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THIS work may be “read” by carefully studying the figures, and then referring to
the text. A description of every drawing is placed beneath it, and, in most instances,
a reference is given to the very page upon which the subject of the drawing is con-
sidered. A teaching experience, extending over more than five-and-twenty years, has
convinced the author that, although the student will certainly obtain more correct
views upon the microscopic characters of objects by attentively examining accurate
representations, than by reading over and over again the most minute and elaborate
descriptions of them, the information thus gained will be of little real use unless the
student himself prepares and examines actual specimens, and makes careful drawings
of what he sees.
On p. 429, for I-I, OOO,OOOth, read I-IOO,OOOth.

[All rights reserved.]
P R E F A C E.
THE present edition has been revised throughout. More
than one hundred pages of new matter, and upwards of
one hundred and fifty new engravings, have been intro-
For valuable assistance in preparing and improving
Several of the articles which would otherwise have been
defective, the author is greatly indebted to the kindness
of many friends. Professor Gulliver, F.R.S., made the
accurate drawings of plant crystals in Plates XLVII and
XLVIII, and very kindly furnished the author with an
abstract of his well-known researches.
Conscious of the advantage to be derived from further
experiments connected with the construction of object-
glasses, the author has obtained the permission of Mr.
Wenham to print, in this edition, some of his valuable
practical memoirs upon this subject. Any One who
possesses some mechanical dexterity, and is desirous of
entering upon practical optical work, is almost sure to
succeed in acquiring sufficient technical knowledge and
skill if he patiently and with due care follows the
directions given in Part VII.
Mr. H. C. Sorby, F.R.S., wrote the article on spectro-
microscopy, as well as some of the sections on the ex-
amination of minerals, and on the cavities in crystals.
The directions for the microscopic examination of
minerals, rocks, and fossils, introduced in this edition
for the first time, as well as the figures in Plates LV,
LVIII, and LIX, were contributed by Mr. Frank
Rutley, of the Geological Survey.
Dr. Maddox is the author of the greater portion of
Part V, on photography. This has been extended and
carefully revised by Dr. Clifford Mercer, who has also
introduced several of the recent improvements adopted
by Mr. Deecke, and has further added to the value of
this book by compiling a very complete list of memoirs
On the application of photography to the microscope,
which is exceedingly accurate, as most of the titles and
dates have been verified by reference to the memoirs
The author also desires to acknowledge his indebted-
ness to Professor Brown, of the Veterinary Department
of the Privy Council, Dr. Lockhart Clarke, F.R.S.,
Mr. Glaisher, F.R.S., Dr. Pritchard, Dr. Hudson, Dr.
Child, the late Dr. Bowerbank, Mr. Wenham, Dr.
Edmunds, Dr. Matthews, Mr. Robertson of Oxford,
Mr. J. W. Stephenson, Mr. John Browning, Mr. Swift,
and others, whose names are mentioned in the text.
The new drawings added to this edition have been
engraved by Miss Powell. Those in Plates XLII to
XLV, page 17O, deserve attentive study as examples of
excellent work. They have been copied from the very
careful lithographic drawings of the veteran Lens
Aldous, and so accurately have the details been rendered
that it would be difficult to distinguish some of these
wood engravings from the original lithographs.
61, Grosvenor Street,
October, 1879.
AN earnest desire to assist in diffusing a love for micro-
scopical enquiry, not less for the pleasure it affords to
the student, than from a conviction of its real utility and
increasing practical value in promoting advancement in
various branches of art, science, and manufacture, a
wish to simplify, as far as possible, the processes for pre-
paring microscopical specimens, and the methods for
demonstrating the anatomy of different textures,-and
the belief that many who possess microscopes are
deterred from attempting any branch of original investi-
gation solely by the great difficulty they experience in
surmounting elementary detail and mere mechanical
operations,—are my chief reasons for publishing this
elementary course of lectures, which was delivered
during the winter of 1856–7.
It has been thought desirable to append the tables
which I have been accustomed to use in my course of
practical demonstrations, in order that everyone may be
enabled to practise by himself the most useful branches
of manipulation. Each table will occupy the student
about two hours.
L. S. B.
27, Carey Street, Zincoln’s-inn, June, 1857.
T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S.
Introduction, p. I.
The microscope. | Simple and compound microscopes.
Optical Aortion of the Microscope, £. 7.
Negative eye-piece. Flatness of field.
Positive eye-piece. Angular aperture.
Object-glasses. | The mirror.
Spherical and chromatic aberration.
Mechanical Portion of the Microscope, A. I.1.
Adjustments for altering the focus. The stage.
The body of the microscope. ..] Diaphragm.
Different Forms of Microscope, £. I3.
Student’s microscopes.
Large microscopes.
Binocular microscopes.
Tsavelling microscopes.
Clinical, pocket, and class microscopes.
Smallest pocket microscope.
Dissecting microscopes.
Apparatus for Student’s Microscopes, p. 21.
On J//uminating Objects, p. 22.
Reflected light.
Transmitted light.
Oblique illumination.
Polarised light.
Sources of Illumination, p. 24.
Oil lamps.
Paraffine lamps.
Gas lamps.
Of Instruments for examining the Surfaces of Objects by Reflected Zight, p. 26.
Bull's-eye condenser.
Metallic reflector.
Beck's parabolic reflector.
Examining opaque objects with very high
Dark-ground illumination,
Paraboloid illumination.
Of Instruments for examining the Internal Structure of Objects, p. 29.
Transmitted light.
Monochromatic illumination.
The diaphragm.
Achromatic condenser.
Relner's eye-piece.
Gillett's condenser.
New Webster condenser.
Of Drawing and Engraving Objects, p. 31.
Of drawing objects.
Camera lucida.
Steel disk.
Neutral tint reflector.
Arranging light for drawing.
Drawings which are to be engraved.
Tracing paper.
Wood blocks.
Obtaining lithographs of microscopical
Drawing on transfer paper.
Lithographic transfer paper.
Drawing on the stone.
Engraving on stone.
Lithographic ink and stones.
Representing peculiarities of texture.
Importance of observers delineating their
own work.
Of measuring Objects and ascertaining the Magnifying Power of Object-glasses, p. 41.
The cobweb micrometer.
Jackson's eye-piece micrometer.
Stage micrometers.
Test objects.
Simple method of measuring.
On ascertaining the magnifying power of
Method of finding the same Spot in a Specimen, p. 47.
Of marking the position of an object.
Apparatus and Instruments required in General Microscopical A'esearch, Ž. 49.
Spirit lamps.
Wire retort stand.
Aſor cutting 7%in Sections of Tissues and Dissection, p. 50.
Double-edged knife.
Section knife of a new form.
IDouble-bladed or Valentin's knife.
Glass Slides, Thin Glass, Watch Glasses, Glass Shades, p. 53.
Plate-glass slides.
Thin glass.
Cleaning thin glass.
Varnishes, Cements, &c., p. 54.
Gold size.
Sealing wax varnish.
Solution of shell-lac.
Bell’s cement.
Brunswick black.
Marine glue.
Cement for attaching gutta percha or
India-rubber to the glass slides.
Preservative Fluids, p. 64.
Spirit and water.
Thwaites' fluid.
Solution of naphtha and creosote.
Carbolic acid.
Solution of chromic acid.
Preservative gelatine.
Gelatine and glycerine.
To ascertain the diameter of an object.
Standards of measurement.
Conversion of foreign standards of mea-
| Dr. Bridgman's finder.
Brass plate.
Water bath.
Needles. .
Wooden forceps.
Watch glasses.
Glass shades.
Canada balsam.
Vessels for keeping Canada balsam in.
Arrangements for pressing down the thin
glass while the balsam is becoming
French cement composed of lime and
Other cements.
Gum and glycerine.
Goadby's solution.
Burnett’s solution.
Chloride of calcium.
Alum and other salts.
Arsenious acid.
Arseniuretted hydrogen.
Cells for preserving Microscopical Specimens, p. 69.
Paper cells.
Shell-lac cells.
Brunswick black cell.
Marine glue cells. “…
Tin, brass, and copper cells.
Of Glass Cells, p. 71.
Cutting and grinding glass.
Stone for grinding.
Of drilling holes in glass.
Cementing glass together.
Cleaning off superfluous glue.
Cells made of thin glass.
Methods of perforating thin glass.
Deeper glass cells. -
Small deep cells for injections.
Built glass cells.
Deep glass cells made by bending a strip
of glass in the blow-pipe flame.
Moulded glass cells. --
Gutta percha and ebonite cells.
Round cells.
Troughs for examining zoophytes.
Animalcule cage.
Growing cells.
MATERIAL, p. 79.
Of the importance of examining the same Objects in different Media, Ž, 79.
Different appearances of the same object
examined in air, water, and Canada
balsam by transmitted light, and under
the influence of reflected and polarised
Of air bubbles, oil globules, and globules
of crystalline matter.
Aow to examine an Object in the Microscope, p. 81.
For beginners only.
Precautions to be observed in working.
General considerations.
Examining and preserving in the dry way.
Examination of substances in fluid,
Examination in Canada balsam, turpen-
tine, and oil.
Of prefaring 7?ssues for Microscopical Examination—Of Dissecting and Cutting
Thin Sections of Złssues, p. 91.
Of making minute dissections.
Loaded corks.
Tablets upon which dissections may be
pinned out.
Cutting 7%in Sections of Soft Tissues, p. 92.
Of section cutters, or microtomes.
Of bedding tissues previous to cutting
thin sections.
Freezing tissues prior to cutting thin sec-
Cutting sections and handling bodies
under the microscope.
Dissecting tissues under the microscope
with the aid of the compressorium.
Cutting sections which have been pre-
viously dried, e
Hardening the tissue,
Cutting 7%in Sections of Hard 7 issues, p. 97.
Of making thin sections of dry bone.
Sections of shells.
Horn and hair.
Wood and textures of that character.
On the Separation of Deposits from Fluids, p. 99.
Conical glasses. Separation of deposit when very small in
The pipette. quantity.
Removing the deposit with the pipette. Examination of the deposit.
On Separating the coarse from the finer | Wash bottle.
particles of a deposit. -
Of Injecting Vessels, £. IO2.
Of natural and artificial injections.
Instruments required for making injec-
Injection cans.
Methods of obtaining the requisite amount
tions. - of pressure.
Of Opaque Injections, p. IOS.
The size. Size of the particles of the colouring
Colouring matter. matter used.
Vermilion. Of injecting different systems of vessels
Chromate of lead. with different opaque injections.
Carbonate of lead or white lead.
Of 7%ransparent Injections, p. 106.
Advantages of transparent injections. Carmine injecting fluid.
Injection of plain size. Acid carmine fluid.
Colouring matters for transparent injec- Dr. Carter's carmine injecting fluid.
tions. Soluble Prussian blue.
Advantages of employing Prussian blue. Of injecting different systems of vessels
Prussian blue fluid. with transparent injections.
Turnbull’s blue. Mercurial injection.
Of Injecting the Vessels of the Aigher Animals, £. II.4.
Of the practical operation of injection. Of injecting the ducts of glands.
Injecting a frog. Of injecting lymphatic vessels.
Of Injecting the Lower Animals, £. I 18.
Insects. Of preparing portions of injected prepa-
Mollusca. rations for microscopical examination.
Mr. Robertson's plan of injecting the Of the best mode of destroying the life of
Snail. animals intended for injection.
Injecting fishes.
Of Colouring the Bioplasm, p. 122.
Of colouring the bioplasm or living matter. Gerlach's method of staining.
Process of staining followed by the Rev. The author's carmine fluid.
Lord S. G. Osborne.
Of Staining the Formed Material, p. 126.
Thiersch's carmine fluid. Solution of nitrate of silver.
Thiersch's lilac colouring fluid. Solutions of chloride of gold.
Anilin colours. Solution of osmic acid.
Blue and violet colours for staining. Other metallic salts.
Tannin. Modification of the foregoing plans.
TIGATION, p. 132.
General Observations on the Demonstration of Structure.
Oſ demonstrating the different Structures of the Higher Animals and Man, p. 134.
On demonstrating the anatomical pecu- General directions for the examination
liarities of tissues. and preservation of a soft tissue.
Axamination of the Simple 7 issues, p. 138.
Areolar tissue. Adipose tissue.
White fibrous tissue. Cartilage.
Yellow fibrous tissue. Bone.
Axamination of the Higher Zissues, p. 142.
Examination of muscular fibre. Examination of unstriped muscle.
Sarcolemma. Branched muscular fibre. Examination of arteries and veins.
Preparation of muscular fibre for micro- || Examination of the capillaries.
Scopical examination. Examination of nerve.
Examination of the muscular structure of
the heart and tongue.
Axamination of the Organs and Complex Z issues of Man and the Higher Animals,
A. I52.
Examination of serous and synovial mem- | Salivary glands and pancreas.
branes. Liver.
Examination of mucous membranes. The anatomy of the glandular organs
Epithelium.—Sub-mucous areolar tissue. more easily demonstrated in the lower
Villi...—Muscular fibres. than in the higher animals.
The Lacteals. Blood corpuscles. Basement membrane, matrix, and vessels.
Measurement of the blood corpuscles, Nerve ganglia.
Colourless blood corpuscles. Lung. Spinal cord. Brain.
Of the Zissues and Organs of the Zower Animals, p. 166.
Branchiae of mullusca.
Microscopic shells.
Of preparing the tissues of insects for
microscopical examination.
The scales and hairs. Tracheae.
Of demonstrating the Z issues of Plants, p. 170.
Examination of vegetable tissues. Preserving vegetable tissues.
Crystals or Raphides. Of collecting and mounting diatoms.
Of collecting, Æeeping alive, and examining the Zower Animals and Plants in the
Aliving State, ?. I75.
Of collecting and dredging. | Vivaria and aquaria.
Bxamination of Lower Animals and Plants during Zife, p. 186.
* Of keeping bodies moist while under
microscopical observation.
Of keeping bodies at a uniform tem-
perature higher than the air, while
under microscopical observation.
Contractility of muscle.
Of the circulation of the blood.
Of the Primary or Vital Movements occurring in Ziving Beings, p. 203.
On the Secondary Movements occurring in Ziving Beings, p. 206.
Of molecular movements.
Requisite implements and materials.
On making sections of rocks and crystals.
On measuring the angles of crystals—
Of the use of polarised light.
On the anatomy of crystals.
Examination of minerals.
Microscopic examination of rocks.
Sedimentary rocks.
Of keeping preparations in the cabinet.
Of making observations upon specimens
in the microscope.
Fallacies to be guarded against in Microscopical Investigation, p. 244.
Errors of observation.
Of the termination of tubes.
On the difficulty of seeing structures
from their transparency.
Fibres and membranes produced by the
action of reagents artificially.
Of the advantages of Chemical Reagents in Microscopical Investigation, p. 249.
Of chemical analysis in microscopical in-
Instances of the use of reagents.
Preliminary operations.
Reaction. On filtering.
Reagents and their Action, p. 253.
Distilled water. Alcohol. Ether.
Effects of alcohol and ether. Nitric acid.
Sulphuric acid. Hydrochloric acid.
Acetic acid. Chromic acid.
Of the movement of the chyle.
Ciliary movement.
Of the movements of minute particles in
fluids, and of the vital movements of
bioplasm or living matter.
Of the circulation in the vessels and cells
of certain plants.
| Growth and multiplication.
| Movements of granules within cells.
Eruptive rocks.
Crystals of one mineral enclosed in
Of the microscopical structure of iron and
Of preparing fossils for microscopical
Of preparing specimens of coal for mi-
croscopical examination.
Of drawing inferences from observations.
Of recording the results of microscopical
A fibrous appearance produced in struc-
tureless membranes.
Collections of oil globules appearing as
if within a cell.
On the accidental presence of extraneous
Evaporation and drying.
Microscope for examining substances im-
mersed in acids and corrosive fluids.
Effects of acids on organic structures.
Solutions of potash, soda, and ammonia.
Effects of alkalies on organic structures.
Nitrate of barytes. Nitrate of silver.
Oxalate of ammonia. Iodine solution.
Of Applying Tests to Minute Quantities of Matter, p. 259.
Method of applying tests to substances
Testing for carbonate and phosphate of
lime, phosphate of ammonia and
magnesia, sulphates and chlorides.
New method of microscopical analysis.
Examination of crystals under the micro-
Scope. .
Preservation of crystals as permanent
Of the hardening properties of different
chemical solutions.
Method of measuring the position of ab-
Sorption bands. -
Substances giving well-marked bands.
Arrangement of Drs. Abercrombie and
Dr. Mercer's instrument.
Of the illumination; sunlight.
Monochromatic light; polarising appara-
Artificial light.
Oſ focussing.
Of the object-glasses.
Stereoscopic photographs.
Of the developing solutions.
The fixing solutions.
Of increasing the intensity of the negative.
Varnishing the plate.
Of cleansing old plates.
Photographs of microscopic objects for
the magic lantern.
intended for examination.
Bottles with capillary orifices.
Capillary tubes with India-rubber.
Of obtaining Crystalline Substances from the Fluids and Textures of Organisms,
A. 262.
Formation of crystals.
Influence of various constituents upon
the crystallisation.
Separation of crystals from animal sub-
Of obtaining crystals for examination.
The spectrum microscope.
Of examining objects.
Examination of blowpipe beads.
BY H. C. SORBY, F.R.S., ETC., p. 269.
History of the application of Photography to the Microscope.
Znstruments and Apparatus for Microscope Photography, p. 29O.
Camera with object-glasses and stage
adapted to it.
Mr. Wenham's arrangement without a
Dr. Woodward’s method.
Mr. Deecke's arrangement.
Camera applied to the ordinary micro-
Dr. Maddox's camera,
Dr. Maddox's arrangement without a
Cºlin10 ſal.
Chemical Solutions Required, p. 322.
Nitrate bath.
Practical Manipulation, p. 325.
Cleaning the plates.
Arranging the camera.
Sensitising and exposing the plate.
Developing the image.
A rinting, p. 335.
Preparing the exposing and
Toning solution.
Of mounting the prints.
| Iron gas bottles. -
On the use of Gelatino-bromide dry
plates for photo-micrography.
Of the covering glass. -
Illumination of objects magnified by very
high powers.
Method of increasing the size of the
image without altering the object-glass.
Of drawing objects magnified by very
high powers.
The carmine fluid for staining bioplasm.
Glycerine solutions and syrup.
The injecting fluid.
Other colouring solutions with glycerine.
Glycerine and water, and glycerine and
acetic acid for washing and preserving
thin sections.
Of the injection of the vessels of an ani-
mal with solutions.
Various chemical compounds dissolved in
Softening hard tissues by maceration in
glycerine and acid, and on the action
of pepsime.
The preparation of embryonic tissues for
examination with very high powers.
Bioplasm and formed material.
False cells.
Of the nutrition and action of the ele-
mentary part or cell.
Of the nature of “irritation ” and “in-
In defence of the use of very high magni-
fying powers.
Of the twenty-six and of the highest
magnifying powers.
Of the one-fiftieth objective.
Of the one-eightieth of an inch objective.
The apparent size of an object under
different powers.
AVew Method of Preparing Specimens for Researches with the aid of the highest magnifying
powers yet made, p. 357.
Conditions to be fulfilled in demonstrat-
ing minute structure by the highest
Action of glycerine and syrup on tissues.
Of the advantages of viscid media for the
dissection of tissues for examination
with the highest powers.
On Chemical Reagents dissolved in Glycerine, p. 364.
Acetic acid syrup.
Solutions of potash and soda.
Solutions of chromic acid and bichromate
of potash.
The Preparation of Specimens, p. 366.
The practical operation of preparing
tissues for examination with the highest
Demonstration of the soft tissues.
Of the preparation of hard tissues, bone,
tooth, &c.
The Author’s views concerning the Structure, Formation, and Growth of Z issues,
A. 381.
Of living matter or bioplasm.
, The conversion of living bioplasm into
formed material.
Formed material in substance of bio-
Of the nucleus.
Of the term cell.
Of Vitality, or Vital Power, p. 397.
Of life.
| Of living and dead.
Of the Structure of a Nervous Apparatus as determined by Microscopic Investigation
with the Aid of the Highest Powers, and Suggestions concerning the nature of Nerve
Force and of Mind, p. 406.
Of very fine nerve plexuses and networks
of nerve fibres, as seen under very high
The ultimate distribution of motor nerves
to muscles.
Nerve fibres distributed to organs of
special and general sensation under very
high powers.
Of the Structure of Cells or Ælementary Parts of Werve Centres under High Powers,
A. 4I5.
Of spherical and oval nerve cells.
Caudate nerve cells under very high
On the nature of mind and on the struc-
ture of the highest forms of nerve ele-
mentary parts, or cells which are con-
cerned in mental nervous action.
Immersion object-glasses.
On the observations requisite for correcting
Quality of glass employed.
Brass cells for object-glasses.
On reducing and dividing masses of glass
for optical purposes.
Of the powders employed for grinding and
polishing glass.
remarks on making object-
On the production of flat surfaces in
On the production of spherical surfaces
in glass.
New formula for a microscopic object-
glass by Mr. Wenham.
Note on mounting lenses by Mr. Swift.
Formula for a quarter-inch objective of
eighty five degrees of aperture, the
curves of which are given in radius.
Formula for one-inch objective.
Tables for Practising the Use of the Microscope and Microscopical Manipulation, p. 463.
Exercises for more Advanced Students, p. 474.
Apparatus required in Microscopical Investigation, p. 475.
British and Foreign Works likely to be of use to the Microscopical Observer, including
journals, p. 482.
Appendix, AE. 495.
New microscope of low power.
New cheap microscopes.
New cheap object-glasses.
New oil-immersion lenses.
New objective by Prof. Abbe.
Mineralogical microscope.
Mames and addresses of Microscope Makers, Artists, Engravers, Prezarers of Specimens,
&’c., A. 519.
Zndex, p. 502.
Arrata, Z. 518.
I. Importance of Skilful manipulation in Observation and Experi-
ment—Manual dexterity, although subordinate to many higher mental
qualifications, is as essential for the successful prosecution of micro-
scopic observation as it is for that of every kind of experimental Science.
It assists us in the discovery of new means of enquiry, and in devising
methods by which difficulties may be surmounted. Without skilful
manipulation we can neither teach by demonstration facts which have
been already discovered, nor hope to extend the limits of observation
and experimental knowledge. It is not, therefore, Surprising that many
of the most important facts which have been recently added to micro-
scopical science, have been discovered by men who had previously well
trained themselves in experiment—particularly in practical chemistry and
minute anatomical dissection. Improvements in the practical details of
manipulation almost necessarily precede an advance in natural know-
ledge, and invariably promote and expedite true scientific progress.
The main object of this work is to instruct learners in micro-
scopical manipulation, and in the performance of those operations
which are essential to the successful demonstration of form, structure,
colour, and movement under the microscope. To manipulate well
requires mental application and power, as well as practice. An indis-
position to master practical elementary details before proceeding to
perform experiments and make observations is almost universal among
students. And yet it is only by being thoroughly grounded in first
principles, and well practised in mechanical operations, that any one can
hope to achieve real success in the higher branches of scientific enquiry,
or to detect the fallacy of certain so-called observations and experiments,
by which those skilled in conjecture seek to bolster up their arbitrary
dogmas and false statements, and thus deceive and humbug those whom
they pretend to teach. Not a few unconsciously minister to the propaga-
tion of error by seeming to despise manipulatory details and mechanical
skill, and by ridiculing those whose finger-tips are eminently sensitive,
and who are unusually clever in the use of their digital muscles. Nor
have these false notions been condemned by teachers with the decision
and firmness with which they ought to have been met.
In the particular branch of enquiry I am considering, the importance
of such operations as the dissection and demonstration of the nerves of
an insect, of injecting the vessels of a mouse or a frog, preparing minute
specimens, and other such practical work, has been very much over-
looked and underrated. It is, however, by practical work of this kind
that the student learns, as it were, the very grammar of the subject,
which ought to be mastered, and mastered thoroughly, and not only by
those who intend to work, but by those who desire to be able to appre-
ciate and form a judgment concerning the reliability and value of the
work of others. Every student should be taught to dissect small
animals, and those who have succeeded in displaying the nerves of a
frog may practise on Smaller animals, such as caterpillars and beetles,
and some will succeed in dissecting with the aid of a lens the nervous
system of a bluebottle.
The number of original observers emanating from our schools will
vary as practical work is favoured or discouraged. It is certain that they
who are most fully conversant with elementary detail and most clever at
demonstration, will be the most successful in the consideration of the
higher and more abstruse problems, and will feel a real love for their
work, which no mere Superficial enquirer will experience.
To endeavour to discover new methods of investigation is one of the
most important duties of every observer. To communicate these to his
pupils must be the anxious desire of every earnest teacher of any branch
of natural Science. g
Many little matters to which I shall have to refer are sure to be
reproachfully stigmatized as mechanical. Some may be considered to
belong to the province of the chemist rather than to that of the micro-
scopical observer ; and not a few will perhaps seem to many readers
unimportant and hardly worthy of attention; but those who understand
the real use of actual work will not find fault with me for trying to teach
others how to work, and it is to those who love work that this book
appeals. No man ever performed real work before he had himself
mastered many minute and apparently unimportant practical details.
Every one who has experienced the happiness of prosecuting original
research naturally desires to encourage others in the same course; and
now can this be better done than by showing as clearly and precisely as .
is possible how work is to be conducted?
For want of a little practical experience in connection with micro-
Scopic observation, most ridiculous mistakes have been made ; and it is
probable that many of the wild fancies which have lately been reck-
lessly hazarded, accepted, and spread would never have disgraced
Science if their authors had in the first instance been able to demon-
strate, for then they might have determined whether the things they talked
about had actual existence, and could be seen with their own eyes and
rendered evident to others, or were but the creations of their own
imaginations. No one who had seen and properly studied the lower
forms of life would have jauntily suggested the possibility of their ride
through space from their birthplace on a fragment broken off from a
remote world. The man who had often pondered over the movements
of the transparent matter of an amoeba would surely have hesitated before
suggesting to the public the presence of machinery, and would never
have compared them with the movements of an automaton. Even
a very superficial acquaintance with the actual structure and mode of
growth of any tissue in nature would have interfered with the affirmation
of many of the silly dogmas, of which “man is a machine” is by no
means the only or the most significant example. Moreover, it is quite
certain that a very moderate amount of practical information upon
matters microscopic would have prevented the public from falling head-
long into many philosophical traps which have been laid to catch the
ignorant who desire to be thought learned, and the unwary who wish to
appear knowing. Not one of those who have devoted themselves to
the study of living matter, and have seen with their own eyes and contem-
plated with their own understandings the phenomena of living matter,
has been able to discern those promises and potencies which Dr. Tyndall
boastfully declares have been discerned by him in matter, nor has one
single observer been able to see “molecular” or other machinery in the
living matter of any living being. For these and other absurd and mis-
chievous statements received by the materialist faithful experienced ob-
servers who are familiar with the use of the microscope are not responsible.
By describing the results of the investigations of others, a teacher
may spread knowledge. By prosecuting original enquiries himself, he
may contribute his mite to the gradually increasing stock of informa-
tion ; but by demonstrating to his pupils the successive steps by which
conclusions in scientific enquiries have been at length arrived at, and by
describing minutely the methods which have been actually employed in
investigation, the teacher not only encourages his pupils to become
Original observers, and to investigate for themselves, but he may succeed
in placing them in a position to commence their researches at the point
where an enquiry has been abandoned by preceding observers.
The opinion that it is only necessary to place an object in the field
of the microscope in order to make out its structure, seems far too pre-
B 2
valent. Much of the disappointment suffered by many who are provided
with microscopes, may be traced to this erroneous idea. Too many look
upon the microscope as a mere toy, and microscopical observation as
an amusement, by the help of which time may be made to pass away
pleasantly. Few are aware of the real interest derived from intelligent
investigation, and the instruction afforded, and the facts for contemplation
and thought easily to be obtained if only the observer will acquire
the necessary dexterity and elementary knowledge to enable him to
study with success. Many who have become interested in what was at
first but rough and superficial investigation have persevered, and have
at length become excellent observers, who have added new facts to our
knowledge, or have rendered more accurate, information which was
already possessed.
Microscopical investigation may be undertaken by persons in almost
any position, and, it need scarcely be said, by both sexes; indeed, this
is a department in which ladies are likely to excel. It should also be
borne in mind that money is to be earned in various departments of
microscopical work. By making specimens and preserving and mount-
ing them, by drawing, by making enlarged diagrams from the microscope,
and, lastly, by engraving on copper, steel, stone, or wood the appear-
ances of various microscopical specimens, fair remuneration may be
obtained by any one who has acquired the requisite skill. The nume-
rous cheap and excellent microscopes which have lately been made by
many English makers have largely contributed to diffuse a knowledge of
the minute structure of various natural objects. The annually increasing
sale of instruments of all classes shows how popular this branch of
enquiry is becoming; yet it must be confessed that the additions to
scientific knowledge are by no means so great as a consideration of these
circumstances would have led us to expect. Although there are many
instruments, I fear it must be confessed that the real observers are com-
paratively few. At the same time it is quite certain that some persons
set themselves up as original investigators whose range of observation
has been very limited. Although by working at one special department of
enquiry a man may undoubtedly discover new facts, he will be liable to
make grave errors, and will almost certainly arrive at wrong conclusions
if he attempts to generalize. Before attempting original investigation,
however, every student should obtain instruction or instruct himself in
different departments of microscopic enquiry, and should examine the
same object in many different ways. The experience thus gained will
be of the greatest service to him in special investigations, and his eye
and mind will have been subjected to careful training, by which alone
success is rendered possible, and the most unfortunate mistakes avoided.
For teachers of natural science a practical knowledge of microscopical
investigation is becoming daily more important. It is more than ever
needful we should teach as much as possible by the eye. Tn teaching
every branch of natural science demonstration ought to be combined with
oral description. The student should see what is described; and where
it is not possible for the teacher to exhibit illustrative specimens, good
models, drawings, and explanatory diagrams should be supplied. It is
the duty of every teacher to study how to communicate knowledge
most easily and most clearly, and to save the student as much time as
possible, for it is not likely that the amount of work required of him
will be reduced, nor indeed is it desirable that it should be. But it is
certainly the duty of all teachers to facilitate the acquisition of know-
ledge in every possible way. A lecturer on any branch of microscopic
enquiry should show his pupils the structure he describes, and teach
them how they may demonstrate for themselves the facts observed in his
specimens, and depicted in his drawings. With the aid of the little
microscopes referred to on page 17, twelve microscopical specimens can
be passed round a class consisting of more than a hundred students
in the course of an hour's lecture, and without the lecture itself being
in any way interrupted. It is desirable to encourage the students to
make rough diagrams of what they are able to observe in a cursory
glance at the specimens. -
Some years ago, when Professor of Physiology, I exhibited and
described at each of my lectures at King's College, three or four speci-
mens, so that in the course of a session each pupil had an opportunity of
examining more than three hundred preparations of the tissues and Organs
of the body. The microscopes referred to (see § 19, p. 17) are well
adapted for every kind of class demonstration. With low powers these
instruments may be employed in village schools with great advantage.
Not only may parts of insects, the hairs and other parts of animals,
crystals of different substances, stones, minerals, and various objects of
general interest be shown, but the internal structure of the petals of
flowers, the hairs and leaves of various plants, and other organs, may be
displayed and clearly demonstrated.
As a teacher first of general anatomy and physiology, then of morbid
anatomy, and lastly of medicine in a large medical School and hospital,
I have naturally been led to direct my attention chiefly to the special
branches of microscopical investigation which belong more particularly
to those departments, and which bear more or less directly upon the
investigation and treatment of disease, and which are treated of in
“The Microscope in Medicine” (fourth edition, 1878). But from the
present work I shall exclude every thing of a strictly medical character.
Only those processes applicable to general microscopical research, and
to the investigation of animal and vegetable tissues, organic and inor-
ganic, fluids and solids, minerals and fossils, will be discussed in the
following pages.
1. The Microscope.—It is not desirable in a practical work like the
present to enter into minute details, concerning either the mechanical or
optical arrangements of the microscope, especially as there are many
excellent books published in this country, in America, and on the
Continent, in which these points are fully discussed. I shall therefore
allude only in general terms, and as briefly as possible, to the various
parts of which the instrument is composed.
2. The simple Microscope, fig. 2, pl. I, is of use chiefly in the
examination and dissection of comparatively large objects. It consists
of a firm support, on which the stage or rest for the object is placed,
the mirror being beneath, and the magnifying lens above. In this
arrangement the magnified image of the object passes at once to the
eye of the observer. A very good substitute for a simple microscope
is a watchmaker's loup or lens, the frame of which can be grasped by
the muscles around the eye.
3. The compound Microscope is the only instrument now used for
minute research. Until those great improvements in the mode of Com-
bining the glasses, now universally adopted, had been introduced by
the successful labours of Mr. Lister, Mr. Ross, Mr. Powell, and others,
the compound microscope was a very imperfect instrument, and even
up to the present century the simple microscope, as employed by
Leeuwenhoek, and improved by Wollaston and others, possessed some
advantages over its more complex but imperfect rival. In the compound
microscope, fig. 1, pl. I, the object-glass, C, is placed at One end of a brass
tube and the eye-piece at the other. The greater the distance between
the two the higher will be the amplification of an object. The total
length of the tube with its eye-piece and object-glass varies in different
instruments, but upon the whole it will be found that from six to twelve
inches will be sufficient, as the tube can be easily lengthened if desired.
PLAT'ſ 1.
Fig. 3. Fig. 4.
Field glass
Negative or Buyghe Lahan Positive eye piece, invented
eye piece. p 7 by Ramsden. p 7
Fig. 5.
To illustrate chromatic abert attor. ' The vi ºlet and blue rays being most ret! augible
Diagram of compound are brought to a focus, A nearer the lens than the red rays. T which are the least
Incroscope. p. 6 refrangible of the rays of the spectrum, any object placed at LL would exhibit
coloured fringes p
To illustrate spherical aberration " I he i sys AA
being more retracted than those near the centre, B
are brought to a focus nearer the lens p 9
Flg. 8 b
Diagrara or surnple much oscope p. 6s
Fig Q
Coin pould &lasses ot
an achromatic object
&lass p
Stage of student's microscope, shownn & diaphragm a, obnective with low angle ot apt
placed beneath From a to b should not be less ture BAB. b anotber with high
than two inches, p 12. angle of aperture, BAB. p. 10.
[To face page 6.

The magnifying power of the compound microscope may be
augmented :—I, by increasing the power of the object-glass : 2, that of
the eye-piece; or, 3, by increasing the distance between the object-glass
and the eye-piece by means of a draw-tube provided in the instrument,
or by adding a tube. I have had several such tubes made, of different
lengths, which may be interposed as desired.
It must be borne in mind, however, that in the two last cases any
imperfections which may exist in the object-glass are greatly augmented.
Hence, as a general rule, we should not work with deep eye-pieces, but
when we wish to magnify an object more, we should adapt to the in-
strument an objective of higher magnifying power. In some observa-
tions, however, it is a matter of importance to be able to work with a
lens which permits some space between its lower glass and the prepara-
tion, and the increased length of the tube becomes the most satisfactory
way of obtaining the necessary degree of amplification. In studying the
circulation of the blood in the smaller vessels of the frog’s foot I found
great advantage result from the adoption of this method. Information
upon employing very high powers will be found near the end of the
Optical Portion of the Microscope.
The optical portion of the ordinary microscope includes the eye-piece,
object-glass, and the mirror from which the light is reflected so as to pass
through the object.
The image in the compound microscope is inverted, but this incon-
venience may be obviated by causing it before it reaches the eye to pass
through another set of lenses inserted in the tube of the microscope,
and termed the erector. This instrument consists of a tube, at one end
of which is a plano-convex lens, and at the other a meniscus, a dia-
phragm being placed about midway. This is inserted in the tube of the
microscope above the object-glass, and, like the similar arrangement in
the telescope, reverses the image.
4. Negative Eye-piece.—The eye-piece in ordinary use is the negative
or Hughenian eye-piece, fig. 3, pl. I. It consists of two plano-convex
glasses, the flat surfaces of each being directed upwards. The one
nearest the eye of the observer is the eyeglass, and the other at the
greater distance the field glass. The large microscopes are usually
supplied with two or three eye-pieces, so that the amplification of an
object may be doubled or trebled.
Áelner's eye-piece is made like the above, but the eye-glass is an
achromatic combination. At the suggestion of Mr. Brooke I have lately
used this eye-piece as a condenser with the best results.
5. The Positive Eye-piece, of Ramsden, is only used in those cases
in which it is necessary to see distinctly some object in the eye-piece,
as, for instance, an instrument for measuring, at the same time that the
object is in focus. In this eye-piece the convex surfaces of each of the
two glasses are directed towards one another as seen in fig. 4, pl. I.
G. Object-glasses.—The object glasses, fig. 7, pl. I, used in the best
instruments, are of English manufacture, but many really good object.
glasses are now furnished with the cheap microscopes, some of which
are made on the Continent, and are produced at a very cheap rate.
The two most useful object-glasses for a student are the quarter of an
inch which, with the No. 1 eye-piece, should magnify from 200 to 220
diameters, and the incſ, which should magnify from 30 to 4o diameters.
The definition of these glasses should be good, and they should transmit
plenty of light. Any lines in a structure examined by them should
appear sharp and distinct. The field should be flat, every part of it in
focus at the same time, not too small, and there should be no coloured
rings round any object subjected to examination. The achromatic object-
glasses consist of three sets of lenses, each of which is in itself com-
pound. Mr. Wenham, however, made some excellent high powers with
a single front lens, and this plan has since been adopted by some of the
makers. An important improvement in the making of object-glasses has
been made by Mr. Wales, of Fort Lee, New Jersey, who at the sugges-
tion of Prof. H. L. Smith, of Kenyon College, U.S., has added a second
posterior combination, which may be substituted for the ordinary one
when objects are to be examined with very oblique light. The arrange-
ment also possesses some advantages for photographic purposes.
Many of the new French and German objectives have excellent
defining power, and are produced at very small cost. Of late Mr. Swift
and other English makers have succeeded in making objectives quite
equal to them, at the same price. By employing a glass of great
refractive power Messrs. Parkes and Son, of Birmingham, have made
some high power lenses, which have excellent defining power, at a very
low price. The one-sixth cost 1/ 15s., and the one-seventh, of Iosº
aperture, 2/. The working distance of these objectives from the thin
glass covering the object is greater than in the case of most objectives
of the same degree of magnifying power.
Object-glasses of high power are now generally made so that the
object must be viewed through a thin stratum of distilled water placed
between and touching the surfaces of the front lens of the objective and
the covering glass (& immersion). The image has a peculiar brightness,
and as Mr. Brooke has observed, the object is more highly illuminated,
because more oblique rays are admitted than would otherwise pass into
the lens; the working distance of the objective is somewhat increased,
while the price of glasses of the same magnifying power is less. Im-
mersion object-glasses were first made by M. Hartnack, of Paris, the
one of the first cheap student's microscopes made for the author by Mr. Salmon in the year 1883. * 13.
© e
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o Q
[To face page S.

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*** …eº ? ";ſ ... &, E, &×№, .¿?
Ķī£ .•،-\-∞º
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|*№.º …
-ſº :
º tº ſ ſº -á, º
Fig. 2.
\ \\
* * · * *
[To follow PlateIŲ.
p. 13
Mir, Highley's couplete student’s Illicroscope
Couplete microscope, designed by Mr. Highley. p. 13

Fig. 1. Fig. 2.
The same instrument a 3 Fly, 4, illclilled p. 13.
New histological microscope, arranged by Mr. Collins. The
fine adjustment is according to a luew plan, and is very simple
and efficient, pp. l l , l:
--- Tº: -- ~~-- - - - * - e e o 'º' :
===#########E A:ter Gundlach's mcede) o Made by
--> → - Mr Switt. P. *.
Cheap student's microscope. New model recently made by Mr. Swift, p 13 |
[To follow Plate III.

Pſ, A TF W.
“Harley” binocular microscope, made by Mr Collins p 13.
[To follow'Plate IV.

successor of Oberhäuser, but they are now produced by all the best
makers. Mr. Stephenson uses oil instead of water, and thus gains great
advantages in resolving P. Angulatum, and such objects. Zeiss has
lately made some improved immersion lenses, for use with oil of cedar-
For the use of objectives of very high magnifying power, see part VI.
Mr. Brooke's double nose-piece is useful and saves much time. A
revolving frame is arranged for carrying two or more objectives, which
can be easily brought into position at the end of the body one after the
Mr. Swift's centring nose-piece.—Mr. Swift has designed a very in-
genious nose-piece, by the aid of which the object-glass can be perfectly
centred after it is screwed on to the body of the microscope. The
arrangement is similar in principle to that employed for centring the
condenser. It will be understood by reference to fig. I I, pl. VIII, p. 18.
7. spherical and chromatic Aberration.—Unless the objective is
properly corrected for spherical and chromatic aberration, pl. I, figs.
5 & 6, it is valueless to the observer. Spherical aberration may be
known by the want of sharpness when a fine line or small spot, or body
with a well-defined circular outline, is examined. The lines seem to
be blurred and foggy, and when there are several lines or spots near to
one another, they appear to run together, producing a general shadow,
instead of each one being distinctly defined and separated from its
neighbours. If the glass has not been properly corrected for chromatic
aberration, lines and dots are seen with coloured fringes, blue if the lens
is under-corrected, reddish if over-corrected.
s. Flatness of Field can be tested by moving an object from one
part of the field to another without altering its distance from the object-
glass. If the field is flat, the object will appear equally well-defined in
all parts, but if the glass is defective in this particular, an object ac-
curately focussed in the Centre will be found to be blurred and out of
focus when it is moved to the circumference. Or a stage micrometer,
§ 60, ruled to hundredths and thousandths of an inch, may be brought
into focus. If the lines are sharp and clear, and perfectly parallel to
one another in every part of the field, the glass is a good one; but if
some appear curved and thicker at the circumference of the field than
at its centre, the glass is defective.
It is not to be supposed that, even if the most minute directions
were given, the student just Commencing work would be able to test the
object-glasses he was about to purchase, in all necessary particulars.
Generally he must trust the maker, but if he desires to ascertain if his
object-glass is good, perhaps the simplest plan is to compare the images
produced by the same object first placed under his own power and then
under a glass magnifying in the same degree, but of known excellence.
9. Angle of Aperture.—For ordinary work it will be found incon-
venient if the object-glass, when in focus, comes too close to the object.
This is a defect in glasses having a high angle of aperture. The angle of
aperture is the angle made by two lines from opposite sides of the
aperture of the object-glass with the point of focus of the lens. The
angle B A B in fig. 8, pl. I, is the angle of aperture. Glasses with a
high angle of aperture admit much light, and define many structures of
an exceedingly delicate nature, which look confused when examined by
ordinary powers. For general microscopical work, however, glasses of
medium angular aperture are to be recommended.
Glasses having an angle of 150 degrees and upwards are valuable
for investigations upon many very delicate and thin structures, such as
the diatomaceae; but such powers are not well adapted for ordinary work.
The importance of arranging the object very carefully and the necessity
of paying great attention to the adjustment and illumination, render
these glasses inconvenient for general observation. The penetrating
power of glasses with a low angle is greater than in those of a high angle
of aperture, and exact adjustment of all the lenses is of the utmost im-
portance. If then the object to be examined is of considerable thick-
ness, an objective of moderate angle is to be preferred, but this view can
only be acted upon within certain moderate limits, for if the angle is
reduced too much there is great loss of definition, as I have learnt to
my cost in the case of a quarter which I had made and which was
almost useless, except for examining objects by reflected light.
The refraction produced by the passage of the light through the thin
glass covering the object varies according to its thickness, and it has
been found necessary to render the higher objectives capable of being
adapted to this varying refraction. An arrangement for “correction” is
especially necessary in the case of glasses of high angle of aperture, and
usually consists of a screw collar, by turning which the distance between
the front and second pair of glasses may be increased or reduced. An
engraved line shows the point to which the lens should be set for
auncovered objects. Its adjustment for covered objects is to be effected in
the following manner:—arrange the objective as if for an uncovered
object; then any object covered with thin glass is brought into focus by
moving the body of the microscope; next the milled adjustment ring
adapted to the object-glass is turned round until any particles of dust
upon the upper surface of the thin glass covering the object are brought
into focus. The lens is thus “corrected” for the thickness of the cover,
and it only remains to re-focus the object. -
The mechanical arrangement usually employed in this country for
“correcting” is not quite satisfactory, especially in the case of the very
high objectives. The screw works too hard, and the thread is too
coarse. Mr. Wenham has introduced a great improvement, which
entirely overcomes these objections, and enables the observer to
“correct” from time to time while he is examining the object. The
middle and posterior lenses are made to alter their position instead of the
front lens. This is a very valuable improvement. Other modifications
have since been made, annong the most simple and advantageous of which
may be mentioned the very ingenious movement recently introduced
by Mr. Swift. The screw should work so easily that the observer may
turn it first in one direction and then in the opposite while the object is
being examined. In this way he will be able to ascertain the exact
point at which a particular object is seen in the greatest perfection. In
using the highest magnifying powers different objects in the very same
preparation will vary in clearness according to the depth at which they
lie in the preservative medium, and the lens will accordingly require
varying adjustment.
10. The Mirror, pl. VI, fig. 6, p. 14, should slide upon a perpen-
dicular bar or tube beneath the stage, so that it may be arranged near
to, or at a distance from, the object, and it should be capable of being
inclined at any angle, so that rays of light may be reflected from it
and made to pass directly through the object, or thrown upon it very
obliquely. The mirror should be of at least two inches in diameter, one
surface quite plane and the other concave, so that a strong light may be
condensed upon the object, if desired. The achromatic condenser and
other pieces of apparatus of advantage for examining objects by trans-
mitted and reflected light are described further on. See p. 29.
Mechanica/ Portion of the Microscope.
In directing attention to the mechanical portion of the microscope,
I must say a few words upon the arrangements for altering the focus,
the body of the instrument, the diaphragm, and the stage.
11. Adjustments for altering the Focus.-The Ordinary movement is
obtained by the rack and pinion. In some microscopes the body is
moved by the fingers alone, and is arranged to slide in a tube (which
may be lined with cloth) like a telescope. In the instruments of
Mr. Ladd the requisite motion is obtained by the ordinary milled head,
which operates upon a chain instead of the rack and pinion which is
commonly employed. Besides coarse adjustment, however, every micro-
scope should be provided with a more delicate movement for altering
the focus when high powers are employed. The details of the arrange-
ment of the fine adjustment are different in various instruments. The
movement of Mr. Ladd's chain is so regular and delicate as to supersede
the necessity of a fine adjustment. Mr. Collins has recently introduced
a very ingenious modification of the arrangement for fine adjustment,
which works excellently, and is not likely to get out of order. This will
be understood by reference to pl. IV, fig, 2.
12. The Body of the Microscope.—The instrument should be per-
fectly steady, whether the body be inclined or arranged in a vertical
position ; and not the slightest lateral movement or vibration should be
Communicated to the body of the microscope when the focus is altered
by turning either of the adjustment screws. The base or foot should be
sufficiently heavy to give steadiness, and should touch the ground in
three places only, or the body should be fixed upon three feet. The
foot or base may be made of cast iron, or even of zinc, or some other
cheap metal.
The body ought to be provided with a joint, so that it may be
inclined or placed in a horizontal position, as is requisite when drawings
are made with the camera, or when objects are measured by the aid of
that instrument or the steel disc or neutral tint glass reflector. Another
advantage gained by this moveable joint is that the muscles of the
observer's neck do not become so tired when the body of the micro-
scope is inclined as when the head has to be bent, for several hours at
a time, over an instrument standing upright. The larger the microscope
may be, the more necessary is this joint for the comfort of the observer;
and as it in no way impairs the steadiness of the instrument, and only
adds a few shillings to the expense, I recommend every one, in choosing
a microscope, to select an instrument the body of which may be placed
in a vertical, inclined, and horizontal position.
13. The stage should be at least three inches in length by two and
a half in width, and there should be a distance of at least an inch and a
half from the centre of the opening in the stage over which the slide is
placed, to the upright pillar—a, fig, 9, pl. I. The stages of the micro-
scopes of Nachet, Oberhäuser, and indeed those of most of the foreign
makers are too contracted for convenience. A good large stage is a
great advantage, and it should be so arranged that a small saucer can
be placed upon it and moved freely in various directions. A piece of
thin plate-glass, of a required size, may be made to fit on the stage, and
thus a small stage is easily converted into a large one.
14. Diaphragm.—Beneath the stage a circular diaphragm plate with
holes in it of several different sizes, should be so arranged that it can
be made to revolve without difficulty and any hole brought under the
object; a catch is of great advantage, as it tells the observer when each
particular opening reaches the centre of the field, pl. I, fig. 9. Various
arrangements have been adopted for altering the size of the aperture in
the diaphragm instead of having a revolving plate with several holes of
different sizes. One of the most ingenious is that devised by Mr. B.
Kincaid (“Mic. Journal,” July, 1866, p. 75). This is made of a short
piece of thin India-rubber tube, the two ends of which, fixed to brass
rings, are made to revolve in opposite directions, so that the central part
becomes contracted. An aperture of any size may be obtained, and the
opening must be always perfectly central. The graduating diaphragm of
Mr. Collins is, however, the most useful diaphragm yet made, pl. XVII,
fig. 3.
15. students' Microscopes.—Mr. Salmon (1853), Mr. Highley, see
pl. III, and Mr. Matthews were, as far as I know, the first makers in
London who brought out really good, practical instruments, furnished with
good object-glasses, at very low prices. Mr. Salmon's original student's
microscope is represented in pl. II. This was a good working instru-
ment and cost five pounds. The sale for cheap instruments has
much increased and is now enormous. Although many teachers
strongly recommend foreign microscopes in preference to those made in
their own country, it is difficult to understand why, -seeing that instru-
ments as good and as cheap are made here. It is probable that many
more cheap microscopes are made in England than elsewhere, and
there can be no doubt that any instrument could be made here as well
as, and at a lower price than, abroad, if only a large number could be
put in hand. Of late years the improvements in cheap microscopes
have been very great, and nearly all the makers now furnish student's
microscopes, which are really good and useful, for from 3% to 5/.
I would strongly recommend all who are about to purchase a cheap
instrument to examine the student's microscope made by Messrs. Smith
and Beck, Mr. Collins, Mr. Crouch, Mr. Baker, and the microscopes
recently introduced by Mr. Swift (Plates IV, X), and those made by
Mr. Parkes, of Birmingham.
16. Large Microscopes.—The large expensive microscopes are pro-
vided with every instrument which modern science has placed at the
disposal of the observer. For delicate investigations many of these are
invaluable, but for ordinary work they are not necessary, and their
expense is so great as to place them beyond the reach of the majority
of students. Very expensive and delicate instruments are seldom
necessary for ordinary work, and on those few occasions when a very
perfect instrument is required, the student may appeal to some friend,
who possesses a large microscope, for permission to examine his objects
by it. The members of the Microscopical Society have the advantage
of using, under certain regulations, most beautiful instruments provided
with very high powers. A complete one has been liberally presented to
the Society by Mr. Ross. These microscopes are now arranged ready
for work at the Royal Microscopical Society's rooms, at King's College,
from 6 to 8 o'clock on each evening the Society meets. In the Rad-
cliffe Library at Oxford is placed one of Powell and Lealand's large
microscopes complete, including a #3, which may be used for examina-
tion under certain restrictions.
I should advise those who wish for a microscope as perfect as can
be made in the present day, to examine the beautiful microscopes of
Messrs. Powell and Lealand. In alluding specially to these instru-
ments, I wish it to be distinctly understood that I do not in any way
disparage the work of other makers; but as I have very great experience
in the use of these instruments, I feel it right to say that I have always
found their working powers excellent. Messrs. Powell and Lealand
have done much to perfect the compound microscope, and they have
produced the highest and most perfect object-glasses yet made. The
folding microscope is a valuable and highly convenient form for travel-
ling, and occupies a very small space. It is represented in pl. VII, p. 16.
17. Binocular Microscopes.—The binocular is applicable to almost
every kind of microscopical research, but it is not necessary for the
student, and I do not recommend those who are beginning to work at
microscopical investigation generally to provide themselves with one.
The instrument is, however, very desirable for special work, and by its
use a more correct idea of many objects may be obtained ; but for the
ordinary microscopic work undertaken by beginners, and for the exami-
nation of vegetable and animal tissues, the usual instrument is to be
much preferred. The binocular should be a separate microscope alto-
gether, or it should be possible to remove the binocular tube from the
body of the microscope, and substitute for it an ordinary single tube.
Excellent and cheap binocular microscopes are made by Messrs. Crouch,
Messrs. Murray and Heath, Mr. Collins, pl. V, Mr. Swift, and other
makers. (See the list of makers at the end of the volume.) Binocular
microscopes may now be obtained of the above makers at prices ranging
from 12/. to 20/.
M. Nachet's instrument, fig. 2, and Mr. Wenham's perfected binocular,
fig. 3, are represented in pl. VI. Mr. Wenham has succeeded in producing
two or three binocular arrangements. The first plan he adopted will be
understood by reference to pl. XIII, fig. 2; but the new method last sug-
gested by him, and now adopted by all microscope makers in this
country, is shown in pl. VI, fig. 3.
Ainocular for the highest magnifying powers.-Messrs. Powell and
I_ealand have recently succeeded in devising a plan by which a binocular
arrangement can be adapted to the highest powers; the binocular in
ordinary use being suitable only for the examination of objects by
powers magnifying less than 200 diameters. This new plan is adapted
only for high powers, and may be used with the tºº. The prisms em-
ployed are represented in pl. VI, fig. 5. They are placed above the
object-glass. Of the total number of rays which have passed through
the object-glass, the greater part are transmitted through the prism B
and the straight tube of the microscope, but some suffer reflection from
its lower surface, and are received upon the reflecting surface E of the
* Nachet's microscope, to enable two observers to examine an
object at the same time.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 4.
Nachet's binocular microscope.
See also Fig. 4. Plate XIII. p.
.* i
Prisms in Powell & Lealand's binocular
arrangement for the highest powers.
AA. rays of light proceeding from object
glass., B, parallel piece of glass c, tri.
angular prism. DDDD, emergent ravs.
p. 14
tº s_
The arrangernent of the prisms and
lenses in Tolles's binocular eye.
piece, made by I.add. p. 15.
* ... •
Binocular, microscope as feeeºty
arranged by Mr. Wenham, anº L}
generally adopted, p. 1d.
[To face page 14.

prism C in an oblique direction, as shown by the dotted lines, and after
emerging from the surface, enter the diagonal tube of the microscope.
The last of the two images is less intense than the first, but still it is
light enough to be clearly seen. The two images thus formed are
exactly similar, and the two pictures blend and appear to the observer as
one, and in relief. There is, however, no true stereoscopic image, for the one
picture seems to be in every respect, save in intensity of illumination,
the counterpart of the other. I have examined many objects by the
arrangement of Messrs. Powell and Lealand, and find that it works exceed-
ingly well in practice, and is less fatiguing than the monocular instrument.
It is to be recommended to those who work with very high powers.
Modifications of the principle adopted by Messrs. Powell and
Lealand in their binocular for high powers have been suggested by Mr.
Wenham, with the view of utilising some of the light lost in their system,
but I have not had an opportunity of carefully comparing the working of
the new prisms with those of Powell and Lealand. From Mr. Wenham's
description there appears to be some difficulty in obtaining perfectly
satisfactory results. “The two prisms need not be pressed into contact
—if so, Newton’s rings are formed ; they may be set a visible distance
asunder, but great care is needed in adjusting the Small prism so as to
get both reflections combined, otherwise a blurred image will be seen in
the slanting body.” Mr. Wenham, however, assures me that the results
are highly satisfactory if the instrument is properly made according to
the directions he has given.
Mr. Tolles, of Canastota, New York, adapted a binocular eye-piece
to the ordinary single body. This gives a large field well illuminated,
and seems to perform well with low and medium magnifying powers.
Professor H. L. Smith, in a note to Dr. Maddox, to whom I am
indebted for the following observations, says he has even used it with
the ºr and fºr objectives. It is constructed thus:—An adjustable
shallow achromatic erector or eye-piece slides in a setting that fits the
tube of the single-body microscope. By this an image is formed at the
eye-glass end. This image then passes through the flat surface of an
equilateral prism placed over the eye-lens, and by it is bisected, one half
being refracted towards the right, the other half to the left. After these
rays emerge from the prism, they pass into prisms of the form used by
M. Nachet in his binocular microscope (suggested for use here by Pro-
fessor Smith, as the rectangular prisms first employed by Mr. Tolles did
not give satisfactory results), and escape from their outer surfaces at the
angle of total internal reflection. The rays are lastly transmitted through
two deep eye-pieces or Oculars superposed over the two prisms last
described. See pl. VI, fig. 4.
By a small pinion the prisms are adjusted for the variable distance
between the eyes of different observers, and Mr. Ladd has much
improved and simplified that adjustment by the use of a circular disc
with two eccentric slots, which entirely supersedes the rack and pinion.
The shallow eye-piece, or erector, is made to slide in the eye-piece tube
for the purpose of varying the distance between the eye-lens and the
prism placed over it, according to the power of the objective in use.
In this new binocular we have a modification of the plan first
adopted by M. Nachet, but which promises to be more successful. Mr.
Ladd has undertaken the manufacture of this form of binocular appa-
ratus in England.
1s. Travelling Microscopes.—Mr. Warington's Arrangement.—For
travelling, and especially for sea-side work, it will be convenient to be
provided with a microscope which can be packed in a small compass
with the instruments and apparatus required. Mr. Warington, some
time since, designed a very simple microscope for travelling purposes.
The stand consists of two flat pieces of oak, fitted at right angles to
each other by means of pegs. The stage is inserted into the longer one,
to the top of which the body of the microscope is adapted by means of
a clamp. The horizontal bar carrying the body can be moved back-
wards and forwards through a tube arranged to receive it. This instru-
ment can be placed in an upright or inclined position, and by means of
the clamp the body can be attached to a table, so that living objects in
upright glasses can be subjected to examination. Several improved
forms of microscope arranged according to the same principle have been
Among the most perfect instruments for travelling, is the microscope
made by Messrs. Powell and Lealand, represented in plate VII.
This has all the advantages of one of the larger instruments of the same
makers, and is most convenient. It does not get out of Order, and, as
will be seen by reference to the description below the figure, this micro-
scope can be packed in a very small box.
7%avelling, Dissecting, and Aquarium Microscope.—A simple form of
travelling microscope is described by me in the fourth volume of the
“Transactions of the Microscopical Society,” page 13. This instrument
was made entirely of tubes. It could be used as a microscope for dis-
secting, for looking at objects in an aquarium, and for all ordinary pur-
poses. Focussing was effected very rapidly by means of a knee lever,
which was kindly made for me by Mr. Becker, instead of a screw. The
arrangement was, however, somewhat expensive to make, and cheaper
instruments are now produced.
Mr. Highley suggested a very cheap form of travelling microscope
which is also strong and useful. This is described in the “Microscopical
Journal,” vol. iv, page 278. An ingenious little microscope, which packs
in a small leather case, has more recently been introduced by Mr. Baker,
of Holborn. The body of the last two instruments can be readily
Folding rnicroscope of Messrs Powell and Lealand. adapted for all purposes. This instrument may be used
for the highest powers. It is perfectly steady, and is packed witt, all the required apparatus and instrunnel its
in a case 12 inches long, 7 anches wide at:d 3 inches deep. p. 16.
[To face page 16.

adapted to the tube carrying the stage of the microscope next to be
described. Mr. King, naturalist, of the Portland Road, has devised a
most convenient microscope for examining living objects in aquaria. It
is fixed to the glass of the aquarium by means of a vulcanized India-
rubber pneumatic arrangement. This instrument is made by Mr.
Collins, of 157, Great Portland Street. A very good form of cheap
pocket and seaside microscope is made by Messrs. Murray and Heath,
69, Jermyn Street, London.
19. Clinical, Pocket, Travelling, and Class Microscope.—Under this
head I propose to describe an instrument devised by me some years
since which I have found very useful for ordinary observation, in the
field, and at the seaside, and also for medical work. It has been em-
ployed with great advantage for class demonstration. Its construction
is very simple, and it can be made for a very small sum.
The Microscope.—Like some other instruments which have from time
to time been proposed, this microscope is composed of drawtubes, like
a telescope; but the arrangement of the stage, and the plan adopted for
moving the slide when different parts of the object are submitted to
examination, differ entirely, as far as I am aware, from those hitherto
proposed. The instrument consists of three tubes a, b, c, fig. I, pl.
VIII; a carries the eye-piece, is four and a half inches long, and slides
in b, which is of the same length, but only slides up to its centre in the
outer tube c. Tube à carries the object-glass. The tube c can be fixed
by aid of a screw-ring, d, at any position, according to the focal length
of the object-glass. This arrangement prevents the object-glass from
being forced through the preparation by careless focussing. At the
lower part of the body is an aperture for throwing the light on opaque
objects. The preparation is kept in contact with the flat surface below
by a spring, which allows the requisite movements to be made with the
hand, figs. 2, 3. That part of the object which it is desired to examine
can be easily placed in position opposite the object-glass if the instru-
ment is inverted. The proper focus is obtained by a screwing move-
ment of the tube b : and if it be desired to examine any other parts of
the object, the slide may be moved by one hand, while the instrument
is firmly grasped by the other. Delicate focussing is effected by drawing
the tube a up and down. By this movement the distance between the
eye-piece and object-glass is altered.
Any object-glass may be used with this instrument. I have adapted
various powers, from a three-inch, magnifying fifteen diameters, to a
twelfth, magnifying seven hundred diameters, and I feel sure that even
higher powers may be used, if, as in one of my instruments a fine-
threaded screw be adapted to the lower part of the tube which carries
the object-glass, for careful focussing.
In the examination of transparent objects, p. 29, ordinary daylight or
the direct light of a lamp may be used, or the light may be reflected
from a small mirror inclined at the proper angle; or, if low objectives
only are required, the light may be reflected from a sheet of white paper.
In examining objects by reflected light, p. 26, sufficient illumination is
obtained from an ordinary wax candle placed at a short distance from
the aperture, just above the object. But the most beautiful effects
result from the use of the Lieberkuhn, $ 30, with direct light. The best
paraffine lamp for microscope work generally, is the small lamp I have
described in page 25.
The slide, as has been stated, is kept in contact with the lower part
of the instrument, which I have called the stage, by a spring which is
therefore made to press on the back of the slide. On the other side of
the stage a little screw and clamp are placed so that the specimen may
be fixed in any position that may be desired, figs. 1, 3, 7.
In using this microscope, the slide with the object to be examined is
placed upon the stage, the thin glass being upwards towards the object-
glass, while the spring is made to press upon the under surface of the
slide. The little screw is removed. The slide may be moved in any
position, and any particular object to be examined can readily be placed
exactly under the object-glass. Tube a is withdrawn about two-thirds of
its length. The tube c being held firmly with the left hand, 5 is grasped
with the right, and with a screwing motion the object-glass is brought to
its proper focus. The specimen having been found, the slide may, if
desired, be firmly fixed by screwing down the little clamp, and the tube
retained in its position and prevented from slipping by screwing down
the ring fitted on tube c. The instrument and preparation may then
be passed round a class without any danger of derangement. In re-
moving the slide, it must be rotated on the stage, until it slips from
under the spring. In applying it the slide is placed in the same position
and rotated until it slips under the spring. If this precaution be
observed, slides may be very quickly removed, and replaced without any
danger of damaging the thin glass and the preparation. This microscope
is well suited for field-work and especially for botanical purposes. It is
not heavy, and, including the powers and an animalcule cage, will easily
pack into a tube or case six and a half inches long and two inches in
diameter. It may be made about one-third smaller without disadvantage,
and without requiring special objectives. It is very useful in clinical
teaching. This simple microscope is admirably adapted for demonstra-
ting general specimens to classes, and may be used in village schools for
displaying vegetable, animal, or mineral specimens to the children.
The Stand.—The above tube microscope may be adapted to many
forms of stands. The arrangement I have employed for class demon-
stration will be at once understood by reference to figs. 9, Io, pl. VIII.
The structure of the lamp is represented in fig. 6, but the chimney should
. . [...]"
Pocket or clinical microscope.
Half the real size p. 18.
Flä. 11.
m ºntº
ºf , sº **** º
* - sº º ; : - rºs
º ***"...]
- jº gº
a | ſºft,
f #"
New centring nose-piece,
design;3 bº Mr. Swift.
g 9
* e •e a e P.
2 * * * * >
© © e gº º
* > tº
e C
Fig. 3.
---- ~~~~. º. --
The stage, Side view, showing
tle position of the spring. Under surface of the body or stage
p. 18 of the pocket microscope. p. 18.
Mirror employed for examining
objects by transmitted light.
º Mirror to fit Lamp. Sectional
Fig. 7. into slide. View
gº Flg. 8.
t -le-S1-
Screw, with an arm, for fixing N. • * * *
the specimens, e, Fiš 1. Sectional view of cell for examinung
p. 18. deposits in flund, infusoria &c
-- ~s
=sº ſ.
Clinical microscope for class demonstration, with improved stand
and lamp. p. 19.
[To face page 19.

Fig. 3.
Tº ſº.
Another arrangement for ºntº, our Of the
ocket microscopes, p. 1
Octagonal box for holding eight microscopes p P p
illuminated by one lamp in the centre. p 19. Fig. 4.
Fig. 7.
º #|| |
Section of Fig. 1, showing relative ill; g ||| ºs º, | i
positions of microscope and lamp. ; : ; º #º | : | |
In ode of fixing, &c. p. 19. |: Nº. ; iºn #| || #||
|||}s. |||}||#s
º †
Pººl -
| |;
Dºr ſº
º Yùſº a
|| ||
The arrangement by which --- - tº ...º.
diaphragm, mirror, and con- Simple arrangement for adapting stage and Waistcoat pocket microscope,
denser may be agapied to the mirror to body for photographic work. only 4 inches long. Mlade by
pocket migroscºpe.2 p. 19, After Mr. Hišnley. Mr. Highley, p. 20.
:*::: : [To follow Plate VIII.
& © e e G
º ©

be conical, or a small conical lamp-glass placed over the diaphragm of
the cylindrical chimney, as shown in the drawing, fig. Io, pl. VIII. It is
a simple paraffine lamp with a conical copper chimney, and a diaphragm,
just level with the wick, in order to cause a powerful current of air
round the flame. By this means all flickering is prevented, and the
instrument may be moved about without fear of the light being blown
out. The diaphragm is made of a plate of mica, and the same sub-
stance is placed over the aperture in the chimney, h. The lamp is made
to slide in the grooves marked b, g, fig. 9, pl. VIII, and it is fixed at a
proper distance from the object by the screw /, fig. 6. At first I used
oil, but for some time past I have burnt paraffine which is much cheaper
and gives a far better light. When required for reflected light, the lamp
is placed in the groove marked g, fig. 9. In the last arrangement the
lamp, as suggested by Mr. Highley, was made to slide on a horizontal
bar which turns on a pivot, so that the position for reflected light is
easily secured, pl. VIII, fig. Io. A mirror is employed by day, and slides
in the same groove, or upon the same rod, as the lamp. The mirror,
achromatic condenser, polariscope, and drawing apparatus can all be
readily adapted to this instrument, and it will be found convenient for
photographic purposes. The microscope, without powers, can be pur-
chased for twenty-five shillings, and with the stand it costs about three
pounds, but if a number could be made at once the price would be still
By this plan I have been able to show more than twelve prepara-
tions magnified from 15 to 500 diameters, to a class of upwards of a
hundred during an hour's lecture. In about two minutes the specimen
may be changed and another placed in its stead. The condenser,
mirror, diaphragm, polariscope, &c., may also be made to slide upon a
rod fixed to the lower part of the stage as shown in fig, Io, pl. VIII. I
have had an arrangement, already referred to, adapted to this micro-
scope, which enables me to use it for demonstrating structures with high
powers. In the instruments used at my lectures given at the College of
Physicians in 1861, I was able to use successfully all powers up to the
twelfth of an inch objective (700 diameters) and I feel quite satisfied
that the plan will succeed equally with the highest. An instrument has
been made to take the #.
The hand microscopes can also be readily arranged in a box fitted
to contain several in a line, pl. IX, figs, 3, 4, or in a six or eight-sided
frame, figs. 1, 2, in the centre of which the light, to illuminate all the
objects at once, may be placed. One advantage of these arrangements
for demonstrating to a class is that while every one can alter the focus to
suit his vision, the microscopical preparation and light are quite out of
reach, so that they cannot be disarranged.
The hand microscope has been recently modified and improved
C 2
upon by many different makers. A very convenient form has been intro-
duced by Mr. Baker and Mr. Moginie, and another by Mr. Hawksley.
Still more recently, a new form, arranged by Mr. Swift, is used as a
clinical and seaside microscope. With a low power only this instru-
ment may be obtained for about thirty shillings.
Dr. Guy's Arrangement.—My colleague, Dr. Guy, devised an inge-
nious form of hand microscope, which was brought out by Mr. How, of
Foster Lane, and is known as the “Illuminator Hand Microscope.”
This is well adapted for examination with low powers, and for showing
popular objects in schools and to classes, but it is not adapted for
the real work of the medical practitioner or student of physiology. My
friend, in praising the merits of the class microscope he has constructed,
has, I think, been unduly hard upon the complexities of other instru-
ments, while he has scarcely given due weight to the fact that any micro-
scope, to be of real service to the student and practitioner, ought to work
well with a magnifying power of at least 200 diameters. In his paper he
does not even mention the highest amplifying power that can be adapted
to the hand microscope he describes. (“Journal of the Quekett Club,”
No. 20, October, 1872, page 65.)
zo. smallest Pocket Microscope.—The simple tube microscopes
have been modified in many ways by various makers, and some have
been made so small that they may be carried in the waistcoat-pocket.
An instrument of this kind was made some years ago by Mr. Highley. It
was four inches long and only three-quarters of an inch in diameter, and
was sold for a guinea. Not being provided with the stage and Spring,
only one spot in the field could be brought under the object-glass, but
it was intended for low magnifying powers only, which give a large field,
pl. IX, fig. 7. A microscope upon the same plan had been made many
years previously by Messrs. Powell and Lealand.
Professor Brown, of the Veterinary Department of the Privy Council,
has lately introduced a very valuable modification of the clinical pocket
microscope which occupies far less space than the one above described.
This beautiful little instrument can be used for examining objects under
the highest powers, and can be carried in the waistcoat-pocket. It is figured
in pl. X, figs. 1, 2, 3, of the actual size. It is four inches long by one inch
in diameter in its widest part. The general arrangement of the instru-
ment will be understood by the figures, but it has been fully described
by Professor Brown in the “Veterinarian” for November, 1870, and it
is made by Mr. Swift, University Street, Tottenham Court Road. The
instrument, with a quarter, costs about three guineas. I believe this
microscope will be of great use to naturalists, to members of the medical
profession, and to all who desire to have a very portable microscope,
adapted for examining objects with high powers. A very little practice
will enable any one to use it without difficulty. Professor Brown employs
* &
t ... <: º
tuiti miſſ"
º s
ſºlº -
º: * - ww- *ā)
| | | ||
e e o 'º e
Waistcoat pocket microscope, designed by Prof Brown. The figures are the exact size of the its ºnfest.
Fig. 1. The microscope folded up. Fig. 9 The instrument arranged for use. Fig S. Binged clamp for rºldºs
microscope with spike, which may be temporarily fixed in any piece of wood as a gate post.
To face page 2).

Professor Queket C's dissectal, g illicroscope, with apparatus
tº rººf-ssor ºute kett’s dissectin & microscope.
Th:e it strum elit folded up for travelling
p. 21
Mode of packing
2] =
Pi o tes so. Quekett's dissect in $ in: croscope
the differ et., L pieces ot apparatus. ! .. 2
Fig. 4.
() in the left,
T}r, Tawson's i inocular disse, tang microscope, made by Collins.
l) e instrument is show in tolded up. p. 21.
[To follow P}ate X.

Dissectiny microscope, as recently improved by \l r. Sw; it
Beck’s para.
boinc reflector, with Mr. Sorby's
modification. p. 26.
Fig. 3.
- \\\\
º N c. N
* * * G.s.º.
- - Fº
N 2. . . &
º , , wº sº
-º, º a º
*... º. º.º.
º N
ºº: º:
§4§ §
Round wicked lamp, with, shoe, Slowing positº
w ben used for examining objects with direct lish: ,
p. 3 °.
- cº
\! icº oscope with low power. with
This inay be packed up ir, a very sma!; st...ce.
p 2}
e e º 'º •:
bull’s c Sea ea ºds forcer s
: or examinus general specimeus asd for "dºsse Stºng. The
to ody of ally in crosco; e may be reclined ud:used 3.3
sinow u in the drawn u & Mlade by Air Switt p 21
[To follow Flate XI

it in veterinary work. He can use it in the open air, and can examine
secretions of the blood of animals in the sheds in which they stand, and
under powers magnifying one thousand diameters.
The eye-pieces and objectives of this instrument have their aberra.
tions accurately corrected to the short length of the body. Pl. X, fig. 2,
represents the instrument when in use. The slide is held in its position
by a spring box, marked B, and can be freely moved about when under
examination. The coarse adjustment is obtained by sliding the tube L
in its fitting, to which the object-glass is attached; the fine adjustment
is effected by moving the tube E, which enables the object to be accu-
rately focussed with the greatest ease.
Eye-pieces of different power, condensers, polarising apparatus, and
other appliances can be added to the instrument without difficulty, if
required. The glass slides, thin glass Covers, pipettes, needles, &c., can
be packed in the same little case with the microscope. The instrument
Mr. Swift made for me is packed, with its stand, in a small strong box,
which measures in inches 3}× 1; x 1%, and is provided with an inch, a
quarter, and a one-sixteenth of an inch objective, with slides and thin
21. Dissecting Microscopes are very useful. in many microscopical
enquiries and have been long in use. Quekett's original dissecting
microscope is seen in figs. 1, 2, 3, pl. XI. Figs. 2, 3, show the internal
arrangement and the manner in which the mirror, lenses, and lens-holders
are packed away. The instrument is furnished with three lenses, and
is to be purchased at a moderate price.
Alazeson's ZXissecting Binocular Microscope, as made by Collins,
pl. XI, fig. 4, though only constructed for slight magnifying power, is
exceedingly compact, and enables the observer to use both eyes. It is
furnished with two sets of stereoscopic lenticular prisms, dissecting in-
struments, &c. It costs two guineas. This instrument has been further
modified and improved. An excellent form is made by Mr. Swift, and
is figured in plate XII, fig, I.
Compound Dissecting Microscope.—An excellent. Compound micro-
scope, of low power, was arranged for dissecting purposes, by Messrs.
Powell and Lealand. The body was attached to an arm, which could
be moved up and down by a rack and pinion. The instrument was
kept ready for use in a case. Modifications have been suggested by
others. A cheap useful instrument for dissection, for rough examina-
tion, or for examining living objects in an aquarium, has been made by
Mr. Swift. This is represented in fig. 4, pl. XII.
Apparatus for Students' Microscope.
22. Apparatus necessary for the student-Every student's micro-
Scope should be provided with a neutral tint glass reflector for drawing
and measuring objects, a diaphragm, to the under part of which is fitted
a tube to receive an achromatic condenser or polarising apparatus, a
bull's eye condenser, one shallow eye-piece, and two powers—a low one,
magnifying from 20 to 4o diameters, and a quarter, or a four-tenths of an
inch which magnifies 180 diameters, a stage micrometer (§ 60), a Malf-
wood's finder on the plan adopted by Mr. Baker (§ 68), and an animalcule
cage (§ 134). - - -
These accessory instruments should be conveniently packed in the
case with the microscope. The polarizing apparatus and the achro-
matic condenser are not absolutely necessary for a beginner, and can be
purchased afterwards. The cost of the microscope without these last,
but including the other pieces of apparatus mentioned, in a well-made
case, need not be more than six pounds; and if the microscope be
mounted on a cast-iron foot instead of a brass one, it may be obtained
for about a pound less, without its practical utility being in any way
impaired. -
The great number of different microscopes and the excellent work-
manship employed in their construction render it a difficult as well as
a delicate task for a teacher to recommend any special one to his
pupils. Many of the instruments which I have used, and which I have
recommended, are exceedingly good, but I have no doubt that there are
others, which I have never had the opportunity of testing, which are as
good in every respect. The names and addresses of the principal
English and foreign microscope makers will be found at the end of
this volume. -
23. Iteflected Light, Transmitted Light, and Pelarised Light.—If
the internal structure as well as the external surface of the same object
be studied in the microscope, the observer will form an idea of its
nature very different from that which he would have arrived at if he
had regarded the characters ascertained by one mode of examination
only. By employing polarised light peculiarities in the structure of an
object may sometimes be discovered, of which no indication is afforded
when it is examined by ordinary light. -
The student's attention must, therefore, be directed to the three
following methods of throwing the light upon and through objects to be
submitted to microscopical examination. The directions for arranging
the microscope for observation are given on pp. 29, 81, to which the
student is referred for further information.
1. AEg/lected light—In the examination of an object by reflected
light, ordinary diffused daylight may be allowed to fall upon it, or light
Pſ, ATE X | I].
Flºy. i
Mr. Wenham’s original arrangement
of the binocular microcopes p. 14.
© © tº * e
--- - - •r o e Q wº ©
Arra, Serment of prisms in Nachet’s ºbiºcºlaº.
rthlcroscope, p 14. : º
[To face page
milling objects boy
Diagram to show the arrangement for exal
u:'an's mitted light, pp. 23, 82.
Figſ, 3.
Diagram to illustrate the arrangement for examination
by reflected lish t pp. 28, $2.

may be received upon a metallic reflector, or be refracted through a
prism placed at the proper angle and thus made to impinge upon the
surface of the object. The intensity of the illumination may be much
increased by employing a concave mirror or a bull's-eye condenser,
§ 27. By the examination of objects by reflected light we gain informa-
tion concerning the peculiarities of the surface only, just as in looking
at objects under ordinary circumstances. The surface of any object,
be it transparent or opaque, may be examined by reflected light, §§ 30,
32. -
2. Zºransmitted light passes through the object under examination,
which must, therefore, be transparent or capable of being rendered so
by some special method of preparation, $ 140. By this method of
examination any peculiarities of internal structure are rendered evident.
Transmitted light may be made to pass from the source of illumination
direct through the object, or the rays of light may first be received by
a mirror or prism and then reflected or transmitted in a straight or
oblique direction through the preparation. The position of the micro-
scope will be seen if plates III, IV, VII, and XIII, be referred to.
Oblique illumination is of great assistance in some forms of enquiry.
Many delicate lines, in highly transparent structures, although invisible
when the specimen is examined by ordinary transmitted light, are
clearly discerned when a ray of light is made to traverse the specimen
obliquely. In order to obtain this result the mirror is moved to the
side of the stage so as to throw the light obliquely on the under surface
of the object. The diaphragm is often provided with eccentric openings
and slits, varying in form and position, so that pencils of light, of
different shapes and degrees of obliquity, may be readily obtained.
3. Polarised light.—The light is polarised for the examination of
microscopical objects by being made to traverse certain crystalline sub-
stances which are known to have the property, before it is transmitted
through the object. A crystal of that form of carbonate of lime, known
as Iceland or rhomboidal spar, tourmaline, or iodo-quinine, is the most
advantageous for this purpose. The first is generally used under the
name of Nicol's prism, which is made by dividing a crystal of Iceland
spar obliquely, and then carefully cementing the two portions together
with Canada balsam. By this method one of the two images produced
by this double refracting crystal is refracted out of the field of vision
while the polarising property is not in any way affected. Dr. Herapath
gave me two large and beautiful Crystals of the iodo-quinine or hera-
pathite which he discovered some years ago, and prepared for examining
objects in the microscope by polarised light. The crystals are mounted
between two pieces of thin glass and work very satisfactorily, One of
the crystals above referred to is fitted beneath the stage of the micro-
scope. This is called the polariser. Another termed the analyser is
inserted in the tube of the microscope or is placed above the eye-piece,
pl. XVII, p. 34, figs. I and 2. Either the analyser or the polariser
should be so arranged that it may be made to rotate.
By polarised light the internal structure of various transparent
objects can be rendered evident in a very beautiful manner, but for
ordinary microscopical work, upon the tissues of vegetables and animals,
this method of observation is seldom required. The advantage of
polarized light in general microscopical enquiries has perhaps been over-
rated, though the appearances produced are interesting, and many of
them very beautiful. In examining objects by polarised light wonderful
effects may be obtained by interposing between the polariser and the
object thin plates of certain crystalline substances, which should be so
arranged as to be capable of revolving. The play of colours which may
be produced in this way, by the aid of selenite, is in the case of many
objects very beautiful. Plates of different degrees of thickness, each
giving a different colour, may be obtained of the opticians. Mr. Swift
has arranged such plates in his condenser, and in slides of a convenient
form, pl. XVI, p. 28, fig. 5.
Sources of Illumination.
Ordinary daylight or sunlight reflected from a white cloud affords
the best illumination, but the light of gas, of a candle, or good lamp
answers exceedingly well for every department of microscopical en-
quiry, if certain precautions be taken. Daylight is usually reflected
from the mirror. In the examination of transparent objects the micro-
scope is arranged as in pl. XIII, fig. 1, and the light is usually reflected
by the mirror. Sunlight is only employed under very special circum-
stances, as for examining objects by coloured media, when an intense
light is required, or for the purpose of taking photographs of microscopic
objects. See Part V on Photography.
It has been said with truth that microscopical work should be
undertaken only by day, since the most perfect artificial light which can
be obtained is far inferior to daylight for delicate observation, while it
strains the eyes very much more. But unfortunately it happens that in
this country, and especially in the lower parts of houses in our large
cities, during a great part of the year, the only daylight obtainable is
not very suitable for microscopical investigation. However, many of us,
in consequence of being occupied in duties of perhaps a very different
kind by day, are compelled to work principally or entirely by night.
It is therefore a matter of the greatest importance that we should be
provided with satisfactory artificial illumination.
From time to time various special lamps for microscope work have
been introduced. The Small camphine lamp, brought out many years
Fig. l. Fig. 3,
Simple paraffine land p, iºckett larnp, made by Collins.
with 1 ound wick. p. 2) with round wick p. 25.
lamp of Alessrs. Smith and Beck for
camphithe or belmontine. p. 24,
tig. 4.,
M + A tº gº ºw
Gas limicroscope lamp, with water bath, &c
25. *ew lººp for paradiae, with clina chimney
arranged by Mr. Highley, p 2
and shade. Made by Mr. Swift p. 35
Flº. 6. -
- Flg. 7.
show in S
- rays becomin § parallel after having passed through
lamp with arm angement of plano-convex leus, s, a plano-convex lens p. 39.
mounted in a tube like an eye piece, for coludelnshing • Özi
light p. 26. [To face pase 24,
Retlection of light from a concave mirror,

ago by Messrs. Smith and Beck, and since modified for paraffine, which
is represented in pl. XIV, fig. 1, will be found to give a white light, and
it possesses the advantage of producing very little heat.
24. Oil Lamps.-Of oil lamps there are several which serve for
microscopical examination. The German Argand lamp, lately imported
into this country by Mr. Pillischer, is a good microscope lamp, and so
also is the ordinary French moderator, especially if provided with a blue
or neutral tint glass chimney, and a shade. But these lamps, and
indeed gas itself, yield to paraffine and belmontine, which give an
exceedingly steady and white light, with very little heat.
25. Paramine Lamps.-For some years past I have been in the
habit of using one of the common little paraffine lamps, termed night
lamps, with a small round wick, which may be bought for Is. 6d.,
pl. XIV, fig. 2. This gives a very white light, and is most convenient,
as well as economical. A pale blue glass chimney improves the quality
of the light, and a shade protects the eyes from the general glare. I use
this lamp with the fiftieth, and find that it works admirably. Such
lamps may be made to occupy very little space if constructed of brass
tube, and I have had chimneys of sheet copper made for them, with an
aperture three-quarters of an inch in diameter, over which a piece of
mica is fixed with a screw collar. By whitening, with a paste of chalk
or plaster of Paris, the chimney behind the wick, the light is improved.
I have now for years used one of these small round-wicked paraffine
lamps without any mirror for illuminating objects magnified with very
high powers. The arrangement is shown in pl. XII, fig. 3. A lamp of
the same kind was adapted to a self-illuminating ophthalmoscope I
devised some years ago, and which is made by Mr. Hawksley, 3oo,
Oxford Street.
Mr. Collins sells an excellent paraffine lamp, under the name of the
“Bockett lamp,” which is provided with an adjustable silvered reflector,
a bull's-eye condenser, and a blue glass chimney. One of these has been
fitted up with a round wick, like the little lamp above referred to, fig. 3,
pl. XIV.
Mr. Swift has recently perfected some excellent microscope lamps,
fig. 5, pl. XIV. One is a modification of the small round-wicked lamp
which I use for the demonstrating microscope (page 19), and is supported
upon a telescope foot, so that it can be arranged at any required height.
26. Gas Lamps.-For those who prefer gas I can recommend the
Argand gas lamp of Mr. Highley, which is provided with a flat brass plate
and a water bath, instruments of great use in microscopical investigation,
pl. XIV, fig. 4. The light is made to pass through an opening in a
moveable diaphragm, so that the eyes are quite protected from the
diffused light. A very pleasant light is produced, as in other lamps, by
causing the rays to be transmitted through a blue chimney glass and a
flat piece of neutral tint glass. A bull's-eye is also adapted. The
objection to this lamp is its great heating power.
Whatever method of illumination be adopted the eye not observing
should always be kept open, but protected from the direct glare of the
microscope lamp. For this purpose Mr. Brooke long ago suggested a
shade made of black paper, which was fitted to the body of the micro-
Scope, at a convenient distance below the eye-piece.
Of Instruments for examining the Surface of Objects by Reflected Zight.
Ordinary diffused daylight or lamplight may be used, but is not of
sufficient intensity to give very satisfactory results. Unless sunlight or
Some other very powerful light is employed, it is necessary to concen-
trate the rays upon the surface of the object placed in the focus of the
object glass by the aid of one of the following instruments.
27. Hull's-Eye condenser.—This instrument is provided with all
microscopes, and needs no description. Different modes of mounting
the plano-convex lens are represented in figs, 2 and 4, pl. XVI, and the
position of the microscope, condenser, and light in figs. 2, 4, pl. XVI,
p. 28.
Any Ordinary bi-convex lens may be used as a condenser. It may be
mounted in a gutta-percha rim and attached to a piece of copper or
lead wire. In examining many objects with an ordinary lens, great
advantage is gained by condensing the light of the sun or of a lamp
upon the precise point of the surface which it is desired to study. By
condensing the light of a lamp by two plano-convex lenses mounted in
a tube, as shown in fig. 6, pl. XIV, a very satisfactory pencil of bright
light may be obtained.
28. Metallic Iteflector.—A concave metallic reflector may also be
used to bring the rays of light from a lamp to a focus on the object.
This instrument is fitted to the side of the microscope. I do not, how-
ever, think it possesses any advantages over the bull's-eye condenser.
29. Beck's Parabolic Iteflector, pl. XII, fig. 2, p. 20.-This instru-
ment is made to fit on and rotate round the object-glass; it answers
admirably for condensing the light on the surface of objects, and by
throwing the rays in any particular direction across the surface enables
the observer, by the assistance also of the shadows, to determine the
nature of irregularities upon some objects in a very satisfactory manner.
By the adaptation of a little reflector, arranged as represented in
fig. 2, pl. XII, Mr. Sorby gained some great advantages in the examina-
tion of the fractured surfaces of iron and steel. See “Microscopical
Journal,” Oct. 1865, p. 117.
30. Lieberkuhn.-The rays of the light reflected from the mirror
and passing round the circumference of the object placed in the field,
impinge upon a concave annular reflector or Zieberkuhn adapted to the
To illustrate the mode of examining an object by
reflected light with the Tieberkuhin. The light
reflected from the nairror. a, passes through the
glass slide, b, around the object, and impiuges ou
the concave annular mirror, d, by which the rays
are brought to a focus and condensed upon the
object placed at c p 27.
Flg. 8.
A chromatic condenser mounted with a lever
bal idle, p. 30.
Parabolic illuminator, showing course of a ray of light, m
Arrangement of mioroscope for drawing and measuring objects. pp 35, 43. © e tº
[To face page 2
is placed in tocus.
, m, f, W. Luell an uncovered object, g,
p. 38.

object-glass, from which the rays are reflected downwards, and are
brought to a focus upon the surface of the object itself, pl. XV, fig. I.
If a transparent object is to be examined by a reflected light, a piece
of dull, not glazed, black paper, rather larger than the aperture of the
object-glass, should be placed behind it to prevent the passage of light
through it, or one of the stops, fig. 1, e, supplied with some instruments
may be inserted in its place beneath the stage. The stops, however,
are not generally furnished with students' microscopes.
31. Arrangements for examining Opaque Objects with Very high
Powers.-Prof. H. Lawrence Smith, of Kenyon College, Gambia,
Ohio, U. S., has introduced a plan by which the object-glass is made
its own illuminator. The rays of light admitted at the side of the
lower part of the tube of the body are received upon a small silvered
mirror, set at the proper angle and having a small opening in the centre,
and by it thrown down through the objective to the object, and return
hrough the same object-glass and aperture in the centre of the mirror
to the eye-piece.
Messrs. Powell and Lealand substituted for the silver mirror a piece
of thin plate glass (ºth of an inch thick) placed at an angle of 45 degs.
In this way loss of light was avoided, as the magnified image was seen
through the glass. The late Mr. R. Beck, about the same time, adopted
a similar plan, using a circular piece of ordinary thin covering glass,
which was arranged so that the angle of inclination could be altered if
required. I learn from Dr. Maddox that Prof. Smith still gives the
preference to his own arrangement. Mr. Dancer has proposed another
modification of the above plan. A little speculum, only one-sixth of an
inch in diameter, is introduced through a lateral aperture two inches
and a half above the top of the object-glass, and placed at a proper
angle to reflect the rays downwards (“Popular Science Review,” April,
I866, p. 249).
These new methods of illumination, which are improvements upon
that devised five years since by Mr. Hewitt, but on the same principle,
are valuable for observations upon the diatomaceae. For a full descrip-
tion the reader is referred to Prof. Smith's paper in “Silliman's Journal”
for September, 1865; Mr. R. Beck's paper in the “Microscopical Jour-
nal" for April, 1866; and the remarks made by Mr. Wenham, Mr.
Slack, Mr. Lobb, and others, in the same number.
32. Dark-ground Illumination.—-In this place I must allude briefly
to a mode of illumination which has been much in repute of late years,
and which is very advantageous for demonstrating some structures. I
refer to darkground illumination, in which the object appears to the
observer in relief upon a black ground. In this mode of illumination,
which is particularly applicable to investigations upon some very minute
organisms, such as the diatomaceae, the direct light rays are prevented
from penetrating the specimen, and passing through the object-glass,
but the preparation is highly illuminated upon all sides by light made
to impinge upon any point of circumference in a very oblique direction.
Thus the object is thoroughly illuminated upon every part of its surface,
but the ground on which it lies appears perfectly dark.
There are several methods by which the result above referred to
may be obtained. One very simple little instrument is termed a spot-
glass, and consists of a plano-convex lens, the convexity being so great
that rays passing through it converge with a great degree of obliquity,
and are brought to a focus at a short distance above the flat surface of
the lens, in the centre of which is placed a small circular piece of black
paper in order that the passage of direct rays of light may be prevented.
The lens is fixed in a brass tube made to slide up and down, so that it
may be adjusted at the proper distance below the object. The Spot-
glass may be purchased of the instrument makers for about 7s. 6d.
33. Paraboloid IIlumination.—77te parabolic reflector or Mr. Wen-
ham's, Mr. Shadbolt's annular condenser, and the parabolic illuminator of
Messrs. Smith and Beck are beautiful instruments for producing dark
ground illumination in a very efficient manner, pl. XV, fig. 3.
Another excellent plan, upon a somewhat different principle, has
lately been devised by Mr. Wenham, the simplicity of which recom-
mends it strongly to our attention. A small triangular prism is placed
beneath the object, so that one of its plane surfaces is in contact with
the under surface of the slide carrying the object. The light is refracted
so highly that none passes directly through the object, but, being thrown
at the proper angle upon the under surface of the thin glass which
covers it, is entirely reflected from thence upon the object itself, which
is thus highly illuminated. Professor Abbé has recently devised an
immersion illuminator with a balsam angle of 138°.
The Immersion Paraboloid ///uminator, designed by Dr. James
Edmunds, is described in the “Monthly Microscopical Journal” for
August, 1877, and in the “Quekett Society's Journal” for May, 1878.
This paraboloid is constructed by Messrs. Powell and Lealand, at about
the same cost as the Wenham paraboloid, and it is mounted and used
in the same way, fig. 3, pl. XVI. Its top is, however, plane, and has to
be made offically continuous with the under surface of the slide by means
of a drop of pure glycerine or other medium of high refractive index. The
paraboloid is made of hard white Crown glass, and the area of the plane
top is stopped out beneath the base, so that no light passes directly
through. Its formula is such that all the parallel rays of light entering the
base are made to converge, by total internal reflection, upon the object
placed on the slide, and the plane top is at such point below the focus
of the object-glass as to allow exactly for the thickness of the slide and
connecting film of glycerine. With the usual sub-stage movements, the
New condenser, arranged by Mr. Swift, containing spot leus,
polarizing apparatus, contracting diaphragm, &c. pp. 24, 35.
Fig. 3.
Bull's-eye condeuser, on upright staud p 20
Bull's eye conde user for suudent’s microscope p. 25.
Dr. Edmunds’ paraboloid illuminator. Over a is the
stop; b is the glass slide upon, whicl the object, is
placed. The under surface of the slide is coln nected
with the summit of the illuminator by a little strong
glycerine Made by Messrs. Powell and Lealand.
p. 8.
i. i ! ; ; ;
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , Sº -----
ſº º |
* |
e - º - º
Blankley's compound revolving mica-selenite stage, givius twelve or more clifferent tints of colour. pp 84, S0
[To face page 25,

focussing or centring of this paraboloid can be varied as readily as that
of the objective. All the light, except that entering the object, is
thrown back from the upper surface of the slide, so that, with immersion
lenses of the largest aperture, the object is seen upon a black field. An
object may easily be lighted up so intensely as to appear incandescent,
and a luminous image of structural details, difficult to demonstrate by
ordinary illumination, is shown upon a soft black background. The
markings upon the Podura-scale are resolved into distinct featherlets,
which seem to project from a hyaline-beaded membrane and the lines
of Amphipleura Pellucida, which with their interspaces number 200,ooo
to the inch, are displayed as green and black bands. Saliva, blood, &c.,
under a good dry quarter-inch, appear almost as new objects when thus
illuminated, but nothing in the field is visible except the objects which
are in optical contact with the slide, and thin films only should be
worked upon. -
Of Instruments for examining the Internal Structure of Objects.
34. Transmitted Light.—The microscope in pl.XIII, fig. 1, is arranged
in the ordinary position for examining transparent objects. The light
may be received upon the plane or concave mirror, according as a
moderate or brilliant light is required; but, as a general rule, the inten-
sity of light should not be greater than necessary to make out distinctly
the structure of the object. The converging rays from the concave
mirror may be rendered parallel by being passed through a plano-convex
lens, according to the arrangement given in fig. 7, pl. XIV, p. 24.
Direct sunlight is not to be employed, and a very strong light of any
kind is hurtful to the eyes. The best light during the day is to be ob-
tained from a white cloud upon which the Sun is shining. In some
investigations it is well to cause the light to pass through ground glass,
or very thin tissue-paper oiled or varnished, before it impinges on the
object. The light is thus much softened.
35. Monochromatic Illumination.—Professor Amici seems to have
been the first to have tried experiments with monochromatic light in the
examination of objects in the microscope. He employed the rays of
the solar spectrum, but I am not aware that any great advantages have
been gained or new facts discovered by this process. Yet it seems pro-
bable, now that we are enabled to examine objects so much more
minutely than heretofore, that something may be obtained by enquiries
in this direction. Any ray from an ordinary prism may be caused to
pass through the object or condensed upon it with the aid of the con-
denser. Count Castracane has sigce used monochromatic light for
microscopical observation and for taking microscopical photographs
(“Microscopical Journal,” October, 1865, p. 250), and a similar plan has
also been adopted in America by Mr. L. W. Rutherfurd. Count Castra-
cane used one of Dubosq's heliostats, a rather expensive instrument, by
which the whole field could be illuminated by any single ray desired,
and by the movement of the prism, effected by clockwork, this parti-
cular ray was prevented from passing out of the field.
36. The Diaphragm has been already described in § 14. The
definition of the structure of a transparent object is often found to be
very much clearer when only the more direct and central rays of light.
from the concave mirror are allowed to pass through it. An excellent
contrivance for altering the size of the aperture in the diaphragm has
been recently devised by Mr. Collins, fig. 3, pl. XVII. See also $ 39.
Apertures of various sizes and in different positions are made in the
diaphragm, so that pencils of light of different forms, and of different
degrees of obliquity, may be made to impinge upon the object.
37. Achromatic Condenser.—The illumination of some objects
examined with high powers is much improved by causing the light to
pass through an achromatic condenser, which may consist of an ordinary
achromatic objective of half or a quarter of an inch focus, arranged in
a sliding tube immediately beneath the stage. One of these instru-
ments can be fitted to the student's microscope. Mr. Quekett has
adapted a simple lever handle, by means of which the right focus is
readily obtained, pl. XV, fig. 2, p. 26. The instrument is not an expensive
one, if it be made of a French combination. I have often obtained
very good illumination suitable for the examination of most tissues
without using an achromatic condenser. In working with high powers,
however, it is absolutely necessary.
3s. Kelner's Eye-piece, as already stated, makes a most valuable
achromatic Condenser, and has been of the most material assistance to
me in many of my recent investigations. The observer will find that by
stopping off the greater part of the light passing through the condenser,
by placing over the upper lens a thin plate with a very small central
hole, great advantage results in working with high powers. The hole
may be made in a flat piece of thin brass, which is kept in its place by
a very slight rim, projecting about the twentieth of an inch or less above
the top of the condenser. In this way apertures of different sizes may
be tried without trouble. My friend Mr. B. Wills Richardson uses stops
over the condenser, in which slits and holes are made of peculiar shape,
and varying much in position, some allowing only a very small pencil of
light to pass at the side. (“Microscopical Journal,” January, 1866, p. 10.)
39. Gillett's Condenser.—Mr. Gillett has adapted a diaphragm
plate and stops to the achromatic condenser, and a beautiful instrument
of this kind has been made by Mr. Ross. Messrs. Powell and Lealand
have, however, improved upon it, and brought out a much smaller and
more compact condenser, which is attached to their microscope. The
Rev. J. B. Reade, to whom we are indebted for many improvements in
this direction, has contrived a valuable hemispherical condenser for
examining objects marked with very fine lines by oblique light. “Trans.
Mic. Soc.,” 1861, p. 59. The same observer has recently modified his
instrument by the addition of another lens, by which arrangement he
is able to obtain a ray of greater obliquity than is possible by ordinary
methods of proceeding. (“Microscopical Journal,” January, 1867, p. 3.)
40. New Webster Condenser.—Lately a form of achromatic con-
denser, which passes by the name of “Webster's,” and like the eye-piece
used for a condenser, lets a flood of light upon the object, has been
much improved by Mr. Highley, Mr. Collins, and other makers.
Mr. Collins' ingenious arrangement for altering the size of the aperture
of the diaphragm, instead of using the plate with holes in it, will be
understood by reference to fig. 3, pl. XVII, p. 34. It seems to me likely
that this will supersede other plans entirely. This condenser is well
adapted for working with the binocular. Mr. Collins is endeavouring to
increase the angular aperture by the addition of a third lens, and render
it really achromatic like Kelner's eye-piece above referred to.
Many improvements have been recently made in the achromatic
condenser during the past few years, most of which have been adopted in
the achromatic condenser recently introduced by Mr. Swift, which com-
bines several valuable pieces of sub-stage apparatus. It contains
centring apparatus, contracting diaphragm, polarising apparatus, spot-
lens, fig. I, pl. XVI, p. 28.
Although it seemed to me desirable to refer to the above different
methods of modifying the illumination of objects, it must not be sup-
posed that the delicate instruments which have been described are
essential for beginners engaged in ordinary observation. The student
may even pursue some branches of original investigation in which high
powers are not required, without employing one of them. In special
enquiries, however, great advantage has resulted from the use of some
of these instruments, and no one ought to attempt to undertake certain
researches, as for instance, upon the nature of markings on diatoms or
other delicate structures, until he had made himself familiar with the
different effects resulting from their use, and he would probably soon
find that by modifying the plan which gave the most favourable results
still better definition was to be obtained, or new facts were to be
41. of Drawing objects.-The student cannot too soon try to
delineate what he demonstrates. He will teach himself to observe the
more accurately and the more quickly if he records the results of his
work in pencil sketches. Any one can teach himself to draw without
difficulty, and by a little practice the student will be able in a very short
time to make a drawing of what he observes in the microscope. It
may be truly said that no real advance in our knowledge of the minute
structure of animal or vegetable tissues can be communicated to others
unless accurate drawings are made, for it is almost hopeless for an
observer to attempt to describe what he sees in words, and such descrip.
tions, however careful they may be, scarcely admit of comparison with
those of other persons. On the other hand, a truthful drawing of what
a man has seen recently may be compared with drawings which may be
made a hundred years hence, and although the means of observation
will be far more perfect than they are at present, such comparisons may
be useful in many ways, and especially in preventing erroneous conclu-
sions from becoming popular. By description ingenious persons who
take the pains to do so may so express themselves as to render it very
doubtful what their opinion really is, but if they can be persuaded to
make a drawing, the ambiguity which pertains to language does not add
to the difficulties of ascertaining the exact nature of the view entertained
when the observations were made. It is doubtful whether an honest
enquirer, skilled in observation, can be of greater use in his time than
by making good drawings of what he has seen. We may reasonably
hope that those who follow us will look at our drawings, if we are careful
to make honest copies of nature, but we can hardly expect that much
of what is now written will be read some years hence, when the whole
aspect of the department of science we love to develop shall be com-
pletely changed.
In delineating an object magnified by the microscope it is important
to copy it accurately, both as regards the relative position of the several
parts to one another, and also with respect to size. To copy the size of
many objects exactly will be found extremely difficult if we rely upon
the eye alone, but there are several ways of proceeding by which accu-
racy may be ensured.
The simplest method of copying an object magnified in the micro-
scope is the following: arrange the paper on a piece of stiff cardboard,
so that it may be upon the same level as the stage upon which the object
is situated, on the left side, if the right eye is the one used for observa-
tion. If we now look steadily at the object with the right eye, it will
be found that the object appears to be thrown, as it were, upon the
paper, and it may be clearly seen by the left eye, and its outline be very
readily traced, the movements of the pencil being executed by the right
hand, if the observer is not able to use the leſt. By far the best course,
however, is for the observer to acquire the habit of observing with the
left eye, in which case the paper can be placed on the right hand of the
stage, and the right hand used for drawing. With a little practice the
relative position and correct size of objects may be insured in this
manner. But it is somewhat troublesome and difficult to keep the image
of the object perfectly still.
42. Camera Lucida.-The camera lucida has long been employed
for making microscopical drawings. The object appears to be thrown
down upon the paper, and with a little practice the observer may trace
the lines with a fine-pointed pencil with exceeding accuracy. If there
should be any blueness round the edge of the field, the distance between
the prism and the eye-glass should be increased.
43. Steel Disk.-If a little steel disk be placed at an angle of 45
degs. with the eye-glass, it will receive the magnified image of the object
and reflect it upwards upon the retina of the observer. The disk being
Smaller than the aperture of the pupil, the pencil can at the same time
be well seen, while the image apparently thrown down upon the paper
beneath is carefully traced. The steel disk is represented in pl. XVII,
fig. 5, p. 34.
44. Neutral Tint Glass Reflector.-The simplest and cheapest
reflector for microscopical drawing consists of a small piece of plate-
glass, slightly coloured, but not so dark as to prevent an object being
seen through it perfectly. This is also arranged at an angle of 5 degs.
with the eye-glass; by it the draughtsman can very easily follow the out-
lines with his pencil upon the paper. This instrument is represented in
pl. XVII, fig. 4. It may be mounted in various ways so as to Conve-
niently fit on the end of the eye-piece.
In order to use either of the above instruments, the microscope is
arranged horizontally, and the paper placed on the table, as shown in
pl. XV, fig. 4.
45. Arranging Light for Drawing.—It is important, however, in
using these instruments that the light should be carefully arranged.
The image should not be illuminated too intensely, and the paper upon
which the drawing is made should not be too much in the shade, or the
point of the pencil will not be distinctly seen. Experiment can alone
decide the relative intensity of the light upon the object and upon the
paper, but with a little practice the proper degree of illumination will be
discovered. The object appears to be thrown upon the paper, and its
outline can be very readily traced. If a small representation is desired,
it is only necessary to place the paper upon a stand a few inches nearer
to the reflector. If, on the other hand, a large diagram is required,
the distance between the reflector and the paper must be increased. By
placing the diagram paper upon the floor, the object can be readily
traced with a long pencil. In this manner many of my diagrams have
been made. Such are of course accurate copies of the objects them-
Selves, and are therefore more truthful than diagrams copied from draw-
ings can be. In making microscopical drawings it is usual to fix the
paper at Some arbitrary distance, as Io inches, from the eye-piece. If
the distance be always the same, the drawings so obtained may be com-
pared with each other, and scales of measurement may be appended to
them by proceeding in the manner described in § 62.
Mr. Conrad W. Cooke, in 1865, designed a new instrument for
drawing, which he terms a “micrographic camera.” By this instrument
an image can be thrown on a sheet of paper placed in a horizontal
or slanting position, so that'any one may trace on the paper the outlines
and even details of structure with accuracy. It is useful also for pur-
poses of demonstration, for two or more persons may at the same time
conveniently examine the image of the object reflected upon the paper.
The head of the observer is isolated from external light by means of a
curtain which falls over the back of his chair. Measurement of the
objects shown in this camera may be very easily made, and boxwood
scales corresponding to the magnifying powers of the different objectives
are furnished. All the necessary adjustments can be effected from the
inside, so that the inconvenience to the observer of continually altering
his position is avoided. The use of this instrument is not entirely con-
fined to the examination of transparent objects, for an image of many
of the opaque preparations may be satisfactorily thrown on the paper.
The effects of dark ground illumination (with the paraboloid and other
instruments) and those of the polariscope may also be shown without
loss of definition. The accessory instruments, as well as the objectives
used, are the same as those of a microscope of the ordinary construc-
tion. The whole apparatus is made to fold up so as to occupy little
space for the sake of portability. The apparatus was furnished by
Messrs. Ross and Co.
46. Of making Drawings which it is intended should be Engraved.
—With a little practice the student may acquire the power of drawing on
wood, and the engraver will often be able to produce a more faithful
representation of the object than he could do if he himself copied on
the wood the drawings of the microscopical observer. The drawing
should first be made roughly on paper, in order to obtain the size and
general characters of the object. A piece of retransfer paper is then
placed upon the prepared wood block, and the prominent lines of the
drawing transferred to the wood by going over the lines with some firm,
blunt-pointed instrument. A needle, the point of which has been made
slightly blunt by filing it, answers very well. By using moderate pres-
sure, the colour of the retransfer paper is impressed upon the wood
block, the lines exactly corresponding to those of the drawing. These
lines are afterwards reproduced by lead pencil, corrected, if necessary,
and the delicate parts of the drawing filled in by carefully copying from
the object itself.
If the engraving is to be a fac-simile of the drawing with the different
parts on corresponding sides, it is necessary, in the first place, to copy
Fig. 3.
Polarizer, placed beneath Analyser, placed abov 3
the object p. 24 the object, p. 24.
Fig. 4. Fig. 5.
Steel disk. p. 33
Neutral-tint glass reflector 8.- : 7
3. !
for drawing p. ;
Flg. 7. tº
2006 £53 --- util - _i < *&as - -
-XC'C' (' 4. tº Lullu : ; × 3/-, | É B # s
zcco //ts unar —- *** -
* Simple finder, designed by Mr. Wright.
-100 tſus L. . . . . —— × 27.2 £ y righ p. 48
106 thus lu : , 11 1 till * ! X ºº
7/'ſ l/l.5 tau: * t º !-- | -—." × .75 Flg. ll.
Scales, burdredths and thousandths, magnified in
different degrees. p 34.
Fig. 9
1. ^ TTTTTETT3 || 14 | 15
Elg. 8. $|#|}|#|;
11 12 18 l; lº *
25 25 125 | 25 || 25 --- wº-
ill 12 18 14 15 * , , , , . . . . . ſºliº
#|#|}|}} 26 s º B
11 | 12 | 13 14 | 15 im # = ſ.as
d #|}} #Tº ; º i. ſºlº {j
! --—- §§ d
- -- * || | | *
@) A portion of Maluwood’s finder, #. .
O as seen in the microscºpº º | | A.
p. 49. |||}| '#| | | | \\
§§ 10. || ||
Flg. 10. | | |.
(§ o º : | . # is \ſ:
; : .
&_l l à. *—º A. §§ *
; :
& Ü | * { . 1–1–1–1–1
v. A H
..’ c 1 | § *—A-1
ºn tº of t #
Lines separated by
of an inch Miº.85 ascertaining the magnifying power of an objº,
© tº , º, .
Instrument for scrºtºjº
ăſ, . - Q inc d into tenths, as
Q ... a. 1000ths of an inch x 200, b, inch scale divided in 9 - - ... * * * -
jº º s–en by the unaided eye c. Togoths of an inch x 130 d. 100ths a circular line of ther hiº
* of au inch x 40 Each magnified 3000th of an inch covers tºw C- class, to mark the exa’t
position of a particulār
magnified in the
object, p. 48.
same degree. Q. 33. tenths, or one fifth of an inclu, therefore the glass magnifies .00
tºnes for rººkºo = }, or #, cſ an inch ºº'...} ity ch
govers four ºths of aii inch, there!ore the glass magnities 40
times, for rāfi <40=16. P. *.
[To face pase 34.

the picture with ordinary tracing paper, and invert the tracing upon the
retransfer paper on the wood-block, as the impressions are of course
always reversed; or a reverse may be obtained by copying the image of
the drawing reflected from a looking-glass. Many specimens of wood
engraving, the drawings of which were placed on the block as I have
described, will be found in the plates in this volume.
47. Pencils.-Excellent lead pencils are now made and are very
cheap. Those known as Faber's, Is. 9d, a-dozen, are among the best.
HH's or HHH's are sufficiently hard for ordinary drawing on paper,
but for drawing on wood a four or five H is to be preferred. Drawings
of microscopic objects may also be made with Indian ink or sepia, a fine
brush or pen being used. If the observer draws on wood, he will save
time by representing the shading as a tint, and different kinds of shading
may be indicated by different colours applied with a camel's hair brush
in the usual way.
4s. Tracing Paper is a very transparent paper, obtained by soaking
tissue-paper in some oily material, and allowing it to dry. Retracing
paper consists of tracing paper, upon one side of which a fine red, blue,
or black powder has been rubbed, which adheres to the paper pretty
firmly, but which at the same time, may be readily transferred to another
surface if firm pressure be applied.
49. wood Blocks are prepared by rubbing a little dry carbonate of
lead and brick dust moistened with water upon the surface, a very little
being allowed to dry on. In this way a smooth white surface is obtained,
admirably adapted for receiving the most delicate drawing. It is well to
moisten the white lead with a little very weak gum water, which makes
it adhere firmly to the surface and gives a very smooth face. If the
face of the block is not smooth, it may be rubbed with the hand or a
piece of hard paper or wash-leather. Every observer should learn to
draw on the wood block himself. There is no great difficulty, and a
little practice will enable him to draw as well on wood as on card-
board. -
5.o. of obtaining Lithographs of Microscopical Drawings.-I think it
desirable to give a few directions for drawing on stone, as I believe
there are many observers who would willingly give up the necessary
time required to place their own work on the stone, who could not afford
to employ a lithographic artist. I made many drawings in this manner
some years ago to illustrate some of my books, and with the help of a
boy, who could at first draw but little, was able to execute numerous
drawings, which are very accurate Copies of the objects, although
in execution they will not bear comparison with artists’ work. -
51. Drawing on Transfer Paper.—If the drawing does not contain
much very minute work, it may be faintly drawn on properly prepared
/ithographic transfer paper, with lead pencil, direct from the microscope.
D 2
The lines must then be traced with a pen with lithographic ink. The
shading is effected by drawing delicate lines made with the pen or
with lithographic chalk. The latter plan, however, is not well adapted .
for making transfer drawings. The drawing is then to be sent to the
lithographic printers, where it is damped, placed downwards on a dry
stone, and after being subjected to firm pressure, the paper is peeled off,
and the preparation, with the drawing, left on the stone. The latter
is removed with water, the drawing properly set, and the printing ink
applied with the roller. The whole process, including the printing,
may be conducted at home if the observer likes. Small lithographic
presses are now made at a cheap rate, but the results will not be equal
to those obtained by an experienced lithographic printer. *
52. Transfer Paper for Lithographic Drawing is prepared for the
purpose. Some which was made of India paper, and was supplied to
me by Messrs. Harrison and Sons, of St. Martin's Lane, answered ex-
ceedingly well.
53. Drawing on the stone.—There are two plans of drawing on the
stone itself, which afford better results than the preceding method,
but much practice is required if satisfactory results are to be obtained.
When the drawing is much shaded and extreme delicacy of outline is
unnecessary, the outline is first sketched on paper, and the drawing
retraced on the stone in the manner described in § 46; the outline
may then be followed on the stone with ink—a pen, or very fine sable
hair brush, being used for the purpose. The shading may be given
with the lithographic chalk. The chalk is to be very finely pointed by
cutting downwards, the point being uppermost (as in pointing an
ordinary chalk Crayon), and held in a handle made out of a common
quill. The lines are to be made very gently, repeating the strokes
frequently with a light hand, when depth of colour is required, rather
than by leaning heavily so as to remove a considerable quantity of chalk
at once, and deposit it upon the stone. When chalk shading is em-
ployed, a finely grained stone is required. The stones can be provided
and prepared by most of the lithographic printers, or they may be
purchased of various firms who supply the instruments and apparatus
required by lithographers.
54. of Engraving on stone.—If the work is very delicate, as is the
case with most subjects of which the microscopical observer will desire
to obtain representations, engraving on stone is to be preferred. The
process is very simple, but he who intends to obtain good results, must
be content to spend some time in practice. The stone for an engraving
must be finely polished, and it is well to have it tinted with a little in-
fusion of logwood, or to cover it with a thin layer of lamp black, which
enables the draughtsman to see his fine strokes very distinctly. The
outline of the drawing is traced in the manner already described, and then
the lines are to be scratched upon the stone with a very fine point. A
needle point previously hardened by being heated red hot and suddenly
dipped in cold water, inserted into a strong handle, may be used. I
generally used an etching needle; the point of which was sharpened from
time to time upon a hone. A properly pointed diamond is, however, far
better than a needle. The dark parts are shaded by lines placed very
close together, or cross-shading may be adopted, or the tint may be
given by dots, as in copper-plate engraving. Generally, it is better
to try to obtain the appearance of texture by copying, as nearly as
possible, the character of the tints of the object itself. The thickness
of the line in the impression will depend upon its zeidth upon the
stone, and not upon the depth to which it may extend into it. When a
thick line is required, it is desirable to make two or three narrow lines
near to each other, instead of one wide one. After all the lines have
been scratched in, the stone is sent to the lithographic printer, who will
obtain a proof of the engraving. The oily material which is applied
adheres to the rough scratches only, and subsequently when the stone
is wetted, the ink only attaches itself to the oily parts.
- 55. Lithographic Ink, Lithographic stones.—The ink may be ob-
tained in the fluid state, but it is better to use the solid ink, a little of
which is rubbed up with water when required. Lithographic chalk may
be procured of different degrees of hardness, it can always be made
much harder by melting it and rolling it into sticks. The stones are sold
by the pound. It is desirable to obtain stones large enough to hold four
octavo pages of drawings, as the expense of working a stone of this size
is but little more than one large enough to contain only a single plate.
The apparatus, ink, chalk, &c., alluded to, can be obtained of
Messrs. Waterlow, Messrs. Hughes and Kimber, Red Lion Court, Fleet
Street, and most lithographers. It is due to Messrs. Harrison, of
St. Martin's Lane, that I should thank them for the kindness they have
always displayed in assisting me in carrying out this and many other
plans of producing drawings. Without the important help they and
their workmen have afforded, on all occasions, my efforts would probably
have failed, as I had no knowledge of practical lithography.
56. of representing Peculiarities of Texture.-Success in drawing
microscopical specimens, depends mainly upon a careful study of the
different methods of shading, by which the idea of texture may be
given, as well as mere differences of light and shade. It is most
difficult to give general directions on this matter, and much depends
upon the method of illustration determined upon. Various tints and
textures would be produced in a different manner accerding as the
drawings were engraved on copper, stone, or wood. I have no doubt
that the most perfect results can be obtained on steel, or copper, or by
engraving upon stone, but the expense of these methods is a serious
objection, and for some years past I have abandoned them in favour of
wood engraving. This process possesses many advantages, and where
a great number of illustrations is required is by far the least expensive,
if a large number of copies can be printed. The illustrations in the
present work are all wood engravings. The blocks are not them-
selves used for printing, but electrotype facsimiles are prepared, which
scarcely deteriorate at all by wear. These are built up by the printer
and the necessary descriptions placed below them, eight pages being
worked at a time. In this way the large number of illustrations required
can be produced at far less cost than lithographs could be procured, and
alterations can be introduced in successive editions without difficulty.
Differences of texture may be well rendered on wood if the engraver
is encouraged to execute the work with care and delicacy. The
observer must of course learn to draw on the block, and either copy
the particular shading he requires from other engravings, or, with the
assistance of the engraver, may introduce various plans of his own.
By drawing on the wood himself, not only does he save one third of the
cost, but he will obtain far more faithful representations of natural
structures. In many of the plates of this volume illustrations of different
kinds of work will be found. By attentive examination the reader will
see how each different appearance is produced. None of the different
kinds of shading represented are very expensive, and it will be observed
that cross shading with dark lines, which is most expensive in wood
engraving, has been almost entirely avoided. An example of the Cross,
shading work referred to will be found in the plate illustrating a trans-
verse section of the spinal cord, which is beautifully executed, and if
the observer will take a magnifying glass, and bear in mind that every
one of the little white spaces has been cut out by the engraver and the
black lines left, he may form some idea of the labour and care required
to engrave such a block. The wood engraver is obliged, unless expense
is no object, to shade as much as possible with parallel lines, which
system entirely fails to produce the appearances required by the micro-
scopist. However, by simply breaking these lines at short intervals by
running the graver across them and keeping them a little irregular, a
variety of truthful characters may be produced and at comparatively
little cost.
There can be no doubt that much more perfect results would be
obtained in wood engraving, if the observer not only drew upon the
block but engraved the drawings himself, and I see no reason why
many might not do this. The art of wood engraving may be learnt in
a few months, and although the process is tedious and occupies much
time, I am sure that the greater perfection of the results would more
than compensate. It may be possible in certain cases for some
members of the family to engrave the work under the eye of the ob-
server, and in this way the engraving will be almost as good as if the
latter had performed the whole work. Wood engraving is a delightful
occupation for ladies who have the time to devote to it, and any really
good wood engraver may earn two pounds a week or more if he only
Works a few hours a day. The only instruction required may be obtained
from Mr. Thomas Gilk's little book “The Art of Wood Engraving,”
published for Is., by Winsor and Newton, 38, Rathbone Place. The
apparatus and the few tools required may be obtained of Mr. Buck and
other tool-makers, of Messrs. Winsor and Newton, and some artists’
Colourmen. -
57. On the Importance of Observers delineating their own Work.-
It will, I know, be said that the processes of drawing on stone and
wood engraving are of a nature which a skilful draughtsman can
perform, and the labour which a microscopical observer, who wishes to
Carry them out, must be content to bestow, may be better employed.
Objections of other kinds might be urged, but I feel that if in my early
days I had not been able to have lithographs and drawings executed
at home, very few of the illustrations in my works would have been
published. Remembering how much I needed at one time the little in-
formation given here, and the difficulty I experienced in gaining it, I
think it well to mention the most important points in case some of my
readers may be desirous of trying to illustrate their own observations.
Natural history and microscopical societies may by the methods I have
described record some of the most important observations of their
members, and at very small expense, if the work is carried out by them–
The student must not, however, suppose that the task of microscopic
drawing and engraving is an easy one. It is quite as impossible to
obtain a good representation of any microscopic object without long
and careful study, as it is to produce a correct copy of any other object
in nature; and surely it is hard to expect a draughtsman, who is en-
gaged in copying various subjects to spend hours in looking at speci-
mens in a microscope, observing things which he neither knows nor
probably cares to know anything about. Neither is it possible that any
one man can make himself fully conversant with all the beautiful
minutiae in every branch of microscopic enquiry. It is true that
Mr. Tuffen West, and one or two other gentlemen, have taken up this
kind of drawing and engraving, and have produced most beautiful
results. I believe Mr. West's success as an engraver of microscopic
objects to be due to the interest he takes in the subject, and to
his being himself a very skilful microscopical observer. There are
many drawings of microscopic objects which Ought to be published,
and although these may be of little interest to persons generally, they are
necessary to those who are working at Special subjects. However well
skilled artists may be, unless they have devoted very great attention
to the microscope, they will not be able to delineate objects so truth-
fully as the observer himself. Few artists have time or inclination for
microscope study. There cannot be the same difficulty as regards our
own time, for is not that which is worth observing worth recording, and
worth an expenditure of time? Anything that has been correctly ob-
served is worth delineating if it has not been accurately copied before.
Very much yet remains to be done in representing various micro-
scopic textures faithfully. Photography has advanced wonderfully, and
will doubtless assist us more, but there are many structures the colour
of which alone renders it quite impossible to obtain photographs of
them, and there must always be many appearances which can only be
rendered by accurately copying by hand. I cannot, therefore, too
strongly urge on all those who wish to work at the microscope, to
practise drawing as much as possible; and from the very first. All
advances in our knowledge of structure, as well as of the minute changes
incessantly going on in living organisms, depends I think, in great
measure, upon accurate copies being made of the objects. By
drawings only is it likely that the microscopic work of the present
generation will be useful to that which will succeed it.
It is beyond the power of language to describe the characters of
many structures in such a way that their peculiarities could be repro-
duced in the mind of another, and even if this could be done, so
wonderfully delicate and minute are the observed differences in many
Cases, that any attempt to classify and arrange our observations, with-
out drawings, would be hopeless, and will become more impossible
in proportion as observations multiply; while the different meaning
attached by persons to the same words and phrases, introduces another
difficulty in our attempt to collate and deduce inferences from the
observations which have been made.
Now surely, at this present time, our knowledge would have been
much more extensive as well as more accurate, if instead of long
descriptions we had been furnished with accurate drawings of the
minute structure. It is true that all persons cannot draw well, but a
very little patience will enable any one to copy a microscopical specimen.
An accurate copy, although it be very roughly executed, has an aspect
of truth about it which is unmistakeable, while a drawing which is the
offspring of the imagination instead of a simple copy of nature, bears
the mark of untruth in every line, however elaborate and unexcep-
tionable its execution may be. Errors of observation are much more
easily detected in a drawing than in verbal description. A mistake or
misinterpretation expressed in a drawing can, and at length must be,
corrected by subsequent observation, while ill-observed or misinterpreted
facts, cloaked in obscure language, may be propagated for years, and
no matter how false they are, it may be very difficult to refute them. I
would, therefore, urge upon every one the importance of making
drawings at whatever cost of time and labour. It is worth any sacrifice
to do really good work, and if every observer could but record a few
accurate delineations of structure during his life, the results of the
united labour of those now working would be very valuable.
I would also strongly urge upon observers the importance of at
Once agreeing upon some general plan of delineating microscopic
Objects, so that our observations may be useful to all, while the task of
those who will hereafter have to arrange and deduce conclusions from
our work will be much facilitated. The value of many beautiful
drawings would be greatly increased if a scale of Iooths or Ioooths of
an inch was appended to each of them, and the magnifying power of
the object-glass stated. This would not have added five minutes to the
time required for the task, while it would have rendered each drawing
comparable with others. In many published drawings, the magnifying
power is not even mentioned, and in others there is reason to believe it
has been wrongly computed. Every one who copies an object should
state the magnifying power of the combination of lenses he employed,
and should append a scale magnified by the same combinations. See
§ 64, p. 45.
I venture to hope that the desire for seeing our work useful to one
another and to our successors, will be received as a sufficient apology
for the above remarks. The reader must not conclude that I am in-
sensible to my own shortcomings in these and many other matters, or
that I am not aware that every drawing I have published might have
been, and ought to have been better than it is.
Most of the larger and complete microscopes are furnished with
special micrometers, but the simple method of measuring objects,
presently to be described, to a great extent supersedes more expensive
arrangements. In the first place it is necessary to refer to some of the
different forms of micrometers in use. -
5s. The cobweb Micrometer, originally applied to telescopes by
Ramsden, its inventor, can be fitted to the upper part of the body of
the microscope. A fixed cobweb crosses the field of view, and parallel
to this is another cobweb thread which may be brought near to, or
separated from the first, by turning a milled head, to which is attached a
graduated circle. The value of each degree on the circle is ascertained
by placing an object of known dimensions, as the stage micrometer
graduated to thousandths, under the object-glass, and ascertaining the
number of degrees on the screw which corresponds to the I-Ioooth of an
inch. From these data a simple table may be constructed, and the
diameter of any object can be readily ascertained by bringing one side
of it up to the fixed line, and causing the moveable line to touch the
opposite side. If we ascertain the value of the degrees as marked upon
the circle when the lines are separated at the proper distance, we may
estimate directly the diameter of the object. The older observers used
to measure objects by means of very delicate wires, separated from one
another by certain known distances, placed in the focus of the eye-piece,
or by employing points, one of which could be moved from, or towards,
the other by means of a screw.
59. Jackson's Eye-piece Micrometers.-Mr. Jackson arranged a
micrometer slide in the eye-piece so that it could be brought over the
magnified image of the object by means of a screw.
Go. stage Micrometers.-Within the last few years, lines, separated
from each other by certain known but very minute intervals, have been
ruled upon slips of glass by means of a diamond attached to a beautiful
instrument, provided with a most delicate arrangement for moving it
the required distance from the last line engraved. A second line is then
ruled, then a third, and so on. Excellent stage micrometers of this
kind have been ruled by the late Mr. Jackson. After his death
Mr. Jackson's micrometer engine was purchased by Mr. Ackland, of the
firm of Horne and Thornthwaite, Strand, who, I believe, now rules most
of the stage micrometers, and from whom the slides may be obtained.
G1. Test objects.—To such wonderful perfection has this process of
ruling lines upon glass been carried, that M. Nobert of Griefswald, in
Prussia, has engraved lines upon glass so close together that more than
Ioo,ooo would go in the space of an English inch. Several bands, each
containing many lines equidistant from one another, were engraved
upon one slip of glass, but the lines in each different band were separated
by gradually diminishing intervals, constituting a series which could be
readily submitted to examination one after another. By aid of these
the deftning pozwer of any object-glass could be estimated. As test objects,
they are equal to, and even rival, many natural objects which have
hitherto been employed for this purpose. The delicate lines on some
of the diatomaceae are separated from one another by the I-50,000th of
an inch, while the finest lines engraved by M. Nobert are less than the
I-I oo,000th of an inch apart. - - -
The podura scale is a most excellent “test object.” It is very re-
markable that notwithstanding all the efforts of a large number of highly
skilled observers, having the advantages of excellent apparatus, the
precise nature of the markings upon this wonderful scale are not yet con-
clusively determined. Great differences in appearances result according
to the method of examination pursued. If, for instance, the same scale
be examined as a transparent object and under dark ground illumina-
tion, the difference is so great that most would conclude that they had
seen two distinct objects. With the aid of Dr. Edmunds' parabolic
illuminator (page 28) the markings appear as little spatulate bodies
projecting from the surface of the scale.
According to Prof. Bailey of the United States, Grammatophora
subtilissima and Hyalodiscus subtilis are the most delicate tests.
(“Smithsonian Contributions,” vols. II and VII; also a paper by
Mr. Hendry, “Quart. Journ. Mic. Science,” vol. I, p. 179, 1861 ; one
by Messrs. Sullivant and Wormley, “Silliman's American Journal,”
Jan. 1861.) -
For testing the penetrating power of an object-glass, very fine nerve
fibres lying on different planes, as, for example, those distributed to
vessels, particularly the small arteries of the frog and newt, or the
capillary vessels of the palate of the same animals, or very delicate fibres
of striated muscle, mounted in glycerine, may be employed. It should
be borne in mind that the object-glasses with a very high angle, although
very valuable for researches upon the diatomaceae, and other delicate
objects of extreme tenuity, do not answer so well for investigations upon
the structure of animal and vegetable tissues, as glasses of a moderate
or low angle. This question is fully discussed in the remarks on “Test
Objects,” by Dr. Carpenter, “The Microscope and its Revelations,”
pp. I4 I, et Seq. -
In order to measure the diameter of an object the glass slide upon
which the lines have been engraved (I-Ioooth or I-Iooth of an inch
apart according to the magnifying power) may be placed beneath the
object upon the stage. This arrangement, however, is only suitable for
low powers, since the object and lines cannot be in focus at the same
moment, and it is, therefore, impossible to obtain a very Correct
G2. simple Method of Measuring objects.-The most simple and
efficacious method of measuring objects is with the aid of the camera
lucida or neutral tint-glass reflector referred to before, $ 44. We proceed
as follows: the microscope is arranged as already described for drawing,
fig. 4, pl. XV, p. 26. In the field of the microscope is placed an ordinary
glass micrometer, the lines of which are separated by thousandths of an
inch. Care being taken that the microscope is arranged at the proper
distance from the paper, the lines magnified by a quarter of an inch
object glass are carefully traced with a hard pencil. The micrometer is
removed and replaced by the object whose diameter is to be ascertained.
In pl. XVII, fig. 8, both micrometer lines and objects are shown
magnified by the same power. The object is traced over the lines, or
upon another piece of paper, and compared with the scale by the aid of
compasses. The lines may be engraved upon a slate, or upon pieces of
ivory or cardboard, and their value affixed, so that any object may be at
once measured. We require of course a different scale for each
Scales may be made on pieces of gummed paper, and one of them
may be affixed to every microscopical drawing. Fig. 7, pl. XVII shows
Several such scales magnified by different powers. Thus the size of
every object delineated may be at once ascertained, and the trouble of
making individual measurements saved, while at the same time the
inconvenience of a long description of the dimensions of various objects
is avoided, than which nothing can be more tedious or less profitable to
the reader.
In comparing the representations in books of the same object
delineated by different observers, it will be found that great confusion
has resulted in consequence of the magnifying power of the object-glass
not having been accurately ascertained, and an object said to be magni-
fied the same number of times by two authorities is not unfrequently
represented twice as large by one as it is by the other. This discrepancy
in most cases arises from the magnifying power of the glasses not having
been accurately ascertained in the first instance. I cannot, therefore,
too strongly recommend all microscopic observers to ascertain for them-
selves the magnifying power of every object-glass and, to prepare, in the
manner presently to be described, a scale of measurement by which the
dimensions of every object can be at once ascertained. The plan of appending
to every microscopical drawing a scale magnified in the same degree as
the object represented, supersedes the necessity of giving measurements
in the text, while it is free from any of the objections above referred to.
63. On Ascertaining the Magnifying Power of Object-glasses.—
Although the several object-glasses are termed one inch, one quarter of
an inch, one-eighth, &c., the magnifying power of each is not fixed and
definite, for the quarters of some makers magnify with the same eye-
piece many times more than those of others. It is important, therefore,
that every observer should be able to ascertain for himself the magnify-
ing power of his different glasses. Suppose I wish to know how much
a French quarter magnifies. The one-thousandth of an inch micrometer
is placed in the field, and the magnified image is thrown by means of
the neutral-tint glass reflector upon a scale, divided into inches and
tenths of inches, placed ten inches below the eye-piece. If the magni-
fied one-thousandth of an inch covers about two-tenths of an inch, the
glass magnifies 200 diameters; if it covered one inch, the thousandth of
an inch must have been magnified 1,000 times, but in this case it only
corresponds to the one-fifth of an inch, and therefore the one-thousandth
is magnified 200 times. For lower powers the one-hundredth of an
inch scale may be employed. The manner of ascertaining the magnify-
ing power is therefore exceedingly simple; but it is very important for
the observer to know the magnifying power of every lens with each
different eye-piece, and he should ascertain this before he commences to
make any observations. This simple process will be readily understocá
if fig, Io, in pl. XVII, be carefully studied. To carry out this plan, it
is only necessary to be provided with a glass stage micrometer, divided to
Iooths and I, oooths of an inch, which can be purchased for 5s. od, and
an inch scale divided into tenths. -
64. To Ascertain the Diameter of an object.—If an object be sub-
stituted for the micrometer, and its outline carefully traced upon paper,
its dimensions may of course be easily ascertained by comparison with
the micrometer lines, the magnifying power used being the same in both
In order to apply this plan to microscopical drawings generally, the
following seems to be the simplest mode of proceeding, and it un-
doubtedly saves much trouble. Scales are carefully drawn upon gummed
paper, the magnifying power and the micrometer employed being stated,
as represented in pl. XVII, fig. 7. If a number are drawn together, one
of the rows can be cut off and appended to the paper, upon which
the drawing, magnified in the same degree, has been made. The
observer may save himself the trouble of drawing these scales upon
paper, by having them engraved on wood or stone, and several copies
struck off. This is the plan I have followed in the drawings which
illustrate my observations, and the scales have been copied in the plates
in all my published works.
65. standards of Measurement.—In this country we usually employ
the English inch, but on the continent the Paris line = 'o888, or about
I-IIth of an English inch, and the millimetre+ io9937 English inch,
are very generally used. The sign " is used to signify “of a line,”
while "signifies “of an inch.” -
66. Conversion of Foreign Standards of Measurements.--In order
to compare the researches of different authors, it is often necessary to
convert one expression of measurement into another. The accompany-
ing table of Dr. Robertson's (“Edin. Month. Jour. of Science,” Jan.,
1852) will be found of use in making these calculations. See Table,
p. 46.
Deputy Inspector-General Lawson gives the following rules for con-
verting different standards of measurement in a paper communicated to
my “Archives” (vol. II, page 292). A unit is required that will admit
of microscopic measurements being expressed in the smallest number
of figures, and permit of foreign measures being easily converted into
English, and vice versä, and the decimal notation should be adopted to
facilitate comparisons between the measurements.
Most microscopic measurements are greater than the one hundred-
thousandth of an inch, for an object of this diameter can only be measured
with accuracy when magnified by the # or #3. See part VI. The require-
I 2 3 4 Sº (5 H S 9
..To convert– -
1. British º 25°399.54. 5o'79908 76° 19862 Iol'5982 126'9977 I52' 3972 177'7968 203'1963 228'5959 Millimetres.
2. Do. Qld Paris Lines...... II 25936 22'51872 33°77808 45°o3774 56°2968o 67'55616 78-81552 90'oz488 IOI 33424 Paris Lines.
3• {º} Line: ;| 1:6s275 23'3055o 34°95824 46'6Io99 58' 26384 69'91649 81°56923 || 93°22198 |Io4'87473 Prussian Lines.
4- Minºritish 'O3937O79 'oZ8741.58 'II'811237 “157483.I6 "IQ685396 ’23622474| 72'558553 .3I496632 ‘354337.11 || British Inches.
5. Do. Old Paris Lines...... *44329 ‘88658 I'32987 I'77316 2'21645 2’65974 3’ Io903 3’54632 3'98261 Paris Lines.
6. **** Linº '45878 “or 756 I'37635 I '835II 2'29389 2°75267 3.21145 °| 3:67022 4"I29Oo Prussian Lines.
7. Old flºº.” to888.15 *177630 ‘266445 ‘35526o "444O75 "532890 ‘621705 '7Io520 '79.9335 British Inches.
8. Do. Millimetres............ 2'25586 4'5II.72 6'76758 9"O2344 II*2793o I3’53516 I5'79102 | 18°o4688 2O'30274 Millimetres.
9. * Linº I'O3494 2°oog88 3'Io482 4°13976 5' 17469 6'20963 7'24457 8'27951 9'31445 Prussian Lines.
Io. Rhineland or Prussian * , º
#. into British ‘o85817 *171633 "25745 "343267 "429,083 "51490 ‘600717 *686532 ‘77235 British Inches.
Inches ............... -- ºr a
II. Do. Millimetres ............ 2' 1797.04 4’3594.08 6'539112 8’718816 Io’89852 13°o7822 I5’25793 I7°43763 I9'61734 Millimetres.
12. Old Paris Lines ............ '96624O7 19324814 2.898722 3°8649628 4'8312934 5’7974414 6.7636848 7'7299255 8°6961662 Paris Lines.
- Illustrations of Use of the above Table.
Given 245,9003 Paris Lines.
British Inches.
By line seven of Table—
Old Paris Lines.
Required the value in
5 º
Data from which the Table has been calculated
British Inches.
21°8396351445 British Inches.
Given 'ooz15 Millimetres.
By line four of Table—
+ °oooos
l, extracted from Mr
British Inches.
Required the value in British
Where extreme exactitude is not required, only one or
two decimal places need be used. T
Given 21°8386 British inches.
Required the value in
Paris Lines.
‘oooo&46471985 British Inches.
. Wöodhouse's Table in the “Encyc, Metropolitan,”—British foot=1.
Old Paris foot=o'o6578. Rhineland or Prussian foot=1'o298.
By line two of Table—
British Inches. Paris Lines.
20 F. 225°19
+ I t II 26
+ :8 F. 9°or
+ *oq = "45
245'91 Paris Lines zery nearly.

ments of the case therefore may be stated in decimals of an English inch
by ‘ooro I, and if the two ciphers next the decimal point be struck out,
and the first number be considered the unit, it may be written I*or, in
which a thousandth of an inch is the unit. This method will embrace
nearly every microscopic magnitude in three consecutive figures.
A millimetre contains og 937 English inch or 39°37; according to
the method proposed, the length to be converted will seldom amount to
one-fourth of this. To convert millimetres into thousandths, shift the
decimal point one place to the right and multiply by 4; if greater accu-
racy be required, subtract 1% from the second place of decimals for each
of the nearest numbers of units of the product. Thus o”25o be-
comes 2:50, which x 4 = Io"oo, from which subtract 15; and 9°35'
is obtained as the value in thousandths of an English inch, while o”25
is equal to 9°84, which differs from the former by a quantity too small
to mea.Sure.
To convert thousandths of English inches into millimetres, add 1%
in the second place of decimals for the nearest number of units in the
sum, divide by 4, and shift the decimal point one place to the left, thus
—to 9°84 add "15 and the sum 6'999 -- 4 = 2:498, and shifting the
decimal point mm-2498, which does not differ sensibly from *25, the
correct quantity.
A French line contains o888 English inches. The French and
Arussian lines are so nearly equal that the same rule will serve for the
conversion of both. To convert lines into thousandths of an inch,
shift the decimal point one place to the right, and multiply by 9 ;
if greater accuracy be required, subtract I; from the second place of
decimals for each of the nearest number of units in the product. Thus
o" 125 becomes I'25, which × 9 = II*25, from which subtract tº 14,
and the value in thousandths is found to be II*Io, which is correct.
To convert thousandths into lines add I; in the second place of
decimals for each of the nearest number of units in the sum, divide by
9, and shift the decimal point one place to the left, thus—to II*Io add
tº 14, the sum II 25 divided by 9, and the decimal point shifted one
place to the left, gives o'". 125, as before.
In most cases it will be unnecessary to apply the corrections noticed
above, but by remembering the short rules given, any one on reading a
foreign work may correct the measurements as he reads, and insert them
in the margin without delay or interfering with his progress. -
Method of finding the same Spot in a Specimen.
gº. of marking the Position of an object.—Various plans have
been proposed from time to time for marking the exact position of a
minute object in a specimen, so that it can be found with certainty and
placed in the field of the microscope whenever required. A fine line of
varnish or Brunswick black may be drawn round it, or a small and very
thin metal tube (about the tenth of an inch in diameter), may be moist-
ened with the varnish and pressed upon the glass cover, so as to encircle
the particular object with the line.
Mr. Bridgman, of Norwich, has designed an instrument for drawing
a circle upon the thin glass with a diamond point (“Micro. Journ.,” vol.
III, p. 237). This instrument is represented in pl. XVII, fig. I I, p. 34.
A is a brass cap fitting upon the end of the object-glass, which it entirely
covers up and protects from injury; B, a stem soldered to the side of
the cap with the upper end having two projecting sides to steady the
ends of C, e, and f, which are firmly secured to it; C, an elastic arm of
hammered brass, which carries at its lower end D, a lever of thin brass
plate, having a fragment of diamond inserted in its thinner end, and
directly under the centre of the cap A; e and fare two springs, pressing
upon the shorter end of the lever D, the longer one, f, has a hole to
allow the screw h to pass without touching it; g, a screw holding the
two springs and the elastic arm to the arm of the cap ; h, a milled
screw to adjust the elastic arm, C, so as to bring the diamond point
away from the centre, according to the size of the ring required. When
the object has been found, the Cap Carrying the diamond is placed on
the object-glass and carefully adjusted, so that the diamond point is
brought into contact with the surface of the glass, then it is turned
round, and thus a line is drawn round any object, so that it can be
readily found at any future time.
This same end has been gained in another manner. Graduated
scales have been affixed to the stage of the microscope, so as to measure
the exact amount of movement in the vertical and horizontal direction;
the slide being placed in position against a stop at the side. The
number on the two scales is noted when the object is seen in the field, and,
by placing the stage opposite the same numbers, at any future time the
object must appear in the same position. Many such ingenious “finders”
have been proposed. A very simple and efficient one is represented in
pl. XVII, fig. 6, in which the scales are ruled on paper (Mr. Wright,
“Microscopical Journal,” vol. I, p. 302, 1853), which is afterwards fixed
upon the stage. It is better to have the lines ruled on the brass itself
Aailey's Universal Indicator.—Mr. J. W. Bailey, of the United States,
has described an instrument for registering the positions of various
objects upon a slide, in vol. IV of the “Quarterly Journal of Micro-
scopical Science.” This indicator is to be firmly fixed to the stage of
the microscope, care being taken that the centre of the indicator corre-
sponds to the centre of the object-glass. The mode of using the indi-
cator is obvious.
All such devices have, however, been Superseded in cases where the
Fig. 2.
! rºss plate to dist”ibute an uniforin heat as in mounting objects in Smith retort stand to sur ot, rt
Silua-la balsam, and tor heating glass slides for other purposes. p 30. watch-glasses, &c p 49
Flg. 4 > * ~ *-
* * Fig. 5
"I'ripod wire S 1 and for
supportin & platinum foil
or basin p &0.
Spirit lamp, with wire stand
atuached for supporting watch-
- &lasses Sc p. 49
Fo: celan n basins arranged for
a water bach. p. ; 0
D r
Section of Fig. 9,
through a b. p. 51.
Small copper bath for warming or drying objects, w
ith ring (a)
to diminish aperture p 50.
Fig. 10.
Double-edged scalpel for cutting thin sections
Fig. 9.
New form of section knife. p. 51.
p 30.
[To face page 48.

microscope is provided with a travelling stage, by the two following very
clever arrangements, the first suggested by Mr. Maltwood (“Trans.
Microscopical Society,” vol. VI, p. 59, 1858), the second by Mr.
Bridgman, of Norwich. In order to use Maltwood's finder, a little stop
is placed upon one side of the stage, in contact with which one end of
the finder, and afterwards the glass slide containing the object, can be
placed. The finder consists of a plate of glass upon which numbers are
arranged in minute squares. These run in two directions, vertically and
horizontally, so that in each square there are two different numbers,
except in the case of the central square, which of course contains two
25's. Any object having been found, its exact position may be regis-
tered by removing the slide and placing on the stage the finder. The
numbers seen in the field are then marked on the slide itself, and the
same spot can always be found by looking for these numbers on the
finder, moving the stage till they come in the centre, and then substitu-
ting the slide for the finder. The numbers and lines are photographed
on the finder which is made by Messrs. Smith and Beck, and costs
7s. 6d. A few of the squares of a Maltwood's finder are represented in
pl. XVII, fig. 9, p. 34. -
G.s. Mr. Bridgman's Finder, which is sold by Mr. Baker, of Holborn,
consists of a curved bar fixed to the stand of the microscope and
capable of being moved upwards and downwards upon a hinge joint.
The bar terminates with a fine point, and when pressed down this point
comes upon a piece of paper gummed to one end of the slide, and
makes a slight prick, or it may be tipped with ink if preferred. When
the observer sees an object which he desires to find again, a mark is
made, with the point. In order to find this same spot at any future
time, it is of course only necessary to place the slide in such a position
that the original mark exactly corresponds with the point of the finder,
and the part of the specimen must then be again in the centre of the
field. This plan is so simple and efficacious, that it will probably super-
sede the various finders which have from time to time been invented.
G9. spirit Lamp. —The spirit lamp may be made of brass, tin, or
glass fitted with a ground glass cap. It may be provided with a stand
for holding watch-glasses, pl. XVIII, fig. 3. Brass lamps, to which a
small retort-stand is adapted, may also be purchased of the instrument
makers. -
. Ho. wire Retort stands.-Simple wire stands, made like retort-
stands, which are fixed to a heavy leaden foot, will be found exceedingly
useful little instruments to the microscopical observer. The rings can
be readily raised or lowered at pleasure, and are well adapted to support
light objects, such as glass slides over a lamp, test-tubes, flasks, and
watch-glasses, pl. XVIII, fig. 2. -
71. Tripods are made of thick iron wire, and are useful for support
ing several pieces of apparatus used in microscopical research, pl. XVIII,
figs. 4, 5.
72. Ibrass Plate.-The brass plate should be about six inches long by
two broad, and about the thickness of thin millboard. It should be
Supported on three legs, of a convenient height for the spirit or other
lamp to be placed underneath, or the brass plate may be supported on
one of the rings adapted to Mr. Highley's gas lamp, pl. XIV, fig. 4, p. 24.
It is used for heating glass slides in order to fix on the glass cells with the
aid of marine glue, for mounting objects in Canada balsam, and for
other purposes, where a uniform degree of heat is required to be applied
to glass, which is very liable to crack if exposed suddenly to the naked
flame. These different pieces of apparatus have been figured in pl.
XVIII, fig. I.
73. The water Bath is of great use for drying objects previous to
mounting them in Canada balsam. The object may be placed in a
small porcelain basin, or large watch-glass, or it may be simply laid upon
a flat plate. The basin or plate is then placed over the vessel contain-
ing water, to which heat may be applied, fig. 6, pl. XVIII. In order
that vessels of different sizes may be heated upon the bath, it is conve-
nient to have a few pieces of thin copper plate, with holes of different
sizes cut in them, adapted for watch-glasses and small vessels, fig. 7, a.
The advantage of drying by a steam heat consists in there being no
danger of destroying the texture of the object by the application of too
high a temperature. A water-bath may be very readily extemporised by
placing two porcelain basins one above the other, water being poured
into the lower one. These may be supported upon a tripod or upon one
of the rings over the Spirit-lamp, fig. 3. -
For Cutting thin Sections of Tissues and Dissection.
74. scalpels.-The observer will find it convenient to have three or
four ordinary dissecting knives or Scalpels for general use. One should
be strong for the purpose of cutting hard substances.
75. Double-edged scalpels.-For cutting thin sections, a knife of the
form of a lancet, but much narrower, will be found useful, and where
only sections of small dimensions are required, this will answer all the
purposes of Valentin's knife. In cases, however, where a section is
wanted of considerable size, the latter instrument must be used. The
double-edged scalpel should be very thin, pl. XVIII, p. 8. Beautiful
scalpels of this form have been made for me by Messrs. Weiss, of the
Strand, and also by Mr. Hawksley, 3oo, Oxford Street. In making a
section, after cutting a clean surface, the point is made to perforate the
surface, and carried along at a proper depth, so as to cut its way out.
The width of the section may then be increased by carrying the knife
from side to side.
76. section Iºnife of a New Form.—A new section knife has been
devised by Deputy Inspector-General Lawson, for cutting very thin
sections of soft tissues. The general form of the knife is represented in
pl. XVIII, figs, 9 and Io. It is fully described in my “Archives,” vol. III,
p. 286. -
- 77. Double-bladed or valentin's Knife.—This instrument is of the
greatest value in making thin sections of soft tissues, but care is required
to keep it in good order. It is soon made blunt if used for cutting
fibrous or cartilaginous textures. By its aid very beautiful sections of
the kidney, liver, and other soft glandular organs may be obtained with
the greatest facility. The blades should always be dipped in water or
glycerine just before use, for if wet the operation of cutting is facilitated,
and the section more easily removed from between the blades. Imme-
diately after use the blades should be washed in water and dried with a
soft cloth or piece of wash-leather. If a drop of water gets into the
upper part of the knife where the blades meet, the screw must be taken
out, and each blade cleaned separately. With care in cleaning it, the
knife may be kept in use a long time.
There are two forms of Valentin's knife; in one the blades are sharp
on both edges and of a lancet-shape, and in the other, which I much
prefer, they are sharp at the point and wide at the base, so that the cut
ting edge slants downwards from the point, and they only cut on one
side, plate XIX, fig. 2. The best form of Valentin's knife, however, is
that which has been made by Mr. Matthews, fig. I. The blades of this
knife can be completely separated from one another and easily cleaned.
The distance between the blades is regulated by a little screw, which is
a most convenient arrangement. This knife has been further improved
by Mr. Matthews, by the addition of two screws, so that the perfect
parallelism of the blades is secured.
1s. Razors.-A strong knife made like a razor is very valuable for
making thin sections of many tissues, pl. XIX, fig. 4, p. 52.
19. scissors are useful instruments for cutting small thin sections of
different tissues. The most convenient form for this purpose is one in
which the blades are curved, as in pl. XIX, fig. 6. When only very
small portions of a tissue are required for examination, they will be
more readily removed with the scissors than with any other instrument.
Several pairs of Scissors are required for microscopical purposes. Be-
sides the ordinary form used for dissection, a small pair, with curved
blades, a pair of very delicate Scissors with blunt points, fig. 5, such as
are employed for the dissection of insects, will be found of use. Some
time since, I devised a new form of spring Scissors, somewhat resembling
E 2
the microtome. These are particularly well adapted for dissecting the
nervous systems of insects, for following out the delicate ramifications of
nerves and other minute dissections, pl. XIX, p. 52, fig. 7. I strongly
recommend all students to practise the dissection of the nervous system
of insects and of other small animals, See method of dissection under
water, § 144, p. 91.
so. Needles of various sizes are very useful instruments to the
microscopist. They are required for making minute dissections; for
tearing or unravelling various tissues, in order to display their elementary
structure, and for separating any minute object from refuse or extraneous
matter, previous to its being examined and mounted. Very thin needles
are useful for separating substances in the field of the microscope while
under observation. Needles which have been flattened at the points,
and subsequently hardened, tempered, and sharpened on the two edges,
make capital knives for very delicate work, or the pins used by the
surgeons, and termed harelift pins, may be sharpened on a hone and
used with advantage. They may be inserted in a small wooden stick,
pl. XIX, p. 52, fig. 3, or held in the handle of a crochet needle. Mr.
Matthews has lately made some needles with cutting edges, which are
very useful for making minute dissections.
si. Forceps—A pair of thin brass forceps will be found convenient
for applying the thin glass cover after the preparation has been placed
upon a slide or in a cell. A pair of dissecting forceps is also required
by the microscopist. One pair should be strong with straight limbs, the
other pair should be small, with thin curved blades, terminated with
somewhat circular ends, and flattened at the points, the surfaces slightly
roughened. These forceps are represented in pl. XIX, fig, 8.
Forceps for holding minute objects under the microscope are made
to fix upon the stage, or fit on to the body of the instrument, pl. XIX,
fig. 9.
Leaves and feathers and other flat objects can be examined by being
placed flat on a glass slide, covered or not covered, or they may be
taken up and placed in position with the stage forceps. Mr. James
Smith has invented a leaf-holder, which may be useful to those who
desire to prosecute particular researches in this direction with low
powers. The instrument in question is described in the “Microscopical
Journal” for July, 1866, p. Ioo.
s2. wooden Forceps made of box-wood, with broad ends, are con-
venient for holding the glass slides when hot, as when cells are to be
fixed on with marine glue, for if held with Cold metal forceps, the glass
often cracks. The same object may be gained more simply by fastening
to the limbs of an ordinary pair of forceps pieces cut from a common
cork. Modifications of the simple spring-clips described in p. 58, may
also be used for the same purpose,
Fig. 5.
Fig. 3.
Jrdinary sewin &
needles. In ott L. tr.
in cedar all illes,
for d is secting.
p * 3
Fine strct) & knife.
for cutt in 18 th
ſ •r i r ** g * , , , * - - S-C Ll C. In S .
New form of Valen 1 'S \' al-ntin's kniſe -, *, *, * QS :.. -
kiwife, as improved rºy p. Öl pp. 9.2. º. iºn- sºr ºr ht scissors.
\| r Matthews. p. “l.[] ! ºr cils sectin g. p &l
g", in 3 i",
Fig. 6. Flg. / . isſ. .
Fig. S
Curved forceps, with
flattened points, for
- - ſº
minute dissectionn S • ?
tº. tº tº tº º
p & -º-º: - e e e” • e
Forceps which can be attachede : Q
* * to the stage of the microsscºpe • S
Curved scissors for tor holding objects during ex-º º
cutting thin sections -- e amination. with low powers * *
of tissues. pp. 51, 9i. Spring scissors, for making t * } 53
rminute diissectionS. • p. O3
52, 91, -
PP [To face page 52.

The different instruments above referred to may be obtained packed
in a case, of Mr. Collins and of Mr. Swift,
Glass Slides, thin Glass, Watch-glasses, Glass Shades.
83. Plate Glass slides, the edges of which have been properly
ground and polished, may be obtained ready for use, at six shillings per
grOSS, or they may be easily cut out with the diamond, and the edges
ground on the grinding slab. The slides now in common use in this
Country are three inches in length and one in breadth, and I cannot too
strongly recommend the observer to employ slides whether of metal,
wood, or glass of this size only for microscopical purposes. The glass
slides should always be made of thin plate-glass, and pieces as clear as
possible should be selected.
84. Thin Glass.-An object placed for examination upon a glass
slide should be always protected with a piece of thin glass before it
is placed upon the stage of the microscope for examination. Thin
glass now used for microscopical purposes is called cylinder glass, and
I believe all or nearly all that is used is manufactured by Messrs. Chance,
of Birmingham. It may be obtained of different degrees of thickness.
Thin glass in sheets should be kept in fine sawdust, As it is imperfectly
annealed it is very readily broken. When cut up in small pieces, it
should be kept in a little box, with a little powdered starch, which
prevents the pieces being broken, but great care must be taken to
remove the starch from the surface, or the observer will be continually
discovering starch in specimens in which he would little expect to find
it. For cutting the thin glass an instrument termed a writing diamond
is employed, and this is also used by some observers for writing the
name of the preparation upon the glass slide, pl. XX, fig. 8, p. 54. As
a general rule, however, I think it better to write the name of the
specimen upon a small label which can be gummed to the glass.
The thin glass is easily cleaned with the aid of an old cambric
handkerchief. If the glass is excessively thin it should be placed upon
a pad of clean writing paper. The thin glass being firmly kept in
contact with the paper by pressing firmly with the finger of one hand,
it is carefully wiped with the handkerchief, a fold of which is twisted
round the index finger of the other. The piece of glass is next turned
round and the other side wiped in the same manner. It is then taken
up in the forceps, breathed upon and placed over the specimen.
Glass Cells are described in §§ 124 to 135. Ordinary thin glass of
various degrees of thickness, and already cut into squares and circles,
may be obtained of Messrs. Claudet and Houghton, High Holborn.
For the very high powers the thinnest pieces must be selected from a
considerable quantity, Messrs. Powell and Lealand supply the thin
glass for use with their twenty-fifth. See Part VI.
Brass cells and tin cells are referred to in § 118.
85. Watch Glasses of various sizes should be kept by every observer,
as they are convenient for many purposes. They cost about a shilling
per dozen, and may be obtained of the watch-makers. The lunette
glasses are useful for examining substances in fluids with low powers, as
in these we are enabled to obtain a considerable extent of fluid of nearly
uniform depth.
The little porcelain moulds in which moist colours are kept, and the
little circular and oval shallow dishes, used by the artist's colourmen,
will be found very useful for receiving microscopical specimens while
soaking in various solutions prior to examination or mounting. They
may be covered by circular pieces of glass.
so. Glass shades.—Every microscopist should be provided with
from six to twelve small glass shades from two to four or five inches in
diameter, to protect objects from the dust which are being mounted.
The cheap slightly green propagating glasses, now commonly sold at all
the glass shade shops, are most convenient for this purpose. They cost
from 2d, to 5s. These shades are figured in pl. XX, fig. I.
Glass slides, thin glass and watch-glasses are included in some of
the cases of instruments and apparatus sold by many of the microscope
The chief cements employed in microscopical work, are Gold size,
Sealing-wax warnish, Solution of shel/-/ac, Solution of asphalt, Marine
g/ue, Canada balsam, Gum Damar in Benzol, Gum, and a French cement
Composed of lime and India-rubber. These cements are used for
attaching the glass cell to the glass slide, for fixing the cover upon the
preparation after it has been properly placed in the cell, and for other
purposes. The liquid cements should be kept in wide-mouthed bottles,
or in capped bottles, fig. 2, pl. XX, p. 54, or in pots with tin or brass
covers, pl. XXIV, fig. 1, p. 88.
sº. Gold size is prepared by melting together gum animi, boiled
linseed oil, red lead, litharge, sulphate of zinc, and turpentine. Gold
size adapted for microscopical purposes may be also prepared as fol-
lows:–25 parts of linseed oil are to be boiled with one part of red
lead, and a third part as much umber, for three hours. The clear fluid
is to be poured off and mixed with equal parts of white lead and yellow
ochre, which have been previously well pounded. This is to be added
in small successive portions, and well mixed; the whole is then again
to be well boiled, and the clear fluid poured off for use. In this country
gold size may be obtained of any varnish maker.
| | r º ſ
| |M. " ;
| -
Vessel for containing Canada balsam, gunn,
p. 54.
cements, &c.
Firſ. 5.
Glass shades for protecting objects from dust
—while being mounted p. 54,
Modified spring clip p. 5°.
Fig. 6.
To illustrate the Inanner in which
the diamond is used for cutting
thick glass. p. 53
Fig. 7.
scraping away super-
fluous marine glue in
roaking cells.
Mr. Shadbolt’s apparatus for making round cells
Hrunswick black. p. 70.
bradawl, for
p. 72.
Writing diamond, for cutting thin
glass. pp. 53, 70.
Fig. 10.
Flat brass rings, for cutting circles
of thin glass. p 7l,
- te
ement for exerting continued pressure upon the glass coters
of nine specimens while the cement is drying. p 58.
[To face page 54.

CEMENTS. ... * * 55
ss. sealing-wax varnish is easily made by dissolving the best
sealing-wax of any colour, in tolerably strong alcohol. This cement is,
however, apt to dry rather brittle, and should not, therefore, be used in
cases where it is of the greatest importance to keep the cell perfectly
air-tight. It forms, however, a good varnish for the last coat. Various
colours may be kept according to taste.
so. solution of shen-lae is a very good cement for fixing down the
thin glass cover. It is made by dissolving shell-lac in spirits of wine.
The shell-lac should be broken in small pieces, placed in a bottle with
the spirit, and frequently shaken, until a thick solution is obtained.
Aell's Cement.—A good cement for specimens immersed in glycerine
is sold by Messrs. Bell, chemists, Oxford-street. This, I believe, was
originally suggested by Mr. Tomes, but I do not know its exact com-
position. It appears to contain shell-lac and gold size.
9 o. Damar cement.—This is made by dissolving gum Damar in
Benzol, and is applied with a brush. It is one of the best cements,
especially when glycerine is used as the preservative fluid.
91. Iłrunswick Black.-Solution of asphalt in turpentine commonly
known by the name of Brunswick black, may be obtained at any oil-
shop, and forms a most useful cement, both for making very thin cells,
(§ 116), and also for fixing on the thin glass covers. If a little solution
of India-rubber in mineral naphtha be added to it, there is no danger
of the cement cracking when dry. For this hint I have to thank my
friend, Mr. Brooke. I have many preparations which have been
cemented with Brunswick black which have kept well for upwards of
twenty years. It is always desirable, however, to paint on a new layer.
from time to time, perhaps once in twelve months.
Common Brunswick black is made by melting one pound of as-
phaltum, and then adding half a pound of linseed oil, and a quart of
oil of turpentine. The best Brunswick black is prepared by boiling
together a quarter of a pound of foreign asphaltum, and four and a
quarter ounces of linseed oil, which has been previously boiled with
half an ounce of litharge until quite stringy; the mass is then mixed
with half a pint of oil of turpentine, or as much as may be required
to make it of a proper consistence. It is often improved by being
thickened with lamp black. It must be remembered that this cement
is soluble in oil of turpentine. Dr. Eulenstein, of Stuttgart, finds that
equal parts of Brunswick black and gold size with a very little Canada
balsam forms a good lasting cement, which does not crack or contract.
92. Marine Glue.—This substance was, I believe, first used for
microscopical purposes by Dr. Goadby, of Philadelphia. It is pre-
pared by dissolving, separately, equal parts of shell-lac and India-rubber,
in coal or mineral naphtha, and afterwards mixing the solutions
thoroughly with the application of heat. It may be rendered thinner
by the addition of more naphtha. Marine glue is dissolved by naphtha,
ether, and solution of potash. It is preserved well in a tin box. The
manner of using marine glue and the different cements I have alluded
to is described in §§ 116, 122.
93. Cement for attaching Gutta Percha or India-rubber to the
Glass slides.—A cement for attaching cells of gutta percha or India-
rubber to the glass slide may be made as follows:—According to
Harting, gutta percha is to be cut into very small pieces and stirred, at
a gentle heat, with fifteen parts of oil of turpentine; the gritty, in-
Soluble matter, which the gutta percha always contains, is to be sepa-
rated by straining through linen cloth, and then one part of shell-lac is
to be added to the solution, kept at a gentle heat, and occasionally
stirred. The mixture is to be kept hot until a drop, when allowed to
fall upon a cool surface, becomes tolerably hard. When required for
use, the mixture is to be heated, and a small quantity placed upon the
slide upon which the cell is to be fixed; the slide itself is then to be
94. Canada Iłalsam, a thick viscid oleo-resin, which becomes softer
on the application of a gentle heat, is much employed by microscopical
observers: formerly it was used for cementing cells together, but this is
now effected more readily by the aid of marine glue. If it be exposed
to too high a temperature, the volatile oil is expelled, and a hard brittle
resin remains behind. It is chiefly employed for mounting hard dense
textures; and, in consequence of its great power of penetrating, and its
highly refracting properties, the structure of many substances, which
cannot be made out by the ordinary mode of examination, is rendered
manifest by this medium. Canada balsam should be preserved in a tin
box, fig. I, pl. XXIV, p. 88, care being taken to exclude the dust; or in
a bottle having a cap to it. The balsam should be kept very clean,
otherwise preparations mounted in it will be spoilt by the accidental in-
troduction of foreign bodies. It has been frequently recommended that
the oldest specimens of balsam should alone be employed for micro-
scopical preparations. By exposure to the air, the balsam becomes very
thick, and unfit for use: it may, however, be thinned by the addition of
turpentine, ether, or chloroform. Turpentine is apt to render the balsam
liable to become streaky some time after the preparation has been
mounted, and bubbles are not unfrequently formed in it.
Vessels for Keeping Canada Balsam in.—The tubes, made of thick
tin-foil, used for artists' colours, with a small cap that Screws on to the
top, as suggested by Mr. Suffolk, are very convenient receptacles for the
preservation of Canada balsam. As they contain no space for air, the
balsam does not become hard and unmanageable, as is too often the
case when it is kept in bottles or tin pots. There is no necessity for
using a glass or metal rod, as the quantity of balsam required can
always be forced out without the slightest difficulty. Other cements
and varnishes can be kept in the tin tubes also for any length of time.
It is as well, however, to keep them in an upright position, to prevent
the cement from running into the thread of the screw, and so fixing the
top too tightly.
95. Solutions of Canada Balsam.–Canada balsam is soluble in
ether, but the best solvent for it is chloroform. Many very delicate
structures may be mounted in Canada balsam, by immersing them in a
chloroform solution. Sufficient chloroform is added to make a solu-
tion that will run freely. As the chloroform evaporates the balsam be-
comes more viscid and gradually gets hard. Solutions of Canada balsam
in chloroform are now much used for mounting different parts of in-
sects, various tissues, geological and mineralogical specimens, and
many objects of general interest. Mr. Hepworth, of Croft's Bank, was
among the first to use a solution of Canada balsam in chloroform for
mounting objects. Mr. W. H. Heys (“Trans. Mic. Soc.,” Jan., 1865, p.
19) prepares the solution as follows. Old balsam is mixed with suffi-
cient chloroform to make it quite fluid so that it will drop easily from
the lip of the vessel containing it. The prepared balsam is then poured
into long thin half-ounce phials, corked up, and set aside for at least a
month. The balsam thus prepared is clearer and sets much more
quickly than if mixed with the chloroform at the time it is required for
use. A solution of balsam in Benzol is referred to on p. 9o.
96. Arrangements for pressing down the Thin Glass Cover while
the Balsam or cement is becoming hard.—Some specimens which are
more or less elastic, immersed in Canada balsam, gelatin, and other
media require firm pressure to be maintained upon the thin glass until
the balsam or the cement by which it is attached to the slide shall have
hardened. Many specimens immersed in fluids require to be made
thinner and more transparent by being subjected to moderate, but
sustained pressure, while the cement in which they are embodied or that
by which the thin glass cover is fixed down gradually becomes dry and
hard. Other specimens require very firm pressure while the process of
drying goes on. Several methods have been devised for producing
pressure and for maintaining it in uniformity. A very simple plan is to
place a small piece of wood, about an inch in height, upon the cover.
This may be fixed in its place by passing a piece of thread over it, and
tying it at the back of the slide; or the wood may be kept in its
place by a vulcanized India-rubber ring. Ordinary weights may also
be used, or springs arranged as in the ingenious apparatus devised
by Mr. Gorham, My friend, Mr. White, has also suggested a very
simple and effective apparatus for the same purpose. It consists of a
bent lever, which, by acting upon a screw, can be forced down upon
the thin glass with the amount of pressure required. Another form
of instrument, with a graduated spring, was designed by the Rev. G.
Isbell, pl. XXIV, fig. 2, p. 88. The compressorium may also be em-
ployed for the same purpose, if a small piece of cork be inserted be-
tween the thin glass to which the pressure is to be applied, and the glass
of the compressorium itself.
Mr. Hoblyn, of Bath (“Archives of Medicine,” vol. III, p. 140), has
devised an ingenious apparatus for the same purpose. In this instru-
ment, a number of slides may be placed at the same time, and a gradu-
ated pressure exerted upon each of them, pl. XX, fig, 10, p. 54.
The above pieces of apparatus have however been superseded by
the use of the simple spring clip devised by Dr. Maddox (“Trans. Mic.
Soc.,” July, 1865, p. 84). This is made by bending a piece of brass
wire in the form represented in pl. XX, fig. 3. The end which is to
press upon the thin glass must be filed perfectly flat, or a piece of flat
Cork may be fixed to it. Or, in cases where the glass cover is verythin,
a smaller piece of thicker glass may be placed upon it and the spring
allowed to press upon the latter. This clip has been modified by
Mr. Webb, as represented in pl. XX, p. 54, fig. 4. These clips may be
obtained at Is. 6d. and 2s. per dozen of Mr. Baker, Holborn, and of
Mr. Swift, University Street.
Another very simple and efficient spring clip was suggested by Dr. T.
F. Allen, of New York. This was made of a piece of ordinary watch
Spring, bent in a spirit lamp in the form of a hoop, so that a small
portion of one end would press gently on the cover, the other on the
under Surface of the glass slide. A number of such springs may be
made out of any old watch spring. - - e
97. Gum.—Thick gum-water will be found very useful for attaching
labels to preparations, and also for fixing on the thin glass cover when
preparations are mounted in the dry way. It is prepared by placing
common gum-arabic in cold water, and keeping the bottle in a warm
place until the solution has become sufficiently thick. It should always
be strained before it is placed in the bottle for use.
Gum-water, thickened with powdered starch or whiting, is a very
useful cement for attaching the glass cover in the case of preparations
mounted dry. When dry it forms a hard white coating. The addition
of a little arsenious acid will prevent the growth of mildew. Another
very convenient solution is made by dissolving powdered gum in a weak
solution of acetic acid.
9s. French Cement composed of Lime and India-rubber.—The
French cement composed of lime and India-rubber is very valuable for
mounting all large microscopical preparations. The principal ad-
vantages are, that it never becomes perfectly hard, and it therefore per-
mits considerable alteration to take place, under the influence of vary-
ing temperature, in the fluid contained in the cell without the entrance
of air. It also adheres very intimately to glass, even though it be per-
fectly smooth and unground.
If a glass cover is to be attached to a large cell containing fluid,
We may proceed as follows:–A small piece of the cement is to be
taken between the finger and thumb and carefully rolled round until it
can be drawn out into a thread about the eighth or tenth of an inch in
thickness. This is applied to the top of the cell, before any of the fluid
is introduced. The cement is to be slightly pressed down with the
finger previously moistened. It will adhere intimately. The preserva-
tive fluid with the preparation are now introduced and the cell filled
with fluid which indeed is allowed to rise up slightly above its walls.
The glass cover, cut rather smaller than the external dimensions of the
cell, and slightly roughened at the edges, is to be gently breathed upon.
One edge is then to be applied to the cement, so that it may be allowed
to fall gradually upon the surface of the liquid which is now seen to
wet each part of the cover successively, until it completely covers the
Cell, and a certain quantity of the superfluous fluid is pressed out. By
the aid of any pointed instrument a very little cement is removed from
One part, so that more fluid may escape as the cover is pressed down
gently into the cement. The pressure must be removed very gradually,
or air, of course, will enter through the hole. A bubble of air entering
in this manner may often be expelled again by pressure, or it may be
driven out by forcing in more fluid through a very fine syringe at
another part of the cell; but it is far better to prevent the entrance of
air in the first instance. The edge of the glass cover being thoroughly
embedded in the cement, the small hole is to be carefully plugged up
with a small piece of cement, and the cell allowed to stand perfectly still
for a short time, when it may be very gently wiped with a soft cloth.
The edges of the cement may be smoothed by the application of a
warm iron wire, and any superabundance removed with a sharp knife.
A little Brunswick black or other liquid cement may be applied to the
edges, for the purpose of giving the whole a neater appearance.
* The cement is made as follows:—A certain quantity of India-
rubber scraps is carefully melted over a slow fire, in a covered iron pot.
The mass must not be permitted to catch light. When it is quite fluid,
lime, in a perfectly fine powder, having been slaked by exposure to the
air, is to be added by small quantities at a time, the mixture being well
stirred. When moderately thick, it is removed from the fire and well
beaten in a mortar and moulded in the hands until of the consistence
of putty. It may be coloured by the addition of vermilion or other
colouring matter. I have several preparations which have been placed
in the creosote and naphtha solution in large cells, and they are now
perfectly air-tight, although upwards of twenty years have elapsed since
they were first put up. The lime and India-rubber cement answers well
for fixing on the glass tops of large preparation jars, and looks very
neat; but, if moderately strong spirit be used, a little air must be per-
mitted to remain in the jar. t
As cements are required in different investigations for making
apparatus of various kinds, and for other purposes, I venture to re-
publish the following receipts, which have been taken from “The
Journal of Applied Chemistry,” though few may be required by micro-
9s”. Other cements.--A good rubber cement may be prepared by
dissolving one part India-rubber in two parts linseed oil, and adding to
the solution a sufficient quantity of bole, say, about three parts.
For amber and tortoiseshell, a cement was made by mixing together
equal parts of mastic and linseed oil, and warming gently. This cement
should be used warm.
To unite wood to wood, a thick solution of shell-lac in alcohol may
be used. It is well to put a piece of fine gauze or crape between the
broken surfaces of wood, and then press them tightly together until the
cement becomes perfectly firm. Another good, durable cement for
woodwork is made by fusing together shell-lac, mastic, and Common
turpentine, and adding some broken isinglass.
For attaching small objects to anything turned, a mixture of Colo-
phonium, turpentine, and yellow wax, with the addition of a little
pulverized sealing-wax, answers nicely. The cement sets quickly and
holds well.
To fasten knives and forks in silver handles, a mixture of two parts
of melted black pitch and one part of fine brick-dust may be used. It
must be used warm.
A varnish or cement to protect wood from the action of mineral
acids, alkalies and corrosive gases, like chlorine, is made from six parts
of colophonium and three parts of wood tar by heating together in an
iron kettle on a furnace in the open air, and then stirring in four parts
of fine brick-dust. The varnish is applied with a brush while warm.
An excellent cement for glass is made by dissolving one part India-
rubber in sixty parts of chloroform, then adding thirty-four of mastic,
and letting it digest for a week at a gentle heat. This cement is also
applied with a brush, and is especially distinguished by its trans-
Another cement for glass and porcelain is made by digesting small
pieces of isinglass in sixteen times their weight of water for twenty-four
hours. The solution is evaporated to one-half, strained, and, while still
hot, eight parts of alcohol added, and at the same time a solution of
one part mastic in six parts warm alcohol. One half-part of finely-
powdered gum ammoniac is triturated in the warm solution until the
whole mass is homogeneous. When used, both the cement and the
object to be mended are warmed. This cement is highly recommended
for its adhesive qualities. -
Glue and Gum Cements.-These are very tenacious and well adapted
for mending ornaments. They resist the action of water and the atmos-
phere. There are various kinds of these cements for bone, ivory,
whalebone, mother-of-pearl and precious stones.
One of them is made by dissolving two parts isinglass and four
parts colourless glue in sixty parts water, evaporated to half its volume,
then adding ºth part mastic dissolved in one part alcohol, and stirring
in two parts zinc white. The surfaces are warmed when the cement is
applied to them. This cement holds well, dries easily, and may be
kept a long time in tightly-corked bottles.
For bone, ivory, whalebone, mother-of-pearl, &c., a cement with a
beautiful gloss may be prepared as follows:–Soak common cabinet-
maker's glue in hot water, warm the jelly formed, add enough pul-
verulent slacked lime to give it consistency. Warm the object to be
cemented, clean the surfaces carefully, apply the cement and tie the
parts firmly together. In a few days it gets very hard. Even common
glue, with pulverized chalk stirred in, makes an excellent cement for
wood and metals.
For fastening leather to metal, the metal should be coated with a
hot solution of glue, and the leather with a hot extract of nut galls.
Allow them to dry quietly, and they adhere well.
For porcelain, the well-known white-of-egg cement is best. To
prepare this it is only necessary to stir the white of eggs into quite a stiff
solution of glue, and then apply to the fracture.
A cement of gum for porcelain is made by pulverizing four parts of
oyster shells and mixing intimately with two parts pulverized gum
arabic. The powder is kept in a well-stoppered bottle, and when needed
for use is rubbed up with white of egg, or warm water, to a thick dough,
applied to the object and dried by a gentle heat. Another cement for
glass and porcelain is made from eight parts well-burnt pulverized
alabaster gypsum and two parts fine gum arabic, mixed with water to a
thick paste, and forty to fifty drops of oil of turpentine added to an
ounce of the cement.
Cements containing Casein.—For glass, porcelain, stone, and wood, the
very best cement is made of a suitable quantity of old cheese, rubbed
fine and mixed with water to a thick magma, and a fourth part of
pulverized lime added.
A still stronger cement for the same purpose is made by slaking one
pound of quicklime in water, and mixing with three-quarters of a pound
of finely powdered lime or sandstone and one pound pulverized cheese.
Before using, it is well to moisten the fracture or edges with warm water.
A so-called casein water-glass is made as follows:–The casein
of skimmed milk is separated from it by the addition of acetic acid,
filtered, and the acid washed out with water. The pure casein thus
obtained is mixed with six times its volume of concentrated solution of
casein in water. This cement is thoroughly commendable, and well
repays the trouble taken to make it.
An excellent cement for artificial meerschaum, and one that may be
used to give consistency to silk goods or to coat artificial flowers and
court plaster, to give more adhesiveness and firmness, is made by rub-
bing two to four parts of the above casein with cold borax solution till a
thick liquid is obtained that becomes clear on standing. This also
renders goods waterproof. -
Water-glass Cements.--For glass, earthenware, porcelain, and all-
kinds of stoneware, these cements are excellent. A cement for glass
and marble is prepared by rubbing together one part of fine pulverized
glass and two parts of pulverized fluorspar, and then adding enough
water-glass solution to give it the consistency necessary in a cement.
Water-glass mixed with hydraulic cement to a thick dough makes a
good cement for the edges and joints of stone and marble slabs. It is
well to mix but little at a time, as it hardens very quickly.
Iime, Gypsum, Clay, and Cement, mixed with Water, Oi! or Blood.—
For cementing stone and for filling crevices in buildings, before they are
painted, the masons use a cement made of fresh blood, slaked lime,
brick-dust, broken up coal ashes, hammerslag, and sand, in all propor-
tions. This excellent cement hardens quickly, and offers great resis-
tance to the action of the weather.
A lime cement for connecting water pipes, bathing tubs, &c., a
mixture of two-thirds fine brick-dust, two-thirds unslaked lime, and two-
thirds hammerslag, is made and stirred up with lye or hot oil to a stiff
Another cement, intended to render Hessian clay retorts impene-
trable, is obtained by rubbing freshly slaked lime into a concentrated
solution of borax. The solution is applied with a stiff brush and allowed
to dry, after which it is heated until the glazing begins to fuse.
Clay mixed with water and fresh warm blood, containing some un-
slaked lime, is used in Germany to close joints in stoves. The cement
is applied while the stove is hot. Wood ashes, fire clay, and salt, mixed
with water, is used for the same purpose. Fat and burnt clay, in equal
proportions, moulded with water into a dough, is also used.
Plaster of Paris, mixed with water and a cold solution of alum, is an
excellent cement for stoneware. It sets slowly, but becomes hard as stone.
Oil Cements.-An excellent oil cement for porcelain and for luting
of retorts, flasks, and porcelain evaporating dishes, is obtained when
ordinary brick-dust is powdered, sifted, and mixed with an equal
quantity of red lead, and then rubbed, under great pressure, with old
boiled linseed oil to a thick paste, which is mixed with coarse sand to
the stiffness of cement. When a dish is to be covered with it, paste is
applied before the sand is put in, and the sand then strewn upon it.
The dish is afterwards exposed to a steady heat for a long time.
For large vessels take six parts litharge, four parts fresh-burnt
pulverized lime, and two parts white bole, and mix with cold linseed oil.
To fasten metallic letters to a smooth surface a cement is made as
follows:—Thirty parts copal varnish, ten parts linseed oil varnish, six
parts crude oil of turpentine, ten parts glue dissolved in a little warm
water, and twenty parts pulverulent slaked lime. It is very pliant and
soon hardens.
To unite copper and sandstone take three and a half parts white
lead, three parts litharge, three parts bole, and two parts broken glass,
and rub up with two parts linseed oil varnish. -
As a polish for rough stones, basins, &c., a paint is made of nine
parts of finely sifted and burnt brick-clay and one part litharge, mixed
with a sufficient quantity of linseed oil. -
For connecting cast-iron water pipes, twelve parts Roman cement,
four parts white lead, one part litharge, and a half part colophonium are
pulverized and mixed; from two and a half to three pounds of the
mixture is triturated with old linseed oil, in which is boiled two ounces
of colophonium.
Another, for the same purpose, is made of equal parts of burnt lime,
Roman cement, potters' clay, and clay, separately well dried, finely
ground, sifted, well mixed and triturated with linseed oil. Common
lead lute, for stopping openings in apparatus, is best made from litharge
and red lead mixed with old boiled oil. In all cases the surfaces must
be clean. These cements stand well under water.
As lead lutings are somewhat expensive, the following is recom-
mended:—Take two parts red lead, five parts white lead, and five parts
of the finest clay, and mix with boiled linseed oil. -
A good oil cement for wood, especially for antique carvings, is made
of one part pulverized slaked lime, and two of rye flour, mixed with
linseed oil warnish. It takes any desired colour and polish.
To make water holders tight, we may use pulverized slaked lime
and cod-liver oil.
A cement to make chemical apparatus tight can be prepared from
oil cake or pressed almond cake rubbed with Water.
Miscellaneous Cements, &c.—Furniture polish –Moisten I2O parts
beeswax with oil of turpentine, and add 75 parts finely pulverized
resin, and enough aniline red to give the desired mahogany colour.
Oil cement:-1oo parts red lead, 25o parts white lead, 200 parts
pipe-clay : mixed with boiled oil. e
Water cement —Ioo parts slaked lime, 190 parts brick-dust, 16o
parts sand, 50 parts blacksmiths' dross, 50 parts powdered lime; mix
with water.
Another:–6oo parts iron filings, Ioo parts ignited sand, Ioo parts
powdered slacked lime ; mix with water.
Iron and blood cement:-Ioo parts pulverized lime, triturated with
bullock's blood, 290 parts cement, and from five to ten parts iron filings.
In all cases it must be borne in mind that an object to be mounted
in a preservative fluid should be soaked in a considerable quantity of it
for at least a day before it is mounted permanently, and if the specimen
is large, it should be soaked for many days previous to being finally
placed in the cell. - -
99. Spirit and water.—Spirit and water constitute a well-known
and valuable medium for preserving anatomical preparations. In º
diluting spirit, distilled water only should be employed; for, if common
water be mixed with spirit, a precipitation of some of the salts dissolved
in it not unfrequently takes place, which renders the mixture turbid and
unfit for use. The mixture of water and spirit should be made several
days before it is required, or a number of air bubbles will adhere to
the specimen. Proof spirit will be strong enough for all general pur-
poses, except for hardening portions of the brain or nervous system,
when stronger spirit must be used. Two parts of rectified spirit, about
sp. gr. 837, mixed with one part pure water, make a mixture of sp. gr.
'913–1920, which contains about 49 per cent of real alcohol, and will,
therefore, be about the strength of proof spirit. One part of alcohol, sixty
over proof, to five parts of water, forms a mixture of sufficient strength
for the preservation of many substances, and not a few microscopical
specimens may be preserved in a solution more diluted than this.
For many years past, the Government has permitted the use of
methylated alcohol for various purposes in the arts. This pays no duty,
and answers well for preserving anatomical preparations, and is a great
boon to all engaged in putting up large anatomical specimens. It may
be obtained at the price of 5s. 6d. a gallon, sixty degrees over proof, of
varnish makers and most of the chemists.
1oo. Glycerine—This is one of the most valuable fluids ever em.
ployed for microscopical purposes. I believe Mr. Warrington, of
Apothecaries' Hall, was the first observer who used glycerine as a pre-
servative medium for microscopical preparations.
A solution of glycerine adapted for preserving many structures is
prepared by mixing equal parts of glycerine and camphor water. The
latter prevents the development of mildew. Glycerine may also be
mixed with naphtha and water, or with the creosote solution described in
§ 101. The degree of dilution of the glycerine will depend upon the
nature of specimen. If the substance be at all opaque it will be neces-
Sary to employ strong glycerine. I have many preparations which have
been preserved in glycerine for nearly thirty years. Of the importance
of strong glycerine as a preservative medium, I shall have to speak more
fully in part VI. Glycerine may be mixed with various chemical tests
and preservative substances, for special enquiries. Analyses may be
Conducted by the test compounds being dissolved in the menstruum
instead of in water. For preserving medusae and other delicate marine
animals Dr. Carpenter recommends a solution composed of sea water
with one-tenth of alcohol, and the same quantity of glycerine. Dr.
Maddox tells me that, for some years past, he has been in the habit of
using equal parts of sweet spirits of nitre (Sp. Eth. Nit. of the Pharma-
copoeia) and glycerine, especially in preparing delicate tissues of insects.
He finds that many objects are rendered very transparent if soaked in
this mixture before they are preserved in glycerine.
The best glycerine is distilled by a patent process, and is perfectly
colourless, free from all impurities, and of great density. The specific
gravity of Price's patent glycerine is 1,240, while the common is only
I 196-6. The strongest glycerine obtainable is crystallized, but it is very
expensive. The purest glycerine costs 33. or 4s. a pound, but good
glycerine may now be obtained for Is. 6d. per pound.
For more than twenty years I have used glycerine for preserving
almost every structure. I shall give the results of my most recent
experience concerning this substance, from the use of which I have
learned very much, in part VI.
101. Thwaites' Fluid. –This fluid has been much employed by
Mr. Thwaites for preserving recent specimens of desmidiae, but it is also
applicable to the preservation of a vast number of other vegetable and
of animal organisms.
It is made as follows:—
Water e * * tº . I6 ounces.
Spirits of wine . ſº & © I OUIIlC62.
Creosote, sufficient to saturate the spirit.
Chalk, as much as may be necessary.
Mix the creosote and spirit, stir in the chalk with the aid of a pestle
and mortar, and let the water be gradually added. Next add an equal
proportion of water Saturated with camphor. Allow the mixture to
stand for a few days, and filter. In attempting to preserve large pre-
parations in this fluid, I found that it always became turbid, and there-
fore was led to try several modifications of it. The solution next to be
described was found to answer very well.
Water may also be impregnated with creosote by distillation. It
should be remarked that M. Strausdurkheim has succeeded in preserving
animal preparations in camphor water only.
1oz. solution of Naphtha and Creosote:–Creosote, 3 drachms;
wood naphtha, 6 ounces; distilled water, 64 ounces; chalk, as much as
may be necessary. Mix first the naphtha and creosote, then add as
much prepared chalk as may be sufficient to form a thick Smooth
paste; afterwards add, very gradually, a small quantity of the water,
which must be well mixed with the other ingredients in a mortar. Add
two or three small lumps of camphor, and allow the mixture to stand in
a lightly covered vessel for a fortnight or three weeks, with occasional
stirring. The almost clear supernatant fluid may then be poured off and
filtered if necessary. It should be kept in well-corked or stoppered
I had some large preparations which had been preserved in upwards
of a pint of this fluid, for nearly twenty years, and the solution remained
perfectly clear and colourless. Some dissections of the nervous systems
of insects have kept excellently; the nerves retain their white appear-
ance, and have not become brittle. Two or three morbid specimens
are also in an excellent state of preservation, the colour being to a great
extent preserved, and the soft character of the texture remaining. I had
one preparation mounted in a large gutta-percha Cell, containing nearly
a gallon of this fluid.
A solution of wood naphtha or pyroacetic spirit in water, has been
recommended by Professor Quekett, and forms an excellent preservative
solution, in the proportion of one part of the naphtha to ten of water.
The solution is often a little cloudy, but may be made quite clear by
filtration after the mixture has been allowed to stand still for some days.
One great advantage of these aqueous preservative solutions is that
the natural appearance of the structure is very slightly altered. The
solution, however, after a time renders many of the more delicate struc-
tures more or less granular.
ios. carbolic Acid.—A solution of carbolic acid in distilled water
preserves many animal and vegetable preparations exceedingly well.
The water will only take up a small quantity of ordinary carbolic acid,
but the preservative qualities of the weakest Solution are very great.
One part of carbolic acid to a hundred of water is sufficient.
Perfectly pure carbolic acid is now made, in very large quantity, by
Messrs. Bowdler and Bickerdike, of Church, Lancashire, and is sold
under the name of Absolute Phenol, for 6s, or 7s, a pound. It may be
obtained in large or small quantities, of Mr. Marchant, Berners Street,
Oxford Street. This preparation is much more soluble in water than
the liquid carbolic acid. Besides preventing decomposition of animal
and vegetable tissues, the phenol effects a curious change in the pro-
perties of ordinary water. A mere trace (less than one thousandth)
causes the water to froth, and to retain air-bubbles in suspension for a
much longer time than they are retained by ordinary water. Such very
dilute solution wets dry surfaces and runs into minute crevices more
thoroughly than common water, and, at the same time, runs off from
surfaces more completely, leaving a very thin but even layer of moisture
upon the surface. Glass may, in this way, be perfectly and uni-
formly wetted with water. Drops of carbolic acid water are smaller
and less easily formed than in the case of the same water without
carbolic acid. For these and other reasons, minute traces of carbolic
acid improve many of the fluids used for the preservation of microsco-
pical specimens.
104. solution of Chromic Acid.-A Solution of chromic acid is well
adapted for preserving many microscopical specimens. It is particularly
useful for hardening portions of the nervous system previous to cutting
thin sections. The solution is prepared by dissolving sufficient of the
crystallized acid in distilled water or in glycerine, to render the liquid
of a pale straw colour.
The crystallized acid may be prepared by decomposing Ioo measures
of a saturated solution of bichromate of potash, by the addition of 120
to 150 measures of pure concentrated Sulphuric acid. As the mixture
becomes cool, crystals of chromic acid are deposited, which should be
dried and well pressed on a porous tile, by which means the greater
part of the sulphuric acid will be removed, and the crystals obtained
nearly pure. s
1os. Preservative Gelatine.—This substance was first employed for
preserving microscopical textures by Mr. H. Deane, who gives the
following receipt, and directions for its preparation —Gelatine, 1 ounce;
honey, 4 ounces; spirits of wine, # ounce ; Creosote, 6 drops. -
Soak the gelatine in water until soft, and to it add the honey which
has been previously raised to the boiling-point in another vessel. Next,
let the mixture be boiled, and after it has cooled somewhat, the creosote
dissolved in the spirits of wine is to be added. Lastly, the mixture is
to be filtered through thick flannel to clarify it.
When required for use, the bottle containing the medium must be
slightly warmed, and a drop placed on the preparation upon the glass
slide, which should also be warmed a little. Next, the glass cover, after
having been breathed upon, is to be laid on with the usual precautions.
See p. 82. - - -
106. Gelatine and Glycerine.-A mixture of gelatine and glycerine
makes a very valuable medium for preserving different animal and
vegetable structures, and supersedes the last preparation. It may be pre-
pared as follows:–A certain quantity of gelatine or isinglass is allowed
to soak for some time in cold water, until it swells up and becomes
soft. It is then placed in a glass vessel and melted by the heat of warm
water. It may be clarified if necessary, by first adding to the cool
gelatine a little white of egg, then boiling the mixture, and filtering
- F 2
through fine flannel. To this fluid, an equal quantity of strong glycerine
is added and the two are well mixed together. This mixture may be
kept for any length of time, and a very slight heat is sufficient to render
it perfectly fluid. This, as well as many other mixtures can be made
most perfectly upon a large scale, and I therefore recommend the
observer to purchase what he requires, instead of making it. The
gelatine and glycerine, prepared by Mr. Rimmington, operative chemist,
of Bradford, is the best medium of the kind I have used. It may be
obtained in small bottles free by post for Is. 4d. -
107. Gum and Glycerine.—Mr. Farrants many years ago Suggested
the following valuable preservative medium which will be found useful
for mounting many objects —Picked gum-arabic, 4 ounces by weight;
distilled water, 4 ounces; glycerine, 2 ounces. The medium is to be
kept in a stoppered bottle and a piece of camphor or a few drops of
phenol may be added to the solution with advantage.
1os. Goadby's solution.—This is made of several different strengths.
That most generally useful is the following:—Bay Salt, 4 ounces; alum,
2 ounces; corrosive sublimate, 4 grains ; boiling water, 4 pints. Mix
and filter. This solution for most purposes may be diluted with
an equal bulk of water. For preserving delicate preparations it should
be even still more dilute. Goadby's solution used to be much employed
for preserving anatomical specimens, but as it tends to render tissues
hard and opaque, it is not adapted for the preservation of struc-
tures which are to be examined in the microscope, and has, therefore,
fallen out of use as a preservative fluid for microscopical specimens.
109. Iturnet's solution consists of chloride of zinc, is a powerful
antiseptic, but not adapted for the preservation of microscopical speci-
IlléIAS. -
11o. chloride of Calcium.—A Saturated aqueous solution of chlo-
ride of calcium, free from iron, has been much recommended for pre-
serving specimens of bone, hair, teeth, and other hard structures, as
well as many vegetable tissues. A solution of chloride of calcium was
recommended by the late Professor Schröder Van der Kolk, of Utrecht,
for keeping sections of the spinal Cord and preparations of nerves.
Many of these, through the kindness of my friend, I had an opportunity
of seeing and can testify to their excellence.
111. Alum and other salts.--A Solution of alum in the proportion of
one part of alum to sixteen of water has been found to answer pretty well
for some substances. Gannal's solution, which consists of one part of
acetate of alumina dissolved in ten parts of water; solution of acetate of
potash; solutions of common salt (one part to five of water, with a little
camphor), corrosive sublimate, Aersulphate of iron, sulphate of zinc, and
solutions of several other salts, have been recommended as preservative
fluids, but although adapted for the preservation of animal sub-
stances, they cannot be employed for microscopical specimens, in con-
sequence of their tendency to render the textures very opaque and
granular. Mr. A. E. Verrill (“Silliman's Journal,” March, 1865) recom-
mends a solution made with nitre, rock salt, and arseniate of potash.
My own experience, however, has led me to discard all solutions con-
taining salts for microscopical purposes.
112. Arsenious Acid has been recommended, and Dr. Andrew
Clarke used to preserve specimens of lung and other structures in an
aqueous solution of this substance.
113. Arseniuretted hydrogen gas has also been recommended for
the preservation of animal substances, but it is not adapted for micro-
scopical preparations. Dr. Richardson kept animal matters from de-
composition by immersing them in an atmosphere of nitrogen, which
was prepared by placing a piece of phosphorus in a stone jar containing
common air, and provided with an air-tight cover. By this means the
oxygen is soon exhausted, and no decomposition can take place (?).
Some of the preservative solutions which I have referred to may be
obtained of Mr. Swift, of University Street. The mode of using them
will be described further on. Every microscopist engaged in any special
enquiry will of course alter the composition of these solutions in any
way experiment may show to be advisable. Great improvements
doubtless may be made in many preservative solutions. A series of
exact observations of the effects of the different fluids upon the same
textures is much to be desired, and this is one of the questions upon
which amateurs might contribute very valuable information.
All objects intended for microscopical observation should be pro-
tected by a cover of thin glass. This cover prevents the entrance of
dust, and protects the object from the effects of exposure to the atmo-
sphere. The fluid in which many objects are placed for examination
would rise in vapour which would condense upon the object-glass, and
give rise to great inconvenience were it not prevented from evaporating
by a thin glass cover. If the thin glass, however, should press upon
the object placed upon the glass slide, the distinctness of the specimens
would in many cases be impaired, or the structure might be entirely
destroyed—an inconvenience which may be prevented by placing some
insoluble substance slightly thicker than the object, between the
glasses. A little cavity may be made in many ways in which a speci-
men, dry or with its preservative fluid, may be placed, and afterwards
covered with thin glass without risk of injury from pressure. This is
termed a cell. Cells may be composed of various materials according
to the thickness which may be necessary and according to the nature
of the substance to be placed within them. . -
II4. Paper cells.—For dry objects an efficient cell is readily made
with a ring of paper or cardboard fixed with gum or glue, or certain
other cements, to the glass slide. A circular hole may be punched out
of a piece of cardboard, wood, mill-board, or gutta-percha, and thus the
rim of the cell may be formed. Or a vulcanized India-rubber ring may
be cemented to a slip of glass. Many other devices will occur to any
One who wishes to make neat cells for holding small objects mounted in
the dry way. If, however, the cell is intended to contain fluid, it must
be made of some substance impervious to moisture.
115. Shell-lac cells.-Bell's cement thickened with crushed shell-lac
dissolved in a very small quantity of methylated spirit may be used for
making thin cells, by proceeding as follows:—The clean slide is warmed
and placed on the “turn-table,” $ 1 16, pl. XX, fig. 5, p. 54; a full
Arush of the thickened cement is then made to strike a circle. The
slide is held over the spirit lamp until bubbles are given off, when it is
placed horizontally on a warm surface to dry; when nearly set hard it is
removed, allowed to cool a little, and a piece of thick plate glass,
previously wetted, is pressed carefully on the circle of cement until
flattened equally. These cells can be kept ready for use of various thick-
nesses. If the object be mounted in glycerine in one of these cells, and
is not likely to be injured by a slight heat, it is best after placing down
the thin cover and cleaning the edges carefully, to gently warm the
slide and press the cover equally on the cement. If properly managed
the cover generally adheres to the cement, and after being further
strengthened by the application of a thinner solution of the same cement-
ing medium, it will be found that an excellent joint has been made
through which the glycerine will not escape. This plan for making thin
cells for glycerine preparations, was devised by my friend Dr. Maddox.
116. Isrunswick Black cell.—A very thin cell may be made by
painting a ring of Brunswick black or gold size upon the glass slide, and
then allowing it to dry. The best form of Brunswick black cell is the
circular one, which is so easily made by the aid of Mr. Shadbolt's excel-
lent turn-table, p. 54, pl. XX, fig. 5. The slide is placed on the little brass
wheel which is made to revolve, while a brushful of Brunswick black is
held at the proper distance from the centre, according to the diameter
of the cell required, as described in the last section. If a thick layer
is desired the slide may be gently warmed, in order that the layers of
Brunswick black applied may dry quickly. ---
117. Marine Glue cells may be made according to the same plan.
In order to make such a cell, a glass slide is warmed upon the brass
plate, $ 72, and when hot enough a small piece is allowed to melt upon
the slide, and moved round and round in the position in which the
wall of the cell is to be. When the glue has been allowed to cool, any
superfluity may be removed from the slide with a sharp knife. The
surface may be made level by rubbing it gently upon a piece of emery
paper laid on a piece of plate glass or other perfectly flat surface.
11s, cells made of Tinfoil, Brass, and copper.—A piece of tinfoil
may be cut out, so as to form a slightly thicker cell, and may be fixed
upon the slide with marine glue, as in fig. 6, pl. XXI, p. 76. Tin cells are
now made of every thickness by Mr. Collins. They form the cheapest
kind of cell. Cells have also been made of thin pieces of brass or
copper, but these metals are easily acted upon by certain chemical
solutions and are less satisfactory than tin cells. *
Cells may also be made of ebonite, gutta-percha, India-rubber,
sealing-wax, and many other substances. Of all materials used for the
purpose, glass is the most suitable, and as cells of peculiar form are
sometimes required for special purposes which cannot be purchased, the
observer should be able to construct glass cells for himself.
Of Glass Cells.
119. Cutting and Grinding Glass.-In the manufacture of cells
presently to be described, glass is required to be cut with a diamond
and ground perfectly smooth at the edges. Moderately thick glass is
cut with the ordinary glazier's diamond, pl. XX, fig. 6, or with that
cheap and ingenious substitute made in America and consisting of a
minute wheel of hardened steel. If the observer requires to cut plate
glass, a larger diamond than that in ordinary use is necessary. The
thin glass used for covering objects and for making thin glass cells, is
cut with the writing diamond, pl. XX, fig. 8, which makes a scratch
sufficiently deep to permit of the glass being broken off very smoothly.
The circles of thin glass may be cut by carrying the diamond round
openings which have been turned in pieces of brass. Of these many
different sizes may be made so that circular pieces of thin glass of any.
required diameter may be easily cut, fig. 9, pl. XX.
120. stone for Grinding.—Glass can be ground upon a perfectly
flat stone with emery powder or fine sand and a little water, or, instead
of the stone, a flat plate composed of pewter may be used, as was re-
commended by Dr. Goadby. The emery after a time becomes em-
bedded in the pewter, and thus a very efficient surface for grinding
results. The pewter plate may be cast in the form of a flat circular disk,
which can be placed upon a pivot and made to revolve rapidly in a
horizontal direction by means of a multiplying winch connected with it
—an arrangement which is desirable when it is important to save
labour. -
121. of Drilling Holes in Glass.--In the construction of many forms
of cells it is necessary to drill holes through thick glass. This may be
effected with an ordinary sharp-pointed file if the end be moistened
72 . How To work witH THE MICROSCOPE.
from time to time with a little turpentine. The operation is of course
more quickly performed with a drill, the point of which has been
rendered very hard. A more efficient plan is described in § 125.
122. Cementing Glass together with Marine Glue.—The surface of
glass to which a cement is to be applied should always be roughened by
grinding, as the cement adheres much more intimately to a slightly
roughened surface than to the polished glass.
Glass is cemented together with marine glue, and in making large
built glass cells, the edges are united by means of the same substance,
which can now be readily obtained. Formerly gold size, Canada
balsam, and other cements were employed, but these are all inferior to
marine glue. The manner of applying the marine glue to the glass has
been already alluded to. The glass must always be warmed upon a
flat brass or iron plate, fig. 1, pl. XVII, p. 48, so that the heat may be
applied gradually and equally. It must not be touched with Cold
fingers, or it will crack in various directions, but must be held with
wooden forceps, or with ordinary forceps, the extremities of which have
been protected with pieces of cork, in the manner described in § 82,
p. 52, or in the holder, fig. 2, pl. XXI, p. 76. When the pieces of glass
of which the cell is to be composed are warm enough, a little glue cut
into small pieces is allowed to melt in the position in which the glass is
to be fixed. When it is melted, the glass is applied and pressed down
upon a flat deal board, so as to squeeze out as much marine glue as
possible and make a good joint. -
The student should make for himself a plate glass stage. A piece
of thin plate glass is cut out by the diamond about four inches by two.
The edges are to be ground smooth and a narrow strip of glass cemented
to one edge with marine glue. This is to support the ordinary glass
slide. A glass stage of this description protects the microscope, especi-
ally when acids or corrosive fluids are used, fig. I, pl. XXI, p. 76.
123. Cleaning off supernuous Glue.—While the slide is yet warm,
much of the glue may be scraped off with an old knife and small chisel,
pl. XX, fig. 7, p. 54, after which a little solution of potash (the liquor
potassae of the shops) will soften the remainder. It may then be very
readily removed with the aid of soap and water and a nail brush. Or
the whole cell may be soaked in equal parts of liquor potassae and
water,-but it must be borne in mind that if the cell be soaked for too
long a time in strong solution of potash, the glue between the glass will
become softened and the joint will not be sound. The potash must
always be carefully washed away, to prevent the chance of the glue
being softened after the cell is complete.
124. cells made of Thin Glass.-The neatest and most perfect
shallow cell is formed by making a hole of the required size in a piece
of thin glass. This used to be effected as follows:– Many pieces of
thin glass were glued together with marine glue, and when cold a hole
was drilled through them all. Lastly they were separated from each
Other by heat, and cleaned with potash in the usual manner.
125. Simple Methods of Perforating the Thin Glass.-Thin glass
cells may, however, be readily made by every microscopist for himself,
according to either of the following plans :—My friend, Dr. Temple
Frere, takes a small piece of thin glass, and with the writing
diamond scratches a line corresponding to the piece of glass he wishes
to remove, next a bradawl or other sharp instrument is placed in the
centre of the space, the glass being laid upon a perfectly flat surface, such
as thick plate glass. A sharp tap upon the bradawl with a light hammer
causes it to perforate the glass, but the cracks made in it do not gene-
rally extend beyond the line marked with the diamond. The fragments
of glass are then carefully removed piecemeal with a pair of fine forceps,
and the cell is complete. In some cases, however, I fear it will be
found that in point of fact, the cracks do pass beyond the line, and thus
the chance of removing the fragments from the centre is much diminished.
In order to perforate the thin glass in making thin glass cells,
Mr. Brooke takes two firm brass rings, ground perfectly flat, the
diameter of one being a trifle less than that of the other. The piece of
thin glass to be perforated is firmly pressed between them, and the
writing diamond carried round so as to scratch each surface. The
circular piece is then removed by a slight tap upon the surface on which
the smallest circle has been scratched.
The method which I have been in the habit of employing for many
years is this : A Square or circle of thin glass is cemented with marine
glue to one of the circular or quadrangular rings of glass used for
making deep glass cells, and alluded to in § 127 ; the hole in the centre
being the exact size of that required to be made in the thin glass, pl.
XXI, fig. 3, p. 76. When the marine glue is cold, a file is forced through
the centre of the thin glass. The cracks thus produced will not run across
that part of the glass which has been well cemented by the marine
glue. The edges are next to be filed square, and the thin glass only
requires to be warmed in order to remove it from the cell. It may now
be fixed upon the slide at once, or cleaned with potash and kept with
others until it may be wanted.
126. Deep Glass cells.-If a cell a little deeper than any of the
above should be required, we may proceed in a different manner. See
pl. XXI, fig. 4. A piece of plate glass of the proper thickness is to be
cut with the diamond or steel instrument for cutting glass, to correspond
with the outside of the cell. Next, from each side of this piece of glass,
a strip of the required width is to be removed, and from its ends, corre-
sponding strips are to be cut off. The central portion is then taken
away, and the strips are inverted upon the slide upon which they are to:
be fixed with marine glue, care being taken to mark them in the first
instance, so that they may exactly fit in their proper places. The
marine glue is allowed to run well into all the corners. In this way a
capital cell may be very easily and quickly made. Cells of various
sizes and depths can be manufactured upon this principle. The surface
of the glass rim should be ground upon the stone, and the Superfluous
glue removed in the ordinary manner.
127. Small Deep cells for Injections.—By drilling a hole in a piece
of plate glass, by cutting off sections of various thickness from thick
glass tubing, or from thick square glass bottles, or from vessels moulded
for the purpose, excellent cells of various dimensions, and admirably
adapted for mounting injections and other purposes, are made ; but
when the preparation is of considerable thickness, deeper cells than
any of those to which I have alluded will be required. These may be
made in glass, gutta-percha, and some other substances. A round or
oval concavity may be ground upon the surface of a piece of very thick
plate glass. Different forms of small deep glass cells are represented
in pl. XXI, figs. 5 to 9. Moderately deep glass cells may be made
also by grinding holes of the size required through thick plate glass,
fig. 9.
12s. Built Glass cells are those which are constructed by joining
together, at the edges and ends, separate pieces of glass with marine
glue or some other cement. The simplest form of built glass cell has
been already described above.
Good cells may be made from thick plate glass, the edges of which
are ground perfectly square before they are united together and to the
glass slab with the marine glue. Dr. Goadby used to make cells upon
this principle of very large dimensions. Many cells of this description
may still be seen in the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of
Surgeons. They may be obtained of Mr. Dennis, of St. John's Street
Road, who is most skilful in this department, and has succeeded in
making plate glass boxes in this manner large enough to hold several
quarts of fluid.
Large plate glass cells may be constructed as follows:–A strip of
plate glass is cut off, of the proper height for the sides of the cell. From
this, two pieces are to be cut off the desired length of the sides, and two
pieces for the ends. The flat surfaces of these are to be cemented with
marine glue, and the edges ground perfectly flat together, fig. 2, pl. XXII,
p. 78. The ends are also to be very carefully ground square. The grind-
ing is to be effected with the aid of sand on a perfectly flat stone, water
being added from time to time. Some prefer a thick metal plate cast
perfectly flat. Emery powder may be used instead of sand. When the
grinding is completed, the several pieces are to be separated from one
another by carefully heating them on the hot plate. When cool they may
be placed in proper position and the corners properly cemented toge-
ther with marine glue, pl. XXII, fig. 3, p. 78. When the four sides have
been thus joined together, each surface is to be carefully ground flat, on
the stone, and the cell may then be cemented to the plate glass bottom.
If preferred, the upper side, on which the cover is to be placed, may
be ground flat afterwards. In order to increase the strength of these
cells and to diminish the chance of leakage, it is well to cement small
pieces of glass in the corners, and narrow strips outside, at the point
where the sides are attached to the glass slab, pl. XXII, fig. 4.
These cells, of course, take some time to make, but they are exceed-
ingly neat, and have but one serious drawback—a slight liability to
leak, which is hardly to be wondered at when the number of the join-
ings is taken into consideration, but if they are carefully made with very
good marine glue this objection is overcome.
129. Deep Glass Cells made by bending a Strip of Glass in the
blow-pipe flame.—Many years ago I devised another plan for making
large cells. A long strip of glass of the proper width was bent to form
the angles in the blow-pipe flame, and the extremities were cemented
together in a similar manner. The bending cannot be readily managed
if the glass is much more than half an inch in width. The ordinary
plate glass is very liable to crack as it becomes cool, but if flatted ſlint
glass be employed the operation is simple enough. This glass, as well
as the deep glass cells above referred to, may be obtained at Messrs.
Powell's glass works, Whitefriars. The cell made in this way has the
disadvantage of not being perfectly clear, for the flint glass is not per-
fectly flat. If flint glass could be flatted, ground, and polished like
plate, it would be of much value to those who mount large objects in
deep glass cells, pl. XXII, fig. 5, p. 78.
13o. Moulded Glass Cells.-Of late years moulded glass cells have
been much employed for anatomical preparations, and the absence of
joints renders them preferable to any form of built glass cells. Large
mioulded cells are now made in Germany, the sides of which have been
ground and polished, and thus a preparation can be seen within, almost
as clearly as if the sides were composed of plate glass. These cells can
be obtained for a much lower price than the built cells, and are, of
course, not so liable to leak. They may be purchased at the glass
works, Whitefriars.
131. Gutta-Percha and Ebonite Cells. – Gutta-percha may be
moulded in a wooden case, and forms excellent cells where transparent
sides are not required. Preparations have been preserved for many
years in large cells of this description. Gutta-percha is most useful for
joining glass tubes to flat cells as may be required in forming cells for
special purposes, pl. XXII, fig. I.
AEbonite Cells. –Excellent cells may be made out of the preparation
of India-rubber known as vulcanite or ebonite. They may be turned
to any size and thickness required. Dr. Maddox used such cells in
1861. Mr. W. H. Hall also recommends these cells for small micro-
scopical specimens. They may be purchased of Mr. Bailey, of Fen-
church Street, at 6d. a-dozen.
132. Itound cells.--My friend and colleague, Dr. Guy, has lately
proposed a form of cell which possesses many advantages over those in
Common use. These are circular, and may be made of bone, metal,
gutta-percha, or glass, of various depths, and to suit transparent and
opaque objects. Several forms have been made. They are all of the
same external diameter, and are made to fit into a rim of equal size in
a flat plate of wood, or metal, which can be placed in the field of the
microscope. A small cabinet will contain many more preparations
mounted in this manner than on the ordinary slips of glass. Dr. Guy
has had some circular labels printed for these cells upon which the
names of the preparations may be written, and as these are of different
colours the various microscopic objects can be readily classified.
133. Troughs for Examining Zoophytes.—These are deep but very
narrow glass cells, the two surfaces consisting of very thin glass, so that
the higher powers may be brought sufficiently close to the objects. The
opening is above, so that the cell with living animals within may be
placed upon the stage of the microscope, when the instrument is in-
clined, without any fluid escaping. It is convenient to have a glass
partition in these troughs, by means of which objects may be placed in
different parts of the cell. A convenient size is three inches long, an
inch and a half deep, and a quarter of an inch in width. Such cells
may be purchased of Mr. Swift and other microscope makers.
134. Animalcule Cage.—A very convenient substitute for a cell is
the apparatus called animalcule cage, pl. XXII, fig. 7. By means of
its sliding cover a stratum of fluid of any required thickness can be
obtained, and Small living animals can be conveniently fixed in positions
suitable for observation. For the examination of deposits in fluids this
form of cell is also very convenient. *
135. Growing cells.-In many investigations upon the lower forms
of vegetables and animals which live in water, it is necessary to watch
the same specimen for a considerable time. Some plan must therefore
be adopted by which the living object can be freely supplied with fresh
water and air. Numerous forms of growing cells have been proposed,
but I shall only refer to two or three which appear to me to be most
advantageous. The following brief description of an improved growing-
trough by its ingenious deviser, Professor Smith, of Kenyon College,
United States, is taken from “Silliman's American Journal of Science,”
September, 1865, also “Magazine of Natural History,” vol. XVI, 1865.
The whole slide is a trifle more than one-eighth of an inch in thickness.
Plate glass stage, for examining objects
when immersed in acid 8 or corrosive Holder, constructed of two pieces of whalebone tied together
fluids. p. 72. or 1jveted at both ends. p. 72.
Fig. 4.
2. +: . º Z. --
Illustrates a simple way of making a
moderately thick glass cell. P. 73
Fig. 6.
To illustrate the manner in which thin glass may be
perioraled for making thin glass cells p. 73.
Small cells for preserving injections and other thick
preparations. p. 74
Thin glass cell for examining deposits
from fluids. p 71.
–––. Fig. 8.
'',\!, º {{\ .
§ § . . . . " - : : m asº
\; i | |. º | º |;
Jº . I'', º º
s==s* * * * Concave glass cell, made by grinding out a cup-shaped
Targe deep glass cells, for preserving opaque cavity on the surface of a piece of very thick glass.
preparations. p. 74. It is afterward's polished. p. 74. -
[To fače page 76.

It consists of two rectangular glass plates 3 × 2 inches, and about ºr
of an inch thick, separated by thin strips of glass of the same thickness,
cemented to the interior opposed faces. The upper plate has a small
hole drilled through it. One corner of the upper glass is removed, and
a small strip of glass, which is cemented to it in the proper place, pre-
vents the thin glass cover placed over the edge from sliding off. To
use the slide, the space between the two plates is to be filled with clean
water introduced by means of a pipette, and a drop is also to be placed
in the hole to remove the air. The object being put on the top of the
slide, and wetted, is now to be covered with a large square of thin glass,
the whole at the same time being covered. The slide can now be
placed upright, or in any position, as no water can escape. It is, in
fact, only a new application of the old principle of the bird fountain. As
the water evaporates from under the cover, more is supplied through
the hole, and from time to time an air bubble enters. Thus a constant
circulation is maintained.
Mr. Richard Beck has made one or two alterations in the growing
cell of Professor Smith (“Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,”
April, 1856). The annoyance caused by the water line obscuring the
view, as sometimes happens in Professor Smith's growing cell, has been
entirely obviated, and one or two other improvements have been
effected. Dr. John Barker, of Dublin, has contrived a very convenient,
efficient, and cheap growing stage, which has the advantage of allowing
the use of the ordinary glass slides. A full description of this will be
found in the “Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,” January,
1867. Any one can make this growing stage for himself with very
little trouble. A segment of a largish circle is cut in a plate of stout
glass to form the stage. To one end of this is attached, by means of
marine glue, a small flat glass bottle in which two little holes have been
drilled. Such bottles may be obtained of Mr. Baker, of Holborn.
When water is put into the bottle, it is conveyed from one of these holes
to the thin glass cover under which the object is to be kept moist, by
means of a narrow strip of talc which acts as a conductor. By this
arrangement, any object under observation may be kept moist for the
space of a week, or longer, if desirable. Dr. Barker's growing slide is
represented in pl. XXII, fig. 6, p. 78.
For some time past I have been in the habit of employing an
arrangement which is simpler than either of those above referred to, and
which has proved very efficient. A small piece of glass tube is fixed with
the aid of marine glue to one end of an ordinary glass slide, a, fig. 8,
pl. XXII. This is the reservoir for the supply of water. It is covered
with a piece of thin glass, but a small opening is left at one side suffi-
ciently large to allow a fine thread of silk or cotton to conduct the
water from the reservoir to the specimen placed in the centre of the
slide. The stratum of fluid containing the living bodies can be ob.
tained of the required thickness by placing hair or pieces of fine glass
rod between the thin glass and the slide. In some cases it is necessary
to apply warmth, and keep the bodies under examination at a certain
temperature for a considerable time. The method of warming the
slide is described in another part of this volume.
To illustrate the mariner in
which cells of a peculiar shape
may be made The lower part
is made of plate-21ass, to which
the tube is attached by gutta
percha ‘l bis apparatus was
made for examining the chrcu-
lation in the branchise of a
proteus. 'I he smaller tubes
were for the purpose of sup-
plying the animal with fresh
water, p 75.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 2.
f, ſº i ! º
* {
Show- the manner in which the sides of built
glass cells are cemented together in order to be
ground perfectly flat. p. 74.
Shows the way in
which the angles of a
* * built glass cell are
Fig. 4. joined together, p. Tö.
|. —rſ
; : * 1 ſº I tº tº 3 .
Fig. 5.
iece of glass in the
Deep glass cell, inade by bending a p
bic wripe flame p
simple arrangement for conducting water to living bcdies
Animalcule cage for examining deposits
2 - ... … -------> . . . º.
Growing cell, designed by Dr. Parker
from tiuids. pp 76, 101.
e e
ſº o
© tº º
e e e º o
s a e "
e e e º
under observation, p 77. [To face page 78.

The observer will gain very important information if he will subject
such specimens as the following to examination in four different ways:
granules of fine Sand or powdered gypsum, potato starch, or arrowroot.
1. The surface of the object may be examined by reflected light brought
to a focus upon it by means of a bull's-eye condenser, pl. XIII, fig. 3,
p. 22.—2. The light may be reflected upon it from a Zieberkuhm, pl. XV,
fig. 1, p. 26.—3. The light may be transmitted through the object after
it has been reflected from the surface of the mirror, pl. XIII, fig. 1.-
And, 4. The object may be placed under the influence of polarized
light, with and without a selenite plate. The conclusion arrived at with
reference to the nature of the structure which has been submitted to
these four modes of examination, should be contrasted with the idea
which would have been formed of it if an observation had been made
by one mode of illumination only.
But further the observer will discover that many objects require
to be studied in different media before an accurate idea of their
general structure can be formed. It is in many instances of the
utmost importance not only to examine an object by reflected light
as well as by transmitted light, but to observe the peculiarities of
appearance when it is surrounded with air, or immersed in water, or
placed in a highly refracting fluid, such as glycerine, oil, turpentine, or
Canada balsam. Not less valuable is the information we derive from
the application of certain chemical reagents (part IV). The method of
investigation must vary according to the degree of transparency or
opacity, density, refractive Aower, and chemical composition of the
Specimen. The object must also be examined first with the aid of low,
and afterwards with high magnifying powers.
136. Different Appearances of the same object examined in Air,
Water, and Canada Balsam, by Transmitted Light, and under the
Influence of Iteflected Light and Polarized Light.—In pl. XXIII,
p. 80, specimens of the same structure (spherical crystals of carbonate
of lime and octahedra of oxalate of lime) magnified in the same
degree, are represented.
An Air.—In fig. I, pl. XXIII, p. 80, crystals of carbonate of lime,
and in fig. 7 octahedra of oxalate of lime are shown by transmitted
light in air mounted in the dry way, and it will be noticed how very
dark and thick the outer part appears, and how impossible it is to make
out the structure of the former crystals.
In Water.—In figs. 2 and 8, pl. XXIII, the same crystals are seen
in water. The outer part of the crystals of carbonate of lime is still
very dark and thick, but a few lines may be observed radiating from the
centre of the crystals towards their circumference, although not very
In Canada Balsam.—In figs. 3 and 9 the crystals are shown
immersed in Canada balsam. The outline now appears as a sharp well-
defined line. In the case of the carbonate of lime a number of narrow
lines are seen radiating from the centre of each crystal towards its
circumference; in fact the crystal really consists of a congeries of
minute acicular Crystals.
Ay Aºffected Zight.—In figs. 4 and 6 the crystals are represented as
they appear when examined by reflected light. The globular form, and
yellowish colour of the carbonate of lime, are very distinctly seen, and
the surfaces of the crystals generally seem slightly rough, some appear-
ing to be covered by minute elevations.
By Polarized Light.—In fig. 5 another preparation of the crystals of
carbonate of lime is seen under the influence of polarized light. Each
crystal exhibits a black cross which alters its position and appearance as
the analyser, pl. XVII, fig. 2, p. 24, is rotated.
The above important points might be illustrated by a vast number
of other substances. I cannot too strongly advise the observer to sub-
ject various microscopical structures to examination in air, water, ama
Canada balsam, and by direct or reflected, as well as under the influence
of transmitted light, and in Some cases by polarized light. -
137. Of Air Bubbles, Oil Globules, and Globules of Crystalline
Matter.—It is of the utmost importance that the observer should make
himself familiar with the appearance of air bubbles and oil globules as
soon as possible, for he will often meet with them, and if not acquainted
with their characters he may make the most ridiculous mistakes in
describing specimens.
Air Bubbles in water have a very wide dark outline: indeed, small
air bubbles appear like round black spots. This appearance is very
Fig. 2.
o, 9
co Q
Oil globules from milk.
or more globules running together.
Fig. 3.
Octahedral crystals as seen by
reflected light.
p. 80
Octahedra in Canada ba'sam, p. 80.
Oil globules.
Fig. 14.
b • b , *
:2% §
9: ...
p $1.
Spherical crystals of carbonate of
examined by transmitted
light, in air. p. 80.
Fig. 4.
The same, viewed by reflected
light. p 80
Fig. 7.
Octahedra in air, by trausmitted
light. p. 80.
Air bubbles, in water. p. 8]
Fig. 13.
Oil globules in collections, and cells
containing oil globules. P. Sl.
The same, in water.
p. 80.
The same, under the influence
of polarized light. p. 80.
Octahedra in water p. 80s
Fig. 11.
.." c o,
- Sº, * 'o O
ſº * *
• 2. so -
49 * ©
* , sº :
O § -, *
Free oil globules and collections.
p, Sl.
o e Q
S @ "
Q @
* Q o &
p Sl.
a, masses formed by two
[To face page 80.

characteristic, and every observer ought to be thoroughly familiar with it.
Air bubbles of various sizes are represented in pl. XXIII, fig, ro, p. 80.
Minute Air Bubbles may be obtained as follows:—A little moderately
thick mucilage is to be placed in a small bottle and well shaken up with
the air. When many bubbles have been included, a drop is to be trans-
ferred to a slide, covered with thin glass and submitted to examination
under various powers, first, the inch, and then the quarter of an inch.
Oi! Globules in water, and in aqueous fluids, also present a peculiar
and well-known appearance. The outline is sharp, and dark, and well
defined, but not nearly so wide as that of the air bubble, because the
difference of the refractive power between the oil and the fluid, although
very great, is much less than that which exists between the air and the
fluid medium which contains it. Every one should compare carefully
air bubbles in water with oil globules in water under the microscope.
Oil globules within cells, and free oil globules of various sizes, as seen
in milk, are represented in pl. XXIII, figs. II to 14.
Oil globules of various kinds and sizes should be submitted to
microscopical examination under various powers. Certain kinds of
fatty matter contain much crystalline fat, as stearine or margarin, which
is not a pure substance. These crystallize spontaneously from the more
oily fatty matters. By the action of acids and other agents many fats
are decomposed and the crystalline fatty acids are set free. Many
slightly soluble earthy salts crystallize under certain circumstances,
especially in mucus and viscid fluids in the form of globules or
spherules, which often closely resemble oil globules, from which they
may be distinguished by their hardness and by their chemical characters.
See pl. XXIII, fig. 2. The illustrations in this plate should be carefully
13s. For Beginners only.—Any one who purchases a microscope
probably endeavours to look at Some object through it as soon as it
comes home, and of those who make the attempt some, perhaps, fail
completely, because they are not acquainted with the principles enun-
ciated in the preceding pages. The observer will, I think, actually gain
time if he will go through the tables at the end of the volume; but if
too impatient and eager for action, he may proceed to work at once as
1. Place the microscope in the position represented in fig. 3,
pl. XIII, p. 22, the eye-piece being adapted to the microscope. Carefully
screw the low power object-glass (the two-inch or inch) on the body,
supporting it with two fingers of the left hand, while the finger and
thumb of the right are used to screw it home. Care must be taken a,
not to let the object-glass fall down, and b, that the glass is not smeared
with moisture by touching it with the finger. Turn the mirror out of the
way and permit the dark part of the diaphragm to occupy the field, or
place a piece of perfectly flat black paper over or under the aperture.
2. Take a dry bread crumb, about the size of a small pin's head,
place it on a glass slide, and the slide upon the stage of the microscope.
3. Place an ordinary wax candle, or French or other lamp, in such
a position that the upper surface of the crumb of bread may be lighted
up, or use the bull's-eye condenser, so that a strong light is condensed
upon the object, as in pl. XIII, fig. 3, p. 22.
4. Screw down the body of the microscope until the object comes
into focus and is seen distinctly.
The crumb of bread is examined as an opaque object by reflected light,
and peculiarities of its surface are alone made out.
5. Alter the position of the lamp, if necessary, and so arrange the
mirror that the light may be reflected from it, and caused to pass
through the object (transmitted light), fig. I, pl. XIII, p. 22, Prevent
the light from illuminating the surface as before. The object seems
very dark and little that is definite can be discovered.
6. Break the crumb up into several Smaller pieces. This may be
easily effected with the aid of a penknife. Most of the particles appear
angular. They seem dark because they are too thick for the light to
pass through them, but here and there one appears more or less trans-
7. One of the transparent pieces being in the field, remove the
inch power and screw on the quarter of an inch object-glass, and
examine the crumb. Still the appearance is not very definite or satis-
factory, and little information is gained with regard to the structure of
the crumb or of the nature of its component particles.
8. Next screw up the body of the microscope, and remove the
slide from the stage. Carry a drop of water with the aid of a pipette
(p. 100) or a glass stirring rod, to the specimen, and cause the minute
crumbs of bread to be wetted without their position being much altered.
Carefully apply one of the pieces of thin covering glass, p. 71, after
breathing upon the surface which is to come into contact with the fluid.
The thin glass may be held in forceps or between the finger and thumb,
and, by using a needle or a knife, may be allowed to fall upon the wet
crumbs very gradually, as represented in pl. XXVI, fig. 4, p. Ioo.
The superfluous moisture is to be removed by the aid of the handker-
chief, or with a piece of blotting paper, so that no water will drop from
the slide when it is placed upon the inclined stage of the microscope.
9. When the crumbs have Soaked for a few seconds, give the thin
glass two or three smart taps so as to crush them a little and make
them spread out.
Io. Bring the specimen as near the centre of the field as possible,
and screw down the body of the microscope until the object comes into
focus. Many new facts are now learnt.
a. A number of small, oval, circular, angular and perfectly trans-
parent particles are seen for the first time.
b. The dark indefinite appearance before observed is no longer
c. Each transparent particle has a sharp and dark outline. Some
are cracked, others exhibit irregularities of surface, while in some
an indication of concentric lines may be observed. These
bodies are starch granules or corpuscles of various sizes, modified
by the heat of the oven. They appear clear and transparent now
they are examined in water, instead of being black and opaque
as when they were examined before in air, because the refractive
power of the water approaches more closely to that of the starch
granule than the air.
d. Probably some black spherical bodies or very wide and dark
circular rings will also be observed here and there. These are
air bubbles, pl. XXIII, fig. Io, p. 8o.
II. Examine the thinnest possible shaving of deal wood or of a
cedar pencil, and of mahogany or oak, a fragment of blotting paper,
a piece of cotton and linen scraped as fine as possible, a small pinch
of flour, ordinary starch, common pepper, Cayenne pepper, powdered
mustard, in the same way as the bread crumbs, taking care to allow
them to soak in a drop of water for an hour or more, so that they may
be perfectly wetted.
12. Subject pieces of moist tea leaves, very thin sections of potato
and the peel of the potato, the skin or interior of an orange, lemon, or
other fruit, a piece of rhubarb, cabbage, or other vegetable, taking care
that in all cases the pieces are small enough. A Small portion of yeast
or the mould upon any object from a damp cellar will furnish instruc-
tive objects. They can easily be subdivided with a sharp penknife.
I strongly recommend the beginner to examine various specimens
of jam and preserved fruits. As these vegetable tissues have long
soaked in syrup, they have become exceedingly transparent, and are
admirably fitted for microscopical demonstration. The spiral vessels,
woody, and cellular tissues, can be obtained without any trouble, and
the minute structure of the different vegetable tissues can be most
clearly demonstrated. Moisten the specimen with syrup, not with water.
The observer will probably, in the first instance, take far too much
of the substance for examination, and he will find it excellent practice
to bring under observation specimen after specimen, each one taken
being smaller than the last. Pieces so small that they may be
taken up on the point of a needle often afford more information than
G 2
larger portions: The specimens will require to be moistened with a little.
syrup before the thin glass is applied, and this will have to be pressed
down firmly upon the specimen, a pin being used for the purpose. The
steel pins with round glass heads, used by ladies as shawl-pins, are most
useful instruments for the microscopist. The small ones will be found
more convenient for some purposes than the long ones.
The thinnest possible sections of any of the textures mentioned
above can be cut with a sharp thin knife, p. 50. Various candied and
preserved fruits will furnish excellent microscopical specimens. Candied
lemon peel, preserved ginger, plums of various kinds, may be cut with a
very sharp knife, and the thinnest possible section removed, which may
be transferred to a little clean syrup or glycerine for examination.
Cheaper vegetables, introduced to deceive purchasers, can be easily
detected by microscopical examination; and if most of those who could
use a microscope would examine carefully the various articles consumed
as food, the science of adulteration and imposition would soon become
The action of syrup and glycerine on tissues will be more fully dis-
cussed in part VI.
139. Precautions to be observed in working.—And now I must
give a few words of advice to the young observer not to work too long
at a time or with high powers, and recommend him to be careful not to
illuminate the object more intensely than is necessary to enable him to
see it clearly. A retina, which would work well for half a century, Soon
becomes rendered less sensitive or permanently damaged by a strong
glare thrown upon it for several hours a day. To avoid strain, the habit
of keeping both eyes Open during observation should be acquired as
soon as possible, and the observer should observe sometimes with one
eye and sometimes with the other. Although the eye improves very
much by practice, it may be seriously damaged by straining it injudi-
ciously. At first the observer should work for half an hour only at a
stretch, and if he finds that he is not fatigued and external objects are
seen quite distinctly, as to form and colour, immediately the eye is
removed from the microscope, the period of observation may be
gradually increased until it reaches two or three hours a day, but I
think it unwise to work uninterruptedly for a longer time. It is a good
plan not to work regularly every day, at least for the first year or two.
With care an eye which was at first weak may be inured to prolonged
exertion and improved in Sensitiveness, and may, perhaps, be used for
the greater part of life without damage.
It is remarkable how little some persons suffer from microscopic or
telescopic observation, but it is quite certain that many cannot work for
long without great risk of seriously injuring their sight. No general
rules, therefore, can be given which will apply to all. I have myself
often worked with very high powers and with a very brightly illuminated
field, straining the eye to the utmost in the hope of seeing more than
was at first observable. I kept this up for some hours at a time for
several years, I am happy to say, without any very serious impairment
of sight, but I would not recommend any one to subject himself to the
same risk unless he allowed himself to pass through the same gradual
process, using first only low powers, moderate light, and working only
for a short time, and slowly increasing the magnifying power, the illumina-
tion, and the period of study as he felt he was able to stand it.
140. General Considerations with reference to the mature of the
Medium in which Tissues should be placed for Examination.—If the
structure be dry and very thin, or if it is required only to make out
any general points with reference to its outline, or the character of its
surface, it may be examined in air. So also many structures subjected
to examination by low powers, and by reflected light, exhibit the general
arrangement of their component parts very satisfactorily when mounted
perfectly dry.
If, however, the texture be delicate and moist, and readily destroyed
by careless manipulation, it is generally desirable to examine it in some
aqueous fluid when quite fresh. The character of the fluid must vary
in different cases according to the density and properties of the fluids
which bathe the tissues in their natural state. Water answers well in
many instances, but the microscopical character of some textures are
completely altered by water, or even altogether destroyed by it. Other
tissues are so dark and opaque that they are not well displayed in water.
Soft and cell-like structures become distended by it, but it does not
follow that when this happens it depends upon a “cell,” or bladder
closed at all points, being distended. It does not prove that the cell
has a membranous wall, for a mass of jelly may be made to Swell out
just like a “cell.” If the jelly be made with a dense fluid, the more
limpid water will pass in and mix with it. The jelly “cell” thus
becomes distended by this flowing in or Osmosis, and often to such a
degree as to be invisible. To prevent this result, it is necessary to
immerse the structure in some fluid approaching in density to that in its
interstices, or in its interior. - *
To make a simple fluid, in which to examine delicate moist tissues, a
little white sugar or salt may be dissolved in the water (five to fifty
grains to two tablespoonfuls of water). Saliva, the vitreous humour,
serum, or white of egg, from their viscidity do not permeate readily and
so alter the tissue. They are, therefore, advantageous media. But of
all substances soluble in water, glycerine is one of the most useful to
the microscopist. With glycerine he may obtain a fluid of any density,
and of various degrees of refracting power. Moderately strong solutions
of glycerine preserve animal and vegetable structures for any length of
time. If soft tissues be immersed in strong glycerine or syrup, the water
they contain passes out and the tissue shrinks, and all appearance of
structure disappears. But the very same texture may be immersed in
the strongest glycerine, and all the details of the most delicate structure
displayed if only the strength of the glycerine beincreased very gradually,
as I have explained more fully in part VI. Glycerine is to moist tissues
what Canada balsam is to textures which are capable of being dried,
without their structure being impaired. The most dense, opaque, and
ill-defined structures, immersed in glycerine become clear and trans-
parent; and anatomical peculiarities which were before indistinct, or not
observable, become demonstrable without difficulty. Another advan-
tage is, that by the addition of a little water all the original characters of
the tissues are restored.
Further observations upon rendering tissues which are more or less
opaque, transparent, will be found in part VI.
141. Of Examining and Preserving Specimens in the Dry Way.—
Any specimen examined, or preserved permanently, as a dry object in
air, must be protected from dust by being covered with thin glass, and
the pressure of the latter upon the specimen must be prevented by the
interposition of small pieces of cardboard at the edges of the thin glass,
slightly thicker than the specimen itself. Objects may be mounted in
the dry way in many of the cells described in §§ 114–131 ; but a
simple cell made of wood or cardboard is sufficient for all practical
purposes. The round vulcanized India-rubber rings cemented to the
glass slides with damar or solution of Canada balsam in benzol make.
capital cells for mounting such preparations.
The thin glass cover must be attached by a little very thick gum or
by a paste made of gum and flour or chalk. Any cement used for this
purpose must be viscid, or it will run into the specimen and completely
spoil it.
Among unorganised substances, there are many objects which may
be mounted or preserved with advantage in air. Many crystalline bodies
found native, and some crystals derived from the organic and inorganic
kingdoms artificially prepared, may be examined or preserved perma-
nently in air. Many of these present very beautiful appearances. Arseni-
ous acid, common salt, benzoic acid, uric acid, Crystals of the vegetable
alkaloids, such as salicine and many crystalline salts—bone, teeth, hair,
horn, the scales of butterflies, of the podura and many other insects—
are structures which may be examined in air and mounted dry. The
general structure of many vegetable preparations may be demonstrated
in the same simple manner. The petals of many flowers, different forms
of vegetable cellular and vascular tissue, the epidermis, hairs, and other
parts of plants, the seeds and seed vessels, spiral fibres, the stones of
fruits, sections of wood, of the pith from the stem of various plants,
pollen, the spores of ferns, mosses, and fungi, are examples of vegetable
preparations which may be examined and preserved in air.
Thick objects preserved in the dry way can be examined by reflected
light only, but very thin dry tissues, like the epidermis from different
parts of plants, may be examined by reflected or by transmitted light.
142. Examination of substances in Fluids.-In choosing a fluid in
which the specimen is to be immersed, its chemical composition, its
transparency and its refractive power must be considered. The different
preservative solutions described in pp. 64 to 69, may be used for the pre-
servation of a variety of objects in fluid. If we wish for a fluid closely
resembling water, but possessing the property of preserving the specimen,
we may use the solution of naphtha and creosote, § 120, or naphtha and
water, or carbolic acid and water. If we require a fluid of higher
specific gravity, some of the saline solutions, diluted with a proper
quantity of water, may be used. If we wish for a solution which refracts
highly, we may employ glycerine, or a mixture of glycerine and gelatine.
Glycerine, it is often said, is not suitable for preserving fibrous tissue
and many delicate textures which would be rendered too transparent.
The objection is purely theoretical, for I have preserved such textures
perfectly well in glycerine.
If a fluid is required which has the property of hardening the struc-
ture, a solution of chromic acid, bichromate of potash, corrosive sublimate,
or diluted alcohol may be employed. In all cases the substance should be
immersed for some time in the fluid, in which it is to be preserved, before
being mounted permanently. The cell made of Brunswick black or the
thin glass cell, or other forms described in §§ 116–131, may be chosen
according to the dimensions of the specimen. The object and fluid
being placed in the cell, the thin glass cover is applied, with the pre-
cautions recommended in p. 82. The superfluous fluid is removed with
a piece of blotting paper, or a soft cloth, and after the edges have been
allowed to dry a little, they are anointed with a thin layer of Brunswick
Almost every organised structure, and especially the soft moist tissues
of the bodies of animals, may be advantageously preserved in fluid.
It has been said that the solution employed in preserving a structure
should resemble as nearly as possible in density and refractive power,
the fluid which bathed it during life, but it is a fact that many even
exceedingly delicate structures may be examined in fluids of high
density, as syrup or glycerine, and peculiarities may be made out
which are not to be demonstrated when they are examined in water or
Of mounting Specimens which may be examined on both sides by high
Powers.-In mounting some specimens it is desirable to arrange so that
either side may be submitted to examination by high powers. This
may be effected by having thin glass circles of 4 of an inch in diameter,
and others #. The last may be of thinner glass than the first. The
specimen with the fluid preservative medium being placed upon the
larger circle, the smaller one is applied and cemented to the first in the
usual manner. When dry the mounted specimen may be protected in a
slide made of cedar wood, of the same dimensions as the ordinary glass
slides, and placed with them in the cabinet. These cedar wood slides
have holes made in them just large enough to admit the glass circles,
which are kept in their place by little circles of paper fixed with gum.
I have mounted hundreds of specimens in this manner, and not a few
have been preserved for twenty years.
A modification of the above plan has been adopted for very delicate
specimens by Dr. Edmunds, who has described the method of pro-
ceeding in the “Journal of the Quekett Club” for May, 1878, p. 23.
Slips of dry cedar gº inch in thickness are cut 3 inches × 13, and a
I}-inch hole is made with a sharp centre-bit, cutting through a dozen
slips at a time. The edges are smoothed with fine sand-paper, and then
with strong paste, or mastic varnish slips of bank-note paper are strained
over the opening—the edges of the paper being extended round the
edges of the slip. When dry the stretched paper is to be punched out
with a 3-inch gun punch, and the thin glasses are cemented in with a
ring of varnish. The objects are set upon a 4-inch circle of 'oos inch
glass, and are covered with a 3-circle—the latter just filling up the hole
punched through the paper drumhead.
143. Examination in Canada Iłalsam, Turpentine, and oil.—The
well-known Canada balsam has long been a favourite medium for the
preservation of microscopical specimens, on account of its penetrating
and highly refracting properties. Turpentine possesses very similar pro-
perties, but from being a limpid fluid, it is far less useful than Canada
balsam. Canada balsam may be kept in an iron or tin vessel of the
form represented in pl. XXIV, fig. 1.
All preparations to be mounted in Canada balsam must be thoroughly
dried before being immersed. The desiccation must be effected by a
temperature of not more than from Ioo to 200 degrees. For the pur-
pose of drying tissues, we may employ the water-bath alluded to in
§ 73, or we may place the specimen under a bell-jar close to a basin of
strong Sulphuric acid or chloride of calcium, which substances have the
power of absorbing moisture in an eminent degree, pl. XXIV, fig. 5.
Many textures in process of drying include a number of air-bubbles
in their interstices, and it is often very difficult to remove these. To
effect this object, the preparation may be allowed to soak some time
in turpentine, and the removal of the air is often much facilitated by
the application of a gentle heat. If the air cannot be removed in this
manner, the preparation immersed in turpentine, may be placed under
I us trunnellt for applying graduated pre-8 Bure to objecle
..sºm -
T'll call 1 or cultair, lug Caluada l, inder thin glas 3. p. 68.
balsam. pp & 6, 88.
Fig. 3.
R- -
Air-pump, for rernowing air ſrom Inicroscopical specimens. p. 97.
Fig. 4. Fig 5. *'lg. 6.
& Sºssºs SNS
& ºv §§§
N Nº Neššºs
- O
"l'est bottle, with stir) in Q Glass shade, with sulphuric acid Pipette inserted through . :
rod aud cap to prev ent and wire Qauze support for cork or stopper of test
end trance of dust drying objects. pp. 88, 12]. bottle.
[To face page S8,

the receiver of an air-pump. As the pressure is removed the air rises
to the surface and the fluid rushes in to supply its place. A con-
venient and simple form of air-pump is represented in pl. XXIV, fig. 3.
A much cheaper and simpler apparatus has been recently made by
Mr. Swift at the suggestion of Mr. Gardner of the Quekett Club. This
consists of a chamber large enough to contain two or three glass
slides, with which a good strong exhausting Syringe is connected. The
arrangement is represented in pl. XXV, fig. 5, p. 92. When the thin
section of tissue has been thoroughly dried, and the air removed, it may
be necessary to slightly remoisten it with turpentine before it is placed
in the balsam.
In mounting a thin section of bone or other hard dry texture in
Canada balsam, the following steps are taken : the glass slide having been
warmed upon the brass plate, a small quantity of a solution of dry and
old Canada balsam in benzol or chloroform is placed on the slide upon
which the specimen is to be mounted. The specimen already moistened
with a weak solution in the same medium, or with turpentine or oil
of cloves, is then placed in proper position with the aid of a needle.
A few air-bubbles may perhaps collect upon the surface of the balsam
Solution, in which case the slide is to be moved from side to side with a
slight rotatory movement, when the bubbles may be seen to collect in
one spot upon the surface. They may be made to burst by the applica-
tion of a warm needle, or completely removed by touching them with a
cold wire to which the portion of balsam including them will adhere. All
bubbles having been removed, the thin glass, which has been perfectly
cleaned and slightly warmed on the brass plate, is taken in a pair of
forceps, Land, one side of it being allowed to come in contact with the
balsam,_is permitted to fall very slowly upon the specimen, in such a
manner that the balsam gradually wets the thin glass, without including
air-bubbles. The thin glass is then pressed down slightly with a needle,
and the slide placed in a warm place. The benzol gradually evaporates,
leaving the balsam which seems to undergo no further change if the
solution has, in the first instance, been properly prepared.
The feet and hard parts of the fly and other insects, and the Ova of
small insects may be mounted in the solution of Canada balsam. The
shells and hard parts of the covering of many of the lower animals, the
palates of various mollusks, such as the limpet, and many fresh-water
species, the Coriaceous coverings of insects, their antennae, stings, eyes,
feet, wings, the scales of their wings, the tracheae penetrating every part
of their organism with their spiracles or external openings, and in Some
cases the entire insects themselves, the scales of fishes, sections of bone,
teeth, horn, hoofs, claws, nails, specimens of various kinds of hair, are
examples of objects derived from the animal kingdom which may be
examined in this manner and mounted permanently if desired.
If the observer wishes merely to ascertain how a structure looks
when examined in a highly refractive medium like balsam, he may use
turpentine, which can afterwards be dissipated by evaporation.
Canada Balsam dissolved in Benzole.—In order to prepare this solu-
tion, which is far preferable and easier to use than ordinary balsam, the
Canada balsam is to be dried by a moderate heat (under 200°F. in an
oven) till it becomes hard and brittle. The dried balsam may then be
dissolved in benzole.
Gum Damar is now much used, but I do not think it is as good as
balsam. Equal parts of damar and gum mastic may be dissolved in the
benzole. The limpid solution may then be filtered without difficulty.
Moist Zissues which cannot be dried without damage, and are to be
mounted in Canada balsam solution, must be specially prepared as follows:
—The section of the hardened tissue ready for mounting is to be soaked
in moderately strong alcohol, and then transferred for a few minutes to
absolute alcohol. It is next quickly removed from the very strong alcohol
and floated upon the oil of cloves, oil of lemons, or other essential oil,
or on turpentine until the alcohol has been expelled and the oily
medium imbibed. It is lastly transferred to the Canada balsam or
damar fluid, left for a time until every part of it is imbued and placed
on the glass slide.
Common Olive Oi! is an advantageous highly refracting medium for
examining certain structures in. The entozoa which may often be
obtained from the oily sebaceous matter squeezed from the follicles of
the skin of the nose or scalp, should be immersed in oil. They can
generally be found in the wax from the ear. Castor oil is also used.
Some tissues may be made to present different appearances although
mounted in the same medium. Thus, bone exhibits very different
characters when immersed in Canada balsam, according to the manner
in which it is mounted. In every part of one specimen, small black
spots of irregular shape may be seen. From these a number of minute
dark lines radiate, and inosculate pretty freely with corresponding lines
from other spots. In another preparation the entire section may appear
perfectly clear, and its structure nearly uniform throughout. The first
appearance is produced when a section is at once mounted in old viscid
balsam ; the second when it is immersed in fluid balsam, after having
been previously well wetted with turpentine. The cause of these
striking differences of appearance is interesting and worthy of attentive
study. The little black spots (lacunae) and dark lines (canaliculi) were
formerly considered to be small solid bodies, and the spots were im-
properly termed bone corpuscles. They consist in truth of little cavities
or spaces in the bony tissue, and contain air. In the second specimen
the highly refracting oil of turpentine passed up the canaliculi and into
the lacunae driving out the air, thus rendering the tubes and spaces in-
visible. These lacunae or spaces contained, in the fresh bone, little
masses of bioplasm or living matter (nuclei), but when the bone had
become dry, the moist material dried up, and air rushed into the lacunae
and canaliculi to supply its place. The great difference between the
refracting power of the air contained in these little cavities, and that of
the surrounding bony tissue, gives rise to the dark appearance, just as a
minute air-bubble in water is made to appear as a minute black ball,
while a large one seems to have a very wide black outline. The above
remarks upon the structure of bone apply of course to the dead and
dried tissue only.
144. Of Making Minute Dissections under water.—Minute dissec-
tions are usually carried on under the surface of fluid with the aid of
Small Scissors, needles, or small knives, and forceps. If the preparation
has been preserved in spirit or other solution, it must be dissected in the
Same medium, but in ordinary cases clear water may be used. The
microscopist should be provided with a few small dishes, varying in size,
and about an inch or more in depth. The large built cells, pl. XXII,
figs, 4, 5, p. 78, make very good troughs for dissecting under the surface
of fluid, but small circular vessels are made on purpose.
145. Loaded Corks.—The object to be dissected is attached to a
loaded Cork by Small pins, pl. XXV, fig. 2, p. 92. The “loaded cork”
may be made as follows:–Take a piece of flat cork rather smaller than
the cell, and then cut a piece of sheet lead about the thickness of a half-
penny, and a little larger than the cork. The edges of the lead are then
folded over the cork and beaten down slightly with a hammer. The
lead may afterwards be filed with a rough file.
The object being fixed upon the cork and placed in the cell, fluid is
poured in until it just covers the surface, pl. XXV, fig. I. A strong
light is then condensed upon it by means of a large bull's-eye condenser,
or a large globe full of water. I have always found that delicate dis-
sections could be made with the greatest facility without the aid of a
dissecting microscope, provided a strong light was condensed upon the
object. Occasional examination of the dissection with a lens of low
power is advantageous; but if a lens be employed during the dissection
there is great danger of accidentally injuring the specimen, as it is im-
possible to judge of the exact distance of the needle point beneath the
surface of the fluid. Minute branches of nerves or vessels may in this
way be followed out; and small pieces of the different tissues into which
they can be traced may be removed for microscopical examination
with a pair of fine Scissors, pl. XIX, figs, 5, 6, 7, p. 52. Membranes
may be dissected from the structures upon which they lie without any
difficulty. By this plan the nervous system of the smallest insects
can be readily dissected. The mode of proceeding is represented in
pl. XXV, fig. I.
146. Tablets upon which Dissections may be Pimmed out.—Many
preparations require to be arranged in a particular position previous to
being mounted as permanent objects. Slabs of wax are usually em-
ployed by anatomists for this purpose, but when transparency is required
the dissections may be attached by threads to thin plates of mica. The
best slabs are made of a mixture of wax and gutta-percha, in the pro-
portion of one part of the former to two of the latter. The ingredients
are to be melted in an iron pot, over a clear fire, and well stirred.
When quite fluid, the mass may be poured upon a flat slab and allowed
to Cool. Thin cakes of about the eighth of an inch in thickness may be
thus obtained, and they can easily be cut with a knife to fit the cells
intended for the preparation. Pins or small pieces of silver wire may
be inserted into these slabs, and will adhere firmly although the slabs
are very thin.
Cutting thin sections of Soft Zissues.
147. Of Section Cutters, or Microtomes. Of obtaining Thin Sec-
tions of different Textures for Microscopical Examination.—The
knives, scissors, and instruments required for cutting thin sections of
soft tissues by hand have been described in pp. 51, 52. Many are
represented in pls. XVIII, p. 48, and XIX, p. 52.
It is scarcely necessary to observe that for cutting very thin sections
of such different textures as muscular fibre, gland structures, and other
Soft tissues, a process is required different from that which is applicable
for Cutting thin slices of such tissues as hair, horn, bone, or teeth.
Where thin sections of no very great extent of tissue are required
they may be obtained by scissors, p. 51, by the ordinary scalpel, p. 50,
by the double-edged knife, or by Valentin's knife. Whenever a thin
section of a soft tissue is made, the instrument employed must be
thoroughly wetted with water, and the section, after its removal, care-
fully washed, by agitating it in water, or by directing a stream of water
upon it from the wash-bottle, pl. XXVI, fig. 5, p. IoI. This washing
is absolutely necessary to remove from the surface of the sections
particles of débris, which would render the appearances indistinct, and
interfere with the clearness of the specimen when it was subjected to
examination in the microscope. The section may then be transferred
to the fluid in which it is to be examined or preserved. If the speci-
men be immersed in glycerine, alcohol, or other fluid, the knife must be
wetted and the specimen washed with the same, and the specimen must
2 et º $
--ºff, ;
~-º-º: #. §§§ {}
:* §º. * > — — — — — — - - -
under water. p. 91.
º :-----------
Arrangement for rnak in 6 minute dissections
Small air pump, suggested by Mir. Gardner of the
Quekett Club and made by Mr. Sºvift. p. 89.
Loaded cork upca which objects for dissection
may be pinned out, p. 91.
Compressorium for pressing or tearing up tissues
p. 96.
under the microscope.
*** *-z-za,
An improved form of com-
pressorium (Mr. Eighley J.
p. 96.
Instrument for cutting thin
sections of wood, &c. p. 99.
Freezing microtome, as suggested by Mr Williams
of the Quekett Club, and made s y Swift. p. 94.
• *
© e
* * * , , e
• * * * * >
• e o 'º º
© e e G e
--- — " -
- --- ºº::...T. Tº º º
--- º: Y. gº: - sº º
㺠:*: *::: s:
Fine saw for sawing bone and other hard tissues. p. 98.
[To face page 92.

be allowed to soak for some time in the medium before it is examined.
Small watch glasses or the little china dishes in which moist colours
are sold, are very convenient for the purpose of soaking tissues in fluid
previous to examination. They must of course be carefully covered by
glass shades to protect them from the dust.
Of Beading Zissues previous to cutting 7%in Sections.—Under ordi-
nary circumstances before a thin section can be cut the tissue requires
to be hardened. The best method adopted for this purpose is that of
soaking for some time (from one to four weeks) in weak solution of
chromic acid. Many observers have used alcohol, and other media
have been recommended. The tissue when properly hardened is
removed to the section cutter, but before thin Sections can be satis-
factorily obtained, it is usually necessary to “bed ”the hardened tissue
in some medium that can be melted at a comparatively low temperature
but which becomes hard on cooling. Many bedding preparations have
been suggested. A mixture of wax and oil has been used. Dr. Ruther-
ford recommends a medium made of five parts of solid paraffine, which
may be obtained in the form of paraffine candles, and one part of hog's
The piece of tissue to be bedded may be freed from adhering
moisture by blotting-paper, and then fixed with the aid of a pin in the
centre of a small paper Cup, Corresponding in size to the opening of the
section cutter. The paraffine, or wax and oil, having been carefully
melted in a water-bath, is to be poured out and allowed to cool, when
the paper may be torn away and the mass with the embedded tissue
removed to the section cutter. For very delicate tissues Stricker recom-
mends a strong Solution of gum which may be hardened in alcohol after
the tissue, also hardened in the same medium, has been immersed in it.
The hardened gum with the contained tissue is then to be bedded in
paraffine in the manner already described.
Microtome.—The original form of the microtome or section cutter in
long use, for making sections of wood and other vegetable tissues has
been described in former editions of this work. But many improve-
ments have been recently made in this instrument. Stirling's improved
section cutter has been further improved by others. Dr. Rutherford
has added an indicator, by which the thickness of the section can be
estimated, as well as an arrangement for freezing tissues which are being
operated upon. This instrument has been made by Mr. Hawksley, and
latterly by Mr. Baker. Further improvements have been introduced
as regards the table, some observers preferring steel to the ordinary
smooth surface of brass, while Mr. Needham has had a microtome made
with a plate glass surface. As regards the form of knife, an ordinary
razor has been recommended. Dr. Mathews has improved the knife by
having the shoulder ground down flush with the rest of the blade. It is,
I think, better to have the knife or razor separate, and not to move on a
hinge joint fixed to the table of the section cutter. -
For researches on the structure of the brain and spinal cord, these
section cutters are invaluable, and by the aid of sections cut by them most
important facts connected with the course and distribution of nerve-
fibres will unquestionably be determined. I am surprised that the
course of individual nerve-fibres, has not been followed, say through a
single convolution of the brain, or in a portion of the spinal cord, for it
is certainly possible to do so at this time. From a well-hardened piece
of brain or cord, numerous sections might be removed one after the
other, and each one carefully mounted in the same position, and in the
same manner. By examining these one after the other, it would be
possible to trace many fibres in their course through a piece of nervous
matter, as much as half-an-inch in thickness. With the aid of careful
sketches it would be even possible from the facts learnt by examining
the individual sections to give an accurate representation of the course
taken by the fibres.
Aireezing Zissues prior to cutting thin Sections.—The plan of freezing
tissues for obtaining very thin sections is an excellent one and hence-
forth will no doubt be very extensively employed. Dr. Pritchard has
recently suggested a most convenient plan for freezing tissues and
cutting very thin sections when congelation is complete. By this process
thin sections of perfectly fresh tissues may be readily obtained. Dr. Prit-
chard's instrument consists of two parts—(1) a metallic cylinder fitted
with a wooden handle; (2) a cap of thick felt.
(1) The metallic cylinder, which is solid throughout, should be
made of copper on account of its conductivity, but gun metal, or even
brass, will answer the purpose sufficiently well. Its exact size or shape
is not of very much consequence, so that it is large enough and con-
venient to handle. The following dimensions are recommended :
diameter of metal cylinder I; inch, length I# inch ; the diameter of
the end of the wooden handle should also be Iš inch ; the plug end
should taper gradually, and the hole in the metal be a deep one, so that
the plug may be pushed further in when the metal contracts on cooling.
Both the wooden and metallic ends are made flat, so that the instrument
can stand on either extremity; on the metal surface are a series of half
a dozen concentric shallow grooves.
(2) Is simply a cap of thick felt, such as is used for boilers being
preferable, made so as to fit somewhat loosely over the machine (1).
Mode of using the machine.—Plunge (1) with metallic face down-
wards into a mixture of finely pounded ice and salt; after remaining
therein for three or four minutes, take it out and wipe with a clean cloth.
The instrument has now been cooled down far below the freezing
point, and on placing upon the metal plate a piece of soft tissue,
this immediately freezes to the machine. The cap (2) must now be
placed over the metal, but not allowed to touch the tissue, which
will then freeze throughout in a very short space of time, varying
according to the size of the tissue, from a few seconds to one or two
minutes. Now reverse the cap so as to leave the metallic top free, and,
holding the whole in the left hand, cut the sections with the right by
means of a sharp razor which has been kept cool in ice and water.
Occasionally, the tissue may slip on the metal; when this is the case,
remove the preparation, moisten it with gum-water, and replace it, when
it will be found to adhere with much greater firmness. This slipping,
however, very rarely occurs with perfectly fresh tissues, the grooves on
the metallic surface tending to prevent it. The tissue will remain frozen
quite long enough to make several score of sections, but should a thaw-
ing action set in, it may be covered with thin gutta-percha, and the
machine again plunged into the ice and salt.
The cooling may also be effected by allowing a jet of condensed
gas to play upon the metal for a few seconds. The nitrous oxide now
so largely used by dentists, is sold in iron bottles provided with a
stopcock, and is very convenient. A small jet has to be adapted, and
then the whole is ready for use.
The advantages of Dr. Pritchard’s little instrument are, first of all, its
simplicity; and, secondly, the rapidity with which tissues may be frozen
by its means. To illustrate the quickness of its action, it is only necessary
to drop a little water on the cooled metal to convert it immediately into
ice. The apparatus may be made by any instrument maker or metal
turner for a few shillings, or it may be obtained of Mr. Baker, of Hol-
born, and Mr. Swift, of University Street, and other instrument makers.
Another efficient arrangement is obtained by fixing the old brass
microtome represented in pl. XXV, fig. 6, p. 92, in the centre of a small
thick wooden tub, so that the screw can be worked from below. The
tub is filled with ice and salt, and the brass plate will be sufficiently cold
in a few minutes to freeze Small portions of tissue placed upon it.
Lastly, the freezing section cutter has been further improved by Mr.
Williams, whose apparatus is represented in pl. XXV, fig. 7, p. 92, and is
to be obtained of Mr. Swift.
148. Cutting Sections and handling Bodies under the RIicroscope.—
With practice the observer may carry on a dissection under the micro-
scope. It is not difficult to work under an inch, and under a half inch
it is possible to dissect with the aid of a fine knife or very sharp needles.
The erector, p. 7, must be employed, or the observer must learn to
work although everything appears reversed. Various instruments have
been proposed to aid the observer in dissecting or removing specimens
which are highly magnlfied.
An instrument for making sections on the stage of the microscope—
V. Hensen, who has made some beautiful observations on the organ of
hearing of crustacea, has designed an ingenious instrument for making
thin sections of tissues while in the field of the microscope. (“Schultze’s
Archiv.,” April, 1866, vol. II, p. 46.) Under a power of fifty diameters
an extremely thin section of textures of a certain hardness may be made
with facility. This instrument, which I have not yet seen, is made by
Beckmann, of Kiel, and costs seven thalers, or about a guinea. -
Mechanical ſinger.—Professor Smith has made an instrument which
he terms a mechanical finger, of some value for some kinds of micro-
scopical work (“Silliman's Journal,” No. 123). By an arrangement of
springs and levers a small bristle can be caused to move or take up any
minute object while it is being examined under the object-glass. An
object may be selected, raised from the slide, and held while a clean
slide is placed in position to receive it. This instrument has been made
by Mr. Baker, of Holborn. Dr. Maddox has suggested a slight modi-
fication, by which the instrument is somewhat improved and simplified.
Although the mechanical finger may be of value in special investigations,
the general observer will not require it, and the thorough student will
probably acquire such dexterity in handling specimens while they are
in the field of the microscope that he will not feel the want of any
mechanical apparatus.
149. Dissecting Tissues under the Microscope with the aid of the
compressorium.–In many cases the observer may desire to dissect
an extremely delicate structure under the microscope, for in this way
much information can often be acquired with reference to the exact
relation existing between the structural elements of the tissue. This
object may be gained by means of a little instrument termed a compres-
sorium, which consists simply of a convenient arrangement by which
pressure can be applied to an object while under examination, pl. XXV,
figs. 3, 4, p. 92. This pressure being applied gradually, the texture be-
comes frayed out as it were, and particular structures can often be
teazed out from a tissue, and demonstrated more distinctly than by
any other method.
The structure of the compressorium is very simple. Many different
forms have been recommended, one of the simplest consisting of a thick
brass plate with a hole in the centre to admit the light. On one side of
this is the fulcrum of a lever, the short end of which acts upon a circular
ring carrying the thin glass to cover the preparation, while to the longer
arm is attached a screw, which by being turned causes the thin glass to
be pressed tightly upon the object placed upon a piece of plate glass
fitted into the hole in the plate of the compressorium. A more perfect
form of instrument has been arranged by Mr. Highley. It is repre-
sented in pl. XXV, fig. 4. The plate glass is, as was just stated, usually
fixed in the hole in the brass plate, but it is more convenient to have a
ledge attached to one side, so that an ordinary plate-glass slide may rest
upon it. With such an arrangement, the tissue to be examined can be
placed as may be thought desirable, upon any part of the glass before it
is removed to the compressorium. A very convenient form of compres-
sorium is recommended by M. Quatrefages, in which it is possible to
examine the object upon either side. The compressorium has also
been modified by Mr. Ross so that the object may be placed between
two pieces of thin glass, and either side of it subjected to examination
under very high powers. Mr. Beck, I think, improved upon the plan
adopted by Mr. Ross. -
Messrs. Powell and Lealand have made for me upon this plan an
excellent compressorium that may be used with very thin glass, and is
so constructed that both sides of the object may be examined. By the
aid of this instrument I have been able to gradually fray out tissues by
increasing the pressure from day to day and thus follow out the most
delicate ramifications of nerve fibres amongst the elements of the tissue.
150. Cutting Sections of Tissues which have been previously dried.
—There are, however, many tissues of which sections cannot be ob-
tained in this simple manner. It is almost impossible to cut sections
of soft membranous textures perpendicular to the surface, sufficiently
thin for examination. In such cases, we may pin out the texture upon a
board when perfectly fresh, and expose it to the atmosphere, or over sul-
phuric acid under a bell jar, pl. XXIV, fig. 5, p. 88, until it is quite dry.
Thin sections may then be cut very easily, and upon being moistened
with water they will resume their recent appearance. The very delicate
nervous tissue of the retina may be cut into very thin sections by drying
the eye after it has been cut open, and pinned out flat on a board.
The vitreous humour is not to be entirely removed, as it protects the
retina and dries up with it. Very thin sections of the skin of various
animals, certain vegetable tissues, and of many other textures may be
obtained by this process. This method of cutting thin sections has
however given place to the process of freezing and cutting with the
microtome, p. 94.
151. Hardening the Tissue.—Some textures require different treatment
in order to render them sufficiently hard to enable us to cut thin sections.
Boiling in water is sometimes useful for this purpose. Some tissues
may be hardened by being soaked in alcohol, or chromic acid, or in
Müller's fluid (sulphate of Soda I part, bichromate of potash 2, water
Ioo). Not a few require special modes of treatment, which are ap-
plicable to them alone. See part VI, where the use of various solutions
for hardening and their composition is described.
Cutting thin Sections of Hard Tissues.
152, of Making Thin sections of Dry Bone,—For obtaining thin
98 How To work witH THE MICROSCOPE,
sections of bone, a totally different process is requisite. In the first
place, a section as thin as possible is removed from the bone with the
aid of a thin sharp saw, pl. XXV, fig. 8, p. 92. This may be made
somewhat thinner by a file, and afterwards ground down to the required
degree of tenuity upon a hone. The best stones for this purpose are
the Arkansas oil stones or the Turkey stones which have been ground
perfectly flat. The section may be kept in contact with the stone by
the pressure of the thumb or finger, or with a piece of cork, by which
the skin of the finger may be saved, or lastly, it may be rubbed between
two hones, one of which is much, smaller than the other.
The section is to be ground down with the aid of a little water, and
when sufficiently thin it may be subjected to examination in the micro-
scope. It will, however, be found, that the beauty of the tissue is com-
pletely obscured, owing to the number of scratches upon its surface.
These may be removed by rubbing the section first upon a very smooth
dry hone, and afterwards upon a piece of plate glass. After the piece
of bone has been properly polished, no lines will be seen upon it, when
it is examined in the microscope. *
153. Teeth.-Sections of dry teeth cannot be advantageously pre-
pared in the manner just described, owing to the very brittle nature of
the enamel. The better way is to grind the tooth down with the aid of
a dentist's lathe until a section sufficiently thin be obtained.
Sections of fresh bone and teeth may be prepared moist so as to
show many very important points in their structure and mode of
growth, according to the plan described in part VI. After they have
been soaked for some time in glycerine and acetic acid (Io drops to
the ounce), very thin shavings even of enamel may be obtained with a
strong sharp knife. The calcareous matter may be dissolved out from
specimens by hydrochloric acid diluted with water or glycerine (1 part
to from 3 to Io parts), and sections of the decalcified matrix easily cut
with a sharp knife.
154. sections of shells of many of the lower animals, and the hard
shells and stones of fruit may be made in the manner above described
by grinding on a hone, but very hard textures, such as fossil wood, must
be obtained of the lapidary. See also “Of examining minerals and
fossils,” in part III.
155. Horn and Hair.—Thin sections of horn and textures of this
description may be cut without difficulty with a sharp strong knife,
pl. XIX, fig. 4, p. 52.
Afair.—There are many ways of obtaining thin transverse sections
of hair. A number of hairs may be united together with a little gum
or glue, so as to form, when dry, a firm hard mass. Thin sections of
this can be readily made, with a sharp knife, and in any direction, trans-
verse, oblique, or longitudinal, and the individual pieces may be
separated from each other, by the application of a drop of water.
These may be mounted in fluid, or dried and preserved in glycerine, or
Canada balsam, $ 143. Another method is this:—The hairs are to be
placed between two pieces of cardboard, or between two flat pieces of
cork, and when tightly pressed in a vice, thin sections of the hair, in-
cluding the cardboard and cork, can be obtained with a sharp knife.
For cutting thin transverse sections of hair, my friend, the late Professor
Weber, of Leipzig, adopted a very simple expedient. He used to advise
that the beard should be shorn very closely, and then after a few hours
shorn again. In this way excessively thin sections of hair in great
numbers may be obtained without difficulty. After being removed from
the lather, they are to be well washed in distilled water and dried at
the ordinary temperature. The razor should be well sharpened.
156. On Cutting Sections of Wood and Textures of that Character.
—Thin sections of various woods and other textures of a certain degree
of firmness may be cut with the aid of the simple microtome, which is
represented in pl. XXV, fig. 6, p. 92. After having been allowed to
soak for some time in water, the wood is placed in the hole, and kept in
its position by the side screw. Upon turning the side screw the wood
is forced above the brass plate. A clean section is now made with a
sharp strong knife or razor. By turning the screw beneath, very slightly,
the wood is forced above the surface of the brass plate, and thus a
section of any required thickness may be obtained. * See also p. 94.
Before we can ascertain the nature of a deposit suspended in a fluid,
it is necessary to separate as much of it as possible, and to collect it
into a small space. Diffused as the deposit often is through a large
bulk of fluid, the observer would scarcely be surprised if he failed to
distinguish it, when a drop was placed under the microscope.
The ordinary method of separating deposits from fluids is by filtra-
tion. The arrangement of the funnel and the mode of folding the
paper, for filtering, are shown in pl. XXVI, figs. I and 9, p. Ioo.
Filtration, however, will not answer for microscopical purposes, when a
mere trace of deposit has to be collected from a large quantity of fluid.
Moreover, particles from the filtering paper often become mixed with
the deposit and thus the specimen may be spoilt by the presence of
extraneous matters. It will, therefore, be necessary to adopt some
other expedients.
157. Comical Glasses.—In Order to collect the deposit for micro-
scopical examination, the fluid containing it is placed in a conical glass,
the lower portion of which is narrow. It should not, however, terminate
in an actual point but rather in a slightly rounded extremit. After
H 2 : :
standing for some hours, the deposit falls to the narrow portion of the
glass, and may be removed with the pipette. A useful form of conical
glass is represented in pl. XXVI, fig. 3.
15s. The Pipette consists of a glass tube, about ten inches in
length, the upper extremity being slightly enlarged, so that the finger
may be conveniently applied to it, and the lower orifice contracted, so
as to be about one-tenth of an inch in diameter. It is convenient to
have a ridge around the glass tube, about three inches from its upper
extremity. This enables one to hold the tube firmly between the thumb
and middle finger, pl. XXVI, fig. 2.
159. Removing the Deposit with the Pipette.—The removal of
the deposit is easily effected. The pipette is held by the middle finger
and thumb, while the index finger is firmly applied to its upper extremity.
The point is next plunged beneath the surface of the fluid and carried
down to the deposit, a portion of which will rush up the tube if the
pressure of the finger upon the upper extremity be slightly relaxed. The
deposit having entered the tube, the pressure is re-applied, and the
deposit contained in the pipette can be removed from the bulk of the
fluid, pl. XXVI, fig. 3.
I60. On Separating the Coarse from the Finer Particles of a
Deposit.—Many deposits, by being diffused through a large quantity of
water, may be separated into several portions according to their density.
The fluid, with substances suspended in it, is well stirred, and, after
being allowed to stand for a very short time, all but the deposit is
poured off into another vessel. In this the fluid is again allowed to stand
for a short time, and again poured off. This process may be repeated
several times. In the first glass, only the coarser particles will be found;
in the second, slightly finer particles; in the third, still finer ones, and
so on ; a longer period being allowed for the subsidence in each succes-
sive case. The coarse particles may also often be separated from finer
ones by straining the deposit through muslin.
Various preservative solutions, which I have already described, are
applicable for preserving deposits from fluids. Many sedimentary
matters may be mounted in Canada balsam.
161. separation of Deposit when very small in Quantity.—Where
the deposit is exceedingly small in quantity, and diffused through a great
bulk of fluid, a slight modification of the above plan must be resorted
to. The pipette, containing as much of the deposit as can be obtained,
is removed from the glass vessel containing the bulk of the fluid. Its
contents are prevented from escaping by the application of the finger to
its lower orifice. The upper extremity is then closed with a small cork.
l]pon now removing the finger from the lower orifice, of course no fluid
will escape. The pipette is allowed to stand with its mouth downwards
uţº. $he glass slide, in which position it may be permitted to remain
e &
º cº *
Small retort stand, with funnel
and beaker arranged for filtering.
p. 99. |
Pipettes made of glass
tubing. p. 100.
To illustrate the manner in which the thin &lass is allowed to fall gradually upon
an object mounted in fluid. p. 82.
Mode of collecting deposit upon a
glass slide from fluid contained
in a pipette. p. 101.
Corked tubes for containing
prepared tissues, &c., p. 101 .
Fig. 3.
To illustrate the mode of using the pipette
p. 100.
*==- —
Shows the manner in which a very small
quantity of deposit may be obtained from
a fluid by placing it in a test tube and
inverting it over the glass slide. It is kept
in position by an india-rubber band,
p. 101.
Mode of folding filtering paper,
[Tc face page 100.

some hours, either being suspended with a string or allowed to lean
against some upright object. It is obvious that under these circum-
stances the most minute deposit contained in the fluid will at length
gravitate to its lower part, and be received upon the slide, without the
escape of much of the fluid. Or the sediment, having been allowed to
subside in a conical glass, may be poured into a very narrow test tube.
Upon a glass slide being applied to the open end, the tube may be
inverted, and the deposit will gradually collect upon the slide. The
arrangement will be understood by reference to fig. 6, pl. XXVI, p. Ioo.
According to either of the above methods any insoluble substances
diffused through fluids can be easily collected for the purposes of the
microscopist. Shells of the diatomaceae may be collected for micro-
scopical examination by being diffused through a considerable quantity
of water, and after subsidence, separated in the manner above de-
162. Examination of the Deposit.—The deposit removed by the
pipette may be transferred to the thin glass, tinfoil, or Brunswick black
cells, $$ II 5 to I 18, and submitted to examination in the microscope.
The animalcule cage, p. 76, will also be found very convenient for the
examination of deposits from fluids, and it serves the purpose of a
compressorium when a very great amount of pressure is not required.
It is important that the shoulder of the animalcule cage upon which the
cover fits should be at least as wide as the one figured in pl. XXII, fig. 7,
p. 78, otherwise when the glasses are not cleaned immediately after use,
solutions which have been examined are apt to dry and thus the removal
of the cover without fracture of the glass is very difficult.
163. wash-bottle.—In many operations, especially in washing de-
posits previous to microscopical examination and in filtration, the wash-
bottle used by chemists is of great use, as by it a stream of water of
any required degree of force can be easily directed to any particular
point, either for the purpose of washing away foreign particles, or for
removing part of the deposit itself. The wash-bottle is also of great use
in preparing sections of soft tissues for observation. It is made by
inserting a cork into an ordinary half-pint bottle. Through the Cork
pass two tubes, bent at the proper angle. The longest terminates in a
contracted orifice, while its other extremity reaches down to the bottom
of the bottle. The shorter tube reaches only to the lower part of the
cork, pl. XXVI, fig. 5. By blowing through the shorter tube, air is made
to press upon the surface of the water, which is thus driven up the
longer tube and may be projected upon any point desired.
The observer must have a stock of small tubes, about two inches in
length and a quarter of an inch in diameter, like those used by homoeo-
paths for the preservation of their globules, fig. 8, pl. XXVI, and several
small watch glasses of different sizes.
I O2
The arrangement of the minute vessels or capillaries distributed to
the various textures of man and animals is not to be demonstrated in all
instances without special preparation, in consequence of the transparency
of the walls of the tubes. Indeed, in an ordinary examination of many
a tissue in the microscope, one often fails to detect the least trace of any
structure, although it may be almost entirely composed of distinct fibres
and vessels. Some even yet maintain the opinion, that the capillaries
are to be looked upon in the light of mere channels in the interstices of
the tissues, rather than as tubes, with their own proper walls. But if
this view were correct we should not meet with the perfectly circular
outline which the section of a capillary vessel that has been properly
injected invariably presents; nor should we be able to obtain capillaries
Completely isolated from other tissues, as we may sometimes succeed in
164, of Natural and Artificial Injections.—Sometimes the Capillary
vessels remain turgid with blood after the death of the animal, and a
natural injection results, Natural injections, however, are accidental
and cannot be obtained with any certainty in the case of every texture.
In order, therefore, to investigate the arrangement of minute transparent
vessels of any kind, it is necessary to colour them or to resort to the
process of artificia/ injection, by which a certain quantity of coloured
material may be forced into them. In some cases by simply making
a hole in the tissue and inserting the point of the syringe, the injection may
be forced at once into the minute vessels, but in the case of the tissues
of man and the higher animals, we can fix the pipe of the syringe into a
large vessel from which the injection will pass to smaller ones. From
a large arterial trunk, the injection will often immediately penetrate
to the smallest vessels and sometimes even return by the veins.
The injecting material employed may be opaque or transparent,
coloured or colourless. In the first case the injected preparations can
only be examined by reflected light as an opaque object, p. 22, while trans-
parent injections may be subjected to examination by transmitted light,
p. 23, as well as by reflected light. Examples of opaque and transparent
injections in which different substances have been employed as colouring
matters, can be purchased at all the microscope makers. See list at the
end of the volume. Every student is, however, strongly recommended
to learn to make injected preparations for himself.
165. Instruments required for Making Injections.—The different
instruments required for making artificial injections are the following:—
An injecting syringe, of about the capacity of one ounce or even half
an ounce, pl. XXVII, figs, 4, 5. The piston of the injecting syringe
should be covered with two pieces of leather, which may be very easily
removed and replaced, fig. I. The first piece, a, is applied and screwed
down with a brass button, b. The piston is then passed down the tube
and forced out at the lower opening. The second piece of leather, c, is
then put on, and fixed in its place by another button, e. In the syringes
now made for me by Mr. Matthews, the piston consists entirely of metal.
I have found syringes of this description work perfectly for twenty
years. The necessity for re-leathering is obviated, but they are rather
Mr. Robertson of Oxford has lately added a second collar, fig. 5,
pl. XXVII, p. Ioa, to the injecting syringe, so that the two first fingers
can firmly hold the syringe while the piston is raised and depressed with
the thumb. By this little alteration the syringe can be filled and en-
tirely worked with the right hand, while the left is quite free to hold the
pipe in the right position.
Alpes, of different sizes, to insert into the vessels, figs. Io, I I, pl.
XXVII. The tubes of the smaller pipes should be made of silver.
Corés, of the form represented in fig. 3, for the purpose of plugging
pipes while the syringe is being filled with injecting fluid. A stopcock,
fig. 9, is also useful for the same purpose.
Aorceſs, of the form shown in fig. 2, which are known to surgical
instrument makers as bull’s nose forcefs, for stopping up any vessels
through which the injection may escape accidentally.
A Weedle, of the form of the aneurism needle used by surgeons, for
passing the thread round the vessel to tie it to the pipe which is in-
serted into it, fig, 12. This needle may be made of an ordinary darning
needle which has been carefully bent round after having been heated
in the flame of a lamp. The thread which is used should be strong but
not too thin, as there would be danger of its cutting through the coats
of the vessel.
166. Injection Cans.—Size or gelatine is used as the material in
which the opaque colouring matter is suspended. It must be melted in
a water-bath and strained immediately before use. The copper injecting
can forms a very convenient apparatus in which to melt the gelatine.
There are five cans in the bath, represented in fig. 6, pl. XXVII, so
that injection may be very conveniently transferred from one into the
other, while all may be kept warm over an ordinary lamp.
167. Methods of obtaining the Pressure required for Successful In-
jection.—The requisite amount of pressure for forcing the injection into
the finest capillaries may be obtained by several different methods. The
old plan was to use the thumb to press down the piston of the syringe,
but of late years instruments have been devised by which a very even
and constant pressure may be obtained, and which can be graduated
as the operator may desire.
I. A long glass tube is prepared to contain the injecting fluid, and
arranged so that it may be kept perpendicular. To the lower end is
attached a piece of 3-inch India-rubber tube furnished with a stopcock
which fits into the injecting pipe. The pressure of the column of fluid
in the tube, which should be three or four feet high, is sufficient to cause
the injecting fluid to enter the capillary vessels. Pl. XXVII, fig. 7.
2. The injecting fluid is placed in a vessel three or four feet above
the table, and a syphon tube which may be entirely composed of India-
rubber or partly of glass is immersed in it.
3. A glass vessel may be arranged upon the principle of the wash-
bottle, p. IoI, pl. XXVII, fig. 7, pressure upon the surface of the liquid
being produced by the aid of an India-rubber bottle compressed by a
weight or spring, or by pouring mercury into the tube which reaches
nearly to the bottom of the flask. The other tube must of course also
dip below the surface of the injecting fluid while to its upper free end a
piece of India-rubber tubing provided with a stopcock at its extremity,
must be adapted.
4. The pressure may be applied to the surface of the fluid by dis-
tending with air an India-rubber bottle. g
5. Various ingenious arrangements have been devised in which a
column of mercury supplies the pressure required to force the fluid
through the capillaries. The mercury is made to compress the air in
one bottle which is connected with others containing the injection
by glass tubes. In this way several injections may be made at the same
time. Any means by which air may be made to exert graduated
pressure on the surface of fluid may be employed for injection. Con-
densed air or gas may be used for the purpose, a good stopcock being
provided for governing the emission. Each vessel containing injection
has a piece of India-rubber tube proceeding from it, and is provided with
a stopcock to fit into the pipe.
Other very ingenious arrangements have also been suggested, but
after having tried many different methods of proceeding, I find that
upon the whole, the ordinary injecting syringe is the most successful as
well as the cheapest, the most convenient, and the most simple instru-
ment, and it is very easily kept in good order. It need scarcely be
Said that by no mechanical means can such varieties of pressure be ob-
tained as by the aid of the muscles of the fingers and thumb, while the
pressure can be instantly modified or removed at the pleasure of the
Operator. -
The operation of injecting is described in page II.4.
Of Opaque Injections.
Although by the old system of making opaque injections there is no
Bull's nose forceps for closing an open
- - vessel to prevent the escape of the
Shows the manner in which the injection. p. 103.
piston of the injecting syringe
is made air-tight. a c, pieces of
leather. p. 87. Corks for stopping the pipes
Fi 4. while the injecting syringe
g. 4. is being refilled. p. 103.
Fig. 7.
. 102.
Improved srmall injecting syringe as suggested by Mr. Robertson. p. 103.
Apparatus for performing the opera
tion of injecting by the pressure of
the injecting fluid. p. 104.
- - ------~~ *=-- ~~~~
Can for heating size. lt may also be used as a water-bath for Fig. 9. Fig. l(). Fig. ll.
drying objects, or for conducting evaporation, p. 103. * ~ *
Flg. 8.
- - - - - - - -º-º-º: Stop cock and injecting pipe Injecting pipe with
Performing the operation of injecting, p. 98. which fit on to the syringe. orifice inear polnt
p. 102. pp. 102, 109.
e e
- Q @
- - - - - - -------- - - ------------- *ººm º e º º
Needle for passing thread round a vessel, the cut end of which is to be tied on an
injecting pipe. p. 103.
[To face page 104.

chance of making out new points in the structure of tissues and organs,
and the process is now seldom adopted, I shall give directions for
making these injections, in case some of my readers may desire to
prepare specimens. To make a perfect vermilion injection undoubtedly
requires a degree of skill which any one may be proud to possess, but
it is quite certain that little which has not been already demonstrated
long ago will be discovered by the process.
16s. The size should be of such a strength as to form a tolerably
firm jelly on cooling. If gelatine is employed it must be soaked for
Some hours in cold water before it is warmed. About an ounce of
gelatine to a pint of water will be sufficiently strong, but in very hot
weather it is necessary to add a little more gelatine. It must be soaked
in part of the cold water until it swells up and becomes soft, when the
rest of the water, made hot, is to be added. Good gelatine for injecting
purposes may be obtained for two shillings a pound.
169. Colouring Matters.-The colouring matters usually employed
in making opaque injections are the following:— Vermilion, Chromafe
of Zead, and White Zead. Of these, vermilion affords the most beau-
tiful preparations, but chromate of lead properly prepared is much
cheaper, and it may be obtained in a state of more minute division.
White lead forms a good colouring matter, but its density, and its
tendency to become brown and black when exposed to the action of
Sulphuretted hydrogen, formed in the decomposition of the tissues, are
objections to its use.
170. Vermilion of Sufficiently good quality can be purchased of
artists’ colourmen for six or eight shillings a pound. If upon micro-
scopical examination a number of very coarse particles be found in the
vermilion, it will be necessary to separate these by washing in water in
the manner described in § 16o.
171. The chromate of Lead is prepared fresh as required, by mixing
cold saturated solutions of acetate of lead and bichromate of potash.
The yellow precipitate is allowed to settle, and after the clear solution
of acetate of potash resulting from the decomposition has been poured
off, the yellow sediment is shaken up with warm water, again permitted
to settle and mixed with warm strong size or gelatine. After being
strained through muslin the mixture may be injected into the vessels.
1:41.” The Carbonate of Lead or White Lead is also better if freshly
prepared by mixing together Saturated Solutions of acetate of lead and
carbonate of soda. The precipitate is to be treated as the former
one and mixed with size.
In preparing opaque injections, the observer should bear in mind
that the colouring matter should be well mixed with the size, otherwise
the vessels will not be uniformly filled, and it is better to employ a small
syringe rather than a large one, as there is not so much chance of the
colouring matter separating from the size before the mixture is forced
into the vessels. In all cases the mixture may be made in a mortar,
poured into one of the injection cans, fig. 6 a, pl. XXVII, and strained
into another through muslim just before it is injected into the vessels of the
172. Size of the Particles of the Colouring Matter used.—The
size of the particles of the different substances employed in making
opaque injections is represented in pl. XXVIII, and if the different
figures be compared with one another, it will be observed that those
Colouring matters which have been recently prepared are in a much
more minute state of division than those which have been kept for some
time. The appearances represented were obtained by examination with
a power of 215 diameters.
Opaque injections are represented in pl. XXIX, figs. 1, 2, p. Io9.
173. Of Injecting HBifferent Systems of Wessels with Different
opaque Injections.—It is often desirable to inject different systems of
vessels distributed to an organ with different colours, in order to ascer-
tain the arrangement of each set of vessels and their exact relation to
one another. A portion of the gall-bladder in which the veins have
been injected with white lead, and the arteries with vermilion, forms a
beautiful preparation. Each artery, even to its smallest ramifications,
is seen to be accompanied by two small veins, one lying on either side of
it. A beautiful injection of the gall-bladder is represented in pl. XXIX,
fig, I.
In an injection of the liver, four sets of tubes may be injected with
the following different colouring matters:–The artery with Vermilion,
the portal vein with White Zead, the duct with Prussian Blue, and the
hepatic vein with Zake. Many opaque colouring matters besides those
above-mentioned may be employed for double injections.
Of 7%ansparent Injections.
- 174. Advantages of Transparent Injections.—Nearly thirty years
ago I abandoned the old plan of making injected preparations, in favour
of the method of using transparent injecting fluids which are miscible
with water in all proportions. Besides the matter for giving colour, I
added to these fluids solutions which exert a preservative action upon,
the tissue with which they come in contact, and in some instances sub-
stances which had the property of rendering certain elements of the
tissue more transparent or opaque were added. By this new plan of
injection most important advantages are gained. Not only are the
vessels injected with colouring matter, but—
1. The fluids in the vessels are at once altered and preserved by
§: 6 &”. 2 º' #|3: sº
#::::::: (9) Eſ (9) §: 23.9 § ºº::
b tºl *;...& º
Colouring matter used for injecting, showing the comparative size of the particles. a, precipitated chalk in a dry
state. b, chalk recently precipitated. c., whitening. d, Prussian blue, as purchased. , e, recently precipitated Prussian
blue. f. freshly precipitated carbonate of lead... g, dried carbonate of lead. h., freshly precipitated biniodide of
mercury. i. dried biniodide of mercury. k, indigo..., l, vermilion, as purchased. m., levigated vermilion. p. pure
carmine. n, dried chromate of lead. r, freshly precipitated chromate of lead (hot solutions of bichromate of potash
and acetate of lead), o, freshly precipitated chromate of lead (cold sulutions). q, lamp black. x 215, p. 106
Fig. 2.
Lymphatics injected with Prussian blue. From the portal canal. Liver. Ox. x 15, p. 118.
[To face page 306.

the injection and decomposition, and changes in these as well as in the
tissues are completely prevented.
2. Certain tissues are rendered more distinct than in the natural
3. Every structural element of the tissue can be demonstrated as
well as the vessels.
4. Tissues prepared by this process can be subjected to examination,
by powers magnifying more than 3,000 diameters. See part VI.
5. All tissues thus prepared may be mounted in aqueous preservative
solutions, and the most delicate structures retained in their integrity.
6. By this process of injection alone can the alteration of the most
delicate tissues, which occurs very soon after death, be prevented.
Transparent injections are represented in pl. XXX. Figs. 1, 2,
and 3 show the vessels well distended with injection. The structure of
the coats of the small artery, fig. 2, is well seen—indeed, the individual
muscular fibre-cells are quite distinct. In fig. 3 the capillaries are dis-
tended with transparent injection, and every one of the bioplasts in the
walls of the little vein and capillary vessels is clearly demonstrated.
It will be seen that this new process of injecting is based upon several
important principles, which will be more fully enunciated in part VI.
Of late years carmine fluid has been much used for transparent
injections, especially in Germany; but although many of the specimens
thus prepared are very beautiful, the process adopted is open to objec-
tion. The specimens are mounted in balsam, and thus the structure of
the tissues external to the vessels is not to be clearly discerned. More-
over, the vessels with the contained injection have become much
reduced in diameter in consequence of being hardened or dried, and
generally, the appearances seen cannot be regarded as natural. It is
almost certain that all that can be learnt by Such modes of preparation,
has been already learnt. If the investigation is to be carried further, it
is necessary that the tissue be prevented from undergoing post-mortem
change, and that it be preserved in some viscid aqueous fluid, which will
support the delicate structural elements. The only mode of preparation
by which injected textures can be subjected to examination by the
highest powers, and which permits of all the several structures entering
into their composition being displayed in the same specimen, is that
which I am advocating in conjunction with the staining process, and
which is fully described in part VI.
In order to inject the vessels for investigation by transmitted light
several different substances may be employed as injecting fluids; but if
it is desired to study the tissues as well as the arrangement of the vessels,
the points just adverted to must be borne in mind, and the particular
plan recommended in part VI will be found advantageous.
175. Injection with Plain Size and with Size and Glycerine.—A
tissue which has been injected with plain size, when cold is of a good
consistence, so that thin sections may be easily made with a sharp knife.
Many important facts may be learnt from a specimen prepared in this
manner which would not be detected by other modes of preparation.
A mixture of equal parts of gelatine and glycerine is, however, much to
be preferred, and the specimen thus prepared is sure to keep well.
Very thin sections of spongy tissues like the lung may be most success-
fully made after injection with strong gelatine or gelatine and glycerine.
176. Colouring Matters for Transparent Injections.—The chief
Colouring matters used for making transparent injections are carmine
and Prussian blue. The former may be prepared by adding a little
solution of ammonia (liquor ammoniae) to the carmine, and diluting
the mixture until the proper colour is obtained, or it may be diluted with
size. The latter by adding an acidulated persalt of iron to a solution of
ferrocyanide of potassium. The first solution will be alkaline and the
last acid. -
177. Advantages of Employing Prussian IBIue.—In order to inject
satisfactorily the most minute vessels of a tissue, and at the same time
to demonstrate their relation to adjacent structures, we must be pro-
vided with an injecting medium which possesses the following pro-
perties:–The fluid must be of such a consistence that it will run
readily through the smallest vessels. It must contain a certain amount
of colouring matter to render the arrangement of the vessels distinct,
but must be sufficiently transparent to admit of the examination of the
specimen by transmitted light. The colouring matter must not be
soluble like the ammoniacal solution of carmine above referred to, for in
that case it would permeate the walls of the vessels and colour the
tissues indiscriminately, and would thus prevent the vessels from being
distinguished from other textures. Though insoluble, the particles of
which the colouring matter is composed should be so minute as not to
exhibit distinct granules when examined with the highest powers, for if
that were so, the specimen would have a confused appearance. The
fluid in which the colouring matter is suspended, must be capable of
permeating the walls of the vessels with tolerable facility. It must
possess a certain refractive power, and a density approaching to that of
the fluid by which the tissues are bathed in their natural condition.
Its composition ought to be such that it may be employed without the
application of heat.
The injecting fluid must not escape too readily from the numerous
open vessels necessarily exposed in cutting a thin section of the tissue
for examination, and particles accidentally escaping ought not to adhere
intimately to the surface of the section, for if they did so, the specimen
would be rendered confused and indistinct, especially if submitted to
examination under high magnifying powers. The fluid employed ought
Capillaries of the liver injected with chromate
of lead. (Rainey). p. 100.
Wessels of all bladder. A double injection of arteries
and veins, p. 1
To illustrate the mode of injecting a piece of
intestine. pp. 115–155.
capinaries injected with Prussian blue ama.
From the kidney. p. 121.
- ſ
- º --- º
Capillaries of ºrey matter. Brain of Guinea pig. In- Capillaries, Grey matter. Brain of Guinea pig. In-
sected with size and carmine. German preparation. jected with the Prussian blue fluid, and preserved in
mounted in Canada balsam. No nuclei to be seen on glycerine. The nuclei of the capillaries seers distinctly.
the vessels. The injection in the vessels much con- as well as the nerve cells of the grey matter - At a a
tracted. No nerve cells to be seen in the intervals. small artery with the nuclei of its muscular jib -lº.
x 215. p. 121. *...* :P:1 l.
-- -
To face page ºs.

to have preservative properties, or at least should not in any way inter-
fere with the preservation of the specimen. The injecting fluid ought
not to undergo any alteration by being kept for Some time, and it should
be cheap and capable of being readily prepared.
Zhe Prussian blue fluid, which consists of an insoluble precipitate, so
minutely divided that it appears like a solution to the eye, fulfils all
these requirements. The particles of freshly prepared Prussian blue are
very much smaller than those of any of the colouring matters employed
for making opaque injections. For nearly thirty years I have employed
Prussian blue as the injecting fluid, and according to my experience it
possesses advantages over every other colouring matter. It is inexpen-
sive. It may be injected cold. The preparation does not require to be
warmed. No size is necessary. The injection penetrates the capillaries
without the necessity of applying much force. It does not run out
when a very thin section of the tissue is made for examination, neither
do any particles which may escape from the larger vessels divided in
making the section, adhere to it and in this way render obscure the struc-
tural peculiarities of the various elements of the tissue. And lastly, the
most minute capillary vessels of a tissue or organ, or of a part of an
Organ, may be perfectly injected in the course of a few minutes.
Specimens prepared in this manner may be preserved in any of the
ordinary preservative solutions, or may be dried and mounted in Canada
balsam. I give the preference to glycerine, § Ioo, or glycerine jelly,
§ Ioé. The preparations may be subjected to examination with the
highest magnifying powers. After having tried very many methods of
making a blue injecting fluid, I have found that the two following
answer admirably. For very fine injections the mixture may be diluted
by adding three ounces of glycerine. See also part VI.
I would most earnestly recommend all who are fond of preparing in-
jected specimens to employ transparent injecting fluids, and to endeavour,
by trying various transparent colouring matters, to discover several which
may be employed for injecting different vessels of the same animal. I
feel sure that by the use of carefully prepared transparent injecting
fluids, many new points in the anatomy tissues will be made out.
17s. Prussian Blue Fluid.—Composition of the cheap ordinary
Prussian blue fluid for making transparent injections:–
Glycerine ... tº e tº & tº º tº tº º ... I Ollil Cé.
Spirits of Wine * * g. * - e. tº º º ... I Ollſ1Ce.
Ferrocyanide of Potassium ... e tº a ... I 2 grains.
Tincture or Solution of Perchloride of Iron* I drachm.
Water © º Q tº e G e e a tº 0 tº ... 4 OunceS.
* Tinctura Ferri Perchloridi and the Liquor Ferri Perchloridi of the British Phar-
macopoeia, of 1867, are of the same strength and consist of one part of the strong
Liquor Ferri Perchlor. to three parts, by measure, of spirit or water.
The ferrocyanide of potassium is to be dissolved in one ounce of
the water and glycerine, and the tincture of sesquichloride of iron added
to another ounce. These solutions should be mixed together very
gradually and well shaken in a bottle, the iron being added to the
solution of the ferrocyanide of potassium. When thoroughly mixed, the
solutions should produce a dark blue mixture, in which no precipitate or
ſocculi are observable by the unaided eye. Next, the spirit and the
water are to be added very gradually, the mixture being constantly
shaken in a large stoppered bottle. The tincture of perchloride of iron
is recommended because it can always be obtained of nearly uniform
strength in any part of the world. It is generally called the Muriated
Złucture of Zron, and may be purchased of the druggists. In cases in
which a very fine injection is to be made for examination with the
highest powers, half the quantity of iron and ferrocyanide of potassium
may be used.
It has been remarked that as the colour of Zurnbul/’s blue is brighter
and is not liable to fade, it is to be preferred to the Prussian blue. The
latter does not, however, lose its colour if a little free acid is present in
the fluid in which the preparation is preserved. I have many specimens
injected with Prussian blue, which have retained their colour perfectly
for nearly thirty years. One advantage of the Prussian blue over other
fluids is, that the ingredients required to make it are very cheap, and
can be readily obtained everywhere. Capillaries injected with the
Prussian blue fluid under different magnifying powers are represented in
pl. XXIX, figs. 3, 6, and pl. XXX. -
179. Turnbull’s Blue.—My friend, Mr. B. Wills Richardson, of
Dublin, has introduced Turnbull's blue in preference to ordinary Prussian
blue. Ten grains of pure Sulphate of Iron are to be dissolved in an
ounce of glycerine, or better, in a little distilled water and then mixed
with glycerine, and thirty-two grains of Ferridcyanide of Potassium in
another small proportion of water, and the solution mixed with glycerine.
These two solutions are then gradually mixed together in a bottle, the
iron solution being added to that of the ferridcyanide, and thorough
mixture ensured by frequent agitation. The other ingredients are added
as in the case of the Prussian blue fluid. This modification may be
adopted in all cases in which I have recommended the ordinary Prussian
blue. The proportions given in the text are, however, unnecessarily
large, and I find that the following makes a good fine injecting fluid —
Ferridcyanide of potassium ... ... Io grains.
Sulphate of iron tº tº º • * * . . . 5 × .
Water... e tº e ... ... ... I Oll ſlC6.
Glycerine ... tº e e e - e. . . . 2 Ollſ1CCS.
Alcohol © tº tº e i tº - - - ... I drachm.
Fig. 1.
Mylohyoid muscle of the hyla, showing very fine muscular fibres (not wider than
blood corpuscles), capillary vessels, and networks of fine dark-bordered nerve abres
× 130, and reduced to 65 diameters. p. 107.
Fig. 2.
A healthy artery from the kidney of a child, 3 years old, small vein and capinary vessels showing biºpºss .
showing muscular fibre cells and longitudinal nuclei of which are probably concerned in the absorps of ººº-
elastic fibres and epithelium within. x 215. p. 107. materials frºm the blood and from the tissues." ºa º
mater. Lamb. x 215 p. 107. - -
- -
rººm of an inch x 215.
[To face page 110.

1so. Carmine Injecting Fluid.—By the late Mr. Smee, Professor
Gerlach, and others, a solution of carmine in ammonia was successfully
used for making minute injections. The ammoniacal solution may be
diluted to the required tint and injected. This fluid is applicable to in-
jecting very delicate vessels, as those of the brain. If much force be
employed, the ammoniacal Solution transudes through the walls of the
vessels, and tinges all the neighbouring tissues indiscriminately.
The ammoniacal solution of Carmine is much improved, and its
tendency to transude diminished, if glycerine and a little alcohol be
Professor Gerlach was the first who used a carmine injecting fluid.
The beautiful carmine injections made in Germany are prepared with
Gerlach's fluid, or a slight modification of it. I take the receipt from
the excellent work of Dr. Frey (“Das Mikroskop") —
Carmine ... tº º º * * * ... 77 grains.
Water ... • e e tº e e ... 79 grains.
Liquor ammoniae º o º ... 8 drops.
The carmine is to be dissolved in the ammonia and water, and the
solution left for some days exposed to the air, and then mixed with pure
gelatine, made by dissolving a drachm and a half of good gelatine in a
drachm and three quarters of water. Iastly, a few drops of acetic acid
are added to the mixture, which is injected warm.
1s1. Acid Carmine Fluid.—After trying a great many different com-
binations in order to make a good acid Carmine injecting fluid, I found
the following answer the purpose exceedingly well:—
Carmine ... * * * * * * * * * ... 5 grains.
Glycerine, with eight or ten drops of I
º tº e # Ounce.
acetic or hydrochloric acid
Glycerine ... & © - & © e - 4 e . . . I 3,
Alcohol tº tº º tº º º • * * * * * ... 2 drachms.
Water e tº e tº e e • * > ... 6 35
Ammonia, a few drops.
Mix the carmine with a few drops of water and, when well incor-
porated, add about five drops of liquor ammoniae. To this dark red
solution, about half an ounce of the glycerine is to be added, and the
whole well shaken in a bottle. Next, very gradually, pour in the acid
glycerine, frequently shaking the bottle during admixture. Test the
fluid from time to time with blue litmus paper, and if not of a very
decidedly acid reaction, a few drops more acid may be added to the
remainder of the glycerine, and mixed as before. Lastly, add the
alcohol and water very gradually, shaking the bottle thoroughly after the
addition of each successive portion, till the whole is well mixed. This
fluid, like the Prussian blue, may be kept ready prepared, and injections
may be made with it very rapidly.
182. Dr. Carter's Carmine Injecting Fluid.—For a carmine in-
jecting fluid which will run perfectly freely through the most minute
capillaries, and one that will not tint the tissues beyond the vessels
themselves, Dr. Carter, of Leamington, has found the following formula
to answer satisfactorily —
Pure carmine ... * & 4 tº º te ... 6o grains.
Liq, ammon. fort. (P. B.) ... . . . I2O 3;
Glacial acetic acid ... tº tº ... 86 minims.
Solution of gelatine (I to 6 water) ... 2 ounces.
Water ... tº º º tº tº e tº º ve ... Ił
The carmine is to be dissolved in the solution of ammonia and
filtered, if necessary. With this mix thoroughly an ounce and a half of
the hot solution of gelatine. To the remaining half ounce of gelatine
the acetic acid is to be added, and the mixture dropped, little by little,
into the solution of carmine, stirring briskly during the whole time
(“Archives of Medicine,” vol. III, p. 287).
This fluid is admirably adapted for specimens which are to be
mounted in Canada balsam, but not for those to be preserved in
glycerine. The vessels are well displayed, but all the delicate nerve
fibres are invisible.
Transparent injecting fluids of several different colours are very
much to be desired, but although many experiments have been made in
the hope of obtaining such, we are, as yet, restricted to two, the blue
and the red. Thiersch has succeeded in making others, the composition
of one of which, yellow, is given below. I have not myself met with
much success hitherto in the use of these fluids, for if I employ them
according to the directions given, I am unable to demonstrate the
masses of bioplasm (nuclei), and various points of importance in con-
nection with the minute structure of the tissues outside the vessels.
When made according to the principles followed in the case of the
Prussian blue fluid, the results obtained by means of some of the
fluids recommended are by no means satisfactory, while, as the colour
of some is affected by acids, the Subsequent steps of the general process
of injection I have adopted, cannot be carried out. They may, however,
be useful to those who prefer to follow out plans of investigation resting
upon different principles. See part VI.
An injecting fluid of a greenish tint may be made, according to the
directions given on page I lo, for Turnbull’s blue, by employing different
proportions of the ingredients, I grain or less of the sulphate of iron to
Io grains of the Ferridcyanide of Potassium.
Thiersch (“Das Mikroskop,” 1865, von Dr. H. Frey) prepares a
transparent yellow injecting fluid as follows:—
A.—A solution of bichromate of potash is made, in the proportion
of one part of salt to two of water.
B.—A solution of nitrate of lead of the same strength.
One part of solution A is placed in a small basin and mixed with four
parts of a concentrated solution of gelatine. Two parts of solution B
are placed in another basin and mixed with four parts of jelly.
These are to be slowly and thoroughly mixed together at a tempera-
ture of from 75° to 90°, and then heated in a water-bath at a tempera-
ture of about 212° for half an hour or more. The mixture is then to be
carefully filtered through flannel.
1ss. soluble Prussian Blue.—Brücke recommends the following:-
Ferrocyanide of potassium, 217 grammes, dissolved in I litre of
distilled water.
Perchloride of iron, Io grammes to 1 litre of distilled water.
Sulphate of soda, a cold Saturated solution.
One volume of each of the two first solutions is to be mixed with
one volume of the soda solution. The iron and soda solution is then
to be mixed gradually with the ferrocyanide and soda solution with
constant stirring. The mixture is to stand for some hours, and the
deposit collected on a filter. The deposit is then washed with small
quantities of distilled water, until the filtrate runs through quite blue.
The blue powder thus prepared is quite soluble (?) in distilled water.
Brücke recommends that this be made into an injection with sufficient
gelatine to ensure it setting into a jelly. After injection the preparation
is to be thrown into spirit, and then hardened in alcohol 90 per cent.
This last process, it may be remarked, will effectually destroy many
delicate structures, and entirely alter all. Brücke states that the fluid
bears chromic acid and bichromate of potash well, but says that all fluids
containing glycerine must be carefully avoided. I recommend the
student to inject with this mixture, and then try the Prussian blue fluid,
the composition of which is given in p. I Io, and compare the results.
184. Of Injecting Different Systems of Wessels with Transparent
Injections.—The transparent injecting fluids which may be used for
double injections, must have the same reaction. Thus the Prussian blue
fluid, and the carmine solution without gelatine, p. I I I, may be used for
this purpose; but I have not yet been able to obtain other colours
which answer as well as these. Good transparent yellow and green
acid injecting fluids which might be used for double injection in cases
in which the Prussian blue fluid was employed, are much wanted.
1s5. Mercurial Injections are not well adapted for microscopical
purposes, although mercury was formerly much employed for injecting
lymphatic vessels and the ducts of glandular organs. The pressure
exerted by a column of mercury a few inches in height is alone sufficient
to force some into the vessels. The mercurial injecting apparatus con-
sists of a glass tube, about half an inch in diameter and twelve inches or
more in length, to one end of which has been fitted a steel screw to
which a steel injecting pipe may be attached. The pipes and stopcocks
must be made of steel, for otherwise they would be destroyed by the
action of the mercury.
Of Injecting the Vessels of the Higher Animals.
1so. of the Practical operation of Injecting.—It is generally stated
that a successful injection of the vessels of an animal cannot be made
until the muscular rigidity which comes on shortly after death, and
which affects the muscular fibres of the arteries as well as those of the
ordinary muscles of the body has passed off. I have, however, found
that most perfect injections may be made before the muscular rigidity
begins, that is, within a few minutes after the death of the animal. Most
of my fine injections have been made less than five minutes after death,
and in the case of very young animals, so complete has been the injec-
tion of the capillary vessels that where the capillary has not been fully
developed, the injection has filled the pervious portion, and has pene-
trated to the very spot where the tube was commencing to be formed.
The student will find the process of injecting somewhat difficult
at first, but although he may quite fail in the first attempts he makes, he
must not give up, for this method of investigation is of the greatest .
advantage, and by it he will learn facts of considerable anatomical im-
portance, and which cannot be determined by other means. Every one
engaged in the investigation of the anatomy of tissues in health and
disease, should be able to inject well. By employing the methods of
proceeding recommended in the text, it will be found that with a little
practice injections can be made without much sacrifice of time.
The steps of the process of transparent injection are very similar to
those taken in making the opaque injections, except that when size is
employed, the specimen must be placed in warm water until warm
through, otherwise the size will solidify in the smaller vessels and the
further flow of the injecting fluid will be prevented. Soaking for many
hours is sometimes necessary for warming a large preparation through,
and it is desirable to change the warm water frequently. The size must
also be kept warm, strained immediately before use, and well stirred up
each time the syringe is filled. But I strongly advise the student to
begin to inject with the cold Prussian or Turnbull blue fluid, §§ 178, 179.
In the first place the following instruments, &c., must be conveniently
arranged, so that the operator may be able to take them up as he may
require :—
The Syringe should be thoroughly clean and in working order, with
pipes thoroughly clean and pervious, stopcocks, and corks, pl. XXVII,
p. Ioa, figs. 3, 4, 8, 9, Io, I I. One or two scalpels. Two or three pairs
of sharp scissors. Dissecting forceps. Bull's nose forceps, fig. 2. Curved
needle threaded with silk or thread, the thickness of the latter depending
upon the size of the vessel to be tied, fig. I2. Wash-bottle, p. IoI.
Injecting fluid in a small vessel. Plenty of warm water if the injection
is to be made with fluid containing size or gelatine.
The student is recommended to practise the process, by injecting the
Organs and animals in the order in which they are enumerated below,
and not to proceed with the second until he has fairly succeeded with the
first. In all cases the operation is to be conducted carefully, slowly,
and without hurry, and very slight pressure is to be exerted on the piston
of the syringe.
1. Kidneys of sheep or pig.—Artery.
2. Eye of ox. —Artery.—Two or three minutes will be time enough
to make a complete injection of all the tissues of the eye of an ox. If
the globe becomes very much distended by the injecting process, an
Opening must be made in the cornea which will permit the humours of
the eye to escape, and thus space will be left for the complete distension
of the vessels.
3. Rat, mouse, frog.—/njected from the aorta.
4. Portion of small intestine.—Branch of artery. All divided vessels
being tied before commencing to inject, pl. XXIX, fig. 4, p. Io9.
5. Liver. In one part a branch of duct, in a second, a branch of
artery; in a third, portal vein ; and in a fourth, hepatic vein.
The portal and hepatic vein, the artery and portal or hepatic vein,
, or the duct and portal vein may be injected with injections of different
colours in one piece of liver.
• 1sz. Injecting a Frog.—Suppose the student is about to inject a
frog. An incision is made through the skin, and the sternum divided
in the middle line with a pair of strong Scissors; the two sides may
be easily separated, and the heart exposed. Next the sac in which the
heart is contained (pericardium) is carefully opened with scissors, and
the fleshy part of the heart seized with the forceps; a small opening is
made with a narrow knife or by making a snip with the points of the
scissors, near its lower part. A considerable quantity of blood will
escape from the wound, and this is to be washed away carefully by the
aid of the wash-bottle, p. IoI. Into the opening—the tip of the heart
being still held firmly with the forceps—a fine injecting pipe, previously
ascertained to be thoroughly pervious, by blowing air through it, and
then drawing into it some of the injecting fluid is inserted and directed
I 2
upwards towards the base of the heart to the point where the artery is
seen to be connected with the muscular substance. Before the pipe is
2ntroduced, a little of the injecting fluid is drawn up so as to fill it. If
this were not done, the air contained in the pipe would necessarily be
forced into the vessels, probably the capillaries would here and there
burst, and the injection might fail. The point of the pipe can with very
little difficulty be made to enter the artery. The needle with the thread
is then taken in the right hand and the curved extremity carefully carried
round the vessel. The thread is firmly seized with fine but well-made
forceps, the needle unthreaded and withdrawn, or one end of the thread
may be held firmly, while the needle is withdrawn over it in the opposite
direction. The thread is now evenly drawn over the vessel, and tied so
as to include the fift of the pipe only, for if the pipe be tied too far up,
there will be great danger of its point passing through the delicate coats
of the vessel.
The Syringe having been well washed in warm water before com-
mencing, its nozzle is plunged beneath the surface of the injecting fluid,
the piston moved up and down two or three times, so as to completely
force out the air, and the syringe carefully filled with fluid. It is
then connected with the pipe, which is firmly held by the finger and
thumb of the left hand,-with a screwing movement. A little of the
injection is, however, first allowed to flow into the wide part of the pipe
So as to prevent the possibility of any air being included, and forced
into the vessels with the injection.
The pipe and syringe being still held by the left hand, the piston is
slowly and gently forced down with a slightly screwing movement with
the right, care being taken not to distend the vessel so as to endanger
rupture of its coats. The handle of the syringe is to be kept uppermost,
and the syringe should never be completely emptied, in case of a little
air remaining, which would thus be forced into the vessel, fig. 8,
pl. XXVII, p. 104. The injection is now observed running into the
smaller vessels in different parts of the organism.
1ss. of Injecting the Ducts of Glands.-The modes of injecting
which have just been considered, although applicable to the injection of
vessels, do not always answer when employed for injecting the ducts and
glandular structure of glands. As the ducts usually contain a quantity of
the secretion, and are always lined with epithelium, it often happens that
when we attempt to force fluid into the duct, the epithelium and secre-
tion are driven towards the Secreting structure of the gland, which thus
becomes effectually plugged up with a material which is colourless. In
such a case there is little hope of making out the origin of the ducts and
their relation to the Secreting structure. It is obviously useless, under
these circumstances, to proceed in the usual manner and introduce an
injecting fluid; for the greatest pressure which could be employed would
not be sufficient to drive the contents of the follicles and ducts through
the basement membrane, and the only possible result of such an attempt
would be rupture of the thin walls of the Secreting structure and extra-
vasation of the contents. As I have before mentioned, partial success
has been obtained by employing mercury, but the preparations thus made
are not adapted for microscopical observation.
I had long felt very anxious to make a thoroughly good injection of
the ducts of the liver and to ascertain the manner in which they com-
menced in the lobule, and the precise relation which they bore to the
liver cells. This anatomical question has long been under discussion
among microscopical observers, and many different and incompatible
conclusions have been arrived at by different authorities. In order to
prove the point satisfactorily it was obviously necessary to inject the ducts
to their most minute ramifications, and no one, as far as I was able to
ascertain, had succeeded in doing this satisfactorily. After death the
minute ducts of the liver always contain a little bile. No force which
can be employed is sufficient to force this bile through the basement
membrane, for it will not permeate it in a direction from the inside of the
ducts. When any attempt is made to inject the ducts, the epithelium
and mucus in their interior form with the bile an insurmountable barrier
to the onward course of the injection. Hence, if a successful injection
was to be made, it appeared to me to be necessary either to remove the
bile from the ducts or to prevent it from entering them for some time
before the death of the animal. Many years ago (1854) it occurred to
me that any accumulation of fluid in the Smallest branches of the portal
vein or in the capillaries must necessarily compress the ducts and the
secreting structure of the liver which fill up the intervals between them.
The result of such a pressure must clearly be to drive the bile towards
the large ducts and to promote its escape. Tepid water was, therefore,
injected into the portal vein. The liver became greatly distended, and
bile, with much ductal epithelium, flowed by drops from the divided
extremity of the duct. (“On the Ultimate Arrangement of the Biliary
Ducts, and on some other points in the Anatomy of the Liver of Verte-
brate Animals”—“Philosophical Transactions” for 1856, page 375.) The
bile soon became thinner, owing to its dilution with water, which per-
meated the intervening membrane and entered the ducts. These long,
narrow, highly tortuous channels were thus effectually washed out from
the point where they commenced as tubes, not more than I-3oooth of an
inch in diameter, to their termination in the common duct, and much of
the thick layer of epithelium lining their interior was washed out at the
same time. When this part of the process was completed, the water was
removed by placing the liver in cloths with sponges under pressure for
twenty-four hours or longer. All the vessels and the duct were now per-
fectly empty and in a favourable state for receiving injection. The duct
was first injected with a coloured material. Freshly precipitated chromate
of lead, white lead, vermilion, or other colouring matter may be used,
but for many reasons, to which I have alluded, the Prussian blue injec-
tion is the one best adapted for the purpose. It is the only material
which furnishes good results when the injected preparations are required
to be submitted to high magnifying powers. Preparations injected in the
manner described should be examined as transparent objects, p. 1 oz.
They may be mounted in the ordinary preservative fluids, but glycerine
forms the most satisfactory medium for their preservation. Although
they may be put up in Canada balsam, this medium is not advantageous
for rendering the course of the ducts evident, or for showing distinctly
the branches as they lie on different planes.
I have often succeeded in making most perfect injections of the
ducts of the liver, which demonstrate conclusively the cell containing
network of the lobule and its connection with the finest gall ducts. The
injection may be seen around the hepatic cells as they lie in the tubes of
the network.
1so. of Injecting Lymphatic vessels.--It is very difficult to find a
lacteal or lymphatic vessel and insert a pipe into it. When it is desired
to inject these tubes, the pipe may be inserted into the large trunk of
the thoracic duct, and sometimes the injection may be forced between
the valves towards the fine branches of vessels. I have, however, found
that by injecting water into the blood vessels, the lymphatics and lacteals
of a part of the body or of an organ become distended by the transuda-
tion of the fluid, and in this distended state it is not difficult to make the
pipe enter the vessel through a small opening made with sharp scissors.
The pipe having been tied in the vessel, the water is absorbed as described
in § 188, and the injection may then be forced in, care being taken to use
very gradual pressure, so that the coats of the lacteal or lymphatic may
be sufficiently stretched to allow the injection to pass between the valves,
without being ruptured. In this way I have succeeded in making beauti-
ful injections of the finest ramifications of the lymphatics of the liver.
(“Archives of Medicine,” vol. I, p. 113.) Pl. XXVIII, fig. 2, p. 106.
Sometimes lymphatics may be injected by extravasation from a duct,
and more rarely from a vessel. I have often injected the lymphatics of
the liver when forcing the injection into the duct. Some observers think
they have succeeded in injecting very minute lymphatic vessels and
demonstrated that these are continuous with the capillaries. Such
lymphatics are considered to ramify in the intervals between epithelial
cells. It is, however, doubtful if the facts observed have received a
correct interpretation.
190. Insects.-Injections of insects may be made by forcing the
injection into the general abdominal cavity, whence it passes into the
dorsal vessel, and by it is afterwards distributed to the system. The
Superfluous injection is then washed away, and such parts of the body as
may be required removed for examination. Insects should be injected
very soon after they have emerged from the pupa.
The water vascular apparatus, the vessels, and the digestive tube may
be injected in many of the lower animals. In some cases good results
will be obtained with size coloured with transparent colouring matter; in
others it will be found better to employ the Prussian blue or carmine
injecting fluid made with glycerine, p. III. In injecting the digestive
apparatus of some entozoa, as the liver-fluke, the pipe may be tied in,
but as a general rule it is only necessary to make an opening into the
vessel and insert the pipe, which must be held steadily while the injection
is carefully forced from the orifice. In many fine injections a pipe of the
form represented in pl. XXVII, fig. II, p. IoA, with a blunt point and a
lateral opening, will be found of great advantage. Coloured fluids will
rise in the vessels of most plants by capillary attraction, and occasionally
the vessels of Some of the tissues of animals may be partially injected in
the same way.
191. Mollusca. (Slug, snail, oyster, &c.)—The tenuity of the vessels
of many mollusca renders it undesirable to tie the pipe in them. The
Capillaries are, however, usually very large, so that the injection generally
runs readily. In different parts of the bodies of these animals are nume-
rous lacunae or spaces, which communicate directly with the vessels. If
an opening be made through the integument of the muscular foot of the
Snail, a pipe may be inserted, and the vessels injected from the lacunae
with comparative facility. The large vessels of the branchiae may be
readily injected with the aid of a pipe of the form referred to in the last
Milne Edwards injected the snail by passing the pipe through an
opening made with a sharp instrument at the base of the tentacle. In
this case the injecting fluid passes into lacunae or spaces and fills the
venous system, but, as has been shown by Mr. Robertson, of Oxford, the
arteries are not injected by this method (“On the Organs of Circulation
of the Roman Snail, Helix Pomatia.”—“Annals and Magazine of Natural
History,” January, 1867).
192. Mr. Robertson's Plan of Injecting the snail,—This skilful ana-
tomist recommends a different plan of proceeding. The snails are to be
killed by drowning them in a jar quite filled with cold water, the mouth
being closed with a piece of plate glass.
The vascular system is to be injected from the ventricle of the heart
with size and carmine. The heart of the snail is easily found. It is
enclosed in a sac which is situated at the posterior extremity of the
pulmonary chamber on the left side. The position of the organs of the
snail has been fully described by Dr. Lawson, in a paper published in
the “Microscopical Journal” for January, 1863. The injection intro-
duced into the heart passes right round the body and returns to the pul-
monary chamber. By this plan the arterial branches may be traced into
the foot and to many other parts which were considered to be destitute
of arteries. Mr. Robertson has arrived at the conclusion that in snails
there exists a closed capillary system communicating directly with the arteries
on the one hand and the veins on the other, as is the case in man and the
Aigher animals; and he has completely failed to demonstrate the exist-
ence of any direct communication between the spaces or lacunae in
the various tissues and the vascular system. It is probable that in the
mollusca the capillaries are arranged as in the higher animals, but they
are wider, and their walls being so very thin it requires great skill to
inject them without rupture, in which case extravasation will take place.
193. Injecting Fishes.—The vessels of fishes are exceedingly tender,
and great caution is required in filling them. It is often difficult or quite
impossible to tie the pipe in the vessel of a small fish. If we attempt to
inject from the heart, the injection passes to the gills, but it is seldom
that it runs through these and penetrates the systemic vessels. It is
usual therefore to proceed thus, the tail of the fish is cut off, and the
pipe introduced into the divided vessel which lies immediately beneath
the spinal column. In this simple manner beautiful injections of the
systemic vessels of a fish may sometimes be made. In small fishes in
which the vessels are too delicate to be tied, a good injection may be
made by simply placing the pipe in the vessel. As the fluid is so cheap,
a considerable loss is of no consequence.
194. Of preparing Portions of Injected Preparations for Micro-
scopical Examination.—Preparations made by injecting colouring
matters suspended in water or gelatine may be mounted in various pre-
servative fluids, or dried and placed in balsam. When thin tissues, such as
the mucous membrane of the intestines or other parts, have been injected,
it is necessary to lay them perfectly flat, and wash the mucus and epi-
thelium from the free surface, either by forcing a current of water from
the wash-bottle (pl. XXVI, fig. 5, p. Ioo), or by placing them in water
and brushing the surface gently with a camel-hair brush. Pieces of a
convenient size may then be removed and mounted in solution of
naphtha and creosote, in dilute alcohol, in glycerine, or in gelatine and,
glycerine. -
The most important points in injections of ordinary tissues may be
shown if the preparation be dried and mounted in Canada balsam. The
specimen must, in the first place, be well washed and floated upon a
glass slide with a considerable quantity of water, which must be allowed
to flow off the slide very gradually. It may then be allowed to dry
under a glass shade, in order that it may be protected from dust. The
drying should be effected at the ordinary temperature of the air, but it is
much expedited if a shallow basin filled with Sulphuric acid be placed
with it under the same bell-jar, p. 88, pl. XXIV, fig. 5. Or the speci-
mens may be transferred from the water to spirit, and from this to oil of
cloves, and then mounted in balsam. See p. 89.
Of solid organs, such as the liver and kidney, thin sections from the
interior made in different directions, as well as portions from the surface,
should be preserved. The sections may be made with the ordinary
scalpel or with Valentin's knife, if one of half an inch or more Square be
required. The surfaces of the section should be well washed, and it
may then be mounted in one of the methods previously described ; but
I much prefer to mount these specimens moist, and glycerine or glyce-
rine jelly will be found the most suitable medium.
Specimens which have been injected with Prussian blue or carmine
injecting fluids, the composition of which is given in pp. Io9, 1 Io, must
be preserved in glycerine containing a trace of free acetic acid (5 to 15
drops to the ounce). The advantage of this plan is, that it enables us
not only to observe the arrangement of the vessels, but also to study the
bioplasm in their walls, pl. XXIX, p. 108, fig. 3, as well as the structures
forming the tissue or organ. Moreover, specimens thus preserved may be
easily removed and remounted without risk of damage, when required.
Anjected Specimens in Glycerine and in Canada Balsam.—The observer
will be surprised at the great differences observed in the same texture ac-
cording to the method in which it is prepared. I have already adverted
to the objections of mounting moist tissues in balsam. Although most of
those who prepare specimens in this country and in Germany still pursue
this plan for preserving their injections, it will, I am sure, be condemned
as unsatisfactory by any one who has tried the method of mounting the
specimen moist in strong glycerine. Not only are the bioplasts of the
vessels for the most part destroyed by the process of mounting in balsam,
but many very important elements of the tissue, and especially nerve fibres,
are so changed that they cannot be recognised, or are completely oblite-
rated. The capillaries themselves are so shrunk and changed that very
wrong conclusions have been arrived at from examining balsam specimens.
In figs. 5 and 6, pl. XXIX, p. 108, specimens of the very same tissue
are represented prepared according to the different plans referred to, but
magnified by the same powers. Let the reader observe the different
diameters of the vessels, and note how many points are displayed in the
moist preparation which are not to be demonstrated in the One preserved
in balsam. The “extra vascular spaces” discovered in the latter result
from the shrinking of the injection in the process of mounting. I feel,
therefore, compelled to reject inferences arrived at from the examination
of balsam specimens, and strongly advise the student not to be misled by
their mere sharpness and bright colour. Such preparations undoubtedly
enable us to form a general idea of the arrangement and number of the
capillaries in different textures, and they may be preserved for many
years without the slightest change in character. In these respects their
merits must be admitted; but if we desire to learn facts concerning the
relation of the capillaries to the texture lying in their meshes, the struc-
ture of the vessels themselves, or that of the tissues in which they
ramify, we must study injections which have not been mounted in
balsam, damar, or such media. Collections of balsam specimens are
advantageous for trade purposes, but although the student may with
advantage purchase a few specimens, the sooner he learns to make pre-
parations for himself the sooner will he gain a knowledge of the structure
of the tissues of animals.
195. Of the best Mode of Destroying the Life of Animals intended
for Injection.—I have tried various plans of destroying animals intended
for minute injection, and have found that in death by sudden shock the
vessels remain in a relaxed state for a sufficient time after death to
enable us to complete the injection. In some cases a good result is
gained by destroying life in an atmosphere of carbonic acid, but I find
that the very sudden death produced by a fall from a height, dashing on
the ground, &c., is the most advantageous. Any small animal may be
wrapped up in a cloth and thrown suddenly, and with some violence,
upon the ground. In order to avoid rupturing any of the tissues, the
animal must be well protected by several folds of the cloth. Swinging
very rapidly through the air also destroys life very suddenly, without
causing that sudden contraction of the muscles, which seriously inter-
feres with the preparation of successful injections.
Good injections may be made after the rigor mortis has entirely
passed off, and formerly no injections were attempted before this change
had occurred. I have, however, found that by the time the muscles
have again become relaxed the finer branches of the nerves have begun
to Soften or are entirely destroyed, and many delicate structures have
become so much altered that it would not be possible for any one who
was acquainted with their natural appearance to recognize them. Hence
it is undesirable to put off the operation of injection if we desire to
demonstrate in the specimens we are about to prepare any facts besides
the mere arrangement of the capillary vessels.
The plan of staining tissues artificially is one from which great
advantage has been already derived, and it is probable that, by modi-
fications of the processes already adopted, and by the discovery of new
ones, many new and most important facts will be added to our knowledge.
I have pointed out that the process of staining may be employed for
two very different purposes, and it is important that the student should
have a clear notion of the objects to be gained by the process before he
proceeds to carry it into practice. Staining may be employed:—
1. For colouring the invariably perfectly colourless, and often in-
visible bioplasm or living matter of any cell or tissue, at any age,
in the case of vegetable or animal textures.
2. For demonstrating peculiarities in the build of the formed material,
cel/-zeal, intercellular substance, or tissue, and for ascertaining the
order in which the several parts of which it is composed have
been laid down.
Of Colouring the Bioplasm.
196. of Colouring the Bioplasm or Living Matter.—This living
matter is in all cases in the natural state perfectly clear and transparent.
It never exhibits structure, and is invariably colourless. It possesses.
an acid reaction, or, to speak more correctly, an acid reaction is always.
developed immediately after its death. Hence, if a coloured alkaline
solution from which the colouring matter may be precipitated or fixed by
an acid, be caused to pass into bioplasm which has recently died but has
not yet undergone decomposition, the alkali is neutralised by the acid
present, and the colour is retained. It is probably precipitated in a
state of very minute subdivision, or combined with some of the consti-
tuents of the bioplasm to form a compound insoluble in weak acids.
The tissue itself or formed material being ordinarily bathed with an
alkaline fluid does not take the colour, and hence by carrying out the
process with due care the bioplasm or living matter may always be
coloured while the formed material or tissue remains perfectly colourless.
Any one can Satisfy himself of this fact by placing upon a glass slide a
few liver cells from any animal immediately after its death. If a drop
or two of the solution of carmine in ammonia be allowed to flow over
the cells, the nucleus or mass of bioplasm of each cell will be tinted in
the course of a few seconds, while the outer part of the cell will not be
Staining the bioplasm may be carried out long after the death of the
animal if the development of an alkali by decomposition be prevented
by alcohol or some other preservative fluid. Specimens intended for
subsequent staining should be immersed in a preservative fluid imme.
diately after death. In practice, however, it is always better to carry out
the staining process at once.
From the above remarks, it must not, however, be inferred that
living matter can be stained by alkaline colouring fluids only. Solutions
of an acid reaction may be employed if the bioplasm be rendered alka-
Zine in the first instance by soaking the texture in a weak Solution of
ammonia. I have prepared some beautiful specimens as follows:—An
alkaline solution was injected into the vessels, and after allowing twelve
hours or more for the tissues to become thoroughly permeated, the
finest Prussian blue (see part VI) was introduced. The latter passed into
the very substance of the bioplasm, which was tinged much more deeply
than the surrounding material. The liver cell may be thus impreg-
nated with the blue in every part. It seems probable that by prose-
cuting more detailed enquiries in this direction, we may learn something
concerning the physical arrangement of the matter constituting the
formed material. The bioplasm may also be tinted with a fluid of neutral
reaction, because, as I have shown, there are invariably currents tending
towards the bioplasm as long as this matter remains in a living state;
but the advantage of the alkaline solution of carmine is, that the alkali
is neutralised when the solution passes into the bioplasm, and the car-
mine is fixed there. In endeavouring to draw correct inferences re-
garding the natural arrangement of the parts prepared in this way, it
must not, however, be forgotten that the alkaline ammonia may have
effected alterations in the formed material, and modified its structure in
an important manner.
Specimens prepared in the manner suggested above enable us to
prove the unsoundness of the old views concerning the supposed cell-
wall and cell contents, and the incorrectness of more modern assertions
concerning the slight importance of the “nucleus.” •
197. Process of Staining followed by the Rev. Lord S. G. Osborne.
—Welcker was, I believe, one of the first observers to employ a solution
of carmine for the purpose of staining the nuclei of tissues, and Gerlach
was an early and most successful advocate of this plan. It has been,
but I think wrongly, stated, that Gerlach was the first who adopted the
process. The date of Gerlach's work was 1858 (“Mikroskopische
Studien aus dem Gebiete der Menschlichen Morphologie.” Erlangen).
But it was in June, 1856, that the Rev. Lord S. G. Osborne showed
that nuclei were more deeply tinged by carmine than other parts of the
cell. (“Vegetable Cell Structure and its Formation, as seen in the early
stages of the Growth of the Wheat Plant.”) See also the plate accom-
panying that paper (“Trans. Mic. Soc.,” vol. V, pl. IV, 1856). Lord
Osborne allowed the plants to grow in the carmine solution. The
growing parts were stained most successfully. The method was not,
however, applied to investigations on animal tissues.
198. Gerlach's Method of staining.—Gerlach resorted to the car-
mine staining process for investigating the structure of animal tissues.
He first used a concentrated solution of carmine in ammonia, and
placed the sections of brain and spinal cord previously hardened by
chromic acid, in the carmine fluid for from ten to fifteen minutes. They
were then well washed in water for some hours, and treated with acetic
acid. The water and acid were removed by immersion in alcohol. The
sections were afterwards mounted in Canada balsam. Gerlach found that
dilute solutions (two or three drops of the ammoniacal solution of
carmine to an ounce of water), and maceration for two or three days,
afforded better results.
199. The Author's Carmine Fluid, for staining all forms of bioplasm
of living things, is made as follows:—
Carmine, Io grains.
Strong liquor ammoniae, # drachm.
Strong glycerine, 2 ounces.
Distilled water, 2 ounces.
Alcohol, # ounce.
The carmine in small fragments is to be placed in a test tube, and
the ammonia added to it. By agitation, and with the aid of the heat of
a spirit-lamp, the Carmine is soon dissolved. The ammoniacal solution
is to be boiled for a few seconds and then allowed to cool. After the
lapse of an hour, much of the excess of ammonia will have escaped.
The glycerine and water may then be added, and the whole passed
through a filter or allowed to stand for some time, and the perfectly
clear supernatant fluid poured off and kept for use. This solution will
keep for months, but sometimes a little carmine is deposited, owing to
the escape of ammonia, in which case one or two drops of liquor am-
monia may be added to the four ounces of carmine solution.
The rapidity with which the colouring of a tissue immersed in this
fluid takes place, depends partly upon the character of the tissue and
partly upon the excess of ammonia present in the solution. If the
Solution be very alkaline the colouring will be too intense, and much
of the soft tissue or imperfectly developed formed material around the
bioplasm will be destroyed by the action of the alkali. If, on the other
hand, the reaction of the solution be neutral, the uniform staining of
tissue and bioplasm may result, and the appearances from which so much
may be learnt are not always produced. When the vessels are injected
with the Prussian blue fluid before the staining process is adopted, the
carmine fluid should be sufficiently alkaline to neutralise the free acid
present. The permeating power of the solution is easily increased by
the addition of a little more water and alcohol. In some cases the fluid
must be diluted with water, alcohol, or glycerine, and the observer must
not hastily condemn the process, or conclude, as some have done, that
a particular form of bioplasm is not to be coloured. Those who speak
thus have not given the plan a fair trial, and have not tried the effects
of a solution containing a little alcohol or otherwise modified.
Notwithstanding the advantages of the above plan and its success in
the hands of many observers, objections have been urged against it by
Some who, I venture to think, have not made themselves familiar with
the practical details of the method. It has been said that the formed
I26 How to work witH THE MICROSCOPE.
material may be stained as well as the bioplasm. As every one knows,
almost any thing may be stained. Hair, horn, wool, paper, &c., may be
deeply dyed, even after they have been thoroughly dried. The im-
portant fact, however, is not that the tissue may be stained, but that the
bioplasm of a tissue may be deeply coloured, although the formed material
zohich must be traversed by the staining fluid in the first instance is not
stained at all. This is the case with all bioplasm, and it seems to me a
fact of far higher significance than is generally admitted. By the process
of investigation described it becomes possible not only to distinguish
bioplasm in all cases, but to show definitely the mode of formation of
the tissue. And in many instances, by this method of proceeding, we
can accurately determine which is the oldest and which the youngest
portion of the tissue. Drawings of various tissues, in which the
bioplasm has been stained by the above process, are given in plate XXX,
p. 110, and in plate XXXI. (See also the plates in part VI.)
In a paper on the ova of the stickleback (“Microscopical Journal,”
January, 1867), Dr. Ransom has expressed himself against the plan of
investigation I have followed. His objections, however, are not valid,
and some of the remarks he has made prove, I think, that he has not
succeeded in preparing specimens according to my method. I have
replied to some of my friend's statements in a subsequent number of
the journal.
Some direct that, when a tissue is too deeply stained, it should be
washed in water or in spirit, directions which clearly indicate that the
authority has little practical acquaintance with the method, and is not
acquainted with the principles on which the process rests. The sugges-
tion would not be made by any one who was aware of the change in-
duced by the colouring process, when properly conducted. Many of the
remarks in connection with this matter could only have been made by
persons who had never seen a preparation properly coloured, and who
are not aware of the great value of the Operation. Again, it has often
been recommended that tissues should be stained with the carmine fluid
after they have been hardened in chromic acid fluid, alcohol, and other
media. Staining thus effected conveys little information, and may mis-
lead the observer. But the most serious opposition to the adoption of
the method of procedure I have recommended, and to the acceptance
of the conclusions I have arrived at, is on the part of some who have
quite made up their minds that all the phenomena of living organisms
are due to machinery which is not to be demonstrated by this or any
other process of investigation. For further details concerning these
matters, see part VI.
Of Staining the Formed Material.
The coloured fluids referred to in the succeeding sections are em-
Cuticle of the newt, superficial layer, each mass of bioplasm
is surrounded with a thick layºr of torned material, con-
stituting a fully formed cell. x 219.
Fig. 2.
The extremities of a rarily ºrowing branch of fungus
from jam | he cellular wall at the end of each
ran fication is only tº formed, and is so thin that it
is hardly demonsurable The bioplasm is abundant,
and in this situation ºr with is proceeding very rapidly.
a, a spore which has just cºmmenced to sprout. x iºſ).
Deep layer of the cuticle of the newt, consistinº almost entirely
of bicºlasm with very little formed material x 215.
Fig. 4.
* --
- – E-
-- * ... º. ººº-ºº:
jº & º
- * /
- --- º º º
- º ---
f :ºsº tº sº
* - - * º sº
º r º
- ſº - ſº
-- º - - :- • *
º º - : * :
illary vessels ovum of turtle at an early period of development, All the vessels are filled with **otº
§º . º, are stained with carmine in the preparation from which the drawing was taken. Develºpi
o º - issue corpuscles and fat cells are also seen in the drawing.
[To face page 126.
connective ti
rººm of an inch x 215.

ployed for tinting the tissue or formed material, while the carmine fluid I
have recommended, in § 199, is for staining the bioplasm only.
zoo. Thiersch's Carmine Fluid.—Frey (“Das Mikroskop”) gives
Thiersch's fluids for colouring tissues by carmine. Carmine, I part.
Caustic ammonia, I part. Distilled water, 3 parts. This solution is to
be filtered. The following solution is to be prepared in a separate
vessel:—Oxalic acid, I part. Distilled water, 22 parts.
One part of the carmine solution is to be mixed with 8 parts of the
Oxalic acid solution, and 12 parts of absolute alcohol are to be added.
If the solution is orange-coloured instead of dark red, more ammonia
is required, and the orange will become red. The Orange colour may
also be used for staining. If crystals of oxalate of ammonia become
formed they must be separated by filtration.
201. Thiersch's Lilac Colouring Fluid.—Borax, 4 parts. Distilled
water, 56 parts.--Dissolve and add, of Carmine, I part.
The red solution is to be mixed with twice its volume of absolute
alcohol, and filtered. The precipitate of Carmine and borax is re-
dissolved in distilled water, and is ready for use. It colours more
slowly than the red solution.
zoz. Anilin colours—The beautiful reds and blues which have
been lately so largely used as dyes, popularly known in this country as
Magenta and Solferino, have been much employed by microscopists.
The colour is not very soluble in water, but is readily dissolved by
alcohol. A grain of the colour, Io or 15 drops of alcohol, and an ounce
of distilled water, make a dark red solution ; or the colour may be
boiled in water, allowed to cool, and then filtered. This fluid colours
tissues very readily. Many exceedingly delicate and perfectly trans-
parent textures, which are almost invisible in the natural state, can be
most satisfactorily demonstrated by the use of this coloured fluid. The
cilia of ciliated epithelium may be tinted while they continue to vibrate.
As the substance of the cell becomes Coloured, however, the action of
the cilia ceases. Every kind of cell wall, delicate membrane, and trans-
parent tissue may be tinted with these colours.
Magenta has been recommended by Dr. Roberts for showing a
minute spot connected with the red blood corpuscles of man. (“On
peculiar appearances exhibited by blood corpuscles under the influence of
solutions of magenta and tannin”—“Proceedings of the Royal Society,”
vol. XIV, p. 481, No. 53, April, 1863.) The peculiar action exerted by
magenta and tannin upon the red blood corpuscles has not yet been
satisfactorily explained, but the late Dr. Hughes Bennett, of Edinburgh,
told me that, with the aid...of very high powers, he had demonstrated
that the minute spot appearing after the blood corpuscles had been
soaked in magenta exhibited angles, and he considered that it was in
fact a minute crystal which had formed upon the corpuscles. This
explanation certainly does not apply to the spot which is developed in
connection with all red blood corpuscles subjected to the action of
tannin and other solutions.
203. Blue and violet Colours for staining.—Thiersch recommends
the following fluid, the composition of which I take from Frey:-
Oxalic acid, I part.
Distilled water, 22 parts.
Indigo carmine, as much as the solution will take up.
Another solution of Oxalic acid and water in the same proportion is
required. One volume of the first solution is mixed with two volumes
of the last and nine of absolute alcohol. The mixture is then filtered,
and is ready for use.
An anilin blue fluid may be made as follows:—
Soluble anilin blue, # grain.
Distilled water, 1 ounce.
Alcohol, 25 drops.
This fluid is not acted upon by acids or alkalies. Frey strongly
recommends a fluid of this description as very useful for colouring many
Violet Staining with Haºmatoxylin.—“The ordinary extract, haema-
toxylin, is rubbed down in a mortar with three times its bulk of alum, till
both are reduced to a fine powder, and well mixed. A small quantity of
distilled water may now be added, and the whole well rubbed together for
15 or 20 minutes. More water may now be added and the solution, after
filtration, should present a somewhat clear dark violet colour. Two
drachms of 75 per cent. alcohol may now be added to each ounce of the
solution.”—“Monthly Journal of Microscopical Science,” December,
1872, p. 277. Frey prepares the above in this way —An aqueous solution
of the extract of logwood is to be mixed with a solution of alum (I part of
the salt to 8 parts of water) till the deep red colour has become violet. The
fluid is then filtered. These haematoxylin fluids may be used for fresh
tissues, and for tissues hardened by chromic acid or alcohol. Tissues
colour very rapidly and very deeply, in from half a minute to Io or even
15 minutes. They may be mounted in Canada balsam or damar.
204. Tannin.—Although tannin does not colour animal membrane,
it alters its character to such an extent as to enable us to see many
peculiar points of structure, or arrangement not visible before, or it
produces a chemical change upon the substance, from which we gain
important information. Solutions of magenta and solutions of tannin
have been much used in investigations upon the blood corpuscles. The
action of tannin upon the red blood corpuscle is very peculiar; it has
been specially studied by Dr. Roberts, of Manchester, as mentioned
above. The solution is made by dissolving 3 grains of tannin in an
ounce of distilled water. One drop of blood may be mixed with 4 or 5
drops of the tannin solution and a portion of the mixture examined under
the microscope.
205. solution of Nitrate of silver.—Of late years nitrate of silver
has been used for staining tissues. Recklinghausen and His have
employed this plan with great success. A weak solution may be imbibed
by delicate tubes, and part being precipitated in the tube, perhaps as a
chloride or in combination with some albuminous material, subsequently
becomes decomposed by the action of light. A very dark line results,
and thus the position of a previously perfectly invisible minute channel
may be clearly demonstrated. The out/ines of epithelial cells and the
intervals between them may be demonstrated by this process. Trans-
parent connective tissue and the outer Žart of cells can thus be coloured,
the nuclei remaining perfectly colourless and transparent. The bioplasm,
by longer immersion, will also be coloured, and probably for this
reason —As long as the bioplasm remains alive it resists the action of
the solution, but when it dies, the matter resulting from its death im-
bibes the solution which remains with it.
The appearances produced by staining with nitrate of silver may be
made to vary very much by modifying the mode of procedure and the
time which the preparation is allowed to remain in the solution. After
soaking in the nitrate of silver solution for some time the specimen must
be placed in distilled water, or in a weak solution of common salt, in
order to wash away the nitrate which adheres to the surface or occupies
the intervals between the cells. When this has been effected the speci-
men is exposed to daylight or sunlight until the requisite degree of
blackening has been obtained. The strength of the solution employed
may be varied according to circumstances. Recklinghausen uses a very
dilute solution, consisting of I part of nitrate of silver to 4oo—8oo of
distilled water.
The structure of the cornea has been recently investigated by His,
after the tissue had been prepared according to this plan. The so-called
“intercellular substance” (formed material) only may be coloured, or,
after the whole structure has been thoroughly impregnated with the
solution, the latter may be removed from the formed material, while that
taken up by the nuclei (masses of bioplasm or living matter) is retained,
and may be decomposed by being exposed to light. In this case the nuclei
or bioplasts appear very dark and are surrounded by a pale brown
formed material. His thinks that when the nuclei are coloured, the
precipitate of chloride of silver in the formed material is re-dissolved and
absorbed by them. It remains, and is afterwards reduced by the action
of the light. -
206. solutions of chloride of Gold,—Weak solutions of perchloride
of gold have been much used of late years for colouring nerve fibres, for
it has been found that delicate nerves thus acted upon exhibit, after
exposure to light, a blue or violet tinge. A solution containing from 2
to I per cent, in distilled water should be made. The tissue, after
having been soaked till it becomes straw-coloured, is to be washed, and
then placed in very dilute acetic acid, containing I per cent. or less.
The nerves become coloured in the course of a few hours. By this
plan, Cohnheim professes to have made out very fine nerve fibres, which,
he says, pass from the plexuses in the cornea to intervals between the
Cells of the conjunctival epithelium, and after reaching the surface of the
structure end in terminal free extremities. I think, however, we should
receive such statements with the utmost caution, and although Professor
Kölliker has accepted the view, I cannot adopt it without much stronger
evidence than has been advanced in its favour. Many considerations
make me think it will turn out to be incorrect. Cohnheim's drawings
alone excite doubt in my mind concerning the accuracy of his observa-
tions, and, at least in my hands, the mode of preparation recommended
has not afforded results nearly so satisfactory as those I have obtained
by adopting other methods of investigation.
Many modifications of the above processes of investigation have been
tried by me. I have found some advantage from using glycerine with
the fluids, but at present I have no special plan to recommend. While
I fully acknowledge the accuracy of many of the drawings and descrip-
tions given of the appearances resulting from the use of nitrate of silver
and chloride of gold, I am not convinced that many of the interpreta-
tions and conclusions which have been given and accepted concerning
the structures demonstrated, are true. Some will, I think, have to be
much modified in the future. The dark lines resulting from the silver
process, which have been considered in many instances to be the
outlines of epithelial cells, as for example in small vessels, mark, I
believe, the lines of junction of the several elementary parts of which
the tissue of the vessel consists. So, too, with reference to specimens
prepared with gold, I am disposed to think that many of the lines
which are rendered so very distinct by the black deposit will be proved
to have nothing to do with the transmission of nerve currents, and that
certain of the conclusions generally received will turn out to be incorrect.
207. solution of osmic Acid (OS.O.) has been strongly recom-
mended for demonstrating delicate nerve structures by MM. Schultze
and Roudneff, because it tinges the white substance of Schwann and all
forms of Myelin in various kinds of nerve fibres, of a very dark colour
or almost black. Other textures are neither coloured so quickly nor so
intensely, and often exhibit only a brownish tint. It is suggested that,
with the aid of this substance, nerve fibres ramifying in various textures
may be stained, and thus distinguished from other elements of the
tissue. Solutions of various strengths may be employed but one part of
osmic acid in Ioo of water is stated to be strong enough to produce the
desired effect. I have tried this plan, but must confess that I have
gained nothing by its adoption. I can show finer nerves and more
clearly by other methods than any that I have been able to demonstrate
either by the gold or osmic acid solutions.
20s. other Metallic salts.--Tissues may also be impregnated with
other Solutions of metallic salts. Acetate of lead has often been em-
ployed. The tissue may be soaked for some time in a weak solution, or
a weak solution with a little glycerine may be injected. When the
tissues are well Saturated, thin sections may be made, and, after having
been slightly washed, they may be placed in a dilute solution of
glycerine, through which sulphuretted hydrogen may be passed. Living
plants will take up solutions of various metallic salts, which may then
be precipitated in the textures or in the channels by the appropriate
reagents. i
209. Modification of the foregoing Plans.—The observer will
perceive that the processes referred to under the head of “Staining the
Bioplasm and Formed Material,” are capable of almost endless modifica-
tion. Every one engaged in a special investigation, will naturally try
various modes of preparation. Having decided upon one which seems
to offer considerable advantages, he will try various modifications until
he meets with success. I have not attempted to give the minute recom-
mendations of various observers who have employed some of these
processes, but have merely indicated the general method of procedure.
A few experiments will teach the observer more than the most minute
instructions, and, however carefully directions may be given, it is seldom
that any one succeeds the first time he endeavours to follow them out.
Those who desire to do real work in this department must be patient,
and must work on steadily, until they meet with Success,
I 32
Although all the tissues which constitute the bodies of man and
the higher animals are developed from structureless, homogeneous,
colourless bioplasm, they exhibit, in their fully formed state, striking
structural peculiarities which the microscopical observer has to learn to
recognise and demonstrate. As soon as he enters upon his investiga-
tion he will discover that the various tissues and organs of animals and
plants for the most part are compound, and are made up of several
distinct elementary structures. For example, the smallest portion of
flesh or muscular tissue, which can be removed with a knife or pair of
scissors, is composed of several distinct structures, which perform
different offices, and are developed in a different manner. In the first
place must be noticed the proper substance peculiar to and characteristic
of every form of muscular tissue, in which the contractile property
resides. Secondly, at least in most cases, we find a tube composed of
perfectly clear, transparent, almost structure/ess membrane, and called the
sarco/emma, in which this contractile substance, or sarcous matter, is
contained. Thirdly, there exists a certain quantity of areolar or con-
7/cc/ive tissue, which, continuous in structure with the sarcolemma, con-
nects together the elementary fibres forming a muscular bundle; and
not unfrequently associated with this is a little fatty or adipose tissue.
Fourthly, are the vessels which lie between the elementary fibres just
described, in which the blood circulates while it supplies the proper
nutritive elements to the tissues. In the fifth place we find nerve-fibres
running in the same position as the vessels, for the most part connected
with the sarcolemma by delicate fibres of connective tissue, and at least
in relation with some of the fibres, are lymphatic vessels. And lastly,
the observer must learn to demonstrate that which is sure to be passed
over by every one who is not acquainted with the methods of rendering
it evident, and has been completely ignored by many excellent observers,
and the existence of which in some tissues is even now denied by some
authorities: the bioplasm or living matter from some form of which
every structure in the body is developed, upon which every texture
depends for the transmission of the fluids necessary to its maintenance
during life, which alone saves the tissues from destruction, by which
repair is rendered possible, and by the death of which the activity of
those tissues, which is usually regarded as evidence of the living state,
must absolutely cease. Bioplasm is seen in the drawings given in
pls. XXX, p. 1 Io, XXXI, p. 126, also in pls. XXXIII to XXXV, and
in some of the plates in part VI this bioplasm has been represented as it
appears when stained with carmine.
210. General Observations on the Demonstration of Structure.—
If, for instance, we examine such a tissue as muscle, that is the ordinary
flesh of any vertebrate animal, we shall find that it is made up of
several elementary structures which can be distinguished from one
another. It is the object of the microscopical observer to demonstrate
these several structures distinctly, and to ascertain how they are
developed and how they come to occupy the precise relations to one
another which obtain in every specimen of muscle. Each of these
Several elementary tissues has its special anatomical peculiarities, and
individual properties and endowments. Each differs from the others in
physical characters and chemical properties. Some refract light very
highly ; others, only in a very slight degree. One may be greatly
altered or even destroyed within a very short time after the muscle has
been removed from the body, or by the action of plain water, while
others resist decomposition for a great length of time. All, however,
agree in this —that they are developed from structureless bioplasm,
which, indeed, represents them all at an early period of development.
The characters of one elementary tissue may be demonstrated when
the fully formed muscle is examined in water; a second, when it is
immersed in syrup or glycerine ; a third, when the specimen is mounted
in Canada balsam ; while the arrangement of the delicate, transparent,
capillary vessels cannot be satisfactorily made out unless a particular
plan of preparation be adopted, as described in page Io2.
The chemist can detect a number of other compounds of the pre-
sence of which the microscopical observer, unacquainted with methods
of chemical analysis, might ever remain unconscious, for these are dis-
solved in the juices of the muscle, and are, therefore, incapable of
being detected by the eye alone.
The vast difference in the properties of the several textures above
enumerated renders it very difficult to demonstrate all in one single
Specimen, for modes of treatment which favour the exhibition of one
structure will often render another quite invisible. Hence, before we
Can hope to demonstrate satisfactorily the anatomical peculiarities of
any one of these different textures, we must become acquainted with its
general properties, and must consider the mode of examination likely
to be most efficient in rendering its anatomical characters clear and
The walls of the smallest vessels are so thin and transparent that it
is necessary to fill the tubes with some coloured fluid or material more
or less opaque, if we wish to see the mode of arrangement of the
vascular network, while this same process, as ordinarily followed out,
precludes the possibility of tracing the finer ramifications of the nerves.
Other elementary tissues may be hidden and compressed by the dis-
tended vessels. To demonstrate the nerves, the structures in which
they ramify must be rendered as transparent as possible, by the applica-
tion of a chemical agent, or by immersing the specimen in a highly
refracting fluid.
In order to show the membrane in which the contractile sarcous
tissue is contained, the muscular tissue must be ruptured within the
transparent tube in a perfectly fresh specimen, or it must be squeezed
out of it by pressure, or the sarcolemma may be slightly tinted. I have
Specimens preserved permanently which show not only the sarcolemma,
but the disks of sarcous tissue separated from one another, but still
retaining their relative positions within it. By adopting one method of
demonstration it may be shown that the contractile tissue of the elemen-
tary fibre of muscle may be split up longitudinally into a number of
minute ſibrillae, arranged parallel to one another ; while under other
circumstances it can be separated transversely into a multitude of smal/
disks, or divided in both directions, in which case a number of small
elementary particles of definite form and size results. By connection
with contiguous particles, fibril/ae or disks are produced, according as the
particles adhere to each other most intimately by their sides or by their
ends. I might adduce many other instances of the necessity of studying
the general character of tissues before any minute examination of the
individual structures is attempted, but this is sufficient.
211. On Dermonstrating the Anatomical Peculiarities of Tissues.
—Now, some observers who have not sufficiently considered the
different characters of the elementary structures of which the several
organs of the body are composed, have strongly objected to what they
term methods of preparation, asserting that by these processes, structures
are even formed artificially which have no real existence in the natural
state of the part. For this view there is something to be said, though
many of the data on which it rests are erroneous, and the conclusion, as a
general one, is far removed from the truth. Doubtless, from the Super-
ficial examination of a dead tissue, we can form but an imperfect Con-
ception of the arrangement of its elementary parts, and their wonderful
adaptation to the work they are designed to perform ; neither can we
form a correct idea of the changes taking place during life. Although
there are media in which we can immerse a recent specimen for ex-
amination, which possess some of the characters of the fluid which
bathes the tissue during its lifetime, even serum, which is probably
the nearest approach to such a fluid, differs from the medium actually
surrounding the primitive particles of the tissues in many important
particulars, and those who rely upon the appearances of a specimen in
serum, for being “natural,” are probably mistaken.
Most of those who raise objections to the “preparation ” of tissues,
speak, not from actual observation and experience, but from theory.
They fancy tissues must be more clearly demonstrated when examined in
serum and such fluids than when put up artificially, but this is not in-
variably the fact, and those who talk so loudly about natural methods
have not proved that the structures which we see after death in water,
serum, and other simple fluids really exhibit the identical appearances
they manifested during life, while it is quite certain that many of the
more delicate tissues have never been seen by any one who has limited
himself to the examination of tissues in the natural state. Erroneous views
concerning the structure and action of the tissues of the body are being
constantly augmented by dogmatic assertions about natural methods of
investigation, which naturally receive the assent of the ignorant and all
who prefer & priori arguments to the slower but surer evidence arrived
at in the course of observation and experiment. The degree of opacity
which is absolutely necessary for seeing some of the most delicate
structures is quite inconsistent with their natural Condition, and is the
result of a change which has never been fully appreciated, though,
perhaps, some idea of its nature may be formed by considering the
different characters of fibrin in the circulating blood, and fibrin removed
from the organism and coagulated, or those of albumen dissolved in the
serum,_coagulated but transparent in many of the tissues, coagulated
and opaque after the addition of different reagents. Or, the coloured
matter constituting the red blood corpuscles, say of the Guinea pig, and
the marvellously beautiful tetrahedral crystals into which the corpuscles
change within a quarter of an hour after their removal from the blood.
The internal structure of many perfectly transparent textures cannot be
seen at all until artificial processes of colouring or coagulation have
been adopted.
It is, indeed, a simple fact that in many textures nothing is to be
discovered if the ordinary methods of examination are pursued, while
by special processes wonderful nerve plexuses and other things most
definite and most important may be demonstrated. Some objectors
will, no doubt, assert that the fibres and their bioplasts and the most
beautiful arrangements of tissue discovered have all been created by the
processes adopted for the demonstration. The observer who studies for
himself will soon see the absurdity of the dogmas such persons reiterate.
The result of acting upon the injunctions they lay down would be com-
Dlete stagnation of investigation and the indefinite postponement of the
discovery of new facts.
From what has been just observed it must be evident, that the clear
demonstration of the structure of any individual organ of the body is a
Somewhat difficult matter, and requires for its success considerable
knowledge of the chemical and physical characters of the tissues, as
Well as patient investigation and earnest study.
I shall now describe the general method of examining any recent
Specimen in a fluid, and in succeeding sections the special methods
for rendering distinct the several anatomical elements of the tissues
will be alluded to.
212. General Directions for the Examination and Preservation of
a soft Tissue.—Suppose a portion of muscular fibre is to be examined
under the microscope. A small piece may be removed with a pair of
very fine Scissors, and placed carefully upon the glass slide. With the
aid of two needles it may be torn into very small shreds, and it should
then be moistened with a little water dropped upon it from the finger,
or from a pipette, or from the wash-bottle; or instead of water, a drop
of Serum, of syrup, or of glycerine may be added to it, but in this last
Case it should be allowed to remain in the syrup or glycerine for some
time, so that it may be thoroughly permeated by the more dense
solution. Next a square or circular piece of thin glass is taken up by
a pair of fine forceps, gently breathed upon and applied to the surface
of the liquid, the glass being brought into contact with it, first on one
side, and then allowed to fall down very gradually with the aid of a
needle or piece of fine wire placed underneath one edge, until it
becomes completely wetted, pl. XXVI, p. Ioo, fig. 4. Lastly, any
Superfluous fluid is to be absorbed by a cloth, or a small piece of fine
Sponge or blotting paper, and the slide placed in the field of the micro-
Scope for examination. It is important to prevent the entrance of air
bubbles, pl. XXIII, p. 80, fig. Io, during the application of the thin
glass cover, and if any are visible in the tissue or Surrounding fluid
before it is applied, it will be better to wait a few minutes until they
rise to the surface of the liquid and burst, before the thin glass cover is
allowed to fall in its place. While time is allowed for this to take place,
the specimen should be covered with a small glass shade to prevent
dust falling upon it, pl. XX, p. 54, fig. 1.
It is advisable not to remove too much of the fluid, for fear the
thin glass should press so heavily upon the preparation, that the several
Structures of which it is composed should be squeezed together and the
Specimen thus reduced to a confused mass, in which nothing definite
could be detected. The observer will find it very useful to place a
piece of hair or hog's bristle, between the thin glass and the glass slide,
by which means too great pressure will be effectually prevented. The
Same effect is obtained by using a glass cell, but it will be found, I
think, that it is more convenient to pursue the plan just described in
the case of very delicate tissues, than to place them in a glass or other
cell. The student may also refer to §§ 136, 137, 138, and 142.
Whenever a specimen is to be preserved permanently in fluid, it
should be immersed in the solution in which it is intended to remain,
for several hours or days previous to being mounted, so that it may be
thoroughly Saturated with the medium in every part. The fluid may be
placed in a moderately deep cell, in a watch-glass, or in a cup of one of
the palates used by artists, from which it may afterwards be removed to
the slide. The thin glass having been applied, and all superfluous fluid
removed, a thin layer of damar, Bell's cement, or Brunswick black is
to be carefully painted round the edge so as to cement the thin glass to
the slide. When this is dry other layers are to be applied successively
until the joint is considered quite tight. The cement adheres better to
the glass slide if it is roughened previously by grinding in this part, or
by being scratched with the writing diamond just where the cement is
to be placed. All objects, except the very thinnest, if preserved per-
manently in fluid, should be placed in a cell, because there is a much
better prospect of their being kept for a long time, than when placed
upon the glass slide in the manner employed for examining the
Specimen temporarily. The chance of air getting into the cell is much
diminished if the cement which is used possesses slight elastic power,
so as to admit the alteration which necessarily takes place in the
volume of the fluid under variations of temperature. For cements, see
page 54.
Although every one should examine and prepare tissues for himself,
some students, from want of skill or inclination, prefer to study
specimens already put up. Series of specimens are prepared by Mr.
Cole and others. The following may be obtained of Messrs. Parker of
Birmingham. The first series contains twelve slides, arranged to lie
flat, in case, and costs a guinea. I. White fibrous tissue; showing
nuclei, stained. 2. Elastic tissue; showing anastomosing network of
fibres. 3. Nucleated nerve-fibre ; from sympathetic chain, tinted.
4. Muscular fibre, striated; vessels injected. 5. Ossifying cartilage ;
from vertebrae of human foetus. 6. H. section of human skin ; showing
H. Section of hairs, with their relation to the fibrous stroma and glands,
injected. 7. Human lung, showing epithelial lining of air cells, muscle
and small bronchi, with columnar, epithelium, &c., tinted. 8. Human
liver; showing vascular system of lobules, injected. 9. Human kidney,
showing Malpighian tufts, &c., vessels injected. Io. Human small in-
testine; V. section, showing vessels of muscular coat, and villi, injected.
II. Human large intestine; V. section, showing tubular glands, and
muscular coat, with their vessels, injected. I2. Human brain, cere-
brum, showing vascular system, injected. The second series contains
the following slides, and the case of twelve specimens also costs a
guinea —I. Section of bone, humerus of infant; showing periosteum
in situ, Haversian canals, bone and marrow cells. 2. T. V. section of
jaw ; with tooth in situ, showing portion of gum, dentine tubes, and
tooth pulp. 3. H. section of spinal cord ; showing white substance of
Schwann ; central axis of Purkinje ; nerve cells, &c., tinted. 4. V.
Section, human tongue; showing papillae, muscular fibre, &c., injected.
5. Human lung, showing vascular system of air cells, injected.
6. Human stomach, V. section ; showing vascular system of mucous
membrane, &c., injected. 7. Human stomach, V. section, showing
tubular glands, columnar epithelium of follicles, peptic cells, &c.
8. Human spleen, foetal; showing Malpighian bodies, &c., injected.
9. Thyroid gland; showing vascular system of vesicles, injected.
Io. Salivary gland; showing secreting cells, and vascular system, in-
jected. II. Section of ovary, from gravid uterus, with corpus luteum,
injected. I 2. Section of uterus ; tinted, and vascular system, injected.
It is proposed to issue other series illustrating the structure of the
7 espiratory organs, the organs of the nervous system, alimentary system,
secreting system, &c. Series of such specimens, healthy and morbid, are
also to be obtained of Mr. Cole.
I propose now to refer very briefly to the methods of demonstrating
the structure of the most important tissues of the higher animals, and
at the same time I shall briefly allude to some of the most striking of
their general characters.
213. Areolar Tissue is found beneath the skin, and mucous mem-
branes, or from the external Coat of the arteries of any small animal.
From the calf or lamb excellent specimens of areolar tissue can be
always obtained. In some situations it is lax and very abundant. It
may be blown up with air, and dried to show the areolae or spaces in
which it is disposed, and which communicate with one another through
Formation of bundles of fibrous tissue.
Very simple form of connective tissue, with.
× 130 p. 139.
- - bioplasm (nuclei).
areolar tissue
Froë. x 216, p. 39.
Fig. 3.
- º --
-- º | Yellow fibrºus tissue from the ligament of
White fibrous tissue from tendon in water. the neck of a sheep in water. No bioplasm
No bioplasm visible, p. 139. visible, p. 139.
artery. The bioplasm
To face page 138.
Muscular fibre cells and elastic fibres, from the circular coat of a large
is seen in the central part of each fibre, x 215 p. 1

the whole body. If the vessels be injected with plain size, the areolae
become distended with it, and when cold, very thin sections of areolar
tissue may be easily cut, which show the arrangement of the fibres in
the most beautiful manner. It consists of two elementary tissues—the
z0/life fibrous tissue and the yellow fibrous or elastic tissue ; but it is often
associated with adipose tissue, and in it vessels, nerves, and frequently
lymphatics ramify.
The structure of areolar or connective tissue may be well studied in
pieces removed from beneath the mucous membrane of the back of the
tongue or throat, or in that which connects the mucous membrane of
the stomach and intestine with the muscular coat. By staining care-
fully, the so called nuclei, the bioplasts which take part in the formation
of the white fibrous tissue, of the yellow elastic tissue, of Capillaries,
and nerve-fibres may be distinguished. For this purpose it is, however,
better to adopt the mode of preparation given in detail in part VI. A
very simple form of connective tissue with its bioplasts is represented
in fig. 2, pl. XXXII, p. 138, and the manner of its growth by the Con-
tinual increase of the circles of fibres at their circumference, will be
understood if the drawing be carefully examined.
214, white Fibrous Tissue can be readily obtained free from the
yellow element in tendons and many fasciae. In the former, its fibres
are slightly wavy, but parallel to one another. It can be split up in-
definitely, and does not appear to be composed of minute fibres. This
fibrous appearance is destroyed by the action of acetic acid and
alkalies, and is rendered less distinct if the tissue be soaked in
glycerine. Upon the addition of water, the tissue resumes its ordinary
appearance. White fibrous tissue is very opaque, and in Order to
demonstrate its characters well, it is desirable to cut a very thin section,
unravel it with needles, and subject it to moderate pressure under the
thin glass. In pl. XXXII, fig. 3, a portion of tendon is represented
without its bioplasts, and in fig. I, the mode of development from the
bioplasts is represented.
215. Yellow Fibrous Tissue may be obtained, perfectly free from the
white fibrous element, from the ligamentum muchde, a firm yellow cord at
the back of the neck, of any animal—from arteries, or from the elastic
ligament to which the retraction of the claw in the cat and other feline
animals is due. It consists of circular fibres disposed to curl up very
much, and not easily broken or destroyed by the action of reagents.
Sometimes these fibres split transversely, as in the ligamentum nuchae
of the giraffe, giving rise to the appearance of transverse striae. In
areolar tissue the fibres are very long and branching, after the manner.
of a network; in the ligamentum nuchae they are parallel to one another,
pl. XXXII, fig. 4; in the longitudinal fibrous coat of the arteries they
are parallel and extremely delicate; in the circular coat they are coarse,
and the material is often disposed in ragged laminae rather than in dis-
tinct fibres.
The bioplasm of yellow fibrous tissue may be always readily demon-
strated in the ligamentum nuchae of the lamb according to the method of
investigation described in part VI. These bioplasts, which are quite
Constant, are said by many observers not to exist, and were not figured in
any drawings, as far as I am aware of, when mine were first published.
216. Adipose Tissue.—Adipose tissue may be examined by cutting
off a thin section of the fat of any young animal, and placing it with a
little water between two pieces of glass, care being taken not to allow
the thin glass cover to press upon it. The surface of one of the smallest
Collections of fat cells which can be found, should be subjected to exami-
nation as an opaque object.
The mesentery, or fold of delicate membrane which attaches the
intestine to the spine, of small animals, is the best place for obtaining
good specimens of adipose tissue, and being protected by the trans-
parent covering, the relations and form of the fat vesicles are not
altered. In this situation, too, the bioplasm of each vesicle may be
demonstrated, and cells in every stage of growth can be easily found.
Such a preparation, the vessels of which have been previously injected
with Prussian blue fluid, will afford an opportunity of demonstrating all
peculiarities of adipose tissue. About the intestine and near the kidneys
of the newt and many other batrachia, there exist small collections of
adipose tissue. The adipose tissue of frogs, toads, and newts, especially
in the young state, is admirable for study. In batrachia generally, the
adipose vesicles in the neighbourhood of the ovaries are much shrunken
during the spring, when the Ova are increasing in size, and at this time
the bioplasm of each vesicle is beautifully distinct. The bioplasts of
the fat cells may also be seen very distinctly, especially in starved fat
cells, after treatment with a little acetic acid, pl. XXXIII, fig. I. Ordi-
nary adipose tissue with connective tissue containing much of the yellow
element is represented in pl. XXXIII, fig. 3. Frequently the more
solid portion of the fat will crystallise on the surface of the more oily, in
small acicular crystals, which radiate from a centre forming a star-like
mass, as seen in the figures I, 2. Adipose tissue should be examined
by low as well as by high powers (a two inch, or an inch, and a quarter
of an inch object-glass), and by reflected as well as by transmitted
217. cartilage.—The characters of cartilage are very easily demon-
strated. A thin section may be placed in water or glycerine. Speci-
mens should be taken from the larynx, trachea, the ear, the ribs, the
articular cartilage of joints, and the fibro-cartilage between the vertebrae
of any small animal, and from other situations. The ear of the mouse
affords the best example of cartilage consisting almost entirely of cells.
Adipose tissue, showing fat
vesicles with “nuclei or masses
of bioplasm." x 130, p. 149.
Fat vesicles in which the crystalline
fat has separated from the oily fat.
p. 140.
Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7.
RITTEN, AT BIRTH. 31- WERE's old, rºan L. Fºl L GROWN. -I-I-I" -- T.
lſº |
# | º:
Cartilage at different ages, showing the relative number of the masses of bioplasm and their
relation to the natrix or formed material. x 215. p al-
secuon through temporary cartilage and fibrous tissue of Recently formed lacunae with bio
- - - - plasm
tendon. From the os calcis, Kitten, x 700, P 141. and canaliculi. Frontal bone. Frog.
× 7.0, p. 142.
Fig. 10,
º \\ º - in º º -
º º º
-- º
º | º sº
Thin section of recently formed bone with the periosteum, observe the bioplasm. From the femur of a kitten,
x 215, p. 142.
[To face page 140.

The thin layer in the upper portion of the aural cartilage is very favour-
able for studying the nutrition and mode of growth of the cells, the
intercellular substance or matrix being very small in quantity in this
variety of membraniform cartilage. The observer should also study the
characters of the permanent cartilage of some of the so-called cartila-
ginous fishes, particularly the common dogfish and the lamprey, which
may often be obtained in the fishmongers' shops. The tail and other
parts of the skeleton of the tadpole, of the frog, toad, or newt, are also
well worthy of study. Specimens of cartilage keep very well in dilute
spirit and water, creosote fluid, and many other solutions, but on the
whole glycerine is to be preferred as the medium for their preservation.
The development of cartilage, and the changes by which it is con-
verted into bone, may be successfully studied in the flat bones of the
skull of a small frog, toad, or newt. The general changes occurring in
the growth of cartilage will be understood by reference to pl. XXXIII,
figs. 4, 5, 6, 7. See also my paper “On the formation of the so-called
intercellular substance of cartilage, and of its relation to the so-called
cells; with observations upon the process of Ossification.” (“Micro-
scopical Journal,” 1863.)
In pl. XXXIII, fig. 8, a drawing is given showing cartilage and
tendon continuous with it. The white fibrous tissue of the tendon
is seen to be continuous with the so-called matrix or intercellular sub-
stance of the cartilage, and exactly represents it.
21s. Bone.—Sections of bones are obtained in the manner alluded
to in p. 98. It is desirable to make sections of the whole extent of the
compact tissue. The observer will notice in thin sections, even of
young bones, spaces of very different sizes, resulting from the division
of a number of tubes (Haversian canals) in which run the vessels,
which are distributed to the compact tissue. Now it appears from the
beautiful researches of Tomes and De Morgan, that this solid, hard,
compact tissue is perpetually undergoing removal and repair. An
Haversian canal increases in diameter by the gradual absorption of the
concentric lamellae of bone which surround it, and after a time, a large
space is formed (Haversian space). When this space has reached a
certain size, new bone is deposited, commencing at the circumference
and gradually proceeding towards the centre, until the space has
regained its small size and is again converted into a narrow canal. The
interstitial lamina upon this view are very readily accounted for. They
are, doubtless, the remains of old Haversian systems only partially
absorbed. (“Phil. Trans,” 1853.)
The growth of bone may be investigated in young animals by
mixing madder with their food. In a very short time (even a few days)
the madder, which has an affinity for phosphate of lime, is deposited in
those parts of the bone nearest to the vascular surface. Young pigs are
the best animals for experiments of this kind. The arrangement of the
vessels may be studied in the bones of an animal which has been
injected with Prussian blue fluid. It is well to add an excess of hydro-
chloric acid to the solution. After the injection is complete, the bone
may be soaked in dilute hydrochloric acid (one of acid to five of water),
to dissolve out the earthy matter, when the soft tissue which remains
can be readily cut into thin sections in various directions with a thin
sharp knife. It will be found better to soak the bone after injection
with the Prussian blue fluid, in equal parts of glycerine and water, to
which hydrochloric acid has been added.
Not unfrequently the vessels of bone are found distended with blood,
thus producing a natural injection. It is difficult to cut and grind the
section thin enough for examination without altering the masses of dried
blood, but with care this may be effected. My friend Mr. White has
given me some beautiful sections of the antler of the stag, prepared by
him, in which all the Haversian canals still retain blood.
Sections of bone may be preserved—dry, in aqueous fluids, or in
Canada balsam. The dark appearance of the lacunae in sections of
dried bone is entirely due to their containing air. Their apparent
solidity led Purkinje, their discoverer, to call them bone corpuscles. The
true nature of these bodies has been already explained in page 9o, and
every student should treat a thin section of dry bone while under a
quarter of an inch object glass with turpentine, and see for himself the
fluid running up the Canaliculi and filling the lacunae. Lacunae with
their masses of living matter or bioplasm are represented in fig. 9, pl.
The changes taking place in the development of bony tissue of a
mammalian animal are well seen in fig. Io, pl. XXXIII. The figure,
which is a very thin section through periosteum, vessels, Subjacent
soft tissue, and the compact texture of the bone itself, is well worthy of
attentive study. On the left hand is the periosteum with the capillaries,
then come the bioplasts, and to the right is the fully formed bone tissue.
Axamination of the Higher Złssues.
219. Examination of Muscular Fibre.—For a full description of the
minute anatomy of muscular fibre, I must refer to the various works on
physiology and minute anatomy; and especially to the well-known
papers of Mr. Bowman in the “Philosophical Transactions,” 1840–41,
and to the articles “Muscle,” and “Muscular Motion,” in the Cyclo-
paedia of Anatomy and Physiology.
Two forms of muscular fibre have been described, the striped or
voluntary fibre, or muscular ſibre of animal life, and the unstriped,
involuntary, or muscular ſibre of organic /ſe, the characters of which
will be presently referred to. Both forms possess contractility, and
each contracts when touched, as may be proved by direct experiment
under the microscope, or when the nerve fibres ramifying over it are
touched or irritated in any other manner. Both are represented in the
lower animals, but in many of the invertebrates all the muscular fibre is
unstriped. The voluntary muscle alone is under the direct control of
the will, while the involuntary fibre performs its functions altogether
independently of volition. Both are very freely supplied with nerve
fibres which ramify amongst the muscular fibres and form networks or
plexuses around them, and their contraction is due to nerve influence.
Striped muscular fibre exists in all the voluntary muscles of verte-
brate animals. Beautiful examples of striped muscle may be obtained
from almost any member of the class of insects or Crustacea. If
specimens be taken from the members of the different vertebrate
classes, certain characteristic peculiarities will be met with, and the
muscular fibre of the crustacean, mollusk, and insect, differs from that of
the higher animals in many important particulars. In order to subject
a portion of muscular fibre to microscopical examination, it is only
necessary to remove a small piece with a sharp knife or a pair of Scissors.
After tearing it up with needles, and moistening it with a drop of water
or serum, the thin glass cover may be placed on it, and the specimen
examined with different powers. The transverse striae will often be
rendered very distinct after the fibre has been allowed to macerate for
some time in glycerine.
The general arrangement and form of the fibres in voluntary muscles
are well shown in a transverse section of the pectoral muscle of a teal
(Querquedula crecca), which has been put upon the stretch, and allowed
to become perfectly dry. A section cut as thin as possible, may be re-
moistened with water, and examined in the usual manner. The posi-
tion of the vessels, their relation to the elementary fibres, and the
character of the capillary network are easily demonstrated in specimens
which have been injected with transparent Prussian blue or carmine
220. sarcolemma.—The muscle of the skate, as Mr. Bowman has
shown, is remarkably well adapted for showing the sarcolemma, as the
sarcous matter may often be ruptured. The investing membrane or sar-
colemma remaining entire is thus easily demonstrated. A few of the long
muscular fibres from the fin may be spread out on a piece of glass with the
aid of needles, and in this operation the rupture of the sarcous matter
in the interior is often effected. Sarcolemma is well seen in pl.
xxxIV, fig. 3. This membranous tube may be also beautifully shown
in the muscular fibres of a water-beetle, particularly in those of the large
dytiscus, and also in the muscles of the common maggot of the blow-
fly. See also p. 189.
221. Branched Muscular Fibres.-Several modifications of striped
muscle have been described of late years, and it is desirable to consider
the best methods of demonstrating a few of the most important of these.
Branched muscular fibres have been found in the heart, but the finest
of them are not very easily demonstrated in the heart of man and the
higher animals. Branching muscular fibres exist in great abundance in
the tongue of the frog (as was first pointed out by Kölliker), from which
organ they may be generally obtained as follows:—the tongue is to be
separated from the animal, and boiled for a few moments in water; the
mucous membrane is cautiously dissected off from a Small portion, and
a few minute pieces are to be carefully snipped off with scissors, from
the edge of the tongue, just beneath the mucous membrane. These are
to be torn with very delicate needles, and then examined with a quarter
of an inch object-glass. In this manner very perfect fibres may gene-
rally be found. Care must be taken not to boil the tongue for too long
a time in case the fibres become too brittle to admit of separation.
These branched muscular fibres are beautiful objects. In good speci-
mens they are seen to ramify after the manner of the branches of a
tree, gradually becoming thinner, until each terminates in a delicate
extremity, which is of a tendinous nature, and is incorporated with the
sub-mucous tissue or corium. The transverse striae may be observed in
the thinnest branches, but gradually cease some distance from the
terminal extremity of the fibre. Branched fibres also exist in the
upper lip of the rat, and in other situations. Excessively delicate
branched muscular fibres are to be seen in the fungiform papillae of the
frog's tongue. See drawings accompanying my paper in the “Phil.
Trans.” for 1864. -
222. Preparation of Muscular Fibre for Microscopical Examination.
—The transverse striae may usually be demonstrated upon a piece of
fresh muscular fibre, and are often seen very distinctly in a portion of
ordinary voluntary muscle that has been boiled. The ultimate fibrillae
are well displayed in the muscles of many of the lower cartilaginous
fishes, especially the lamprey. The mode of cleavage can be very satis-
factorily determined in the muscles of lizards or the cameleon, and the
“ultimate sarcous particles” may be separated from one another if the
muscular fibres of the common eel, or those of a young pig, be carefully
torn up with needles. --
I have often obtained beautiful specimens of striated muscular fibre
from the back of the tongue, a few hours after a meal, of which meat
has formed a portion. They are also to be found in beef tea, and in
many of the meats and soups which are preserved in tins.
Amongst vomited matters or in the contents of the stomach of an
animal killed two or three hours after a meal, beautiful specimens of
striped muscular fibre may often be found. In the stomach, the fibres
sometimes break up into the disks described by Bowman, and I have
obtained these disks by macerating the muscles of young animals for
'Some time in strong acetic acid.
The “fibrillae.” Often separate readily from each other in a portion of
muscle which has been macerated in a solution of chromic acid. These
“fibrillae” present different appearances according to the degree of con-
traction of the fibre at the time of death and other circumstances.
Some of them are represented in pl. XXXIV, p. 146, fig. 4, after some
drawings by the late Dr. Martyn of Clifton.
The thin, narrow, muscular bands, immediately under the skin of
frogs and other small animals, will be found to exhibit well the general
anatomy of voluntary muscle, and beautiful preparations exhibiting the
fibrillae, have been obtained by Mr. Lealand from the pig. Transverse,
longitudinal, or oblique sections of muscle may be made in the case of
muscles which have been boiled, or hardened in spirit, bichloride of
mercury, or chromic acid. The reagents of the greatest use in investi-
gating the structure of muscular fibre, are a dilute solution of caustic
soda, and acetic acid, which are employed more particularly in investi-
gating the arrangement of the bioplasts in fresh muscle. Preparations
of muscular fibre may be preserved moist in glycerine, glycerine jelly,
chromic acid, or solution of Creosote, pp. 66, 67, or they may be dried
and mounted in Canada balsam.
The capillaries and the delicate nerve fibres distributed to volun-
tary muscle are well represented in pl. XXXIV, p. 146, fig. I, and in fig. 2
the precise relation of the capillaries and nerve fibres to the contractile
tissue of an elementary fibre is shown. In these drawings the bioplasm
of the several tissues is also represented.
The movements of muscle during contraction cannot be studied in the
higher animals and man but may be observed in many of the lower animals.
See § 256. The mode of demonstrating the distribution of the finest
ramifications of the nerves to muscle will be found described in part VI.
223. Examination of the Muscular Structure of the Heart and
Tongue.-The muscular fibres of the heart will be found to exhibit the
transverse striae characteristic of voluntary muscle; but they are arranged
in long bands, and upon carefully examining a well-prepared specimen,
taken either from the heart of man or of most animals, frequent and
distinct anastomoses and branchings of the fibres may be observed.
There is no sarcolemma, for some of the muscular fibres of the heart
are growing in circumference, while neighbouring ones which have
reached their full size are being removed to make place for new ones
which are constantly being developed and growing. In many cases a
little connective tissue which corresponds to the sarcolemma may often
be detected. Indeed it is probable that the so-called sarcolemnia con-
sists of the vessels and nerves and other structures with a very small
amount of connecting substance between them.
In order to exhibit the muscular fibres of the heart, that of any small
animal may be taken, and after it has been boiled for a short time in
water, Small pieces may be cut off, and carefully torn up with needles.
The length of time which the boiling should be continued varies in
different cases. Half a minute is sufficient for the hearts of very small
animals; sheep's hearts may be boiled for a quarter of an hour. But
the most perfect specimens of the muscular fibres of the heart may be
obtained from the thin auricle of the heart of the frog, or better, that of
the hyla, or little green tree frog. The auricle is sufficiently thin for
observation, but the fibres are most distinctly seen after it has been
soaked for two or three days in glycerine. Sections of the muscular
substance of the tongue of man and the larger animals are readily made
by drying the organ when perfectly fresh, and removing a very thin sec-
tion with a sharp knife. The specimen is then moistened with water.
It may be treated with different reagents, and afterwards preserved in
glycerine, glycerine jelly, or other preservative fluid.
224. Examination of Unstriped Muscle.—Involuntary, smooth, or
non-striated muscular fibre may be obtained from various situations,
both in man and also in the lower animals. These fibres are most
abundant in the alimentary canal, the uterus, the bladder, the ducts
of glands generally, and large vessels, but they are also found dis-
persed amongst fibrous tissue in certain situations, particularly in the
skin. There are also bundles of pale muscle connected with the hair
bulbs, which may be demonstrated in some cases. The elongated cells,
of which this form of muscle is composed, are also to be demonstrated
in the small arteries, pl. XXXV, fig. 3, and veins, as well as in the
trabecular tissue of the spleen. Involuntary muscle, which has hitherto
been described as consisting of flattened bands, has been demonstrated
by Professor Kölliker to consist of the elongated cells just referred to.
The contractile fibre cells usually appear as flattened bands, or fusiform
fibres, slightly wavy, and terminating at each end in a point. These
bodies may be readily isolated by macerating Small pieces of the mus-
cular coat of the alimentary canal, &c., in dilute nitric acid, containing
about twenty per cent of strong acid. By a little teasing, with the aid of
fine needles, separate cells may be readily obtained. Fig. 5, pl. XXXIV,
p. 146, represents some of the contractile fibre cells from the small
intestine. These cells may also be demonstrated in most of the lower
animals; but it is worthy of remark that a portion only of the alimentary
canal of some fish is surrounded by involuntary muscle, while it has
been shown that the whole of the muscular fibre of the intestine of the
common tench is of the striped variety (Weber). In the bladder of the
frog we have as it were a natural section in which all the tissues of the
organ may be seen and their exact relation to one another clearly demon-
strated. The method of preparing the Specimen is described in part VI.
Elementary muscular fibre. White mouse
Showing fine nerve fibres and capillaries
with the bioplasm distributed to them
x 7
P. law.
Sarcolemma of muscle, showing
- - distribution of fine nerve fibres
Elementary muscular fibres from the diaphragm of the white on external surface Camellou.
mouse, showing the distribution of nerves and capillaries to × 700, reduced one-half p. 143.
striped muscle Four fibres with their transverse markings.
a, sarcolemma, b, nerve fibres Aiven off from the bundle c in
the upper part of the drawing, d, capillary vessels. Masses of
bºoplasm ( nuclei") are seen in connection with the muscular
fibres, with the nºrves, and with the capillaries in all parts of
the drawing x º' p. 149.
Fis 4
º & 5
º, -
º 3. i. º 0.
various appearances exhibited by fibrillae of muscle. After Dr. Martyn p. 145
Muscular mbre" "ce!... .
lutesuine. x 215, p. 146 *
[To face page 146.

225. Examination of Arteries and Weins.—The structure of arteries
and veins may be well studied in any of the smaller vertebrate animals,
especially in the frog. In mammalia beautiful specimens may be
obtained from the mouse. The vessels in the mesentery, the pleura, and
pericardium may be subjected to examination without difficulty, but the
Smaller arteries and veins of the pia mater, or vascular membrane of the
brain, and those of the folds (choroid plexuses) of the same membrane
in the cavities (ventricles) of the brain are more free from connective
tissue and can be easily isolated, pl. XXXV, fig. 4.
The yellow elastic tissue of the arterial coats of the larger arteries
may be demonstrated in any artery of a quarter of an inch or more in
diameter. The fibres vary very much in character, sometimes appear-
ing rather as an expanded elastic membrane perforated here and there,
than as separate fibres. In the smallest arteries and veins, there is very
little elastic tissue, but this is represented as muscular fibre. On the
other hand in the largest vessels, the muscular fibres appear to have
almost given place to yellow elastic tissue. .
I have obtained beautiful specimens of the muscular fibre cells
arranged circularly round the arteries by injecting the vessels with plain
size, and gradually increasing the force so as to distend them as much
as possible without rupture. In this manner the cells are as it were,
gradually unravelled. When cold, thin sections may be very easily
made in various directions, and even isolated fibre cells can be obtained.
The arrangement of the muscular fibre cells in the smaller vessels is
well seen in the small arteries from the frog and newt. See pl. XXXV,
fig. 3.
The arrangement of the numerous nerve fibres distributed to the
small arteries and veins may be demonstrated in the frog with the
greatest distinctness, and in connection with the small vessels which
supply the viscera numerous ganglia will be found from which bundles
of nerve fibres may be traced in different directions. These often form
plexuses around the vessels and give off finer bundles, and fibres may
be followed even to the capillary vessels.
226. Examination of the Capillaries.—Capillary vessels are most im-
portant structures in all vertebrate animals, and as it is through the
medium of these delicate thin walled tubes that every tissue and organ
of man and vertebrate animals is nourished and relieved of the products
of its action and decay, their arrangement and structure are worthy of
the most attentive study. The mode of displaying their general arrange-
ment by injection of the tissues and organs of the lower animals has
been already described, pp. Ioz—Io8. The masses of bioplasm in con-
nection with their walls vary in number greatly in different parts. In
some textures the capillary appears to be almost entirely surrounded
with them, pl. XXXV, figs. I, 2, also pl. XXX, p. I Io, fig. 3,
L 2
148 How To work witH THE MICROSCOPE.
while in others a considerable interval of capillary wall exists
which is perfectly free from them. These bodies are constant, and
of the greatest importance. They vary much in size, being large
where pabulum is abundant, and shrinking when but a small quantity
of nutrient matter reaches them. They are connected not only with
the changes going on in the tissue around the capillary but are in all
probability intimately concerned in the selection and separation of
various constituents from the blood. They are often seen to project
into the interior of the capillary, and it seems not improbable that some
of the bioplasm of the blood (minute spherical particles, some of which
probably become white blood corpuscles) may from time to time be
detached from them. Capillary vessels are supplied with nerve fibres.
These may be demonstrated with great distinctness around the capil-
laries of the skin, tongue, and mucous membrane of the fauces of the
frog or newt, pl. XXXV, figs. 5, 6.
227. Examination of Nerve.—The general anatomy of the trunk of
a nerve is demonstrated without difficulty. It is better to take as thin
a fibre as possible, and tear it up with very fine needles upon a glass
slide. After the addition of a drop of serum, it may be covered with
thin glass. The small nerve trunks of any small animal may be taken.
The nerves of the frog are very large, and exhibit all the essential struc-
tures of nerve fibres, pl. XXXVI, fig. 1. A very fine nerve trunk should
be examined in water, and then transferred to glycerine, and after
remaining in it for twenty-four hours or more, re-examined. Although
glycerine will be found an excellent medium for examining nerve fibres
in, other media should also be employed, for microscopical observation
should never be limited to specimens prepared according to one method
of investigation only.
a. Z)ark-bordered nerve fibres.—If an ordinary spinal nerve be placed
in a little water, a curious change takes place. The constituents of
which the medullary sheath is composed exhibit two distinct lines
(white substance of Schwann), a change which probably depends upon
the fatty matter being partly separated from the albuminous fluid with
which it was incorporated, pl. XXXVI, p. 150, fig. 3. Although the
appearance in question is undoubtedly produced by soaking in water,
the existence of a special highly refracting material within the tubular
membrane and around the axis cylinder, Cannot be questioned. If
nerves be examined in syrup or glycerine, the double contour line is
not Seen. - -
The so-called tubular membrane can hardly be regarded as a special
investment. It consists merely of delicate connective tissue in which
sometimes one, sometimes several, nerve fibres are embedded, as shown
in fig. 1. The so-called outline of this apparent tubular membrane is
often due to the presence of a ſiné nerve fibre. This is easily proved in
Capillary vessel from the
mucous membrane of the
epiglottis. Showing numerous
bioplasts projecting into the
interior of the vessel.
P. 147.
W Nº.
ºf Y \\ – tº
º Fig. 4.
Nerves and capillaries from mucous membrane covering the epiglottis of man.
Showing numerous bioplasts of nerves and capillaries. × 215. p. 14'.
IMinute artery passing into capil-
laries, from a healthy brain.
x 215. p. 147.
Fig. 6.
Fortion of very small artory, showing muscular fibre cells and
nerve fibres. Frog. x 700. p. 147.
Capillaries with diverticula. Roof of mouth. Frog. Numerous fine nerve Capillary with nerve fibres and
fibres with large bioplasts distributed to the nerves and vessels X 700 bloplasts. Frog. x 70.J. p. 148.
p 148
[To face page 148.

those cases in which the outline is seen on one side only, pl. XXXVI,
fig. 6. The very distinct fine nerve fibre, represented in many of my
drawings, might have been mistaken for the outline of the tubular mem-
brane if the specimen had been examined before it had been properly
prepared and carefully mounted in glycerine, fig. 2.
The investigation of the manner in which nerves terminate is one of
the most difficult inquiries that the observer can undertake. In many
structures a nerve network of dark-bordered nerve fibres may be demon-
strated without difficulty, but this is not the terminal network. The
finest nerve fibrils have often been traced for some short distance and
then lost. Some observers have on this account been led to conclude
that the finest branches of the nerve fibres became as it were con-
tinuous in other tissues, or ended in the connective tissue of the part
I have shown that in all cases nerves lose their dark-bordered character,
and exist as pale fibres which may be traced for a long distance beyond
the point where the dark-bordered character ceases. These very fine
pale fibres at last form with similar prolongations from other dark-
bordered fibres a very intimate interlacement, plexus, or network of very
fine pale fibres only, many of which are less than ºrgahrga of an inch in
diameter. This network is arranged in all cases upon the same type,
but varies in complexity, extent, and relations in the various terminal
nerve organs. In investigating the mode of termination of nerve fibres,
the papillae of the tongue of many of the lower animals, and especially
the very simple filiform papillae of the frog may be selected.
The general distribution of the larger branches of the sensitive nerve
fibres beneath the skin, may be well seen in the ear of the mouse, after
the very thin Cuticular covering and Subjacent texture have been care-
fully dissected off. In the dura mater and other fibrous membranes, I
have seen many individual nerve fibres arranged so as to form with
others a coarse network, a single fibre from which may often be traced
for a very long distance.
The dark-bordered fibres often divide at the point where a bundle
diverges from the trunk—One of the subdivisions passing on in the
trunk, while another pursues a different and sometimes opposite direc-
tion in the bundle which leaves the trunk, and each of these again
divides and subdivides further on. The fibres in these localities
frequently leave their companions and pass a short distance with others,
so that a network is in this manner formed upon the surface for instance
of the dura mater and other membranes, and immediately beneath the
skin. The mesentery of the mouse is a very good membranous texture
in which to study the distribution of very fine nerves in a mammalian
animal. Beautiful preparations showing the distribution of sensitive
nerves may be obtained from the snout of the pig, mole, and other
animals. At the free edge of the third eyelid of the frog is a most
extensive plexus of fine dark-bordered nerve fibres, which are-arranged
SO as to form the most beautiful network.
But of all the situations for studying the terminal ramifications of
sensitive nerve fibres, the thin membranous portion of the wing of the
bat is the best. The cuticle may be easily stripped off after a portion of
the wing has been soaked for a considerable time in glycerine. It is
better to inject the vessels of the animal first with carmine and then with
Prussian blue fluid before preparations are made. Further details will
be found in part VI.
The finest terminal plexuses of nerve fibres may also be studied in
the proper tissue of the cornea, in the fibrous tissue in the abdominal
cavity of the frog, around arteries and veins, in the tongue, especially
the papillae of the hyla or green tree frog, in the mucous membrane of
the pharynx, and in the lung and bladder of the same animal. The
relation of the nerves to the corneal corpuscles, and their prolongations
should be carefully noted, pl. XXXVI, fig. 4. This investigation, how-
ever, presents difficulties, and the student should not attempt it until he
has succeeded in making good specimens of other textures. He will
find the process, given in part VI, of great value in such inquiries.
Ö. Aale, Grey, Sympathetic or Organic Merve Fibres. –Some autho-
rities, until very recently, insisted upon the assertion that every true nerve
is characterised by being dark-bordered,—exhibiting the double contour
lines caused by the investment of the medullary sheath, the so-called
white substance of Schwann. Remak, however, correctly described,
nearly forty years ago, the pale grey or gelatinous nerve fibres of the
organic or sympathetic system, but his views were strongly opposed by
the majority of anatomical authorities, and his nerve fibres were pro-
nounced to be mere connective tissue. They were afterwards ironically
called Æemak's fibres. In Germany, some years ago, many anatomists
tried to reduce everything to what they called connective tissue, which
to any ordinary observer seemed to be the least important tissue in the
organism. Even now it is a matter of the utmost difficulty to get a fair
hearing if you attempt to extract real and definite anatomical elements
from this favoured indefinite connective tissue. However, it has been
clearly proved that Remak's fibres are true nerve fibres, and that all
nerve fibres before they reach their ultimate distribution, invariably
assume the pale granular appearance of Remak’s fibres. So far from
the dark-bordered character being essential to nervous structure, the
active peripheral portion, the really important part of every nerve fibre,
never exhibits iſ. The white substance is a passive fatty albuminous
matter which surrounds the conducting core of the nerve fibre and
insulates it from neighbouring fibres and from the tissues amongst which
it runs. It is peculiar to the trunks of nerves which connect the great
central organs with the distant peripheral ramifications.
Fig. 1.
1. º Fiºr. 2.
s -
Dark bordered nerve fibres, dividing and subdividinº, distributed to the muscles
of the leg. Frog. x 550, reduced one-half. p. 143. Fine dark bordered ner-e
fibre, with fine pale fibres
accompanying it. skin
- of hyla. x 700. p. 149.
Fig. 3. Fig. 4.
Softened cerebral matter from the
brain. x 190 p , , .
Fig. 5.
Zºº ^
jo \'o º/-
|- sº
Cerebral matter in water. Showing
the double contour of myelin. Networks of fine terminal nerve fibres. Cornea of the green tree-frog.
x 215, p. 148. The connective tissue corpuscles, which are unconnected with the nerve
fibres, are figured in the lower part of the drawing.
× 700, and reduced one half. p. 150
Fić. 6.
| - e. -
º : . .
| ==- \ ; : :"..'
- -
Z - º • * * *
- sº- --- :
Daul; bordered nerve fibro, with fine nerve fibres running on one side of it. Frog, x 700, p. 149.
[To face page 150.

Into many sympathetic ganglionic nerve centres, however, pale
fibres are to be traced; and not a fibre can be found with a medullary
sheath in any part of the course of some of the nerve trunks. These
Sympathetic nerves in fact form an extended network or plexus which
Corresponds to the peripheral network of the cerebro-spinal nerves.
The distance between their central origin and their peripheral distribu-
tion is so short that there is not that need of insulation that obtains in
the case of the fibres coming from the brain and spinal cord. Sympa-
thetic nerve fibres and their ganglia are represented in pl. XXXVII,
figs. I to 4, and the mode of connection of the fibre with the ganglion cell
is seen in fig. 3, in a sympathetic ganglion cell of the ox, and in that of the
frog, in pl. XL, fig. 4, p. 152. Many observers, however, still maintain that
the appearance, represented in my drawing, is due to the ganglion cells
being enclosed in a capsule of connective tissue, and assert that some
cells exist from which no fibres whatever proceed. These strange
notions are still taught in many of our most celebrated text books, and
are erroneously forced upon the mind by the repetition of incorrect
It has been stated that no method of preserving nerve tissue has
been devised which makes it worth while to mount preparations for the
Sake of displaying its minute characters, and this statement, strange to
say, has been repeated in books devoted expressly to mounting objects.
It need scarcely be said here that the most delicate of the nerve
textures can be mounted permanently. Not only so, but new facts in con-
nection with the ultimate arrangement of nerves can be demonstrated in
specimens which have been kept for some time, and fine fibres become
distinct and well defined which were quite invisible when mounted.
There are in truth very few objects which cannot be preserved perma-
nently, so as to show far more than can be demonstrated in them as
fresh specimens. The use of chromic and acetic acids, and perchloride
of gold in the investigation of nerve structures has been referred to in
p. 129. Many nerve tissues may be hardened in Müller's fluid consist-
ing of sulphate of soda I part, bichromate of potash 2 parts, and water
Ioo parts, or in the fluid which I have used for more than twenty years,
consisting of chromic acid and bichromate of potash, one part of each
or less to Ioo parts of glycerine. See also the directions given in part VI.
We now come to the consideration of organs which are made up of
several different elementary tissues. The fact of the existence of these
different textures almost suggests the conclusion that the same method
of preparation would not be likely to be equally successful in the demon-
stration of the individual characteristics of them all.
The medium in which these different tissues are most satisfactorily
examined, depends upon certain physical characters, their chemical
composition, transparency and refractive power, and it is not always
possible to demonstrate all the anatomical elements of which an organ
is composed in one single specimen. The idea of an organ as it exists
during life, is often formed by building up, as it were, in the mind the
various structures, the arrangement of which has been demonstrated by
several distinct methods of investigation. -
228. Examination of Serous and Synovial Membrane.—Serous mem-
brane is perhaps the simplest of the compound structures. This con-
sists of epithelium, delicate subjacent tissue on which this lies, with
connective tissue beneath in which the vessels and nerve fibres ramify.
Serous membranes may be examined according to the general plan. It
will sometimes be found difficult to demonstrate the delicate cells upon
their surface. These can be seen in fresh specimens and in those
stained with nitrate of silver. The epithelium of serous membranes is.
often of the pavement or tessellated variety, and appears to form one
single layer. In many cases peculiar circular, Oval, and sometimes
angular spaces may be seen between the epithelial cells, in size about
that of or more commonly less than the bioplasts of the cells. These .
have been regarded as openings or stomata, and it is considered by
some that they communicate with the lymphatics, and that thus there is
free communication between serous cavities and the interior of the
lymphatic vessels. It is however very improbable that this hypothesis
will turn out to be correct. Similar appearances exist in Some forms of
cuticle and mucous membrane in which cases the openings communi-
cate with mucous or other glands, and are in fact the apertures through
which the secretion escapes.
In order to examine the distribution of the vessels in Synovial mem-
branes, an injected specimen is necessary. The fringe-like processes.
which project into many of the joints are highly vascular, and a well-
injected specimen forms a beautiful object. The vessels which run
between synovial membrane and cartilage are very tortuous, and exhibit
considerable dilatations and varicosities. The general characters of
º -
- . . . . . . . . . -
Ganºlia and connectinº hundles of pale, grew or gºatinous nerve fibres in the connective tissue. beneath mucous
membrane of the small intestine such ganºlia exist in enormous number ºn tº cºrresponding situatiºn *
every part of the intestine. Young bull. x 29 p. Lol.
one of the ganglion cells with nerve fibres connected witlı it
Fortion of a ganglion on the side of a from a sympathetic nerve distributed to the pericardium
sympathetic nerve, showing ganglion cells showing that the pal-fibres are continuºus with the substance
aud arrangement of the nerve tºres. of the gauglion. Ox. x 700, p. 151,
× 130 p .51,
n of . specimen represented in Fig. 1,
[To face page 152.

the most important serous and synovial membranes are fully described
in Dr. Brinton's article “Serous and Synovial Membranes,” in the
“Cyclopædia of Anatomy and Physiology.”
229. Examination of Mucous Membrane.—Mucous membrane con-
sists of one or more layers of epithelium, which rest upon a transparent
and delicately fibrous texture. This surface tissue gradually passes into
areolar tissue (sub-mucous areolar tissue, sub-basement fissue or corium).
Into the latter structure muscular fibres, or their tendons, when these
exist, are inserted. In it also ramify the vessels and nerves. The thick-
ness of the mucous membrane and other characters of the several struc-
tures of which it is composed vary much in different localities.
The mucous membrane of the mouth, especially at the back part of
the tongue of any small animal (kitten, puppy, mouse), should be sub-
jected to examination, and the different structures enumerated in the
text demonstrated by the student. It is desirable to inject the vessels
with a transparent injection, and cut thin sections through the mucous
membrane and subjacent structures with a sharp knife. The “basement
membrane" is very easily demonstrated in one of the tubes of the kidney.
On the anatomy of mucous membrane, the reader is strongly recom-
mended to consult Mr. Bowman's article “ Mucous Membrane,” in the
“Cyclopædia of Anatomy and Physiology.”
230. Epithelium.—sub-mucous Areolar Tissue.—The epithelium of
mucous membranes is very easily demonstrated, and its character is
found to vary much according to the locality from which it is taken. In
Order to obtain a specimen of epithelium from a mucous membrane, the
student may gently scrape the surface of his own tongue or the inside of
his cheek with a knife, and place what has been removed upon a glass
slide. After moistening it with a little water, syrup, or a mixture of
glycerine (I part) and water (4 parts) which does not cause the cells to
become turgid from osmosis, and so too transparent, the specimen may
be placed in the microscope. This epithelium approximates in its
characters to that of which the epidermis or Cuticle is composed. The
cells thus obtained vary in age ; many are mature and some are very old,
and partially destroyed by fungi and about to be cast off, pl. XXXVIII,
p. 154, fig. I. But now and then young cells from the deeper layers of the
epithelium will be found, and the student should observe with respect to
these that the living matter, bioplasm, or nucleus, is much larger, rela-
tively and actually, than it is in the mature cells. The older epithelial
cells in the mouth are invariably invaded by minute fungi, which grow
and multiply therein in great numbers. Amongst the epithelial cells on
the surface of the tongue, even of the healthiest persons, the observer
will find millions of low vegetable organisms belonging to the algae and
fungi. The thin glass cover should not be allowed to press too heavily
upon such a specimen. The pressure may be prevented by inserting one
or two pieces of hair or thin hog's bristles. The epithelium upon the
surface of the tongue of the frog, toad, newt, and that lining the mouth
of the Serpent and some other reptiles is ciliated. See figures in pl. LI,
also p. 158.
In many of the glands which may be regarded as cavities opening
upon the surface of the mucous membrane and continuous with it, the
epithelial cells are modified in structure and arrangement. They become
“gland or Secreting cells,” and their formed material is resolved into
peculiar substances, which constitute the secretion of the gland.
G/andit/ar epithelium may be obtained from the tubes or glands in
the mucous membrane of the stomach, from the liver, kidney, and other
organs. The gland cell consists of a mass of bioplasm in the centre,
around, or upon one side of which the formed material accumulates.
This formed material gradually undergoes change, and the peculiar
Secretion of the gland results. We see, then, that the formation of
the Secretion depends really upon the bioplasm. Nothing, therefore,
Can be more incorrect than the assertion that secretions are produced
by oxidation and other mere chemical changes.
Zhe miſcous membrane of the stomach should be studied in vertica/
Sections, and in sections made at different depths para/e/zwith the surface.
The pig's stomach is a good one for examination. A very sharp knife is
required. The thinnest sections may be obtained after drying the
mucous membrane according to the plan described in p. 97, or the
membrane in the perfectly fresh state may be frozen, and thus thin Sec-
tions easily obtained. The sections are to be remoistened with distilled
water, and made transparent by the addition of a little weak acetic acid
or potash. Perhaps the best plan for obtaining good sections is to harden
the mucous membrane in the mixture of chromic acid and glycerine
referred to in p. 67, before cutting thin sections.
The sub-mucous areolar tissue may be very readily demonstrated by
removing a small piece from the under surface of the mucous membrane
with scissors, and tearing it up with needles. Beneath the hard Cuticular
mucous membrane of the Oesophagus, there is an abundant layer of lax
areolar tissue, which connects the lining membrane with the muscular
coat beneath, and permits the greatest alteration of the form of the tube,
during the passage of its contents, to take place. A small piece of this
may be readily removed for examination. It consists of areolar tissue
with vessels, nerves, and a few lymphatics. Not only are nerves found,
but multitudes of nerve-centres as described below.
231. viui.-Muscular Fibres.—One of the best plans of demonstra-
ting the villi, which project from the surface of the mucous membrane
of the small intestine is the following:—A stream of water is allowed to
flow over the surface so as to cause the villi to fall in one direction., 'A
clean cut is then made across the intestine, and the villi caused to fall in
Epithelial cells from the mouth, with filaments and spores of
vegetable growth ſleptothrix), x 219 p. 153.
Fig. 3.
Epithelial cells from a villus. p. 153
Fig. 4.
Villi and ſolicles. p. 155
summit of epithelial covering of a villus × 130 p. 155
Fig. 7.
Injected willi, from the small intestine
of a winte mouse. x 130, p. lº
Arrangement of epithelium round a villus,
as it appears in section. P 150
Lacteals of willi injected. After Frey, p. 156 [To face page 154.

the opposite direction by the stream of water. When a very thin section
is removed from the freshly cut surface, one or two rows of entire villi
will be readily obtained. Another method is to float a piece of the mucous
membrane with the villi downwards upon the surface of the chromic acid
hardening solution, p. 67. In this way the villi become firm and erect,
and good sections of rows of villi may be obtained.
The epithelium is easily removed from the surface of the villi. Its
arrangement is represented in pl. XXXVIII, figs. 2, 5, 8.
The muscular fibres are to be shown, it is said, by washing off the
epithelium, and treating the villi with a solution of acetic and nitric acid,
composed of about four parts of water to one of acid. Besides the
longitudinal muscular fibres first described by Brücke, there are circular
or transverse fibres, which I have demonstrated by the aid of the process
described in part VI. The elementary'structure of the muscular coat of
the intestine may be demonstrated by soaking small shreds in nitric acid
diluted with four or five parts of water, or according to the method of
preparation often referred to and described in detail in part VI.
Zhe nerves in the sub-mucous tissue of the stomach, and of every
part of the small and large intestine of man and the higher animals are
exceedingly numerous and connected with an extensive system of ganglia,
discovered by Aeby, and of course pronounced by great authorities to be
really only modified vessels, connective tissue or anything but nerves.
There is, however, not the slightest doubt concerning the existence of
this extensive system of ganglia, and entering and emerging nerve-fibres.
Some of them are represented in figs. 1, 2, 4, pl. XXXVII. The
student should make a special study of these ganglia, which are easily
demonstrated in the young Ox or sheep.
232. The Lacteals may be demonstrated when filled with chyle at the
time of death. Their arrangement may be very satisfactorily observed
in the villi of a rat or mouse which has been fed upon a small quantity of
fatty food for some time before death. The animal should be killed by
Suddenly dashing it on the floor. It should be examined immediately,
or the lacteals will become emptied before they are placed under the
The alimentary canal of the mouse is well suited to the purpose of
microscopical investigation. The villi, in proportion to the size of the
animal, are large and conical, and beautiful transparent injected prepara-
tions of them may be made. A small piece of intestine may be injected
without difficulty according to the plan indicated in fig. 4, pl. XXIX,
p. Io9. After the vessels have been injected, the intestine is to be slit up
and small pieces inverted upon the surface of glycerine containing a little
acetic acid (I per cent.). In this way the villi are made to stand up
firmly from the surface of the mucous membrane, and they retain their
position when the specimen is mounted permanently, pl. XXXVIII,
fig. 6. In fig. 7 villi in which the lacteals have been injected are repre-
Sented. The movements of the chyle in the lacteals are referred to in
p. I93, and the mode of demonstration described.
The examination of the various textures entering into the formation
of the circulating organs has been already referred to in pp. 145 to 148, but
the examination of the blood corpuscles may be conveniently discussed in
this place. The method of investigating the phenomena of the circula-
tion during life will be found treated of in p. 191.
233. Blood Corpuscles or globules, from the human subject are more
fully described in “The Microscope in Medicine,” pp. 253 to 270. Some
are represented in pl. XXXIX, fig. 2. Their general characters, and
especially their colour or refractive power, should be contrasted with oil
globules of different kinds, air bubbles, and with microscopic fungi,~
particularly the sporules of common mould, ſemicil/ium glaucum, and the
yeast fungus. It is in Some cases a matter of great practical importance
that the student should not mistake fungi for blood corpuscles. The
sporules of some fungi very closely resemble them. The common yeast
fungus, in different stages of growth; is represented in pl. XXXIX, fig. I.
Blood Corpuscles are readily obtained by pricking the finger. A very
thin stratum of the fluid is alone required. By drawing a needle across
the thin glass under which the blood corpuscles are placed, they may be
divided into many smaller globules. This proves that the red blood
corpuscles consist of a mass of soft viscid matter, the outer part of which
is somewhat hardened, and that they are not, as is still taught by some,
cells, or cell-walls, containing a solution of red colouring matter. The
blood corpuscles of some animals crystallize very readily. The student
should place a drop of Guinea pig's blood under thin glass and study
the changes which occur in the corpuscles during a quarter of an hour or
twenty minutes (pl. XXXIX, figs. 3, 6), and consider while he observes
the changes which take place whether the descriptions usually given of
the red blood corpuscle are correct.
The sloth and the camel, among mammalia, are said to possess
nucleated red blood corpuscles, but Dr. Rolleston was unable to verify
this observation in an examination he made a short time since. His
observations cannot, however, be accepted as conclusive, because the
blood examined by him was dried on a glass slide. “Note on the Blood
Corpuscles of the Two-toed Sloth, Choloepus didactylus,” “Microscopical
Journal,” April, 1867, p. 127. Red blood corpuscles of the frog are
represented in fig. 4, pl. XXXIX, and in fig. 5 white blood Corpuscles of
the same animal.
234. Measurement of the IBlood Corpuscles.—The red blood cor-
puscles of different animals vary greatly in size. The largest is found in
the Amphiuma, the smallest in the musk deer. The observer will also
find that the red blood corpuscles of any one animal vary greatly in size,
the Smallest being so minute, and so very transparent as to be visible
only if great care is exercised in the management of the light. The
diameter of the blood corpuscles may be ascertained in the manner
described in page 43. Most careful measurements have been made by
Professor Gulliver, to whom I am indebted for a plate showing the rela-
tive sizes of the red blood corpuscles in nearly a hundred different
Vertebrata (“The Microscope in Medicine,” 4th edition). For the most
extensive tables of measurement, and observations on the size and shape,
of the red blood corpuscles, the reader is referred to Professor Gulliver's
memoirs in the “Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London,”
June 15, 1875, and other numbers.
235. Colourless Blood corpuscles should be very carefully studied
by every microscopical observer. A few may always be found amongst
the red blood corpuscles in a drop of blood obtained by pricking the
finger, but if the blood of any very young animal be selected, multitudes
will be found. In the ovum of the chick, turtle, tortoise, or snake the
blood, though it may be red in colour, will be found to consist almost
wholly of colourless blood corpuscles, pl. XXXI, p. 126, fig. 4. The
colourless blood-corpuscle consists almost entirely of bioplasm or living
matter, and while it lives it exhibits those movements which are so
remarkable, and which are manifested by living matter only. See p. 204.
236. Lung.—There is not much difficulty in demonstrating the
different tissues of which the lung is composed. Small pieces of per-
fectly fresh lung may be snipped off, and spread out upon the glass slide
in the usual way, the preparation being moistened with water or serum.
The addition of a little acetic acid causes the yellow elastic tissue to
become very distinct. The boundaries and arrangement of the air-cells
may also be readily shown.
No opinion with reference to the nature of the walls of the air-cells
can be arrived at, unless injected as well as uninjected specimens are
examined. The twisted and shrunken capillaries of the recent lung
containing a few blood corpuscles, produce an appearance which is very
likely to give rise to erroneous inferences with regard to the disposition
and coverings of these vessels. Either the Prussian blue or carmine
injecting fluid may be employed. A most instructive preparation of the
lung, however, is made by injecting the vessels with tolerably thick trans-
parent gelatine, which transudes through their walls, and fills the air-cells.
After the lung has been thoroughly injected, it is set aside to get cool.
Thin slices may be examined, and the vessels will be seen in situ appa-
rently bare, and uncovered by epithelium. (“Physiological Anatomy,”
Todd and Bowman, p. 393. Mr. Rainey, in the “Medico-Chirurgical
Transactions,” vol. XXXII, 1849, p. 47.)
Z?achea and Bronchia/ Zubes.—The mucous membrane of the trachea
and bronchial tubes must be examined in the recent state by cutting thin
Sections with a very sharp knife. Beneath this mucous membrane is an
abundant plexus of lymphatic vessels. In many cases these contain
lymph Corpuscles and fatty matter in a granular state, so that their
arrangement may be easily made out. The lymphatics upon the surface
of the lung, immediately beneath the pleura, may be also sometimes
very clearly demonstrated. I have one specimen in which these lymph-
atics are completely distended with large oil globules and granular
matter, so that the position of their valves is rendered very distinct, and
the smallest branches can be followed into the intervals between the
lobules of the lung. In this specimen the tubes certainly form a net-
work, but in many situations appearances are observed which lead to the
conclusion that these tubes also commence in caecal extremities.
To obtain the ciliated epithelium of the air passages, it is only
needful to scrape the surfaces gently, and, if necessary, the preparation
may be moistened with a little serum, as water would very soon stop the
237. salivary Glands and Pancreas.-The best idea of the structure
of these glands is obtained by Subjecting one of the smallest labial or
buccal glands, and Brunner's glands, which lie beneath the mucous
membrane of the duodenum, to examination. The ultimate follicles
and epithelium are very easily demonstrated in specimens which have
been soaked for some time in glycerine. It is often troublesome to trace
the continuity of the duct with the follicles, in consequence of some of
the latter covering its terminal portion. The ducts of the salivary glands
and pancreas may sometimes be injected if the organs have been sub-
jected to firm pressure in a cloth for some time previously, so that as
much as possible of the fluid they contain may be absorbed, and thus
the entrance of the injection into the ultimate follicles favoured. Good
sections may often be obtained from specimens which have been hardened
in alcohol and soda. The arrangement of the capillaries is easily made
out in specimens injected with transparent blue or red injection. If the
vessels are injected with gelatine only, very instructive Sections may be
The nerve fibres are distributed as networks around the follicles of
the gland. The finest fibres ramify outside, and no branches of nerves
become connected with the Secreting cells of the gland as has been
asserted. Pflüger, and those who support him, appear not to be aware
that much finer nerve fibres may be demonstrated than are represented
in his drawings, and at a considerably greater distance from the dark-
bordered fibre than the point where he makes the nerve pass into the
epithelial cell,
23s. Liver—on Demonstrating the various structures.—To demon-
Q) 5 °º &
Red and white blood corpuscles Frog x 700.
p. 155
Nº ºsº
Fig. 7.
-) º
Portion of healthy human lung. Capillaries injected.
x 130, p. 157
Malpighian body and uriniferous tube of the newt's kidney.
x 130, p. 10.
Human blood corpuscles
x 21,
p. 155
Blood corpuscles, Guinea rig, under.
going craauge of form and becoming
crystalº p. 155
Fig. 6.
Disintegration of red blood corpuscles of Guinea
pig’s blood, and formation of crystals after
application of a gentle heat x 700. p. 156
Newt disserted to display
the thin part of the kidneys.
a, needle placed under the
thin portion, which sºnousld
be subjected to exºnºa:
tion. p. 162 : : :- - -
* * * * *
• * * * *
To face page #8.

strate the different structures in the liver very different processes are
required. If the cells alone are to be examined, a freshly-cut surface
may be scraped with a sharp knife, and the matter thus removed placed
in a drop of water or serum, and covered with the thin glass. The
appearance of a cell wall is pretty distinct in water, but this is due
partly to the difference in refractive power of the water and the material
of which the so-called cell is composed, and partly to the action of the
water itself upon this. If the cells be placed in serum or glycerine,
they appear perfectly solid, and no envelope can be discovered, and in
some cases sharp points are seen to project from different parts of the
cell, a fact which renders the presence of a membrane almost impos-
sible. - The liver cell is in fact a mass of soft formed material the outer-
most part of which is undergoing change. tº
In order to demonstrate the relation which the different elementary
structures of the liver bear to one another, it is advisable to cut a very
thin section by means of Valentin's knife, from the organ when quite
fresh. But the best plan is to cut verythin sections from portions of the
gland which have been frozen. See p. 94. Or thin sections may be taken
from portions of liver which have been hardened in alcohol, chromic
acid, &c. The vessels of the liver may sometimes be demonstrated by
washing the cells away from a thin section with a stream of water, and
then treating it with a little dilute caustic soda. In specimens prepared
in this way, however, the capillaries are often quite invisible. From
the extreme tenuity of their walls in many cases, not a trace of them
can be discovered—indeed the existence of the capillary wall can only
be proved by filling the vessels with transparent injection in the first
Of the Zobules of the Ziver, Vessels, &c.—The investigation of the
structure of the liver is somewhat difficult, owing to the numerous
distinct tissues which compose the organ and their intimate connection
with one another.
JCobules.—The liver is made up of a vast number of elementary
organs about the tenth of an inch in diameter. These are called lobules.
but they are not separated from one another by fibrous or other tissue,
and no structure answering to the description given of Glisson's capsule,
can be demonstrated in this situation in the livers of most animals.
Great confusion with regard to the nature of the “lobule,” has arisen
from observers considering the pig's liver as the type to which others
should be referred, whereas its arrangement is exceptional and totally
different from the human and most mammalian livers. Separate pieces
of liver the size of half an orange may be injected without difficulty. In
one the portal vein may be filled ; in another the hepatic vein; in a
third the artery, and in a fourth the duct, or two or more of these tubes
may be injected in the same specimen. The portal vein, the artery,
and the duct run together, while the branches of the hepatic vein run
by themselves, so that in sections where the vessels are large, the
student will soon learn to distinguish the different tubes.
Portal Vein.-The general arrangement of the portal vein may be
easily demonstrated by injecting one of the large trunks of this vessel
with the Prussian blue injection. It is desirable not to attempt to make
a very complete injection, but to leave the capillaries, in the centre of
the lobules, in an uninjected state.
Hepatic Vein.—The injecting pipe may be placed in one of the large
branches exposed on the cut surface of the liver. The injection runs
very readily, and fills the capillaries in the centre of the lobules. *
The portal vein may be injected in one part of a liver, and the
hepatic vein in another part. Sections of the lobules in which the latter
has been injected, of course form the exact complement of those in which
the portal vein is injected. By injecting the portal and hepatic veins in
the same part with different colours, both sets of capillaries may be
shown in one preparation. Beautiful specimens of this kind may be
prepared by injecting one vessel with the acid carmine and the other
with Prussian blue fluid. See pp. I Io, I I I.
Thin sections may be cut by the freezing process (p. 94), or from the
perfectly fresh liver, by Valentin's knife or by the double-edged scalpel.
It is desirable to take several thin sections from the surface of the
organ. The sections may be well preserved in glycerine.
Artery.—The surface of the liver is supplied by an extensive arterial
network, and the portal canals also contain a similar network. The
coats of the ducts are largely supplied with arterial blood, and the finer
ducts are in close relation with numerous small branches of the artery.
“Philosophical Transactions,” 1833.
Of Injecting the Ducts of the Ziver.—The method of injecting the
ducts of the liver has been already referred to in p. I 17.
Since the publication of my memoir in the “Philosophical Transac-
tions” for 1855, and work upon the anatomy of the liver, in which
this mode of investigation was described, several views concerning the
arrangement of the ducts absolutely incompatible with my own have
been advanced by continental anatomists. The plans which I followed
have been repeated several times, and in every instance the results which
I had already published have been confirmed. In 1867, I re-studied this
subject, and succeeded in making several preparations both from healthy
and diseased livers which are quite conclusive as to the continuity of
the ducts with a cell containing network in the lobule as described in
my first memoir. It is curious to observe how positively the assertion
is repeated that the mammalian liver does not possess a tubular struc-
ture—Ewald Hering, of Vienna, after admitting that the vertebrate liver
in general is to be regarded as a “recticularly arranged tubular gland,”
goes on to say that “all the oft-repeated accounts of a tubular structure
of the mammalian liver, I must point out as erroneous (). For in-
stance, Beale's familiar representation, which is intended to demonstrate
the tubular structure of the pig's liver, shows me plainly that a com-
pletely ruined () preparation was the foundation of it. The injection
mass is extravasated out of the gall ducts, the liver cells are distorted
from their natural position, and to such an extent destroyed. Beale has
also investigated the liver of cold-blooded vertebrata, and this may have
misled the distinguished microscopist in supposing () analogous circum-
stances for the mammalia.” Now the specimen was not ruined ; I saw
what I affirmed, and have never advanced as demonstrations what are
but suppositions. Further observations will probably convince Hering
that the mistakes and suppositions are not upon my side. It would
have been wiser on Hering's part if he had examined my specimens
before venturing to make such ridiculous assertions concerning the
blunders which he assumes have been made by me.
239. The Anatomy of Glandular Organs more easily Demonstrated
in the Lower Animals than in Man and the Higher Animals.-In Con-
sequence of the great complexity of the structure of many of the tissues
of the higher animals, the changes occurring in their minute structure
very soon after death, and their extreme delicacy, anatomists have long
been in the habit of resorting to the examination of textures in the lower
forms of animal life in the hope of obtaining an insight into the struc-
ture and mode of action of corresponding tissues in the higher, and with
considerable success. I can adduce no better illustration of the great
value of such an appeal to the simpler forms of animal life than occurs
in the case of the kidney.
Aidney of Mewt.—In animals generally, this gland consists essentially
of a vast number of long and highly tortuous tubes—which in the higher
members of the class are packed so closely together as to form a firm
and very compact organ, the general characters of which are familiar to
all—and of vessels bearing a particular relation to these tubes. In such
a kidney it is impossible, under Ordinary circumstances, to follow an indi-
vidual tube for any very great distance, as the observer will be convinced
if he looks at a specimen in the microscope; but in the lower animals
the kidney is less compact, and the Several tubes are not so intimately
connected together. Indeed, in many of them the kidney is prolonged
into a thin, transparent, almost thread-like Organ, which extends into
the thoracic portion of the animal. In this situation in the common
newt or eſt (Triton or Lissotriton) we have, so to say, a natural dissec-
tion of the elements of the gland structure, and we may demonstrate an
arrangement, the existence of which we can only infer by an examina-
tion of thin sections of the compact kidney of mammalia. The method
of dissection is described in § 261 on Ciliary Movement, p, 194. Single
tubes, with the structures connected with them, may be traced through-
out their entire length, for in this thin part of the kidney the tubes are
quite separate from one another. I need hardly observe, that it would
be vain to attempt to make such a dissection artificially. See fig, 8, pl.
XXXIX, p. 158. A probe is placed under the thin thoracic portion of
the kidney. If a piece of this be carefully removed from the recently-
killed animal, the cilia lining the whole length of the tube will be seen
in active vibration. Beautiful specimens, showing the continuity of the
tube with the flask-like dilatation enclosing the vessels of the tuft, may
be obtained from animals which have been injected with the Prussian
blue fluid, fig. 9, pl. XXXIX.
Many other illustrations of the value of this kind of investigation
might be adduced of equal interest and importance, but I must be con-
tent with strongly advising all those who desire to prosecute researches
for the purpose of demonstrating the structure of any particular tissue
or organ to investigate with great care its anatomical structure in animals
considerably below mammalia, and especially in the lowest forms of life
in which the particular tissue or organ in question has been proved to
exist. We should endeavour to find it in its simplest condition, because
the mind will be better able to appreciate the exact meaning of the struc-
tures which are superadded, and the more elaborate anatomical detail
which obtains in the higher animals, than if the attention had been con-
fined to the consideration of the most perfect examples of the structure.
In the examination of the mammalian kidney, the epithelium and
fragments of the tubes may be readily obtained by scraping the freshly
cut surface. In this manner also Malpighian tufts may often be sepa-
rated, but it is impossible in this way to ascertain the relation of the
different structures to One another, as by the process of scraping they
are inevitably much torn. A thin section in which the relation of the
several anatomical elements may be demonstrated, is obtained either
with a sharp thin-bladed knife, or more advantageously with a Valentin's
knife, by which means a section including both the cortical and medul-
lary portion of the organ may be made. After washing the section very
slightly, it may be placed with a drop of water between two pieces of
glass, and examined in the microscope, a low power (an inch glass),
being used first, by which the general arrangement of the tubes will be
Seen, and a quarter of an inch object-glass afterwards, by the aid of
which the different characters of the epithelium in the straight and con-
voluted portions of the tubes may be clearly demonstrated.
240. Basement Membrane, Matrix, and vessels.-Just at the edge
of the specimen, a portion of a tube stripped of epithelium, and exhibit-
ing the basement membrane very distinctly, may often be observed.
The appearance which has been described as resulting from the pre-
sence of a matrix may be very clearly seen in a section of the kidney of
a mouse, or in that of many other rodents. Where the capillaries are
injected with transparent injection, no fibrous appearance is to be
detected; and I believe, at least in healthy kidneys, that the material
resembling fibrous tissue, really consists of the walls of the tubes and
the shrunken and otherwise altered capillaries.
Here and there, apparently upon the vessels of the Malpighian tuft,
a few cell-like bodies are often seen. These have been described by
some as epithelial cells upon the external surface of the vessel, but the
researches of Mr. Bowman conclusively prove that the vessels are
quite bare. The appearance of epithelium upon the surface of the
vessel, is caused by the loops of capillaries being shrunken and col
lapsed. When distended with transparent injection, no such appear-
ance is observable, but here and there a few very small granular cells
are observed. Masses of bioplasm or nuclei, are connected with the walls
of these vessels, as well as with other tissues, fig. 3, pl. XXIX, p. 108.
241. Examination of Nerve-Ganglia.—The ganglia of the Organic or
sympathetic system, and the ganglia on the posterior roots of the nerves,
which probably are a part of the same system, should be obtained from
young animals, for in adults and in those advanced in age, the quantity
of connective tissue is so great as to hide many of the cells and render
it impossible to trace for any great distance from the cell the very pale
delicate nerve-fibres connected with them. In investigations upon the
structure of these cells I have pursued the plan of investigation
described in part VI, by the aid of which I was enabled to demonstrate
that at least two fibres (one of which in the frog's ganglion cells was
coiled round the other) came from every one of these ganglion cells,
and that the fibres when they reached the nerve trunks pursued
opposite directions. See fig. 4, pl. XL, p. 166.
Some good examples of ganglia of the Organic system of nerves are
also represented in pl. XXXVII.
242. Examination of the spinal Cord.—Different parts of the
cord may be examined in the fresh state, but in order to demon-
strate the beautiful structure described and figured in modern works, we
must have recourse to certain methods of preparation. The method of
cutting very thin sections of the brain and cord is described on p. 94.
A weak solution of chromic acid is invaluable for investigating the
structure of the cord. Segments of different parts are placed in the
solution and allowed to harden, when very thin sections may be readily
obtained and examined. The method of preparation followed by Mr. J.
Lockhart Clarke, in his beautiful and highly important investigations
on the structure of the spinal Cord was the following:
A perfectly fresh cord was hardened in spirits of wine, so that
extremely thin sections, in various directions, could be made by means
of a very sharp knife. A section so made was placed on a glass slide,
M 2
and treated with a mixture composed of one part of acetic acid and
three of spirits of wine, which not only makes the nerves and fibrous
portions more distinct and conspicuous, but renders also the grey Sub-
stance much more transparent. The section was then covered with thin
glass, and viewed first by reflected light with low magnifying powers, and
by reflected light with higher ones.
According to the second method, the section is first macerated for
an hour or two in the mixture of acetic acid and spirit. It is then
removed into pure spirit, and allowed to remain there for about the
same space of time. From the spirit it is transferred to oil of turpen-
tine, which expels the spirit in the form of opaque globules, and shortly
(sometimes immediately) renders the section perfectly transparent. The
preparation is then put up in Canada balsam, and covered with thin
glass. By this means the nerve fibrils and vesicles become so beauti-
fully distinct, that they may be clearly seen with the highest powers of
the microscope. If the section be removed from the turpentine when
it is only semi-transparent, we sometimes obtain a good view of the
arrangement of the blood-vessels. This mode of preparation succeeds
best in cold weather, for in summer, the cord, however fresh when
immersed in the spirit, remains more or less spongy, instead of becom-
ing firm and dense in the course of five or six days. The spirit should
be diluted with an equal quantity of water during the first day, after
which it should be used pure. Certain modifications of this mode of
preparation may be sometimes employed with advantage by a practised
hand (“Philosophical Transactions,” 1851). These processes are more
or less applicable to the investigation of the brain and some of the ganglia.
Mr. Clarke has since adopted a modification of his original plan,
and has been kind enough to send me the following directions:–The
spinal cord and medulla oblongata of man and the higher mammalia
are to be cut into pieces of half or three quarters of an inch long,
and steeped in a solution of one part of chromic acid in 200 parts
of water, for three weeks or a month. It is then preserved for use
in a solution of about one part of bichromate of potash in 200 parts
of water. For hardening the convolutions of the cerebrum and cere-
bellum, the solution of chromic acid must be weaker than for the
spinal cord or medulla oblongata, that is the proportion of one part
of the acid to four, or even five hundred parts of water; but the
portions of brain must be small, not more than half an inch thick,
otherwise they become rotten before the acid has reached their centres.
A little spirit added to the solution for two or three days, after the first
day, will prevent this. The pure solution can then be renewed. Spirit
of wine is used to wet the knife or razor in making sections, which
should be washed in water, before they are placed in solution of carmine.
When sufficiently coloured, the sections are again washed in water, and
placed for ten minutes or a quarter of an hour in strong spirit; after which,
if they be thin, they are floated on the surface of spirit of turpentine, where
they remain until they are quite, or nearly, transparent, when they are
removed to glass slides, on which a little Canada balsam has been pre-
viously dropped. If now they are examined under the microscope, the
sections often show but little trace of either cells or fibres—a circumstance
which seems to have caused Schroeder Van der Kolk, and some others, to
abandon the method. If, however, the section be set aside for a little
while, and treated occasionally with a little turpentine, the cells and fibres
reappear, and present a beautiful appearance. Before the specimens are
finally covered with thin glass, they should be examined at intervals
under the microscope, to see whether all the details of structure have
Come Out clearly; and if so, as much Canada balsam must be used as
suffices for mounting. If the sections be of considerable thickness, it will
be found best to place them in a shallow vessel, the bottom of which is
kept simply wet with turpentine, which can therefore ascend through
them from below, while the spirit evaporates from their upper surfaces,
for the principle of the method is this —to replace the spirit by tur-
pentine, and this by Canada balsam, Zºlfhout drying the sections. The
method at first is attended with some difficulty, and practice is neces-
Sary to ensure complete success. Experience, also, may suggest, accord-
ing to circumstances, certain modifications of the exact process here
given, which, to a certain extent, must be considered as general. This
method is now generally adopted in investigating the structure of the
brain and spinal cord, but oil of cloves, or oil of lemons, and some
other essential oils, may be used with advantage instead of turpentine,
and the specimens may be mounted in a solution of damar or Canada
balsam in preference to the ordinary balsam. See pp. 88 to 91, and
p. 57. Longitudinal and transverse sections of the spinal cord are
represented in pl. XL, p. 166, figs. I, 2.
243. Examination of the Brain.-The brain should be subjected to
examination as soon as possible after death. In examining the fresh
brain, small portions may be removed on the end of a knife, placed
upon the glass slide, and moistened with a little serum, or weak solution
of sugar, but it must be admitted little can be learnt by such a mode of
examination, as the relation of the structures to one another is com-
pletely destroyed. For examining the arrangement and distribution of
the nerve fibres, portions of brain should be hardened in the chromic
acid solution, p. 67, when very thin sections can be obtained with a
sharp razor. Dilute solution of caustic soda is also exceedingly useful
for rendering the nerve tubes more distinct. The minute anatomy of
the brain may be studied in man and in the higher animals, but the
subject is too complex and difficult to consider in this work. The
examination of the dura mater and arachnoid is conducted according to
the general plan already laid down. Very small pieces are removed,
Carefully torn up with needles, moistened with water, and covered with
thin glass. The gritty particles (brain sand) in the pineal body, and
those which are not unfrequently met with in other parts of the brain,
and the Hassall's corpuscles, or corpora amylacea, may be separated from
the brain substance by washing in a glass of water, in which they will
sink to the bottom ; the supernatant fluid may then be poured off, and
replaced by fresh water. After this process has been repeated a few
times, the bodies in question will become quite clean. They may then
be examined in water, tested with appropriate reagents, and preserved
in aqueous fluid, or dried and mounted in Canada balsam.
The vessels of the brain may be readily examined if the white or
grey cerebral matter be first removed by washing a thin section with
water. The addition of a little very dilute caustic soda renders the outline
more distinct. The most beautiful specimens of the vessels of the pia
mater, may be obtained by injecting the artery first with an ammoniacal
solution of carmine, p. 125, and then with the Prussian blue fluid. For
the details of the process, the reader is referred to part VI.
The investigation of the anatomy of the central organs of the
nervous system is perhaps the most difficult which the student can
undertake, and it is not easy to lay down principles for his guidance.
Very much yet remains to be discovered with reference to the chemical
solutions adapted to render the anatomical elements of these tissues
distinct. There can be no doubt that modes of investigation will at
length be found out which will enable us to demonstrate satisfactorily
the exact relation to one another of the delicate structures which make
the nervous system, the mode of their formation, and the precise way
in which they attained the positions they severally hold.
If a portion of white cerebral matter be treated with water, the
nerve fibres soon become changed in character, apparently in conse-
quence of the partial separation of the oily from the albuminous consti-
tuents which are contained within the tubular sheath. The oily matter
forms distinct and separate globules, often of considerable size, or it
tends to collect in quantity in different parts of the fibre, which pro-
duces a beaded appearance. A similar change takes place in nerve
fibres generally, if they are not examined very recently, or if they have
been soaked for a short time in water. In figs. 3, 5, pl. XXXVI,
p. 150, some of these changes are represented.
For the most part the tissues of the lower animals may be examined
according to the principles which have been laid down for the demon-
stration of the minute anatomy of the various structures of the higher
forms of life. The student will, however, meet with greater variety of
Fºg I.
Longitudinal section through the spinal cord in the neck of a cat. Pº, pºsterior white column ºc. anterior white
column a, grey substance between the white columns, P. posterior roots of the nerves, consisting ot three kinds-
a, b, and c a, auterior roots of the nerves. As a portion of the anterior column, showing the arrangement of the
longitudinal fibres, p 155
Fig. 2.
A transverse section through one half of the lumbar enlargement of the cord, representing the º
course of the fibres of the roots of the nerves, and the tracsverse commissure through the ºrey º
substance. The vesicles have been omitted to prevent confusion. The fibres of the anterior -
roots, , i, on reaching the grey substance, are seen to diverse and cross each other; and those
ºf the posterior roots are seen intersecting each other in every direction. p. 165
Fig. 4.
Division of a dark-
bordered nerve fibre
into pale firres
on sarcolemma of
muscle, x 700
P 14 ºn
* *
- -
- : :- *:
+ - - - - º
Ganglion cell, with straight and spiral fibre connected with it, and pursuing opposite directions in the - * * * *
aerve trunk. From the byla or green tree frog observe the bioplasm in the cell and in the fibres : .
x 700 p. 10.
To face page 166.

texture, and in not a few instances our knowledge of higher structures
may be greatly advanced by the careful study of the corresponding
tissues in creatures low in the scale. There are many textures which
are indeed peculiar to the lower animals which do not appear to have
any analogues among the higher, but which nevertheless are well
deserving of the careful attention of the microscopist.
In researches upon the changes occurring during the development of
tissues, facts may be ascertained in connection with the phenomena of the
early periods of embryonic life which cannot so easily be made out in
investigations upon man and among the higher vertebrata. The most
delicate tissues may be studied in specimens which have been properly
preserved in strong glycerine. Although it is generally stated that very
transparent delicate tissues ought not to be immersed in this medium,
it is a fact that even infusoria may be mounted in glycerine, and points
in their structure demonstrated, which are not visible when they are
immersed in water. It is, of course, necessary to use weak glycerine
first and gradually increase the strength as fully described in part VI.
244. Of Preparing the Tissues of Insects for Microscopical EX-
amination.—Many of the Smaller insects may be mounted entire as dry
objects, but the hard external covering of the body and limbs in many
members of this class is better displayed if freed from the soft parts and
preserved in Canada balsam. The soft tissues of small flies, beetles, and
other insects may be entirely removed by the action of liquor potassae
in which they are perfectly soluble. The hard textures are at the same
time softened, but not dissolved by this reagent. After very careful
washing in distilled water the entire insect, or parts of it, may be dried
in the position they are intended to take up permanently. But the
better plan is to well wash the specimen in water, transfer it to alcohol,
and at last to strong alcohol, then moisten it with turpentine or oil of
cloves, and mount it in a solution of Canada balsam. The chloroform
or benzol solution, p. 55, may be employed with advantage. For
more full details of the operation the reader may be referred to
Mr. Thomas Davies' little book on “The Preparation and Mounting
of Microscopic Objects,” p. 68. One of the most beautifully mounted
objects of the kind that I ever saw was a pediculus preserved in balsam
and put up by the late Mr. Topping for Mr. Bowerbank more than
twenty-five years ago. In this specimen the nervous system and the
nerves and muscles of the legs, antennae, &c., could be well seen, and
the ganglia in the head with the nerves to the eyes and parts about the
mouth were beautifully distinct. Mr. Bowerbank traced nerves to the
individual bristles and hairs of the animal. The results of his careful
observations upon the specimen were published in a special memoir
“On the brain and a portion of the nervous system of Pediculus
Capitis.”—London, 1873.
77te Egg Capsules of insects exhibit very peculiar markings upon
their surfaces which vary in every species. Even in those which are
closely allied the greatest difference often exists. Insects' ova are
represented in pl. XLI, fig. 5. The eggs may be examined as opaque
objects according to the methods described in p. 85, or very thin
vertical and horizontal sections may be made and mounted in fluid
or in Canada balsam. Upon one surface of the eggs of many insects,
and very clearly in some of the lepidoptera, an orifice surrounded with
beautiful markings may be discerned. This is the micropyle.
245. The scales and Hairs from many insects and Crustacea are
well worthy of attentive examination. The scales from the wings of
various butterflies and moths exhibit beautiful markings. They should
be examined in a dry state and also mounted in balsam. A series
should be carefully mounted in precisely the same manner for com-
parison. The student will find that the scales of different parts of the
body exhibit peculiarities of structure and surface marks. The scales
of no two species are exactly alike.
The markings upon many of these scales are so delicate as to serve
for testing the defining powers of the highest and most perfect object-
glasses. Some of the most elaborate are obtained from the ſodura,
a little hopping insect, common enough in some localities in and about
old dry wood. In order to catch the podurae, a little oatmeal may be
placed on black paper and left some hours. It may then be trans-
ferred to a large clean basin, out of which the creatures cannot leap.
Their scales may be mounted dry, in fluid, or in balsam. Broken scales
often afford instructive preparations for examination with high powers.
The reader is particularly recommended to study the appearance of
the Small scales of the podura when illuminated on a dark ground by
the aid of Dr. Edmunds' paraboloid illuminator, p. 28.
24G. Tracheae, or air-tubes which are characteristic of the class of
insects may be demonstrated very readily. If the inside of a common
maggot, Caterpillar, or fly be removed and covered with thin glass,
numerous exceedingly fine dark lines will be seen ramifying almost
everywhere, and forming networks. These are the tracheae, and their
black appearance is due to their containing air which refracts the light
very differently from the other tissues and fluids by which it is surrounded.
The explanation has been already given in the case of air-bubbles on
p. 81, and in that of the lacunae and canaliculi of bone in p. 9o. But
in this rough mode of examining the tracheae, the student learns nothing
concerning the elaborate structure and wonderful arrangement of these
air-tubes. If some of the larger ones be dried and then moistened with
turpentine or Canada balsam, it will be found that a spiral thread is
closely coiled around every one of the tubes, by which arrangement they
are kept pervious, so that air may circulate freely through them, and
p. 189.
Apparatus for keeping objects warm while
being examined in the microscope. p. 189
Fig. 4.
Salivary corpuscles, bacteria, and bacteria germs, and
Dernodex or entozoon from the follicles of fine oil globules from saliva. The particles in the
the skin. Three varieties, p. 187. salivary corpuscles are in constant motion as long as
the corpuscles are alive. x 1700. p. 207.
The speculum
copic drawing
Tracheae from an insect. x 215, p. 168.
Portions of the egg of the common bed bug.
which covers the orifice removed. Stereos
After Mr. Wenham, p. 168.
[To face page 16S

thus reach the ultimate constituents of all the textures of the body.
The minute structure of tracheae, and the arrangement of the nerves
which often accompany them, is best studied in specimens preserved in
The tracheae all open upon the surface of the body, by orifices
termed spiracles, easily found in the common caterpillar, as they form
a row on each side of the body. Every spiracle is guarded by a comb-
like arrangement of firm chitinous or horny tissue which prevents foreign
particles from passing into the tracheae, while like a sieve it permits the
free ingress and egress of air. The student should mount a series of
specimens of spiracles from different insects.
247. Branchiae of Mollusca.-The textures of which this form of
breathing apparatus is composed may be demonstrated according to the
principles already laid down in the sections upon the study of the
structure of the tissues and organs of the higher animals. The arrange-
ment of the vessels may be displayed by injection, p. Io2. The method
of demonstrating the circulation of the blood in these organs is referred
to in p. 192. In many young mollusks the branchiae are very beauti-
ful. The action of the cilia with which the vessels are clothed is
referred to in p. 193.
24s. Microscopic shells form beautiful objects for investigation;
many may be mounted as dry objects, and examined by low powers.
The remains of the animal organisms may be removed by boiling for a
few seconds in a weak solution of potash or carbonate of potash. The
shells must then of course be thoroughly washed in successive portions
of distilled water. - -
The shells of foraminifera, many of which are to be found upon our
ordinary sea weeds, may be prepared in the same way. This class of
organisms has recently been very carefully investigated by Dr. Carpenter,
whose memoirs in the “Philosophical Transactions" are worthy of
attentive study. See also “The Microscope and its Revelations” by
the same author.
249. Sponges are very interesting object for study, but not a few
of them are difficult to investigate. Fully formed sponges consist of
soft organic matters with multitudes of active living particles arranged
round a skeleton which sometimes is hard and horny in texture,
in some few species calcareous, but in most cases siliceous forming
spicules of the most different and peculiar shapes. The general form of
the sponge, the arrangement of the skeleton, the character of the
organic matter, the rate of its growth, and the dimensions ultimately
attained by it differ greatly in the various species.
Recent sponges may be examined in the living state, and some of the
fresh water species (spongilla) are beautiful objects. The late Mr. Bower-
bank spent many years of his life in the study of Sponges, and Con-
tributed during the past twenty-five years several valuable memoirs to
the Transactions of the Royal, Linnean, and Microscopical Societies.
Shortly before his death Mr. Bowerbank sent me some drawings from
his monograph which he was then preparing for the Ray Society. Some
of these have been beautifully engraved by Miss Powell. See plates
XLII, XLIII, XLIV, XLV. The following directions were at the same
time forwarded for insertion in this edition of my book:-
“The mode of preparing portions of Sponges, either as microscopi-
cal objects or to ascertain their genus and species, is as follows: Thin
sections of the dried specimens should be taken at right angles to the
dermal surface and immersed in distilled water in shallow cells, from
which the water should after awhile be drained off and the slice allowed
to dry and to adhere to the glass. When perfectly dry they may be
mounted in the usual way in rather thin Canada balsam, and the air
entangled in the tissue extracted by an air-pump before the thin glass is
put on. Thin slices from the dermal surface may also be mounted in a
similar manner, and such specimens frequently exhibit beautiful reti-
culated structures. Spicula are best separated from Sponges by boiling
them in a test-tube with nitric acid until the Sponge tissue breaks up.
Some distilled water may then be added, and the spicula allowed to
subside, when nearly all the fluid may be very carefully poured off, more
distilled water being added so that the sediment may be thoroughly
washed. Lastly, the water is to be again drained off, and after having
been allowed to dry the spicula may be mounted in balsam.” See also
p. I 79.
25o. Examination of vegetable Tissues.—The examination of vege-
table tissues is conducted upon the same general principles as that of
animal textures. The observer must take exceedingly small pieces for
examination, and he will find great advantage if he dissects the buds of
plants and selects some of the very young leaves just beginning to be
formed. Where the tissue is very soft the dissection may be carried on
with the aid of needles, the specimen being placed in a drop of fluid
upon a glass slide. Thin sections in various directions may be easily
made with a sharp thin knife, and the shavings thus obtained examined
in water or other fluids. The method of cutting thin sections of woods
has been already referred to in p. 99.
The spiral vessels of plants can in many instances be obtained by
boiling the stem or leaves of a plant in water, pl. XLVI, fig. 5, p. 172.
Those of rhubarb are very large, and may be selected for examination.
Spiral vessels may be obtained from cooked fruit or vegetables, and
beautiful specimens may often be found in jam. The spiral vessels in
leaves may be beautifully shown by allowing some coloured fluid to
A small piece of the reticula-
teå dermal membrane ºf the
Hymeniacidon reticulatus, on a small stone. The sponge sponge. Fig 1. x 123.
at a, a. The rest of the stone covered with small ºnells,
&c. Nat size, dredged by the Rev. & Norman at Jersey.
- - - - ig. 8. ig. 9.
Fig. 5. Fig. 7 Fig Fig. 9
- Hymeniacidon Albescens from
Hymeniacidon Albescens from Torbay. Nat size. Fºg º one
Sark, with the basal sponge. Nat. Hymeniacidon fallaciosus. Naº- of the large spicula from the
size. size. Fig. 5, spiculumn of skeleton skeleton, x 150.
- Fig. 10.
Fig. 11.
b. - s =
º-º-º: -
*º-º-º: º-
a, b, Spicula, Hymeniacidon per armatus × 1:0 c. spined defensive spiculum from Equianchorate, tridentate
the same. x 1:0. retentive spicula, smallest
and largest. x 3-0. From
Hymeniacidion Perarmat:s
From J. S. Bowerbank's Memoir of the British
Spongiadae. Ray Society. From drawings by
Lens Aldous. 1874.
[To face page 170.

Interior of Ciocalypta Leei, near the base of the
penicillate organ, showing the spiculous fasci
cule radiating from the central axis of the
a, Mll lnute sceptriferous
tºrysl on spiculum from
the interstitial mem-
lºrantº. X (30, b, Skeleton
spiculum. X 2.0 Spon,
&nlla. Sceptrifera.
Fig. l.
K? O &
a, Spiculum
fro ºn Cyocalyp
t a ſeen. × SO
6, Spinous Spa-
culturn. Skele.
toll. Spongilla
Parfitti x 250.
in gilla sceptritera trom
of the Exeter reservoirs.
N. it. s.12e.
- tºº
* * *º
§§§ §§
S.” Sºº
§§ *Yºº
Sporgilla Parfitti from the river Exe.
Nat, size.
A por, ion of the de m. surface of the
penicillate organ witu its spiculous nºt
work and porous areas x 80
Two views of a rotulate spicul: , In, O a y.
Spongilla fluvia tills x : 30.
fl. 6.
;ulia A' eyeni
Three spicula from the Ovary of Spongilia
Parfitti. Conapare these with Figs.
g;* .
Spongilla Parfitti, from Trews Weir,
sever. Nat. Size.
From J. S Bowerbank's Memoir of the British Spongiadae.
Ray Society. From drawings by Lens Aldous.
Nat, size & ,
spiculumn of the same. × 350. :
[To follow plate XLII,
spongilla Parfitti from the Salmon Pool, Eşeté.
Eialf the specimera. Skeletonne

I’leming, PLATE XLIV
Fig. 3.
A group from the sea at
Plymouth Nat size
Section show iug A large specimen tº
closed cavity re- with a small on tº W
loºx, N. :ut sl z ∈ at its base Nat.
S1 2. (3
Fig. 5.
A lango specimen from the river
rw: ell, Nat, size.
Short varieties of the
s conge From Guernsey.
N at size, "ſile two lower
tigures are the same. The
one to the left representing
a section. Nat. S1ze.
Fig. 9.
Triradiate spicula from the ciliary fringe, cloaca x S0
Flg. S.
Portion of internal su) face of Grantia.
vessellata, l'ig. 2, a, pl. xlv., showing
part of the oscular areas opening
into the cloaca at a. X 50.
sº §
§§ ºr- § º
º § §§ºsº
& - §§ §§ §§ NS §
- §§§ - º §
Rs. &
The three upper figures are specimens of Grantia
ensata (Bowerbauk). Nat, size. Below them to
c. - O
bortion of external surface of Grantia the right, a young one on a stone. To une left, Spicula, from the siliary
testallata. Fiš. 2, b, pl. xlv. two of the spicula. fringe and other parts: ×$3. tº
• e o "
- - tº
From J. S. Bowerbank's Memoir of the British Sp2ngiadº. - 4- c, NY • * :
Ray Society. From drawines by Lens Aldous. 1874. [To follow plate XLIII, a

I'lg. ).
º º
º, º - ~ -
º w Wº: d
3 * > *
Grarutia, tessell aſ a N. at . Siz.".
antia ºn sata, showing defensive a. long. Sec; 1911. a lºw il. 3 cloa-
cal cavity. b, exterial ºt, race.
See pl. xliv., F18 1.
Pcrtion of sul face of Gr *
spicula on surface. × 0
ſº - * nº y
wºº fa §§ \\ºf *
:S→S. Š & a º º, ºr a
§ §§§ º, % º
ºłºś. º -
& †s,
- *- : * . *2 tº -
ºf wº -
§: §§ .
Fº gº-
%: º; §
§º: --
% *.
Fº - - - - e. " -
*-T-T - - - **-4-ºxº º
§§§ ºś
Žº *...º.º. º:
Ely inerapuia verticeliata. Spicula of tue derunal Imr mbrane,
with part of the shaft x 250.
º º
save spicula, X
x 250.
Basal end of one of the large spicula of the skeleton of Hymeraphia verticellata.
Liyrneraphia verticelluta,
N 8.U. S. 1262,
Columella of a Fusus en-
crusted by Hymeraphia.
Stellifera. Shetland. Hymeraglia stellitera on tºe .
Nat, size. inner surface of a valve of s
Documia lincta. Shetland, e
[To follow plate NLl W:
From J. S. Bºwerbank's Memoir of the British Spongiadae.
Ray Society F, on draw lugs by Lens Aiaous. Y&74.
Hymeraphia stellifera Skeleton ard external defeid-

enter them. If the stalk of a living leaf be placed in the fluid and
evaporation from the surface of the leaf be encouraged by exposure in
a warm place, the fluid will enter the vessels. If carmine fluid, p. 125,
be used, the bioplasm of the cells near the vessels will be stained at
the same time that the tubes are injected.
The cellular tissues of plants (certain leaves, flowers, fruits) are
softened and at length destroyed by weak nitric and hydrochloric acid
(one part of acid to from twenty to fifty of water), while the fibrous and
vascular textures remain behind. In this way “skeleton’ specimens of
the leaf, flower, calyx, or fruit may be prepared.
Almost all vegetable tissues are most easily investigated when they
have been preserved for some time in viscid media, which are miscible
in all proportions with water. Leaves and stems when well Saturated
with syrup or glycerine are easily separated into their component tissues.
They must first be placed in very dilute solutions, which may be con-
centrated by gradual evaporation, or the strength of the solution may
be increased by the addition of small quantities of strong syrup or
glycerine from day to day. The beautiful textures to be demonstrated
in jams and preserved fruits have been alluded to in p. 83.
Very hard vegetable textures, such as the shell of the cocoanut,
walnut, &c., may be cut into thin sections, according to the plan des-
cribed in p. 98.
Aollen grains are among the most interesting objects. They are
easily procured by shaking the anther of any flower fully expanded
upon a glass slide, and may be mounted dry, p. 86, in aqueous fluids,
p. 87, or in Canada balsam, p. 88.
The external markings of the seeds of plants are well worthy of atten-
tive examination. The student may examine the seeds without any
preparation whatever, as dry objects, p. 26, by reflected light. Many
seeds may be at once recognised, and the species of plant to which
they belong determined by the markings on the testa alone.
The starch globules enclosed in the cells of many seeds and some
rhizomes exhibit great variety in form, size, and structure. Different
kinds of starch should be submitted to examination, and every student
should be familiar with the microscopical characters of wheat, rice, and
potato starch, arrowroot, and Indian Corn, pl. XLVI, p. 172, figs. I, 2, 3, 4.
The colouring matters of leaves and flowers are contained in cells,
and are formed by the bioplasm of each cell. Even in petals of different
plants, of precisely the same colour, different kinds of colouring matter
have been detected by Mr. Sorby. See “Spectrum Microscopic Analysis,”
in part IV, p. 269. The petals of many flowers may be preserved without
difficulty, as they retain their characters when dried. They should,
however, be covered with thin glass to protect them from the dust.
It the student desires to study the manner in which the colouring
matter is formed within the cell, he must examine recent specimens in
glycerine, according to the principles laid down in part VI.
Microscopical Examination of Zichens.—The following directions are
given by the Rev. W. A. Leighton in his elaborate work “The Lichen
flora of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands:”—“The suc-
cessful study of lichens is not really so difficult as persons imagine if
only they will bring to the work careful painstaking observations, delicate
manipulation in dissection, and a microscope with a good object-glass
of 3-inch focus. The mode of examination which may be adopted is
this:—moisten the apothecium with water, then applying a watchmaker's
lens to the eye, make with a sharp surgeon's knife or scalpel a very
thin vertical section through the centre of the apothecium. Place this
on the lower glass of a compressorium, p. 92, pl. XXV, figs. 3, 4, in a
drop of hydrate of potash (liquor potassae) which assists in loosening
the Cohesion of the parts, and swells the spores to their proper shape,
bring down the upper glass of the compressor with slight pressure, and
place the whole under the microscope, increasing the pressure by turn-
ing gradually the screw of the compressor as may be necessary. A view
is thus obtained of the asci, spores, paraphyses, structure, and colour of
the hypothecium, &c., &c.” On the structure and examination of
mosses, consult “The Sphagnaceae or Peat-Mosses of Europe and
North America,” by Dr. Braithwaite.
251. The crystals or Itaphides found in many vegetable tissues are
well worthy of attentive study. They differ in composition and form in
different plants, and it is possible to recognise some species by the
character of the crystals alone. In the bulb scales of the common onion
(fig. 25), in the leaves of the hyacinth, and many allied plants, Crystals
may be detected. Raphides are met with in only three orders of British
dicotyledons: Balsaminaceae, Onagraceae (fig. 7), and Rubiaceae (Gulliver),
but they are commonly found in many monocotyledons. In transverse
sections of the thick leaves of the India-rubber plant are collections of
small crystals in large globules (crystoliths) in special cells.
Professor Gulliver has paid great attention to the examination of
plant-crystals, and to him I am indebted for the remarks in the present
section upon this interesting and important subject, as well as for the
beautiful drawings from which the engravings in plates XLVII and
XLVIII have been copied. Professor Gulliver well remarks that “it
would not be easy to over-estimate the beauty and importance of plant-
crystals, or to explain why they have hitherto been the subject of
so little attention and so much error in books of systematic and
physiological botany and micrography. These crystals would afford
endless employment for those interested in microscopic work at
all seasons of the year, and are highly important anatomically and
economically. They are very easily preserved, and may be obtained
from parts of plants ever at hand. The prismatic forms are admirably
Very young cells from potato, in which the deposition
of starch is just commencing x 700, p. 171.
Iºtato starch x ºf p. 171.
º granules in
loung cell from a potato, showing s
its luterior. 2. dºu. p.
Fig. 5.
Rice starch x 215. p 171.
Portion of leaf, showing cellular tissue, fibres, and spiral Wallisneria spiralis showing large and small cells
vessels. x 215. p 170. with contents wºuich rotate x 130 p. 189.
Part of a cell in vallisneria, snowing circulation. The large mass, a Nwith nucleus is colourless, aud consists of
bioplasm. The smaller particles (under b) are probably also of this nature. The round bodiles, c, are masses
of chlorophyl, whicu are in process of ſorunatiou. A 2,800, p. 99
[To face page 172.

suited for experiments on the polarization of light.” The treatment of
this subject on the present occasion must be brief; it is drawn from the
extensive researches of Professor Gulliver, which are cited in the Royal
Society’s “Catalogue of Scientific Papers,” and have been since extended
in the “Monthly Microscopical Journal,” Dec., 1873 and 1874, and
Sept., 1877. An examination of plates XLVII, XLVIII, from drawings
made by him specially for this edition of my book, will afford good
views of the chief forms of the crystals, which are as follows:
“I. Rap/hides. Figs. 1–8, pl. XLVII.-Smooth, needle-like, with
long rounded shafts tapering to points at the ends, devoid of angles, and
occurring loosely together in bundles of about a score or more, com-
monly within a cell. Excellent examples occur in the orders Balsam-
inaceae, Onagraceae (fig. 7), Rubiaceae, Mesembryaceae, Dioscoreaceae (figs.
I and 2), Orchidaceae, Vitaceae, Lemnaceae (fig. 4), Araceae (fig. 6), &c.;
and in the genera Urginea, Ornithogalum (fig. 3), Hyacinthus, Aspa-
ragus, Hydrangea, &c. Raphides afford such valuable characters that
they must be sooner or later adopted in Systematic botany, especially as
they are often more fundamental and universal in the species than any
other single diagnostic. Thus, in the British flora, Onagraceae may be
very truly and simply defined as Calycifloral Exogens in which Raphides
abound ; and in like manner still confining ourselves to Aritish plants,
the definition is good for the orders Balsaminaceae and Rubiaceae.
“II. Sphaeraphides. Figs. 9–17, pl. XLVII.-Globated forms made
up of minute crystals or granules, and either Smoothish, granular,
rougher, or stellate from projecting crystalline tips on the surface;
sometimes in cells forming an external skeleton of network or tissue
like mosaic (figs. 16 and 17), occasionally suspended by a pedicel within
a cell (fig. 12). Examples occur in numberless plants, such as Celas-
traceae, Mercurialis (fig. II), Passiflora, Viburnum lantana, Rhubarb,
Urticaceae (figs, 9, Io, and I2), Aralia (fig. 16), Veratrum (fig. 17), &c.
“III. Zong Crystal Prisms. Figs. 19–25, pls. XLVII and XLVIII.
—Acicular forms with angular shafts and tips, never occurring loosely
in bundles, but either singly or two or more fused together, and for the
most part firmly seated in the plant-tissue. Examples are regular in
Quillaja (fig. 13), Guaiacum bark, Sweet Orris, and other Iridaceae, bulb-
scales of the onion family (fig. 25), in the ovary-coat of the Thistle (figs.
22 and 23), and several other allied Compositae (fig. 24), &c.
“IV. Short Prismatic Crystals. Figs. 26–41, pl. XLVIII.-Cubical,
or long and short squares, polyhedrons, rhombs, and many indefinite
forms, though generally more or less prismatic, occasionally not at all so,
or mere crystalline granules; occurring mostly in distinct cells, either
spread in a tissue in the testa and other parts, or arranged in chains
along the fibro-vascular bundles so as to form an internal crystalline
skeleton of the plant. Examples : testa of the Elm (fig. 26), and of
I74 How To work witH THE MICROSCOPE.
Anagallis, calyx, &c., of Geranium (figs. 27–29), various parts of Liliaceae,
Amentiferae (fig. 38), Leguminosae (figs, 31–37). Well seen in the leaves
of Dutch Clover, &c.
“The chemical composition of plant-crystals has been but little
investigated. The late Dr. John Davy and Dr. Douglas Maclagan
(‘Ann. Nat. Hist.,’ June, 1864), found that some Raphides and long
Crystal prisms consist chiefly of oxalate of lime, and others of phosphate
of lime, in both cases occasionally with a little magnesia. In the hop
and other Urticaceae, Mr. Gulliver finds in the stem and leaves two
forms of Sphaeraphides, one of oxalate and the other of carbonate of
lime (see figs. 9 and Io). The use of the fore-named calcareous salts in
the food of animals, from low invertebrates to high vertebrates, and as
manure in the form of humus to plants, is obvious ; and hence we see
somewhat of the importance of these crystals in animal physiology, and
in the philosophy of agriculture and gardening, and how rationally the
microscope may be employed in the investigation of objects which
nature has so lavishly provided for our pleasure and profit. The
taxonomic value of Raphides has already been mentioned ; and these
and other crystals often afford good tests of the genuineness of vegetable
drugs, and even a guide to their true botanical affinities, Had the
classificatory significance of them been known, the jalap of our Pharma-
copoeia, which belongs to the ex-raphidian order Convolvulaceae, could not
have been so long and erroneously regarded as belonging to a species of
Mirabilis in which, as in other Nyctaginaceae, Raphides are abundant.
“The crystals are easily examined, either in thin sections of the
plant or in fragments of it mashed to a pulp in water on the object-plate.
Boiling the leaf or other part in a solution of caustic potass exposes
the crystals and their cells most clearly. They make beautiful slides.
Mr. W. H. Hammond, by staining and other means fully described in
‘Science Gossip,” June, 1878, has formed an extensive and admirable
collection of such slides, most of which have been exhibited and
explained at the meetings of the Canterbury Natural History Society.”
252. of Preserving Vegetable Tissues permanently,–Vegetable
tissues may be preserved according to the plans already given for animal
tissues. Syrup and glycerine are excellent preservative media. The
bioplasm of vegetable tissues may be stained with Carmine, and the course
of vessels and tubes may be demonstrated if filled with coloured fluids.
which they will imbibe by Capillary attraction, especially if evaporation
be promoted from the leaves. -
Seaweeds which are to be preserved permanently should be allowed
to soak for some time in pure water. Small pieces may then be removed
and transferred to glycerine. Some of the most beautiful vegetable
preparations which I have seen have been mounted in glycerine. The
mixtures of gelatine and glycerine, and gum and glycerine will also be
Figs. 5 to 8.
I —RAPHIDES — Fig 1, From berry of Tamus. Fig. 2, The same more highly magnified ; the upper crystal perfect.
the two lower broken. Fig 3, In the coat of the ovule of Ornithogalum Fig. 4, 1 n an intercellular space of an old
frond of Lemma trisulca. Fig. 5, Within a special cell from the leaf of Neottia spiralis. Fig. 6. From the berry of Arum
maculatium Fig. 7, From the berry of Fuchsia. Fig 8, Buforines, From the leaf of Rucharcua aºthiopica.
Tigs. 9 to 14.
II —SEIAE RAPHIDES.—Fig. 9, Carbonate of lime– Parie. Crystals in the centre of cells of the leaf
taria. Fig 10, In Une leat-veins, and pith lll Urtica , oxalate of Veratru In
of lime Fig ll, From leaf of Mercurialis. Fig. 12. From
leaf of Parietaria : common in urticacae. Fig 13, The same
crushed. Tić, 14, Carbonate of lime in a cell, with a
unlcellular hair—From leaf of Leopurus cardiaca Flg. 19
From the ripe pulp of a
bear. Crystal tissue Crystals at the
corners of the cells. From the
fibre acd leaf of Aralia spinosa
Ope perfect and two broken long crystal prisms,
From the wood of Quillaja saponaria.
G G ULLIVER, ad Nat del., 1877,
[To face page 173.

Figs. 20 to 25.
Figs. 26 to 30.
* \ \\\\y\\
\\ -
\? \
º \!\-ſº W
A. t ńſ) º w \ \
|}*#| || ſº |W &\
l ºf) * \\
III —LONG CRYSTAL PRISMS — Fig. 20, From the leaf of Iv —Figs ºf—11. SHORT PRISMATIC CRYSTALS. from
Bonapartea. Fig 21, From Fourcroya gigantea. Fig. 22, I f inch º F'; is Test
Two crystals united, from the coat of the ovary of Carduus zºo tº 3555 9 an lº º: ić 26, 1 esta §
lanceolatus Fig 23. From the ovary coat of Sºyºum iº Fig 27, Pericarp, ºrºpºlº Fig 28,
marianum. Fig 24, From the ovarx' coat of Centau rea Testa of the same Fig. 29. Pericarp of Geranium phoeum.
nigra Fig 25, Broken crystal and entire Cross, From the Fig 30. From testa of Tamus comrnuluis.
bulb scale of snailot and other onio Ds
Figs. 31 to 34.
Ira Leguminosae.—Fig. 31. In the suture of the pod of Lathyrus odoratus. Fig 32, Two rows from the leaf of Mimosa
pudica Fig 33. From the liber of the same plant Fig. 34. Crystalline fibre trom the leaf of Phaseolus multiflorus.
Figs. 35 to 37.
From the petiole of Populus. From ths
To the right are two cells. in ovary coat
the walls of which are crystais of Centaurea.
projecting into the cavities of SCà blo Sa,
the cells.
Tig. 40. Fig. 41.
[] 6.3
t &
- ºt * - SSSNſº - S. Sº S.S.S. J. *s - .--
- N × - *. * > * * >
• * : *. ~ - - * . *
- - - “S. ***A* * † “. ."
• *. -º-º-S-S-S- *** ***... .º.S. - I -º-'s
S. * * ::... “S. i -> *-x, .*. . ." > * **** *****.*.*.* *
. . . - * **
Fig. 35, Crystal tissue, calyx Trifolium pratense.
between the nerves. Fig. 36, Crystals in the nerves d - - -
of the same calyx. Fis 37. Crystal fibre, from the From the petiole of Fº ºat
leaf nerve of Onobrychis satiwa Ci U)"UlS. C. t \ll \l Sa text]].S.
ºf I
G. GutlivrºR, ad Nat del, 1877;
*To follow plate XI:

found good media for mounting many vegetable structures, and chloride
of calcium forms a useful preservative fluid in many instances. Creosote
fluid, carbolic acid water, very dilute spirit and water, and even simple dis-
tilled water will preserve some vegetable tissues for a great length of time.
The pith of the stem of various plants, the epidermis, and many other
vegetable tissues, may be preserved as dry objects very satisfactorily.
253. of Collecting and Mounting Diatoms.-In Collecting diatoms
and other organisms from pools, the pocket microscope described in
p. 17, will be found very useful. A little of the sediment suspected to
contain them may be placed in the animalcule cage and examined by
the side of the pool. One of the hand microscopes, p. 17, or the waist-
coat pocket microscope, described in p. 20, will be found a most valuable
instrument for work of the kind. Low powers should be adapted.
Every microscope used for this purpose should permit the object to be
moved about, at least a three-eighths of an inch in every direction. The
difficulties of effecting this are not great. On collecting diatoms, see p. 176.
The siliceous remains of the diatomaceae may be separated from
guano and other deposits as follows:—The organic matter and carbo-
nate and phosphate of lime may be removed by boiling in nitric acid,
and the remaining deposit diffused through water and collected as
before described, but I much prefer to destroy the organic matter by
burning the deposit in a platinum basin, and allowing it to remain for
some hours at a red heat until the black Carbonaceous matter has burnt
off, leaving a pure white ash. The phosphates and carbonates may be
removed with dilute nitric acid, and the deposit washed. In this way
the shells are not so liable to be broken as they are when the deposit is
boiled for some time in strong acid.
Siliceous shells of certain diatoms are represented in pl. LIII, p. 204,
figs. 1, 2, 3, 5. There is much difference of opinion as to the cause of
the markings in many of these. The skeletons of diatoms in Bermuda
earth and other deposits of a like kind may be obtained by boiling the
powder for a short time in a weak solution of potash and then washing in
successive portions of distilled water according to the plan described in
p. Ioo.
254, of collecting and Dredging.—To those fond of natural his-
tory, few things are more delightful than a ramble over the beach at low
water for the purpose of collecting. Sea dredging adds not a little to
the charms of boating, and by the aid of the dredge many interesting
creatures may be caught, which never advance as high as low water
mark. The apparatus required is described further on.
There are, however, many organisms which inhabit shallow Salt water
pools, of great interest to the observer, and these may be obtained at
low tide without going out to sea. The apparatus required for taking
these is very simple and equally adapted for fresh water trapping. The
following appliances were arranged some years ago by Mr. Highley.
Nothing can be more suitable for the purpose or more ingeniously
designed. I therefore recommend the observer to provide himself with
the following simple pieces of apparatus, which may be obtained of
many of the naturalists or made at home.
A walking stick with a telescope joint, pl. XLIX, p. 176, fig. I, so
that its length may be doubled when required, for the purpose of reach-
ing far out into ponds or deep down between rocks, ditches, or river
banks. To the end of this stick may be screwed a 70?de-mouthed bottle,
which is introduced into the water mouth dozwnwards, after the manner
of a diving-bell, and only turned upwards when near the desired object,
and in such a way that it may be Carried into the bottle as the water
rushes in. The bottle should then be carefully brought to the surface.
Such objects as are desired should be selected and removed by aid of a
pocket pipette, fig. 1, and transferred to the tubes hereafter described.
The pipette consists of a glass tube drawn out to a point and
cemented into a German silver tube, which is fitted with a cap, after the
manner of a pen Case, so as to protect the glass. Larger objects, such
as water insects, young newts, &c., should be caught by means of a
small folding met, which also screws into the stick. Tough weeds
required for study, or which are covered with animal or vegetable
organisms and parasites, should be cut away by means of a weed knife,
fig. 1, pl. XLIX. This consists of two knife-edged blades, hinged to form
a V-shaped tool, and is likewise adapted to the naturalist's walking stick.
When it is desirable to obtain mud, shells, or other objects out of the
reach of the walking stick, the microscopist's dredge may be advan-
tageously employed. This is made after the manner of the larger one,
described further on, and figured in pl. L., p. 182, fig. 4. The dredge
is attached to one end of a length of stout whipcord, the other end
being formed into a loop which is passed over the collector's foot. The
intermediate length of string is carefully laid on the ground, coil upon
coil, and the dredge is then thrown far into the water, and drawn over
the bottom of the pond as it is dragged to shore.
Certain Desmids, Diatoms, and other objects which float upon the
surface of water, are best Secured by means of a skimming spoon, fig. 1,
pl. XLIX, All these appliances may be packed into a little pocket
case measuring 7 by 2% by I; inches. A companion collecting case to
this, contains six corked tubes and a pair of forceps. All objects of a
similar kind should be selected by means of the pipette after each haul,
and placed together in one tube, especial care being taken that no
larvae, likely to devour the specimens, be accidentally placed among
Jnstruments and apparatus for collecting diatoms, aquatic in sects, plants, &c. p. 176.
Fig. 3.
e- a
St. “
p 177
Small band microscope, convenient for sea side
Fig. 4.
* I
= . Tº T.
E-- "
Surface net, improved by Mr Highley. p. 177
I) rag hook for tearing sea-weeds
up by the root, p. 17%,
[To face page 176.

them. To provide against collecting too many of the same species, it
is as well to examine portions taken from questionable hauls by means
of a lens (watch maker's loup, or a pocket folding lens), or if higher
magnifying power is necessary, the microscope, fig. 3, pl. XLIX, or the
waistcoat pocket microscope, pl. IX, fig. 7, p. 19. The inconvenience of
holding the head upwards to the light in using the lens may be avoided
by placing the object on a reflecting prism, as suggested by Mr. Becker.
This idea was further carried out by Mr. Highley in the reflecting live
cage, fig. 4, pl. XLIX, which consists of a plate of brass having an aper-
ture into which a piece of thin glass is cemented, fitting by spring sides
on to a rectangular prism, so as to permit varying degrees of pressure
upon an object, or drop of water placed between the two glass surfaces.
The top surface of the prism being held horizontally, or nearly so, light
is projected from the reflecting plane of the prism through the object to
the eye. For this purpose a form of lens giving a larger field of view
in relation to the magnifying power than the ordinary Coddington lens
had to be employed. An excellent microscope for this purpose has
been recently devised by Mr. John Browning of the Strand. The im-
plements already described are also employed for shore collecting; but
for the purpose of removing objects attached to rocks, or the sides or
bottoms of rock basins, a flat-faced geologist's trimming hammer and a
cold chise/ should be added.
For sea collecting, the surface net, the draghook, and the dredge are
necessary. The surface net is a double conical bag made of “cheese net,”
or “bunting,” stretched on a cane hoop, and supported by three pieces of
cord, brought together at the point at which the towing cord is attached.
The inner cone is more obtuse and shorter than the Outer, and prevents
objects once caught from being washed out again. At the bottom of the
bag is fixed a glass bottle, and a bung is attached about a foot above it, to
prevent it from sinking too deep, pl. XLIX, fig. 6. Mr. Highley advises
that corks should be so placed at the mouth of the hoop as to insure
the net being only half immersed. The hoop being pulled into an oval
form, a wide mouth is presented to the waves. The net is towed astern
or at the side in such a way as to be clear of the boat's or ship's wake,
and the length of line is regulated to the strain created by the speed of
the vessel. On drawing up the net, the bottle is thrust up through the
hole in the inner cone, and its contents emptied into a bottle of similar
size, with a screw cap, of which some dozen should be kept in a tray.
Many interesting forms of crustacea, acalephae, &c., can be secured by
this means upon any part of our coast, and without going far to sea.
The Draghook, fig. 5, pl. XLIX, p. 176, consists of three groups of
stout iron hooks welded to a horizontal bar having an eye in the middle,
to which a stout rope may be fixed. This is let down among the roots
and fronds of the coarse seaweed, on which many microscopic animal
and vegetable forms are parasitic, and when well entangled the hook is
forcibly hauled up with the captured specimens.
The Maturalist's Dredge, fig. 6, pl. L, p. 182, however, is the instru-
ment which reaps the richest harvest from the sea. It is made of a
wrought-iron rectangular frame, from which two scrapers project at an
angle, on each side, and to which two handles, terminating with four
links of chain, are hinged to each end so as to allow some freedom of
motion, while not interfering with the dredge being easily packed into a
small space. To this frame a fine meshed tanned net is fixed by copper
wire, and to prevent this from being caught, when dragging over a rough
sea bottom, it is guarded by two flaps of coarse sail-cloth which hang on
either side. The mouth is made narrow to prevent heavy stones from
entering. A rope is required which is strong enough to anchor the
vessel in smooth water, and long enough to prevent the dredge skim-
ming or bumping over the bottom, yet not so long as to lead to its being
buried in soft sand or mud. The length of the rope should be about
double the depth of the water to be dredged. The rope should be
firmly tied to one ring only, and the ring of the other handle should be
braced to its fellow by a piece of spun yarn, so that in the event of the
dredge fouling, by putting extra way on to the boat the string will yield
and allow the two handles to open, and thus the dredge will easily free
itself. On lowering the dredge, it is evident that it is a matter of indif.
ference which side rests on the ground, and in this lies the advantage of
the apparatus referred to over the common dredge. It may be used in
a rowing boat in smooth shallow water near shore, but a sailing boat is
preferable in depths over ten fathoms. The towing rope is coiled up at
the bottom of the boat, and its free end is made fast to one of the cross
seats. The dredge is thrown over to windward near the stern, and
when sufficient line has run out a turn or two is made round a “belay-
ing-pin” to make it taut. The line should be held in the hand so
that the owner can feel at once if anything goes wrong.
When the dredge is lifted, its contents should be emptied into a
sorting fray, fig. 5, pl. I, p. 182. This consists of a coarse wire sieve C,
which retains all large specimens, stones, &c., but allows small or
delicate ones to pass into a perforated zinc sieve F, which retains all
objects over 3-inch diameter, but allows the sand or mud to be washed
into the lower tray which is furnished with a double bottom formed of
fine webbing stretched on a frame. The water poured over the sieves
to facilitate this operation is carried off by a flexible tube. These trays
should be so arranged that they will easily pack one into the other, the
smallest of them being of sufficient size to hold the dredge, drag hook,
and surface net. The outer tray being provided with a lid and straps,
forms a packing case for the outfit. Convenient forms of portable
microscopes with inclinable body, &c., suited for dredging excursions,
or for a shore-collecting sea-side expedition have been described in
pp. 17, 21.
Motes for collecting certain Specimens of Marine Matural History.-
The late Mr. J. S. Bowerbank had the following notes printed for the
assistance of those on foreign stations disposed to help in obtaining
specimens. Captains and other Officers in Her Majesty’s Navy and
Commanders of merchant vessels have frequent opportunities of contri-
buting largely to our knowledge of marine natural history, with very
little trouble to themselves, during their sojourn in distant parts of the
world. Many valuable opportunities of obtaining rare and beautiful
specimens have been lost for want of a few plain, simple directions for
Collection and preservation.
“Sponges may be procured either by dredging or by searching for
them in the line of refuse matters thrown up by the sea at high-water
mark. Those which have the fleshy animal matter in them are the
most valuable. They should be well and quickly dried just as they
come from the sea. They should never be washed in fresh water nor
be compressed to get rid of the water or animal matter within them,
but be simply drained and dried as rapidly as possible. Small and
delicate ones only require being preserved in spirit. If the larger and
stronger specimens have stones or dead shells attached to them do not
remove them. The insides and outsides of dead shells and small peb-
bles often have on them thin sponges, like a dab of wet glue, such speci-
mens are very desirable. Sponges differ to a very great extent in their
general appearance, some are soft, flexible and branching ; others
fibrous and horny; or massive and fleshy; or massive and Stony and
very like corals; others are round or fleshy masses like small apples,
but whatever may be their form they are all valuable as objects of
natural history. They vary greatly in size and appearance, some of
them not exceeding a quarter of an inch in height. Many of the
smaller and most interesting species are found parasitical on Small sea-
weeds and on horny branching Zoophytes, such specimens should be
carefully collected and preserved.
“The best mode of packing sponges when thus dried is to put them
all together in a moderate sized packing case, disposing of the smaller
and most delicate ones between the larger species. The best packing,
when procurable, is small and flexible dried seaweed just as it is
frequently found in the line of rejected matters at high-water mark.
Such fuci frequently prove to be valuable and beautiful objects when
subsequently properly prepared and mounted for the hortus siccus.
Small and delicate specimens should never be packed in cotton wool,
but if necessary they should be put into small boxes, with a little soft
paper around them to prevent attrition. *
“A boat's crew waiting for an officer on shore may frequently make
N 2
an extensive and valuable collection of sponges, zoophytes and fuci,
from the rejected matters at high-water mark, in a very short time, and
especially so, if in small creeks or bays.
“A’adiata.—Star-fishes and sea urchins with very beautiful spines
may be frequently found among sponges and zoophytes. The best
mode of preserving the star-fishes, if they be large and fleshy, is to
spread them out on a plate or saucer turned upside down. The plate
being put in a small napkin or cloth which is gathered loosely together
above the specimen is plunged gently into a vessel of boiling fresh
water and kept therein for four or five minutes to coagulate the
albumen. After this operation everything will dry readily and quickly.
With smaller specimens immersion in boiling water from one to five
minutes in accordance with their size will be sufficient. The sea
urchins with spines should be prepared by immersion in boiling water
for a time in proportion to their size and then dried as rapidly as pos-
sible. A few experiments with them will soon afford the necessary
experience. The mud or sand brought up by the anchor or by sound-
ing should be put, just as it comes up, into any convenient bottle with
Some sea water. A superabundance of common salt should then be
added to it. Such mud or sand frequently contains rare and very
minute Corals, sponges and shells, of great value to microscopic
observers. When convenient the reefs of rocks uncovered at low water
should be examined. In the little pools of water small corals and
sponges of various colours are very frequently found. These should be
carefully removed and preserved as before stated. Sea slugs and other
soft marine animals are also found in such places. They may be pre-
served in jars or bottles in a little water and a superabundance of salt
when spirit is not handy or plentiful. The faces of perpendicular cliffs
and rocky caverns often afford excellent specimens between high and
low water marks, and rare and beautiful calcareous sponge parasitical
on small sea weeds growing on the faces of the rocks are often to be
met with in large quantities in such situations; but whether beautiful or
not all such specimens should be preserved, as it frequently occurs that
the least attractive are organically the most interesting and valuable.
Small crabs and shrimps should be put into wide-mouthed bottles or
jars with strong spirit, as salt does not preserve them effectually.”
To these remarks of Mr. Bowerbank I would add that many of the
bodies alluded to may be preserved in glycerine, the strength of the
fluid being very gradually increased as the specimens will bear it. The
process is however very troublesome and suited only to very small
specimens, but for these it possesses great advantages over spirit and
the methods of preservation usually adopted.
The collector should examine stagnant pools, ponds, rivers, boggy
ground, rock pools and basins on the sea shore, carefully searching the
sides and bottoms, the fronds of plants, or pieces of wood floating
therein, for gelatinous or spongy masses, or palpable forms of vegetable
or animal life, not forgetting to examine with a lens all scum floating on
the surface of water, to see if it consist of, or has entangled in it objects
worth preservation. Filamentous Desmidiae, if diffused through the
water, must be collected by aid of the gauze net. When gelatinous or
cloudy masses are adherent to the fronds of water plants, the hand
should be passed gently into the water, palm upwards to form a cup,
and the fingers closed on each side of an invested leaf or stem ; the
hand should then be drawn upwards, so as to allow the plant to slip
through the fingers close to the palm with an easy equable motion, and
in this way remove from both surfaces any loosely attached organisms.
Care must be taken to raise the hand very steadily through the water,
in order that the captives may not be washed out of the concave palm.
The water may then be poured into a cup or at once transferred to a
bottle and carried away.
Water resting in the indentations made by the feet of cattle should
not escape notice. The side of a pond towards which the wind is
blowing is always the more prolific, especially if the Sun is shining on
the same side, and the shallows are usually richer in spoil than the
deep places, because these are warmer.
The collector who intends to work thoroughly and for a considerable
time, may use with advantage waterproof wading boots. He may follow
the sea out as it recedes at the low spring tides, when the greatest
amount of shore is left uncovered. The months of March and April,
September and October having the lowest tides in the year are the best
for the purpose of shore collecting. Those parts of the coast should
be selected which are not uniformly formed of hard granitic rock and
which are not composed of mud or soft chalk. Shores where ledges,
crevices, rock pools, and basins, heaps of débris, and outlying caverns
are to be found in abundance, should be selected. Holes in the sand
should be searched for case building worms or boring mollusks. Large
fish or marine animals left stranded by the recess of the tide may be
examined for parasitic crustacea, which are very often found adhering
to the gill-covers of fish. The masses of olive seaweeds covering the
rocks should be turned over, or when pendant from overhanging slabs,
they should be turned back, as they often shield such forms as attach
themselves to the surface of rocks:—starfishes, ascidians, nudibranchs,
eggs of mollusks, tube forming Annelids, Sponges, &c. Crevices should
be searched for crustacea, starfishes, echini, wandering annelids; water-
worn nodules for investing social ascidians, such as the Botryllidae, or
multivalve mollusks, such as chitons. Loose stones and large boulders
should be turned over, as many crustaceans and annelids take refuge
beneath them. Large tufts of corallina and other seaweeds should be
gathered from the edges of pools near low water, and placed in a jar
of water as they harbour various small Entomostraca, Pycnogonidae,
Lucernaria, and many zoophytes. Outstanding rocks only uncovered at
the lowest spring tides, and then usually only approachable by boat,
should be visited in the hope of finding the only British representatives
of the Stony Corals. Beyond such points, the sea bottom must be
ransacked by means of dredge and draghook.
255. Vivaria and Aquaria.-Many of the lower animals and plants
may be kept living in glass cases and glass jars, and will grow and
multiply, figs. 1, 2, 3, pl. L, p. 182. Frogs, newts, lizards, many mol-
lusks, insects and worms, air-breathing and aquatic, will live for a length
of time in confinement, and some of them will flourish.
Vivaria are now made of various forms and sizes. Some are little
boxes of only a few inches square while some are magnificent prisons of
several feet in length provided with everything for the health and ad-
vantage of the inmates. The student may easily make such cages of
glass, the pieces being joined at the angles by tape fixed to the glass
with glue, for himself, for a few shillings, and in them may keep a number
of objects of interest which will provide him with endless amusement
and constant work. Vivaria of all kinds must be well ventilated. One
side, or a part of each side, may be formed of perforated zinc or of some
strong gauze. If the student desires he may arrange to have water in
one part of his case. He may easily arrange a small fountain by
adapting a piece of glass tube drawn out in the blowpipe flame to a
piece of the narrowest vulcanised india-rubber tube, the other end of
which is connected with a small reservoir of water placed on a shelf.
Such fountains may now be purchased for a small sum in the Crystal
Palace, Westminster Aquarium, and other places.
Cases for breeding insects and keeping them alive may now be
obtained of many naturalists, and also at the Westminster Aquarium.
Frogs, toads, and newts may be kept in glass cases to the interior of
which air has access through wire gauze. At the lower part should
be some water which may be placed in a saucer or basin with shelving
sides. This may be made ornamental and adapted for plants if desired.
The beautiful little hylae or green tree frogs may be kept in well venti-
lated glass cases for years, if they are not roasted in the Summer Sun, or
frozen in the winter. They must be fed upon flies and are particularly
fond of blue-bottles. Gentles may be bought in quantity at the fishing
tackle shops and may be kept until the flies come forth.
Fresh water aquaria may readily be formed by inverting propagating
bell glasses carefully selected as to shape, in a turned wooden stand or
in small dishes which have been filled with earth or sand. The bottom
of the bell-glass should be filled with soddened rich black peat earth,
worked into a paste, some loam and stones added, the whole being
% §. it.
Ø #sº ºl mº
| ::1,
.. º ſº
IRecklinghausen's moist cu awber. p.
º $$. |
§§ |
* *
§ -
* º
º ºg
& 8
& Sºme
\, f^.,
* it
º 8. Nº
* * * * * * * * *** =
... **
• *
Tredging sieves, c and F. and draining tray. N. The dred &e. Fig. 5.
drag hook, Fig 5, Plate XLIX , net, Fig 6, all pack into N. Designed
by Mr. Highley. p. 178.
Fig. 7.
Simple form of sea-side rºnicroscope to pack in a small case.
Naturalist’s dredge, as arranged
to pack in N, Fig 5. p. 178.
[To face page 182.

covered with a thick layer of fine well-washed shingle. Roots of vallis-
neria, anacharis, Aponogeton, or Chara may be then planted in the
earth and the vessel carefully filled up with water. After the water first
introduced has become quite clear, a few fresh-water mollusks should be
added to keep down the growth of Confervae. Those species which
ſeed rather upon decayed vegetable matter than upon the plants them-
selves should be selected, such for instance as Planorbis corneus or
carinatus, Paludina vivipara, or Amphibia glutinosa. When the water
has cleared and the plants are in good condition, which may be known
by their giving off bubbles of oxygen gas, fish, water insects, &c., may
be introduced. A plant or two of the floating “Frogbit” is useful for
giving support to such species as come occasionally to the surface.
Besides Chara, Vallisneria spiralis, and Anacharis alsinastrum, there are
many other water plants. Perhaps the most beautiful is the Apono-
geton dystachion which comes from the Cape, but is now cultivated in
this country and throws up its fragrant flowers from time to time
during the greater part of the year if the plant is strong and vigorous.
The plants usually supplied to purchasers are too small and weak to
grow, but if the student can get a good strong piece he will most likely
succeed in growing it, even in London.
In the case of both fresh water and marine aquaria it must be borne
in mind that a proper amount of light is required, and this ought to be
admitted from above as well as on one side of the vessel. If there is
not light enough, the plants droop and do not give off air bubbles,
while if there is too much light there will be a more abundant growth
of confervae upon the sides of the vessel than the scavenger mollusks
can keep under. It must also be borne in mind that animals must be
kept in what has been called “amicable groups,” or wholesale destruc-
tion will ensue.
Minnows, sticklebacks, and eels, are the fish best suited for fresh-
water aquaria, but of course must not be kept in such as are used for
watching the various stages of development of other animals. Small
eels live well, and the student will be interested in watching the pulsa-
tions of the venous heart in the tail of these animals. Most fresh-water
and marine animals, as well as the aquaria and glass cases for growing
purposes, may be obtained of Mr. King, naturalist, Portland Road.
l'ern and plant cases may be easily made or purchased of Barr and
Sugden, King Street, Covent Garden, and other horticulturists.
Marine aquaria require more attention in their construction than
those for fresh water. A marine aquarium, capable of holding from
five to ten gallons, is a convenient size and will succeed well. The
bottom and sides should be of slate, the back and front only being of
glass cemented into grooves made in the slate, not simply abutting
against a shoulder and cemented, or a continual leakage may occur.
I have, however, made large aquaria by fitting plate-glass into an
iron frame made of tolerably strong angle iron brazed together at the
Corners. The joints were made with the aid of the lime and India-
rubber cement, p. 58. In this the glass was firmly bedded, and then a
mixture of white and red lead was forced into the space remaining,
together with some fine tow or cotton wool, a little more white and red
lead being applied to make a smooth even edge. The whole was then
left three or four weeks in order that the cement might become firm.
The aquarium should be covered with a glass top fitted to a beading
of perforated zinc to admit air and keep out dust. The form should
be such as to allow a large area of surface to be in contact with the air
in proportion to the bulk of water. Rock work should be built up at
the back so as to cut off an unnecessary amount of light, and should be
arranged in such a way as to present tiers of resting places for the
animals. The basis may be formed of coke, which is advantageous on
account of its lightness, but this is to be faced with flakes of granite,
limestone, and sand rock, put together with hydraulic cement. Time
must be allowed for the cement to harden, and water should be poured
in and changed several times in order to remove any soluble matters.
It is, however, better not to use cement at all.
The tank so far prepared should in any case be first filled with fresh
water to remove all soluble matters from the cement and rockwork.
After resting for a day or two, the water must be drawn off with an
India-rubber tube used as a syphon, and the bottom covered with well-
washed shingle. The tank may then be filled up with sea water, or
artificial sea water may be made with Tidman's sea salt in the proportion
of about one pound to three gallons of water, the exact proportions
being determined by aid of a hydrometer, which should stand at I'oz6.
Should the water be too salt the stem will rise till perhaps I’ogo of the
scale appears above the level of the water, in which case more common
water must be slowly stirred in. If, on the other hand, there is not
sufficient salt, the stem will sink towards I'ozo, and more Salt must be
added till the hydrometer registers the proper specific gravity of natural
sea water. As evaporation causes the water to become concentrated, it
should from time to time be tested with the hydrometer and the neces-
sary amount of water added. The next step is to get the rockwork
covered with the spores of seaweeds, by placing several small healthy
tufts of Ulva, or Enteromorpha in various parts of the tank where they
are fully exposed to light. In a short time minute vegetable growths
will make their appearance. The growth on the front glass must be
removed as fast as it is formed by a sponge tied to a stick. After this
growth has appeared the tufts of weed may be removed. The amount
of light admitted to the tank must now be carefully attended to, so as
just to cause the evolution of bubbles of oxygen, without stimulating
the vegetation to an over-abundant growth which would cloud the water.
Animals may next be introduced slowly and not in too great numbers,
the lowest in organisation first, the higher forms when the tank is
evidently working well, the living forms first introduced appearing
healthy, and the water clear and sparkling. It is well occasionally, if
not daily, to remove a portion of the water into a glass vessel and allow
it to return to the tank through a fine jet, by which means the water is
broken up into spray and air taken up. It is a good plan to use a glass
Syringe and forcibly squirt water upon the surface, by which operation
many air-bubbles may be forced down to the bottom of the tank,
There are various ways of effecting this important process of aeration
of the water.
From the “Athenaeum ” for March Ioth, 1860, the following extract
from a communication by Mr. Highley has been taken. The very
convenient arrangement described will be found well suited for a micro-
Scopist who is making a temporary visit to the coast –
“I may mention a plan I have employed with great success when
making temporary visits to the coast, which will be found very convenient
to those who wish to classify the animal forms obtained for observation.
I take a nest of German beakers (without spouts) and pack them in a
zinc case: on my arrival, I fill them with fresh sea water, and place
them in a sunny window ; I then collect a number of limpets on whose
shells enteromorpha and ulva are growing. These will be found to be
small but vigorous plants. I remove the animals from the shells, and
then drop one or more alga bearing shells into each beaker according to
its size; in a short time the sides of the jars, especially the sides turned
towards the light become coated with spores; the sides turned from the
light I keep clean with a chisel-shaped piece of wood and a knob of
Sponge, so that whilst one half of each jar is covered with a green
Oxygen yielding coat, the other half is free for observing the animals
that may now be placed in the beakers. Behind this protecting coat,
red algae will be found to thrive. In this way a number of aquaria may
be speedily provided for our collections that will keep healthy for months,
with a little attention.
“After the sides are properly covered with spores, the seaweeds
should be removed and the jars placed on a table at such a distance
from the window that the light impinges only on the coated half, taking
care, however, that there is sufficient to stimulate the spores to throw off
bubbles of oxygen daily. If on leaving a place I wish to take any
specimens away with me, I pack these beakers containing them in a
rough box, of a size suited to the number selected, with seaweed between
the interstices and at the latest moment tie bladder over each jar, which
I remove at the earliest opportunity after arriving at my destination.”
Prawns, fish, actiniae, &c., may be fed on shreds of beef. The beef
may be cut in thin slices and dried. Small pieces should be broken off
as required, macerated in sea water for a few minutes, and when soft
given to the animals. All dead plants and animals, slime, and effete
matter of any kind should be removed by means of a pair of long box-
wood forceps or with the help of a small saucer, as soon as noticed.
With a moderate amount of attention, a marine aquarium may be kept
for years (ten or more) without changing the water. Microscopes are
specially constructed by Mr. Swift, Mr. King of the Portland Road,
and Mr. Collins, for observing animals while living in aquaria. See p. 6.
The most useful books to the microscopist visiting the coast, will be
found in the list at the end of the volume.
Iºxamination of Zozº'er Animals and Plants during Zife,
Many of the lower animals and plants may be examined in the
living state, the peculiar actions characteristic of the living state may be
studied, and numerous highly interesting and important facts demon-
Strated. The student will find many of the smaller insects, more
especially the aquatic larvae, as for example, those of the common gnat,
well adapted for this purpose. Small crustaceans, as the daphne and
Some of the fresh water shrimps, are exceedingly interesting objects, and
are easily subjected to examination in the living state in the animalcule
Cage, p. 76, or under a compressorium, p. 96. -
Axamination of Infusoria, &c.—Suppose the student desires to
Submit some of the animalcules in water to microscopical examination,
he may proceed as follows. A drop of the water is to be removed
with a pipette, or upon a glass rod, or with the finger, and placed upon
the glass slide. A bristle or thin piece of paper is placed in such a
position as to prevent the thin glass from coming into contact with the
slide and thus causing undue pressure ; or the drop may be placed in a
Brunswick black, or thin glass cell ; or the animalcule cage already
described, pl. XXII, p. 78, fig. 7, may be used with advantage. By the
latter instrument, and also by the compressorium, p. 96, the larger
infusoria may be kept still in a particular position for the purposes of
To obtain specimens of the common infusoria all that is necessary is
to expose some of the Ordinary water in a light place in a warm room
for a few days, when many different species will be found to have
developed in great numbers. The water supplied to our cisterns con-
tains rotifers and their ova. In order to obtain them the water may be
kept for two or three weeks in a lightly covered glass vessel. If a
little of the deposit be removed from the sides and examined in the
usual manner many will be found.
Vorticel/ae and Æoffers or wheel animalcules and many other forms
may often be obtained by placing a small piece of a plant which has
been allowed to remain in the same water for some time, with a drop of
the fluid in a glass cell. These organisms are often found attached to
the edges of the plant in considerable number.
Fresh-water and marine zoophytes, too large to be placed in the
Small cells, or the troughs, p. 76, may be examined in flat watch glasses,
or in One of the larger cells, represented in pl. XXII, p. 78. These
may be examined with low powers (two inch, one inch) without any
thin glass cover, but where the higher powers are employed a piece of
thin glass must be applied in such a manner as to cover that part of the
vessel in which the animals are situated, while at the same time a
Certain proportion of the fluid is freely exposed to the air; for if
aération were prevented, the animals would soon exhaust all the air dis-
Solved in the small quantity of water in which they were imprisoned,
and die of Suffocation.
It is difficult to kill many zoophytes, and preserve them with the
tentacles extended, but it is said that the retraction of the tentacles may
be prevented by plunging them into cold fresh water. Various poisons,
Opium, hydrocyanic acid, chloroform, &c., have also been recommended
for the same purpose, but a voltaic current effects the object most
Cheese mites and other small acari should be examined with low
powers (two inch, one inch) under the binocular, a strong light being
condensed upon them with the aid of the bull’s eye condenser or the
parabolic reflector, p. 28.
Small spiders, many of the minute Coleoptera and their larvae, aphides,
parasites of the common house fly, beetles, and many other insects, and
a great number of the Smaller insects common in fern cases may be
easily examined, and some of the smallest of them are suitable for
examination by reflected and transmitted light, under low and high
powers, with the aid of the binocular, p. 14.
The Entozoon or ZXemodex folliculorum may be obtained by squeez-
ing the sebaceous glands in the skin of the nose, or scalp of the human
subject. Specimens may generally be obtained from the wax of the
ear. If transferred to a little oil and covered with thin glass, the
animals may be preserved alive for some time and their slow, sluggish
movements watched, pl. XLI, p. 168, fig. 3.
256. Of keeping Bodies moist while under Microscopical Observa-
tion.—In order to study the changes occurring during the growth and
multiplication of some of the simplest organisms which live in water, it
is necessary to adopt some plan for preventing, or compensating for,
the evaporation which takes place. This may be effected, as recom-
mended by Recklinghausen, by adapting a piece of sheet India-rubber
tubing to the glass ring fixed on an ordinary glass slide, the diameter of
the ring being sufficient to allow a piece of thin glass to be placed
within its circumference. The upper end of the tube is tied round the
object-glass of the microscope. Thus a moist chamber is made, and if
one of Hartnack's “immersion lenses” be employed, observations may
be continued upon a given object for a considerable time. The moist
chamber is, however, better adapted for use with low than with very
high magnifying powers. See pl. L., p. 182, fig. 4. -
I have found that the same object is gained if the loss of fluid by
evaporation is compensated for by conducting water from a little reser-
voir of water, fixed at one end of the slide, by means of a small piece of
blotting paper or silk thread. In this way fresh water is supplied to the
object as fast as evaporation takes place. By placing a little cement
round two-thirds of the thin glass cover, sufficient space is allowed for
the requisite access of air, while at the same time loss by evaporation is
reduced to the smallest amount. By this arrangement the growth of
the Spongioles of plants may be very successfully studied.
A small quantity of fluid or semi-solid matter containing various
kinds of living matter, may be preserved for some days without the
death of the living particles it contains taking place, by the following
arrangement. A small glass tube about half an inch in diameter and
an inch and a half in length is prepared, the edge of one extremity
being turned outwards in the blow-pipe flame, so that very thin mem-
brane may be tied over it. The tube is so arranged that the membrane
just touches the surface of some distilled water in a small dish or Cap-
Sule. The whole may be placed in a hot-air oven maintained at a
uniform temperature of Ioo” F. In this way I was enabled to keep
living matter freely exposed to the air, whilst the loss by evaporation
was balanced by the gradual flowing in of fluid from below through the
pores of the membrane. In this way, I have succeeded in keeping
alive masses of bioplasm from the higher organisms for some time
longer than they would have lived under ordinary exposure.
257. Of Keeping Bodies at a Uniform Temperature higher than the
Air, while under Microscopical observation.—In order to study the
phenomena of animals which naturally occur under the influence of a
temperature considerably above that of the surrounding air, it is neces-
sary to be able to raise the slide on which they or their tissues are
placed to the proper standard, by artificial heat. This desirable object
may be effected in many ways. By placing a brass plate upon the stage
of the microscope, and allowing one end to project Over the edge SO
that it may be conveniently heated by a spirit-lamp, any substance may
be kept warm upon a glass slide, while subjected to microscopical
examination. Max Schultze has recently contrived a brass plate which
is fixed by clamps to the stage of the microscope, and extended at the
sides so as to form two projecting arms beneath each of which a small
spirit-lamp may be placed. A hole is made for the passage of the light.
Close to the place where the slide with the object is situated, is the bulb
of a little thermometer, the stem of which is so arranged that the
degrees can be readily read off. This apparatus has been made by
Geissler, of Bonn, fig. 1, pl. XLI, p. 168. In conducting observations
upon bodies which are warmed, the loss of fluid from evaporation must
be provided against by the use of the moist chamber and immersion
lens, or by the little reservoir and conducting thread, pl. XXII, p. 78,
fig. 8, or by the arrangement described on p. 77.
Dr. Ransom, of Nottingham, has been long engaged in investiga-
tions which require the application of heat and cold to the object while
under observation. He says, “The mode of using heat for those exami-
nations I have found best so far, is recommended by M. Schultze, only
in order to employ with it cold also, I have ordered one to be made of
copper instead of brass, as the former metal is so much better a con-
ductor, and I trust I shall be able with this new hot stage to preserve
an object at any required temperature, and to read off easily the actual
temperature which the object has from 30° F. to 160°F.” The prin-
ciple of this form of hot stage is to conduct the heat to or from the
object, and not to use currents of air or water. It may be used not
only for stimulating movements, but for watching the extremes upwards
or downwards, which either arrest or destroy vital action. But it is
not adapted for keeping up a uniform temperature for a considerable
period of time. Such a stage must be separated from the microscope
by a non-conducting substance.
A very simple plan for heating objects by hot air is indicated in
fig. 2, pl. XLI, p. 168, but when it is necessary to regulate the tempera-
ture within a few degrees and maintain a uniform heat for some time
a more complex arrangement must be adopted. In pl. XIV, p. 148, of
the “Microscope in Medicine,” I have given a figure of Dr. Sanderson’s
apparatus, which is very efficient and may be obtained of Mr. Hawksley,
3oo, Oxford Street. The stage is kept warm by the constant circulation
of currents of warm water supplied by a boiler heated by a gas jet.
25s. contractility of Muscle.—The movement taking place in the
particles of this tissue may be demonstrated in certain of the lower
animals, in which it continues for some time after the tissue has been
removed from the body. Mr. Bowman strongly recommends the mus-
cular fibres from a young crab (“Philosophical Transactions,” 1841).
Many small transparent aquatic larvae are also well adapted for ob-
servation. The phenomena of muscular contractility may however be
most successfully studied in the broad muscles just beneath the skin of
the common maggot or larva of the blow-fly, and as these can be always
readily obtained, I recommend them for observation. The movements,
which are very beautiful, continue for ten minutes or a quarter of an
hour after the muscles have been removed from the body of the recently
killed animal, so that a specimen may be prepared and passed round
the lecture room in one of the portable microscopes, p. 17. In the
winter I have seen the contractions continue for upwards of half an
hour. It is most instructive to examine these muscles during contrac-
tion under the influence of polarized light, with a plate of selenite.
When the ground is green, the waves of contraction which pass along
each muscular fibre in various directions, are of a bright purple. In
other parts of the field the complementary colours are reversed. There
are few microscopic objects, that I am acquainted with, so beautiful as
this. With the aid of very high powers, the actual change occurring in
the contractile tissue as it passes from a state of relaxation to contrac-
tion, and from this to relaxation again, may be studied, and for many
minutes at a time.
In order to obtain the muscles, it is only necessary to slit up the
larva, and after removing the viscera, to separate some of the muscles
from the outer skin to which they are attached. They may be mois-
tened with some white of egg, saliva, or better than all, a little of the
fluid from the animal. -
The student may thus gain information concerning the nature of
contractile movement generally, in which there is invariably a repe-
tition of alternating actions. Contractility has been confused with
movement essentially different in its nature, which takes place in
bioplasm or living matter, p. 203. The first affects various kinds of
formed material only; the last is peculiar to bioplasm. Contractility.
is essentially interrupted. Vital movement is continuous. By the last,
a weight may be raised higher and higher, and if the weight increases
the force which raises it may increase also. Contraction involves yield-
ing or relaxation. It is, as it were, a vibration to and fro—the alternate
shortening and lengthening of a fibre. Contraction takes place in one
definite direction only, and never alters. Vital movements occur in a
mass of living matter, and may take place in any direction.
On the use of Borax and Boracic Acid in studying Muscular Contrac-
#ion.—Professor Ernst Brücke, of Vienna, discovered that solutions of
pure borax and boracic acid exhibit peculiar reactions upon albuminous
substances. A 2 per cent. Solution of boracic acid unlike most
dilute acids does not retard the coagulation of the blood. In a solu-
tion of three parts by weight of pure melted boracic acid in 200 of
water, muscular tissue removed from a recently killed animal will retain
its contractile power for a much longer time than if immersed in pure
water. In some experiments Brücke found that the muscles retained
their contractility for twice the length of time. The muscles from the
largewater beetle continued to contract under the microscope for upwards
of a quarter of an hour after removal. Brücke also employs a 2 per
cent, solution of boracic acid for studying the structure of the red
blood Corpuscles. This acid has not yet been much employed by
microscopical observers, but it is one which is likely to be useful in the
preparation of many specimens. “Úber das Verhalten lebendiger
Muskeln gegen Borsåurelösungen.” “ Uber das Verhalten einiger
Eiweisskörper gegen Borsäure.” “ijber den Bau der rothen Blutkör-
perchen,” von Ernst Brücke, Band LV und LVI der Sitzb. d. k. Akad.
d. Wissensch, April, Mai, Juni, 1867.
259. of the Circulation of the Blood.—I believe by the law of
England, the man who ties with a thread or otherwise in any way in-
terferes with the comfort of a frog for the purpose of studying the
circulation of its blood in the vessels of the web of the foot does so at the
peril of being taken up by the police and convicted before a magistrate
of being cruel to an animal, and may be fined 24.5o for the Offence.
Although the inconvenience to the frog is not very great, there are
many persons in the country, whose tender regard for the lower animals
is such that they would certainly inform against anyone who unduly
restricted the movements of a frog for the purpose of scientific observa-
tion. It is in these days a very hazardous proceeding on the part of any-
one not licensed by Government to be cruel to animals, to study the
circulation of the blood; but to show the phenomenon to several
persons would be most dangerous. In former days we were allowed to
examine the web of a living frog as follows, and were not considered
cruel:—Selecting a young frog with a thin web, the body and one hind
leg were loosely bound up in wet rags, the other leg being allowed to
protrude. The body was then tied to the frog plate, and a piece of
thread having been carefully tied to two of the toes, the webs were
stretched over the glass at the end of the plate, and fixed in the proper
position for observation. A drop of water was then added, and the
web covered with thin glass. By careful observation of the circulation,
first of all under a low power, and then under a quarter of an inch
object-glass most important and highly interesting facts were learnt.
In cases in which it is necessary to conduct observations on the circu-
lation with the aid of very high powers, it will in practice be found
desirable to increase the length of the tube instead of employing object-
glasses of very high magnifying power. A quarter of an inch object-
glass may thus be made to magnify as highly as a twelfth, and as the
distance between the object-glass and the thin glass covering the web
is very considerable, there is not the same danger of serious derange-
ment every time the animal moves slightly. Several different lengths
of tubes may be adapted to the microscope body, which may be thus
increased to the length of two feet or more, if desired.
If a small artery be brought into focus and the tip of one of the
toes be very lightly touched, the artery is seen to contract immediately,
and somewhat irregularly in different parts of its course. Sometimes a
few blood corpuscles are firmly compressed, and for several seconds the
vessel remains so strongly contracted that not a corpuscle passes along
it. By performing this instructive experiment, the observer will realise
the effects of the wonderful contractile power of the coats of the smaller
arteries, and will conclusively demonstrate that the afferent nerve fibres
distributed to the skin of the foot generally, influence the nerve centres
from which the nerves ramifying amongst the muscular fibres of the
arterial coats take their rise. This is a beautiful instance of reflex
nervous action affecting the vessels. -
The circulation might also be studied during life in the capillaries
of the tail of a small fish, minnow, stickleback, eel, carp, &c. The fish
should be wrapped up in wet lint and loosely tied at one end of a glass
slide, the tail being placed about the Centre, and covered with a piece
of very thin glass. Whether such a proceeding exposes the experi-
menter to a penalty of 24.5o, I do not know, but in all cases the student
must be careful not to hurt any Creature for the purpose of gaining in-
formation. Maiming and torturing incidental to sport are permitted.
Nothing is learnt by the process, but to learn anything from a lower
animal subjected to pain is forbidden by Act of Parliament.
Of the Action of the Heart.—A more correct idea of the mode of
action of the heart may be formed by watching its contractions in a
small living animal under the microscope than in any other way with
which I am acquainted. A young fish, or newt, or frog tadpole may
be taken for the purpose, but I have found that a young Snake removed
from the egg exhibits the phenomena most beautifully. The blood
may be distinctly seen as it eddies through the various apertures in
passing to or from the different vessels and cavities of the heart. The
undulating contractions of the auricles and ventricle of the heart ought
to be seen. Under a two-inch power adapted to a binocular micro-
scope, the movements of the heart may be studied most advantageously.
I believe experiments may be performed upon a tadpole without
breaking the law, but the experiments must not be continued from the
tadpole into the frog stage of life. Before long no doubt the wrong
will be redressed, and the protection afforded to the frog will be
generously extended to the tadpole. Both frog and tadpole should
appeal to Parliament and draw the attention of all conscientious English-
men to the horrors of their position, and thus point out the flagrant in-
consistency and injustice of the present state of the law.
The circulation in the tadpole has been well described by Mr. Whit-
ney (“Transactions of the Microscopical Society,” vol. x, p. 1, 1862).
The animal should be starved for a few days before being submitted to
examination, in order that the intestine may become transparent. The
branchiae of the frog tadpole or young newt may be examined in a flat
glass cell specially prepared for the purpose, and by an arrangement of
tubes the animal may be supplied with fresh water while it remains
under observation. In pl. XXII, fig. 1, p. 78, is represented a form of
cell which I made many years ago for a proteus, but a cell for a newt
or other animal may be made upon the same plan. The circulation of
the blood in the capillary vessels of a mammalian animal may be
studied in the thin membrane forming the wing of a young bat, or in
the fraenum of the tongue of the human subject, by the help of a
microscope designed by Dr. Pritchard and described and figured in
“The Microscope in Medicine,” fourth edition, pl. XXXVI, p. 503.
The examination of the movements alluded to in this section, may
be advantageously conducted with the aid of the binocular.
26o. of the Movements of the Chyle.—For studying the movements
of the chyle in the lacteals, a mouse, rat, or young rabbit may be taken.
The animal should be fed with a little lard beaten up with a piece of
pancreas and a small quantity of bile, so as to form a soft pultaceous
mass which may be strained through muslin. About half an ounce or
less, of the cream-like fluid may then be injected by the aid of a small
syringe into a flexible catheter which has been passed down the gullet
into the animal's stomach. After a couple of hours, the creature should
be pithed, stunned, or destroyed very suddenly, and a small portion of the
mesentery with the intestine attached withdrawn through an aperture in
the abdominal walls and submitted to microscopical examination with a
low power.
261. ciliary Movement is not peculiar to animals, but is also found
among plants, at least during the early stages of existence of some of
the lower forms.
Upon certain surfaces in the higher animals, and to a greater extent
in the lower classes, we find that the cells which generally form the
outer protective covering of more delicate structures, are provided with
very active vibratile processes, or cilia, which by their movements create
currents often of some considerable power. These movements are
sometimes required to promote the rapid removal of foreign bodies
which would injure delicate surfaces if they came in absolute contact
with them, or for promoting a constant change in the water by which the
animal is surrounded. Cilia effect the latter object in the greater
number of shell fish, which are stationary throughout life, and are not
provided with an apparatus for promoting a continual change of the
fluid which bathes the surface of their respiratory organs.
Ciliary Motion endures for a longer or shorter period after death,
and is entirely independent of the nervous system. In the active bird
it ceases very soon, but in the more slowly nourished, cold-blooded
animals it often lasts for many days after death. Different forms of
ciliary action may be observed among the different species of infusoria,
It is, however, doubtful whether many of the very fine spine-like bodies,
the movements of which seem to be under voluntary control, ought to
be regarded as cilia. The simple organisms of this class seem to
possess the power of stopping the vibrations, but there can be no doubt
that in vertebrate animals ciliary action is quite independent of volition.
There is certainly no connexion between the cells of ciliated epithelium
and the nerves.
Cells with ciliated epithelium in active vibration can always be
obtained by scraping the back of the tongue or fauces of the frog, toad,
or newt. Mucus is removed in which numerous cells are found. The
thin glass cover must be prevented from pressing too firmly by inserting
a small piece of thin paper beneath it. The student may also obtain
very beautiful ciliated epithelium in active vibration from the branchiae
(gills) of the oyster or mussel. Some of the cilia from the latter situa-
tion are of very considerable length, and occasionally the vibration of a
single cilium may be watched, in which case the observer may demon-
strate the interesting fact that movement occurs not only at the base of
the cilium, but in every part of the vibratile filament. See figures in
pl. LI, p. I 96.
Of all the ciliated structures, the newt's kidney is perhaps the most
beautiful and the most remarkable. The tortuous uriniferous tubes in the
uppei thin portion of the kidney are lined in their whole length with ciliated
epithelium, which continues in active motion for some time after the re-
moval of the organ from the body of the animal. In order to display this
wonderful object, we must proceed as follows:–After destroying the newt
by decapitation, the abdominal cavity is laid open, and by turning the
viscera to one or other side, the kidneys may be exposed. Towards the
pelvis, the kidney presents much the same appearance as in the frog : -
but, upon tracing it upwards, it will be found to become gradually
thinner, and to extend quite into the thoracic portion of the animal. It
is this upper thin part of the kidney which shows the ciliary motion to
the greatest advantage. See pl. XXXIX, p. 158, fig. 8. A probe, a, is
represented in the drawing underneath that portion of the kidney which
should be examined in the microscope. The thin portion of the kidney,
above referred to, is to be very carefully removed from the body by
delicate manipulation with fine forceps and a pair of Scissors, moistened
with a little water, or, what is still better, with some of the serum of the
animal, placed in a large thin glass cell, and carefully covered with thin
glass. The cell should be sufficiently thick to prevent any pressure
upon the preparation. The Secreting tubes lie upon one plane, so that
a tube, throughout the entire length of which active ciliary motion is con-
stantly taking place, may often be seen in the field of the microscope at
one time, under a half-inch object-glass. After ciliary motion has stopped,
the cilia are with great difficulty distinguished. Many of the tubes in the
lower thick part of the kidney do not exhibit ciliary action, perhaps because
the cells are undergoing degeneration. I have been able to find tubes
in every stage of wasting in newts which have been kept in confinement.
Ciliated epithelium may be obtained from the larnyx and trachaea of
man by coughing violently. The vibration occasionally continues for
some time after the specimen has been transferred to the glass slide.
The observer will be surprised at the enormous number of cilia pro-
jecting from a single cell; indeed it often happens that a mass is
expelled which seems to consist of hundreds of long filaments, all in
active vibration, radiating from a common point.
Ciliary action is, I think, due to changes going on within the cell,
but probably very intimately connected with the currents which flow to
and from the bioplasm or living matter, and the altered tension thus
caused in the cell. Ciliary motion is not dependent upon nervous
action, nor is it due to any disturbance in the surrounding medium. It
Cannot, I think, be regarded as a vital movement, although it is
probably due to changes which are consequent upon vital phenomena.
Cilia consist of “formed material,” but the bioplasm passes into the hollow
base of the cilium, and extends for some distance, figs. 3, 4, 5, pl. LI,
p. 196. In the immediate vicinity of ciliated cells are sometimes observed
cells with open mouths, out of which mucus and various substances, formed
or secreted in the interior of the cell, pass. Pl. LI, p. 196, figs. 6, 7.
In the formation of these products, nutrient matter from the blood, after
passing through the attached extremity of the cell, is probably absorbed
by the living matter. At the same time the outermost portion of the latter
becomes converted into the peculiar contents of the cell, and thus the
formed matter which has been already produced becomes pushed towards
the orifice. I think that the movements of cilia are brought about by
a somewhat similar series of changes, in which the bioplasm or living
matter, usually termed nucleus, plays the active and most important part.
262. Of the Movements of Minute Particles in Fluids, and of the
Vital Movements of Bioplasm or Living Matter.—Robert Brown, just
fifty years ago, made known the fact that very minute particles of
matter, nort-living or living, suspended in water, exhibited movements.
The particles which move and vibrate about one another are many of
them too small to be measured. In fact, when examined by the highest
powers of the microscope most of them disclose no definite form, and
appear as minute dots. The movements of the particles in question
have since been known as Brownian or molecular movements. They
have been attributed to currents produced by evaporation—to the in-
fluence of heat, to external vibration, to “surface tension,” and a
number of other circumstances quite incompetent to give rise to them
in some of the cases in which they occur. The subject has been very
recently re-investigated by Professor W. Stanley Jevons, who, I think,
correctly attributes the movements to electrical disturbance. I have
O 2
myself many times seen, unquestionably, electrical movements of par-
ticles, suspended in fluid, moving to and from the surface of an air
bubble included in the fluid. The movements in question very closely
resembled some of the so-called molecular movements, except as re-
gards their very much greater activity. Professor Jevons speaks of the
motion as fedetic from 778mots, leaping or bounding, though I confess it
seems to me that such words as leap and bound represent movements very
far removed from the so-called Brownian or molecular movements. The
latter phrase is, it must be confessed, equally objectionable, for the
term molecular cannot be adequately defined, and is constantly used
in very different senses by those who are most partial to it. It is
applied to particles which any one can see, and to purely hypothetical
particles existing only in a physical imagination, and it is also applied
to the “machinery” discerned by Dr. Tyndall in living beings, but which
no one else has been able to detect. Upon the whole, perhaps, the
least objectionable term is Årownian movement.
The observer, who desires to gain a knowledge of the character of
the movements, has only to mix a very small quantity of clay with pure
water and examine a thin layer of the mixture covered with very thin
glass under a power magnifying from 5oo to 8oo diameters. See Pro-
fessor Jevons' paper “On the Movement of Microscopic Particles
suspended in Liquids” (“Quarterly Journal of Science” for April,
Absolutely different from the constant vibrations of solid particles
about one another are the definite continuous movements which charac-
terise every form of bioplasm in which no structure, no molecules, can
be seen. The movements in question are so active in some forms of
living matter as to engage the attention of everyone who can use a
microscope. These movements are at this time inexplicable, and are
peculiar to living matter. To call them molecular is perversely to distort
the meaning of the word, for clearly these vital movements are essen-
tially distinct from any of the molecular movements known. If the
Brownian movements are molecular, the vital movements cannot be
included in that category. Vital movement may be studied in amabae,
in the mucus corpuscles from the surface of the mucous membrane of
the throat, in colourless blood corpuscles, of man and animals, in lymph
corpuscles, pus Corpuscles, and in Some other particles of living matter.
Let the observer carefully watch with his own eyes and understanding
the movements of an amaeba, and when he is conversant with the
phenomenon as apparent under object-glasses magnifying from 300 to
1,ooo diameters, let him search his books for an account of the changes
he has seen, and for an explanation of the movement of the matter of
which the living organism is composed. He will be surprised to
find that contemporary scientific authority, backed by public opinion,
* 3. ſº
: Portlon of ciliated bioplasm From the back of the tongue
Ciliated epithelium, from the back of the tongue, of the living frog. × 700 p , 19.”.
Living toad. x 7' 0. p. 195,
Fig. 6.
Fig. 3.
; :
Mucus, forming cell
From the fauces of
a boa, showing the
passage of the nutrieut
imaternal to the bio-
plasm, and the escape
of the mucus (form -d
material) from # US
opposite sun iate
p. 195.
A few cilia, from the living froë's ton &ue, slowins their cºnnection
with the bloplasma, which can be traced into each cilium
× 2,800 p. i95.
Fig. 4.
º: A Fº *-*. Fº
sº º g 52 -
W zº
& Siny &le cility ºn,
* º 4% s' low in A bioplas na
& § prolonged into the
§º A. in ter) or Froð.
Sºº 24 × 5, 00 p 199.
tº e
* Ç ©
3R © tº
Cilia, with bioplasm Tongue of living froë, 23 2,800. - ©
p 8 8 fro3, 2: 2,800, p. 195 Cil a tººd ºulº.’
egatt tell utin, w it
bnoplashla, p i Gö,
1. S b , lS6S g
* [To face pas c ig6.

has vouchsafed to decree that the movements are due to “molecular
machinery,” worked by “jelly guiding force.”
Ziapedesis.-Among the remarkable phenomena of living matter is
the capacity of Squeezing through small openings. A body the gºrg or
an inch in diameter may pass through an opening or a pore perhaps
less than the roºrgo of an inch in diameter, and so indistinct that it
Cannot be demonstrated by the highest powers under the most favour.
able circumstances as regards demonstration. This movement is effected
by a portion of the mass extending itself beyond the rest so as to form
a very thin filament which moves into the aperture in much the same
way as the rootlet of a plant moves and extends itself amongst the
particles of soil, and pushes them aside as it increases in diameter and
goes on elongating itself. The portion of living matter reaching the
other end of the aperture increases in extent, as the thin line moving
in one direction gradually accumulates. At last all has passed through,
and the mass of living matter is seen on the opposite side, perhaps, of
a membrane apparently destitute of pores. Its substance seems to
have been traversed by matter which is certainly not fluid like water,
but more or less viscid, and forms a coherent mass which, when sus-
pended in fluid, appears as a well defined globule or corpuscle. This
passing of a Corpuscle through the capillary wall has been termed —
ZXiapedesis, a word which comes from Ata, and Tmºdw, to leap, dance,
and though often employed, it appears to me to Convey a very wrong
idea of the phenomena. Of late years numerous observers following
Cohnheim have affirmed that both white and red blood corpuscles make
their way through the walls of capillary vessels in inflammation. The
phenomenon is described by many as if it were constant, of great
pathological importance, and to be proved to demonstration without
difficulty. On the other hand, to others it seems only to occur occa-
sionally, to be probably exceptional, and of little or no physiological or
pathological importance.
I allude to it here because the student will find that the supposed
demonstration is due at least in many cases to an error of observation.
Even skilled observers and scientific authorities find it difficult to
obtain a specimen which affords distinct evidence of the passage of a
colourless corpuscle through the vascular wall. We may be very easily
mistaken. In the first place, there are external to the vessels many
corpuscles like colourless blood corpuscles. One of these lying over
or under the vessel a little towards one or other side, looks as if it were
half inside and half outside the vessel. Secondly, it sometimes hap-
pens that a capillary is slit or torn at a particular spot, when not one
but many white and red blood Corpuscles pass through the aperture.
Thirdly, the bioplasts of the capillary walls are themselves sometimes
swollen, and may be easily mistaken for colourless blood corpuscles
which have just passed through the capillary wall. On the other hand,
any one who studies carefully the vessels, particularly of the frog, in
tissues in which inflammation has been excited, will be struck by the
great number of vessels which are completely filled with colourless
Corpuscles, though not one can be found which has passed through the
vascular wall. And, lastly, I will direct attention to the fact that the
thin walled vessels of the developing ovum are often found literally
choked with colourless corpuscles, and yet over a wide area occupied
by networks of vessels not one of the many millions of corpuscles seen
has traversed the vascular wall. Where pus-like corpuscles are seen
outside the vessels, they result from the enlargement and growth of
minute bioplasm particles which are suspended in the liquor sanguinis,
and have passed with it through the wall, and also from the growth and
division of the bioplasm of the vessels and tissues. Pus corpuscles
were not at an earlier period colourless blood corpuscles. I think, there-
fore, that diapedesis of blood corpuscles must be regarded as an excep-
tional phenomenon and of little consequence.
From the consideration of the vital movements occurring in the
bioplasm or living matter of animals and man, we naturally pass on to
that of certain very active movements characterising certain plants.
263. Of the Circulation in the Wessels and Cells of certain Płants.-
In some plants the circulation of juices of peculiar character may be very
easily seen with the aid of low magnifying powers. One of the most strik-
ing phenomena of this class may be demonstrated in the sheath of the
bud of the common India-rubber plant (ficus elastica) which bears so well
the Smoky atmosphere of large cities, and grows notwithstanding the
bad influence of gas. Just as the leaf is bursting a portion of the red
sheath may be removed, and if the thin edge be carefully placed in the
field of the microscope under an inch or half inch power, the vessels
with the contained white fluid in motion will be seen. With the aid of
the half inch or quarter the observer will be able to demonstrate that
the whiteness of the fluid, like that of milk, is entirely due to the sus-
pension of countless little globules like oil. In the case of the India-
rubber plant, however, these globules are composed of highly viscid
material which becomes very sticky, and when dry, elastic. It constitutes
the substance known as India-rubber. In the Chelidonium majus, a
common hedge plant in chalky districts, similar phenomena may be seen.
Cyclosis.-The circulation or cyclosis of the contents of the val/i-
smeria, anacharis, chara, and nitella, may be observed without any
difficulty under a quarter or even a half inch object-glass. In all these
the movement is due to the vital properties or powers of the bioplasm
or living matter which moves round and round the cell; the hard cell
wall preventing its escape, and rendering movements in a right line
impossible. /*
If the plant is to be subjected to examination under the highest
powers, however, certain precautions are necessary. The thinnest
possible layer should be removed with a thin but very sharp knife, from
the surface of a young leaf of vallisneria or amacharis, and the two thin
pieces thus obtained must be carefully placed on the slide with a drop
of water and covered with the thinnest possible glass, care being taken
to prevent it from pressing firmly upon the freshly cut surface. It not
unfrequently happens that cyclosis has entirely stopped in the cells
submitted to examination, but after the fragments of the leaf have
remained still for a short time the movement recommences, especially
if slight warmth be applied; and it is a good plan, especially in winter,
to place the sections which have been made, in water in a small corked
glass tube, which may be carried in the pocket for a quarter of an hour
or more before they are to be subjected to examination.
Facts of the utmost general interest and importance may be de-
monstrated in vallisneria by the aid of the highest powers. The stream
which moves round and round the cell, and looks like pure water under
a twelfth, is really found to include, if examined under a gº or #3,
multitudes of extremely minute and apparently spherical particles, each
of which is probably endowed with active motor power, pl. XLVI, p. 172,
figs. 6, 7. The green chlorophyll masses are urged on by the actively
moving particles of bioplasm. One portion of the active, colourless,
moving matter is seen to outstrip another portion, amongst which it
gradually blends and as it were incorporates itself, to be, in its turn,
outstripped by other portions. The direction in which the contents
move round the cell is shown in fig. 3, pl. LII, p. 200.
Solid particles of high refracting power, and easily seen, are often
suspended in moving bioplasm, and appear to move of themselves,
while in reality they are perfectly passive and are but carried in the
moving stream. Sometimes these are formed from the bioplasm itself,
sometimes they are foreign particles, perhaps bacteria or allied germs
which have entered from without. Solid particles of various kinds may
be seen commonly enough embedded in the transparent moving bioplasm
of the ordinary amaeba. Pus and mucus corpuscles, and many other
forms of bioplasm, also contain extremely minute particles, the nature
of which has not been positively determined, as well as foreign particles
which become included by the mass projecting itself around them.
The hairs from the flower of the Virginian spider-wort (7%adescantia
Virginica) a well-known garden plant, growing in London and large
cities almost as well as in the country, are beautiful objects for studying
the movements of the living bioplasm in the vegetable cell. The trans-
parent matter in active movement contains many minute highly refrac-
tive particles, which enables one to detect the slightest variation of the
direction in which the stream Sets.
The moving streams are very narrow, changing their direction from
time to time, meeting some and diverging towards others, so that a
network of moving matter results, which lies upon the surface of and in
part amongst the beautiful purple fluid which occupies the cavity of the
Cell, and gives its colour to the hair.
In pl. III, p. 200, fig. 1, a branch of Anacharis alsinastrum is repre-
sented. It consists of long slender stems which bear a series of three
narrow leaves of a pale green colour at intervals of about a quarter of
an inch apart. The leaves when full grown seldom exceed a length of
three-eighths of an inch. Fig. 4 shows the irregular shape and position
of the cells in one of the leaves of this plant. The thickness of the
central part of the leaf is composed of two layers of such cells, but at
the margin only one layer exists. Fig. 2, represents one of the hollow
spines or hairs at the margin of the leaf of the Anacharis. It appears
that when the circulating corpuscles arrive near the apex of the spine
where the cell wall is undergoing induration, as shown by a brown dis-
coloration, they do not pass quite to the apex, but are invariably hurried
across the cell, as seen at 5 in the figure. The three drawings above
referred to, have been taken from Mr. Wenham's paper “On the Cir-
culation in the Leaf Cells of Anacharis Alsinastrum ” (“Microscopical
Journal,” vol. III, p. 281).
In pl. LII, fig. 2, is represented a hair or spine from the stalk of
Anchusa paniculata, one of the Boragineae. This is also taken from a
drawing by Mr. Wenham (“Microscopical Journal,” vol. III, p. 49). The
mode of growth and circulation of the corpuscles, moved as I believe by
the bioplasm, are well shown. These accumulate and gradually become
converted into the tissue of which the spine is composed. Mr. Wenham
well describes this process as follows: a dense current of Corpuscles
travels along one wall of the spine constantly returning by the opposite
side b, b. At c, where the deposition occurs, there is a considerable
accumulation, and at the boundary where they are converted into the
substance of the spine a number are seen to be adherent. Often in
specimens of this plant the deposition has been so rapid that there was
not sufficient time for the complete condensation of the component
corpuscles. In these instances a number of them have been caught and
loosely enclosed in one or more cavities, as shown at d, d. The walls
of these containing cavities do not possess a definite outline, because
they are lined with corpuscles in all their different stages of transition.
The course which the current takes in some vegetable cells is indicated
by the arrows in fig. 3, after Dr. Branson.
Vallisneria, chara, nitella, and anacharis may be kept without diffi-
culty in glass jars in our rooms, and TradesCantia will grow in pots out-
side the window, and flower freely even in London. If pale or white-
flowered plants be selected for observation, the description above given
Z º
Diagram to how direction of rurrents
in cells of Walls neria p 199.
A branch of Anacharis Alsinastrum
p. 300.
Fig. 4.
Hair or spine of Anchusa.
showing how hard maternal
is deposited. After Mr.
Wenham, p. Cº.
- - ----' s
Cells and liollow strine of Anacharis. A* ºr
Mr. Wenham p <00.
Cells of * º" Mr. Welham. [To face pase 200.

will apply except that instead of the fluid in the cell being dark purple
—it is either very pale or colourless.
But the phenomenon is to be studied in a plant much more widely
distributed and more easily obtained than any of those above
mentioned, the common nettle, Urtica dioica. The cells of the stiff hairs
upon a young leaf generally show cyclosis very distinctly, and the
movement may be seen in the hairs of nettles grown in fern cases. In
the young cuticular cells movement may also often be seen.
Pollen Złubes.—Of all the wonderful sights to be seen in the micro-
scope, I think the growth of the pollen tubes is the most striking. If
ripe pollen of a lily be placed in a little of the clear viscid fluid formed
upon the stigma, and covered with thin glass and examined under a quarter
of an inch object glass, or higher power, the pollen tube may be seen
to extend itself while at the same time the fertilising particles suspended
in the fluid within are seen in the most active motion. This phenomenon
is to be seen in the pollen of many plants, but that of Zilium auratum or
Milium speciosum, as was noticed by a writer, I think in “Science
Gossip,” affords very satisfactory results. And now that both lilies are
so common in this country, and can be well flowered in London, they
are perhaps the best plants to obtain for this purpose.
The circulation in the cells of Vallisneria, and the movements of the
cilia of small animalcules of ciliated cells under a high power with the
new binocular of Messrs. Powell and Lealand, p. 15, once seen can
never be forgotten, for the mind seems to have realised the actual state
of things occurring during the life of the living thing, in a manner which
before was not possible.
I propose now to offer a few general observations upon the nature of
the different kinds of movements which occur in living things, many of
which have been referred to in the foregoing sections, and which are
of the greatest interest from a philosophical as well as from a micro-
scopical point of view.
Hitherto many of the movements occurring in living things have
been referred to the supposed inherent property of contractility, and
strange to say, the very authorities who never lose an opportunity of
ridiculing and condemning those who attribute vital changes in things
living to the influence of a peculiar force or power—vitality, do not
hesitate to refer the movements taking place in contractile textures to
the mystical property of contractility. Of course they give no definition
of contractility, nor do they attempt to define what they mean by the
word. They do not show in what this supposed property resembles or
differs from other properties supposed by them to belong to primitive
2O2 How To work witH THE MICROSCOPE.
matter. They do not even state whether this contractility may be
manifested by things non-living. - -
By many well-known facts the unprejudiced have been convinced
that the difference between living and non-living is absolute. The asser-
tion that the non-living passes by gradations into the living is not
justified by the present state of scientific knowledge, and is contradicted
by facts of observation and experiment. Though widely taught in
these days the statement is a false statement.
Some very remarkable phenomena which distinguish living from non-
Živing matter may now be observed under the microscope with the aid
of high powers. There is no department of natural knowledge in which
a greater advance is to be noticed than in this, and the facts which have
been recently discovered enable us to draw a sharp and well-defined
line between living things and the various forms of non-living matter,
whether of simple or of complex composition. If as investigation still
further advances the facts already known are added to, and the Con-
clusions arrived at from recent researches, supported by new observa-
tions and experiments—the inference that vital phenomena are due to
the operation of some agency, force, or power in living matter, distinct
from every kind of physical force operating in non-living matter will be
irresistible, and will be received as true, notwithstanding the arrogant de-
nunciations and the prophetic announcements of material evolutionists.
If the student studies this question carefully, he will, I think, find
that much confusion has arisen from the attempt to account for several
essentially different kinds of movement by one property, contractility.
Thus any tissue which alternately becomes shortened or lengthened,
gaining in one diameter what it loses in another, is said to be Con-
tractile, while on the other hand, that which moves in every conceivable
direction is said to do so by virtue of the same property. It is not,
however, very easy to see how two such essentially different movements,
as repeated acts of contraction and relaxation within a definite space, and
the actual moving away of a mass from one place to another place, can
depend upon one and the same property. Essentially different move-
ments occurring in living things really depend as would be supposed
upon different circumstances and are not all of the same nature. The
movements occurring in living beings may be arranged as follows:–
1. PRIMARY OR VITAL MOVEMENTS-affecting matter in the living
state only, as seen in the amaeba, white blood corpuscle, and in bioplasm
or living matter generally, pl. LIV, p. 206, figs. I, 2. -
2. SECONDARY MOVEMENTS—the consequence of vital movements, or
of other phenomena, acting upon matter which is not in a living state:—
a. Ciliary Movements.—Probably due to alterations in the quantity
of fluid within the tissue, the changes in the proportion of fluid
being brought about by the action of the bioplasm or living matter.
6. Muscular Movements.-Due to a disturbance (electrical or other-
wise) in the neighbourhood of a “contractile ” tissue—that is, a
structure so disposed that its constituent particles shall be sus-
ceptible of certain temporary alterations in position, which alter-
ations take place in certain definite directions only.
c. Movements of Solid Particles suspended in Fluid in Ce/s, caused by
Currents in the Fluid, as the pigmentary matter in the pigment
cells of the frog.—Due to the motion of the fluid as it passes.
into, or out of, the cell, through its permeable wall; this movement
being dependent upon changes taking place external to the cell, OC-
casioned by alterations in the vessels, and by other circumstances.
d. Molecular Brownian Movements.-Which affect all insoluble par-
ticles, non-living as well as Ziving, in a very minute state when
Suspended in a fluid not viscid.
Of the Primary or Vital Movements occurring in Ziving Æeings.
This kind of movement is peculiar to matter in the living state, and
is not known to occur in any matter which has not been derived from
matter in a living state. The movements cannot be imitated. They cease
when death occurs, and having once ceased, they cannot be caused to re-
appear in the same particles of matter. Excellent examples of vital move-
ments are presented in the common ama-ba and many other low forms
of life, in the white blood corpuscles, in mucus and Žus corpuscles, and less
distinctly in the bioplasm (nuclei) of many tissues of the higher animals.
Amaba can always be obtained by placing a small fragment of animal
matter in a wine-glass full of water and leaving it in a light part of the
room for a few days. I have found it convenient to introduce a few
filaments of the best cotton wool into the water. The amaebae Collect
amongst the fibres and are by them protected from the pressure of the
thin glass when placed on the glass slide for examination. An imper-
fect idea may be formed of the changes taking place in the form of the
most minute amaebae by reference to fig. LIII, p. 204, fig. 5. AZucus
corpuscles in the mucus upon the surface of the mucous membrane of the
air-passages, white blood corpuscles, and pus corpuscles, exhibit similar
movements, fig. 7. Changes in form may be seen to occur slowly in the
bioplasm of the cornea of the frog and other animals. Soon after death
a shrinking or collapse of the soft bioplasm of all cells takes place, and
this alteration has led to the idea that many masses of bioplasm (nuclei)
lie embedded in spaces or vacuoles in the tissues. During life, and
especially in the early and more active period of growth, the bioplasm
or living matter is continuous with the tissue, and the shrinking and
alteration in question are due to changes which immediately follow the
death of this living matter.
The bioplasm of which ova consist is, in many cases, the seat of
active vital movements, which may be studied without difficulty. In the
ova of the common water snail (limnaeus stagnalis) complete rotation
occurs, and the embryo from an early period is covered with cilia.
Changes in form may be observed in the ova of amphibious reptiles,
particularly the frog and newt. Those of the pike, stickleback, and many
Osseous fishes are particularly favourable for observation (Ransom).
The stickleback can be easily kept by the microscopist in an aquarium.
They sometimes breed in confinement, and the sort of nest which is
made for the protection of the young and guarded by the male, is an
object of great interest.
The movements in the bioplasm of the higher animals (mucus, pus)
can be distinctly seen with a twelfth of an inch object-glass, but it is often
necessary to examine one particular corpuscle very attentively, for half
a minute or more. In some cases the changes in form are so slow that
the observer who looks at the object for the first time cannot satisfy
himself of the actual occurrence of the movement at all. It is abso-
lutely useless to attempt observations of this kind in an off-hand, slap-
dash manner. Those who desire to have the delight of pondering over
such changes will gladly find the leisure to observe the facts. This is
just one of those phenomena which, having been well seen once can
generally be detected afterwards without much difficulty. Under the
sixteenth, twenty-fifth, or fiftieth, the alterations in form can be studied
very successfully, and there are few things more wonderful, or which will
ſurnish more interesting matter for careful thought and for valuable and
useful speculation. -
The movements I have described in the last few paragraphs as vita/
movements I regard as primary, and think that the power of movement
exists in connection with the matter of which each small portion of the
moving mass is composed. It may be to some minds unsatisfactory to
attribute the phenomenon to the influence of a power of the nature of
which nothing is known, but it is surely better to do this for the present,
than to assert that these movements are due to physical force, or to
some “machinery" of the physical imagination, considering that in not
one single instance can the phenomenon be explained by any known
laws of matter or motion. Every unprejudiced person who thoroughly
studies the movements and carefully thinks over the facts of the case,
will, I feel sure, find himself compelled to admit that they cannot be
accounted for in the present state of our knowledge, without assuming
the existence of a power, which is peculiar and which may fairly be called
zital, to distinguish it from every other force or power in nature.
Of Growth and Multiplication.—Almost inseparable from the con-
sideration of the nature of the movements occurring in living things, is
the study of the operations by which particles are added to and often
lifted much above other particles in the process of growth, a universal
Portion of shell of Pleurosigma. After Mr Hunt p 175.
Fig. 1.
% % %
% %
Very minute am
animal matter.
active movemen
of an itach in diameter x 5,000 p. 203
The yeast fungus in
Inelut. A
ºte from water containing a little deas
he smallest free particles exhibi is very
ts were less than the one ten thousaudui, Mucus corpuscle sh
during a minute of
various stages of develop-
fter Dr. Eassall.
owing alterations in form
time × 2,800, p. 303.
Ilo face rage 2(4.

characteristic of things that live. The observer who aims at studying the
remarkable and highly interesting phenomena of germination, growth,
and multiplication of cells or elementary parts in the tissues and organs
of living beings, in health and disease, will find it absolutely necessary to
investigate these processes in the simplest living organisms, where they
occur under conditions far less complex than those which obtain as
regards man and other vertebrata. He must exercise the utmost caution
in drawing inferences from what he does see or rather thinks that he
sees, and he must always bear in mind that great and irreconcilable
differences of opinion exist among even distinguished observers, with
regard to the general nature of the changes which take place when, for
example, a spore of Common mildew begins to grow, or an insignificant
bacterium gives rise to new bacteria. How then is it likely that the
mode of growth, origin, and multiplication of some of the highly
complex structures formed in man, especially in the course of disease,
can be described with anything like correctness and the causes of them
fully explained to the student P
It has been stated over and over again that living bacteria originaſe
in decomposing matters, and one who has recently written on the
subject thinks that he has seen the fibrillae of muscle resolve themselves
into such living bodies It is always necessary to be on our guard
against the acceptance of observations () of this kind. Those who
have had much experience in the manufacture of pseudo-bacteria, could
produce a number of objects and advance facts and arguments which
would probably fully convince any inexperienced person that there was
abundant evidence to prove that bacteria were but the modified
particles of certain tissues, notwithstanding that, in truth, the evidence
entirely points the other way. Perfect looking bacteria may be pro-
duced readily enough by gently warming over a spirit-lamp a little blood
placed on a glass slide and covered with thin glass. From the red blood
corpuscles under these circumstances numerous very narrow-jointed
filamentous processes are seen to project, and from their Constant vibra-
tion and molecular movements these might easily be taken for living
bodies, pl. LIV, p. 206, figs. 4, 6. Sometimes they become detached
and move about in a manner much resembling certain forms of bacteria.
At the same time any one familiar with investigations of this kind
would be deceived neither by the general appearance nor by the move-
ments of these bodies. Living bacteria, like other living things, come
from germs formed by pre-existing living things, like themselves.
The student will learn many most important facts by watching the
germination of the common mildew, and studying the different appear-
ances of the plant when developed under different circumstances,
pl. LIV, p. 206, fig. 3. The student should also study the growth and
multiplication of yeast-cells in weak syrup, pl. LIII, fig. 4. It is ex-
ceedingly instructive to watch the growth of the spongioles of a young
plant (mustard seed, wheat, mignonette, or better, any much smaller
seed), as they grow under the thin glass. Fluid may be constantly
Supplied according to the plan described in p. 77. -
The observations of Dr. Drysdale and the Rev. H. Dallinger, pub-
lished in the “Proceedings of the Royal Society,” 1877, and in the
“Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society,” should be referred
to, and the ingenious arrangements adopted for maintaining an even
temperature are especially worthy of study by those who intend to
institute original enquiries in this department.
By dint of a little really careful observation the student will soon
learn to distinguish purely vital phenomena from mere physical and
Chemical change, and will be able to judge concerning the value of the
arbitrary dicta of those who persist in asserting that phenomena which
have nothing whatever in common, are of the same nature and due to
the same cause. Would no other conclusions have afforded support to
the infallible views proclaimed concerning what has been termed unity?
Of the Secondary Movements occurring in Ziving Beings.
Ciliary Movement has been already referred to in pp. 193, 194, and
muscular contraction in p. 189.
Of Molecular Movements.--When any solid matter in an exceed-
ingly minute state of division is suspended in a limpid fluid, every one
of the minute particles is seen to be in a state of active motion or
vibration in the neighbourhood of other particles. These molecular
movements have often been mistaken for vital movements. If some
bacteria developed in any decomposing water be exposed to a tempera-
ture of 200° they are destroyed, but although quite dead, moſecular
movements still occur. If, however, the movements of the dead particles
be compared with those of living bacteria, a great difference will be dis-
cerned. Probably many movements of particles occurring in cavities in
crystals are of the same nature. See p. 235.
Movements of Granules within Cel/s.—The movement of insoluble
particles from one part of a cell to another, as occurs in the radiating
pigment-cells of batrachia (frog, toad, and newt), is probably due to
alterations in the direction of the flow of fluid in the cells, from the
cavity of the cell towards the tissues, or from the surrounding tissue into
the cell. If the capillaries were fully distended, fluid would permeate
the walls of the cells and would pass into their cavity, in which case the
insoluble particles would gradually become diffused and would pass into
all parts of the cell; while, on the other hand, if the capillaries were
reduced in diameter, and the lateral pressure upon their walls diminished,
there would be, as is well known, a tendency for the fluid in the
surrounding tissue to flow towards the vessels and pass into their in-
sarcolemma b.
Bioplasm and formed naterial
the contractile naterial
arrows show the direction in which the Inasses
ºf bioplasm are supposed to be moving p
lºortion of a fibre of well- elastic tissue Liga.
ºnenturn nuchº Lamb The mass of bior lasm.
a, is moving in the direction of the arrow ; behind it
the formation of yellow elastic tissue is proceeding
-o- p º
ºr the
Various stages of growth of ordinary mildew.
x, a spore bursting, biopiasm escapins.
spore, the formed in iterial of which has much increased.
of the mycelium, and the fructification of the tungus, p, q, r,
vibratile filaments and uninute
particles, consisting of viscid
coloured ºn atter Blood cor-
puscles, human subject, after
being subjected to heat. Exactly
resembling bacteria in appear-
ance, x 1,500 p 203
a. aerial spores b. smallest germiual particles williu these
c., a spore enlarged by growth il, a spore sprouting. e. an old
The remaining figures show the mode of growth
p. 205. (1859.)
Mesºtable organisius.
a different forms of
* -
tungi. Bacteria. - -
º -- - - - -
x 21 p. 205. Curious spontaneous cuanges in form of rºd - -
blood corpuscles of the trog, X 700, p 2-5 s =
- - -
[To face page 206,

terior. In this case the quantity of fluid in the cells would become
gradually reduced, and the insoluble particles would become aggregated
together, and would collect in those situations where there was most
Space, as in the central part of the cell around the bioplasm. Moreover,
in the last case, the flow of fluid, which constantly sets towards the
bioplasm, would be instrumental in drawing the particles in this same
direction, while, if the cell contained a considerable portion of fluid,
the currents would pass between the particles without moving them.
Evaporation, as it occurs after death, causes concentration of the in-
soluble particles towards the centre of the cells.
On the other hand, the changes in these pigment-cells of the frog
have been considered by Professor Lister to be due to vital actions, and
he agrees with Wittich and others who believe them to be under the
immediate control of the nervous system. Indirectly, no doubt they are
so, but I do not think that any experiments have proved satisfactorily
that the nerves exert any direct influence upon the movements of the
particles in these cells. It is well known that the nerves govern the
calibre of the vessels, and thus influence the amount of fluid in the
surrounding tissues, and in this indirect manner nerves may be said to
affect the movements of the particles in the cells. The reader will find
a full account of Professor Lister's experiments, and the arguments
deduced from them, in his paper “On the Cutaneous Pigmentary System
of the Frog,” published in the “Philosophical Transactions” for 1858.
Some of the most remarkable movements of minute particles in so-
called cells are seen in the corpuscles suspended in the saliva and
derived from the follicles of the salivary glands. These movements can
be seen with a good quarter of an inch object-glass, but to detect the
moving particles themselves, an objective that magnifies upwards of
five hundred diameters is desirable. I have attempted to give an idea of
the appearances seen under a still higher power in pl. XLI, p. 168,
fig. 4. The precise nature of these moving particles is unknown. They
seem to be solid, and to be very freely moving in a fluid that cannot be
viscid. They look very like bacteria germs, but whether they are of this
nature and are the agents concerned in effecting the conversion of
starch into sugar, as invariably happens if a little Solution of starch be
held in the mouth for a minute or two, is not certain.
The articles under this heading, with the exception of those prepared
by Mr. Sorby, F.R.S., have been very kindly given to me by my friend,
Mr. Frank Rutley, of the Geological Survey, and will, I am sure, greatly en-
hance the usefulness of this portion of How to Work with the Microscope.
Within the last ten years a considerable amount of work has been
done by means of the microscope, in the examination of thin sections of
minerals and rocks, but although much has been written on the Continent,
and especially in Germany, our own literature upon this subject is still
but limited. Some valuable papers upon special branches of research
have, it is true, been published in this country, together with one or two
of a more general character, but as yet there is no English book upon the
subject sufficiently extended to indicate the systematic course of exami- .
nation which it is essential for the student of petrology to pursue. The
few following pages are written rather to point out some of the difficulties
which attach to the microscopic study of rocks, than to attempt, in the
present imperfect state of our knowledge, to lay down with confidence
propositions which may eventually prove erroneous.
The sedimentary rocks, such as sandstones, slates, shales, and lime-
stones can easily be identified with the unaided eye, and when a micro-
scopic examination of such rocks is resorted to, it is mainly for the
purpose of detecting the presence of minute crystals or fragments of
minerals which, in the absence of microscopic scrutiny, would often
remain unnoticed, but whose presence may, in some cases, serve as
a clue to the source from which the sediment composing the rock was
originally derived, while in some instances minute crystals, which have
subsequently been developed in the rock, are to be discerned under a
high magnifying power.
Microscopic examination of limestones is also useful, inasmuch as
many of these are composed, to a considerable extent, of the minute
calcareous tests of foraminifera, and of other diminutive Organisms, and
instances occasionally occur in which fragments of sedimentary rocks lie
embedded in lavas of various ages, and a determination of the geological
horizon to which such organisms may be referred, is often a matter of
considerable interest. The remains of the small organisms in limestones
may be rendered perceptible under the microscope, either by examination
of a surface of the rock by reflected light or by grinding a smooth surface
and causing erosion of the rock with a weak acid, so that the organic
remains are left in relief; also, by cutting thin sections of the rock and
examining them by transmitted light, or, if the limestone be soft and
friable, by macerating it in water and separating the Small organisms by
levigation. See p. Ioo.
It is the examination of eruptive rocks, and of rocks whose original
structure has been modified by partial or complete rearrangement of their
components by heat, whether derived from the contact or proximity of
eruptive masses or from other sources, that will furnish the observer with
many facts of great interest, for it is, indeed, scarcely possible to examine
a section of any of these rocks without discovering numerous points of
striking importance, while the polariscope, p. 220 (besides its value as
an instrument of investigation), displays the objects under conditions so
attractive that the observer often feels compelled to copy an object
which, if seen by ordinary illumination he would hardly take the trouble
to record. On drawing and engraving objects, see p. 31.
The information to be given in the next few pages will be most
conveniently arranged under the four heads:—i. Requisite Implements
and Materials; ii. Hints on the Preparation of Sections; iii. Examina-
tion of Minerals; iv. Examination of Rocks.
264. Itequisite Implements and Materials.-Microscope.—A good,
strong, steady instrument, with a large stage, will be found most con-
venient. It should be supplied with a polariscope, the analyser fitting
over the eye-piece so that it can be easily removed and replaced. A
Second analyser to screw above the objective is also useful at times,
when good illumination is important or when it is not constantly neces-
Sary to remove the analyser. The polarising prism should also be fitted
in such a manner that it can easily be removed. It ought to rotate
readily under the finger. It is convenient to have the milled edge made
rather thick, and it should be sufficiently prominent to be easily found
and worked by the hand while the observer's eyes are otherwise
occupied. Low power objectives, such as the two-inch, one-and-a-half
2nch, and one-inch, are the most generally useful for the examination of
rock-sections. A higher power than the quarter-inch is seldom wanted.
Objectives with small angular aperture are to be preferred, as they
possess great penetration. The microscope should be provided with a
neutral-tint reflector, or with a camera-lucida for drawing the outlines
of objects (p. 33, pl. XVII, figs. 4 and 5), while a movable needle fitted
in the eye-piece will be found useful for registering points when filling
in the details. It is important that the microscope-stage should rotate
A bullseye condenser or other good means of illuminating opaque
objects is also necessary. A shallow metal or pasteboard tray with a
hole cut in it serves to protect the stage of the microscope from emery
mud and dust when unfinished sections are being examined. An
ordinary glass stage-plate with a deep flange will answer the same
purpose, p. 72, pl. XXI, fig. I, p. 76.
A common pocket-lens is essential, as by its means minerals may
frequently be identified with greater ease and certainty than when viewed
under higher magnifying powers. This is especially the case with opaque
minerals and those which possess a high metallic lustre.
A clip lens. This lens which is figured on pl. LV, p. 212, fig. I,
will be found most convenient for examining hand specimens of rocks,
as by its use both hands are left at liberty, the one to hold the specimen
and the other to use a graver or knife for scratching and testing the hard-
ness of minerals. The lens should not be of less than an inch in focus.
The spring clip should fit the nose comfortably but firmly. The only
care required in its use is to avoid cutting, or puncturing the nose when
using a knife upon a hard mineral. There is, however, but little risk of this,
and the danger may be obviated either by using a sharp hook-shaped
point, so that the stroke is made from, instead of towards, the nose, or
by employing a lens of longer focus, but one which has about an inch
and a-half focal distance is the most useful. This little clip may be im-
proved upon by arranging it so that it will carry various lenses. The
one which I first devised was made by Mr. Baker, of Holborn. A watch-
maker's loup may be used for the same purpose, but to hold it well in
front of the eye by the pressure of the muscles requires some practice.
Wire gauze spectacles. When these are not used there is some risk
of knocking splinters into the eyes when chipping very hard rocks.
A knife with a good hard point for scratching minerals. A pair of
large £/iers for crushing off small fragments of stone. A magnetic needle
and some blowpipe apparatus will also be necessary for the preliminary
examination of minerals and rocks.
A sma///ammer with one end square and flat and the other end
chisel-shaped is necessary for flaking off chips from rocks and minerals.
A small cold-chise/ or for very soft rocks a broad carpenter's chise! will
be found useful. The chips struck off for grinding into sections
should be as thin and flat as possible, and it is better to devote a little
time to careful chipping, in order to get a thin flake, than to expend
much time in grinding down a thick one.
A grinding /athe. There are various patterns of machines suitable
for grinding sections of rocks. Those worked by a treadle are most
generally approved of. Machines of this description devised by Mr. J.
B. Jordan, of the “Mining Record ” office, are manufactured by
Messrs. Cotton and Johnson, Grafton Street, Soho. Small machines, to
be worked by hand, are now made in Germany, and may, I believe, be
procured of R. Fuess, 46, Wasserthor Strasse, Berlin. Some of the
German petrologists prefer to grind their sections by hand upon a cast-
iron plate charged with coarse emery, and to finish in the same way
upon a plate-glass slab, upon which fine emery is Smeared, the whole
process being performed without any special mechanical appliance. It
is, however, scarcely possible to prepare sections of hard rocks without
a suitable machine. In the grinding machines the work is performed
either by a revolving leaden disc, which is smeared with emery powder
and water, or by a prepared disc made of Corundum or emery powder
held together by some, binding material. The discs or laps have a
tendency to wear into hollow ruts, as it is scarcely possible to grind
equally over every part of the lap. When these hollows become deep a
new face should be turned on the lap, or a fresh one should be cast.
The best emery to use on these laps is that known as No. 1. Slitting
discs for Sawing thin slices of rock are supplied with these machines.
The discs are of iron and the edge of the disc is charged with diamond
dust; brick-oil or some other lubricant being used to diminish the
friction when cutting. Some skill is, however, needful in order to charge
the disc properly. The piece of stone to be ground is to be cemented
with Waller's wax or red cement in a small metal cup, and the right
degree of pressure must be maintained between the stone and the disc
while the operation is being carried on, during which time the constant
application of the lubricant is needful. It is, however, much cheaper
and always much less troublesome to get slices cut by a lapidary, when
slices are really requisite; but, in the majority of cases a good, well-
selected chip answers every purpose, except in those cases in which it is
necessary to make a section in a given direction through a rock, or
parallel to some particular face of a crystal.
A brass slab is required upon which to finish the grinding of the sec-
tions. This should be perfectly flat. A slab of plate-glass will also answer.
A small cuſ or box with a little scoop or strip of tin or cardboard,
for fine flour-emery, should be provided.
A chuck-bottle. The construction of this will be understood by
reference to pl. LV, p. 212, fig. 5. It is to hold water for moistening
the emery on the brass slab.
Cork forceſs. These are very useful for firmly holding hot slabs of
plate-glass. They may easily be made out of a large Cork and an old
pair of compasses as represented on pl. LV, fig. 6.
An iron tripod, and an iron, a brass, or a copper plate to rest on the
top. Upon this, plate-glass slabs and slips, &c., are warmed by a
Bunsen's gas jet, or by a small spirit-lamp placed beneath. See pl.
XXIII, p. 48, fig. I.
Watch glasses for holding turpentine, &c., for baths.
A crochet needle (lifting needle) pl. LV, fig. 4, with the hook filed off,
or a knitting needle, will be useful for lifting sections from the bath.
A penknife blade fixed in a short handle for scraping away Canada
balsam, &c., pl. LV, fig. 2.
A three edged scraper shaped like fig. 7, pl. LV, is also useful for
removing balsam round the edges of covered preparations as it requires
to be cleaned less frequently than a single edge.
A piece of stout wire (pushing bar) pl. LV, fig. 3, with one end flat-
tened, or a small flat strip of metal, for pushing the section off its slab.
This and the lifting needle may be made out of a piece of stout wire
about five inches long, one end being sharpened and the other flattened.
This small implement will answer perfectly well and will require no
A writing diamond for marking slides as soon as the object is covered,
and thereby diminishing the risk of any mistake in the labelling of the
P 2
section; useful also in the event of the label becoming detached, pl. XX,
p. 54, fig. 8.
A smal/ pair of forceſs.
O/d Canada ba/sam ; the older the better.
Mew Canada balsam in a wide-mouthed, glass-capped bottle with a
glass rod for dropping.
Benzol, in a stoppered bottle. Zurpentine. Paraffine. -
Plate-glass slabs, about $ inch thick and 2 inches square. The edges
should be roughly ground before they are used. Ordinary plate-glass slips
3 inches by I inch. 7%in glass covers, ranging up to $ inch diameter.
A’ags and dusters.
265. on Making sections of Itocks and Crystals.”—Comparatively
little can be learned of the structure of rocks and minerals from the
examination of fractured surfaces by reflected light. Flat polished sur-
faces show very much more, but nearly all the important facts can only
be observed by examining thin sections by transmitted light. What is
really requisite is to have portions sufficiently thin, flat, and smooth to
transmit light. In some cases fragments of clear minerals may be
broken thin and flat enough to show certain facts very well, when
mounted in Canada balsam ; and in this manner we may easily study
the fluid-cavities in quartz, or the structure of such rocks as obsidian
and pitch-stone. In many Cases, however, we must have recourse to
carefully prepared thin sections. The details of the method of pre-
paring these must necessarily vary according to the mechanical means
at the disposal of each person, and much time may be saved by the use
of machinery. I shall, therefore, give such a general account as may
be used by any one who has not machinery at command, premising that
it will be easy to modify it in detail, according to the facilities which
each may possess for employing more expeditious methods.
In Collecting specimens for examination, I find it convenient to
break off portions from the rock as flat and thin as possible, so that
they may be ground down at Once ; for otherwise it may be requisite to
saw off portions with a lapidary's wheel, or by means of a straight
toothless saw of sheet-iron with emery. Having made the specimen of
a convenient size and form, with one side flat, this must be ground
down perfectly level and dressed off very smooth. I usually avoid
using any polishing powder, since, if it were to work into cracks or
cavities, it would be far more objectionable than any slight want of
polish. If we attempt to grind down the surface on such a stone as
should be used to finish off, very much time would be lost, and it is
therefore best to use a series of stones of increasing fineness. I have
generally used first fine emery on a plate of iron or zinc, then a kind of
* For the first part of Section 265, as far as p. 214, I have to thank my friend,
Mr. H. C. Sorby, F.R.S., who very kindly prepared it specially for this work.
Fig. 3.
|Fig. 1.
Clip lens, supported on the nose, so that both hands Inay be
free to work.
Fig. 4. Fig. 5.
Scraper, in handle
Fig. 7.
-- º < \\
, ºf . Å §
\§ §
º º
I 11tluğ lieedle,
made from 1 a.
crocitet needle
by filing off the
Scraper for renoving
Cauaia balsann from
Cork forceps, for holding slabs of plate giass, while not.
[To face page 212,

stone known by marble workers as “Congleton ; ” after that a soft
piece of Water-of-Ayr stone, and finally finish off on a very hard and
fine-grained piece of the same kind. However, since it may be difficult
to procure such stones, a flat slab of fine-grained marble, or different
kinds of slate may be used. What is wanted is to finish off the surface
so as to be free from scratches and almost polished, with the hardest
and the softest portions ground down to the same level. If not dressed
Smooth by slow grinding, the hard portions will stand out in relief; and
when the section is finished, the soft parts may be all ground away
before the hard are sufficiently thin, and the structure of the rock may
be quite misunderstood. Having duly prepared one flat surface, it
should be fastened down on a piece of glass with Canada balsam.
This should be kept hot until it is so hard as to be just brittle when
Cold. I find it best to remove, time after time, a small piece, until it
has become so hard that when cold, it can be rubbed to powder
between the thumb and finger. The piece of stone should be made
hot, but no hotter than needful, so that liquid may not be expelled from
the fluid-cavities, and balsam should be spread over the flat surface, and
kept hot for a while, which penetrates into the softer parts and hardens
them. Before fixing the specimens on the glass, it is well to remove
this balsam, and fasten it down by that on the glass. I find it much
the best to use square pieces of glass. The usual 3-inch by I glasses
are very unsuitable for the purpose; since they are much too long in
One direction, and too short in the other. I use glasses 13-inch square,
and generally make sections about I inch square, which is a very
suitable size. Since the section ought not to be removed from the
glass, Care should be taken in grinding down not to scratch the glass.
This may be avoided by fastening small bits of sheet zinc at each corner
with balsam, and grinding the stone with emery until they all come
flat down on the plate. The stone is then equally thin all over ; and
having removed the bits of zinc it must be further ground down on the
stones until of the proper thickness, and the upper surface finished off
in the manner already described. The thickness must depend very
much on the nature of the rock. If coarse-grained and Composed of
comparatively transparent minerals, rāgth of an inch may not be too
thick, whereas some very fine-grained and opaque rocks should be not
above rºorgth of an inch. Of course it is requisite so to grind them
down as not to break up or disturb the different constituents; and,
since some parts may be very hard and some very soft, it is impossible
to prepare perfect sections unless they are slowly ground down on a
fine-grained stone, which may gradually wear away the hardest parts
without injuring the softest. After having finished the section I find it
often better to keep it some time before I mount over it a thin glass
cover, in Order that the balsam may become quite hard. I then melt
Some balsam at a gentle heat on a thin glass cover of proper size, and
just before I place it on, I wet the surface of the section with a drop of
turpentine, which soaks into the pores so as to make it more trans-
parent, and renders it much easier to fasten down the glass without any
bubbles. This must be done at a very gentle heat, so as not to cause
the section to break up by melting the balsam which holds it fast to the
glass plate.
Sections of very soft rocks, which would easily break up in water,
may be prepared in the same manner by hardening them with balsam.
They should be first soaked with turpentine, and then with soft balsam,
and kept hot until quite hard.
We may modify the above plan with advantage in preparing sections
of such hard minerals as quartz. If ground down with emery and
water, deep scratches are produced, and it takes a long time to remove
them by means of the softer stones. This may be avoided by using
fine emery paper, held flat on a piece of plate glass. After grinding
down to nearly the proper thickness with emery and water, common
English flour-emery paper may be used, which soon removes the deep
scratches; and afterwards the surface may be almost polished by using
the finest French emery paper employed in preparing steel plates for
engraving; a perfect polish can then be easily given by means of rouge
on parchment. Crystals of salts soluble in water may also be ground
down and dressed smooth on emery paper, and finally polished with
rouge in the same manner; but in many cases they may be examined
without this preparation, and may be fastened on glass with balsam.
Some are decomposed by contact with balsam, and must be kept dry in
Small covered cells ; others may be mounted in a concentrated solution
of the same salt, when it is desirable to retain the liquid enclosed in the
fluid-cavities; and when very small they may be mounted in Canada
balsam, or, if that be objectionable, in castor oil. -
Sometimes the structure of a rock or other mineral substance may
be studied to great advantage by grinding it to a suitable shape,
moderately thick and flat, fixing one side to glass with balsam, and
acting on the other with a dilute acid. If one part is soluble and the
other not acted on, some valuable facts may be learned. As an
example I refer to the Eozoon Canadense, which has lately attracted so
much attention. One part consists of carbonate of lime, and the other
of siliceous minerals insoluble in diluted acid ; and when the former is
dissolved a most beautiful and minute structure may be seen, which
appears to be due to minute tubes and other open spaces filled with the
insoluble minerals.
For the directions on preparing sections which follow, I am in-
debted to my friend Mr. Frank Rutley, of the Geological Survey, who
has had very great experience in the preparation of specimens, and has
been good enough to furnish me with the following notes for this
edition of “How to Work with the Microscope.”
In removing chips from minerals, for the purpose of procuring
sections, the size of the chip must in a great measure depend upon the
size of the specimen; and, in the case of small crystals, it is sometimes
advisable to cement one of the faces of the crystal to a slab of plate
glass, and then carefully to grind down the Crystal until a section
parallel to that face is procured. The size of chips taken from minerals
is also frequently restricted by cleavage planes, and it will be found con-
venient to split off pieces parallel to different directions of cleavage
and to note any differences which such sections may present under the
microscope. A pair of cutting pliers with strong jaws will often prove
Serviceable in removing pieces of mineral without damaging the
Specimen, as it not unfrequently happens that a sharp blow with a
hammer dislodges crystals from, or even destroys, a good specimen. It
is, therefore, advisable to avoid the use of the hammer as much as
possible when dealing with cabinet specimens of minerals. Cabinet
specimens of most rocks are, as a rule, rather improved than damaged
by a little judicious chipping, especially if the specimens be good-sized
ones. Where rocks present any schistoze structure or any tendency to
cleave in a given direction, it is, of course, easier to procure a thin and
useful chip parallel to this direction. It is often interesting to make
two or more sections from a rock which possesses a fissile structure :
one parallel with the cleavage, the lamination, or foliation, and others in
directions more or less at right angles to these planes. Soft rocks often
disintegrate very readily during grinding, and it is then impossible at
times to procure sections without previously subjecting the chip to a
hardening process. Soft rocks may be rendered sufficiently coherent by
steeping thin chips of them in a mixture of Canada balsam and benzol,
or in a limpid solution of shellac in alcohol. A chip, if first steeped in
turpentine and then dipped in Canada balsam and slowly dried, is also
frequently rendered sufficiently coherent to yield a good section.
Where these methods fail another plan, suggested to me by Mr. John
Arthur Phillips, may be had recourse to. This consists in cutting an
ordinary glass slip, 3 inches by I, into three parts. One surface of the
chip, previously ground smooth and prepared by one of the above
methods, should then be firmly stuck by Canada balsam to the little
square of glass, the other side of the glass being also cemented to an
ordinary thick plate-glass slab, so that it can be conveniently held
during grinding. This treatment obviates the necessity of removing
the section from the glass on which it is ground. The square of glass
carrying the section should then be removed from the lower slab by
gently warming it, and it should next be cemented to an ordinary glass
slip and covered in the usual way. It is, of course, best to procure a
Section the full size of the little square of glass, but if this cannot be
done, the marginal portions of the glass square which usually become
Scratched and ground, should then be hidden by painting a frame-work
of Brunswick black over the disfigured area. In grinding hard rocks
(and most eruptive rocks are sufficiently hard to stand the process well)
the mode of operation is as follows:—
Method of Preparing a Section of Hard or Moderately Hard Rock. —
Select that portion of the specimen which appears most likely to show
points of interest. Remove as thin and as broad a flake as possible
from that portion of the specimen by a sharp blow with a small dressing
hammer or by means of a chisel. Set either the original specimen or
its label aside until the first stage of grinding is completed, and a label
affixed to the glass, slab to which the chip is attached. Take a brush,
an inch or more in breadth, dip it in water and then dip it into some
No. I emery powder: with this smear the leaden lap of the grinding
lathe : set the lathe in motion, and then press the chip upon the
revolving lap with the thumb and middle finger, or with the forefinger
and middle finger. At first the chip will probably be jerked away, but
a little practice will soon enable the operator to hold it firmly ; as the
lap becomes dry re-charge it with more emery and water. Wipe the
chip clean and examine it occasionally, and, when a sufficiently good
surface is obtained, give it a final wipe, taking especial care that no
particles of the coarse emery are left adhering to it. -
The next appliance required is the brass grinding plate, or a plate-
glass slab about 6% by 4% inches in diameter. Some of the finest flour-
emery should be procured and the chuck-bottle must be filled with water.
Some of the emery should be scooped up and laid on the grinding slab
and water jerked or chucked on to it from the bottle; the roughly ground
Surface of the chip of rock should now be placed on the slab and the
grinding carried on by hand with a circular motion, the Operator taking
care to grind equally over every part of the plate. If this precaution be
neglected the plate will soon cease to have a true surface and will then
be useless. The grinding plate should be placed in a shallow tray of
rather larger dimensions, as the emery mud gradually works over the
edges of the plate. The chip should from time to time be wiped with
a rag which has been kept free from coarse emery, and when a perfectly
smooth and flat surface is procured the grinding may be discontinued.
The next step is to light a Bunsen's gas jet or a spirit lamp and to place
it beneath a metal plate supported by a tripod. Take a plate-glass slab
about two inches square and a quarter of an inch or more in thickness
(the edges should be roughly ground so that they will not cut the fingers),
place it upon the metal plate and lay upon it a crumb or two of old
Canada balsam, the older the better. The chip of stone should also be
laid upon the hot plate with its unground surface downwards. As soon
as the balsam on the glass slab becomes viscid (it must not be allowed
to boil) the chip of stone should be quickly lifted and placed with its
Smoothly-ground surface on the balsam —the glass slab should be then
pushed to the edge of the hot plate, taken up with the cork forceps and
placed upon a wooden slab or a piece of thick millboard. The chip
should then be firmly pressed down on the glass slab with the ends of
the corks on the forceps or with an ordinary wine-cork, and, as soon as
the balsam begins to set, the under surface of the slab should be looked
through in order to see whether the adhesion of the chip is perfect, if
not, any air bubbles may usually be expelled by moving the chip about
in a rotatory manner, heavy pressure being applied at the same time.
The slab with the chip affixed should then be allowed to remain until
quite cold, and a small label or number should be gummed on the back
of the slab, and in one corner, so as not to intercept the view of the
chip. The Original specimen from which the chip was taken, and its
label, may then be replaced in the collection. This may be regarded as
the completion of the first stage, and the slab with its chip may be put
by until a future time, or the second stage of operation may be com-
The lap of the grinding lathe is to be again charged with No. 1
emery and water, and as soon as the lathe is set in motion the chip
should be pressed upon the lap, the fingers holding the edges of the glass
slab. The glass slab should be kept in a horizontal position, or in a
position parallel with the surface of the lap. Practice will decide the
amount of pressure which may be conveniently imparted by the hands.
The labour may sometimes be lightened, if the stroke of the machine
be too high, by Standing upon a low stool an inch or two in height.
The chip should occasionally be wiped with a rag or washed in water
to see what progress is being made. As soon as it is ground to about
the thickness of a sheet of cardboard or thick note paper the process
should be discontinued, the chip and its slab carefully freed from all
traces of coarse emery, and grinding upon the brass slab with fine flour
emery must be again resorted to. In the very latest stages of grinding
a few drops of paraffine will be found serviceable, the section then work-
ing more smoothly and with but little friction, and thereby lessening
the danger of stripping out Small imbedded crystals or of otherwise dis-
integrating the section. In these later stages the section should be
frequently examined under the microscope, being previously wiped, and
the upper surface moistened with water or turpentine in order to increase
its translucency. The stage of the microscope should, during these
examinations, be protected by a small tray with a hole cut in it, the hole
corresponding with the aperture in the stage but being less in diameter.
A glass stage plate with a deep flange will also answer this purpose.
The ultimate thickness of the section must of course depend upon the
translucency of the rock or mineral or upon the points which it may be
considered most necessary to elucidate. This may be regarded as the
completion of the second stage of operations, and it is often convenient
to leave the section in this condition so that reagents may be applied,
should any doubt exist as to the nature of the component minerals, &c.
The third and last stage consists in scraping away all hard balsam
around the margin of the section and again placing the slab on the hot
plate until the balsam which holds the section is quite viscid. While this
heating process is going on the following apparatus should be conveni-
ently arranged —Cork forceps, pushing bar, lifting needle, knife or
scraper. A watch-glass, half-full of turpentine and standing in the lid
of a pill-box or other support. New Canada balsam, clean glass slip,
clean glass cover, small forceps.
When the balsam is perfectly viscid, remove the slab from the hot
plate with the cork forceps, holding the forceps firmly in the left hand.
Take the pushing bar in the right hand and with it cautiously push or
slide the section over the edge of the glass slab into the watch-glass
containing the turpentine. This little turpentine bath should then be
carefully heated, as by this means the balsam which adheres to the
Section is perfectly dissolved. A drop of new Canada balsam should
next be placed on the glass slip. The section should then be lifted with
great care by means of the lifting needle, it being allowed to adhere by
one of its flat sides to the side of the needle, and it should be at Once
transferred to the glass slide and gently let down upon the surface of
the balsam. The slide should be slightly warmed, another small patch
of balsam placed on the top of the section, again slightly warmed, and
the glass cover taken by one edge in the small forceps, passed over the
flame to warm it, and allowed to descend gently on the balsam. Pressure
may then be applied to the cover to expel the excess of balsam,
which may be carefully removed with a knife, and the specimen is ready
for examination.
26G. on Measuring the Angles of Crystals—Goniometer.—I have
already adverted to the principal methods of measuring objects, but
have not discussed the mode of ascertaining the value of the angles of
microscopic crystals in the microscope. The simplest instrument for
the purpose is one which was arranged many years ago by Schmidt and
known as Schmidt's gonlometer. It consists of a cobweb stretched across
the field of an eye-piece, and capable of being moved by an arm which
passes round an accurately graduated arc. The cobweb line is placed
parallel to one face of the crystal, the circle being moved round until
the bar stands at zero. The latter is then made to rotate until the cob-
web is brought parallel with another face. The number of degrees
through which the bar has passed marks the angle of the Crystal. It is
\ †ſº
“ſ ºf
Crystal from
- - - the quartz ot
Crys: al of lepiueline. grante, with
coula; ning a ſlund a fluid cavity * - - - - - #ººl . ºº * * - is *-ºs i d .
cavity and crystals p 230. Fºllº”, . Sºrsº ' ' ' -- ... -- . . . . " ... • *
* y º ż
p. 235. Paraboiic reſiector of i
Fig. 4. Fig. 6.
Q. ſ Clº
*, * * * * * * * ~ * * * = a
s = a . . . . . . s. a. s. s = * * * * * * * ****
Iliagrams to illustrate the different methods of illumination by Beck's parabolic redector. Fig. 4, and Kir. Sorby's
flat mirror, Fig. 5. a, object glass , b, an object; d, ray of light ; f, point of the parabolic reflector at which it is
received and from which it is reflected upon the object ; g, fiat in irror which reflects the light perpendicularly
upon the object from which it returns to a polnt witul in the aperture of the object glass. 7.
p. 23
º - - - - * * * *** * * * * m r i r l’i rh.-, of - - *. ©
Crystals of cluoles ten ille, cousistill & of exceedingly thu Crystals of claioride o: sodiurn, º salt, ©
ërystals, some lying perfectly flat. x 915 P. - 19 lin the for rn of cubes. × 180. p. 219.
[To face page 21S.

absolutely necessary that in taking this measurement the crystal should
be perfectly flat, for otherwise a false angle will be obtained. Crystals,
Some of which are lying perfectly flat while others are more or less tilted
on one side, are represented in pl. LVI, figs. 7, 8, p. 218. Dr. Leeson
has proposed a more perfect goniometer for measuring the angles of
Small Crystals, which is copied in fig. 6 in the same plate.
Those who devote themselves to mineralogical or crystallographic
investigations require special appliances for determining the optical
properties of refracting bodies and observing the process of crystallisa-
tion in Saline solutions, &c. Dr. Lawrence Smith, of Louisville, U.S.,
designed an instrument specially for such purpose, which he called the
“INVERTED MICROSCOPE” (“American Journal of Science,” second series,
vol. XIV, 1852). The object-glass was placed below the mica, quartz,
or glass plate that carried the solution to be crystallised, with the view
of protecting the lenses from the corrosive action of acid vapours, espe-
cially that of hydro-fluoric acid, which also interfere with the definition
of objects under examination. This arrangement was improved upon
and more fully developed in its applications by Mr. Highley, who described
the “Mineralogist's Microscope,” figured in pl. LVII, p. 220, in the
“Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,” vol. IV, p. 281. It may
thus be briefly described with the aid of the figs. I and 2. The general
distribution of parts is shown in the first figure, when the instrument is
arranged for Ordinary microscopical observations. Fig. 2 displays the
same in Section arranged for optical investigations, and for measuring
the optic axes in crystals.
On a central pivot screwed into a solid circular base rotates a plate
that carries the body, prism box P, object-glass, and fine adjustment A:
to the side of the base is fixed a square bar G, that carries the principal
stage with its coarse adjustment, as well as the secondary stage into
which fits the diaphragm, polarising bundle B, selenite plates, &c. A
tube screws into the top of bar G, on which slides the mirror. The
body slides into a socket attached to the prism box. Within the
draw tube are fittings to receive glass tubes for examining with a
Leeson's goniometer and minute stop, the amount of rotation in liquids
that exhibit circular polarisation. -
The prism P, that reflects the image of the object up the axis of the
body at a convenient angle for observation, is contained in a solid brass
box, on the upper surface of which are screwed the tubes and fine ad-
justment, A, that carry the object-glass, and one side is removable to
allow of the prism being readily taken out and cleaned.
A semicircular arm works up and down the upright bar G, by means
of a rack and pinion R, and supports the circular stage S, which for
ordinary work is kept in a horizontal position by means of the clamp
nut N. The stage has a projecting ring, within which a graduated plate
rotates when optical examinations have to be made: but which is
ordinarily fitted with a plain metal plate that rises flush with the top of
the axes of the stage. In this instrument the object has to be placed
with the glass cover downwards.
A short body replaces the ordinary one for optical examinations;
this is fitted with a tourmaline T, and a cell for a plate of calc spar C,
when the instrument is to be used as a modification of Professor Kobell's
stauroscope for determining crystal systems; and two lenses L L with a
Jackson's micrometer M, when the instrument is required for the de-
termination of the optic axis on the principle of Soleil's instrument.
An excellent microscope of good size and of great strength and
steadiness and with all the appliances required for mineralogical in-
vestigation has been perfected by Messrs. Powell and Lealand, 170,
Euston Road.
The Mineralogical Works of Dufrenoy, Delafosse, Descloizeaux,
Groth, Naumann, and Grailich, and, for beginners, the little manual on
“Mineralogy,” by F. Rutley, may be consulted. The works of Zirkel,
Rosenbusch, and v. Lasaulx, are most important to the student of
267. Of the use of Polarised Light.”—Polarised light must not be
used simply to show structure, or, as is too often the case, merely to
show pretty colours, for it is a most searching means of learning the
nature and molecular constitutions of the substances under examination.
The action of crystals on polarised light as applied to the microscope is
due to their double refraction, which depolarises the polarised beam,
and gives rise to colours by interference, if the crystal be not too thick
in proportion to the intensity of the power of double refraction in the
line of vision. This varies much according to the position in which the
Crystal is cut, and, therefore, in a section of a rock different Crystals of
the same mineral may give very different results; but still we may
often form a good general opinion on the intensity, and may thus
distinguish different minerals whose intensity of action varies con-
siderably. But besides this, the intensity, but not the character, of the
depolarised light varies according to the position of the crystal in relation
to the plane of polarisation of the light. There are two axes at right
angles to each other, and when either of them is parallel to the plane of
polarisation, the crystal has no depolarising action, and if the polarising
and analysing prism are crossed, the field looks black. On rotating
either the crystal or the plane of polarisation, the intensity of depolaris-
ing action gradually increases, until the axes are inclined to 45°, and
then gradually diminishes till the other axis is in the plane of polarisa-
tion. If, therefore, we are examining any transparent body, and find
that this takes place uniformly over the whole, we know that the whole
* Section 267 was written by Mr. H. C. Sorby, F.R.S.
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[To face page 220

has one simple crystalline structure; whereas, if it appears as it were to
break up into detached parts, each of which changes independently, we
know that it is made up of a number of separate crystalline portions,
either related as twins, or quite independent of each other, as other
facts may indicate. By using a plate of selenite of suitable thickness, we
may also ascertain in what directions the crystal raises and depresses
the tint of colour given by the selenite, and can thus determine the
position of the principal axis of the crystal.
As an excellent illustration of the use of these principles, I may
refer to the structure of pseudomorphs. We may often see in sections
of rocks crystals which are much broken up either by mechanical
violence or by incipient decomposition, and it might often be extremely
difficult. if not impossible, to distinguish them from other cases where
the external form is also that of a perfect crystal, and yet the material
Completely changed. In the former case polarised light will often
show at once that all the different portions are in the same crystalline
position, and related to the external form, but in the latter are arranged
promiscuously, independent of the external form, or related to it as
products of an alteration which extended inwardly from the outer
surface or from irregular cracks. Occasionally most important theore-
tical conclusions depend on such a structure, and it may be almost
conclusive proof of the metamorphism of masses of rock when other
evidence almost fails.
Then, again, we must examine and bear in mind any definite order
that may be found to occur in the arrangement of a number of Crystals,
since that may indicate important differences. This depends on the
fact that Crystals have a tendency to form with particular faces perpendi-
cular or parallel to the surface on which they grow, depending partly on
the nature of the substance, and partly on the secondary form which
may be produced in particular circumstances. Such facts may show, for
example, that some round bodies, like oolitic grains, have been formed
by the external growth of crystals radiating from a central nucleus,
whilst others, like those so common in meteorites, were formed in an
entirely different manner, and have the structure of round bodies which
crystallised afterwards.
26s. on the Anatomy of Crystals.—Mr. Sorby well observes that it
is the most important for an observer to make himself acquainted with
what may be called the anatomy of crystals. Much might be said on
this subject, and much remains to be learnt. A crystal in its most
perfect state is bounded by definite and perfect planes, and has an
uniform and simple structure throughout, as shown by its cleavage or
by its optical characters; but, though the external form may be very
simple and perfect, its internal structure may be far from simple. Thin
plates or large segments may occur, the material of which is not in the
same crystalline position as the rest, but inclined at different angles,
according to the laws of twin crystals; and in some cases this gives rise
to very remarkable characters, seen to great advantage in some of the
constituents of meteorites. On the contrary, all perfect crystalline
planes may be absent, and yet the ultimate structure may be that of a
simple and perfect crystal, as shown by cleavage, or by the action of
polarised light; and therefore it becomes necessary to understand what
terms should be employed to express these facts. Shall we use the term
a crystal to signify a body bounded by definite planes, which may have
a very composite internal structure, or to signify a body of perfectly
simple and uniform molecular constitution, which does not happen to
have perfect bounding planes P In studying the structure of rocks it
appears to me far better to use the term a crystal to signify the simplicity
of ultimate molecular constitution, and to express the character of the
external form by saying whether it is bounded by crystalline planes or
by irregular surfaces, independent of the crystalline structure.
, If we use this phraseology we may say that each detached plate of the
echinoderm is one crystal, appearing as if it were made out of one simple
crystal of calcite cut into the form and hollowed out into all the compli-
cated structure characteristic of that kind of shell; and as an example of
the very opposite fact, I may refer to certain crystals of native phosphate
of lime, which have the external planes characteristic of that mineral,
and yet are made up of a vast number of much smaller crystals, in no
way related to the external form, and not bounded by crystalline planes.
Such distinctions are amongst the most important in studying the
microscopical structure of rocks, and from such facts the physical
history of a rock may be deduced.
269. Examination of Minerals.-One very interesting point which
has been disclosed by microscopic examination is this —that minerals,
which have been regarded as perfectly homogeneous and which have
been analysed as pure specimens, are often seen to contain mineral
matter of a different nature. This frequently occurs in the form of
definite crystals, which are sometimes irregularly disposed and at others
follow certain directions corresponding either with the internal structure
or the external configuration of the crystal in which they lie. These
little crystals are sometimes so minute that it has not yet been pos-
sible to determine the mineral species to which they belong, with
anything like precision. Such diminutive and undetermined forms are
spoken of as microliths, belonites, trichites, &c. Bodies of this descrip-
tion sometimes occur in the matrix of various rocks, and in some cases,
where rocks have undergone absolute fusion, they form dense streams,
which are seen to follow more or less tortuous courses through the
section, and to sweep around the larger Crystals and other impediments
which may happen to lie in their path. Such structure is spoken of as
fluxion-structure, and it is not of uncommon occurrence in rocks of a
vitreous character; when, however, these microliths become very
numerous, the glassy character of the rock diminishes until at last it
may become completely devitrified, and cease to exhibit the simple
refraction which characterises glassy matter. Microscopic examination
of minerals also shows that some of them contain lamellae and patches
of other minerals. This may be well seen in some sections of oligo-
clase, &c. It frequently happens that the mineral components of a rock
exhibit no well developed crystalline forms; under such circumstances
optical characters, angles of cleavage, hardness, colour of streak, &c.,
should be noted; these, in conjunction with the determination of the
associated minerals, will often give a clue to the nature of the mineral in
question, but at times the use of the blowpipe and chemical reagents
becomes necessary, and it is well to determine the nature of a doubtful
mineral before the section is mounted, otherwise it may be needful to
remove the covering glass, a process which generally entails the re-
mounting, and not unfrequently the destruction of a section. Where
Substances easily soluble in acids are present, it is better to apply the
reagent to the section before it is ground very thin. It can then be
quickly washed and subsequent grinding will usually remove all traces of
the mischief which the reagent has done. The subject of fluid cavities,
Stone cavities, &c., which occur in some minerals, is treated of by
Mr. Sorby, in page 235.
Those who intend to take up the study of petrology should possess a
Certain knowledge of mineralogy, and especially of the characters of
those minerals which most frequently constitute rocks. An acquaintance
with the leading characteristics of about a couple of dozen mineral
species will enable the observer to work out the mineral composition of
a considerable number of rocks, but he should begin by learning to
determine hand specimens by the ordinary tests, given in text-books on
the subject, before entering upon the microscopic branch of the work, as
it is frequently more difficult to determine the nature of a mineral by
means of the microscope than by the naked eye, a pocket lens, and a
penknife. In work of this kind, we should remember that the micro-
scope is our assistant when unaided vision fails us, and that, by em-
ploying that assistance needlessly, we are taking pains to gain information
by a difficult and, it may be, dangerous method.
A description of the simple means of determining ordinary minerals
will be found in any good manual or text-book of mineralogy, and,
therefore, only the microscopic characters of a few of the more common
rock-forming minerals will be given here. Mr. Rutley’s “Study of
Rocks,” published by Longmans and Co., may be consulted.
Among the most important of ordinary minerals are the felspars;
they crystallize in two systems, the monoclinic or oblique, and the tri-
clinic or anorthic. The former are spoken of as “orthoclasſic” felspars,
because they possess two directions of cleavage at right angles to one
another; the latter are known as “plagioclastic,” because their cleavages
do not form right angles. The crystals of the orthoclastic felspars are
frequently twinned, while those of the plagioclastic felspars invariably show
twinning. Fig. 5, pl. LVIII, represents portion of a crystal of plagioclase,
from a rock occurring at Drumfin, in the Isle of Mull, as seen by
polarised light. This twinning is often visible to the naked eye, but
when viewed by polarised light, under the microscope, the structure is
demonstrated by strongly-marked chromatic effects, the twin lamellae
appearing of different colours, which, on revolution of one of the nicols,
are succeeded by their complementaries. In the orthoclastic felspars
twinning takes place upon two types, the One called the Carlsbad, the
other the Baveno type; the latter is not of common occurrence, es-
pecially in microscopic crystals, but the Carlsbad type is constantly to be
met with. The plane of composition, in this case, lies parallel to the
clino-pinakoid. The diagrams, in fig. 3, pl. LVIII, will sufficiently
explain its position.
In sections of microscopic crystals the position of No. 4 in fig. 3,
pl. LVIII, is that in which these twins are best shown. Such sections
would give the following appearances:—The shaded sides representing one
colour, and the unshaded ones another. In crystals of orthoclastic felspars
there is sometimes a peculiar Cross-hatched structure visible by polarised
light, under the microscope, but its presence is more common in massive
specimens than in small crystals. This structure, when developed, is
very characteristic of orthoclase. These two sets of striae run parallel
to the ortho- and the clino-pinakoids of the crystals, or in the correspond-
ing directions in the massive and cleavable varieties of the mineral.
Untwinned crystals of orthoclase polarise in sheets of uniform colour
when the sections are of equal thickness throughout, but if variable in
thickness the tint varies. If the section be so cut that a portion of the
crystal forms a wedge, then bands of colour will be seen by polarised
light, the colours softening into one another; this, however, is a pheno-
menon by no means peculiar to Orthoclase, but takes place in all
doubly refracting wedges, and it is important to distinguish between
these blurred bands, and bands which are bounded by sharp and definite
margins, such as those which result from twinning, when twinned crystals
are viewed by polarised light.
In the plagioclastic felspars numerous twin lamellae, lying side by
side, are seen by polarised light. The twinning in this group of felspars
may take place upon several different types. On that known as the
a/bite type re-entering angles, or rather very minute furrows, are caused
on the basal planes of the crystal by a repeated hemitropy.
These striae may even be seen clearly with the naked eye. The
Nephelimite of Katzenbuckel, near
Diagrams illustrative of the Carlsoad type of twinniliš.
A, EI2 unid me. , B Basil plane. C, Clinopinakold. o, Ortlaopinakoid.
{} º
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Crystals of Sanidine, twinned on tile Plagiocase from it rock occurrin & at T) rulin fin in Ulue
Carlsºad type. Isle of Mull, as seen by polarized lisut.
• *
-- - * T in * Sº tº gº O
From Drawings by F. Rutley, 1877. © & * e
© , , ..º
[ To face page &

bands are often very numerous, and are occasionally seen to end
abruptly. The cause of their arrest is not well understood, but I have
once or twice met with something of an analogous nature
in Orthoclastic felspars; the divisional line between the
opposite parts of a Carlsbad twin being suddenly stopped,
carried on at right angles for a very short distance, and
again continued in the original direction, TT, as in the
polished slice through a crystal of murchisonite, represented T
about the natural size. - -
The minerals, leucite and nepheline, which closely resemble felspars in
their composition, Crystallise, the one in the tetragonal, the other in the
hexagonal system. The polarisation of the former never gives any
chromatic effects, but merely bands of neutral tint and of different
intensity, while in very minute crystals, such as those which help to
form leucitophyr or sperone, there is no perceptible polarisation, the
crystals behaving as a singly refracting substance, and becoming dark
between crossed nicols. The boundaries of these diminutive leucite
crystals are also very often hazy and ill-defined. Interesting inclosures
of fluid cavities and crystals often occur within crystals of leucite, and
are frequently disposed in a very symmetrical manner, either in a some-
what annular arrangement, according with the exterior boundaries of
the Crystal, or else in cruciform or, more rarely, radiate patterns. In
Some cases, long microliths or rods may be observed in leucite crystals,
around the ends of which Curious finely granular aggregations have formed.
Crystals of nepheline are characterised by sections which, if cut trans-
versely to the longer axis of the crystals, are hexagonal in form, fig. 1,
pl. LVIII, p. 224 (from the nephelinite of Katzenbuckel, near Heidel-
berg). These transverse sections become dark when the Nicol's prisms
are crossed. When the crystals are cut parallel to the principal axis the
Sections result in parallelograms; they usually polarise in rather weak
The foregoing remarks on nepheline are almost equally applicable
to the mineral apatite (the crystallized phosphate of lime), but the latter
usually occurs in long, often acicular, crystals, while those of nepheline
are generally short, thick, and, as a rule, of larger dimensions. Relative
size, however, should not be relied upon as a means of discriminating
between the two minerals, since crystals of apatite have been found which
far exceed in size any known crystal of nepheline. Fluid cavities and
inclosures of microliths, crystals, and granular matter, are found both in
apatite and nepheline. Apatite crystals are often very unequally dis-
tributed in the mass of rock, sometimes forming little colonies. Crystals
of quartz, when cut transversely, also give hexagonal Sections, but they
may usually be distinguished with ease, by the strong colours in which
they polarise. They often contain ſluid cavities, crystals of other
minerals, and sometimes portions of the magma which surrounds them,
as in fig. 2, pl. LVIII, which represents a crystal in quartz porphyry,
from Dundhu, Arran.
Calcspar, which also crystallizes in the hexagonal system, generally
polarises in weak colours. When it occurs in thin sections of rocks,
filling vesicles or fissures, a well-marked twinning structure is often visible
by polarised light, and which is said to occur in directions parallel to the
face—# R. As a rule, however, it is difficult to make out any definite
crystalline forms in these secondarily developed aggregates of CalcSpar,
which, both in veins and in amygdaloids, appear to consist of irregularly
shaped patches, the twin lamellae of the different patches running in
various directions. This may be well seen in thin sections of marble.
The minerals hornblende and augite, both of which crystallize in the
monoclinic or oblique system, are of such frequent occurrence in
eruptive rocks that it is important for the petrologist to distinguish them
when seen in microscopic sections. By ordinary illumination both
appear green, the augite usually presenting an exceedingly pale tint.
By revolving the lower nicol (polariser) beneath the section, it will
usually be found that the hornblende changes to different shades of
green or to reddish-brown colours, while augite, except in very thick
sections, seldom shows any trace of colour-change (dichroism).
Doubtful cases often occur in which it is very difficult to dis-
criminate between these two minerals, and recourse must then be had
to the goniometer if any good transverse sections of the crystals occur,
since the angle of the oblique rhombic prism in hornblende very greatly
exceeds that which characterises augite. When good transverse sections
of the crystals cannot be found, and especially when cleavage is ill-defined
and the minerals are much altered, or even represented only by pseudo-
morphs, it becomes almost impossible to state whether such a rock con-
tains, or originally contained, hornblende or augite, a difficulty out of which
the other associated minerals will give us little safe help, paragenesis, in
such a case, affording untrustworthy ground for discrimination, since both
minerals are sometimes present in the same rock. Diallage and bronzite
show little or no dichroism. The former constitutes one of the principal
minerals in the rock known as gabbro.
Schor, which sometimes occurs in granite and other rocks, especially
near their margins or lines of Contact, may generally be known by the
almost, or quite, triangular sections which the prisms often present when
cut transversely, and by the deep blue colour frequently displayed in
thin sections by ordinary transmitted light.
The micas are also very important minerals, since they constitute a
considerable proportion of Some eruptive masses, both lava flows, dykes,
and deep-seated masses. To distinguish the different species with
precision, Special appliances for examining their optical properties is
often needed. As a rule the dark coloured micas are those rich in
magnesia, while the pale silvery ones are mostly potash micas. Micas
may be distinguished under the microscope by their six-sided forms
when the section lies parallel with the basal plane, and by the parallelo-
grams which result from sections taken more or less transversely to the
base, and which show, by fine parallel lines, the laminae of which the
crystal is composed. These sections transverse to the basal planes are
usually strongly dichroic. This remark applies also to chlorite, but the
strong green colour of the mineral serves to distinguish it from the
micas. It frequently happens, however, that chlorite has its crystalline
form poorly developed in rocks, often only little irregularly-shaped
flecks, scales, and patches are to be discerned under the microscope,
while, occasionally, the Scales group themselves into fan-shaped aggre.
gates or sheaves. There are many other green minerals more or less
allied to chlorite, which, like it, occur as secondary or substitution pro-
ducts in rocks, and the difficulty of distinguishing between them has
led microscopists to the adoption of the term “Viridite,” which
embraces them all and serves as a provisional name, until the different
species can be recognized with certainty.
Fpidote (silicate of alumina, lime, peroxide of iron, and magnesia),
which seems very seldom to occur as a normal, but only as a secondary
mineral in rocks, generally lines little fissures, or fringes small cavities.
The crystals are usually grouped in radial aggregates, have a yellowish
green colour, and exhibit considerable dichroism.
Olivine is a mineral of not uncommon occurrence in basalts and in
a few other eruptive rocks (Lherzolite, &c.). The crystals usually have
their angles rounded off, polarise in feeble colours, and frequently
contain minute vesicles. Olivine is often partly or entirely replaced by
serpentine or other hydrous magnesian silicates, under which circum-
stances it shows either fringes of altered matter along the margins of the
crystals and along fissures in them, or else it exhibits the polysynthetic
structure which is so characteristic of pseudomorphs, fig. 2, pl. LIX.
Aſematite (peroxide of iron) when crystallized (specular iron) is
generally of a red or orange colour when seen by ordinary transmitted
light. Magnetite (Fe0,Fe2O), limonite (Fe2O3.H2O), and pyrites
(FeS2) are nearly always opaque, and it is necessary to use reflected
light in order to discriminate between them. Titaniferous iron is also
of frequent occurrence in many rocks. Much of the magnetic iron is
titaniferous, but, as a rule, the titaniferous irons give more or less
hexagonal outlines, while magnetite generally shows only isometric forms.
In some cases, however, long aggregates of octahedra of magnetite
occur, and cubes of pyrites are sometimes so disposed as to form
elongated rods, by the symmetrical apposition of cubes in straight lines.
In addition to the minerals already mentioned, the student should
Q 2
familiarise himself with many others which are of common occurrence
and with the group of the zeolites, which are often present in volcanic
rocks. The above is a mere sketch of a few of the principal rock-
forming minerals; for further information the reader is referred to
Zirkel’s “Mikroskopische Beschaffenheit der Mineralien und Gesteine,”
Rosenbusch’s “Mikrokopische Phisographie der Mineralien,” and other
continental works on Micro-Petrology. Several papers upon these sub-
jects will also be found in the “Quarterly Journal of the Geological
Society” (London), “The Memoirs of the Geological Survey’ (Eng-
land), “The Monthly Microscopical Journal,” “The Transactions of
the Royal Irish Academy,” “The Geological Magazine,” and the
“Popular Science Review.”
270. Microscopical Examination of Rocks.”—Rocks are aggregates
of mineral matter either in an amorphous, cryptocrystalline, or definitely
crystallized condition, the component particles or crystals being bound
together by a cement or paste, in some cases similar to, in others
differing from the individual components of the rock in chemical and
physical characters. The object to be attained, therefore, by micro-
scopic examination of thin sections of rocks is to ascertain the precise
nature of the minerals which compose them, and to acquire informa-
tion relative to the state of aggregation of the components, and any
physical features of interest which they may present either individually
or collectively. Rocks may conveniently be classed as sedimentary and
Sedimentary Rocks.
In the mineral composition of sedimentary rocks we find that from
the earliest known, to the latest geological periods, there is little more
than a repetition. Yet, although they vary but slightly in chemical com-
position, regarded qualitatively, and often quantitatively, they differ con-
siderably at times in their physical characters, while the diverse nature
of the fossils which they respectively contain, sufficiently point to the
very varying conditions of depth under which they were originally
deposited, and to changes in the distribution of animal and vegetable
life, which have been governed by an almost countless series of changes
in the relative distribution of land and water on the surface of the
globe. -
That the nature or facies of past and present subaqueous life has
been, and is, at times considerably influenced by the character of the
detritus which has been, or is now being, deposited at the bottom of
seas and lakes, there can be little doubt: the colonization, the migration,
* Sections 269 and 270 have been written by Mr. Frank Rutley for the present
edition of this work.
Hornblende from Eornblorade
Schist, Michigan. x 55.
Fig. 5.
The Barne äS
Fig. 4. Trans-
Nepheline froln • *
Pllonolite Wolf verse Sect.
Rock, Cornwall. × 56
Loug. Sect x 50
Magnetite from
lºelstone, West-
moreland X $5
Apatite trom Syenite
Hemsbach, × .58
a, Section. X il".
'I le same as Tiš.9,
Fig. 13.
Chlorite from Quartz, Zullerullal,
Tyrol. × 120.
Frank Rutley, ad, Nat, del, ls?7.
Olivine from Basal", Wollbach,
near Adorf, Saxony. × 20.
Augi: e from Basa'it, Oberbergeu,
EC aiser Stulul. x 25.
Fig. 6.
t ! . . |}}}
... li.
–4 hº
'º -º Titaniferous Tron, from
Minette Seifers dort,
Saxony, x 120.
's- !
, *. *.. * W.
} º | º, { ºr- § 's r
i | ' •
- §'. A u}}:
, | | | | * }}}}}
t ; # ë
t Al ū.
4 º' - | à !
§ '' | ! t | *
z H - !
... . . . . 'N 1, 2 Alaguesian Alica, fronu Liuette,
st b. * Saxony x ić.
Plagioclase from 13asalt, Cleveland,
Yorkshire, pollslued. 25,
Fig. 15.
The same as Fig. 21. × 55.
Eiorubiende from Phonolite,
- Eóběau.
Fig. 16.
Aſicroliues (Belouives) in Pitch-
Ortla Selase from Felstone,
stole, Arrau. Westmorelands
O tº
© tº º
* © Q 3.”
|To face pagº.33;

or the extinction of the submarine tenantry being closely connected
with the nature of their feeding grounds, and with the diminution or
increase of the depth between the surface of the water at which those
grounds have stood at different times, coupled with other variations of
physical conditions which have helped to render certain areas populous
or sterile. No one, for example, who has seen strata hundreds of feet
in thickness, which are almost or entirely devoid of fossils, and has then
met with little narrow beds, belonging, perhaps, to the same series, but
in which organic remains are densely crowded, can help feeling that
such differences are due to physical changes, many of which are harder
to explain than to believe in.
The sedimentary rocks may conveniently be classed as argillaceous,
arenaceous, and calcareous. The first embraces mud; indurated mud, or
mudstone; mudstone fissile in the direction of bedding, or shale; mud-
stone fissile in directions other than that of bedding, slate. These may
also contain admixtures of free silica or calcareous matter, giving rise to
Sandy shales, calcareous slates, &c. Rocks of the argillaceous group,
when free from such admixtures, consist chemically of hydrated silicate
of alumina. -
The arenaceous group of the sedimentary rocks comprises sands,
Sandstones, or sands in which the granules of silica are bound together
by a cement either of silica, oxides of iron, carbonate of iron, carbonate
of lime, &c.; grits in which the grains are coarser (as in the millstone
grit), or in which the grains are no longer separable but form a fine-
grained compact rock (as in the Denbighshire or Coniston grits),
puddingstone and siliceous conglomerates, in which rounded pebbles of
silica are imbedded in a matrix either of silica or of some other sub-
stance. The rocks of this group may also contain various admixtures
of Calcareous, argillaceous, and other matter.
The calcareous group includes all limestones friable and earthy, as
chalk, &c., Cryptocrystalline, as in some carboniferous and other lime-
stones, or with a well-developed crystalline structure, as in statuary
marbles. These may also contain admixtures of arenaceous or argilla-
ceous matter, so that we may have Sandy and argillaceous limestones.
By comparing thin sections of the rocks belonging to these three
groups under the microscope, they may afterwards, as a rule, be easily
distinguished from one another. By an examination of such sections of
slate, it may be seen that the component particles have been re-arranged
by pressure with their longest axes in the directions in which cleavage
takes place, while in a section of ordinary shale or mudstone, the longer
axes of the particles will be seen to follow the planes of lamination or bed-
ding. The polarisation of the quartz granules in sandstones and grits suffi-
ciently serves, as a rule, to distinguish them, while, in the calcareous
group of rocks, when they are crystalline the twinning of the component
granules, or imperfectly developed crystals of calcspar, when viewed by
polarised light, is usually well marked.
Eruptive Åocks.
The eruptive rocks are generally divided into two groups:–
a. Those which contain over 60 per cent. of silica, and
b. Those which contain under 60 per cent. of silica.
The former have for the most part never reached the surface, or
what at the time of their extrusion was the surface, but have solidified
beneath more or less considerable masses of superjacent rock, while the
latter have, as a rule, actually reached the surface and have often been
poured out as lava flows.” The rocks of the former group are often
spoken of as plutonic, in contradistinction to the latter group which are
called volcanic. It is, however, evident that the causes which tended
to force upwards the rocks of the one, are identical with those which
forced up the rocks of the other group; the fact of their reaching the
surface, or not, having been governed by circumstances over which the
chemical composition of the molten rock had no control, although
those circumstances may have modified or changed the chemical,
mineralogical, and physical characters of the ejected or pseudo-ejected
Since these remarks are merely intended for the assistance of those
who are just entering upon this branch of microscopic study, only a
few of the most important rocks will now be dealt with. Among those
which contain over 60 per cent. of silica, the granites, syenitic granites,
syenites, quartz porphyries, and felstones are of most common occur-
rence, as eruptive masses and dykes, which have, as a rule, solidified
deep beneath the surface of the earth, while trachytes and some of the
fitchstones, obsidians, and rhyolitic rocks may be regarded as typical of
the Superficially extruded matter, or lavas, in which a high percentage
of silica is present.
In microscopically examining sections of different granites, we find
the same minerals frequently developed on a small scale, which we are
able to identify (often with the naked eye), as occurring in the same
rocks on a large scale, but in addition to this, we are at times able to
detect the presence of other minerals, which would, from their minute
dimensions, remain unnoticed; moreover, by polarised light, the felspars
which help to compose some granites are seen to be partly orthoclase
and partly plagioclase. The micas will be readily recognized under the
microscope by the foliated structure visible in sections cut transversely
or obliquely to the basal plane, while the quartz, which is easy of
recognition, will frequently be found to contain other minerals, such as
* Some rocks which have actually reached the surface and have formed lava flows
belong, however, to the first group, such as trachytes, rhyolites, &c.
crystals of apatite, mica, &c., together with minute lacunae, filled some-
times with fluid, in which small bubbles and occasionally little crystals
may be detected under moderately high powers. Magnetite, pyrites,
and titaniferous iron are also of frequent occurrence in granites, but the
number of different minerals which have been observed in rocks of this
class, usually occurring in subordinate proportion to the more common
components, is so great that an enumeration of them would here be out
of place.
Fornblende is by no means an uncommon ingredient, and when
occurring in tolerable quantity, the rock is spoken of as syenitic granite.
When hornblende entirely replaces the mica, the rock is called syenite by
some petrologists, while others restrict that name to a rock whose chief
components are orthoclase and hornblende. By the naked eye, as well
as by means of the microscope, it may be noticed that granites some-
times contain different micas, such as muscovite, biotite, lepidolite, &c.
The latter may be known by the red colour which it imparts to the
blowpipe flame, while the two former species may usually be dis-
tinguished from one another by their difference of colour when seen by
ordinary reflected light. It must, however, be borne in mind that there
are other magnesia and lithia-containing micas besides biotite and
lepidolite, although many of them are not, so far as we know, species of
COIT]]]] On OCCUlrrell Ce. *
In the quartz-porphyries, or elvans, as they are sometimes called, we
find that much of the quartz and felspar which they contain is so in-
timately mixed, that the matrix or paste of such a rock merely presents
the appearance of a finely granular or cryptocrystalline aggregate of
these materials, which, by polarised light exhibits, as a rule, a fine
mosaic-like appearance, caused by the strong polarisation of the quartz
and the less strong polarisation of the felspathic matter, or perhaps of
some of the quartz. Such an intimate admixture of quartz and ortho-
clase is spoken of as felsific matter, and it constitutes the principal
portion of those rocks known as felstones, ſe/sites, or eurites. These are
sometimes porphyritic, through the development of crystals of ortho-
clase, mica, hornblende, &c., while the true quartz-porphyries always Con-
tain clearly discernible crystals or rounded grains of quartz, and fre-
quently well-developed crystals of Orthoclase, mica, &c. It should be
noted that, although separate names are given to the rocks just men-
tioned, their mineral and qualitative-chemical composition is pretty
much the same and in some cases identical. Indeed, we may even
trace the passage of quartz-pory/hyries, or elvans, into granite, the former
rocks usually forming spurs or dykes which have emanated from deep-
seated granitic masses. It would appear, then, that these rocks vary
rather in physical than in mineralogical or chemical character, and we
may, therefore, regard the special names applied to them as indicative
of physical peculiarities, which have been governed by the various con-
ditions under which these rock-masses of approximately identical Com-
position have solidified.
Granulife, leº)mite, or zweiss-stein may be regarded mineralogically
as a granite in which the mica is absent, and, indeed, felstone, when
free from mica, may be considered as a fine-grained version of granulite.
The rock known as mineffe is composed in great part of crystals of
magnesian mica imbedded in a felspathic matrix, in which also crystals
of Orthoclase have sometimes been well formed.
Aersantife, a rock typically developed in Brittany, differs from
minette in the felspathic component being plagioclase instead of ortho-
clase. The whole of the rocks just alluded to have been met with only
in the form of bosses, dykes, or intrusive sheets between stratified rocks,
and they have never been observed as actual lava flows, but to say that
rock masses of such composition have never reached the surface and
have never consummated in a lava flow, would be one of those blind
perversions of the truth which a forced and unnatural classification too
often begets.
The trachytes are rocks analogous in composition to some of
those of which we have already been speaking, and even though sand-
dine be separated from orthoclase, and tridymite from quartz, as distinct
mineral species, yet it is impossible to tamper with percentage composi-
tion, and it seems probable that in time trachyte will be recognized as
the lava emanating from deep-seated granitic masses, and that the terms
“volcanic” and “plutonic” will be regarded as obsolete expressions of
measurement, not as those of a fixed and immutable boundary.
Phonolite or clinkstone is a greyish rock composed mainly of Sani-
dine and nepheline, together with a little sphene, and sometimes some
pyrites. Interesting and well-illustrated papers have been written upon
the Saxon phonolites, by Dr. H. Möhl, and on those of Bohemia, by
Dr. Em. Boricky, while a description of the phonolite constituting the
Wolf Rock, off the coast of Cornwall, by Mr. S. Allport, has been
published in the “Geological Magazine.” I may add, that the student
of volcanic petrology will gain much useful information from a perusal
of the papers lately written by Professor J. W. Judd, in the last-men-
tioned periodical.
Aºtchstone and obsidian are rocks which, although somewhat variable
in their chemical composition, approximate at times to orthoclase. They
are all more or less vitreous in character, the obsidians especially.
Rocks, however, of this class are sometimes found in such positions as
to show that they belong to very old geological periods, and in such
cases it is usual for them no longer to present a vitreous lustre but to
appear perfectly dull. Microscopic examination shows that this process
of devitrification has been brought about by various physical changes
which the rock has undergone, one of the most frequent of which is the
development of microliths in the once glassy magma. It is true that
in many, if not in most, pitchstones, microliths, often of very beautiful
form, may be seen under the microscope, but in such instances they
have no doubt formed during the solidification of the rock, and fre-
quently represent such minerals as augite, hornblende, &c., while the
little microliths, which sometimes utterly devitrify pitchstones, are sub-
Sequent developments. In the pitchstone from Corriegills, in Arran,
beautiful fern-like microliths occur, which have been figured and
described by S. Allport, in the “Geological Magazine.” Some rocks
belonging to this vitreous group are called perlites, from either the
pearly lustre which some of them present, or from the fact that they
consist of more or less perfectly-formed spherules or concentric shaly
structures, which afford very interesting material for microscopic study.
These vitreous rocks also frequently contain well-developed crystals of
felspars, micas, &c., and a fluxion texture is often visible in them, its
presence being rendered apparent by means of the microliths which
Sweep through the stone in streams, curving gracefully round any larger
included Crystals which may happen to lie in their path.
Aitchstones, obsidians, perlites, &c., occur either in dykes or as lava
flows. For microscopic examination sections of these rocks should not,
as a rule, be cut very thin, since moderately thick sections are suffi-
ciently transparent, and by cutting them extremely thin, included
spherules and crystals are often torn out.
Among the basic rocks, or those containing under 60 per cent of
silica, basalt, diabase, 'leucitophyr, diorite, and gabbro may be cited as the
most important. The three first occur as lava flows, the two last mostly
as intrusive bosses, but dykes of basalt (such as the Great Whin Dyke
in the north of England) are by no means uncommon. Those who
wish to study the different varieties of basalt in detail, would do well to
consult the writings by Dr. H. Möhl, Dr. Em. Bořicky, Professor F.
Zirkel, Mr. S. Allport, and others. Typical basalt consists of plagio-
clase, augite, and magnetite, or titaniferous iron, but other minerals such
as magnesian mica, nepheline, olivine, &c., are often present, sometimes
to the exclusion of one or more of the constituents which are considered
typical. The plagioclase is usually regarded as labradorite. In diabase
chlorite is present, but it is a mineral which has been formed at a period
subsequent to the solidification of the rock, and is essentially an altera-
tion-product. Mr. Allport regards diabase as a decomposing phase of
basalt. The felspars in the Saxon diabases are stated by J. F. E.
Dathe to be oligoclase. It yet remains to be seen in how many rocks,
hitherto called basalts, the felspars really are labradorite. Indeed, if
we admit that the labradorite may be entirely replaced by nepheline,
and the rock may still be allowed to retain the name of basalt (nephe-
line basalt), it seems scarcely fair to deny that name to a similar rock in
which oligoclase plays the part of labradorite, nor is this denied by
recent writers. - t
The great difficulty in petrological nomenclature appears to lie in
the impossibility of framing a definition for a rock which may vary very
largely in the nature of its mineral components. Such definitions are
necessary evils, since, in these classifications, we arrange separately a
number of links which in nature seem to form an unbroken chain, so
that our fanciful and often grotesque arrangement of them is more or
less unnatural. -
The diorites may be defined as rocks composed of plagioclase, horn-
blende, and usually magnetite and titanic iron. Apatite is often present
and sometimes quartz, in which case the rock is spoken of as a “quartz
diorite.” Gabbro is a name which has borne many different significa-
tions, but it is now generally regarded as a mixture of plagioclase and
enstatite, or plagioclase and diallage, together with other minerals, such
as magnetite, apatite, &c.
The foregoing notes may serve to some extent to guide the beginner
in his petrological studies with the microscope. Little or nothing has
here been said about the crystalline schists and other metamorphic
rocks, since a successful study of them can, as a rule, only be effected
when observations upon them are made in the field, and the results
compared with those furnished by microscopic and chemical investiga-
tion. The drawings in pls. LVIII and LIX, pp. 224, 228, may be of
use to the beginner in helping him to recognise some of the more
Common rock-forming minerals under the microscope.
271, Crystals of one Mineral enclosed in another.—The enclosure
of crystals of one mineral within another belongs to a long series of
interesting facts, which have been fully described in a work specially
devoted to the subject.* Any one who has not examined the micro-
Scopical structure of some rocks, would hardly believe the extent to
which this occurs. The minerals in erupted lavas are often full of
minute Crystals, and it is easy to understand why chemical analyses
should frequently give such anomalous results. Care must sometimes
be taken not to confound such included minerals with cavities. By
using polarised light we are generally able to distinguish them, though
it must be admitted that transparent crystals having no double refraction
might appear very much like cavities filled with some liquid. The most
satisfactory proof of the presence of actual cavities is the formation of a
bubble when the temperature is reduced, but in other cases we should
observe whether the enclosed form is that of an independent minute
crystal, or very nearly corresponding in shape to that of the larger
Crystal, as is the case with cavities.
* Söchting. “Einschlüsse von Mineralen.” Freiburg, 1860.
27.2. of the Cavities in Crystals.-The study of these cavities,
remarks Mr. H. C. Sorby, constitutes a very important branch of
enquiry, since by studying them we may often learn under what condi-
tions the rock was formed, as I have shown in a paper published some
years ago, in the “Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society,”
vol. XIV, p. 453. The following is a short abstract of this memoir:
“In this paper the author showed that, when artificial crystals are
examined with the microscope, it is seen that they have often caught
up and enclosed within their solid substance portions of the material
surrounding them at the time when they were being formed. Thus, if
they are produced by sublimation, Small portions of air or vapour
are caught up, so as to form apparently empty cavities; or, if they are
deposited from solution in water, small quantities of water are enclosed,
so as to form fluid-cazyities. In a similar manner, if crystals are formed
from a state of igneous fusion, crystallising out from a fused-stone
solvent, portions of this fused stone become entangled, which, on
Cooling, remain in a glassy condition, or become stony, so as to pro-
duce what may be called glass- or stone-cavities. All these kinds of
cavities can readily be seen with suitable magnifying powers, and dis-
tinguished from , each other by various definite peculiarities. From
these and other facts, the following conclusions were deduced :
I. Crystals containing only cavities with water were formed from
2. Crystals containing only stone- or glass-cavities were formed from
a state of igneous fusion.
3. Crystals containing both water- and stone- or glass-cavities were
formed, under great pressure, by the combined influence of highly
heated water and melted rock,
4. That the relative amount of water present in the cavities may, in
some cases, be employed to deduce the temperature at which the
crystals were formed, since the accompanying vacuity is due to the Con-
traction of the fluid on cooling.
5. Crystals containing only empty cavities were formed by sublima-
tion, unless the cavities are fluid-cavities that have lost their fluid, or
are bubbles of gas given off from a substance which was fused.
6. Crystals containing few cavities were formed slowly, in comparison
with those of the same material that contain many.
7. Crystals that contain no cavities were formed very slowly, or by
the cooling from fusion of a pure, homogeneous substance.”
Independent of their connection with the origin of rocks, these
fluid-cavities are very interesting as microscopical objects, since the
small bubbles which they contain exhibit spontaneous molecular movement.
As illustrations of such cavities, the reader is referred to figs. I, 2, in
pl. LVI, p. 218. In fig. I is a cavity in a crystal of nepheline, from
one of the ejected blocks of Monte Somma, and shows two different
kinds of included substances, water—or rather a concentrated Saline
solution, from which small crystals have been deposited—and a spherical
bubble. Fig. 2 is from the quartz of granite, with a very small bubble,
which moves about freely in the fluid contained in the cavity. It is only
when such bubbles are very minute that their movement is decided.
When they are less than the rºgoth inch in diameter, they frequently
Swim about, as it were, in the liquid, and might be mistaken for minute
animalcules. Brown, in a paper printed in 1827, showed that minute
Solid or even liquid particles contained in another liquid possess a
natural molecular movement, quite independent of any currents, and
this motion of the bubbles in fluid-cavities appears to me to be in all
respects the same, except that the moving body is not a solid particle,
but a gaseous globule. See p. 195. As far as I am aware no satisfactory
explanation has been given of this curious phenomenon, and I can only
suggest that it is in some way related to those molecular movements on
which sensible heat appears to depend.
273. of the Microscopical structure of Iron and steel.—The
microscopical structure of iron and steel is best shown by polished
surfaces slightly acted on by very dilute nitric acid. The section should
be cut in the required direction by means of a saw, and ground or filed
down to a convenient thickness, and fixed to a piece of glass. The
upper surface should then be filed level, and dressed with coarser and
finer emery paper, and afterwards ground smooth with a bit of soft
Water-of-Ayr stone, about 3-inch square. Every trace of roughness
should then be removed by means of rouge and water on cloth ; for
unless the surface be extremely well polished the structure of some
kinds of iron cannot be seen. It must not be that sort of polish which
merely gives a bright reflection, but one which may show all the
irregularities of the material, and is as far removed as possible from a
burnished surface. All trace of the rouge should be washed off, and
care used not to touch the surface with the fingers, which is then acted
on with extremely dilute nitric acid. If the action be allowed to proceed
too far, the most important points in the structure may be entirely
obliterated; and therefore it is well to take the Section out of the solution:
and examine it under water in a glass trough, and again act on it with
acid, time after time, until the structure is seen to the greatest advan-
tage. The section must then be well washed and quickly dried by
wiping the surface with a handkerchief; and after slightly rubbing it on
soft wash-leather, a thin glass cover must be mounted over it with
Canada balsam.
Of course such sections must be examined by reflected light. For
this purpose no illuminator is better than the parabolic reflectors sup-
plied by Messrs. Beck, which were in fact first made for me, for that
special purpose. I afterwards added another small reflector, inclined at
an angle of 45°, attached to a movable arm, so that we may see an
object by direct reflection. The general construction will be seen from
fig. 3, pl. LVI, p. 218, copied from Mr. Richard Beck's paper in the
“Transactions of the Microscopical Society” (vol. XIII, p. 117). The
small reflector is seen at m, with a semi-cylindrical tube ºc, to shut off
the light reflected by the parabola. When the latter is used the small
reflector is turned away by means of the milled head w, into the position
indicated by the dotted lines. The difference between the two illumi-
nations will be seen from figs. 4 and 5. When the parabola is used,
light passing from d is reflected from f, fig. 4, and if the object b has a
polished surface, is again reflected to e, quite outside the object-glass a,
so that a polished surface appears black, whilst at the same time a rough
surface appears white or coloured by diffused reflection. When, how-
ever, the small reflector g, fig. 5, is half over the object-glass, the light is
reflected through the other half of the lens c, in such a manner that a
polished surface appeared bright, and a rough surface comparatively
dark. We can thus distinguish at once the difference between black
slag and that very hard constituent of some kinds of steel, which
remains so bright and polished after having been acted upon by cold
diluted acids, as to look quite as black as the slag by ordinary illumina-
tion. In fact, I may say that in studying iron and steel such an
illuminator is indispensable.
274, of Preparing Fossils for Microscopical Examination.— Dif-
ferent methods of preparation are required in examining the various
fossils. Many kinds of fossil bone and some forms of teeth may be
prepared according to the directions given in p. 98. In cases in which
silica is present the section must be made as described in p. 216. If
very brittle, one surface of a thick section may be ground and polished.
This is then to be cemented to the glass slide with Canada balsam, and
the opposite side ground until sufficiently thin, when it may be polished
in the usual way, wetted with balsam, and covered with thin glass.
Thin chips of flint and other siliceous structures often answer as
well as thin sections ground and polished with a great expenditure of
The structure of many fossils, the mineral matter of which consists
of carbonates or phosphates, may be investigated after the salts have
been dissolved out, or only softened by being soaked for some time in
hydrochloric acid diluted with water or mixed with glycerine. Dr. Car-
penter gives the following directions for demonstrating the structure of
Eozoon Canadense:–“ The minute structure of Eozoon may be
determined by the microscopic examination either of thin transparent
sections, or of portions which have been subjected to the action of
dilute acids, so as to remove the calcareous shell, leaving only the
internal casts, or models, in silex, of the chambers and other cavities,
originally occupied by the substance of one animal.”
275. Of Preparing Specimens of Coal for Microscopical Examina-
tion.—Coal is one of the most difficult substances to cut into thin
sections. It is so opaque that no structure can be discerned unless it is
ground exceedingly thin, and so brittle that it often breaks up in the
operation of grinding. It is said that the coal may be softened by
maceration in a solution of carbonate of potash, when sections may be
cut with a razor. The sections are partially decolorised by being gently
heated for a short time in strong nitric acid. When of a brown colour
they are to be washed in cold water and preserved in glycerine (“Micro-
graphic Dictionary”). Cannel coal, being less brittle than ordinary coal,
is more easily prepared.
7%e Work Zable.—Although beautiful work tables, furnished with
every possible requirement, have been designed for microscopists, I
think the student will find that an ordinary table, which is firm and
steady, is all that he really requires. It should, however, be well made
and provided with a few drawers, in which the student can place parti-
tions for himself and arrange his instruments and apparatus in the most
convenient manner.
The microscope should be always ready for use, and should stand
on the table, covered with a glass shade, to protect it from the dust.
This is far more convenient than the plan of keeping the instrument in
its case, and going through the process of adapting the glasses, &c., and
then removing them again, every time the instrument is required.
The object-glasses, eye-pieces, condensers, and other apparatus may
be placed in a little cupboard, provided with shelves and having a glass
door with lock and key.
Knives and scissors can be kept in a shallow box, having a glass
cover. Drawing instruments in a second. Thin glass and glass slides
with watch glasses, or little Saucers, in a third. These trays should all
be properly partitioned, and should be covered with a plate of glass to
keep out the dust, and kept ready for use on the work table. A glass
of clean water should always stand on the table, and some pipettes,
stirring rods, and camel-hair brushes, all perfectly clean, should be pro-
vided. The injecting apparatus and instruments which are only required
occasionally may be kept in one of the table drawers. A portfolio or
pamphlet box is necessary for keeping drawing paper, cardboard, tracing
and retracing paper, scales for measuring, Small gummed labels for
attaching to the slides, &c.
All things really necessary for ordinary microscopic work may be
obtained for two or three pounds, but it is easy, of course, to spend
fifty pounds or more upon a microscope table and apparatus. I have
myself always made use of an ordinary good strong library table, fitted
with drawers underneath, and I think it would have been difficult to
contrive anything upon the whole more convenient or better adapted
for work. The microscope stands on the table, always ready for use,
under a bell jar, and the lamp, fig. 5, pl. XIV, p. 24, with scissors,
knives, needles, and other tools in frequent use, close by.
276. Of Keeping Preparations in the Cabinet.—Preparations
mounted in the dry way, or in Canada balsam, may be kept upright,
arranged in grooves, but all preparations mounted in fluid must be
allowed to lie perfectly flat, otherwise there will be great danger of
leakage. Cabinets, holding several hundred specimens, arranged in
this manner may now be purchased of the microscope makers, for a
very small sum, but if the observer is provided with deep drawers, they
may be made available for the purpose, if a number of shallow trays of
millboard are carefully arranged to fit them accurately. Each prepara-
tion should be named as soon as it is put up, and it is convenient to
keep a number of small gummed labels always at hand for this purpose.
Once or twice in the year a new layer of Brunswick black should be
applied, and the specimens carefully examined to see that no leakage
has occurred. The cases now generally sold are, I think, preferable to
cabinets, and of the cases I have seen the most Convenient are those
suggested by Mr. Piper, and sold by Mr. Swift, Mr. Collins, and others.
They are made for two, three, six, and twelve dozen specimens, costing
respectively 2s. 6d., 3s. 6d., 5s. 6d., and Ios. Cases made of deal are
also arranged on the same plan.
277. Of making Observations upon Specimens in the Microscope.—
If, upon examination, a specimen does not appear to the observer to
justify the description or drawing which some authority has given of a
similar structure, he must not too hastily infer that the author has been
recording the results of his imagination rather than observed facts. The
conclusions which have been arrived at are probably the result of a very
long and patient investigation, deduced from examining many specimens,
perhaps under very different circumstances, after the application, it may be,
of various chemical reagents, and after ascertaining the effect of different
refractive media. From the remarks already made, some idea may be
formed of the many different operations which are necessary to demonstrate
conclusively the anatomy of a single tissue. The beginner must not, there-
fore, be hasty in deciding as to the exact nature of the object which he
sees in the microscope; neither must he infer that what he has not been
able to see does not therefore exist. His eye and mind will require
much careful education before he can hope to be able to form a correct
judgment concerning many things that he will meet with.
Some students are liable to fall into an error of another kind, but not
less detrimental to forming habits of correct observation. Led away by
their imagination, they think they see everything which has been deline-
ated, or which they have heard described; the observations of authors
are confirmed in the most positive manner, and expressions closely
resembling those already employed are used by the observer who follows
them. But, in fact, an author's own assertions are simply reiterated in
favour of his doctrines by a believing follower, and no real confirmation
of the accuracy of his views is advanced. In this manner errors have
been intensified and propagated to an extent almost incredible, and it
will require years of laborious investigation to overthrow statements
which indeed never resulted from actual observation, which were erro-
neous from the first and Ought in fact never to have been received.
Sometimes a mere guess remarkable for ingenuity and novelty, but
having no foundation in fact, is seized upon by a number of persons,
and “supported " by so many assertions, misnamed observations, that it
is soon received as true, and is perhaps believed in for years, until at last
some one reinvestigates the whole question, and demonstrates the
absurdity of the received doctrine.
Of the Importance of making Sketches.—The great importance of draw-
ing has been already referred to. Even sketches in outline are of great
value if the size of the object has been correctly registered. Mere
plans are of great use in many cases and supersede the necessity of
description. This subject has, however, been fully considered already.
See p. 31 to p. 4I.
27s. of Drawing Inferences from observations.—No one engaged
in the pursuit of any branch of natural science is more tempted to
indulge in hasty generalisation than the microscopical observer. It is
his duty, therefore, to avoid drawing inferences until he has accumulated
a sufficient number of facts to support the conclusions at which he has
arrived. True generalisations and correct inferences promote the rapid
advancement of scientific knowledge, for each new inference may form
the starting-point of a fresh line of investigation; but, on the other hand,
every false statement accepted as an observed fact, assists to form a
barrier to onward progress. Before the slightest useful advance can be
made it will be necessary to go back, it may be for a long way, before
we can hope to recommence with any prospect of success the onward
course. Moreover, a much greater amount of evidence is always re-
quired to overthrow a false conclusion than is sufficient to propagate the
original mistake; and there can be no task more unsatisfactory than that
of being called upon to controvert the opinions and deductions of others,
however desirable and necessary such work may be.
In any special enquiry I think it is a good plan not to make too many
or very full notes during the progress of the investigation, but to retain in
the memory, as far as may be, the facts observed. When the whole
matter is made out, but not before, the observer may begin to write and
record his observations. Otherwise, imperfectly observed facts are liable
to be set down as actual facts, and afterwards commented upon as if they
were well-ascertained truths, and there is danger of the observer being
gradually led more and more astray, until at length he commits himself
to a conclusion totally at variance with the real truth.
Scientific enquiry should continually advance, and we ought to be
able to extend researches from the point where they have been left by
our predecessors, each succeeding observer adding to what his prede-
cessors had discovered. In not a few instances must we feel the highest
respect for the careful observations of the older observers, and I fear it
must be reluctantly confessed, that many modern researches are not
carried out with the same patience, painstaking industry, and conscientious
care as theirs have been, and for this reason are likely to be but short-
lived. Many recent observations strongly insisted upon and advocated
with great vehemence, purporting to depend upon actual demonstration,
have been set aside for others still more recent, and, if possible, more
incorrect. False observation has, as would be supposed, created in some
minds complete scepticism of all observation, and has deplorably retarded
true progress. It is quite curious to notice how some writers condemn
theory and commend what they term the observation of facts, as if it
had been incontestably shown that results arrived at from cogitation and
speculation must be invariably false, and those from “observation ” as
invariably true. But any one who has had experience in microscopical
enquiry knows how difficult it is to prove that what he discerns is really the
thing as it actually is in nature, and not a mere fanciful interpretation of
his own. It is easy to assert a particular thing has been observed, but in
many cases there is the greatest difference between the thing and what
it is supposed has been seen. Many indeed have been the errors intro-
duced by speculative thinkers, but I doubt whether more are not in these
days advanced by self-styled practical observers, than by those whom the
latter are ever ready to condemn as mere theoretical dreamers. A man
says he has seen such and such a thing, and gives drawings of the thing
seen. He explains to friends what he has seen, shows them the object in
question, tells them what they are to see, and they, knowing nothing
about seeing, but not liking to offend their friend, or being too lazy to
trouble themselves about the matter, say they see the thing as they
have been told it is to be seen. Such is the evidence which when
duly chronicled and printed seems to amount almost to actual proof.
But how many, many times has this process been repeated in the case of
almost every doubtful anatomical point | The conclusion is almost forced
upon the mind that the process of observing facts leads to results at least
as unsatisfactory and as fallacious as the process of imagining and specu-
lating without observing at all. At this time what a mass of thoroughly
conflicting evidence exists on many important matters, supposed to rest
upon scientific observation and experiment . Three or four views are
taught concerning first principles of anatomical and physiological science,
each one being incompatible with the rest, but nevertheless supported by
an immense amount of what purports to be evidence based upon obser-
vation. In such a case as this it is obvious that many of the statements
must be false, and many of the supposed facts advanced must be errors;
and yet with what pertinacity are such erroneous facts maintained, and
how widely are they spread, as if indeed they were the most unquestion-
able truth ! What an amount of work must be done, and what a length
of time must elapse before false facts can be demonstrated to be really
false and true facts proved to be really true !
Years must be passed in patient investigation before a man ought to
trust himself as an observer of facts, and it is only by careful and unre-
mitting exercise that any one can gradually acquire habits of attentive
observation, and the power of thoughtful discrimination which alone
renders his conclusions reliable. Indeed, though he labour hard and
earnestly, he will scarcely have properly educated himself ere his powers
begin to decay and he becomes liable to err from the natural deteriora-
tion in structure of the organs upon which the observation of the facts
he observes entirely depends.
279. Of Recording the Results of Microscopical Observations. –
Taking notes of microscopical observations is a subject of great import-
ance. The observer must endeavour to acquire the habit of describing
in words the appearance of objects under the microscope. This is pro-
bably not so easy as would at first be supposed, although undoubtedly
many persons are able to describe what they see much more correctly,
and with greater facility, than others. Accuracy in describing micro-
scopical specimens can only be acquired by practice, and I think it a
most excellent rule for a student, when he begins to observe, to take
notes of the appearances of every object submitted to examination. The
time is well spent, and much of what is so described is retained in the
memory. The notes should be short, and should consist of a simple
statement of points which have been actually seen. Inferences should
be carefully avoided, and nothing should be stated without the
observer being thoroughly satisfied of its accuracy. If he is not quite
certain of any observation, he should express his doubts, or place a
note of interrogation after the statement. The use of indefinite terms
should be avoided as much as possible, and whenever any particular
word is used, a definite meaning should be attached to it. Much confu-
sion has arisen from the use of terms which have not been well defined.
Tor instance, the word “granule” has been applied by many authors to
a minute particle which appears as a small speck, even when examined
by the highest powers, as well as to a small body with a perfectly clear
Centre, and with a well-defined sharp outline, which would be more cor-
rectly termed a small “globule.” So, again, the term “molecule” has been
employed in some cases synonymously with “granule,” though it would
be obviously wrong to speak of a small globule as a molecule. It seems
to me very desirable to restrict the terms “granule” and “molecule” to
minute particles of matter which exhibit no distinct form when examined
by the highest powers at our disposal, and the term “globule” to circular
or oval bodies of all sizes which have a clear centre with a well-defined
dark outline. Other examples of the use of insufficiently defined terms
might be pointed out. If an observer makes use of a term which is
generally employed without any definite meaning being attached to it, he
should describe at length the meaning which he assigns to it, and should,
of course, use it only in this one sense.
Axactness of Description should always be aimed at, and we must
remember that with a little trouble this exactness may often be obtained
with the use of a small number of words. That appearance of preci-
sion which is often affected by those who give long useless descriptions
of what they have observed cannot be too much condemned. So, also,
the practice of some of minutely describing the characters of every
object in the field of the microscope without the slightest knowledge of
the nature of any one of the objects presented to the view, has been
the cause of much ridicule, and has brought microscopic observation
into great disrepute. The publication of a very detailed description of
a number of not very definite objects, the nature of which is unde-
termined, though sometimes regarded as evidence of . careful and
elaborate enquiry, is a most useless procedure. Some have thought
to gain the credit of being accurate observers by carefully measuring
every object they see in two diameters, and putting down in frac-
tions or decimals the results of this useless ceremony. Such reports
may be regarded as indications that the author has been thinking more
of himself, and the importance of making an impression upon his
readers, than of his subject. He wants to be credited with a character
for extreme minuteness of observation, and instead of striving to advance
the real interests of the science which he professes to serve, and endea-
vouring to excite in the mind of the reader a desire for more extended
knowledge, and a longing to take part in a similar investigation, he is
perpetually endeavouring to thrust himself into notice. He who feels a
real love for his subject will try all he can to enlist others in the same
service; he will endeavour to remove all difficulties of investigation, and
will explain what he himself has learnt in language which shall be intel-
ligible to all. Extreme minuteness in description is by no means an
indication of accuracy of observation. Pretence of extreme accuracy
has encumbered science with many unnecessary words, and earnest men
R 2
have been deterred from its prosecution. A certain mysterious air per-
vading the description of an observation, an evident desire to coin new
words and indulge in statements couched in exaggerated language about
the importance of the facts observed, are quite misplaced where all
should be clear, simple, and intelligible to every one, and too often indi-
cate indifference to the subject on the part of the author, and a want of
proper consideration towards unlearned readers. That affectation of
precision, and verbose pompous style of description, which have been
fashionable among some microscopists, and which pervade the writings
of several authorities in this imperfectly developed branch of investiga-
tion, have offended earnest persons who have devoted their lives to the
prosecution of different branches of natural science, and have also greatly
retarded the real progress of scientific enquiry. All this is but pretence,
and not real, earnest, useful work. It is distasteful to every scientific
man and discouraging to every student.
Aal/acies to be guarded against in Microscopical Investigation.
Many mistakes have arisen in consequence of sufficient care not
having been taken to prevent the introduction of various substances by
accident. The most scrupulous care must always be observed in micro-
scopical examination, and any foreign particles which may have acci-
dentally come into contact with the preparation must be removed before
it is mounted. The proceeding to be followed to remove the foreign
matter, will depend much upon its nature. Mere dusting with a camel
hair brush, washing with a stream of water, or picking out the object
with needles, are simple plans which are often efficient in a general
way, but in some cases other processes are required.
2so. Errors of observation.—It is of the highest importance that
the student should do his utmost to avoid making and recording
erroneous observations. Not only is the student liable to draw false
conclusions from observations, but the observations themselves are fre-
quently erroneous. I propose therefore, to direct the student's attention
to a few instances in which difficulty and doubt may be experienced even
by skilled and practised observers —
Of the Commencement and Zermination of Zubes.—The modes of
commencement or termination of certain vessels or tubes have long
been sources of dispute among observers. There are not a few instances
where positive statements have been made that certain tubes commenced
by caecal or blind extremities; while contradictions equally positive
have been advanced by others, who have affirmed that the very same
tubes commenced as a network, and presented no blind extremities
whatever. It would be generally supposed that such a point might be
determined beyond all doubt if the tubes were injected with some
coloured material. But the Supposition is not correct. Injection will
frequently run up to a particular point in the minute vessels, while no
force which can be employed will drive it further onwards. Here,
therefore, it accumulates, and often to a very considerable extent; the
portion of the tube above the constriction being considerably dilated by
the pressure. Under these circumstances, owing to the extreme trans-
parency and delicate nature of the tissue of which its walls are composed,
it may be impossible to trace the further continuity of the vessel. In-
deed, the vascular walls will probably be quite invisible in an unprepared
specimen. The observer is thus led into the error of supposing that
such tubes terminate in blind extremities, whereas they may really form a
network with large meshes, or they may be continuous with tubular
structures of a different character. In fact that which was taken for
the termination or commencement of the tube may really be nothing
more than a bulging in a central part of its course. In many thin Sec-
tions of the kidney an appearance as if the tubes terminated in free blind
extremities is produced in consequence of the convolutions lying in such
a position that the recurved portion is immediately beneath the most
superficial part of the tube. From a mere examination of the specimen
it would be impossible for any one to say that this was not the case. In
such instances the real disposition of the parts is only to be made out
by a careful examination of the structure under different kinds of illu-
mination and prepared in various ways. Thus the idea that the tubes
end by blind extremities may be shown to be quite inconsistent with
the appearances observed in Specimens prepared according to a different
method. Were I able to devote space to the consideration of this
part of my subject, I might review the various methods in which a tissue
may be examined, and show how by a consideration and comparison of
the different facts observed, one is enabled at length to embody
the results arrived at in the Course of several different enquiries, and
thus gain an accurate conception concerning the real structure of the
On the Difficulty of Seeing Structures from their ZYansparency.—
Another fallacy arises from the great transparency of certain structures.
Oftentimes a membrane may appear perfectly clear and transparent,
while in reality it is covered with a delicate layer of epithelium, which
only becomes visible when the tissue is immersed in some special fluid or
treated with some particular chemical reagent. On the other hand,
there are instances in which an appearance resembling that produced
by the presence of a cellular investment is perceived where no cells
whatever exist. A peculiar corrugated State of uninjected capillaries,
and the bioplasts in the walls of the capillary vessels themselves, some-
times give rise to these mistakes. Basement membrane, from its extreme
delicacy and transparency, is often only recognised by the folds into
which it is thrown, or by the débris and granular matter which is acci-
dentally deposited upon it. Sometimes it becomes visible when im-
mersed in a slightly coloured solution, instead of in perfectly pure
water. Not only may blood and lymphatic vessels be completely
passed over from their transparency, but I could adduce instances in
which broad bands of connective tissue and bundles of nerve fibres
existed in a specimen in great numbers, although they could not be seen
when the ordinary methods of demonstration were employed.
Aibres and Membranes Produced by the Action of Reagents artificially.
—On the other hand, by the action of reagents a fibrous appearance is
Sometimes produced which, without care, may be mistaken for actual
The addition of acetic acid to many preparations frequently pro-
duces a swelling of the tissue, with the elevation of a clear membrane-
like structure, which might be termed basement membrane, but which
has really been produced by the action of the acid. Thus the outer
uncalcified portion of the cells of the enamel of a young tooth, may be
made to Swell up into a transparent mass, which has been mistaken, I
think, by Professor Huxley for a membrana performativa, which does
not exist in this situation.
A Fibrous Appearance Produced in Structure/ess Membranes.—Clear,
transparent, and apparently structureless membranes, when pressed, torn,
and twisted, have a fibrous appearance; and delicate vessels, whose
coats are perfectly transparent when pressed and collapsed, may be very
easily mistaken for a form of fibrous tissue. Both capillaries and fine
nerve fibres may be mistaken for fibres of elastic tissue. Indeed, capil-
laries uninjected and stretched, can only be distinguished from fine
nerve fibres with difficulty. If any doubt exist in such a case, it may
always be cleared up by injecting the capillaries of the part with a clear
transparent material, like plain size, or the transparent injecting fluids,
recommended in pp. Iot to II 3, when, if the fibrous appearance is not
real it will be lost; while if fibres really existed, they would still be visible.
The presence of capillary vessels in a structure has been entirely over-
looked in consequence of their being collapsed and shrunken, in which
state they have been regarded as elements of the connective tissue.
Collection of Oil Globules Appearing as if within a Cell.—Oil globules
in fluid not uncommonly form small and nearly spherical masses or
collections, which become covered with a certain quantity of mucus or
viscid imatter and granules, originally contained in the fluid, so that the
Hittle intervals between the minute oil globules become filled up. The
outline of the mass is perfectly clear, and sharp, and well defined, and
from mere ocular examination it would be impossible to say that the
oil globules were not enclosed in a cell-wall. A consideration of the
circumstances under which such structures have been met with, will often
assist us materially in determining their real nature. Such “cells” may
be prepared artificially without the least difficulty, and in some cases it
would not be possible to distinguish by microscopical examination in
water the artificially formed cell from the natural ce//, and the process
of staining the bioplasm, p. 123, would only enable us to form a posi-
tive conclusion in cases in which it was certain that the natural cells were
quite fresh. It need scarcely be said, however, that with respect to the
formation of these bodies no analogy whatever obtains in the two cases.
Of the artificial cell the most external part was last formed. It was
deposited around a collection of particles. But in the natural cell the
outer part is the oldest part. It was produced before the matter in the
central part of the cell was formed. No one at this time maintains that
living cells are formed by the aggregation of granules, though some
seem to think that a bacterium may be formed by the coalescence of
already existing particles. Such persons must admit, however, that such
simple organisms multiply by division, and thus they seem to affirm that
living things may be produced by the coalescence of separate lifeless
particles, and that they increase and multiply by the division of the
resulting mass. It need, however, scarcely be stated that facts now
known render such a doctrine untenable. See a controversy upon this
subject in the “British Medical Journal,” January, February, March,
On the Accidental Presence of Extraneous Matters.-Cleanliness is of
the utmost importance in every branch of microscopical enquiry, and
without great care many substances of extraneous origin will be intro-
duced into the specimen about to be examined, and the observer may
mistake the character of the objects accidentally introduced for those of
the special objects under examination. For instance, particles of starch
or other solid bodies may gain entrance into a texture submitted to
microscopical examination, and the observer may draw the very
erroneous inference that these bodies were embedded in the substance
of the tissue, and that they were developed and grew in this situation.
When we consider how very minute are many of the structures
rendered evident to the eye by the microscope, we shall scarcely wonder
that many light substances are liable to come in contact with the speci-
men which is under examination. The cotton or flax fibres front the
cloth, starch globules which adhere to the thin glass circles (for the
small pieces are often kept in starch), portions of feathers, various kinds
of hair, and oil globules are among the substances which are most fre-
quently met with in examining different specimens, and I need hardly
say, that their presence is purely accidental. That I am not advocating
needless precaution, is shown by the fact that in a well-known and
highly valuable publication printed a few years ago, a drawing of what
was evidently a portion of feathers was described as a representation of
ſymphatic vessels, vegetable hairs were described as nerve fibres, and
several other errors equally unpardonable were to be found. Now,
such mistakes could only be made by a person utterly ignorant of the
characters of some of the commonest objects with which every micro-
scopical observer ought to be thoroughly familiar. I would strongly
recommend every one to carefully study the characters of the substances
of extraneous origin enumerated below before he attempts to make any
Original observations. He is sure to meet with the bodies in question
from time to time, and the sooner he becomes well acquainted with their
characters the better.
The following should be very carefully examined —
Oil globules, milk, pl. XXIII, p. 80, figs, II, 12, 13, 14.
Potato, wheat, and rice, starch ; and bread crumbs, pl. XLVI,
p. 172, figs. I, 2, 3, 4, and pl. LX, fig. 3.
Portions of feather; worsted, pl. LX, fig. 3.
Fibres of flax; cotton, pl. LX, fig. 3, e ; and silk of diſferent
Human hair, cat’s hair, hair from blankets, fig. 3, a, b, c.
The scales of butterflies and moths, particularly those of the
Common clothes moth, pl. LX, figs. I, 2.
Fibres of wood swept from the floor, fig. 4, fragments of tea-
leaves, hairs from plants, vegetable cellular tissue, and spiral
vessels, pl. XLVI, p. 172, fig. 5.
Particles of sand.
Many of these extraneous substances are figured in the plates I have
referred to, and I beg the student will not only examine my drawings,
but place actual specimens of all objects delineated under his own
In the examination of deposits from fluid we must bear in mind the
possibility of the introduction of a small quantity of one deposit into
another carried upon the extremity of the pipette used for examination,
and in this simple manner much difficulty and confusion may be caused
to the microscopist. The pipette should therefore be well washed
immediately after it has been used, and the water in which it is washed
should be very frequently changed. In taking fluids from different
bottles and other vessels the possibility of introducing various substances
must be borne in mind.
moth. × 21
Scales from the winds of the common clothes Scales from the wings of the common clothes
5. rn oth. x 5.0.
!," "), wº. (º,
a, frayments of hºman hair b. cat's hair, c, hair from blanket. d, fibres of flax. e. fibres of cotton.
f, Iraq ments of tea-leaves, g, portions of feather, h, bread crumbs. i. tree otl globules.
ex º
Particles of dust” removed from a ledge sin a
dwelling - room, consisting of particles of: całºom, .
soot, starch granules, fibres of worsted. Ex ºl{e_e:
© e G Q *
[To face pasſe $45.
Fibres of deal wood swept from the floor
x 215.

of Chemical Analysis in Microscopical Investigation.—I have
already referred to the influence which the refractive power of the
medium in which any structure is immersed exerts upon its appearance
in the microscope. We have now to discuss the advantages derived from
the action of certain chemical reagents upon various specimens. This
part of the subject is most important, and it is perhaps of all the various
branches of microscopical research, that from which the greatest advan-
tages may be expected to result. It is an investigation which will well
reward all who earnestly devote themselves to its study. It is certain
that great changes will take place in our views of the nature of many
minute structures when chemical analysis shall be more intimately
associated with microscopical enquiry.
Although by the microscope we can say that such a texture is
granular, fibrous, opaque, perfectly clear, &c., we learn in such an
examination nothing more of its nature. Since these appearances are
manifested by several different materials, it is necessary to resort to a
chemical examination to discover the nature of the substance to which
the microscopical characters are due. If the chemical composition of
any body having well-defined microscopical characters has been once
made out, by resorting simply to microscopical examination, we shall be
enabled to recognise it whenever we meet with it afterwards, without
making a chemical analysis.
Some bodies always produce well-recognised crystals when treated
with a certain chemical reagent, and we know that, although there may
be in nature other crystals of a different composition, but of precisely
the same form, these latter could not be produced under the same
circumstances as the former; hence, in Such a case we may feel as
confident of the nature of the substance as if an ultimate analysis had
been made of it.
Besides the ordinary uses to which they are applied, chemical re-
agents are useful in removing certain components of a structure which
interfere with the demonstration of other constituents, in altering the
character of certain tissues without dissolving them, as for instance by
increasing their transparency or opacity, or in modifying the physical
Structure of textures in such a manner as to render it more convenient
to cut sections or to perform other chemical operations necessary for
the demonstration of their structure.
By an acquaintance with the behaviour of certain substances with
particular chemical reagents, and the application of this knowledge to
microscopical investigation, we are often enabled to distinguish peculi-
arities of structure, to ascertain the chemical composition of minute
quantities of matter, and to demonstrate clearly the existence of Com-
pounds with the greatest certainty, which would entirely escape our
observation if we subjected them separately to the most careful chemical
analysis, or to the most searching microscopical scrutiny.
The application of chemical analysis to microscopical investigation,
and the examination of crystalline forms in the microscope, have thrown
a new light upon the nature of many physiological changes which are
constantly taking place in living bodies in health, and have enabled us
to investigate more satisfactorily the modifications which these processes
undergo when influenced by circumstances interfering with or counter-
acting healthy actions.
2s1. Instances of the Use of Iteagents.-As an instance of the great
advantage of the application of a few simple tests to microscopical
investigation, I may refer to the different effects of ether upon fat
globules (which are so commonly found in different tissues) and crystal-
line bodies composed of phosphate or carbonate of lime, which some-
times so nearly resemble fat globules in refractive properties, in form,
and in general appearance, that mistakes have been often made concern-
ing their composition. The application of a drop of ether has no effect
whatever upon the salt, but dissolves the fat. Phosphate of lime is
readily soluble in dilute acids, while fat is not acted upon by these
reagents. Various insoluble Saline materials not unfrequently prevent
us from seeing the anatomical elements of which a tissue is composed.
A knowledge of the nature of these often enables us to remove them.
Suppose, for instance, the saline matter consists of carbonates or phos.
phates of lime or magnesia, we have only to add a drop of dilute acid to
dissolve them completely and make the tissue sufficiently transparent to
enable us to examine its structure.
The action of acids and alkalies is often very valuable in rendering
structures transparent, which are too opaque for examination in the
ordinary state. If a portion of tendon, composed of white fibrous tissue,
pl. XXXII, p. 138, fig. 3, which is very opaque in its ordinary state, be
immersed in acetic acid, or in a dilute solution of potash or soda, it soon
becomes clear and transparent. If the operation be conducted with
certain precautions, many of its original characters may be brought back
by subsequently neutralising the acetic acid with an alkali.
The cell-wall, or rather the outer part of the cell, which is in many
cases too opaque to enable us to see the bioplast or nucleus in the
interior, may be made by reagents so very transparent that the bioplast
becomes very distinct and well defined. This change may be easily
effected by either of the reagents alluded to in the last paragraph.
Albuminous textures generally may often be rendered very transparent
by the action of acetic acid, or by the addition of a drop of dilute
caustic potash or Soda.
Preliminary Operations.
In the first place we should note carefully the general characters
which the substance exhibits; its form, colour, size, weight, hardness,
&c.; and fluidity, transparency, tenacity, &c., in the case of liquids.
Portions of solid textures and the deposit from fluids must be subjected
to microscopical examination, but their reaction should be always
ascertained in the first instance.
2s2. Reaction.—The reaction of any moist substance is found out
by testing it with a piece of blue, and reddened, litmus paper. If the
matter be dry, or the reaction of a vapour is to be tested, the paper
must be first moistened with a drop of distilled water. The blue litmus
paper is reddened by acids, and the red paper is turned blue by alkalies.
The reddened litmus paper is prepared by adding a very small quantity
of acetic acid to the infusion of litmus into which it is to be dipped.
If an acid reaction is due to the presence of carbonic acid, the blue
colour will be restored upon gently warming the paper upon a glass slide
over a lamp, or upon a warm plate.
An alkaline reaction may depend upon the presence of volatile or
fixed alkali. The red colour is restored upon warming the paper which
has been rendered blue by the presence of volatile alkali (ammonia or
carbonate of ammonia), while it is not restored if the change is produced
by the presence of a fixed alkali (potash, soda, or their carbonates, or an
alkaline phosphate, &c.). &
The reaction of some objects under the microscope may be ascer-
tained by adding a little solution of litmus or of litmus slightly reddened
by the addition of a trace of acetic acid, according as the reaction is
supposed to be acid or alkaline.
2ss. on Filtering.—The process of filtration is one which the
microscopist as well as the chemist frequently has to perform. To filter
a deposit from a solution, in quantity, is easily effected by the use of
Ordinary filtering paper, folded, pl. XXVI, p. Ioo, fig. 9, and placed in
a small glass funnel, fig. I in the same plate. But sometimes we find
it necessary, in microscopical analysis, to filter the deposit from a single
drop of fluid. This may be effected by cutting a very narrow strip of
filtering paper, and bending it into a V-form, upon one of the glass
slides. The drop is made to pass between the limbs of the V, and upon
inclining the slide, clear fluid will gradually pass through the apex of the
V, and can be conducted away to another part of the slide, by a very
fine glass rod, where other tests may be applied.
284. Evaporation and Drying.—The evaporation of fluids, and the
desiccation of organic solids, must always be conducted over a water-
bath, otherwise there is great danger of decomposition occurring. For
operations upon small quantities, the water-bath represented in pl.
XVIII, p. 48, figs. 6, 7, will suffice, or the cans of the injecting appa-
ratus, pl. XXVII, p. Io.4, fig. 6, may be removed, and basins placed
over the holes.
In endeavouring to obtain crystals of organic substances, it is always
advantageous to evaporate the solution over the surface of sulphuric
acid under a bell-jar, pl. XXIV, fig. 5, or, what is better still, in vacuo,
in an air-pump, pl. XXIV, p. 88, fig. 3, pl. XXV, p. 92, fig. 5. In some
instances, the evaporation may be conducted by simply exposing the
liquid, placed in a basin or watch-glass, and covered lightly with paper,
to the air; or, where very slow evaporation is necessary, the watch-
glass may be covered over with a bell-glass.
2S5. Incineration.—By incinerating a small portion of any organic
Substance, upon a piece of platinum foil, or in a platinum or porcelain
Crucible, we are enabled to ascertain whether it contains inorganic salts,
or consists entirely of organic matter, in which case the substance leaves
only a black residue, which burns off entirely after a short time. In
order to obtain the inorganic constituents perfectly free from carbon, it
is sometimes necessary to keep the mass at a dull red heat for an hour
or more. The addition of a drop of nitric acid causes the rapid oxida-
tion of the carbon. If, however, the temperature be too high, the
process may be much retarded, in consequence of the fusion of some of
the Salts, as the phosphates and chlorides, and the inclusion of small
masses of carbon, which are thus protected from the oxidising action of
the atmosphere. The platinum basin or foil may be supported over the
lamp upon coarse wire gauze or upon a piece of wire, bent in the form
of a triangle, or upon One of the Small rings attached to the spirit-lamp,
pl. XVIII, p. 48, fig. 4. It may be removed from the lamp with the aid
of an old pair of forceps.
2s6. Apparatus.-The chemical apparatus necessary for the micro-
scopical observer is very simple, and the greater number of instruments
have already been referred to. The following are among the most im-
portant pieces of apparatus:—
A few conical glasses of different sizes. Apparatus for taking specific
gravities. Test-tubes of various sizes, arranged on a stand, pl. IXI,
p. 262, fig. 5. Spirit-lamps, with various supports, pl. XVIII, p. 48,
fig. 3, or, where gas is laid on, the gas-lamp, pl. XIV, p. 24, fig. 4.
Glass funnels and filtering paper, pl. XXVI, figs. I, 9, Small porcelain
basins, watch-glasses; a simple water-bath, pl. XVIII, figs. 6, 7, or the
injecting can, pl. XXVII, p. 104, fig. 6, may be used, if several evapo-
rations are to be conducted at once. A small platinum capsule, a strip
of platinum foil, a blow-pipe, pipettes, pl. XXVI, p. Ioo, figs. 2, 3, and
glass stirring rods, with a box of reagents in Small bottles, pl. LXI,
p. 262, figs. 2, 7, and test papers, complete the apparatus. All these
may be obtained, packed in a box of convenient size, fig. 7.
287. Microscope for Examining Substances Immersed in Acids and
Corrosive Fluids.-If preparations which require to be immersed in
strong acid, be examined in the ordinary microscope, the fumes may
injure the brass work of the instrument. Considerable inconvenience
is also experienced in examining fluids while hot, in consequence of the
vapour rising and condensing upon the object-glass, and thus rendering
the object invisible. The ingenious microscope invented some years
ago by Dr. Lawrence Smith, obviates these objections. This inverted
microscope has been described in p. 219, and is represented in pl. LIX,
p. 220, fig. I.
The reagents necessary for the microscopist are not very numerous.
They should be perfectly pure. Of the greater number only very little
is required,—as much as may be kept in drachm or two drachm bottles;
but of alcohol, ether, and one or two more, it is necessary to have a
half-pint or more. The stock reagents should be kept in stoppered
bottles of about the capacity of two ounces.
2ss. Distilled water should alone be employed for dissolving sub-
stances to be tested, and for diluting fluids required by the micro-
scopical observer.
2ss). Alcohol,-Alcohol of different strengths will be required for
the purpose of dissolving certain substances, and for separating them
from other constituents, which are insoluble in this reagent. If a weak
alcohol is required, the strong spirit should always be diluted with dis-
tilled water, and it is better to prepare a considerable quantity at a time.
It is convenient to have two or three bottles which will hold about two
quarts each. The strength of each should be written upon a label
attached to the bottle. The importance of alcohol as a preservative
solution has been referred to in p. 64.
2.90. Ether, chloroform.—An ounce or two of ether will be quite
sufficient for microscopical purposes. It should be kept in a stoppered
bottle, provided with a glass cap, to prevent loss by evaporation. A
little should also be kept in one of the small glass bottles with capillary
orifices, p. 260, for the convenience of applying to cells containing
highly refracting globules, resembling oil, &c., under the microscope.
Chloroform must be kept in capped and stoppered bottles, carefully
protected from the light.
291. Effects of Alcohol and Ether.—Alcohol coagulates albuminous
matters. Bioplasm is always rendered granular by this reagent. Many
transparent tissues are corrugated, and rendered more or less opaque
by alcohol. It dissolves certain forms of fatty matter, resinous mate-
rials, and many kinds of vegetable and animal colouring matter.
Ether is of great use for dissolving various kinds of fatty matter. In
many cases, however (as, for example, in common milk), the oil globule
is covered with a caseous or albuminous investment, which protects it
from the action of the ether. In this case it is necessary to add a drop
of acetic acid, or solution of potash or soda, to dissolve the membrane,
when the ether will at once act upon the fat.
Chloroform is a valuable fluid for dissolving Canada balsam, p. 57.
292. Nitric Acid of two different degrees of concentration should be
kept, the strongest that can be procured, and a solution containing
about twenty per cent. Of the strong acid. This last is the acid most
used by the microscopist. It may be prepared by mixing one part of
the strong commercial acid with five parts of distilled water.
2.93. sulphuric Acid is sometimes required undiluted, but a small
bottle of diluted acid (one of acid to five of water) should also be at
hand. The pure colourless acid should always be procured ; it is to be
purchased for about Is. 6d. a pound, but only very small quantities are
2.94. Hydrochloric Acid may be obtained perfectly colourless. It
should be kept in the pure state and diluted as required.
295. Acetic Acid.—Two specimens of acetic acid will be found
convenient. One, a solution of the strongest acid which can be pro-
cured; the other, containing about twenty per cent. The last is pre-
pared by dissolving one part of the strongest liquid acid, or of the pure
glacial acetic acid, in five of water. The glacial acetic acid is now com-
monly employed for photographic purposes, and can, therefore, be very
readily obtained. It possesses great advantages over other kinds of acid
for microscopical purposes.
296. Chromic Acid is usually required very dilute. For the pur-
poses of hardening tissues a watery solution of a straw colour will be
found strong enough. It is easily prepared by dissolving a little of the
crystallised chromic acid in distilled water. See p. 67.
297. Effects of Acids on Organic Structures.—The effects of the
application of cold strong acids to animal textures are very variable; in
some instances the tissue is completely destroyed, while in others
scarcely any effect seems to be produced. The mineral acids generally
coagulate albuminous tissues, and render their microscopical characters
confused and indistinct. Zºibasic phosphoric acid, however, is an excep-
tion to this. Acetic acid dissolves many of the substances allied to
The appearance of some textures is scarcely altered by the applica-
tion of a strong acid; for instance, the blood corpuscles shrink a little,
but exhibit their usual form and general characters for some time after
the addition of strong nitric acid, and the cells of the epidermis and
nail, although turned of a yellow colour, are not destroyed; the latter
are separated somewhat from each other, and their outline is often
made beautifully distinct. Most of the mineral constituents of the
body, insoluble in water, are directly dissolved by the acids. Strong
nitric acid is a useful reagent for demonstrating vegetable cellular
Acetic Acid.—Acetic acid is one of the most useful reagents to the
microscopical observer. It has the property of dissolving granular
matter composed of albuminous material, and of causing the cell-wall
and many kinds of formed material to become very transparent;
although it often renders the bioplasm darker and more distinct. In
many instances the action of the acid upon the cell-wall is curious.
This formed material becomes more pulpy and thicker, and approaches
in tenuity and refracting power the Solution in which it is immersed.
In numerous instances, by adding a Saline solution to cells which have
been previously rendered transparent by acetic acid, they again contract,
and the outline becomes distinct. In some cases, however, the outer
part of the cells is actually dissolved by the acid, and the bioplasm is
set free. Acetic acid is very frequently used to make epithelial struc-
tures transparent, in order that the arrangement of the minute vessels
and nerves in papillae, &c., may be demonstrated, as in the case of the
tongue, skin, &c. Sections of preparations which have been hardened
by maceration in alcohol, may require to be boiled slightly in acetic acid
to render them transparent. The action of acetic acid on white fibrous
tissue is very characteristic, as it converts it into a transparent jelly-like
mass, in which a few bioplasts are visible. Upon the yellow element,
on the other hand, this reagent exerts no action whatever.
Acetic acid may also be employed for testing’ crystalline bodies, as
phosphates and carbonates. By it phosphate and carbonate of lime
may be distinguished from oxalate of lime (all which are insoluble
in water), the acid dissolving the two former, while the latter is not dis-
solved even if boiled with it. The action of acetic acid, upon any par-
ticular tissue, upon any form of cells, fibres, &c., that are subjected
to examination, should always be specially noted. Many tissues are
quite insoluble in acetic acid, though they are not rendered opaque
by it.
AVitric Acid.—Strong nitric acid dissolves albuminous substances,
but first colours them deep yellow. Dilute nitric acid is much employed
in microscopical research. An acid composed of one part of acid to
two or three of water, forms a good solution for hardening some struc-
tures previous to cutting thin sections. The thin sections may some-
times be rendered very transparent by being treated afterwards with
dilute caustic soda. For demonstrating muscular fibre-cells, nitric acid
is a valuable reagent. For this purpose the solution should contain
about twenty per cent. Of strong acid, and the muscular fibre should be
allowed to soak in it for some days, when small pieces may be removed
with scissors, and after being carefully torn up with fine needles, sub-
jected to examination.
When we wish to obtain a few of the follicles of a gland with their
special ducts, or portions of glandular structure isolated from one
another, it is a good plan to Soak the tissue for some days in dilute
nitric acid (one part of acid to six or seven of water), when the areolar
tissue becomes Softened. At the same time the gland structure is
rendered more firm, and may be isolated very readily with the aid of
needles. In this manner the gastric glands, the secreting follicles of
the pancreas, and salivary glands may often be very satisfactorily
By boiling animal tissues in strong nitric acid, they become
destroyed, while any siliceous constituents remain behind unaltered.
In this manner, the siliceous skeletons of the ZXiatomaceae may be
separated from any Organic matter with which they were combined.
This is one of the processes employed for obtaining these beautiful
objects, from guano.
Sulphuric Acid-Hydrochloric Acid—Concentrated sulphuric acid
causes epidermic structures to Swell up very much, and the cells to
separate from one another so as to be readily isolated. Boiling acid
completely dissolves them. In the examination of hair, strong sul-
phuric acid will be found to render the outline of the cells very distinct.
Aydrochloric acid is usually employed for dissolving out the mineral
constituents of certain tissues, such as bone or teeth. As a rule, it is
better to use dilute acid (one of acid to three or four of water), in
which case, however, a longer time must of course be allowed, than
when the acid is concentrated.
29s. solution of Potash should be kept of two or three different
degrees of strength. One, the strongest which can be obtained;
another, made by mixing one part of the strong potash with three or
four of water; and a solution consisting of one part of liquor potassae
to eight or ten of water will be found of a useful strength for the
examination of many preparations.
299. solution of soda is generally required very dilute. It may be
made by mixing one part of the strong Solution of the shops with five
or six of water; but this, for many purposes, will require to be still
further diluted. Or, about twenty-five grains of the fused soda may be
dissolved in an ounce of distilled water.
300. Ammonia.-Solution of ammonia, made by mixing one part
of the strongest liquor ammoniae (British Pharmacopoeia) with three of
water, will be found sufficiently strong for all the purposes for which
this reagent will be required.
301. Effects of Alkalies on organic structures.—The action of
alkalies, even when cold in a very dilute state, is to dissolve most
animal textures. Cell-membranes are frequently almost instantly dis-
solved, while the bioplasm or germinal matter appears at least in many
instances to be altered very slightly.
Alkalies are also employed for dissolving certain crystalline sub-
stances which are occasionally found in animal tissues, such, for instance,
as the urates. The action of potash and soda upon animal structures
is very similar. Both dissolve substances of an albuminous nature, but
the effect of soda is more gradual, and it has been found that for most
purposes in microscopical research, the latter reagent possesses advan-
tages over potash. The solution of potash required by the micro-
scopist is the ordinary liquor potassae of the pharmacopoeia, and the
solution of Soda is prepared in the same manner. These solutions
may be diluted with water to the required strength.
Potash and soda are employed where a tissue is to be rendered
more transparent for the purpose of demonstrating the arrangement of
the nerves or other anatomical elements not soluble or only dissolved
after the lapse of time in this reagent. These solutions dissolve the
layer of epithelium covering mucous membranes, or render it perfectly
transparent, so that the arrangement of the structures beneath the base-
ment membrane can be easily demonstrated. In investigating the
arrangement of the nerves and vessels in papillae and other structures,
they are very valuable, especially the soda solution. For the purpose
above-mentioned, the alkalies should be diluted with water. The
changes are expedited by the application of heat, which, however, must
not be too great, for fear of Complete solution taking place. The
structure may be heated with the solution in a test tube. Observations
must be made immediately after the application of the reagent—for in
a short time all the textures may become so transparent that every trace
of structure seems to have disappeared.
Some animal textures become hardened by prolonged maceration
in carbonate of potash, but this plan does not appear to be so generally
useful as others previously indicated. Epidermic structures are not
much altered by this salt. The introduction of different chemical
solutions by injection, will be discussed in part VI. I strongly recom-
mend this plan of subjecting the tissue to the action of the reagent.
302. Nitrate of Barytes.—A cold saturated solution of the salt
forms a test solution of convenient strength. It should be filtered
before use. A solution of nitrate of barytes is employed as a test for
sulphuric and phosphoric acids. The precipitated sulphate of baryta is
insoluble both in acids and alkalies; while phosphate of baryta is readily
soluble in acids, but insoluble in ammonia.
3os. Nitrate of silver.—A solution of nitrate of silver is prepared
by dissolving one hundred and twenty grains of the crystallized nitrate
in two ounces of distilled water, and filtering if necessary. Nitrate of
silver is employed as a test for chlorides and phosphates. The white
precipitate of ehloride of silver is soluble in ammonia, but insoluble in
nitric acid. The yellow precipitate of tribasic phosphate of silver is
soluble in excess of ammonia, as well as in excess of nitric acid.
304, oxalate of Ammonia-Some crystals may be dissolved in
distilled water, and, after allowing time for the solution to become
saturated, it may be filtered. Oxalate of ammonia is used as a test for
salts of lime. Oxa/afe of lime is insoluble in alkalies and in acetic
acid, but soluble in the strong mineral acids. In testing an insoluble
deposit for lime, it may be dissolved in nitric acid and excess of
ammonia added; the flocculent precipitate is readily dissolved by
excess of acetic acid, and to this solution the oxalate of ammonia may
be added. The precipitation of oxalate of lime is favoured by the
application of heat. Many deposits of phosphate are with great diffi-
culty soluble in acetic acid, hence the necessity of first adding nitric
acid, as above directed.
3.05. Iodine solutions.—An aqueous solution is easily prepared, by
dissolving a few grains of iodine in some distilled water, until it acquires
a brownish-yellow Colour. A solution of iodine is sometimes useful for
colouring certain animal and vegetable textures, which are so trans-
parent as to be scarcely distinguishable upon microscopical examination.
In the examination of many such structures, great assistance will be
obtained from the use of Coloured solutions. Delicate textures, like the
cell wall and basement membrane, &c., can be far better distinguished
when a faint tint is communicated to them, than when perfectly colour-
less. When a membrane is to be made more distinct, it may be
immersed in a little Prussian blue fluid, p. Io9, the minute particles of
which adhere to it, and enable us to trace its outline clearly. A weak
solution of magenta answers the same purpose.
Iodine is principally employed as a test for starch which is rendered
blue by an aqueous Solution, even when very dilute. Albuminous
matters and tissues are coloured yellow by iodine, and vegetable cellu-
lose receives a brownish-yellow tinge. The addition of sulphuric acid
(one part of the strong acid, two parts of water) to albuminous matter
stained with iodine, causes no change, but cellulose under the same
circumstances becomes blue. In cases where substances allied to starch
and cellulose (amyloid matters) are found associated with the albu-
minous matters, a purple, bluish, or greenish tinge results from the
action of iodine and Sulphuric acid.
A strong solution of iodine may be obtained by employing a solution
of iodide of potassium to dissolve the iodine (one grain of iodine and
three grains of iodide of potassium, to one ounce of distilled water or
Schultz recommends the following iodine solution :-Zinc is dis-
solved in hydrochloric acid; the solution is permitted to evaporate in
contact with metallic zinc until it attains the thickness of a syrup; and
the syrup is then Saturated with iodide of potassium. The iodine
is next added, and the solution, if necessary, is diluted with water.
Professor Busk gives the following directions for preparing this solution:
one ounce of fused chloride of zinc is to be dissolved in about half an
ounce of water, and to the solution. (which amounts to about an ounce
fluid measure), three grains of iodine, dissolved with the aid of six
grains of iodide of potassium, in the Smallest possible quantity of water,
are to be added (“Transactions of the Microscopical Society,” vol. i,
p. 67). I have employed a solution prepared in this manner, and can
speak very highly of its utility. In making it, it is necessary to be care-
ful not to fuse the chloride of zinc much, or to employ a very high tem-
perature, as decomposition is apt to take place. In testing starch with
this solution, it is advisable to add a very little water, as the solution
frequently will not act in its concentrated form.
306. Method of Applying Tests to Substances intended for Micro-
scopical Examination.—The matter to be tested may be placed upon a
glass slide, and, if necessary, a drop of water added, to moisten or
dissolve it, as the Case may be.
In these operations we usually require only a small drop of a
solution, and it will be found most convenient, in applying the test fluid
to the object, to take a drop from the bottle by dipping a stirring-rod
into it, and withdrawing it immediately. Enough will adhere to the
stirring-rod for the purpose required. The rod should not be dipped in
a second time, without being first well washed in distilled water, for if
this be not scrupulously attended to, there is great danger of conveying
some of the substance intended for examination, into the test bottle, in
S 2
which case the whole contents of the latter would be spoiled. Without
great care in all our manipulations, there will be much danger of
removing a portion of one substance from a glass slide and carrying it
to specimens which are subsequently examined. Accidents of the kind
can always be avoided, by not allowing the drop of the reagent to touch
the specimen until the rod has been removed. The drop may be
placed near the substance intended for examination, and then allowed
to come into contact with it, either by inclining the glass slide, or by
leading it with a very thin piece of glass or a platinum wire, to the
matter to be tested.
3.07. Isottles with Capillary orifices.—The various tests above
, referred to may be preserved in ordinary stoppered bottles, but I much
prefer to keep them in small tubes with capillary orifices, from which
only a drop, or a part of a drop, can be expelled when necessary.
Several years since I arranged all the ordinary tests I required for
microscopical purposes in Small bulbs which were drawn off to a
capillary point. They were provided with glass or gutta-percha caps.
These bulbs, however, were somewhat inconvenient in consequence of
not being made to stand upright, and Mr. Highley substituted for them
tubes with flat bottoms and ground glass caps. See pl. LXI, p. 262,
figs. I to 4. To fill these test bottles having capillary orifices I proceed
as follows:—A little of the solution is poured into a small basin, the
tube being inverted so that its orifice dips beneath the surface of the
fluid. Heat being now applied to the body of the bulb, the air in the
interior is expanded and partially expelled. As the bottle becomes
cool, a certain quantity of the fluid rises up into its interior. Usually,
however, it is not possible to introduce more than a few drops in this
manner. The bottle is then removed and heated over the spirit-lamp
until the drop of fluid in its interior is in a state of ebullition. While
the Steam is issuing violently from the orifice, the latter is again plunged
beneath the surface of the fluid. As the steam within condenses, the
Solution rises up in the interior, and would completely fill the little
bottle if it were maintained in this position, but when it is about three
parts full it may be removed from the fluid. If it were completely
filled it would be difficult to expel a drop of the fluid when required.
A certain quantity of air, therefore, is allowed to remain within the
bottle, and this being expanded by the warmth of the hand, the quan-
tity of fluid required can be driven out at pleasure.
Mr. Highley has made a further modification by arranging the
capillary neck in the form of a tubulated stopper, by the removal of
which, fluid can be introduced as in filling an Ordinary bottle, fig. 3,
pl. LXI, p. 262. For microscopical purposes bottles with capillary
orifices possess many advantages over the Ordinary stoppered bottles in
which tests are usually kept.
In the first place, a most minute quantity of the test can be obtained
without difficulty, and there is no chance of more than the drop or two
required escaping from the bottle.
Secondly, there is no danger of the reagent becoming spoilt by the
introduction of various substances from without. If an ordinary stop-
pered bottle be used, a drop of the fluid must be removed with a pipette
or stirring-rod, but if these should not be quite clean, foreign Substances
may be introduced, and the reagent spoilt for further operations. Care-
lessness upon this head will lead to the greatest inconvenience, and to
serious mistakes.
Thirdly, testing by means of these little bottles can be conducted in
a very short space of time, and a number of the test bottles filled with
their solutions may be packed in very small compass, pl. LXI, p. 262,
figs, 2, 7.
3O8. Capillary Tubes with India-rubber tied over the Top.–
Dr. Lawrence Smith recommends that the tests should be kept in
bottles of two ounce capacity, and instead of a stopper, he inserts a
tube in the form of a pipette, the upper open end of which is covered
with a piece of vulcanised India-rubber, pl. LXI, fig. 6. By pressing
this while the lower end is beneath the ſluid, a portion of the air will, of
course, be driven out, and a little fluid will rush in to supply its place
as soon as the pressure is removed. The tube with the contained test
solution may then be removed from the bottle, and by again pressing
the India-rubber, a drop, or a portion of a drop, will be very readily
3.09. Testing for Carbonate and Phosphate of Lime, Phosphate
of Ammonia and Magnesia, sulphates and Chlorides.—Suppose the
nature of the substances composing certain forms of earthy matter is to
be ascertained. A Small portion, about the size of a pin's head, is
placed upon the slide, and covered lightly with a piece of thin glass.
Next, a drop of nitric acid is placed near to the thin glass. The acid
soon reaches the sediment, and the disengagement of a few bubbles of
gas may be observed. These are, as it were, temporarily pent up by
the thin glass. If there should be any doubt about the action of the
acid, we may resort to examination in the microscope, when, if there be
but very few bubbles, and these exceedingly minute, they may be
detected without difficulty. The formation of the bubbles of gas in-
dicates the presence of a carbonate.
The acid solution obtained as above described, should be neutralised
with ammonia, when a faint flocculent precipitate may be produced.
After this has stood still for a few minutes it should be covered with
thin glass and examined under the microscope. The deposit which
causes the opalescence may consist of amorphous granules and Small
crystals, which, if allowed to stand long enough, will take the form of
triangular or quadrangular prisms (phosphate of ammonia and magnesia,
phosphate of lime).
If we wish to ascertain the presence of sulphates, a little of the
nitric acid solution is treated with the test solution of nitrate of barytes.
An amorphous precipitate of sulphate of baryta, insoluble in strong
nitric acid and alkalies, takes place, if sulphuric acid be present. The
presence of chlorides is detected by the addition of a little mitrate of
silver to a drop of the solution of the deposit in weak nitric acid. The
white precipitate of chloride of silver is insoluble in nitric acid, but is
dissolved by ammonia.
The above will serve as examples of the method of detecting the
presence of several different substances in a very minute quantity of
matter. The indications obtained in this manner are quite as valuable,
and may be relied upon with as much certainty, as if we were provided
with a very large quantity of material to work upon. In a single drop
of a composite solution, the presence of several different acids and
bases may be detected.
31o. New Method of Microscopical Analysis.-Since I have been
in the habit of using glycerine as the basis of all my injecting fluids and
preservative solutions, I have employed it as the solvent of all tests, and
with the greatest advantages. The reactions are of course slower, but
much more perfect. Crystals can be formed most readily by this pro-
cess, and as the viscid solutions mix very slowly, most perfect crystals
even of substances which crystallize with great difficulty in water, are
frequently obtained. If glycerine be added gradually to many solutions
of crystallizable matter crystals are deposited. The various tests may
be dissolved in a little water and then added to strong pure glycerine.
The iodine reactions can often be obtained most satisfactorily by this
mode of proceeding. The solutions may be kept in the little glass
bottles described in p. 260. Very strong solutions of the nitric and
sulphuric acids cannot be obtained with the aid of glycerine, but it is
seldom that a stronger solution than one part of acid to five of glycerine
is required. If a very strong viscid solution of acetic acid be wanted,
lump sugar instead of glycerine may be added to warm acetic acid in
sufficient quantity to make a fluid of the consistence of syrup.
Glycerine may be employed as the universal medium for the ex-.
amination, preservation, and qualitative analysis of microscopic objects.
It need scarcely be said that glycerine and syrup are miscible, so that
the viscidity of any fluid can be readily increased by the addition of
Sugar to it.
Of obtaining Crystal/ime Substances from the Fuids and
Złºctures of the Organism.
311. Formation of Crystals.--Some crystalline bodies are deposited
Fig. 3.
; :E:
2 . "
< c,
18, a £en: “..}ºinet, containing twelv - hotties ºrith carillary
orifices. p. 26.
Bulb with capillary oriticº
tor testing small quantitles
of matter. p. 261.
Small test bottle, with
capillary orifice. p. 260.
Test tubes and l?ack for holding test tubes. p. 253.
drainer. p. 253.
Pipette servin & as
the stopper to the
bottle. a, vulcan-
1 s ed Indla rubber,
by pressing whica
fluid may be ex-
pressed from the
tube. b, ground
to fit the neck of
the bottle c, the
orifice. p. 26]
Test bottle, whth
capillary orifice.
p. 360.
Cabinet containing various apparat, is for tes: in 3. p. 261. :- •:
• * *
e e º º C
tº ©
[To face pages 262.

from their solution in animal fluids by simple evaporation; others, less
soluble, may be obtained by allowing the fluid to stand still in a shallow
glass or porcelain vessel for a time, when certain changes occur in some
of the constituents, which lead to the deposition of some substances in
a crystalline form. Uric acid, for instance, cystine, leucine, triple
phosphate, and some other Crystals may be thus obtained. In other
cases it is necessary to add some reagent which will promote the forma-
tion of crystals, while not unfrequently a long and it may be com-
plicated chemical analysis is required to remove or decompose certain
Substances which interfere with crystallization. The addition of water
in Some cases promotes rapid Crystallization, especially when the
crystallizable material is dissolved in viscid organic matter. When
water is added to the blood of some animals the haematocrystallin is dis-
solved out of the red blood Corpuscles, and Crystallizes as the solution
is concentrated by slow evaporation. See pl. XXXIX, figs. 3, 6, p. 158.
Instead of water, alcohol, ether, or chloroform, in which the crystals
may be much less soluble than in water, is to be preferred in some
Crystalline substances which are dissolved in animal fluids, may
often be separated in a perfectly pure state by the addition of another
fluid in which they are not so readily soluble. Glycerine may some-
times be used with advantage for this purpose. In all cases, the fluid
should be added very gradually and plenty of time allowed for the
formation of the crystals. At first nothing but an amorphous precipitate
results, but the minute granules gradually assume the Crystalline form,
and at last perhaps become large and well formed crystals. Many
organic substances soluble in alcohol, may be crystallized by the addition
of ether, while some are precipitated from their solution in water, by
the gradual addition of alcohol.
312. Influence of Various Constituents upon the Crystallization.—
In many instances, it is exceedingly difficult to separate some crystalline
substances from other constituents by which their solubility is much
increased, and the process of Crystallization often prevented. The ex-
tractive matters of blood, and of many organic fluids, exert this
influence in a marked degree, and it is only of late years that several
new bodies of definite chemical composition have been separated from
the so-called amorphous extractives. Creatine, creatinine, and some
other well-defined crystals were formerly included under the indefinite
term “extractives.” Certain colouring matters of definite composition
have also been separated, and it is very probable that as the methods of
analysis at our disposal become improved, new crystalline bodies will
be discovered in the extractive matters, and isolated in a pure form.
A very small quantity of extractive matter entirely prevents the
crystallization of urea, while the presence of chloride of sodium or
common Salt favours the separation of this material by forming with it a
compound which readily crystallizes in large octahedral crystals even in
the presence of extractive matters. The existence of carbonic acid in
excess may cause Carbonate of lime, triple phosphate, and other salts, to
be held in Solution. Excess of alkali prevents the precipitation of uric
acid, and excess of acid, that of phosphate of lime. Fatty matters
dissolve cholesterine, and serum possesses the power of retaining
Small quantities of the two last-named substances in solution. Some
Crystalline bodies which are soluble at the temperature of the body,
Crystallize when the solutions containing them are cooled thirty or forty
degrees. The effect of dilution in retaining crystals in solution, need
Scarcely be alluded to. It follows then, that before we can detect, by
microscopical examination, the presence of many substances, certain
chemical operations are required either for the purpose of separating
them from their combinations in the animal body, or for the removal of
other substances which interfere with their crystallization.
313. Separation of Crystals from Animal substances.—In many
instances this is a matter of some difficulty. If not very soon separated
from the organic fluid in which they are formed crystals not unfre-
quently undergo rapid re-solution, or even become completely decom-
posed. If the crystals are not very soluble, the supernatant fluid, or
mother-liquor, may be poured off-the crystalline deposit washed with
ice-cold water, and subsequently dried on filtering paper over sulphuric
acid without the application of heat.
If the crystals will not bear the addition of water, as much of the
fluid as possible must be poured off, and the remainder absorbed with
bibulous paper, or they may be placed upon a porous tile, and dried
over sulphuric acid in vacuo. In many instances we are enabled to
wash the crystals with water holding in solution a little acid or alkali,
or some alkaline salt, or with alcohol, ether, or some other fluid in
which we know them to be quite insoluble.
In cases in which crystals insoluble in water are deposited in animal
solids, they may be separated by agitation in water, when, being heavier
than the water, they subside to the bottom, and the lighter animal
matter may be removed by forceps, or if in a very minute state of divi-
sion, poured off with the Supernatant fluid. In other cases, the organic
matter may be separated by Straining, the Crystals being washed through
314. of obtaining Crystals for Examination.—In order to accustom
himself to the necessary manipulation required for obtaining crystals,
the student may evaporate a solution of common salt upon a glass slide,
and when it has become sufficiently concentrated he may cover it with
a small piece of thin glass, and allow it to cool. When cold the con-
centrated solution of salt may be subjected to microscopical examina-
© © ©-
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\ir. ( ; lai
i., p. 179,
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forms of snow crystals, drawn by
\, : trious

Fig. 1.
& D. ::\Sc
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|Yendritic crystals of chloride of
it mannonium. p < ū),

tion, when it will be found that beautiful cubes of chloride of sodium
have formed in the clear fluid, pl. LVIII, fig. 8, p. 218. Crystals of
Several Salts may be made in the same simple manner, and from an
attentive examination of them, much may be learnt. Phosphate of Soda,
Phosphates of Soda and Ammonia, Sulphates of Potash and Soda,
Chloride of Ammonium, Borax, Alum, Sulphate of Copper, Biniodide
of Mercury, and a variety of other salts, can be readily obtained in
microscopical crystals in this manner. Mr. Glashier has made some
beautiful observations on snow-flakes. Copies of his drawings are
represented in pls, LXII and LXIII, p. 264. Among organic crystalline
substances of interest to the microscopist may be mentioned Quinine,
Iodo-Sulphate of Quinine, Salicine, Brucia, Oxalic Acid, and Oxalates,
particularly Oxalate of Ammonia.
Different faces of the crystal, as it lies in the liquid, may be brought
into view by slightly moving the thin glass cover with a fine-pointed
instrument, such as a needle, while the preparation is in the field of the
microscope. With a little practice, crystals may in this manner be made
to roll round in the mother-liquor. Crystals which are precipitated by
the addition of some reagent, such as nitrate of urea by nitric acid, must
be examined in a little of the solution. The addition of water would,
in many instances, destroy them immediately. Crystals of chloride of
ammomium and creatine are represented in pl. LXIII, p. 264, figs. 2, 3.
Other crystals are seen in plº. XLVII, XLVIII, p. 174, and LVIII, p. 218.
The influence of the crystals upon polarized light should be ex-
amined, and in cases in which the nature of the crystal has not been
ascertained, its angles should be carefully measured, and accurate draw-
ings made. The behaviour of the crystals with chemical reagents is
next to be ascertained, and their solubility in water, alcohol, and other
fluids must be noted. For these experiments different portions must be
taken and separately tested in the manner referred to in p. 262.
A drop of the solution may also be rapidly evaporated nearly to
dryness, and allowed to crystallize upon the slide without being covered
over, when the substance will often be found to assume a variety of
beautiful forms, such as Crosslets, dendritic expansions, &c., pl. LXIII,
p. 264, fig. 2, which vary according to the rapidity with which the evapo-
ration has been conducted, and other circumstances.
Mr. Thomas Davies has obtained some beautiful results by crystal-
lizing mixed salts, some of which exhibit a re-arrangement of Crystalline
form after fusion. A mixture of Sulphate of copper and Sulphate of
magnesia, and sulphates of zinc and magnesia form good examples.
They should be examined with the aid of polarized light and a selenite
plate. See the copies of the photographs of the salts in Mr. Davies's
second paper in the “Microscopical Journal” for July, 1865, p. 295.: i
By carefully crystallizing a solution of Sulphate of copper at variºus: :
degrees of temperature, Mr. R. Thomas, of Oxford, has succeeded in
obtaining a series of crystalline forms of a peculiar character. From
the fact that throughout the series the crystals radiate from centres in a
more or less spiral manner, Mr. Thomas has designated the process as
“spiral crystallization.”
The solution of sulphate of copper is evaporated by a moderate heat,
until an uncrystallized film is obtained. This film being subjected (after
the manner indicated in Mr. Thomas’ paper, contained in the “Micro-
scopical Journal” for July, 1866, p. 177), to a temperature of about 60°
Fahrenheit, a number of foliated crystals, all radiating from centres,
appear. There is in this stage a slight curve or twist in the radiation,
and this constitutes the first stage of the spiral, as represented in pl.
LXIV, p. 266, fig. I. At a temperature of 65°, a further advance is
seen in the direction of the spiral, fig. 2. At 70° (fig. 3) the spiral
appearance is yet more distinct. While at temperatures of 80°, 90° and
Ioo”, the lines are smaller and more numerous, and the spiral more
perfect and symmetrical, fig. 4. Fig. 3 shows a perfectly formed crystal
which had been allowed to crystallize upon a slide, carefully protected
from dust. Mr. Thomas believes that these crystals are in reality cones
standing out in relief upon the glass slide. The changes in form which
occur in crystals of the double salt of Sulphate of magnesia and sulphate
of zinc, upon the application of a gentle heat subsequent to crystalliza-
tion have been also carefully studied by Mr. Thomas, of Oxford, whose
figures are given in pl. LXV. See “Microscopical Journal” for April,
I866, p. 137. Mr. Hookham, of Summertown, Oxford, has studied this
Subject, and has prepared some beautiful specimens. From crystals
prepared at a temperature of Ios” some very interesting forms were
obtained, being split up into sections by right and left hand twists.
315. Examination of Crystals under the Microscope.—Some Crystals
which have been entirely separated from the fluid in which they were
Originally deposited, may be examined in the dry way, in water, or other
fluid in which they are known to be insoluble, or in Canada balsam ; but
as a general rule, it is necessary to examine the crystals as they lie in
some of the solution in which they have been formed. When they have
been obtained by allowing a concentrated solution to cool, some of the
inspissated fluid must be removed with the crystals, placed upon a glass
slide or in a thin glass cell, covered with a piece of thin glass, and
examined in the usual way—a low power (an inch) being used first, and
afterwards a higher power (a quarter). Although some of the crystals
are of a large size, and may be well seen with a very low power, there
are others amongst them which are exceedingly minute but most perfect
in form. The crystals and mother-liquor should not be exposed to the
: ai previous to examination, for in many instances water is absorbed,
*: and partial re-solution takes place.
º à º
The game at 6.9.
Fig. 4.
The same at 709,
The sanna at 900 to l (\tho,
“Spiral” crystals of sulphate of copper crystallized at different temperatures p. c66. After Mir Thomas of Oxford.
From the Mic Journal, July, 1866.
[To face Tase 266.

§ tºº
(4! º
Wºl &
Double salt of sulphate of zinc and sulphate of magnesia crystallized at different tern reratures, roth: 35to
1700. The varied effects depend upon the loss of varwing proportions of water of crystallizations 5 §:
After Mr. Thomas, Mic Journ , April, 1866. © e. e
[To follow plate EXIST.

316. Preservation of Crystals as Permanent objects.-The preser-
vation of the more soluble crystals is attended with the greatest diffi-
culty, except when they can be dried, in which state their characters
under the microscope are often found to be imperfectly defined.
Crystals which very readily deliquesce on exposure to air, must be dried
in vacuo, removed quickly to a cell, the cover of which must be firmly
Cemented down at once. Some crystals may, however, be dried and
mounted in Canada balsam ; others, such as oxalate of lime, phosphate
of lime, many carbonates, &c., can be well preserved in aqueous solu-
tions, containing a little acid. Crystals which contain water of crystal-
lization must be preserved in a drop of the mother-liquor; but in many
instances they alter much in form, and when we come to examine them,
instead of finding the great number of small, well-formed crystals, which
were present when the preparation was first put up, nothing remains but
One or two large ill-shaped ones. The concentrated mother-liquor often
acts upon the cement with which the glass cover is fixed on the cell, and
very soon air enters, and so the preparation is destroyed. Many crystals
may be preserved in strong glycerine without much change taking place.
I have some crystals of Guinea-pig's blood which have been preserved
for many years in this medium and have undergone little change.
Of the Hardening Properties of Chemical Solutions.
317. Of the Hardening Properties of Different Chemical Solutions.
—The consistence of many tissues is so soft that it is absolutely impos-
sible to obtain a thin section; while, by tearing off a small piece, the
relations of the component parts is usually so much altered, that the
Specimen is useless for the purpose of examination. In this case our
only chance is to harden the texture by some reagent in such a manner
that, although its microscopical characters are not altered, a thin section
may be readily obtained.
The solution employed for hardening a tissue will depend upon the
character of the texture itself. Many tissues may be immersed in
alcohol, others may with advantage be soaked in a weak solution of
chromic acid. Various saline solutions are also sometimes employed,
but in consequence of the alteration they produce, and the deposit they
sometimes form in the interstices of the tissue, they are by no means
well adapted for hardening textures from which microscopical specimens
are to be made. Nitric acid and a solution of perchloride of iron have
been employed for hardening some tissues, but they are not generally
suitable. Tissues which are rendered too opaque for minute examina-
tion by the hardening process should be soaked in syrup or glycerine .
until sufficiently transparent, or ‘a little solution of caustic soda or
potash may be added to the section.
The hardening properties of the solutions referred to, depend upon
their power of coagulating albuminous substances, and in the majority
of instances the coagulation is associated with a certain opacity which
renders the satisfactory examination of the tissue by transmitted light
impossible, and as I have before hinted, it is absolutely necessary to
render such a specimen transparent after the thin section has been
obtained. It is obvious that before we submit many soft structures to
microscopical examination, we ought to consider what chemical Sub-
stances are likely to harden them in the most advantageous manner for
cutting thin sections, and further, if by the process employed the section
becomes opaque, we should further consider how transparency may be
restored. The chemical nature of the substance to be examined, its
physical properties, its refractive power, and its chemical composition,
are points therefore with which it is most desirable every microscopic
observer should be acquainted before he commences any special inves-
I have succeeded in rendering the tissues of the embryos of mam-
malian animals so transparent that the smallest ossific points can be
seen as soon as a trace of calcareous matter is deposited in the temporary
Cartilages. To displace such bony points at this early period by dissec-
tion would be a work of immense labour, and at the best the results
would be very imperfect. Instead, however, of proceeding in this way,
if we simply soak the entire organism in the alkaline solution, every
centre of Ossification will become beautifully distinct. The preparation
is made as follows:—In the first place sufficient alcohol to receive it is
to be treated with solution of soda in the proportion of from ten to
twenty drops to the ounce. Next, the embryo is to be carefully sus-
pended in the solution by a silk thread, and allowed to remain in the
alkaline fluid for three or four days, or until it is so transparent that we
can clearly see the ossific points in its bones. When this action has
taken place, the embryo is to be removed and preserved permanently
in weak spirit. I have a beautiful preparation of this kind which
retained its characters for upwards of ten years. The principle of the
action of the fluid may be thus explained :—alcohol alone tends to
coagulate albuminous textures and render them opaque, while at the
same time it hardens them. The alkali, on the other hand, will render
the tissues soft and transparent, and, if time were allowed, would com-
pletely dissolve them. These two fluids in conjunction harden the
texture, and at the same time make it clear and transparent. Many
soft tissues may thus be hardened sufficiently to enable us to cut very
thin sections. Preparations of this kind show how much may be effected
by the use of very ordinary chemical reagents. By this simple process,
a laborious minute dissection which would occupy many days is avoided,
and there is no chance of losing some of the Small Ossific points, while
the structures are displayed far more distinctly than they could be by
following any other method of preparation.
Doubtless many other fluids well adapted for the purposes of inves-
tigation will yet be discovered, and I strongly recommend observers to
take up this branch of enquiry and endeavour to establish new methods
of preparing textures which shall render their minute structure clearly
By H. C. SoRBy, F.R.S., &c.
318. The spectrum Microscope.—Spectrum analysis, as applied to
the microscope, must not be confounded with that branch of the subject
which has yielded such admirable results in the hands of Bunsen,
Kirchhoff, and other physicists. In that method of analysis it is the
number and position of the narrow bright lines or bands, into which the
light of the incandescent body is divided by the spectroscope, that
enable the experimenter to identify each different substance. It is, in
fact, the analysis of the emitted light, whereas in spectrum analysis
applied to the microscope, it is the analysis of light which has been
modified by transmission through the substance under examination, and
it is the absence, and not the presence, of particular rays which makes
the spectra characteristic of different substances. In this respect it is
more analogous to spectrum analysis as employed in studying the
chemical nature of the atmosphere of the sun or stars, as illustrated by
the researches of Kirchhoff, Miller, and Huggins, but the principles
involved are materially different. The absorption bands in such cases
are narrow, sharply defined lines, characteristic of absorption by gases,
whereas those which play such an important part in researches with the
spectrum microscope are usually broad, gradually shaded off on each
side, and only in a few cases so narrow and sharply defined as to vie
with some of the broader dark lines in the solar spectrum.”
Confining then our attention to spectrum analysis as applied to
solid and liquid substances, it may be said that the object of our
researches is to distinguish substances by their colour, studied in the
most accurate and scientific manner. Colour alone is, of course, often
made use of as a criterion in qualitative chemical analysis, and is
extremely characteristic of particular substances, even when seen in the
ordinary manner; but when more accurately studied by means of the
* Though I was the first to publish a paper on spectrum analysis applied to the
microscope, after having made use of it in various researches for nearly a year
(“Quarterly Journal of Science,” April, 1865, vol. II, p. 198), yet it is only fair to
state that Mr. Huggins had independently thought of such an application (“Trans.
Microscopical Soc.,” May Io, 1865). [H. C. S.]
spectroscope it becomes incomparably more characteristic. The colour
of a body, as seen with the naked eye, is the general impression made
by the whole of the transmitted light, when all the rays are mixed
together, and this total impression may be the same, though the Com-
pound parts may differ in a striking manner; and thus many colours
which appear almost absolutely alike can be easily distinguished by
their spectra. An ordinary spectroscope with small dispersion would
suffice to study many of the facts, and even a prism and a narrow slit in
a card could be employed; but in order to carry on the enquiries with
entire success, it is desirable to have an instrument by means of which
spectra of minute quantities of material can be examined, Compared
side by side with other spectra, and measured with considerable
accuracy. All these advantages are secured by means of the spectrum
apparatus applied to the microscope, made according to my plan by
Mr. John Browning.
I have constructed a binocular spectrum microscope which is far
more convenient in chemical testing, but is not suited for the examina-
tion of any substance less than +3 of an inch in diameter. I shall
therefore confine myself to a description of the single eye-piece arrange-
ment as being the most simple and generally applicable. Fig. 1,
pl. LXVI, p. 270, shows the more important parts of the apparatus. It
is an eye-piece, fitting into the tube of the microscope, having the upper
lens (c) made achromatic. At the focal point of this lens (d) is fixed
the narrow slit of which fig 2 gives, as it were, the ground plan ; and
this can be made broader or narrower by turning the head of the screw
(a”). A small rectangular prism (e) is fixed so as to extend over about
one-half of the slit, and reflect the light coming through an aperture at
(f) in the stage attached to the side of the eye-piece, as shown in fig, 1.
The other half of the slit transmits the light passing up the main body
of the microscope through the ordinary object-glass. When all is pro-
perly arranged and illuminated, in looking through the lens (c), a narrow
line of light can be seen, one-half the length of which has passed through
an object placed on the stage of the microscope, and the other half
through any other placed on the side stage attached to the eye-piece;
and, if the prism (e) has been properly adjusted, these two portions
should appear perfectly continuous, without any break at their junction;
but if not properly adjusted the line appears broken, and would then
give false results if the spectra were compared together. Care should
therefore be taken to see that the adjustment is correct. The analysing
prism (a b) is compound, and fits over the eye-piece like a long cap. It
consists of two rectangular prisms of flint glass, corrected for refraction
by one rectangular prism of Crown glass, and two others, with angles of
about 75°. This combination gives direct vision, and an amount of
dispersion which is admirably fitted for the purpose to which this in-
OH di TT.IIIul-‘a’
eſ -
Mr. Sorby's spectrum eye-piece for the
rnicroscope, with arrangernerat for pro-
ducing two spectra for corn parison.
p. 370.
Upper part of a micro-spectroscope. A, A, a small tube attacled
to the side, with a puncture in the outer part. c., a lens focused
by the studs at M . The upper surface of the prism P, is at right
angles with tie walls of the tube. . From Nir Browning’s “How
to work with the Spectroscope. '
18. F. *...*
** -S.
^. &
* - sº
g º
The micro-spectroscope with the latest improvemenus of Mir Sorby and Mr. Browning. A tube contain in 2
prism B, milled bead for adjusting focus of eye-lens. C. milled head connected with screw for adjusting
the slit vertically Eſ, for alternug breadth of slit D, spring for holding sun all tube. E. for regulating slit of
G, tube which fits on to tile Incroscope.
second spectrum. F, position of field-lens of eye-piece
from Mir Blow mir:8 s “How to work with the Spectroscoge.”
[To face page 270.

strument is applied ; since it is sufficient to divide all the absorption
bands seen in coloured solids and liquids, and is not so great as to
spread them over too wide a space and make them very obscure, as is
the case when the dispersion is great. Since the light which passes
through the opening at (f) is not spread out over the same surface as
that which passes through the object-glass, it would be far too bright,
unless modified by means of a Small shutter, opening and shutting with
a screw. In each case this can be easily adjusted, so that the light
from the two sources is equal, or may be made to vary for some special
purpose. There is also a contrivance shown in fig. 2, which enables us
to limit the length of the slit ; so that when very small objects are ex-
amined, no light shall, pass except that which has come through them.
In using the spectroscope, a great deal depends on the slit being
made up of a proper width. If the light be strong, it is best to have
the slit only opened so much as to give a good clear spectrum, free
from the irregular shading, due to unavoidable irregularities in the slit
itself, which may be very conspicuous if the slit be very narrow. If day
light be employed, and it is only rather feeble, the slit should be made
wider, so as to admit more light ; but then, if made too wide, the colours
of the spectrum lap over one another, and become indefinite. Much,
however, should depend on the nature of the object under examination;
and, if it gives rise to very narrow absorption bands, the slit should be
made narrow in order to give good definition. As a general rule the
slit should be of such a width as to just indistinctly show the Frauen-
hofer lines, in day light. It is also important to properly adjust the
small slit under the side stage attached to the eye-piece. It should
generally be made of such a width that the two spectra are of equal
brilliancy, since otherwise the comparison would be inaccurate.
It is in all cases most important that no light should pass up the
microscope, that has not actually passed through the substance under
examination. If the object is small, unmodified light passes on each
side, and this is reflected from the front of the object-glass down on the
object and back again through the lenses without traversing its sub-
stance; and thus an entirely false spectrum may be obtained, especially
if the substance is dark coloured. This can easily be avoided by having
a tube to fit over the object-glass, see fig. 6, pl. LXVII, which has a stop
at the end with a hole in the centre (a), of such a width as not to limit
the field of the microscope, placed at such a distance as to be within
the focal length, so as to approach but not to touch the object when it
is in focus. For a 14-inch object-glass the opening should be about
* inch. Such a stop is also very useful in ordinary microscopical
observations, when it is desirable to have no reflected light, and shows
incomparably better the true colour of dark objects.
Recent improvements have been made by Mr. Sorby and Mr.
Browning, by which “every line or band in a spectrum when being mea-
sured is brought into the centre of the field of view. The jaws of the
slit open equally, so that whatever their width may be, the zero remains
unchanged. The micrometer is self-registering, and whole turns of the
micrometer screw, as well as fractional parts, can be read off at the same
time by inspection.” The improved micro-spectroscope may be used
for opaque as well as for transparent objects, and by its means, two
spectra can be compared at the same time with one lamp. Moreover,
the spectrum of the smallest object, or a particular part of any object
may be obtained without difficulty. The most minute quantity of blood,
adulterations of various kinds, and many substances in the fluids and
tissues of animals, and in the juices and soft parts of plants, can be
detected with certainty. The new micro-spectroscope is represented in
pl. LXVI, fig. 3. The instrument, with the latest improvements and
all the apparatus required, may be obtained of Mr. Browning, 63, Strand,
Having said so much with reference to the instrument, it will be
well to describe the manner of preparing and viewing the objects; and
this will be better understood if we first consider some of the general
principles involved in this branch of research.
3.19. Of Examining Objects in the Spectrum Microscope.—Having
properly arranged the instrument, if nothing intervenes to interfere with
the white light employed for illumination, of course a simple and con-
tinuous spectrum is seen, with all the colours from the extreme red to
the extreme blues and lavender; and, if a perfectly colourless and trans-
parent substance be placed in front of the object-glass, no effect what-
ever is produced, and thus so to speak, all Colourless bodies give the
same spectrum and cannot be distinguished by means of their spectra.
Coloured bodies are, however, those which are, as it were, black and
opaque for certain rays, not allowing them to pass forward as light, but
probably transforming them into heat or some other kind of force : and
on placing such a substance in front of the instrument its presence is
shown, not by the light which is still transmitted, but by that which it
cuts off. It is, therefore, more simple and accurate to take into con-
sideration the characters of the absorbed than of the transmitted rays,
and in fact, the whole subject of qualitative analysis by means of the
spectrum microscope, is founded on the relation between different sub-
stances and particular rays of the spectrum which they absorb, or so
alter that they no longer pass forward as light. Unfortunately, it is not
every substance which gives such a spectrum that its true nature can be
recognised at once, but many are of such a character that they could
not be confounded with any other yet known. These are those which
absorb the light in narrow and well-defined portions of the spectrum, so
as to give spectra with one or more definite black bands. The number,
Fig. 1. Fig. 3.
Red end. Blue ond.
A.—Indefinite spec-
trurn of many
pirak colours.
B.–I, ogwood, with
bicarbonate of
arn mornia.
C.—B r a zil wood,
with bicarbon.
ate of an Unonia,
L).–Fresh blood.
E —Aikanet root in
b'.–Deczidized bae-
m a t l n from
blood stain two
years old.
Micro-spectroscope made by Swift, after the Sorby and Browning Abs Brption bands produced by different
instrument. substivace S. p 273.
Cell for examining solutions by the spectrum
Emicroscope. Half the real size. p. 274.
Arrangement for altering the it ngth and
breadth of the spectrum. p. 270.
- *
Fig. 6.
º ºcy” *
£13. O.
A B C D E b F' 3.
Scale for measuring the exact position of the absorption baluds
$70 , t—
T, the to ſit over object Slass to p" event
re: de Liv L. of estralas ous 1...si. S. p -7 i
Glass tube for containml) & solutions for examinatic n
under the spectrum microsº obe Ealf theºre: size.
Q º
Wedge-shared cell, for examinir & solºtions in the p 274. e = *
spectrum microscope. p. 274. : : : .**
* • e - 9. Sº :
[To face pasd 252. .

position, width, and intensity of these absorption bands are the most
important data on which to form an opinion respecting the nature of
the substance under examination. It must not be thought that these
bands bear any relation to the elementary constituents of the substance
—they are merely related to it as a definite compound in a particular
physical condition, and may vary according to its state. For example,
they often vary for the same substance, when solid or in solution ; and
even according to the nature of the solvent, besides being greatly modi-
fied by the presence of free acids or alkalies.
Fig. 3, pl. LXVII, p. 272, gives a few spectra, to illustrate the general
subject. They are all of red or pink colours.
A is an indefinite spectrum, yielded by very many different sub-
stances, having a general absorption over the green, with no narrow
absorption band.
B is the spectrum of a solution of logwood in water, to which
bicarbonate of ammonia has been added, and C is the same in the case
of Brazil wood; and the difference between the two is shown by the
different position of a single well-defined absorption band.
D is the spectrum of fresh blood.
E is the spectrum of alkanet root in alum with a little alcohol.
F is the spectrum of deoxidized ammoniacal haematine.
These three show very well how closely related spectra may be
easily distinguished by the different position and relative width and
darkness of the bands.
Many coloured substances give spectra which do not enable us to
decide with confidence what they are. Perhaps some half dozen sub-
stances may be known which would give the same result, and this
spectrum may only serve to indicate to what group the colour belongs;
but even then, supposing it be a solution, the addition of some reagent
may at once show which particular substance is present. For example,
solutions of Magenta and Brazil wood both give a single well-defined
absorption band in the same position, in the upper part of the green,
but ammonia produces no change in Magenta, and great change in the
Brazil wood. Sulphate of soda then immediately makes the Magenta
colourless, but does not change the Brazil wood except by gradual
fading and decomposition. It is, however, extremely difficult to dis-
tinguish some substances, especially when mixed with other colours;
but still by suitable methods many can be recognised without difficulty
under most unpromising conditions. This, however, is more a question
for a treatise on qualitative analysis by means of the spectrum micro-
scope, than for one on the instrument itself and the manner of using
It must not be thought that an indefinite quantity of any substance
will give a characteristic result. If too little is present, nothing definite
2.74 How To work witH THE MICROSCOPE.
can be seen; and, if there is too much, the most characteristic parts of
the spectrum may be entirely obscured. For example, fresh blood
gives two remarkably well-defined absorption bands in the upper part of
the green; but, if too little is present, these bands are very faint, and,
if too much is present, all the light is absorbed, except the red and
orange, so that the bands cannot be seen at all. In every case a certain
amount of colour gives the best result; and though at first this may
appear difficult to arrange, yet after a little experience there is really no
difficulty, especially if we make use of such small cells as are shown in
pl. LXVII, fig. 4. These are cut from barometer tubes; and I find that
the most convenient sizes are 94 inch long, I-7th inch in internal, and some-
what under #4 inch in external, diameter. These are ground flat at each
end and attached with Canada balsam near one edge of a glass plate,
so that they may be examined either end-ways, by laying the plate flat
on the stage of the microscope, or side-ways, by leaning the glass
against the side of the object-glass. If then the colour is too deep in
the line of the length, the tube can be turned, so that it may be
examined side-ways, which, being equivalent to using 34th the quantity,
we can easily judge what amount would show the most perfect spectrum.
The cells should be either filled level, or covered with a piece of thin
glass. If the diameter of these cells be less than %th of an inch, it is
difficult to fill and empty them ; and, if much wider than 4th, the
liquid is apt to run out when they are turned over; but when of about
I-7th wide they are easily filled and not a drop of liquid is lost even when
they are turned upside down. Almost all kinds of testing can be
carried on in these cells, and they may be easily washed out by means
of a small stream of water blown out of an ordinary chemical wash-
bottle, pl. XXVI, p. Ioo, fig. 5. Solid or liquid reagents can easily be
added and stirred up by means of a moderately stout platinum wire,
flattened at one end, and turned up square like a small hoe. The great
advantage of these cells is that a very small quantity of material is
required (which is most important in some investigations); but for
some purposes ordinary test-tubes are very useful, and especially to
place on the stage attached to the eye-piece and compare with objects
on the stage of the microscope. These can be examined only at the
sides, and the colour must, therefore, be diluted so as to show the best
spectrum. Wedge-shaped cells like fig. 7, pl. LXVII, are also useful in
order to study the effects of different thicknesses of solutions. Colours
which do not materially change on keeping some time may be mounted
in tubes, see fig. 8, about 3%-inch in diameter and 3 inches long, sealed
up flat at the bottom, and drawn out Capillary at its top, leaving a small
opening through which the liquid may be introduced by means of an
air pump, and afterwards sealed up with the blow-pipe. Many mineral
salts can thus be kept for an indefinite period; and even many animal
and vegetable colours can be kept for a year or more always ready for
g 320. Examination of Blow-pipe Beads and Solutions in Cells.-
The coloured beads obtained by ordinary blow-pipe testing, can easily
be examined by the spectrum microscope; and in some cases, give very
satisfactory results. Some crystals also are excellent objects, and give
striking spectra. It is easy to select such as give the best result, or to
cut them wedge-shaped, and thus examine the effect of different thick-
nesses. Coloured glasses cut wedge-shaped are also very interesting,
and are useful to compare with blow-pipe beads; but for actual research,
no branch of the subject is so satisfactory, as the testing of minute
quantities of animal and vegetable substances in the small cells. This
includes the detection of blood-stains, which can be done with great
ease and certainty (“Quarterly Journal of Science,” vol. II, p. 198);
the detection of adulteration in drugs and other substances met with in
commerce; and the determination of the identity of, or the difference
between, the very numerous colouring matters met with in plants. In a
number of such practical questions, special methods may be employed
with advantage; but in examining an unknown colouring matter, it is
well to adopt a definite system, so as to be able to decide to what par-
ticular group it belongs. After a large number of experiments, I found
that it is easy to arrange them in divisions founded on their solubility in
water or alcohol. Thus—
Soluble in water and not precipitated by alcohol ... I
Soluble in water but precipitated by alcohol . . . 2
Insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol ... . . . 3
Insoluble in water and alcohol e tº º tº * * . . . 4
Then we may divide 1, 2, and 3, into groups, founded on the action of
sulphite of soda. The effect of this reagent is very remarkably related
to the spectra. If the absorption extends from the blue end con-
tinuously, it produces no change, but if there is a detached absorption
in the green or yellow separated from the blue end by a more trans-
parent space, the Sulphite in certain groups of colours removes this, and
leaves the absorption in the blue unchanged. In some colouring
matters this occurs in an ammoniacal solution, and these constitute my
group A. In others, no such change takes place unless the solution be
strongly acid, and these form my group B. This is usually quite
independent of decomposition, and the colour is restored by the
addition of ammonia. Those colours which are not immediately
altered when the solution is acid, constitute my group C. By these
reactions, mixtures of colours of the different groups can easily be
recognised ; and this alone may often be of great practical use. Then,
T 2
in order to divide these into sub-groups, I have recourse to the number
of distinct absorption bands, when the neutral colour is dissolved in
water or alcohol, or when ammonia is added to each. By this means
we obtain a large number of sub-groups, which are of great use in
practical researches. It would extend this account to an unreasonable
length, if I were to consider this part of the enquiry in full detail, and
I will therefore refer the reader for further information to my paper in
the “Proceedings of the Royal Society” (1867, vol. XV, p. 433) for
a complete account of the general method, and of those laws which
indicate the presence of one or more colouring matters in a solution.
Mr. Browning has recently introduced a series of dyes for spectro-
scopic examination upon a glass plate, which are most conveniently
arranged for observation. Twelve strips of dry gelatine, about a quarter
of an inch wide and three-quarters of an inch long, each of which is
imbued with a different dye, are placed upon a glass plate, which is
kept in a small morocco case. Two or more plates may be super-
posed, and thus several spectra in which the absorption bands appear
at the same time may be shown. Blow-pipe beads and crystals, various
solutions in tubes and in gelatine, and other specimens for micro-spectro-
scopic examination may be obtained of Mr. John Browning, 63, Strand,
London, who will forward complete lists of the series made by him to
any one who requests to be furnished with them.
321. Method of Measuring the Position of Absorption IBands.-In
order to measure the exact position of absorption bands, &c., seen in
spectra, I have contrived a small apparatus which gives an interference
spectrum, divided by black bands into 12 parts, all of equal optical
value. It is composed of two Nicol's prisms, with an intervening plate
of quartz, about to 43 inch thick, cut parallel to the principal axis of the
crystal, the thickness being so adjusted that the sodium line is exactly
at 3%, counting the bands from the red end towards the blue. I have
placed such standards in the hands of Mr. Browning and Messrs. Beck,
who have undertaken to prepare others like them.
The characters of this scale will be better understood from fig. 5,
pl. LXVII, p. 272.
In the spectrum microscope this spectrum is, as it were, in direct con-
tact with that under observation, and the position of any absorption band
can be easily measured to within rāgth part of the width of the whole
spectrum. Such a system of measurement enables us to adopt a method
by means of which spectra can be easily described in notes, or printed
by means of ordinary types. In order to express the intensity of absorp-
tion, I make use of the following Symbols:—
Not at all shaded Blank space.
Very slightly shaded . . . Dots with wide spaces:
Decidedly shaded . . . Dots closer together.
More shaded ... Very close dots.
a trace of colour is still
Strongly shaded, but so that
- - - Three hyphens close.
Still darker —- Single dash.
Nearly black — Double dash.
Except when specially requisite, only the symbols . . . - - - – are
employed for the sake of simplicity, and then as signs of the relative,
rather than of the absolute, amount of absorption; and it is assumed
that there is a gradual shading off from one tint to the other, unless the
contrary is expressed. This is done by means of a small vertical line
over the figure (see No. 11, p. 278) which shows that there is a well-
marked division between them. Definite narrow absorption bands are
indicated by * printed over their centre. This will be better understood
by a description of the spectrum of deoxidized haematin:-
s ‘E .3 re;
Šh i .8 ſº C
gº tº P- Q
cº rt; -> : G.)
4-4 g: 4—t cº d
O cº; {_* cº *=d
ere -C 5 rt; 5 -C,
&n QL)
". º $2 3 º 8
p: rt; C) t– C) 9
3– 2-, 3- -E 3– +:
cº 3– cº $2 cº ;4
w-i tº-st > *-4
O P- O O
, * $:
43 – 5 5}....6% 9 . . IO - - - II —
The following examples will show how simple or more complicated
spectra may thus readily be printed and compared. I have chosen
solutions of similar tint, in order to show that the spectra of those of
nearly the same colour may be very different, or, if analogous, may differ
in details, easily expressed by the symbols. The colour of each is given
after the name. Nos. 1, 8, 9, Io, I I, I2, and I3 can be kept for a long
time, sealed up in tubes, and the rest are easily prepared. In each case
the spectra are those seen with solutions of such a strength as gives the
most decided results, and shows the presence or absence of absorption
bands to the greatest advantage :-
Cudbear in alum. (*ink) 3. . . . . 8 II . —
* *...**ś} 4.-sa-3. 9... it --
3 *º a sº......s
4. tººth º: } } sits # . . . . . 7
The next four are spectra of blood, produced by the successive addi-
tion of the various reagents, as in detecting fresh stains:–
$ $
5. Fresh blood. (Pale Scarlet) 3% —4% 4#–5% 7 . . 8 - - 9–
6. Citric acid then added. $ sº tº gº - A - “-
(Aale Brown) Iš tº ſº gº 2} 4. * tº e 8 * : * * 9 IO
* $ g $
7. Ammonia then tºº 3# . . . 4; 44 . . . 5; 7... 8 - - - IO-
8. Deoxidized haematin, from §§ $: s is tº --
blood stain 2 yrs, old. (;} 44 – 5 5% . . . 68 9 . . Io II
With these may be compared the two spectra which more nearly
resemble those produced by blood than any I have yet seen —
$& $
9. Cochineal in alum. (Pink) 33–4} . . . 5% - - - 6% . . . 7%
IO. Alkanet root in alum. (Pink) 3'- 4% 5% . . . 5%
The following spectra of compounds derived from chlorophyll, are
as complicated as any I have met with —
II. Normal chlorophyll S& |
in alcohol. § – 23 - - - 3}.... 4% 6%. - - 7%—
(Deep Green)
I2. Ditto, as decom-
posed by acids, or $ §: $:
as found in some I—2% 23.1. 3#4% . . 5% -- 5* . . 63 - - - 7%. 8%. -- 9%—
(Olive Green)
I3. Ditto, as decom-
posed by caustic
potash, and then $: $: 3: $:
by hydrochloric X #—# Ił—I: 13–2} 4% - - - 5} . . . 9 - - Io-
(Red-Green, AVew-
tral Zºnt)
In many cases the position of the centre of the absorption bands is
very characteristic of the different substances, and we may easily express
their differences by writing the division, group, sub-group, and position
of the bands, in the following manner —
Purple pansy I,A,aqo ami (4).
Brazil wood I,C,aqi (5%).
Logwood I,C,aq. (4%).
These signify that the colour of the purple pansy is soluble in water
and not precipitated by alcohol—that sulphite of soda removes the
absorption band when added to the ammoniacal solution—that there is
no absorption band in the neutral solution, but that on adding ammonia
a single absorption band is developed, whose centre is at 4. In the
Case of Brazil wood and logwood, they signify that the colour is also
soluble in water and not precipitated by alcohol—that sulphite of soda
has no action on either an acid or alkaline solution—that in each there
is a single absorption band in the neutral aqueous solution, situated in
different positions in the two colours, as shown by B and C, fig. 3,
pl. LXVII, p. 272.
I trust that this brief description will show that in practical working
a great deal may be easily expressed by very simple symbols. We may
Soon decide to which group and sub-group any colour belongs; and, if
we had a table of various known colours, arranged according to these
principles, we might often soon ascertain its true nature. Of course
there are many points requiring special attention, which, as already re.
marked, more strictly belong to chemistry than to a work on the micro-
Scope; and therefore I have confined myself merely to an account of
Some of the leading principles involved in this method of qualitative
322. Substances giving well-marked Absorption Bands.-The fol-
lowing is a list of some objects, giving more or less well-marked absorp-
tion bands, which can easily be prepared for examination :-
Zo be examined at once, not keeping well when diluted.
Blood in water.
Magenta, in water or alcohol.
Mauve in alcohol.
Aniline blue in alcohol.
Brazil wood in water alone, and with bicarbonate of ammonia.
Logwood ditto ditto.
Blue Lobelia flowers in water.
Aeeping well for many months.
Deoxidized ammoniacal haematin in water.
Alkanet root in alcohol, with a little acetic acid.
Alkanet root in alum, with a little alcohol.
Colour of red Cineraria flowers in syrup.
Cochineal in water.
Cochineal in alum.
Chlorophyll in alcohol.
Chlorophyll in alcohol, with a little hydrochloric acid.
Reeping well, probably for an indefinitely long time.
Permanganate of potash in water, Sealed up in a tube of glass
which contains no lead.
Urano-uranic sulphate in water.
Chloride of cobalt in water.
Chloride of cobalt in a strong aqueous solution of chloride of
Chloride of cobalt in absolute alcohol.
Crystals of binoxalate of chromium and potash.
33 perchlorate of potash coloured with a little perman-
ganate of potash.
35 native phosphate of uranium.
2 3 acetate of uranium.
} } chloride of cobalt.
23 binoxalate of chromium and soda.
322a. on Colouring Matters of Plants.-Mr. H. B. Sorby has re-
cently studied the changes that occur in the colouring matters in
leaves and flowers of certain plants, and has pointed out the relation of
the changes in question and the action of light during their develop-
ment. When more developed under the influence of light, coloured
compounds are formed which are more and more easily decomposed
by the action of light and air. There seems to be some condition in
living plants which reverses the reactions. Mr. Sorby also found that in
the more rudimentary state of the leaves of the highest classes the
colouring matters correspond with those found in lower classes. In the
case of the petals of flowers the more rudimentary condition of the corn-
pounds is often found to correspond with those of some other variety,
and to be due to a naturally arrested development of a particular kind.
The greater prevalence of flowers of particular colours in tropical or
colder regions and at different elevations may perhaps be explained
upon these principles. Since the effect of the various rays of light is
different, it becomes a question of much interest to decide whether an
alteration in the character of the light of the Sun would produce a
somewhat different effect in the case of other classes of plants in which
the fundamental colouring matters differed ; whether, for example, light,
with a relative greater amount of the blue rays, might not be relatively
more favourable to the cryptogamia than to the flowering plants. So
far this is a mere theoretical deduction; but, if proved to be true by
experiment, it may at all events, assist in explaining the differences in
the character of the vegetation of Our globe at an early epoch, when
perhaps our sun was in a different physical state to that which now
exists, and the light, perhaps, more similar to that of Sirius and other
stars of the higher and bluer type.
322b. New Colouring Matter developed by Living Organisms, and
giving very peculiar spectrum Hands.-Mr. Sheppard (see letter to the
Rev. J. B. Reade, “Microscopical Journal,” July, 1867, p. 64) dis-
covered that a velvet like film found on stones lying beneath the surface
of water, containing oscillatoriae, confervoideae, and other forms, de-
veloped a bright red tint after it had remained for twenty-four hours
upon a piece of greasy paper. Upon further investigation it was dis-
covered that a portion of the film when mixed with white of egg, diluted
with a little water and left to stand for a night, gave rise to a solution
of the colour of magenta dye.
This remarkable colour is due to the action of some living organisms
upon the albumen which becomes less tenacious in consequence. The
colour is not developed when the vegetable organisms have become
stale. Moreover the colour disappears when decomposition of the
albuminous fluid takes place. The coloured albuminous solution was
dichroic. It appeared red by reflected, and blue by transmitted light.
This coloured albuminous fluid is the only blue fluid known to
Mr. Sorby which gives particular bands. Mr. Browning describes the
Spectrum as follows:–“Commencing at the least refrangible or red
end of the spectrum, we find it cuts pretty sharply a short piece of the
extreme red. Then we have a strong absorption band also in the red,
Corresponding to 2% of the twelve lines given by Sorby's standard in-
terference spectrum (pl. LXVII, p. 272, fig. 5). A second absorption
band in the green commences at line 4, and tones off gradually into the
spectrum just beyond line 5.”
The spectrum of the fluid viewed by reflected light was found by
Mr. Browning to be very different from the one by transmitted light just
described. “A much larger portion of the red end is absorbed, but
not so sharply. The strong band in the red is shifted towards the more
refrangible end of the spectrum, cutting out the edge of the red, some
of the Orange, and most of the yellow. The second absorption band is
wanting, but the greater part of the light of the spectrum is absorbed
from a point between the fourth and fifth lines, and all the light is
absorbed at the 7th. The part of the spectrum which should be yellow
has a strong tinge of olive green.”
Blue Fluid resulting from the Decomposition of a Species of Wodularia.
—Mr. G. Francis sent me from South Australia, in February, 1878,
a specimen of a beautiful blue colouring matter dissolved in water and
another in glycerine obtained by the decomposition of a confervoid
plant which had proved very fatal to cattle and sheep. The fluids
exhibit a very remarkable brownish red fluorescence, and give a broad
absorption band corresponding to the yellow and adjacent red portion
of the spectrum. Mr. Francis carefully investigated the matter and
reported to the Government as follows:–
“I have the honour to report having inspected Lake Alexandrina
with the object of ascertaining the nature of the bad state of the water,
its cause, and remedy, if any ; also effects on stock, &c. I find the
evil to arise from an enormous development of an Alga, of the Order of
Confervae, belonging to the genus Nodularia, floating free in the water,
without roots, and wafted hither and thither by the wind. This
Collects on the shores, forming the scum, acquiring consistence in
shallow places sufficient to be semi-solid; cast on shore it dries into
a green flake. I find this green scum when taken quite fresh to be
poisonous, having destroyed a sheep with it by drenching, proving that
the plant itself is deleterious, and that the poisoning arises from the plant,
but it is highly augmented by its being in a state of decay and during
hot weather. It is destroying sheep, horses, large cattle and dogs, also
many pigs and some fish. I consider it an epidemic like rust (red).
The plant is natural to and doubtless always exists in the Lake, but the
present low depth of water, with the high temperature, has caused an
abnormal production. Temperature of lake before this west wind set
in, on 1st instant, ranged from 76° on surface at Milang, 73° at bottom
same place, 72° Surface mid lake. During a gale, being at Wellington,
the river water there was 74°; at Beaumont during a gale, in lake it fell
to 68°, and at Milang to 64°. This state of things will doubtless last as
long as the lake is low and the temperature high, but if the temperature
should fall generally to below 65° I think the plant will die away. The
Rev. Mr. Berkeley, the cryptogamic botanist, says of Confervae, that
‘sometimes they abound to such an extent as to be extremely injurious,
the smell is often disagreeable, and extremely unwholesome.’ I made
enquiries respecting the health of the inhabitants as regards fever, ague,
and diarrhoea, but heard of no complaints, the people being afraid to
drink the water. As the stuff is blown about it does not collect in
large enough quantities on the shore to contaminate the air, except at
the immediate spot; this will I think prevent any sickness breaking out.
The animals when sickened by it are first observed to be heavy and
sluggish ; they then get quite stupid, and take no notice of the whip or
a kick, and if able to keep on their legs seem to forget themselves, and
wander about quite unconscious of their actions; finally they drop,
become convulsed, then weaken, and die calmly from sheer exhaustion
of vital powers. Death is caused by blood-poisoning, the vital fluid
being found to be black and uncoagulable throughout the whole body.
Large quantity of serum around heart, which was flaccid, but not pale
in colour; and in the abdominal cavity fully one and a half pints of
serum were found. Brain not congested in substance, but the covering
membrane very much so. The stuff must act as a ferment, and so dis-
organise the blood. It is totally and rapidly absorbed by the stomach
in preference to and before the other food, as in all instances none was
found in the stomach of the animals examined, not even in the sheep
drenched with one and a half pints as thick as custard or porridge. I
think there is but little hope of any medicine doing good, because the
animal is generally too far affected for there to be any chance of
recovery. The plant is confined to the two lakes and does not exist
either in the ocean or in the Murray River. That which appeared at sea
must have passed out by the Murray Mouth during a northerly wind.”
The plant is considered by Mr. Francis to be AWodularia spurnigera.
—Mert. Payen.
Spectrum Analysis, by Dr. H. Schellen, translated by Jane and
Caroline Lassell, edited with notes by W. Huggins, with 13 plates, in-
cluding Angström's and Kirchhoff's maps.
Lectures on Spectrum Analysis delivered before the Society of
Apothecaries, by Professor Roscoe.
The Spectroscope and its Work, by R. A. Proctor.
On Spectrum Analysis applied to the Microscope, by W. T. Suffolk.
An Index of Spectra, by W. Marshall Watts, with a preface by Pro-
fessor Roscoe.
The Spectroscope and its Applications, by J. Norman Lockyer.
How to Work with the Spectroscope, by John Browning,
Many improvements have been introduced in the method of taking
microscopical photographs, and far greater perfection in the results has
been obtained than was supposed to be possible some years ago. My
friend Dr. Maddox has continued his experimental investigations and
with Continually increasing success; and many observers in Germany
and France, as well as in America and in this country, have produced
beautiful photographs of various kinds of objects. Some of the most
perfect photographs of animal tissues I have ever seen were obtained by
Mr. Hugh Bowman in 1875–6.
Very remarkable progress in this department was made in America
in 1864. The authorities in the War IDepartment recognising at once
the high importance of photographic representations of microscopical
specimens have issued a series of reports in which will be found the
results of the researches of Brevet Lieut.-Colonel Dr. J. J. Woodward
and Brevet Major Dr. F. Curtis. These reports are admirable. The
drawings are beautifully executed, the paper well adapted for them, and
the printing excellent, contrasting remarkably in all these points with the
rough looking Blue Books issued under the authority of our Government.
It seems to me very hard that British statesmen do not more dis-
tinctly announce that they fully appreciate the high importance of
purely scientific investigation than has been the custom hitherto. Our
Government clearly ought to take a very active part in advancing new
methods of enquiry, particularly in connection with naval and military
medicine and surgery. In the medical department of our army there
are to my knowledge scientific men as able and as willing to devote
themselves to scientific work as any in the world, but they have little
opportunity, and little encouragement seems to be afforded by the high
military authorities.
I append an extract from p. 149, Circular No. 6, Nov. 1865, War
Department, Surgeon-General's Office, Washington, and hope that per-
chance it may be brought under the notice of some of those who alone
have power to forward or obstruct scientific progress in the departments
under Government control.”
“With low powers no serious obstacle was encountered in obtaining
excellent photographs of properly selected preparations. The higher
powers offered difficulties most of which however have been overcome,
In experimenting with the higher powers, the lined diatomaceae were
selected as test objects on account of their definite and well-known
structure. With these the utmost success has been realised. A
photograph of Gyrosigma angulatum (Navicula angulata) has been
obtained, for example, magnified about 7,ooo diameters in which the
hexagons appear of the same size and nearly as distinct as in the cut,
which was made by transferring to wood a tracing from the original
photograph. In fact, any of the markings on the diatoms that are
visible with the microscope can be photographed with the utmost
clearness and ease, and the time has arrived when the inability to pho
tograph alleged markings will throw doubts on the correctness of the
observers who have supposed they saw them. The plan employed in
the photographic work hitherto executed with high powers is as follows:
The direct rays of the sun reflected in a constant direction from the
mirror of a Silbermann's heliostat (lent for the purpose by the Coast
Survey), are condensed by a large lens upon the plane mirror of the
microscope, whence they are reflected through the achromatic condenser
in the usual way. Before reaching the achromatic condenser, how-
ever, the rays pass through a cell containing a solution of the ammonio-
sulphate of copper of sufficient density to absorb nearly all the rays
except those at the violet end of the spectrum. The light used, there-
fore, is essentially monochromatic, and contains, with enough illumina-
tion for agreeable vision, the greater part of the actinic force of the
sun's rays. The heating rays being chiefly at the other extremity of
the spectrum are of course excluded and great actinic force is obtained,
therefore, without any danger to the preparations, or the balsam used
for cementing the object-glasses. The object-glass employed in the
photograph of Gyrosigma above alluded to was a one-eighth of an inch,
by W. Wales and Co., of Fort Lee, New Jersey. This glass is so con
structed as to bring the actinic rays to a focus. At the bottom of the
draw tube was placed an achromatic concave lens—the amplifier of
Tolles (of Boston, Mass.), and an ordinary medium eye-piece com-
* I believe that it would be most difficult, if not actually impossible for our Go-
vernment at this time to issue a report of the character of that from which the extract
is taken, supposing that the actual work had been done by private persons and placed
at the disposal of the State. The paper of our Blue Books is too coarse, and the
printing too rough for scientific memoirs. Let the reader, for example, compare the
plates accompanying my report on the Cattle Plague, which were printed by Govern-
ment, with those in the present work. The contrast between the text of Government
and private works is still more striking.
pleted the optical apparatus. The eye-piece extremity of the micro-
scope was thrust into one end of a long camera-box, the connection
made light-tight by means of a black silk hood, and the image received
on a piece of plate-glass, observed by means of a focussing glass, while
the focal adjustments were made. As with the very long camera used,
the arm of the observer cannot reach the milled head of the fine ad-
justment of the microscope, this head was grooved, and connected by a
band with grooved wheel at the end of a long steel rod, the other
extremity of which is near the observer, who, by means of it, can focus
accurately with any required length of camera. There is nothing
peculiar in the chemicals employed, and with ordinary collodion, and
the high power above spoken of, from thirty to forty seconds' exposure
was quite sufficient. On the foregoing devices most importance is to
be attached to the employment of monochromatic light (the violet end
of the spectrum), and the use of an object-glass constructed with special
reference to the actinic rays. Both these points were suggested to me
by Mr. L. W. Rutherfurd, of New York, so well known by his connec-
tion with telescopic photography, who has thought much, and made
many satisfactory experiments in this direction. I believe, however,
that the apparatus as above described, loses some of its advantages by
the use of the eye-piece, which I propose to substitute by a lens of
proper magnifying power, corrected, like the object-glass, in such a way
as to bring to a focus the actinic rays. Such a lens is now 'in process
of construction for further experiment. The pathological photographs
hitherto satisfactorily executed in the Museum have chiefly been made
with moderate magnifying powers, twelve to fifty diameters, though
some experiments with high powers justify me in the belief that with the
improvements above described, all that is desired in this direction can
be attained. Among these experiments I may particularly mention a
view magnified about four hundred diameters, of the polygonal cells and
flat cholesterin tables of a cholesteatoma, which was found on the inner
surface of the frontal bone of a soldier who died of epilepsy in the
neighbourhood of Washington.” Such an extract is enough to show the
activity and usefulness of the department by which it is issued, and is
in the highest degree creditable to those who performed the work, and
to the Government which Sanctioned and encouraged its prosecution.
323. History of the Application of Photography to the Micro-
scope.*—Wedgewood and Sir Humphry Davy published, in 1802,
experiments which must have been made some years previously, as
Wedgewood died several years before this date. They obtained photo-
micrographic impressions on paper and leather, but these they were
* Many of the sections which follow have been carefully revised by Dr. A.
Clifford Mercer, of Syracuse, N. Y., who has kindly added much new matter of
great importance.
unable to render permanent. These are believed to be, at the same
time, the first experiments in photography and photo-micrography.
(John Towler, M.D., in his “Silver Sunbeam;” Captain Abney, in “A
Treatise on Photography,” p. 2.) Mr. Dancer, about 1840, produced
photographs of microscopic objects by the gas microscope, the images
being taken upon silvered plates; also images of sections of wood,
fossils, &c., were reproduced on paper and glass plates by means of
the solar microscope. In 1841, Mr. Richard Hodgson obtained excel-
lent daguerreotypes of microscopic objects. The Rev. J. B. Reade
and the Rev. C. Kingsley and Mr. Talbot were early authorities in the
employment of photography in connection with microscope observation.
The Rev. J. B. Reade, then living at Peckham, as early as 1837
obtained and fixed photographs on paper, washed with silver nitrate
and an infusion of galls. He succeeded by means of the solar micro-
scope in photographing entomological specimens and sections of vege-
table tissues. Two years later, in 1839, Mr. Reade exhibited more
perfect results at a soirée given by the Marquis of Northampton, the
President of the Royal Society. In the same year, it appears that
some of his photo-micrographs were offered for sale at a bazaar at Leeds.
(See a review in the “Medico-Chirurgical Review,” July, 1864.) Dr.
Donné, of Paris, in 1840, presented to the Academy of Sciences copies
of various microscopic objects on daguerreotype plates. Moitessier,
in his “La Photographie appliquée aux recherches Micrographiques,”
remarks:–“ En 1845, ce Savant (M. Donné) publiait, avec M. Léon
Foucault, un magnifique atlas relatif a l'étude des fluids de l'économie,
et contenant un grand nombre de figures gravées d'aprés des images
In October, 1852, a paper by Mr. Joseph Delves was presented to
the Microscopical Society of London, and in the following number of
the “Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,” some beautiful
specimens of prints from Mr. Delves' collodion negatives were issued by
the then publisher, Mr. Highley. This was one of the earliest publica-
tions in this country with photographic illustrations of microscopic
specimens. Subsequently many workers appeared, among whom may
be mentioned the following :-Highley, Shadbolt, Dr. Hugh Diamond,
and Mr. Archer (1851), Busk, Hodgson, Durham, Maddox, Howlett,
Bockett, Pollock, Wenham, Kingsley, Traer, Weightman, Davies, Parry,
Wilson, Abercrombie, Taylor, Sanders, Viles, Herapath, Legg, Bowman ;
and in India, Gayer, Eddowes, and others. In France may be men-
tioned the names of Donné, Foucault, Nachet, Dubosq, Bertsch, Moi-
tessier, Verroquier, Girard, Duchenne, Rouget, Lackerbaumer, Ravet.
In Germany, Gerlach, Albert, Mayer, Kolman, Helwig, Reichardt,
Stürenberg, Pohl, Weselsky, and Siebert, have illustrated memoirs with
photographic plates. In Italy, Castracane. In Belgium, Neyt. In
the United States, Rood, Draper, Towler, Crehore, Dean, Rutherford,
Woodward, Curtis, Seiler, Ward, Kempster, Deecke, Mercer.
Sir D. Brewster, in his article Microscope, “Encyclopædia Bri.
tannica,” last edition, speaks very highly of some photomicrographs
exhibited at the Academy of Sciences, Paris, in 1857, by M. Bertsch,
the focal length of the objective used being half a millimetre. The
objects, a diatom from guano magnified 5oo diam. ; two specimens of
navicula, one x 8oo, the other × 5oo, the field being rendered nearly
dark by oblique illumination ; human blood globules × 5oo ; and two
pictures of salicine, taken by polarized light. M. Hartnach, Sir D.
Brewster says, has constructed a complete instrument for M. Bertsch,
the range being from 50 to I, ooo diameters, and from 50 to I5o
diameters for opaque objects. The extreme detail, beauty of texture,
and sharp delineation of the objects in the prints from Mr. Delves'
negatives marked a very important step.
The frontispiece to former editions of this work was obtained by
Dr. Maddox in the following manner, as described in a note to me —
“Prints selected from some of my negatives, representing objects mag-
nified in various degrees, varying from the I }% inch objective to the
1-12th, were placed on a card in such a manner as to try to balance
each other in their effects, and such size of Card adopted that when
reduced one-half, it might correspond with the dimensions chosen by
yourself for the plate. The card of prints being placed at the requisite
distance, a Ross' 15-inch focus landscape lens was used to obtain the
negative copies.
“To render the minutest line, especially in the Pleurosigma angula-
tum, well evident in the negative, it was necessary not to carry the
development or intensifying process too far, or the lines became filled up
and much obscured, hence the interspaces between the figures allowed
a little light to pass; as this seemed detrimental and rendered the
figures less effective in appearance, these parts have been painted out.
“The illustrations were photographed with the objective stated in
the ‘explanation.’ The I-12th objective was made by Mr. Wenham,
and through his liberality placed at my service.”
Many of these photographs require a magnifying glass to bring out
their detail. My friend Dr. Dean, of Boston, U.S., sent me some very
perfect photographs of sections of the medulla oblongata, taken with low
magnifying powers. These are by far the most perfect photographic illus-
trations of structures from the higher animals that I have seen. (“The
Grey Substance of the Medulla Oblongata and Trapezium,” by John
Dean, M.D., Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 173. Washing-
ton, 1864.) These photographs were also successfully printed by
photolithography. Dr. Duchenne, of Boulogne, also obtained some
very successful results with anatomical structures, and M. Rouget has
employed the same means in the ordinary way and stereoscopically, to
illustrate some of his views on minute structure. In 1865, Dr. A.
Helwig, of Mayence, published his work “On the Crystalline Forms of
Alkaloids, and their Sublimates,” &c., illustrated by a large number of
photomicrographs. Dr. Moitessier has also adorned his book on pho-
tomicrography, “La Photographie Appliquée aux Recherches Micro-
graphiques, 1866,” with three photograph plates of various objects.
Dr. Draper, of America, employed for many of the plates in his
work “On Anatomy and Physiology,” woodcuts from photographs of
the microscopic objects, and Dr. Herapath, of Bristol, adopted a similar
method for his paper on the Spicules and Plates of Synapta, published
in the “Quarterly Journal Microscopical Science.” Photography has
been used by Dr. Maddox to illustrate a paper presented to the Royal
Society, June, 1867; the photographs being made from an aquatic
Larva whilst living.
Many anatomical specimens, however, cannot be copied by photo-
graphy, especially if they be very thick. The yellow colour of the
tissue in most instances precludes the possibility of making a photo-
graph of it, as the transmission of the light is so much interfered with ;
and this is an especial objection in the case of injections viewed as
transparent objects, for the tissue intervening between the vessels is
often so yellow that these intervals in the photograph become as dark
as the vessels themselves. My friend Dr. Julius Pollock nevertheless
succeeded many years since in obtaining some very tolerable copies of
injections of the distribution of the ducts in the liver. And Dr. Maddox
and Mr. Hugh Bowman have been still more successful,
When only few copies of a work are required, the researches may be
very cheaply illustrated by taking photographs of drawings. A large
drawing of the object must first be made in the manner described in
p. 33. From this a negative reduced to the proper size is taken, from
which any number of copies may be obtained. In this manner I have
illustrated my memoir on the Anatomy of the Liver, with upwards of
sixty illustrations (“The Anatomy of the Liver,” 1856). The results
were not so satisfactory as they might have been, but as all the prints
were prepared at home with very limited appliances, very good prints
could not be looked for. When many copies of a work are likely to be
required, this mode of illustration is not applicable, as the original
cost of engraving would soon be covered; but when only a few copies
of a great number of drawings are wanted, this plan possesses decided ad-
From the improvements in the Albertype, Woodburytype, photo-
lithographic, and other similar processes, there seems every chance that
the cost of illustration will be materially lessened. Dr. Woodward has
employed some of these processes, and Dr. Seyler has, by one of them,
illustrated his work, “Micro-Photographs in Histology, Normal and
Pathological.” (Macmillan and Co.) The prints are, however, photo-
micrographs, and not micro-photographs.
Two methods of arranging the instruments and apparatus have been
devised :-
In the first, the ordinary compound microscope is placed horizon-
tally in connection with an ordinary camera by inserting the eye-piece
end (the eye-piece being removed) into the brass setting of a well-made
portrait combination (the lenses having been removed), and the aperture
around the body of the microscope perfectly closed by any simple
method, as a card cap or cone of black cloth or velvet attached to
both. -
In the second, the Ordinary microscope is dispensed with, the ob-
jective, stage, and mirror being adapted to the front of a well-made
camera in the place of the usual combination; proper arrangements
being made for holding the object, supporting the mirror, and adjusting
the different special parts. The pocket microscope described in p. 17,
may be adapted to the camera.
324. Camera with object-Glasses and stage adapted to it.—The
apparatus used by Mr. Delves was brought before the public by
Mr. Highley, and very much improved by him. This form of apparatus
attracted considerable attention at the International Exhibition, 1862.
M. Duboscq also exhibited this arrangement. It seems to meet most
requirements for moderate distances, but demands especial outlay.
Mr. Highley has lately introduced further improvements, which make
his apparatus still more perfect. See pl. LXVIII, fig. 2.
325. Mr. Wenham's Arrangements without a Camera.-Mr. Wenham
dispenses with the use of the Ordinary camera, and yet attains an
equally good result. He recommends that a room be selected having a
window or aperture with free access to sunlight. This is to be closed by
a shutter having a hole about 3 inches in diameter; upon the outside
of this aperture is arranged a solar reflector or plane mirror, in such a
manner as to be capable of being worked round its centre at the
necessary angle, on the outside, by passing the hand through another
hole in the shutter to the margin of which a flexible sleeve is attached.
The microscope body is arranged horizontally on a table or bench, so
that its axis corresponds to the centre of the aperture. The stage with
the object slide clamped on it in proper position, is placed near this
aperture on the inside, the light around the stage being shut off by a
piece of black cloth. On the bench a vertical stand, consisting of a
board with a heavy base, is placed at any desirable distance from the
\ l \ \ º
\ \ \\\\\\\
Flg. 2.
gº º- 3. ... sº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: i.
=#:Eºsº - T. T. -
ſill|||||||||||||llſ||||||||||||||||||||||, . 2 cºy
##############| *
gº-º-ºxº ºr
Stage mirror condenser with adjustment to fit on the end of the above camera (Fig. 1).
Mr. Eiighley, p 390.
Fig. 3.
Another arrangement showing the object Slass, staše, fine adjustment, &c. with mirror
and condenser, Mr. Highley. p. 290,
C pase 29).

eye-end of the microscope; this board is supplied with two “under-cut
fillets” to hold the sensitised plate when ready. The mirror is first
properly arranged so as to throw an equal illumination on the vertical
frame-board, a card being previously placed in the exact plane to be
occupied by the prepared plate. The image is now focussed on the
Card. If the operation of exciting the plate is to be performed in the
same room, sufficient light for the purpose is admitted through a small
pane of yellow orange non-actinic glass let into the top part of the shutter.
When ready the card is removed and placed against the open end of
the microscope tube, so as to cut off all light through it ; the plate is
drained and placed on the vertical frame, the card quickly lifted and
replaced against the end of the tube in periods, varying, according to
the time of exposure necessary, from part of a second to half a minute.
The time required will vary according to the quality of the light, the
sensibility to it of the collodion or other material used, and the facility
with which the actinic rays pass through the object.
Mr. Wenham enumerates, several advantages gained by this method.
The length of base-board is limited only by the dimensions of the room.
The ease with which any object can be included in a definite space.
Facility in focussing. A means of so placing the Card or sensitised
plate at any angle to the axis of the microscope SO,that the surface may
be made parallel to objects lying a little out of one plane. By having
a series of paper stops at hand, parts situated in planes, slightly removed
from each other, can be focussed and impressed alternately. While
the first part is being impressed, the other part is stopped off; this is
then stopped off, the other part focussed and its image allowed to fall
in its turn on the unaffected portion of the prepared plate. Again, the
thicker and thinner parts of the same object may be exposed for
different periods of time, by which a uniform intensity may be obtained
in spite of the variable transparency of different parts,
For the low powers the plane mirror, but for the W4-inch objective
and higher powers some form of condenser is used, as a bull's-eye lens,
about 3 inches diameter. But for the finer forms of objects, as diatoms,
the bull's-eye lens is to be combined with a condenser of the form pro-
posed by Dr. Woodward in April, 1861, for his binocular microscope.
This consists of a set of three plano-Convex lenses varying in diameter
from about 1% inch to 9% an inch, placed near to each other with their
flat surfaces towards the object. These combined possess a very large
angle of aperture. The small lens being made separable from the
others, a large field of illumination could be obtained for the lower
326. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Dr. Woodward’s Method.-This
will be a suitable place to introduce the plan adopted by Lieutenant-
Colonel Dr. Woodward, at the Army Medical Museum, U.S., reprinted
U 2
in the British Journal of Photography for October 12, 1866. “A
camera is not used, a dark room being found most convenient. The
operating room has two windows, through one of which just enough
yellow light is admitted to permit the movements of the operator. The
lower part of the other window is occupied by a shutter about fourteen
inches high, on which the blackened sash shuts down light-tight. In
this shutter is a round hole an inch and a-half in diameter, from the
inner side of which a brass tube of the same diameter projects into the
room. On the outer side of the hole is a rod about twelve inches long,
on the extremity of which the microscope mirror is duly centered. Two
steel rods attached by hooks in the mirror and passed through the
shutter, permit its position to be adjusted by a person standing inside
of the room, without opening the window. A Silbermann's heliostat
standing on a shelf just outside of the window, throws the sunlight
steadily upon the mirror. Within the room a frame of walnut, ten feet
long, is placed on a firm table perpendicular to the window. The
microscope stands on the end of this frame next the window ; its
mirror is removed, being replaced by that outside the shutter. The
microscope is placed in a horizontal position, and the tube carrying
the diaphragm or the achromatic condenser fits into the tube projecting
inward from the shutter, by which the sun's light reflected from the
mirror outside is admitted. A black velvet hood covers the parts about
the stage and objective of the microscope, and thus prevents the leakage
of light into the room. Pl. LXIX.
“The plate-holder is movable backward and forward on the walnut
frame on which the microscope stands, its maximum distance from the
stage of the microscope being nearly nine feet.
“To permit ready focussing at distances greater than the length of
the arm, a wooden rod three-fourths of an inch in diameter and capable
of easy rotation runs the whole length of the right side of the frame.
The milled head of the fine adjustment of the microscope is grooved,
and a grooved wheel in the end of the rod permits the two to be con-
nected with a band. The operator standing at any part of the frame
can therefore manipulate the fine adjustment by simply turning the
wooden rod in his fingers. The arrangements of light, position of
object, coarse adjustment, &c., are made by the operator, who stands
by the microscope, which has a suitable eye-piece adjusted, and ob-
serves the object in the usual way; afterwards removing the eye-piece
and going to the plate-holder, the final focus is made by means of the
wooden rod, the image being viewed with a focussing glass on a piece
of plate-glass held in the same frame which is to receive the sensitive
“The cell containing the ammonio-Sulphate of copper hangs out-
side the shutter over the hole by which the light is admitted. It not
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Only excludes the unnecessary illuminating rays, but prevents danger to
the objective from the concentrated solar heat, and permits the eye of
the operator to view the objects about to be copied without fatigue or
injury. Latterly a plate of alum has also been used to exclude solar
heat, especially during any temporary removal of the ammonio-sulphate
cell. The chemical processes employed are well known to all photo-
graphers. With the above apparatus, it has been found that the best
defined pictures are obtained when the distance employed with any
objective does not exceed three or four feet.
“The achromatic concave used as a substitute for the eye-piece, is a
Combination of somewhat more than half an inch transverse diameter,
and about 28° angle, constructed like the objective to focus the chemical
rays. It increases the magnifying powers of the objective about seven
times. It has been found to perform well with both the 96th and
4-1 oth.
“In photographing the soft tissues or other objects in which illumi-
nation with parallel rays produces interference lines, the ground glass is
to be placed between the mirror and condenser. Of course there is
considerable diminution of light, but this can be overcome for the
higher powers by condensing the Sun's light on the ground glass by a
bull's-eye, or other similar contrivance. If the interference lines as
seen by the eye do not disappear with one thickness of ground glass,
two or more may be used.”
Dr. Woodward, in the same article lays down the following
“I. To use objectives so corrected as to bring the actinic rays to a
focus. 2. To illuminate by direct sunlight passed through a solution of
ammonio-sulphate of Copper, which excludes practically all but the
actinic extremity of the spectrum. 3. Where it is desired to increase
the power of any objective, to use a properly constructed achromatic
concave instead of an eye-piece. 4. To focus on plate-glass with a
focussing glass instead of on ground glass. 5. With high powers to
use a heliostat to preserve steady illumination. 6. Where an object
exhibits interference phenomena when illuminated with parallel rays,
as is the case with certain diatoms and many of the soft tissues, to
produce a proper diffusion of the rays by interposition of one or more
plates of ground glass in the illuminating pencil.”
Dr. Woodward sent me photographs of a part of a frustule of
Pleurosigma angulatum taken by him. The original negatives were
obtained in the one case by Messrs. Powell and Lealand's I-50th, and
magnified to 2,344 diameters; in the other case, by a ¥6th, made by
Mr. Wales, of Fort Lee, New Jersey, and used with his achromatic
concave magnified to 2,540 diameters. Both of these negatives were
afterwards employed to procure positives, and from these, by one en-
largement, the enormous magnitude of 19,050 diameters was obtained.
The former gave, if anything, rather the sharpest picture, especially in
the centre, the latter the flattest field with most excellent definition.
These negatives were taken on collodion prepared plates, and the
exposure given was seven minutes. They are convincing as to the excel-
lence of the plan adopted, and the skill and patience of the operators,
Drs. Woodward and Curtis. It remains to be seen whether by adopt-
ing other plans we may not get rid of some of the expensive parts of
the apparatus, namely, the heliostat, and Dr. Maddox made some experi-
ments in this direction, by means of a solar microscope. He found
that an ordinary collodion sensitised plate, required an exposure of
from 90 to I Io seconds strong sunlight in December and 70 seconds in
May, Pleurosigma formosum being the object in the first case,
Pleurosigma angulatum in the second. The magnifying power was
2,500 diameters. The 36th object-glass was used with an achromatic
Concave, a large plane silvered mirror, a 3%-inch diameter and
8%-inch focus condenser, and a single pair of plano-convex condensers
with a large central stop. Dr. Maddox considers that the lengthened
exposure was due to the fact that the 96th was made with four sets of
lenses, the front being a single lens. With an excellent 96th with
three sets of lenses and an achromatic concave, made for him by
Mr. W. Wales, of Fort Lee, New Jersey, U.S., especially for photo-
graphic purposes, the time of exposure was rather less ; and with a
triple condenser Dr. Maddox found that in June, 35 seconds were
sufficient for Pleurosigma angulatum magnified 3,000 diameters, the
ammonio-Sulphate of copper cell being used. From a short experi-
ence with this instrument, both with and without the ammonio-sulphate
of Copper cell, he thinks a prism either according to the plan used in
his smaller camera arrangement, or as adopted by M. Neyt and Count
Castracane, preferable to a mirror for illumination with the high powers.
To adapt this objective to ordinary use, Mr. Wales supplies a separate
back set of lenses to replace the photographic set, which answers well,
the workmanship in the construction of the mount being most perfect.
Dr. Woodward’s Improved Arrangements for taking Photographs
of Microscopic objects.-The description of a more perfect and con-
venient plan than the one originally adopted by Dr. Woodward, at
the Laboratory of the Army Medical Museum, Washington, U.S., is
given below.
“For the sake of convenience a camera box and table are dispensed
with, and the operating room having a window facing to the south, is
itself converted into a camera by wooden shutters on the inside of the
window, sufficient non-actinic light to enable the operator to move
about freely being admitted through yellow panes in a sashed door. A
Small yellow pane is also let into one of the window shutters to enable
the operator to watch the sky during an exposure and see when clouds
are about to obscure the sun. The microscope with its body in a
horizontal position, stands on a shelf, on the inner window sill, its feet
fitting into brass sleets to insure accuracy of position, pl. LXX, fig. 4.
Covering the portion of the window towards which the microscope
points is a stout immovable shutter, having a square opening to receive
a movable piece which fits into it with a rebate, and is held in a posi-
tion by four wooden buttons. An aperture is cut in this movable
shutter (see fig. 1) of the same diameter as the short body of the micro-
Scope, and in a direct line with it ; a light-tight connection is made
between the two by a sliding brass tube (b) fitted to the shutter. This
aperture can be opened and closed at will, to make the exposures, by a
brass plate (c) playing over the outer face of the shutter on a pivot,
which, passing through the shutter, is worked by a handle (d) from
within the room.
“This brass plate is sunk into a shallow space cut in the shutter so
as not to project beyond its surface. Over the plate and covering the
aperture is fastened the glass cell (e) containing the blue copper solu-
tion. Immediately below the edge of this cell a piece of brass tubing
(f) thirteen inches long, is screwed to the shutter, carrying at its
extremity the microscope mirror (g), accurately centered opposite the
aperture in the shutter. This mirror is adjustable from within the room
by means of two steel rods (hh) attached to its framework by ball and
socket joints, and projecting into the room through small holes in the
shutter. One of these rods moves the mirror upon its vertical, the
other upon its horizontal axis. The heliostat stands on an iron shelf,
outside the window, in such a position that its mirror is a few inches
only distant from the microscope mirror and in a north-westerly direction
from it, fig. 4, a.
“The frame for the plate-holder, instead of standing upon a table, is
supported upon a narrow walnut car, running upon an iron track ten
feet long, laid upon the floor at right angles to the plane of the window
(see fig. 4). This car consists essentially of a base made of four pieces
of wood joined together so as to leave an opening in the centre eight
inches square, and two stout uprights, connected by a cross piece, which
rise from the side pieces of this base and have a V-shaped way cut on
their inner faces to receive the sliding sides of the top of the car. This
top can thus be adjusted to any height, and clamped in position by
wooden binding screws, so that negative plates of different sizes may
be used if desired, and centered to the axis of the microscope body.
The track (see fig. 2) consists of two wooden rails (cc) an inch high,
screwed to the floor, upon which in turn are screwed flat iron rails (bb)
whose inner edges project half an inch beyond the wooden rails. These
iron rails are cast with a A-shaped projection on their upper faces, and
296 How To work witH THE MICROSCOPE.
the base of the car is furnished with small brass wheels (aa) corre-
spondingly grooved to run on these projections. The car can be firmly
fixed upon the track at any position by the following means. Through
a hole in the centre of the cross piece (d) connecting the sides of the
car, runs a vertical iron rod (e) supporting at its lower extremity a cast
cross iron piece with flat ends (f), which hangs transversely to the direc-
tion of the track through the central openings in the base of the car.
The ends of this cross piece reach under the projecting inner edges of
the flat iron rails (bö) and are made to clamp against their under
surfaces by a nut with handles (g), screwing on the upper part of the
iron rod, and binding on an iron washer on the wooden cross piece (a)
through which the rod runs. The car can thus be fixed upon the track
at any distance from the microscope within ten feet, and the distance that
the surface of the negative is from the stage of the microscope in any
given position is determined by a scale of feet laid off upon the floor
close to one of the rails, and a scale of inches on the side of the base of
the car (see fig. 4).
“To obtain the final focus of the image upon the plate in the plate-
holder, the following Contrivance is used (see fig. 3). A perfectly
straight cylindrical iron shaft (a), runs the entire length of the track,
midway between the two rails, and at such a height as just to clear a
groove on the under surface of the base of the car. This shaft has
a shallow square groove cut in it along its entire length, and is sup-
ported at each extremity by brass bearings attached to the floor, in
which it turns freely. To the posterior cross piece of the base of the
car is fastened a bent brass bearing (), projecting into the square
opening in the base of the car and supporting two bevel gear wheels (c)
working into each other. The upper and horizontal one of these wheels
is turned by a vertical iron rod (d) attached to it, which is furnished
at its upper extremity with a large milled head (e) and is supported by
a collar (f) attached to the cross piece connecting the sides of the car.
The lower and vertical wheel is pierced to allow the passage of the
long shaft (a), and from the surface of the bore a small square iron
tongue projects, exactly fitting the longitudinal groove in the shaft.
By this means, no matter what may be the position of the car upon
the track, the operator can rotate the shaft (a) through the pressure of
this tongue upon the sides of the groove, by turning the milled head
(e) connected with the bevel wheels. At the same time the car can
be moved freely over the track, the iron tongue running smoothly to
and fro in the grooves of the shaft. This long shaft (a) is made to
turn the fine adjustment wheel of the microscope by the following
means (see fig. 4). Attached to the edge of the shelf, upon which the
microscope stands is a short iron axle parallel to the grooved shaft
below, which turns freely in two flat brass bearings, and supports two
Section of moveable shutter with apparatus attached a. shutter; b, sliding brass tube to join the short body of
the microscope ; c. brass plate to close the aperture in the shutter; d, handle to work the same from within the
room ; e, gllss cell containing the b:ue copper solution f, brass tube carrying the microscope mirror, g, mirror ;
h h, steel rods to adjust the mirror from withiu the room, p. 295
Fig. 3.
Fig. 2. 5
Transverse section of car and track, to show the - * *
rails and the apparatus for clamping the car to the
same. a a, small brass Wheels grooved ; b b, flat
iron rails with a A-shaped projection to fit the groove
into the wheels ; c. c, wooden rails ; d, cross-piece
connecting the sides of the car; e, vertical iron r, d
passing through the same : f. cast iron cross-piece
* **ś. ...*.*.*.* ºr º: ... º.º. oº
Longitudinal section of posterior half of car, to
the apparatus tor obtaining the focus of the image.
a, grooved iron shaft running the whole length of
the track and passing under the car; b, bent brass
bearing, supporting two bevelled gear wheels ; c.;
bevelled gear wheels , d, vertical iron rod attached
extremity of the same : f. collar to support the
iron rod
..~ >ſº - === *
ºp=s \!. ºn. º ===s
• * * - t o S - - exº~.
~~ §§ | a- * *...S SS-
- -= - * ***. S.
* -ss- E=- • - ~- s
~ –= ---- /22 /~s NS - s
General arrangement of Dr. Woodward's apparatus for taking photographs of microscopic objeats
as seen in the room. The belios tat is seen outside the window, a The mechanism of the severals
parts is shown in Figs. 1, 2, 3. p. 297.
Iro fºg.

wheels. One of these, a small brass wheel, is grooved and connected
by a silk thread, removable at pleasure, with the fine adjustment wheel
of the microscope, which is also grooved. The other, a large wooden
wheel, is connected permanently by a flat leathern band with a similar
wheel attached to the long iron shaft below.
“The steps in the process of photographing by the above described
apparatus are as follows:—The movable shutter, with the apparatus
attached, is buttoned in position, the heliostat set in place on the shelf
outside the window and properly adjusted, so as to throw the rays
reflected from its mirror upon the microscope mirror at the extremity
of the rod on the shutter. The window shutters may now be closed
and need not again be opened. The microscope is then placed in the
proper position upon the shelf inside the window, and the silk thread
adjusted which connects the fine adjustment wheel with the wheel on the
edge of the shelf. The operator then, sitting on a stool in front of the
microscope, and inserting an eye-piece, views the object as in the
ordinary use of the instrument. This he is enabled to do without dis-
comfort or injury to the eye, since the light transmitted by the solution of
ammonio-Sulphate of copper, though photographically intense is Zumi-
mously comparatively feeble, and is also deprived of a large proportion
of its heat rays in its passage through that medium. While thus seated
at the microscope, the operator makes the necessary adjustments of the
stage, achromatic condenser, diaphragms, &c., having perfect control
of the illumination by means of the steel rods attached to the mirror
without the window and projecting into the room through the shutter.
While making these adjustments he commands the fine adjustment
wheel by the fingers in the usual way, the wheel readily slipping under
the thread that connects it with the wheel on the shelf below. These
adjustments being made, the best view and proper illumination of the
object secured, the eye-piece is removed, and a black velvet hood
attached around the edges of a hinged shelf projecting from the shutter
(see fig. 4), is lowered so as to envelope all of the microscope but its
body, thus preventing any leakage of light by the side of the objective.
The operator now goes to the car, adjusts its position, noting its distance
from the microscope by the scale on the floor and side of the base of
the car, as already described, and clamps it firmly in place. He then
sits down behind it and receives the image upon the surface of a piece
of plate-glass held in the plate-holder, viewing it with an eye-piece held
against the glass plate, whose focus corresponds exactly with the anterior
surface of this plate. He next turns the milled head that operates on
the apparatus for turning the fine adjustment wheel of the microscope,
until the image, viewed as just described, appears in exact focus upon
the surface of the plate-glass screen. The aperture in the shutter is
then closed by means of the brass plate with handle inside the room,
the sensitive plate substituted for the plate-glass screen in the plate-
holder, and the exposure made by opening and closing the movable
shutter by the means already described. The time of the exposure is
noted by the beats of a metronome, adjusted to strike at second in-
tervals, the dimness of the yellow light in the room rendering the use
of a watch inconvenient. Having obtained the negative, a stage mi-
Crometer is substituted for the object photographed, and its divisions, as
projected upon a piece of ground glass held in the plate-holder, are
carefully traced upon paper. By comparing these with a standard
scale, the exact amplification of the object as represented in the
negative, is readily calculated. Other negatives, representing the same
magnifying power, can then be taken at any time by using the same
objective and placing the car at the same distance from the microscope.
The ordinary wet collodion process is the one used in the preparation
of the negatives.”
“A bright white cloud illumination is obtained by throwing the beams
of light from the mirror on to a piece of greased ground glass placed
in the short body of the microscope, below the achromatic condenser,
by which the interference lines so often resulting from employing the
unmodified sun's rays are destroyed, and long exposures with high
powers permitted.” In some cases Dr. Woodward omits this ground
glass. The objectives and amplifiers, as made by Mr. W. Wales, of
Fort Lee, New Jersey, “are specially corrected so as to bring to one
focus the rays in the violet end of the spectrum, where the actinic
power resides.”
The violet light is also “obtained practically pure by interposing in
the Solar beam reflected from the mirror a shallow cell, with plate-glass
sides, containing a solution of ammonio-sulphate of copper.”
When other objectives have been used they have been the ordinary
achromatic lenses of other makers; the 1-50th of Messrs. Powell and
Lealand gave excellent results in the hands of Dr. Curtis, as proved by
the prints sent to this country. Dr. Woodward lately forwarded to
Dr. Maddox some observations for publication, on the result of Com-
parative experiments made with a flint-glass prism and lens to increase
the dispersion of the violet ray for the necessary exposure, and the
ammonio-sulphate of copper cell, the light employed being the same,
in both cases reflected from a plane mirror. It was found by using a
sensitised collodion plate that the actinic power was in favour of the
light transmitted through the cell; or, in other words, that the loss by
dispersion was greater than the loss by absorption in its transit through
the cupreous solution. The details of this judicious and well-directed
experiment testify to the care bestowed on these matters at the Govern-
ment Laboratory.
327. Mr. Deecke's Arrangements, Method, and object.—Mr. Deecke,
Special Pathologist, New York State Lunatic Asylum, has in the main
adopted the plan of Dr. Woodward. He uses a large heliostat, which
moves on a car from a shelf outside to a movable stand in the room,
while, when not in use, it is kept covered by a glass case. His con-
denser is 4 inches in diameter, has a focus of 18 inches, and can, by the
aid of setting screws, be turned about a horizontal as well as a vertical axis.
Projecting from it towards the heliostat is a cylinder, 4% inches in dia-
meter and 12 inches long, for excluding all direct rays from the Sun.
Projecting from it into the dark room is a conical tube, 14 inches long,
tapering from 4 to 2 inches in diameter. The microscope rests on a stand,
which can be made level by four screws. Between the condenser and the
specimen-holder is placed a curette with parallel walls, of the finest plate-
glass, which contains a weak solution of ammonio-sulphate of copper
Composed as follows:—sulphate of copper, 20 parts, water Ioo parts,
and liquor ammoniae, q.s., to dissolve the precipitate at first formed,
and then diluted to 3oo parts. This curette is used while focussing,
but just before the exposure of the sensitive plate, it is removed and re-
placed by its fellow, containing a solution of the same strength of potassio-
sulphate of copper. The spectrum of the visual rays passing through the
first corresponds closely with that of the actinic rays passing through the
second. (For a fuller explanation, see Moitessier's work, pp. 183, 184,
and 185.) By taking away the curette the specimen can be examined
by ordinary light. The objective, which can be replaced by one of the
various sizes of landscape or portrait combinations, is so mounted as to
be easily centred by screws. Between the objective and the Curette is
a frame to hold the object, and which, by means of screws, centres the
object and renders its surface perpendicular to the pencil of light. The
distances between the condenser and the curette, the latter and object,
and the object and the objective can be varied at pleasure. The screen
and sensitive plate-holder are arranged on a car, so that they can be
moved up, down, to the right, to the left, or inclined in any direction
from the perpendicular, to compensate for any obliquity in the surface of
the object. The screen is a piece of plate-glass, covered on one side
with white and on the other with yellow paper. The holder will take a
sensitive plate from 4 inches by 4 inches, to one 18 inches by 20 inches.
The track on which the car moves is 40 feet long. A distance approaching
this is only required when a landscape or portrait combination is used to
obtain a large field. A contrivance of pulleys for focussing can be used
at any point along the track. When the screen is some distance from the
window the arranging of the object and coarse focussing is done near the
window while the screen is seen by an opera-glass. When the exposure is
longer than a second, the time is noted by a pendulum beating seconds.
In shorter exposures, when very low powers are used, a guillotine
arrangement stands just behind the objective, and as it drops allows a
slit to pass across the pencil of light. Only as the slit passes does any
light from the objective reach the sensitive plate. The mechanism of
the guillotine is such that it can be adjusted to expose accurately during
one second, one-half, one-quarter, one-eighth, or one-tenth of a second.
Sometimes, even when the landscape or portrait combinations are used,
the field is not as large as required. In such cases, Mr. Deecke divides
the object into Square portions, by spider lines, and photographs each
of these separately. The prints are combined to make photographs
18 inches or more in diameter. In this way exceedingly beautiful
studies of the topographical anatomy of the nerve centres, the sole
object of Mr. Deecke's photo-micrography, have been obtained. An
important factor in these results is Mr. Deecke's skilful manipulation,
with his own very large and most ingenious microtome, by which he is
able to cut sections I-40oth of an inch in thickness, for slides 8 × 6
inches, through even the whole brain, and in this operation he loses only
about I'5 Żer cent of his material. The specimens may be examined
by all powers up to Wales’ one-tenth of an inch.
328. Camera applied to the ordinary Microscope.—We may now
consider the plans for employing the microscope and camera united.
Mr. Shadbolt recommends the draw tube, if any, to be removed, and
its place supplied with a lining of black velvet. The microscope is
fixed horizontally on a board or table, and the body made to correspond
to the Centre of the aperture left on the removal of the lenses from the
brass setting of an ordinary camera. The intervening space being
closed in such a way as to exclude all entrance of extraneous light.
The draw chamber of the camera is employed to vary the distance of
the image from its object, but is usually deficient in length, hence some
plan for elongating this chamber is needed. Many complain that when
using the microscope in this way, some uncertainty in the centering,
and liability to derangement when exchanging the focussing screen for
the prepared plate are experienced. Gerlach adopts a very different
arrangement. The camera is adapted to the top of the tube of the
microscope which is placed upright, pl. LXXI, p. 304, fig, I.
329. Dr. Maddox's camera.—The instrument proposed by Dr.
Maddox, and used by him, consists of a microscope having a compass-
joint at the lower end of the stem furnished with coarse screws, &c.
The stage slides along the stem, and can be clamped to it by a binding
screw against a guide that runs along its length. This stage is pro-
vided with small rectangular movements attached to the part holding
the object slide, and to its opposite side is fixed a stout tube to hold an
achromatic or some form of condenser. The main part of the stem is
hollow, and receives a strong tube furnished nearly in its entire length
with a slot that works on an internal guide fixed inside the stem.
This tube carries at its near end an arm, at right angles to which a tube
about five inches long is screwed on the near side, and on the opposite
side an adapter is fitted to receive the screw-end of the objective. An
approximate focus is effected by sliding the stage along the stem, and the
fine motion by a graduated milled headed screw-pin. This pin passes
through the tube to which the arm is fastened, and engages in a thread
cut in the solid end of the stem. A spiral wire coiled in the inner
tube reacts on the arm when the milled headed screw is withdrawn.
The whole of these arrangements are fixed firmly by the screw and
nut at the jointed ends of the stem, to a rectangular cross piece of
3-16ths iron bar about two inches wide, the screw passing through a hole
near its centre. This cross piece is turned down at right angles on
each side so as to bring the centre of the short microscope tube
in the centre of the camera, then again turned at right angles
and firmly screwed to a stout base-board of deal 1% inches thick,
I2 inches wide, and 48 inches long, and clamped at each end to pre-
vent warping. This is supported over a wide movable triangle,
having stout double-hinged triangle legs of a height convenient for
the operator (3 to 4 feet), pl. LXXI, p. 3o4, fig. 2 A. About 12 inches
from the end of the base-board where the microscope is fixed, is hinged
a stout square frame with a sliding door having a Central aperture to
allow the end of the microscope tube to work through. The inside of
the aperture is lined with leather, and a thick velvet collar is made to
slide along the tube and abut against the aperture in the door, so that
when in use the entrance of any extraneous light is effectually prevented.
The frame with door is turned on its hinges, until it stands exactly at
right angles with the axis of the microscope, and is kept firmly fixed
in this position by two stout brass struts with clamping screws, that
rise from the base-board on each side of the frame at an angle of 60°.
At the opposite end of the stout plank is placed an ordinary camera
with a movable door-front having a large Central aperture. One end
of an expanding bellows body is fastened to it, the other end being
attached to the door that slides into the vertical frame. This bellows
part is made of two thicknesses of black twilled calico, having pasted
between them a corresponding sized sheet of stout brown paper, and
folded into one-inch plaits when damp, then turned over square to the
size corresponding to the sliding doors, the corners bent down like the
bellows of a common accordion, and the overlapping edges which are
turned so as to face the base-board are double sewn together through-
out their length; or for this may be substituted a body of black calico,
of treble thickness, attached at each end to the doors, and kept apart
laterally by elastic bands sewn along its four edges, lengthwise. The
camera is made to slide along the supporting board between wooden
guides screwed to its upper surface near the sides, extending from the near
end to the vertical frame. These have Small holes at corresponding equal
distances of half an inch, and projecting from each side of the body of the
Camera is a pierced horizontal ledge of brass plate, about 5-8ths of an
inch wide, that travels over the upper surface of the guides on the to
and fro movement of the camera, a movable pin on each side fixing it
in the place desired. These apertures are numbered according to the
inches 1, 2, 3, &c., from the frame, and thus are of service to note the
distance at which the sensitised plate is placed from it or from the
stage. Memoranda being kept, the same ranges can be easily repeated.
The draw chamber of the camera has its own focussing screw which is ,
of use occasionally, but it is not necessary.
Two diaphragms of blackened stout card are placed within the
Chamber of this elongated camera, one near to the vertical frame or at
the junction of the bellows part with it in front, and the other is placed
in a grooved frame, that slides in a wide cut made in the inner surface
of the underside of the draw part of the camera. This frame holder
takes diaphragms with various sized apertures, according to the
dimensions of the image of the object or the glass plates employed.
Sliding this forward or backward in the camera alters the relative size
of the field according as the camera is used expanded or closed. The
Camera is either dead-blackened, or lined with black cotton velvet, and
the tube of the microscope inside is well covered with optician's char-
Coal black, or lined with black velvet, which is better. The mirror or
prism is set on a separate arm fixed to the base-board in a line with the
stem of the microscope, so that the axis shall correspond with the
axis of the objective. The apparatus can be put together very quickly,
or may be kept ready for use. It is of a size that permits of its being
moved about easily, and it possesses considerable firmness.
The microscope portion can be supplied by any form of microscope
that will take the horizontal position, and permit the eye-piece end of
the work through the central aperture in the front of the bellows-
chamber, provided means are taken to effect rigidity, and completely
shut out the outside light around the aperture when working the rack
for the coarse adjustment. Dr. Maddox prefers a tube shorter than
the usual body of the Ordinary microscope, which sometimes narrows
the field too much when the Camera is nearly closed on the vertical
frame. The tube consists of two parts, one an inch in diameter fixed
to the arm, the other I }% inches in diameter, that slides through the
aperture in the door. On the open end of the latter fits a dead black-
ened brass cap, from the inside, with a slight internal projecting ledge,
which acts as a diaphragm with a large opening.
The description will be more easily understood by a reference to
pl. LXXI, p. 304, which represents the instrument partly in section. The
camera, when drawn out to its full range, however, has this objection:
the operator is obliged to withdraw the head from the focussing screen
at the time of making any alteration in the fine motion. A lever
arrangement has been used to obviate this, but if employed with the
high powers it is extremely difficult to prevent a slight slip of the screw.
Mr. Legg employed a lever crank and arm over the top of the camera,
working on the milled head of the coarse rack and pinion motion.
Professor Rood, of Troy, N.Y., also made use of a rod and lever
beneath the camera, acting on the rack work, and a hinged mirror
placed this side of the ground glass to receive the image transmitted
to it while arranging the object on the stage plate, and attending to
the illumination. Dr. Maddox, who has much improved the before-
mentioned apparatus, after trying several methods for supporting the
rod, gave the preference to that described under his method of working
without a camera in a darkened room. The rod may be placed beneath
the base-board, in which position it is less liable to accidental disarrange-
ment, but in this case a stronger microscope will be required. Messrs.
Powell and Lealand have lately made for me, according to some sugges-
tions of Dr. Maddox, a stand which is steadier and possesses some ad-
vantages over that just described.
The chief requirements in any form of camera, independent of the
objective and mode of illumination, are general facility of management,
compactness within a moderate range of extension, correct centering,
freedom from vibration, and the total exclusion of all light except that
which enters by the object-glass.
330. Dr. Maddox's Arrangement for Working without a Camera.
—In order to take photographs without a camera, a room has been fitted
up by Dr. Maddox as a dark chamber, the top sash of the window
being darkened, and the place of the lower sash when thrown up
supplied by a shutter with a large central opening : an oblong aperture
exists at the right side of the shutter, protected by a frame glazed with
yellow glass, which slides up and down, and is kept in position by a
spring. The aspect happens to be direct S.W., and, unfortunately,
very much exposed to the strong south-westerly winds; therefore to try
to prevent the tremor occasioned by such a large surface as the shutter
affords, no part of the microscope is fixed to it, but rests on a long stout
base-board, supported on four double triangle legs. The shutter end is
clamped by two screws, and upright piece at right angles, pierced to
permit the attachment of a 3%-inch solar condenser with its small con-
densing lens, the mirror of which is passed through the aperture in the
shutter. This is worked by a double milled head from the inside, the
ammonio-sulphate of copper cell being placed between the mirror and
the condensing lens. The base-board with right angled head-piece is
brought almost to touch the shutter, and the light around the upright piece
excluded by a thick curtain. The microscope, which is a heavy one,
is placed horizontally. Depending from the Screw, fastening the arm of
the instrument to the rack, is a stiff piece of flat brass, pierced at its
lower part to support the end of a rod suspended beneath the base-
board, and provided at the end with a grooved pulley of the same
diameter as the milled head of the fine adjustment, which is also
grooved, a small endless band connecting them. The depending piece
passes through a slot cut in the base-board, equidistant from the sides,
and permits the rack of the coarse motion being worked, or the move-
ment of the microscope backwards or forwards, the rod following it.
This plan was recommended in the last edition of this work. The rod
is placed beneath the board to be out of the way, and not to interfere
with the traversing of the frame which carries the screen or sensitive
plate. This frame is made with a heavy base the width of the board,
and has side clamping screws. By means of a central pin, between the
two parts which form the heavy base, it is capable of slight rotation on
its vertical centre, to compensate for any want of parallelism in the parts
right and left of the object, or for stereoscopic negatives. The square
frame is hinged to the top of this base, to allow of slight movement
forwards or backwards, and it is supported at the sides by two brass
struts which have a clamping pin on each side. To arrange for glasses
of various sizes, two bars, undercut, slide up and down the uprights of
the frame and can be fixed at any distance apart by clamping nuts.
The movement of the frame will often help to secure a perfect paral-
lelism with the object on the slide.
The screen may be either, I, plane finely ruled plate-glass ; or, 2, a
collodion prepared plate washed over with a little albumen or tannin; or,
3, the plate employed occasionally by Dr. Maddox (“Some closely
filtered stale milk, either with or without a little weak solution of
gelatine, poured on a plate of glass set parallel, and dried quickly ’); or,
4, the plate may be prepared as has been recommended for ordinary
camera purposes by Mr. M. Carey Lea, of Philadelphia; thin well-
boiled starch is filtered through muslin, then poured to the depth of the
tenth of an inch on to a clean polished plate of glass, set level, and allowed
to dry spontaneously, but quickly. It must not be put in a drawer, for
fear of it drying too slowly and the Surface being irregular. Or, 5, as in
Mr. Wenham's method, p. 291, the image may be examined on a card,
held like the glass screen or sensitised plate, by two springs from the
transverse sliding bars.
Dr. Maddox finds the general appearance of the image and the con-
dition of the field to be best seen on the card ; therefore he uses this
placed before the screen and resting against the frame, to procure the
primary focussing, the final adjustment being made by the rod and fine
motion. When examining by the focussing glass, the image on the
slightly opaque screen, or on a thick card substituted for it, a hand
magnifier is used to examine the detail. In front of the exposed
i., ode of adapting ti wo
ca; tır a to the microscope,
a lopted by Ger.ac.u.
p 299.
Fig. 2.
- - -
Thotoſ. rarhic camera as arranced by Dr. Maddox, descrihrd in p. 300. *
A, under-surface cf base board to show the position of the legs which support the calmera

plate a diaphragm is arranged to exclude extraneous light, while the
parts about the stage of the microscope are well protected from the light
diffused through the slide from the sub-stage condenser.
Although this plan is very convenient, and permits us to have every-
thing to be ready at hand, it may be as well to point out some of its
disadvantages. It is difficult to see the state of the sky; hence, after
placing the sensitised plate in the frame, a cloud approaching unnoticed
may at once obscure the Sun and cause the loss of the plate. In the
wet collodion process, dust is liable to settle on the surface. Again, for
opaque objects which require a side illumination, as in the combined
images for the stereoscope, the necessary deviation must be procured
by prisms. Even if the Lieberkuhn with a portion of its surface stopped
out, and the dark wells or stops, spot lens, or M. Nachet's cone be
used, there will be considerable danger from leakage of light and a
fogged plate. Moreover, the eyes become fatigued if kept long under
yellow light.
The plan for using some form of draw camera is to a great extent
free from these defects, and the method proposed by Dr. Moitessier in
his work, to which allusion was made in the early part of this chapter,
appears so useful, that I shall briefly notice the chief points. The
microscope arranged horizontally, with a grooved bar projecting beyond
the base-board to carry the mirror, sulphate of copper cell, ground
glass, and diaphragm, is centrally attached to an expanding camera.
The dark box or part where the focussing screen is placed, has one of
the sides to open with hinges as a door, and the operator seated by the
side of the instrument, with or without a cloth drawn over the head to
exclude the surrounding light, examines the image from the side
opening, either with or without a magnifying glass, the right hand being
occupied in the necessary arrangement of the object and the illumina-
tion; the plate being ready in the dark slide, and the side door closed
light-tight, it is inserted and exposed without loss of time.
Dr. Moitessier has likewise recommended a slide with adjusting
motions, so as to expose different parts of the sensitised plate which
without a Camera box is placed immediately on the end of the tube of the
microscope which is arranged vertically, Thus small but very perfect re-
presentations, adapted for future enlargement, or for being viewed in the
stereoscope, may be secured. He also speaks highly of the immersion
objectives. Dr. Moitessier also employs an ingenious method for rendering
opaque objects with the horizontal microscope and low powers. The object
is placed on the stage of a small vertical microscope, and the light thrown
on the object by a small plane mirror from above, which receives the
solar rays, after they have been converged from a larger mirror, by an
achromatic lens. This and the Small flat mirror are supported by, and
slide on, an upright stem, to meet the necessary adjustments. The
* X
objective is attached to the end of the microscope tube at right
angles, a prism with total internal reflection being fixed at the junction.
The focus is obtained by the rackwork acting on the small stage.
For very low powers or securing the enlargement of only a few
diameters, as in injected specimens and entire insects, a small portrait
combination is attached to the microscope tube, and the prism placed
in front of it at right angles.
s31. Arrangement of Drs. Abercrombie and Wilson.—Drs. Aber-
crombie and Wilson, of Cheltenham, have met with great success with
artificial illumination. These gentlemen use a blackened base-board
8 feet in length; the focussing box of an ordinary camera with its
focussing screen, the microscope and illuminating apparatus being all
kept in a straight line by side strips of wood. The microscope is
movable on a sliding board and can be clamped at any distance, or
the camera box and microscope made to approach or recede from one
another singly or together. A couple of strips of blackened wood are
attached to the eye-piece end of the tube of the microscope, and brought
slightly diverging to the top of the camera. The whole of this part
is covered with black velvet, pile inwards, and well secured from out-
side light at all parts, especially round the tube of the instrument. The
base-board can be set on any steady table or support. The focussing
screen is of glass covered with collodion, sensitised and covered with a
solution of tannin. The draw tube of the microscope, if any, is
removed and the tube lined with black velvet. The correction for the
want of concordance of the actinic and visual focus is effected by what
is called “turning out.” The coarse or rack adjustment is left for
focussing. By means of a lever arm which at one end clamps the milled
head, and at the other is attached to a long rod resting at the side of the
apparatus, a very delicate movement is obtained. The fine adjustment
is left to regulate the compensation required between the chemical and
visual foci, and to mark this more easily, a “ dial plate of card” is
attached to the body of the microscope, whilst a wire which is bent
at one end so as to clip the milled head of the fine focussing screw, is
at the other used as the index point for the divisions of the card.
The condenser recommended is a 3-inch focus bull's-eye lens, with
its convex side to the source of light, and in conjunction with this the
objective next below the one in use. Oil lamps, oxy calcium and mag-
nesium lights have been used, but the last is preferred, and the wire is
burnt in preference by successive flashes. To secure the point of light
being in a proper position “a small telescope upright, of brass, regu-
lated by a screw, is fixed to a block adapted to slide in the support
common to the microscope and light; at the apex of the brass upright
is fixed a small tin gutter or pipe of Sufficient capacity to admit the wire
O }}
easily and diverted down at an angle of 45°.” A movable stop with a
pin-hole aperture is recommended in the preliminary arrangement for
securing the exact position. About 34 of an inch of the wire is exactly
opposite the pin-hole.
The camera is set to certain lengths, so as to give images of the
objects of a definite size. The “turning out” consists in actually testing
each objective for the number of turns or parts of a turn of the fine
focussing screw by means of the dial card, to make the correction for
the actinic focus. The same result may be obtained by withdrawing the
focussing screen to the point where by trial the true actinic focus has
been found. In the high powers this correction for the actinic focus
may be almost disregarded. In the “Popular Science Review,” No. 22,
1867, will be found an illustrated memoir by Dr. Wilson, in which full
particulars have been given, and from which the foregoing remarks have
been taken.
The time of exposure for wet collodion plates varies, and should
increase according to the colour of the object, and the degree of
enlargement. A tolerably light object, magnified fifty diameters, may
need ten minutes with the oil-lamp. By placing a small vessel of warm
water in the camera, to keep the collodion plate moist by its vapour,
Drs. Abercrombie and Wilson have exposed plates forty minutes with
success. Some of the prints from these gentlemen's negatives are
remarkably good. They possess a peculiar delicacy in the half-tones and
shadows, with much roundness of the objects, but the definition, as
might be expected, does not quite equal, in some of the finest markings,
prints obtained from sun negatives. However, all of the general
characteristic appearances of the objects are exceedingly perfect, and the
simplicity of the apparatus, and the immense advantage of efficient
illumination in all weathers, are great advantages.
3.31.* Dr. Mercer's Instrument.—Dr. A. Clifford Mercer, of
Syracuse, New York, has constructed an instrument, the general
arrangement of which will at once be clear, if the figure on page 309 be
referred to. Instead of the usual base-board, the apparatus rests on a
frame-work, as being less liable to warp, which is supported by legs.
The front of the frame is circular, and its centre corresponds with a
perpendicular axis, about which turns the bar with the mirror and
condenser, and about which also turns the object-holder. The edge of
the circular part is divided by degree marks. The bar and lighting
apparatus can be fixed to illuminate a transparent object by light of any
required obliquity, while, by turning the bar far enough round, it will
light, in a similar way, opaque objects. The object-holder consists of
two rings, between which the object slide is held by clips, with its
covered surface resting against the ring towards the objective, the thin
cover glass really entering the ring. The object is thus made to coin-
cide with the surface of this ring, through which passes the perpendicular
X 2
308 How To work witH THE MICROSCOPE.
axis before spoken of, and about which the object can, therefore, bé
turned, the axis really passing through the object. This is of great
importance in taking stereoscopic photo-micrographs. The degree of
inclination to the right or left is regulated by a screw on either side
pushing perpendicularly against the condenser-surface of the ring
towards the condenser. To keep the light at the same obliquity, the
lighting-bar is turned to the right or left through the same angle as
that through which the object is turned. To the ring towards the
condenser a diaphragm is fastened (not shown in the figure), which
also turns about the perpendicular axis. The cone of the condenser
contains, at the large end, a convex lens and an ammonio-sulphate
of copper cell, and at the small end a concave lens, which can be
replaced by convex lenses, so that parallel, converging, or diverging
rays can be thrown upon the object. (See pl. LXXII, fig. 8, p. 308,
Moitessier's diagram.) The Rev. Mr. Read explains (see p. 311) how,
in his condenser, the heat of the sun's rays may be much reduced,
but in the convex and concave combination even more heat is got
rid of, because, while the concave lens renders the inner cone of blue
rays from the convex lens parallel, the less converging heat rays of the
outer cone from the convex lens will be divergent after passing through
the concave lens. If a thermometer bulb be placed in the beam of
parallel rays from the concave lens, the mercury does not rise more
than a degree or two, while the convex lens, without the ammonio-
sulphate of copper cell or the concave lens, sets fire at once to a piece
of paper placed at the focus. The mirror is mounted equatorily, in
order that it may be easily moved by the hand. In order to keep the
lighting-bar in the meridian, the circular part of the frame is of two
parts, the one resting upon the other. The projecting end of the bar
can be fixed to the under part of the frame, which is firmly supported
on three legs, while the upper part, together with the camera-box, &c.,
turns about the same perpendicular axis already mentioned ; thus we
may obtain light of any degree of obliquity on the object that may be
desired. The focussing is effected by means of a long rod, which rests
on the top of the camera box, reaching from the plate-holder to the lever,
which projects upwards from the focussing wheel. The focussing glass
is first covered with a film of milk or starch, and when dry three or four
half-inch spots, in a horizontal middle line, are to be made in the film,
and the glass corresponding to the spots perfectly cleaned. The plate
is placed in the sensitive plate-holder, the door and slides of which are
open. The focus is first obtained as sharp as possible on the film.
Through the upright part of the block, seen just behind the plate-holder,
slips a tube fitted with an eye-piece and a low power objective. The
block moves equally across the frame. The microscope is focussed on
the film, and then moved to the right or left, to be opposite in turn
| t
Photograph plate bo.der. p 322.
*= #"
Side view of pressure frame. p. 327.
sºlºs, ºvº-
Pressure frame, used nu photographic printing, © Sectional views of
plate holdiers.
Pressure frame.
Arranº ement of the lenses used for condensin & \ § 2
the 118 lit of a lalomp, as arranged by Mir Shadbolt ! |X.
p. 310. -
Arrangement for obtain intº parallel rays, as
recommended by Gerlach p. 30S.
To illustrate the observations of Dr Moitessier on illugnin; tıca
aud on the position of the condeusing lens; r. §§§. .
s e e” “e
e at 1
[To fas; hétie: 308.
© o

“º: _º__e=
|THT ºlº,
# ; # # #if: - tº: {#ſº º -
|liſiº ºr ºntº
# , . -
| |
: |
" ; "|
&#: t
: - |
- *=#==
Dr. A. Clifford Mercer’s arrangement for taking photo-microéraphe. The instrument can be turned rourd in any position, as the strong stand to the left of the figureia *
°onstructed as a turu-table. See description on p. 308 –From a Photo8raph by Tyr. Mercer.

to the clean spots. When the image seen through these places is most
perfect, the fine focussing is finished. The back half of the camera slips
into the front half, to vary the distance between the objective and the
plate-holder. The exposing is done by means of a thin brass shutter,
which drops between two strong plates of brass, fastening the micro-
scope tube to the front of the camera box. The shutter in the figure is
at its highest point, and is held there by a block, seen just below it. No
light passes from the tube into the camera box. If the block be with-
drawn a little, the shutter falls until it strikes, with a dead stroke, a
cushioned step at the end of the block, not seen, and allows the light to
pass. If now the block be wholly withdrawn, the shutter falls until
stopped by projecting shoulders at its upper end, and again no light is
allowed to pass. The plate-holder is twice the necessary length, and Sö
constructed that first the one half and then the other half can be
exposed—a convenience of especial use in taking photographs for the
3.32. Of the Illumination : Sunlight : Monochromatic Light .
Polarising Apparatus.-Both sunlight and artificial light have been
used. Dr. Maddox, with the majority of observers, gives the preference
to sunlight in all cases, and nearly always uses some form of condenser.
He usually dispenses with the mirror, and substitutes one of Abraham's
achromatic condensing prisms, placed at such a distance from the object
(if used alone) that its rays should cross just before reaching it. Other-
wise the intense heating power at the vertex of the cone of rays would
damage the object, and might even uncement the lenses of the higher
objectives, especially when the object is only enclosed between two
pieces of the thinnest covering glass, and the focus very close. The
prism he seldom employs alone, but places a condenser in the tube at
the back of the stage. A small Coddington lens about 15° angular
aperture, served him in the earlier part of his experiments. This was
made to slide nearer or farther from the object. Latterly he has used
Sollitt's achromatic condenser, as it furnishes a larger field and is more
free from spherical aberration. This condenser, as described by the
originator, consists of two achromatic lenses with their plane surfaces
turned towards the object, and respectively of 2 and 4 inches focus,
placed at the distance of 1% inches apart with a diaphragm between
them. The 4-inch focus lens has a diameter of 1% inch, the 2-inch
focus lens a diameter of 34 of an inch. Here then we have a body of
light, and a field beautifully illuminated when used either with the plane
mirror or the prism. A series of diaphragms slip into the cap covering
the small lens, which is turned towards the object. Sometimes Dr.
Maddox employs an achromatic doublet of about 22° aperture, or an
achromatic condenser of larger angular aperture. Although theoreti-
cally the angular aperture of the higher objectives is narrowed by these
moderate apertures, practically the intensity of the illumination appears
to compensate in a remarkable manner. The common plan is to use as
a condenser the objective next below the one used to render the photo-
graphic image; but if any form of solar condenser be employed by
which the rays become more concentrated, the greatest care must be
taken to avoid injury to the lenses by the intense heat.
Dr. Maddox has lately used two large plano-convex lenses super-
posed with a large central stop—the method described by Dr. Woodward
in one of his communications; also the condenser of two or three plano-
convex lenses as recommended by Mr. Wenham, but with movable stops
or diaphragms; the latter are placed nearer to or farther from the largest
lens, the distance being regulated by trial. Professor Rood, of New
York, for his higher powers employed a Wollaston doublet, having an
angular aperture of 44° as a condenser. He used one of Liebig's sil-
vered mirrors in place of the ordinary amalgam mirror. M. Neyt
replaces the common solar reflectors by a large prism with parallactic
motions. To condense the rays an achromatic condensing lens of 234
inches diameter is used, and to concentrate them still more, three other
converging lenses are placed in its focus in such a manner that they can
be used together or separated to meet the power of the objective. He
likewise has the objective corrected to make the chemical and visual
foci agree. In order to render infusoria stationary while they are photo-
graphed, M. Neyt uses a voltaic stage, so that he can make contact with
the poles of a Daniel's battery or induction coil at the proper moment.
The shock suddenly kills the little beings and enables him to secure an
image, when otherwise, from their rapid movements, it would be
impossible, and only in very rare cases would the living animalcule
remain in the field of view, or in the desired attitude, for a sufficient
time. -
The Rev. Mr. Reade has proposed a very ingenious method of using
his hemispherical condenser with a solar condenser. The rays furnishing
light and those giving heat having different degrees of refrangibility, we
have here the cone of light-giving rays formed within the Cone of the
heat-giving rays, the principal focus of the latter being at a greater dis-
tance from the lens than the former. When these rays are permitted to
cross the axis, their respective situations are reversed. On arranging
the hemispherical lens, so that it shall be separated from the principal
focus of heat by the sum of its own focal length, the principal focus for
light will be found at a greater distance than its own focal length; hence
the heat-giving rays will be rendered parallel, and the light-giving rays
will be made to converge to a second focus furnishing light of much
intensity separated from the heating rays. Means for using an achro-
matic object-glass for the solar microscope without endangering its injury
are thus supplied.
Professor Gerlach uses a plano-convex lens with a concave mirror,
These are placed at such distances apart that the two foci meet when
the convex surface of the plano-convex lens is turned towards the mirror,
pl. LXXII, fig. 7, p. 308. *
Dr. Woodward's plan has been already adverted to in pp. 291 to 298.
Dr. Moitessier gives the following method: the parallel rays from
the solar mirror are received on a bi-convex lens and conveyed to the
other extremity of the tube holding the lens, in which slides a smaller
plano-convex lens, moved by rack and pinion. According to the posi-
tion of the latter, the emergent rays are rendered either parallel or
diverging if placed beyond the principal focus of the large lens. If
placed within the luminous cone before being brought to a focus the
rays are rendered more convergent, and this forms the general arrange-
ment for high powers. If the small image of the sun thus formed be
made to coincide with the surface of the object to be photographed, the
phenomena of interference from diffraction are avoided, but this involves
an alteration in the respective distances apart of the lenses for different
objectives, or the same objective altered in its focus to correspond with
any deviation in the distance of the screen. He likewise substitutes for
the small condensing lens a diverging one placed within the focus of the
large lens to procure a cone of concentrated parallel rays. These can
be again rendered convergent by a small lens. He also receives upon
finely ground glass the converging rays from a large condenser with a
longer focus at some point before coming to a focus. This circle of
light then becomes a radiant for the small condensing lens. Thus there
is much less diffraction, and although the time of exposure is consider-
ably increased, the plan meets the general requirements. The drawings
represented in fig. 8, pl. LXXII, p. 308, will illustrate these different
The mode adopted by the Abbé Count Castracane is to allow the
solar rays to be refracted by a large prism, with a dispersive power
capable of giving a wide spectrum before falling on the condensing lens;
a diaphragm being interposed to allow passage only to the rays from the
blue end of the spectrum. In this way homogeneous light, in which the
actinic power is chiefly situated, is obtained, the defects arising from
chromatic aberration are avoided, and a more perfect definition results.
Dr. Maddox found when using the blue cone of rays formed by
Abraham's achromatic prism, a great tendency in the object, if very thin
and transparent, to be confused with the field, and the negative to be
useless for obtaining positives for the lantern. Care is required not to
employ any form of sub-stage condenser of a larger angular afterture
than the objective in use. The objects should always be first selected,
and the suitable objective adapted, and the mode of illumination
arranged accordingly.
For such objects as are of a more or less non-actinic colour, as Some
entire insects, or their various parts, Dr. Maddox also tried a plan which
consisted in giving to the supporting slide a coloured transparent varnish
of the same tint, or by placing beneath the slide-holder a parallel plate
of tinted glass chosen to suit as nearly as possible the necessity of the
case. But the best results were obtained by using a slow collodion, a
more acid bath, and giving a longer exposure, which was done without
fogging. Some of these results were exhibited on the screen before the
London Photographic Society in December, 1864, and the Microscopical
Society in March, 1865. It should be borne in mind that when any
coloured medium is placed between the mirror and objective, it has the
greatest effect when placed at the part where the light is least con-
centrated. Also, that there is no conversion of white light, but simply a
transmission of the blue and closely allied actinic rays when the
ammonio-sulphate of copper cell or blue glass is used; hence the time
of exposure must be augmented. It is desirable to obtain the mono-
chromatic and actinic rays, which have not lost so much of their power
by transmission and absorption; and it is just possible, in the case of
objects which can be mounted in fluid, that a medium may be found
which will allow us to employ the ordinary methods of illumination. It
has also been proposed to focus through a screen of polished parallel
blue glass, and to remove this when the sensitised plate is being im-
pressed. Various media require different exposures under similar con-
ditions of illumination; without a heliostat, rapidity in impression is
necessary to the most perfect definition. The refracting power of the
medium should correspond closely to the refracting power of the object.
The time of exposure varies according to so many circumstances that it
proves one of the chief difficulties in photomicrography. The distance
of the object from the screen, its colour, the medium in which it may be
mounted, the media through which the Sun's rays are transmitted, the
nature of the first incident or reflecting surface, the actinic power of the
sunlight, which varies considerably at different hours in the day, the
condition of the atmosphere, and the number of lenses of which the
objective is composed—all influence the period of exposure. The last
operates greatly, the lenses in the high powers consisting of only three
sets, and the first a single front, as Mr. Wenham's, being the most
In the ordinary Wollaston doublet the chromatic aberration is not
corrected, but this does not cause any serious difficulty, as, by varying
its distance, the blue or chemical end of the converging cone of rays can
be used to furnish a field of bluish light. Some considerable care is
needed in the adjustment of the condenser, so as to equalise the illumi-
nation and avoid sun spots when the mirror is used. Mr. Traer got rid
of the latter by making the distance between the object and concave
mirror rather more than its focus. Some make their focal arrangements
in the objective, illuminating the object with daylight or a less intense
illumination than is to be used in taking the photograph. Dr. Maddox
found that by acting thus he seldom secured the best focus; he there-
fore prefers to focus in sunlight condensed upon the object, using an
examining eye-piece.
The polarising apparatus may be used for the production of photo-
graphic images of some objects which from their great transparency and
delicacy are not well rendered in the ordinary way, and of which some
detail is lost by using common light. The polarising prism is as usual
placed beneath the object, the analyser directly over or behind the objec-
tive, and the best appearance sought by the rotation of the lower prism.
Mr. Thos. Davies, who has published in the “Microscopical Journal” for
the years 1863 and 1864, many details connected with the application of
photography to the delineation of delicate crystals, states that he finds,
when the object appears best illuminated by the ray which has been re-
flected from the mirror and transmitted through the polarising prism, the
image in the camera was often only partially distinct, and needed a
readjustment of the mirror to procure an image that would develop
uniformly. He employed a No. 1 eye-piece, and magnified some
of the crystals, as those of tartar emetic, to 50 diameters; tartrate
of Soda, Sulphate of copper and magnesia, and Santonine, to 4o
diameters. Excellent woodcuts from these photographs were given
in the Journal to illustrate his observations. To these I must refer
the reader. :
333. Heliostat.—When using sunlight a heliostat is of great use, and
for the best results, a necessity. Until quite recently this has been a
very costly instrument, but the demands of photo-micrography and
experimental science have brought into the market a number of cheaper
forms. An instrument maker to the Government in Washington con-
structs one for 50 dollars. John Browning, in the Strand, sells a single
mirror heliostat for 8/. I 5s. Prazmowski, I, Rue Bonaparte, Paris,
offers a two-mirror heliostat for 200 francs. Professor Lawrence Smith,
of Kenyon College, suggested to Dr. Maddox a simple arrangement for
a two-mirror heliostat. On this suggestion were constructed the in-
struments of Dr. Maddox and Dr. Woodward, of which figures, with
full descriptions, will be found in the “Monthly Microscopical Journal,”
vol. I, 1869, p. 27. One mirror is mounted at the centre of its back
by a hinge joint to the south end of a polar axis. When the polar axis
is brought parallel to the axis of the earth, the mirror is turned towards
the Sun, and inclined so as to throw the reflected rays parallel to the
axis of the earth, or, in other words, in a line with the polar axis of the
instrument, and then the polar axis is turned by the hand or by clock-
work with the sun. The rays from the revolving mirror are reflected
steadily in the same direction. These rays are received by a second
mirror, which reflects them horizontally.
A hand heliostat of this kind can be made chiefly of wood, by any-
one, for a few shillings, and a woodcut of such an one is to be found in
one of the numbers of the “Popular Science Monthly,” New York,
published two or three years ago. In the Prazmowski instrument the
polar axis is fixed in the plane of the first mirror, and this mirror turns
Heliostat made by Prazmowski —From the “Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society,” 1879.
about the polar axis once in forty-eight hours. The instrument is self-
adjustable for the latitude and longitude of the place where used.
When in proper position, the revolving mirror reflects the rays steadily
in one direction. The second mirror receives the rays and reflects
them horizontally. The Browning instrument is more complicated, but
has the decided advantage of saving the light lost by the reflection from
the second mirror in the other instruments.
333*. Artificial Light.—Mr. Shadbolt many years ago obtained some
beautiful photographs by lamp light. A small camphine or paraffin
lamp was placed so that the flame was in the axis of the microscope. A
plano-convex lens, of about I }% inches diameter, with its flat side to the
lamp, and a second smaller one, of about I inch in diameter and
3 inches focus, were arranged so as to concentrate the rays of light
without forming an image of the flame, pl. LXXII, fig. 6, p. 308. The first
is placed at such a distance from the lamp as to make the rays converge
slightly, and the other at a point where it will include all these rays and
(in using high powers) the achromatic condenser, so that the lens may
fall well within the cone of rays. In employing low powers the object is
made to come within the cone of converging rays. The distance of the
lamp from the lens nearest to it is best determined by the quality of the

316 How To work witH THE MICROSCOPE.
illuminated field, which should be equally bright all over. The light
should enter the objective at an angle not greater than its own angular
aperture. To examine the image thrown on the ground glass of the
Camera, Mr. Shadbolt used a Ramsden's positive eye-piece. Mr. Legg,
in 1859, made use of artificial light from a camphine lamp, concentrating
the diverging rays by a 2-inch bull's-eye lens placed near to the source
of light, and a second bull's-eye lens, about 3 inches in diameter, at a
distance of an inch from the first, by which, with the 2-3rd and 4-1 oths
object-glasses, he could obtain images at 3 feet, in periods varying from
3 to Io minutes. Mr. Parry, in making use of artificial light, placed a
plano-convex lens of 13% inches focus, with its plane side towards the
object about I inch from it, and 4 or 5 inches from an argand gas
burner. (The light from an argand paraffin lamp is preferable to gas.)
To increase the flatness of the field, he fixed behind the posterior lens of
the I-inch combination an achromatic stereoscope camera lens with its
flat surface towards the objective. Mr. G. Busk employed gaslight from
an argand burner in 1854; and in November of the same year Mr.
Wenham states that, although with the use of camphine and gaslight
he was dissatisfied, yet the succession of electric sparks (about 1oo),
from a small Leyden jar of 30 inches coated surface, gave actinic
rays of sufficient intensity to produce a good impression on a sensi-
tive collodion plate. The Rev. C. Kingsley with a special apparatus
used the hydro-oxygen light and a Screen of esculine. Mr. Bockett,
in 1862, tried diffused daylight, allowing in some cases an exposure of
from four to eight minutes. Dr. Maddox, in 1864, succeeded, by
using the brilliant light emitted on the combustion of magnesium wire
(I)A inch) held in the flame of a small spirit lamp, and condensed by
an ordinary condensing lens. Mr. Durham uses gas and daylight illu-
mination with success.
The Rev. St. Vincent Beechy, in his paper on Microscopic Photo-
graphy, recommends very strongly the oxy-hydrogen light, and indicates a
very simple method by which an ordinary good magic lantern Can at a
small expense be converted into use as a microscope camera for powers
from 1 inch to the 94 inch. The Drummond light has been much used
in France of late years. Whatever light may be employed, intense
illumination should emanate from a small surface, so that it can be
more successfully brought to a focus by a condensing lens or silvered
reflector, singly or united.
Electric, magnesium, and oxy-hydrogen lights have all been used by
Dr. Woodward with excellent results; the first by exaggerating light and
shadow is best suited for delicate objects, showing slight contrast with
the field, while the latter two are of special service in photographing
soft tissues, no ground glass being required to prevent interference
phenomena. In fact, Dr. Woodward shows that these lights can be
made to furnish photographs equal to those produced by the sun, a
matter of considerable interest to observers living in cloudy countries
or smoky cities. His lime cylinder revolves by clock work to bring
fresh portions into the oxy-hydrogen flame.
Many useful hints on various subjects connected with microscopical
photography will be found in the Photographic News Almanack and
the British Journal Photographic Almanack for the last few years.
Dr. Henry Morton, of Philadelphia, has made a considerable im-
provement in magnesium lamps, by adapting a metal chimney, wide
enough to prevent the flame from touching the sides; the bottom is
closed up either by metal or by being placed in a dish of water.
Opposite the ignited wire is a round hole in the side of the chimney
through which the air enters, and striking against the flame increases its
brightness and intensity in a very marked manner, thus effecting equal
illumination at a much less expense. Following up this idea for ordinary
use, Dr. Maddox has constructed an apparatus for using short lengths
of wire in photomicrography, and which will be best understood by a
reference to the figure. A stout tin tube, about 8 inches high and
1% inch bore fixed in a wooden base, has at opposite sides at the exact
centre of the microscope or camera tube, two apertures cut 34 of an
inch in diameter, and two tubes I inch in length soldered in ; in these
short tubes slide the tubes of two funnels of tin, 3% inches deep and I }%
in width, blackened inside. Again at right angles to the apertures of the
two short tubes are two circular holes. Against the outer rim of the funnel
nearest the stage is placed the plano-convex condensing lens, and
against the rim of the opposite funnel a hemispherical concave reflector
with a central aperture. Beneath the short tube carrying the first
funnel a portion of the eight-inch tube is cut tongue shape and turned in
to support a narrow spirit-lamp. An arrangement is made in the

support holding the reflector by which a small tube can be passed
through the central hole in the reflector, and by allowing a weight to
fall steadily a short distance, a wire piston is carried along the tube, and
projects the short piece (3 inches) of magnesium wire as it burns away,
the ignited point being in the centre between the two funnels and at the
foci of the condensing lens and silvered reflector. This plan requires a
little experience to allow the necessary motion of the hand to com-
pensate for the rate of burning, and might be constructed as self-acting,
but practically it answers very well, and is easily made. Dr. Wood-
ward's magnesium lamp has a chimney five feet long, consisting of
muslin covering a spiral of stiff wire. The muslin goes in and out as
the foldings of a bellows camera. The oxide, which has been trouble-
some by depositing on objects in the room when other lamps have been
used, is in this lamp deposited on the muslin projections into the
chimney, while the draft is kept up through the interstices of the muslin.
Perhaps the lamp invented by Mr. Larkin, for consuming powdered
metallic magnesium mingled with sand and allowed to fall in a stream
through a small lighted jet of hydrogen gas might answer. Burning
phosphorus and burning zinc turnings have also been tried.
The new developments in the way of electric lighting (Edison's for
instance) may, perhaps, afford us more perfect artificial illumination for
photo-microspy than has hitherto been at our disposal. -
334. of Focussing.—Much care is required in focussing. A plan
adopted by some is to use a simple lens set as a watchmaker's loupe in
a card or wooden tube, of such a length that, when placed at the near
surface of the ground-glass screen, the focus of the lens exactly corre-
sponds to the opposite or ground side. Others employ an ordinary photo-
graphic focussing eye-piece. The best instrument is the positive eye-
piece; for should the others not be truly set, there is danger of the focus
catching the image either before or behind the screen. Some form of
compound microscope may with advantage be employed, the focus of
which is set to the exact thickness of the screen.
3.35. of the object-glasses.—Each objective, as furnished by our
best opticians, is generally sent out not as a photographic object-glass,
but as a microscope objective, and so skilfully have errors which arise
from the thickness of the thin glass cover and non-achromaticity of the
eye-piece been compensated for, that the illuminated field is without
sensible colour, and the edges of the objects destitute of chromatic
fringes. To accomplish this, the objective is left what is termed “over
When the photographer employs these over-corrected objectives,
more especially the low and moderate powers, he generally finds that
either his prepared sensitised plate must be moved further away from
the plane at which the best visual focus was found, or else he must with-
draw his objective a slight distance from the object, so as to get the
chemical focus and compensate for the amount of “over-correction” that
has been given to the objective by the maker. This is not a fixed point,
and may even vary in different object-glasses, furnished by the same
optician, although of equal magnifying power, and even ground on the
same tools. In the construction of some of the lower powers a plan has
been adopted which, at the same time that it does not detract from their
optical perfection, places the chemical variation at its lowest amount. In
the higher powers, as from 3%th upwards, the difference between the
visual and chemical foci is so small that it is seldom regarded, except in
the most delicate work; but here the disturbance occasioned by the cover
of thin glass placed over the object, requires the adjustment between the
two posterior combined set of lenses, and the anterior pair, triple or single
lens, to be made with the greatest nicety, as has been strongly advocated
by Dr. Wilson. It is not possible to determine beforehand the amount
of alteration in focus needed, and a series of trials will be necessary to
establish what adjustment is requisite. The best plan is to select an
object that has a slight thickness, with parts at a distance from one
another, lying in three or four different planes. Set the objective to the
best focus in the microscope, then place it in the camera; focus sharply
for the part of the object nearest, and in the negative which is taken,
observe if this part corresponds in definition, or if not, which plane
of the object appears the sharpest. Let us suppose the furthest plane;
then observe, by re-focussing, how many divisions of the milled-headed
screw have been turned through to bring this part into as perfect a focus
as was originally the nearest plane. This will give the variation for that
objective under similar circumstances, and should be noted. If em-
ployed with the shallow eye-piece, to increase the magnifying power,
with the loss of some definition, a different adjustment may be required.
Mr. Shadbolt undertook a series of experiments for his objectives, made
by Messrs. Smith, Beck, and Beck, when he employed artificial light,
and found that:—
The 1% inch object-glass had to be withdrawn #3th of an inch,
The 3rd 25 33 ##5 93
The ºth 35 92 Toora 35
These can only be regarded as guiding marks for others. To obviate
the inconvenience of focussing differently for the chemical and visual
rays, Mr. Wenham, with his usual ingenuity, recommended a biconvex
lens of low power to be carefully turned down to the proper size, and
centred in a setting that could be screwed into the place where the
posterior diaphragm or stop of the objective is usually placed ; thus to
lessen the over-correction and to bring the chemical back to the visual
focus. He gives the following focal lengths of these correcting lenses—
for Messrs. Smith, Beck, and Beck's 1%-inch, a lens of 8 inches focus;
for the 2-3rds, one of 5 inches focus, which is also applicable to the
4-1 oths. Mr. Hislop advises that a dozen of these lenses, of different
foci, should be at hand, and the one that is found to answer best in
practice selected. Dr. Maddox has one of Messrs. Smith, Beck, and
Beck's 2-3rds, beautifully corrected by them in this manner, and it gives
surprising sharpness.
In giving the amplification of an object, the simplest plan, perhaps,
is to divide the screen from the centre into inches and tenths, to
measure the size of the image and compare it with the size of the
object as given in the microscope with the micrometer, or to substitute
the micrometer for the slide, taking care to let their surfaces coincide,
and not to alter the correcting adjustment, as with the high powers and
single fronts the alteration in size is very rapid.
336. stereoscopic Photographs.-Seeing the advantage derived
from the application of the stereoscope in viewing the dissimilar images
of large objects taken at varying angles, it was natural to suppose that
an effort would be made to produce stereoscopic images of minute
objects. Professor Wheatstone suggests in the “Transactions of the
London Microscopical Society,” for April, 1853, a plan of procuring
these at the necessary angles. He proposes that the tube of the micro-
scope should have an independent movement of about 15°, “round an
axis, the imaginary prolongation of which should pass through the
object, it being indifferent in what direction this motion is made in
respect to the stand.” He proposes also a simpler method, which is,
to make the object itself partly revolve round an imaginary axis within
itself, from 7° to 15°, care being taken to render the illuminations
equal, and avoid interfering shadows, so as not to produce pseudo-
scopic effects.
Mr. Wenham showed that images of objects could be produced
with such a difference in the relative position of their parts when viewed,
by stopping off the alternate halves of the object-glass, or the emerging
pencils from the opposite halves of the eye-piece, that these images
when recombined had a perfect stereoscopic character. Mr. Wenham
placed a sliding stop with straight edges against the lens of the objec-
tive, so that it could be turned to cut off either the right or left portion
of the lens.
Professor Riddell, of New Orleans, proposes to accomplish the same
end by inserting, just behind the object-glass, a small equilateral prism,
arranged on a central axis parallel to its polished faces and transverse
to the axis of the object-glass, so that it can be inclined. The hypo-
thenuse being placed coincident with the axis of the microscope, on
making the necessary inclination, the appearance as of the object itself
being moved, will be produced. When the image of the object has
been drawn with the prism in one position it is to be altered slightly,
and the slide moved so as to bring the same part into the centre of the
field of view, as at first. It will now have an altered aspect, correspond-
ing to the difference in the point of view, equivalent to the number of
degrees of the inclination of the prism which may vary from 4° to 9°.
And if the two images of such a drawing, or photographic impression,
be viewed stereoscopically, they will coalese into a stereoscopic image.
Mr. Heisch, in October, 1862, recommended, as an adapter for the
object-glass, one carrying a tube that can be turned half round by a
lever outside. In this tube is another, provided with a stop, that cuts
off half the pencil of light emerging from the object-glass; this sliding
tube, when placed in proximity to the back lens of the objective, is so
arranged that the field on the ground glass of the camera shall be
equally illuminated in all positions of the stop. The image is thrown
on a prepared sensitised plate for the first picture, the stop is then
turned round until it stands in a direction opposite to the first position;
the unimpressed half of the prepared plate is then shifted into the field,
and in its turn receives the second image. The two resulting pictures
furnish a stereoscopic effect. Mr. Heisch also suggested that in objects
of thickness the near surface should be focussed for the one and the
more distant for the other picture.
Dr. Maddox produced stereoscopic pictures on one of the plans
proposed by Professor Wheatstone, and for this purpose he made a
small 3% × 13% inch slide-holder of brass plate having a central aperture
and a ledge at the top and bottom, in the direction of the length, turned
up square at right angles. Opposite the centre, the ledges were pierced
by a small hole about 9% of an inch from the angle of junction; two
thin strips of spring brass cut to the width of the ledges, about 1%
inches long and slightly curved, had each a small hole drilled in the
centre. Two pieces of hard wood were cut into equal triangles, and
each was fixed on a brass pin in Such a position that, when the little
triangular blocks were resting with their obtuse angles on the upper
surface of the brass slide, the other end of the pins passed through the
hole in the small strips of spring brass, and then through the holes in
the ledges. The pins were turned up at right angles to prevent them
from being carried out of the holes by their springs. An ordinary glass
slide with the object set up was placed between the springs (resting by
its under surface near the edges on the upper or horizontal surfaces of
the two small blocks), and clipped by them so tightly that they would
not fall out, when the slide was placed vertically on edge. On depress-
ing either end of the slide, the object could be made to assume an
obliquity to the objective, equivalent to the angle found between the
surface of the little triangular blocks and the edge of the depressed slide
when resting on the plane of the brass holder. This method answered
very well for opaque objects illuminated by the Ilieberkähn. The slide
holding the object properly centred and focussed from the point where
the least displacement of the focus appears on depressing each side
equally and alternately, is now depressed and re-focussed if necessary,
to furnish the first picture, then similarly treated on the opposite side of
the centre to furnish the second. The resultant images give a stereo-
picture. If the left depressed view is taken on the right-hand side of
the plate, and vice versá, the images need not be reversed after printing.
Dr. Maddox used for transparent objects Mr. Wenham's and Mr. Smith's
plan for stopping off alternately in front the right and left halves of the
objective by a small cap with a semicircular aperture, equal generally to
half the area of the front lens, while, with the highest powers, he only
makes a slight alteration in the position of the object and incident light
for the second picture. With the parabolic illuminator he did not
succeed equally well. M. Nachet, jun., used his polished cone of glass
with a central stop on its curved base (for obtaining oblique light in
parallel rays) when photographing opaque and semi-opaque objects, as
the Foraminifera, &c. Dr. Moitessier recommends this plan, the light
being transmitted from the mirror through the cell of ammonio-Sulphate
of copper, then conveyed by the condensing lens on to a disc of ground
glass, placed near the apex of the cone. Dr. Maddox has lately obtained
stereoscope pictures of parts of Pleurosigma formosum, magnified 3,000
diameters, with Mr. Wales' 36th objective and amplifier. See p. 294.
It is of the first importance that the different solutions used in
photography be perfectly pure ; and observers are recommended to
purchase their chemicals at houses of known celebrity, like that of
Mr. Thomas, Pall Mall.
337. Collodion.—Supposing the collodion process to be determined
on, the pyroxyline should be of the kind produced from hot acids,
carrying just such an amount of water as will furnish to it when dis-
solved in its solvents, ether and alcohol, a fluid flowing freely, possessing
considerable adhesive power to the glass, and free from fine net-like
markings when dry. The collodion should afford when taken from the
nitrate bath, not a very thick creamy layer, but such as is commonly
employed for portrait purposes. If it be preferable to make the collo-
dion, we subjoin the formula for cotton that will yield the above-
mentioned film. Into a perfectly clean dry close-stoppered bottle, put
—Iodide of ammonium in crystals;* iodide of cadmium, of each, 8
grains; bromide of cadmium, 4 grains. Pour on these 13 drachms of
* If the crystals of iodide of ammonium be at all damp, press them before weigh-
ing in folds of clean blotting paper.
absolute alcohol or redrawn alcohol, of sp. gr. 805, shake the bottle
well; when dissolved, add—Pure ether, sp. gr. 725, 12 drachms.
Weigh out 22 to 28 grains of dry pyroxyline, add it by little open tufts
to the mixed fluid, shaking occasionally, then wash down the neck and
sides of the bottle with 8 drachms of pure ether. Gently agitate so as
not to soil the neck of the bottle, and set aside in a dark cool cupboard
for three or four days, or longer; then carefully pour off, without any
shaking, the half into a clean dry close-stoppered bottle for use, or
better, into one of the 4 oz. capped pouring bottles, called “cometless.”
The formula given has been for only 4 oz. of collodion. The absolute
alcohol can sometimes be a little increased. It is, however, better to
use a “negative ’’ collodion already prepared by a reliable manufacturer.
Beginners will certainly obtain better results with such a collodion than
with one of their own making.
33s. Nitrate Bath.-The nitrate bath may be prepared as follows:
Freshly distilled water, 4 ounces; re-crystallised nitrate of silver, 600
grains. Dissolve; test for acidity by blue litmus paper; if acid, neu-
tralise by a little fresh pure oxide of silver, or by a few drops of a very
weak solution of carbonate of soda. Dissolve in a drachm or two of
water, iodide of potassium, I grain. Then drop into the solution a few
drops of the strong solution of nitrate of silver until it produces no
further turbidity. Wash the precipitated yellow iodide of silver, pour
off the washings, and add the iodide to the strong silver solution; stir,
make up the quantity of fluid to 20 ounces by distilled water, and filter,
or allow it to settle, then carefully pour off close, and filter the remaining
portion into a small bottle. This can be used in the after intensifying
process, or if filtered through a washed filter, added to the stock for the
nitrate bath.
The strong solution of silver is oftener alkaline rather than acid to
test paper: if this be the case, add a few drops of a solution containing
I drop of glacial acetic acid to 1 drachm of distilled water, until the
test paper remains slightly reddened, or the same proportions of nitric
acid in water may be used ; the latter often works remarkably well with
the bromo-iodised collodion, not giving at first intense but remarkably
sharp clean negatives, permitting of a rather longer exposure to the
strong sunlight without staining, and considerable intensifying qualities
without blocking out the finest lines. To keep up the strength of this
nitrate bath, add occasionally a plain solution of re-crystallised nitrate
of silver in distilled water, in the proportion of 50 grains to the
ounce. It is desirable to keep this nitrate bath perfectly free from dirt
and substances likely to injure it. As there is considerable difficulty in
obtaining the gutta percha baths without impurities, and the porcelain
ones are sometimes too porous, a vertical glass bath with cover is much
to be preferred. It is often desirable, after a full day's work, to pour
Y 2
the nitrate bath into a clean bottle, allowing it to settle. The clear
portion may then be carefully decanted into the bath, after it has been
washed out, and the remainder filtered through a washed paper filter,
the strength, if necessary, being made up by adding some of the 50-grain
solution. In this way spots, pin-holes, or deposit are less likely to spoil
transparent shadows. This bath in winter can be made stronger.
Mr. Clifford Mercer gives the following directions for making the
bath —A simple way of preparing a bath is to make a solution of pure
nitrate of silver crystals, 40 grains to the Ounce, in well boiled soft water.
Filter the bath, render it very slightly acid by a drop or two of nitric acid,
and then keep it in the dark for twelve hours or more. Just before
using the bath for the first time, hang in the bath, in the vertical bath-
holder, one or two plates of glass covered with a film of the collodion
to be used. The strength of the bath can be tested occasionally by a
nitrate of silver hydrometer and crystals of nitrate of silver added, as
required, to keep the bath in Summer a little less than 40 grains to the
ounce, and in winter somewhat stronger than 40 grains to the ounce.
It should be filtered occasionally, and always after an exposure to light.
After the bath has been used for a long time, and the negatives are full
of faults traceable to the bath and not corrected after allowing the bath
to stand in the sun for a day and then filtering, the bath should be
rendered distinctly alkaline by drops of ammonia, some water added,
and the whole boiled down to one quarter of its original bulk. To this
water and nitrate of silver must be added, to bring it up to the required
bulk and strength. After being filtered, the fluid is to be slightly
acidified with nitric acid, and collodion plates are to be suspended in it,
as in preparing a new bath.
339. of the Developing solutions.—Preference is given by most
photographers to the formula containing the protosulphate of iron, or
the double salt of Sulphate of ammonia and iron, with or without a
little syrup from loaf sugar added at the time of using, as recommended
by Mr. Hislop –Crystallised protosulphate of iron crushed, 200 grains;
glacial acetic acid, 3% to 5 drachms, or, Beaufoy's acetic acid of 3o per
cent, 1o to 15 drachms. The amount of Io ounces is to be made up
with pure water, then 6 or 8 grains of acetate of soda are to be added,
and the fluid filtered. More iron should be added to this developing
solution in the winter months. It is best when a few days old. At the
time of using, to make it flow freely on the surface of the collodionised
plate, add of ordinary alcohol from 20 to 30 or 60 minims to each ounce
of developing solution, according to the condition of the bath. Its
strength is often varied from Io grains to the ounce to even 50 grains in
ordinary work, but in sun-light negatives, it is not necessary to use more
iron than in the formula. Mr. Deecke says —“For micro-photography
(he means photo-micrography) the iron developer should be entirely
replaced by pyrogallic acid, with about one-half more glacial acetic acid
than is generally recommended.” The silver deposit on the iron-
developed plates is more coarse than that on the pyrogallic acid plates.
The intensifying solution, useful for deepening more fully many of
the details brought out by the iron developer, consists of:—No. 1.
Iodine, 3 grains; iodide of potassium, 6 grains; water, 3 ounces.
Mixed. No. 2. Pyrogallic developing solution, as made with acetic
acid; pyrogallic acid, I }% to 2 grains; glacial acetic acid, 20 minims,
or Beaufoy's acid, I drachm; distilled water, 1 ounce. This is best
when freshly made, or not more than a few days old. No. 3. Pure
nitrate of silver, 3o grains; distilled water, 1 ounce. No. 4. Pure
nitrate of silver, 20 grains; citric acid crystallised, 30 grains; dissolved
in distilled water, 2 ounces.
340. The Fixing solutions may be made as follows:—Hyposulphite
of soda 4 ounces, dissolved in 4 ounces of water. This is to be used
repeatedly until saturated with the dissolved out iodide and bromide
of silver. Dr. Maddox, however, prefers a fixing solution made by
dissolving about 8 grains of cyanide of potassium in one ounce of water.
The latter should be marked POISON, and should be made of such
strength as will clear the plate in a gradual manner in from one to one
and a-half minutes, but it should not be strong enough to destroy the
half tones. The same solution can be used repeatedly until it becomes
too weak. It should not be exposed to the air. Mr. Deecke prefers
“at first the employment of a weak solution of cyanide of potassium ;
and after this has been washed off, the negatives are placed for from
five to ten minutes in a strong solution of hyposulphite of Soda, from the
use of which they acquire a beautiful clearness in the half tones.”
341. Cleaning the Glass Plates.—The glass plates, whether of
“patent plate,” which is the best, or of “polished flatted crown,” are
first to have the sharp edges removed by a grooved roughening stone
sold for the purpose; this is best done under a gentle stream of water
from a tap, when the particles of grit or dust will be carried away : the
plate is then dropped into a clean pan containing a hot solution of wash-
ing soda in rain or soft water. After lying in this for a little time, each
plate is washed over back and front with a pledget of tow wetted with a
saturated solution of washing soda, and then dropped into clean hot
soft water. When all the plates have been treated in this way, they are
taken out to drain, the water thrown away and fresh hot water poured
into the vessel. The plates are singly dipped under the surface of the
clean water, then wiped with chemically clean linen cloths, such as old
napkins, one covering the left hand in which the plates rest, the other
being used to dry and polish the plate. These cloths are not to be
washed with soap and water, but to be well washed out in hot soft
water, containing a little soda. They are then to be well rinsed in fresh
water and dried.
It is advisable to keep a stock of plates thus partially prepared. To
further clean them, examine the plate along the edge, and if any very
slight curvature exist, let this be taken as the surface on which the
Collodion is to be poured. Select three chemically clean dry cloths,
fold one into double thickness, and on it hold the plate in the left hand,
face down; with one of the other cloths polish well the back, breathing
on it from time to time; then turn it face uppermost, have a little old
collodion which may be slightly weakened with alcohol, place a
pledget of clean cotton wool in a small cleft stick or whalebone, dip it
into the old collodion, and pass it quickly and well over every part of
this surface of the plate. With the same cloth that polished the back,
rub this off briskly, then with the other clean perfectly dry cloth finish
off the polishing, so that when breathed on, the surface may present a
uniform dull appearance without any streaks; set it face down on a
clean sheet of foolscap paper, or in a grooved well-closed plate box, the
finished faces all looking one way. Thus prepare the number of plates
required for immediate use. If to be kept a few hours, wrap them
up in another fold of paper, place thern in a dry drawer, always noting
which is the perfectly clean surface. If of a larger size than 6 inches
square, it will be more convenient to clean them on a proper polishing
board. Cleanliness in this, as in the succeeding stages, is absolutely
requisite. If no old collodion be at hand, a polishing liquid may
be made by mixing Howard's precipitated magnesia, 20 grains; strong
liquor of ammonia, 9% drachm; alcohol, 2 ounces. This, however,
must be most carefully removed from the edges of the plates, or the
bath will soon be rendered alkaline. Or the method adopted by
M. Boetter may be adopted for cleaning chemical glasses. This is
strongly recommended by Mr. Carey Lea —Common Sulphuric acid,
1 ounce; bichromate of potash, I Ounce; water, I pint. The glasses
are to be left in this solution for seven or eight hours, their surfaces
being entirely covered by it. They are then to be rinsed well beneath
a tap. The same solution answers many times. It is as well to see
there are no cuts or abrasions on the fingers for this fluid to come in
contact with.
When the operator is troubled by a peeling off of the collodion film
during the chemical manipulation, it is advisable to coat the cleaned
plates with albumen. For this purpose the white of an egg is to be
beaten into a stiff froth and stirred into about a pint of water. This is
to be allowed to stand for several hours, and then filtered. As the
water drips from a rinsed plate, its surface is to be flushed with a little
of the albumen water, and the plate is to be placed on its edge to dry,
out of the dust. A large number of plates can be prepared at once,
and when dry, wrapped up with pieces of tissue paper, to protect the
albumen. The albumen surfaces should all face one end of the pile,
which should be marked with a cross. On the albumen the collodion
film will stick. The albumenised surface should be the concave surface,
if common glass which is not perfectly flat is to be used ; for then the
spring on the door of the plate-holder, used during exposure, will tend,
by pressing on the convex side, to flatten the glass.
342. Arranging the Camera.—Supposing the portable form of
apparatus recommended by Dr. Maddox be selected, we proceed as
follows:—A room is to be chosen which has a window with a south-west
aspect, or at least one where the sun's rays enter during the greater
part of the day. The end of the apparatus is placed outside the opened
window in such a manner that the face of the prism is directed at right
angles to the incident rays; the legs of the triangle are set apart so that
the whole stands firmly on the floor. The object being fixed, it is first
Carefully examined under the compound microscope, and if of any depth,
the part in strict focus when the best general character of the object
is attained, is well noted. The objective likewise being selected, is to
be screwed into the neck of the microscope, and the achromatic con-
denser placed in the fitting on the under surface of the stage-plate. The
blackened card diaphragm, according to the size of the field desired, is
to be fixed in the diaphragm frame that works to and fro in the cut in
the back part of the camera chamber, and the prism so turned that the
sunlight is thrown on the ground-glass screen. Then the objective is
brought into focus. The value of the prism is now apparent, for upon
standing with the face towards its convex surface, and turning it on its
own parallactic motion, an intense image of the Sun will be soon formed,
as it were, on that surface; the prism is then to be so arranged that
the reflected images from the lens or lenses of the achromatic con-
denser and of the object fall centrally on the Sun's image. If the field
on the ground glass now appears equally bright in all directions, the
achromatic condenser is slightly altered, to see whether any increase of
illumination accompany the change ; if not, it is returned to its previous
position. Should the images not fall into the line of the image of the
sun, seen on the surface of the prism, some alteration must be made in
the part which seems most at fault; but when they all fall into it, and the
distance of the prism is such that its converging rays just Cross before
reaching the object, the centring is probably correct. If the prism will
not carry a cone of light sufficiently large and bright for the lowest -
powers, as 3 inches, it should be set aside and the plane mirror tried.
The object, if on the ordinary 3 × 1 inch slide, is now placed on the
stage, the camera bellows-body shut up. The whole apparatus, except
the parts to be exposed to the light, is covered with a large focussing
cloth of black cotton velvet, the right hand is applied to the slide, and
the eyes directed to the ground-glass screen under the focussing cloth ;
the object is now placed (as nearly as possible) in the centre of the
field, and the approximate adjustment made. The rack-work of the
condenser and the prism is to be altered until the best effect is pro-
duced. The proper position of the condenser is very important, and is
often more troublesome to arrange than the focus of the object-glass.
The object being well centred, the field perfectly bright and uniform,
the velvet collar around the microscope tube must abut closely against
the aperture in the door of the vertical frame. The camera is now to
be withdrawn along the base-board from the near end, and the en-
largement is to be closely watched. When this is determined on, the
camera is to be fixed by the wire pins to the nearest hole in the two
wooden guides. The image on the ground glass is to be studied through
the focussing eye-piece; the graduated milled-headed screw of the fine
motion turned until the same point as was previously noted is brought
into a sharp focus. Should the over-correction of the lens not have
been carefully corrected by a back lens, for the low powers, as previously
advised, the necessary allowance, which experience has determined,
must be made by turning back the screw of the fine motion, the number
of divisions or parts required as marked on the milled head. If not
known, the experiment must be conducted as before stated, in p. 296,
and the particulars noted. A card covered with black cloth or velvet,
with its lower edge turned at right angles and deeply notched, is now
rested on the stem of the microscope against the end of the achromatic
condenser, facing the prism, and this latter protected by a thick fold of
chamois leather from the sun's rays. Care must be taken that neither
surface of the prism is soiled by vapour or finger marks; nor must the
concentrated sunlight be permitted to remain longer on the object than
is actually required in focussing, or it may become uncemented, and if
not injured, it may slip completely out of the field.
If the higher powers be used, needing the screw adjustment for the
correction of the error introduced by the thin glass cover, we find it
best to make this correction as nearly as we can when examining the
object in the microscope, and then testing, with the collar set to that
figure, the image of the ground-glass screen. If the image here seems
moderately sharp, under the best focussing, a trial is made by shifting
the collar a very little and watching the appearance of the image.
Sometimes a very trivial alteration will bring out fine markings much
more distinctly. The focus will also often require readjustment; but
before making this, it will be as well to test a plate, when, should the
negative be found defective in the parts most sharply focussed, another
is to be taken after the objective has been withdrawn a little by turning
the milled-headed screw. It is often in this way that the qualities of
an objective are discovered. Assuming that the plane of the greyed
glass screen, and that occupied by the sensitised plate, strictly corre-
spond, if the second image be out of focus, another trial must be made
after the apparent necessary change learnt from a close examination of
the negative, and the image on the screen has been made. When once
Correctly found, the division of the screw-collar and the distance in
inches at which the camera stands fixed by the pegs are to be carefully
noted by the figures on the guides, as necessary for that objective used
at the particular distance with sunlight, and for objects covered by
thin glass of the thickness in the case of the particular specimen photo-
Dr. Maddox remarks that when the edges of objects under the higher
powers present on the grey glass screen a faint tint of claret on the one
side and of apple green on the other, that great sharpness will often
exist in the negative; the errors of the pairs of lenses in such cases
balancing one another as regards the actinic focus. The roughness of
the Screen will not in all cases permit of the eye determining under sun-
light the best focus for the minute markings, and some fine diffusing
Surface must be chosen, as a well-washed sensitised collodion plate,
flowed by a solution of tannin or albumen, or the surface of plate-glass
covered by fine weak starch paste recommended by Mr. Carey Lea, or
the serum of milk, as occasionally used by Dr. Maddox. Dr. Wood
ward employs plain glass, but unless a coloured medium intervenes,
there may be some risk to the eye in working with the lower powers.
The object may be focussed through a parallel polished plate of blue
glass. Upon the whole the finely ground surface of glass has been
found most serviceable for ordinary work.
Should the object be situated some distance from the thin covering,
especially if much of the mounting medium glass intervenes, although
the objective may appear to work fairly through the depth, it is seldom
that the negative of the image proves satisfactory. In such a case it is
better to remount the object or select another. Indeed, for the finer
work it is most desirable that the objects should lie just beneath the
under-surface of the thin cover. Diatoms and such bodies may be dried
on the thin glass cover and photographed, or after having been dried,
they may be placed on a drop of balsam warmed on the glass slide. If
there be any vibration from unsteadiness of the apparatus, or from wind,
the results will be unsatisfactory.
343. sensitising and Exposing the Plate.—The suitable sized
plate of properly cleaned glass being selected, the materials required
should be conveniently placed in the dark room or part of the chamber
darkened for this purpose, and lighted by a yellow light or a small oil
lamp with yellow glass shade. An ordinary window light or lamp
shade may be made yellow by a covering of yellow tissue paper.
The plate is held by its sides between the fingers and thumb of the
left hand, face downwards, the back wiped carefully with a dry wide
flat camel-hair wash tool, to remove Small particles of cotton or dust.
It is then taken by the left hand near corner, with the thumb and
fingers of the left hand, or seized in the centre by a pneumatic
holder, and the face dusted over with the brush. Before the corner
of the plate, or the holder, is taken up by the left hand, care must be
taken that the neck and lip of the collodion bottle are perfectly free
from any foreign particles likely to be carried on to the plate by the
stream of collodion. The finger is commonly passed over these parts to
clear away any dirt. The Collodion may now be poured with a steady
flow on to the plate a little nearer to the left hand than its exact centre.
While flowing the lower and upper left corners are to be gradually
depressed, so that the collodion may be fairly brought to the edges of the
plate, while at the same time the pool is being increased by pouring.
The plate is then to be lowered so as to allow the fluid to flow to the
right further corner, and from this into the bottle, the sides of the angle
of plate being rested on the lip, the plate being rocked and kept slightly
inclined. The lower part being, as it were, dragged against the neck of
the bottle, the latter is to be closed. The plate is to be held horizon-
tally by the pneumatic holder for ten seconds to half a minute, or even
more, according to the setting quality of the collodion. If this occur
slowly, it will be better to rest the holder on some flat place or shelf, so
that the warmth of the hand may not cause unequal evaporation.
When the collodion is just sufficiently set to take nicely the impression of
a clean finger-tip gently pressed into the film near one edge of the plate,
the plate is ready for the nitrate of silver bath. During the “setting,”
the collodion which has reached the back, or accumulated in excess
along any edge of the plate, is to be removed. The plate is to be care-
fully detached from the holder and placed on the fluted glass or silver
wire dipper, to be plunged at one gradual stroke into the nitrate bath.
Here it is allowed to remain for one minute, then raised and lowered
several times, so as to wash the surface well, and permitted to remain in
the bath for one or two minutes longer, when the dipper with plate is
to be steadily withdrawn. If the plate is withdrawn too soon it will
have a gray streaked surface, as if oil and water had been poured on
the plate. As soon as this appearance has given place to a perfectly
smooth, glassy, gray surface, the plate is ready to leave the bath, no
matter whether it has been in a short or long time. If the plate remain
for a short time, part in the bath and part out of it, a disagreeable trans-
verse line will be formed in the negative; therefore insert it with the “one
gradual stroke” as above recommended. The plate being removed, it is
to be rested by its lower edge on a pad of clean blotting-paper, the dipper
returned to the bath. The back of the plate frame, pl. LXXII, fig. 1,
p. 308, is to be opened, and with the right hand the plate is placed face
downwards in the frame, which should be dry and free of dust. The
edge of the plate frame which is to be lowest in the camera should, from
the introduction of the plate, be kept lowest, and that edge of the plate
which was lowest in the bath should have now the same relation to the
plate-holder; and, to go back a step, in introducing the plate into the
bath, the edge along which the collodion film is thinner is to be selected
as the one to be lowest, first in the bath and then in the frame-holder.
The back is now closed, and the frame covered with a large piece
of black calico, and rested against the wall or table. Next the ob-
server adjusts the prism, removes the focussing screen, having glanced
at the image on it, sets the covered card against the achromatic Con-
denser, passes the slide-holder under the focussing cloth, into the posi-
tion of the greyed screen, and lifts carefully the shutter of the frame,
the hands being under the cloth. All is to remain for a moment or two,
that vibrations may cease, the card then Snatched without shaking, and
quickly replaced, a period of from half to twenty-five or thirty-five
seconds being allowed for the image to be impressed. The time must
be learnt by practice. The shutter is gently closed, the frame with-
drawn and replaced in the cloth, the focussing screen returned into its
place, the card again removed, and the image observed. The prism
may then be covered. The observer now returns with the slide-holder
to the dark room, and proceeds to develop the picture. The purpose of
the re-observation of the image is to see if the object and its focussing
have not been in any way deranged, so that if the development is found
to bring out a good image, the operation can be repeated without the
necessity of returning to the camera before the second plate is got ready.
344. Developing the Image.—Let us suppose the plate to be a small
one. First see that the nitrate bath is carefully placed out of the way of
all splashes. Pour into a clean developing glass an ounce or more of the
iron developing solution, add the necessary quantity of alcohol, or syrup
and alcohol, and mix. Remove the plate from the holder, rest it face
up on a levelled developing stand set in a large basin or pan, clip the
left-hand opposite corners between the finger and thumb, and commence
the second step by flushing the surface with some of the iron solution.
Tip the plate, that the liquid may quickly flow up to all the edges, then
move it gently about on the top of the stand; the light from the pro-
tected lamp or admitted through the yellow glass window falling nicely
on the surface, watch for the appearance of the image ; this, if all be
correct, will increase steadily up to a certain point, but if left longer, the
plate will begin to grey all over. Just before this would take place, tip up
the plate to throw off the developer, flush the plate well with water from
a jug or tap protected by a piece of flannel tied loosely over it, to remove
all the iron. Now examine the plate carefully by transmitted light from
the window or lamp with yellow shade, and judge whether it be worth
while to carry out the other operations. Reflush the plate again with
Water, pour off, and now pour on the fixing solutions—the cyanide of
potassium is to be preferred. Let it pass all over the plate, and in less
than a minute the plate will be cleared of the unaltered bromo-iodide of
silver. Wash well front and back with clean common water, drain the
plate for a moment, and pour on it along the edge sufficient of the solu-
tion of iodo-iodide of potassium to well cover the surface; allow this to
remain on the plate until the grey colour of the image passes to a warmer
tone (two or four minutes or more); pour off the fluid, examine it
quickly with a hand magnifier by ordinary light. If the image now has
the appearance of being in focus, wash the plate well with common, then
with clean fresh rain or distilled water; let this stand on it whilst you
pour into a clean developing glass about 2%, 3, or more drachms of the
pyrogallic solution; add to this from six to ten drops of the 30-grain
nitrate of silver solution, add two to four drops of the nitro-silver solu-
tion, mix these by twirling the hand holding the developing glass, pour
off the water from the plate, and carefully pour on along the edge or
Corner this mixed fluid, so as to flow to the edges; rock as before;
after a brief period, according to the appearance of the image, return
the fluid to the developing glass and pour on again; repeat this several
times, just holding the plate in the intervals between the eye and lamp,
to judge of the increased intensity, which, when it appears sufficient,
should in the darkest parts permit the flame of the lamp or yellow
window, to be just seen through. Now wash well with water, and finish
with a little soft water. With a small towel wipe the back, and set the
plate to drain in a plate-rack, attaching to the lower corner a small piece
of blotting-paper, or the plate can be dried off at once over the lamp.
It is sometimes difficult to judge of the real intensity gained under this
treatment, when the image is observed by yellow light; therefore, after
the flowing over of the iodide of potassium solution, the remainder of
the operations can be conducted by the direct light of the Small lamp, or
any moderate diffused light.
Should the development have been carried a little too far, or should
the fine transparent markings appear thickened or clouded, before set-
ting up the plate to drain, flush it with a mixture of equal parts of the
cyanide and iodide solutions and distilled water, then well wash, Under
this treatment many of the minute spots and half-toned points become
remarkably brightened. Some prefer to intensify before using the
cyanide solution, by, first, under non-actinic light, after the iron deve-
loper has been well washed from the plate, pouring on the pyro solution,
with a little alcohol, returning it to the developing glass, then adding the
mixed silver solutions and repouring on and off the plate, until the
image has been brought up to the necessary intensity, when it is to be
well washed, and then treated with the hypo-fixing solution or the
cyanide. Or the operator may proceed to intensify after well washing
off the iron solution, after clearing by cyanide or hypo solutions, using
the pyro and silver solutions, without the previous use of the iodo-iodide
of potassium solution. The fixing solutions are returned to their respec-
tive vessels (short wide-mouthed bottles or jugs are convenient), and can
be used over and over again, adding a fresh quantity as occasion may
require; but the cyanide solution must not be left exposed, for it soon
loses cyanogen, and the vapours are deleterious. Keep the hands con-
tinually wiped in these operations. If the plate, after the application of
the iron solution and cyanide solution, have the appearance of under
exposure, the image indistinct in detail—or of being over exposed, the
image of a too dark and uniform character throughout—or of being out
of focus—it will not be worth while to proceed to further develop it;
wash it and carry it to the light, examine it with the hand magnifier, as
some part, not that specially focussed, may appear the sharpest and
serve to indicate the alteration required on re-focussing. If any extra-
neous light should have entered, through defects in the camera or at the
vertical frame, or from the slide-holder, or when preparing the plate in
the darkened room, or before applying the fixing Solutions; or if the
nitrate bath and chemicals be not in perfect condition, the plate when
cleared will appear fogged or misty, and not yield good prints.
Generally it is advisable, when the negative appears correct, to take
a second one under the same arrangements, only re-arranging the prism ;
seldom can the exact relations be re-established, and after the rendering
of another negative it may be found that the little alteration in the
illumination, barely visible on the Screen to the eye, has given a still
more perfect character to the image, or further developed some of the
finer markings.
345. of Increasing the Intensity of the Negative.—There is much
difficulty in obtaining a clean dense negative, which shall preserve dis-
tinctness in the finest markings. When the attempt is made to procure
greater intensity by the intensifying processes, the fresh deposit of silver,
with the shrinking of the collodion in drying, will often so completely
close up these lines that their definition becomes lost in the print. To
endeavour to still preserve these and add printing intensity to the nega-
tive, some employ a solution of bichloride of mercury. Dissolve in
2 oz. of distilled or soft water, 12 grains of the bichloride of mercury or
corrosive sublimate; label the solution POISON. After developing with
iron, washing and continuing the development with the silver and pyro
solutions, fixing, and re-washing, the plate is flushed with the sublimate
liquid (which is allowed to remain on until the image becomes of a dark
grey colour if the solution be used weaker, 2 grs, to the oz. of water),
then well washed, and recovered with a weak solution of iodide of
potassium, from I to 2 grs. to the oz. of water; this will give the image
a dirty grey or green tinge, which will often dry of a darker colour. The
bichloride can also be used after the iodide of potassium solution, taking
care to wash the surface well before applying it, then again washing off
with water, the plate may be covered with an old weak solution of hypo-
sulphite of soda, or a few drops to half a drachm or more of the strong
liquor of ammonia in half a pint of water, or sulphide of ammonium in
water. Some employ iodide of mercury dissolved in iodide of potassium,
and thus gain the advantage of using the mercury and iodide in one
operation. In cases in which the bichloride has been used to add to the
intensity, the negatives when dry often present a remarkable sharpness;
but it is no uncommon thing to find that when the plate has been dried,
spontaneously even, the moment it is handled the collodion flies and
cracks often into the image; to prevent this it is requisite to pour over
the plate, after the last washing, a weak mucilage or gum-water. In this
case care must be taken to well dry the plate prior to varnishing, as gum
is to a small extent an absorbent of moisture.
In the journals and manuals on general photography various methods
are set forth to endeavour to procure by one operation sufficient inten-
sity to print from. Mr. M. Carey Lea strongly recommends gelatine
soaked, the water poured off, then acted on (without heat in all the
operations) by sulphuric acid, the acid to be taken up by the gradual
addition, when cool, of clean iron filings or thin iron wire, and the excess
of acid finally removed by the acetate of soda. Others have proposed
the solution of gelatine in acetic acid or nitric acid and the addition of
this, from a few drops upwards, to the ordinary protosulphate of iron or
ammonio-sulphate of iron developer, without the acetic acid (Dr. Towler's
method). Some use honey or a little albumen added to the pyro-acetic
and silver solution for the same object.
346. varnishing the Plate—When the plates are dry, clean off the
edges with a damp cloth held on the forefinger nail, wipe well the back,
and hold the plate before a clear fire until moderately warm to the back
of the hand; take it by one corner and pour on the varnish (Soehnee is
very good). Allow it to flow freely over the surface, and remain for half
a minute or less on it, then pour back the surplus into the bottle from
one corner, not rocking the plate; let it drain a little, then hold the
plate towards the fire vertically, the edges from which the varnish was
poured being downwards, and wipe them with a piece of rag or tissue-
paper, to prevent a thickened line being formed and extending inwards
as the plate dries. If intended for enlarging, it is far better not to
varnish the plate in any way; but to prevent the surface from being
injured, it may be flowed with weak albumen, then dried, and plunged
into a dish of alcohol.
347. of Cleaning old Plates.—The soiled and used plates can be
cleaned by the fresh use of washing soda ; those varnished should be
allowed to soak in a very hot strong solution of this substance, or rubbed
with a pledget of tow dipped in nitric acid; or treated by Mr. M. Carey
Lea's method. If they are to be used again they must be cleaned with
great care.
The negative, if it be preferred, can be handed to a professional
photographic printer, who, however, should be acquainted with the
character of the object, or its chief characteristics should be pointed
out to him ; otherwise a print may be returned bearing anything but a
Semblance to the real appearance of the object, as seen in the micro-
Scope; the tendency generally being to over-print and render a delicate
object heavy and out of all character. We shall complete this chapter
by offering such instructions as may at least enable the amateur to print
for himself.
348. Preparing the Paper, Exposing and Washing.—Select albu-
menised paper, the best procurable, either Rive or Saxe, and such as is
used for the finest cartes de visite. Cut the sheet into six equal parts
or to the size convenient for sensitising, or according to the size of the
negatives, taking care not to soil the surface with the fingers.
Take the paper by the diagonal corners, bend it slightly back and
lower it gradually, without any stoppage, albumen side downwards, on
a solution of nitrate of silver 60 to 80 grains to the ounce of water, and
about one drop of nitric acid to four or six ounces of liquid. Be careful
that no air bubbles are confined beneath the paper. To ascertain this,
lift the corner by a pair of bone forceps. Allow the paper to remain from
one to two minutes for the 80 grain solution, and three minutes for the
60 grain solution. The object is to form a chloride of silver as much
as possible on the surface of the albumen. Pin up to drain, and append
a piece of blotting paper at the lowest corner. When surface dry, if
required at once, the drying may be hastened by placing the papers in
a box lined with blotting paper and heated by a warm clean brick or
corked jar of hot water. The paper must be prepared in non-actinic
Jight, and can be preserved for future use in a preservative-case sold
for the purpose. -
The negatives are wiped on the back, placed face up in the printing
frames, figs, 2 to 5, pl. LXXII, the sensitised paper put face down-
wards on them, then covered by a pad of red blotting paper or cloth,
and the back of the printing frame properly closed. These frames,
covered by a dark cloth, are carried to the window ledge or table at an
open window, and placed so as to receive the direct Sun's rays. After
the edge of the paper is seen to be well browned or bronzed, the back
of the printing frame can be carefully opened in diffused light, the print
quickly examined, the back reclosed, and the frame returned to the
same position if not already sufficiently printed. Mr. Deecke displays
great patience and skill in slowly printing in diffused light. He covers
and uncovers part after part of the negative, to allow for the varying
density of the different parts of the picture, due to the varying thickness
or opacity of the corresponding parts in the microscopic object. Some-
times the printing is better if conducted in a north light, or under
ordinary daylight instead of sunlight, according to the character of the
negative. The paper and the prints are to be kept in dark boxes or
drawers; but in the intervals, while waiting for the printing to go on,
the prints are to be taken from the dark, and in diffused light trimmed,
and then returned to the box or drawer. Much of the elegance of a
photograph depends upon its being correctly trimmed. The best and
simplest way of doing this is to lay the print, face up, on a plate of glass,
to cover just that part of the print required, by a plate glass pattern, truly
cut with a diamond, and with edges perhaps ground, and then to run
a sharp knife at a single stroke through the paper close to each edge, in
turn, of the pattern. When the printing is finished float the prints face
downwards on a large flat dish of clean rain water, then on common
water in another dish ; afterwards plunge them under water in another
deep vessel, allow them to remain for five or ten minutes, occasionally
stirring them about, and relay another set. One of the above waters
should, before putting the prints in, have a small pinch of common
salt added, just enough to turn the prints to a bright red colour. (This
contrasts with the colour the prints assume in the toning-bath, and
enables one to better appreciate when the toning is sufficient.) They are
now ready for toning. Some plunge them into water and change the
water several times, but in this case the backs are wetted and the un-
changed nitrate or chloride of silver admitted into the pores of the
paper, which is not advisable. Before placing the prints in the toning
solution it is as well to let them drain against the sides of the dish, if
of small size; if larger, to at least wipe over the front and back with
a glass rod, so as not to pass them into the toning bath in a very wet
State. -
349. Toning.—The toning solution is prepared as follows:–
8 drachms of distilled water; 7% grains of chloride of gold. If the
solution is not to be used at Once, I drop of hydrochloric acid is to be
added to the above solution, which must be kept in a stoppered bottle
in the dark.
Pour one drachm of the gold solution into a clean developing glass
or measure, and add one ounce of distilled or soft water. Into another
clean glass vessel put half an ounce of soft water, and 5 grains of bi-
carbonate of soda, Part of the Soda solution is to be added to the
gold, gradually stirring during the time. The solution is to be tested
with blue litmus paper. The addition of soda solution is to be
cautiously continued, until the paper is no longer reddened. A drop
or two more of the soda is then to be added, and the neutralised solu-
tion of chloride of gold poured into a clean small flat dish, and mixed
with about 8 ounces of soft water. Set this near to the window
screened by the yellow curtain or glass. Remove the washed and
drained prints from the dish, and pass them into the toning solution,
a few at a time. Here they are to be kept in motion: as they appear
to darken, just lift the curtain aside and note the tint they have assumed
by daylight, but they must not remain exposed to the light any time, or
the white parts will be injured. The other dishes should likewise be
attended to and covered over with a sheet of paper to keep the light
from them. In the toning bath the prints gradually lose their red
colour, becoming of a warm brown, then of a warm black, and, lastly,
of a cold gray black colour. If the prints are removed when warm
black, the photographs when finished will be of about the tone of
pictures in the portrait galleries. If taken out sooner they will be more
red; if later, more black. As fast as toned, the prints are passed into a
dish of clean water. The toning should all be done, and the dishes
and glass rods used in handling the prints put away before the fingers
even touch the hyposulphite of soda. Even the dish containing the
prints should be put on one side until the fixing solution is ready. The
toning solution may be kept in a bottle, and the portion above the
precipitate which falls, decanted each time it is used into the toning
dish, a little of the soda and gold solutions being added at each toning.
The quantity of the toning solution prepared must be in proportion to
the size and number of prints, about I grain of gold to one full sheet of
350. Another Toning solution.—One grain of chloride of gold, or
I drachm of the solution, is to be neutralised with bicarbonate of soda
in 9 or Io ounces of soft water, then half a drachm of the crystallised
acetate is to be added. This is to be used the day after making; it
keeps well, and can be strengthened by adding freshly made solution
prepared somewhat stronger. Occasionally the neutral or alkaline
solution of gold-bath will not act ; but if the dish be set over a jug or
basin of hot water, the toning action will commence, or a few drops of
the chloride of gold may be added. Good toned prints have also been
produced by using the weakened neutral solution of gold and soda,
for the next lot of prints, adding some fresh solution of gold. Other
toning solutions are made with biborate, or phosphate of soda; also with
acetate and chloride of lime.
The unaltered chloride of silver has now to be removed from the paper.
ssi. Fixing.—The fixing solution is made by putting into a gutta-
percha dish, kept for this purpose only, according to the size and number
of the prints, 2 ounces of hyposulphite of soda to 8 or Io ounces of
soft water.
As a precaution, in case the hyposulphite should be acid, a small
lump of chalk or whiting is to be added. Remove the prints from the
water, drain well, if convenient, against the sides of the dish, then pass
them singly into the fixing solution, keeping them there, in the case of
a thin paper, for Io minutes, and a thick paper for 15 minutes. They
must be kept in motion. These different processes should be con-
ducted more or less continuously so as not to lose time.
When the prints are removed from the hyposulphite, drain well, then
pass them into a vessel of clean water, which should be changed often
during the first hour, draining completely each time. They may then
be left for 6 hours or longer, the water being changed every half hour,
or kept under a gentle stream of water. They are to be finished by
soaking them for a short time in hot water. After this they are laid
face upwards on bibulous paper to dry. The hyposulphite solution
should be used when freshly made.
352. of Mounting the Prints.-The most accurate prints are those
which are not mounted ; because, in the mounting, the print becomes
wider or longer, according as the print is cut across or with the length
of the original sheet. The corners simply might be fastened to a stiff
mount by flour or starch paste. If for any reason, however, the prints
are to be mounted, dip them one by one into water, and pile them one
on the other, face down, on a plate of glass. Thoroughly squeeze the
water from the pile. Press a blotter for an instant to every part of the
back of the top print, and then apply evenly to the back by means of a
brush, somewhat thick, almost stiff starch paste. Lift one corner of
the print with a penknife, and then the whole print by the fingers, turn
it over into its proper position on the card or paper mount, and
thoroughly press it home with a clean blotter. Thus treat each print of
the pile in turn. To “finish’ the mounted picture, photographers
lightly sponge the front with a solution of French soap in alcohol, and
after a few minutes pass the picture between hot polished steel rollers.
353. Photographs of Microscopic Objects for the Magic Lantern.
—Although no means are yet known by which a minute object,
magnified by the higher powers of the microscope, can be thrown upon
a screen so as to be seen by a number of persons at once, almost the
same result has been obtained by magnifying a photograph of the
object in an oxy-hydrogen magic lantern. It may not be out of place
to say a few words on the negatives best suited for enlargement, and the
mode of enlarging to a moderate size. The negative should be clear
without stains, and if containing only a single object—or objects
separated,—the field should be only sufficiently dense not to allow any
light to pass through in the period of time necessary to secure a
'reversed copy or positive on glass. To effect this there are several
ways. If to be of the same size, a sensitised, albumenised, or tannin
prepared plate, dry, has the negative laid carefully face down on the
prepared surface, and fixed as in a printing frame, or held very tightly,
then exposed to ordinary day-light for a few seconds, or else for a
longer period opposite a fish-tail gas-light. When impressed the nega-
tive is removed, and the image developed in the manner employed for
the kind of film used. A very fine deposit is requisite, therefore the
development should be gradual; great diversity of tone is procured by
using various articles in the developer, or following its re-application, as
honey, raspberry syrup, &c., or the image when cleared by cyanide of
potassium or hyposulphite of soda, and well washed, may be toned by
a gold-toning solution.
If to be taken on a wet plate, a proper copying camera or two draw
Cameras are commonly used : the negative, face towards the interior
of the camera, is placed in the ordinary camera slide, and this inserted
in its place and opened. A portrait combination is fitted to the opposite
end of this camera if the negative is to be in any way enlarged,—if not
to another camera, and the front lens made to face the negative; the
two cameras are then fixed face to face, and the light round the aperture
of the lenses and the junction with the additional camera made abso-
lutely light-tight: the cameras thus fixed to any board are placed so
that the negative faces a north light; by means of the rack and pinion
of the combination, and the draw-part of either or both cameras, a
sharp image of the negative is to be formed on the grayed glass of the
second camera, and then received as in the Ordinary manner on the
prepared plate: a short exposure only is needed. It is as well to limit
the field by placing a piece of thick black paper with the necessary sized
and shaped aperture in it, on the back of the negative before placing it in
the slide. Care should be taken to Secure the negative in its position
in case of accident. Or a copy can be made by placing the negative in
a vertical frame supported on a table near an open window, and a large
white card or mirror placed a little distance off, at an angle behind it,
so as to illuminate the surface equally by transmitted light, and the
ordinary camera used as in copying engravings or pictures,-care being
taken that the reflected light from the screen is not thrown into the
lens as well as transmitted through the negative. A proper copying
camera is the best. In enlarging, some employ a special reflector, when
the position of the negative must be arranged with care. The positive
thus obtained can in its turn be made to furnish a second negative of
a similar, larger, or smaller size. -
As these photographs abound in delicate detail, an oxy-hydrogen
or electric lantern with achromatic lenses is necessary for their proper
display. The lantern and arrangements for producing the light are
- Z 2
34O How To work witH THE MICROSCOPE.
shown in pl. LXXIII. The lantern should be made of old seasoned
mahogany, so that warping may not be produced by the very intense
heat of the lime light. Behind the spring stage, which carries the
photographic slide, M. T. T. Taylor has placed a combination of
lenses, 3% inches in diameter, called “the condenser.” (See paper in
Reports of the British Association.) The object of this arrangement
is to collect and concentrate the light emitted by a cylinder of lime
rendered incandescent by an ignited jet of oxy-hydrogen gas, upon
the surface of the photograph, through which it passes, and then Con-
verges upon an achromatic combination placed at a proper focal distance
in front. The rays on passing onwards diverge, and the enlarged
shadow of the photograph is projected upon an opaque or transparent
screen. By this means all the details of an object less than a pin's
point in size may be shown with perfect definition, twenty feet in
diameter. The hydrogen may be obtained from any house gas-supply
by simply connecting the tap of a gas bracket by a piece of flexible
tubing with the hydrogen tube of the jet. The oxygen is obtained by
heating a mixture of chlorate of potash and oxide of manganese in a
proper retort, and collecting the gas in a wedge-shaped gas-bag, after
passing it through a washing bottle to purify it. Condensed oxygen
may now be purchased ready for use in strong iron bottles. The stop-
cock of the gas-bag is connected with the oxygen tube of the jet by
flexible tubing. The jet is so arranged that it is impossible for any
accident to occur in the shape of an explosion, the gases only being
combined at the extremity of the jet. When house gas is not attainable
the jet of oxygen may be forced through a spirit flame on to the lime
ball, or if a small disc of seven feet in diameter is considered sufficient,
such photographs may be shown by means of a paraffine or other hydro-
carbon lamp, if the triple condenser and single achromatic lens be em-
ployed. The most intense light is obtained by replacing the house-gas
(carburetted hydrogen) with pure hydrogen, and burning both gases
under an increased pressure, and mixed in a suitable jet, just before
being forced upon the lime ball.
354. Iron Gas Bottles.—The India-rubber gas-bags are now Super-
seded by the use of iron bottles charged by means of condensing pumps
with the gas to the pressure of 30 atmospheres. One bottle is equivalent
in contents to six of the gas-bags formerly employed. These iron reser-
voirs are cheaper and last longer than the gas-bags, and in them the
gases may be kept for any length of time. They are always ready for
use ; the Cumbrous pressure boards and weights are dispensed with, and
they are free from danger if purchased from a maker that can be relied on.
(See Mr. Highley's paper read before the Society of Arts, January 4th,
1863.) Mr. How, of St. Bride Street, Ludgate Hill, provides the requisite
instruments and apparatus. A list of books on photography of value to
the practical operator will be found at the end of the present volume.
t №.
ſºzae º,
Oxyhydrogen lancern, with gas bag, &c., as arranged by Mr. Highley for throwing the photographs of
microscopic objects upon a screen.

354.” On the Use of Gelatino-Bromide Dry Plates for Photo-
Micrography.—It is probable that the dry plates will be found very
advantageous for taking photographs of microscopic objects. They are
far more sensitive than the ordinary moist plates and, consequently,
much greater care is required in manipulation, and especially in the
arrangement of the dark chamber, for an amount of light which would
not affect the ordinary plan would cause fogging in the plate or entirely
interfere with the dry process. Messrs. Wratten and Wainwright, of
38, Great Queen Street, have recently prepared plates which are ten
times as sensitive as ordinary wet plates. Professor H. Vogel speaks of
the “astonishing results” obtained by this process. Dr. Clifford Mercer
has seen an image produced, in the light of an ordinary gas light, in
two seconds, and there is no doubt that the process is well suited for
photo micrography. The observer who adopts this plan must, however,
be extremely careful in following out all the details. Full description of
the method of proceeding, together with the prepared plates and all the
chemicals required, may be obtained of Messrs. Wratten and Wain-
wright, Photographic Chemists, 38, Great Queen Street, Long Acre,
IN this part of my book, I propose to consider how objects may be
most satisfactorily examined with the aid of the highest powers yet
made, and how the most minute structural peculiarities may be demon-
strated. I shall venture to describe in detail the special methods which
I have employed in my investigations upon the minute structure of
various textures and upon the nature of the changes which take place
in the course of development and growth of living beings. By the
method of investigation referred to, not only may sections of any tissue
be prepared sufficiently thin to be subjected to examination by powers
magnifying upwards of 5,000 diameters, but the vessels of the tissues
may be injected and afterwards displayed in the same preparations.
This part of my subject, the details of which have been introduced
for the consideration of the more advanced student, should not be
taken up by beginners, at any rate, before they have honestly gone
through the tables at the end of this volume, and have perfected them-
selves in the various operations there indicated. When elementary
principles and practical details have been thoroughly mastered, the
observer may begin to practise the process of staining tissues, p. 122,
and may endeavour to make exceedingly thin sections of tissues of
varying degrees of softness, toughness and resistance, p. 92. In this
way he will gradually be led on to undertake original investigations,
and, in the course of the experiments he may make, no doubt,
important improvements in the methods of preparation now in use will
be devised by him, The student who desires to ascertain the truth
concerning many scientific questions must not be deterred by any dis-
paraging remarks on the part of authorities, however popular, concerning
this or any other special method of investigation, for new processes are
almost invariably condemned, and advance in this branch of microsco-
pical investigation labours under the serious disadvantage of being
appreciated only by a very limited number of persons. Nor must the
student who wishes to become a good observer, trouble himself about
the imaginings of popular celebrities who proclaim all living things to
be matter only, declare that vital actions are mechanical, and expatiate
upon the mischievous tendencies of microscopical investigation to
audiences as ignorant as themselves, and who do their utmost to excite
prejudice against the use of an instrument by which anyone may con-
clusively prove, contrary to their dictum, that living beings are
not in the least degree like any machine that is known and that
there is no analogy between physical and vital phenomena. Unfortu-
nately a considerable section of the public at this time insists that
mechanical views concerning all life shall be taught far and wide,
and therefore sustains and encourages and rewards with applause and
notoriety those who obey its mandates.
355. In Defence of the Use of very high Magnifying Powers.-
Before describing the highest magnifying powers and the method of
using them, it is unfortunately necessary for me to allude to objections
which have been raised to their use and to endeavour to answer some
of the most important. Some persons still persist in asserting that no
advantage is to be gained from powers magnifying more than 3oo
diameters. Now, it would be a waste of time to answer the many
frivolous objections which have been raised to this and other methods
of observation, in Germany and elsewhere. It is obvious that every
observer has a perfect right to work as he likes, while to praise any
processes of investigation supposed to be advantageous and to condemn
those considered objectionable is a privilege enjoyed by all. Some
authorities disparage means of research which they themselves cannot
or will not employ. Although for example it is perfectly obvious that
the simplest and only efficient manner of introducing fluid into all parts
of a tissue is to inject it by the vessels, some who do not inject refuse
to admit that this is so. Moreover there are individuals who will main-
tain that those appearances can alone be trusted, and accepted as natural
appearances, which result from observations upon tissues immersed in
water. Now although it is true that nothing is gained by Subjecting speci-
mens immersed in water to the highest powers, it is quite certain that
those authorities who maintain that everything ought to be examined in
water, and assert that little is gained by the use of high powers, which
they pronounce to be useless, are in error as regards the correctness of
their contention as well as the grounds upon which it is based. To
the use of water there are grave objections. Water alters many tissues
extremely, and completely destroys some of the most delicate textures.
Its limpid character renders it impossible to fray out many delicate
tissues immersed in it, while an amount of pressure sufficient to make
tissues thin enough for observation with high powers causes their com-
plete destruction. Notwithstanding all this, not a few observers still use
water and solutions of which water is the principal ingredient, and refuse
to adopt or admit any principles opposed to this plan. No wonder
they condemn the use of high powers. Not content with working on
in their own way, many do all they can to underrate the importance of
observations made upon any principles with which they are not
acquainted. If anyone makes out new points of structure by any new
method, all that an authority who differs from him has to do, if he
desires to upset his views, is to state that the structure described is not
to be seen in specimens prepared in the “natural way,” and that there-
fore the appearances are altogether fallacious and the conclusions drawn
from them quite erroneous. If an authority simply denies the existence
of what he has himself been unable to see, he is but too often implicitly
believed, although he may not have taken the pains to try the only
method of investigation by which the appearances in question could be
seen. In these days if only a man gains reputation in one branch of
Science, the public allows him to usurp authority in others. He may
have studied physics and chemistry for many years, and so become an
authority on the question of spontaneous generation, and his dicta con-
cerning contagious diseases of man and animals be accepted as final.
Again, some authorities who have not seen points of structure described
by others without denying the truth of their observations, content
themselves with intimating that the new notions are not likely to be
true, because the arrangement does not exist in a particular animal
which they happen to have elaborately studied. But as regards pro-
gress, authority is of little consequence, especially in that department
of science in which microscopical observation is included. Real
workers observe and try to discover facts and leave authority to dictate
and dogmatise to those who like to submit. The assertions often made
are so astounding that nobody cares to contradict them. An article,
not long ago, appeared in a well-known journal, in which it was asserted
as a valid argument against the employment of high powers, that
all the important discoveries in natural history and anatomy had been
made with the aid of powers which did not magnify more than the
quarter of an inch object-glass (200 diameters). It is only necessary to
remark that the writer of this remarkable paper as well as those who
agree with him, must be quite ignorant of the microscopic work of the
last twenty years. If such journals as “Schultze’s Archiv,” or “Kölliker's
Zeitschrift,” or the “Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society,”
or the “Microscopical Journal,” be referred to, multitudes of observa-
tions will be found which prove the great advantages resulting from
the use of high-power objectives, and in many branches of research.
It is not, however, to be wondered at that the introduction of new
and more refined methods of investigation should meet with considerable
opposition, for in all departments of progressive knowledge are to be
found persons who seem to consider it their special duty to discover as
soon as possible any symptoms of too rapid advance, and oppose inno-
vations with the utmost vigour. It is to be regretted too that some-
times the innovators and rebels of one period become the obstructives
of a later time. Some of the warmest advocates of progress seem to
mean progress in one particular direction and progress of one particular
kind only. Other zealous innovators soon reach a period in their career
when they tire of the constant change, and make the discovery that
what some consider to be advance is really going back. Many more,
regardless of the struggling Crowds behind them, long to rest for a time
in a position which they have at last gained after years of labour, though
by resting they constitute themselves the opponents of scientific progress
and the enemies of true science, for science can never rest without great
danger of retrograding and losing much of what has been already gained.
Some there are, who considering themselves very far advanced, teach
the public to believe that they are leading them on, when in fact they are
trying to carry them back to a phase of thought which 2,000 years ago
was behind the time. Some of these self-confident teachers wantonly
condemn the use of the microscope, because the facts discovered by this
instrument preclude the acceptance of a most extravagant and degrading
form of materialism, which they profess. Notwithstanding the repeated
exposure of many silly dogmas, the fanciful delusions of mechanical
minds are still by some held to be superior to the facts of observation
and experiment; and promises and potencies discovered in atoms
abiding in some region beyond the range of physical investigation are
accepted and advertised as a new revelation for the consolation of those
who have faith in the material atom and its machinery.
In certain branches of microscopical enquiry very high magnifying
powers are absolutely necessary. For example, in such investigations as
those which have lately been carried on by M. Pouchet and M. Pasteur,
many of the more minute organisms can only be seen by a power magni-
fying upwards of 1,000 diameters. Bacteria, magnified 1,800 and 3,000
diameters respectively, are represented in pl. LXXXII, p. 390, figs. I 7 to
22. If still higher powers had been brought to bear upon the speci-
men, organisms still more minute than any represented in these figures
would probably have been demonstrated.* The most minute of such
living organisms discoverable by a power of Io, ooo linear, has been
* My friend Dr. Child who has paid much attention to the subject referred to,
makes the following remarks :-‘‘The absolute necessity of using high magnifying
power in attempting the solution of some of the problems which now present them-
selves to the physiologist is well shown in some of the recent investigations into the
development of minute fungi. M. Pasteur has been in the habit of using an object-
glass of 350 diameters, see his paper in the “Annales de Chimie,’ vol. LXIV.”
living and growing for some time before it attained sufficient dimensions
and density to be visible to us. I believe if magnifying power could
be efficiently increased to ten times ten thousand diameters, we should
only be able to see particles of living matter increasing in size, and
giving rise to new particles, which in their turn would become detached,
and so on. We should see nothing like the aggregation of particles, or
the coalescence of already existing particles of inanimate matter, to
form a mass of living matter. We should see, I believe, nothing but
the increase in size and division of living particles already in existence,
although we might be able to demonstrate germs of a degree of minute-
ness not yet thought of. But there is another matter of importance in
the consideration of this subject, which has almost entirely escaped
notice. Besides extreme minuteness in size, extreme tenuity or trans-
parency interferes with the detection of an object. Now, the greatest
difference is observed in object-glasses with regard to their power of
rendering evident matter of extreme transparency differing but very
slightly from the medium in which it is immersed. The best object-
glasses will define clearly and accurately, bodies, which, from their
transparency, are quite invisible under objectives only slightly inferior
to the first. The use of imperfect glasses often leads to misconcep-
tions. For instance some of the statements recently made with refer-
ence to the mode of formation of the lowest forms of life, by the
aggregation of particles, has no doubt resulted from careless examina-
tion and imperfect definition ; the real germs having existed for a long
time amongst the granular material out of which it is supposed they
were formed, but of such tenuity that they could not be recognised by
the object-glasses employed, amongst a vast number of very distinct
particles closely aggregated.
How entirely inadequate is an ordinary power for the purpose of
proving the absence of minute organisms from a sample of fluid, is
shown by the fact that some of the Bacteria figured in my paper in
the “Proceedings of the Royal Society,” vol. XIV, p. 171, measure only
about the I-85, oooth of an inch. An object of this size when examined
with a power of 35o would appear to the eye little more than I-25oth of
an inch in diameter, and it is evident that any number of such objects
might be easily overlooked. In confirmation of this view I may cite
the experience of Professor Hallier, of Jena, who, though he confirms in
the main the results arrived at by M. Pasteur, yet in his recent work,
“Gährungs-Erscheinungen” (p. 50–51), insists strongly upon the neces-
sity of using high powers in investigations of this nature. He has been in
the habit of using powers of 1,000 and 1,500 diameters, and speaks of
having met with organised bodies so minute as to appear as “mere
points even when so examined (p. 70).” This it will be observed is
quite confirmatory of my own observations as stated in the text.
Objects which would be passed over by the observer and remain
quite unnoticed when examined by the most excellent ordinary powers
will at once attract attention if much more highly magnified. If, there-
fore, high powers were of service only in bringing important but most
delicate peculiarities of objects under observation—if by their use the
attention were merely directed to minute points which would otherwise
pass unobserved, it would be full and sufficient reason for employing
them to carry out advanced work. In studying the peculiar structure
of the lower forms of life, and especially the wonderful minute diato-
maceae, the use of very high powers is too obvious to require special
notice here. Everyone who engages in original investigations con-
cerning the minute structure of living beings, must acquire skill in the
use of far higher magnifying powers than those which used to be con-
sidered necessary. The observer must always begin by using low
powers, and as he improves in the mode of making specimens and sub-
mitting them to examination, he may advance to the use of the higher
and the highest powers.
An entirely new field has been discovered for exploration, and a vast
number of new anatomical facts will be elucidated during the next few
years, by the aid of new methods of investigation, and the use of high
powers, Original research in this department of natural knowledge is
intensely interesting. Many of the points most open for enquiry involve
questions of fundamental importance, which, when determined, will neces-
sitate great changes in physiology. Minute anatomy has hitherto been
far too little studied, and on the part of many influential persons who take
a very narrow view of physiological enquiry, its prosecution is discouraged.
Is it not obvious that we ought to have a thorough knowledge of mere
structure before we begin to discuss action ? Is it not often the case
both in physiology and in medicine that the mere speculations of popular
visionaries are received, and widely taught, which are in fact completely
controverted by anatomical facts already demonstrated P
356. Of the Twenty-sixth and of the Highest Magnifying Powers
yet made.—I include under the last term all objectives which amplify
more than 4oo diameters. In 1859, I was engaged in studying the
arrangement of the nerves in voluntary muscle, and succeeded in pre-
paring, by the process given in p. 357, Some exceedingly thin sections, in
which most delicate nerve fibres could be distinguished, as very pale and
transparent threads. The appearance was such as to lead me to the
inference that in many cases apparently single fibres, though not more
than the I-Ioo, oooth of an inch in diameter, really consisted of several
exceedingly fine fibres. I desired, therefore, to examine the specimens
with a more powerful objective, and I begged Messrs. Powell and
Lealand to endeavour to make for me a glass with a magnifying power
double that of the sixteenth, which they succeeded in making in the
year 1840. In 1860, I received from these makers the first twenty-sixth
ever made. This lens magnified 1,800 diameters. I have now had
great experience of its use, and can speak of it as a most excellent
working glass. That it defines exceedingly well, and admits plenty of
light, is obvious from the fact that it will allow of the tube of the micro-
scope being increased considerably in length when the amplification
of the object reaches nearly 4, ooo diameters. By a working glass, I
mean one which can be employed without great trouble or difficulty,
and which does not require any elaborate arrangements with regard to
illumination, adjustment, &c. In fact, my twenty-sixth works fairly
even without a condenser of any kind, the direct light from the sky, or
the common concave mirror, being used. There is plenty of room for
focussing, although, of course, specially thin glass or mica must be
employed, and the lens can be quickly brought down upon the cover
without risk of breaking it. I have made and published many drawings
of tissues of the higher animals magnified with this glass, and it need
scarcely be said that, as it can be brought to bear upon textures of this
class (even bone and teeth), thin sections of which are obtained only
with great difficulty, it must be readily applicable to other departments
of microscopical enquiry.
Object-glasses of very high magnifying power have been more
recently made by other makers.
An objective of high magnifying power (a twentieth) with a single
front lens was made some years ago by Messrs. Smith and Beck. The
magnifying power was about one-third less than that of the twenty-fifth,
and it appeared to me that the definition of the glass I examined was not
so good. The amount of light admitted was, however, ample. Hart-
nack's high power immersion objectives are among the best on the
It must be freely admitted that it is exceedingly difficult to accurately
estimate the merits of one glass as compared with another, and there
can be no doubt that an observer who has used one objective very
much, especially if he has made new observations by its aid, is likely to
be prejudiced in its favour. Unless I worked with an objective for a
considerable period of time, I should not like to give an opinion as to
its qualities. The difference between the working powers of the glasses
of the best makers is, at most, very slight, and not to be demonstrated
without the most exact and careful examination. At the same time, it
is certain that the slightest advantage in defining power must not be
underrated, for if the observer is enabled to see some scarcely percepti-
ble, but nevertheless most important, points not observed before, he is
amply repaid for the money he has laid out in the purchase of the
object-glass. In not a few instances the very slightest advantage as
regards seeing minute points in structure may necessitate a complete
alteration in the general views received as true, and even regarded as
fixed and unalterable. Improvement in the means of observation is of
the utmost importance, and, however slight, is almost invariably soon
followed by the discovery of new facts.
357. “Immersion ” Twenty-fifth.-As already stated in p. 8,
Hartnack, of Paris, has made some excellent lenses of high magnifying
power upon the “immersion” principle. Messrs. Powell and Lealand
have recently made a twenty-fifth object-glass upon the same plan. It
possesses the following advantages —
I. A much thicker covering glass can be used than is possible with
the ordinary I-25th.
2. The specimen is much more highly illuminated, the same lamp,
condenser, &c., being employed. The definition is, I think, slightly
better, but the difference observed when examining sections of moist
tissues is not sufficiently decided to enable me to speak at all con-
fidently upon this point, though in the examination of diatoms, the
podura scale, and such delicate objects, there can be no question about
the advantage of water and especially of oil immersion high power ob-
35s. of the one-fiftieth objective.—In the last edition of this work
I announced that Messrs. Powell and Lealand had succeeded in making
for me a one-fiftieth of an inch objective which magnified very much more
highly than the twenty-fifth. This wonderful glass was completed
October 15th, 1864. It was found to define quite as well as the twenty-
fifth, and no difficulty was experienced in obtaining plenty of light for
the illumination of the objects (“Proceedings of the Royal Society,”
January 19th, 1865). Some drawings by this objective are given in
my Report on the Cattle Plague, as well as in plº. XLVI, LI, and in
several other plates in this work. There is less difficulty in bringing
this glass to a focus than would be supposed, although of course delicate
manipulation and some degree of patience and care are required on the
part of anyone who determines to work with it.
359.--of the one-eightieth of an inch objective.—On June 24th,
1872, Mr. Thos. H. Powell completed the only eightieth of an inch objec-
tive ever made, and I believe this still remains the only one in existence.
It has a magnifying power about one third more than the fiftieth, and
defines at least as well as that glass. The circulation in the cells of the
vallisneria as seen by this objective, without any covering glass, was
several times shown by Mr. Powell.
360. The Apparent size of an Object under different Powers.-The
following circles may enable the reader to form an idea of the different
sizes which the same object would assume in the microscope under the
respective magnifying powers. The representations are approximative
only. Below the circles some lines are represented to indicate the one-
thousandth of an inch as seen when magnified 250, 7oo, and 2,800
Molecule goºgo of an inch in diameter × 250 linear º
33 55 3 3 2 3 × 7OO...... ©

Tºro of an English inch, magnified 250 linear ......
33 2 3 5 5 3 3 7oo 3 3 tº e º 'º - ºn
5 y 3 3 y 3 5 5 28oo 5 5
361. of the covering Glass.—The thin cover placed over the object
may be made of a very thin plate of mica, but glass possesses several
advantages. Messrs. Chance, of Birmingham, have lately succeeded in
manufacturing in quantity glass sufficiently thin for the I-50th. This is
supplied by Messrs. Powell and Lealand. For the mere examination of
specimens, thin plates of mica answer well, and they may even be used
for permanently mounting the preparation; but as it is difficult to clean
the surface without scratching it, it will be found better to employ thin
glass circles as the covers of specimens which are to be kept per-
Zhickness of the Covering Glass.—An instrument for measuring the
thickness of the thin glass kindly given to me by Mr. Brooke, is repre-
sented in fig. 2, pl. LXXIV. The method of using it is too obvious
to require explanation. The marks round the stem indicate tenths of a
millimetre. The thickness of the ordinary thin glass is about 3 or 4
tenths of a millimetre, that for the I-12th objective under two tenths,
and the glass suitable for the I-50th is about 1-20th of a millimetre, or
less than 1-50oth of an English inch in thickness.
362. Illumination of objects Magnified by very High Powers.-In
using the sixteenth, twenty-fifth, and fiftieth, it is of the utmost import-
ance to attend to the illumination. As already stated, the ordinary
concave mirror gives light enough for the one twenty-fifth objective ;
but a light of greater intensity and superior in quality may be obtained
by other methods. After having tried a great many different plans, I
have decided in favour of the illumination obtained from a round
wicked paraffine lamp, pl. XII, fig. 3, pl. XIV, p. 24, figs, 2, 3, brought
to a focus by a condenser. The ordinary condenser answers very well
if to the front glass is fitted a cap made of very thin brass having a
perfectly round central aperture less than the I-3oth of an inch in
diameter. Kelner's eye-piece, as before observed, p. 7, gives the
brightest illumination, and if covered with a cap having an aperture of
about 1-1 oth of an inch, the character of the light is all that can be
desired for examining the most delicate tissues under the highest mag-
nifying powers. Sufficient light is afforded for correct observation by
this arrangement when the tube of the microscope is so lengthened
that the amplifying power equals Io, ooo linear. The condenser referred
to in p. 31, with a stop upon the surface of the front lens as before
mentioned gives an excellent quality of light, but the illumination is less
intense than that obtained by the use of Kelner's eye-piece.
In using these condensers, it is most important to employ the direct
light from the lamp. The microscope and lamp are to be arranged
as represented in pl. LXXIV, fig. 3. I cannot explain why the illu-
mination should be so much better than when the mirror is employed, but
I am convinced that the quality of light produced is very favourable for
the discovery of characters which are of the most delicate kind. I have
detected exceedingly fine fibres by the aid of direct light which I could
not see when the same specimen was examined in any other manner.
I have tried both the lime and magnesium lights, but they are not
suitable for microscopical observation, the glare being too great, and the
arrangements necessary inconvenient and troublesome, while paraffine,
which can now be obtained everywhere without any difficulty, gives most
satisfactory results at perhaps I-50th of the cost. My friend, Mr. W.
E. Kilburn, has increased the illuminating power of the paraffine lamp
by causing a stream of oxygen gas to play around it. The gas is con-
tained in a small bag which is placed under a weighted board. A piece
of fine India-rubber tube connects the gas bag with a small metal pipe
by which it is conducted just outside the wick of the lamp. It is
probable that ere long we shall be able to use the electric light for
microscopical observation, when very high magnifying powers are em-
Little bottle for containing glycerine, or
glycerine and acetic acid, required for
mounting microscopical specimens.
p. 369. \
Position of microscope and lamp for viewing objects with high powers. The light pusses at
once to the coladenser, instead of being reflected from the roarror. p. 352.
Instrument for measuring the
thickness of the thin glass,
p. 35l.

2 A
363. Method of Increasing the Size of the Image without Altering
the object-Glass.-Supposing the limits of magnifying power of the
object-glass to have been reached, there are yet methods by which the
dimensions of the image may be greatly increased. The eye-piece may
be changed for a deeper one, or the distance between the object-glass
and eye-piece may be increased. In practice, as stated in the early
part of the work, I have found that the latter plan is so much more
advantageous that I now never use a deep eye-piece. The twenty-sixth
objective being applied, I have found that when the tube of the micro-
Scope is increased in length, so that from the lowest glass of the objec-
tive to the eye-glass of eye-piece, the distance measures 24 inches, the
magnifying power corresponds to upwards of ro,ooo diameters: when
the length is 20 inches—to about 6,ooo : 15 inches—to about 2,600 :
II inches—to about 1,800. When the tube is thus increased in length,
there is often some reflection from its interior which renders the image
indistinct, an inconvenience which may be remedied either by increasing
the diameter of the microscope tube to about 2% inches, or by lining
the ordinary tube with black velvet. Several different lengths of tube
to fit into the ordinary microscope body at one end, and to receive the
eye-piece at the other, will be furnished by any of the microscope
In delineating the appearances observed, I never represent a struc-
ture more highly magnified than is necessary to bring out the points,
but I found that as I succeeded in improving my method of preparation,
p. 357, it became necessary to resort to the use of higher magnifying
powers in order to see distinctly what it was obvious might be rendered
evident if only it could be more highly magnified. I am quite certain
that great advantage will be reaped when powers far higher than any yet
made, or thought of, shall be brought to bear upon well prepared speci-
mens even of the ordinary tissues. The question of preparation is
scarcely more than a mechanical one, and new and more exact means
of preparing specimens are certain to succeed improvements in the
optical part of the microscope.
It is extremely difficult to use the neutral-tint glass reflector with the
highest powers, for the slightest vibration of the instrument causes
confusion in the lens, so that, in practice, I have found it most Con-
venient to measure the distance of the several parts of the object with
compasses, in the manner described in p. 32. These general points
being fixed upon the paper, the outline of the object is easily sketched
in. In making delicate drawings some advantage is gained by limiting
the extent of the luminous field by the ingenious arrangement devised by
Mr. Slack. The adjustable diaphragm is inserted in the eye-piece. The
2 A 2
instrument can be obtained of Mr. Collins, and may be adapted to any
In making drawings of microscopical objects, it is usual to represent
the image the size it appears when thrown upon paper, with the aid
of the camera or neutral-tint glass reflector, at the distance of Io inches
from the eye, the arbitrary point at which the magnifying power of
object-glasses is determined. If the image be taken at a point nearer
the eye, it appears smaller, while, if at a greater distance, it appears
much larger than at the arbitrary distance above stated. As already
described, large diagrams may, indeed, be made, direct from the micro-
Scope, by placing the diagram paper at a distance of 3 feet or more
from the eye, and tracing upon it, with a long pencil, the object as
reflected from the neutral-tint glass reflector.
In practice, I have often found it impossible to represent, in draw-
ings, lines as fine as those seen in the preparation. A certain coarseness
is inevitable. The copied lines and markings appear rougher and
thicker than the real ones. But this defect is to some extent remedied
by drawing the object somewhat larger than it appears to be magnified
at the distance of Io inches from the eye; and, in order to obtain
uniform results, I always draw the object the size it would appear,
if copied on the same level as the stage of the microscope. The scale
for measurement is copied at precisely the same distance. An objective
which, at Io inches, is said to magnify 200 diameters, will increase the
image at this point to 215, and my I-26th, instead of magnifying about
1,600 diameters, increases the image of the object to 1,800 diameters.
By increasing the length of the tube of the microscope between 4 and
5 inches, I obtained an amplification amounting to 3,000 diameters,
and the I-1,000th of an inch becomes upwards of 3 inches in length.
See p. 351. The tube of the microscope bears increasing four or five
inches in length, even with the fiftieth, and in this way I have been able
to see points in an object which I have failed to observe when using the
With the view of illustrating my observations with drawings resem-
bling, as nearly as possible, the actual specimens from which they were
copied, I have introduced illustrations coloured exactly as the speci-
mens—the bioplasm being tinted with carmine and the vessels with
Prussian blue. The coloured plates have been produced by double or
treble printing, care being taken that the different sets of blocks are
adjusted very accurately. This plan of coloured-block printing is much
cheaper than lithographic printing, and has the great advantage over the
latter that the drawings made by the observer on the wood blocks are
engraved without any transfer. The blocks for colour printing are pre-
pared as follows:–The drawing on the wood is carefully engraved in
the usual manner. Of this wood engraving three electrotype copies are
made. From one of these every bit of work except that for the bioplasts
is removed; from another, everything except the vessels is cut away;
and from the third, the lines and work which represent the coloured
portions of the vessels and bioplasts are taken away, all the outlines and
shading being left. The first will be the red block, the second that for
the blue, and the third the one from which the black is to be printed.
For making these three sets of blocks the electrotypes must be treated
as if they were wood engravings.
The ordinary gravers are used for cutting away the work not
required in the several blocks. Although the copper is much harder
than wood, with the aid of sharp tools the requisite work is soon
completed. The blocks are set up by the printer just as ordinary
wood blocks, the explanation of each cut being inserted in the form
with the black blocks. When the complete pages—red and black,
or red, black, and blue—have been set up ready for printing, an elec-
trotype of each page complete may be taken at small cost, and from
these, which can be adjusted very quickly, a large number of copies may
be struck off. In this edition I have included several of such coloured
plates, representing very different textures, so that the reader may be able
to form an estimate of the advantage of the plan of illustration adopted.
It has long been my conviction that real advance in our knowledge
of minute structure depends mainly upon improvements that have been,
and that yet may be made in the methods of demonstration. The
arrangement of the elements of the tissues of man and the higher
animals in the recent state is not to be accurately determined by exami-
nation in water, serum, vitreous humour, and other aqueous solutions
usually employed for this purpose. In very many cases the refractive
power of the tissue and other physical characters interfere with the clear
demonstration of the arrangement of its constituent anatomical elements
and their minute structure. In investigations concerning the arrange-
ment of nerves in voluntary muscle, an independent reader will not fail
to notice that different plans of demonstration have been employed by
different authorities. This, in some measure, explains the great dis-
crepancy of the results arrived at. It is also to be noticed that those
who deny the truth of facts stated by previous writers, have not in all
cases been careful to follow the exact method of investigation adopted
by those whose opinions are supposed to be controverted.*
In my memoirs upon the distribution of nerves to muscle, I stated
that the arrangement described by me could not be seen unless a
particular process of preparation was followed, yet my opponents have
* See “An Anatomical Controversy,” “Archives of Medicine,” vol. IV, p. 161.
not adopted the plan pursued by me, nor have they even considered the
principles upon which the success of "that process depends. Nay,
although I strongly insisted upon the importance of injecting, partly for
the purpose of ensuring the equable distribution of the preservative
fluid to all parts of the tissue, and partly to render it impossible that
vessels should be mistaken for the fine nerve fibres, the capillary
vessels have not been injected in specimens which it is supposed con-
trovert my inferences. Many would suppose that it was the special
duty of reviewers and commentators upon anatomical and physiological
doctrines to direct attention to these facts, but, unhappily, there is no
public scientific opinion, and the opinion of the man who has most
friends, and who makes the greatest efforts to gain publicity, is the most
likely to be accepted and taught. The mode of preparation I have
advocated is not a mere hap-hazard plan, but is grounded upon informa-
tion derived from numerous experimental observations made during
twenty-five years. Some have endeavoured to overthrow my conclusions
by describing how little they have themselves been able to discern, after
rough processes of investigation totally distinct from any advocated by
me. The positive denial often given to the existence of a particular
arrangement really means, in many instances, merely that the individual
who makes it has never seen the appearance in question. The wonder
is, that anyone who has really earnestly studied any branch of micro-
scopical enquiry should be able to persuade himself that he has seen all
that has been or all that can be seen, and lay down the law and the
facts just as if he was infallible.
I cannot venture to hope that many of the facts I have observed in
connection with the minute structure of the central and peripheral
nervous system, will be confirmed until the processes adopted by me
have been followed by others, and I fear a considerable time will elapse
before this is the case, for the plan cannot be successfully followed out
on the first trial, and it is less trouble to condemn it than to master it.
The process is not likely to be adopted by those who make specimens
for sale, because it occupies more time than some other plans, while it
is very doubtful whether the specimens, if prepared, would be more
appreciated by purchasers or would sell at a higher price. My Speci-
mens may be seen and studied by anatomists interested in the matter,
but it is not possible that they can be fully examined by many observers.
Moreover, it so happens that working men have but few opportunities
of examining each other's specimens, and when an opportunity does
occur, there may not be time to investigate the specimens fairly. The
consequence of all this is, that working in circles goes on to a terrible
extent. Much labour is utterly wasted, and there is but very slow
progress compared with that which would attend our efforts if observers
generally were agreed upon the principles upon which minute anato-
mical observations should be conducted. Doubtless, many observers
find out valuable methods of detail which satisfy themselves. In many
cases it is hardly possible to communicate to others the practical details
upon which success depends, and it is often exceedingly difficult to
ascertain the real merits of any given process. At the same time I
would remark that it is a question capable of being settled most
positively, whether, for instance, nerves can be followed in tissues which
are impregnated with syrup, glycerine, or some such medium, for a
greater distance than when similar textures are immersed in water,
serum, vitreous, &c., and whether or not more fibres and finer fibres
can be seen in the former than in the latter case. A simple experiment
will convince anyone as regards the truth in this matter, and if observers
would prepare small portions of the same tissue in the two different classes
of media, and compare the results, they would, I am sure, soon agree
upon one principle of great importance in investigation. It is mainly
with the view of encouraging free discussion upon this most important
question, and in the hope that ere long some general process of in-
vestigation may be adopted, that I publish my own conclusions and
describe somewhat minutely the process which I have for many years
followed. I do not pretend that it is equally applicable to all tissues, or
that it will succeed equally well in all hands; but I am confident that it
is based upon principles of the utmost importance. From time to time
I myself discover some improvements in detail; but the basis of the
process remains the same and, as I have now been actively engaged
in minute microscopical investigation for more than thirty years, it is
scarcely possible that principles which have been adhered to for so long a
time can be destitute of advantages.* Moreover, in the hands of some
of my pupils the plan has answered as well as in my own, and it has
been followed out by some observers on the Continent, and also by
some distinguished American observers. I have specimens of cartilage
prepared according to this method which show the bioplasm masses in
process of division.
364. Conditions to be fulfilled in Demonstrating Minute Struc-
ture by the Highest Powers :
I. Of many tissues, sections sufficiently thin for high powers cannot
be obtained by the processes usually adopted. In order to make the
specimen thin enough, pressure must be employed, and in many
instances very strong pressure is required. Even by very moderate
pressure, tissues immersed in water, serum, or in vitreous humour are
utterly destroyed, and experience has proved that the requisite amount
* An excellent illustration of the great importance of careful preparation is afforded
by the reply of Mr. Gedge, of Cambridge, to the observations of Dr. Moxon, con-
cerning the distribution of nerve fibres to the muscles of a culex larva.—“Microsco-
pical Journal,” July, 1867, p. 193.
of pressure can only be employed if the tissue be immersed in, and
thoroughly impregnated with, a viscid medium, which is not only readily
miscible with water in all proportions, but with such chemical reagents
as may be required to act upon one or more constituents of the tissue
for the purposes of demonstration.
2. As many structures are exceedingly delicate, and undergo change
very soon after death, it is necessary that the medium in which they are
examined should have the property of preventing softening and disinte-
gration, and should act the part of a preservative fluid.
3. In order that tissues should be uniformly permeated with a fluid
within a very short time after the death of the animal, it is necessary
that the solution employed should quickly come into contact with every
part of the texture. This may be effected in two ways:–a. By soaking
very thin pieces in the fluid, or, b. By injecting the fluid into the vessels
of the animal.
4. As different structures require fluids of different refractive power
for their successful demonstration, the medium employed must be such
that its refractive power can be increased or diminished, unless for the
medium fulfilling the first condition, another can be readily substituted
which provides the latter requirements.
5. In investigations upon the changes which structure undergoes
in the organism, during normal development and in the course of
disease, it is necessary to distinguish between that part of the texture
which is the oldest, and that which has just been produced—between
matter in which active changes are going on, and matter which is in a
passive state. It is only by such a demonstration that the direction in
which growth takes place, and the point where new matter is added,
can be positively determined.
6. It is most important in many investigations, that we should be
able to clearly distinguish the vessels from every other constituent of
the tissue, and it is necessary that the process by which this is effected
should not interfere with the demonstration of all the tissues in the
immediate vicinity of the vessels.
7. It is of the utmost importance, that the medium employed for
demonstration should have the property of permanently preserving the
specimens, so that observers should be able to exhibit their prepara-
tions to others.
Glycerine and syrup fulfil the requirements mentioned in the preceding
365. Action of Glycerine and syrup on Tissues.—Strong syrup may
be made by dissolving with the aid of heat, lump sugar in distilled water,
in the proportion of about three pounds to a pint.
Glycerine may be used diluted or undiluted. It is necessary in
many cases to employ the strongest glycerine. In this country we have
had the advantage of the beautiful preparation which used to be called
Price's glycerine, which may now be obtained in large quantities and at
a cheap rate. It is made of specific gravity 1240, and some specimens
may be obtained of still greater density. Pure glycerine has been
made to crystallise. -
It has been said that glycerine and strong syrup are not adapted for
preserving soft tissues, because the tissues shrink, and soft cells collapse
in consequence of exosmose of their fluid contents. But I have many
hundred specimens of the most delicate tissues, preserved in the
strongest glycerine I could procure, and I should be glad if glycerine
could be made of still greater density. There would be no difficulty
in impregnating even very soft tissues with it. In fact, the objections
urged are for the most part theoretical, and result from ignorance of
some important properties of the tissues on the part of those who have
advanced them. If objectors had simply tried the experiment, they
would have found no difficulty whatever in carrying out the process.
Tissues possess a considerable degree of elasticity, and although they
shrink when immersed in a medium of much greater density than
that with which they are impregnated, they gradually regain their original
volume if left in it for some time. In practice, the specimen is first im-
mersed in weak glycerine or syrup, and the density of the fluid is
gradually increased, either by adding from time to time a few drops of
strong glycerine, until it bears the strongest, or by allowing the original
weak solution to become gradually concentrated by slow evaporation.
In this way, in the course of two or three days, the softest and most
delicate tissues may be made to swell out almost to their original
volume in the densest glycerine or syrup. They become more trans-
parent, but no chemical alteration is produced, and the addition of water
will at any time cause the specimen to assume its ordinary characters.
The hardest textures, like bone and teeth, may be thoroughly im-
pregnated and preserved in strong glycerine, p. 377. On the other
hand the softest, most delicate, and most quickly changing animal tis-
sues, like the gray matter of the cerebral convolutions, the delicate nerve
textures of the retina, or internal ear, may be permeated by the
strongest glycerine, and when fully saturated with it, dissection may be
carried to a degree of minuteness which far surpasses that practicable if
the attempt be made to carry on the dissection in any other medium.
Nor is the use of glycerine and syrup confined to the tissues of man and
the higher animals. I have made preparations from creatures of every
class. The Smallest animalcules, entozoa, polyps, star fishes, mollusks,
insects, crustacea, infusoria, various vegetable tissues, microscopic fungi
and algae of the most minute and delicate structure, as well as the most
delicate parts of the higher vegetable tissues, may all be examined,
dissected, and preserved in these viscid media,
The slowest and most rapidly growing, the hardest and softest
morbid growths, as well as embryonic structures at every period of de-
velopment, even when in the softest state, may be kept and mounted in
glycerine. The most delicate nerve fibres retain their character for at
least twenty-five years in the strongest glycerine. I am, indeed, not
acquainted with any animal or vegetable tissue which cannot with the
greatest advantage be thus mounted. All that is required is, that the
strength of the fluid should be increased very gradually until the whole
tissue is thoroughly penetrated by the strongest that can be obtained. In
many cases the tissues may be more effectually saturated with the
glycerine by injection than by soaking. Glycerine has long been in
use among microscopists for some textures, but I particularly desire
that the fact that it is universally applicable should be generally recog-
nised. Either glycerine or syrup may be made the basis of all solutions
employed by the microscopical observer with the greatest advantage,
and many points are to be demonstrated by the aid of these solutions
which have hitherto escaped observation, while there is good reason to
believe that very much may yet be discovered by the use of these sub-
366. Of the Advantages of Wiscid Media for the Dissection of
Tissues for Examination with the Highest Powers.-Minute dissection
can be carried on in these viscid media with greater facility and
certainty than in more limpid fluids. I can readily detach the most
minute parts of tissues, separate the different structures in one texture,
without tearing or destroying them, unravel convoluted tubes, and
perform with ease a great variety of minute operations, which it would
be impossible to carry out, if any of the ordinary methods of dissection
were adopted.
With care in regulating the temperature, I can soften textures
preserved in syrup or glycerine to the precise extent required for
further minute dissection, and even very hard textures may thus be
softened. After a time tissues so acted upon may by gradually in-
creased pressure and careful manipulation be obtained in exceedingly
thin layers, in which the relation of the anatomical elements to each
other has been little altered, and in which it will be found that none of
the tissues have been destroyed, or even damaged.
367. The Carmine Fluid for staining Bioplasm.—The composition
of this fluid has been already given in p. 125, where also will be found
the directions for making it. The carmine fluid will be required to be
made stronger or weaker in particular cases, and great advantage some-
times results if it be diluted with alcohol. The precise quantity to be
added to obtain the best results can be ascertained by trying a few
The length of time required for successfully staining the tissue
varies much. The bioplasm of some tissues is coloured very slowly.
That of fibrous tissue, bone and cartilage, even if very thin sections of
the tissues be immersed, will require twelve hours or even more, but the
bioplasm of perfectly fresh soft embryonic tissues, and of very thin
sections of the liver and kidney, of thin sections of morbid growths rich
in cells, may be coloured in half an hour. The bioplasm of the indi-
vidual cells of the above structures, placed on a glass slide, may be
coloured in less than a minute. I have often coloured the bioplasm
of the fresh liver cell in a few seconds, by simply allowing the carmine
fluid to flow once over a thin specimen placed upon a glass slide.
368. Glycerine Solutions and Syrup.
I. Weak glycerine of about the specific gravity Io 5o.
2. The strongest glycerine that can be obtained.
3. Syrup made by dissolving, by the application of a gentle heat in
a water bath, 3 lbs. of sugar in a pint of distilled water. A weaker
solution can be prepared, as required, by mixing water with the syrup.
Although I have found syrup of great value in many special investi-
gations, I cannot recommend it for general use, in consequence of its
liability to be invaded by numerous fungi, which often seriously damage
or completely destroy the specimen.
369. The Injecting Fluid.—For injecting the finest capillaries in
specimens which are to be mounted for examination under the highest
powers, I have made a slight modification of the original Prussian blue
fluid, the composition of which is given in p. Io9. The following mixture
has succeeded admirably in my hands, and I therefore strongly recom-
mend it. It penetrates to the finest vessels, and may even be forced
into developing capillaries which are only pervious in a part of their
course. The fluid never forms a deposit. The specimens injected
with it retain their colour perfectly, and the injected tissues can also be
stained with Carmine.
Pure glycerine, 2 oz. by measure.
Tincture or solution of perchloride of iron,” Io drops.
Ferrocyanide of potassium, 3 grains.
Strong hydrochloric acid, 3 drops.
Water, 1 oz.
Mix the tincture of iron with one ounce of the glycerine; and the
ferrocyanide of potassium, first dissolved in a little water, with the
other ounce. These solutions are to be mixed together very gradually
in a bottle, and are to be well shaken during admixture. The iron
solution must be added to that of the ferrocyanide of potassium. Lastly,
* The Tinctura Ferri Perchloridi and the Ziquor Ferri Perchloridi of the British
Pharmacopoeia of 1867, are of the same strength, and consist of one part of strong
Ziquor Ferri Perchlor, to three parts by measure of spirit or water.
the water and hydrochloric acid are to be added. Sometimes I add a
little alcohol (2 drachms) to the above mixture.
This fluid (it is not a solution), does not deposit the slightest sedi-
ment, even if kept for some time, and it appears like a blue solution
when examined under high magnifying powers, in consequence of the
insoluble particles of Prussian blue being so very minute. If preferred,
the Turnbull’s blue may be used instead of Prussian blue, half the
quantities of the ferridcyanide of potassium and sulphate of iron
recommended in p. 1 Io, being used. The hydrochloric acid may be
left out. The glycerine and water in the proportions above given.
370. Other Colouring Solutions with Glycerine.—Many of the
staining fluids given in pp. 127 to 131, may be prepared with glycerine.
Thus, I dissolve Mitrate of silver, the Anilin colours, and many others,
in glycerine instead of in water. The salt should be dissolved in a
very little water in the first instance, and this solution added to the
glycerine. Indeed, all the fluids I now use for preparing specimens
contain syrup or glycerine as the basis.
371. Glycerine and Water and Glycerine and Acetic Acid for Wash-
ing and Preserving thin sections.—After the specimen has been
properly stained, small pieces are to be washed in a solution consisting
of strong glycerine, 2 parts ; water, I part.
After being soaked in this for an hour or two, they may be trans-
ferred to the following acid fluid : - Strong glycerine, 1 ounce; strong
acetic acid, 5 drops.
After the pieces of tissue have remained in this acid fluid for three
or four days, they will have regained the volume they occupied when
fresh. Even very soft and pulpy tissues will gradually swell out and
regain their original volume in the strongest glycerine.
On Chemical Reagents Dissolved in Glycerine.
It being established as a principle that, for minute investigation,
with the aid of the highest powers, excessively thin sections of tissues
must be immersed and thoroughly Saturated with viscid media miscible
in all proportions with water, it almost follows that reagents applied to
such tissues should be dissolved in media of similar properties. For a
long time past I have been in the habit of employing solution of potash,
acetic acid, and other reagents, dissolved in glycerine instead of in
water. Thus a complete chemical examination may be conducted upon
tissues, solutions, or deposits preserved in viscid media. The reactions
are most conclusive, but of course a much longer time is required for
completion than when carried out in the Ordinary manner. Ten or
twelve hours must be allowed to elapse before the change is complete,
and the process is expedited if the slide be placed in a warm place
(about Ioo").
872. Acetic Acid syrup.–In some cases I have found the addition
of very strong solutions of certain reagents necessary. For example,
the greatest advantage sometimes results from the application to a tissue
of very strong acetic acid. If the acid be added to glycerine in quantity,
the solution will no longer be viscid, so that another plan must be re-
sorted to. I thicken the strongest acetic acid with sugar, a gentle heat
being applied to dissolve the Sugar. Thus a very strong acetic acid
solution of the consistence of syrup can be most readily prepared.
373. solutions of Potash and soda.-Solutions of potash, soda,
ammonia, and other reagents, may be added to the strongest glycerine.
374. Solutions of Chromic Acid and Bichromate of Potash.-A
most valuable mixture of this kind to the microscopist, is a solution of
chromic acid in glycerine, and another is a solution of bichromate of
potash in the same fluid. A few drops of a strong solution of chromic
acid may be added, so as to give to the glycerine a pale straw colour.
The bichromate of potash solution is prepared by adding from ten to
twenty drops of a strong Saturated Solution of bichromate of potash in
glycerine to an ounce of the strong glycerine. By this plan, the harden-
ing effects of these reagents upon the finest nerve tissues are improved,
while the granular appearance which is caused by aqueous solutions of
these substances is less marked. Sometimes advantage seems to result
from mixing a little of the chromic acid with the acetic acid solution of
glycerine. - -
If desired, sugar may be substituted for glycerine in all the fluids
employed, including the Carmine and injecting fluids; but glycerine,
although more expensive, possesses many advantages, and, as far as I
am able to judge, is the best viscid medium to employ for general
purposes. As already remarked, as regards syrup, great inconvenience is
caused by the growth of fungi, especially in warm weather. Camphor,
creosote, carbolic acid (the pure carbolic acid is now called absolute
phenolº), naphtha, prevent this to some extent; but it is a disadvantage
from which strong glycerine is perfectly free. Sometimes, too, crystalli.
sation occurs, and destroys the specimen. If a specimen which has
been first immersed in a syrup fluid is to be transferred to glycerine, it
must be borne in mind that the two fluids mix but slowly, so that plenty
of time must be allowed for the thorough penetration of the medium
used last.
I keep various tests, such as alcohol, ether, the various acids and
alkalies, and other tests in the state of viscid solutions made with glyce-
rine or sugar. The reaction of the iodine tests for amyloid matter,
starch and cellulose, is much more distinct when employed in this way.
* Absolute phenol, pure and crystallised, is now made in enormous quantities and
may be purchased of Mr. Marchant, wax chandler, &c., Berners Street, Oxford Street,
for five or six shillings a pound.
The texture to be tested is to be thoroughly saturated with the strong
glycerine solutions, and then water is to be added. In the course of a
few hours the reaction takes place very distinctly.
375. Of the Injection of the Vessels of an Animal with Solutions of
various Chemical Compounds dissolved in Glycerine.—When it is
desired to subject the tissues of an organ or of the body generally to the
influence of certain chemical solutions, these last may be injected, and
oftentimes the most perfect results are obtained in this manner. How-
ever carefully small pieces of tissues may be soaked in fluids the action
is irregular. The process has often gone too far near the surface, while
the interior often entirely escapes. But by injection, every part of the
tissue is exposed to the action of the reagent, and almost precisely in
the same degree. Many beautiful results are to be obtained by carrying
out this plan, and to the skilled observer many experiments will occur
which will be likely to lead to most important discoveries, particularly
in connection with the subject of development. The calcareous matter
of bone and other tissues may be dissolved out in the manner indicated,
by very slow degrees, without the arrangement of the most delicate
tissues being, in the least degree, disturbed, or the demonstration of
their ultimate structure in any way interfered with.
The Preparation of Specimens.
376. The Practical Operation of Preparing Tissues for Examination
with the Highest Powers.-The general plan which I have for many
years followed is the same in principle for investigations into the
structure and growth of all living forms, and for the demonstration of
all tissues of all vertebrate animals and morbid growths the same details
are requisite. I propose to describe the several steps of the process as
conducted in the demonstration of the minute structure of the ganglion
cells, described in my paper in the “Philosophical Transactions” for
1863, and of the papillae of the frog's tongue, described in the com-
munication presented to the Royal Society in June, 1864. The figures
in many of the plates in this volume accurately represent the appearances
observed under the highest magnifying powers. The process of prepara-
tion described below also applies to the mode of preparing specimens of
muscular fibre for demonstrating the mode of distribution of the finest
branches of nerve fibre.* See plates XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVI,
* “On the distribution of nerves to the elementary fibres of striped muscle.”
—“Phil. Trans.,” 1860.
“Further observations on the distribution of nerves to the elementary fibres of
voluntary muscles.”—“Phil. Trans.,” 1862.
“Further observations in favour of the view that nerve fibres never end in voluntary
muscles.”—“Proceedings of the Royal Society,” June 5th, 1863.
“On the structure of the sarcolemma of the muscular fibres of insects, and of the
exact relation of the nerves and tracheae to the contractile tissue of muscle.”—Royal
Microscopical Society, June, 1864.
XXXVII, p. 408, et seq. Again, in the investigation of the minute
structure of the brain, spinal cord, and ganglia of man and the higher
animals,” the same proceedings have been successfully carried out.
My, researches upon the tissues of the frog have been principally
conducted upon the little green tree frog (Hyla arborea), for extensive
observation has proved to me that the tissues of this little animal are so
much more favourable for investigation than those of the common frog,
that it is well worth while for the observer to obtain specimens, even at
the cost of 2s. or 2s. 6d. each.
The animal is killed by being dashed suddenly upon the floor, but
it must first be carefully folded up in the centre of a cloth, so that the
tissues may not be bruised or injured in the least degree. Next, an
opening is made in the sternum, and the heart exposed. A fine inject-
ing pipe, after being filled with a little injection, is tied in the artery.
This part of the operation is conducted as fully described in p. 114,
except that the Prussian blue fluid, given in p. 363, is used instead of
the ordinary injecting fluid recommended in p. Io9, but the operation is
more difficult in the case of small frogs and Hylae than in large speci-
mens of the common frog. With a little practice, however, anyone at
all skilful in ordinary dissection can successfully perform the operation.
The injection ought to be complete in from twenty minutes to half an
hour, and sometimes it may be carried out in less time than this. The
injection being pale, Cannot be very distinctly seen by the unaided eye,
but if the operation has been conducted successfully, the tissues will be
found swollen and the areolar tissue about the neck will be fully dis-
tended. The observer must not, however, attempt to inject a Hyla
before he has succeeded in injecting the common frog perfectly, for the
Hyla, being very Small, and its tissues delicate and tender, it is some-
what more difficult to successfully inject than the common frog or the
The injection being complete, the abdominal cavity is opened, and
the viscera washed with strong glycerine. The legs may be removed,
the mouth slit open upon one side, and the pharynx well washed with
glycerine. If it is desired to prepare one organ only, this may, of
course, be removed and operated upon separately; but I generally
subject the entire trunk, with all the viscera, to the action of the car-
mine fluid. If the brain and spinal cord are special objects of enquiry,
the cranium and the spinal canal must be opened so as to expose the
organs completely, before the staining process is commenced. It is,
* “On the minute structure of the grey matter of the convolutions of the brain.”—
“Proceedings of the Royal Society,” vol. XII, 671, 1863.
“Indications of the paths taken by the nerve currents as they traverse the caudate
nerve cells of the spinal cord and encephalon.”—“Proceedings of the Royal Society,”
July, 1864.
however, better to adopt the plan described in p. 370, in investigations
upon the brain and cord.
Just enough of the carmine solution to cover the entire trunk and
viscera is to be placed in a little porcelain basin or gallipot. The
specimen is then moved about in the carmine fluid, so that every part
that is exposed may be thoroughly wetted by it. Sometimes slight
pressure with the finger facilitates the imbibing process. The body is
left in the carmine fluid for a period varying from four to six or eight
hours, being occasionally pressed and moved about during this time, so
as to ensure the carmine fluid coming well into contact with every part.
By this time the blue colour of the vessels of the lungs, viscera, &c., will
have entirely disappeared, and all the tissues will appear uniformly dark
red. The staining is now probably complete. The excess of carmine
fluid is therefore poured off and thrown away, and the preparation
washed quickly with the glycerine solution, p. 364. This fluid may be
preserved in a wash bottle, made according to the plan figured in
pl. XXVI, p. Ioo, fig. 5, but smaller than this, and projected upon
every part so as to wash away all superfluous carmine fluid, pl. LXXIV,
p. 352, fig, I. The specimen is now placed in another little basin and
some glycerine poured over it; it is then left for two or three hours,
and a little more strong glycerine added. When, from six to twelve
hours since the specimen was removed from the carmine solution have
elapsed, the preparation is ready for the last preliminary operation.
The glycerine used for washing it is poured off, and sufficient strong
glycerine, acidulated with strong acetic acid (Io drops to 1 oz.), added
just to cover it. In cold weather, the several steps of the process above
referred to may extend over twice the period of time, but in summer,
unless they are rapidly conducted, the tissues are too much softened,
and are otherwise damaged. In the acid fluid the preparation may be
left for several days, when a small piece of some vascular part may be
cut off, placed in a drop of glycerine, and subjected to microscopical
examination. If the injected vessels are of a bright blue colour, and
the bioplasts of the tissues of a bright red, the specimen is ready for
minute examination; but if the blue colour is not distinct, three or four
more drops of acetic acid must be added to the glycerine, and the
preparation soaked for a few days longer.
If the bioplasts are of a very dark red colour, and appear smooth
and homogeneous, more especially if the tissue intervening between them
is coloured red, the specimen has been soaked too long in the carmine
fluid ; but in this case, although parts upon the surface may be useless
for further investigation, the tissues below may have received the proper
amount of Colour.
The tissues or organs to be subjected to special investigation may
now be removed, and transferred to fresh glycerine; they may be kept in
little corked glass tubes, pl. XXVI, p. Ioo, fig. 8, and properly labelled.
Generally, the tissue will contain sufficient acetic acid, but if this is not
the case, one drop more may be added. In this way the tissues may be
kept without deterioration for twenty years or more.
Suppose, now, the nerves with the small vessels and areolar tissue at
the posterior and lower part of the abdominal cavity have been placed
in one tube, and the prepared tongue of the Hyla in another, the former
specimen may be taken from the glycerine and spread out upon a glass
slide. If the specimen be examined with an inch power, numerous
microscopic ganglia may be seen, pl. XCV, p. 416, fig. 4. Several of these
perhaps are close to small arteries. Those which are most free from
pigment cells are selected, and removed carefully by the aid of a sharp
knife, fine scissors, forceps, and a needle point. This operation may be
effected while the slide is placed upon the stage of the microscope. The
transmitted light enables the observer to see the minute pieces very dis-
tinctly with the unaided eye, but if necessary a watchmaker's lens or a
3-inch power may be used. The pieces selected are transferred to a
few drops of the strongest glycerine, placed in a watch-glass or in one of
the little china colour moulds, $85, p. 54, and left to Soak for several
hours. *
The specimen is now ready for preliminary microscopical examina-
tion. One of the small pieces is placed upon a glass slide, in a drop of
fresh glycerine, and covered with thin glass. The glass slide may be
gently warmed over the lamp, and the thin glass pressed down upon the
preparation by slight taps with a needle point. The specimen may now
be examined with a quarter, and afterwards with the twelfth of an inch
object-glass. A good deal of granular matter will possibly obscure the
delicate points in the structure. The slide is again gently warmed, and,
with the aid of a needle, the thin glass is made to slide over the surface
of the specimen, without the position of the latter being altered. The
thin glass is then removed and cleaned. The specimen is next washed
by the addition of drop after drop of strong glycerine, containing five
drops of acetic acid to the ounce. The slide can be slightly inclined
while it is gently warmed over the lamp, in such a manner that the
drops of glycerine are made to slowly pass over the specimen and thus
wash away the débris from its surface.
Propping Bottles.—The most convenient instrument for dropping
the glycerine on the specimen is a little bottle, of two ounces capacity,
with a syphon tube drawn to a point, and a straight tube, with an ex-
panded upper part, over which is tied a piece of stout sheet vulcanized
India-rubber. Pl. LXXIV, p. 352, fig. I. Upon compressing the air, by
pressing down the India-rubber, the glycerine is forced drop by drop
through the syphon tube and allowed to fall upon the specimen. These
little bottles can be obtained of Mr. Matthews, Mr. Collins, and Mr. Swift.
2 B
When several drops of pure glycerine have been allowed to flow
over the specimen, the thin glass cover, after having been cleaned, is
re-applied and pressed upon the specimen very gradually, but more
firmly than before. Any excess of glycerine is easily removed by placing
small pieces of clean blotting paper at the side of the thin glass. If
the preparation looks pretty clear when examined with the twelfth, the
glass cover may be cemented down with Bell's cement, p. 55, or with
Damar cement, and the preparation left for several days in a quiet
place. It may then be re-examined, the process of washing with
glycerine repeated, and further pressure applied until it is rendered as
thin as is desired. When this point has been reached, more glycerine
with acetic acid is to be added, and a plate of mica or the thinnest glass
cover, p. 351, applied, when it may be examined with the twenty-fifth.
The process of thinning may be pushed still further if desirable,_and
if only carried out very slowly by gentle taps or careful pressure with
the finger and thumb, from day to day, the elements of the tissues will
be gradually separated from one another without being smashed and
destroyed. If there be much connective tissue, which interferes with a
clear view of the finest nerve or muscular fibres, it may be necessary to
immerse the specimen for some days in the acetic acid syrup, and then
transfer it to fresh glycerine. *
If the tissue does not sufficiently yield to the pressure it must be
soaked for a longer time in the acetic acid glycerine, or it may be soft-
ened by being soaked for a short time in a weak solution of pepsine in
glycerine, p. 379, using lactic acid instead of hydrochloric acid.
The success of this process above described depends upon the care
and patience with which it is carried out. The most perfect results are
obtained in cases where the washing, pressure, and warming have been
very slowly conducted, and it is most interesting to notice the minute
points of structure which are gradually developed and rendered clearer
by the repeated application of a gentle heat, the specimen being sub-
jected to a little firmer pressure and further soaking in a little fresh
glycerine placed in a watch-glass.
Specimens of tissue prepared in this way can be transferred from
slide to slide, and no matter how thin they may be, after having been
allowed to Soak in fresh glycerine they may always be laid out again
perfectly flat upon another slide by the aid of needles. The action of
these viscid fluids is most valuable, and I feel sure that by the processes
above described,—the general principle of procedure being retained but
the details modified in special cases, many new and important anato-
mical facts will be discovered.
The papillae of the frog's tongue are prepared for examination under
the highest powers, the twenty-fifth and fiftieth, in the same manner. Small
pieces of the mucous membrane being removed by sharp scissors, they are
transferred to glycerine, subjected to the same very gradually increased
pressure, until the individual papillae themselves are seen to be slightly
flattened. It is possible from a specimen to remove a number of the
separate papillae on a needle point, transfer them to glycerine or to the
acetic acid syrup, and then mount them for examination with the I-50th
object-glass. All the points I have described and figured in my memoir
published in the “Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society,” 1864,
may be demonstrated in several papillae, see pls, LXXXVIII, LXXXIX,
p. 412.
Thin sections of brain, spinal cord, &c., may be subjected to the
same process for examination with the highest powers. The specimens
illustrating my paper on “The indications of the paths taken by the
nerve currents as they traverse the caudate nerve cells of the spinal cord
and encephalon,” published in the “Proceedings of the Royal Society,”
July, 1864, were prepared in the manner already described, but they
were soaked for some months in a weak solution of glycerine and acetic
acid. The most delicate preparations retain their characters for many
months, and some for several years, so that in many cases the very
preparations from which some of my drawings have been made, have
been preserved for nearly twenty-five years, and may even now be
compared with them.
Delicate specimens should be placed upon a circle of thin glass
about 3% of an inch in diameter, instead of upon a glass slide. The
circle is then mounted on a wooden slide in the Centre of which a hole
has been drilled of the proper dimensions to receive it. A ring of
gummed paper is placed at the back of the slide and to this the round
glass is fixed when the specimen has been covered with the smaller
circle of thin glass, and the latter has been properly fixed in its place by
cement. See also p. 87.
Modification of the above Plan.—I have more recently modified the
foregoing process by injecting the alkaline carmine fluid into the vessels
in the first instance for the purpose of staining the bioplasm of the
tissues, and afterwards, when the colouring was complete, the acid
Prussian blue fluid, so that all the bioplasts were seen of a bright red
colour in the specimens, while all the capillaries were fully injected
with the Prussian blue.
The carmine fluid employed should be stronger than that already
recommended, p. 125, and it is better to add a little more alcohol.
The following succeeds well for the frog and newt —Carmine, 15 grains;
strong liquor ammoniae, 3% drachm; strong glycerine, 2 ounces;
alcohol, 6 drachms.
This fluid is to be injected carefully with very slight pressure. It
must be borne in mind that the alkaline ammonia is very apt to soften
the delicate vascular walls. When the vessels are fully distended, the
2 B 2
preparation is to be left for from twelve to twenty-four hours, in order
that time may be allowed for the carmine fluid which has permeated
the capillaries in all parts of the body to soak through the different
tissues and stain the bioplasm fully. Next a little pure glycerine is to
be injected, in order that any carmine fluid still remaining in the vessels
may pass through, or at least be so much diluted that carmine will not
be precipitated in quantity by the acid fluid next to be introduced.
The fine Prussian blue injecting fluid, the composition of which is
given on p. 363, is to be injected with the utmost care, for the vessels,
particularly of young animals, having been somewhat softened by the
ammoniacal solution of carmine, are very liable to give way if much
pressure be applied. When the vessels are fully distended with the
Prussian blue fluid, the injected preparation is to be divided into small
pieces, and these are to be soaked in glycerine and acetic acid, as has
been already recommended in p. 368.
Very beautiful specimens from every tissue in the body of a small
animal (frog, newt, mouse, bat, small bird, &c.), may be prepared in
this way; but as the operation of injecting has to be performed twice
there is greater risk of rupturing the vessels. The student should there-
fore practise ordinary injection with transparent fluids before he attempts
to carry out this process, or he will suffer disappointment.
377. Demonstration of the soft Tissues.—To assist the student in
his investigations upon the structure and arrangement of the tissues, I
have introduced some illustrations of specimens of which the counter-
parts might be prepared by any observer who carefully followed the
directions I have given. The series of drawings in pls. LXXV, LXXVI,
LXXVII, LXXVIII, LXXIX, are representations of the tissues of the
web of the frog's foot under very low magnifying powers. As the reader
will notice, these are copied from specimens slightly magnified, while
in pls. LXXX, LXXXI, LXXXVIII, LXXXIX, appearances observed
under the highest powers which can be brought to bear upon the
tissues have been delineated. An enquiry into the anatomical struc-
ture of such a texture as the web of the frog's foot is of great im-
portance in its bearing upon broad questions of general interest, and
should be undertaken by every one who desires to form from actual ob-
servation an accurate conception of the wonderful phenomena associated
with the development, growth, and nutrition of tissues. It is probable
that any one who prosecutes the investigation with care and intelligence
will be gradually led on to make original enquiries in the course of
which he may discover new facts of the highest importance. But before
the student attempts to discover new things he should try to acquire
the dexterity necessary to make specimens which clearly show the points
indicated in the figures, all of which represent less than can be seen in
the specimens, and are in every respect far less perfect and elaborate
Flg. l.
Foot of young frog one ** and a half all length, with the webs stretched to show the circulation of the biced in the
vesse's during life. X 19. Th, Llack spots are pigment cells a, “I jue foot. Datu, a sº, e p, 373,
Vessels of the Web of the ſoot of a young frog an inch and a half in *8th, injected. The arteries and veins can be
distinguished in the drawing, x 40, p. 373
[To face page 372.

than the specimens themselves. The most perfect drawing, after all,
only roughly indicates what can be more clearly seen in the specimen,
if the latter is as good as it should be, and as good as it can be made
in these days.
Frogs are everywhere obtainable, and few creatures are better suited
for minute anatomical investigation. Their tissues present many ad-
vantages for researches on the ultimate distribution of nerve fibres and
for the determination of many anatomical questions. Few parts of the
frog have been more carefully investigated than the web, but nevertheless
I feel sure that in this thin membrane, particularly in the transparent web
of the foot of young frogs, most important facts still lie hidden, as it were,
waiting for elucidation until careful and industrious enquirers concentrate
for a time their energies upon this comparatively limited area. Although
the general distribution of the vessels is well known, there remains
much to be discovered as regards their development and the precise
relation of the little bioplasts or masses of living matter to their walls as
well as to the various anatomical constituents of which the web is Com-
posed. As regards the finest ranifications of the nerves there is also
much to be learnt by the careful investigation of well prepared specimens
of the free edge of the web. By conjoint methods of enquiry—minute
anatomical investigation upon some webs—and physiological experiment
upon similar webs of living animals, I have gained important information
concerning the action of nerves upon capillary vessels, and the changes
in pigment cells, epithelium, as well as other structures during life may
be thus studied. Such tissues as those of the frog should be studied
again and again, and he who wishes to make himself an observer will
examine the very same textures prepared in many different ways, as well
as corresponding (tissues in animals at different periods of life. This
plan can be carried out most successfully in the case of the frog, as it is
easy to procure animals at all ages, and the tissues of this animal can
also be examined in the living state (see p. 191) with the greatest facility.
The observer must, however, study in France or Germany, as in England
all investigations upon living frogs are prevented by law, and the police
have authority to seize any one detected in causing pain to a frog
arranged for the purposes of Scientific investigation.
Fig. 1, pl. LXXV, represents the vessels of the web of a young frog
under a magnifying power of about ten diameters. Pigment cells are
observed here and there in which the pigment granules are concentrated
or collected together, instead of being diffused and spread through the
fluid contained in the irregular ramifying passages which pass from cell
to cell, and which thus form an extensive network. Some large pigment
cells and their ramifications are well seen in pl. LXXVII, fig. 2, p. 376.
Fig. 2, pl. LXXV, represents the ramifications of the vessels of the
web of the frog's foot as seen in an injected specimen. The tubes are
distended, and their diameter is much greater than in the living state
when they are occupied with blood. In the living specimen it is easy
to distinguish the arteries from the veins by the greater diameter of the
latter vessels and the slowest rate of flow of the blood ; but in the in-
jected specimen the arteries are distended and appear almost as wide as
the veins. In the drawing, however, both sets of vessels are distinct,
the veins being almost black, while the arteries have been shaded lightly.
The observer will be able to follow the branches of the artery in many
situations, and trace these to their ultimate divisions, which are con-
tinuous with the capillaries. The last may also be seen to converge
here and there to form the venous radicles.
In pl. LXXVI, fig. 1, a portion of the vascular network of the foot
of a young frog is represented. The vessel () running diagonally
downwards across the field from left to right is a vein, while the narrower
tube on a lower level is a branch of the artery (a). The capillaries have
not yielded equably to the distending force of the injection, and are
wider in some places than in others. This is often observed in injec-
tions of capillary vessels, and probably during life the degree of disten-
sion of the walls of the capillaries in different parts of the same tissue,
and in the same parts at different times varies greatly.
In fig. 2 the changes occurring in inflammation are well represented.
A small particle of mustard was applied to the web, and in the course
of a very short time the capillaries corresponding to the spot, and for a
short distance round it, became much distended. As the blood in the
capillaries accumulates it flows more and more slowly till at length it
stagnates in the vessels. The web in this state was stained with Carmine,
transferred to glycerine, and preserved as described in p. 370. The
vessels being “naturally injected.” The colourless blood-corpuscles ac-
cumulate in the capillaries in great numbers, and these being coloured
with carmine, a very clear and beautiful preparation results.
A minute vein from the inflamed area of the web of a living frog is
represented in fig. 3, pl. LXXIX, p. 376. This drawing should be
attentively studied. It was taken a few minutes after inflammation had
been excited by the application of a piece of mustard paste, the size of
a small pin's head, to the web. The nerve mechanism by which this
change in the vessels is so quickly brought about, will be understood if
the experiment described in p. 191 be referred to.
In pl. LXXVII, fig. 1, the general arrangement of the larger nerve-
trunks in the web of the frog's foot is represented. The finer branches
of nerve-fibres form networks of dark bordered fibres, the constituent
fibres of which divide and subdivide, and thus two or three series of
networks result, the finest of which represent the ultimate ramifications
of the nerve-fibres. Some of these form lax networks about the vessels,
others in the substance of the fibrous texture of the skin ; while upon
Fig. 1.
The arranger ent of the
b, Branch of wean
X 139, p. 374.
Vesse's from the web of the young floš, injected. a. Branch of artery
capilla, is-s is well sº-en
--~~~~...s.º. ---
-----> * ~~~~~
Web of foot of a young frog an inch and a haif in length, as seen dºiring life The shaded vessels are seen to be mutb
y the application to
Li is tended with blood which is quite stagnant, a change which results from in ti amna atton excited b
× 0. p. 374.
the web of a small piece of mustard the size of the head of a small pin
[To face page 374.

the surface of the latter, just beneath the epithelium, are numerous
papillae, in which nerve-loops may be seen. Amongst the pigment cells
Complex networks of extremely delicate fibres in great numbers are to
be demonstrated. No ends can be discovered, and I believe in all
tissues and organs the ultimate ramifications are continuous fibres, con-
nected with which here and there are bioplasts.
The general course of the trunks in the web is such that, as seen in the
drawing, arches are formed by the meeting of branches from the trunks
on each side of the web. In the drawing only a few of them are repre-
Sented, but there are such numerous meetings and inosculations of the
trunks and their subdivisions that complex and extensive networks are
formed. These cannot be seen by the magnifying power employed in
examining this specimen, and, in fact, the only branches indicated are
large compound trunks of dark bordered nerve-fibres. Some idea of the
real arrangement as it exists in nature may be formed if fig. I, in plate
LXXXIII, p. 406, be referred to. The ultimate distribution of the
nerve-fibres, in several tissues of the frog, are referred to in the last
Sections of this book, commencing at page 4 II.
Fig. 2 is a representation of several large pigment cells, with their
anastomizing prolongations in great number. These form frequent con-
nections with those from neighbouring cells, and thus a network is
formed. In the body of the cell is the bioplasm, around which is the
pigment, consisting of minute granules suspended in fluid. The
granules may spread with the fluid into all the tubular passages, as
represented in the drawing, or they may collect about the bioplasm,
forming a more or less spherical mass, by which the latter is completely
obscured. In this case the radiating canals and communicating tubes
shrink, and, as they only contain a little perfectly transparent fluid, are
In pl. LXXVIII, fig. I, is a good drawing of capillary vessels from
the foot of the living frog. Besides the colourless blood corpuscles seen
here and there, the reader should note the manner in which the red
blood corpuscles seem to race one another as they are pressed onwards
by the force of the blood current, and are, here and there, squeezed
together and bent round and twisted in various shapes, as they are driven
through constricted portions and made to take a different direction
in capillaries at right angles to the course originally taken by the blood.
The cells of epithelium and their bioplasts, somewhat swollen by
osmose, may be observed over the drawing, and to the right, at a, is
seen the epithelium, which bounds the orifice of a cutaneous mucus
gland, also shown in fig. 3, and in transverse sections of the tissues of
the web in pl. LXXIX, p. 376, figs. I and 2.
Three pigment cells are seen in different parts of the drawing, fig. 1,
pl. LXXVIII, the pigment granules, in two of them, being diffused in the
fluid and distributed through the branches of the cell, while, in the lower
cell to the right, the granules are collected together, changes which may be
readily observed taking place in the web of a young frog during life, and
which I believe to be due to the varying amount of fluid in these cells
and their ramifications, determined by the varying state of the blood and
alterations in the force of the circulation. The changes in the pigment
cells, and therefore the general colour of the skin are, as has been
shown by many observers, under the influence of nerves and nervous
systems, but I believe it is only in this indirect manner, through its
influence on the vessels, that the nervous system controls or determines
the concentration and distribution of the granules of pigment.
I have given in fig. 2 a drawing of all that can be seen of an artery
and bundle of nerve-fibres, in the thin web of a young frog's foot, during
/ife, examined under favourable circumstances and with great care. It
will be noticed that the nerve-fibres are not distinct, while, as regards
the artery, no definite structure can be observed—not a vestige of the
muscular fibre cells can be discovered in any part of the drawing. This
figure contrasts remarkably with fig. 3, which is from a specimen of
the same tissues, but properly prepared in the manner described in
p. 366. The observer will notice how much more distinctly the tissues
are seen in the latter than in the former, and how many points in
minute structure come out which were not to be discerned at all in the
natural specimen. Both preparations were magnified with the same
power, and may be fairly compared and contrasted. Not only may the
individual nerve-fibres in the compound trunk be well seen, but the
branches and the fibres constituting them may be followed without
difficulty, and for a long distance. The structure of the arterial coats is
well displayed, and by employing higher magnifying powers, various
points of minute anatomical detail may be satisfactorily demonstrated.
In fig. 1, pl. LXXIX, is seen a transverse section of the tissues
of the web of a full-grown frog, which is worthy of attentive study.
If the observer desires to test his skill, let him endeavour to trace the
course of the nerve-fibres, which bend down from the surface network,
and after running through the fibrous tissues of the web, are spread out
upon the other side. The large bundles of white fibrous tissue, which
form the substance of the web and give to it strength and firmness, are
seen cut across transversely. The capillary vessels are seen only upon
the upper surface of the web, where it is very thin, but in its thicker
parts are capillary networks, just beneath the skin of both surfaces of
the web. In fig, I the layers of Cuticular epithelium are partially
In fig. 2 is another drawing of a transverse section of the web. The
capillary vessels on each surface of the web are more distinctly seen in
this drawing than in fig, I.
i Fig. 1.
Arrangement of the trulaks of Lerve fibres and their branches in the web of the frog's foot The ramification is such
th it networks are formed. From these thulaks smaller Uranches corne off, whicla meet and run together so as to form
Series of networks of timer fibres x 30 p. 3
**t →
Flg. 2.
• - - - - -
- 1. ; , , ,
*... iſlr:};
::: §
ºn e
,-2 .” §§ § . . ... O
2’ 23 .3 º º : :"...:
- * , - - - 9. *
l'he granules of p 1&lue int, susp, L, ded in fluid, are º tºd tlaroušla llue
X 215, p. 375, : ©
• is ment cells from the frog's foot -
Large piš radiating and anastomosilag chalanels exteuding from the cells.
[[o face page 376,

Ap earance of a portion of the wºn of a yºung living froë. The s e. nd bundles of nerve ---
cuticular epithelium is º by intinition. º º, º troº. º º,
x < 00 p. 37 are moving rapidly in the centre of the stream the
cºlourless corpuscles are coursing along very slowly
ºn contact with the walls of the vºssel x ~15 p. 375.
- --- - : :*.*:
Small artery and bundles of nerve fibres beneath epithelium of web of fross foot prepared *rºr:ed in ºlycerine
- In the upper part of the drawing is a cutaneous secretinº ºland. x 215. ºº-- -
- -
[To follow plate LXXVII.

Perpendicular section through the web of the foot of an old frog, showing the epithelium on the tºo surfaces of the web.
The bundles of fibrous tissue forming the substance of the web are seen cut across in the drawing In the upper and
lower part of the drawing are two glands which secrete the mucus poured out on the surface of the skin. x 130. p. 375.
Perpendicular section through thin past º the web of the foot ºf a young frog showing vessels and nerve fibres
cutaneous slauds and epitheliuru, and pigment cells x -13. p. 375.
Fig. 3.
- * :
small vein in web of ºyº froš. A few minutes after inflammation had been tº ci; jºy mustara.
- -
suo wins great accumulation of the colourless corpuscles x ºld. pp. 37:1, 3, 7.
[To follow plate I, XXVIII,

In fig. 3 is represented a small vein from the foot of the living frog,
in a part of the web to which a small piece of mustard had been applied
a few minutes before. The small vein itself and the capillaries con-
tinuous with its cavity are occupied by colourless corpuscles, which
adhere to the walls of the tube and obstruct the flow of blood.
The more minute investigation of some of the nerve tissues of the frog
will be found described in page 370, and drawings are given of the fine
ramifications of the nerves in the frog in plates LXXXIV, LXXXVII,
LXXXVIII, LXXXIX; in an insect in plates LXXXV, LXXXVI;
and in mammalia—the mole, the bat, and man—in plates XCII, XCIII,
P. 4I4. *.
378. Of the Preparation of Hard Tissues for Examination with the
Highest Powers. Bone, Teeth, &c.—The methods generally employed,
p. 98, for demonstrating the structure of bone, teeth, and other hard
tissues, only enable us to form a notion of the minute structure of the
dead and dried texture. The bioplasm and soft formed material of the
bone are dried up before the section is made. And yet these latter, which
are represented in but very few of the drawings published in anatomical
works, constitute the difference between the dead bone or tooth, and
that which possesses the power of growth and change, and still remains
an integral part of the living body. So far from the soft matter in recent
bone being unimportant, it is the most important of all its anatomical
constituents. It is by the bioplasm alone that all Osseous and dental
tissues are formed and nourished. From the arrangement of this soft
living matter not having been generally recognised, the most erroneous
ideas have prevailed, and still prevail, upon the formation and nutrition
of these and other hard tissues.
Even now it is believed by some that the “dentinal tubes” are real
tubular passages for conveying fluids to all parts of the dentine, and are
thus subservient to its “nutrition.” But it is more than twenty years
since Mr. Tomes proved most conclusively that these so-called “tubes”
are occupied in the recent state by a moist but tolerably firm material
(“Philosophical Transactions,” February, 1856). I have verified
Mr. Tomes’ description, and am quite certain that the so-called tubes
are not channels for the mere flowing up and down of nutrient fluid.
On the structure of recent bone and teeth, see my lectures on “The
Structure and Growth of the Tissues,” Royal College of Physicians,
1860, and “Bioplasm,” 1872.
Suppose a tooth is to be prepared for minute microscopical investi-
gation, we may proceed as follows. The same plan is applicable to bone
and shell.
I. As soon as possible after extraction, the tooth may be broken by
a clean hammer into fragments, so as to expose fresh surfaces of the
tissues. Pieces of dentine, with portions of pulp still adhering to them,
may be selected and immersed in the carmine fluid, and placed in
a vessel lightly covered with paper, so that dust may be excluded. The
whole may be left in a warm room for from twenty-four to forty-eight
2. The carmine solution may then be poured off, and a little plain
dilute glycerine added, p. 364.
3. After the fragments of teeth, the bioplasm being now coloured
with the carmine, have remained in this fluid for six or eight hours,
they may be removed, or the excess of fluid may be poured off, and
replaced by a little strong glycerine and acetic acid, p. 364.
4. After having remained in the glycerine and acetic acid for three
or four days, it will be found that the portions of soft pulp have regained
the volume they occupied when fresh. They have swollen out again,
though immersed in the strongest glycerine. -
5. I have found that in many cases, when it is desired to study the
arrangement of the nerves, it is necessary to harden the pulp by im-
mersion in a glycerine solution, made by adding to an ounce of the
glycerine solution of the acetic acid, two or three drops of a strong
Solution of chromic acid, p. 365. The fragments may remain in this
solution for three or four days, and then be transferred to the acetic
acid solution, in which they may be preserved for years with all the soft
parts perfect. .
6. The specimens are now ready for examination. Thin Sections
are cut with a knife from the fractured surfaces of the dentine, and
should include a portion of the soft pulp. The knife should be strong,
but sharp. In practice I have found the double-edged scalpels first
made for me by Messrs. Weiss and Son, of the Strand, answer exceed-
ingly well for this purpose, nor will the edge of the knife be destroyed
so soon as would be supposed, pl. XVIII, p. 48, fig. 8. -
7. The minute fragments of sections thus obtained are placed upon
a slide and immersed in a drop of pure strong glycerine, in which they
may be allowed to soak for an hour or more, and then examined under
a low power (an inch). The best pieces are to be selected by the aid
of a fine needle, and removed to a drop of glycerine Containing two
drops of acetic acid to the ounce, already placed upon a clean slide.
The thin glass cover is then carefully applied, and the specimen may be
examined with higher powers.
8. If it is desired to retain the specimen, the excess of glycerine
fluid is absorbed by small pieces of blotting-paper, and the glass cover
cemented to the slide by carefully painting a narrow ring of Bell's
microscope cement or solution of Damar round it. When this first thin
layer is dry, the brush may be carried round a second time, and after
the lapse of a few days, more may be applied. Mounted in this way
the specimen will retain its character for years.
37s", softening Hard Tissues by Maceration in Glycerine and
Acid, and on the Action of Pepsine,—Hard tissues, like bone, dentine,
and enamel, become very decidedly softened by prolonged maceration
in glycerine, and if a few drops of acetic acid are added, the softening
process may be carried still further, and yet without the calcareous
matter being dissolved out to any perceptible extent. If desired, of
course the calcareous matter may be in part or entirely removed by in-
creasing the strength of the acid fluid in which the preparation is
immersed. But, far short of this, the hard, brittle texture is so altered,
that thin sections may be cut without any difficulty. Specimens pre-
pared in this way may be examined by the highest magnifying powers
yet made,-by which statement, of course, I mean to imply that more
may be learnt by studying the minute structure of the tissues under such
high powers (1,000 to 3,000 linear) than by the use of ordinary object-
I have also gained advantages in the investigation of the minute
structure of hard tissues from the use of a solution of pepsine in glyce-
rine, made as follows:—Ten grains of pig's pepsine, are carefully mixed
with two drachms of distilled water, and five drops of strong hydro-
chloric acid added, and the solution is kept at the temperature of Ioo?
for two or three hours, and then filtered. The clear fluid is then added
to one ounce of strong glycerine. This solution may be kept without
undergoing decomposition for a long time, in a stoppered bottle. When
required for use, a small quantity is poured into a watch-glass or Small
wide tube, and the fragments to be acted upon introduced ; the whole
is to be kept at a temperature of Ioo” in a small hot-air or water oven
for an hour or more. When sufficient action has been produced, the
pieces are transferred to strong glycerine, slightly acidulated with acetic
acid, and carefully examined at leisure. The pepsine I use is prepared
from the pig's stomach by drying the mucus squeezed from the gastric
glands, and then powdering it, and making an infusion, to which hydro-
chloric acid is to be added. The process is described in the “Archives
of Medicine,” vols. I and II. The pepsina porci may be obtained of
Messrs. Bullock and Co., 3, Hanover Street, Hanover Square.
By this method most beautiful preparations of the ramification and
the ultimate distribution of the nerve-fibres and vessels of the pulp may
be obtained ; and I know of no tissues in which the vast multitude of
nerves and their close networks are to be more clearly displayed.
379. The Preparation of Embryonic Tissues for Examination with
very High Powers.-Many of the softest textures may be investigated
with the greatest facility after having been soaked in strong glycerine.
In preparing these, the same steps which have been described in p. 361,
must be carried out, but the glycerine used at first should be weaker,
and its strength very slowly and gradually increased, either by adding
small quantities of strong glycerine from day to day, or by placing the
specimen immersed in the original weak solution in a small basin over
strong Sulphuric acid under a bell jar, or in vacuo. Ova, at a very early
period of development, can be prepared according to the principles
indicated, and many important facts in connection with the first steps
in the development and formation of tissues demonstrated with accuracy.
Some objections have been advanced by Dr. Ransom and others to
this plan of investigation as applied to the ovarian ova of fishes. Dr.
Ransom says, that the ammonia “ dissolved the germinal vesicle and its
contents.” Upon experiment, however, I found that so far from this
being the case, numerous bioplasts, not seen in ordinary specimens,
were displayed, and many new facts not to be demonstrated by ex-
amining the Ova in water, were discovered. In pl. LXXX, figs. I and 2
have been copied from Dr. Ransom's paper, while the remaining figures
were taken from specimens prepared by me in the manner indicated.
See my paper, published in the “Transactions of the Microscopical
Society” for July, 1867, from which pl. LXXX has been taken.
Embryos of various ages may be injected with the Prussian blue fluid.
The pipe cannot be tied in the vessels, as they are extremely soft. But
if it is simply inserted, much of the injection will run onwards into the
capillaries, and the escape of a certain quantity by the side of the pipe
is a matter of no moment. It is often advantageous to harden the
delicate tissue slightly by the addition of a little of the chromic acid
glycerine solution, p. 365. When once the tissues have been fully per-
meated by glycerine, they may be dissected and manipulated in a manner
which before was impossible.
In the same way, extremely soft textures, like those of which the
acalephae or jelly fishes are composed, or that delicate tissue entering
into the formation of the vitreous humour of the eye of man and the
higher animals may be prepared; and all the masses of bioplasm, series
within series (nuclei, nucleoli, nucleoluli), many of which are passed
Over in ordinary methods of examination, will be most clearly demon-
strated. The most delicate infusoria and the germs of these and of
the lower plants may also be thus prepared and preserved. -
The lowest as well as the highest vegetable tissues may be coloured
according to the same plan with the Carmine fluid, but it is sometimes
necessary to dilute it with alcohol or with more water. The bioplasm of
the spores and thalli of fungi, represented in pl. LXXXI, p. 386, has
been coloured very satisfactorily. Fig. I is the same as represented in
pl. LIV, p. 206, fig. 3, and illustrates the method of obtaining coloured
plates referred to in p. 356. In fig. 2 are some growing yeast cells,
well coloured and highly magnified, and the thallus of the yeast plant,
represented in fig. 3, is growing at the extremities, and the bioplasm in
these is more intensely coloured than in other parts.
8 EI O W, I N G B 10 PLA SM Co Lo U. R. E. D. W. I. T. H. C.A.R.M. L.N E.
Free germinal vesicle, its Free germinal vesicle, of which the wall
spots *. After is raised at one part, showing the 'colloid
r --tº- - - -
mass. After Dr Ransom. Ovarian ovum, with large ºerminal
vesicle. The yo k cracked and torn-
1ng fissures raduating outwarus
x 100.
Germinal spots, with new centres (nucleoli)
- - within them, and more minute germinal spots
Germinal spots from a ruptured germinal vesicle in the intervals between theid. x 550.
x 550. The ovum was ºr inch in diameter, and
the germinal vesicle ºn.
Supposed section of germinal
vesicle. showing germinal
Germinal vesicle, showing ger- - - matter throughout
miual spots all over the surface, Most minute ovarian ova under- &
x 2 lo going development, in the midst of
a delicate tissue witu cells.
x 500.
Globules of yolk, with bioplasm or Extremely small germinal spots, con-
germinal matter (nuclei), Advanced sisting almost entirely of bioplasm.
ovarian ovunn. x 215, x 1700. -
1000th inch I | x 215. :
-- 1 x 550, : :
- -
-- I | x 1706) :
L. S.B., 1867.
[To face page 380.

To aid in establishing general conclusions concerning the nature of
those wonderful processes of formation and growth peculiar to things
living, ought to be the aim of every one who devotes himself to the
investigation of the minute structure of animal and vegetable tissues.
But in these days, instead of being encouraged to follow the example
set us by Harvey and Hunter and Bichat, observers are taught by
popular lecturers to devote themselves to the mere observation and
demonstration of facts. Many, therefore, spend their lives in the
pursuit of fact-hunting, and never pause to enquire whether the facts
they suppose they have discovered are facts, whether their work is of any
use at all, and whether it teaches us anything, nor even ask whether
the supposed facts affect in any way other facts already known. Fact
multiplication, and accumulation, the adding of fact to fact, seems to be
the sole aim of some ; and what a chaos is the fact-heap which has been
raised in many departments of enquiry !
On the other hand, there are unscrupulous writers who never observe
or experiment for themselves, and look upon fact-finding and experi-
menting as the inferior but necessary duty of an order of beings less
fitted to survive than themselves, but developed for their particular
benefit and use, so they are careful to keep in with the poor fact-finders,
and use their results as if they were their own. From their intellects
only proceed generalisations. They select the good facts from the bad
ones, and construct generalisations for the instruction of humanity.
But further, arrogant doctrinaires, who never made a practical observa-
tion or discovered a single fact, conscious of superior wisdom, graciously
dictate the precise fields in which inferior minds are to work, and lay
down the method of investigation to be pursued by the working fact-
hunters, condescendingly remarking that as conclusions tend in this or
that direction, more labour is required here, while it is useless working
there, and new investigations should be immediately set on foot to
prove the truth of this and that idea which has just been evolved in the
recesses of their understanding. And the new philosopher is very wise
in the method he pursues, for it is easier to frame a generalisation and
then select from the general heap of known facts particular facts in its
support, than to examine the facts themselves one by one, to separate
the true from the false facts, to observe and experiment anew, and at
last, after an honest survey of what is known, to endeavour to arrive at
some general conclusion.
Formerly those who advanced new views to explain the phenomena
of living beings, not only performed the work of fact-hunting but tested
the value of every fact upon which they placed reliance, and only
deduced their conclusions after much patient investigation and experi-
ment, But of late a far superior method of making generalisations has
been discovered, and much of the old and slow testing and analytical
work has been entirely discarded. Philosopher and Fact-hunter seem
to have discovered that they may keep their offices quite distinct and
yet work to each other's great advantage. A compact seems to have been
entered into. The fact-finders consenting to act as the servants or tools
of the philosopher, while he publicly acknowledges the high value of
fact-hunting, and spreads the fame of the fact-finder as well as his own.
Different schools of philosophy require differently constituted fact-
finders, and as each new philosophy rises in popular favour, its own
proper fact-hunters, reporters, generalisers, acquire the much-desired
But how many errors now pass current as observed facts, and how
many unfortunate generalisations mar the advance of real knowledge |
This must be the case, if those who advance generalisations refuse to in-
vestigate for themselves, and practical observers confine themselves to
mere observation and refrain from thinking and speculating concerning
the facts they discover. Disadvantage to all knowledge must result
from the attempt to draw a hard line between speculative thought and
practical work. Useful hypotheses are more likely to emanate from
sound practical observers and experimenters than from purely speculative
thinkers, who are obliged to obtain all their facts second-hand, and
whose training has in too many instances been such as to render them
quite incapable of distinguishing real facts from apparent facts, and of
estimating the value or worthlessness of the evidence adduced in favour
of the accepted interpretation of any given fact or particular pheno-
menon observed.
In the hope of encouraging students to think as well as work, I have
ventured to offer a short résumé of some views, which are founded on
facts demonstrated by the methods of investigation described in this
book, which is mainly devoted to practical subjects, and has been written
with a strictly practical object.
In many parts of this book I have drawn attention to the great
importance of special methods of preparing tissues. But in order to
compare different textures and specimens of the same texture at different
periods of its growth, a uniform process of preparation must be adopted,
or, in other words, all structures which it is desired to compare with one
another must have been subjected to the same methods of preparation,
and must be examined under precisely similar conditions. It has been
shown that all textures may be easily manipulated and examined under
the highest powers when immersed in glycerine; and it has been proved
that in every tissue obtained from a living being, part may be deeply
stained while part is left colourless, although the whole has been freely
traversed by an alkaline colouring matter in solution, p. 125. The first
material exhibits certain common characters throughout nature, while
the last differs extremely in anatomical structure, physical properties,
and chemical composition in the different organs and textures of
animals and plants, and in the organisms of a lower character.
The matter which is coloured in the process above described is,
broadly, that which has been termed in different textures cell, nucleus,
cell contents, protoplasm, endoplast, corpuscle ; while that which remains
unchanged is that which is known as intercellular matter or substance,
ce// wall, membrane, protoplasm, fibre, Žerºplastic substance, &c. Great
confusion has resulted from the use of many of these words in different
senses, and from the application of the same word to essentially diffe-
rent substances. Protoplasm, for example, has been applied to living
matter, and also to the formed matter which has ceased to live, and by
many physiologists, amongst whom may be mentioned Professor Huxley,
in his paper on “The Physical Basis of Life,” and in other communi-
cations. Now, when the carmine fluid is used properly, the living
matter of the so-called cell, including the nucleus, is coloured, while
the outer part of the cell and intercellular substance remain colourless.
We can therefore in any texture, which has been properly prepared,
distinguish the active living growing matter from the passive formed
matter. As regards the former, it is often possible to demonstrate zones
of colour one within the other, the innermost or the youngest being in-
variably coloured most intensely, and the outermost or the oldest most
By comparative observations upon the same tissues at different
periods of growth, I have been able to demonstrate a continuous but
gradually altering relation between the formed material, so-called cell
wall, and the bioplasm, the so-called “nucleus,” and have adduced
many observations which establish the important point that all the
formed material was once in the state of the living matter or bioplasm
which alone receives the colour. So that in the formation of muscle,
for instance, out of the lifeless nutrient pabulum in the blood, the matter
which is to become muscle passes through these different conditions:—
I. That of a soluble nutrient matter, or pabulum, which is taken up
by, and converted into —
2. Bioplasm (nucleus, nucleolus, nucleolulus, and, in some instances,
protoplasm), which gradually becomes resolved into —
3. Imperfectly developed formed material which assumes the form
of :-
4. Fully developed formed material, as fibrous tissue, cartilage,
osseous tissue, muscular contractile tissue. This last slowly changes
and is resolved into :—
5. Disintegrated formed material, which is gradually reduced to a
soluble state, and is by oxidation and other chemical processes, at
length converted into new substances, some of which pass away, while
others in their turn become pabulum for other kinds of bioplasm, such
as the colourless blood corpuscles and lymph corpuscles, which are
therefore the agents concerned in the removal of the disintegrated
It will be noticed that one very important point gained in the course
of this enquiry, is the determination of the differences by which the bio-
plasm, or active living growing matter of all tissues, is distinguished from
the matter which is formed, or which results from the changes occurring in
this. The general conclusion was established in my lectures, given
before the Royal College of Physicians, in April, 1861. I have since
worked out changes occurring during the growth and formation of many
tissues in detail, in the various grades of the higher animals and plants,
as well as in the lowest and most simple living forms.
The material stained by Carmine must be regarded as matter in a
state of change. It is as different from pabulum as it is from tissue.
It cannot be obtained from the first, nor can it be converted into the
last, except it remain in the organism to which it belongs, and under
the exact conditions favourable to the change. Bioplasm is not fissue,
for it lives and grows, but it may at length undergo conversion into
tissue. It is living matter, and in this state differs absolutely from
matter in every other known state. Now, by the word living, I desire
to imply that in this matter so-called phenomena of a peculiar nature
are observed, which phenomena have not been explained. They cannot
be accounted for by any known laws, they cannot be imitated artificially.
And like phenomena have never been observed anywhere except in the
living matter of living things.
Among the peculiar properties or powers of every mass of living
matter, the following are the most important —
I. The power of altering and appropriating certain soluble matters,
and communicating to these, properties or powers of the same nature as
those which the already existing living matter itself possesses.
2. The power of moving in all directions. The passage of one part
of a living mass to another part, so that one portion may advance itself
in front of another portion, or encircle another, and blend with it.
3. The power of causing the elements of matter to take up definite
relations towards one another, so that definite compounds, perhaps not
to be produced in any other way, and often exhibiting definite structure,
may result, when the matter shall cease to live.
4. The power of infinite increase.
By observation the important conclusion is established that the
formation of all tissues and organs, no matter how different their ulti-
mate structure and office may be, is due to changes taking place in
matter in a very peculiar state, which cannot be correctly called a
peculiar physical state, because no known physical state of matter ex-
hibits any analogy to the living state. Nor is the latter in any way
comparable with any other state in which matter is known to exist.
The living state is exceptional and peculiar and stands alone. There
is no transition from the non-living into the living state, but matter
passes suddenly from one state into the other. Neither is there in any
case a gradation from any form of non-living matter to any form of
living matter.
The inferences above detailed enable me to describe very simply the
structure of the most complex tissues and the changes which occur
during their growth. It is not necessary to discuss in any given case
what is “cell wall,” “cell membrane,” or “intercellular substance,”
“cell contents,” “nucleus,” “nucleolus,” “primordial utricle,” “proto-
plasm,” “blastema.” For every tissue and organ of every living thing
consists of matter in two states:–7%e living or germinal state and the
formed and lifeless state. All increase, multiplication, division, &c., is
due to matter in the first state and to that alone. Living particles do
not aggregate together to form one living mass, but one living mass may
divide and separate into a vast number of distinct living particles, each
of which may, by taking non-living matter into itself and changing the
arrangement of its atoms, grow and become a mass like the first.
Every particle of the bioplasm or living matter comes from a pre-
existing living particle, and every piece of tissue, and formed matter
of every kind derived from a living being was once in the condition of
Careful investigation of the relations which the bioplasm bears to the
formed material at different periods of growth, and the careful study of
these two kinds of matter in the various textures, teach us the Order
in which the various changes occur and the employment of other terms
is rendered superfluous.
A résumé of my views will be found in my work on Bioplasm, and
also in the Lumleian Lectures for 1875, “On Life and on the Nature of
Vital Actions in Death and Disease.” Brief extracts from my papers,
and short notices, have from time to time appeared in a few journals
and text-books. An excellent analysis extending over twenty pages
will be found in the “American Journal of the Medical Sciences” for
January, 1867, but by far the most complete notice of my views, and
the clearest and most interesting account of their general bearing upon
scientific problems of the greatest importance, will be found in Dr.
Drysdale’s “Protoplasmic Theory of Life.” That these notions are not
even noticed by the material philosophers will not excite surprise. In
science, as in some other departments of human effort, it will be found
that those who are always protesting that they alone are liberal, and
2 C
wide, and broad, and yearning after truth, attach meanings to such
words as liberal, wide, broad, truth, and many more which are alone
sanctioned by materialist authority.
3so. of Living Matter or Bioplasm.—The smallest particles of living
matter are spherical, and the largest mass always assumes the spherical
form when suspended in a fluid or semi-fluid medium. Every form of
bioplasm or living matter in nature, and at every period of its existence,
is invariably colourless.
Very small particles of this living matter or bioplasm are represented
in pl. LXXXI, fig. 1, b. Now such particles cannot be termed cells, if
the ordinary definition of that word is accepted. Each consists of
bioplasm with possibly a very thin layer of formed material upon its
surface. Each of these particles may increase in size by the absorption
of nutrient pabulum into its substance, and each may then divide and
subdivide into separate portions. In fact each possesses the properties
usually regarded as characteristic of cell life.
The mucus corpuscle which is represented in pl. LIII, p. 204, fig. 7,
consists of a mass of bioplasm which as it lies in the mucus or formed
material exhibits movements as shown by the dotted lines. The
“mucus" or viscid matter around and in which it lies, was formed from
it, and corresponds to what has been termed “cell-wall,” “intercellular
substance” in other cases. The white blood corpuscle, pl. XXXIX,
p. 158, fig. 5, is another example of bioplasm or living matter which, as
is well known, is invariably colourless and exhibits slow movements.
The amoeba which is represented in pl. LIII, fig. 5, is another easily
obtainable and characteristic example of bioplasm or living matter, and
in its active state exhibits movements in every direction, which the
observer should intently study over and over again. These movements
are vital movements, and all attempts to explain them by physics and
chemistry have signally failed.
The character of bioplasm or living matter can be studied very
readily in the amoeba. If carefully studied under the 1-12th of an inch
object-glass the amoeba will be observed to alter in form. At various
parts of its circumference protrusions of its very substance will be seen
to take place. The protrusions consist of the material which forms the
basis substance of the amoeba. It will be noticed that this moving
material is perfectly colourless and transparent, and under the I-25th and
1-50th of an inch objective no appearance of structure can be discerned
in it. It is true that granules and foreign particles may be seen em-
bedded in it, but these are extraneous, or have been formed. The
matter in which the motor power resides is perfectly clear, transparent,
and structureless. Motion is communicated to the solid particles by
the movements of the transparent living matter. The moving matter
has been termed sarcode and has been spoken of as “jelly-like;” but
Fig. i.
Various stages of growth of ordinary mildew. a. aerial spores. h smallest germinal particles within these.
b x, a spore bursting, bioplasm escaping. c. a spore enlarged by growth. d, a spore sprouting. e. an old
spore, the formed material of which has much increased. The remaining figures show the mode of growth
of the mycelium, and the fructification of the fungus, p, q, r. p. 380. (1859.
Fig. 3.
- -
- -
- - - - * * • *
Growing yeast particles and most - : : :"...":
minute &erms of yeast plant, well *...* * - :
stained with carmine, x 28-0 (1869) M.J.' - -
ºr. - -
º n
The extremities of a rapidly ºrowing branch of fungus from jam The
cellular wall at the end of each ramification is only just formed, and
is so thin that it is hardly demonstrable The bioplasm is abundant,
and in this situation growth is proceeding very rapidly an a spore
which has just commenced to sprout. x 500 (1869).
[To face page 386

no jelly is capable of movement, and no living matter exists which is as
incapable of movement as is every form of jelly that is known. Under
certain circumstances the movements of the amoeba cease, and a change
is observed to take place upon its surface.
$81. The Conversion of Living Bioplasm into Formed Material.—
The external surface of a mass or particle of bioplasm in contact with
air or fluid becomes altered. In plain language, the layer of living
*atter upon the surface of a mass of bioplasm, which is in contact with
fluid, or exposed to the air, soon dies. According to the precise con-
ditions under which death occurs, different substances result. These
formed matters may be solid, fluid, or gaseous. They may be soluble
or insoluble in water. They may be soft or hard, coloured or colour-
less. They are formed, and their formation is in great part due to the
relation which the elements of the living matter were made to assume
towards one another, during the living state, or just before the death of
the particle occurred. That relation is definite, so that from the same
kind of living matter under similar conditions the same kind of formed
substance results. The very same elements which lived in the living
matter, always enter into the composition of the formed material, but
their arrangement and their relations to one another is totally changed.
The mode in which the formed material is produced will be under-
stood by reference to fig. 1, pl. LXXXII, p. 390. In a, b, and c, both
bioplasm and formed material are undergoing increase. In fig. 2, the
mass of bioplasm is dividing in the substance of soft formed material, a
portion of which surrounds each of the resulting masses, as seen in
fig. 3, but the formed material is perfectly passive—as passive as a
mass of mucus, or jelly, or semifluid matter would be in which such
Self-moving, growing, dividing matter was embedded.
7%e production of formed material may also be studied in the con-
version of the colourless blood corpuscles into the red. In the frog
and newt, especially early in the spring, numerous colourless corpuscles
will be found which at the outer part are undergoing change, the matter
in this situation losing its granular appearance, and becoming smooth
and tinted. As the corpuscle advances in age this process continues
until at last the oval red corpuscle is seen to contain only a small por-
tion of bioplasm or living matter in the interior, as represented in
pl. XXXIX, p. 158, fig. 4. In mammalian animals generally, this change
goes much further, and the whole corpuscle gradually undergoes con-
version into semifluid coloured formed material, which however soon
becomes a little hardened or condensed on the surface. Thus results
a so-called “cell-wall.” The fully formed mammalian red corpuscle
consists of matter at first in a colloid state, but this ultimately assumes
the crystallising property and readily undergoes crystallisation. In some
instances, as in the case of the blood corpuscle of the Guinea-pig, this
2 C. 2
change occurs within a very short time after the corpuscle has ceased to
move, and without the addition of water or any reagent. When a drop
of blood is withdrawn from the circulation of the animal and placed
upon a glass slide this change takes place, and each red blood corpuscle
forms a crystal, or many coalesce to form a large crystalline mass. In
figs. 3, 6, pl. XXXIX, p. 158, some of these crystals formed from the
red Corpuscle of Guinea-pig's blood are represented. -
Another simple case, showing the formation of formed material from
bioplasm, may be studied in cuticle (man, frog, newt), or in the cells
upon the papillae of the tongue. At first there is but a very thin layer
of formed material upon the surface of the bioplasm, and this is soft, so
that the mass may divide, and each portion be invested with a thin
layer of this soft formed material. Nutrient pabulum passes through
the formed material to the bioplasm within, and a portion of the latter
undergoes conversion into formed material. The bioplasm increases,
while at the same time new formed material is produced. This is
shown in figs. 4, 5, 6, pl. LXXXII. In the last figure, a thick layer
of formed material has resulted, which only permits a very little
pabulum to pass slowly through it. The entire cell does not, therefore,
increase in size; but the conversion of bioplasm into formed matter still
proceeds, so that at last a mere trace of the bioplasm remains, and this
often dies and becomes liquefied and removed, leaving a space or
cavity (vacuole) containing fluid, which marks where the living matter
was situated.
Now the bodies represented in pl. LXXXII, p. 390, figs. I to 6, are
termed cells. Cells of this simple character are very common, par-
ticularly in many vegetable textures. In these, however, the formed
material is usually thinner except in the case of very hard vegetable
tissue, when the whole “ cell” consists of highly condensed and very
dry and hard formed material, there being often a cavity in the centre,
which was once occupied with bioplasm. Every cell that is growing
and is capable of any active changes consists of a portion of bioplasm
or living matter, around which is a layer of formed material or lifeless
matter, varying in thickness in different cases. In all instances, however,
this formed material has resulted from the death of particle after particle
of the bioplasm or living matter. That the formed material is deposited
as I have described may be proved by anyone who will watch the changes
which occur in such a structure as ordinary mildew. These changes are
represented in the drawings in pl. LXXXI, p. 386, fig. I. The different
figures of mildew, in various stages of growth, are careful copies from
nature, and should be attentively studied with the aid of the explanations.
The bioplasm, which in some of the plates is known by its granular
appearance, and in others by its being coloured red, is in fact, the only
active part of the “cell.” Nothing can be said to live which does not
contain bioplasm. In truth, the only part of us that is really living is the
bioplasm, or living matter, of our bodies. In pl. LXXXIV, p. 408, and
in pl. LXXXVIII, p. 412, fig. 4, are represented some growing muscular
fibres. The masses of bioplasm are large and well formed. The so-
called “nuclei" of the nerve and other fibres consist of living matter or
bioplasm. In tendon, and various forms of fibrous tissue, the fibrous
matter is the formed material (see pl. LXXXII, fig. 15). So also in
cartilage the same simple distinction can be made between the bioplasm
and the formed material. The so-called “intercellular substance” or
“matrix” of cartilage, figs. I 3, 14, is no more intercellular than the so-
called “wall” of an epithelial cell is intercellular. “Of the formation of
the so-called intercellular substance of cartilage, and of its relation to
the so-called cells.” See “Transactions of the Microscopical Society,”
March, 1863.
In young tissues the proportion of bioplasm to the formed material
is invariably very great; compare the young nerve-cells, represented in
pl. XCV, p. 416, figs. 2, 3, with the fully-formed nerve-cells in pl. XCIV,
p. 416. Also observe the relative quantities of bioplasm and formed
material in the young and advanced cells, represented in pl. LXXXII,
p. 390, figs. 4, 5, and 6.
The bioplasm, or actual living matter itself, is invariably clear, trans-
parent, and structureless, but it is usually seen to be granular. Granules
are often suspended in it, and caused to move as the living matter
moves. Sometimes it exhibits colour, but the colour does not belong to
the bioplasm; it is suspended in it or mixed with it, but the bioplasm
can in all cases move away and leave the coloured fluid or particles
3s2. Formed Material in substance of Bioplasm.–In the examples
already adduced, the formation of the formed material takes place upon
the outer part of the bioplasm, and as the cell increases in size the layers
of formed material first produced are pushed out by those formed last.
In many instances, however, formed material of another kind is deposited
amongst the particles of the bioplasm. In pl. XLVI, p. 172, figs. 1, 2,
are represented some of the young starch-holding cells of the potato.
The so-called cell-wall is formed around the bioplasm, while the starch
is deposited as small insoluble particles in its substance. In fact, by the
death of particles upon the surface of the living matter, the cellulose “cell-
wall” is formed, while, as a consequence of a similar change affecting the
particles further inwards, starch results. Each starch grain is increased in
size by the deposition of new matter from the bioplasm layer after layer
upon the surface. In some of the cells no starch grains are formed in
the interior, but instead, the “wall of the cell” is greatly thickened
by the deposition of a closely allied material upon its internal surface,
layer within layer.
The starch grains lie embedded in the bioplasm, and are separated
from the “cell-wall” by a thin layer of it. This part of the bioplasm
which lies just within the cell-wall was known as the “primordial utricle”
of the vegetable cell.
The fat cell, or adipose vesicle, is formed in precisely the same way,
and fat may be deposited amongst the bioplasm of other cells, such as
the cartilage cell, and in nerve and other cells in certain cases. The
first formation of fat in a fat cell is represented in pl. LXXXII, p. 390,
fig, II.
3s3. of the Nucleus.-In the starch cell, and in the fat cell, and
some others, the “nucleus’ appears to take no active part in the changes
which occur in the interior during the formation of the starch or fatty
matter, and other substances which are deposited within cells, after
the cell-wall has been formed. What, then, is this “nucleus,” which is
found in animal and vegetable cells, and of which many examples will
be seen in the drawings in the plates ? The nucleus consists of bio-
plasm or living matter. It may be regarded as a new centre, and it has
arisen in a pre-existing centre of living matter. In many masses of
bioplasm there are, in fact, two or three series of centres, one within the
other. In one centre (nucleus) there may be one or a vast number of
new centres (nucleoli). See pl. LXXX, p. 38o, figs. 3, 5, and 8. The
nucleus is in all cases composed of bioplasm or living matter, and it has
appeared in bioplasm already existing. The power or force by which the
development of centre within centre is determined, whatever its nature
may be, always acts upon matter in a direction from Centres. Particles of
matter which have become living invariably move in this direction, and as
they move farther and farther away from the centre, their power of anima-
ting lifeless matter becomes less, though in them new centres possessing
increased power make their appearance. These new centres somehow
acquire new power while remaining apparently quiescent. The process
of acquiring vital power and the development of nuclei with high vital
endowments is opposed to the process of taking up a large quantity of
pabulum, and the rapid increase and multiplication of bioplasm.
3s 4. of the term cell.—Not only has it been arbitrarily laid down
that a “cell” involves the existence of a “wall,” certain “contents,” and
a “nucleus,” but distinct properties are still attributed to each of these
parts respectively, although no one has ever been able to show that the
offices assigned to them were really performed. A small particle of living
matter, such as is represented in pl. LXXXI, p. 386, fig. I at 6, will not
fall under the definition given of a cell, nor is it possible, by any reason-
able interpretation of the terms employed, to bring colourless blood
corpuscles and a host of other objects into the cell category. To include
these the definition must be totally changed, and the existence of cells
must be admitted which have no walls, in other words, the very thing
T H E C E L L O R. E L E M E N T A R Y P A R T – B A CT. E. R. L. A.
Fig. 1. - Fig. 4.
INTO FORMED. ...i.a LERLAL, AND ACC U-1D La T10- or Lºiº - ER.
Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10.
Increase of as Pus.
Fig. 1. Fig. 13. Fig. 14.
Young Fully formed.
- ~~ º
Fat. Starch. - - - -
FROM - -
Fig. 15. - Fig. 16.
Woung. Fully formed. oldest part of formed material.
c. undercoins disintegration
and conversion into pro-
ducts of secretion.
Course of the pabulum, tº 2.
Fig. 18. -
Youngest part ºf formed
material, c.
Fig. 23.
A - º - -
- º - 3. ſ SO To illustrate the changes taking place during
- º the nutrition of the cell a bioplasm - b.
*_ - course taken by pabulum; c. old and young
- formed material which results troºn changes
Bacteria undºin' ººr- - occurring on the surface of a.
mination p. 346. x isco.
Bacteria shown in
x -8 3.
P G.
Fig. 19.
Fig. 20.
- } º
--- º, sº º
º º • *
tº sº, quº
The most minute Aerºns of fungi - -
isible her a "r of an inch º h Bacteria Aerms in
-1811-1- 111- * - Bacteria from the ºld epithelial cells
object glass The smallest is mouth x 1-00 of the mount).
less than Tºwn of an inch in x stºod p 346.
diameter. p. 316.
Figs to 6, see pp. 388,890 : Fiss 7 to 10, see p. 896; Fiº 11, see p. 39): Fiºs. 3, 14, 15, see p. 39: Fiº. It see p. 39%.
To face page 300.

which makes the body a cell, is necessary and is not necessary. The
difficulty of including many bodies under the old definition, combined
with an implicit faith in its truth, has led many observers to affirm the
existence of a “cell-wall,” when none could be discovered, and at last
some of the supporters of the cell theory have taken refuge in the
doctrine that the “cell-wall” itself is fluid, and is capable of being
stretched, and of running together like the film of a soap-bubble.
Protoplasm.—The moving matter of the colourless blood corpuscles,
the granular matter around the so-called nuclei of muscle, the contents
(in part or entire) of the vegetable cell, which I have termed living
matter or bioplasm, have been called “protoplasm.” Unfortunately
those who have employed this word have not accurately defined what
they desire to include under it. Mr. Huxley, not content with calling
dead matter protoplasm, speaks of roasted and boiled protoplasm, but
he does not give the details of the process by which he has succeeded
in roasting and boiling living things.
The meaning of many of the terms generally employed in describing
the structure of, and the changes taking place in, cells, becomes greatly
modified from year to year, and in this way confusion and ambiguity are
occasioned. Not unfrequently the same term is used in different senses
in the same discourse.
Bioplasm and Formed Material,—To save a long and tedious dis-
cussion as to the meaning which should be assigned to the words in
general use, I have been led, as the reader will have noticed, to use one
or two new terms when speaking of the essentially different parts of
the cell or tissue. I have applied the term bioplasm or living matter only
to that which lives, changes, converts, germinates, &c.” Abrmed material,
on the other hand, never possesses any of these properties. It has lived,
but is now lifeless ; it may be changed, but it cannot change itself. In
nutrition, lifeless pabulum becomes living bioplasm, which becomes in its
turn formed material, cell-wall, or intercellular substance, or soluble, or
gaseous matter, as the case may be. Formed material may accumulate
or it may be formed in a fluid state, and disintegrated as fast as it is
produced. A most important point is this: that formed material of
every kind was once bioplasm. New formed matter is deposited in one
definite direction only, from the centre, or from within, so that in an
ordinary simple cell the bioplasm is invariably within, then comes the
recently produced formed material, and lastly the oldest formed material,
which is therefore most external.
The reader will readily understand the views above given if he will
attentively examine the figures appended in the text. a. The smallest
visible particles of bioplasm or living matter, b. Small collections of
* Roast mutton and boiled lobster may be protoplasm, but they most certainly
are not bioplasm.
bioplasm, with a little formed material between them (as in mucus). In
the small mass to the right, portions are seen to project, and if these
became detached, each one would grow and give rise to new and distinct
masses. c. A mass of bioplasm, with a very thin layer of formed material
upon its external surface (cell-wall), d. Same as the last, but with a new
centre of growth (nucleus), which
has arisen in its substance. The
nucleus is now comparatively qui-
escent, but it is capable of assuming
§ active growth. If c were exposed to
§ unfavourable conditions, the whole
would be destroyed, but under similar
circumstances the nucleus already
developed in d might alone resist
these influences. The conditions
becoming favourable, the nucleus would grow and produce new elemen-
tary parts, even if all but this small portion of the original mass of
bioplasm had been destroyed. e. Thick layers of formed material, the
whole of which were at one time in the state of bioplasm. f. Secondary
deposits commencing to appear amongst the bioplasm, as occurs in the
case when fatty matter is precipitated amongst the bioplasm of the fat
vesicle. Fat and other kinds of formed material appearing in a mass of
bioplasm result from the death of particles of bioplasm itself. The fat
is one among several substances resulting from the death of bioplasm.
Some of these are removed, but the fat remains. g. A further stage of
the same process. A large fat globule is now formed. h. Separate
masses of secondary deposits, such as result in starch-holding cells, for
instance, i. Deposition of formed material or secondary deposit in
successive layers on the inner surface of the original capsule. Spaces
or intervals in which currents are continually setting towards and from
the bioplasm during its life, are left during the deposition of the formed
material. In this way a starlike arrangement of pores results. A. Bio-
plasm, around and formed from which is formed material, granular in
its character. The particles of this formed material are gradually being
resolved into several substances, as occurs in the elementary parts of the
liver (liver cells). Z. Formation of fibres from bioplasm. m. Bioplasm
belonging to and taking part in the formation of the walls of a tube.
3s.5. False cells can be made in many ways, and some of these so
closely resemble certain natural cells that it would be difficult or impos-
sible from mere microscopic examination to distinguish one from the
other. A number of observers from this fact have been erroneously led
to conclude that the cells formed in the living body are produced in the
same way as these false or artificial cells. Many strange and fanciful con-
jectures of this sort have of late received considerable support, and some

of them have been advanced in favour of the dogma lately forced into
considerable notoriety that the formation of all living things is due to
physical and chemical operations only, and that the actions of all living
things are mechanical.
It is most remarkable that in these days any persons can be found
who will waste their time in attempting to prove that the “cells” of
which the textures of living beings are made up, are formed by physico-
chemical operations alone. The vague general assertions which have
often been repeated, have been refuted over and over again, and yet
many most confident persons continue to repeat the absurd blunders of
the physico-chemical visionaries of a generation long since forgotten.
Every real elementary part or “ cell” in nature passes through certain
stages of being, and not one of any kind at an early period of its forma-
tion exhibits characters which entitle it to be called a cell. The advo-
cates of the physical theory altogether ignore the series of changes
which occur before any cell-form is attained. Because they can make
artificially things something like dead cells, they infer that living cells
are produced in the same way, forgetting that the characters of the
advanced cell have only been gradually acquired, and by a portion of
matter which they themselves would have said was not a cell at all.
They forget, moreover, that the material out of which their cells have
been made has the same composition as the manufactured cells them-
selves, while the living cell is made out of material differing entirely from
it in composition. They take a little fatty albuminous matter and add
to it a little water, and when they see under the microscope globular
masses separate, they cry, “See how quickly our cells can be made out
of ingredients which we can easily obtain.” But the cell manufacturers
ignore what every one ought to know, that out of matter in which neither
fat nor albumen, nor even any allied substance, can be detected, a
minute mass of clear transparent living bioplasm can take up certain
materials, cause the elements of these to separate, and then recombine
them to form albumen, fatty matters, and many other things.
The facts and arguments in connection with this question could be
grasped by a child if they were stated fairly, but the statements made
and the inferences drawn in many of our elementary text-books concern-
ing cell formation are incorrect; and some of them, although utterly
untenable, are repeated over and over again with determined pertinacity.
The fact that many of the statements used in favour of the physico-
chemical fancies should be received at all, proves that most readers are
content to accept conclusions without studying or analysing the facts
upon which they are based.
386. Of the Nutrition and Action of the elementary part Or Cell.
—It may be interesting in this place to consider very briefly what goes
on in the cell or elementary part during life when “nutrition * takes
place. Much misconception prevails in connection with this subject,
in consequence of the term nutrition having been somewhat vaguely
applied to the process by which the increase of the whole body, or a
limb, or an organ, or a great part of a tissue is provided for. But here
I shall restrict myself to the consideration of the exact phenomena
which occur when a single elementary part or cell is nourished. It is
generally supposed that when a tissue grows, certain matters existing in
the blood pass from that fluid, undergo change, and are directly added
to the tissue. In the nutrition of such a tissue as cartilage, it has been
concluded that the matrix or intercellular substance is deposited directly
from the blood, and that the masses of bioplasm or cells take no active
part in the formation of the so-called matrix or intercellular substance.
But cartilage matrix does not exist in a state of solution in the blood,
and therefore it is incumbent upon those who hold the doctrine above-
mentioned to explain by what means the pabulum becomes altered as it
passes through the walls of the vessels, and how it is changed in its
Composition, and acquires the properties of the Cartilaginous texture
which lies in the intervals between the masses of bioplasm. It is quite
certain that nothing like cartilage is to be detected already formed in the
blood; and indeed those who teach that the process of nutrition is of
the nature above indicated, are driven to attribute mysterious trans-
forming powers either to the lifeless vascular walls, or to the equally life-
less tissue itself. One might as well attribute transforming powers to
lifeless wood, or glass, or stone as to fibrous tissue, Cartilage, bone, &c.
It will have been observed that according to the views I have
advanced the changing transforming powers reside in the bioplasm alone.
The facts brought forward by me in 1861, concerning the nature of the
bioplasm or germinal matter have not been overthrown, I have endea-
voured to show, not that the bioplasm acts upon matter which passes by
it, and so changes it without undergoing change itself, but that the bio-
plasm itself changes, and that every kind of formed material and tissue
must pass through the condition of bioplasm if tissue is to be produced,
and that therefore in the formation of fibrous tissue, cartilage, &c., the
order of change is this —Pabulum from the blood is taken up by
bioplasm, and certain of its elements become bioplasm, which in its
turn is gradually resolved into formed material, and thus every kind of
cell-wall, tissue, matrix, or intercellular substance, &c., is produced.
The existence of bioplasm before the production of formed materia/;
the continuity of the bioplasm with the formed material in tissues in process
of development; the fact that no case is known in which formed material
is produced without bioplasm, and the demonstration that fluids will pass
through a comparatively thick layer of formed material, and reach the
bioplasm in the course of a few seconds,-necessarily forced upon me the
conviction that pabulum invariably passes to the bioplasm, and that it,
or at least some of its constituents, undergo conversion into this living
Substance; that from the already existing bioplasm the new matter
acquires properties and powers which the matter alone did not possess.
At the same time other and older portions of the bioplasm lose their
active powers, die, and undergo conversion into formed material.
So that in every case of nutrition pabulum invariably becomes bio-
plasm, and the bioplasm, not the fabulum, is converted into formed
material. I have been accustomed to state these facts as follows:—
Calling the bioplasm, which in all cases is derived from pre-existing
bioplasm, a, the pabulum b, and the formed material resulting from
changes in the bioplasm c, -I say 5 becomes a, and a becomes converted
into c, but à can never be converted into c except by the agency, and, in
fact, by passing through the condition, of a, figs. I6, 23, pl. LXXXII,
D. 390.
So far, then, the process of nutrition differs absolutely from every
process going on in the non-living world, inasmuch as pabulum
must pass into living bioplasm to become living, and formed matter
must have once been in the living state. Every particle of formed
material or tissue which, in many cases, constitutes the chief increase in
weight and bulk during growth, has passed through the state of bioplasm.
The formation of this bioplasm from the pabulum is the important part
of the nutritive process and takes place alone in living beings. Similar
changes occur in the nutrition of the simplest as well as most complex
living creatures. - *
In nutrition, as it occurs in man and the higher animals, the food
introduced into the stomach becomes dissolved, and the solution is
taken up by the bioplasm of the villi, the chyle corpuscles, and the
colourless blood Corpuscles. Changes occur in these masses of bioplasm,
and the products resulting form the pabulum for the bioplasm which
takes part in the formation of the various textures,
It is implied in some of the text-books that the action of cells is due
to the physical and chemical properties of the compounds of which
they are made up. This view, though widely taught, is opposed, as has
been shown, to facts that are known, and is indeed quite unjustifiable as
a general statement of what goes on in cells or elementary parts. It is
only the outer portion of the formed material of the cell which is the seat
of physical and chemical change. It is here that the oxygen combines
with the elements of unstable compounds. New Substances, which often
constitute the “secretion" of the cell, are formed. It will be observed
that although mere chemical change occurs, the material which is
oxydised is first formed through the agency of the bioplasm as has been
already explained ; and this formation is a part of the phenomena of
cell-life which cannot be ignored without misrepresenting the whole
nature of the cell and the changes which take place in it. The statement
has been generally accepted that oxygen is necessary to life. But in
fact the principal demand for oxygen in living beings arises from the
necessity for chemical change and destruction of material which is formed
during the vital changes occurring in the bioplasm, but which ceased long
before the action of the oxygen began. Oxygen acts principally upon
the surface of cells, that is, upon the oldest part of the formed material,
rather than upon the bioplasm embedded in it. It seems that the formed
material is prevented from accumulating round the bioplasm of many
Cells by external agencies, among which the oxydising action of oxygen
is the most important. In this way the formed material becomes re-
Solved into more soluble substances, which are at once removed. Were
it not for the disintegration and removal of the formed material, the
passage of pabulum through it and its access to the bioplasm would be
greatly interfered with or prevented. Moreover, it is probable that the
action exerted by the oxygen which reaches the bioplasm is upon matter
suspended or dissolved in the fluid between the minute particles of
bioplasm or living matter. Oxygen acts upon the lifeless matter of the
cell. It does not support life directly, but is necessary to the continu-
ance of life, because it alone can convert the products of death and
decay into soluble substances, which can be easily removed. Fig.
23, pl. LXXXII, p. 390, will give some idea of the movements of fluid
which occur in the cell during the changes above referred to.
A cell may undergo the most active change without altering in size.
The absorption of pabulum and the production of new bioplasm may
be compensated by the conversion of the latter into formed material, as
the old formed material becomes oxydised and removed from the cell.
3s.6*. of the Nature of “Irritation " and “Inflammation.”—I
must now make a few remarks concerning the wonderful effects which
ensue from a change of the circumstances under which the “cell” is
placed. Suppose the hard formed material which interferes with the
access of pabulum to the bioplasm of a cell to be ruptured, or softened
by the action of fluids, so that pabulum will more readily come into
contact with the bioplasm—what happens P The latter will increase
very fast. It will absorb the nutrient matter, and may even take up the
softened and altered formed matter, which was itself produced from
bioplasm at an earlier period. These stages are seen in pl. LXXXII,
p. 390, figs. 7, 8. In fig. 9, the original mass has divided into several,
and in fig. Io these are seen after they have escaped. Being now
freely supplied with pabulum, in consequence of the absence of the
thick layer of formed material upon their surface, as in figs. 2 to
6, they grow and multiply rapidly. These changes are considered to
result from what is called “irritation,” and to constitute the essential
phenomena of “inflammation.” In what is known as irritation, the
observer must bear in mind the fact that the access of pabulum to the
bioplasm of the cell is facilitated, for is not the protective external
covering of formed material invariably removed or rendered more per-
meable by chemical or mechanical means whenever “irritation ” or
“inflammation” is said to exist? Such is, I believe, the action of the
so-called chemical and mechanical “irritants.” See a lecture on “First
Principles.” “Dublin Medical Press,” 1863. I think, therefore, that
we ought not to employ the term irritation as applied to individual
cells at all, and would restrict its use to those cases only in which nerves
and nerve centres are concerned. Although all medical writers have
freely used this word, no one has explained exactly what he means by it.
The above view is capable of wider application. Heat acts as a
“stimulus” to the development of the embryo chick, simply by facili-
tating the access of fabulum to the bioplasm of the living embryo. The
heat does not become the life, for the life is there; but it is simply one of
the conditions necessary for the manifestation of this mysterious active
power, and for its communication to particles of non-living matter
brought within the sphere of its activity. Without the influence of heat,
the pabulum cannot get through the formed material to the already
living bioplasm; but as formed material is expanded, and the permeating
properties of the surrounding nutrient fluids increased by heat, the
pabulum comes rapidly into contact with the living particles, and these
communicate to it the same wonderful power they already possess.
3sq. of Life.—The formation of the various structures and peculiar
and characteristic substances in living beings can only be explained if the
operation of some force or power of a different order, and belonging to
a different category from all other forces or powers influencing non-
living matter, be postulated. To some persons, speculations concerning
the nature of life will seem out of place in a work like the present, but
I do not admit that speculation on the nature of things is the prerogative
of physicists only, and I think that any one who has carefully studied
the phenomena of living beings is likely to know more about life than
he who investigates the inanimate only. The vital processes of growth,
formation, and multiplication are peculiar to living beings. There is
nothing like these processes in the non-living world, and they never
occur unless bioplasm with its marvellous vital power is present. The
formed material may be regarded as a product resulting from the in-
fluence upon matter of internal vital, and subsequently of external
physical forces. Its properties are due partly to the changes occurring
in the matter when in the living state, partly to the external conditions
present when the matter passes from the living state, that is, at the
moment of its death.
398 How To work witH THE MICROSCOPE,
I have tried my utmost to account for the changes which take place
in the living matter, as far as these can be ascertained by microscopical
observation, by physics and chemistry, but, like all who have hitherto
attempted to explain vital phenomena in this way, have signally failed.
I have listened attentively to the various assertions made and repeated
by Dr. Tyndall and others, concerning the physics of living beings, and
have publicly requested Dr. Tyndall to explain what he means by the
assertion that “man is a machine,” and that all his actions are me-
chanical, but a contemptuous allusion to the principles of the institu-
tion in which I have worked is the only notice he takes. The public
desires to be taught that “man is a machine,” and Dr. Tyndall accord-
ingly teaches this and a number of other very curious things concerning
the nature and actions of living beings which he has discovered in his
imagination, and the facts in support of which are to be discovered by
observers about to be. Notwithstanding all the confident assertions, the
prophecies, and the discernments of popular teachers, the reader must
bear in mind that to this day not one single vital action has been
explained or accounted for, or imitated in any form of non-living
matter. The most absurd comparisons have been made for the purpose
of supporting the ridiculous proposition that living beings closely
resemble non-living machines. Over and over again cells have been
compared with laboratories, but the chemist in these cell laboratories has
been ignored; and with machines, the constructer of which, as well as
the engineer and manager, has been entirely left out of consideration.
Remembering Helmholtz's grim complaints about the imperfections of the
eye, and the failings and faults of its constructer, it is pleasant to notice
that more reasonable and more tenable views are now entertained with
regard to the most important part of that organ. Kühne well observes
that so long as it is maintained in its natural connexions with this epi-
thelium (choroidal epithelium in which the rods are embedded), “the
retina resembles not so much a photographic plate as a whole photo-
graphic workshop, in which the operator, by bringing new sensitive
material, is always renewing the plates, and at the same time washing
out the old image.” (“The Photochemistry of the Retina and on Visual
Purple,” by Dr. D. Kühne, edited with notes by Michael Foster, M.D.,
F.R.S.). I quite agree with my friend, and would remark that the
comparison will apply not only to the retina as a whole, but to every
complete anatomical element of which it is made up, and also to
multitudes of living anatomical elements which are not retinal. I com-
mend this to the consideration of the materialists and to those imaginative
physicists who evolve machines from their understanding and straight-
way declare that such products of evolution actually exist in nature.
Whatever may be done in the time to come it is certain that at this
time the facts of living beings can only be explained if we assume the
operation of some peculiar force or power which in its essential nature is
distinct from every form of energy and all known physical forces. The
facts of the case teach us that a peculiar agency or force compels
matter to assume temporarily the peculiar state characteristic of all
bioplasm or living matter, but of living matter alone. I venture to call
this vital power. Although in the present state of our knowledge we
can perhaps form no positive conception of the real nature of this
wonderful power, any more than can be formed of the nature of gravi-
tation, heat, or electricity—by studying the phenomena we discover
that it is impossible to accept the view now very prevalent that vital
power is but a peculiar mode or form of ordinary force, or corresponds
to what we call the peculiar property of each different inorganic sub-
stance, by virtue of which it exhibits a constant crystalline form, a
definite specific gravity, manifests a certain characteristic behaviour
towards other substances, &c. Vital power, it is true, is only mani-
fested under certain conditions which are fixed and definite, and are
very different for different living beings; but how can this vital power
be a result of the influence of conditions on inorganic matter, seeing that
the matter was alive before it was exposed to the conditions in question P
We are unacquainted with all the conditions absolutely necessary to
life; but it is certain that external conditions might persist for any
period without any form of life whatever being necessarily evolved.
Some will say,+vital power must be another mode or form of
ordinary motion, because there is nothing else in nature that it can be
There is, it has been affirmed, but one power capable of giving rise to
the phenomena we term vital, and this is force of some kind or other.
But this is begging the question at issue, and it is a mere assertion not
a demonstrated truth to affirm that all the forces operating in nature
are but different modes or forms of that which has been called primary
energy or motion. It is hardly yet proved that all the forces now
recognised are mutually convertible. It is not known how many diverse
forms or modes simple primary energy or motion may put on, but it is
certain that many phenomena familiar to us, notably the operations of
the mind, cannot be explained by what we yet know concerning the
forces and properties of matter. On what grounds then can any one
affirm that there is no power in nature capable of giving rise to vital
phenomena except a form of force? There is nothing whatever in
science which affords the least excuse for the presumptuous dogmatising
which has been encouraged by the public for years past in connexion
with this all-important matter, and it is a disgrace to public intelligence
that the reckless attempts to carry us back to a degraded form of the
philosophy of Lucretius have not been decidedly and publicly con-
How can vital power represent or correspond to any properties
manifested by ordinary inanimate bodies, seeing that it is capable of
being transferred from complex particle to particle? Moreover, does
not vital power control the manifestation of ordinary force, and, besides,
give rise to the formation of certain conpounds and structures which are
destined to come into use, not as soon as they are formed, or soon after,
but at some future time? A fully formed organ is not first represented
by a microscopic germ of precisely similar structure, but by a mass
without structure at all, and the fully formed tissues are preceded by
the production of several less elaborate structures. Where, it may be
asked, is to be discovered, the machine or non-living apparatus which is
developed in this way? “Vital power” governs not only the present
changes which present matter is to undergo, but somehow provides, as
it were, in advance, for the carrying out of changes which are to occur
at a future time in other matter. The formation of structures is pre-
pared for long before the compounds are produced out of which those
structures can alone be made. While ordinary force seems for the
most part to affect masses from the surface, vital power acts from the
very centre of the most minute particles—new power as it were ever
springing up anew in the centre of particles of matter already under the
influence of vital power. While ordinary force may change its form, it
cannot cease or be annihilated ; but there is no evidence to show that
vital power changes its form, while, as far as is known, it does cease
to influence matter though it may not be annihilated. There is no
evidence whatever in favour of the view that vital power can undergo
conversion into any other kind of power or force. No one has yet
proved that when living matter dies the vital power changes its form,
and becomes converted into any kind of force which is set free ; and
although it has been asserted that more force is taken up in the forma-
tion of a brain-cell of a man than in the formation of a vast quantity of
vegetable tissue, there is no evidence in favour of such a hypothesis. It
is but an authoritative dictum.
Numerous facts and arguments thus seem strongly in favour of the
view that there exists in relation with every particle of matter that is
alive a certain power characteristic of each different species of organism,
and derived from a pre-existing particle, which exerts a special influence
in determining the composition and properties of the Substance that is to
be formed. The power which determines the change which the matter
is to undergo resides in, or at any rate affects, the bioplasm of the cell
only. And we conclude that this power is not of the nature of ordinary
force because there is no example of ordinary force producing any
effects like it, or exhibiting any analogy with force phenomena known to
us, and we, therefore, attribute these effects to the working of some
power which exists, but which belongs to an order or class different from
any that will include forces or powers whose workings are known.
Although, as was to be expected in these days of “positive” know-
ledge, these views concerning vital power have met with contempt and
opposition, no one has yet explained in any more satisfactory manner
the phenomena actually occurring in a living amoeba or mucus corpuscle.
There is no escape from the confession that we are not able to explain
why the living matter moves and grows, making amoeba material out of
matter totally different in composition and properties. It is said to be
unphilosophical to attribute the phenomena to amoeba power, or amoeba
force, or amoeba life, but as long as we remain ignorant and the question
remains open, surely it is better to attribute the phenomena to a power
we know nothing about than to assert that they are due to force, or to
guiding forces. Mr. Huxley scoffs at the idea of vitality, and expects
people to believe in his jelly-guiding forces and Bathybius.
An attempt at explanation by assuming peculiar power may be more
blundering as well as more honest, inasmuch as it is a confession of
ignorance, than the affirmation that amoeba phenomena are due to the
conditions under which the matter is placed, since we cannot define
exactly what the “conditions" are, or to amoeba-guiding forces, the
effects of the supposed guiding forces exhibiting no likeness whatever
to any known effects of any known form or mode of ordinary force.
We do know that under no conditions with which we are acquainted
can an amoeba result except from an amoeba, or part of an amoeba, its
ovum or germ.
But in order that those who read these words may clearly understand
the points which have influenced my judgment, I shall now try to state
the facts of the case more explicitly, and I hope Some of my readers
will endeavour to obtain from my opponents an adequate explanation of
the facts which I can only account for upon the vital hypothesis I have
I see under the microscope a little clear, transparent, structureless
matter, which moves in various directions. Portions of the mass pro-
ject at different points around its circumference. Some of these are
again drawn into the general mass, others become detached, never to
join again. Each separate mass grows, or takes up non-living matter
around it, which non-living matter or certain of its elements becomes
part and parcel of the growing moving mass. The matter moves, and
grows, and divides, and forms; and I find that everything that lives
consists of matter like this, manifesting like properties.
- I find no matter in nature which moves, grows, divides, or forms
save that which came from matter which did all these things before
it, and therefore I call all matter which does all these things living, and
matter which does not do these things—which does not exhibit the
phenomena of movement in all directions, growth, division, and forma-
tion, non-living. I want to know why the matter grows, moves, divides,
2 D
and forms. I am told that all this depends upon force, and that force is
conditioned in the cell mechanism just as it is in the machine.
Then I urge that the living matter came from living matter like
itself which lived before it, and this from pre-existing living matter;
while, on the other hand, the machine was not derived from another
machine, which after taking to itself iron and wood, or their elements,
and other things entering into its composition, and thus for a time
increasing in size, at length divided into two or more new machines.
Since force cannot of itself form the simplest possible machine or
thing adapted to any definite end or purpose, what right have we to
assert, contrary to all analogy, that force can form a particle of living
matter which, mass for mass or weight for weight, is far more powerful
than any machine ever made?
Lastly, as every machine results from the application of force directed
by human intelligence and human will, is it possible that the elementary
part which forms itself and performs of itself at least without human
interference that which no machine has ever been made to do, can be
formed by unintelligent, purposeless, designless force? Argument from
analogy is no longer sustained by facts, but fancies from the realms
of the imagination are advanced in its support. People are bewildered,
and not a few deceived. * * - g
For even supposing living matter to be formed upon the same prin-
ciples and to act in obedience to the same laws as the machine, we must
surely assume that some substitute for intelligence and will directed
the application of the force by which each atom was arranged in its
proper place according to the work which had to be performed and
the nature of the things to be made—for are not the springs, wheels,
and beams, &c., of a machine made and placed, and kept in the places
designed for them, by force directed by intelligence and will? Unless
thus much be conceded there can be no analogy at all between a
portion of living matter and any kind of machine, and if this be
admitted, is it not curious that the will and intelligence and directing
power, admitted to be necessary in the construction and action of the
machine, should be denied in the case of the living machine, without
which the non-living machine could not have been brought forth P But
it must be further remarked here that it is a great mistake to compare
the entire organism of man or animal with a complete active working
machine. If any comparison at all is justifiable, it is each individual cell
or each minute particle of living matter which contains as it were within
itself directing power, and maſter to be directed and arranged, which must
be compared with the complete machine in actual work, including its
If I study the phenomena of a machine and those of a living
organism, I find that although the results of the working of the two
may be in some respects similar, the means by which the results are
brought about are totally different in the two cases; and if I enquire
how the machine was made and how the active organism was made, I
find no analogy whatever between the two methods of genesis, for every
machine is made in separate pieces, which are afterwards put together,
and every organism results from changes in clear transparent structure-
less matter which cannot be made, and the particles of which cannot be
put together so as to form an apparatus capable of doing anything. In
Short, no comparison can properly be made between any form of machine
and any living organism. -
Having regard to the facts as we know them to be, how, I ask, can
we escape the conclusion that the principles upon which living matter
grows and acts are totally distinct from those upon which machines are
constructed and work?
But we are told that non-living matter which never manifests pheno-
mena like those exhibited by every particle of living matter, passes by
imperceptible gradations into this last. Yet no one has adduced
examples of matter exhibiting the Supposed gradations, and the assertion,
like many other assertions of the same tendency, is a mere dictum with-
out the slightest foundation in fact. The gulf which separates the
simplest living monad from man is as nothing compared with that which
intervenes between the highest and most complex form of non-living
matter and the simplest living particle. Instead of a gradation there
is an abrupt line, a chasm which cannot be bridged over—a gulf which
becomes wider and deeper as knowledge increases. In truth, the
difference is inestimable, immeasurable, infinite.
Scientific dogmatism prevails, and for the present will prevail, and
the energetic disciples of the so-called new philosophy are encouraged
and ably supported, and will continue to assert their formulae in spite of
facts and reason. “The sun forms the muscle—the sun builds the nerve.”
“The living force-conditioning machine is formed by force.” “The living
cell is a laboratory.” Authorities less confident, and somewhat more
cautious, unwilling to immediately subscribe to these bold doctrines, or
commit themselves to such positive professions, reiterate the assertion
that ere long new facts will be discovered, and then the truth of such
and such wonderful generalisations recently expounded to an expectant
world will be indubitably established on a secure basis. As if, where
real knowledge is defective, anything save individual notoriety of the
most evanescent kind is to be gained by any one putting himself for-
ward as the only real and true prophet among scientific seers. The
prowess shown by “positive” knight-errants in assaulting the “fictitious
entities” which have so long and cruelly tryannised over the innocent
and thoughtful must be admitted, and the disinterested longing exhibited
by some of them to emancipate the human understanding from the
2 D 2
tyranny of imaginary powers which have so long enchained it, is indeed
much admired. But are not these same deliverers, who exultingly snap
the gossamer chains spun round us in the past by the fictitious entities
and imaginary forces, ready to deliver us to be bound hand and foot
with the heavy fetters forged by unimaginative relentless force, to be
left powerless in unfathomable darkness where seeing, feeling, thinking,
hoping, will be of no avail?
The physico-chemical revivalists have only added to the confusion
which has long existed in men's minds concerning the nature of the
actions going on in living beings, and in spite of all their professed
care and exactness, they display the most glaring inconsistency by
denominating phenomena, which are essentially the same, vital or
f/hysical, according as they occur in a living organism or outside it. A
change taking place in a glass vessel on the laboratory table is chemical,
while the very same change occurring in the body of an animal is to
be called wital. Now, the name given to any phenomenon should be
determined according to its real or supposed nature, and not made to
depend upon the locality in which it is manifested. It would be as
unreasonable to call a red thing blue when its position was changed, as
to call a phenomenon electrical or chemical if it was manifested upon a
table, and vital if it occurred in the organism of a living animal.
3ss. of Living and Dead.—It will have been noticed that the word
vital has been applied by me to changes and actions quite distinct from,
and indeed in their nature opposed to, chemical, physical, &c., and I
endeavour to define the precise seat of vital action, and to draw a
sharp line between vital and merely physical and chemical pheno-
mena. The terms living and dead have for me a meaning somewhat
different from that commonly accepted. If my arguments are sound
the greater part of the body of an adult man or animal, at any moment,
consists of matter to all intents and purposes as dead as it would be if
the individual itself were deprived of life. The formed material of the
living cell is dead. The only part of the living elementary part or cell,
and the only part of the living organism which is alive, is the bioplasm.
Nothing can be regarded as alive or living but the bioplasm in which
vital changes alone take place. The phenomena of imbibition, osmose,
&c., in cells—even the contraction of muscles and the action of nerves,
are probably in themselves physical actions, although they have been
immediately preceded by, and are probably the direct consequence of,
actions purely vital. But for the vital phenomena, these physical actions
could never occur in the precise way in which they occur, nor effect the
purpose they actually do effect. Were it not for vital action, osmose,
muscular contraction, nerve action, &c., would of course cease. And
having once ceased these actions could not be resumed unless the con-
ditions were all reinstituted exactly as they were before. The formed
material in which physical and chemical changes occur, could not have
been formed without the previous manifestation of vital phenomena.
We may go backwards as far as we can, but we shall always find vital
actions intimately concerned in bringing about the condition of things
necessary for the particular physical and chemical changes which sub-
Sequently occur. Of course, the above views have been treated with
contempt by evolutionists who are confident that they and their doctrines
are not only the fittest, but the only ones fitted to survive. In these
days of implicit belief in continuous and uninterrupted physical changes
and gradual transitions of forms, one expects little mercy and asks for
none. I have but to draw attention to the results of actual observation,
and the conclusions based thereupon.
It will be asked whether in nutrition the lifeless pabulum suddenly or
gradually becomes living matter, and if the latter suddenly dies, and
becomes formed material. It is generally taught that the elements of the
former are gradually built up to form the tissue, and that the living body
gradually passes into the condition of death. All that I have been able
to demonstrate compels me to hold that the change from non-living to
living, and from living to dead is sudden, and that there is no transi-
tion state whatever, that matter is either living or non-living, and no
intermediate state is possible. The bioplasm itself is probably not in
any one part large enough to be measured, entirely living. There is
matter which has lived, matter living, and matter which is about to live,
but I imagine that the very instant the lifeless atoms come within the
influence of the vital power of a living particle, they cease to be lifeless
and live; and, on the other hand, the instant external conditions inter-
fere with the continuance of the changes occurring in the living particle,
it dies, its atoms rush together in a certain way to form a definite com-
pound which thus suddenly comes into existence, and may remain as it
was formed, or continue to undergo further chemical change, or become
resolved into a number of new compounds.
The old idea that a living thing in dying gives rise to a new life has
been accepted in too literal a sense, and like many of the most vague
of early notions concerning the nature of life still survives in philosophy
humorously characterised by its disciples as advanced. The doctrine
is even considered by many to represent the exact truth. It is supposed
that before a plant springs from the seed, the latter becomes completely
changed, its component substances disintegrated, and their elements re-
arranged. That then these elements become combined to produce new
compounds and rearranged to develope new forms, while in truth the
embryonic living matter which becomes the future plant exists in the
seed from the first, and its growth from first to last proceeds according
to the same principles. So far from admitting that a new being can Spring
from the products resulting from the decay and disintegration of one
4O6 How To work witH THE MICROSCOPE.
existing before it, this is absolutely impossible. From the time when the
seed was first developed in connection with the living parent plant to the
time when it becomes or gives rise to a perfect living organism, living
matter and of a particular kind has not ceased to exist during one
moment of time. However dry and however old the seed may be, so
long as it continues capable of germination it must Contain living matter.
The cells and fibres of the growing plant are due entirely to the growth
and multiplication of living particles which were derived from the living
matter of its predecessor—not to the rearrangement of elements result-
ing from the disintegration of any mere lifeless compounds entering
into the formation of the seed or to the rearrangement of the elements
of substances resulting by the death of any pre-existing living thing.
If life which influences matter ceases but for an instant it can never be
rekindled in that particular matter. The fact of continuity in vital
manifestations cannot be argued away. There has been absolutely no
break since the creation of living matter, and the new origin of life—
spontaneous generation—is as improbable, may I not venture to say as
impossible, as is the formation of matter anew.
Any theory of vitality which takes cognizance of the ordinary facts
must in some way account for non-material psychical changes. Mate-
rialism simply ignores and denies what is obviously true. In every
particle of matter that is actually alive, alteration in the position of
molecules and in the arrangement of atoms unquestionably takes place.
The materialist confounds the fact of the material change with its cause,
and argues as if the rolling stone rolled of its own accord. The particles
of matter must be set moving and be kept moving in their appointed
way. Just before they begin to move the cause which is about to
operate upon them must surely exist. The efficient cause of change
must, at the time when and before the actual change begins, be there to
operate, just as the disposition of circumstances which is to set a ball
rolling must exist before the ball begins to roll. The force or power
which causes the movement of the material particles about to become
living exists in relation with matter already in a living state.
Fig. 1.
Networks or plexuses of dark bordered nerve fibres distributed near the ree edge of the third eyelid of the
common frog. x 2-0, and reduced to 110 diameters p. 375.
- º - - --- * -
-º- - - - - º - -
- º-º-º: - - - ºn tº ! : ;- •:
Mylollyoid muscle of the hyla, showing muscular fibres, capillary vessels ared networks of "sº ºr: bordered
uerve fibres. X 130, and reduced to 95 diameters. p. 375 *: : tº-rºw.
- -
To face page 406,

In this department of minute research I have found the particular
method of investigation advocated in p. 366, most useful. In studying
the ultimate arrangement of nerve fibres and cells we have to use the
highest powers, and to adopt the most delicate methods of preparation.
The finer terminal ramifications of the nerve fibres are extremely delicate,
and the bodies connected with them undergo rapid change after death.
It is probable that when more perfect methods of preparation shall be
devised, and still higher magnifying powers constructed and brought to
bear upon them, many important questions in connection with the
structure and action of nerve will be set at rest. Our views concerning
the nature of nervous action will be necessarily much influenced by the
general notion we may form concerning the origin and distribution of
nerves. At this present time there is the greatest disagreement among
authorities concerning fundamental questions. It is not even settled
whether nerves terminate in ends or form continuous circuits. It is not
known whether they influence tissues by reason of their being in struc-
tural continuity with them or merely indirectly, in consequence of
currents passing along the nerve fibres situated at some short distance
from the particles of tissue to be influenced. And it is doubtful whether
the influence is produced by the passage of a continuous current varying
in intensity, or by an interrupted current. Nor is there more accord as
to the manner of origin of nerves in centres; some holding that the
fibres invariably originate in cells, others that some cells have no fibres
at all connected with them. And of those who admit the first proposi-
tion, some think the fibre comes from the body of the cell, others trace
it to the nucleus, while some profess to have seen it emanating from the
nucleolus, Again, concerning the fibres, which unquestionably originate
in nerve cells, it has been stated that some pass into nerve fibres, while
others have no special relation to nerves at all. But it would occupy
much more space than it would be advantageous to devote to it, were I
to attempt to give even a very brief summary of all or even the most
important of the conflicting opinions now entertained. And if I were
to limit myself to any one organ the reader would be equally bewildered
by the conflict of opinion, and by the multitude of assertions which
pass for statements of fact. And if he try to sift the evidence adduced
in favour of the views propounded, he will completely fail, because they
are said to rest upon observations which for the most part he will find
himself unable to repeat.
389. Of very fine Nerve Plexuses and Networks of Nerve Fibres, as
seen under very High Powers.-Every one agrees that the larger nerve
trunks are in many instances so arranged as to form plexuses or net-
works, to which various names have been assigned by anatomists,
according to their position, general form, origin, &c.; but it was supposed
that in many cases nerves pursued an almost direct course from these
plexuses and networks to their ultimate distribution, where according to
some they terminate in free extremities, according to others ending in
cells, or becoming continuous with the texture they influence. More
careful observation has, however, demonstrated that all nerves before
they reach their finest ramifications form microscopic networks or
plexuses, arranged upon the same plan as the coarser ones above
alluded to ; and I have been able to demonstrate that the finest ramifica-
tions themselves constitute flexuses or networks in which the component
ultimate fibres are arranged in much the same manner as the dark-bordered
fibres entering into the formation of one of the ordinary coarse anatomical
Careful observations upon the arrangement of particular nerve
plexuses in the same texture at different periods of development have
convinced me that the ultimate Zerminal flexus of the embryo becomes
the plexus composed of coarser fibres of the infant and child, and the
plexus made up of bundles of compound fibres of the adult. New
ultimate nerve plexuses gradually come into existence as the constituent
fibres of those previously formed grow and slowly become converted
into thick nerve fibres. That a continuous development of new nerve
fibres takes place in the adult is rendered almost certain by the facts
demonstrated in many textures of man and the lower animals. The
arrangement of nerve plexuses one remove from the terminal plexuses
of the nerve fibres will be understood by reference to pl. LXXXIII,
figs. I and 2. The arrangement is the same as regards sympathetic,
and spinal motor and sensitive nerve fibres—except that in the case of
the spinal nerves the constituent fibres of the plexuses one or more
removes from the terminal plexus are dark-bordered.
Not many years since, numerous observers considered that no fibre
could correctly be termed a nerve fibre which did not exhibit the dark-
bordered character, and many real nerve fibres were regarded as fibres
of connective tissue. But since I demonstrated the very fine nerve
fibres in many different textures, and showed that in all cases the really
active peripheral part of the nerve was the terminal plexus, composed
of very fine compound fibres often less than the I-Ioo,000th of an inch
in diameter, numerous memoirs have appeared in Germany in which the
authors endeavour to prove that still finer fibres pass off from what I
look upon as the terminal plexuses, and end or terminate in epithelial
cells. Allusion has been made to Some of these in pp. 4Io, 413.
-- " -
º ! .
- - - º
Distribution of fines: nucleated nerve fibres to the elementary muscular fibres of the M-in-hwººd pnuscle of the
little &reen tree-frog (hyla arborea). Drawn on the blºck by the author, from a specimen magnisi > -oo diameters
(the first twenty-fifth made by Messrs. Powell and Lealand). The diameter of each muscul
ar. *ible egorgesponds
to that of a human red blood corpuscle. : * :*::: P
• * * * :
* -
- - -
Scale, tºss of an English inch - x 1700 diameters. -
-- i.
L.S.B., 1868, -->
[To face page 408.

Pflüger has arrived at the conclusion that the nerves distributed to
the Salivary glands end by exceedingly fine filaments in the epithelial
cells or their nuclei; but I do not think that in this organ any nerve
fibres pass beyond the surface of the connective tissue upon which the
secreting cells lie. I have never been able to convince myself that
nerves pass to the epithelial cells in any of the situations indicated, nor
have I seen any preparations at all conclusive. On the other hand,
there are many facts opposed to this view. Upon the whole, the evi-
dence, so far, is strongly in favour of terminal networks beneath the
epithelium of such tissues as mucous membrane and secreting glands.
And as secretion (the production of peculiar compounds by bioplasm
agency differing entirely from the materials out of which they were
made) certainly takes place in many cases without nervous agency,
much stronger evidence than any yet advanced ought to be adduced
before the conclusion that nerves act directly upon the secreting cell is
In all cases, as far as I can ascertain, the terminal fibres of all nerves
are homogeneous, becoming granular in the prepared specimens, and
exhibiting nuclei at varying intervals, but distributed upon precisely the
same plan as the coarser networks. As far as I am able to discover by
observation, there is not such a thing as a true end to any nerve fibre.
I must, however, admit that many of the observations which have been
made in Germany during the last few years are opposed to my view.
Memoir after memoir has been published for the purpose of proving
that nerves exhibit terminal extremities in several motor and sensitive
organs. As investigation proceeds, this controversy becomes more
interesting and exciting. Although my opponents are many and power-
ful, the facts in favour of my own view are now very numerous and
almost every new investigation I attempt enables me to add more to the
number. My conclusions rest upon observations made upon many
different tissues and organs of vertebrata differing widely from one
another, as well as upon those of numerous invertebrate animals. I
cannot therefore yield. I consider that numerous specimens I have
made fully justify me in maintaining the general proposition that in all
cases the terminal distribution of nerves is a plexus, network, or loop,
and hence that in connection with every terminal nervous apparatus
there must be at least two fibres, and that in all cases there exist complete
circuits into the formation of which central nerve cells, £eripheral nerve cells,
and nerve fibres enter. All these elements are, I feel confident, con-
tinuous, but not in bioplasmic connection with each other. I propose
now to illustrate the above general observations by one or two examples,
and I shall select for illustration particular specimens which can be
easily obtained, so that others may examine the very same structures
and compare their results with those at which I have arrived.
390. The ultimate Distribution of Motor Nerves to Muscles as seen
under very High Powers.-In pl. LXXXIV, p. 408, the ultimate arrange-
ment of the finest nerve fibres in voluntary muscle is represented under
the I-25th, which magnifies 1,700 diameters. The ultimate nerve fibres
form networks around the muscular fibres outside the sarcolenma. An
explanation will be found beneath the drawing, so that it is not neces-
sary to enter into a minute description in the text. .
The nerves distributed to the muscular fibres of insects are much
finer and more delicate than those present in vertebrate animals, and
thus are far more difficult to investigate. Many writers have been led
into fundamental errors concerning the structure and arrangement of
nerve fibres in this class of invertebrata. What really is a compound
nerve fibre, composed of very many individual fibres, has been regarded
as a single nerve fibre, and so represented in drawings. Many of the
bioplasts or nuclei of the finer nerve fibres have been entirely passed
over. Muscular bioplasts have been regarded as bodies, in which mus-
cular nerve fibres end. A plexus formed by the compound nerve trunk
at the point where it reaches the sarcolemma, and is about to break
up and spread over the surface of this membrane, pl. LXXXV, figs.
1, 2, 3, has been regarded as the terminal portion of a single nerve fibre
beneath the sarcolemma and in contact with the muscular tissue.” In
plates LXXXV and LXXXVI the manner in which very fine nerve
fibres are distributed upon the sarcolemma of insect muscle is well seen.
The reader should refer to the full explanation under each of the
figures. See also paper on the “Structure of the Sarcolemma of
Insects,” &c., “Microscopical Journal” for July, 1864.
The arrangement of the ultimate nerve fibres in involuntary or un-
striped muscular fibre will be understood if fig. I, pl. LXXXVII, be
referred to. This is a drawing of a portion of the bladder of the frog,
in which the finest ramifications of the nerve fibres are well seen.
These nerve fibres form bundles and networks, having wide meshes in
which the fine muscular fibres lie. Just beneath the epithelium, in
well-prepared specimens, networks of delicate fibres probably con-
cerned in sensation, may also be observed. Of the muscular fibres (not
represented in the drawing) some are spindle-shaped, while others con-
sist of three fibres radiating from a triangular central portion, fig. 5,
pl. LXXXVI. It is obvious from the arrangement figured that the
nerve fibres only influence the contractile fibre indirectly, for they are not
anywhere in actual contact with the contracting material of the fibre, nor
in any case can an end organ or any form of terminal apparatus be
detected, nor are the nerves connected with the nucleus or with any part
* Upon this subject see “Controversy,” Archives of Medicine, vol. IV, p. 161, and
a paper by Mr. Gedge, of Cambridge, in the July number of the “Microscopical
Journal,” 1867. -
Fig. 1.
Arrangement of muscular fibres, nerves, and tracheae of the common maggot The contractile tissue of the
nuscular fibre in the centre of the drawing has been ruptured, and has contracted within the tube cf the
s ºrcolemuna. A fine branch of the nerve trunk is seen to cross the sarcolenma and give off a still finer branch.
which, after being followed for a short distance, appears lost upon the sarcolemma. If the nerve trunk be traced.
many other branches distributed in a similar manner will be observed. The tracbeº, represented only in oue
part of the drawing on the left, are black. x 40.
Fig. 2.
The point where the fine nerve trunk, which seems to be lost
upon the surface of the sarcolemma in Pin. 1, leaves the larger
trunk which crosses the muscle. Observe that the fibres of
the time branch divide into two ºundles, which proceed in
opposite directions in the nerve trunk. x 1100 p. 410.
Fig. 3.
- -
Point ºnere a fine bundle of neº-e stºres
becomes connected with the sarcoleºnina
and divides into finer fibres, which ramity
upon its surface. A fine trachea, n, is seen
above and below it. This is one of the
nerven-hugel of authors. × 700.
[To face page 410.

Tig. 1.
Network of tiriest nerve fibres,
show it ig their relation to the
sº * - 1 * * > h - &-
The lower part of the fine fibre which seems to be lost; upon the surface of the fillest tracheae. × 1000
sarcolemma in Fig. 1, Plate LXXXV. The fine nerve fibres are seen to divide aud
subdivide, forming a network or plexus upon the surface of the sarcolerama
The finest tracheae are also seen to form a Letwork. x learly 3000
Fig. 5.
Bºº... Sº
Spindle-shaped and tricaudate unstriped muscular fibre cells, with the fine nerve fibres distributed to them.
Bladder of the hyla. × 900, p. 410.
[To follow plate LXXXV.

Fig. 1.
Nerve fibres distributed to the bladder of the hyla or green-tree frog The vessels are injected with Prussian blue and
a dark bordered nerve fibres; b, capillaries .
the bioplasts of the nerves and vessels have been stained with carmine
c., a small vein x 7.0.
* { *
skin of frog, capillaries injected on the left,
prement cells º ºranules collected and on the
º, two cells witu the granules distributed
- x tº,
skin of frog just below cuticle, capillaries injected. *ignfent cells
with granules distributed in the inter communicating channels.
Tue bloplasm
Bundles of nerve libres are seen fºrminº networks
x -º).
[To follow plate LXXXVI.

of the muscular tissue itself. In the portion of tissue represented, the
termination of the dark-bordered fibres in fine pale fibres is well seen,
and the course and destination of the pale fibres running with the
dark-bordered fibres should be particularly noticed, pl. LXXXVII a, d.
The arrangement of networks of nerve trunks in and beneath the skin
of the green tree frog or hyla is well seen in fig. 3, pl. XXXVII. The
ramifying pigment cells, with their anastomosing branches, are repre-
sented in the same drawing. Fig. 2 is a portion of the skin under a
lower power, showing some of the pigment cells with granules aggregated,
and others with the granules diffused in the fluid in the ramification of
the cells.
391. Nerve Fibres distributed to Organs of Special and General
sensation, under very High Powers.-The ultimate arrangement of
purely sensitive nerve fibres may be demonstrated in many of the
terminal organs of man and vertebrate animals—such as the papillae
of the skin and mucous membrane in certain localities; but of all the
special sensitive organs studied by microscopists, perhaps the large
papillae (the fungiform papillae) of the frog's tongue is the most beautiful
as well as the most convenient, not only for investigating the terminal
distribution of purely sensitive nerve fibres and for demonstrating the
essential structure of a highly sensitive organ, but for ascertaining the
relations and connections which nerve fibres exhibiting different func-
tions have with one another.
In the small portion of tissue constituting one of these papillae we
see striped muscular fibres, capillary vessels, purely sensitive nerve fibres
forming an expanded terminal plexus or network at the summit of the
papilla, motor nerve fibres distributed to the muscle, nerve fibres around
the capillary vessel, and a few very fine nerve fibres ramifying in the
connective tissue in different parts of the papilla. All these nerve .
fibres and plexuses are embedded in and held together by connective
tissue, forming the body of the papilla, the summit of which is sur-
mounted by a peculiar epithelium-like tissue, perhaps connected with
the nerves and belonging to nerve texture, while its sides are covered
with ordinary ciliated epithelium.
These papillae have been studied by numerous observers, and,
strangely enough, one of the latest writers has seen far less than many
of his predecessors, probably because he has been less successful in
preparing his specimens. Fig. 2, pl. LXXXVIII, is a copy of Hart-
mann's figure taken from pl. XVIII, “Müller's Archiv,” 1863. It repre-
sents the mode of termination of the bundle of nerve fibres in the
papilla according to this observer. It would probably be difficult to
adduce a more striking example of the destruction of beautiful nerve
textures by the process of preparation than was afforded by the speci-
men of which this drawing is a copy. The method of preparing the
specimen was fatal. Not only are the most interesting features of the
papilla entirely lost, but the large dark-bordered nerve fibres are dis-
arranged, and the most important part of them completely destroyed or
rendered invisible. It is strange that any one should regard the
appearances represented in the drawing as natural, or permit himself to
conclude that the nerve ended so abruptly. No fine nerve fibres what-
ever could be seen, nor is a trace of the nuclei which are connected
with these, and which exist in great numbers, left. It would, of course,
be useless to examine such a specimen with high powers, for nothing
further could be discovered than can be detected with low ones. As
the same objectionable methods of inquiry are still advocated, it is not
wonderful that those who adopt them have been led to the conclusion
that high powers are useless, that appearances observed in specimens
prepared according to other methods are fallacious, and that the Ob-
servations of those who by adopting other plans of inquiry demonstrate
new facts, are untrustworthy, and products of the author's imagination.
It is not very likely that the author of such a drawing as fig. 2 will
place any confidence in an observer who ventures to represent the
things delineated in figs, I, 4, pl. LXXXVIII, and the four figures in
pl. LXXXIX, as accurate copies of nature. He concludes the latter has
simply appealed to his imagination. This is the only way to defend his
own position; and so many people are in these days ready to believe
that an observer who professes to have seen what has not been seen
before is but a fanciful speculator, and not an observer at all, that
prejudice is easily excited against him, and erroneous views are received
as true, and correct observations condemned or discarded.
It is quite certain that the most delicate constituent nerve fibres
of the plexus in the summit of the papillae of the frog's tongue (New
Observations upon the Minute Anatomy of the Papillae of the Frog's
Tongue, “Phil. Trans.” for 1864) can be readily traced by the aid of
a twenty-fifth or fiftieth, if the specimen be prepared according to the
directions given in p. 366. The finesſ nerve fibres thus rendered visible
are indeed so thin and faint, that in a drawing they would be repre-
sented by fine single lines. Near the summit of the papilla there is a
still more intricate interlacement of nerve fibres, which although scarcely
brought out by the twenty-fifth, fig. 2, pl. LXXXIX, is very clearly de-
monstrated by a fiftieth. In this object the definition of the fibres, as
they ramify in various planes one behind another, and interlace almost
like basket-work, is remarkable, fig. I, pl. LXXXIX. Moreover, the
flat appearance of the specimen as seen by the twenty-fifth, gives place
to one of considerable depth of tissue and perspective. So that a
more correct view of the structure of these papillae is obtained by
examining them with a fiftieth of an inch than with a twenty-fifth, and
even this investigation leaves many points unsettled, and which are
Drawing of the summit of
ºne of the same Lapillae
as represented in Fig 1
After Hartmann showin:
ºne supposed terminatiºn
of the nerves see p + 11.
h - *
Compound and smale papillae of tonºme of the hºa. o. epithelium-like mass at summit of
pºpulia, b, cinated epithelium at the sides of the papilla, c. ciliated epithelium covering simple
a pilla d d summits of two simple papillºe, with nuclei connected with the nerves projecting Diarram to shºw the
from them, º, tine nerve abres with their nuclei in the connective tissue, f fine nerve fibres supposed arrangement
which may be traced to the nerve trunk g. hºmuscular fibres freely branching i capillary. - the n--s on the
with its nerve fºres x -la. summit of tuº papilla
in Fig. 1
Fig. 5.
The authºr's vie-v of
the arrancernent of the
Muscular mºres at the summit of the papilla showing the relation of the bioplasm to the contractile ultimate nerve fibres
tissue and the mode of formation of the latter by the masses of bioplasm. a nucleus fºrmºns
ºil rillº, b another nucleus connected --tºn musºlar tissue tº nucleus of fine nerve ºre dis
tº to the mºnsole near the summit of the papilla di fine nerve fibro X iso().
Lºs B. 1331 To face page 412.

A small portion of the plexus of extremely fine nerve flores at c, Fig. 2, but mas lified 2800 a, epithelium use
cells at the summit. I he drawing is placed sideways. ~ 2300.
A portion of one of the triangular nerve
cells, with fire fibres of plexus as repre-
sented in Figs. I and 2, but x 6000.
- Three cells from the epithelium like mass
Part of the central bundle of nerve fibres breaking up to form at the summit of the papilla x 2000.
the plexus just beneath epithelium like structure.
x 17 ( 0.
- G. B., 1801. [To ‘ollow plate LXXXVIII,

Fig. 1.
Diagrarn to explain the author's view of the arrangelaer, L of the firiest nerve fibres
composing the networks ' a a, dark-bordered aud fine nerve trunks.
Ula Sra i Il Le Sluow possible relatio lu of thbles from cauci.lte nerve cells of the spinal cord.
and titores from cells in Sanglla, as, for example, the Sanglla on the posterior roots. a 1s
The three
supposed to be the periphery; the cell above b one of those in the ganglion.
caudate cells resemble those in the grey matter of the cord, medulla oblongata, and brain.
Central and peripheral por-
tion of a nervous apparatus
showing sub-division of dark-
bordered fibre at centre, a.
and periphery, b. k-
Fls. , 5
Fig. 4.
Diagram of three papillº from the frog s tougue, to show tue arrangement
of the nerve fibres ºach papilla is connected with its neighbouns by
coln miss ural fibres, as well as with the nervous centre
l)iagram to slow course of nerve
fibres in brance, trunks.
iTo follow plate LXXXIX.

worthy of more extended investigation. A small portion of this won-
derful plexus is represented in fig. 3, under a magnifying power of 6,ooo
diameters, obtained by considerably lengthening the tube of the micro-
scope when the specimen was under the one twenty-sixth.
The fine fibres resulting from the subdivision of the dark-bordered
fibres soon divide into numerous branches, which form a highly complex
plexus, the subdivisions of which are connected here and there with
numerous nuclei, as represented in the upper part of the papilla, fig, I,
pl. LXXXVIII. It is impossible to follow these, but in figs. 3, 5,
are diagrams representing the probable arrangement. Each papilla
seems to be connected with the nerve centre by special fibres and with
neighbouring papillae by commissural fibres, fig. 4, pl. XC, p. 412. This
arrangement, familiar to anatomists in the optic commissure, exists here
and in all other nerve organs. The general arrangement of the vessels,
muscular fibres, and other tissues, will be understood if the drawings in
pl. LXXXVIII be carefully studied.
The finest ramifications of the nerve fibres in the corneal tissue are
represented in pl. XCI, under a magnifying power of 1,800 diameters.
The finest threads are seen running amongst the fibrous bundles of the
corneal tissue between the ramifications of the branching and anasto-
mosing channels connected with the corneal corpuscles. The prepara-
tion is unusually fortunate, and consists of a very thin and even section
of corneal tissue, which has not been at all deranged in the process of
preparation, cut parallel with and a little below the surface. The finest
fibres are not the I-50,000th of an inch in diameter, and they form net-
works amongst the fibres of the proper corneal tissue. In this speci-
men from the hyla they are certainly not connected with the corneal
corpuscles or their ramifications. There is no reason to suppose they
exert any direct influence either upon the corpuscles, their ramifications,
their contents, or upon the proper tissue of the cornea. It is much more
probable that these nerve fibres are afferent fibres, and influence the
nerve centres from which the nerve fibres distributed to the small arteries
near the margin of the cornea are derived. Indirectly, no doubt, these
fibres are concerned in regulating the quantity of fluid in the cana-
licular network, and diffused through the proper tissue of the cornea.
A drawing of a beautiful section through the tissues near the tip of
the nose of the mole is seen in fig. I, pl. XCII. The vessels were
injected with Prussian blue fluid, and the bioplasm of all the tissues
carefully stained with Carmine. Very thin sections were made and
mounted in strong glycerine. Some of the best sections were further
divided and rendered thinner by pressure and subsequent soaking in
strong glycerine, as described in p. 368, when they could be examined
with the highest powers, and the finest ramifications of the nerve fibres
traced in some situations. The large hair sacs which lodge the short
but firm tactile hairs, seen in the drawing, are remarkable structures.
Each is composed of a bag of firm, stiff, tissue like fibro-cartilage. This
is perforated on one side at the lower part, and through the opening
pass vessels, and a large bundle of fine dark-bordered nerve fibres.
The vessels break up to form a capillary network around the bulb of the
hair as seen in the drawing; sometimes, however, vessels also enter the
sac at its lowest part. The bundle of nerve fibres spreads out in a
brush-like manner as soon as it reaches the interior of the sac-the
fibres passing in a direction upwards as they spread around the hair,
and many divide so that the number of fibres greatly increases towards
the central part of the sac. Further division and subdivision take
place until an abundant plexus of exceedingly fine nerve fibres results.
Connected with this plexus are numerous masses of bioplasm, so that
in some situations what may be described as a soft pad or cushion
results, and the fibres of this nerve cushion placed parallel with the hair
must necessarily be affected by the slightest movements communicated
to its tip. The fine ramifications of nerve fibres extend upwards to the
narrowest part of the sac, whence in some instances a bundle of fine
nerve fibres is seen to pass out and ramify with the nerves, forming
a network just beneath the skin. I have made sections of the fine
nerve expansion within the Sac in various directions, and have demon-
strated networks of extremely fine fibres with numerous bioplasts con-
nected with them, but I have never seen any appearance which would
lead me to suppose that the fibres formed free ends, or became con-
nected with the tissue of which the hair itself is composed. The
arrangement of the vessels is so clearly shown in the drawing, that
further description is not needed.
The general arrangement of nerve fibres near their distribution is
well seen in figs. 2 and 3, pl. XCII, from the bat's wing. These draw-
ings illustrate the arrangement of the fine nerve fibres in mammalia
generally, but from the Smaller animals only can satisfactory specimens
be obtained. There is no tissue in which such distinct demonstration
of the ultimate distribution of fine nerve fibres and their relation to
other tissues can be so readily obtained as in the bat's wing. Not only is
the tissue in certain parts of the wing far thinner than can be obtained
artificially, but upon the two surfaces of the fibrous membrane where the
epithelial layers have been stripped off, extensive networks of nerve
fibres can be discerned undisturbed by manipulation and lying upon
one plane, whereas in sections of tissue, however dexterously prepared,
so many nerve fibres are cut across, that it is not possible to follow any
of them for even a short distance, or to demonstrate their exact arrange-
ment, and their precise relation to the tissues amongst which they
ramify cannot be defined. The student should particularly notice the
dichotomous division of the dark-bordered fibres in figs, 2 and 3. These
K - sº -
. . . --~~~~
A very thin section parallel to the surface of the cornea of the Hyla or green tree from showing connectiº ºsue.
corpuscles, and their communicating channels, and the distribution of the fines. nerve fibres, a trunk of very fins nerve
bres from which numerous very fine nerve fibres may be traced running amongst the fibres of the corneal tissue in the
intervals between the branching communicating channels, which run in every part of the corneal tissue The snecimen
is magnified 180 diameters p. 413
L.S.B., 1863.
[To face page +14.

∞ . … . »…• • .
º : -…,=
*(… *s*=? *(.*?--
№aeae, §§§§
The ordinary hairs with their follicles and
Perpendicular section from the mole's nose.
The vessels are also represented.
S enters each sac at the lower part, but
bres treel w divide and sub-divide, forming a
p 413.
A bundle of nerve
Having entered the sac, these fi
soft dense nerve plexus around the hair.
above the deepest portion of the hair bulb
Tactile hairs and hair follicles.
the sebaceous glands
Fig. 2.
th very fine nerve fibres distributed to them
llary vessels w
the part of the nerve trunk represented, are seen some of the finest
p 4 14.
X 700.
Observe the dawls lon of the finest
Fig 2.
dark bordered nerve fibre in th’s Fig , and in
Portion of a bundle of fine nerve fibres from the
S \v lin
s of an inch in diameter.
p 414,
iſ ºn
× 700,
he ºf
From the bat's wing.
dark bordered nerve fibres less than t
[To follow plate XCI.

Fig. 1.
Fig. 2.
Mucous membrane of the human epielottis just beneath the epithelium. A small portion of Fig. 1, but × 1700
The bioplasts connected with the finest nerve fibres and the manner in which the lat
No true terminations or '' ends are to be found, p. 415.
[To follow plate XCII.
ter ramify are well seen.

divisions are very numerous, and occur at short intervals in all nerves as
they approach their ultimate distribution, pl. XXXVI, p. 150, fig. 1. To
such an extent do nerve fibres divide and subdivide, that in a short
course from one fibre more than one hundred may result by division.
The distribution of nerves to capillary vessels is very easily shown
in many vertebrate animals. The important fact that capillaries are
supplied with nerve fibres was first demonstrated by myself in the frog,
figs. 5, 6, pl. XXXV, p. 148. See my memoir “On the Structure and For-
mation of the so-called Apolar, Unipolar, and Bipolar Nerve Cells of the
Frog.” “Phil. Trans.,” May, 1863. In fig. 2 the observer will see very
fine nerve fibres distributed to the part of the capillary represented in
the drawing. The arrangement is constant in all vertebrata, and I have en-
deavoured to show the office of these nerve fibres, and the part they play
in regulating the flow of blood to the capillaries. Sec “Bioplasm,” page 320.
The arrangement of the ultimate nerve fibres upon a highly sensitive
surface in the human subject is represented in pl. XCIII. The draw-
ings are taken from the mucous membrane covering the epiglottis, and
give the appearances seen just beneath the epithelium. In fig. I the
network of capillary vessels is shown, and many of the fine bundles of
nerve fibres distributed to the mucous membrane are to be seen in the
interspaces. These are represented as they appear under a magni-
fying power of 215 diameters. A very small part of this figure is shown
in fig. 2, under the I-26th of an inch object-glass, magnifying 1,8oo
diameters. The ultimate nerve fibres are seen in immense numbers,
and here and there may be observed the Oval bioplasts connected with
them. The appearances represented are very distinct in very thin
specimens, from which the epithelium has been very carefully detached
before the preparation is covered with thin glass. Excessively thin sec-
tions, just including the surface of the membrane with its epithelium, are
to be removed from the tissue after it has been hardened by prolonged
soaking in glycerine and chromic acid, and bichromate of potash, p. 365.
392. of spherical and oval Nerve Cells.-In the ganglia Connected
with the sympathetic nerves of the abdominal and thoracic cavities, in
those on the posterior roots of the nerves, in the ganglia connected
with the nerves of the heart and of many of the vessels of the head,
neck, and trunk, of the frog—spherical, Oval, and sometimes angular
nerve cells exist, which contrast remarkably in their structure with the
caudate cells referred to in the next section. Although from some of
these cells fibres had been traced, until recently the opinion had been
very generally entertained that the cells in question had but one fibre
connected with each of them. Kölliker and others maintained that
some of the cells were entirely destitute of nerve fibres—that in short,
apolar, unipolar, and multipolar nerve cells existed in the nervous sys-
tem. It is, however, obvious that if the views advanced by me con- .
cerning the fundamental arrangement of a nervous apparatus are correct,
all nerve cells must have at least two fibres proceeding from them—must be
bipolar, and therefore that neither apolar nor unipolar nerve cells anywhere
exist. Doubt was cast upon the correctness of the observation concern-
ing apolar and unipolar nerve cells, and it was therefore necessary to
re-investigate this matter with great care.
My observations were published in the “Phil. Trans.” for May 7,
1863, and rendered the existence of apolar and unipolar cells so very
doubtful, that some of those who had described them have since given up
the notion, though they by no means assent to the general propositions
which have been established by my investigations. I was able to show
that what appeared to be a single fibre proceeding from a cell, really
consisted of two fibres which soon diverged from one another, and pro-
ceeded in opposite directions towards their destination—a fact greatly in
favour of the general views of the typical structure and arrangement
of a nervous apparatus which I had been led to adopt from other obser-
vations. The fibres could be readily traced to the body of the nerve
cell, where the straight fibre was seen to be continuous with the central
portion, while the spiral fibre passed into the matter forming the circum-
ferential portion of the nerve cell. By carefully studying the develop-
ment of these nerve cells many points of great interest and importance,
both as regards the structure and action of nerve centres, were ascertained.
The reader may refer to the figs, in pla. XCIV and XCV, which have
been taken from the original memoir. Amongst the fully formed cells
are observed here and there some which are undergoing the process of
development. Such embryonic cells are seen in the ganglia of full-
grown as well as in those of young frogs. They are to be found at all
ages and are being constantly produced at all times during the life of
the animal, particularly during the Spring, when the nervous system
becomes renovated and is about to attain the highest state of functional
activity it enjoys during the year. Observation has shown that a similar
process of development and formation of new cells goes on in the
sympathetic ganglia of man and the higher animals as well as in those
on the posterior roots of the spinal nerves. See my paper on Apolar,
Unipolar, and Bipolar Nerve Cells, &c., “Phil. Trans,” 1863. The
facts above alluded to and some others lead me to think that formed
material produced by the bioplasm of cells of this class is the very
matter in which nerve-currents originate, chemical change in the formed
material of the cell being associated with the setting free of the current.
In my work on Bioplasm (page 209 et seq.) I have adduced several
facts and arguments which seem to me to render it very probable that
Fig. 3.
Very young gangluon cell Hyla, x 700.
Ganglion cell from the same
gaugliou as Fig. 1. x 700
Fully formed gantlion cell with very distinct
spiral fibre. Commou irug. x ſuo.
Very small ganglion cell Hyla Showus
straight and spiral fibres. x 1800.
The lower part of a ganglion cell, with the __
nerve fibres running into it. The spiral -
fibre divides at the lower part of the figure
into one park horner ºn Fibrae, and two fine
fibres. Observe the nuclei in connection Fully formed “anglion cell from the same ganglion as Figs. l, anº. 2. The
with the nerve fibres near their origin from arrangement and connections of the spiral fibre, with numerous rºuclei, are
the cell. x 1800 very distinct. Observe the oil globules in the upper part of the :en: *** *00.
- -
• * * *
100 th of an inch | x 700. ".. : " :
100 th of an inch x 1800. * -
[To face page 416.

Ganºlion cell, with
straight and spiral
uerve fibres From
the frog x 700.
Fig. 4.
\ --
º º
- --- \ §§ --- º 4 º'
The mass of immerfectly developed canº Sºseº º
lion cells at b, Fº 4 a. a mass dividing --- -º - - º Nº-º
into two h, connective tissue corpuscle / C. º-ºº: % º º º
º, nerve distributed to racillary vessel e
d, a more advanced Aanglion cell exhibit-
ing stracht and spiral fibres; its straight fibre is much thicker than
any in the bundle of fine fibres passing into the body of the Langlion
x 1800, p. 416
[. º º
The ºnnalion cell marked n in Fić, 4 x 7ſ) diameters. The Nerve trunks and ganglia, nºr: he iliac artery. Frºg
mass is undergoing division, and from it a number of separate x º : ... • *
cells like the groups in Fiº 4 would result. : : :"...":
100th of an unch . - - - - _1 x 1son** : " :
[To fºllº. plate XCIV.

nerve force is, as was long ago supposed, really electricity set free in the
course of chemical changes occurring in the formed material of spherical
and oval nerve-cells. But it cannot be argued that if this be so, the
conclusion affords support to any one of the many physical theories
of life hitherto propounded. It is obvious that the special action of the
nerve-current is dependent upon the arrangement of the fibres which
transmit it, and the structure and properties of the organs upon which it
exerts an influence. These things are determined, not by chemical or
mechanical actions, but they are the direct consequence of phenomena
occurring in the bioplasm, by and out of which all structures are formed,
which phenomena in their nature are far away from the physical
The actual nerve-current is due to changes in the matter of which
the outer part of the formed material of the cell is composed. Fatty
matter is set free, and other chemical changes occur in the formed
matter, which result in the development of a current, which traverses
the continuous threads or fibres connected with the cell, just as the
current of the voltaic battery traverses the circle of copper wire which is
Connected with the metallic elements of which it is made, and one of
which undergoes active chemical change. The change in the matter of
these cells occurs probably in a regular manner, but no doubt the accu-
mulation and the tension attained by the current vary greatly and are
influenced by the activity of the processes of nutrition and oxidation
and other circumstances, and by the arrangements existing for the
accumulation and discharge of the electricity.
393. Caudate Nerve-cells under very high Powers.-The angular
cells of the brain, medulla oblongata, spinal Cord, retina, choroid, and
found elsewhere, should, I think, be regarded rather as stations at which
several currents taking many different courses intersect—where fibres for
the conduct of nerve-currents decussate—rather than as organs in which
currents are actually developed and set free. The seat of origin of
the nerve-current, I believe, is in the spherical and oval nerve-cells
already mentioned. Further, it is possible that in the angular cells
secondary or induced currents may be excited in Strands moving parallel
with or encircling those which transmit the primary current.
The caudate nerve-cells of the spinal cord and brain have long been
objects of attentive study. They are without doubt intimately concerned
in the production of the highest nerve phenomena of man and animals.
The structure of these cells is very peculiar. Certain granules, lines,
and inequalities in their substance, particularly upon the surface, have
long been familiar to observers; but in 1864 I found some cells in which
the arrangement of lines at different depths, in the substance of which
the cell was composed was very distinct. These lines could be traced,
as is well represented in the figure in pl. XCVII, and shown diagram-
2 E
matically in fig. 1, pl. XCVI. They clearly passed from each of the
fibres across the cell into every other fibre proceeding from it. I could
not but conclude that these lines marked the paths taken by the several
separate nerve-currents, passing in different directions, which traversed
the cell. The fibres proceeding from the cell consist of the same mate-
rial as that of which the cell itself is composed, and are, as it were,
drawn off from it. The matter is not protoplasm, as has been so often
affirmed, but consists of formed material. Although it is true that in
many cases the fibres can be stained by carmine by prolonged soaking,
they are not stained under the same conditions as the bioplasts, while
the latter can always be deeply tinted in specimens in which the fibres
are not coloured at all. It is quite certain that nerve phenomena are not
due to continuity of the bioplasm of the nerve-cell through all the fibres
which are connected with it, as has been supposed by some, nor even to
continuity of a fluid or semi-fluid substance having mobile particles, as
maintained by others. It seems to me that the older nerves should
be considered as threads consisting of a material not widely different
from fibrous tissue laid down or drawn out in a longitudinal direction, as
during development and growth the so-called cells of different parts of
the nervous system become more widely separated from one another.
Fine fibres resulting from subdivisions of the larger fibres leaving
the cell, unite together to form single fibres, as represented in pl. XCVI,
fig. 2. Thus is formed a dark-bordered nerve-fibre, b, b, b. Every one of
these fibres again divides and subdivides as it approaches its peripheral
distribution. The manner in which this occurs will be understood if
figs. 2, 3, 4, pl. XCVI, and figs, 1, 2, 3, pl. XC, be attentively examined.
I do not think that the numerous caudate nerve-cells in the cortical
portion of the cerebral convolutions are, as they have been regarded by
many, Sources of mental action, any more than the angular cells in
other situations are the seat of origin of nerve-force. In these cells of
the cerebral convolutions currents from different parts change their
Course, Some fibres from a distance are caused to converge, while others
diverge in different directions. The general arrangement of these cells
is represented in figs. 3, 4, and 5, in pl. XCVIII, p. 428. See also
D. 427.
The conclusions resulting from such investigations as those referred
to in the last few sections cannot fail to impress all concerning the won-
derful character of the apparatus required for the development of the
very simplest nerve phenomena. They indicate that the effects produced
should be attributed rather to the mechanism through which force works
than to any mysterious or peculiar properties or powers of the force itself.
It seems to me more reasonable, and more in accordance with known
facts, to regard every form of nerve-force as electricity than to maintain,
Contrary to facts, that some day and somehow it will be discovered to
Fig. 1.
A diagram of such a cell as that represented in Plate xovii.
showing the principal lines which diverge from the fibres
at the point where they become continuous with the
substance of the cell. These lines may be traced from
any one FIBRE across 1E.E. cºtt, and one or more of
thern may be followed into Every on HER FIBRE which
proceeds from the cell
º Fig. 3. d
Diagram to show the possible relation to one another
of various circuits traversing a singie caudate nerve cell.
a may be a circuit connecting a peripheral sensitive sur-
face with the cell ; b may be the path of a motor impulse:
c and d. other circuits passing to other cells or other
peripheral parts A current passing along the fibre a
might induce currents in the three other fibres, b, c, d,
which traverse the same cell.
Fig. 2. --
º º 0.
Diagram to show the course of the fibres which leave the
caudate nerve cells, a a are parts of two nerve cells, and
two entire cells are also represented. Fibres from several
different cells unite to form single nerve fibres b b b. In
passing towards the periphery these compound fibres divide
and sub-divide, the resulting sub-divisions passing to
different destinations. The firic fibres resulting from the
sub-division of one of the caudate processes of a nerve cell
may help to form a vast number of dark bordered nerves.
but it is, I think, certain that so singie PRocess ever,
For-Is on E ENT LRE axis-cy LLNLER.
ol. Fig. 4.
a. rt.
Drawing to show the manner in which plexuses or net-
works of fine nerve fibres are formed. The course of the
numerous nerve currents to and FRoºt the trunks, is indi-
cated by the dotted lines. ač. a. a. a, dark bordered nerve
[To face page 418.

Large caudate nerve cell, with smaller cells and nerve fibres, from a thin transverse section of the lower part of
the grey matter of the medulla oblongata of a young dog. The lunes of dark granules resultºns ºrom the chemical
action of acetic acid are seen passing through the very substance of the cell in very definite Hirºsions Thus the
cell is the point where lines from several distant parts intersect (Diagram, Fig. 1, Plate xcwt). It is pº that each of
these lines is but a portion of a complete curcuit (see Fig 3, Plate xcvi) a a a large fibresºw anºn lºave the cell.
b a fibre trom another cell, dividing into finer fibres, exhibiting several lines of granules **c &c. ºbres from a
younger caudate nerve vesicle d, fine and flattened dark bordered fibres, e, three fine nervº fières running
together in a matrix of connective tissue, fff, capillary vessels.
Scale, rºw of an English Inch | | x 700.
[To follow plate XCVI.

be some mysterious unknown correlative of ordinary force, of the nature
of which no one knows anything, but concerning which it is supposed
something or other has been discerned, or is about to be discerned, by
some imagination. But if it is admitted that nerve-force is ordinary electri-
city, the problem of nerve-action is by no means solved; for it is obvious
that the phenomena are due entirely to the peculiar arrangement of the
nerve-cells and fibres which constitute each particular nerve mechanism
for setting free and conducting the currents. It is not possible to con-
ceive nerve phenomena without a special apparatus of very peculiar
structure, and the nature of nerve-action is intimately connected with
the structure and arrangement of this apparatus. The action even of a
machine cannot be dissociated from its construction. Now the con-
struction of the nerve apparatus and its maintenance in a state fit for
action are due to vital power. The lowest, simplest, and least varied
kinds of nervous action, like all other actions in connection with the
living elementary parts of living beings of which anything is known, are
intimately connected with vital changes in the bioplasm, and cannot
therefore be said to be due to physical and chemical laws only. The
contrary is affirmed by noted physicists, some of whom are not only
quite ignorant of the minute structure and arrangement of nerve-
organs, but coolly condemn the use of the only instrument by the aid
of which any one can gain any knowledge Concerning structural
394. On the Nature of Mind and on the Structure of the
Highest Forms of Nerve Elementary Parts or Cells which are com-
cerned in Mental Nervous Actions.—When we ascend to the considera-
tion of the higher and more complex nervous actions, we find reason
for concluding that the vital actions perform a still more important
part. In the brain of man we have probably the only example of a
mechanism (?) possessing within itself not only the means of repair,”
but the capacity for improvement and the power of increasing the
perfection of its machinery (?), not only up to the time when the body
arrives at maturity, but long after this, and even in advanced life, when
many of the lower tissues have undergone serious deterioration, and
have long passed the period of their highest functional activity.
This wonderful and peculiar power of the nerve bioplasm con-
nected with mental operations in man contrasts remarkably with
the feeble capacity of renovation and improvement exhibited by that
of man's tissues generally. While the bioplasm of many important
tissues of the body of some of the lower animals, can reproduce
complex textures, and even entire limbs. In all cases, however, the
phenomenon is due not to structural peculiarities, but to the endow-
* The mechanism which possesses within itself the means of repair has not yet
been actually constructed, but it has been “discerned ” by materialists.
2 E 2
ments of the bioplasm or living matter concerned—to purely vital
powers, not to peculiarities of structure or composition.
The idea that action is in all cases determined by structure, and that
matter with the most remarkable and complex endowments must be
characterised by a peculiarly elaborate structure, though it cannot be dis-
Cerned, has always been entertained, and still lingers among the many
fundamental errors of the most popular, as well as the most reckless,
speculators of the materialist school. Though in these days the fact of
the utter structurelessness of the matter from which all living beings
are evolved is pretty widely known and generally admitted, few seem
able to divest themselves of the nonsensical supposition of mechanism
and structure being somehow hidden in the structureless. It has been
proved over and over again that under the highest powers the matter of
the lowest forms of bioplasm with formative power, capable only of
evolving the lowest, simplest form of tissue, fig. 1, pl. XCVIII, p. 428,
cannot be distinguished from that of the highest form, fig. 2, from
which the highest structures of the brain and the organ of the mind
itself are to be developed. Nevertheless the most degrading mechanical
dogmas ever evolved by materialist imagination have been recently
revived as regards the nature and action of mind, and are freely taught
to people who are unable to examine and criticise either the so-called
facts, or the faulty and, in some instances, utterly groundless statements
upon which the dogmas are supposed to be based.
It is, perhaps, not surprising that speculations concerning the nature
of thought and life advanced by physicists whose methods have been
restricted to those applicable to non-living matter, should always
tend towards the conclusion that the living is but a form or mode of
the non-living, and that exclusively physical principles must be held
sufficient to explain mental as well as all vital phenomena, and that
not only life but mind ought to be regarded as a mode of motion. Nor
is it to be wondered at, that those who have prosecuted investigation by
the aid of instruments for physical research, and according to the
principles laid down by physicists for investigating the nature and pro-
perties of non-living matter, should have greater confidence in their
own familiar methods than in any other means of exploring nature, and
no one will feel astonished that among such are enthusiasts who believe
in nothing but matter and its forces, and maintain that the only pro-
perties in existence are material in their essential nature. But it is surely
very remarkable that a number of educated persons should have accepted
the dicta advanced on these matters from the physical side, by over-
confident and most positive physicists, as the final and absolute truth;
while it is still more remarkable that the condemnation of microscopical
enquiry by those, who, knowing nothing of microscope work, and form-
ing the highest estimate of their own method, reject the observations and
opinions of observers who have steadily prosecuted investigations con-
Cerning the structure and action of living beings by means of the only
instrument by which they can be studied, should have been acquiesced
in and even encouraged, not by individuals only, but by bodies, whose
duty it is to see that the exponents of conflicting views on great
Scientific questions, are treated with fairness and impartiality, and not
to favour, and promote the spread of one set of doctrines to the
exclusion of others which will turn out to be very near the truth.
To most of my readers the connection between philosophical
questions and minute microscopical investigations will appear very
remote, and I shall, no doubt, be rebuked for many observations I have
thought it advisable to make in this work. Certain philosophers have,
however, not only clearly seen the connection between minute investi-
gation and philosophy, but have used facts ascertained by microscopical
observation. And while the instrument, by the help of which the facts
were discovered, has been condemned, some even speak reproachfully
or scornfully of the possessors of the eyes and understanding, by the aid
of which the work is done, and try to make people believe that they can
extract all the facts required from physics, and their own imaginations.
Among the least philosophical of the population is the modern preacher
of material dogma, which seems to be his idea of philosophy.
Brain, the highest organ in nature, and one of the most complex of
structures, is formed from matter which is structureless, and which cannot,
by any known methods of physical examination, be distinguished from
that which is to form the lowest and most simple forms of organic tissue.
In spite of all that has been distinctly affirmed or obscurely intimated
to the contrary, it is quite certain that every kind of living matter in
nature is devoid of any characters which can be properly called struc-
tural, and that it is absolutely separated and distinct in kind from every
form of non-living material. Nor is there any evidence of a material
gradation from non-living matter to matter that is alive, and again from
this, the lowest, to the highest living. Between different forms of the
living, it may be right to assume a sort of gradation as regards power—
the capacity for forming or producing. But such gradation, if admitted,
cannot be due to any material properties of the particles, or to the
chemical composition of the matter itself. The only thing that is
certain is the existence of difference in power. The difference may be
gradational, and the several differences in life-action in various creatures
may be gradationally related to one another, but all this has yet to be
proved. In the case of any particular organ or system of textures, in
which an advance in complexity of structure, and as regards per-
formance of function, can, it is thought, be traced from the lower to the
higher vertebrata, as, for example, the gradation which, in the case of
the nervous system, is held to establish a connection between low and
high forms, must, if it exists, be due to difference in power existing in
relation with the living matter, by and out of which both the low and
simple and the higher and more complex nervous systems have been
respectively formed. No indication of such gradation in complexity of
material constitution such as is seen in many of the series of chemical sub-
stances, can be shown to exist anywhere in things living. Indeed, from
a chemical point of view, the substance of an amoeba is as exalted as
that of the bioplasm of the brain-cell which took part in the conception
of Hamlet or Paradise Lost.
Every man ought to be interested in learning in what particulars the
phenomena occurring in his own body and in other living things
resemble and differ from the phenomena of non-living matter. He who
thinks at all must long to know whether the facts now known favour the
conclusion that he is really distinct from the non-living and inorganic
which surrounds him in overwhelming proportion, and out of which he
knows that the body he lives in has been made, or whether, as is now
so generally asserted, the doctrine must be accepted that transitional
and changing forms of living beings establish a gradational and unin-
terrupted continuity between the lowest organic forms and the most
highly endowed living matter, which gives to man his indisputable pre-
Men are told, and, in the most confident language, that all their actions,
muscular, nervous, mental, are merely mechanical, and also that living
is an attribute of all matter. The dogma that all nature is mechanical
is in favour at this time, as well as the dogma that all matter lives.
Both assertions are equally untenable, and the enthusiastic advocates
of both propositions judiciously decline to define the meaning they
attach to the phrases they employ. Using terms which may comprise
opposites, contradictories, and incompatibles, they hope to escape being
Convicted of talking nonsense by ingeniously qualifying the words now
with one adjective now with another, so as to entirely change the
signification perhaps several times in the course of a short disserta-
tion. But careful readers will hardly fail to detect the fallacy. It
is easy to see that, for example, the word mechanical, as applied to a
living thing, means something totally different from what is implied by
the same word when used with reference to a machine. The life and
growth of a stone are clearly something totally different from the life
and growth of a tree, so that nothing is gained by employing the same
words in both cases. In the assertions, the tree lives, the stone lives,
any one can see that something very different is connoted by the word
But the existing school of popular teachers will never tire of insist-
ing that certain changes which occur in matter placed under certain
known conditions, must be due exclusively to the properties of the atoms
of which the substances are composed, and will continue to assert that a
class of phenomena, not one of which can be imitated in the laboratory,
and which cannot be explained or accounted for, without admitting the
exercise of a power of choice and selection associated with the matter,
and the further admission that the action or change which does occur,
might have been different, the matter and its forces, nevertheless,
remaining the same.
Is it reasonable to maintain that properties which belong to matter
for all time, and properties which no matter retains, except for a very
short period, are equally due to the material properties of the molecules?
A school of philosophy, which has now dominated in England for
several years, has solved many difficulties with surprising facility. It
shows that freedom of choice is but another mode of expressing
necessity, and it has discovered that will is but a form of involuntary
action. Philosophic atoms obey the inexorable laws laid down by
physicists for their guidance. But other atoms there are, not yet dis-
cerned by physicists, which, not being under physical control, seem to
choose their own way, or somehow determine in which of several
different possible ways they will act.
The new philosophy is eminently a molecular philosophy. Every-
thing is due to molecular action. We have molecular phenomena of
the most diverse kinds and in very different situations. Molecules are
concerned in the transmission of the mandates of the will. Molecules
are disturbed in sensation. Molecules are transposed in thought, and
yet the very teachers, who cannot describe a change without calling it
molecular, not unfrequently find fault with the very methods of inquiry
which alone can afford certain information concerning the changes they
talk about, and by which only the accuracy of their assertions can be
put to the test, and not only so, but the very authorities who talk so
confidently about molecules, do not describe the objects to which they
refer. This word molecular has not been accurately defined, and is used
in a rough and general way as contrasted with that which is large,
immense, but the difference is clearly one of degree only. Molecule is
only another name for a little mass. The word is, however, used to
impress upon the mind the fact that the very same laws which gover
large masses, for instance the heavenly bodies, rule also very minute por-
tions of matter, molecules, and this is true. The difference as regards
mass and its material properties is but a difference of degree. But when,
as is the case, it is further sought to impress the mind with the idea
that the molecule in a living state is like the molecule in a lifeless state,
the whole question of life is begged, and a difference as absolute as
difference can be is utterly ignored and disregarded, and people led to
believe what is contrary to fact. On the other hand, the views at which
any unbiassed mind would arrive after careful microscopic enquiry,
would not be in accord with the recent discoveries of the imagination of
physical investigators concerning molecules and molecular action.
The philosophers who talk confidently about the mechanical phe-
nomena of mind do not of course explain either the structure or mode
of formation of the mind-forming machine, or discuss the mechanics of
the thinking process. They do not even give an account of the
mechanics of any single vital movement of any kind whatever.
Philosophers, indeed, affirm that no matter lives, because that which
has been wrongly called living is, according to them, merely the per-
formance of certain mechanical and chemical operations. Others, as
I have said, confidently assert that all matter is alive, but neither one
set nor the other affords the slightest information concerning the exact
particulars in which the matter which lives or which performs vital acts,
resembles or differs from the same matter when it has ceased to live,
and can no longer perform any vital act whatever. Every living form
does many things which no non-living things can be made to do, and
the capacity for thus acting disappears with death. It is, therefore, idle
on the part of mere authority to go on preaching its dogmas about the
mechanical changes it cannot demonstrate, and the mechanical pheno-
mena of particles which it is able to destroy, but which it is powerless
to build up or construct. Authority may continue to refuse to admit, or
may deem it expedient to deny that the living state differs absolutely and
entirely from the non-living condition; but the truth remains, that in the
living state of matter, whether it be the living matter of a growing fungus,
or that concerned in mental action, material forces and properties are
Somehow governed and controlled, and in a manner not to be imitated
by us or to be explained by anything known concerning non-living
matter, while it is incontestable that the moment the matter ceases to
live its capacity for manifesting its ordinary properties returns. After its
death, matter never regains the power of doing what it did when it was
alive. Science and reason are wrecked by those who reduce life and
thought to mere mechanical action, and who declare they discern in
mere matter all sorts of powers and capacities of which neither they nor
any one else can obtain evidence.
It must be clear to anyone who thinks over the ordinary facts known
to them, that a theory which will in any way account for the facts of
mental action must include the admission of non-physical force, power,
property, or influence, and I have shown that without such a factor the
phenomena of the lowest living are as inexplicable as those of the
highest. In fact, in all life we must admit the operation of a power
or influence far removed from the physical category. This psychical
factor, which, as Mr. Herbert Spencer says, “no physical research
whatever can disclose, or identify, or get the remotest glimpse of,”
has never been explained away, and is the life of every living thing.
Such a factor has worked, and will ever work, in the matter of the
lowest as in that of the highest living in nature. That any reasoning
being should ground his denial of the existence of a psychical factor
on the fact of the failure of every attempt to isolate, measure, weigh,
or otherwise demonstrate it by physical research is as extraordinary,
and it may be added as unreasonable, as is the suggestion of the
possibility of thought being measured or weighed, or exhibited to an
audience in the magic lantern, or otherwise demonstrated.
The process by which a particular muscular movement is determined
is in its essential nature psychical. The movement of material particles
in the matter concerned in mental action is clearly influenced by a
determining governing agency not material. The perception of an
impression must be psychical not physical, and the intellectual action
which follows transcends every other phenomenon in nature except its
cause. We must admit that material particles are made to arrange
themselves in a manner not to be accounted for by anything yet dis-
covered concerning their material forces and properties. It is unques-
tionably hard to form a conception of the manner in which material
particles are brought under the influence of the supposed psychical
factor, but we must allow that material changes are somehow brought
under will, and seeing how many acts are undoubtedly under voluntary
control, is it not more probable that will should control the movement
of material particles than that inert matter and its properties should
somehow develop will?
The movements of the lowest form of bioplasm are no more mean-
ingless or purposeless undulations of a bit of jelly-plasm than are the
oscillations of the matter of a mental bioplast. Even in the case of
the amoeba, the slightest movement proves the operation of some power
not material, seeing that it cannot be imitated, and is unlike any move-
ment known to occur in non-living matter.
The observer who carefully studies the striking movements of a small
portion of living matter, as seen under a very high power, will not be
easily convinced they are to be accounted for by any material properties
of the component elements, any more than he will accept the statements
which have been advanced for the purpose of convincing him that they
are mechanical. Now every person of ordinary intelligence can,
without much difficulty, study movements and other phenomena of
living matter for himself, and after due enquiry and patient fact obser-
vation, will be able to judge how far the favoured doctrines of the day
account for the observed facts. Let him determine whether the cant
phraseology, characteristic of the period, in which we are assured that
thought is due to molecular phenomena, is justifiable. The eloquent
talk about the unbridged abyss between mind and matter deceives
people by leading them to the inference that all is bridged over except
this abyss, and that the mysteries of the living are solved except the
mysteries of the mind, which it is admitted have not been fully eluci-
dated by physical investigation, and which cannot as yet be expressed
in physical terms. By some, however, it is maintained that although
the exact relation between molecules and morals has not yet been fully
determined, it is certain that it will prove to be of a mechanical nature.
Such statements can only have the effect of leading people to suppose
that much more is known than is the fact. The reader, it is desired,
should infer that it is only the mechanic of mind that is not fully
understood, whereas the teachers are themselves well aware that the
gap between chemical change and consciousness is no greater nor
more inscrutable than that which separates an inanimate from a
living particle. The materialist with some ingenuity misrepresents the
whole matter. He has not the faintest conception of the molecular
changes he talks about as proceeding in living matter, and he is as utterly
ignorant concerning the mere movement of the lowest form of living
matter, as he is concerning the nature of thought. It is to be hoped
that before long the public will discover this, and no longer be
misled and imposed upon by hypotheses based on the fictions of the
imagination. A few writers taking a not ungenerous view of the
causation of some of the curious intellectual flights towards the philo-
sophy of the past attribute them to exceptional mental defects and
disendowments such as distinguished from most of their contemporaries,
for instance, Lucretius and Comte, who by some alienists have been
regarded as the subjects of maniacal attacks.
Let anyone inclined to think that I have in any way exaggerated
the extravagance of the mechanico-chemical doctrines which are now
Commonly entertained and widely taught, refer to an article in the very
last number of the “Edinburgh Review” (No. 305, January, 1879), in
which the public are told that the brain-pulp is destroyed and decom-
posed—burned by the agency of oxygen for the production of “brain
force.” The irresponsible author of such fanciful cerebration must Surely
be laughing at his readers. This mental cremationist who burns his
brain-pulp, and expounds the physics of the soul, admits that one thing,
however, has not yet been elucidated. Even this Edinburgh Reviewer
confesses that he has not yet discovered “the plan by which the action
of the unstable and combustible base of the brain convolutions is
transmuted into the functions of the intellect” (p. 83.)
Now, the idea we may form concerning the nature of mental action
will necessarily be influenced, and in an important degree, by the con-
ception we obtain from actual observation of the structure and arrange-
ment of the anatomical elements which take part in the changes occurring
in the brain during life. This conception will largely depend upon the
method of preparation we employ for the purpose of demonstrating the
structure of the dead textures and cells connected with them. Assuredly
there are no tissues in the body which exhibit greater differences in
appearance than the nerve tissues when subjected to different methods
of preparation. The solution of one of the highest problems presented
to us may therefore depend in great measure upon the method
adopted by a microscopic observer, in preparing a little bit of tissue
for examination under high magnifying powers. Some, indeed, seem
to think that considerations about demonstrating anatomical details
are beneath the notice of those who aspire to what they themselves
call philosophical views. If it were possible that truth could be evolved
out of a man's understanding, it would of course be absurd to spend
time in making observations which may after all often turn out to be
fallacious; but is not such a notion opposed to all experience, and is
it not certain that real progress in many departments of philosophical
enquiry is dependent upon improvement in the methods of working?
In truth the question of the nature of mind includes the question of
the nature of life, and cannot be properly considered until the changes
taking place in living matter generally, as well as the structure and
precise arrangement of that part of the nervous system concerned in
mental action, have been accurately determined. This investigation
can be prosecuted only by skilled microscopical observers. In this
way it would seem that advance in philosophy is in great measure
dependent upon the results of accurate observations. And it appears to
me almost certain that as our practical methods of demonstration are
improved, many of the doctrines of the old philosophy which have been
recently revived will yield to others of a very different character.
The great importance of the particular method of preparation ad-
vocated in this work in its application to the investigation of the tissue
of the convolutions of the brain, is shown by comparing specimens so
prepared with those which have been mounted in Canada balsam and
such media as advocated by most authorities. In pl. XCVIII, fig. 5,
is a drawing of a section of the gray matter of the brain, the vessels of
which have been injected, mounted in balsam, and in fig. 4 is a similar
section, the vessels of which have also been injected with Prussian
blue fluid, and the bioplasm stained with carmine, but preserved in
strong glycerine. In the last numerous cells can be distinctly seen
which are not visible in the first, and the vessels, it will be noticed,
exhibit an entirely different appearance in the two cases.
Near the surface of the gray matter of the convolutions of the brain,
and occupying different planes; are countless small masses of bioplasm
which sometimes after death are nearly spherical, but which during
life are less regular in outline, perhaps stellate, each one having a num-
ber of delicate prolongations which connect it with many more, not
with all those quite close to it, but with masses situated it may be
at a considerable distance off. In this way “centres” may be formed,
but instead of being isolated or more or less separated from one another,
the outer communications between the supposed centres are so very
numerous that it is doubtful if the term centre can be correctly em-
ployed. Indeed the more carefully every part of the nervous system of
man and the higher animals is explored, the farther we recede from the
idea of several centres each with its definite function; and though un-
doubtedly broad divisions must be admitted, it must be borne in mind
that in every one of these are nerve fibres and cells taking part in
many and very different actions, with wide and very various connections.
The little transparent more or less spherical bodies with their deli-
cate fibres, above referred to, can be well seen with the aid of an objec-
tive magnifying five hundred diameters or upwards, in very thin per-
pendicular and horizontal sections of the cortical portion of a convolu-
tion, the vessels of which have been previously injected first with
carmine fluid and afterwards with Prussian blue, according to the plan
described in p. 366. The injection of a portion of brain tissue, large
enough for the purpose, may be effected by introducing a fine injecting
pipe into one of the small arteries of the pia mater, but in all cases the
specimen must be obtained very soon after death, for some of the
anatomical elements of the cerebral convolutions undergo rapid
change. + - - - .
In p. 418, it has been already suggested that the angular cells in the
cortex of the cerebral tissue like those in the spinal cord and other
situations are not the sources of nerve power, but are rather concerned
in the grouping of nerve currents running along various lines in very
different directions. An idea of the general arrangement of these
angular cells may be formed if figs. 3, 4, and 6 in pl. XCVIII be referred
to. Fig. 3, which is in part schematic, shows how nerve fibres coming
from many different points converge towards the base of each cell which
gradually tapers at its upper part to form the one long tail-like process
which runs as a single cord towards the surface of the cortex of the gray
matter. In fig. 6, some of these fibres and their arrangement and con-
nection with the cell are well seen. Before reaching the surface, how-
ever, the long fibre divides into multitudes of minute threads which
pursue diverse courses, and dividing and subdividing as they do on very
different planes it is not possible to follow any one of the excessively
fine fibres resulting from the subdivision, for more than a very short
distance. This much, however, is certain. Of the millions of Small
bioplasts which I believe to be the organs in which all mental action
originates, many lie amongst these excessively fine fibres, some of which
constitute the ultimate subdivisions of nerves connected with every
point in every sensitive surface in the body, while others are motor fibres
taking part in the execution of conscious movement. Through the
Fig. 3.
Nºan ºr Marºn.
º, ºr
Lymph on surface of peritoneum Anterior portion of cerebºurn.
of intestine. Acute inflammation Human embryo. 4th week.
4th day, x 700, p. 4°0. × 700, p. 420.
Vertical section through superficial part
of grey matter of cerebral convolutions
Human subject, a, caudate nerve cells
with long processes. b. This interval
amounts to six inches in the drawing:
r bioplasts probably concerned in men-
tal action. In part schematic. x 350.
p 428.
Perpendicular section of ºrey matter of the brain, injected. Mounted
in glycerine. x 215, p. 427
- - Anºular rºundate nerve cells frºm the
section of the ºrey matter of the brain, vessels, injected. Mounted in grey ºn atter of the brain of a land
balsam. x 219, p. 4-7. x 130 p. 4-8.
[To face page 428.

arrangement of these multitudinous threads result the marvellously com-
plex actions of fibres and bioplasts requisite for the execution of even a
very simple movement determined by the will, but influenced perhaps by
impressions made upon the retina or other sensitive surface. Legions of
nerve fibres or their extensions connected, for example, with different
points of the retinal surface, must in certain situations in the cortex of
the gray matter come into the immediate vicinity of corresponding
legions connected with fibres and bioplasts taking part in sensation and
voluntary motion. For the mind-bioplasts must be so arranged as to
be influenced by and to influence at successive instants whole legions of
nerve threads.
It might be suggested that the nerve current gives rise to molecular
changes in the bioplasm, and that the molecular changes in the bioplasm
influence the nerve current. But we must surely ask ourselves what we
mean by molecular changes. Admitting, however, molecular changes, by
what are these influenced P Does chemical change stand first in the
marvellous chain of phenomena connecting will with muscular action—
the action of oxygen as some think P. In that case oxygen must be
regarded as the cause and source of all action, and the very matter
which causes the evolution of will, if will is not oxygen. Surely it is
more in accordance with reason to attribute the phenomena of the
bioplasm which differ entirely from any known phenomena of ordinary
matter to some force, action, or influence peculiar to living matter, in
short, to life.
All that I have been able to ascertain as regards the nature of bio-
plasm and its phenomena justifies the conclusion that this is the matter
upon which the will actually and primarily operates, and that the nerve
fibres, or rather the currents traversing the nerve fibres near to the
bioplasts are affected by the moving matter of the bioplasm itself.
The knowledge we possess concerning nerve fibres renders it impossible
to accept the supposition that any of these are the seat of voluntary
The minute masses of bioplasm above referred to are so very favour-
ably arranged for influencing the fine fibres, most of which are less than
the I-1, ooo, oooth of an inch in diameter, that it seems difficult to resist
the inference that this is actually what happens during life. These fine
fibres run in every conceivable direction. A vast number of nerve
fibres taking very different routes may touch the same bioplast at
different points on its surface. By the movements of the bioplasm in
different directions different nerve fibres and sets of nerve fibres
would be influenced. The movement I suppose begins in the particles
of bioplasm and is caused by the direct and immediate influence of the
vital power upon the matter. Particles of the bioplasm are made to
move in a determinate manner, and according to the direction which the
wave of movement takes. Now this, now that, set of fibres will be as it
were played upon by the bioplasm or living matter. Imagine a vast
concourse of nerve threads in contact with different parts of the surface,
several of which must be influenced by the slightest bulging of a very
small portion of the surface of a single corpuscle. Imagine similar phe-
nomena going on at the same moment in thousands of corpuscles pro-
ducing temporary disturbance in many times as many thousands of
nerve fibres, and a rough idea, I venture to think, will be formed of the
actual phenomena which precede the occurrence of the actual temporary
shortening of a few fibres of muscle.
When one wills to execute a certain definite movement, this is, I
believe, what happens:—The immaterial agency, psychical power, vital
influence, will,—call it what we may, causes, compels, necessitates, certain
oscillations or undulations of the living matter or bioplasm. Certain
definite movements follow, and the matter bulges and impinges upon the
several nerve threads close to that part of its circumference. The
current in these fibres is disturbed and thus an effect may be produced
at a considerable distance. In an opposite direction a disturbance in
the current in the nerve fibre propagated from a distance might act
upon the bioplasm, the movement of which would influence the vital
power. In some such manner I conceive a psychical change may
cause, or be rendered evident as a material or molecular phenomenon.
According to the direction in which a part of the mass of living matter
is temporarily driven by the conscious life power which governs it, will
depend what particular cords of the nerve mechanism are struck. If I
am correct in the inferences to which I have been led, I must consider
mind as the vital power associated with the most exalted form of bio-
plasm or living matter in nature.
The change I have attempted to give an idea of in the foregoing
paragraphs is of a character coarse and rough compared with what goes
on in the living matter itself just prior to the movement of its particles.
But yet we ought to have a very definite and accurate conception of
the phenomena in all their detail before we can venture with much
chance of arriving at the truth to discuss the real nature of a mental
act. As this enquiry would take me very far away from matters of
observation, I must not pursue it here, but it will probably be generally
admitted that further advance in the highest realms of thought is more
likely to follow the discovery of new facts by skilful microscopical ob-
servers, than to be consequent upon the investigations of any other
class of workers or thinkers.
43 I
t (By Mr. WENHAM, F.R.M.S.)
Of late years great attention has been paid to the construction of
the higher objectives and many improvements have been introduced.
The subject is one of great interest, and in case any of my readers
may desire to try experiments in the construction of objectives, I have
appended the directions given by Mr. Wenham, who has for many years
been engaged in this work, and has made many important improve-
ments. His directions, being entirely deduced from his own practical
experience, are of great value, and will be studied with advantage by
every one who proposes to engage in this work.
Mr. Swift has also kindly furnished me with some observations
which will be found useful to any one who intends to take up the
subject. These will be found on page 460.
The following sections from Mr. Wenham's memoirs have been
reprinted with his permission, and in his own words, from papers pub-
lished by him in the “Monthly Microscopical Journal,” 1872, and in
the “Proceedings of the Royal Society,” 1873.
395. General Remarks on Making object-glasses.—The directions
for working glass surfaces to a correct figure, may appear to some too
practical and characteristic of the workshop; but it is only by a strict
attention and study of such details that perfection can be insured, and
without their aid, the deductions of the mathematician must fail in
their proof. Though the early training of a mechanical profession has
familiarised me with such pursuits, yet I must confess that I am
ignorant of the methods adopted by our best makers for working their
minute object glasses; and, therefore, if some particulars may have the
merit of originality, others are perhaps not in accordance with the most
improved practice.
The first attempt to construct an object-glass (%in.) is recorded in
the year 1850, on the then well-known form shown by fig. I. The back
lenses had an excess of negative aberration, or were over-corrected, to
enable the adjustment for covering-glass to be performed by the separa-
tion of the front lens, which was under-corrected for that purpose.
But on attempting to improve the correction by a difference in the
Fić. 1 radius of the concave flint of the triple
front, it was shown that a considerable
alteration was here required to effect a
material correction for colour. Taking
a ray at the focal distance from the front
surface, and tracing its refraction through
the triple, at all points it appeared to
enter the concave surface nearly as a
radius from its centre. Consequently,
under this condition, the effect of the
dense flint was partly neutralised.
It then occurred to me to try a single lens for a front. With this
combination no satisfactory result could be obtained with respect to
achromatism. .
Early in the year 1850, Mr. Lister was occupied with experiments
for the purpose of improving the higher powers, and then introduced
the triple back, which has since so eminently proved to be the grandest
step towards their perfection, allowing perfect correction to be obtained
with the most extreme apertures.
Having received early information of this improvement, I set to
work and again tried the single front in combination with the triple
back, and constructed a %th on this system, which is considered ex-
cellent to this day. For several years I stood alone in my opinion of
its advantages; but as numbers of our best object-glasses of the highest
powers are now made with single fronts, I am in a better position for
advocating this form, particularly as its success was found to depend
upon a relative difference of focal lengths in the two back combinations
not hitherto employed by others.
At first the single front with the back triple was not successful.
Though colour was nearly corrected, there was a deficiency of aperture,
and the combination was spherically under-corrected. On viewing
another object under a thicker covering-glass, the definition was greatly
improved. By placing other pieces of thin glass over the object, the
front lens had to be drawn still closer to the others. This gave an
increase of aperture and more perfect definition. A single front was
then made, of the thickness which had been found to give the best
result, ascertained from the measurements of the additional pieces of
thin glass over the object, and the effect was all that could be desired.
On finding that the correction for spherical aberration depended upon
the thickness of the front lens, the path became easy.
Fig. 2 represents a %th of 130° of aperture constructed on this
system, six times the size of the original. The curves are not given as

radii, but as the diameters of the circles
in thousandths of an inch—for I thus
note them down for the convenience of
making and finding the steel gauges and
to prevent divisions into two-thousandths,
which would frequently occur in the cor-
rections. The following are the curves:–
back triple,_posterior of crown, 312 ;
three next surfaces, crown and concave
flint, 440 ; front flat, diameter of lens,
*I 73; density of flint, 3-630 ; ditto, of
CrOWn, 2°437.
Curves or templates of middle –Back, 233; contact surfaces, 233;
front I }4 inch, or %ths inch radius; diameter of lens, ‘I 38; density of
flint, 3.686; ditto of crown, 2.437.
Single front of crown, Ioo or 1-1 oth template ; diameter of lens,
‘og 3 ; thickness, os?, measured from the top ; density, 2 437.
The focus, or magnifying power, of the two back combinations is
very nearly equal, and each 4% times that of the single front; for I
have found that if the middle is of shorter focus than the back, that it
is difficult to obtain satisfactory correction. The lenses are fitted into
their cells without shoulders, as their diameter is only just sufficient to
admit the full pencil of rays, and their surfaces are utilised to the
extreme edge, a desideratum that can always be secured by a proper
mode of working.
The aperture of this object-glass is 130°, which is amply sufficient
for a good working 96th. In the triple back, the three cemented or
contact surfaces are of the same radius, as I have not been able to
ascertain that any material effect in the correction for spherical errors
can be obtained by a difference in the two radii of the concave flint,
and, therefore, for the sake of facilitating the workmanship, both faces
are similar. I am aware, however, that some makers hold a different
opinion, and make the incident-surface of the concave much deeper,
and the other longer in due proportion. The front of the triple is flat;
but as the perfection of an object-glass depends in a remarkable degree
upon the radius of this surface, a plano-convex lens cannot always be
applied as a rule, for the curvature depends very much upon the nature
of the glass employed in the construction, and the distance at which the
lenses are placed asunder.
The correction for oblique pencils, and flatness of field, are mainly
effected by an alteration in this radius, ascertained from the appearances
of a globule of mercury, hereafter to be explained. Also, for the con-
venience of working, the posterior and contact surfaces of the middle
lens are of Smaller radii, and the required negative correction for colour

2 F
is obtained by an alteration in the concave incident-surface of the flint.
The back and middle lenses are worked as thin as possible. It is an
easy matter to make convex lenses to a sharp edge ; but to insure the
requisite thinness in the concaves, the edges are polished before the
grinding is completed ; and this is continued till they are seen to be as
thin in the centre as may be deemed practicable, without the risk of
breaking them through.
In the construction of the highest powers of the microscope, or
such as are composed of three distinct sets of lenses, it must be borne
in mind that the magnifying effect is obtained principally by the front
lens; and the combined operation of the middle and posterior, is
entirely corrective ; and their application in any combination must
always be so considered, and not as a means of obtaining additional
power. If the front of an eighth or one-twelfth is tested alone, it will
be found to magnify nearly as much as when the other lenses are
The single front has the advantages of facility of construction, and
a command of any required extent of aperture ; and enables object-
glasses of higher power to be made than would otherwise be practicable.
For example, the radius of the front lens of a I-50th is 1-12oth of an
inch, and the diameter is I-70th. The difficulty, if not impossibility, of
constructing a triple of such almost invisible atoms of glass may be
In May, 1856, I made the first I-25th with a single front lens of
1-3oth in diameter; I am doubtful whether a triple front could be made
even of this size, with any positive certainty of accurate workmanship.
From the 96th and upwards, perfect correction may be secured with
a single front. It is, however, barely possible to make a good I-5th with
this form, and in a W4-inch it fails altogether; there is a kind of
secondary spectrum that cannot be got rid of. It is not easy to define
all the reasons why it should succeed perfectly with the highest powers,
and the correction be imperfect with the lower ones named. With
smaller apertures the errors of spherical aberration cannot be so well
corrected by giving thickness to the front lens; and as there is con-
siderable distance between this and the middle, the coloured rays from
the uncorrected front are so far separated that any corrective action of
the back systems is incapable of recombining them. When an object-
glass is spherically under-corrected, the focus of the central rays is
longer than that of the marginal Ones, as in a simple lens. If all the
rays are brought to one point, the interposition of a plate of parallel
glass projects the outside rays to a greater distance than the central
ones, and produces a similar effect to a concave lens, or that of over-
correction; and it is for this reason that a certain thickness of glass
before, or in the substance of the front lens has such a remarkable
corrective power, which is most appreciable with a very large aperture.
Where this is comparatively small, as in a 94-inch, the influence of a
thick front does not appear to be sufficient to enable the final correction
to be obtained by this means alone. The anterior lens must, therefore,
either be partly achromatised, or made of a glass of higher refractive
and less dispersive power than any at present known.
It is well known that, in a doublet consisting of two single plano-
convex lenses, both the spherical and chromatic aberrations are con-
siderably less than in a single lens of the same magnifying power. I
have for this reason proposed to construct the higher powers with two
Single lenses in front, of equal radius, as shown by the cut. The
correcting thickness should be thrown in the first lens. If they are set
in contact, the magnifying power will be nearly as their sum ; they may
therefore be made of double the radius, and consequently nearly twice
the diameter, which, of course, would lessen the practical difficulty of
working a 1-50th, and enable us to go even beyond this power. A
partial experiment with a Játh, having this “doublet’ front, has proved
that perfect correction for colour is the result. But in the form tried,
the spherical aberration was so considerable, as to require an entire re-
construction, for which I have had no leisure; and though the entire
success of the idea is yet unproved, I venture to record it, in case I
may never be able to take up this subject again, as I am of opinion that
a very perfect object-glass may be made of this form.
396. Immersion object-glasses.—These combinations are under-
corrected, and not suitable for use in any other way. The plan is an
an i."
2 F 2:

old one, and objectives were constructed on this principle by Amici and
Ross many years ago. That such lenses give brighter and clearer de-
finition, with the highest powers, from the I-12th upwards, is un-
397. On the Observations requisite for Correcting Object-glasses.
—For this purpose, a particle of mercury is placed upon a slip of black
glass. A piece of watch-spring, or the thin handle of a spatula, is held
up at its end by the fore-finger of the left hand, and slapped smartly
down on the mercury, which is thus beaten into powder, in the form of
numerous minute globules. Of these, a larger size is selected for cor-
rection of colour, and a minute one for ascertaining the errors of figure
and Centering, and state of the oblique pencils.
The globule must be illuminated by direct candle or lamp light, and
not by daylight, as the latter will not allow perfect correction to be ob-
tained. The light requires to be set as close as it can be, and, of
Course, in the highest powers, where there is little distance in front, it
must be very oblique ; but this is of no consequence, as it is not the
globule itself, but the spot of light reflected from it, that is required to
be seen. -
The lens to be tested is adapted to the microscope, having the
Ordinary Huyghenian eyepiece. On placing the globule either in or
Out of focus, the luminous point expands into a ring. If the object-
glass is under-corrected for colour, as in a single lens, the bright ring
appears within the focus, the outer margin is red, and the inner circle
green. If the lens is over-corrected, the bright ring appears ºrithout the
focus, with the colours in the same order as before. A practical
knowledge only, derived from these appearances, can determine the
amount of concavity to be given to the flint, or difference of convexity
in the Crown, for obtaining the desired correction ; but even in the
most experienced hands it generally involves several alterations to
secure perfect achromatism. When this is corrected as far as practicable,
a pale-green colour only is perceptible beyond the focus. This arises
from the secondary spectrum, or relative difference in the width of the
prismatic colour spaces of the crown and flint, and seems to be a
variable condition, according to the composition of the glass employed.
Though correction for spherical aberration is intimately related to
that of colour—a single lens, when finally achromatised, being also
nearly free from spherical error; yet, in a combination of three pair,
when matched so as to be achromatic, this may be so considerable as
to render the object-glass useless, and is oftentimes exceedingly trouble-
some to remedy. The error may arise from an improper proportion
between the relative foci of the lenses—as the back being too long.
I have before stated that, in the form that I have advocated, the
spherical aberration is mainly corrected by giving thickness to the front
lens, and by properly adjusting the distance between them. In a glass
spherically under-corrected the light from the globule is greatest within
the focus, and when set out of focus speedily vanishes and becomes
diffused ; in the case of spherical over-correction the contrary appear-
ances result. When the relative distance of the lens is rightly adjusted,
the light spot expands equally, and is of the same intensity, for a short
distance on either side of the focus, in which the globule should appear
with a clear bright margin. The object-glass is now in a proper con-
dition for testing errors of construction and workmanship.
To examine the condition of the oblique pencils, and consequent
flatness and distinctness throughout the field, a small globule is selected,
and brought to the edge, using the lowest eyepiece; if the bright point
in the centre of the globule, when a little out of focus, approaches to
the inner side of the concentric light-rings, as in fig. 4, it is termed
Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6.
“outward coma,” and indicates that the front incident surface of the
back triple is too convex. If, on the other hand, the bright spot is on
the outer side of the rings, or next the margin of the field of view, there
is “inward coma,” which shows that this same surface is too flat. I
have previously remarked that this curve has a powerful effect on the
flatness of field and perfection of oblique pencils, and for these no other
correction is generally requisite than an alteration in this radius.
Before the glasses are finally cemented in their cells, they should
be carefully tested for Centering; for this purpose a very minute globule
is selected, and placed exactly in the centre of the field. If the bright
spot appears eccentric, with the rings thus (fig. 5), the pair of lenses
which occasion the error should be shifted on each other while warm
enough to cause the Canada balsam by which they are cemented to-
gether to yield, till on repeated trial the error is corrected. This is im-
portant, as the least fault of centering materially impairs the perform.
ance of an object-glass. But with the precautions that I have adopted
in the construction, to be hereafter explained, errors of centering can-
In Ot OCCur.
There is yet one other globule test for object-glasses, to indicate

accuracy of workmanship, or whether the lenses are worked to true
spherical surfaces. If the rings from a minute globule appear of an
irregular wavy outline, as shown by the annexed cut (fig. 6), either ap-
proximating to a polygon or triangle, it shows that one of the surfaces
at least that refracts the rays is of this form. Such workmanship is in-
excusable, and those that cannot avoid it had better let glass-grinding
alone. {
Finally, there is an appearance that I have sometimes seen in our
best object-glasses, when focussed away from a globule, viz., “Newton’s
rings;” this shows that in the contact surfaces of one of the pair of
lenses, the convex is deeper than the concave, and bears hard in the
middle. This may have no worse effect than loss of light; but still it is
as well avoided.
39s. On the Quality of the Glass employed in the Construction of
object-glasses.—-Under this head I can offer but very little information,
for in common with all other workers in this direction, I have merely
made use of such various samples of glass as I have been able to pro-
cure. The whole secret of the ingredients used, their proportions and
chemical constitution, is in the hands of the makers; and though the
two or three of them who have paid attention to the manufacture have
doubtless well studied the particular application of both the flint and
the crown for the construction of microscope lenses, yet the best that
we can procure falls far short of the requirements of the case for the
very highest powers. - -
It is usual to denote the quality of flint-glass by its density, but
this in reality forms no accurate criterion of its dispersive power.
Formerly, under this impression, I procured a quantity of dense flint,
made by Chance, of Birmingham—very hard, white, and free from
ability to tarnish, and to all appearances as good a quality of glass as I
had seen. Its density was 3'867, but on trial I found it unfit for the
construction of the highest powers, as its dispersive power was lower
than the Swiss 3:686, or even the 3-630 that I had employed pre-
viously, while its reflection was much greater. Some ingredient had
been added which increased the refraction, and probably lessened the
dispersion ; and, of course, in a correcting concave, the latter quality
alone is needed, and the lower the refraction the better.
The crown and flint employed in the one-eighth described at the
commencement of this essay, of the respective densities of 2:437 and
3.686, had a relative dispersive power of II to 25 ; this having been very
accurately determined by two prisms, whose angles were in this propor-
tion, and which when superposed were perfectly achromatic. Faraday
made some dense flint having a specific gravity as high as 6'4, but we
have no information relating to its refractive and dispersive power.
We are thus somewhat ignorant of the material elements of con-
‘struction employed in the microscope object-glass; and it would be very
desirable that a series of experiments should be made, with various
combinations of all the known materials that can be used in glass-
making, and the resulting compounds worked into equilateral prisms,
and their refractive and dispersive powers tabulated, with the component
ingredients. A few years back this investigation would have been a very
troublesome and expensive one, by reason of the interference of the
Excise laws, and the necessity of employing a regular glass furnace, to
Operate on large quantities at once, in order to lessen the effects of
impurities. But now, by means of the recently-invented gas furnaces,
the greatest possible heat may be commanded, under perfect control,
and thus enable the operator to combine materials in very small quanti-
ties without the intrusion of impurities from the fuel and furnace-lining,
or crucible, which may be of platinum. The results of the investiga-
tion would unquestionably be valuable, and we might possibly be able
to discover compounds which would neutralise the secondary spectrum.
The late Thomas Cooke has repeatedly stated that if, while viewing a
difficult double star through a telescope, some one was to sweep away
the secondary spectrum, he would scarcely be able to discover any im-
provement, either in light or definition. But I am of opinion that the
case is different with a microscope object-glass, wherein, with the highest
powers, every trifling error is so enormously magnified, and in resolving
the most difficult tests the effects of irrationality are at times very
3.99. Brass Cells for object-glasses.—For the brass setting of object-
glasses, it is necessary that the worker should possess a good foot-lathe;
if provided with a self-acting arrangement for chasing up the short
screwed parts of the cells, this will insure greater accuracy of workman-
ship. The setting or metal work of an object-glass must always be
made before the lenses are commenced ; three steel gauges are to be
first formed, of a width exactly corresponding to the diameter of the
intended lenses; this gauge I make out of a piece of sheet steel, with
three arms of the three diameters required. A chuck should be fitted
to the lathe, and cut out to the standard thread now generally adopted
for object-glasses; into this the brass setting is fitted, and each cell
screwed on, and turned out in succession to the proper size. I leave
no shoulders at the back of the cells, but bore them clear through.
Triblet tubing is not sufficiently accurate for the outer shell of the
highest powers; it is better, therefore, to make this of one casting, and
bore it out of the solid, from its own chuck, and finish to the size with
a fluted rimer. I have always made the inner tube, containing the back
lenses, to traverse to and fro, in preference to the front lens, as the
object is not thereby lost sight of during the adjustment, which is per-
formed in one-third of a revolution of the outer ring, which has an in-
clined groove cut in it, acting on a screwed pin connected with the
inner tube. This plan is more simple in construction, and less liable to
derangement than the One commonly employed.
400. On Reducing and Dividing Masses of Glass for Optical
Purposes.—For this, the lapidary slicer and diamond dust are generally
employed. Discs of glass are split into slices by the working lapidaries
at such a trifling cost, that it is scarcely worth while for the amateur to
attempt it. Should, however, a small and rare sample be immediately
required for experiment, it may be readily sliced with a circular disc of
Soft iron, running in the foot-lathe, and fed with flour emery and water;
the edge of the slicer must be frequently notched with the sharp angle
of an old file. The sample of glass or mineral is cemented to the end
of a staff, and held preferably in the slide-rest. If the screw of the rest
is taken out and the slide made slack, the work can be thrust up to the
slicer with the pressure of the fingers, and there is less risk of fracture
from undue violence. The sliced glass is cut into squares, a little
exceeding the diameter of the intended lenses, by means of a glazier's
diamond, and the corners rounded off with a pair of optician’s “shanks”
or nibblers, which are a species of pliers, made, in preference, of soft
iron, as this grips the glass without slipping, as hard steel would do.
This instrument, of a larger size, is capable of removing slivers of glass
from the edges of a plate upwards of one inch in thickness.
All glass is much softer than hardened steel; but if this is set to cut
in a dry state, the heat generated at the working or abrading point softens
the cutting edge, and speedily destroys its action ; but if some turpen-
time is applied, this quite prevents the softening of the too). In the
lathe, or with a common Archimedean drill, holes may be drilled through
thick plate-glass with surprising rapidity, if kept well bathed in turpen-
tine. Masses of glass may also be turned in the lathe with a steel tool,
if plentifully supplied with turps, and run at a moderate speed.
The first experimental parabolic condensers were made from plate-
glass I }% inches thick; pieces of this nibbled rudely to form, were
cemented on to a chuck. The T-rest was next placed nearly on a
level with the top of the work, and an old triangular saw-file, kept sharp
07: one side only by repeated applications to the grindstone, was then
held on the rest, so as to attack the revolving glass slantways, or spoke-
shave fashion, with plenty of turpentine. By these means the glass was
quickly reduced to form, so as to fit the template; and the ridges left by
the file were swept away by means of Small leaden laps, fed with emery
and water of increasing fineness. The polish was obtained by a rubber
of willow-wood, ćut crossways of the grain, used with crocus (peroxide
of iron) and water, and at last a lump of beeswax with very fine crocus
was employed for the final polish.
For working small concave lenses, as nearly as possible to their final
form, a great deal of accurate and skilful turning is required. For this
delicate work steel tools are quite unsuited, and diamond points are
invariably used. The common practice of mounting these has been to
Solder them with brass and borax, by means of the blowpipe, into the
end of a steel tube about the size of a watch-key, leaving a hole behind
to prevent the diamond from being blown out during the fusion ; but I
have never found this method secure for small splinters. The brass has
really no affinity for the diamond, but rather tends to avoid it; and this
is frequently only held in by the glaze or flux. The loss of several
diamonds induced me to abandon this practice, and since adopting the
following mode I have never lost one.
I take a piece of copper wire, about 1-12th of an inch thick,
and drill a shallow hole in the end, of the size and depth required to
contain the diamond, fig. 7. A piece of steel, turned out with a bell-
Fig 7. Fig S Fig 9.
mouth, and hardened, is shown in fig. 8. This is spun rapidly in the
lathe, a drop of oil is applied, and the end of the copper rod containing
the diamond is pressed hard in, at the same time giving it a slight
rolling motion. Speedily the copper is compressed tightly round the
diamond, as in fig. 9, which becomes very firmly imbedded in the soft
metal; and if the operation is carried too far, the copper rises over
the point and completely buries the splinter.
By mutual abrasion, the diamonds rapidly grind each other away,
and two, mounted in wires in this way, may be kept mutually to a
sharp point, by chucking one in the lathe and using another as a
turning tool. In employing these diamonds for turning glass, no
particular directions are needed ; they seem to cut rather better if the
work is kept slightly moist.
The most convenient way, for the amateur, of reducing the Substance,
or giving the rough rounded form to small lenses, is a large plate of zinc
and coarse emery and water; iron is too hard, lead too soft, and copper
401. Of the Powders employed for Grinding and Polishing Glass.-
For lenses, emery is almost invariably employed for rough grinding and
smoothing. For the latter operation it must be washed to various

degrees of fineness, as it is seldom sold in this state; the sizes in com-
merce are merely sifted. Emery differs much in hardness and quality,
according to the locality from which the ore is obtained. If it is full of
small reddish particles, of a dull slaty appearance, it is soft, and defi-
cient in the grinding property. The Guernsey emery is of this character,
and very inferior to the Naxos, the particles of which have a steely
appearance of uniform colour; but this latter is difficult to obtain, as it
is monopolised by some of the large plate-glass manufacturers. Three
or four sizes are sufficient for the glass worker for roughing down and
fine grinding; but for smoothing, washed emery of several degrees of
fineness are required. A portion of the flour of emery of commerce is
placed in a bowl, or a common wash-hand basin, and well stirred up.
At the end of ten seconds the water is poured into another bowl; this is
repeated several times, till no more can be withheld from the original
quantity. This washed quantity is again separated into several other
degrees of fineness, as at the end of one minute, five, twenty, and sixty
minutes; but, after one hour, a very small quantity is obtained from one
pound of the flour of commerce. This being of value for the perfection
of the final smoothing, or obtaining a semi-polish on the metal lap or
mould itself, I have preferred procuring it from the “optician's mud,”
or refuse of the previous grinding operations. Taken in an unprepared
state, this contains a large percentage of impurities, consisting of ground
glass and metal particles from the laps; it is, therefore, necessary to
remove them. The first by boiling the mud with caustic potash, and
after washing away all trace of the alkali, finally treating with dilute
sulphuric acid. The finest portion only of one hour's suspension may
then be separated and in a satisfactory quantity.
The polishing powders used by the workers of minute lenses, are
putty-powder, or oxide of tin, and crocus, or peroxide of iron. The
first may be obtained sufficiently good without any difficulty; but after
many trials, both by roasting the alkaline precipitate from Sulphate of
iron, and also carefully washing the crocus of commerce, I have given
the preference to jeweller's rouge, sold by Acton, of Farringdon Street.
In this form it is far too soft for glass polishing; it must, therefore,
be heated in an iron pot, and diligently stirred till the mass acquires a
purple colour; it is then of the requisite degree of hardness. Both this
and the putty-powder must be washed, to separate gritty particles; about
five minutes will be sufficient. After obtaining all that can be suspended
in this time, the residue may be levigated on an iron plate, with a soft .
iron spatula, and the washing continued at pleasure; but the result of
all the washings is sure to contain some gritty particles, which must be
separated by repeated washings till nothing whatever will settle at the
end of five minutes. Two sizes of crocus only are needed ; the last
is obtained from the washed mass after one hour's suspension, and is
very small in quantity but of much value for obtaining the finest polish
on prism work, either in glass or calc spar. The ordinary washed
Crocus, used alone, I have found too keen, and apt to cling to and raise
streaks on the polishing laps; I, therefore, always mix it with an equal
part of the putty-powder, which quite remedies the evil; an uniform
mixture is best obtained by stirring them together with water.
402. On the Production of Flat surfaces in Glass.-The most
important tools required for the work are three circular cast-iron laps,
about 6 inches in diameter, having a screwed boss at the back, similar
to the face-chuck of a lathe. These must be first turned flat on their
faces, and then scraped to a true surface, either from a standard plano-
meter, as practised by engineers, or else the three may be scraped
together till no error can be detected by their interchange. It would,
perhaps, be out of place to give the details of this operation, which
is described in most elementary works on mechanism. These planes, as
left by the scraper, are not sufficiently smooth for the purpose required ;
they must, therefore, be ground together. One of the plates is screwed
down on a stud fixed in the bench or vice, and a wooden knob is fixed
into the other to serve as a handle; they are then rubbed together with
fine emery and water, frequently interchanging the plates. It is a very
difficult matter to bring these plates to an exact plane by grinding alone,
and to keep them so during their continued employment. The test of
their truth is, that after they are all wiped clean and dry and rubbed
together, the three should present a mottled appearance, uniformly
Covering the whole of their surfaces. One cause of error is a natural
tendency of the grinding-powder to collect unequally between them.
This may be somewhat corrected by frequently wiping it away from the
places known to be hollow ; and the grinding together should be
performed with as little powder as possible at a time, and the strokes so
managed as to abrade the high parts only. Practical experience is the
best guide for this ; and a clever workman will soon learn in what way
and direction to work his blocks of glass, &c., on the laps, with very little
injury to their plane figure, or even for the purpose of correcting it. In
consideration of the extreme accuracy required in the prisms for spectro-
scope and other purposes, no pains should be spared in maintaining the
perfection of these laps.
If a number of discs of glass intended for small lenses are required
to be ground and polished to a flat plane, they must be cemented to a
“block;” this is frequently merely a piece of wood turned with a
convenient knob at the back for handling; others use a metal plate.
Wood is handy for its lightness, but it is liable to warp during the
polishing operation, and so shift the discs; to obviate this, I Screw a flat
piece of slate to the face of the wooden block, with a few common
wood screws. -
The cement used for the glasses is either pitch hardened with some
shellac, or common black sealing-wax. For a small series of discs,
a block of about 2 inches in diameter will be found most manageable.
The pieces of glass cemented on this are arranged symmetrically, leaving
as little interval between them as possible. They are now roughed down
on the zinc plate till they are all brought to one level; they are then
washed with a nail-brush and well rinsed, and fine-ground on one of the
laps, and next smoothed on a circular piece of cast-iron, but little
exceeding the diameter of the block of discs. This smaller lap must be
carefully ground to a true plane on the larger ones. A little of the
finest washed emery and water is spread over this lap with a feather, and
the glasses worked upon it in every direction, holding the lap in One
hand and the block in the other, and occasionally turning both ; this is
continued till the emery begins to get dry, the glasses are then washed
and wiped dry, and the smoothing proceeded with ; but no more water
must be applied to the lap. This is now moistened by simply breathing
on it. In a few minutes the lap will again become dry; remove the block,
and wipe all the emery away about 3%ths of an inch from round the
circumference of the lap ; breathe on it again; continue the Smoothing,
and also wipe the emery away from the outside till, finally, scarcely any
is left, and the glass is nearly finished on the metal itself. If this opera-
tion is properly conducted, the glass will have a transparent surface free
from scratches and greys, and so near a polish that a few minutes only
on the polishing lap will be required. But one rule must be strictly
adhered to, viz., never to polish a glass surface with any scratches in
it. It is worth while to spend any amount of time in Smoothing rather
than do this, and the operation must be repeated again and again, till no
scratch whatever can be discovered. It is quite evident that to obliterate
a scratch by polishing, the whole surface must be worked away till the
bottom of it is reached. This makes the operation long and very
tedious, and is almost certain to injure the perfectly flat plane which
has been obtained by careful smoothing.
It is a difficult and hazardous task to polish glass on hard metal, as
the surface is very liable to tear up. Consequently, the usual system is
to employ a soft and partly-yielding material, in which the particles of
polishing powder may be imbedded. For facing the lap, I employ
beeswax hardened with resin, and stir some finely-washed Ochre into the
melted mixture. The lap itself is simply a brass plate, about 3 inches in
diameter, which screws on to the lathe mandril; Some of the above
material is poured on to this, and spread over a layer of about I-16th of
an inch thick. When cold, it is turned off flat, and, to make it per-
fectly true, the whole face is scraped off at once with a hardened steel-
cutting straight-edge. An old parallel cotter file will answer the purpose,
ground from both sides like a blunt knife, and finally corrected on One
of the cast-iron laps with emery. A series of shallow grooves, about an
eighth of an inch asunder, are now turned in the wax, and some cross
scratches made radiating from the centre, from which a piece should be
taken out. The polishing powder, consisting of a mixture of crocus and
putty-powder, before described, should be mixed in a small gallipot with
plenty of water, and applied to the lap with a feather. The lathe is now
run at a pretty-quick Speed, and the block of glasses worked over it
in every direction with considerable pressure. If the smoothing has
been properly done, as directed, a few minutes will suffice to give the
requisite polish, which is seen to take place equally all over the glasses;
but if any scratches should develop themselves, it is better to repeat the
smoothing than attempt to polish them out. This same method is
employed if the glass were one continuous plane instead of numerous
pieces. -
For minute prism work, where the size is required to be only just
sufficient to transmit or reflect the pencils from a microscope object-
glass, and the surface has to be perfectly up to a sharp edge, somewhat
different practice must be adopted; for however carefully the smoothing
or polishing may be performed, a rounding of the extreme edge always
occurs. To obviate this, the edges must be guarded, as in the following
examples:—A (fig. Io) is a prism to be worked to a very acute angle.
Fig. 10.
l'ig. l l
A piece of glass (fig. Io), large enough for the purpose, having one side
polished, is cemented with Canada balsam to a parallel plate of glass
(B); they are then ground off together to the required angle and
polished; the marginal error will be taken up by the lower end of

the under plate. It would be impossible to make an acute wedge of
this figure in any other way, and when separated it will be found to have
a knife-edge perfect in the extreme.
Another example may be described from my practice in making the
first prisms for the binocular microscope. A (fig. I 1) is an end view of
the intended prism ; this is supposed to have been a block of glass
of larger size, with one polished surface cemented with Canada balsam
on to the guard-plate (B); the front and back reflecting surfaces are
then smoothed and polished; these are then covered with guard-plates,
and the top emergent surface of the prism ground off and polished to the
dotted line (C,C). It will thus be seen that every corner of the prism
is protected during the working, and is kept absolutely perfect to the
edge. The prisms were made sufficiently long to be cross-cut into three
or four. The smoothing was performed in accordance with the fore-
going directions, but the polishing lap was required to be much smaller.
The one I employed was only I }% inches in diameter. If a large lap is
used, the polish is apt to commence on the margins of the glass; and if
this is the case, a true reflecting figure will never be obtained. The
polish should begin in the centre and spread to the outside. The
proper angles for these prisms were set off by a graduated steel sector,
and, as the measurements have to be taken from the back of the guard-
plates, it is necessary that these should be exactly parallel ; if not so.
they must be ground on the surface-laps till all the edges gauge alike.
I may here remark that I am merely recording what has been my
own self-acquired practice, and which is perhaps neither the most
expeditious nor easy. My best apology must be, that I have always
secured perfectly accurate results by these methods, and when a few
only are required, I must confess that I do not see a better way. But
the great demand that has arisen for binocular prisms has induced the
makers to discover a plan of working them in blocks, a number at
a time, the particulars of which I do not pretend to explain.
Some very excellent prism work is produced on the Continent, and
as the mode of polishing is peculiar, it may be worth while to record it.
Chevalier and Co., of Paris, through Messrs. Beck, politely sent me an
explanation of the process, together with a sample of all the grinding
and polishing materials used in their business. After the surface of the
prism is smoothed, a piece of very thin, Smooth paper (much resembling
photographic negative-paper) is cemented by its extreme ends with
a little gum or dextrine to the metal lap; a lump of yellow tripoli
(labelled “Tripoli de Venise”) is then rubbed dry over the paper, and
the prism, also dry, polished thereon by hand movement; generally not
more than two or three applications of the powder are required. I have
tried this method with the identical paper and polishing material, but
must state that, in my hands, the result has not been Satisfactory for
accuracy, at least in very small prisms; for larger ones it may answer
better. f
403. On the Production of Spherical Surfaces in Glass.-As the
radii required in the construction of microscopic object-glasses are
seldom very long, the templates for all sizes above I-5th of an inch in
diameter are usually made of steel, such as thin saw, spring, or busk-
steel, not softened, but turned hard, as obtained. A hole is punched
through the middle of a square plate with a centre punch, the whole is
then rounded out with a taper rimer. The piece of steel is next broken
round as near as possible to the size of the circle required, by clamping
it in the vice and driving off the surplus metal round the edge with a
chisel held close to the jaws. This steel plate is driven on to a mandril
so as to turn true without any wabble. The lathe is run at a low speed,
and the T-rest placed rather high near the top of the work, which is
turned true with the common Square graver held over-hand. The
chamfered edge of the templates may form an angle of 90°. Every
convex template should have its counterpart or concave; the steel plate
to form this is clamped flat on to a face-chuck by a ring with two oppo-
site screws tapped into the plate. The inner circle is turned out with
a side tool, consisting of an old Saw-file ground to a point on the three
faces. The turning is continued till the disc or gauge just drops
through ; the inner edge is then chamfered from both sides.
Gauges below I-5th of an inch in diameter are made from steel wire
turned to the form shown in fig. 15, p. 451. The disc end is hardened
by heating it with the lamp and blowpipe, and quenching it in oil, and the
counter-gauges are most easily formed by a counter-sink rose-bit run in
the lathe. The plate of steel is chamfered out alternately from opposite
sides, by forcing it up on the Socket of the back centre, till the disc
will pass through ; the hollow templates are, of course, cut in half before
they can be used.
An instrument for measuring the diameter of the discs, &c., is in-
dispensable. It consists of a pair of sliding steel jaws, with a vernier
and nonius capable of being read off to thousandths of an inch, and is
sold by the watch tool makers.
The moulds for grinding minute lenses are always of brass; they
are also used in pairs. The Concave is turned out to gauge, and the
convex to the counter-gauge. For small radii the hard gauges are
finally used for the last correction, as a turning, or rather scraping tool,
and finished by grinding the two moulds together with the finest emery.
There is some difference in practice between the grinding of lenses
for long and short radii. In the former, as for telescopes, the glasses
are fixed, or have but a very slow rotary movement, and the concave
tool is worked over them, either several at a time in blocks, or else, if
a shallow curve is required, only on One single disc ; this is placed in
the centre, and a number of smaller pieces of glass planted round the
circumference to support the figure, the whole being ground as one.
But in the lenses to which this paper particularly refers, the concave
tool is invariably caused to revolve rapidly, and the convex lens
worked into it. For the longest radii and lowest powers the ordinary
foot-lathe is suitable, but this is not so well adapted for grinding and
polishing very minute lenses. A bow lathe, such as used by watch-
makers for heading their screws and other purposes, is far preferable.
This tool is represented half size in fig. 12, p. 451, and scarcely needs ex-
planation ; it has a hollow screwed mandril and T-rest, and is held in
the vice by the tongue at the bottom. The pulley has three speeds, the
smallest of which is 3%in. in diameter; it should also have a socket for
carrying a fixed magnifier, under which the minutest lenses are turned.
The best bow is an old fencing-foil ground down so as to be very thin
and light. Catgut does not answer well for the string, as it soon gets
frayed out over the small pulley. I have found the best packing-twine
preferable. During work this is kept slightly moist, and rubbed with a
piece of soap ; in this way a length of it will outlast a day's work, espe-
cially if a little more twisted before it is attached to the wire hook at
the top of the bow. A surplus stock of string may be wound about the
guard, just above the handle, so that it can be drawn out as required.
The same rules for guarding the extreme edges of lenses should be
observed, as described in prism-work, shown by the following examples.
Fig. 13 a, represents a plano-convex lens which has been made and finished
upon a flat disc of glass, to which it has been attached with hard Canada
balsam. The two discs are cemented to the stick with black sealing-
wax; the lens and supporting disc are rough ground on the zinc plate
till they nearly fit the concave gauge; they are then ground in the brass
mould till the lens measures very nearly the diameter required, leaving
a small allowance for Smoothing and polishing.
For double convex lenses, the disc of glass, cemented on a stick as
usual, is first ground and polished on one side. A piece of glass tube
of suitable size is selected for a handle, and the end of the bore ground
out to a similar radius; the polished side of the unfinished lens is then
cemented into this concavity, and the lens and tube ground and polished
off together, as shown by fig. I3 b, taking the same precautions as before
to work the lens up to the exact diameter required. The end lines
show the rough disc as cemented down. By this method all the mar-
ginal errors are taken up by the glass tube-holder, of which an assort-
ment of various sizes will be required, from a minute bugle up to half
an inch in diameter. Before using the holders again for other lenses,
the end must be ground out on each occasion, so as to increase the
diameter of the cup. The lens, when taken out by being warmed, will
have a knife-edge perfect,in the extreme.
In minute lenses, some difficulty will be experienced in obtaining
the measurements by means of gauge instruments, when near the right
diameter. I therefore, for small sizes, always use the microscope with
micrometer eye-piece, having previously taken the exact size from the
diameter of the cell in which the lens is to go. This is very accurate
and convenient. After the finished lens is taken out of the holder, if it
should be found too large to enter the cell, it may be slightly cemented
to the end of a wire, and twisted into a piece of the finest emery paper,
held in a hollow form, and the keen edge is taken off till it passes
The single fronts for the highest powers, from their form, do not
admit of being ground in this way. A piece of brass or steel is screwed
into the mandril, and the end turned of a size to enter the cell into
which the lens is to go ; the end is turned flat, or rather slightly hollow,
and the centre taken out. A piece of crown-glass is cemented by its
polished side to the flat end, with the best orange shellac, and turned
with the diamond point till it nearly enters the cell. The last finish
may be given by fine emery paper wrapped round a flat piece of hard
wood. The extreme end of the glass is then turned off flat, till it equals
the thickness of the intended lens, from the apex to the flat, as measured
by the jaws of the gauge; the lens is next turned off by the diamond to
the curve required, as shown in fig. 14; and, finally, the chuck is re-
moved, and the lens ground and polished in the mould as usual. In
all cases of cementing lenses on to chucks in this way, care must be
taken that they are well pressed down, so that the layer of cement may
be of the same thinness all round, otherwise the lens will be tilted and
out of centering from unequal thickness. When taken off, the lac may
be cleaned off with alcohol.
A similar mode of chucking is employed for a plano-concave lens.
The polished flat side of the flint-glass is cemented to the chuck, made
just to enter the cell; but in order to appreciate the thickness in the
centre, the circumference of the disc, after it is turned to fit the cell, is
polished with a piece of hard wood and Crocus. The concavity is then
turned out a trifle deeper than the radius of the circular gauge, till a
mere line of light only is observable by looking through the polished
edges. The chuck is then removed from the mandril, and the lens
thereon ground and finished on the convex tools,
For a double concave lens, such as is used for a triple back, the end
of the chuck, instead of being flat, must be convex, to match the radius
of the concave surface of the disc of glass that it is to receive, this
having been previously ground out and polished independently in the
usual way of cementing it on to a stick; but as the curves are shallow,
it is best not to turn the disc down to the intended size at once, but
leave it much larger than the cell or chuck (fig. 16), and after it is
2 G
polished as before directed, the chuck is again screwed into the mandril,
and the lens turned down so as to fit the cell; this is done in order to
avoid the marginal errors which would arise from working a shallow
curve of small diameter.
The same precautions have to be observed in smoothing lenses as
directed for prism-work; the finest emery is used, and the requisite
moisture applied as required by breathing on the lens, taking care that
the accumulation of powder is removed from time to time from where
the centre of the mould has been dug out, otherwise this may contain
some coarser particles that may cause Scratches. -
As before remarked, the moulds are made in pairs ; the convex and
concave are turned to their respective gauges, and then ground to-
gether. The diameter of the mould should always rather exceed that
of the lens intended to be ground; and the centre, or “pip,” is taken
out; unless this is done, a prominence is left at this spot, which injures
the work. During the smoothing, the two moulds should occasionally
be worked together, as this greatly tends to insure the accuracy of figure
of the lens; and after this is completely smoothed, the moulds should
again be matched, so as to leave them with a polished surface, for a
reason to be hereafter explained.
Having got our lens perfectly smoothed and figured, the next opera-
tion is the polishing. It is almost impracticable to perform this in the
hard mould, and therefore various substances are employed of a less
degree of hardness, in which the coarser particles of polishing powder
may become imbedded. I. For the larger sized lenses in microscope
work, beeswax, hardened with some resin and finely-washed ochre, is
very suitable, but for medium sizes this is too soft and yielding. 2. A
mixture of shellac and washed putty-powder is therefore employed, which
is very enduring. These are melted together and stirred diligently; the
shellac is added until the whole arrives at the consistence of thick
paste; and as the lac is apt to burn, to prevent this a lump of beeswax
should be thrown into the mass. This does not actually mix with the
other ingredients, but lessens the risk of spoiling the composition by
overheating; when cool enough the mass may be rolled into sticks
between two greased boards. -
For the very smallest lenses, such as the fronts of a 1-25th and a
1.5oth, the last composition is still too soft and fragile to maintain a
true figure. The polishing mould is therefore, for these, made in the end
of a rod of pure tin, which is cut out into a nearly hemispherical cup by
the appropriate steel gauge; the “pip” is removed with a needle-point.
The wax-polishing bed is turned out to the required radius, and
finished by scraping with the steel gauge ; but as the material is some-
what yielding, the lens soon plays to the mould and keeps its figure
during the polishing.
The second composition is very hard and brittle, and does not yield
at all, and as the body is composed of the hard oxide of tin, this would
speedily injure the gauges if used as cutting tools. The method that I
have adopted for forming the polishing moulds from this substance is as
follows:—A lump of the material is fastened by heat into a ferrule, or
hollow cup, running in the lathe; the end is then turned either convex
or concave, and of a diameter suitable for the lens to be polished ; the
convex or concave mould, as required (which has been worked off at
last near to a polish, as before explained), is then screwed on to a
Handle, and held in a flame till, when touched with the moistened
Fig. 12.
| "
| º
|ift; t
|## |\ \
#:... º.º. 2% \NS
Hill Tºl |
finger, it hisses smartly; a morsel of tallow is then put on the rough-
turned composition to prevent adhesion, and the hot mould worked and
rotated over it in every direction till cold ; when removed the polisher
will have taken the exact form of the heated mould, and have acquired
a fine polish. For either convex or concave lenses the “pip” is taken
out as usual, and it is advisable to make a few concentric scratches in
the polisher if of large diameter.
As the mixture of crocus and putty-powder, recommended for polish-
ing, is apt to cling in these moulds if applied at once, I first use the
putty-powder alone; this cleans the hard polish off the face, and the
operation may then be continued with the mixture.

2 G 2
One great advantage of this composition for a polishing mould is the
decided way in which it maintains a true figure; for, unlike any other
of the kind, it undergoes a very slight degree of wear, so that the face
is always kept clean ; and any number of lenses of similar form and
radius may be polished in the same tool without having to alter or mend
the figure, and perfect accuracy is the result. The composition is now
generally known, but Mr. James Smith is the original discoverer of it.
For the last degree of polish I sometimes rub a thin layer of pure soft
beeswax in the mould, and smooth it down to form with the now
finished lens; then a small quantity of the very finest washed crocus is
applied and the lens worked therein for about one minute. The extra
brilliancy of surface obtained in this way is quite appreciable and well
worth the pains bestowed, as the operation is not continued long enough
to run the risk of injuring the figure.
I have now only to give some directions for cementing the lenses
together. The surfaces having been carefully cleaned, the two lenses
are laid on a hot plate; a drop of Canada balsam is placed in the
concave, the group of bubbles thrown up by the heat removed by a brass
point; with this the convex lens (which is equally hot with the other) is
lowered slantways into the balsam So as to avoid bubbles, and the two
lenses are pressed together; they are now lifted off the plate with a pair
of curved forceps held nearly horizontally, and shifted one-quarter
round, and then dropped down again. This is repeated a number of
times, and the two lenses being exactly of the same diameter, this
operation must set them concentric as a matter of course. If the lens
is a triple, the opposite surface of the concave must be cleaned and the
balsam removed with strong alcohol (turpentine must not be used as it
percolates the balsam too easily, and is apt to cause bubbles to appear
at the edges), and the same operation repeated as on the other side.
When the lens is cleaned with alcohol, and examined edgeways with a
magnifier, the three lenses will appear quite concentric, and should just
pass into the cell without requiring any force; and if the workmanship
has been correct—viz., all the cells turned true from one chucking, and
the concaves of equal thickness and concentric with their respective
convex lenses, no errors of Centering can occur. The usual way of
correcting this is by tilting the lenses in the cells, in which they are
cemented with Canada balsam ; but at the best this is only to some
extent substituting one error for another.
404. New Formula for a Microscope Object-Glass by Mr. Wenham.
—A pencil of rays exceeding an angle of 40° from a luminous point can-
not be secured with less than three superposed lenses of increasing focus
and diameter, by the use of which combination rays beyond this angle are
transmitted, with successive refractions in their course, towards the pos-
terior conjugate focus. Until quite recently, each of these separate lenses
has been partly achromatised by its own concave lens of flint-glass, the
surface in contact with the crown-glass being of the same radius, united
with Canada balsam ; the front lens has been made a triple, the middle
a double, and the back again a triple achromatic. This combination
therefore consists of eight lenses, and the rays in their passage are
Subject to errors arising from sixteen surfaces of glass.
In the new form there are but ten surfaces, and one concave lens
of dense flint is used for correcting four convex lenses of crown-glass.
As this might at first sight be considered inconsistent with theory, a
brief retrospect of the early improvements of the microscope object-
glass will help to define the conditions. The knowledge of its con-
struction has been entirely in the hands of working opticians; and the
information published on the subject being scanty, this has probably
prevented the scientific analyst from giving that aid which might have
been expected.
Previous to the year 1829 a few microscopic object-glasses were
made, composed of three superposed achromatic lenses; but this com-
loination appears to have been used merely with the intention of gaining
an increase of power, in ignorance of any principle, and without even a
knowledge of the value of angular aperture. -
At this time the late J. J. Lister tried a number of experiments, and
discovered the law of the aplanatic focus, and proved that, by separating
lenses suitably corrected, there were one or two positions in which the
spherical aberration was balanced. This was explained in a paper
read before the Royal Society in 1829. In the year 1831 Mr. Ross
was employed to construct the first achromatic object-glass in ac-
cordance with this principle, which performed “with a degree of
success never anticipated.”
Mr. Ross then discovered that, after he had adjusted the interval of
his lenses for the aplanatic focus, that position would no longer be
correct if a plate of thin glass was placed above the object; this focus
had then to be sought in a different plane, and the lenses brought
closer together, in order to neutralise the negative aberration caused by
covering-glass of various thickness. From this period the “adjustment”
with which all our best object-glasses are now provided became
established. Fig. 17 is the form of object-glass used at this time, con-
sisting of three plano-concave achromatics, whose foci were nearly in
the proportion of 1, 2, 3.
No greater angle than 60° could be obtained with this system in an
% objective (the highest power then made) for reasons apparent in the
diagram. The excessive depth of curvature of the contact-surfaces of
the front pair is unfavourable for the passage of the marginal rays; the
softness of the flint-glass forming the first plane was also objectionable.
In the year 1837 Mr. Lister gave Mr. Ross a diagram for an improved
“eighth,” having a triple front lens in the form shown in fig. 18. By
this the passage of extreme rays was facilitated; and in order to
Fig. 17. Fig, 19.
Fig. 18,
diminish the depth of curvature, a very dense glass was used, having a
specific gravity of 4.351. Faraday's glass, having a density of 6'4, had
been previously tried, but was abandoned on account of a difficulty in
Fig. 20.
Fig. 21.
working it. The polished surfaces of both these qualities of dense
glass speedily became tarnished by exposure to the air; and thus the

dense flint concave could only be employed in a triple combination,
that is, when cemented between two lenses of crown-glass: this form
of front was kept a trade secret, and was not published in any work
treating of the optics of the microscope. The front incident surface of
the flint of the middle pair was made concave in order to reduce the
depth of the contact; and for this reason only, as that surface has but
little influence in correcting the oblique pencils, or in producing flatness
of field, and may be a plane with an equally good or better result.
“Eighths" of this form with angles of 80° were made, and remained
unaltered till the year 1850, when larger apertures were called for, and
Mr. Lister introduced the triple back lens.
The necessity for this will be seen by the diagram in fig. 18, which
shows that the contact-surfaces of the back achromatic are too deep,
thus giving great thickness to the lens and limiting its diameter; dense
flint would have remedied this to some extent; but its liability to
tarnish rendered its use in a pair objectionable. The highest density at
this time known, quite free from this defect, was 3:686. By means of
the triple back, the final corrections were rendered less abrupt, a greater
portion of the marginal rays could be collected, and the aperture of an
“eighth " was at once brought up to 130° or more.
At this time the author (Mr. Wenham) had been making some
experiments in the construction of an object-glass in the form of fig. 18.
Mr. Lister having favoured his “eighth " with an examination, was good
enough to communicate his late improvement of the triple back. No
time was lost in giving this a trial, the result of which proved that
excessive negative aberration or over-correction could readily be com-
manded with lenses of shallow-contact curves. During these trials all
chromatic correction was obtained by alterations in the triple back;
for it was found that the colour-correction could not be controlled by
a change in the concave surface of the triple front, as the negative
power of the flint here appeared to be feeble, requiring a great difference
in radius to give a trifling result. For this reason the front concaves
were formed of very dense and highly dispersive flint; the cause of this
was analysed by a large diagram, with the passage of the rays projected
through the combination, starting from the longest conjugate focus at
the back. This proved that the rays from that focus passed through the
concave flint of the front nearly as a radius from its centre, or in such
a direction that its negative influence was almost neutralised. It is
well known that a lens may be achromatic for parallel rays, and under-
corrected for divergent ones. The utmost extent of this condition was
apparent in the object-glass under consideration.
This led the author to the idea of the single front lens of Crown-
glass, which gave a fine result at the first attempt, as the back combina-
tions to which it was applied happened to have a suitable excess of
negative or over-correction existing in the triple back alone, the middle
being neutral or nearly achromatic. Still there was a defect remaining
as positive spherical aberration; and this was afterwards cured by
giving additional thickness to the front lens, which is now recognised as
a most essential element of correction. In a “fifteenth,” for instance,
a difference of thickness of only 'ooz of an inch will determine the
quality between a good and indifferent glass. Fig. 20 represents a
front lens suitable for bringing the back rays to a focus. The dotted
lines indicate the effect of this difference, showing that with a lens of
less thickness the marginal rays fall within the central, producing positive
aberration as the result.
The single front introduced by the author (Mr. Wenham) is now used
by every maker: for several years he could not induce opticians to
change their system, though challenged by a series of high powers con-
structed on this formula for the purpose of proving its superiority.
Fig. 19 represents the curves of the first successful “eighth " on this
system, having an aperture of 130°, enlarged ten times. On tracing
the passage of the marginal rays through the combination, it will be
seen that, though the successive refractions are nearly equalised, the
contact-surfaces of the middle pair are somewhat deep, though no over-
correction existed or was needed here, for this would have required a
shorter radius still (the density of the flint in this was 3.686). If this
pair of lenses was not cemented with Canada balsam, total reflection
would take place near the circumference of the contact flint surface,
cutting off the marginal rays at a, and limiting the aperture. It might
be argued that practically this would be no disadvantage, as these sur-
faces are united with Canada balsam, whose refraction is higher than
the crown ; so that the rays in this case must proceed with very little
deviation. But incidences beyond the angle of total reflection may be
considered detrimental, as they imply excessive depth of curvature; this
can be discovered by looking through the front of an object-glass held
close to the eye, any air-films in the balsam near the edge of the lens
appearing as opaque black spots.
At the commencement of the year 1873, the author caused a few
object-glasses to be made, with a middle of the form of fig. 21, the
performance of which was very satisfactory. In this the extreme rays
pass at more favourable incidences, and within the angle of total
reflection. The upper lens is of dense flint.
When the experiments on the single front were concluded, and the
remarkable corrective power of the triple back in conjunction therewith
had been proved, the next attempt was to make the middle also a single
lens, leaving the entire colour correction to be performed by the one
bi-concave flint in the back. After numerous trials it was found that
hough something like over-correction or negative aberration could be
obtained with the back, in the degree requisite for balancing the under-
correction of the single middle and front when set at the prescribed
distance of the aplanatic focus, yet by trial on the mercury globule all
the results invariably displayed two separated colour-rings; these could
not be combined by alteration in the radius of the lenses. By project-
ing the blue or red, or visible rays of greatest and least refrangibility
through the system, the cause became apparent. The left-hand section
of this object-glass is shown in fig. 22. The rays from the focus are
slightly divided by the first front surface. On emerging from the back
the separation is increased ; the red ray (r) is outwards, and the more
refrangible or blue ray () inwards. Next, the divergence of these two
rays is extended by the middle single lens. . The following crown lens
extends the angle of divergence so far that the flint lens of the back
triple cannot recombine them ; and they emerge at two distinct zones,
shown by the practical test of the “artificial star” or light-spot reflected
from a mercury globule, viewed within and without the focus.
It might be supposed that these rays at their final emergence can be
SO refracted as to project the blue outwards. A crossing-point would
then occur at a fixed conjugate focus in the body of the microscope, at
which all rays would be combined, and if this focus was adjusted to
that of the eyepiece, achromatism and final correction would be the
result. But to meet the various conditions occurring in the use of the
microscope, the conjugate focus constantly alters in position, this being
affected by every change of eyepiece, length of tube, or adjustment for
thickness of cover; therefore a correction for a fixed point cannot be
maintained. Achromatism in the microscope object-glass, like that of
other perfectly corrected optical combinations, must be the reunion of
the rays of the spectrum close to the final emergent surface of the
system. The remedy suggested by these experiments appeared to be
in a transposition, that is, in placing the over-corrected triple in the
middle of the entire object-glass; this would at once cause a con-
vergence of the blue and red rays. A single lens of longer focus
at the back would then bring these rays parallel at the point of final
By projection in a diagram, this condition was apparently realized.
The dispersive power of the flint (density 3.686) was taken by the
refractive index I '76 of line H in the blue ray of the spectrum, and I-70
of the line B in the red ray. The refraction of the corresponding rays
in the crown (density 2:44) was 1:53 H and I-51 B. With these indices
the rays are traced in fig. 22. The radii in the right-hand half section
are these of an “eighth' of the new form drawn about 15 times the
size of the original. The single front is of the usual form, as this is
much alike in all cases. The radius or focus of the single plano-convex
back is about four and a half times that of the front, and the focus of
the middle (triple) three times. The passage of the blue and red rays
at the extreme of the pencil is shown in contrast with the preceding,
the separation from the same front being alike.
Fig. 22.
The inner and Outer, or blue and red rays, after passing the first
surface of the triple middle, meet the concaves of the flint, which refract
the blue rays to a greater extent than the red, and cause them to con-
verge (instead of diverging, as in the opposing half diagram), so that at
their exit from the triple they meet and would cross, effecting what
is known as “over-correction;” but this is so balanced and readjusted
by the single back of crown-glass that the rays are finally united, and
emerge in a state of parallelism. This form of object-glass is suitable
for the high powers, or such as have a cover adjustment, viz., from the

“%-inch " upwards; perfect colour-correction is equally to be obtained
in all of them.
It may be asked by some who have devoted their attention to the
higher branches of optical mathematics, why the above result should
have been worked out entirely by diagrams. But it has been found such
a difficult task to calculate the passage of the two rays of greatest and
least refrangibility through a combination having sixteen surfaces of
glass of three different densities and refractions, that even first-class
mathematicians have hitherto shrunk from the attempt.
Diagrams, however, are surprisingly accurate in their capability of
indicating causes and results in the microscope and object-glass; for
these lenses are minute, with deep curves and abrupt refractions; so
that if the projection is worked out some fifty times the size of the
original, small errors can be detected. The work should be commenced
at the back from a long conjugate focus, which not being a constant
distance, may be taken as very near to parallelism. The high powers
all have the means of correction within this distance, and perform better
with a long posterior focus than with a very short one. The relative
indices for the two or more rays should be marked on a large pair of
proportional compasses, the long limb representing the sine of the
angle of incidence, and the short one that of refraction. Both the
sines ought to be set off in a diagram behind, and neither of them in
front of the ray in course of projection ; this leaves the way clear, with
the least confusion of lines.
At the same time a second or counterpart diagram should be at
hand, to which the rays only are transferred as soon as their direction is
ascertained ; with these precautions a mistake is scarcely possible.
Now it is hoped that some improvements may be effected by this
investigation, on account of the simplicity attained in the combination,
in which we have two single lenses of crown, whose foci bear a definite
proportion to each other; while all the corrections are performed by one
concave of dense flint, the acting condition of which is not altered by
the influence of any other concaves acting in the combination, and
hitherto taking a share of the duty. This one flint is now to be con-
sidered singly as the heart and centre of the system in reference to the
correction of the rays entering and leaving.
This memoir is of necessity incomplete, for want of definite in-
formation concerning the optical properties of various kinds of glass.
Nothing of importance has been published since Fraunhofer's Table,
containing the refractive indices for each of the seven primary colour-
lines of the spectrum for ten kinds of glass. Great advance has been
effected since that date in the manufacture of optical glass, a most
complete collection of which, of every variety, has been made by the
Messrs. Ross, up to the present date. Selected specimens from this will
be worked into prisms, and the relative spectra mapped out by the
Fraunhofer lines, leading, it is hoped, to the discovery of a combination
of Crown and flint glass which shall be free from secondary spectrum or
absolutely achromatic (“Proc. Royal Soc.,” No. 141, 1873).
405. Note on Mounting Lenses by Mr. Swift.—The tool best suited
for mounting the lenses in their cells is shown in the accompanying
engraving; this can be worked with a drill bow, or can be made to act
Fig. 23.
----- -
'Sriº ==A=
H ==\º illiº tºll =>
| | | ||
§§ {liſſ:
is lº
Lathe as arranged for working.
with the foot, in the way of an ordinary lathe, which is preferable, as it
leaves both hands at liberty for manipulating with the slide-rest carrying
the cutter. The slide-rest, as will be perceived by the engraving, is of a
very simple construction; the two milled-heads, marked AA, are for the
purpose of adjusting the cutter to the diameter of a cell required to
receive the lenses. These screws act in opposite directions upon a
dove-tail slide, moving at right angles to the mandril of the lathe. B is
a bar of metal, about 6 inches long,
upon which the cutter is fixed. This
bar is planed out /\ shape, and bears
upon two supports of similar form. By
this means a sliding motion is ob-
ºº: tained, in a direct line with the axis of
º ºf Ti the mandril, upon which the object-
cell is screwed. By moving the milled-
head screw in fig. 24, the point of which
bears against a stop, any depth of cut
The opposite side of the º of the lathe required for the combinations Callſ] be
ºn”** obtained. The bar B, fig. 23, when
in use, must be held firmly on its
fitting, and pushed along until the cut ceases by the point of the milled-
head screw coming in contact with the stop before mentioned. Thus,

the required depth of the cell can easily be obtained. It is best, before
proceeding to mount the combinations in their cells, to see that the
mount takes a good bearing against the chuck in which it is screwed.
If this precaution is not taken it often happens, after the objective is
nearly finished, that the lenses first mounted are found to run untrue,
owing to the main screw of the mount taking a fresh bearing by the
continued screwing and unscrewing it off and on the lathe. It will be
seen that a T-rest, D, is used in addition to the slide rest. This is
handy for making chucks for turning out the back of the cells, &c. A
rib is seen under the frame or base of the lathe by which it is held in
the vice. If worked by the foot, a wheel treadle can be easily fixed
underneath the board to which the vice is bolted.
The two following sections have been also furnished by Mr. Swift.
406. Formula for a Quarter-inch Objective of Eighty-Five Degrees
of Aperture, the Curves of which are given in Itadius.-I. Back triple
combination. Curve of back surface of crown lens, 525. Contact
surface, 225. Contact surface of lower crown lens, I'5oo. Incident
surface, '59. Working diameter of back crown, 3.25. Incident crown
working diameter, 34. These lenses must be worked up to a sharp
edge at the above diameters, for the purpose of getting the requisite
thickness of the lenses, which, in all optical combinations of this
description, is the only method by which it can be readily effected
without the necessity of dismounting the lens from the lathe or stick on
which it is ground, to gauge its thickness by means of a master-gauge.
The finished diameter of these lenses is 315. Thickness of edge of
flint at this diameter, o80. The middle combination of this objective
is composed of two lenses, a double convex crown of 225, of equal
Curves, and a plano-concave flint. These, as a matter of course, like the
back combination, are cemented together. The working diameter of
the crown lens is 27, when worked to a sharp edge, as before described,
the finished diameter being 26. Thickness of edge of flint, when
reduced to the finished diameter, must be 'o'70. The front glass is
a plano-convex crown lens of II 5 radius, which is worked to a half
sphere ; its diameter, therefore, being equal to double its radius. The
combinations of this objective, together with the front lens, are set in
their cells against shoulders, which renders the setting or centering of the
lenses, after a little practice, a very easy operation. The cell, carrying
the front lens for convenience of adjustment, is best screwed to a piece
of triplet-drawn tube, which can be made to fit over the cylindrical part
to which the back and middle cells are screwed. By this contrivance,
the proper point of adjustment on mercury can be readily obtained, by
shortening the plain end of the tube fitting until the diffraction rings
become equal on both sides of the focus of the objective. The curves
of this objective are computed to suit a density of flint 3'9646, crown
2:540. This flint and crown glass is made by Messrs. Chance, of
Birmingham, and can be obtained from their agents, Messrs. Claudet
and Houghton, High Holborn, or of Mr. Jackson, Glass Warehouse,
Oxford Street, who will supply it by order, in sheets of suitable thick-
ness, thus saving the necessity and expense of slitting.
407. Formula for One-inch Objective of Twenty-five Degrees of
Aperture, the curves of which are given in Itadius.-The posterior or
back of this objective is composed of a triple combination. The front or
anterior is a plano-convex crown lens and a meniscus flint. The Curve
of the back surface of the posterior crown lens is 76. The curve of
the next two surfaces is 525. Contact surface of incident crown 3'25.
Incident or outside surface, 2-5. The back surface of the posterior
crown should be worked 8-1 oths of an inch in diameter, to insure
accuracy of figure. Previous to grinding the contact surface of this lens,
the diameter must be reduced to 615, then worked to a sharp edge,
which will give the thickness required for this lens. The working
diameter of the incident plate is 9-1 oths. This, as a matter of course,
will be ground to a sharp edge, as before described, for the purpose of
getting the required thickness. The best method for an amateur
to adopt would be to work the lens on a hard pitch pallet one inch
or less in length. The lens is not so liable to tilt in working in the
tool as it would be if the ordinary length of stick employed for this
purpose were used. This method also applies to the shallow Sur-
face of the flint. Diameter of the posterior lenses when finished is
5-1 oths; thickness of edge of flint at this diameter will be I-I oth of an
inch. Back surface of anterior flint is 41. Next two, or contact
surfaces, 21. Working diameter of front crown, 4-1 oths. Finished
diameter 38. Thickness of anterior flint, at the finished diameter,
measuring from back surface to front edge, ‘I 25. Separation between
the lenses is 7-1 oths. Density of flint, 3-64. Density of Crown, 2'54o.
All who desire to become practically familiar with the use of the
microscope, and to learn how to observe, are strongly recommended to
submit to the routine which a conscientious performance of the experi-
ments given in the following Tables necessarily involves. The author
is fully persuaded that the patient prosecution of the course recom-
mended will enable the student to obtain a practical acquaintance with
the elements of microscopical enquiry, which it would not be possible
for him to acquire so readily by reading, or indeed by any other plan.
Each table will require from two to three hours.
I. Arrange the microscope for examining objects by transmitted light.—
§ 34, p. 29, pl. XIII, fig. I, p. 22.
2. Examine the objects upon the slide” with the inch, and afterwards
with the quarter of an inch object-glass, using first the shallow, and
afterwards the deep eye-piece.—S$ 4, 5, 6, p. 7, pl. I, figs. 3, 4, 7.
3. Arrange the mirror in such a manner that the rays of light may pass
through the object in a direct course or obliquely.—$ 10, p. 11,
pl. VI, fig. 6, p. I4.
4. Examine the same object under the quarter of an inch object-glass
with the achromatic condenser, and afterwards without the use of
this instrument.—$37, p. 30, pl. XV, fig. 2, p. 26.
5. Draw upon paper some of the objectst on the slide—$41, p. 31.
a. Judging of the size of the paper by the eye alone.
b. By placing the paper on a level with the stage.
c. By measuring with a pair of Compasses, p. 355.
d. With the aid of the neutral tint-glass reflector.—$44, pl. XVII,
fig. 4, p. 34.
6. Ascertain the diameter of the objects upon the slide; using the inch
object-glass and stage micrometer divided to Iooths of an inch, with
the aid of the neutral tint-glass reflector.—$44, p. 33, §§ 62, G4,
p. 43, pl. XVII, figs. 7, 8; pl. XV, fig. 4, p. 26.
7. What are the magnifying powers of the two French and English object-
glasses on the table Pll—$ 63, p. 44.
a. With the shallow eye-piece.
Å. With the deep eye-piece.
8. Measure the angles of the Crystals" upon the slide.—$ 266, p. 218;
pl. LVI, figs. 6, 7, 8, p. 218.
* Scales from the wing of a butterfly.
+ Tracheae from a caterpillar.
it Fragments of human hair.
| French quarter and one inch.-English quarter and one inch.
ºff Crystals of cholesterine.
9. Examine the objects upon the slide” and carefully note the different
appearances produced by examining them —
I. By reflected light as opaque objects employing
a. The bull's-eye condenser—$27, pl. XVI, figs. 2, 4, p. 28.
b. The Lieberkuhn and a stop.–$ 30, pl. XV, fig. I, p. 26.
2. By transmitted light, employing
a. Direct rays.
b. Oblique rays. –Pl. XIII, fig. I, p. 22.
3. By polarised light.
a. Employing the polariser and analyser only.—$ 23, pl. XVII,
figs. I, 2, p. 34.
b. After placing beneath the object a plate of selenite.
To. Examine some of the same crystals in different media, as described
in §§ 136 to 143, pl. XXIII, p. 80.
a. In air.—$ 141, p. 86.
b. In water.-$ 142.
c. In turpentine, oil, or Canada balsam.—$ 143.
II. Examine the different appearance of the globules of potato-starch,
and pollen grains from different plants in air, water, and Canada
12. Examine some minute globules of mercury illuminated by reflected
light, under a half-inch object-glass.
13. Notice the microscopical characters of air-bubbles and oil-globulest
and examine them by reflected and by transmitted light.—$ 137,
pl. XXIII, figs, Io, I I, I2, I 3, 14, p. 80.
14. Follow the directions given in pp. 81, 82, 83, for the examination
of common objects.
* Spherical crystals of carbonate of lime or starch globules.
+ Small air-bubbles can be obtained by shaking a little gum-water in a bottle. A
drop may then be placed upon a glass slide. Milk affords oil-globules in abundance.
2 H
I5. Make a paper cell and attach it to the glass slide.—$ 114, p. 70.
16. Make a thin cell with the aid of marine glue, and another with
tinfoil.—$$ 117, 11s, p. 70.
17. Make some square thin cells of Brunswick black, and some circular
cells with the aid of Mr. Shadbolt's apparatus.-$ 116, p. 70,
pl. XX, fig. 5, p. 54.
18. Cut some squares of thin glass, with the writing diamond.—$ 119,
p. 7 I.
19. Cut some circular pieces of thin glass, using the brass circles.—
§ 119, p. 71, pl. XX, figs. 6, 8, 9, p. 54.
20. Make some thin glass cells in the manner directed in §§ 124, 125,
p. 72, pl. XXI, fig. 3, p. 76, and when complete, grind the upper
surface upon the emery slab, fig. 6.
21. Cut with the glazier's diamond some slips of glass, three inches by
one inch, for slides.—$ 119, p. 71, pl. XX, fig. 6, p. 54.
22. Make a cell of thick glass in the manner described in §§ 127, 12s,
p. 74, pl. XXI, figs. 5 to 9, p. 76. Pl. XXII, figs. 3, 4, p. 78.
23. Make a deep cell of gutta-percha. The gutta-percha must be
softened in hot water and then moulded upon some object the size
of the required cell.—$ 131, p. 75.
Trace the nerves in the portion of tissue on the table.* Pin it out
on a loaded cork, and dissect it beneath the surface of water with
the aid of a strong light condensed upon it by the large bull's-eye
condenser in the manner directed in § 144, p. 91, pl. XXII, figs.
4, 5, p. 78.
Cut some very thin sections of the different soft tissues upon the
table.t-š I47, p. 92.
a. Using the scissors.-Pl. XIX, figs. 5, 6, 7.
b. Using the double-edged knife.—Pl. XVIII, figs. 8, 9, Io.
c. Using Valentin's knife.—Pl. XIX, figs. 1, 2.
All these instruments must be well wetted before the section is
removed.—$ 147.
Place some small pieces of tissue in the compressorium and dissect
them under the microscope in the manner described in § 149, p. 96,
pl. XXV, figs. 3, 4, p. 92.
Make some thin sections of wood with the aid of the simple section
cutter alluded to in § 156, p. 99, pl. XXV, fig. 6, p. 92.
Place some of the sections of pith or bone in thin cells, cover them
with thin glass, and then let them be preserved as dry objects.-
§§ 141, 152, pp. 86, 97.
Ascertain the effect of the different preservative solutions upon the
appearance of the sections in the microscope.—$$ 99 to 113, p. 64.
Place some of the sections which have been allowed to soak for half-
an-hour in the fluid in which they are to be preserved in thin glass
cells, and apply the thin glass cover, observing the precautions
detailed in pp. 82, 136. Remove the fluid outside (with the help of
blotting paper), and anoint the edge with Brunswick black, which
must be applied with a small brush.
Make a thin section of the injected tissue on the table and pre-
serve it in glycerine, or in gelatine and glycerine.—$$ 100, 105, log,
p. 64. Dry another section and mount it in Canada balsam.—
, § 143, p. 88.
For directions for the preparation and examination of various
tissues, see pp. I38 to I51.
* The skin or muscular tissue of any small animal, a part of a frog.
+ A piece of tendon, cartilage, kidney, and liver of a sheep. These may be
easily obtained of the butcher.
2 H 2
Make thin sections of the sheep's kidney upon the table, and after
washing them, subject them to examination with the inch, and
afterwards with the quarter. Some may be examined in water and
others in glycerine, one section should be mounted in the mixture
of gelatine and glycerine.—S 106, p. 67. Observe the different
characters of the tubes in the central and in the cortical portions of
the Organ, and endeavour to make out the following structures:–
A pithelium, basement membrane of the tubes, Malpighian bodies, and
capillary vessels /ying between the tubes, p. 162. The arrangement of
the vessels may be satisfactorily demonstrated in an injected speci-
men.—Table VII.
Take a very small fragment of the muscular fibre of the skate or
eel, and after tearing it up with needles, moisten it with water, and
cover it with thin glass. Endeavour to find elementary fibres in
which the tube of sarco/emma remains entire while the sarcous tissue
within is ruptured.—S$ 219, 224, p. 142, pl. XXXIV, fig. 3, p. 146.
The portion of pig's skin on the table has been allowed to dry by
exposure to the air. Thin transverse sections are to be removed
with a sharp knife, and subsequently moistened with water. In this
manner a very thin section may be obtained, which soon regains its
normal appearance. It may be mounted in any of the preservative
fluids before alluded to.—$150, p. 97.
Cut thin sections of the cornea and Sclerotic of the eye which have
been allowed to dry after having been pinned out on a board; soak
them in a drop of water for twenty minutes or more, and examine
them first with an inch object-glass and afterwards with a quarter.—
§ 150, p. 97.
Cut a thin section of the pith of the rush and examine it as a dry
object; afterwards place it in fluid. Observe the air within many
of the cells.
Demonstrate the circulation in the cells of vallisneria spiralis.—
§ 263, p. 198, pl. XLVI, figs. 6, 7.
Wash some pieces of the sea-weed in plain water, and preserve
some of them in glycerine, and others in a solution of chloride of
calcium, p. 68.
4 I.
Cut Some thin sections of dry bone with the saw and grind them to
the required degree of tenuity, by rubbing upon a fine oil stone, or
between the hones. Water, but not oil, is to be used.—$ 152,
p. 97; $ 218, p. 141.
Upon microscopical examination they will be found covered with
numerous scratches, which must be removed by rubbing the sections
upon a dry hone, and afterwards upon a piece of good plate-glass.--
§ 152, p. 97.
When the sections of bone are sufficiently smooth, mount one of
them at once in balsam, and treat another section with turpentine
before immersing it in the balsam. Compare the different micro-
Scopical characters of these two specimens, p. 89.
Cut Some thin transverse and longitudinal sections of hair, accord-
ing to the directions given, and examine them under the quarter of
an inch object-glass. These may be washed in water and mounted
in Canada balsam.—$ 155, p. 98.
After drying several portions of the insects in a capsule over the
water-bath (claws, antennae, wings, eyes, spiracles), moisten them
with turpentine and mount them in Canada balsam.—$ 143, 244,
245, 246, pp. I67, I68.
After the deposit suspended in the fluid in the conical glass has
subsided,” a portion is to be removed with the pipette and placed
in a cell, or in the animalcule cage, for examination.—$ 159, p. Ioo,
pl. XXVI, fig. 3.
The fluid may then be allowed to evaporate spontaneously or by
placing the slide under a bell-jar over sulphuric acid, pl. XXIV,
fig. 5, p. 88, and the residue mounted in Canada balsam. º
Subject to examination, under a quarter of an inch object-glass,
some of the infusoria and other organisms, in the specimen of the
water on the table.t-p. 186.
* Small marine shells, sand, &c.
+ Water containing a few small pieces of animal and vegetable matter about the
size of a pin's head, which had been kept in a warm light place for several days.
46. Arrange the injecting apparatus conveniently (§ 165, p. Io2) and
5 I.
proceed to inject the artery supplying the eye-ball of the ox's eye on
the table, with size and chromate of lead.—$$ 167, 171, p. IoS ;
$ 1sº, p. 14.
A ye.—Introduce the pipe into the vessel running close to the large
optic nerve, and tie it carefully, observing the precautions detailed
in p. 115. The eye must be allowed to remain in warm water until
warm through, and the injecting material prepared in the manner
described ; it is to be mixed with melted size and strained immedi-
ately before use. When the injection is complete the eye is to be
placed in cold water. Should it become very much distended by
the accumulation of the injection within it, a puncture may be made
in the cornea, which will permit the escape of the aqueous humour,
and then the vessels may be more completely injected.—$ 1s 6,
D. I. I.4.
Prepare some Prussian blue injection fluid.—$ 17s, p. Io9. The
fluid should contain no visible deposit. Prepare some finer in-
jecting fluid, according to the directions given in p. 363, and inject.
Arog.—Insert an injecting pipe into the aorta of the frog in the
manner described in § 1so, and slowly inject the fluid. Another
frog is to be injected with the finer injecting fluid, p. 363.
The specimens having been completely injected portions may be
Submitted to microscopical examination.—$ 212, p. 136.
The globe of the eye may be opened and portions of the following
tissues removed with scissors:–ciliary processes situated behind the
iris, the retina (the most internal of the membranes within the
globe), the choroid (external to the delicate retina). These, after
having been carefully washed in water, may be submitted to exami-
nation in fluid with the inch object-glass.
The ciliary processes and the choroid require to be well washed
in order to remove the black pigment with which they are covered.
Portions of the lung and intestines of the frog may be removed,
and after being well washed, may be submitted to examination.
These are to be examined by transmitted light, and may be placed
in glycerine. The inch object-glass should be employed in the first
instance, and afterwards the quarter.
Grind down and mount a thin section of marble (ordinary marble,
such as is used for chimney-pieces), $267, pp. 212, 215.”
Examine by trans, light and by refl. light, and note cleavage planes.
Examine it by polarised light, p. 220, and note the twinning bands.
Grind down and mount a section of basalt containing felspar crys-
tals, visible to the naked eye, and examine it by transmitted light.
The dark crystals or patches may be magnetite, titaniferous iron,
pyrites, or pseudomorphs after felspars, augite, olivine, &c., p. 233.
Examine by transmitted light, during the revolution of a Nicol's
prism, beneath the stage, no analyser being used. Note the di-
chroism of any hornblende that may be present, or that of any crystals
or plates of magnesian mica, if cut transversely to the crystallo-
graphic axis. Note, also, the general absence of dichroism in the
augite, and if any good transverse sections of crystals of that mineral
be present, measure the angles of the prism, either by means of a
goniometer or by the camera and a protractor. Note the rough
surfaces of any olivine crystals and their rounded angles.
Adjust the analyser and observe the twin banding in the felspar
crystals (Plagioclase). Note whether any of the augite or olivine
crystals, p. 227, exhibit a pieced structure, by polarised light; if so,
they are probably pseudomorphs. If they be of serpentine, observe
the neutral tints in which they polarise.
Examine a smoothly-ground chip of the same rock to ascertain
the nature of the opaque matter. For this purpose, a bull's-eye con-
denser or a silver reflector may be used; if the surfaces look brassy
and tolerably bright, pyrites, or copper pyrites is probably present.
Test the substance by isolating a small fragment of it, and examining
it before the blow-pipe.
Scrape out a little of the supposed serpentine from the rock and
examine it for magnesia.
If magnetite be suspected, hold a chip of the rock near a magnetic
needle, keeping a sheet of paper between it and the mouth and
nose, so that the breath may not cause any deflection.
Note the forms of the sections of magnetite, which vary with the
directions in which they have been cut through the crystal.
* During the grinding of the sections they should be frequently washed and
examined with a lens. The different forms of any imbedded crystals should be care-
fully noted, the hardness of doubtful minerals tested with the point of a knife and re-
agents applied if necessary. The facilities offered for the application of such simple
tests is one of the great advantages which the student derives from preparing his own
. Grind and mount a section of granite. Observe the strong chro-
matic polarisation of the quartz, and the darkness which ensues in a
transverse section of a quartz crystal when the Nicols are crossed.
Note, also, the twinning of the felspars, the orthoclase presenting
only two twin lamellae (Carlsbad type), while any plagioclase crystals
which may be present show numerous bands.
Examine the quartz under a quarter inch objective, to ascertain the
presence or absence of minute cavities, and note their nature, and,
if containing fluid, the relative size of the cavity, as compared with
that of the bubble, § 272, p. 235.
65. Grind and mount a section of hornblende schist, syenite, or diorite,
7 I.
and examine it under the microscope during the rapid revolution of
the polarising prism only, and note the strong dichroism of the
hornblende. If any good transverse sections of hornblende crystals
occur, measure the angles of the prism and compare with the
measurements of the augite in the basalt already examined. Also
measure the angle of intersection of the corresponding cleavages
and compare them with that of the augite.
Grind and mount a section of pitchstone, and make a drawing
showing some of the included crystals and microliths, p. 233. After
making the outline, by means of the camera, remove the preparation
and replace it by a Maltwood's or other finder. Note the spot
indicated by the finder on the margin of the drawing. Remove the
finder and shift the stage (if a mechanical One).—$ 67, p. 47.
Replace the finder ; verify the correct spot. Replace the prepara-
tion and complete the drawing, filling in the detail without the
assistance of the camera.
Grind and mount a section of phonolite. Note how the transverse
sections of the nepheline Crystals become dark when seen between
crossed Nicols, while Sections of the same mineral, cut in a different
direction, do not. Compare the sections of nepheline with sections
of apatite which may be found in slices of such rocks as granite,
syenite, diorite, basalt, &c.
Grind and mount a section of felstone, and examine it by ordinary,
transmitted, and then by polarised light.
Prepare a section of minette (Mica Trap) and compare it with the
preceding section. -
Compare sections of quartz, porphyry, and granite with the two
preceding sections, p. 23.I. -
72. From the foregoing observations make a tabulated list of the rocks
examined, and of the minerals which any two or more of them con-
tain in common, writing opposite the name of each mineral its
chemical composition, and the crystallographic system to which it
73. Test the powder on the glass slide for the presence of carbonate,
(chalk), using the precautions detailed in § 3 oº, p. 261.
74. Each of the solutions f is to be diluted and separately tested for
Sulphates, phosphates, and chlorides.—$ 309, p. 261.
75. Make some crystals of common salt.
a. By evaporating a solution rapidly to dryness on a glass
slide. -
Ö. By allowing the solution to evaporate slowly until crystals
form, when a thin glass cover may be applied and the
Crystals subjected to microscopical examination.—$ 314,
p. 264, pl. LVNFI, fig. 8, p. 218.
76. Fill one of the little bottles with capillary orifices with acetic acid.--
§ 3.07, p. 260. -
77. Examine some of the white fibrous tissuef under a quarter, before
and after the addition of a drop of acetic acid.—$ 297, p. 254.
78. Ascertain the effect of a solution of caustic soda Ś upon the cells on
the slide.—S 301, p. 257.
79. Describe the microscopical characters of the structures upon the
glass slide, || and sketch roughly their most important characters.—
§ 57, p. 39. -
80. What is the nature of the substances forming the deposit in the
glass PT
* The above scheme for the preliminary examination of minerals and rocks under
the microscope, may be of use to the beginner if carefully followed out. It must,
however, be considered merely as a rough sketch, and as his studies progress he will
have to familiarise himself with many minerals and rocks which are not mentioned
here, and with other methods of research. In Tables VIII, IX, only the most Salient
microscopic features are considered. Methods for ascertaining the precise nature,
even of the common rock-forming minerals, must be sought in books specially devoted
to the subject.
ºf Sulphate of soda, phosphates of lime, and ammonia and magnesia, and common
salt dissolved in water to which a few drops of nitric acid have been added.
f The white tendon of a muscle of any small animal, as a mouse, &c. § Cuticle.
| Eye and proboscis of fly. T Potato-starch, blanket-hair, feathers.
The foregoing tables contain exercises for commencing students, but
any one who has been through them will be able to practise different
branches of special inquiry not included if he refers to the different
parts of the work in which these special matters are treated of:
On staining tissues, see $196, p. 123.
On Collecting and dredging, see $254, p. 175.
On keeping the lower animals in aquaria and vivaria, see § 255,
p. 182.
On examining the lower animals during life, see § 255, p. 186.
On demonstrating the contractility of muscle and ciliary movements,
sée $25s, p. 189, § 2G1, p. 193.
On demonstrating vegetable tissues and the circulation in the cells
of certain plants, see $263, p. 198.
On the movements of living beings, and on vital movements, see
p. 201 to p. 206.
Of the microscopic structure of iron and steel, see § 273, p. 236.
On preparing fossils for microscopical examination, see $274, p. 237.
On making and recording microscopical observations, and of the
fallacies to be guarded against, see $277 to § 2so, p. 239.
On spectrum analysis, see § 31s to $ 322, p. 269.
On taking photographs of microscopic objects, see part V, from
p. 284 to p. 342.
On using the highest magnifying powers, see § 355 to $ 363, p. 344.
On preparing specimens for examination under the highest powers,
see p. 366.
For new views concerning the structure and mode of growth of
tissues, see p. 38I.
For new views concerning the nature of life, see § 387, p. 397.
For new views on the structure and action of a nervous apparatus,
see p. 406.
I.—The Microscope.
1. Microscope with large stage, firm tripod Large microscope provided
stand, coarse and fine adjustments, with movable stage and
double mirror, and arrangement for all the modern improve-
inclining body; generally termed the ments.—$ 16, p. 13, pl.
Student’s Microscope.—$ 15, p. 13, pls. VII, p. 16.
The student’s microscope with two powers With two powers, this in-
and bull's-eye condenser costs from five to strument costs from twenty to
ten guineas. thirty guineas.
2. Pocket Clinical or Field Microscope, in Binocular microscope—
case, with pipettes, test-tubes, &c.— $17, p. 8, pl. V.
$ 20, pl. X, p. 20.
3. Object-glasses.—I. Zhe inch, magnifying Two-inch object-glass.-$ 6,
from 30 to 4o diameters, the glasses of p. 8.
which can be removed one by one, so Eighth of an inch.
that lower powers can be obtained. Twelfth of an inch.
2. The quarter of an inch magnifying 7 wenty-fifth.
about 200 diameters. These glasses
should define well, the field should be
perfectly ſlat and free from coloured
fringes, and they should admit a suffi-
cient amount of light.—$ 6, p. 8, pl. I,
figs. 7, 8, p. 6.
II.-Accessory Apparatus.
4. Diaphragm plate.—$ 14, p. 12, § 36, p. Gillett's achromatic con-
30, pl. I, fig. 9, p. 6. denser—$ 39, p. 30.
5. Bull's-eye condenser—$27, p. 26, pl. XVI, Polariscope.—$ 23, p. 22,
figs, 2, 4, p. 28. pl. XVI, figs. I, 2, p.
6. Universal condenser. Spot glass.—$ 33, p. 28,
pl. XV, fig. 3, p. 26.
476 How To work witH THE MICROSCOPE.
For Artificial Illumination.
7. Small paraffin lamp.—$ 25, p. 25, pl. Smith and Beck's cam-
XIV, fig. 2, p. 24. phine lamp, or Mr.
Highley's gas lamp.–
§ 26, p. 25, pl. XIV,
fig. 4, p. 24. -
Bockett lamp, pl. XIV, fig.
3, D. 24.
- III.-Apparatus for Drawing Objects.
8. A/eutral tint glass reflector—$ 44, p. 33,
pl. XVII, fig. 4, p. 34.
9. Common hard pencils, steel pens, In-
dian ink, fine Bristol board, smooth
white paper.
IV.-Apparatus for Measuring objects and for Ascertaining the
Magnifying Power of the object-Glasses.—$ 58 to 66, p. 4I.
Io. Stage micrometers, divided into Iooths Nobert's lines, which may
and I, oooths of an English inch.- be used also as fest
§ 60, p. 42. objects.-$ 61, p. 42.
AVeutral tint glass reflector.—$44, p. 33, Maltwood's finder, or the
pl. XVII, fig. 4, p. 34. arrangement described
in p. 42.
V.-Instruments and Apparatus for General Purposes.
II. Wire reſort stand.—$ 70, p. 49, pl. Water bath.-$ 73, pl.
XVIII, fig. 2, p. 48. XVIII, fig. 6, p. 48.
I2. Złºpod wire stands.-$ 71, pl. XVIII,
figs. 4, 5.
I3. Spirit lamp. —$ 69, pl. XVIII, fig. 3.
I4. Azaporating basins.
I5. Watch glasses.—$ ss, p. 54.
I6. Zhin glass.-$ s4, p. 53.
I7. Plate-glass slides.—$ s3, p. 53.
VI-Instruments for Making Dissections and for Cutting Thin
Sections of S0ft Tissues.
18. Common scalpels.-$ 74, p. 50. Valentin's knife.—$ 77, p.
- 51, pl. XIX, figs. I, 2,
p. 52.
18a. Double-edged scalpel.—$ 75, pl. XVIII, Spring scissors.—$ 79, p.
figs. 8, 9, Io, p. 48. - - 51, pl. XIX, fig, 6, p.
- 52. -
- NECESSARY. M AdvantAGEous.
19. Scissors.-Ordinary form and two small Compressorium.—$ 149,
pair, one with curved blades.—$ 79, p. 96, pl. XXV, figs. 3,
p. 51, pl. XIX, figs. 5, 6, 7, p. 52. - 4, P. 92.
20. Meedles mounted in handles.—$ so,
fig. 3, p. 52. w
20a. Needles flattened near the points.— Section cutter, p. 92.
§ so, p. 52, fig. 3. Areezing apparatus, p. 94.
21. Forceps.-One pair of ordinary dissect-
ing forceps, and one pair with curved
blades.—$ sl, p. 52, pl. XIX, figs. 8, 9,
P. 52. -
For Dissecting under Water.
22. Glass dishes of various sizes from an Zarge Bull's-eye Condenser,
inch to two inches in depth.-$ 144, for condensing a strong
p. 9 I. light upon the object.—
23. Zoaded corks.-Ś 145, p. 91, pl. XXV, § 145, p. 91, pl. XXV,
fig. 2, p. 92. fig. I, p. 92.
24. Fine pins and thin silver wire.
25. Tablets of wax and gutta-percha.—
§ 146, p. 92. -
For Cutting 7,%in Sections of Hard Zissues.
26. Saw with fine teeth, for cutting thin Section cutter for cutting
sections of bone. — $ 152, p. 97, thin sections of wood.
pl. XXV, fig. 8, p. 92. –$ 156, p. 99, pl. XXV,
27. Homes for grinding the sections thinner fig. 6, p. 92.
and polishing them.—$ 152, p. 97.
28. Strong knife for cutting thin sections of
horn, &c.—$ 155, p. 98, pl. XIX,
fig. 4, p. 52.
VIII. —Cements,
29. Brunswick black, containing a few Gold size.—$ sº, p. 54.
drops of a solution of India-rubber in Solution of Shel/-/ac.—
coal naphtha.—$ 91, p. 55. § 89, p. 55.
29a. Bell's cement.—$ 90, p. 55.
30. Marine glue.—$92, p. 55.
Gum water.—S 97, p. 58.
Gum thickened with starch or whiting.
—$ 97, p. 58.
33. French cement, composed of lime and
India-rubber.—S 98, p. 58.
Spirit and water.—$ 99, p. 64. Gelatine and Glycerine.—
Glycerine.—S 100, p. 64. § 106, p. 67.
Solution of naphtha and creosote.—$ 102, Gum and glycerine.—
p. 66. § 107, p. 69.
Chromic acid—$ 104, p. 67.
Canada balsam.–$ 9.4, p. 56.
IX.--Apparatus Required for Making Cells and for Cutting and
Grinding Glass.
Brass plate for heating slides to which Shadbolt's apparatus.--
marine glue is to be applied.—$ 72, § 116, p. 70, pl. XX,
p. 50, pl. XIV, fig. 4, p. 24. fig. 5, p. 54.
Cements before enumerated.—$$ 87 to
. Small brush made of bristles.
Tinfoil of different degrees of thick-
ness.-$ 11s, p. 71.
Writing Diamond. — $ 119, p. 71, Brass rings for cutting
pl. XX, fig. 8, p. 54. circles of thin glass.—
Glazier's diamond. —$ 119, pl. XX, § 119, p. 71, pl. XX,
fig. 6, p. 54. fig, 9, p. 54.
A’lat stone or pewter plate for grinding Wooden forceſs for holding
glass.-$ 120, p. 71. glass slides.—$82, p. 52.
Emery powder.
Old Knife and small chisel for cleaning
off Superfluous glue.—$ 123, p. 72,
pl. XX, fig. 7, p. 54.
Solution of potash (liquor potassae.)
Sections of glass tubes and of thick Shallow concave glass cells.
square vessels of various sizes, for Moulded glass cells. –
making cells for the preservation of § 130, p. 75.
injections.—$ 127, p. 74, pl. XXI,
figs. 5 to 9, p. 76.
X.—Apparatus for Preserving Objects in Air, Fluid, and Canada
Cells of various sizes, before enume- Apparatus for pressing
rated.—$ 126, p. 73, pl. XXI, fig, 4, down the thin glass
p. 76. Coverwhile the cement is
Arunswick black. drying.—$ 96, p. 57, pl.
Gum thickened with whiting.—$97. XV, figs. 3, 4, Io, p. 54.
51. Thin glass cut of the requisite size.
51a. Preservative solutions.—$ 99 to 113, Live cells for keeping
p. 64. bodies alive.
52. Watch glasses to soak sections in the
preservative fluids.—$ ss, p. 54. Aell far with vessel for
53. Glass shades to protect recently su///iuric acid. — Pl.
mounted preparations from dust.— XXIV, fig. 5, p. 88.
§ sG, p. 54, pl. XX, fig. I, p. 54. Air pump to remove air
54. Brass plate—$ 72, p. 50, pl. XIV, bubbles from the in-
fig. 4, p. 24. terstices of a tissue.—
Canada balsam.—$ 9.4, p. 56. § 143, p. 88, pl. XXV,
AWeedles to remove air bubbles. fig. 5, p. 92.
XI.-Apparatus Required for the Separation of Deposits from
Fluids and for their Preservation.
55. Comical glasses.—$157, p. 99, pl. XXVI, Glass troughs for Zoo-
fig. 3, p. Ioo. - £hytes.—$ 133, p. 76.
56. Pipettes.—$ 15s, p. Ioo, pl. XXVI,
fig. 2, p. Ioo.
57. Wash-bottle.—$ 163, p. IoI, pl. XXVI,
fig. 5, p. Ioo.
58. Cells for examining infusoria.-pl. VIII,
fig. 8, p. 18. -
59. Anima/cule cage.—$ 134, p. 76,
pl. XXII, fig. 7, p. 78.
XII.-Instruments and Apparatus Required for Making
60. Injecting syringe, holding from half an
ounce to an ounce.—S 165, p. Io2,
pl. XXVII, figs. 4, 5, p. IoA.
61. Pipes of various sizes.—$ 165, pl.
XXVII, figs. Io, II.
62. Corks for stopping the pipes.—$ 165, Stoff cocks.—$ 165, p. Ioz,
pl. XXVII, fig, 3. pl. XXVII, fig. 9, p. Io.4.
63. Meedle for passing the thread round
the vessel.—$ 165, pl. XXVII, fig. 12.
64. Thread of different degrees of thick-
64a. Bull's nose forceps for stopping vessels. Aſparatus for injecting by
—$ 165, pl. XXVII, fig. 2. mercurial pressure, p.
For Making Opaque Injections.
Size or Gelatine.—$ 16s, p. Io 5. Injecting can, made of
Vermilion.—$170, p. IoS. copper.—$ 166, p. Io9,
Aichromate of potash and acetate of lead pl. XXVII, fig. 6, p.
for making solutions for precipitating IO4.
yellow chromate of lead–$171, p. IoS.
Carbonate of soda and acetate of lead
for making solutions for precipitating
carbonate of lead.—$ 17.1, p. Io 5.
Aor Making 7%ransparent Injections.
A'errocyanide of potassium. “Muriated Carmine.—$ 1so, p. III.
fincture of iron.” Glycerine and Spirits
of wine for preparing the Prussian blue
injecting fluid.—$ 17s, p. Io9.
XIII.-Of Staining Tissues.
Carmine fluid for colouring the bio-
plasm of tissues.—$199, p. 125.
XIV.-Chemical Analysis in Microscopical Investigation.
Platinum foil. Smal/?/atinum capsule.
Test tubes and rack.-Pl. LXI, fig. 5,
p. 262. º
Small tubes about an inch or an inch Smal/ſlasks.
and a half in length. A’latinum zwire.
Stirring rods.
Evaporating basins.—Pl. XVIII, fig. 6,
p. 48.
Watch glasses.—$ sº, p. 54.
Small glass bottles with capillary orifices.
—$307, p. 260, pl. LXI, figs. I to 4,
p. 262.
Wire triangles, tripods,-$ 71, p. 50,
pl. XVIII, figs. 4, 5, p. 48.
Small refort stand—$ 70, p. 49, pl.
XVIII, fig. 2, p. 48.
Reagents :-
Alcohol.—$ 2s 9, p. 253.
A ther. Chloroform.—$290, p. 253.
Mitric acid—$ 292, p. 254.
Sulphuric acid—$ 293, p. 254.
83. Acetic acid—$295, p. 254.
84. Hydrochloric acid—$294, p. 254.
85. Ammonia.-$ 300, p. 257.
86. Solution of potash.-$ 29s, p. 256.
87. Solution of soda.-$ 299, p. 257.
88. Mitrate of silver—$ 3os, p. 258.
89. AWłłrate of barytes.—$ 302, p. 258.
90. Oxalate of ammonia.—$ 304, p. 258.
91. Zodine solution.—$ 305, p. 258.
92. Zest £afters.
XV.-Cabinet for Preserving Microscopic Specimens.
93. Drawers arranged so that the speci-
mens may be perfectly flat.—$ 276,
D. 239.
94. Boxes with frays for containing speci-
mens, pp. 276, 239.
The apparatus required for mineralogical investigation is described
in p. 207, et.se/. The instruments and apparatus required in micro-
spectroscopic work will be found in sections 318, 319, pp. 269–283.
Other instruments for special minute research are referred to in
other parts of the volume, and will be easily found if the index be con-
sulted. A list of the makers of microscopes, and of instruments and
apparatus required by the microscopist, and the preparers of micro-
scopic objects, will be found at the end of this work, after the index.
The Microscope. Prof. Quekett. Baillière. 1852.
The Microscope and its Revelations. Dr. W. B. Carpenter, F.R.S.
John Churchill and Sons.
The Microscope; its History, Construction, and Teachings. Jabez Hogg.
Manual of Human Microscopic Anatomy. Prof. Kölliker. Translation
by Dr. Chance.
Histology, Vegetable and Animal Structures. Quekett.
The Microscope in Medicine. Lionel S. Beale, F.R.S. Fourth edition.
1878. Churchill and Sons.
On the Structure and Growth of Tissues. Lionel S. Beale, F.R.S. 1861.
Churchill and Sons.
Text Book of the Microscope. Dr. Griffith, F.L.S. 1864. John Van
Voorst. e
Text Book of Objects for the Microscope. J. Lane Clarke. Groombridge
and Sons.
The Preparation and Mounting of Microscopic Objects. Thomas Davies.
Second edition, edited by John Matthews, M.D. Bogue.
A Manual of Microscopic Mounting. Jno. H. Martin. 1879.
Micrographic Dictionary. Griffith and Henfrey. New edition. 1875.
Microscopic Teachings. The Hon. Mrs. Ward. Groombridge.
Half-hours with the Microscope. Dr. Lankester, F.R.S.
Evenings at the Microscope. P. H. Gosse, F.R.S.
Protoplasm or Matter and Life, by Lionel S. Beale, F.R.S. Third edition.
Bioplasm, an introduction to Physiology and Medicine, by Lionel S.
Beale, F.R.S.
On Life and on Vital Action in Health and Disease, by the same. 1875.
Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrata, by Owen. 1866.
Odontography, by Owen. Two vols. I845.
On the Skeleton, by Owen. I848.
Animal Kingdom, by Rymer Jones. I 855.
The Animal Creation, by Rymer Jones, 1865. Society for Promoting
Christian Knowledge.
Natural History of the European Seas, by Edward Forbes. 1859.
Chart of the Distribution of Marine Life, by Edward Forbes. One of
the maps in Keith Johnstone's Physical Atlas, but sold separately.
British Reptiles. Thos. Bell. 1839.
British Fishes. Wm. Yarrel. Two vols. I839.
Mollusca, by S. P. Woodward. I 856.
Nudibranchiate Mollusca, by Alder and Hancock. 1854.
Medusae, by Edward Forbes. Pub, by Ray Society.
Oceanic Hydrozoa, by Huxley. 1859.
Actinologia Britannica, by P. H. Gosse. London. 1860.
British Zoophytes, by Geo. Johnstone. 1838.
British Starfishes and Echinodermata, by Edward Forbes. 1841.
Cirripedia. Chas. Darwin. 1854.
British Crustacea. Thos. Bell. 1853.
Entomostraca. W. Baird, M.D. 1850.
Spiders. John Blackwell. 1861.
Introduction to Entomology. Westwood. Two vols. 1860.
On Parasites. Henry Denny. 1842.
Entozoa. S. Cobbold. 1864.
A Manual of the Sub-kingdom Protozoa. J. R. Greene, B.A. St. George
Coelenterata. J. R. Greene, B.A. Longman. 1863.
On Sponges, by Bowerbank and Johnston. I864.
On Foraminifera. Williamson and Carpenter. 1862.
The Anatomy and Physiology of the Blow-fly, by B. T. Lowne. Van
Voorst. 1870.
A Manual of the Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals, by T. H. Huxley.
Manual of Zoology, by H. Alleyne Nicholson. 1878. Fifth edition.
Blackwood and Sons.
Monograph of the British Aphides. G. Buckton. Vols. I and II. 1879.
The Collector's Handy-book of algae, diatoms, desmids, fungi, lichens,
mosses, &c. Translated and edited by the Rev. W. W. Spicer, M.A. Bogue.
Manual of British Marine Zoology. Gosse. Two volumes, with 678
illustrations. A most useful epitome.
The Aquarium. Gosse.
Devonshire Coast. Gosse.
Tenby. P. H. Gosse. Land and Sea. Gosse.
Seaside Book. Harvey.
Seaside Studies. G. H. Lewes.
Marvels of Pond Life. H. J. Slack.
Butterfly Vivarium. Noel Humphreys,
The Common Objects of the Microscope. The Rev. J. G. Wood.
The Common Objects of the Country. The Rev. J. G. Wood.
The Common Objects of the Sea Shore. The Rev. J. G. Wood.
The Aquarium of Marine and Freshwater Animals and Plants. G. B.
Sowerby, F.R.S.
Handbook of British Fungi, by M. C. Cooke. Macmillan. I871.
Botany, by Prof. Balfour. Edinburgh.
Botany, by Prof. Bentley.
A History of Infusoria, including the Desmidiae and Diatomaceae, by
Andrew Pritchard. Fourth edition.
2 I 2
Botanical Microscopy, by Schacht. Translated by Currie.
Desmidiae. Ralphs. British Diatomaceae. Smith.
British Freshwater Algae. Hassall.
British Marine Algae. Harvey.
British Seaweeds. With Notices on some of the Freshwater Algae.
The Rev. D. Landsborough.
Microscopic Fungi. Cooke. Cryptogamiae. Hofmeister.
British Mosses. Wilson. British Lichens. Landers.
British Ferns. Newman.
Observations on Fossil Vegetables. Lond. and Edinb. 1831.
The Internal Structure of Fossil Vegetables. Henry Wittham. Lond.
and Edinb. 1833.
A full list of foreign as well as British works in every department of
natural history is published by Mr.Weston, of Essex Street, who will forward
catalogue to anyone sending a penny Stamp.
Several works on this subject will be found enumerated on page 283.
For the following list of memoirs and works on photography in connec-
tion with the microscope I am indebted to the kindness of Dr. A. Clifford
Mercer, who has spent much time in verifying nearly all the references. The
list is very accurate, and will probably be found of great use by those who
intend to work in this department.
The Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London.
New Series, vol. i., 1853, p. 99: “On the Binocular Microscope, and on
Stereoscopic Pictures of Microscopic Objects.” By Professor C. Wheatstone,
F.R.S. Communicated by Dr. Lankester, F.R.S.
New Series, vol. i, 1853, p. 57 : “On the Application of Photography to
the Representation of Microscopic Objects.” By Joseph Delves, Esq.
Communicated by Mr. Bowerbank. (Read October 27, 1852.)
New Series, vol. ii, 1854, p. I : “On the Application of Binocular Vision
to the Microscope.” By F. H. Wenham. (Read May 25, 1853.)
New Series, vol. iii, 1855, p. I : “Some Remarks on Obtaining Photo-
graphs of Microscopic Objects, and on the Coincidence of the Chemical and
Visual Foci of the Object Glasses.” By F. H. Wenham. (Read November
22, 1854.)
New Series, vol. viii, 1860, p. 154: “On an Improved Binocular Micro-
scope.” By F. H. Wenham. (Read June 13, 1860.)
New Series, vol. ix, 1861, p. 15: “On a new Combined Binocular and
Single Microscope.” By F. H. Wenham. (Read December 12, 1860.)
New Series, vol. x, 1862, p. 96: “On the Generation of Acari in a Nitrate
of Silver Bath.” By R. L. Maddox, M.D. Communicated by G. Shadbolt,
New Series, vol. xi, 1863, p. 9: “On the Photographic Delineation of
Microscopic Objects.” By R. L. Maddox, M.D. (Read November 12, 1862.)
New Series, vol. xi, 1863, p. 32: “On Micro-Stereography.” By Mr. J.
Smith, referred to in the President's Address, 1863. (R. J. Farrants, Esq.,
New Series, vol. xiii, 1865, p. 34: “Photomicrography, its Application
and Results.” By R. L. Maddox, M.D. (Read March 8, 1865.)
The Quarterly journal of Microscopical Science. (London.)
Vol. i., 1853, p. 147: “Proceedings of Societies, 1852.”
Vol. i, 1853, p. 165: “On the Photographic Delineation of Microscopic
Objects by Artificial Illumination.” By George Shadbolt, Esq.
Vol. i., 1853, p. 178: “On the Practical Application of Photography to
the illustration of Works on Microscopy, Natural History, Anatomy, etc.”
By Samuel Highley, jun.
Vol. i., 1853, p. 305: “Microscopic Camera.” By Samuel Highley, jun.
Vol. ii, 1854, p. 58: In “Binocular and Stereoscopic Microscope.” By
W. Hodgson.
Vol. ii, 1854, p. 203: “On a Developing Solution for Microphotographs
made by Artificial Light.” By G. Busk.
Vol. ii, 1854, p. 290: “Match Photographs.” By Professor Riddell.
New Series, vol. ii, 1862, p. 261 : “On the Practical Application of Pho-
tography to the Microscope.” By Professor O. N. Rood, Troy, N.Y.
New Series, vol. iii, 1863, p. 77: “Micro-Stereographs.” By F. H.
New Series, vol. iii, 1863, p. 148: “Southampton Microscopical Society.”
New Series, vol. iii, 1863, p. 201 : “The Photography of Magnified Ob-
jects by Polarized Light.” By Thomas Davies.
New Series, vol. iii, 1863, p. 300: “On Coloured Illumination.” By R.
New Series, vol. iv., 1864, p. 204: “Stereoscopic Photographs of Diatoms.”
By F. H. Wenham.
New Series, vol. v., 1865, p. 249: “On a New Method of Illumination.”
By Count Francesco Castracane.
New Series, vol. vi., 1866, p. 48: “Count Francesco Castracane's New
Method of Illumination.” By T. P. Barkas, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
New Series, vol. vi., 1866, p. 165: “On Microphotography with High
Powers.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
New Series, vol. vii, 1867, p. 60: A letter on Monochromatic Light in
Photomicrography, by Joseph Gazliardi.
New Series, vol. vii, 1867, p. 154: “Monochromatic Illumination.” By
Mouchet, Rochefort-sur-Mer.
New Series, vol. vii, 1867, p. 253: “On Monochromatic Illumination.”
By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
New Series, vol. viii, 1868, p. 225: “Remarks on the New Nineteen-
Band Test-plate of Nobert.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
New Series, vol. ix, 1869, p. 92: A Review of a Manual of Microscopic
Photography, by Oscar Reichardt and Carl Stürenburg.
New Series, vol. ix, 1869, p. 93 : “Microphotography.” By Jules Girard.
New Series, vol. ix, 1869, p. 401 : A note on Dr. Woodward's Photographs
of Nobert's Lines.
New Series, vol. x, 1870, p. 94: A report of a paper by Dr. Woodward on
Photographs of Nobert's Test-plate.
New Series, vol. x, 1870, p. 390: “Report on Certain Points connected
with the Histology of Minute Blood-vessels.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S.
New Series, vol. xiv., 1874, p. 103: A notice of a paper by Mr. Alfred
Sanders. f
}ournal of the Royal Microscopical Society. (London.)
Vol. i., 1878, p. 195: “On Examining and Photographing Bacteria.”
(Notice of an article by Dr. Koch, of Posen, in Cohn’s “Beiträgen zur Bio-
logie der Pflanzen,” Bd. ii, Heft. 3.)
Vol. i., 1878, p. 213: “Oblique Light in Photomicrography.”
Vol. ii, 1879, p. 62 : “Improvements in Microphotography.”
The Monthly Microscopical % ournal. (London.)
Vol. i., 1869, p. 27: “Heliostat for Photomicrography.” By R. L.
Maddox, M.D.
Vol. i, 1862, p. 29: “Heliostat for Photomicrography.” By Dr. Wood-
ward, U.S. Army.
Vol. ii, 1869, p. 167: “Photomicrography applied to Class Demonstra-
tions.” (A letter from Dr. Woodward, U.S. Army.)
Vol. ii, 1869, p. 17 I: “Microphotographs.”
Vol. ii, 1869, p. 289: “Further Remarks on the New Nineteen-band Test-
plate of Nobert and an Immersion Lens.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S.
Vol. iii, 1870, p. 49: “Photography and the Microscope.”
Vol. iii, 1870, p. 5o: “Dr. Woodward's Article in No. XII (Vol. ii, p. 289)
of this Journal. Eplanation.”
Vol. iii, 1870, p. 290: “The Magnesium and Electric Light applied to
Photomicrography.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. iii, 1870, p. 324: A letter from Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. iv., 1870, p. 49: “Micro-photo-micrography” (Dr. Duchenne).
Vol. iv., 1870, p. 64: “Further Remarks on the Oxy-calcium Light, as
applied to Photomicrography.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. iv, 1870, p. 113: “The Definition of Nobert's Lines.” (A letter from
Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.)
Vol. iv., 1870, p. 205: “The Histology of Minute Blood-vessels.” By
Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. v., 1871, p. 33: “Photographs by Dr. Maddox of Pordura Scale.”
Vol. v., 1871, p. 34: “The Test-plate of Nobert.”
Vol. v., 1871, p. 150: “On the Structure of the Podura Scale and certain
Test Objects and their representation by Photomicrography.” By Dr. J. J.
Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. v., 1871, p. 231: “Photomicrographs for the Stereoscope.” (Method
of R. H. Ward, Troy, N.Y.)
Vol. v., 1871, p. 232: “Approval of Col. Woodward's Efforts.”
Vol. v., 1871, p. 245: “Additional Observations concerning the Podura
Scale.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. vi., 1871, p. 26: “On the use of Nobert's Plate.” By Dr. J. J. Wood-
ward, U.S. Army.
Vol. vi, 1871, p. 43: A note on Amphipleura.
Vol. vi., 1871, p. 5o: “Note on the Resolution of Amphipleura pellucida by
a Tolles Immersion I-18th.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. vi, 1871, p. IOo: “Observations on Surirella gemma.” (Made by Dr.
J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.)
Vol. vi, 1871, p. 169: “On an Improved Method of Photographing His-
tological Preparations by Sunlight.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. vii, 1872, p. 165: “Note on the Resolution of Amphipleura pellucida
by certain Objectives made by R. and J. Beck and by William Wales.” By
Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. vii, 1872, p. 233: “Note from Dr. Woodward.”
Vol. vii, 1872, p. 265: “Microphotography.”
Vol. viii, 1872, p. Io9: “The Minute Anatomy of two cases of Cancer.
By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. viii, 1872, p. 158: “Reply to ‘Further Remarks on Tolles’ I-5th and
Powell and Lealand's Immersion I-16th.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward.
Vol. viii, 1872, p. 126: “On the Use of Monochromatic Sunlight as an
Aid to High-Power Definition.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. viii, 1872, p. 227: “Remarks on the Resolution of the Nineteenth Band
of Nobert's Plate by certain Objectives, especially by a Tolles Immersion
I-18th.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. ix, 1873, p. 87: “Shall Microscopic Specimens be Photographed or
Drawn by Hand?”
Vol. x, 1873, p. 250: “Some Remarks on the Art of Photographing Micro-
scopic Objects.” By Alfred Sanders, M.R.C.S., F.L.S. and F.R.M.S.
Vol. xii, 1874, p. 38: “Photographs of Microscopic Writing.”
Vol. xiii, 1875, p. 65: “On the Similarity between Red Blood-corpuscles
of Man and those of certain Mammals, especially the Dog; considered in
connection with the Diagnosis of Blood Stains in Criminal Cases.” By Dr.
J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. xiv, 1875, p. 207: “Anatomical Microphotographs.” (Taken by Mr.
Hugh T. Bowman, of Newcastle.)
Vol. xiv, 1875, p. 274: “Note on the Markings of Trustulia Soxonica.”
By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. xv., 1876, p. 209: “Note on the Markings of Navicula Rhomboides.”
By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. xv., 1876, p. 253: “On the Markings of the Body-scales of the English
Gnat and the American Mosquito.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. xv., 1876, p. 256: Note on the last article by John Anthony, M.D.
Vol. xv, 1876, p. 258: “Notes on Microphotography.” By Surgeon-Major
Edward J. Gayer, H.M. Indian Army, now Professor of Surgery in the
Medical College, Calcutta.
Vol. xvi, 1876, p. 6: “On Abbé Castracane's Photographs of Nobert's
Nineteenth Band.” By H. C. Sorby, F.R.S.
Vol. xvi, 1876, p. 144: “The Application of Photography to Micrometry,
with special reference to the Micrometry of Blood in Criminal Cases.” By
Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Vol. xvi, 1876, p. 161 : “Histological Microphotographs.”
The Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club. (London.)
Vol. i, 1868–1869, p. 18: “Microscopic Photography.”
Vol. i, 1868–1869, p. 183: “On some of the Means of Delineating Micro-
scopical Objects.” By W. T. Suffolk. (Read January 22, 1869.)
Vol. iii, 1872–1874, p. 228: “On some Photographs of Microscopic
Writing.” (A letter from Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army, read January 23,
Vol. iv., 1874–1877, p. 230: Microphotography in the United States in
“On Microscopy in the United States of America.” By Henry Crouch,
F.R.M.S. (Read December 22, 1876.)
The Live??ool and Manchester Photographic Journal.
New Series, vol. ii, 1858, p. 275: “On the Photographic Delineation of
Microscopic Objects.” By Mr. Reeves-Traer, M.R.C.S., &c.
The Photographic Times. (London.)
Vol. i, 1861–1862, p. IoI: “Microscopic Photography.” By A. L. Neyt.
Vol. i., 1861–1862, p. 120: “On Photomicrography.” By J. Bockett.
Vol. i, 1861–1862, p. 136: “Micrography.” By Mons. Neyt.
Vol. i., 1861–1862, p. 198: “On the Delineation of Microscopic Objects
bv Photography.” By R. L. Maddox.
Vol. i, 1861–1862, p. 2 II: “On a Simple Method of taking Stereo-micro-
photographs.” By Charles Heisch, F.C.S.
Vol. ii. 1863, p. 94: “Macrophotography, or the Art of taking enlarged
The Photographic Journal. (Liverpool.)
Vol. v., 1859, p. 31 : “On the Delineation of Microscopic Objects by Pho-
tography.” By M. S. Legg.
Vol. v., 1859, p. 91 : “On “Microphotography.” By Joseph Sidebotham.
Vol. v., 1859, p. 225: “Photographs of Microscopical Objects.” (Taken
by Archibald Briggs, of Liverpool.)
The British Journal of Photography. (Liverpool and London.)
Vol. viii, 1861, p. 378: “On the Practical Application of Photography to
the Microscope.” By Professor O. N. Rood, of Troy, N.Y.
Vol. ix, 1862, p. 63: “On Photomicrography.” By John Parry.
Vol. ix, 1862, p. 127: “Microscopic Photography.” By A. L. Neyt.
Vol. ix, 1862, p. 162: “On Photomicrography.” By J. Bockett.
Vol. ix, 1862, p. 286: “Photomicrographs.” (Produced by W. Russell
Vol. ix, 1862, p. 330: “Photomicrographs.” (Executed by Dr. R. L.
Vol. ix, 1862, p. 362: “On the Delineation of Microscopic Objects by
Photography.” By R. L. Maddox, M.D.
Vol. x, 1863, p. 5o: “The Application of Photography to the Magic Lan-
tern, Educationally Considered.” By Samuel Highley, F.G.S., F.C.S., &c.
Vol. x, 1863, p. 97: “The Application of Photography to the Magic Lan-
tern, Educationally Considered.” By Samuel Highley, F.G.S., F.C.S. &c.
Vol. x, 1863, p. 348: “Photomicrographic Arrangements.” By Samuel
Highley, F.G.S., F.C.S., &c.
Vol. xi, 1864, p. 147: “Microphotography.” By J. H. Weightman.
Vol. xi, 1864, p. 219: “The Magnesium Light applied to Photomicro-
graphy.” By R. L. Maddox, M.D.
Vol. xii, 1865, p. 390: “On the Production of Photomicrographs by means
of an Ordinary Landscape Lens and Camera.”
Vol. xiii, 1866, p. 253: “Photomicrography.” By R. L. Maddox, M.D.
Vol. xiii, 1866, p. 295: “Photography applied to Microscopical Researches.”
By R. J. Fowler.
Vol. xiii, 1866, p. 306: “Photography applied to Microscopical Researches.”
By R. J. Fowler.
Vol. xiii, 1866, p. 34.1 : “Photomicrography.” By R. L. Maddox, M.D.
Vol. xiii, 1866, p. 488: “On Photomicrography with the Highest Powers,
as practised in the Army Medical Museum.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S.
Vol. xiii, 1866, p. 607: “Apparatus for Photomicrography, as used at the
Army Medical Museum, Washington, U.S.” By R. L. Maddox, M.D.
Vol. xiv., 1867, p. 49: “On Microscopic Photography.” By St. Vincent
Vol. xiv, 1867, p. 465: A note on French versus English objectives used
in Photomicrography.
Vol. xiv, I867, p. 478: “Maddox's Photomicrographs.”
Vol. xiv., 1867, p. 492 : “Microphotography Popularized.”
Vol. xiv, 1867, p. 537: “Medical Application of Photomicrography.” By
Dr. Maddox.
Vol. xv., 1868, p. 318: “Photomicrography.”
Vol. xvi, 1869, p. 396: “Photomicrography.” By J. Girard.
Vol. xvii, 1870, p. 445: “On the Preparation of Microscopic Objects for
being Photographed.”
Vol. xvii, 1870, p. 455: “The Light employed in Photographing Micro-
scopic Objects.”
Vol. xvii, 1870, p. 485: “On the Preparation of Microscopic Objects for
being Photographed. (Concluded.)”
Vol. xviii, 1871, p. 9: “Microphotography.” (From the Scientific
Vol. xviii, 1871, p. 6o: “A New Method of obtaining Micro-stereographs.”
Vol. xviii, 1871, p. 112: “Photomicrography.” By Thomas Higgin.
Vol. xviii, 1871, p. 503: “How to produce Microscopic Photographs with-
out a Microscope.”
Vol. xx, 1873, p. 155: “Photomicrography—Management of Light.”
Vol. xxi, 1874, p. 53: “Photographing Microscopic Objects.” By Alfred
Sanders, M.R.C.S., F.L.S.
Vol. xxii, 1875, p. 452: “Focussing with a Photomicrographic Apparatus.”
Vol. xxiii, 1876, p. 54: “High Powers in Microphotography.” By
C. Seiler, M.D.
Vol. xxiv, 1877, p. 302: “Stereoscopic Relief in Microphotography.”
Vol. xxiv, 1877, p. 4II: “On a Binocular Microscope for High Powers.”
(With reference to photomicrography.) By J. Traill Taylor.
Vol. xxiv, 1877, p. 535: Award of medal to Edward Viles for the best
photomicrograph at the exhibition of the Photographic Society of Great
The American Journal of Science and Arts. (New Haven.)
Second Series, vol. xxxii, 1861, p. 186: “On the Practical Application of
Photography to the Microscope.” By Professor O. N. Rood, of Troy, N.Y.
Second Series, vol. xxxii, 1861, p. 335: “On the Evidences furnished by
Photography as to the Nature of the Markings in Pleurosigma Angulatum.”
By Professor O. N. Rood.
Second Series, vol. xlii, 1866, p. 189: “On Photomicrography with the
Highest Powers, as practised in the Army Medical Museum.” By Dr. J. J.
Woodward, U.S. Army.
Second Series, vol. xlvi, 1868, p. 352: “Remarks on the Nineteen-band
Test-plate of Nobert.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Second Series, vol. xlviii, 1869, p. 169: “Additional Remarks on the
Nineteen-band Test-plate of Nobert.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Second Series, xlix, 1870, p. 294: “On the Magnesium and Electric
Lights as applied to Photomicrography.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S.
Second Series, vol. 1, 1870, p. 366: “On the Oxy-calcium Light as applied
to Photomicrography.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Third Series, vol. i, 1871, p. 345: “Memorandum on Amphipleura pellu-
cida.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Third Series, vol. i., 1871, p. 347 : “Memorandum on Surirella gemma.”
By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Third Series, vol. ii, 1871, p. 258: “On Photographing Histological Pre-
parations by Sunlight.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
The American Mažuralist. (Salem, Mass.)
Vol. iv., 1871, p. 472 et seg. : Photomicrographs by Dr. Maddox and Dr.
Vol. v., 1871, p. 125: “Photomicrographs for the Stereoscope.” (From
remarks by Dr. R. H. Ward.)
Vol. v., 1871, p. 734: Mr. Stodder on Dr. Woodward’s work.
Vol. v., 1871, p. 797: “Photographing Histological Preparations.”
Vol. vi., 1872, p. 184: “Microphotography.”
Vol. vi., 1872, p. 188: “Photographing Histological Preparations.”
Vol. vi., 1872, p. 318: “Photomicrographs Popularised.” (The work of
C. Meinerth, Newburyport, Mass.)
Vol. vi., 1872, p. 562; “Photo-mechanical Printing.” (In reference to
Vol. vi., 1872, 777: “Resolution of Nobert's Band.” By Dr. J. J. Wood-
ward, U.S. Army.
Vol. vi., 1872, p. 778: “Photo-mechanical Printing.” (In reference to
Vol. vii, 1873, p. 366: “Microscopic Photography of Vegetable Tissues.”
Vol. x, 1876, p. 730: Photomicrographs at the International Exhibition,
Vol. x, 1876, p. 753: “Microphotographs in Histology.”
Vol. xi, 1867, p. 315 and p. 318: The effect of photomicrography on the
construction of objectives in “A Foreign View of American Microscopy.”
The Quarterly Journal of Science. (London.)
New Series, vol. vi, 1876, p. 285: A note on the apparatus used by G. M.
New Series, vol. vi., 1876, p. 425: A note on the work done in Photo-
micrography by Edward H. Gayer, Professor of Surgery in the Medical Col-
lege, Calcutta.
New Series, vol. vii, 1877, p. 139: A note on photomicrography.
The British Medical Journal. (London.)
I867, October 5: “Photomicrography as applied to Anatomy, Pathology,
and Jurisprudence.”
1867, November 2: “Medical Application of Photomicrography.” (A
letter from R. L. Maddox, M.D.)
Under “Bibliography,” in the Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society
for 1878, are mentioned the following:—
P. 90: “Keith's Heliostat,” American Journal of Microscopy and Popular
Science, New York, March, 1878.
P. 92 : “On a Photographic Microscope.” By Professor C. Fayel,
Journal de Micrographie, Paris, March, 1878.
P. 92: “On Microphotography.” By Dr. S. Th. Stein. And “On the
Use of Artificial Light in Microphotography.” By Dr. J. J. Woodward,
Zeitschrift für Mikroskopie, Berlin, January, 1878.
P. 156: “A New and Cheap Form of Heliostat” (I wood-cut). By Dr.
L. M. Willis, American Journal of Microscopy and Popular Science, New
York, April, 1878.
P. 156: “Photomicrography.” By E. Riedel, American Journal of Micro-
scopy and Popular Science, New York, May, 1878.
P. 157: “On a Photographic Microscope.” (Continuation.) By Professor
C. Fayel, Journal de Micrographie, Paris, April, 1878.
P. 230: “On the Projection of Microscopic Photographs.” By J. C.
Draper, M.D., LL.D., &c., American Journal of Microscopy and Popular
Science, New York, April, 1878.
P. 38o: A book by A. de Barry, “Microphotographs of Botanical Pre-
parations,” Part i, IO plates: Strasburg.
P. 38o: A book by Ch. Fayel, “My Photographic Microscope:” Caen.
P. 38o: A book by Funcke and Thelen, “Microphotograms :” Witten.
P. 38o : A book by Recklinghausen and Meyer, “Microphotographs of
Pathological-Anatomical Preparations.” Part I, Io Plates: Strasburg.
Under “Bibliography” in the journal of the Royal Microscopical Society
for 1879 is the following:—
P. IO2 : “Microphotography,” Zeitschrift für Mikroskopie; vol. i., Part
X (November, 1878).
The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, Fourth
Series, vol. v., 1853, p. 459: Report of a paper read before the Philosophical
Society of Cambridge, April 26, 1853. -
Photographic Wews (London), vol. i., 1859, p. 104: “On the Photographic
Delineation of Microscopic Objects.” (Read before the Photographic Society,
November 2, 1858, by J. Reeves Traer, Esq.)
The British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, London, 1864,
July : A review of eleven papers on photomicrography.
The Philadelphia Photographer, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 1866, No. 33:
Photomicrography. By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
The Popular Science Review, London, vol. vi., 1867, p. 54: “How to
Photograph Microscopic Objects.” By Edward T. Wilson, M.B. Oxon.
The Dental Cosmos, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 1869, August : A review of a
lecture by Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
The Boston journal of Chemistry, 1872: An article on photomicrography,
by Chas. Stodder.
Chicago Zens, Chicago, U.S.A., 1872 : An article on photomicrography.
The American Journal of Medical Sciences, 1875, January, p. 15I : An
article on red blood-corpuscles, by Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
The Philadelphia Medical Times, U.S.A., 1876: “The Application of
Photography to Micrometry, with Special Reference to the Micrometry of
Blood in Criminal Cases.” By J. J. Woodward, M.D., U.S. Army.
Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, tom. xlv,
1857, p. 21.3 : “Images Photographiques d’Objects vus au Microscope.”
M. Bertsch.
Archiv für MŽároskopische Anatomie herausgegeben von Maar Schultze,
Professor der Anatomże zend Director der Anatomischen Instituts 27, Bonn,
1867, Dritter Band, Erstes Heft, Seite 61 : “Beiträge zur Mikrophotographis-
'chen Tecnik,” von Dr. Berthold Benecke in Königsberg, in Pr.
Aotºget’s Memoir, at the Académie des Sciences, on the Photographs of
Microscopic appearances of various tissues—some as stereographs, 1867.
Orr's Cºrcle of the Sciences, vol. viii, Practical Chemistry, London, 1861 :
In “Photography,” at p. 292, et seq.
A Handbook of Medical Microscopy. By Joseph G. Richardson, M.D.,
Microscopist to the Pennsylvania Hospital, etc., Philadelphia, 1871, p. 66.
The Microscope and Microscopical Technology. By Heinrich Frey,
Professor of Medicine in Zurich, Switzerland. Translated by Geo. R. Cutter,
M.D., Clinical Assistant to the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. New
York, I872, p. 42, et seg.
The Chemistry of Light and Photography, and its Application to Art,
Science, and Industry (International Scientific Series). By Dr. Hermann
Vogel, Professor in the Royal Industrial Academy of Berlin. London and
New York, I875, p. 205, et Seg.
A Treańse on Photography. By W. de Wiveleslie Abney, F.R.S., etc.
London, 1878, chapter xxxvii, p. 305.
Micro-Photographs in Histology, Normal and Pathological. By Carl
Seiler, M.D., in conjunction with J. Gibbons Hunt, M.D., and Joseph G.
Richardson, M.D. Macmillan and Co., 1876, 1878.
Atlas der allgemeinen thierischen gewebelehre, herausgegeben, von Theodor
von Hessling, und Julius Kollmann, nach der natur photographirt von Jos.
Albert, K.B., photographer in Munich, 1862.
Die Photographie als Hülfsmittel Mikroskopischer Forschung, von J.
Gerlach, Leipzig, Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann, 1863.
Das Mikroskop und die Mikroskopische Technik, von Dr. Heinrich Frey,
Professor der Medizin in Zürich. Leipzig, 1863, Seite 37, et seq.
Lehrbuch der Mikroséopâschen Photographie mit Rücksicht auf matur-
wissenschaftliche Forschungen, von Oscar Reichardt und Carl Stürenburg.
Mit 4 photographischen Abbildungen, Leipzig, Verlag von Quandt und
Händel, 1868.
La Photograffhäe, aftāquée attar recherches Micrographiques. Par A.
Moitessier, Paris, J. B. Baillière et Fils, 1866.
Encyclopædia Britannica, 1857 : “Microscope; ” Brewster.
United States Government Reports, War Department, 1865, and since by
Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. Army.
Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 262, Zhe Tomer Zectures, Wash-
ington, U.S.A., Lecture I: “On the Structure of Cancerous Tumours, and
the Mode in which Adjacent Parts are Invaded.” By J. J. Woodward,
Assistant Surgeon, U.S. Army. (November, 1873.)
“Nature.” Weekly. Macmillan & Co.
Monthly Journal of Science.
Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, edited by Prof. Lankester,
F.R.S. John Churchill and Sons.
Popular Science Review. New series, edited by W. S. Dallas.
Intellectual Observer. Monthly. Groombridge and Sons.
Science Gossip. Monthly. Bogue.
Land and Water. Edited by F. Buckland. Weekly.
Annals and Magazine of Natural History.
Das Mikroskop. P. Harting and Dr. F. W. Theile. Vieweg and Sohn.
Das Mikroskop und die Mikroskopische Technik. Dr. Heinrich Frey,
1863. -
Das Mikroskop, Theorie und Anwendung desselben. Carl Nägeli und
S. Schwendener.
Einleitung in die Technische Mikroskopie. Julius Wiesner. 1867.
Das Mikroskop. Paul Reinsch. Nürnberg. I867.
Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere, von Dr. F. Stein. Leipzig. Engel-
mann. 1878.
Die Radiolarien, von Dr. Ernst Haeckel. Berlin. 1862.
Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung. Dr. Leopold Dippel. Braun-
Schweig. |
L’Etudiant Micrographe, par Arthur Chevalier. Le Microscope, par le
Dr. Henri van Heurck. Bruxelles. 1878.
Beiträge zur Neuern Mikroskopie. Fried. Reinicke. 1862.
Gewebelehre. Gerlach.
Lehrbuch der Histologie. Leydig.
Traité du Microscope et des Injections. Ch. Robin. 1877.
Observateur au Microscope. Dujardin. 1842.
Archiv für Mikroskopische Anatomie v. La Valètte St. George, and
W. Waldeyer, in Strasburg, formerly Max Schultze’s Archiv. Bonn.
Kölliker und Siebold's Zeitschrift, edited by Ernst Ehlers. Engelmann.
Reichert und Du Bois-Reymonds' Archiv.
4os. New Microscope of Low Power.—Mr. Browning has lately de-
signed an excellent little instrument for general investigation with low
powers, which is known as Browning's Mew Miniature Microscope. The
instrument is of the size of the engraving on p. 496. The price in nickel
silver is 31. 17s. 6d. There are two achromatic powers : one magnifying
15, the other 35 diameters. Objects may be viewed by reflected or by
transmitted light. The instrument is admirably suited for botanical
and entomological investigations, and objects in the ordinary micro-
scopic slides may be examined by its aid.
409. New cheap Microscopes.—The instruments figured in pl. XCIX.
have been recently made by Mr. Crouch, and are excellent students'
microscopes. A good instrument for those who work at animal tissues
is represented in pl. XCIX, fig. 1. Fig. 2 is the student's binocular,
while a very cheap school microscope is shown in fig. 3. In the last
there are two lenses, an inch, and a half inch, and a condenser for
opaque objects; the whole, fitted in a case, costing only 2/. Ios.
With an extra eye-piece, spot lens, polariscope, and other apparatus,
this microscope costs 5/.
410. New cheap object-glasses for the Microscope.—Besides the
cheap lenses referred to in the text, some very good ones have been
recently made by Mr. Swift according to a new formula, and are sold at
about the same prices as the foreign objectives. The three-inch and
two-inch cost 17s., the quarter 26s., and the one-eighth 50s.
411. New oil-immersion Lenses.—In examining objects under high
powers, it is necessary to adjust the object-glass very accurately, or the
definition will be defective. And as the adjustment varies according to
the thickness of the covering-glass, it is sometimes a very troublesome
operation to adjust and readjust the objective for the examination
of several different preparations one after the other. It is, indeed, in
practice frequently difficult to decide the exact degree of rotation of
the adjustment collar which actually gives us the clearest definition.
The distance between the lower surface of the object-glass and an
object when in focus varies according to the thickness of the covering
glass, which distance is made up partly of a stratum of air and partly of
the covering-glass. It is the great difference between the refractive
index of the air and that of the glass which renders adjustment necessary
for clear definition. Now if, as has been well remarked by Mr. J. W.
Stephenson, some fluid substance, the refractive and dispersive properties
of which are the same as those of the covering-glass, could be substi-
tuted for the air in the intervening space, correction would be no longer
required—a sort of liquid glass being interposed between the objective
and the cover, it matters not whether the covering-glass be thick or
thin, for the object would be defined with equal distinctness. Mr.
Stephenson suggested the desirability of obtaining a new objective on
this principle to Professor Abbe, of Jena. Very soon afterwards a glass
was constructed according to Professor Abbe's recommendations by
t **
§§ §
Wºº *
vº *
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* § * §
** *
\ ***
Mr. Zeiss. After trying a number of oils and other substances, Professor
Abbe found that oil of cedar-wood (made by Shimmel and Co., Leipzig
and New York), although not identical with Crown glass, answered well.
But the same authority is of opinion that even a better medium may
yet be discovered.
As far back as 1844, Amici suggested that, in preference to water,
glycerine and oil of aniseed, or the latter alone, should intervene between,
and thus connect the covering-glass of the object and the lens.” Mr. Wen-
ham, also, in 1870, drew attention to the importance of “homogeneous
immersion,” and remarked that, if a medium of the same refractive
power as the glass were employed, it would give better results than
water; but Mr. Stephenson was the first to announce that important
practical results had actually been obtained by this method, with an
* Ch. Robin, “Traité du Microscope.” Paris, 1871. Page 191.

| | | Nº
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º *E,
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immense increase of angular aperture, in a paper “On a Large-angled
Immersion Objective without Adjustment Collar; with some observa-
tions on numerical Aperture,” read before the Royal Microscopical
Society, April 3, 1878.
One of the leading points of Professor Abbe's theory of 1874 was
his explanation of the important bearing which the diffraction pencils
have on the formation of the microscopic image, so that the resolving
power of an object-glass is dependent upon the diffraction pencils that
are taken up by it.
This fact was not previously known, and in the absence of that
knowledge, it is not surprising that those who suggested the use of oil
instead of water abandoned it in practice, not thinking it worth while to
follow it up. The use of oil as an immersion fluid would obviously
have seemed at that time to be a disadvantage, as far as aperture was
concerned, in consequence of the diminution of angle which was neces-
sarily caused.
When, however, the bearing of Professor Abbe's theory was appre-
ciated, it was seen that an object-glass, acting in oil, might take up
diffraction pencils which one of larger angle, acting in air, could not
reach, and hence, although the angle was reduced by the use of oil, yet
that the diffraction pencils belonging to an aperture of more than 180°
in air, would be compressed (so to say) within the lesser angle, and
greatly increased afterture could be utilised.
The qualities of the new oil-immersion objective are described by
1Mr. Stephenson, in the above memoir, as follows:–
“I. There being no aberration to correct for varying thickness of
cover-glasses, there is no collar adjustment. For thick covers, say
o'oo8 to o'oog, the ordinary length of Io inches gives the most perfect
definition; for thin covers, say o'ooz, a length of I2 inches is perhaps
tetter. But the difference is so very slight that it is scarcely necessary to
use the draw-tube.
“2. It has a balsam angle of 113°–125 numerical aperture,” which
renders it extremely sensitive in focussing, and also indicates the highest
resolving power hitherto attained.
“3. It has a large working distance. The distance between front of
lens and object is o'o.2, which gives a working distance of O'or 2 for
o'oo8 cover-glass, o'or 6 for o'ooz, and so on.
“4. Its power is rather more than one-ninth, and having Com-
* Briefly stated, “numerical aperture” is equal to the product of the refractive index
of the medium in front of the objective, multiplied into the sine of the semi-angular
aperture= n sin. w. This definition of “numerical aperture” offers at once a means
by which all objectives, whether dry, water, or oil immersion, can be directly com-
pared. It is based on the theory whence Professors Abbe and Helmholtz deduced the
limit of visibility. The angle of the oil-immersion lens described by Mr. Stephenson
2 K 2
5OO How To work witH THE MICROSCOPE.
ponent lenses throughout the combination, larger than in other objec-
tives of the same power, it transmits more light, the latter quality being
enhanced by a diminution in the reflection of the peripheral rays.
“5. It bears very deep eye-pieces and has a flat field.
“Lastly. An essential condition to its perfect performance is that if
the object be dry, it must be mounted on, or nearly touch, the cover, or
if not a dry object, that it be mounted in some medium having ap-
proximately the same refractive index as the oil, such as Canada bal-
Sam, &C. -
“The special advantage of this objective for petrographic work is
that the oil used, having very nearly the refractive index of the objects
to be examined, renders cover-glasses and highly polished surfaces
unnecessary; the minerals, if sufficiently translucent, can be observed
through a considerable depth, Say I-50th of an inch, and, on the as-
sumption of identity of index, every plane, from the surface downwards,
will have the same perfect correction.
“To a certain extent, the latter observation applies to all trans-
parent objects mounted in balsam, as the thickness of the balsam above
the object may be looked upon as equivalent to a thicker cover, and
the penetration must therefore be considerable, although the latter
quality will be still greater in the smaller-angled objectives constructed
on the same principle, which will hereafter be made.”
Professor Abbe, writing to Mr. Stephenson, on the objective, says:–
“The advantage of the greater aperture is shown in a most striking
manner on Pleurosigma angulatum, when observed by very oblique
light. This diatom mounted dry with the frustules adhering to the
cover is seen in quite a new aspect; by causing the pencil of light
to fall at right angles to the axis of the valve (or more generally parallel
to any of the three ordinary lines). It then presents at the portion
adhering to the thin glass cover white rectangular fields, separated by
dark broad beams, alternating from row to row, paler lines crossing the
white space between the black bands which are thus joined; the ratio
of the length of the rectangular division comprised between the dark
bands being to the width as 2 : V3.”
The Stephenson system of homogeneous immersion has been further
improved and developed by Professor Abbe,” of Jena, and in a memoir
read before the Royal Microscopical Society, on March 12, 1879, he
describes the construction of a new objective for oil-immersion. See
being 113°, gives a semi-angular aperture of 56%, of which the sine is o'839, which,
multiplied by I'50, the refractive index of the oil, gives a “numerical aperture” of
I 25 ; hence we see that we have in it a resolving power exceeding the possible limit of
a dry lens (sin. 90 = 1) by no less than 25 per cent.
* Ueber Stephenson's System der homogenen Immersion bei Mikroskop-Objectiven.
—Jena, 1879.
“Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society,” for 1879, vol. II, page
256. The oil-immersion lenses have a resolving power some 50 per
cent. higher than dry lenses.
In a note to me, dated June 5, 1879, Mr. Stephenson sums up the
chief advantages of the system of “Homogeneous Immersion” in the
following words:–
“It enables the optician to produce objectives the equivalent angles
of aperture of which greatly exceed the ideal maximum of 180° in air.
As the resolving power of every objective is exactly proportional to the
sine of half the angle multiplied by the refractive index of the immersion
Or separating medium employed, we have, for the same geometrical
angles, resolving powers proportional to I, I'33, and I'5o in the several
Cases of air, water, and oil. Hence we see that, cateris paribus, the
resolving power of an oil-immersion is 50 per cent. greater than that
of a dry lens in air, and already 40 per cent. beyond even the ideal
maximum of a dry lens has been obtained.
“2. The correction for spherical aberration is much facilitated.
“3. The tiresome correction with the adjustment collar of the
objective is entirely done away with.
“4. Objects mounted in balsam, when in focus, are in the best
possible correction irrespective of quantity of balsam or thickness of
cover. This point I have noticed in my paper on the Subject last year,
as also the great advantage it possesses in its great penetrative power in
the examination of minerals.
“Lastly, there is also the obvious advantage of Saving the light lost
by reflection, which is very great, in all dry objectives of large aperture,
and the front lenses being much larger there is necessarily greater
working distance with the same angle.
“Professor Abbe says, in his paper, that probably I-35 would be
the extreme limit, but, as before stated, I-40 (equal to a balsam angle
of 137° 48') has already been attained out of the possible I'50, or rather
Out of the theoretical maximum of 1.5o.”
412. New objective by Professor Abbe.—At the last meeting of the
Royal Microscopical Society for the session 1878–9, on June 11th,
Professor Abbe showed an objective, for oil-immersion, made according
to a new formula. For a description, the reader is referred to Professor
Abbe's paper, published in the Society's Journal.
413. Mineralogical Microscope.—An excellent student's microscope
for mineralogical work, with large rotating stage, convenient arrangement
for polariscope and other pieces of apparatus, has been lately designed
by Mr. Frank Rutley, of the Geological Survey, and may be obtained
of Mr. Watkins, Pall Mall. Mr. Swift also makes a student's mine-
ralogical microscope.
I N D E X.
ABERCROMBIE, DR., on photographs, 306
Aberration, spherical and chromatic, 9
Absolute phenol, 66 º
Absorbed and transmitted rays of light,
Absorption bands in spectrum, 273
5 5 ,, measuring, 276
2 3 ,, varieties of, 279
Acari, examination of, 187
Accidental presence of matters, 247
Accuracy in describing, 242
Acetic acid and glycerine, syrup, 365
Acid carmine injecting fluid, III
,, carbolic, 66
, chromic, 255
5 5 5 5 in glycerine, 365
,, hydrochloric, nitric, 255
,, Sulphuric, 255
,, reaction, 251
Acids, effects of, on organic structure, 255
Achromatic condenser, 30
ACKLAND, MR., stage micrometer, 42
Action of cells, 392
, , , , the heart of living animal, 192
Adipose tissue, I4O
Adjustments for altering the focus, II
Advantage of transparent injections, IO6
Air, examining specimens in, 79
’8 bubbles, several of, from specimens,
,, cavities in bone, 91
,, cells of lung, I57
, , mounting in, 86
,, pump, 89
Albite type of crystals, 224
Alcohol, 253
2 3 and ether, effects of, 254
Alkalies, effects of, on organic structures,
257. .
Alkaline reaction, 25 I
,, fluid in tissues, I23
ALLEN, DR. F., spring clip, 58
ALLPORT, MR. S., on pitchstone, 233
, , " On microliths, 233
Altering focus adjustments for, II
Alum, preservative solution of, 68
Amoebae, method of examining, 203
Amoeba, its movements, 401
2 3 vital movements of, 196
Ammonia, 257
3 5 oxalate, 258
Amphipleura pellucida, examination of,
Anacharis alsinastrum, circulation in, 200
Analysis, chemical, in microscopical en-
quiry, 249
,, microscopical, new method, 365
, , spectrum, 269
Analyser and polariser, 23
Anatomical controversy, 357
5 3 peculiarities of tissues, I35
Anatomy of crystals, 221
Anchusa paniculata, circulation in, 200
Angle of aperture, Io
Angles of crystals, 218
Anilin colours for staining, 127
Animalcule cage, 76, IOI
Animal substances, separating crystals.
from, 264
Animals, lower, tissues of, 166
Annular reflector, 28
Apatite, 231, 234
,, crystals, 225
Aperture, angle of, Io
Apparatus, chemical, 252
,, . for injecting, IO4
22 required for investigation, list
of, 475
5 2 for microscopical work, 49
2 3 ,, microscopic photography,
,, student’s microscope, 21
Appearance of same object in different
media, 80
Aponogeton, 183
Apothecium, 172
Appendix, 495
Aquaria, 182
Aquarium microscope, I6
Arenaceous group of rocks, 229
Areolar tissue, examination of, 138
32 2 3 Submucous, I53
Argand lamp, 25
Argillaceous rocks, 229
Arsenious acid, 69
Artery, contraction of, under microscope,
I9 I
,, of liver, 16o
Arteries, examination of, I47
Artificial and natural injections, Io2
2 3 illumination, 24
Artists, list of, 520
Augite, 226
Automaton, 3
Axis cylinder nerve, 148
BACTERIA, absence of, not easily proved,
Bacteria, growth of 205
BAILEY's universal indicator, 48
BAKER, M.R., finder, 22
Balsam, Canada, 56
,, specimens, objections to, I2I
BARKER, DR. JoHN, his growing cells, 77
Barytes, nitrate of, 258
Basement membrane, 245
5 3 9 3 kidney, 162
Bat, wing of, circulation in, I93
9 3 ,, ultimate nerve-fibresin, 414
Bathybius, 401
BECK, MR. R., on growing cells, 77
BECK's parabolic illuminator, 26
Bedding tissues, 93
Beginners, first step in examination, 81
BELL’s cement, 55
Belonites, 222
Benzol, Canada balsam in, 57
Bibliography, 482
Bichromate of potash, glycerine solution
of, 365
Binocular microscopes, I4
2 3 spectrum microscope, 270
Bioplasm of hairs of Tradescantia, 199
,, keeping alive, 188
,, of kidney, I63
,, lacunae of bone, 91
,, or living matter, 386
,, moving, in plants, 198
,, relation to formed material, 385
,, staining, I22
Bioplasts of cerebral convolutions, 429
,, fat cells, I4O
,, hyla stained, 368
,, muscle, I45
,, yellow elastic tissue, I4O
Biotite, 231
Blocks, wood, 35
Blood, circulation of, 191
5 5 -corpuscles, bacteria-like bodies
from, 205
5 5 5 5 colourless, move-
ment of, 197
5 3 2 3 effects of acids on,
2 3 3 3 examination of, I 56
,, spectrum of, 273
Blow fly, larva of, 189
Blowpipe apparatus, 2 IO
3 3 beads, spectrum examination of,
Blue colours for staining tissues, III
,, fluid from nodularia, 281
,, injecting fluid, Turnbull’s blue, I IO
,, Prussian, new form of, 363
BoCKETT lamp, 25
Body of microscope, I2
Bone, appearance of, in balsam, 90
,, corpuscles, 90
,, examination of, I4I
,, making sections of 97
,, mounting sections of, 89
,, preparing for high powers, 377
Books, list of, 482
,, on spectrum analysis, 283
Borax and boracic acid in muscular con-
tractility, 190
Bottle with capillary orifice, 260
,, for collecting, 176
,, dropping, 369
BOWERBANK, MR., on pediculus, 167
2 3 ,, on sponges, I69, I79
Bow MAN, MR., on kidney, 162
3 2 ,, on muscular fibre, I42
5 5. ,, HUGH, his photographs,
Boxwood forceps, 52
Brain, cutting thin sections, 94
,, examination of, 165
,, thin sections of, under high powers,
37 I
Branched muscular fibres, 143
Branchiae of mollusca, 169
2 3 of tadpole, 192
BRANSON, DR., on circulation in Vallis-
neria, 200
Brass cells, 7 I
5 5 ,, for objectives, 439
,, plate, 50
3 5 ,, for stage of microscope, 188
, , slab for grinding, 2II
Brazil wood, spectrum of, 273
Breadcrumbs, examining, 82
BRIDGMAN, MR., his finder, 48
Bronzite, 226
tives, 8
5 y 22
immersion objec-
his nose piece, 9
on perforating thin glass,
3 5. 2 3
BROWN, PROF., smallest microscope, 2O
BROWNIAN movements, 195
BROWNING, MR., on spectrum micro-
Scope, 27O
BRÚCKE, PROF., muscular contractility,
5 * 2 3 on soluble blue fluid,
II.3 º
Brunswick black, 55
3 9 5 5 cells, 7o
Bubbles, air, 80
2 3 in cavities in crystal, 236
Built glass cells, 74
Bull's eye condenser, 26
,, nose forceps, IO3
BURNET’s solution, 68
BUsk, MR. G., on the use of gaslight in
photography, 316
CABINET for preparations, 239
Calcareous rocks, 229
Calcspar, 226
Camel, blood corpuscles of, I56
Camera, arranging for photographs, 327
,, for microscopic photography,
29O * ... is
,, lucida, 33 *
,, photographic to ordinary micro-
Scope, 3OO
Camphine lamp, 24
Canada balsam, 56
cºlian balsam, examining specimensin,
8 *
mounting cord in, 164
objections to, for mount-
2 3 2 3
2 3 2 3
ing, I2 I
5 5 3 2 warming, 50
Candied lemon peel, examination of 84
Cannel coal, sections of 238
Cans for injecting, Iog
Capillaries, examination of, 147
3 2. nerves to, 4 II
2 3 of muscle, I45
2 3 passage of corpuscles through,
2 3 Salivary glands, 158
Capillary circulation in mammalia, 193
2 3 tubes for testing, 261
2 3 vessels in living frog, 375
Capsules, egg of insects, 168 .
Carbolic acid, 66
Carbonate of lead for injection, IoS
3 3 of lime, appearances in dif-
ferent media, 80
5 5 5 5 testing for, 261
Carmine fluid, acid, III
injection, IO/
for staining, I25
‘35 ,, for staining, 362
,, injecting fluid, III
,, Carter's, II2
On Eozoon Cana-
2 3 2 3
2 3 2 3
' > y 2 3
dense, 237
CARTER, DR., his carmine injecting fluid,
II 2
Cartilage, examination of, I40
Casein cements, 61
CASTRACANE, COUNT, illustrations in
photography, 3II w
Caudate nerve cells, 417
Cavities in bone, 9o
,, in crystals, 225, 235
5 5 fluid in minerals, 223
Cell, 390
,, action of 392
Cells concerned in mind, 419
,, Brunswick black, 70
, , , deep glass, 73
,, dry, 86
,, false, 392
,, for preserving specimens, 69
2 3 glass, 53
5 3 ,, bending a strip of, for, 75
,, growing, 76
,, gutta percha and ebonite, 7I
,, marine glue, 70
,, moulded glass, 7I
, , mucus In, I95
,, of ciliated epithelium, IQ4
,, paper, shell-lac, and tinfoil, 70
,, pigment, in web of frog, 373
,, of plant, circulation in, 198
, Spherical and Oval nerve, 415
,, thin glass, 72
,, wedge-shaped, for spectrum ana-
lysis, 275
Cellular tissues of plants, 171
Cell wall, action of reagents upon, 251
,, , , staining, I23
Cementing glass with marine glue, 72
Cement, French, for mounting large
specimens, 58
2 3 of various kinds, 6o
3 * varnishes, &c., 54
Centres, new, of living matter, 390
Cerebral matter, examination of, I66
Chalk, lithographic, 36
CHANCE, MESSR.S., thin glass, 53
Chara, 183
Cheese-mites, examination of, 187
Chemical analysis, 249
5 y apparatus, 252
2 3 reagents in glycerine, 364
5 5 solutions, hardening properties
of, 267
Chemistry, importance to microscopical
investigation, I.33
Chelidonium majus, circulation in, 198
Chisel for examining rocks, 2Io
Chloride of calcium, 68
2 3 of gold, for staining, I29
5 5 testing for, 258
5 3 zinc, 68
Chlorite, 227
Chloroform, 253
2 3 Solvent for Canada balsam,
Chlorophyll, masses of moving, in plant
cells, I99
, , spectra of, 277
Chromate of lead for injection, IoS
Chromatic aberration, 9 4
Chromic acid, 255
3 5 ,, for ganglia and cord, I63
2 3 ,, Solution, 67
Chuck-bottle, 2II
Chyle, movements of, I55
Cilia of branchiae of mollusca, 169
,, of newt’s kidney, 162, 194
, , movement, IQ3, 202
Ciliated epithelium of air passages, 158
Circuits, nerve, 409
Circulation in hairs of nettle, 2OI
2 3 in hairs of Tradescantia, I99
3 * in vessels of plants, 198
3 3 of blood, 191
3 y of fluid in tissues, 206
paring spinal cord, 163
Class demonstration, 5
,, microscope, 17
glass slides and thin glass, 53
Cleaning glass plates in photography, 325
5 5 off marine glue, 72
3 5 old photographic plates, 335
3 3 thin glass, 53
Cleavage of muscular fibre, I44
Clinical microscope, 17
Clips, spring, 58.
Coal, preparing thin sections of 238
Cobweb micrometer, 4.I
Cocoanut, shell of, I7I
Coddington lens, 177
COHNHEIM, his researches on movements
of corpuscles, 197
} % 3 5. 92 on the cornea,
Collecting and dredging, 175
3 2 diatoms, 175 -
32 lower animals and plants, I75
3 5 on sea shore, 181
COLLINS, MR., binocular microscope,
3 × ,, diaphragm, 30.
5 5 ,, his graduating diaphragm,
2 3 ,, lamp, 25 -
3 2 ,, new plan for altering
focus, II
Collodion, 322
Coloured engravings, 356
2 3 injections, To2
Colouring bioplasm, 123
2 3 fluids with glycerine, 364
2 3 matters for injection, IoS
5 3 of leaves and flowers, 17 I
2 3 of plants, 280
5 3 new, 28o
2 3 for transparent injection, Io8
22 nerve fibres, gold for, I29
Colourless blood corpuscles, 157
Compact tissue of bone, 90
Complex tissues, examination of, 152
Compound dissecting microscope, 21
3 3 microscope, 6
Compressorium, dissecting with, 96
Conclusions, erroneous, 240
Condenser, 26
5 3 achromatic, 30
5 5 bull's-eye, 26
} } Gillett's, 30
2 3 Webster's, 31
3 5 for high powers, 352
Congleton stone, 213
Conical glasses, 99
Connective tissue of muscle, 145
Constructing object-glasses, 431
Contraction of muscle, 189
Contractile fibre cells, 146
Contractility, 201
5 2. of muscle, 189
Controversy, anatomical, 357
Conversion of bioplasm into formed ma-
terial, 387
2 3 of standards of measurement,
Convolutions, structure of gray matter of,
427 º
COOKE, MR. CONRAD, micrographic
Camera, 34
Copying objects, 32
Cord, spinal, examination of, I63
Cork forceps, 21 I
Corks for injecting, Iog
,, loaded, 91 r
Cornea, finest nerves in, 413
5 3 of frog, movement of bioplasm
in, 203
Cornea, structure of, demonstrated by
staining, I29
Corpora amylacea, 166
Corpuscles, bone, 90
2 3 corneal, relation of nerves to,
Correction, 9, Io
2 3 for covered and uncovered
objects, Io
Correcting object-glasses, 436
Corrosive sublimate, solution of, 68
Covering glass, very thin, 351
Creatine, creatinine, 263
Creosote for preserving plants, I75
Crochet needle, 2II
Crocus for polishing glass, 442
CROUCH, MR. H., his new cheap micro-
Scopes, 497
Crumbs, examining, 82
Crustacea, muscles of, I43
Cryptocrystalline substances, 23.I
Cryptogamia, new colouring matter from,
Crystalline globules, 80
Crystals, action on polarised light, 22O
2 3 anatomy of, 22I
2 3 angles of, 218
5 5 cavities in, 235
53 enclosed in one another, 234
2 3 obtaining for examination, 264
5 3 in plants, I72
2 3 preservation of, 267
2 3 in rocks, 208
2 3 sections of, making, 212
3 2 separation of, from animal mat-
ters, 264
2 3 spiral, 265
5 3 on obtaining from textures, 262
Currents in tissue towards bioplasm, I24
Cutting glass, 53 *
,, and grinding glass, 7 I
,, pliers, use of, in studying rocks,
,, thin sections, 50
5 2. $ 2 instrument for, 5 I
22 5 y under the micro-
Scope, 96 -
Cyclosis, 198
DALLINGER, REv. H., on growth and
germination, 206
Damar varnish, 55
DANCER, MR., his illuminator for opaque
objects, 27
Daphnes and fresh-water shrimps, 186
Dark-bordered nerve-fibres, I4
3 3 nerve-fibres and finefibres,
4I 3 as . tº
Dark ground illumination, 27
DAvis, MR. THOMAS, on crystals of Sul-
phate of copper, &c., 265
DAVY, DR. John, on plant crystals, I74
Dead and living, 404
Deal, examining thin shavings, 83
,, appearance of fibres of, 248
DEAN, DR., on microphotographs, 288
DEANE, M.R., his preservative gelatine, 67
DEECKE, M.R., his arrangement for taking
photographs, 298
5 5. on photomicrography, 324
Deep glass cells, 73
Definition of object-glasses, 8
Delineating objects, 32
Demodex folliculorum, 187
Demonstration, class, 5
Demonstrating tissues of plants, 170
DENNIS, MR., his built glass cells, 74
Dentine, making sections of, 98
Dentinal tubes, 377
Deposit, collecting, when small in quan-
tity, IOO
$ 5 Separation of, from fluids, 99
Description, exactness of 243
IDesmidiae, filamentous, 181
IDeveloping solutions, 324
2 3 the photographic image, 331
Development of cartilage, 141
2 3 of tissues, preparing speci-
mens, 167
I)iabase, 233
Diallage, 226
I)iameter, measuring, 43
Diamond, writing, 53
Diapedesis, 197
Diaphragm, I2
9 3 adjustable, 355
3 5 5 2. Mr. Rincaid's, I 2
Diatoms, action of acid on, 256
2 3 Imounting, I 75
Disappointment concerning work, 4
Discs or laps for grinding minerals, 2 II
,, steel, 33
,, of muscle, I44
Dissecting with compressorium, 96
2 3 microscopes, I6, 2I
22 tissues with compressorium, 96
Dissections, needles for, 52
3 3 of making, 91
Distilled water, 253
Double-bladed section knife, 51
Double-edged scalpels, 50
Draghook, 177
Draughtsmen, 52O
Drawing objects, 31
5 3 3 5 under high powers, 355
5 3 on stone, 36
2 3 pencils, 35
Dredging, I75
Drilling holes in glass, 7 I
Dropping bottles, 369
DRUMMOND light in photography, 316
Dry, examining and preserving objects, 86
Drying, 252
, , by Steam heat, 50
DRYSDALE, DR., on growth and germi-
nation, 206
a 5 “Protoplasmic Theory
of Life,” 385
DUBOSQ's heliostat, 30
Ducts of glands, II6
Ducts of liver, injecting, 160
Dust, 248
Dytiscus, sarcolemma of muscles of, 143
EBONITE cells, 71, 75
EDMUNDS, DR., his immersion paraboloid
illuminator, 28, 168
5 3 on mounting objects, 88
Education for observation, 239
EDWARDES, PROF. MILNE, on injecting
a snail, I IQ
Egg capsules of insects, 168
Eightieth of an inch objective, 350
Elastic tissue, structures mistaken for, 246
Electrotype copies of blocks, 356
Elvans, 231
Embryonic tissues, preparing, 167
3 5 ,, preparation of, for high
powers, 379
2 3 ,, in viscid media, 362
Embryo, rendering tissues of, transparent,
Emery for grinding and polishing glass,
2 3 2 3
2 I 2
Enamel, making sections of, 98
Ends of tubes, 245
Engravers on wood, 520
Engraving objects, 31
2 5 On Stone, 36
Engravings, 356
Entozoon folliculorum, I87
Eozoon Canadense, section of, 2I4, 237
Epidote, 227
Epithelium, ciliated, 158
rocks and crystals,
5 5 of mucous membrane, I53
5 2. of kidney, 162
5 5 of villi, I55
Erector, 7
Errors of observation, 244
Eruptive rocks, 230
5 5 ,, examination of 208
Ether, 253
Eurites, 23.I
Evaporation and drying, 252
Exactness in description, 242
Examination by reflected light, 22
Examination of arteries and veins, I47
3 3 deposit, IOI
2 3 fossils, 237
3 2. ganglia and spinal cord,
2 3 infusoria, I86
2 3 injected tissues, I2O
3 5 liver, I59
3 5 objects in spectrum mi-
croscope, 272
5 5 of rocks and crystals, 212
Examining newt's kidney, 162
5 3 substances dry and in fluids, 87
3 5 tissues of embryo, I67
Experience, importance of practical, 3
Exercises in manipulation, 463,474
Exposing the photographic plate, 329
Extractives, 263
Extraneous matters, accidental, 247
Extra-vascular spaces, I2 I
Eye of ox, injecting, I 15
Eyepiece, Kelner's, 7, 30
2 3 micrometer, 42
3 2 negative or Hughenian, 7
FALLACIES to be guarded against, 244
False cells, 392
Feathers, 247
Felspars, 224
Felsites, 231
Felstones, 230
Ferns, spores of 87
Fibres of wood, 248
Fibres and membranes produced artifici-
ally, 246
Fibrillae of muscle, 145
Fibrous appearance, 246
,, tissue, white and yellow, I 39
Field, flatness of, 9 * *
Fiftieth of an inch object-glass, 350
Filtering, 99, 251
Finder, 22
,, Maltwood's, 49
§ Mr. Bridgman's, Mr. Wright's,
Fine nerve fibre, 149
5 5 ,, , , as test objects, 43
Finger, mechanical, 96
Fishes, injecting, I2O
Fixing solutions in photography, 325, 337
Flax fibres, 247
Flowers, mounting petals of 86
Fluid cavities in crystal, 223, 235
,, examining bodies in, 87
Fluids for examining tissues, 85
,, movements of, in, 206
Fluxion-structure, 223
Fly, mounting parts of, 89
Focus, adjustments for altering, II
Focussing in photomicrography, 318
Folding microscope of Powell and Lea-
land, I6
Foraminifera in limestones, shells of, I69,
Forces, molecular, IQ6
5 5 jelly guiding, I97
Forceps, 52, 212
3 2 used in injecting, 123
Foreign standards of measurement, 46
Fººtion of tissues, Author's views on,
Formed and liſeless state of matter, 385
,, material of cilia, I95
5 3 5 3 staining, I22
Formula for object-glass, 452
9 3 ,, a quarter by Mr. Swift, 461
Fossils, preparing for examination, 237
Fountain in vivarium, 182
FRANCIS, MR. G., on blue fluid from
nodularia, 281
Freezing tissues, 94
French cement of lime and India-rubber,
3 2 measurements, 47
FRERE, DR. TEMPLE, on perforating
thin glass, 73
Fresh-water aquaria, 182
Fraenum of tongue, circulation in, 193
Frog, eyelid of, I49
,, living pigment cells of, 375
*6 preparing tissues for high powers,
,, foot, circulation of blood in, I91,
373 . . .
, , injecting, I I5
,, movement of bioplasm in cornea
of, 2O3
,, demonstration of tissues of, 372
,, and newt, arteries of, I47
Frogbit, 183
Fruits, structure of, 171
Fuci, sponges attached to, I79
Ganglia, examination of, 415
5 5 hyla, preparing for high powers,
GARDNER, MR., his air-pump, 89
Gas-lamps, 25
,, bottles, iron, 340
GEISSLER, of Bonn, his warm stage, 189
Gelatine, preservative, 67
,, and glycerine, 67
Gelatino-bromide plates for photographs,
GERLACH, PROF., on carmine injecting,.
2 3 3 5 On staining, I24
Germinal or living state of matter, 385
colouring, I23
movements of,
2 3 5 5 2 3
2 3 5 3 3 2
Germination of mildew, 205
GILLETT's condenser, 30
Glandular organs, 161
epithelium of, 162
3 2 5 2. injecting ducts of, 16O.
2 3 Salivary, examination
2 3 5 3
3 5
of, I58
Glass cells, 53, 7 I
,, cutting and grinding, 7 I
,, on dividing and reducing, 440
,, drilling holes in, 7I
,, for objectives, 439
, , shades, 54
, , slides, 53
,, thin, for covering specimens, 7 I
,, tube used for injecting, IO4
Glasses, conical, 99
GLISSON'S capsule, I59
Globules of crystalline matter, 80
2 5 of oil, 81
Glue and gum cements, 61
,, marine, 56
Glycerine, 64
2 3 and gelatine, 67
3 3 for mounting delicate struc-
tures, 167
2 3 injected specimens in, I2 I
2 5 Solutions, 363
3 3 its use in working with high
powers, 360
Glycerine, its use in micro-chemistry, 262
Haversian spaces, 14.I
HAWKSLEY, MR., microscope lamp, 25
Heart, action of, 192
,, muscular tissue of, I45
Heat, use of, in rendering specimens
clear, 369
,, stimulus to life, 397
Heating objects under examination, 189
HEISCH, MR., on stereoscopic photo-
graphs, 32 I
Heliostat, 30
5 3 for illumination in photo-
graphy, 314
3 3 Silbermann's, 285
Hematite, 227
Hemispherical condenser, 31
Hepatic vein, 160
HEREPATH, DR., on iodo-quinine, 23
HERING, on the structure of the liver, 161
High powers, preparing specimens for, 357
22 7 3 illumination under, 352
5 2 2 3 with single front, 8, 456
Higher animals, injecting, I I4
Highest magnifying powers, binocular
for, I4
Highest powers, on the use of, 344
2 3 ,, drawing objects under,
2 3 ,, new method of preparing
tissues for, 357
HIGHLEY, MR., on collecting and dredg-
ing, I 77
5 5 ,, his compressorium, 96
gas lamp, 25
22 2 3 -
3 2 3 5 l]]1CYO-
Scope, 219
2 3 ,, on Sorting marine ani-
mals, 185
5 5 ,, travelling microscope, I6
HIS on the cornea, I29
HOBLYN, MR., on mounting, 58
Holder for leaves, &c., 52
Holes, drilling, in glass, 7 I
Horn, making sections of, 98
Hornblende, 226, 231
Hot air oven, 188
HOW, MR., illuminator hand microscope,
Hughenian eye-piece, 7
Hyalodiscus subtilis, test object, 43
Hydrochloric acid, 255
Hylae, preparing tissues of, 367
ICELAND spar, 23
Illuminating objects, 22
Illumination, artificial, for photography,
5 5 and size for injection, Io'ſ
2 3 for test solutions, 364
3 2 tissues in, 86
2 3 for vegetable tissues, 171
GOADBY, DR., on making glass cells, 71
2 3 ,, his built glass cells, 74
3 2 ,, his solution, 68
Gold, chloride of, for staining, 129
,, size, 54
Goniometer, 218
GORHAM, MR., mounting objects in bal-
Sam, 57
Graduating diaphragm, 12
Grammatophora subtilissima, test object,
Granites, 230
Granules, movement of, in cells, 206
Granulite, 232
Green injecting fluid, 112
Grinding glass, 71, 74
2 5 lathe, 2IO
5 2 sections of rock, 216
2 5 thin sections of minerals, 213
Growing cells, 76
Growth, new views on, 205
2 3 of bone, I42
5 y and multiplication, 204
3 3 of a spore of mildew, 205
GULLIVER, PROF., on blood-corpuscles,
3 5 ,, on plant crystals, I 72
Gum and glycerine, 68
,, for mounting, 58
Gutta-percha cells, 75
5 3 tablets for dissecting, 92
GUY, DR., hand microscope, 20
2 3 ,, on microscope cells, 76
Gypsum cements, 62
HAEMATOXYLIN, staining with, 129
Hair and horn, making sections of, 98
Hairs, 248
,, of flower of Tradescantia, 199
,, of insects, 168
HALL, Mr. W. H., on cells, 76
Hammer for breaking rocks, 2 Io
HAMMOND, Mr. W. H., on plant crys-
tals, I74
Hand microscopes, 18
Handling bodies under the microscope, 96
Hard tissues, cutting sections of, 97
3 5 ,, preparation of, for high
powers, 377
2 3 ,, on preparing for high
powers, 361
2 3 ,, on softening, 379
Hardening, fluids for, 87
2 3 properties of chemical solu-
tions, 267
2 3 tissues, 97
HARRISON, MESSR.S., printers and litho-
graphers, 37
HARTNACK's immersion lenses, 188
5 3 object-glasses, 8
HASSALL’s corpuscles, 166
5 2 Mr. Dancer's spectrum, 27
2 3 dark ground, 27
2 3 monochromatic, 29
2 3 of objects under high
powers, 352
2 3 oblique, 23
2 3 in photography, 3IO
33 for photographing objects,
Illumination, sources of, 24
Illuminator, parabolic, 26
22 hand microscope, 20
Image objects, method of increasing, 355
,, photographic developing, 331
Immersion lenses, 8,
3 2 object-glasses, 8
2 3 3 5 constructing, 435
3 2 paraboloid, 28
5 5 twenty-fifth, 350
Implements and materials for examining
rocks, 209
Incineration, 252
India-rubber plant, circulation in sheath,
52 and lime cément, 59
33 rings for cells, 70
Indicator, Bailey's universal, 48
Inferences, on drawing from observations,
24O, 242
Inflammation, passage of colourless blood-
corpuscles through walls of the capil-
laries, 197
5 5 vessels in, 374
Influence of nerves, 409
Infusoria mounted in glycerine, 167
5 5 examination of, I86
Injecting, IO2
2 3 Cans, IO3
5 3 carmine and Prussian blue for,
2 3 different systems of vessels, II3
2 3 ducts of glands, II6
2 3 duct and vessels of liver, 16o
32 eye of ox, I I5
2 3 fishes, I2O
. 5 5 fluid, acid carmine, III
blue, Turnbull’s, I IO
carmine, III
finest for high powers, 363
green, II2
Prussian blue, Io9
,, yellow, I I3
3 2 forceps used in, IO3
2 3 hyla for high powers, 367
5 2 a frog, II5
2 3 3 5
2 3 5 2
2 3 5 y
2 3 2 3
22 35
22 insects, II8
2 3 liver, I 17
2 3 lymphatic vessels, 118
6. tissues for highest powers, 363,
Injection, best mode of killing animals
for, I22
2 5 fallacies caused by, 244
2 3 mercurial, II3
3 2 mollusca, II9
33 by mercurial pressure, IO4
3 2 practical operation of, II4
,, rat, II 5
2 2 sheep's kidney, 115
2 3 Snail, II9
Injections, colouring matters for tran-
sparent, IO6, IOS
2 5 deep glass cells for, 74 &
5 2. instruments required in
making, IO2
Injections, natural and artificial, Io2
2 3 transparent, IO/
2 5 of vessels, 366
Ink, lithographic, 37
Insects, cases for breeding, 182
,, examination of, 167
, , injecting, I 18
,, preparing tissues for microsco-
pical examination, 167
,, Scissors for dissecting, 52
, , mounting, 89
Insoluble particles of Prussian blue, Io9
Instrument makers, 520
Instruments, accessory, 22
2 3 for injecting, IO2
Intensifying the negative in photography,
Intercellular substance, I41
5 5 tissue staining, I23
Internal structure, examination of, 29
Intestine, injecting, II5
Inverted microscope, 219
Investigation, advantages of staining in,
3 2 original, 24.I
2 3 of structure of tissues with
powers, 357
Involuntary muscle, 146
Iodine solutions, 258
Iodo-quinine, 23
Iron gas bottles, 340
,, and steel, microscopic structure of,
,, tincture of perchloride, Io9
Irritation and inflammation, 396
ISBELL, REV. G., on mounting, 58
JACKSON's eye-piece micrometer, 42
Jam, examination of, 83
cular movements, 195
KEEPING preparations in the cabinet, 239
KELNER's eye-piece, 7
9 3 3 3 as a condenser, 30,
Kersantite, 232
Kidney, basement membrane of, 162
2 3 matrix of, I62
,, of newt, displaying cilia of, I94
, , of sheep and pig, injecting, I 15
KILBURN, Mr. W. E., on introducing
oxygen into paraffin lamp, 352
KINCAID, Mr., on diaphragm, I2
KING, Mr., microscope for aquarium, 17
, , ,, naturalist, 183
RöLLIKER, PROF., on muscular tissue,
Knife for minerals, 2 Io
,, new form of, 5 I
,, Valentin's, 51, 92
,, for weeds, I76
Lacteals, demonstration of, I55
2 3 movement of chyle in, 193
5 IO
Lacunae, appearance of, in balsam, 90
LADD, M.R., chain movement, II
Lamps, 24
,, Collins’ “Bockett,” 25
,, for high powers, 352
Lamp, gas, 25
,, paraffin, with round wick, 25
,, Smith and Beck's camphine, 25
, Spirit, 49
Lantern, photomicrographs for, 338
Lap of grinding lathe, 217
Large microscopes, I3
Larvae, aquatic, muscles of, 189
Lathe for grinding, 2 IO
Lavas, 230
on measurement, 46
5 2 DR., dissecting binocular mi-
croscope, 2I
2 3 ,, on injecting the Snail, I2O
LEA, MR. CAREY, on intensifying nega-
tives, 334
Lead lutings, 63
,, carbonate of, IOS
,, chromate of, IO5
,, white, for injection, IO5
Leaf-holder, 52
2 3 tissues of, I 71
LEALAND, MR., on structure of muscle,
Lectures, microscope for, 19
LEIGHTON, REv. W. A., on lichens, 172
Lens, nose clip for, 209
Lengthening tube of microscope, 355
Lepidolite, 231 *
Leptynite, 232
Leucite, 225
Leucocytes, IQ7
Lichens, microscopical examination of, I 72
Lieberkuhn, 26
Life, 397
,, and death, 404
.,, of animals, destroying, for inject-
Ing, I22
Ligamentum nuchae, I39
Light, arranging, for drawing, 33
,, artificial, for photography, 315
,, polarised, 23, 80
,, reflected, 79
5 2 2 3 and transmitted, 22, 29
Lilac fluid for staining, I27
Lilium speciosum, pollen tubes of, 20I
Lime and India-rubber cement, 58
,, light in photography, 316
,, testing for, 25 I
Limestones, 208
Linnaeus stagnalis, 204
Limonite, 227
Liquor potassaefor examining lichens, I72
Lissotriton, kidney of, I61
LISTER, M.R., his improvements in
making microscopes, 432
2 3 PROF., on pigment cells, 207
Lithographs, on obtaining, 35
Lithography, apparatus required in, 37
Liver, injecting ducts of, I 17
Liver, on demonstrating structure of, I58
,, injecting, II5
Living matter, 40I
properties of, 384
2 3 ,, distinguished from non-
living matter, 202
or bioplasm, 386
5 2. ,, staining, I23
,, sponges, I69
,, things and machines, 403
Loaded corks, 9 I
Lobules of the liver, I 59
Logwood, spectrum of, 273
Low power microscope, 495
Lower animals, anatomy of, I6I
2 3 2 3 injecting, II8
Lung, examination of, I57
Lutings for lead, &c., 63
Lymphatic vessels, injecting, I 18
2 3 2 3
3 * 32
MACHINERY in amoeba, 3
Machines and living things, 403
MACLAGAN, DR., on plant crystals, I 74
Madder staining bones of living animals,
I4 I
MADDOX, DR., his camera, 3OO
5 2. ,, on coloured illumination
in taking photographs, 313
on glycerine, 65
on mounting, 58
on photography, 284
2 3 ,, on spring clip, 58
2 3 ,, on stereoscopic photo-
graphs, 321
Magenta for staining, I27
Magic lantern for photographs, 339
Magnesium light in photography, 317
Magnetic needle, 2IO
Magnetite, 227
Magnifying power, method of increasing,
2 3 2 5
2 3 2 3
2 3 2 3
2 3 2 3
on ascertaining, 44
2 3 2 3 on augmenting, 7
2 5 2 3 tests for defining, 45
Malpighian tuft of newt's kidney, 162
MALTwoOD’s finder, 22
Mammalia, distribution of nerves of, I5O
2 examination of vessels of, I47
Manipulation in photography, 325
2 3 tables for practising, 463
Marine aquaria, I83
,, glue, 55
2 3 3 2 cells, 7o
MARTYN, D.R., on muscular fibrilla, I45
MATHEWS, DR., on the section cutter, 93
2 3 M.R., injecting Sylinge, IO3
3 2 ,, new form of Valentin's
knife, 5 I
Matrix kidney, 162
,, of rocks, 222
Matters of extraneous origin, 247
MAX SCHULTZE's warm stage, 188
Measuring angles of crystals, 218
3 5 objects, 41
3 2 simple method of, 43
the thickness of thin glass, 35I
Measurement of blood corpuscles, I56
22 standards of, 45
5 ſ microscopic, 46
Mechanical finger, 96
5 3 portion of microscope, II
Media, for examining specimens in, 79
5 5 2 3 2 3 tissues, 85
Medullary sheath nerve, 148
Membrane and fibres, production of, arti-
ficially, 246 -
2 3 passage of corpuscles through,
Membrana performativa, 246
MERCER, DR. CLIFFORD, his arrange-
ment for photography, 307
2 3 22 on the nitrate
bath, 324
Mercurial injections, II3
MERZ, his immersion glass, 9
Mesentery, examination of, 140
Metallic reflector, 26
Methylated alcohol, 64
Micas, 226, 23O
Micro-chemical analysis, 262
Micrographic camera, 34
Microliths, 222
Micrometer, cobweb, 4I
2 3 for spectrum microscope, 271
Microscope, 6
5 5 apparatus for, 2I
5 5 binocular, I4
dissecting, 2I
for high powers, 12
5 5 2 3
5 3 2 3
2 3 body, I4
5 5 camera applied to, 3OO
2 3 clinical, I'7
2 5 compound and simple, 6
5 * dissecting, 2I
5 5 Smallest, I9
3 5 for corrosive liquids, 253
5 5 folding, Messrs. Powell and
Lealand's, I6
; 3 for mineralogical work, 219,
5 5 inverted, 219
5 3 investigation undertaken by
all classes, 4
3 * low power, 495
5 2 makers, 519
2 3 mechanical portion, II
5 y mineralogical, 219
5 2. optical portion, 7
2 3 spectrum, 269
5 5 student's, 13
5 5 apparatus for, 2I
2 3 travelling aquarium, I6
Microscopic chemical analysis, 262
2 5 objects, photographs of, 284
2 3 shells, 169
Microscopical examination, preparing
tissues for, 167
5 3 manipulation, tables for,
Microscopist's dredge, 176
Micro-spectroscope, improved, 272
Microtome, 93
5 II
Microtome for vegetable tissues, 99
22 Scissors, 52
Mildew, germination of, 205
Millimetres, equivalents of, 46
MILNE EDWARDS, on injecting mollusca,
II9 *
Mind-bioplasm, 430
, nature of 419
Mineralogist's microscope, 219
Minerals and rocks, preparation of, 207
2 3 examination of, 222
Minute dissections, of making, 91
,, structure under high powers, 359
Mirror, II -
Minette, 232
Moist chamber, 188
,, tissues, mounting in balsam, 90
MOITESSIER, DR., his arrangement for
photography, 305
Mole, fine nerve-fibres of, 413
Molecular movements, 195, 203
5 * philosophy, 423
Molecules in salivary corpuscles, 207
3 5 in moving bioplasm, 199
Mollusca, branchia of, 169
3 5 injecting, II9
Monochromatic illumination, 29
5 3 light for photography, 3IO
Monoclinic or oblique system, 223
MORTON, DR., improvement in magne-
sium light, 317
Moulded glass cells, 75
Moulds, porcelain, for microscopic speci-
mens, 54
Mounting, apparatus for, 478
2 3 diatoms, I75
5 2 in Canada balsam, steps of pro-
cess, 89
3 3 lenses, Mr. Swift on, 460
2 3 objects in balsam, pressing
down cover, 57
2 3 photographs, 338
5 3 Scales, &c., of insects, 168
2 3 Sections of minerals, 218
3 5 tissues in balsam, 90
Mouse, alimentary canal of, I55
,, injecting, I I5
,, nerves in ear of, I49
Movements of particles in salivary cor-
puscles, 207
2 3 ,, bioplasm of brain matter.
2 3 35
crystals, 236
bubbles in cavities in
5 * ,, ciliary, IQ3, 202
chyle, I93
granules within cells, 2C6
living heart, 192
2 3 5 5
2 3 5 y
5 y 2 3
2 3 molecular, 203
35 of particles in fluid, 195
5 5 vital, of pollen, 201
3 3 vital or primary, 190
Mucous membrane, examination of, I 53
2 3 2 3 Sections of, I 54
Mucus corpuscle, I94
MüLLER’s fluid, 151
5 I2
Nitella, circulation in cells of, 198, 200
Nitrate bath, 323 *
,, of silver for staining, I29
Nitric acid, 255
NOBERT's lines, 42
Nºatia spurnigera, blue fluid from,
225 I
Nose piece, double, for objectives, 9
Nucleus, 390
Nutrition of cell, 393
OBJECT, apparent size of, under different
powers, 350
Object-glass, 6, 8
2 3 ,, angle of aperture, Io
2 3 ,, ascertaining magnifying
power, 4.I º
2 3 5 2 Constructing, 4, 3I
correcting, 436
fiftieth and twenty-fiſth, 35o
penetrating power, 43
in photomicrography, 318
their own illuminations, 27
5 5 ,, ... Wales' improvements in, 8
Objects, delineating, 32
,, . examining, 81
5 * illumination, different modes oſ,
,, measuring, 4I
5 5 test, 42
Objectives for mineralogical work, 209
Oblique illumination, 23
Observation and experiment, 242
Observations, on making, 239
Obsidian, 232
Octagonal cases for holding demonstrat-
ing microscopes, I9
Oil cements, 62
immersion lenses, 495
for immersion lenses,.9
globules, 81
appearing within a cell, 246
Multiplication and growth, 204
Murchisonite, 225
Muriated tincture of iron, I IO
MURRAY and HEATH, pocket micro-
scope, I7
Muscle, contractility of, 189
,, fine nerves to, 4 Io
,, unstriped, I46
Muscles of maggot, 189
Muscovite, 23.I
Muscular fibres, bacteria from, 205
2 3 fibre cells, action of acid on, 256
2 3 , , , , of vessels, I47
examination of, I42
3 3 3 5
3 2 ,, fibres of villi, I54
3 2 movements, 2O3
5 5 structure of heart and tongue,
Mussel, ciliated epithelium of, 194
Myelin, stained by osmic acid, 130
NACHET's binocular, I4, 16
Naphtha and creosote solution, 66
Naphtha, solution of wood, 66
Nature of vital movements, 20I
Natural history, books on, 482
;, injections, IO2
Naturalist’s dredge, 178
NEEDHAM, MR., his microtome, 93
Needles, 52
3 2 used in injecting, IO3
Negative eye-piece, 7
Nepheline, 225
Nerve cells, caudate, 417
2 3 ,, spherical and oval, 415
2 3 examination of, I48
3 3 fibres, arteries and veins, I47
in frog's foot, 374
2 5 ,, of muscle, I45
5 2 , , in organs of special sensa-
tion, 4 II
,, solution of gold for stain-
2 3 2 3
2 3
ing, I29
,, ganglia, I63
,, networks and plexuses, 408
,, tissue, preservation of, I57
Nerves in cornea, I 30, 413
,, dissecting under water, 9.I
,, influence of, on pigment cells, 207
,, in mouse and frog, I49
,, in papillae of frog's tongue, 4II
,, sensitive, distribution of, I49
,, of submucous tissue, I55
,, termination of, I49
Nervous action, reflex of artery, IQ2
2 3 system, pediculus, I67
Net for collecting, 177
Nettle, circulation in hairs of, 20I
Networks of nerve-fibres in frog's foot, 375
2 3 vascular, of frog's foot, 374
Neutral tint glass reflector, 33
Newt, capillaries of, I48
,, kidney of, I61, 194 - $
NEYT, M., his method of illumination
for photography, 3 II
NICOL's prism, 23
2 3 2 3
lamps, 25.
, , mounting in, 90
Olivine, 227
Oligoclase, 233
One inch objective, formula for, 462
Opaque material for injections, IO2
,, injections, IO4
Operation of injecting, I I4
Optical portion of microscope, 7
Organic matter, destroying by incinera-
tion, 252
,, muscle, structure of, I42
Organs, examination of, I 52
,, . of lower animals, 166
Original investigation, 24.I
,, . observation, importance of, 2
Orthoclastic felspars, 224
OSBORNE, REV. LORD S. G., on stan-
ing, I24
Osmic acid for staining, 130
Ova of pike, &c., 204
,, of Stickleback, staining, 126
Ovarian ova of fishes, 38o
Over corrected, 9
Over-correction, importance of, in pho-
tography, 319
Ovium, blood vessels of, 157
Oxalate of ammonia, 258
Oxyhydrogen light in photography, 316
Oyster, ciliated epithelium of, 194
PALE nerve-fibres, 163
Pancreas, 158
Paper cells, 70
,, preparing for photography, 335
,, ... tracing and retracing, 35
Papillae of frog's tongue, 370, 411
Parabolic reflectors for examining iron
and steel, 236
Paraboloid, 28
Paraffin lamps, 25
PARKES and SON, microscopes, 8
2 3 92 specimens prepared
by, 137 º
Particles, colouring matter, used in in-
jections, size of, Ioë
2 3 of living matter, 347
3 2 in moving bioplasm, 199
PASTEUR, M., his investigation, 346
Pedetic movements, 196
Pediculus, nervous system of, 167
Pencils for drawing, 35
Penetrating power, Io
5 5 ,, testing, 43
Penicillium, germination of, 205
Perforating thin glass, 73
Perlites, 233
Permanent preservation of tissues, I37
Petals, examination of, 171
Petrology, 223
Pewter plate for glass grinding, 71
Phenol, 66
Phosphate of lime, testing for, 261
Photographs, 284
5 3 to illustrate books, 290
Photography, apparatus for, 290
- 5 5 by artificial light, 316
2 3 focussing, 318
5 3 illumination, 3IO
5 3 object-glasses, 318
35 . stereoscopic, 32O
$ 3 works on, 484
Photomicrographs for magic lantern, 339
Physical basis of life, 383
Physicists on nature of mind and thought,
Pig, kidney of, injecting, 115
,, muscular fibre of, 145
,, nerves of Snout of, 149
Pigment, cells of skin of frog, 207, 373
Pike, ova of 204
PILLISCHER's lamp, 25
Pipes for injecting, Iog
Pipette, Ioo
,, pocket, 176
Pitchstones, 230, 233
Plagioclastic felspars, 224
Plants, circulation in, 198
,, colouring matters of, 28O
,, on keeping in cases, 183
5 I3
Plates, cleaning for photographs, 326
Plate glass slides, 53
Pleurosigma formosum, stereoscopic pic-
tures of, 322
Plexuses, terminal, of nerve-fibres, 150
Pocket lens, 209
,, microscope, 17
Podura scale, examination of, 29
3 3 ,, test object, 42
,, . On catching, 168
Polarised light, 23, 80
5 5 ,, influence of crystals upon,
5 3 2, uSe
minerals, 220
Polariser and analyser, 23
Polarising apparatus for photography,
3IO, 3I4.
Pollen grains, 87, 171 *
,, tubes, movements of, 20I
Polishing glass, powders for, 44I
Polysynthetic structure of crystals, 227
Porcelain cements, 61
, moulds, 54
Portal vein, 160
Position of an object, on marking the, 47
Positive eye-piece, 7
Potash, bichromate of, for spinal cord,
,, and soda in glycerine, 365
,, Solution of, 256
POUCHET, M., his investigations on mi-
nute organisms, 346
Powders for grinding and polishing glass,
compressorium, 97
of, for examining
2 3 33 9 3 IIll-
croscopes, I4
2 3 5 5 3 3 bin-
ocular, I4, 20I
2: .. • 3 2 3 5 dis-
Secting microscope, 2I
2 3 †- 5 * 3 5 OIl
reflector for high powers, 27
72 ... º 3 5 3 5 tra-
velling microscopes, 16
35 3 3 thin-
nest glass, 54
35 e 3 3 3 3 the
twenty-sixth of 349
3 3 the
3 5
eightieth, 350
Practical operation of injecting, II4
PRAZMOWSKI's heliostat, 315
Precautions to be observed in working, 84
Preparations in cabinet, 239
Preparers of microscopic objects, 519
Preparation of minerals and rocks, 207
soft tissue, I 36
5 5 3 3 -
specimens, new method,
3 3 3 y
357 - * *
2 3 ,, sponges for examination,
17o * * : *
3 3 ,, of tissues for examination,
2 L
5 I4.
Preparing injected tissues, 120
2 3 rocks and crystals, 212, 216
5 5 tissues for high powers, 366
Preservation of lichens, I72
2 5 ,, vegetable tissues, I7I
Preservative fluids, 64
2 3 gelatine, 67
Preserving a soft tissue, I 36
5 5 in Canada balsam, 89
3 2 in glycerine, I67, 359
3 5 specimens under high powers
permanently, 361
Pressing down thin glass cover, 57
Pressure required for injecting, IO3
, , its use in examining objects, 359
Primary or vital movements, 202
Printers, 520
Printing photographs, 335
Prints, on mounting in photography, 338
Prisms, crystal in plants, 173
,, for binocular microscope, I5
PRITCHARD, DR., on circulation in man,
5 5 ,, his method of cutting
thin sections, 94
Properties, hardening, of different chemi-
cal solutions, 267
5 5 living matter, 384
Proteus, circulation in vessels of, IQ3
Protoplasm, 383, 391
Prussian blue, advantages of, IOS
for injection, IOS
injection for liver, 160
2 3 ,, soluble, II3
,, lines, 47
Pseudo-bacteria, 205
Pseudomorphs, 22I
Psychical movements, 425
Pus-like corpuscles outside vessels, 198
Pyro-acetic spirit, 66
3 3 2 3
3 3 2 3
Sorium, 97
Quartz granules in Sandstones and grits,
,, porphyries, 23.I
,, sections of 2I4
QUEKETT, PROF., his achromatic con-
denser, 30
PROF., his compres-
RAINEY, M.R., on vessels of lung, 157
RAMSDEN’s cobweb micrometer, 41
2 3 eye-piece, 7
RANSOM, DR., on Ova of Stickleback, I26
,, on Ovarian Ova of fishes,
,, on warming objects under
3 5
observation, 189
Raphides in plants, 172
Rat, injecting, I I5
Razors, 5 I
Reaction, 25 I
READE, REV. J. B., his condenser, 3II
3 5 7 5 On achromatic con-
denser, 30
Reagents in glycerine, 364
5 5 used in microscopical investiga-
tions, 250 -
3 2 acetic acid, 255
2 3 alcohol, 254
2 3 ammonia, 257
5 5 chromic acid, 254
2 3 distilled water, 253
,, , ether, chloroform, 254
5 3 hydrochloric acid, 254
2 3 iodine solutions, 258
2 5 nitrate of barytes, 258
silver, 258
2 3 2 3
2 3 nitric acid, 256
5 5 oxalate of ammonia, 258
5 5 potash, Solutions of, 256
5 5 soda, Solutions of, 257
2 3 Sulphuric acid, 254
2 3 5 5 ,, uses of, 256
RECKLINGHAUSEN's moist cell, I87
Recording results of observation, 242
Reflected light, 22
2 3 ,, examining injections by,
IO2 *
5 5 ,, objects by, 80
Reflecting live cage, 177
annular, 28
Reflector, metallic, 26
5 5 neutral tint, 33
2 3 parabolic, 236
Reflex action of artery, 191
REMAK’s fibres, I 50
Retina, making sections of, 97
Retort stand, 49
Retransfer paper, 34
Rhubarb, vessels of, I'70
Rhyolitic rocks, 230
RICHARDSON, DR, on arseniuretted hy-
drogen, 69
2 3 MR. B. WILLs, on blue
injecting fluid, I IO
RIDDELL, PROF., on stereoscopic pic-
tures, 32O -
Rigor mortis, injecting before and after,
ROBERTs, D.R., on staining the blood
corpuscles, I27
ROBERTSON, MR., his injecting Syringe,
2 3 2 3
Rock work in aquaria, 184
Rocks, preparation of 207
,, sedimentary, 228
Rodents, kidney of, 162
ROSS’ microscope, 13
Rotifers, I86
ROUDNEFF on the use of osmic acid, I 30
Round cells, 76 -
RUTHERFORD, MR. L. W., on micro-
scopic photographs, 288
3 3 PROF,, on bedding tis-
Sues, 93
RUTLEy, MR. F., on minerals and rocks,
on injecting the Snail,
5 I5
Size of particles of colouring matter used
for injections, Ioë
52 52 objects, apparent, under
different powers, 351
Skeleton of leaves, 171
Sketches, importance of making, 240
Skimming spoon, 176
Slab, brass, for grinding, 2II
SLACK, MR., adjustable diaphragm, 355
Slides of plate glass, 53
Sloth, blood corpuscles of, 156
Smallest microscope, 20
SMITH, MR. JAMES, his leaf holder, 52
SMITH and BECK, MESSRS., their, twen-
tieth, 399
,, DR. LAWRENCE, his microscope,
2 3 2 3 3 5
Scope, 219
,, PROF., on the mechanical finger,
Snail injecting, I 19
Snake, action of heart in, 192
Soda caustic for examining brain, 165
,, Solution of, 257
Softening hard tissues, 379
Soft tissues, preservation of, 136
Solar reflectors used in photography, 311
, Spectrum for illumination, 29
Soluble Prussian blue, 113
Solution, characters of, for examining
objects, 87
2 3 of Canada balsam, 57
9 3 naphtha and creosote, 66
SORBY, MR. H. C., on cavities in crystals,
inverted micro-
SALIVARY glands, 158
2 3 ,, corpuscles in cells of,
Sarcolemma, 143
5 5 absence of, I45
53 on demonstrating, I 35
Scales of insects, 168
.,, of measurement appended to draw-
IngS, 44
Scalpels, 50
SCHMIDT’s goniometer, 218
School, 226
of calcium, 68
SCHULTZE’s iodine solution, 259
5 3 stage for heating objects,
SCHWANN, white substance of, 150
Scissors, 51
Scraper, 2II
Sea dredging, I75
,, shore, collecting on, 181
,, slugs, 18O
Sealing-wax varnish, 55
Secondary movements, 202
Section cutting under microscope, 95
, knife, new form of, 5 I
Sections, cutting thin, 50, 92
3 3 making, of bone, horn, hair,
teeth, 98, I42
2 3 of iron and steel, 236
2 3 minerals, making, 213
2 3 rocks and crystals, 212, 216
33 thin, of vegetable tissues, 17o
2 3 ,, transverse, of frog's web,
Secretion of gland cells, 154
Sedimentary rocks, 208, 228
Sediments, separating, from fluid, Ioo
Seeds of plants, markings of, 17 I
Selenite plates, 221
Sensitizing photographic plates, 329
Serous and synovial membrane, I52
SHADBOLT's annular condenser, 28
3 2 turn-table, 70
Shades, glass, 54
,, for protecting eyes from strong
light, 26
Sheep's kidney, of injecting, II5
Shell-lac cells, 70
35 cement, 55
Shells, making sections of, 98
,, microscopic, 169
,, siliceous, I75
SHEPPARD, MR., on new colouring mat-
ter, 28o
Sieve for sifting organisms, 178
Silica in eruptive rock, 230
Siliceous skeletons of diatoms, 175
Silver, nitrate of, 258
Simple method of measuring, 43
microscope, 6
,, tissues, preservation of, I 38
Single front for objectives, Mr. Wen-
ham's, 456
Size for injection, IOS
3 y
3 2 3 3 ,, on fluid cavities in
minerals, 223
metallic reflector, 26
33 5 3 3 5
2 3 5 2 ,, on minerals and rocks,
3 5 5 2. ,, on spectrum analysis,
Sorting tray for sea collecting, 178
Sources of illumination, 24
Spaces, extra vascular, I2I
Specimens, preserved dry, 86
5 3 in Small tubes, IOI
Spectacles, wire gauze, 2 Io
Spectroscope, on using, 271
Spectrum analysis, 269
5 5 microscope, 269
Sphaeraphides, 173
Spherical aberration, 9
and oval nerve cells, 415
3 2
surfaces of glass, production of,
5 2.
Spherules, 81
Spicula of sponges, 170
Spiders, examination of, 187
Spider-wort, circulation in hairs of, 199
Spinal cord, cutting and examining thin
Sections, 94, I63
Spiracles, 169
$ 3 mounting, 89
Spiral crystallisation, 265
5 16
Spiral vessels, plants, 170
Spirit and water, 64 *
Spirit lamp, 49, 253
Sponges, I69, 179
Spongilla, 169
Spongioles, growth of 206
2 3 of plants, 188
- 2 3 spores of, 87
Spot glass, 28
Springs for clipping, 58
Stage of microscope, I2
,, micrometer, 4
,, warm, 189
Staining bones with madder, I4I
,, bioplasm of tissues, I22
,, . tissues, I27
blue colours for, I24
Gerlach's method, I24
gold, I29
Lord Osborne on, I24
nitrate of silver, I29
Osmic acid, I 30
2 3 ,, tannin, I29
Stand for pocket microscope, 18
Standards of measurement, 45
Starfishes, 18O
Starch globules, 17 I, 247
Steel disk, 33
,, . and iron, microscopical structure of,
STEPHENSON, M.R., on oil immersion
lenses, 9, 495
Stereoscopic photographs, 32O
Stickleback, ova of, I26, 204
Stimulus, 397
STIRLING, D.R., his section cutter, 93
Stomach, mucous membrane of, I54
Stone for grinding glass, 7 I
,, lithographic, 36
Stones, on cutting and grinding, 2II
Stops for condenser, 30
Striped muscle, I42
Structure and growth, Author's views on,
2 3 2 3
2 3 demonstration of, I33
7 ? internal, of objects, 29
2 3 of fossils, 237
2 3 5 3 a nervous apparatus,
4O7 e
5 * new views on, 381
Student’s microscope, I3
Submucous tissue, I 53
Substances in fluids, examination of, 87
5 3 of extraneous origin, 247
Sugar and salt for examining structures, 85
Sulphate of lime cement, 62
2 3 testing for, 261
Sulphuric acid, 255
Sunlight for photography, 3IO
Surface, examination of, by reflected light,
. net for collecting, I77
Surfaces, flat, producing on glass, 443
Swift, M.R., Professor Brown's micro-
Scope, 20
? ) dissecting microscope, 21
Swift, MR., his centering nose-piece, 9
7 5 microscope lamps, 25
3 * new plan of correcting, I I
5 3 on mounting lenses, 460
2 3 preservative solutions, 69
Sympathetic nerve-fibres, 150
Synovial membrane, examination of,
Syringe for injecting, IO3
Syrup, 363
,, acetic acid, 365
TABLES for practising manipulation, 463
Tablets for pinning out dissections, 92
Tadpole, circulation in, 192 -
Tº its action on red blood corpuscles,
I 2
Tea-leaves, examination of 83
Teaching, on, 5
Teeth, preparing for high powers, 377
,, making Sections of, 98
Temperature, keeping bodies at uniform,
Tench, muscular tissue of intestine of,
Termination of nerves, I49
Terminal nerve-networks, 408
Test bottles, 26o
Test objects, 42
Tests in glycerine, 365
,, on applying to microscopic objects,
Texture, microscopic, representing, 40
5 2 representing peculiarities of, 37
THIERSCH's carmine fluid, 127
5 2. injecting fluid, II3
5 3 yellow injecting fluid, II3
Thin glass, 53
5 3 3 5 cells, 72
2 3 2 3
,, , , instrument for
thickness of, 35I
,, section of deal, examination, 84
bone, of making, 97, 377
cutting, 92
2 3 ,, of textures, obtaining for
high powers, 37 I
THOMAS, MR., on crystals of sulphate of
copper, 266
THWAITE's fluid, 65
Tincture of perchloride of iron, Io9
Tinfoil cells, 71
Tissue, adipose, I40
,, areolar, I 38
,, bioplasm in young and old, 389
,, bony, in balsam, 90
,, demonstration of structure of, I35
,, demonstration of, 372
,, embryonic, preparation of, 379
,, hardening, 97
,, of lower animals, I66
,, of plants, I70 -
,, soft, cutting thin sections of, 92
examining under highest
powers, 37 I
,, staining, I22
of perforating, 73
2 3 3 2
2 3 2 3
* 5 3 3
Tissue, vegetable, cutting thin sections of,
,, white fibrous, I39
2 3 yellow 3 2 I39
Titanic iron, 234
Titaniferous iron, 23.I
TOLLES’ binocular, 15
TOMES and DE MORGAN on bone, I4I
,, M.R., on structure of dentine, 377
Tongue, epithelial cells of, 153
,, of frog, preparing papillae, 370
2 3 muscular fibres of, I44
Toning in photography, 336, 337
Tourmaline, 23
Trachea and bronchial tubes, I58
Tracheae of insects, 168
Trachyte, 230, 232
Tracing paper, 34
Training for microscopical observation,
Transfer paper, lithographic, 35
Transforming power of cells, 395
Transmitted light, 23, 29
5 5 ,, objects examined by,
2 3 ,, injections for, IO7
Transparency of objects, 79, 245
Transparent injecting fluids, II2
2 3 injections, IO2, IO6
2 3 objects examined by reflected
light, 27
Transverse section of frog's web, 376
Travelling microscopes, 16
Trichites, 222
Tripods, 50, 2II
Triton, kidney of, 161
Troughs for zoophytes, 76
Tube, on increasing length of, 7
,, capillary, 26.I
Tubes, commencement and termination
of 244
,, dentinal, 377
,, for examining substances in Spec-
trum microscope, 275
3.5 Small, for specimens, IOI
Tufts, malpighian, of kidney, 162
Turn-table, 70
TURNBULL’s blue, IIo
Turpentine, examining specimens in, 88
5 3 its use in examining tracheae,
Tubular membrane nerve, I48
Twenty-sixth of an inch object-glass, 349
Twinning of crystals, 224
TYNDALL, D.R., molecular machinery, 3
Unstriped muscle, 146
Urea, influence of, on chloride of sodium,
Urtica, circulation in hairs of, 201
VALENTIN’s knife, 51, 92
Vallisneria, moving bioplasm in, 199
paring cord, 165
5 I 7
Varnishes, 54
Varnishing the plate in photography, 334
Vegetable tissues, examining, 84, 170
3 3 ,, mounted dry, 86
3 5 ,, on staining, I24
Vein in foot of living frog, 377
,, hepatic, I60
,, portal, I60
Veins, examination of, 147
Vermilion, for injection, IoS
Vessels of brain, 166
,, branchiae of mollusca, 169
,, dissecting under water, 9.1
,, of frog's foot, 373
,, injecting, IO2
,, injecting different systems, IO6,
,, of higher animals, injecting, II4
,, lymphatic, injecting, I 18
,, and nerves appearing like elastic
tissue, 246
,, of newt’s kidney, 161
,, spiral, of plants, I70
,, in Synovial membrane, 152
,, for varnishes, &c., 56
Vibration of cilia, 193
Vibrations of minute particles, 196
Villi, examining, I 54
,, muscular fibres of, I54
Viridite, 227
Viscid media for examining tissues, 362
Vital contractility, 190
,, movements of amoeba, I96
of pollen, 2OI
2 3 3 * pus, 204
Vitality or vital power, 397
Vitreous rocks, 233
Vivaria and aquaria, 182
Vivarium microscope, 16
Volcanic or plutonic rocks, 232
Voluntary muscle, I42
Vomited matter, 144
Vorticellae and Rotifers, 186
5 3 2 3
WAISTCOAT pocket microscope, 20, 177
WALES, MR., his improvements in ob-
jectives, 8
Walking stick collector, 176
Walnut, shell of, 171
WARRINGTON, MR., on glycerine, 64
5 5 ,, travelling micro-
scope, I6
Wash bottle, IOI
Watch-glasses, uses of, 54, IOI
Water of Ayr stone, 213
,, bath, 50
,, cement, 63
,, dissecting under, 9.I
,, distilled, 253
,, examining objects in, 80
,, glass cements, 62
,, vascular apparatus, II9
Web of frog's foot, pigment cells, 373
WEBSTER condenser, 31
on micro-photography, 286
Weed knife, 176
WENHAM, MR., his arrangements for
photography, 290
2 3 2 3 his binocular, I4
3 5 2 3 on circulation in An-
chusa and Anacharis, 200
3 5. 3 3 on construction of
object-glasses, 431
5 5 2 3 on correcting object-
glasses, Io
2 3 5 3 high with
single fronts, 456
3 2 3 2 his paraboloid, 28
2 3 on stereoscopic pic-
5 5
tures, 32O
WEST, TUFFEN, on engraving on stone,
White fibrous tissues, 139
WHITE, M.R., his clip for balsam speci-
mens, 57
White lead for injection, IoS
WILSON, DR., on micro-photography, 306
WITTICH, on the changes in pigment
cells, 207
Wood blocks, 35
Wood blocks, makers of, 520
,, cutting thin Sections of, 99
,, engravers, 52O
,, engraving, 38
,, naphtha solution, 66
Wooden forceps, 52
WooDWARD, DR. J. J., micro-photo-
graphs, 284
3 5 5 3 ,, his arrange-
ments for taking pictures, 29I, 294
Works on photography, 484
,, on spectrum analysis, 283
Work-table of a microscopist, 238
WRATTEN and WAINWRIGHT’s sensitive
plates, 342
Writing diamond, 53, 2II
YEAST cells, 205
Yellow elastic tissue of vessels, I47
,, fibrous tissues, I39
,, injecting fluid, II3
25 destroying the life of, 187
5 5 trough, for examining, 76
Page 429, for I–I, OOO,OOOth read I–IOO,OOOth.
Page 137, fourth line from the bottom, for Parker read Parkes.
The following note should have been inserted on p. 15:—
“On a binocular microscope for high powers,” by F. H. Wenham.
the Microscopical Society.” New Series.
**Trans, of
Vol. xiv. 1866. P. Io9.
Baker, 244, High Holborn, London.
Beck and Beck, 31, Cornhill, London.
Browning, 63, Strand.
Bryson, Princes-street, Edinburgh.
Collins, Charles, I57C, Great Portland-
Crouch, H., 66, Barbican.
Dancer, 43, Cross-street, Manchester.
Field, Birmingham.
How, J., and Co., 73, Farringdon-street.
ICing, Bristol.
Ladd, W., I2, Beak-street, Regent-street,
Murray, 69, Jermyn-street, London.
Parkes and Son, St. Mary’s-row, Bir-
Pillischer, 88, New Bond-street, London.
Powell and Lealand, I70, Euston-road,
Ross, I64, New Bond-street.
Swift, University-street,
Amici, Modena.
Bénêche, Berlin, Tempelhofer Strasse, 7.
Prunner, Paris.
Chevalier, Paris.
Gundlach, succeeded by Seibert and
IGrafft, Charlottenburg, Berlin.
Hartnack and Oberhäuser, Place Dau-
phine, 21, Paris.
Hasert, B., Eisenach.
ICelner, Wetzlar.
Merz, G. and S., Munich.
Mirand, A., senr., Paris.
Nachet, Rue St. Severin, 17, Paris.
Ploesl, S., Vienna.
Schröder, Hamburg,
Brook, 3.I.
Schiek, F. W., Berlin, Halle'sche Str., 15.
Wetzlar, Leipzig.
Zeis, C., Jena.
Most of the microscope makers furnish cabinets and boxes for objects, apparatus, and
instruments required by the microscopist.
Hawksley, 300, Oxford-street. Weiss and Sons, 62, Strand.
Matthews, Portugal-street, Lincoln's Inn.
Barnett, J. E., Whitehall-street, Totten- Möller, J. D., Wedel, Holstein, for dia-
ham. tomS.
Bourgogne, Père et Fils, Paris. Norman, J., I23, Queen Victoria-street.
Cole, A. and Son, 58, Oxford-gardens, W. Russell, T., 48, Essex-street, Strand.
Enock, F., 30, Russell-road, N. Schäffer and Co., Madgeburg.
Hansen, Paris. Topping, Amos, 28, Charlotte-street,
Hett, A., 4, Albion-grove, Islington. Caledonian-road.
Hudson and Sons, Greenwich. Wheeler, E., 48M., Tollington-road, N.
Collections of objects of various kinds may also be obtained of almost all the
microscope makers. Elementary collections of mineralogical, geological, petrological,
and palaeontological specimens are furnished by Professor J. Tennant, 149, Strand, and
Mr. Bryce-Wright, 90, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury.
Beck and Beck, Cornhill, London. Matthews, Portugal-street, Lincoln's Inn,
Crouch, 66, Barbican. London.
Griffin and Co., Long Acre, London. Norman, 34, Whitecross-street, E. C.
G. Houghton and Son, 89, High Holborn. Petit, C., 151, High-street, Stoke New-
Ring, G., 190, Portland-street, W. ington. -
Tate, R. P., 31, Holborn.
LIVE AND DEAD ANIMALS may be obtainéd of
Bolton, Thomas, Microscopists’ and Natu- Kennedy, R., 19, Devonshire-street,
ralists' Studio, 17, Ann-street, Birming- Queen-square, W. C. Plants, aqua-
ham. Living specimens for the micro- riums, &c.
Scope forwarded by post. Twenty-six | Leech, 4, Great St. Andrew-street,
tubes are forwarded post free in the Bloomsbury.
course of six months for a subscription | Taylor, G., 7, Dudley-street, Blooms-
of AI Is. bury.
Jamrach, C., 179, St. George-street, E.
Fischer, Mr. M., 14, Osnaburgh-street, West, Tuffen, Mr. W. West, Hatton-
N.W. garden.
Collings, T., Surrey Chambers, Surrey- | Headington, Mr., 40, Wellington-street,
street, Strand. Strand.
Adlard, 22%, Bartholomew-close.
Brooks, V., Lithographic Printer, Photo-
graphic Lithography, Gate-street, W.C.
Harrison and Sons, St. Martin's-lane.
Toovey, Photographic Lithographer.
West, W., Hatton-garden, E. C.
Hughes and Kimber, West Harding- || Stoer Brothers, Vulcan Wharf, 14, Earl-
street, E. C. street, Blackfriars, London.
Brodie and Middleton, 79, Long Acre, | Rowney, G., 52, Rathbone-place.
Williamson, Mr., 80, Fleet-street. Wells, Mr., 24, Bouverie-street, Fleet-
Street, -
grº. A special feature of the Journal is the classified record it contains of
the work of British and Foreign Observers relating to the Invertebrata,
Cryptogamia, &c., as appearing in more than 300 of the principal Journals
and Transactions of this and other Countries.
(ſomfaining its ùransactions and #rotechings,
including Embryology and Histology generally.
Edited, under the direction of the Publication Committee, by
one of the Secretaries of the Society.
THIS Journal is published bi-monthly, in February, April, June, August,
October, and Dccember. It varies in size, according to convenience, but
does not contain less than 8 sheets (128 pp.) with Plates and Woodcuts as
required. The price to non-Fellows, after the completion of the present
Volume, will be 4s. per Number.
The great development that has taken place in Periodical Scientific Lite-
rature, however satisfactory from one point of view, cannot but be regarded
with regret by the Biologist, involving as it does so great an extension
of the field to be explored, and it has become an impracticable task even
for those who may be within reach of scientific libraries to ascertain in any
complete manner what has been published from time to time by their
It has therefore been considered that a useful service would be rendered
to Biological Science by a periodical RECORD, brought down to recent
dates, of the principal observations published in this country and abroad,
relating to Invertebrata, Cryptogamia, and Microscopy (including also
Embryology and Histology generally), and the Journal accordingly contains
as a special feature, a classified list of the contents, so far as they relate
to the above subjects, of the principal British and Foreign Journals,
Transactions, &c., and also abstracts of or extracts from the more important
of the articles noted.
Biologists will thus have before them at short intervals and in a
classified form the contents of more than 300 serial publications scattered
over the world.
The Journal also contains the TRANSACTIONs and PROCEEDINGs of the
Society, being the Papers read at the Meetings, and Reports of the business
transacted, including any observations or discussions on the papers read or
subjects brought forward.
The following is a (Provisional) List of the Journals, Transac-
tions, dée., the Contents of which are noted in the Bibliography
as published:—”
Annals and Magazine of Natural History.
Entomologist's Monthly Magazine.”
Geological Magazine.”
Hardwicke's Science-Gossip.
Journal of Anatomy and Physiology (Humphry).
Journal of Botany.
Journal of Conchology.
Journal of Physiology (Foster).
Midland Naturalist.
Monthly Journal of Science.
Popular Science Review.
Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science.
London. British Association for the Advancement of Science—Reports.
9 y Entomological Society—Transactions.”
$ 9 Geological Society—Quarterly Journal.”
99 Linnean Society—Journal: (1) Botany; (2) Zoology.
25 } } } } Transactions: (1) Botany; (2) Zoology.
3 * Mineralogical Society-Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the
99 Palaeontographical Society—(Publications).
5 y Quekett Microscopical Club—Journal.
99 Ray Society-(Publications).
95 Royal Microscopical Society—Journal.
9 3 Royal Society—(1) Proceedings. (2) Philosophical Transactions.
ſº y Royal Institution-Proceedings.
99 Society of Arts—Journal.
3 J Zoological Society—(1) Proceedings. (2) Transactions.
Bristol, Naturalists' Society—Proceedings.
Liverpool. Literary and Philosophical Society—Proceedings.
Manchester. Literary and Philosophical Society—Proceedings.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham,
and Newcastle-upon-Tyne–Transactions,
Scottish Naturalist.
Edinburgh, Royal Society—(1) Proceedings. (2) Transactions,
99 Botanical Society—Transactions and Proceedings.
?? Geological Society—Transactions.
Glasgow. Society of Natural History—Proceedings.
* See note on page 9 as to the Journals, &c., marked (*).
Dublin. Royal Irish Academy—(1) Proceedings. (2) Transactions.
Royal Geological Society of Ireland-Journal.
! }
Calcutta. Asiatic Society of Bengal—(1) Journal. (2) Proceedings.
5 y Geological Survey of India—(1) Records.” (2) Memoirs.”
New South Wales. Linnean Society—Proceedings.
9) 9 3 Royal Society—Journal and Proceedings.
Victoria, Royal Society—Transactions and Proceedings.
Tasmania. Royal Society—Proceedings.
New Zealand Institute, Transactions and Proceedings.
€anadian Entomologist.*
Canadian Naturalist and Quarterly Journal of Science.
Halifax, Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science-Proceedings and Trans-
Toronto, Canadian Institute—The Canadian Journal : Proceedings of the
American Journal of Microscopy and Popular Science.
American Journal of Science and Arts.
American Naturalist.
Boston, American Academy of Arts and Sciences—(1) Proceedings. (2) Memoirs.
?? Society of Natural History—(1) Proceedings. (2) Memoirs.
Cambridge, Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College—(1) Bulletin.
(2) Memoirs.
9 3 Entomological Club—Psyche.*
Cincinnati, Society of Natural History—Journal.
Connecticut. Academy of Arts and Sciences—Transactions.
New York. Academy of Sciences—Annals.
Philadelphia. Academy of Natural Sciences—(1) Proceedings. (2) Journal.
55 American Entomological Society-Transactions.”
9 y American Philosophical Society—Proceedings.
Salem, American Association for the Advancement of Science-Proceedings.
St. Louis, Academy of Science—Transactions.
Washington, National Academy of Sciences—Memoirs.
5 y United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Terri-
$ 9. Smithsonian Institution —(1) Miscellaneous Collections. (2) Con-
tributions to Knowledge.
35 United States National Museum—(1) Bulletin. (2) Proceedings.
Archiv für Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte (His).
99 mikroskopische Anatomie,
9) pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für Klinische Medicin
} % Naturgeschichte,
5 * Physiologie (Du Bois-Reymond).
?? die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere (Pflüger).
Botanische Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiet der Morphologie und Physiologie
Botanische Zeitung,
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift.”
Entomologische Nachrichten.”
Jahrbücher für Wissenschaftliche Botanik,
Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft.
Malakozoologisches Blätter,
Morphologisches Jahrbuch.
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie,”
Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung.”
Zeitschrift für Mikroskopie.
5 y die gesammten Naturwissenschaftem.
9 3 Wissenschaftliche Zoologie.
Zoologischer Anzeiger.
Deutsche Naturforscher und Aerzte-Berichte über die Versammlungen.
Berlin, K. Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaftem—(1) Monatsberichte.
(2) Abhandlungen.
,, Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft-Zeitschrift.*
,, Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde—Sitzungsberichte.
9 y Botanischer Verein für die Provinz Brandenburg–Verhandlungen.
Ronn, Naturhistorischer Verein der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens—
,, Niederrheinische Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde – Sitzungs-
Bremen, Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein-Abhandlungen.
Breslau, Schlesische Gesellschaft für Waterländische Cultur-Jahresberichte.
Danzig. Naturforschende Gesellschaft—Schriftem.
Dresden, K. Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher—
(1) Leopoldina, (2) Verhandlungen (Nova Acta).
15 Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft “Isis.”—Sitzungsberichte.
Erlangen. Physikalisch-medicinische Societät—Sitzungsberichte.
Frankfurt a, M. Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft—(1) Berichte.
(2) Abhandlungen.
9 y 95 Deutsche Malakozoologische Gesellschaft — (1) Jahrbücher.
(2) Nachrichtsblätter.
Giessen, Oberhessische Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde–Berichte.
Göttingen. . Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften—(1) Nachrichten. (2) Abhand-
99 Botanisches Laboratorium der Universität-Untersuchungen.
Greifswald. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein von Neu-Vorpommern und Rügen-
Halle, Naturforschende Gesellschaft—Abhandlungen.
Hamburg, Verein für Naturwissenschaftliche Unterhaltung-Verhandlungen.
Heidelberg, Naturhistorisch-medicinischer Verein—Verhandlungen.
99 Physiologisches Institut der Universität-Untersuchungen.
Jena, Medicinisch - Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft—(1) Sitzungsberichte.
(2) Denkschriften.
Königsberg. K. Physikalisch-ökonomische Gesellschaft—Schriften.
Leipzig, K. Sächsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaftem—Abhandlungen.
9 ) Naturforschende Gesellschaft—Sitzungsberichte.
Mecklenburg. Verein der Freunde der Naturgeschichte-Archiv.
Munich, K. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften—(1) Sitzungsberichte.
(2) Abhandlungen.
9% Entomologischer Verein-Mittheilungen.”
Stuttgart, Verein für waterländische Naturkunde-Jahreshefte,
Würzburg. Zoologisch-zootomisches Institut-Arbeiten.
Physikalisch-medicinische Gesellschaft-Verhandlungen.
Botanisches Institut—Arbeiten.
* }
Magyar Növénytani Lapok.
Oesterreichische Botanische Zeitschrift.
Természetrajzi Füzetek (Naturhistorische Hefte).
Brünn, Naturforschender Werein-Werlandlungen.
Budapest, A Magyar Tudós Társaság-Evkönyvei.
Gratz, Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Steiermark-Mittheilungen.
Hermannstadt, Siebenbürgischer Verein für die Naturwissenschaften-Wer-
Innsbruck, Naturwissenschaftlich-Medicinischer Verein–Berichte.
Prague, K. Böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften—(1) Sitzungsberichte.
(2) Abhandlungen.
Vienna, K. Akademie der Wissenschaften—(1) Sitzungsberichte. (2) Denk-
K. K. Zoologisch-botanische Gesellschaft-Verhandlungen.
3 * K. K. Geologische Reichsanstalt-(1) Abhandlungen.” (2) Jahrbuch.*
(3) Verhandlungen.*
Embryologisches Institut der K. K. Universität-Mittheilungen.
Zoologisches Institut der Universität Wien und Zoologische Station in
Trieste. Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali-Bollettino.
Niederländisches Archiv für Zoologie.
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie.”
Amsterdam. K. Akademie van Wetenschappen—(1) Verslagen en Mededeelingen.
(2) Verhandelingen.
Haarlem, Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Société Hollandaise
des Sciences)—(1) Archives Néerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et
Naturelles. (2) Natuurkundige Verhandelingon.
Leiden, Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging–Tijdschrift.
Nijmegen. Nederlandsche Botanische Vereeniging—Verslagen en Mededeel-
ingen. (Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief.)
Utrecht. Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen-
Natuurkundige Verhandelingen.
33 Physiologisch Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool-Onder-
Batavia, Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indié-Natuurkundig
Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indié.
y 9 Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunstem en Wetenschappen—(1) Notu-
len. (2) Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde.
(3) Werhandelingen.
Botanisk Tidsskrift.
Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift,
Copenhagen, K. Danske Widenskabernes Selskab-(1) Oversigt. (2) Skrifter.
Lund, Universitet–Års-skrift (Acta).
Stockholm. K. Svenska Wetenskaps-Akademien—(1) Ofversigt af , , , Förhand-
lingar. (2) Handlingar.
Upsala. R. Societas Scientiarum Upsaliensis–Nova Acta,
Archiv for Mathematik og Naturwidenskab.
Botaniska Notiser.
Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne, sº
Helsingfors. Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica—(1) Meddelanden. (2) Acta.
Moscow. Société Impériale des Naturalistes—(1) Bulletin, (2) Nouveaux
Odessa, Société des Naturalistes de la Nouvelle Russie–Mémoires.
St. Petersburg, Académie Impériale des Sciences—(1) Bulletin. (2) Mémoires.
! 3 Société Impériale des Naturalistes—Bulletin.
}} Societas Entomologica Rossica—Horae.*
3 J Russische Entomologische Gesellschaft-Arbeiten.
Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles.
Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft für die gesammten Naturwissenschaf-
ten (Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles) – Neue Denkschriften
(Nouveaux Mémoires).
Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft—Verhandlungen.
Basel. Naturforschende Gesellschaft–Werhandlungen.
, Schweizerische Palaeontographische Gesellschaft-Abhandlungen.
Bern, Naturforschende, Gesellschaft-Mittheilungen.
Chur, Naturforschende Gesellschaft Graubündens—Jahresberichte.
Geneva, Société de Physique et d’Histoire Naturelle—Mémoires.
9 ) Institut National Genevois—(1) Bulletin. (2) Mémoires.
Lausanne. Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles-Bulletin.
Schaffhausen. Schweizerische Entomologische Gesellschaft-Mittheilungen.
* Naturforschende Gesellschaft—(1) Wierteljahrsschrift. (2) Abhand-
Annales des Sciences Naturelles—Botanique,
99 5 § 9 3 Zoologie.
Annales des Sciences Géologiques.
Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale (Lacaze-Duthiers).
Archives de Physiologie normale et Pathologique (Brown-Séquard).
Brebissomia. -
Bulletin Scientifique du Département du Nord et des Pays voisins.
Journal de l'Anatomie et de la Physiologie (Robin).
} } Conchyliologie.
}} Micrographie,
Revue Bryologique.
,, Internationale des Sciences.
,, et Magazin de Zoologie pure et appliquée.
,, Mycologique. • *
des Sciences Naturelles de Möhtpellier,
,, Scientifique.
Amiens, Société Linnéenne du Nord de la France-(1) Bulletin mensuel.
(2) Mémoires.
Bordeaux. Société des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles-Mémoires.
Caen. Société Linnéenne de Normandie-(1) Bulletin. (2) Mémoires.
Cherbourg. Société Nationale des Sciences Naturelles-Mémoires.
Lille. Société des Sciences—Travaux et Mémoires.
Lyons, Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts-Mémoires.
, Société Linnéenne-Annales.
Marseille. Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts-Mémoires,
Montpellier, Académie des Sciences et Lettres-Mémoires.
Paris. Académie des Sciences-(1) Comptes Rendus. (2) Mémoires. (3) Memoires
presentés par divers Savants.
, Association Frangaise pour l'Avancement des Sciences- Comptes Rendus.
, Laboratoire d'Histologie du Collège de France-Travaux.
,, Société de Biologie-(1) Comptes Rendus des Séances. (2) Mémoires.
,, Société Botanique de France-Bulletin.
, Société Entomologique de Franceº-(1) Bulletin. (2) Mémoires.
, Société Géologique de France”-(1) Bulletin. (2) Mémoires.
,, Societé Philomathique-Bulletin.
,, Société Linnéenne de Paris-Bulletin mensuel.
,, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle-Nouvelles Archives.
,, Société Zoologique de France-Bulletin.
Toulouse, Académie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres-Mémoires.
5 ) Société d'Histoire Naturelle-Bulletin.
Brussels, Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux Arts de
Belgique-(1) Bulletin. (2) Mémoires. (3) Mémoires Couronnés
et Mémoires des Savants Etrangers, 4to. (4) Mémoires Couronnes
et autres Mémoires, 8vo.
3 y Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique-Bulletin.
9 , Société Belge de Microscopie-Annales: (1) Mémoires; (2) Bulletin.
3 ) Société Entomologique de Belgique – Annalesº: (1) Mémoires;
(2) Comptes Rendus.
Société Malacologique de Belgique - Annales: (1) Mémoires;
(2) Bulletin.
Liege, Société Géologique de Belgique-Annalesº: (1) Mémoires; (2) Bulletin.
Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano,
Bologna, Accademia di Scienze dell' Istituto-(1) Memorie. (2) Rendiconti.
Florence, Società Entomologica Italiana-Bullettini.”
, Società Malacologica Italiana-Bullettini.
Genoa, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale-Annali.
Milan. Società Crittogamologica Italiana-Atti.
, Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali-Atti.
,, R. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere-(1) Rendiconti. (2) Memorie.
Modena. Società dei Naturalisti-Anniario.
Naples, R. i"i delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche-(1) Atti. (2) Rendi-
, Zoologische Station-(1) Mittheilungen. (2) Fauna und Flora des
Golfes von Neapel.
Padua. Società Veneto-Trentina di Scienze Naturali-Atti.
Pavia. Lavoratorio di Botanico-Archivio triennale.
Pisa, Societa Toscana di Scienze Naturali-Atti.
Rome. R. Accademia dei Lincei-Atti: (1) Transunti; (2) Memorie.
, R. Comitato Geologico d'Italia-Bollettini.º
Turin. R. Accademia delle Scienze-(1) Atti. (2) Memorie.
Venice, R, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti-(1) Atti. (2) Memorie,
Madrid, Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural-Anales.
Lisbon. Academia R. das Sciencias-(1) Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas,
Physicas e Naturaes. (2) Memorias.
& The Bibliography, déc., is classified as follows :
A. General (including Embryology and Histology of the Vertebrata).
B. Invertebrata.
A. General (including Embryology and Histology of the Phanero-
B. Cryptogamia.
* The only exception to the completeness of the Bibliography (within the
prescribed limits of the Invertebrata, Cryptogamia, &c.), is in regard to (1) the
Insecta, only such articles being noted as are of general interest, lists and descrip-
tions of new species, local fauna, &c., being onitted; and (2) Palæontology, which
is dealt with so far only as bearing on living forms or structural features, and, for
the present, only a few of the principal Geological Journals, &c., are included.
Division of Cartilage Cells.”—In a short paper on this subject
Dr. W. Bigelow states his disagreement with Butschli's view that the
division of the cell-body always goes hand in hand with that of the
nucleus, and that the common case of a single cell with two nuclei is
not an instance of commencing division. Bigelow's observations
on the cartilage of all classes of Vertebrata lead him to the opinion
that division of the nucleus always precedes that of the cell-body. He
finds, in fact, cells with constricted (biscuit-shaped) nuclei, cells with
two nuclei which are considerably larger than the neighbouring uni-
nucleate cells, cells with two nuclei and a faint partition wall. In no
case was a septum seen before the division of the nucleus was com-
Amongst the ordinary cartilage cells of the sclerotic of amphibia
and fishes were found some of especially large size, separated from
surrounding cells by a great thickness of ground substance, which
often exhibited concentric striation, and was stained with gold chloride.
They often contained two or three nuclei, and were of very irregular
form. Their protoplasm was stained red with gold chloride, instead of
bluish like the other cells. The surrounding cells were often arranged
radially around these large cells, of the origin and significance of which
the author proposes to treat in a future communication,
Histology of Nerve-fibre.f-B. Rawitz comes to the conclusion
that the constrictions observed by Ranvier are formed, in the living or-
ganism, by a circle of pale substance, which surrounds the axis-cylinder
and destroys the continuity of the medulla ; that the “double contour”
represonts the whole of the medullary sheath, but is not to be made
out in the fresh state; it surrounds the axis-cylinder. The crimped
appearance observed by Lautermann is due to the breaking up of the
New Facts in the Anatomy of Molluscs.j-Dr. H. von Jhering
contributes a short note on some recent discoveries he has made in the
anatomy of molluscs.
He states that in the Nudibranchiata, urticating organs (Nessel-
elemente) occur, sometimes having the form of simple rods, as in
Turbellaria, sometimes having the complicated structure of a
Coelenterate thread-cell. They arise invariably in the interior of
ectodermal cells, and are formed in an urticating sac (Nesselsack), a
structure surrounded with strong muscular walls, and situated at the
extremity of the dorsal papillae. In many genera this sac is pro-
longed at its proximal or hinder end into another, thin-walled sac,
which is in close contact with the prolongation of the alimentary
canal extending into the papilla: in many cases, everſ, the two run
together, thus establishing a communication between the alimentary
processes and the urticating sacs.
* “Arch. Mikr. Anat., xvi. (1879) p. 458.
+ ‘Arch. Anat.” (His and Braune), (1879) p. 57.
† ‘Zool. Anzeiger," ii. (1879) p. 136,
second reason, that the arms of Brisinge, are separated from the disk,
is opposed the statement that the Ophiurid appearance is due to the
small (three) number of joints which pass into the skeleton of the
disk. The difference insisted on by Sars as obtaining between Brisinga
and the other Asterida, the absence of respiratory processes, is regarded
as being of small moment, on account of the extreme tenuity of the
integument in this form ; while the ancient character of the creature
is not regarded by Ludwig as being in any way distinctly proved.
This very interesting and important paper is illustrated by a plate of
twelve figures.
Aspidura.”—Dr. Hans Pohlig gives a fresh definition of this
interesting Triassic Ophiurid, from the muschelkalk of Germany,
which he divides into two subgenera, Amphiglypha and Hemiglypha,
of which the former is broader and has shorter arm-spines than the
latter; in each case a single species is alone known. He regards this
form, which is the only Ophiurid as yet found in this stratum, as
representing an extinct genus, which is distinguished from all its
allies by the possession of larger, closely connected, radial shields,
and by the bilateral groove on its oral shields; belonging to the
Ophiolepidae, it is intermediate in character between Ophioglypha and
Ophiopus. Hemiglypha has many points of resemblance to the Aste-
rida, and appears to occupy a similar position among the Ophiurida to
that held by Brisinga among the Asterida.
It may be interesting to observe that Pohlig agrees with Haeckel
in regarding the Asterida as the older forms.
Classification and Phylogeny of Actinozoa.t—Dr. W. Haacke, of
Jena, gives a supplement to his paper in the current volume of the
“Jenaische Zeitschrift, in which he proposes the following classifica-
tion of Actinozoa —
. Protocorallida.
. Tetraseptata.
. Alcyonida.
. Gorgonida.
. Pennatulida.
. Cereanthida.
. Tetractinida.
. Rugosa.
. Actinida.
| . Antipatharia.
v. Heazacoralla ... ( 12. Tabulata.
13. Perforata.
\ 14. Aporosa.
I. Corallarcha
A DIASEPTIGERA ... ( m, octocoralia
\ III. Heterocoralla ..
IV. Tetracoralla
The Cerianthida are Separated from the Heazacoralla, with which
they are usually associated, from the fact that their sarcosepta (mesen-
teries) are not arranged in pairs the number of which is half that of
the tentacles; in this respect they agree with the Octocoralla.
The subdivision Corallarcha is an entirely hypothetical one, made
* ‘Zeitschr, wiss. Zool.,’ xxxi. (1878) p. 235,
f ‘Zool, Anzeiger, ii. (1879) p. 261.
The “pedicel” of Salvinia corresponds therefore, in its origin
and development, to the pedicel of the sporogonium in Hepatica.
The embryo of Salvinia bears a closer resemblance than that of
any other vascular cryptogams to the embryo of Hepaticae, since in
the latter the “bulb" and “pedicel” are similar in origin and
development; the ultimate difference depends on the “apical octants,”
which in the Hepatica enter partially or entirely into the formation
of the sporogonium, while in Salvinia they take part in the formation
of the “peltate leaf” and the stem.
Adventitious Buds in Ferns, *—Accepting Mettenius's definition
of adventitious buds as “those which arise, equally independently of the
base of the leaf with those which result from dichotomy, in the form
of a new formation beneath the growing-point of the main axis,” the
lateral buds described under this category by Hofmeister in Pteris
aquilina, Aspidium filia-mas, Asplenium filia-femina, Struthiopteris
germanica, and Asplenium Belangeri, must, with the exception of those
of the last-named species, be excluded from it. To the list of ferns
producing true adventitious buds on the lamina of the frond
Heinricher now adds Diplazium celtidifolium, Asplenium bulbiferum,
and A. viviparum. The following is an epitome of the results of
his observations:–
1. The adventitious buds of ferns are united to the parent Organ
by the course of the vascular bundles.
2. The position of the buds varies; but is constant in the same
species within certain limits.
3. In all the cases examined, in their later stages, at all events as
Soon as a frond is formed, the buds grow by an apical cell which
becomes segmented triangularly.
4. In earlier moderately advanced stages, but before the formation
of a frond, an apical cell is scarcely ever to be recognized.
5. But in the youngest stages observed, an apical cell with
triangular segmentation could be detected.
6. The origin of all the buds is exogenous, and the series of their
stages of development points to an acropetal succession.
7. The buds may proceed from a single superficial cell, in which
a triangular apical cell is formed.
8. The origin of the buds is at a very early period. The separa-
tion of the parent-cells of the adventitious buds can apparently not
take place too far from the apex of the frond or of the pinna.
Origin of Tubes in the Nostoc-colonies in Blasia.f-The forma-
tion of colonies of Nostoc in the thallus of Blasia, especially in its
thalloid appendages or “auricles,” has been fully described by
Janczewski, Leitgeb, and others. They have also spoken of the
production of long tubes penetrating these colonies, a phenomenon
which has received further elucidation from M. Waldner. The fol-
lowing are the main results arrived at :—
* “SB. Akad. Wiss. Wien, lxxviii. (1878) p. 249. # Ibid., p. 294.
others require an external supply. For the germination of most
fungus-spores a temperature of from 12 to 20°C. is necessary. Of a
large number of fungus-spores which were subjected to experiment,
the most rapid germination was exhibited by Nectria cinnabarina,
viz. in 24 hours; the least rapid by Actrostalagmus cinnabarinus,
viz. in 653 hours. The slowest development of the germinating
filament was manifested by Mucor Mucedo, viz. at the rate of 2:5
mmm. (micro-millimetres) per minute in a nutritive fluid, 3 mmm.
per minute in water; the most rapid by Pilobolus crystallinus, viz.
at the rate of 36 mmm. per minute.
Conjugation of Swarmspores of Chroolepus.*—Although this
phenomenon had not been observed during the careful investigation
by Frank of this alga, Wille claims to have detected it in a few
instances in Trentepohlia umbrina (Chroolepus umbrinum) growing on
the horse-chestnut. Of a very large number of swarmspores observed,
the immense majority disappeared without conjugating or becoming
invested with cellulose. In a very few instances conjugation was
detected, the swarmspores thus proving to be planogametes, in De
Bary and Strasburger's use of the term. In only one or two instances
was the subsequent investment with cellulose detected. The question
needs further investigation.
New Parasitic Alga, t—J. Kühn has made the interesting disco-
very of an alga parasitic on the leaves of Arisarum vulgare (Arum
Arisarum) in the neighbourhood of Mentone and Nice.
On otherwise normally developed leaves, specks were observed of
a roundish form, usually 10 or 12 millimetres in diameter, having
all the appearance of a parasitic fungus. Closer examination showed,
however, that the parasite consists of filaments always densely filled
with chlorophyll-grains; in fact, that it is an alga nearly allied to
Yaucheria, and propagating in the same way, by the whole contents
of the cell breaking up into microgonidia, which remain for a con-
siderable period in a dormant condition. The author proposes for it
the name Phyllosiphon Arisari. He considers the discovery to be of
considerable interest from a systematic point of view, in forming a con-
necting link between the two sections of Sachs’s subclass Coeloblastae,
those containing chlorophyll, viz. the Siphoneae, and those destitute
of chlorophyll, the Saprolegnieae and Peronosporeae. It is a very
interesting addition to the small number at present known of truly
parasitic algæ.
Siphonocladaceae, a new Group of Green Algæ, i-In a descriptive
article of the green algae of the Gulf of Athens, T. Schmitz describes
a new species and genus under the name Siphonocladus Wilbergi, which
he proposes as the type of a new group, the Siphonocladaceae, to
include a number of genera of hitherto uncertain affinity, viz.
* “Botaniska Notiser,’ 1878, p. 165.
f ‘SB. Nat. Gesell. Halle, 1878; see ‘Bot. Zeit., xxxvii. (1879) p. 322.
† Ibid., Nov. 30, 1878; see ibid., p. 167.
s WRIGHT, Prof. R. R., M.A., B.Sc.—Contributions to American Helminthology,
(2 plates.)
[Trematodes; Cestodes; Nematodes.] Canadian Journal, I., pp. 54–75,
CARPENTER, P. H., M.A.—Preliminary Report upon the Comatula of the
‘Challenger’ Expedition. Proc. Roy. Soc., XXVIII., pp. 383-95.
CoTTEAU, M.–On the Salenidae of the Jurassic Strata of France.
Comptes Rendus, LXXXVIII., Fº 1217–18.
LUDwig, H.—Morphological Studies on the Echinodermata. Vol. I., Parts 1–3.
(23 plates and 5 figs.) (Extracted from ‘Zeitschr, wiss. Zool.”) 8vo, Leipzig,
STEwART, C., F.L.S., M.R.C.S., &c.—On certain Organs of the Cidaridae.
(1 plate.) Trans. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), I., pp. 569–72.
CHUN, Dr. C.—Histological Remarks on the Ctenophora.
Zool. Anzeig., II., pp. 329–32.
DUNCAN, Prof. P. M., M.B., F.R.S., &c.—On the Upper-Greensand Coral
Fauna of Haldon, Devonshire. (I plate.) [I gem. nov., 9 sp. nov.]
Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., XXXV., pp. 89–97.
HAACKE, Dr. W.-On the Classification and Phylogeny of the Corals.
Zool. Anzeig., II., pp. 261–2.
HINDE, G. J., F.G.S.—On a new Genus of Favosite Coral from the Niagara
Formation (U. Silurian), Lake Huron. (4 figs.)
[Syringolites Huronensis.] Geol. Mag., VI, pp. 244-6.
KLIPSTRIN, Dr. A. v.–The Tertiary Deposits of Waldböckheim and its Polyp
Fauna. J.B. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien, XXIX., pp. 61–8.
LAPworTH, C., F.G.S.—On the Geological Distribution of the Rhabdophora
(continued). (1 table.) Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., III., pp. 449–55.
MoSELEY, H. N., F.R.S.—The Croonian Lecture. On the Structure of the
Stylasteridae, a Family of the Hydroid Stony Corals. (11 plates.)
Phil. Trans., CLXIX, pp. 425–503.
NICHOLSON, Prof. H. A., M.D., D.Sc., &c., and R. ETHERIDGE, jun., F.G.S.—
On the Microscopic Structure of three Species of the Genus Cladochonus M'Coy.
(1 plate.) Geol. Mag., WI., pp. 289–96.
SCHAFER, E. A.—Observations on the Nervous System of Aurelia aurita.
(2 plates.) Phil. Trans., CLXIX, pp. 563–75.
TENISON-WooDs, Rev. J. E., F.L.S., &c.—On three new Genera and one new
Species of Madreporaria Corals. (1 plate.)
[Nov. gen. Vasillum tuberculatum ; Diechorasa boletiformis ; Phyllopora spinosa;
nov. Sp. Balanophyllia dentata.] Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., III., pp. 92–9.
DEZsó, Dr. B.-The Histology and Gemmation of the Tethyidae, and especially
of Tethya lyncurium Lieberkühn, (4 plates.)
Arch. Mikr. Anat, XVI., pp. 626-51.
DUNCAN, Prof. P. M., F.R.S.–On some Spheroidal Lithistid Spongida from the
Upper Silurian Formation of New Brunswick. (1 plate.)
Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., IV., pp. 84–91.
KELLER, Dr. C.—On the Embryology of the Chalinida.
Zool. Anzeig., II., pp. 302–3.
MEREJKowSKY, C.—Studies on the Sponges of the White Sea. (3 plates.)
51 pp. Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, XXVI., No. 7.
METSCHNIKOFF, Prof. E.-Spongiological Studies. (4 plates.
Zeitschr, wiss, Zool., XXXII, pp. 349-87.
ZITTEL, K.A.—Contributions to the Classification of the Fossil Sponges. (10
plates.) pp. 132, 8vo. Stuttgart, 1879.
Cryptogamia. Vascularia.
ANDRA, Prof.--Some Ferns of the Carboniferous Flora.
SB. Niederrhein. Gesell., 1877, pp. 13–14.
BAILEY, F. M., F.L.S., &c.—On the Ferns of Queensland.
Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., III., pp. 118–22.
BoFBKs, Dr. W. D.E.-Pteridophyta herbarii Doctoris L. Haynaldi Hungarica.
[addenda nova.]. Linnaba, XLVII., pp. 203–16.
DAVENPORT, G. E.-Catalogue of the Davenport Herbarium of North American
Ferns, Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 42 pp. 8vo. Salem, 1879.
GARDNER, J. S., F.G.S., &c., and Prof. C. BARON ETTINGHAUSEN, Ph.D., &c.—
A Monograph of the British Eocene Flora. Part I. Filices. (5 plates and 15 figs.)
pp. 1–38. - Palatontogr. Soc., XXXIII.
GooDE, J. B.-Notes on Canadian Ferns. Can. Nat., IX., p. 49.
HART, H. C., B.A.—On the Flora of North-Western Donegal. Addenda.
[Filices 8.] Journ. Bot., VIII., pp. 183–4.
HEINRICHER, C. —On Adventitious Buds on the Lamina of the Frond of some
Ferns. (1 plate.) SB. Akad. Wiss., LXXVIII., pp. 249–64.
LEITGEB, H.-On Bilateralness of Prothallia. Flora, LXII., pp. 317–20.
EKSTRAND, E. W.-Notes on Scandinavian Hepatica. (In part.)
Bot. Notiser, 1879, pp. 36–45.
}} 55 On Bud-formation on the Leaves of Hepatica.
Bot. Notiser, 1879, pp. 33–6.
FERGUSSON, Rev. J.-Recent Advances in British Bryology.
Scot. Nat., W., pp. 125–31.
Focke, Dr. W. O.-The Moss-flora of the Lowlands of Lower Saxony.
Abh. Nat. Ver. Bremen, WI., pp. 99–108, and 336.
KIRK, T., F.L.S.—Notice of the discovery of Monoclea Forsteri Hook in New
Zealand. Grevillea, IV., p. 151.
LEITGEB, Prof. Dr. H.-Researches on the Liverworts. Part IV. The Riccieae.
(9 plates.) 101 pp. 4to. Gratz, 1879.
MALINVAUD, E.-A Word on the Bryology of Haute-Vienne and Mont Dore,
according to the recent researches of M. E. Lamy de la Chapelle.
Bull. Soc. Bot. France, XXV., pp. 214–17.
MüLLER, C.—Prodromus Bryologiae Argentinicae, I. (In part.)
Linnaea, XLVII, pp. 217–88, 289–384.
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WALDNER, M.—The Origin of the Tubes in the Nostoc-Colonies in Blasia.
(1 plate.) SB. Akad. Wiss., IXXVIII., pp. 294–300.
ZUKAL, H.-The Commensalism of Moss and Lichen.
Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr, XXIX., pp. 189–91.
BAINIER, M.–Note on two Varieties of Aschotricha.
Bull. Soc. Bot. France, XXV., pp. 245–6.
BćCHAMP, A.—Facts bearing on the History of Beer Yeast and Ālcoholic
Fermentation. Physical and Physiological Action of certain Saline and other
Substances on Normal Yeast. Comptes Rendus, LXXXVIII., pp. 866–8.
BERT, P.-Experiments on the Blood of Anthrax.
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(Founded in 1839, Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1866.)
The Society was established for the communication and discussion
of observations and discoveries (1) tending to improvements in the con-
struction and mode of application of the Microscope, or (2) relating to
Biological or other subjects of Microscopical Research.
It consists of Ordinary, Honorary, and Ea:-officio Fellows.
Ordinary Fellows are elected on a Certificate of Recommendation
signed by three Fellows, stating the names, residence, description, &c., of
the Candidate, of whom one of the proposers must have personal know-
ledge. The Certificate is read at a Monthly Meeting, and the Candidate
balloted for at the succeeding Meeting.
The Annual Subscription is 21. 2s., payable in advance on election,
and subsequently on 1st January annually, with an Entrance Fee of 21, 28.
Future payments of the former may be compounded for at any time for
31. 10s. Fellows elected in October, November, or December are not
called upon for a subscription during the succeeding year, and Fellows
absent from the United Kingdom for a year, or permanently residing
abroad, are exempt from one-half the subscription during absence.
BIonorary Fellows (limited to 50), consisting of persons eminent
in Biological or Microscopical Science, are elected on the recommendation
of three Fellows and the approval of the Council.
Ex-officio Fellows (limited to 100) consist of the Presidents for
the time being of such Societies at home and abroad as the Council may
recommend and a Monthly Meeting approve. They are entitled to receive
the Society’s Publications, and to exercise all other privileges of Fellows,
except voting, but are not required to pay any Entrance Fee or Annual
The Council, by whom the affairs of the Society are managed, is
elected annually, and is composed of the President, four Vice-Presidents,
Treasurer, two Secretaries, and twelve other Fellows.
The Meetings are held on the second Wednesday in each month,
from October to June, in the Society's Library at King's College, Strand,
W.C. (commencing at 8 P.M.). Visitors are admitted by the introduction of
In each Session two additional evenings (“Scientific Evenings”) are
devoted to the exhibition of Apparatus and Objects of novelty or interest
relating to the Microscope or the subjects of Microscopical Research.
The Journal, containing the Transactions and Proceedings of the
Society, with a Record of Current Researches relating to Invertebrata,
Cryptogamia, Microscopy, &c., is published bi-monthly, and is forwarded
gratis to all Fellows within the Postal Union.
The Library, with the Instruments, Apparatus, and Cabinet of
Objects, is open for the use of Fellows on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Fridays, from 11 A.M. to 4 P.M., and on Wednesdays from 7 to 10 P.M.
It is closed during August.
Forms of proposal for Fellowship, and any further information, may be obtained by
application to the Secretaries, or Assistant-Secretary, at the Library of the Society, King's
College, Strand, W.C.
3 9015 O6967 94.32

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