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Composed of the Governor, Auditor General, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Attorney General, and Commissioner of the State Land Office, powers and duties of. Sec. 3927, 3935, 3936, Comp. Laws of 1871. AM E N D M E N T, Co N S TITUT I o N A L, R EL ATI v E To C I R C UIT CO U R T S. 1. The said constitutional amendment shall be submitted at the general election, held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1884. The Secretary of State shall give notice to the sheriffs, in the same manner as in the election of Governor. Joint Resolution No. 15, Laws of 1883. A N C I E N T ORD E R OF HII B E R N I A N S. 1. Any five or more persons, residents of this State, and mem- bers of the State Convention of the Ancient Order of Hiber- nians of Michigan, may incorporate, with the consent of such • convention. The articles of association must be signed and duly acknowledged, and shall state what, and shall be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. A certified copy may be used in evidence. The location of the business office may be changed. Notice thereof must be filed with the Secretary of State. | Act No. 84, Laws of 1879. 332005 4 . DIGEST. A NIM A L S A N D F O W L S., C o R P o R ATI O N S FOR PRE- V ENTION OF C R U E L T Y TO. 1. Any number of persons not less than five may incorporate. Articles of association, what to contain, to be signed and acknowledged and verified by affidavit of one of the corpora- tors, then filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. • Act No. 119, Laws of 1877. AS SO C IATION S FOR T H E PURPO S E O F E S T A B L I SH- I N G A N D S U STA I N IN G C H U R C H E S, R E L I G I O U 8 SOCI ETI ES, A N D S A B B A T H S C H o O L S. 1. Any seven or more persons may incorporate ; articles of association shall be signed, acknowledged, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State; articles of association shall contain what; may hold property not exceeding fifty thou- sand dollars. Act No. 79, Laws of 1883. A SS O CIATIONS FOR P R O C U R IN G IN T E L L I G E N C E FOR T H E PR E S S. 1. Any three or more persons may organize, articles of asso- ciation shall state what, and must be filed with the Secretary of State. Sec. 3182, 3183, Comp. Laws of 1871. As so c 1 ATI on s, Co N v ENT I o N s, Co N F E R E N C E s, O R. R. E L I G I O U S B O D I E S. 1. Any number of persons not less than nine may incorporate, articles of association to be signed by the persons incorporating, may hold property not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars, must report to the Secretary of State whenever required by him DIGEST. 5 so to do, articles of association must be acknowledged and filed in the office of the Secretary of State, either the original or a certified copy certified to by the secretary or deputy secretary of State may be received in evidence. - Sec. 3131-3133, Comp. Laws of 1871. Act No. 4, Laws of 1875. A S S O C I AT I O N S F O R IN T E L L E C T U A. L., SCIENTIFIC, E S T H E TI C, S P I R ITU A L, R E L I G I O U S , O R L I B - E R AL CU L T U R E O R IN QUI R Y. 1. The officers of such associations shall report to the Secre- tary of State when required by him so to do. | Sec. 6, Act No. 79, Laws of 1879. A TTo R N E Y G E N E R A L. 1. It is his duty to give his opinion upon all questions of law; also to prosecute and defend all suits relating to matters con- nected with the department of State, when requested by the Secretary of State so to do. Sec. 256, 259, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. It is his duty to appear in behalf of the State, before the Board of State Auditors when they shall sit to audit claims against the State, or any claim or matter referred to them by the Legislature for adjustment. Sec. 285, 286, Comp. Laws of 1871. 3. It is his duty to prosecute the bond of any delinquent con- tractor for furnishing fuel, stationery, or doing the printing and binding for the State. - Sec. 297, Comp. Laws of 1871. 6 s DIGEST. A UD I TOR GENER A. L. 1. To draw his warrant on the State Treasurer for all sums audited and allowed by the Board of State Auditors upon con- tracts for furnishing fuel and stationery and doing the State printing and binding. - Sec. 296, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. Compensation in certain cases to be audited by the Board of State Auditors, and not to exceed a certain amount. Act No. 41, Laws of 1873. B A N K I N G. 1. General banking law. Sec. 2182, 2184, 2187, 2197, 2202, 2209, 2227, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. Savings Banks. Sec. 2244, Comp. Laws of 1871. BAR Associ ATIONs. 1. Any fifteen or more members of the Bar of Michigan in good standing may incorporate; articles of association must be signed by the parties associating, and duly acknowledged, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 1, Act No. 107, Laws of 1881. BAs E BALL CLUB Co M P AN IEs. 1. Any number of persons not less than five may incorporate. The articles of association shall be signed by the persons associ- ating in the first instance and duly acknowledged, and filed in the office of the Secretary of State; the term of existence shall DIGEST. 7 not exceed thirty years; the amount of capital stock shall not be less than two thousand nor more than ten thousand dollars, and may be increased or diminished at any time within these limits; the shares of stock shall not be less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars each. Any time the arti- cles of association shall be amended by an increase or decrease of the capital stock or otherwise the amended articles, shall be filed with the Secretary of State. Sec. 1, 2, 3, Act No. 158, Laws of 1883. B E N E V O L E N T S O C I ETI E S. 1. Any ten or more persons, residents of this State, may incor- porate. Articles of association must be signed, sealed, and duly acknowledged; must state what; must be filed with county clerk in the county where their business office is located, and a copy of the articles of association with the county clerk’s cer- tificate attached thereto, stating that such articles are filed in his office and the date of filing and recording, shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State; a copy duly certified by the Secretary of State may be used in evidence. Sec. 1, 2, Act No. 155, Laws of 1879. 1. B I R T H S , M A R R.I.A. G E S, A N D DEATH S. Secs. 810–820, Comp. Laws of 1871. Sec. 10, Act No. 170, Laws of 1877. ED WA R D B L A N C H A R D. 1. The Board of State Auditors are authorized and instructed to settle claim. Joint Resolution No. 10, Laws of 1883. 8 DIGEST. gº ^ BO A R D OF RAI L R O A D G O M M I SS I O N E R S o N C O N - SOL I DAT I O N A N D C R O S S IN GS OF RA II, R O A D S. 1. Composed of the Attorney General, Secretary of State, and Commissioner of Railroads; powers and duties. Articles of consolidation must be approved by, before they shall have any force or effect, and before a duplicate thereof shall be filed with the Secretary of State; also questions pertaining to one railroad crossing another shall be submitted to this Board for adjustment. Act No. 174, Laws of 1883. B O A R D OF ST A T E A U D I TO R. S. 1. The Secretary of State, State Treasurer, and Commissioner of the State Land Office shall constitute; mode of proceeding. Sec. 4, Art. 8, Const. of Mich. Sec. 278, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. Any member may issue subpoenas, and administer oaths; fees" of witnesses; costs may be awarded by. Sec. 278, 287, 288, Comp. Laws of 1871. 3. Receiving or disbursing officers of the State to settle with, annually on or before the thirtieth day of September; abstract of settlement to be published by. Act No. 148, Laws of 1873, excepting Sec. 7, repealed. 4. Receiving or disbursing officers resigning, or upon the expi- ration of their term, shall settle with, the Secretary of State to notify such officer, and also the other members of the Board, of the time and place of meeting; when party is entitled to warrant for payment of claim; proceeding when party is found indebted to the State. - Sec. 280, 281, Comp. Laws of 1871. DIGEST. 9 5. To report to the Governor annually, which report shall be published as soon as practicable after the close of the fiscal year; manner of making up the report. Sec. 230–234, 284, Comp. Laws of 1871. 6. To meet at nine o’clock A. M. on the last Wednesday of each month, at the office of the Secretary of State; to continue in session until the business placed before said Board is dis- posed of. e Sec. 283, Comp. Laws of 1871. 7. Appropriations to pay warrants drawn upon ; claims allowed by the Board of State Auditors. See: 289, Comp. Laws of 1871. 8. To audit claims for supplies for State offices, and for care of State property. Sec. 290, 291, Comp. Laws of 1871. 9. To examine proposals and let contracts for furnishing fuel and stationery and doing the State printing and binding, and fix the amount of the contractors’ bonds. Sec. 295, Comp. Laws of 1871. 10. All demands against the State arising upon contracts for furnishing fuel, stationery, and doing the State printing and binding to be audited by ; no charge for constructive labor shall in any case be allowed: - Sec. 296, Comp. Laws of 1871. 11. In case any contractor for furnishing fuel, stationery, Or doing the State printing or binding shall fail to perform, the 10 DIGEST. Board of State Auditors may cause the objects of said contract to be accomplished in any way they see fit. * Sec. 297, Comp. Laws of 1871. 12. Bidders for contracts to give bonds in such sum as the Board of Auditors shall require, in no case to be less than one- fourth of the estimated cost of the work to be done; bids shall not be withdrawn or altered before time for opening; bond of bidder to be enforced in case he refuses to enter into contract if the same shall be awarded to him ; disposition of damages recovered. Sec. 313, Comp. Laws of 1871. 13. The expense for boxes furnished the Secretary of State for shipping purposes to be audited by the Board of State Aud- itors and paid by the State Treasurer. Sec. 14, Act No. 170, Laws of 1877. 14. To solicit bids and let contracts for publishing, stereo- typing, printing, binding, distributing, etc., the Reports of the Supreme Court of Michigan. Act No. 168, Laws of 1879, as amended by Act No. 116, Laws of 1881. 15. To republish Reports of the Supreme Court whenever noti- fied by the Chief Justice that any volume not stereotyped is out of print. - Act No. 40, Laws of 1881. 16. The necessary incidental expenses of the Land Office, upon the presentation of satisfactory vouchers to the Board of State Auditors, shall be allowed by them at their annual settlement with the Commissioner. Sec. 3870, Comp. Laws of 1871. DIGEST. 11 sº 17. To audit the claims for services of the agents appointed to examine the swamp and primary school lands in the mineral range of the Upper Peninsula. - Sec. 3987, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 7, Laws of 1874. Bo A R D o F STATE CAN V Ass E R s. 1. The Secretary of State, State Treasurer, and Commissioner of the State Land Office constitute the Board of State Can- V8SS01’S. Sec. 4, Art. 8, Const. of Mich. Sec. 97, 132, 155, 4893, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. Secretary of State to appoint meeting of Board, time and place of meeting; duties of Board. Sec. 100–103, 107, Comp. Ilaws of 1871. 3. The Board of State Canvassers may adjourn from day to day, not exceeding five days. Sec. 111, Comp. Laws of 1871. B O A R D OF C O N T R O L OF S W A M P L A N D s. 1. Composed of the Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor General, State Treasurer, Attorney General, and Commissioner of the State Land Office; powers and duties. Sec.,3957, Comp. Laws Of 1871. Bo A R D OF T R U S T E E S T O T A K E C H A R G E O F S T A T E A S S E T S. 1. Composed of the Auditor General, State Treasurer, and Secretary of State; their duties. º Sec. 357–359, Comp. Laws of 1871. 12 - DIGEST. ^ B O A R D OF T R U S T E E S TO TAKE C H A R G E O F ES C H E A T E D PRO PERTY. 1. Composed of the Auditor General, State Treasurer, and Secretary of State; their duties. Sec. 360, Comp. Laws of 1871. Bo A R D of INTERN AL IMP Rov EMENT. 1. Composed of the State Treasurer, Secretary of State, and Auditor General; their powers, duties, and compensation. Sec. 4037, Comp. Laws of 1871. B R ID G E COM PA NIE S. 1. Any number of persons may organize. Streams to be bridged must not be less than 300 feet across. Certificate of organization to specify what ; term of existence not to exceed thirty years. Certificate of organization to be acknowledged as deeds, and a copy thereof filed in the office of the Secretary of State; a certified copy may be used in evidence. Sec. 2645–2647, Comp. Laws of 1871. B U R E A U O F L A B O R A N D IN D U S T RIA L STAT IS TIC S. 1. Composed of the Commissioner of Labor, his deputy, and the Secretary of State; their powers and duties. Act No. 156, Laws of 1883. C A N A L A N D BIA R B O R C O R P o R A TI O N S. 1. Any number of persons not less than three may organize. Articles of association to state what ; and must be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, but not until $1,000 a mile of the stock shall be subscribed and five per cent thereof paid in, and an affidavit of two of the directors to that effect DIGEST. 13 shall be attached thereto. A certified copy of the articles of association and affidavit may be used in evidence. Said company shall report to the Secretary of State annually, on the first day of January, the amount of capital stock, etc., under the oath of the president or one of the directors. A copy of the toll rates established by the Board of Commissioners to be filed by them in the office of the Secretary of State. Re-instatement of cor- porations heretofore formed. Corporations may be formed for improving canal, etc., of company formed under act hereby re-instated. - Sec. 2–4, 7, 11, 19, Act No. 233, Laws of 1875. Sec. 1, 23, 24, Act No. 233, Laws of 1875, as amended by Act No. 39, Laws of 1879. C E R E A L PRO DU C T S OF THE STATE OF MI C H I G A N. 1. Supervisor to collect statistics, to forward the same to the Secretary of State; who shall report abstracts thereof to the Governor on the first day of August, annually; the Secretary of State shall, before the first day of April, annually, transmit to the county clerk blanks to be by him distributed to the super- visors; penalty for supervisors refusing or neglecting to perform his duty; Secretary of State to notify prosecuting attorney of the same. Act No. 24, Laws of 1879. 1. C E N S Us A N D S T A T I S T I C S o F T H I S S T A T E . Act No. 146, Laws of 1883. C H A R IT A B L E So G I ETI E S. . 1. Any three or more persons may organize. Articles of association to be acknowledged, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State; to contain what ; may be amended by resolution passed by vote of two-thirds of the trus- tees, a copy of which resolution certified by the secretary of the 14 DIGEST. board of trustees must be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 3036, 3037, Comp. Laws of 1871. Sec. 3038, Comp. Layws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 79, Laws of 1875. - Co MM E R C E OR N Av I G AT I on Co M P ANIE s. 1. May own property not exceeding one million of dollars in value; any number of persons not less than three may organize; no two companies shall assume the same name; before com- mencing business they must file their articles of association with the Secretary of State to be by him recorded; the articles shall be signed by the persons associating in the first instance, and acknowledged before some person authorized to take the acknowledgment of deeds; to report to the Secretary of State annually in the month of February; report to state what. Sec. 2671-2674, 2688, Comp. Laws of 1871. C O M M I S S I O N O N T H E P'U R C H A S E OF THE MI C H I- G. A N C E N T R A L A N D M I C H I G A N S O U T H E R N RAILROAD 8. 1. Composed of the Commissioner of Railroads, State Treas- urer, and Secretary of State; their powers and duties. Joint Resolution No. 16, Laws of 1883. C O M M I SS I O N E R O F S W A M P "LA N D R O A D S. 1. To file oath and bond with the Secretary of State. Amount of bond. Compensation to be three dollars per day, to be aud- ited by the Board of State Auditors. Sec. 3958, 3964, Comp. Laws of 1871. C O - O P E R A T L V E A S S O C I A TI O N S. 1. Any five or more persons may organize. Articles of asso- IDIGEST. * - 15 ciation to be acknowledged as deeds are, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 2806, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 75, Laws of 1875. e Sec. 2807, Comp. Laws of 1871. Co-O P E R AT 1 v E AND MUTUAL BE N E FIT As so c 1 A- T I O N S . 1. Any number of persons, not less than five, may organize, by executing under their hands, and acknowledging before some person authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds, articles of association, which shall be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. Articles of association may be amended; the amended articles must be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 2829, Comp. Laws of 1871. Sec. 6, Act No. 192, Laws of 1883. C O R P o R A TI O N S ; G E N E R A L P R O VI S I O N S R E L A T- I N G T O . 1. Any corporation may at any time amend its articles of association by filing amended articles of association in the office of the Secretary of State, which said amended articles of asso- ciation shall be made in all respects consistent with the pro- visions of the Act or Acts under which such corporation may be organized, and shall be executed by said corporation under its corporate seal, and by stockholders of said corporation own- ing at least a majority of all the capital stock of said corpora- tion, under their seal and duly acknowledged. Sec. 3434, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. The purchasers of a corporation on the foreclosure of a mortgage are entitled to all the rights of the original corpora- tors, and they shall, within thirty days after such sale shall become absolute, file articles of association, together with a copy 16 DIGEST. of the order confirming the sale, in the office of the Secretary of State. - Act No. 53, Laws of 1872. C O U N T Y O L E R K . 1. To receipt to the Secretary of State for all books, etc., received; which receipt shall be filed and preserved in the office of the Secretary of State; to distribute books, and report to the Secretary of State. Duty of all officers to call on County Clerk for books; penalty for neglect. Sec. 15, Act No. 170, Laws of 1877. 2. To transmit list of Justices of the Peace and township and City Clerk and Supervisors to the Secretary of State. Act No. 50, Laws of 1873. / C R O P A N D S To C K R E Po R T s. 1. Secretary of State to obtain; to solicit correspondents in each township, their compensation; to publish monthly abstracts of reports. Act No. 33, Laws of 1881. Sec. 17, Act No. 146, Laws of 1883. Sec. 1, 2, Act No. 173, Laws of 1883. D E N T I S T R Y . 1. Board of Examiners to take and file the constitutional oath of office with the Secretary of State before entering upon the duties of their office. - { Act No. 140, Laws of 1883. D EP UT Y S E G R E T A R Y of S T A T E. 1. Appointment and duties. Sec. 209, Comp. Laws of 1871. DIGEST. - 17 2. Salary. Act No. 118, Laws of 1883. DE T R o IT Ho U S E o F C o R RE GT I o N. 1. A copy of its annual report shall be sent to the Secretary of State. Sec. 8149, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 207, Laws of 1881, and Act No. 19, Laws of 1883. DE T R O IT A N D M I L W A U K E E R A I L R O A D L A N D S ; C O L L E CT I O N F O R T R E S P A S S o N. 1. The Board of State Auditors are authorized, at any time within one year, to hear and adjust all equitable claims arising on account of such trespass of parties who held title to their lands under either William R. Bowes, Augustus D. Griswold, or . Amos Gould. Joint Resolution No. 22, Laws of 1883. B C C L E S I A S T I C A L Bo D I E S A N D So C I ET I E S. 1. Any ecclesiastical association, conference, convention, con- vocation, presbytery, synod, or any religious society in which three or more regularly organized churches are represented may organize by declaring their intention to become incorporated; a copy of such resolution, together with a copy of the organic law by which such association, etc. is governed, shall be depos- ited in the office of the Secretary of State. May hold property to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars. Must report to the Secretary of State whenever required by him so to do. May change name. Notice of such change must be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. - Act No. 141, Laws of 1873. 3 18 " IDIGEST. N M * E C L E CT I C M E D I C A L S O C I ET I E S. 1. Any nine or more persons, practitioners of medicine and surgery in accordance with the eclectic system, being residents of the State of Michigan, who shall have received the degree of doctor of medicine from any medical school or college legally empowered to confer such degree, may incorporate. They shall sign and acknowledge articles of association, which shall be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. Articles of association may be amended, the same to be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 1, 2, 4, Act No. 58, Laws of 1877. E L E GT I o N s. 1. General; when to be held; what officers to be elected at ; vacancies may be filled at. - Sec. 32, 34, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. Special may be held when. One day only. Sec. 33, 35, 36, 37, Comp. Laws of 1871. 3. Secretary of State to notify sheriffs of elections to fill vacancy in certain cases. Sec. 41, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 24, Laws of 1875. t 4. Secretary of State to notify , sheriffs of general and special elections and of elections of Senators and Representatives. Sec. 42, 43, Comp. Laws of 1871. 5. County clerk to transmit statement of votes to the Secre. tary of State, etc. - Sec. 85, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 80, laws of 1877. wº IXIGEST. 19 6. County clerk to transmit names and postoffice address of members of the Legislature and county officers to the Secretary of State. - Sec. 87, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 174, Laws of 1879. - f 7. Votes for amendments to the constitution to be canvassed and returns made to the Secretary of State, the same as for State officers. If the amendment is submitted at the Spring election, the county canvass shall be on the second Tuesday thereafter. Sec. 88, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 80, Laws of 1877. º 8. Wotes on any banking law or amendments thereto taken at a general election to be canvassed and returns made to the Secretary of State the same as for State officers. Sec. 89, Comp. Laws of 1871. 9. Canvass of votes for Senators and Representatives; County Clerk to make returns of the same to the Secretary of State. Sec. 92–96, Comp. Laws of 1871. 10. Secretary of State to record statements of votes; when to call on Governor, State Treasurer, and County Clerk for the same; to notify party elected. - Sec. 98, 99, 104, Comp. Laws of 1871. 11. Election of electors of President and Vice President. Sec. 39, 40, 114, Comp. Laws of 1871. 12. Votes for electors of President and Vice President, when 20 DIGEST. and how. canvassed, and by whom. Secretary of State to notify electors of their election. f Sec. 105, 106, Comp. Laws of 1871. 13. Electors to meet at the Capitol, in the Senate Chamber, at twelve o’clock noon on the first Wednesday of December. How vacancy to be filled. Sec. 115, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 187, Laws of 1877. * 14. The Secretary of State to prepare three lists of electors, procure thereto the signature of the Governor, attach the seal to the same, and deliver them to one of the electors on or before the first Wednesday of December. - Sec. 116, Comp. Laws of 1871. 15. Election of Representatives in Congress, to notify the Secretary of State in case he resigns. In case of a vacancy from any cause the County Clerk of the county where the Representative resided at the time of his election shall notify the Secretary of State of such vacancy. g Sec. 113, Comp. Laws of 1871. 16. For the purpose of canvassing the votes on amendment to the Constitution and Banking law, the Secretary of State shall appoint a meeting of the Board of State Canvassers on or before the twentieth day of the month next after the election. Sec. 107, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 80, Laws Of 1877. - Sec. 108, Comp. Laws of 1871. 17. The Secretary of State shall record the statements of votes on amendments, and if adopted he shall also record the same with the original acts, and publish any amendment to the con- DIGEST. 21 stitution with the laws of the next session, and for two weeks in some newspaper at Lansing. s Sec. 109, 110, Comp. Ilaws of 1871. 18. Election of Circuit Judges and Regents of the University. Sec. 130–132, 150, 151, 154, 155, Comp. Ilaws of 1871. 19. Election of Judges of the Supreme Court. Sec. 4884, 4885, 4893, Comp. Laws of 1871. 20. The Secretary of State to record statement of votes, also to file and preserve the same. Sec. 135, Comp. Laws of 1871. 21. The Secretary of State shall at least sixty days before a general or special election transmit election blanks to the County Clerks, to be by them at least ten days before election delivered to the Township or City Clerks. w Sec. 157, 158, Comp. Laws of 1871. 22. Election of United States Senator, and the manner and to whom his election shall be certified. Sec. 18, 19, Revised Statutes of the U. S. Act No. 1, Laws of 1869, being Sec. 146–149, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 4, Laws of 1881. E L E C T R I C L I G H T C 0 M P A N I E S. 1. Any number of persons not less than five may form. Arti- cles of Association must be signed by the persons associating in the first instance, and duly acknowledged, and must state what. The amount of the capital stock must be fixed in the articles of association, and must not be less than ten thousand, nor more than two million five hundred thousand dollars, and shall 22 DIGEST. be divided into shares of twenty-five dollars each. The articles of association must be recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State shall certify upon the articles of association, the time when and the book and page where the same are recorded. A certified copy of the record may be used in evidence. Sec. 1, 2, 3, 4, Act No. 70, Laws of 1881. E M I G R A TI O N , C O M M I S S I O N E R O F. 1. All printing, binding, or map work that can be done under any contract the State has for such work, shall be done there- under, and the expense thereof be audited and paid for as other State printing is audited and paid. - Act No. 258, Laws of 1881. 1. Ex T R A DIT I o N. Page 47–50, Comp. Laws of 1871. FA T H E R M A T H E W T OT A L A B ST IN E N C E B E N E V - - O L E N T S O C I ET I E S. 1. Any ten persons, members of the “Father Mathew Total Abstinence Benevolent Society,” all of the State of Michigan, may incorporate. Articles of association must be signed and acknowledged; to state what. Must be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. - - Sec. 3048–3050, Comp. Laws of 1871. 1. FE E S IN T H E OF F I C F O F T H E S E C R. E. T. A R Y OF STATE. Sec. 7451, Comp. Laws of 1871. E E R R Y C O M P A N I E S. 1. Any five or more persons may organize; articles of associa- DIGEST. # 23 tion to contain what. When the whole amount of the stock is subscribed, two of the directors shall verify the due execution of the articles of association by their affidavit attached thereto. The said articles of association and affidavit shall be filed with the Secretary of State. A certified copy of the articles of asso- ciation and affidavit may be used in evidence. Sec. 2662–2666, 2670, Comp. Laws of 1871. E IN E A R T S. 1. Any number of persons not less than five may organize associations. Articles of association to be signed by the persons organizing, and acknowledged before some person authorized to take the acknowledgment of deeds; they must contain what ; and be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 3187, 3189, Comp. Laws of 1871. FIRE M E N's As so C I ATI o N S o F THE STATE of M I C H I G. A. N. 1. Any five or more persons, residents of this State, may incor- porate. Articles of association must be signed and acknowl- edged, and must state what; must be filed in the office of the county clerk of the county where they have their business office, and in the office of the Secretary of State; the copy filed in the office of the Secretary of State must have attached thereto the certificate of the county clerk, stating the time when said articles were filed and recorded in his office. A copy certified to by the Secretary of State may be used in evidence. Sec. 1, 2, Act No. 111, Laws of 1879. FIS C A L YEA R. 1. Commences on the first day of October, ends on the thir- tieth day of September. - w Sec. 230, 232, 234, Comp. Laws of 1871. 24 DIGEST. FRA UD U L E N T S TO C K, ISSU E A N D S A L E O F, PRO H I BIT E D. 1. Any person or persons who shall fraudulently issue or cause to be issued any stock, scrip, or evidence of debt, of any bank, insurance, mining, plank, or other incorporated company of this State, or who shall sell, or offer for sale, hypothecate, or otherwise dispose of, any such stock, scrip, or other evidence of debt, knowing the same to be so fraudulently issued, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the State prison not more than ten or less than one year. Sec. 7753, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. Any person or persons who shall sell, or offer for sale, any stock thus fraudulently issued, and purporting to be the stock, scrip, or evidence of debt of any corporation located out of the State of Michigan, knowing the same to be so fraudu- lently issued, or shall hypothecate or in any manner dispose of the same for value, shall on conviction thereof be punished by imprisonment in the State prison not more that ten nor less than one year. Sec. 7754, Comp. Laws of 1871. 3. Every banking, insurance, mining, plank, or other incor- porated company who issue scrip or shares, shall file with the Secretary of State, on or before the first day of January annually, a report containing a list of the number of shares issued by said corporation, and the names of the owners there- of, with the number of shares owned by each, which report shall be sworn to by one of the officers of said corporation. Sec. 7755, Comp. Laws of 1871. 4. In case any of said incorporated companies shall fail to make such report, they shall be liable to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars. º Sec. 7756, Comp. Laws of 1871. DIGEST. 25 F A L S E, F R A UDU L E NT, A N D PART - PA I D R A IL - R o A D S TO C K. 5. It shall not be lawful for any railroad company existing by virtue of any law of this State, nor for any officer of any such company, to sell, dispose of, or pledge any shares in the capital stock of such company, nor to issue certificates of shares in the capital stock of such company until the shares so sold, disposed of, or pledged, and the shares for’ which such certificates are to be issued, shall have been fully paid, nor issue any stock or bonds except for money, labor, or property actually received and applied to the purpose for which such corporation was created; and all fictitious stock, dividends, and other fictitious increase of the capital stock or indebtedness of any such corporation shall be void; and if any officer or officers of any such company shall issue, sell, pledge, or dispose of any shares or certificates of shares of the capital stock of such company in violation of the provisions of this act, such officer or officers so doing shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as provided by law in case of issuing false or fraudulent railroad stocks. The provisions of this act apply as fully to the stocks and officers of consolidated railroad companies existing wholly or in part within this State as to original unconsolidated companies exist- ing as aforesaid. Sec. 7757, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 257, Laws of 1879. 6. Every railroad company shall annually, in the month of July, report to the Secretary of State, which report shall be sworn to by the president and treasurer of the company, and shall set forth explicitly the number of shares of capital stock actually issued, sold, pledged, or disposed of by the company to the date of such report, and the amount of capital stock issued during the year last past, and the amount received there- for in money, and the amount received therefor, if any, in property and other effects. Sec. 7758, Comp. Laws of 1871. 26 DIGEST. ~, 7. Any violation of the provisions of this act, or any neglect to comply therewith, or the making of any false statement to the Secretary of State in relation to any of the matters required by the preceding section to be reported to him, shall render the officers and directors of any such railroad company liable to the State for the penalties heretofore provided by law. Sec. 7759, Comp. Laws of 1871. 8. Any director or other officer of any incorporated railroad company who shall make or issue any unauthorized or a fraud- ulent certificate of stock, bond, or obligation, of such company, or who shall aid, abet, procure, or consent to any such making, or issuing, knowing the same to be unauthorized and fraudulent, shall be punished by imprisonpent in the State prison not exceeding ten years, or by fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 7624, Comp. Laws of 1871. FU E L., STAT I o N E R Y , A N D PR IN TI N G. 1. To be let by contract to the lowest bidder. Sec. 22, Const. of Mich. 2. Secretary of State to advertise for proposals in the month of June every alternate year; notice to be published for six weeks. No proposal to be received after nine o’clock A. M., fourth Wednesday of July. Proposals to be opened and con- tract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder on or before the first Wednesday of August. Act. No. 61, Laws of 1873. 3. Notice to specify what. Act No. 61, Laws of 1873. Sec. 293, Comp. Laws of 1871. IDIGEST. 27 ~ 4. In what style printing and binding of the laws, Journals, and documents to be done. Act No. 61, Laws of 1873. Act No. 170, Laws of 1877. 1." F UG IT IV E S FR O M J U S T I C E . Sec. 5278, Revised Statutes U. S., 2 Ed. 1878. Art. 4, Sec. 2, paragraph 2, Const. U. S. Sec. 7944, 8004–8006, Comp. Laws of 1871. G. A S L I G H T C 0 M P A N I E S. 1. Any number of persons not less than five may organize. Articles of association to contain what; to be signed by the persons associating in the first instance, and acknowledged before some person authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds, and filed with the Secretary of State. The capital stock shall be divided into shares of $50 each; the amount of capital stock shall be fixed in the articles of association, and shall in no case be less than ten thousand, nor more than five hundred thousand dollars, except in cities of over fifty thousand inhabitants in which case it shall not exceed one million dollars. The amount of stock may be increased within the limit; a certificate of such increase with the names of the stockholders must be filed with the Secretary of State. Articles of association may be amended; the same must be duly acknowledged and filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 2902, 2904, 2905, Comp. Laws of 1871. - Sec. 2906, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 110, Laws of 1873. & Act No. 110, Laws of 1873. G R A N D A R MY of T H E RE PUBLIC. 1. May become incorporated. The commander, senior vice commander, junior vice commander, assistant adjutant general, of the Department of Michigan, Grand Army of the Republic, 28 DIGEST. may make and execute articles of association under their hands and seals, which shall be acknowledged, and shall set forth what. A copy of the articles of association, together with a copy of the rules and regulations of the Grand Army of the Republic, shall be filed with the Secretary of State. May hold property not exceeding ten thousand dollars. A certified copy of the articles of association may be used in evidence. Sec. 1, 2, 3, 4, Act No. 37, Laws of 1883. G R A N D T E M P L E O F HO NO R O F T H E S T A T E OF MI C H I G A N. sº 1. Whenever at any regular session a resolution shall be passed expressing the desire and determination of said Grand Temple to be incorporated, and directing the officers thereof to perfect such incorporation, the Grand Templar and Grand Recorder shall prepare articles of association and sign the same, and attach the seal of the Grand Temple; said articles of associa- tion shall state what; a certified copy of said articles of association, together with the said resolution, and a copy of the constitution, laws, and by-laws of the said Grand Temple, and an affidavit of the Grand Templar and Grand Recorder stating they are respectively members of and occupy the said official positions, shall be filed and recorded in the office of the Sec- retary of State; certified copy may be used in evidence; term of existence not to exceed thirty years. Sec. 1, 2, Act No. 76, Laws of 1873. * G Y M N A ST I C A S S O C IATION S. 1. Any ten or more persons, inhabitants of this State, may incorporate; articles of association to be signed, acknowledged, and filed in the office of the Secretary of State; a certified copy may be used in evidence. Sec. 3265, 3270, Comp. Laws of 1871. DIGEST. 29 H IS TO RIC A. L., B I O G R A P H I C A L, A N D G E O G R A PH- IC A. L. So CI ET I E s; STATE, CO UN TY, OR M U N I - C I PA. L. - 1. Any five or more persons may incorporate; the articles of association, signed by the original members, certified to by the Secretary of the organization, stating the amount of subscrip- tion paid in ; must be filed with the Secretary of State. Act No 156, Laws of 1873. R O B E R T H O O D. 1. The Board of State Auditors are authorized to settle and adjust his claim. t Joint Resolution No. 4, Laws of 1883. HOS PIT A L S OR AS Y L U M S. 1. In all cases where property to the amount of five thousand dollars or upwards has been left to trustees, for the purpose of founding a hospital, etc., and it shall be deemed expedient to organize as a corporation, the said trustees may do so. The articles of incorporation must be signed by the said trustees, acknowledged before some person in this State authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds, and filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 3028, Comp. Laws of 1871. Ho S P IT A L o F T H E M I C H I G A N UN IV E R S IT Y. 1. Dependent children to be admitted to ; expenses or services. of any person accompanying the child to or from said hospital shall not be paid ; the child’s transportation to and from, and the board, nursing, and other care while in hospital, not exceeding the amount charged other children patients therein shall be audited by the Board of State Auditors; the treasurer of the Board of Control of the State Public School, also of the 30 - DIGEST. proper county and of the University, shall present their respect- ive accounts, verified as the Board of State Auditors shall require to said Board and by them atidited and allowed. Act No. 138, Laws of 1881. HOW E L L COM P ILATION. 1. Secretary of State to purchase and distribute. The State to pay $2.50 and the public $3.50 per volume; to be kept on sale at Lansing by the publishers, who are to give bonds in the sum of $5,000.00, to be approved by the Board of State Auditors. Act No. 75, Laws of 1883. IM P R O W, E D O.R D E R O F R E D M E N . 1. Any ten or more persons, residents of this State, and members of any Great Council of the Improved Order of Red Men of the State of Michigan may incorporate. Articles of association must be signed and acknowledged, and contain what; and together with the charter and constitution of said Great Council shall be filed with the Secretary of State. Cer- tified copy may be used in evidence. Act No. 16, Laws of 1875. . IN DEPEN DENT ORD E R of Goo D T E M P L A Rs. 1. Any five or more persons residents of this State, being members of any Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars, may incorporate. Articles of association to be signed and duly acknowledged; contents of; term of existence not to exceed thirty years. Articles of association, together with a copy of the charter and constitution of said Grand Lodge shall be filed with the Secretary of State. A certified copy may be used in evidence. - Sec. 3237–3240, Comp. Laws of 1871. DIGEST. - 31 IND EP END ENT ORD E R of O D D FEL Low s. 1. Any five or more persons, residing in this State, being mem- bers of any Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Eellows may incorporate. The articles of association must be signed by the persons incorporating, and duly acknowledged ; and filed, together with a copy of the charter and constitution of said Grand Lodge, with the Secretary of State. A certified copy may be used in evidence. Sec. 3226–3229, Comp. Laws of 1871. IN DEP E N DE NT ORD E R of PHILANT H R o P 1 st s. 1. Any ten or more persons, members of Grand or Subordi- nate lodges, may incorporate; articles of association to contain what, and, together with the constitution of said lodge, to be filed with the Secretary of State; may hold property not exceed- ing fifty thousand dollars; certified copy of articles of associa- tion may be used in evidence. * Act No. 26, Laws of 1875. M IND E X TO T H E G E N E R A L L A W S. 1. To be prepared and published with the laws of each legislature; the compensation for the preparation of the same to be audited by the Board of State Auditors. Act No. 114, Laws of 1877. IN D U S TIt I A L A N D OTHE R C H A R IT AB L E SCHOOLS. 1. Any three or more persons may incorporate; articles of agreement must be acknowledged, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State; must contain what; must report to the Secretary of State annually in the month of January under the oath of two of its trustees, certified to by the person in charge of the institution; report to contain what. Sec. 3042, 3043, Comp. Laws of 1871. Sec. 3047, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 82, Laws of 1881. 32 DIGEST. IN S A N E P E R S O N S. 1. If, on examination by the judge of probate, it shall appear the said insane person has not acquired a legal settle- ment in any county in this State, the judge of probate shall forward a certified copy of the testimony to the Secretary of State, whose duty it shall be to find out the actual residence of such insane person, return him thereto, and request re-imburse- ment for all expenses incurred by the State, the expenses attending such return to be settled by the Board of State Auditors. Sec. 23, 46, Act No. 103, Laws of 1879. Sec. 26, Act No. 194, Laws of 1877. 2. Care of insane persons at the expiration of their term of sentence at any of the penal institutions of this State, or the Detroit House of Correction. Judge of probate to report the result of his examination to the Board of State Auditors, who shall audit and allow claim for expenses, in case the convict has no property, but if he has, the treasurer of the asylum shall re-imburse the State for his support at such asylum from his property, or such of his relatives as may be liable for his support. º Act No. 172, Laws of 1877, as amended by Act No. 115, Laws of 1879. e IN S A N E , D E A F, DU M B, A N D B L I N D. 1. Supervisors to collect statistics of all insane, deaf, dumb, and blind, etc., to be forwarded by the county clerks to the Secretary of State, and by him reported to the Governor, on the thirteenth day of September of each year; the Secretary of State shall also, each year, before the first day of April, for- ward to the county clerks, to be by them distributed to the supervisors, blanks for collecting such statisties. Sec. 1, Act No. S1, Laws of 1881. Sec. 2, Act No. 109, Laws of 1873. DIGEST. : 33 O IN STITU TI O N S OF L E A R N IN G. 1. Any number of persons not less than five may incorporate for the purpose of founding and establishing a college, seminary, academy, or other institution of learning. When stock, legacies, bequests, or donations to the amount of fifty thousand dollars for a college, or five thousand dollars for a seminary, academy, or other institution of learning shall be in good faith subscribed or given, and fifty per cent, paid in, said persons may elect trustees, and thereupon said trustees shall severally subscribe articles of association, which shall set forth what, and shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, but not until an affidavit of three of the trustees shall be attached thereto, from which it shall be proven to the satisfaction of the Secretary of State, who shall attach his certificate thereof to said articles that the amount of stock and the per cent. required has been paid in ; articles of association may be amended; must not be inconsistent with the law; amended articles duly certified by the trustees must be filed within twenty days thereafter with the Secretary of State; certified copies may be used in evidence. Sec. 3184, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 54, Laws of 1873, and Act No. 77, Ilaws of 1883. Sec. 3135, Comp. Laws of 1871. - IN SU R A N C E B U R E A U. 1. The Commissioner of Insurance has charge of all matters pertaining to fire, fire and marine, life, and other methods and practices of insurance. Sec. 1673, 1675, Comp. Laws of 1871. /* 2. The Commissioner of Insurance shall within fifteen days after notice of his appointment take and subscribe the consti- tutional oath of office, which together with his bond for ten thousand dollars, approved by the Auditor General, shall be filed with the Secretary of State. Sec. 1674, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 30, Laws of 1873. 5 34 | I)IGEST. - Q 3. The Commissioner of Insurance shall, with the approval of the Governor, provide his office with a seal, and file a description thereof with the Secretary of State. Sec. 1676, Comp. Ilaws of 1871. ºn 4. The Secretary of State shall transfer all books, etc., per- taining to insurance to the Commissioner of Insurance. Sec. 1677, Comp. Laws of 1871. 5. The Secretary of State shall assign the Commissioner of Insurance, at Lansing, suitable rooms for conducting the business of said Bureau, the necessary expenses of which shall be audited by the Board of State Auditors. $. \ Sec. 1678, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 30, Laws of 1873. - 6. In case the Governor shall remove the Commissioner of Insurance he must file the reasons therefor in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 1682, Comp. Laws of 1871. JAI L R E G O R D S A N D RE PORT S. 1. The Secretary of State to furnish sheriff with suitable forms for making records. He to report to the Secretary of State on or before the thirtieth day of September in each year. Contents of said report, penalty for refusing to make, or making false report; to notify Prosecuting Attorney in case of failure to report; to annually, on or before the first day of December, present to the Governor an abstract of said report. | Act No. 167, Laws of 1873. 1. Jo I NT DoC U M ENTs. *Act No. 170, Laws of 1877. * Sec. 8 and 9, Act No. 170, Laws of 1877, repealed. DIGEST. * 35 -T 1. J O U R N A L OF T H E SEN AT E A N D BIO U S E. Act No. 170, Laws of 1877. J O U R N A L A N D DOC U M E N T S. 1. The Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House are directed to compile and index the Journals and Documents of the present Legislature, and to superintend the publication of the same; they shall receive their pay for said work upon the certificate of the Secretary of State, who shall also certify that the work is completed. Concurrent Resolution No. 3, Laws of 1883. 1. J U S T I C E S OF T H E P E A C E. Act No. 50, Laws of 1873. KNIGHTS OF L A B O R. L. O C A L A N D DI s T R I c T A S S E M B L I E S. 1. Local assemblies may incorporate. A resolution for incor- poration must be adopted by the local assembly by a two-thirds vote. Articles of association must be signed by the master workman and recording secretary of the local assembly, and have the seal of said assembly attached. Articles of association to state what, and to have an affidavit stating what, attached thereto, of the master workman and the recording secretary. Articles of association to be filed with and recorded by the county clerk of the proper county. A copy of the articles of associa- tion and the affidavit attached, certified by the county clerk, may be filed with the Secretary of State. A certified copy may be used in evidence. - District assemblies may incorporate by adopting a like resolu- tion as local assemblies” Executing articles of association signed by the district master workman and district recordin secretary, having the seal of the said assembly attached, ...; containing the samé statement as articles of local assemblies, and having the same affidavit, made by the same parties, & 36 DIGEST. T -- attached thereto; the said articles shall be filed with the county clerk where the district assembly is located. A copy certified by said county clerk may be filed with the Secretary of State. A copy certified by the Secretary of State may be used in evidence. .*. --- Sec. 1-4, Act No. 159, Laws of 1883. sº KNIGHTs of PYTHIAs. 1. Any ten or more persons, residents of this State, being members of the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias of the State of Michigan, may incorporate. They shall sign and acknowledge articles of association, which together with their charter and constitution shall be filed with the Secretary of State. A certified copy of the record of the articles of associ- ation may be used in evidence. Act No. 17, Laws of 1877. LAN D Com P A NIE s. 1. Must keep their principaſ office and records in this State; any number of persons not less than six may incorporate; no two companies shall have the same name; before they shall commence business the articles of association shall be filed with the Secretary of State, to be by him recorded; the articles of association must be signed by the persons associating in the first instance and duly acknowledged; must report to the Sec- retary of State annually in the month of July; report to contain what ; the amount of the capital stock must be fixed by the stockholders in the articles of association, and in no case shall be less than ten thousand nor more than five. hundred thousand dollars, shares twenty-five dollars each ; the capital stock may be increased within these limits; the purpose of the organization shall be specified in the articles of association; the funds of the company cannot be appropriated to any other purpose; the company shall have not less than six nor more \ r e DIGEST. 37 than nine directors; penalty for directors willfully neglecting to comply with sections three and five of this act. - - Sec. 1-9, 19, Act No. 207, Laws of 1877. L E G IS LAT U R E. gº 1. The Secretary of State to deliver list of members to the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House on the day previous to the opening of the session. Sec. 1, Act No. 67, Laws of 1877. 2. The Secretary of State to certify the date of the end of the session, and publish said certificate with the Laws. Sec. 219, 220, Comp. Laws of 1871. 3. Constitutional Amendment pertaining to the salary Of members of the Legislature. Joint Resolution No. 23, Laws of 1883. L IT E R A R Y AND So I E N TI FI C C 0 RPO R AT I O N 8. 1. Any number of persons not less than ten may organize; no two shall have the same name; articles of association must be signed by the persons associating, and acknowledged before some person authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds; must state what; must be filed with the Secretary of States before they commence business; a certified copy may be used in evidence. . - 2 Sec. 3155, 3156, 3158, Comp. Laws of 1871. r Sec. 3157, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 72, Laws of 1879. . *ºp 1. Lo C A L A GT S. Act No. 170, Laws of 1877. a * * 38 DIGEST. M A N U.A. L., L E G IS LAT IV. E. 1. The Secretary of State to publish and distribute; what to contain; number of copies to be published. Offices, etc., to be supplied. Act No. 263, Laws of 1879. M A N U FA C T U R IN G Co M P AN I E S. 1. Any number of persons not less than three may form a corporation for carrying on any kind of manufacturing or mer- cantile business, or any union of the two. But no two com- panies shall have the same name. - Sec. 1, Act No. 274, Laws of 1881. / 2. The articles of agreement of every such association shall be signed by the persons associating in the first instance, and acknowledged before some person authorized by the laws of this State to take acknowledgment of deeds. - - Sec. 2, Act No. 187, Laws of 1875. 3. The amount of capital stock shall not be less than ten thousand nor more than five million dollars, divided into shares of twenty-five dollars each; the amount of stock shall be fixed and limited by the articles of association, but may be increased to any amount not exceeding the limit. Sec. 3, Act No. 187, Laws of 1875, as amended by Act No. 257, Laws of 1881. 4. The articles of association shall state the term of its exist- ence, not exceeding thirty years, and the purpose for which the corporation was formed. It can engage in no other business or appropriate its funds to any other purpose. Sec. 4, Act No. 187, Laws of 1875. *~ DIGEST. 39 / 5. The Secretary of State after recording the articles of association and certificates specified in Act No. 187, Laws of 1875, and the acts amendatory thereof, shall return the same with his endorsement of record thereon; he shall receive for making such record twenty cents a folio. Sec. 21, Act 187, Laws of 1875. 6. Corporations organized under Chapter 95, of the Compiled Laws of 1871, may by a vote of a majority in interest of its stockholders, or by an agreement in writing signed by a major- ity in interest of its stockholders, dissolve and organize under Act No. 187, Laws of 1875. A certified copy of the vote or the agreement of said stockholders, must be recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. - Sec. 35, Act No. 187, Laws of 1875. 7. Any manufacturing company organized under any law of . this State may establish an office or offices in any other State of the Union: Provided, That there shall always be one business office within this State. The directors of said company must certify to the Secretary of State the place where they have located their office or offices within two months after such location, which location can not be changed within one year. Act No. 23, Laws of 1879. 8. Cannot commence business until it has filed its articles of association with the Secretary of State, who shall certify upon the said articles the time when it was received for record, the book and page where recorded; a certified copy of the record may be used in evidence. - Sec. 10, Act No. 187, Laws of 1875. 9. Any corporation desiring to engage in any other business than that specified in its articles of association may amend the same by a vote of two-thirds in interest of its stockholders, 40 s DIGEST. which amended articles must be filed with the Secretary of State. Sec. 18, Act No. 187, Laws of 1875. 10. Any corporation may remove its place of business by a vote of two-thirds in interest of its stockholders; the president and secretary shall immediately on such removal deposit with the Secretary of State a certificate thereof, which he shall record in the book kept for the Record of Articles of Corpora- tions. - * N Sec. 19, Act No. 187, Laws of 1875. 11. Whenever any corporation shall increase its capital stock it shall, by its president and a majority of its directors, make and sign a certificate thereof, and file the same with the Sec- retary of State, to be by him recorded. Sec. 20, Act No. 187, Laws of 1875. 12. Any manufacturing company organized under chapter ninety-five, Compiled Laws of 1871, upon a vote of its stock- holders holding two-thirds of its subscribed stock, may at any meeting duly called for that purpose, amend its articles of association in any manner it may see fit not inconsistent with the provisions of said chapter; the amended articles shall be signed and certified by the president and secretary of said company, and under its corporate seal, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State; a certified copy thereof may be used in evidence. Act No. 17, Laws of 1873. A. R. Mc BRIDE, IN THE MATTER op. 1. The Board of State Auditors are authorized and instructed to receive and examine all claims for costs, services, and expenses in conducting said investigation, and to allow such DIGEST. 41: sums as they shall find to be equitably and justly due claimants. Joint Resolution No. 17, Laws of 1883. ME G H A N I G s' Asso C I ATI o N s. 1. Any six or more persons residents of this State may organize; articles of association to be acknowledged as deeds and verified by the affidavit of two or more of the trustees; shall be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State; associations may consolidate by a majority vote of the members of each at a meeting called for that purpose, a copy of which vote or resolution, signed by the presiding officer and secretary of such meeting, verified by their affidavits, shall be filed in the office of the Secretary; the agreement for consoli- dation shall contain what. * Sec. 2795, 2796, 2803, 2804, Comp. Laws of 1871. M I c HIG A N STAT E ME DI C A L S O C.I.E.T.Y. 1. Any nine persons who shall be practitioners of medicine and surgery, in accordance with the principles of scientific medicine, and who shall be residents of the State of Michigan, who shall have received the degree of doctor of medicine, from . any medical school or college legally empowered to confer such degree, may incorporate. Articles of association to be signed and acknowledged, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. Must report to the Secretary of State annually in the month of December; report to contain what. Act No. 169, Laws of 1879. ** M I C H IG A N IN T H E W A R. ''” R O B E R T S O N ? S. 1. Board of State Auditors to solicit bids for publishing, stereotyping, etc.; number of copies to be published; expense to be audited and allowed by said board. Act No. 167, Laws of 1877. ~42 : DIGEST. M I L IT I A. 1. Board of State Auditors may render relief to wounded or disabled in certain cases. Sec. 876, Comp. Laws of 1871. MILITA R Y DUT Y. 1. Secretary of State is exempt from. Sec. 828, Comp. Laws of 1871. M II, I TA R Y O R L I G H T G U A R D C o M P A N I Es. 1. Any ten members of a company may incorporate. Execut- ing under their hands and seals articles of association, and acknowledging the same before some officer authorized to take the acknowledgment of deeds. The articles of association shall state what ; and must be filed with the Secretary of State. May hold property not to exceed thirty thousand dollars. A certified copy of the articles of association may be used in evidence. Act No. 40, Laws of 1877. S E L D E N S. M I N E R. 1. The Board of State Auditors are authorized and instructed to examine his claim and to allow such sum as they shall find justly and equitably due him. Joint Resolution No. 19, Laws of 1883. MIN IN G A N D M A N UFA GT U R IN G ; PRI v A TE Asso- CIA TI O N S A N D P A R T N E R S HIPS F O R. 1. Articles of association to be filed with the Secretary of State. They shall also on the first day of January of each year make and file in the office of the Secretary of State a IDIGEST. - 43 * & statement of the names of the stockholders and number of - shares held by each, and their place of residence; they shall also file their by-laws with the Secretary of State; a certified copy of the articles of association and by-laws may be used in evidence. Sec. 1591, 1594, 1597, 1601, Comp. Laws of 1871. MIN IN G, SM ELT IN G, o R MA NU FA CTUR IN G IRo N, CoPPER, MIN ERA L CoA L, SI L V E R , o B ot H E B O B E S OR MIN E R A LS, A N D F O R O T H E R M A N U - FA C T U R IN G. PU R P O S E S ; Co R P o RAT I o N S Fo R. 1. No two companies shall assume the same name. Before any company organized under this act shall commence business they must file their articles of association with the Secretary of State; they may conduct their business outside of this State, but before doing so they must file their articles of association with the Secretary of State, and be subject to the laws of this State. \ w i Sec. 2836–2838, 2884–2886, *Chap. 95, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. Articles of association of companies formed under Chapter 95, Compiled Laws of 1871, may be amended, which amended articles must be filed with the Secretary of State. Act No. 17, Laws of 1873, M IN IN G Co M P A NIE s. Nº. 1. Ahy number of persons not less than three may organize. No two companies shall assume the same name. - Sec. 1, Act No. 113, Laws of 1877. 2. The articles of association shall be acknowledged by not less than three persons whose names are signed thereto; if * → .*Chapter 95 is repealed as to Mining Companies. 44. DIGEST. acknowledged outside of the State it may be done before a commissioner of deeds of this State, a notary public having a seal, or any other person authorized to take the acknowledg- ment of deeds. Such articles shall state: First, The purpose or purposes for which the corporation is formed ; . . Second, The amount of the capital stock, and the number of shares; - - * Third, The amount of cash actually paid in on the capital stock, and the cash value of any property, real or personal, conveyed to the corporation contemporaneously with its organ- ization; - t - . Fourth, The names of the stockholders, their respective resi- dences, and the number of shares held by each person; Fifth, The place where the business office of the corporation is located, and where such office is without the limits of the State, the place where the office for the transaction of business within this State is located shall also be designated; . Sixth, The county or counties in this State where the busi- ness of the corporation is to be carried on; s Seventh, The number constituting the board of directors, and the directors for the first year; - Eighth, The term of existence, which shall not exceed thirty years. - / Sec. 2, Act No. 113, Laws of 1877. 3. The capital stock of any corporation organized or existing under this act shall not be less than ten thousand dollars, nor more than two million five hundred thousand dollars, and shall be divided into shares of twenty-five dollars each. The board of directors shall consist of not less than three nor more than nine members. Said directors must be stockholders. Sec. 4, Act No. 113, Laws of 1877. 4. Before they shall commence business, articles of associa- tion shall be executed and acknowledged, and filed and recorded DIGEST. 45 —w- in the office of the Secretary of State, at the expense of the company. Sec. 5, Act No. 113, Laws of 1877. 5. The organization of any company shall not be invalidated by reason of any omission in its articles of association, irregularity in filing them, or insufficiency of notice of any meeting, unless such omission, irregularity, or insufficient notice shall have been fraudulently intended; and the stockholders may at any - meeting regularly called, by a vote of the majority of the stock, supply the omission in its articles, direct them to be properly filed, or ratify and confirm the action taken at a meeting insufficiently called, and upon this being done all acts and proceedings of said corporation shall have the same force and effect as though no omission, irregularity, or insufficiency of notice had existed. Sec. 6, Act No. 113, Laws of 1877. 6. Certified copies of the articles of association may be used in evidence. - e Sec. 7, Act 113, Laws of 1877. 7. The stock, property, and affairs of the company shall be managed by a board of directors, except as in this act other- wise provided. The directors shall hold their offices for one year, and until their successors are duly chosen. At least one director must reside in this State. - Sec. 14, Act No. 113, Laws of 1877. 8. The capital stock may be increased or diminished within the limits fixed by section four of this act, at any meeting called for that purpose, by a vote of two-thirds of the capital stock. Sec. 20, Act No. 113, Laws of 1877. Tº 46 . DIGEST. 9. Companies may purchase stock in canal, harbor, plank road, or railroad companies; they may also purchase or construct and operate boats or vessels, and charter the same to other parties: Provided, the doing of any of these things will facili- tate the transportation of their products. -ºw Sec. 21, Act No. 113, Laws of 1877, as amended by Act No. 180, Laws of 1881, and Act No. 100, Laws of 1883. ^ 10. Any company organized under this act may conduct its business wholly or in part either in this country or in any foreign country, subject to the laws of this State in regard to corporations, so far as the same shall be applicable to corpora- tions formed under this act; any company conducting its business wholly outside of this State may, if authorized by its board of directors, purchase stock in any mining company doing business wholly out of this State. Sec. 22, Act No. 113, Laws of 1877, as amended by Act No. 3, Laws of 1879, and Act No. 34, Laws of 1883. 11. Foreign corporations may carry on business in this State, upon filing copies of their charter or articles of incorporation in the office of the Secretary of State; they shall be subject to all the liabilities of this act. * Sec. 23, Act. No. 113, Laws of 1877. 12. Any two or more corporations may consolidate by a vote of three-fifths of the capital stock of each, at any meeting of stockholders duly called to consider the question of consolida- tion. The capital stock and the number of shares in the consolidated corporation may be the same, but no greater than the aggregated capital stock and number of shares of the Several corporations before such consolidation. In no case shall a greater amount of capital be called in by the consolidated corporation than that remaining unpaid on the stock of the Several corporations at the time of consolidation. The several corporations forming such consolidated corporation, before the DIGEST. - - 47 * consolidation shall be completed, shall file in the office of the Secretary of State a certificate signed by the president and Secretary of each of said corporations, and verified under oath, showing the amount of capital stock actually paid in, the amount expended for the purchase of lands and for improve- ments made upon said lands by each company. The consoli- dated corporation must file its articles of association in the office of the Secretary of State, the same to be signed and acknowledged by the presidents and secretaries of the corpora- tions consolidating. The capital stock of consolidated compa- nies shall be subject to the limitations of section four of this Act. ſ Sec. 25, Act No. 113, Laws of 1877. - 13. Any company organized under this act, upon a vote of two-thirds of its capital stock may amend its articles of associ- ation in any manner not inconsistent with this act. The amended articles shall be signed and certified by the president and secretary of the company, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State; certified copies may be used in evidence. Sec. 29, Act No. 113, Laws of 1877. 14. Any company may provide in its articles of association for having its business office, and for holding meetings of the stockholders or board of directors out of this State. But such company must also have a business office in this State, which must be provided for in the articles of 'association. Sec. 30, Act No. 113, Laws of 1877, 15. The want of the corporate seal to any instrument in writing shall not invalidate such instrument if in all other respects legally authorized by the corporation and signed by the president and secretary, or other duly authorized officer or officers of the corporation. Sec. 38, Act 113, Laws of 1877. 48 • DIGEST. ** 16. Any corporation organized under a special charter may by a vote of a majority of its capital stock, at any annual meeting, or a special meeting duly called for that purpose, dissolve its organization and organize under this act, assuming the same name. All the rights and liabilities of the old shall attach to the new company. The new corporation shall perfect its organization within sixty days after dissolving the old. Before any corporation thus re-organized shall commence business it shall file in the office of the Secretary of State a copy of the proceedings had dissolving its organization, verified by the affidavit of the secretary of said company, together with its articles of association, which shall be recorded at the expense of the corporation; certified copies may be used in evidence. Sec. 41, Act No. 113, Laws of 1877. M U S I C A L SOCIETI E S. 1. Any five or more persons may organize. Articles of agreement must be signed and acknowledged, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 3209, 3210, Comp. Laws of 1871. 1. N OTA R L E S P U B LIC. Sec. 597, 598, 604, 607, Comp. Laws of 1871. Act No. 47, Laws of 1879. OFFIC I A L O AT H S A N D B o N D s. 1. Form of oath of office; who to take and when. Art. 18, Const. of Mich. • 2. Oath and bond of state officers. Sec. 361, 367, Comp. Laws of 1871. DIGEST. . 49 3. Bond of the Auditor General and Commissioner of the State Land Office. Act No. 200, Laws of 1879. 4. Oath and bond of Salt Inspector. Sec. 1463, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 249, Laws of 1879. 5. Oath and bond of Inspector of Illuminating Oils. . Act No. 20, Laws of 1883. 6. Oath and bond of Superintendent of Portage Lake and Lake Superior Ship Canal. Act No. 166, Laws of 1873. 7. Oath and bond of Quartermaster General. Sec. 851, Comp. Laws of 1871. O F F I C E R S. 1. To deliver books to their successors in office; penalty for neglect so to do. Prosecuting attorney to prosecute. Sec. 16, Act No. 170, Laws of 1877. O L D C A P IT O L P R O P E R T Y. 1. Board of State Auditors authorized to sell or rent. Moneys to be paid to the State Treasurer. All accounts for repairs or alterations to be audited by the board. 5 Act No. 134, Laws of 1879. 7 50 DIGEST. —ar ORIGIN A L A GT's of T H E L E G Is I, A T U R E. 1. Shall be deposited with and kept by the Secretary of State. Sec. 1, Chap. 1, Comp. Laws of 1871. Sec. 13, Chap. 1, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. The Secretary of State shall have the original acts of the Legislature bound at the close of each session, and shall certify on the frontispiece that said volume contains the whole of the original acts and joint resolutions, etc.; the acts and joint res- olutions so. bound and certified shall be kept in the office of the Secretary of State; no other record need be kept; the expense of arranging and binding shall be paid by the State Treasurer, on the certificate of the Secretary of State. Sec. 11–14, Comp. Laws of 1871. W I L L I A M B. P E I R S O N. 1. The Board of State Auditors are authorized and instructed to examine his claim and allow such sum as they shall find legally due him. Joint Resolution No. 20, Laws of 1883. PEN AL, PAUP ER, AND REFORMAT or Y IN STI - - TU TI O N S . 1. Each member of the Board of State Commissioners for the general supervision of, shall, before entering upon the dis- charge of his duties, take and subscribe before the Secretary of State, who shall file the same in his office, the constitutional oath of office. - : Sec. 8191, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 64, Laws of 1873. Sec. 8192, Comp. Laws of 1871. DIGEST. 51 PI P E L I N E C o M P A N I E S. 1. Any number of persons not less than five may organize; articles of association to state what; the capital stock must not be less than fifteen hundred dollars per mile; articles of association must be filed with the Secretary of State, but not until the sum of one thousand dollars per mile has been subscribed and ten per cent, in cash paid in ; and an affidavit of two of the directors shall be attached thereto, stating that said amount has been subscribed and the ten per cent, paid in, in cash, in good faith, and that it is intended in good faith to construct or to maintain and operate the line of pipe mentioned in such articles of association, and that such corporation was not pro- jected or formed with the intent or for the purpose of selling or conveying its franchise to any person or corporation, nor for any fraudulent purpose. A copy of the articles of association, together with the said affidavit attached thereto, certified to by the Secretary of State or his deputy may be used in evidence. Act No. 182, Laws of 1881. P L A N K R O A D S. 1. Any number of persons not less than five may organize. Stock to the amount of $200 per mile must be subscribed, and five per cent paid thereon. Articles of association must con- tain what; the term of existence must not exceed thirty years; must be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, but not until the five per cent has been actually and in good faith paid in, nor until an affidavit by at least three of the directors stating that the required amount of stock has been subscribed and the five per cent actually paid in is attached thereto. A certified copy of the articles of association and affidavit may be used in evidence. Sec. 2562, 2565, Comp. Laws of 1871. 52 DIGEST. P O L Y T E C H N I C A S S O C I AT I O N S. 1. Certain corporations may form; how formed. Who to execute the articles of agreement; what they shall contain; must be signed and acknowledged; who to approve the same, before filing and recording; must be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. Certified copy may be used in evidence. Other corporations may unite with. Articles of agreement may be amended; must be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State, but not until they are certified to under oath by the president and secretary of the meeting at which they were adopted, and must also be approved by a judge of the Circuit or Supreme Court. Sec. 3463–3469, Comp. Laws of 1871. ROM O L O G. I C A L A N D H o RT I C U L T U R A L S o C I ETIES. 1. Any five or more persons may organize. Articles of asso- ciation to be signed, and acknowledged, and filed with the Sec- retary of State. State societies must report to the Secretary of State annually, in the month of December; said report to be published in similar form and number of copies as the report of the State Board of Agriculture and State Agricultural Soci- ety, under the direction of the Secretary of State. Sec. 3170–3177, Comp. Laws of 1871. P R O S E C UTI N G A TT O R N E Y. 1. When appointed by the Governor the Secretary of State to transmit his commission to the clerk of the county for which he is appointed. Sec. 607, Comp. Laws of 1871. \ 1. PU B L I C : A C T S . * Act No. 170, Laws of 1877. * Sec. 8, 9, Act No. 170, Laws of 1877, repealed. DIGEST. 53 • * PU R LI C L A N D S. 1. All deeds to the State to be recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. - All confirmations of University locations, of school lands, etc., to be recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. All acts granting lands to the State to be recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. All other evidences of title by which the State holds any lands to be recorded in the office of the Secretary of State, so that his office shall contain the whole collection of all land titles of the State of Michigan. Secretary of State to cause plats to be made. All new loca- tions of State lands to be recorded and platted. Sec. 211, 216, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. Certificates of approval of selections of lands for the State, together with their accompanying lists or descriptions, shall be recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. A certified copy of such record may be used in evidence. Sec. 217,218, Comp. Laws of 1871. 3. Patents. The Governor shall sign and cause to be issued patents for lands described in any certificate of purchase when- ever the same shall be presented to him with the endorsement thereon of the Commissioner that the whole amount of the principal and interest specified therein, together with the taxes, have been fully paid, and that the holder of the certificate is entitled to a deed. Sec. 3824, Comp. Laws of 1871. 4. On the sale of any internal improvement lands the Com- missioner shall deliver to the purchaser a certificate containing a description of the lands, etc., and that upon presentation thereof at the office of the Secretary of State, the purchaser will be entitled to a patent from the Governor for the lands 54 º DIGEST. therein described. He shall also endorse upon the certificate the kind of funds received in payment. Every three months the Commissioner shall transmit to the Governor a statement of all the certificates issued, and the names of the purchasers. On the receipt of such statement the Governor shall execute and deposit with the Secretary of State patents for the lands described in such certificates. But no patent shall be issued unless the title of the State thereto is perfect. The Secretary of State shall not deliver any patent until the original certificate of the Commissioner shall be deposited in his office, unless the same shall be lost or destroyed, in which case the purchaser can, upon the proper showing by affidavit, obtain a duplicate from the Commissioner; upon presenting such duplicate, with the affidavit attached thereto, to the Secretary of State, he shall issue a patent and file such duplicate and affidavit in his office. - . All bona fide assignees of purchasers are entitled to the same rights and subject to the same liabilities as original pur- chasers. Sec. 3855, 3856, 3858–3861, 3872, 3889–3891, Comp. Laws of 1871. 5. Swamp Lands. The purchaser, his heirs or assigns, entitled to a patent as in other cases, upon the presentation and sur- render of his certificate of purchase to the Secretary of State. Sec. 3943, Comp. Laws of 1871. \ 6. Swamp and Primary School Lands in the Mineral Range of the Upper Peninsula. \ Sec. 3984-3986, 3987, as amended by Act No. 7, Laws of 1874. 7. The Secretary of State to record all patents, and certified copies thereof may be used in evidence. Sec. 4257, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 46, Laws of 1875, and Act No. 33, Laws of 1877. DIGEST. 55, * PU B L I SH IN G A s so CIAT I o N s. 1. Any three or more persons may organize. Certificate of organization to state what ; and must be recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. The capital stock may be enlarged by a vote of the stockholders, and on filing a copy of the resolution with the Secretary of State. ' - . Sec. 3178–3181, Comp. Laws of 1871. Q U O W A R R A N To. 1. Whenever it shall be found or adjudged that any corpor- ation against which any information in the nature of a quo warranto shall have been filed, has, by any misuser, non-user, or surrender, forfeited its corporate rights, privileges, and fran- chises, judgment shall be rendered that such corporation be ousted and altogether excluded from such corporate rights, privileges, and franchises, and that the said corporation be dissolved. tº , 2. Whenever any such judgment shall be rendered against a corporation, a copy of the record of such judgment shall be forthwith filed in the office of the Secretary of State, and such . secretary shall forth with cause notice of the substance and effect of such recovery to be published for four successive weeks in some newspaper printed at the seat of government, and in a newspaper printed in the county where the principal office or place of business of such corporation shall be, if a newspaper be there printed. * Sec. 7096, 7099, Comp. Taws of 1871. R A FT IN G CO M P A N I E S. 1. Any number of persons not less than five may organize. Articles of association to contain what; to be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. A certified copy may be used in evidence. - Sec. 2767, 2768, Comp. Laws of 1871. 56 * DIGEST. RAI L R O A D C om P A NIE S. 1. Any number of persons not less than seven may organize; each subscriber to such articles of association shall set opposite his name his place of residence, and the number of shares of stock by him subscribed. When $500 per mile shall be sub- scribed and five per cent. thereof paid in, in cash, in good faith, and an affidavit to that effect made by two of the direc- tors and attached to the articles of association, the same shall be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. The number of directors shall not be less than five nor more than fifteen, and may be increased or decreased within these limits at any time by resolution, two-thirds of the stockholders in interest voting therefor; said resolution must be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 1, Art. 1, Act No. 198, Laws of 1873, as amended by Act No. 140, Laws of 1879, and Act No. 289, Laws of 1881. 2. In case of foreclosure and sale of any railroad upon mort- gage, the purchaser and such others as he may associate with himself, may organize a company by declaration or certificate of purchase, which shall set forth a description of the property ... sold, etc., and shall be signed by the purchaser or purchasers, and addressed to the Secretary of State, and filed and recorded in his office; a certified copy may be used in evidence. Sec. 2, Art 1, Act No. 198, Laws of 1873. 3. Articles of association and amended articles must be filed with and recorded by the Secretary of State at the expense of the railroad company; a certified copy of the same may be used in evidence. Sec. 2, Art 2, Act No. 198, Laws of 1873. 4. All railroad companies, except those owning competing lines, may consolidate, if when consolidated they would form a continuous or connected line; directors may agree upon terms of consolidation; agreement must contain what; must be sub- / DIGEST. ... ' 57 mitted to the stockholders, and when adopted by them filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State; a certified copy may be used in evidence. Sec. 29, Art 2, Act No. 198, Laws of 1873. 5. Before the agreement mentioned in the preceding section (section 29) shall have any force or effect, and before filing a duplicate thereof in the office of the Secretary of State, the articles of consolidation shall be submitted to a board, consist- ing of the Attorney General, Commissioner of Railroads, and Secretary of State, to be by them approved. Sec. 30, Art 2, Act No. 108, Laws of 1873, as amended by Act No. - 174, Laws of 1883. - - 6. If railroad companies cannot agree as to the manner of making crossings or connections, they shall submit the ques- tion to a board, composed of the Attorney General, Secretary of State, and Commissioner of Railroads, who shall have power to determine the manner of crossing, etc., and the proportion of cost which each company shall pay. Sec. 36, Art 2, Act No. 198, Laws of 1873, as amended by Act No. 174, Laws of 1883. - \ 7. No shares of railroad stock to be issued or sold until fully paid. No stock or bonds to be issued except for money, etc., actually received. Penalty. Sec. 7624, Comp. Laws of 1871. - Sec. 7757, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 257, Laws of 1879. Sec. 4, 9, 10, Art 5, Act No. 198, Laws of 1873. 8. It is the duty of every railroad company to file with the Secretary of State in the month of July in each year, a special report, sworn to by the president and treasurer, setting forth explicitly the number of shares of capital stock actually issued, 58. , DIGEST. sold, pledged, or disposed of by the company to the date of such report, and the amount received therefor in money, and the amount received therefor, if any, in property and other effects. The making of any false statement to the Secretary of State in relation to the matters herein required to be reported to him, or neglecting to make the same, shall render the officers, and directors of any such railroad company liable to ... imprisonment in the State prison for a term not exceeding ten years. Sec. 7758, 7750, Comp. Laws of 1871. Sec. 9, Art 5, Act No. 198, Laws of 1873. 9. Authorized to convey their franchises and property in case they are unable to complete the construction of the same or any part thereof. The sale may be made by a two-thirds vote of the stockholders. The conveyance shall be executed by the secretary of the company under its corporate seal, and there shall be attached thereto a copy of the resolution authorizing the sale. Such conveyance, with said resolution, must be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Act No. 190, Laws of 1873. R A I L R O A D C O M M I SS I O N E R . 1. Appointed by the Governor. Before entering upon the duties of his office, he shall take and file in the office of the Secretary of State the constitutional oath of office, and his bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars, approved by the Governor. He shall hold his office in the State capitol at Lansing. The incidental expenses of his office, together with all actual cash . outlay for railroad fares, shall be audited by the Board of State Auditors. - Sec. 1, 4, Act No. 79, Laws of 1873. g Sec. 5, Act No. 79, Laws of 1873, as amended by Act No. 88, Laws of 1877, §nd Act No. 81, Laws of 1883. IXIGEST. 59 v R E Fo R M C L U B T E M P E R A N C E S O C I ET I E S. 1. Any ten or more persons residents of this State, and members of a Reform Club Temperance Society, may incorpor- ate. Articles of association must be signed, sealed, and acknowledged, and together with the charter or constitution of the society must be filed and recorded in the office of the Sec- retary of State. The articles of association must state what. May hold property not exceeding fifty thousand dollars. A cer- tified copy of the articles of association may be used in evidence. - Act No. 54, Laws of 1877. R E FOR M S C H o O L. 1. The Board of Control shall report to the Secretary of State annually, on or before the first day of January, a detailed statement of their operations and expenditures. The traveling and other actual expenses of the Board may be retained by them out of the appropriations for the institution, subject to the determination of the Board of State Auditors, settling the proper amount upon an account stated. Sec. 8127, 8131, Comp. Laws of 1871. 1. R. E. P E A L I N G STA TU T. E. S. Sec. 3, Comp. Laws of 1871. REP o RTs of T H E SUPREME Co U R T o F M I ch I G A N. 1. Publication, stereotyping, printing, binding, distribution, and sale of. Board of State Auditors to solicit bids and let contracts for. State Librarian to distribute, and to whom. Act No. 168, Laws of 1879, as amended by Act No. 116, Laws of 1881. 2. Republication and sale of such of the reports of the 60 - DIGEST. Supreme Court as are or may become out of print, and have not been stereotyped. Act No. 40, Laws of 1881. R EP o RTs o F O FF I C E R S A N D Bo A R D S. 1. To be made to the Governor; when to be made; each to superintend the publication of his own report. Sec. 230–232, 234, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. Reports of State officers in addition to those bound as Joint Documents to be published; clerks and members of the Legislature to be supplied with one copy each, those making the report with not to exceed five hundred, fifty copies for the State Library, two hundred for the office of the Secretary of State. There shall also be published a sufficient number of Reports of Superintendents of the Poor, of Sheriffs and Statis- tical Information relative to insane, deaf, dumb, and blind, to supply the several officers making the returns with one copy each, and a sufficient number of the Report of the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction to supply township and district school libraries with one copy each. The Board of Auditors may order an additional number not exceeding five hundred. Sec. 12, Act No. 170, Laws of 1877. R E PR E S E N T A T L V E D IS T R I C T S. 1. Counties to be divided into by the board of Supervisors, and a description thereof filed in the office of the Secretary of State. - Sec. 3, Art. 4, Const. of Mich. Sec. 479, Comp. Laws of 1871. R E S I G. N. A TI O N S I N OF FIC E. 1. To whom made; duties of officer to whom resignations DIGEST. 61 are made; statement to be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 615, 616, Comp. Laws of 1871. 1. R. E M O VA L S R R O M OF FIC E. Sec. 618, 619, Comp. Laws of 1871. RI V E R IMPR o V E M E N T N A v I GAT Io N Com PANIES. 1. Any number of persons may organize; certificate of organ- ization shall contain what; to be acknowledged as deeds are, and a copy filed in the office of the Secretary of State; term of existence not to exceed thirty years; capital may be increased, and in such case a certificate of the fact must be filed with the Secretary of State; the company must report to the Secretary of State annually on or before the first Monday of January under the oath of its secretary and one or more of its directors; what to contain. Sec. 2716, 2717, 2726, Comp. Laws of 1871. * Sec. 2739, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 3, Laws of 1883. ROY A L A R C A N U M. 1. Any ten or more persons, residents of this State, being members of the Grand Council of the Royal Arcanum of the State of Michigan, may incorporate; articles of association must be signed and acknowledged, and state what, and filed, together with a copy of the charter and constitution of said Grand Council, with the Secretary of State; may hold property not exceeding the sum of ten thousand dollars; a certified copy of the articles of association may be used in evidence. Sec. 1, 2, 3, 4, Act No. 130, Laws of 1879. 62 ... • DIGEST. S.A. L. A R Y. 1. Of the Secretary of State. Art. 9, Const. of Mich. Act No. 118, Laws of 1883. 2. Of the Deputy Secretary of State and clerks in the State Department. , - f Act No. 118, Laws of 1883. S GIR E FA CIA s, WRIT o F. 1. Whenever judgment shall be rendered against the defend- ant upon any scire facias brought to vacate letters patent, or to vacate any act of incorporation, a copy of the record of such judgment shall be forthwith filed in the office of the Secretary of State. 2. If the record relate to letters patent, the Secretary shall forthwith transmit to the Commissioner of the Land Office a statement of the substance and effect of such recovery, and of the time when the judgment was rendered; and the lands and tenements granted by such letters patent may thereafter be disposed of by such Commissioner in the same manner as if such letters patent had never been issued. 3. If the record relate to an act of incorporation, the Secre- tary of State shall forthwith cause notice of the substance and effect of such recovery to be published for four successive weeks in some newspapers published at the Capital, and the like time in a newspaper printed in the county where the principal office or place of business of the company created by such act shall be, if one be there published. Sec. 7070–7072, Comp. Laws of 1871. DIGEST. 63 *A S E A L OF T H E S T A T E O F M I C H I G A N. 1. All official acts of the Governor, his approval of the laws excepted, shall be authenticated by the Great Seal of the State, which shall be kept by the Secretary of State. Sec. 18, Art. 5, Const. of Mich. 2. All commissions issued to persons holding office under the provisions of the Constitution of Michigan shall be in the name and by the authority of the people of the State of Michigan, sealed with the Great Seal of the State, signed by the Governor and countersigned by the Secretary of State. Sec. 19, Art. 5, Const. of Mich. S R A L., PROB.A.T. E. 1. The Judge of Probate of each county shall cause to be made a seal with the words Probate Seal and the name of the county inscribed thereon, a description of which he shall deliver to the Secretary of State, to be deposited and recorded in his office. - Sec. 5234, Comp. Laws of 1871. S E A L o F THE CO M M I S S I o N E R O F IN SU R A N C E. 1. A description thereof, with the certificate of the approval of the Governor, and an impression of the seal shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. - Sec. 1676, Comp. Laws of 1871. S E CRET A R Y OF STATE. 1. When elected, where to keep office, term of office. \ Sec. 1, 2, Art. 8, Const. of Mich. & V 64 - DIGEST. 2. Is a member of the Board of State Auditors. Sec. 4, Art. 8, Const. of Mich. 3. Is a member of the Board of State Canvassers. Sec. 4, Art. 8, Const. of Mich. 4. Is a member of the Board of Control of Swamp Lands. Sec. 3957, Comp. Laws of 1871. © 5. Is a member of the State Board of Equalization. Sec. 298, Comp. Laws of 1871. 6. Is a member of the Board of Trustees to take charge of State assets. Sec. 357, Comp. Laws of 1871. 7. Is a member of the Board of Trustees to take charge of escheated property. - \ Sec. 360, Comp. Laws of 1871. 8. Is a member of the Board of Internal Improvement. Sec. 4037, Comp. Laws of 1871. 9. Is a member of the Agricultural Land Grant Board. Sec. 3927, Comp. Laws of 1871. 10. Is ex-officio member of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Act No. 156, Laws of 1883. 11. Is a member of the Commission to inquire into and report , DIGEST. - • * 65 upon the desirability of the State purchasing the Michigan Central and Michigan Southern Railroads. Joint Resolution No. 16, Laws of 1883. 12. Is a member of the Board of Railroad Commissioners on consolidations and crossings of railroads. Act No. 174, Laws of 1883. 13. State Printer to advise with the Secretary of State as to the number of books, etc., to be printed before printing the same; the Secretary of State to advise with the several officers, etc., making reports as to the number of their reports. Sec. 13, Act No. 170, Laws of 1877. z 14. To oversee the distribution of all public documents, etc., not otherwise provided for, the same to be shipped to the several County Clerks; the Secretary of State may in his discretion - ship directly to the person entitled to any books, etc. Sec. 14, Act No. 170, Laws of 1877. 15. To notify all persons to whom books are sent. Sec. 15, Act No. 170, Laws of 1877. 16. To furnish to the Superintendent of the Michigan School for the Blind, on or before the first day of November in each year, a detailed statement of the statistical information received by him by virtue of any law of this State relating to the blind. * - Sec. 22, Act No. 250, Laws of 1879. 17. To record all patents for lands issued by this State, and certified copies thereof may be used in evidence, - Sec. 4257, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 46, laws of 1875, and Act No. 33, Laws of 1877. 9 66 DIGEST. 1. S E W E R A. G. E. • Sec. 18, Page 37, Charter of the City of Lansing. Act No. 81, Laws of 1879. - S K ATI N G PA R K S o R RIN ks, A N D P A R K S K E PT Fo R O RN AMENT, RE GREAT I o N, O R AM U S E MENT. 1. Any number of persons not less than three may organize. No two companies shall have the same name. | Sec. 3271, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 87, Laws of 1883. - 2. The articles of association shall be signed by the persons associating in the first instance and acknowledged before some person of this State authorized to take the acknowledgment of deeds, and shall set forth what. Sec. 3272, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 87, Laws of 1883. | 3. The articles of association shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. They can hold property not exceeding thirty thousand dollars. May amend its articles of association by vote of two-thirds of its stockholders, which shall be signed by the same and certified, by its president and secretary, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. , Sec. 3273, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 119, Laws of 1875, and Act No. 87, Laws of 1883. | 4. The amount of capital shall be fixed in the articles of asso- ciation, and in no case to exceed thirty thousand dollars, and shall be divided into shares of $25 each. Af Sec. 3275, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 87, Laws of ^ 1883. IXIGEST. 67 S T. J E A N B A PT I S T E S O C I ET I E S. 1. Any ten or more persons may incorporate. Articles of association to be signed by and acknowledged before some per- son authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds; and shall state what. The French language may be adopted as the offi- cial language of such society; all records and proceedings may be kept in, and translations thereof duly authenticated may be received in evidence. Any number of persons not less than ten belonging to said society may form a State St. Jean Baptiste Society, the articles of incorporation of which, together with its constitution and by-laws must be filed and recorded with the Secretary of State. I. - Sec. 3125, 3130, Comp. Laws of 1871. STATE A GR I C U L T U R A L S o CI ET Y. 1. To report to the Legislature and to the Secretary of State every two years. w . Sec. 2158, 2160, Comp. Ilaws of 1871. STATE Bo A R D o F A G R I C U L T U R E. ſ 1. Secretary of to report to the Legislature and Governor; when to be made. Number of copies to be published; to whom distributed. - * Act No. 173, Laws of 1883. STATE B O A R D OF EQUALIZAT I O N . 1. The Lieutenant Governor, Auditor General, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, and Commissioner of the State Land Office constitute; where and when to meet; who to act as secretary of. Each member before entering upon the duties of his office to * Sec. 8, 9, Act No. 170, Laws of 1877, repealed. 68 DIGEST. take the constitutional oath of office, which shall be filed with the proceedings of the Board; duties of, and how many consti- tute a quorum. # Sec. 298–306, Comp. Laws of 1871. STA T E B O A R D OF HE A L T H . 1. Report of the Secretary of. Act No. 170, Laws of 1877. * S T A T E D E T E CT I V E A S S O C I A TI O N S. 1. Ten or more associations formed under chapter one hun- dred and twenty-six of the Compiled Laws of 1871, may unite and form a State association. Articles of association to be signed by the president of each association uniting, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. A certified copy may be used in evidence. - Sec. 1, 2, Act No. 261, Laws of 1879. S.T.A. T E G R A N G E . 1. Any thirteen or more persons, residents of this State, and of lawful age, and members of a State Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry of the State of Michigan, and appointed for that purpose by the executive committee of said State Grange, may, under the direction of said executive committee, incorporate; the articles of association must state what, and be signed and acknowledged by the persons incorporating, and have an affidavit attached thereto of not less than three of the signers thereof, stating what, and then be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State; a certified copy may be used in evidence. - Sec. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Act No. 68, Laws of 1875, DIGEST. º 69 STATE Ho RTI C U L T U R A L So c 1 E.T.Y. 1. The Secretary of to report to the Legislature and Gov- ernor; when to be made; number of copies to be published; to whom distributed. *Act No. 173, Laws of 1883. STATE IN DU St RIA L Ho M E Fo R GIRLs. 1. Shall be under the management of a Board of Control, which Board shall annually, on or before the first day of Jan- uary, report to the Secretary of State a detailed statement of their operations and of all expenditures made by them ; the traveling and other actual expenses of the Board in the dis- charge of their duties shall be audited and allowed by the Board of State Auditors. 3. Act No. 133, Laws of 1879, as amended by Act No. 6, Laws of 1883. \ STATE IN STITU TI O N S. 1. All educational, charitable, reformatory, and penal institu- tions, supported wholly or in part by the State, shall be known as State institutions. The Board of each State institution shall make an inventory of all its property at the close of the fiscal year next preceding the regular session of the Legislature and file a copy of the same with the Secretary of State by the ‘first day of November of the year when made. The accounts of members of Boards of State institutions for official expenses and services, when allowed by law, shall first be certified to be correct by the Board to which the member belongs, and then shall be audited by the Board of State. Auditors. Act. No. 206, Laws of 1881. * * Sec. 8 and 9, Act No. 170, Laws of 1877, repealed. \ 70 DIGEST. , STATE LAND OFFICE. z 1. Incidental expenses of to be audited by the Board of State Auditors. - I } Sec. 3804, 3870, Comp. Laws of 1871. f / STATE L I B R A RIA N. 1. To give bonds in the sum of five thousand dollars, to be filed with the Secretary of State. s Act No. 137, Laws of 1873. Act No. 40, Laws of 1881. Sec. 5657, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. To file with the Secretary of State his receipt for all property entrusted to him; the constitutional oath of office and a bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars, to be approved by the Secretary of State. Sec. 3, Act No. 169, Laws of 1881. 3. The Assistant Librarian’s bond to be approved by the Secretary of State. Sec. 7, Act No. 169, Laws of 1881. 4. To distribute Suprême Court Reports, and to whom. Act No. 116, Laws of 1881. 5. To distribute U. S. Statutes, and to whom. Act No. 25, Laws of 1875. 6. To sell, under the direction of the Board of State Auditors, any surplus books, etc., printed by the direction of the Legis- lature and placed under his care or control. Sec. 275, Comp. Laws of 1871. DIGEST. l - 71 STATE PUB L1 c Sc Hoo L. Fo R D B P E N DENT AND N E G L E C T E D C H I L D R E N . 1. The expense of transportation of children to and from said school, they having been admitted and afterwards it being discovered they are improper inmates, shall be audited by the Board of State Auditors; the salary and expenses of the agent of said school shall first be examined and allowed by the Board of Control thereof, and then audited by the State Board of Aud- itors. The Board of Control shall receive three dollars per day for the time necessarily spent, and their actual expenses which shall be audited by the Board of State Auditors. Act No. 172, Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 144, Laws of 1873, Act No. 58, Laws of 1875, Act No. 92, Laws of 1881, Act No. 195, Laws of 1883. S T A T E R E POR T E R . 1. To file oath and bond with the Secretary of State. Sec. 5652, Comp. Laws of 1871. ST A T E S W A M P L A N D C o M M I S S I O N E R. J. Before entering upon the duties of his office shall take the constitutional oath of office, and file the same together with a bond in the sum of two thousand dollars in the office of the Secretary of State; said bond to be approved by the Board of State Auditors. - Sec. 4007, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. The Governor may appoint a commissioner, who shall be denominated “The State Swamp Land Commissioner.” Said commissioner may appoint an assistant, with the consent of the Board of Control of Swamp Lands. Said assistant shall receive three dollars per day and necessary expenses. His bill must be 72 2 DIGEST. | - —r-r r— itemized and sworn to, and approved by the Governor and Com- missioner, and audited by the Board of State Auditors. f Sec. 4003, Comp. Laws of 1871, as amended by Act No. 182, Laws of 1875. * x. - STATE T R E A S U R E R. Af 1. To pay the warrants drawn by the Auditor General in favor of the contractors for furnishing fuel, stationery, and doing the State printing and binding, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 296, Comp. Laws of 1871. S T R E E T R A IL w A Y Co M P A N I E S. I. Any number of persons not less than three may organize; no two companies can have the same name; the articles of association to be filed with the Secretary of State, but not until $25,000 of the capital stock has been subscribed and 25 per cent. thereof actually paid, in cash, and an affidavit made by three of the directors to that effect attached thereto; it is the duty of each company to report to the Secretary of State annually, on or before the second Monday of January, under oath of at least two of its directors; report to state what. Sec. 2502, 2003, 2505, 2008, Comp. Laws of 1871. S O C I A L CLU B. 1. Any fifteen or more persons may incorporate; no two shall assume the same name; articles of association to state what ; to be signed by the persons associating in the first instance, and duly acknowledged and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State; a certified copy may be used in evidence. Sec. 1, 2, 3, 4, Act No. 22, Laws of 1883. DIGEST, 73 Soc 1 ETY of M A R Ks M. E. N. 1. Any five or more persons may incorporate; articles of association must be signed and duly acknowledged, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State'; no two associations can have the same name. e e Sec. 3257, 3258, 3263, Comp. Laws of 1871. So CIETI'Es Fo R RE GE IV ING, Lo A N IN G, A N D IN V E S T IN G M o N E Y. • 1. Any ten or , more persons may incorporate; articles of association must be signed and acknowledged, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State; certified copies may be used in evidence; fees for recording, ten cents per folio; articles of association must state what; term of existence not to exceed thirty years; may dissolve organization by a majority vote of two-thirds of the stockholders in interest, and upon petition to the proper court; a certified copy of the order of dissolution shall be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. S Sec. 1, 18, 14, 33, Act No. 205, Laws of 1877. SU P E RIN TEN DENTS OF T H E POO R. …” 1. To annually report to the Secretary of State; at what time; report to contain what; liability for neglect or refusal to report; in such case the Secretary of State shall notify the Prosecuting Attorney; the Secretary of State to furnish blanks . for making report. Sec. 1844, Comp. Laws of 1871. Act No. 154, Laws of 1877. Act No. 229, Laws of 1879. TE A G H E R s' Associ ATIo Ns. 1. Any fifteen or more teachers or other persons residing in 74 - DIGEST. i \ this state may organize; a copy of their constitution and by- laws must be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 3152-3154, Comp. Laws of 1871. T E L E G R A P H C O M P A N I E S. 1. Any number of persons may organize. Certificate of organization to contain what ; term of existence not to exceed thirty years; copy of certificate of organization to be filed in the office of the Secretary of State; a certified copy may be used in evidence. Every such company shall report annually to the Secretary of State within ten days from the first of Jan- uary; report to contain what ; and must be signed and sworn to by the president or secretary. May amend articles of associa- tion by 'a vote of two-thirds of stockholders in interest; amended articles to be executed and acknowledged by the pres- ident and secretary, and filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State; a certified copy may be used in evidence. Sec. 2625–2627, 2633, Comp. Laws of 1871. Act No. 14, Laws of 1873. \ T E L E PH o N E A N D M E S S E N G E R S E R v I c E © Co M P A N I Es. 1. Any three or more persons may incorporate. They shall sign and acknowledge articles of association which shall contain what, and a copy of such articles shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 1, Act No. 129, Laws of 1883. TRAD Es UN 10 N s. 1. To file their articles of association, verified by the oath of one or more of the executive officers, in the office of the Sec- retary of State. e Sec. 2816, Comp. Laws of 1871. DIGEST. 75 T RAIN R A IL W A Y CO M P A N I E S. 1. Any number of persons not less than three may organize; term of existence not to exceed thirty years; the articles of association to contain what, names, residence, and number of shares subscribed by each stockholder; an affidavit of at least two directors stating that $1,000 per mile has been subscribed and ten per cent. thereof paid in, shall be attached to the articles of association; they shall then, and not until then, be filed in the office of the Secretary of State; a certified copy of the articles of association and affidavit attached thereto may be used in evidence; the directors of such company shall annually, on or before the first Monday of January, under oath report to the Secretary of State; contents of report. Sec. 2461-2464, 2481, Comp. Laws of 1871. T R U S T , D EP O S I T, A N D S E C U R IT Y Co M P A N I E S. * • 1. Any number of persons not less than seven may form ; the amount of capital stock must be fixed in the articles of associ- ation, and shall not be less than $50,000 nor more than $250,000; the articles of association must be recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. . Sec. 2282-2296, Comp, Laws of 1871. g To W N S H I P S. 1. The Board of Supervisors may create or alter; a certified statement of their action to be filed with the Secretary of State and by him published with the laws of the next Legislature. Sec. 480, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. Treatise on Townships, and powers and duties of Township officers, by Sanford M. Green. Act No. 123, Laws of 1881. 76 s * DIGEST. UN I o N RAI L R O A D STATI O N S A N D : D EP OT S. 1. Any number of persons not less than seven may organize a company. Articles of association shall state what; and when- ever fifty per cent of the capital stock shall have been sub- scribed and ten per cent in good faith in cash shall have been paid in, and an affidavit shall have been made and attached thereto by any two of the directors, stating that the said amount has been subscribed and paid in, said articles of associ- ation shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State for record. It shall be competent for any railroad company organ- ized under the laws of this State in the vicinity of any city or village for suburban business to consolidate with any company organized under this act. The consolidated company shall be liable for all the obligations and entitled to all the privileges of either company. The contract for consolidation shall be filed with the Secretary of State, and shall be prima facie evi- dence of such consolidation and of all the statements therein contained. & º Sec. 1, 2, 33, Act No. 244, Laws of 1881. \ U N I O N WO R K Ho U S E S A N D A LM S Ho U S E s. 1. A certificate of the corporate name, signed by the chair- man and countersigned by the clerk of the board of directors,. shall be filed with the Secretary of State. Act No 178, Laws of 1877. W A C A N C I E S I N OF FIC E. 1. What event to create, and how filled. Sec. 617,632, Comp. Ilaws of 1871. Act No. 190, Laws of 1879. Sec. 3, Art 8, Const. of Mich. W O T E R S. 1. City and Township Clerks to report list of voters to the DIGEST. S-- - 77 Secretary of State; duty of the Secretary of State in regard thereto. - Sec. 184, Comp. Laws of 1871. | W A R E H O U S E G O M P A N I E S. 1. Any five or more persons, residents of this State, may organize; certificate of organization to state what ; must be verified by the affidavit of the persons, signing the same, and acknowledged before some person authorized to take acknowl- edgment of deeds, and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. \ - Sec. 3016, 3017, Comp. Laws of 1871. * W A R D E N of T H E S T A T E PRI so N. 1. Shall annually, on or before the first day of January, report to the Secretary of State the names of convicts pardoned or discharged during the preceding year, the counties in which they were tried, the crimes for which they were convicted, the terms for which they were committed, the age and description of their persons, in case of pardon when and upon what grounds granted, and the length of their unexpired term. Sec. 74, Act 213, Laws of 1875. W A T E R, IN T R O DU C T I o N of IN To Tow N s, CITIES, A N D WILL AGE S. 1. Any number of persons not less than five may organize company; certificate of organization to be signed and duly acknowledged, and filed with the Secretary of State; term of existence must not exceed thirty years. - -- Sec. 3355, 3356, Comp. Laws of 1871. 78 - DIGEST. W A T E R PO W E R C O M P AN I E S. . 1. Any number of persons not less than five may organize ; articles of association to contain what; they must be filed in the office of the Secretary of State; a certified copy may be used in evidence; term of existence must not exceed thirty years. Sec. 2745, 2746, Comp. Laws of 1871. 2. Any number of persons not less than five may form a corporation for the purpose of excavating and constructing, maintaining, repairing, and improving any canal already exist- ing, or which they may wish to excavate and construct, with water power appurtenant thereto, and may own, use, and control the same for the purpose of accumulating, storing, conducting, selling, furnishing, and supplying, upon an agreed rental, water and water power for mining, manufacturing, domestic, muni- cipal, and agricultural purposes, and may acquire, take, hold, lease, and convey lands or water power, as may be necessary or convenient, for the purposes above specified; such persons shall make a certificate, signed, sealed, and acknowledged by them; said certificate shall state what, and a copy thereof shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State; the capital stock may be increased; a certificate of increase must be filed with the Secretary of State; must report to the Secretary of State annually, on or before the first Monday in July; report to state what, and must be sworn to by the secretary and two of the directors of the company. Sec. 1, 2, 7, 13, Act No. 39, Laws of 1883. Y A G HTI N G, H U NT IN G, Bo ATI N G, F I SH IN G, Row - - I N G CO M P A N I E S. º 1. Any ten or more persons of full age, six of whom must be citizens of this State, may incorporate a company. The certificate of association must state what; and be signed by the parties and duly acknowledged and filed in the office of the Secretary of State. * O Sec. 1, Act No. 122, Laws of 1877, as amended by Act No. 127, Laws of 1879. DIGEST. . 79 * 2. Any ten of the corporators may call the first meeeting, which call must be filed in the office of the Seqretary of State. Sec. 3, Act No. 122, Laws of 1877. - • Y O U N G M E N ? S C H R IS TI A N A S S O C I A TI O N S. 1. Any ten persons may incorporate. Articles of incorpora- tion to be signed, and acknowledged, and filed, and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. Articles to contain what. Sec. 3119, 3120, Comp. Laws of 1871. JAN 2A 1919