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April 18, 1880 Melica mutica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 18, 1880 Anemone nemorosa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 19, 1874 Viola Cucullata, War. Cordata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 19, 1874 Dirca palustris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 19, 1874 Carex Pennsylvanica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 19, 1874 Lathyrus Venosus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 21, 1878 Ribes rotundifolium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * - April 21, 1878 Salix nigra, Var. Wardi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 21, 1878 We thus see that a single collector has, in the course of eight years' operations, actually observed and noted 11 species in bloom in Febru- ary, 24 more in March, 51 additional in the first week of April, and 26 others during the second and third weeks of April, or 112 up to April 21. It should be remarked that there is no doubt that if the same locali- ties in which the large number were observed on April 2, 1876, April 4, 1880, and April 7, 1878, had been visited in the last days of March of those years, quite a number of these plants would have been found suf. ficiently advanced to demand a place in the lists, and thus the month of March would have been credited with so many here set down for the first week in April. Probably, all things considered, not less than 50 species in certain favored seasons either reach or pass by their flower- ing time by the end of March. In arranging the above lists the order of dates has, of course, taken precedence, but where several are enumerated under one date the natural order is followed. It is scarcely necessary to suggest a caution to collectors against rely- ing upon these dates in making collections. They represent the earliest observations and not the average. In most cases an allowance of at least one week should be made for the full blooming of all the individu- als of any given species. In all cases, however, one or more individuals 32 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. were actually seen in flower and sufficiently advanced for collection; otherwise no note Was taken. The Carices of course had not advanced to developed perigynia, and many plants whose inflorescence is centri- fugal or centripetal, or which develop fruit while retaining flowers, should be looked for at a later stage. WI. AUTUMINAL FLOWERING. One of the most interesting peculiarities of the flora of this vicinity is that of the second blooming of vernal species, which in most cases takes place quite late in the fall (See Field and Forest, April–June, 1878, Vol. III, p. 172). In addition to the seven species observed and published in 1878, I have noted more than as many others manifesting this habit, and it is probable that still others will yet be added. The following is a list of those thus far recorded, with the dates at which observed, and which may be compared with those of their regular ver- nal period: Ranunculus abortivus, var. micranthus . . . . . ... November 28, 1875 Cardamine hirsuta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - October 3, 1880 Viola pedata, War. bicolor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 22 and Dec. 8, 1878. Viola striata - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- . . . . . . . . September 10, 1876 Fragaria Virginiana. . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - September 22, 1878 Rubus villosus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 22 and Oct. 27, 1878 Lonicera Japonica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 13, 1878 Houstonia purpurea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 13, 1878 Houstonia purpurea, var. angustifolia ........ September 12, 1880 Houstonia caerulea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September 7, 1879 Vaccinium stamineum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 13, 1878 Rhododendron nudiflorum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 13, 1878 Phlox divaricata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 16, 1873 Sabbatia angularis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - October 27, 1878 Echium Vulgare . . . . . • * * * * * * e º ºs º is º ºs e º a tº e º sº º e. October 8, 1880 Veronica officinalis . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * October 8, 1873 Agrostis scabra-----...--------- . . . . . . . . . . . . November 12, 1876 To this list of seventeen should perhaps be added Stellaria pubera, which, instead of a vernal and an autumnal period, has two vernal pe- riods, as described under that species in the systematic notes. Salia, longifolia has this year flowered twice, once in April and again in June.* rix- -T- *Mr. M. S. Bebb, under date of June 22, 1881, replying to my inquiry in regard to this phenomenon, says: “The second blooming of S, longifolia is not anomalous; but, FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 35 Autumnal blooming, in so far as it is peculiar to this climate, may be chiefly attributed to the tolerably regular occurrence here of a hot and dry season in midsummer. This usually begins towards the end of June and ends about the middle of August. During this period in some sea- sons the ground and vegetation become parched and dried up SO that vegetal processes in many plants cease almost as completely as in the opposite season of cold. From this dormant state the warm and often copious rains of the latter part of August revive them as do the showers of spring, and they begin anew their regular course of changes. The frosts of October usually cut their career short before maturity is reached, but in some cases two crops of seed are produced. In addition to this, there frequently also occurs a very warm term in November, often ex- tending far into December, and of this certain species take advantage and push forth their buds and flowers. VII. ALBINOS. Well-defined albinos have been collected of the following species: Desmodium nudiflorum. Mertensia Virginica. Liatris graminifolia. Sabbatia angularis. Rhodondendron nudiflorum. Pontederia cordata. Vinca minor. The green-flowered variety of Trillium sessile and of Gomolobus obli- quus are also found. On June 16 of this year I collected Carey tenta- culata on the Eastern Branch marsh, having the spikes completely white, as if etiolated, but not yet mature, and apparently perfectly healthy and vigorous; indeed the plants were considerably taller than normally green ones growing with them, but they were always either entirely Whitened or not at all so. On examination and comparison no other differences could be detected. VIII. DouBLE FLOWERs, ETC. Thalictrum anemonoides, Ranunculus bulbosus, Claytonia Virginica, and Rubus Canadensis have been found with the flowers much doubled, as in cultivation. IIydrangea arborescens occasionally has the outer circle of petals ex- panded, as in cultivation. Rudbeckia fulgida has been found with all its rays tubular but of the usual length. ou the contrary, this species continues to bloom from May to September, wherever found, from New England to Calif, and yet the fact has not receiv d mention in the books.” He further states, however, that he has called attention to it some years ago in the “Lens.” [Since appending this note I have revisited the locality (July 17, i881,) and find it still blooming with fresh ſlowers. I Dull. Nat. Mus. No. 22 3 34 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. IX. STATISTICAL VIEW OF THE FE,ORA. In order to present a clear view of the general character of the vege- tation of the District of Columbia and the adjacent country, I have made a somewhat careful analysis of the larger groups and families, and comparison of them not only with each other but with the same groups and families in larger areas and other local floras. The general results are presented below. It is important to remark that in all enumerations it is not simply the number of species as at present recognized, but the number of different plants (species and varieties) that is employed. The reason for doing this is, that in very many cases well-marked varieties are eventually made species, and if two plants really differ there is little probability that they will ever be merged into one species without that difference being indicated by some difference of name. The aim has therefore been to take account of the number of plants without regard to the manner in which they are named. The whole number of vascular plants now known to this flora, as cat. alogued in the list appended to this paper, is 1,249, and these belong to 527 different genera, or about 2% species to each genus. These are distributed among the several systematic groups as follows: * * - - Species and Series, Classes, and Divisions. Genera. varieties. | Polypetalae ------------------------------------------------------------------- 174 356 Gamopetalae ------------------------------------------------------------------ 169 380 Total Dichlamydeae----------------------------------------------------- 343 745 Monochlamydeae (Apetalae).------------------------------------------------.. 47 124 Total Dicotyledons.----------------------------------------------------. 390 869 Monocotyledons ------------------------------------------------------------- 112 331 Gymnosperma (Coniferae) --------------------------------------------------- 4 7 Total Phænogamia-----------------------------------------------------. 506 1, 207 Cryptogamia ----------------------------------------------------------------. 21 42 Total Vascular Plants -------------------------------------------------. 527 1,249 The percentages of the total are as follows: Polypetalae------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 20 Gamopetalae -------------------------------------- .* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ - - - - - - - - - - 32 31 Total Dichlamydete---------------------------------------------------. 65 60 Monochlamydeae (Apetalae).----------------------------------------...--...--.. 9 10 Total Dicotyledons. -----------------------------------------------...- - 74 70 Monocotyledons -------------------------...-...------------------------...-- 21 26 Gymnospermae (Coniferae) -------------....................................... 1. 1 Total Phaenogamia-------------------...-------..............--------. 96 97 Cryptogamia -- ----------------------------------------------------......... 4 3 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 35 Large orders. The 16 largest orders, arranged according to the number of species, are as follows: *4 * Species and É Orders. Gentra. varieties. 1 | Compositie -------------------------------------------------------------- 53 149 2 Gramineae -------------------------------------------------------------- 43 110 3 Cyperaceae ------------------------------------------------------------- 10 108 4 Leguminosº.------------------------------------------------------------- 24 57 5 Rosaceae. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 15 46 6 Labiata? ---. ----------------------------------------------------------- 23 42 7 | Cruciferae --------------------------------------------------------------- 16 33 8 Scrophulariaceae.-------------------------------------------------------- 15 32 9 Filices ----------------------------------------------------------------- 16 30 10 | Ranunculace00 ---------------------------------------------------------- 7 27 11 Ericaceae --------------------------------------------------------------- 11 26 12 Cupuliferae ------------------------------------------------------------- 7 26 13 | Orchidaceae ------------------------------------------------------------ 12 24 14 Liliaceae ---------------------------------------------------------------- 18 24 15 Polygonaceae ----------------------------------------------------------- 3 23 10 Umbelliferab-----------------------------------------------------------. 17 22 The whole number of systematic orders represented in our district is 116, of which these 16 or 14 per cent. furnish 55 per cent. of the genera and 62 per cent. of the species. Large genera. The 15 largest genera, arranged according to the number of plants, are the following: Species and à Genera. varieties. 1 | Carex------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 70 2 Aster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21 3 | Panicum -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 4 | Solidago --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 5 | Quercus --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 6 | Polygonum ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 7 | Desmodium ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 8 Salix ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 9 Juncus ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 10 | Viola ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 11 Cyperus ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * .12 12 | Ranunculus----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 13 | Eupatorium ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 14 | Helianthus------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 15 Asclepias ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Thus 15, or less than 3 per cent. of the genera, furnish 271, or nearly 22 per cent. of the species. Introduced Species. The whole number of introduced plants enumerated in the subjoined catalogue is 193, of which 15 are supposed or known to be indigOilous 36 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WIC INITY. to other parts of the United States.* These are distributed through the several larger groups as follows: Groups. wººd. §: Total. Polypetalous ----------------------------------------------------------------- 65 8 73 Gamopetalous ---. -------------------------------------------- . ------------ 54 3 57 Apetalous (Monochlamydeous). ----------------------------------------------- 28 2 30 Monocotyledonous (Endogenous) -------------------------------------------- 31 l 32 Gymnospermous (Coniferous) -------------------------------------------------|-------- 1 1 Total.------------------------------------------------------------------. 178 I5 193 It will be seen that the introduced plants amount to 15.5 per cent. of the total flora. The several orders to which these belong are shown in the Summary. Shrubby Species. Of the 342 “forest trees” enumerated in Sargent's preliminary cata- logue of 1880, this flora embraces 85, or 24.8 per cent., of which 65 are large enough to have the dignity of timber trees. Of these 85, 25 are in the Polypetalous Division, but only 12 of this latter number are large; 9 are in the Monopetalous Division, all but 2 of which are large; 44 are in the Apetalous Division, 39 of which are large; and the remain- ing 7 are Coniferous, all full-sized trees. The whole number of species which are shrubby or woody above ground is 194, which is 15.5 per cent. of the whole. They are distrib- uted as follows: Polypetalous------------------------------------------------------------------ 83 Gainopetalous----------------------------------------------------------------- 36 Apetalous (Monochlamydeous)-----------------. ------------------------------- 64 Monocotyledonous (Endogenous).--------------------------------------------- 4 Gymnospermous (Coniferous).--------------------------------------...--------- 7 Total.------------------------------------------------------------------ 194 For further particulars the reader can consult the Summary at the end of the catalogue. Comparisons with other Floras. While these facts are of great interest in affording a clear conception of the character of our flora, they do not aid us in determining in what respects it is peculiar or marks a departure from those of other portions * * These are the following: Xanthoxylum Americanum. Ribes rotundifolium. Catalpa bignonioides. Trifolium repens. Ribes rubrum. Maclura aurantiaca. Prunus Chicasa. Passiflora incarnata. Populus grandidentata. Rosa setigera. Symphoricarpus racemosus. Poa annua. Philadelphus inodorus. Symphoricarpus vulgaris. Pinus Strobus. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY, 37 of the country, or from that of the country at large. To institute com- parisons with other local floras would, of course, carry me much too far for the general purpose of this paper, but it is both more interesting and more prácticable to confront a few of the above results with similar ones drawn from a consideration of a large part of the United States. For this purpose, as not only most convenient but as least liabie to em- brace facts calculated to vitiate the comparisons, I have chosen that portion of the United States situated east of the Mississippi River and for the most part well covered by Gray's Manual of Botany for the northern portion and Chapman's Flora of the Southern States for the southern portion. The plants described in these works are conveniently collected into one series by the second edition of Mann's Catalogue, pub- lished under the supervision of the authorities at Cambridge in 1872. Many changes have since been made in the names, &c., and a few new species added, but these are not sufficient to affect the general conclu- sions to be drawn from the following comparative tables. Comparison of Species and Varieties. The number of species and varieties of vascular plants enumerated in the work above referred to is 4,034, of which the 1,249 of the flora of Washington constitute 31 per cent. The comparison by groups is as follows: Species and va- rieties in the e – * s 3. Series, Classes, and Divisions. ‘g . p P; S ; .. E; oš | # © C/D ce rº 3 † S $—t cº * GO ſº F. R4 Polypetalº------------------------------------------------------------------. 1, 115 356 32 Gamopetale------------------------------------------------------------------ 1, 314 389 30 Total Dichlamydeae -------------------------------------------------------. 2,429 745 31 Monochlamydeae (Apetala). ---------------------------------------------------- 349 124 36 Total Dicotyledons--------------------------------------------------------- 2,778 869 31 Monocotyledons (Endogens) ----------------------------...--...----------------. 1,034 331 32 Gymnospermºe . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28 7 25 Total Phaenogamia --------------------------------------------------------- 3,840 | 1, 207 31 Cryptogamin ----------------------------------------------------------------. 194 42 22 Total Vascular Plants.------------------------------------------------..... 4,034 1,249 31 Comparison of Genera. The whole number of genera in the flora of the Eastern United States is 1,065. That of the Flora Columbiana, as already stated, is 527. This is over 49 per cent., a much larger proportion than was shown by a com- 38 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. parison of the species. A comparison of the genera by groups gives the following results: Genera * sented in the- r: § 3 8 Series, Classes, and Divisions. # 3 | # p : 3 cº +5 E; °3 §§ 33 3 S. 5 º º º Polypetalae--------------------------------------------------------------------- 340 174 51 Gamopetalae-------------------------------------------------------------------- 379 169 45 Total Dichlamydeae ------------------------------------------------------ 719 343 48 Monochlamydeae (Apetalae) --...---------------------------------------------- 97 47 48 Total Dicotyledons--------------------------------------------------------- 816 390 48 Monocotyledons------------------------------------------------------------- 198 112 57 Gymnospermae ---------------------------------------------------------------- 12 4 33 Total Phænogamia -------------------------------------------------------. 1,026 506 49 Cryptogamia ------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 21 54 Total Vascular Plants--------------------------------...------------- - - - 1,065 527 49 The percentages here range from 33 in the Gymnosperms to 57 in the Monocotyledons, averaging between 49 and 50, whereas in the similar comparisons for species they ranged from 22 in the Cryptogams to 36 in the Monochlamydeae. This result was to be expected, since as the groups increase the number represented in any local flora should be proportion- ately larger. For example, 116 orders out of the 156 are represented here, which is upwards of 74 per cent. Comparison of Large Orders. It will be interesting to compare in a manner similar to the foregoing the number of species in several of the largest orders. For this purpose we may use the same orders mentioned on page 35 as the richest in species of any belonging to this flora. The comparison may then be shown as follows: '? | # --> És | # Orders. 5 # 5 ă # .* Q) à 3 g *** § B-4 § 3 .S. Q . R Pr; P- -1 | 90mP9site-------------------------------------------------------------. 497 149 30 * | Graminea-------------------------------------------------------------. 297 110 37 * | 9YPerageº ----------------------------------------------............... 357 108 30 * | Leguminosa.---------------------------------------------------------- 208 57 27 * | Rosaceae ---------------------------------------------------------------- 104 46 44 * | Pabiata ---------------------------------------------...-...-----....... 121 42 35 7 | Cruciferae ---------------------------------------..........------...... 76 33 43 8 | Sºrophulariaceae -----------------------------..................-------- 97 32 33 9 Filices ----- ------------------------------------------. -----...... 134 30 22 10 | Ranunculaceae ------------------------.......................---------. 80 27 34 11 Pricaceae -----------------------------------...------..........--------. 89 26 29 l? | Cupuliferae ... ------------------------------------...----...------------ 45. 26 58 18 Orchidaceae.----------------------------------------...-------...--..... 71 24 34 14 | Liliaceae ----------------------------------------........... ---------- 82 24 29 15 Polygonaceae --------------------------------------.......... ---------- 56 23 41 16 Umbelliferae ----------------------------------------------------------. 63 22 35 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 39 This table exhibits better perhaps than any other the special charac- teristics of the flora. The normal percentage being about 31, we see that in all but five of these sixteen largest orders our flora is in excess of that standard, while it is richest proportionally in the Cupuliferae, Rosa- ceae, and Cruciferae, and poorest in the Filices and Leguminosa. Comparison of large genera. In like manner we may compare the 15 large genera given in a pre- ceding table (p. 35): * | # -4-3 .: •y-4 rº ÉÉ | # Genera. 3 # +5 e Hå O 5 rºd 3 cº © : 3 É 5 £3 R Fr. PH 1 | Carex -------------------------------------------------------------------- 180 70 39 2 Aster --------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 21 33 3 | Panicum. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 36 19 53 4 Solidago ------------------------------------------------------------------ 61 18 30 5 | Quercus ------------------------------------------------------------------ 38 18 47 6 | Polygonum --------------------------------------------------------------- 27 16 59 7 Desmodium -------------------------------------------------------------- 24 14 58 8 Salix---------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 14 61 9 Juncus ------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 14 37 10 | Viola --------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 13 54 11 Cyperus ------------------------------------------------------------------ 41 12 29 12 Ranuncalus -------------------------------------------------------------- 27 11 41 13 Eupatorium -------------------------------------------------------------- 24 11 46 14 | Helianthus --------------------------------------------------------------- 27 10 37 15 Asclepias ----------------------------------------------------------------- 22 10 45 This table shows that in all the large genera, except Solidago and Cyperus, the District of Columbia has more than its full proportion. The genus Salia, is the one proportionally best represented, while Polygo- º num, Desmodium, Panicum, and Viola each exceed 50 per cent. Quercus, Eupatorium, and Asclepias are also well filled out. As already remarked, it would carry us too far to undertake the sys- tematic comparison of our flora with those of other special localities, even were the data at hand. Few local catalogues are condensed and summarized for this purpose, and the labor of doing this is very great. The recently published Flora of Essex County, Massachusetts, prepared by Mr. John Robinson, however, forms something of an exception to this, and we may directly compare the larger classes and also the orders. The following tables will give an idea of the differences between that flora and our own: FLORA of was HINGTON AND victNITY Number of orders. Number of genera. * Number of species and variotics. Series, Classes, and Divisions. -- ) Eºs cºil.º. cºli.l.º. cºil. County. 3Ilà. County. Yº 8118. County. 8)D 3. Polypetale ----------------------------- 42 45 155 174 360 356 Gamopetalae ---------------------------. 25 27 158 169 358 389 Total Dichlamydeae --...----------- 67 72 313 343 718 745 Monochlamydea ...--------------------. 18 19 44 47 132 124 Total Dicotyledons .......... . . . . . . . 85 91 357 390 850 869 Monocotyledons ..... ----------...------. 17 20 120 112 392 331 Gymnospermae (Coniferae) .............. 1 1 7 4 17 7 Total Phaënogamia. -----............ 103 112 484 506 1, 259 1, 207 Cryptogamia --------------------------- 5 4 20 21 65 * Total Vascular Plants.............. 108 116 504 527 1, 324 1,249 The 16 large orders enumerated on page 35 may also be compared with profit: Number of genera. Nºte: .14 Orders. 5 Essex |ci. Essex cº. £3 County. àI18, County. alſlå, 1 Compositie --------------------------------------------- 43 53 136 149 2 Gramineae ---------------------------------------------- 50 43 128 110 8 Cyperaceae -------------------------------------------- 9 10 120 108 4 Leguminosae ------------------------------------------. 17 24 39 57 5 Rosaceae ----------------------------------------------. 12 15 55 46 0 Labiatae ------------------------------------------------ 22 23 35 42 7 | Cruciferae ---------------------------------------------. 14 16 29 33 8 Scrophulariaceae --------------------------------------- 14 15 29 32 9 Filices --------------------------------------------- 13 16 40 30 10 | Ranunculaceae -------------...--------------...--------- 9 7 30 27 11 | Pricaceae ---------------------------------------------. 18 11 37 26 12 Cupuliferae --------------------------------------------- 6 7 16 26 13 | Orchidaceae ---------------------------. --------------- 13 12 32 24 14 | Liliaceae --------------------...-...--------------------- 18 18 27 24 15 Polygonaceae ----------------------------...-...--------- 3 3 27 23 16 Umbelliſerae -----------------...-------......--...------. 16 17 20 | 22 In the flora of Essex County the orders Umbellifera (20) and Cupu. liferae (16) fall below the lowest of the 16 for the flora of Washington (Umbellifera, 22), while on the other hand the Caryophyllacea (27), Salicaceae (23), and Naiadaceae (28), not in the list, rise above that num- ber. These orders in the flora of Washington are represented respect- ively by 19, 19, and 9 species and varieties. With reference to the last named of these orders, however, it may be remarked that the genus Potamogeton, which constitutes the greater part of it, has been very im- perfectly studied here, and will certainly be largely increased when thoroughly known. The orders in which this flora falls below that of Essex County are: the Gramineſe, Cyperaceae, Rosaceae, Filices, Ranunculaceae, Ericaceae, Liliaceae, Orchidaceae, and Polygonaceae, nine in all. In the remaining Seven orders there is a greater number of species here than there. It is FLORA of WASHINGTON AND VICINITY. 41 noteworthy that our flora exceeds that of Essex County most in the Composita, Leguminosa, and Cupulifera, and next to these in the Scrophu lariaceae, Labiata, and Cruciferas. Our comparatively poorest orders are the Cyperaceae, Rosacea, Ericaceae, and Filices. Comparing in like manner the 15 large genera enumerated on page 35, We are able to see still more definitely wherein the two floras differ: Number of species and varieties. J. Genera. Tº Essex Flor, & & £3 County. Cºlºmbi 1 Carex ----------------------------------------------------------------------. 71 70 2 Aster ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 21 3 | Panicum -------------------------------------------------------------------. 14 19 4 | Solidago--------------------------------------------------------------------. 19 18 5 Quercus-------------------------------------------------------------------. 10 18 0 | Polygonum------------------------------------------------------------------ 21 16 7 | Desmodium ---------------------------------------------------------- • e g º e º 'º. 7 14 8 Salix -----------------------------------------------------------------------. 18 14 9 | Juncus ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - 14 14 10 | Viola---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 13 11 Cyperus -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 12 12 | Ranunculus ---------------------------------------------------------------- 13 11 13 Eupatorium ---------------------------------------------------------------. 7 11 14 Helianthus.----------------------------------------------------------------. 5 10 15 Asclepias ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 10 The total number of species and varieties represented by these 15 genera is thus considerably larger in the Washington flora (271) than in that of Essex County (253); but whereas they are the absolutely largest genera here, this is not the case there. The genus Potamogeton numbers 23 in Mr. Robinson's catalogue, and the genus Scirpus 14, while several others probably exceed 10. Those in the above list falling below 10, the lowest on the Washington list, are Desmodium (7), Eupa- torium (7), Asclepias (7), and Helianthus (5). Those in which the Essex flora exceeds the Washington flora are Carew, Aster, Solidago, Polygonum, Salia, and Ranunculus, though Carea, Solidago, and Cyperus may be re- garded as equal in the two floras, and Juncus is exactly equal. In Quer- cus, Desmodium, Eupatorium, Helianthus, and Asclepias, the Essex flora is poor, only amounting in the second and fourth named to half the num- ber found here. Relative to the above comparisons in general it may be remarked, first, that the flora of Essex County, Massachusetts, is much more thoroughly and exhaustively elaborated than that of the District of Columbia, lying as it does in the immediate center of botanical activity in this country. This alone is probably sufficient to account for all the difference in the number of species in the two localities, and it will prob- ably be ultimately found that the two floras are very nearly equal. In 42 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. the second place, if it should be thought that from its intermediate location between the southern and the northern sections of the country our flora should naturally be the more rich in species, it may be satis- factorily urged on the other hand that while we have only an inland territory, Essex County has both an inland and a maritime territory. Could our range be extended to embrace even a small extent of sea- coast, the number would thereby be very largely increased. As a final statistical exhibit more comprehensive in its scope, and from a different point of view, I give below a table in which our local flora is compared not only with the floras above named, but with sev- eral others in America. As these several floras not only Overlap to considerable extent, but also differ widely in the total number of plants embraced by each, it is evident that a numerical comparison would con- vey a very imperfectidea of the variety in their essential characteristics. It is therefore necessary to reduce them to a common standard of com- parison, which has been done by disregarding the actual numbers and employing only the percentage which each group compared bears to the total for each respective flora. The relation of the several groups to the total vegetation of each flora is thus clearly brought out, and a comparison of the percentages of the same group in the different areas displays in the clearest manner possible the relative predominance or scantiness of the group in each flora. . Upon this must depend, in so far as botanical statistics can indicate it, the facies of each flora—its pecu- liarities and its characteristics. As in previous comparisons, the table is restricted to Phaenogamous and vascular Cryptogamous plants, and the same groups are employed, except that the large genera are omit- ted, while the number of orders is increased to the 23 largest of this flora, which is taken as the basis of comparison, and they are arranged in the order of rank with reference to it. The several floras compared, with the total number of plants em. braced in each, are as follows: 1. Flora of Washington and vicinity----------------------------------...---- 1,249 2. Flora of Essex County, Mass.--------------------------------------------- 1, 324 3. Flora of the State of Illinois --------------------------------------------- 1,542 4. Flora of the Northeastern United States -----. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ---. -> * > <- - - - - 2, 365 5. Flora of the Southeastern United States ...... --...----. --------...------. 2,696 6. Flora of the Eastern United States (= 4 + 5) ,----...----...---...---. - - - - - 4,034 7. Plants collected by the Fortieth Parallel Survey ...... ................ ---. 1,254 8. Plants collected by Lieutenant Wheeler's Survey ... ---...----...---...------. 1,535 For the flora of Illinois (No. 3), and also for that of the Northern United States east of the Mississippi (No. 4), I have used without veri. fºLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 43 fication the figures of the Catalogue of the Plants of Illinois, 1876, pre: pared by Mr. Harry N. Patterson, as summarized in the preface. In the former case the introduced species are included, but the varieties seem to be excluded. In the latter case, as stated by Mr. Patterson, the introduced species are excluded, as are also, doubtless, the varieties. For the flora of the Southern United States east of the Mississippi (No. 5), which I have compiled from Dr. Chapman's Flora of the Southern States, indigenous species are alone taken, in order to make it conform as nearly as possible to the flora of the Northeastern United States (No. 4). The plants collected by the Fortieth Parallel Survey (No. 7), and those collected on Lieutenant Wheeler's Survey (No. 8), are introduced rather as a means of contrasting the eastern with the western portions of the continent than as a proper part of the comparative botanical statistics of this vicinity. The former of these collections was very thoroughly and carefully made by an energetic and experienced botanist, Mr. Sereno Watson, and derives its chief value from this fact. It embraces, how- ever, a territory having a somewhat special character from a botanical' point of view, viz., in general terms, the Great Basin between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevadas, and the High Plateaus and mountains immediately adjacent (Wasatch, Uintas, Sierras), with a restricted range north and South. The data are taken from the summary of the work prepared by Mr. Watson, and found on page xlv. of the report. The collections embraced in the report of Lieutenant Wheeler's Survey, on the other hand, were made by numerous collectors, some of them ama- teurs, and were scattered over a very wide extent of Western territory, including Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada, and con- tinued through five years of exploration. They may be taken, there- fore, to represent with some correctness the general character of our Western flora, exclusive of the Pacific coast. The facts given are derived from the “Table of Orders” on page 379. In both cases varie- ties are excluded. For the remaining floras compared in the table (Nos. 1, 2, and 6), to avoid recompilation, the data previously used are repeated, species and varieties, including also introduced plants, being employed. As already intimated, however, this difference in the basis of compilation of differ. ent floras, applying as it does to the several groups and to the aggre. gate alike, cannot materially affect the percentages as computed. 44 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. The following is the table of percentages tº- ©© t< ∞<^ ts =<>eso oo oo ^a cp cq oo oo ^^ ^^ cº co uſò u^ (NQ CN] © OO <} <+ \^ ^^ OO *KĐAJūS 8,13t~ ~ || oč lºš ;-} | mºš <å [ g *3p Q q į UI QULI3ļsťGIst-como º co – ºn • • • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [8ļ0ļ 0Ų JO 'BIOLJI+--+[8ļ0ļ 9ųļ ļ0 t}J0IJI *sºļtºņSeº | ~£ º ts | <ſº | =·şovens | e- → º-; ºſ º * (? — • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l} @ \ ſ UI Q.ULIQ488ð§3º§ş;<>§ ©3|p. 94 ſ UI (n.UI.I9ļ$80st- oo se s os – os ºs – os — º — — — — • — • • • • -t{\n0S Đq} ĮO BIOLJIr-+-ųȚnoŞ 0ųq Jo BīOIJI *$3}{3}S+ cº | cº e cº | ºſ cº | =-søneng | cſ lº ſº sº e ºſ º cº-ſºº lº : * - № tºº º lº ſººſ º p & q ! 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SE(5 #3±©88€ £ :§ ;,&83 ;55 º R8 ) ::: 88 è, 3; ) ğ È, Ê Ê Ë Ë , ğĒģĚ ě Ň Ř Ř Ě șË șğ####ğğĒğ? •• º ffºs •)• •• ►►º : " 5 ו ►ł> © &Qº >,§-ſ ºq→-- þúč z >ț¢ ©ºſuer | ~~~~ ºse e-º º 2E2;:2:2:258233333 In both divisions of the Dichlamydeae, *Including the Betulaceae. In examining the percentages in the above table these Comparisons have already been made of our local flora with that of distinctions are equally manifest. and also in the total Dicotyledons and the total Phaenogamia, our flora is richer than that of Essex County, while in the Monochlamydeae, the Monocotyledons, the Gymnosperms, and the Cryptogams it falls below. In the Composita, Leguminosa, Labiata, Cruciferas, Scrophulariaceae, Essex County, Massachusetts, which contains so nearly the same num- ber of plants. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 45 Cupuliferae, and a few other orders, it is in excess, while in the Graminea, Cyperaceae, Rosaceae, Filices, &c., the Essex flora leads. In the comparison with the flora of the State of Illinois one is struck by the marked similarity in the position of the groups, notwithstanding the well-known differences in the actual species. In the Gamopetala, and total Dichlamydea, as also in the Monochlamydeae, the difference is very slight, while in the Polypetala, it disappears entirely. The Dicoty- ledons are therefore nearly the same, and we find this true also of the Monocotyledons and the Gymnosperms. Whatever slight variations occur in the above-named groups, they are so adjusted as nearly to bal- ance each other, so that when we reach the total Phaenogamia we again have substantial unison, which, of course, is maintained in the Crypto- gamia. This harmony is less pronounced in the larger orders, the Compositae being richer and the Gramineae poorer there than here. In the Cypéra- coa, Leguininosae, Scrophulariaceae, and Filices the difference is not great, but in the Rosaceae, Labiatae, Crucifera, and Cupulifera, the Washington flora is decidedly in advance, and in the Ericaceae it is of course in very marked contrast. In the Orchidaceae, Polygonaceae, Umbelliferas, Caryo- phyllaceae, and Polemoniaceae there is substantial or exact identity. In the Ranunculaceae, Onagraceae, Naiadaceae, and Liliaceae, besides the Com- posita, already mentioned, the Illinois flora leads that of Washington. On the whole, there is a remarkable similarity in the facies of these two floras, which may be due to their inland situation, with fluviatile areas and similar position as to latitude. Considering, however, the marked specific peculiarities of the flora of the flat prairies of the West, we would have naturally looked for a corresponding distinctiveness in the larger groups and orders. The comparison of our flora, from this point of view, with those of the Northern and of the Southern States east of the Mississippi River, and with these two combined, as represented in the next three columns, proves of the highest interest and will repay somewhat close inspection. It has often been asked to what extent the flora of Washington is affected by influences of a peculiarly southern character, and while it has gen- erally been conceded that it belongs clearly to the northern section of the country, many facts, such as those previously set forth relative to autumnal flowering and early flowering, as well as to the number of species which exhibit more or less green foliage throughout the winter, combine to give it a decidedly southern aspect. In so far as the method which 46 FLORA of WASHINGTON AND VICINITY. has been here adopted of testing such questions can be relied upon, this Southern leaning on the part of the Washington flora is clearly exhib- ited in this table. In letting the eye follow columns 4 and 5 the differ- ences are well marked in nearly all the groups and in most of the large Orders. These are what express statistically the essential character- istics of the northern as contrasted with the southern flora. It is also obvious that the figures in column 6 will in most cases express the mean between these two extremes. To obtain the true position of our flora, it is necessary to observe toward which of these extremes it most nearly approaches, and whether it falls on the northern or southern side of the mean established by column 6. In instituting this comparison we per- ceive at the outset that in the Polypetalous Division it falls so far on the southern side as to come within four-tenths of one per cent. of being identical with the flora of the Southern States. In the Gamopetala, however, it agrees quite closely with the flora of the Northern States, So that in the Dichlamydeae, as a whole, it coincides very well with the mean for both sections. The Monochlamydeae agree better with those of the Southern States, and the total Dicotyledons fall largely on the southern side of the mean. The Monocotyledons also fall somewhat on the southern side, while the Gymnosperms are below the mean which here corresponds with the southern flora. This leaves the total Phaeno- gams occupying an intermediate position. The Cryptogams are also Very nearly intermediate, though approaching the northern side. Considering next the relations of the large orders, we find that in the Composita, our flora is northern in aspect. In the Graminea, it is very exceptionally rich, surpassing all the larger areas and approaching that of Essex County, Massachusetts. In the Cyperaceae, which are pecu- liarly typical for the purpose on account of being all indigenous in all the floras, it does not correspond at all either with the northern Section or with the average of both sections, but does agree very closely with the exceptionally meager representations of the Southern flora. The Leguminosa are here northern in aspect, the Rosaceae, like the Graminea, exceptionally rich, far exceeding either section, as is also the case with the Labiata, and the Cruciferas. The ferns are northern in their degree of representation, as are the Ranunculaceae, while the Ericaceae and Scrophulariaceae are southern. The Cupwliferae again are anomalous and tower above all other floras. The Liliaceae are southern, as are also the Orchidaceab. The Polygonacea are in excess and in so far southern in aspect, while the Umbelliferae, also in excess, denote a northern inclina- FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 47 tion. The Caryoplyllaceae are remarkable for showing the same percent- age in all of the four floras now under comparison. The Salicaceae are largely in excess of every flora compared in the table except that of Essex County, Massachusetts, while the Onagraceae and Saazifragaceae both fall below the normal, the latter, however, showing a southern tendency. The Naiadaceae are southern, as are also the Polemoniacea, while the Chenopodiaceae are slightly in excess in their degree of repre- sentation. Now, as this locality has been classed as northern, we should not expect to find it occupying an intermediate position, which would place it on the boundary line between the northern and the southern flora, but we should expect to find it agreeing closely with the northern flora, or at least lying midway statistically, as it does geographically, between the dividing line or medium represented by the total eastern flora and the northern flora. So far from this being the case, however, we actu- ally find it occupying a position considerably below this medium line and between this and the line of the southern flora; a position which would be geographically represented by the latitude of Nashville or Raleigh, or even by Memphis or Chattanooga. This result is very remarkable, and while the proofs from statistics are perhaps not alone to be relied upon, it serves to confirm many facts recorded in this work, and others not yet recorded, which have puzzled the observers of the phenomena of the vegetable kingdom in this locality. The results of the careful comparison of the two remaining columns need not be here summed up, as the reader will readily perceive their general import, and he will not be likely to stop with considering the relations of the local flora with those of the far West, but will probably seek for more general laws governing the vegetation of the eastern and western sections, as we have already done to some extent for the north- ern and Southern Sections. X. ABUNDANT SPECIES. It was Humboldt who remarked that of the three great Kingdoms of Nature—the Mineral, the Vegetable, and the Animal—it is the Vegetable Ringdom which contributes most to give character to a landscape. This is very true, and it is also true that botanists rarely take account of this fact. The latter are always interested in the relative numbers of species belonging to different Classes, Families, and Genera, rather than to the mere superficial aspect of the vegetation. It is, however, not the num- 48 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. ber of species, but of individuals, which give any particular flora its distinguishing characteristics to all but systematic botanists; and it is also upon this that in the main depends the commercial and industrial value of the plant-life of every region of the globe. It is often the omnipresence of a few, or even of a single, abundant species that stamps its peculiar character upon the landscape of a locality. This is to a far greater extent true of many other regions, especially in the far West, than it is of this; the vegetation of the rural surroundings of Washing- ton is of a highly-varied character, as much so perhaps as that of any other part of the United States; and yet there are a comparatively few species which from their abundance chiefly lend character to the land- Scape and really constitute the great bulk of the vegetation. The most prominent, if not actually the most numerous, of these are, of course, certain trees, and notably several species of oak. Probably the most abundant tree everywhere here, as in nearly all parts of the country, is Quercus alba, the white oak; but Q. Prinus, the chestnut oak, Q. coccinea, the scarlet oak, Q. palustris, the swamp oak, and Q. falcata, the Spanish oak, are also exceedingly common. The most abundant hickory is Carya tomentosa, the mocker-nut. Liriodendron Tulipifera, the tulip-tree, often improperly called white poplar, besides being one of the commonest trees, is the true monarch of our forests, often attaining an immense size. It is a truly beautiful tree, whose ample foliage well warrants the recent apparently successful experiments in introducing it as a shade-tree for the streets of the city. Among other common trees may be mentioned the chestnut (Castamea vulgaris, Lam., var. Americana, A. D.C.), the beech (Fagus ferruginea), the red maple (Acer rubrum), the sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), the redfor river birch (Betula migra), the white elm (Ulmus Americana), the sour gum (Nyssa multiflora), the sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), the scrub pine (Pinus inops), the pitch- pine (P. rigida), and the yellow pine (P. mitis). Of the smaller trees, Cornus florida, the flowering dogwood, and Cercis Canadensis, the red-bud or Judas tree, are very abundant and chiefly conspicuous in the spring from the profusion of their showy blossoms; all three species of sumac are common; Hamamelis Virginica, the witch- hazel, and Viburnum prunifolium, the black-haw, abound; Sassafras offi- cinale, the Sassafras, Castanea pumila, the chinquapin, and Juniperus Virginiana, the red cedar, also belong to this class. Of the smaller shrubby vegetation we may safely claim as abundant Cornus sericea and C. alternifolia, the silky, and the alternate-leaved FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 49 cornel; Viburnum acerifolium, V. dentatum, and V. nudum, arrow-woods; Gaylussacia resinosa, the high-bush huckleberry; Vaccinium stamineum, the deerberry; V, vacillans and V. corymbosum, the blueberries; Leucothoë racemosa; Andromeda Mariana, the stagger-bush; Kalmia latifolia, the American laurel or calico-bush; Rhododendron nudiflorum, the purple azalea or pinxter-flower; and Lindera Benzoin, the spice-bush. Of vines, besides three species of grape which are abundant, we have Ampelopsis Virginiana, the Virginian creeper or American woodbine, Rhus Towicodendron, the poison ivy, and Tecoma radicans, the trumpet vine, which give great beauty and variety to the scenery. The most richly represented herbaceous species may be enumerated somewhat in their systematic order. Of Polypetala may be mentioned Ranunculus repens, Cimicifuga racemosa, Dentaria laciniata, Viola cucul- lata, V. pedata, var. bicolor, and V. tricolor, var. arvensis; Stellaria pubera, Cerastium oblongifolium, Geranium maculatum, Impatiens pallida, and I. fulva; Desmodium nudiflorum, D. acuminatum, and D. Dillenii; Vicia Caroliniana, Potentilla Canadensis, Geum album, Saarifraga Virginiensis, OEnothera fruticosa, and Thaspium barbinode. In the Gamopetala, before Compositae we have Galium. Aparine, Mitchella repens, Houstonia purpurea, and H. caerulea. In the Compositae the most conspicuous are Vermonia Noveboracense, Eupatorium purpureum, Liatris graminifolia, Aster patens, A. ericoides, A. simplex, and A. miser; Solidago memoralis, S. Canadensis, S. altissima, and S. ulmifolia; Chrysopsis Mariana, Ambrosia trifida, and A. artemisia folia (these behaving like introduced weeds); Helianthus divaricatus, Actinomeris squarrosa, Rudbeckia laciniata, and R. fulgida; Coreopsis verticillata, Bidens cernua, Verbesina Siegesbeckia, Gnaphalium polycephalum, Antennaria plantaginifolia, Hieracium venosum, and H. Gronovii; Nabalus albus and N. Fraseri; Lactuca Canadensis. .The remaining Gamopetala, furnish as abundant species: Lobelia spi- cata, Chimaphila umbellata, and C. maculata; Veronica officinalis and V. Virginica; Gerardia flava, Verbena hastata, and V. urtica folia; Pycnan- themum incanum and P. linifolium, Collinsonia Canadensis, Salvia lyrata, Monarda fistulosa, and M. punctata; Nepeta Glechoma, Brunella vulgaris, Mertensia Virginica, Phloa paniculata, and P. divaricata; Solanum Caro- limense and Asclepias Cornuti. Of herbaceous Monochlamydea may be named Polygonum Virginianum, P. Sagittatum, and P. dumetorum; Laportea Canadensis, Pilea pumila, and Lochmeria cylindrica. Bull. Nat. Mus. No. 22—4 50 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. The Monocotyledons give us Arisama triphyllum, the Indian turnip, Sagittaria variabilis, Aplectrum hyemale, Erythronium Americanum, Luz- ula campestris, Juncus effusus, J. marginatus, and J. tenuis; Pontederia cordata. Of the Cyperi, C. phymatodes, C. strigosus, and C. ovularis are the most common; Eleocharis obtusa and E. palustris, Scirpus pungens, S. atrovirens, S. polyphyllus, and S. Eriophorum are very conspicuous. Of Carices, C. crimita, C. intumescens, the various forms of C. lawiflora, C. platy- phylla, C. rosea, C. scoparia, C. squarrosa, C. Straminea, C. angustata, C. tentaculata, C. virescens, and O. vulpinoides are the most obtrusive. In the Gramineſe, those which most uniformly strike the eye are Agrostis scabra, Muhlenbergia. Mearicana, and M. Sylvatica; Tricuspis ses- leroides, Eatonia Pennsylvanica, Poa pratensis, P. Sylvestris, and P. brevi- folia ; Eragrostis pectinacea, Festuca mutans, Bromus ciliatus, Elymus Wirginicus, Danthonia spicata, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Panicum virga- tum, P. latifolium, P. dichotomum (with a multitude of forms), and P. depauperatum ; Andropogon Virginicus and A. Scoparius. Of ferns, Polypodium vulgare, Pteris aquilina, Adiantum pedatum, Asplenium ebeneum, and A. Filia foemina ; Phegopteris heavagonoptera, Aspidium acrostichoides, A. marginale, and A. Noveboracense ; Osmunda regalis, O. Claytoniana, and O. cinnamomea are the most constantly met with. Lycopodium lucidulum is quite common, and L. complanatum is Very abundant in certain localities. Besides the above, which are all indigenous to our flora, there are of course many introduced species in the vicinity of the city and of culti- vation everywhere, which manifest here as elsewhere their character. istic tendency to crowd out other plants and monopolize the soil. Such are the most general features which the traveler, accustomed to observe the vegetable characteristics of localities visited, may expect to See When he pays his respects to the Potomac Valley. To some, even this imperfect description might furnish a fair idea of our floral scenery with- Out actually seeing it. YI. CLASSIFICATION ADOPTED. In endeavoring to conform to the latest authoritative decisions rela- tive to the most natural system of classification, I have followed, with One exception, the arrangement of the Genera Plantarum of Bentham and Hooker, so far as this goes, and the accepted authorities of Europe and America for the remainder. For the Gamopetala, after Compositae, however, covered by Professor Gray's Synoptical Flora of North Amer. ica, I have followed that work, which is substantially in harmony with FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 51 the Genera Plantarum. In the arrangement of the orders, too, for the Polypetalae, Mr. Sereno Watson's Botanical Indea, has in all cases been conformed to, as also not materially deviating from the order adopted by Bentham and Hooker. In the genera there are numerous discrep- ancies between the works last named, and in the majority of these cases the American authorities have been followed. For example, Bentham and Hooker have thrown Dentaria into Cardamine, Elodes into Hyperi- cum, Ampelopsis into Vitis, and Pastinaca and Archemora into Peuceda- num. The change of Spergularia to Lepigonum is adopted, as well as a few alterations in orthography where the etymology seemed to demand them, as Pyrus to Pirus and Zanthoacylum to Xanthoaylum. I have also declined to follow Bentham and Hooker in the changes which they have made in the terminations of many ordinal names. The termination acedº is doubtless quite arbitrary in many cases, and perhaps cannot be defended on etymological grounds, but as a strictly ordinal ending it has done good service in placing botanical nomenclature on a more scientific footing. It is also true that the old system does not always employ it, as in some of the largest orders, e. g. Cruciferae, Leguminosa, Compositae, Labiatae; but whatever changes are made should rather be in the direction of making it universal than less general. Bentham and Hooker do not adopt a universal termination, neither do they abolish the prevailing one, and they retain it in the majority of cases; but in certain cases, for which they doubtless have special reasons, they substitute a different one, and one which is often far less euphonious. The following are the orders represented in this catalogue in which the termination aceae is retained by American and altered by English authorities: American. English. American. English. Berberidaceae. Berberideae. Cactaceae. Cacteate. Cistaceae. Cistineae. Valerianaceae. Valerianeae. Violaceae. Violarieae. Asclepiadaceae. Asclepiadege. Polygalaceae. Polygaleae. Gentiallaceae. Gentianeae. Caryophyllaceae. Caryophyllea. Borraginaceae. Boragineae. Portulacaceae. Portulaceae. Scrophulariaceae. Scrophularineae. Hypericaceae. Bypericineae. Lentibulaceae. Lentibularieae. Celastraceae. Celastrineae. Plantaginaceae. Plantagineae. Vitaceae. Ampelideae. Nyctaginaceae. Nyctagineae. Saxifragaceae. Saxifrageaº. Lauraceae. Taurineae. Hamamelaceae. Hamamelideae. Juglandaceae. Juglandeae. Lythraceae. Lythrarieae. Salicaceae. Salicineae. Onagraceae. Onagrarieae. Ceratophyllaceae. Ceratophylleae, Passifloraceae. Bassiflorea. 52 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WIC INITY. On the other hand, the British authorities are followed in uniting the Saururaceae with the Piperaceae, and also in placing the Paronychieſe, reduced to a sub-order, under the Illecebraceae; but from the certain relationship of this order with the Caryophyllaceae, it is deemed unnatu- ral to separate these two orders by putting the former into the Monochla- inydeous Division. (See American Naturalist, November, 1878, p. 726.) On the same ground of apparently close relationship, I have followed Bentham and Hooker in abolishing the Callitrichaceae and placing Calli- triche in the Haloragea'. But I have followed Gray and Watson in keeping the Fumariaceae distinct from the Papaveraceae, and the Lobe. liaceae from the Campanulaceae, as also in preserving the Ericaceae intact, and not slicing off the Vacciniaceae from one end and the Monotropea, from the other, as is done in the Genera Plantarum. In the Gamopetala before, and including Composita, in the Monoclºla- mydeae, and throughout the Monocotyledons, serious difficulties occur in consequence of a want of recent systematic works from the American point of view. In nearly all cases the names as well as the arrangement of Gray's Manual, fifth edition, have here been adopted. I have, how- ever, been able to avail myself of a number of recent revisions of genera made by Gray, Watson, and Engelmann,” and published in various forms, chiefly in the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. I have also derived many useful hints from the Flora of Cali- fornia, from the botanical reports of the various Western surveys, from Sargent's Catalogue of the Forest Trees of North America, and from the Flora of Essex County, Massachusetts. Mr. M. S. Bebb, of Rockford, III., has shown great kindness, not only in determining all the uncertain Salices, but in generously drawing up a list of them in the order of their nearest natural relationships, which is followed implicitly in the catalogue. For the ferns, the magnificent work of Professor Eaton has furnished everything that could be desired, and is unswervingly adhered to. The following genera in the Compositae have been changed by Bentham and Hooker, but the new names cannot be adopted until the species have *While I have gladly adopted the arrangement of the species of Quercus, decided upon by Dr. Engelmann after so careful a study, I cannot do so without recording a gentle protest against the position to which he assigns Q. palustris, viz., between Q. falcata and Q. migra, and far removed from Q. rubra. Not only its shallow, finely- scaled cup, but especially its light-colored buds and thin early leaves, as also a special Jacies belonging to its aments and foliage, ally this species with Q. rubra, and distin- guish these two species as a group from all others found in this flora. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 53 been worked up by American botanists. The old ones are therefore retained with a simple indication of the recent disposition: Diplopappus has been included in Aster. Maruta has been included in Anthemis. Leucanthemum has been included in Chrysanthemum. Cacalia has been included in Senecio. Lappa has been made Arctium. Cynthia has been included in Krigia. Mulgedium has been included in Lactuca. Nabalus has been made Prenanthes. Walerianella, Moench, has also been made co-extensive with Fedia, Gaertn., and is preferred by those authors. Several of these cases are a return to the older names, and whether they will be adopted by American authorities it is impossible to say. Two discrepancies are noted between the Genera Plantarum and Gray's Synoptical Flora: The genus Steironema is wholly ignored by Bentham and Hooker, unless the reference to Steiromeria in the Addenda to Vol. II (p. 1240) refers to it with an erroneous orthography. Professor Gray also declines to follow the English botanists in referring Acerates to Gomphocarpus. - • It remains to consider the one deviation above referred to from the prevailing system of botanical classification which it has been thought proper to make in the subjoined list of plants. This consists in placing the Gymnosperms, here represented only by the single order Coniferae, after the Monocotyledons and next to the Cryptogams. It is not the proper place here to state the already well known grounds upon which this position of the Gymnosperms has been defended. (See American Naturalist, June, 1878, pp. 359 to 378.) It is sufficient to point out that the correctness of this arrangement was recognized by Adrien de Jus- sieu, and has been repeatedly maintained by later botanists of emi- mence. The object in adopting it here, however, is not simply because it seems fully justified by the present known characters of plants, for consistently to do this would also require that the Polypetala be placed before the Monochlamydeae (in the descending series), and that numer- ous other changes be made. So wide a departure from the existing system would seriously detract from the convenience of the work as a practical aid to the local botanist, and, aside from the labyrinth of nice and critical points into which it must inevitably lead, would not be ad- visable in the present state of botanical literature. But as the position 54 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. of the Gymnosperms is the most glaringly inconsistent of all the defects of the present so-called Natural System, and as the Coniferae are repre- Sented here by only four genera and seven species, it is evident that no Serious objection could arise on the ground of inconvenience, while at the same time it may serve some useful purpose in directing the minds of botanists who may look over the work to the obvious rationality of this classification, and contribute its mite toward awakening them to the recognition of a truth which, I cannot doubt, must sooner or later find expression in all accepted versions of the true order of Nature with respect to the vegetable kingdom. XII. COMMON NAMES. I am well aware that in recent times it has become more and more the practice among botanists to eschew all common or popular names of plants. This sentiment I share to a great extent, and will therefore remark at the outset that the best common name for a plant is always its systematic name, and this should be made a substitute for other pop- ular names wherever and whenever it can be done. In most cases the Inames of the genera can be employed with entire convenience and safety; and in many cases they are to be defended on the ground of euphony. How much better, for example, the name Brunella sounds than either Self-heal or Heal-all; both of which latter, so far as their meaning goes, express an utter falsehood. Some works professing to give common names frequently repeat the generic name as such. This has seemed to me both unnecessary and calculated to mislead. It is not done where other accepted common names exist, and thus the im- plication is that in such cases it is incorrect to use the Latin name. Again, it is only done for the commoner species, leaving it to be inferred that there is no popular way of designating the rarer ones. The plan here followed is to regard the genus the best name to use in all cases and as, ex officio, the proper common name of every plant, and there. fore not in need of being repeated in different type as such in any case. But in addition it has been deemed best to give such appropriate or Well-established common names as can be found. Some scientific men seem disposed to forget that it is the things rather than the names that Cons itute the objects of scientific study. There is a vast amount of true Scientific observation made by mere school-girls and rustics who do not know the name of the branch of science they are pursuing. A knowledge of a plant by whatever name or by no name at all is scien- FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 55 tific knowledge, and the devotees of science should care less for the means than the end which they have in view. Individuals differ in their constitution and character. The sound or sight of a Latin Word is sometimes sufficient, in consequence of ineradicable constitutional or acquired idiosyncrasies, to repel a promising young man or Woman from the pursuit of a science for which genuine aptitude and fondness exist. For such and other classes common English names have a true Scien- tific value. The object should be to inspire a love for plants in all who can be made to take an interest in them, and to this end to render the science of botany attractive by every legitimate means available. In so far, therefore, as English names of plants can be made conducive to this end they should be employed. Their inadequacy to the true needs of the science in its later stages cannot fail to impress itself upon all who pursue it to any considerable extent. Finally, common names are not wholly without their scientific uses. A few of them have proved more persistent than any of the systematic names, as I have had occasion to observe in examining the Prodromus Florae Columbiana of 1830, in which difficult work, I must confess, they frequently rendered me efficient aid in determining the identity of plants which the Latin names used did not reveal. In appending common names to the plants of this vicinity, the Native Wild Flowers and Ferns of the United States, by Prof. Thomas Meehan, has been followed in most cases so far as this work goes; but this of course embraces but a fraction of the entire flora. Most of the remain- 'ing names are taken from Gray's Manual of Botany and from his Synop- tical Flora of the United States. In many cases some of the names given, which do not seem appropriate, are omitted, and in a few cases those given have been slightly changed. A small number of local names not found in any book, but in themselves very expressive, have been given, as “Curly-Head” for Clematis ochroleuca, &c.; and in a few other cases names have been assigned to abundant species on the anal- ogy of those given for allied genera or species. XIII. CONCLUDING REMAIRECS. The foregoing remarks on the value of common names naturally sug- gest a few general reflections, with which our introduction will conclude. The popularization of science is now a leading theme of scientific men. To accomplish this, certain branches of science must first become a part of liberal culture. The pursuit of fashion, which is usually re- 56 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. garded as productive solely of evil, may be made an agency of good. If, for example, it could become as much of a disgrace to be found ignorant of the flora or fauna of one's native place as it now is to be found ignorant of the rules of social etiquette or the contents of the last new novel, devotees of botany and natural history would immedi- ately become legion, and the Woods and fields would be incessantly searched for specimens and objects of scientific interest. It should be the acknowledged work of educationalists to make science fashionable, and call to their aid these powerful social sentiments in demanding the recognition of its legitimate claims. Of all the natural sciences, that of botany is the most easily con- verted into a branch of culture. Its objects appeal directly to the highest esthetic faculties. It naturally allies itself with the arts of drawing, painting, and sketching, and the deeper the insight into its mysteries the more strongly does it appeal to the imagination. Its pur- suit, besides being the best possible restorer of lost, and preserver of good health, is a perpetual source of the purest and liveliest pleasure. The companionship of plants, which those who do not know them can- not have, is scarcely second to that of human friends. The botanist is never alone. Wherever he goes he is surrounded by these interesting Companions. A source of pure delight even where they are all famil- liarly known to him, unlike those of his own kind, they grow in interest as their acquaintance grows less intimate, and in all his travels they multiply immensely his resources of enjoyment. The man of science Wonders what the unscientific can find to render travel a pleasure, and it must be confessed that a great many tourists of both sexes go at the behest of fashion, and care little more for Nature when crossing the Alps than did Julius Caesar, who could only complain of the bad roads and while away the hours in writing his grammatical treatise, De Analogia. While all forms of natural science, so far from paralyzing the esthetic faculties, tend powerfully to quicken them, that of natural history, and especially of botany, awakens such an interest in Nature and her beau- tiful objects that those who have once tasted pleasures of this class may well consider other pleasures insipid. But notwithstanding these attractions, which botany possesses above other Sciences, there exists among a small class of scientific men a dis- position to look down upon it as lacking scientific dignity, as mere Dastime for School-girls or fanatical specialists. This feeling is most obvious among zoölogists, who, some of them, affect to disdain the more lumble forms of life and the simplicity of the tame and Stationary plant. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 57 This sentiment, though now happily rare, is natural, and really con. stitutes what there is left of that proud spirit with which man has ever approached the problems of Nature. His first studies disdained even SO complicated an organism as man himself, and spent themselves in the pursuit of spiritual entities wholly beyond the sphere of science. Later he deigned to study mind detached from body and from matter; still later he attacked some of the higher manifestations of life. Ethics came next, and Social organization; then anthropological questions were opened, afterwards those of physiology and anatomy, and at last com- parative anatomy and structural zoölogy were taken up. Phytology brought up the rear and was long confined to the most superficial aspects. It is only in recent times that plants and all the other lowly organisms have commenced to receive proper attention, and only since this has been done has there been made any real progress in solving the problems of biology. It is a paradox in science that its most compli- cated forms must first be studied and its simplest forms last, while only ...through an acquaintance with the latter can a fundamental knowledge of the former be obtained. The history of biological science furnishes many striking illustrations of this truth, the most interesting of which is perhaps to be found in the labors of the two great French savants, Cuvier and Lamarck. The former spent his life and powers in the study of vertebrate zoölogy, amid the most complex living organisms. The latter devoted his energies to botany and to invertebrate zoölogy, including the protozoan and protistan kingdoms. The former founded his great theory of types and his cosmology of successive annihilations and reconstructions of the life of the globe. The latter promulgated his theory of unbroken descent with modification. The conclusions of the former were accepted in his day and are rejected in ours; those of the latter were condemned in his own lifetime, but now form the very warp of scientific opinion. Let no botanist, therefore, or person contemplating the study of bot- any, be deterred by the lowly nature of the objects he would cultivate. The humblest flower or coarsest weed may contain lessons of wisdom more profound than can be drawn from the most complicated conditions of life or of mind. The city of Washington is becoming more and more a center, not only of scientific learning and research, but also of art and every form of liberal culture. Already the public schools have reached out and taken botany into their curriculum, and we have seen that as a field for 58 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. the pursuit of this branch of science the environs of the National Capi- tal are in a high degree adapted. Science and culture must go hand in hand. Culture must become more scientific, and science more cultured. Botany has an important part to perform in this work of reconciliation, and there is no good reason why Washington may not become one of the foci from which these influences are to radiate. It has been such reflections as these, aside from the practical needs for such a work, that have encouraged me to persevere in this humble, indeed, but not the less laborious task, and if it shall be found useful, to however slight a degree, in promoting these worthy objects, no regrets will ever arise at having undertaken it. XIV. IXPLANATIONS. The catalogue which follows, with the accompanying remarks on the several species, will be better understood by attending to the following explanations: 1. The habitat of plants is not specified unless it is in some way pecu- liai' or different from that given in the manuals. * 2. Localities are given only of plants that are confined, so far as known, to a single spot or to the particular places named in connection with them. When the locality is onlitted, therefore, it may be inferred that the plant is common, at least in such situations as constitute its natural habitat. 3. The word “rare,” said of a plant whose locality is not stated, sig- niſies that there is no particular place where the collector can be sure to find it, although it may have been sparingly found in several places. Attached to a stated locality, the word “rare” implies that the plant is rare, and perhaps no longer obtainable, in that locality. Localities given without this word may be depended on to furnish the plants. 4. The general designations, “Reform School,” “Terra Cotta,” &c., embrace the regions in the vicinity of these points, as more fully de- scribed in the introduction. 5. Where a plant has only been found once or quite recently, if dis- covered by a botanist other than the author, the name of the discoverer is stated, inclosed in parentheses. Credit is thus sought to be given to the true discoverer of all new additions to the flora.” * Of the 213 additions which have been made to the flora of this vicinity since the publication of the catalogue of 1876, 160, or over 75 per cent., have been the result of the author's own personal investigations. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 59 6. The dates given are usually those of flowering, except in case of the Carices, when they indicate the time of fully-developed perigynia, and in the Cryptogams, where it is aimed to show the period of devel- oped spores. As before remarked, they are compiled from actual dates at which the plants have been collected or observed, due allowance being made for the condition of each specimen when collected. While, therefore, many of them may doubtless be found at other dates, the collector will usually be safe in keeping within the limits noted. Where an exact date is stated, this implies that the plant has only been found once and on that date; or if two such dates are given, these are the Only times the species has been seen. 7. The date of fruiting is only stated where this is important to the collector, i. e., where it is necessary or preferable that the fruit be col- lected at a particular time. Where fruiting follows naturally upon flowering, or where the fruit persists so as to be obtainable at any time in the fall or winter, these facts are not specially stated unless they are in some manner peculiar to this locality. 8. In genera embracing a number of species to all of which the com- mon name will apply, this is only given for the first, e.g., Pycnanthemum linifolium, Mountain Mint; the designation “Mountain Mint” being equally applicable to P. incanum, P. clinopodioides, or any other species. 9. Species with the dagger (f) prefixed occur under the same or some other name in Brereton’s Prodromus. y XV. FTL OR A. PHAENOGAMIA. DICOTYLED ON S. IRANUINCULACEZE. CROWFOOT FAMILY. f Clematis ochroleuca, Ait. CURLY HEAD. Near Fort Scott and below Hunting Creek, Virginia. Middle of May; fruit in June. f Clematis Viorna, L. LEATHER-FLOWER. Second week in June: fruit in August. f Clematis Virginiana, L. VIRGIN'S BOWER. Eastern Branch Marsh. September 1 to 15; fruit in October. f Thalictrum anemonoides, Michx. RUE-ANEMONE. WIND-FLOWER MEADOW-RUE Last of March to middle of April; fruit in May. | Thalictrum dioicum, L. EARLY MEADOW-RUE. Last half of April; fruit in May. #Thalictrum purpurascens, L. PURPLE MEADOW-RUE. May 20 to June 10. Thalictrum purpurascens, L., var. ceriferum, C. F. Austin. WAX-LEAVED MEADOW- RUE. High Island, growing very large (2m to 24m high). First week in June. Thalictrum Cornuti, L. TALL MEADOW-RUE. June 1 to 20. f Anemone Virginiana, L. VIRGINIAN ANEMONE. Middle to end of June; fruit late in July. # Anemone memorosa, L. WIND-FLOWER. Wood-ANEMonk. In small patches; not common. Middle to end of April. f Anemone Hepatica, L. [Hepatica triloba, Chaix.] LIVER-LEAF. HEPATICA. Dry wooded hillsides; common. February 20 to April 10. 61 62 PLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. # Ranunculus ambigens, Watson. [R. aligma-folius, Geyer.] WATER-PLANTAIN SPEARWORT. Eastern Branch Marsh; also, marsh near the mouth of Hunting Creek. Middle of June; fruit in July. # Ranunculus pusillus, Poir. SMALL SPEARWORT. A remarkable form having large floating leaves on long petioles, resembling those of a Potamogeton, was found April 30, 1881, in a partially dried pond near the First Lock of the Canal. As the locality had been repeatedly examined before, its recent introduction there seems probable. The typical form occurs on the Potomac Flats above Eads' Mill. + Ranunculus abortivus, L. SMALL-FLOWERED CROWFOOT. April and May. Ranunculus abortivus, L., var. micranthus, Nutt. High Island. April. Autumnal flowers, November 28, 1875. tranunculus sceleratus, L. CURSED CROWFOOT. Early in May. frtanunculus recurvatus, Poir. HOOKED CROWFOOT First half of May; fruit in June. tranunculus repens, L. CREEPING CROWFOOT. April. Two marked varieties occur, one upland, small and early blooming and disappearing; the other in damp ground, glabrous, later, and much larger; throw- ing out long runners and surviving through the summer. Still a third form spar- ingly found in wet, springy places, with large, shining, spotted leaves, very late flowering (third week in May), runners constituting the greater part of the plant, and the flowers rarely setting fruit. The last found only in one place between Chain Bridge and Fort Ethan Allen. The two following probably cover these ex- tremes. trèanunculus repens, L., var. hispidus, T. & G. Early in April ; fruit in May. tranunculus repens, L., var. Initidus, Chapman. May; fruit in June or July. franunculus bulbogus, L. BUTTERCUPS. May. # Ranunculus acris, L. TALL CROWFOOT. Early in June. f Aquilegia Canadensis, L. WILD COLUMBINE. End of May. Delphinium tricorne, Michx. DwARF LARKSPUR. Found only on the second of the chain of islands in the Potomac above the Feeder Dam. Middle to end of April. Delphinium Consolida, L. FIELD LARKSPUR. Sparingly escaped and depauperate in form. July. t.Aconitum uncinatum, L. WILD MONKSHOOD. Last half of September. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 63 t Cimicifuga racemosa, Nutt. BLACK SNAKEROOT. Third week in June; fruit late in September. MAGNOLIACEAE. MAGNOLIA FAMILY. f Magnolia glauca, L. LAUREL MAGNOLIA. SWEET BAY. In all swamps, but being rapidly destroyed by people in search of the flowers. First half of June; fruit, end of August. fliriodendron Tulipifera, L. TULIP-TREE. The largest and handsomest of the forest trees of this vicinity. Its introduction as an ornamental shade tree promises to be successful. Third weck in May; fruit. August. ANON ACEZE. CUSTARD-APPLE FAMILY. # Asimina triloba, Duval. PAPAW. Common in damp woods. Usually a bush or small tree; a specimen 60°m in girth 75°m above the base was noted on Rock Creek, in the Cascade Ravine. April; fruit ripe in September. IMIENTISFIERIMIA.C.E.Z.E. MOONSEED FAMILY. Menispermum Canadense, L. CANADIAN MOONSEED. Leaves exhibiting great variations in the lobation. I'irst week in June; fruit in August. BERBERIDA.C.E.Z.E. BARBERRY FAMILY. Berberis vulgaris, L. BARBERRY. Hedge near Edgewood, now destroyed. May. # Caulophyllum thalictroides, Michx. BLUE COHOSH. High Island. Early in April; fruit in May. Jeffersonia diphylla, Pers. TWIN-LEAF. High Island and islands above. Fruit nodding when ripe. Last week in March or first week in April; fruit ripe in May. + Podophyllum peltatum, L. MANDRAKE. MAY-APPLE. Early in May; fruit ripe in July. INYMPHZEACEZE. WATER-LILY FAMILY. Brasenia peltata, Pursh. WATER-SHIELD. Carberry Meadows below Eads' Mill. Suddenly made its appearance in 1880 in a familiar pond. Discovered independently by Dr. Foreman and myself, on the same morning (July 18). Only one flower seen. It reappeared in 1881 and bore fruit (collected July 17), but seems to show diminished vitality. #INuphar advena, Ait, YELLow POND-LILY. SPATTER-Dock May. 64 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. tlyymphaea odorata, Ait. SweBT-SCENTED WATER-LILY. In a pool on the summit of a high rocky headland below Great Falls, July 6, 1879. Also found the same year by Mr. William Palmer on the Potomac Flats below the Long Bridge, growing among the Zizania. * SARRACENIACEZE. PITCHER-PLANT FAMILY. i Sarracenia purpurea, L. SIDE-SADDLE FLOWER. PITCHER-PLANT. Meadow between the Washington Driving Park and Bladensburg, near Beaver Dam Branch. May 21, 1878. PAPAVERA.C.E.ZE. POPPY FAMILY. Papaver dubium, L. SMOOTH-FRUITED CORN-Poppy. High Island, rare. June 23, 1878. } Sanguinaria Canadensis, L. BLOOD-ROOT. Middle to end of March; fruit in April. Chelidonium majus, L. CELANDINE. Not common. First half of May. IFUMARIA’CE.Z.E. FUMITORY FAMILY. Dicentra Cucullaria, DC. DUTCHMAN's BREECHES. April 4 to 20. Corydalis flavula, Raf. COLIC-WEED. Middle of March to middle of April; fruit in May. f Fumaria officinalis, L. FUMITORY. Uniontown. May 10 to 30. CRUCIFIER Z.E. MUSTARD FAMILY. * Nasturtium officinale, R. Br. WATER-CRESS. Second week in May; continues flowering all summer. f Nasturtium Sylvestre, R. Br. YELLOW CRESS. Hunting Creek and Alexandria. Middle of May. Nasturtium obtusum, Nutt. Near the Washington Monument. Few reliable characters can be found to dis- tinguish this species from the next. The fruit cannot be depended upon for this purpose. The large, irregular lobes of the lower leaves serve, however, to give it a different aspect. Sł Nasturtium palustre, DC. MARSH-CRESS. Tending to invade the streets and gutters. August and September, FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 65 Nasturtium lacustre, Gray. LAKE-CRESS. Only found in one of the numerous pools among the rocks below Great Falls. In flowering time, at the end of June, it presents three kinds of leaves. The pond in which it has been submersed during the spring, and where it has borne only dis- Sected leaves, is then dry, and the long stems lie prostrate on the muddy bottom with the whorls of these leaves adherent to them. At the base a rosette of broad, green leaves, more or less lobed or lyrate, springs up, while the upper portion of the stem below the flowers bears small, lanceolate or oblong, entire leaves. Nasturtium Armoracia, Fries. HORSE-RADISH. Very sparingly escaped. Barbarea vulgaris, R. Br. WINTER-CRESS. Early in April. Barbarea praecox, R. Br. EARLY WINTER-CRESS. SCURVY-GRASS. First week in April. Rosettes of radical leaves develop during the winter. - Arabis lyrata, L. ROCK-CRESS. On much exposed rocks. The radical leaves can only be obtained very early in April or even in March. April. Arabis dentata, Torr. and Gray. High Island and islands above; also South shore of the Potomac. April. Arabis patens, Sulliv. Sandy Landing. Rare. Middle to end of April; pods persistent until August. * Arabis hirsuta, Scop. Near Sandy Landing. Mr. C. S. Sheldon, May 22, 1881; then with young fruit. * f Arabis laevigata, Poir. TOWER-MUSTARD. April. f Arabis Canadensis, L. SICKLE-POD. Third week in May; fruit in July. #Cardamine rhomboidea, DC. SPRING-CRESS. Early in April. • # Cardamine hirsuta, L. BITTER CRESS. Always wholly glabrous. First week in April. Autumnal flowers collected Octo- ber 3, 1880. * f Cardamine hirsuta, L., var. sylvatica, Gray. *y A much smaller plant than the last, and apparently distinct. Pleasantly flavored. First week in April. * f Dentaria heterophylla, Nutt. DIVERSE-LEAVED TOOTHWORT. Virginia shore of the Potomac, above Georgetown. Middle of March to middle of April. * tidentaria laciniata, Muhl. CUT-LEAVED TOOTHWORT. Middle of March to middle of April. When this species and the last are found growing together there is a difference of a week in their flowering time, this being the earlier. Draba ramosissima, Desv. BRANCHING WHITLOW-GRASS. Rocks at Harper's Ferry; may be looked for nearer. May 30, 1873. Bull. Nat. Mus. No. 22 5 66 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. V f IDraba verna, L. WHITLOW-GRASS. February to April. Hesperis matronalis, L. RocKET. Middle to end of May. f Sisymbrium officinale, Scop. HEDGE-MUSTARD. May to June. fsisymbrium Thaliana, Gay. MoUSE-EAR CREss. Middle of March to end of April. Sisymbrium Alliaria, Scop. [Alliaria officinalis, Andrz. Erysimum Alliaria, L.] April. Abundant in the Georgetown College Grounds, and now extending west- ward as far as Foundry Run. flºrysimum cheiranthoides, L. WORM-SEED MUSTARD. Rather rare. Third week in June. f Camelina 8ativa, Crantz. FALSE FLAX. Rather rare and apparently disappearing. Found in the city, in the vicinity of Twentieth street and Virginia Avenue; also above Georgetown and below Alexan- dria. Second week in May. Brassica Sinapistrum, Boiss. CHARLOCK. Seldom seen. June to August. Brassica migra, Koch. BLACK MUSTARD. Virginia shore of the Potomac, below Chain Bridge. July. & # Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Moench. SHEPHERD's PURSE. March to June. fluepidium Virginicum, L. WILD PEPPERGRASS. May. fluepidium campestre, L. Often found far out in the woods, as if indigenous. May. Thlaspi arvense, L. FIELD PENNYCRESS. MITHRIDATE-MUSTARD. Formerly found near Jackson City, Va. (Dr. Vasey). Now exterminated. Pro- fessor Chickering finds this plant on Sugar Loaf Mountain, Maryland. Raphanus 8ativus, L. RADISH. Georgetown College Grounds, escaped. May. CIST ACEZE. RocK-Rosh FAMILY. thſelianthemum Canadense, Michx. FROST-WEED. Found sparingly in Maryland. Second or third week in May. Lechea minor, Walt. PIN-WEED. End of May. Radical leaves usually gone at flowering time. They may be col- lected from December to April. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY, 67 VIOI, ACEZE. WIOLET FAMILY. #Viola lanceolata, L. LANCE-LEAVED WIOLET. Meadow above Benning's Station. End of April. Viola primulaefolia, L. PRIMROSE-LEAVED WIOLET. End of April. # Viola cucullata, Ait. COMMON BLUE WIOLET. Last week in April. #Viola cucullata, Ait., war. palmata, Gray. HAND-LEAF VIOLET. Middle of May. t"Viola cucullata, Ait., var. cordata, Gray. Not common. Leaves often cut-lobed near the base, usually villous. Third week in April. t"Viola sagittata, Ait. ARROW-LEAVED WIOLET. Middle of April. t"Viola pedata, L. BIRD’s-FOOT WIOLET. The type, or mono-colored form, rare. Third week in April. Viola pedata, L., var. bicolor, Pursh. Very common on dry gravely hills. March and April. t"Viola striata, Ait. PALE VIOLET. Little Falls, High Island, and islands above. There is a very large autumnal form of this plant. First half of May. Autumnal flowers collected September 10, 1876. Viola pubescens, Ait. DOWNY YELLOW WIOLET. First half of May. t"Viola pubescens, Ait., var. eriocarpa, Nutt. Viola glabella, Nutt. IV. pubescens, Ait., var. scabriuscula, Torr. & Gray.] High Island. First week in April. f Viola tricolor, L., var. arvensis, Ging. WILD PAN.SY. Apparently indigenous. April 1 to 20. Ionidium concolor, Benth. & Hook. [Solea concolor, Ging.] GREEN VIoI.ET. High Island and islands above. First week in May; fruit in July. IPOLY GALACEZE. MILKWORT FAMILY. Polygala incarnata, L. MILKWORT. August or September. HPolygala sanguinea, L. July to October. Polygala fastigiata, Nutt. August to October. 68 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. Polygala Curtissii, Gray. CURTISS's MILKWORT. Near Alexandria (A. H. Curtiss), (1869?). Not yet rediscovered. Forms that were supposed to be varieties of it are now referred to P. fastigiata, Nutt. #Polygala ambigua, Nutt. Rare. Only one specimen found; near Mount Pisgah Church, Maryland, Octo- ber 12, 1879. Polygala polygama, Walt. Sandy Landing, on both sides of the river. Third week in June. trolygala Senega, L. SENECA SNAKEROOT. First half of June. CARYOPHYLLACEZE. PINK FAMILY. #Dianthus Armeria, L. DEPTFORD PINK. June. Autumnal flowers observed October 9, 1881. tSaponaria officinalis, L. Soapwort. BoüNCING BET. June and July. t Silene stellata, Ait. STARRY CAMPION. August. Silene nivea, DC. SNOWY CAMPION. High Island. First week in June. t Silene Pennsylvanica, Michx. WILD PINK. April. Silene Armeria, L. SWEET-WILLIAM CATCHFLY. Near Giesboro’. A few specimens found June 2, 1878. Locality exhausted. * Silene antirrhina, L. SLEEPY CATCHFLY. Fields. Middle of May. tlychnis Githago, Lam. CORN COCKLE. Last week in May. t Cerastium viscosum, L. [C. vulgatum, Gray's Manual.] MOUSE-EAR CHICKWEED. A form with leaves 17mm wide and 25mm long, or nearly orbicular, was found by Professor Chickering at Cabin John Run in May, 1875. March to May. # Cerastium vulgatum, L. I.C. viscosum, Gray’s Manual.] LARGER MOUSE-EAR CHICKWEED. April. * Cerastium nutans, Raf. CLAMMY CHICKWEED. First week in May. # Cerastium oblongifolium, Torr. April. # Stellaria media, Smith. COMMON CHICKWEED. February to May. E'ſ, ORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 69 f Stellaria pubera, Michx. GREAT CHICKWEED. This plant flowers early in April, bearing large showy flowers on long peduncles from small plants with ovate leaves 24°m to 34cm long. These plants then go to seed and drop down, while new shoots from the same root spring up at the end of May, becoming much larger than the early ones, and bearing large obovate oblong leaves 8em to 13cm long. These secondary plants are usually sterile, but frequently bear a few flowers at the summit; these are very small and on short peduncles, more or less concealed among the upper leaves. ł Stellaria longifolia, Muhl. LONG-LEAVED STITCHWORT. May or June. # Arenaria 8erpyllifolia, L. THYME-LEAVED SANDWORT. Late in May. Sagina apetala, L. PEARLWORT. First Lock. Not seen since May 23, 1877, when it was discovered by the Rev. Thomas Morong. Locality now exhausted. Sagina decumbens, Torr. & Gray. [.S. 8wbulata, Gray's Manual.] Rare, around dwellings in the city. Latter part of May. flepigonum rubrum, Fries. [Spergularia rubra, Presl, var. campestris, Gray.] SAND SPURREY. Chiefly found in the streets of the city, with the habit of Mollugo verticillata. May or June. IILECEBRACEZE. WHITLOW-WORT FAMILY. #Anychia dichotoma, Michx. FORKED CHICKWEED. Dry woodlands; not common. July or August. Anychia dichotoma, Michx., var. capillacea, Torr. SLENDER FORKED CHICKWEED. ar July. Paronychia dichotoma, Nutt. WHITLOW-WORT. Among the rocks at Little Falls. Middle of September to middle of October. PORTUL.A.C.A.C.E.Z.E. PURSLANE FAMILY. #IPortulaca oleracea, L. PURSLANE, or “PUSSLEY.” End of June. # Claytonia Virginica, L. SPRING BEAUTY. End of February to middle of March. EIYPERICA.C.E.Z.E. ST. JOHN’S-WORT FAMILY. #Ascyrum Crux-Andreae, L. ST. ANDREW’s CROSS. July to September. tAscyrum stans, Michx. ST. PETER's-worT. Found in one spot two miles above Bladensburg, in a swamp, in fruit, October 20, 1878. Probably flowers in August. 70 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. t Hypericum prolificum, L. SHRUBBY ST. JoHN'S-WORT. Middle of July. * Hypericum perforatum, L. COMMON ST. JoHN'S-WORT. First week in July. Runners best secured in November. ł Hypericum corymbosum, Muhl. First half of July. t Bypericum mutilum, L. August to October. f Hypericum Canadense, L. August to October. # Hypericum Sarothra, Michx. ORANGE-GRASS. September. +Elodes Virginica, Nutt. MARSH ST. John's-wort. July 15 to August 10. MALIVACEZE. MALLOW FAMILY. +Malva rotundifolia, L. COMMON MALLOW. May to October. IMalva sylvestris, L. HIGH MALLOW. Georgetown, near end of Aqueduct Bridge. Early in July. \f Sida spinosa, L. Last half of July. ºf Abutilon Avicennae, Gaertn. WELVET-LEAF August. ł Hibiscus Moscheutos, L. SWAMP Rose-MALLOW. Late in July. t Hibiscus militaris, Cav. HALBERD-LEAVED ROSE-MALLOW. End of July or in August. IHibiscus Trionum, L. BLADDER-KETMIA. FLOWER-OF-AN-HOUR. Rare. End of August. TILIA.C.E.ZE. LINDEN FAMILY. # Tilia Americana, L. AMERICAN LINDEN. BASSWOOD. Usually growing close to the water. LIN ACEZE. FLAX FAMILY. * Linum Virginianum, L. WILD FLAx. June 10 to July 10. There are two well-marked forms of this species, the one growing in open ground, the other in shady woods. The first of these forms bears manythickly-crowded, erect, appressed, linear leaves, 2* to 3mm wide; the second bears few spreading, lanceolate leaves 4mm to 6mm in width. In the former the stem is always erect and rigid, while in the latter it usually bends over and is weak and flaccid. These two forms are very noticeably distinct in aspect. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 71 Linum striatum, Walt. Reform School. Falls Church. Third week in July. tlinum usitatissimum, L. COMMON FLAX. Waste places in the city. August. GERANIA.C.E.Z.E. GERANIUM FAMILY. f Geranium maculatum, L. SPOTTED CRANESBILL. April or May. f Geranium Carolinianum, L. CAROLINA CRANESBILL. May. Geranium columbinum, L. LONG-STALKED CRANESBILL. In one small spot on Hunting Creek, also near Rosslyn on the Falls Church Road (Professor Chickering). Last half of May. * Geranium pusillum, L. SMALL-FLOWERED CRANESBILL. Main street of Bladensburg. Latter part of May. Erodium cicutarium, L'Her. STORKSBILL. Found only near the canal, at the foot of Eighteenth street; apparently introduced and scarcely able to maintain its hold against opposition. March 20 to June. TOxalis violacea, L. VIOLET WooD-SORREL. Occasionally found with a large conical tap-root, which, however, is clear, trans- parent, and watery, and shrinks away almost entirely on drying. This tap-root proceeds from the bottom of the bulb. It terminates in a few small fibers and throws off other and finer lateral ones. The plant has not been seen to bear fruit here. Last half of May. #Oxalis corniculata, L., var. stricta, Sav. [O. 8tricta, L.] YELLOW WOOD-SORREL. April to June. #Impatiens pallida, Nutt. PALE TOUCH-ME-NOT. June to September. #Impatiens fulva, Nutt. SPOTTED TOUCH-ME-NOT. June to September. IRUTACIE ZE. RUE FAMILY. Xanthoxylum Americanum, Mill. PRICKLY ASH. TOOTHACHE-TREE. Pierce's Mill. Probably originally cultivated. # Ptelea trifoliata, L. HoP-TREE. SHRUBBY TREFOIL. Last half of May. II,ICINEZE. HOLLY FAMILY. tllex opaca, Ait. AMERICAN HOLLY. Usually small, but in one locality, on Paint Branch, trees were found measuring one meter in girth some distance above the base. End of May. 72 FLORA OF WASEHINGTON AND WICINITY. Ilex decidua, Walt. High Island. Great Falls. Third week in May; fruit ripe in September. tllex verticillata, Gray. WINTERBERRY. Middle of June. fllex laevigata, Gray. Limb of the corolla in the staminate flowers reflexed. Two weeks earlier flower- ing than the last. First week in June. CELASTRACEZE. STAFF-TREE FAMILY. Euonymus atropurpureus, Jacq. WAAHOO. BURNING BUSH. Second week in June. flºuonymus Americanus, L. STRAWBERRY BUSH. First week in June; fruit, last of September. Euonymus Americanus, L., var. obovatus, Torr. & Gray. A mere form of the last. Third week in May. f Celastrus scandens, L. WAX-WORK. CLIMBING BITTERSWEET. Third week in May; fruit opens in November. RHAMINA.C.E.Z.E. BUCKTHORN FAMILY. f Ceanothus Americanus, L. RED-ROOT. NEW JERSEY TEA. Third week in June. Ceanothus ovatus, Desf. [Ceanothus ovalis, Bigelow.] Rocks at Little Falls. Middle of May. * VITA.C.E.Z.E. VINE FAMILY. + Vitis Labrusca, L. NORTHERN Fox-GRAPE. First week in June; fruit in September. Vitis aestivalis, Michx. SUMMER GRAPE. A form with whly deeply lobed leaves is frequently met with. End of May; fruit, middle of September. t"Vitis cordifolia, Lam. WINTER GRAPE. FROST GRAPE. Last week in May; fruit in November. t"Vitis riparia, Michx. Second or third week in May, and about ten days earlier than the last; fruit ripe in November. Vitis vulpina, L. SOUTHERN Fox-GRAPE. First found very sparingly on rocks immediately above Sandy Landing, Md., May 22, 1881, then in flower; and again later (June 4) with young fruit, on the Flats a short distance below the Chain Bridge. t.Ampelopsis quinquefolia, Michx. VIRGINLAN CREEPER. AMERICAN WOODBINE. End of May. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 73 SAPINDACEAE. SOAPBERRY FAMILY. * Acer saccharinum, Wang. SUGAR-MAPLE. HARD MAPLE. Early in May. Only one certainly indigenous tree known; this is located oil the fourth of the islands above High Island (Sugar-Maple Island); it has borne nothing but leaves since its discovery in 1876. Qy. : Is this for want of cross-fertilization? Acer dasycarpum, Ehrh. SILVER MAPLE. Less common than A. rubrum in the wild state. Generally planted in the streets of the city, where it often flowers in January and tends to become wholly dioecious. January 15 to March. f Acer rubrum, L. RED MAPLE. SWAMP-MAPLE. Last of February to first of April. flyſegundo aceroides, Moench. BOX-ELDER. Third week in April. Staphylea trifolia, L. AMERICAN BLADDER-NUT. First week in May. AINA CARDIACEZE. CASHEW FAMILY. Rhus typhina, L. STAGHORN SUMAC. June. frthus glabra, L. SMOOTH SUMAC. July. frthus copallina, L. DWARF SUMAC. Here becoming large, 8°m in diameter and 5m to 6m high. Last half of July. #Föhus venenata, DC. POISON SUMAC. Common in swamps. First half of July. Found also occasionally growing on dry ground, where it flowers at the end of May. #IRhus Toxicodendron, L. POISON IVY. Everywhere abundant. Pith on small vines, when clinging tightly to a support, always near the outer side. (See American Naturalist, April, 1876, p. 232.) Last half of May. Rhus aromatica, Ait. FRAGRANT SUMAC. Broadwater. A single bush discovered by Mr. E. O. Graves. It bears pistillate flowers each year, which never mature because not fertilized. Last half of April. LEGUIMINOS ZE|. PULSE FAMILY. #Baptisia tinctoria, R. Br. WILD INDIGO. Third week in June. #Baptisia australis, R.Br. BLUE FALSE INDIGO. Rocky river bottoms at Little Falls. Last of May or early in June. 74 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. f Crotalaria sagittalis, L. RATTLE-BOx. Last half of August. tlupinus perennis, L. WILD LUPINE. Last of April or first of May. Cytisus 8coparius, Link. SCOTCH BROOM. Roadside, near the northern corner of the District. Last of May or first of June. Medicago 8ativa, L. LUCERNE. ALFALFA. Sparingly escaped. Medicago lupulina, L. BLACK MEDICK. NONESUCH. May. Melilotus officinalis, Willd. YELLow MELILOT. Streets of Washington. Rare. First half of June. flyſelilotus alba, Lam. WHITE MELILOT. June. f'Trifolium arvenge, L. RABBIT-Foot CLovER. Latter part of June. #Trifolium pratense, L. RED CLOVER. June. t"I'rifolium reflexum, L. BUFFALO-CLOVER. High Island. End of May. Rare. fTrifolium repens, L. WHITE CLovER. May or June. Trifolium agrarium, L. HoP-CLovER. June to July. tºrifolium procumbens. L. Low HoP-CLOVER. May to June. t"I'ephrosia Virginiana, Pers. HoARY PEA. GoAT's RUE. Second week in June. trobinia Pseudacacia, L. LOCUST. Third week in May. t.Astragalus Canadensis, L. MILK-VETCH. Potomac Shore, Va.; also on High Island. End of June. t Stylosanthes elation, Swartz. PENCIL-FLOWER. August. * tl)esmodium nudiflorum, DC. TICK-TREFOIL. Last of July. tl)esmodium acuminatum; DC. August or first of September. T}esmodium pauciflorum, DC. Rare. Last of August or first of September. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY, 75 tl)esmodium rotundifolium, DC. September. Desmodium rotundifolium, DC., var. glabratum, Gray. Near Great Falls (Professor Chickering). Desmodium canescens, DC. End of August. Desmodium cuspidatum, Hook. Northwest Branch (Professor Chickering, 1878). Desmodium laevigatum, DC. August or September. # Desmodium viridiflorum, Beck. Reform School. September. Desmodium Dillenii, Darl. August or September. tl)esmodium paniculatum, DC. Last of July or first of August. Desmodium rigidum, DC. September. # Desmodium ciliare, DC. Reform School. September. # Desmodium Marylandicum, Boott. Reform School. September. tlespedeza repens, Bart. BUSH-CLOVER. The two forms are well marked here, not only by the difference of pubescence, but by the greater abundance of flowers on the downy variety (L. procumbens, Michx.). Latter part of August or early in September. Lespedeza reticulata, Pers., var. angustifolia, Maxim. [Leepedeza violacea, Pers., var. angustifolia, Gray.] September. # Lespedeza violacea, Pers. September. Lespedeza Stuvei, Nutt. Reform School. September. # I, espedeza hirta, Ell. September. Lespedeza capitata, Michx. September. Vicia sativa, L. . WETCH. TARE. Last half of May. Vicia tetrasperma, Loisel. Insane Asylum. Early in June. 76 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. Vicia hirsuta, Koch. Kendall Green (Professor Chickering, 1878). Vicia Caroliniana, Walt. April. flºathyrus paluster, L. WETCHLING. EVERLASTING PEA. Eastern Branch Marsh. First half of July. flathyrus venosus, Muhl. Rocky places along the Potomac. May. t Clitoria Mariana, L. BUTTERFLY-PEA. Rock Creek; Terra Cotta. Rare, and seldom fruiting. Second week in July. t Amphicarpaea monoica, Ell. HOG PEANUT. September. t.Apios tuberosa, Moench. GROUND-NUT. Last of July or first of August. f Galactia mollis, Michx. MILK-PEA. August. i Phaseolus perennis, Walt. WILD BEAN. Great Falls (Professor Chickering). Locks above Chain Bridge (Dr. Vasey). łPhaseolus helvolus, L. August. Rhynchosia tomentosa, Torr. & Gray. A single specimen, out of flower, found September 14, 1879, near Bladensburg. f Gleditschia triacanthos, L. HoNEY-LOCUST. End of May; fruit, July or August. f Cassia Marylandica, L. WILD SENNA. End of May. * t Cassia Chamaecrista, L. SENSITIVE PEA. August. f Cassia nictitans, L. SMALL-FLOWERED WILD SENSITIVE PEA, August. f Cercis Canadensis, L. " RED-BUD. JUDAS-TREE. April. IROSACEZE. ROSE FAMILY. Prunus Persica (Benth. & Hook). PEACH. Escaped and found wild remote from cultivation. May. Prunus Armeniaca, L. APRICOT, Found in several places growing without cultivation. Prunus Americana, Marshall. WILD. PLUM Last half of April. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 77 Prunus Chicasa, Michx. CHICKASAW PLUM. Fort Mahan. Third week in April. Prunus 8pinosa, L. SLOE. BLACK THORN. Roadside above Benning's. Third week in April. flºrunus Virginiana, L. CHOKE-CHERRY. Opposite Alexandria (Professor Seaman). Hunting Creek (Dr. Vasey, 1877). Prunus serotina, Ehrh. BLACK CHERRY. Middle of May. f Spiraea salicifolia, L. MEADow-SWEET. Very rare; not seen since 1874. Spiraea Aruncus, L. GOAT'S-BEARD. First half of June. tlveillia opulifolia, Benth. & Hook. [Spirata opulifolia, L.] NINE-BARK, Last week in May. t Gillenia trifoliata, Moench. INDIAN PHYSIC. AMERICAN IPECAC. End of May. t Rubus occidentalis, L. BLACK RASPBERRY. Last of May or first of June; fruit ripe before the end of June, trubus villosus, Ait. BLACKBERRY. A variety was found May 17, 1874, which is “between R. villogus and R. trivialis” (Gray). It has single flowers on long peduncles. Last half of May; fruit in July; autumnal flowers September 22 and October 27, 1878. trºubus Canadensis, L. DEWBERRY. Middle of May; fruit, third week in July. Rubus hispidus, L. RUNNING Swami P-BLACKBERRY. Second week in June. Rubus cuneifolius, Pursh. SAND-BLACKBERRY. Insane Asylum. First of June. t Geum album, Gmel. AvKNS. HERB BENNETT. July. f Geum Virginianum, L. Hunting Creek. July. Geum strictum, Ait. Hunting Creek. Last of May or first of June. Geum vernum, Torr. & Gray. SPRING AVENS. Georgetown College Grounds. End of April. ſIFragaria Virginiana, Duchesne. STRAWBERRY. May; wild frt it not ripe till June. Fragaria Indica, Andr. Mock STRAWBERRY. Mount Vernon; Georgetown College Grounds (Chickering), Last half of May; fruit ripe early in June. 78 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. flºotentilla Norvegica, L. August or September. trºotentilla Canadensis, L. CINQUE-Foil. FIVE-FINGER. April. fr’otentilla Canadensis, L., war. simplex, Torr. & Gray. May. Alchemilla arvensis, Scop. LADY'S MANTLE. Only once found, on Meridian Hill, by Dr. Vasey and Professor Chickering, Long since obliterated. tAgrimonia Eupatoria, L. COMMON AGRIMONY. July or August. t Agrimonia parviflora, Hook. SMALL-FLOWERED AGRIMONY. August or September. t|Poterium Canadense, Benth. & Hook. CANADIAN BURNET. Third week in September. Poterium Sanguisorba, L. BURNET. Odenton, Md., May 30, 1877. Should be looked for nearer. Rosa setigera, Michx. CLIMBING ROSE. Escaped in Some places. June. Rosa Carolina, L. SWAMP ROSE. June. Rosa lucida, Ehrh. DwarF WILD ROSE. End of May. t Rosa rubiginosa, L. SWEET-BRIER. June. Rosa micrantha, Smith. SMALLER-FLOWERED SWEET-BRIER. - June. Rosa canina, L. DOG-ROSE. High Island. t|Pirus coronaria, L. AMERICAN CRAB-APPLE. Northwest Branch (Professor Chickering); a few trees only. End of April or first of May. thirus arbutifolia, L. CHOKE-BERRY. Two forms, a high and a low bush, the former of which flowers two weeks later than the latter, grows in very moist swamps, and bears much smaller berries, which persist throughout the winter. End of April (low-bush) to middle of May (high- bush). trirus arbutifolia, L., var. melanocarpa, Hook. North of Bladensburg. Fruit collected July 20, 1879. Crataegus cordata, Ait. WASHINGTON THORN. Rock Creek Church Road near Soldiers' Home, also Bladensburg. Not common. Second week in June; fruit in October. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 79 Crataegus Oxyacantha, L. ENGLISH PHAWTHORN. Near Alexandria. Last of April or first of May; fruit in October. t Crataegus coccinea, L. SCARLET-FRUITED THORN. End of May. Crataegus Crus-galli, L. COCKSPUR THORN. Latter part of May. Crataegus parvifolia, Ait. DWARF THORN. High Island (a single bush), also Great Falls. Third week in May. tAmelanchier Canadensis, Torr. & Gray. JUNE-BERRY. SERVICE-BERRY. SHAD- BUSH, April; fruit, middle of June. Amelanchier Canadensis, var. oblongifolia, Torr. & Gray. A greatly reduced form of this is common along ditches, flowering at the height of 3 meter. April. SAXIE"R.A.G.A.C.E.Z.E. SAXIFRAGE FAMILY. fSaxifraga Virginiensis, Michx. EARLY WHITE SAxIFRAGE. The flowers open from among the rosettes of leaves before the stem is apparent and continue centrifugally as the stem and branches emerge. Last half of March or early in April. tlyſitella diphylla, L. MITRE-wort. BISHOP's CAP. Woodley; rare. First half of May. teleuchera Americana, L. ALUM-ROOT. End of May or beginning of June. Chrysosplenium Americanum, Schwein. GOLDEN SAXIFRAGE. Rare, in rocky cataracts. February to April. tºſydrangea arborescens, L. WILD HYDRANGEA. Enlarged petals cocasionally occur in the outer row of flowers. Late in June. fr’hiladelphus inodorus, L. MoCK ORANGE. SYRINGA. Scarcely found in a wild state. June. fltea Virginica, L. Rare. Eastern Branch; Four Mile Run; Hunting Creek. Third week in May. Ribes rotundifolium, Michx. GOOSEBERRY. Soldiers' Home, escaped; also at Mt. Vernon (Professor Chickering). Third week in April; fruit ripe in July. Ribes rubrum, L. RED CURRANT. Rare. Not yet collected in fruit. Last of April or first of May. CRASSUT, ACEZE. ORPINE FAMILY. t Sedum ternatum, Michx. STONE-CROP. ORPINE. Last half of May. 80 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. Sedum telephioides, Michx. WILD LIVE-FOR-EvK.R. Rocks at Broadwater. September. fr’enthorum sedoides, L. DITCH STONE-CROP. September. IDROSERACEZE. SUNDEW FAMILY. ł Drosera rotundifolia, L. SUNDEw. Holmead Swamp; rare. End of July. EIAMIAMET.A.C.E.Z.E. WITCH-HAZEL FAMILY. flººſamamelis Virginiana, L. WITCH-HAZEL. October. fliquidambar Styraciflua, L. SWEET-GUM. Middle of May. EIATIORAGEZE WATER-MILFOIL FAMILY. Myriophyllum spicatum, L. WATER-MILFOIL. Found in former years below Alexandria by Mr. Anton Zumbrock. Probably still there. & Proserpinaca palustris, L. MERMAID-WEED. June or July. f Callitriche verna, L. WATER-STARworT. April or May. y MELASTOMACEZE. MELASTOMA FAMILY. frthexia Virginica, L. MEADOW-BEAUTY, DEER-GRASS. Second half of July. IYTEIR.A.C.E.Z.E. LOOSESTRIFE FAMILY. f Ammannia humilis, Michx. TOOTH. CUP. Flats near Eads' Mill. Middle of August. f Cuphea viscosissima, Jacq. CLAMMY CUPHEA. BLUE WAX-WEED. August. # Lythrum alatum, Pursh. LOOSESTRIFE. Flats, Outlet Lock to High Island. August. f Nesaea verticillata, H. B. K. Swam P LOOSESTRIFE. Flats above Outlet Lock. ONAGRACEZE. EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY. tripilobium coloratum, Muhl. WILLow-HERB. August or September. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 81 t Jussiaea decurrens, DC. Hunting Creek; Custis Spring. Middle of August to end of September. tlıudwigia alternifolia, L, FALSE LOOSESTRIFE. Last of August. flºudwigia hirtella, Raf. Holmead Swamp; rare. Middle of July to August. tlıudwigia palustris, Ell. WATER PURSLANE. Early in July. Large floating leaves form in running water in October, and submersed plants in still water in early spring. f CEinothera biennis, L. EVENING PRIMROSE. September or October. f CEnothera sinuata, L. Railroad, near Benning's Station (Dr. Vasey, 1878). f CEinothera fruticosa, L. SUNDROPs. June. CEinothera fruticosa, L., var. linearis, Watson. [OEmothera riparia, Nutt.] Middle of May to middle of June. Gaura biennis, L. Bearing large rosettes of red-spotted leaves in autumn. August to October. f Circaea Lutetiana, L. ENCHANTER’s NIGHTSHADE. Last half of June. PASSIFILORACE.Z.E. PASSION-FLOWER FAMILY. fr’assiflora incarnata, L. PASSION-FLOWER. Kendall Green (Professor Chickering). t|Passiflora lutea, L. Last of July or first of August; fruit ripe in October. CUCURBITACEZE. GOURD FAMILY. f Sicyos angulatus, L. STAR-CUCUMBER. August. CACTA.C.E.Z.E. CACTUS FAMILY. f Opuntia vulgaris, Haworth. CACTUs. PRICKLY PEAR. INDIAN FIG. Great Falls. Last week in June. IFICOIDEZE. tly[ollugo verticillata, L. CARPET-WEED. July or August. Bull. Nat. Mus. No. 22–6 82 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. TJ MBELLIFERZE. PARSLEY FAMILY. Hydrocotyle ranunculoides, L. WATER PENNYWORT. Springy place above the Outlet Lock. May to July. # Hydrocotyle Americana, L. July #Eryngium Virginianum, Lam. ERYNGO. BUTTON SNAKEROOT. September. Sanicula Canadensis, L. SANICLE. BLACK SNAKEROOT. June. t Sanicula Marylandica, L. Woodley Park. June. Erigenia bulbosa, Nutt. HARBINGER-OF-SPRING. High Island. Last of March or first of April. # Cicuta maculata, L. SPOTTED COWBANE. MUSQUASH-ROOT. WATER-HEMLOCK. June to July. ł Sium cicutaefolium, Gmel. [Sium lineare, Michx.] WATER-PARSNIP September. #Pimpinella integerrima, Benth. & Hook. [Zizia integerrima, DC.] May to June. #Cryptotania Canadensis, DC. HONEWORT. June. Osmorrhiza longistylis, DC. SweET CICELY. Last half of May. Osmorrhiza brevistylis, DC. High Island. Last week in May. # Chaerophyllum procumbens, Crantz. CHERVIL. First half of May. Discopleura capillacea, DC. MOCK BISHOP-WEED. Custis Spring. Third week in August. #Thaspium barbinode, Nutt. MEADOW-PARSNIP. June to August. f Thaspium aureum, Nutt. High Island. April; fruit in June or July. # Thaspium trifoliatum, Gray. April; fruit in August. Archangelica hirsuta, Torr. & Gray. July; fruit in September. Pastinaca. 8ativa, L. PARSNIP. Georgetown. June. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 83 Archemora rigida, DC. COWBANE. September. Heracleum lanatum, Michx. COW-PARSNIP. High Island; scarce. Last of May or first of June. f Daucus Carota, L. CARROT. Thoroughly naturalized. For certain peculiarities in the central flowers of the umbels of this plant, see Field and Forest for September, 1877, p. 53. June to Sep- tember. ARALIACEZE. GINSENG FAMILY. Aralia spinosa, L. HERCULES’ CLUB. Woodley, in one small spot; around Pierce's Mill, probably planted; near the Sligo Creek; also along the Falls Church Road, near Hall's Hill (Professor Chickering). Last of August or first of September. f Aralia racemosa, L. SPIKENARD. Rather rare. July. Aralia nudicaulis, L. WILD SARSAPARILLA. Last half of May. #Aralia trifolia, Decsne. DWARF GINSENG. Deep shaded ravines, rare. First half of May. CORN ACEZE. DOGWOOD FAMILy. foornus florida, L. FLOWERING DOGWOOD. Middle of April to middle of May. f Cornus sericea, L. SILKY CORNEL. KINNIKINNIK. Middle to end of June. Cornus stolonifera, Michx. RED-OSIER DOGWOOD. June. Cornus alternifolia, L. ALTERNATE-LEAVED CORNEL. Third week in May. tnyssa multiflora, Wang. SOUR GUM. TUPELO. PEPPERIDGE. Found flowering ( 3 ) while yet a mere shrub 1m in height. Last of May. CAPRIFOLIACEZE. HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY. t Sambucus Canadensis, L. ELDER. Second or third week in June; fruit in July. #Viburnum prunifolium, L. BLACK HAw. First week in May; fruit in October. t"Wiburnum nudum, L. WITHE-Rod. Last half of May; fruit in September ; 84 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. tWiburnum dentatum, L. ARROW-WOOD. Last half of May; fruit in September. Viburnum pubescens, Pursh. Great Falls and below, where it is abundant, but had been overlooked until dis- covered by Prof. J. H. Comstock, May 22, 1881, at which time it was in fine flower- ing condition. tWiburnum acerifolium, L. MAPLE-LEAVED ARROW-WOOD, DOCKMACKIE. Latter part of May; fruit in September. t"I'riosteum perfoliatum, L HORSE-GENTIAN. FEVERWORT. First half of June. Triosteum angustifolium, L. SMALLER HORSE-GENTIAN. Corcoran's Woods; Great Falls; High Island. First week in May. Symphoricarpos racemosus, Michx. SNOWBERRY. End of May or first of June; fruit last of July. t Symphoricarpos vulgaris, Michx. CORAL-BERRY. INDIAN CURRANT. Latter part of August; fruit, December and through the winter. Lonicera sempervirens, Ait. TRUMPET HONEYSUCKLE. The yellow-flowered variety is common. First week in June; fruit, early in July. Lonicera Japonica, Andr. [L. confusa, D.C.] JAPANESE HONEYSUCKLE. Well established in many remote places. In a wild state the lower leaves are often found deeply lobed or lyrate. Usually flowers twice, in May and in September or October. RUBIA.C.E.Z.E. MADDER FAMILY. f Cephalanthus occidentalis, L. BUTTON-BUSH. First week 1n July. f Houstonia purpurea, L. VENUS’s PRIDE. May 10 to June 10. Autumnal flowers, October 13, 1878. thoustonia purpurea, L., var. longifolia, Gray. Rocky places; appears to be a good species. June. Autumnal flowers, September 12, 1880. thoustonia caerulea, L. BLUETS. March and April. Autumnal flowers, September 7, 1879. f Mitchella repens, L. PARTRIDGE-BERRY. First half of June; fruit, November and persistent throughout the year. tl)iodia teres, Walt. BUTTON-WEED. July. Galium. Aparine, L. CLEAVERS. Goose-GRASS. May. Galium asprellum Michx. ROUGH BEDSTRAw. Cameron Run. Last of September or first of October. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 85 Galium concinnum, Torr. & Gray. BEDSTRAW First half of June. f Galium trifidum, L. SMALL BEDSTRAW. Last of May. f Galium triflorum, Michx. SWEET-SCENTED BEDSTRAW. July. f Galium pilosum, Ait. Last of May and first half of June. f Galium circaezans, Michx. WILD LIQUORICE. Last of May and first half of June. O VALERIANACEZE. VALERIAN FAMILY. Valeriana pauciflora, Michx. VALERLAN. High Island; Larkspur Island. Third week in May. Fedia olitoria, Wahl. [Valerianella, Benth. & Hook, Gen. Pl.] CoRN-SALAD. LAMB- LETTUCE. Insane Asylum; Green Spring Schuetzen Park. Last of April or first half of May. Fedia Fagopyrum, Torr. & Gray. High Island (Professor Chickering). # Fedia radiata, Michx. Near the Distributing Reservoir; rare. Middle of May. DIPS.A.C.E.Z.E. TEASEL FAMILY. #Dipsacus sylvestris, Mill. WILD TEASEL. Along the Potomac, on the flats from the Outlet Lock to High Island. Last half of July. * COMPOSITZE. COMPOSITE FAMILY. f'Vermonia Noveboracensis, Willd. IRON-WEED. FLAT-TOP. Heads very variable in size. July to September. flºlephantopus Carolinianus, Willd. ELEPHANT'S-FOOT. August. flºupatorium purpureum, L. JoE-PYE WEED. TRUMPET-WEED. A form occurs with nearly white flowers, green stems, thin leaves, and blackish joints to the stem. August, September. triupatorium hyssopifolium, L. Not common. Roots thickening almost into tubers. Last of August to October. triupatorium album, L. - Varies in the width and thickness of the leaves. Late in July and through August. 86 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. & tläupatorium teucrifolium, Willd. September. flºupatorium rotundifolium, L. August and September. flºupatorium pubescens, Muhl. Forms occur uniting this species and the preceding. September. tläupatorium sessilifolium, L. UPLAND BONESET. July to September. Eupatorium sessilifolium X pubescens, Gray. “Between sessilifolium and pubescens” (Professor Asa Gray). Above Pierce's Mill. September 30, 1877. flºupatorium perfoliatum, L. THOROUGH wort. BONESET. A specimen with all the leaves in whorls of three was found by Prof. M. H. Doo- little, October 26, 1879, near the Receiving Reservoir. August to October. flºupatorium ageratoides, L. WHITE SNAKEROOT. August, September. triupatorium aromaticum, L. September. f Conoclinium coelestinum, DC. [Eupatorium, Benth. & Hook., Gen. Pl.] MIST- FLOWER. August to October. # Mikania scandens, L. CLIMBING HEMP-WEED. CLIMBING BONESET. Marshes; Four Mile Run; Eastern Branch, &c. September. # Kuhnia eupatorioides, L. FALSE BONESEt. Woodley Park; Terra Cotta. Root very large and deep. September. Liatris scariosa, Willd. BUTTON SNAKEROOT. BLUE BLAZING STAR. Near Fort Bennett, Wa. Only a single specimen found, October 24, 1873, in an advanced state. Liatris graminifolia, Willd. GAY FEATHER. September. Liatris graminifolia, Willd.; var. dubia, Gray. Distinction close if it really exists. September. # Chrysopsis Mariana, Nutt. GoLDEN ASTER. MARYLAND GOLDEN STAR. August, September. f Solidago bicolor, L. GOLDEN ROD. September, October. Solidago bicolor, L., var. concolor, Gray. September, October. t Solidago latifolia, L. August to October. tSolidago casia, L. September to October. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 87 Solidago stricta, Ait. Terra Cotta Swamp. Middle to end of September. Solidago speciosa, Nutt., var. angustata, Gray. A very distinct form with much the habit of S. bicolor, but larger, the stem smooth. below, as also the ample radical leaves; flowers yellow and showy. Although Pro- fessor Gray has referred it to the above species, still it bears no resemblance to forms from the West (Arkansas) which have also been so referred by the same authority. It will probably be erected into a species. September, October. Solidago Virga-aurea, L., var. humilis, Gray. Rocks on the Virginia side of the Potomac, below Chain Bridge. Large, often a meter in height. August, September. Solidago rigida, L. Woodley Park. A single specimen found, September 22, 1878. Solidago elliptica, Ait. This species, which has now been found in several places (Reform School, Terra Cotta Swamp, near Bladensburg, &c.), and has been distributed thus far under the name of S. neglecta, Torr. & Gray, has, upon more careful examination, been now referred to S. elliptica, though exhibiting numerous variances from the descriptions given of that plant. September. Solidago arguta, Ait. & The earliest flowering species of our Golden Rods. Middle of July to August. f Solidago altissima, L. A rough and a smooth form. August. Solidago ulmifolia, Muhl. ELM-LEAVED GOLDEN ROD. August, September. Solidago odora, Ait. SWEET GOLDEN ROD. Late in July and through August. Solidago nemoralis, Ait. Middle of August to October. Solidago rupestris, Raf. Virginia shore of Potomac, below Little Falls. August 1 to middle of September. Solidago Canadensis, L. September, October. f Solidago gigantea, Ait. Virginia shore of Potomac, below Little Falls; also near Bladensburg. Septem- ber to middle of October. t Solidago lanceolata, L. Late in September or in October. t Sericocarpus solidagineus, Nees. WHITE-TOPPED ASTER. Middle to end of June. t Sericocarpus conyzoides, Nees. Last of June or first of July. 88 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. t.Aster corymbosus, Ait. Middle of August to last of September. Aster macrophyllus, L. The form found here differs from the northern form in the size of the leaf and of the heads and in the number of flowers in the heads, and seems to be intermediate be- tween that and A. corymbosus. The large radical leaves, 12” to 14°m wide, spring up in thick patches in May. Last of July or first of August. Aster concolor, L. September. f Aster patens, Ait. SPREADING ASTER. September. Aster late vis, L. Some remarkable forms of this species occur. It has only been found in Woodley Park. September. Aster lavis, L., var. cyaneus, Gray. September. f Aster undulatus, L. September. Aster cordifolius, L. Late in September and until after frost. # Aster ericoides, L. September or October. A remarkable diminutive form, with linear appressed leaves thickly covering the simple stems, 12°m to 15°m high, was found October 5, 1879, on rocks below Great Falls. Aster dumosus, L. Not common. September. Aster Tradescanti, L. September, October. f Aster miser, L. Late in September or in October; varying immensely. Aster simplex, Willd. September or October. Aster tenuifolius, L. Narrow-leaved forms of the preceding agree well with authentic specimens of A. tenuifolius, though they can scarcely be distinct. September, October. Aster carneus, Nees. Cameron Run; Potomac above Rosslyn; rare. October. Aster aestivus, Ait. f Holmead Swamp; Terra Cotta Swamp. September. f Aster puniceus, L. September, October. Aster puniceus, L., var. vimineus, Gray. Piney Branch. September, October. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 89 Aster prenanthoides, Muhl. Cameron Run; Great Falls. Last of September or early in October. Aster oblongifolius, Nutt. Virginia side of the Potomac below the Chain Bridge, also at Great Falls; on rocks. Last half of September and through October. t.Aster Novae-Angliae, L. Bluffs of the Potomac (rare), and sparingly in a few other localities. October. # Diplopappus linariifolius, Hook. [A8ter, Benth. & Hook., Gen. Pl.] DOUBLE- BRISTLED ASTER. le September. Diplopappus umbellatus, Torr. & Gray. Reform School. September. Diplopappus cornifolius, Darl. July to September. # Erigeron Canadensis, L. HORSE-weED. BUTTER-WEED. July, August. Erigeron bellidifolius, Muhl. ROBIN’s PLANTAIN. POOR ROBIN's PLANTAIN. Middle of April to end of May. # Erigeron Philadelphicus, L. FLEABANE. Last week in April to middle of May. f Erigeron annuus, Pers. DAISY FLEABANE. SWEET SCABIOUs. June to October. (Found as late as October 10, 1873.) Erigeron strigosus, Muhl. DAISY FLEABANE. June to August. Baccharis halimifolia, L. GROUNDSEL-TREE. One large branching plant found by Dr. Vasey and Professor Chickering on the Aqueduct Road above Cabin John Run, September 17, 1878. # Filago Germanica, L. HERBA IMPIA. Near Occoquan Falls, July 9, 1876; rare. Not yet found strictly within our limits. t.Antennaria plantaginifolia, Hook. PLANTAIN-LEAVED EVERLASTING. MOUSE- EAR EVERLASTING. Female plants much larger than the male, often half a meter in height, and both varying widely. Last of March to June. f Gnaphalium polycephalum, Michx. COMMON EVERLASTING. April to August. f Gnaphalium uliginosum, L. Low CUDWEED. Rare. Near Le Droict Park, July 20, 1873. Wet meadow, sources of Piney Branch, August 5, 1877. t Gnaphalium purpureum, L. PURPLISH CUDWEED, June to August. ł Polymnia Canadensis, L. LEAF-CUP. September. 90 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY, flºolymnia Uvedalia, L. September. t Silphium trifoliatum, L. Rosſ N-PLANT. July. f Chrysogonum Virginianum, L. April and May. Often flowers at the height of 30m or 4°m, and continues flowering while the stem elongates, after the manner of Saxifraga Virginiensis, q. v. Autum- nal flowers observed October 9, 1881. f Ambrosia trifida, L. GREAT RAGWEED. , August, September. f Ambrosia trifida, L., var. integrifolia, Gray. August, September. f Ambrosia artemisiaefolia, L. ROMAN WoRMwooD. Hog-WEED. BITTER-WEED. Tends to become dioecious, and the fruiting plants crowd out the staminate ones. August, September. © + Xanthium strumarium, L. COCKLEBUR. August, September. #28 anthium spinosum, L. SPINY CLOTBUR. Abundant in the streets and vacant lots a few years ago, but now becoming for- tunately quite scarce. August. Heliopsis laevis, Pers. Ox-EYE. FALSE SUNFLOWER August to September. tlºclipta procumbens, Michx. This plant behaves like an introduced weed, tending to invade the streets and gutters. It is rare outside of the city. September. tlºudbeckia laciniata, L. CONE-FLOWER. August, September. Rudbeckia triloba, L. Little Falls, rare; the lobed lower leaves generally wanting. July, August. Rudbeckia hirta, L. June, July. t Rudbeckia fulgida, Ait. BRILLIANT CONE-FLOWER. A form was found near the Woodley Park Bridge, with all the rays tubular. It also exhibits the most remarkable variations in the radical leaves. September. Helianthus annuus, L. CoMMON SUNFLOWER. Sparingly escaped. August. f Helianthus angustifolius, L. WILD SUNFLOWER. Terra Cotta; Reform School. Middle of September. Helianthus occidentalis, Riddell. Little Falls, on the rocky flats. Early in September. flielianthus giganteus, L. September. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 91 #IBIelianthus strumosus, L. Not common. September. Helianthus strumosus, L., var. mollis, Gray. Forms of the preceding with the under surface of the leaves quite downy occur, and may be referred here. September. Helianthus divaricatus, I. July. thelianthus decapetalus, L. July, August. * Helianthus doronicoides, Lam. September. Helianthus tubero8w8, L. JERUSADEM ARTICHOKE. Waste places in the city. Late in September and in October. t Actinomeris squarrosa, Nutt. September. Verbesina Siegesbeckia, Michx. CROWNBEARD, September. Coreopsis tinctoria, Radius. TICKSEED. Escaped in a few places. June. t Coreopsis verticillata, L. WHORLED COREOPSIs. Middle to end of June. Well worthy of cultivation. t Coreopsis tripteris, L. TALL COREOPSIS. Bluffs below Chain Bridge, Va., High Island, and near Langley. August Coreopsis discoidea, Torr. & Gray. Holmead Swamp. September. f Bidens frondosa, L. COMMON BEGGAR-TICKS. August, September. t|3idens cernua, L. SMALLER BUR-MARIGOLD. Very variable. September, October. t|Bidens chrysanthemoides, Michx. LARGER BUR-MARIGOLD. July, August. f Bidens bipinnata, L. SPANISH NEEDLES. August, September. t Helenium autumnale, L. SNEEZE-WEED. AUTUMN SNEEZEWORT. August. tAchillea Millefolium, L. YARROW. MILFOIL. June. Anthemis aroensis, L. CORN CHAMOMILE. May to October. flyſaruta Cotula, DC. [Anthemis, Benth. & Hook, Gen. Pl.] MAY-wrºRD. Rare. May, June. 92 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. tleucanthemum vulgare, L. [Chrysanthemum, Benth. & Hook, Gen. Pl.] Ox-EYE. DAISY, WHITE-WEED. May, June. t Arnica nudicaulis, Ell. LEOPARD's BANE. Late in May or early in June. Rather rare. tlerechthites hieracifolia, Raf. FIRE-weFD. September. # Senecio aureus, L. GOLDEN RAGWORT. SQUAW-weBD. Young leaves glabrous, round kidney-shaped, and purple beneath. Alluvial and sandy bottoms. April 1 to May 15. t Senecio aureus, L., var. Balsamitae, Gray. This is the upland form, and flowers nearly a month later. It seems to be a dis- tinct species. June. f Cacalia suaveolens, L. [Senecio, Benth. & Hook., Gen. Pl.] SweFT-sCENTED INDIAN PLANTAIN. August to October. t Cacalia reniformis, Muhl. GREAT INDIAN PLANTAIN. High Island; rare. June. Cacalia atriplicifolia, L. PALE INDIAN PLANTAIN. August. flappa officinalis, Allioni. [Arctium, Benth. & Hook., Gen. Pl.] BURDock. July. "f Cnicus lanceolatus, Gray. [Cirsium lanceolatum, Scop.]. CoMMON THISTLE, BULL. THISTLE. July. t Cnicus discolor, Gray. [Cirsium discolor, Spreng.]. July, August. Cnicus altissimus, Gray. [Cirsium altissimum, Spreng. J. June to September. Cnicus arvensis, Gray. [Cirsium arvense, Scop.]. CANADA THISTLE. Waste places in the city. July, August. Onopordon acanthium, L. COTTON-THISTLE. SCOTCH THISTLE. Formerly found in Washington; abundant in Alexandria. June. Centaurea Cyanus, L. BLUEBOTTLE. K Street, S. E., over the B. & P. R. R. tunnel. Escaped. June. Centaurea Calcitrapa, L. STAR-THISTLE. Less common than formerly in Washington; still abundant in Alexandria. Said to have been brought here during the war. July. Cichorium Intybus, L. CHICCORY. June to August. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 93 f] || 3: 5 || 3 | #: 23 4 27 8 ------|------ 2 - - - - - - 2 ------ 2 2 1 |-----. 1 |------ 1 1 1 ------ 1 ------ 1 ------ 4 ------ 4 1 1 ------ 3 - - - - - - 3 |------|------|------ 1 |------ 1 |------|------|------ 3 |------ 3 2 ------|------ 3 ------ 3 1 ------|------ 33 1 34 15 ------|------ 2 ------ 2 |------|------|------ 9 5 14 |------|------|------ 7 ------ 7 ------|------|------ 19 |------ 19 8 |------|------ 2 l 3 |------|------|------ 2 ------ 2 1 ------|------ 9 |------ 9 1 1 ------ 7 |------ 7 5 |-----------. 1 |------ 1 ------ l I 3 ||------ 3 1 |------i------ 9 |------ 9 3 |------|------ 2 |------ 2 1 2 |------ 4 |------ 4 ------ 4 1 3 1 4 |------ 4 |...... 2 ------ 2 |------ ? I.----- 6 ------ 6 ------ 6 I.----- 5 H------ 5 |------ 5 4 6 |------ 6 |------ 6 I 55 2 57 13 4 3 43 3 46 12 30 8 9 |------ 9 3 5 !------ 3 |------ 3 |------|------|...... 1 ------ 1 |------|------|------ 2 I.----- 2 |------ 2 l 3 ------ 8 |------|------|------ 1 ------ 1 |------|------|-----. 4 |------ 4 |------|------|-----. 10 1 11 --~--|------|-----. ? I.----- 2 1 ------|------ 1 1.----. 1 ------|------|------ 1 |------ 1 ------|------|------ 1 -----. 1 ------|------|------ 22 ------ 22 ? ------|------ 4 '------ 4'------ I 1 145 146 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. XVI. SUMMARY –Continued. # | # P | 3 | tº # 3 | | | # Orders. g | # | 3 | # tº: e e Q --> Ç PH 3 à | # # # # | 3 || 3 8 # | 3 | # 3 # | 3 | # p Q & P+ H 24 Ö 3 || > CD § B: H 45 Cornaceae.---------------------------- © tº us as sº a s - - - - - as 2 5 l------ 5 |------ 5 2 46 | Caprifoliaceab.--------------------. tº º º ºs e º gº tº º sº - tº ſº tº ºr 5 12 ------ 12 3 10 1. 47 | Rubiaceae------------------------------- tº º tº º - - - * * * * 5 2 1 13 ſ. ----. 1 ------ 48 Valerianacete------------------------------------. 2 4 1. ----- 4 1 ------|- tº - e º e 49 | Dipsaceab---------------- * - as tº us s e º ºs e as as as ºn s s a e º e º - º ºn e 1 1 |------ 1 1 ----------- 50 | Composite---------------------------------------- 53 || 138 11 149 17 1 ------ 51 | Lobeliaceae. --------------. tº e º me a a e º 'º - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l 5 1. ----- 5 |------|------------ 52 | Campanulaceae.----------------------------------- 2 2 ------ 2 ------|------|------ 53 | Ericaceae------------------------------------------ 11 24 2 26 1. --... 17 2 54 | Primulaceæ--------------------------------------- 5 8 2 10 2 ------------ 55 | Ebenaceae. ---------------------------------------. 1 1 ------ 1 |------ 1. 1 56 | Oleaceae.-----------------------------------------. 2 4 ------ 4 |------ 4 4 57 | Apocynaceae------------------------------------. 2 2 1. 3 1 ------|------ 58 Asclepiadaceae------------------------------------ 4 13 1 14 |-----. ------|------ 59 Gentianaceae.------------------------------------- 4 6 |------ 6 |------|------|------ 60 | Polemoniaceae.------------------------------------ 2 6 1. ----. 6 ------|------|------ 61 | Hydrophyllaceæ---------------------------------. 3 4 ||------ 4 ------|------|------ 62 | Borraginaceae ------------------------------------. 7 12 |------ 12 3 |------|------ 63 Convolvulaceæ----------------------------------- 3 11 - - - - - - 11 4 ------4------ 64 Solanaceae-----------------------------. tº e ºs e s • * * * * * 5 8 |------ 8 5 |------|------ 65 Scrophulariaceae. --------------------------------- 15 32 - - - - - - 32 5 |------|------ 66 Orobanchaceae.------------------------------------ 4 4 ------ 4 1 ------|----- 67 | Lentibulaceae.-----------------------------------. 1 2 ------ 2 :-----|------|------ 68 || Bignoniaceae-------------------------------------- 2 2 ------ 2 l 2 1 69 Acanthaceae. ----------------------- tº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 3 1 4 ------|------|------ 70 | Verbenaceab. ----------------. tº e is e º 'º - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 6 ------ 6 1 ------|------ 71 Labiatae ------------------------------------------ 23 41 1 42 10 !------------ 72 | Plantaginaceae.----------------------------------. 1 5 l 6 2 ------|------ 73 Amarantaceae.------------------------------------ 2 5 |------ 5 4 ------|------ 74 | Chenopodiaceae ----------------------------------. 3 7 2 9 7 1------|------ 75 | Phytolaccaceae.----------------------------------. 1. 1 |------ 1 |------|------|------ 76 | Polygonaceae. ---------------------------- & sº sº - * * * * * 8 22 2 24 7 ------|---- * = 77 | Podostemaceae.-----------------------------------. 1 1 ------ 1 |------|------|------ 78 l'Aristolochiaceae.------------ --------------------- 2 2 |------ 2 ------|------|----- º 79 || Piperaceae ---------------------------------------- I 1 ------ 1 ------|------------ 80 l Lauraceæ----------------------------------------. 2 2 |------ 2 -----. 2 1. 81 | Thymeleaceae ------------------------------------- l 1 |-----. 1 |------ 1 ------ 82 | Santalaceæ---------------------------------------- 1 1 |------ 1 ------|------|------ 83 | Loranthaceae-------------------------------------- 1 1 |------ 1 -----. 1 ------ 84 Euphorbiaceae------------------------------------. 4. 0 l------ 9 1 ------|------ 85 Urticaceae----------------------------------------- 11 13 ------ 13 4 6 6 86 Platanaceae---------------------------............ 1 1 |------ 1 1.--. 1 1 87 Juglandaceae.--------------------------------- '---- 2 7 1------ 7 1-----. 7 7 88 Myricaceºf.---------------------------------- * * * * * 1 1 |------ 1 -----. 1 ------ 89 | Cupuliferae.------------------------------------... 7 26 1. 27 l. ----- 27 24 90 | Salicaceae----------------------------------------- 2 14 5 19 7 19 6 91 Ceratophyllaceae.--------------------------------. 1 1 ------ 1 ------|------|------ 92 Araceæ------------------------------------------. 5 6 ------ 6 ------|------|------ 93 | Lemnaceae---------------------------------------- 1 1 !------ 1 ------|------|------ 94 | Typhaceae.------------------------------- tº $ in sº * * * * * 2 3 1 4 |------|------ * * * * * * FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 147 XVI. SUMMARY — Continued. g 32 # | # . . . ; # Orders. º § 3. º .cº. § à | 3 | # | # # | * º 5 sº .3 .3 g 5 a; É à | # | 3 || 3 || 3 || 3 | # ź. Ö C/D P. U2 }- B. H 95 | Naidaceae.---------------------------------------. 2 9 |------ 9 |------|------|------ 96 || Alismaceæ---------------------------------------- 2 3 2 5 |------|------|------ 97 | Hydrocharidaceae ... --------------------------..... 2 2 - - - - - - 2 ------|------|------ 98 || Orchidaceae..... - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = 12 23 1 24 |------|------|------ 99 || Amaryllidaceae.----------------------------------- l 1 |------ 1 ------|------|------ 100 | Haemodoraceae.----------------------------------- 1 1 |------ 1 ------|------|------ 101 Iridaceae.----------------------------------------- 2 6 |------ 6 1 |------|------ 102 | Dioscoreaceae------------------------------------- 1 1 |------ 1 ------|------|------ 103 Smilaceae------------------------------------------ 1 6 ------ 6 ------ 4 ------ 104 | Liliaceae.------------------------------------------ 19 25 -----. 25 5 |------|------ 105 || Juncaceae.---------------------------------------- 2 8 7 15 !------|------|------ 106 | Pontederiaceae.----------------------------------. 3 3 |------ 3 |------|------|------ 107 | Commelynaceae----------------------------------- 2 3 ||------ 3 |------|------------ 108 | Xyridaceae---------------------------------------- 1 1 || ----. 1 |------|------|------ 109 | Eriocaulonaceae.---------------...------------------ 1 1 |------ 1 |------|------|------ 110 | Cyperaceæ---------------------------------------- 10 94 14 108 ------|------|------ 111 || Gramineae. --------------------------------------- 43 || 104 6 110 26 ------|------ 112 | Coniferae----------------------------------------- 4 7 ------ 7 1 7 7 113 | Equisetaceae-------------------------------------- 1 2 ------ 2 |------|------|----- º 114 | Filices-------------------------------------------- 16 29 1 30 l------|------|------ 115 Ophioglossaceae.---------------------------------. 2 2 2 4 |------|------|------ 116 | Lycopodiaceae---------------------------------...- 2 5 1 6 |------|------|------ 117 | Musci------------------------------------------- 42 98 |------ 98 ||------|------|------ 118 | Hepaticæ----------------------------------------- 23 29 |------ 29 |------|------|------ 119 | Characeae----------------------------------------- 2 4 |------ 4 l------|------|------ BECAPITULATION. | # o, •º § | 3 || 5 * # : 5 - Groups. - § # § 㺠e c; 3 3 3 rº Po - # # # # # # # # 5 $ | } | { } } | 5 || > | # Polypetalae ------------------------------------ 45 174 339 18 357 73 83 25 Gamopetalae----------------------------------- 27 | . 169 T 368 21 389 57 36 9 Dichlamydeae.--------------------...------. 72 343 707 39 746 130 119 34 Monochlamydeab------------------------------. 19 47 116 10 126 30 65 45 Dicotyledones.----------------------------. 91 390 823 49 872 160 | 184 70 Monocotyledones.------------------------------ 20 || 113 301 31 332 32 4 |------ Gymnospermab.-------------------------------. 1 4 7 1------ 7 l 7 7 Phaenogamia------------------------------- 112 || 507 | 1,131 80 | 1,211 | 193 || 195 86 Vascular Cryptogamia--------------------...-- 4 21 38 4 42 1.-----|------|------ Vascular Plants.--------------------------. 116 || 528 1, 169 84 | 1,253 193 | 195 86 Cellular Cryptogamia.------------------------. 3 67 131 |. ----. 131 |------|------|------ Total Flora.-------------------------------- ilo 595 l, wo 84 1,384 193 195 86 10. ll. 12. l3. 14. 15. 17. 18. 19. XVII. CHECK-LIST. . Clematis ochroleuca, Ait. . Clematis Viorna, L. . Clematis Virginiana, L. . Thalictrum anemonoides, Michx. . Thalictrum dioicum, L. . Thalictrum purpurascens, L. . Thalictrum purpurascens, L., war. ceriferum, C. F. Austin. . Thalictrum Cornuti, L. . Anemone Virginiana, L. *~ Anemone memorosa, L. Anemone Hepatica, L. Ranunculus ambigens, Watson. Ranunculus pusillus, Poir. Ranunculus abortivus, L. . ºf Ranunculus abortivus, L., var, micranthus, Nutt. . Ranunculus sceleratus, L. Ranunculus recurvatus, Poir. Ranunculus repens, L. Ranunculus repens, L., var, hispidus, Torr. & Gray. (148) FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. • 149 20. 21. 22. y 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Y 28. Y 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Y 41. (42. Ranunculus repens, L., var. Initidus, Chapman. Ranunculus bulbosus, L. Banunculus acris, L. Aquilegia Canadensis, L. “ Delphinium tricorne, Michx. Delphinium Consolida, L. Aconitum uncinatum, L. Cimicifuga racemosa, Nutt. Magnolia glauca, L. ' . Liriodendron Tulipifera, L. Asimina triloba, Duval. Menispermum Canadense, L, Berberis vulgaris, L. Caulophyllum thalictroides, Michx. Jeffersonia diphylla, Pers. Podophyllum peltatum, L. Brasenia peltata, Pursh. Nuphar advena, Ait. Nymphea odorata, Ait. Barracenia purpurea, L. Papaver dubium, L. * Canadensis, L. Chelidonium majus, L. 150 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. /48 44. 45. 46. • 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. V 55. 56. 57. V 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Z 63. W 64. 65. W 66. . Dicentra Cucullaria, DC. Corydalis flavula, Raf. Fumaria officinalis, L. Nasturtium officinale, R.Br. sumnium Sylvestre, R.Br. Nasturtium obtusum, Nutt. Nasturtium palustre, DC. Nasturtium lacustre, Gray. Nasturtium Armoracia, Fries. Barbarea vulgaris, R. Br. Barbarea praecoac, R. Br. Arabis lyrata, L. Arabis dentata, Torr. & Gray. Arabis patens, Sulliv. *- Arabis hirsuta, Scop. Arabis laevigata, Poir. Arabis Canadensis, L. Cardamine rhomboidea, DC. Cardamine hirsuta, L. Cardamine hirsuta, L., var. sylvatica, Gray. Dentaria heterophylla, Nutt. Dentaria laciniata, Muhl. Draba ramosissima, Desv. Draba verna, L. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 151 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. az. 88. * 89. Hesperis matronalis, L. Sisymbrium officinale, Scop. Sisymbrium Thaliana, Gay. Sisymbrium Alliaria, Scop. Erysimum cheiranthoides, L. Camelina 8ativa, Crantz. Brassica Sinapistrum, Boiss. Brassica nigra, Koch. Capsella Bursa-pastoria, Moench, Lepidium Virginicum, L. Lepidium campestre, L. Thlaspi arvenge, L. Raphanus 8ativus, L. Helianthemum Canadense, Michx. Lechea minor, Walt. Viola lanceolata, L. Viola primulaefolia, L. Viola cucullata, Ait. vu/ Viola cucullata, Ait., var. palmata, Gray. Viola cucullata, Ait., var. cordata, Gray. Viola sagittata, Ait. VV Viola pedata, L. • * Viola pedata, L., var. bicolor, Pursh. Vºl 152 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 90. Viola striata, Ait. N 91, viola pubescene, Ait, w 92. Viola pubescens, Ait., var. eriocarpa, Nutt. 93. Viola glabella, Nutt. N 94. Viola tricolor, L., var. arvensis, Ging. w 95. Ionidium concolor, Benth. & Hook. 96. Polygala incarnata, L. * 97. Polygala sanguinea, L. 98. Polygala fastigiata, Nutt. 99. Polygala Curtissii, Gray. 100. Polygala ambigua, Nutt. 10l. Polygala polygama, Walt. 102. Polygala Senega, L. 103. Dianthus Armeria, L. 104. Saponaria officinalis, L. 105. Silene stellata, Ait. 106. Silene nivea, DC. 107. Silene Pennsylvanica, Michx. 108. Silene anna. L. 109. Silene antirrhina, L. 110. Lychnis Githago, Lam. lll. Cerastium viscosum, L. 112. Cerastium vulgatum, L. 113. Cerastium nutans, Raf. FLORA of WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 153 V 114. ll.5. V 116. 117. 118. 119. Y 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135, 136. 137. Cerastium oblongifolium, Torr. Stellaria media, Smith. Stellaria pubera, Michx. Stellaria longifolia, Muhl. Arenaria 8erpyllifolia, L. Sagina apetala, L. Sagina decumbens, Torr. & Gray. Lepigonum rubrum, Fries. Anychia dichotoma, Michx. Anychia dichotoma, Michx., var. capillacea, Torr. Paronychia dichotoma, Nutt. Portulaca oleracea, L. Claytonia Virginica, L. Ascyrum Crux-Andreae, L. Ascyrum stans, Michx. Hypericum prolificum, L. Hypericum perforatum, L. Hypericum corymbosum, Muhl. Hypericum mutilum, L. Hypericum Canadense, L. Hypericum Sarothra, Michx. Elodes Virginica, Nutt. Malva rotundifolia, L. Malva sylvestria, L. 154 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 138. Sida 8pinosa, L. 139. Abutilon Avicennae, Gaertn. 140. Hibiscus Moscheutos, L. 14l. Hibiscus militaris, Cav. 142. Hibiscus Trionum, L. 143. Tilia Americana, L. l44. Linum Virginianum, L. 145. Linum striatum, Walt. 146. Linum usitatissimum, L. 147. Geranium maculatum, I. l48. Geranium Carolinianum, L. 149. Geranium columbinum, L. J.50. Geranium pusillum, L. 15l. Erodium cicutarium, L'Her. 152. Oxalis violacea, L. 153. Oxalis corniculata, L., var. stricta, Sav. 154. Impatiens pallida, Nutt. 155. Impatiens fulva, Nutt. W. 156. Xanthoxylum Amranum, Mill. Y157. Ptelea trifoliata, L. Y 158. Ilex opaca, Ait. 159. Ilex decidua, Walt. 160. Ilex verticillata, Gray. 16l. Ilex laevigata, Gray. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 155 162. 163. 164. /165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. Y 174. Y175. V176. V 177. (178. Y 179. Y180. Y181. 182. ‘183. 184. * 185. Euonymus atropurpureus, Jacq. Euonymus Americanus, L. Euonymus Americanus, L., var. obovatus, Tºrr. & Gray. Celastrus scandens, L. Ceanothus Americanus, L. Ceanothus ovatus, Desf. Vitis Labrusca, L. Vitis aestivalis, Michx. Vitis cordifolia, Lam. Vitis riparia, Michx. Vitis vulpina, L. Ampelopsis quinquefolia, Michx. Acer saccharinum, Wang. Acer dasycarpum, Ehrh. Acer rubrum, L. Negundo aceroides, Moench. Staphylea trifolia, L. Rhus typhina, L. Rhus glabra, L. Rhus copallina, L. º Rhus venenata, DC. Rhus Toxicodendron, L. Rhus aromatica, Ait. Baptisia tinctoria, R. Br. 156 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WIClNITY. 186. 187. J188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 20I. 2O2. 2O3. 204. 2O5. 206. 2O7. 208. 209. Baptisia australis, R.Br. Crotalaria sagittalis, L. Lupinus perennis, L. Cytisus 8coparius, Link. Medicago sativa, L. Medicago lupulina, L. Melilotus officinalis, Willd. Melilotus alba, Lam. Trifolium arvenge, L. Trifolium pratense, L. Trifolium reflexum, L. Trifolium repens, L. Trifolium agrarium, L. Trifolium procumbens, L. Tephrosia Virginiana, Pers. Robinia Pseudacacia, L. Astragalus Canadensis, L. Stylosanthes elation, Swartz. Desmodium nudiflorum, DC. Desmodiplm acuminatum, DC. Desmodium pauciflorum, DC. Desmodium rotundifolium, DC. Desmodium rotundifolium, DC., var. glabratum, Gray. Desmodium canescens, DC. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 157 210. 2ll. 212. 218. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218, 219. 220. 22l. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233 beincan cuspidatum, Hook Bemoaum lavigatum, DC. Desmodium viridiflorum, Beck, Desmodium Dillenii, Darl. Desmodium paniculatum. DC. Desmodium rigidum, DC. Desmodium air. pc. Desmodium Marylandicum, Boott. Lespedeza repens, Bart. - Lespedeza reticulata, Pers, TV8, C. anguation, Maxim. Lespedeza violacea, Pers. . - Lespedeza Stuvei, Nutt. Lespedeza hirta, Ell. Lespedeza * Michx. Vicia sativa, L. vicia tetrasperma, Loisel. Vicia hirsuta, Koch. Vicia Caroliniana, Walt. Lathyrus paluster, L. Lathyrus venosus, Muhl Clitoria Mariana, L. i Amplieupºn monoica, Ell. Apios tuberosa, Moench. Galactia mollis. Michx. 158 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 234. Phaseolus perennis, Walt. 235. Phaseolus helvolus, L. 236. Rhynchosia tomentosa, Torr. & Gray. Y 237. Gleditschia triacanthos, L. 238. Cassia Marylandica, L. 239. Cassia Chamaecrista, L. Y 240. Cassia nictitans, L. Y 24l. Cercis Canadensis, L. 242. Prunus Persica, Benth & Hook. 243. Prunus Armentaca, i. 244. Prunus Americana, Marshall. 245. Prunus Chicasa, Michx. 246. Prunus spinosa, L. V 247. Prunus Virginiana, L. V 248. Prunus serotina, Ehrh. 249. Spiraea salicifolia, L. 250. Spiraea Aruncus, L. 25l. Neillia opulifolia, Benth. & Hook. 252. Gillenia trifoliata, Moench. 253. Rubus occidentalis, L. 254. Rubus villosus, Ait. 255. Rubus Canadensis, L. 256. Rubus hispidus, L. 257, Rubus cuneifolius, Pursh. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 159 258. 259. 260, 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 280. Geum album, Gmel. Geum Virginianum, L. Geum strictum, Ait. Geum vernum, Torr. & Gray. Fragaria Virginiana, Duchesne. Fragaria Indica, Andr. Potentilla Norvegica, L. Potentilla Canadensis, L. Potentilla Canadensis, L., var. simplex, Torr. & Gray. Alchemilla arvensis, Scop. Agrimonia Eupatoria, L. Agrimonia parviflora, Hook. Poterium Canadense, Benth. & Hook. . Poterium Sangwisorba, L. Rosa 8etigera, Michx. Rosa Carolina, L. Rosa lucida, Ehrh. Rosa rubigimoga, L. Rosa micrantha, Smith. Rosa canina, L. Pirus coronaria, L. . Pirus arbutifolia, L. Pirus arbutifolia, L., var. melanocarpa, Hook. 160 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 281. Crataegus cordata, Ait. 282. Crataegus Oxyacantha, L. 283. Crataegus coccinea, L. 284. Crataegus Crus-galli, L. 285. Crataegus parvifolia, Ait. Y 286. Amelanchier Canadensis, Torr. & Gray. 287. Amelanchier Canadensis, var. oblongifolia, Torr. & Gray, * 288. Saxifraga Virginiensis, Michx. 289. Mitella diphylla, L. V 290. Heuchera Americana, L. 291. Chrysosplenium Americanum, Schwein. Y 292. Hydrangea arborescens, L. 293. Philadelphus imodorus, L. 2.94. Itea Virginica, L. 295. Ribes rotundifolium, Michx. 296. Ribes rubrum, L. 297. Sedum ternatum, Michx. 298. Sedum telephioides, Michx. V 299, Penthbrum sedoides, i. 300. Drosera rotundifolia, L. V 3ol. Hamamelis virginiana, L. 302. Liquidambar styraeiflua, L. 303. Myriophyllum spicatum, L. FILORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 161 304. 305. 306. 307. 3O8. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 3.18. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. '324. 325. 326. 327. Proserpinaca palustris, L. Callitriche verna, L. Rhexia Virginica, L. Ammannia humilis, Michx. Cuphea viscosissima, Jacq. Lythrum alatum, Pursh. Nesaea verticillata, H. B. K. Epilobium coloratum, Muhl. Jussiaea docurrens, DC. Ludwigia alternifolia, L, Ludwigia hirtella, Raf. Ludwigia palustris, Ell. CEinothera biennis, L. CEinothera sinuata, L. CElnothera fruticosa, L. CEinothera fruticosa, L., var. linearis, Watson. Gaura biennis, L. . . Circaea Lutetiana, L. Passiflora incarnata, L. Passiflora lutea, L. Sicyos angulatus, L. Opuntia vulgaris, Haworth. Mollugo verticillata, L. Hydrocotyle ranunculoides, L. Bull. Nat. Mus. No. 22—11 162 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WIC, NITY 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346, 347. Y 348. V 349. 350. 35l. Hydrocotyle Americana, L. Eryngium Virginianum, Lam. Sanicula Canadensis, L. Sanicula Marylandica, L. Erigenia bulbosa, Nutt. Cicuta maculata, L. Sium cicutaefolium, Gmel. Pimpinella integerrima, Benth. & Hook. Cryptotania Canadensis, DC. Osmorrhiza longistylis, DC. Osmorrhiza brevistylis, DC. Chaerophyllum procumbens, Crantz. Discopleura capillacea, DC. Thaspium barbinode, Nutt. Thaspium aureum, Nutt. Thaspium trifoliatum, Gray. Archangelica hirsuta, Torr. & Gray. * Pastinaca 8ativa, L. Archemora rigida, DC. Heracleum lanatum, Michx. Daucus Carota, L. Aralia spinosa, L. Aralia racemosa, L. Aralia nudicaulis, L. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 163 352. Y 353. 354. 355. 356. (357. 358. 359. 360. 36l. 362. Y 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. £371. 372. 373. 374. 375. º Aralia trifolia, DecSne. Cornus florida, L. Cornus sericea, L. Cornus stolonifera, Michx. Cornus alternifolia, L. Nyssa multiflora, Wang. Sambucus Canadensis, L. Viburnum prunifolium, L. Viburnum nudum, L. Viburnum dentatum, L. Viburnum pubescens, Pursh. Viburnum acerifolium, L. Triosteum perfoliatum, L Triosteum angustifolium, L. Symphoricarpos racemosus, Michx. Symphoricarpos vulgaris, Michx. Lonicera sempervirens, Ait. Lonicera Japonica, Andr. Cephalanthus occidentalis, L. Houstonia purpurea, L. Houstonia purpurea, L., var. longifolia, Gray Houstonia caerulea, L. Mitchella repens, L. Diodia teres, Walt. 164 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380, 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. & Galium. Aparine, L. Galium asprellum, Michx. Galium concinnum, Torr. & Gray. Galium trifidum, L. Galium triflorum, Michx. Galium pilosum, Ait. Galium circaezans, Michx. Valeriana pauciflora, Michx. Fedia olitoria, Wahl. Fedia Fagopyrum, Torr. & Gray. Fedia radiata, Michx. Dipsacus sylvestris, Mill. Vernonia Noveboracensis, Willd. Elephantopus Carolinianus, Willd. Eupatorium purpureum, L. Eupatorium hyssopifolium, L. Eupatorium album, L. Eupatorium teucrifolium, Willd. Eupatorium rotundifolium, L. Eupatorium pubescens, Muhl. Eupatorium sessilifolium, L. Eupatorium sessilifolium ×pubescens, Gray. Eupatorium perfoliatum, L. Eupatorium ageratoides, L. FLORA () F WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 165 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 4ll. 412. 413. 4.14. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. Eupatorium aromaticum, L. Conoclinium coelestinum, DC. Mikania scandens, L. Kuhnia eupatorioides, L. Liatris scariosa, Willd. Liatris graminifolia, Willd. Liatris graminifolia, Willd., var. dubia, Gray. Chrysopsis Mariana, Nutt. Solidago bicolor, L. Solidago bicolor, L., var. concolor, Gray. Solidago latifolia, L. Solidago casia, L. Solidago stricta, Ait. Solidago speciosa, Nutt., var. angustata, Gray. Solidago Virga-aurea, L., var. humilis, Gray. Solidago rigida, L. Solidago elliptica, Ait. Solidago arguta, Ait. Solidago altissima, L. Solidago ulmifolia, Muhl. Solidago odora, Ait. Solidago nemoralis, Ait. Solidago rupestris, Raf. Solidago Canadensis, L. 166 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 424. Solidago gigantea, Ait. 425. Solidago lanceolata, L. 426. Sericocarpus solidagineus, Nees. 427. Sericocarpus conyzoides, Nees. 428. Aster corymbosus, Ait. 429. Aster macrophyllus, L. 430. Aster concolor, L. 431. Aster patens, Ait. 432. Aster lavis, L. 433. Aster laevis, L., var. cyaneus, Gray. 434. Aster undulatus, L. 435. Aster cordifolius, L. 436. Aster ericoides, L. 437. Aster dumosus, L. 438. Aster Tradescanti, L. 439. Aster miser, L. 440. Aster simplex, Willd. 441. Aster tenuifolius, L. 442. Aster carneus, Nees. 443. Aster-aestivus, Ait. 444. Aster puniceus, L. 445. Aster puniceus, L., var. vimineus, Gray. 446. Aster prenanthoides, Muhl. 447. Aster oblongifolius, Nutt. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 167 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 4.67. 468. 469. 470. . Aster Novae-Angliae, L. . Diplopappus kinariifolius, Hook. . Diplopappus Umbellatus, Torr. & Gray. . Diplopappus cornifolius, Darl. . Erigeron Canadensis, L. . Erigeron bellidifolius, Muhl. . Erigeron Philadelphicus, L. . Erigeron annuus, Pers. . Erigeron strigosus, Muhl. . Baccharis halimifolia, L. . Filago Germanica, L. . Antennaria plantaginifolia, Hook. . Gnaphalium polycephalum, Michx Gnaphalium uliginosum, L. Gnaphalium purpureum, L. Polymnia Canadensis, L. Polymnia Uvedalia, L. Silphium trifoliatum, L. Chrysogonum Virginianum, L. Ambrosia trifida, L. Ambrosia trifida, L., var. integrifolia, Gray. Ambrosia artemisiaefolia, L. Xanthium strumarium, L. j G8 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 471. Xanthium spinosum, L. “, 472. Heliopsis laevis, Pers. 473. Eclipta procumbens, Michx. 474. Rudbeckia laciniata, L. 475. Rudbeckia triloba, L. 476. Rudbeckia hirta, L. 477. Rudbeckia fulgida, Ait. 478. Helianthus annuus, L. 479. Helianthus angustifolius, L. 480. Helianthus occidentalis, Riddell. 48l. Helianthus giganteus, L. 482. Helianthus strumosus, L. 483. Helianthus strumosus, L., var. mcllis. Gray. 484. Helianthus divaricatus, L. 485. Helianthus decapetalus, L. 486. Helianthus doronicoides, Lam. 487. Helianthus tuberosus, L. 488. Actinomeris squarrosa, Nutt. 489. Verbesina Siegesbeckia, Michx. 490. Coreopsis tinctoria, Radius. 491. Coreopsis verticillata, L. 492. Coreopsis tripteris, L. 493. Coreopsis discoidea, Torr. & Gray. 494. Bidens frondosa, L. * # FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 169 495. Bidens cernua, L. 496. Bidens chrysanthemoides, Michx. / 497. Bidens bipinnata, L. V 498. Helenium autumnale, L. 499. Achillea Millefolium, L. 500. Anthemis arvensis, L. 501. Maruta Cotula, DC. ( 502. Leucanthemum vulgare, L. 503. Arnica nudicaulis, Ell. 504. Erechthites hieracifolia, Raf. 505. Senecio aureus, L. 506. Senecio aureus, L., var. Balsamitae, Gray. 507. Cacalia suaveolens, L. 508. Cacalia reniformis, Muhl. 509. Cacalia atriplicifolia, L. 510. Lappa officinalis, Allioni. 5ll. Cnicus lanceolatus, Gray. 512. Cnicus discolor, Gray. 513. Cnicus altissimus, Gray. 514. Cnicus arvensis, Gray. 515. Onopordon acanthium, L. 516. Centaurea Cyanus, L. 517. Centaurea Calcitrapa, L. * (518. Cichorium Intſbus, L. 17() FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY 519. 520. 521. 522. 523, 524. 525. 526. 527. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535, 536. 537. 533. 539. 540, 54l. 542. Erigia Virginica, Willd. Cynthia Dandelion, DC. Hieracium scabrum, Michx. Hieracium Gronovii, L. Hieracium venosum, L. Hieracium venosum, L., war. subcaulescens, Gray. Hieracium paniculatum, L. Taraxacum Dens-leonis, Desf. Chondrilla juncea, L. . Lactuca Canadensis, L. . Lactuca Canadensis, L., var. integrifolia, Torr. & Gray. Mulgedium acuminatum, DC. Mulgedium Floridanum, DC. Mulgedium leucophaeum, DC. Nabalus albus, Hook. Nabalus Fraseri, DC. Sonchus oleracew8, L. Sonchus asper, Will. Lobelia cardinalis, L. Lobelia syphilitica, L. Lobelia puberula, Michx. Lobelia spicata, Lam. Lobelia inflata, L. Specularia perfoliata, A. D.C. ELOIRA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 17] 543. 544. 545. 546. V 547. 548. 549. Y 550. 551. 560. 561. 562. 563. 565. 566, Campan lia Americana, L. Gaylussacia dumosa, Torr. & Gray. Gaylussacia frondosa, Torr. & Gray. Gaylussacia resinosa, Torr. & Gray. Vaccinium vacillans, Solander. Vaccinium stamineum, L. Vaccinium corymbosum, L. Epigaea repens, L. Gaultheria procumbens, L. . Andromeda Mariana, L. . Andromeda ligustrina, Muhl. . Leucothoë racemosa, Gray. . Kalmia latifolia, L. . Kalmia angustifolia, L. . Rhododendron viscosum, Torr. . Rhododendron viscosum, Torr., var. glaucum, Gray . Rhododendron viscosum, Torr., var. nitidum, Gray. Rhododendron nudiflorum, Torr. Rhododendron maximum, L. Chimaphila umbellata, Nutt. Chimaphila maculata, Pursh. . Pyrola secunda. L. 'Pyrola chlorantha, Swartz. Pyrola elliptica, Nutt. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICJNITY. 567. 568. 569. 57O. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579. Y 580. V 581, 582. 583. * 584. 585, 586, 587. 588. 589. Pyrola rotundifolia, L. Monotropa uniflora, L. Monotropa Hypopitys, L. Dodecatheon Meadia, L. Steironema ciliatum, Raf. Steironema lanceolatum, Gray. Steironema lanceolatum, var. hybridum, Gray. Steironema longifolium, Gray, Lysimachia quadrifolia, L. Lysimachia stricta, Ait. Lysimachia nummularia, L. Anagallis arvensis, L. Samolus Valerandi, L., var. Americanus, Gray. Diospyros Virginiana, L. Fraxinus Americana, L. Fraxinus pubescens, Lam. Fraxinus viridis, Michx. f. Chionanthus Virginica, L. Vinca minor, L. Apocynum cannabinum, L. Apocynum cannabinum, L., var. glaberrimum, DC Asclepias tuberosa, L. Asclepias rubra, L. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 173 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. 595. 596. 597. 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 6ll. 612. 613. Asclepias purpurascens, L. Asclepias incarnata, L. Asclepias incarnata, L., var. pulchra, Pers Asclepias Cornuti, Decsne. Asclepias obtusifolia, Michx. Asclepias variegata, L. Asclepias quadrifolia, Jacq. Asclepias verticillata, L. Acerates viridiflora, Ell. Enslenia albida, Nutt. Gonolobus obliquus, R. Br. Gonolobus hirsutus, Michx. Sabbatia angularis, Pursh. Gentiana Saponaria, L. Gentiana Andrewsii, Griseb. Gentiana ochroleuca, Froel. Bartonia tenella, Muhl. Obolaria Virginica, L. Phlox paniculata, L. Phlox maculata, L. Phlox pilosa, L. Phlox divaricata, L. Phlox subulata, L. Polemonium reptans, L. 174. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 614. Hydrophyllum Virginicum, L. 615. Ellisia Nyctelea, L. 616. Phacelia Purshii, Buckley 617. Phacelia parviflora, Pursh. 618. Cynoglossum officinale, L. % 619. Cynoglossum Virginicum, L. 620. Echinospermum Virginicum, Lehm. 621. Mertensia Virginica, DC. 622. Myosotis palustris, With. 623. Myosotis laxa, Lehm. 624. Myosotis arvensis, Hoffm. 625. Myosotis verna, Nutt. 626. Lithospermum arvense, L. 627. Lithospermum canescens, Lehm. 628. Onosmodium Virginianum, DC. 629. Echium vulgare, L. 630. Ipomoea coccinea, L. Y 631. Ipomoea Nil, Roth. 632. Ipomoea purpurea, Lam. 633. Ipomoea pandurata, Meyer. 634. Ipomoea lacunosa, L. © G35. Convolvulus spithamaeus, L. 636. Convolvulus sepium, L. 637. Convolvulus arvensis, L. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 175 638 639. 640. 641. (642. 643. 644. 645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. 653. 654. 655. 656. 657. 658. 659. 660, 661. Cuscuta chlorocarpa, Eng. Cuscuta arvensis, Beyrich. Cuscuta Gronovii, Willd. Solanum migrum, L. Solanum Carolinense, L. Physalis pubescens, L. Physalis viscosa, L. Nicandra physaloides, Gaertn. Lycium vulgare, Duval. ' Datura Stfamonium, L. Datura Tatula, L. Verbascum Thapsus, L. Verbascum Blattaria, L. Linaria Canadensis, Dumont. Linaria vulgaris, Mill. Linaria Elatine, Mill. Scrophularia nodosa, L. Chelone glabra, L. Pentstemon pubescens, Solander. Pentstemon lavigatus, Solander. Mimulus ringens, L. O | Mimulus alatus, Solander. Herpestis nigrescens, Benth. Gratiola Virginiana, L. 176 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 662. Gratiola pilosa, Michx. 663. Ilysanthes gratioloides, Benth. 664. Micranthemum Nuttallii, Gray. 665. Veronica Virginica, L. 666. Veronica Americana, Schwein. 667. Veronica scutellata, L. 668. Veronica officinalis, L. 669. Veronica serpyllifolia, L. 670. Veronica peregrina, L. § 671. Veronica arvensis, L. 672. Buchnera Americana, L. 673. Gerardia pedicularia, L. 674. Gerardia flava, L. 675. Gerardia quercifolia, Pursh. ( 676. Gerardia purpurea, L. 677. Gerardia tenuifolia, Wahl. 678. Pedicularis Canadensis, L. 679. Pedicularis lanceolata, Michx. 680. Melampyrum Americanum, Michx. 68l. Orobanche minor, L. 682. Aphyllon uniflorum, Gray. 683. Conopholis Americana, Wallroth. 684. Epiphegus Virginiana, Bart. 685. Utricularia vulgaris, L. FIORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 177 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. , 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 7OO. 701. 7O2. 7O3. 704. 705. 7O6. 7O7. 7O8. 709. Utricularia gibba, L. Tecoma radicans, Juss. Catalpa bigmonioides, Walt. Ruellia ciliosa, Pursh. Ruellia ciliosa, Pursh, var. ambigua, Gray. Ruellia strepens, L. Dianthera Americana, L. Phryma Leptostachya, L. Verbena officinalis, L. ê Verbena urticaefolia, L. Verbena angustifolia, Michx. { Verbena hastata, L. Lippia lanceolata, Michx. Trichostema dichotomum, L. Isanthus caeruleus, Michx. º Teucrium Canadense, L. Collinsonia Canadensis, L. Perilla ocimoides, L., var. crispa (Gray?). Mentha viridis, L. Mentha piperita, L. Mentha Canadensis, L. Lycopus Virginicus, L. * Lycopus rubellus, Moench.' Lycopus sinuatus, Ell. Bull. Nat. Mus. No. 22—12 178 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 710. Cunila Mariana, L. 711. Pyonanthemum linifolium, Pursh. 712. Pycnanthemum lanceolatum, Pursh. 713. Pycnanthemum muticum, Pers. 714. Pycnanthemum Torreyi, Benth. 715. Pycnanthemum clinopodioides, Gray. 716. Pycnanthemum incanum, Michx. 717. Calamintha Nepeta, Link. 718. Calamintha Clinopodium, Benth. 719. Melissa officinalis, L. 720. Hedeoma pulegioides, Pers. 721. Salvia lyrata, L. 722. Salvia urticifolia, L. 723. Monarda fistulosa, L. 724. Monarda punctata, L. 725. Lophanthus nepetoides, Benth. 726. Nepeta Cataria, L 727. Nepeta Glechoma, Benth. 728. Scutellaria lateriflora, L. 729. Scutellaria saxatilis, Riddell. 730. Scutellaria serrata, Andrews. 731 Scutellaria pilosa, Michx. 732. Scutellaria integrifolia, L. FLORA of WASHINGTON AND VICINITY. 179 733, 734. 735. 736. 737. 738. 739. 740. T41. 742. 743. 744. 745. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750. 751. 752. *> 753. 754. 755. Scutellaria nervosa, Pursh. Brunella vulgaris, L. Physostegia Virginiana, Benth. Marrubium vulgare, L. Leonurus Cardiaca, L. Lamium amplexicawle, L. Stachys palustris, L. Stachys aspera, Michx. Plantago cordata, Lam. Plantago major, L. Plantago Rugelii, Decsne. Plantago lanceolata, L. Plantago Patagonica, Jacq., var. aristata, Gray. Plantago virginica, L. Amarantus paniculatus, L. Amarantus retroflexus, L. Amarantus albus, L. Amarantus 8pinosus, L. Acnida cannabina, L. Chenopodium album, L. Chenopodium Boscianum, Moq. Chenopodium urbicum, L. Chenopodium murale, L. 180 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 756. Chenopodium Botrys, L. 757. Chenopodium ambrosioides, L. 758. Chenopodium ambrosioides, L., war. anthelminticum, Gray, 759. Atriplex patula, L., var. hastata, Gray. 760. Salsola Kali, L. 761. Phytolacca decandra, L. 762. Polygonum orientale, L. 763. Polygonum Pennsylvanicum, L. 764. Polygonum incarnatum, Ell. 765. Polygonum Persicaria, L. 766. Polygonum Hydropiper, L. 767. Polygonum acre, H. B. K. 768. Polygonum hydropiperoides, Michx. 769. Polygonum amphibium, L. 770. Polygonum amphibium, L., var. terrestre, Willd. 771. Polygonum Virginianum, L. 772. Polygonum aviculare,L. 773. Polygonum erectum, L. 774. Polygonum arifolium, L. 775. Polygonum sagittatum, L. 776. Polygonum Convolvulus, L. 777. Polygonum dumetorum, L. 778. Polygonum dumetorum, L., var. scandens, Gray FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 181 779. 780. 781. 782. 783. 784. 785. 786. 787. 788. 789. * 790. 791. 792. 793. 794. 795. 796. 797. 798. 799. 800. 801. Fagopyrum esculentum, Moench. Rumex Britannica, L. Rumex verticillatus, L. Rumex crispus, L. Rumex obtusifolius, L. Rumex crispus X obtusifolius, Gray, Rumex Acetosella, L. Podostemon ceratophyllus, Michx. Asarum Canadense, L. Aristolochia Serpentaria, L. Saururus cernuus, L. Sassafras officinale, Nees. Lindera Benzoin, Meisner. Dirca palustris, L. Comandra umbellata, Nutt. Phoradendron flavescens, Nutt. Euphorbia maculata, L. Euphorbia hypercifolia, L. Euphorbia corollata, L. Euphorbia Ipecacuanhae, L. Euphorbia dictyosperma, Fischer & Meyer. Euphorbia commutata, Eng. 4t Phyllanthus Carolinensis, Walt. 182 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 802. 803. 804. 80s. V 806. 807. 808. × 809. * 810. Y 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. N 817. 818. 819. { 82O. V 821. ! 822. Y 823. V 824. Acalypha Virginica, L. Ricinus communis, Desf. Ulmus fulva, Michx. Ulmus Americana, L. Celtis occidentalis, L. Humulus Lupulus, L. Cannabis sativa, L. Maclura aurantiaca, Nutt. Morus rubra, L. Morus alba, L. Urtica dioica, L. Laportea Canadensis, Gaudichaud. Pilea pumila, Gray. Boehmeria cylindrica, Willd. Parietaria Pennsylvanica, Muhl. Platanus occidentalis, L. Carya alba, Nutt. Carya microcarpa, Nutt. Carya tomentosa, Nutt. Carya porcina, Nutt. Carya amara, Nutt. Juglans nigra, L. Juglans cinerea, L. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 183. 825. Y 826. Sf 827. V 828. r 829. 830. Y B31. V 832. V 833. y 834. 835. V 836. Y 837. ^ 839. vº 840. V 841. V 842. 843, Y 844. V 845. 846. y 847. 838. Myrica cerifera, L. Betula nigra, L. Alnus serrulata, Ait. Carpinus Caroliniana, Walt. Ostrya Virginica, Willd. Corylus Americana, Walt. Quercus alba, L. Quercus stellata, Wang. Quercus macrocarpa, Michx. Quercus bicolor, Willd. Quercus Michauxii, Nutt. Quercus Prinus, L. Quercus Muhlenbergii, Eng. Quercus prinoides, Willd. Quercus rubra, L. Quercus coccinea, Wang. Quercus tinctoria, Bartram. Quercus falcata, Michx. Quercus ilicifolia, Wang. Quercus palustris, Du Roi. Quercus nigra, L. Quercus imbricaria, Michx. Quercus Phellos, L. 184 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 848. 849. Y 850 Y 85l. YB52. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. 858. 859. { 860. 861. 862, 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. 869. 870. Quercus Leana, Nutt. Quercus heterophylla, Michx. Castanea pumila, Mill. Castamea vulgaria, Lam., var. Americana, A. DC. Fagus ferruginea, Ait. Salix nigra, Marshall. Salix nigra, Marshall, var. falcata, Carey. Salix nigra, Marshall, var. Wardi, Bebb. Salix fragilis x alba, Wimmer. Salix alba, L. Salix alba, L., var. vitellina, Koch. Salix Babylonica, L. Salix longifolia, Muhl. Salix humilis, Marshall. Salix tristis, Ait. Salix sericea, Marshall. Salix cordata, Muhl. Salix cordata × sericea, Bebb. Salix purpurea, L. Populus graduna, Michx. Populus monilifera, Ait. Populus balsamifera, L., var. candicans, Gray. Populus dilatata, Ait. * FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 871. a/2. 873. 874. 875. 876. 877. 878. 879. 880. 881. 882. 883. 884. 885. 886. 887. 888. 889. 890. 891. 892. 893. Populus alba, L. Ceratophyllum demersum, L. Arisaema triphyllum, Torr. Arisaema Dracontium, Schott. Peltandra Virginica, Raf. Symplocarpus foetidus, Salisb. Orontium aquaticum, L. Acorus Calamus, L. Lemna polyrrhiza, L. Typha latifolia, L. - Typha angustifolia, Li Sparganium eurycarpum, Eng. Sparganium simplex, Hudson, var. androcladum, Gray. Naias flexilis, Rostk, Potamogeton natans, L. Potamogeton Claytonii, Tuckerm. Potamogeton hybridus, Michx. * gº Potamogeton lonchites, Tuckerm. Potamogeton lucens, L. Potamogeton perfoliatus, L. Potamogeton pauciflorus, Pursh. Potamogeton pectinatus, L. Alisma Plantago, L., var. Americanum, Gray. 186 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. B94. Sagittaria variabilis, Eng. '895. Sagittaria variabilis, Eng., var. angustifolia, Gray. 896. Sagittaria heterophylla, Pursh. 897. Sagittaria pusilla, Nutt. 898. Anacharis Canadensis, Planchon. 899. Vallisneria spiralis, L. 900.--Orchis spectabilis, L. 901. Habenaria tridentata, Hook. 902. Habenaria virescens, Spreng. 903. Habenaria ciliaris, R.Br. 904. Habenaria lacera, R.Br. 905. Goodyera pubescens, R.Br. 906. Spiranthes latifolia, Torr. 907. Spiranthes cernua, Richard. 908, Spiranthes graminea, Lindl., var. Walteri, Gray. 909. Spiranthes gracilis, Bigelow. 910. Spiranthes simplex, Gray. 911. Pogonia wºodenae. Nutt. 912. Pogonia verticillata, Nutt. 913. Calopogon pulchellus, R.Br. 914. Tipularia discolor, Nutt. 915. Microstylis ophioglossoides, Nutt. 916. Liparis liliifolia, Richard fºLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 917. 918. 919. 92O. 921. 922. 923. 924. 925. 926. 927. 928. 929. 930. 931. 932. 933. 934. 935. 936. 937. 938, 939, Iliparis Loeselii, Richard. Corallorhiza odontorhiza, Nutt. Corallorhiza multiflora, Nutt. Aplectrum hyemale, Nutt. Cypripedium parviflorum, Salisb. Cypripedium pubescens, Willd. Cypripedium acaule, Ait. Hypoxys erecta, L. Aletris farinosa, L. Iris versicolor, L. Iris verna, L. Iris orietata, Ait. Pardanthus Chinensis, Ker. Sisyrinchium anceps, L. Sisyrinchium mucronatum, Michx. Dioscorea villosa, L. Smilax rotundifolia, L. Smilax glauca, Walt. Smilax hispida, Muhl Smilax Pseudo-China, L. Smilax herbacea, L. Smilax tamnifolia, Michx. Allium tricoccuñm, Alt. 188 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 940. 941. 942. 943. 944. 945. 946. 947. 948. 949. 950, 951. 952. 953. 954. 955. 956. 957. 958. 959. 96.O. 961. 962. Allium cernuum, Roth. Allium Canadense, Kalm. Allium vineale, L. Polygonatum biflorum, Ell. Polygonatum giganteum, Dietrich. Smilacina racemosa, Desf. Smilacina stellata, Desf. Maianthemum Canadense, Desf. Asparagus officinalis, L. Lilium superbum, L. Erythronium Americanum, Smith. Erythronium albidum, Nutt. Uvularia perfoliata, L. Oakesia sessilifolia, Watson. Medeola Virginica, L. * sessile, L. Melanthium Virginicum, L. "Veratrum viride, Ait. Stenanthium robustum, Watson. Chamaelirium Carolinianum, Willd. Tofieldia pubens, Pers. Ornithogalum umbellatum, L. Muscaribotryoides, Mill. sº FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 189 963. 964. 965. 966. 967. 968. 969. 97O. 971. 972. 973. 974. 975. 976. 977. 978. 979. 980. 981. 982. 983. 984. 985. Hemerocallis fulva. L. Luzula campestris, DC. Juncus effusus, L. Juncus tenuis, Willd. Juncus tenuis, Willd.; var. secundus, Eng. Juncus dichotomus, Ell. Juncus Gerardi, Lois. Juncus bufonius, L. Juncus marginatus, Rostk. Juncus marginatus, Rostkº, var. vulgaris, Eng. Juncus marginatus, Rostk., var. biflorus, Eng. Juncus acuminatus, Michx., var. legitimus, Eng. Juncus scirpoides, Lam., var. macrostemon, Eng. Juncus IIodosus, L., var. megacephalus, Eng. Juncus Canadensis, Gay, var. subcaudatus, Eng. Juncus Canadensis, Gay, var. longicaudatus, Eng. Pontederia cordata, L. Heteranthera reniformis, Ruiz & Pav. Schollera graminea, Willd. Commelyna erecta, L. Commelyna Virginica, L. Tradescantia Virginica, L. * Xyris flexuosa, Muhl. 190 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 986. 987. 988. 989. 990. 991. 992. 993. 994. 995. 996. 997. 998. 999. 1000. 1001. 1002. 1003. LOO4. 1005. LOO6. IOO7. 1008. Eriocaulon decangulare, L. Cyperug diandrus, Torr. Cyperus diandrus, var. castaneus, Torr. Cyperus Nuttallii, Torr. Cyperus erythrorhizos, Muhl. Cyperus virens, Michx. Cyperus phymatodes, Muhl. Cyperus strigosus, L. Cyperus Michauxianus, Schultes. cºrn. filiculmis, Wahl. Cyperus Lancastriensis, Porter. Cyperus ovularis, Torr. Cyperus retrofractus, Torr. Dulichium spathaceum, Pers. Fuirena squarrosa, Michx. Eleocharis quadrangulata, R.Br. Eleocharis obtusa, Schultes. Eleocharis palustris, R.Br. Eleocharis compressa, Sulliv. Eleocharis tenuis, Schultes. Eleocharis acicularis, R. Br. Scirpus planifolius, Muhl. Scirpus pungens, Wahl. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 191 1009. IOLO. LOll. 1012. 1013. 1014. lC)15. 1016. LOILZ. lC)18. 1019. 1020. 1021. lC)22. 1023. 1024. 1025. 1026. LO27. IC)28, IO29. IO30. Scirpus validus, Wahl. Scirpus debilis, Pursh. Scirpus auviuli, Gray. Scirpus sylvaticus, L. Scirpus atrovirens, Muhl. Scirpus polyphyllus, Wahl. Scirpus lineatus, Michx. Scirpus Eriophorum, Michx. Eriophorum Virginicum, L. Fimbristylis autumnalis, Roem. & Schultes. Fimbristylis capillaris, Gray. Rhynchospora alba, Wahl. Rhynchospora glomerata, Vathl. Scleria triglomerata, Wahl. Scleria oligantha, Ell. Scleria pauciflora, Muhl. Carex polytrichoides, Muhl. Carex Willdenovii, Schk. Carex Steudelii, Kunth. Carex bromoides, Schk. Carex decomposita, Muhl. Carex vulpinoidea, Michx. 1031. Carex stipata, Muhl. ' FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY 1032. 1033. 1034. 1035. 1036. 1037. 1038. LO39. 1040. 1041. 1042. 1043. 1044. 1045. 1046. 1047. 1048. 1049. 1050. 1051. 1052. 1053. 1054. Carex sparganioides, Muhl. Carex cephalophora, Muhl. Carex cephalophora, Muhl., var. angustifolia, Boott. Carex Muhlenbergii, Schk. Carex rosea, Schk. Carex rosea, Schk, var. minor, Boott. cº- stellulata, L. Carex scoparia, Schk. Carex lagopodioides, Schk Carex cristata, Schw. Carex foenea, Willd. Carex straminea, Schk. Carex straminea, Schk., var. tenera, Hooft. Carex straminea, Schk., var. aperta, Boott. Carex vulgaris, Fries. Carex torta, Boott. Carex angustata, Boott. Carex crimita, Lam. Carex gynandra, Schw. Carex Shortiana, Dew. Carex tetanica, Schk. Carex tetanica, Schk., var. Woodii, Olney Carex granularis, Muhl. FI.ORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 193 1055. 1056. LO57. lO58. 1059. LO60. L061. LO62. LO63. 1064. 1065. L066. 1067. 1068. 1069. LO7O. LO71. 1072. LOTZ3. 1074. 1075. 1076. 1077. Carex glaucoidea, Porter. Carex pallescens, L. Carex pallescens, L., var. undulata, Gray. Carex grisea, Wahl. Carex gracillima, Schw. Carex virescens, Muhl. Carex virescens, Muhl., var. elliptica, Olney. Carex triceps, Michx. Carex platyphylla, Carey. * Carex Careyana, Torr. Carex retrocurva, Dew. Carex digitalis, Willd. Carex laxiflora, Lam. Carex laxiflora, Lam., var. styloflexa, Boott. Carex laxiflora, Lam., var. plantaginea, Boott. Carex laxiflora, Lam., var. intermedia, Boott. Carex laxiflora, Lam., var. blanda, Sulliv. Carex laxiflora, Lam., var. gracillima, Boott. Carex Hitchcockiana, Dew. * Carex oligocarpa, Schk. Carex umbellata, Schk. Carex Emmonsii, Dew. Carex nigro-marginata, Schw. Bull. Nat, Mus, No. 22–13 * † 194 FI,ORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. IO78. 1079. 1080. 1081. 1082. 1083. 1084. 1085. 1086. 1087. 1088. 1089. 1090. 1091. 1092. 1093. 1094. 1095. 1096. 1097. 1098. 1099. ll.00. Carex Pennsylvanica, Lam. Carex varia, Muhl. Carex pubescens, Muhl. Carex miliacea, Muhl. Carex debilis, Michx. Carex vestita, Willd. Carex riparia, Curtis. Carex comosa, Boott. Carex Pseudo-Cyperus, L. Carex hystricina, Willd. Carex tentaculata, Muhl. Carex intumescens, Rudge. Carex lupulina, Muhl. Carex folliculata, L. Carex squarrosa, L. Carex stenolepis, Torr. Carex bullata, Schk. Leersia Virginica, Willd. Leersia oryzoides, Swartz. Zizania aquatica, L. Alopecurus geniculatus, L. Alopecurus geniculatus, L., var. aristulatus, Steud. Phleum pratense, L. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 195 1101. ll.02. ll.03. 1104. ll.05. L106. 1107. 1108. L109. lll0. llll. lll2. ll.13. lll4. 1115. 1116. Illi'Z. Ill3. Illl9. Ll2O. ll21. Ll22. Jil23. Vilfa aspera, Beauv. Agrostis pérennans, Tuckerm. Agrostis scabra, Willd. Agrostis vulgaris, With. Agrostis alba, L. Cinna arundinacea, L. Muhlenbergia sobolifera, Trin. Muhlenbergia Mexicana, Trin. Muhlenbergia sylvatica, Torr. & Gray. Muhlenbergia Willdenovii. Trin. Muhlenbergia diffusa, Schreb. Muhlenbergia capillaris, Kunth. Brachyelytrum aristatum, Beauv. Calamagrostis Nuttalliana, stead. Stipa avenacea, L. Aristida dichotoma, Michx. Aristida gracilis, Ell. Aristida oligantha, Michx. Aristida purpurascens, Poir. Spartina cynosuroides, Willd. Gymnopogon racemosus, Beauv. Cynodon Dactylon, Pers. Eleusine Indica, Gaertn. 19ſ; FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. ll24. ll25. Ll26. Ll27. ll28. 1129. 1130. ll31. ll32. ll33. ll34. 1135. 1136. 1137. Ill38. 1139. 1140. ll.4l. ll.42. ll.43. ll44. 1145, 1146. Tricuspis seslerioides, Torr. Dactylis glomerata, L. Eatonial’ennsylvanica, Gray. Melica mutica, Walt. Glyceria nervata, Trin. Glyceria aquatica, Smith. Glyceria fluitans, R.Br. Poa annua, L. Poa compressa, L. Poa compressa, L., var. gracilis (Oakes?). Poa pratensis, L. Poa trivialis, L. Poa sylvestris, Gray. * 2. Poa flexuosa, Muhl. Poa brevifolia, Muhl. Eragrostis reptans, Nees. Eragrostis poaoides, Beauv. Eragrostis poſeoides, Beauv., var. megastachya, Gray. Eragrostis Frankii, Meyer. Eragrostis Purshii, Schrad. (?) Eragrostis capillaris, Nees. Eragrostis pectinacea, Gray. Festuca Myurw8, L. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WIC INITY. 197 1147. 1148. 1149. 1150. 1151. 1152. 1153. 1154. 1155. 1156. 1157. Ill 58. 1159. 1160. & 1161. 1162. 1163. 1164. 1165. 1166. 1167. 1168. 1169. Festuca tenella, Willd. Festuca ovina, L. Festuca elation, L. Festuca nutans, Willd. Bromus 8ecalinus, L. Bromus racemosus, L. Bromus mollis, L. Bromus ciliatus, L. Bromus ciliatus, L., var. purgans, Gray. Bromus 8terilis, L. Uniola latifolia, Michx. Uniola gracilis, Michx. Lolium perenne, L. Triticum repens, L. Elymus Virginicus, L. Elymus Canadensis, L. Elymus striatus, Willd. Elymus striatus, Willd.; var. villosus, Gray. Gymnostichum Hystrix, Schreb. Danthonia spicata, Beauv. Trisetum palustre, Torr. Aira flexuosa, L. Aira caryophyllea, L. 198 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 1170. 1171. , 1172. 1173. ll'74. 1175. 1176. L177. ll"/8. 1179. ll 80. ll3l. 1182. ll83. Ill 84. 1185. 1186. 1187. 1188. 1189. 1190. ll.9l. 1192. 1193. Biolous lamatus, L. Anthoxanthum odoratum, L. Phalaris Canariensis, L. Paspalum setaceum, Michx. Paspalum laeve, Michx. Panicum filiforme, L. Panicum 8anguinale, L. Panicum anceps, Michx. Panicum agrostoides, Spreng. Panicum proliferum, Lam. Panicum capillare, L. Panicum virgatum, L. Panicum latifolium, L. Panicum latifolium, L., var. molle, Vasey. m. v. Panicum clandestinum, L. Panicum microcarpon, Muhl. Panicum viscidum, Ell. Panicum pauciflorum, Ell. Panicum dichotomum, L. Panicum depauperatum, Muhl. Panicum verrucosum, Muhl. Panicum Crus-galli, L. Panicum Crus-galli, L., var. hispidum, Gray. Setaria verticillata, Beauv. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 199 ll.94. 1195. ll.96. 1197. 1198. 1199. 1200. 1201. 1202. l2O3. 1204. 12O5. 1206. 12O7. 1208. 1209. 1210. 12ll. 1212. 1213. 1214. 1215. 1216 Setaria glauca, Beauv. Setaria viridis, Beauv. Cenchrus tribuloides, L. Tripsacum dactyloides, L. Brianthus alopecuroides, Ell. Andropogon furcatus, Muhl. Andropogon scoparius, Michx. Andropogon argenteus, Ell. Andropogon Virginicus, L. Androposon macrourus, Michx. Sorghum nutans, Gray. Juniperus Virginiana, L. Pinus rigida, Miller. Pinus pungens, Michx. Pinus inops, Ait. Pinus mitis, Michx. Pinus Strobus, L. Tsuga Canadensis, Carrière. Equisetum arvense, L. Equisetum hyemale, L. Polypodium vulgare, L. Cheilanthes vestita, Swartz. . Pellaea atropurpurea, Link. 200 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 12.1"/ iaia. 1219. 1220. 122.l. 1222. 1223. l224. 1225. 1226. 1227. 1228. 1229. 1230. 1231. 1232. 1233. 1234. 1235. 1236. 1237 1238 1239 Pteris aquilina, L. Adiantum pedatum, L. Woodwardia angustifolia, Smith. Woodwardia Virginica, Smith. Asplenium Trichomanes, L. Asplenium ebeneum, Ait. Asplenium angustifolium, Michx. Asplenium thelypteroides, Michx. Asplenium Filix-foemina, Bernh. Camptosorus rhizophyllus, Link. Phegopteris hexagonoptera, Fee. Aspidium Noveboracense, Swartz. Aspidium. Thelypteris, Swartz. Aspidium cristatum, Swartz. Aspidium Goldianum, Hook. Aspidium Filix-mas, Swartz. Aspidium marginale, Swartz. º Aspidium spinulosum, Swartz, var. intermedium, Willd. Aspidium acrostichoides, Swartz. Cystopteris fragilis, Bernh. Onoclea sensibilis, L. Woodsia obtusa, Torr. Dicksonia pilosiuscula, Willd. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 201 l240. l24l. l242. 1243. 1244. l245. 1246. 1247. 1248. 1249, 1250. 125l. 1252. 1253. 1254. 1255. 1256. 1257. 1258. 1259. 1260. 1261. 1262. Lygodium palmatum, Swartz. Osmunda regalis, L. Osmunda Claytoniana, L. Osmunda cinnamomea, L. Botrychium ternatum, Swartz, var. obliquum, Milde. Botrychium ternatum, Swartz, var. dissectum, Milde. Botrychium Virginianum, Swartz. -Ophioglossum vulgatum, L. Lycopodium lucidulum, Michx. Lycopodium dendroideum, Michx. Lycopodium complanatum, L. Lycopodium complanatum, L., var. sabimaefolium, Spring. Selaginella rupestris, Spring. Selaginella apus, Spring. Sphagnum cymbifolium, Dill. Sphagnum squarrosum, Pers. Sphagnum acutifolium, Ehrh. Sphagnum cuspidatum, Ehrh. Andraea rupestris, Turner. Phascum sessile, Br. & Sch. Phascum cohaerens, Hedw. Phascum triquetrum, Spruce. Phascum cuspidatum, Schreb. 202 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. l263. 1264. l265. 1266. 1267. 1268. 1269. 1270. 1271, 1272. 1273. 1274. 1275. 1276. 1277. 1278. 1279. 1280. 1281. 1282. 1283. 1284. 1285. Phascum alternifolium, Brid. Phascum subulatum, Schreb. Phascum Sullivantii, Schimp. Bruchia flexuosa, Schwaegr. Weisia viridula, Brid. Trematodon longicollis, Rich. Dicranum varium, Hedw. Dicranum heteromallum, Hedw. Dicranum scoparium, L. Ceratodon purpureus, Brid. Leucobryum glaucum, Hampe Leucobryum minus, Hampe. Fissidens minutulus, Sulliv. Fissidens osmundioides, Hedw. Trichostomum pallidum, Hedw. Trichostomum glaucescens, Hedw. Barbula unguiculata, Hedw. Barbula caespitosa, Schwaegr. Pottia truncata, Br. & Sch. Tetraphis pellucida, Hedw. Drummondia clavellata, Hook. Orthotrichum Canadense, Br. & Sch. Schistidium apocarpum, Br. & Sch. '1"LORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 203 1286. 1287. 1288. 1289. 1290. 1291. 1292. 1293. 1294. 1295. 1296. 1297. 1298. 1299. 1300. 1301. 1302. 1303. 1304. 1805. 1806. 1307. 308. Grimmia Pennsylvanica, Schwaegr. Racomitrium fasciculare, Brid. Hedwigia ciliata, Ehrh. Diphyscium foliosum, Web. & Mohr. Amonum undulatum, Beauv. Atrichum angustatum, Beauv. Pogonatum brevicaule, Brid. Pogonatum urnigerum, Brid. Polytrichum commune, L. Polytrichumjuniperinum, Hedw. Aulacomnium heterostichum, Br. & Sch. Bryum pyriforme, Hedw. Bryum Wahlenbergii, Schwaegr. - p Bryum argenteum, L. Bryum ** Schwaegr. º Bryum caespiticium, L. Mnium stellare, Hedw. Mnium Drummondii, Br. & Sch. Mnium cuspidatum, Hedw. Bartramia pomiformis, Hedw. Bartramia fontana, Brid. Funaria hygrometrica, Hedw. Physcomitrium pyriforme, Br. & Sch. 204 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. J309. 1310. 1311. 1312. 1313. 1314. 1315. 1316. 1317. l318. 1319. 1320. 1321. 1322. 1323. 1324. 1325. 1326. 1327. 1328. 1329. 1330. L331. Physcomitrium hians, Lind. Fontinalis biformis, Sulliv. Leucodon julaceus, Sulliv. Dichelyma subulatum, Myrin. Leptodon trichomitrion, Mohr. Anomodon attenuatus, Hub. Leskea obscura, Hedw. Leskea rostrata, Hedw. Thelia hirtella, (Hedw.) Sulliv. Thelia asprella, (Schimp,) Sulliv. Pylaisaea intricata, Bryol. Europ. Platygyrium repens, Bryol. Europ. Cylindrothecium cladorrhizans, Bryoſ. Europ. Cylindrothecium seductrix, Bryol. Europ Climacium Americanum, Brid. Hypnum tamariscinum, Hedw. Hypnum triquetrum, L. Hypnum splendens, Hedw. Hypnum hians, Hedw. Hypnum Sullivantii, Spruce. Hypnum strigosum, Hoffm. Hypnum piliferum, Schreb. Hypnum Boscii, Schwaegr. FLORA of washingtoN AND VICINITY. 205 1332. 1333. 1334. I335. 1336. 1337. 1338. 1339. 1340. 1341. 1342. 1343. l344. 1345. 1346. I347. I348. 1349. L350. 1351. 1352. 1353. 1354. Hypnum serrulatum, Hedw. Hypnum. * Sch. Hypnum rusciforme, Weis. Hypnum recurvans, Schwaegr. Hypnum Schreberi, Willd. Hypnum stramineum, Dickson. Hypnum uncinatum, Hedw. Hypnum fluitans, L. Hypnum cupressiforme, L. Hypnum curvifolium, Hedw. Hypnum pratense, Koch. Hypnum salebrosum, Hoffm. Hypnum laetum, Brid. Hypnum hispidulum, Brid. Hypnum radicale, Brid. Hypnum orthocladon, Beauv. Hypnum riparium, Hedw. Hypnum Lescurii, Sulliv. Hypnum fulvum, Hook. & Wils. Hypnum. sylvatioum, L. Riccia lutescens, Schw. Anthoceros punctatus, L. Marchantia polymorpha, L. 206 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY 1355. 1356. L357. 1358. 1359. 1360. 1361. 1362. 1363. 1364. 1365. 1366. 1367. 1368. 1369. 1370. 1371. 1372. 1373. 1374. 1375. 1376. 1377. Fegatella conica, Corda. Metzgeria furcata, Nees. Aneura palmata, Nees. Steetzia Lyellii, Lehm. Pellia epiphylla, Nees. Geocalyx graveolens, Nees. Chiloscyphus polyanthos, Corda. Lophocolea bidentata, Nees. Jungermannia trichophylla, L. Jungermannia setacea, Weber. " Jungermannia connivens, Dickson. Jungermannia Schraderi, Martius. Scapania memorosa, Nees. Plagiochila spinulosa, Nees & Montagne Plagiochila asplenioides, Nees & Montagne Frullania Grayana, Montagne. Frullania Virginica, Lehm. Frullania Eboracensis, Lehm. Lejeunia cucullata, Nees. Madotheca platyphylla, Dumort. Radula complanata, Dumort. Ptilidium ciliare, Nees. Trichocolea Tomentella, Nees, FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 207 1378. Mastigobryum tridenticulatum, Lindenb. 1379. Lepidozia reptans, Nees. 1380. cºre. Trichomanis, Corda. 1381. Nitella flexilis, L. 1382. Nitella tenuissima, Desv. 1383. Chara polyphylla, var. Michauxii, Al. Braun. 1384. Chara Hydropithys, Al. Braun _ALTE’ IPIEN ID IX. SUGGESTIONS TO BEGINNERS. More fully to complete the primary design of this little work, viz., that of making it serve as a guide to collectors in the vicinity of Wash- ington, I have deemed it appropriate to append to the foregoing cata- logue and introductory remarks a very condensed description of the methods of collecting and preserving botanical specimens. It is prob- able that besides the occasional visits of botanists from other parts of the country, and those who may hereafter remove from other places to Washington and desire to continue, as all botanists do, their herboriza- tions in their new home, for which two classes this treatise has been chiefly designed, there will in the future be some, and it is to be hoped many, who will commence their botanical career in this place, and for whom, therefore, this Appendix may possess a certain value. Should the effort to introduce botany into the public schools be seriously made and persevered in, an interest in the local flora will be rapidly awakened among the resident population, and there will exist a demand for some Work bearing especially upon it, and also for a treatise on the art of collecting. It may be said that directions and instructions of this kind already exist, and are to be found in nearly all the school manuals. This is true, and yet I think no experienced collector will gainsay the statement that the greater part of the instructions given in textbooks are soon disregarded as impracticable, and different, though far from uniform, methods are adopted by practical botanists. It is not my pur- pose, nor would space permit me, to criticise these book-systems, or to compare them with the one here recommended. This any one may do for himself. I propose simply to explain a practical method, but lati- tudinarian in scope, which, if followed more or less closely, will yield satisfactory results. This may be and is widely varied in its de- tails, but in its general character it can be regarded as the accepted method of most botanists of field experience. To avoid too lengthy and profuse explanations, I shall in the main confine my suggestions to Bull. Nat. Mus. No. 22—14 209 210 FLORA OF 'WASHINGTON AND WICINITY the line of operation which considerable experience and the temporary adoption of numerous different methods have finally convinced me to be upon the whole the best, although the circumstances may often so Vary as to render considerable modification advisable. Such modifica- tions will, however, usually suggest themselves, and choice methods will occasionally be introduced as equally advantageous or widely in llS62. I.—IDENTIFICATION OF PLANTS. I place the identification before the collection of plants because for the beginner it should be chronologically the first thing done. Not that plants are to be studied altogether in situ without remov- ing them from their natural attachments to the soil, for this can be done without properly collecting them. The term “collection” should be regarded as a technical one, and by no means the same thing as the mere gathering of flowers. It is an art, like every other step in practical botany, and requires skill, which is greatly increased by expe- rience; and here the general advice may be given to beginners in botany not to attempt to make a collection of plants the first year, and perhaps not the second. Those who begin by trying to preserve everything they get from the first, usually find after a few years of experience that they have wasted much time and labor, as well as money, for a well-arranged herbarium is a source of considerable expense. They find that they have lost time in drying and mounting specimens which are sure to be, if retained, an eye-sore to their better educated taste, and which they nevertheless feel loth to throw away along with the sheets to which they are attached, after having devoted so much time and labor to their preservation. Mistakes of this kind will inevitably occur as a neces- sary part of experience in learning, but a large portion of the waste which they occasion can be avoided by a little patience in the com- mencement of the Work. It is, of course, a good plan to do as large a part as possible of the work of analyzing flowers in the field, where they may be examined in their natural state of turgescence and with all their organs in their functional positions. In this condition the relations of the parts may be much more clearly seen, and the whole work of identification is greatly simplified. But it is never possible to do everything in this way. Few have the leisure to spend whole days in the country for the study of flowers, and if any had there would still be parts of the work which could be much better done in a quiet room surrounded by the TLORA. OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 211 requisite appliances, even where it is necessary to work at wilted and compressed specimens. I need not say that a good microscope is indispensable, or repeat the caution about supposing that a high power is required. It is Well to have one with two or three lenses of different powers, and which may be combined for very minute objects. What is known as the “Gray microscope” is amply sufficient, and with certain improvements is about all that is needed for systematic analysis. It should always be carried in the pocket, separated, if need be, from the box that it comes in, and which is used as a stand. Every botanist should have a pocket made expressly for his glass, and should never be without it wherever he may be. It is a great advantage to have a surface of Some considerable extent in front of the stand for the instrument and on a level with the slide on which the object is to be placed. This is secured in the sim- plest manner by laying down a book of the right thickness and using a large piece of tin or sheet-iron in place of the glass slide usually pro- vided. Upon this a whole plant of considerable size may be placed, and the portion to be investigated brought under the glass. The steel needles with handles, which usually accompany microscopes of this class, are useful, but if broken or lost an excellent substitute is a thorn, either from the cockspur thorn (Crataegus Crus-galli), or from the honey locust (Gleditschia triacanthos). These wooden needles have the advan- tage over steel ones that when wet they do not so persistently pick up the small seeds, etc., which it is desired to put into position. A young botanist's struggles with botanical keys can only be sympa- thized with; they can scarcely be aided by any general directions, and there is no more effectual drill than the persevering effort to identify, by the aid of a key, a plant to which he has no clew. It should be the ambition of every such beginner to analyze in this manner all the plants of his local flora. The more aid he receives from those who already know their names and tell them to him, the more superficial will his knowledge of botany be. It is the duty of his teacher, if he has one, to give such suggestions as will guide him over the worst obstacles and prevent discouragement, but he should never be told what his plant is. In finding out the name of a plant for himself he must necessarily learn much of its nature, and this information he will never again take the trouble to acquire after he has once come into possession of the object sought, i.e., its name. When he has learned this he imagines that he knows what the plant is, and yet he does not really know what it is until 212 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. Ghe has studied its parts and through this real knowledge of the plant obtained the comparatively unimportant knowledge of its name; and thus wereach the paradox that the more ignorant the beginner is at the outset, and the less he is helped, the better will be his ultimate acquaint- ance with botany if he perseveres in the Work. 2.—COLLECTION OF PLANTS. As already remarked, it is an art to collect plants properly. As re- gards their collection, plants may be divided into two general classes: herbaceous and shrubby plants. All herbs of moderate size and height should be collected entire. It is not sufficient to break or cut them off at such a point on the stem as will insure a specimen of the proper length. Every part of a plant has a character of its own and One which should be represented in the collection. The leaves of most berbs vary in form at different points on the stem, and the same is generally true of the degree of pubescence, which is a character of the first importance. Even the dead leaves about the base are distinctive and should never be torn off. If radical leaves exist, they should ‘be collected with great care, and to secure these it is often necessary to collect them at a different time of the season from that in which the flowers are obtained. No part of the plant is more characteristic than its root. It must not be forgotten that every plant, except epiphytes ..and parasites, has a subterranean as well as an aérial portion, and where (only one is exhibited but half of the plant is represented. Of course there are many plants, even herbaceous ones, whose roots cannot be reduced to dimensions adapted to a herbarium, but wherever it is pos- sible, the entire specimen, root and stem, should be secured. Much larger plants may be thus collected than is often supposed possible, as will be explained presently. For large herbs with spreading branches the best that can be done is to collect the flowering portions in specimens of suitable size and supplement them with leaves selected from lower parts of the stem. As regards shrubby plants and trees, the flower and leaf-bearing twigs should be collected, and if the leaves vary on different parts of the plant the different forms should be collected. Occasionally it is desirable to strip off a portion of the bark as a distinctive part of the species in question. The representative parts of every plant are flowers, fruit, and leaves, and no specimen can be regarded as complete without al these parts. FLORA. OIF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 213, Often, as in many Cruciferae, all these can be found combined in the same specimen at once, but in most cases it requires at least two separate col- lections at different times in the season. Where fruit can be found. attached to the stem and leaves, this is of course the preferable way, since it leaves no possible doubt as to the identity of both. This should therefore be done as long as the size of the fruit will permit, and is recommended in the case of all acorns, and even in hickory-nuts. In the case of larger fruits, such as the walnut, the crab-apple, or the persim- mon, the fruit can be collected separately, properly labeled, and kept in drawers or boxes. The essential apparatus for collecting consists of a portfolio and a small garden trowel. In place of the latter a very large, stout knife. may be used, but the results are far less satisfactory. The former is. Quite indispensable. The traditional tin box of the school books is now- generally rejected except for mosses and certain aquatics, when it is made to carry over the shoulder by means of a strap. The beginner will have. no use for it. Portfolios are variously made, usually 12 by 18 inches in: size and admitting of being expanded to the thickness of 3 or 4 inches, and having handles with which to carry them in the hand, and often also straps and buckles for carrying them over the shoulders. They should be partially filled with paper, which, when once folded, shall be of nearly the same size as the portfolio, either sewed to the back or held there by some other device. Various attempts have been made to invent a suita- ble form of portfolio, some of which embody valuable suggestions, but the greater part of which are specious impostures calculated to tempt the uninitiated, who, after having invested in them, throw them aside the next season for Something more simple and practical. Nothing can be more ridiculous than some of these patent impositions which are widely advertised and puffed in the newspapers and even in scientific periodi- cals. I have one in mind now which, among other absurdities, had arrangements for the systematic classification and permanent labeling of the specimens as soon as collected! No attempt need be made toº keep a portfolio genteel, especially within. By the time it has been well filled out a few times with moist plants and muddy roots, all the fancy paper that is put into it will have lost its charm. No delusion is: greater, either, than that, by having wire for the sides, or no matter how bibulous paper inside, the necessity for taking the plants out of the portfolio and putting them through the regular process of drying: can be obviated. Those who believe these things merely ruin a few col- 214 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. lections, and awake to the real facts of the case. The portfolio may, therefore, be quite a rude affair. Any paper that is put into it is des- tined to get wet and torn and to require renewal several times a season, and it should, therefore, be cheap. It is always best to take the plants out as Soon as possible after returning home. It is not necessary, there- fore, that the paper have great absorbing qualities. It is more impor- tant that it be strong and tough, and this kind is in reality the most economical. Moderately thick and firm manila paper is, therefore, upon the whole recommended. One fact it is important to bear in mind relative to the portfolio. A plant once placed in it should never be allowed to stir afterwards until it is ready to be taken out. If it moves about or drops down upon the back of the portfolio, the leaves and flowers will become so completely wrinkled and disorganized as to be incapable of preservation. The pressure once upon it must not be re- laxed. This has been a source of much difficulty, and several kinds of appliance for obviating it have been devised. Of these the best is prob- ably that of two broad elastic straps from the two outer corners of one side, which can be carried over the leaves in which plants have been placed and attached to a ring at the center of the back by means of a Snap. And yet even this form is open to objections. The time required to adjust it, though brief, involves delay in collecting, and it is liable to get out of order. I think it safe to say that practical experience in the majority of cases ultimately leads to the rejection of all such devices. I have myself for several years used nothing but an old book, 16 inches long by 10 wide, with some of the leaves left in, which I carry with my hand upon the front edge, holding the covers together. An India-rubber band around both covers is an excellent auxiliary where any considerable interval elapses between the times of collecting speci- mens, and it is often very convenient to put one longitudinally around one of the covers and the leaf next to the last specimen collected, which can remain, and answers the purpose of the elastic straps of the device described above. It may be added that nothing is more convenient than a small pocketful of these rubbers, which, one finds, may be used in a thousand unthought-of ways. Besides the portfolio, the trowel, and the glass, a collector should always carry a good knife for trimming branches from trees and shrubs and for many other purposes. He should also have a tape-line, which, for measuring girths, etc., is much better than a rule, and should be of the kind that wind up with an internal spring and are not encumbered FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 215 by a crank. He should never be without twine or some kind of string, and ought to be provided with a few tags with metallic eyelets for marking the exact localities of plants which he wishes to find again. A small field-glass or spy-glass will be found a useful thing, not only in often aiding him to orient himself in his prolonged rambles in unaccus- tomed parts of the country, and in affording him the greatly increased pleasure of viewing his distant surroundings from certain commanding positions in which he will sometimes suddenly and unexpectedly find himself, but also as a legitimate aid in collecting; as where he desires to know in advance whether a tree contains specimens worth climbing it for, or whether a flower across a stream is familiar or new to him. An ordinary opera-glass will answer this purpose, but a stronger power is better, and may be had without increase of size if the proper search is made at the optician's. Last, but not least, the collector needs a drinking-cup. It should fold up for the pocket, and the metallic kind is too cumbrous. Either a cup of pure rubber, that can be Wadded together, or the leather kind, that folds regularly into the form of a thin, stiff card (which is the best form), should be looked for. These articles, with a memorandum book or block and a pencil or fountain pen, complete the necessary outfit of a botanist, and anything greatly in excess of these will be pretty sure to be found an encumbrance rather than aid. For most herbaceous plants enough has already been said to guide the beginner in securing good specimens. Nearly all botanists take a pride in this, and aside from its purely esthetic aspect, it is of the first scientific importance. The plant should in all cases be represented, and as art only aims to imitate nature, so good taste coincides with the scientific requirement that the plant after collection shall resemble as nearly as possible the plant before collection. Small annuals growing in loose soil can usually be pulled up by the roots without injury to the latter, and this is then the best course; but if the plant is very rare it is best not to trust to this, for fear of injuring the only specimen. It is but the work of a moment to insert the trowel below it and carefully shake the roots clean. Nearly all biennials and perennials require to be dug up, but this will be found less labor than might be supposed. A little practice will render any one skilled enough to take up nearly all ordinary plants with one or two strokes of the trowel. As it is impossible to tell in which direction a horizontal rhizoma may extend, it is best to strike in at some distance from the 216 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. base of the plant and at a considerable angle, so as to go beneath it. If it cannot be raised upon the trowel at the first thrust, make a similar one on the opposite side, meeting the former. In Soddy ground it is often necessary to cut out a conical clod, with the plant in its center, and then remove the earth from the roots after it is taken out of the ground. This is frequently the case with Carices, which should never be broken off at the top of the ground. In placing plants in the portfolio it is usually worth while to take a little pains with them. They will never again be as firm and easily placed, and if the above directions about not allowing them to move afterwards are followed, it will be found that every minute so em- ployed will save many at the second handling. Still there is a limit of economy in this, and in many cases it is full as well to pay no further attention to the specimens than to see that they are Snugly in- closed in the folds of the book. No ends should, under any circum- stances, be allowed to project. Whatever portion does so is sure to be ruined; for, in the first place, it is exposed to the air and sun and dries up, and in the second place it is certain to rub against bushes and other objects and be torn and bruised. The specimens must go wholly inside the portfolio. This suggests a remark upon specimens longer than the book they are to be placed in. How is this to be done? If only a little less than twice the length, a bend in the middle is the thing required. But do not guess at the middle; place the full-lengthed plant upon the book; see that one end clears by at least an inch; then bend the stem over your finger an inch from the other end. If the stem is disposed to break, bend it over a larger object, as your knee or the palm of your hand. If it breaks, this cannot be helped, and does not materially de- tract from the value of the specimen. Keep the parts always together as if it had not broken. If the specimen is too long for one length, but less than twice the required length, do not bend it in the middle but nearest One end, SO as to maintain the proper length. In most cases the upper should be the short end and naturally droop or lop over, but oc- casionally it is better to bend next the base. For specimens of more than two lengths two bends are necessary. These should be made with care in two respects: first, to see that the bends are in the same plane, i. e., that they be so made that all three of the parts of the specimen will lie side by side upon a level surface, and, secondly, to see that they are in opposite directions, zigzag, or like the letter N. If care is taken in this latter particular, a three-lengthed specimen may be made to look FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 217 better than a two-lengthed one. The basal and upper sections will be upright on the sheet and be nicely joined by the middle section, forming a diagonal between them.. This is as far as the process of bending usually need be carried. Plants more than four feet high are generally too large to collect entire. But sometimes it becomes important to give a speci- men still a third bend, and this I very frequently do. The rule of making each angle the opposite of the one next to it must, however, be strictly adhered to in these as in all other cases, otherwise parts of the stem will be across each other and spoil the specimen. Neither must the idea be entertained that this is a matter that can be attended to afterwards; it must be correctly done in the field, and mistakes in meas- urements of lengths or in direction of bending can never be properly remedied in the herbarium. It is a good rule always to make speci- mens ample; there is more danger of getting them too meager than too full, and any one who tries some of these feats at collecting large plants entire will, afterwards, when they are dry and put away, wonder every time he sees them how small a compass they have come to occupy and what respectable-sized specimens they are. It is never a good plan to put two different plants between the same two leaves of the portfolio. The leaves adhere to each other and become doubled, wrinkled, and matted in the effort to separate them. If the portfolio has not leaves enough to hold all the collections of a day, this of course may become necessary; but this contingency should be prevented in advance. An excellent idea is to have a portion of the book consist of firm tissue-paper, which, though not convenient for regular use, is far better than the doubling of specimens, and from the small space it occupies may be carried in sufficient quantities for an abundant reserve in any emergency. It is better to have a systematic method in filling the portfolio dur- ing the excursion. The plants should be placed next to one another between successive leaves, and not put in at random. This, besides giving an idea of the capacity of the portfolio at any time, and show- ing how much has been done, is a great help in finding unoccupied space, which, when the book becomes nearly full, is very difficult where empty leaves are as likely to occur in one part as in another. But there is still another and probably greater advantage in this systematic way of collecting. It serves as an excellent memorandum of localities, etc., after getting home. I do not recommend writing labels in the field, although some do so, and it is really not to be condemned; but if your 218 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. specimens are located in your portfolio in the chronological order of their collection and you label them immediately after reaching home, there will never be any doubt as to the locality or any of the important attend- ant circumstances, such as you will wish to record on your label. This latter consideration suggests a final observation relative to the col- lection of plants, viz., that of taking notes. There are certain facts which it is necessary to note down in the field, and this should always be done, leaning in the direction of making the record, even though you may doubt whether it is worth the trouble; still, in botany note-taking is probably less necessary than in almost any other branch of natural science, since the objects upon which you would comment are usually carried home, where the facts may be more thoroughly observed and more fully and accurately described. Much better than the field note-book, though to some extent depend- ent upon this, is the botanical diary or journal, in which are recorded, after returning from each excursion, all the facts of interest observed during the day. This should be written up as soon as the day's col- lection is disposed of, from notes made in the field or while analyzing the plants, or from memory of the less specific events. The habit of noting down variances from the descriptions in the books while identi- fying the specimens is to be highly commended as leading to exact observation, and a botanist should think while he works, and inquire after the causes of phenomena, for there is a deep biological significance in every morphological peculiarity. The beginner will do well, say the second year, to commence a private local catalogue in a separate book for the purpose, numbering each species as he identifies it. This catalogue will inevitably contain many mistakes and duplications, but it will always be very useful as well as Anteresting. 3.—PRESERVATION OF PLANTS. The next step in the botanist's work is to preserve the specimens which he has collected. They should not be allowed to lie in the port- folio over night, but if it is impossible to attend to them all, then as many should be pressed as possible, beginning with those first collected (and this is another advantage in a methodical way of filling the port- folio). Those last collected may perhaps lie till the next morning, but if of a tender character or very juicy, it is best to slip in a dry paper on both sides of each specimen. If any require further study, and have to be left in the portfolio for this purpose, it is as well to abandon the hope FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 219 of saving these, and to press only a part of what has been collected, for several specimens of everything should be taken if they can be found. A temporary label should be written for each plant as it is reached, placed with it, and kept with it throughout. If there is more than one specimen, the temporary label will be needed for the duplicates when the other specimen is mounted. The label should give the Latin name of the plant, if known, or if only the generic name is known, then this should be written, the date of collection, and the particular locality, both habitat and station, or at least the latter. Any special fact observed in connection with the plant may also be written on the label. This done, the next step is to press the specimens. The following is my own method of pressing plants: The press consists of two pine boards 1 inch thick, 12 inches wide, 18 inches long, and dressed, having each two cleats on one side, one across near each end. Upon one of these a pile of plants is built. For drying paper, after trying many different kinds, I have finally adopted ordinary cheap brown wrapping-paper. The size used is 10 by 16 inches. It would perhaps be better to be larger. The double sheets (two leaves) are kept separate, by which means the thickness between each specimen may be varied ad libitum. Four or five sheets is the usual thickness for ordinary plants. These are placed upon the lower press-board (cleat side down), and upon them is laid a sheet of thin white paper a little larger than the brown paper. This paper is a firm but very thin manila, a little heavier than tissue-paper, but good tissue-paper would answer. Upon this sheet, which is single, the plant to be pressed is laid; its leaves are laid out neatly, and all its parts are placed in the position in which it is desirable for them always to remain. This done, a second sheet of thin white paper is laid over the plant; then another layer of four or five double sheets of the brown pa- per is laid on. Upon this another sheet of white paper is then laid, another specimen placed upon it and arranged for final disposition, another sheet of white paper laid over that, and another layer of brown paper upon that. This process is continued until the portfolio is emptied. Several things are to be observed as the work of preparing the speci- mens for pressure progresses. The amount of brown paper used should be made to vary somewhat according to the nature of the plant. Grasses and grass-like plants require much less; succulent plants require more; thick-stemmed plants need thick layers of paper, more to preserve the even surface of the pile than on account of the amount 220 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. of moisture they exude. The pile should not be made too large, else after pressure it becomes very irregular. To obviate this and at the same time not require extra presses where the collection is large, boards Without cleats and of about the size of the brown paper are occasion- ally inserted, and the pile continued upon these as upon the original press-board. It often happens that the natural elasticity of freshly-collected plants renders them somewhat unmanageable, so that when laid in the desired position they refuse to remain so. In such cases the best mode of pro- cedure is first to lay them out as well as possible and put on the white, and the layer of brown paper, and then, after this is done, placing one hand on one end of the pile and gently pressing, lift the brown and White paper with the other at the other end and roll them back. Then While holding these with one hand the refractory parts of the plant may be put in position with the other, and by beginning this operation near the middle and gradually unrolling the paper so as to let it come down upon and hold all that has been gained, one-half of the specimen may be forced to remain in its proper position. After this, the other end may be lifted in like manner, and the same process gone through with until any adjustments desired may be made and secured. This process, though somewhat awkward to describe, is in itself quite simple, and a little practice will render it easy. The results are in the highest degree satisfactory. Once properly placed, even the weight of the layer of brown papers is usually sufficient to prevent further movement, and the speci- men then emerges from the press in fine condition. All the plants being in, the next step is to put them under pressure. The other press-board is placed on the pile and a good trunk-strap put around the whole, drawn to the proper degree of tightness and buckled. How hard to press plants is still an unsettled question, and botanists differ widely upon it. My own experience has led me to make my first pressures quite light. I have lost many plants from too hard pressure at first, and while some will bear it, it is safest on the whole to avoid it. The easiest way to strap up a press full of plants is to place them on the floor and with the knee upon the upper board draw up the strap and buckle it. The buckle should be made to come on the side from you, and to be at first quite low down; as it is drawn it will rise, and should never be allowed to come up to the upper press-board. In case of large operations, two or three presses may be employed, and it is always well to have two at hand in case of need. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. $221 How long should plants remain in press? Never over twenty-four hours for the first time, and certain plants will suffer if left in so long. Much, however, depends upon the pressure. Those who press their plants hard must change them oftener. If the above suggestions are followed, it is best to change the driers at the end of twelve hours. The second time they may in most cases be allowed to remain in twenty- four hours; after this they should be changed every day for about four days. The pressure may be slightly increased after each change, and after the fourth it is usually safe and advisable to leave them in the press two days, then change and leave in two days more, under hard pressure, after which they may be taken out, the driers renewed, and the package laid aside for a week, with merely a board or a book upon it, to dry out. The plants will then be ready for the herbarium. The process of changing the driers is more simple than that of press- ing. The press is placed upon the table before you, a little to the right; the upper press-board is taken off and placed, cleats downward, on the table by the side of it, at the left; the package of dry brown paper lies On the left of these. A layer of these latter is placed on the empty press-board as in the case of pressing the plants; the upper layer of damp ones is taken from the package and laid by the side of it, at the right (a table at least five feet long is required); then the top specimen in its two sheets of white paper is carefully taken off, without disturb. ing the plant, and placed on the layer of dry papers. A new layer of dry papers is then placed over these, the second layer of wet ones re- moved from the package, and the second plant transferred in the same manner as before to the new package. This process is continued until all the plants are transferred from wet to dry papers. No amount of curiosity should tempt you to remove the upper white paper to look at a specimen. After a plant has been placed between thin papers it should never again be in the least disturbed until it is fully dry. The access of the air and the separation of the leaves and flowers from the inti- mate contact which pressure gives them with the thin sheets deadens the lively color which the plants otherwise will preserve, and injures the specimens. The thin paper is no perceptible obstruction to the passage of the moisture from the plant to the driers. Some, instead of using two sheets, use one folded double sheet, but this makes the process of manipulation more difficult, without any corresponding advantage. The object in having them white and a little larger than the driers is to avoid overlooking them; if smaller than the driers, one is constantly 222 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. losing plants and having them turn up in an injured condition among the Wet papers. The differences in the nature of plants will render some additional precautions sometimes necessary. It is often Well after the first chang- ing to group into one place all the thick-stemmed specimens and give them more driers, or to group all the grasses, rushes, etc., by themselves, give them fewer driers, and perhaps change them less often. Some kinds of plants can with difficulty be pressed at all, and must be for the most part dried out between papers with scarcely any pressure. This is the best way with Opuntia, Sedum, Portulaca, etc. Others, like Cynthia Dandelion, are so full of juice that very light pressure seems to disintegrate the structure and turn the specimens black. There are a few plants, such as Gerardia, Buchmera, Herpestis, and Baptisia, which are said by the books to “turn black in drying,” as though this would occur whatever plan might be adopted. To some extent this is true, and yet by the above method I have dried all these plants so that the green color largely predominates in the dried specimen. I cannot advise the purchase of patent kinds of drying paper. I have tried the best of them, and, independently of cost, I prefer the straw paper. I have also heard other experienced botanists make the same admission. Simplicity and convenience are important objects to aim at, and for most botanists economy is equally so. The drying of damp papers is always considerable trouble, and various devices for hanging them up on frames or “horses” built for the pur- pose have been used. These are well, but beginners will scarcely have them, and must resort to other methods. If you have a lawn, and the weather is fine, it is best to spread them out in the sun, where they will dry immediately. The thin brown papers here recommended dry much quicker than the thicker kinds sold, and if the pains are taken to open them entirely out, the process is still further hastened. If you have only in-door facilities, the papers may be spread out over the tables, chairs, and floor, where they will usually dry in a night or a day. It is a good plan to heat them in an oven after picking them up and before using. In throwing them down they will dry faster if no effort is made to lay them in any systematic way, and no evils need be feared from their becoming rolled up and wrinkled, as this only increases the sur- face for the access of the air. They should, however, be picked up sys- tematically, keeping the ends even; otherwise, they will consume much time when needed for rapid use, where they must often be picked up with one hand while the other is doing something else. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 223 After the plants have lain a week without pressure and become thor- oughly dry, they may be taken out of the driers and thin papers and placed in the herbarium. They are usually first transferred to rough paper of some kind, either double and placed between the folds, or, as ſ prefer, single, and simply laid on with their labels. System is useful in all things, and many valuable specimens will be saved by observing certain rules even in such simple matters as this. The papers upon which the specimens are placed should be armple, say 18 by 12, or at least 17 by 11 inches, and should be of uniform size. Many such papers will be in constant use in the herbarium, and a reserve package should be kept on hand. They need not generally be bought, as noth- ing is better than common newspapers, especially if the paper is moder- ately strong and heavy, and nearly every one has a surplus of these ; but it is well worth while to cut them to a measure. In laying off the plants the thin papers should be systematically restored to their general package without having to move them twice, and the driers released for further use. Only one or two driers will be needed for each speci- men after the last change, when they are laid away to dry out. It will often happen that there are several specimens of the same plant. Of course only one label is written for these, and, therefore, they must be kept together throughout. This will be secured if the plants are changed in the systematic manner described above; but the label will sometimes be found on the upper and sometimes on the under specimen when they finally come out from the press. In putting them away it is, of course, best in such cases to have the upper specimen contain the label. A botanist's collection always consists of two departments: the herba- rium proper and his duplicates. The former he arranges in strict botani- cal order, sees to it that it contains a perfect specimen fully represented of every plant he has ever collected, and adds to it as many other plants as he is able to obtain through the process of exchanging, or in any other way. The latter contains a large number of specimens of each of the rarer plants of his local flora, and eventually he will add to it other rare plants obtained from other sources. It does not aim at com- pleteness, but simply to Supply a foreign demand and serve as a means of increasing and enriching his herbarium proper. As this approaches completion, therefore, the other is reduced in volume. In putting away the fully dried plants they are accordingly divided into these two classes, a part going into the herbarium and a part to the duplicates. Where several specimens of the same plant are col- 224 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. lected, which should only be done where the plant is in demand, all but one, of course, are relegated to the duplicate department, and usually without further ceremony. Specimens selected for the herbarium, how- ever, require still another form of treatment. They must be poisoned. Let no one think that this can be dispensed with. As certain as that it requires the proper cycle of seasons for it to grow, so certain will the time come when if left unpoisoned it will be devoured by the insect pests of the herbarium. Neither lay the unction to your soul that this can be done after mounting, and thus Waste meat and costly glazed paper by mounting them first. The insects naturally work on the under side of the plant, where the poison cannot be applied after it is down. The labor of poisoning is, perhaps, the least pleasant of all kinds of herba- rium work, but its absolute necessity should at once dispel all hopes of evading it. There is an almost complete uniformity among all botanists as to the kind of poison to be used, the accepted substance consisting of corro- sive sublimate and alcohol, the proportion being one ounce of the former dissolved in one quart of the latter diluted fifty per cent. The mode of applying it varies considerably. The use of the camel's hair brush is slow and tedious, but consumes the least poison, and may be defended on economical grounds, though not likely to be as thorough as other methods. Probably the best way, all things considered, is first to fill a trough or large platter with the poison and then dip the entire plants in the liquid, handling them with tweezers, and letting them drip before laying them aside. After poisoning, they should be immediately placed in dry papers; otherwise all the pains taken to press them nicely will be in vain, and their colors will vanish after all. This can be prevented by care, and once changing will be sufficient. It is not necessary to use regular driers for this purpose. Newspaper is good enough, and it will be found very salutary to use, for drying out the poison, sheets of paper designed for the duplicate department or for general use. The habit of the insects is to bore through the sheets On which the plants are laid. They never go round the ends of them, but eat circular tubes downward or upward through the paper until they find a suitable habitat. If all the papers in the herbarium are Saturated with the poison, they find themselves greatly restricted in their opera- tions, and as it is not usually deemed worth while to poison duplicates, it is a great protection to them to have them in poisoned papers. The temporary label should be kept with the plant throughout the poisoning as throughout every other process. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 225 4.—MAKING A HERBARIUM. The poisoning of plants is the last strictly preservative process, and We are now ready to consider the more advanced stages of botanical work necessary to the orderly disposition of the plants identified, col- lected, and preserved. The usual course, upon which no useful innovation can be here pro- posed, is to keep each genus, unless too large, in one folded sheet of very heavy paper, called the “genus-cover,” to be labeled with the name of the genus on the lower left-hand corner, and to mount the plants on fine white paper, about 16 by 11 inches in size, and place these sheets in the genus-covers. The specimens thus prepared should be kept in the latest approved order according to the natural system of classification, in cases either permanently made for the purpose or porta- ble. These cases should consist of partitions, 13, or better, 141nches wide, 4 or 5 inches high, and 19 inches deep, arranged one above another in sev- eral vertical tiers; these dimensions to be all in the clear, and clear of door- jambs. The doors, which should consist as much as possible of glass, should, if practicable, be so hung that when swung back the edge will be flush with the inner vertical sides of the cases, i. e., leaving no shoulder for the genus-covers to catch upon in drawing them out. The labeling of the orders is somewhat difficult on account of the per- petually growing and changing character of the herbarium. If labels or tickets are attached to the edges of the shelves, they are sure to require removal in a short time, which disfigures the cases. The best arrange- ment known to me to avoid these consequences and label the families is that of portable order-covers. These consist of good, stiff boards (paste- board) of the same width as the genus-covers and a little longer, to one end of which flaps of the same material are attached by means of strong binder's muslin pasted to both pieces, so that when the large board lies on the package of genus-covers the flap will fall down over their ends and present a vertical surface, upon which the name of the order or orders in the package is placed. The flaps will be three or four inches wide and as long as the board to which they are attached is wide. In the course of time it will often happen that orders once placed in One partition and labeled on the flap will have to be taken out and put in another. In such cases the names must of course be erased from One flap and written on another. The principal objection to this system is that it requires time and trouble to remove the order-covers every time a plant is wanted. Upon the whole, it is perhaps better to do without Bull. Nat. Mus. No. 22—15 * * 226 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. order-covers entirely until the herbarium becomes quite large and com- plete. If the plants are kept in the natural order, you will soon become so familiar with it that you will know within one or two partitions where any plant is at any time. It is not a mere accident that I have mentioned the general character of the herbarium before mentioning the important process of mounting plants. This is the finishing stroke of the whole work and should not be hastily rushed into. A plant once mounted is generally fixed for all time, and this should presuppose that it is not only known botanically, but approved as a suitable specimen to adorn a cabinet. If rare, and not likely to be found again, of course it should be mounted, even though in itself imperfect, but in so far as the local flora is concerned, this is very seldom the case. For these and other reasons I would advise the postponement of the work of mounting until after considerable experience has been acquired in collecting and in general herbarium work. Some botanists never mount plants. They urge with considerable force that this renders them incapable of further study or examination, which any plant is always liable to require. A specimen once mounted cannot be turned over for the purpose of seeing the other side, where the two sides differ, as is generally the case. To meet this objection, such plants when mounted must be in duplicate, or so much so as to exhibit both sur- faces. In the case of ferns, for example, nothing less than the mount- ing of two entire specimens will generally suffice. *- Plants may be nicely kept without mounting by placing them in double sheets of ordinary paper, and these in genus-covers the same as if mounted. For increased safety, the fold of the species-cover may be placed in the reverse position to that of the genus-cover. The name of the species may then be written on the species-cover or on a white slip and pasted on the outside of it, to save opening any that you may not wish to examine. No two species should ever be placed in the same cover, and where it is desired to preserve several specimens of the same species these may go inside the species-cover on Separate sheets of paper. The objection to this plan as a final one is that much handling, espec- ially after the specimens become old, breaks them up and destroys them. It is also more trouble and requires more time to Open the species-covers than to look at the mounted page. In the latter case there is a quick method of looking a large genus through as you would FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 227 a book. It is held in the two hands, with the right (open) edge elevated at an angle of about 45° from the table, and while the two thumbs rapidly separate the edges of the sheets from the upper towards the lower ones the eye glances at each label attached to the lower right- hand corner of each sheet until the plant sought is reached. This would scarcely be worth mentioning were it not for the fact, as every one will early find out, that by far the greater part of the references to the herbarium will be in search of species belonging to large genera. Very large genera should be divided and kept in several genus-covers, and it is an excellent plan to write on the outside the names of all the species in a genus-cover. e Upon the whole, then, it is doubtless best to mount the specimens of the herbarium, but this should not be undertaken at first or until considerable experience has rendered one skilled in Selecting the very best specimens both from a scientific and an artistic point of view. A new beginner will never afterwards regret having waited at least three years before mounting any of his plants. By this time he will have seen many other herbariums and received the specimens of other older botan- ists in exchange to compare with his own, and will then possess some valuable ideas on the whole subject. This, therefore, though probably the most complicated part of a botanist’s work, is, when thus viewed, the one upon which the least pains need be expended in describing the process, since if the proper course is pursued from the beginning he will be sure to have already picked up nearly all the needed information re- specting it before he undertakes to apply it to his own collection. The two principal methods of mounting may, however, be briefly described. These are, first, with glue, and, second, with gummed strips. In the first case a glue-pot of rather large size, say to hold a pint of glue, or larger, is required, and a soft flat brush, 14 to 2 inches in width, with which to spread the glue. The latter should be pure and white of the best quality. The glue is made very thin, so as to be in a free liquid state, and kept over a burner (gas-stove) at a temperature nearly boiling.” The plant is first placed on a rough paper with what is to be the upper side downward, and the glue is rapidly and dexter- ously spread thoroughly over every part of the side that is to go down. It is then immediately turned over and laid with precision upon the *The use of fish-glue, which requires no heating, is recommended by some. Although I have not tried it, and therefore do not know the objections which may exist to its use, it is certain that if otherwise equally good this must be a very strong point in its favor. 228 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. sheet of glazed white paper which is ready at hand to receive it, and in the exact position previously determined to be the best. Each Speci- men should be first applied to the white sheet on trial for this purpose. A dry cloth is then used to remove any excess of glue that may have been spread on the paper, and to press down any part of the plant that is inclined to lie badly; the mounted sheet is laid down at one side, a few sheets of paper (newspaper or brown paper) are laid upon it, and a board (a press-board will do) is placed upon these. Another, plant is then mounted in the same manner, the board removed, the mounted plant placed on the papers previously laid down, more papers put on this, and the board restored. This process is repeated until all the plants are mounted. The mounted sheets will be ready to place in the genus- covers the next day. When the mounting is completed, the weight on the pile should be increased. The temporary labels should be kept constantly with their plants. Final labels should not be written until the plants have been mounted. To economize time these should consist as far as possible of printed blanks. In mounting, care must be taken to leave a sufficiently large space at the lower right-hand corner for the label, and if, as often hap. pens, more than one plant requiring separate labels go on the same sheet, room for all the labels will have to be provided for prior to mounting. The method of mounting with gummed strips, while it perhaps re- quires more time and work, is in many respects a pleasanter one than that with glue. In this case sheets of the same paper used for mount- ing, or similar paper without lines, are gummed entire on one side with mucilage. It is cheaper to make the mucilage from pure gum-arabic by simply soaking it in the proper amount of tepid Water. To this, however, it is much better to add a small quantity of glycerine, which prevents, to a great extent, the tendency of the gummed sheets to roll up at the edges on drying. To gum the sheets, lay them on a flat board or other surface and fasten each corner with a pin gently driven through the paper into the board (which should be of soft wood). It will be found a great saving of trouble to have the board just a little narrower and shorter than the sheet to be gummed, so that the mucilage can be applied to the edges without danger of sticking to the board. A brush similar to the one described for the glue is used to lay on the mucilage. The latter should not be too thick, otherwise the coating will be un- even, but at least two coats will be required to give it the proper adhe- sive UGwer. The second coat is put on after the first has become dry. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 229 If several sheets are gummed at one time, which is the best way in order to consume all the mucilage made at once, they may, when dry, be kept in a large book or under some pressure to prevent them from rolling up. º To cut the strips, shears are not to be recommended, although with skill they may be used. The difficulty will be to cut them of a uniform width. It is better to cut them with a sharp knife on a broad piece of pasteboard to a straight-edge. For this latter a thin board, six or eight inches wide and considerably longer than the sheet to be cut, is much more manageable than a narrow rule. The under surface of this board should be rough and the edge smooth. The point of the knife must be kept sharp, and it should have a thin blade. An ordinary shoe-knife is better than a jackknife or penknife. An ink-eraser is a tolerable sub- stitute. The average width of the strips should not be over 14 lines, but occasionally a wider one will be needed for thick stems. One sheet may be cut up at a time and when consumed another cut. The long strips thus cut may then be, most of them, cut into short pieces of from half an inch to two inches in length, the ordinary length required being about three-fourths of an inch. A few long strips should be left uncut for special cases as they arise. * In mounting with gummed strips, the specimens may be deliberately adjusted to the sheets and then fastened down. A wet sponge is needed to moisten the strips which are placed over the stems, peduncles, petioles, etc., wherever they are required to make the plants secure. They should generally be placed over the tips of pointed leaves, and may lie over some flowers without concealing their essential parts. In putting them down, care should be taken to bring the whole of the gummed surface into contact with the paper, except only as much as is occupied by the plant, which needs to be tightly encompassed and snugly held down to the sheet. This is best done by a pressure of the thumb-nails along both ends of the strip towards, and closely up to the plant. As to the relative merits of the two modes of mounting, it may be said that perhaps for very large herbariums, which are in constant use, the method with glue is the best, since the tenderer parts of the plants are thus firmly held to the sheets, and not liable to be damaged. This method, however, is not sufficient in cases of terete stems, and needs to be supplemented by strips over such parts. The objec- tion to the strip method is that it conceals some parts of the plants and makes the sheets look less natural. But if carefully and tastefully 230 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. done, this objection need not have great weight. On the other hand, it has this important scientific advantage, that if mistakes are made the plants may be taken off, and if very essential they may be removed uninjured, turned over, or studied. With many botanists these con- siderations preponderate largely, and it is probable that they come to have more and more weight as experience points out the defects of the glue System. For small or private herbariums, therefore, the strip sys- fem is, I think, upon the whole, to be preferred. In mounting plants, by whatever method, a few precautions will be liecessary. The majority of specimens are small enough to admit of putting two or more on a sheet. Unless very small, no two from the same locality should be mounted together, except where they differ in Some important respect, which it is desired to show. But a sheet is Vastly improved where specimens of the same plant, from widely vary- ing localities, are grouped together upon it. In the course of a botanist's travels and exchanges, he will obtain duplicates of this kind. Some seem to have an idea that if they have a plant, no matter from what source this is sufficient; but a herbarium consisting of only one specimen of each species would be next to valuless, though it should thus embrace a large part of the flora of the country or the globe. Instead of putting everything into the duplicates of which you happen to have a representa- tive, it should first be ascertained whether a new plant is from a different locality from that of any you already have mounted; if so, mount it at al. events, and if possible on the same sheet. The first specimen mounted on a sheet ought to go on the right-hand side, so that its label will naturally occupy the lower right-hand corner. Without crowding it Out too near the margin, care should be taken not to waste space by putting it too near the middle so as to prevent another specimen from being mounted on the left of it. If lacking in any of the particulars which should be represented, and can be obtained from the local flora, such as fruit or radical leaves, these should be procured and added to the Sheet before specimens from other localities are given a place. The date, etc., of collecting these additional parts should be added to the label, or if they seem to require it, a new label may be written for them. Where only two specimens fill a sheet, one of the labels should occupy the right and the other the left corner; if three go on, the third label may occupy the middle of the lower edge of the sheet. In the case of Very small plants, several specimens are needed properly to represent each plant. The lower half of the sheet may first be occupied and after- FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 231 wards, if additional specimens are obtained from other localities, they can occupy the upper half, with the labels under them in the middle of the sheet. In fastening down the labels it is not best to gum the entire surface, as they will then roll up, warp, and assume a wry position which can never be cured afterwards. This can, it is true, be prevented by immediately putting that corner of the sheet into a clamp and leaving it there till dry, Or by using heavy weights, but this is generally difficult or impracticable where a large number of labels are to be put down at one time. By gumming only a narrow portion of the upper margin of the label there will be no warping, and Irecommend this plan. It is proper, however, to state the objection to it, which condems it in the eyes of some. This is, that in handling the plants one is apt to take hold of the loose portion of the label and tearit off. I have never yet torn one, and do not think the objection serious, but at least it need not be, if the sheets are manipu. lated with the thumbs and near the middle, in the manner described a few pages back. If pains are taken in putting down the label to have its outer edges fall a trifle inside those of the sheet, there will be no danger of ever taking hold of the label. 5.—CARE OF DUPLICATES. Some botanists pay little attention to their duplicates, arrange them in no definite order, keep them in parcels, each summer's collection by itself, or in other unsystematized ways, and depend upon memory to hunt out anything they may want to find. This is in a high degree rep- rehensible, and really occasions great loss of time. Others arrange them in the alphabetical order of the genera, which is much better, but is not to be recommended. It is best to arrange them carefully, accord- ing to the natural system, the same as the herbarium. How to label the cases of so shifting a mass has been a serious difficulty. I have heard very few plans of doing this suggested, and I think nearly all botanists leave them without labels and depend upon memory to dip in wherever they think their plant is. I will give my own method, which has worked admirably, and which eminent botanists have admired and expressed an intention to adopt. Strips of white paper, 19 inches in length, are cut of two widths, one kind 2 inches wide, the other 1 inch. The former are used for genus. strips, the latter for species-strips. Every genus is furnished with one of the wider sort and its name is written across one end, which projects far 232 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. enough in front to leave the name in full view, and when the doors are closed this end bends down so as to present it clearly to the eye. If the genus contains only one or two species, or even three, species-strips are not used, but for all genera represented in the duplicates by four or more species, each species is also provided with a strip. Between the genus- strip and the first species a sheet of paper intervenes, so that the two strips will not lie upon each other. Single sheets are alone used to put duplicates on, and great facility is thus secured in handling them. The plants occupying each partition are placed between large-sized paste-boards, the upper one of which is thinner and more pliable than the lower. This latter feature will be found a great improvement upon the use of two stiff boards. 6.—EXCHANGING SPECIMIENS. The duplicates are the botanist's stock in trade. With them he must expect chiefly to enrich his herbarium. This is done through eachanges. His local flora is sure to contain many things that are not to be found in some other places, and every such place will possess species which he cannot find. By notifying other botanists of what he has to exchange, he will receive offers which will be mutually beneficial to both parties. Besides having his duplicates conveniently arranged, he must also pre- pare and keep up a strict list or other account of them. This can best be done by marking them on the check-list of his local flora, if there be one, or on some larger catalogue embracing them all. It is well to have two copies of this, so that in case one is lost in the mails, all his labor in preparing it will not be also lost. When fully prepared to commence exchanging, he consults the Botan- ical Directory and drops a brief note to each of the botanists in localities from which he desires to receive plants, inviting them to exchange, Some of whom are sure to respond favorably. To such he sends his list of duplicates and requests theirs in return. His correspondents select from his list such plants as they desire, return his duplicates, and send him their lists. In like manner he selects his desiderata from their lists and returns them. If each wants about the same number from the other, the packages are made up and forwarded and the exchange is consum- mated. If there is great inequality, further negotiations are required. In making up packages to send out, each specimen should be accom- jpanied by a nice permanent label, such as any one would be willing to have attached to it in the herbarium of another botanist. This is chiefly FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 233 in self-protection, for unless you send good labels they will not be affixed to your specimens and you will not get credit for them; or, if affixed, they will remain a permanent reproach to you and your methods of working. To avoid extra labor, it is better to have blank labels printed with everything except the name and date. If you have rare plants in quantity to distribute, it is well to have the whole label printed for such. In a few years you will find that you will have several different kinds of duplicates for which a single blank will no longer answer, and you will want two or three kinds of blanks; e.g., one for your local plants, with the locality and your own name as collector printed; one for plants collected elsewhere by yourself, with your name printed but the locality left blank, and one for duplicates received from other botanists who have wrongly neglected to send labels. For these last you should give credit to the true collector in a blank space for his name, but take credit (your own name)” for the specimen by having the words “Ex Herb. printed over the top of the labels used for these cases. Where flowers and fruit are collected at different dates, this should be stated on the label, and there should be a package of blank labels with two lines for dates to be employed in such cases. If all are so printed, one of the lines will in most cases be left blank, which looks incomplete, and it is best to have most of the labels with only one line for date. The process of “getting out” duplicates for exchange will then con- sist in the following steps: Your correspondent’s list of desiderata lies before you and you look at the first name. If he is a methodical worker it will be the One nearest the beginning of the natural system and nearest the head of your dupli- cates. You take out the package (all the plants in that partition) and place it on the table, find the genus or species wanted, as the case may be, on your genus or species slips, and take up and lay aside all above it; you then select your specimen, copy the name, date, etc., from the temporary to the permanent label, and place the plant and label on a separate sheet of paper, where you desire to build up the exchange package. The bottom of this package, of course, consists of a piece of paste-board and the specimens are placed on papers (newspaper) of con- venient size. Some botanists use for this purpose any old torn scrap of paper or small irregular bits. This is not to be recommended, as it tends to pile up the plants too much in the middle and bend and injure the specimens. This is probably done for economy in postage, but this ob- ject can be almost as effectually secured while using papers of a uniform 234. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. size by having the whole package, boards, papers, and all, considerably narrower. Few single specimens are more than 9 or 9% inches wide, but . most packages are made 11 or 12 inches wide; this saving of two or three inches in width is very considerable, and works in all cases quite as well. The next plant on the list of desiderata is then found, taken out, and labeled in the same manner, and so on until the list is exhausted. If at any time you take out the last duplicate you have, do not fail to strike it off your list of duplicates, and if you have two such lists strike it from both. The law forbids the sending of labels of which any part is written, as third-class-matter, and it is necessary to give each label a temporary number and put with the specimen a corresponding printed figure (cut out of a calendar), and to send the labels in a letter. Rather than do this I generally patronize the express companies wherever my correspondents are near one of their stations. A very sensible decision was made by Postmaster-General Key that scientific labels, bills of lad- ing, etc., if they contained nothing irrelevant, might pass with the Speci- mens. This ruling has since been reversed as not in harmony with the spirit of the law.” There are cases where large packages have to go short distances, when it is more economical to send them by express. A package to be sent by mail or by express should be securely done up. The plants are first placed between two paste-boards of uniform size and tied up with a string around the middle and each end; then a piece of heavy wrapping-paper, large enough to envelop it entirely, is put around the package in a systematic manner, drawn firmly up laterally, the ends neatly turned back, and the whole securely bound with strong twine. The twine should be in one piece and go first round the middle, then round each end, then round the middle endwise, and perhaps also three times round in this manner, once near each edge of the package. Each time that the cord crosses another it should have a turn round it, and each time it completes a circuit be secured in the approved manner. These directions are important in view of the fact that the least move- ment of the specimens in the package works their immediate ruin. * As much doubt and uncertainty still exists on this point, I will say for the benefit of all concerned, that I called personally at the Post-Office Department (December 6, 1881), and was officially assured of the correctness of the statements herein made. It is, however, a great inconvenience to all branches of science, and operates against the Department and in the interest of the express companies. An earnest representation of the subject on the part of the large scientific bodies of the country would doubt- less secure thº amendment by Congress of the act in question, and this should be done. FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 235 7.—GENERAL REMARKS ON HERBARIUM WORK. The herbarium is a perpetual growth. Every summer specimens of your own collecting are added to it, and every winter still more are received through exchange. Nothing ever goes out, but accessions are constantly being made. It is therefore very important to keep a strict account with it. You want to know at any moment not only what you have, but how many you have. If asked how large your herbarium is, you want to be able to answer by a glance at your account—4,000, or whatever number of species it actually contains. You also want, if any one asks you whether you have such and such a plant, to be able to reply, if not from memory, which, of course, is not always possible, by a moment's looking at something besides the specimens. Very little herbarium work can generally be done during the collecting season. It is often necessary, and perhaps best, not to attempt to distri- bute current collections. After the season is over the plants collected and preserved during the summer are first all arranged in botanical order; then, beginning at the first, they are placed in two general sets, which your notes and lists enable you to make, one of which contains only new, i.e., unmounted plants, and the other, specimens of species already mounted. With regard to the first of these sets, of course your duty is simple; they must be mounted and go to swell the general collection. But as to the second, it will by no means do rashly to class them as dupli- cates and as such put them away. Every one should be carefully com- parºd with what you have previously collected. So rapid will be your improvement in making good Specimens that you will be surprised often- times that you should have considered the one previously put away a good one. If, then, you have had the patience to refrain from mount- ing the earlier ones, it will be no trouble to substitute the later and better one. But in many cases where the first specimens were good this comparison will enable you to supply missing forms and states and help to render the herbarium perfect. After all such have been thus compared and the specimens or parts needed for the herbarium have been taken out for mounting, the remainder will constitute true duplicates to be added to your list of duplicates, and put away in their proper order in that department. Next, as regards the Winter accessions. Unavoidably there will come in packages by exchange a good many plants that you already have in your herbarium. These should be compared as above described, but, as already remarked, if from other localities than any you have, they * 236 FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. should be mounted. It will not do, however, to mount them without comparison with those on hand, for in the majority of cases your sheet will not be full and the new plant can be added to it, which, aside from the question of economy, is far more scientific than to have them on Separate sheets. Not only with regard to summer, but to all winter accessions, the number added should be carefully noted and footed into the running account, so that the whole number in the herbarium may be at all times known. It is more difficult to have easy access to any name and be able to say with certainty whether you have it or not. Some merely mark their books and catalogues where the plants are enumerated and depend upon finding them in this way, but this is a clumsy method, not to be recommended. If there is a large comprehensive check-list, like Mann's Catalogue,it is well to devote one to this purpose, and so far as the plants there enumerated are concerned, this will show whether you have them or not. But you will be sure in time to get plants not found in any such check-list. Of course lists of such can be kept, and should be, but eventually they will become inconvenient. Plants will reach you of which no book in your library, and none accessible to you, contains a description. What shall be done with these? After a great amount of trouble of this kind I have found myself driven at last to the adoption of the card-catalogue system for my entire herbarium, and so charmingly does it work that I do not hesitate to commend it to the pro- fession, and to advise beginners to commence with it and keep it up. This perhaps need scarcely be described, but I may briefly say that it consists of a drawer of cards, alphabetically arranged, on which are writ- ten the names of all the plants in the herbarium. All necessary details may be obtained by a visit to any large library and an inspection of its Card system. - When a package of plants is received, or in any way comes up for final disposition, it is opened and the first specimen is examined. If already represented in the herbarium, it is put into the pile to be com- pared. If there be any doubt, the cards are consulted; if not found, a card is immediately written and slipped into its place in the drawer; the plant is then placed in the package to be mounted. In this way no new plant ever finds its way into the herbarium without its card having been first added to the card-catalogue. * The vast multiplicity of different objects to be handled in Imaking a herbarium, and the variety of ways in which they require to be disposed FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND WICINITY. 237 of, render careful work and systematic arrangement of the highest value; and in the long run the more methodical the procedure the more rapid the progress. Many of the detailed explanations above given may seem trivial and unnecessary, but they are the result of experience, acquired through unnumbered mistakes and erroneous impressions which would never have been made or entertained had there existed any sys- tematic treatise on the art (for such I maintain that it is) of practical botany. In conclusion, I cannot refrain from speaking a word in defense of the herbarium as an instrument of scientific culture. It is a collection of natural objects, scientifically classified and ever present for inspection. No question is so often asked the botanist by the unappreciative public as “What are you going to do with the plants?” The idea seems to be that unless you can extract some essence or elixir from them, either as a medicine, a food, or a perfume, they can be of no pos- sible use. The most satisfactory answer I ever heard given to this query was by an amateur lady botanist, who with genuine female intu- ition replied, “Just what you do with your books; a herbarium is a library to be consulted, studied, and read.” This is it, precisely. It is a library filled with volumes written by Nature, and which those who have learned the language of Nature can read and enjoy with a satis- faction as much keener than anything that man-made books can give as it is nearer to the source of all truth. IN DE X. [Species are not indexed except when specially mentioned out of their systematic place in the Cata- logue. Synonyms are in italics.] Page. Abbe, Professor Cleveland, Suggestion of, as to the need of such a work... ---------. 9 Abele-------------------------------------- 117 4bies--------------------------------------- 137 Abundant species -------------------------- 47–50 Abutilon ----------------------------------- 70, 154 Acalypha --------------------------------. 110, 182 Caroliniana ---------------------- 13 Acanthaceae -------------------------------- 103 Acanthus Family -------------...------------ 103 Account with the herbarium, Importance of keeping an ------------------------------- Aceae, The ordinal termination, its uses.... 51 Acer -------------------------------------- 73, 155 dasycarpum, Old nursery of . -- - - - - - - - 20 Early flowering of ...... 27, 28 rubrum.------------------------------ 28, 48 saccharinum-------------------------- 20, 23 Acerates-------------------------------- 53, 98,173 Achillea------------------------------------ 91, 169 Acknowledgment made to those aiding in - the work --------------------------------- 5 Acnida -----------------------------------. 107, 179 Aconitum ---------------------------------- 62, 149 Acorus-----------------------------------. 117, 185 Actaea alba--------------------------------. 12 Actinomeris.------------------------------- 91, 168 Squarrosa - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49 Adam-and-Eve ----------------------------. 120 Adams Mill -------------------------------- 20 Adder's-Mouth----------------------------- 120 Adder's-Tongue--------------------------. 122, 139 Family -------------------. 139 Additions and Corrections ---...---------... 238 to the flora since 1876............ 58 Adiantum--------------------------------- 138, 200 pedatum.-----------------------. 50 ACschynomene hispida --------------------. 12 Agrimonia --------------------------------- 78, 159 Agrimony---------------------------------- 78 Agrostis ---------------------------------- 131, 195 scabra ---------------------------- 32, 50 Aira--------------------------------------- 134, 197 Albinos ------------------------------------ 33 Alchemilla --------------------------------- 78, 159 Alder -------------------------------------- 112 Aletris ------------------------------------ 120,187 Page Alfalfa ------------------------------------- 74 Alisma ------------------------------------ 118,185 Alismaceæ --------------------------------- 118 Alkanet------------------------------------ 99 Allºaria ------------------------------------ 66 Allium------------------------------------ 121,187 striatum---------------------------- 13 Alnus ------------------------------------- 112, 183 Berrulata ---------------------------- 27, 29 Alopecurus ------------------------------- 130, 194 Alternate-leaved cornel -------------------- 83 Alum-Root --------------------------------. 79 Amarantaceae -----------------------------. 107 Amaranth---------------------------------- 107 Family.------------------------- 107 Amarantus-------------------------------- 107, 179 Amaryllidaceae----------------------------- 120 Amaryllis Family-------------------------- 120 Ambrosia ---------------------------------- 90, 167 artemisiaefolia ------------------- 49 trifida -------------------------- 49 Amelanchier ------------------------------- 79, 160 Canadensis ------------------- 29 American Bladdermut ---------------------- 7 Brooklime ----------------------- 102 Centaury.----------------------- 98 Cowslip-------------------------- 96 Crabapple ----------------------- 78 Elm ----------------------------- 110 Germander ---------------------- 104 Holly---------------------------- 71 Ipecac--------------------------- 77 Laurel--------------------------- 49 Linden -------------------------- 70 Maiden-hair --------------------- 138 Mistletoe ------------------------ 110 Pennyroyal---------------------- 105 Plane-Tree ---------------------. 111 White Hellebore ............ ---. 122 Woodbine ----------------------- 49, 72 Ammanmia--------------------------------. 80, 161 humilis.------------------------ 22 Ampelideae--------------------------------. 51 Ampelopsis ----------------------------- 51 72,155 Virginiana -----. - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 49 Amphicarpaea------------------------------ 76, 157 Anacardiaceae ------------------------------ 73 239 [. 240 INDEX, Page Page. Anacharis.--------------------------------- 119, 186 || Aristida. ---------------------------------- 131, 195 Anagallis ---------------------------------. 96, 172 | Aristolochia ------------------------------ 109, 181 Analyzing flowers.------------------------- 210 | Aristolochiaceae.--------------------------- 109 Andrea----------------------------------- 140,201 | Arlington Estate. -------------------------- 24 Andromeda -------------------------------- 95, 171 | Arnica ---...--- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 92,169 Mariana------------------------ 49 Arrow Arum------------------------------- 117 polifolia------------------------ 12 Arrow-head.------------------------------ 118 Andropogon------------------------------ 136, 199 || Arrow-leaved Tear-Thumb............----- 108 scoparius . -------------------- 50 Violet ----------------------- 67 Virginicus -------------------- 50 | Arrow-wood.------------------------------- 84 Anemone ---------------------------------- 61, 148 abundant species of ----------- 49 Hepatica------------------------- 27, 28 Arum ---------------, ---------------------- 117 IlêmoroSa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31 Family------------------------------ 117 Aneura ----------------------------------- 143,206 || Arundinaria macrosperma------------------ 13 Annuals, How to collect. -------------...--. 215 Asarabacca -------------------------------- 109 Anomodon -------------------------------- 142,204 | Asarum ----------------------------------- 109, 181 Anonaceae.--------------------------------. 63 Virginicum ----------------------- 13 Antennaria-------------------------------- 89, 167 Asclepiadaceae. ---------------------------- 51, 97 plantaginifolia----------------- 29, 49 | Asclepiadege ------------------------------- 51 Anthemis ------------------------------. 53, 91, 169 | Asclepias ---------------------------------- 97, 172 Anthoceros ----------------...-------------. 143,205 Cornuti. ------------------------- 49 Anthoxanthum---------------------------. 134,198 phytolaccoides ------------------ 12 odoratum ------------------ 50 quadrifolia ---------------------- 24 Anychia ---------------------------------.. 69, 153 rubra.--------------------------- 25 dichotoma------------------------- 20 tomentosa --------------------- 12 Aphyllon --------------------------------- 103,176 | Ascyrum----------------------------------- 69, 153 Apios -------------------------------------. 76,157 Stans. ---------------------------- 26 Aplectrum -------------------------------- 120, 187 | Ash---------------------------------------- 97 hyemale -----------------------. 50 | Asimina------------------------------------ 63, 149 Apocynaceae ------------------------------- 97 triloba ---------------------------- 29 Apocynum --------------------------------. 97, 172 | Asparagus.------------------------------- 122,188 androsaemifolium--------------. 12 Aspen.------------------------------------- 116 . Appearance of new plants since 1830....... 16 | Asphodel. ---------------------------------- 123 Appendix ---------------------------------- 209 | Aspidium. -----------------. ------------- 138, 200 Apple of Peru ----------------------------. 101 acrostichoides ------------------- 50 Appliances for analyzing flowers. -------... 211 marginale ----------------------. 50 Apricot ------------------------------------ 76 Asplenium. ------------------------------. 138,200 April, Plants flowering during the first week angustifolium ------------------ 24 of --------------------------------- 29 ebeneum- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 Plants flowering during the second Filix-foemina------------------- 50 and third weeks of ................ 30 Aster ----------------------------------- 53, 88,166 Aquilegia ---------------------------------. 62, 149 gestivus ----------------------------- 25 Arabis---------------. --------------------- 65, 150 divaricatus. ------------------------- 12 dentata ---------------------------- 22, 29 ericoides---------------------------- 49 hirsuta----------------------------- 16,23 miser ------------------------------- 49 lºvigata.--------------------------- 16, 29 patens. ------------------------------ 49 lyrata.----------------------------- 30 simplex ----------------------------- 49 patens ----------------------------- 23, 31 | Astragalus--------------- ----------------- 74, 156 stricta ----------------------------- 12, 16 || Atlas of Fifteen Miles around Washington, Araceæ -----------------------------------. 117 used in naming localities. ---------------- 18 Aralia ------------------------------------- 88, 162 Atrichum --------------------------------- 141,203 $ hispida------------------------------ 12 || Atriplex ---------------------------------- 107,180 quinquefolia.----------------------- 12 Aulacomnium. ---------------------------- 141, 203 Spinosa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 | Autumn Sneeze-weed ---------------------- 91 Araliaceae--------------------------------- 83 || Autumnal flowering of plants-------------- 32 Arbutus------------------------------------ 95 Cause of -------------- 33 Archangelica.------------------------------ 82, 162 | Avens. ------------------------------------ 77 Archemora.---------------------------. 51, 83, 162 || Azalea. - ...--------------------------------- 96 4?ctiºn------------------------------------ 53, 92 || Azalea. ------------------------------------ 95 Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi................... 12 4 renaria ---------------------------------- 69, 153 Arethusa bulbosa.-----------------------... 13 | Baccharis ---------------------------------- 89, 167 Argemone Mexicana....................... 12 | Back Lick Run----------------------------- 24 Arisema---------------------------------. 117, 185 | Baker, Dr. Frank, Discovery by, of Campto- triphyllum ----------------------- 30, 50 | Sorus rhizophyllus ----------------------- 138 INDEX. 241 Page. Page. Balm-------------------------------------- 105 || Birthwort Family...................... --. 109 of Gilead.---------------------------. 117 | Bishop's Cap---------------------------.... 79 Balmony ----------------------------------- 101 | Bitter Cress.------------------------------. 65 baptisia ----------------------------------- 73, 155 Dock-------------------------------. 100 alba ------------------------------. 12,222 | Bitternut-----------------------------...---- 112 Barbarea.---------------------------------. 65, 150 | Bittersweet -------------------------------. 72 PræCOX- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29 | Bitterweed--------------------------------. 90 Vulgaris-------------------------- 29 | Black Bindweed --------------------------- 108 Barberry----------------------------------- 63 Cherry ------------------------------ 77 Family--------------------------- 63 Flower.----------------------------- 122 Barbula.--------------------------------.. 141, 202 Haw -------------------------------- 48, 83 Bark, sometimes a useful character ........ 212 Huckleberry -----------------...---. 94 Barnyard Grass ----...---------------------. 136 Medick--------------------- tº e º ºs º ºn s e is 74 Barren Oak -------------------------------. 113 Mustard.---------------------------- 66 Bartonia - --------------------------------. 98, 173 Oak --------------------------------- 113 tenella ---------------------------- 25 Oat-Grass --------------------------- 131 Bartramia. ------------------------------.. 141,203 Raspberry--------------------------- 77 Bartram's Oak.-----------....... * * * * * * * * * * * 114 Scrub Oak -------------------------- 113 Pasil --------------------------------------. 105 Snakeroot.----------------. --------- 63, 82 Thyme ------------------------------. 105 Thorn ------------------------------ 77 Basswood--------------------------------.. 70 Walnut --------------------------... 112 Bastard Toad-flax ---...-------.............. 110 Willow------------------------------ 114 Bayberry--------------------------------... 112 | Blackberry--------------------------------- 77 Beafsteak Plant ------------............... 104 || Blackberry-Lily--------...----------...-..... 121 Beak-Rush.-------------------------------. 126 Black-Jack -------------------------------. 113 Bean -------------------------------------. 76 | Bladder Ketmia---------------...--......... 70 Bear Oak----------------------------------. 113 | Bladder-nut -------------------------------- 73 Bearul-Grass-------------------------------- 136 | Bladderwort-----------------------...------ 103 Beard-tongue -----------------------------. 101 Family-----------------------. 103 Bebb, M. S., Aid rendered by, on the genus Blagden's Mill ----------------------------- 20 Salix ----------------------. 5, 52 | Blazing Star-------------------------------. 122 on the continuous flowering of Blitum capitatum ----------................ 13 Salix longifolia............. 32 | Blood-Root --------------------------------- 64 Description by, of Salix nigra, Bloodwort Family.-----...- ................ 120 var. Wardi --............... 115 Blue Beech. -------------------------------- 112 Bedstraw-------------------------------.... 84, 85 Blazing Star ---...--------------------- 86 Beech --------------------- º º º ºs º e s tº e º ºs e e s as a s 48, 114 Cohosh ------------------------------- 63 Beech-drops.------------------------------. 103 Curls--------------------------------- 104 Beech-Fern -------------------------------. 138 False Indigo -------------------------- 73 Beggar's Lice ------------------------------ 99 Flag ---------------------------------- 120 Ticks.---------------------------. 91 Grass --------------------------------- 132 Beginners, Suggestions to.................. 209 Lettuce ------------------------------- 93 Bellflower --------------------------------- 94 Tangle -------------------------------. 94 Bellwort ----------------------------------- 122 Thistle.------------------------------- 100 Bending specimens for the portfolio, Direc- Vervain ------------------------------. 104 tions for --------------------------------- 216 Wax-weed ---------------------------- 80 Benjamin-bush ----------------------------- 109 | Blueberries -------------------------------. 49 Bent Grass--------------------------------- 131 | Blueberry ---------------------------------- 94 Berberidaceae ---------------------------... 51, 63 | Bluebottle---------...-----------------------. 92 Berberideæ--------------------------------- 51 | Bluets.---------------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 84 Berberis.----------------------------------. 63,149 | Blue-eyed Grass.-------------------------.. 121 Canadensis.----------------------- 12 | Blue-Hearts ------------------------------. 102 Bergamot ---------------------------------- 105 | Blue-weed.---------------------------...----- 100 Bermuda-Grass.--------------------------- 132 | Boehmeria--------------------------------- 111, 182 Betula ------------------------------------ 112, 183 cylindrica ----------------------- 49 alba, var. populifolia-------------... 13 | Bois d’arc ------------------------------ : - . 111 lenta. ------------------------------- 13 | Boneset ------------------------------------ 86 nigra ------------------------------- 30, 48 || Borage Family ----------...---------------. 99 Bidens ------------------------------------- 91, 168 || Boragineae --------------------------------- 51 Certilla - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49 | Borraginaceae ... ........... --...-------. . 51, 99 Bignonia Family --------------------------- 103 || Botanical Index of Sereno Watson, to what Bignoniaceae ------------------------------- 103 extent conformed to............ 51 Bindweed --------------------------------. 100, 108 Reys, Beginners' struggles with . 211 Birch ... ---------------------------------- 112 | Botanic Club----...----------------------.. 11 Bird's-foot Violet . ......... ........ Botanists, Caprices of................... ... 17, 18 • * * * * * * * * 67 Bull. Nat. Mus. No. 22–16 242 INDEX. Page Page, Botany, as a branch of liberal culture ...... 56 | Button-bush --------................ e - a • * * * 84 Disdain sometimes manifested for. 56 | Button-weed ---...-- - tº e º º ºs º ºs & e º e s • gº tº e º ſº tº sº * 84 in the Public Schools.............. 57 | Buttonwood---------------------------- ---. 111 Botrychium ------------------------------. 139, 201 Bottle-brush Grass......................... 134 Cabin John Run.--------------------------- 23 Bottle-Grass.----------------------------.. 136 Great arch spanning. ----. 23 Bouncing Bet ------------------------------ 68 Cacalia---------------------------------. 53, 92, 169 Box Elder.--------------------------------- 73 l Cactaceae----------------------------------. 51, 81 Box Elder Island.-----------------------... 22 | Cactege --------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 51 Box White Oak ---------------------------. 112 | Cactus ------------------------------------- 81 Brachyelytrum.-------------------------- 131, 195 Family ----------------------------- 81 Bracken.----------------------------------. 138 | Calamagrostis-----------------------------. 13, 195 Brake -------------------------------------. 138 Calamintha ------------------------------. 105,178 Branching Whitlow-Grass ............... ... 65 Calamus------------------------------------ 117 Brasenia ----------------------------------- 63. 149 | Calico-bush -------------------------------. 49, 95 peltata --------------------------- 22 | Calla palustris.----------------------------- 13 Brassica------------------------------------ 66,151 | Callitrichaceae----------------------...----. 52 Brereton, John A., M.D................... 59 | Callitriche --------------------------------- 8, 161 Brilliant Coneflower........................ 90 | Calophanes oblongifolia .................... 13 Bristly Foxtail Grass....................... 136 | Calopogon--------------------------------- 120, 186 Brittle Fern-------------------------------- 139 pulchellus----------------------. 25 Broad Branch ---------------------------...-- 20 | Calycanthus glaucus ----------------------. 12 Water ------------------------------. 23 | Calypogeia -------------------------------- 144, 207 Broad-leaved Ladies' Traces ............... 119 | Calvétégia.--------------------------------. 100 Bromus ----------------------------------. 133,197 | Camelina ---------------------------------. 66, 151 ciliatus ---------------------------- 50 | Cameron Run ------------------------------ 24 Brooklime---------------------------------. 102 | Campanula. -------------------------------- 94, 171 Brookweed-------------------------------.. 96 aparinoides--------...---------. 12 Broom-------------------------------------- 74 Family------------------------- 94 Hickory.--------------------------.. 111 | Campanulaceae. ---------------------------- 52, 94 Broom-rape--------------------------------. 103 | Campion ----------------------------------- 68 Family------------------------. 103 | Camptosorus------------------------------ 138,200 Broom-sage--------------------------------- 136 rhizophyllus----------........ 23 Brown Hickory ..... tº tº tº e º ºs e º ſº tº tº º e º e º 'º e º ºr e º e 111 | Canada. Thistle ---------------------------.. 92 Bruchia ---------------------- tº ºr e º 'º e º a s - a º m 140,202 || Canadian Burnet--......... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 78 Brunella-------------------------------. 54, 106, 179 Moonseed------------------------ 63 Vulgaris--------------------------- 49 | Canary-Grass ...-------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 134 Bryan, O. M., Discovery by, of Asplenium Cancer-root--------------------------------- 103 angustifolium ---------------------------- 24, 138 | Cannabis---------------------------------. 111, 182 Bryum ------------------------------------ 141,203 | Caprifoliaceae ------------------------------ 83 Buchnera ----------------------------. 102,176,222 | Capsella-----------------------------------. 66, 151 Americana ---------------------. 25 Bursa-pastoris--------------------- 28 Buckthorn Family............. gº ºs e s tº e ºs e º sº as sº 72 | Carberry Meadows...------...--------...-. 21 Buckwheat--------------------------------- 108 | Cardamine -----------------------------. 51, 65, 150 Buffalo Clover-----------------------------. 74 hirsuta -------------------------. 20, 32 Bugle-weed ------. ----------------------.. 104 var. sylvatica ------..... 31 Bugloss -----------------------------------. 100 rhomboidea --------------------- 29 Bull Thistle.-----------------------------. 92 Card-catalogue of the herbarium, Satisfacto- Bulrnsh ------... * * * * * * * * s Gº Gº tº - - e s e º ºs e º e s - as a 126 ry results from keeping a................ 236 Bunch-flower-------------------------...... 122 | Cardinal Flower... --...--...-----------....... 94 Burdock.--...---------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * = n e º e s a wº 92 | Carduus defloratus......................... 12 Bur-Grass ---------------------------------- 136 pectinatus ------------------------ 12 Bur-Marigold ....... º tº º ºs º e º 'º - G - e s tº tº a m e º e º se se 91 Carex. ----------. º, º ºs e º 'º e as tº e s m e º e º 'º an us ºs e s = e = 126, 191 Burnet ------------------------------------. 78 angustata --------------------------- 50 Burning Bush.------------------------..... 72 bullata ------------------------------ 25, 26 Pur-Oak ... -------------------------------. 112 Crinita ------------------------------ 50 Bur-Reed.---------------------------------. 117 decomposita------------------------. 23 Bush-Clover.------------------------------. 75 Emmonsii --------------------------. 31 Butter-and-eggs ---------------------------. 101 flava -------------------------------- 13 Buttercups.-------------------------------- 62 gracillima ------------------------- . 24 Butterfly-pea------------------------------. 76 intumescens------------------------. 50 Butterfly-weed.---------------------------- 97 laxiflora ----------------------------- 31, 50 Butternut.------...-------------- * > * tº e º e º º sº e 112 pallescens --------------------------- 24 Butter-weed............... tº º e º ſº º ºs º dº tº gº tº º sº tº º ºn 89 Pennsylvanica ............ - - - - - - - - - - 31 Button Snakeroot.......................... 82,86 platyphylla -------------...--------. 30, 50 INDEX. 243 Page. Page. Carex polymorpha............--- tº gº tº gº tº gº ºf s as a sº 13 Cerastium vulgatum ............... tº º ºr sº e s a e 30, 238 saxatilis.---------------------------. 13 Ceratodon--------------------------------. 140,202 subulata.------------...------------- 13 Ceratophyllaceae -------------------------.. 51, 117 tentaculata.------------------------. 33, 50 Ceratophyllege .-----...--------------....... 51 tetanica, var. Woodii................ 24 Ceratophyllum --------------------------- 117, 185 wirescens---------------------------- 50 Cercis-------------------------------------. 76, 158 vulpinoidea ------------------------- 50 Canadensis.-----------------------.. 30, 48 Carices, Dates given for, those of developed Chaerophyllum --------------------------... 82, 162 perigynia-----------------------. 59 | Chain Bridge------------------------------- 21. How to collect---------............ 216 | Chain-Fern--------------------------------- 138 Carolina Cranesbill.----------...----....... 71 Chamaelirium ----------------------------. 122, 188 Carpet-weed.-----------------------------.. 81 Carolinianum...... ---...----. 20 Carpinus ---------------------------------. 112, 183 Chamomile -------------------------------. 91 Americana ----------------------- 29 || Changing plants from wet to dry papers, Pro- Carrion Flower ---------------------------. 121 cess of, described -----------------------. 221 Carroll Estate-----------------------------. 21 | Chapman's Flora of the Southern States, Carrot.------------------------------------. 83 Compilations from......------------...----. 37, 43 Carya ------------------------------------- 111, 182 | Chara ------------------------------------. 144, 207 alba --------------------------------- 20 Vulgaris -------------------- • - - - - - - 13 tomentosa ...... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * s is sº e º e ºs 48 Characeae .-------------------------------, 144 Caryophyllaceae -------------------------- 51, 52,68 furnished by Dr. E. Foreman..., 10 Caryophylleae ------------------------------ 51 how classed ------ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10 Cascade Run ------------------------------- 20 | Charlock ---------------------------------- 66 Cases for the herbarium, Proper dimensions Cheat -------------------------------------- 133 of---------------------------------------. 225 | Checkerberry ------------------------------ 95 Cashew Family ---------------------------- 73 | Check-list ---------------------------------- 148 Cassandra calyculata............. ------.... 12 | Cheilanthes ------------------------------. 137, 199 Cassia------------------------------------. 76, 158 | Chelidonium ------------------------------. 64, 149 Castanea ---------------------------------. 114, 184 | Chelone ----------------------------------. 101, 175 pumila -------------------------.. 48 || Chenopodiaceae----------------------------. 107 vulgaris, var. Americana.......... 48 | Chenopodium ------------...--------...... 107, 179 Castor-oil Bean.---------------------------. 110 | Cherry ------------------------------------- 77 Catalogue of the Local Flora............... 9 | Chervil ------------------------------------ 82 of the Plants of Illinois......... 43 | Chess -------------------------------------- 133 Private, of beginners, When to Chestnut ----------------------------------. 48, 114 commence making a-...--...----- 218 Chestnut-Oak -----------------------------. 48, 113 Catalogue-makers, Tendency of, to expand Chiccory ----------------------------------. 92 their catalogues unduly.................. 10, 16 || Chickasaw Plum---------------------...... 77 Catalogues, rarely tabulated............---- 39 Chickering, Professor J. W., jr., Valuable Catalpa ----------------------------------- 103,177 assistance rendered by................... 6 Catbrier-----------------------------------. 121 | Chickweed. --............ -----------------. 68,69 Catchfly.----------------------------------. 68 Chiloscyphus ---------------. ------------. 143,206 Catnip ------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 105 | Chimaphila -------------------------------. 95, 171 Cat-tail------------------------------------- 117 maculata ---------------------. 49 Family----------------------------. 117 umbellata.--------------------- 49 Caulophyllum--------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 63, 149 | Chinquapin -------------------------------- 48, 114 thalictroides................. 22, 29 | Chinquapin-Oak.--------...------...--------. 113 Ceanothus---------------------------------- 72, 155 Chionanthus ........----------------------- 97, 172 ovatus-------------------------- 22 | Choke-Berry .------------------------------ 78 Cedar -------------------------------------- 187 | Choke-Cherry ------------------------------ 77 Celandine ---------------------------------. 64 | Choke-dog --------------------------------- 98 Celastraceae -------------------------------- 51, 72 | Chondrilla --------------------------------- 93, 170 Celastrineae -------------------------------- 51 | Christmas Fern ---------------------------- 139 Celastrus----------------------------------- 72, 155 Shield-Fern -------------------, - 139 Celtis ------------------------------------- 111, 182 | Chrysanthemwm.............-------------.. 53, 92 occidentalis, var. crassifolia.--------. 13 | Chrysogonum ------------- - -------------. 90, 167 Cenchrus---------------------------------- 136, 199 Virginianum ----...--------- 30, 238 echinatus. ----------------------. 13 | Chrysopsis ----------------------- --------- 86, 165 Centaurea---------------------------------. 92, 169 Mariana -----------------------. 49 Centaury-------------------------------. . 98 || Chrysosplenium. ---...-----------...-------- 79, 160 Centrosema Virginianum -----------------. 12 Americanum -----. . . . . . . . . 27 Cephalanthus ----------------------------- 84, 163 Cichorium. -------------------------------. 92, 169 Cerastium--------------------------------- 68, 152 Cicuta -----------------------------------.. 82, 162 oblongifolium------------------. 30, 49 || Cimicifuga --------------------------------. 63. 149 viscosum ........ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28 T8:COIUlO58 - - - - - - - - - - - & ºn tº e º 'º tº ſº dº tº º 49 244 INDEX Page. Page. Cinna - ------------- tº º 'º º ºs e º º tº º ſº tº sº gº sº e º 'º e º 'º e 131, 195 | Common Chickweed. ---...---------...----. 68 Cinnamon Fern ---------------------------. 139 Dandelion....... -, * * * * * * * * is tº º • * * * * * 93 Cinque-Foil ----...--- -> --> - º ºr e g º e º sº dº e º 'º - tº e º ºs ... 78 Day-flower...... ... º e º e º e = * * * * * * 124 Circaea ------------------------------------- 81, 161 Everlasting ---------------------- 89 Cºrsium ------------------------------------ 92 Flax ------------------ ---------- 71 Cistaceae ----------------------------------- 51, 66 Hair-Grass ----------------------- 134 Cistineae ----------------------------------- 51 Hop ----------------------------- 111 Claggett Estate ---------------------------- 21 Horsetail------------------- - --. 137 Clammy Azalea ...... º - - - e º G & © tº sº * * * * ~ * ~ * * * * 95 Hound's-Tongue -------------- 99 Chickweed ------------------------ 68 Mallow-------------------------- 70 Cuphea.... ----------------- * - - - - - - 80 Meadow-Grass ------------------- 132 Classification adopted -------- ------------- 50 Milkweed.----------------------- 97 Claytonia ---------------------------------- 69, 153 Morning-Glory.--...-------------- 100 Virginica-----------------------. 28, 33 Motherwort ---...----------------- 106 Clayton's Cliff-Brake. -----...-------------. 138 Mullein -------------------------- 101 Flowering Fern.----------------. 139 Names --------------------------. 54 Clearweed --------------------------------- 111 Tendency of naturalists to Cleavers --------------- tº e º ºs s a s is º ºs s = e º s = º ºs - 84 eschew.----------------- 54 Clematis ------------ • e º e s m sº e s sº e º e º ºs e s = º ºs º º 61, 148 in how far approved ...... 54 ochroleuca ------------------------ 24, 55 Uses of ------------------. 55 Climacium -------------------------------- 142, 204 Occasional persistency of . 55 Climbing Bittersweet ---------------------. 72 not repeated for each spe- Boneset -------------------------- 86 cies of a genus---------- 59 False Buckwheat...-------........ 108 Nightshade ---------------------. 100 Fern----------------------------- 139 Pimpernel.----------------------- 96 Hemp-weed ---------------------. 86 Plantain -------------------------- 106 Cliff Brake --------------------------------- 138 Polypody.------------------------ 137 Clitoria -----------------------------------. 76, 157 Rush ----------------------------- 123 Mariana.--------------------------. 25 Smartweed.---------------------- 108 Closed Gentian. ---------------------------- 98 Sow Thistle ------...--------------. 93 Clotbur ------------------------------------ 90 Speedwell.----------------------. 102 Clothed Lip-Fern -------...---------------. 137 St. John's-wort.------------------ 70 Clover ---------------. * * * * tº e º º ºp º ºs º a º - º ºs e e s is 74 Stramonium---------------------. 101 Club-Moss. ------------------------------ 139,140 Sunflower.----------------------. 90 Family-------------------------- 139 Thistle--------------------------- 92 Club-Rush --------------------------------. 126 Wood-Fern.......---------------. 139 Clump-head Grass.-...---------------...... 126 Comparison of the Flora of 1830 with that Cnicus ------------------------------------. 92, 169 of 1880 --------------------------------- ... 11 pumilus ---------------------------. 12 || Comparisons of the local flora with other Cockle -----------------------------------.. 68 floras.------------------------------------ 36–47 Cocklebur. --------------------------------- 90 | Compositae --------------------------------- 85 Cockspur Thorn. --------------------------- 79 Genera in, that have been Spines of the, as dissecting changed by Bentham and needles -----------------. 211 Hooker in the Genera Planta- Colic-root --------------------------------. 120 Turn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52 Colic-weed --------------------------------- 64 || Composite Family.----------- -------------- 85 Collecting, Essential apparatus for......... 213 | Comstock, J. M., Discovery by, of Ophio- Collection of Plants.-------------.......... 212 glossum Vulgare-------------------------- 139 an art ---------------. 210, 212 Comstock, Professor J. H., Plants discover- Collinsonia. ------------------------------- 104,177 ed by..... 24, 84, 111 Canadensis --------------------. 49 Discovery by, Collinson's Flower ............ * * * * * * * * * * * *s 104 of Viburnum pubescens.------...-------- Columbine --------------------------------. 62 of Morus alba---------------------------. 111 Comandra -----------------------------... 110, 181 | Concluding Remarks------------........ --. 55 Comfrey ----------------------------------. 99 || Cone-Flower -------------------- tº º tº ſº tº tº º 'º º º ºs 90 Commelyna --------------------------..... 124, 189 Coniferae ---------------------------------. 137 Commelynaceae. --------------------- ...... 124 Conoclinium. ------------------------------- 86, 165 Common Adder's-Tongue .................. 139 Conopholis. ------------------------------- 108, 176 Agrimony----------------------.. 78 Convolvulaceae ...--------------------------- 100 American Dodder.-----.......... 100 | Convolvulus ---...------------------------- 100, 174 Beggar-ticks -------------------.. 91 | Coral-berry---------------------- º e º te as dº º ºs e º sº. 84 Blueberry-----------------------. 94 | Corallorhiza. ------------------------------ 120, 187 Blue Violet. ---------------------- 67 Coral-root ---------------------------------- 120 Cat-tail -------------------------. 117 | Cord-Grass--------------------------------- 132 Chain-Fern.--------------------. 138 Coreopsis ---...------- tº gº º 'º - © - tº º ºs e º ºs e º ºs Q & tº º º ºs 91, 168 INDEX, 245. Page Page. Coreopsis discoidea.----------------------- - 25 | Culver's Physic ---------------------------. 102 TO868 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 | Cunila. ------------------------------------ 104,178 verticillata ----------------------. 49 | Cuphea.------------------------------------ 80 161 Corn Chamomile---------------------------- 91 | Cupressus thyoides -----------------------. 13 Cockle -------------------------------- 68 Cupuliferae --------------------------------- 112 Gromwell----------------------------- 99 Curled Dock ------------------------------. 109 Speedwell -------------------------!-- . 103 | Curly Head -------------------------------. 55, 61 Cornaceae ---------------------------------- 83 Currant ------------------------------------ 79 Cornel ------------------------------------- 83 Cursed Crowfoot --------------------------. 62 Abundant species of.---------------- 48, 49 | Curtiss, A. H., Discovery by, of Polyga Corn-Poppy -------------------------------- 64 Curtissii --------------------------------- Corn-Salad --------------------------------- 85 | Curtiss's Milkwort............. º tº º ſº tº me s a s = * * 68 Cornus ------------------------------------- 83, 163 | Cuscuta.---------------------------------- 100, 175 alternifolia ------------------------. 48 Custard-Apple Family --------------------. 63 florida ------------------------------ 30, 48 Custis Spring -----------------------------. 24 Sericea---------------------- tº tº a tº e = - - 48 Cut-leaved Toothwort.--------------------. 65 Corpse-Plant ------------------------------. 96 | Cuvier and Lamarck, their views con- Corydalis ---------------------------------. 64, 150 trasted ----------------------------------- 57 aurea - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12, 16 || Cylindrothecium -------------------------- 142, 204 flavula -------------------------- 16, 29 Cynodon ---------------------------------- 132, 195 glauca ------------------------... 12, 15 Cynoglossum------------------------------.99, 174 Corylus ----------------------------------. 112, 183 Cynthia --------------------------------. 53, 93, 170 rostrata ---------------------------- 13 Dandelion ------------------------- 222 Cotton-Grass -------------------------...---- 126 Cyperaceae --------------------------------. 124 Cotton-Thistle ----------------------------- 92 | Cyperus ---------------------------------- 124, 190 Cottonwood -------------------------------- 116 erythrorhizos....------------------ 24 Couch-Grass ------------------------------. 134 flavescens ------------------------. 13 Cowbane-----------. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 82, 83 flavicomus ------------------------ 13 Cow-Parsnip ------------------------------- 83 ovularis--------------------------. 50 Cowslip ----------------------------------- 96, 99 phymatodes.---------------------- 50 Cow-Wheat -------------------------------- 102 rotundus, var. Hydra ............. 13 Crab-Apple -------------------------------- 78 strigosus------------------------.. 50 Crab-Grass ------------------------------. 132, 135 Virens----------------------------. 22 Crane-Fly Orchis.-------------------------- 120 Cypripedium. ----------------------------. 120, 187 Cranesbill---------------------------------- 71 pubescens-------------------- 20 Crassulaceæ-------------------------------. 79 spectabilis -----------------.. 13 Crataegus ---------------------------------. 78, 160 | Cyprus Grass -----------...-----------------. 124 Crus-galli------------------------ 211 | Cystopteris ------------------------------. 139,200 parvifolia------------------------ 23 Cytisus -----------------------------------. 74, 156 tomentosa ----------------. ----. 12 Credit given to the discoverers of rare spe- cies -------------------------------------- 58 Dactylis. ---------------------------------. 132, 196 Creeping Crowfoot -------------------...--- 62 Daisy Fleabane ---------------------------. 89 Greek Valerian................... 99 || Damp papers, How to dry------------------ 222 Cress------------------------------------. 64, 65,66 | Dandelion ---------------------------------. 93 Crested Dwarf Iris.---...----..........---- 121 Cynthia-------------------------- 93 Shield-Fern------------------------ 138 Dangleberry ------------------------------- 94 Wood-Fern -------------...- * * * * * * * 138 Danthonia-------------------------------- 134, 197 Crop-Grass -------------------------------- 135 Spicata.------------------------- 50 Crotalaria ---------------------------------- 74, 156 | Dark Purple Rock-Brake................... 138 Crowfoot -------------------------------. 21, 62,140 | Darnel.-------------------------- --------- 134 Family ------------------------ ... 61 Dates of flowering, how given in the gen- Crownbeard.------------------------------- 91 eral catalogue ---------------------------- 59 Cruciferae ---------------------------------- 64 Datura.----------------------------------- 101, 175 Cryptogamia-----------------------------. 187 Daucus ----------------------------------- 82, 162 Cryptogams, Dates given for, those of devel- Day-flower--------------------------------- 124 oped Spores ------------------------------ 59 Day-Lily----------------------------------- 123 Cryptotania ------------ = e º tº - ºr e º ºs sº tº º sº tº e º 'º -> * 82, 162 | Dead-Nettle ------------------------------- 106 Crystal Springs ---------------------------- 20 | Deerberry. --------------------------------. 49,94 Cucurbitaceae ------------------------------ 81 | Deer-Grass--------------------------------. 80 Cudweed.---------------------------------- 89 || Delphinium------------------------------- 62, 149 Culture destined to become more scientific. 58 tricorne.----------- tº dº e º sº as sº e º e - 23 liberal, Importance of making sci- Dentaria -------------------------------. 51,65,150 ence a part of.------------------ 55 heterophylla.--------------------- 28 advantages of botany as a branch of 56 laciniata.-------- e is e º sº a º º O & © e e s m e º 'º - 29, 40 246 INDEX. Page Page. Deptford Pink ...... ---...-- sº as * * * * * * * * * * * * 68 || Downy False Foxglove.................. . . 10% Descent with modification, Theory of pro- Yellow Violet -------------------. -- 67 pounded by Lamarck.--------...--------- 57 | Draba.------------------------- * e º s m = * * * * * * 65, 150 Desiderata, Lists of, for exchanging plants. 232 arabisans ---------------------------- 12 Desmodium ------------------------ tº s m e º a • * 74, 156 Caroliniana -------------------------- 12 acuminatum------------. ------ 49 Tamosissima ------------------------- 10 Canadense -------------------- 12 Verna- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28 ciliare.------------------------ 25 | Dried plants, Disposition of...... ---------- 223 Dillenii.----------------------- 49 | Driers.------------------------------------- 218 glabellum --------------------. 12 | Drinking-cup ------------------------------ 215 Marylandicum ---------------. 25 | Drooping-flowered Ladies' Traces.......... 119 nudiflorum -------------------. 33, 49 | Drop-seed Grass----------...---------------- 131 Devil’s-bit---------------------------------. 122 Drosera ------------------------------------ 8D, 160 Dewberry--------------------------------.. 77 rotundifolia.--. ------------------- 25 Diamorpha pusilla-------------------------. 12 | Droseraceae -------------------------------- 80 Dianthera --------------------------------- 103, 177 | Drummondia.-------------. -------------- 141, 202 Dianthus.---------------------------------- 68, 152 | Drying, Plants that turn black in.--------- 222 Armeria ------------------------- 238 Drying paper, Kind of, recommended.----- 219 Diary, Botanical --------------------------- 218 Patent kinds of, not to be Dicentra----------------------------------- 64, 150 recommended ...---------- 222 Cucullaria ---------------------- 15, 28, 29 | Duck's-meat ------------------------------- 117 Dichelyma -------------------------------. 142,204 | Duckweed --------------------------------. 117 Dicksonia.--------------------------------. 139, 200 Family ------------------------- 117 Dicotyledons -----------------------------. 51 | Dulichium -------------------------------- 125, 190 Dicranum. -------------------------------- 140,202 | Duplicates, Care of.----...-------------...--. 223 Difficult Run. ------------------------------ 24 Labeling cases of -------------. 221 Diodia ------ ----------------------------- 84, 163 How to prepare for exchanges. 233,234 Dioscorea --------------------------------- 121, 187 List of, to be kept in duplicate. 235 Dioscoreaceae ------------------------------ 121 | Dutchman's Breeches ........----...-------- 64 Diospyros.--------------------------------- 96, 172 | Dwarf Chestnut-Oak....................... 113 Diphyscium------------------------------- 141, 203 Dandelion -------------------------- 93 Diplopappus ---------------------------. 53, 89, 167 Ginseng ---------------------------- 83 amygdalinus-----------------. 12 Gray Willow ........... ------------ 116 Dipsaceae ---------------------------------. 85 Huckleberry ----------------------. 94 Dipsacus------------------------. --------- 85, 164 Iris.-------------------------------- 121 Dipteracanthus. ---------------------------- 103 Larkspur. -------------------------- 62 Dirca-------------------------------------. 109, 181 Spleenwort ------------------------- 138 palustris ----------------------------. 31 Sumac ------------------------------ 73 Disappearance of plants since 1830......... 16 Thorn ------------------------------ 79 Discopleura -------------------------------- 82, 162 Wild Rose. ------------------------- 78 capillacea---------------------. 24 Ditch Stone-crop --------------------------- 80 | Eads' Mill....------------------------------ 21 Dittany ------------------------------------ 104 | Eagle-Fern -------------------------------- 138 Diverse-leaved Toothwort.................. 65 | Early Meadow-Rue ------------------------ 61 Divisions of the Dicotyledons, Unnatural White Saxifrage--------------------- 79 arrangement of the -------------. tº tº dº sº s • * * * 53 Winter-Cress...--------------------- 65 Dock-------------------------------------. 108, 109 | Early-flowering species--------------------- 27, 28 Dockmackie-------------------------------- 84 | Eastern Branch ---------------------------- 26 Dodder------------------------------------. 100 | Eastern United States, Comparison of the Dodecatheon.----------------------------. 96, 172 local flora with that of the ---------. 37, 39, 45,46 Dogbane ---------------------- * * * * * * * * tº º º º º 97 | Eaton, Professor D. C., His work on the Family --------------------------- 97 Ferns adhered to------------------------- 52 Dog-Rose ---------------------------------- 78 Eatonia ----------------------------------- 132, 196 Dog's-tooth Violet.......................... 122 Pennsylvanica--------------------- 50 Dogwood.---------------------------------- 83 | Ebenaceae.--------------------------------- 96 Doolittle, Professor M. H., Ebony Family------------------------------ 96 Discovery by, of a remarkable form of Eu- Spleenwort. ------------------------- 138 patorium perfoliatum.... 86 | Echinospermum --------------------------- 99, 174 of Habenaria ciliaris....... 119 | Echium ----------------------------------- 100, 174 of Rhododendron maximum 238 Vulgare. --------------------------- 32 Doors of herbarium cases, How they should Eclipta. ------------------------------------ 90, 168 be hung ---------------------------------- 225 | Eel-grass ---------- a s gº ºn e ºs e º ºs e º 'º in s = e º s = * * * * * * 119 Poorweed---------------------------------. 108 | Elder.-------------------------------------- 83 Double Flowers.......... e e s is se e s m = ºr * gº is us ºn as e 33 | Eleocharis...------- º ºg sº º º ºs e º e g º ºs º - - - º tº e º sº e - 125, 190 Double-bristled Aster...................... 89 obtusa -------------------------- 50 INDEX. 247 Page. Fuge. Eleocharis palustris. ----------------------- 50 | Everlasting Pea ---...----------------. . . . . 76 quadrangulata.----------------- 26 Exchanging Specimens.....---------...----. 232 Elephantopus ---------- ge as we e s e e s is e e º se e s = * * * * 85, 164 Explanations.----------...--...-----------.... 58 Elephant's Foot---------------------------- 85 | Express Companies, When cheapest to pat- Eleusine ---------------------------------- 132, 195 Tonize the -------------------------------- 234 Ellisia-------------------------------------- 99, 174 Blm ---------------------------------------- 110 | Fagopyrum ------------------------------- 108, 181 Elm-leaved Golden Rod .......------------. 87 | Fagus.------------------------------------ 114, 184 Elodes --------------------------------- 51, 70, 153 ferruginea--------------------------- 48 Elymus ----------------------------------- 134,197 False Asphodel.---------------------------. 123 Virginicus ------------------------- 50 Beech-drops -------------------------- 96 Enchanter's Nightshade ------------------- 81 Boneset -----------------------------. 86 Engelmann, Dr. George, Revisions by...... 52 Buckwheat--------------------------. 108 English Hawthorn ------------------------- 79 Choke-dog--------------------------- 98 Maiden-hair ----------------------- 138 Dragon-head ------------------------. 106 Plantain -------------------------- 106 Flax ------------------------ -------- 66 Inslenia ----------------------------------- 98, 173 Foxglove----------------------------- 102 Enslen's Vine ------------------------------ 98 Gromwell ---------------------------- 100 Bpigaea------------------------------------- 95, 171 Lettuce -----------------------------. 93 TepellS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28 Loosestrife--------------------------- 81 Epilobium --------------------------------- 80, 161 Nettle-------------------------------- 111 Epiphegus -------------------------------- 103, 176 Pennyroyal ------------------------- 104 Equisetaceae.------------------------------- 137 Pimpernel---------------- -------- 102 Lquisetum -------------------------------- 137,199 Spikenard---------------------------. 122 hyemale ------------------------ 28 Sunflower ---------------------------. 90 Eragrostis.-------------------------------- 133, 196 || Farlow, Professor W. G.................... 10 pectinacea----------------------- 50 | Fashion, How to render useful ............ . 55, 56 Erechthites -------------------------------- 92, 169 February, Plants flowering in.............. 28 Erianthus --------------------------------- 136, 199 || Feeder of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal.. 21 Ericaceae. ---------------------------------- 52, 94 | Feeder-Dam Island ...................----. 22 Erigenia ------------------ e - e º ºs e e s = e º e ºs e º 'º - 82, 16% Fedia ----------------------------------- 53, 85, 164 bulbosa.-----------------------. 22, 23, 29 Fegatella. --------------------------------.143,206 Erigeron ----------------------------------- 89, 167 | Fern-leaved False Foxglove................ 102 bellidifolius ---------------------- 31 | Ferns -------------------------------------- 137 Eriocaulon -------------------------------- 124, 190 Classification of, adopted.---...----- 52 gnaphalodes-------------------. 124 Fescue-Grass.------------------------------ 133 Eriocaulonaceae ---------------------------- 124 Festuca ----------------------------------- 133, 196 Eriophorum. ------------------------------ 126, 191 nutans.---------------------------- 50 Erodium ----------------------------------- 71, 154 Ficoideae ----------------------------------- 81 cicutarium. ----------------------- 29 Field Garlic. ------------------------------- 12] Eryngium ---------------------------------- 82, 162 Larkspur------------, -------- dº is e s s m = s. 62 Eryngo------------------------------------- 82 Pennycress--------------------------- 66 Erysimum---------------------------------- 66, 151 Scorpion-Grass ---.......------------- 99 Erythronium ------------------------------ 122, 188 Sorrel -------------------------------,- 109 albidum -------------------- 22, 23, 30 Field-glass, Uses for the, in collecting...... 215 Americanum --------------- 28, 29.50 | Figwort...--------...-..................... 101 Essex County, Massachusetts, Comparison Family ---------------------------- 101 of the flora of, with the Filago ------------------------------------- 16? local flora. ------------. 39, 42, 44 Germanica -------------------------. 10 Flora of more thoroughly Filbert------------------------------------- 112 elaborated than that of Filices ------------------. tº & º ºs e º m º º is tº sº e s - e s = 137 most other localities ---- 41 | Fimbristylis .............................. 126, 191 Etiolated state of Carex tentaculata ....... 33 capillaris.--------------------- 25 Euonymus --------------------------------- 72, 195 Finger-Grass.------------------------------ 135 Eupatorium -------------------------------. ** | Fiorin.------------------------------------- 131 purpureum - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * | Fire-weed ---------------------------------. 92 Euphorbia -------------------------------- 119, 181 | Fish-glue, for mounting plants............. 227 commutata.---------------------- * | Fissidens.--------------------------------. 141,202 obtusata.----------------------- * | Five-Finger................................ 78 Euphorbiaceae. ----------------------------- * | Flats of the Potomac....................... 21 European Vervain ------------------------- 104 Flat-Top.---------------------------------- 85 Evening Primrose.------------------------- * | Flax -----------------------------.......... 70,71 Family------------------ 80 Family ------------------------------- 70 Evergreen Wood-Fern ..... tº º e º sº e º 'º e º ºs º º a º ºs * | Fleabane................... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 89 Everlasting -------------------------------- * | Floating Foxtail Grass.............. ------- 1:30 248 INDEX. Page. Page. Flora--------------------------------------- 61 | Galium Aparine.------------------- ----- - 49 Additions made to, since 1876... ------ 58 asprellum -------------------------- 24 local, Varied character of the........ 48 Gall-of-the-earth...... e e s sº e a s m s sº e s e e e º e º 'º e = 93 of a wild, compared to that of an in- Gama-Grass-------------------------------- 136 habited country-------------------- 17 | Garden trowel.---------------------------- 213 of California. .... -------------------- 52 | Garlic ------------------- mº e s a sm as s e = * * * * * * * * * * 121 of Essex County, Mass... ------------ 39, 52 | Gaultheria --------------------------------. 95, 171 Flowering Dogwood.....--...--------------. 48,83 procumbens -------------------- 21 Perm ---------------------------- 139 Gaura.------------------------------------. 81, 161 Spurge -------------------------- 110 || Gay Feather-------------------------------- 86 Flowering-time of local plants, Anomalies Gaylussacia ------------------------------- 94, 171 in the ------------------------------------ 9 resinosa ----------------------- 49 how determined ......... -------------- 26, 59 Genera, Rank and number of species and Variations in the, from those stated in varieties of the fifteen largest... 35 the manuals-------------------------- 26 Differences in, between European Flower-of-an-hour ---------------- = e º e - a - - - - 70 and American authors. ---...----- 51 Fog-fruit. ---------------------------------- 104 of which the names have been Fontinalis.--...---------------------------- 142, 204 changed by Bentham and Hooker Ford over Rock Creek---------------------- 20 Foreman, Dr. E., Characeae furnished by... 10, 144 Discovery by, of Brasenia peltata.--..... 63 of Tofieldia pubens ...----. 123 Authority for Quercus ilicifolia.--------. 113 for Asplenunm angustifolium. 138 Forget-me-not - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 99 Forked Chickweed ------------------ - - - - - sº * 69 Fortieth Parallel Survey, Plants collected by the------------------------------------ 42, 43 Fort Scott.--------------------------------- 24 Fountain-pen.------------------------------ 215 Four-leaved Loosestrife -------------------- 96 Milkweed --------------------- 98 Four-Mile Run ----------------------------- 24 Fowl Meadow-Grass ----------------------- 132 Fox-Grape ---...---------------------------- 72 Foxtail ----------------------------------- 136 Foxtail-Grass ------------------------- 130, 131, 136 Fragaria ----- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 77,159 Virginiana------------------------ 32 Fragrant Sumac---------------------------- 73 Frasera Carolinensis ----------------------- 13 Fraxinus ---------------------------------- 97, 172 pubescens------------------------ 30 Sambucifolia --------------------- 12 viridis.----- • * * * * * > * > * tº gº tº as ºs º ºs º ºs e s e 30 Fresh-water Cord-Grass------------------- 132 Fringe-Tree-------------------------------- 97 Frog's-bit Family -------------------------- 119 Frost Grape.-------- ‘- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 72 Frost-weed --------------------------------- 66 Fruit, How to collect----------------------. 213 Fruiting, Date of, only given when impor- tant to collector -------------------------- 59 Frullania.--------------------------------- 143,206 Fuirena ----------------------------------- 125, 190 SQUlaſſ988 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Fumaria.------------------------------------ 64, 150 Fumariaceae-------------------------------- 52, 64 Fumitory.---------- tº e º e º ºs e º º sº tº as a s m as sº ºn e º ºs s a e 64 Family ------------ -------------- 64 Funaria ----------------------------------. 141, 203 Galactia.----------------------------------- 76, 157 Galingale.---------------------------- - ....124, 125 Galium...... * - e - ºn tº e º e we me tº e e º º - - - - e º ºs º ºr e º 'º - e. g. 84, 164 in the Genera Plantarum ........ 53 Plantarum of Bentham and Hook- er, in how far followed. ---....... 50 Gentian ------------------------------------ 98 Family ------------------------ --. 98 Gentiana ----------------------------------- 98, 173 ochroleuca ----------------------. 25 Gentianaceae ------------------------------. 51, 98 Gentianeae ------------------------------- * 51 Genus-covers ------------------------------ 225 Genus-strips, for labeling duplicates........ 231 Geocalyx.--------------------------------- 143, 206 Geraniaceae.-------------------------------. 71 Geranium --------------------------------- 71, 154 columbinum -------------------.. 24 maculatum ---------------------- 30, 49 Robertianum -------------------. 12 Gerardia ------------------------------ 102, 176,222 auriculata ------------------------ 13 flava------------------------------ 49 quercifolia ---------------------.. 13, 238 Germander--------------------------------. 104 Geum ------------------------ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 77,159 album ------------------------------. 49 radiatum ---------------------------- 12 strictum ----------------------------- 24 Giant Hyssop -----------------------------. 105 Gillenia -----------------------------------. 77,158 stipulacea ...... * - - - - tº s sº sº s tº e º 'º e - e s s 12 Ginseng Family ---------------------------. 83 Gipsywort --------------------------------- 104 Gleditschia.------------------------------- 76, 158 triacanthos.-------------------. 211 Glue for mounting plants, Preparation of... 227 Glyceria.---------------------------- tº tº tº º ſº º :32, 196 Glycerine to be used in preparing gummed strips for mounting plants --------------. 228 Gnaphalium-------------------------------. 89, 167 Americanum -----------------. 13 polycephalum ----------------. 49 Goat's-beard-------------------------------. 77 Goat's-Rue -------------------------------.. 74 Golden Aster------------------------------. 86 Club ------------------------------- 117 Ragwort --------------------- tº sº sº a sº e 92 Rod -------- tº º º tº ºn tº as º e º 'º tº gº º ºs º º e ------ 86, 87 INDEX. 249 Page. Page. Goldie's Wood-Fern............ -----------. 138 Habenaria ciliaris.--------------... -----. 25 Gomphocarpus ------. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * ..... 53, 98 fimbriata.----- ----------, ------ 13 Gonolobus------------------- s e s tº s e º e º e s e a • * 98,173 lacera ------------- ------------. 25 Carolinensis -------------------- 12 virescens---...----- tº º º gº tº gº tº º ſº º is a tº 24 hirsutus.---------------- • * * * * * * * 24 || Habitat not stated unless peculiar ......... 53 obliquus.------------------------ 20, 33 | Hackberry -------------------- ------------- 111 Goodyera.---------------------------------- 119, 186 Haemodoracea-----------------------------. 120 Gooseberry--------------------------------- 79 || Hair-Grass---...--- tº e s - e s m e º e º e º e s as e e s m = - a 131, 134. Goosefoot Family -------------------------- 107 || Hairy Dicksonia.---------- ---------------. 139 Goose-Grass-------------------------------- 84 Hawkweed...... e is º sº sº e º 'º e º a s as a gº tº e s is s e 93 Gourd Family------------------------------ 81 Lip-Ferm ---------------------------. 187 Government Hospital for the Insane ....... 24 Halberd-leaved Rose-Mallow ............... 70 Gramineae---------------------------------- 130 Tear-Thumb ............... 108 Grape -------------------------------------- 72 | Halorageae --------------------------------. 52, 80 Abundant species of.---------------- 49 || Hamamelaceae.----------------------------. 51, 80 Grape-Fern--------------------------------- 139 || Hamamelideae......... º º ºn tº sº gº tº e º ºs e º ºs e e º 'º º ºs º º 51 Grape-Hyacinth ---------------------------- 128 Hamamelis -------------------------------- 80, 160 Grass Family------------------------------- 130 Virginiana......... tº º ºs e g º ºs e º ºs e º ºs 48. Pink--------------------------------- 120 | Hand-leaf Violet --------------. ----------- 67 Grass-leaved Ladies' Traces.... ------------ 119 | Barbinger-of-Spring---------...--...--------. 23, 82 Rush ------------------------- 128 || Hard Maple.------------------------------. 73 Gratiola----------------------------------- 101,175 | Hartford Fern.............................. 26, 139. aurea - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * | Hawkweed.---------------------------...-. 93 Graves, E. O., Discovery by, of Rhus aro- Hawthorn. --------------------------------. 79 matica ----------------------------------- 73 || Hay-scented Fern.............. - ºn tº gº º 4- ºr - & º º tº 139 Gray's Manual of Botany ...---------------- * | Hazel-nut ---------------------------------. 112 Great Bulrush------------------------------ * | Heal-all -----------------------------------. 54, 106 Chickweed.-------------------------. 69 | Heart-leaved Willow ................. -----. 116 Falls of the Potomac ---------------- 23 | Heated term, Effect of the, on the vegeta- Indian Plantain---------------------- * | tion ....---------------------------------- 33 Laurel ------------------------------ * | Heath Family.----------------------------. 94 Lobelia ------------------------------ * | Hedeoma---------------------------------- 105,178 Ragweed ---------------------------- 90 | Hedge Bindweed. -------------------------. 100 Solomon's Seal----------------------. 122 | Hedgehog Club-Rush--------...------------ 125, Greater Bladderwort ----------------------. 103 Grass --------------------------- 136 Greek Valerian.---------------------------- 99 | Hedge-Hyssop.----------------------------- 101 Green Amaranth--------------------------- 107 | Hedge-Mustard.-------------------------... 66 Ash--------------------------------- 97 | Hedge-Nettle.------------------------------ 106 Dragon-root ------------------------- 117 | Hedwigia -------------------------------- 141, 203 Foxtail------------------------------ 186 | Hellebore ---------------------------------. 122 Milkweed --------------------------- 198 | Helenium ---------------------------------. 91, 169 Rein-Orchis ------------------------. 119 | Helianthemum ---------------------------.. 66, 151 Twayblade -------------------------. 120 | Helianthus --------------------------------- 90, 168 Violet ------------------------------- 67 divaricatus ---------------------- 49 Greenbrier --------------------------------. 121 tomentosus. --------------------. 12 (Freen-flowered forms of Trillium sessile and tracheliifolius ------------------. 12 Gonolobus obliquus ---------------- e tº º gº tº tº 38 | Heliopsis.---------------------------------- 90, 158 Grimmia ---------------------------------. 141, 203 | Heliotropium Europaeum...----------------- 13 Gromwell ---------------------------------- 99, 100 Indicum ---...--------------- 13 Ground Ivy -------------------------------- 105 | Hemerocallis.----------------. ----------- 123, 189 Ground-Cherry----------------------------- 100 | Hemlock ----------------------------------- 82 Ground-Nut ----------------- * * * * * * * * tº ſº tº e º ºs º 76 Spruce---------------------------. 24, 137 Ground-Pine ------------------------------- 140 | Hemp -------------------------------------- 110 Groundsel-Tree ---------------- e tº e º 'º - ºn e º ºs e ºs 89 | Hepatica ----------------------------------. 61. Gum Tree....------------------------------ 80, 83 | Hepatica ----------------------------------. 6] Gummed strips, How to mount plants Hepaticae----------------------------------- 143 with ------- is º ºs e º 'º - a s m a. 228 | Heracleum --------------------------------- 83, 162 How to cut ...... tº dº sº º is tº * 229 | Herba Impia ------------------------------- 89 Gymnopogon ------------------------------ 132, 195 | Herbarium, The two departments of the... 223 Gymnosperms. ----------------------------- 137 Making a---------------------. 225. i Proper systematic position of 53 Importance of keeping an ac- Gymnostichum ---------------------------- 134, 197 count with the -------------- 235 Gynandropsis pentaphylla------------------ 12 The, as an instrument of scien- tific culture ----------------- 237 Habenaria.------...-----------------------. 119, 186 compared to a library ......... 237 250 INDEX. Page. Page. Herbarium work General remarks on..... 235 ; Houstonia purpurea........................ 32,49 Herb Bennet -----------------........... .. 77 var. angustifolia ...... 32 Herbert, Mrs. U. H., Specimens of Anagallis Huckleberry ------------------------------- 94 arvensis received from ................... 96 High bush.------------------ 49 Herbs, How to collect ................... .. 212 || Humboldt on the relative influence of the Hercules' Club -------------------------. .. 83 vegetable kingdom in giving character to Localities for............ .. 20 a landscape------------------------------- 47 Herd's-Grass------------------------------- 181 i Humulus --------------------------------- 111, 182 Herpestis ----------------------------. 101, 175,222 || Hunting Creek ---------....... ---......... 24 nigrescens ----------------------- 22 | Hybrid Oaks, Localities of................. 21 Hesperis ----------------------------------. 66, 151 | Hydrangea --------------------------------- 79, 160 matronalis.----------------------- 20 arborescens -------------------. 33 Heteranthera.----------------------------. 124, 189 Bnlarged outer petals of........ 33 Heuchera ----------------...----------------. 79, 160 radiata ------------------------- 12 villosa --------------------------. 12 | Hydrocharidaceae -----------------...----- 119 Hexagon Beech-Fern.--------...--...-----. 138 | Hydrocotyle --------------------------...--- 82, 161 Hibiscus ----------------------------------- 70, 154 | Hydrophyllaceae .... --...-------.......... 99 Hickory.------- º e º ºs º º e º 'º - - s = * * * * * * * * * * * 48,111,112 | Hydrophyllum ----------------------------- 99, 174 Hieracium---------------------------------- 93, 170 | Hypericaceae ------------------------------. 51, 69 Gronovii ------------------- ----- 49 | Hypericineae ------------------------------- 51 V6I108tlin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49 | Hypericum------------------------------ 51, 70, 153 High Island -------------------------------- 22 all ſellin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 Mallow------------------------------- 70 galioides. ----------------------- 12 Hill, Dr. G. W., Discovery by, of Cypripe- myrtifolium -------------------- 12 dium parviflorum..... -----------.... ---. 120 | Hypnum ---------------------------------. 142, 204 Hippuris vulgaris -------------------------- 12 | Hypoxys ---------------------------------. 120, 187 Hoarhound --------------------------------- 106 Hoary Pea---------------------------------- 74 | Puccoon.---------------------------- 99 | Ice-gorges of the Potomac, Effects of, on Hog Peanut -------------------------------- 76 | the vegetation---------------------------- 22 Hog-weed ------ - - ------------------------ 90 Identification of plants.------------..... --. 210 Holcus ------------------------------------ 134,198 Ilex ---------------------------------------. 71, 154 Bolly--------------------------------------. 71 | Ilicine? ------------------------------------ 71 Family -------------------------. ---- 71 Illecebraceae - - - -------------------------- 52, 69 Holmead Swamp --------------------------- 25 Illinois, Flora of.--------------------------. 42, 45 Holmes Run.------------------------------- 24 | Ilysanthes -------------------------------- 102, 176 Honewort ---------------------------------- 82 Impatiens ---------------------------------- 71, 154 Honey-Locust ------------------------------ 76 fulva --- ------ • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49 Thorns of, as dissecting nee- pallida -------------------------- 49 dles........................ 211 || Impostures under the name of patent port- Honeysuckle ------------------------------ 84 folios ------------------------------------- 213 Family ----------------------. 85 | Index -------------------------------------- 239 Hooked Crowfoot ........ -----------------. 62 Indian Bean. ------------------------------- 103 Hop -------------------------------------- 110 Cucumber -------------------------- 122 Hop-Clover.--------------- • e s - sº e º 'º - e º e < e e s - 74 Currant----------------------------- 84 Hop-Hornbeam----------------------------- 112 Riº --------------------------------. 81 Hopkins, G. M., Atlas of.------------...-.. 18 Grass -----------------------------. 136 Hop-Tree ---------------------------------- 71 Hemp ----------------------------- 97 Hornbeam---------------------------------. 112 Physic ----------------------------- 77 Hornwort ---------- c - tº gº tº ºn e º ºs e ºs e s = e - as as a see e º ºs ºn 117 Pipe ------------------------------- 96 Family -------------------------- 117 Plantain --------------------------- 92 Horse-balm--------------------------------- 104 Rice -------------------------------. 130 Horse-Gentian.----------------------------- 84 Tobacco --------------------------- 94 Horse-Mint.-------------------------------- 105 Turnip ----------------------------- 50, 117 Horse-Nettle ------------------------------- 100 || India-rubber bands, Convenience of.--...- !. 214 Horse-Radish ------------------------------ 65 Indigo.-------------------- gº ºn tº e º 'º e º e º s is e º 'º - a 73 Horse-Sorrel...--- • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = e, e s = e e 109 || Individuals, Number of, rather than of spe- Horsetail.---------------------------------- 137 cies determines the character and value of Family --------------------------- 187 a flora. ----------------------------------- 48 Horse-weed --------------- '• • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80 || Insane Asylum. ---------------------------- 24 Hough, M. B. W., Discovery by, of Liparis Insect pests of the herbarium, Habits of Loeschi ---------------------------------- 120 the --------------------------------------- 224 Hound's Tongue ......... º sº ºn e º ºs º ºs º sº º sº e º ºs e s a 99 || Introduced species. .----------------------- 35 Houstonia.--------------------------------- 84, 163 Number of, from all cºrulea ----------------------28, 32,49 80UlrC68 - - - - - - - - - - - - 35 INDEX. 251 Page. Page. Introduced species, Number of, from other Rºrigia---------------------------------.53, 93,170 parts of the United Virginica---------------------------. 31 States --------------- 36 | Kuhnia.---------------------------........ 86,165 Classification of........ 36 Ionidium --------------- * * * * s ºn tº a tº s sº as ºn e s as - as sº s 67, 152 Labels, The writing of, in the field......... 217 concolor ------------ * - e is e - tº e º e < * * *s 30 Temporary----------------------- . 219 Ipecac ------------------------------------- 110 for herbarium cases......... . . . . . . . 225 Ipomºea ... -------------------------------. 100, 174 Final, for the herbarium............ 228 commutata ------------------------ 13 how to fasten to the sheets. . . 231 Iridaceae .---------------------------------- 120 for duplicate cases ----------....... 231 Iris ----------------------------------- 120, 121,187 for plants sent in exchange, Impor- cristata.-------------------------------- 22, 23 tance of -------------------------- 232 Family -------------- & º ºs º ºs º ºs s is tº - sº as a e ºn s 120 Proper form of.------------...--... 233 Virginica ------------------------------ 13 Labiatae -----------------------------------. 104 Iron-weed -----. --------------------------. 85 Lactuca --- ----------------------------- 53, 93, 170 Iron-wood -------------------------- º º ºs e º e s is 112 Canadensis -----------------------. 49 Isanthus ---------------------------------. 104,177 | Ladies' Calamas.---------------------...... 12] cºruleus ------------------------- 22 Lady-Fern -----------------------...--..... 138 Islands in the Potomac....... ---------...-- 22 || Lady's Mantle....... * - * * * * * * *s g º - a g e º - e s sº 78 *tea ---------------------------------------- 79, 160 Slipper---------------------------- - 120 Virginica.-------------- tº ºn tº e º ºs - © tº us sº as as e as 24 Thumb ----------------------------. 108 Lake Cress -------------------------------. 65 Jackson City.------------------------------ 24 Lamarck and Cuvier, Views of, contrasted. 57 Jamestown-Weed ------.................... 101 | Lambkill ---------------------------------. 95 Japanese Honeysuckle ..................... 84 Lamb-Lettuce.----------------------------- 85 Jeffersonia --------------------------------. 63,149 || Lamb's-Quarters ------------...------------ 107 diphylla.-----------------. 22,23,28, 29 || Lamium.-------------------------------. ..106, 179 Jersey Pine -------------------------. 137 amplexicaule --------------------- 28 Jerusalem Artichoke....................... 91 | Lance-leaved Violet -----...--.............. 67 “Jimson-Weed” --------------------------- 101 | Laportea---------------------------------. 111, 182 Joe-Pye Weed ----------------------------- 85 Canadensis ----------------------. 49 Journal, Botanical ---------------...-------- 218 Lappa ---------------------------------. 53, 92, 169 Judas Tree ------------------------------.. 48, 76 || Large Genera, Analysis of the............. 35 Juglandaceae ------------------------------- 51, 111 How to look rapidly through, Juglandeae --------------------------------- 51 in the herbarium..... ----. 226 Juglans ----------------------------------. 112, 182 Orders, Analysis of the...----------. 35 Juncaceae ---------------------------------- 123 Spotted Spurge--------------------.. 110 Juncus ----------------------------------- 123, 189 Yellow Lady's Slipper... . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 effusus ---------------------------. 50 Moccasin Flower.......... . . 120 marginatus -----------------------. 50 | Larger Bur-Marigold.---------------...-- . 91 tenuis ----------------------------. 50 Groups, Analysis of the -----....... 34 Juneberry ------------------------------- - 79 Mouse-ear Chickweed .............. 68 Jungermannia ---------------------------. 143,206 Large-toothed Aspen.---------------...---- 116 Juniperus--------------------------------- 137,199 || Larkspur----------------------------------- 62 Virginiana -------------------- . 48 Island----------------------. ----- 23 Jussiaea ----------------------------------- 81,161 | Lathyrus.---------------------------------- 76, 157 Jussieu, Adriende, on the proper systematic WenQSUS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31 position of the Gymnosperms ............ 53 || Latin names, Prejudice against............ - 55 Lauraceae ---------------------------------- 51, 109 Kalmia------------------------------------. 95, 171 Laurel -------------------- tº e º sº sº e m sº e º sº º ºs e º s e 95 glauca -----------------------------. 12 Family ----------------------------- 109 latifolia----------------------------- 49 Magnolia-------------------------. . 63 Kalorama Heights.------------------------- 20 Oak --- ---------------------------. 113 Kentncky Blue Grass ---------------------- 132 | Lamrineae.--------------------------------- 5] Key, Postmaster-General, Liberal decision Leaf Cup.---------------------------------- 89 of, on the mailing of partly written labels 234 Lea's Oak ---------------------------------. 114 Keys, botanical, Salutary struggles of be- Leather-Flower ---------------------------. 61 ginners with ----------------------------- 211 | Leather-wood ------------------------------ 109 Kinnikinnik-------------------------------. 83 | Lechea------------------------------------- 66, 151 Enife, Kind of needed when coliecting..... 21:4 major------------------------------- 12 for cutting gummed strips, Best form Leek -------------------------------------- 121 of--------------------------------- 229 | Leersia------------------------------------ 130, 194 Knot-grass ------------------------------ - 108 | Leguminosae ------------------------------- 73 Rnotty-leaved Rush.----------------------. 123 | Lejeunia ---------------------------------- 143 206 Knowledge of plants vs. knowledge of names 212 | Lemna ---......--------------------------. 117, 185 252 INDEX. Page. Page. Lemnaceae.---------------- ë tº gº tº º º ſº gº tº $ sº º tº ºi º ºs & 117 | Localities, Rapid destruction of............ - 18 Lentibulaceae------------------------------- 51, 103 Authorities relied upon in naming 18 Lentibularieaº...... sº a º ºs s = * = e s sº e s s = e º sº as e º e s = 51 Names of.----------------------- 18, 19 Leonurus---------------------------------- 106, 179 when given and when omitted.... 58 Leopard's Bane......... tº tº gº tº gº tº as tº as e º is sº us s as ºr sº tº º 92 | Locust ----------------------------------- - 174 Lepidium ---------------------------------- 66,151 | Lolium ... ------------------------------ 134, 197 Virginicum ---------------------- 238 || Lombardy Poplar -----------...--------...-- 117 Lepidozia ---------. tº gº ſº tº tº gº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 144, 207 || Long-leaved Stitchwort ---...--------------. 69 Lepigonum-------------------------- ... .51, 69, 153 Willow-----------------------. 116 Leptodon.--------------------------------- 142,204 || Long-stalked Cranesbill ..... -----.......... 71 Leskea. ------------------------------------ 142,204 || Long-tubed Ruellia -----------------...------ 103 Lespedeza.----- * * * * * * tº ſº gº tº tº ſº tº us tº sº tº s = * * * * sº sº º ºs & 75, 157 | Lonicera ----------------------------------. 84, 163 Stuvei.------------. tº gº tº gº tº gº s is sº sº us ºn as 25 Japonica -----. * * * * * * * * * * * * sº as ºs ºs s. m. s. 32 Lesser Broom-rape ------------------------- 100 || Loomis, Professor E. J., Discovery by, of Lettuce ------------------------------------ 93 the circumnutations of Asplenium Tri- Leucanthemum ------------------------- 53, 92, 169 chomanes -----. -------------------------- 138 Leucobryum -----------------------------. 141,202 | Loosestrife ------------------------------. 80, 81, 96 Leucodon --------------------------------. 142, 204 |Family ------------------------. 80 leucothoë.----------------------------. 49, 95, 171 || Lophanthus ------------------------------. 105, 178 TaCemosa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49 | Lophocolea ----- ---------------...---------. 143, 206 Lever-Wood -------------------------------- 112 || Lopseed.----------------------------------. 103 Liatris ------------------------------------- 86, 165 | Loranthaceae.------------------------------ 110 graminifolia ------------------------ 33, 49 | Lousewort --------------------------------- 102 pycnostachya----------------------- 12 | Low Bindweed....... * tº gº sº as º ºs ºr a sº dº e º is us is as sº as as sº as 100 Spicata ----------------------------- 12 Blueberry ---------------------------- 94 Liliaceae. ----------------------------------- 121 Cudweed ----------------------------- 89 Lilium ------------------------------------ 122,188 Hop-Clover --------------------------- 74 Philadelphicum ------------ tº ºn tº as as a s as 13 Spear-Grass--------------------------- 132 Lily ---------------------------------------- 122 || Lower Potomac Region....... ſº tº º E * * * * * * * * * * 24 Family----------------------- tº ſº tº gº tº gº as tº as 121 Lucerne ----------------------------------- 74 Linaceae ----------------- * * * * * * * * *s ºn tº tº º sº gº as s = 70 | Ludwigia ------------ tº º gº tº as * * * * * * * * * = as a e s as e 81. 161 Linaria.-----------------------------------. 101, 175 hirsuta -------------------------. 25 Vulgaris ---------------------------- 238 Lungwort ---------------------------------- 99 Linden ------------------------------------- 70 Lupine ------------------------------------ 74 Ramily------------------------...-- 70 Lupinus------------------------------------ 74, 156 Lindera ----------------------------------. 109, 181 Luzula -----------------------------------. 123, 189 Benzoin --------------------------- 28, 49 campestris-------------------------- 28, 50 Linum-------------------------------------- 70,154 | Lychnis.---------- tº tº wº º ſº e º ºs ºs º ºs ºs e g º ºn tº as º ºs e º sº e a 68, 152 Lion's foot---------------------------------. 98 || Lycium ----------------------------------- 101, 175 Liparis.-----------------------------------. 120, 186 | Lycopodiaceae -----------------------------. 139 Loeselii----------------------------- 20 | Lycopodium------------------------------. 139, 201 Lip-Fern ----------------------------------- 137 clavatum ---------------------- 13 Lippia ------------------------------------ 104,177 complanatum ------------------ 21, 50 modifiora ---------------------------- 13 var. Sabinaefolium 26 Liquidambar ---------------- ſº tº ſº tº gº tº gº tº gº tº tº sº º sº sº. 80, 160 lucidulum --------------------. 50 Styraciflua. ------------------- 48 || Lycopus ------- -------------------------- 104,177 Liquorice -------------------. tº ſº tº º tº º ºs ºs e is tº es sº s 85 | Lygodium. -------- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 139, 201 Liriodendron.------------------------------ 63, 149 palmatum .....--- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 26 Tulipifera. ------------------- 48 || Lyme-Grass -------------------------------- 134 Lithospermum ------------------ * * * tº e ºs s = s. sº wº 99, 174 | Lyon's Andromeda ------------------...-----. 95 al"V6I186 - - - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * 30 Lyre-leaved Sage. --......*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 105 latifolium ------ * * * * * * * * * * * * 13 | Lysimachia -------------------------------- 96, 172 Little Falls--------------------------------. 21 | Lythraceae --------------------------------- 51, 80 Live-for-ever ------------------------------- 80 | Lythrarieae ------------ * = a, e = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 51 Liver Leaf--------------------------------.. 61 | Lythrum---------------------------------- 80, 161 Liverwort --------------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * 143 Lizard's Tail ......... tº º ºs e s tº ſº e º is as a st '--------- 109 | Maclura ---------------------------------. 111, 182 Lobelia.------------------------------------ 94, 170 | Madder Family-----...... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 84 Family ----------------- * * * * * * * * * * * 94 | Mad-dog Skullcap -------------------------- 105 Ralmii ---------------------------. 12 Madotheca -----------. tº e º ºs º º * † ºn tº gº tº we e = * * = * * 143, 206 Nuttallii.-------------------------. 12 | Maianthemum. ---------------------------. 122, 188 Spicata ----. tº gº ºn g = tº º ºs º is tº ſº tº e s = * tº us tº gº ºne tº 49 Maiden-hair -------------------------------. 138 Lobeliaceae --------------------------------. 52, 94 Spleenwort -------------------. 138 Localities of special interest to the botanist 17 | Magnolia........................----..... .63, 149 Circumscribed nature of many ... 18 acuminata ----------------------- 13 INDEX. 253 Page Page, Magnolia Family--------- ---------- * * * * * * * * 63 | Microstylis----------------....... ------ 120, 186 Magnoliaceae ------------------------------- 63 ophioglossoides ------ - -------. 21 Male Fern. --------------------------------- 138 | Mikania..... tº º gº º ºs º ºs s a sm s as e s m e º is wº, e = * * * * * * * * * * 86, 165 Mallow------------------------------------- 70 Mild Water-pepper.----.................. -- 108 Pamily----------------------------- 70 Milfoil ------------------------------------ 91 Malva -------------------------------------- 70, 153 | Military Road.-----........................ 20 Malvaceae ---------------------------------- 70 Milk-Pea ---------------------------. ------ 76 Mandrake ----------------------- º e s is e s ∈ s is e 63 Milk-Vetch.....----------...--------------.. 74 Manna-Grass ------------------------------- 132 Milkweed ---------------------------------. 97, 98 Mann's Catalogue ------------. -----------. 37 Family --- -------------------- 97 Man-of-the-Earth. -------------------------- 100 Milkwort.---------------------------------. 67, 68 Map, Military ------------------------------ 19 Family --------------------- f; | Maple --- ---------------------------------- 73 Mimulus ---------------------------------- 101. 175 Maple-leaved Arrow-wood............ ..... 84 Mint --------------------------------------. 104 March, Plants flowering in......... . . . . . . . . 28 Family ------- ----------------------. 104 Probable number flowering in or be- Mist-Flower------------...----. ------------. 86 fore ------------------------------ 31 Mistletoe--------------. -------------------. r 110 Marchantia.------------------------------- 143,205 Family --------------------------- 11U Mariscus cylindricus.---------------------. 13 Mitchella----------------------------------. 84, 163 Marrubium-------------------------------. 107, 179 TepenS- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49 Marsh Shield-Fern.------------------------ 138 | Mitella--------------------------. --------- 79, 160 Speedwell.-------------------------- 102 | Mithridate Mustard .............. . . . . . . . . . . 66 St. John's-wort --------------------- 70 Mitre-Wort -------------------------------. 79 Marshall Hall ------------------------ ...... 24 M'Makin, Miss M. A., Discovery by, of Marsh-Cress ---...--------------------------- 64 Anagallis arvensis.----------------------. 96 Marty nia proboscidea ..... tº º sº tº dº tº e º sº º ºs º tº º ºs º ºs •13 | Mnium ------------------------------------ 141, 203 Maruta -------------------------------- 53,91, 169 || Moccasin Flower---...----................. 120 Maryland Golden Aster.-----...-----------. 86 || Mock Bishop-weed---...- ................. 82 Mastigobryum ---------------------------- 144, 207 Orange-------------------. ---------- 79 Matrimony-Wine --------------------------. 101 Strawberry ------------------------- 77 May-Apple--------------------------------- 53 | Mocker-nut -------------------------------. 48, 111 MaY-weed ---------------------------------- 91 Mollugo ------------------------------------ 81, 161 Meadow-Beauty ------------------ & sº tº dº sº as as as tº e 80 | Monarda -----------------------. --------- 105,178 Meadow-Fescue ---------------------------- 133 didyma --------------------------. 13 Meadow-Grass ----------------------------. 132 fistulosa --- ---------------------. 40 Meadow-Parsnip ------------------------.. 82 punctata ------------------------- 49 Meadow-Rue -----------. º e º sº tº e s m e s is e iº tº º tº º 'º - 61 | Moneywort. -------------------------------- 96 Meadow-Sweet --...------- ºf tº tº º gº tº ºr e º ºs e º e º ºs e e 77 Monkey-Flower -----------------------...-. 101 Medeola. -------------------. º º te tº tº sº tº e s is us as e a 122,188 || Monkshood ---------------------........... 62 Medicago ----------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 74, 156 Monochlamydeae, Proper systematic posi- Melampyrum-----------------------------. 102, 176 tion of the-------------------------------. 53 Melanthium ------------------------------ 122,188 || Monocotyledons -------------...------------. 117 Virginicum ---------, --------. 25 | Monotropa --------------------------------- 96, 172 Melastoma Family ---... - * * * * * * * * * * us s a e º as s - 80 | Monotropea-------------------------------. 52 Melastomaceæ-------...-- - © - e º e º 'º e º ºs e º ºs ºs e º e - 80 Moonseed ---------------------------------- 63 Melica ------------------------------ tº e º 'º e - 132, 196 family -------------------------. 63 mutica ------------------ © tº º º ºs º 'º - - - - - 31 Moose-wood -------------------------------- 109 Melic-Grass -------------------------------- 132 | Morning-Glory ----------------------------- 100 Melilot ------------------------------------ 74 Family --------------------- 100 Melilotus-------------------- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 74, 156 || Morong, Rev. Thomas, Discovery by, Melissa ---------------------------------. 105,178 of Sagina apetala ---------------------- 69 Memorandum book...... • * * * * * *s as ºs e s is sº e s as a e we 215 of Phacelia Purshii........... --------- 99 Menispermaceae ---------------------------- 63 || Morus-------------------------------------111, 182 Menispermum. ---------------------...-- . 63, 149 i Mosses------------------------------------- 140 Mentha - - - ------------------------------- 104,177 | Moss-Pink . . . . . . . ... --...--...--------.... 99 Mermaid-Weed ----------------------------. 80 || Mossy-Cup White Oak...................... 112 Mertensia ---------------------------------- 99, 174 || Motherwort --------------------.......----. 106 Virginica ---------------------- 29, 33, 49 || Moth-Mullein ------............. * * * ~ * * * * * * * 101 Metzgeria --------------------------------- 143,206 || Mountain Laurel.----------------...-...... 95 Mexican-Tea ------------------------------- 107 Mint --------------------------. 104 Mezereum Family....... 4- - - - - - • ‘º e s m e º sº we e º sº s 109 || Mounting Plants ...---------------.......... 226 Michaux's Oak.....------------------...... 113 should not be hastily com- Micranthemum----------------------------102, 176 menced ----------------- 227 Nutallii-------------------- 24 The two methods of....... 227 Microscope, kind needed and how to use it. 211 Relative merits of.... 229 254 k INDEX. Page. * Page. Mounting plaſts, D rections for, with glue.227,228 Netted Chain-Fern......................... 138 with gummed strips... 229 || Netted-leaved Vervain .................. . . 104 Precautions in.----....... 280 l Nettle------------------------------------- 110, 111 Mouse-ear Chickweed...................... 68 Family ------------------------------ 110 Cress -------------------------- 66 | New Jersey Tea............................ 72 Bverlasting--------------------- 89 | New York Shield-Fern. .................... 138 Mucilage for gumming strips, How to Nicandra --------------------------------- 101, 175 make----------------------------------. 228,229 | Nightshade ----------------------...--------- 100 Mud-Plantain -----------------------------. 124 Family -----------------------. 100 Muhlenbergia ----------------------------. 131, 195 || Nimble-Will --------------------........... 131 Mexicana ------------------- 50 | Nine-Bark---------------------------------- 77 Sylvatica -------------------- 50 | Nitella ------------------------------------ 144, 207 Mulberry----------------------------------- 111 | Nonesuch ---------------------------------. 74 Mulgedium-----------------------------. 53, 93,170 | Northeastern United States, Flora of the... 42 Mullein ------------------------------------ 101 | Northern Fox-Grape ... ----------------...-. 72 Muscari----------------------------------- 123, 188 || Notes, Field, when to be taken...... . . . . . . . 218 Musci-------------------------------------- 140 || Nuphar ------------------------------------ 63, 149 and Hepaticae, by whom furnished... 9, 140 || Nursery, An abandoned, of Acer dasycar- Musquash-Root ---------------------------. 82 pum and Populus alba near Pierce's mill. 20 Mustard------------------------------------ 66 Nut-Rush ---------------------------------. 126 Family.--------------------------- 64 || Nutt, Major, Discovery by, of Quercus ilici- Myosotis ----------------------------------- 99, 174 folia ------------------------------------ - 113 arvensis -------------------------- 24 | Nyctaginaceae . . . ...---------. . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Myrica ------------------------------------ 112, 123 | Nymphaea. ----------------- -- . . . . . . ----- 64, 149 Myricaceae --------------------------------- 112 odorata.-------------------------- 23 Myriophyllum ----------------------------- 80, 160 | Nymphaeaceae ----------------.............. 63 Myrtle ------------------------------------- 97 | Nyssa ------------------------------------. 83, 163 multiflora ----------- --------------. 48 Nabalus --------------------------------. 53,92, 170 | Oak --------------------------------------. 112–114 albus ------------------------------ 49 Predominant species of.----------...--. 48 Fraseri --------------------------- 49 Family ---------, --------------------- 112 Naiad -------------------------------------- 118 Oakesia -------------, --------------------. 122, 188 Naiadaceae --------------------------------- 118 Oat-Grass ----------- ------------------- 131, 134 Naias ------------------------------------- 118, 185 | Obliterated species, A few, retained........ 10 Naked-beard Grass.............-------..... 132 Obolaria----------------------------------- 98, 173 Names of localities, how obtained.......... 18, 19 Virginica.------------------------- 20, 28 vs. things, as objects of scientific Obtuse-leaved Woodsia...--------------...--. 139 study----------------------------- 54,211 | CEnothera --------------------------------- 81, 161 Narrow-leaved Cat-tail-----................ 117 fruticosa. . . . . .------------------. 49 Spleenwort.---------------. 138 var. linearis ------------ 22 Vervain -------------------. 104 || Oldberg, Rudolph, Republication of his cat- Nasturtium -------------------------------- 64, 150 alogue of Musci and Hepatica ........... 9, 140 amphibium-------------------- 12 | Old-Witch Grass --------------------------. 135 lacustre ----------------------- 23 Oleaceae ------------------------------------ 97 obtusum ---------------------- 238 | Olive Family ------------------------------- 97 National Park, Advantages of the Rock Onagraceae .-------------------------------- 51, 80 Creek Region as a.............. 19 || Onagrarieae. -------------------------------. i Reform School.---------------.... 25 | One-flowered Broom-rape. ----------------.. 103 “Native Wild Flowers and Ferns of the Onion -------------------------------------- 121 United States” ------------------------... 55 Onoclea ----------------------------------- 139, 200 Nature, Problems of, inverse order in which Onopordon --------------------------------- 92, 169 they have been studied. --................ 57 | Ouosmodium ------------------------------ 100, 174 Necklace Poplar -------------------........ 116 Carolinianum, var. Imolle-----. 13 Neckweed---------------------------------. 102 . Virginianum -------- --------- 25 Needles, dissecting, Thorns as substitutes Opera-glass, as substitute for field-glass.... 215 for --------------------------------------- 211 || Ophioglossaceae ---------------------------- 139 Negundo------------------------------..... 73, 155 | Ophioglossum ----------------------------- 139, 201 aceroides -----------------........ 22, 31 Vulgatum -------------------- 20 Neillia ------------------------------------. 77,158 Opuntia -------------------------------- 81, 161, 222 Nelumbium luteum......................... 12 | Orache ------------------------------------- 107 Nepeta -----------------------------------. 105,178 Orange-Grass -------...-------------------. 70 Glochoma ---------------------..... 29, 49 || Orchard Grass......... ------ ---, ----------- 132 Nestea-------------------------------------. 80, 161 | Orchidaceae -------------------------------- 119 verticillata ---------................. 22 | Orchis.-------------------------------- il9, 120, 186 INDEX. 255 • Page. Page Orchis Family------------ ------- e - a s a s a s sº a s 119 Paronychia-------------------------------.. 60, 153 Order-covers.------------------------------ 225 dichotoma ---------------------- 22 Orders, Arrangement of.......------------- 51 Paronychieae ------------------------------- 52 of which the names given them by Parsley Family ---------------------------. 82 European and American authors Parsnip ------------------------------------ 82 differ--------- e e s w = w = * * * * * * * * * * * * * 51 Partitions of the herbarium, Size of ....... 225 Rank, number of genera, and spe- Partridge-berry --- ------------------------ 84 cies and varieties of the Sixteen Paspalum --------------------------------- 134, 198 largest --------------------------- 35 distichum ----------------------. I3 Ornithogalum ----------------------------. 123, 188 Passiflora ---------------------------------. 81, 161 Orobanchaceae.----------------------------- 108 Passifloraceae. --...-------------------------. 51, 81 Orobanche-------------------------------- 103, 176 | Passion-Flower................------------- 81 Orontium --------------------------------. 117, 185 Family --------------------- 81 Orpine .----. s tº e s - e º ºs º ºs e º e º 'º º - e º 'º e º sº º sº a sº a tº - if 79 | Pastinaca ------------------------------. 51, 82, 162 Family --------------- z - - - - - - - - - - - - - 79 | Patterson, Harry N ------------------------ 43 Orthotrichum ----------------------------- 141, 20% Peach ---...-----...------------...-...-----. 76 Osage-Orange ------------------------- :---- 111 | Pearlwort --------------------------------. 69 Osmorrhiza. --...--. • ‘s e e s - e s e s - as a m = * * * * * * * * * * 82, 162 Pedicularis.----------------...-...--------. 102, 176 Osmunda ------------------------------- ... 139, 201 Canadensis --------------------. 29 cinnamomea ---------------------. 90 | Pellaea. ----------------------------------- 138, 199 Claytoniana ---------------------- * | Pellia ------------------------------------- 143,206 regalis --------------------------- * | Pellitory ----------------------------------- 111 Ostrya ------------------------------------ 112, 183 | Peltandra ------------------------------. 117, 185 Virginica --------------------------. 29 Pencil-Flower ------------.................. 74 Outlet-Lock -------------------------------- 21 | Pennycress.-------------------------------- 66 Over-cup Oak -----------------------------. 112 | Pennyroyal -------------------------------. 105 Oxalis -------------------------------------- 71, 154 | Pennywort --------------------------------- 82, 98 corniculata, var. stricta -------------- 30 | Penthorum--------------------------------. 80, 160 Ox-eye ------------------------------------- 90 Pentstemon ------------------------------- 101, 175 Daisy ------------------------------- 92 | Peppergrass.----. e = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 66 Pepperidge--------------------------------. 83 Packages for exchange, How to make up..233,234 Peppermint -------------------------------- 104 When to send by mail and when by Percentages, Table of, in comparison of the €Xpress. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 234 local flora with seven other floras ----.... 44 Importance of doing up securely... 234 || Perilla ------------------------------------ 104,177 Paepalanthus flavidus. ---------------------. 13 ocimoides, var. Crispa ----...--...-- 20 Pale Dock --------------------------------- 108 || Periwinkle --------------------------------. 97 Indian Plantain ---------------------- 92 | Persea Carolinensis -----------------------. 13 Touch-me-not------------------------. 71 Persicaria --------------------------------- 108 Violet -------------------------------- 67 | Persimmon. -------------------------------- 96 Palma-Christi. ----------------------------- 110 | Peucedanum ------------------------------- 51 Palmer, William, Discovery by— Phacelia.-- -------------------------------- 99,174 of Nymphaea odorata -----------------. 64 Purshii---------------------------- 23 of Quercusilicifolia --------------...-- . 113 | Phaenogamia ------------------------------- 61 of Asplenium angustifolium ---........ 138 || Phalaris ---------------------------------- 134, 198 Panic-Grass -------------------------------- 135 arundinacea ---------------------- 13 Panicled Hawkweed ----------------------. 93 || Phascum ---------------------------------- 140,201 Panicum ---------------------------------- 135, 198 || Phaseolus --------------------------------- 76, 158 depauperatum -------------------- 50 | Phegopteris. ------------------------------ 138,200 dichotomum ---------------------- 50 hexagonoptera ---------------- 50 discolor--------------------------. 13 Philadelphus • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 79, 160 latifolium.------------------------ 5 || Philosophical Society of Washington, Out- virgatum ------------------------- 50 line of the work presented to the --------- 5 Pansy • * = a • = • s • a s s = • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 67 Phleum ----------------------------------- 131, 194 Papaver. ----------------------------------- 64, 149 Phlox -------------------------------------- 98, 173 Papaveraceae ------------------------------- 52, 64 divaricata. ------------------------ 30, 32, 49 Papaw ---...-------------------------------- 63 maculata ---------------------------- 25 Paper for exchange-packages.--------------. 233 paniculata.-------------------------- 49 Thin white, used in pressing plants... 219 subulata ... ------------------------- 31 Importance of never removing the Phoradendron.....------------------------ 110, 181 plants from the, till dry....... 221 Phryma - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 103, 177 Proper size for the.-------------. 221 || Phyllanthus:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 110, 181 Pardanthus ------------------------------- 121,187 Physalis.----------------------------------- 100, 175 Parietaria. -------------------------------- 111, 182 lanceolata.------------------- ----- 18 Pennsylvanica.-------------. . . . . 24 | Physcomitrium. --------------------------- 142,203 256 INDEX. Page. Page. Physostegia ----------------...------------106, 179 | Poa -------------------- tº º e º 'º e º a tº ge º, e s ∈ s & sº sº a 132, 196 Virginiana, var. denticulata ... 13 8.DIllula - - - - - - - - - - - © tº tº º º e º ſº º e º se º ºs º º ºs º º sº - - 80 Phytolacca ------------------------------- 107, 180 brevifolia ---...---- - ºr e º sº ºf nº g º sº º is e e s sº e º ºr a 28, 50 Phytolaccaceae............................ 107 pratensis ------------------------------ 50 Phytology, the last science to be systematic- Sylvestris -------------- e e º ºr ºs e º e º sº sº e º 'º - 50 ally studied.----------------------------- 57 | Podophyllum...... sº us ºs - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. es e as sº * * * * * * 63, 149 Pickerel-weed.----------------------------- 124 Podostomaceæ --------...------------------ 109 Family --------------------- 124 Podostemon.------------------------ gº tº e º - - 109, 181 Tierce's Mill ---------------...-- • s is ºn me º 'º - e º a 26 ceratophyllus ----------------- 24 Pigºnut------------------------------------. 111 | Pogonatum-------------------------------- 141,203 Pigweed.----------------------------------- 107 | Pogonia ----------------------------------- 119, 186 *ilea -------------------------------------- 111, 182 divaricata ------------------------- 13 pumila ------------------------------- 49 pendula.--------------------------- 13 Pimpernel.--------------------------------- 96 || Poison, Directions for preparing .....-----. 224 Pimpinella --------------------------------- 82, 162 | Poison Ivy --------------------------------- 49, 73 fine---------------------------------------- 137 Sumac ------------------------------ 73 Abundant species of................... 48 || Poisoning plants --------------------------. 224 Family------------------------------- 137 Necessity for ............. 224 Pine-sap.----------------------------------- 96 | Pokeweed ---------------------------------. 107 Piney Branch -----------------------------. 20, 25 Family -------------------------- 107 Pink --------------------------------------- 68 || Polemoniaceae ------------------------------ 98 Family----------------------------- ... 68 Polemonium ------------------------------. 99, 133 Pin-Oak ------------------------------------ 1.13 Family-----------------------. 98 Pinus ------------------------------------- 137, 199 reptans ----------------------- 20 inops -------------------------------- 48 | Polygala ----------------------------------- 67, 152 mitis -------------------------------- 48 ambigua-------------------------. 24 Pungen5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21 cruciata -------------------------- 12 rigida-------------------------------- 48 lutea ----------------------------- 12 Strobus.----------------------------- 20 pauciflora.------------------------ 12 Pin-weed----------------------------------- 60 Setacea --------------------------- 12 JPinxter-flower.----------------------------- 49, 95 verticillata ----------------------- 12 Tiperaceæ---------------------------------- 52, 109 || Polygalaceae ------...-- * - - - - e º sº e s tº gº º sº º 'º - - - - 51, 67 Pipewort ---------------- tº sº tº me tº º ºs º ºs º º ºr ºs ºs e º ºr sº 124 | Polygaleae ----------------- & sº e º ºs e º is sº gº tº º º e s - ºn 51 Family --------------------------. 124 | Polygonaceae ------------------------------- 108 Pipsissewa ------------------------------- . 95 | Polygonatum-----------------------------. 122,188 Pirus ---------------------------------- 51,78, 159 latifolium -------------------- 13, 238 Americana --------------------------- 12 | Polygonum.------------------------------- 108,180 arbutifolia---------------------------- 20 amphibium ------------------- 238 Pitch Pine -------------------------------- 48, 137 var. terrestre ..... 22 Pitcher-Plant Family....................... 64 dumetorum. ------------------ 49 Plagiochila-------------------------------- 143,206 Sagittatum ------------------- 49 Plane-Tree --------------------------------. 111 tenue. ------------------------ 13 Family ------------------------- 111 Virginianum ---------------. 49 T'lantaginaceae.----------------------------- 51, 106 | Polymnia ---------------------------------- 89, 167 Plantago ---------------------------------. 106, 179 || Polypetalae, Proper systematic position of cordata --------------------------- 24 the .-------------------------------------- 53 Plantain Family ------------------......... 106 | Polypodium ------------------------------. 137, 199 Plantain-leaved Everlasting................ 89 Vulgare.---------------------- . 50 Plants, Probable number of, in 1830......... 16, 17 | Polypody----------------------------------- 137 Early-flowering -----............... 27, 28 | Polytrichum -...-------------------------- 141,203 Number of (species and varieties), Pond-Lily ---------------------------------- 63 as basis of statistical compari- Pondweed ----------------------------- - - - - 118 SODS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34 Family -------------------------- 118 The companionship of.............. 56 | Pontederia -------------------------------. 124, 189 Representative parts of ............ 212 cordata ------------------------- 33, 50 that turn black in drying...... ---.. 222 | Pontederiaceae ----------------------------- 124 What to “do with ”................ 237 | Poor Man's Weather-Glass ................ 96 in the herbarium, compared to books Robin's Plantain---------------------- 89 in the library-----------------.... 237 | Poplar --------------------- tº º º ºs e º sº tº e º 'º a ºn as a 116, 117 Platanaceae......... * * * * s s e = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * = a, 111 | Poppy ------------------------------------- 64 Platanus ----- - e º 'º e º 'º e º gº º ºs e e º 'º - e.** * * * * * * - - - - 111, 182 Family. ----------------------------- 64 occidentalis.------------------...--. 48 || Popularization of science ------------------ 55 *latygyrium --------------------------.... 142,204 || Population in 1830 and 1880, Pleurisy-root.......-----------------------. 97 of the District of Columbia............ 14, 15 "Plum ...... * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º 'º & 6 º' tº a º ºs e e º e m e a e 76,77 of Maryland.---------. e sº-º º sº º ºs e º e º ºs º ºr ºn ... 15 INDEX. 257 Page. Page. Population in 1830 and 1880 of Virginia .... 15 | Prodromus Florae Columbianae, Populus. ----------. -----------------.. 116, 184 Number of plants now ſound but not alba ------------------------------ 20, 28 enumerated in the ---------------...-- 17 grandidentata ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 | Proserpinaca ...--------.. ------------------. 80, 161 heterophylla . . . . . . . . . . ........... 13 | Prunus ... --------------------------------. 76, 158 moniliſer"-------------------...... 30 Ptelea.... ................................. 71, 154 tremuloides . . . . . . . .--........... 13 | Pteris.---------------------------------.. 138,200 Portfolio, how it should be made. . . . . . . . . . . 213 aquilina ----------------------------. 50 Pretended improvements in the . . 213 | Pterocaulon pycnostachyum ............... 12 Kind of paper best for the . . . . . . 214,217 | Ptilidium ------------...-------------------- 144, 206 Devices for holding plants firmly Public Schools, Study of botany in the..... 57 in the -- -----------...-------. 214 | Puccoon.---------------------------------. 99 Directions for filling the........ 216, 217 | Pulse Family............. ------------------ 73 Portulaca -----------------------------. 69, 153,222 | Purple Azalea. -----.... . . . . . . . . -----. . . . . . 49, 95 Portulacaceae------------------------...--. 51, 69 Gerardia ---------------------...... 102 Postal laws, Unnecessary stringency of, in Meadow-Rue -----. ----------. . . . . 61 forbidding the transmission of partially Milkweed . ------------------------. 97 Written labels with specimens..... . . . . . . . 234 Thorn-Apple ----------------- - - - 101 Post-Oak. ---------------------------------- 112 Willow----------------------------. 116 Potamogeton.----------------------------. 118, 185 | Purplish Cudweed ... - - - - - - - - - - - -......... 89 Claytonii --------------------. 24 | Purslane ---------------------------------- 69 diversifolium ... ............. 13 Family --------------------------- 69 fluitans ---------------------.. 13 Speedwell. --...--...... --- - - - - - -. 102 hybridus ---------------...--. 23 “Pussley " -------------------------------. 69 pauciflorus -------. -----..... 23 | Putty-root. ----------...----- - - ----------- . 120 Potentilla -------------------------....... 78, 159 || Pycnanthemum -------...----------------. 104,178 Canadensis ---------------....... 30, 49 aristatum ------- - - ------. 13 Poterium ... ------------------------...... 78, 150 incanum. -----------------. 49 Canadense ------------.......... 25 lanceolatum - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 Sanguisorba -----------.......... 10 linifolium ----------. ------ 49 Potomac-Side Naturalists' Club, Catalogue Torreyi -------------- - - - - 21, 23 published by the ......................... 16 || Pylaisaea --------------------------------- 142,204 Pottia ------------------------------...... 141,202 || Pyrola ------------------------------------- 95, 171 Poverty-Grass ........................... - 131 elliptica ---------------------------. 21 Prairie Willow ............................ . 116 secunda ---------------------------- 21 Premanthes. ---------------...----......... 53, 93 || Pyrus -------------------------------------- 51 Preservation of Plants ..................... 218 Quamoclit ---------------------------------- 100 should not be begun Quercitron --------------------------------- 113 too soon ... . . . . . . . 210 Quercus ----------------------------------- 112, 183 Press, how made :------------------------. 219 alba ------------------------------- 48 º: plants, Directions for. . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Coccinea. -------------------------- 48 ressure, Degree of best for plants . . . . . . . . 220 falcata ------ --------------------. 48 how applied ::::::::... ..…...: . 220 ilicifolia --------------------------- 238 how long it should be continued. - 221 Ina CTOCaſpa- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 9 Plants that will not bear much... 222 palustris -------------------------- 48 Prickly Ash.--------------------------..... 71 Systematic position of... 52 Pear------------------------------. 81 prinoides -------------------------- 25 Primrose Family. .......................... 96 Prinus ---------------------------- 48 Primrose leaved Violet ---. ---------------- " | Quick-Grass........... .........----------. 134 Primulaceae . . . . .--------------------------. * | Quitch-Grass............................... 134 Prince's Feather --------------------....... 108 Pine.----------------------------.. 95 || Rabbit-foot Clover - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. 74 Proceedings of the American Academy of Racomitrium. ... ------------------------- 141, 203 Alts and Sciences, Revisions, &c., pub- Radish ------------------------------- - - - - - 66 lished in the .----------------------------. 52 i Radula .------------------..... -----------. 143, 206 Prodromus Florae Columbianae, Ragged Fringed Orchis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Plants in the, how designated in the Ragweed ........ a as as sº e s as º sº s = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 90 catalogue -------------------------- 11, 59 | Ragwort ---------------------------------. 92 plants enumerated in the, but not now Ramsted ---------------------------------- 101 found, List of --------- -----------. 12 || Range of the local flora ....... -- - - - - - - - - - - - 10 Classification of the . . . . . . . ... 14, 15 || Ranunculaceae ---------...----...-----------. 61 Plants enumerated in the, but not iden- Ranunculus. ------------------------------- 62, 148 tified.----- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s e < e < e s = e = se 13 abortivus -----------. ---------- 29 Probable errors of the........ . . . . . . . . . . 15, 16 var. micranthus . . . . . 29, 32 Number of synonyms in the . . . ........ 16 ambigens ...------------------- 26 258 INDEX. Page. Page. Ranunculus bulbosus -------............ --. 33 Rock Scullcap.----------------------------- 105 multifidus -------------------- 12 | Rock-Brake -------------------------------- 138 pusillus ----------------------- 22 | Rocket ------------------------------------. 66 TepellS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29, 49 Rock-Rose Family-------------------------. 66 Raphanus---------------------------------- 66, 151 Roman Wormwood...... as e º sº tº tº º sº e º 'º s as a m = * * * 90 Paspberry---------------------------------. 77 | Roots, How to collect -------....... -----...- 215 Rattle-box -------------------------------. 7 Importance of to specimens........ 212 Rattlesnake Grape Fern. ---...--...--------- 139 Rosa --------------------------------------. 78, 159 Plantain.---------------------- 119 blanda ------------------------------. 12 Rattlesnake-weed ........ ---...-...--....... 93 l Rosaceae ---------------. ------------------ 76 Ray-Grass---------------------------------. 134 Rose---------------------------------------- 78 Recapitulation of Summary.----------- - -. 147 Bay ----------------------------------. 95 Red Amaranth ----------------------------. 107 Family. ------------------------------ 73 Ash ----------------------------------- 97 | Rose-Mallow -------------------------...--- 70 Birch---------------------------------- 112 || Rosin-Plant ------------------------------- 90 Cedar---------------------------------. 48, 137 Rough Bedstraw ----------------------...-.. 84 Clover ------------------------------. 74 Rawkweed -------------------...--.. 93 Currant ------------------------------- 79 White Oak ----------------------Y. 112 Elm ----------------------------------. 110 || Roughish Meadow-Grass................... 132 Maple --------------------------------. 48,73 Round-leaved Pyrola ------------------..... 96 Mulberry ----------------------------. 111 || Royal Fern. -------------------------------- 139 Oak ----------------------------------. 113 Rubiaceae ---------------------------------- 84 Red-bud.---------------------------------- 48, 76 | Rubus ------------------------------------- 77,158 Ited-Osier Dogwood ----------...----------- 83 Canadensis ------------------------- 33 Fed-root. --- ------------------------------- 72 Villosus ----------------------------- 32 Red-Top ------------------------------- 131, 132 || Rudbeckia --------------------------------- 90, 168 Reed Bent-Grass -----------................ 131 fulgida ------------------------- 33 Meadow-Grass.----------------------. 132 laciniata.------------------------ 49 Reed-Grass -- . . . . . ... -------------------. 131 Rue Family -------------------------------- 71 Reed-Mace --------------------------------. 117 Rue-Anemone ---------------------------- 61 Reform School Tegion...................... 25 Ruel --------------------------------------- 103 Rein-Orchis . . . .--------------------------- 119 Ruellia ------------------------------------ 103, 177 Representative parts of all plants ....... --. 212 Rumex ------ ----------------------------- 108, 181 Revisions of genera, Recent............ . . . . 52 verticillatus ------------------------ 23 Rhamnaceae -------------------------------. 72 Running Swamp-Blackberry ------......... 77 Rhexia - - - - - - - -----------------------80, 161 Rush.….------------------ 123-126 Mariana. --- ----------------------- 12 Family ------------------------------- 123 Rhododendron . . .-----. ................. 95, 171 Rush-Grass ------------------------------. 131 maximum------------------- 23 Rutaceae ----------------------------------- 71 nudiflorum ............... 32, 33,49 | Rye-Grass --------------------------------- 134 Rhus -------------------------.. ----------- 73, 155 *Tomatica -----------------------...--. 31 Sabbatia -------------.. ----------------. 98, 173 Toxicodendron - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . 49 angularis --- --------------------. 32 Rhynchosia ----------------. . . ...... -- 76, 158 gracilis --------------------------- 13 Rhynchospora --. -----------......... . . 126, 191 | Sage-------. ------------------------------- 105 alba -----------------------. 25 Sagina ------------------------------------- 69. 153 Ribes------------, ------------------------. 79, 160 Sagittaria -------------------------------- 118, 186 rotundifolium ---...----............... 31 lancifolia ------------------------ 13 Ribgrass ---------------------------------. 106 pusilla -------------------------- 24 Piccia.-----------------------------------. 143,205 variabilis ----------------------- 50 Rice Cut-Grass --------------............... 130 Salicaceae -----------...-------------------- 51, 114 Rioh weed.------------------.............. 104,111 | Salices, Aid rendered by Mr. M. S. Bebb in Picinus ----------------------------------. 110, 182 determining and revising---------------.. 5, 52 Ripplegrass -------...------................. 106 | Salicinea. ---------------------------------. 51 River Birch . . . . . . . . ... --................. 112 | Salicornia herbacea ---...--------------- 13 Club-Rush -------------------------. 126 Salix ------------------------------------- 114, 184 River-weed Family.... ------ • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 109 Babylonica --------------------------- 28 Roach's Run ------------------------------- 24 cordata. -- --------------------------. 22, 30 Robinia ------------------------------------ 74, 156 longifolia ---------------------------- 22, 32 Robinson, John ---------------------------. 39 Continuous flowering of.--. 32 Robin's Plantain -------------.............. 89 nigra, var. Wardi -------------------. 22, 31 Rochelia Virginiana. -----------............ 13 ptly)llTea - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 Rock Chestnut-Oak ----------...----....... 113 Russelliana--------------. ----------- 26 Creek Region. -----------------------. 19 | tlistis ------------------- ---------. 29 Cress. ------------ * * * * * * * * = e º sº me • * * * * * * 65 | Salsola -- - ------------------------------- 107, 180 INDEX. 259 Page. Page. Saltwort ----- .--------------------------- 107 Scutch-Grass.----------------------........ 132 Salvia ----------------------------------- 105, 178 Scutellaria -----------------------......... 105, 178 lyrata.-------------- ---------------- 49 galericulata -------------------. 13 Sambucus --------------------------...-- 83, 163 DerWOSa- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 Samolus-----------------------------------. 96, 172 parvula------------------------. 13 Villerandi, var. Americanus....... 22 saxat-lis -----------------------. 23 Sand Spurry-------------------------------- 69 Seaman, Professor William H., Discovery by, Sandalwood Family .............. ......... 110 of Prunus Virginiana .................. 77 Sand-Blackberry -----------------......... 77 | Sedge ------------------------------------. 126-130 Sandwort. --> -------------------------...-- 69 Family -----------------------------. 124 Sandy Landing-...--------------------------- 23 | Sedum -------------------------------- 79, 160,222 Sanguinaria -------------------------------. 64, 149 pulchellum ------------------------. 12 Canadensis -------------------- 28 telephioides.---------------------... 23 Sanicle ------------------------------------- 82 | Selaginella ... . . --------------------... 140, 201 Sanicula---------------------------------- 82, 162 | Self-heal.----------------------------------. 54, 106 Santalaceæ--------------------------------- 110 Seneca Snake-root.----..................... 68 Sapindaceae -------------------------------. 73 | Senecio-------. -----------------------. 53, 92, 169 Saponaria . . . .----------------------------. 68, 152 all Fellº - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 Sargent's Catalogue of the Forest Trees of Vulgaris ---------------------------- 12 North America -------------------------. 52 Senna -------------------------------------. 76 Sarracenia ---. ---------------------------- 64, 149 | Sensitive Fern ------------------------..... 139 PllTPuT68. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26 Pea ----------------------------- 76 Sarracemiaceae. ---------...----------------- 64 | Sericocarpus ------------------------------- 87, 166 Sarsaparilla -------------------------------. 83 | Service-berry-------------------------. ---. 79 Sassafras -----------------------------. 48, 109, 181 | Sesame-Grass -------------------...- ...... 136 officinale ------------------------- 29, 48 || Sessile-leaved Bellwort ---... -------....... 122 Saururaceae ------------------------...----- 52 | Setaria -----------------------------------. 136, 198 Saururus.--------------------------------. 109, 181 | Shad-bush ---------- ---------------------. 79 Savin -------------------------------------- 137 | Shag-bark Hickory ------------...-- . . . . . . . . 111 Saxifraga---------------------------------. 79, 160 Shave Rush -------------------------------. 137 Virginiensis ----- ------------... 28, 49 | Sheep-Laurel.----- ---...-------------...--. 95 Saxifragaceae -----------------------------. 51,79 Sheep's Fescue-----------. --...------..... 133 Saxifrage----------------------------------- 79 Sheldon, C. S., Discovery by, of Arabis hir. Family--------------------------- 79 Suta ------------------------------------- 65 Saxifrageº -- ----------------------------- 51 | Shell-bark Hickory --...---------------..... 111 Scapania ---------------------------------- 143, 206 | Shepherd's Purse . . . . ... ---. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Scarlet Oak ------------------------------. 48, 113 | Shield-Fern ... ---------------------------- 138, 139 Scarlet-fruited Thorn ...................... 79 | Shingle-Oak - - - -----------------...--..... 113 Schistidium -------.............. * * * * * * s sº º - 141,202 | Shin-leaf ....----...---------------------- 95 Schollera ---------------------------------. 124, 189 | Shooting-Star ------------------------------ 96 Schott, Dr., Collection by, Short-tubed Ruellia ----...---------...----. 103 of Selaginella rupestris --...----...----- 140 | Showy Orchis -----------------------------. 119 Scirpus - - - ------------------------------. 126, 190 | Shrubby species---------------------------. 36 atrovirens -------------------------. 50 St. John's-wort ...-------......... 7 Eriophorum -----------------------. 50 Trefoil--------------------------. 71 fluviatilis --------------------...--. 26 Shrubs, How to collect ----...--------...... 212 polyphyllus ----------------------- 50 | Sickle-Pod ---------------------. ----------. 65 Plling 6 IIS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 Sicyos ----------------------------------- 81, 161 sylvaticus ---. -------------...--. 26 Sida . . .--------------------------------. 70, 154 Science, Popularization of.------...--...- .. 55, 56 | Side-Saddle Flower -....................... 64 Relation of, to culture............. 58 Silene ------------------------------------ 68, 152 S^ientific opinion, Change in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 | Armeria ----------------------------- 24 Scleranthus annuus ---------------......... 12 inflata ------------------------------- 12 Scleria . . . . ------------------------------ 126, 191 Occurrence of on Sugar Loaf Scorpion-Grass - - --------------...--...---- 99 Mountain. Maryland....... 12 Scotch Broom . . . . . . . . ... ------------------ 7.4 nivea -------------------------------- 22 Thistle ----------------------------. 92 Pennsylvanica.......---------------- 30 Scouring Rush ----------------------------- 137 regia.-------------------------------- 12 Screw-stem -. ----------------------------. 98 Virginica ---------------------------. 12 Scrophularia --------------------...- ... -- 101,175 Silkweed .....---------------------------- 97 nodosa.----------------------- 24 Silky Cornel.--------------------- -------. 83 Scrophulariaceae---------------------------. 51, 101 Willow.---------------------------- - 116 Scrophularinese ---------------------------. 51 Silphium ---------------------------------. . 90, 167 Scrub Pine --------------------------------. 48, 137 Silver Maple ------------------------------. 73 Scurvy-Grass------------------------------. 65 Silvery Spleenwort ------------------------ 138 INDEX. Page Page. Sisymbrium -------------------------------- 66,151 | Solomon's Seal ---------. ------------------ 122 Alliaria------------------------ 30 | Sonchus..... ------------------------------. 93, 170 Thaliana ---------------------. 28 | Sorghum ---------------------------------- 136, 199 Sisyrinchium------------------------------ 121, 187 | Sorrel ------------------------------------- 71, 109 ancepS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31 | Sour Gum. ------------------------- - - - - - - - - 48, 83 Sium -------------------- * = AE e º sº s ºf s = e s = º is nº is is s 82, 162 | Southeastern United States, Flora of the . . 42 Skullcap ----------------------------------- 105 | Southern Fox-Grape-----...-----------...... 72 Skunk Cabbage ---------------------------- 117 | Sow-Thistle -------------...----------------- 93 Sleepy Catchfly ---...---------------------- 68 || Spanish Needles. --...-----------------...--. 91 Slender Forked Chickweed................. 69 Oak------------------------------- 48, 113 Gerardia--------------------------- 102 || Sparganium ------------------------------. 117, 185 Ladies' Traces -------------------.. 119 || Spartina ---------------------------------- 132, 195 Slippery Elm------------------------------- 110 stricta, var. glabra. --------------- 13 Sloe --------------------------------------. 77 || Spatter-Dock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 63 Small Bedstraw -------------------...------. 85 | Spear-Grass ----------------------. . . . . . . . . 132 Cat-tail------------------------------ 117 | Spearmint - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 104 Morning-Glory.-----------------...-- 100 || Spearwort.----------...... -----------. . . 62 Spearwort --------------------------- 62 || Species, Number of, to each genus . . . . . . . . 34 Yellow Lady's Slipper ............... 120 and varieties, taken as the basis of Moccasin Flower ............ 120 statistical comparisons . . . . . . . . . . 34 Smaller Bur-Marigold --------...----------. 91 || Species-covers -----------..... --- . . . . . . . . . 226 Solomon's Seal -------------------.. 122 || Species-strips for labeling cases for dupli- Smaller-flowered Sweet-Brier............... 78 Cates ----------------------------- . . . . . . 231 Small-flowered Agrimony -----............. 78 || Specimens, Importance of making good . . . . 215 Cranesbill ---...------------. 71 || Specularia.-------------------. -----...---- 94, 170 Crowfoot ------------------- 62 | Speedwell ..... ---------. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Wild Sensitive Pea . . . . . . . . . 76 || Spergula arvensis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T2 Small-fruited Hickory.-----................ 111 || Spergularia ------------------.... ......... 51, 69 SmartWeed --------------------------------- 108 || Sphagnum ----------------------..... .. 140, 201 Smilaceae ----------------------------------- 121 | Spice-bush --------------------------------. 49, 109 Similacina --------------------------."- - - - - - 122, 188 || Spiderwort -----...--............ ........... 124 stellata -------------------------- 24 Family ------------------------. 124 Smilar -----------------------------------. 121, 187 Spigelia Marilandica ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Family ----------------------------. 121 | Spike-Grass.------------------------....... 134 Smooth Alder ------------------------------ 112 || Spikenard-----------------...------......... 83 Sumac...... Tº s = * * = e s = e = * * * * * * * * * * * * 73 Spike-Rush.-----------------...- .......... 125 Smooth-fruited Corn-Poppy ................ 64 || Spiny Clotbur ----------------...---- ...... 90 Snake-head.-------------------------------- 101 || Spiny-leaved Sow-Thistle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Snake-mouth ------------------------------- 119 Spiraea -------------------------..... ..... 77,158 Snakeroot ------------------------- 63, 68, 82, 86, 109 Aruncus -------------------------- 20 Sneeze-weed.------------------------------- 91 || Spiranthes ... --------------.............. 119, 186 Snowberry -------------------------------.. 84 latifolia -----------------------. 22 Snowy Campion ---------------------------- 68 Spleenwort.----------------------.......... 138 Soapberry Family -------. ------------------ 73 || Spotted Cowbane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 82 Soapwort.-------------------------------. 68 Cranesbill -----------------------. 71 Gentian.------------------------- 98 Spurge ---------------------------. 110 Soft Chess---------------------------------- 133 Touch-me-not ---...--------........ 71 Rush ---------------------------------- 123 Wintergreen........... -----....... 95 Solanaceae ---------------------------------- 100 || Spreading Aster-----....................... 88 Solanum----------------------------------. 100, 175 || Spring Avens -------...--...-------......... 77 Carolinense. ----------------------- 49 Beauty ---------------------------. 69 Dulcamara ---...------------------. 13 Cress ------------------------------- 65 Virginianum ---------------------- 13 Iris.-------------------------------- 121 Solea-------------------------------------- 67 Scorpion-Grass --------- . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Solidago.-------- ----------------------- 86, 165 | Spruce ---------------------------.......... 137 altissima ------------------------ 49 || Spurge - --------------------------....... 110 Canadensis.---------------------. 49 Family --------------------------... 110 elliptica -------------------------- 26 || Spurrey -------------------------. ........ 69 neglecta -------------------------- 87 Spy-Glass, Uses for the, in collecting....... 215 memoralis.----------------------- 49 | Squaw Huckleberry. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 rupestris.------------------------ 23 Squaw-root.----------------------......... 103 stricta --------------------------- 25 | Squaw-weed.------------...--------........ 92 ulmifolia ------------------------- 49 | Stachys ----------------------------....... 106, 179 Virga-aurea, var. humilis ---...-- 23 Staff Tree Family ---....................... 72 Virgata --------------------------- 12 | Stagger-bush ------------------------------. 49, 95 INDEX. 261 Page. Page. Staghorn Sumac--------------------------- 73 Sweet Vernal Grass -----------. ------------ 134 St. Andrew's Cross------------------------. 69 Sweet-scented Bedstraw.................... 85 Stap lylea ---------------------------------- 73, 155 Indian Plantain ------....... 92 Star-Cucumber ----------------------------. 81 Water-Lily. --...-----...--... 64 Star-Grass --------------------------------- 120 | Sweet-William . . . . . . . . . . ... --. -----...----.. 98 Star-of-Bethlehem -------------------------. 123 Catchfly------------------- 68 Starry Campion ---------------------------- 68 | Sycamore ----------------------------- ---. 48, 111 Star-Thistle -------------------------------- 92 | Symphoricarpos --------------------------- 84, 163 Statistical view of the flora................. 34 Symplocarpus ----------------------------. 117, 185 Steetzia - - - ------------------------------ 143, 206 foetidus---------...-----------. 20, 27 Steiromeria.-------------------------------- 53 Syringa ------------------------------------ 79 Steironema ----------------------------. 53, 96, 172 lanceolatum ---------------...-. 23, 26 | Table Mountain Pine. -----------------. . . . 21, 137 Stellaria.------------------------------...-- 68, 153 | Table-room in the herbarium, amount re- media -----------------------. -- - 27, 28 quired ----------------------------------- 221 pubera ----------------------. 28, 29, 32, 49 | Tables, Statistical -----...------------------. 34–45 Stemless Lady's Slipper.................... 120 | Tags, Uses for --------------...-----------. 215 Moccasin Flower.--. ............. 120 | Tall Bellflower - - - - - - - --------------------- 94 Stenanthium ---------------------------- 122, 188 Coreopsis ----------------------------- 91 robustum. -------------------. 26 Crowfoot ----------------------------- 62 Stipa ------------------------------------. 131, 195 Meadow-Rue ------ ------------------. 61 Stitchwort --------------------------------- 69 Red-Top -----------------------------. 132 St. John's-wort. --...-- -------...--.......... 70 | Taller Fescue ---...------------------------. 133 Family -------------------- 69 | Tanacetum vulgare.--------...-----------.. 238 Stone-crop---------------------------------- 79, 80 | Tansy. ------------------------------------- 238 Stone-root ---------------------------------- 104 || Tape-Grass. --- - - - - - ------...-----------. 119 Storksbill --- -------------------------...-- 71 | Tape-line, Best form of.----...--------...-. 214 St. Peter's-wort -----------................. 69 | Taraxacum--------------------------------- 93, 170 Stramonium--------------------...--...-----. 101 Dens-leonis. ------------------- 27 Strawberry. -------------------...------..... 77 | Tare -------------------------------------. 75, 76 Bush.-------------------------- 72 Teachers, Duty of, to beginners in botany... 211 Stylosanthes ----------------------------...-74, 156 | Tear-Thumb .... --------------------------. 108 Sugarberry--------------------------------. 111 | Teasel --------------------- -------------- 85 Sugar-Maple ------------------------------. 73 Family.----------------------------. 85 Island ----------- - - e º º - 23 Tecoma ---------------------------------. 103, 177 Suggestions to beginners ................... 209 radicans --------------------------- 49 Sumac.---------------------------------... 48,73 | Tephrosia ---------------------------------- 74, 156 Summary of the flora by orders . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 | Ternate Grape-Fern. ---------------- -----. 139 Summer Grape -------------...--...-------. 72 | Terra Cotta Region ---...-------------...----- 24 Sundew ------------------------------------ 80 Station ------------------------ 24 Family ---------------------------. 80 Swamp ------------------------ 25 Sundrops ---------------------------------. 81 | Tetraphis --------------------------------- 141,202 Sunflower ---------------------------------. 90 | Teucrium --------------------------------. 104,177 Surface of the country, Thalictrum. ------------------------------- 61, 148 Changes in the, during fifty years ..... 14, 15 anemonoides ------. ---------. 29, 33 how affected by civilization . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 dioicum ----------------------- 30 Swamp Blueberry.-----------.............. 94 | Thaspium --------------------------------- 82, 162 Hickory --------------------------. 112 aureum - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29 Honeysuckle -------------......... 95 barbinode ----------------------. 49 Loosestrife --------------------...- 80 trifoliatum ---------------------- 30 Maple ----------------------------- 73 | Thelia.-----------------------------------. 142,204 Milkweed ------------------------. 97 | Thin Grass ------------------...----------- 131 Oak -------------------------. ---. 48 Things vs. names, as objects of scientific Rose.------------------------------ 78 study ------------------------------------ 54 Rose-Mallow ----.................. 70 Thistle ------------------------------------- 92 Spanish Oak.......... * * * * * * * * e = sº me • 113 | Thlaspi ----------------------------------. 66, 151 White Oak -----------------------. 112 | Thorn - - ---------------------------------- 78, 79 Sweet Bay --------------------------------- 63 | Thorn-Apple .-----------------------------. 101 Brier -------------------------------- 78 || Thorns as substitutes for dissecting needles 211 Cicely ------------------------------. 82 | Thorny Amaranth. -----------............. 107 Plag--------------------------------- 117 | Thoroughwort. --...-------------------..... 86 Gale Family-----------------........ 112 || Three-leaved Nightshade................... 122 Golden Rod ------------------....... 87 | Three-seeded Mercury ..................... 110 Gum -------------------------------- 48, 80 | Thuya occidentalis.-------------........... 13 Scabious.-------------------- * - & sº e º º ºr 89 | Thymeleaceae ---....... * * * * * * - - tº tº tº e º ºs e º e º sº sº 109 262 INDEX. Page Page. Thyme-leaved Sandwort............... ----- 69 | Ulmus------------------------------------ 110, 182 Speedwell-------------...... 102 Americana------ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 29, 48 Tiarella cordifolia -----------------......... 12 fulva.------------------------------- 28 Tickseed ----------------------------------- 91 Umbelliferab. ------------------------------- 82 Tick-Trefoil-------------------------------. 74, 75 | Umbrella-Grass ------...--------------------- 125 Tilia ----------------------- * * * * * * * * * e º ºs ºs º º a 70, 154 | Uniola ------------------------------------ 134, 197 Tiliaceae. ----------------------------------- 70 | Upland Boneset ---------------------------- 86 Timothy ----------------------------------- 131 | Upper Potomac Region.-------------------. 21 Tin box for collecting, when useful.--...... 213 | Upright Chess .............. --------------. 133 How to carry....... 213 | Urtica------------------------------------- 111, 182 Tipularia---------------------------------. 120, 186 capitata.---------------------------- 13 discolor -------------------------. 20, 26 Urticaceae. --------------------------------. 110 Toad-Flax---------------------------------. 101 || “Use” of plants in the herbarium ......... 237 Tofieldia ---------------------------------. 123, 188 || Utricularia.--------------------------. . . . . 103, 176 pubens --------------------------- 238 gibba-------------------------- 22 Toothache Tree. --------------------------- 71 * minor ------------------------. 13 Tooth-cup---------------------------------- 80 l Uvularia --------------------------------- 122, 188 Toothwort --------------------------------- 65 Touch-me-not -----------------------------. 71 | Vacciniacea-------------------------------- 52 Tower-Mustard ---------------. ----------. 65 | Vaccinium -------------------------------. 94, 171 Tradescantia. ----------------------------- 124, 189 corymbosum ------------------- 30, 49 Trailing Arbutus. ------------------------ tº e 95 Stramimum. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32, 49 Travel, Interest that botany lends to ....... 56 vacillans ----------------------- 49 Trees, Number and distribution of......... 36 Valerian ---------------------------- . . . . . . 85 How to collect----------------------- 212 Valeriana ---...---------------------------- 85, 164 Trematodon------------------------------- 140, 202 pauciflora ----------------------- 22 Trichocolea ------------------------------ 144, 206 | Valerianaceae.................------...----. 51 Trichostema ------------------------------ 104,177 Valerianeae..............------------------. 51 lineare ----------------------- 13 | Valerianella. --------...------------------ . 53, 85 Trichostomum ---------------------------- 141, 202 | Vallisneria ..................-------...--. 119, 186 Tricuspis.--------------------------------- 132, 196 || Variances from descriptions, Habit of noting, Sesleroides ----- - ---------------. 50 useful ------ ----------------------------- 218 Trifolium----------------------------------- 74, 156 || Variegated Milkweed .......... ------...... 97 Trillium. ---------------------------------- 122, 188 || Vasey, Dr. George, Valuable aid rendered by 5 C&IIlllllkſ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 Revision by, of the forms of Panicum sessile ------------------ ------- 23, 30, 33 dichotomum --------------------. . . . . . 135 Triosteum ---------------------------------. 84, 163 Vegetable kingdom, Influence of the, in giv- angustifolium. ------------------ 23 ing character to a landscape. ------------- 47 Triple-awned Grass ------------------------ 131 | Velvet-Grass ----------------------------. 134 Tripsacum -------------------------------- 136, 199 || Velvet-Leaf ....... ------------------------- 70 dactyloides.-------------------- 24 Venus's Looking-Glass. ... ------------ - - . 94 Trisetum. --------------------------------- 134, 197 Pride---------------------- - - - - - - 84 Triticum ---------------------------------. 134, 197 | Veratrum ..................-------------- 122, 188 Trowel, Garden, for collecting. -----------.. 213 viride. --------------------------- 20 Trumpet Honeysuckle ---...----- - - ------ 84 | Verbascum ...... ------------------------- 101, 175 Vine.----------------------------- 49 nigrum ------------ - - - - - - - - - 13 Trumpet-flower ---------------------------. 103 | Verbena. ----------------------------. . . . . 104, 177 Trumpet-weed ---- ----------------------- 85 Caroliniana. ----------- ---------. 13 Tsuga --------------------- - ------------- 137,199 hastata . . . -------------- - - - - - 49 Canadensis-------------------------. 24 urticaefolia ---------------. ------ 49 Tule - ---------------------------------- 126 | Verbenaceae. ---------. -----------------... 103 Tulº-Tree......--------------------------. 48, 63 | Verbesina ... -----------------------------. 91, 168 Tupelo ------------------------------------- 83 Siegesbeckia- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49 Turkey Oak -------------------------------- 113 | Vernal species ----------------------------- 27–31 Turk's-cap Lily ---------------------------. 122 | Vernonia.---------------------------------. 85, 164 Turtle-head -------------------------------. 101 Noveboracense . . . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - 49 Tussock Sedge -----------. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 128 l Veronica ...... ------------------. --...-- 102, 176 Twayblade. -------------------------------- 120 officinalis ------------------------ 32,49 Twine, Importance of always carrying, when Virginica.------------------------ 49 in the field ------------------------------- 215 l Vervain ...------------------------------ 103, 104 Twin-leaf ...------------------------------- 63 Vetch --------------------------------- - - - - 75, 76 Types, Cuvier's theory of .----------------. 57 | Vetchling ---------------------------------. 76 Typha ------------------------------------ 117, 185 | Viburnum.... -----------------------------. 83, 162 Typhaceae.---- ---------------------------- 117 acerifolium. --...--...------------- 49 INDEX. 263 Page. Page. Viburnum dentatum ------------...-...--...- 49 Water-Parsnip --------..................... 82 nudum ------------------------- 49 || Water-Pepper------. ----------............ 108 prunifolium -------------------- 48 Water-Plantain ---------------............. 118 Vicia -------------------------------------- 75, 157 Family -------------------- 118 Americana -------------------------. 12 Spearwort --------......... 62 Caroliniana.------------------------. 29, 49 Water-Shield.----------------...--......... 63 Cracca ----------------------------- 12 Water-weed------------------------...-----. 119 Vilfa -------------------------------------. 131, 195 || Water-Willow ---------------...-----....... 103 Vinca -------------------------------------- 97, 172 Watson, Sereno -----------------......... -- 43 minor-------------------------------. 33 Wax-leaved Meadow-Rue ---............... 61 Vine Family ------------------------------- 72 | Wax-Myrtle ---------------------------.... 112 Vines, Abundant -------------------------- 49 Waxweed ..............* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80 Viola--------------------------------------- 67,151 Wax-Work -------------------------------.. 72 blanda ------------------------------- 12 | Weeping Willow - - -...----..... ----...-----. 116 cucullata.----------------------------- 30, 49 | Weisia ----------------------------------- 140, 202 var. cordata --------------. 31 | West, Contrast between the flora of the, glabella ------------------------------ 30 and that of the East. ------------...--...-- 44, 47 lanceolata ------.. -- * * * * * * * * * * = e = s = ~ * 26 Wheeler, Lieutenant G. M., Survey of, pedata ------------------------------- 28 Plants collected by the...... -- - - - - - - - - - 42, 43 var. bicolor----------...-----. 32, 49 | White Ash --------------------------------. 97 striata.------------------------------- 30, 32 Bent-Grass-------------------------. 131 tricolor, var. arvense. -------------... 29, 49 Clover ------------------------------ 74 Violaceae ----------------------------------- 51, 67 Dog's-tooth Violet .... -------------. 122 Violarieae ---------------------------------- 51 Plm ------------------------------- 48, 110 Violet -------------------------------------. 67 Grass ------------------------------. 130 Tamily ------------------------------ 67 Hellebore --------------------------- 122 Wood-Sorrel -----------------------. 71 Hickory. ---------------------------- 112 Viper's Bugloss ----------- - - -...--...--...--. 100 Lettuce----------------------------. 93 Virginia Chain-Fern.----------------------. 138 Melilot ----------------------------- 74 Snakeroot.------------------------ 109 Mulberry --------------------------. 111 Virginian Anemone ----------------...----. 61 Oak--------------------------------. 48, 112 Cowslip-------------------------. 99 Pine -------------------------------- 137 Creeper.------------------------- 49, 72 Poplar-----------------------------. 48, 117 Grape-Fern --------------------. 139 Snakeroot. -------------------------. 86 Virgin's Bower ---------------------------- 61 Vervain----------------------------- 104 Vitaceae ----------------------------------- 51, 72 Willow ---- -----------------------. 116 Vitis -----------------------------------. 51, 72, 155 | White-heart Hickory-------------- - - - - - - - - 111 vulpina ------------------------------ 23 | White-Star Ipomoea - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100 White-topped Aster-----------------------. 87 Waahoo ------------------------------------ 72 | Whitlow-Grass ---------------------------. 65, 66 Walking Fern... ---------------------------- 23, 138 | Whitlow-wort ------------------------------ 69 Leaf------------------------------ 138 Family ---------------------- 69 Walnut Family --...--------------...------. 111 | Whorled Coreopsis ------------------------. 91 Washington as a center of scientific cul- Milkweed -----------------------. 98 ture -----------------------. 57, 58 Snake-Mouth --------------------. 119 Botanical Society.----------. 11 | Wild Bean--------------------------------- 76 Thorn ------------------------ 78 Bergamot ---------------------------- 105 Water Hoarhound-------------------...----. 104 Columbine --------------------------- 62 Oats -------------------------------- 130 Comfrey. ----------------------------- 99 Pennywort-------------------------. 82 Flax --------------------------------- 70 Persicaria.--------------------------- 108 Foxtail-Grass ------------------------ 131 Pimpernel * & gº tº dº º º ºs e º ºs º s = º sº º ºs e º ºs º ºs º ºs º ºs 96 Garlic-------------------------------- 121 Purslane --------------------------- 81 Ginger ------------------------------- 109 SmartWeed.------------------------- 108 Hydrangea. ---...---------------------- 79 Star-Grass -------------------------- 124 Indigo ------------------------------- 73 Starwort ---------------------------- 80 Ipecao. ------------------------------- 110 Water-Cress.------------------------------- 64 Lettuce ------------------------------ 93 Water-Hemlock ---------------------------. 82 Liquorice----------------------------- 85 Water-Hemp ------------------------------- 107 Live-for-ever ------------------------- 80 Waterleaf. --------------------------------- 99 Lupine ------------------------------. 74 Family -------------------------- 99 Mint --------------------------------- 104 Water-Lily. ------. ------------------------ 64 Monkshood -------------------------- 62 Family ------------------------ 63 Oat-Grass ---------------------------. 134 Water-Milfoil -------------------.......... 80 Onion -------------------------------- 121 Family --------------------. 80 Pansy.------------------------- tº . g º sº tº 67 264 INDEX. Page. Page. Wild Peppergrass----------------.......... 66 | Wood-Sorrel.------. ----------------------- 71 Pink --------------------------------- 68 Woodwardia -------------...---------------. 188,200 Plum -------------------------------- 76 Virginica ------------. * * * * * * * * 25 Potato-Wine ..... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 100 | Wool-Grass -------------------------------- 126 Rye ---------------------------------- 134 || Woolly Beard-Grass.............. . . . . . . . . . . 136 Sarsaparilla -------------------------. 83 Wormseed --------------------------------- 107 Senna -------------------------------. 7 Mustard------------------------ 66 Sunflower ---------------------------- 90 Sweet-William ....................... 98 | Xanthium---------------------------------. 90, 167 Teasel. ------------------------------- 85 | Xanthoxylum --------------------------- 51, 71,154 Toad-Flax. --------------------------. 101 Americanum. ---------------- , 20 Yam-root ..... *------------------- 121 | Xyridaceae --------------------------------. 124 Willets, Miss H. B., Discovery by, Xyris ------------------------------------- 124, 189 of Plantago cordata ------------...----. 24 Caroliniana. ------------------------- 13 Willow ----------------------------------- 114 flexuosa ----------------------------- 25, Family----------------------------- 114 Willow-herb ------------------------------- 80 Yam Family. --...----------------...--------. 121 Willow-Oak -------------------------------- 114 Yam-root.---------------------------------. 121 Wind-Flower ---. ------------------------- 01 || Yard-Grass -...----------...---------...--. 132 Meadow-Rue --------------... 61 Yarrow ---------------------------. . . . . . . . . 9. Winged Monkey-flower ---------------...--. 101 || Yellow Adder's Tongue ... ----------------- 122 Winter Grape --------...------------------- 72 Chestnut-Oak ---------------------. 113 Winterberry -----------------------------. . 72 Cress ----- ------------------------ 64 Winter-Cress -------------------------...--- 65 Flowering Rush. ------------------. 124 Wintergreen ------------------------------- 95 Fringed Orchis.-----------. . . . . . . . . 119 Wire-Grass.------------------------------- 132 Melilot.---------------------------- 74 Witch-Hazel ---------------...-------...--.. 48, 80 Pine -------------- ------------- 48, 137 Family ----------------------- 80 Pond-Lily -------------------------- 63 Withe rod---------------------------------- 83 Wood-Sorrel.----------------------- 7] Wood Club-Rush ----------------------..... 126 || Yellow-barked Oak......... --. ------------ 113 Reed-Grass -------------------------- 131 || Yellow-eyed Grass ------------------------ 124 Wood-Anemone ---------------------------- 61 Family ----- * - - - - - - - * * * * 124 Wood-Betony -----------------------------. 102 Water-Grass ------------------ 124 Woodbine. --------------------------------- 72 || Yellowish-white Gentian. -----------------. 98 Wood-Fern. ------------------------------. 138, 139 Wood-Grass.-----------------------------.. 136 || Zanthozylwm. ------------------------------ 5] Woodley Park------------------------------ 20 ! Zizia --------------------------------------- 82 Wood-Nettle ------------------------------- 111 | Zizania. ----------------------------------- 130, 194 Wood-Rush -------------------------------- 123 Zoëlogists, Disdain of some, for botany..... 56 Wood-Sage --------------------------------- 104 || Zumbrock, Anton, Discovery by, Woodsia ---------------------------------- 139,200 of Myriophyllum spicatum ------------- 24, 80 C LIST OF PLANT'S ADDED TO THE FLORA OF WASHING- TON FROM APRIL 1, 1882, TO APRIL 1, 1884. By LESTER F. WARD. . From the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, vol. ii, 1882–84. Extras printed April Io, 1884. LIST OF PLANT'S ADDED TO THE FLORA OF WASHING- TON FROM APRIL 1, 1882, TO APRIL 1, 1884. By LESTER F. WARD. (Read November 24, 1882.) [This list is supplemental to Ward’s “Guide to the Flora of Washington and Vicin- ity” (Bulletin, U. S. National Museum). Unless otherwise stated, the species enumer- ated were found by the author.] 4Oa. Argemone Mexicana, L. PRICKLY POPPY. Above Georgetown, near the ice house. Dr. E. Foreman, June 17, 1883. 89a. Viola canina, L., var. Sylvestris, Regel. DoG VIOLET. Ileft bank of Rock Creek below Pierce’s Mill. First found and re- ported by Mr. Horace B. Patton, in April, 1883. Collected by myself May 5, 1883. 93a. Viola tricolor, L. PAN.SY. HEART's-EASE. Reform School region, escaped and much reduced in size. June 25, I882. 124a. Scleranthus annuus, L. KNAWEL. Easby's Point. Theo. F. Streets, May 18, 1883. 142a. Hibiscus Syriacus, L. SHRUBBY ALTIIAEA. Escaped in many places. 1425. Hibiscus esculentus, L. OKRA. GUMBO. Pierce's Mill road, near Tenallytown, Oct. 22, 1882. 208a. Desmodium ochroleucum, M. A. Curtis. Mount Hamilton,” Dr. E. Foreman, Sept. 24, 1882. Should be col- lected before the middle of September. 234a. Phaseolus diversifolius, Pers. WILD BEAN. Alexandria branch, B. & O. Railroad, above Uniontown, Sept. Io, 1882. Also by Dr. Foreman near Roache's Run, Va. 3o4a. Callitriche Austini, Eng. North of Mount Hamilton. June 24, 1882. * The conspicuous hill opposite Mt. Olivet Cemetery, otherwise known as “Mulligan Hill” and “Munger's Hill,” is thus designated on Boschke’s “To- pographical Map of the District of Columbia,” 1880. 39 Ia, 436a. 457a. 497a. 5O2a. 5O4a. 536a. 5436. ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF WASHINGTON. 85 . Conium maculatum, L. Poison HEMLOCK. Rhode Island avenue, on a vacant lot near 17th street. June 17, 1883. . Cicuta bulbifera, L. WATER HEMLOCK. Alexandria Canal, opposite the Arlington estate. Dr. E. Foreman, I882. Eupatorium altissimum, L. Between the canal and the river, a short distance below Chain Bridge. First reported by Dr. Vasey and Dr. Chas. Mohr at the end of September, 1882. Collected there by myself Oct. 5, 1882. Aster ericoides, L., var. villosus, Gray. Woodley Park, Sept. 17, 1882. Pluchea camphorata, DC. SALT-MARSH FLEABANE. Marshall Hall, Md. Collected by Mr. O. M. Bryan in 1883; speci- mens sent to Dr. Foreman, and by him shown to me. Galinsoga parviflora, Cav. Fourteenth street near G, July 25, 1882. First seen by Dr. Chas. Mohr. Since observed by myself on Sixteenth street. Leucanthemum Parthenium, Godron. FEVERFEW. Park near B and Sixth streets. July Io, 1884. Canal road above George- town, June 17, 1883. Senecio vulgaris, L. COMMON GROUNDSEL. Alexandria branch, B. & O. Railroad, a short distance above Union- town, May 27, 1883. Tragopogon porrifolius, L. COMMON SALSIFY. OYSTER-PLANT. Nearly the same locality as the preceding. Dr. Foreman, May, 1883. Campanula aparinoides, Pursh. MARSH BELLFLOWER. Rock Creek. Mr. M. S. Bebb, 1863. In preparing the “Flora,” several species were admitted, which, though not yet seen by the author or any of the recent collectors, were yet vouched for by perfectly competent authorities who had themselves found them in earlier years. In harmony with the rule thus adopted, I now add, without hesitation, this species which Mr. Bebb informs me, in a letter, that he was in the habit of collecting in whilom days. From his description of the locality, I infer that the spot on which the plant grew is now under cultivation. 628a. Lycopsis arvensis, L. SMALL BUGLOSS. *Tear the Outlet Lock, Dr. Foreman, 1882. Collected there by myself *3 June 17, 1883. 86 629a. 64Oa. 661a. 732a. 738a. 746a. 773a. 797a. 884a. 986a. BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Heliotropium Europaeum, L. HELIOTROPE. Georgetown, near the Aqueduct Bridge, Mr. M. S. Bebb, 1863. The above remarks on Campanula aparineoides apply equally to this species. Cuscuta compacta, Juss. DODDER. Specimen found in the herbarium of the Department of Agriculture, collected near Washington by Dr. Vasey. Gratiola aurea, Muhl. Specimen in my herbarium (wrongly labeled) collected on the Eastern Branch marsh, in 1873. Scutellaria parvula, Michx. ScullCAP. This species was simply overlooked in the catalogue. I have specimens collected by Prof. Chickering near the Insane Asylum, May 26, 1875. Lamium purpureum, L. DEAD-NETTLE. Soldiers' Home grounds. I have fine specimens of this species which I collected in this locality July 20, 1873, but had overlooked in preparing the catalogue. The omission was observed by Mr. Patton, who still found it there in 1882, and I again met with it widely spreading through the grounds on May 20, 1883. Plantago pusilla, Nutt. Near the southwest corner of the Soldiers' Home grounds (outside), May 20, 1883. Polygonum tenue, Michx. Mount Hamilton, Dr. E. Foreman, Sept. 24, 1882. Collected by my- self on both sides of the hill, Oct. I, 1882. Euphorbia mercurialina, Michx. In a communication dated Dec. 6, 1882, the late Dr. George Engel- mann informed me that this species was once sent to him labeled Washington, D.C., by Mr. F. Pech, who collected here extensively. Zannichellia palustris, L. In the canal, above Foundry Run, June 17, 1883. Eriocaulon septangulare, With. Eastern Branch (between tides) above Uniontown, Sept. Io, 1882. Abundant in the Potomac below Analostan Island, and near Custis Spring. ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF WASHINGTON. 87 986b. Cyperus flavescens, L. Specimen found in herb. Dep't Agriculture, collected in 1872 by Mr. Rudolph Oldberg, in the vicinity of Washington. 990a. Cyperus inflexus, Muhl. Chain Bridge, Dr. Chas. Mohr, September, 1882. 996a. Cyperus refractus, Eng. Collected near Washington by Dr. George Vasey. Ioo2a. Eleocharis Engelmanni, Steud. T}ried pond above Sandy Landing, June 24, 1883. IoI9a. Rhynchospora fusca, Roem. & Schult. Specimens in herb. Department of Agriculture, collected in the vicinity of Washington by Dr. George Vasey. iO31a. Carex muricata, L. Established in and around the Agricultural Department grounds, ſide Dr. Vasey and Mr. Conant. I 128a. Glyceria pallida, Trin. t North side of Four Mile Run pond, Dr. Vasey, 1883. I 16Oa. Hordeum jubatum, L. SQUIRREL-TAIL GRASS. Park near B and 4% streets, July Io, 1882. I 169a, Arrhenatherum avenaceum, Beauv. OAT GRASS. Hillside above Boundary street and Conn. Ave., June 17, 1882. I 1952. Setaria Italica, Kunth. MILLET, BENGAL GRASS. Agricultural Department grounds, July 22, 1882. 1253a. Isoetes Engelmanni, Al. Br., var. valida, Fng. QUILLwort. Pool among rocks above Sandy Landing, June I I, 1882. CORRECTIONS. The following names should be substituted for those standing in the Check-list opposite these numbers: 236. Rhynchosia tomentosa, Hook. & Arn., var. erecta, Torr. & Gray. 989. Cyperus microdontus, Torr. 991. Cyperus vegetus, Willd. IoS5. Carex glaucodea, Tuckerm. 1129. Clyceria Canadensis, Trin. A. ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF WASHINGTON AND VICINITY, FROM APRIL 1, 1884, TO APRIL 1, 1886. By F. H. KNowLtoN, B. S. [The following notes are supplementary to Ward’s “Guide to the Flora of Washington and Vicinity " (Bulletin No. 22, U. S. National Museum). The species added to the Flora between April 1, 1884, and April 1, 1885, were enumerated by Prof. Ward in a paper read before the Society Dec. 13, 1884; the additions and changes for 1885 were presented by the author in a paper read March 20, 1886. The first collector of each species is given due credit in the proper place.] ANALYSIS. I. List of Vascular Plants added to the Flora from April 1, 1884, to April I, 1886. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 106 II. Revision of the Musci and Hepaticae of Washington and Vicinity. p. 11o III. List of the Lichens of Washington and Vicinity. . . . . . p. 118 IV. Changes in Nomenclature. - e. p. I27 V. New Localities for Rare Species. . . . . . . . . . . p. 129 VI. Species Excluded. p. I32 I. LIST OF VASCULAR PLANT'S ADDED TO THE FLORA OF WASHINGTON FROM APRIL 1, 1884, TO APRIL 1, 1886. IIa. Trautvetteria palmata, Fischer & Meyer. Great Falls, Virginia side. Mr. J. S. Barker, June 22, 1884. Also found on the Mt. Vernon estate by Mr. William Hun- ter, June 21, 1885. 22a. Caltha palustris, L. MARs H. MARIGoLD. Rock Creek. Collected by Mr. Gerald McCarthy in 1884. 99a. Polygala Curtissii, Gray, var. pycnostachya, Gray. Collected south of Arlington P. O., near Four Mile Run, June 29 and July 30, 1884, and on the Marlboro’ road, August 3, 1884, by Prof. Ward. Specimens of this plant have been sent to Dr. Asa Gray, who states that he considers this form to be the type, and that the original specimens col- Ioff 297a. 35T (t. 390&. 391 (t. 436a. 462a. 494tt. 5O2c. ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF WASHINGTON. 107 lected by Curtiss were abnormal. Until an authoritative revision of the genus is made, however, it must stand as above. . Trifolium hybridum, Savi. Alexander's Island, June 25, 1885, by Mr. J. A. Allen. . Ribes floridum, L’Her. WILD BLAck CURRANT. Blagden's Mill, at the head of the mill-race on the creek side, April 27, 1884. Prof. Ward. Sedum Telephium, L. Found near Woodlawn (Mt. Vernon) July 25, 1885, by Mr. Wm. Hunter. Aralia quinquefolia, Decsne & Planch. Collected by the late Dr. A. C. Schott in the vicinity of Rock- ville, Md., nearly twenty-five years ago. The specimens have, unfortunately, all been sent to Scotland and none since collected. Eupatorium purpureum, L., var. amoenum, Gray. Rock Creek, Sept. 17, 1882. Mentioned as a form in the “Flora" by Prof. Ward. Eupatorium hyssopifolium, L., var. laciniatum, Gray. Back of Mount Hamilton, Oct. 11, 1885. Prof. Ward and the author. Aster ericoides, L., var. villosus, Torr & Gray. | Near upper end of Lobelia Run, Sept. 17, 1882. Prof. Ward. Inula Helenium, L. ELECAMPANE. Found on the Mount Vernon estate, one mile west of the Mansion, by Mr. William Hunter, who states that it has been established there for thirty years. Bidens connata, Muhl. Swamp BEGGAR-TICKS. Holmead Swamp, September 22, 1878. Placed in the her- barium under the name of Badens cernua, L., and only recently detected. Prof. Ward. Artemisia vulgaris, L. MUGworT. Collected at the mouth of Pope's Head Creek, near Clifton Station, Fairfax county, Va., October 9, 1884, by Prof. Ward. 108 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 563a. Clethra alnifolia, L. WHITE ALDER. Sweet PEPPER BUSH. Left bank of Bladensburg mill-race below second foot bridge, 200 yards above sluice gate. In flower July 27, 1884, in fruit August 24, 1884. Prof. Ward. 585a. Apocynum androsaemifolium, L. Collected near Woodlawn, Fairfax county, Va., August, 1885, by Mr. Wm. Hunter. 614a. Hydrophyllum Canadense, L. WATERLEAF. In a ravine containing a cataract which was christened “Hydro- phyllum Run,” nearly opposite Eads' Mill, Va., July 6, 1884, then a little past flowering time. Prof. Ward. Fine flower- ing specimens collected June 21, 1885. 62oa. Borago officinalis, L. Foundry Run, June 23, 1885. Mr. A. L. Schott. 675a. Gerardia auriculata, Michx. Below Alexandria, Va., Sept. 9, 1885. Mr. Wm. Hunter. 825a. Comptonia asplenifolia, Ait. Sweet FERN. Between the Reform School and Highlands, Md., on an aban- doned earthwork, June 22, 1884, by Prof. Ward. 826a. Betula lenta, L. ClierRY, Sweet, or BLAck BIRCH. Found by Dr. G. W. Hill at the mouth of Difficult Run, Va., May 11, 1884. Dr. Hill states that he could find no full- grown trees, and none bearing fruit or flowers. Mr. Wm. Hunter reports this species from Clifton Station, Va., also as a mere shrub. The following remarkable forms of $2uercus, supposed to be of hybrid origin, are deserving of special mention in the catalogue. Most of them were described by Dr. George Vasey in an article published in the “Bul- letin of the Torrey Botanical Club” for March, 1883, with figures (plates xxviii-xxx). Their principal peculiarities were further pointed out in a paper by Prof. Ward, read before this Society April 13, 1883. The names given below are based on the assumption that they are hybrids, the one standing first being that of the species supposed to predominate in the hybridism. 831a. Quercus alba × obtusiloba. Discovered by Dr. Vasey near Silver Spring, Maryland, Sep- tember 20, 1882. 831b. 832a. 836a. 890a. 924/7. IO93a. I IOI (Z. II.O.3a. II53d. II 72a. ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA of WASHINGTON. 109 Quercus alba / Prinus. On the Rockville Road a few rods north of Woodley Park Road. Discovered October 22, 1882, by Prof. Ward. A large tree standing just inside the fence on the west side of the road. Quercus obtusiloba X alba. Discovered by Dr. Vasey by the roadside near Piney Branch, September 20, 1882. Quercus Prinus × alba. SAUL's OAK. Pointed out to Dr. Vasey by Mr. John Saul in his nursery, just back of his residence, September 20, 1882. Potamogeton crispus, L. Near mouth of Gravelly Run, Va., October 26, 1884. The specimens seen were all without fruit Prof. Ward and the author. Allium sativum, L. ENGLISH GARLIC. Georgetown College grounds, July 22, 1882. Prof. Ward. In addition to this locality he found it below the Insane Asy- lum, June, 1884. Carex utriculata, Boott. Eastern Branch Marsh, June 8, 1879. These specimens were confounded with those of C. riparia from the same locality, and under that name sent to Mr. Walter Deane, of Cam- bridge, who pointed out the error. Sporobolus vaginaeflorus, Torr. Monument Grounds, Sept. 12, 1885. Prof. Ward. Agrostis canina, L. Vacant lots near B. & O. depot, July, 1885. Prof. F. Lamp- son Scribner. . Eatonia obtusata. Gray. Collected by Dr. George Vasey, June, 1884. Bromus tectorum, L. Kendall Green, July, 1885. Prof. F. Lampson Scribner. Phalaris arundinacea, L. Collected on the Seventh street road by Dr. Geo. Vasey, June, 1884. 110 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 1205a. Taxodium distichum, Richard. . Marshall Hall, Md., Sept. 13, 1885. Collected by Mr. Wm. Palmer and Mr. O. N. Bryan. Mr. Bryan regards these trees as undoubtedly indigenous. 1225a. Asplenium montanum, Willd. A short distance above Great Falls, Virginia side, Aug. 30, 1885. Mr. Wm. Palmer. 1233a. Aspidium spinulosum, Swz. SPINULos E. WooD FERN. In a ravine (Goldianum Run) on the Virginia side of the Poto- mac, opposite the Distributing Reservoir, July 6, 1884, by Prof. Ward. 1248a. Lycopodium inundatum, L. Near the Sarracenia swamp; first detected May 1o, 1885. . Fruiting specimens collected Sept. Io, 1885. Also found near Woodlawn, Fairfax Co., Va., Oct. 1885, by Wm. Hunter. 1248a. Lycopodium annotinum, L. Specimen in herb. Mr. Wm. Palmer, said to have been col- lected by Dr. E. Foreman in Holmead Swamp. Station long since obliterated. 1249a. Lycopodium clavatum, L. Above Great Falls, Virginia side, Aug. 30, 1885, by Mr. Wm. Palmer. Also Silver Spring, Md., Jan. 2, 1886. 1382a. Nitella megacarpa, Allen. Eastern Branch, above Benning's Bridge, Sept. 21, 1884. In fine fruiting condition. Identified by Dr. T. F. Allen, of New York. II. A REVISION OF THE MUSCI AND HEPATICAE OF WASH- INGTON AND WICINITY, WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS. By Rev. E. LEHNERT. [It is with great pleasure that I am able to include in this communication the much-needed revision of our Mosses and Liverworts, which has been so kindly placed at my disposal by Mr. Lehnert. The list given in the “Flora,” which was prepared by Mr. Rudolph Old- berg, epumerates 127 species. We are now able to augment that list by the addition of 111 species, of which 83 are Frondosi and 28 Hepaticae, making a total of 238 species. The momenclature followed is, for the Frondosi, “The Mosses of North America,” by Les- quereux and James, and for the Hepaticae, the “Descriptive Catalog of Hepaticae,” by Under- wood.] ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA of WASHINGTON. 1 11 A. MUSCI FRONDOSI. ORD. I. SPHIA GAWA CE.42. Sphagnum cymbifolium, Ehrh. & 4 squarrosum, Pers. $ & acutifolium, Ehrh. & 4 subsecundum, Nees. { % interinedium, Hoff. ORD. 2. A MDAe EAEA CEA2. Andreaea rupestris, Turn. ORD. 3. BR YA CEAE. as AeroCarpi. 1. PHASCEAE. Ephemerum crassinervium, Hampe. ( & stenophyllum, Schimp. & C consiens. Muell. 4 & spinulosum, Br. & Sch. Sphaerangium triquetrum, Schimp. Phascum cuspidatum, Schreb. Pleuridium subulatum, Br. & Sch. & & alternifolium, Brid. & 4 Sullivantii, Aust. Archidium Ravenelii, Aust. Bruchia flexuosa, Muell. { { brevifolia, Sull. 2. WEISIEAE. Astomum nitidulum, Schimp. { % Sullivantii, Schimp. Weisia viridula, Brid. Trematodon longicollis, Michx. Dicranella varia, Schimp. { { heteromalla, Schimp. Dicranum scoparium, Hedw. tº { majus, Turn. { { Drummondii, Muell. & 4 undulatum. Turn. 1 12 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 3. FISSIDENTEAE. Fissidens adiantoides, Hedw. & & taxifolius, Hedw. & . minutulus, Sull. & & osmundoides, Hedw. 4, LEUCOBRYEAE. Leucobryum vulgare, Hampe. & & minus, Sull. 5. CERATODONTEAE. Ceratodon purpureus, Brid. 6. POTTIEZE. Pottia truncata, Fuern. Leptotrichum tortile, Muell. 6 & vaginans, Lesq. & James. pallidum, Hampe. & 4 { { glaucescens, Hampe. Barbula unguiculata, Hedw. & & marginata, Br. & Sch. cates. Yitosa, Schwg. convoluta, Hedw. muralis, Timm. 7. GRIMMIEAE. Grimmia apocarpa, Hedw. Pennsylvanica, Schwg. Olneyi, Sull. conferta, Funck. Racomitrium fasciculare, Brid. Hedwigia ciliata, Ehrh. 8. ORTHOTRICHEAE. Ptychomitrium Drummondii, Sull. { { incurvum, Sull. Drummondia clavellata, Hook. Ulota crispa, Brid. ‘‘ crispula, Brid. “ Huthinsiae, Schimp. Orthotrichum canadense, Br. & Sch. & 4 obtusifolium, Schrad. § { exiguum, Sull. ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA of WASHINGTON. 113 Orthotrichum strangulatum, Beauv. & & Ohioense, Sull. & Lesq. & 6 cupulatum, Hoff. & & psilocarpum, James. 9. TETRAPHIDEAE. Tetraphis pellucida, Hedw. 10. PHYSCOMITRIEAE. Physcomitrium pyriforme, Brid. & 6 Hookeri, Hampe. Funaria hygrometrica, Sibth. & C flavicans, Michx. & 6 calvescens, Schwg. 11. BARTRAMIEAE. Philonotis Muhlenbergii, Brid. C & fontana, Brid. Bartramia pomiformis, Hedw. & { radicalis, Beauv. 12. BRYEAE. Leptobryum pyriforme, Schimp. Webera albicans, Schimp. Bryum argenteum, L. “ caespiticium, L. § { capillare, L. “ pseudotriquetrum, Schwg. Rhodobryum roseum, Schrb. Mnium stellare, Reich. “ hornum, L. & & Drummondii, Br. & Sch. 66 punctatum, Hedw. £ 6 cuspidatum, Hedw. £ 6 affine, Bland. 13. AULACOMNIEAE. Aulacomnium palustre, Schwgr. & & heterostichum, Br. & Sch. 14. POLYTBICHEAE. Atrichum angustatum, Beauv. £ 6 undulatum, Beauv. & & crispum, James. 114 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Pogonatum brevicaule, Brid. & & umigerum, Brid. Polytrichum commune, L. ( & juniperinum, Willd perigoniale, Michx. , formosum, Hedw. £ 6 6 & { { piliferum, Schreb. 15. BUXBAUMIEAE. Diphyscium foliosum, Mohr. Buxbaumia aphylla, L. b. Cladocarpi. 16. FONTINALEAE. Fontinalis biformis, Sull. Dichelyma subulatum, Myrin. 66 capillaceum, Br. & Sch. c. Pleurocarpi. 17. NECKEREAE. Cryphaea glomerata, Br. & Sch Neckera pennata, Hedw. Leptodon trichomitrion, Mohr. 18. LEUCODONTEAE. Leucodon julaceus, Sull. & 4 brachypus, Sull. Clasmatodon parvulus, Sull. 19. IESREAE. Thelia hirtella, Sull. $ 6 asprella, Sull. Lescurii, Sull. Leskea obscura, Hedw. & & polycarpa, Ehrh. denticulata, Sull. & 6 * { 6 & tristis, Cesat. Anomodon rostratus, Schimp. & 6 attenuatus, Hüb. obtusifolius, Br. & Sch. 20, ORTHOTHECIEAE. Platygyrium repens, Br. & Sch. Pylaisia intricata, Br. & Sch. { % velutina, Br. & Sch. ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF WASHINGTON. 115 Homalothecium subcapillatum, Sull. Cylindrothecium cladorrhizans, Schimp. & 4 seductrix, Sull. & Drummondii, Br. & Sch. 6 & compressum, Br. & Sch. Climacium Americanum, Brid. 21. HYPNEAE. Hypnum minutulum, Hedw. £ 6 scitum, Beauv. & 4 recognitum, Hedw. { % delicatulum, Linn. $ 8 laetum, Brid. & £ acuminatum, Beauv. { % salebrosum, Hoff. & 4 velutinum, L. & 4 rutabulum, L. § { Novae-Angliae, Sull & Lesq. { { rivulare, Bruch. é & populeum, Hedw. { { plumosum, Swartz. & 4 strigosum, Hoff. { { Boscii, Schwgr. 6 & Sullivantii, Spruce. * { hians, Hedw. { { piliferum, Schreb. & 6 demissum, Wils. & & Novae-Cesareas, Aust. & 6 recurvans, Schwgr. 6 & deplanatum, Schimp. & 4 serrulatum, Hedw. & 4 rusciforme, Weis. 6 & Alleghaniense, Muell. § { micrans, Swartz, var. fulvum. & © denticulatum, L. 6 & Sullivantiae, Schimp. & & sylvaticum, Huds. 4 & minutissimum, Sull. & Lesq. & 6 serpens, L. 1 l (; BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Hypnum radicale, Beauv. & & orthocladon, Beauv. & “ riparium, Hedw. & & vacillans, Sull. { % hispidulum, Brid. £ 6 chrysophyllum, Brid. £ 6 stellatum, Schreb. & & uncinatum, Hedw. { { fluitans, L. & 4 molluscum, Hedw. é & imponens, Hedw. 6 - cupressiforme, L. { % curvifolium, Hedw. £ & arcuatum, Lab. ? & & pratense, Koch. { % stramineum, Dicks. 6 & Schreberi, Willd. & e splendens, Hedw. & C Oakesii, Sull. & 4 triquetrum, L. B. MUSCI HEPATICI. ORD I. AP/CC/ACEAE. Riccia lutescens, Schwein. “ fluitans, L. “ natans, L. “ arvensis, Aust. ORD. 2. A WTHO CE/POTA CEAF. Anthoceros punctatus, L. & C laevis, L. Notothylas orbicularis, Sull. ORD. 3. MARCHANTIACEAE. Marchantia polymorpha, L. Conocephalus conicus, Dumort. Asterella hemisphaerica, Beauv. Dumortiera hirsuta, Nees. Fimbriaria tenella, Nees. Lunularia cruciata, Dumort. ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF WASHINGTON. 117 ORD. 4. § UAVGE/EMANZACEAE. Aneura palmata, Nees. Pellia epiphylla, Nees. Blasia pusilla, L. Steetzia Lyellii, Lehm. Metzgeria pubescens, Raddi. & 6 conjugata, Lindb. Frullania Grayana, Mont. 6 & tamarisci, Nees. § { Virginica, Gottsche. 6 & brunnea, Spreng. £ 6 Eboracensis, Gottsche. & 4 plana, Sull. Phragmicoma cucculata? Nees. Lejeunia cyclostipa 2 Tayl. { { calyculata, Tayl. { { minutissima, Dumort. Madotheca platyphylla, Dumort. { % porella, Nees. Radula complanata, Dumort. & & tenax, Lindb. £ 6 obconica, Sull. Blepharostoma trichophylla, Dumort. Blepharozia ciliaris, Dumort. Trichocolea tomentella, Dumort. Bazzania trilobata, B. Gr. Lepidozia reptans, Dumort. & 4 setacea, Mitt. Calypogeia trichomanis, Corda. & 4 Sullivanti, Aust Geocalyx graveolens, Nees. Chiloscyphus polyanthos, Corda. Lophocolea bidentata, Dumort. & 4 heterophylla, Nees. & 6 minor, Nees. Odontoschisma sphagni, Dummort. { { denudata, Dumort. Cephalozia curvifolia, Dumort. 66 multiflora, Lindb. 118 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Jungermania Schraderi, Mart. Scapania albicans, Mitt. : var. taxifolia, Undw. & & nemorosa, Nees. 6 & compacta, Dumort; var. irigua, Undw. Plagiocheila asplenioides, Nees & Mont & 4 spinulosa, Nees & Mont. * III. A LIST OF THE LICHENS OF WASHINGTON AND VICINITY. By Rev. E. LEHNERT. [This great desideratum, a list of our Lichens, is at last supplied, through the indefatigable labors of Mr. Lehnert, who has also placed it at my disposal. In a prefatory note accompanying the list, Mr. Lehnert says: “So far as known, the Lichens of the District comprise 251 species, with 89 varieties, a total of 340 forms. In the main our species are not as showy as those from the North or South, but have, when com- pared with the same species from these localities, a dwarfed and depauperate aspect, caused, possibly, by the dryness of our climate, as we have very warm summers and cold winters”]. (According to Tuckerman's Genera Lichenum Emend). A. GYMNO CARPI. Trib. 1. Parmeliaeei. Fam. 1. USNEEI. Ramalina rigida, Pers. & 6 calicaris, Fr. { % & 4 var. fraxinea, Fr. & 4 { { ‘‘ farinacea, Schaer. { { { { ‘‘ fastigiata, Fr. $ (, ... ( & ‘‘ canaliculata, Fr. Cetraria Fahlunensis, Schaer. & & juniperina, Ach. & 4 aleurites, Fr. § - 6 * var. placorodia, Tuck. & 4 Fendleri, Tuck. & 4 lacunosa, Ach. & C ciliaris, Ach. & 4 Saepincola, Ach. 6 & Oakesiana, Tuck. Evernia furfuracea, Mann. ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF WASHINGTON. Usnea barbata, Fr. “ . ( & var. florida, Fr. 6 & & & “ hirta, Fr. & 4 { % “ rubiginia, Michx. € $ { { “ dasypoga, Fr. { { & 6 “ ceratina, Schaer. “ angulata, Ach. “ trichodea, Ach. Alectoria jubata, L. Fam. 2. PARMELIEI. Theloschistes chrysophthalmus, Norm. { { é & var. flavicans, Wallr. § { parietinus, Norm. é & polycarpus, Ehrh. { { lychneus, Nyl. { { concolor, Dick. & 4 £ 6 var. effuse, Tuck. Parmelia perforata, Ach. & & • 6 & var. hypotropa, Nyl. £ & crinita, Ach. { { saxatilis, Fr. é & physodes, Ach. 6 & Borreri, Turn. ( & 6 & var. rudecta, Tuck. & & laevigata, Nyl. & 6 tiliacea, Floerke. 6 & £ 6 var. sublaevigata, Nyl. & & 6 & ‘‘ sulphurosa, Tuck. & 4 cetrata, Ach. & & colpodes, Nyl. & & olivacea, Ach. { { caperata, Ach. $ 8 conspersa, Ach. 4 & ambigua, Ach. Physcia speciosa, Nyl. 4 & hypoleuca, Tuck. { % comosa, Nyl. { { granulifera, Tuck. 119 120 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Physcia aquila; Nyl. var. detonsa, Tuck. & 4 pulverulenta, Nyl. { { stellaris, L. & 4 tº 6 var. aipolia, Nyl. 6 & astroidea, Ach. £ 6 crispa, Nyl. 6 & tribacia, Tuck. & & caesia, Nyl. é & obscura, Nyl. 6 & £ 6 var. endochrysea, Nyl. & & adglutinata, Nyl. Pyxine sorediata, Fr. Fam. 3. PELTIGEREI. Sticta pulmonaria, Ach. “ amplissima, Mass. ‘‘ quercizans, Ach. Nephroma laevigatum, Ach. ( & Helveticum, Ach. Peltigera scutata, Leightf. { { aphthosa, Hoff. § { polydactyla, Hoff. § { rufescens, Hoff. { { horizontalis, Hoff. • 6 canina, Hoff. { { & & var. spongiosa, Tuck. £ 6 6 & ‘‘ sorediata, Sch. { { & & “ spuria, Ach. Fam. 4. PANNARIEI. Endocarpiscum Guepini, Nyl. Physma luridum, Mont. Pannaria lanuginosa, Koerb. & & leucosticta, Tuck. & 4 microphylla, Delis. { * tryptophylla, Mass. & 4 molybdaea, Tuck. & 4 nigra, Nyl. 6 & rubiginosa, Delis. Fam. 5. COLLEMEI. Pyrenopsis Schaereri, Nyl. ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF WASHINGTON. 121 Omphalaria phyllisca, Tuck. Collema myriococcum, Arn. £ 6 pycnocarpum. Nyl. & & cyrtaspis, Tuck. 6 & verruciforme, Nyl. é & leptaleum, Tuck. & 6 flaccidum, Ach. & & nigrescens, Ach. ryssoleum, Tuck. ( & pulposum, Nyl. & 6 limosum, Ach. & C pustulatum, Ach. Leptogium bolacinum, Stizenb. & & minutissimum, Mass. 4 & lacerum, Fr. & & pulchellum, Nyl. & 4 Tremelloides, Fr. & & juniperinum, Tuck. & 6 chloromelum, Nyl. 6 & myochroum, Tuck. 66 & & var. Saturnium, Sch. 6 & 6 & “ tomentosum, Sch. Farm. 6. LECANOREI. Placodium cinnabarrinum, Anz. & & vittelinum, Ach. é & 46 var. aurellam, Ach. & & cerinum, Naeg. & Hepp. & 8 $6 var. sideritis, Tuck. { % £ 6 “ pyracea, Nyl. £ 6 aurantiacum, Naeg. & Hepp. “ microphyllinum, Tuck. { % camptidium, Tuck. 6 & ferrugineum, Hepp. & & { { var. pollinii, Tuck. 6 & 6 & “ discolor, Willey. Lecanora rubina, Ach. £ 6 muralis, Schaer. & 4 pallida, Schaer. 122 RIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Lecanora pallida, var. cancriformis, Tuck. { % & 6 “ angulosa, Hoff. & 4 miculata, Ach. £ 6 subfusca, Ach. * { 6 * var. allophana, Ach. 6 & & 6 “ distans, Ach. 66 & & “ coilocarpa, Ach. £ 6 £ 6 ‘‘ argentata, Ach. & 6 Hageni, Ach. & & atra, Ach. 6 & varia, Nyl. 6 & “ var. symmicta, Ach. £ & £6 “ saepincola, Fr. & & Cupressi, Tuck. & & pallescens, Schaer. & 4 6 & var. rosella, Tuck. & & tartarea, Ach. cinerea, Sommer. C & 6 & var. laevata, Fr. C & lacustris, Nyl. tº. fuscata, Th., Fr. & G privigna, Nyl. £ 6 £ 6 var. pruinosa, Auctt. § { $6 “ Clavus, Koerb. Rinodina oreina, Mass. 4 & sophodes, Mass. & & & 4 var. atrocinerea, Nyl. & & 6 & “ confragosa, Nyl. 6 & & 4 { % exigua, Fr. 6 & £ 6 “ tephraspis, Tuck. é & constans, Tuck. & & milliaria, Tuck. Pertusaria communis, DC. & 6 multipuncta, Nyl. 6 & velata, Nyl. 4 & pustulata, Nyl. & & Wulffenii, DC. & C leioplaca, Schaer. ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF WASHINGTON. 123 Pertusaria globularis, Ach. Conotrema urceolatum, Tuck. Gyalecta Pineti, Fr. & 4 cupularis, Schaer. 6 & geoica, (?) Ach. * 6 & lutea, Tuck. Urceolaria scruposa, Snif { { { { var. parasitica, Sommerf. { { { { “ gypsacea, Nyl. { { actinostoma, Pers. Myriangium Curtissii, M. & B. I'rib. I. Lecideaeei. Fam. 1. CLADONIEI. • Cladonia Papillaria, Hoff. 6 & pyxidata, Fr. & “ 6 & var. Pocillum, Ach. $ 4 alcicornis, Floerke. $ & symphycarpa, Fr. { % 6 & var. epiphylla, Nyl. { % Mitrula, Tuck. { { cariosa, Spreng. { { decorticata, Floerke. 6 & fimbriata, Fr. * & { { var. tubaeformis, Fr. & 6 & 4 ‘‘ radiata, Fr. 6 & gracilis, Fr. 6 & é & var. verticillata, Fr. § { { % “ hybrida, Schaer. 6 & & 4 “ cervicornis, Floerke. { { degenerans, Floerke. & 4 Santensis, Tuck. { { caespiticia, Fl. { { furcata, Fr. & 4 { % var. subulata, Fl. { { { { “ racemosa, Fl. 6 & rangiferina, Hoff. { { € $ var. sylvatica, L. “ { { “ alpestris, L. € $ uncialis, Fr. 124 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Cladonia macilenta, Hoff. & © Floerkiana, Fr. & & pulchella, Schwein. & © cristatella, Tuck. & 4 leporina, Fr. (var.) Cystocoleus rupestris, Rabh. Fam. 2. LECIDEEI. Baeomyces roseus, Pers. Biatora rufo-nigra, Tuck. { { coarctata, Th. Fr. & 4 decolorans, Fr. 6 & russula, Mont. ( & sanguineo-atra, Fr. & 4 atro-rufa, Ach. { { exigua, Fr. § { milliaria, Fr. 6 & anomala, Fr. { { mixta, Fr. 6 & rubella, Fr. & & “ var. spadicea, Ach. & 6 § { “ suffusa, Fr. & & { % “ Schweinitzii, Tuck. & & £ 6 “ incompta, Nyl. £ $ & 4 “ inundata, Fr. { { § { “ arceutina, Ach. 6 & umbrina, Ach. & 4 chlorosticta, Tuck. & & vernalis, Fr. { { uliginosa, Fr. & & hypnophila, Turn. ... “ campestris, Fr. { { resinae, Fr. Heterothecium sanguinarium, Tuck. & 4 leucoxanthum, Spreng. & 4 vulpinum, Tuck. Lecidea contigua, Fr & & enteroleuca, Fr. { % & 4 var. olivacea, Fr. ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF WASHINGºro N. 125 Lecidea enteroleuca, var. theioplaca, Tuck. 4 & 4 & & & “ arenaria, Fl. insularis, Nyl. albo-coerulescens, Fr. Buellia lactea, Mass. lepidastra, Tuck. atro-alba, Fl. parasema, Krb. & 4 var. caesio-pruinosa, Nyl. 6 & “ triphragmia, Nyl. & 4 “ microcarpa, Nyl. dialyta, Nyl. myriocarpa, D1. Schaereri, Dnot. Elizae, Tuck. petraea, Tuck. £ & var. Montagnei, Fl. & & “ Oederi, Krb. ; and others undefined. Trib. III. Graphidacei. I'am. 1. LECANACTIDEA. Lecanactis chloroconia, Tuck. Fam. 2. OPEGRAPHEI. Opegrapha demissa, Tuck. varia, Fr. “ var. notha, Fr. { % “ pulicaris, Fr. { % “ diaphora, Fr. & 4 “ rimalis, Fr. atra, Nyl. vulgata, Nyl. Xylographa opegraphella, Nyl. Graphis scripta, Ach. & & var. limitata, Schaer. 4 & “ recta, Schaer. & 4 “ serpentina, Ach. 4 & “ sophistica, Nyl. { { “ assimilis, Nyl. dentritica, Ach. 126 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Graphis dentritica, var. inusta, Ach. & C tricosa, Ach. & & nitidia (?), Nyl. Fam. 3. ARTHONIEI. Arthonia pyrrhula, Nyl. & © rubella, Nyl. & 6 cinereo-pruinosa, Schaer. & 4 cinnabarina, Wallr. Arthonia lecidella, Nyl. & 4 lurida, Ach. £ & patellulata, Nyl. { % astroidea, Nyl. & & epipasta, Ach. & & macularis, Fr. ( & obscura, Ach. £ 6 punctiformis, Ach. £ 6 polymorpha, Ach. & 6 taediosa, Nyl. 6 & spectabilis, Fl. & 4 anastomosans, Ach. Mycoporum pycnocarpum, Nyl. Trib. IV. Calicia Cei. Acolium tigillare, Dnot. Calicium trichiale, Ach. & C brunneolum, Ach. & 4 subtile, Fr. £ & trachelinum, Ach. & £ turbinatum, Pers. & 4 leucopodum, Nyl. & 6 albo-nigrum, Nyl. P. A N GMOCAAPPY. Trib. V. Verrucariaeei. Fam. 1. ENDOCARPEI. Endocarpon miniatum, Schaer. 6 & { % var. complicatum, Schaer. { { { { “ aquaticum, Schaer. { { arboreum, Schwein. £ & rufescens, Ach. 6 ( pusillum, Hedw. ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF WASHINGTON. 127 Fam. 2. VERRUCARIEI. Staurothele difractella, Tuck. { % Drummondii, Tuck. 4 & umbrina, Tuck. Trypethelium virens, Tuck. Sagedia lactea, Kbr. & 6 oxyspora, Tuck. { { cestrensis, Tuck. Verrucaria epigaea, Ach. ( & margacea, Nyl. { % nigrescens, Pers. 4 & rupestris, Schrad. & 4 Truralis, Ach. Pyrenula thelena, Tuck. { % micula, Fl. { % punctiformis, Naeg. & 4 fallax, Nyl. £ 6 gemmata, Naeg. & & hyalospora, Tuck. é & glabrata, Mass. 6 & Santensis, Nyl. £ 6 nitida, Ach. £ 6 lactea, Tuck. 6 & subprostans, Tuck. & & falliciora, Nyl. ( & leucoplaca, Kbr. ( & thelomorpha, Tuck. IV. CHANGES IN NOMENCLATURE. [The recent published works of Drs. Gray and Vasey have made necessary many changes in the nomenclature of our species. It has been suggested that these changes be deferred until the publication of a second edition of the “Flora,” but this has seemed to be inadvis- able, as it must be some years before a second edition can be brought out, if ever, and if we are constantly confronted by the old names we shall never become familiar with the new and correct ones.] g 295. Ribes rotundifolium, Michx. , = Ribes oxycanthoides, Linn. Pointed out by Mr. Walter Deane, of Cambridge, who has carefully compared it at the Gray Herbarium: 395. Eupatorium pubescens, Muhl., = Eupatorium rotundifolium, L., var. ovatum, Torr. 128 412. 4I4. 416. 417. 418. 439. 44O. 442. 443 445. 449. 45O. 45I. 473. 489. 5IO. 5I2. 52O. 523. 526 529. 53O. 53I. 532. 533. 534. 644. , BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. Solidago stricta, Ait., - Solidago neglecta, Torr. & Gr. Solidago Virga-aurea, L., var. humilis, Gray, = Solidago humilis, Pursh. * e Solidago elliptica, Ait., = Solidago Elliottii, Torr. & Gray. Solidago arguta, Ait., - Solidago juncea, Ait. Solidago altissima, L., = Solidago rugosa, Mill. Aster miser, L., (Ait. of Gray’s “Manual’’), − Aster vimineus, var. foliolosus, Gray. (?) Aster simplex, Willd.; = Aster paniculatus, Lam. Aster carneus, Nees, = Aster salicifolius, (Lam.) Ait. Aster aestivus, Ait., = Aster junceus, Ait. Aster puniceus, L., var. vimineus, Torr. & Gray, = Aster puni- ceus, L., var. lucidulus, Gray. Diplopappus linearifolius, Hook. , = Aster linearifolius, L. Diplopappus umbellatus, Torr. & Gray, = Aster umbellatus, Mill. Diplopappus cornifolius, Darl., + Aster infirmus, Michx. Eclipta procumbens, Michx., = Eclipta alba, Hasskarl. Verbesina Siegesbeckia, Michx. = Verbesina occidentalis, Walt. Lappa officinalis, Allioni, - Arctium Lappa, L., var. (?) Cnicus discolor, Gray, = Cnicus altissimus, Willd.; var. discolor, Gray. Cynthia Dandelion, D.C., = Krigia Dandelion, Nutt. Hieracium venosus, L., var. subcaulescens, Gray, = Hieracium venosus, Gray. Taraxacum Dens-leonis, Desf., = Taraxacum officinalis, Weber. Lactuca Canadensis, L., var. integrifolia, Gray, = Lactuca integri- folia, Bigel. * Mulgedium acuminatum, D.C., - Lactuca acuminata, Gray. Mulgedium Floridanum, D.C., = Lactuca Floridana, Gaertn. Mulgedium leucophaeum, DC., = Lactuca leucophaea, Gray. Nabalus albus, Hook., = Prenanthes alba, L. Nabalus Fraseri, D.C., = Prenanthes serpentaria, Pursh. Physalis viscosa, L., of Gray’s Manual, = Physalis Virginiana, Mill. of Syn., Fl. of N. A. This change has been pointed out by Mr. Deane. 832. 1165. 1187. II98. II99. I2O.I. I2O2. I2O4. 26. 78. IO6. 3OO. 3O4. 415. ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA of WASHINGTON. 129 Quercus stellata, Wang., - Quercus obtusiloba, Michx., as adopted by Sargent in his “Forest Trees of N. A.,” vol. ix, Tenth Cen- sus of United States. . Quercus Muhlenbergii, Engel, = Quercus prinoides, Willd., as adopted by Sargent. . Vilfa aspera, Beauv. =Sporobolus aspera, Kth. . Agrostis alba, L., = Agrostis vulgaris, var. alba, Vasey. . Calamagrostis Nuttalliana, Steud., - Deyeuxia Nuttalliana, Vasey. . Tricuspis seslerioides, Torr., - Triodia seslerioides, Vasey. . Glycera aquatica, Smith, – Glycera arundinacea, Kth. . Eragrostis poacoides, Beav., = Eragrostis minor, Host. . Eragrostis poaeoides, var. megastachya, Gray, = Eragrostis major, Host. Gymnostichum Hystrix, Schreb., = Asperella Hystrix, Willd. Panicum pauciflorum, Ell. , = Panicum scoparium, Lam. Erianthus alopecuroides, Ell., - Panicum saccharoides, Michx. Andropogon furcatus, Muhl., - Andropogon provincialis, Lam. Andropogon argenteus, Ell. , = Andropogon argyraeus, Schultz. Andropogon Virginicus, L., = Andropogon dissitiflorus, Michx. Sorghum nutans, Gray, = Chrysopogon nutans, Benth. V. NEW LOCALITIES FOR RARE SPECIES. Aconitum uncinatum, L. Near Clifton Station, Va., Sept. 20, 1885, by Prof. Ward. Thlaspi arvense, L. Field Pennycress. Below St. Elizabeth’s, May 18, 1884, by Prof. Ward. Silene nivea, DC. Alexander’s Island, June 25, 1885. Mr. J. A. Allen. Drosera rotundifolia, L. Sarracenia Swamp, May 10, 1885; also at Fort Ethan Allen, by Mr. William Palmer. Callitriche Austini, Engelm. Brightwood, May 16, 1885. Mr. J. A. Allen. Solidago rigida, L. Woodley Park, in fruit, Oct. 18, 1885. Prof. Ward and myself. 130 RIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 551. Gaultheria procumbens, L. Wintergreen. Found on the Mt. Vernon estate, Va., in October, 1884, by Mr. William Hunter. 589. Asclepias rubra, L. Vicinity of Falls Church, Va., Miss M. A. Hayes, July 11, 1885. 599. Enslenia albida, Nutt. Alexander's Island, June 25, 1885. Mr. J. A. Allen. Below Chain Bridge, in fruit, Sept. 12, 1885. Prof. Ward and myself. 627. Lithospermum canescens, Lehm. North side of Woodley Park Road, first bend above the bridge. Collected May 17 and 21, 1884. Prof. Ward. 629a. Heliotropium Europaeum, L. Heliotrope. Alexandria, Va., near the ship-yard, July 4, 1884. Prof. Ward. 672. Buchnera Americana, L. Near Clifton Station, Va., Sept. 20, 1885. Prof. Ward. 3.2a. Scutellaria parvula, Mx. Scullcap. Kengla's Woods, June 4, 1884. Prof. Ward 74I. Plantago cordata, Lam. Poplar Point, on the Eastern Branch, October 26, 1884. Prof. Ward and myself. Important on account of its greater ac- cessibility. 805. Cacalia reniformis, Muhl. Alexander's Island, June 25, 1885. Mr. J. A. Allen. 835. Quercus Michauxii, Nutt. Near “Owl Bridge,” (Northwest Branch). A large fine tree, quite typical. Found by Mr. H. W. Henshaw and myself, September 11, 1885. 849. Quercus heterophylla, Mx. A fine tree of this species was discovered near Convalescent Camp, Virginia, June 29, 1884, by Prof. Ward. In fine fruiting condition, October 5, 1884. “The affinities of this specimen with Q. Phellos are closer than in any of the forms hitherto found. The leaves resemble in almost every respect those which I collected from the tree now standing in the Bartram estate, Philadelphia, south of the mansion, and which is said to have grown from an acorn of the ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF WASHINGTON. 131 original Bartram Oak planted by the discoverer.” Prof. Ward. 874. Arisaema Dracontium, Schott. 918. 9I9. 946. 95 I. I2 II. 1216. I223. 1226. Analostan Island, June 20, 1885. Titus Ulke. Corallorhiza odontorhiza, Nutt. Coral-root. Found by Mr. Benj. Miller in Kengla's Woods, near the Foundry Run, May 7, 1884, and therefore constituting a case of the vernal blooming of an autumnal species. “I visited this spot in company with Mr. Miller on June 4, 1884, and found the plant nearly extinct. It had died down and withered away without fruiting. On September 28, 1884, I found it in abundance along the Northwest Branch of the Potomac.”—Prof. Ward. 2. Corallorhiza multiflora, Nutt. A single specimen, the second ever seen here, was found on the Northwest Branch of the Potomac, Sept. 28, 1884. Smilacina stellata, Desf. High Island, May 11, 1885. Four or five fine specimens found. Hugh M. Smith. Erythronium albidum, L. Found at “Vis-a-vis’ Landing, opposite Three Sisters, April 26, 1885. Mr. H. M. Smith. Tsuga Canadensis, Carrière. Left bank of Pope’s Head Creek, one-half mile below Clifton Station, Va., Sept. 20, 1885. Prof. Ward. Pellaea atropurpurea, Link. Found June, 1885, by Mr. H. M. Smith, on the outer walls of the causeway connecting Analostan Island with the main- land. Plants numerous. Asplenium augustifolium, Michx. Found at head of Asplenium Run, above Aqueduct Bridge, Sept. 19, 1885. Mr. H. W. Henshaw and myself. Camptosorus rhizophyllus, Link. Near Burnt Mills, Md., July 1, 1885. Mr. H. W. Henshaw. Also High Island, April, 1885. Mr. J. A. Allen. 132 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON. 1220. Woodwardia Virginica, Smith. Below the Reform School, Aug. 19, 1885. Mr. Wm. Palmer and myself. VI. SPECIES EXCLUDED. 172 Vitis vulpina, L., = Vitis riparia, Michx. The specimens mentioned in the “Flora” that were referred to this species, were collected in flower May 22, 1881, and in young fruit June 4, 1881, at Sandy Landing, Md. Speci- mens in mature fruit collected Sept. 12, 1885, on the rocks below Chain Bridge. From characters furnished by the seeds and the diaphrams separating the nodes of the stem, as pointed out by Dr. Engelmann, this is referred to the V. riparia, Michx. 220. Lespedeza violacea, Pers. , = L. reticulata, Pers. This species has been compared at the Gray Herb. by Mr. Walter Deane, and referred as above. 973. Juncus marginatus, var. biflons, Engl. , = Juncus marginatus, Rostk. Compared at the Gray Herbarium by Mr. Walter Deane who pronounces this to be the type and not the variety. 1251. Lycopodium complanatum, L., var. Sabinaefolium, Spring., - Ly- copodium complanatum, L. The forms referred to this variety were collected two miles north of Bladensburg, in young fruit, July 20, 1879, and at Clifton Station, Va., Oct. 12, 1884, by Prof. Ward. These have been submitted to Prof. L. W. Underwood, of Syracuse University, and he pronounces them all to be complanatum. This variety, or, as it has been lately known, species, sabimaefolium, is distinguished by having the stems leafy to base of spikes, or nearly so, elongated, creeping, usually underground; branches erect, short, di- chotomous; leaves 4-rowed, apparently terete. In complanatum the stems are flattened, leaves of two forms, imbricated—oppressed in 4 ranks. These specimens are certainly anomalous in having the stems creeping under- ground, but otherwise they agree well with the type. ; > &. Sºe - $82 aurel P.0. M A P OF - O 7°Sº - ch. Tºgº. º § **- - + 2 - †† & * º - WASHINGTON M O - N #Norbeck.PQ. s - - le - - - t * earcy, Shipley Sta. * Q º - * - * T *. º: § / §, AND G s tº: - - * ºr ºf *. # CKVILLE \ § &. & 'ſ antee &; P tee - - - P.O. AV-RS - S & * * *% Bossta. Works Bridge - * §: Aſ º 3& º Nº, § fº * Ye- * - - / ; 3. - er 3e º º * / * r & - - # # Sºx §º zº * $2. l ©. - * & *- - - - tº ; * A) -3. - º Fairland FO. Muirkirk’o, Scale: .* Ahms ºſase Nºo + Cale - # Fº *** fi -º C ºf * 24 S Józze ºf 2 y 3.26.2es ſº ; : ; Ç Nº. 2. >}**** 222, 2./ *8 O - . t - 5. - ; # & £º <> stºrºž & 3& 2 a. ae s * - Governors Bri - TNT & § ºf + ** • * - º $- § ſi 3. zº sº º > St. endale Sjá. rs Bridge * º: R} § ; d rzºra.se/* 2. Sºia. º º * O & Q- *. --" { RS \ & §§ ; § § &gham & *. ovº/Nº / & S$2. Tº 45' § § § { } 3% * tà. & 4 C *> illeP. Vânsville & Q- ºš # 4. § § # sº º \ tohéâls XBo $º- b Sta: & S.S.Afzz * ./ & š=SSº & ); \tº S33 & * N. St - • * O §§§ § h & ºp *. *2 / A3 *r --- % Atº: āşº j/N, .* § 6% 2: y es. Rºe £5° º: S ..." Sunnyside sº * K} -º-º: sº gjº's $4: + § *| : ~& ington. - - - - sº *... } AS O \\ * Aſt K **º i £re 2. /z - #| - offixtusz Roºds /š º . Gr * Sto. § - \º XMCEphzarch. YS C 2 ºf / & cº. ex: tº § (3. Yvy f Nº sº. rs º sº +. & .# Iain 29. e & Aſ f § 6-1 % * 1ſo - # & * º <> S-A §. § - * §: Še º º § @ * Zºr: --~" / ſº N & • §.Vs d." - - ** 2 Y * a NA/ § to # * Sºringfield Sta. - - - # - # 4. - 3. -- 8% r& *- :ah. $32 igo PO. ** º & - :1% †. º iºniſłl” - sy ' 's' Yºº AS - ¥s \-Sº ſº lle P.O.Y., Sta. GleiyeleBººk - ey: w º - - :0 : *. - - 5 º : +: 4. têS - &sº * §o + < - - ! º r (tº - ses viſie P.O. * *Forestville .* * § 232.i. &e “. Zºº,S *{e}^8. § A- ºv * * * lºf... 3 Zºº -_s ºf " . . . " ~ : º3. * º i 14- - B.º. - S A; i * Aſ º Ö º * - +jēreatfalls.}}}. Flºº 3. Sº, {} ethesdaf.0% § §// z/fºrrº" k à Sprin 20. §3 = 3’- * $ sº º uł zf § § & ‘º \\ §ff A' * lºege ge .0. Cº. V2, § $. E: * § S. º. `A -º !/ #; * 2: A\}{s} /46 ta. º CollingtonSta\\Coxington P0. § § ~~~~ * - rºfeſſore > º º: § /. Kº: oozz ºt R } .* - * * e º - sevº age \º .* º Sã S * * ū) & £º. \ § & *sº tº - 4. d: *A § ºš ſi- - /- $ S Nºx2 2× - §: wºàer Nº. z S/ A ** alſº &#. PO, % "../sta. x # * º YZ, & R & 12 Az’ Fº - Kºr-º- §f . $ £g §: - $ A 2 ſº Lær Bu S - &z"r" º º .* + / On F.O. . cº - X, & t == gº§ ... " H. § CŞ * º CrºCŞiſs sº d %) O Sta! - º 2* & - & 3 **ś - : At º *3. *4 4. -- * ** &” º Tenºllytown fººl $ º §§ ASS...etſº - * § § - 1%, &- 396 - - $ * rº W. - * *o 4 zº < * > sº ge º :* *...* C *:::::: “Yº º _# ŽSºke §§ *Nº. attsvilleP º - * / º S Sº more P.O. Pro | y º:::::ſºzº Sºlºš Vºlgºg ^ * § * …” f by *3. *. Č- 5p | * e Nº º º/, * Pºžº Pigfine gº º Súš,s, AK, - § .* *. * * * * * * *-*. .*A* . t tº ABroo Hithewood P0. in Sta. * = § Ç S$ "sº *. 3.2 * Langley * . * eSWS. l §arttleSAs eere's - Ö F. * Nºe. A S. - $3.4 . Bölts, 75s XN-Yº - ºk A$" |Sz, illº ſº. 3 3rºg: sp S/>. DG Cºloor - / : - - Ay S. *} : & S. šº: i. i*i; *A /º/? *A* - Muliſtens & i. / - º Ina Rav - S Sta.s.p. (). i * TP º - “ & Sſ. erid㺠iſ li &\Z^* *Sºooº Yo º X^ar tseat PO & - Nº ę. zºev's º J $ *No He -: - ‘4% fezzo ** © d- * , *::: º | - * / - º. Par T £eºs º •. Jº * t, or a tº 2^* Iº. {- "P A' - - . . !-------' I -*: & * → - # - & ** - * & sº: - eczºv º * º 4— — . . . . . . . . . . . . – 24 — ºr Tºº--— —A- **** -F. Tº T2, a rºy a ſº-sºº WTAET - ***. * ––X- * ------->4-º'cº-- Pſ). -- . ---. ºf- - - & frt \T *- %2.É. Ełºr $4.3 + - & sº. - T - - araº, .#3. * o WA N + * E- ‘S * - I - Zºrz-Ż gs Eºiſilijävlijºº lº. 9%2*~N, -—--& - ºr * * ---& ºf . Hallé Sºta. lºoſſ, T ~ --- - -º-º: / el. SS / ğH#########ºgºś § F#s * * - * - - I f - Iſº Fº & 1 . e6?? e - , ſº ‘ºs N. S. § / ... Jirº % YAZ (ºft######sº ge Stakh9. § sſ Queen Ann º -Fºrt - B; ** *-m- T - - * * + 2|º, Tºjº4lifiſºſºfíſiº.jāj:tiº ‘’Fºſgåv N. Ş / Q & s - º / *---ººſ & i.º. * - - GPleasant Grºvé Q. s * $ & Sº - — ºf & § 7' A - ſº - #, ſº tº gº - § º: ź See §2. 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At Wºº: ** * * - º: / *% - - -- - - §) { - Sºx ºx ce. *: §: § Słónton.T. Sº, Suitland Forestville T.O. c 2.2+ -: s St *. MºPleasantferry sº & - +!. ft. sº & Cº. S § -º §§ § 2. º se: - * + §3. Ö. - 13. § 2. - 1,5 - A. * 2: § <== *: ºff: § Shep 3. N: & sº d. * / $º - . . . ; - Tiſº. 2" ** a + + Şe 24- §º; Sºzºa, sy Hº. P $4. , k - W- & er / - Yºss - {}\; - Šsex. -º- ºtyroo See to eft §º º *ś,% § $3. *s 3ilver Hill P0. - 22° -. # S + & I • * li RE A. - H & § § { / $. * TJPPER. º U ta. *::: . . £) s” §. § ń. ." º Centreſſi # * tº %cº c *. - ft. l | #23 ºf CŞā; º'er Y # R.O. #4. ë. : W&O ă § : #* 3/ - º: oagºzzº A #2 H \\ $. º * * * A • {2^*_2 §§-g § # 3. - 23.07" - + / s & Nº ma.” 3:... 2 / . \ § * * Nº-º-, jºhn`s § 16 A \, # =&2. iſls / º # f { § | #zz-rºzºe tº: § s * Steczzzzzo § f S; S$º N tº\ $- se - § 63. d. ſ Tº O º SN & \º r º § / * & Fº * O * * * - #3: Sºl: º º H. § º | 42 o a ce. § - I'S § * ** Jiri iaPG LE ND =: [] § § 3. § %raneº ... • C {- v9.2% § Y. § S. 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Y ee>}}ee P0 º $: A’s. ,- +: l & ſy 2, - f A / . Sº - i. +- †: s?\ic? - & * / “s & A T y e City 3% C. -*. Sºº- º **::::::= mºr” *Sº .. &x 2: K lder's Fe t ~53 *...] * *22. 4. º ex Prepared az žhe Office of che C. S. Geologica? Sarvey. 7&2. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | ||||||||||||| 3 9015 060737933 III )) Q LII H <ſ C) º º ºxº - ) 2 - P. | :