsenic, antimony, etc., and continued until the globule boils freely. It is now allowed to cool and is freed of slag by hammering into a small cube. A cupel is now prepared by compacting dry bone ash in a cavity in charcoal about a centimeter in diameter and one-half centimeter deep. The agate pestle is conveniently used in this operation and by finishing up with a twirling motion the cupel will have a hard, smooth, concave surface. Any loose bone ash is blown off and the cupel is strongly ignited in the O.F. to drive off all moisture, The button is now placed on the cupel and fused in the R.F. for a few moments; then the O.F. is applied and continued without in- terruption until all the lead is oxidized and absorbed by the bone ash, the end point being marked by a distinct change in color and brightening of the button. If very little silver is present the bead will appear to disappear entirely, but the spot should always be carefully examined with the lens. The residual button will contain any silver, gold, or metals of the platinum group present in the sample. If the bead is treated with a few drops of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid added to the liquid, any 140 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS silver present will be thrown down as insoluble white silver chloride. 19. Sulphur, s Sulphur is present in most metallic ores and tests for the ele- ment seldom aid determinations in mineragraphic work. (a) Roasting on Charcoal.-Sulphur in sulphides, heated on charcoal in the O.F., yields sulphur dioxide fumes which are rec- ognized by their odor. (6) Sodium Carbonate Test.-Powdered sulphide, fused with about 3 parts of sodium carbonate, when placed on a bright silver coin and moistened with a little water, stain the coin brown or black. (Since very faint reactions are sometimes due to the sulphur in the gas used, the fusion may be made in a closed tube in cases of doubt.) 20. Tellurium, Te TELLURIUM MINERALS Mineral Formula Page Altaite CALAVERITE Coloradoite HESSITE Kalgoorlite KRENNERITE Melonite Nagyagite Perzite Rickardite Stützite Sylvanite Tellurium Tetradymite Pb Te AgAu Te, HgTe Ag2 Te HgAugAg&Tec AgAu Tez Ni Tez Au2Pb 10Sb2 Te 6S 16 (AgAu). Te Cu Tez Ag Te AuAg Te, Te Bi (Te,S); 43 61 97 66 97 63 61 98 97 35 119 98 61 61 (a) Coat on Charcoal.-Tellurium minerals, when heated on charcoal in the R.F., yield a white oxide coat resembling the antimony coat, which also colors the flame pale greenish. (6) Closed Tube Reaction.—Tellurium minerals, fused in the closed tube with 3 parts of sodium carbonate and some charcoal dust, when dissolved in water after cooling, yield a reddish violet colored solution which gives a gray tellurium precipitate if poured out and exposed to the air. SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 141 (c) Open Tube Reaction.-Tellurium minerals, when heated in the open tube, yield heavy white oxide fumes which condense close to the heated portion of the tube. This sublimate is vola- tilized with difficulty and fuses to yellow globules which become colorless on cooling. (d) Sulphuric Acid Test.-Tellurium minerals, powdered and heated in a test tube with 2 or 3 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid, yield a reddish violet solution which gives a precipitate as in (6) when cooled and diluted with a little water. 21. Thallium, T1 Mineral Crookesite Lorandite Vrbaite THALLIUM MINERALS Formula (CuTlAg)2Se TIASS2 TIAs2SbS, Page 94 118 119 (a) Coat on Charcoal and Flame.—Thallium minerals, when heated on charcoal in the R.F., yield a white oxide coat and color the flame bright green. This coat moistened with hydriodic acid and heated gently in the O.F., or the powdered mineral mixed with 2 or 3 parts of KI & S flux and similarly heated, yields a lemon-yellow coat very similar to that of lead. The bright green flame, however, will serve to distinguish it from lead. 22. Thorium and the Rare Earths These rare elements which occur in uraninite, columbite, tan- talite, samarskite, etc., are detected by somewhat complicated wet methods. For their application reference should be had to complete works on analytical chemistry. 23. Tin, Sn TIN MINERALS Formula SnO2 Mineral CASSITERITE Cylindrite Franckeite Stannite Teallite Pb Sb2Sn.S21 Pb .Sb2Sn2S12 SnCu Fest PbSnS2 Page 114 77 79 94 77 (a) Reduction Test and Coat on Charcoal.-Tin minerals, pow- dered and roasted, then mixed with 4 parts sodium carbonate, 1 part borax, and 1 part charcoal dust, and treated with the R.F. 142 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS on charcoal, yield white malleable metallic tin globules which give a white insoluble precipitate on heating in a test tube with nitric acid. (The charge should not be heated long after reduc- tion as metallic tin is easily volatile.) An oxide coat is usually formed very near the assay. This coat, which is yellow while hot and white when coid, is very like the zinc coat, and like it, is volatilized with difficulty. If the tin coat is moistened with cobalt nitrate solution and heated in the O.F. it turns blue or bluish green when cold. (A zinc coat similarly treated is grass green.) 24. Titanium, Ti TITANIUM MINERALS Formula Mineral Ilmenite Rutile FeTiO: TiO2 Page 115 115 (a) Bead Tests.The bead reactions for titanium are not very decisive and are interfered with by other elements. They will be found in Table 17, page 149. (6) Wet T'est with Metallic Tin.-A charge containing not less than 3 per cent. titanium may be treated as follows: The finely powdered mineral mixed with 6 parts of sodium carbonate and a little borax is strongly fused on charcoal. The fusion is dis- solved in 2 or 3 c.c. of concentrated hydrochloric acid, granu- lated tin added and the solution heated. The liquid takes on a violet color especially upon standing a few minutes. (c) Hydrogen peroxide Test.-For charges containing only a very small amount of titanium the fusion is carried out as directed in the foregoing paragraph, but is boiled in a test tube with 2 or 3 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid. When dissolved, dilute with about 10 c.c. water and add about 2 c.c. hydrogen peroxide, which turns the solution yellow to orange depending on the amount of titanium present. 25. Tungsten, W TUNGSTEN MINERALS Page Mineral Ferberite Hübnerite Tungstenite WOLFRAMITE Formula FeWO4 MnWOA WS2 (FeMn)WO 114 114 62 114 SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 143 (a) Bead Tests.-The bead colors for tungsten will be found in Table 17, page 149. (b) Wet Test.-Tungstates, dissolved in the S.Ph. bead, then reduced beside tin on charcoal, powdered, and boiled with 1 or 2 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid and a little granulated tin, yield a characteristic blue solution. 26. Uranium, U Uraninite Uranate of U, Pb, Th, etc. Page 113 (a) Bead Tests.--The colors which uranium gives when dis- solved in the S.Ph. bead usually serve to identify it. See Table 17, page 149. (6) Wet Test.—The powdered mineral is fused with sodium carbonate and dissolved in hydrochloric acid, nearly neutralized with ammonium hydroxide, a solution of sodium carbonate added until precipitation is complete, then half as much more. Let stand and filter. Acidify the filtrate with hydrochloric acid, boil to expel CO2, and add an excess of ammonium hydroxide. The precipitate of yellow ammonium urinate may be filtered off and tested in the S.Ph. bead as in (a). 27. Vanadium, V VANADIUM MINERALS Mineral Cuprodescloizite Patronite Sulvanite Formula (PbZnCu).V209.H2O VSA Cu:VS. Page 75 118 65 (a) Bead Tests.-Vanadium minerals yield characteristic colors with the beads, especially S.Ph. See Table 17, page 149. (6) Wet Test.--The well roasted vanadium mineral is fused with 4 parts of sodium carbonate and 2 parts of potassium nitrate, the fusion is powdered and dissolved in boiling water and the insoluble residue filtered off. The alkali vanadate formed will be found in the filtrate, which is acidified with acetic acid and lead acetate added. A light yellow precipitate of lead vanadate is formed and turns white on standing. (Lead chromate so formed is of a brighter yellow color.) The precipitate may be filtered off and tested in the S.Ph. bead as in (a). 144 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS 28. Water, H2O MINERALS YIELDING WATER Mineral Cuprodescloizite Göthite Limonite PSILOMELANE Turgite Formula (PbZnCu),V209.1,0 Fe2O3.H20 2Fe2O3.3H20 H_MnO 2Fe2O3.H20 Page 75 114 114 71 114 When a powdered hydrated mineral is heated in the closed tube, water of crystallization is expelled and condenses upon the cold walls of the tube. 29. Zinc, Za ZINC MINERALS Mineral Cuprodescloizite Erythrozincite Franklinite Sphalerite Voltzite Wurtzite Formula (PbZnCu).V,0,.H2O (Zn Mn)S (FeZn Mn)O.(FeM)203 Zns ZnS40 Zns Page 75 116 115 94 116 94 (a) Coat on Charcoal.--Zinc minerals, when intensely heated in the R.F. on charcoal, yield a zinc oxide coat which deposits close to the assay. This coat is pale yellow while hot and white when cold. It is non-volatile in the O.F. and difficultly volatile in the R.F. When the powdered zinc mineral is fused with an equal part of sodium carbonate and a little charcoal dust the coat is usually heavier and more satisfactory. This coat, if moistened with cobalt nitrate solution and heated in the O.F. turns grass-green, at least in spots. (The tin oxide coat similarly treated is blue or bluish green.) SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 145 TABLES OF IMPORTANT CHEMICAL AND BLOWPIPE REACTIONS TABLE 12.--MICROCHEMICAL REACTIONS 10 10 From W. L. WHITEHEAD's condensation of the complete tables of microchemical tests on the opaque minerals found in the second volume of " BEHRENS-KLEY Mikrochemische Analyse," KLEY, P. D. C., 1915, pp. 109-130. Metal Reagent Precipitate Remarks Arsenic... Silver nitrate Lemon yellow Solution in HCI. Arse- nic must be as arsenite Antimony... Cesium chloride Hexagonal plates Bismuth.. Cesium chloride Rhombic plates Cobalt.. Ammonium mercuric Dark blue prisms Neutral or slightly acid sulphocyanate (acetic) solution Copper Potassium ferrocyanide Amorphous red brown Acetic acid solution Gold.. Thallium nitrate Citron yellow needles Solution must be strong and neutral Iron.. Potassium ferrocyanide Dark blue sol. in alk. Much Cu interferes Lead. Potassium iodide Bright yellow hex. Slightly acid (nitric) so- plates lution Manganese. Potassium chromate Yellow brown crystals Solution neutral Mercury. Potassium iodide Mercuric-vermilion Reagent added solid Mercurous-amorphous bright yellow Nickel.. Dimethyl glyoxime Acicular magenta col- | In ammoniacal solution ored Selenium..... Potassium iodide Powdery brown red HCI solution of sele- nates Silver .. Hydrochloric acid Amorphous white sol- | Nitric acid solution ukle in Sulphur Calcium acetate White needles of Casof | Nitric acid solutions of sulphides give sul- phates Tellurium.... Cesium chloride Citron yellow octahedra HCl solution of tellu- rium dioxide Tin.... Cesium chloride Colorless cctahedra and Interfering elements cubes numerous Titanium.. Rubidium chloride Hex, and octagonal Reagent added to solu- plates tion of sodium Auro- titanate Uranium.... Sodium acetate Tetrahedrons light yel- Weak acetic acid solu- low tion Vanadium... Silver nitrate Pointed yellow grains Acid solution Pyrovan- adate Zinc... Ammonium mercuric White feathery crystals sulphocyanate in crosses and aggre- gates TABLE 13.--STANDARD FUSIBILITIES Fusibility Standard Character of fusion 1 2 3 4 Stihnite Chalcopyrite Pyrite (Actinolite) Large fragments fuse in the yellow flame Small fragments fuse in the yellow flame Coarse fragments globular in the O.F. Coarse edges rounded in the O.F. No opaque representatives of this class Needle-like fragments become globular in the 0.F. A few nearly infusible opaque minerals belong here 5 (Orthoclase) 146 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS TABLE 14.-HEATING ON CHARCOAL (With or without fluxes) Sublimate, reduction, etc. Element Remarks near assay | Zinc White sublimate at a consider- Arsenic Often yields strong garlic able distance from the assay. odor Very volatile White sublimate nearer the Antimony assay than the above. Vola- tile White sublimate with metal- Selenium The sublimate touched with lic-like luster. Very volatile. the R.F. imparts an azure- Sometimes reddish at the blue color to the flame edges White sublimate like anti- | Tellurium The sublimate touched with mony. Volatile the R.F. volatilizes and colors the flame green Sublimate the This sublimate moistened which is pale yellow when with cobalt nitrate solution hot, white when cold. Not and ignited becomes green volatile in the O.F. Sublimate which is pale yellow Molybdenum | The sublimate if touched in- when hot, white when cold. stantaneously with the R.F. Copper-red close to the becomes azure-blue assay Sublimate which is faint yel- Tin The sublimate moistened low to white when hot, white with cobalt nitrate solution when cold. Not volatile in and ignited becomes bluish- the O.F. green Sublimate which is yellow (Sulphur and This sublimate resembles the when hot, pale yellow when Lead) antimony coat and forms cold. Volatile in the O.F. when galena or other lead and R.F. sulphides are heated very quickly and intensely Sublimate close to assay which Lead This sublimate moistened is deep yellow when hot, pale with HI and ignited forms yellow when cold. Volatile lemon-yellow lead iodide in O.F. and R.F. coat Sublimate which is deep yel- Bismuth This sublimate moistened low when hot, pale yellow with HI and ignited forms a when cold. Volatile in the brick-red bismuth iodide O.F. and R.F. coat. Reduction with soda yields Antimony brittle gray button as well as coat SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 147 TABLE 14.—Continued Sublimate, reduction, etc. Element Remarks Reduction with soda yields Molybdenum gray infusible particles as well as coat Reduction with soda. yields Tin malleable white button as well as coat. Reduction with soda yields Lead gray malleable button as well as coat Reduction with soda yields Bismuth reddish white brittle button as well as coat Reduction with soda yields Copper, malleable buttons, but no Silver, or coat Gold Reduction with soda yields Iron, Cobalt, gray magnetic particles, but or Nickel no coat TABLE 15.-SUBLIMATES IN THE CLOSED TUBE Nature of sublimate Element Remarks Mirror-like; collects in glob- Mercury Mercury minerals fused with ules. sodium carbonate Black; turns red when rubbed. Mercury Cinnabar alone in closed tube Mirror-like; does not collect Arsenic and Arsenic minerals fused with in globules Tellurium charcoal dust Deep red when hot; reddish | Arsenic The sulpharsenides heated yellow when cold alone in closed tube Black when hot; reddish | Antimony Some sulphantimonides alone brown when cold in closed tube Red when hot; yellow, cold. Sulphur Many sulphides White if in small amount Red to black; becomes red Selenium Selenides when rubbed. 148 MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS TABLE 16.-REACTIONS IN THE OPEN TUBE Nature of sublimate, etc. Element Remarks All sulphantimonides Sulpharsenides, etc. Sulphides containing lead Dense fumes, depositing white Antimony powder mostly on under side of the tube. Pale yellow while hot, white when cold. Non-volatile and infusible White, volatile, and crystal-Arsenic line sublimate White, non-volatile sublimate, Tellurium fusible to colorless or pale yellow globules White, non-volatile sublimate, Lead fusible to yellow globules; white when cold White, non-volatile sublimate Bismuth which is infusible White, volatile, and crystal- Selenium line sublimate. Often shows some red at distance from the assay Crystalline sublimate near the Molybdenum assay; yellow while hot, white when cold Volatile metallic mirror of Mercury gray globules Sulphides containing bismuth Globules will unite when rubbed SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS 149 TABLE 17.-BEAD REACTIONS WITH BORAX AND SALT OF PHOSPHORUS Borax Salt of phosphorus Element O.F. R.F. O.F. R.F. Fine green Hot, yellow to red; Green Hot, yellow to Dirty brownish Iron cold, yellow to red; cold, yel- or greenish colorless low to colorless Hot, yellow; cold, Brown Yellowish green Fine green Molybdenum colorless to colorless Hot, pale yellow; Yellow to brown Yellow to color- Hot, dirty blue; Tungsten cold, colorless less cold, fine blue Hot, pale yellow; Grayish to Pale yellow to | Hot, yellow; Titanium cold, colorless brown colorless cold, violet Hot, yellow; cold, Colorless Hot, yellow; Colorless Cerium pale yellow cold, colorless Hot, yellow; cold, Fine green Fine green Chromium yellowish green Hot, yellow; cold, Fine green Yellow Vanadium yellow to colorless Hot, orange; cold, Green Greenish yellow Fine green Uranium yellow Hot, green; cold, Colorless to Green to blue Colorless to Copper blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Cobalt Hot, violet; cold, Opaque gray Reddish yellow Reddish yellow Nickel reddish brown Hot, violet; cold, Colorless Violet Colorless Manganese reddish violet Fine green opaque red opaque red INDEX Abbreviations, table of, 22 Cerargyrite, 109 Aguilarite, 76 Chalcocite, 51 Aikinite, 63 Chalcophanite, 115 Alabandite, 41 Chalcopyrite, 117 Altaite, 43 Chalcostibite, 117 Alundum, use in grinding and polish- Chalmersite, 95 ing, 2 Chamot, E. M., 11 Andorite, 95 Chilenite, 35 Antimony, native, 96 Chiviatite, 63 tests for the elements, 126 Chloanthite, 89 table of minerals, 125 Chromic oxide, use in polishing, 3 Argentite, 67 Chromite, 114 Argyrodite, 110 Chromium, tests for the element, 128 Arsenic, native, 59 Cinnabar, 118 table of minerals, 126 Clausthalite, 77 tests for the element, 127 Closed tube, sublimates in, 147 Arsenopyrite, 57 Coats on charcoal, table of, 146 Cobalt, tests for the element, 129 Bastin, E. S., 7 table of minerals, 129 Baumhauerite, 117 Cobaltite, 115 Bead colors, table of, 149 Color filters, need for, 13 Beegerite, 98 Berthierite, 117 exposure factors for, 17 Berzelianite, 97 range of transmission, 14 Color of internal reflection of min- Berzelius, J. J., vii erals, 121 Bismuth, native, 43 Color of mineral powders, 122 tests for the element, 128 Coloradoite, 97 table of minerals, 128 Colored minerals with vertical illu- Bismuthinite, 62 mination, 120 Bornite, 53 Conductivity, electrical; method of Bottles, reagent, 5, 7 testing, 8 Boulangerite, 63 table of mineral conductivity, Bournonite, 94 123 Braunite, 114 Breithauptite, 93 Copper, native, 51 table of minerals, 129 Brittleness, testing for, 7 tests for the element, 130 Bromyrite, 109 Cosalite, 59 Brongniardite, 69 Covellite, 111 Calaverite, 61 Crookesite, 94 Calf skin, use in polishing, 3 Cuprite, 33 Campbell, William, vii Cuprodescloizite, 75 Cassiterite, 114 Cylindrite, 77 151 152 INDEX Delafossite, 103 Germanium, tests for the element, Determinative tables, 33 131 outline of, 23 Gersdorffite, 89 use of, 20, 21 Glass wheel, use in grinding, 2 Dognacskaite, 63 Glaucodot, 91 Domeykite, 35 Gold, native, 111 Dufrenoysite, 119 table of minerals, 131 Dyscrasite, 67 Göthite, 114 Graton, L. C., x Electrodes, standard copper and Grinding, methods employed. 2 gold, 10 Guanajuatite, 98 Electrolysis on polished surface, 9 Guejarite, 83 Electro-potential of minerals, table Guitermanite, 99 of, 124 method of testing, 10 Hardness, testing for, 7 Embolite, 109 Hauchecornite, 91 Emplectite, 63 Hauerite, 94 Enargite, 83 Hausmannite, 114 Epiboulangerite, 99 Hematite, 115 Erythrozincite, 116 Hessite, 66 Eucairite, 97 Horsfordite, 63 Exposure, method of determining, Hübnerite, 114 15 Huntilite, 33 factors for color filter, 17 factors for magnification, 17 Illumination, exposure factors for, 16 factors for numerical aperture, Ilmenite, 115 16 Iodobromite, 109 factors for source of light, 16 Iodyrite, 110 graphical solution of, 18 Internal reflection, table of colors, 121 Famatinite, 83 Iron, tests for the element, 132 Ferberite, 114 table of minerals, 131 Ferro-type plate, non-sticking solu- tion for, 19 Field preparation of polished sec- Jalpaite, 67 Jamesonite, 62 tion, 4 Jordanite, 99 Filter, color, 13, 14 factors for exposure, 17 Finder, use under miroscope, 5 Kalgoorlite, 97 Focusing for photography, 14 Kallilite, 57 Franckeite, 79 Kermesite, 87 Franklinite, 115 Krennerite, 63 Freibergite, 82 Freieslebenite, 98 Lead, tests for the element, 133 Fusibilies, standard, 145 table of minerals, 132 Lehrbachite, 119 Galena, 77 Lengenbachite, 99 Galenobismutite, 98 Leveling cup, 5, 6 Geocronite, 79 Light, exposure factors for, 16 INDEX 153 scope, 16 Lillianite, 77 Onofrite, 111 Limonite, 114 Open tube, reactions in, 148 Lindgren, Waldemar, x Orpiment, 110 Linen, use in polishing, 3 Oxygen, table of minerals, 136 Linnaeite, 91 Livingstonite, 111 Patronite, 118 Löllingite, 91 Pearcite, 85 Lorandite, 118 Pentlandite, 95 Luzonite, 83 Petzite, 97 Photomicrography, 12 Magnetite, 115 Plagionite, 43 Magnification curves for Leitz micro- Platinum, tests for the element, 137 Polishing, method employed, 2 exposure factors for, 17 Polyargyrite, 109 Manganese, tests for the element, Polybasite, 87 134 Polydymite, 57 table of minerals, 134 Potential, electrical, method of test- Manganite, 114 ing, 10 Marcasite, 57 table of electro-potential of Matildite, 119 minerals, 124 Maucherite, 55 Printing paper, 19 Mees, C. E. Kenneth, 13 Proustite, 109 Melonite, 61 Psilomelane, 71 Meneghinite, 79 Pyrargyrite, 111 Mercury, tests for the element, 134 Pyrite, 57 table of minerals, 134 Pyrolusite, 101 Metacinnabarite, 118 Pyrrhotite, 95 Miargyrite, 110 Microchemical qualitative reactions, Qualitative microchemical tests, 145 145 Microscopes, Sauveur and Boyles- Rammelsbergite, 89 ton, 4, 5 Rare earths, 114 Leitz, 12 Rathite, 99 Millerite, 95 Reactions, features to be observed, 8 Mineragraphy, definition, x Reagents, method of applying, 7 Molybdenite, 97 table of, 11 Molybdenum, tests for the element, Realgar, 62 135 Reduction on charcoal, 146 Mounting, modelling clay for, 6 Regnolite, 119 Murdoch, Joseph, vii, ix Rezbanyite, 61 Rickardite, 35 Nagyagite, 98 Rutile, 115 Naumannite, 43 Needle, testing, 7 Safflorite, 55 Niccolite, 55 Sectility, testing for, 7 Nickel, tests for the element, 135 Selenium, tests for the element, 137 table of minerals, 135 table of minerals, 137 Numerical aperture, exposure factors Seligmannite, 119 for, 16 Semseyite, 45 154 INDEX Tin, tests for the element, 141 table of minerals, 141 Titanium, tests for the element, 142 table of minerals, 142 Tungsten, tests for the element, 143 table of minerals, 142 Tungstenite, 62 Turgite, 114 Silver, native, 43 table of minerals, 138 tests for the element, 139 Smaltite, 55 Sperrylite, 115 Sphalerite, 94 Stannite, 94 Stephanite, 101 Sternbergite, 99 Stibnite, 87 Stromeyerite, 67 Stützite, 119 Stylotypite, 94 Sublimates, in the closed tube, 147 in the open tube, 148 Sulphur, tests for the element, 140 Sulvanite, 65 Sylvanite, 98 Ullmannite, 91 Umangite, 77 Uraninite, 113 Uranium, tests for the element, 143 Vanadium, tests for the element, 143 table of minerals, 143 Voltzite, 116 Vrbaite, 119 Tapalpaite, 43 Teallite, 77 Tellurium, native, 61 table of minerals, 140 tests for the element, 140 Temiskamite, 55 Tennantite, 117 Tenorite, 73 Tetradymite, 61 Tetrahedrite, 117 Thallium, tests for the element, 141 table of minerals, 141 Thorium, tests for the element, 141 Tiemannite, 119 Water, tests for, 144 table of minerals, 144 Whitehead, W. L., x, 1 Whitneyite, 33 Willyamite, 57 Wittichenite, 95 Wolframite, 114 Wratten M plate, 13 Wurtzite, 94 Zinc, tests for the element, 144 table of minerals, 144 Zinkenite, 62 JUL 29 1020 we UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06958 6397 . .. . I, 看 ​是​, :: 生​。 ... 没​等 ​