------- -------- QP 32 ‘J11 co ‘uox2 o'S • A 'N ‘osni ou AS R13 GN 19 AQ33d S EP's/ºff E 3 :- /WCD '''o -- ~2 [Reprinted from SCIENCE, N. S., Vol. XLI., No. 1062, Pages 689-691, May 7, 1915] Me?S, E dward By-ow tº "2. THE OSMOTIC PROPERTIES OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF MUSCLE IN two recent articles! I have pointed out that the osmotic properties” of the smooth and striated muscle of the frog and of the clam’s adductor muscle were strikingly different. Loeb suggests” that the differences observed by me might be due to the fact that “the smooth muscle of the stomach . . . can not be ob- tained in as natural a condition as . . . striped muscle . . . .” Still more recently, in an article published from Loeb's laboratory, v. Körösy* has enlarged upon Loeb's suggestion and has described some experiments purport- ing to uphold it. The reasons for thinking that the differences in the osmotic behavior of the three types of muscle mentioned above can not be due to any difference in the manner of their prepara- tion seem to me very cogent; they have already been largely given in my articles dealing with the subject. But it has not previously been possible to give them completely or to bring them together into one place, and, in view of the suggestions of Loeb and v. Körösy, it seems worth while to do this now. The first difficulty which one meets in com- paring the reactions of smooth and striated muscle is that cutting across the fibers or re- moving the “natural surface” does not have the same effect on the two tissues. Striated muscle goes almost immediately into rigor in the neighborhood of a cut across its fibers. 1 Meigs, The Journal of Ezperimental Zoology, Vol. 13, p. 497, 1913; The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 17, p. 81, 1914. 2. By ‘‘osmotic properties” I mean those prop- erties of the tissues which determine the character- istic changes of weight undergone by them when immersed in various solutions. 8 Loeb, SCIENCE, N. S., Vol. 37, p. 430, 1913. 4 V. Körösy, Zeitschrift für physiologische Chemie, Vol. 93, pp. 171 et seq., 1914. This condition is accompanied by acid forma- tion,” by swelling, and by the loss of irritabil- ity and of the characteristic osmotic properties of the tissue; it spreads gradually from the point of injury to other parts. Cutting across the fibers of smooth muscle causes a contrac- tion which is soon followed by relaxation; there is no tendency toward acid formation, swelling or loss of irritability either in the neighborhood of the cut or in any other por- tion of the tissue. These facts, which are ignored by Loeb and v. Körösy, are very signif- icant; they suggest at the outset, what is con- firmed by all my subsequent work, that the fibers of striated muscle are surrounded by characteristie semi-permeable surfaces, injury to which produces profound changes in the tissue; and that no such surfaces exist in the case of smooth muscle. They are incompatible with the view that the osmotic properties of the tissues are alike. Finally, they show that my preparations of smooth muscle, in spite of the fact that their fibers have been cut, are more nearly comparable to uninjured than to injured preparations of striated muscle. But one need not stop here. The rigor, etc., produced in the neighborhood of a cut across the fibers of striated muscle spreads only gradually from the injured to the uninjured regions; hence, if the injured area be propor- tionally small, the preparation will react osmotically for the first hour or so very nearly like an uninjured muscle. If a frog's sartorius be cut across its middle, either half of the muscle will have about the same proportions of “natural surface” and “unnatural sur- face” as the preparations of frog’s stomach muscle used in my experiments. Such a cut 5 Fletcher and Hopkins, The Journal of Physiol- ogy, Vol. 35, pp. 261 et seq., 1907. 2 SCIENCE) sartorius reacts for the first hour in all re- spects very much like an uninjured sartorius. The strikingly different osmotic reactions char- acteristic of smooth muscle showed themselves in my preparations long before the end of the first hour. Further, the effects of cutting across the fibers or of exposing an “unnatural surface ’’ in smooth muscle may be studied experi- mentally by comparing the reactions of prep- arations which have been cut in many places with those of others which have been cut as little as possible. Such experiments show that cutting has no perceptible effect after the first few minutes; for the first few minutes it pro- duces a very slight tendency for the prepara- tion to lose fluid. Examination of the differ- ences in the osmotic reactions of smooth and striated muscle under different circumstances shows that these differences can not be ex- plained as the result either of this or of any ºther conceivable effect of injury. Smooth muscle, for instance, swells more rapidly than striated muscle in Ringer's solution, but less rapidly in half-strength Ringer; it would be a very extraordinary hypothesis that these opposite differences were both the effects of injury. Still less can the swelling of smooth muscle in solutions of non-electrolytes and the peculiar changes of weight undergone by it in double-strength and half-strength Ringer solu- tion be explained as the result of injury by any one who will take the trouble to make a careful study of these phenomena. In order to obtain a preparation of striated muscle comparable to my preparations of smooth muscle v. Körösy pared off the surface layers of a frog’s gastrocnemius with a razor and used the core which was left. This is, to say the least, a severe test. The gastrocnemius is for the most part composed of short fibers which run diagonally across it and end in the fascia covering its surface. The procedure adopted by v. Körösy would therefore give a surface largely or entirely composed of the cut ends of the muscle fibers. My prepara- tions of stomach muscle were covered on one side by the serosa and on the other by a part of the connective tissue which lies between the muscular and mucous coats of the stomach; these two surfaces made up about nine tenths that of the whole preparation, and were cer- tainly as “natural” as that which is left covering a striated muscle after it is torn away from the skin and from the neighboring muscles. V. Körösy tried only one experiment which bears on the osmotic differences between the smooth and striated muscle of the frog. He immersed his muscle core in 0.23 M saccharose solution and found that it gained weight fairly rapidly. It is to be presumed that lactic acid was being rapidly produced over the whole surface of v. Körösy’s preparation,” and it is not surprising, therefore, that it should gain weight in either 0.23 M saccharose solution or in any other solution nearly isosmotic with frog’s blood. But, in view of the considera- tions given above, it can hardly be supposed that this experiment shows that the osmotic properties of smooth and striated muscle are alike. V. Körösy also immersed his gastrocnemius cores in various hypertonic NaCl solutions, and found that they lost weight in the early stages of their immersion." These results are to be compared with mine on the adductor muscle of the clam, which had already begun to gain weight after five minutes' immersion in a strongly hypertonic NaCl solution.* My prep- aration was certainly not any more injured than v. Körösy’s in this case, yet under com- parable experimental conditions it gained weight and his lost. I do not understand, therefore, why he thinks that his experiments with the gastrocnemius core indicate that the osmotic properties of the various kinds of muscle under consideration are alike, nor do I understand his remark on page 173, which I take to mean that we need information about the changes of weight undergone by clam’s muscle in the early stages of its immersion in 6 Fletcher and Hopkins, The Journal of Physiol- ogy, Vol. 35, pp. 261 et seq., 1907; Laquer, Zeit- schrift für physiologische Chemie, Vol. 93, p. 69, 1914. * Loc. cit., pp. 170 and 171 and Table fl. 8 Meigs, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 17, Experiment 17, p. 97, 1914. SCIENCE 3 hypertonic solutions. We already have de- tailed information on this point.” With regard to v. Körösy’s supposition (pp. 172 and 173) that my preparations of frog's stomach muscle were contaminated with acid, I can only say that it is incorrect. I took particular pains to avoid contamination of the muscle with the stomach contents; the prep- arations were decidedly alkaline to litmus at the beginnings of the experiments and re- mained so for at least twenty-four hours. ° Meigs, loc. cit., Experiments 3 and 17, pp. 95 and 97. It seems to me that any further attempt to show that the smooth and striated muscle of the frog and the adductor muscle of the clam are all equally subject to the “law of Avo- gadro-van’t Hoff” should be based on experi- ments on all three kinds of muscle and on careful consideration of the data already at hand, rather than on experiments confined to striated muscle and backed up only by experi- mentally unfounded suppositions. EDWARD B. MEIGs THE WISTAR INSTITUTE OF ANATOMY AND BIOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | | | - | 3 9015 06971 3868