ho S-PENINSULAM AMONA UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LİBRARY VERITAS OF THE 061 SCIENTIA ARTES Leade TT ENOR CURCUMSTIGE Ruthu $ THE Young GENTLEMAN'S ASTRONOMY, A CHRONOLOGY, A N D DIALLING, 3 Containing ſuch ELEMENTS of the ſaid Arts or Sciences, as are moſt uſeful and eaſy to be known. By EDWARD WELLS, D. D. late Rector of Cotesbach in Leiceſterſhire. The Fourth EDITION Reviſed and Correated, with ADDITIONS. . L ON DON: Printed for JAM E S, John, and PAVI KNAPTON, at the Crown in Ludgate-Street. MDCC XXXVI. 773 6., THE : : 2 . م د ما 75 الم TH E Young Gentleman's ASTRONOMY, Containing ſuch ELEMENTS of the Aſtrono- mical Science, as are moſt uſeful and eaſy to be known. B Y EDWARD WELLS, D. D. late Rector of Cotesbach in Leiceſterſhire. The FOURTH EDITION. I O N D ON: Printed for JAMES, JOHN, and PAUL KNAPTON, at the Crown in Ludgate-Street. MDCCXXXVI. 및 ​1 គេ}}}}}} Hist, sei Τ Η Ε tiny - 15 - 43645 PRE FACE T HERE are two Ends of writing Books, which relate to the ſeveral Parts of Learning : one to advance Learning it felf; the other to af- Gift Learners. In Purſuance of the former, the Capaci- ouſneſs of the Subject is chiefly to be confide- red; and nothing is to be omitted, which pro- perly falls within the Compaſs of the Art or Science treated of. In purſuance of the lat- ter, the Capacities of the Learners are prin- cipally to be regarded ; and notice is to be taken, not of whatever may be known or done by the Art or Science treated of, but only of what is moſt uſeful, and withal eaſy to be known. Behdes, Regard is to be had, as to the Ca- pacities principally, so ſecondarily to the Cir- cumſtances of the Young Students. As for thoſe who are to make their Fortunes by their Learning, more Particulars are requiſite to be known, and conſequently more Pains are re- quiſte to be taken by ſuch, than by others; who, being born to plentiful Eſtates, are by their A 3 The PREFACE. 1 their Learning not to make, but to adora their Fortunes already made. And there is the more Need of this diftinet Conſideration, becauſe one of the firſt Things Young Gentlemen become ſenſible of, is this; that they are not under a Neceſity of taking Pains for their Livelihood. Which has ſuch an Influence upon them, as that they are apt not to reliſh uny Part of Learning, which re- quires more than ordinary Pains or Applicati- on of Mind. And indeed to expe&t they mould act otherwiſe, is in effe&t no other, than to ex- peet gray Hairs upon young Heads. Wherefore, the moſt proper Method to make Young Gentlemen Learned, is this; to teach them at firſt only ſuch Elements of the liberal Arts or Sciences, aś are moſt uſeful in the common Affairs of Life, and withal moſt eaſy to be known. They have a competent Appre- henfion of the Uſefulneſs of ſuch Things as oc- cur in the common Concerns of Life; and conſequently hereby that Queſtion frequently put by Young Students, of what Uſe is this? will be anſwered afore-hand, and ſo they will be rendered willing to underſtand what they apprehend the Uſe of. And when they find that the Underſtanding thereof carries in it no Difficulty, then they will be alſo encouraged to proceed. And when they have thus gone through, and become Maſters of the moſt uſe- ful and eaſy Elements of the liberal Arts and Sciences, The PREFACE. I Sciences, they will thereby be enabled with much more Eaſe to conquer the more difficult Parts of Learning, if their own Inclinations Mall lead then thereto bereafter, when they are come to Riper Years, and ſo can judge more rightly of the Worth of Learning On theſe Confiderations, and with this View it was, that I drew up this Aſtronomical Treatiſe, and gave it the Title of the Young Gentleman's Aſtronomy; Such Aſtronomical Treatiſes as were afore extant among us; ei- ther treating only of the Doctrine of the Sphere or Globe, or elſe taking in ſeveral Par- ticulars of the other Part of Aſtronomy, too difficult for, and not neceſary to be known by Young Gentlemen. It only remains to be obſerved, that I ſup- poſe Young Gentlemen to proceed regularly in their Studies, and therefore to have learned Arithmetick and Geometry, before they enter upon Aſtronomy: as alſo, that ſuch Particu- lars, as were not neceſſary to my preſent De- hgn, and yet ſeemed too material to be quite omitted; I have added by way of Annotations, both in this Treatiſe, and the others of Chro- nology. and Dialling. * Τ Η Ε 1 Τ Η Ε CONTENTS HE Introduction, THE Page 1 20 56 CHAP. I. Of the Copernican Syſtem in general, 7 CHA P. II. Of the diurnal Phænomena, common to the Celeſtial Lights, CHAP III. Of the Phænomena ( commonly af- cribed to the ſeeming Annual Motion of the Sun, but rather) depending on the real Annual Mo- tion of the Earth, 26 CHAP. IV. Of the Phænomena relating to the Moon, 47 CHAP. V. Of the Eclipſes of the Sun and Moon, : CHAP. VI. Of the Phænomena of the primary Planets, of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury; as alſo of the ſecondary Planets, or the Satellites of Saturn and Jupiter, 72 CHA P. VII. Of the Phänomena of the fixed. Stars, CHAP. VIII. Of the Phänomena of Comets, 91 CHAP. IX. A Deſcription of the Celeſtial (and alſo Terreſtrial.) Globe, 96 CHAP. X. Of the more ufeful Problems ſolved by the Celeſtial Globe, 127 Sixteen Plates, containing Thirty Cutts or Draughts, belonging to this Treatiſe of Aſtronomy. 83 THE ty “一 ​1 重 ​T ! 2 Place this facing Pag. 1. -Aftronomy. Plate 1. ħ Fig. 1 2 : ܝܽ I . 1 ' ' : T HE Young Gentleman's ASTRONOMY. MICAECISXOXDUR The INTRODUCTION. I. V * E are informed by Mofes in his Sacred Hiſtory of the The Cele. Creation, that God made frial Lights Lights in the (*) wide Space whatEnds. of Heaven, to give Light upon the Earth, and to divide the Day from the Night, and to be for Signs and for Seaſons, and for Days and Years, Gen. i. 14—18. (*) So the Hebrew Word Rakiang truly fignifies. It is rendered in our Engliſh Bible the Firmament, in Con- formity to the Septuagint Verſion. See more of this in my Paraphrafe on Geneſis, juſt publiſhed, Chap. i. 6 and in Note (i) belonging thereto, in reference to the Word Firmament. B The The INTRODUCTION. 2. ent to the were crea Motion. We can on. The principal Way, whereby the The Cele- All-wiſe Creator of the World has ftial Lights are made rendered the Celeſtial Lights fubfervient fubfervi, to the fore-mentioned Ends, is by cer- tain eſtabliſhed Laws of Motion ; ac- Ends, for which they cording to which, they either really ted, prin- move themſelves, or at leaſt ſeem to us cipally by to move. What theſe Laws of Motion are, 3: the Divine Wiſdom has not thought dy make fit to reveal unto us. Wherefore, all probable that we can do, is to make probable concerning Conjectures concerning them. Such the Laws Conjectures are termed (*) Hypotheſes, of their Motion; i. e. Suppoſitions ; becauſe it cannot be mohich Con- poſitively affirmed of the moſt probable called Hy- Conjecture, that the Celeſtial Lights do potheſes, ſo move; but only, that it is reaſonable to ſuppoſe, they move fo, rather than any other Way; and that upon ſuch a Suppoſition, their (+) Phænomena (or Appearances) may be rationally ſolved or explained. 4. The Explanation of theſe Hypo- Aftrono cheſes, and the Solution of the Ce- my, what. ) (*) It is a Greek Word, derived from the Verb Utorius, to ſuppor e. (+) lc is a Greek Word alſo, derived from the Verb Qaww, to appear. leſtial “.2012. .....::." --E... :: } 1 # { Aſtronomy Plate 2 . Place this facing Bag.3. Fig. 2. h. ** X The INTRODUCTION. 3 leftial Phænomena thereby, is what makes up the Science called (*). Aſtronomy : which is a Greek Word originally, and denotes in that Language the Doctrine or Knowledge of the Laws, or of the Diſtribution and Situation of the Stars, or Celeſtial Lights. There are four more remarkable 5. Hypotheſes, the (t) Ptolemaick, the The Co- Copernican, the Tychonick, and the Hypotheſis , Semi-tychonick. Of theſe the Loperni- why the moft Pro- can bable. (*) This Word may be derived, as to its latter Com. ponent, either from róa a Law, or from youés a Diſtribution, Seat, or siçuation. (+) The Ptolemaick Hypotheſis is ſo called from Clasa dius Prolemeus, a famous Mathematician of Pelufium in Egypt, who lived in the former Part of the ſecond Cen- tury after Chrift, under the Roman Emperours Adrian and Antoninus Pius. He writ both of Aſtronomy and Geography; and by his Aftronomical Writings, was conveyed to ſucceeding Ages, the Hypotheſis which goes under his Name, and which was generally, not to ſay univerſally, received in theſe Parts of the World till the Days of Copernicus. The Order of the Celeſtial Lights as to their Situation, according to this Hypothe- fis, is repreſented, Fig. 2. But ſince, by the Help of Teleſcopes, the Phaſes of Venus and Mercury have been diſcovered, this Hypotheſis is rejected, as not conſiſtent therewith. I paſs by the Epicycles, and ſeveral other Particulars juftly blameable in this Hypotheſis. Copernicus, who was born in 1473 at Thorn, a Town of Poliſh Prullia, perceiving the ſeveral Exceptions that B2 4 The INTRODUCTION. can is now generally received by the more learned in Aſtronomy, as the moſt probable Hypotheſis: foraſmuch as it not only agrees with the Celeſtial Phænomena, but alſo explains the Mo- tions that the Prolemaick Hypotheſis was juſtly liable to, not only revived the old Hypotheſis of Philolaus, ( which Cardinal Cuſa had moved and defended ſometime before hirn,) but alſo went ſo far as to illuſtrate how the Ce- leſtial Phenomena might be very well ſolved thereby ; inſomuch that this Hypotheſis began preſently after to be embraced by many, if not by moſt, of the moſt Learned Aſtronomers, and from the principal Reviver of it, Copernicus, to be called the Copernican Hypothefis. The Explication of this takes up great Part of this Trsatiſe. To this belongs Eig. 1. The Tychonick Hypotheſis is ſo called from Tyche Brahe, a noble Dan, who lived in the latter Part of the fixteenth Century, and is famous for his Aſtronomical Obſervations at Uraniburg, (a Caſtle built by him in the Iſland Weer or Huena in Denmark, and by him cal- led by this Name, as importing the Tower or Cafle of Heaven.) This great Perſon and Aſtronomer, though he approved oi the Copernican Hypotheſis, in rejecting the Epicycles, and other ſuperfluous and erroneous Particulars of the Ptolemaick Hypotheſis, yet could not reconcile himſelf to the Motion of the Earth, and the Sun's ſtanding ſtill, both aſſerted by Copernicus. Here- upon he ſe: himſelf to contrive a new Way for ſolving the Celeſtial Phanomena, whereby he might avoid what was culpable in the Ptolemaick Hypotheſis, and yet ſtill retain the Motion of the Sun round the Earth, as round the Center of the World. To this his Hypotheſis ap- pertains, Fig. 3 The Semi-rychonick Hypotheſis is ſo filed, as agreeing with the Tychonick, excepting only in this, that whereas the Place this facing Pag. 4. Aſtronomy Plate 3 A. aktig Fig. 3. ħ 4 Y # B : PE PER ON ::: 수 ​, 돈 ​: The INTRODUCTION. 5. tions whence the ſaid Phænomena a- riſe, after the moſt (*) ſimple and uniform Manner, and conſequently after ſuch a Manner as is moſt agree- able to the infinite Wiſdom of the Creator. I proceed therefore to ſhew, how the Celeſtial Phænomena, at leaſt the more remarkable of them, may be ſolved according to this Hypoche- the Tychonick makes the Earth to have no Motion at all, the Semi-tychonick makes it to move round its own Axis, and ſo agrees therein with the Copernican. But though the Tychonick and Semi-tychonice Hypotheſis were both deſigned as Corrections of the Copernican, yet the Generality of the more Learned in Aſtronomy do ſtill prefer the Copernican as the moſt probable, and that for the Reaſon above-mentioned in ſhort, and to be more largely inſiſted on and explained in the Annotations next following (*) Theſe two Propoſitions, viz. Fruftrà fit per plura, quod fieri poteft per pauciora : and Natura nihil agit frus trà, being ſo evident to Reaſon, as by Logicians and Philoſophers to be eſteemed Axioms, i. e. unqueſtionable Truths; it hence follows, that That Hypotheſis is to be eſteemed moſt agreeable to the Wiſdom of God, the Author of Nature, which explains the Motions whence the Celeſtial Phanomena ariſe, after the moſt ſimple (or uncompounded) and uniform Manner ; that is, which adjuſts the ſaid Motions to the feweſt Laws and Prin. ciples. But herein the Copernican Hypotheſis excells all the reſt, foraſmuch as according thereto, all the Bo- dies, on whoſe Motion depend the Celeſtial Phenomena, are retained in their proper Orbits by the fingle Principle of Gravity, and move in their Orbits according to one general Rule, or Law of Motion. Of which ſee more in Chap. 1. ſis. B 3 6 The INTRODUCTION. fis. And in order hereunto it will be requiſite to begin with laying before the Reader the Copernican (*) Syſtem, i. e. in what Order the ſeveral Bodies, whereon depend the Celeſtial Phænome- na, are placed with Reſpect one to the other, according to this Hypotheſis. (*) The Word Syſtem is borrowed from the Greek Tongue, whcieinit denotes that Frame or Model which arife's from placing ſeveral Things together, it being a Derivative of the Verb cujusmus, to put, or place #9- Sether. С НАР. [7] СНА Р. І. Of the COPERNICAN SYSTEM in general. T! I. HE Copernican Syſtem is repre- CHAP. ſented, Fig. 1. where the Sun 1. is placed in the Center, and ſuppoſed never to move out of it, but only to move therein round its own (*) Axis , The Place from Weſt to Eaſt, in the Space of a- of the Sun, bout 25 Days. This Motion of the Sun round its Axis is inferred from the Obſervations made of the Spots of the Sun. Round the Sun, as the Center of their Orbits , move fix Spherical Bo- The place dies in this Order and Time, viz. of Mercu- ry, Venus, Mercury next to the Sun, in about the Earth, three Months ; Venus next to Mercury, pilters, and in about ſeven Months and an Half; Saturn; after that the Earth in a Year ; then and their Mars in about two Years; then Jupi- Times, Periodical ter in twelve Years; and outermoſt 2. (*) See Chap. 3. Sect. s. and the Note there. 3 글 ​B 4 of 8 Of the COPERNICAN by their Of the Moon, and the ; and Sa- turn, CHAP.of all Saturn in about thirty Years I. Theſe are reſpectively denoted, Fig. I. m proper Characters. 3. As the fore-mentioned fix Bodies move round the Sun, ſo round three of them move other Bodies viz. Satellites round the Earth moves the Moon in of Jupiter about 27 Days, 8 Hours ; round Yu- piter move four, and 'round Saturn move five Bodies, called reſpectively the (*) Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. Of the Satellites of Jupiter, the inner- moſt moves round Jupiter in 1 Day, 18 Hours; the ſecond in 3 Days, and a little more than half a Day; the third in 7 Days, 4 Hours; the fourth and outmoſt in ſixteen Days, 18 Hours: Of the Satellites of Saturn, the inmoſt moves round Saturn in 1 Day, 21 Hours; the ſecond in 2 Days, 18 Hours; the third in 4 Days, and a little more than half a Day ; the fourth in almoſt 16 Days; and the fifth in 79 Days, 8 Hours. (*) They are ſo called, as attending Jupiter and Sa- tuin, as a Prince is attended by his Satellites or Life- guard. All SYSTEM in general. 9 All the Bodies afore-mentioned, ex-CHAP. cept the Sun, are called (*) Planets, I. (which Word in the Greek Language denotes Wanderers) foraſmuch as ne 4. ver keeping for any Time the ſame Planets, whylocal Diſtance or Situation one to the other, led, and they may be ſaid to be always Strag-wly diftin- gling or Wandring from one another. Primary And becauſe the Moon and the Satellites and Se- condary of Jupiter and Saturn are Planets of Planets, hence they are diſtinguiſhed by the Name of ſecondary Planets, and the other ſix Planets agreeably thereto are diſtinguilhed by the Name of primary Planets. The Diſtance of the primary Pla- 5. nets from the Sun, is much the ſame The Di- ſtance of as is expreſſed, Fig. 1. For dividing the prima- the Diſtance of the Earth from the ry Planets Sun into ten Parts, the Diſtance of Sun. Mercury from the Sun is almoſt four ſuch Parts, of Venus, ſeven, of Mars fifteen, of Jupiter fifty-two, and of Sa- turn ninety-five. (*) Whereas the Planets are commonly reckoned ſeven, this is according to the Prolemaick Syſtem, Fig. 2. And i Of the COPERNICAN IO The Di- mary. СНАР. And as to the Diſtance of the ſecon- I. dary Planets from their primary reſpec- mitively, it is eſteemed to be ſuch as this; 6. viz. the Diſtance of the Moon from the Earth to be about 6o Semi-diame- ſtance of the ſecon- ters of the Earth. The inmoft Sa- dary plac telles of Jupiter is eſteemed to be di- their Pri: ſtant 5 Semi-diameters of Jupiter from the Center of Yupiter ; the fe- cond Satelles is eſteemed to be diſtant 9 of the fame Semi-diameters; the third 14 ſuch Semi-diameters; and the fourth 25 Semi-diameters. In like manner the Diſtance of the inmoft Sa- telles of Saturn from the Center of Saturn is reckoned to be 4 Semi-dia- meters of Saturn; the diſtance of the ſecond to be 5 ſuch Semi-diameters of the third, 8 Semi-diameters; of the fourth, 18; of the fifth, 54 Semi-dia- meters of Saturn. 7. The Reaſon of taking ſuch particu- The Moti- lar Notice of the Diſtance of the pri- on of all the Pla- mary Planets from the Sun, and of the ſecondary Planets from their re- regulated after an ſpective Primary, is this, viz. becauſe uniform theſe ſeveral Diſtances (as well as the Manner. ſeveral Times, wherein the Planets, whether Primary or Secondary, move round their reſpective Orbits, and which $ nets is SYSTEM in general. II 1- C- ; n which are therefore ſtiled their Perio- CHAP. dical Times) are requiſite to be known, I. for the apprehending the Excellency of in the Copernican Syſtem ; according to which the Motion of all the Planets, both Primary and Secondary, are regu- lated by one general Law, which is this: The Squares of the Periodical Times Planets are one to another, as the Cubes of their Diſtances r of the from the Sun. Center of the Primary. Thus for Inſtance as to the primary 8. Planets, the Period of Saturn is (ro- The ſame tundè ) 30 Years, of Jupiter 12; the exemplifia Squares of which Numbers are 900 primary and 144. The Diſtance of Saturn Planets. from the Sun is found by Obſervation to be to the Diſtance of Jupiter from the Sun as about (*) 9 to 5, the Cubes of which are 729 and 125. But the Squares goo and 144 are very nearly in the ſame Ratio, as the Cubes 729 and 125. And the Ratio in this and (*) Namely the Diſtance of Saturn (as is above, Sect. 5.obſerved) from the Sun is 95, and of Jupiter 52, both Diſtances being meaſured by the fame Meaſure. the 1 12 Of the COPERNICAN CHAP. the following Inſtances would be I. found more exact, were the Periods mand Diſtances more exactly expreſſed by Numbers. In like manner the Pe- riod of the Earth is a little more than four Times greater than the Period of Mercury; and ſo the Squares of the Numbers expreſſing thoſe Periods will be almoſt as 17 and 1. And the Diſtance of the Earth from the Sun being divided into ten Parts, the Di- ſtance of Mercury from the Sun is found by Obſervations to be (little leſs than 4 ſuch Parts, viz. ) 3 ſuch whole Parts, and 9 Tenths of another, the Cubes of which Numbers (viz. 10 and 34.) are 1000 and 59. But it is obvious, that 17 is to I, much as 1000 to 59. And ſo of the other primary Planets. As for the ſecondary Planets, the And allo Periodical Times of the Satellites of as to the Jupiter are (as is above, Se&t. 3. obſerved) reſpectively as 1, 3, 752 and 16 and their Diſtances are as 5j, 9, 143, and 25. But the Square of the Peria- dical Time of the innermoſt Satelles, namely 3, is to 13 the Square of the Periodical Time of the ſecond Satelles, as 170 the Cube of the Diſtance of the 9. Planets. SYSTEM in general. 13 the innermoſt from the Center of Yu-CHAP. piter, to 736 the Cube of the Diſtance I. of the ſecond from the ſame Center. m Likewiſe 3 is to 51 the Square of the Periodical Time of the third Satelles, as 170 to 2890 the Cube of the Di- ſtance of the third from the Center of Jupiter. And again, 3 is to 280 the Square of the Periodical Time of the fourch and outermoſt Satelles, as 170 to 15800 the Cube of the Diſtance of the ſaid outermoſt Satelles from the Center of Jupiter. And the ſame holds good as to the Satellites of Saturn. But as to the Moon, it is not applicable to her, foraſmuch as ſhe is the only ſecondary Planet, that moves about the Earth." From what has been ſaid, evident- ly appears, that the Periodical Mo- All the tions of the Planets are performed u- retained in niformly, or are regulated by one ge- their own neral Law. And from hence it is de Orbits by monſtrated (*) by the Learned, that Gravity. the Planets are likewiſe retained in their IO. Planets 3 See Dr. Gregory (late Savilian Profeſſor at Ox- ford,) his Aſtron. Phys. and Geom. Elem. lib. 1. Prop. 27, 28, 29, and sec, 6. and 7. I fhail only obſerve heie, 14 of the COPERNICAN } CHAP. their proper Orbits after an uniform I. Manner, by one Sort of Force which makes them tend to the Center of their reſpective Orbits, and is thence called the Centripetal Force, or in one Word, Gravity. And this is another Particular, wherein appears the Excel- lency of the Copernican Syſtem above any other ; foraſmuch as this Syſtem may be preſerved by Gravity alone, uniformly propagated through the Uni- verſe; whereas (*) all the other Syſtems require ſome (one or more) other Force, beſides that of Gravity. All the Planets, Primary and Se- condary, are Opacous Bodies, i. e. ſuch as have no Light of their own, Light from but receive all their Light from the she Sun. Sun; and ſo for this, as well as other Reaſons, are accounted as ſo many Dependants of the Sun. Whence the II. All the Planets re- ceive their here, that any Body, when moved, will move uniform- ly in a ſtraight Line, if not hindred. And agreeably any Planet would fly out of its Orbit into a right Line, which is a Tangent to its Orbit, was it not hindered or pulled back and retained in its Orbit by fome Centripetal Force, i.e. by Gravity. (*) See Greg. Arron. Phyf. and Geom. Elem. pag. 111 112. Sun SYSTEM in general. 15 her om internehmen to one } I 2. Sun with theſe its Dependants make up CHAP. what is called the Solar Syſtem, deſcri I. bed, Fig. 1. As for the other Celeſtial Lights, called the Fixed Stars, they are inde- of the Fix- pendent of the Sun, as in other Re-ed Stars. ſpects, ſo in reſpect of Light ; foraf- much as they receive not their Light from the Sun, but ſhine with their own Native Light. Hence they are eſteemed to be, not only without this our Solar Syſtem, but as ſo many Suns themſelves, each being placed in the Center of fome ſuch Syſtem, as this our Solar Syſtem, and there ſo fixed, as to have no Motion, but round their own Axis. They are ſuppoſed to be vaſtly diſtant from this our Solar Syſtem; which is the Reaſon that their Diſtance is taken no Notice of in the Deſcripti- on of the Copernican Syſtem, Fig. 1. Beſides the Celeſtial Lights already 13. mentioned, there appear ſometimes Co-of co. mets; which is originally a Greek Word, mets. denoting in that Language as much as Hairy. Theſe Lights are called by the Greeks, Hairy Stars, becauſe they fan- cied the Streams of Light, which attend ſuch Stars, to reſemble Hair. It is found by Obfervations, that theſe Co- mets ? 16 Of the COPERNICA N. 1 CHAP, mets do (*) paſs through the Planetary , I. Orbs of this our Solar Syſtem ; but i m whether they depend only on the Sun, i and fo belong only to this our Solar 1 Syſtem, or whether they move in Cir- cular or ſuch like Lines, or whether i they are ſo much as durable Bodies, is not yet diſcovered. For which Reaſons, there is no Notice taken of them, Fig. 1. 14. Before we conclude this Chapter con- 1 The Orbits cerning the Copernican Syſtem in gene- of the pla. ral, it ſeems proper to obſerve, that al- Elliptical . though the Orbits wherein the Planets move, are deſcribed, Fig. 1. as ſo ma- ny Circles, as may be well enough conceived as ſuch in many Reſpects; yet more ſtrictly ſpeaking, they are not exactly Circular, but Elliptical. And the like is to be underſtood as to the Bodies of the Planets themſelves, viz. though they are uſually call'd in ſhort Spherical Bodies, yet exactly ſpeaking they are Elliptical or Oval Bodies; ſuch as the Moon is defcrib'd in the Draught of the Eclipſe, 1715, publiſh'd by that nets are (*) Hence the Line the Comet deſcribes by its Motion, is called its Trajectory. 3 moſt SYSTEM in general. 17 'm 15. y thoſt eminent Aſtronomer Dr. Halley :CHAP. it From which it appears to what Acurate I.. 1, Skill in Aſtronomy our Great Profeſſors m Ir thereof are now arrived. Further, it ſeems not improper to ob- r ſerve alſo here, that the fixed Stars being of the Zo- s the moſt remote of all the Celeſtial díack and Ecliptick. » Lights, and appearing to us as placed in , one Concave Sphere ; hence it is uſual to denote the Place of any of the in- - termediate Celeſtial Lights, bý aſſigning · what Part of the Sphere of the fixed - Scars they appear to us to be in, or | more properly under. And accordingly · it is uſual to diſtinguiſh that Tract of the Sphere of the fixed Stars, under which all the Planets do move, by the Aſteriſms or Conſtellations that lie in that Tract ; which being fancied to re- preſent ſeveral Things, are therefore called Signs; and becauſe the Things repreſented by them are moſt of them (*) Zodia, or Animals, hence all this Tract is ſtiled the Zodiack. -Now the Orbit, wherein the Earth performs its Annual Period (and which the Sun ſeems * f*) It is a Greek Word ſignifying Animals or Living Creatures. C to 18 Of the ĆOÚ ERNICAN CHAP. to move routid every Year) runs under I. the very Middle of the Zodiack; whence mthis middle Part of the Zodiack is of ſpecial Note in Aftronomy, and is there- fore diſtinguiſhed by a peculiar Name, being called the (*) Ecliptick. It, as well as the whole Zodiack, is divided into twelve Parts, diſtinguiſhed by the Name of the Conſtellation or Sign, to which each Part was formerly aſſigned. The (+) Names of the ſaid Signs, toge- ther with the Characters whereby they are denoted in ſhort, are as follows viz. . IL ४ TY Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, m # Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, Piſces, 16. of the of nets. Laſtly, It ſeems proper here to ob- ſerve, that the Planets do not move in the planet Orbits, which exactly run one over the other, or are all contained in the ſame (*) The Reaſon of this Name, See Chap. s. Seå. 21, (+) The Names of the Signs are ſomewhat differently expreſſed in theſetwo memorial Verſes, viz. Signa, Aries, Tasrus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Librag; Scorpins, Arcisenens, Caper, Amphora Piſcesa Plane Ś YSTEM in general. 19 Plane; but their Orbits do all croſs one CHAP. another according to ſeveral Degrees of 1. Inclination, or which is the ſame, the m Planes of their Orbits are variouſly in- clined one to the other. Now the Earth being that Planetary Body we live on, hence the Plane of the Orbit of the Earth is taken by Aſtronomers for the Spandard ; and the Inclination of the * Planes of the Orbits of the other Pla- nets is reckoned greater or leſs, as the faid Planes incline more or leſs in re- ſpect to the Plane of the Earth's Orbit, or (*) (which comes to the ſame) to the Plane of the Ecliptick. The two Points, wherein the Orbit of any Planet croſſes the Ecliptick, are called the Nodes of that Planet. And thus much for the Syſtem of the World in general, and ſuch Particulars as relate to it in general. Per (?) For the Ecliptick is that part of the Sphere of the fixed Stars, which the Plane of the Earth's Orbis pro- duced thereto touches. So that the Ecliprick is no other shan the Extremity of the Plane of the Earth's Orbit. Cg CHAP [ 20 ] Ć HA P. II. Of the DIURNAL PHÆNOMENA common to the CELESTIAL LIGHTS: HA I. na! Phe are com- to thein 2. CHAP Aving in the foregoing Chapter ex- II. plained, ſo far forth as is ſuffici- ment to the Deſign of this Treatiſe, the Copernican Syſtem in general, I now The Diur- proceed to explain agreeably thereunto the Phænomena of the Celeſtial Lights. nomena 1 ſhall begin with explaining the Di- mon to the urnal Phenomena common to Celeſtial Ligóts in in general, viz. their Riſing, Setting, guneral &c. Now theſe Diurnal Pbænomena of They are the Celeſtial Lights may be ſolved. by ved by the the Diurnal Revolution of the Earth, i. e. by one ſingle Revolution of the Earth round its own Axis in 24 on of the Hours. This is illuſtrated, Fig. 4. where the Circle PR TH denotes the Earth; C the Center of the Earth, thro' which is to be conceiv'd to paſs perpendicularly its Axis, round which it makes its Diurnal Revolution. P denotes any Place on the Earth ; the Line EW', that Diurnal Revoluti. Earih. Plate 4 Place this facing Pag. 20 4 b E P W non W E 3 R c ft exo I 프 ​& 2X- ci- he w to its. Di- I Ay W E d in 8 of ру do h, п де I m ४ 4 4. es b, ſs 10 B es दा А. 3 at # F GN 3, et 2 非 ​: 3 1 4 ; 婆 ​: : 军 ​流 ​Of the DIURNAL PHÆNOMENA, &c. 21 that Circle which bounds the Sight in CHAP. the ſaid Place, and is by Aſtronomers II. called the (*) Horizon; E the Eaſt m Point of the fad Horizon ; W the Weſt: the Circle abcdef denotes the Circumference of the Heavens ; the Circle S the Sun in the Heavens ; the Semicircle PR T, the enlightened Hemiſphere of the Earth, or that half of it which is oppoſite to the Sun; the Semicircle PHT, the darkened Hemiſphere of the Earth. Now the Earth being ſuppoſed in this Sicuati- on, and alſo to move round its Axis towards the Sun ; it is evident, that the Place P of the Earth will juſt be- gin to be enlightened by the Sun, and to the Sun will appear there to be juſt Riſing, or aſcending the Horizon at E the Eaſt Point of it. The Earth be- ing moved round its own Axis, ſo as that the Place P of the Earth, which afore was under the Point a in the Heavens, now is under the Point b ; it is evident, that the Horizon of che ſaid Place P, will be now ſo ſicuated, as that the Sun will appear to a Spec- (*) It is a Greek Word, denoting in that Tongue ſomewhat that bounds. tator C 3 22 Of the DIURNAL PHENOMENA CHAP. tator at P, as aſcended conſiderably II. above E the Eaſt End of the Horizon. And while, by the Revolution of the Earth round its Axis, the Place P paſſes from under the Point b in the Heavens to the Point C, the Horizon of the Place P will continually ſink lower and lower in Reſpect of the Sun, and ſo the Sun will appear to aſcend higher and higher, till P is come under c, where the sun will ap- pear in its greateſt Height above the Horizon for that Day; and ſo it will be Noon or Mid-Day at the Place P. For the Earth moving on, the Place P paſſes from under c to d, the Weſt Point of its Horizon will aſcend higher and higher, and ſo the Sun will appear more and more to de- ſcend, as is repreſented by the Hori- zon at the Point of the Earth under d. The Place P being carried by the Diurnal Revolution of the Earth from under d to under e, the sun will then appear juſt on W the Weſt Point of the Horizon, and ſo will appear to be juſt Setting. The Place P being come under f, it will be then Mid-night there. Laſtly, the Place P being come sound again under a, it will be there Sun- as of the CelesTIAL LIGHTS. 23 Sun-riſing again. And thus it has CHAP. been ſhewn, that the ſame Diurnal II. Phanomena of the Sun will come to paſs , if the Sun. ſtands ſtill, and the Earth move round its own Axis from Weſt to Eaſt, or from under a, to under b, c, d, &c. in the Heavens ; as are commonly eſteemed to come to paſs by the Earth's ſtanding ſtill, and the Sun's moving round it from Eaſt to Weſt, or from c to b, d, f, &c. And that the ſame holds good as to any other Celeſtial Light, and the Earth, is obvious to ſhew from Fig. 4. the Circle repreſenting the Sun being taken to denote any other Celeſtial Light. But now it being juſtly received by 3. Philoſophers as an unqueſtionable Truth, The pro- that Nature works after the moſt fimple ability of and compendious Manner; it thence fol- nican ayf lows, that the Solution of the Diurnal temfursher eſtabliſhed. Phanomena by the Revolution of the Earth alone round its own Axis, is much more agreeable to Nature, than the So- ļution of the ſaid Phænomena by the Revolution of all the ſeveral Celeſtial Lights round the Earth. C 4 IC 24 Of the DIURNAL PHÆNOMENA ww mon and proper what. СНАР. It remains only to obſerve, that II. whereas by the Diurnal Revolution of the Earth, all the ſeveral Celeſtial 4. Lights ſeem to move in the Heavens The com- from Eaſt to Weſt, hence this ſeeming Diurnal Motion of the Celeſtial Lights Motion of is called their (*) common Motion, as al Lighes," being common to all of them. 'Be- ſides which all the Celeſtial Lights, but the Sun, have a proper Motion ; from which ariſe their proper Phæno- mena, As for the proper Phænomeną of the Sun, they likewiſe ſeem to ariſe from the proper Motion of the Sun, but are really produced by another Mo- tion which the Earth has, and whereby it moves round the Sun once every Year, whence it's called the Annual Motion :' Bavisar sistemi (*) The Diurnal Motion is alſo called Motus Primus, either becauſe it is uſually firſt treated of, or elſe becauſe it is ſuppoſed according to the Vulgar or Ptolemasck Syf- tein to be cauſed by the Primum Mobile, which accurdi ing to the faid Syitem is a Sphere above the fixed Stars, carrying all the Celeſtial Lights along with it from Eaſt to Welt. Whence the laid Diurnal Motion is alſo called ſometimes Mctus Raptus, lu like manner the proper Motion is otherwiſe filed Morus Secundus, in Contradiftinction to the Diurnal Motion, called Motus Prin:4.. of of the CELESTIAL LIGHTS. 25 of the Earth. Having therefore ex-CHAP. plained in this Chapter the Diurnal II. and common Phenomena of the Cele- m fial Lights, I proceed to explain their proper Phenomena , сHAP. [ 26 ] & CH A P. III. Of the PHÆNOMENA ( commonly afcribed to the ſeeming Annual Mo- tion of the Sun, but rather) depend- ing on the real Annual Motion of the EARTH I. 2. CHAP Eing to explain in the next Place III.B the Phenomena proper to the le- mveral Celeſtial Lights, I begin with the proper Phenomena of the Sun; foraf- The pro much as the Sun is the principal Light nomena of of that Syſtem of the World, wherein the Sun, why first we are placed. explained. Now theſe Phenomena of the Sun, which are vulgarly aſcribed to the The feem, ſeeming Annual Motion of the Sun, or Annual may be ſolved by the Annual Motion Motion of of the Earth. In order whereunto it cauſed by is firſt to be ſhewn, that the Annual the real Motion of the Earth will cauſe the Morion of Sun to appear to us, as if it had ſuch the Earth. an Annual Motion, though it really has no ſuch Motion. And this is il- luſtrated, Fig. 5, where the Sun is in the the Sun is Annual I Of the ANNUAL PHÆNOMENA, &c. 27 3 the Center ; the Circle next round it CHAP. denotes the Orbit of the Earth, or III. that Circular Line which the Center of the Earth deſcribes by its Annual Motion ; the outermoſt Circle denotes the Ecliptick, diſtinguiſhed into its 12 Parts or Signs. Now ſuppoſing the Earth to be at A, the Sun will appear to us to be at *; and ſuppoſing the Earth to move from A to B, and ſo to C, the Sun will thereby appear to us to move from to m, and thence to 4. And in like manner, by the Earth's Motion along the Reſt of its own Or- bit till it comes to A again, the Sun will ſeem to us to move along the Reſt of the Ecliptick till it comes to again. 'Tis evident then, that, ſup- poſing the Earth to move as has been here deſcribed, the Sun, though it really ftands ſtill, will ſeem to have the ſame Annual Motion along the Ecliptick, as it would have, if it really moved fo, and the Earth ſtood ftill. Only 'tis remarkable, that whereas we commonly ſay, the Sun is in ., or Anobfer- 3. Libra, when it is between us and Libra, vation as and ſo of any other Sign,) if we would nohe.com (peak properly, and agreeably to the of saying, natural that the 28 Of the ANNUAL PHÆNOMENA Sun is in as ſuch or ſuch a ty of the Seaſons, CHAP. natural Cauſe of this and ſuch like) III. Phænomenon, we ſhould ſay, that the m Earth is then in V or Aries; foraſmuch the Earth in its real Motion is always in the Point of the Ecliptick oppoſite Sign. to that, wherein the Sun appears to be. : 4. Having ſhewn that the Annual Mo- The Varie-tion of the Earth along the Ecliptick will make the Sun appear to us, as if it OC. hon had ſuch an Annual Motion ; I pro- to be fol, ceed now to ſhew, how the Variety of Annual Days and Nights as to their Length, Motion of and the various Seaſons of the Year, (all commonly aſcribed to the ſeem- ing Annual Motion of the Sun,) may be ſolved by the Annual Motion of the Earth. And this is illuſtràted Fig. 6 ; for the clearer Underſtanding Whereof there are to be premiſed the following Particulars. 5. As the (*) Axis of the Earth (and of the ſo of the Sun, or any other Celeſtial Equator, its Axis Body) is the very, Mid-line of it, and Poles; which conſequently paſſes through its As alſo of the Tro- Center, and is repreſented, Fig. 6, picks, the Earth. (*) The sight Line, round which Podies or Circles are conceived to move, are ſo called in Alluſion to the Axis or Axle-tree of a Chariot or Cart-wheel. (where d N M ใน N Yu a K B А A : ML M MY I the N T oc K В. B 3. * TH 9.674 2. e 2 S $ i T. id E G } a IS te th BE E de th lec tec ch noc Ni thi } alo be the the her twi Sur Poi > 1 3 of the Sun. 29 (where the Circle AQ BE repreſents CHAP. the Earth,) by the right Line A B; ſo III. che two Ends of any Axis are called Polar Cir- its Poles, and conſequently the two cles, Equi- Ends of the Axis of the Earth are noctial called the Poles of the Earth ; which Points, Solftitial always pointing one Northwards, the Points, other Southwards, hence the former c. is called the North Pole, and is deno- ted, Fig. 6, by B; the latter is called the South Pole, and is denoted by A. Between theſe Poles each Point of the Earth by its Diurnal Revolution does deſcribe a Circle ; of which that, which is in the very Middle between the Poles, and is the greateſt, is cal- led the Equino&tial or Equator, (deno- ted Fig. 6, by EQ,) becauſe when che Sun is in the Plane of this Equi- noctial Circle, it is equal Day and Night all over the World. And did this Circle exactly anſwer to, or run along under the Ecliptick, there would be equal Day and Night throughout the Year all over the World. But the Equator croſſing the Ecliptick, hence it is equal Day and Night only twice in the Year, namely, when the Sun appears in one of thoſe Points of the Ecliptick, where the Equator two T 4 30 Of the ANNUAL PH #NOM E N A P th th ſt ga ca GO m CHAP.Equator croſſes it, viz. in the firſt III. Degree of Aries, and the firſt of Li- bra; which are therefore called the two Equinoctial Points; and the Times of the Year anſwering thereto, the two Equinox's, one the Vernal; the other the Autumnal. Among the o- ther Circles, which the ſeveral Points of the Earth by its Diurnal Revolution deſcribe between the two Poles of the Earth, and which are all parallel to the Equator, there are four more remarkable, the two Tropický, and the two Polar Circles. The two Tro- picks are thoſe Circles on the Earth, which the Sun ſeems to go directly over, when it is at its greateſt Decli- nation or Diſtance from the Equi- tor, either Northward or Southward. Whence one is called the Northern Tropick, the other the Southern. And becauſe when the Sun appears tơ move vertically over the Northern Tropick, he appears alſo to be in the Beginning of Cancer, hence the faid Tropick is frequently ſtiled the Tropick of Cancer; and for the like Reaſon the Southern is otherwiſe ſtiled the Tropick of Capricorn. The Reaſon why both theſe Circles are called Tro- picks, wa E Ec Р Yc the TI Fis Tr tw as Eq (+) is de Turn (t Revo two, HIDAI of the Sun. 3i picks, is becauſe the Sun appearing CHAP. then at his greateſt reſpective (Nor. III. thern or Southern ) Declination or Di-w ſtance from the Equator, begins from thence preſently to (*) turn back e- gain towards the Equator. And be cauſe the Sun in the firſt Degree of Cancer and Capricorn does as it were make a Stand, going neither North ward nor Southward further from the Equator, hence theſe two Points of the Ecliptick are called the two Solftitial Points; and theſe two Times of the Year are called the two Solftices, one the Summer the other the Winter, The Tropick of Cancer is repreſented, Fig. 6. by the circular Line TC, the Tropick of Capricorn by MN. The two Polar Circles are ſo called, either as being near to the two Poles of the Equator, or becauſe they on the Earth (1) anſwer to thoſe Circles in the Heavens, (*) The Greek Verb spéw fignifies to turn; whence is derived tporixòg denoting ſomewhat from whence a Turn is made. ft) As every Point of the Earth by its real Diurnal Revolution, does really deſcribe a Circle between the two Poles of the Earth; fo the Sun, by its ſeeming Di- urnal Revolution, does ſeemingly deſcribe every Day, a Circlej 32 Of the ANNUAL PHÆNOMENA CHAP. Heavens, which the (*) Poles of the III. Ecliptick ſeem to deſcribe by the ap- w parent Diurnal Motion of the Hea- vens. Hence theſe Polar Circles are juſt as far diſtant from their reſpec- tive Poles of the Equinoctial, as are the Tropicks from the Equinoctial, viz. 231 Degrees, this being the Meaſure of the Angle, which the Planes of the Equator and Ecliptick make by their mutual Inclination. Theſe Polar Cir- cles do bound thoſe Tracts of the Earth, where it is Day or Night du- ring more or fewer whole Diurnal Revolutions of the Earth, or for 24 H tt (* as P fc ta fo CU or ca Circle, direetly anſwering in the Heavens to that Circle on the Earth, to which the Sun is that Day Vertical. Hence there are uſually conceived in the Heavens, E- quinoctial and Tropical Circles, which direaly antwer to the like Terreſtrial Circles. (*) As the Earth, Sun, and all the other Celeſtial Bodies are ſaid to have their reſpective Axes; ſo the Aftronomical. Circles, ( viz. Ecliptick, Horizon, &c.) are conceived by Aſtronomers to have their reſpective Axes; each of which is conceived to be a right Line paſſing through the Center of the ſaid Circles, ſo as to be perpendicular to their reſpective Plancs : And the Extremiries of any ſuch Axis is likewiſe called the Pole of the Circle, to which the faid Axis belongs. Aod conſequently (the Axis being always perpendicular to the Plane) the roles of any Circle are always diftant, each 90 Degrees from the fait Circle. cal ſig th Hours of the Ġ U n. 33 Hours and upwards together. OfCHAP. theſe Polar Circles, one is termed the HII. (*) Arktick or northern Polar Circle, m as being nigh the Arctick or North Pole of the Equator, and the other for the like Reaſon is termed the An- tarEtick or ſouthern Polar Circle. The former is denoted, Fig. 6, by the cir- cular Line K L, the lacter by FG. It only remains to obſerve, cha: the Sun (or any other Celeſtial Light) will appear to be vertical to chat Point of the Earth, where a right Line drawn from the Center of the Sun (or other Celeſtial Light) to the Center of the Earth, croſſes the Surface of the Earth. Thus, Fig. 6, when the Earth is in the Beginning of Capricorn or at v, the Sun will appear to be verti: cal to the northern Terreſtrial Tropick or TC, becauſe a right Line drawn from S to ve, will croſs the Surface of the Earth at T. So when the Earth is at V, the sun will appear vertical (*) The north Pile of the Equator is called ohor. wiſe the distick, becauſe ic is near the Conſtellations called the great and little Bears; the Greek Word "Aput" ſignifying a Bear; and bience the ſouthern Pole is Itjied the Antar&tick, as being oppoſite to the Arcticke. to 34 Of the ANNUAL PHÆNOMENA CHAP.to che Terreſtrial Equator or E Q, III. becauſe a right Line drawn from S to VN r will croſs the Surface of the Earth in a Point of EQ; for in this poſi- tion of the Earth the Line S r is to be conceived perpendicular to the Axis A B. Theſe Particulars being premiſed and apprehended, it will be eaſy to apprehend how the various Length of Day and Night, and the various Seaſons of the Year are pro- duced by the Annual Motion of the Earth. 6. Suppoſe then the Earth to be at , The Ver- the Sun (as is afore obſerved, Seet. nal Equi- 3.) will appear at V, and ſo in one plained by of the Equinoctial Poincs, and in the the Annual Middle between the Poles of the Motion of the Earth. Earth A and B; and conſequently will enlighten from Pole to Pole, that Hemiſphere of the Earth which is oppoſite to it. Whence Half of the Terreſtrial Equator EQ, and of every Circle parallel thereunto, will at that Time be enlightened by the Sun, and Half will be in the Dark. And conſequently every Place on the Earth ( foraſmuch as it lies either in the Terreſtrial Equator, or ſome Pa- rallel to it) being carried round the Axis, I of the Sun. 35 Äxis, of the Earth in an uniform Man-CHAP. ner by the Diurnal Motion of the III. Earth, will be as long in the Light, w as in the Dark, i. e. the Day and Night will be then equal all over the Earth. The Earth being moved by its An- nual Motion from to we, the Sun The Reaa 7. appears then to us to be in $, where ſon of the is its greateſt Declination northward. ongelt at And the Sun being in this Situation, the Sum- 'cis evident, that the Rays of the Sun mer sol, fice. which enlighten one Half of the Globe of the Earth at a Time, reach beyond the north Pole B to L, and at the ſouth Pole reach no further than F. Whence it follows, that the Tract of the Earth within the north Polar Circle K L, at this Time of the Year enjoys Day-light throughout the whole Diurnal Revolution of the Earth; and on the contrary, that it is continual Night throughout the whole Diurnal Revolution of the Earth, in the Tract of the Earth lying within the ſouth Polar Circle FG. It follows alſo, that the greater Portions of the Pa- rallels to the Equator, which lie be- tween the Equator and northern Polar D 2 Circle, 36 of the ANNUAL PHÆNOMENA CHAV. Circle, have the Light of the Sun ; but III. the greater Portions of ſuch Parallels, nas lie between the Equator and ſouthern Polar Circle, have not the Light of the Sun; and the Portion of the Pa- rallel, which is or is not enlightened, is ſo much the greater or leſſer, as the Parallel is more or leſs diſtant from the Equator, there being exactly one Half of the Equator always enlightened, and, the other not. And hence it is, that in this poſition of the Earth in the firſt of Capricorn, when the Sun ſeems to be in the oppoſite, vizfirſt Degree of Cancer, the Days are longeſt in the northern Parts of the Earth, and the Nights ſhorteſt, and ſo it is Summer there. Whereas in the ſouthern Parts of the Earth, the Days are then ſhort- eft, and the Nights longeſt, and fo ic is there Winter. And the longeſt Day is ſo much the longer, as the Place is more remote from the Equator. Buc to ſuch as live on the Terreſtrial E- quator it ſelf, Day and Night are now, and throughout the whole Year, equal one to the other, for the Reaſon above- mentioned. The Place this facing: Pag. 36. Aftronomy Plate 6 6 fo A + 월 ​u 119.7. 5 3 रा S P 8 ) 교 ​9 뿌 ​인 ​R au 9. 8. w Pg48. T T 인 ​4 링 ​W A (8) 28 fat I C OC E ရာ 全 ​: 晴 ​有 ​of the Sun. 37 tumnal E. The Earth moving from 1 to Y, CHAP: che Sun will ſeem to move from to III. , and ſo will appear in the Celeſtial Equator, and make Day and Night 8. equal, as when the Earth was at the The Au. oppoſite Point for the like Rea- quinox, fons. In like manner the Earth mo- and the Reaſon of ving from r to %, the Sun will ſeem the Days to move from – to V, where it is in being ſhorteſt at its greateſt ſouthern Declination. And the Winter conſequently at this Time of the Solſtice , Year, the like Phænomena will happen explained. to the Inhabitants of the ſouthern Hemiſphere of the Earth, as happened to thoſe of the northern Hemiſphere, when the Earth was in v; and the like Phenomena will be in the nor- thern Hemiſphere, as were afore in the Southern. Having thus ſhewn, that the ſame 9. Phænomena, as to the Length of Day The solu. and Night, and ſo as to the various tion of the Seaſons of the Year, will ariſe from tive Phæ- the Annual Motion of the Earth round nomena at the Ecliptick, as from that of the Sun, mediate at the four Cardinal Points of the Ec- Points of liptick, viz. the two Equinoctial, and tick, is the two Solftitial Points; it is obvi- eaſily to be ous, that the ſame Phænomena will inferred from what likewiſe happen at any the intermedi- has been the inter- D3 ate ſaid. 28 Of the ANNUAL PHÆNOMENA Of the different Diſtance Rate of CHAP.ate Points of the Ecliptick, from the III. Motion of the one as well as of the mother, as to the Increaſe and Decreaſe of Day and Night, and conſequently as to the Difference of Seaſons. IO. As the different Length of Day and Night, and the different Seaſons at different Times of the Year are Pha, of the Sun nomena, which eſcape no one's Obſer- from the vation, and have been already ac- Earth, its ; ſeeming counted for ; ſo there are other Pha- different nomena of the Sun, which are not ſo Magni- tude, and eaſily to be obſerved, and therefore different are taken Notice of only by the more Motion, curious in theſe Matters. Such is the different Diſtance of the Sun from the Earch ac different Parts of the Year ; as alſo its appearing of a different Magnitude, and its ſeeming to move at a different Rate. For as the Sun's Diameter appears leſſer about the Middle of fune, and greater aboue the Middle of December, ſo the Sun is more diſtant from us in our Summer, than in our Winter; and alſo ſeems to move flower in the former, than in the latter ; infomuch that it cakes up about eight Days more in its ſeem- ing to paſs from the Vernal to the Autumnal Equinox, than in its ſeem- ing of the Sun. 39 ing to paſs from the Autumnal to the CHAP Vernal; although in both Intervals III. of Time it ſeems to paſs over but an vry equal Portion of the Ecliptick, name- ly, juſt Half. Theſe Phænomena of the Sun, as they depend one on the other, ſo may be all ſolved by the Annual Motion of the Earth, in an Elliptical Orbit, round the Sun placed in one of the (*) Focus's of the El- lipfis, as is illuſtrated, Fig 7. where the Circle repreſents the Ecliptick, the Ellipſis repreſents the Orbit of the Earth, S the Sun placed in one of the Focus's of the ſaid Ellipſis. Now about the Middle of June the Sun ap- pears to us in the Beginning of Can- cer, and conſequently the Earth is in the Beginning of Capricorn, and ſo at the Point A of its Elliptical Orbit, that is, at its (+) Aphelium or greateſt Diſtance from the Sun; whence the Sun (*) In Fig. 6. the Sun is placed in the Center, not one of the Focus's, only for more Conveniency luke in drawing the Figure. It may be caſily conceived to be in the Focus next to the Sign of so, where it ought to be ſtrictly. (+) What is here called the Aphelium and Periheli- um, is by ſuch, as follow the Hypotheſis of the Sun's D4 rial F 40 Of the ANNUAL PHÆNOMENA CHAP. Sun appears then leſs to us. About III. the Middle of December, the Sun ap- m pears to us in the Beginning of Capri- corn, and conſequently the Earth is then in the Beginning of Cancer, that is, at the Point P of its Elliptical Or- bit, and ſo at its Peribelium, or leaſt Diſtance from the Sun; which there- fore appears to us then greater. Fur- ther, as the Line drawn from v tom through the Center of the Sun S, di- vides the Ecliptick into two halves, ſo it unequally divides the Orbit of the Earth; the greater Segment whereof anſwers to the fix Signs of the Eclip- tick, which the Earth paſſes under be- tween the Vernal and Autumnal Equi- nox ; and the leffer Segment anſwers to the other fix Signs of the Ecliptick, real Annual Motion, called the Apogee and Perigee; and theſe ſuppoſe the Sun to move Annually round the Earth in an Eccentrical Circle, which comes much to the táme as an Elliptical Oroit. The Aphelium and Perihe. lium are not always in the fame Points of the Eclip. tick, but move a little and a little forwards according to the Series of the Signs. The former is at preſent reckoned about the 7th Degree of Capricorn, and the latter about the 7th Degree of Cancer. They are both Words derived from the Greek Language, and therein of the Importance above ſpecificd. which of the Sun. 41 which the Earth paſſes under between CHAP. the Autumnal and Vernal Equinox. Equinox. III. Whence it comes to paſs, that the m Earth taking up more Time to go a. long the greater Segment of its Orb, than the leſſer, the Sun ſeems to take up more Time, and conſequently to move more ſlowly, in paſſing along the ſıx Signs of the Ecliptick, which it ſeems to paſs through between the Ver- nal and Autumnal Equinox, than it does in paſſing along the other fix Signs of the Ecliptick, which it ſeem to paſs through between the Autumnal and Ver- nal Equinox. As the Time of the Earth's Annual Motion from any Point of the Ecliptick The Time to the ſame again, is computed 365 Earth's Days, 5 Hours, and 49 Minutes; fo Annual the Time of the Earth's Motion from Motion, or of the So- the Vernal to the Aucumnal Equinox, is lar Year. computed 186 Days, beſides fome odd Hours and Minutes; and from the Au- tumnal Equinox to the Vernal 178 Days, beſides fome odd Hours and Mi- nutes. So that the Difference between theſe two Intervals of Time is ( as a- fore has been obſerved ) about eight Days. 11, 1 Buc 42 Of the ANNUAL PHÆNOMENA to us in CHAP But there are two Difficulties, which III. are to be removed. One is in reference mu to what has been ſaid concerning the 12. Sun's being more diſtant from the The Sun, Earth in Summer than in Winter. For why botter ſince the Sun is the Fountain of Heat Summer, as well as Light to the Earth, ic may though farther be aſked, how it comes to paſs, that from us. the Sun is hotter to us in Summer than in Winter; if fo be it be further from us in the former than in the latter: Now this Difficulty will be removed, by conſidering, that the Sun (or any other Bady of Fire ) feels more or leſs hot to us, not only as it is nearer or further from us, but alſo as its Rays come more or leſs directly to Whence though the Sun be farther from us in Summer than in Winter, yet be- cauſe its Rays are much more nearly perpendicular to us in the former than in the latter, therefore it is hotter to us in the former than in the latter Sea- fon. That the Rays of the Sun fall more nearly perpendicular, or more di- rectly upon us in the Summer than in Winter, is obvious to infer from Fig. 6. For when in Summer the Earth is in the Beginning of ve, and conſequent- ly us. of the Sun, 43 ly the Sun appears to be in the Begin-CHAP. ning of s, the Sun is then in a per III. pendicular Line to T, or the Rays of u the Sun then fall perpendicularly on the Terreſtrial Tropick TC; and there- fore, although the Earth be about that Time in its Aphelium or greateſt Dir- tance from the Sun, yet the Sun is then hotteſt to us in theſe parts of the Earth north of the ſaid Trapick. But as the Earth moves from the Beginning of ve toward V and , ſo the Perpen- dicular from the Sun to the Earth moves from T towards MN the ſouth- ern Tropick, ſo that the Sun is exactly perpendicular to MN when the Earth is in the firſt of $, or at the Winter Solſtice. Wherefore, although the Earth be about that Time in its Peribelium or leaſt Diſtance from the Sun, yet the Sun is not then ſo hot to us, becauſe its Rays fall more obliquely, as is evi- dent by ſuppoſing a right Line drawn from the Sun to the Point T in that Poſition of the Earth at .. The other Difficulty is in reference to the Annual Motion of the Earth round its Orbit. For ſuch a Motion Change of ſeems inconſiſtent with the Earth's retaining its Annual 13: The the Earth's Place in 44 Of the ANNUAL PHÆNOMEN A it makes Stars. CHAP.retaining always the ſame Situation in III. Reſpect to the fixed Stars. But it is mto be known, that the Circle of the Orbit , why Earth's Orbit is ſo very liccle in Reſpect no ſenſible of the Sphere of the fixed Scars, that Change as the Earth's changing its Place in the Earth's si faid Orbit by its Annual Motion, makes tuation in no ſenſible Change of the Earth's Si- the fixed tuation in reſpect of the fixed Stars. In whatever Point of her Annual Orbit the Earth is, its Axis and Equator (be- ing each every where parallel to itſelf) will, if produced, fall on the ſame fix- ed Stars as to our Senſe, or ſo far forth as we can diſcern by our Sight; and conſequently all the Reſt of the fixed Stars" (foraſmuch as they retain the fame Situation among themſelves) will (*) retain the fame Situation in re- ſpect of the Celeſtial Equator and Poles; the Celeſtial Equator being always di- rectly over the Terreſtrial, and the Ce- leftial Poles being always directly in a right Line with the Poles of the Earth. (*) Excepting the Change mentioned, Chap. 7. sea. s. } Theſe of the SƯ N. 45 1 Theſe Difficulties being removed, the CH AP. only Phænomenon which remains here III. to be taken Notice of, is that com-m monly called the Eclipſe of the Sun, but 14 which ought to be called the Eclipſe An Eclipſe of the Earth. For the Word Eclipfe improperly does in the Greek Tongue ſignify a De-so-called. ficiency; and it is uſed in this Caſe to fignify particularly that Deficiency of Light, which ſeems indeed to us to be in the Sun, but in reality is ſuch only in Reſpect of the Earth. For the Sun is the Fountain of Light to this our Solar Syſtem; and conſequently not receiving its Light by the Irradiation of any other Body upon it, but having its Light in it ſelf, cannot ſuffer any ſuch Defect of Light truly and really. Its Light may indeed be intercepted or hin- dred from coming to us by the Interpo- ſition of ſome opacous Body between Us and the Sun. But then it is the Earth, on which we are, not the Sun, that is deficient of Light, or in an E- clipſe; and the opacous Body, whoſe Interpoſition between the Sun and Earth, cauſes the Earth to be thus in an Eclipſe, is the Moon. Wherefore che Explanation of this phenomenon de- pending I 46 Of the ANNUAL PHÆNOMENA, &c. CHAP. pending on the Motion of the Moon, III. it will be requiſite to ſpeak firſt of that; Nafter which I ſhall, in a diſtinct Chap- ter, explain the Eclipſes both of the Sun (as it is commonly called) and alſo of the Moon. CH AP. [ 47 CH A P. IV. Of the PhÆNOMENA relating to the Μο ο Ν. TI I. 2. HE Moon is a ſecondary Planet, CHAP, foraſmuch as ſhe moves round IV. the Earth primarily and immediately; m and round the Sun only in a ſecondary Manner, viz. as ſhe moves round the The Moon Earth, which moves round the Sun. a ſeconda ry Planet. A Period or ſingle Revolution of the Moon round the Earth from any Point A Periodi: of the Zodiack to the ſame, is called cal Month, the Moon's (*) Periodical Month ; and conſiſts of 27 Days, 7 Hours, and 3 Quarters. The Time from one Synod or Con 3. junction of the Sun and Moon to ano- A Synodi- cal Month, ther, is called the Moon's (*) Synodi-what . cal Month, and conſiſts of 29 Days, 12 Hours. (**) The Words Period and Synod are both of Greek Extraction, the former denoting a going Round a Thing, the latter a Meeting together of two or more Things. The 48 Of the PHÆNOMENA CH AP. er than the The Reaſon of the Synodical Month IV. being ſo much longer than the Perio- dical, is illuſtrated Fig. 8, where the 4. Circle S denotes the Sun, the Circle The Sy. T Å the Orbit of the Earth, T the nodical Month, Place of the Earth in the ſaid Orbit, whiny long- the Circle M the Orbit of the Periodical. Moon; M and m two ſeveral Places of the Moon in her Orbit, the outer- moſt and greateſt Circle of the Zodiack. Now let the Earth T be ſuppoſed in the firſt of Libra, and the Moon to be in her Orbit at M ( in a right Line between the Earth and the Sun, and ſo) in Conjunction with the Sun in the firſt of Aries, The Moon moving thence Eaſtward, or according to the Series of the Signs, after 27 Days and 7 Hours and 45 Minutes, appears to us again in the firſt of Aries, i. e. at the Point M of her own Orbit, in the ſecond Poſition of the Earth. For in the mean while the Earth has alſo moved almoſt a whole Sign Eaſtward, viz, almoſt to the End of Libra. And hence the Moon M, though come a- gain to the firſt of Aries, is almoſt a whole Sign Weſtward of the Sun. This is repreſented by the two prick'd Lines, whereof that from M (in the ſecond Poſition of the Moon. 49 Pofition of the Earth to v repreſents CHAP how the Moon appears then to us in IV. the firſt of Aries, while the other Line from m through S to the End almost of r repreſents how the Sun appears at the fame time to be almoſt out of Aries, and ſo almoſt a whole Sign Eaſt- Ward of the Moon. Wherefore the Moon muſt ſtill move ſo much further, viz. from M tom in her own Orbit, before the will be in Conjunction again with the Sun. In going of which to overrake the Sun, is taken up the Time, whereby the Synodical Month exceeds the Periodical, viz. 2 Days, 5 Hours. It is the Synodical Month, which is 5. principally made uſe of in Computati- The Syno- on of Time. Foraſmuch as the ſevedical Month of ral Parts of this Month are ſenſibly to chief Ree be diſtinguiſhed by the ſeveral Phaſes or gard. Appearances of the Moon, reſpectively belonging thereunto, The ſeveral Phaſes of the Moon 6. are accounted for thus. The Moon The leve- is conceived to be an opacous Body, of the Mooka i. €, a Body which receives its Light accounted from the Sun. It is alſo ſpherical, for. and conſequently has always one Half of it enlightened, namely, that Hemi- E fphere ralPhaſes 50 Of the PHNOM EN A ww CH A P. ſphere which is towards the Sun. Now IV. from this Hemiſphere being ſeen by us, v ſometimes more, fomecimes leſs of it, ariſe the ſeveral Phaſes of the Moon; for the better Underſtanding whereof it is to be further obſerved, that al- though the Moon be a ſpherical Bo- dy, yet the enlightened Porcion of it, which is ſeen by us, appears by Reaſon of its Diſtance, as if the Moon had a plain Surface. All which is illuſtrated; Fig. 9, where S denotes the Sun, T the Earth, O TR part of the Earth's Orbit, ACK G the Orbit of the Moon, on the ſeveral more remarkable Points whereof, viz. A, B, C, D, K, F, G, H, is repreſented the Moon with its enlightened and darkened Hemiſphere; and at each Point ſo much of the ens lightened Hemiſphere, as is within the Circle ACKG, is ſeen by us; but ic appears to us, not as it is there repre- ſented, (i. e. not as a Portion of an Hemiſphere, ) but as a Portion of ſome plain circular Surface, as is re- preſented by the ſeveral little circular Draughts reſpectively adjoining. This being premiſed, 'tis evident from the ſaid Figure the gth, that the Moon being $ 4 ſtronomy Plate 7 Place this facing Pag.50 Fig. 9 А 3 H B В So T R ૧૬ F D K S . SNIE 容 ​主 ​} 3 of the Moon 51 appear like being at A, all its enlightened Hemi-CHAP. ſphere is towards the Earth, and feen IV: by Us, whence the Moon appears to us. with a full Orb, (i. e. with a plain cir- cular Surface all enlightened, ) which Phaſis or Appearance is therefore ſtiled the Full Moon The Moon being mo- ved to B, 'tis evident, that only ſome Part of its enlightened Hemiſphere tvill be towards the Earth, and ſo ſeen by us ; whence the Moon will à (*) plain circular Surface, not fully enlightened, but ſomewhat defective of Light on that Side which is from the Sun, and conſequently will appear gib- bous. The Moon being moved to C, juſt half of its enlightened Hemiſphere will be towards the Earth, and ſeen by Us: whence the Moon will appear then with an half Orb, or with a femi- circular Surface. The Moon being mo- ved to D, a very little Portion of its enlightened Hemiſphere will be ſeen by Us, and this will appear horned, the Horns bending from the Sun, and (*) Hence the Face of the Moon is called Diſcus, as tefembling a flat round Dith. E 2 ſo 52 Of the PHÆNOMEN A CHAP.fo (*) weſtward. The Moon being come IV. to K, none of its enlightened Hemiſ- Uphere will be towards the Earth, and ſo the Moon will not be ſeen by us, and then it is ſaid to be New Moon ; be- cauſe the Moon will a little appear a- new in F, and that again horned, the Horns now likewiſe bending from the Sun, and ſo (*) eaſtward. After which the Moon will appear at G with an half Orb again, ( as at C ;) and at H gib. bous again, ( as at B;) and ſo will pro- ceed to A, where it will be again Full Moon. And ſo the Moon will have un- dergone her ſeverat Phaſes; which tho' they ſomewhat vary every, Day, nay, every Hour; yet are uſually taken No- tice of, and diſtinguiſhed only in the fore-mentioned Points. (**) Hence the memorial Verſe, Dextra cavum Veteris complebit, Leva Recentis, i. e. when the Horns or Hollow of the Moon appear Eaſt. Ward, or on the left hand as we look at it, then the Moon is increaſing; and this Appearance of the Moon is to be ſeen only in the Evening or former Part of the Night, a little after its change. But when the Horns or Hollow of the Moon appear Weſtward, or on the right hand as we look at it, then the Moon is Decreaſing, and this Appearance of the Moon is to be ſeen only in the latter part of the Night or towards Morning, a little be- fore its Change. Hence of the Moon. 53 markable five... Hence the remarkable Phaſes of the CHAP. Moon are five; whereof the two prin- IV. cipal are the New and the Full Moon. m The three other, viz. the Gibbous ; 7. Half, and Horned Moon, occur both The red between the New and Full Moon, and phaſes of alſo between the Full and New Moon : the Moon, only in a different Order. Between the New (which is alſo called the Change) and the Full, the Moon is firſt horned, then halved, and laſtly gibbous; where- as between the Full and Change, ſhe is firſt Gibbous, then Halved, and laſtly Horned. When the Moon is thus Horned, or 8. a little before and after the New Moon, The faint (viz. when the Moon is at the Points which is D and F,) beſides its bright Horns, the feen in the whole Diſ- Moon has à faint Light, whereby all the Reſt of its Diſcus is rendered dif- Moon, a litrie before cernable. This faint Light has been and after thought by ſome to be the Moon's Na- itsChange ; tive proper Light ; but is now general- Tupposed to ly ſuppoſed by the learned in Aſtro-Arife . nomy to be no other than a Reflection of the Sun's Rays upon the Moon, the Earth's Polítion being ſuch as this Time, as very well ſuits to ſuch a Reflection, as may be ſeen, Fig. 9. And this Suppoſition is rendered ſtill Cus of the E 3 more 54 Of the PHÆNOMEN A CHAP. more probable, becauſe that as ſoon as IV. the Moon is moved beyond the Limits w of ſuch a Reflection from the Earth, the forementioned faint Light ceaſes. 9. What has been afore obſerved of the of the Sun, is alſo obſerved by the Curious of aloon's Ai the Moon ; namely, that in one Part Perigee, of her Orbit ſhe appears lefſer, and (ca- egc. teris paribus) flower, in the oppoſite Part bigger and ſwifter. Which Pha-, nomena may be ſolved after the like manner, ás are the like Phænomena of the Sun; viz. by the Moon's Motion in an elliptical Orbit, having one of its Focus's in the Center of the Earth. Ac- cordingly this may be illuſtrated by Fig. : 7, ſuppoſing the Ellipfis AP (which there repreſents the Orbit of the Earth) to repreſent the Orbit of che Moon and the Circle S. ( which there repreſents the Sụn) to repreſent the Earth. For then A will repreſent the Moon's A- pogee or greateſt Diſtance from the Earth, when ſhe will appear leſſer; and Pher Perigee or leaſt Diſtance, when conſequently ſhe will appear greater, And becauſe ſhe is longer in paſſing the greater Segmenç of her Orbit between her Apogee and that Focus of her Orbit, which is in the Center of the Earth, than 1 * of the Moon 55 than the lefſer Segment between the ſaid CHAP, Focus and her Perigee; therefore the IV. will appear to move flower, while ſhe mu paſſes along that Half of the Zodiack, which anſwers to the greater Segment of her Orbit; and ſwifter, while ſhe paſſes the other Half of the Zodiack, anſwering to the lefſer Segment of her Orbit. Among the Phænomena of the Moon more obvious to our Senſe, there re- mains only the Eclipſe of the Moon to be ſpoken of, which ſhall be explained in the following Chapter, , 2 . E 4 CHAB. [ 56 ] 4 CHAP. V. Of the ECLIPses of the Sun and Moon. & ΤΗ I. CH AP. HE Eclipſes of the Sun and V. Moon are here ſpoken of toge- ther, becauſe as they ariſe from like Cauſes, ſo are they to be explained An Eclipſe much after the fame Manner. For it of the sun is to be remembred, that it has been and Moon, what. afore (*) obſerved, that whac is' com- monly called the Eclipſe of the Sun, is in reality the Eclipſe of the Earth, Wherefore, the Earth and Moon be- ing both opacous Bodies, which re- ceive Ligh¢ from the Sun, an Eclipſe of the Earth (commonly called an Eclipſe of the Sun) is no other than a Deficiency of Light on the Earth, by the Moon's coming between the Earth and the Sun, ſo as to hinder the Rays of the Sun from falling on the Earth ; juſt as an Eclipſe of the Moon is a {"! Chap. jui. Sect . 14: Deficiency } 主 ​1 } 老 ​Place this facing Pag. 57 · . . IND Aſtronomy Plate 8 w : Fig. 10 T : Of the ECLIPSE S, &c. 57 2. Deficiency of Light in the Moon, by CHAP, the Earth's coming between the Moon V. and Sun, ſo as to hinder the Rays of u the Sun from falling on the Moon. Hence it is evident from Fig. 9, that all Eclipſes of the Earth happen at the Eclipſes of Change of the Moon, becauſe then only the Sun and it is that the Moon comes between the when hap- Earth and the Sun; and all the Eclipſes pen. of the Moon happen at the Full of the Moon, becauſe then only 'tis that the Earth can come between the Moon and the Sun. It is to be ſhewn further, for what 3. Reaſons there is not an Eclipſe of the Why not at Earth at every Change, but only at Change or Some certain Changes of the Moon , Full of the nor an Eclipſe of the Moon at every only as Full,. but only at some certain Full fome cer- Moons. It is then to be known, that tain Ones. the Orbit of the Moon croſſes the E- cliptick, ſo as to make an Angle of 5 Degrees Inclinacion. The Points where the Moon croſſes the Ecliptick, are called the Nodes of the Moon, and are denoted, Fig. 10. by theſe Charac- ters 82 and 8; the former of which is called the Dragon's Head, the latter the Dragon's Tail. The Moon croſſes the Ecliptick at the Dragon's Head, when Moon, but i 2 Tax 58 Of the ECLIPSES CH AP.when ſhe is entring on that part of her V. Orbit, which incline's northward from the Ecliptick ; and the croſſes the Dra- gon's Tail, when ſhe is entring on that Part of her Orbit, which inclines South- ward from the Ecliptick. Now the Nodes being the only two Points, where the Moon croſſes the Ecliptick, hence there can be no Eclipſe of the Earth, but when the Moon happens to Change in or near one of the Nodes; becauſe in this Caſe only, the Moon at her Change comes fo between the Earth and the Sun, as to intercept the Rays of the Sun, and keep them from the Earth. And in like manner, there can be no Eclipfe of the Moon, but when the Moon happens to be at Full, in or dear one of the Nodes; becauſe in this Caſe only, the Earth comes ſo between the Moon and the Sun, as to intercept and hinder the Rays of the Sun from falling on the Moon. In an Eclipſe of the Earth, the 4. Moon by intercepting the Rays of dow, in E- the Sun, caſts a Shadow on the Earth. clipſes of And in an 'Eclipſe of the Moon, the and Moon, Earth by intercepting the Rays of the Figure. Sun, cafts' a Shadow on the Moon. Theſe The Shan the Sun of what of the Sun and Moon. 59 Theſe Shadows are of a () conical CHAP, Figure, growing narrower and narrow V. er, the further they go from the Earth m and Moon, till at length they end in a Point, and ſo ceaſe. Were theſe Shadows, either of a (*) cylindrical Figure, i. e. of an equal Thickneſs all along; or of a (*) conical Figure, but inverted the other way, i. e. did they grow thicker and thicker, the further they are extended, then they would be extended in infinitum. But now. 'tis certain, that the Shade of the Earth does not extend to the Orbit of the pri- mary Planet Mars; foraſmuch as when the Earth is directly between the Sun and Mars, the latter is not eclipſed, as it muſt neceſſarily be, did the Shade of the Earth reach to the Orbit of Mars. It being, thus demonſtrable, that 5. the Shadow of the Earth ends in a The Sun, Point, before it comes to the Orbit of how de- monſtrated Mars; hence it is alſo demonſtrable to be big- that the Sun is bigger than the Earth; ger than foraſmuch as an opacous Body can't and the Earth than the Moon (t) As in Fig. 13, **) This is evident from Fig. 11., and 12. caſt : 60 Of the ECLIPSE S CHAP.caſt ſuch a conical Shade, but when V. it is leſſer than the lucid Body, whoſe m Rays it intercepts. For if the opa- cous Body be equal to the lucid Bo- dy, then the Shadow will be of an equal Thickneſs all along. And if the opacous Body be greater than the lucid Body, then the Shadow will indeed be of a conical Figure, but in an inverted Manner, that is, fo aš that the conical Shade, will grow wider and wider, as it goes further and further. And as the Sun may be, thus demonſtrated to be bigger than the Earth, ſo the Earth may be de- monſtrated to be bigger than the Moon foraſmuch as the Moon can : be totally Eclipſed. '. For this could not be, was not the Cohe of the Earth's Shadow, even in that part of it which the Moon' paſſes through'in a total Eclipſe, bigger than the Moon, though it be leffer than the Earth it felf: what is here faid is illuſtrated, Fig. 11, 12, 13 6. The Shadows of the Earth and The Grear. Moon being, thus of a conical Fi.. mits of an gure, it is obvious that an Eclipſe pends in either of the Earth or of the Moon one Reſpet will be (cæteris paribüs) greater of longer, on the Place this facing Pag. 60. Aftronomy Plate 9. 11 i H Fig. 12. S. T • E1617 Р P A S T А. Р P 29.607 NL Fig.14 = INT Fig. 15. E . C UP 9г hі, O- C GE 3 : * of the Sun and MoÓN. 61 gee.. And in like manner, if the Earth longer, when the Moon is in her CHAP. Perigee, than when ſhe is in her Apo- V. gee. For the Moon if ſhe be eclipſed in her Perigee, meets with a thicker Moon's be- Part of the Line of the Earth's Sha- Apogee or ing in her dow, than if ſhe be Eclipſed in her Perigee. Apogee; as is obvious from Fig. 13, where the Line PP denotes the Moon's Paſſage through the Shadow in her Perigee, and the Line AA in her Apo- be eclipſed when the Moon is in her Perigee, it meets with a thicker Parc of the Cone of the Moon's Shade, than it does if ic be eclipſed when the Moon is in her Apogee ; as is ob- vious alſo from Fig. 13, taking the Circle T to denote the Body of the Moon; and the Line PP to denote the Paſſage of the Earth through the Shade of the Moon in her Perigee, and AA to denote the like in the Apo- gee of the Moon. But the Variety, that is obſerved 7. in Reſpect to the Greatneſs and Du- But princi- ration of Eclipſes, does principally Moon's Di. ariſe from the Moon's being then ftance more or leſs diſtant from a Node or Nodes. che Ecliptick. Which ſhall be illuſ- trated, from her I 62 Of the ECL TP s'é s ww tial. 9. the Moon, whar. CHAP. trated, firſt in reference to the Mooni, V. then in reference to the Earth. An Eclipfe of the Moon, conſide- 8. red as to its Greatneſs, is either Total, An Eclipſe when the whole Moon is eclipſed ; Moon, To-or Partial, when only a Part of it is tal or Par. eclipſed. As to Duration, every total E- A Central clipſe holds longer than any partial Eclipſe of One. And, as ſome partial Eclipſes are of longer Duration than other Parcial, ſo ſome total Eclipſes are of longer Duration than other Total. Such total Eclipſes, as are of the longeſt Duration, happen when the Moon is in a Node, and are called central Eclipſes, becauſe, as the Moon paſſes through that Section of the Cone of the Earth's Shadow, which meets with the Orbit of the Moon, the Cen- ter of the Moon paſſes exactly through the Center of the ſaid Section or Shadow. This is illuſtrated, Fig. 14, where A Central the fhaded Circle repreſents the Sec- Eclipſe ile tion afore-mentioned of the Earth's Inftrated. Shadow; OM the Orbit of the Moon, EC the Ecliptick. 'Tis evident, chat the Moon in this Cafe croſſing a Dia. meter of the ſhaded Circle, makes the longeſt 10. 1 of the Sun and Moo N. 63 longeſt Stay ſhe can make in the Sha- CHA. dow of the Earth; and this Stay is V. computed about four Hours long. Whereof the Moon takes up one Hour from her Beginning to enter into the Shadow, till ſhe is quite immerged there- in; two Hours more ſhe continues quite immerged, paſſing on through the Shadow.; and the fourth Hour is taken up from her firſt Beginning to come out of the Shadow, till ſhe is got quite free of it. Whence by the Way, it ap- pears, that the Wideneſs of the Shade is equal to about three Diameters of the Moon. In Fig. 15, is repreſented a total, but not-central Eclipſe; which happens 4 Total when the Moon meets with the Shadow of the Earth, though not at a Node, clipſe of yet at a ſmall Diſtance from it. And the Moon, as it is obvious from the fame Figure, that every total, but not-central Eclipſe muſt be of a ſhorter Duration than a central, ſo it is alſo obvious that one to- tal, but not central Eclipſe will be longer than another, in Proportion to the Moon's greater or leſs Diſtance from a Node at that Time. II. but Nota central E- In 64 27 Of the E ciips Ś CH AP. . In Fig. 36. is repreſented a partial V. Eclipſe. And it is evident from the mſame Figure, that as anỳ total Eclipſe 12. muſt be of longer Continuance than any A partial partial; fo one partial Eclipſe is of long- Eesti on er Continuance than another, according as the Moon is then: more or leſs diſtant from a Node. It is alſo obvious, that the longer a parcial Eclipſe is, ſo much greater is it, i. e. ſo much greater Part of the Moon is darkned or paſſes through the Shadow of the Earth. Hence it is uſual to conceive the Moon's Diameter, as divided into twelve Parts; called Digits; by which the Greatneſs of parcial Eclipſes are meaſured and diſtinguiſhed ; they being ſaid to be of ſo many Digits, as there are ſuch twelve Parts covered by the Shadow of the Earth, when the Eclipſe is ac greateſt. In all theſe Eclipſes of the Moon, Of th: Pen- The enters the weſtern Side of the Ecliples of Shadow with her eaſtern Side ; and the Moon. ſo it is her weſtern Side which laſt quits the eaſtern Side of the Shadow, when the Eclipſe ceaſes. But now as the eaſtern Limb or Side of the Moon draws towards the Shadow; before it 13. umbra in 1 뷁 ​. 者 ​* Place this facing Pag. 65 NAD Aftronomy Plate 10. : Fig. 17 : P T E M L R : N of the Sun and MOON. 69 it enters the thick Shadow it ſelf, and CHAP. is quite darkened, it grows more and V more dim, as it comes nearer and m nearer to the Shadow. Which Dim- neſs ariſes from a Penumbra or Dus. kiſhneſs, which always attends ſuch Shadows, and encompaſſes them all round. Thus Fig. 17, TUMR re preſents the Shadow, (where comes not any Part of the Sun's Light,) which is encompaſſed all round with the Penumbra U TPMRN, where only ſome part of the Sun's Light is intercepted by the Earth. And this Penumbra is more dim towards TU and MR the edges of the perfect Shadow, becauſe the Rays of a leſſer Portion of the Sun, and ſo fewer Rays reach thither; and leſs dim to- wards TP and RN, where more Rays fall; and beyond which Limit, all the Rays of the Sun have a free Courſe. In fome Eclipſes the Moon quite 14. diſappears in the perfect Shadow. At The Moon other Times ſhe appears even in the why at Midſt of the perfect Shadow, of a reddiſh reddiſh Colour like a burnt Brick. Colour in Which reddiſh Colour is ſuppoſed to clipſes. ariſe from the Rays of the Sun, ei- F thec total E. 66 Of the ECLIPSE S How ma in a Year. CHAP.ther refracted in the Atmoſphere about V. the Earth, or reflected to the Moon w by Particles flying without the Shadow of the Earth ; or elſe to ariſe from the Illumination of the Stars, or all theſe Cauſes together. 15. There happen moſt Years two E- clipſes of the Moon at leaſt. For Dry Eclipses there being two Nodes, wherein the of the Moon #wally Moon croffes the Ecliptick, and which happen move contrary to the Series of the Signs, and the Earth going round the Ecliptick every Year the other Way, or according to the Series of the Signs; hence it is obvious that the Earth muſt meet the Moon's Nodes every Year. If therefore ic happens then to be Full Moon, there muſt be a central Eclipſe. If ic be not then Full Moon, but more than ten Days (and more than fifteen it cannot be ) either before or after a Full Moon; yet ſo great is the Inclination of the Moon's Orbit to the Ecliptick, and ſo great is the Thickneſs of the Cone of the Earth's Shadow, that the Moon will ſcarce miſs going through ſome Part of the Shadow; and conſequent- ly there will be at leaſt a partial clipſe. But if the Earth happens to ? meet of the Sun and MOON. 67 www 16. meet a Node of the Moon on the very CHAP. Day of a New Moon, or one or two V. Days before or after, ( which happens but ſeldom ) in this caſe the Moon will be far enough to avoid the Sha- dow of the Earth, both in the fore- going, and alſo following Full Moon; and ſo there will be no Eclipſe of the Moon that half Year. And this may ſuffice in Relation to the Eclipſes of the Moon. Proceed we now to the Eclipſes of the Earth, which are commonly cal. An Eclipſe led Eclipſes of the Sun, foraſmuch as Total or the Moon, which more or leſs covers Partial. the Sun, being not ſeen by us, the Deficiency of Light appears to our Sight as in the Sun it felf. Whence an Eclipſe of the Sun is diſtinguiſhed alſo into a total Eclipſe, wherein the Moon covers the whole Body of the Sun from us ; and a partial Eclipſe, wherein the Moon covers only a Parc of the Sun. But it is to be well obſerved, that 17. although an Eclipſe of the Sun be in of a Total Eclipſe of reality an Eclipſe of the Earth ; yet the sun. what is called a total Eclipſe of the Sun, is not to be conceived as in rea- lity a total Eclipſe of the Earth; or that F 2 68 Of the ECLIPSE S CHAP. that the whole upper and oppoſite V. Hemiſphere of the Earth is then de- prived of the Sun's Light, as in a To- tal Eclipſe of the Moon is the whole oppoſite Hemiſphere of the Moon. The Reaſon of which Difference is this. The Earth being bigger than the Moon, the Cone of its Shadow is big enough to involve the whole oppoſite Hemif- phere of the Moon in its Darkneſs. Whereas the Moon being leſs than the Earth, the Cone of her Shadow will involve at once only a ſmall Tract (CD in Fig. 18,) of the oppo- fite Hemiſphere of the Earth, ſo as to hide the whole Sun from the Inhabi- tants thereof; and conſequently there will appear only to theſe a Total E- clipſe of the Sun, whilſt to the Inhabi- tants of the adjoining Tracts B C, and DE, the Sun will appear to be but partially Eclipſed; and beyond theſe on each Side, there will be no Eclipſe at all of the Sun, as is eviderit from the ſame Fig. 18. 18. The Moon moving from Weſt to Eaſt, that is, from through m to hence her eaſtern Limb appears E. cliple, but to us firſt to cover the weſtern Limb of the Sun. And when there is a Jvortable. Total The sun continues A very I Place this facing Pag. 68 8 Aſtronomy Plate 11. Fig. 18. Q (L D T Sol E F S ** Fig. 19 UN 1 1 1 소 ​1 1 트 ​F of the Sun and Moon. 69 V. Total Eclipſe of the Sun, for the Time CHAP. that the Moon covers all the Sun from us, it is ſo dark, as that ſometimes the Stars have appeared, and there has been need of Candle-light. But then this Darkneſs laſts but a very little while; for no ſooner is the (*) Diſcus or Face of the Sun quite covered by the Moon, but almoſt preſently ſome part of the ſaid Diſcus begins to be uncovered a- gain, and a very little Part of it being ſo uncovered gives a conſiderable Light. All which Particulars relating to a To- tal Eclipſe of the Sun were actually exemplify’d here in England no longer than April 1715, and again, this pre- ſent Year, May II. 1724. It happens ſometimes, that a Cen- 19. tral Eclipſe of the Sun is not a Total A central Eclipſe; but about the Limb or Edge the Sun of the Moon, which looks like a black or dark Spot, may be ſeen the Limb a Total. of the Sun, which appears like a Cir- cle of Light, as in Fig. 19. This is occaſioned by the Shadow of the Moon being too ſhort to reach quite may be not (*) The Sun's Face is called its Diſcus, for the like Rcafon, as the Moon's Facę is ſo called, taken Notice of Chap. 4. Seat. 6. to F 3 70 of the ECLIPSE S 20. a Year, CHAP.to the Earth ; and this Shortneſs of the V. Moon's Shadow may be occaſioned, Veither by the Moon being in her Apa- gee, or elſe by the Rays of the Sun, which paſs by the Edge of the Moon, being bent by Inflection, and ſo fhort- ening the Shade of the Moon. The greateſt Eclipſe of the Sun of the ( wherein the Shadow of the Moon Eclipſes of paſſes along the middle of the Earth) the sun in is, when the Moon happens to be in a Node at the moment of her Change, If ſhe be not far from a Node, the Shadow of the Moon, or at leaſt ſome Part of the Penumbra will fall on ſome Tract of the Earth, ( as being large e- nough,) and will there make a Total, or at leaſt partial Eclipſe. And in this Reſpect there are more Eclipſes of the Sun, than of the Moon. But in Re- fpect of any one given Place of the Earth, there are much fewer viſible E- clipſes of the Sun chan of the Moon, for the Shade of the Moon is lefler than the Shade of the Earth ; and conſe- quently the former will not ſo often in- volve any given Place of the Earth, as the latter will fome Part of the Moon. It of the Sun and Moon. 71 ww 21. It remains now only to obſerve, that CHAP. the Ecliptick is ſo called, becauſe all the V. fore-mentioned Eclipſes happen, only w when the Moon is in or near a Node, i. e. in or near the Plane of the Eclip-The Eclip- tick. And as all Eclipſes of the Sun ſo called. and Moon happen in the Ecliptick, ſo likewiſe do the Eclipſes of the other Planets, of which we come now to ſpeak. 3 MOTORVINOMNIHAN F 4 СНАР. ( 72 ) CH A P. VI. of the PhÆNOMENA of the prima- ry Planets, of SATURN, JUTITER, Mars, Venus, and MERCURY; as alſo of the ſecondary Planets, or the SATELLITES of SATURN and JUPITER. A 1. ed into CH AP. S there are five primary Planets be- VI. Gides the Earth, ſo they are diſ- Mtinguiſhed, by Reaſon of their Situation with Reſpect to the Earth, into Infe- The prima. riour and Superiour. The former are aiftinguiſh ſuch as move between the Earth and Sun, and are two, Venus and Mercury; Superiour and Infe the latter are ſuch, as have the Orbit siour, with of the Earth between the Sun and their the Earth. own Orbits, and theſe are three, San turn, Jupiter, and Mars. This with their reſpective Order may be ſeen, Fig. 1. Although both inferiour and ſupe, ſiour Planets agree in this, that the riſes fome Planes of their Orbits croſs the Plane of the Ecliptick; yet their differenç Situation 2. Hence au Differ- ence, 等 ​達 ​基 ​中 ​! : 主 ​年 ​: 69 Aſtronomy Plate 12 20 of 일 ​me A B M (S l ta q 오 ​E BEX O+ : fc Fig. 21 . . Willy WWW*:*WWWww Fig. 22 B B В H q р+ 0 G D :: D 오 ​to Of the PHÆNOMENA, &c. 73 our Planet Now Ve- sometimes . Situation with Reſpect to the Earth CHAP occaſions ſome Difference in the Phe VI. nomena reſpectively belonging to them. m I ſhall begin with the inferiour Pla- as to their nets, whoſe Orbits together with the mena. Orbit of the Earch and Ecliptick are 3. repreſented, Fig. 20, namely, M Pre-The inferi. preſents the Orbit of Mercury, V 4 of Venus, Venus, T the Earth in it Orbit T 8, why it ap- the outermoſt Circle repreſents the E-par. Some- cliptick ; the little Circle with S in the move Di- Center repreſents the Sun. Now Ve. nus moving in a leſſer Orbit than the Backward, Earth, but the fame Way, viz. from and ſome Weſt to Eaſt; it is evident, that when ſtand Aill . Venus is in DEF the more remote Part of her Orbit from the Earth T, ſhe will appear to us in T to move according to the Series of the Signs, ( viz. from to , &c.) and ſo to move di- rectly forward. When Venus is come to G, from thence to H, ſhe will ſtill appear to move directly forward, but flower than before ; foraſmuch as ſhe now moves as it were in a ſtraight Line towards T the Earth. As The paſſes beyond H through A to B, moving quicker than the Earth, the will paſs between the Earth and the Sun, 74 Of the PHÆNOMENA CHAP. Sun, and will ſeem to us on the VF. Earth to move contrary to the Series of W the Signs, ( viz. from io to ,) and ſo to have a retrogade Motion, or to move backward. Between her direct and re- trogade Motion, viz. about H, ſhe will appear fationary, i. e. to ſtand ſtill; forafmuch as the right Lines then joining the Earth, and Venus will for ſome Time continue parallel. And in like manner between her retrograde and direct Motion, viz. about B, ſhe will appear a ſecond Time to ſtand ſtill. From what has been ſaid 'tis obvious, that Venus, when ſhe is re- trograde, as at A, is nearer the Earth, and cherefore ſeems bigger ; and on the ocher hand when ſhe is direct, as at E, ſhe is more remote from the Earth, and ſo (cæteris paribus) ſeems leſier. The feveral Phaſes of Venus, ac- 4. The leve- cording to her different Poſition with ral Phales Reſpect to the Earth, are repreſented of Venus. as they are in themſelves, Fig. 21. Whence it is evident, that when Ve- nus is at A, that is, moſt retrograde and neareſt to the Earth, ſhe does not appear to us, her dark Face be- ing of Venus and MERCURY. 75 ing towards us, and if the then hap- CHAP. pens to be in or near enough to a Node, VI. ſhe will paſs directly between the Earth un and Sun, and ſo ſeem as a ſpot in the Sun. Otherwiſe, if ſhe be far enough from a Node, ſhe will go on one ſide of the Sun, either Northward or South- ward. Ac B ſhe will appear horned, at C with an half Orb, at D gibbous; and at E (where ſhe moves moſt di- rectly, and is moſt remote from the Earth) with a full Orb; unleſs the be then in or near enough to a Node, in which Caſes ſhe will be hid from us by the Sun. After her Full, Venus under- goes the ſame Phaſes as afore, only in an inverted Order, till ſhe comes to her Change again. As Fig. 21, repre- ſents the ſeveral Phaſes of Venus, as they are in themſelves ; ſo Fig. 22, re- preſents them, as they appear to us on the Earth; the correſpondent Phaſes be- ing denoted in both Figures by the ſame Letters, A, B, C, &c. Laſtly, Venus moving round the 6. Sun at a leſſer Diſtance than the Earth Why Ve- does, hence to us ſhe appears as al- nus appears always ac- ways accompanying the Sun ; her company. greateſt Elongation or Diſtance from ing the the Sun; and 7 I 76 Of the PHÆNOMENA Phan0 mena of CHAP. the Sun being about 45 Degrees, or a VI. Sign and Half. When ſhe appears m before the Sun in the Morning, and ſo wohy called does as it were uſher in Day-light, ſhe rus, and is then called Phoſphorus or Lucifer, Heſperus, or the Morning Star ; when after the dc. Sun at Evening, then ſhe is called Heſperus or Veſper, or the Evening Star. 6. What has been ſaid and illuſtrated of the concerning Venus, is alſo to be under- ſtood in reference to the like Phanome- Mercury. na of Mercury; only it muſt be confi- dered, that the Orbit of Mercury being leſſer than that of Venus, hence Mer- cury never appears at ſuch a Diſtance from the Sun, being never a whole Sign diſtant from it, and ſo very ſeldom to be ſeen. In like manner, Mercury go- ing round its Orbit in ſhorter Time than Venus does her Orbit ; hence the direct Motions, Stations, and Retrogra- dations of Mercury will occur oftner, than thoſe of Venus. And ſo much may ſuffice for the two inferiour primary Planets. As the Agreement between the 7 Phænomena of Venus and Mercury a- greement riſes from their being both inferiour Planets The A- between 1 1 A HO Astronomy Plate Place this facing Pag: 77 Fig. 23 & 133 II M mx 8 A А BY IH XG सा (S V 23 HOA m LE + w 24 Pag 30 B Fig. 24 H c O O+ U NI 4,0 OF A. of Venus and MERCURY. 77 .. uation. our Pla net Mars Planets to the Earth; ſo a like Agree-CHAP. ment between the Phanomena of VI. Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, ariſes from their being ſuperiour Planets to the the Phæ- nomena of Earth. the ſupe Let then in Fig. 23, T repreſent Tiour place the Orbit of the Earth, M the Orbit from ſuch of (any ſuperiour Planet, particularly their si- Mars. ''Tis evident, that Mars will 8. not appear to us always accompanying the ſuperia the Sun, (as do the inferiour Planets, Venus and Mercury,) but will appear appears ſometimes as diametrically oppoſite to ſometimes the Sun. For whereas the Earth goes cally op- round its Orbit ſooner, than Mars does polite to his ; 'tis obvious that the Earth will ſometimes be in the middle between Mars and the Sun; for Inſtance, while Mars is at M, the Earth may be at A. Further, ſuppoſing Mars to be in 9. The ſuperi M, and the Earth to be in B, Mars will appear ſtationary, for the Rea- Mars, wby fon afligned, Se&t. 3, concerning the appears like Phænomena of Venus. As the to ſtand Earth moves from B through C, D, nimesso ftill, fome- E, F, G to H, Mars will appear to move for- move forward among the fixed Stars ; Ward, Sometimes but with this Difference, that he will backward, appear the Sun. our Planet 78 Of the PHÆNOM EN A CHAP. appear to move quicker, when he is VI. moſt remote from the Earth, and in Conjunction with the Sun, (i. e. when he and the Earth are ſo ficuated, as is repreſented, Fig. 23, by ſuppoſing the Earth to be in DEF, and Mars in or about M,) and flower, when he is ſo ſituated with reſpect to the Earth, as M is repreſented, Fig. 23, to be ſitua- ted with reſpect to either of the two Segments of the Earth's Orbit, BC or GH. Whenever the Earth has ſuch a Situation to Mars, as H hath to M in Fig. 23, ( which will at length be, foraſmuch, as although Mars moves the mean Time round the Sun, the ſame Way as the Earth, or according to the Series of the Signs; yet the Earth moves faſter, and ſo will overtake Mars,) the Planet Mars will again ap- pear to ſtand ſtill. And ſome ſhort Time after will appear to go backward, or contrary to the Series of the Signs. For the Earth, as it moves from H through A to B, having overtook and gone beyond Mars, will make Mars ap- pear to us to move contrary to the Se- ries of the Signs, or from towards &c. And in this Situation Mars ap- pears .. II, 4 of MARS, JUPITER, and SATURN. 79 IO. and Saturn Mars. II. pears oppoſite to the Sun, and alſo CHAP. greateſt, becauſe it is then neareſt to the VI. Earth. The like Phenomena happen to Yu- piter and Saturn, ſave that the Retro- Jupiter gradations of Saturn are more frequent have the than thoſe of Jupiter, and of Yu-like fore- piter than thoſe of Mars; foraſmuch Phæno- as the Earth does oftner overtake Sa-mena with turn than Jupiter, and Jupiter than Mars. 'Tis obvious, that the Orbit of the Earth being nearer the Sun than the None of the ſuperi- Orbits of the Superiour Planets, none our planets of theſe can hide the Sun from the can hide Earth. But on the contrary, any of the sun, them may be hid by the Sun, while the them may faid Planet is direct, if it be but near the sun enough to a Node. Laſtly. Saturn and Yupiter appear not to us with ſeveral Phaſes, but Saturn and always with a full Orb; foraſmuch Jupiter, why appear as that Hemiſphere of each, which is always toward the Sun, and fo enlightened, with a full is alſo always toward the Earth, che Earth being (comparatively) never far diſtant from the Sun, which is the Center of the Orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, For the Diſtance of Jupiter from the Sun is above five Times, and I 2. Orb. 80 Of the PHÆNOMENA CHAP. and that of Saturn almoſt ten Times VI. greater than that of the Earth from the Sun. 13. But it is not ſo as to Mars. For Mars, why the Diſtance of Mars from the Sun not ap- pear o being but (*) half as much again as Likewiſe, the Diſtance of the Earth from the Sun, it follows that the Hemiſphere of Mars, which is towards the Sun, will not always (ſo much as ſenſibly appear to ) be toward the Earth. In Fig. 24. let T be the Place of the Earth in its Orbit T t, and the Circle ABCD denote the Orbit of Mars, 'Tis evident, that Mars being in A or B, (that is, either in Conjunction with, or in Oppoſition to the Sun, turns the fame Face towards towards the Earth, as it does towards the Sun, and fo ſhines with a Full Orb. Buc in C or D the enlightened Face or Hemiſphere of Mars is not at all ſeen ; but Mars appears a little defective of Light, in that Part of ic which is from the Sun, and ſo appears gib- bous. And thus we have folved at leaſt the more remarkable Pbænomena, (*) That is, as 15. to 10. both : ery," . Fig. 25 Afronomy Plate 14 Fig. 26. 09 B O $:..- A A P Fig. 27 V B mohlace this facing p. 81 c UM of MARS, JUPITER, and SATURN. 81 mary Planets. both of the inferiour and ſuperiour pri-CHAP. VI. It remains only to add ſomewhat un concerning the ſecondary Planets, be 14. fides what has been ſaid of them, The Satel- Chap. I. And the firſt Particular that piter and deſerves Obſervation, is this, that the Saturn un- like Phenomena to thoſe which happen cliples.be. between the Earth and the Moon, hap- pen between Yupiter and Saturn, and their reſpective Satellites ; foraſmuch as the ſaid Satellites are no other than ſo many Moons in reſpect to their reſpec- tive primary Planet. Hence, whenever either primary Planet ſo comes between the Sun, and any one of its reſpective Satellites, as to hinder the Rays of the Sun from falling upon it, it ſuffers an Eclipſe. And on the other hand, when- ever any Satelles comes ſo bet widen the Sun and its primary Planet, as to in- tercepe the Sun's Rays from its Prima- ry, the ſaid Primary undergoes an E- clipſe. The ſecond particular worthy of 15. Obſervation is the Phænomenon of Sa- of the turn, which appears like an Annulus Anſæ of or Ring, encompaſſing Saturn, as is Saturn. repreſented Fig. 25. From the vari- G Annulus or OUS 82 Of the PHÆNOMEN A, &c. n CHAP. ous Poſition of this Annulus in reſpect VI. of the Sun and the Obſerver, (it being vopacous, like Saturn it ſelf, ) ariſes the ſeveral Phaſes of (what they call) the Anſæ of Saturn, becauſe they appear like the two Handles of a Cup, or the like. And this is ſufficient to our pre- ſent Deſign, concerning the inferiour and ſuperiour Planets, as alſo concern- ing the Satellites of Jupiter and Sa- turn. С НА Р. [ 83 ] CH A P. VII. Of the Ph ÆNOMEN A of the fixed STARS. I. H Aving ſhewn how the Phænomena CHAP. of the Sun, and Moon, and pla- VII. netary Stars may be ſolved, we are to proceed next to the Solution of the Phe. nomena of the fixed Stars. And theſe, The fixed not borrowing their Light from the Stars not Sun, but ſhining with their own native Eclipſes . Light, are therefore not ſubject to any ſuch Deficiency of Light, as is called an Ecliple. It is indeed obſerved of (*) ſome of the fixed Stars, that they do for a cer- Why, some rain Period appear, and then diſappear. for a Time Which Phenomena is ſuppoſed to ariſe appear, from the ſaid Stars having ſome Macula diſappear. or Spots, which move round them in certain Periodical Times : as the Spots of our Sun are obſerved to move round 2. and then (*) Concerning ſuch fixed Stars, fee Dr. Gregory's Aftron. Phys. and Geom. Elem. Libi 2. Prof. 30 it. G 2 84 of the PHÆNOMENA CHA P. it. Nay, it is thought, that the Spots VII. do ſometimes grow ſo great, as to quite mcover the Star to which they belong, and ſo to make it diſappear altogether ; and that this is the Reaſon, that ſeveral fixed Stars obſerved by the Antients, are now not to be ſeen. And this Opi- nion is countenanced by the Obſerva- tions that have been made, that ſome- times a whole Year together our Sun has Thone with a more faint Light than at other Times; this being ſuppoſed to be cauſed by the Spots of our Sun being for that Time grown greater than Or- dinary. As to the fixed Stars appearing of 3. of the dif. different Magnitudes or Bigneſs to us, ferent this is aſcribed vulgarly to their being Magnitude of the fixed really ſome bigger than others. But the more learned in Aſtronomy refer this apparent Difference of Magnitude only to their different Diſtances from us. As this Difference of Diſtance is ſuffici- ent to make ſome appear bigger, ſome leffer; ſo the Diſtance of the neareſt to us being vaſtly great, hence our Senſe of -Viſion cannot diſcern the different Di- ſtances, and conſequently they appear us as all placed in one and the ſame Stars. to of the fixed STAR S. 85 ſame concave Sphere. By Reaſon of Chap. their apparent different Magnitudes, they VII. are uſually diſtinguished into fix Claſſes, m being reſpectively called Stars of the Firſt, Second, &c. Magnitude. As to the Riſing, Setting, and Re- 4. volution of the fixed Stars round the The ſeem- ing proper Earth once in 24 Hours, it has been motion of above obſerved, that theſe Phænomena the fixed may be ſolved by the diurnal Revolu-Scars very tion of the Earth round its own Axis. But beſides this apparent diurnal Mo- tion, from Eaſt to Weſt, the fixed Stars ſeem to have anocher Motion, where- by they ſeem to move very ſlowly from Weſt to Eaſt, or according to the Se- ries of the Signs. This Motion is ſo very flow, that it is computed to require about 25 or 26 thouſand Years for the fixed Stars to ſeem carried thereby round the Heavens; whence it is ſtiled (*) Annus Magnus, or the great Year. # It is alſo ſtiled Annus Platonicus, becauſe the Pla. tonifts teach, that every ſuch Period Things are reſtored to the fame State and Condition, as they were ſo many Years afore, G 3 This 1 86 whence it Of the PHÆNOMENA CH AP. This Motion is commonly eſteemed as VII. the real proper Motion of the fixed Stars. ww But the more learned in Aſtronomy con- 5. ceive the fixed Stars to have no ſuch real The proper Motion, as for other Reaſons, ſo parti- the fixed cularly for this, viz. becauſe the ſaid Stars , not Motion of all the fixed Stars may be Real, but only Appa- more ſimply, and compendiouſly ſolved, rent; and by the bare changing of the Places of arifes. the Equinoctial Points. For it comes to the fame, whether we ſuppoſe the Equi- no&tial Points to be unmoveable, and the fixed Stars to move forward accord- ing to the Series of the Signs ; or the fixed Stars to be unmoveable, and the Equinoctial Points to be moved back- ward, or contrary to the Series of the Signs. What has been ſaid, is illuſtra- ted, Fig. 26, where r$ no repre- ſent the Orbit of the Earth about the Sun, AEBQ the Earth it felf, n and the two Equinoctial Points for any one Year. The Earth moving forward a- gain from – through we towards r, the Plane of the Terreſtrial Equator being produced, will paſs throʻ the Sun (*) at (*) Nøte, That theſe [V][] ftand for the prick'd V and in the Figure, tha Types of which could not be had in Time. [v] be- of the fixed STARS. 87 comes to V. through w [V] before that the Center of the Earth CHAP. And in like manner, the VII. Earth moving forward from v through Oto , the Plane of her Equator be- ing produced, will paſs through the Sun at [-], before that the Center of the Earth comes to But the Equi- nox will be then, when the Sun is found in the Plane of the Terreſtrial E- quator; and choſe Points of the Eclip- tick are rightly eſteemed the Equinoctial Points, wherein the Sun is ſeen at the two Equinoxes. Whereas, therefore, v and were the Equinoctial Points the laſt Year, the next Year [V] and [+] will be the Equino&tial Points ; and ſo the Equinoctial Points will go back- wards, conſidered as to ſeveral Years. And by this Change of the Equinoctial Points, a fixed Star that keeps its Place at that Point of the Ecliptick, which is denoted by:r, and where afore was the vernal Equinoctial Point, will now ſeem to be moved forward from the vernal Equino&tial Point to [V] as much as the interval v [v.] Wherefore, this being the moſt Simple, and conſequent- moſt natural Way of ſolving the Phænomenon we are ſpeaking of, it is ge- nerally G4 88 Of the PHÆNOMEN A CHAP. nerally embraced now a days. And not VII. only ſo, but it is alſo (*) mathemati- cally demonſtrated, for what Reaſons the Equinoctial Points do thus move backward, or the Equator every Year croſſes the Ecliptick" a little fooner or forwarder than it did the laſt Year. Whence that which is commonly called the proper Motion of the fixed Stars, is now a-days ſtiled by the learned in Aſtro- nomy, the Præceſſion or Anticipation of the Equinoctial Points. 6. It remains only to ſet down the The feve- Conſtellations, whereto the more re- ral Con- markable of the fixed Stars are redu- ſtellations, to which ced. It has been ſhewn already, what are the twelve Conſtellations or Signs, ble fixed whereby are comprehended the fixed Stars are Stars that lie in the Zodiack. In reſpect of which, the other Conſtellations are diſtinguiſhed into northern or fouthern. The northern Conſtellations firſt diftin- guiſhed by the Antients, are the little Bear, the great Bear (or Charles-wain,) the Dragon, Lepheus, Bootes, the nor- thern Crown, Hercules, the Harp, (or as it is ſtiled by ſome, the Vultur cadens,) the more remarka. reduced. (*) Sce Dr, Gregory's Aftron, Lib. 1. Prop. 64. the of the fixed STAR S. 89 the Swan, Caſhopeia, Perſeus, Andro-CHAP. meda, the northern Triangle, the Cha- VII. rioteer, the great Horſe or Pegaſus, the little Horſe, the Dolphin, the Arrow, the Eagle, Serpentarius, the Serpent. To theſe 21 northern Conſtellations were afterwards added the Conſtellations of Antinous, Berenice's Hair, and (by us Engliſh) Charles's Heart. The ſouth- ern Conſtellations known to the An- tients are the Whale, Eridanus, the Hare, Orion, the greater Dog, the leſſer Dog, the Ship, the Hydra, the Crater or two-handed-Por, the Raven or Crow, the Centaur, the Wolf, the Altar, the fouthern Crown, the ſouthern Fiſh. To theſe 15 are not long ſince added 12 Conſtellations, made up of the fixed Stars about the ſouth Pole, and not vi- ſible to us, viz. the Phænix, the Crane, the Indian, the Peacock, the Apus, the ſouthern Triangle, the Fly, the Chama- leon, the flying Fiſh, the Toucan or A- merican Gooſe, the Hydrus, the Dorado, and the Royal Oak. Beſides theſe Conſtellations there ap 7. pears in the Heavens a certain Tract, of the milky which goes quite round the Heavens, and from its appearing to be of a milky White- > Way. I 90 Of the PHÆNOMEN A, &c. CHAP. Whiteneſs, is called Via (*) Lastea, or VII. the milky Way. It is now, by the Help v mof Teleſcopes, diſcovered to be no o- ther than an innumerable Multitude of little fixed Stars. 8. Such fixed Stars as belong not to this of the fix- Milky Way, nor to any of the Con- ed Stars, ſtellations, are called Informes, as not formes. being yet reduced to any form or 1- mage, as the Conſtellations are. And ſo much for the fixed Stars. (*) It is for the like Reaſon called Galaxia by the Greeks. С НАР. [91] CHA P. VIII. Of the PHÆNOMENA of COMET S. T I. our HERE remains now only the CHAP. Phenomena of Comets to be fol- VIII. ved, which are ſpoken of laſt, becauſe w there are not yet ſuch Diſcoveries made, as afford the like Degree of Certainty Comets, in the Solution of the Phænomena of ed of in the Comets, as there is in ſolving the Phe_laſt Place. nomena of the other Celeſtial Lights; as alſo becauſe it is not known yet, whether Comets belong only to this Solar Syſtem, or whether they may not alſo país into other of the Mundane Syſtems, which have the fixed Stars for their ſeveral reſpective Suns. It is ſuppoſed moſt probable by the Learned in Aſtronomy, that they comets move in ſome conick Section, which ſuppoſed to has the Sun in one of its Focus's. For ſome co- this Sort of Orbit is found beſt to nick Seca agree to the Obſervations that have been made concerning the Motion of Comets. Some indeed have formerly thought, by 2. tion: 92 Of the PHÆNOMEN A CHAP. thought, that they move in right VIII. Lines; and ſome Calculations that have mu been made concerning their Motion, have agreed well enough to this Hypo- theſis. But then it is to be noted, that this will hold the ſame, although Co- mets move in a conick Section, if ſo be the Obſervations be made in that Part of their Orbits, which comes very near to a right Line. Let APVBC in Fig. 27, be a conick Section very ec- centrical, and let one of its Focus's be S the Center of the Sun. It may be, that the Comet may be obſerved, whilſt it is moving along the Part AP of its Orbit ; and the reſt of the Time, whilſt it moves from P through VB to C, it may be hid from us by the Rays of the Sun. Or the Comet may be ſo hid from us, whilſt it moves along AP VB, and may be then ob- ferved, when 'tis come to B, as it is about to deſcribe the Line BC. And in both theſe caſes, the Line deſcri- bed by the Comet will not be ſenſibly different from a Right. Moreover, the Comet being obſerved in AP his Deſcent towards the Sun, and then drawing daily nearer to the Sun, and of Comets. 93 and after that lying hid for ſome CHAP. Time under the Sun's Rays, and at VIII. Length getting again out of the Sun's m Rays on the other Side of the Sun ; hence it comes to paſs, that one and the ſame Comet is looked upon to be two different Ones, which both move only in right Lines, viz. one in AP, the other in BC. Whereas in reality it may be all the while one and the ſame Comet, whoſe Trajectory (or Line, which it deſcribes by its Mo- tion) if conſidered together, both as to its Deſcent toward the Sun, and alſo as to its Aſcent from the Sun, will hence be found to be no other than a conick Section, as was afore laid down. Of the three conick Sections, the El- 3. lipfis is found moſt agreeable to the Mo- Comets tions (as of the Planets, ſo alſo ) of ſuppoſed to Comets. And it can be no other, if that conick Comets be Bodies of a laſting Subſtance as are the Planets, and like theſe have called an a Periodical Motion round the Sun. If Ellipſis. Comets have not ſuch a Periodical Mo- tion, then their Trajectory is Paraboli. cal, or Hyperbolical. Section, which is Some 94 Of the PHÆNOMENA СНАР. ous Motia Comets two Parts, Some Comets move like the Planets, VIII. from Weſt to Eaſt; ſome from Eaſt to m Weſt; others from North to South, and 4. others laſtly from South to North. And The vari- their Orbits as to Greatneſs, Situation, ens, &c. and Inclination, as well in Reſpect to of Comets. one another, as to the Orbits of the Planets, are various and different. 5 Laſtly, A Comet does viſibly conſiſt of two Parts, one called the Head, the confift of other called the Tail. The Head is the an Head' Solid Body of the Comet, and is opa- and Tail. cous, as appears from the Shadow it caſts. The Tail is conceived by the Learned to be no other than a thin Va- pour ariſing from the Head by Heat. Namely, whilſt the Comet is deſcend- ing to its Perihelium, thoſe Vapours which had afore ſettled on it, when it was in the Regions remoteſt from the Sun, being now rarefied by the Heat of the Sun do aſcend, i. e. fly off that Way which is from the Sun. Hence it comes to paſs, that the Tail of a Comet grows greater and greater, as the Comet ap- proaches nearer and nearer to its Peri- helium; and on the other hand, the Tail grows leſs and leſs, as the Comet goes further and further from the Sun and conſe 3 ; of COMET S. 95 conſequently the Tail is greateſt and CHAP. moſt ſhining, preſently after the Co- VIII. met has been moſt heated in its Peri- helium. And thus it has been ſhewn, how the more remarkable Phenomena of the Celeſtial Bodies may be ſolved or explained according to the Coperni- can Hypotheſis. A6 CH A P. I [ 36 ] CH A P. IX. A Deſcription of the Celeſtial (and alſo Terreſtrial GLOBE.) IN 1. ftial Phu. they nomena are repre- artificial CH AP. N the foregoing Chapters, the Ce- IX. leftial Pbænomena have been treat- Wed of, as conſidered in themſelves. I The Cele proceed now to treat of them, as are repreſented by artificial Inſtruments and Machines, among fented by which the chief is the Sphere or Globe. Machines, the chief The Word Sphere we borrow from whereof is the Greek Language, as we do the the Globe Word Globe from the Latin ; each or Sphere. Word, in its reſpective Language, The import anſwering one to the other, and de- noring a round Body, that is, accord- Sphere and ing to the Mathematical Definition thereof, a Body from whoſe inmoſt Point, called its Center, all right Lines drawn to its Surface are equal to the other. But the Word Sphere is now a days commonly uſed to denote a Machine ſomewhat diffe- rent from a Globe, and more pe- culiarly 2. of the Words, Globe. one در Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. 97 Culiarly ſtiled an Armillary Sphere ;CHAP. foraſmuch as it does not conſiſt of a IX. round continued Surface, but only of ſome Circles duly placed together, and fancied to reſemble Armilla, i. e. Bracelets. The Sphere and Globe are made to 3. repreſent principally ſuch Pkænomena, Spherical as ariſe from the Diurnal Motion.rical Aſtros Whence that Part of Aſtronomy, which nomy: treats of the Diurnal Motion, is fre-whar , and quently ſtiled (*) Spherical Aſtronomy, led. or the Doctrine of the Sphere. In like manner, the other part of Aſtronomy, which treats of the annual and pro- per. Motion, is ſtiled Theorical Aſtro- nomy, from the Schemes or ( as it is faid) little Paper Machines, formerly made to illuſtrate the (7) Theory of the ſaid proper Motion, and thence called Theoriæ. There are Spheres made agreeable 4. to the Copernican Hypocheſis, and The com- others made agreeable to che vulgar tilGlobe, how far uſeful in Aſtrong iny (*) This makes the firſt part in common Aftrono ni- cal Treatiſes, and Theorical Aſtronomy the ſecon | Part. (t) It is originally a Greek Word, denoting Speculia tion or Contemplation: H or 98 Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. CHAP.or Ptolemaick Hypotheſis. But the IX. former Sort being very coftly, and w the latter Sort being not of ſo general Uſe (even in their own Way, or ac- cording to the Ptolemaick Hypotheſis) as the Artificial Celeſtial Globe, hence this is moſt commonly made uſe of to illuſtrate to young Students the Cele- ſtial Phænomena. And when they have been once ſer right as to the true Syf- tem of the World, and the true Cauſes of the ſaid Phænomena, by ha- ving had the Copernican Hypotheſis explained to them; then it is allow- able for them to make Uſe of the com- mon Celeſtial Globe, though it repre- ſents the Celeſtial Phænomena, .not according to their real Nature, but only according to their Appearances : Foraſmuch as it is convenient, not to ſay neceſſary, in common Diſcourſe to talk of the celeſtial Phenomena accord- ing to the common Notions of them, i. e. according to their Appearance to our Senſes, from which the Vulgar de- rive their Notions. 5. On theſe Confiderations, having in the eight foregoing Chapters of this count of fuuch its Treatiſe explained the real Nature and Uſefulneſs , Cauſes of the Celcítial Phænomena, I the Celes ſhall & On Co Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. 99 is here cribed. ſhall in the remaining Part of this Trea-CHAP. tiſe ſhew, how the ſaid Phenomena are IX. repreſented by the Celeſtial Globe, as to v their Appearance to our Senſe. And tial Globe therefore I Thall firſt (in this Chapter ) treated of, deſcribe the artificial Celeſtial Globe, and def- and then ( in the following Chapter ) ſhew the Uſe thereof. Among the ſeveral Circles belonging 6. to the celeftial Globe, I ſhall begin of the Ho- wich the Horizon ; foraſmuch as the ar- the cele tificial Horizon is the outermoſt Circle fial Globe. of the artificial Globe, and that which encloſes and upholds all the reſt of the ſaid Globe. It has been (*) afore obſerved in ſhort 7. that the Horizon is ſo called, as being that Circle which bounds the Sight.jold, Sen- To which it is further to be added here, Rae anal. that the Horizon is diſtinguiſhed by Aſtronomers into the ſenſible and the ra- tional Horizon. For a right and clear Apprehenſion 8. of the ſenſible Horizon, it muſt be cal- The fendi- led to Mind, that the Sight, if not hin-ble Hori- dered, extends it ſelf equally every Way. and why so The Hori- zon Imo zon, whare cailed (*) Chap. 2. Sect. 2. H 2 Hence 100 Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. CHAP. Hence (*) it comes to paſs, that, when IX. we ſtand upon the Surface of the Earth, m and the Eye has a free View all round, ſo much of the Heavens as is ſeen, ap- pears to us under the Figure of a con- cave Spherical Surface, reaching to the Surface of the Earth. The ſeeming In- terſection or Meeting of the Surface of the Earth with the fore-mentioned con- cave ſpherical Surface of the Heavens, being continued every Way round the Eye, repreſents a Circle, which is cal- led (by a Greek Word) the Horizon, becauſe it bounds the Sight, and di- vides the ſeen Part of the Heavens from the unſeen; and it is particularly ſtiled the fenfible Horizon, becauſe it does thus actually fall under our Senſe of Viſion, when the Eye has a (+) free View. 9. The rational Horizon is ſo called, The ratio. becauſe it falls not under our Senſe zon, what, of Viſion, but is only to be conceived andwhyso by our Reaſon. For hereby is deno- ted that Horizon, which would bound nal Hori- called. See this illuſtrated, Fig. 1. of my Opticks. (+) Hence it is obſervable, that every Horizon that actually bounds the Sighis is not properly the ſenſible Horizon. the Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. IOI the Sight ſuppoſing the Earth biſected, CHAP. and one Half of it removed, and the IX. Spectator placed on the Center of the Earth. What has been ſaid of each Horizon, is illuſtrated Fig. 28, where the greater Circle denotes the Heavens ; the liccle Circle, the Earth; the Line drawn through P, the ſenſible Horizon; the other Line the Rational. Whence is alſo evident, that the ſenſible Hori- zon, and its reſpective rational Horizon, are always parallel one to the other, and that their mutual Diſtance is the Semi- diameter of the Earth. Now the whole Earth being but as a Point in reſpect of that vaſtly dif- The Earth tant Sphere, wherein the fixed Stars but as a ſeem to be all placed ; hence the Dif- reſpect of tance between the rational and ſen- the sphere of the fixed fible Horizon, being no more than the Stars. Semi-diameter of the Earth, makes no ſenſible or conſiderable Difference as to the Phenomena of the fixed Stars. But the Diſtance between the rati- onal and ſenſible Horizon, bears a con- of the Pa- ſiderable Proportion to the Diſtance the Cele. of the other celeſtial Lights from fial Lights. the Earth, and conſequently makes a con- IO. Point in JI. H 3 102 Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. CHAP.a conſiderable Difference as to the (*) IX. Places of theſe other celeſtial Lights, m which are between the Earth and the fixed Stars. This is alſo illuſtrated, Fig. 28, where the outermoſt Semicir- cle repreſents half the Sphere of the fixed Stars; the other two Semi-circles repreſent the Halves of the Orbits of any two celeſtial Lights between the Earth and the fixed Stars; and the lit- tle Circle about the common Center of the forementioned Semi-circles re- preſents the Earth. The Lines drawn from P (the Place of the Spectator ) on the Surface of the Earth, through the Centers of the Celeſtial Lights M and S, to the Sphere of the fixed Stars, do there denote the apparent Places of the faid celeſtial Lights ; and the other Lines drawn from the Center of the Earth, through the Centers of M and S, to the Sphere of the fixed Stars, do there denote (what are cal- (*) Here muſt he remembred what is ſaid, Chap. I. SIE 15. viz. Tharibat Point or Part of the Sphere of the fixed Stars, between wbich and the Spectacor any other of the Celeft:al Lights appears to be, is counted the Place of the ſaid Celeſtial Light. led) } CH. NID Aſtronomy Plate 15 Fig. 28 bH 日 ​S T M S M T A Horizon The Sen - The Rational vible Horizon Place this facing p. 103 Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. 103 led) the true Places of M and S.CHAP. Whence may be learned, the Reaſon IX. of thus taking Notice of the Rational m Horizon, foraſmuch as that is eſteemed by Aſtronomers, the true Place of a Phenomenon, (where it would be ſeen to a Spectator placed on the Center of the Earth, i. e. where ) it is with reſpect to the rational Horizon. Thus T is the true Place of M and S, A the apparent Place of each. The Difference between the true and apparent Place ( which are always in the ſame ver- tical Circle) of any celeſtial Light or Phænomenon, is called its (*) Pa- rallax. Having (*) It is a Greek Word fignifying a Variation or Dif- ference. It ſeeming too long a Digreſſion to inſertinto the Body of this Chapter an Explication of the Parallax, and on the other hand, the Parallax ſeeming a Particu- lar too material to be only mentioned, I judged it beſt to adjoin here by way of Note, what ſeems requiſite to be ſaid of ir. The Parallax then may be conlidered, ei- ther with reſpect to different Celeſtial Lights, or the fame. In the former Reſpect, the Parallax is greater or leſfer, as the Celeſtial Lights are leſs or/more diſtant from the Earth. Thus Fig. 28, the Parallax TA of M, is greater than the Parallax TA of S. And hence th Moon has the greateſt Parallax, as being neareſt of a H 4 th 104 Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. CHAP. Having ſhewn the Difference be- IX. tween the ſenſible and rational Hori. mzon, and withal taken Notice, that it 12. is the rational Horizon, which is prin- The Hori cipally regarded by Aſtronomers, it is Globe re- next to be obſerved, that accordingly preſents it is the rational Horizon, which is principally principally the ratio- nal Hori. zon. the Celeſtial Lights to the Earth. In reſpect of the ſame Celeſtial Light, its greateſt Parallax is at the Horizon ; and as the Celeſtial Light afcends higher and higher above the Horizon, fo its Parallax continually decreaſes, till it quite ceaſes in the Zenith or Vertical Point. For there the two Lines which mark out the apparent and true Place, do fall in together, as is evident from Fig. 28. What more ſeems requiſite to be here obſerved, is the Angle made by the meeting of the two Lines juſt men- tioned in the Center of the Celeſtial Light, is called the Parallactical Angle, or the Angle of the Parallax, and 3 by it th: Parallax is meaſured; as alſo that the apparent Place is always lower or nearer to the Horizon, than the true Place. Whence the Parallax has a quite contrary Effect to Refraction; foraſmuch as this cauſes a Phano. menon to appear higher, or more above the Horizon than really it is. Thus in Fig. 29, let T devote the Earth, ſurrounded with the Armoſphere A ED; S fome Star, and O the Spectator on the Surface of the Earth. Were there no Atmoſphere, or were it of an equal Thicknefs with the Asher, the Rays of Light would come di- rectly or in a right Line from sto O. But the Rays, when they have paſſed through the #ther $Q, entring at A into the Atmoſphere, which is thicker than the Æther, hereby is refracted (i.e as it were broken) and bent towards the right Line OP, which is perpendicu- as to the Surface of the Atmoſphere at A. And becauſe it *** Aſtronomy Plate 16. Q ՄԻԱ Fig. 29 E T :D Fig. 30 HORI zon N Place this facing p. 104 UN My * * : ": Of the Celeſtial Globe, &c. 105 principally repreſented by the artifi-CHAP. cial Horizon of the Globe; which IX. therefore is (or at leaſt ought to be ) un , to it ſelf exactly into two Hemiſpheres or equal Parts. But here it is to be re- wie ...?! We wi" ... it is likely, that the Atmoſphere it ſelf is not all along, from the Æther to the Earth, of an equal Thickneſs, but is thicker, as it is nearer to the Earth; hence a Ray coming from the Star S will be refracted, not only at A, but alſo at other Points within the Atmoſphere, (as at B, C, doc.) and at each of theſe Points will be re- fracted the ſame Way, viz. toward T. But of the Ray ABCO, it is only the laſt Part CO, which affects the Eye; and therefore the Eye ſees the Star at s. and con- ſequently much higher, or much more above the Ho- rizon O'H, than really it is. But Refraction (as well as Parallax ) is greater, when the Phanomenon is near- er to the Horizon; and as the Phenomenon aſcends high- er, it continually decreaſes, and quite ceaſes in the Zenith. To Refraction it is attributed, that the Sun and Moon appear of an Oval Figure near the Horizon. For the upper Rim of the Sun and Moon appearing a little higher, and the lower Rim a great deal higher than it really is, hence'this will ſeem to be nearer to that than it really is; and ſo the erect or vertical Diameter of either Luminary will ſeem contracted, while the tranverſe or horizontal undergoes no ſuch Contraction, foraſmuch as its Extremities are alike elevated by Re- fraction. 'Tis alſo to the Refraction of the Sun's Rays to the Atmoſphere, that the Crepuſculum or Twilight is owing; for otherwiſe, as ſoon as the Sun is fet, it would be preſently quite Dark. By Refraction alſo the Sun and Moon appear above the Horizon, when their Bodies are ſomewhat under the Horizon. marked, 106 Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. CHA P. marked, that although the whole *IX. broad wooden Circle, which encom- paſſes the reſt of the Globe, may ſometimes be called the Horizon of the Globe, yet properly and ſtrictly it is only the inner Rim or Edge of the upper Surface of the ſaid broad wooden Circle, that is che Horizon of the Globe, and (*) repreſents the true Horizon, whether Rational or Sen- ſible. 13. For the Meaſuring of the Altitude Of Almi- or Depreſſion of any Phænomenon, (i. e. the Zenith its Diſtance above or below the Ho- and Nadir. rizon, ) here are conceived Circles to run parallel to the Horizon through every Point of the Globe; which (as is illuſtrated, Fig. 30, ) grow leſs and leſs on each side of the Horizon, as they are more remote from it, and at length End in two Points. One of theſe Points being always over the Ver- (*) The Horizon (as is above obſerved) is that Circle, i, e. that Circular Line, wherein the Surface of the Heavens and the Surface of the Earth interſect, or are conceived to interſect, one the other. But a circular Line has only a circular Length, no Breadth, nor Thick- neſs. And therefore it is properly the inner Edge of the upper Surface of the broad wooden Circle, which is the artificial Horizon of the Globe. tex, Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. . 107 tex, or Head of the Spectator, is there-CHAP. fore called the vertical Point, or by a IX. ſingle Arabick Word, the Zenith. The mu ocher Point, which is diametrically op- poſite to the former, is called by an A- rabick Word, the Nadir. The Zenith is repreſented, Fig. 30, by the Point Z, the Nadir by the Point N. The fore-mentioned parallel Circles between the Horizon and the Zenith or Nadir, are called from their Uſe, Circles or Parallels of Altitude, and by an Arabick Word, Almicantars. For denoting what Point of the 14. Horizon any Phenomenon is in, or is of Azi- muth's or at leaſt to be referred to, there are Vertical conceived alſo Circles croſſing every Point of the Horizon at right Angles, and all croſſing one another in the Ze- nith and Nadir. And from their com- mon Interſection being thus in the Ze- nith or vertical Point, they are ſtiled vertical Circles, or by an Arabick Word, Azimuths. Theſe are alſo illuſtrated, Fig. 30. Among the Points of the Horizon 15. there are four, which are called the of the four Cardinal Cardinal (i. e. Principal) Points, and points of are diſtinguiſhed by the Names of the the Hori Eaſt, Circles, } zon. I 108 Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. 16. CHAP. Eaſt, Weſt, North, and South Points. IX. The eaſt and weſt Points of every Ho- Wrizon are thoſe, wherein the Sun riſes and ſers, when he is in the Equinocti- al. The other two are each go De- grees diſtant from the former, one to- wards the north Pole, and thence called the north Point; the other toward the ſouth Pole, and thence called the fouch Point. Among the vertical Circles, thoſe of the two are of ſpecial Note, which paſs prime Vertical through the Cardinal Points of the and Meri- Horizon. That which paſſes through dian. the eaſt and weſt Points is called the prime Vertical ; the other which paſſes through the north and ſouth Points is ſtiled the Meridian, becauſe Day, when the Sun comes to that Circle, it is then Meridies or Mid-day within that Horizon. When any Ce- leſtial Light is riſen, it aſcends ſtill higher and higher, till it comes to the Meridian; and as ſoon ſoon as it has croſſed that, it begins to deſcend low- er and lower. Hence, when it is at the . Meridian, it is ſaid to culminate, (i. e. to be at its Culmen or Top- height for that Day, ) and ſuch its greateſt becauſe every of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. 109 .. ...S..************ greateſt Height is therefore called its me-CHAP. ridian Altitude. IX. As the Horizon divides the World i into an upper and lower (or viſible 17. and inviſible ) Hemiſphere ; fo the Me- The upper ridian divides the World into an eaſt-afternaná ern and weſtern Hemiſphere ; the for-weſtern Hemir mer being ſo called, becauſe it is that pheres, wherein the celeſtial Lights do riſe ; what. the other, becauſe it is that wherein they ſet. Though the whole braſs Circle, 18. which is immediately upheld by the The Meri- Horizon at its north and ſouch Points, the Globe, be frequently called in groſs the Me whar. ridian of the Globe ; yet properly and ftriály ſpeaking, the artificial Meridian is only the graduated Edge of the ſaid braſs Circle. The Meridian is the only vertical 19. Circle which is diſtinctly repreſented of the on the Globe. As for all the reſt, Quadrant they are repreſented in Part by the rude. Quadrant of Altitude reſpectively ap- plied to the Body of the Globe, from the Zenith to the Horizon. It is a long narrow Strip of Braſs, made thin, that it might be pliant to the Body of the Globe ; and made to reach from the Zenith to the Horizon, ſo .I + IIO Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. CHAP. ſo much of it as is contained between IX. the Zenith and Horizon, being divided minto 90 Degrees, as being juſt equal to the fourth Part of the Circumference of the Globe; whence it takes the Name of the Quadrant, being peculiarly ſtiled the Quadrant of Altitude, from its Uſe in taking the Altitude of any Point of the Globe. And as the Strip of Braſs ſo called does by its Length from the Zenith to the Horizon, repreſent the fourth Part of a vertical Circle ; fo be- ing rightly faſtned on Top at the Ze- nith, and then moved round the Body of the Globe, by ſuch its Motion, the ſeveral Points thereof will repreſent the ſeveral Almicantars between the Zenith and Horizon. Within the braſs Circle called the Me- 20. of the ridian of the Globe, hangs che Body of Axis , and the Globe, being upheld by two Iron Poles of the World, (as it were) Pins faſtened to the Meridi- in the arti- an, the Body of the Globe being made ficial Globe. to turn round upon theſe two Pins, which therefore repreſent the two Poles of the Equator, or (as they are otherwiſe called) of the (*) World ; that by the (*) They are, ſo callej, becauſe all the. Word, but the Earth, ſeems to turn round upon them. 3 little Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. III 21. litcle Bear on the Surface of the Globe, CHAP. repreſenting the Arctick or north Pole; IX. and the other, the Antarctick or fouch Pole. The Piece of Iron paſſing thro' the Center of the Globe, and of which the two Irons Pins afore-mentioned are the Extremities, repreſents the Axis of the World. From what has been above • ſaid, ( Chap. III. Seet. 5.) it is obvious, of the E- that the Equator of the Celeſtial gritos; Globe is the great Circle, drawn on two Tro- the Surface of the Globe in the picks, and very polar Cire Middle between the two Poles already cles of the mentioned ; as alſo, that the as alſo, that the great Globe. Artificial Circle, which croſſes obliquely the faid Equator, is the Ecliptick of the Globe; and that the two leſſer Cir- cles, which the faid Ecliptick touches at its greateſt Declination (northward or ſouthward) from the Equator, are the two Tropicks of the Globe ; that on the north Side of the Equator, the Tropick of Cancer ; that on the ſouth Side, the Tropick of Capricorn; laſtly, that the two leſler Circles drawn on the Surface of the Globe at the ſame Diſtance (viz. 23 Degrees) from each Pole of the Equator, as the Tro- picks I 12 Of the Celeſtial GLOB É, &c. 9 22. zon. CHAP.picks are from the Equator it felf, are XI. the polar Circles of the Globe that Vabout the Arctick or north Pole, the ArEtick Circle ; that about the Antar- Etick or fouth Pole, the Antarctick Circle. In reference to the Equätor, it is here The Equa- to be added, that whereas it has been tor always afore in this Chapter, Sect. 15, obſer- the Horios ved, that the eaſt and weſt Points of any Horizon are thoſe, where the Sun riſes and ſets when he is in the Equa- tor; and whereas alſo it is then equal Day and Night all over the World; it hence follows, that the artificial Equa- tor in any due Poſition of the Globe, muſt cut the Horizon exactly in its eaſt and weſt Points; and there cut it fo, as to be equally divided by the Horizon into two Parts, one half being above the Horizon, the other below. And by theſe Particulars it may be further pro- ved, whether a Globe is truly made. The Poſition of the Equator to the The Poſition Horizon, is in general three-fold. For of the Eo the Equator cuts the Horizon, either at the Hori- right Angles, or at oblique Angles, or zon three- elfe it is Parallel to the Horizon. fold. 23 Such Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. 113 Such as live under the celeſtial (or CHAP. which is the fame, upon the terreſtrial) IX. Equator, their Horizon is croſſed by the Equator, and conſequently by all 24. its Parallels at right Angles; and of a right hence theſe are ſaid to live in a right Sphere. The Property of which Sphere is this, that it is therein e- qual Day and Night through the whole Year. For the Equator and all its Parallels being biſected by the Hori- zon in a right Sphere, ( as may be ihewn by putting the mechanical Globe into ſuch a Poſition, viz. fo as that the Equator of the Globe may move round under the Zenith,) and the Sun's diurnal Motion being always ei- ther in the Equator, or one of its Pa- rallels ; hence it follows, that the Sun (moving all the 24 Hours alike) muſt always make as long a Stay above, as below the Horizon, in a right Sphere; and conſequently, that it muſt be there equal Day and Night through the whole Year. Such as live on either Side the 25. Equator, between it and its Poles, of sno- their Horizons do croſs the Equator, lique Sphere., and conſequently its Parallels, at An- I gles 114 of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. CHAP.gles leſs or more oblique, according as IX. they live leſs or more diſtant from the WEquator. Hence theſe are ſaid to live in an oblique Sphere, and their Horizons, though they all biſect or equally divide the Equator it ſelf, yet do all leſs or more unequally divide its Parallels, ac- cording as the Parallels themſelves, and the Places to which the Horizons ref- pectively belong, are leſs or more diſtant from the Equator. Wherefore, the di- urnal Motion of the Sun, when it is not in the Equator, being in ſome one of its Parallels thus leſs or more une- qually divided by the reſpective Hori- zons, it thence comes to paſs, that the Day and Night are leſs or more unequal at the ſame time of the Year (excepting the two Equinoxes ) in different Places, according as the ſaid Places are leſs or more diſtant from the Equator ; and alſo that the Day and Night are leſs or more unequal at different Times of the Year in the ſame Place, according as the Sun is leſs or more diſtant from the Equator. All which is evidently to be ſhewn up- on the Globe. Laſtly, Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. 115 of a pa- Laſtly, Under the very Poles of the CHAP. Equator, or of the World, the Hori IX. zon and Equator run parallel one to them other, which Poſition is therefore cal 26. led a parallel Sphere. The property rall of this Sphere is, that therein it is Day sphere. for half the Year together, and Night for the other half. For the Equator and Horizon being here Parallel , as long as the Sun ſtays on the ſame Side of the Equator, ſo long muft it ſtay above the Horizon of that Pole, and conſequently, ſo long together is id Day at the reſpective Pole, and Night at the oppoſite Pole. This is alſo evidently ſhewn upon the Globe, being placed ſo, as that its Equator and Ho- rizon become parallel one to the other. It remains to obſerve in reference 27. to the Equator, that a Revolution The Revo- thereof is the Meaſure of the Meaſure of a (*) the Equa- Nuchthemeron, or the Space of 24 Meaſure of Hours. Accordingly, whilſt any Point a Nuch- of the artificial Equator moves from themeron, lution of tor, the or of 24 Hours. (*) It is a Greek Word, ſignifying the Space of one Day and Night taken together. I 2 the 116 Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. CHAP. the artificial Meridian round to the IX. fame Side of the faid Meridian again; n the Index, which is faſtened to the north Pole of the Globe, will move quite round the Hour-circle faſtened upon the Meridian about the ſaid Pole. And by comparing the Motion of the Equator with that of the Hour-Index, it will ſenſibly appear, (if the Globe be made true that as the whole Cir- cumference of the Heavens, divided into 360 Parts, called Degrees, paſs under the Meridian of any place in a Nuctbemeron or 24 Hours; ſo 15 Degrees of the Circumference of the Heavens paſs under the fame Meri- dian every Hour. For according to the Rule of Proportion, as 24 Hours, are to 360 Degrees, ſo one Hour, is to 15 Degrees. 28. Proceed we next to obſerve in re- The Zodi- ference to the Zodiack or Ecliptick, ack why that, the Reaſon, which induced the to twelve Old Aſtronomers to divide it into twelve Signs, is thought to be (*) prin- each sign into thirty Degrees, *) Some conceive the Reaſon to have been, becauſe the Number Twelve has many aliquot Parts. cipally Signs, and Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. 117 cipally this; viz. becauſe the Moon CHAP. goes twelve Times round the Zodiack, IX. whilſt the Sun goes once. And form the like Reaſon it ſeems to be, that, whereas one Revolution of the Sun round the Zodiack, is called the Solar Year, there are reckoned cwelve Re- volutions of the Moon round the Zodiack to make up the Lunar Year. Laſtly, The Reaſon why each Sign of the Zodiack was diſtinguiſhed into thirty Degrees, ſeems to be this, becauſe the Moon always overtakes the Sun in (*) about thirty Days after ſhe has left him. And becauſe the Sun graditur, i. e. 29. goes, in a Day and Night or 24 Degrees, Hour's Space, near upon one of theſe whence so thirty Parts of a Sign ; hence the ſaid Parts are thought to be ſtiled by the Latins, Gradus, and ſo by us, Degrees. And from the Circle of the Zodiack, or more particularly of the Ecliptick, came this Name to be transferred to the like Diviſions of all, not only af- tronomical, but alſo other mathematia cal Circles. (*) Sec Chap. 4. Sect. 3. I 3 Agreeably 118 Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. How to Globe, lendar CHAP. Agrecably to the 12 Signs of the IX. Ecliptick, the Solar Year is alſo divi- Muded into twelve Months, called Solar 30. Months; each being the Space where- in the Sun goes through a Sign, and find on the ſo containing almoſt 30 Days. How what Sign theſe Solar Months ſtrictly ſo cal- anſwers to each Ca.. led, anſwer to the common Calendar Month, or (which amounts to the Month. ſame ) what Degree of the Ecliptick the Sun is in each Day of the 12 Ca- lendar Months, is to be ſeen on the npper Surface of the broad wooden Circle of the Globe commonly called its Horizon; for thereon the 12 Signs of the Ecliptick, and the 12 Calendar Months are ſo placed, both according to the Julian and Gregorian Account, as that the Days of theſe may duly anſwer to the reſpective Degrees of thofe. 13. In reference to the 12 Diviſions of The Divi, the Ecliptick on the Surface of the Zodiack Body of the Globe, it is to be obſer- or Eclip- ved, that neither the Conſtellations themſelves, nor their Names, but their be known, por by the Characters ſhew, which Diviſion of the Constella. Ecliptick is eſteemed reſpectively to be- long to each Sign, or goes under the Name tick are to tions or Signs them. 1 Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. 119 Name of each Sign. Thus the Cha-CHAP. racter w is placed at the Beginning of IX. that Diviſion, which is eſteemed to bem long to Aries; and the ſaid Diviſion (elves, tuo of 30 Degrees between V and 8, is Charac- that which is denoted by the Sign of ters. Aries; whereas the Conſtellation ſo called, is now, great or moſt part of it, out of that Diviſion, and the Word Aries is affix'd to the ſaid Conſtella- tion almoſt at the End of the ſaid Diviſion. So the Diviſion between I and is that which is denoted by the Sign of Gemini, though the Conſtel- lation fo called, is almoſt entirely out of that Diviſion, and conſequently, the Word Gemini affixed to the Conſtel- lation. The Reaſon hereof is this. The 32. Conſtellations themſelves (*) conti- nually (though very flowly) changing thereof. their Situation in the Zodiack or E- cliptick, in Conformity thereto, con- tinually to change the Names of the ſeveral Diviſions, would create great ... "W".** And the Reason (*) To what this Change of Situation is owing really, is obſerved, Chap. 7. Sect. 5. Con- 14 eme. 120 Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. ; CHAP. Confuſion in Aſtronomy ; foraſmuch IX. as it would make it an intricate Mat- ter rightly to diſtinguiſh what Parts of the Zodiack belonged to the ſeve- ral Signs in different Ages of the World. Wherefore to avoid ſuch Confuſion, it has been with great Prudence judged Expedient, not to make any change as to the Names of the Diviſions, though the Conſtella- tions themſelves do in Proceſs of Time change their Places but al- ways to look on that which is eſteem- ed the firſt Diviſion of the Zodiack as belonging to Aries, at leaſt to let it go always under the Name of Aries, (and ſo of the reſt) though that Con- ſtellation it ſelf ( and ſo of the reſt) have now fo changed its Situation, as to be moſtly, or in great Part out of its reſpective Diviſion, and will in Pro- ceſs of Time be removed farther and farther from it. 33. Befides the Circles hitherto menti- of one oned, there are uſually drawn on the ther Cira Surface of the celeſtial Globe, twelve cles of the other Circles; ſix whereof croſs per- Globe, viz. pendicularly the Ecliptick between its Signs, the other fix croſs perpendicu- larly F twelve o- **.de Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. I 21 The fix ************************* de wereld..... larly the Equator at every like ( viz. 30 CHAP. Degrees) Diſtance, beginning to reckon IX. from the firſt of Aries. The fix former are called Circles of 34. Latitude, becauſe that Arch of ſuch a Circles of Circle, which is intercepted between Latitude. any Phanomenon or Point of the Hea- vens and the Ecliptick, is the Meaſure of the ſaid Pbænomenon's or Point's Latitude, i. e. Diſtance from the Eclip- tick northward or fouthward. For the Ecliptick being the Circle in the Hea- vens of principal Regard, therefore, by it the Heavens are diſtinguiſhed into two Hemiſpheres, one northern, the other ſouthern. By the ſame Circles is alſo meaſu- 35. red the Longitude of any Phænomenon which are allo Cir. or Point in the Heavens. For by the cles of Lon- Help of theſe Circles, any Phænome-gitude. non in the Heavens is referred to the Ecliptick, the ſaid Phenomenon being underſtood to be in that point of the Ecliptick, which is interſected by ſuch a Circle paſſing through the ſaid Phe- nomenon ; and the Arch of the Eclip- tick between the firſt of Aries and the ſaid Point of Interſection, is the Meaſure of the ſaid Phænomenon's Longitude, I 22 Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. tion; de CHAP. Longitude, or Diſtance from the firſt of IX. Aries reckoned according to the Series m of the Signs. By the fix other Circles, any Pha- 36. nomenon or Point in the Heavens is re- And fix Circles of ferred in like manner to the Equator ; Declina. and they are called Circles of Decli- mong which nation, becauſe that Arch of ſuch a Cir- are the two cle, which is intercepted between the ſaid Phenomenon and Equator, is the Meaſure of its Declination, i. e. of its Diſtance from the Equator, north- ward or fouthward. Among theſe Circles, the two of chief Note are the two (*) Colures ; one whereof crof- ſes the two Equinoctial Points, and is therefore called the Equino&tial Colure; the other croſſes the two Solſtitial Points, and is therefore called the Solftitial Co- lure. 37. And thus we have deſcribed the The princi- ſeveral Circles, and more remarkable pal Circles Points of the Celeſtial Globe. It re- Globe, ſu- mains to obſerve, that of all the fore- ally recko- mentioned Circles, theſe are uſually and diffin- guiſhed in- 10 fix grea- (*) The Import and Reaſon of this Name is not well accounted for by any Writer of Afronomy, as I of the nel Ten, ter, and four leffer know ot. Circles. reckoned Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. 123 : reckoned the ten principal Circles of CHAP. the Globe, viz. the Horizon, the IX. Meridian, the Equator, the Zodiack my or Ecliptick, the two Colures, the two Tropicks, and the two Polar Circles. And theſe are diſtinguiſhed into grea- ter and leſer Circles; the fix former being greater Circles, as being con- centrical with the Globe it ſelf, and fo dividing, each of them, the Globe into two Hemiſpheres or equal Parts ; the four latter being leffer Circles as being not concentrical with the Globe, and ſo dividing, each of them, the Globe into two unequal Parts. All the ten Circles laſt mentioned, 38. are uſually drawn on the terreſtrial of the Globe ; ás alſó Circles croſſing per-Globe. pendicularly the Equator at every ten Degrees, and other Circles running parallel to the Equator at every ten Degrees. The former are called Cir- cles of Longitude, the latter Circles or Parallels of Latitude ; foraſmuch as thoſe ſerve to ſhew the Longitude of Places, (i. e. their Diſtance from fome one of the ſaid Circles taken at Liberty, and commonly called the firſt terreſtrial 124 Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. CHAP. firſt Meridian, all theſe Circles of IX. Longitudes being alſo Meridians ; ) m theſe ſerving to Thew the Lacicude of Places, or their Diſtance from the Equator. Beſides theſe Circles fore- mentioned, there are alſo uſually drawn on the Surface of the terre- ſtrial Globe, Rumbs, i. e. Circles croſſing one another in ſome certain Points of the Globe, where there is a Vacancy, and repreſenting the ſeve- ral Winds, or 32 Points of the Com- paſs, fet down alſo on the outward Rim of the Horizon, both of the ce- leftial and terreſtrial Globe. But the main Difference between theſe two Globes, is this, that on the Surface of the celeſtial Globe are defcribed the Conſtellations, and other fixed Scars in their due Situation; on the Surface of the Terreſtrial Globe are deſcribed the ſeveral Parts of the Earth and Sea in their due Situation. Proceed we now to the Uſe of the ce- 39. An Obſer- leſtial Globe, or to thew how the diur- varion con- nal Phænomena of the celeſtial Lights Difference are repreſented thereby. For the clearer the natural Apprehenſion whereof it ſeems requiſite Appear to obſerve, that there is this Difference in cerning the ..I Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. 125 tificial Re- in general between the natural Appea- CHAP. rances of the celeſtial Lights, and the IX. artificial Repreſentation of them by the Globe, viz. that the ſaid celeſtial Lights tances of do naturally appear to us as in the Con- al Lights, cave, or inner Surface of the Heavens, and the ar- whereas they are repreſented upon the preſentati- Convex or outer Surface of the celeſtial on of them Globe. Wherefore to make the artifici- upon the al Repreſentation to anſwer more exactly Globe. to the natural Appearance, either the Spectator muſt be conceived to be placed within the celeſtial Globe at its Center, and the Body of the Globe to be tranſ- parent like the Heavens, and in ſuch a Poſition of the Eye, the celeſtial Pha- nomena on the Surface of the Globe will appear to the Eye in a concave Surface, as they do naturally; or elſe the Spec- tator is to be conceived as placed with- out the concave or inner Surface of the Heavens.; and conſequently as viewing, from ſomewhere above, the correſpon- dent convex Surface of the Heavens ; and upon ſuch a Suppoſition, the ce- leftial Phænomena would naturally ap- pear to us in a convex Surface, as they are repreſented by the Globe. Now we being placed upon the Convex, or outer Surface of the Earth, and the ſe- veral 1 I 126 Of the Celeſtial GLOBE, &c. CHAP. veral Parts of the Earth and Sea being IX. repreſented likewiſe on the convex Sur- wface of the terreſtrial Globe; therefore there is an exact Agreement in this Par- ticular between the natural Poſition of the ſeveral Parts of the Earth and Sea, and their artificial Repreſentation by the terreſtrial Globe, without the Help of any ſuch Fiction, as has been afore ob- ſerved requiſite, to adjuſt the natural Appearance of the celeſtial Phanomena, to their artificial Repreſentation by the celeſtial Globe. Irynar HONDA AWO Wland -- С НАР. [ 127 ] 1 CH A P. X. Of the more uſeful Problems ſolved by the Celeſtial GLOBE. PRO B L E M I. IN To find the Sun's PLACE in the ECLIPTICK for any Day given, v. g. Oet. 13. Old Style. N the Julian Calendar (placed next CHAP. to the Ecliptick) on the Horizontal X. wooden Circle of the Globe find the w Day given, to which adjoins the Degree of the Ecliptick, where the Sun is that Day. Thus to OET. 13, adjoins the firſt Degree of Scorpio, the Sun's Place for that Day. The Sun's Place being thus found by the Ecliptick on the Horizon, the fame Degree of the Ecliptick on the Surface of the Globe is to be taken, in order to ſolve any of the following Problems. PRO- 128 Of the Uſe of the m CH AP. X. PROBLEM II. To find the Sun's DECLINATION at any Time given, v. gr. Oet. 13. Old Style. H Aving (by Problem 1.) found the Degree of the Ecliptick, wherein the Sun is at the Time given, bring the ſaid Degree to the graduated Edge of the Meridian of the Globe; the De- grees of the ſaid Meridian, intercepted between the Equator and the Sun's Place, ſhews the Sun's Declination. Thus, OE. 13. the Sun is in the eleventh De- gree of the ſouthern Declination. As in this, ſo in the following Problems, by bring- ing any point of the Globe to the Meridian, is under. ftood the bringing it to the graduated Edge of the Me ridian of the Globe, as being that which repreſents the true Meridian. In like manner, the Latitude of a Place is found upon the terreſtrial Globe, by bringing the Place to the gradu- ated Edge of the Meridian, and reckoning the Degrees of the Meridian between the Place and the Equator. For as the Diſtance of any Point in the Heavens from the Equatør is Aſtronomical Declination, ſo the Diſtance of any Point on the Earth from the Equator is Geogra- phical Latitude. Which is requifite to be here known, foraſmuch as although the two foregoing Problems re- ſpect indifferently all Latitudes and Places, the following Problems reſpect only particular Places, the Phenomena relating thereto varying according to the different La- titude of Places. PRO- Celeſtial GLOBE. 129 СНАР. X. PROBLEM III. a To rectify the GLOBE to any Lati- tude given. Mobi OVE the reſpective Pole (viz. che noth Pole, if the Latitude given be northern ; the ſouth Pole, if ſouthern) above the Horizon, till there are ſo many Degrees of the Meridian between the ſaid Pole and the Horizon, as anſwer to the Latitude given. Thus the north Pole being elevated 51 De- grees and an half, the Globe is rectified for the Latitude of London, K PRO 130 Of the Uſe of the CH AP. X. n PROBLEM IV. To find what STARS never riſe, or never ſet in any Place or Latitude given. T ven. He Globe being (by Problem 3.) rectified to the Latitude given, ſuch Stars as go not under the Horizon of the Globe, during its whole Revolu- tion, they never ſee in the Latitude gi- And ſuch Stars as riſe not above the Horizon of the Globe, during its whole Revolution, they never riſe in the Latitude given. Thus the little Bear, the Dragon, Cepheus, and Caſſiopeia, never ſet in the Lacitude of London; as alſo the great Bear, except the lower Part of its right Foot. On the other hand, the Peacock, the Indian, the Toucan, che Hydrus, the Dorado, the Chameleon, the ſouthern Triangle, the Apus, never riſe in the Latitude of Lon- don. 1 PRO- ? Celeſtial GLOBE. 131 A CH A P. X. m PROBLEM V. To rectify the GLOBE, so, as that it may be ready duly to repreſent the diurnal PHÆNOMENA, at any Place, and Time given, v. gr. at London, O&t. 13. Old Style. T HE Globe being rectified by Problem 3.) to the Latitude of the Place given, bring the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick for the Day given ( found by Problem 1.) to the Meri- dian, and make the Hour-Index to point juſt to 12 on the Hour-Circle. The Globe in ſuch its Poſition will actually repreſent the Poſition of the Heavens, in Reſpect of the Place gi- ven, at the Noon or 12 a Clock of the Day given. And conſequently by the due Motion of the Globe, may be repreſented the Poſition of the Hea- vens, in Reſpect of the Place gi- ven, K 2 A 132 Of the Uſe of the CHAP. ven, at any other Part of the Day X. given. Thus the north Pole being elevated 51 Degrees, which is the Latitude of London, and the firſt Degree of Scor- pio (which is the Sun's Place, Oétober 13. Old Style,) being brought to the Meridian, the Globe will repreſent the Poſition of the Heavens in Re- ſpect of London, at Noon, October 13. - Old Style ; that is, ſuch Stars as are at or near the Meridian or Horizon (&c.) of the Globe, will then be re- ſpectively at at or near the Horizon (&c.) of London. And conſequently by the due Motion of the Globe, may be repreſented the Poſition of the Heavens in Reſpect of London, at any other Hour of the ſame Day; and thereby may be found the Time of the Sun's Riſing or Setting, &c. that Day, as is ſhewn in the follow- ing Problems. Only it muſt be re- membred, that in Order to ſolve fuch Problems, as relate to the Time of any ſuch Phænomenon, the Hour- Index' muſt always be put exactly to 12 on the Hour-Circle, before the Sun's Place be moved from the Meri- dian ; Celeſtial GLOBE. 133 dian ; and alſo ſpecial Care muſt be CHAP. taken, that the Hour-Index moves X. duly round with the Body of them Globe. PROBLEM VI. To find the Time of the Sun's Riſing and Setting, and its Amplitude, at any Place or Time given. T 4 HE Globe being (by Problem 5.) duly ordered and prepared, turn the Globe, till the Degree of the Ecliptick, wherein the Sun is for the Day given, comes to the Eaſt-Side of the Horizon ; the Hour-Index will then Thew upon the Hour-Circle the Time of the Sun's Riſing: and the Degrees of the Horizon, intercepted between the true eaſt Point, and that Point of the Horizon the Sun's Place comes to, ſhew its Morning Amplitude, this being the K 3 134 Of the Uſe of the CHAP. the Diſtance of the Point of the Ho- X. rizon where the Sun riſes, from the true eaſt Point of the Horizon. In like manner, the Degree of the Eclip- tick, wherein the Sun is, being brought to the weſt Side of the Horizon, the Hour-Circle will ſhew the Time of the Sun's Secting ; and the Degrees of the Horizon, intercepted between the true weſt Point, and that Point of the Ho- rizon which the Sun's Place is brought to, rhew its Evening Amplitude, or how far the Sun fets diſtant from the true weſt Point. Where it is to be noted, that the Sun fets ſo long be- fore or after fix in the Evening, as it riles after or before ſix in the Morn- ing; and in like manner, che Sun fets ſo far diſtant (northward or ſouthward, according to the reſpec- tive Time of the Year) from the true weſt Point, as it riſes from the true eaſt Point. Thus it will be found by the Globe, that at London, October 13, the Sun riſes much about 7, and fets much about 5 a Clock; as alſo, that its Amplitude is 18 Degrees, the Sun riſing ſo many Degrees to the South of Celeſtial GLOE E. 135 of the true eaſt Point, and ſetting fo CHAP. many Degrees ſouth of the weſt X. Point. The Time of the Sun's Setting, be- ing doubled, will give the Length of the Day; and the Time of the Sun's Riſing, being doubled, will give the Length of the Night. Thus, Oktob. 13. the Day in the Latitude of London, is much about 10 Hours long; and the Night much about 14 Hours long. 1 PROBLEM VII. To find the Time of the Sun's Riſing and Setting by its Aſcenſional Dif- ference. HAT Degree of the Equator, which, reckoned from the Be- ginning of Aries, riſes or ſets with the T K4 137 Of the Uſe of the CHAP. the Sun in a right Sphere, is called X. the Sun's right Aſcenſion. And that Degree of the Equator, which, rec- koned in like manner, riſes or ſets with the Sun in an oblique Sphere, is called the Sun's oblique Aſcenſon. And the Difference between its right and ob- lique Aſcenſion, is called its afcenfional Difference. The oblique Aſcenſion of the Sun is found (the Globe being firſt rectifi- ed by Problem 5.) by bringing the Sun's Place to the Eaſt or Weſt Side of the Horizon, and there noting what Degree of the Equator comes to the ſame Side of the Horizon, together with the Sun. The right Aſcenſion of the Sun, is likewife found by (puta ting the Globe into a right Sphere, and then noting what Degree of the Equator comes together with the Sun to the fame Side of the Horizon ; or more readily and without changing the Globe from an oblique into a right Sphere, by) noting what Degree of the Equator comes up to the Mer ridian, together with the Sun : ( for the Equator always cuts the Meridian at right Angles, as it does the Hori- ܪ 1 2012 Celeſtial GLOBE. 137 zon in a right Sphere; and conſequent-CHAP. ly, the fame Degree of the Equator, X. that would come, together with the mu Sun, or any Degree of the Ecliptick, to the Horizon in a right Sphere, will come, together with the Sun, to the Meridian in any oblique Sphere.) The quantities of the right and oblique Aſcenſion being thus found, the aſcen- fional Difference is found by ſubſtract- ing the lefſer out of the greater. Now the right Aſcenſion of the Sun being that Degree of the Equator, which riſes and fets with the Sun in a right Sphere, i. e. to ſuch as live juſt under the Celeſtial (or upon the Ter- reſtrial) Equator, to whom the Sun al- ways riſes at ſix, and ſets at fix; hence the aſcenſional Difference (turned into Time by reckoning one Hour for every 15 Degrees, and ſo proportionably) ſhews how long the Sun riſes and ſets afore or after ſix, according to the Time of the Year. Thus 138 Of the Uſe of the CH AP. Thus the Sun's right Aſcenſion, X. O&tober 13. is much about 208; and nhis oblique Aſcenſion on that Day in Reſpect of London, is much about 223; and conſequently, the afcenfio- nal Difference is 15, which anſwers to one Hour in Time. Wherefore, the Time of the Year conſidered, the Sun riſes much about an Hour after fix, i. e. much about ſeven ; and ſets much about an Hour before fix, i. e. much about five ; agreeably to what was found by Problem 6. j PROBLEM VIII. To find the Sun's Altitude at any Place and Time given. T" THE Globe being rectified by Pro- blem 5th, the Degrees of the Meri- dian reckoned from (the South Side of) the Horizon to the Sun's Place, give the Sun's Meridian Altitude. Thus, O&tober Celeſtial GLOBE. 139 Oetober 13. the Meridian Altitude of CHAP the Sun at London, will be much about X. 27 Degrees. The Alcitude of the Sun is found at any other Time of the Day given, by turning the Globe (rectified alſo by Pro- blem 5.) till the Hour-Index points to the Time aſſigned ; and then faſtening the Quadrant of Altitude on to the Me ridian at the Zenith; (i. e, at ſo many Degrees from the Equator, as is the Latitude of the Place given ;) and bring- ing the ſaid Quadrant ſo faſtened to the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick : che De- grees intercepted on the Quadrant be- tween the Sun's Place and the Horizon, ſhew the Sun's Altitude at the Time af- ſigned. Thus, Ostob. 13. the Sun's Al- titude at nine in the Morning, will be about 17 Degrees in Reſpect of the Horizon of London. And the ſame will be its Altitude at three in the Afternoon. For it is to be noted, that at Times e- qually diſtant ( before and after ) from 12, the Sun's Altitude is alſo equal. PRO 140 of the Uſe of the СНАР, , X. n PROBLEM IX. To repreſent the Face or Appearance of the Heavens, or to Mew the Situation of the fixed Stars, at any Time of the Night, in Reſpect of any place and Night given. T HE Globe being rectified by Pro- blem 5th, and (by the Needle ) fer ſo, as that its cardinal Points anſwer the cardinal Points of the Compaſs, turn the Globe till the Hour-Index points to the time of the Night aſſigned. Such Stars as appear at or near the Meri- dian or Horizon (and ſo of any inter- mediate Point) of the Globe, will ap- pear likewiſe at or near the Meridian or Horizon of the Place given ; (and ſo of any intermediate Point in the Heavens.) - Thus; Celeſtial GLOBE 141 Thus, Ostob, 13. at Ten at Night, CHAP the glorious Conſtellation Orion will X. appear on the Eaſt Side of the Hori- m zon of London ; the Star Rigel in the left Knee of Orion being juſt at the Horizon; the three Stars in the ſame Conſtellation, called by our common People the Yard, a little above the Horizon. About twenty Degrees (on a vertical Circle) above the uppermoſt of theſe appears the bright Star in Tau- rus, called Aldebaran, and the Bull's Eye; and ſomewhat above this in the fame Conſtellation, the Celebrated Stars called the Hyades, and the Plei- ades, theſe being in the Back, thoſe in the Forehead of Taurus. Juſt un- der the Meridian Southward appears the Star called Andromeda's Head, and at or near the Meridian the Conſtellati- ons of Caſiopea, Cepheus, Pegaſus , &c. Between the Meridian and the Weſt Side of the Horizon appears the Conſtellations of the Swan, Harp, &c. And at or near the Weſt Side of the Horizon, the Conſtellations of Anti- nous, Serpentarius, the northern Crown, &c. Hence 142 Of the Uſe of the CHAP. Hence it is obvious, that this Pro- X. blem is of good Uſe to find out and mu know the ſeveral Conſtellations, and the more remarkable Stars in each Con- ſtellation. PROBLEM X. To find the Hour of the Night, the Al- titude of any Štar being given, or firſt found by fome Inſtrument for that Purpoſe. T HE Globe being rectified ac- cording to Problem 5. and the Quadrant of Altitude duly fixed to the Meridian, move the Globe till the ſaid Quadrant croſs the Star in the given Altitude ; then the Hour- Index will ſhew the Hour of the Night. Thus, 1 1 Celeſtial GLOBE. 143 w Thus, Ottob. 13. the Altitude of Al- CHAP. debaran, or the Bull's Eye, is found to X. be 27 Degrees, 30 Minutes. Where-wy fore moving the Globe till the Quadrant of Altitude croſſes the ſaid Star in 271 Degrees of Altitude, the Hour-Index will then point to Ten at Night. Here it is obvious, that if the Star be in the Meridian, then there is Occaſion only to turn the Globe ( rectified by Problem 5.) till the ſaid Star comes to the Meridian of the Globe : for then the Hour-Index will ſhew the Hour. PRO- 144 Of the Uſe of the СНАР. X. :: PRO B L EM XI. To find the Beginning of the (Crepuſ- culum, i.e.) Twilight, or the Time of the Day-break, at any proper Time of the Year. T HE Globe being (by Problem 5.) rectified, elevate that Degree of the Ecliptick, which is diametrically oppoſite to the Sun's Place at the Time given, 18 Degrees above the Weſt Side of the Horizon ; and the Hour-Index will ſhew the Time fought. Thus, O'êtober 13. Day breaks, or the Twilight begins about a Quarter before five at London. The Reaſon of elevating the De- gree of the Ecliptick, diametrically oppoſite to the Sun's Place, 18 De- grees above the Weſt Side of the Ho- rizon, is this ; becauſe, thereby the Degree of the Ecliptick wherein the Sun is at the Time given, is depreſſed 18 Degrees below the Eaſt Side of the Y 3 Celeſtial GLOBE. 145 che Horizon. At which Depreſſion it is CHAP. obſerved by Aſtronomers, that the morn X. ing Twilight begins ; as alſo, that the mu evening Twilight ends at the like De- preſſion of the Sun, under the weſt Side of the Horizon. Whence it is obvious, that che Beginning of the morning Twi- light being found, it is obvious to know, when the evening Twilight ends; this ending ſo much after or before fix in the Evening, as that begins before or after ſix in the Morning. Thus, Osto- ber 13. the evening Twilight ends a- bout a Quarter after ſeven, at Lon- don, or any Place in the ſame Lati- tude. It is to be further noted, that the morning Twilight beginning, when the Sun is 18 Degrees below the eaſt Side of the Horizon; and the evening Twi- light ending, when the Sun is 18 De- grees below the weſt Side of the Ho- rizon, it thence follows, that, during that Part of the Year, wherein the Sun's Depreſſion is never ſo much as 18 Degrees, there is no Beginning of the morning Twilight, or Ending of the evening Twilight, but one concinued Twilighc from Sun-fecting to Sun-ri- L Ging 146 Of the Uſe of the : CHAP. ſing. Now that part of the Year, where X. in there is ſuch a continued Twilight in m the Latitude of London, is while the Sun is paſſing from about the fifth De- gree of Gemini, to the twentieth of Cancer, i. e. from about the 15th of May, to about the 7th of July. For during this Space, the Sun is never dem preſſed 18 Degrees below the Horizon. PROBLEM XII. To find the Longitude and Latitude of any Star given. L AY one End of the Quadrant of Altitude upon upon the proper Pole of the Ecliptick, (viz. if the Star be in the northern Hemiſphere of the Heavens, upon the north Pole; otherwiſe, on the ſouth Pole,) and the graduated Edge thereof upon the Center of the Star, ſo will the Quadrant cut the E- cliptick * 147 Celeſtial GLOBE. cliptick in the Star's Longitude, (i. e. CHAP. its Diſtance from the firſt of Aries,) and X. the Degrees of the Quadrant intercepted at the fame Time, between the Star, and the Ecliptick, will give its Latitude, this being no other than the Star's Di- ſtance from the Ecliptick. Thus the Longitude of the Star called Lucida Lyrę, will be found to be 283 De- grees, and its Latitude about 60 Degrees Northwards. It is obvious, that the Sun, being al- ways in the Ecliptick, never hath any Latitude ; and its Longitude is found without any more ado, than by com- puting the Number of the Degree it is in from the firſt of Aries. Thus, . the Sun is in the 19och De- gree of Longitude, that being the Di- ſtance or Number of the firſt Degree of Scorpio, where the Sun then is, from the firſt of Aries. October 13 There are ſome other Problems, which may be ſolved by the Globe but they being of little Uſe are here. omitted. And ſo we are come to the End of this Aſtronomical Treatiſe, wherein 3 L 2 148 Of the Uſe of the &c. CHAP. wherein are contained ſuch Particu- X. lars, as ſeem more uſeful to be known mu by Young Students, eſpecially Young Gentlemen, at their firſt Inſtirution in Aſtronomy. F IN I S. te THE THE Young Gentleman's CHRONOLOGY, Containing ſuch Chronological ELEMENTS, as are moſt uſeful and eaſy to be known. BY EDWARD WELLS, D. D. late Rector of Cotesbach in Leiceſterſhire. The FOURTH EDITION. L O N D ON: ܛܼ Printed for J A MES, JOHN, and P A UL KNAPTON, at the Crown in Ludgate-Street. MDCCXXXVI. Τ Η Ε PREFACE. T HE Art of Chrono- logy has so cloſe a Dependance upon Af tronomy, that it is not uſual for Writers of Aſtro- nomical Treatiſes to compriſe therein L 4 The PREFACE therein a great deal of what more properly belongs to Chro- nology; and which therefore I þave bere laid together, with the other moſt uſeful and eaſy Elements of Chronology, in a diſtinɛt Treatiſe from my Aſtro- nomy. But the Deſign both of the One and the Other being the Jame, as therefore I have given riy Aftronomical Treatiſe the Title of The Young (Gentle- man's Aſtronomy, ſo I have my Chronological Treatiſe the Title of The Young Gentleman's Chronology : thing being here inſiſted on, but what relates to the common (Civil or Eccleſiaſtical) Compu- tation of Time, and to the two Cele- given this no- :'3 The P R EF A C E. Celebrated Era's of the Olym- piads, and the Building of Rome, the former chiefly uſed by Greek Hiſtorians, the latter by Roman Τ Η Ε . T H E CON TENTS. СНА Р. І. O F a Day; and the Parts of Time ariſing from a Day by Diviſion, viz. Hours and Minutes, Page 1 CH A P. II. Of the ſeveral Parts of Time, which ariſe from a Day by Collection, viz. Weeks, Months, and Years. 9 СНАР, The CONTENTS. CH A P. III. Of the ſeveral Characters of Time in general: and particularly of the Cy- cle of the Moon, and the Epacts, 31 CH A P. IV. Of the Cycle of the Sunday-Letter, commonly called the Cycle of the Sun, 43 CHAP. V. WC Of the Indiction, and Julian Period, 54 c H A P. VI. Of Epoch's and Æra's; and eſpecially of the Æra or Year of Chriſt, the Æra of the Olympiads, and the Æra of the Building of Rome, 60 С НАР. The CONTENT S. CH A P. VII. of the Method to find Eaſter-Day ac- cording to the Nicene Rule, (as fill followed by our Church) by Help of the Golden Numbers affixed to the Calendar. To which is adjoined the Roman Method of Dating, or denoting the Days of the Month, 774 : .مه - 1 THE * T H E Young Gentleman's 3 CHRONOLOGY, &c. CHAP. I. Of a Day; and the Parts of Time a- riſing from a Day by Diviſion, viz. Hours and Minutes. B Y (*) CHRONOLOGY is un- CHAP. derſtood the Art or Skill of I. adjuſting Things paſt to their proper Times. I. 2. Hence Chronological Inſtitutionscon- Chronolo- ſiſt of the Explication of the ſeveral gy, what . Diftin. guiſhed into two Parts. (*) The Word Chronology denotes literally in th: Greek Language a Diſcourſe, or Account of Time, being compounded of xpóv@ Tine, and aó a Diſcourſe or 3 Account. Parts, - 2 Of Ď A . by Diviſi. on, or CHAP. Parts, into which Time in general is I. divided ; and of the feveral Cháraõters, mby which particular Times are diſtin- guiſhed one from another. The ſeveral Parts of Time are, Mi- 3. All other nutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Parts office and Years. Amongſt which we ſhall Time ariſe from a ſpeak firſt of a Day, becauſe from it Day, either ariſe the other Parts of Time, confi- dered as they are applied to common Collection. Uſe. For as Hours and Minutes ariſe from a Day by Diviſion and Subdivi- fion; fo Weeks, Months, and Years a- riſe from a Day by Collection, or recko- ning ſuch or ſuch a Number of Days together. 4. By a Day then, according to the A Day, primary (*) Intention of the Name, is what, pris denoted the Time of Light; and in marily and properly. chis Senſe it is oppoſed to Night, or the Time of Darkneſs. And the Sun being made to (+) rule the Day, hence a Day, according to the primary In- tention of the Name ſeems moſt pro- perly and naturally to be determined ܂ (*) God called the Light Day; and the Darkneſs he called Night, Gen. i. s. (t) God made two great Lights; the greater Light to Tule the Days, Gen. i. 10. by Of D A Y S. 3 by the Sun's Riſing and Setting; and CHAP. ſo to be moſt properly and naturally I. defined, the Stay of the Sun above me the Horizon, or the Time between the Sun's Rifing and Setting. Agree- ably whereunto, Night is the Stay of the Sun below the Horizon, or the Time between the Sun's Setting and Riſing. But the Word Day is frequently ta 5. ken in a larger Senſe, ſo as to compre- Another hend alſo the Night, and to denote a Acceptati whole Revolucion of the Sun round Day for a the Earth. This Sort of Day is moft Nuchthe- apely denoted by the Greek Word (*) 24 Hours. Nucbthemeron. The Nuchthemeron may be reckon 6. ed, either from Sun-ſetting to Sun- Different ſecting, as did the Jews and Athenians, ways of and as the Italians ſtill do ; or from the Nuch- Sun-riſing to Sun-riſing, as did the themeroa. Babylonians; or from Mid-day to Mid-day, as do the Generality of on of a meron, or 1 5 E (*) It is a compound of vote a Night, and so bpc a Day. The two-fold Acceptation of the Word Day, is diſtinguiſhed uſually by the Names of a Natural and an Artificial Day. But ſome calling that a natural Day, which other's call an Artificial, hence ariſes great Con- fuſion; to avoid which I judge it beſt, wholly to omit this Diſtinction. Aſtro- 4 Of HOURS. CHAP. Aſtronomers, and likewiſe the Arabs; 1. or laſtly, from Mid-night to Mid- Wnight, as did the old Egyptians, and We of this Iſland, together with the French, Germans, and other Europeans, ſtill do. 7. Proceed we now now to the part of of an Time, called an Hour. And hereby is principally denoted the 24th Part of a Nuchtbemeron. Now a Nuchtbe- meron being the Space of an entire Re- volution of the Sun about the Earth, during which the Equator makes alſo an (*) entire Revolution, hence it .. Hour. 3 -- :!', sepse tim 20 m ๆ (*) In ſtrictneſs the Equator makes fomewhat more than one Revolution, during a Nuchthemeron; viz. ſo much more as anſwers to the Sun's apparent proper Motion in the Ecliptick during the ſaid Space of Time. Now this Overplus being various ; viz. 57 Minutes in the Sun's Apogee, and 61 Minutes in its Perigee, hence Aftronomers take the Mean between the two fore-men- tioned Numbers for a ſtanding Meaſure through the whole Year, and ſo compute that to every, Nuchtheme- ron there anſwers 50'.8", and almoſt 20 over and above a Revolution (or the 360 Degrees) of the Equa. But now the Difference between the Sun's Revo. lurion (or a Nuchthemeron) and the Equator's, when at greateſt, being but 61 Minutes, or a little more than a Degree, which anſwers but to a little more than 4 Minutes in Time, hence it may be paſſed over unre- garded in common Uſe; and the Hour here ſpoken of may be well enough eſteemed to anſwer juft to 15 De, grees of the Equator. 3 comes tor. Of H Ö U R S. 5 comes to paſs, that as the whole Cir-CHAP. cle or all the 360 Degrees of the Equa- I. tor anſwer to a whole Nuchthemeron, ſom a 24th Part or 15 Degrees of the E- quator anſwer to a 24th Part of a Nuchthemeron, or ſuch an Hour. And becauſe theſe Hours are all thus uſually meaſured by 15 Degrees of the Equa- tor, hence they are all looked on as E- qual one to another at all Times. But the Jews, Greeks, and Romans 8. did antiently divide (not the Nuchthe-of Tema meron into 24 equal Hours, but ) the porate Day, whether longer or ſhorter, into Hours. 12 Hours ; and ſo likewiſe the Night. Whence it is obvious, that their Hours were Unequal one to another, except only at the two (*) Equinoxes ; when the Day and Night being Equal, their Hours would likewiſe be Equal, and to the ſame as to Extent with our Hours, though not as to Denomina- tion (*) Hence the equal Hours uſed by us are ſometimes filed Equinodtial Hours; and the uncqual Hours uſed by the Jews, &c. are ftiled Temporary Hours, from their varying in Length according to the other various Parts of the Year. M For 6 Of Hours. common Hours. Which ob. under- CH AP. For they always reckoning their firſt I. Hour of the Day from the Sun's Riſing, w which at the Equinoxes anſwers exactly 9. to our fix a Clock in the Morning, it How the follows that their firſt Hour of the Day Hours an- muſt anſwer at the Equinoxes to our fwer to our ſeven a Clock in the Morning ; and con- equal ſequently their third Hour to our nine a Clock in the Morning; their fixth to fervation is our twelve a Clock at Noon; their ninch of uſe for to our three a Clock in the Afternoon, & c. fanding And although there is not ſo exact the Bible- a Correſpondence between the Hours Hiſtory. uſed by them and us, at other Times of the Year, yet the fore-mentioned Obſer- vation is of good Uſe for the better Underſtanding the ſeveral Hours of the Day mentioned in the Sacred Hiſtory. Upon the like Account it is not to As is alſo be here omitted, that the Jews divided zire Jewiſh the Night (not only into twelve Hours, Diviſion of as is afore obſerved; but alſo) into four the Night Quarters, called Watches, each Watch Watches , containing three of their Night-hours. ego. Theſe Watches were diſtinguiſhed, ei- ther by their numeral Order, whence we expreſsly read in the Sacred Hiſtory of the (*) Second, Third, and (+) Fourth IO. into (*) Luh. xii. 38. (t) Matt, xiv. 25. Watch ; Of MINUTE S. 7 II. Watch ; or by ſome other Denomina- CHAP. cion. Thus the firſt Watch is other I. wiſe filed the (*) Head or Beginning of the Watches; the Second, the (t) Middle Watch, becauſe it laſted till Mid-night ; and the Fourth, the (II) Morning Watch. Again, the Firſt was cermed (1) the Evening ; the Second, Mid-night; the Third, the Cock-crow- ing; the Fourth, the Dawning. The common Diviſion of an Hour is into Quarters. But Aſtronomers, and Of Mi. nutes, and ſuch as are more accurate in accounting Seconds; Time, divide an Hour into ſixty Parts, and the Difference called Minutes ; and a Minute again in- between to fixty Parts, called Seconds, as being Horary Minutes of Minutes, and ſo ſecondary duary Mi- Minutes. And here it is to be obſerved, nutes. that the Word Minute is taken in a dou- ble Senſe, either to denore the fixtiech Part of an Hour, which therefore is peculiarly filed an Horary Minute; or elſe to denote the ſixtieth Part of a Degree, which therefore may be diſ- tinguiſhed by the Name of a Graduary Minute. And this Graduary Minute is (4) Lam. ii. 19. (Exod. xiv. 24. (1) Fudg. vii. 19. (5) Mark xiii. 35. ſubdi- M 2 8 Of MINUTES. CHAP. ſubdivided by Aſtronomers into fixty I. Seconds, and alſo each Second into fixty WTbirds, and each Third into fixty Fourths, &c. whereas it is uſual to ſub- divide an Horary Minute only into Se- conds. Now as 15 Degrees of the E- quator anſwer to one Hour or fixcy Ho- rary Minutes, ſo one Degree of the E- quator, or fixty Graduary Minutes an- ſwer to four Horary Minutes; and ſo one Horary Minute to fifteen Graduary Mi- nutes. And thus much for the ſeveral Parts of Time, which ariſe from a Day by Diviſion, and Subdiviſion. С НАР. भ [9] M., story CHA P. II. Of the ſeveral Parts of Time, which ariſe from a Day by Collection ; viz. WE EKS, MONTHS, , and YEARS. I. "N, mos med #m. Et vous MONG the ſeveral Parts of CHAP. Time, which ariſe from a Day I. by Collection, it is proper to ſpeak first of the Week, not only as denoting the ſmalleſt Collection of Days, namely, properly lo Of Week no more than ſeven ; but alſo as be-callid. ing the moſt Antient Collection, as we learn from the Sacred Hiſtory, whereby we are taught that it was in- ſtituted preſently after the Creation, and in Memory of God's creating the World in ſix Days, and reſting on the Seventh from all bis Works, which be bad made. The ſeven Days of the Week are commonly diſtinguiſhed by the Name The ſeven of the Planets, accounted alſo juſt the Week, ſeven according to the Vulgar Syſtem, whence and placed in this Order from the take their common Higheſt to the Loweſt, viz. Saturn, Denomi- Jupiter, - 2. ******** ***** stigningen. Det er M 3 nations. IO Of WE E K S. CHAP. Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mer- II. cury, and the Moon. Now the Aſtro- m logers ſuppoſing the fore-mentioned Planers to preſide or 'rule over the ſe- veral Hours of the Nuchthemeron ac- cording to their Order above-mentio- ned, hence denominate each Day of the Week from chat Planet, which is ſup- poſed to preſide over the firſt Hour of the Nuchtbemeron, Whence it comes to paſs, that the Days are denominated from the Planets according to the com- mon Method. For aſſigning the firſt Hour of Saturday to Saturn, the fe- cond will fall to Jupiter, the third to Mars, the fourth to the Sun, the fifth to Venus, the fixth to Mercury, and the ſeventh to the Moon. And ſo the eighth Hour will fall to Saturn again, and alſo the fifteenth and twenty-ſecond of the ſaid Nuchthemeron; and confe- quently, the twenty-third Hour will fall to Jupiter, the twenty-fourth to Mars. By which means the firſt Hour of the next Nuchthemeron will fall to the Sun, and the firſt Hour of the next to the Moon, of the next to Mars, of the next to Mercury, of the next to y upiter, of the next to Venus; and of the next to Saturn Of WE E K S. II mana, " <****** Saturn again, and ſo through the next CHAP. Week as afore. Hence the Days of II. the Week came to be diſtinguiſhed in m their Order by the Latin Names of Dies, Saturni, Solis, Luna, Martis, Mercurii, Yovis , and Veneris ; and ſo among us by the Names of Saturday, Sunday, Munday, Tueſday, Wedneſday, Thurſday, and Friday. For as Satur- day, Sunday, and Munday, plainly de- note the Day of Saturn, the Sun, and the Moon ; 'fo Tueſday, Wedneſday, Thurſday, and Friday, denote the Day of Tuiſco, Woden, Thor, and Friga; which are the Saxon Names reſpectively anſwering to Mars, Mercury, Yupiter, and Venus. It is alſo not to be omitted, that, 3. becauſe the Eaſter Week was formerly The Days eſteemed the Firſt or Principal Week Low deno- of the Year ; and each Day thereof minated by was a Feria or Holy-Day ; hence the ſeveral Days of the Week were diſtin- tians. guiſhed in their reſpective Order, a- mong the Primitive Chriſtians, by the Names of feria Prima, Secunda, &c. i. e. the Firſt , Second, ( &c.). Holy- Day: Sunday, or the feria Prima be- ing otherwiſe ſtiled by them the Lord's Day, - come to respondente la prova di sini the Anti- ent Chrif M 4 I 2 Of WE E K 8. A Week taken to CHAP. Day, as being the Day of our Lord's II. Reſurrection. Hitherto we have ſpoken of a Week 4. in its common Acceptation, as ic denotes Sometimes a Week of Days, or ſeven Days., But it is not wholly to be paſt by, that as the denote the Original or Hebrew Word which we Space of feven render a Week, does literally denote Years, only in general a Colle&tion of Seven, and therefore may be applied to Years as well as Days, (and the fame holds as to the correſpondent (*) Greek and Latin Words,) ſo it is actually uſed in (+) fome Places of the Sacred Hiſtory to denote, not ſeven Days, but ſeven Years. And in Conformity to the Uſe of the ſaid Original Word, our Engliſh Word Week is uſed in the ſaid Places of Sacred Scripture to denote, not a Week of Days, but a Week of Years, or a Collection of ſeven Years. Proceed we next to ſpeak of Months, A synodi- which, as they are of various Sorts, fal Momb, ſo are called by this one common primarily Name, not by mere Chance, or with- Month. quç any Reaſon, but by Reaſon of Hebdomas and Septimana, (+) so Dan. ix. 24-27, 6 their the meaning the remote pre deti a mano Of MONTH s. 13 their all agreeing in ſome Relation to CHAP. a Month primarily ſo called. Now II. the (*) Hebrew Word, to which our Word Month anſwers, does literally import the Time from one New Moon to another; and ſo does properly de- note a Synodical Montb.. And foraſ, much as this ſort of Month is moſt dif- tinguiſhable by our Senſe, and ſo moſt obvious and proper to be uſed as a Meaſure of Time in the common Af- fairs of Life ; hence it is more than probable, that, as our Word Month is evidently derived from the Word Moon, ſo it was primarily intended to denote likewiſe the Time from one New Moon to another, or a Synodical Month. For it is more than probable, that this Word in our Language (and ſo of the correſpondent Words in all other Languages) was firſt uſed to de- note thaç Sort of Month, which was firſt obſerved as a Meaſure of Time. But now it is not reaſonably to be 3 ***** * Fabricante Hote,, (*) The Hebrem Word Chodeſh (is derived from a Radix, which fignifies to Renew, and accordingly) does primarily denote the New Moon, or the Day of the New Mpon; and thence it is ſecondarily taken to denote a Month, being the Space from one New Moon to ano- ther, doubted, 14 Of MONTHS. rsodical ***** wa Month. CHAP.doubted, but the Synodical Month was II. firſt uſed as a Meaſure of Time, for- aſmuch as it is obvious to the bare Senſe, even of the Vulgar and moſt illiterate Perſons. 5. As for the Periodical Month, or the The pe- Time wherein the Moon goes round Monsk, why her Orbit, this could not be determi- called a ned without ſome Obſervation and Study; and therefore no doubt was not taken Notice of, till ſometime after the Synodical Month was uſed. And conſequently it is not to be doubted, but the Name Month was applied to the Time of the Moon's Periodical Courſe, not primarily, but ſecondarily, or after it had for ſome Time been ap- plied to the Moon's Synodical Courſe. And the Reaſon of impoſing the fame Name upon the Time of that, as had been impoſed afore upon the Time of this, was, becauſe both Times agree in the general, viz. as they relate to the Courſe of the Moon, and ſo may both from the Moon be called Months. 6. It has been afore (in the Aſtronomi- of the dif- cal Treatiſe, Chap. 4. Se&t. 2, 3.) ob- Lengths of ſerved, that the Periodical Month con- the Syno- fiſts of 27 Days and 7 Hours; and the Of MONTH S. 15 ཀྱིས་ སྤྱི མེ ཀagr88%E ཙྩ * 3 I dical and i je postao namna ya kuwa mwenye mit denen la information the Synodical Month of 29 Days and CH AP. 124 Hours. And the Reaſon of this II. Difference has been there accounted m for. Periodical It is here to be further noted, chat, Month. becauſe during (either a Synodical or 7. Periodical) Month of the Moon, the A Solar Sun paſſes well-nigh through a whole that, and Sign of the Ecliptick; hence the Time why called A Month, of the Sun's paffing quite through a Sign is called a Solar Month, as nearly anſwering to the Space of a Lunar Month, eſpecially the Synodical Month. For as this Sort of Lunar Month is a little above 29 Days, ſo the fore-men- tioned Solar Month is almoſt 30 Days: and conſequently the Difference between them is but about one Day. But now becauſe the fore-mentioned 8. Solar and Lunar Months do not conſiſt Civil Months, juſt of whole Days, but of ſome odd what, and Hours and Minutes over, which cannoc w by called Months be confidered in the common Account of Time; therefore ſome certain Num- ber of juſt whole Days are made uſe of inſtead of the fore-mentioned Aftrono- mical Months; but however are called likewiſe Months, foraſmuch as they come as near as can be to the faid Aſtro- nomical Months, from which they are 3 diftin. 16 Of MONTHS. 9. A Month of Weeks, what. CHAP. diſtinguiſhed by the Name of Civil II. Months, as being adapted to Civil or ü vCommon Uſe. Thus in the firſt place, what is moſt commonly called a Month among us, is made to conſiſt juſt of twenty-eight whole Days, and ſo juſt of four whole Weeks; whence it is peculiarly ſtiled a Month of Weeks. It is obvious, that in Order to render the Computa- tion of Time from Weeks to Months more eaſy, and ſo more fit for common Uſe, it was neceſſary that the Month fhould conſiſt juſt of ſome certain Number of whole Weeks: which being thus neceſſary, four whole Weeks were made Choice of for the Number, which ſhould conſtitute the Month; becauſe this Number comes nearer than any other Number of Weeks, to the ſeveral Al- tronomical Months afore-mentioned. The Aſtronomical Synodical Month The Civil is adapted to Civil or Common Uſe, Synodical by making the Civil Synodical Monch Month, to conſiſt alternately of (*) twenty- IO. what. (*) A Civil Synodical Month conſiſting of thirty Days, is called Plenus, i. e. a Full Month; and a Civil Syncdical Month confifting but of twenty-nine Days, is called Cavus, i. c, an Hollow or Defective Month. nine Of MON T H s. 17 nine and thirty whole Days ; for 29 CHAP. +30 = 59 = 291 x 2, that is, two II. Civil Synodical Months are equal com two Aſtronomical Synodical Months, omitting in both the odd Minutes. And conſequently, according to this Method, the New Moon will keep to the firſt Day of every ſuch Civil Month for a long time together, when once adjuſted thereto. This was the Month in Civil or Common Uſe among the Jews, Greeks, and Romans, till the Time of Julius Cæfar, and is ſtill ſo among the Turks. In like manner, the Aſtronomical So- lar Month may be adapted to common Uſe, by making the Civil Solar Months might be to conſiſt alternately of thirty and thir- uniformly ty-one Days, excepting one Month of Civil or the twelve, which ſhould conſiſt of thir-Common ty Days every four Years; the other Ufe. three Years it muſt conſiſt only of twenty-nine Days. This is illuſtrated by the adjoining Scheme or Table of the Solar Months. II. The Solar Months Months. 18 Of MONTHS. CH AP. II. Months. Days. Months. Days. Months. Days. March Quintilis 31 November 31 April 30 Sextilis 30 December 30 May 31 September 31 31 June 30 October 30 February 29 And every fourth Year, 30 31 January . I 2. Months hom came in Urea- For according to this regular and uni- form Method, there will be 365 Days in the twelve Solar Months for three Years together, and every fourth Year 366 Days, juſt as it is now. It is evident then, that the Civil The Solar Solar Months might be thus uniform- ly conſtituted. And indeed they were to be inflic ſo conſtituted in the main at firſt by inted as Julius Cæfar, who brought the Solar Monchs into common Uſe among the mong us. Romans, whereas they uſed afore the Civil Lunar Month, as was (*) ob- ſerved when we were ſpeaking of the ſaid Lunar Month. The Alteracion was made afterwards, when ( as the fifth Month, which had afore been called from its Rank, Quintilis, was new named Julius in Honour of the Emperor of that Name; ſo ) the ſixth Month, which had afore been called . (*) Sect. tosh of this Chafter, from 2 Of MONTH s. 19 from ics Rank, Sextilis, was new CHAP. named Auguſtus in Memory likewiſe of II. che Einperor of the ſame Name; and m not only ſo, but (whereas this Month conſiſted afore but of thirty Days, and ſo was a Day ſhorter than the foregoing Month of July,) there was a Day more added to it, that fo che Honour paid to Auguftus might not ſeem to fall ſhort of the Honour paid to Julius, even in this Punctilio. Now this Alteration being made as to the Month of Auguſt, it (according to the alternate Method at firſt inſtituted, and ſtill preſerved in the following Months) made an Alteration in all the follow- ing Months, except January, which upon this Alteration ſhould have had but thirty Days according to the alter- nate Method primarily inſticuted. But this Month being ſo named in Honour of Janus, eſteemed by the Romans, the God of Time, on the like Conſiderati- on that it ſeem'd proper to lengthen the Month of Auguſi by a Day, it might ſeem not proper to leſſen the Month of January by a Day, but rather to con- tinue it ſtill thirty-one Days long, and to make February, which afore was twenty- 20 Of MONTH s. CHAP.twenty-nine, and every fourth Year II. thirty Days long, to be commonly but twenty-eight, and every fourth' Year but twenty-nine Days long. And ſo the Solar Months came to ſtand, as they do now now in our Calendar, (whence they are called the Calendar Months ) in reference to the Names and Number of Days aſſigned to each, fet down in ſhort in the following Ta- ble. Months. Days. Months. Days. Months. Days. March 31 July 31 November 30 April 30 Auguſt 31 December 31 May 31 September anuary 31 June October February 28 But every fourth Year, 2g 30 30 31 so By comparing this and the forego- ing Table, will be illuſtrated what- ever has been here faid, either con- cerning the firſt Inſtitution of the So- lar Monchs among the Romans by Ju- lius Cæfar; or concerning the Changes that have been ſince introduced. And alſo it will appear, that the whole Number of Days, contained in the twelve Solar Months taken together, hath been all along the ſame, viz. 365 Days, and every fourth Year 366 Days. The former of which Sums is 3 the is Of MONTH s. 21 the Time, wherein the Sun ſeems to CHÂÞ. paſs through the twelve Signs, (*) omit- II. ting the odd Hours and Minutes, and the latter Sum is the Time, wherein che Sun ſeems to paſs through the twelve Signs, adding thereto the odd Hours and Minutes which were omitted the three foregoing Years, and ſo many Minutes more as make the ſaid odd Hours and Minutes equal to a whole Day in four Years. Now as theſe twelve Solar or Ca. 130 lendar Months make up the Civil So- Atwelve Month, lar Year in uſe among us (in which Senſe it is, that a Twelve-Month is uſed valent to a by us as an Equivalent Term to a Tear. Year) ſo what has been ſaid concern- ing the Sums of 365 and 366 Days being contained in the twelve Calen- dar Months taken together, will be more particularly explained, when we come preſently to ſpeak of the Civil Year in uſe among Us ; after that we have made ſome ſhort Obſerva- tions concerning the Year in gene- ral. how Equi- (*)See St.7. 16. of this chapter. N Ву 1 22 w sh Artur perly taken Of YEARS. CHAP. By a (*) Year then (the only Part II. of Time remaining to be treated of) mis denoted in general a Revolution of 14. a Celeſtial Light round the Heavens by 4 Year; (what is eſteemed) its proper Motion. general. Thus an entire (apparent) Revolution It is pro- of the fixed Stars is ſtiled the Great so denote a Year; and the Time wherein Saturn, Solar Year. Jupiter, and Mars, go round their Orbits, is reſpectively ſtiled the Year of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars; and ac- cordingly the Time of the Moon's go- ing round her Orbit, commonly called her Periodical Month, is ſometime ſtiled her Year. But by a Year is prin- cipally and properly denoted the Time, wherein the Sun appears to move round the Ecliptick, which is 365 Days, 5 Hours, and very near 49 Minutes. 15. Now becauſe during the Time of A Lunar one Solar Year, there are twelve Sya Year, what. nodical Months; hence twelve Syno- - ** ** 3 *** Parliamentaris ****** (*) As the Latin Word Annus primarily denotes a Circle (whence Annulus fignifies a Ring) and is thence taken to denote a Year, as being a Circle of Time, which being once gone round is begun again; ſo the Greek Word ivbores, and the Hebrem Word Shanah is of the like Importance. dical Of Y EARS. 23 how adap- fourth Year confittin? dical Months conſtitute (what is called CHAP. a Lunar Year ;) which therefore conſiſts II. of 354 Days, 8 Hours, and a little morem than 48 Minutes. So that the exact Difference between the Aſtronomical Solar and Lunar Year is 10 Days, 2 1 Hours, and 1 Minute. But whereas the Hours and Minutes 16. The Attroa above the whole Days of a Solar Year, nomical can't be taken Notice of in Civil or Solar Year, Common Uſe; therefore the Civil So- ted to Civil lar Year in uſe among us, is made to or Common conſiſt only of 365 Days for three Years Uſe. together, and every fourth Year of 366 Days. Namely, whereas in an Aſtro- nomical Solar Year there are, above the whole Days, 5 Hours, and very near 49 Minutes ; there are added every Year about 11 Minutes, to make up this juſt fix Hours; and theſe ſix Hours amount juſt to a whole Day in four Years. Each of the three Years conſiſting only of 365 Days, is called a Common 4 Biffex- Leap of 366 Days, is called a Biſextile or Year, wly Leap-Year. The Reaſon of its being ſo called. called Biſſextile is, becauſe the Day a- riſing in four Years out of the fix Hours afore- 17. tile or N 2 24 Of YEARS. CHAP. afore-mentioned, is this Year interca- II. lated, i.e. inſerted into the Calendar, by Wreckoning (according to the Roman Way, bis ſextum Kal. Martii, i. e. by reckoning ) twice the ſixth Day before the Calends of March, which anſwers to our twenty-fourth of February. But although we took our Civil Solar Year from the Romans, yet we do not imi- tate them in this particular, but inſtead of reckoning February the twenty-fourch twice, we reckon this Year twenty-nine Days in February, whereas in common Years we reckon but twenty-eight. But although we reckon not February twen- ty-fourth twice, yet we reckon twice the Calendar Letter always belonging to February the twenty-fourth; namely f. And by this means, that which was the Sunday Letter from January the firſt to February twenty-fourth, will be ſo no longer, but the Letter next before it in the Order of the Alphabet, will be the Sunday Letter for the remaining Part of the Year. From which Leap or Change from one Sunday Letter to another, this Year came to have the Name of Leap-Year amongſt us. , IC Of YEARS. 25 Solar Year nutes; and It has been afore obſerved, that the CHAP. Aſtronomical or true Solar Year does II. conſiſt of 365 Days, 5 Hours, 49 Mi-m nutes. . Whereas to adapt it to Civil 18. Uſe, the Solar Year is conceived co con- The Civil fiſt of 365 Days, and juſt ſix Hours ; too long by ( which ſix Hours in four Years make eleven Mi. up juſt another whole Day;) ſo that of the Gre- the Civil Solar Year is about eleven gorian Re- formation Minutes longer than the true Solar Year. of the ca- Hence it comes to paſs, that the Sea-lendar ſons, or ( which comes to the ſame ) caufed thereby the Equinoxes and Solſtices, depending on the true Solar Year, do not keep al- ways to the ſame Time or part of our Civil or Common Year, but vary every Year about eleven Minutes, (viz. 10, and 48",) and confequently about a whole Day in 133 Years. Wherefore from A. D. 325, when the famous Ni- cene Council was held, to A. D. 1582, wherein Pope Gregory the XIIIth re- formed the Calendar, there was found to have aroſe a Variation of ten Days ; the Vernal Equinox, which ac the Time of the Nicene Council fell about the 21ſt of March, in A. D. 1582, being found to fall on March the nith. Hereupon the fore-mentioned Pope, intending N 3 26 Of YEARS. ................ 1) ,,.. 'W.Y!******************** CHAP. intending to bring back the Equinox to II. the Time of the Year it fell upon at M the Nicene Council, ordered October 5th, (in the Year 1582.) to be reckoned Oktober 15th, thereby ſuppreſſing ten Days, and making the following March IIth to be reckoned March 2iſt; and ſo the Vernal Equinox, which other- wife would have been reckoned to fall on March 11th, to fall on March 21ſt, as at the Time of the Nicene Council. And that the like Variation might not happen again, the ſaid Pope ordered, that once in 133 Years a Day ſhould be taken out of the Calendar; or ( which comes to the ſame that three Days ſhould be taken out every four Hundred Years, after this Method, viz. whereas, according to the Account a- fore (and ſtill by us) uſed, every Hun- dredth Year from the Nativity of our Saviour is a Leap-Year ; from thence- forth only every four Hundredth Year ſhould be a Leap-Year ; and the other Hundred Years ſhould be common Years. As the Account afore in uſe, is 19. C!d-style thence called the Old Style; as alſo the and New Julian Account or Julian Year, from Style, Julius Cæfar, by whoſe Authority ic 5. wat. was Of Y EAR S. 27 was firſt introduced among the Romans, CHAP. forty-ſix Years before Chriſt, according II. to the Common Account by the Years of our Lord : So this Form of the Ci- vil Solar Year introduced by the fore- mentioned Pope Gregory, is from him called the Gregorian Account ; as alſo from its being (comparatively with the former) newly introduced, the New-Style. And this is uſed in Italy, France, Spain, and where-ever the Pope's Authority is acknowledged; and as it had been re- ceived from the firſt by the Popiſh Coun- tries of Germany, ſo towards the End of the laſt Century it was received alſo by many of the Reformed People of Germa- ny, as to their Civil or Common Account of Time. For as to their Eccleſiaſtical Account, or finding the (Eaſtern Moon, or) Time of Eaſter, theſe do or did till (*) very lately follow the Rudolphine Tables of Kepler. The Old-Style is ſtill uſed by Us of this Iſland, as alſo in Ireland, and by ſome others. Although the Calends or Firſt of January is now-adays, almoſt through-of the va- ginnings of the Ci. (*) The Publick News-Papers have in general given wil Solar Account of ſome Reformation or Alteration made lately in this Reſpect by the Proteſtants in Germany. out 20. rious Be- Year in VA- rions Counu tries. N 4 E 28 Of YEARS. CHAP.out all Europe, commonly looked on as II. the Beginning of the Year, whether m Julian or Gregorian; yet there are ſome, who reckon the Beginning of it from ſome other part of the Year, Thus the Venetians, Florentines, and Piſans in Italy, and the Inhabitants of Triers or Treves in Germany, reckon the Beginning of the Year from the Vernal Equinox. The Church of Eng- land, in Conformity to the Antient U- ſage of the Chriſtian Church, reckons her Ecclefiaſtical Year from the Feast of the Annunciation, commonly called by us Lady-Day. And our Civil Year, according to our Law, takes alſo its Beginning from the ſame Day; though the common People, and others among us in Matters not requiring the Nicety of a Legal Date, reckon the Begin- ning of our Year from the firſt of Ya- nuary Ic has been afore obſerved, that the The Altro.Lunar Year, ſtrictly or according to Al- nomical tronomical exactneſs, conſiſts of 354 Tear, bow Days, 8 Hours, and a little more than adapted to 48 Minutes. But to adapt this alſo to and firſt of Civil Uſe, the Civil Lunar Year is ef- zhe Wan- teemed to conſiſt only of 354 whole dring Ls. Bar Year. Days. 21. Lunar 1 Of YEARS. 29 Days. So that the Difference between Chap the Civil Lunar Year of 354 Days, and II. the Civil Solar Year of 365 Days, is m eleven Days; the former being ſo much ſhorter than the latter. Hence it comes to paſs, that ſuch as uſe the Civil Lunar Year, without any regard to the aforeſaid Difference, their Year, ſuppoſing it to begin now in Spring, will after eight years Time begin in Win- ter; and after eight Years more in Au- tumn, and ſo after that in Summer; and laſtly, after about thirty three Years in all, will begin in Spring again. Hence it is called Annus Lunaris Vagus, or the Wandring Lunar Year ; becauſe its Beginning thus wanders through the ſeveral Seaſons, and that in the Me- mory of Man. And this is the Sort of Year uſed by the Turks. Others, though they uſed or uſe the Civil Lunar Year, yet remedy the of the fore-mentioned Inconveniency of its fixed Lis- thus changing the Time of its Begin- Luna So- ning, by having Regard to the fore- lar Year. mentioned Difference of eleven Days, between the Civil Solar and Lunar Year ; namely, by intercalating ſo many Months, as the ſaid Difference 3 of 22. 30 Of YEARS CHAP.of eleven Days ariſe to in ſuch a num. II. ber of Years. By which means the Lunar and Solar Year are kept ſo ad- juſted one to the other, as that the Be- ginning of the Lunar Year will keep in a manner fixed to the ſame part of the Solar Year. Hence this sort of Year is called the fixed Lunar Year as alſo the Luni-Solar Year ; and it is uſed by the Jews, and the Church of Rome in her Ecclefiaftical Account . And thus much for the ſeveral Parts, into which Time in general is diſtin- guiſhed. ; СНАР, [ 31 ] n. he d. le CHA P. III. ep of of i; is of Of the ſeveral CHARACTERS of Time in general : and particularly of the CYCLE of the Moon, and the EPACTS. t. S, P n I. The Cha- 2. The Natu- Roceed we now to ſpeak of the ſe-CHAP, veral Characters, whereby particu- III. lar Times are diſtinguiſhed one from the other. And theſe are either Natural or Inſtituted by Men. sacters of The Natural Characters of Time are timerman ſuch as depend on Natural Cauſes, and fold. are theſe ; viz. New Moons, Full Moons, Eclipſes, either of the Sun (as Fale Chan they are commonly callid) or Moon, rutters of the two Equinoxes, the two Solſtices, Time,whar. the Cycle of the Moon, and the Epacts of the Moon. All which have been ſufficiently ſpoken of in the foregoing Treatiſe of Aſtronomy, except the Cycle and Epacts of the Moon ; which are therefore to be here explained. The 32 Of the CYCLE of the Moon. cleof the Moon. e CH AP. The Cycle of the Moon then is to be III. eſteem'da (*) Natural Character of m Time, becauſe it depends on a Natural 3. Cauſe, viz. the Motion of the Moon : of the Cy" which is ſuch, that, afrer nineteen Years very nearly, the New Moons and Full Moons are obſerved to fall on the fame Nuchthemeron of the Julian Year, as they did nineteen Years afore. Hence this Cycle is otherwiſe termed the Cy- cle of nineteen Years. 4. The New Moons being obſerved to of the fall out thus, they were wont former- Nuoler, ly to calculate or find out the Time of er Prime. the New Moons (without the Help of Aſtronomical Tables) after this man- ner. They obſerved, on what Day of each Calendar Month the New Moon fell, in each Year of this Cycle; and to the ſaid Days they ſet reſpec- tively the Number of the ſaid Year. Thus obſerving, that the New Moons, in the firſt Year of this Cycle, fell on January 23d, February, 21/1,March 23d, Golden (*) Some eſteem this, not a Natural, but an Infitu- ted Character of Time. But not fo properly, ſince it depends on a Natural Cauſe. &c. Of the Cycle of the Moon. 33 le if 1 : 'S 1 e , &c. they ſet the Number 1 to the ſaid CHAP. Days. And in the like manner, obſer- III. ving that, in the ſecond Year of this Cycle, the New Moons fell on Janu- ary 12th, February 10th, March 12th, &c. to the ſaid Days they ſet the Number 2. And after this Method they went through all the nineteen Years of this Cycle; as may be ſeen (*) in the Calendar adjoining to the End of this Chronological Treatiſe. The Numbers thus ſet to the Days whereon the New Moons fell in each Year, are called the Golden Numbers, either becauſe they were formerly wont to be writ in Gold, or elſe be- cauſe of their Golden or great Uſe. Any one of theſe Golden Numbers is otherwiſe called the (+) Prime, be- cauſe the ſaid Numbers were placed in the Prime or Firſt Column of the Calendar, as they ſtill are in our Church Calendar, and in the Calen- dar adjoining to this Treatiſe : Or elſe ) (*) As alſo in the Calendar of the Common Prayera Book. (+) It is called by this Name in the Directions be- longing to the Table for finding Eafter for ever in the Common-Prayer-Book. becauſe 34 of the Cycle of the Moon. CHAP. becauſe each Golden Number denotes III. Luna Prima, or the firſt Day of the mNew Moon, according to which way of ſpeaking the Full Moon is frequent- ly ſtyld Luna Quartadecima, as fall- ing on the Fourteenth Day after the New Moon incluſively. The Golden Numbers being thus placed, it was eaſy to find, what Day of any Monch in any Year given the New Moon will fall upon, it being known to what Year of the Moon's Cycle the Year given anſwered. Thus ſuppoſe, A. D. 354, to be the Year, given, which anſwers to the 13th Year of the Moon's Cycle; and ſuppoſe it be enquired, what day of March the New Moon fell upon that Year, I look for the Number 13 in the Month of March, and find it ſet to the rith Day ; whereby is ſhewn, that the New Moon fell that Year on that Day of March. And by this Method the New How to find Moon could be found with Accura- cy enough at the Time of the Nicene preſent by Council, foraſmuch as the Golden Num- the Golden ber did then ſhew the Day (i. e. the Nuchthemeron) within which the New Moon fell out. And hereupon is found- 3 ed 5. the New Moons at Number. 9. Of the CYCLE of the Moon. 35 tes the ау nt- Il- he en fy in 11 ur n ទេ ; ed the Rule of the Nicene Council for CHAP.. finding Eaſter, of which more in Chap- III. ter 7th. It is here to be obſerved, that the Golden Numbers do not now ſhew the Days, whereon the New Moons fall. For the Cycle of the Moon is leſs than nineteen Julian Years, by i Hour, 27 Minutes, and almoſt 32 Se- conds. Whence it comes to paſs, that, although the New Moons fall again upon the ſame Days, as they did nineteen Years afore, yet they fall not on the ſame Hour of the Day or Nuch- themeron ; but 1 Hour, 27 Minutes, and almoſt 32" Sooner. And this Dif- ference ariſing in about 3 12 years to a whole Day, hence the New Moons after every 3 12 years fall a whole Day i.e. Nuchthemeron) ſooner. Upon this Score the New Moons fall now four Days ſooner, than they did at the Time of the Nicene Council. Which being obſerved, the Day (i. e. the Nuchthe- meron, though not the Hour of it) on which the New Moons fall, may be now found by the Golden Number. For Inſtance, I would know on what Day of January the New Moon will fall next Year, viz. 1712. This, by the 36 Of the CYCLE of the Moon. n So I'. CH A P. the Rule delivered in the following III. Paragraph, will be found to be the mthird year of the Moon's Cycle. I look therefore for the Golden Number 3, and find it (in che Calendar ) placed to January the 1ſt, and again to January the 31/t, ſo that about the Time of the Nicene Council, there were two New Moons in the Month of January, every third year of the Moon's Cycle. Where- as, according to the fore-mentioned Obſervations, each of the ſaid two New Moons falling now four Days ſooner, the firſt of them falls upon December 28th of this preſent Year, 1711; and only the other falls in the January following, viz. on January 27th, 1712. 6. It remains now to ſhew, how it is To find to be found, what Year of the Moon's Cycle any given Year of Chriſt an- ſwers to. And this is done by (*) Cycle any given Year adding i to the given Year of Chrift, of Chriſt and then dividing the Sum by 19. If Anſwers to. 19 juſt divides the Number of the Year given, then it is the 19th or laſt Year of the Moon's Cycle ; If 19 trhat Year of the Moon's (+) The Reaſon of adding i is, becauſe the Æra of Chrift began in the ſecond Year of this Cycles does Of the Èpacts of the M o0 N. 37 ig ne ik d. O 'y does not juſt divide the ſaid Number, CHAP. but ſomewhat of the ſaid Number re III. mains over, then the ſaid Remainder m Thews the Year of the Moon's Cycle. For inſtance, I would know to what Year of the Moon's Cycle A. D. 1712 anſwers. And by this Rule I find it to anſwer to the third Year of the Cycle ; for 1712 + 1 being divided by 19, there will remain 3. And thus much for the Cycle of the Moon. Come we next to the Epacts of the 7. Moon. It has been afore obſerved, that of the E- the Civil Lunar Year is eleven Days the Moon; ſhorter than the Civil Solar Year. Con- ſequently, two ſuch Lunar Years will be cwenty two Days ſhorter than two ſuch Solar Years; and three Lunar Years will be ſhorter than three Solar Years by. thirty-three Days. Now ſuch as uſe the fixed Lunar (otherwiſe called the Luni-Solar Year, in order to adjuſt the ſaid Lunar Year to the Solar, as often as the Lurar Year does thus come to be thirty three Days ſhorter than the Solar, do intercalate á Month of thirty Days into the Lunar Year ; except only every sgth Year, viz. the laſt Year of the Moon's Cycle) when the interca- O lated 38 Of the Cycle of the Moon. CHAP.lated Month conſiſts but of cwenty-nine III. Days. ya , pero wala I. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10 II. 12. ME TE 13 14 15 0 Golden Number, Epacts. By this means the Civil Lunar XI. ..XXII. and Solar Years III. are kept ſo ad- .XIV. .XXIV. juſted together,as VI. that the firſt Year . XVII. of the MOON's XVIII. JX. Cycle comes not XX. ſhorter of the So- ... 1. XII. lar Year than e- XXIII. leven Days; the IV. ... XV. ſecond Year of 16 XXVI. the ſaid Cyclenot 17 .. VII. ſhorter than : 22 18. XVIII. 19 XXIX. ! Days; the third Year ſhorter only by three Days, &c. as may be ſeen in the adjoining Table. Namely, as the New Moons are the ſame (i. e. fall on the ſame Day ) every nineteen Years, ſo the difference between the Lunar and Solar Year is the ſame every nineteen Years. And becauſe the ſaid Difference is always to be added to the Lunar Year, in order to adjuſt or make it equal to the Solar Year; hence the ſaid Diffe- rence reſpectively belonging to each Year Of the Epacts of the Moon. 39 ine ing lar ars d- jas ar T's ot Year of the Moon's Cycle, is called the CHAP. Epact of the ſaid Year, i. e. the Num III. ber co be added to the ſaid Year to make it equal to the Solar Year: Upon this mutual Reſpect between the 8. Cycle of the Moon, and the Cycle of Hom to the Epacts, there is founded this Rule find the Epacts of for (*) finding the Epact belonging to the Moon any Year of the Moon's Cycle. Multi-according to the Jus ply the Year given of the Moon's Cycle lian Ac into it; if the Product be leſs than 30, it is the Epact fought; if the Product be greater than 30, divide it by 30; and the Remainder of the Dividend is the Epact, Ex. gr. I would know the E- pact for A. D. 1712, which has been al- ready found to be the third Year of the Moon's Cycle. Wherefore three is the E- pact for A. D. 1712: for 11 x3 = 33 and 33 being divided by 30, there is left three of the Dividend for the Epact: count: - e he of C 2 d у 2 ] (*) Namely in reſpect of the Julian Account. For in reſpect of the Gregorian Account there is a different Me- thod, the Epact being different. However, the Julian Epact being known, it is eaſy thence to know the Gre- gorian Epact. Namely, if the Julian Epact begreater than 11, Subitract u froin it: it leis, add 30 to it, and out of the Sum Subſtract us, and the Reſidue will be the Gre- gorian Epact. For inſtance; it has been found, that Three is the Julian Epact for A. D. 1712. Wherefore 3 to 30 = 33, and 33 11=22. which lait Number (vizi 22.) is the Gregorian Epift for the ſaid Year, 1712. 02 Ву 40 Of the Epacts of the Moon. of any 30; if Month in CHAP. By the Help of the Epact may be III. found, what Day of any Month in any Year the New Moon falls on, thus: To 9. the Number of the Month from March To fined by incluſively, add the Epact of the Year what Day given ; if the Sum be leſs than 30, Sub- ſtract it out of greater, Subſtract any Year it out of 60; and the Remainder will the New be the Day, whereon the New Moon Moon falls will fall. N. B. If the New Moon be fought for the Month of January or March, then nothing is to be added to che Epact ; if for February or April,then only 1 is to be added. Ex. Ex.gr. I would know what Day of December the New Moon will fall on this A. D. 1711, the Epact whereof is 22. By the a- foreſaid Rule, I find it will be Decem- ber 28th, for 22 +10=32, and 60- on. 3 1 32 = 28. 10. Moon. . To The Day, whereon the New Moon " To find the falls, being thus found, it is eaſy from Age of the thence to infer, what the Age of the Moon is on any Day given. However, there is a peculiar Rule commonly made uſe of to this purpoſe, which is this: Add the Epact of the Year, the Num- ber of the Month from March inclu- ſively, and the given Day of the Month all into one Sum : which, if it be leſs than 3 эс 41 Of the EPACT S. ly 'o cb ir )- st 11 n e r 0 n 1 than 30, ſhews the Age of the Moon ; CHAP. if it be greater than 30, divide it by 30, III. and the Remainder of the Dividend m ihews the Age of the Moon, or how many Days it is from the laſt New Moon. And this Method will never err a whole Day. For inſtance, I would know, what will be the Age of the Moon on December 31ſt of this Year 1711. By this Rule I find, that the Moon will then be three Days Old, i. e. that it will then be three Days from the laſt New Moon. For 22 + 10 +- 31 = 63, and 63 being divided by 30, there will remain of the Dividend 3. And this exactly agrees to the other fore- going Rule, whereby it was found, that the New Moon will fall on December 28th of this Year 1711. It remains only to obſerve, that the Epacts of the Moon are juſtly to be ef- The Epafts teemed as (*) Natural Characters of Time; foraſmuch as they depend on a eftcemed Natural Cauſe, viz. the Motion of the Moon. For the Reaſon, why the Civil II, of fiheitsoon are to be Natural Characters, (*) This is inſiſted upon, becauſe the Epacts are by ſome eſteemed, not Natural, but infiitu:ed Characters, O 3 Lunar 42 Of the EPACT S. CHAP. Lunar Year is leſs than the Civil Solar III. (i. e. Julian) Year by eleven Days, is, m becaule as the Moon goes round her Orbit, there are twelve Conjunctions of her and the Sun, (or twelve Synodical Months, which make up a Lunar Year) in leſs Time by eleven Days very nearly, than the Sun ſeems to go once round the Ecliptick. And in like manner, the Reaſon why the Cycle of the Epacts, as well as that of the Moon, confifts of nineteen Years, is, becauſe in that Inter- val of Time, the Moon's Motion has (much) the ſame Reſpect to the Sun, as it had nineteen Years afore. And thus much for the Natural Characters of Time, С НАР, [ 43 ] 11 S, r CH A P. IV. f . :) 's 1 Of the Cycle of the SUNDAY-LETTER, commonly called the Cycle of the SUN. in tend TH i 1. 'HE Cycle of the Sun is very im-CHAP. properly ſo called, foraſmuch as IV. it relates not to the Courſe of the Sun, on but to the Courſe of the Dominical or Sunday-Letter ; whence it ought to of the sun be called the Cycle of the Sunday-Letter, improper, It conſiſts of twenty-eight Years, for- ly ſo called. aſmuch as after every twenty-eight Years the Courſe or Order of the Sunday-Letter is the ſame, as it was afore. The Uſe of this Cycle ariſes from (*) the Cuſtom of Aſligning in the of the Uſe Calendar to each Day of the Week, le. of this cho one of the firſt ſeven Letters of the Alphabet ; A being always affixed to 2. (*) This Cuſtom being Arbitrary, hence this Cycle not a Natural Character, but of Humine Inſtitution. 04 Yanu- 44 Of the Cycle of the Su N. CHAP. January if, whatever Day of the VI. Week it be; B co January 2d, C to fanuary 3d ; and ſo in order G to January 7th. After which the fame Letters are repeated again, 'A being affixed to January 8th, &c. According to this Method, there being 52 Weeks, in a Year, the ſaid feven Letters are re- peated 52 Times in the Calendar. And were there but juſt 52 Weeks, the Let- ter G would belong to the laſt Day of the Year, as the Letter A does to the firſt; and conſequently, that Letter, which was at firſt conſtituted the Sun- day-Letter, (and the ſame is to be un- derſtood of the other Days of the Week) would always have been ſo ; and there would have been no Change of the Sunday-Letter. But our Year conſiſting of 52 Weeks, and an odd Day over, hence it comes to paſs, that the Letter A belongs to the laſt, as well as to the firſt Day of every Year. For, although every Leap-Year conſiſts of 366 Days, and fo of two Days over 52 Weeks, yet it is not uſual to add a Letter more, viz, B, to the End of the Year ; but in- tead thereof to repeat the Letter F, which R Of the Cycle of the Su N. 45 he to to је d f which (*) anſwers to the 24th of Fe-CHAP, bruary, and to affix it again to the in IV. tercalated Day (as has been (+) aforem obſerved) which we call February 25th. By which means the ſaid ſeven Letters of the Alphabet remain affixed to the ſame Days of a Leap-Year, as of a Common Year, through all the reſt of the Calendar, both before and after. The Letter Athen thus always belong- ing to the firſt and laſt Day of the ſame Year, and conſequently to the laſt Day of the Old Year, and firſt Day of the New; it thence comes to paſs, that there is a Change made as to the Sun- day-Letter in a backward Order, that is, fuppofing G to be the Sunday-Let- ter one Year, F will be the next, and ſo on : which is illuſtrated by the fol- lowing Table ;. where it muſt be obfer-- ved, that the great Letter is the Sunday- Letter for each Year. 2 (*) As may be ſeen in the Calendar adjoined to the End of this Treatiſe. (t) Chap 1. 5. J7+ * * * * * * * * * easy in December 46 Of the Cycle of the Sun. CH A P. · IV. December 1711. 24 Monday b. 25 Tueſday с 26 Wedneſday d. 27 | Thurſday 28 Friday f 29 Saturday G 30 Sunday 31 Monday January 1712. Il Tueſday b... 2 Wedneſday 3 Thurſday d 5 Saturday F. 6 Sunday 7 Monday 8 Tueſday . به مه ما به م ر م م 4 | Friday e . 2 ☺ Day in every Com- makes a ter As from the foregoing Table it is 3. The Odd evident, how the odd Day above 52 Weeks in a Year does make the Sunday- men Year" Letter change from one Letter to the next to it in a backward Order ; ſo it Change in is obvious, that were there but this ſingle the Sun- Change, Sunday would be denoted by day-Let- each of the ſeven Letters every ſeven Years, and ſo the Cycle of the Sunday- Letter would conſiſt of no more than ſeven Years. But now there being in every fourth or Leap-Year two Days a- bove 52 Weeks, hence it comes to paſs, that there is every ſuch Year a double Change made as to the Sunday-Letter. Namely, as the odd ſingle Day above 52 Weeks in a common Year, makes (as has been ſhewn by the foregoing Ta- ble) the firſt Sunday in January to ſhift from that which was the Sunday-Let- ter of the foregoing Year, to the next Letter Of the Cycle of the Sun. 47 I ri lay V Letter to it in a backward Order ; fo CHAP. the other Day, intercalated every Leap- IV. Year after the 23d of February, (tho' it makes no change as to the Days of the Month, to which the Alphabetical Letters reſpectively belong ; which is brought about by the Artifice of repeat- ing che Letter F twice, as was before obſerved: yet it) does make a Change as to the Days of the Week, to which each Alphabetical Letter is to belong for the remaining Part of the Year ; as is evident by the following Table con- taining the latter Part of February 1712, being Leap-Year, and the former Parc of March. . is 52 ty- he it le ру en - n n 1 24 F 2 February. 23 Saturday Sunday 25 f Monday Tueſday 27 a Wedneſday 28b Thurſday 29 Friday 26 g 3 4 5 6 7 March. d Saturday E Sunday f Monday g Tueſday Wedneſday b Thurſday c Friday a C As the former Table Thewed, how 4. it comes to paſs, that G is the Sunday. The inter- Letter for 1711, and F for 1712, at Day makes the Beginning of the ſaid Year, even a double to February 23d; fo this later Table Change thews in the Sun- 48 Of the Cycle of the Sun. every CHAP. Thews, how it comes to paſs, that af- IV. ter February 23d, not F as afore, but E is the Sunday-Letter for the Reſt of day-Letter the Year. And conſequently as the Leap-Year, former Table will ſerve to ſhew, how by the odd Day in a common Year, there is made every common Year a ſingle Change as to the Sunday-Letter; ſo the latter Table, compared with the former, will ſhew how by the inter- calated Day of a Leap-Year there is made after February 23d, in every Leap- Year another Change of the Sunday- Letter, beſides the former made at the Beginning of the ſaid Leap-Year ; and conſequently how there comes a double Change of the Sunday-Letter every Leap-Year. Now as the Cycle of the Sunday- 5 This Cycle Letter would have conſiſted but of why con- feven Years, had there been only a fifts of twenty- ſingle Change of the faid Letter; fo, eight by Reaſon of there being a double Change of the ſaid Letter every Leap or fourch Year, it comes to paſs, that the ſaid Cycle conſiſts of four Times feven Years, i. e. the Sunday-Letter does not proceed in the ſame Courſe as it did afore, under twenty-eight Years; and after that Number of Years Years. Of the Cycle of the Sun. 49 n Years its Courſe or Order is the ſame CHAP. as it was afore. Which is illuſtrated IV. by the following Table ; where it is u to be obſerved, that the firſt Year, and every fourth Year after, of the Cycle is a Leap-Year, and therefore has two Sunday-Letters appertaining to it. af. but t of the 10W ear, ra er; the er- is P- zy- he nd Sle гу A TABLE of the Cycle of the Sun. I GFI BA 9 DC|13 FE 17 AG|21 CB125 ED 2 E 6 GIO B 14 D 118 F 22 A 126 C 3 D 7 F 15 C 19 E 27 B 14 C 18 E 12 G 16 B 20 D 24 F 128 A IL A 23 G y- of a o, le To find what Year of this Cycle any 6. given Year of our Lord anſwers to, 10 find the and conſequently, what is the Sunday- sun for any Letter for the Year given, work thus: given Year To the Year of our Lord given (*) of Christ . add 9, and divide the Sum by 28. If р 10 S r r e C f (*) The Reaſon of adding 9, is becauſe the Æra of Chriſt began in the Tenth Year of this Cycle. any GO Of the Cycle of the Sun. CHAP. any of the Dividend remains, the ſaid IV. Remainder ſhews the Year of the Cy- Mcle foughc; if nothing remains of the Dividend, then it is the laſt or 28th Year of the Cycle. For inſtance, I would know, what Year of the Cycle of the Sun, A. D. 1712. anſwers to. By the foregoing Rule I find it to an- ſwer to the 13th Year of the ſaid Cy- cle; (for 1712 + 9 = 1721, and 172 1 being divided by 28, there will be left 13;) and by the Table of this Cycle I. find the Sunday-Letters for the ſaid Year, being a Leap-Year, to be FE, viz. F from the Beginning of January to February 23d, and after that E for the Reſt of the Year, according to the (*) Julian Account. It may not be altogether unuſeful To find to obſerve further, that each of the what Day firſt ſeven Alphabetical Letters always Week the (as is afore noted) belonging to the forf Day of lame Day of each Month in the Year, 7 7 any Month falls upon. (*) Having found the Sunday Letter according to the Fulian Account, the Gregorian Sunday. Letter will be the third in a backward Order from the Julian. Thus FE being the fulian Sunday. Letters for 1712, being Lep- Year, C3 will be the Gregorian Sun.lay- Letters for lhe fame. 3 hence Of the Cycle of the Sun. 35 37 hence the two following Engliſh Verſes CHAP. ſhew by the firſt Letter of each Word, IV. what Letter belongs to the firſt Day of each Month ; the Order of the Words anſwering to the Order of the Months thus : Jan. Feb. March, April, May, June, At Dover Dwells George Brown Eſquire, July, Aug. Sept. 067. Νου. Dec. Good Chriſtian Faith, And Doctor Fryar. Wherefore the Sunday-Letter being known, it is eaſy by the Help of the foregoing Verſes to tell, what Day of the Week the firſt Day of any Month falls upon; namely, by conſidering the Order or Diſtance of the Letter belonging to the firſt Day of the given Month from the given Sunday-Letter. Ex. gr. I would know, what Day of the Week the firſt of February 1712: will be, when the Sunday-Letter will be (at that Part of the ſaid Year) F. By the foregoing Verſes I know D is the Letter belonging to February ift, and therefore F being the Sunday-Let- ter D, (as being two in the Alphabe- tical Order before F) muſt denote Friday, which is agreeably two Days before Sunday In 52 Of the Cycle of the Su N. of the CH A P. In like manner, if it be enquired, IV. what. Day of the Week March in mwill fall upon in 1712, when the Sun- day-Letter will be changed from F to E It being known by the foregoing Verſes, that D, is the Letter that be longs alſo to the firſt of March, it follows that, as D is the Letter next before E, ſo March iſt muſt fall on (that Day of the Week which is next before Sunday, viz.) Saturday. 8. It being thus to be known, what To find Day of the Week the firſt Day of any that Day Month falls upon; falls upon; thereby may be eaſily known alſo, what Day of the other Day Week any other Day of the ſame Month (bea Month falls upon ; namely, by confi- ſides th: dering, that the iſt, 8th, 15th, 22d, firm) falls and 29th Day of any Month always fall upon the fame Day of the Week ; and then reckoning, how far diſtant the Day propoſed is from any of the aforeſaid Days. For inſtance, I would know, what Day of the Week March 18th falls upon next Year, viz. 1712. It being afore known, that the firſt Day of March will then fall on Satur- day, it follows, that March 15th will be likewiſe on Saturday; and there- fore March 18th (as being three Days after Week any of the upon. Of the Cycle of the Sun. 53 ed, IA IN- to after March 15th) will fall on Tueſday,CHAP. as being three Days after Saturday. And IV. therefore, by the Sunday-Letter and the m foregoing Verſes, may be found, what Day of the Week any Day of the Year in general will fall upon. And thus we have largely ſhewn the Uſe of the Cycle of the Sun, or of the Sunday-Letter. ng le. it * in xt It у e e e S LONU HWN What will P CH AP; ( 54 ) CH A P. V. Of the INDICTIon, and JULIAN PERIOD. TH I. of the CHAP . HE Indiction is a Cycle of fif. V. teen Years, which has no Rela- tion to any Celeſtial Motion, but was inſtituted wholly on a Political or Ci- Indiction, vil Account, viz. in reſpect to certain Taxes (as is the moſt received Opini- on) which were to be paid every fifteen Years. When this Cycle was firſt inſti- tuted, is not left upon Record; buc ic is evident from Hiſtory, that it has been in Uſe ever ſince the Time of Conſtan- tine the Great, or from A. D. 312. was uſed both by the Greeks and Ro- mans, buc after (*) a manner ſomewhat different. The Roman Indiction is ſtill uſed by the Pope in his Bulls, &c. And the Year of the Roman Indiction an- IC (*) The Greek Indiction begins from the firſt of Sep tember, the Roman Indiction from the firſt of January, And the foriner is uſed in the Acts of Councils, and the Niveis of the Emperois. ſwering Of the JULIAN PERIOD. 55 N AN 6f. la. ſwering to any given Year of Chriſt is CHAP found, by (*) adding 3 to the given V. Year of Chriſt, and dividing the Summ by 15. The Remainder of the Divi- dend, if any there be, ſhews the Indic- tion ; if nothing remains, then it is the 15th or laſt Year of the Indiction. The principal Reaſon of taking Notice of this Cycle in this Treatiſe, is becauſe it con- duces to the Underſtanding of the Yu- lian Period, of which we ſhall ſpeak next. The Julian Period is no other than a greater Cycle, made up of the three of the ſu: fore-mentioned Cycles of che Moon Sun, and Indiction, multiplied one into the other, and ſo conſiſting of 7980 Years. For the Cycles of the Moon and Sun, viz. 19. and 28, being multi- plied together make (4) 532 ; which being multiplied again by 15, the Cycle of the Indiction, makes 7980, the Space vas Cic 2. lian Pe. uin hi- en ti- is riod. en no TC Je RE 11 d (*) The Reaſon of adding 3, is, becauſe A. D. , bem gan in the fourth Year of the laid Roman Indiction. (+) This Number of Years, ariſiag from the Cycles of the Moon and Sun being multiplied together, is pe- culiarly ftiled the Dionyſian Period, and alſo the Vi&orian Period, from Perſons of the like Names, who intro- duced the Uſe thereof. P 2 of . 56 Of the JULIAN PERIOD. CHAP. of the Julian Period. It is called the V. Julian Period, becauſe it was adapted mby the Author or Inventor of it, Joſeph Scaliger, to the Julian Year, and its fore-mentioned Cycles. It is of excellent Uſe in Chronology, or Diſtinguiſhing of Times ; becauſe the ſame Years of the Cycles of the Moon, Sun, and In- diction, which belong to any one Year of this Julian Period, will never fall together again till after 7980 Years, and conſequently not as long as the World ſtands, according to the Opinion pro- bably received concerning (*) the Dura- tion of the World. And as this Pe- riod will probably not expire before the End of the World, and thereby conſequently may be diſtinguiſhed the Times of all Future Events ; ſo it ex- tends backwards (+) before the Begin- (*) Namcly, That it shall endure but 6000 Years. Of which about 4000 Years being expired before our Sa. viour's Nativity, and ſomewhat above 1700 Years being expired fince; there remains but about 300 Years more for the World to laſt, according to the faid Opinion. (+) Namely, Julian Period 4714, anſwering to A.D. 1. and our Saviour being born but about the 4000th Year of the World, it thence follows, that the Julian Period muſt be conceived to commence or begin about 700 Years before the Creacion, ming 1 Of the JULIAN PERIOD. 57 the ted eph its ene ng of n- ar all od ld lian Period 2- 4- - ning of the World, and thereby conſe-CHAP. quently may be diſtinguiſhed the Times V. of all Paſt Events from the very Cream tion. Hence Chronologers do endea- vour to adjuſt all other Accounts of Time, and conſequently all Tranſactions and Events recorded in Hiſtory, to the Julian Period. To find what Year of the Julian 3; Period any given Year of Chriſt anſwers what rear to, work thus. To the given Year of of the Ju- Chriſt add 4713, (becauſe ſo many anſwers to Years of the Julian Period were expi- any given red before A. Ď. 1.) and the Sum gives Year of the Year of the Julian Period ſought. For inſtance, I would know, what Year of the Julian Period A. D. 1712. an- Now 1712 +4713=6425, the Year fought of the Julian Period. On the contrary, having the Year of 4. the Julian Period given to find what To find A. D. anſwers thereto, work thus. From of Chriſt the Year of the Julian Period given, anſwers to ſubſtract 47134 (for the Reaſon above- rear of the mentioned,') and the Reſidue will be che Julian Pea A. D. ſought. For inſtance, I would riod. know, what A. D. anſwers to the Yu- lian Period 6425. Wherefore 6425 4713 = 1712, the A. D. fought. 'e V e (wers to. whut Year 1 P3 If 58 Of the JULIAN PERIOD. what rear before CHAP. If the Year of the Julian Period gi- V. ven be 4713, or leſs than it, then ſub- w ſtract the ſame from 4714, ( which is 5. the Year of the Julian Period, that an- To find ſwers to A. D. 1.) and the Reſidue will ſhew, how long afore (the Beginning of Christ an- the common Computation from the Na- any given tivity of) Chriſt the given Year of the Year of the Julian Period was. For inſtance, the Period, leſs City of Rome is ſaid to have been built, than 4714. 7. P. 3960. I would know therefore, how long it was built before Chriſt. Now 4714—3960 = 754. Wherefore Rome was built 754 Years before (the Beginning of the common Æra of) Chriſt. 6. To know what Year of the Cycle of To find the the Sun, Moon, or Indiction, anſwers to Cycle of the Sun, any Year given of the Julian Period; Moon, or divide the given Year reſpectively by Indictior, 28, or 19, or 15. The Remainder of Anweriog 10 any rear the firſt Diviſion will ſhew the Year of of the Ju- the Sun's Cycle ; the Remainder of the ſecond Diviſion will ſhew the Year of the Moon's Cycle; and of the third Di- viſion, the Year of the Indiction. If nothing remains in each Diviſion, then it is the laſt Year of each Cycle reſpec- çively. lian Pe- riod. On Of the JULIAN PERIOD. 59 in ). is 1- 11 of contrary. e e : On the contrary, to know what Year CHAP. of the Yulian Period anſwers to any gi V. ven Year of the Cycle of the Sun, orm Moon, or Indiction ; multiply the Cy- 7. cle of the Sun into 4845, the Cycle of And the the Moon into 4200, the Cycle of the Indiction into 6916. The Sum of the Products being divided by 7980, the Remainder will ſhew the Year of the Julian Period ſought. And thus we have gone through the 8. feveral Characters of Time, whoſe Com-Cycles and putation after a certain Number of Years why so begins anew; whence each of them is cailed. ſtiled, either a Cycle, as the Cycle of the Sun, Moon, and Indiction; or a period, as the Julian Period. ce P4 С НАР. [ 60 ] CH A P. VI. Of Epoch's or Æra's; and eſpecially of the Æra or Year of Christ, the Æra of the OLYMPIADS, and the ÆRA of the BUILDING of Rome. w CH AP. E are now to ſpeak of thoſe Cha- VI. racters of Time, whoſe Com- putation does not begin a-new after a I. certain Number of Years, but is ſtill of Epoch's continued on further and further from or Æra's. their reſpective Heads or fingle Begin- nings. And theſe are diſtinguiſhed from the circular Characters of Time already deſcribed, by the Name of (*) Epoch's or Æra's. 2. There are ſeveral Epoch's or Æra's 0; the made uſe of, both formerly and at Æra of Chrilt, preſent, in the ſeveral Parts of the uſed by US ard other Chriftians. (*) Theſe Words are frequently uſed promiſcuouſly. Some takean Ærn to denoie properly any continued Com. futation, and an Epoch to fignity properly the Beginning of the said Compuiation; the Greek Word nogen denoting ( as it were ) a Pauſe (r Stop in Time, from whence Time is computed. As to the Etymology of Æra, there is no good Account of it. + World, 1 of the Year of CHRIST. 61 ially the the ha- m. . ra till World. That of principal Concern to CHAP. us Chriſtians is the Æra of Chriſt, or VI. the common Way of computing Time me from the Nativity of Chriſt ; according to which this preſent Year is reckoned the 1711th from the Nativity of Chriſt, or rather from the firſt of January next following the Nativity of Chriſt, ac- cording to the common Computation generally receiv'd in Chriſtendom, or Europe. The Æra or Way of recko- ning from Chriſt, was firſt introduced by one Dionyfius, firnamed (*) Exiguus, ſomewhat more than 500 Years after Chriſt : Since which Time Chriſtians have reckoned their Years, either from the Birth or Incarnation of our Bleſſed Saviour ; whereas before they were wont to reckon ſome other Ways. According to Dionyſus, the Author of the Æra computed from Chriſt, our Lord was conceived on the 8th of the Calends of April (now called Lady-Day) in the firſt Year of this Æra; and was Born about the then Winter-Solſtice next following ; that is, December 25.-- And this Account was at firſt univer- im n- ed је *) 's C (*) He was ſo ſirnamed from his little Stature. ſally 62 Of the Year of CHRIST. CHAP, fally received among Chriſtians : but VI. is now a-days uſed only in England mand Ireland, where not only the Ec- cleſiaſtical, but alſo the Civil Year, is ſtill reckoned according to Law, from the Feaſt of the Annunciation, or Lady- Day, as it was at firſt by Dionyſus him- felf. Whereas in other parts of Chrif- tendom, as is afore obſerv'd, and even in England as to common Affairs which require not a Legal ( Eccleſiaſtical or Civil) Date, the Year of Chriſt is reckoned now a days, not from the Annunciation or Lady-Day, but from the Firſt of January next before the Lady-Day from which the Legal Date of our Ecclefiaftical or Civil Year be- gins. It is alſo to be obſerv'd, that the Common Account by A. D. introduced by the foreſaid Dionyhus Exiguus does not agree exactly to the True Years of Chriſt's Age. Foraſmuch as according chereto, Herod the Great muſt be dead before our Saviour was born, which is contrary to the Goſpel Hiſtory. How much the Difference between the True and Common Account is, the Learned are not agreed. But I prefer that Opi. nion, which makes the common Ac- count Of the Year of the WORLD. 63 It d Æra of the World, or count too little by two Years. So that CHAP. whereas this preſent Year is commonly VI. eſteemid A. D. 1711, it is Truly A. D. 1713, or the 1713th Year from the Birth of Chriſt or January 1. next en- ſuing. There is alſo another Æra fre- 3. quently made Uſe of by Chriſtian of the Writers, namely, the Æra of the Cre ation, which is generally agreed to have Creation. been about 4000 Years before Chrift. And becauſe to ſay ſuch or ſuch a Thing fell out in ſuch a Year of the World, does not give us ſo clear an Idea of the Diſtance of the ſaid Oc- currence from us, as it does to ſay, that it happened in ſuch or ſuch a Year before Chrift; therefore, the Com- putation from the Creation of the World begins to be laid aſide, even in Matters relating to the Sacred Hiſtory of the Old Teſtament, and inſtead thereof the Occurrences of the Old Teſtament are now a-days computed by their Diſtance before Chriſt. Thus inſtead of ſaying, that the Univerſal Deluge happened A. M. or in the Year of the World 1656, it is thought more Inſtructive to ſay, that it happened 2294 Years before Chriſt, this laſt Manner I 64 Of the Year of the WORLD. CHAP. Manner of Computation giving us a VI. clearer Notion of the Time when the mFlood happened in reſpect of its Di- ſtance from us. For we being wont to reckon our Time from Chriſt, and ſo reckoning this preſent Year to be the Ith from Chriſt; when we are told, that the Flood was 2294 before Chriſt, we can from thence eaſily gather, that the Flood was about 4000 Years ago in reſpect of this preſent Time. And on the ſame Conſiderations, it appears to be much the beſt or eaſieſt and cleareſt Way for us, to compute likewiſe all Occurrences mentioned in any other as well as the Sacred Hiſtory, by their Diſtance either before or after Chriſt ; and fo to make the Nativity of Chriſt the Univerſal Head or Epoch of all Chronology, counting therefrom all Occurrences either Backward or For- ward. The moſt Antient and Renowned 4. Epoch uſed by the Heathens is that of Æra of the the Olympiads or Olympick Games, Olympic which were inſtituted by one Iphitus, in the fields of Olympia, à City or Town of the Region Elis in the Pelo- ponneſe ; and which laſted five Days, the laſt whereof fell on the Full Moon, which of the ads. 1 Of the OLYMPIA DS. 65 a mo le i- it o е 1, C which was next after the Summer Sol-CHAP. ſtice. Theſe Games were celebrated em VI. very four Years, that is, there were three m Years between the Years wherein the next preceding and the next following Olympiad was celebrated. Hence by a compleat Olympiad, is denoted the Space of four Years; the Year wherein the Olympiad was celebrated, being ſtiled the firſt Year of the ſaid Olympiad, and ſo on. The Celebration of the firſt Olym- piad is referred to the 3938th Year of the Julian Period; and conſequently to the 777th Year before Chriſt, viz. to the Calends of July, in the Summer of the ſaid Years. Wherefore, Any Year of the Olympiads being 5. given, to find the correſpondent Year of To find eke the Julian Period, work thus; Mul-Year of the tiply the compleat Olympiads by 4, and riod an- to the Product add the Year (if it be ſwering to given) of the Olympiad running, and given of alſo 3937, the Sum is the Year of the Olym- the Julian Period ſought. For Inſtance, piads. Rome is ſaid to be built, according to Varro's Account, in the fourth Year of the ſixth Olympiad. Wherefore I mul- tiply 5 (the Number of the compleac Olympiads) by 4, which makes 20, , and thereto. I add 4 more, (the Year given any rear 66 Of the OLYMPIA D 9. pondent C# A P. given of the Olympiad running, or 6th VI. Olympiad,) and alſo 3937. All which m together amounts to 3961, the Year ſought of the Julian Period. 6. Having found the Year of the Yu- And there- lian Period anſwering to any given Year by so find of the Olympiads, thereby may alſo be the correl- found the correſpondent Year ( reſpec- Year of tively) before or after Chriſt, Name- Chrift. ly, if the Year found of the Julian Period be leſs than 4713, then ſub- ſtract the ſame from 4713, and the Remainder will ſhew the correſpondent Year before Chrift: But if the Year found of the Julian Period be greater than 4713, then ſubſtract 4713 from it, and the Remainder will ſhew the corre- ſpondent Year after Chriſt. Thus, it being found, that Rome was built in Julian Period 3961, I ſubſtract 3961 from 4713, and there remains 752, the correſpondent Year before Chriſt where- in Rome was built. But if there be no Occaſion to find 7. the correſpondent Year of the Julian Way to find Period, the Year before or after Chriſt, of Chriſt reſpectively anſwering to any given Year anſwering of the Olympiads may be found thus. Olympick Multiply (as afore) the compleat Olym- piads by 4, and to the Product add the Another Year. Of the OLYMPIA DS. 67 5th ich ar 'u- ar be 2- in ) - e IC r 1 r the Year given (if any be ſpecified ) of CHAP. the Olympiad running. This Sum, if it VI. be leſs than 776, ſubſtract it from 776, UN and the Remainder will ſhew the correſ- pondent Year before Chriſt: but if the Sum be greater than 776, then ſubſtract 776 from it, and the Remainder will ſhew the correſpondent Year after Chriſt. Thus I would know what Year of Chriſt anſwers to the fourth Year of the ſixth Olympiad, wherein Rome was built ac- cording to Varro. Wherefore ( as afore) 5 *4= 20, and 20+4= 24. Which Šum being leſs then 776, I ſubſtract it from 776, and there will remain 752, the correſpondent Year before Chriſt, as was found before by the other Method. Any Year of the Julian Period be- 8. ing given, to find what Olympick Year to find anſwers thereto, work thus: From the what O- lympick Year given ſubſtract 3937, and divide Year an- the Remainder by 4, the Quotient (wers se will ſhew the compleat Olympiads, and more sig Year of the the Fraction or Remainder of the Di- Julian Pe, vidend will ſhew the Year of the Olym- piad running. If there be no ſuch Re- mainder, then it is the laſt or fourth Year of the Olympiad running Ex. gr. I would know, what Olympick Year an- ſwers to 7. P. 3961. From 3961, I ſubſtract riod. 68 Of the Computation U.C. or Rome. CH A P. ſubſtract 3937, and there remains 24 VI. which divided by 4, gives 6 in the mi Quotient, and leaves no Fraction of the Dividend. Wherefore the Olympick Year fought, is the fourth Year of the fixth Olympiad. As the Account by the Olympiads 9. of the was, the principal Æra among the Æra of Greeks; ſo the principal Æra among the Build. the Romans was, that of the (*) U. Č. ing of or Building of Rome; which, according to Varro began Julian Period, 3961, but according to the Faſti Capitolini in the following Year, viz. Julian Period 3962. Wherefore, Any Year of U. C. being given, add To find the thereto 3960, and you'll have the cor- Year of the reſpondent Year of the Julian Period, Julian pe according to Varro's Account; or add fwering to 3961, and you'll have the correſpondent any given Year of the Julian Period, according to rear of the Capitoline Account. On the contrary, from the given Year of Julian Period, ſubſtract 3960, and the Reſidue will give the Year of U. C. according to Varro; or ſub- IO. U, C. (*) U. C. are the Initial Letters of Urbs Condita, and fo are put to denote in ſhort the Building of the City, viz. Rome, Itract from the Building of ROME. 69 24 the of bick the II. ads :he ng C. og I, in ad ſtract 3961, and the Reſidue will be the CH AP. Year of U. C. according to the Capito- VI. . line Account. Foraſmuch as Rome is computed to have been built 752 Years before Chriſt; to find the therefore from 752 ſubſtract any given fore or af- Year of U. C. leſs than the ſame, and ter Chriſt, the Reſidue will ſhew the correſpondent to any gi- Year before Chriſt : Or if the Year given ven Tear of U. C. be greater than 752, then ſub-Of U. C. ſtract 752 from it, and the Reſidue will ſhew the correſpondent Year after Chriſt. Thus the Regal State of Rome is computed to have ended in U. C. 245, to which anſwers the Year fore Chriſt: for 752_-245=507. And the Removal of the Imperial Seat from Rome to Conſtantinople by Conſtantine the Great, is computed to have hap- pened U. C. 1084, and ſo 332 Years after Chriſt: for 1084—7525332, As for other Epoch's or Æra's, they being of leſs Note and Uſe to us, it of other Epoch's or will be ſufficient to thew in ſhort, how Æra's. long before or after Chriſt each of them began. 507 be- d 12. ए The 70 Of Epoch's or ÆR A's CH AP. VI. Before Chrift. The Deſtruction of Troy, is computed to fall in with (*) Julian Period, 3531, 1183 and ſo the Æra taken from thence to begin. The Æra of Nabonaſſar King of Babylon, from the Beginning of whoſe Reign the Chaldeans and Egypti 747 ans reckoned their Years, began February 26. 7. P. 3967, and conſequently The Æra (+) of the Death of Alexander the 324 Great, began Novemb. 12. 7. P. 4390, and ſo they (*) Herein is followed the Opinion of Dionyſius Ha- licarnaſſeus, and Diodorus Siculus. (+) Some diſtinguiſh between the Alexandrean Æra, and the Philippean, making the Philippean (ſo called from Philip Arideus, Brother to alexander the Great) to be- gin from the Death of Alexander, or mcre exactly from the 12th of November following the Death of Alexander, and fo Julian Period, 4390; and the Alexandrean to be gin not till twelve years after Alexander's Death, viz. October 11, Julian Period, 4102. This Jarter Æra is el- teemed by fume learned Men to be the ſame with the Ara Seleucidarum, otherwiſe called Ara Contractuum, and the Years of the Greek in the Books of the Maccabees. The Of Epoch's or ÆR A's. 7I CHAP : Before Chriſt. VI. The Æra of the City Antioch, uſed by Euſebi- us, Evagrius, Cedrenus, 49 &c. began from the Au- tumn 4. P.4665, and ſo The Æra of the Ju- lian Reformation of the Calendar,began January 45 I, J. P.4669, and ſo The Æra Astiaca, ſo denominated from the Victory obtain'd by Au- guſtus over Anthony at Aetium,began Auguſt 29, 7. P. 4684, and ſo 30 Before Chrift. * The Dioclehan Æra, or Æra of the (*) Mar- tyrs, otherwiſe called the Æra of the Abiſinians, began Auguſt 29. A. D. 284 (*) So called from the N ltitude of Chriſtians that fuffered Martyrdom in the Dioclefian Perſecution. Q 2 The 72 of Epoch's or ÆR A's. СНАР. VI. After Chriſti Come? 622 The Æra of the Hegira, or Flight of Mahomet from Mecca to Medina, uſed by the Turks and Arabs, be- gan July 16, A. D. The Æra of Yezdegird, or the Perhan Æra, began July 16, A. D. 632 From this Table of the Beginnings of the fore-mentioned Æra's, it is eaſy to find out the Year before or after Chriſt, which anſwers to any Year gi- ven of any of the ſaid Æra's, which are computed by Julian Years; as are the Æra's of the Deſtruction of Troy, of the Julian Reformation, of Dio- clehan, &c. But it is more difficult to do ſo in reſpect of the Æra of Nabonaſar, of Alexander's Death, and of the Hegira, becauſe they are computed by Years different from the Julian Years. It will be ſuffi- cient to our preſent Deſign to ob- ſerve here, that 1461 Nabonaſar 3 Years, 1 Of EPOCH's Or Æra's 73 Years, make only 1460 Yulian Years ;CHAP. and the ſame is to be underſtood VI. of the Alexandrean Years, as being m of the fame Kind with the Nabo- naſſars. n MOTERODUTHATUALITATEA Q3 CHAP . [ 74 ] CH A P. VII. Of the Method to find EASTER-DAY, according to the NICENE Rule, (as fill followed by our Church,) by the Help of the Golden Numbers affixed to the Calendar. To which is ad- joined the ROMAN Method of D A- TING, or denoting the Days of the Month. A T CH AP. "HE Rule preſcribed by the Fa- VII. thers of the Nicene Council for the finding of Eaſter, and which is ſtill followed by the Church of Eng- The Ni- land, is thus expreſſed in our Common- cene Rule Prayer-Book: (*) Eaſter-Day is always for finding I. Eaſter- Day. (*) It is obſervable that the Nicene Fathers in pre: fcribing this Rule did not act arbitrari'y, but conformed themſelves as near as the Difference of Circumstances would permit, to the Rule preſcrib'd by God for obſer- ving the Paſſover. Namely, the Rule for the Femish Paſ- fover was, that it ſhould be kept on the Fourteenth Day, which is much the ſame as on the Fuil Moon of the firſt Ecclefiaftical Month called Niſan. And the Nicene Rule for Eaſter is, that it fall be kept on the Sunday next after the Fourteenth Day or Firn Moon of our Firſt Eccle- fiaftical Mouth, or that part of our March, which an- Iwers to the Jewiſh Month Niſan. I the Of finding E ASTER-D A Y. 75 2. Easter- the firſt Sunday after the firſt Full Moon, CHAP. which happens next after the One and VII. Twentieth Day of March. And if the Full Moon happens upon a Sunday, Eaſter-Day is the Sunday after. According to this Rule, Eaſter-Day may eaſily be found by the Help of the To find Golden Numbers (*) duly affixed to the Day accor- Calendar, and by retaining in Memory, ding to the and applying to Practice, what has been ſaid Rule , ſaid of the Golden Numbers, and Do- of the Gol- minical Letter, Chap. 3d and 4th. For Inſtance, I would know, what Day Eaſter-Day, will fall upon the next Year, viz. 1712. In order hereto, firſt I enquire what is the Golden Num- ber for the given Year, and I find it to be three, according to the Rule given Chap. III. Sect. 6. Then I enquire what is the Dominicalor Sunday Letter for the given Year, and (according to the Rules given, Chap. IV. Sect. 5, 6.) I find den Num. bers. (*) In our old large Common Prayer-Books, great Care was taken duly to affix the Golden Numbers to their proper Days; and to that End black Lines were drawn between every Day of the Calendar. But of late Years no ſuch Care is taken, inſomuch that it is not to be known with any certainty what Days the Golden Numbers do anſwer to in the Church-Calendars, of late priated without ſucb black Lines. that Q4 76 Of finding EASTER-DAY. WA CHAP. that there will be two Sunday Letters VII. next Year, it being Leap-Year. Of m which two Letters, viz. FE, the latter E will be the Sunday Letter after Feb. 23d, and ſo that whereby I am to be guided in finding out Eaſter-Day. Now becauſe the Full Moon, on which Eaſter depends, is (according to the Nicene Rule) that which happens next after the 21ſt of March ; and be- cauſe the ſaid Full Moon is (agreeably to Exod. xii. 6.) to be eſteemed the 14th Day after its New Moon incluſive- ly, (i. e. the Day of the ſaid New Moon, being reckoned the firſt of the 14th, and the Day of the Full Moon the laſt,) hence the ſaid Eaſter New Moon can never fall before the gth of March, nor after the 5th of April , . Wherefore I look for the Golden Num- ber 3 between March gth, and April 5th, and find it placed to March 31/1, which therefore was the Day on which the Eaſter New Moon fell at the Time of the Nicene Council, in the 3d Year of the Moon's Cycle: and conſequently is eſteemed ſo ſtill by us. Wherefore the Eaſter Full Moon (being fourteen Days after incluſively) will be April 13th; which being thewn by the Let- mga I ter Of the ROMAN Date. 77 rs of E 1 ter E affix'd to it to be a Sunday, there-CHAP. fore, by the Nicene Rule, Eafter-Day VII. muſt be the Sunday after, viz. April 20th. And in like manner may Eaſter- Day be found for any other given Year, by the Help of the Calendar adjoined to the End of this Chapter ; and con- ſequently Tables may be made, ſhewing the Day, whereon Eaſter will fall, for any Term of Years. It remains now only to obſerve, that 3. in Order to render the following Ca- of the Ro- lendar more uſeful, therein is ſet down man way of Dating, the Roman Manner of Dating, or de-or denoting noting the ſeveral Days of the Year. The Days of Where it is to be noted, that the Roman Numbers between the Words Kalends, Nones, Ides and Calends of the ſucceed ing Month, do reſpectively refer always to the following Word. Thus the Num- ber IV over againſt January 2d, refers to the following Nones, and denotes as much as the 4th Day of, or before the Nones of January. So XI ſec co Janu- ary 22d, denotes the 11th of, or before the Calends of February. Wherefore any Roman Date given, may be turned into our Date, by finding in the Calendar the Date given, ( ſuppoſe 3 Id. Februar.) and ſeeing what the Year, 1 78 Of the ROMAN Date. CHAp. what Date of ours anſwers thereto, (viz. VII. February the 11th.) And on the other hand, any Date of ours being given, v.g. January 31ſt; it may be turned into the Roman Date, by finding the Roman Date affixed thereto, viz. Prid. Kal. Febr. January The CALENDAR. 79 JANUARY FEBRUARY Golden Number Month. Day of Letters. Weekly Roman Golden Roman Golden Date. Number. Month. Day of Letters. Weekly Roman Date. 3. IA ID II 2 E II 19 8 19 8 5A 16. 5. 3 F 4.G A 6 B 7.C 8 D 9E 10F 16. 5. . 3 13. 2. 13 2 10C IID IZE IO. · IIG • I2A 13B • 14/C • 15 D 16E 10, I4 G 18. Calendæ IV III Prid. Nonæ VIII VII VI V IV III Prid. Idus. XVI XV XIV XIII XII XI X IX VIII VII VI V IV III Prid. Kal. 15A Calenda 2B IV 3C III 4D Prid.. 5 E Nonæ 6F VIII G VII 81A VI 91B V IV III Prid, 13 F Idus. XIX XVIII XVII 17 XVI 18 D XV XIV XIII 21G XII XI X IX . 25 D VIII 26E VII 2 27 F VI 2816 V 29A IV . 301B III Prid. Kal. 7 18. 7. 16B · 17 0 15 4 15. 4. 19/E 201F I 2 • F 18 G 19/A 20/B 211C 22 D 23 E I. 12 I 22 A . 231B 24/C 9. 24 F 9. 17 6. · 25 G 26A 17 6. 27B 14 28C 14 3 31/0 Golden 80 The CALENDAR. MARCH APRIL Golden Numder. Month. & Day of Letters Weekly Roman Golden Month. Day of Letters. Weekly Roman Date. Date, Number. 3. ID Tar IG 2/A 2E 3 F II 31B 4,6 410 19 8. 5A 6B 16. 7C 5 D 6 E ZF 81G 91A 16. 5. 8D 9 E Calendæ IV III Prid. Nona VIII VII VI V IV III Prid. Idus. XVIII XVII XVI ху XIV 13. 2 IOF • IIG 12A JOB Il/C 12D 13B 13E 14 F 10. 15 G Calenda VI II. V 19 IV 8 III Prid. Nonæ 5. VIII VII 13 VI 2 V IV IO. III Prid. 18. Idus. 7. XVII XVI 15 XV XIV XIII I XII I XI X 9 IX VIII 17 VII 6. VI V 14 . IV 3 III Prid. Kal. 141C 15D . 16E . 17/F 18 7 16A 17B 18/G 4 15. 4. · 19A 18/C 19D XIII 20 E 21F 22/6 23/A I 2 . 20B 211C 22 D • 23 24F 25 G 26A I. 2311 MMMMMMMM 24/B 9. XII XI x IX VIII VII VI V IV III Prid. Kal. . 251C . 261D 17. 6. · 27B 27/E 28C 28/F 29G 29/D 30 E 311F 14. 3. 30 A Golden) The CALENDAR. 81. MAY UNE Golden Number. Month. Day of Letters. Weekly Roman Golden Daté. ||Number. Month. Day of Letters. Weekly Roman Date. 1 II . IB IE 2F 19.. 8. 19 8 16... 5. 4A 5B 16 5. ZA 13. 2. 6C 7 D 8 E 9F IOG www 13 2. 10.. IIA 10. IIE 121F 18.. 7. 121B 131C 18 14/A 14D 15E Calendæ IV III Prid. Nonæ VIII VII VI V IV III Prid. Idus. XVIII XVII XVI XV XIV XIII XII XI x IX VIII VII VI IV IV Calendæ IC VI 3D V 4E IV 5F III 6G Prid. Nonæ 81B VIII 9 C VII 10D VI V IV 13 G 3G III Prid. 15B Idus, . 16C XVII D XVI XV XIV 2016 XIII XII XI 23C X IX VIII VII 27 G VI 28 A IV IV III 311D Prid. Kal . 15. 4. 7 6F 17/G 18E 12. 15 4 . 19F 1. I8A 19B 2010 123 9. . 21A 22B I. 17 6. 9 24D 25E 21D 22 E 23 F 24 G 25 A 26 B 270 26F 17 6. 14 3 28 D 29E 14 , II 3. • 29B 3010 30F Prid. Kal. 11. Golden 82 The CALENDAR. JULY AUGUST Roman Golden Golden Number Roman Date. GC NU Il Date. | Number. IG 16 19 8. 2A 2D . 3)B 16. 410 Prid. 1 2 5. 13 5D 6E 13 IC 2. . 8G 9 A IS IO IOB 11C 12D MVM IOE I'IF 12/G 13A 18 7,7 I ! 13 E 15. 14 F! I? 15 15;G 4;.. 16A Calendæ 8. VI 16. V 5. IV III Prid. 2 Nonæ VIII IO VII VI 18. V 7 IV III Prid. 4. Idus. XVII I 2 XVI I XV XIV 9 XIII XII 17 XI 6, X IX 14. VIII 3. VII VI. II. V IV III Prid. Kal. IC · Calenda IV { 3 III 4 G Nona 61A VIII 7 B. VII 8C VI D. V. IV ILI Prid. Idus. 14 B XIX 15C XVIII 16 DIXVII XVI XV G. XIV XIII XII XI 23D x IX VIII 26 G VII VI 28/B V 291C IV III Prid. Kal. Golden IZB IZE I 2 18 C I 19 D 20 E 18/F 19G 20/A 211B 22/C I 9 211F 17 6. 2216 23 A 24.1 24 E 251C 25 F 26 D 14 3 271E 2714 23 F II 29/G 3014 19 8 30/D 19 19 31B ŽIE The CALENDAR. 83 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER Golden Number. Month. Day of Letters. Weekly Roman Golden Date. Number: Month. Day of Letters. Weekly Roman Date. IF 16 .. 5. A 13 3C 41D 4/B 5/C 2. . 10. 6D ZE 8F 18. VMw 7. 10A IIB 12/C 9B IOC IID 15 4 13 14 D E 14G 15A I 2 15F I 16G 171A 18B Calendæll16. IV. 5 III 13. Prid, 2. Nonæ VIII IO VII VI 18. V 7. IV III 15 Prid. 4. Idus. XVIII | 12 XVII I XVI XV 9. XIV XIII 17 XII 6 XI X IX 3, VIII VII II. VI V 19 IV. 8 III Prid. Kal.! 16. 5 TA Calendæ 2B VI V IV 5E III 6F Prid. ZIG Nonæ 8A VIII VII VI V I 2E IV 13F: . III · Prid. Idus. 16B' · XVII 1710 XVI 18 D · XV XIV 20F XIII XII . 22A XI X IX VIII 26 E VII . 27 F VI: . 2816 IV IV III Prid. Kal. Golden · 9. 19/C . 19E 17 6. 20 D .21E 22 F + 21G 14 14 23G 24/A 3 23/B 241C 25D 25B II . 26.0 . 27 D 19 2711 8. 281E 29F 301G 29/A . 30 B 3110 84 The CALENDAR. NOVEMBER DECEMBER Golden Number. Month. Day of Letters. Weekly Roman Golden Date. Number. * Month. Day of Letters. Weekly Roman Date ID 2G 13 2 2 E 3 F 4/G 5 A 6B 10. 18. 70 7. INVY 9/G 8 D 9 E 10F . IIG I2A 15. 4 IIB I2C I2 . I. 13B 14C 15D • 15F 9. 16E Calendæ 13. IV 2. III Prid. Ιο . Nonæ VIII 18. VII 7. VI V 15. IV 4 III Prid. 123 Idus. I XVIII XVII 9.. XVI XV 17 XIV 6. XIII XII 14 XI 3. X IX II VIII VII 19 VI 8 V IV III 5 Prid. Kal 113 IF Calenda IV 3A III B Prid. Nonæ 6D VIII z E VII 8F VI V IOA IV III Prid. . D Idus. 14 XIX XVIII 16 G XVII XVI . 18B XV XIV . 20D XIII XII XI X IX VIII 26.C VII VI V • 29 F IV III 31/A Prid. Kal . Having • 17A 17 6. 17F 18 G 19A 20 B 211C 190 14 3 . 22 D 23 E 21E 22 F · 23G 24/A • 25B II · 24 F - 25 G 19 26 A 8. 27B 27 D 28/C 16. . 28/E 16.. 5 . 29 D 30 E 30 G Of finding EASTER-DAY. 85 Having ſhewn how to find Eaſter. Day, according to CHAP. the Julian or Old Account, uſed by Us in Great Britain and Treland, it may not be improper to adjoin here, by VII. way of Annotation, the Method of finding Eaſter. Day in according to the Gregorian or New Account, uſed in all Countries where the Popiſh Religion is eſtabliſhed. Now this is done by Help of the Table here ſubjoined, where in in the firſt Column are contained the Gregorian Epacts, that are now and will be in Uſe till 1800 excluſively; and in the ſecond Columnareſetdown the Days whereon falls the Eaſter Full Moon; and in the third Column is ſet down the Weekly Letter anſwering to the ſaid Days of the Eaſter Full Moon. Epacts. Full Moons. Lerters. Weekly Epacts. Full Moons. 24 March F 1 Weekly Letters.IUS AVOCOS x 13 April E XI 2 April A XXII 122 March D III 10 April B XV XXV 18 April C VI 7 April F XVII 27 March XXVIII15 April 도 ​IX 4 April C XX I 12 April D XII 1 April G XXIII 21 March C IV 9 April A XV 29 March D XXVI 17 April B VII 6 April E IXXVIII 26 March 'A 30 March E Q to ID TIJOS The Uſe of the foregoing Table is this. Having found (as is above ſhewn in the Note on Chap 3. Sect. 8. and Chap. 4. Sect. 6.) the Gregorian Epact and Sund.ry. Letter, over-gainſt the ſaid Epact in the foregoing Table is placed the Day whereon falls the Eaſter Full Moon, and thereto is affixed its reſpective Letter. From which therefore you are to reckon in an Alphabetical Order, till you come to the Sunday-Letter for that Year, and the Day of the Month anſwering to the ſaid Sunday-Letter, is the Gregorian Eaſler-Day. Only if it happens, that the Full Moon falls on a Sunday, then (according to the Nicene Rule) the Sunday next following is the Gregorian Esfler. Day. For Inſtance: It has been alrcady (viz. in Nores on Chap. 3. Sect. 8. and Chap. 4. Sed. 6.) found, thar R tho 86 Of finding EASTER-DAY. ww CHAP, the Gregorian Epact for A. D. 1712 is 22, and that the VII. Gregorian Sunday. Letters are CB, viz. C to the interca. lated Day in February, and after that B; which laſt Let- ter B is therefore the Sunday-Letter, whereby you arc to be guided in finding Eaſer-Day. Now by the foregoing Table you learn, that when the Gregorian Epact is 22, the Eaſter Full Moon, according to the Gregorian Account, will fall on March 22d, N. S. li.e, March uth O.S.) to which anſwers the Letter D, as may be ſeen in the foregoing Calendar. Wherefore reckoning in an Alpha- betical Order from D to B, which laſt is the Gregorian Sunday. Letter, you'll find, that according to the Grego- rian Computation, Eaſter-Sunday will be March 27th N.s. which anlwers to our March 16th; and conſequently the Gregorian Eaſter-Day will fall A. D. 1712, five Weeks before our Eafter-Day, this falling on April 20th, as has been afore ſhewn. . 1 It only remains to obſerve in ſhort, that it having been ſhewn, how to find both the Julian and Gregorian Eaſ- ter-Day, thereby may be known the Time of all the Moveable Feſtivals in any given Year ; foraſmuch as they all depend on Eaſter-Day. And conſequently hereby, and by what has been ſaid of finding the Days whereon fall the New and Full Moons, may be drawn up an Al- manack fufficient for common Uſe. And thus I have laid together ſo much of Chronology, as ſeems requiſite to be known by Young Gentlemen, at leaſt at their firft Inftitution in the ſaid Ärt or Science. F I N I S. THE Young Gentleman's D I ALL I N G, Containing ſuch 1 ELEMENTS of the ſaid Art, as are moſt uſeful and eaſy to be known. BY EDWARD WELLS, D. D. laté Rector of Cotesbach in Leiceſterſhire. The FOURTH EDITION. L ON D ON: Printed for J AMB S, John, and PAUL KNAPTON, at the Crown in Ludgate-Street . MDCCXXXVI. ** You T H E PREFACE. А A S the Dependance of the Art of Dialling கு upon Aſtronomy, was the Reaſon of my Draw- ing up and Publiſhing this Trea- tiſe, at the Same Time with my Aſtronomical Treatiſe ; ſo my De- fign R 3 The PRE FAC E. content hgn in drawing up this Treatiſe, and the Reaſon of my giving it the Title of The Young (en- tleman's Dialling, may be learnt from the Preface to my Treatiſe of Aſtronomy, entitled in like manner The Young Gentle- man's Aſtronomy. I need only obſerve further, that I have not contented my ſelf with laying down in this Treatiſe the bare Practical Part of Dialling, but bave added thereunto the Rea- fons or Grounds of ſuch Prac- tice, as moſt proper to be known by Young Gentlemen; and with al have obſerved, in the Annota- tions to this Treatiſe, how the Grounds of Dialling may be moſt naturally repreſented even to the Eye, The P R EF A C E. Eye, by the Help of a Machine or Inſtrument, which from its Ule may be called a Dialling Sphere. it ? Ons G R4 THE CONTENTS CH À P. I. O F Dialling in general, Page 1 CH A P. II. Of an Horizontal Dial, 9 CHA P. III. ht Of an Erect Direct South and North Dial, 21 С НА Р. The CONTENT S. CH A P. IV. of an Erect Direct Eaſt and Weſt Dial, 26 . CHAP. V. Of duly Placing a Direct ( Eaſt or Weft, North or South ) Dial; and of the Manner of finding whether a Wall has a Direct or Declining Poſition or Situation, 30 CH A P. VI. of Drawing a Declining Dial, 43 A CA- The CONTENT S. A CATALOGUE of the ſeveral Draughts of Dials, and of other Cutis, belonging to this Treatiſe, 54 THE ID KUVA KUINUTO ral ber ife, 54 Τ Η Ε Young Gentleman's DIALLING, &c. CH A P. I. Of DIALLING in general. B Y (*) Dialling is underſtood CHAP. the Art of Shewing the Time I. of the Day, by the Sun's Shade falling on ſome Surface, whe- ther Plain or not Plain. Dialling, I. what. (*) The Word Dial is derived from Dies, becauſe thercupon the Time of the Day is ſhewn. And from the peculiar Manner of fhewing the Time of the Day upon a Dial, viz. by the Shadow of the Sun, this Art is frequently termed Ars Scioterica, i. e. the shadow- Art, from the Greek Word oxide, denoting a Shadow or Shade. 3 Plain 2 Of DIALLING. * 2. CHAP. Plain Surfaces are moſt uſeful, and I. therefore moſt uſed : for which Reaſons mwe will here ſpeak only of Plain-Dial- ling, i. e. of drawing Dials on Plain Plain Dial- Surfaces, ſimply called Planes. Every Dial-plane (i. e. plain Sur- The vari- face on which a Dial is drawn) re- ons Names preſents the Plane of ſome (*) Circle in the Heavens. If the Dial-plane Reaſon of repreſents the faid ling, what. 3. and the Names. (*) This, and the whole Foundation of Dialling, is moſt naturally, and ſo moft clearly illuſtrated by the Help of an Inſtrument or Machine, which may be properly enough called from its Uſe a Dialling sphere. It need confiſt but of an Horizon, and two (Wooden or Braſs) Circles faſtened together, croſſing each other at Right Angles, and ſo as to biſect one the other. Either of thele Circles may be taken to repreſent the Meridian, and the other the Equator. The former is to be divi- ded into four go Degrees, and the latter into 360, as in other Spheres or Globes. And.in like manner, as in o- ther Spheres, the Meridian of this Dialling Sphere muſt be let into the Horizon at the North and South Points of it. There muſt be a plain Piece of Board to move up and down within the fore-mentioned Circles, ſo as to repreſent the Poſition of any Dial-planc. And through the Center or middle Point of the plain piece of Board, there muſt be made an Hole, through which, when there is occaſion, a String is to be put; which String being alſo put through the two Points of the Meridian, which are 90 Degrees each from the Equator, will repreſent the Axis of the World. The Dialling Sphere being thus prepared, the Manner how the Sun by the Shade of the Style of the Dial, comes to thew the Time of the Day on any Dial.plane, may be ocularly demon- strated, Of DIALLING. 3 ind ons 21 lin I. e- le le ts repreſents the Plane of the Horizon, CHAP. the Dial is called an Horizontal Dial. I. If the Dial-plane repreſents the Plane w of the Prime Vertical, then the Dial is called an Erect Direct North or South Dial, reſpectively as the Dial is drawn on the north or fouth Side of the ſaid Dial-plane. If the Dial-plane re- pr eſents the Plane of the Meridian, the Dial is called an Erect Direct Eaſt or Weft Dial, reſpectively as the Dial is drawn on the eaſt or weſt Side of ſuch a Dial-plane. If the Dial-plane repre- ſents the Plane of any other Vertical Circle, beſides the Prime Vertical and Meridian, then the Dial is called a Deo clining Dial ; foraſmuch as it does not directly face any one of the four Car- dinal Points of the Heavens, but declines + ſtrated, by moving the Meridian of the Dialling Sphere, that the String repreſenting the Axis may have ſuch a Poſition as duly anſwers to the Latitude of the Dial; and by placing the plain Piece of Board in ſuch a Poſition as to anſwer the Plane of that Circle in the Heavens, which is repreſented by the Dial-plane; or in Mort, to anſwer) the Poſition of the Dial-plane. Then a Cans dle duly moved round the String in Imitation of the Sun's Motion, will Mew by the Shade of the String, how the Shade of the Dial-Style by the Motion of the Suo, ſhows the Time of the Day on the Dial-plane. I more 2 * 4 OF DIALLING CHAP. more or leſs from them. Laſtly, if I. the Dial-plane repreſents the Plane of any greater Circle in the Heavens, beſides fome Vertical Circle or the Horizon, then the Dial is called (nor an Erect, but) an (*) Inclining or Re- clining Dial, reſpectively as as it is drawn, either on that Side of the Dial-plane, which inclines (or leans forward) towards the Horizon; or on the other Side, which reclines (or leans backward) from the Zenith. And amongſt theſe are the (+) Equi. (*) Theſe are ſubdiſtinguiſhed into Direct Incliners or Recliners, and Declining Incliners or Recliners. (+) The Equino&tial Dial is Erect in reſpect of thoſe who live exactly under the Celeſtial Equator; and like. wiſe the Polar Dial is Erect to ſuch as live (if any there be) exactly under either of the two Polesof the World. For in reſpect of the former Inhabitants, the Plane of the Equinostial, and of the Prime Verticle are one and the fame; and in reſpect of the latter Johabitants, the Plane of the Prime Vertical, and the Plane of the Circle se. preſented by the Plane of a Polar Dial is one and tha ſame. Again, the Equinoctial Plane is the ſame with the Horizontal Plane, in reſpect to thoſe that are under the Poles; and the Polar Plane is the fame with the Horia zontal Plane, in reſpect of thoſe that live under the E- quaror. And the like Change is to be conceived in re- ipect of other Dial-planes, as they regard ſeveral places ; Every Dial-plane being an Horizontal Flane at ſome Place, and on the other Side every Horizontal Plane being a prime Vertical, and Meridian (&c.) Plane at ſome o. ther Places. noctial Of DIALLING. 5 f f ܕܪ t 9 noftial and Polar Dials. The Equi- CH AP. noctial Dial is ſo called, as being I. drawn on a Plane, that repreſents them Plane of the Equinoctial. The Polar Dial is lo called, as being drawn on a Plane, that repreſents the Plane of that Circle, which paſſes through the Poles of the World, and alſo (the In- terſection of the Equator, and the Horizon at the eaſt and weſt Points, i. e. in ſhort) the Poles of the Meri- dian. Among the ſeveral Sorts of Dials 4. afore-mentioned, the Equinoctial Dial of the E- is the moſt eaſy to be drawn; this quinoctial being done only by drawing a Circle, and dividing it into twenty-four equal Parts, (to which right Lines drawn from the Center of the Circle, will repreſent the ſeveral Hour-Lines,) and erecting perpendicularly a Pin in the Center of the Circle for · the Style. But becauſe (*) the Equinoctial Dial, when chus drawn on one Surface of the Plane, will ſerve only for one Dial. (*) The like is to be underſtood alſo as to the Polar Dial: on which Account it is of lefſer Uſe; and there- fore the Manner of deſcribing it is omitted in this Treatiſe. Half 6 Of DIALLING. CHAP. Half of the Year, namely, whilſt the I. Sun is on one side of the Equinoctial ; m and therefore to make it ſerve for the whole Year, it muſt be doubly drawn, viz, on the lower as well as upper Side of the Plane; on Account of this and other Inconveniences, the Equinoctial Dial is ſeldom uſed. And therefore it had not been taken No- tice of here, but that the Knowledge thereof is requiſite for the Under- ſtanding the Reaſon of that Method, which (as being the moſt Natural, and withal eaſy Method) is principally made Uſe of in this Treatiſe, for drawing the other Dials here ſpoken of. For, as the Reaſon why the Circle in an Equinoctial Dial is divi- ded into twenty-four equal Parts, an- ſwering to the twenty-four Hours in a Nuchthemeron, is becauſe 15 De- grees, which is a 24th Part of the Equinoctial Circle in the Heavens, anſwer to one Hour's Motion of the Sun; ſo, becauſe (at the fame Time that the Sun is conceived, by the Shade of the Axis of the World, to fhew any Hour on the Equinoctial Plane, it does alſo by the ſamne Shade thew, at the Interſection of any other Plane OF DIALLING ! w Plane with the Equinoctial Plane, the CHAP: Point of the ſaid other Plane belong I. ing to the fame Hour ; or thus; becauſe) mu the Hour-points of any other Plane are thoſe Points of the ſaid Plane, which fall in with or touch the Hour-Points of the Equinoctial Plane, at the com- mon Interſection of the ſaid two Planes; therefore by the Help of the Equinocti- al Dial may be drawn other Dials, name- ly, the Equinoctial Dial being duly ap- plied to the Plane given, the Hour- Points of the Equiuočtıcl Dial will fall on the correſpondent Hour-points of (the Dial to be drawn on the) Plane given. And this will be diſtinctly exemplified 5. as to the ſeveral Sorts of Dials above- The Bursa mentioned, (excepting Inclining and more of Reclining Dials, as being of lefler Uſe) reducibie after that it has been here obſerved to three further in general, that the whole Bu- Operations. fineſs of Dialling may be reduced to three general Heads or Operations. Whereof the firſt conſiſts in finding the Place of the Subſtyle, or where the Style is to be placed : the ſecond in drawing the Hour-Lines : the third and laft, ei- ther, if the Dial-plane be Moveable, in duly Placing and Fixing the ſame, after S thac Heads or 8 Of DIALLING. CHAP, that the Dial is drawn thereon; or elſe, I. if the Plane whereon the Dial is to be w drawn, be unmoveable and already fix- ed, in Finding the Poſition or Situation of the ſaid Plane, viz, whether it be a Direct or Declining Plane ; and if the latter, how far it declines. С НА Р. e, be -> on a le . 1 tes 1 3 An HORIZONTAL Dial drawn by help af ý E QUINOCTIAL Dial : VIII IV Dial. Plate i Sl: VIL V Place this facing p.g. Fig cs W VI E VI VII P T Q G IV VIII Æ N IX II I XI XI X Х [9] CH A P. II. * Of an HORIZONTAL Dial. in HORIZONT I y I. zontal of. Begin with the Horizontal Dial, as CH AP. being the moſt Uſeful ; foraſmuch II. as it fingly anſwers the whole (*) End of m Dialling, by ſhewing the Time of the Day from Sun-riſing to Sun-ſetting The Hori- throughout the whole Year, within that Dial; why Horizon for which it is made: whereas firſt ſpoken no other Dial does this. And having made this Obſervation as to the Uſeful- neſs of the Horizontal Dial, we proceed now to the Delineation thereof. Whereas the four Cardinal Points of the Heavens are diſtant one from the O- To draw ther 90 Degrees; and whereas the Me- the Meri- ridian runs from North to South, and the prime Vertical runs a-croſs the Me- Vertical ridian from Eaſt to Weſt; hence it fol- Lines of an Horizontal 2. dian and Prime Dial. (*) The whole proper End of Dialling is, to few the Time of the Day by the Sun's Shade. As for ſhewing the Place of the Sun in the Ecliptick (and the like) by the Shade on a Dial-plane, this does not properly belong to Dialling. S 2 lows, 10 Of an HORIZONTAL Dial. CHAP.lows, that, two right Lines being drawn II. croſſing one the other at right Angles (whoſe Meaſure is each 90 Degrees ) and either of theſe two right Lines be- ing taken to repreſent the Meridian, the other will repreſent the Prime Verti. cal. That taken to repreſent the Me- ridian, may be fitly denoted by NS, as running in this Dial from North to South ; the other by EW, as running from Eaſt to Welt. See Fig. 1. 3 The Point, where the Lines NS The Cen- and EW croſs one another, denotes ter of an Horizontal (*) that Point in the Plane of the Dial, which Horizon, (as alſo of the Meridian and Prime Vertical) through which the Axis of the World paſſes. And be- cauſe the ſaid Point is the (+) Center (of all the ſaid Planes, particularly) of (*) This may be evidently ſhewn by the Help of a Dialling Sphere. (+) The Axis of the World paſſing through the Cen- ter of the World, which is alſo the Center of all great Circles in the Heavens, and conſequently of the Horizon, Meridian, and Prime Vertical; hence it follows, that That Point in the Planes of the ſaid Circles, through which the Axis of the World paſſes, muſt be che Center of the ſaid Planes. ز the Of an HORIZONTAL Dial. II 1 5 the Horizontal Plane, whereon the Di- CHAP. al is to be drawn, and conſequently the II. Center of the Dial it felf, hence itu may be fitly marked or denoted by C, as Fig. 1. The Axis of the World being the (*) 4. common Interſection of the Planes of all of the Subtyle Meridians, and therefore running from and Style. Pole to Pole along the Plane of every Meridian ; hence the Line N S repre- ſenting the Plane of the Meridian of that Place, for which the Dial is made, muſt be the Subſtyle, or the Line whereon the (f) Style, which repre- ſents the Axis of the World is to be (ll) erected. (*) This may alſo be evidently ſhewn by the Help of the Dialling Sphere. (t) It is ſo called, becauſe it needs be, and often actu. ally is, no more than a long Araight Iron Pin, like an Engraving or old sort of writing Pin, called a Style. It is called alſo by a Latin Word, the Index, becauſe it tells or ſhews what is the Time of the Day. And it is called likewiſe by a Greek Word the Gnomon, (from yrów to know) becauſe thereby is known the Time of the Day. (1) By being erected is underſtood here, and all along this Tract of Dialling, being placed perpendicularly upon the Subſtyle, ſo as not to lean anything more towards the Hour-lines on one side of the Subſtyle, than towards the Hour-lincs on the other Side of the Subſtyle. S 3 And 12- Of an HORIZONTAL Dial. II. CH AP. And becauſe the Style does repreſent the Axis of the World, therefore it w muſt be ſo erected upon the Subſtyle, (which is the common Interfection of the Horizontal and Meridian Planes) as therewith to make an Angle equal to the Elevation of the reſpective (North or South ) Pole above the Ho- rizon of the Place, or (which comes to the fame) to the (*) Latitude of the Place. Wherefore taking C for the Center, draw (+) an Arch of a Circle from NS (on either Side ) to EW. On the ſaid Arch (1) ſet off from NS towards E W, (viz, at P. Fig. 1.) fo (*) How the Elevation of the Pole and Latitude of the Place come to be always Equal, may be evidently Thewn on the Globe. (t) This Arch may be drawn, at what Extent of the Compaſſes or Diſtance from the Center you pleaſe ; but it is convenient to have regard to the Largeneſs of the deſigned Dial. And alſo it is convenient to make Ufe of a Line of Chords, in this, and all ſuch Operations, in Order to the ſetting off on the Arch drawn any Number of Degrees, with much more Eafe and Readineſs than can be done otherwiſe. The Reader is here ſuppoſed to be already inſtructed in the Uſe of the Line of Chords, (1) That is, the Style, if it be only a long ſtraight Piece of Iron, muſt be ſo placed on the Subſtyle of the Dial, as to have the ſame inclination thereto, as CP bas Of an HORIZONTAL Dial. 13 } ſo many Degrees as anſwer to the Ele-CHAP. vation of the Pole; for Inſtance (Fig. II. 1.) 51 } the Latitude of London or Elevation of the north Pole there. The Line CP being drawn will ſhew the Style. Having found the Subſtyle NS, 5. and the Style CP, draw a long Line of the croſſing the Subſtyle in any Point, gent Line, ( which ſhall ſeem moſt convenient, ) and apply. ſuppoſe Q, at right Angles. This Line quinoctial repreſenting the common Interſection of Plane of the Equinoctial Plane and Dial Plane, your Ho- is therefore called the (*) Contingent rizontal , Line, and is denoted (Fig. 1.) by the Line TG. That Point in the Subſtyle, which is ſo far diſtant from Q, as the Point Q is found by the Compaſſes to be diſtant from the neareſt Point of the Style, repreſents the Center of che E- quator, or that Point from which an Equinoctial Dial is to be delineated on Dial to the has to NS. If you would have the Style a broad Plate of Iron or the likç, then it muſt be made exactly equal to the Triangle NCP. In both Caſes, the lower Point of the Style, namely, wherein the Lines CN and Pn meet, muſt be placed exactly on C, as being the Point of the Horizontal Plane, through which paſſes the Axis, repreſented by the Style. (*) It is ſo called, becauſe herein the two Planes are conceived to touch one another. the S4 14 Of an HORIZONTAL Dial. may fit. CHAP.the Dial-plane, and therefore it II. ly be marked Æ. Taking then Æ for W the Center, at (*) any Diſtance, draw toward the Contingent a (+) Semicircle repreſenting half the Equinoctial, ſo as that one Half of the Semicircle (i. e. fourth Part of the Equinoctial) may be on each side of the Subſtyle. Then di- vide the ſaid Semicircle into twelve equal Parts, (viz. fix on each side of the Sub- ſtyle,) each containing an Arch of 15 Degrees, (II) Lines drawn from Æ the Center of the Equinoctial to each Divi- fion of the Semicircle will be the Hour- Lines of the Equinoɛtial Plane or Dial; among (*) However it is convenient to be guided herein by the Length of the Line of Chords made uſe of, and by the Size of the intended Dial. (+) This may be otherwiſe done by only drawing one Halt of this Semicircle on one side of the Subſtyle, and dividing it into ſix equal Parts; and thence transferring the ſaid fix Diviſions to that Part of the Contingent, which is on the other side of the Subſtyle. And this is the beſt Way for practice, being ſhorter, and not cumbring the Work with Multitude of Lines. And 'tis adviſeable to draw the faid Quadrant, or fourth Part of the Equi- noctial Circle or Dial on that Side of the Subſtyle, where the Style is not drawn: becauſe then the Equinoctial Di. aland the Style will ſtand both clear one from the other ; as in the Figures hereunto belonging: (II) Thele, and all other Lines or Circles or Arches of Circles are to be obſcure ones, i, e. ſuch as may be tubbed out again, excepting only the proper Hour- lines Of an HORIZONTAL Dial. 15 the Hours tal Dial, among which Hour Lines, the Subſtyle CHAP. and Meridian NS of the Horizontal II. Dial will alſo be the Meridian of the m Equinoctial Dial. Having thus fitted the Equinoctial 6. Dial to the Horizontal Plane, on which To dramo the Horizontal Dial is to be drawn, it lines of an will be very eaſy to find the Hour-points Horizon- of the ſaid Horizontal Dial : namely, by continuing the Equinoctial Hour- lines to the Contingent, and thereby fee- ing on what Points of the Horizontal Plane the Hour-lines of the Equinoctial Plane will fall. For the ſaid Points of the Horizontal Plane are reſpectively the Points, on which the correſpondent Hour-lines of the Horizontal Dial will fall, being drawn from (*) C the Cen- ter of the Horizontal Dial. Among theſe Hour-lines, the Line NS being both the Meridian and Subſtyle of the Horizontal Dial, (and ſo falling in with ţhe Meridian of the Equinoctial Dial ) will therefore be the twelve a Clock lines in each Dial. Theſe obſcure Linęs are diſtinguiſied in the Dsaughts hereunto belonging by being made prick'd Lines, (*) The Hour-lines repreſent the shade conceived to be made by the Axis of the World; which Axiş being 16 Of an HORIZONTAL Dial. CHAP. Clock Line of the Horizontal (as well II. as Equinoctial ) Dial. Which being w known, the Numbers II, 10, 9, 8, and 7, are to be affixed to the Hour-lines on the weſt Side of the Dial, according to their reſpective Order from the twelve a Clock Line. And in like manner the Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, are to be ſet to the reſpective Hour-line on the eaſt Side of the Dial. The Line EW, as repreſenting the Prime Vertical, is always the 6 a Clock Line, both Morn- ing and Evening. And as for the Hours before fix in the Morning, and after fix in the Evening, their Lines are drawn by continuing the Lines of thoſe Hours, which are of the fame Denomination in the contrary Part of the Day, through the Center C of the Dial. Thus the being conceived to paſs through C the Center of the Dial, hence all the Hour lines muſt be drawn from the faid Center. Only it is obſervable, that it is more Or- namental, not to draw actually the Hour-lines from C (becauſe if they were ſo drawn, they would be apt to fun together, and blot at the point C,) but making a Circle at fome ſmall diſtance from C, actually to draw the Hour-line's only from the ſaid Circle, by the Ruler duly applied to C, as Fig. 1. 'Tis alſo obſervable, that the Dial-plane may be of any Shape, viz. Round or Triangular, c. as well as Square or Oblong, though this Shape is moſt uſed among us. Hour- Of an HORIZONTAL Dial. 17 1 I ! Hour-lines of 5 and 4 in the Morning are CHAP. drawn, by continuing the Hour-lines of II. 5 and 4 in the Afternoon through c.mn And the Hour-lines of 7 and 8. in the Evening are drawn, by continuing the Hour-lines of 7 and 8 in the Morning through C. And thus the Delineation of an Horizontal Dial is finiſhed, (as is repreſented, Fig. 1.) according to the Mechod of Delineating the ſame by the Help of an Equinoctial Dial. For as to the intermediate. Spaces between each Hour, (viz. Quarter, Half, and three Quarters,) they are had by dividing the Space between each two Hours, firſt into Half, and each Half again into Quarters. It may not be unuſeful (not only for 7. Variety, (*) but alſo Proof fake) to add To drama here the Method of drawing an Hori-zontal Dial zontal Dial, by Dialling Scales and Ta- by a Dial bles. The former is thus: The Linesling Scale. NS and EW being drawn and the If you have drawn your Dials right, the ſame Hour-lines, at equal Diſtance from the Center of your Dial, will be equally diſtant alſo one from the other, by which Method foever you draw them, vig. The Di- ſtance between 12 and 1, (or 12 and 2, or 1 and 2, enc.) will be the ſame, at equal Diſtance from the Cen- ter of your Dial, whether it be drawn by the Equinoctial Dial, or by Scales, or by Tables, Style 18 Of an HORIZONTAL Dial. CH A P.Style CP erected, as afore ; the Length II. of the Line EW is to be determined, lo was to bear a due Proportion to the Scale of Hours you are to Uſe. This is done by placing one Foot of the Compaffes at the Beginning of the Scale of Latitudes, (contained in the Dialling Scale,) and opening the other Foot, till it reaches to the Number of Degrees in the faid Scale of Latitude, which anſwers to the Latitude of the place. This Extent is to be ſet off on the Line EW, from C towards E, and alſo toward W; and where it ends, it may be reſpectively marked e, w, as Fig. 2. Then out of the Dialling Scale take the whole Length of the Scale of Hours, with the Com- paſſes; and ſetting one Foot of the Compaſſes in e, with the other make an Arch croſſing the Line NS cowards N; and then do the like on w. From the Point x of the Line NS, where the two Arches (*) croſs one another, draw the (*) If the Lines drawn by the Compaffes, ſet upon e and w, do not croſs one the other exactly in ſome Point of the Meridian NS, then ſome Fault has been made in ſetting off the ſaid Lines, and the Work muſt be repeated, till they do thus croſs. Lines -. Place this facing p. 18. 8 4 S NIL 7 Fig. 2. 5 E 6 N16 W R W 5 7 4 8 N 3 9 2 1 N2 11 10 X An HORIZONTAL Dial drawn by ý help of Dialling Scales. ܀ : ܕ ܢܣ܂ ܢܫ ܗܝ ܀ ܀ ܙ ܚܕ ܀ ܀ - ܡܗ܀ ܕܐܐ ܪܐܬܙܚ܂ ܠܐܫܟ ܐܝ܀ ܬܐ . ; Of an HORIZONTAL Diol. 19 Lines xe and xW; which will be of CHAP, an equal Length with the Scale of Hours II. in the Dialling Scale : from which Hour-mu ſcale the ſeveral Hours (and the inter- mediate Spaces) are to be reſpectively transferred unto the Lines x e and xw. Lines drawn from C to the ſeveral Hour- points on the Lines x e and cw, will be the reſpective Hour-lines. And ſo the Dial is finiſhed by the Scale: for the Hour-lines before 6 in the Morning, and after 6 in the Evening, are to be had, as afore. Horizon- If you would work by Dialling Ta- 8. bles, having drawn the Lines NS and To draw ar EW to what Length you pleaſe, upon tal Dial by C the Interſection of the ſaid Lines Dialling Tables. draw a Semicircle es w, as in Fig. 3. Then on the ſaid Semicircle ſet off the Degrees and Minutes anſwering to each Hour (and each Quarter, Half, or three Quarters of an Hour) in the Table for Horizontal Dials. · After which draw the Hour-lines from C to the ſeveral Hour-points in the ſaid Semicircle. The Subſtyle and Style are found, as afore. Having 20 Of an HORIZONTAL Dial. CHAP. Having ſhewn, how to draw an Ho. II. rizontal Dial three ſeveral Ways, it re- m mains now to ſhew how to place aright the ſaid Dial, when drawn, and this will be beſt ſpoken of together with the placing of other Dials, Chap. 5. С НАР. Dial. Plate 2 Place this facing 8 Horizontal Dial drawn by Dialling Tables. pag. zo. 4 S 7 5 Fig. 13 6 E w 6 1 5 7 P SENES 4 8 N 3 9 12 县 ​{ 事 ​喜 ​1 我 ​i if fb = 等 ​: . . : : : 의 ​an : : 나 ​ifras is in 5 Grapheresen, 308 are . . . Fire . . . ... age : ... : Hear are . . after as site - 2 1 . . . . x ..... . . . . . : .: A Direct South Dial drawn by ý z help of ý Equinoctial Dial 6 6 W Pag. 21. Fig. 14 ..... 7 5 P Q *$$s 8 4 Æ N 9 3 10 12 1 2 .. [-30 ] CH A P. III, Of an (*) Erect Direet South and North DIA L. 3 TI I. the most ADirect South Dial drawn by y z help of ý Eouino HE Erect Direct South Dial ſhall CHAP. be ſpoken of next, as being next III. to the Horizontal Dial the moſt uſeful : m foraſmuch as it ſhews the Time of the A Direct Day from 6 to 6 throughout the whole South Dial Year. This Sort of Dial is drawn after uſeful nexe the ſame manner, by the Help of the rizontal Equinoctial, as the Horizontal Dial, excepting the Particulars following i to draw a viz. Firſt, That the Meridian or 12 a Direct Clock Line, (which in this, as well as Dial, by the the Horizontal Dial, is always the Sub- Help of the ſtyle, ) foraſmuch as it muſt be fo Equinoc. placed as that one of its Ends muſt Point to the (+) Zenith, the other to the Dial, Dial. 2. South tial Dial. Inclining and Reclining Dials being ſeldom uſed, hence theſe Dials are frequently Iftiled only Direct South and North Dials. (t) The Meridian of any Place or Dial, as it paſſes through the North and South Poles, ſo it pafles like- wife 22 Of a Direct South DIAL, CHAP. the Nadir, may therefore be moſt III. properly here denoted by ZN Sem mcondly, the Style CP muſt be erected upon the Subſtyle Z N, ſo as to make therewith an Angle equal (not to the Elevation of the Pole, as in an Hori- zontal Dial; but ) to the Complement of the Pole's Elevation. For ſuch is the Meaſure of the Angle, which the (*) South Pole, repreſented by the Style of this Dial, makes with the Plane of the Prime Vertical. Now the Elevation of the Pole above the Horizon of London being 51. De- grees, its Complemenc is 38. De- grees. Thirdly, "On this Dial there need be inſcribed no Hour, either be- fore 6 in the Morning, or after 6 in the Evening: for the Plane of this ? 4 wiſe through the Zenith and Nadir of the ſaid Place. in an Horizontal Dial the Meridian Line is to be placed with its Ends towards the North and Souch Points, and therefore is therein fitly denoted by NS. Bur in a Direct South Dial, the Meridian Line is to be placed fo, as that its Ends may Point to the Zenith and Nadir, and there- fore is here more firly denoted by ZN. (*) This may be evidently repreſented to the very Eye by the Dialling Sphere; and conſequently the Rea- ſon why the End of this Style muſt be placed down wards. the video Dial Place this facing p22. Dial. Plate 3 Direct South Dial dr awn by Dialling Scales 6 Fig. 15 W 6 C e, 7 5 wo 8 4 9 3 N 1 ( ( 1 1 PARTE *** parente ireet South Dial drzaun by Dialling Tables 6 Fig. 6. 7 P 8 4 N 9 3 10 11 12 1 2 Of a Direct North DIAL. 23 See Fig. 4. Dial repreſenting the ſouth Side of the CHAP. Plane of the Prime Vertical, the Sun III. never ſhines upon it before 6'in the air Morning, or after 6 in the Evening, If you work (not by the Equinoctial 3. Circle or Dial, buc) by a Dialling Scale, To draw then (beſides the fore-mentioned Parti- South culars, wherein the drawing of this Dial by ** Dial differs from drawing an Horizon-Dialling tal Dial) it is alſo to be known, chat upon the Line E W, from C towards E and W, muſt be ſet off the Ex- tent (taken from the Scale of Latitude: not of the Latitude it ſelf, but ) of the Complement of the Place's Latitude. Scale. See Fig. 5. If you work by Tables, then the De- 4: grees of the Angle, which every Hour-70 drar line makes with ZN the Meridian or by dialing Subſtyle, muſt be taken from the Table Tables. for a Prime Vertical or Direct South Dial. See Fig. 6. A Direct North Dial differing from 5. a Direct South Dial primarily in this To drama alone, that the former repreſents the Direct north Side of the Plane of the Prime Dial. Vertical, and the latter the ſouth Side ; hence the drawing of a Direct T Norch - 24 Of a Direct North DIAL. ta Chap. North Dial is the ſame, as of a Di- III. rect South Dial ; excepting if, that w the Hours requiſite to be inſcribed on this Dial in our Country are no more than theſe, viz. 4, 5, 6, in the Morn- ing, and 6, 7, 8, in the Evening. For the Sun with us never riſes till after 3 in the Morning, and always fets be- fore 9 in the Evening ; and from 6 in the Morning till 6 in the Evening it turns off from the North to the South Side of the Plane of the Prime Vertical. 2dly, Foraſmuch as the Style of this Dial repreſents the north Segment of the Axis, and ſo its End P repreſents the North Pole, therefore the End P muſt be placed looking upwards toward the North Pole. And conſequently that End of the Subſtyle, which anſwers to the End P of the Style, muſt Point to- wards the Zenith, and therefore is here properly to be denoted by Z, and the other End of the Subſtyle by N, as anſwering to the Nadir, contrary to the Poſition and Notation of them in a Direct South Dial. See Fig. 7 . As Place this facing Bag. 24 Dial. Plate 4 A Direct North Dial 8 4 Fig. 7. 7 A 5 6 E W6 P e Æ up This prickt Draught of a Direct South Dial evidently shews, how it and a Direct North Dial are related one to y other viz that ý Direct North Dial takes ů Upper Part.and ý Direct South Dial , takes up the . Lower Part of ý Plane of the Prime vertical. N IN2 of a Direct North DIAL. 25 As to the Placing of a Direct Chap: South or North Dial, it will be III. more conveniently ſpoken of Chap. w 5 5. T 2 сHAP. Ý T : ( 26 ) . .: CH A P. IV. Of an (*) Erect Direct Eaſt or Weſt DI AL. I I. СНАР. Begin with a Direct Eaſt Dial, IV. whoſe Plane repreſents the eaſt Side m of the Plane of the Meridian. Now to draw this Dial, there muſt be firſt To draw a drawn an Horizontal Line, i. e. a Line Eaft Dial. repreſenting the Horizon, or running Parallel to it, and ſo level. One End of this Line will repreſent the north Point of the Horizon, and may there- fore be fitly denoted by N; and the other End by S, as repreſenting the ſouth Point of the Horizon. See Fig. 8. 2. Taking any Point C towards S, the To find the ſouth End of the Line NS for a Cen- Subſtyle. ter, deſcribe an Arch toward N; and upon that Arch ſet off the Height P of the Pole, and draw the Line CP for the Subſtyle. C) There alſo are frequently ftiled only Direet Eaſtor Weſt Dials. Having Dial Plate Place this facing pag. 26. A DirectE aft Dial 4 5 6 7 8 6 10, ?" > Q 4 Fig. 8. 5 AL 6 7 $_1 --- IN 8. 9 20 27 A Direct weft Dial 8 7 6 4 3 2 62.60 Æ 8 Fig. 9 7. P 6 S 1 t INT 4 3 2 2 Of a Dire&t Eaft DIAL. 27 Having found the Subſtyle, draw Chap. thereon the Contingent Line TG; and IV. then proceed to draw an (*) Equinoctial i Dial, taking any point X'in the Sub 3. ſtyle for the Center of the ſaid Equi-To draw noctial Dial. That Diameter of the Se- lines. micircle (repreſenting half the Equinoc- tial Circle) which runs Parallel to the Contingent, is here the Meridian of the Equator; from which you are to begin to divide the Semicircle into Hours, or into 6 equal Parts, each containing 15 Degrees. Through each of theſe Di- viſions of the Equino&tial Semicircle draw Lines from Æ to the Contingent ; and again through each Point of the Contingent, whereon the ſaid Lines fall, draw other Lines (+) parallel to the Subſtyle. Theſe laſt will be the Hour- lines; that which falls in with the Subſtyle C P being always the 6 a Clock Line, thoſe above is the Hour-lines of 4 (*) There is no Mention made of drawing a Direct Eat or Weſt Dial by Scales and Tables, becaule it is in Effect done both Ways, by the Help of the Equinoctial Dial. (+) Becauſe the Axis of the World runs parallel to the plane of the Meridian (as may be nown by the Di- alling Sphere,) and fo muſt be conceived to cart its Shade parallel alſo to its felf . the T 3 28 Of a Direct Eaſt DI AL. CHAP.the Hours before 6, and thoſe below it IV. the Hour-lines of the Hours after 6. mWhere it is to be noted, that as 4 and 5 are the only Hours before 6, which need be inſcribed on this Dial becauſe the Sun never riſes to us till after 3 ; ſo the Hours to be inſcribed on this Dial after 6, are no more than 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11; foraſmuch as this Dial-plane repre- fencing the Plane of the Meridian, the Sun ſhines not upon its Surface, but upon its ſouth Side or Edge, at 12 a Clock. 4. The Hour-lines being drawn, the To place Style is to be placed (*) parallel to the she' style. Subſtyle CP, and ſo far diſtant from ir, as the Center Æ of the Equinoctial was taken diſtant from the Contingent. And ſo the Dial is finished ; as Fig. 8. 5. A Direet Weſt Dial differing from a To draw Direct Eaſt Dial primarily in this alone, Weft Dial, that the former repreſents the weſt Side : Dircet *) Becauſe the Style repreſents the Axis of the World, which runs parallel to the Plane of the Meridian, Hence Direct Eaſt and Weſt Dials have no Centers, through which the Axis paffes, and from which confequently are to be drawn all the Hour-lines, as in Horizontal and Direct South and North Dials, which are therefore called Central Dials. of .. Of a Dire&t Wef DIAL. 29 of the Plane of the Meridian, and the Chap ° latter the eaſt Side ; hence the drawing IV. of a Direct Weſt Dial, is the ſame wich that of a direct Eaſt Dial, excepting only the different Denominations of the Hours to be inſcribed on this Dial, viz. I to 8 in the Afternoon; which muſt be placed reſpectively from 6, (the Hour-line whereof always falls in with the Subſtyle,) as the Morning Hours are in a Direct Eaſt Dial. See Fig. 9. How theſe Dials, when drawn, are to be placed, ſo as to have a due Situation in reſpect of the Heavens, is ſhewn in the following Chapter. $ . .is T 4 С НАР. Sale 3. ( 30 ) CHAP. V. w Of duly PLACING a Direct (Eaſt, or Wet, North, or South,) Dial; and of the Manner of finding, whether a Wall bas a DIRECT or DECLINING Position or SITUATION, E 1 I. CH AP. VERY Dial-plane repreſenting the V. Plane of fome Circle in the Hea- mvens, therefore, when any Dial is drawn, that it may go true, it is requiſite that A Dialis its Plane be ſo placed, as to anſwer ex- ben duly placed, actly to the Plane of the Celeſtial Cir- when its cle, which it repreſents. Wherefore, (wers to the if it be an Horizontal Dial, its Plane Plane of muſt be placed Horizontally, or parallel al Circle," to the Horizon, i. e. exactly level. If which it it be any Vertical Dial, (as a direct repreſents. North or South, Eaſt or Weſt Dial,) sokereto the it muſt be placed Vertically, i.e. per- mut blame pendicular to the Horizon, or exactly placed pa. Upright. Now the Inſtrument repre- rallel to its fented, Fig. 1o. will ſhew, when any Celeſtial of the fore-mentioned Dials are thus duly Planas un this facing Pag. 30 Dial. Plate 6 z. A4 . wym Plummet to : . An Hole for the play in. Fig. 10. hig H P N Pag. 33 M M AL Fig. 11 C B A Plane, whose Meridian Zline M.L is to be found: C.de notes ý Center or Place where | Ý Pin C P. is set up: C.S&Cs denote y two shades of ý Pin. B. denotes y middle point of the Arch S.B.S; A . MS Of Placing DIA L S. 31 duly placed. Namely, if, when the Chap. Side HN of the ſaid Inſtrument be ap- V. plied to the Horizontal Dial, the String w falls exactly on the perpendicular Line PP, then the Dial is placed Horizon- tally, or truly Level ; otherwiſe it is not, but muſt be altered, till the Spring does exactly fall on the ſaid Perpendi- cular. In like manner, if, when the Side ZN or ZH be applied to a Verti- cal Dial, the String exactly falls on the Perpendicular PP, then the Dial is placed Vertically, or truly Upright ; otherwiſe it is not, but muſt be altered till the String does ſo fall. Again, an Horizontal Dial muſt be placed not only Horizontally in gene- And 2dly, ral, but alſo ſo, as that the four Car-nal Points dinal Points of the Dial may reſpectively of the Di- anſwer the like Cardinal Points of the al-plane muſtanſwer Horizon. In like manner Vertical Di- to the Car- als muſt be placed, not only in general Points of Vertically, but alſo fo, as that the its reſpec- Plane of each Vertical Dial may be tive Cele- pa- tial Plane. rallel or anſwer to the Plane of that Vertical Circle in the Heavens, which it particularly has reſpect to. Thus the Plane of a Direct South or North Dial muſt be fo placed, as that it may be pa- rallel 2. The Cardi. dinal 32 Of Placing DIAL s. CHAP. rallel to the Plane of the Prime Verti V. cal, which it repreſents, and that it may W reſpectively anſwer to the ſouth or north Side of the ſaid Plane of the Prime Vertical. In like manner, the Plane of a Direct Eaſt or Weſt Dial muſt be ſo placed, as that it may be parallel to, or fall in with the Plane of The Meridian, which it repreſents; and that it may reſpectively anſwer to the eaſt or weſt side of the ſaid Meridian Plane. 3. Now in Order thus to place aright To find the any of the fore-mentioned Dials, it is requiſite to find where the Meri- any Plane dian croſſes the Place, on which you would put the Dial. And this may be done ſeveral Ways. The moſt eaſy is by the Help of what is cal- led) the Mariners Needle, ſuppoſing it has none, or but little Variation in the Place where you are. For then the Meridian runs over, or parallel to the Length of the ſaid Needle. Ano- ther Way is by holding up a String, when the Sun is in its Meridian Alti. tude, (which is to be found by the Quadrant,) for then the Shade of the String will repreſent the Meridian Line of Line of or Place of Placing DIAL S. 33 : of the place where you are. Another CHAP. Way, ſomewhat longer, but much furer, V. is this : Any Time in the Morning, m when the Sun ſhines, erect any Pin or ſtraight piece of Iron or Wood, and mark where the End of its Shade falls. See Fig. 11. Then on the Point, where the Pin was erected, as on a Center, draw a Circle paſſing through the other Point, where the End of the Pin's Shade fell. After which erecting the Pin again where it was, wait till the End of the Pin's Shade touches the Circle in ſome other Point. The Arch between the two Points of the Circle, on which the End of the Pin's Shade fell at the two ſeveral Times, being biſected or divided exadly in Half, a right Line drawn from the Center of the ſaid Cir- cle (i. e. from the point where the Pin was erected ) through the Point of Bi- ſection will be the Meridian Line of the Place where you are. The Meridian Line of the Place 4. where you are, being thus found out to place a- by one or more of the fore-mentioned right an Ways, an Horizontal Dial is truly tal Dial. placed, .. 34 Of Placing DIA L s. Chap.placed, (ſo as that its Cardinal Points V. Thall anſwer the like Points of the wHorizon,) by placing the Meridian Line (or which is the ſame, the 12 a Clock Line) of the ſaid Horizontal Dial exactly upon, or parallel to the Meridian Line of the place where you are. For the Meridian Line of the Dial being thus placed upon, or paral- lel to the Meridian Line of the Place, the North and South Points of the Ho- rizontal Dial, being no other than the North and South Ends of the Me- ridian Line of the Dial, will anſwer to the North and South Points of the Horizon of the Place, theſe directly anſwering to the North and South Ends of the Meridian Line of the Place. And the North and South Points of the Dial being thus placed fo, as to anſwer to the ſaid Points of the Hori- zon; the Eaſt and Weſt Points of the Dial (if rightly drawn ) will likewiſe anſwer to the Eaſt and Weſt Points of the Horizon. The Method of placing aright a 5. to place Direct North or South, Eaſt or Weſt aright * (as well as of an Horizontal) Dial does likewiſe depend on the Meridi- Direet Eaſt or Of Placing DIAL S. 35 an Line of the Place. For having CHAP. found this by one or more of the V. Ways above-mentioned, in order to place aright a direct Eaſt or Weſt Dial, all that is to be done, is only this, viz. directly upon or parallel to the ſaid Meridian Line of your Place, you muſt erect the Dial with the Face of it Eaſtward, if it be a direct Eaſt Dial; or Weſtward, if it be a direct Weſt Dial. In order to place arighe a direct 6. North or South Dial a little more is to place aright a to be done. Namely, having found Direct the Meridian Line of your Place, you North muſt draw another Line croſſing the Dial former perpendicularly, which will be the Prime Vertical Line of the Place. Upon which therefore direct- ly, or parallel to it, muſt be placed the Dial with the Face of it ſouth- ward, if it be a direct South Dial; or northward, if it be a direct North Dial. Hitherto we have conſidered Dials, 7. as drawn on Moveable Moveable Planes, or of Un- Planes not already Fixed. ſuch as are uſually drawn Horizontal al-planes. Dials. But Vertical Dials, (whether Direct South or movable or And on Fixed Din 36 Of Placing DIAL $. n : To know :: when a Wallis Direet . CHAP. Direct or Declining) are more uſu- V. ally drawn on Unmoveable or Fixed Planes, hamely, on the sides of ſome Wall. Wherefore in order to draw a Vertical Dial on a Wall, it is re- quiſite firſt to know, whether the Wall be a direct Eaſt or Weſt, North or South Wall, or a Declining Wall ; and if the latter, how great its Decli- nation is. Now there are ſeveral Ways de- 8. livered in Treatiſes of Dialling for to do this; but ſuch as require, ei- ther a peculiar Inſtrument called from Eaſt or its Uſe a Declinatory, or elſe the WA, North Sun's Azimuth to be taken, or both. Wherefore I think the following Me thod is to be preferred before any ocher, on Account of its Eaſineſs, and withal Exactneſs. To the Wall, whoſe Situation you would know, adjoin a Board ſo, as that one of its Sides may touch the Wall, and the Surface of the Board may lie Hori- zontally, and faſt. Upon the Board thus prepared find the Meridian by the laſt of the three Ways above- mentioned, and draw a Line on the Board repreſenting the ſame, which therefore 3 or South .. } . : '.: .. : Dual Plate z M - Direct South 85 IN North wall W $ A Fig. 12 30 Place this facing Pag. 37. 09 90 LI D / North wall deck. A South wall decline D A North wall decl. s Eastuurd 26 Degr South Wall - $dech weſtw. 20 Degr М. W--- Eastward 20 Degr weſtward 20 Degr: 18 E W SA 30 Fig. 15 c Fig. 13 09 60 go 30 L M & M M . W-. W-: -E Trg. 14 00 A North will declin A North wall decl. Westw N ard 20 Degr. D A south wall declin. Iafts ward 20 Degr . n weſtw. 20 Degr South wall declins Eaftw.20 Degr A Eig. 16. 30 30 60 90 H H Of Placing DIAL S. 37 : , therefore we call the Meridian Line. CHAP. or runs parallel to your Wall, then mm it is a direct Eaſt or Weſt Wall. If not ſo, then lay a Quadrant flat upon the faid Board, with one of its Sides or Edges applied to the Wall, and its Center at the ſame Time on the Meridian Line. If the other Side falls upon the Meridian Line drawn on the Board, then the Wallis a direct North and South Wall, i. e. that Side of the Wall which is to- ward the Sun and you, directly Faces the South; and the other Side of it conſequently Faces directly the North. See Fig. 12. But if when one side of the Qua- 9. drant is applied to the Wall as afore, To know the other Side does not fall upon the wall de- Meridian Line on the Board, then it clines. is a declining Wall. And if when the right side or Edge of the Qua- drant 'is applied to the Wall, the Mea ridian Line of the Board is beyond, or without the other Side of the Qua- drant, then the Wall in reſpect of its fouch Side declines Eaſtward, in reſpect of its north Side Weſtward, (as . . 38 Of Placing DIAĽ S. CH A P. (as Fig. 14.) but if the Meridian V. Line of the Board be within the left Side of the Quadrant, then the Wall in reſpect of its fouth Side declines Weſtward, in reſpect of its north Side Eaſtward, as Fig. 13. On the contrary, if the left side or Edge of the Quadrant be applied to the Wall, and the Meridian Line on the Board be without the right side of the Qua- drant, then the Declination of the Wall in reſpect of its fouth Side is Weſtward, in reſpect of its north Side Eaſtward (as Fig. 15.): but if the ſaid Meridian Line be within the right Side of the Quadrant, then the Declination of the Wall in reſpect of its fouth Side is Eaſtward, and in reſpect of its north Side Weſtward, as Fig. 16. Having thus found, whether the To find the Wall declines Eaſtward or Weſtward, Degrees of it remains to find, how great its . Declination is. Now, as when, one Side of the Quadranc being duly ap- plied (as afore ) to the Wall, the o ther Side falls exactly upon the Me- ridian Line of the Board, the Wall has no Declination; ſo when the other IO. Declina- tion. .. ww Of finding the Situation of Walls. 39 other Side of the Quadrant does not CHAP. fall exactly upon the ſaid Meridian V. Line, then the Number of Degrees con- w tained in the Angle made by the faid other Side of the Quadrant, and the ſaid Meridian Line is the Meaſure of the Declination. Wherefore as often as the faid Meridian Line falls within the Quadrant, the Number of Degrees in- tercepted between the ſaid Meridian Line, and that Side or Edge of the Quadrant which is not applied to the Wall, is the Meaſure of the Wall's De- clination. But if the Meridian Line falls without the Quadrant, then having drawn on the Board a Circle, with a Ray equal to that of the Quadrant, and upon that Point of the Meridian Line whereon you place the Center of the Quadrant, as the Center of the ſaid Circle, thereupon take with the Com- paſſes the Diſtance between the Meria dian, and that Edge of the Quadrant, which is not applied to the Wall: The ſaid Diſtance applied to the Diviſion of the Quadrant into 90 Degrees, will thereby ſhew the Meaſure of the Wall's Declination. U All 40 Of finding the CHAP. All that has been aforeſaid, is illur- V. trated by (*) Fig. 12, 13, 14, 15, and um 16. In each of which the Line ML 11. denotes the Meridian Line; the Line illufra. EW denotes the Plane of the Prime rion by Ex- amples. Vertical, or ( which comes to the fame) the Plane of a direct South Wall or Dial; and conſequently E denotes the true Eaſt Point, W the true Weſt Point, ESW the South Side of the Plane of the Prime Vertical, or a direct South Wall; ENW the north Side of the Plane of the Prime Vertical, or a direct North Wall : the Line DC denotes a declining Wall. Where- fore it is evident, that in Fig. 12. one Edge of the Quadrant being duly applied to E W the Wall, on the ſouth Side of it ES W, the other will fall upon the Meridian Line, ML drawn on the Board ; and thereby ſhew, that the ſaid Wall EW has no Declina- tion. But in Fig. 13. the right Edge (*) From all theſe Figures it is evident, that the De- clination of a Wall or Dial, is the Arch WD or EC of the Horizon intercepted between the Plane of the Primc Vertical, and of the Wall or Dial. of Declination of WALI S. 41 of the Quadrant being applied to DC CHAP the declining Wall, and the Meridian V. Line ML falling within the other mm Side of the Quadrant, thereby is ſhewn, that the Wall declines weſtward, and alſo that the Meaſure of the Decli- nation is 20 Degrees, this being the Number of the Degrees intercepted between the left side of the Quadrant, and the Meridian Line ML. In Fig. 14. the right Edge of the Quadrant being applied to DC the Wall, and the Meridian Line M L falling with- out the left Edge of the Quadrant, I take with my Compaſſes, on a Circle deſcribed as above directed, the Di- ſtance between ML the Meridian Line, and the left Edge of my Qua- drant, and applying the ſame to the Diviſion of the Quadrant into go De- grees, I find the Meaſure of the ſaid Diſtance to be 20 Degrees ; which con- fequently is the Meature of the Decli- nation of the Wall DC eaſtward. And after the ſame Manner, the fore-menci- oned Method of finding the Declina- tion of a Wall may be illuſtrated in all ocher Reſpects. : U 2 Ha- 42 of finding the Declination, &c. CHAP. Having thus ſhewn how to find V. the Declination of a Wall, it re- numains only to ſhew how to draw a Dial upon a declining Plane or Wall. 22 * С НАР. A * * ": '' - ಇಷ್ಟಪಟ್ಟು -93: : : ", : re: * : * * *ಸ: . - - - ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆ-ಸ್ಥಲ ...'' - - - - * : - ಭ: 4² ರ * *rek -ು. ... --:- ರ್ಪ..' : ' ' . *: - - - - - - - - - - - ಇತೊಂತಿ " : ಇ f++: * * ' : ", < ---- ... : ಪಥದ್ದಲ್ಲಸಿಕ್ಕಿತ್ತು , ಸಿ, ಇ, 4 - * ಕೇತ ಈ ಕೆಳಕ್ಕೆ ಇಳಿಸಿ **: ೩೫ ? * ing * * * * * * * * * **" .... * ಪಿ: . . ? ... . . .:- *- . “ಪಳ : ಸಿದ್ದುಗಳು - ಚಿರ್ತ (: *: -- ೯ ಬೇಳೆ .. ..: *: - ** .. - 1 : :;" * * : . : : . : ... : ಎಂರ್ಟ” ಸೆ .. ! : --: :ಇಲ್ಲಿ 7. * : : ಈ. *... - (ಪು, ಇವತ್ತು ಹಕ್ಕಿ. * * ಅಲ್ಲ - ಳ ನರ್ಸತಿಭಟಿಸಿ ಇಲ್ಲಿ ". * . : Z: A Dial declining West ward 20 Degrees W Dial. Plate 8. C: Fig. 17 D H M Place this facing p. 43 6 8 yo < T ... 9 4 N 12 10 1 2 3 ( 43 ) * CH A P. VI. Of drawing a DecLINING Dial. T m I. HE principal Difficulty in draw-CHAP. ing a Declining Dial, is in find VI. ing the Diſtance of the Subſtyle from the Meridian or 12 a Clock Line, and the Height of the Style above the Sub-The chief ſtyle. Now to remove this Difficulty, in drawing there is adjoined to the End of this a Decli- Chapter, a Table ſhewing the faid Par-ning Dial. ticulars, anſwerable to any Degree of Declination, and which will ſerve for moſt parts of England. Having then drawn ( as in a Direct South or Norch Dial) two Lines croſ- Subſtyle fing each other perpendicularly, one and Style ZN repreſenting the Meridian, the of a Decli- other E W repreſenting the Prime by Dialling Vertical ; if you work by Dialling- Tables, turn to the faid Table (viz. Tab. III.) and ſee what is the Sub- ſtyle's Diſtance from the Meridian anſwerable to the Declination of the 2. To find the U 3 44 Of Declining DIAL S. CHAP. the Wall, which, ſuppoſing the De- VI. clination 20 Degrees, will be 15 De- grees, 5 Minutes. Then draw an Arch from Z N to EW, on the Weſt Side of ZN, if the Declination be eaſt- ward; and on the eaſt Side, if the Declination be weſtward. On the ſaid Arch fer off from ZN the found Di- ſtance of the Subſtyle, viz. at S in Fig. 17. and 18. The Line CS, drawn from C (the Interſection of ZN and EW, and the Center of the Dial) to S, will be the Subſtyle. Then in the Table ſee what is the Style's Height anſwerable to the Declination, V. g. of 20 Degrees, and it is 35 De- grees, 34 Minutes. Set this off from Sto P, and draw the Line CP, which will ſhew the Style. 3. Having found the Subſtyle and To draw the Style, draw (as afore in an and direct South Liges. North Dial ) the Contingent Line croſſing the Subſtyle at right An- gles in any in any Point Q: only the Subſtyle CS being here different from the Meridian ZN, mark the Pointm of the Meridian where it 14 the Hour- Horizontal, Or olen ser 2: Pag. 44. A Dial declining East ward 20 Degrees W E Fig. 18 6 11 4 ㅗ ​I 7 3 8 1 N 9 10 12 2 : ::: . : : :: 2013: 36 views 8 ) 2012 )。 .... .... res , , preser 2015 10: ..… : : 蒙 ​theries ress ..… 2017-11-15 ) 2017年度​: 5.2.... : . : : Of Declining DI AL S. 45 of an it is croffed by the Contingent. CHAP Then taking ( as afore in the other VI. Dials ) the Point Æ in the Sub-m ſtyle fot the Center of an Equi- noctial Dial, draw a (*) Semicir- cle ; one Half of it being on one Side of the Subſtyle, and the other Half on the other Side. After which draw the Line ÆM cutting the E- quinoctial Semicircle in M. The Line ÆM will be the Meridian of the Equinoctial Dial, from which you are to begin to divide on each side the Equinoctial Semicircle into Hours, or ſix equal Parts. Lines drawn from Æ through the ſaid Diviſions to the Contingent will be the Equinoctial (*) It is to be obſerved, that in Declining Dials the entire Semicircle muſt be drawn; and it is not ſuffici- ent to draw only one Half of the Semicircle as in Direct South and North Dials, foraſmuch as the Meridian or 12 a Clock Line of the Equator, not falling in with the Meridian or '12 a Clock Line of the Declining Dial, (as it does in Direct North and South Dials,) hence the Di- viſions on each side the 12 a Clock Line of the Equinoc- tial, will not cut the Contingent at equal reſpective Di. ſtances, as in Direct North and South Dials. U 4 Hours . 46 Of Declining DIAL S. } CHAP. Hours. And conſequently Lines drawn VI. from C the Center of the declining WDial Dial to the fame Points of the Con- tingent, whereon the Equino&tial Hour- lines fall, will be the Hour-lines for the declining Dial, ( as afore in an Horizontal and Direct North or South Dial,) and ſo the Dial will be finiſhed. See Fig. 17 and 18. And thus I have gone through 4. The Core thoſe Elements of Dialling, which cluſion. I judge moſt requiſite to be known by Young Gentlemen, at leaſt at their firſt Inſtitution in the ſaid Art or Science. What follows, are ſuch Dialling Tables as are requiſite to this Treatiſe ; which though cal- culated indeed for the Latitude of Oxford, (viz. 51 Degrees, 45 Mi- nutes, ) yet will ſerve without any ſenſible Difference for moſt Parts of England. The Dialling Scales, or rather the Way of drawing Dial- ling Scales, viz. the Lines or Scales of Latitude and of Hours, (both mentioned and made uſe of in this Treatiſe ) as alſo of Inclination of Meridians, : Dial. Plate 9. The Geometrical way of drawing Lines or Scales of Hours, L atitudes, Declination or Chords Fig. 19 Place this facing pag. 47. Scale, 127.7 10 1041 1171 20 A Scäir ar Line lof Latitudes. / larger Line or =; ........... + 30 or Scale 3 o 301 of Hours 40 50 / 60 170 go * of Hours 22 5 3 A Line oi Scale of Chords or of Declinati on The Geom, way of drawing a Scale of Inclination of Meridians & Chords 10 Fig. 20. 01 o 60 20 30 III 701 40 ور 4 Sinallei Line of chordis o - 6018 80 suripidan fauoraturpuļ for appos 10 on 영 ​60 801 Io 70 70 801 80 gal. 90 Of Declining DIAL S. 47 Meridians, and of Declination (not CHAP mentioned in this Treatiſe, but pur into VI. all Dialling Scales) is repreſented Fig. 19. and 20. . 3 ܕ܀ K TAB. .: 48 00 : I 02 I I II. 2 14 2/ 18 3 2 1 3) 16. TAB. I T A B. II. Shewing what Angle e-Shewing the like Angles very Hour-line, (as al- in a Direct South or ſo Quarter, Half, and North Dial. three Quarters of an Hour) makes with the Meridian or twelve a Clock Line, in an Ho- rizontal Dial. Hours. Degrees. Minutes. Hours. Degrees. Minutes. I 2 00 OO I 2 00 57 02 19 2 02 54 21 04 40 3 08 . 52 31_07. 01. II. II 53 Il 09 25 I 14 55 II. 52 OL 23 10 16. 58 21 24 40 127 41 22 2 31. 04 21 25 24 3 34 33 9. 31 38 09 9. 31 31 I! 41 . 51 I 35 13 40 2 38 54 3 49 49. 36 31 42 49. 4 53 40 8 41 47 OO Il 57. 53 Il 51 27 21 62. II 2 13 3 37 61. 15 7. 5 71. 09 7. 5 5/ 66 . Il 75. 38 1 72 : II 80. 29. · 00 31 85 14 3 83 58 6. 00. 6. 00. T AB. 10 23 IO. 2 19 1 28 3 28 28. 30 46 245 8. 56. 66. 3) 61 36 2 21 77 6 go : 1 49 TA B. III. Shewing the Diſtance of the Subſtyle from the Meridian, and the Height of the Style above the Subſtyle, an fwerable to the ſeveral Degrees of Declination. Decli- Subſtyle's 38 Dif-Style's Height a. tance from the bove the Sub- nation. Meridian. style. Degrees. Degrees . Minutes. Degrees. Minutes. I O. 47 14 2 I. 34 13 3 2 I II 4 3 8 8 5 3 55 5 6 4 42 7 5 28 37: 55 8 6. 14 37 49 9 7 37 . 42 10 7. 37. 34 38 38 38 38 38 NO 48 Decli. . 50 Declina-/Subſtyle's 48 36. 36 36 36 36. 15. T A B. III. Dir-Style's Height a- tance from the bove the Sub- tion. Meridian. ſtyle. Degrees. Degrees. Minutes. Degrees. Minutes. II 8. 33 37 . 26 I2 9 18 37. 16 13 IO 2 37. 6 14 IO 55 15 II 32 43 16 I 2 . 15 31 17 I 2. 59 18 18 13 41 2 19 14 24 35. 50 20 5 35. 34 21 15 47 35. 19 22 16. 27 35. 2 23 17 7 34. 44 24 17. 47 34 26 25 15 34 8 26 19. 33. 49 27 41 33. 29 20 19 33. 8 29 20. 55 32 47 30 21. 31 32. 25 31 22. 6 32. 32 22 40 31 : 33 23 14 31. 17 34 23 47 30. 53 35 24. 19 30. 28 Decli. 18. 19. 28 tow 51 36 38 26. TAB. III, Subſtyle's Dif-'Style's Height a- Decli- tance from the bove the Sub- nation. . Meridian. ſtyle. Degrees. Degrees. Minutes. Degrees. Minutes. 24. 52 30. 3 37 25. 23 29. 36 25 53 29 39 26. 23 28 4.5 40 26. 52 28. 18 41 27 21 27. 51 42 27. 4.9 27. 23 43 28 16 26. 55 44 28 42 26 45 29. 8 25. 57 46 29 33 25 29 47 29 24. 58 30 22 24 49 30 45 23 . 8 23 27 51 31. 30 22 56 52 31. 51 22. 24 53 32 I 2 21. 52 54 32 32 21 55 32 51 48 56 33. 57 33. 28 19 42 58 33 19 9 59 34. 3 18 35 60 34. 18. 2 Declic 58 48 28 58 50 31 20. 20. 15 46 19 52 Declina. Subſtyle's 61 63 64 65 46 58 36. 36 I 2. T A B. IIÍ. Dif-|Style's Height a- tance from the bove the Sub- tion. Meridian. ſtyle. Degrees. Degrees. Minutes. Degrees. Minutes 34. 35 17 . 28 62 34. 50 16. 54 35 5 16. 19 35 19 15 45 35. 32 15. IO 66 35. 14 35 67 35 14. 68 10 13. 44 69 6. 21 49 70 32 I 2 13 71 42 72 51 II. 2 73 37. I 26 74 37 9 9. 34 75 37 17 9 13 -76 37. 25 8 37 77 37. 22 8 9 78 37 . 37 79 37. 44 6. 47 80 37. 50 6. IO 37 54 5 4.1 82 37. 59 4 57 2 4 19 6 3 43 9 3 5 Declic 36. 36. 36 II. 38 10. مأم g . 24 7: 81 83 38 84 85 38 38. TAB. III. Subſtyle's Dif-Style's Height a- Decli. tance from the bove the Sub- Ination. Meridian. ſtyle. Degrees. Degrees. Minutes. Degrees. Minutes. 86 II 2 29 87 13 I 52 88 14 I 89 14 O 37 90 15 38 38 38 38 38 A CATALOGUE of the ſeveral Draughts of Dials, and other Cutts belonging to this Treatiſe. Fig 1. AN N Horizontal Dial drawn by the Help of the Equinoctial Dial. 2. An Horizontal Dial drawn by the Help of dialling Scales. 3. An Horizontal Dial drawn hy the Help of Dialling Tables. 4. A Direct Souch Dial drawn by the Help of the Equinoctial Dial. 5. A : 4 54 A CATALOGUE, &c. 5. A Direct South Dial drawn by the Help of Scales. 6. A Direct South Dial drawn by the Help of Tables. 7. A Direct North Dial. 8. A Direct Eaſt Dial. 9. A Direct Weſt Dial. 10. The Draught of an Inſtrument, whereby to find, whether a Dial-plane be truly Horizontal, or Erect. 11. The Draught of the moſt exa&t Method for finding the Meridian of a Place or Dial-plane. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Several Draughts repreſenting the Method to find whether a Wall be Director Declining; and if de- clining, how many Degrees it bas of Declination. 17. A Dial declining Weſtward 20 Degrees. 18. A Dial declining Eaſtward 20 Degrees. 19. The Geometrical Way of drawing Lines, or Scales of Hours, of Latitudes, and alſo of Declination, or (which comes to the fame) of Chords. 20. The Geometrical Way of drawing a Line or Scale of the Inclination of Meridians. F I N I S. ارد ئه 609 کرا و از W مر -- ا / اس