C 408,744 GENERAL LIBRAR 10134 OF MICHIG VIVERSITY COMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINES Commission of the Census MANILA Volume IV-Reports for Economic Census Forestry Transportation Fisheries Mines Electric Light and Power CENSUS OF THE PHILIPPINES: 1939 COMMONY S OF THE PHILIPPINES Up WASHINGTON 1943 HA 1821 1940 A+ v.4 CENSUS OF THE PHILIPPINES: 1939 HIS EXCELLENCY MANUEL L. QUEZON President of the Philippines RAY HURLEY Acting Director Bureau of the Census and Statistics VOLUME IV REPORTS. FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS To Dr J. with J. R. Ways Wayden appreciation for you encon uragement. Floyd Millega COMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINES OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT BUREAU OF THE CENSUS AND STATISTICS Sir: January 25, 1943 I have the honor to submit herewith Volume IV of the 1939 Census Reports. This volume contains a general report for the Censuses of Forestry, Trans- portation, Fisheries, Mines, and Electric Light and Power. These censuses were taken in conformity with provisions of Commonwealth Act 170. The interest of the Librarian of Congress, the Honorable Archibald MacLeish, in obtaining the publication of this part of the Philippine Census and the assistance of Mr. Lloyd Millegan, Miss Louise Boynton, and Mrs. Elizabeth S. Martin of the Office of Strategic Services and Dr. Irene B. Taeuber of the Library of Congress in the editorial preparation of this volume for photolithography are gratefully acknowledged. Very respectfully, Ray Hurley (Former) Acting Director, Bureau of the Census and Statistics His Excellency, The President of the Philippines, Washington སྐྱེས་གཞིག་རི་ཚེ་ཐོའི་ itti w COMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINES 07-20-48 LDB OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT BUREAU OF THE CENSUS AND STATISTICS Stift Hayden Library 7-9-48 FOREWORD The Census of the Philippines, taken in 1939 under the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, was planned as an accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date in- ventory of the human and material resources of the Nation, as a basis for the formulation of important national policies for the solution of many complicated social and economic problems relating to commerce, agriculture, and industry. The publications of the 1939 Census of the Philippines, except the fourth volume, "The Reports for the Economic Census," were issued in Manila prior to the Japanese invasion. However, a proof copy of five of the nine chapters of the fourth volume was in the United States at the time of the invasion. Because of the demands for the information con- tained in "The Reports for the Economic Census" for use in the war effort, for planning after the war, and for the establishment of an independent Philippines, the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines has decided to publish the five available chapters of the "Reports for the Economic Census" by photolithography. Washington January 25, 1943 Ray Hurley Ray Hurley, (Former) Acting Director, Bureau of the Census and Statistics CENSUS OF THE PHILIPPINES: 1939 HIS EXCELLENCY MANUEL L. QUEZON President of the Philippines Volume IV-Reports for Economic Census CONTENTS Chapter I-Forestry Chapter II-Transportation Chapter III-Fisheries Chapter IV-Mines Chapter V-Electric Light and Power CHAPTER I CENSUS OF FORESTRY 1 CHAPTER I CENSUS OF FORESTRY CONTENTS TEXT Page Fuel and electricity purchased. Introduction Scope of the census.......... Method of taking the census.. Period covered Number of establishments........ Classification of establishments by kind of forestry. Assets Employees, salaries and wages.. Usual hours of work Power equipment Mill equipment Cost of contract work... Equipment and machinery purchased........... 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 21 21 22 23 26 26 Value of groceries and other supplies sold. sold............ 26 Gross sales 26 Timber cut..... 26 Lumber sawed 28 Minor forest products. Cost of logging.. Cost of milling Cost of production........ Data by provinces...... Size of total assets. Size of gross sales....... Citizenship of operator......... Total assets owned by citizens of various countries. Form of ownership.......... Year established 36 37 38 39 39 39 40 40 40 41 43 TABLES 1. Distribution of establishments by kind of forestry: 1938. 2. Distribution of assets of all forestry establishments by classes: 1938 3. Distribution of total assets of all forestry establishments by kind of forestry: 1938. 4. Number of persons employed by all forestry establishments classified according to class of employees: 1938. 5. Distribution of employees and salaries and wages by kind of forestry: 1938......... 6. Establishments classified by usual hours of work, by kind of forestry: 1938.. 7. Number and value of power equipment of all forestry establishments: 1938 8. Total rated horse power and value of power equipment, by kind of forestry: 1938. 9. Number and capacity of sawmills classified by daily capacity: 1938...... 10. Sawmills classified by number of hours operated in 1938 and by daily capacity: 1938. 11. Quantity and cost of fuel purchased, by kind of forestry and by provinces: 1938. 12. Cost of contract work performed by others, by kind of forestry: 1938 13. Cost of equipment and machinery purchased, by kind of forestry: 1938 14. Value of groceries and other supplies sold, by kind of forestry: 1938 15. Gross sales by kind of forestry: 1938....... 16. Quantity and value of timber cut, by kind of forestry: 1938. 17. Timber cut and lumber sawed, by kind of forestry: 1938........ 18. Quantity and value of lumber sawed, by kind of forestry: 1938...... 19. Establishments reporting, quantity and value of timber cut, and lumber sawed in 1938, by species. 20. Quantity and value of minor forest products taken during 1938............. 21. Quantity and value of timber cut classified by group and cost of logging for establishments engaged in logging: 1938.... 22. Quantity and value of lumber sawed classified by groups and cost of milling for establishments engaged in logging and sawmilling: 1988 CO 3 5 6 6 6 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 26 26 26 26 27 27 28 29 36 37 388 4 FORESTRY 40. Number of employees, salaries and wages paid, and gross sales, by kind of forestry and citizenship of operator: 1938 46. Number of employees, salaries and wages paid, and gross sales, by kind of forestry and year established: 1938. 47. Power equipment by kind of forestry and year established: 1938 48. Classification of establishments by size of total assets: 1938... 49. Classification of establishments by size of gross sales: 1938. 50. Classification of establishments by citizenship of operator: 1938 51. Classification of establishments by form of ownership: 1933 43. Number of employees, salaries and wages paid, and gross sales, by kind of forestry and form of ownership: 1938.... 44. Power equipment by kind of forestry and form of ownership: 1938 45. Total assets by kind of forestry and year established: 1938 23. Quantity and value of lumber sawed classified by groups and cost of production for establishments engaged in logging and sawmilling: 1938. 24. Total assets owned by citizens of various countries, by kind of forestry: 1938 25. Total assets owned by citizens of various countries, by form of ownership, by kind of forestry: 1938. 26. Distribution of establishments by year established, by kind of forestry: 1938 27. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, gross sales, and total assets, by kind of fores- try: 1938 28. Total assets by kind of forestry and by provinces: 1938..... 29. Number of employees, salaries and wages paid, and gross sales, by kind of forestry and by provinces: 1938. 30. Power equipment by kind of forestry and by provinces: 1938...... 31. Establishments reporting, quantity and value of timber cut, and lumber sawed in 1938, by species and by provinces...... 32. Establishments reporting, quantity of other forest products taken, by provinces: 1938. 33. Total assets by kind of forestry and size of total assets: 1938............ 34. Number of employees, salaries and wages paid, and gross sales, by kind of forestry and size of total assets: 1938... 35. Power equipment by kind of forestry and size of total assets: 1938 36. Total assets by kind of forestry, by size of gross sales: 1938.. 37. Number of employees, salaries and wages paid, and gross sales, by kind of forestry and size of gross sales: 1938.. 38. Power equipment by kind of forestry and size of gross sales: 1938 39. Total assets by kind of forestry and citizenship of operator: 1938 41. Power equipment by kind of forestry and citizenship of operator: 1938. 42. Total assets by kind of forestry and form of ownership: 1938 Page 39 40 41 43 46 56 1 43 66 70 80 82 86 88 90 92 96 96 98 102 102 104 106 108 110 114 114 118 121 122 CHAPTER I CENSUS OF FORESTRY Introduction.-This is the first Census of Forestry ever taken in the Philippines. Forestry comprises the Commonwealth's fourth leading extractive industry; therefore, the detailed com- pilation and presentation of statistical data concerning the status and economic facts of this industry justifiably forms a part of the general census taken during 1939. Scope of the census.-The Census of Forestry comprised all licensed and registered establishments engaged in forestry en- terprises, but excludes enterprises engaged solely in the sale and distribution of forestry products. This report presents de- tailed statistics on assets, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, power equipment, gross sales, and production and value of specific forest products by kind of forest industry. The data have been classified by provinces, by size of total as- sets, by size of gross sales, by citizenship of operator, by form of ownership, and by year established in order to show the manifold relationship of various economic and other factors in the industry. A facsimile of the schedule used in taking the Census of Forestry is given on pages 7 to 19. Method of taking the census.-The enumeration in the Census of Forestry was made almost entirely by the field personnel of the Bureau of Forestry and acknowledgment is hereby made of the coöperation, assistance, and work of the officials and em- ployees of the Bureau of Forestry in the taking of this census. Prior to the beginning of the enumeration, a list was made by provinces and municipalities of all persons granted licenses and all persons engaged in the forest industry. These lists were forwarded to the field personnel of the Bureau of Forestry, who were appointed special enumerators. The special enu- merators in the course of their work as employees of the Bureau of Forestry obtained the information required by the schedule through a personal visit and interview with the owner or official of each forestry establishment. As the field person- nel who performed the enumeration were technically trained and inasmuch as accurate detailed records existed for most forestry establishments, particularly the large ones, it is believed that the data presented in this report are reliable and sufficiently accurate for most uses. This was taken and the results pre- pared for publication under the supervision of Mr. Ray Hurley, Census Expert, assisted by the following supervisors: Messrs. Juan S. Agcaoili, José N. Umali, Alfredo Marchadesch, Per- fecto R. Franche, Edgardo M. Murillo, and Miss Trinidad G. Nañez. Period covered.-The returns relate to the calendar year 1938 and cover one year's operations except for businesses which began or were discontinued within the year. The data on assets and power equipment relate to December 31, 1938. Number of establishments.-As used in this report an estab- lishment represents a forestry enterprise under common owner- ship or unified control, or by which only one set of books was kept and for which a single report was made. The establish- ment may be owned by an individual, a partnership, or a cor- poration. It may be engaged in forestry in one locality or several localities. A total of 3,874 forestry establishments were reported. The distribution of those establishments by provinces is given in Table 28. Classification of establishments by kind of forestry.-Estab- lishments have been classified by kind of forestry according to the kind of product produced or the particular industry in which engaged. The nine kinds of forestry for which separate data are given are as follows: (1) Logging.-In this group have been included those estab- lishments which engaged in logging only and which were not engaged in any other enterprise in conjunction with logging. (2) Logging and sawmilling (except for mining purposes).- In this group have been included all establishments engaged in sawmilling in conjunction with logging and/or any other enter- prise. Establishments engaged in logging and sawmilling for mining purposes have been included in a separate group. (3) Handsawing.-All establishments producing lumber by means of handsawing have been included in this group. (4) Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes.-These es- tablishments are owned by or connected with mining companies and produce lumber and timber primarily for use in the mining industry. (5) Charcoal making. (6) Rattan gathering. (7) Firewood. (8) Tanbark. (9) Others, or establishments which could not be classified under any of the other eight groups. The distribution of establishments by kind of forestry is as follows: TABLE 1.-DISTRIBUTION OF ESTABLISHMENTS BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938 Total... Logging... Kind of forestry Logging and sawmilling.. Handsawing.-- Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. Charcoal making... Rattan gathering. Firewood.... Tanbark.. Others... Number of establishments Total Per cent distribution 3,874 100.0 925 23.9 177 4.6 362 9.3 40 1.0 69 1.8 865 22.3 614 15.8 120 3.1 702 18.1 Assets.-Detailed data on the estimated or book value of seven principal classes of assets were obtained as of December 31, 1938. The detailed classes of assets for which separate data were obtained are as follows: 1. Cash on hand 2. Land and buildings 3. Equipment a. Sawmill b. Planing mill c. Power plant d. Machine shop e. Yarding machinery, equipment, etc. f. Transportation equipment (railroad, tramline, trucks, animals, etc.) g. Logging camp houses h. Logging camp equipment i. Falling and bucking tools j. Other logging equipment 4. Lumber 5. Logs 6 FORESTRY 6. Other products, either cut, milled, or manufactured and ready for sale or in the process of manufacture 7. Accounts and notes receivable While it is difficult to obtain the exact amount invested in the forest industry, the total assets constitute the best single index of the total capital invested. The assets of all forestry establishments totalled P36,902,290. These assets are distributed by classes as follows: TABLE 2.-DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS OF ALL FORESTRY ESTABLISHMENTS BY CLASSES: 1938 Class of asset Pesos Assets Per cent distribution 100.0 6.1 Total.. 36,902,290 Cash on hand and in bank. 2,262,503 Land and buildings... 4,411,101 12.0 Equipment.... 19,694,661 63.4 Lumber.... 2,990,859 8.1 Logs... 1,447,580 878,305 5,217,281 Other forest products.... Accounts and notes receivable. 8.9 2.4 14.1 The distribution of total assets by kind of forestry is as follows: TABLE 3.-DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL ASSETS OF ALL FORESTRY ESTABLISHMENTS BY KIND OF FORES- TRY: 1938. Average per establishment (Pesos) Assets Kind of forestry Pesos Per cent distribution Total..... 36,902,290 100.0 9,526 Logging only.. 4,429,770 12.0 Logging and sawmilling. 29,775,973 80.7 4,789 168,226 Handsawing.... 897,692 2.4 2,480 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. 1,039,332 2.8 25,983 Charcoal making. 92,579 0.3 1,342 Rattan gathering.. 143,358 0.4 Firewood.. 261,386 0.7 426 68,122 194,078 0.2 568 0.5 276 Tanbark Others.. 186 As the forest industry covers a range of activities from the most primitive logging and handsawing to the most modern machine logging combined with hand saws and gangs, the amount of assets per establishment varies greatly even among establishments within the same kind of forestry group. As the group "logging and sawmilling" includes all the larger modern logging and mill establishments, the total assets of this group constitute 80.7 per cent of the assets of all kinds of forest in- dustries. Some of the establishments classified as "logging and. sawmilling for mining purposes" formed parts of mining com- panies, and in 33 of these establishments it was not possible to obtain data on assets because such data were not separated by the accounting system from those data pertaining to mining. The assets of these 33 companies are included in the reports for the corresponding mining companies in the Census of Mines. Employees, salaries and wages.-Employees have been clas- sified into six general classes as follows: 1. Persons not paid a salary or wage including the owner of the business.-Persons reported in this group include largely those who are the owners or members of the owners' families employed in small individually owned establishments. That part of this group comprising the owner and members of his family have been further subdivided into males and females. 2. Executives, managers, supervisors, superintendents, and others holding executive, managerial, and supervisory positions. 3. Office employees, stenographers, and others performing routine office work. 4. Logging employees (both skilled and unskilled). 5. Sawmill, planing mill, and lumber yard employees. 6. Other employees and persons not classified under any of the five preceding groups. Persons including owners and members of their families em- ployed in all kinds of forestry enterprises totalled 43,871 and received wages and salaries amounting to P10,343,723 in 1938. The number of persons employed classified according to class of employees is as follows: TABLE 4.-NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED BY ALL FORESTRY ESTABLISHMENTS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO CLASS OF EMPLOYEES: 1938 Salaries and wages paid Number of persons Class of employees Total Average per estab- lishment Per cent distribu- tion Total (Pesos) Average per employee (Pesos) Per cent distribu- tion Total...... 43,871 11.3 100.0 10,343,723 236 100.0 Persons not paid salaries or wages.. 10,089 2.6 23.0 Owners and members of their family. Males... 7,718 2.0 17.6 5,065 1.3 11.5 Females.. 2,653 0.7 6.0 Others.. 2,371 0.6 6.4 Persons paid salaries and wages.. 33,782 8.7 77.0 10,843,723 Executives, managers, supervisors. 708 0.2 1.6 1,273,022 Office employees... 806 1,798 100.0 12.3 854 0.2 1.9 649,285 760 6.8 Logging employees. 15,944 4.1 36.3 8,425,999 215 33.1 Sawmill, planing mill, and lumber yard employees.. 10,611 2.7 24.2 3,962,251 873 38.3 Other employees... 5,665 1.5 12.9 1,033,166 182 10.0 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 7 CENSUS FORM No. 28-A Schedule No. Province or City Municipality or ct } Municipal District COMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINES COMMISSION OF THE CENSUS MANILA CENSUS OF FORESTRY-1939 (CONFIDENTIAL GOVERNMENT REPORT) 1. Name of establishment, company or business (or name of owner if the establishment does not have a firm name.) 2. Post office address 3. Location of establishment, sawmill, etc. Municipality Street or Barrio Island Street or Barrio Province Island Municipality Province 4. Is this establishment, company or business owned or operated by? [Please place a check mark (V) in the proper square below to indicate the type of ownership.] (a) An individual (b) A partnership (c) (d) An association (unincorporated) A corporation 5. What kind of business does this concern engage in? (Please give description such as logging, sawmilling, lumber yard, etc.) 6. Give approximate date when this establishment, company or business was organized or began business Month Year 7. If this establishment, company or business is owned by an individual, of what country is the owner a citizen? (Philippines, U. S., Jap., Ch., etc.) 8. What is the estimated value (book value) of the assets of this establishment, company or business on December 31, 1938? (Report as the value of lumber, logs, and other products the cost of such lumber, logs, etc.) (a) Cash on hand and in the bank (b) Land and buildings: Land Offices, warehouses, etc. Residences of officials and employees (c) Equipment: 1. Sawmill 2. Planing mill 3. Power plant 4. Machine shop 5. Yarding machineries, cables, and other equipment 6. Transportation-railroad, tramline, truck, animals, etc. 7. Logging camp houses 8. Logging camp equipment 9. Falling and bucking tools 10. Other logging equipment (d) Lumber (e) Logs (f) Other products either cut, milled or manufactured and ready for sale, or in process of manu- facture (g) Accounts and notes receivable (advances made to customers, unpaid bills, etc.) TOTAL P.. 8 00 FORESTRY 9. If this establishment, company or business is owned or operated by a partnership, a corporation or an association (unincorporated), how much of the total estimated value (as reported in Question 8 above) of the assests of this estab- lishment, company or business, were owned or furnished by? (NOTE: If this establishment, company or business is owned by an indivi- dual, it is not necessary to answer Question 9.) (a) Filipino citizens (b) United States citizens (c) Chinese citizens (d) Japanese citizens (e) British citizens (f) Others (list below) 10. What was the average cost of the following specified operations during 1938? (a) Average cost of logging per 1,000 cubic meters per 1,000 board feet (b) Average cost of milling per 1,000 cubic meters per 1,000 board feet (c) Average cost of production per 1,000 cubic meters per 1,000 board feet 11. If this establishment, company or business has a board of directors, please give the following information con- cerning the persons who were members on December 31, 1938- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. NAME PLACE OF RESIDENCE OF THE DIRECTOR (PLEASE GIVE CITY AND PROVINCE) OF WHAT COUNTRY IS THE DIRECTOR A CITIZEN? REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 6 12. Please give the number and salaries of persons employed in this establishment, company or business by the following groups during 1938: January February. March.. April. May... June.. July. August.. PERSONS PAID SALARIES AND WAGES NUMBER OF PERSONS NOT PAID A SALARY OR WAGES MONTH (1938) OWNER AND MEMBERS OF OWNER'S FAMILY NUMBER NUMBER OF MALES OF FEMALES NUMBER OF OTHER PERSONS NOT PAID A SALARY OR WAGES EXECUTIVES, MANAGERS, SUPERVISORS, SUPERIN- TENDENTS, AND OTHERS HOLDING EXECUTIVE, MANAGERIAL OR SUPER- VISORY POSITIONS OFFICE EMPLOYEES, STENOGRAPHERS, AND OTHERS PERFORMING ROUTINE OFFICE WORK LOGGING EMPLOYEES, BOTH SKILLED AND UNSKILLED SAWMILL, PLANING MILL, AND LUMBER YARD EMPLOYEES OTHER EMPLOYEES NUMBER OF PERSONS SALARIES OR WAGES PAID NUMBER OF PERSONS SALARIES OR WAGES PAID NUMBER OF PERSONS SALARIES OR WAGES PAID NUMBER Or PERSONS SALARIES OR WAGES PAID NUMBER OF PERSONS SALARIES OR WAGES PAID September.. October. November. December. 10 FORESTRY 13. What are the usual hours of work in this establishment, company or business?- (a) During week days....... (b) During Sundays...... (c) During Saturdays (d) During official holidays 14. Please give below the following information concerning power equipment of this establishment, company or business: NAME OF POWER EQUIPMENT (a) Engines, turbines, and other machines using steam power (b) Engines and other machines using gasoline, etc., for power. (e) Diesel and semi-Diesel engines.... (d) Hydro-turbines and water wheels.. (e) Electric motors driven by purchased electricity... (1) Electric motors driven by electricity produced by this company.. 6) Equipment moved by animal power A) Equipment moved by human power.. 15. Timber cut during 1938: Akle..... Aranga.... Bakan... Bansalagin..... Batikuling.... Batitinan..... Betis.... Duyok-duyok... Ebony.... Gisok...... Gisok-takpang- Ipil..... Kaburo... Kalantas.... Kamagong..... Malabufiga. Mancono.... Margapali Matang-usa.. Molave...... Narra..... Sasalit.... Supa.... Tambulian.... NUMBER TOTAL RATED HORSE POWER AVERAGE WEEKLY HOURS OF OPERATION DURING 1938 ESTIMATED VALUE (BOOK VALUE) DECEMBER 31, 1938 (Pesos) QUANTITY CUT NAME OF SPECIES CUBIC METERS BOARD FEET FIRST GROUP X X X X X ESTIMATED VALUE (Report value at selling point or at sawmill) (Pesos) REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 11 Teak..... Tindalo.... Urung...... Yakal.... QUANTITY CUT NAME OF SPECIES CUBIC METERS BOARD FEET FIRST GROUP-Continued SECOND GROUP Akleng-parang Alintatau..... Alupag..... Alupag-amo..... Anubing Banaba... Banuyo... Bitanhol or Palo Maria del Monte.... Bitaog or Palo Maria de la Playa..... Bolong-eta..... Caña-fistula.... Dirigkalin Dufigon... Duñgon-late... Guijo..... Hambabalud.... Kalamansanai... Katmon.... Katmon-kalabau.. Kayu-galu.... Kubi..... Lanete..... Lisak..... Makaasim.... Malabayabas... Malakadios... Malakatmon... Malugai..... Manggachapui. Manggis..... Mapilig.... Marabitaog- Maranggo... Narek...... Narig..... Pamitaogen.. Sudlang... Taba...... Tabau.... Tamayuan... Tanglin.. Tiga..... Tikim..... Tiroron... Tukang-kalau.. ESTIMATED VALUE (Report value at selling point or at sawmill) (Pesos) 12 FORESTRY Afu.... Agaru.... Agoho..... Agoho del Monte. Alakaak..... Almaciga... Amamanit.... Amugis.... Anislag...... Antipolo...... Apitong-- Batino..... Bayanti. Binggas.. Bulala.... Bulog.... Dagang.. Dalinsi..... Dao.... Dulitan.... Gisihan.... Hagakhak... Kalingag.... Kalipaya.. Kalumpit...... Kama tog.... Kansulud.... Kato..... Kayatau... Kuling-manuk. Lainio...... Lanipu..... Lanutan...... Lumbayau... Lambayau-batu..... Malabatino.... Malakayan.... Malakmalak.. Malasaging.. Malasantol.... Malatumbaga. Malikmik.... Maniknik...... Matamata.... Mayapis..... Miao...... Nangks..... Nato...... Oak...... Pagatpat... NAME OF SPECIES THIRD GROUP QUANTITY CUT CUBIC METERS BOARD FEET ESTIMATED VALUE (Report value at selling point or at sawmill) (Pesos) REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 13 Palakpalak... Palosapis.... Panau..... Piagau.... Pine..... Red Lauan.... Sakat... Salamufigi.... Salingkugi.... Santol.... Tabigi.... Tagotol. Talisai. Talisai-gubat... QUANTITY CUT NAME OF SPECIES CUBIC METERS BOARD FEET THIRD GROUP-Continued Tafigile...... Tiaong... Toog.... Unik.. FOURTH GROUP Almon... Anahau.. Arafigin..... Bagtikan.... Bai-bai.... Baka uan.. Balakat. Balu.... Banaui..... Batete... Bayok... Binuang... Bogo... Dita..... Duguan.. Dugkatan. Gubas.... Kalunti.... Kamingi.... Karuksan... Kupang... Haras... Lago..... Lamog.... Liusin..... Loktob... Manggasinoro.. Malabog... Malaikmo... Malambingan.... Malapapaya.. ESTIMATED VALUE (Report value at selling point or at sawmill) (Pesos) 14 FORESTRY Malapinggan.. Malatadiang.. Pahutan... Pagsabingin...... Pototan.... Salakin... Taluto.... Tangal...... Tuai.... Tui...... White Lauan... White Lanutan... White Nato..... NAME OF SPECIES FOURTH GROUP-Continued QUANTITY CUT CUBIC METERS BOARD FEET ESTIMATED VALUE (Report value at selling point or at sawmill) (Pesos) NOTE.-Species not included in the first, second, and third groups are included in the fourth group. 16. Lumber sawed during 1938: Akle.... Aranga... Bakan... Bansalagin..... Batikuling.... Batitinan... Betis..... Duyok-duyok... Ebony..... Gisok..... Gisok-takpang- Ipil..... Kaburo..... Kalantas...... Kamagong..... Malabunga... Mancono.. Margapali..... Matang-usa.. Molave.. Narra... Sasalit..... Supa..... Tambulian.... Teak..... Tindalo..... Urung.... Yakal... NAME OF SPECIES FIRST GROUP QUANTITY CUT GRADE CUBIC METERS BOARD FEET ESTIMATED VALUE (Report value at selling point or at sawmill) (Pesos) REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 15 Akleng-parang.. Alintatau... Alupag.... QUANTITY CUT NAME OF SPECIES GRADE CUBIC METEPS BOARD FEET SECOND GROUP Alupag-amo.. Anubing..... Banaba...... Banuyo..... Bitanhol or Palo Maria del Monte.. Bitaog or Palo Maria de la Plays.... Bolong-eta. Caña-fistula..... Dirigkalin..... Dungon.... Duñgon-late... Guijo...... Hambabalud... Kalamansanal..... Katmon.... Katmon-kalabau..... Kayu-galu... Kubi...... Lanete..... Lisak...... Makassim.... Malabayabas.. Malakadios... Mala katmon... Malugal..... Manggachapul..... Manggis.... Mapilig..... Marabitaog... Maranggo..... Narek..... Narig.... Pamitaogen. Sudiang.. Taba..... Tabau..... Tamayuan.... Tangling.... Tiga...... Tikim.... Tiroron.... Tukang-kalau.. Afu.... THIRD GROUP Agaru.... Agoho..... Agoho del Monte... ESTIMATED VALUE (Report value at selling point or at sawmill) (Pesos) 16 FORESTRY QUANTITY CUT NAME OF SPECIES GRADE CUBIC METERS BOARD FEET THIRD GROUP-Continued Alakaak... Almaciga..... Amamanit.. Amugis.... Anislag..... Antipolo..... Apitong.... Batino... Bayanti..... Binggas... Bulala.... Bulog.... Dagang.... Dalins!.... Dao..---- Dulitan... Gisihan..... Hagakhak.... Kalifigag..... Kalipaya... Kalumpit.... Kamatog- Kansulud... Kato..... Kayatau.... Kuling-manuk.. Lamio..... Lanipau..... Lanutan.... Lumbayau..... Lu mbayau-batu. Malabatino... Malakayan... Malakmalak.... Malasaging..... Malasantol...... Malatumbaga. Malikmik.. Maniknik... Matamata.. Mayapis... Miao.... Nangka... Nato..... Oak..... Pagatpat..... Palakpalak Palosapis... Panau..... Piagau... Pine.... ESTIMATED VALUS (Report value at selling point or at sawmill) (Pesos) REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 17 QUANTITY CUT NAME OF SPECIES GRADE CUBIC METERS BOARD FEET THIRD GROUP-Continued Red Lauan... Sakat... Salamungi... Salingkugi.. Santol..... Tabigi..... Tagotol:.... Talisal..... Talisai-gubat.. Tangile...... Tiaong... Toog.... Unik... FOURTH GROUP Almon.... Anahau..... Arangin...... Bagtikan..... Bai-bai.... Bakauan.... Balakat.... Balu.... Banaui.. Batete.... Bayok..... Binuang- Bogo.... Dita...... Duguan...... Dugkatan... Gubas..... Kalunti.... Kaming!..... Karuksan.... Kupang.. Haras.. Lago..... Lamog Liusin.... Loktob.... Manggasinoro. Malabog... Malaikmo..... Malambingan.. Malapapaya..... Malapinggan.... Malatadiang. Pahutan..... Pagsahingin.. Pototan.... ESTIMATED VALUE (Report value at selling point or at sawmill) (Pesos) FORESTRY 18 Salakin... Taluto..... Tangal.... Tuai..... Tui... QUANTITY CUT NAME OF SPECIES GRADE CUBIC METERS BOARD FEET FOURTH GROUP-Continued White Lauan.... White Lanutan... White Nato.. 17. Other forest products taken during 1938: NAME OF PRODUCT 1. Charcoal (carbon vegetal). 2. Daluru..... 3. Clean salago bark...... 4. Manila copal (almaciga).. 5. Manila elemi (pili resin).... 6. Gutta-percha..... 7. Diliman and all other vines used for tying.... 8. Buri (dried and rolled in bundles)..... 9. Dyewood (sibucao).. 10. Dyebark (nigue)..... 11. Tanbark (cascalotes).. 12. Gogo bark.... 13. Cabo-negro....... 14. Beeswax, refined.... 15. Kamagsa... 16. Hingiw.... 17. Dipterocap resins (balao, etc.)..... 18. Split rattan.. 19. Unsplit rattan (2 cm. or less in diameter).... 20. Unsplit rattan (over 2 cm. in diameter).... 21. Oleo-resin (Balao)...... 22. Tree ferns... 23. Nipa leaves: One thousand shingles of less than 1.5 meters in length.... One thousand shingles of 1.5 meters or over in length.... 24. Pine trees (Christmas).. ESTIMATED VALUE (Report value at selling point or at sawmill) (Pesos) UNIT OF MEASURE Cu. m. Cu.m. Kilos..... Kilos... Kilos Kilos... Kilos... Kilos.... Kilos.... Kilos.... Kilos..... Kilos.... Kilos.... Kilos.... Kilos... Kilos Kilos Kilos..... Linear meters... Linear meters... Liters.... Trees 25. Lumbang or baguilumbang nuts (unhusked)...... 26. Lumbang kernels from lumbang or baguilumbang nuts..... 27. Round table tops manufactured from buttresses of trees of first group: Kilos.... Kilos... Linear meters... Kilos... Kilos... Fifty centimeters in diameter or less...... Piece.... One hundred centimeters in diameter or less... Piece.... One hundred fifty centimeters in diameter or less... Piece..... Over 150 centimeters in diameter... Piece.... 28. Round table tops manufactured from buttresses of trees of the second or lower groups: Fifty centimeters in diameter or less..... Piece... One hundred centimeters in diameter or less..... One hundred fifty centimeters in diameter or less... Piece... Piece.... QUANTITY VALUE (Pesos) REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 19 NAME OF PRODUCT UNIT OF MEASURE QUANTITY VALUS (Pesos) Over 150 centimeters in diameter... 29. Boho or caña-boho (Spanish, Filipino); bolo, boho, lumanpau, bokaui (Tagalog); bagakan, bagakai (Vi- sayan, Iloko); oras (Bikol).. Piece.... Piece.... Kilos.... 80. Nipa sap..... 81. Buri fiber.... Kilos.... 82. Barks for cutch (green) .... Kilos.... 33. Barks for cutch (dry)...... Kilos.... 18. Please give the following information concerning the sawmill or sawmills operated by this establishment, company or business: (a) Total number of mills operated (b) Total daily productive capacity of each mill during 1938- Mill No. 1 Mill No. 2 Mill No. 3.... (c) Number of hours each mill was operated during 1938- Mill No. 1 Mill No. 2 ....... Mill No. 3 Bd. ft. or Cu. m. Bd. ft. ...... 'or Cu. m. Bd. ft. ...... or Cu. m. Hours Hours Hours 19. Please give the amount and cost of fuel and electric current purchased for this establishment, company or busi- ness during 1938. (Include fuel and electricity used for all purposes-that is, for power, hauling, lighting, etc.) Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline and kerosene.... Fuel oil..... Electricity purchased.. Firewood.... KIND WRITE IN NAME OF UNIT OF MEASURE Kw...... Cu. m. or cords... QUANTITY PURCHASED COST (Pesos) 20. What was the cost of contract work performed by others for this establishment, company or business during 1938? 21. What was the total cost of equipment and machinery purchased during 1938? P........... P.... 22. What was the value of groceries and other supplies sold by this establishment, company or business to employees and others during 1938? P 23. What is the estimated or actual gross sales of this establishment, company or business during the calendar year 1938? P.. REMARKS AND EXPLANATIONS: I HEREBY CERTIFY that all the information furnished in this confidential report is true and complete according to my best knowledge and belief, and is based upon the records of this establishment, company or business, for the period from January 1 to December 31, 1938. Checked by: Date 1939 Signature (President, manager, operator or proprietor) Date 1939 20 FORESTRY The distribution of employees and salaries and wages by kind of forestry is shown in Table 5. It is evident from said table that nearly all the employees engaged in charcoal making, rattan gathering, and in the pro- duction of other forest products are owners of the establish- On the other hand, all ments and members of their families. or nearly all persons engaged in logging and sawmilling and in logging and sawmilling for mining purposes are paid salaries and wages. On the basis of the number of persons employed, logging and sawmilling is by far the most important kind of forest industry, employing more than one-half of all persons engaged in all forest industries. TABLE 5.-DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938 Kind of forestry Class of employees All establish- ments Logging Logging Logging and saw- and saw- Hand- milling Charcoal milling sawing for min- making ing pur- Rattan gather- ing Fire- wood Tanbark Other poses Total... 43,871 11,342 22,405 3,118 554 267 1,884 2,482 265 1,554 Persons not paid salaries and wages.. Number 10,089 3,144 1,312 1,141 36 212 1,522 1,320 156 1,246 Owners and members of their families.. Number_ 7,718 2,500 270 884 33 170 1,415 1,179 148 1,119 Males... Number 5,065 1,551 170 553 33 106 1,048 776 99 729 Females.. Number 2,653 949 100 331 64 367 403 49 390 Others.. Number 2,371 644 1,042 257 3 42 107 141 8 127 Persons paid salaries and wages... Number 33,782 8,198 21,093 1,977 518 55 362 1,162 109 308 Salaries and wages paid.. Pesos... 10,343,723 1,236,329 8,544,023 242,741 178,330 13,532 26,412 66,905 4,750 30,701 Executives, manag- ers, and supervisors Number. 708 Salaries paid... Pesos... 1,273,022 Office employees.... Number. 854 Salaries paid... Pesos.... 649,285 Logging employees. Number. 15,944 Salaries paid... Pesos.... 3,425,999 176 170,671 1,062,525 149 613 68,807 552,949 6,644 8,241 795,059 2,463,370 465 32 15,009 49 14,799 752 62,519 4 13,432 6 6 3,400 9 9 2 5 2,520 2,645 960 1,860 6 8 2 21 4,081 3,216 1,281 262 3,890 307 105,051 Sawmill, planing mill, and lumber yard employees. Number 10,611 Salaries paid... Pesos... 3,962,251 Other employees.... Number. 5,665 Salaries and wa- ges paid..... Pesos.... 1,033,166 1,229 201,792 10,130 3,881,909 1,644 583,270 101,112 24,726 371 49,302 773 110 31,040 91 49 347 1,145 10,132 20,676 62,979 3,528 105 282 24,951 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 21 Usual hours of work. The usual hours of work during week days, Saturdays, Sundays, and official holidays were obtained for four kinds of forestry establishments. The classification of establishments by usual hours of work is given in Table 6. This tabulation presents only a general statement of the prevailing hours of work during 1938. Variation existed within some establishments depending upon the kind of work and season of the year. TABLE 6.-ESTABLISHMENTS CLASSIFIED BY USUAL HOURS OF WORK, BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938 Establishments reporting usual hours of work as- Week days: Period and kind of forestry 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Not reported Total.... Logging.. Logging and sawmilling. Handsawing.. Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes Saturdays: Total.. Sundays: Logging. Logging and sawmilling. Handsawing. Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes Total.. Logging.. Logging and sawmilling. Handsawing... Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes Official holidays: 18 323 25 2228 146 275 142 51 76 4 4 18816 151 88 41 24 72 30 11 34341 63 20 19 789 45 16 11 528 29 4 8 205 27 28 8 14 5 6 1,430 712 112 3 9 8 1 3 789 242 4 899 155 1 1 6 345 1 8 31 17 1 7 3220 56 256 147 63 24 17 886 36 124 77 34 15 5 67 39 18 8 14 54 30 11 545 10 592 41 7 226 1 11 1 27 7 9 13 87 47 27 241 7 10 50 30 20 13 2 2 8 834 18 322 2854 7 17 1,291 10 796 133 7 332 1 9 30 Total... Logging.. Handsawing... Logging and sawmilling. Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes Power equipment.-Data as to the number of units, total rated horse power, and estimated value were obtained for five kinds of power, namely: 1. Steam engines and turbines 2. Gasoline engines 3. Diesel and semi-diesel engines 4. Hydro (water wheels) 5. Electric motors. Separate data were obtained for electric motors driven by purchased electricity and electric motors driven by electricity produced by the using establishment. The data on rated capacity represent the total horse power of the power equipment and not the amount of power in daily In order to prevent duplication, the rated capacity of electric motors driven by electricity produced by the using establishment has been excluded from the total. The data on value represent the value as of December 31, 1938, and not the value at the time of purchase. The data for all power equip- ment for all kinds of forest industries are shown in the follow- ing table: TABLE 7.-NUMBER AND VALUE OF POWER EQUIPMENT OF ALL FORESTRY ESTABLISHMENTS: 1938 Total.. Kind of power equipment Steam engines and turbines.. Gasoline engines... Diesel and semi-diesel engines.. Hydro.... Electric motors driven by purchased electricity 1. Electric motors driven by eléctricity produced by the user 1 Not included in the total. Number of establish- ments Total rated horse power Value Number of units Total Per cent distribu- tion Pesos Per cent distribu- tion 284 1,284 68,173 100.0 4,945,193 100.0 85 650 39,448 57.9 2,609,012 52.8 108 422 16,990 24.9 873,891 17.7 90 211 11,710 17.2 1,460,907 29.5 1 1 25 (2) 1,383 (2) 9 39 45 404 1.241 5,448 55,439 184,431 2 Less than 0.1 per cent. 22 FORESTRY The distribution of the total rated horse power and value of power equipment by kind of forestry is as follows: TABLE 8.-TOTAL RATED HORSE POWER AND VALUE OF POWER EQUIPMENT, BY KIND OF FORESTY: 1938 Rated horse power Value Kind of forestry Per cent Total Pesos distri- bution Per cent distri- bution 68,173 Logging... Logging and sawmilling... Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes... 1,945 8,145 11.9 58,083 85.2 2.9 100.0 4,945,193 590,179 4,235,487 119,527 100.0 11.9 85.7 2.4 Total..... Over four-fifths of the total rated horse power was in es- tablishments engaged in logging and sawmilling, while estab- lishments engaged in logging and sawmilling for mining pur- poses had only 2.9 per cent of the total rated horse power reported for all forestry establishments. Mill equipment.-Sawmills were reported by 132 establish- ments. The distribution of mills by daily productive capacity is given in Table 9. All except 5 mills were reported by establishments engaged in logging and sawmilling or logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. These 5 mills reported by establishments engaged in the forest industry other than logging and sawmilling were idle during 1938. Sawmills have been also classified according to hours operated during 1938. A summary for all mills is shown in Table 10. TABLE 9.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF SAWMILLS CLASSIFIED BY DAILY CAPACITY: 1938 Total... Under 500 B1. Ft..... 500 to 999 B1. Ft.. 1,000 to 1,499 B1. Ft.. 1,500 to 1,999 B1. Ft.... 2,000 to 2,999 Bd. Ft..... 3,000 to 3,999 Bd. Ft.. 4,000 to 4,999 Bd. Ft... Daily capacity of sawmill Number of establish- ments reporting Number of mills Total daily capacity (Bd. Ft.) Total number of hours operated in 1938 132 147 1,733,795 238,983 7 8 11 11 11 78120 2,999 9,484 5,504 10,219 12,260 15,566 19,598 13,443 17 19 42,302 22,445 9 11 36,188 12,437 3 6 26,129 8,388 22 25 178,379 40,442 14 17 11 12 13 13 6 2236 200,208 43,254 213,000 20,638 424,424 20,383 572,804 5,000 to 9,999 Bd. Ft... 10,000 to 14,999 Bd. Ft.. 15,000 to 24,999 Bd. Ft.... 25,000 to 49,999 Bd. Ft..... 50,000 Bd. Ft. and over.. 22,284 TABLE 10.-SAWMILLS CLASSIFIED BY NUMBER OF HOURS OPERATED IN 1938 AND BY DAILY CAPACITY: 1938 Number of mills classified by hours operated in 1938 Daily capacity of sawmill Total number of mills Under 500 500 to 749 hours hours 750 to 999 hours 1,000 to 1,249 1,250 to 1,500 to 1,499 1,749 hours hours hours 1,750 to 2,000 to 1,999 hours 2,250 to 2,500 2,249 2,499 hours hours hours and over Total... 147 21 16 13 8 12 8 20 6 19 24 Under 500 Bd. Ft..... 500 to 999 Bd. Ft.. 1,000 to 1,499 Bd. Ft.... 1,500 to 1,999 Bd. Ft..... 2,000 to 2,999 Bd. Ft... 3,000 to 3,999 Bd. Ft... 4,000 to 4,999 Bd. Ft.... 5,000 to 9,999 Bd. Ft... 10,000 to 14,999 Bd. Ft... 15,000 to 24,999 Bd. Ft..... 25,000 to 49,999 Bd. Ft.. 50.000 Bd. Ft. and over. 25 188 12214412 3131 13 181291667236 1 3 3 11221 22122277 1 1 1 2 2 13 3 1411 1 4 1 114211432 2 2 11 1 1 1 121 2113413 1 1 3 87385 3 1 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 23 Fuel and electricity purchased.-Statistics on quantity and cost of fuel purchased are shown for coal and coke, gasoline and kerosene, diesel and fuel oil, electricity and firewood. The data relate to purchases which may be more or less than the quantity used during 1938. Fuel and electricity purchased during 1938 totalled 990,132. Table 11 presents quantity and cost of each kind of fuel by kind of forestry. TABLE 11.-QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL PURCHASED, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND BY PROVINCES: 1938 Coal and coke Gasoline and kerosene Kind of forestry and name of province Number of establish- ments Quantity purchased (Tons) Cost (Pesos) Number of establish- ments Quantity Cost purchased (Pesos) (Liters) Total.... Logging only. Abra... Agusan.. 10 124 2,426 170 2,983,814 457,672 3 44 861 47 410,590 62,715 1 4 75 Bulacan. Cagayan.. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. Capiz... Cotabato.. 2311T 285 54,600 47 8,736 1,567 235 400 60 3,192 520 1 5 135 Davao. Mindoro... Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya... Palawan... 10 Pangasinan. Samar... Sorsogon.. Surigao... Tayabas. Zamboanga.. 1 35 651 Logging and sawmilling.. 7 80 1,565 21221 16TH CELLS A 5,953 893 5,700 960 70,836 11,790 110,680 13,975 14,440 2,460 19,703 2,974 29,677 5,319 4 8,070 1,210 1,185 198 70,120 10,968 2 3,552 515 1 125 24 1 200 30 1 570 96 1 577 94 3 9,158 1,611 79 2,480,579 381,141 Abra.... Agusan.. Albay.. Bataan.. 1 3 Cagayan.. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. 1 53 958 Cebu.... Cotabato... Davao. 1 6 120 Ilocos Norte.. Isabela.. Laguna.. Lanao.. Leyte. Manila, City of.... Marinduque.. Masbate.... Mindoro. Misamis Occidental. Mountain Province... Negros Occidental... Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija. Palawan.. Pangasinan. 6 173 Samar. Sulu... Surigao... Tayabas.. Zamboanga.. 3 15 311 12 22 46115 12136 6112 22277 14 629 38 6 9,392 1,344 8,961 1,255 38,159 6,377 315,667 275,000 47,349 41,587 589 100 1,470 250 16,315 2,734 13,490 2,204 7,870 1,153 109,713 16,415 167,177 28,420 33,201 4,040 189,467 27,747 54,500 8,390 11 20,140 14,827 2,800 797 771,175 123,388 20,976 2,601 43,200 99,638 2,000 6,915 14,605 332 1,950 292 6,718 1,107 6,857 1,038 5,316 814 246,773 37,081 24 FORESTRY TABLE 11.-QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL PURCHASED, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. Coal and coke-Continued Gasoline and kerosene--Continued Kind of forestry and name of province Number of establish- ments Quantity purchased (Tons) Cost (Pesos) Number of establish- Quantity purchased Cost ments (Liters) (Pesos) Handsawing. Batanes. Camarines Sur. Cebu..... Ilocos Sur.. 16 35,537 5,591 11 1 133 14 285 47 1 19,106 3,057 Leyte... Mindoro.. Misamis Occidental. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Pangasinan... Zamboanga. 7 1,311 138 1 4,750 800 1121 798 147 2,104 280 4.770 724 2,280 384 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes 3 40,477 5,346 Mountain Province. Tayabas... Zambales.. 21 39,450 5,175 1,027 171 Charcoal making. Mountain Province.. 1 1,187 207 1 1,187 207 Rattan gathering.. 2 2,483 371 Camarines Sur. Cebu..... Samar... Firewood. 1 1,980 318 1 503 53 22 22 12,961 2,301 Cebu.... Davao. Leyte. Mountain Province. Samar.. Tayabas.. 1 380 60 1 570 98 4 941 90 12 9,297 1,722 13 38 4 1,735 327 Diesel and fuel oil Electricity purchased Firewood Kind of forestry and name of province Number of Quantity establish- purchased ments (Gallons) Cost (Pesos) Number of establish- ments Quantity purchased Cost (Kilo- (Pesos) watts) Number of Quantity establish- purchased (Cubic ments meters) Cost (Pesos) Total.. 136 2,434,041 384,063 21 352,655 27,247 17 139,637 118,724 Logging only.. 31 87,736 16,251 1 620 156 1 600 600 Abra.. Agusan. 3 10,413 1,782 1 620 156 Bulacan.. Cagayan... Camarines Norte.. 2 4,170 801 Camarines Sur. Capiz... Cotabato. 1 600 600 Davao. Mindoro.. Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya.. Palawan... Pangasinan. Samar. Sorsogon. Surigao.. Tayabas.. Zamboanga.. 121 12110 2 4,635 34,370 4,420 937 6,376 850 2,184 328 233 43 120 19 95 16 14,356 2,678 500 83 23 10,456 1,784 1,969 369 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 25 TABLE 11.-QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL PURCHASED, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. Electricity purchased-Continued Diesel and fuel oil-Continued Firewood-Continued Kind of forestry and name of province Number of Quantity establish- purchased ments (Gallons) Cost (Pesos) Number of Quantity establish- purchased (Kilo- ments watts) Cost (Pesos) Number of establish- purchased (Cubic ments meters) Quantity Cost (Pesos) Logging and sawmilling.. 93 2,204,681 331,035 14 347,298 25,792 16 139,037 118,124 Abra.... Agusan. Albay.. Bataan. Cagayan.. 3 39,492 9,461 Davao. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. Cebu.... Cotabato... Ilocos Norte.. Isabela.. 42 37125 9.730 1.946 6,512 1,156 24,002 3,461 908,546 100,569 1 250 310 1 240 168 1 29,900 23,943 1 5,888 7,066 1,287 189 6,190 1.362 92,471 16,348 1 816 245 Laguna... Lanao... Palawan... Leyte... Manila, City of. Marinduque. Masbate. Mindoro.. Misamis Occidental.. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental... Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija. Pangasinan.. 1149 400 98 1 200 4,445 730 1 1,000 200 1,575 110,897 29,290 9 46,388 9,560 1 20 5 1 312 187 61133 22341 188,000 22,563 8 240,683 19,891 1 4,000 3,000 1,248 312 30,000 6,000 1 375 302 5,224 1,053 17,372 3,428 1 7,471 2,241 232,566 33,057 1 84,348 2,789 1 29,000 29,433 13,259 1,814 1 9,400 7,455 60,500 9,081 22,425 3,568 1 40 12 1 7 10 1,560 360 Samar. Sulu... Surigao... Tayabas.. Zamboanga Handsawing- Batanes.. Camarines Sur. 41361 6,680 1,336 1 600 600 285 16,080 62 3,256 43,421 7,326 315,701 63,649 1 13,920 609 12 545 435 2 57,320 43,440 4 924 253 3 1,938 486 Cebu.... 1 1,050 290 Ilocos Sur.. 1 720 154 Leyte... 1 300 80 Mindoro. 1 168 42 Misamis Occidental.. 1 360 95 Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. I Pangasinan. 1 184 54 Zamboanga. 1 80 24 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes.... 3 139,080 36,140 2 2,629 779 Mountain Province... Tayabas... 27 2 100,671 24,617 1 2,464 739 1 38,409 11,523 Zambales.. 1 165 40 Charcoal making. 1 1 1 1 170 34 1 1 1 1 1 1 " t 1 Camarines Sur. Cebu... Samar. Firewood.. 1 170 34 5 1,620 384 Cebu... Davao. Leyte.. 1 600 120 Mountain Province. 1 840 210 Samar.... Tayabas. 3 180 54 Mountain Province... Rattan gathering.... 26 FORESTRY Cost of contract work.-Contract work performed by others was reported by 1,030 establishments and amounted to $3,252,498 during 1938. This contract work was distributed by kind of forest industry as follows: TABLE 12.-COST OF CONTRACT WORK PERFORMED BY OTHERS, BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938 TABLE 14.-VALUE OF GROCERIES AND OTHER SUPPLIES SOLD, BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938 Groceries and other supplies sold Kind of forestry Establish- ments reporting Cost (Pesos) Contract work Kind of forestry Establish- ments reporting Cost (Pesos) Total...... 191 2,021,307 Logging..... 77 298,277 Logging and sawmilling. 31 1,633,116 Total... Logging.... Logging and sawmilling. Handsawing--- poses.... Charcoal making... Rattan gathering.. Firewood... Handsawing.... 27 23,390 1,030 3,252,498 Logging and sawmilling for mining pur- poses... 4 45,912 273 457,180 Charcoal making.. 2 1,229 54 1,913,292 Rattan gathering.. 16 9,074 126 179,792 Firewood. 25 6,816 Logging and sawmilling for mining pur- Tanbark.. 2 498 11 163,565 Others... 7 2,995 35 36,582 187 66,313 206 131,497 6 132 Tanbark.. Others.. 1,612 302,665 Equipment and machinery purchased.-The cost of equipment and machinery during 1938 was reported by 711 establishments and totalled P2,443,511. Almost nine-tenths of the entire cost of equipment and machinery for all kinds of forest industry was reported by establishments engaged in logging and sawmilling. TABLE 13.-COST OF EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY PUR- CHASED, BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938 Equipment and machin- ery purchased Gross sales.-The gross sales during 1938 totalled P28,866,228 or P7,451 per establishment. Gross sales included the receipts from all products sold, contract work performed, and the value of groceries and other supplies sold. The gross sales differ from the value of products cut or sawed as products cut or sawed during 1938 may not have been sold during that year. The gross sales by kind of forestry are as follows: TABLE 15.-GROSS SALES BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938 Gross sales in 1938 Per cent distribu- Kind of forestry Kind of forestry Establish- ments reporting Cost (Pesos) Total (Pesos) Average per estab- lishment tion (Pesos) Total... 28,866,228 7,451 100.0 Total.. 711 2,443,511 Logging.... 4,436,375 4,796 15.4 Logging and sawmilling. 21,843,995 123,412 75.7 Logging... Logging and sawmilling.. 333 208,058 Handsawing: 1,229,158 3,395 4.3 Handsawing... 105 2,126,903 Logging and sawmilling for Logging and sawmilling for mining pur- 72 36,461 mining purposes.. 312,795 7,820 1.1 Charcoal making. 113,415 1,644 0.4 poses.. Charcoal making... 2 Rattan gathering. 221,938 257 800.8 3,810 Rattan gathering.. 25 Firewood.. 437,056 712 1.5 6,446 Firewood. 24 Tanbark... 36,062 301 0.1 11,898 106 Others... 235,434 335 0.8 40,437 3 41 Tanbark.. Others... 3,495 6,003 Value of groceries and other supplies sold.-Groceries and other supplies sold to employees and others were reported by 191 establishments and were valued at P2,021,307. The value of groceries and other supplies sold is given in the following table by kind of forestry: Timber cut. Data as to quantity and value were obtained for each species of timber cut during 1938. The quantity cut is given in cubic meters. The value represents the estimated value at selling point or at the sawmill. Timber cut by all forestry establishments totalled 2,196,997.16 cubic meters and had an estimated value of P22,058,430. The REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 27 quantity and value of timber cut by kind of forestry are given in the following table: TABLE 16.-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938 Timber cut Value Kind of forestry Cubic meters Pesos Per cent distri- bution Total..... 2,196,997.16 22,058,430 100.0 Logging.. 427,757.73 Logging and sawmilling. 1,675,669.17 4,429,823 16,338,572 Handsawing... 28,365.39 453,366 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes.... 64,532.08 828,873 Charcoal making.. 157.87 Rattan gathering... Firewood.... 190.55 824.37 20.1 74.1 2.0 8.8 2,683 (1) 2,387 (2) 2,726 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. Data on the quantity and value of timber cut, by species are given in Table 19. The principal species of timber cut and sawed include ten species of the dipterocarp or lauan family and one species of the pine family. Almost all the pine cut was reported in the Mountain Province. Pine has grown in demand with the de- velopment of the mining industry, because it is used for mine timbers as it withstands compression well. Among the prin- cipal species of timber cut are the following ten species of the lauan family arranged in the order of decreasing hardness: Yakal, Guijo, Apitong, Bagtican, Tañgile, Red Lauan, Almon, Tiaong, Mayapis, and White Lauan. In volume, White Lauan leads with Apitong and Red Lauan, Tañgile and Almon follow- ing. Of the hard durable first group cabinet woods, Narra ranks first and Ipil second in amount cut during 1938. The list of minor forest products other than timber is large and varied but appears from the statistics gathered not to have been commercialized to any great extent, but would seem to have great potentialities. TABLE 17.-TIMBER CUT AND LUMBER SAWED, BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938 First group Second group Kind of forestry Quantity Quantity Cubic meters Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Cubic meters Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Timber cut... 101,704.70 100.0 2,524,448 59,694.92 100.0 936,726 Logging. 57,124.33 56.2 1,780,081 21,317.44 35.7 362,390 Logging and sawmilling. 32,963.51 32.4 494,471 32,865.04 55.1 473,669 Handsawing- 10,731.53 10.6 239,106 4,969.94 8.3 93,295 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. 733.30 0.7 8,174 499.88 0.8 6,722 Charcoal. Rattan.. 96.70 0.1 1,828 1.02 (3) 14 Firewood.. 55.33 0.1 788 41.60 0.1 636 Lumber sawed 1 15,597,205 100.0 1,998,481 10;052,553 100.0 841,860 Logging and sawmilling. 11,216,312 71.9 1,558,729 8,106,481 80.6 688,527 Handsawing. 4,250,383 27.3 433,087 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. 1,936,457 19.3 152,952 130,510 0.8 6,665 9,615 0.1 381 Third group Fourth group Kind of forestry Quantity Quantity Cubic meters Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Cubic meters Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Timber cut.. Logging.. Logging and sawmilling. Handsawing- Charcoal. Rattan.. Firewood.. 1,301,686.89 100.0 12,056,095 733,910.65 100.0 6,541,161 177,545.55 13.6 1,183,784 171,770.41 23.4 1,103,568 1,075,226.40 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. 6,973.22 41,561.84 82.6 10,052,154 534,614.22 72.8 5,318,278 0.5 3.2 64,896 5,690.70 0.8 751,164 21,737.06 8.0 56,069 62,813 157.87 33.83 188.18 2,683 392 1,022 59.00 89.26 33 153 280 Lumber sawed 1 214,021,581 100.0 9,677,131 135,363,340 100.0 5,530,487 Logging and sawmilling. Handsawing... 201,906,023 94.3 9,039,010 133,772,183 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. 1,951,242 10,164,316 0.9 101,522 4.8 536,599 1,581,211 9,946 98.8 1.2 5,464,483 (2) 65,607 397 1 Quantity represents board feet. Less than 0.1 per cent. 28 FORESTRY Lumber sawed.-Data as to quantity and value of lumber sawed were obtained for each species. The value given rep- Data on resents the value at selling point or at the sawmill. quantity and value of lumber sawed differ from those on timber eut, as a considerable amount of timber cut is exported without being sawed and some of the timber cut in 1938 was not sawed during the same year. Lumber sawed in 1938 in all forestry establishments totalled 375,034,679 board feet and had an es- timated value of 18,047,959. The quantity and value of lumber sawed by each kind of forest industry are as follows: TABLE 18.-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF LUMBER SAWED, BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938 Lumber sawed Kind of forestry Board feet Per Value cent (Pesos) distri- bution 375,034,679 18,047,959 100.0 355,000,999 16,750,749 92.8 9,719,293 753,168 4.2 10,314,387 544,042 3.0 Total.... Logging and sawmilling. Handsawing... Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes... REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 29 TABLE 19.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES Species Timber cut Quantity cut Value Establish- ments reporting Cubic meters Per cent of total Pesos Average per cubic meter Per cent of total Total..... First group... Ipil.. Yakal. 7,392 2,196,997.16 100.0 22,058,430 10.00 100.0 1,951 101,704.70 4.6 2,524,448 23.23 11.4 (239 377 Narra... Molave... Sasa lit. Gisok... 475 370 44 Tindalo. Kalantas.. Supa..... Malabunga.. Kaburo..... Bansalagin.. Akle... Aranga.. Urung.. Betis... Batikuling... Mancono.. Batitinan Duyok-duyok.. Kamagong.. Margapali Gisok-takpang. Bakan..... Teak.... BERE BURR DE CALL PRILL 24,029.41 1.1 943,755 39.27 4.3 40,532.49 1.8 625,656 15.44 2.8 16,298.94 0.7 518,225 31.80 2.8 11,026.51 0.5 273,932 24.84 1.2 1,561.57 0.1 46,502 29.78 0.2 52 1,582.65 573.82 0.1 25,229 15.94 0.1 524.56 558.11 573.42 168.25 245.89 246.13 754.01 168.56 (¹) 229.36 260.51 67.93 149.80 68.73 14.78 21.28 2.21 8.23 2.25 Ebony.. Matang-usa.. Other... 119 .35 .14 2,034.81 0000 00000 00000 00000 00 (1) 15,522 27.05 0.1 12,390 23.62 0.1 12,066 21.62 0.1 8,137 14.19 6,184 36.75 6,143 24.98 (1) 5,203 21.14 (1) 5,161 6.84 4,547 26.98 3,520 15.35 2,427 9.32 1,916 28.21 1,491 9.95 954 13.88 (¹) 559 37.82 (1) 69 3.24 (1) 56 25.34 (1) 53 6.44 38 16.89 83 1 2.86 1 7.14 0.1 4,711 2.32 € 00000 00000 00000 000 (¹) (¹) Second group.. 2,054 59,694.92 2.7 936,726 15.69 4.2 Guijo.... 564 29,296.66 1.3 455,112 15.53 2.1 Makaasim. 221 4,932.38 0.2 135,972 27.57 0.6 Manggachapui. 195 3,646.35 0.2 69.204 18.98 0.3 Duñgon. 167 2,164.80 0.1 52,234 24.13 0.2 Malugai.. 109 8,847.98 0.2 44,139 11.47 0.2 Narig... Narek... Maranggo. Bitanhol (Palo Maria del Monte).. Bolong-eta.. Hambabalud.... Malabayabas.. 140 Banaba.... Katmon... Alupag... Dungon-late. Sudiang... Banuyo. Kubi... Malakadios.. Kalamansanai. Dirigkalin Akleng-parang- Anubing... Malakatmon. Caña-fistula... 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 1 A222 A **** 4,344.49 0.2 41,330 9.51 0.2 1,861.34 225.89 0.1 37,540 20.17 0.2 996.55 685.95 332.12 618.87 409.17 459.69 188.68 653.95 140.97 295.26 169.08 164.24 132.76 166.34 66.34 46.68 36.74 17.82 000 00000 00000 000000 9,692 42.91 9,301 9.33 8,926 13.01 8,553 25.75 6(1) 8,450 13.65 7.200 17.60 5,179 11.27 4,652 24.66 8,937 6.02 8.898 27.65 3,335 11.30 (1) 2,787 16.48 (1) 2,354 14.33 2.234 16.83 2,007 12.07 1,595 24.04 1,006 21.55 485 13.20 827 18.35 000 00000 00000 000000 (1) (1) (1) (¹) (¹) (1) (¹) 30 FORESTRY TABLE 19.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES-Continued Lumber sawed Species Quantity sawed Value Establish- ments reporting Board feet Per cent of total Pesos Average per 1,000 board feet Per cent of total Total..... First group.. Ipil.. 2,478 375,034,679 100.0 18,047,959 48.12 100.0 715 15,597,205 4.2 1,998,481 128.13 11.1 Yakal... 69 3,738,489 1.0 682,961 182.68 8.8 Narra.. Molave.. Sasalit 201 8,358,906 2.2 866,508 103.66 4.8 145 1,649,928 0.4 241,968 146.65 1.8 129 1,156,495 0.3 123,770 107.02 0.7 7 10,455 Gisok... Tindalo. 19 74,796 Kalantas. Supa.... Malabunga. Kaburo.. Bansalagin. 45 93,037 (1) 12 36,731 2 101,153 4 11,847 eeeee c (¹) 617 59.01 (¹) 7,441 99.48 14,733 158.36 3,120 84.94 17,832 176.29 1,067 90.06 Akle... Aranga. Urung.. Betis... Batikuling. 13 Mancono. Batitinan. Duyok-duyok. Kamagong.. Margapali. Gisok-takpang- Bakan... 1241 67 56,496 (1) 40,408 (¹) 29,230 23,134 49,571 6,373 10 15,394 (¹) 2 5,914 2 723 e ee ee eeee 3,950 69.92 5,003 123.81 2,826 96.68 (4) 1,655 71.54 6,216 125.40 (1) 313 49.11 1,324 86.01 (1) (¹) 503 85.05 (¹) 80 41.49 e ee ee eeeeeee 0.1 0.1 0.1 (¹) Teak... 1 788 (¹) 66 83.76 (¹) Ebony.. Matang-usa.. Other 5 137,337 (¹) 16,578 120.71 0.1 Second group... 605 10,052,553 2.7 841,860 83.75 4.7 Guijo... Makaasim... 241 Manggachapui... Dufigon... Malugai... Narig.. Narek. Maranggo Bitanhol (Palo Maria del Monte). Bolong-eta... Hambabalud... Malabayabas.. Banaba... Katmon.. Alupag.. Dungon-late. Sudiang... Banuyo... Kubi... Malakadios.. Kalamansanai. Dirigkalin.. Akleng-parang- Anubing... Malakatmon.. Caña-fistula. THE BAR TO BE BLABL 6,971,322 1.9 590,823 84.75 3.8 303,191 0.1 65,678 216.62 0.4 458,133 0.1 29,759 64.96 0.2 222,027 0.1 25,604 115.32 0.1 734,193 0.2 58,905 80.23 0.8 488,023 0.1 15,214 31.17 0.1 6,853 43,508 23,638 66,837 100 58,543 49,918 49,835 13,758 31,616 19,366 42,999 96,099 4,638 13,568 6,730 189 6,146 2,987 42 cccccc ccccc ccccc ecce 600 87.55 5,253 120.74 1,324 56.01 3,732 55.84 7 70.00 5,220 89.17 3,243 64.97 (1) 4,389 88.07 1,074 78.06 3,753 118.71 1,233 63.67 5,478 127.40 6,504 67.68 346 74.60 967 71.27 470 69.84 2 10.58 779 126.75 193 9 64.61 214.29 cccccc ccccc ccccc ecce Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 31 TABLE 19.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES-Continued Species Second group-Continued Tabau... Panitaogen. Tamayuan.. Bitaog or (Palo Maria de la Playa)... Alupag-amo.... Tukang-kalau.. Lanete.. Lisak... Tiga.. Tanglin. Marabitaog.- Alintatau... Kayu-galu.. Tikim... Mapilig. Manggis... Other.. Third group... Apitong.. Red Lauan. Pine... Tañgile.. Mayapis.. Palosapis.. Batino... Mata mata Lumbayau. Tiaong.. Nato.... Lanutan.. Kamatog. Amugis.. Dao.... Miao.... Toog- Sakat.. Malasantol. Binggas.. Pagatpat. Lanipau.. Kalumpit... Afu.... Talisai-gubat. Maniknik.... Antipolo.. Dulitan. Palakpalak. Lamio.... Dagang- Gisihan. Malikmik. Malakmalak. Bayanti.. Oak.... Amamanit.. Agaru. Talisai. Timber cut Quantity cut Value Establish- ments reporting Per cent of Cubic meters Pesos total Average per cubic meter Per cent of total 10 66404 46461 22.64 18.61 15.78 17.92 7.45 15.64 13.46 7.25 5 10.51 2.06 25 18111 18 4.80 3 5.74 9.58 .73 .74 .50 (¹) cccccc ccccc ccccc 295 13.03 246 13.22 235 14.89 228 12.72 177 23.76 163 10.42 130 9.66 104 14.34 100 9.51 87 42.23 61 12.71 50 8.71 50 5.22 20 27.40 18 24.32 9 18.00 00000 30000 00000 0 3,640.41 0.2 13,304 3.65 0.1 2,149 1,301,686.89 59.2 12,056,095 9.26 54.7 453 364,506.22 16.6 3,414,323 9.37 15.5 220 156 106 ~55 CO. 6. ANNON CONE HONO NNN 316,012.77 14.4 3,401,996 10.77 15.4 24 158,003.98 7.2 2,058,820 13.03 9.3 209,176.10 9.5 1,675,251 8.01 7.6 128,453.55 5.8 713,173 5.55 8.2 26,117.03 1.2 213,673 8.18 1.0 23 28,630.34 1.3 95,799 3.35 0.4 5 9,923.25 0.5 94,489 9.52 0.4 12,573.68 0.6 66,248 5.27 0.3 9,409.49 0.4 61,904 6.58 0.3 6,021.06 0.3 57,795 9.60 0.3 7,207.62 0.3 42,005 5.83 0.2 1,749.53 0.1 17,583 10.05 0.1 1,347.16 0.1 13,284 9.86 0.1 720.80 (¹) 9,637 13.37 1,803.22 0.1 9,311 5.16 (¹) 1,091.58 (¹) 6,963 6.38 2,630.49 0.1 6,677 2.54 488.36 437.96 6 708.85 402.22 357.51 107.24 509.25 169.71 227.25 221.51 77.93 60.09 54.21 58.60 98.51 133.64 36.94 83.14 46.08 38.21 116.59 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 00 0000 00000 00000 0000 (1) 4,617 9.45 4,045 9.24 3,157 4.45 (1) 2,737 6.80 (1) 2,528 7.07 2,250 20.98 2,226 4.37 2,170 12.79 1,928 8.48 1,511 6.82 1,398 17.94 1,157 19.25 1,063 19.61 979 16.71 956 9.70 711 5.32 689 18.65 673 8.09 663 14.39 648 596 16.96 5.11 € 00000 00000 00000 00000 0000 (¹) 32 FORESTRY TABLE 19.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES-Continued Species Second group--Continued Tabau... Panitaogen. Tamayuan.. Bitaog or (Palo Maria de la Playa).... Alupag-amo.... Tukang-kalau. Lanete... Lisak. Tiga. Tanglin. Marabitaog.. Alintatau. Kayu-galu. Tikim... Mapilig Manggis.. Other.. Third group... Apitong. Red Lauan Pine.. Tañgile. Mayapis.. Palosapis. Batino. Matamata Lumbayau... Tiaong... Natc.. Lanutan.... Kamatog... Amugis.. Deo.... Miao.... Toog... Sakat.... Malasantol. Binggas.. Pagatpat. Lanipau.. Kalumpit.. Afu... Talisai-gubat.. Maniknik... Antipolo... Dulitan. Palakpalak. Lamio.... Dagang. Gisiban. Malikmik. Malakmalak. Bayanti. Oak. Amamanit Agaru. Talisai. Establish- ments reporting Lumber sawed Quantity sawed Value Board feet Per cent of Pesos total Average per 1,000 board feet Per cent of total (pesos) 21119 1212 431 600 1,206 382 1,742 318 598 253 1,302 00000 0000 36 83.53 50 83.33 50 41.46 22 57.59 103 59.13 15 47.17 44 73.58 13 51.38 92 70.66 00000 0000 1 27 2 7,994 (¹) 288 36.03 (¹) 1,477 73 49.42 1 411 (¹) 24 58.39 1 65,326 (¹) 2,773 42.45 14 256,254 0.1 7,718 30.12 Ce e ce 746 214,021,581 57.1 9,677,131 45.22 53.6 G6 G8 88 8 50 197 65,635,406 17.5 2,766,430 42.15 15.3 127 62,789,872 16.7 2,878,818 45.85 16.0 8 38,813,059 10.3 1,832,596 47.22 10.2 23,393,533 6.2 1,306,815 55.86 7.2 3,823,631 1.0 158,044 41.33 0.9 4,338,690 1.2 166,073 38.28 0.9 2 951 37 38.91 (1) 1,512 60 39.68 Ce 6,390,998 1,184,517 1.7 179,729 28.12 1.0 0.3 40,904 34.53 0.2 952,067 0.3 37,034 38.90 0.2 27,865 1,876 67.32 78,814 2,040 25.88 265,845 0.1 13,517 50.85 190,497 0.1 14,436 75.78 471 3,116,339 67,392 12,250 4,981 30,570 282,800 33,503 2 11,522 64316 46,323 6,505 43,841 14,986 10,918 (1) 1 4,418 (¹) 1 1,065 (¹) 2 7,704 (¹) 2 3,592 2 15,871 (¹) eie ei e cecec ce e cee C 37 78.56 0.8 153,698 49.32 3,525 52.31 771 62.94 380 76.29 772 25.25 0.1 9,832 34.77 (¹) 2,005 59.85 517 44.87 (¹) (1) 2,535 64.72 (¹) 428 65.80 (1) 2,204 50.27 749 49.98 888 81.33 265 59.98 cccccc cc ecce e Ce 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 53 49.77 (¹) 403 52.31 (¹) 197 54.84 (¹) 402 25.33 (¹) 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 33 TABLE 19.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES-Continued Species Third group-Continued Hagakhak. Dalinsi... Unik... Kato... Anislag Agoho..... Kayatau... Alakaak. Tagotoi. Alma ciga.. Nangka. Kalingag. Kuling-manuk.. Agoho del Monte. Santol.... Bulala.... Tabigi... Lumbayau-batu. Piagau Malatumbaga.. Malabatino.. Kalipaya... Malakayan. Malasaging. Kansulud.. Other... Timber cut Quantity cut Value Establish- ments reporting Cubic meters Per cent of total Pesos Average per cubic meter Per cent of total (Pesos) 60664 62732 46.06 10 30.33 33.48 39.96 62316 32123 121212 22.76 41.45 6.98 20.25 6.76 22.32 5 6.13 6.41 6.17 7.26 10.72 2.53 6.48 4.00 2.10 1.00 1.77 1.29 .81 1.97 .51 11,545.72 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 365 822 7.92 10.62 818 9.50 241 6.03 164 7.21 159 8.84 108 15.47 107 5.28 100 14.79 73 8.27 66 10.77 59 9.20 56 9.08 50 6.89 48 4.48 89 15.42 37 5.71 32 8.00 27 12.86 22 22.00 15 8.47 14 10.85 12 14.81 9 4.57 5 9.80 00000 00000 30000 30000 00000 0.5 58,014 5.02 0.3 Lumber sawed Quantity sawed Value Species Establish- ments Per cent of reporting Board feet total Pesos Average per 1,000 board feet (Pesos) Per cent of total Third group-Continued Hagakhak.. Dalinsi.. Unik... Kato.. Anislag. Agoho..... Kayatau.. Alakaak. Tagotoi. 331 8 7,066 43,818 839 CCC 475 67.22 1,044 23.83 41 48.87 2 7,738 .(¹) 430 55.57 (¹) 2 3,201 (¹) 98 80.62 (1) Almaciga. Nangka.. Kalifigag.. Kuling-manuk. 1 449 (¹) 85 77.95 (¹) Agoho del Monte.. Santol.... Bulala... Tabigi... 21 2 208 8888 83 29 1 139.42 29.41 83 Lumbayau-batu.. Piagau... Malatumbaga.. 1 1,289 (¹) 26 20.17 (¹) Malabatino.. Kalipaya.. Malakayan. 1 2,268 (¹) 60 26.46 (1) Malasaging.. Kansulud. Other... 8 2,352,363 0.6 96,822 41.16 0.5 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 34 FORESTRY TABLE 19.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES-Continued Timber cut Species Quantity cut Value Establish- ments reporting Cubic meters Per cent of total Pesos Average per cubic meter Pesos) Per cent of total Fourth group... 1,238 733,910.65 33.4 6,541,161 8.91 29.7 White Lauan Almon. Bagtikan. 449 483,567.00 22.0 3,107,142 6.43 14.1 81 142,092.16 6.5 2,296,084 16.16 10.4 19 Gubas White Lanutan.. Manggasinoro.. Bayok... 45,509.85 2.1 672,740 14.78 8.0 21 7,536.27 0.3 115,811 15.37 0.5 36 6,636.42 0.3 37,622 5.67 0.2 34 6,082.17 0.3 30,862 5.07 0.1 27 7,134.32 0.3 27,947 8.92 0.1 Pototan.. 5 Pahutan. 4,137.44 0.2 24,827 6.00 0.1 48 White Nato 3,279.44 0.1 19,695 6.01 0.1 27 1,128.72 0.1 18,931 16.77 0.1 Batete. 33 Balakat.. 1,255.65 0.1 14,897 11.86 0.1 43 821.15 Bakauan. Kalunti.. Anahau. B nuang- Pigsahiñgin.. Loktob... Duguan. (¹) 10 5,160.15 12 973.88 (¹) ee 13,489 16.43 0.1 0.2 12,540 2.43 0.1 10,596 10.88 15 1,157.76 0.1 8,614 7.44 26 1,015.95 21 1,875.82 9 552.21 35 303.88 Haras. 1 100.21 Taluto. 10 486.80 Luisin.. 26 186.23 Tuai... 12 132.30 Malapinggan. 8 201.51 Dita... 18 68.03 Bogo... Malapapaya. Kupang.. Salakin.. Malaikmo. 10 136.54 7 85.75 2 34.83 4 66.00 15 126.06 Banaui. 4 103.88 Kaniñgi. 3 42.58 Arañigin. 4 16.30 Lamog- 5 38.88 Dugkatan. 3 12.08 Balu.. 5 27.78 Tañgal. 1 24.66 Lago... 3 9.44 Tui.. 1 1.41 Malatadiang. 1 5.89 Kuruksan... 1 8.20 Malambingan. Malabog. Other. 2 2.38 1 190 2.48 11,770.19 0000 00000 0000 00000 00000 0000 (¹) 8,515 8.38 0.1 7,660 4.08 (¹) 4,997 9.05 3,008 2,560 9.90 25.55 2,549 - 5.24 1,903 10.22 1,543 11.66 1,326 6.58 (¹) 764 11.23 740 5.42 648 7.56 564 16.19 563 8.53 529 4.20 475 4.57 (1) 408 9.58 335 20.55 216 5.56 146 12.09 133 4.79 (¹) 98 3.97 74 7.84 59 41.84 47 7.98 40 4.88 22 9.24 10 4.03 00 00000 00000 0000 00000 00000 0000 (1) (¹) (1) (¹) (1) (1) 0.5 89,432 7.60 0:4 Less than 0.1 rer cent. 83 790 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 35 TABLE 19.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES-Continued Fourth group.. White Lauan Almon.. Bagtikan. Gubas... White Lanutan. Manggasinoro... Bayok.... Pototan. Pahutan. White Nato Batete. Balakat... Bakauan. Kalunti Anahau.. Binuang- Pagsahingin. Loktob... Duguan.. Haras.. Taluto.. Luisin.... Tuai.... Malapinggan... Dita.... Bogo.... Malapapaya.. Kupang.. Salakin Malaikmo. Banaui... Kanifigi.. Arañgin.. Lamog- Dugkatan. Balu. Tafigal. Lago.. Tui.. Mălatadiang.. Kuruksan... Malambingan.. Malabog.. Other Species Lumber sawed Quantity sawed Value Establish- ments reporting Board feet Per cent of total Pesos Average per 1,000 board Per cent of total feet pesos) 412 135,363,340 36.1 5,530,487 40.86 30.6 204 82,080,930 21.9 3,290,876 40.09 18.2 13 34,569,748 9.2 1,466,456 42.42 8.1 6 2,736,964 0.7 118,267 43.21 0.7 1 1,590 (¹) 95 59.75 (¹) 11 1,826,786 0.5 59,312 32.47 0.3 11 906,030 0.2 31,493 34.76 0.2 7 142,484 (¹) 1,963 13.78 (4) 12 225,985 0.1 8,534 37.76 (3) 5 9,654 15 5 55 120,220 6,255 2 159,259 2 18,414 3446 3245 11,914 4,676 8,069 43,425 cece cei ce e 390 40.40 5,913 49.18 (4) 244 39.01 (¹) 4,741 29.77 (¹) (¹) 621 83.72 (¹) (¹) 343 28.79 (1) 349 74.64 (4) 272 83.71 (4) 1,339 80.83 (4) ceee ee ee ee e 2,019 9,116 5,959 (¹) 1,858 6 27,003 (¹) 22 1,236 (¹) 84112 3 4,461 5,706 10,842 11 1,878 (1) 2,446 6,306 1 740 1 412 1 534 2,306 10000 € 100 00000 00 00 79 39.13 (¹) 487 53.42 (4) 170 28.53 (¹) 98 52.74 (¹) 1,611 59.66 (4) 22 17.80 (4) 202 45.28 227 39.78 (*) 555 51.19 (1) 89 47.39 (1) 146 59.69 (4) 171 27.12 (3) 83 44 59.46 (¹) 17 41.26 (1) 87 69.29 161 69.82 Ce ce cecce ce e cece (¹) 2 899 (¹) 46 51.17 (¹). 60 12,407,216 3.3 535,117 43.13 8.0 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 36 FORESTRY The quantity and value of each species of lumber sawed are by persons from privately owned forests, the data given for given in Table 19. Minor forest products.-All minor forest products taken dur- ing 1938 were valued at 1,522,455. As there is no record of minor forest products taken by persons without license and minor forest products represent somewhat less than the actual quantity and value of those products taken in 1938. Table 20 presents data showing the reported quantity and value of minor forest products taken during 1938. TABLE 20.-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF MINOR FOREST PRODUCTS TAKEN DURING 1938 Quantity taken Minor forest product Establishments reporting Value Unit Amount Pesos Per cent distribution Total... 3,032 1,522,455 100.0 Firewood.. 705 Cubic meters.. 395,038.87 469,530 80.8 Barks for cutch (dry).. 1 Kilos... 22,016,148.00 387.966 25.5 Split rattan... 919 Kilos... 1,786,689.00 135,290 8.9 Charcoal. 105 Cubic meters.. 19,439.32 111,883 7.8 Manila copal (almaciga). 58 Kilos.. 962,352.00 106,126 7.0 Edible bird's nest... 77 Cubic meters.. 991.33 74,762 4.9 Tanbark..... 188 Kilos... 1,828,825.00 49,332 8.2 Nipa leaves (1,000 shingles of less than 1.5 meters in length).. 317 Kilos.... 3,207,843.00 46,981 8.1 Unsplit rattan (2 centimeters or less in diameter). 142 Linear meters. 4,477,891.00 40,904 2.7 Unsplit rattan (over 2 centimeters in diameter). 67 Linear meters. 1,484,978.00 27,059 1.8 Lumbang kernels... 10 Pieces... 173,269.00 10,668 0.7 Manila elemi (pili resin)... 15 Kilos... 109,733.00 10,514 0.7 Diliman and all other vines used for tying... 88 Kilos... 69,423.00 9,240 0.6 Nipa leaves (1,000 shingles of 1.5 meters or over in length).. Boho or caña-boho... 149 Kilos.. 818,891.00 8,701 0.6 55 Pieces.. 415,433.00 8,112 0.5 Lumbang nuts (unhusked). 5 Pieces.. 219,015.00 7,948 0.5 Gutta-percha.... 3 Kilos.. 11,386.00 5,530 0.4 Buri (dried and rolled in bundle) 12 Kilos... 95,820.00 2,441 0.2 Kamagsa... Gogo bark. Hingiw Oleo-resin Dyebark.. Dipterocarp resins.. Beeswax, refined.. Buri fiber.. Tree ferns... Clean salago bark.. Cabo-negro.. 9 Kilos... 19,589.00 1,944 0.1 27 Kilos... 14,292.00 1,596 0.1 14 Kilos... 26,415.00 1,246 0.1 18 Liters. 15,240.00 1,202 0.1 9 Kilos. 36,442.00 1,163 0.1 16 Kilos... 8,675.00 781 0.1 9 Kilos... 11,418.00 647 (¹) 3 Kilos.... 135.00 328 2 Trees. 3,280.00 286 7 Kilos... 1,494.00 231 2 Kilos... 642.00 44 Cece 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 37 tribution of the quantity and value of timber cut, according to the cost per cubic meter, is given in the following table: Cost of logging.-The cost of logging was obtained for each establishment for the year 1938. The cost represents the aver- age cost for all kinds of timber logged during 1938. The dis- TABLE 21.-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT CLASSIFIED BY GROUP AND COST OF LOGGING FOR ESTABLISHMENTS ENGAGED IN LOGGING: 1938 First group Quantity Second group Cost of logging per cubic meter Quantity Cubic meters Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Value Cubic meters Per cent distribution (Pesos) Total.. Under 100,819.37 100.0 2,513,658 59,152.42 100.0 929,354 2.50.. 8,928.99 8.9 123,580 1,235.87 2.1 15,148 2.50 to P 4.99. P5.00 to P 7.49... P7.50 to P 9.99.. P10.00 to P12.49. P12.50 to P14.99.. P15.00 to P17.49. 6,581.44 6.5 233,219 11,653.05 19.7 172,182 19,378.39 19.2 451,259 17,320.01 29.3 220,326 7,721.52 7.7 111,622 9,961.50 16.8 102,597 10,559.83 10.5 309,049 6,047.85 10.2 69,327 14,264.61 14.1 347,455 2,495.48 4.2 55,763 6,895.60 6.8 257,586 2,034.76 3.4 45, 680 P17.50 to P19.99.. 4,224.02 4.2 60,111 602.80 1.0 12,545 P20.00 and over.. 4,137.16 4.1 109,509 542.67 0.9 10,577 Not reported.. 18,127.81 18.0 510,268 7,258.43 12.3 225,209 Third group Fourth group Cost of logging per cubic meter Quantity Quantity Cubic meters Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Cubic meters Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Total.. Under 2.50.. P2.50 to P 4.99. 1,259,745.27 100.0 11,300,474 712,075.33 100.0 6,477,915 62,781.66 5.0 P5.00 to P 7.49. 7.50 to P 9.99. P10.00 to P12.49... P12.50 to P14.99. 231,502.03 18.4 411,752 2,078,702 118,942.50 59.538.76 8.4 429,326 16.7 811,117 330,078.03 26.2 3,625,350 276,716.17 38.9 3,009,280 72,589.17 5.8 620,684 72,358.48 10.2 554,835 248,831.48 19.8 2,632,638 107,532.99 15.1 737,021 P15.00 to P17.49. 137,593.54 10.9 889,549 10,670.51 1.5 463,833 P17.50 to P19.99. P20.00 and over.. Not reported.. 2,630.42 0.2 33,603 1,699.32 0.2 23,822 358.56 (1) 8,015.00 0.6 3,639 53,535 444.10 0.1 6,641 872.68 0.1 5,726 165,365.38 13.1 951,022 63,299.82 8.9 436,314 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 38 FORESTRY eu Cost of milling.-The cost of milling represents the average cost of all milling performed in 1938. The quantity and value of lumber sawed, by groups of species, reported by establish- ments with specified milling costs are given in the following table: TABLE 22.-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF LUMBER SAWED CLASSIFIED BY GROUPS AND COST OF MILLING FOR ESTABLISHMENTS ENGAGED IN LOGGING AND SAWMILLING: 1938 First group Second group Cost of milling per 1,000 board feet Quantity Quantity Board feet Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Board feet Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Total... Under 5.00 11,216,312 100.0 1,558,729 8,106,481 100.0 688,521 377,121 3.4 44,015 442,926 5.5 38,652 P5.00 to P 7.49.. P 7.50 to P 9.99. P10.00 to P12.49.. P12.50 to P14.99. P15.00 to P17.49. P17.50 to P19.99. 833,754 7.4 65,954 213,847 2.6 8913,37 13,379 700,521 6.2 76,075 1,051,655 13.0 107,14% 1,049,941 9.4 233,050 622,960 7.7 29.98 2,118,549 18.9 392,346 1,203,125 14.8 130,27 1,494,669 13.3 161,255 2,269,613 28.0 166,42 880,970 7.9 125,534 677,665 8.4 59,781 P20.00 to P29.99... P30.00 and over.. Not reported.. 1,346,451 12.0 124,718 238,648 2.9 22.44 468,726 1,945,610 4.2 76,671 354,220 4.4 19,21 17.3 259,111 1,031,822 12.7 101,224 Third group Fourth group Cost of milling per 1,000 board feet Quantity Quantity Board feet Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Board feet Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Total... 201,906,023 100.0 9,039,010 133,772,183 100.0 5,464,48 Under P 5.00. 1,909,736 0.9 26,153 6,237,553 4.7 258,861 P5.00 to P 7.49. 13,154,558 6.5 500,173 17,284,617 12.9 706,081 P7.50 to P 9.99. 11,363,306 5.6 545,259 6,928,674 5.2 174,00 P10.00 to P12.49. 20,401,054 10.1 902,686 9,446,541 7.1 338,651 P12.50 to P14.99. 16,873,371 8.4 174,016 21,529,902 16.1 1,036,269 P15.00 to P17.49. 33,036,261 16.4 1,466,784 13,098,391 9.8 568,130 P17.50 to P19.99. 21,617,798 10.7 1,211,079 35,107,578 26.2 1,468,90 P20.00 to P29.99.. 27,401,911 13.6 737,143 8,110,412 6.1 368,488 P30.00 and over.. 17,545,203 8.7 2,730,913 1,845,475 1.4 67,568 Not reported... 38,602,825 19.1 744,804 14,183,040 10.6 477,509 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 39 g F Cost of production.-The cost of production represents the average cost of all lumber produced during 1938 and includes the cost of logging, milling, etc. The quantity and value of lumber sawed, by groups of species, reported by establishments having a specified average cost of production, are given in the following table: TABLE 23.-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF LUMBER SAWED CLASSIFIED BY GROUPS AND COST OF PRODUCTION FOR ESTABLISHMENTS ENGAGED IN LOGGING AND SAWMILLING: 1938 First group Second group Cost of production per 1,000 board feet Quantity Quantity Board feet Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Board feet Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Total.... 21 Under P 5.00... P 5.00 to P 7.49... 52 P 7.50 to P 9.99. 79 42 88 179 P17.50 to P19.99.. 23 P20.00 to P29.99. 81 P30.00 and over... 412 46 Not reported.. 11,216,312 100.0 1,558,729 8,106,481 100.0 688,527 233,407 2.1 30,250 400,134 4.9 191,726 211,385 1.9 13,542 139,028 1.7 7,721 1,583,024 14.1 254,404 1,053,802 13.0 81,047 P10.00 to P12.49.. P12.50 to P14.99. P15.00 to P17.49.. 921,105 8.2 104,785 644,701 8.0 83,002 998,048 8.9 87,785 1,487,577 18.4 115,113 296,309 2.6 33,655 700,201 8.6 30,943 304,968 2.7 27,909 150,638 1.9 3,038 563,631 7.0 43,346 933 (¹) 87,022 64,535 0.8 34,510 6,667,133 59.4 919,377 2,902,234 35.8 98,081 11 Third group Fourth group Cost of production per 1,000 board feet Quantity Quantity Board feet Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Board feet Per cent distribution Value (Pesos) Total... 201,906,023 100.0 9,039,010 133,772,183 100.0 5,464,483 -81 Under 61 P 7.50 to P 9.99. 81 P10.00 to P12.49. 06 P12.50 to P14.99. 58 P15.00 to P17.49. 69 P17.50 to P19.99. 30 P20.00 to P29.99.. 06 88 68 09 P 5.00... 678,716 0.3 13,962 3,460,058 2.6 151,935 P 5.00 to P 7.49.. 13,555,411 6.7 458,784 4,273,563 3.2 159,508 10,870,268 5.4 537,577 6,347,286 4.7 281,817 20,126,575 10.0 807,369 15,365,067 11.5 527,337 15,746,987 7.8 174,159 8,673,058 6.5 417,937 33,924,907 16.8 1,478,218 45,437,814 34.0 1,925,273 20,547,271 10.2 1,015,192 12,061,013 9.0 447,306 23,969,924 11.9 182,207 7,717,705 5.8 354,034 P30.00 and over.. Not reported. 22,623,577 11.2 2,854,831 3,251,545 2.4 153,652 39,862,387 19.7 1,516,711 27,185,074 20.3 1,045,684 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. Data by provinces.-Data by provinces are presented in Tables 28 to 32. In case only one establishment has been reported for a province, it has been necessary to combine the report for that province with the reports for other provinces in order to avoid disclosure of data for a single establishment. The provinces having stands of virgin timber accessible to water, rail, and water transportation facilities are the most im- portant in the production of various forest products. Size of total assets. Total assets constitute one important index of the size of business. The significant feature of the classification of forestry establishments by size of total assets is the concentration of a large proportion of the total business in the control of establishments with large total assets. The distribution of establishments, number of employees, total as- sets, and gross receipts, by size of total assets is shown in Tables 33 and 34. FORESTRY 40 Size of gross sales.-The classification of establishments by size of gross sales indicates the concentration of the logging and logging and sawmilling industries in the control of the estab- lishments having relatively large sales. As indicated in Table 37, all establishments engaged in minor forest industries, such as firewood, rattan gathering, charcoal making, etc., have a rela- tively small total annual sales. Citizenship of operator.-The classification by citizenship of operator applies only to those establishments owned by indi- viduals. The minor forest product industries are almost entirely in the hands of citizens of the Philippines, while in the logging and sawmilling industries, citizens of the United States and Japan occupy an important place. Detailed classifications for each kind of forestry by citizenship of operator are given in Tables 39, 40, and 41. Total assets owned by citizens of various countries.-Table 25 presents data showing the distribution of assets according to the citizenship of the owner. These data indicate the rela- tive size of the investments in the forest industry by citizens of various countries. TABLE 24.-TOTAL ASSETS OWNED BY CITIZENS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938 Assets owned by citizens of- Kind of forestry Total (Pesos) Philippines United States (Pesos) (Pesos) China (Pesos) Japan (Pesos) Spain (Pesos) Total.... 36,902,290 14,297,600 13,260,975 3,617,585 2,589,011 342,703 Logging only.. 4,429,770 3,021,799 275,252 234,575 821,394 19,587 Logging and sawmilling. 29,775,973 9,638,500 12,241,771 3,154,760 1,767,471 313,505 Handsawing.. 897,692 701,127 3,857 189,588 3,120 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. 1,039,332 218,481 731,278 5,754 41 6,491 Charcoal making.. 92,579 92,579 Rattan gathering.. 143,358 138,140 2,366 2,852 Firewood.. 261,386 255,077 1,381 4,928 Tanbark.. 68,122 58,225 9,897 Others.. 194,078 173,672 5,070 15,231 105 Kind of forestry Total... Logging only... Handsawing... Logging and sawmilling. Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. Charcoal making.. Rattan gathering.. Firewood... Tanbark.. Others.. Assets owned by citizens of-Continued Great Brit- ain, Canada, Australia (Pesos) Switzerland (Pesos) Holland Germany (Pesos) (Pesos) Other countries (Pesos) 2,443,165 130,447 534 80,789 139,481 25,940 31,223 2,356,085 129,214 74,421 100,246 61,140 1,233 534 6,368 8,012 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 41 Form of ownership.-Establishments owned by individuals predominate in number in all kinds of forest industries except in logging and sawmilling. Data on form of ownership is shown in Tables 42, 43, and 44. TABLE 25.-TOTAL ASSETS OWNED BY CITIZENS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938 Assets owned by citizens of- Kind of forestry and form of ownership All establish- ments Philippines United States (Pesos) (Pesos) China (Pesos) Japan (Pesor) Spain (Pesos) Total... 3,874 14,297,600 13,260,975 3,617,585 2,589,011 342,703 Logging only.... 925 3,021,799 275,252 234,575 821,394 19,587 Individuals.. 886 1,980,570 23,596 18,202 6,000 Partnerships.. 12 115,424 Associations... 4 63,410 Corporations... 23 862,395 251,656 6,804 209,569 821,394 13,587 Logging and sawmilling..... 177 9,638,500 12,241,771 3,154,760 1,767,471 313,505 Individuals.. 92 2,783,841 103,551 269,998 10,896 Partnerships. 22 538,156 48,856 179,775 Associations.. 5 104,389 8,910 Corporations.. 58 6,212,114 12,080,454 2,704,987 1,756,575 313,505 Handsawing. 362 701,127 3,857 189,588 3,120 Individuals... 353 657,070 108,181 3,120 Partnerships. 8 44,057 3,857 10,412 Corporations.. 1 70,995 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes 40 218,481 731,278 5,754 41 6,491 Individuals. 5 5,000 10,100 Corporations... 32 95,741 106,541 Sociedades anónimas.. 3 117,740 614,637 5,754 41 6,491 Charcoal making..... 69 92,579 Individuals.. 67 92,579 Partnerships.. 1 Corporations.. 1 Rattan gathering..... 865 138,140 2,366 2,852 Individuals. 850 131,469 2,852 Partnerships. 11 6,521 2,366 Associations (unincorporated). 1 150 Corporations.. 3 Firewood... 614 255,077 1,381 4,928 Individuals. 600 252,160 1,381 4,928 Partnerships. 8 2,917 Corporations.. 6 Tanbark. 120 58,225 9,897 Individuals. Partnerships.. Corporations... Others.... Individuals. Partnerships... Associations... Corporations.. 117 57,768 4,500 12 5,397 457 702 173,672 5,070 15,231 105 694 153,703 3,700 15,153 521 5 10,969 78 105 2 1,370 9,000 42 FORESTRY TABLE 25.-TOTAL ASSETS OWNED BY CITIZENS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938-Continued Total... Logging only..... Assets owned by citizens of-Continued Kind of forestry and form of ownership Great Brit- ain, Canada, Switzerland Australia (Pesos) (Pesos) Other Holland Germany (Pesos) (Pesos) countries (Pesos) 2,443,165 130,447 534 80,789 139,481 25,940 31,22 Individuals. Partnerships.. Associations. Corporations. 25,940 31,22 Logging and sawmilling.... 2,356,085 129,214 74,421 100,24 Individuals. Partnerships. Associations... Corporations.. 2,356,085 129,214 74,421 100,24 Handsawing... Individuals.... Partnerships. Corporations. Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. 61,140 1,233 534 6,368 8,0 Individuals.. Corporations.. Sociedades anónimas.. 61,140 1,233 534 6,368 8,0 Charcoal making. Individuals. Partnerships... Corporations.. Rattan gathering. Individuals... Partnerships... Associations (unincorporated) Corporations.. Firewood... Individuals. Partnerships. Corporations. Tanbark. Individuals. Partnerships.. Corporations.. Others.. Individuals.. Partnerships. Associations.. Corporations.. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 43 Year established.--Data by year established relate to the year when the establishment just began business or when it was incorporated, if a corporation. Table 26 presents data by kind of industry according to the year when the establish- ments first began business. TABLE 26.-DISTRIBUTION OF ESTABLISHMENTS BY YEAR ESTABLISHED, BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938 Establishments beginning in- Kind of forestry Total 1935 to 1938 1930 to 1934 1925 to 1929 1920 to 1924 1915 to 1919 1910 to 1914 Prior to 1910 Year not reported Total... 3,874 2,298 769 375 133 85 41 26 147 Logging... 925 518 154 Logging and sawmilling. 177 81 31 Handsawing- 362 216 71 888888 27 35 31415 50 14 17 38888 18 12 846 10 49 4 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. 40 24 11 Charcoal... 69 43 18 4 2 Rattan gathering. 865 621 137 56 Firewood... 614 367 140 47 Tanbark.. 120 72 30 8 Others.. 702 356 177 110 2222 12 27 7 24 10 37 24 2 27 4 5 14 8 4 6 32 1006 6222 8 5 15 3 TABLE 27.-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, GROSS SALES, AND TOTAL ASSETS, BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938 Item Kind of forestry Total Logging Logging and sawmilling Handsawing Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes Number of establishments, 1938... Per cent distribution.. 3,874 100.0 925 177 362 40 23.9 4.6 9.3 1.0 Number of employees in 1938, total. Persons 43,871 11,342 22,405 3,118 554 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 25.9 51.1 71 1.3 Average per establishment.. Persons 11.3 12.3 126.6 8.6 13.9 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Pegons 10,089 3,144 1,312 1,141 36 Per cent distribution... 100.0 31.2 13.0 11.3 0.4 Males... Persons. 5,065 1,551 170 553 33 Females. Others... Per cent distribution. Persons 2,653 949 100 331 Persons 2,371 644 1,042 257 '3 Persons paid salaries and wages. Persons 33,782 8,198 21,093 1,977 518 100.0 24.3 62.4 5.9 1.5 Per cent of total employees. 77.0 72.3 94.1 63.4 93.5 Managers, supervisors.. Persons 708 176 465 32 4 Per cent distribution. 100.0 24.9 65.7 4.5 0.6 Per cent of total employees. 1.6 1.6 2.1 1.0 0.7 Office employees.. Persons. 854 149 613 49 6 Per cent distribution... 100.0 17.4 71.8 5.7 0.7 Per cent of total employees. 1.9 1.3 2.7 1.6 1.1 Logging employees.... Persons. 15,944 6,644 8,241 752 307 Per cent distribution... 100.0 41.7 51.7 4.7 1.9 Per cent of tctal employees. 36.3 58.6 36.8 24.1 55.4 Sawmill, planing mill, and lumber yard employees. Persons. 10,611 10,130 371 110 Per cent distribution. 100.0 95.5 3.5 1.0 Per cent of total employees. 24.2 45.2 11.9 19.9 Other employees... Persons 5,665 1,229 1,644 773 91 Per cent distribution. 100.0 21.7 29.0 13.6 1.6 Per cent of total employees. 12.9 10.8 7.3 24.8 16.4 Salaries and wages paid in 1938, total. Pesos. 10,343,723 1,236,329 8,544,023 242,741 178,330 Per cent distribution... Average per establishment... Managers, supervisors.... Per. cent distribution.. Fer cent fo total salaries and wages.. Average per establishment... 100.0 Pesos... 2,670 Pesos.. 1,273,022 12.0 1,337 82.6 48,271 170,671 1,062,525 2.3 1.7 671 15,009 4,458 13,432 Pesos.. - 100.0 12.3 329 13.4 83.5 1.2 1.1 13.8 12.4 6.2 7.5 185 6,003 41 336 44 FORESTRY TABLE 27.-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, GROSS SALES, AND TOTAL ASSETS, BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938-Continued Item Kind of forestry-Continued Total Logging Logging and sawmilling Handsawing Logging and saw milling for mining purposes Office employees. Salaries and wages paid in 1938, Continued Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total salaries and wages. Average per establishment. Logging employees. Per cent distribution. Per cent of total salaries and wages. Pesos 649,285 68,807 552,949 14,799 4,081 100.0 6.3 10.6 5.6 85.2 6.5 2.3 0.6 6.1 2.8 Pesos Pesos 168 74 Average per establishment.. Sawmill, planing mill, and lumber yard employees. Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total salaries and wages.. Average per establishment.. Other employees.. Per cent distribution. Pesos. 3,425,999 100.0 33.1 884 795,059 3,124 2,463,370 41 102 62,519 105,051 23.2 64.3 71.9 28.8 1.8 3.1 25.8 58.9 860 Pesos. 3,962,251 13,917 3,881,909 173 2.626 49,302 31,040 100.0 38.3 98.0 45.4 1.2 0.8 20.3 17.4 Pesos 1,023 Pesos. 1,033,166 21,932 136 776 201,792 583,270 101,112 24,726 Per cent of total salaries and wages. Average per establishment.. Pesos 100.0 10.0 267 19.5 16.3 56.5 9.8 2.4 6.8 41.7 13.9 218 3,295 279 618 Gross receipts in 1938.. Per cent distribution.... Average per establishment. Capital investment, total.. Per cent distribution... Average per establishment.. Land and buildings.... Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total investment. Equipment... Per cent distribution... Per cent of total investment. Logs, lumber, and other products.. Per cent distribution... Per cent of total investment. Cash... Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total investment... Accounts and notes receivable. Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total investment. Pesos 28,866,228 4,436,375 21,843,995 1,229,158 312,795 Pesos 100.0 7,451 15.4 4,796 75.7 4.3 123,412 3,395 100.0 9,526 Pesos 36,902,290 4,429,770 29,775,973 Pesos Pesos. 4,411,101 483,983 897,692 1.1 7,820 1,039,332 12.0 4,789 80.7 168,226 3,576,814 2.4 2.8 2,480 25,983 148,890 27,710 100.0 12.0 11.0 10.9 81.1 3.4 0.6 12.0 16.6 2.7 Pesos. 19,694,661 1,895,270 16,503,853 159,465 994,658 Pesos. 5,316,744 Pesos. 2,262,503 Pesos. 5,217,281 100.0 53.4 100.0 14.4 100.0 6.1 100.0 14.1 9.6 83.8 0.8 5.1 42.8 55.4 17.8 95.7 682,126 4,289,092 247,737 10,729 12.8 15.4 80.7 4.7 0.2 14.4 27.6 1.0 653,380 1,085,694 219,595 6,235 28.9 14.7 715,011 13.7 16.1 48.0 3.6 9.7 0.3 24.5 0.6 4,320,520 122,005 82.8 14.5 2.3 13.6 Item Kind of forestry-Continued Charcoal making Rattan gathering Firewood Tanbark Other Number of establishments, 1938.. Per cent distribution... 69 69 865 614 120 702 1.8 22.3 15.8 3.1 18.1 Number of employees in 1938, total. Persons. 267 1,884 2,482 265 1,554 Per cent distribution... 0.6 4.3 5.7 0.6 3.5 Average per establishment.. Persons. 3.9 2.2 4.0 2.2 2.2 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Per cent distribution.. Persons. 212 1,522 1,320 156 1,246 2.1 15.1 13.1 1.5 12.4 Males.. Persons 106 1,048 776 99 729 Females.. Persons 64 367 403 49 390 Persons paid salaries and wages... Others.... Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total employees. Persons. 42 107 141 8 127 Persons 55 362 1,162 109 3308 0.2 1.1 3.4 0.3 0.9 20.6 19.2 46.8 41.1 19.8 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 45 TABLE 27.-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, GROSS SALES, AND TOTAL ASSETS, BY KIND OF FORESTRY: 1938-Continued Item Kind of forestry-Continued Charcoal making Rattan gathering Firewood Tanbark Other Number of employees in 1938, to Continued Maragers, supervisors.. Per cent distribution... Per cent of total employees. Office employees.. Per cent distribution.. Persons 6 9 9 2 5 0.8 1.3 1.3 0.3 0.7 2.2 0.5 0.4 0.8 0.3 Persons. 6 8 2 21 0.7 0.9 0.2 2.5 0.3 0.3 0.8 1.4 Per cent of total employees. Logging employees.... Persons Per cent distribution... Per cent of total employees. Sawmill, planing mill, and lumber yard employees. Persons Per cent distribution. Per cent of total employees.. Other employees... Per cent distribution.. Persons 49 347 1,145 105 282 0.9 6.1 20.2 1.9 5.0 Per cent of total employees.. 18.4 18.4 46.1 39.6 18.1 Salaries and wages paid in 1938, total ... Pesos... 13,532 26,412 66,905 4,750 30,701 Per cent distribution.. 0.1 0.3 0.6 (1) 0.3 Average per establishment... Managers, supervisors.. Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total salaries and wages.. Average per establishment. Pesos... Pesos 196 31 109 40 44 3,400 2,520 2,645 960 1,860 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 25.1 9.5 4.0 20.2 6.1 Pesos... 49 3 4 8 3 Office employees. Pesos. 3,216 1,281 མ 262 3,890 Per cent distribution.. 0.5 0.2 (1) 0.6 Per cent of total salaries and wages.. 12.2 1.9 Average per establishment. Pesos 4 2 5.5 2 12.7 6 Logging employees.... Pesos Per cent distribution... Per cent of total salaries and wages. Average per establishment. Pescs. Sawmill, planing mill, and lumber yard employees. Pesos. Per cent distribution..... i Per cent of total salaries and wages.. יייייי Average per establishment. Pesos.. Other employees.. Pesos. 10,132 20,676 62,979 3,528 24,951 Per cent distribution.... Per cent of total salaries and wages. Average per establishment.. Pesos... 1.0 74.9 147 2.0 78.3 24 6.1 94.1 0.3 74.3 2.4 81.3 103 29 36 Gross receipts in 1938... Pesos.. 113,415 221,938 437,056 Per cent distribution... Average per establishment.. Capital investment, total. Per cent distribution... Average per establishment.. Land and buildings..... Per cent distribution.. Pesos Pesos... 0.4 1,644 92,579 0.8 257 1.5 36,062 0.1 235,434 0.8 712 301 335 143,358 261,386 68,122 194,078 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.2 0.5 Pesos 1,342 Pesos 29,937 166 23,648 426 568 276 44,531 19,864 55,724 Per cent of total investment. 0.7 32.3 Equipment... Pesos 19,267 0.5 16.5 8,956 1.0 0.5 1.3 17.0 29.2 28.7 79,798 8,200 25,194 Per cent distribution... 0.1 (¹) 0.4 (¹) 0.1 Per cent of total investment. 20.8 6.2 30.5 12.0 13.0 Logs, lumber, and other products. Pesos.. 17,149 22,828 21,444 6,775 18,864 Per cent distribution.... Per cent of total investment. 0.3 18.5 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.4 15.9 8.2 9.9 9.7 Cash.. Pesos 18,631 74,691 92,800 32,190 79,287 Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total investment. Accounts and notes receivable.. Fer cent distribution.. 0.8 20.1 Pesos 7,595 Per cent of total investment. 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 0.1 8.2 3.3 52.1 13,235 0.3 9.2 4.1 1.4 3.5 35.5 47.3 40.9 22,813 1,093 15,009 0.4 (¹) 0.3 8.7 1.6 7.7 46 FORESTRY TABLE 28.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF F Assets Kind of forestry and name of province Total rumber of Equipment establish- Land and ments Total (Pesos) buildings (Pesos) Total (Pesos) Sawmill (Pesos) Planing Power mill (Pesos) plant (Pesos) Machine shop (Pesos) Yarding machin- eries, etc. (Pesos) ti 1 Total.. 3,874 36,902,290 4,411,101 19,694,661 5,030,494 517,175 1,293,532 600,436 1,308,178 10 11 12 2 B4567 69 B 2 Logging only...... 925 Abra... Agusan. Albay.. Antique. Bataan.. Bohol... Bukidnon. Bulacan.. Cagayan.... Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. 101 22222 14 Capiz... 15 Cebu... 16 Cotabato.. 17 Davao.. 18 Ilocos Norte. 19 Ilocos Sur... 20 21 La Union.. 22 Laguna.. 23 Leyte 24 Masbate... 25 Mindoro... Isabela.. 27 28 29 26 Misamis Occidental..... Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province.... Negros Occidental... 30 Nueva Ecija... 31 Nueva Vizcaya... 32 Palawan.. 33 Pangasinan. 34 Rizal... DN BHD 2 6 8 8 8 4,429;770 47,125 483,983 1,895,270 159,268 113,210 93,827 256 263,122 14,697 10,654 7,352 87,575 4,450 970 1,079 434 59,646 870 12,945 6,071 70 3,660 1,112 16,067 1,776 195,151 41,586 3,820 51,141 14,319 18,567 1,180 6,572 18,707 3,500 3,218 5,502 200 163,403 39,377 91,172 266,746 68,525 103,567 34,218 14,373 607 115 55,306 4,625 14,249 8,057 4,660 961 11,952 7,000 7,000 16,175 1,255 1,425 38,683 1,150 7,330 289,068 64,035 96,774 2 11,576 11,026 332,401 115,234 167,006 5,747 4,297 35,133 67,587 4,020 20,933 13,193 4,689 110,823 19,674 33,697 20,578 5,295 6,546 823,998 102,563 229,361 10,000 1,200 2,000 63,562 4,235 14,878 825 130 170 35 Romblon.. 8,946 940 428 36 Samar... 2,111 50 124 37 Sorsogon.. 11,987 3,500 35 38 Sulu.... 39 Surigao.... 50,348 1,343 40 Tayabas.. 970,832 12,885 31,614 602,501 41 Zambales.. 30,368 42 Zamboanga.. 329,969 300 5,187 43 All other provinces. 8,019 10,929 227,565 6,840 132,521 4,000 107,713 56,694 44 Logging and saw- milling. 177 29,775,973 3,576,814 16,503,853 4,695,783 517,175 1,225,724 476,087 1,154,486 45 Abra.... 46 Agusan.. 47 Albay.. 48 Bataan.. 49 Bohol. 23462 20,875 324,819 151,557 10,069 33,627 2,000 292,854 46,430 5,946 38,120 68,097 8,500 6,400 11,250 478 39,098 19,597 56,107 7,200 35,360 16,600 300 7,300 1,857 50 50 Cagayan. 51 Camarines Norte. 52 Camarines Sur. 53 Cebu..... 54 Cotabato.. 89491 558,286 37,327 276,670 54,060 17,825 2,180 5,020 4,552 7 3,330,028 391,815 2,422,285 631,152 6,071 205,663 12,686 114,598 4. 3,897,555 41,993 149,046 585,341 2,056,153 482,260 62,292 107,013 126,572 197,051 1,563 17,395 5,825 3,000 6,175 87,734 59,420 22,468 26,148 1,430 42 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 47 FORESTRY AND BY PROVINCES: 1938 Equipment-Continued Assets-Continued Transporta- tion, railroad, etc. (Pesos) Logging camp houses (Pesos) Logging camp equipment Falling and cking tools (Pesos) (Pesos) Other (Pesos) Lumber (Pesos) Logs (Pesos) Other forest products (Pesos) Cash Accounts and notes (Pesos) receivable (Pesos) 6,350,466 1,086,212 1,543,368 1,035,809 928,991 2,990,859 902,598 6.212 151,369 255,791 65,012 154,195 1,447,580 613,468 878,305 2,262,503 5,217,281 1 68,658 653,380 713,011 2 40 681 67,394 419 1,984 27,379 42 10,243 11,275 1,480 200 5,442 42,523 9,291 45,812 1,850 67,267 30 120 280 620 4,538 50 4,163 523 115 10 10 69 413 10 162 11,785 631 479 11,864 32,537 60 1,430 34567 3 4 5 6 7 3,580 80 1,321 30 770 220 1,680 1,072 40 50 46 41,830 4,237 5,954 4,100 10 850 2,531 2,850 13,09. 3,080 27,131 3,283 82,327 26,849 11 150 745 325 16,391 8,451 2,425 12 89002 4,456 35 34 435 2,950 1,612 6,672 4 3,730 409 13 14 75 60 119 4.465 154 5,090 2,230 14 54,512 14,820 3,881 1,391 30 15 5,175 12,437 41,080 4,228 14,362 11,471 75 12,139 9,169 16 15,627 9,520 22,978 74,128 200 19,232 1,094 17 13,126 8 50 626 80 563 9,530 9,900 415 18 35 10,259 65 87 340 19 285 315 3,146 559 9,814 1,009 23,975 1,634 20 6 117 23 481 1,905 21 50 3,872 1,080 22 360 458 7,025 607 2,039 2,360 9,096 210 71,677 85 4,373 3,019 19,280 7,904 1,840 8,295 5,000 5,000 10,589 61,341 2,687 54,020 10,211 526 500 29 32,747 1,968 22,148 4,365 60,601 25,475 879 200 16,683 321 26 7,124 27 22222 34567 23 24 25 17,632 303 125 1,427 1,446 9,007 3,202 28,203 4,290 70 30 128 171 1,064 3,880 2,222 3,560 88 2 28 29 32,375 361 120 536 305 3,850 11,085 40,601 1,916 30 6,076 60 20 314 79 3,110 282 5,120 225 31 169,979 11,038 20,687 965 13,542 136,519 26,813 102,611 226,131 32 18,610 802 50 776 140 100 360 80 988888 15,019 100 29,210 120 33 70 70 440 15 34 2,938 3,440 1,200 35 120 55 1,762 36 3,150 5,200 102 37 38 26,278 69,724 4,569 161,811 676 38,841 370 55,514 3,488 167,580 555 717 6,638 358 5,066 5,329 39 6,270 23,158 9,348 15,356 330,742 40 275 1,003 712 8,841 9,180 1,118 41 4,545 6,195 59,882 36,269 1,066 42 6,160 €80 761 48 370 43 4,790,696 SCC,158 1,193,000 884,921 666,363 2,808,870 774,319 705,903 1,085,694 1,320,520 44 2,000 8,408 68 10,350 49 45 64,650 10,598 $,600 2,110 65,169 587 50,226 5,553 5,000 6,726 4,617 46 11,952 7,113 4,097 250 2,844 35,529 47 30 1,530 7,763 1,323 3,460 1,001 48 1,642 40 125 49 84,884 9,324 929,276 24,982 &£6,790 11,488 125,785 97,121 145,099 1,240 189,61 6,201 1,800 3,150 194,806 3,474 42,799 50 261,055 248,600 87,098 2,895 62,337 676,216 28,342 40,045 223,270 83,091 137,094 51 7,249 16,862 572 100 1,788 195 7.854 6,874 91,524 3,(0) 2,653 236,709 52 2,611 53 85,611 54 48 FORESTRY TABLE 28.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF Assets Kind of forestry and name of province Total number of Equipment establish- Land and ments Total (Pesos) buildings (Pesos) Total Sawmill Planing Power mill (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) plant (Pesos) Machine shop (Pesos) Yarding machin- eries, etc. (Pesos) Logging and saw- milling-Con. 12345 Davao. Ilocos Norte.. 8 1,558,897 120,071 698,363 130,485 11,970 69,734 16,062 15 151,293 51,898 939 9.988 400 20 21 25 26 28 29 30 31 32. 33 34 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 46 47 48 GOOD CARL 2 2 222 22 2 MORE SEE MORE DO 7 8 Isabela.. Lanao..... 5 Leyte... 6 Manila, City of. Marinduque... Masbate.... 8 85,566 3,800 44,061 24,000 200 11,000 900 4 2,600,964 1,211 145,503 883,675 470,468 25,128 24,374 8,374 14 2,456 875,442 63,000 188,868 99,346 24,270 11,434 511 258 11 2,538,591 535,466 627,729 251,779 89,797 154,024 28,783 2 32,686 20,803 13,940 5,463 5,000 20 2 78,569 6,595 64,962 10,703 12,820 9 Mindoro.... 24,939 6 404,662 88,545 811,974 124,254 6,398 3.515 10 Misamis Occidental. 84,221 5 863,348 60,070 237,375 113,971 7,650 26,410 4,567 44,792 11 Mountain Province. 8 2,151,155 119,867 1,845,523 211,186 5,904 15 12 Negros Occidental..... 13 Negros Oriental. 14 Nueva Ecija.. Samar... 75,717 7 5,044,383 530,990 3,108,085 822,132 223,983 230,264 107,984 8 130,133 227,348 43,103 119,097 10,007 4,156 1,600 9 630,150 138,310 439,112 205,606 800 72,833 5 129,689 20,385 82,630 55,800 2,600 7,250 210 200 16 Surigao..... 117,199 5,155 92,417 26,082 5,739 17 11,444 Tayabas.. 9 447,269 20,662 260,725 154,655 4,500 18 7,600 8,000 Zambales... 18,491 2 719,432 96,092 566,965 181,782 3,620 11,589 19 8,860 Zamboanga... 150 11 2,283,364 385,882 1,275,042 349,252 12,269 230,803 All other provinces.... 23,473 137,472 10 1,415,626 123,713 911,565 181,580 8,450 8,280 22,548 84,946 Handsawing..... 362 897,692 148,890 159,465 1,723 Agusan.. 5 80,986 800 23 Albay. 24 Bataan.. Batangas.. Bohol... 27 Bulacan... 4,130 4 5,827 513 2 5,170 3,970 5 1,755 50 255 14 24,752 709 5,796 50 90 6 6,882 2,850 Cagayan... 4 9,568 1,890 508 1,002 50 Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur... 3 310 160 18 36,358 2,265 Cebu.... 16 86,602 18,591 10,415 2,637 883 Davao.. 6 12,020 4,567 Ilocos Norte. 2 1,244 24 400 Ilocos Sur. 5 80,774 1,600 5,002 Iloilo.... 2 2,371 1,047 144 36 Isabela.. 37 Leyte.. Marinduque. Masbate.. 12 44,292 3,685 9,794 11 62 81,153 27,320 12.848 140 2 26,913 3,516 10 56,052 10,971 8,463 Mindoro.... 50 27 19,830 1,030 1,740 4 Misamis Occidental.. 11 24,204 8,100 4,304 60 Misamis Oriental. 11 14.613 3.890 45 Mountain Province. 10 28,909 15,735 44 Negros Occidental.. 17 48,963 905 5,323 15,699 310 45 Negros Oriental.. 9 15,435 75 2,810 50 51 Pampanga. Pangasinan. Rizal... 49 Samar. Sorsogon. Tarlac.... 52 Tayabas.. 4 5,842 3,818 1,304 5 18,662 5,530 5,466 4 32 32 700 22 24 46,033 13,460 5,726 21 73,362 26,262 8,730 3 3,122 620 11 7,666 1,780 243 53 Zambales.. 8 3,829 1,019 54 Zamboanga.. 12 18,924 4,782 55 All other provinces.. 7 54,569 1,500 22,825 255 F REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 49 FORESTRY AND BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Equipment-Continued Assets Continued Transporta- tion, railroad, etc. (Pesos) Logging camp houses (Pesos) Logging Falling and camp equipment (Pesos) bucking tools (Pesos) Other (Pesos) Lumber (Pesos) Logs (Pesos) Other forest products (Pesos) Cash (Pesos) Accounts and notes receivable (Pesos) 276,358 12,769 1,255 10,071 18,871 154,685 96,283 7,800 25,214 9,263 455,981 1 165 160 24,672 2,538 9,758 4,008 2 4,000 1,500 250 1,000 6,292 11,181 500 15,136 4,596 3 244,285 93 101,749 6,748 190,531 10,918 108,388 20,734 41,062 1,220,887 10 4 26,092 6,213 34,968 2,240 55 47,160 39,151 5 67,025 435 8,200 272,826 127,046 410 33 500 400 194,028 300 146,896 634,600 6 70 130 7 12,500 4,000 8,273 438 41 73,132 2,363 8,260 8 8,050 10,041 13,691 26,564 1,155 24,889 2,695 12,733 9 10,089 1,180 1,132 8,064 1,719 592 5,483 50,040 10 278,635 779,018 63 275,271 25 14,394 93,333 302,742 11 791,183 6,898 476,806 285,594 83,108 476,655 42,672 54,243 341,532 67,970 490,206 12 85,334 30 10,191 11,407 81,126 300 43,550 13 6,791 2,249 119,407 14,696 214 300 13,997 28.521 14 15,625 200 560 185 7,632 5,329 8,454 5,259 15 18,038 850 28,790 1,095 879 5,261 4,212 55,582 8,398 6,756 16 784 905 1,854 8,854 94,554 22,440 6,872 5,898 71,636 10,000 36,118 17 279,328 21,490 15,717 5,780 898,083 84,166 13,388 18 71,266 12,044 6,214 136,211 34,669 47,472 139,050 418,345 2,801 265,038 19 124,604 118 64,893 74,256 73,051 6,822 13,808 212.411 20 122,492 2,364 14,816 6,618 11,452 178,943 45,692 23,082 219.595 122,005 21 8,980 150 6,732 6,690 1,289 4,214 350 750 2,900 20 5,666 18 900 11,845 22 300 24 23 65 190 1,450 25 29 11 7,196 621 4,265 8,995 2,170 26 3456 480 8 20 1,556 50 1.918 820 10 122 1,936 1,925 120 1,895 800 28 5,565 550 150 2,350 1,190 760 7,129 1,430 574 1,518 856 12,601 1,574 250 32,550 240 352 25,500 6,732 31 3,651 320 135 447 14 1,373 5,380 700 400 280 5,000. 2 19,438 3,599 500 10,939 40 88 138 9,125 60 350 245 63 800 80 300 40,196 34 35 7,009 3,876 3,437 13,120 8,371 36 11,725 53 407 523 16,255 2,351 4,726 15,032 3,266 4,915 1,500 20 8,200 40 99999 250 2,009 18,068 50 716 320 2,412 1,770 10,195 2,621 37 3,320 38 24,653 39 146 70 10,225 503 867 4,995 470 40 50 170 784 8,252 673 2,500 875 41 3,370 208 267 5,306 100 3,027 2,290 42 4,136 95 42 403 337 1,079 1,109 3,384 2,279 43 13,953 15 466 1,265 5.699 3,892 290 17,077 5,401 44 1,800 230 501 279 4,452 140 250 7,260 448 45 54 1,250 310 410 46 5,260 30 144 1,102 644 5,435 485 700 48 4,595 425 549 157 13,870 1,359 8,453 3,165 8,395 320 15 11,774 1,513 11 21,750 3,322 620 1,852 650 1,188 287 62 303 350 3,391 1,842 270 300 25 145 279 446 162 110 1,760 332 2,682 70 420 330 1,280 11,600 10,000 44 926 1,625 3,011 85 8,518 8,914 16,000 11,233 NEED TO BE A FE 2015 27 29 30 82 FORESTRY 50 TABLE 28.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF Assets Kind of forestry and name of province Total number of Equipment Land and establish- ments Total (Pesos) buildings (Pesos) Total (Pesos) Sawmill Planing mill Power Machine Yarding machin- (Pesos) (Pesos) plant shop (Pesos) (Pesos) eries, etc. (Pesos) 1 Logging and saw- 40 1,039,332 27,710 994,658 175,443 67,808 11,139 58,142 milling for mining pur- poses. 39 2222 222 200 8 8 CELL FOUNG 8 9 Bataan... 10 Bulacan. 11 Capiz.. 12 Cebu.... 13 Davao. 14 Masbate.. 15 Mindoro.... 16 17 18 Palawan... 19 20 Samar. Tayabas.. 21 234567 Camarines Norte. Masbate Mountain Province. 5 Surigao... Zambales... All other provinces. Charcoal making- 12 238850 5,000 832,050 820,315 153,935 28,705 73,875 73,875 14,945 17,652 23,916 1,181 952 23,197 127,226 27,710 99,516 952 2,904 15,187 11,139 20,000 69 92,579 29,937 19,267 Mountain Province. Nueva Ecija. Zamboanga.. All other provinces.. Rattan gathering. 865 25 24 Abra.... Agusan... 26 Albay.. Antique.. 28 Bataan.. 29 Bohol.... 32 33 34 Cebu.... Cotabato... 30 Cagayan.. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur.. Capiz.... Davao.. Iloilo.... Isabela. Lanao... Pangasinan. 40 41 Leyte.. Mindoro.. 42 Misamis Occidental.. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province.... Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija. Palawan... Rizal.... Samar... 52 Sorsogon.. 53 Surigao.. 2*2*4*22726 88 THG BOTH DR 2 750 500 50 22,310 19,000 10 2,207 1,250 8,400 5,467 589 4,260 1,540 7 3,565 3,515 4,377 180 587 12,816 3,200 6,466 14,306 450 1,592 12,603 1,597 1,461 40 5,099 8,589 143,358 23,648 8,956 1,621 6,145 1,973 6,323 1,955 2875 12 30 4,413 3,315 100 1,200 7,921 33 1,250 1,810 400 10,897 70 2,757 3,141 93 6.930 1,625 1,140 14,401 2,900 356 120 1,266 166 647 1,270 10 9,200 1,756 213 535 132 130 101 5,082 948 300 7,338 35 1,845 2,282 2 1,770 7 16,094 5,190 275 972 165 450 2,381 117 155 79 17 998 21 Tarlac.... Tayabas... 717 20 100 12,581 608 715 56 Zambales... 384 50 57 Zamboanga. All other provinces.. 12,653 743 2,395 109 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 51 FORESTRY AND BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Equipment-Continued Assets-Continued Transporta- tion, railroad, etc. (Pesos) Logging camp houses (Pesos) Logging Falling and camp equipment (Pesos) bucking tools (Pesos) Other (Pesos) Lumber (Pesos) Logs (Pesos) Other forest Cash products Accounts and notes (Pesos) (Pesos) receivable (Pesos) 416,463 32,321 79,701 75,440 78,201 65 10,664 6,235 1 357,927 31,671 79,641 75,440 78,051 9,110 65 49,426 650 60 150 17,326 1,941 500 10 10,500 164 1 1 5,000 1,235 234567 4 6 7 17,149 18,631 7,59 8 250 50 10 2,300 1,000 11 1,515 25 957 2,600 5,467 LO1234 9. 7 52 530 15 3,515 6,466 50 16 587 150 3,460 17 500 1,700 950 18 573 1,019 8,555 3,084 625 19 1,240 221 75 4,450 5,020 20 3,500 89 40 1,510 8,086 870 1,071 812 20,945 74,691 13,235 23 12 692 347 570 30 3,365 332 445 7 1,381 2,365 615 26 255 843 27 100 28 102 878 220 29 1,200 50 168 6,070 400 30 660 750 31 2,410 347 204 2,602 4,379 885 32 222 2220 222 21 24 25 93 3,048 33 609 140 240 116 3585 96 4,600 34 834 166 35 75 9,720 1,350 36 120 37 644 3 96 343 14 38 379 300 581 39 200 13 125 35 219 3,723 2,108 1,181 40 5 10 258 5 41 14 87 42 612 3,000 522 43 300 44 1,840 5 788 4,408 262 45 2 428 1,315 537 46 77 2 65 1,651 45 47 275 573 4,833 5,223 48 165 7 800 49 450 50 90 65 328 1,751 30 51 17 55 7 52 1 1 21 67 907 3 53 100 715 50 109 37 10 550 54 4,448 6,122 688 55 330 4 56 180 9,910 59 57 4 739 58 52 FORESTRY Kind of forestry and name of province TABLE 28.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF Assets Total Equipment number of establish- Land and ments Total (Pesos) buildings Total (Pesos) (Pesos) Sawmill (Pesos) Planing mill (Pesos) Power plant shop (Pesos) (Pesos) Machine Yarding, machin- eries, etc. (Pesos) 1 Firewood. 614 261,386 44,531 79,798 18 19 20 23 23466 78 9 22 22222 Abra.... Albay.. Bataan.. Bohol.... 5 6 Bukidnon... 7 Cagayan... Camarines Sur. 10 Capiz. 11 12 13 Davao... 14 Iloilo.. 15 Isabela.. 10 Camarines Norte.. 15 13 Cebu.... Cotabato... 146 22 16 Lanao.... 17 Leyte... Marinduque. Masbate.. 45 10 Mindoro... 36 21 Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental...... Mountain Province. 18 2282 283 28 29 30 31 24 Negros Occidental... 25 Negros Oriental.. 26 Nueva Ecija.. 27 Nueva Vizcaya. Palawan... Pampanga.. Pangasinan. Rizal.... 22 11 Romblon.... 33 Samar... 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 Cebu... 43 Davao. 44 Masbate... 45 Nueva Ecija. 46 Palawan. 47 Pangasinan. 48 49 Sorsogon.. Surigao.... Tayabas. Zambales... Zamboanga... 39 All other provinces.. Tanbark Bohol..... BAR CERN ELS PORN DES 9 1,482 526 14 3,355 550 250 8 5,146 2,844 18 1,767 4 132 2835 82 45 5,964 1,600 2,464 9 1,630 700 60 5,540 230 2,338 15,974 6,540 947 17,057 77 3,475 7 12,046 8,000 1,708 11,113 1,260 6,618 915 85 21 6 544 50 204 3 210 33,411 7,270 12,874 15,465 9,410 2,145 9 4,161 2,180 12,250 1,008 909 6 3,350 2,150 8 1,796 1,200 10,137 1,000 4,684 7,361 150 4,124 5 1,126 100 2 262 12 2 104 54 3 2,488 15 500 9 4,540 3,340 6,127 200 1,701 3 380 2 19 103 9,515 1,180 17 2,869 206 5 74 744 58,663 စာထာဝ 3 83 637 60 1,660 24,141 7 2,452 601 4 6 775 432 58 120 68,122 9,864 8,200 Tayabas... All other provinces. ONUN NOL 3,604 25,582 810 15,904 1,700 2,292 2,750 1,210 1,250 340 90 11,432 3,830 6,054 230 1,000 70 3,100 12,250 1,600 1,100 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 53 FORESTRY AND BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Equipment-Continued Assets-Continued Transporta- tion, railroad, etc. (Pesos) Logging camp houses (Pesos) Logging Falling and camp equipment (Pesos) bucking tools (Pesos) Other (Pesos) Lumber (Pesos) Logs (Pesos) Other forest products Cash Accounts and notes (Pesos) (Pesos) receivable (Pesos) 61,395 3,359 15,044 332 2,198 18,914 92,800 22,813 1 480 46 116 840 250 760 1,795 2,700 112 32 320 1,582 400 62 20 187 1,358 140 45 87 2,340 2,190 9 115 1,740 160 60 120 350 400 74 74 972 1.833 167 9 451 226 270 1,690 3,839 1,780 1,178 8,475 90 116 12,729 570 1,576 117 15 740 1,598 6,230 159 229 127 50 38 3,020 8 18 39 700 141 38 25 290 160 50 8,745 60 9,069 20 1,767 178 200 52 12 9 169 11,320 1,749 17 248 1,110 2,500 18 2,160 20 26 1,955 422 160 327 176 587 3,041 6,529 2,150 1,200 1,000 200 89 470 37 8,300 1,179 205 1,746 2,207 500 3,195 353 576 30 867 2,153 100 10 1,016 12 250 50 2 2 50 500 273 1,550 150 1,200 23456 700 S E 22222 222 8888 8 10 11 12 13 70 14 15 19 24 26 27 28 1,694 7 321 3,905 80 300 22,564 80 504 111 22 10 180 1,397 441 70 90 25 5 28 8,165 35 100 3326 100 32 4,806 3,188 258 33. 524 1,471 31 34 684 35 2,475 24,553 5,834 36 105 146 1,100 500 37 775 38 61 308 5 39 6,675 32,190 1,093 40 1,700 1,175 90 459 1,858 2.335 5,717 403 35 100 504 388 90 1,500 250 FREE 41 42 43 44 45 3,420 8,000 46 1,000 3,100 1,100 350 2,250 47 84 2,200 600 48 9,550 49 54 FORESTRY TABLE 28.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF Assets Total Equipment Kind of forestry and name of province number of establish- Land and ments Total (Pesos) buildings (Pesos) Total (Pesos) Sawmill (Pesos) (Pesos) Planing Power mill plant (Pesos) Machine shop (Pesos) Yarding machin- eries, etc. (Pesos) 1 Others..... 702 194,078 55,724 25,194 23456 Abra.... Agusan. Albay.. Bataan.. Bohol.... 212 7 Cagayan... 8 Camarines Norte. 9 Camarines Sur. 10 Cebu..... 126 11 Cotabato... 12 Davao.. 13 Ilocos Sur. 14 Isabela.. 15 Laguna... 16 Lanao... 17 Leyte... 18 Marinduque. 721 19 Masbate.. 20 Mindoro.... 21 Misamis Occidental.. 22222 222 2 23 24 25 23456 Mountain Province. Negros Occidental.. 27 28 Negros Oriental... Nueva Ecija. 26 Nueva Vizcaya.. Palawan.. Pangasinan. 29 Samar. Sorsogon Surigao.... Tarlac.... Tayabas.. 34 Zamboanga.. 35 All other provinces... ཐeམམམ 27222 BLOOD COTE DE SER 500 206 76 11,807 2,510 2,030 940 240 166 3,963 100 2,240 6 550 2 1,000 1 9 14,397 7,500 2,000 15,303 2,030 4,500 5 3,296 100 2,209 21 9,293 3,610 1,042 6 122 1 4 982 494 5 10 8 874 80 12 3,061 1,520 3 846 500 1 5 475 20 21 13,113 4,115 1,798 3 1,791 1,500 3 777 326 110 16 2,345 90 134 5 3,203 9 1,392 102 2 157 120 93 14,375 1,272 4,277 7 7,039 1,000 1,599 15 2,646 130 147 5 20,890 17,890 3 612 4 2,147 57 16 6 46.808 1,577 7,915 820 3,896 190 6,365 7 2,221 24 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 55 FORESTRY AND BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Equipment--Continued Assets-Continued Transporta- tion, railroad, etc. (Pesos) 23,845 74 2,000 2,240 Logging camp houses (Pesos) Logging camp equipment (Pesos) Falling and bucking tools (Pesos) Other (Pesos) Lumber (Pesos) Logs (Pesos) Other forest products (Pesos) Cash (Pesos) Accounts and notes receivable (Pesos) 424 925 1,458 427 16,979 79,287 15,009 1 30 288 130 1,850 5,021 396 700 166 T 288 313 1,009 13 6 23456 I 1 550 7 1,000 8 2,000 851 2,041 2,005 9 4,500 1,260 31 150 6,607 725 10 2,200 9 276 711 11 1,015 27 769 3,613 259 12 480 14 14 1 16 105 13 42 108 338 14 10 15 80 544 250 16 128 83 1,298 32 17 1,060 1 100 638 45 300 18 435 20 19 1,500 4,415 1,285 20 291 21 110 50 77 264 1 1 1 84 272 1,477 112 3,080 372 11 102 410 880 120 4,270 1,420 135 2 35 23456 22222 22 23 24 25 26 7 139 40 12 223 6,260 2,343 27 1,768 2,672 78 2,265 26 29 3,000 350 106 156 7 28 1,292 32 2,201 20 7,282 27,608 5,801 33 2022 20 28 30 24 2 5 663 717 34 4 48 950 548 35 56 FORESTRY Kind of forestry and name of province TABLE 29.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND Number of employees in 1938 Number of Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Persons paid wages and salaries establish- ments Office Total Males Females Others Managers, employees, Logging supervisors stenogra- employees (Persons) phers (Persons) (Persons) 1 Total... 3,874 43,871 5,065 2,653 2,371 708 854 15,944 2 Logging only. only.... 925 11,342 1,551 949 644 176 149 6,644 10 11 12 13 11 34567 69OLE BELG Abra... Agusan. Albay.. Antique. Bataan. 8 Bohol. Bukidnon.. Bulacan.. Cagayan... 101 Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. 14 15 16 Capiz.. Cebu... Cotabato. 17 Davao.. 2222 18 Ilocos Norte. 19 Ilocos Sur... 20 Isabela.. 21 La Union. 22 Laguna... 23 Leyte 24 25 28 29 Negros Occidental. 30 Nueva Ecija 31 Nueva Vizcaya.. 32 Palawan... 33 Pangasinan. 34 Rizal... 35 Romblon 36 Samar... Masbate... Mindoro... 26 Misamis Occidental 27 Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province. DER BED & B 8 535 571 110 5 14 363 121 14 147 20 894 116 92 156 95 22 274 430 169 69 1,002 174 82 378 162 100 1,005 232 12 490 476 64 437 113 199 634 782 4 26 49 37 Sorsogon 7 FOR RENT O 4 460 13 9 22 22 30 17 415 11 3 4 61 3 4 21 27 148 4 1 80 4 10 27 42 3 14 11 12 341 87 626 2 23 28 18 14966 8 1 81 1 26 6 18 4 10 1 602 17 207 6 877 132 66 176 96 1 546 28 35 35 2 6 287 17 11 61 22 42 1 3 224 18 15 17 408 4 1 1 21 12 3 114 34 52 12 20 140 10 2012 14 270 1 300 50 26 6 123 66 25 15 275 12 10 2 650 1 7 12 2 37 3 7 1 38 Sulu... 2 39 Surigao. 2 208 13 40 Tayabas.. 454 41 Zambales.. 11 251 33 42 Zamboanga. 411 43 All other provinces. 2823 89 20 221 4927 2 150 21 223 47 14 321 31 2 20 44 Logging and sawmilling. 177 22,405 170 100 1,042 465 613 8,241 45 Abra.... 46 Agusan. 47 Albay. 48 Bataan.. 49 Bohol.. 50 Cagayan... 52 53 Cebu... 54 51 Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. Cotabato.. 23452 37945 7 146 2 281 89 13 9386 5 283 2412 28 3008 509 6 3 1,887 19 2,048 17 16 7 45 19 87 32 3 2 31533 52 41 63336 185 773 878 5 នទី ៩៦៩ REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 57 GROSS SALES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND BY PROVINCES: 1938 Number of employees in 1938-Continued Persons paid wages and salaries-Continued Sawmill, planing mill, and lumber yard employees (Persons) Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Other Total (Pesos) Managers, employees (Persons) supervisors (Pesos) Office employees, stenographers (Pesos) Logging employees (Pesos) Sawmill, planing mill, and lumber Other yard employees (Pesos) employees (Pesos) Gross sales in 1938 (Pesos) 10,611 5,665 10,343,723 1,273,022 649,285 1,229 1,236,329 170,671 68,807 3,425,999 795,059 3,962,251 1,033,166 28,866,228 1 201,792 4,436,375 2 1,382 35 1,382 13,057 3 113,043 19,282 5,183 86,063 7 2,515 7,256 228 540 5,820 668 345,020 37,141 60 60 134 26,549 8,069 18,480 1,336 95,753 84567 7 23 874 606 268 4,511 8 9 12,861 1.155 11,706 102 35,405 10 65,515 5,624 120 53,254 4 6,517 238,120 11 17,833 8,280 1,000 7,305 1,248 89,479 12 44 27 24222 19 5,733 175 5,257 301 26,285 13 4,904 90 1,135 3,679 24,673 14 424 64 360 4,942 15 58,244 14,004 7,676 35,624 940 118,634 16 110,883 7,680 2,925 94,768 5,510 230,241 17 3,274 660 2,614 19,911 18 405 9 30,379 360 405 29,583 452 19 436 68,218 869 869 2,939 12 35,947 3,000 1,400 28,647 2,900 65,209 1222 20 21 22 18 3,077 2,003 1,074 4,080 2,400 1,680 13,653 73,396 91 81,296 10,064 4,466 49,235 17,531 467,117 253 125 128 189 ® e°°。 176,619 13,580 10,693 92,040 60,306 2,671 423,896 41,863 2,260 360 31,180 8,063 117,621 3,609 745 2,549 315 10,409 18,549 6,123 383 11,081 962 132,185 1,985 1,873 112 120,506 36,006 6,040 58,791 19,669 11,092 933,779 22222 222 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 53,939 1,500 48,189 4,250 74,027 33 1,618 34 288 288 37,038 35 18 85 1,371 697 674 3,091 36 5 1,525 1,200 325 638 37 20 21,471 6,860 1,500 11,289 1,822 972 38 15,688 39 119 99,732 20,580 16,859 31,363 30,930 33 470,856 40 6,481 45 102,004 1,030 9,250 750 3,191 7,322 1,296 75,083 1,296 1,460 10,349 26,982 41 195,222 42 3,098 | 43 10,130 1,644 8,544,023 1,062,525 552,949 2,463,370 3,881,909 583,270 21,843,995 44 2 2,640 89 2 52,574 840 13,210 1,140 660 5,478 84 84 48 487 113 57,149 9,371 9,755 9 21,413 1,440 792 1 568 22,376 7,250 5,262 388 10,490 3,554 1,020 7,939 45 133,647 46 27,219 134,619 47 11,231 2,688 49,797 48 180 222 84 100,985 7,361 964 3,105 40,111 26,134 79 24,274 2,283 49 281,284 50 689,779 33,285 45,934 993 276,192 284,519 49,849 51 1,881,415 51 920,167 157,257 39,494 7 277,968 376,943 68,505 2,292,535 52 74 1,228 24,420 360 2,648 370 3,534 464 498 17,774 14,118 53 76,844 54 58 FORESTRY TABLE 29.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND Number of employees in 1938 Number of Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Persons paid wages and salaries Kind of forestry and name of province establish- ments Office Total Males Females Others Managers, employees, Logging supervisors stenogra- employees (Persons) phers (Persons) (Persons) Logging and sawmilling-Con. 12345 67 Davao Ilocos Norte. 15 Isabela.. Lanao... 5 Leyte.. 14 Manila, City of 11 Marinduque.. 8 Masbate. 9 Mindoro... 10 Misamis Occidental.. 11 Mountain Province. 12 Negros Occidental. 13 Negros Oriental. 14 Nueva Ecija.__ 15 Samar.. 16 Surigao.... Tayabas. 18 Zambales.. Zamboanga.. 11 26 2 2 22222 2220 20 5 E O N 20 All other provinces... BERLE CL26D STE 49210 8 2,144 20 85 15 3 54 242 718 8 1,001 1 1 2 4 2,672 494 17 8 10 153 1,021 6 14 162 227 12 5 566 4626 5 11 14 11 415 2 5 3 1,189 7 3,216 15 1 5 2 3 511 9 422 5 158 76 85 7 2 5 9 159 579 46 2 183 2.242 6 1,221 10 24 27 2 1 Hand sawing.. 362 3,118 553 331 257 ཚུ སརྦྦ ླ ༞ སai⌘ སྐུ 14 2 29 41 23 102 3 7 10 5 49 9 5 5 2 9 1 34 13 BEER CAR 28 88 30 412 3 63 19 1,183 77 3 1 4 54 7 73 13 223 616 975 254 9 104 6 56 43 47 98 1,045 924 32 49 752 Agusan... Albay.. Bataan.. Batangas. Bohol.. 14 Bulacan.. Cagayan.. Camarines Norte. 39 Masbate... Mindoro.. Camarines Sur.. Cebu.... Davao. Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur. Iloilo... Isabela.. 37 Leyte.. Marinduque. 38 44 Misamis Occidental.. 42 Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Pampanga.... 45 Pangasinan.. Rizal.... Samar.. Sorsogon Tarlac.... 18 16 12 62 10 27 11 11 10 17 24 21 52 Tayabas.. 11 53 Zambales.. 54 Zamboanga.. 55 All other provinces.. 64264 643 NNN NOE HAS BEEN CRE 5 5 6 2 5 2 210 2 9 4 5 4 3 8 12 7 THE MOON ONAAN NO 18 08 83 8 6 8 16 11 1 4 1 9 • 1 1 24 5 5 138 15 12 10 5 1 42 5 98 9 46 4 10 6 47 3 22 25 15 25 13 6 13 9 22 1 22 2 1 1 1 29 2 8 15 4 5 1 7 31 29 312 93 62 2 16 213 41 26 208 30 40 19 2 22700 10 13 15 25 11220 2 6 63 47 11 1 1 44 40 1 96 9 3 3 9 2 65 17 9 42 4 2 4 4 24 1531 23 10 12 100 6 3 253 43 32 287 26 8428 3 77 1 76 5 6 22 1 83 2 1 25 3 22 13 26 14 WH 1 1 34 2 14 10 97 19 19 12 1 28 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 59 GROSS SALES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Number of employees in 1938-Continued Persons paid wages and salaries-Continued planing mill, Sawmill, and lumber yard employees (Persons) Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Other employees Total (Pesos) Managers, supervisors (Pesos) Office employees, stenographers (Pesos) Logging employees (Pesos) Sawmill, planing mill, and lumber yard employees (Persons) (Pesos) Other employees (Pesos) Gross sales in 1938 (Pesos) 567 21 1,401 191 854 4 68 84 202 359 2,003 188 222 73 214 67 45 195 294 68 1,060 214 25 g22 3e⪜ ཉྪཱ➢སྐྱུ° 8༷Na 379,454 5,014 32,462 30,390 111,024 168,629 1,200 3,590 36,949 224 15,319 2,040 5,877 4,512 2,890 795,565 77,706 120,822 44,229 238,267 379,851 12,396 27,556 5,280 11,243 31,429 2,198 965,984 46,872 41,103 2,008,497 289,732 1,528,915 127,742 206,086 1,455 1,172,880 20,752 1,640 240 960 440 3,262,146 12,979 71,423 13,624 2,652 21,724 26,328 7,095 182,680 48,840 6,460 3,565 16,217 14,257 8,341 122,527 9 92,384 16,780 5,519 39,710 26,218 4,157 314,093 10 734,623 47,719 21,439 346,028 199,938 119,499 2,388,815 11 1,303,428 245,977 58,435 303,229 670,554 25,233 3,105,896 73,424 8,526 3,213 30,357 29,394 1,934 91,385 9,120 3,627 35,115 14,452 29,071 19,431 4,120 1,847 6,095 5,370 1,999 175,318 13 247,877 14 35,327 26,568 1,440 1,169 6,724 8,002 9,233 162,901 14,780 8,925 10,724 39,241 89,231 12 65,919 2,400 2,424 33,362 20,322 7,411 57 674,616 95,230 19,689 269,403 269,067 21,227 504,545 59,955 17,541 349,092 69,182 8,775 78,639 16 420,455 17 92,609 18 2,457,465 19 720,500 20 371 773 242,741 15,009 14,799 62,519 €49,302 101,112 1,229,158 21 15 42 1724 11,934 660 1,565 3,474 6,235 183,842 22 14,818 160 3,978 7,080 3,600 16,373 23 5,496 24 4,517 25 18 35 8,167 374 300 2,783 309 4,401 34,094 26 40 8,259 150 8,109 16,068 27 36 20,567 11,812 8,755 36,825 28 15 13 10 20 112 22 4,322 260 2,246 1,816 20 8,426 125 240 3,896 4,165 8,586 29 27,821 30 93,742 31 18 11,284 600 4,980 1,864 3,840 132 132 61 22,048 5,761 622 826 826 60 6 15,879 1,680 1,612 3,242 8,986 15,665 359 18,282 32 1,983 33 140,277 34 2,017 35 94,453 36 18 77 8,515 3,027 2,070 3,418 7,872 500 615 6,757 61,255 37 44,836 38 7 6,437 2,800 1,205 240 2,192 54,941 39 25 4,926 3,605 1,321 17,690 40 123 7,805 815 540 6,450 13,971 41 1 120 120 1 12,731 42 40 18 26 88888 3 21 12 17 22 7,882 5,088 8,943 2,720 710 1,501 225 2,767 2,569 12,606 43 12345 678 LE CO 2 RON 2016 CARE A 8 12 15 1,245 7 2,421 735 570 337 6,253 700 1,093 565 3,529 214 931 50,921 44 15,951 18,215 46 45 3 11 6,213 3,622 222 2,369 15,185 47 2,158 48 13 5.622 2,520 480 27 217 32,926 1,020 2,121 1,595 360 2,121 2,291 1,027 29,255 33,369 49 110.703 50 778 51 8,587 52 1,065 181 884 5,032 53 29 46 5 778 6,180 360 418 45,270 54 1,650 4,530 20,583 55 60 FORESTRY TABLE 29.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND Number of employees in 1938 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Persons paid wages and salaries Office Number of Kind of forestry and name establish- of province ments Total Males Managers, employees, Logging Females Others supervisors stenogra- employees (Persons) phers (Persons) (Persons) 1 Logging and sawmilling for 40 554 33 mining purposes. 2 Camarines Norte... 12 3 Masbate... 4 Mountain Province 5 Surigao.... 6 Zambales.. 7 All other provinces.. 8 Charcoal making. 69 9 Bataan. 10 Bulacan.. 11 Capiz.. 12 Cebu... 13 Davao 14 Masbate.... 15 Mindoro.... 16 Mountain Province. 17 Nueva Ecija 17 18 Palawan... 19 Samar... 20 Tayabas.... 11 21 Zamboanga... 22 All other provinces. 238350 2328 2272 CH26 25 3 341 9 267 4 3 g2⌘ ༔སཿསྱཱ ཙཱུeཨླས 936258 2 3 4 6 307 2 65 1 1 1 51 5 162 1 64 16 106 64 42 6 1 3 5 5 5 40 15 16 188 B TABLE 131OL BO26 21 8 3 1 30 1 34 4 1 1 79 5 91 31 23 Rattan gathering. 865 1,884 1,048 367 107 9 6 24 Abra.... 5 25 Agusan.... 26 Albay.. 27 Antique.. 28 Bataan... 29 Bohol... 30 31 Cagayan.... 32 Camarines Sur. 33 Capiz.... Camarines Norte.. 153 34 Cebu... 35 Cotabato... 36 Davao-- 37 Iloilo.. 38 Isabela. 39 Laguna.. 40 Lanao.. Mindoro.... 41 Leyte... 42 43 Misamis Occidental. 48 Nueva Ecija 49 44 Misamis Oriental... 45 46 Negros Occidental. 47 Negros Oriental.. Palawan... 50 Pangasinan.. 51 Rizal.... 52 Samar. 53 Sorsogon. Mountain Province. *** 2008 THE 18 18 40 117 154 174 FREE 2 8 8 4 24 107 7 16 36 62 136 4 152 43 107 A 10 16 7 66 40 57 16 9 8 1 19 20 13 3 62 24 23 6 23512 BOLON COLLE B220 2311 5 1 9 1 34 10 4326 13 1 2 2 116 45 20 20 23 18 27 8888 2 8 2 3 3 3 2 1 149 44 41 57 1 15 3 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 61 GROSS SALES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Number of employees in 1938-Continued Persons paid wages and salaries-Continued Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Sawmill, planing mill, and lumber yard employees Other employees (Persons) Total (Pesos) Managers, supervisors (Pesos) Office employees, stenographers (Pesos) Logging employees (Pesos) Sawmill, planing mill, and lumber yard employees (Pesos) Other employees (Pesos) Gross sales in 1938 (Pesos) (Persons) 110 91 178,330 13,432 4,081 105,051 31,040 24,726 312,795 1 24,311 5,800 18,511 75 91 113,534 5,800 3,019 58,215 21,774 24,726 24 6,000 276,277 37,351 1,832 1,062 26,498 7,959 11 3,134 1,827 1,307 20,709 9,809 234567 49 13,532 3,400 10,132 113,415 52 021 15 310 12 1,032 6 730 3,598 240 1,560 280 1,080 280 2,132 3,960 1,680 360 1,032 730 20,013 476 2,323 3,598 7,190 240 501 480 9,426 16 7,630 17 2,180 18 452 3,600 32,445 19 29,899 200 21 180 347 26,412 2,520 3,216 20,676 221,938 13 5 889 46 68 8989 46 995 68 4,208 3,514 43 232 232 24883 22225 15 21 228 514 10 519 15 2,760 789 10,319 228 310 29 514 9.692 4,580 519 29,134 32 4,106 33 2,760 13,911 34 789 10,319 1,908 26,536 62 37 558 657 60 10 65 627 399998 83 60 10 22,690 41 2,406 65 265 43 527 8,477 44 144 45 51 1,397 1,397 9,050 46 1,973 47 1,598 48 10 4,338 2,400 1,800 138 7,259 49 219 50 6 206 120 86 616 4,172 650 58 8 BULLE BREE OLE ~ ***** 2 3 4 523 140 28 900 9 10 12 13 14 15 20 22 24 25 893 27 62 FORESTRY TABLE 29.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND Number of employees in 1938 Number of Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Persons paid wages and salaries Kind of forestry and name of province establish- ments Office Total Males Females Others Managers, employees, Logging supervisors stenogra- employees (Persons) phers (Persons) (Persons) Rattan gathering-Continued 1 26 69 2 1 12 6 10 2 2 1 1 61 2439 60 S 10 28 10 5 4 11 32 3 1 2 11 234 101 45 2134 7 10 1 1 14 1 5 35 8 49 8 2 2 33 33 3 2 2 2 1 6 5 B C D E G GREN 8 5 BAR TABOR AND DO TE 222 22 123456 1 Surigao.. 57 2 Tarlac.. 4 8.0 7 Tayabas.. 36 71 16 14 4 Zambales. 5 21 8 5 Zamboanga... 96 123 107 13 All other provinces. 7 36 1 7 Firewood.. 614 2,482 776 403 141 9 8 8 Abra... 9 52 POEN BLE 9 Albay... 10 Bataan.. 11 Bohol.. 13 8 18 354 12 Bukidnon.. 13 Cagayan... 14 Camarines Norte.. 15 Camarines Sur. 15 16 Capiz... 13 17 Cebu.. 146 23 10 4 1 4 72 4 20 114 70 2 118 124 201 142 131 120 265 ∞PON NANJ∞ AN ON WHOWN NON ON 18 Cotabato.. 19 Davao.. 11222 012 20 21 22 3456 23 2,4 25 26 Iloilo... Isabela.. Lanao... Leyte. Marinduque. Masbate.... Mindoro 27 Misamis Occidental.. 28 Misamis Oriental. 29 Mountain Province.. 30 Negros Occidental.. Negros Oriental. 31 32 Nueva Ecija.... 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2222 222 BD BD S & N O Nueva Vizcaya. Palawan... Pampanga.. Pangasinan. Rizal... Romblon Samar.. Sorsogon.. Surigao.... 42 Tayabas... 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Zambales... Zamboanga.. All other provinces... Tanbark.. Bohol.... Cebu.... Davao 50 Masbate.. 52 53 54 Nueva Ecija... Palawan.... Pangasinan. Tayabas... 55 All other provinces.. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 63 GROSS SALES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND BY PROVI NCES: 1938--Continued Number of employees in 1938-Continued Persons paid wages and salaries-Continued Sawmill, and lumber planing mill, yard employees (Persons) Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Other Total (Pesos) employees (Persons) Managers, supervisors (Pesos) Office employees, stenographers (Pesos) Logging employees (Pesos) Sawmill, planing mi!l, and lumber yard employees (Pesos) Other employees (Pesos) Gross sales in 1938 (Pesos) 3 10 10 1,925 12 3,192 1,416 1,776 43,488 3 720 490 720 32 412 412 19,340 889 123456 1,145 66,905 2,645 1,281 62,979 437,056 7 50 209 45 2,602 1,570 209 1,032 2,408 26 214 214 10 27 8,157 9 7,705 10 4,740 11 27 680 12 89612 67 871 8 871 936 3,944 13 936 15 459 3,992 14 459 14 352 352 49 6,409 15 23,361 16 5,377 5,377 42,657 17 34567 58 182883 5,672 1,649 18 5,672 632 10,748 19 632 29 328 4,260 20 328 1,120 21 164 22 58 3,289 680 109 15,634 24 912 2,609 15,634 24,876 23 40 1,943 912 20 370 1,943 24,882 24 2,749 25 11,966 26 370 853 1 31 101 8,984 31 660 1.405 28 9 30 8,324 36,071 30 395 120 30 15,446 30 275 1,726 99 15 432 55 459 117 1,884 134 432 105 1,736 354 690 1,884 4,628 1,203 37 58 68 34 600000 140 111 18 2,477 170 8 87 111 2,307 9.713 39 5,415 10,160 105 87 516 9,539 206 160,093 41 1,158 600 1,158 2,888 43 5 270 600 270 2,146 44 6,119 45 22 22222 3 3 BEE 34567 29 32 33 35 36 38 40 42 4,750 960 262 3,528 36,062 46 3 1,462 960 262 2,365 47 9 360 240 14,646 48 360 1,940 49 2,816 50 208 51 92 2,808 120 5,966 52 2,808 5,153 53 1,024 54 120 1,944 55 FORESTRY 64 Kind of forestry and name of province 1 Others.. 2 Abra.... 3 Agusan.. 4 Albay.. 5 Bataan.. 6 Bohol... Cagayan.... Camarines Norte. 9 Camarines Sur.. Cebu.... Cotabato.. Davao. Ilocos Sur Isabela... Laguna... 16 Lanao. 19 TOVE 234 F 22222 22282 283 Leyte Marinduque. Masbate.. Mindoro.. Misamis Occidental.. Mountain Province. 23 Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya.. 27 28 30 31 Palawan.... Pangasinan. Samar. Sorsogon. Surigao.... Tarlac... Tayabas.. 34 Zamboanga.. All other provinces.. 35 TABLE 29.-NUMB ER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND Number of employees in 1938 Number of Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Persons paid wages and salaries establish- ments Office Total Males Females Others Managers, employees, Logging supervisors stenogra- employees (Persons) phers (Persons) (Persons) 702 1,554 729 390 127 5 21 212 126 O COOL Now Hot N GONG ENNAN 2 7 2 231 6 2 149 5 30 2282 2892 AA CC 2 176 5 137 102 60 4 15 PGG AGGON A E NON ANCON 2 3 66 5 3 74 3 8 9 40 2 4 20 1 14 6 3 16 5 12 13 2 46 14 7 4 6 11 1 2 1 20 4 21 47 2 31 10 2 4 31 5 4 162 81 34 7 15 5 8 3 1 12 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 65 GROSS SALES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Number of employees in 1938-Continued Persons paid wages and salaries-Continued planing mill, Sawmill, and lumber yard employees (Persons) Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Other Total (Pesos) employees Managers, supervisors (Pesos) Office employees, stenographers (Pesos) Logging employees (Pesos) Sawmill, planing mill, and lumber (Persons) yard employees (Pesos) Other employees (Pesos) Gross sales in 1938 (Pesos) 232 30,701 1,860 3,890 24,951 235,434 1 15 747 68 25 313 747 3,790 313 1,348 20 225 275 225 5,961 15 609 609 1873 2,932 1,571 1,106 238 1,571 17,565 485 180 238 8,088 10 305 4,948 11 16 1,378 1,378 30,459 12 33 13 1,390 1,658 14 1,029 16 4 410 10 2,191 5 360 11 2,426 6 620 11 1,584 144 3 243 410 3,565 17 260 18 460 1,731 360 211 7,238 19 20 541 2,426 620 1,440 243 5,682 22 3,798 23 3,095 24 826 25 160 26 11 19 1,959 920 1,959 20,081 27 920 47 4,473 1,596 600 1,807 28 2,097 29 7 660 120 2,277 540 7,592 30 1,755 31 28 5,825 28 32 6 121 2,650 3,175 81,815 33 15 3,343 121 3,343 3,420 34 10,813 35 23456 78 K 22 22222 222 9 15 66 FORESTRY TABLE 30.-POWER EQUIPMENT BY KIND OF Steam engines, turbines, etc. Gasoline engines Diesel and semi-Diesel engines Kind of forestry and name of province Estab- Estab- Estab- lish- Num- Rated Estimated ments ber horse value report- of units power (Pesos) ing lish- Num- Rated ments ber horse report- of units power ing Esti- mated value (Pesos) lish- Num- Rated Estimated ments ber horse value report- of units power (Pesos) ing 1 Total... 85 650 39,448 2,609,012 108 422 16,990 873,891 90 211 11,710 1,460,907 2 Logging only. 12 34 2,154 187,056 42 101 4,471 183,268 14 43 1,520 219,855 34567 3 Abra... Agusan. 11 84012 3 13 14 Nueva Ecija 15 Palawan... 16 Tayabas.. 17 Zambales. 18 19 9 Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. Capiz... Cotabato.. Davao. Ilocos Norte. Mindoro.... Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province.. 17 1 1 1 1 77 880 50 13,360 12,000 34 21 220 61 15 9,590 1 2 125 20,710 11 1 1 85 800 1 1 45 1,000 12 14 12 4 1 45 15 1,005 12 450 1,804 26,393 4,537 65,500 10 22212 60 15 653 352 12,925 422 15,840 22 17 47 4 101 22,385 550 50,978 100 1 24 5,010 7,380 18 1,430 57,428 11 1 1 25 125 17.640 178 32,783 8 124 8,906 13 640 17,300 1 1 713 1 47 47 70 6,475 5,437 7 16 249 16,800 Zamboanga. Logging and saw- milling. 72 12 2 7 395 51,550 14 1 65 2,000 12 700 28,228 612 36,924 2,416,956 64 308 12,130 678,423 73 3112 3 4315 20 Abra..... 21 Agusan.. 23 Bataan... 22 22 Albay.. 24 Cagayan.. 25 Camarines Norte... 26 Camarines Sur. Cebu..... Cotabato... 4316 1212 54 265 115 52,870 9,450 12 17 24 700 855 72,500 11 1 1 53 27 28 1 29 Davao.. 1 30 Ilocos Norte.. 31 Ilocos Sur... 32 Iloilo... 33 Isabela.. 33331 3,710 93 2,695 168,543 448,666 78 25 1,950 1,000 3 1 1 34 Laguna.. 27 1 35 Lanao... 36 Leyte.. 37 Manila, City of. 338 3 42 3 42 232 405 19,000 797 71,234 1 1 2,479 155 237,472 42 2,337 20,600 156,099 25 17 27 381 BELT IN 33137 85 522 2,000 35,150 23 120 360 1,600 15,000 267 9,412 530 36,819 85 1,795 3 85 6,849 8 135 13,677 88 77 742 66194 89 18,000 180 20,000 17 3,000 155 34,359 154 9,004 1,138,725 3 592 80 67,071 5,800 103 16,400 215 11,800 10 734 189,015 11 794 108,209 1 80 6,175 1 80 5,250 6 962 104,150 8 587 5,763 11 6 -800 1 25 3,924 1 7 20 1,500 393 38,729 11 1 1 11 1 100 5,000 1 90 4,822 35 7 2,297 181,519 190 5,624 38 Marinduque. 39 Masbate.. 1 1 25 3,763 1 1 4 1,000 40 Mindoro.. 5 41 Misamis Occidental.... 4 42 Misamis Oriental.. 43 Mountain Province. 44 Negros Occidental. 114 1 1 159 83788 15 460 761 20,582 41,803 17 1,747 94,409 45 Negros Oriental. 46 Nueva Ecija... 23 2 3 37 8,557 20 4,850 358 18,424 685 21,042 278,763 68,000 11223 24116 10 415 59,199 716 23,195 145 925 82 1,689 70,054 33 1,634 100,167 32613 2641T 4126 100 8,592 251 39,196 435 25,493 10 130 500 9,260 7 299 5 263 31,394 39,263 21 9 1,345 1,040 130,099 121,250 13 3 90 2,000 11 420 27,576 47 Palawan.. 21 2 1 51 5 73 75 35 47,000 3,750 48 Rizal... 1 1 250 96 49 Samar. 2 2 80 31,750 3 48 5,000 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 67 FORESTRY AND BY PROVINCES: 1938 Hydro-turbines Electric motors driven by purchased electricity Electric motors driven by electricity produced by the user Establish- ments reporting Number of units Rated Estimated Establish- horse value ments (Pesos) power reporting Number of units Rated Estimated Establish- horse value ments power (Pesos) reporting Number of units Rated Estimated horse value power (Pesos) 1 1 25 1,383 9 39 1,241 55,439 45 404 5,448 184,431 1 2 1 1 25 1,383 8 00 5 6 34567 11 12 9 10 21068 111 13 14 15 16 17 18 345678 37 37 1,161 51,439 43 382 5,243 178,923 19 6 31 1,003 49,661 1 1 25 1,383 2 6 158 1,778 25 25 14 79 237 353 4,575 1 1 1 63 " 1 17,620 25 114,225 26 28 21 23 24 33 34 36 38 22 4 6 8 34 33 48 10 1,000 41 42 247 44,428 i 68 FORESTRY Steam engines, turbines, etc. Gasoline engines TABLE 30.-POWER EQUIPMENT BY KIND OF Diesel and semi-Diesel engines Kind of forestry and name of province Estab- lish- Num- Rated Rated Estimated Estimated ments ber horse value report- of units power (Pesos) ing Estab- lish- Num- Rated ments Ber horse report- of units power ing Esti- mated value Estab- lish- Num- Rated Estimated ments ber horse value (Pesos) report- of units power ing (Pesos) Logging and saw- milling-Con. Sulu.... 2 Surigao... 12345 Tayabas.. Zambales. 5 Zamboanga.. 3 13 628 5 36 9 2,080 640 179.609 1 1 15 1,000 68 2,741 95,200 303,527 27 7 33 1,290 33,050 6 1 16 6 Logging and saw- 1 4 370 5,000 2 13 389 12,200 3 milling for mining pur- poses. 789 Masbate.. Mountain Province... Tayabas.... 1 4 370 5,000 11 1 1 12 12 12 377 200 12,000 111 1 1 1 1 1 16 20 2,800 310 49,332 15 813 102,104 14 1,186 102,327 103 250 16,000 781 60,000 155 26.327 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 69 FORESTRY AND BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Hydro-turbines Electric motors driven by purchased electricity Electric motors driven by electricity produced by the user Establish- Number Rated ments reporting of units horse power Estimated Establish- value (Pesos) ments reporting Number of units Rated horse power Estimated Establish- value ments (Pesos) reporting Number of units Rated Estimated horse value power (Pesos) 1 1 1 10 1,500 1 1 48 150 12345O 1 2 80 4,000 2 22 205 5,508 6 2 1 2 80 4,000 22 22 205 5,508 789 70 FORESTRY TABLE 31.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES AND BY PROVINCES (NOTE: Species are arranged alphabetically. Data are shown by provinces only for species for which 10,000 cubic meters or more of timber was cut in the Philippines in 1938. See Table 19 for data for all species.) Species and province First group Timber cut Lumber sawed Establish- Quantity cut Establish- ments (Cubic me- reporting ters) Value (Pesos) ments reporting Quantity sawed (Board feet) Value (Pesos) Ipil..... Abra... Batangas.. Bukidnon. Cagayan.... 239 24,029.41 943,755 69 3,738,489 682,961 2 5 1.52 39.06 145 1,587 Camarines Norte. 57 1 1,322.04 .94 32,322 13 Cebu... Cotabato Davao. Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur... 1214 10.59 342.47 515 12,244 1.57 33 3.35 89 Iloilo... Isabela.... Leyte... 50 Manila, City of.. 201 7.24 103 813.50 19,325 6141 112 19 5 17,033 2,418 14,840 1,400 67,789 8,633 7,446 1,014 306 29,164 37,861 15 5,450 5,055 800 189,297 64 25,016 2.00 88 Masbate.... 3 13.48 468 Mindoro.. Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental.. Nueva Ecija.. Palawan.. Pangasinan Rizal.... Romblon.. B1741 50 1,612.09 2.02 137.95 52,659 10 3,172 11.75 256 12 8112 9 3,279,051 751 622,321 86 48,337 606 4,874 50 3,379 439 1,507 179 8.74 444 37 1 19,525.38 3.52 810,729 1 6,802 1,020 77 Samar.. Surigao.... Zamboanga. 3 1 43.34 1.36 1,509 17 1 4 1.01 124.49 32 Molave. 370 11,026.51 7,918 273,932 121 15 1 6,000 1,080 11,660 1,632 340 27 206 15 15,314 2,173 129 1,156,495 123,770 Abra.... Agusan.. 24 Albay.. Antique. Batangas.. Bohol... Bukidnon... Bulacan.. 45113 187.80 343.25 7,039 10,208 5 73,206 6,728 17.68 438 .76 32 9.34 387 3 3,205 511 La Union... Cagayan..... Camarines Sur. Cebu.... Cotabato.. Davao.. Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur Isabela... Lanao... 25 18 Leyte... 32 12321 2274 8422 7.34 246 2 1,795 244 7.84 137 16.34 765 88.24 623.63 1,823 14,099 7 17,816 1,448 2.09 16.98 97 177 2 758.49 170.08 13.57 103.67 7.55 393.62 933.43 21,590 6 7,252 207,438 736 27,932 4,779 312 2 924 80 2,265 1 386 49 289 1,548 9,755 Manila, City of. Marinduque. Masbate... Mindoro. Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental.. 11832 15 39 5.05 2,928.62 1,613.19 33.72 222.27 128 71,386 42,180 85 3,491 273 17212 936 138 96,741 8,388 32,779 7,117 2,141 236,695 19,087 235 20,387 1,873 6,070 61,206 227 4,373 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 71 TABLE 31.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES AND BY PROVINCES-Continued Species and province Timber cut Lumber sawed Establish- ments reporting Quantity cut (Cubic me- ters) Establish- Value (Pesos) ments reporting Quantity sawed (Board feet) Value (Pesos) First group-Continued Molave-Continued Mountain Province.. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental.. 18 Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya.. Palawan. 40 98886 30.53 622 355.39 6,119 10 3 88.53 4,046 1,617.36 59,821 36.26 747 Pangasinan.. Samar... Sorsogon. Surigao... Tarlac.. Zambales.. Tayabas. Zamboanga. 4032 2553 77 24 99.21 3,736 10 77.93 1,675 11 37.36 719 1421 1112 141,730 24,660 11,965 3,943 11,909 1,473 267 21 2,008 11 2,550 24,765 510 2,110 8,277 579 10.65 352 15.37 743 85.52 1,113 5 18.63 562 13 1 21,085 1,265 3 8,078 769 49.22 421 10 143,489 20,663 Narra... 475 16,298.94 518,225 145 1,649,928 241,968 Abra.... Albay.. Agusan... Antique. Bohol... Bulacan... Cagayan.. Camarines Norte. 90 Camarines Sur. Capiz... 11 Cebu.... Cotabato. Davao.. Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.... 22 ONENE BOTES 24 30 213.46 5,929 12 1,164.14 20,231 5 276.64 7,408 333 3 20,511 2,279 8,738 3,084 2 5.89 256 2 11.86 81 2. 2,675 219 3 1.72 73 7,169.44 176,977 4 19.63 428 248.52 3,602 3 10.37 280 1 .18 9 4 150.28 3,201 3 140.38 1,749 90.93 2,419 42.61 327 Isabela.. La Union.. 1 62 2,006.10 75,447 10 2326 13213 LO 335 51 22,634 3,067 2,267 169 24,521 3,416 10,000 1,500 54,834 5,632 14,747 1,361 4,092 1,491 17,986 2,343 460 173,572 4 23,750 Laguna... Lanao... Leyte.. 20 Manila, City of.. Masbate.... Mindoro. 33 Misamis Occidental.. Misamis Oriental... Palawan... Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya. Pampanga.. 27 15 17 Pangasinan. Rizal... Romblon 16 Samar... Sorsogon.. Surigao... Tarlac... Tayabas.. Zambales.. Zamboanga.. 24 CHEN OOO SEUN CALUL 3663 1 1.75 25 2 12.84 111 2 24.65 1,146 11 1 2,162 73 1 705 105 153.12 1,051 15 6 5 130.96 411.24 29.57 4,796 8,405 486 3 6.76 1,649.29 55 44,961 143.22 3,821 10 6 53.72 1,289 108.07 6,042 B8421 4BOST 12,470 587,819 900 111,137 25,050 3,749 23,723 2,495 2,945 110 2,736 223 5 14,403 795 36,705 5,057 5 10,047 1,150 18,322 2,595 9 106.61 1,978 1 2,492 64 3 15.82 100,551 1 1 7.14 39.68 .85 11 1,459 11 1 3,027 222 12.70 22.37 1,508.45 22.79 413 269 37,684 656 271 240.43 25.84 18.92 2,581 483 1,524 16511 953 2,624 367 5,288 604 506,195 60,539 1,475 3,392 103 373 22,481 1,679 4.461 4,034 616 646 72 FORESTRY TABLE 31.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES AND BY PROVINCES-Continued Species and province Timber cut Lumber sawed Establish- ments reporting Quantity cut Establish- (Cubic me- Value (Pesos) ters) ments reporting Quantity sawed (Board feet) Value (Pesos) First group-Continued Yakal..... Abra... Agusan.. Albay.. 377 40,532.49 625,656 201 8,358,906 866,508 10 Antique. Bataan... Bohol... Bulacan.. Cagayan.... Camarines Sur. Capiz.. Cebu.... Cotabato.. Davao.. Ilocos Norte. 11 Camarines Norte.. 19 19 TOLLE LEAD 2 7 11.13 2,674.82 462 37,693 7 312,254 27,282 2 1 208.09 .70 5,829 2 21.458 2,252 29 1 4.68 13 47 16.54 663 7 165.12 4,475 55.65 673 2,669.29 10,962.23 46,407 132,334 15 4885 14,632 532 21,422 2,160 583,610 58,680 1,376,117 157,202 42.67 2,050 4 303.30 2,076 10 1,378.25 26,171 11 89.43 2,189 2151 2 10,000 990 295 22 5 377,576 36,585 1 1,356 162 Ilocos Sur Iloilo.. 1 2,207 485 1 473.01 Isabela. Laguna.. Leyte. Manila, City of.. Marinduque.. Masbate... Misamis Occidental... Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija... 13,244 1 121,789 9,743 11 14.55 314 1 7,996 4,797 1 50 2.05 2,792.03 11 28,117 46 29 Nueva Vizcaya. Pangasinan.. 45 Rizal... Romblon.. Samar... 26 Sorsogon Surigao. Tarlac.. Tayabas.. 17 Zambales.. 15 Zamboanga.. 14 3722 8030D EOS CEL 273.32 6,830 215.71 6,231 123.18 586 22.26 509 157.96 2,576 227.25 6,870 93.07 1,207 2,187.17 58.065 233.27 5,508 710.11 12.04 21,487 335 16 83422 18251 22 455 15 806,492 154,006 983,982 35.183 121,818 12,083 56,809 6,920 138,858 9,253 2,824 214 22,087 1.830 78,687 7,095 12,773 1,131 136.00 5,766 559.31 9,318 22 17.17 340 23 394,903 4,732 23,375 5,104 165,087 5,097 39,204 219 3,398 368 13,292 570 738.61 .46 4,660.58 578.31 7,723.17 12,819 4 152,201 12,214 20 46,332 10 742,029 34,300 9,711 6 191,989 17,121 128,396 19 1,685,527 130,565 Second group Guijo...... 564 29,296.66 455,112 241 6,971,322 590,823 Abra... 6 Agusan.. 11 Albay.. 10.15 1,909.60 338 31,377 7 4 Bataan.. 21 292.29 638.54 Batanes. 9,451 13,209 Batangas.. Bohol. 12 Bulacan. Cagayan. 34 Camarines Norte.. Camarines Sur.. 20 Capiz... Cebu.... Cotabato.. Davao.. BLOCO CUSTO 9 8 24.48 113.17 76,52 576.26 84.31 652 1,999 1,545 7,485 1,188 171 37634 505,688 4,255 80,364 39,508 340 5,708 512 9,311 15,878 20,038 107,494 25 790 1,582 1,715 10,233 22,280 947 3 1,454.88 1.13 17.13 20,547 17 341,838 40,675 25 181 2,327.17 2,321.99 15,353 4 21,634 7 51,667 625,438 4,002 49,191 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 73 TABLE 31.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES AND BY PROVINCES-Continued Species and province Second group-Continued Guijo-Continued Ilocos Norte. Timber cut Lumber sawed Establish- ments reporting Quantity cut Establish- Quantity (Cubic me- ters) Value (Pesos) Value ments reporting saw d (Board feet) (Pesos) Ilocos Sur. 25 400.85 6,613 2 23,224 1,111 Iloilo.... Isabela. La Union... Laguna.. Lanao... Leyte. Marila, City of. Marinduque. Masbate... Mindoro. Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province.. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya.. Pampanga.. Pangasinan. Rizal... 38 14 49 Romblon... Samar.... Sorsogon.. Surigao.... 17 5 Tarlac... 4 Tayabas.. Zambales.. 24 Zamboanga.. 14 HAWA & N N A CON NANT 1 50.00 1,250 2 18,712 2 55.68 2,060 1 1,311 1,797 91 54 1,222.01 23,914 11 254,050 22,166 2 6.23 170 2 114.76 446 1 14,387 491 3 1,180.25 10,736 3 118,451 7,703 30 392.27 3,903 27 125,340 8,249 10 1,551,410 160,429 4 102.88 1,991 3 29,185 2,930 7 639.50 12,684 4 45,904 4,718 35 1,690.06 29,241 14 181,864 10,635 7 230.23 1,012 3 42,494 1,690 7 214.13 2,540 5 90,001 5,323 89.32 1,277 2 5,949 337 724.66 20,420 11 161,778 13,476 5 434.10 7,998 7 94,512 8,161 2,276.38 34,170 4 640,170 46,694 215.73 3,441 3 61.57 624 3 25,719 1,687 718.14 16,539 7 3 37.38 7.23 122.22 905 207 1,822 52.41 739 103.39 78.49 714.81 661.71 6,852.65 1,923 2,337 8,164 11,435 121,567 14 36155 215Y 37,243 3,985 15,530 1,171 872 29,060 87 2,056 15,553 962 673 3,400 44 272 9 112,620 7,149 135,807 1,411,340 11,171 111,522 Third group Apitong. 453 364,506.22 3,414,323 197 65,635,406 2,766,430 Abra... Agusan. 3 Albay.. 15 Antique.. Bataan.. Bohol.... 93.22 17,838.54 2,276.25 2,753 199,397 375,865 27 1.61 2,760.76 15 26,837 Bulacan... Cagayan... 65.29 158.04 1.024 Camarines Norte. 35 1,998.68 Camarines Sur.. 31 36,657.82 30 103,907.35 3,274 16,624 302,626 1,157,364 22 42 150 61882 652,248 383,850 32,303 27,857 389,943 20,481 19.112 1,101 4,470 1268 204,138 7,167,206 18,803,522 10,313 291,668 851,199 Capiz.. Cebu.... Cotabato. Davao.. Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur.. Iloilo... Isabela.. La Union.. Laguna.. Lanao.. T W 65.18 146.09 1,470 7,161 15 2,242.86 17,342.18 354.15 8,871 103,137 3,857 1358 87,183 362,185 5,270 17,183 2,966,787 3,392 118,505 99 50.00 900 131.14 786 34 909.68 56.24 2,103.58 21,553 708 12,507 114 25,864 1,525 26.338 1,580 195,077 16,668 1 444,400 15,171 Leyte... 1,293.34 4,983 Manila, City of... 25 6,268.12 33,482 Masbate.... Mindoro.. 4 1,535.01 23 2,548.38 15,121 14,725 22936 4,798,033 1,155,152 2,711,768 302,792 177,629 51,224 138,642 15,263 488,248 17,143 74 FORESTRY TABLE 31.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES AND BY PROVINCES-Continued Species and province Third group-Continued Apitong-Continued Misamis Occidental. Timber cut Lumber sawed Establish- ments reporting Quantity cut (Cubic me- Establis h- Quantity Value (Pesos) Value ters) ments reporting sawed (Board feet) (Pesos) Misamis Oriental Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya.. Pampangas- Pangasinan. Rizal.... Romblon.... 12 14 Samar... 24 Sorsogon. Surigao.... Tayabas.. Zambales... Zamboanga.. Batino... Abra.... 11 20 21 13 23 3 Albay.. 1 Bohol.. 1 Bulacan.. 1 PB6223 CO4 B 23 3 BIL 5 5 356.71 5,692.86 38.07 39,251.05 1,282 58,645 131 540,479 5,111.98 17,491 41293 114,286 1,414,959 2,68 66,200 5,517 6,252,921 35 263,701 785,719 27,94 6 3,665.59 21,267 4 1,074,754 49,174 9 105.90 1,149 201.46 2,563 480.69 3,813 2 7.43 99 311 83,913 2,848 850 50 8,000 440 3 6.53 617 1,117.11 8,055 21 179,417 11,832 705.55 7,141 11 7 1,184.58 6,913 55,029.71 147,311 4,935.06 29,891 45,812.43 252,436 137 29 197,260 8,14 105,990 4,641 4,553,291 144,280 945,320 8,721,501 42,602 330,436 28,630.34 95,799 2 951 31 1.90 6.71 24 123 .18 1.96 Camarines Norte... Camarines Sur Isabela.. 2 9.31 28 48 86 1 882 Lanao... Leyte. Marinduque Mindoro.. Nueva Ecija.. 17111 31 186.00 9.29 28,398.59 .68 930 65 94,369 5.07 85 5.10 53 1 69 5.55 12 Lumbayau.. 33 12,573.68 66,248 28 6,390,998 179,72 Bohol... Cagayan.. 17 2 4.13 2.11 888 28 1 847 98 16 Cebu.. Cotabato.. Davao. 11 1.22 214.67 7 4,717 111 1 15,109 151 1 11,562 924 1 41,978 3.75 Iloilo.... Lanao... Leyte.. 142 4 42.75 4,142.57 22.79 256 19,527 121 Manila, City of. Misamis Occidental.. Misamis Oriental.. Sulu.... Zamboanga.. 7 1,473.39 4,276 12117 7,658 1,687,762 459 69,44 4,198 18,459 212,918 18 2,21 11,17 112 2.42 673.34 20 Mayapis. 107 5,994.29 128,453.55 2,426 34,854 1 11 33,400 4,357,107 8,50 82,81 713,173 34 3,823,631 158,04 Abra.... Agusan.. Albay.. Bataan.. Bohol. 24213 15.70 6,066.75 368.54 33.21 234 51,023 6.901 265 88.88 2,683 1111 945 66 1 1 466 6,642 21 331 501 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 75 TABLE 31.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES AND BY PROVINCES-Continued Species and province Third group-Continued Mayapis-Continued Cagayan.... Camarines Norte. Timber cut Lumber sawed Establish- Quantity cut Establish- ments (Cubic me- Value (Pesos) ments reporting ters) Quantity sawed reporting (Board feet) Value (Pesos) Camarines Sur. Cotabato.. Davao.... Ilocos Norte.. 10 30624 2,290.21 9,218 7,624.57 82,603 4,400.82 48,213 2,028.24 10,737 537.28 6,332 3412 3 214,263 7,591 587,272 44,772 264,738 2,109 25,546 942 Iloilo.... Isabela.. Laguna... Lanao.. Leyte.. Manila, City of. Mindoro.. Misamis Occidental.. Misamis Oriental.. Nueva Ecija..... Nueva Vizcaya.. 5 11276 2.03 20 83.79 502 3.53 36 10,201.64 74,908 63,054.20 229,182 11 1 1 969,055 1,054 33,081 42 9 1,239.16 5,242 13 34 4,662.25 1,951.81 29,996 734 4 12,867.04 98,067 1 34.98 244 Samar... Sorsogon.. Surigao.... 1115 14.72 196 1.55 15 1.51 7 5 951.97 2,871 62121 12 5 138,295 37,861 6,277 1,938 4,333 67,140 2,600 95 2,664 50 448 5,640 17 259 Tayabas... Zamboanga. Palosapis. 156 Abra... 16 Agusan... Albay.. Bataan... 20 Bohol.. 1 6- 1,855.98 8,073.19 15,059 37,885 4 26,117.03 184.11 10.34 213,673 45 1,496,832 4,338,690 57,753 166,073 2,669 350 661.80 776.61 12,400 7,551 4 8.82 134 Bulacan.. Cagayan.... Camarines Norte.. Camarines Sur.. Ilocos Norte. Isabela... La Union.. Laguna... Leyte.. Manila, City of. Marinduque... Masbate.. Mindoro.. Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya.. Pangasinan. Rizal.... Surigao... 14 28473 3114 2342 40.32 874 889.03 8.353.84 3,955 82,332 4,525.28 7.27 51,436 91 19.20 90 21.03 310 187.71 170.43 1,092 627 16.62 334.78 94.73 765 2,612 71.59 793 272 211 273 126 221 . 93,803 6,811 1,184 7,017 340 94 193,367 12,515 1,469,773 56,735 840,350 8,538 41,700 13,934 466,950 1,423 578 25,987 7,046 76,521 5,860 562 3,827 134 1 434 203 Tayabas.... Zambales... Zamboanga.. B4161 212874 3 37.02 4,105.22 1,044.38 647 14,264 4,487 204.97 3.12 1,704 52 220.52 2,426 19.07 52.75 930.69 3,045.15 80.63 381 941 4,787 15,251 380 22 111511 14,846 515 407,809 20,266 1,062 63 8,085 495 9,006 405 153,296 5,364 514,372 12,481 20,574 438 76 FORESTRY TABLE 31.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES AND BY PROVINCES-Continued Species and province Timber cut Lumber sawed Establish- ments reporting Quantity cut Establish- (Cubic me- ters) Value (Pesos) ments reporting Quantity sawed (Board feet) Value (Pesos) Third group-Continued Pine... 24 158,003.98 2,058,820 8 38,813,059 1,832,59% Agusan.. 1 Mountain Province. 23 589.49 157,414.49 4,126 2,054,694 Red Lauan... 220 316,012.77 3,401,996 8 38,813,059 1,832,59% 127 62,789,872 2,878,811 Abra... Agusan. Albay.. Antique.. Bohol.... Cagayan.... Camarines Norte. 26 Camarines Sur 14 Capiz.. Cebu.... Cota bato... Davao. Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.... BALIS LOL B211 5 8 35.18 12,590.00 302 89,368 1 956.95 18,091 1 3.05 77 3 15.80 133 32 3 389,857 195,817 10,180 14,33 14,674 809 4 6,703.59 34,680 40,896.64 404,325 6 11,943,378 646,48 64,682.01 678,766 7 6,009,297 252,611 2 11.92 270 7 175.00 2,235 6 286,601 14,510 3 2,944.64 10,851 618.83 2.12 5,210 22 29,700 103,867 921 4,114 19 226.15 4,523 1 60,111 3,600 Isabela.... Lanao... Leyte.. 43 464 6.12 65 5 16,583.97 58,344 5,600.64 Manila, City of. 25,808 Masbate.... 1 571.83 2,424 Mindoro.. Misamis Occidental.. Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental... Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya.. Palawan.. Pangasinan. Romblon.. 11 10 206B4 L4BLE 512.94 5,428 3,458.57 17,707.81 13,004 134,273 5 285.98 3,461 112,576.25 1,724,228 3062 30226 4,585,028 1,358,740 1,255,427 259,423 61,549 64,051 169,819 11,753 77,467 3,20 8 2,070,596 90.94 1,681,729 22,802 -77,491 1,874 6 28,642,855 1,214,87% 1 246.34 3 92.99 22.23 1,993 1,549 21 483,222 128,084 19,70 5,479 284 22.70 204 7.65 134 Samar.... Surigao.... Tarlac. Tayabas.. Zamboanga.. Tañgile...... Abra.... 199191 4.36 110 412.24 1,841 8 79,341 5,538 6,580.63 .80 11,961.20 9,495.64 30,485 4 824,739 38,84 24 95,931 53,556 6 436,340 16,471 6 1,940,381 60,02 272 209,176,10 1,675,251 87 23,393,533 1,306,81 Agusan. Albay.. Bataan. Bohol... 15 23267 262.99 1,667.90 5,979 18,156 1 12,152 876.42 16,375 1 1,712 72 10 280.68 3,517 121.99 1,348 3 12,107 82 Bulacan.... Cagayan.. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur... Capiz.... Cebu..... Cotabato... Davao. Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur.. 3 22 24 25.31 6,110.35 411 21 16,067.79 1 8 26,305.75 14.71 39,466 160,906 271,399 312 1 .14 4 4 1,162.66 13,278 5 1,121.61 8,055 10 122.57 1,322 1244 12621 52,245 3,404,366 1,182,861 7,897,293 2,281 237,81 45,90 504,801 5,002 174,242 471,362 50 6,101 22,17 191,287 13,219 1,969 181 0071 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 77 TABLE 31.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES AND BY PROVINCES-Continued Species and province Third group-Continued Tañgile-Continued Timber cut Lumber sawed Establish- ments reporting Quantity cut (Cubic me- ters) Establish- Value (Pesos) Quantity Value ments reporting sawed (Board feet) (Pesos) Iloilo.... Isabela.. Laguna.. Lanao.. Leyte. 15 19155 57.93 347 19.07 184 2,437.88 35,283.51 1,149.45 14,191 126,096 5,510 10 Manila, City of... Marinduque.. Masbate.. Mindoro.. Misamis Occidental.. 1 1.49 24 2 12.61 11 5.394.78 9 2,023.86 57 42,885 9,519 Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental.. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya. Pangasinan.. Rizal... Romblon. Samar... Surigao... Sorsogon Tayabas.. Zambales.. 10 Zamboanga.. Others... Bohol.... Camarines Sur, Ilocos Norte. Isabela.... Leyte... Masbate... Negros Occidental. Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya.. Pangasinan. Romblon. Tarlac.... 21 1 66UGG HATON WONAGG 15 30,720.19 169.95 239,889 2,391 35,358.89 4,385.82 465,331 63,915 79.71 995 CHINO BL233 11223 1 3,087 185 1 641 51 1 541,581 18,488 2 1 1,188,776 117,171 1,442,647 621 67,550 5,204 131,034 49 10,971 296,595 67,167 767 10,462 2,677 9,000 450 136 9 1,581,169 1,555,314 85,609 67,991 63,915 5,148 38 3.17 374.87 49 4,176 1 1,904 133 5.00 45 1 12,000 840 45.69 1,198 1 3,086 185 31.52 320 1 3,161 189 141.09 917 5 2,861.52 6,931 1,361.31 12,319 4,383.67 26,795 28,732.25 110,639 53315 35,492 1,671 203,614 9,035 28,965 866 656,119 3,412 2,142,109 82,367 11,545.72 58,014 8 2,352,363 96,822 2 2112 13222 1121 67.14 503 2.47 23 1 1,980,763 79,230 5.54 148 1.86 18 1 26,131 1,045 11,246.82 56,234 9.03 187 21 294,415 2,255 14,724 157 32.24 219 45.00 297 3.13 46 23.85 1.06 31 103.43 297 3 48,799 1,666 4.15 11 Tayabas.. Zambales.. Fourth group Almon..... 31 142,092.16 2,296,084 13 34,569,748 1,466,456 Abra.... Bataan.. Cagayan. Camarines Norte. Capiz.. Cotabato... Davao.. Isabela.. Leyte... Manila, City of. Misamis Oriental. 111 1 1 66.41 112.00 2,073 448 1 33,735 1,518 1 2.50 22 1 28,000 896 9 245.70 3,930 22 من 4,404.07 847.49 23,905 4,275 5 488.33 2,216 1133 1 6,891 635 844 44 3 2,205,715 96,742 2,019 104,245 2 5,752.40 57,722 78 FORESTRY TABLE 31.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES AND BY PROVINCES-Continued Species and province Timber cut Lumber sawed Establish- ments reporting Quantity cut (Cubic me- ters) Establish- Value (Pesos) Quantity ments reporting sawed (Board feet) Value (Pesos) Fourth group-Continued Almon-Continued Negros Occidental. Nueva Ecija.. Palawan.. Zambales... Zamboanga.. Bagtikan.... Agusan. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. Cotabato... Davao.. La Union.... Laguna...-1 Misamis Oriental... Mountain Province.. Negros Occidental. Nueva Ecija..... Zamboanga.. White Lauan. 19 21118 97 128,863.96 7.24 2,178,926 2 32,162,945 1,355,636 122 17.70 159 55.97 150 1,228.39 22,136 1 35,085 1,754 AAAKE N 45,509.85 672,740 6 2,736,964 118,267 11111 1 1 164.95 3.94 60.00 3,145 1 1,037 41 19 480 1 1 3,134.40 9.04 19,270 46 21113 33 5.21 74.19 2,685.75 8.44 37,437.73 188 1,202 27,636 42 1 584,173 2 1,198 2,454,689 119 104,106 150.94 1,775.26 2,708 33,831 2 280,040 449 483,567.00 3,107,142 204 82,080,930 14,001 3,290,876 Abra... Agusan.. Albay.. 8 154.48 1,216 19 16,472.20 90,316 2 1,056.78 18,436 Antique.. 1 5.04 19 Bataan.. 28 3,653.47 33,875 53 13 733,738 374,196 26,862 25,905 30,986 1,389 Bohol. 8 262.05 2,586 2 54,287 1,211 Bulacan. 6 883.02 22,657 Cagayan.. 10 1,591.88 7,707 2 138,406 5,689 Camarines Norte.. 24 Camarines Sur. Capiz... 30 39,192.18 48,022.40 376,849 456,298 10 2010 11 10,985,033 426,941 10,567,598 414,522 Cebu. Cotabato.. Davao.. Ilocos Norte. 47784 96.42 546.12 1,022 9,008 12 5,921.70 60,066.07 251.97 17,407 324,415 247 483,062 25;509 4 922,814 6,618,819 28,417 231,455 2,654 Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.... Isabela.. La Union.. Laguna. 11615 1.10 797.80 798.89 2.73 4,884.23 15 4,786 16,757 112 466 207,416 143,116 27 12,444 10,199 42 30,691 1 1,041,666 35,560 Lanao.. Leyte... 47 Manila, City of... Marinduque. Masbate.... Mindoro... 27 Misamis Occidental.. 14 ON IN TH 6 84,949.35 311,177 5,331.79 34,512 36 3 2 51.20 2,588.76 1,053 18,064 7,361.34 46,519 12,103.19 Misamis Oriental. 9 Mountain Province.. 8 Negros Occidental.. 14 41,228.83 103.25 12,962.14 39,800 280,756 13 2,400 100,336 66612 73220 5 16,165,601 695,917 5 804,063 2,259,692 24,934 110,116 2,908 203 760,499 30,429 620,358 23,269 1,875,934 76,400 1,611,459 971 74,959 83 10 5,691,779 246,273 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 79 TABLE 31.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF TIMBER CUT, AND LUMBER SAWED IN 1938, BY SPECIES. AND BY PROVINCES-Continued Species and province Fourth group-Continued White auar-Continued Timber cut Lumber sawed Establish- ments reporting Quantity cut (Cubic me- Establish- ters) Value (Pesos) Quantity ments reporting saw d (Board feet) Value (Pesos) Negros Oriental.. Nueva Fcija.. Nueva Vacaya.. Pangasinan. Rizal... 26 Romblon Samar... Sorsogon Surigao... Tarlac.... Tayabas.. 10 12 COHOL CLE 6 16,201.33 9 6,085.59 147,323 34,017 4 30.37 254 345.70 3,504 4 228.77 2,026 2 53 712 2,571,180 814,297 111,711 30,347 1,785 7,440 558 88989 1 20.59 282 14 1,578.38 12,339 10 317,329 20,737 420.21 1,904 9 111,225 2,184 8,199.29 27,523 4 377,503 14,99 1 2,392 71 La Union.. Zambales.. Zamboanga.. Others. Abra.... Agusan.. Bataan.. Bohol.. Bukidnon. Bulacan.. Cagayan.. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur.. Capiz.. Cebu.... Cotabato.. Davao.. Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur Iloilo.... Isabela.. Laguna... Lanao.... 1858800 14,831.87 552.34 91,122 7 1,467,872 41,346 3.984 2 32,121 1,167 83,732.18 11,770.19 531,491 13 14,282,919 539,345 89,432 60 12,407,216 535,117 31512 13423 2157 21.00 269 6.57 59 202.21 971 19.51 413 131 1 158,006 3,740 3 1 35,599 1,487 1,591 117 8.00 480 1 1 18.82 827 1 15.93 868 1,520.86 10,443 1,777.44 17,153 121 11.06 235 2 93,890 511,160 14,083 15,405 40,496 1,619 11.40 18 70.03 270 649.81 4,717 3 25,981 976 17.21 185 1 791 79 16412 14.14 83 14.70 130 71 1,170 48 9.03 155 665.77 3.875 1,339.65 5,269 113 1 3 147,912 10,096,350 5,049 403,853 Leyte... Manila, City of 25 329.32 3,205 Marinduque. Masbate. 1 13.32 585 Mindoro... Misamis Occidental. 6 1,889.18 16.447 16 348.25 5,414 44126 10,162 826,879 147 65,447 5,642 395 86,983 3,500 16,565 1,102 Misamis Oriental. 2 196.38 691 3 64,963 4,121 Mountain Province. 1 50.00 100 Negros Occidental. 3 11.89 283 Nueva Ecija 7 96.75 1,104 32 37,520 4,512 1,048 220 10 529.89 2,351 Palawan... Pangasinan.. Rizal.... Romblon 1 12.44 26 192.42 24 2,198 1 3,109 186 1 67.24 656 Sorsogon. 5 541.57 4,421 10 289.20 1,514 16 1 6 Surigao.. Tayabas.. 5 54.55 1,068 Zambales... 9 238.45 1,367 Zamboanga. 5 380.44 1,121 3 135.76 463 1414 30,217 1,252 1,094 53,728 77,784 43 5,087 2,333 75,216 3,676 80 FORESTRY TABLE 32.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY OF OTHER FOREST PRODUCTS TAKEN, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Forest product and name of province Establish- ments reporting Quantity Value (Pesos) Forest product and name of province Establish- ments reporting Value Quantity (Pesos) Charcoal.... Bataan... 105 Cubic meters 19,439.32 Tanbark-Con. Kilos 111,883 Camarines Norte.. 1 2,336 Bulacan.. Camarines Norte. Capiz.... Cebu.. 10 Davao. 11 Leyte. Marinduque. Masbate... Mindoro.. Mountain Province. Nueva Ecija... 17 Palawan.. Pangasinan. Samar.. Sulu.... Surigao.. Tayabas. 28 Zamboanga.. 2334TO HIS LE THON 186.12 900 Camarines Sur. 11 1 2,100 673.00 2,187 Cebu...... 33 114 150.00 289,720 1,151 15,325 919.00 14,300 Davao... 12 165,500 136.50 417 Ilocos Sur. 5,068 1 23,933 9 20 477.22 3,293 Iloilo.... La Union.. 1 4,192 1,047 1 8,400 1 9.00 28 294 Marinduque.. 1 500 2 107.12 354 50 4 1,675.11 8,793 Masbate.... 10 2 35.00 456 Misamis Oriental. Negros Occidental. 4 3,490.45 8,556 Nueva Ecija.. 791.42 7,427 Palawan.. 2 151.00 1,200 1 54.00 302 7 6,192.40 28,424 Samar... Pangasinan. Sorsogon.. 1 15.00 24 Surigao.. 1 4.00 1 Tayabas... 2 4,332.31 40.67 33,926 Zamboanga. CH125 932171 459,169 3,036 920 3 500 20 4,450 208 405,300 11,191 49,798 4,718 4,430 4,400 415 265 144 Split rattan.. 919 Manila copal (alma- ciga)... Kilos 2,400 275,600 7,250 Kilos 1,786,689 12 2,035 290 135,290 58 962,352 106,126 Agusan.. Albay.. Bulacan... 1 43,730 5,002 Antique. Camarines Sur.. 6 176,345 16,581 Bataan.. Davao... 3 57,788 3,512 Bohol... Laguna... 1 12,500 1,487 Mindoro.. 1 600 170 Bukidnon.. Bulacan.. Misamis Oriental. 1 242 15 Cagayan.... Nueva Ecija. 1 4,000 280 Palawan... 15 160,458 15,658 Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. Pangasinan. 2 22,120 2,424 Rizal... 1 1,000 84 Capiz.. 153 Cebu.... 135 Romblon Tayabas.. 25 15 1,700 425 Cotabato. 481,869 60,488 Davao.. Ilocos Norte.. Diliman and all Iloilo.... other vines used Kilos Isabela.. for tying.. 88 69,423 9,240 Laguna.. Lanao... Bohol... Agusan... Camarines Sur. Laguna... Lanao.. Leyte... Marinduque. Mindoro... Misamis Occidental. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Palawan.. Samar... Surigao.. Tayabas... Zamboanga. 11 24 23142 120SL CHOLE 1,230 159 Leyte 2,949 503 670 80 Marinduque. 1,792 184 800 185 20,751 1,787 Masbate.. Mindoro... Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental. 1,412 113 8 5,493 787 Negros Occidental.... 3 2,300 384 13,227 2,604 Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija.. Palawan... 4 1,789 45 Pampanga. 1 10 225 7,794 36 1,061 Rizal.... FREE RN ON NE NE B 17 3 105,890 17,417 5,905 108 20,490 840 2 1,050 140 9,164 941 4,956 360 400 12 84,341 10,530 27,958 2,842- 151,751 14,130 20,393 4,106 189,783 16,570 2,487 383 196,108 26,064 175 35 290 57 21,160 2,837 245 527 531 123,007 57 2,618 320 752 61 188 328,719 2,585 2,705 276 18,212 1,542 94,888 6,976 21,089 1,423 1,650 192 17,509 914 143 22 3 2,850 607 2 5 820 3,083 210 Romblon.. 360 62 552 Samar... 26 30,848 3,546 6 5,088 550 Sorsogon.. 2,055 Surigao.. 56 Tanbark.. Kilos 188 1,828,825 10,945 650 1,861 49,332 Tarlac... Tayabas.. 690 63,789 Abra.. Bohol 7 11,061 13 13 75,972 41,955 3,178 Zambales. 2,940 1,213 Zamboanga. 100 206,273 504 16,057 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 81 TABLE 32.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUA NTITY OF OTHER FOREST PRODUCTS TAKEN, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Forest product and name of province Estabish- ments reporting Quantity Value (Pesos) Forest product and name of province Establish- ments reporting Quantity Value (Pesos) Unsplit rattan (2 centimeters or less in diameter) .. Linear meters 142 4,477,891 40,904 Nira leaves (1,000 shingles of less ther 1.5 meters in length)-Con. Abra.... Agusan... Bulacan.. Cagayan. Camarines Norte. Cebu.... Cotabato. Davao. Isabela... Laguna... Lanao... Leyte. 15 Mindoro. Misamis Oriental... Mountain Province.. Negros Occidental. 17 Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya... Palawan... 21 Pangasinan. Samar... Surigao... Tarlac... Tayabas.. Zambales... Zamboanga.. Unsplit rattan (over 12 61231 32261 656 TL CRILL 129,000 1,052 Kilos 9.000 36 Cotabato. 4,750 185 Davao. 24,000 561 Lanao.... 12,000 210 Leyte 30,452 889 Masbate... 4,800 38 Mindoro. 10,000 32 Misamis Occidental.... 41,000 297 Misamis Oriental. 5,000 375 Negros Occidental. 49,710 381 Negros Oriental. 601,260 4,125 Palawan... 48,200 793 Samar.. 4 25,150 429 Surigao... 297 12231 92241 56,750 1,020 86,244 1,096 34,400 964 3,500 50 9,642 78 566,985 6,414 16,000 280 4,000 48 25,140 508 48,680 102 5,400 108 58,930 740 145,000 1,609 1 13,345 81 Tayabas... 60,542 1,349 Zamboanga. 188 287,822 7,950 13 176,149 3,704 4 43,000 337 5 63,700 1,433 Nipa leaves (1,000 2 1,500 45 shingles of 1.5 2,414,830 15,254 Kilos meters or over in length)... 149 818,891 8,701 6 76,700 351 3 14,250 97 Agusan.. 1 7,000 63 1 398 39 Bohol.. 108 97,525 694 4 157,600 565,281 1,181 10,924 Capiz. 1 420,000 2,400 Cebu... 23 31,398 568 Cotabato.. 1 50,700 1,500 46 6 18,500 53,923 278 132 Leyte..... 2 14,495 552 Masbate.. 1 70 60 Mindoro.. 2 centimeters in diameter).... 67 Linear meters 1,484,978 2 38,470 390 Negros Occidental.. 1 8,400 120 27,059 Negros Oriental. 1 3,000 36 Agusan.. Bataa Bohol... Camarines Sur.. Cebu... Cotabato Isabela. Lanao.. Leyte 10 Mindoro... Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Palawan.. Pangasinan. Romblon.. 32131 2STON CN411 17,110 11,500 97 Palawan.. 92 Samar... 41 25,700 876 11,200 160 180 73,000 90 Surigao... 1 7,000 157 233 Tayabas.... 1 72,450 650 35,485 2,405 Zamboanga.. 1 31,483 475 3,100 98 Pieces 3 24,000 233 Boho or caña-boho 55 415,433 8,112 4 12,525 118 319,445 1,800 Abra... 25,000 660 Cagayan.... 6 27,866 638 Camarines Norte... Camarines Sur. 2 10,190 63 Cebu.... 10,380 162 200,000 1,590 Ilocos Sur. 3,000 13 Isabela.. 18 La Union..... Samar. Sulu. Tayabas.. Zamboanga.. Nipa leaves (1,000 than 1.5 meters in length). 11116 160 1 Mountain Province. 3,000 37 Nueva Ecija... 4,500 90 14 661,337 18,360 Nueva Vizcaya. 5 43,200 279 Palawan... shingles of less Pampanga... Pangasinan.. Tarlac.... 317 Kilos 3,207,843 Zambales... 14112 682 SLLL 6,000 134,640 4,191 100 6 2,715 406 10 33,800 473 3,500 110,790 39 2,190 7,250 241 3 6,755 670 5 20,500 319 3 7,400 130 2 1,007 26 1 49,500 445 4 14,000 206 1 12,000 156 1 4,000 80 46,981 Cubic meters Bohol.. Agusan.. Cagayan.. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. Capiz.. 106 Cebu.. *gསས*མཌ 85,000 1,657 Firewood... 705 395,038.87 469,530 173,967 3,005. 183,500 897 Abra.... 12 3,063.00 3.572 2 42,000 844 Albay... 10 17,135.78 2,001 4 68,280 765 Bataan.. 9 2,963.50 8,219 2 612,846 8,823 Batangas.. 1 380.00 515 517,608 6,319 Bohol 18 2,265.00 4,143 82 FORESTRY TABLE 32.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY OF OTHER FOREST PRODUCTS TAKEN, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Forest product and name of province Establish- ments reporting Quantity Value (Pesos) Forest product and name of province Establish- ments reporting Quantity Value (Pesos) Firewood-Con. Cubic meters Firewood-Con. Cubic meters Bukidnon.... 4 419.00 1,123 Iloilo.... Bulacan... 2 1,472.50 1,473 Isabela... Cagayan... 11 2,492.00 3,777 La Union. Camarines Norte... 13 61,095.50 6,944 Laguna... Camarines Sur. 16 7,261.63 10,157 Lanao.. Capiz... 15 109,010.51 11,298 Leyte.... 48 Cebu.... 166 19,407.18 53,089 Marinduque. 10 68113 80 6,368.70 721.00 82.00 2,260.00 69.00 4,35 771 102 5,650 184 12,581.05 24.10% 10,123.05 23,650 Cotabato. 6 503.00 1,626 Masbate.. 17 19,327.00 15,843 Davao. 25 3,018.57 7,432 Mindoro.... 46 6,458.19 14,159 Ilocos Norte.. 1 30.00 21 Misamis Occidental. 5 396.00 521 TABLE 33.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF FORESTRY Assets Kind of forestry and size Total number of Equipment of total assets establish- Land and ments Total (Pesos) buildings (Pesos) Total (Pesos) Sawmill (Pesos) Planing mill (Pesos) Power plant (Pesos) Machine shop (Pesos) 1 Total.... 3,874 36,902,290 4,411,101 19,694,661 2 Logging only.. 925 4,429,770 483,983 1,895,270 5,030,494 159,268 517,175 1,293,532 600,436 113,210 12 34567890 2 Under P 100.. 120 11,860 35 P 100 to P 499.. 228 68,822 1,315 546 19,227 5 P P 1,000 to P 2,499... P 2,500 to P 4,999.. P 5,000 to P 9,999.. P10,000 to P14,999.. 10 P15,000 to P19,999.. 11 P20,000 and over.. 500 to P 999.. 207 176,627 5,984 56,825 187 290,905 13,632 55,453 76 279,991 23,664 83,378 54 361,710 18,499 123,502 11,000 11 119,848 11,002 28,825 8 132,291 38,367 34,602 34 2,987,716 371,485 1,492,912 Logging and sawmill- ing. 177 29,775,973 3,576,814 16,503,853 148,268 4,695,783 113,210 517,175 1,225,724 476,087 13 P 14 P 500 to P 15 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 100 to T 499. 13 3,214 50 191 999. 3 2,222 372 53 9 13,717 2,186 2,933 100 1,500 16 P 2,500 to P 4,999.. 17 60,378 4,800 33,547 14,785 9,372 17 P 5,000 to P 9,999.. 23 159,822 24,542 75,730 34,084 14,510 1,158 18 P10,000 to P14,999.. 20 239,116 44,354 143,276 74,448 3,600 27,934 260 21 23 222 22 19 20 P15,000 to P19,999.. P20,000 and over. 2 37,265 90 29,260,239 12,440 7,250 5,000 3,488,070 16,240,873 4,567,366 513,575 1,172,408 474,669 Handsawing. 362 897,692 148,890 159,465 Under P 100.... 81 682 25 245 P 100 to P 499.. 104 28,468 1,406 6,722 24 P 500 to P 999.. 75 53,364 6,856 11,192 25 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 67 99,109 14,987 16,220 26 P 2,500 to P 4,999... 36 123,327 28,583 26,259 27 P 5,000 to P 9,999... 32 227,484 35,156 42,345 28 P10,000 to P14,999... 6 68,683 18,530 13,163 29 P15,000 to P19,999. 5 76,034 22,800 18,628 וויייייי 30 P20,000 and over.. 6 220,541 20,547 24,691 31 Logging and sawmill- 40 1,039,332 27,710 994,658 175,443 67,808 11,139 mining Under ing for purposes. P 100.. P 1,000 to P 2,499. 32 33 34 P 5,000 to P 9,999.. 35 P10,000 to P14,999.. 36 P20,000 and over.. 33- 1 1 1 1,181 5,000 10,100 952 952 4 1,023,051 27,710 10,100 983,606 174,491 67,808 11,139 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 83 TABLE 32.-ESTABLISHMENTS REPORTING, QUANTITY OF OTHER FOREST PRODUCTS TAKEN, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Forest product and name of province Establish- ments reporting Quantity Value (Pesos) Forest product and name of province Establish- ments Quantity reporting Value (Pesos) Firewood-Con. Misamis Oriental... Mountain Province. Cubic meters 10 25 Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. 23 Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya... Palawan... Pampanga... Pangasinan.. Rizal... 00862 43913 721.25 1,547 Firewood-Con. Romblon... 13,122.66 45,199 Samar... 6,552.13 15,508 5 931.50 1,706 Sorsogon.. 2225 330.00 99 Sulu.... Surigao.... 70.00 61 1,865.23 615.50 1,892 Tarlac.... 572 Tayabas.. 1,710.95 508.00 4,281 Zambales. 1,203 Zamboanga. 18 1008 Cubic meters 24.00 4,543.22 2,238.40 150.00 5,374.86 48 10,277 4,584 60 9,753 84 6 30.00 41,001.95 11,806.00 14,540.06 9 128,296 6,498 33,246 AND SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Equipment-Continued Assets-Continued Yarding Transporta- machin- tion, rail- eries, etc. road, etc. camp houses (Pesos) (Pesos) Logging (Pesos) Logging camp equipment (Pesos) (Pesos) Falling and bucking tools Lumber Logs Others (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) Other forest products (Pesos) (Pesos) Cash Accounts and notes receivable (Pesos) 93,827 1,308,178 6,350,466 1,086,212 1,086,212 902,598 151,369 1,543,368 1,035,809 255,791 65,012 928,991 2,990,859 1,447,580 154,195 613,468 878,305 2,262,503 5,217,281 1 68,658 653,380 715,011 2 202 6 150 188 586 70 10,526 97 14,481 369 455 2,535 1,387 14,695 639 31,373 1,573 49,862 389 154 3,491 2,929 44,676 4,065 61,356 3,721 43,373 1,272 784 5,628 4,396 78,038 11,788 111,312 20,682 60,736 10,525 1,733 5,703 4,681 51,024 9,961 78,793 33,171 79,329 6,891 10,378 4,366 11,538 35,056 17,360 108,195 59,098 15,042 525 3,914 1,846 7,498 28,887 30,875 20,259 27,201 4,996 980 674 751 22,708 6,500 25,575 4,539 10 93,827 612,372 126,402 237,387 40,619 120,827 337,798 18,275 195,375 571,871 11 1,154,486 4,790,096 900,158 1,193,060 884,921 666,363 2,808,870 774,319 705,903 1,085,694 4,320,520 12 345678902 125 66 300 828 40 1,700 105 13 6 25 22 300 798 600 99 14 1,060 73 200 4,347 1,000 20 2,506 725 15 2,215 6,485 311 216 163 6,995 791 10,126 4,119 16 1,150 17,743 413 249 1,243 5,180 24,962 7,957 370 14,776 11,485 17 7,150 27,073 200 480 20 2,210 466 20 1,665 15,928 5,410 3,015 13,317 13,816 18 1,143,945 4,735,525 899,234 1,192,331 882,753 6,803 659,067 2,749,235 268 757,267 300 10,055 149 19 702,158 1,032,614 4,290,022-20 1,723 122,492 2,364 14,816 6,618 11,452 178,963 45,692 23,082 219,595 122,005 21 2 150 2 16 75 216 3,920 490 510 666 920 160 4,072 9 631 37 180 26 22 854 13,814 969 23 38 7,512 405 85 1,019 2,133 10,075 3,089 2,152 16,429 3,571 24 522 11,110 182 878 1,966 1,562 16,325 3,378 1,629 37,914 8,656 25 92 21,685 430 2,000 1,083 969 31,220 4,896 3,109 25,204 4,056 26 220 38,288 13 150 1,371 2,303 48,910 6,811 12,038 62,673 19,551 27 12,056 270 350 487 4,873 6,862 3,263 20,492 1,500 28 250 17,530 10 383 10,241 574 10,841 838 2,652 17,755 1,060 3,284 12,507 29 45,573 18,956 39,605 71,169 30 58,142 416,463 32,321 79,701 75,440 78,201 65 10,664 6,235 31 32 65 164 33 5,000 34 5,900 52,242 416,463 32,321 4,200 75,501 35 75,440 78,201 10,500 1,235 36 FORESTRY 84 Kind of forestry and size of total assets TABLE 33.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF FORESTRY Assets Total number of Equipment establish- ments Land and Total (Pesos) buildings Total Sawmill (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) Planing mill (Pesos) Power Machine plant shop (Pesos) (Pesos) 1 Charcoal making.. 69 92,579 29,937 19,267 2 Under P 100.... 22 396 104 3P 100 to P 100 to P 499... 14 3,207 180 720 4 P 500 to P 999__ 7 4,560 825 1,160 5 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 15 23,323 3,492 2,566 6 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 7 18,052 4,030 7,667 7 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 2- 14,291 3,360 1,050 8 P10,000 to P14,999.. 1 10,250 2,550 6,000 9 P15,000 to P19,999.. 1 18,500 16,000 10 Rattan gathering.. 865 143,358 23,648 8,956 11 Under P 100... 636 12,072 527 1,426 12 P 100 to P 499.. 163 33,179 2,998 3,403 13 P 500 to P 999.. 34 22,021 4,513 722 14 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 22 33,750 10,390 365 15 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 6 19,239 5,220 250 16 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 4 23,097 2,790 17 Firewood.... 614 261,386 44,531 79,798 18 Under P 100. 319 10,781 263 1,690 19 P 100 to P 499. 170 39,699 2,105 8,578 20 P P 500 to P 999.. 59 39,603 5,095 8,680 21 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 45 66,490 8,048 27,382 23 22 P 2,500 to P 4,999. P5,000 to P 9,999.. 14 46,897 11,230 12,502 6 46,000 9,790 19,073 24 P10,000 to P14,999. 1 11,916 8,000 1,893 25 Tanbark.. 120 68,122 19,864 8,200 26 Under P 100... 78 3,379 100 27 P 100 to P 499.. 22 2,963 115 28 P 500 to P 999... 7 4,275 1,440 29 P 1,000 to P 2,499... 7 11,439 1,200 3,500 30 P2,500 to P 4,999... 1 3,000 31 P 5,000 to P 9,999... 3 19,636 5,124 4,585 32 P10,000 to P14,999.. 2 23,430 12,000 33 Others... 702 194,078 55,724 25,194 34 Under P 100.. 526 7,214 185 430 35 P 100 to P 499... 109 23,024 2.417 2,329 36 P 500 to P 999... 31 21,661 2,335 1,846 37 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 20 27,602 4,685 9,044 38 39 40 P 2,500 to P 4,999.. P 5,000 to P 9,999.. P10,000 to P14,999. 5 19,105 6,072 3,500 8 61,544 35,530 3,545 3 33,928 4,500 4,500 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 85 AND SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938-Continued Yarding machin- eries, etc. (Pesos) Equipment-Continued Assets-Continued 3,359 Other Transporta- tion, rail- road, etc. Logging camp houses (Pesos) (Pesos) Logging camp equipment Falling and bucking Lumber Logs forest Cash tools Others (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) products (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) 17,326 117 1,055 1,786 7,318 1,941 104 603 105 780 349 1,050 6,000 8,086 1,064 3,095 672 2699889 365 250 2,640 61,395 Accounts and notes receivable (Pesos) 17,149 18,631 7,595 1 50 242 2 202 2,105 3 25 2,650 400 4 6,456 8,034 2,775 5 3,005 2,600 750 6 5,411 2,000 2,470 7 500 1,000 200 8 1,500 1,000 9 870 1,071 812 20,945 74,691 13,235 10 362 90 1,349 8,228 404 11 308 201 72 3,196 21,448 1,861 12 50 2 692 3.598 10,572 1,922 13 574 5,311 14,265 2,845 14 3,300 5,016 5,453 15 150 204 4,191 15,162 750 16 15,044 332 2,198 18,914 92,800 22,813 17 696 6,068 478 516 15 1,775 2,812 3,690 536 18 1,206 1,304 140 216 6,585 3,547 22,330 2,783 19 759 1,336 30 23,804 2,665 18,690 4,443 20 668 2,910 147 155 4,353 21,785 12,402 4,620 21 100 52 10,415 4,530 17,350 1,233 22 8,658 1,425 1,007 8,530 7,600 23 248 220 425 1,598 24 8,165 35 100 6,675 32,190 1,093 25 94 3,182 3 26 115 100 1,158 1,500 90 27 140 2,295 400 28 3,500 1,789 4,950 29 3,000 30 4,550 35 84 9,243 600 31 3,410 8,020 32 23,845 424 925 1,453 427 16,979 79,287 15,009 33 230 2.159 4 196 549 4,917 1,133 34 150 20 170 397 2,133 14,451 1,127 35 1,621 125 100 28 30 2,083 9,731 5,608 36 8,415 20 609 1,132 10,208 2,533 37 3,500 52 9,481 38 3,420 125 4,376 14,519 3,574 39 4,500 1,260 6,654 15,980 1,034 40 86 FORESTRY TABLE 34.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND GROSS Kind of forestry and size of total assets Number of employees in 1938 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Persons paid wages and salaries Number of estab- lishments Total (Persons) Office supervi- Managers, employees, Males Females Others sors stenogra- phers (Persons) (Persons) 1 Total.. 3,874 43,871 5,065 2,653 2,371 708 854 2 Logging only..... 925 11,342 1,551 949 644 176 149 34567 Under + 100... 120 471 213 133 81 P 100 to P 499.. 228 1,861 371 217 86 26 12 P 500 to P 999. 207 2,194 415 272 136 10 12 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 187 2,317 301 209 146 20 11 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 76 743 158 65 44 43 14 8 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 54 722 67 41 26 24 10 9 P10,000 to P14,999. 11 114 5 10 P15,000 to 19,999. 8 167 3 11 P20,000 and over. 34 2,753 18 129 20 9 3 2 21 6 6 84 56 81 12 Logging and sawmilling. 177 22,405 170 100 1,042 465 613 13 P 100 to P 499. 13 67 12 14 P 500 to P 999. 3 15 3 1 15 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 9 75 22 13 1 16 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 17 275 21 6 8 20 17 P5,000 to P 9,999. 18 P10,000 to P14,999... 23 529 35 20 575 34 32 35 11 19 12 27 16 18 20 19 P15,000 to P19,999.. 2 12 3 1 4 20 P20,000 and over. 90 20,857 40 19 1,014 418 557 21 Handsawing.. 362 3,118 553 331 257 32 49 23456789 222222223 22 Under P 100.. 31 162 61 30 20 23 P 100 to P 499... 104 490 138 80 24 P 500 to P 999.. 75 666 105 76 25 26 2.7 28 29 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. P 2,500 to P 4,999. P 5,000 to P 9,999.. P10,000 to P14,999... P15,000 to P19,999. 67 507 102 50 36 526 78 47 32 367 47 30 16880 40 1 46 8 36 3 99 6 13 10 10 6 148 9 10 1 5 77 9 6 30 P20,000 and over.. 6 175 4 2 31 Logging and sawmilling for mining pur- 40 554 33 12 3 1 2 18 24 630348 5 4 6 poses. 32 Under P 100... 33 99 33 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 1 1 34 P 5,000 to P 9,999... 1 1 35 P10,000 to P14,999. 1 142 2211 29 2 2 1 1 36 P20,000 and over. 4 311 1 2 24 2 4 37 Charcoal making..... 69 267 106 64 42 6 38 Under P 100.- 22 51 29 39 P 100 to P 40 P 500 to P 499.. 999. 14 50 7 38 41 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 15 40 42 P 2,500 to P 4,999.. 7 37 43 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 2 34 44 P10,000 to P14,999.. 45 P15,000 to P19,999. 11 1 16 28273316 30 23 32214 625771 1 5 8 46 Rattan gathering. 865 1,884 1,048 367 107 9 6 47 Under P 100... 636 1,057 710 213 41 9 2 48 P 100 to P 499. 163 583 256 128 54 49 P 500 to P 999. 34 144 48 19 9 4 50 P 1,000 to P2,499. 22 42 26 6 3 51 P 2,500 to P4,999. 6 51 4 1 52 P 5,000 to P9,999. 7 4 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 87 SALES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Number of employees in 1938-Con. Persons paid wages and salaries--Con. Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Logging Sawmill, planing mill, and lumber employees yard employ- (Persons) Other employees (Persons) Total (Pesos) Office Managers, employees, supervisors stenogra- (Pesos) phers (Pesos) Sawmill, Logging employees (Pesos) planing Other mill, and lumber yard employees employees (Pesos) Gross sales in 1938 (Pesos) ees (Pesos) (Persons) 15,944 10,611 5,665 10,343,723 1,273,022 6,644 1,229 1,236,329 170,671 649,285 68,807 3,425,999 3,962,251 1,033,166 28,866,228 1 795,059 201,792 4,436,375 2 27 15 8,560 1,050 5,725 1,785 138,429 994 175 46,380 2,488 697 30,864 12,331 148,675 1,247 102 63,487 6,461 1,276 52,367 3,383 234,669 1,407 223 123,721 7,628 2,505 98,472 15,116 423,303 6 355 64 60,717 9,759 2,510 37,787 10,661 379,566 34567 449 105 82,713 10,552 1,956 56,680 13,525 566,248 8 57 19 26,240 9,390 1,360 12,922 2,568 187,174 9 73 56 37,867 5,420 2,900 18,750 10,797 106,577 10 2,035 470 786,644 117,923 55,603 481,492 131,626 2,251,734 11 8,241 10,130 1,644 8,544,023 1,062,525 552,949 2,463,370 3,881,909 583,270 21,843,995 12 50 1 8 23 9 70 109 195 200 22 159 287 437421 1,233 902 180 151 4,669 13 1,752 728 1,024 1,813 14 2,961 37,581 300 5,395 1,015 346 1,300 22,584 15 5,562 9,438 12,493 4,693 111,110 16 78,830 12,105 3,784 26,956 32,676 3,309 223,760 17 88,922 4 2,880 16,800 540 5,877 1,380 7,736 9,520 1,553 8,329,864 1,027,385 35,520 960 536,346 2,396,799 3,799,734 27,532 3,193 224,424 18 14,208 19 569,600 21,241,427 20 752 371 773 242,741 15,009 14,799 62,519 49,302 101,112 1,229,158 21 20 4 25 3,796 840 903 6 2,047 15,995 22 101 20 106 13,100 1,360 466 5,001 419 5,854 83,286 23 117 118 196 38,026 1,049 6,137 6,162 24,678 91,918 24 191 23 97 26,730 2,460 650 13,021 2,297 8,302 128,865 25 101 119 73 48,987 1,725 1,145 15,092 19,397 11,628 144,756 26 95 29 133 31,245 4,495 3,115 8,338 5,388 9,909 167,721 27 59 28 38 22,940 960 172 5,620 7,363 8,825 126,265 28 18 38 14,169 660 1,920 4,374 7,215 206,539 29 68 12 67 43,748 2,300 6,491 8,407 3,896 22,654 263,813 30 307 110 91 178,330 13,432 4,081 105,051 31,040 24,726 312,795 31 66 35,277 5,800 29,477 32 20,709 33 6,000 34 98 37 3 48,195 1,580 31,751 13,805 1,059 276,277 35 143 73 88 94,858 7,632 2,501 43,823 17,235 23,667 9,809 36 49 13,532 3,400 10,132 113,415 37 19 13 10 4980 163 163 2,592 38 280 280 6,442 39 4,415 4,415 4,480 40 5,010 960 4,050 43,581 41 3,132 2,160 972 26,886 42 8,541 43 1,680 44 3 532 532 19,213 45 347 26,412 2,520 3,216 20,676 221,938 46 82 5,062 2,520 1,800 742 55,691 47 145 6,547 6,547 40,585 48 64 5,544 1,416 4,128 45,249 49 7 450 46 8,449 3 360 450 8,449 360 20,929 50 31,722 51 27,762 52 88 FORESTRY TABLE 34.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND GROSS Number of employees in 1938 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Persons paid wages and salaries Kind of forestry and size of total assets Number of estab- lishments Total (Persons) Office Managers, employees, Males Females Others supervi- sors (Persons) stenogra- phers (Persons) 1 Firewood. 614 2,482 776 403 141 9 2345678 Under P 100... 319 821 361 203 P 100 to P 499.. 170 789 205 108 33 P 500 to P 999.. 59 365 106 39 9 P 1,000 to P 2,499. P2,500 to P 4,999... P 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P14,999.. Tanbark 45 356 75 34 14 124 20 15 6 26 8 287252 19 6 212 2 2 3 * 1 1 1 120 265 99 49 8 2 2 10 Under P 100... 78 105 52 30 11 P 100 to P 499. 22 68 29 12 P 500 to P 999 - 7 56 6 13 P1,000 to P 2,499. 7 29 7 8963 143 1 2 1 14 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 1 15 P 5,000 to P 9,999... 3 16 P10,000 to P14,999.. 2 41 142 4 1 1 17 Others... 702 1,554 729 390 127 5 21 1122222 8961234 18 Under P 100... 526 721 485 228 19 20 P P 100 to P 499... 109 414 160 106 49 500 to P 999... 31 123 43 24 21 P 1,500 to P 2,499. 20 71 20 15 17 22 P 2,500 to P 4,999.. 5 71 4 7 46 23 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 8 142 14 24 P10,000 to P14,999. 3 12 3 88 198968 22 2 8 1 4 1 1 7 TABLE 35.-POWER EQUIPMENT BY KIND OF FORESTRY Steam engines, turbines, etc. Gasoline engines Diesel and semi- Diesel engines Kind of forestry and size of total assets Estab- lish- ments Number of units reporting Rated Estimated horse value power (Pesos) Estab- lish- ments reporting Number of units Rated horse power Esti- Estab- mated lish- Number value ments of units (Pesos) reporting 1 Total... 85 650 39,448 2,609,012 108 422 16,990 873,891 90 211 2 Logging only. 12 34 2,154 187,056 42 101 4,471 183,268 14 43 11 12 13 14667800 FREE 3 5 P Under P 100... 1 2 500 to P 999. P 1,000 to P 2,499. P 2,500 to P 4,999... P 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P14,999.. 1 1 50 12,000 9 P15,000 to P19,999. P20,000 and over.. 11 Logging and sawmilling. 72 33 2,104 175,056 612/ 36,924 2,416,956 13 64 P 1,000 to P 2,499. P 2,500 to P 4,999. 14 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 15 P10,000 to P14,999. 16 P15,000 to $19,999. 17 P20,000 and over... 23223 7 685 4,184 4 120 8,663 2 3 596 44 155 12,000 35,920 2,389,659 2,450 44 18 Logging and sawmilling for 1 4 370 5,000 HOOTI23 24 2 1 1 85 50 9 10 421 4,545 9 11. 515 13,812 7 11 350 17,265 2 1 1 45 1,000 5 156 8,543 62 2,899 138,053 11 36 308 12,130 678,423 73 7 7 3 1 29641 39 1,500 220 7,150 8 281 8,243 248 85 284 11,257 14,100 2,000 645,430 10 53 13 389 12,200 326028 ❤ 154 3 སམྨསྶསནྣཱ ཝཱ 2 12 12 126 mining purposes. 19 20,000 and over.. 1 4 370 5,000 2 13 389 12,200 3 14 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 89 SALES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938-Continued Number of employees in 1938-Con. Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Persons paid wages and salaries-Con. Sawmill, Logging Sawmill, planing mill, Other and lumber Total (Pesos) employees (Persons) yard employ- employees (Persons) Office Managers, employees, supervisors stenogra- phers (Pesos) (Pesos) Logging employees (Pesos) plan ng Other mill, and lumber yard employees employees (Pesos) (Pesos) ees (Persons) 1,145 66,905 2,645 1,281 195 2,631 435 18,986 1,845 111 201 16,174 120 30 223 12,119 660 84 14,095 7 2,900 680 480 105 4,750 960 262 19 1,087 360 262 26 429 40 1,822 600 19 1,292 1 120 282 30,701 1,860 3,890 91 9,934 1,385 45 5,769 120 191 18 3,516 240 12 2,160 540 116 7,848 1,200 600 1,474 1,474 ווווווו 11, 11 יויייי Gross sales in 1938 (Pesos) 62,979 437,056 1 2,631 101,432 17,030 81,991 16,024 62,331 11,459 94,420 -14,095 1,740 59,855 6 37,027 7 2345678 5 3,528 36,062 9 465 6,544 10 429 7,117 11 1,222 8,319 12 1,292 9,912 13 120 560 14 153 15 3,457 16 24,951 235,434 17 63,630 18 8.549 40,582 19 5,458 28,067 20 3,276 22,742 21 1,620 8,749 22 6,048 45,402 23 26,262 24 Diesel and semi- diesel engines-Con. AND SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Hydro-Turbines Electric motors driven by purchased electricity Electric motors driven by electricity produced by the user Rated Estimated horse value power (Pesos) Estab- Rated lish- ments reporting Number of units horse power Esti- Estab- mated lish- value ments (Pesos) reporting Number of units Rated horse power Esti- Estab- mated lish- value ments (Pesos) reporting Esti- Rated Number mated horse of units value power (Pesos) 11,710 1,460,907 1 1 25 1,383 9 39 1,241 55,439 45 404 5,448 184,431 1 1,520 219,855 2 1 1 1 1 65 14,000 3 4 5 6 999,426 NO 1 40 6,682 1,415 9,004 1,138,725 199,173 1 1 25 1,383 8 37 12 650 1 25 1,383 204 90,365 368 45 41,784 6,500 8,375 1,186 102,327 1,186 102,327 7 8 I 9 10 37 1,161 51,439 43 382 5,243 178,923 11 12 13 14 15 16 100 8 37 1,161 51,439 43 382 5,243 178,923 17 234567 1 2 80 4,000 2 22 205 5,508 18 1 2 80 4,000 2 22 22 205 5,508 19 90 FORESTRY TABLE 36.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF Assets Kind of forestry and size of gross sales Number of Equipment establish- ments Total (Pesos) Land and buildings (Pesos) Total Sawmill (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) Planing mill Power Machine plant shop (Pesos) (Pesos) 1 Total... 3,874 36,902,2904,411,101 19,694,661 5,030,494 517,175 1,293,532 600,436 2 Logging only. 925 4,429,770 483,983 1,895,270 159,268 113,210 3456789 Under P 100. 154 163,912 32,255 35,674 4,000 100 to P 499. 247 136,903 9,855 33,886 P 500 to P 999.. 146 123,434 4,641 33,115 P 1,000 to P 1,999. 157 266,153 11,405 63,649 P 2,000 to P 4,999. 87 301,553 16,426 93,157 7,000 P 5,000 to P 9,999 52 317,670 27,674 101,921 P 10,000 to P 19,999. 67 949,165 10 215,321 339,310 6,000 P 50,000 to P 99,999. 8 657,065 11 69,166 324,706 10,000 1,200 12 13 Under 7 14 P 10 P100,000 to P499,999.. Logging and sawmilling. P 100... 100 to P 499... 177 29,775,973 3,576,814 16,503,853 4,695,783 7 1,513,915 97,240 869,852 132,268 112,010 517,175 1,225,724 476,087 137,893 42,622 47,992 19,672 2,000 2,300 500 19,060 1,670 15 9,022 4,200 3,600 P 500 to P 999 7 17,716 2,672 16 3,324 1,600 1,500 P 1,000 to P 1,999. 19 124,305 15,299 63,981 17 32,556 2,000 14,322 250 P2,000 to P 4,999. 20 251,475 20,727 18 165,694 104,542 3,800 26,375 400 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 27 98,437 4,951 60,942 19 21,093 2,500 10,100 868 P10,000 to P 19,999. 26 1,999,493 558,377 816,973 369,887 20 29,622 98,259 29,893 P 20,000 to P 49,999.. 5 89,637 23,500 48,100 1,455 4,070 21 P 50,000 to P 99,999. 22 18 2,732,724 284,998 2,069,754 804,339 44,208 4,150 97,585 24,875 23 24 P100,000 to P499,999.. P500,000 and over.. Handsawing.. 29 7,650,087 1,170,833 9 16,655,146 1,451,165 4,033,600 9,184,471 2,242,061 1,094,378 154,049 401,744 107,326 274,926 565,789 311,975 362 897,692 148,890 159.465 25 Under 100.. 37 44.662 18,590 6,693 26 P 100 to P 499.. 92 47,955 4,760 13,367 27 P 500 to P 999.. 60 71,678 31,436 10,842 28 P 1,000 to P 1,999. 88 153,952 31,932 36.907 29 P 2,000 to P 4,999. 44 165,412 13,348 32,375 30 P 5,000 to P 9,999.. 23 120,198 18,277 15,507 31 P 10,000 to P 19,999... 14 161,533 22,962 28,257 32 P 50,000 to P 99,999... 2 41,376 6,785 6,537 33 P100,000 to P499,999.. 2 90,926 800 8,980 34 Logging and sawmilling for 40 1,039,332 27,710 994,658 175,443 67,808 11,139 mining purposes. 35 Under P 100.. 36 916,685 36 904,950 171,587 52,621 P5,000 to P 9,999. 2 111,366 27,710 78,656 2,904 15,187 11,139 37 P 20,000 to P 49,999. 1 1,181 952 952 38 P100,000 to $499,999.. 1 10,100 10,100 39 Charcoal making. 69 92,579 29,937 19,267 40 Under P100... 19 5,395 41 3,890 P100 to P 499... 20 7,114 1,375 567 42 P500 to P 999. 10 16,395 4,180 1,231 43 P1,000 to P 1,999. 7 17,232 3,060 7,853 44 P2,000 to P 4,999. 4 8,298 3,772 1,170 45 P 5,000 to P 9,999.. 7 18,630 1,480 4,511 46 P10,000 to P19,999.. 2 19,515 16,070 45 47 Rattan gathering... 865 143,358 23,648 8,956 48 Under P 100... 631 49 T 100 to P 499.. 158 50 P500 to P 999. 51 52 P 1,000 to P 1,999.. P2,000 to P 4,999.. 53 P10,000 to P19,999. 12828 34,240 7,122 3,862 35,142 7,780 1,363 34 14,237 3,538 285 29 29,415 3,758 456 9 17,772 350 390 4 12,552 1,100 2,600 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 91 FORESTRY, BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES: 1938 Equipment-Continued Assets-Continued Other Yarding machineries, Transpor- tation. Logging etc. (Pesos) railroad, etc. camp houses (Pesos) (Pesos) Logging camp equipment Falling and bucking tools Lumber Others (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) Logs forest Cash Accounts and notes products (Pesos) (Pesos) receivable (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) 1,308,178 6,350,466 1,086,212 1,543,368 1,035,809 928,991 2,990,859 1,447,580 878,305 2,262,503 5,217,281 1 == 93,827 902,598 151,369 255,791 65,012 154,195 613,468 68,658 653,380 715,011 2 14,380 8,974 368 1,737 6,265 34,040 1,268 59,787 888 28,432 314 542 2,743 1,855 43,908 2,537 43,181 3,536 27,910 780 441 2,417 1,567 34,729 2,667 45,070 3,212 48,102 5,992 425 5,258 3,872 44,496 14,155 108,507 23,941 71,351 2,666 2,024 3,942 6,174 42,191 13,261 87,469 49,049 7 81,553 1,456 6.240 1,566 11,106 72,089 5,188 500 100,104 74,675 58,487 25,674 73,870 154,604 | 15,117 150,318 60,250 74,495 9 50,548 8 345678 4 6 2,000 173,637 6,153 119,723 11,993 32,800 61,040 169,353 10 91,327 357,179 50,359 67,541 9,682 49,486 154,611 14,465 37,758 339,989 11 1,154,486 4,790,096 900,158 1,193,060 884,921 666,363 2,808,870 774,319 705,903 1,085,694 4,320,520 12 13,600 7.405 703 101 1,577 134 5,693 788 340 40,458 13 6 1,100 72 44 4,550 1,633 120 1,450 615 14 69 155 150 530 9.836 1,204 15 1,065 10,230 7 30 478 3,043 19,642 5,120 2,720 11,815 5,728 16 150 26,961 110 211 23,420 304 1,500 199 331 1,525 22,317 6,625 952 31,382 3,778 17 597 1,650 10,686 10,156 250 7,165 98,953 132,363 2,200 34,531 7,021 14,244 207,930 52,805 24,343 77 995 21,159 4,287 18 261,070 19 9,000 955 7,311 14,130 3,907 20 187,598 280,609 16,509 357,538 1,220,226 474,206 3,078,782 117,487 29,231 398,195 851,094 640,062 316,538 180,006 119,757 66,249 7,464 33,052 151,450 21 97,056 173,857 534,624 415,496 141,456 235,012 1,119,066 461,182 284,394 1,869,391 211,010 528,258 637,529 2,773,322 22233 1,723 122,492 2,364 14,816 6,618 11,452 178,963 45,692 23,082 219,595 122,005 24 7 6,080 20 35 195 356 13,227 251 152 5,130 374 10,375 100 64 924 1,580 8,164 2,664 1,863 14,394 619 25 2,743 26 116 8,425 85 68 966 1,182 6,774 2,314 1,175 16,474 2,663 27 381 30,357 852 713 2,149 2,455 22,355 4,568 5,149 46,387 6,654 28 242 18,333 333 10,325 925 2,217 41,421 20,115 4,471 44,899 8,783 29 140 14,604 391 372 26,355 1,847 6,509 44,862 6,841 30 80 20,108 400 3,261 1,068 3,340 25,62 9,893 500 33,806 40,491 31 383 5,230 574 350 14,1 1,164 3,263 6,862 2,665 32 8,980 20, 9 2,876 6,781 50,546 33 58,142 416,463 32,321 79,701 75,440 78,201 65 10,664 6,235 34 52,242 367,037 32,321 75,501 75,440 78,201 10,500 1,235 35 49,426 5,000 36 65 164 37 5,900 4,200 38 1 17,326 1,941 17,149 18,631 7,595 39 3,507 -383 52 1,453 40 165 402 50 4,822 300 41 1,180 51 5,836 3,498 1,650 42 6,793 1,060 2,845 2,974 500 43 1,170 656 2,500 200 44 4,511 6,210 2,484 3,945 45 45 1,500 900 1,000 46 8,086 870 1,071 812 20,945 74,691 13,235 47 3,372 490 1,299 64 773 235 50 28728 65 110 3,264 17,319 2,498 48 702 2,326 20,240 1,958 49 29 3,501 5,853 1,031 50 340 116 4,688 18,752 1,761 51 390 3,934 8,211 4,887 52 2,450 150 204 3,232 4,316 1,100 53 FORESTRY 92 Kind of forestry and size of gross sales TABLE 36.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF FORESTRY Assets Number of Equipment establish- Land and ments Total (Pesos) buildings Total (Pesos) (Pesos) Sawmill (Pesos) mill (Pesos) Planing Power Machine plant shop (Pesos) (Pesos) 1 Firewood. 2345678 Under P 100... P 100 to P 499. 9 P 500 to P 999. P 1,000 to P 1,999. P 2,000 to P 4,999.. P 5,000 to P 9,999.. P10,000 to P19,999... Tanbark 10 Under P 100... 11 P 100 to P 499. 12 P 500 to P 999. 13 P 1,000 to P 1,999. 14 P 2,000 to P 4,999.. 15 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 16 Others... 702 17 Under P 100... 472 18 P 100 to P 499.. 147 19 P 500 to P 999. 20 P 1,000 to P 1,999. 21 P 2,000 to P 4,999.. 22 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 23 P10,000 to P19,999. $ 8x3bze ;⌘d༠སས ༔ *#ས* 614 261,386 44,531 79,798 276 38,973 13,206 4,572 187 57,358 6,712 17,875 63 32,718 2,055 13,622 57 68,051 5,610 26,406 19 42,318 12,948 13,515 5 4,407 500 7 17,561 4,000 3,308 120 68,122 19,864 8,200 85 38,362 17,404 4,290 21 9,760 2,460 825 6 4,617 2,700 4 1,473 385 2 11,410 2 2,500 194,078 55,724 25,194 19,905 3,665 4,416 45,771 5,488 13,224 40 17,476 776 3,244 23 32,694 15,075 14 49,487 21,660 4,200 2 1,110 4 27,635 260 8,800 110 TABLE 37.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND Number of employees in 1938 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Kind of forestry and size of gross sales Number of establish- ments Total (Persons) Males Females Others 1 2 Total..... 3,874 43,871 5,065 2,653 2,371 Logging only...... 925 11,342 1,551 949 644 3 Under 100... 154 831 281 122 4 P 100 to P 499.. 247 1,818 404 269 5 P 500 to P 999. 146 1,394 268 200 6 P. 1,000 to P 1,999. 157 1,724 278 170 7 P2,000 to P 4,999. 87 1,118 160 93 8 P 5,000 to P 9,999.. 52 628 76 38 គមនគ 99 114 67 87 73 10 9 P 10,000 to P 19,999. 67 1,529 81 57 194 10 P 50,000 to P 99,999. 8 629 1 11 P100,000 to P499,999... 7 1,671 2 12 Logging and sawmilling.. 177 22,405 170 100 1,042 13 Under 100... 14 P 100 to P 499.. 10 15 P 500 to P 999.. 16 P 1,000 to P 1,999... 19 17 P 2,000 to P 4,999.. 20 18 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 27 19 P 10,000 to P 19,999.. 26 20 P 20,000 to P 49,999. 21 P 50,000 to P 99,999. 18 22 P100,000 to P499,999.. 29 23 P500,000 and over... TOT 700000 7 51 50 7 54 229 40 266 19 817 34 1,190 25 5 286 2,079 8,276 11 LORELLE 16 14 37 9 1 1 9 23 35 15 3 48764 128 2 14 8 16 3 874 9 9,107 90 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 93 BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES: 1938-Continued Equipment-Continued Assets-Continued Other Yarding machineries, Transpor- Logging tation, etc. (Pesos) ailroad, etc. camp houses (Pesos) Logging camp equipment Falling and bucking tools Others (Pesos) Lumber (Pesos) (Pesos) Logs forest Cash products (Pesos) (Pesos) Accounts and notes receivable (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) 61,395 3,359 15,044 332 2,198 18,914 92,800 22,813 1 3,757 323 492 75 85 2,440 16,207 2,388 12,708 1,278 3,889 41 1,958 5,810 22,281 2,681 12,649 352 621 96 50 1,378 11,457 4,060 15,909 863 9,634 30 105 4,029 21,700 10,171 12,721 448 346 2,730 11,812 1,313 500 1,727 1,680 3,151 95 62 90 800 7,663 560 7 1,700 8 2345678 8,165 35 100 6,675 32,190 1,093 9 4,290 1,407 14,658 825 1,648 4,737 6998 603 10 90 11 2,700 100 210 1,607 12 350 35 1,088 13 3,410 8,000 14 2,100 400 15 PH234E 23,845 424 925 1,458 427 16,979 79,287 15,009 16 3,679 5 732 70 71 1,517 9,358 808 17 12,761 279 184 356 3,425 19,909 3,369 18 3,205 30 9 1,516 9,639 2,301 19 1,383 2,365 10,871 2,995 20 4,200 5,437 15,836 2,354 21 350 500 22 110 2,719 13,324 2,682 23 GROSS SALES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND SIZE OF GROSS SALES: 1938 Number of employees in 1938-Continued Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Persons paid salaries and wages Office Manag- em- ers, super-ployees, Logging mill, and Sawmill, visors (Persons) stenogra- phers (Persons) Sawmill, planing Other (Pesos) employees lumber employees (Persons) yard em- (Persons) ployees (Persons) Office em- planing Total Managers, ployees, Logging supervisors stenogra- employees (Pesos) phers (Pesos) (Pesos) mill, and lumber yard employees (Pesos) Other employees (Pesos) Gross sales in 1938 (Pesos) 708 854 15,944 10,611 5,665 10,343,723 1,273,022 649,285 3,425,999 3,962,251 1,033,166 28,866,228 1 176 149 6,644 1,229 1,236,329 170,671 68,807 795,059 201,792 4,436,375 2 328 1 60840802 11 16 41 19 213-0008 894 129 3,078 32,404 3,041 37 4,221 3 592 157 26,619 5,036 68,171 4 703 136 37,413 1,408 457 29,618 5,930 106,492 5 996 172 81,734 1,978 1,667 68,673 9,416 255,867 6 9 618 120 91,265 11,273 2,480 64,586 12,926 309,391 7 404 68 80,298 15,043 5,218 47,623 12,414 364,644 8 911 187 284,501 39,468 16,671 195,323 33,039 1,223,104 9 473 1,317 124 167,067 292 458,569 63,791 37,118 10,055 85,499 34,395 665,281 10 32,102 274,077 88,599 1,439,204 11 465 613 8,241 10,130 1,644 8,544,023 1,062,525 552,949 2,463,370 3,881,909 583,270 21,843,995 12 217 13 37 2 32 5 4 1,653 1,691 1,293 360 2,669 14 1,164 376 151 5,544 15 8 3 65 72 16 14,261 20 13 53 106 34 39,470 20 43 198 445 34 174,068 3,270 10,405 3,350 30,254 18,789 520 2,697 4,896 2,878 32,066 16 7,277 13,002 5,436 79,321 17 31,827 84,971 8,227 237,902 18 158 36 235 416 289 207,255 29,411 11,398 54,306 71,724 40,416 466,759 19 4 12 12 236 19 89,925 11,897 6,755 3,474 63,996 3,803 174,986 20 43 70 760 718 465 492,847 93,164 36,921 121,992 116,403 124,367 1,427,558 21 138 261 2,893 74 175 3,956 3,626 4,504 475 2,813,151 338,658 197,113 997,366 1,040,072 239,942 6,633,215 22 308 4,709,702 545,466 278,103 1,241,974 2,486,109 158,050 12,783,758 23 94 FORESTRY TABLE 37.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND W AGES PAID, AND GROSS Number of employees in 1938 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Kind of forestry and size of gross sales Number of establish- ments Total (Persons) Males Females Others 1 Handsawing.. 362 3,118 553 331 257 2345678 Under P 100... 37 186 72 P 33 100 to P 499.. 92 594 134 P 500 to P 79 999... 60 420 5 P 107 1,000 to P 80 1,999. 26 88 580 6 P 2,000 to P 117 61 4,999. 60 44 523 7P 5,000 to P 66 29 9,999. 92 23 293 33 22 P 10,000 to P 19,999. 282022 29 38 14 348 9 P 50,000 to P 99,999. 19 20 2 67 3 10 100,000 to P499,999. 4 2 107 2 3 1 11 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. 40 554 33 3 12 Under P 100.. 36 32 30 13 P 5,000 to T 9,999. 2 2 28 1 14 P 20,000 to P 49,999... 1 1 1 15 16 17 Under P P100,000 to P409,999.. Charcoal making. 100.... 1 493 1 1 69 267 106 64 19 40 23 14 18 P 100 to P 499 .. 20 56 31 19 P500 to P 999. 10 52 14 20 P 1,000 to P 1,999. 7 34 19 222 21 P 2,000 to P 4,999.. 4 46 4 22 P5,000 to P 9,999. 7 22 9 23 P10,000 to P19,999.. 2 17 6 11699260 42 80 313481 24 Rattan gathering... 865 1,884 1,048 367 107 222 25 Under P 100... 631 1,120 744 213 26 P 100 to P 499... 158 511 236 22233 27 P 500 to P 999... 34 93 28 P1,000 to P 1,999 29 90 29 P 2,000 to P 4,999... 9 12 888888 127 51 1159 54 11 12 30 P10,000 to P19,999. 4 58 2 222 31 Firewood... 614 2,482 776 403 141 32 Under P 100... 276 757 343 160 33 P 100 to P 499 187 845 228 142 34 P 500 to P 999. 63 289 35 P 1,000 to P 1,999. 57 340 36 P 2,000 to P 4,999. 19 159 37 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 5 24 38 P10,000 to P19,999 7 68 39 Tanbark.. 120 265 40 Under P 100... 85 41 P 100 to P 499.. 21 42 P 500 to P 999. 43 P1,000 to P1,999. 44 P2,000 to P4,999. 45 P5,000 to P9,999.. 626422 131 62 28 29 2 13 46 Others... 702 1,554 729 47 Under P 100... 472 48 P 100 to P 499... 147 49 P 500 to P 999. 50 P 1,000 to P 1,999 51 P 2,000 to P 4,999.. 52 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 53 P10,000 to P19,999. *#ལ< 707 423 401 140 95 14 180 88⌘t $ཌཨ ཙྪིཝེསྶ 37 14 26 26 24 38485 6 8 1 49 8 28 10 2045 12 1 4 3 390 127 216 20 101 40 38 17 15 2 18 47 8 1 1 4 23 5 1 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 95 SALES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND SIZE OF GROSS SALES: 1938-Continued Number of employees in 1938-Continued Persons paid salaries and-wages Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Office em- Manag- ers, super- visors (Persons) Sawmill, planing Other ployees, Logging mill, and stenogra- employees lumber employees phers (Persons) (Persons) yard em- (Persons) ployees (Persons) Office em- Sawmill, planing Total (Pescs) Logging Managers, ployees, supervisors stenogra- employees (Pesos) phers (Pesos) (Pesos) mill, and lumber yard Other employees (Pesos) Gross sales in employees 1938 (Pesos) (Pesos) 32 49 752 371 773 242,741 15,009 14,799 62,519 49,302 101,112 1,229,158 1 34 18 1,631 437 151 63 1,436 195 125 12,993 3,133 3 90 1,089 53 4,751 968 61 6,185 11,800 26,431 9 3 4 10 1 1 20 360008 360 142 5,572 67 1,807 123 4,061 27.886 112 3,560 895 48 7,739 6,571 9,121 161 40,859 140,526 52,068 68 4,185 16 1,835 9,311 5,496 143 31,241 33,505 162,270 815 155 81 1,200 13,375 2,106 16,009 50 167,385 58,296 4 3,380 3.695 28 20,335 19,785 27 14,422 11,101 277,395 960 512 15 9,095 65 3,855 30,140 111,683 9 660 6,662 3,474 19,344 299,476 10 234567800 4 6 307 110 91 178,330 13,432 4,081 105,051 31,040 24,726 312,795 11 16 12 11 3,134 1,827 1,307 15,809 13 4 6 16 291 99 1 91 175,196 20,709 14 13,432 4,081 103,224 29,733 24,726 276,277 15 2345 49 13,532 3,400 10,132 113,415 16 1 100205 668 17 8 978 978 5,364 18 4,372 280 2 3 4,092 7,228 19 1,080 1,080 12,714 20 10 3,590 3,590 11,706 21 4 2,972 2,040 932 44,310 22 2 540 540 31,425 23 9 6 347 26,412 2,520 3,216 20,676 221,938 24 109 4,062 9 2 4,062 19,541 25 86 6,059 2,520 1,800 1,739 32,955 26 50 1,619 - 1,619 23,342 27 48 2,146 2,146 44,409 28 19 1 261 96 8 53 12,265 1,320 165 10,945 31,309 29 70,382 30 9 8 1,145 66,905 2,645 1,281 62,979 437,056 31 21132 214 3,115 325 2 414 13,421 130 141 11 2,790 7,960 32 13,150 42,738 33 148 9,532 150 9,382 44,807 34 217 17,336 1,360 15,975 88,260 35 33 3 3 93 10,026 680 480 8,866 67,697 36 6 1,964 660 1,304 33,037 37 53 11,511 11,511 152,557 38 2 2 1 2 1. 1 1 1 105 4,750 960 262 1 3,528 36,062 39 35 1 5 21 388913 1,344 360 262 722 2.147 40 914 914 5556 41 1,292 1.292 3,813 42 360 360 5,530 43 5,966 44 840 600 240 13,050 45 282 30,701 1,860 3,890 24,951 235,434 46 1 42524 1113 74 44 2,815 719 יוווווו 61 4.604 491 32 4,735 144 600 40 3,364 120 516 87 6,721 1,596 630 6 5,068 12 3,291 934 ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, 2,096 10,661 47 4,113 31,800 48 3,991 27,329 49 2,728 36,897 50 4.495 47,818 51 5,068 10,127 52 2,460 70,802 53 96 FORESTRY Steam engines, turbines, etc. TABLE 38.-POWER EQUIPMENT BY KIND OF Gasoline engines Diesel and semi-Diesel engines Kind of forestry and size of gross sales Estab- lish- Num- Rated Estimated ments ber horse value report- of units power (Pesos) ing Estab- Estab- lish- Num- Rated ments ber horse report- of units power ing Estimat- ed value (Pesos) report-of units power lish- Num- Rated Estimated ments ber horse value (Pesos) ing 1 Total...... 2 Logging only.. 12 85 650 39,448 2,609,012 34 2,154 108 422 16,990 873,891 90 211 11,710 1,460,907 187,056 42 101 4,471 183,268 14 43 1,520 219,855 9 11 12 14667800 Under 500 to P P 100- 999 2 2 105 50 1 1 17 3,000 2 2 115 2,000 5 P1,000 to P 1,999. 5 6 340 4,411 P2,000 to P 4,999. 11 12 353 14,859 P50,000 to P5,000.to P 9,999. P 10,000 to P 19,999. P 20,000 to P 49,999. P100,000 to $499,999. Logging and saw- 72 milling. 5 9 355 14,530 2. 99,999. 2235 2 4 120 17,437 5 10 365 77,911 2 285 60,935 4 5 110 2,130 3 104 6,341 3 10 356 20,305 25 1,645 102,343 5 45 2,372 47,072 612 36,924 2,416,956 64 308 12,130 678,423 246 3 312 3 47 7,682 115 25,812 11 25 368 60,568 973 122,793 154 9,004 1,138,725 13 Under 100. 1 1 45 6,000 14 + 100 to P 499. 15 P 500 to P 999. 16 1,000 to P 1,999. 17 2,000 to P 4,999. 18 P5,000 to P 9,999. 19 21 22 22222 2 P 10,000 to P 19,999. 20 P 20,000 to P 49,999. P50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. 17 29 23 P500,000 and over... 81855 65788 NOGENAN 72 505 275 17,642 9,000 130 33,150 1,179 15. 1,338 114,282 77,150 52 3,581 296,715 301 60,304 1,083,968 210 13,567 779,049 23168214676 4 110 4,119 3 77 3,600 1 12 1,500 5 10 393 11,272 8 381 6,895 2 25 596 25 1,302 52,016 25 4 248 37,400 24 1,319 1,319 103,394 168 6,421 261,007 59 1,842 196,624 6026 1925 5 9 316 34,165 6 237 29,765 2 63 5,350 30 1,155 226,910 19 949 119,048 77 5,524 581,205 11 760 142,282 24 Logging and saw- 1 4 370 5,000 2 13 389 12,200 3 14 1,186 102,327 milling for min- ing purposes. 25 Under P 100. 1 4 370 5,000 2 13 389 12,200 26 P5,000 to P 9,999. 27 1 11 1,031 76,000 3 155 26,327 27 20,000 to 49,999. Kind of forestry and citizenship of operator TABLE 39.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF FORESTRY Assets Total number of establish- ments Equipment Total (Pesos) Land and buildings (Pesos) Total Sawmill Planing mill Power plant (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) 3,874 36,902,290 |4,411,101 19,694,661 5,030,494 925 4,429,770 483,983 1,895,270 159,268 517,175 1,293,532 1 2 Total...... Logging only...... Philippines... 3 4 United States.. 5 China... 6 Spain.. 7 Partnerships, associations, and corporations.. Logging and sawmilling. 874 1,980,570 6678 23,596 5 18,202 204,622 1,800 200 591,414 27,000 5,401 4,591 1 6,000 39 2,401,402 277,361 1,293,864 132,268 177 29,775,973 3,576,814 16,503,853 4,695,783 10 11 12 ∞ BUL28 8 517,175 1,225,724 9 Philippines.. 81 2,783,841 United States. 4 103,551 China... 6 269,998 Japan. 1 10,896 13 Partnerships, associations, and corporations.. 19,218 5,857 500 1,200 85 26,607,687 12,997,683 14,693,849 14,030,786 416,281 1,700,799 638,722 19,666 142,684 46,210 142,036 66,879 87 22,093 33,526 6,101 13,910 8,800 700 464,077 1,043,935 3,750 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 97, FORESTRY AND SIZE OF GROSS SALES: 1938 Hydro-turbines Electric motors driven by purchased electricity Electric motors driven by electricity produced by the user Establish- ments reporting Number of units Rated Estimated Establish- horse value power (Pesos) ments reporting Number of units Rated Estimated Establish- horse value ments power (Pesos) reporting Number of units Rated horse Estimated value power (Pesos) 1 1 25 1,383 9 39 1,241 55,439 45 404 5,448 184,431 1 2 10 11 1 1 25 1,383 8 37 1,161 51,439 43 382 5,243 178,923 12 345678902 1 1 25 1,383 AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938 13 14 13 15 16 17 18 1 13 370 39,228 5 6 20 1,720 19 20 1 1 10 7 24 791 12,211 3 71 403 1,000 21 44,578 22 34 304 4,810 131,625 23 1 2 80 4,000 2 22 205 5,508 24 1 2 80 4,000 1 21 185 5,000 1 1 20 508 27 567 222 25 26 Assets-Continued Equipment-Continued Other Accounts and Machine shop (Pesos) Yarding machin- eries, etc. Transpor- tation, railroad, etc. Logging Logging Falling and (Pesos) (Pesos) camp camp bucking houses equipment tools (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) Others Lumber (Pesos) (Pesos) Logs forest (Pesos) products (Pesos) Cash (Pesos) notes receivable (Pesos) 1,200 2,500 435,673 28,285 40,587 2,001 23,683 4,100 38,938 120,209 600,436 1,308,178 6,350,466 1,086,212 1,543,368 1,035,809 928,991 2,990,859 113,210 93,827 902,598 151,369 255,791 65,012 154,195 112,010 91,327 462,825 123,084 213,203 476,087 1,154,486 4,790,096 900,158 1,193,060 32,486 1,900 1,500 491 1,447,580 878,305 2,262,503 5,217,281 1 613,468 68,658 653,380 715,011 2 34567 342,792 47,300 495 8,183 555,255 239,187 15,900 3,490 6,000 4 1,738 5 6 261,998 21,358 72,735 474,086 7 884,921 666,363 2,808,870 32,203 473 191,915 449,849 100 11,286 1,609 898 443,411 7,658 3,000 962,471 4,318,303 37,987 7,871 150 897,651 1,147,052 76,166 84,102 219,550 1,467 3,386 6,488 41,916 840 807,288 578,875 2,540,076 774,319 705,903 1,085,694 4,320,520 8 45,377 54,511 650 1,557 157,277 190,046 9 5,000 4,868 10 20,323 29,992 11 300 726,435 651,392 456 12 902,638 4,095,614 13 98 FORESTRY TABLE 39.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF FORESTRY Kind of forestry and citizenship of operator Total number of establish- ments Assets Equipment Land and Total (Pesos) buildings (Pesos) Total (Pesos) Sawmill Planing mill Power (Pesos) (Pesos) plant (Pesos) 1 Handsawing 362 897,692 148,890 159,465 2345 6 789 United States. 10 2 Philippines.. China.. Spain. 5 Partnerships, associations, and corporations.. Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. Philippines.... Partnerships, associations, and corporations... Charcoal making.. 340 657,070 133,275 128,906 12 108,181 12,745 12,767 1 3,120 2,000 9 129,321 870 17,792 40 1,039,332 27,710 994,658 175,443 67,808 11 Philippines...... 2358 5,000 10,100 10,100 1,024,232 27,710 984,558 175,443 67,808 69 92,579 29,937 19,267 69 92,579 29,937 19,267 12 21 23 25 2 BLE 1 2 2 222 2 Rattan gathering..... 865 143,358 23,648 8,956 13 14 15 16 Philippines..... 814 131,469 23,568 8,829 China.. 36 2,852 80 Partnerships, associations, and corporations. 15 9,037 127 Firewood. 614 261,386 44,531 79,798 17 18 United States. 19 China.. 20 Philippines..... 564 Partnerships, associations, and corporations... Tanbark.. Philippines..... China... 24 Partnerships, associations, and corporations.. g3= * 252,160 44,531 78,367 1,381 255 4,928 576 2,917 600 120 68,122 19,864 8,200 57,768 16,010 6,500 4,500 1,700 3 5,854 3,854 Others... 702 194,078 55,724 25,194 26 Philippines..... 683 153,703 27 United States.. 28 China... 29 Partnerships, associations, and corporations ာထ 39,419 20,259 3 3,700 3,500 200 15,153 2,205 4,615 21,522 10,600 120 TABLE 40.--NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND W AGES PAID, AND GROSS Number of employees in 1938 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Kind of forestry and citizenship of operator Number of establish- ments Total (Persons) Males Females Others 1 Total... 2 Logging only. only..... 3,874 43,871 5,065 2,653 2,371 925 11,342 1,551 949 644 34567 Philippines.... United States.. 874 9,242 1,493 China.. Spain. 6 75 5 54 7 Partnerships, associations, and corporations.. 1 8 39 1,963 84848 930 600 21 28 1 4 14 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 99 AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938-Continued Assets-Continued Equipment-Continued Machine Yarding machin- shop (Pesos) eries, etc. Transpor- tation, railroad, etc. Logging Logging Falling and Lumber camp houses (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) camp bucking equipment tools (Pesos) (Pesos) Others (Pesos) (Pesos) Other Logs forest Cash (Pesos) products (Pesos) (Pesos) Accounts and notes receivable (Pesos) 1,723 122,492 2,364 1,340 103,700 1,790 383 11,210 574 14,816 4,466 350 6,618 11,452 178,963 45,692 23,082 219,595 122,005 1 6,600 11,010 116,973 23,286 19,624 171,797 63,209 250 36,794 2,990 3,437 23,955 15,493 400 7,582 10,000 18 192 24,796 300 19,116 21 200 23,643 220 43,083 2345 11,139 58,142 416,463 32,321 79,701 75,440 78,201 65 10,664 6,235 6 5,000 11,139 5,900 52,242 416,463 32,321 4,200 75,501 75,440 78,201 65 10,664 1,235 17,326 1,941 17,149 18,631 7,595 10 7890 17,326 1,941 17,149 18,631 7,595 11 8,086 870 1,071 812 20,945 74,691 13,235 12 7,959 870 497 812 16,496 68,602 12,665 13 265 2,337 170 127 574 4,184 3,752 400 15 343 14 61,395 3,359 15,044 332 2,198 18,914 92,800 22,813 16 60,115 3,258 14,994 242 2,198 18,721 86,533 21,568 17 160 95 126 1,000 18 520 6 50 4,002 350 19 600 90 67 1,265 895 20 8,165 35 100 6,675 32,190 1,093 21 6,465 35 100 6,192 27,873 1,093 22 1,700 26 457 2,774 1,543 2 2225 23 24 23,845 424 925 1,458 427 16,979 79,287 15,009 25 18,910 424 925 198 427 12,508 66,676 14,216 26 200 27 4,615 1,260 6,573 500 28 120 4,471 6,038 293 29 SALES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938 Number of employees in 1938-Continued Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Persons paid salaries and wages Sawmill, Office em- planing Sawmill, Manag- Office em- planing Other ers, su- ployees, Logging mill, and em- Total (Pesos) (Persons) pervisors stenogra- employees lumber (Persons) phers (Persons) yard em- lumber Managers, supervisors (Pesos) ployees, stenog- Logging employees mill, and lumber raphers (Pesos) yard Other employees (Pesos) Gross sales in 1938 (Pesos) ployees (Pesos) employees (Per- (Pesos) ployees sons) (Persons) 708 854 15,944 10,611 176 149 6,644 5,665 10,343,723 1,273,022 1,229 1,236,329 170,671 649,285 3,425,999 3,962,251 1,033,166 28,866,228 1 118 96 5,117 3 47 1 20 4 54 53 1,460 337 888 640,634 6,982 3,311 585,402 78,425 68,807 26,772 795,059 436,350 1,070 660 90,516 5,912 42,035 1,991 350,806 201,792 4,436,375 99,087 2,532,692 660 102,045 1,847,483 2 16,859 4 29,338 10,000 34567 6 7 100 FORESTRY TABLE 40.-NUMBER OF EMPLOY EES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND GROSS SALES, Number of employees in 1938 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Kind of forestry and citizenship of operator Number of establish- ments Total (Persons) Males Females Others 1 Logging and sawmilling.. 23456 Philippines.... United States.. China.... Japan.. 6 177 22,405 170 100 1,042 81 2,858 119 4 267 3 6 112 3 1 16 BLUE 2 BE 7 8 9 China.. Partnerships, associations, and corporations. Handsawing.. Philippines. 10 Spain. 11 Partnerships, associations, and corporations.. 12 13 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. Philippines... 14 United States.. 15 Partnerships, associations, and corporations. 85 19,152 45 362 3,118 553 331 16 Charcoal making.. 17 Philippines...... 18 Rattan gathering.... 20 21 23 24 25 27 29 30 31 222 2 2220 2 220 7 2 Philippines..... China... Partnerships, associations, and corporations. Firewood.. Philippines.. ཙྪཱཝཊ །སཨཱཿ ༅ ༔ འ 340 2,744 503 12 193 1 13 9 168 40 554 2 3 3 143 35 408 69 267 106 888 296 30 19 སུས-སྶཊྛཱསྶཡཱ 25 1,017 257 240 13 12 4 33 3 28 12 64 42 69 267 106 64 42 865 1,884 1,048 367 107 814 1,804 986 360 107 36 40 38 15 40 24 25 614 2,482 776 403 141 564 2,377 721 388 139 United States.. China.... 3 24 3 33 57 39 26 Partnerships, associations, and corporations. 14 24 13 87 2 Tanbark... 120 265 99 49 8 28 Philippines.. China.. Partnerships, associations, and corporations. Others.... 702 185386 232 68 47 30 28 1225 8 3 3 1,554 729 390 127 32 33 Philippines... 683 1,499 706 386 127 United States.. 3 14 5 2 34 China... 8 11 9 35 Partnerships, associations, and corporations. 8 30 9 2 900004 COPPIO REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 101 BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938-Continued Number of employees in 1938-Continued Persons paid salaries and wages Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Sawmill, Sawmill, Office em- Offic em- Manag- ers, su- pervisors (Persons) Other planing ployees, Logging mill, and stenogra-employees lumber em- Total (Pesos) Managers, ployees, Logging planing mill, and ployees supervisors (Pesos) stenog- employees Iumber raphers (Pesos) yard Other employees (Pesos) Gross sales in 1938 (Pesos) phers (Persons) yard em- (Per- (Pesos) (Persons) ployees sons) employees (Pesos) (Persons) 465 613 8,241 10,130 1,644 8,544,023 1,062,525 552,949 2,463,370 3,881,909 583,270 21,843,995 1 81 3 6 1 374 500 888888 93 734 1,227 507 693,850 111,319 38,346 6 88 131 34 64,388 8.200 9,052 16 65 8 39,252 5,580 4,802 13 1,920 960 7,403 8,694 1,095 7,744,613 936,466 154,745 250,544 15,314 22,835 3,376 23,670 480 480 500,269 2,289,935 3,584,380 138,896 1,808,937 8,987 172,566 1,824 8.407 433,563 19,467,191 386,894 23456 4 32 49 752 371 773 242,741 15,009 14,799 62,519 49,302 101,112 1,229,158 7 25 56 26 28 720 259 675 173,442 11,924 6,336 58,709 22,418 74,025 9 4 64 44 32,213 2,700 2,752 1,560 16,983 8,218 718,347 8 315,148 9 12 1,146 1,146 1 14 28 6,000 10 36 54 35,940 385 5,681 2,250 8,755 18,869 189,663 11 4 6 307 110 91 178,330 13,432 4,081 105,051 31,040 24,726 312,795 12 6,000 13 4 6 6 74 2 98 37 3 48,195 209 73 133 88 130,135 13,432 1,580 2,501 73,300 31,751 13,805 1,059 276,277 14 17,235 23,667 30,518 15 2 345 49 1 1 13,532 3,400 1 1 10,132 113,415 16 49 13,532 3,400 10,132 113,415 17 9 9 347 1 26,412 2,520 3,216 20,676 221,938 18 4 347 22,092 1,416 20,676 209,918 19 6 12 4,320 2,520 1,800 1,219 20 10,801 21 222 9 8 1,145 66,905 2,645 1,281 62,979 437,056 22 8 8 1,113 66,397 2,525 1,281 62,591 21 135 135 1 88 42 42 392,238 11,271 3,862 3 331 120 211 29,685 26 222223 24 25 2 2 105 4,750 960 262 3,528 36,062 27 2 2 105 4,750 960 262 3,528 34,055 28 1,529 29 478 30 88888 5 21 282 30,701 1,860 3,890 24,951 235,434 31 4 16 260 24,249 960 2,330 20,959 191,011 32 7 1,884 1,884 25,014 33 2 420 420 12,205 34 8 15 4,148 900 1,140 2,108 7,204 35 102 FORESTRY TABLE 41.-POWER EQUIPMENT BY KIND OF FORESTRY Steam engines, turbines, etc. Gasoline engines Kind of forestry and citizenship of operator Establish- Number ments reporting of units Rated Estimated Establish- Number horse value ments power (Pesos) reporting Rated Estimated of units horse value power (Pesos) 1 2 34 3 Total.... Logging only. Philippines... 85 650 39,448 2,609,012 108 422 16,990 873,891 12 34 2,154 187,056 42 101 4,471 183,268 5 4 Other countries.. Logging and sawmilling. 72 6889 6 Philippines... 19 7 United States. China... Other countries.. 50 482 1218 6 212 21,974 31 49 1,845 61,399 28 1,942 165,082 11 52 2,626 121,869 612 36,924 2,416,956 64 308 12,130 678,423 5227922 4,415 378,874 20 50 3,138 84,009 440 12,642 3 5 226 3,674 120 7,715 2 6 405 6,763 31,949 2,017,725 39 247 8,361 583,977 10 Logging and sawmilling for 1 4 370 5,000 2 13 389 12,200 mining purposes. 11 Other countries.... 1 4 370 5,000 2 13 389 12,200 Kind of forestry and form of ownership TABLE 42.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF Assets Total number of establish- ments Equipment Total (Pesos) Land and buildings (Pesos) Total (Pesos) Sawmill (Pesos) Planing mill (Pesos) Power plant (Pesos) 1 2 3456 Total....... Logging only....- Individuals. Partnerships. Associations (unincorporated). 6 Corporations.. 7 Logging and sawmilling.. Individuals. Partnerships.. 8 9 10 11 Associations (unincorporated) Corporations.. T BOOT 2 BLE C 16 12 Handsawing.... 13 Individuals. 14 Partnerships... 15 Corporations... Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. 78186 Individuals... 18 Corporations.. 19 Sociedades anónimas.. 20 Charcoal making..... 21 Individuals... 3,874 36,902,290 4,411,101 19,694,6615,030,494 925 4,429,770 483,983 1,895,270 159,268 517,175 1,293,532 886 12 4 2,028,368 115,424 70,214 23 2,215,764 206,622 601,406 27,000 13,137 6,059 258,165 60,733 14,650 1,218,481 132,268 517,175 1,225,724 651,816 50,098 176,989 37,217 46,325 61,263 5,000 429,860 997,410 177 29,775,973 3,576,814 16,503,853 4,695,783 92 3,145,905 578,631 1,788,623 22 789,168 190,448 404,030 180,550 5 113,299 4,129 78,056 58 25,727,601 2,803,606 14,233,144 3,802,154 362 897,692 148,890 159,465 353 768,371 148,020 141,673 8 58,326 870 12,792 1 70,995 5,000 40 1,039,332 27,710 994,658 175,443 67,808 32 123 15,100 10,100 202,282 27,710 174.343 21.508 39,103 821,950 810,215 153,935 28,705 69 92,579 29,937 19,267 69 92,579 29,937 19,267 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 103 AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938 Diesel and semi-Diesel engines Hydro-turbines Electric motors driven by purchased electricity Electric motors driven by electri- city produced by the user Estab- lish- ments Estab- ing Num- Rated Estimated lish- Num- Rated ber of horse value ments ber of report- units power (Pesos) report- units ing Esti- Estab- lish- Num- Rated mated horse ments ber of horse value power (Pesos) report- ing units Esti- mated value Estab- lish- ments power report- (Pesos) Num- ber of units Estimat- Rated horse ed value power (Pesos) ing 90 211 11,710 1,460,907 1 1 25 1,383 9 39 1,241 55,439 45 404 5,448 184,431 1 141 14 43 1,520 219,855 2 1 1 8 200 10 35 1,320 39,385 180,470 34 47 2281E 73 154 9,004 1,138,725 1 1 25 1,383 8 37 1,161 51,439 43 382 5,243 178,923 5 36 2,081 288,231 1 1 25 1,383 1 1 8 200 3 9 128 2,500 4 200 19,854 1 10 365 113 6,713 830,275 7 36 1,153 51,239 40 373 5,115 176,423 3 14 1,186 102,327 1 2 80 4,000 2 22 205 5,508 10 67899 8 14 1,186 102,327 1 2 80 4,000 2 22 205 5,508 11 FORESTRY AND FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Equipment-Continued Assets Continued Other Machine shop (Pesos) Yarding machin- eries, etc. Transpor- tation, Logging Logging Falling railroad, camp (Pesos) etc. camp houses equipment (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) and bucking tools (Pesos) Lumber Others (Pesos) (Pesos) Logs forest Cash (Pesos) products (Pesos) (Pesos) Accounts and notes receivable (Pesos) 600,436 1,308,178 6,350,466 1,086,212 1,543,368 1,035,809 928,991 2,990,859 1,447,580 878,305 2,262,503 5,217,281 1 113,210 93,827 902,598 151,369 255,791 65,012 154, 195 613,468 68,658 653,380 715,011 2 1,200 2,500 439,773 43,527 28,285 42,588 1,826 112,010 1,400 91,327 417,898 4,140 117,118 5,670 800 206,733 26,074 8,505 33,986 1,205 351,470 47,300 13,643 580,645 240,925 3 6,368 21,543 4 8,310 32,071 6,600 5,583 5,251 5 476,087 1,154,486 4,790,096 900,158 1,193,060 30,433 884,921 110,694 216,284 14,758 60,784 447,292 6 666,363 2,808,870 774,319 705,903 1,085,694 4,320,520 7 32,676 191,615 471,793 1,471 2,507 22,083 44,136 441,940 9,468 940,788 4,264,699 46,008 210 35,869 707 310 896,734 1,110,873 77,633 87,488 30,465 1,108 775,715 268,794 5,704 33,588 200 26,742 572,971 2,479,746 47,884 54,511 15,089 315 183,056 224,406 8 33,557 112,141 9 957 710,389 651,077 2,063 867,018 3,982,621 11 1,352 10 1,723 122,492 2,364 14,816 6,618 11,452 178,963 45,692 23,082 219,595 122,005 12 1,723 114,910 2,364 2,582 4,816 10,000 6,600 18 11,260 192 154,167 26,576 23,061 195,952 78,922-13 5,000 8,258 16,538 16,240 21 16,951 3,194 14 2,876 6,692 39,889 15 11,139 58,142 416,463 32,321 79,701 75,440 78,201 65 10,664 6,235 16 11,139 5,900 43,197 58,536 9,045 357,927 650 31,671 4,200 60 75,441 5,000 17 75,440 150 78,051 65 164 18 10,500 1,235 19 789 17,326 1,941 17,149 18,631 7,595 20 17,326 1,941 17,149 18,631 7,595 21 FORESTRY 104 TABLE 42.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF Kind of forestry and form of ownership Total number of establish- ments Assets Equipment Land and Total (Pesos) buildings Power (Pesos) Total (Pesos) Sawmill (Pesos) Planing mill (Pesos) plant (Pesos) 1 2 Individuals.. 3 Partnerships.... Rattan gathering.. 4 Associations (unincorporated).. 865 143,358 23,648 8,956 850 134,321 23,648 8,829 11 8,887 127 1 150 5 Corporations.... 3 6 Firewood... 614 261,386 44,531 79,798 TO THE PRE 7 Individuals.. 600 8 Partnerships.. 9 Corporations (religious) g༠ 258,469 44,531 79,198 8 2,917 600 6 10 Tanbark.. 120 68,122 19,864 8,200 11 Individuals.. 117 62,268 16,010 8,200 12 Partnerships... 13 Corporations. 12 5,854 3,854 14 Others..... 15 Individuals. 16 Partnerships. 702 194,078 55,724 25,194 694 172,556 45,124 25,074 5 11,152 1,500 20 17 Associations (unincorporated). Corporations... 18 2 1,370 1,100 100 1 9,000 8,000 TABLE 43.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND Number of employees in 1938 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Kind of forestry and form of ownership Number of establish- ments Total (Persons) Males Females Others 10 12 3456 7 BOOT 2 BE O 1 2 Total.. Logging only....- Individuals. Partnerships... Associations (unincorporated). Corporations.. 3,874 43,871 5,065 2,653 2,371 925 11,342 1,551 949 644 886 9,379 1,529 935 621 12 238 16 10 3 4 67 23 1,658 24 4 20 Logging and sawmilling.... 177 22,405 170 100 1,042 8 Individuals. 92 9 Partnerships... 3,253 125 76 25 22 867 Associations (unincorporated). 20 6 10 5 137 11 Corporations. 58 18,148 25 18 1,007 Handsawing... 362 3,118 553 331 257 13 14 15 Corporations. 16 Individuals. Partnerships. 353 2,950 534 319 253 8 76 19 12 4 1 92 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes.. 40 17 Individuals. 18 Corporations..... 19 Sociedades anónimas. 1523 554 33 146 213 27 195 521 12 3 1 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 105 FORESTRY AND FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938-Continued Equipment-Continued Assets-Continued Machine shop (Pesos) Yarding machin- eries, etc. (Pesos) Transpor- tation, railroad, etc. (Pesos) Logging camp houses equipment (Pesos) (Pesos) Logging Falling and camp bucking Others Lumber (Pesos) tools (Pesos) Logs forest (Pesos) products (Pesos) (Pesos) Other Cash Accounts and notes receivable (Pesos) (Pesos) 8,086 870 1,071 812 20,945 74,691 13,235 1 7,959 870 497 812 16,761 70,939 12,835 2 127 574 4,184 3,602 400 150 2345 4 61,395 3,359 15,044 332 2,198 18,914 92,800 22,813 6 60,795 3,359 15,044 242 2,198 18,847 600 90 67 91,535 1,265 21,918 895 8 7 9 8,165 8,165 35 35 100 6,675 32,190 1,093 10 100 6,218 457 30,647 1,543 1,093 11 12 13 23,845 424 925 1,458 23,725 20 100 י יייי 427 16,979 79,287 15,009 14 424 925 1,458 427 12,508 73,249 14,716 15 4,301 5,038 293 16 170 17 1,000 18 Number of employees in 1938-Continued GROSS SALES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Persons paid salaries and wages Gross Sawmill, Manag- ers, super- visors Office employ- Logging ees, employ- stenog- Sawmill, planing Other mill, employ- and Total (Pesos) Managers, supervisors (Pesos) ees ees Office employ- ees, stenog- raphers (Pesos) sales planing Logging mill, and employees (Pesos) lumber yard employees (Pesos) Other employees (Pesos) in 1938 (Pesos) (Persons) 708 854 15,944 176 149 6,644 lumber (Per- employees sons) (Persons) raphers (Persons) yard (Persons) 10,611 5,665 10,343,723 1,273,022 649,285 3,425,999 3,962,251 1,033,166 28,866,228 1,229 1,236,329 170,671 68,807 795,059 1 201,792 4,436,375 2 122 9 8 37 80385 96 11 5,184 168 892 650,927 80.155 26,772 444,253 21 58,291 9,372 5,428 39,111 99,747 2,588,889 145,032 4,380 46 4 39 1,246 312 18,530 5,520 508,581 75,624 35,607 1,000 11,170 300,525 840 96,825 1,625,130 77,324 3456 465 613 8,241 10,130 1,644 8,544,023 1,062,525 552,949 2,463,370 3,881,909 583,270 21,843,995 7 91 113 166 31 838 204 1,436. 549 799,410 126,059 4 404 26 6 47 204 68 12 463 7,152 8,222 1,057 159,475 37,680 7,547,458 45,011 52,680 173,435 29,230 10,801 297,529 149,707 2,376,904 8. 6,016 885,439 70,630 10,227 2,889 16,520 486,579 2,250,478 3,497,230 3,803 520,843 9 2,028 61,214 10 427,732 18,885,034 11 32 49 752 371 773 242,741 15,009 31 35 724 335 719 1 28 12 14 36 42 206,801 6,235 29,705 14,624 385 9,118 14,799 62,519 60,269 2,250 49,302 101,112 1,229,158 12 40,547 82,243 1,049,495 13 3,600 35,644 14 5,681 8,755 15,269 144,019 15 4 6 307 110 31 3 213 98 145 35 64 888888 37 ;༠ 91 178,330 13,432 4,081 105,051 31,040 24,726 312,795 16 48,195 1,580 31,751 13,805 282,277 1,059 17 63,796 7,632 1,062 46,836 8,266 30,518 18 38 88 66,339 5,800 1,439 26,464 8,969 23,667 19 FORESTRY 106 TABLE 43.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND GROSS Number of employees in 1938 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Kind of forestry and form of ownership Number of establish- ments Total (Persons) Males Females Others 1 Charcoal making.. 69 267 106 64 42 2 Individuals.... 69 267 106 64 42 3 Rattan gathering. 865 1,884 1,048 367 107 4567 Individuals. 850 1,845 1,025 5 Partnerships. 11 31 Associations (unincorporated). 1 5 Corporations.... 3 3 8 Firewood. 614 2,482 776 10 11 16 PRE 2 BED FRA 9 Individuals.. 600 2,458 763 Partnerships... Corporations.. 8 14 6 10 Tanbark.... 14 20 12 13 Individuals. Partnerships.. 15 Corporations.. Others.... 17 Individuals.. 18 Partnerships.. 19 Associations (unincorporated). Corporations.. 120 265 117 262 12 1 2 28 N 362 107 17 3 33 2 403 141 396 141 6 6 7 1 99 49 8 96 49 8 1 2 702 1,554 729 390 127 694 1,524 720 388 127 5 15 7 2 2 11 2 1 4 Steam engines, turbines, etc. TABLE 44.-POWER EQUIPMENT BY KIND OF Gasoline engines Kind of forestry and form of ownership Establish- Number Rated Estimated Establish- Number Rated ments of horse value ments of horse value reporting units power (Pesos) reporting units power (Pesos) Estimated 2 1 Total.. Logging only.... 3 Individuals.. 4 6 85 650 39,448 2,609,012 108 422 16,990 873,891 12 34 2,154 187,056 42 101 4,471 183,268 Partnerships. 5 Associations (unincorporated). Corporations... 51 31 5 167 17,437 30 45 1,513 48,472 1 45 4,537 1 4 332 12,925 8 28 1,942 165,082 11 52 2,626 121,871 10 11 12 7 8000 2 Logging and sawmilling. Individuals. 9 Partnerships... 220 72 612 36,924 2,416,956 64 21 8 699 89 5,348 567,870 25 655 35,865 Associations (unincorporated). Corporations. 43 514 30,921 1,813,221 30 Logging and sawmilling for 1 4 370 5,000 12720 2 308 12,130 678,423 53 3,281 81,646 24 1,151 65,874 2 40 229 7,658 2,619 528,284 13 389 12,200 mining purposes. 31 13 Associations (unincorporated). 14 Corporations.. 1 4 370 5,000 11 12 12 12 377 200 12,000 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 107 SALES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938-Continued Number of employees in 1938-Continued Persons paid salaries and wages Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Sawmill, Office Manag- ers, super- visors (Persons) planing mill, employ- Logging ees, employ- and sterog- lumber raphers (Persons) yard (Persons) Other employ- ees Managers, Total supervisors (Pesos) (Pesos) Office employ- ees, stenog- Sawmill, Logging employees raphers (Pesos) planing mill, and lumber yard ees (Per- employees sons) (Pesos) employees (Pesos) (Persons) 6 6 9 49 13,532 3,400 1 49 13,532 3,400 1 1 1 1 .6 9 347 1 26,412 2,520 3,216 9 42 42 347 22.092 1,416 4,320 2,520 1,800 ---- 9 8 81 8 8 2 2 2 2 5 21 4 18 2 1 1 ... 1 Gross sales in 1938 Other employees (Pesos) (Pesos) 10,132 113,415 1 10,132 113,415 2 20,676 221,938 3 20,676 211,137 10,591 210 6 8 4567 5 1,145 66,905 2,645 1,281 1,142 66,574 2,525 1,281 1 300 120 2 31 105 4,750 960 262 105 4,750 960 262 t 1 I I 62,979 437,056 62,768 180 -- 407,371 9 29,645 10 31 40 11 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 3,528 36,062 3,528 35,584 69 13 14 409 15 ∞ TU0 2 346 282 30,701 1,860 3,890 24,951 235,434 16 267 26,553 960 2,750 22,843 228,230 17 4 1,128 540 588 4,441 18 92 1,220 1,220 13 19 1,800 900 600 300 2,750 20 FORESTRY AND FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Diesel and semi-Diesel engines Hydro-turkines Electric motors driven by purchased electricity Electric motors driven by elec- tricity produced by the user Estab- lish- ments report- ing Num- ber of units Estab- Rated Estimated lish- horse value ments power (Pesos) report- ing Num- ber of units Rated horse power Esti- mated value (Pesos) Estab- lish- ments report- ing Num- Rated ber of units horse power Esti- mated value (Pesos) Estab- lish- ments report- ing Num- ber of units Esti- Rated mated horse value power (Pesos) 14 90 211 11,710 1,460,907 43 1,520 219,855 1 1 25 1,383 9 39 1,241 55,439 45 404 5,448 184,431 1 2 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 33 21 2 98 6,143 629 141180 1 105 78 24 20,682 18,703 4,000 34 1,313 176,470 73 154 9,004 1,138,725 25 £⌘ 22323 18 יייי --- I I 3456 I 1 1 25 1,383 1,033 32 1,796 276,296 80,757 7,050 '774,622 1 1 25 1,383 11 1 1 333 37 1,161 51,439 8 43 3 200 13 370 39,248 31 16 9 1 3 14 1,186 102,327 . ... .. 96 23 788 11,991 39 372 382 5,243 178,923 128 2,500 3 9 220 5,112 176,203 11 7 8 10 1 2 1 1 80 4,000 2 22 205 5,508 12 1 1 1 1 72 4 405 10 781 42,327 60,000 1 1 1 1 1 2 80 4,000 2 22 22 205 5,508 13 14 108 FORESTRY TABLE 45.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF Assets Kind of ferestry and year established Total number of establish- ments Equipment Total (Pescs) Land and buildings (Pesos) Total Planing mill (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) Sawmill Power plant Machine shop (Pesos) (Pesos) 1 2 11 12 16 17 18 19 20 B4567890 RR & 3 Total.... Logging only...-- 1935 to 1938.. 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929__ 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914.. 3,374 36,982,200 4,411,101 19,694,661 5,030,494 517,175 1,293,532 600,436 925 4,429,720 463,933 1,395,270 159,268 113,210 518 1,719,981 211,620 793,009 22,747 4,297 154 542,715 61,762 142,183 88 421,797 80,790 97,356 50 1,125,853 34,042 664,932 126,521 38 182.272 8,800 34,039 18 128,372 59,733 12.043 ייוויי 107,713 Prior to 1910..... 10 10 213,851 Year not reported. 20,600 125,418 10,000 1,200 49 84,989 6,636 25,940 Logging and sawmilling. 177 29,775,973 3,576,814 16,503,853 4,695,783 517,175 1,225, 724 476,087 1935 to 1938. 13 1930 to 1934. 81 31 14 1925 to 1929- 15 27 5,222,584 1920 to 1924. 14 1915 to 1919... 2,231,943 3,019,948 388,544 1,609,634 711,380 8,158,001 821,096 5,621,736 1,366,427 527,893 2,994,662 187,724 47,197 250,055 27,831 106,713 285,917 131,505 831,112 98,680 135,337 75,806 879,657 321,865 30,277 114,330 26,756 1910 to 1914. 8 1,514,407 428,916 816,529 175,645 8,696 211,578 13,260 4 Prior to 1910.___ 2,956,114 225,479 1,153,589 444,363 3,036 48,010 9,472 Year not reported. 48 6,380,541 954,323 3,817,781 798,947 222,049 171,158 191,457 232,435 42,839 110,315 46,043 527 9,339 Handsawing. 362 897,692 148,890 159,465 21 1935 to 1938.... 22 216 410.793 1930 to 1934... 43,901 82,050 23 71 1925 to 1929_ 257,098 33,150 31,852 2222 24 35 79.244 14,162 1920 to 1924... 11,899 25 17 1915 to 1919. 52,684 28,960 9,482 26 12 54,269 1910 to 1914_.. 15,600 4,800 27 5 Year not reported. 12,861 2,600 2,475 6 31,243 7,577 17,407 וויו-וו 28 Logging and sawmilling for 40 mining purposes. 1,039,332 27,710 994,658 175,443 67,808 11,139 29 1935 to 1938_... 30 1930 to 1934... 31 Year not reported. 32 Charcoal making. 33 1935 to 1938. 34 1930 to 1934. 35 1925 to 1929... 36 Year not reported. 37 Rattan gathering. 38 1935 to 1938... 39 621 1930 to 1934... 137 40 1925 to 1929.. 41 1920 to 1924. 42 1915 to 1919. 43 1910 to 1914... 44 Year not reported. 45 Firewood. 614 46 1935 to 1938. 47 367 1930 to 1934.. 48 140 ཝུཏྟ॰ ga⌘-༞ ོག 24 11 1,034,332 5,000 27,710 994,658 175,443 67,808 11,139 5 69 92,579 29,937 19,267 43 33,623 4,582 3,587 18 47,241 23,805 8,465 4 7,565 1,550 3,665 4 4,150 3,550 865 143,358 23,648 8,956 100,439 17,634 3,704 24,389 2,621 3,176 56 18,094 3,175 1,571 12 1,508 18 241 7 1,026 62 3 8 29 1,994 200 202 וווווו וווז וו 261,386 44,531 79,798 123,116 8,576 46,996 1925 to 1929. 72,308 25,885 15,130 47 49 1920 to 1924.. 24,650 750 9,700 24 50 1915 to 1919. 14,872 4,240 4,493 10 51 1910 to 1914. 4,189 510 1,554 52 7 Prior to 1910.... 9,155 2,120 465 ------ 53 Year not reported. 4 10,702 2,450 415 15 2,394 1,045 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 109 FORESTRY AND YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Equipment-Continued Assets-Continued Yarding machineries, etc. (Pesos) Transpor- tation, railroad, etc. (Pesos) Logging camp houses (Pesos) Logging camp equipment (Pesos) Falling Lumber and bucking tools (Pesos) Logs Other forest Cash Accounts and notes Others (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) products (Pesos) (Pesos) receivable (Pesos) 1,308,178 6,350,466 1,086,212 1,543,368 1,035,809 928,991 2,990,859 1,447,580 878,305 2,262,503 5,217,281 1 93,827 902,598 151,369 255,791 65,012 154,195 613,468 68,653 653,380 715,011 2 35,623 $70,098 80,094 156,207 33,611 85.832 232.144 34,290 283,079 165,839 79.274 11,990 23,412 6,162 21,345 103.932 23,249 153,477 58,062 57,179 14.771 4,483 9,327 11,896 109,891 3,496 73,549 53,355 56,194 254,863 86,796 58,360 6,433 18,097 62,370 1.917 27,689 344,853 17,173 1,068 5,780 1,480 8,533 65,591 3,557 46,112 24,173 6,804 8,040 850 935 414 20,735 1,959 24,931 8,911 2,000 101,050 3,500 373 169 16,207 110 6,326 1,895 7,126 1,402 10,454 13,076 44,303 8,301 190 28,407 15,515 10 1,154,486 4,790,096 900,158 1,193,060 884,921 666,353 2,008,870 774,319 705,993 1,085,694 14,320,520 11 157,100 252,153 10,495 110,759 24,568 18,096 416,175 63,508 814,070 1,897,156 809,165 38,093 211,689 461,001 639,435 152,397 297,545 759,936 43,674 393,052 316,462 43,058 369,564 329,719 109,429 50,074 117,303 374,710 12 63,233 161,632 6,340 698,472 13 884,977 14 96,257 85,587 9,263 138,056 5,209 52,056 195,689 88,053 187,500 142,369 610,951 15 63,215 275,260 3,035 8,200 57,640 13,426 20,263 65,642 450,519 21,211 4,350 105,955 981 216,530 32,518 139,252 160,541 1,052,591 6,000 475,696 212,043 27,299 932,376 86,044 259,504 125,222 110,051 16 61,041 1,127,755 335,806 494,707 116 16,894 350 30,019 795 6,232 25,675 1,817 32,892 18,897 19 1,723 122,492 2,364 14,816 6,618 11,452 178,963 45,692 23,082 219,595 122,005 329 59,080 1,665 11,774 3,888 5,314 88,738 33,234 17,460 108,133 878 25,798 674 2,128 1,210 1,164 60,674 7,256 1,469 69,917 34,277 21 52,780 119 6,280 25 914 757 3,304 10,036 1,532 81 16,295 25,799 17 8,795 208 462 2,452 2,311 1,892 6,489 1,098 24 80 4,144 246 330 14,360 1,164 1,829 9,201 7,315 25 50 2,285 100 40 706 15 65 6,200 300 26 250 16,110 209 838 1,997 180 286 3,360 436 27 58,142 416,463 32,321 79,701 75,440 78,201 65 10,664 6,235 28 34567800 2 2 2222222 2 17 18 58,142 416,463 32,321 79,701 75,440 78,201 65 10,664 1,235 29 5,000 30 31 17,326 1,941 17,149 18,631 7,595 32 1,995 1,592 14,368 9,711 1,375 33 8,166 299 2,781 6,970 5,220 34 3,665 1,350 1,000 35 3,500 50 600 36 8,086 870 1,071 812 20,945 74,691 13,235 37 3,111 593 785 34 17,353 54,962 5,967 38 2,956 220 204 30 1,429 11,487 5,442 39 1,519 52 30 42 1,944 5,531 1,701 40 240 1 37 14 113 1,085 41 60 2 692 12 260 42 8 43 200 2 15 94 1,358 125 44 61,395 3,359 15,044 332 2,198 18,914 92,800 22,813 45 31,985 1,720 13,151 906 13,291 1,073 161 9,171 4,150 1,416 407 415 ייוויי 198 331 142 201 ២៧ 57 397 1,749 9,686 49,757 7,543 46 5,306 18,809 5,372 47 90 1,694 10,489 1,927 48 24 52 1,290 4,113 660 49 2 136 8 1,887 230 50 58 289 5,700 581 51 407 930 6,500 52 700 333 12 234 1,115 53 110 FORESTRY Kind of forestry and year established TABLE 45.-TOTAL ASSETS, BY KIND OF FORESTRY Assets Equipment Total number of establish- Land and ments Total (Pesos) buildings (Pesos) Total (Pesos) Sawmill (Pesos) Planing Power mill plant (Pesos) (Pesos) Machine shop (Pesos) 1d Tanbark... 120 68,122 19,864 8,200 234567 1935 to 1938. 72 31,695 2,530 2,075 1930 to 1934_ 30 10,905 880 4,825 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924. 8 18,603 15,854 2 2,020 1915 to 1919.... 5 3,499 1,000 Year not reported. 3 1,400 600 300 8 Others..... 702 194,078 55,724 25,194 9 1935 to 1938.. 356 76,390 12,974 15,127 10 1930 to 1934.. 177 60,441 23,070 3,947 11 1925 to 1929. 110 34,120 12,970 320 12 1920 to 1924.. 14 1,410 130 13 1915 to 1919.... 3 225 200 14 1910 to 1914. 4 26 15 Prior to 1910.... 6 11,364 2,030 4,500 16 Year not reported. 32 10,102 4,550 1,100 TABLE 46.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND Number of employees in 1938 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Kind of forestry and year established Number of establish- ments Total (Persons) Males Females Others 1 10 2 34567890 Total...... Logging only.. 1935 to 1938.. 1930 to 1934. 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924... 1915 to 1919... 1910 to 1914.. 3,874 43,871 5,065 2,653 2,371 925 11,342 1,551 949 644 518 6,186 850 539 276 154 2,199 295 164 151 88 862 148 105 43 50 824 79 38 30 38 536 54 37 109 18 237 Prior to 1910..... 32 18 13 10 94 Year not reported. 17 10 49 404 76 38 22 11 Logging and sawmilling..... 177 22,405 170 100 1,042 12 1935 to 1938. 81 13 4,071 78 1930 to 1934. 54 31 4,953 21 14 1925 to 1929.. 10 27 15 1920 to 1924. 4,430 48 26 1,003 14 16 1,134 7 1 28255 27 7 1915 to 1919... 8 492 2 17 1910 to 1914... 4 3,554 18 222 222 Prior to 1910.. 1 19 Year not reported. 20 21 Handsawing. 1935 to 1938.... 48 3,521 250 13 9 362 3,118 553 331 257 216 1,673 308 1930 to 1934.... 167 169 71 750 115 23 80 26 1925 to 1929... 35 238 68 24 42 30 1920 to 1924. 17 147 31 25 26 29 1915 to 1919.. 12 147 26 18 8 1 1910 to 1914... 5 27 Year not reported. 6 8088 78 4 85 9 17 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 111 AND YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938-Continued Equipment-Continued Assets-Continued Yarding machineries, etc. tation, railroad, etc. Transpor- Logging Logging Falling and camp houses camp equipment bucking (Pesos) tools Others (Pesos) Lumber (Pesos) Logs (Pesos) Other forest Cash products (Pesos) (Pesos) Accounts and notes receivable (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) 8,165 35 100 6,675 32,190 1,093 1 2,040 35 4,016 23,074 4,825 573 3,934 693 100 497 2,152 2,020 1,000 1,489 610 400 300 100 400 234567 4 5 7 23,845 424 925 1,458 427 16,979 79,287 15,009 8 14,630 274 223 42 3,250 15 682 22886 328 290 10 20 888888 4,315 36,451 7,153 9 7,770 20,495 5,101 10 2,988 16,306 1,468 11 180 563 537 12 200 25 13 26 14 4,500 975 125 1,260 128 3,074 500 15 1 1,726 2,347 250 16 GROSS SALES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Number of employees in 1938-Continued Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Persons paid salaries or wages Sawmill, Office Manag- ers, super- visors Office Sawmill, employ- ees, Logging planing employ-mill, and Other Total (Pesos) Managers, employ- supervi- planing Logging mill, and sors ees, stenog- employees ees stenogra- lumber employees (Pesos) lumber yard em- (Pesos) raphers Other employees (Pesos) Gross sales in 1938 (Pesos) (Persons) phers (Per- yard em- (Persons) ployees (Persons) sons) (Pesos) ployees (Persons) (Pesos) 708 854 15,944 10,611 5,665 10,343,723 1,273,022 649,285 3,425,999 3,962,251 1,033,166 28,866,228 1 176 149 6,644 1,229 1,236,329 170,671 68,807 795,059 201,792 4,436,375 2 114 84 3.582 741 30 741,078 95,450 37,340 451,523 156,765 2,341,817 3 31 1,404 124 11 228,610 31,584 5,926 180,746 10,354 710,358 4 4 432 11 119 48,367 5,284 780 30,731 11,572 317,433 5 19 502 4 145 119,871 25,560 20,374 65,441 8,496 520,224 6 5 297 4 30 39,677 5,073 1,710 28,253 4,641 3 158 1 9 24,169 4,480 997 17,681 3 53 10 1 13,363 3,000 1,680 5,472 216 51 21,194 240 15,212 465 613 8,241 10,130 244 197 872 1,956 48 114 2,531 42 1,773 643 1,089,994 449 2,003,651 115 1,341 24 1,549 306 82 274 598 32 143 130,512 16 94 342 33 6 167,844 41,843 1,644 8,544,023 1,062,525 552,949 2,463,370 3,881,909 176,139 96,604 201,575 466,124 142.722 77,468 967,382 601,261 1,114,180 114,140 86,237 395,452 407,177 1,412,955 195,004 63,118 1,004,920 20,834 95,531 133,225 7 8 1,011 147,138 3,211 126,818 9 5,742 139,362 583,270 21,843,995 10 11 149,552 2,841,463 214,818 5,137,012 111,174 3,263,616 12 13 23 14 19,401 3,047,255 15 26 1,816 1,639 40 39 1,035,593 130,562 7,359 32,417 2,277 716,664 16 410,592 441,182 20,840 2,526,954 17 51 1,212 2,173 2 45 1,656,053 324,627 47,675 378,094 843,692 61,965 4,097,773 18 12 101 100 13 63,753 1,980 10,185 26,323 22,022 3,243 213,258 19 32 49 752 371 773 242,741 15,009 14,799 62,519 49,302 101,112 1,229,158 20 24 3 22 24 366 262 353 111,925 12,310 6,982 24,054 33,821 34,758 633,829 21 20 194 5 96 216 86,376 514 7,396 19,700 14,243 44,523 450,115 22 1 29 9 54 12,847 2,185 240 2,754 843 6,825 56,459 23 50 4 7 9,059 7.405 395 1,259 19,969 24 4 58 58 13,304 181 4,575 8,548 36,822 25 11 62 4,931 1,110 3,821 18,142 26 44 23 4,299 2,921 1,378 13,822 27 112 ая FORESTRY TABLE 46-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND GROSS Number of employees in 1938 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages Kind of forestry and year established Number of establish- ments Total (Persons) M Males Females Others S V 1 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes. 40 554 33 3 234 1935 to 1938... 24 538 17 8 8 1930 to 1934 11 11 11 Year not reported.. 5 5 5 5 Charcoal making.... 69 267 106 64 42 6 1985 to 1938... 43 144 72 44 7 1930 to 1934. 18 110 25 18 8 1925 to 1929.... 4 9 5 82 3886 9 Year not reported.. 4 4 4 10 Rattan gathering... 865 1,884 1,048 367 107 11 1935 to 1938. 621 1,357 748 245 12 1930 to 1934.. 137 273 170 62 13 1925 to 1929.. 56 110 67 25 14 1920 to 1924.. 12 35 15 15 15 1915 to 1919. 7 43 9 5 6828 58 29 16 1910 to 1914... 3 3 2 17 Year not reported. 29 63 37 15 18 Firewood.... 614 2,482 776 403 141 27 28 29 31 222222222 22222 19 1935 to 1938... 367 1,396 471 233 90 20 1930 to 1934.. 140 538 159 97 28 21 1925 to 1929. 47 257 67 46 13 1920 to 1924. 24 176 39 13 4 23 1915 to 1919. 10 36 7 7 24 1910 to 1914... 7 39 13 6 22 25 Prior to 1910..... 4 11 4 26 Year not reported. 15 29 16 1 2: Tanbark.... 120 265 99 49 8 1935 to 1938.... 72 131 56 24 1 1930 to 1934. 30 48 24 9 30 1925 to 1929. 8 23 11 8 4 1920 to 1924... 2 3 1 2 32 1915 to 1919... 5 34 8 5 3 33 Year not reported. 30 26 4 1 34 Others..... 702 1,554 729 390 127 35 1935 to 1938.... 356 880 432 20,8 106 36 1930 to 1934.. 177 334 160 102 16 37 1925 to 1929__ 110 229 89 61 5 38 1920 to 1924.... 14 28 14 2 39 1915 to 1919. 3 14 4 8 40 1910 to 1914.... 4 6 6 41 Prior to 1910.... 6 6 5 1 42 Year not reported. 32 57 19 13 P REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 113 SALES, BY KIND OF FORESTRY AND YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938-Continued Number of employees in 1938-Continued Persons paid salaries or wages Salaries and wages paid in 1938 Sawmill, Office Manag- ers, visors employ- employ- mill, and ees, super- stenogra- Logging planing Other Total (Pesos) Managers, supervi- ployees, Office em- Sawmill, planing Logging mill, and sors stenog- employees lumber Other employees Gross sales in 1938 ees lumber employees (Pesos) raphers (Pesos) (Pesos) yard em- (Pesos) (Per- Persons) Persons phers yard em- (Persons) (Pesos) ployees sons) ployees (Pesos) (Persons) 6 307 110 91 178,330 13,432 4,081 105,051 31,040 24,726 312,795 1 4 6 307 110 91 178,330 13,432 4,081 105,051 31,040 24,726 306,795 6,000 1 234 6 49 13,532 3,400 1 1 1 1 1 10,132 113,415 5 128 188 19 3,097 1,240 1,857 29 8,875 1,080 7,795 35,557 59,393 1,560 1,080 480 18,315 150 6889 7 9 6 347 26,412 2,520 3,216 20,676 221,938 10 9 6 291 24,408 2,520 3,216 18,672 160,323 11 32 738 738 45,532 12 9 642 642 8,459 13 3 233 233 3,068 14 837 15 1 41 41 300 16 11 350 350 3,419 17 8 1,145 66,905 2,645 1,281 62,979 437,056 18 53 162 596 24,875 120 591 24,164 166,025 19 245 26,415 2,190 690 23,535 99,203 129 7,725 335 7,390 122,501 21 120 4,341 4,341 10,517 22 22220 20 2,160 2,160 24,650 23 18 589 589 4,610 24 7 92 92 3,035 25 10 708 708 6,515 26 2 2 105 4,750 960 262 1 1 1 1 1 " 3,528 36,062 27 1 2 47 1,984 360 262 15 103 1,362 108 14.492 28 4,775 29 2,206 30 1 7,884 31 22 2,132 600 21 531 1,532 531 6,022 32 683 33 5 21 282 30,701 1,860 3,890 24,951 235,434 34 186 23 11 123 13,151 1,667 11,484 110,020 35 51 5,994 420 880 4,694 53,378 36 65 5,162 1,440 961 2,761 33,061 37 12 1.254 1,254 1,441 38 7 1,884 1,884 4,589 39 18,733 40 1 2,311 41 24 3,256 382 2,874 11,901 42 FORESTRY 114 TABLE 47.-POWER EQUIPMENT BY KIND OF Steam engines, turbines, etc. Gasoline engines Kind of forestry and year established Establish- Number Rated Estimated Establish- Number Rated Estimated ments of horse value ments of horse reporting units power (Pesos) reporting units value power (Pesos) 1 Total... 85 650 39,448 2,609,012 108 422 16,990 873,891 2 Logging only...... 12 34 2,154 187,056 42 101 4,471 183,268 4456789 3 1935 to 1938.. 8 16 967 85,621 31 68 1930 to 1934... 1 9 500 27,000 1 1925 to 1929.. 1 6 505 38,500 8 18 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919. 1 2 135 35,935 4 1 1910 to 1914.... Prior to 1910. 1 1 47 2 82844 6 3,653 141,618 120 6,000 441 23,350 136 8,000 71 4,300 5 50 10 Logging and sawmilling. 72 612 36,924 2,416,956 11 1935 to 1938..... 24 12 1930 to 1934.... 14 13 1925 to 1929. 15 14 1920 to 1924... 15 1915 to 1919... 16 1910 to 1914.... 17 Prior to 1910..... L458484 55 3,619 324,683 30 249 16,013 607,277 108 3,993 558,258 12 60 2,200 195,371 21 1,045 312.916 62 3.297 177,959 57 6,757 240,492 18 Logging and sawmilling for 1 170 5,000 mining purposes. 66 19 1935 to 1938.... 1 4 370 5,000 20 Year not reported. C02-244 2 11 64 308 12,130 678,423 66 3,062 169,067 123 4,126 142,917 38 2,435 94,540 3 11 346 30,451 8 190 34,000 29 1,023 164,874 33 948 42,574 13 389 12,200 12 1 27 377 1 12 12,000 200 Logging TABLE 48.-CLASSIFICATION OF ESTABLISH MENTS BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Establishments with total assets of- Kind of forestry and item Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. Number of employees.. Per cent distribution.. Total assets... Per cent distribution.. Gross sales. Per cent distribution.. Logging and sawmilling Number of establishments. Per cent distribution... Number of employees. Per cent distribution.. Total assets... Per cent distribution... Gross sales.... Per cent distribution.. Handsawing Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. Number of employees.. Per cent distribution. Total assets... Per cent distribution.. Gross sales.. Total Under P100 P100 to P499 P500 to P999 P1,000 to P2,499 925 120 228 207 187 100.0 13.0 24.6 22.4 20.1 11,342 471 1,861 2,194 2,317 100.0 4.2 16.4 19.3 20.4 Pesos. 4,429,770 11,860 68,822 176,627 290,905 Pesos. 4,436,375 100.0 100.0 0.3 138,429 148,675 3.1 1.6 3.4 4.0 6.0 234,669 423,309 5.3 9.5 177 13 3 9 100.0 7.3 1.7 5.1 22,405 67 15 75 100.0 0.3 Pesos. 29,775,973 0.1 0.3 3,214 2,222 13,717 100 0 Pesos. 21,843,995 (¹) (¹) 4,669 1,813 100.0 (¹) (¹) (¹) 22,584 0.1 362 31 104 75 67 100.0 8.6 28.7 20.7 18.0 3,118 162 490 666 507 100.0 5.2 15.7 Pesos. 21.4 897,692 682 28,468 100.0 53,364 16.1 99,109 0.1 Per cent distribution. Pesos. 1,229,158 15,995 83,286 100.0 1.3 3.2 6.8 5.9 91,918 11.0 128,865 7.5 10. 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 115 F FORESTRY AND YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Diesel and semi-Diesel engines Hydro-turbines Electric motors driven by purchased electricity Electric motors driven by elec- tricity produced by the user P Estab- lish- ments Num- ber of report- units ing Estab- Rated Estimated lish- value horse ments (Pesos) power report- ing Num- Rated ber horse of power units Esti- mated value (Pesos) Estab.. lish- ments report- ing Num- ber Rated Esti- mated value of value Estab- lish- ments Num- ber Rated horse Esti- mated units (Pesos) horse (Pesos) report- of units value ing power (Pesos) Power 90 211 11,710 1,460,907 1 1 25 1,383 9 39 1,241 55,439 45 14 43 1,520 219,855 1 1 1 404 5,448 184,431 1 2 1 1 1 1 t t 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 2151121 846 142,543 320 19,978 230 31,000 ITI 35 8,334 24 4,000 65 14,000 דדדדדד -וו-זוז. ------- 3456789 32 15 1 2427124 73 154 9,004 1,138,725 1 1 25 1,383 8 37 54 2,616 374,820 1 1 25 1,383 1 43 2,483 250,096 4 26 1,939 201,715 1 1261 1,161 51,439 43 382 5,243 178,923 10 100 2,130 663 9,046 25 3 200 15 829 85,436 1832 1 10 1,500 11 148 18921 705 61,828 12 10 41,419 13 51 370 14 3 217 55,000 1 13 370 39,248 15 3 165 32,109 10 755 139,549 1 150 16 25 815 12 212 4,467 73,806 17 0 3 14 1,186 102,327 1 2 80 4,000 2 22 205 5,508 18 0 21 13 936 86,327 1 2 80 4,000 1 1 250 16,000 1 12 21 20 185 5,000 508 19 20 TABLE 48.-CLASSIFICATION OF ESTABLISHMEN TS BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938-Continued Kind of forestry and item Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes .2 Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.... Number of employees.. .0 Per cent distribution.. Total assets.... Per cent distribution.. Gross sales..... Per cent distribution.. Establishments with total assets of-Continued Total Under P100 P100 to P499 P500 to P999 P1,000 to P2,499 40 100.0 33 82.5 554 99 100.0 17.9 .. Pesos. 1,039,332 100.0 Pesos. 312,795 100.0 1 2.8 1 0.3 1,181 0.1 20,709 6.6 Charcoal Number of establishments. Per cent distribution. 69 22 14 7 15 100.0 31.9 20.3 10.1 21.7 Number of employees. 267 51 50 38 40 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 19.1 18.7 14.2 15.0 Total assets... Pesos. 92,579 396 3,207 4,560 23,328 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 0.4 3.5 4.9 25.2 Gross sales.... Pesos. 113,415 2,592 6,442 4,480 43,581 Per cent distribution. 100.0 2.3 5.7 4.0 88.4 Rattan gathering Number of establishments. 865 636 163 84 22 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 73.5 18.8 3.9 22 2.8 Number of employees.. 1,884 1,057 583 144 42 Per cent distribution. 100.0 56.1 30.9 7.6 2.2 Total assets.... Pesos. 143,358 12,072 33,179 22,021 33,750 Gross sales... Per cent distribution.. 100.0 Pesos. 221,938 55,691 Per cent distribution. 100.0 8.4. 25.1 23.1 40.585 18.3 i 15.4 23.5 45,249 20,929 20.4 9.4 116 FORESTRY TABLE 48.-CLASSIFICATION OF ESTABLISHMENTS BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938-Continued Kind of forestry and item Establishments with total assets of-Continued Total Under P100 P100 to P499 P500 to P999 P1,000 to P2,499 Firewood Number of establishments. 614 819 170 69 45 Per cent distribution.. Number of employees. 100.0 52.0 27.7 9.6 7.3 2,482 821 789 365 356 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 33.1 31.8 14.7 14.1 Total assets... Pesos. 261,386 10,781 89,699 89,603 66,490 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 4.1 15.2 15.2 25.4 Gross sales... Pesos. 437,056 101,432 81,991 62,331 94,420 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 23.2 18.8 14.8 21.6 Tanbark Number of establishments. Per cent distribution... 120 78 22 1 9 100.0 65.0 18.3 5.8 5.8 Number of employees.. 265 105 68 56 29 Per cent distribution... 100.0 39.6 25.7 21.1 10.9 Total assets... Pesos. 68,122 8,379 2,963 4,275 11,439 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 5.0 4.3 6.3 16.8 Gross sales... Pesos. 86,062 6,544 7,117 8,819 9,912 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 18.1 19.7 28.1 27.5 Others Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. Number of employees.. Per cent distribution... Total assets.... Per cent distribution.. Gross sales.. Per cent distribution.. Logging Kind of forestry and item 702 526 109 381 20 100.0 74.9 15.5 4.4 2.1 1,554 721 414 123 71 100.0 46.4 26.6 7.9 4.6 Pesos. 194,078 7,214 23,024 21,661 27,602 100.0 3.7 11.9 11.2 14.2 Pesos. 235,434 100.0 63,680 40,582 28,067 22,742 27.0 17.2 11.9 9.1 Establishments with total assets of-Continued P2,500 to P4,999 P5,000 to P9,999 P10,000 to P14,999 P15,000 to P19,999 P20,000 and over Number of establishments. Per cent distribution... Number of employees.. Per cent distribution.. Total assets... Per cent distribution.. Gross sales.. Per cent distribution.. 76 64 11 8 84 8.2 5.8 1.2 0.9 8.1 743 722 114 167 2,758 6.6 6.4 1.0 1.5 24.1 Pesos. 279,991 861,710 119,848 132,291 2,987,716 6.3 8.2 2.7 8.0 67.4 Pesos. 379,566 566,248 187,174 106,577 2,251,734 8.6 12.8 4.2 2.4 50.8 Logging and sawmilling Number of establishments... Per cent distribution.. Number of employees... Per cent distribution.. Total assets. Pesos Per cent distribution.. Gross sales.... Pesos. Per cent distribution.. Handsawing Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. Number of employees.. Per cent distribution.. Total assets... Pesos. 123,327 227,484 68,683 76,034 220,541 Per cent distribution.. Gross sales.... Pesos. 144,756 167,721 126,265 206,539 263,813 Per cent distribution.. FFFFF FFFFF 50. 20,857 1 60,378 159,822 239,116 87,265 29,260,239 111,110 223,760 224,424 14,208 21,241,427 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 117 །_ོ༄། TABLE 48.-CLASSIFICATION OF ESTABLISHMENTS BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938-Continued Establishments with total assets of-Continued Kind of forestry and item Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes P2,500 to P5,000 to 4,999 P9,999 P10,000 to P14,999 P15,000 to P19,999 P20,000 and over 15 Number of establishments. 5.8 19 0.9 19 Total assets. 6.8 2 7.3 16 4.1 15.4 10 1.6 7690766 Per cent distribution... Number of employees.. Per cent distribution.. Total assets... Per cent distribution. Gross sales.... Per cent distribution.. Charcoal Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. 1 1 2.5 2.5 10.0 1 142 811 0.2 25.6 56.1 Pesos 5,000 10,100 1,023,051 0.5 1.0 98.4 Pesos. 6,000 276,277 9,809 1.9 88.8 3.1 7 2 1 10.1 2.9 1.4 1.4 Number of employees... 37 84 1 16 Per cent distribution.... 13.9 12.7 0.4 6.0 Pesos. 18,052 14,291 10,250 18,500 Per cent distribution.. 19.5 15.4 11.1 20.0 Gross sales.... 7.5 Pesos. 26,886 8,541 1,680 19,213 Per cent distribution.. 28.7 7.5 1.5 16.9 Rattan gathering 2.1 Number of establishments.. 6 1 Per cent distribution.. 0.7 0.5 4.6 Number of employees.. 51 7 2 Per cent distribution.... 2.7 0.4 4.2 Total assets.. Pesos. 19,239 23,097 2 Per cent distribution.. 13.4 16.1 9.1 Gross sales.. Pesos. 81,722 27,762 Per cent distribution.. 14.8 12.5 " Firewood Number of establishments. 14 6 Per cent distribution.. 2.3 1.0 0.2 Number of employees.. 124 26 1 Per cent distribution... 5.0 1.0 (¹) Total assets.... Pesos. 46,897 46,000 11,916 Per cent distribution. 17.9 17.6 4.6 Gross sales.... Pesos. 59,855 87,027 Per cent distribution.. 13.7 8.5 Tanbark 1.8 Number of establishments. 1 7.4 Per cent distribution..... 0.8 Number of employees.. 1 824 2 2.8 1.7 2 8 Per cent distribution.. 0.4 1.5 0.8 Total assets.. Pesos. 8,000 19,636 23,430 Per cent distribution.. 4.4 28.8 34.4 Gross sales... Pesos. 560 153 8,457 Per cent distribution.. 1.6 0.4 9.6 Others Number of establishments. 5 8 8 Per cent distribution..... 0.7 1.1 0.4 Number of employees. 71 42 12 Per cent distribution.. 4.6 2.1 0.8 Total assets.. Pesos 19,105 1.544 $3,928 Per cent distribution.. Gross sales.... 9.8 31.7 17.5 Pesos. Per cent distribution.. 8,749 8.7 45.402 19.3 26,262 11.2 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 118 FORESTRY TABLE 49.--CLASSIFICATION OF ESTABLISHMENTS BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES: 1938 Establishments with gross sales of- Logging Kind of forestry and item Number of establishments. Per cent distribution... Number of employees.. Per cent distribution.. Total assets... Per cent distribution. Gross sales.... Per cent distribution. Logging and sawmilling Number of establishments.. Per cent distribution... Number of employees.. Per cent distribution.. Total assets... Per cent distribution.. Gross sales.... Per cent distribution.. Handsawing Number of establishments. Per cent distribution... Number of employees... Per cent distribution.. Total assets... Per cent distribution.. Gross sales.... Per cent distribution.. Total Under P100 P100 to P499 P500 to P999 P1,000 to P1,999 P2,000 to P4,999 925 154 247 146 157 87 100.0 16.6 26.7 15.8 17.0 9.4 11,342 831 1,818 1,394 1,724 1,118 100.0 7.3 16.0 12.8 15.2 9.9 Pesos. 4,429,770 163,912 136,903 123,434 266,153 801,558 100.0 3.7 3.1 2.8 6.0 6.8 Pesos. 4,436,375 4,221 68,171 106,492 255,867 809,391 100.0 0.1 1.5 2.4 5.8 7.0 177 7 10 7 19 20 100.0 4.0 5.6 4.0 10.7 11.1 22,405 51 50 64 229 266 100.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0 1.2 Pesos. 29,775,973 137,893 19,060 17,716 124,305 251,475 100.0 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.8 Pesos. 21,843,995 217 2,669 5,544 32,066 79,821 100.0 (¹) (¹) (¹) 0.1 0.4 362 37 92 60 88 44 100.0 10.2 25.4 16.6 24.3 12.8 8,118 186 594 420 580. 623 100.0 6.0 19.1 13.5 18.6 16.8 Pesos. 897,692 44,662 47,955 71,678 153,952 165,412 100.0 5.0 5.3 8.0 17.1 18.4 Pesos. 1,229,158 3,133 26,431 40,859 140,526 162,270 100.0 0.3 2.2 3.3 11.4 13.2 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes Number of establishments. Per cent distribution... Number of employees. Per cent distribution... Total assets.... Per cent distribution.. Gross sales... Per cent distribution. Charcoal 40 100.0 554 38885 36 90.0 32 100.0 5.8 Pesos. 1,039,332 916,685 Pesos. 100.0 312,795 100.0 88.2 Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. 69 19 20 100.0 27.5 29.0 10 14.5 10.1 5.8 Number of employees.. 267 40 56 52 84 46 Per cent distribution. 100.0 15.0 21.0 19.5 12.7 17.2 Total assets... Pesos. 92,579 5,395 7,114 16,395 17,232 *8,298 Per cent distribution. 100.0 5.8 7.7 17.7 18.6 9.0 Gross sales.... Pesos. 113,415 668 5,364 7,228 12,714 11,706 Per cent distribution. 100.0 0.6 4.7 6.4 11.2 10.1 Rattan gathering Number of establishments. 865 631 158 34 29 9 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 72.9 18.3 8.9 8.4 1.0 Number of employees.. 1,884 1,120 511 93 90 13 Per cent distribution. 100.0 59.4 27.1 4.9 4.8 0.0 Total assets.. Pesos 143,358 34,240 85,142 14,237 29,415 17,772 Per cent distribution. 100.0 Gross sales... Pesos 221,938 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 23.9 19,541 8.8 24.5 32,955 14.8 9.9 20.5 12.4 28,342 10.5 44,409 81,809 20.0 14.1 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 93000. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 119 TABLE 49.-CLASSIFICATION OF ESTABLISHMENTS BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES: 1938-Continued Establishments with gross sales of-Continued Firewood Kind of forestry and item Total Under P100 P100 to P499 P500 to P999 P1,000 to P1,999 P2,000 to P4,999 Per cent distribution. .9 Number of establishments. Per cent distribution... Number of employees.. Total assets... 614 276 187 63 57 19 100.0 45.0 30.5 10.8 9.8 8.1 2,482 757 845 289 840 159 100.0 30.5 34.0 11.6 13.7 6.4 Pesos. Per cent distribution. 261,386 38,973 57,358 82,718 68,051 42,818 18 Gross sales.. 100.0 14.9 21.9 12.5 26.0 16.2 Pesos. 0 Per cent distribution.. 437,056 7,960 42,738 44,807 88,260 67,697 100.0 1.8 9.8 10.8 20.2 15.5 Tanbark Number of establishments. 120 85 21 6 Per cent distribution.. 1 100.0 Number of employees... 70.8 17.5 5.0 3.3 1.9 265 131 62 28 29 Per cent distribution... 100.0 49.4 23.4 10.6 10.9 Total assets... 0.8 Pesos. 8 Per cent distribution.. 68,122 38,362 9,760 4,617 1,473 11,410 100.0 Gross sales.... 56.3 14.3 6.8 2.2 16.7 Pesos. 36,062 2,147 Per cent distribution.. 5,556 8,813 5,530 5,966 100.0 6.0 15.4 10.6 15.8 16.8 Others Number of establishments. 702 472 147 40 23 14 Per cent distribution. 100.0 67.2 20.9 5.7 8.8 2.0 Number of employees.. 1,554 707 401 140 95 180 8 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 45.5 25.8 9.0 6.1 11.6 Total assets... Pesos. 194,078 4 Per cent distribution.. 19,905 45.771 17,476 32,694 49,487 100.0 10.3 23.6 9.0 16.8 25.8 Gross sales.... Pesos Per cent distribution.. 235,434 10,661 100.0 4.5 81,800 13.5 27,329 36,897 47,818 11.6 15.7 20.3 Establishments with gross sales of-Continued Kind of forestry and item P5,000 to P9,999 P10,000 to P19,999 P20,000 to P49,999 P50,000 to P99,999 P100,000 to $499,999 P500,000 and over Logging Number of establishments. 52 67 8 Per cent distribution.. Number of employees.. 5.6 7.2 0.9 0.8 Per cent distribution. 628 1,529 629 1,671 Total assets... 5.5 13.5 5.5 14.7 Pesos. 8 Per cent distribution.. 817.670 949,165 657,065 1,518,915 Gross sales.. 7.2 21.4 14.8 84.2 Pesos. 3 Per cent distribution... 364,644 1,323,104 565,281 1,439,204 8.2 29.8 12.7 32.4 10 Logging and sawmilling Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. 27 26 5 Number of employees.. 15.3 14.7 2.8 18 10.2 29 16.4 8.1 Per cent distribution.. 817 1,190 286 2,079 8,276 9,107 Total assets... 3.6 5.3 1.3 9.3 36.9 40.6 0 Per cent distribution.. Pesos. 98,437 1,999,493 89,637 2,732,724 7,650,087 16,655,146 Gross sales... 0.3 3 Per cent distribution.. Pesos. 237,902 1.1 6.7 466,759 2.1 174,986 0.3 0.8 9.2 1,427,558 6,633,215 6.5 25.7 80.4 35.1 12,783,758 58.5 Handsawing Number of establishments. Number of employees.. Per cent distribution.. Total assets.... Per cent distribution. 11.2 Gross sales... Per cent distribution.... Pesos. 120,198 161,533 13.4 18.0 Per cent distribution.. Pesos. 167,385 277,395 13.6 22.6 FF FF 41,876 111,683 0.6 90,926 10.1 299,476 24.4 120 FORESTRY TABLE 49 -CLASSIFICATION OF ESTABLISHMENTS BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES: 1938-Continued Establishments with gross sales of--Continued Kind of forestry and item P5,000 to P9,999 P10,000 to P20,000 to $19,999 P49,999 P50,000 to P99,999 P100,000 to P499,999 P500,000 and over Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes Number of establishments. 2 Per cent distribution... 5.0 1 2.5 1 2.5 Number of employees.. Per cent distribution.. Total assets... 28 1 493 5.1 0.2 89.0 Pesos. 111,366 1,181 10,100 Per cent distribution.. 10.7 0.1 1.0 Gross sales... Pesos 15,809 20,709 276,277 Per cent distribution.. 5.1 6.6 88.8 Charcoal Number of establishments. 7 2 Per cent of distribution... 10.1 2.9 Number of employees.. 22 17 Per cent distribution. Total ascsets.. 8.2 6.4 Pesos. 18,630 19,515 Per cent distribution. 20.1 21.1 Gross sales.... Pes os 44,310 81,425 Per cent distribution... 39.1 27.7 Rattan gathering Number of establishments.. Per cent distribution... Number of employees.. 4 0.5 58 Per cent distribution.. 8.1 Total assets... Pesos. 12,552 Per cent distribution.. 8.8 Gross sales.. Pesos. 70,382 Per cent distribution.. 81.7 Firewood Number of establishments. 7 Per cent distribution.. 0.8 1.1 Number of employees... 24 68 Per cent distribution... 1.0 2.7 Total assets.. Pesos. 4,407 17,561 Per cent distribution.. 1.7 6.7 Gross sales... Pesos. 33,037 152,557 Per cent distribution.. 7.6 84.9 Tanbark Number of establishments. 2 Per cent distribution... 1.7 Number of employees.. 13 Per cent distribution.. 4.9 Total assets... Pesos. 2,500 Per cent distribution.. 3.7 Gross sales.... Pesos. 13,050 Per cent distribution.. 36.2 Others Number of establishments. Per cent distribution. 2 0.8 0.6 Number of employees... 8 23 Per cent distribution. 0.5 1.5 Total assets... Pesos. 1,110 27,635 Per cent distribution. 0.6 14.2 Gross sales.. Pesos. 10,127 70,802 Per cent distribution.. 4.3 30.1 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 121 w *** TABLE 50.-CLASSIFICATION OF ESTABLISHMENTS BY CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938 Establishments operated by citizens of- 0 er Kind of forestry and item Total Philippines United States China Japan Spain Logging Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. Number of employees.. Per cent distribution... Total assets.. Per cent distribution... Gross sales.... Per cent distribution. Partnerships, asso iations, and corpora- tions 925 874 6 5 1 39 100.0 94.5 0.6 0.5 0.1 4.2 11,342 9,242 75 54 8 1,963 Pesos. 4,429,770 Pesos. 100.0 100.0 4,436,375 100.0 81.5 0.7 0.5 0.1 17.3 1,980,570 23,596 18,202 6,000 2,401,402 44.7 0.5 0.4 0.1 54.2 2,532,692 16,859 29,338 10,000 1,847,486 57.1 0.4 0.7 0.2 41.6 Logging and sawmilling Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. Number of employees.. 177 81 4 6 1 85 100.0 45.8 2.3 3.4 0.6 48.0 Per cent distribution.. Total assets... Pesos. 29,775,973 Per cent distribution.. Gross sales... Pesos. 21,843,995 22,405 100.0 100.0 100.0 2,858 267 112 16- 19,1/2 12.8 1.2 0.5 0.1 86.5 2,783,841 103,551 269,998 10,896 26,607,687 1,808,937 9.3 8.3 0.3 0.9 (¹) 89.4 172,566 386,894 0.8 1.8 8,407 (¹) 19,467,191 89.1 Per cent distribution.. Handsawing Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. Number of employees. Per cent distribution.. Total assets... Per cent distribution. Gross sales.. Per cent distribution. 362 340 12 1 9 100.0 93.9 3.3 0.3 2.5 3,118 2,744 193 13 168 100.0 88.0 6.2 0.4 5.4 Pesos. 897,692 657,070 108,181 3,120 129,321 100.0 Pesos. 1,229,158 100.0 73.2 12.1 0.3 14.4 718,347 315,148 6,000 189,663 58.4 25.6 0.5 15.4 Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes Number of establishments. Per cent distribution... Number of employees.. Per cent distribution. Total assets... Per cent distribution. Gross sales... Per cent distribution... Charcoal Numer of establishments. Per cent distribution... Number of employees. Per cent distribution. Total assets.... Per cent distribution.. Gross sales. Per cent distribution.. Rattan gathering Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. Number of employees. 100.0 100.0 267 267 100.0 100.0 Pesos 92,579 92,579 100.0 Pesos. 113,415 100.0 113,415 100.0 100.0 FFFF FFF 100.0 $7.5 100.0 25.8 Pesos. 1,039,332 5,000 10,100 100.0 Pesos 312,795 6,000 276,277 100.0 88.3 -------- 111 יייייי יייייי 35 87.5 408 73.6 1,024,232 98.5 30.518 9.8 865 814 36 100.0 94.1 4.2 15 1.7 1,884 1,804 40 40 Per cent distribution. Total assets... 100.0 95.8 2.1 2.1 Pesos 143,358 131,469 2,852 9,037 Per cent distribution. 100.0 91.7 2.0 6.3 Gross sales... Pesos. 221,938 209,918 1,219 10,801 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 94.6 0.5 4.9 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 122 FORESTRY TABLE 50.-CLASSIFICATION OF ESTABLISHMENTS BY CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938-Continued Establishments operated by citizens of-Continued Kind of forestry and item Total Philippines United States China Japan Spain Partnerships, associations, and corpora- tions Firewood Number of establishments. Per cent distribution... Number of employees... Per cent distribution.. Total assets... 614 564 3 33 14 100.0 91.9 0.5 5.4 2.3 2,482 2,377 24 57 24 100.0 95.8 1.0 2.3 1.0 Pesos. 261,386 252,160 1,381 4,928 2,917 Per cent distribution. 100.0 96.5 0.5 1.9 1.1 Gross sales... Pesos. 437,056 392,238 11,271 3,862 29,685 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 89.7 2.6 0.9 6.8 Tanbark Number of establishments. Per cent distribution... Number of employees... 120 90 27 100.0 75.0 22.5 265 232 30 823 2.5 3 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 87.5 11.3 1.1 Total assets... Pesos. 68,122 57,768 4,500 5,854 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 84.8 6.6 8.6 Gross sales... Pesos. 36,062 34,055 1,529 478 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 94.4 4.2 1.3 Others Number of establishments.. Per cent distribution... Number of employees... 702 683 3 8 100.0 97.3 0.4 1.1 1,554 1,499 14 11 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 96.5 0.9 0.7 Total assets. Pesos. 194,078 153,703 3,700 15,153 Per cent distribution.. Gross sales... Pesos. 100.0 235,434 79.2 1.9 7.8 191,011 25,014 12,205 Fer cent distribution.. 100.0 81.1 10.6 5.2 TABLE 51.-CLASSIFICATION OF EST ABLISHMENTS BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 8 1.1 30 1.9 21,522 11.1 7,204 3.1 Establishments owned by- Kind of forestry and item Total Individuals Partnerships Associations Corporations Sociedades anónimas Government agencies Logging Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. Number of employees.. Per cent distribution.. Total assets.. Per cent distribution... Gross sales.... Per cent distribution. Logging and sawmilling Number of establishments.. Per cent distribution.. Number of employees... Per cent distribution.. Total assets.. Per cent distribution.. Gross sales.... Per cent distribution.. Handsawing Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. Number of employees.... Per cent distribution.. Total assets... Per cent distribution.. Gross sales... Per cent distribution.. 100.0 11,342 9,379 1,658 100.0 Pesos. 4,429,770 2,028,368 115,424 70,214 2,215,764 100.0 Pesos. 4,436,375 2,588,889 145,032 77,324 1,625,130 100.0 FFFFF 177 92 22 5 58 100.0 52.0 12.4 2.8 32.8 Pesos. 29,775,973 22,405 100.0 100.0 3,253 867 137 18,148 14.5 3.9 0.6 81.0 3,145,905 789,168 113,299 25,727,601 Pesos. 21,843,995 2,376,904 100.0 10.6 10.9 520,843 2.7 2.4 0.4 86.4 61,214 18,885,034 0.3 86.5 100.0 97.5 3,118 2,950 100.0 94.6 Pesos. 897,692 768,371 58,326 70,995 100.0 85.6 Pesos. 1,229,158 1,049,495 35,644 144,019 100.0 85.4 11.7 F FFF REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENCUS 123 TABLE 51.-CLASSIFICATION OF ESTABLISHMENTS BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938-Continued Establishments owned by-Continued Kind of forestry and item Total Sociedades Government Individuals Partnerships Associations Corporations anónimas agencies Logging and sawmilling for mining purposes Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. Number of employees. 40 5 32 3 100.0 554 12.5 80.0 7.5 146 213 195 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 26.4 38.4 35.2 Total assets... Pesos. 1,039,332 15,100 202,282 821,950 Per cent distribution. 100.0 1.5 19.5 79.1 Gross sales.... Pesos. Per cent distribution.. 312,795 100.0 282,277 30,518 90.2 9.8 Charcoal making Number of establishments.. Per cent distribution.. Number of employees... 69 69 100.0 100.0 267 26.7 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 100.0 Total assets.. Pesos. 92,579 92,579 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 100.0 Gross sales.. Pesos. 113,415 113,415 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 100.0 Rattan gathering 1 Per cent distribution. Number of establishments.. Per cent distribution.. Number of employees.. Total assets... 865 850 11 1 100.0 98.3 1.8 0.1 3 0.3 1,884 1,845 31 5 3 108.0 97.9 1.6 0.3 0.2 Pesos 9 143,358 Per cent distribution.. 134,321 8,887 150 100.0 93.7 Gross sales.... 6.2 0.1 Pesos. 1 221,938 Per cent distribution.. 211,137 10,591 210 100.0 95.1 4.8 0.1 1 Firewood Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. 614 600 8 100.0 97.7 1.3 6 1.0 Number of employees.. 2,482 2,458 14 10 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 99.0 0.6 0.4 Total assets... Pesos. 261,386 258,469 2,917 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 98.9 1.1 Gross sales.... Pesos. Per cent distribution.. 437,056 100.0 407,371 29,645 40 93.2 6.8 (1) Tanbark Per cent distribution.. Number of establishments.. Per cent distribution... Number of employees... 120 117 1 2 100.0 97.5 0.8 1.7 265 262 1 2 100.0 98.8 0.4 0.8 Total assets... Pesos 68,122 62,268 5,854 Per cent distribution. 100.0 91.4 8.6 Gross sales.... Pesos. 36,062 35,584 69 409 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 98.7 0.2 1.1 Others Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. 702 694 5 2 1 100.0 98.9 0.7 0.3 0.1 Number of employees.. 1.554 1,524 15 11 4 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 98.1 1.0 0.7 0.3 Total assets... Pesos 194,078 172,556 11,152 1,370 9,000 Gross sales... Per cent distribution.. Pesos. Per cent distribution.. 100.0 235,434 100.0 88.9 5.7 0.7 4.6 228,230 96.9 4,441 13 2,750 1.9 (¹) 1.2 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. O 51643 CHAPTER II CENSUS OF TRANSPORTATION 125 TA CHAPTER II Introduction Scope a method of taking the census.......... Extent of the industry Number of operators........ Kind of transportation Assets of transportation operators.. Number of employees.. Salaries and wages.... Passengers and freight carried. Number, type, and capacity of equipment. Fuel and electricity purchased.. Gross receipts Form of ownership Year established........ Size of total assets Size of gross receipts... Citizenship of operator. Operators classified by number of employees.. Assets classified by citizenship of owners... CENSUS OF TRANSPORTATION TABLE OF CONTENTS TEXT Page 132 132 132 132 140 146 146 147 147 148 151 152 153 153 154 154 154 155 155 CHARTS Number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees, by kind of transportation: 1938. Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all transportation operators, by size of total assets: 1938........... 132 132 Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all transportation operators, by size of gross receipts: 1938.. 132 Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all transportation operators, by number of employees: 1938..... 140 Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of in- terisland and overseas shipping, by size of total assets: 1938.. 140 Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of in- terisland and overseas shipping, by size of gross receipts: 1938. 140 Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of in- terisland and overseas shipping, by number of employees: 1938... 140 Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines, by size of total assets: 1938....... 141 Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines, by size of gross receipts: 1938...... Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines, by number of employees: 1938. 141 141 Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of operators of PU cars, garage automobiles, taxicabs, auto jitneys, and auto calesas, by size of total assets: 1938... Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of operators of PU cars, garage automobiles, taxicabs, auto jitneys, and auto calesas, by size of gross receipts: 1938 Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of operators of PU cars, garage automobiles, taxicabs, auto jitneys, and auto calesas, by number of employees: 1938.... Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage trucks, by size of total assets: 1938 141 142 142 142 Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage trucks, by size of gross receipts: 1938 Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage trucks, by number of employees: 1938 142 143 127 128 TRANSPORTATION Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries, by size of total assets: 1938.... Page 143 Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries, by size of gross receipts: 1938 Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries, by number of employees: 1938 ... Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of sail- boats, by size of total assets: 1938 Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of sail- boats, by size of gross receipts: 1938........... Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of all operators of sail- boats, by number of employees: 1938... Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of operators of all other kinds of transportation, by size of total assets: 1938....... Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of operators of all other kinds of transportation, by size of gross receipts: 1938...... Per cent distribution of number of operators, total assets, gross receipts, and number of employees of operators of all other kinds of transportation, by number of employees: 1938..... 143 143 144 144 144 144 145 145 TABLES 1. Number of operators by kind of transportation: 1938.. 19. All transportation operators-Total assets, gross receipts, number of persons employed, and salaries paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and num- ber of employees, for the Philippines: 1938........ 18. All transportation operators-Total assets, gross receipts, number of persons employed, and salaries paid, by prov- inces: 1938........ 2. Total assets by kind of transportation: 1938. 3. Number of persons employed and salaries paid, by kind of transportation: 1938 4. Number of passengers carried, total receipts from transportation of passengers, net tonnage of freight and express carried, and gross receipts from freight and express handled, by kind of transportation: 1938... 5. Number and capacity of each type of equipment owned, by kind of transportation: 1938... 6. Cost of fuel and electricity purchased, by kind of transportation: 1938 7. Gross receipts by kind of transportation: 1938.... 8. Distribution of gross receipts, by source, by kind of transportation: 1938 9. Relation of gross receipts to specified items of expense, by kind of transportation: 1938. 10. All transportation operators classified by form of ownership, by kind of transportation: 1938. 11. All transportation operators classified by year established, by kind of transportation: 1938.. 12. Distribution of all transporation operators, by size of total assets, by kind of transportation: 1938. 13. All transportation operators classified by size of gross receipts, by kind of transportation: 1938.. 14. All individual transportation operators classified by citizen ship of operator, by kind of transportation: 1938............ 15. All transportation operators classified by number of employees, by kind of transportation: 1938... 16. Total assets of all transportation operators, owned by citizens of various countries: 1938..... 17. Total assets of all transportation operators, owned by citizens of various countries, by kind of transportation and form of organization: 1938... 145 146 147 148 149 151 152 152 152 153 153 154 154 155 155 155 156 .......... 157 159 162 164 166 20. Total assets of all transportation operators by provinces: 1938 21. All transportation operators-Total assets classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1988 22. All transportation operators-Number of employees and salaries and wages paid, by provinces: 1938........ 23. All transportation operators-Number of employees and salaries and wages paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and number of employees, for the Philippines: 1938 24. Number of passengers carried, receipts from transportation of passengers, net tonnage of freight and express car- ried, and gross receipts from freight and express handled, by kind of transportation, by provinces: 1938....... 25. Number of passengers carried, receipts from transportation of passengers, net tonnage of freight and express, carried, and gross receipts from freight and express handled, by kind of transportation classified by form of owner- ship, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938 26. Number and capacity of each type of equipment owned by all transportation operators, by provinces: 1938......... 27. Number and capacity of each type of equipment owned by all transportation operators, by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938. 28. Quantity and cost of fuel and electricity purchased by all transportation operators, by provinces: 1938... 29. All transportation operators-Cost of fuel and electricity purchased, classified by form of ownership, year estab- lished, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938... 30. Operators of interisland and overseas shipping-Total assets, gross receipts, number of persons employed, and salaries paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizen- ship of operator, number of employees, and by provinces, for the Philippines: 1938. ....... 169 172 176 180 186 192 194 196 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 31. Operators of interisland and overseas shipping-Total assets classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and by provinces: 1988.... 32. Operators of interisland and overseas shipping-Number of employees and salaries and wages paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, number of employees, and by provinces, for the Philippines: 1938..... 33. Operators of interisland and overseas shipping-Number of passengers carried, receipts from transportation of pas- sengers, net tonnage of freight and express carried, and gross receipts from freight and express handled, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and by provinces, for the Philippines: 1938...... 34. Operators of interisland and overseas shipping establishments Number and capacity of equipment used, by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and by prov- inces, for the Philippines: 1938..... 1938 ... 35. Operators of interisland and overseas shipping-Quantity and cost of fuel and electricity purchased, by provinces: 36. Operators of interisland and overseas shipping-Cost of fuel and electricity purchased, classified by form of owner- ship, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938 37. Operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines-Total assets, gross receipts, number of persons employed, and salaries paid, by provinces: 1938.... 38. Operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines-Total assets, gross receipts, number of persons employed, and salaries paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and number of employees, for the Philippines: 1938 39. Operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines-Total assets by provinces: 1938 40. Operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines-Total assets classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938.. 41. Operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines-Number of employees and salaries and wages paid, by provinces: 1938 42. Operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines-Number of employees and salaries and wages paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and number of employees, for the Philippines: 1938.... 43. Operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines-Number of passengers carried, receipts from transportation of pas- sengers, net tonnage of freight and express handled, and gross receipts from freight and express handled, by type of equipment, by provinces: 1938...... 44. Operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines-Number of passengers carried, receipts from transportation of passen- gers, net tonnage of freight and express carried, and gross receipts from freight and express handled, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938 45. Operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines-Number and capacity of transportation equipment used, by type, by provinces: 1938 46. Operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines-Number and capacity of transportation equipment used, by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philip- pines: 1938 47. Operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines-Cost of fuel and electricity purchased, by provinces: 1938.. 48. Operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines-Cost of fuel and electricity purchased, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938.... 49, Operators of PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys-Total assets, gross receipts number of persons employed, and salaries paid, by provinces: 1938 50. Operators of PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys-Total assets, gross receipts, number of persons employed, and salaries paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and number of employees, for, the Philippines: 1938............... 51. Operators of PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys-Total assets by provinces: 52. Operators of PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys-Total assets classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philip- pines: 1938 1938 53. Operators of PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys-Number of employees and salaries and wages paid, by provinces: 1938.... 54. Operators of PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys-Number of employees and sal- aries and wages paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross re- ceipts, citizenship of operator, and number of employees, for the Philippines: 1938 55. Operators of PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys-Number of passengers carried, receipts from transportation of passengers, net tonnage of freight and express carried, and gross receipts from freight and express handled, by type of equipment, by provinces: 1938 56. Operators of PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys-Number of passengers carried, receipts from transportation of passengers, net tonnage of freight and express carried, and gross receipts from freight and express handled, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross re- ceipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938 129 Page 199 201 204 205 207 207 209 211 214 215 217 218 221 223 225 227 231 232 234 235 238 240 242 244 247 248 130 TRANSPORTATION 57. Operators of PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys-Quantity and cost of fuel and electricity purchased, by provinces: 1938.... 58. Operators of PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys-Cost of fuel and electricity pur- chased, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938 59. Operators of PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys-Number and capacity of trans- portation equipment used, by type, by provinces: 1938... 60. Operator of PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys-Number and capacity of trans- portation equipment used, by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938... 61. Operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks-Total assets, gross receipts, number of persons employed, and salaries paid, by provinces: 1938....... 62. Operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks-Total assets, gross receipts, number of persons em- ployed, and salaries paid, classified by form of ownership. year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and number of employees, for the Philippines: 1938 63. Operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks-Total assets by provinces: 1938.. 64. Operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks-Total assets classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938. 65. Operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks-Number of employees and salaries and wages paid, by provinces: 1938 66. Operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks-Number of employees and salaries and wages paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and number of employees, for the Philippines: 1938... 67. Operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks-Number of passengers carried, receipts from transpor- tation of passengers, net tonnage of freight and express carried, and gross receipts from freight and express han- dled, by type of equipment, by provinces: 1938. 68. Operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks-Number of passengers carried, receipts from transportation of passengers, net tonnage of freight and express carried, and gross receipts from freight and ex- press handled, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citi- zenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938....... 69. Operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks-Number and capacity of transportation equipment used, by type, by provinces: 1938. Page 251 252 254 255 258 259 262 264 266 267 270 272 274 70. Operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks-Number and capacity of transportation equip- ment used, by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938... .... 275 71. Operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks-Quantity and cost of fuel and electricity purchased, by provinces: 1938 72. Operators of TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks-Cost of fuel and electricity purchased classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938 73. Operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries-Total assets, gross receipts, number of persons employed, and salaries paid, by provinces: 1938... 74. Operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries-Tot al assets, gross receipts, number of persons employed, and salaries paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and number of employees, for the Philippines: 1938 75. Operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries-Total assets by provinces: 1938. 281 187 288 $285 286 77. Operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries-Number of employees and salaries and wages paid, by prov- inces: 1938 76. Operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries-Total assets classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938. 288 289 290 78. Operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries-Number of employees and salaries and wages paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and number of employees, for the Philippines: 1938.... 79. Operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries-Number of passengers carried, receipts from transportation of passengers, by type of equipment, by provinces: 1938... 80. Operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries-Number of passengers carried, receipts from transportation of passengers, net tonnage of freight and express carried, and gross receipts from freight and express handled, clas- sified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938.... 81. Operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries-Number and capacity of equipment used, by type, by provinces: 1938... 82. Operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries-Number and capacity of equipment used, by form of owner- ship, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938........ 83. Operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries-Quantity and cost of fuel and electricity purchased, by prov- inces: 1938 292 294 294 297 298 301 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 131 age 251 52 254 255 258 84. Operators of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries-Cost of fuel and electricity purchased, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philip- pines: 1938 85. Operators of sailboats-Total assets, gross receipts, number of persons employed, and salaries paid, by provinces: 1938 86. Operators of sailboats-Total assets, gross receipts, number of persons employed, and salaries paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and number of employees, for the Philippines: 1938.... 87. Operators of sailboats-Total assets by provinces: 1938.. 88. Operators of sailboats-Total assets classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938 89. Operators of sailboats-Number of employees and salaries and wages paid, by provinces: 1938. 90. Operators of sailboats-Number of employees and salaries and wages paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and number of employees, for the Phil- ippines: 1938......... 91. Operators of sailboats-Number of passengers carried, receipts from transportation of passengers, net tonnage of freight and express carried, and gross receipts from freight and express handled, by type of equipment, by prov- inces: 1938 Page 302 304 306 308 309 311 312 315 59 62 64 266 267 270 92. Operators of sailboats-Number of passengers carried, receipts from transportation of passengers, net tonnage of freight and express carried, and gross receipts from freight and express handled, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938.... 98. Operators of sailboats-Number and capacity of transportation equipment used, by type, by provinces: 1938..... 94. Operators of sailboats-Number and capacity of transportation equipment used, by form of ownership, year estab- lished, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938...... 95. Operators of sailboats-Quantity and cost of fuel and electricity purchased by provinces: 1938. 96. Operators of sailboats-Cost of fuel and electricity purchased, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938.... 97. Operators of all other kinds of transportation-Total assets, gross receipts, number of persons employed, and salaries paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, number of employees, and by provinces, for the Philippines: 1938.... 316 317 317 319 320 272 274 275 187 281 288 285 286 288 289 98. Operators of all other kinds of transportation-Total assets classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and by provinces, for the Philippines: 1938............... 99. Operators of all other kinds of transportation-Number of employees and salaries and wages paid, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, number of em- ployees, and by provinces, for the Philippines: 1938..... ................ 100. Operators of all other kinds of transportation-Number of passengers carried, receipts from transportation of passen- gers, net tonnage of freight and express carried, and gross receipts from freight and express handled, classified by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and by provinces, for the Philippines: 1938.. 101. Operators of all other kinds of transportation-Number and capacity of transportation equipment used, by form of ownership, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, citizenship of operator, and by provinces, for the Philippines: 1938 102. Operators of all other kinds of transportation-Quantity and cost of fuel and electricity purchased, by provinces: 1938 103. Operators of all other kinds of transportation-Cost of fuel and electricity purchased, classified by form of owner- ship, year established, size of total assets, size of gross receipts, and citizenship of operator, for the Philippines: 1938 322 324 326 328 331 336 336 90 92 94 94 97 18 1 CHAPTER II CENSUS OF TRANSPORTATION Introduction. This is the first detailed Census of Transporta- tion ever taken in the Philippines. This report contains all the data compiled on the Census of Transportation. This census was taken under the general supervision of Mr. Ray Hurley, Census Expert, assisted by the following supervisors: Juan Agcaoili, José N. Umali, Trinidad Nañez, Perfecto Franche, and Alfredo Marchadesch. Scope and method of taking the census.-The Census of Transportation includes all licensed and registered establish- ments engaged in transportation in 1938, except those estab- lishments or operators using solely animal drawn means of transportation, such as calesas, carromatas, etc. However, this census does not include all transportation facilities as many establishments own automobiles, trucks, etc for trans- portation of their own products, raw materials, etc. but do not engage in public transportation. The Census of Transportation was taken largely by mail. A facsimile of the schedule is given on pages 133 to 139. When the schedules were received in Manila, all the reported data were examined and checked for consistency. All questionable data were verified or corrected either by correspondence or per- sonal interview. Extent of the industry.-The 1,714 operators included in the Census of Transportation reported P118,231,626 as total as- sets, #72,726,135 as gross receipts, 47,189 as total number of employees, and P20,327,935 paid in salaries to employees during 1938. Transportation companies employed 0.6 per cent of all the persons engaged in gainful occupations during 1938, carried 244,044,420 passengers and 7,656,242 tons of freight and ex- press. NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 King of transportation. Interisland and overseas ship- ping TPU auto trucks and bus lines PU cars, garage automobiles, and taxicabs TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks Motor launches, motorboats, and ferries Sailboats.... PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS. TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938. Size of assets Under P100.... P100 to P499.. P500 to P999... P1,000 to P2,499....... P2,500 to P4,999...... P5,000 to P9,999..... P10,000 to P49,999.. P50,000 to P99,999.. P100,000 to P499,999...... P500,000 to P999,999... P1,000,000 and over П 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Per cent of total Number of operators Assets 70 80 90 100 Gross receipts Number of employees PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938. Size of gross receipts Under P500... P500 to P999. P1,000 to P2,499.. P2,500 to P4,999.. P5,000 to P9,999.. P10,000 to P24,999. L P25,000 to P99,999.. All other kinds of trans- portation P100,000 to P249,999... 05 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Hundreds of operators Millions of pesos of total assets. 80 90 Millions of pesos of gross receipts Thousands of employees 100 P250,000 to P999,999.. Number of operators.-As used in this report, the term "operator" represents a corporation, partnership, or individual engaged in the transportation business. A single operator may control and operate several transportation units and even more than one kind of transportation. 132 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P3,000,000 and over 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Per cent of total 70 80 90 100 Number of operators Assets Gross receipts Number of employees REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 133 ME AL LL 38. es L بات 3: CENSUS FORM No. 69 Schedule No. Province or City Municipality or Municipal District COMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINES COMMISSION OF THE CENSUS MANILA CENSUS OF TRANSPORTATION-1939 (CONFIDENTIAL GOVERNMENT REPORT) 1. Name of enterprise, business or company (or name of owner if the enterprise or company does not have a firm name.) 2. Post office address 3. If this transportation company is a branch or subsidiary of another enterprise, business or company, give name of main organization 4. Post office address of main organization... 5. Is this enterprise, business or company owned or operated by [Please place a check mark (V) in the proper square below to indicate the type of ownership.]- (a) (b) An individual A partnership (c) (d) An association (unincorporated) A corporation 6. What kind of transportation does this enterprise, business or company conduct? (Bus line, TPU auto truck, PU auto- mobile, TH freight truck, garage automobile, taxicab, TC garage freight truck, shipping, bay and river carrier, ferry, aeroplane, carretela bus, auto calesa, trucking, etc.) .... 7. Give approximate date when this enterprise, business or company was organized or began business Month Year 8. If this enterprise, business or company is owned by an individual, of what country is the owner a citizen? (Philippines, U. S., China, Japan, etc.) 9. What is the estimated value (book value) of the assets of this enterprise, business or company on December 31, 1938? (a) Cash on hand and in the bank (b) Land and buildings......... (c) Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) (d) Accounts and notes receivable P. (e) Please attach a copy of the balance sheet as of December 31, 1938. 10. If this enterprise, business or company is owned or operated by a partnership, a corporation or an association (unincorporated), how much of the total estimated value (as reported in Question 9 above) of the assets of this enter- prise, business or company was furnished by? (NOTE.-If this enterprise, business or company is owned by an individual, it is not necessary to answer Question 10.) (a) Filipino citizens (b) United States citizens (See page 134 for additional space for answer to question 10) 134 TRANSPORTATION (c) Chinese citizens (d) Japanese citizens (e) British citizens (f) Others (List below)...... P. 11. Please give the following information concerning the equipment of the enterprise, business or company: (Use additional sheets if necessary. The equipment list must be complete.) A. CARRETELA BUSES- Number Capacity each Total number of horses used B. BUSES- (a) Gasoline-fueled engine: 1. Number .............. ; Capacity each 2. Number........... ; Capacity each 3. Number.................; Capacity each (b) Gasanol (including gastarla and other ga soline-alcohol mixtures): 1. Number ................; Capacity each 2. Number ; Capacity each 3. Number........... ; Capacity each (c) Alcohol (pure) fueled engine: 1. Number.......... ; Capacity each 2. Number .......... ; Capacity each 3. Number ....... ; Capacity each passengers. ...... passengers. .... passengers. passengers. ...... passengers. ...... passengers. passengers. passengers. ..... passengers. passengers. (d) Diesel oil-fueled engine: 1. Number ............ ; Capacity each 2. Number........... ; Capacity each 3. Number............ .; Capacity each C. AUTOMOBILES (including taxicabs, auto calesas, etc.)- (a) Gasoline-fueled engine: 1. Number ...............; Capacity each 2. Number........... ; Capacity each 3. Number ................; Capacity each (Use additional sheets if necessary) (b) Gasanol (including gastarla and other alcohol-gasoline mixtures) fueled engine: 1. Number..................; Capacity each 2. Number ................; Capacity each 3. Number ...............; Capacity each (Use additional sheets if necessary) ...... passengers. ...... passengers. passengers. passengers. ....... passengers. ....... passengers. passengers. passengers. passengers. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 135 (c) Alcohol (pure) fueled engine: 1. Number ...............; Capacity each 2. Number ......... .; Capacity each 3. Number........ ...; Capacity each (Use additional sheets if necessary) D. TRUCKS AND SEMI-TRAILERS- (a) Gasoline-fueled engine: 1. Number ................; Capacity each 2. Number ................; Capacity each 3. Number ........ ; Capacity each (Use additional sheets if necessary) (b) Gasanol (including gastarla and other alcohol-gasoline mixtures) fueled engine: 1. Numb..................; Net capacity each 2. Number................; Net capacity each 3. Number ............... Net capacity each. (Use additional sheets if necessary) (c) Alcohol (pure) fueled engine: 1. Number................; Net capacity each 2. Number.................; Net capacity each 3. Number................; Net capacity each (Use additional sheets if necessary) (d) Diesel oil-fueled engine; 1. Number................; Net capacity each 2. Number................; Net capacity each 3. Number...............; Net capacity each (Use additional sheets if necessary) E. TRAILERS 1. Number ............. ..; Net capacity each ; Net capacity each 2. Number 3. Number................; Net capacity each (Use additional sheets if necessary) F. BOATS AND SHIPS- passengers. passengers. passengers. passengers. ... passengers. passengers. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. .......... Kg. Kg. (a) Sailboats: 1. Number .......... ................. Cap. passengers ; 2. Number ............. ; Cap. passengers 3. Number........ ; Cap. passengers (Use additional sheets if necessary) (b) Scows: 1. Number................; Capacity net tonnage 2. Number..................; Capacity net tonnage 3. Number................; Capacity net tonnage (Use additional sheets if necessary) Net tonnage... Net tonnage............ Net tonnage........ (c) Cascos: 1. Number.................; Capacity net tonnage 136 TRANSPORTATION 2. Number ......... ................ Capacity net ton nage 3. Number ; Capacity net ton nage (Use additional sheets if necessary) (d) Launches: 1. Steam engine driven: (1-a) Number ........ Cap. passengers Net tonnage.. (1-6) Number Cap. passengers (1-c) Number Cap. passengers Net tonnage..... Net tonnage...... (Use additional sheets if necessary) 2. Diesel engine driven: (2-a) Number Cap. passengers (2-6) Number (2-c) Number Cap. passengers........ Cap. passengers Net tonnage.. Net tonnage......... Net tonnage........ (Use additional sheets if necessary) 3. Gasoline engine driven: (3-a) Number ........ Cap. passnegers (3-6) Number........ (3-c) Number (Use additional sheets if necessary) (e) Interisland and overseas ships: 1. Steam engine driven: Cap. passengers Cap. passengers Net tonnage.......... ... Net tonnage.......... Net tonnage.......... (1-a) Number ....... Cap. passengers (1-6) Number Cap. passengers (1-c) Number Cap. passengers (Use additional sheets if necessary) 2. Diesel engine driven: ⚫ (2-a) Number ........ (2-6) Number Cap. passengers Cap. passengers (2-c) Number ....... Cap. passengers (Use additional sheets if necessary) G. AEROPLANES- Number .; Capacity Net tonnage.... Net tonnage..... Net tonnage.. Net tonnage.... Net tonnage... Net tonnage.......... passengers. 12. Please give the following information concerning passengers and freight carried by this enterprise, business or company during 1938: Carretela buses Buses Automobiles Trucks, trailers and semi-trailers. Boats and ships Aeroplanes KIND PASSENGERS CARRIED NUMBER OF PERSONS RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTA- TION OF PASSENGERS FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED NET TONNAGE GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 137 13. Please give the number and salaries and wages of persons employed in this enterprise, business or company by the following groups during 1938: PERSONS NOT PAID SALARIES OR WAGES OWNER AND MEMBERS OF OWNER'S FAMILY MONTH (1938) NUMBER OF MALES NUMBER OF FEMALES NUMBER OF OTHER PERSONS NOT PAID SALARIES AND WAGES PERSONS PAID SALARIES OR WAGES EXECUTIVES, MANAGERS, SUPERIN- TENDENTS, SUPERVISORS, AND OTHERS HOLDING EXECUTIVE, MANAGERIAL OR SUPERVISORY POSITIONS OFFICE EMPLOYEES, STENOGRA- PHERS, AND OTHERS PERFORMING ROUTINE OFFICE WORK NUMBER OF PERSONS SALARIES OR WAGES PAID NUMBER OF PERSONS SALARIES OR WAGES PAID DRIVERS, CONDUCTORS, ENGI- NEERS, MEMBERS OF CREW, LA- BORERS, AND ALL OTHER EMPLOYEES NUMBER OF PERSONS SALARIES OR WAGES PAID January. February. March.. April.... May.. June.. July. August... September.. October... November. December. 14. What are the usual hours of work in this enterprise, business or company? (a) During week days (b) During Saturdays (c) During Sundays (d) During special holidays 138 TRANSPORTATION 15. Please give the amount and cost of fuel and electric current purchased for this enterprise, business or com- pany during 1938. (Include fuel and electricity used for all purposes, that is, for power, hauling, lighting, etc.) 1. Wood 2. Coal, coke, etc.. KIND 3. Gasoline..... 4. Kerosene. 5. Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc... . Diesel oil... WRITE IN NAME OF UNIT OF MEASURE QUANTITY PURCHASED VALUE IN PESOS 7. Electricity purchased... KW 16. What is the estimated or actual gross receipts of th is enterprise, business or company during the calendar year 1938? P....... 17. Please attach a copy of the time schedule showing places served and frequency of service by the transporta- tion facilities of this enterprise, business or company. 18. Please give the transportation rates charged in each line served by the transportation facilities of this enter- prise, business or company. LINES TRANSPORTATION CHARGES FIRST CLASS PER PASSENGER SECOND CLASS PER PASSENGER THIRD CLASS PER PASSENGER FREIGHT PER TON (a) Starting place or station.. (b) Terminal place or station... (a) Basic charge.... (a) Starting place or station.. (b) Terminal place or station... (b) Additional charge per (statute) (nau- tical) mile. (a) Basic charge..... (b) Additional charge per (statute) (nau- tical) mile... P (a) Starting place or station (b) Terminal place or station... (a) Basic charge... P (b) Additional charge per (statute) (nau- tical) mile... (Use additional sheets if necessary) P REMARKS AND EXPLANATIONS: P P P P P I HEREBY CERTIFY that all the information furnished in this confidential report is true and complete according to my best knowledge and belief, and is based upon the records of this enterprise, business or company for the period from January 1, to December 31, 1938. Checked by: Date 1939. Signature (President, manager, operator, or proprietor) Date 1939. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 139 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND CANNOT BE USED FOR TAXATION OR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES SECTION 17, Commonwealth Act No. 170.-"No information obtained during the taking of the Census from any corporation, association, part- nership, institution, business enterprise, or group of persons having a joint or common interest, howsoever established or constituted, shall be used in any court or in any public office, either as evidence for or against the corporation, association, partnership, institution, enterprise, or group, from which such information emanates, or for the purpose of basing thereon any assessment or collection of taxes or public contributions; nor shall any such information be divulged to any person, except to authorized Census officers acting in the performance of their duties; and no Cen- sus officer or employee of the Government shall make known to any other person not properly authorized any information contemplated in this section, which may have been secured during the Census operations; nor shall any report or publication issued under the provisions of this Act contain any information indicated in this section which would serve to identify the corporation, association, partnership, institution, enterprise, group, or property, from which it was secured without the special consent in writing of the proprietor of such corporation, association, partner- ship, institution, enterprise, group, or property. The receipt by any officer, partner, association, member, or stockholder of any corporation, as- sociation, member, or stockholder of any corporation, association, partnership, institution, business enterprise, or group, of any schedule or form contemplated in this section shall constitute delivery to the corporation, association, partnership, business enterprise or group, and the fact that such officer, partner, associate, member, or stockholder is not the person who would ordinarily complete such schedule or form shall not relieve him of responsibility for the redelivery of such schedule or form to the proper person, nor shall it relieve such proper person from the responsibility for the completion thereof." THE INFORMATION REQUESTED IN THIS REPORT IS REQUIRED BY LAW SECTION 23 of Commonwealth Act No. 170.-"Upon conviction hereof, a fine of not more than six hundred pesos, or imprisonment for not more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the court shall be imposed upon: Any person who, being the owner, occupant, or person in charge of any special area, institution, or establishment set apart to be enumerated under the provisions of sections fourteen and fifteen of this Act, or an officer, director, partner, associate, manager or legal representative of any corporation, partnership, association, institution, industrial or commercial establishment or enterprise, group of persons having a joint or common interest, or other property in regard to which the col- lection of statistics is prescribed under the provisions of section fifteen of this Act, refuses or neglects properly to complete any Census form mailed or delivered to him and to subscribed the same." ANY PERSON GIVING FALSE OR UNTRUE INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO A FINE OR IMPRISONMENT SECTION 23 of Commonwealth Act No. 170.-"Upon conviction here of, a fine of not more than six hundred pesos, or imprisonment for not more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the court shall be imposed upon: Any person who knowingly gives oral or written answer to any question upon a Census form or to any proper question asked by a Census officer or employee in the discharge of his duty, which shall prove to be materially untrue in any particular; or who alters or falsifies any Census form or declaration before or after it has been completed; or who signs any Census form or declaration after it has been con.pleted in the knowledge that it is materially untrue in any particular; or who pays, compels, advises, or induces any other person to make or sign any such untrue statement or form; or who forges any Census form completed or uncompleted." THIS REPORT MUST BE RETURNED TO THE COMMISSIONER OF THE CENSUS WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER ITS RECEIPT SECTION 23 of Commonwealth Act No. 170.-"Upon conviction here of, a fine of not more than six hundred pesos, or imprisonment for not more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the court shall be imposed upon: Any person who refuses or neglects to deliver or transmit to the addressees any Census form mailed or delivered to him, in the man ner and within the time prescribed." 140 TRANSPORTATION PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 1938. Number of employees Under 10 persons.... 10 to 19 persons..... 20 to 29 persons... 30 to 39 persons.... 40 to 49 persons...... 50 to 69 persons..... 70 to 99 persons...... 100 to 149 persons... 150 to 199 persons.. 200 to 299 persons.... PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938. Size of gross receipts P5,000 to P9,999....... P10,000 to P24,999.. P25,000 to P99.999.. P100,000 to P249,999... P250,000 to P999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. P3,000,000 and over. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Per cent of total Number of operators Assets 80 90 100 Gross receipts Number of employees PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING, BY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 1938. Number of employees 300 to 499 persons.. 500 to 999 persons.. 10 to 19 persons.. 1,000 persons and over 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Per cent of total Number of operators Assets 80 90 100 20 to 29 persons Gross receipts Number of employees 30 to 39 persons Kind of transportation.-Transportation operators were clas- sified into seven groups on the basis of the kind of business in which engaged as follows: 1.-Interisland and overseas shipping.-This group includes largely transportation operators engaged in interisland ship- ping as only two operators were actually engaged in overseas shipping. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938. Size of total assets P10,000 to P49,999. .. P50,000 to P99,999. 40 to 49 persons... 50 to 69 persons.. 70 to 99 persons... 100 to 149 persons... 150 to 199 persons.. 200 to 299 persons...... 500 to 999 persons. 0 10 20 30 Per cent of total Number of operators Assets 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 90 100 Gross receipts Number of employee. Gross receipts Number of employees 2. TPU auto trucks and bus lines.-This group includes trans- portation operators engaged largely in the transportation of passengers by bus and auto truck. 3. PU cars, garage automobiles, and taxicabs.-Operators in- cluded in this group comprised those engaged in the transporta- tion of passengers by taxis, automobiles, and auto calesas. 4. TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks.-Oper ators engaged in the transportation of freight by truck are included in this group. P100,000 to P499,999.. P500,000 to P999,999 P1,000,000 and over 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Per cent of total Number of operators Assets REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 141 PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938. Size of total assets Under P100........ P100 to P499.. P500 to $999... P1,000 to P2,499... P2,500 to P4,999... P5,000 to P9,999.. P10,000 to P49,999... PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES, BY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 1938. Number of employees Under 10 persons.. 10 to 19 persons.... 20 to 29 persons.. 30 to 39 persons...... 40 to 49 persons.. 50 to 69 persons........ 70 to 99 persons.. 100 to 149 persons.... 150 to 199 persons..... P50,000 to P99,999... $100,000 to P499,999.. $500,000 to P999.999... 200 to 299 persons....... $1,000,000 and over 300 to 499 persons..... 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Per cent of total Number of operators Assets 80 90 100 500 to 999 persons... Gross receipts Number of employees 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Per cent of total Number of operators Assets 70 80 90 100 PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938. Size of gross receipts Gross receipts Number of employees PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF OPERATORS OF PU CARS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, TAXICABS, AUTO JITNEYS, AND AUTO CALESAS, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938. Size of total assets Under P500.... P500 to P999..... P1,000 to P2,499.. $2,500 to P4,999... P5,000 to P9,999... P10,000 to P24,999. Under P100.... P100 to P499... P500 to P999..... P1,000 to P2,499.... P2,500 to P4,999..... WWW P25,000 to P99,999.. P5,000 to P9,999... P100,000 to $249,999.... P10,000 to P49,999...... $250,000 to P999,999..... $50,000 to P99,999... P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. P100,000 to P499,999.. 10 20 30 10 20 30 40 50 60 Per cent of total 70 80 90 100 40 50 Per cent of total 60 70 80 90 100 Number of operators Assets Gross receipts Number of employees Number of operators Gross receipts Assets Number of employed 142 TRANSPORTATION PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF OPERATORS OF PU CARS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, TAXICABS, AUTO JITNEYS, AND AUTO CALESAS, BY SIZE OF GROSS RE- CEIPTS: 1938. Bise of gross receipts PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE TRUCKS, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938. Size of total assets P100 to P499..... Under P500... P500 to P999.. P1,000 to P2,499. P2,500 to P4,999. P5,000 to P9,999.... P10,000 to $24,999... P25,000 to P99,999. P500 to P999. P1,000 to P2,499. P2.500 to P4,999. P5,000 to P9,999.. P10,000 to P49,999.. P50,000 to P99,999.. H P100,000 to $249,999...... P250,000 to P999,999.... $1,000,000 to $2,999,999. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Per cent of total Number of operators Assets 70 80 90 100 Gross receipts Number of employees PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF OPERATORS OF PU CARS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, TAXICABS, AUTO JITNEYS, AND AUTO CALESAS, BY NUMBER OF EM- PLOYEES: 1938. Number of employees Under 10 persona....... 10 to 19 persons... 20 to 29 persons.... P100,000 to P499,999.. 10 20 30 40 Per Number of operators Assets 60 70 80 90 100 of total My Gross receipts Number of employees PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE TRUCKS, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938. Size of gross receipts Under P500........ P500 to P999... P1,000 to P2,499. P2,500 to P4,999. P5,000 to P9,999.... P10,000 to $24,999..... 30 to 39 persons... 40 to 49 persons... 60 to 69 persons.... 70 to 99 persons.... 100 to 149 persons... 150 to 199 persons... 200 to 299 persons... P25,000 to P99,999. P100,000 to $249,999..... $250,000 to P999,999..... 10 20 30 = Number of operators Assets 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Per cent of total Gross receipts Number of employees 300 to 499 persons... 500 to 999 persons..... 0 10 20 30 Number of operators Assets 40 50 60 70 Per cent of total 80 90 100 Gross receipts Number of employees REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 143 PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE TRUCKS, BY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 1938. Number of employees Under 10 persons....... 10 to 19 persons..... 20 to 29 persons.... 30 to 39 persons.... 60 to 69 persons..... 70 to 99 persons...... PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, FERRIES, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938. AND Size of gross receipts Under P500.. P500 to P999.. P1,000 to P2,499....... P2,500 to P4,999......... P5,000 to P9,999. P10,000 to P24,999..... P25,000 to P99,999. 100 to 149 persons. 150 to 199 persons..... 200 to 299 persons....... 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Per cent of total Gross receipts Number of employees Number of operators Assets 5. Motor launches, motorboats, and ferries.-Operators en- gaged in the transportation of passengers and/or freight by means of motor launches, motorboats, and ferries have been in- cluded in this group. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938. Size of total assets Under P100....... P100 to P499..... P500 to P999... P100,000 to P249,999.. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Gross receipts Per cent of total Number of operators Assets Number of employees PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES, BY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 1938. Number of employees Under 10 persons..... 10 to 19 persons..... 20 to 29 persons.. 30 to 39 persons....... 40 to 49 persons.... 50 to 69 persons....... 70 to 99 persons......... P1,000 to P2,499..... P2,500 to P4,999.... 150 to 199 persons.... P5,000 to P9,999. 200 to 299 persons.... 0 10 20 30 40 50 Per cent of total P10,000 to P49,999... P50,000 to P99,999. Number of operaters Assets Gross receipts 60 70 80 90 100 Number of employees P100,000 to P499.999..... P500,000 to P999,999...... 10 20 30 40 50 60 Per cent of total 70 80 90 Number of operators Gross receipts Assets Number of employees 100 144 TRANSPORTATION 6. Sailboats.-Operators of sailboats engaged in the transpor- tation of freight or passengers have been included in this group. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938. Size of total assets Under P100.. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS, BY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 1938. Number of employees Under 10 persons... P100 to P499.. P500 to P999... P1,000 to P2,499. P2,500 to P4,999. P5,000 to P9,999.. P10,000 to P49,999.. P50,000 to P99,999. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Per cent of total Number of operators Assets Gross receipts Number of employees 10 to 19 persons... 20 to 29 persons.... 30 to 39 persons... 50 to 69 persons... 70 to 99 persons.. 100 to 149 persons... 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Per cent of total Number of operators Gross receipts Assets Number of employees PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938. Size of total assets PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938. Under P100...... P100 to P499.. Size of gross receipts Under P500........ P500 to P999....... P1,000 to P2,499. P2,500 to P4,999. P500 to P999.. P1,000 to P2,499.. P2,400 to P4,999. P5,000 to P9,999..... P5,000 to P9,999..... P10,000 to P49,999.... P10,000 to P24,999.. P100,000 to P499,999...... P25,000 to P99,999... P1,000,000 and over 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Per cent of total 0 Number of operators Am Gross receipts Assets Number of employees 10 20 30 40 60 Per cent of total Number of operators Assets 50 70 80 90 100 Gross receipts Number of employees REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 145 PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938. Size of gross receipts Under P500......... P500 to P999....... P1,000 to P2,499...... P5,000 to P9,999... P10,000 to P24,999.. P25,000 to P99,999...... PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION, BY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 1938. Number of employees Under 10 persons.. 10 to 19 persons... 20 to 29 persons...... 40 to 49 persons... 50 to 69 persons... 70 to 99 persons....... P100,000 to P249,999.... 100 to 149 persons.... P250,000 to P999,999...... 200 to 299 persons.. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. 500 to 999 persons... P3,000,000 and over.. 1,000 persons and over.... 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Per cent of total Number of operators Assets 80 90 100 Gross receipts Number of employees 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Per cent of total Number of operators Assets 7. All other kinds of transportation.-Included in this group are the two railroad systems and operators of carretela buses. This group comprises different kinds of transportation operators, as it has been necessary to combine reports for several kinds of operators in order to prevent the disclosure of information con- cerning individual operators. Gross receipts Number of employees Operators engaged in several kinds of transportation have been classified under the kind of transportation from which the major part of the income was received. Operators of fishing boats have been included in the Census of Fisheries. The number of operators engaged in each kind of transporta- tion is shown in the following table: TABLE 1.-NUMBER OF OPERATORS BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 Operators Operators Kind of transportation Kind of transportation Number Per cent distribution Number Per cent distribution Total... 1,714 100.0 TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks..... 275 16.0 Interisland and overseas shipping 39 2.3 TFU auto trucks and bus lines... 223 13.0 Motor launches, motorboats, and fer- ries... 132 7.7 PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, Sailboats. 518 30.2 auto calesas, and auto jitneys..... 457 26.7 All other kinds of transportation.. 70 4.1 146. TRANSPORTATION Assets of transportation operators.-Data were secured for each transportation operator as to the estimated or book value of the following assets as of December 31, 1938: (1) Cash on hand and in the bank (2) Land and buildings (3) Equipment (buses, trucks, ships, etc.) (4) Accounts and notes receivable Investments of transportation operators in other business enterprises have been excluded from the assets enumerated above. The total assets comprise the total of the four classes of assets listed above. The total assets do not represent the total amount invested in the transportation industry as the value of franchises, land and buildings lleased, etc. have not been in- cluded. Reported assets of all transportation operators totalled P118,231,626, of which P66,597,259 represented equipment, #34,038,540 land and buildings, P6,808,828 cash, and #10,786,999 accounts and notes receivable. As the group "all other kinds of transportation" includes the two railroad systems of the Philippines, more than three-fifths of the total assets of all transportation operators were reported by operators classified as "all other kinds of transportation". Interisland and over- seas shipping operators comprised the second most important transportation group on the basis of total assets. None of the other groups of transportation operators reported as much as one-tenth of the assets of all transportation operators, and each of these groups of transportation operators, namely: (1) PU cars, garage automobiles, and taxicabs; (2) TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks; (3) motor launches, motorboats, and ferries; and (4) sailboats accounted for less than 4 per cent of the total assets of all transportation operators. TABLE 2.-TOTAL ASSETS BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 Assets Total Kind of transportation Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent distribu- tion Pesos Per cent distri- bution Pesos Per cent distri- bution Pesos Per cent distri- bution Pesos Per cent distri bution Total...... 118,231,626 100.0 66,597,259 100.0 34,038,540 100.0 6,808,828 100.0 10,786,999 100.0 Interisland and over- seas shipping... TPU auto trucks and bus lines... 26,713,428 10,709,359 22.6 16,753,857 9.1 6,387,367 25.2 2,565,513 9.6 1,648,434 7.5 889,734 4.8 1,870,124 13.1 6,504,324 60.3 27.5 803,434 7.4 PU cars, taxicabs, gar- age automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jit- neys.. TH freight trucks and 2,745,644 2.3 2,055,226 3.1 225,921 0.7 293,163 4.3 171,334 1.6 TC garage freight trucks... 1,994,031 1.7 976,552 1.5 Motor launches, motor- 222,568 0.7 296,099 4.3 boats, and ferries.. 3,672,931 3.1 Sailboats.. 672,148 0.6 All other kinds of trans- portation.... 71,724,085 1,762,520 489,595 60.7 38,172,142 2.6 0.7 313,491 80,177 0.9 0.2 341,182 67,360 5.0 498,812 1,255,738 11.6 1.0 1 35,016 0:3 14.1 57.3 28,982,436 85.1 3,051,166 Number of employees.-Persons employed by transportation operators have been grouped into four classes as follows: (1) Persons not paid wages or salaries-This class includes the operator, members of his family, and others not paid wages or salaries. This class has been divided into two groups- members of the owner's family and other persons not paid wages and salaries. The members of the owner's family have been further classified as male or female. (2) Executive, manager, etc.-This class comprises executives, managers, superintendents, and others holding executive, mana- gerial or supervisory positions. In case the owner is paid salary as manager, he has been included in this class rather than in the class "Persons not paid wages and salaries". (3) Office employees includes stenographers and others per- forming routine office work. (4) Drivers and others includes drivers, conductors, engineers, members of the crew, laborers, and all other employees. 44.8 1,518,341 The data concerning the number of employees were secured by months. The number of employees given in the statistical tables represents the average number of employees for the year. The total number of employees of all transportation oper ators totalled 47,189 in 1938. Of these, 41,410 were paid sal aries and wages, while 5,779 were unpaid employees, being largely owners of transportation establishments and members of their families. All other kinds of transportation ranked first in the total number of employees, while TPU auto trucks and bus lines ranked second. Of the 41,410 employees paid salaries, 1,200 or 2.9 per cent were executives, managers, 3,155 or 7.6 per cent were office employees, and 37,055 or per cent were drivers, conductors, and other employees. The distribution of employees by kind of transportation is given in the following table: etc. 89.5 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 147 TABLE 3.-NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED AND SALARIES PAID, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 Kind of transportation Item All trans- portation operators Interisland and overseas PU cars, taxicabs, TH freight shipping TPU auto trucks and bus lines Motor garage auto- trucks and mobiles, TC garage launches, Sailboats auto calesas, motorboats, freight and ferries All other kinds of transpor- tation and auto trucks jitneys Employees, total.... 47,189 5,919 13,092 4,774 3,124 2,186 4,934 13,160 Per cent distribution..... 100.0 12.5 27.7 10.1 6.6 4.6 10.5 27.9 Employees not paid salaries.... Number. 5,779 27 572 1,102 748 361 2,794 175 Per cent distri- bution 100.0 0.5 9.9 19.1 12.9 6.2 48.3 3.0 Employees paid salaries...... Number. 41,410 5,892 12,520 3,672 2,376 1,825 2,140 12,985 Per cent distri- bution... 100.0 14.2 30.2 8.9 5.7 4.4 5.2 31.4 Executives, manag- ers, etc..... Number. 1,200 169 522 82 70 86 84 187 Office employees.... Number. 3,155 415 876 181 226 86 37 1,334 Drivers and others. Number. 37,055 5,308 11,122 3,409 2,080 1,653 2,019 11,464 Salaries paid, total.... Pesos... 20,327,935 3,552,809 5,940,040 1,241,887 980,253 509,744 147,326 7,955,876 Per cent distribution... 100.0 17.5 29.2 6.1 4.8 2.5 0.7 39.1 Executives, manag- ers, etc..... Pesos.... 2,597,430 435,201 917,006 105,338 154,613 60,997 -12,580 911,695 Per cent distri- bution Office employees.... Pesos.... 100.0 16.8 2,167,767 370,739 35.3 482,302 4.1 6.0 2.3 0.5 35.1 82,740 125,878 39,209 3,720 1,063,179 100.0 15,562,738 2,746,869 17.1 22.2 3.8 5.8 1.8 0.2 49.0 4,640,732 1,053,809 699,762 409,538 131,026 5,981,002 100.0 17.7 29.2 6.8 4.5 2.6 0.8 38.4 Per cent distri- bution... Drivers and others. Pesos... Per cent distri- bution.... Salaries and wages.-The amount given for salaries and wages represents the total payment during the year 1938 for salaries and wages. The distribution of salaries and wages by class of employee and kind of transportation is given in Table 3. Total salaries and wages paid during 1938 by all transporta- tion operators totalled P20,327,935. Of this total, 39.1 per cent was paid by operators of all other kinds of transportation; 17.5 per cent by operators of interisland and overseas 'shipping; 29.2 per cent by operators of TPU auto trucks and bus lines; and 14.2 per cent by operators of PU cars, garage automo- biles, taxicabs, TH freight trucks, TC garage freight trucks, motor launches, motorboats, ferries, and sailboats. Approx- imately 12.8 per cent of the total salaries were paid to execu- tives, managers, etc., 10.7 per cent to office employees, and 76.6 per cent to drivers and other employees. Passengers and freight carried.-Separate data on the num- ber of passengers carried, tons of freight and express handled, receipts from transportation of passengers, and receipts from transpor ion of freight and express were obtained for the following pes of equipment: a. Carretela buses b. Buses c. Automobiles d. Trucks and semi-trailers e. Trailers f. Launches g. Aeroplanes h. Boats and ships All transportation operators reported a total of 244,044,420 passengers carried during 1938. More than one-half of the total number of passengers were carried by TPU auto trucks and bus lines. All other kinds of transportation which in- clude the two railroad systems of the Islands carried slightly more than three-tenths of the total passengers. Receipts from the transportation of passengers totalled 37,858,055 or an average of P0.16 per passenger carried in 1938. Almost one-half of the receipts from the transportation of passengers were re- ported by TPU auto trucks and bus lines. While interisland' and overseas shipping operators reported only 0.3 per cent of the total number of passengers carried, the receipts reported by interisland and overseas shipping operators amounted to 11.8 per cent of the receipts from the transportation of pas- sengers by all transportation operators. The average receipts from the transportation of passengers per passenger carried vary considerably according to the kind of transportation as indicated by the following averages: interisland and over- seas shipping, P7.26; TPU auto trucks and bus lines, P0.14; PU cars, garage automobiles, and taxicabs, P0.16; TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks, P0.07; motor launches, motor- boats, and ferries, P0.44; sailboats, P0.42; and all other kinds of transportation, P0.12. All transportation operators reported a total of 7,656,242 tons of freight carried in 1938. Over 45 per cent of this total was reported by all other kinds of transportation, principally rail- roads. Gross receipts from the transportation of freight and express totalled 25,969,785. While interisland and overseas shipping operators reported less than 21 per cent of the net tonnage of freight carried, they reported more than 44 per cent 148 auan TRANSPORTATION of the gross receipts from the transportation of freight and express reported by all transportation operators. Although all other kinds of transportation operators reported 45.1 per cent of the total net tonnage of freight handled, the gross receipts from the transportation of freight and express reported by the same operators amounted to only 35.9 per cent of the total gross receipts from transportation of freight and express reported by all transportation operators. The variation among various kinds of transportation operators in gross receipts from the transportation of freight and express per ton of freight carried is shown by the following averages: interisland and overseas shipping #7.38; TPU trucks and bus lines, P1.53; PU cars, garage automobiles, and taxicabs, P2.22; TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks, P2.10; motor launches, motorboats, and ferries, P1.53; sailboats, P3.54; and all other kinds of transportation, P2.70. The number of passengers and tons of freight and express carried and the receipts from the transportation of passengers, freight, and express are shown in the following table: TABLE 4.-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, TOTAL RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIE D, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938. Kind of transportation Passengers carried Receipts from trans- Net tonnage of freight portation of passengers and express carried Gross receipts from transportation of freight and express handled All transportation operators.. Interisland and overseas shipping. TPU auto trucks and bus lines... PU cars, garage automobiles, and taxicabs.. TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks. Motor launches, motorboats, and ferries. Sailboats. All other kinds of transportation.. Number Per cent distri- bution Per cent Pesos distribu- tion Tons Per cent distri- Per cent Pesos distri- bution bution 244,044,420 100.0 37,858,055 100.0 7,656,242 100.0 25,969,785 100.0 617,078 132,557,141 0.3 54.3 18,686,261 4,480,969 11.8 1,559,658 49.4 20.4 11,514,655 44.3 487,066 6.4 743,449 2.9 27,802,602 11.4 4,429,349 11.7 31,139 0.4 69,161 0.3 5,866,609 2.4 436,070 1.2 1,483,884 19.4 3,112,502 12.0 1,963,895 0.8 873,678 2.3 535,197 7.0 820,614 3.2 29,471 75,207,624 (1) 12,430 (1) 105,876 1.4 374,507 1.4 30.8 8,939,298 23.6 3,453,422 45.1 9,334,897 35.9 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. Number, type, and capacity of equipment.-Data for the number and capacity of the following types of equipment were secured: 1. Carretela buses 2. Buses using as fuel: a. Gasoline b. Gasanol c. Alcohol d. Diesel oil 3. Automobiles using as fuel: a. Gasoline b. Gasanol c. Alcohol 4. Trucks and semi-trailers using as fuel: a. Gasoline b. Gasanol c. Alcohol d. Diesel oil 5. Trailers 6. Sailboats 7. Scows 8. Cascos 9. Launches driven by: a. Steam engine b. Diesel engine c. Gasoline engine 10. Interisland and overseas ships: a. Steam driven b. Diesel engine driven 11. Aeroplanes. The number and capacity of various kinds of equipment rep- resent the total number owned, which may be larger than the number and capacity of those in use. While a particular company may be classified as TPU auto truck and bus line, it may own and operate motor launches, ferry boats, etc., as it has been necessary to classify the enterprise on the basis of the most important kind of transportation in which engaged. The two railroad systems own 1,339 kilometers of track and have 529 freight and passenger locomotives and 2,438 freight cars. The distribution of various types of equipment by kind of transportation is shown in Table 5. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 149 TABLE 5.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 Kind of transportation PU cars, Type of equipment and item All trans- portation operators Interisland and overseas taxicabs, TH freight Motor TPU auto trucks and bus lines garage auto- trucks and auto calesas, shipping and auto freight trucks mobiles, TC garage motorboats, launches, Sailboats and ferries jitneys All other kinds of transpor- tation Buses Gasoline Operators reporting.. Number of units... 207 202 1 2 2 2,867 2,438 9 123 297 Per cent distribution. 100.0 85.0 0.3 4.3 10.4 Capacity-passengers 98,667 85,232 267 Per cent distribution.. 2,989 10,179 100.0 86.4 0.3 3.0 10.3 Gasanol Number of units. Operators reporting.... 10 10 431 431 Per cent distribution. 100.0 100.0 Capacity-passengers... 13,763 13,763 Per cent distribution. 100.0 100.0 Alcohol Operators reporting. 21 19 1 Number of units.... 608 602 3 Per cent distribution. 100.0 99.0 0.5 Capacity-passengers.. 20,238 20,023 120 95 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 98.9 0.6 13060 0.5 0.5 Diesel Operators reporting. 7 7 Number of units... 45 45 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 100.0 Capacity-passengers.. 1,119 1,119 Per cent distribution. 100.0 100.0 Automobiles Gasoline Operators reporting.. 443 33 399 5 3 3 Number of units. 2,020 135 1,855 7 3 20 Per cent distribution. 100.0 6.7 91.8 0.3 0.1 1.0 Capacity-passengers... 11,768 661 10,939 33 21 114 Per cent distribution. 100.0 5.6 93.0 0.3 0.2 1.0 Gasanol Operators reporting.... 16 Number of units... Capacity-passengers.... 393 1,918 Alcohol Operators reporting.. 49 Number of units... 161 Capacity-passengers.. 973 21801 16 393 1,918 48 17 144 102 871 Trucks and semi-trailers Gasoline Number of units... Operators reporting.. 283 729 Per cent distribution. 100.0 14020 26226 6 261 5 11 695 5 0.1 2.2 1.5 95.3 0.7 2,083 42 24 2,001 12 100.0 0.1 2.0 1.2 96.1 0.6 1 1 0.1 2 0.1 Capacity-tons.... Per cent distribution. Gasanol Operators reporting..... Number of units... Per cent distribution. Capacity-tons.... Per cent distribution. Alcohol Operators reporting.. Number of units. Per cent distribution. Capacity-tons.... Per cent distribution. 16 1020 72 100.0 182 100.0 2020 37 341KK 14 14 1 11 33 1 11 19.4 19.4 45.8 15.3 24 97 24 20.3 13.2 53.3 13.2 17888 100.0 78 5 100.0 19266 6.9 58.6 10.3 24.1 48 17 6.4 61.5 10.3 21.8 3 28000 4747 150 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 5.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938-Continued Kind of transportation Type of equipment and item All trans- portation operators Interisland and overseas TPU auto trucks and bus lines PU cars, taxicabs, garage auto- shipping mobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys TH freight trucks and TC garage Motor launches, motorboats, Sailboats freight trucks and ferries All other kinds of transpor- tation 0 N C 5 1 31 65 99 249 040 16 2,161 618 B2 28 8 509 15 732 80 139 1,461 11,430 N C C N C 7 35 3,060 10 144 604 5 6 266 24,629 e C 4 5 29 10 230 67 785 2 d 79 11,702 Diesel Operators reporting... Number of units. Per cent distribution. Capacity.-tons.. Per cent distribution.. Trailers 83 100.0 10 100.0 11333 1 1 1 1 33.3 33.3 33.3 30.0 3 30.0 4 40.0 Operators reporting... 6 Number of units... 96 Capacity-tons. 348 Sailboats Operators reporting.. 526 3 Number of units.. 788 28 13 3 27 Capacity-passengers.. Net tons.... Scows Operators reporting.. Number of units... Capacity-net tons. Cascos Operators reporting.. Number of units... Capacity-net tons. Launches Steam Operators reporting.. Number of units. Per cent distribution. Capacity-passengers... 1,561 13,042 1,300 82 40 25 2 369 40 33,567 3,565 19 127 12,634 17 128 117 t 47 4 9 40.9 14 22 100.0 25 2 1 3 4 1 3 4 22.7 4.5 13.6 18.2 178 Per cent distribution. Net tons... 9 169 100.0 5.1 94.9 477 Per cent distribution. Diesel Operators reporting..... Number of units. Per cent distribution. Capacity-passengers 102 28 43 19 285 100.0 21.4 5.9 9.0 4.0 59.7 120 2 1 1 3 105 228 4 1 1 3 190 100.0 1.8 0.4 0.4 1.3 83.3 NON 6 24 2.2 10.5 Per cent distribution.. 3,379 146 16 100.0 3,098 119 4.3 Net tons... 0.5 91.7 3.5 3,741 121 7 Per cent distribution. 29 31 100.0 2,844 81 628 3.2 0.2 0.8 0.8 76.0 2.2 16.8 Gasoline Operators reporting.. 34 Number of units... Per cent distribution... Capacity-passengers.. 43 100.0 681 Per cent distribution. Net tons.... Per cent distribution. Interisland and over- seas ships Steam 100.0 334 וווווו 100.0 2242030 29 38 33 3 4.7 88.4 7.0 679 0.3 99.7 311 0.9 , 93.1 20 6.0 Operators reporting.. Number of units. Per cent distribution.. Capacity-passengers 17 39 16 37 100.0 94.9 4,885 4,410 Per cent distribution. 100.0 90.3 Net tons.... 37,657 35,944 Per cent distribution. 100.0 95.5 ווווו 1,713 ཡཝཾ 1 5.1 475 9.7 4.5 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 151 TABLE 5.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938-Continued Kind of transportation Type of equipment and item All trans- portation operators Interisland and overseas shipping TPU auto trucks and bus lines PU cars, taxicabs, garage auto- mobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys TH freight Motor trucks and TC garage freight trucks launches, motorboats, and ferries Diesel Sailboats All other kinds of transpor- tation Operators reporting... 31 Number of units. 88 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 28888 89.8 Capacity-passengers. 10,776 8,743 Per cent distribution. 100.0 81.1 Net tons.... 62,961 61,449 Per cent distribution. 100.0 97.6 Aeroplanes Operators reporting... Number of units. 26 204 Capacity-passengers... Carretela buses Operators reporting... Number of units. Capacity-passengers.. 44 53 264 3,791 Fuel and electricity purchased.-The data given for fuel and electricity purchased are for the quantity and cost of fuel pur- chased during 1938. The quantity and cost may be slightly different from the quantity and cost of fuel used during 1938. The total cost of fuel and electricity purchased by all trans- portation operators amounted to 14,248,394 in 1938. The dis- tribution of the cost by kind of fuel was as follows: gasoline, 67 8.0 1,848 17.1 825 185 1.3 1.1 ཡཨཝཾབྷཱནྡྷཎྞ ཨ ཙྪཱ 3,791 $7,095,318 or 49.8 per cent; Diesel oil, 3,232,300 or 22.7 per cent; coal and coke, P2,215,052 or 15.5 per cent; gasanol, P1,394,373 or 9.8 per cent; kerosene, P25,708 or 0.2 per cent; electricity, P279,144 or 2.0 per cent; and wood, P6,499 or less than 0.1 per cent. The distribution of the cost of fuel and electricity by kind of transportation is given in the following table: TABLE 6.-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline Diesel oil Gasanol, wood, kero- sene, and electricity Kind of transportation Pesos Per cent. distri- bution Pesos Per cent distri- bution Per cent Per cent Per cent Pesos distri- Pesos bution distri- bution Pesos distri- bution Total... 14,248,394 100.0 2,215,052 100.0 7,095,318 100.0 3,232,300 100.0 1,705,724 100.0 Interisland and overseas shipping.. TPU auto trucks and bus lines.... 5,270,128 37.0 PU cars, taxicabs, garage 3,407,348 23.9 1,110,739 50.1 22,784 12,958 1.0 4,107,109 0.2 2,262,559 57.9 35,236 70.0 21,092 1.1 1,104,999 1.2 64.8 automobiles, auto cale- TH freight trucks and sas, and auto jitneys... 1,645,492 11.5 1,353,875 19.1 17,271 0.5 274,346 16.1 trucks TC garage freight 687,330 4.8 81 (¹) 633,844 8.9 15,994 0.5 37,411 2.2 Motor launches, motor- boats, and ferries.... 251,380 Sailboats. All other kinds of trans- 3,278 1.8 (1) 2,166 0.1 19,484 0.3 217,530 6.7 12,200 0.7 18 (1) 1,323 (1) 1,937 (¹) portation... 2,983,438 20.9 1,079,282 48.7 968,030 13.6 682,387 21.1 253,739 14.9 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 152 TRANSPORTATION Gross receipts.-The amount reported for gross receipts rep- resents the total gross receipts from all sources during 1938. Gross receipts reported by all transportation operators to- talled 72,726,135 in 1938. TABLE 7.-GROSS RECEIPTS BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 Gross receipts Kind of transportation Kind of transportation Pesos Per cent distribution Gross receipts Pesos Per cent distribution Total.. 72,726,135 Interisland and overseas shipping.. TPU auto trucks and bus lines... 21,073,245 19,956,392 100.0 29.0 TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks..... 3,633,613 5.0 27.4 Motor launches, motorboats, and fer- ries.... PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys. Sailboats.... 4,534,707 6.2 All other kinds of transportation. 1,842,034 399,152 21,286,992 2886 2.5 0.5 29.3 TABLE 8.-DISTRIBUTION OF GROSS RECEIPTS, BY SOURCE, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 Total gross receipts Receipts from- Kind of transportation Pesos Per cent distri- bution Transportation of passengers Transportation of freight and express Other sources Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total All transportation operators. 72,726,135 100.0 31,909,587 43.9 21,447,063 Interisland and overseas shipping.. 21,073,245 TPU auto trucks and bus lines... 19,956,392 29.0 4,480,969 27.4 18,686,261 21.3 11,514,655 93.6 743,449 29.5 19,369,485 54.6 5,077,621 3.7 526,682 26.6 24.1 2.6 PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys.. 4,534,707 6.2 4,429,349 97.7 69,161 1.5 36,197 8.0 TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks. Motor launches, motorboats, and ferries... 3,633,613 5.0 436,070 12.0 3,112,502 85.7 85,041 2.3 1,842,034 2.5 873,678 47.4 820,614 44.5 147,742 8.0 Sailboats. All other kinds of transportation.. 399,152 21,286,992 0.5 12,430 3.1 374,507 93.8 12,215 3.1 29.3 2,990,830 14.1 4,812,175 22.6 13,483,987 63.3 TABLE 9.-RELATION OF GROSS RECEIPTS TO SPECIFIED ITEMS OF EXPENSE, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 Kind of transportation Total gross receipts (Pesos) Total Expenses Salaries and wages Fuel and electricity Pesos Per cent of gross receipts Pesos Per cent Per cent of gross of total receipts expenses Pesos Per cent Per cent of gross of total receipts expenses All transportation operators.... 72,726,135 34,576,329. Interisland and overseas shipping.. TPU auto trucks and bus lines... PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys... TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks.... Motor launches, motorboats, and ferries Sailboats.. All other kinds of transportation..... 21,073,245 6,960,157 19,956,392 11,210,168 4,534,707 2,887,379 47.5 20,327,935 33.0 3,552,809 16.9 56.2 5,940,040 29.8 63.7 1,241,887 27.4 28.0 58.8 14,248,394 19.6 41.2 51.0 3,407,348 53.0 5,270,128 16.2 49.0 26.4 47.0 43.0 1,645,492 36.3 57.0 3,633,613 1,667,583 1,842,034 45.9 761,124 41.3 399,152 150,604 21,286,992 10,939,314 37.7 51.4 980,253 27.0 509,744 27.7 147,326 7,955,876 58.8 687,330 18.9 41.2 67.0 251,380 13.6 33.0 36.9 97.8 3,278 0.8 2.2 37.4 72.7 2,983,438 14.0 27.3 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 153 The distribution of gross receipts by kind of transportation is given in Table 7. Form of ownership.-All data have been classified according to the form of ownership. Transportation facilities owned and operated by an individual have been classified as Individuals; those owned and operated by a partnership as Partnerships; and those owned and operated by a corporation as Corporations. Transportation facilities operated by any government agency have been included under Government agencies. Almost nine-tenths of all transportation operators were in- dividuals. However, individual transportation owners reported only 8.7 per cent of the assets, 22.6 per cent of the gross re- ceipts, and 36.0 per cent of the total number of employees re- ported by all transportation operators. Only 3.3 per cent of all transportation operators were reported as Partnerships, while 0.6 per cent were reported as Associations. While transporta- tion companies owned by corporations comprised only 6.4 per cent of all transportation operators, more than half the total assets, half the gross receipts, and more than two-fifths of all employees of all transportation operators were reported by cor- porations. Only four government agencies were reported as transportation operators and these agencies had approximately one-third of all the assets, one-sixth of all the gross receipts, and one-sixth of all the employees of all transportation operators. TABLE 10.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 Number of transportation operators reporting owners as- Kind of transportation Total Individual Partnership Association Corporation Government agency Total..... 1,714 1,532 57 11 110 Interisland and overseas shipping. 39 11 TPU auto trucks and bus lines. 223 178 PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas and auto jitneys... 457 446 TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks. Motor launches, motorboats, and ferries. 275 250 132 105 518 483 70 59 16 47802 1 23 39 235 28 TE448 15 1 14 2 1 Sailboats. All other kinds of transportation.. Year established.-All transportation operators have been classified according to the year when they first began business or the year when organized in the case of associations, corpora- TABLE 11.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY YEAR ESTABLISHED, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 tions, and government agencies. More than seven-tenths of all transportation operators have begun business since 1930, while only 3.3 per cent were established prior to 1920. Kind of transportation Total 1929 Number of transportation operators by year established 1935 to 1930 to 1925 to 1920 to 1915 to 1910 to 1938 1934 1924 1919 1914 Prior to 1910 Year not reported Total.. 1,714 741 464 335 75 31 9 16 43 Interisland and overseas ship- ping.. 39 5 TPU auto trucks and bus lines.. 223 43 PU cars, taxicabs, garage auto- 20 12 60 86 3988 41 14 89 3 71 1 62 8 mobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys... 457 158 126 134 rage freight trucks.. TH freight trucks and TC ga- 275 and ferries... Motor launches, motorboats, 129 100 132 Sailboats. 84 15 All other kinds of transportation. 518 284 133 70 38 18 ཚ* 20 2 1 16 31 23 48 27 1 624 2 1 1 10 5 1 4 14 41 6 1 5 5 154 TRANSPORTATION Size of total assets.-The classification by size of total assets presents a distribution of data on the number of operators, total assets, employees, and gross receipts according to groups based on the amount of total assets. More than two-thirds of all transportation operators reported assets of less than P2,500. Only 15 per cent of all operators reported assets of P10,000 or more and only 4.3 per cent re- ported assets of $100,000 or more. The 16 transportation oper- ators having assets of $1,000,000 and over, comprising about one per cent of all operators, reported almost four-fifths of all assets, more than half of the gross receipts, and over one-third of the total number of employees of all transportation operators. TABLE 12.-DISTRIBUTION OF ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 Size of total assets All kinds of transpor- tation Interisland and overseas shipping TPU auto trucks and bus lines Number of operators PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks Motor launches, Sailboats motorboats, and ferries All other kinds of transpor- 1 tation Total... 1,714 39 223 457 275 132 518 70 Under P 100.. 93 1 2 4 82 4 P 100 to P 499.. 304 12 63 20 3 182 P 500 to P 999 289 15 98 43 12 113 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 461 49 157 118 23 102 12 尹 ​2,500 to P 4,999. 183 34 51 44 33 19 尹 ​5,000 to P 9,999.. 127 29 38 27 16 11 P 10,000 to P 49,999.. 148 8 47 37 15 28 8 2226K 24 8 50,000 to P 99,999.. 35 5 9 8 5 7 1 50 13 22 3 3 5 8 16 4 3 1 9 2 P P100,000 to P499,999. P 500,000 to P999,999.- P1,000,000 and over.. Size of gross receipts.-Transporation operators have been divided into eleven groups on the basis of the amount of gross receipts during 1938. Over 44 per cent of all transportation operators reported gross receipts of less than 1,000 each and only 5.4 per cent reported gross receipts of P1000,000 or more 1,000,000 or each. The 14 operators with gross receipts of more reported over seven-tenths of the total assets, more than half the gross receipts, and almost two-fifths of all the em- ployees reported by all transportation operators. TABLE 13.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS CLA SSIFIED BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 Number of operators PU cars, taxicabs, Size of gross receipts TH freight All kinds of transpor- tation Interisland and overseas shipping TPU auto trucks and bus lines garage automobiles, TC garage trucks and Motor launches, auto calesas, and auto freight trucks motorboats, Sailboats and ferries All other kinds of transpor tation jitneys Total.. 1,714 39 223 457 275 132 518 70 Under P 500. 507 14 91 30 12 344 16 P 500 to P 999. 258 11 88 58 22 70 9 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 456 56 169 98 28 83 22 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 120 22 41 82 14 11 P 5,000 to P 9,999 118 1 32 34 20 23 6 P 10,000 to P 24,999. 尹 ​25,000 to P 99,999 P100,000 to P 249,999. 46 P 250,000 to P 999,999. 32 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. P3,000,000 and over... 884808 2 23 16 17 17 2 8 83 13 25 9 14 12 2 8 11 20 5 3 4 8 8 16 3 3 2 11 2 4 1 3 2 Citizenship of operator.-All transportation enterprises oper- ated by their individual owners were classified according to th citizenship of the operator. Out of 1,532 operators who were the owners of their businesses, 1,433 or 93.5 per cent were citi- zens of the Philippines, 8 or 0.5 per cent were citizens of the United States, 54 or 3.5 per cent were citizens of China, 30 or 2 per cent were citizens of Japan, and 7 or 0.5 per cent were citizens of other countries. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 155 TABLE 14.-ALL INDIVIDUAL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 (NOTE: Transportation operators whose assets are owned by partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies have not been classified by citizenship and, hence, are not included in this table.) Individual transportation operators, citizens of- Kind of transportation Total Philippines United States China Japan Other countries Total.... 1,532 1,433 8 54 30 7 Interisland and overseas shipping.. 11 9 TPU auto trucks and bus lines... 178 168 12 PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys... 446 411 2 14 TH freight trucks and TC garage freight trucks.. Motor launches, motorboats and ferries.. 250 204 105 103 483 480 59 58 1 1 18 1812 12 20 280 Sailboats... All other kinds of transportation. Operators classified by number of employees.-The grouping of transportation operators according to number of employees was made on the basis of the total number of employees. Al- most two-thirds of all transportation operators reported less than 10 employees and 86 per cent of all operators had less than 20 employees. Only 0.9 per cent of all operators re- TABLE 15.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS CLASSIFIED BY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION: 1938 ported 500 or more employees. However, the transportation operators with 500 or more employees reported almost seven- tenths of the total assets, over 56 per cent of the total gross receipts, and over two-fifths of the total number of employees reported by all transportation operators. Number of employees All kinds of transpor- tation Interisland and overseas shipping TPU auto trucks and trucks and bus lines Number of operators PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys TH freight trucks and TC garage freight ! trucks Motor launches, motorboats, and ferries Sailboats All other kinds of transpor- tation Total...... 1,714 39 223 457 275 132 518 70 Under 10 persons. 1,104 111 10 to 19 persons.. 370 20 to 29 persons.. 72 30 to 39 persons. 33 40 to 49 persons. 16 2155 35 19 12 1 50 to 69 persons. 28 4 7 70 to 99 persons.. 24 9 6 100 to 149 persons.. 18 150 to 199 persons. 13 200 to 299 persons. 14 1633 4 87656 423 7. ****~~~~~~ 366 202 67 64 50 37 8 5 2 6 4 63646 315 173 15 20 4 5 4 2 2 2 1 62112 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 394 1232 23 1 300 to 499 persons.- 500 to 999 persons. 1,000 persons and over.. Assets classified by citizenship of owners.-The relative amounts invested in the transportation business by citizens of various countries are shown in Table 16. Approximately thir- teen-twentieths of all assets of all transportation operators are TABLE 16.-TOTAL ASSETS OF ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, OWNED BY CITIZENS OF VARIOUS owned by citizens of the Philippines and almost one-third of all assets are owned by citizens of the United States. Citizens of countries other than the Philippines and the United States own less than 4 per cent of the assets of all transportation operators. COUNTRIES: 1938 Country of which owner of assets is a citizen Total...... Philippines... United States.. Assets Assets Country of which owner Pesos Per cent distribution of assets is a citizen Pesos Per cent distribution 118,231,626 100.0 China... Japan.. 749,792 437,758 0.6 0.4 76,122,095 38,204,450 64.4 Great Britain.. 32.3 Other countries. 7,858 2,709,673 € (¹) 2.3 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 156 TRANSPORTATION The P38,204,450 assets of all transportation operators owned by citizens of the United States comprise largely investments by the United States citizens in TPU auto trucks and bus lines, interisland and overseas shipping, and all other kinds of trans- portation. Citizens of the Philippines own more than half the assets in each of the seven kinds of transportation. TABLE 17.-TOTAL ASSETS OF ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS OWNED BY CITIZENS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION AND FORM OF ORGANIZATION: 1938 All trans- Assets owned by citizens of- Kind of transportation and portation form of organization operators Philippines (Pesos) United Great China (Pesos) States Japan Other Britain (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) countries (Pesos) (Pesos) All kinds of transportation..... 118,231,626 76,122,095 38,204,450 749,792 437,758 7,858 2,709,673 Individual. 10,233,536 9,600,080 Partnership. 204,851 245,551 173,062 9,992 1,690,704 1,372,461 930 Association.. 317,313 3,591,785 3,484,837 Corporation... 106,948 63,742, Q10 Government agency. 22,691,126 37,999,599 503,311 264,696 7,858 2,275,420 38,973,591 38,973,591 TPU auto trucks and bus lines. 10,709,359 6,977,174 3,555,849 118,964 323 7,858 49,191 Individual. 2,255,639 2,202,750 Partnership.. 32,628 20,261 26,610 Corporation. 8,427,110 26,396 4,748,028 214 3,523,221 98,703 323 7,858 48,977 TH freight trucks and TC ga- rage trucks... 1,994,031 1,360,674 445,953 68,233 99,167 19,004 Individual..... 973,678 719,648 77,324 67,803 98,911 9,992 Partnership.. 12,541 12,111 430 Association. 3,528 3,528 Corporation. 997,194 618,297 369,629 256 9,012 Government agency. 7,090 7,090 PU cars, taxicabs, garage au- tomobiles, auto calesas, and auto jitneys.. 2,745,644 2,653,507 10,331 18,477 33,979 29,350 Individual... 2,106,410 2,047,062 7,475 17,894 33,979 Partnership... Corporation.. Sailboats.. Individual... 14,089 14,089 625,145 592,356 2,856 583 29,350 672,148 666,508 2,600 3,040 627,443 621,803 2,600 3,040 Partnership.... 40,235 40,235 Association. 3,770 3,770, Corporation.. 700 700 Motorboats, motor launches, and ferries.. 3,672,931 3,411,420 153,671 20,836 40,172 46,832 Individual. Partnership. Association. 1,031,573 54,535 19,540 972,761 54,035 18,640 40,172 500 19,540 Corporation... Government agency.. 2,519,463 47,820 2,317,264 47,820 153,671 1,696 46,832 Interisland and overseas ship- ping.... 26,713,428 17,433,639 7,679,171 520,242 40,348 1,040,028 Individual.. 3,063,461 2,898,048 47,500 117,913 Partnership... 1,426,299 1,109,200 317,099 Association 3,564,947 3,457,999 106,948 Corporation.. 18,658,721 9,968,392 7,631,671 402,329 40,348 615,981 All other kinds of transportation 71,724,085 43,619,173 26,355,875 223,769 1,525,268 Individual.. Partnership... Corporation... Government agency. 175,332 138,008 37,324 116,395 116,395 32,513,677 4,446,089 26,318,551 38,918,681 38,918,681 223,769 1,525,268 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 157 TABLE 18.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Persons employed and salaries paid Province Number of operators reporting Employees not paid salaries Total assets (Pesos) Total gross receipts (Pesos) Total number of perso ns employed Total persons not paid salaries or wages Owners and members of family Number of other persons Males Females not paid sala- ries or wages PHILIPPINES..... 1,714 118,231,626 72,726,135 $7,189 5,779 Abra.... Agusan.... Albay... Antique... Bataan... Batangas... Bohol... Bulacan.. Cagayan... Camarines Norte.. Camarines Sur... Capiz.... Cavite. Cebu..... Cotabato.... Davao.. 119 Ilocos Norte... Ilocos Sur. 8837 67 Iloilo.... La Union... Laguna.... Marinduque. Lanao... Leyte. Manila, City of. 28,535 1,038,737 147 73,226,278 15,616 Masbate.... Mindoro.... Tarlac... Tayabas.. Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental... Mountain Province..... Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija.. Palawan.... Pampanga.. Pangasinan.. Rizal.... Romblon. Samar. Sorsogon. Sulu.... Surigao.. "D" 252 28 6 ARE ARE ARE 32,408 13,257 53 102,188 176,611 189 209,182 7,755 197,975 405 8,419 53 4,600 5,725 23 577,228 1,145,362 923 7138 494,695 595,592 1,258 604 129,585 391,033 257 407,902 270,393 426 01 165 15,217 20,159 42 1,156,759 82,036 146,008 1,945,410 1,278 27,154 308,082 185 340 6,852,162 346,213 5,020,439 4,411 339,695 264 791,654 898,952 859 1252 75,232 58,685 300 406,132 252,056 825 80949 10306 65 24,447,659 7,256,799 4,328 828 182 191,638 402,417 215 499,119 1,012,544 499 22,476 76 400 33 309,253 488 39,376,240 17,853 325 63,081 84 50,972 94,575 205 198,468 204,392 603 217 342,514 367,545 314 301,070 518,509 401 508,059 1,351,595 551 957,029 1,804,364 1,959 256 202,107 295,491 375 292,336 965,885 487 45,736 23,679 188 162 1,153,008 1,283,895 650 681,150 1,144,694 706 739,275 40,506 2,417,722 2,122 45,659 182 189,594 192,539 290 89,835 52,472 124 143 162,046 625,523 878 169,062 198,587 252 5,325 8,955 14 148,259 261,205 452 Zambales... 20,575 11,192 125 222 18 888 888 285 24 88 358 368 2,724 10 1,378 1,677 25 30 98 99 173 21 1884 11 015 23 116 Zamboanga.. All other provinces... 2 648,467 1,695 738,696 658 1,152 19 A B C E D - - 8 & 165 CON BOOB ON A 3 8 5 21 8 2 103 397 25 52 10 31 17 168 122 5 7 11 173 53 4 7 16 36 1 14 103 9 4 3 49 4 2 23 4 14 17 32 10 9 269 3 21 14 34 15 11 8 7 :00 158 TRANSPORTATION Total salaries or wages paid (Pesos) TABLE 18.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Number of Province persons paid salaries or wages Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, super- visors, and others holding executive, managerial or supervisory positions Office employees, stenog- raphers, and others performing routine office work Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Number of persons Salaries or Salaries or Number of Number of Salaries or wages paid wages paid wages paid (Pesos) persons persons (Pesos) (Pesos) PHILIPPINES.. 41,410 20,327,935 1,200 2,597,430 3,155 2,167,767 37,055 15,562,738 Abra... 30 7,195 Agusan.. 167 41,127 13 9,699 18 270 29 6,925 3,316 146 28,112 Albay.. 268 56,225 9 6,205 10 3,752 249 46,268 Antique... 28 2,170 28 2,170 Bataan. 12 1,210 12 1,210 Batangas.. 785 397,255 79 82,534 Bohol. 654 182,862 31 18,475 Bulacan.. 240 130,253 9 14,100 Cagayan... 261 70,811 10 18,774 Camarines Norte. 34 8,012 1 378 Camarines Sur... 1,180 716,978 157 152,076 Capiz.... 89 8,165 5 528 Cavite... 274 78,924 12 8,141 Cebu.... 3,829 1,389,017 136 194,496 Cotabato... 237 76,923 8 9,355 Davao.. 607 190,325 10 11,301 Ilocos Norte. 251 19,373 3 363 Ilocos Sur 519 108,891 17 10,380 Iloilo..... 4,146 2,063,871 84 321,671 La Union.. 204 109,530 3 9,780 ༜eས སྐྱུ<ཝཉྩཱ ཝཱ་ྒུ 41,039 640 273,682 29,563 573 134,824 13,767 202 102,386 8,806 235 43,231 448 31 7,186 61,500 951 503,402 84 83 7,553 6,715 248 64,068 64,589 3,548 1,129,932 2,598 221 64,970 21,338 553 157,686 1,115 240 17,895 1,940 489 96.571 159,127 3,831 1,583,073 16,194 180 83,556 Laguna. 478 284,007 7 30,685 45 30,646 426 Lanao.. 43 4,961 1 43 222,676 4,961 Leyte... 391 78,548 13 Manila, City of. 17,528 10,746,618 323 Marinduque.. 66 20,139 Masbate.. 133 27,725 Mindoro.. 386 62,981 Misamis Occidental.. 268 100,346 Misamis Oriental.. 356 155,898 Mountain Province. 537 293,282 Negros Occidental.. 1,703 795,399 Negros Oriental.. 279 Nueva Ecija... 463 65,537 225,946 Palawan... 26 Pampanga.. 618 6,833 399,103 19 Pangasinan.. 579 346,254 19 Rizal.... 1,967 561,259 32 Romblon 85 Samar.. 228 Sorsogon.. 76 12,438 48,385 15,830 15 Sulu.... 135 49,100 17 Surigao.. 220 52,772 2 BREEL TO REEL CL 11,390 1,188,913 720 35 13,612 343 53,546 1,792 1,426,590 15,413 8,131,115 3 1,020 61 18,399 8 3,465 6 2,280 119 21,980 19 9,634 8 3,438 359 49,909 11 16,358 12 4,164 245 79,824 15 13,964 86224 11,304 317 130,630 14 51,716 38 22,328 485 219,238 37 102,085 124 50,342 1,542 642,972 9 4,146 9 2,991 261 58,400 4 11,100 61 26,973 398 187,873 1 360 25 6,473 69,424 32 45,517 567 284,162 96,494 24 14,669 536 235,091 47,030 103 42,743 1,832 471,486 5 1,471 10 1,824 70 11,052 12 2,710 201 9,143 34,623 1 2,800 1 540 74 12,490 15,891 26 '5,921 92 27,288 1 1,800 8 2,624 211 48,348 Tarlac... Tayabas... 11 3,480 11 346 82,907 11 8,878 13 5,517 322 3,480 68,512 Zambales... 62 4,342 4 42 58 4,300 Zamboanga.. 603 224,116 27 30,116 29 13,493 547 180,507 All other provinces. 8 612 8 612 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 159 TABLE 19.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR, ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Persons employed and salaries paid Class and item Number of operators reporting Total assets (Pesos) Total gross receipts (Pesos) Employees not paid salaries or wages Number of Total number of persons Total persons Owners and members employed not paid of family other persons not paid salaries or salaries or wages wages Males Females Total....... 1,714 118,231,626 72,726,135 47,189 5,779 2,724 1,378 1,677 Form of ownership Individuals. 1,532 10,233,536 10,233,536 16,429,241 17,008 Partnerships.. 5,470 2,559 57 1,690,704 1,095,919 1,064 187 Associations. 11 3,591,785 4,809,529 1,045 34 Corporations... 110 Government agencies.. 63,742,010 37,992,180 19,743 88 4 99999 1,342 1,569 27 99 26 2 6 78 7 3 38,973,591 12,399,266 8,329 Year established 1935 to 1938. 741 5,516,084 5,661,957 7,484 1930 to 1934.. 2,615 1,205 619 791 464 11,742,333 12,467,130 10,517 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. 1,542 742 369 431 335 9,640,238 11,672,745 8,336 1,045 561 286 198 75 6,993,412 4,113,977 1915 to 1919. 2,661 258 119 48 91 31 2,643,041 1910 to 1914.. 3,863,088 2,165 77 21 2 54 9 3,910,656 Prior to 1910.... 9,649,017 2,244 71 11 3 57 16 77,465,914 Year not reported.. 24,974,081 13,291 37 8 6 23 43 319,948 324,140 491 134 57 45 32 Size of total assets Under P 100.- 93 5,535 14,530 539 100 to P 486 189 114 183 499 304 -- 84,529 150,330 1,712 500 to P 1,205 575 221 409 999__ 289 209,748 292,649 1,855 959 1,000 to P 2,500 to P 2,499.. 4,999.- 447 196 316 461 823,609 1,029,218 3,170 1,497 736 381 380 183 678,500 667,326 5,000 to P 9,999 1,606 545 266 170 109 127 10,000 to P 49,999.. 50,000 to P 99,999... 100,000 to P499,999.- 500,000 to P999,999 P1,000,000 and over..... Size of gross re- ceipts 884,129 1,016,971 1,873 515 202 124 189 148 3,264,401 4,504,357 4,936 435 210 148 77 35 2,458,113 3,839,531 2,633 60 30 20 10 50 10,910,865 16,160,706 9,133 76 68 4 8 5,038,398 4,750,176 2,972 16 93,873,799 40,300,341 16,760 1 1 Under P 500. 507 P 351,671 114,421 500 to P 3,006 2,175 983 412 780 999. 258 P 341,969 180,614 1,571 898 411 191 1,000 to P 296 2,499. 456 1,110,607 795,166 3,229 2,500 to P 1,378 662 331 385 4,999. 120 1,316,185 458,280 1,225 472 5,000 to P 204 154 114 9,999. 118 895,821 825,287 1,269 330 10,000 to P 190 101 39 P25,000 to P 99,999. 24,999. 80 1,287,316 1,226,215 1,691 277 120 117 40 P100,000 to P 249,999. P250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. P3,000,000 and over...-- Citizenship of oper- ator Philippines.. United States. China... Japan.. Other countries... Partnerships, associations, ernment agencies... 84208 83 3,363,452 3,868,389 3,721 152 82 58 12 46 9,909,881 7,532,540 4,827 47 22 14 11 32 15,161,031 16,155,712 8,286 49 49 11 39,547,544 17,288,704 8,187 3 44,946,149 24,280,807 10,177 1 1 1,433 888888888 9,600,080 15,689,502 16,053 5,275 204,851 301,722 255 15 2,439 9 1,277 1,559 6 54 245,551 274,791 543 114 72 173,062 152,644 128 55 31 24 9,992 10,582 29 11 8 223 10 corporations, and gov- 182 107,998,090 56,296,894 30,181 309 165 36 108 160 203 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 19.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees not paid salaries or wages Class and item Number of operators reporting Total assets (Pesos) Total gross receipts (Pesos) Total number Owners and members of of persons employed Total persons not paid salaries or wages family Number of other persons not paid salaries or Males Females wages Number of employ- ees Under 10 persons.. 1,104 2,967,079 1,867,158 5,012 2,543 1,441 476 626 10 to 19 persons.... 370 1,628,789 1,856,340 4,755 2,177 847 632 698 20 to 29 persons. 72 1,254,460 1,048,200 1,779 577 179 155 243 80 to 39 persons. 33 1,101,711 1,008,508 1,159 136 51 45 40 40 to 49 persons.. 16 4,330,938 1,059,021 693 54 32 14 8 50 to 69 persons. 28 2,853,212 2,771,445 1,609 169 88 29 U 70 to 99 persons. 24 4,437,499 3,026,269 1,934 68 55 7 6 100 to 149 persons. 18 3,487,140 2,978,638 2,295 35 17 18 150 to 199 persons. 13 200 to 299 persons. 14 300 to 499 persons. 500 to 999 persons. 1,000 persons and over 34638 6,510,792 4,626,153 2,253 1 1 4,022,945 5,747,979 3,438 9 3 2 3,097,056 13 28,374,158 23,817,130 5,756,766 2,561 9,242 10 10 54,165,847 17,162,528 10,459 Class and item paid salaries or wages Number of persons Total salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, super- visors, and others holding executive, managerial or supervisory positions Office employees, stenog- raphers, and others performing routine office work Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees J 0 PUOROP t C Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Number of Salaries or Salaries or Number of persons wages paid (Pesos) persons wages paid (Pesos) Total...... 41,410 20,327,935 1,200 2,597,430 3,155 2,167,767 37,055 15,562,738 Form of ownership Individuals. 11,538 3,589,142 Partnerships. 382 316,443 654 333,043 10,502 2,939,656 877 358,929 52 Associations... 83,667 57 38,945 768 1,011 709,959 12 Corporations.... 43,380 60 68,759 939 19,655 10,955,798 Government agencies. 649 1,784,545 1,252 847,415 17,754 236,317 597,820 8,323,838 8,329 4,714,107 105 369,395 1,132 879,605 7,092 3,465,107 Year established 1935 to 1938.... 4,869 1,283,286 187 1930 to 1934... 129,218 214 101,522 8,975 3,664,392 4,468 1,052,546 235 1925 to 1929. 524,790 631 318,900 7.291 3,178,493 8,109 2,820,702 224 1920 to 1924.. 411,444 405 245,220 2,403 1,298,109 6,662 2,521,829 48 1915 to 1919.. 154,131 143 2,088 1,087,900 87,334 2,212 1,056,644 113 239,346 144 1910 to 1914. 85,523 1,831 763,031 2,173 1,521,064 171 247,594 242 219,496 1,760 1,053,974 Prior to 1910..... 13,254 8,213,471 210 881,947 1,336 Year not reported. 1,099,266 11.708 6,232,258 357 81,220 12 8,960 40 10,506 305 61,754 Size of total assets Under P 100.. 53 2,517 1 240 3 10 49 100 to P 500 to P 1,000 to P 2,500 to P 499 507 33,364 20 4,294 17 999-- 583 470 2,267 28,487 896 85,898 26 3,412 6 794 864 81,692 2,499 4,999 1,673 221,556 50 8,968 31 7,766 1,592 204,822 1,061 226,052 53 12,877 33 5,000 to P 9,999 10,000 to P 49,999. 7,072 975 206,103 1,358 314,160 45 33,183 69 28,067 1,244 252,910 4,501 1,371,043 177 219,552 334 P 50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to P999,999. P1,000,000 and over 152,903 3,990 998,588 2,573 1,213,351 97 122,839 183 93,486 2,293 9,057 4,514,103 197 569,486 677 379,059 8,183 997,026 3,565,558 2,972 1,450,050 170 396,828 153 89,319 2,649 16,759 10,895,841 364 1,225,751 382 1,649 1,408,708 14,746 963,903 8,261,928 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 161 TABLE 19.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, sup erintendents, supervisors, and others holding executive, phers, and others performing managerial or supervisory positions Drivers, conductors, en- gineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Class and item Office employees, stenogra- Number of persons paid salaries or wages Total salaries or wages paid (Pesos) routine office work Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Number of persons wages paid (Pesos) Salaries or Size of gross re- ceipts Under P 500 831 38,263 500 to P 999 673 1,000 to P 2,499. 1,851 58,431 243,206 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 753 127,831 P5,000 to P 9,999 939 242,288 P10,000 to P 24,999. 1,414 419,996 828239 2,993 26 1,493 769 33,777 3,175 7 1,320 643 53,936 60 11,952 30 3,587 1,761 227,667 26 7,606 21 3,798 706 116,427 36 23,684 38 13,269 865 205,335 52 33,304 92 25,000 to P 99,999. 31,379 1,270 355,313 3,569 1,403,813 160 P100,000 to P 249,999. 168,466 246 116,595 3,163 1,118,752 4,780 1,948,416 151 296,078 375 P250,000 to P 999,999. 205,219 4,254 1,447,119 8,237 4,104,176 266 663,043 573 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 335,235 7,398 3,105,898 8,187 5,629,867 264 P3,000,000 and over... 907,610 391 350,812 7,532 4,371,445 10,176 6,111,648 126 479,519 1,356 1,105,060 8,694 4,527,069 Citizenship of oper- ator Philippines... 10,778 3,384,243 336 282,873 635 321,154 9,807 2,780,216 United States.. 240 81,202 8 15,625 12 9,618 220 55,959 China... 429 90,865 35 17,585 6 2,151 388 71,129 Japan.. 73 28,526 1 120 72 28,406 Other countries.. 18 4,306 3 360 15 3,946 Partnerships, associations, corporations, and gov- ernment agencies..... 29,872 16,738,793 818 2,280,987 2,501 1,834,724 26,553 12,623,082 Number of employ- ees Under 10 persons... 2,469 415,457 90 27,008 10 to 19 persons. 2,578 500,176 88 33,492 20 to 29 persons 1,202 354,163 73 51,297 30 to 39 persons. 1,023 358,498 46 49,263 40 to 49 persons. 888888 68 10,461 2,311 377,988 86 32,818 2,404 433,866 99 50,074 1,030 252,792 87 27,694 890 281,541 639 265,902 26 23,095 25 11,438 588 231,369 50 to 69 persons 1,440 630,601 52 145,762 129 76,148 1,259 408,691 100 to 149 persons. 70 to 99 persons. 1,866 1,229,811 120 341,021 101 70,597 1,645 818,193 2,260 859,399 53 61,819 201 105,056 2,006 692,524 150 to 199 persons. 2,252 1,164,976 52 120,266 137 234,541 2,063 810,169 200 to 299 persons. 3,429 1,514,074 84 170,101 206 178,770 3,139 1,165,203 300 to 499 persons. 2,561 1,392,549 42 246,651 199 49,300 2,320 1,096,598 500 to 999 persons. 1,000 persons and over. 9,232 5,168,153 330 651,215 629 375,952 8,273 4,140,986 10,459 6,474,176 144 676,440 1,188 944,918 9,127 4,852,818 162 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 20.-TOTAL ASSETS OF ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS BY PROVINCES: 1938 Province Operators Assets Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) PHILIPPINES.... Abra.... Agu san. Albay.. Antique.. Bataan.. Batangas. Bohol.. Bulacan. Cagayan.... Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. Capiz... Cavite. Cebu.... Cotabato Davao.. Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur. Iloilo..... La Union... Laguna.. Lanao.. Leyte... Manila City of.. Marinduque.. Masbate.... Mindoro... Misamis Occidental.. Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija.. Palawan... Pampanga.. Pangasinan. Rizal... Remblon Samar.... Sorsogon Sulu.... Surigao. Tarlac. Tayabas... Zambales.. Zamboanga. All other provinces. Total Number Per cent distribu- tion Pesos Per cent distribu- tion Pesos Per cent of total Per cent distribu- tion 1,714 100.0 118,231,626 100.0 66,597,259 56.3 100.0 147 143 "D" 2024 28 6 A RARE 8 22 2 0.2 0.6 32,408 102,188 (¹) 19,708 60.8 (¹) 0.1 58,482 57.2 2.9 209,182 0.2 170,793 81.6 0.4 7,755 (1) 5,300 68.3 0.2 4,600 (1) 4,200 91.3 ce 88 0.1 0.3 1.3 577,228 0.5 291,050 50.4 0.4 5.3 494,695 0.4 237,336 48.0 0.7 129,585 0.1 83,697 64.6 2.8 407,902 0.3 194,644 47.7 0.2 15,217 (¹) 00 0.4 0.1 0.3 12,190 80.1 ご ​(¹) C 1.9 1,156,759 1.0 594,120 51.4 0.9 1.7 82,036 0.1 63,940 77.9 0.1 1.2 146,008 0.1 108,597 74.4 0.2 10.6 6,852,162 5.8 4,203,106 61.3 6.3 0.6 346,213 0.3 220,498 63.7 0.3 6.9 791,654 0.7 507,681 64.1 0.8 0.9 75,232 0.1 66,296 88.1 0.1 I 3.9 406,132 0.3 308,319 75.9 0.5 3.8 24,447,659 20.7 9,901,459 40.5 14.9 6 0.4 191,638 0.2 148,397 77.4 0.2 1 0.8 499,119 0.4 187,999 37.7 0.3 I 0.9 28,535 (1) 23,145 81.1 (¹) 2.5 1,038,737 0.9 204,645 19.7 0.3 N 8.6 73,226,278 61.9 44,528,753 60.8 66.9 5 0.3 15,616 (1) 12,815 82.1 (1) 0.9 50,972 (1) 39,805 78.1 0.1 2.9 198,468 0.2 122,077 61.5 0.2 0.8 342,514 0.3 214,206 62.5 0.3 0.9 301,070 0.3 213,269 70.8 0.3 AAA 0.6 508,059 0.4 215,326 42.4 0.3 5.1 957,029 0.8 579,973 60.6 0.9 2.9 202,107 0.2 143,473 71.0 0.2 0.4 292,336 0.2 230,212 78.7 0.3 1.6 45,736 (¹) 44,946 98.3 0.1 1.4 1,153,008 1.0 702,785 61.0 1.1 2.6 681,150 0.6 390,596 57.3 0.6 3.1 739,275 0.6 517,966 70.1 16 0.9 40,506 (1) 29,984 74.0 (1) 23 1.3 189,594 0.2 162,565 85.7 0.8 89,835 0.1 52,223 58.1 8.3 162,046 0.1 84,214 52.0 0.6 169,062 0.1 115,864 68.5 6 0.4 5,325 (1) 4,670 87.7 (1) 1.7 148.259 0.1 99,944 67.4 0.2 282 288 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 20 1.2 20,575 (1) 18,119 88.1 (1) 1.8 648,467 0.5 457,457 70.5 0.1 2 0.1 1,695 (1) 415 24.5 (1) 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 163 TABLE 20.-TOTAL ASSETS OF ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Assets-Continued Province Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total PHILIPPINES.. 34,038,540 28.8 6,808,828 5.8 10,786,999 9.1 Abra.... 2,500 7.7 10,200 31.5 Agusan... 3,195 3.1 39,314 38.5 1,197 1.2 Albay.. 19,327 9.2 18,776 9.0 286 0.1 Antique... 1,500 19.3 955 12.3 Bataan.. 400 8.7 Batangas. 65,623 11.4 215,161 37.3 5,394 0.9 Bohol.... 42,190 8.5 159,669 32.3 55,500 11.2 Bulacan.. 37,171 28.7 7,039 5.4 1,678 1.3 Cagayan. 96,276 23.6 93,659 23.0 23,323 5.7 Camarines Norte. 2,527 16.6 200 1.3 300 2.0 Camarines Sur. 205,954 17.8 328,788 28.4 27,897 2.4 Capiz.... 11,600 14.1 1,539 1.9 4,957 6.0 Cavite... 10,657 7.3 22,213 15.2 4,541 3.1 Cebu..... 266,564 3.9 634,775 9.3 1,747,717 25.5 Cotabato..... Davao.. Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur... Iloilo.... La Union.... 70,805 20.5 25,666 7.4 29,244 8.4 93,699 11.8 119,691 15.1 70,583 8.9 2,080 2.8 6,556 8.7 300 0.4 23,984 5.9 64,736 15.9 9,093 2.2 13,121,573 53.7 721,529 3.0 703,098 2.9 14,236 7.4 21,054 11.0 7,951 4.1 Laguna... 80,558 16.1 229,314 45.9 1,248 0.3 Lanao... 4,950 17.3 440 1.5 Leyte... 23,043 2.2 154,126 14.8 656,923 63.2 Manila, City of.. 19,003,914 26.0 3,136,298 4.3 6,557,313 9.0 Marinduque... 670 4.3 2,085 13.4 46 0.3 Masbate.... Mindoro. 2,076 4.1 4,591 9.0 4,500 8.8 35,380 17.8 29,775 15.0 11,236 5.7 Misamis Occidental.. 38,076 11.1 53,331 15.6 36,901 10.8 Misamis Oriental... 18,077 6.0 59,241 19.7 10,483 3.5 Mountain Province.... 17,621 3.5 86,983 17.1 188,129 37.0 Negros Occidental. 62,324 6.5 51,951 5.4 262,781 27.5 Nueva Ecija.. Negros Oriental. Palawan... Pampanga.. Pangasinan.. Rizal.... Romblon. Samar.. Sorsogon. 17,154 8.5 12,766 6.3 28,714 14.2 29,252 10.0 27,105 9.3 5,767 2.0 70 0.2 720 1.6 78,365 6.8 180,455 15.7 191,403 16.6 182,746 26.8 106,195 15.6 1,613 0.2 143,206 19.4 39,017 5.3 39,086 5.3 4,136 10.2 4,164 10.3 2,222 5.5 4,525 2.4 19,822 10.5 2,682 1.4 27,012 30.1 9,814 10.9 786 0.9 Sulu.... 37,625 23.2 13,844 8.5 26,363 16.3 Surigao 33,979 20.1 13,862 8.2 5,357 3.2 Tailac.. 625 11.7 30 0.6 Tayabas.. 11,875 8.0 28,010 18.9 8,430 5.7 Zambales. 1,070 5.2 1,386 6.7 Zamboanga... 87,550 13.5 51,503 7.9 51,957 8.0 All other provinces. 1,200 70.8 80 4.7 164 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 21.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Operators Assets Total Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) Class and item Per cent Number distribu- tion Pesos Per cent distribu- tion Per cent Pesos Per cent of total distribu- tion 1,714 100.0 118,231,626 100.0 66,597,259 56.3 100.0 Total.. Form of ownership Individuals. 1,532 89.4 10,233,536 8.7 7.241,289 70.8 10.9 Partnerships.. 57 3.3 1,690,704 1.4 534,160 31.6 0.8 Associations. 11 0.6 3,591,785 3.0 2,443,245 68.0 8.7 Corporations... 110 6.4 63,742,010 53.9 34,520,109 54.2 51.8 Government agencies.... 4 0.2 38,973,591 33.0 21,858,456 56.1 32.8 Year established 1935 to 1938.... 1930 to 1934. 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919_. 741 43.2 5,516,084 4.7 4,111,472 74.5 6.2 464 27.1 11,742,333 9.9 7,694,043 65.5 11.6 335 19.5 9,640,238 8.2 6,891,821 71.5 10.3 75 4.4 6,993,412 5.9 3,909,061 55.9 5.9 31 1.8 2,643,041 2.2 1,401,873 53.0 2.1 9 0.5 3,910,656 3.3 2,297,466 58.7 8.4 16 0.9 77,465,914 65.5 40,107,850 51.8 60.2 43 2.5 319,948 0.3 183,673 57.4 0.8 1910 to 1914.. Prior to 1910 Year not reported. Size of total assets Under P 100... 93 5.4 5,535 (¹) 5,345 96.6 (1) 100 to P 499 304 17.7 84,529 0.1 74,757 88.4 0.1 500 to P 999... 289 16.9 209,748 0.2 174,948 83.4 0.3 1,000 to P 2,499. 461 26.9 823,609 0.7 676,751 82.2 1.0 2,500 to P 4,999. 183 10.7 678,500 0.6 540,645 79.7 0.8 5,000 to P 9,999. 127 7.4 884,129 0.7 703.729 79.6 1.1 P 10,000 to 49,999. 148 8.6 3,264,401 2.8 2,338,351 71.6 3.5 P 50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. P 500,000 to P999,999. P1,000,000 and over 100 Size of gross receipts 88888 35 2.0 2,458,113 2.1 1,561,229 63.5 2.3 2.9 10,910,865 9.2 6,256,837 57.3 9.4 0.5 5,038,398 4.3 1,624,227 32.2 2.4 0.9 93,873,799 79.4 52,640,440 56.1 79.0 40 Under P 500... 507 29.6 351,671 0.3 267,141 76.0 0.4 P 500 to P 999.. 258 15.1 341,969 0.3 285,312 83.4 0.4 P 1,000 to P 2,499 456 26.6 1,110,607 0.9 873,411 78.6 1.3 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 120 7.0 1,316,185 1.1 440,797 33.5 0.7 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 118 6.9 895,821 0.8 639,027 71.3 1.0 P 10,000 to P 24,000 80 4.7 1,287,316 1.1 861,041 66.9 1.3 P 25,000 to P 99,999. 83 4.8 3,363,452 2.8 2,050,438 61.0 3.1 P 100,000 to P 249,999. P 250,000 to P 999,999. . P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P3,000,000 and over 46 2.7 9,909,881 8.4 4,426,245 44.7 6.6 32 1.9 15,161,031 12.8 9,692,938 63.9 14.6 11 0.6 39,547,544 33.4 21,188,474 53.6 31.8 3 0.2 44,946,149 38.0 25,872,435 57.6 38.8 Citizenship of operator Philippines.. 1,433 83.6 United States.. 9,600,080 8.1 6,822,403 71.1 10.2 8 0.5 204,851 China... 0.2 172,342 84.1 0.3 54 3.2 Japan.. 245,551 0.2 152,284 62.0 0.2 τ 30 1.8 Other countries.. 173,062 0.1 88,055 50.9 0.1 7 0.4 Partnerships, 9,992 associations, corporations, and (¹) 6,205 62.1 (1) ( government agencies... 182 10.6 107,998,090 91.3 59,355,970 55.0 89.1 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 165 TABLE 21.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Assets-Continued Class and item Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 34,038,540 28.8 6,808,828 5.8 10,786,999 Total.... 9.1 Form of ownership Individuals. 1,151,566 11.3 771,118 7.5 1,069,563 10.5 Partnerships.. 292,276 17.3 200,441 11.9 663,827 39.3 Associations. 317,394 8.8 42,687 1.2 788,459 22.0 Corporations... 17,692,034 27.8 4,256,024 6.7 7,273,843 11.4 Government agencies. 14,585,270 37.4 1,538,558 3.9 991,307 2.5 Year established 1935 to 1938.. 1930 to 1934. 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914.... Prior to 1910. Year not reported. 394,395 7.1 323,724 5.9 686,493 12.4 710,239 6.0 578,258 4.9 2,759,793 23.5 638,751 6.6 954,862 9.9 1,154,804 12.0 460,487 6.6 800,378 11.4 1,823,486 26.1 377,132 14.3 600,631 22.7 263,405 10.0 563,456 14.4 344,778 8.8 704,956 18.0 30,854,166 39.8 3,132,719 4.0 3,371,179 4.4 39,914 12.5 73,478 23.0 22,883 7.2 Size of total assets Under P 100... 175 3.2 15 0.3 100 to P 499... 2,694 3.2 6,836 8.1 242 0.3 500 to P 999.. 9,589 4.6 24,551 11.7 660 0.3 P 1,000 to 2,499 54,558 6.6 83,242 10.1 9,058 1.1 2,500 to P 4,999. 45,298 6.7 77,580 11.4 14,977 2.2 5,000 to 9,999. 64,531 7.3 82,427 9.3 33,442 3.8 10,000 to P 49,999. 254,394 7.8 379,264 11.6 292,392 9.0 P 50,000 to P 99,999. 336,487 13.7 305,335 12.4 255,062 10.4 100,000 to P499,999. 1,342,068 12.3 1,310,815 12.0 2,001,145 18.3 500,000 to P999,999. 628,438 12.5 880,239 17.5 1,905,494 37.8 P1,000,000 and over 31,300,483 33.3 3,658,364 3.9 6,274,512 6.7 Size of gross receipts Under P 500.... 49,520 14.1 30,830 8.8 4,180 1.2 P 500 to P 999... 29,010 8.5 23,782 7.0 3,865 1.1 P 1,000 to P 2,499... 93,471 8.4 115,911 10.4 27,814 2.5 2,500 to P 4,999 21,127 1.6 196,148 14.9 658,113 50.0 5,000 to P 9,999. 84,521 9.4 142,117 15.9 30,156 3.4 P10,000 to P 24,999. 225,965 17.6 150,998 11.7 49,312 3.8 25,000 to P 99,999. 176,600 5.3 395,602 11.8 740,812 22.0 P100,000 to P 249,999. 250,000 to P 999,999. 2,184,052 22.0 669,828 6.8 2,629,756 26.5 1,081,221 7.1 1,382,761 9.1 3,004,111 19.8 14,940,338 37.8 2,110,026 5.3 1,308,706 3.3 15,152,715 33.7 1,590,825 3.5 2,330,174 5.2 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P3,000,000 and over Citizenship of operator Philippines.. 1,142,519 11.9 681,419 7.1 953,739 9.9 United States.. 1,178 0.6 10,395 5.1 20,936 10.2 China... 6,289 2.6 17,991 7.3 68,987 28.1 Japan... 60,303 34.8 24,704 14.3 Other countries.... 1,580 15.8 1,010 10.1 1,197 12.0 ment agencies. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- 32,886,974 30.5 6,037,710 5.6 9,717,436 9.0 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 166 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 22.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938 All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Province Total Number Per cent distribution Owners and members of family Persons Per cent of all employees Males Females PHILIPPINES. Abra... Agusan.. Albay.. Antique.. Bataan. 47,189 100.0 5,779 53 0.1 189 0.4 405 0.9 53 0.1 23 (¹) € Batangas.. 923 2.0 Bohol... 1,258 2.7 Bulacan.. 257 0.5 Cagayan... 426 0.9 Camarines Norte. 42 0.1 Camarines Sur.. 1,278 2.7 Capiz.... 185 0.4 Cavite. 340 0.7 Cebu.... 4,411 9.3 Cotabato.. 264 0.6 Davao.. Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur. Iloilo... La Union... Laguna... Lanao... 859 1.8 252 300 0.6 825 1.7 306 4328 9.2 182 215 0.5 499 1.1 76 0.2 Leyte... 488 1.0 Manila, City of. 17,853 37.8 325 Marinduque. 84 0.2 Misamis Occidental. Masbate.... Mindoro... Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province... 205 0.4 603 1.3 217 314 0.7 401 0.8 551 1.2 Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental_ Nueva Ecija.. Palawan... 1,959 4.2 256 375 0.8 487 1.0 188 0.4 162 Pampanga... 650 1.4 Pangasinan. 706 1.5 127 Rizal... Romblon Samar. 2,122 4.5 155 182 0.4 97 290 0.6 Sorsogon. Sulu... 124 0.3 878 1.9 743 Surigao... 252 0.5 Tarlac. Tayabas. 14 (1) 452 1.0 106 Zambales... Zamboanga. All other provinces... i Less than 0.1 per cent. 125 0.3 2222 106 L 2 DE HONOR DO THE 23 12.2 43.4 2,724 137 11.6 33.8 25 47.2 11 47.8 138 15.0 48.0 6.6 38.7 8 19.0 7.7 51.9 66 19.4 13.2 10.2 29.3 16.3 37.1 4.2 5.1 4.2 43.4 19.9 1.8 18 21.4 72 35.1 36.0 46 14.6 45 11.2 14 2.5 96 13.1 25.6 126 24 4.9 86.2 4.9 18.0 7.3 53.3 21.4 38.7 84.6 309 12.7 21.4 23.5 50.4 658 19 1.4 (1) 8.4 36 57.9 A B C FREE ARN - 8 8 1,378 10 8 36 7 1 158 40 17 18 168 5 87 8 25 99 6 2311 27 38 16 18 1 52 13 41 23 946 22 26 24 165 4 12 21 14 11 ། REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 167 TABLE 22.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Employees not paid sal- aries or wages -Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Province Total Total wages and salaries Other persons Persons Per cent of all employees Average per Pesos employee Per cent distribution (Pesos) PHILIPPINES. Abra..... Agusan... Albay... Antique... Bataan.. 1,677 41,410 87.8 20,327,935 491 100.0 3 30 56.6 7,195 240 (1) 21 622 5 167 88.4 41,127 246 0.2 268 66.2 56,225 210 0.3 28 52.8 2,170 78 (1) 12 52.2 1,210 101 (1) ee Batangas. 103 785 85.0 397,255 506 2.0 Bohol... 397 654 52.0 182,862 280 0.9 Bulacan. 240 93.4 130,253 543 0.6 Cagayan. 25 261 61.3 70,811 271 0.4 Camarines Norte. 2 34 81.0 8,012 236 Camarines Sur. 10 1,180 92.3 716,978 608 Capiz.... 31 89 48.1 8,165 92 (1) ee (1) 3.5 Cavite... 17 274 80.6 78,924 288 0.4 Cebu... 122 3,829 86.8 1,389,017 363 6.8 Cotabato.... 5 237 89.8 76,923 325 0.4 Davao... 7 607 70.7 190,325 314 0.9 Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur.. Iloilo.... La Union... 11 251 83.7 19,373 77 0.1 173 519 62.9 108,891 210 0.5 53 4,146 95.8 2,063,871 498 10.2 204 94.9 109,530 537 0.5 Laguna.. 4 478 95.8 284,007 594 1.4 Lanao. 7 43 56.6 4,961 115 (¹) Leyte.. 16 391 80.1 78,548 201 0.4 Manila, City of.. 36 17,528 98.2 10,746,618 613 52.9 Marinduque. 1 66 78.6 20,139 305 0.1 Masbate.... Mindoro. Misamis Occidental.. Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province.. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija... Palawan... Pampanga.. 14 183 64.9 27,725 208 0.1 103 386 64.0 62,981 163 0.3 9 268 85.4 100,346 374 0.5 4 356 88.8 155,898 438 0.8 3 537 97.5 293,282 546 1.4 49 1,703 86.9 795,399 467 3.9 4 279 74.4 65,537 235 0.3 2 463 95.1 225,946 488 1.1 23 26 13.8 6,833 263 (¹) 4 618 95.1 399,103 646 2.0 Pangasinan. Rizal... Romblon.. Samar.. Sorsogon. 14 579 82.0 346,254 598 1.7 17 1,967 92.7 561,259 285 2.8 י, 32 85 46.7 12,438 146 0.1 10 228 78.6 48,385 212 0.2 9 76 61.3 15,830 208 0.1 Sulu... Surigao Tarlac.. Tayabas. Zambales... 269 135 15.4 49,100 364 0.2 3 220 87.3 52,772 240 0.3 11 78.6 3,480 316 (1) 34 346 76.5 82,907 240 15 62 49.6 4,342 70 (¹) Zamboanga.. 8 603 91.6 224,116 372 All other provinces... 8 42.1 612 77 (¹) eee 0.4 1.1 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 168 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 22.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Executives, etc. Office employees Drivers, etc. Salaries Province Salaries and wages paid Salaries and wages paid Persons Pesos Per cent of total salaries Persons Per cent of total Persons Per cent Pesos salaries Pesos of total salaries and wages and wages PHILIPPINES. 1,200 2,597,430 12.8 3,155 2,167,767 10.7 37,055 15,562,738 76.6 Abra... Agusan.. 13. Albay. 39 9,699 23.6 6,205 11.0 10 180 270 3.8 29 6,925 96.2 3,316 8.1 146 28,112 68.4 3,752 6.7 249 46,268 82.3 Antique. 28 2,170 100.0 I Bataan. 12 1,210 100.0 Batangas. 79 82,534 20.8 Bohol.. 31 18,475 10.1 Bulacan.. 9 14,100 10.8 Cagayan... 10 18,774 26.5 Camarines Norte.. 1 378 4.7 Camarines Sur. 157 152,076 21.2 Capiz.... 5 528 6.5 Cavite.. 12 8,141 10.3 Cebu.... 136. 194,496 14.0 145 Cotabato. 8 9,355 12.2 Davao. 10 11,301 5.9 Ilocos Norte.. 3 363 1.9 Ilocos Sur.. 17 10,380 9.5 Iloilo.... 84 321,671 15.6 231 CORE CHAR 41,039 10.3 640 273,682 68.9 ( 29,563 16.2 573 134,824 73.7 ( 13,767 10.6 202 102,386 78.6 8,806 12.4 235 43,231 61.1 448 5.6 31 7,186 89.7 1 61,500 8.6 951 503,402 70.2 1 84 1.0 83 7,553 92.5 6,715 8.5 248 64,068 81.2 1 64,589 4.6 3,548 1,129,932 81.3 1 2,598 3.4 221 64,970 84.5 1 F 21,338 11.2 553 157,686 82.9 8 1,115 5.8 240 17,895 92.4 1,940 1.8 489 96,571 88.7 159,127 7.7 3,831 1,583,073 76.7 La Union... 3 9,780 8.9 16,194 14.8 180 83,556 76.3 Laguna... Lanao... Leyte... Manila, City of. Marinduque.. Masbate.... Mindoro. 7 30,685 10.8 45 30,646 10.8 426 222,676 78.4 43 4,961 100.0 13 11,390 1.3 35 13,612 1.5 343 53,546 97.2 323 1,188,913 11.1 2 720 3.6 1,792 1,426,590 3 13.3 15,413 8,131,115 75.7 1,020 5.1 61 18,399 91.4 19 88 3,465 12.5 9,634 15.3 Misamis Occidental. 11 16,358 16.3 Misamis Oriental.. 15 13.964 9.0 Mountain Province.. 14 51,716 17.6 Negros Occidental. 37 102,085 12.8 124 Negros Oriental.. 9 4,146 6.3 Nueva Ecija.. 4 11,100 4.9 Palawan... Pampanga. Pangasinan.. Rizal. Romblon.. Samar... Sorsogon Sulu... Surigao... Tarlac. 19 69,424 17.4 19 32 15 2255 96,494 27.9 47,030 8.4 103 1,471 11.8 11,052 22.8 1 2,800 17.7 17 71 15,891 32.4 BALL LOAN & 2,280 8.2 119 21,980 79.3 3,438 5.5 359 49,909 79.2 4,164 4.1 245 79,824 79.5 11,304 7.3 317 130,630 83.8 22,328 7.6 485 219,238 74.8 50,342 6.3 1,542 642,972 80.8 2,991 4.6 261 58,400 89.1 26,973 11.9 398 187,873 83.1 360 5.3 25 6,473 94.7 45,517 11.4 567 284,162 71.2 14,669 4.2 536 235,091 67.9 42,743 7.6 1,832 471,486 84.0 1,824 14.7 70 9,143 73.5 2,710 5.6 201 34,623 71.6 540 3.4 74 12,490 78.9 26 5,921 12.1 92 27,288 55.6 1,800 3.4 8 2,624 5.0 211 48,348 91.6 11 3,480 100.0 Tayabas. Zambales... Zamboanga.. 11 14 8,878 10.7 5,517 6.7 322 68.512 82.6 42 1.0 58 4,300 99.0 27 30,116 13.4 29 13,493 6.0 547 180,507 80.5 All other provinces. 8 612 100.0 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 169 TABLE 23.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Employees paid salaries or wages Total Class and item Num- ber Per cent distri- bution Owners and members of family Total Total wages and salaries Per cent Other persons Persons of all em- Males Females ployees Per cent Persons of all em- ployees Average Per cent Pesos per em- ployee distri- bution (Pesos) Total..... 47,189 100.0 5,779 12.2 2,724 1,378 1,677 41,410 87.8 20,327,935 491 100.0 Form of ownership Individuals... 17,008 36.0 5,470 32.2 2,559 Partnerships.. 1,064 2.3 187 17.6 61 Associations.. 1,045 2.2 34 3.3 26 Corporations... 19,743 41.8 88 0.4 78 2227 1,342 1,569 11,538 699999 67.8 3,589,142 311 17.7 877 82.4 1,011 358,929 409 1.8 96.7 709,959 702 3.5 3 19,655 99.6 10,955,798 557 53.9 Government agencies 8,329 17.7 8,329 100.0 4,714,107 566 23.2 Year established 1935 to 1938... 7.484 15.9 2,615 34.9 1,205 619 791 4,869 65.1 1,283,286 264 6.1 1930 to 1934. 10,517 22.3 1,542 14.7 742 369 431 8,975 85.3 3,664,392 406 18.0 1925 to 1929... 8.336 17.7 1,045 12.5 561 286 198 7,291 87.5 3,178,493 436 15.6 1920 to 1924.. 2,661 5.6 258 9.7 119 48 91 2,403 90.3 1,298,109 540 6.4 1915 to 1919. 2,165 4.6 77 3.6 21 2 54 2,088 96.4 1,087,900 521 5.4 1910 to 1914. 2,244 4.8 71 3.2 11 3 57 2,173 96.8 1,521,064 700 7.5 Prior to 1910..... 13,291 28.2 37 0.3 8 Year not reported. 491 1.0 134 27.3 57 45 65 23 13,254 99.7 8,213,471 620 40.4 32 357 72.7 81,220 228 0.4 Size of total assets Under P 100.. 539 1.1 486 90.2 189 114 183 53 9.8 2,517 P 100 to P 499.. 1,712 3.6 1,205 70.4 575 221 409 507 29.6 33,364 6666 47 (1) 0.2 P 500 to P 999. 1,855 3.9 959 51.7 447 196 316 896 48.3 85,898 96 0.4 P 1,000 to P 2,499 3,170 6.7 1,497 47.2 736 381 380 1,673 52.8 221,556 132 1.1 2,500 to P 4,999 1,606 3.4 545 33.9 266 170 109 1,061 66.1 226,052 213 1.1 P 5,000 to P 9,999 1,873 4.0 515 27.5 202 124 189 1,358 72.5 314,160 231 1.5 P10,000 to P 49,999. 4,936 10.5 435 8.8 210 148 77 4,501 91.2 1,371,043 305 6.7 P50,000 to P 99,999. 2,633 5.6 60 2.3 30 20 10 2,573 97.7 1,213,351 472 26.0 P100,000 to P499,999.. 9,133 19.4 76 0.8 68 4 4 9,057 99.2 4,514,103 498 22.2 P500,000 to P999,999. 2,972 6.3 P1,000,000 and over..... 16,760 35.5 1 (¹) 1 1 1 1 1 2,972 16,759 100.0 1,450,050 488 7.1 100.0 10,895,841 650 53.6 Size of gross re- ceipts Under P 500 3,006 6.4 72.4 2,175 983 412 780 831 27.6 38,263 46 0.2 P 500 to P 999 1,571 3.3 898 57.2 411 191 296 673 42.8 58,431 87 0.3 P 1,000 to P 2,499 3,229 6.8 1,378 42.7 662 331 385 1,851 57.3 243,206 131 1.2 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 1,225 2.6 472 38.5 204 154 114 753 61.5 127,831 170 0.6 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 1,269 2.7 330 26.0 190 101 39 939 74.0 242,288 258 1.2 P 10,000 to P 24,999. 1,691 3.6 277 16.4 120 117 40 1,414 83.6 419,996 297 2.1 P25,000 to P 99,999 3,721 7.9 152 4.1 82 58 12 3.569 95.9 1,403,813 393 6.9 P100,000 to P 249,999. 4,827 10.2 47 1.0 22 14 11 4,780 99.0 1,948,416 408 9.6 P250,000 to P 999,999 8,286 17.6 49 0.6 49 8,237 99.4 4,104,176 498 20.2 P3,000,000 and over... P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 8,187 17.3 8,187 100.0 5,629,867 688 27.7 10,177 21.6 1 (1) 1 10,176 100.0 6,111,648 601 30.1 Citizenship of oper- ator Philippines... United States.. 16,053 34.0 5,275 32.9 2,439 1,277 1,277 1,559 10,778 67.1 3,384,243 314 16.6 255 0.5 15 5.9 9 6 240 94.1 81,202 338 0.4 China... 543 1.2 114 21.0 72 32 10 429 79.0 90,865 212 0.4 Japan Other countries 128 0.3 55 43.0 31 24 73 57.0 28,526 391 0.1 Partnerships, 29 0.1 11 37.9 8 3 18 62.1 4,306 239 (1) associa- tions, corporations, and government agencies.... 30,181 64.0 309 1.0 165 36 108 29,872 99.0 16,738,793 560 82.3 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 170 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 23.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Con. Employees paid salaries or wages All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Total Owners and members of family Total Total wages and salaries Class and item Num- ber Per cent distri- bution Per cent Other persons Persons of all employ- Males Females Persons Per cent of all employ- Average Per cent Pesos per em- distri ployee bution ees ees (Pesos) Number of employees Under 10 persons... 5,012 10.6 2,543 50.7 1,441 476 626 2,469 49.3 415,457 168 2.0 10 to 19 persons. 4,755 10.1 2,177 45.8 847 632 698 2,578 54.2 500,176 194 2.6 20 to 29 persons 1,779 3.8 577 32.5 179 155 243 1,202 67.5 354,163 295 1.1 30 to 39 persons. 1,159 2.5 136 11.7 51 45 40 1,023 88.3 358,498 350 1.8 40 to 49 persons 693 1.5 54 7.8 32 14 8 639 92.2 265,902 416 1.3 50 to 69 persons 1,609 3.4 169 10.5 88 29 52 1,440 89.5 630,601 438 3.1 70 to 99 persons 1,934 4.1 68 3.5 55 7 6 1,866 96.5 1,229,811 659 6.0 100 to 149 persons. 2,295 4.9 35 1.5 17 18 2,260 98.5 859,399 380 4.2 150 to 199 persons. 2,253 4.8 1 (1) 1 2,252 100.0 1,164,976 517 1 5.7 200 to 299 persons. 3,438 7.3 9 0.3 3 2 4 3,429 99.7 1,514,074 442 7.4 300 to 499 persons. 500 to 999 persons. 1,000 persons and over. 2,561 5.4 2,561 9,242 19.6 10 0.1 10 9,232 10,459 22.2 10,459 100.0 1,392,549 99.9 100.0 544 6.9 5,168,153 6,474,176 560 25.4 619 31.8 Class and item Total... Form of ownership Individuals. Executives, etc. Employees paid salaries and wages-Continued Office employees Drivers, etc. Persons Salaries (Pesos) Per cent of total salaries Persons Salaries and wages paid (Pesos) Per cent of total Persons salaries and wages Salaries and wages paid (Pesos) Per cent of total salaries and wages 1,200 2,597,430 12.8 3,155 2,167,767 10.7 37,055 15,567,738 76.6 382 Partnerships. A ssociations. 216,443 52 83,667 8.8 654 333,043 9.3 10,502 2,939,656 81.9 23.3 57 38,945 10.9 768 236,317 65.8 12 Corporations.. 43,380 6.1 60 68,759 9.7 939 597,820 84.2 Government agencies. 649 1,784,545 16.3 1,252 847,415 7.7 17,754 8,323,838 75.9 105 369,395 7.8 1,132 879,605 18.7 7,092 3,465,107 73.5 96 20 000 Year established 1935 to 1938... 187 129,218 10.1 214 1930 to 1934. 101,522 7.9 235 524,790 14.3 631 1925 to 1929.. 318,900 8.7 4,468 1,052,546 8,109 2,820,702 82.0 77.0 224 411,444 12.9 405 1920 to 1924... 245,220 7.7 6,662 2,521,829 79.3 48 154,131 11.9 143 1915 to 1919. 87,334 6.7 2,212 1,056,644 81.4 113 1910 to 1914.. 239,346 22.0 144 85,523 7.9 1,831 763,031 70.1 171 247,594 16.3 242 219,496 14.4 1.760 1,053,974 69.3 210 881,947 10.7 1,336 1,099,266 13.4 11,708 6,232,258 75.9 12 8,960 11.0 40 10,506 12.9 305 61,754 76.0 Prior to 1910. Year not reported.. Size of total assets Under P 100.... P 100 to P 499... P 500 to P 999 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 2221 240 20 4,294 9.5 12.9 26 3,412 4.0 50 8,968 4.0 P 2,500 to P 31 4,999.. 53 12,877 37628 10 0.4 49 2,267 17 583 1.7 470 28,487 90.1 85.4 794 0.9 864 81,692 95.1 7,766 3.5 1,592 204,822 92.4 5.7 P 5,000 to P 9,999.. 33 7,072 3.1 975 206,103 91.2 45 33,183 10.6 P 10,000 to P 49,999.. 69 28,067 8.9 1,244 252,910 80.5 177 219,552 16.0 P 50,000 to P 99,999. 334 152,903 11.2 3,990 998,588 72.7 97 122,839 P100,000 to P499,999.. P 500,000 to P999,999. P1,000,000 and over. 10.1 183 93,486 7.7 2,293 997,026 82.2 197 569,486 12.6 677 379,059 8.4 8,183 3,565,558 79.0 170 396,828 27.4 153 89,319 6.2 364 1,225,751 2,649 11.2 1,649 1,408,708 12.9 14,746 963,903 8,261,382 அசு 65.5 75.8 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 171 TABLE 23.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Con. Employees paid salaries and wages-Continued Office employees Executives, etc. Drivers, etc. Class and item Persons Salaries (Pesos) Per cent of total salaries Persons Salaries and wages paid (Pesos) Per cent of total Persons Salaries and wages Per cent of total salaries and wages paid (Pesos) salaries and wages Total.... 1,200 2,597,430 12.8 3,155 2,167,767 10.7 37,055 15,562,738 76.6 Size of gross receipts Under P 500... P 500 to P 999. P 1,000 to P 2,499 P 2,500 to P 4,999. P 5,000 to P 9,999. 32623 2,993 7.8 26 1,493 3.9 769 33,777 88.3 3,175 5.4 7 1,320 2.3 643 53,936 92.3 11,952 4.9 30 3,587 1.5 1,761 227,667 93.6 7,606 6.0 21 3,798 3.0 706 116,427 91.1 23,684 9.8 38 13,269 5.5 865 205,335 84.7 P 10,000 to P 24,999. 52 33,304 7.9 - 92 31,379 7.5 1,270 355,813 84.6 P25,000 to P 99,999. 160 168,466 12.0 246 116,595 8.3 3,163 1,118,752 79.7 P 100,000 to P 249,999. P250,000 to P 999,999. 151 296,078 15.2 375 205,219 10.5 4,254 1,447,119 74.3 266 663,043 16.2 573 335,235 8.2 7,398 3,105,898 75.7 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999... 264 907,610 16.1 391 350,812 6.2 7,532 4,371,445 77.7 P3,000,000 and over.. 126 479,519 7.8 1,356 1,105,060 18.1 8,694 4,527,069 74.1 Citizenship of operator Philippines..... 336 282,873 8.4 635 321,154 9.5 9,807 2,780,216 82.2 United States. 8 15,625 19.2 12 9,618 11.8 220 55,959 68.9 China.... 35 17,585 19.4 6 2,151 2.4 388 71,129 78.3 Japan... 1 120 0.4 72 28,406 99.6 Other countries... Partnersnips, associations, corpora- tions, and government agencies. Number of employees 3 360 8.4 15 3,946 91.6 818 2,280,987 13.6 2,501 1,834,724 11.0 26,553 12,623, 082 75.4 Under 10 persons.. 90 27,008 6.5 68 10,461 2.5 2,311 377,988 91.0 10 to 19 persons. 88 33,492 6.7 86 32,818 6.6 2,404 433,866 86.7 20 to 29 persons_ 73 51,297 14.5 99 50,074 14.1 1,030 252,792 71.4 30 to 39 persons. 46 49,263 13.7 87 27,694 7.7 890 281,541 78.5 40 to 49 persons. 26 23,095 8.7 25 11,438 4.3 588 231,369 87.0 50 to 69 persons. 52 145,762 23.1 129 76,148 12.1 1,259 408,691 64.8 70 to 99 persons. 120 341,021 27.7 101 70,597 5.7 1,645 818,193 66.5 100 to 149 persons. 53 61,819 7.2 201 105,056 12.2 2,006 692,524 80.6 150 to 199 persons.. 200 to 299 persons. 52 120,266 10.3 137 234,541 20.1 2,063 810,169 69.5 84 170,101 11.2 206 178,770 11.8 3,139 1,165,203 77.0 300 to 499 persons- 42 246,651 17.7 199 49,300 3.5 2,320 1,096,598 78.7 500 to 999 persons. 330 651,215 12.6 629 375,952 7.3 8,273 4,140,986 80.1 1,000 persons and over. 144 676,440 10.4 1,188 944,918 14.6 9,127 4,852,818 75.0 172 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 24.-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION, BY PROVINCES: 1938. All transportation operators Kind of transportation TPU auto trucks and bus lines Freight and express handled Passengers carried Province Number of operators reporting Total passengers carried Total re- ceipts from transpor- tation of passengers (Pesos) Total net tonnage of freight and express carried Total gross receipts from freight and express handled (Pesos) Number of passengers Gross Net ton- receipts from freight freight and and Receipts from trans- nage of portation of freight passengers (Pesos) express express carried handled (Pesos) PHILIPPINES. Abra... Agusan.. Albay. Antique.. Bataan. 1,714 244,044,420 37,858,055 7,656,242 25,969,785 132,557,141 18,686,261 487,066 743,449 Batangas.. Bohol.. Bulacan.. Cagayan. Camarines Norte.. Camarines Sur. Capiz.... Cavite. Cebu.... "HD" 22 BR 24,768 889,324 11,811 146,033 722 1,445 24,768 11,811 422 845 6,460 24,330 882,752 141,159 1,691 10,337 A 1,336,431 137,675 39,391 49,312 1,035,562 40,538 6,520 6,480 E 11,736 5,769 499 2,650 10,736 5,369 2,074 5,725 Ε E 8,305,065 1,085,607 23,200 53,471 8,305,065 1,085,607 11,400 22,807 Ε 3,533,288 462,807 42,644 100,493 3,480,052 421,079 13,000 25,867 C 2,249,442 368,135 11,355 22,896 2,238,816 577,854 224,405 25,957 39,641 502,668 362,721 179,673 7,572 15,8'6 C 8,115 8,789 4 27,251 6,093 3,170 14,066 C C 16,064,284 1,933,833 9,177 10,633 16,013,029 1,906,054 34 1,706 C 93,349 15,667 14,534 11,487 41,299 9,585 125 357 C 2,385,813 301,738 2,481 4,841 2,348,167 288,376 1,871 3,935 C 182 9,984,045 2,438,091 691,221 2,480,485 8,165,116 1,227,499 60,131 33,389 Cotabato.. Davao 1,843,823 255,939 18,653 55,518 1,715,684 207,920 4,838 20,553 D I 119 3,744,641 614,126 Ilocos Norte.. 87,556 47,054 Ilocos Sur.. 67 1,148,971 269,603 9,236 171,584 35,149 248,934 2,533,953 240,798 11,630 87,556 47,054 188 375 I 78,970 Iloilo... 65 19,345,576 3,235,179 1,891,384 La Union. 6 860,097 374,515 13,508 3,371,168 27,902 Laguna.. 298,177 8,027,282 974,963 14,376 19,960 1,147,646 15,287,716 787,385 8,027,282 171,367 8.246 31,687 1 1,798,322 354,663 13,300 974,963 13,200 59,938 126,339 26,637 L L 17,608 L Lanao.. 15 14,130 Leyte.. Manila, City of. 42 147 187,100 846,525 172,345 78,920,780 14,730,121 3,530,245 17,110,350 2,965 49,272 7,446 131,124 M 788,455 2,152,973 149,382 1,731 7,066 M 807,304 Marinduque.. 5 50,130 13,076 17,433 23,579 50,130 Masbate.. Mindoro. 485,313 65,150 13,076 17,327 35,486 5,005 2,732 M M 16 299,972 87,186 1,388 4,979 267,6457 76,796 710 1,480 M 49 483,518 95,482 33,196 105,861 483,507 Misamis Occidental.. 13 2,107,452 319,708 51,627 Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province.. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija... Palawan. Pampanga... Pangasinan. 16 2,250,589 470,419 11 5,919,082 461,786 9,430 274,575 47,837 35,168 858,721 2,039,549 95.481 2,461 4,923 286,388 36,000 M 32,642 M Rizal... Romblon Samar.. Sorsogon.. Sulu... Surigao Tarlac. Tayabas.. Zambales.. Zamboanga... All other provinces. 494,879 14 10,962,056 143 82 482 22 11,640,939 1,042,749 3,979,446 9,576 24 11,658,216 7,329,395 20,158,428 1,557,908 21,540 2,223,711 447.905 1,919 25,495 54,398 10,800,367 1,418,905 12,765 37,351 485,300 N N N 181,655 69,804 111,089 1,023,503 914,813 23,889 45,937 3,966,190 171,609 1,465 3,940 908,747 23,049 44,377 P P 15,036 2,132 8,643 8,000 8,302 520 1,115 1,092,060 51,810 91,834 11,657,334 1,090,809 1,064,818 26,984 55,372 7,193,885 1,014,049 2,339,672 80,966 53,510 12,501,008 1,529,486 83,550 29,733 5,700 15,013 82,248 152,369 29,964 39,883 412,038 42,245 3,008 16,905 33,286 1,014,049 25,255 50,510 71,264 29,341 28,874 4,253 8,936 112,192 3,825 10,285 PEESS F F S 10,227 373,548 1,017,727 579,355 15,166 45,514 147,272 11,252 31,527 22,410 1,414,320 8,334 293 2 6,870 2,229,937 14,650 227,190 3,546 325,600 1,152 8,218 2,662 207,929 531 31,708 7,646 406,331 356,580 1,016,299 1,372,323 567,760 2,500 20,923 135,772 5,595 13,928 204,006 226 457 1,526,244 144,860 43,700 25,649 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 173 TABLE 24.-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued. Province PHILIPPINES. Abra.... Agusan.. Albay. Antique. Bataan.. Batangas.. Bohol... Bulacan.. Cagayan. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. Capiz.... Cavite.. Cebu.... Cotabato... Davao Ilocos Norte... Ilocos Sur. Iloilo... La Union.. Kind of transportation-Continued TH freight trucks, TC garage freight trucks Passengers carried Freight and express handled Number of passengers Receipts from trans- portation of passengers (Pesos) Gross re- Net tonnage ceipts from of freight and express carried freight and express Number of passengers handled (Pesos) PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, auto jitneys Passengers carried Receipts from trans- portation of passengers (Pesos) Freight and express handled Net tonnage ceipts from Gross re- of freight freight and and express express carried handled (Pesos) 5,866,609 436,070 1,483,884 3,112,502 27,802,602 4,429,349 31,139 69,161 300 600 4,303 8,606 1 5,868 8,442 295,899 342 1,710 1,000 78,982 400 1,895 5,100 5,702 12,395 3,336 3,473 18,675 2,300 3,783 7,080 10,626 5,414 8,514 9,071 60,823 26.396 30 76 3,170 14,066 25,965 5,193 44,596 21,068 90 180 10.956 5,006 23,002 5,569 1 37,646 13,362 6,965 545 156,469 5,447 100,308 680,133 141,877 275 400 10,894 70,753 28,297 241,818 175,145 1,181,234 302,745 934 1,674 18,157 15,175 32,772 16,944 1,325 1,002,343 217 200,870 208 1,265 72,712 19,852 1,176 2,352 2,940 6,290 452 10,192 12,811 1 485,586 1,476,000 25,824 9,020,654 12,348 2,654,473 1,621 8,172 2,449 28,652 12,428 20,847 72 13,925 99 32,949 32,427 10,390 6,315 10,539 19,979 14,014 6,193 7,036 11,880 9,519 5,848,204 432,673 274,575 858,721 70,878 29,113 1 2,400 2,400 7,982 67,551 840 14,315 782,372 135,298 130 282 103,205 17,088 8,080 1,560 13,256 6,066 34,905 58,548 882 1,251 9,190 695 21,495 1,390 131,026 2,478,078 48,243 468,617 585 486 I 10,937,941 18,130 10,784 282 15,557 564 1 22,410 8,334 293 531 2,128 5,061 20,338 6,053 1,910 4,818 6,870 3,546 31,175 63,065 682,532 850 142,384 462 19,594 34,917 Laguna. Lanao.. Leyte.. 9,040 Manila, City of Marinduque. Masbate.... Mindoro... Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija... Palawan. Pampanga.. Pangasinan. Rizal. Romblon. Samar. Sorsogon.. Sulu... Surigao.. Tarlac.. Tayabas.. Zambales.. Zamboanga.. All other provinces. 174 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 24.-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued. Kind of transportation-Continued Sailboats Passengers carried Freight and express handled Motor launches, motorboats, and ferries Passengers carried Freight and express handled Province Receipts from Gross re- Number of passengers transporta- tion of Net tonnage ceipts from Receipts from Gross re- Net tonnage ceipts from of freight freight and and express express passengers (Pesos) Number of passengers transporta- tion of of freight freight and and express express carried handled passengers carried handled (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) PHILIPPINES. 29,471 12,430 105,876 374,507 1,963,895 873,678 535,197 820,614 Abra... Agusan. 6,572 4,874 466 5,387 Albay.. 40 100 Antique 740 157 1,990 940 4,930 18,055 26,263 32,400 Bataan.. 179 625 Batangas. 6,098 18,269 Bohol.. 751 293 16,458 51,452 Bulacan Cagayan 250 120 1,984 4,220 14,113 18,216 7,314 17,485 Camarines Norte.. 1,286 900 Camarines Sur. 193 3,400 6,659 6,711 8,860 5,347 Capiz... 248 225 933 5,044 28,800 288 2,520 1,080 Cavite. 610 906 Cebu.... 1,350 536 2,680 15,558 806,338 252,307 123,095 195,195 Cotabato.. Davao. Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur. Iloilo... La Union.. Laguna.. Lanao. Leyte. Manila, City of 13,500 2,975 1,800 10,499 43,886 16,747 6,508 13,572 ,,,,,─,,,,, 29,454 70,583 26,851 72,115 8,895 10,949 153 306 8,746 32,108 25,422 58,218 506,920 277,665 201,718 280,862 I 129,600 12,980 25 1,883 12,337 23,206 10,163 2,735 1,156 12,816 Marinduque. 50,856 3,789 46,731 99,462 Masbate. Mindoro. 11 1 6 16,810 400 600 3,000 Misamis Occidental.. 67,989 Misamis Oriental... 47,924 19,306 9,312 4,656 Mountain Province.. 14,998 12,995 1,318 2,637 Negros Occidental. 1,050 210 593 Negros Oriental. 1,650 54,750 520 1,095 233 1 1 Nueva Ecija. 1,638 1,733 788 3,944 Palawan.. Pampanga.. 1 253 120 1,612 7,528 1,323 6,614 Pangasinan. 185 521 931 Rizal... 1,983 4,299 2,005 798 2,879 512 Romblon.. 2,674 18,784 717 24,600 373 752 Samar.. 4,687 J. 32 Sorsogon 1,104 82,841 40,177 22,147 25,794 597 4,199 24,115 24,115 2,411 6,028 Sulu... 10,596 6,723 Surigao. 1,882 181 9,034 6,372 4,872 Tarlac. Tayabas. 380 82 195 1,614 4,452 Zambales.. Zamboanga... 3,209 752 18,678 2,828 21,659 17,131 2,655 7,512 All other provinces. 1,408 25,483 18,690 13,800 24,872 690 40,076 21,904 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 175 TABLE 24.-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION, BY PRO VINCES: 1938-Continued. Kind of transportation-Continued Interisland and overseas shipping Passengers carried Freight and express handled All other kinds of transportation Passengers carried Freight and express handled Province Receipts from Number of passengers transporta- tion of passengers (Pesos) Net tonnage of freight and express carried Gross re- ceipts from freight and express Number of passengers handled (Pesos) Receipts from transporta- tion of passengers (Pesos) Net tonnage of freight and Gross re- ceipts from freight and express carried express handled (Pesos) PHILIPPINES.... 617,078 4,480,969 1,559,658 11,514,655 75,207,624 8,939,298 3,453,422 9,334,897 Abra..... Agusan... Albay... Antique... Bataan. ----- 1 T Batangas. Bohol... 33,810 39,135 9,850 19,701 Bulacan.. Cagayan... Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur... Capiz.... Cavite.. Cebu..... 324,143 815,327 348,571 2,135,635 Cotabato.. Davao... Ilocos Norte... Ilocos Sur Iloilo.... 21,800 255,323 172,022 952,499 2,526,797 La Union.. 702,999 1,399,512 1,936,306 Laguna.. Lanao.. 57,500 Leyte.. Manila, City of. 234,854 3,357,700 570 1,010,513 22,564 8,256,630 67,461,423 1,150 7,906,875 Marinduque.. 30,540 1,961,916 61,081 7,214,120 Masbate... Mindoro... Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province.. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija Palawan... Pampanga. Pangasinan. Rizal.. Romblon.. Samar... Sorsogon.. Sulu... Surigao Tarlac. Tayabas.. Zambales. Zamboanga.. All other provinces. ,,,,, 1 י... ----- --ו- 114 11 70 800 5,160,558 316,969 3,960 2,700 2,471 13,484 18,132 127,626 1 1 1,346 11,305 1 1 3,580 12,203 53,844 107,687 176 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 25.-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET T TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIP PINES: 1938-Continued. All transportation operators Kind of transportation TPU auto trucks and bus lines Class and item Total passengers carried Total re- ceipts from transporta- tion of passengers (Pesos) Total net tonnage of freight and Total gross Passengers carried Freight and express handled receipts from freight and express express carried Receipts Gross re- handled (Pesos) Number of passengers from trans-Net tonnage ceipts from portation of of freight freight and and express express passengers (Pesos) carried handled (Pesos) 487,066 743,449 Total.... Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships... Associations.. Corporations... Government agencies Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934. 244,044,420 37,858,055 7,656,242 25,969,785 132,557,141 18,686,261 46,350,917 6,819,070 392,446 176,144 197,028 2,014,506 183,205,483 23,649,340 13,898,546 5,198,995 9,393,340 2,550,779 52,936,167 1,837,239 5,697,693 14,134,872 2,821,523 221,510 916,332 291,985 2,795,007 150,509 176,132 288,707 24,884 1,838 4,934 Pa 334,719 562,383 Co FREE In As Go 3,653,758 11,853,742 118,133,562 15,839,854 1,651,750 4,707,011 848,979 1,780,692 2,312,131 646,752 11,055 17,354 199 9,089,002 1,053,061 2,847,808 33,923,243 4,785,593 115,217 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919... 1910 to 1914.... 207,870 193 65,495,409 8,040,499 980,718 3,254,112 53,172,972 6,865,658 265,690 271,365 19 7,745,839 1,346,437 1,346,437 1,187,545 1,187,545 2,320,460 6,521,621 961,271 19,356 68.465 192 18,511,011 3,232,374 173,801 554,612 18,429,548 3,073,150 52,404 136,683 191 16,014,890 2,084,101 443,943 3,817,523 16,000,000 16,000,000 1,900,000 Prior to 1910.. 191 73,272,930 11,330,718 Year not reported. 674,834 184,145 2,753,267 11,255,665 214,928 1,621,454 328,820 17,290 34,817 Pri 138,913 576,172 125,017 6,054 6,895 Ye Size of total assets Under P 100.. 101,744 6,910 1,432 6,095 9,685 927 P Un 100 to P 499.. 625,536 36,385 22,785 64,872 30,604 7,910 120 347 P 500 to P 999.. 914,583 184,035 71,178 144,280 99,875 24,209 729 1,807 P P 1,000 to P 2,499 4,552,940 598,147 259,875 409,270 656,509 133,134 12,984 19,408 P 2,500 to P 4,999 12,941,606 362,022 213,075 289,272 1,189,600 138,101 13,917 21,550 P 5,000 to P 9,999 3,662,319 559,521 287,185 394,122 1,289,817 233,654 6,218 19,274 P 10,000 to P 49,999. . 16,043,854 P 50,000 to P 99,999.. P 100,000 to P499,999.. P 500,000 to P999,999.. P1,000,000 and over.. Size of gross receipts 14,844,846 2,884,883 2,727,196 755,395 1,422,888 9,998,866 1,795,860 100,987 75,114 329,790 69,214,556 12,027,516 1,133,969 25,073,920 3,613,593 96,068,516 14,857,847 882,254 3,500,889 332,293 1,050,119 4,249,265 17,805,724 8,267,127 1,242,669 58,578,703 8,886,900 25,004,063 3,311,054 27,432,292 2,911,843 6,105 39,644 199,336 337,638 131,670 199,191 15,000 29,476 P1 Under P 500 233,370 P 18,200 500 to P 37,246 64,985 21,281 999. 4,202 120 347 P 581,534 109,504 41,491 Un 1,000 to P 93,716 2,499 35,612 7,382 120 240 2,885,686 P 445,890 170,650 2,500 to P 335,013 4,999. 818,984 100,974 986,738 3,074 4,774 5,000 to P 263,810 131,944 185,180 9,999 369,010 13,408,668 77,069 3,459 7,729 521,735 P 10,000 to P 24,999. 4,441,336 P 769,488 25,000 to P 99,999. 12,021,579 26,930,875 P100,000 to P 249,999. P 250,000 to P 999,999.. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P3,000,000 and over. Citizenship of operator 68,892,437 11,359,033 99,604,163 10,176,205 14,058,034 7,376,509 2,245,218 10,663,844 1,988,268 4,829,413 219,812 277,669 412,039 408,210 764,935 1,803,192 5,175,122 842,321 2,262,012 20,715,438 3,110,811 882,797 4,013,449 57,121,575 8,593,201 1,907,789 5,862,515 44,716,595 5,254,351 991,473 202,813 16,867 34,604 2,592,051 337,161 17,442 30,842 998,297 86,329 38,089 64,685 81,388 208,715 371,554 86,255 173,882 P1 P3 Philippines... 45,820,111 6,674,331 1,397,387 5,118,254 13,774,728 United States. 2,740,792 146,939 252,127 71,952 China.... 178,633 42,093 Japan... 100,046 30,694 Other countries 118,315 229,768 170,295 227,384 138,607 111,705 12,635 240,391 119,753 54,460 26,271 2,847 723 165,968 8,206 1,958 Ja 10,582 Partnerships, associations, cor- 258982 Ph Un Ch Ot porations, and government agencies.. Pa 197,693,503 31,038,985 5,819,003 20,272,092 118,422,269 15,864,738 336,557 567,317 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 177 TABLE 25.-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIP- PINES: 1938-Continued. Class and item Kind of transportation-Continued TH freight trucks, TC garage freight trucks Passengers carried Freight and express handled PU cars, taxicabs, garage automobiles, auto calesas, auto jitneys Passengers carried Receipts from trans- Freight and express handled Gross re- Net tonnage ceipts from Number of passengers Receipts from trans- portation of passengers (Pesos) Gross re- Net tonnage of freight and express carried ceipts from freight and Number of portation of of freight freight and express passengers handled passengers and express express carried handled (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) Total..... 5,866,609 436,070 1,483,884 3,112,502 27,802,602 4,429,349 31,139 69,161 Form of ownership Individuals... 18,405 3,397 Partnerships.. Associations. Corporations.... 5,848,204 432,673 Government agencies 16,114 1,468 589,668 5,032 871,602 1,078,880 26,094 2,935 1,976,182 28,411 24,399,454 33,404 3,369,744 1,599,036 2,822,332 22,967 40,509 7,981 8,172 28,652 Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914.. 301,604 5,558,040, 6,965 212,672 414,164 830,939 4,783,125 823,066 20,214 36,528 222,853 484,031 1,159,075 6,820,407 2,430,843 9,626 30,379 545 193,067 302,348 11,779,275 263,295 1,299 2,254 5,032 28,411 1,067,714 224,275 43,907 47,813 17,450 7,640 121,685 Prior to 1910... Year not reported. 608,424 21,005 200,993 28,291 3,242,205 107,201 648,441 92,426 31,789 Size of total assets Under P 100 100 to P 499. 11,369 17,081 P 500 to P 999. 49,905 58,392 P1,000 to P 2,499.. 16,005 997 192,539 257,694 P2,500 to P 4,999. P5,000 to P 9,999. 215,476 246,320 P10,000 to P 49,999 2,400 P50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. 5,848,204 2,400 432,673 351,473 548,725 206,768 552,500 297,120 1,250,519 429,275 131,728 788,745 243,606 159,234 181,271 11,345,785 156,659 578,177 175,918 4,671,999 745,303 5,849,965 1,200,431 4,138,656 1,775,704 1,010 1,858 1,429 2,536 1,234 1,288 27,466 63,479 P500,000 to P999,999.. P1,000,000 or over. Size of gross receipts Under P 500 11,085 9,702 500 to P 999... 26,941 41,845 332,916 89,476 765 853 1,000 to P 2,499. 16,005 997 122,772 166.475 887,942 284,561 1,587 1,994 P2,500 to P 4,999 94,589 116,938 551,764 154,600 934 1,674 5,000 to P 9,999. 139,852 129,030 11,709,406 212,333 387 1,161 10,000 to P 24,999. 2,400 2,400 317,060 242,003 1,361,936 228,554 P25,000 to P 99,999 295,674 605,204 3,513,134 498,004 P100,000 to P 249,999. P250,000 to P 999,999. 5,848,204 432,673 178,791 550,786 297,120 3,296,265 749,714 19,294 34,827 1,250,519 5,796,715 1,189,679 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 352,524 1,022,428 8,172 28,652 P3,000,000 and over,--- Citiz ship of operator Philippines. United States.. 18,405 3,397 556,335 800,738 24,231,247 2,771,046 20,669 37,265 55,933 96,707 10,000 6,208 China.... 113,803 88,021 58,161 14,384 1,364 1,570 Japan... 132,896 82,832 100,046 30,694 934 1,674 Other countries 12,635 10,582 Partnerships, associations, cor- porations, and government agencies. 5,848,204 432,673 612,282 2,033,622 3,403,148 1,607,017 8,172 28,652 178 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 25.-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECE IPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIP. PINES: 1938-Continued. Kind of transportation-Continued Sailboats Class and item Number of passengers Passengers carried Receipts from trans- portation of Freight and express handled Gross re- Net tonnage ceipts from of freight freight and Passengers carried Motor launches, motorboats, and ferries Freight and express handled Receipts Gross re Number of from trans- Net tonnage ceipts from passengers (Pesos) and express carried portation of of freight freight and express passengers and express handled passengers express (Pesos) (Pesos) carried handled (Pesos) Total.... 29,471 12,430 105,876 374,507 1,963,895 873,678 535,197 820,614 Form of ownership Individuals.. 29,294 12,400 90,993 344,107 753,181 408,445 230,223 351,456 I Partnerships... 177 30 14,460 27,124 50,958 13,562 13,445 29,221 P Associations. 159 2,406 47,735 11,107 12,158 7,761 A Corporations.... 264 870 1,107,326 430,578 279,371 432,176 0 Government agencies. 4,695 9,986 G Year established 1935 to 1938... 12,899 6,985 36,584 162,264 565,460 252,825 260,343 346.306 19 1930 to 1934.. 2,801 2,045 30,926 81,902 1,121,936 353,019 99,123 91,90 1 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919... 1910 to 1914.... 20,884 55,559 202,795 172,972 141,893 300,396 1 13,771 3,400 11,826 40,096 54,562 67,265 27,261 64,19% 1 2,164 20,771 1 1,958 5,760 1 230 1,150 12,906 258 P 1,304 7,005 6,236 27,339 6,577 17,812 Y Prior to 1910... Year not reported.. Size of total assets Under P 100.. 3,872 2,594 1,314 5,692 100 to P 68,680 1,989 118 499.. 403 U 7,997 5,013 11,226 46,644 23,450 7,699 500 to P 999.. 3,160 1,597 14,141 66,895 54,609 5,744 5,393 15,323 1,000 to P 2,499. 942 251 32,939 106,824 121,515 17,247 19,984 22,808 2,500 to P 4,999. 6,204 37,186 136,221 59,262 5,000 to P 9,999. 32,386 47,251 14,390 29,090 79,843 53,948 10,000 to P 49,999.. 29,141 60,738 23,862 71,677 278,343 226,739 50,000 to P 99,999 154,578 266,229 13,500 2,975 1,800 10,499 657,188 144,902 52,611 60,073 100,000 to P499,999. 541,715 P500,000 to P999,999. 353,695 240,206 346,465 2,331- 2,453 780 1,318 P1,000,000 and over.. PLLLLLLLLLL Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 13,467 8,548 500 to P 18,645 999. 52,937 13,683 2,201 878 783 P 1,000 to P 11,199 7,396 1,999 U 2,499. 42,651 303 94,004 124 7,513 2,296 6,607 P 2,500 to P 28,709 4,999. 131,084 194,312 28,204 10,548 27,986 P 5,000 to P 18,515 9,999. 35,887 65,964 32,141 P 10,000 to P 12,286 14,447 22,952 24,999. 13,500 39,617 149,054 P25,000 to P 2,975 90,629 49,910 69,957 99,999. 1,927 P 100,000 to P 249,999. P 250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. P3,000,000 and over.. Citizenship of operator 14,595 20,499 51,832 234,985 169,595 73,945 90,112 670,178 191,023 152,697 287,03 541,715 353,695 223,958 313,96 Philippines. United States.. China.... Japan... Other countries Partnerships, associations, corpo- rations, and government agen- cies... 29,294 12,400 90,906 342,728 753,181 48 240 408,445 179,065 225,495 39 1,139 46,381 4,777 98,762 27,199 0 PUOSOP C Ja 177 30 14,883 30,400 1,210,714 465,233 304,974 469,158 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 179 TABLE 25.-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY KIND OF TRANSPORTATION, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIP- PINES: 1938-Continued. Class and item Kind of transportation-Continued Interisland and overseas shipping Passengers carried Freight and express handled All other kinds of transportation Passengers carried Freight and express handled Number of passengers Receipts from trans- portation of passengers (Pesos) Gross re- Gross re- Net tonnage ceipts from of freight and express carried freight and express Number of passengers handled Receipts from trans- portation of passengers (Pesos) Net tonnage ceipts from of freight freight and and express expre83 carried handled (Pesos) (Pesos) Total.... 617,078 4,480,969 1,559,658 11,514,655 75,207,624 8,939,298 3,453,422 9,334,897 Form of ownership Individuals. 65,303 322,083 Partnerships.. 19,200 Associations. 149,293 Corporations. 129,687 2,003,399 383,282 2,025,800 409,491 3,583,219 6,950,408 112,929 703,511 278,200 2,781,905 759,038 428,890 61,454 123,390 62,724 125,448 Government agencies. 4,446,020 54,363,365 13,893,851 3,321,399 3,321,399 1,682,526 4,407,459 5,189,009 1,646,718 4,678,600 Year established 1935 to 1938... 30,950 512,739 84,969 338,301 1,387,171 95,740 21,650 49,001 1930 to 1934. 91,356 604,605 265,405 1,163,222 5,418,384 590,044 48,733 113,453 1925 to 1929... 255,195 733,969 304,041 2,214,503 78,207 4,060 53,844 107,687 1920 to 1924... 25,145 86,906 95,388 689,165 63,026 3,320 1,028,682 1,430,129 1915 to 1919 39,013 150,584 75,326 349,345 25,000 1,000 1910 to 1914... 14,890 184,101 320,300 3,203,339 Prior to 1910.... 160,529 2,108,065 414,229 3,556,780 68,235,836 8,245,134 2,300,513 7,634,627 Year not reported. Size of total assets Under P 100... 19,507 1,400 P 100 to P 499 563,485 15,763 70 800 P 500 to P 999.. 327,664 20,757 P 1,000 to P 2,499 2,969,224 202,912 2,500 to P 4,999. 270,000 8,000 100 720 5,000 to P 9,999. 1,714,482 96,001 21,960 38,700 P10,000 to P 49,999. 6,200 50,000 to P 99,999. 57,066 P100,000 to P499,999. 85,898 30,524 136,219 313,270 310,637 36,631 280,892 1,086,046 84,057 87,864 180,251 62,506 219,538 1,378,754 21,380 265,274 59,204 124,034 500,000 to P999,999. 67,526 P1,000,000 and over.. 400,388 300,086 199,843 3,700,870 950,041 849,615 8,785,856 68,235,836 8,245,134 3,284,224 8,990,392 Size of gross receipts Under P 500 184,939 4,572 P 500 to P 999.. 116,801 4,350 170 P1,000 to P 2,499. 968,140 31,030 3,960 1,520 2,700 P 2,500 to P 4,999. P 5,000 to P 9,999. 735 2,200 P 10,000 to P 24,999. 16,944 7,942 510 1,665 3,300 558,000 13,760 P25,000 to P 99,999. 64,137 130,947 118,896 24,754 623,024 219,520 20,861 2,599,008 169,997 96,744 198,010 P 100,000 to P 249,999. 70,676 350,407 301,708 1,156,591 1,156,591 2,306,781 264,786 53,885 124,452 P250,000 to P 999,999.. 107,344 958,672 362,523 2,373,553 18,599 184,808 14,439 17.823 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. 193,059 843,301 P3,000,000 and over.. 164,183 2,187,500 175,856 1,348,189 54,341,985 598,500 5,985,244 13,893,851 3,056,125 1,637,506 4,311,792 5,189,009 1,646,718 4,678,600 Citizenship of operator Philippine United States.. 62,848 1.736 China.... 719 309,361 11,284 1,438 395,863 3,530,357 3,530,357 6,950,408 428,890 5,643 16,928 7,610 53,844 15,703 107,687 7,985 35,934 Japan.. Other countries Partnerships, associations, corpo- cies.. rations, and government agen- 551,775 4,158,886 4,158,886 1,150,167 7,931,436 68,257,216 8,510,408 3,391,968 9,211,507 180 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 26.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED BY ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Carretela buses Buses Gasoline-fueled engine Province Number Total Gasanol (including gastarla and other gasoline-alcohol mixtures) Alcohol (pure) fueled engine of oper- Number passen- ators of units reporting ger ca- pacity Number of oper- Number ators of units reporting Total Number passen- of oper- Number ger ca- ators of units pacity reporting Total Number passen- of oper- Number passen- ger ca- ators of units ger ca- pacity reporting Total pacity PHILIPPINES.... 53 264 3,791 207 2,867 98,667 10 431 13,763 21 608 20.238 Abra.. Agusan: Albay.. Antique... 2967 19 30 1 23 1883 660 1,116 549 57 Bataan.. Batangas. Bohol... Bukidnon. Bulacan... Cagayan. Camarines Norte.. Camarines Sur. Capiz.... 12 45 Cavite. Cebu.... Cotabato.... Davao... Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur... Iloilo.... 3 5 96 La Union.. Laguna. ON BRITT Low 21 258 28 72 888 PRE B 27 972 3,163 74 3,289 913 383 8,084 595 2,347 11,546 1,689 1,310 1,206 3,372 2,324 4 281 8,290 3 5 2,071 5,989 Lanao... 3 3 12 Leyte. 7 35 Manila, City of.. 35 79 958 7 413 1,116 14,707 Marinduque. Masbate. Mindoro. Misamis Occidental.... Misamis Oriental..... Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija.. Palawan... Pampanga.... Pangasinan. Rizal... Romblon. 1537 22 2442 123 111 4 1 128 12 177 2,725 11 183 285 28 55 490 679 3,179 1 60 1 7 11 2,989 1 3 Ab Ag Al 1 159 5,599 Ba 1 1 11 22 518 La 1 3 95 HERE AÃÃÃʊ 88888 ŎăнЯ SSSSE MENN Ar Ba Bo Bu Bu Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Co Da Ild Ild Ild La La Le M 119 2,380 51 1,466 3 5 99 NO 10 347 120 11,126 2 8 240 3,313 67 MANNE P 1,694 1 110 4,149 4,132 7,249 1 28 1,214 4 482 Samar.. 100 8 1,106 Sorsogon... Pa PPRRS Sa Sulu.... Surigao.. 13 1 32 31 924 21 774 Tarlac_ Tayabas. Zambales. Zamboanga.. All other provinces. ་་་ 54 1,350 SISTE 72 150 54 1,592 Z Z A REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 181 TABLE 26.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED BY ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Buses-Continued Automobiles (including taxicabs, auto calesas, etc.) Diesel oil-fueled engine Gasoline-fueled engine Province Number Total Number Total ger ca- reporting of oper- Number passen- of oper- Number ators of units ators of units pacity reporting Gasanol (including gastarla and other alcohól-gasoline mixtures) Total Number passen- of oper- Number ger ca- ators of units pacity reporting passen- of oper- Number passen- ger ca- ators of units ger ca- pacity reporting Alcohol (pure) fueled engine Number Total pacity PHILIPPINES 7 45 1,1:9 443 2,020 11,768 16 393 1,918 49 161 973 Abra.... Agusan. Albay.. Antique. Bataan..: Batangas.. Bohol.. Bukidnon. Bulacan.. Cagayan.. Camarines Norte.. Camarines Sur.. Capiz.... ----- ----- 4 1 1 27 10 109 62 683 1 1 5 1 Cavite. Cebu..... Cotabato.. Davao. Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur Iloilo..... 2 25 785 La Union.... Laguna.... 31 1 Lanao. Leyte. Manila, City of. 1 2 70 28 Marinduque. Masbate. Mindoro. 5 88 Misamis Occidental. EN L. ET B∞ ∞N 829 32 23 105 4 29 5 30 20 57 445 3 17 21 53 305 10 61 36 183 134 783 24 128 274 2,019 6 130 32 699 1 3 21 1 17 102 1 14 24 Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija... Palawan... Pampanga.. Pangasinan. Rizal... Romblon. Samar. Sorsogon. Sulu... Surigao. Tarlac Tayabas.. Zambales.. Zamboanga.. All other provinces. 482 2 11 30 1 5 9 5 17 1666666 5 85 13 19 1 4 168 6398 33 178 128 82 446 25 148 17 88 1 2 10 55 29 1 1 74 41 20 52242 5 254 45 25 2,340 1 1 74 322 1,581 1 1 1 1 1 13 J 10 50 1 55 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 18 100 116 42 110 682 6 30 84 604 165 878 1 50 200 5 28 4 20 2 1 23752 600- 89964 584 31 217 13 63 35 15 12 108 73 34 1 48 1 244 1 15 75 5 182 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 26.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED BY ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Trucks and semi-trailers Gasanol (including gastarla Gasoline-fueled engine and other alcohol-gasoline Alcohol (pure) fueled engine Diesel oil-fueled engine Province mixtures) Number of oper- Number ators of units Total tonnage capacity reporting Number of opea- Number trors of units reporting Total net capacity (Tons) Number of oper- Number ators of units reporting Total net capacity (Tons) Number of oper- Number ators of units Total net capacity reporting (Tons) PHILIPPINES... 283 729 2,083 16 72 182 10 29 78 3 3 10 Abra.... Agusan. Albay. Antique.. Bataan. 11722 22833 16 Batangas. Bohol. 13 5 7 Bukidnon... Bulacan. Cagayan. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. Capiz.... 5 155 472 577 73 3 17 49968 1 1 1 11 24 I 1834 T11 1 1 2 6 i 20 3 10 16 1 22 2 18 2 11 Cavite.. Cebu... 64 109 257 Cotabato. Davao 16 Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur. 5 Iloilo... La Union.. Laguna... Lanao... Leyte.. Manila, City of. 55 1204 136 62 13635 5 34 888 20 877 22 14 42 253 809 Marinduque. 5 9 21 Masbate. 5 12 12 Mindoro. Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija. Palawan... Pampanga... Pangasinan Rizal... Romblon Samar.. Sorsogon... Sulu.... Surigao. Tarlac.. Tayabas... Zambales... Zamboanga All other provinces. 1 JIII 6 1 1 3 18 1 1 6 111! 53 140 1 1 דיווי ייייי יוווו 2I ----- 5 1 1 2 9 27 1 1 96 3 18 111 19 326 642 8606 433 12 6699 2 12 42 2 2 6 22 15 52 1 17 43 10 28 3 6 1 1 43 4 3 277 13 15 350 4 6 16 49 4 5 19 29 68 882 11 I 4 41 11 ,,,,, 2 B B B B B C C C C C C D Il Il Il L L L L M 12 2 M M M M M M N N N 42 4 13 33 2 4 11 P S S REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 183 TABLE 26.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED BY ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued ----- I 1 3 13 14 13 4 1 1 6 74 Trailers Boats and ships Sailboats Scows Cascos Province Number of oper- Number ators of units reporting Net ca- pacity (Tons) Number of oper- ators reporting Num- Total Num- Number of units Total net Total Net ber of tonnage capacity passen- ger ca- pacity orer- ators re- porting Num- ber of units net ton- ber of nage oper- capa- ators re- Num- ber of units tonnage capa- city city porting 6 96 348 526 788 13,042 1,561 25 369 33,567 19 127 12,634 1 1 1 1 1 ווווו PHILIPPINES.. A bra.... Agusan... Albay.. Antique... Bataan.. Batangas... Bohol Bukidnon.. Bulacan... Cagayan.. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. Capiz.... ----- --- Cavite... Cebu.... Cotabato... Davao... Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur.. 9 77 7 28 296 42. 65 1 III 15 3886 35 700 1 82 117 1,590 102 7 17 204 40 2 15 784 72 4 1 2 T 1 5 1 1 2 3 27 2 8 7 596 12 8 252 1 3 13 . 2,163 1113 3 1 2 16 10 38 4038 55 1 62 13 50 338 247 23 43 446 57 13 1 7 8888 63 8818 17 2 1 1 294 1 4,072 56 1,994 12 1 1 14 48 23 1 1 4 4 93 Iloilo.... La Union.. Laguna... Lanao.. Leyte... Manila, City of. Marinduque Masbate. Mindoro... Misamis Occidental... Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province.. Negros Occidental Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija.. Palawan.. Pampanga... 1 332 1 1 1 1 1 6 794 1 1 1 6 13 2 41 1 88 131 122 43 1 I I 31 70 10 915 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 319 29,938 1 221 100 81 11,643 IIII32 3 12 2 18 28 --------- I 1 1 107 2 9 988 50 80 24 30 499 90 96 72 יניוז 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 T1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100 1 1 365 270 1 2 2 592 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ו- ----- - --- I Pangasinan. Rizal... Romblon.. 429 14 21 621 148 45 59 120 225 Samar.. Sorsogon 5 Sulu.... 136 223 Surigao. 2 735 7 85 221 428 436 5 39 5 Tarlac. Tayabas.. 66 9 10 251 Zambales... 10 Zamboanga. All other provinces. 021 10 10 100 214 143 1 10 1 130 12 1 1 1 72 50 12 10 1 1 1 امر 1 184 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 26.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED BY ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Launches Steam engine driven Diesel engine driven Gasoline engine driven Province Number Total of ope- Number rators reporting passen- of units Total of ope- Number tonnage capacity ger capa- rators city reporting Number of units Total tonnage capacity Total Number passen- ger capa- rators city reporting of ope- Number Total net Total of units tonnage capacity passen- ger capa city PHILIPPINES. 14 22 477 178 120 228 3,741 3,379 34 43 334 681 Abra.... Agusan.. 34 Albay.. 4 97 4 20 65 6 113 147 Antique.. Bataan... 1 1 13 Batangas.. Bohol. Bukidnon.. Bulacan... Cagayan... Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur.. Capiz... Cavite... Cebu... Cotabato... Davao. Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur.... Iloilo... La Union.. Laguna. Lanao. Leyte.. Manila, City of.. Marinduque.. 1 2 50 5 150 7 9 118 1 1 4 15 381 2 4 52 63 1 15 20 179 174 16 15 5 6 149 75 16 1 79 1 1 112 3 12 B -АР-О B C 10 14 2 8 C 200 C 88 22∞ 18 29 710 1,076 3 8 166 268 20 220 290 C 1 C C 1 1 4 45 1 1 15 55 I 12 26 677 15 1 1 8 1 11 1 9 995 1 1 1 1 4 813 1413 4 17 1987 8 1 95 9 5 32275 62 42 888 89 25 3 282 Masbate.... Mindoro... Misamis Occidental.... Misamis Oriental.. 1 1 Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija.. Palawan.. Pampanga. Pangasinan. Rizal... Romblon Samar. 1 1 1 33 3 3 1 1 784 6 70 76 706 1 231 1 1 7 20 115 1 TT 1 1 20 1 1 22 36 8∞ 30 1 1 1 1 18 53 1 1 1 2 12 12 1 2 14 1 9 26 4 46 149 14 17 175 254 1 27 Sorsogon Sulu... Surigao.. 115 1 1 5 216 34 13 174 39886 50 2 2 7 21 Tarlac... Tayabas... 5 46 702 134 Zambales.. Zamboanga.. 1 1 28 11 17 160 151 All other provinces.. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 185 Aeroplanes TABLE 26.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED BY ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Boats and ships Interisland and overseas ships Steam engine driven Diesel engine driven Number Province Total Number rators reporting Total of ope- Number passen- of units ger capa- city Number Total net tonnage capacity -of ope- Number rators of units reporting Total net tonnage capacity Total passen- reporting rators of ope- Number passen- of units ger capa- city ger capa- city 17 39 37,657 4,885 31 88 62,961 10,776 2 6 44 PHILIPPINES. Abra.... Agusan.. Albay... Antique... Bataan... Batangas.. Bohol.. Bukidnon.. Bulacan.. Cagayan.. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur.. Capiz.... Cavite... Cebu.... Cotabato Davao. Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur Iloilo.... La Union.. Laguna... Lanao... Leyte 1 1 1 2. 91 132 IL 1 1,846 2 3 321 338 15 40 6,392 4,168 Manila, City of. Marinduque Masbate.. Mir doro.. Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental.. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija.. Palawan... Pampanga.. Pangasinan. Rizal... Romblon.. Samar.. Sorsogon. Sulu.. Surigao. Tarlac.. Tayabas. Zambales. 14 Zamboanga... All other provinces.. 35 4,564 37,040 11 5 --- ----- י... --- ----- יוויי 111 II TITLE 1 1 1 1 17 38,574 17 1 2 75 7 25 17,712 L 1 279 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 1 T 1 3 29 4,543 1 3 15 ייייי ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 2 1 1 117 1 87 186 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 27.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF, EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED BY ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Carretela buses Buses Gasoline-fueled engine Num- Class and item ber of Num- Total Num- Gasanol (including gas- tarla and other gasoline- alcohol mixtures) Alcohol (pure) fueled engine opera- ber of passen- ber of tors re- units ger ca- horses Num- Total Num- porting pacity used ber of Num- ber of opera- ber of passen- tors re- units ger capa- porting city opera- tors re- Num- ber of Total passen- Num- ber of units ger ca- porting pacity opera- tors re- porting Num- ber of ber of passen- units Total ger ca pacity Total.... 53 264 3,791 207 2,867 98,667 10 431 13,763 21 608 20,238 Form of ownership Individuals. 53 264 3,791 164 Partnerships. Associations... 9999 19 -6 769 21 2,1299 4 12 110 11 65 1,764 619 Corporations.. Government agencies.. Year established 36 1,943 72,211 6 119 13,653 9 540 1 134 4,538 1 3 18,379 95 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914. Prior to 1910... 34 33321 192 62820 9 888 43 258 7,554 2,831 50 45 80 18 1 9 6838148 409 12,734 1,066 39,868 445 1 16 496 267 7,826 148 5,441 182 6,975 203 11,056 380 7,999 334 11,351 35 1,130 1 39611 24 836 1 400 13,117 1 17 447 1 5 144 1 159 5,599 1 P 1 3 95 Y P Year not reported. Size of total assets Under P 100 to P 100..... 499... U P 500 to P 999.... P 1,000 to P 2,499..... P 2,500 to P 4,999..... P 5,000 to P 9,999..... P 10,000 to P 49,999. 4382182 23 97 43L7635 30 1 P 241 1 14 204 24 28 709 600 45 74 1,946 108 33 94 2,692 21 2 32 388 67 443 67 5 65 7 145 32 1,032 29 110 3,715 1,576 43 尹 ​400 12,716 3 48 1,257 50,000 to P 99,999. 6 194 7,033 P100,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to P999,999.... P1,000,000 and over... 234 1,192 46,370 164 4,372 611 19,114 217 41 1,448 1 1 227 110 6,810 4,149 1133611 4 140 31 995 49 1,233 P 5 350 11,966 159 5,599 3 95 Total... 53 264 3,791 207 2,867 98,667 10 431 13,763 21 608 20,238 Size of gross receipts Under 尹 ​500 16 P 500 to P 999. P 1,000 to P 2,499. P 2,500 to P 4,999. 尹 ​5,000 to P P 10,000 to P P 25,000 to P 9,999. 24,999... 99,999 P 100,000 to P 249,999. P 250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. P3,000,000 and over.. Citizenship of ope- rator Philippines... United States.. Chi *----- Japan.. Other countries Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies 1722241 17 160 13 130 21 24 41 609 53 113 532 3,246 20 44 1,390 152 1188 14 236 32 107 3,383 19 308 22 108 3,287 2,220 21 188 6,137 128 18 538 18,908 14 999 38,298 5 612 18,946 21 2272 2 41 4 64 35 23 507 38 984 1 28 1,214 337 10,959 732 60580 421 2344 95 45 70 1 1 134 4,538 14 284 1,788 411 506 17,450 3 95 UPPP尹​尹​尹​尹​尹​君​我 ​53 264 3,791 166868666 747 20,717 2 8 46 11 65 1,764 2 13 350 9 232 2 4 64 PUOSOP Pl Cl Ja 01 43 2,098 77,368 6 419 13,653 10 543 18,47 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 187 TABLE 27.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED BY ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. (passenger Buses-Continued Automobiles (including taxicabs, auto calesas, etc. Diesel oil-fueled engine Gasoline-fueled engine -Continued Class and item Gásanol (including Gastarla and other alcohol-gasoline mixtures)-Continued Alcohol (pure) fueled engine Continued Number Total Number Total Number of opera- Number passen- of opera- Number passen- of opera- Number tors re- of units ger capa- tors re- of units ger capa- tors re- of units porting city porting city porting Total Number Total porting passen- of opera- Number ger ca- tors re- of units pacity ca- pacity Total.. 7 45 1,119 443 2,020 11,768 16 393 1,918 49 161, 973 Form of ownership Individuals... 2 3 101 410 1,691 10,149 13 101 472 48 144 871 Partnerships... 5 33 188 Associations.... Corporations... 5 42 1,018 19 118 550 1 17 102 Government agencies... 9 178 881 3 292 1,446 Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934... 157 632 3,697 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 321 2 21 26 816 112 726 4,111 14 1 43 223 127 361 2,315 10 21 59 334 1967 2 10 49 294 1,479 3 9 55 50 200 10 67 2871 33 193 56 345 70 419 8 1915 to 1919... 5 38 219 1910 to 1914... 1 2 10 Prior to 1910... 1 2 70 4 161 781 1 Year not reported. 30 135 1 16 41 301 Size of total assets Under P 100. P 100 to P 499 P 500 to P 999 P 1,000 to P 2,499. P 2,500 to P 4,999. P 5,000 to P 9,999. P 10,000 to P 49,999- P 50,000 to P 99,999. P 100,000 to P499,999. 500,000 to P999,999- P1,000,000 and over.. Total..... Size of gross re- ceipts 137 207 1,307 139 367 2,449 50 162 1,133 42 213 1,399 46 504 2,801 512 1411 3 10 11 269 1,258 4 27 874 13 249 1,171 32 5 180 3 24 111 10. 55 2 25 139 7 45 1,119 443 2,020 11,768 16 393 1,918 49 161 973 1853 4511 32 23 32 204 54 17 59 335 30 24 160 21 9 57 20 115 3 72 296 300 1,485 1 17 102 Under P 500 P 500 to P 999 P 1,000 to P 2,499 4,999 P P2,500 to P 5,000 to P 9,999 P10,000 to P 24,999 P 25,000 to P 99,999 P 100,000 to P 249,999 250,000 to P 999,999 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999 P3,000,000 and over.. Citizenship of op- erator Philippines..... United States.. China... Japan... Other countries. Partnerships, associa- tions, corporations, and government ag- encies.. 21 9 636 15 248 235 2466 232 144 207 1,368 155 447 2,972 45 33 20 43272241 213 1,376 2 768 639 48 29 54 326 6 38 14 55 340 51 1 5 25 161 1,070 3 15 105 185 1,090 239 1.181 1 15 75 241 1,162 278 1,299 33 156 227 57 228 1 17 102 45 203 1 270 1,350 16 94 2 3 101 377 1,631 9,751 12 100 464 45 137 827 3 6 .41 10 23 139 1 1 8 3 7 44 20 31 218 5 42 1,018 33 329 1,619 3 292 1,446 17 102 188 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS TABLE 27.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED BY ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Total..... 283 729 2,083 16 Trucks and semi-trailers Gasoline-fueled engine Gasanol (including Gastarla and other alcohol-gasoline mixtures) Alcohol (pure) fueled engine Diesel oil-fueled engine Class and item Number of Number operators of units reporting Total pas- Number Total Number ber of Num- net of Number net senger operators of units tonnage operators of units tonnage opera- ber of tonnage capacity reporting capacity reporting capa- city 10 Total net Num- Total of Number capa- tors re- units city porting 72 182 10 29 78 3 3 Form of ownership Individuals.... 251 473 1,218 Partnerships... 9 13 27 92 33 4 Associations.. 1 2 4 Corporations... 21 233 817 5 35 2888 71 6 10 25 2 2 6 26 85 4 19 53 1 1 Government agencies. 1 8 17 Year established 1935 to 1938_... 127 266 694 1930 to 1934.. 96 209 688 49 22232 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914... 40 105 261 5 12 26 2 17 41 1 72 257 Prior to 1910... 1 3 8 12 9 3 44 102 4 1 1 1 2 13 17 44 68821 48462 17 50 3 3 10 5 Year not reported.. 11 45 108 Size of total assets Under P 100... P 100 to P 499... 19 19 44 500 to P 999... 45 62 118 1,000 to P 2,499... 114 155 422 2,500 to P 4,999... 44 75 206 5,000 to P 9,999. 27 109 303 P 10,000 to P 49,999. 16 106 322 43114 P 50,000 to P 99,999... 7 50 213 P100,000 to P499,999. 8 150 448 P500,000 to P999,999. 3 3 7 21 15 30 3 10 5 13 6 13 17 68 23 42 3 2211 16 22 16 3322 60 46 3 16766 167 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 11 8 P1,000,000 and over.. Total..... 283 729 2,083 16 72 182 10 20 29 78 3 3 10 Size of gross receipts Under P 500.... 27 31 65 P 500 to P 999.... 56 64 153 P 1,000 to P 2,499... 97 138 382 142 11 24 P 2,500 to P 4,999... 34 61 184 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 22 55 123 1 5 13 2121 217 143 2 2242 4 4 1 3 11 6 P 10,000 to P 24,999. 18 97 249 1 1 1 3 P25,000 to P 99,999... 15 82 229 4 21 68 1 2 5 P100,000 to P 249,999.... 6 53 184 1 P 250,000 to P 999,999.... 8 148 514 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P3,000,000 and over.. Citizenship of opera- tor 121 2 17 1 30 13 13 18888 7972 12 1 1 17 48 Philippines... United States. China... Japan.. Other countries... Partnerships, associations, mentagencies. 203 2287 373 947 9 33 71 6 10 16 25 52 1 1 3 55 140 19 54 1 1 1 3 10 25 corporations, and govern- 32 256 865 7 39 111 4 19 53 1 1 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 189 TABLE 27.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED BY ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Boats and ships Trailers Sailboats Scows Cascos Class and item Num- ber of opera- ber of tors re- units Total Num- net tonnage opera- Num- ber of Total Num- Num- ber of pas- senger Total net ton- ber of capa- tors re- nnits nage ca- porting city porting capa- city opera- tors re- Num- ber of Total net ton- Num- ber of Total Num- net units nage ca- pacity porting pacity porting opera- ber of tonnage tors re- units capa- city Total... 6 96 348 526 788 13,042 1,561 25 369 33,567 19 127 12,634 Form of ownership Individuals..... 8 Partnerships... Associations.... Corporations.... 2 19 47 18283 88888 8 12 52 492. 718 10,900 1,481 10 56 3,513 15 43 598 579 80 4 18 1,756 172 1 12 1,200 1,391 10 4 PHO 283 27,098 100 84 12,036 Government agencies.. 1 65 249 Year established 1935 to 1938. 1930 to 1934. 22 3 16 285 414 4,035 995 10 41 136 204 3,895 447 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919.... 1910 to 1914. 50 67 1,801 20 27 47 1,588 11 6742 2845 13 20 757 1 18 42 6 9 304 1 Prior to 1910... 1 65 249 4 12 329 70 Year not reported.. 5 15 333 18 Size of total assets Under P 100.... 83 128 252 200 100 to P 499.... 182 251 2,273 728 P 500 to P 999... 111 137 3,294 444 15 441 621 221 189 28 2,365 267 24,916 6969 12 26 14 2,233 29 2,849 1,015 4 30 1 76 646 11,630 212 282 97 17 129 150 1 5 1,000 to P 2,499. 1 1 2 105 153 3,515 189 2,500 to P 4,999. ... 18 28 765 5,000 to P 9,999. ... 1 10,000 to P 49,999. ... P50,000 to P 99,999. ... 11 1 1 P100,000 to P499,999. 1 18 2008 14 11 27 600 1 5 12 33 961 9 36 42 2 24 1,049 P500,000 to P999,999. .... P1,000,000 and over.. 1 65 249 2 7 333 1262316 11 605 24 2,164 1 2 3 13 26 339 72 348 6 23 487 3,013 2 3 226 2 8 295 27,281 1 76 11,630 1232831 1222612 Size of gross receipts Under P 500 342 472 4,560 1,186 5 8 6 500 to P P 1,000 to P 999... 1 1 2 72 110 2,497 295 2,499. P 1 85 119 3,245 80 416 41 4 15 1 1 11 72 1 1 2,500 to P 4,999.... P 1 10 19 668 1 3 13 5,000 to P 9,999... 6 11 217 P10,000 to P 24,999... 1 P25,000 to P 99,999 1 P100,000 to 249,999---- 1 291 14 36 P250,000 to P 999,999---- 1 18 42 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. E852 3 5 58 4 18 852 4 21 415 7 28 2,951 213 2 සියය 18 270 3 72 13 557 1 21 867 2 17 2,461 3 10 515 P3,000,000 and over.. 1 1 65 249 42 4 255 23,716 11 1 1 17 1 76 11,630 2 40 3,565 1 1 Citizenship of oper- ator Philippines.. United States.. China... 111 1 1 Japan. 1 167 2 9 36 1824 490 715 10,844 1 1 1 2 14 42 1,479 9 51 3,338 14 41 548 2 1 5 175 1 50 2. Other countries.... Partnerships, associations, ment agencies... corporations, and govern- 3 84 296 34 70 2,142 80 15 313 30,054 4 84 12,036 190 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 27.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED BY ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Launches Steam engine driven Diesel engine driven Gasoline engine driven Class and item Number of operators report- Total Number net ton- of units nage ing Total pas- senger capacity capacity Number of operators report- ing Total Total Number net ton- pas- of units nage senger capacity capacity Number of operators report- ing Total Number net ton- pas- of units nage capacity Total senger capa- city Total.... Form of ownership 14 22 477 178 120 228 3,741 3,379 34 43 334 681 Individuals. Partnerships. Associations. Corporations... Government agencies. Year established 11 151 178 96 217 25 84 14 65342 179 2,552 2,280 ស ទី ០២ 9 142 253 166 26 850 571 31 249 1623 1 9276 72131 36 82131 271 22024 635 29 21 10 5 16 1935 to 1938_... 1930 to 1934.... 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919.. 1910 to 1914... Prior to 1910.. 6232 5 5633 46 169 217 28 9 3: 84 88 64 128 1,818 1,579 25 31 18 2 331 635 24 44 463 660 8 29 1,043 381 412 4. 442 ន្ល៧ដ 229 471 31 200 45 12 1 1 732 77 25 Year not reported.. 15 1 5 15 7 1 79 124 1 11 1 8 1 9 10 68 Size of total assets P 100 to P 499.. 500 to P 999.. 1,000 to P 2,499 2,500 to P 4,999.. 5,000 to P 9,999. 10,000 to P 49,999.. 50,000 to P 99,999.. P 100,000 to P499,999.. P 500,000 to P999,999. P1,000,000 and over... Size of gross receipts 1 · 1 11 1 11 1 7 1 4 7 10 25 2 2 7 162 19 74 14 17 51 9 32 202-727 2 13 17 42 651 10 25 192 312 17 26 289 304 18 304 428 71 1,460 1,615 62526 67423 59 70 172 184 20 262 13 105 58 15 22 259 681 3 7 256 6 8 147 1 4 1 1 6 12 3 152 1 13 420 1 1 8 Under P 500 10 7 75 127 500 to P 999. P 1,000 to P 2,499. 21 2 21 2 11 7 14 14 109 86 11 1 2 12 24 28 295 366 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 1 14 17 161 240 1 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 1 1 5 150 20 59 906 527 21026 11 5 P 10,000 to P 24,999. 21 45 898 1,213 P 25,000 to P 99,999. 5 P100,000 to P 249,999. 1 P250,000 to P 999,999. 1 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 1 P3,000,000 and over... 2 91125 245 9 11 34 723 820 2 24127 6 29 6 119 90 80 299 11 165 30 121 5 53 28 3 9 141 1 34 2 2 13 50 1 13 420 11 1 1 48 11 8 102 Citizenship of ope- rator Philippines... 8 10 101 United States.. China... 1 1 50 158 888 20 95 1 174 5 2,520 32 2,280 26 32 225 634 Japan.. 1 11 ་་ 46 Other ontries 1 1 Partnerships, associations, • corporations, and go- vernment agencies... 5 11 326 24 49 1,189 1,099 7 7 63 46 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 191 TABLE 27.-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EACH TYPE OF EQUIPMENT OWNED BY ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Interisland and overseas ships Aeroplanes Steam engine driven Diesel engine driven Class and item Num- Total Total Num- ber of Num- net pas- ber of Num- opera- ber of tonnage senger opera- ber of tors re- units capa- capa- tors re- units porting city city porting Total .Total Num- net ton- pas- ber of Num- Total pas- senger opera- ber of senger någe ca- pacity capa- tors re units city porting capa- city 17 39 37,657 4,885 31 88 62,961 10,776 2 6 44 Total..... Form of ownership Individuals... Partnerships. 47 16 21,366 2 4 3,707 1,307 234 Associations.. Corporations... 10 17 10,871 Government agencies... 1 2 1,713 2,869 475 18 881 310- Year established 1935 to 1938.... 1930 to 1934.... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919... 1910 to 1914. Prior to 1910.. Year not reported. Size of total assets 2431214 26586 944 618 743 314 15 14,230 3,675 56 46,357 5,984 2 6 44 687 185 7533407 5,332 1,605 4 6 1,424 921 5 2,086 634 9 17 1,618 1,618 2,088 1 8 29 844 287 10 33 6,626 6,626 3,206 314 262 4 11 37,780 503 1,276 390 10 20,866 796 6,939 911 4 21 15,513 4,058 1 3 15 100 to P 499.. P 500 to P 999. P 1,000 to P 2,499. 2,500 to P 4,999. P 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 49,999. 7 9 765 353 P50,000 to P 99,999. 3 6 591 509 P100,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to P999,999.. P1,000,000 and over... Size of gross receipts 5 9 4.437 608 11 2 2 1,047 114 22 31,582 3,654 4136 5 502 528 22 2,353 2,447 10 2,043 898 42 57,298 6,550 1 3 3 29 16 Under P 500..... 500 to P 999... 1,000 to P 2,499... P 2,500 to P 4,999.. P 1 1 51 36 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 2 3 102 136 24,999. P25,000 to P 99,999.... P100,000 to P 249,999.... 5 P250,000 to P 999,999.... 5 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999 P3,000,000 and over.. 136622 3 405 10 2,692 133 12 17 2,608 2,608 1,602 1,015 9 20 2,767 2,767 2,383 7 6,535 813 4 15 39,665 1,162 1 3 29 7 5,446 12 22,579 1,653 1,271 1 15 2,851 1,597 2 17 14,917 3,860 1 3 15 Citizenship of operator Philippines.. 3 15 21,274 1,270 United States. 71 18 7 8 878 567 1 66 51 China... 1 1 92 37 Japan.. Other countries... Partnerships, associations, cor- porations, and government agencies.. 13 23 16,291 3,578 23 23 79 62,017 10,158 2 6 44 192 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 28.-QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED BY ALL TRANSPORTATION Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased OPERATORS, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Wood Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline Province Per cent Pesos distri- Quantity Pesos bution Per cent Quantity of total (Tons) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Liters) Pesos Per cent of total PHILIPPINES. 14,248,394 100.0 13,389 6,499 (1) 182,518 2,215,052 15.5 52,902,080 7,095,318 49.8 Abra.. Agusan. Albay.. 9,863 0.1 61,162 48,577 0.3 9,863 100.0 2,86,538 84,473 0.6 45,346 93.3 Antique.. Bataan.. Batangas.. 481,472 4,090 (¹) 70,910 83.9 27,267 3,216 (1) 4,090 100.0 21,840 3,216 100.0 248,269 1.7 2 Bohol... 56 (1) 523,430 134,770 74,371 0.9 369 232 0.2 30.0 Bulacan. 138,386 1,010,144 125,162 1.0 92.9 Cagayan.... 70,726 1,065,889 138,365 0.5 128 Camarines Norte. 190 100.0 0.3 400,357 5,651 (¹) 67,627 95.6 30,897 5,555 98.3 Camarines Sur 440,189 3.1 Capiz... 7,992 3,343,770 0.1 437,345 99.4 Cavite 56,438 102,189 0.7 7,902 98.9 Cebu..... 948,893 727,806 6.7 102,189 100.0 Cotabato.. 75 22 (¹) 82,056 5,830 62,005 6.5 4,397,661 0.6 542,605 57.2 670,154 71,320 86.9 Davao. 279,233 2.0 Ilocos Norte. 15 15 (¹) 1,546,264 29,523 0.2 240,924 86.3 Ilocos Sur- 171,546 172,506 26,342 1.2 89.2 14 14 Iloilo..... (1) 1,056,641 1,002,759 171,532 100.0 7.0 9,642 670 La Union.... 99,409 0.1 11,902 181,603 18.1 1,587,887 231,179 23.1 0.7 752,157 99,159 99.7 Laguna.. 234,255 1.6 Lanao.. 1,843,453 4,677 (1) 234,247 100.0 Leyte.. 21,116 80,331 3,344 71.5 0.6 25 12 Manila, City of... (1) 6,919,868 304,893 49,622 61.8 48.6 500 241 Marinduque.. (1) 164,773 1,970,798 11,087 0.1 28.5 14,869,271 1,994,857 28.8 70,965 11,087 100.0 Masbate... 31,312 0.2 Mindoro. 37,164 0.3 202,973 30,781 98.3 35 35 0.1 Misamis Occidental... 95,656 268,003 36,895 99.3 0.7 Misamis Oriental..... 62,553 162,202 9,366 9.8 1.1 2 45 Mountain Province... (1) 302,829 2,051,299 142,540 87.9 2.1 2,019,458 297,726 98.3 Negros Occidental.... 370,614 2.6 48 24 Negros Oriental.. (1) 107,303 204,935 29,663 8.0 0.8 Nueva Ecija. -- 224,999 598,255 91,341 85.1 1.6 11 590 Palawan... 3,963 (1) 0.3 1,730,424 212,315 94.4 Pampanga... Pangasinan. Rizal.... 326,398 9,009 950 24.0 2.3 1,759,377 219,882 67.4 245,407 1.7 723,064 1,594,018 5.1 239,077 97.4 Romblon. 17,560 4,726,504 661,200 91.4 0.1 2 Samar.. 6 (1) 130,189 54,112 17,397 99.1 0.4 Sorsogon... 221,302 10,441 41,738 77.1 0.1 4 57 0.5 40,300 5,645 54.1 Sulu... 43,175 0.3 2 1 Surigao.... (¹) 66,271 0.5 218,628 40,677 94.2 Tarlac. 2,892 497,045 (1) 61,265 92.4 Tayabas. 64,011 0.4 2,050 19,384 Zambales.. 3,500 5.5 2,892 100.0 3,806 Zamboanga.... 193,067 All other provinces.... (1) 1.4 120 (1) 378,918 57,553 89.9 26,901 3,740 98.3 478 1,435 0.7 811,829 124,396 64.4 798 120 100.0 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 193 TABLE 28.-QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED BY ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Kerosene Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Diesel oil Electricity purchased Province Per Quantity Pesos cent of (Liters) total Quantity (Liters) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Tons) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (KWH) Per Pesos cent of total PHILIPPINES 268,800 25,708 0.2 15,803,229 1,394,373 9.8 78,600 3,232,300 22.7 12,680,577 279,144 2.0 Abra.... Agusan... 64 Albay.. 1,200 180 0.2 146 3,231 12,773 6.7 15.1 2,034 610 0.7 Antique.. Bataan.. Batangas.... Bohol... 11,133 179. 1,028 0.4 2,649,432 171,248 69.0 17 (¹) 188 Bulacan.. (2) Cagayan... 4,004 406 0.6 373 29 (1) 51 Camarines Norte.. 28872 954 9,359 0.4 30 612 0.2 6.9 21 (1) 2,474 3.5 96 1.7 Camarines Sur.... 54 Capiz.... 22 2,844 0.6 2 90 1.1 Cavite.. Cebu.... 53,321 Cotabato.. 3,665 5,091 0.5 168,867 880 0.5 15,467 1.6 7,107 322,649 34.0 8,314 1,054 0.1 202 9,838 12.0 3,094 518 0.6 Davao... 30,699 8,072 Ilocos Norte. 10 1 1.1 116,401 (1) 11,994 4.3 371 22,203 8.0 4,244 1,025 0.4 40 2,000 6.8 9,281 1,180 4.0 Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.... 30,750 3,162 0.3 4,192,708 342,266 34.1 4,754 La Union.. 6 233,741 250 23.3 62,727 10,138 1.0 0.3 1 Laguna.. (2) 8 (¹) Lanao 24 1,333 28.5 Leyte. 2,955 233 0.3 431,534 Manila, City of... 119,736 10,999 0.2 2,333,321 26,369 32.8 208,350 81 3.0 4,095 63,231 2,491,964 5.1 36.0 12,380,969 242,659 3.5 Marinduque. Masbate... 798 103 0.3 8 428 1.4 Mindoro... 888 80 0.2 20 2 (1) 1,222 152 0.4 Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental... 1,760 172 0.1 909,437 93,550 82,763 86.5 64 3,527 3.7 11,027 6.8 166 8,418 5.2 Mountain Province. 24,277 5,103 1.7 Negros Occidental.. 114 11 Negros Oriental.. (1) 3,314,962 337,114 91.0 59 2,682 0.7 365 1,120 0.3 440 44 Palawan... Nueva Ecija.. (1) 174,827 14,622 13.6 26 1,296 1.2 1,420 141 0.1 254 6,899 3.1 25,270 5,054 2.2 40 4 0.1 61 3,009 75.9 Pampanga.. 710,013 106,502 32.6 60 14 (1) Pangasinan. 600 Rizal.... 57 (¹) 15 747 0.3 58,682 5,526 2.3 258 Romblon.. 24 (1) 590,571 54,899 7.6 132 6,917 1.0 120 24 (1) 627 Samar... 61 0.3 970 96 0.5 327 Sorsogon. 34 0.1 97 10 (1) 232 12,330 22.8 509 46 0.4 122 11 0.1 93 4,682 44.8 Sulu...... Surigao.. 858 99 0.2 7 408 0.9 7,858 1,990 4.6 Tarlac. 109 5,006 7.6 Tayabas. Zambales.. 665 616 999 65 0.1 57 2,893 4.5 66 1.7 Zamboanga. All other provinces- 1,228 132 0.1 116,024 11,604 6.0 972 53,135 27.5 92,030 2,365 1.2 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. Less than 1 ton. 194 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 29.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased Wood Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline Class and item Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Total..... 14,248,394 100.0 6,499 (1) 2.215,052 15.5 7,095,318 49.1 Form of ownership Individuals. 3,877,070 27.2 5,630 0.1 721,129 18.6 2,514,321 64.9 Partnerships. 230,866 1.6 140,008 60.6 36,528 15.8 Associations.... 1,078,860 7.6 174,942 16.2 1,153 0.1 Corporations... 6,966,359 48.9 869 (¹) 328,908 4.7 4,048,496 58.1 Government agencies. 2,095,239 14.7 850,065 40.6 494,820 23.6 Year established 1935 to 1938.... 1,395,254 9.8 1,725 0.1 801,471 57.4 1930 to 1934... 2,918,289 20.5 71 (¹) 77,044 2.6 1,561,888 53.5 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919_. 2,629,678 18.5 2,771 0.1 71,509 2.7 1,891,382 71.9 546,788 3.8 1,308 0.2 59,213 10.8 340,282 62.2 861,593 6.0 35,555 4.1 592,112 68.1 1910 to 1914.. 1,135,516 8.0 631,215 55.6 475.580 41.9 Prior to 1910 4,440,617 31.2 624 (¹) 1,340,516 30.2 1,121,080 25.2 Year not reported.. 320,659 2.3 311,523 97.2 Size of total assets Under P 100. 63,089 0.4 7 (1) 55,946 88.1 P 100 to P 499. 5,365 (1) 112 2.1 4,544 84.1 P 500 to P 999. 30,934 0.2 3,576 11.6 24,879 80.4 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 244,508 1.7 133 0.1 198,741 81.3 2,500 to P 4,999. 196,522 1.4 15 (1) 175,820 89.6 5,000 to P 9,999. 283,959 2.0 279 0.1 237,412 83.6 P 10,000 to P 49,999. 1,071,409 7.5 10 (1) 22,314 2.1 814,929 76.1 P50,000 to P 99,999 P 100,000 to P499,999. P 500,000 to P999,999.. P1,000,000 and over. 1,114,164 7.8 298 62,860 5.6 829,836 74.5 3,813,446 26.8 1,435 196,989 5.2 2,840,922 74.6 893,355 6.3 50,586 5.7 249.913 28.0 6,531,643 45.8 634 (1) 1,882,303 28.8 1,662,376 25.6 Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 55,476 0.4 217 P 500 to P 0.4 999 35,115 63.3 20,003 0.1 84 P 1,000 to P 0.4 2,499. 226,125 14,620 73.1 1.6 2,500 to P 3,571 1.6 4,999 201,390 89.1 147,515 1.0 P 5,000 to P 9,999 127,970 86.8 248,044 1.7 P10,000 to P 205 0.1 24,999 204,659 82.5 354,925 2.5 55 P25,000 to P P100,000 to P 249,999. 99,999 880,220 6.2 57 1,900,594 13.3 P 250,000 to P 999,999. 1,676 3,493,105 24.5 10 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. 2,883,626 20.2 P3,000,000 and over.. 624 ce ce 271,698 76.6 110,151 12.5 498,495 56.6 0.1 63,659 3.3 1,400,083 73.1 (1) 180,215 5.2 2,220,781 63.6 (¹) 4,038,761 208,110 7.2 1,409, 538 48,9 28.3 1,652,917 40.9 710,969 17.6 Citizenship of operator Philippines.. 3,736,425 26.2 United States. 5,630 0.2 48,478 0.3 China... 53,752 0.4 Japan... 709,684 11,445 19.0 2,400,960 64.3 37,527 77.4 21.3 39,359 73.2 34,952 0.2 Other countries 3,463 33,045 94.5 Partnerships, associations, corpo- rations, and government agencies 10,371,324 (1) 3,430 99.0 72.8 869 (1) 1,493,923 14.4 4,580,997 44.2 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 195 TABLE 29.-ALL TRANSPORTATION OPERATORS-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Kerosene. Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Diesel oil Electricity purchased Class and item Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Per cent Pesos of total Total.... 25,708 0.2 1,394,373 9.8 3,232,300 22.7 279,144 2.0 Form of ownership Individuals. 7,444 0.2 370,092 9.5 Partnerships.. 245,278 6.3 2,245 13,175 0.3 1.0 899 0.4 51,187 Associations.. 22.2 14 (¹) 902,351 Corporations... 83.6 400 6,604 0.1 1,015,598 (1) 14.6 Government agencies.. 1,389,747 19.9 176,137 2.5 9,401 0.4 7,784 0.4 643,737 30.7 89,432 4.3 Year established 1935 to 1938... 3,506 0.3 57,682 4.1 1930 to 1934.. 527,253 37.8 1,066 3,617 0.3 (1) 838,626 28.7 418,110 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919.. 14.3 5,528 21,484 0.7 0.2 230,137 8.8 420,024 16.0 8,327 0.3 2,155 0.4 53,517 9.8 87,167 15.9 3,146 0.6 813 0.1 172,065 20.0 52,920 1910 to 1914.. 6.1 8,128 0.9 24 (1) 899 0.1 Prior to 1910.... 27,798 2.4 11,894 0.3 39,929 Year not reported.. 0.9 1,692,132 38.1 234,442 5.3 722 0.2 1,518 0.5 6,896 2.2 Size of total assets Under P 100. 226 0.4 6,689 10.6 P 209 100 to P 499.. 0.3 12 60 (1) 1.1 153 2.9 ? 496 500 to P 999. 9.2 108 0.3 8 P1,000 1,000 to P 2,499. (1) 2,363 7.6 2,040 0.8 P2,500 to P 27,673 11.3 15,272 4,999. 6.2 649 0.3 357 0.2 11,319 5.8 P. 5,000 to P 9,999. 7,831 4.0 1,180 0.6 2,302 0.8 22,155 7.8 P 10,000 to P 49,999. 21,751 7.7 60 3,909 (1) 0.4 99,615 9.3 P 50,000 to P 99,999. 129,142 12.1 1,490 0.1 1,153 0.1 131,288 P 100,000 to P499,999. 11.8 81,339 7.3 7,390 0.7 1,390 P 500,000 to P999,999. P1,000,000 and over (1) 475,681 12.5 268,899 7.1 28,130 0.7 2,890 0.3 505,230 56.6 75,378 8.4 9,358 1.0 11,273 0.2 114,562 1.8 2,629,620 40.3 230,875 3.5 Size of gross receipts Under P 500_. 116 0.2 17,981 32.4 867 1.6 1,180 2.1 P 500 to P 999 287 1.4 2,073 10.4 2,939 14.7 P1,000 to P 2,499 1,286 0.6 10,102 4.5 9,154 4.0 622 0.3 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 323 0.2 10,821 7.3 8,387 5.7 14 P 5,000 to P 9,999 2,546 1.0 11,281 4.5 29,328 11.8 25 P10,000 to P 24,999. ee 750 0.2 21,414 6.0 60,162 17.0 846 0.2 P25,000 to P 99,999. 4,852 0.6 125,802 14.3 138,520 15.7 2,343 0.3 P100,000 to P 249,999. 599 (1) 101,915 5.4 325,213 17.1 7,449 0.4 P 250,000 to P 999,999. 3,758 0.1 569,776 16.3 497,627 14.2 20,938 0.6 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 1,887 0.1 515,424 17.9 591,985 20.5 P3,000,000 and over. 156,058 5.4 9,304 0.2 7,784 0.2 1,568,118 38.8 89,669 2.2 Citizenship of operator Philippines... United States.. 6,343 0.2 367,213 9.8 233,801 6.3 12,793 0.3 24 China... (1) 10,570 21.8 357 0.7 36 0.1 Japan.. 2,837 5.3 50 0.1 25 (1) Other countries .. 1,034 3.0 38 0.1 835 2.4 Partnerships, associations, corpo- 7 0.2 4 0.1 22 0.6 rations, and government agencies 18,264 0.2 1,024,281 9.9 2,987,022 28.8 265,969 2.6 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 196 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 30.-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Persons employed and salaries paid Employees not paid salaries or wages Owners and members Total Class and item Number of operators Total assets gross reporting (Pesos) receipts (Pesos) Total number of persons employed paid salaries Total persons not Other of family or wages Males Females persons not paid salaries or wages 39 26,713,428 21,073,245 5,919 27 22 3 2 Total...... Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships... Associations... Corporations.. Year established 1935 to 1938.... 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.... 1915 to 1919. 1412 3,063,461 7,656,735 1,337 19 1,426,299 833,200 385 621 16 1921 3,564,947 4,785,305 967 7,798,005 3,230 6 4 23 18,658,721 5 1,965,488 1,855,113 5,855,276 2,066,147 6294316 3 428 933 4,524,300 3,030,921 1,549 12 471 4 4 3 10 2 4 2,878,041 776,073 361 1,002,110 545,511 445 2,462,521 7,134,633 913 1,290 112 1 1 2 2 1910 to 1914.... Prior to 1910.... P P Size of total assets 10,000 to P 49,999. 50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to P999,999. P1,000,000 and over.. Size of gross receipts 5,000 to P P 10,000 to P 9,999. 24,999. P25,000 to P 99,999. P 100,000 to P 249,999. P 250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P3,000,000 and over... Citizenship of operator Philippines. United States. China... Partnerships, associations, corpo- rations, and government agencies Number of employees 10 to 19 persons.. 5 8,025,692 5,664,847 85349 233,598 311,418 279 6 6 408,757 355,761 317 4 1 3 13 2,524,786 1,707,644 997 16 14 2 4 2,618,257 1,189,964 992 3,334 1 1 9 20,928,030 17,508,458 1231822 116 11,900 5,500 12 93,215 32,697 94 1,007,929 767,571 598 19 19 5,837,338 1,509,023 851 7 96 2 3 9,715,958 3,590,745 1,684 4,019,620 3,247,771 800 1,880 1 1 6,027,468 11,919,938 9 2,898,048 7,586,915 1,272. 1 47,500 117,913 28,212 41,608 24 41 10 4,582 8008 28 23,649,967 13,416,510 10 640 6 5 3 1 20 to 29 persons.. 30 to 39 persons.. 40 to 49 persons. 50 to 69 persons.. 70 to 99 persons.. 100 to 149 persons.. 150 to 199 persons. 200 to 299 persons.. 500 to 999 persons. Province Cebu..... Iloilo.... Manila, City of.. Zamboanga... All other provinces. 1 1 14 2 1 1 3 2156494234 59,400 42,500 535,402 5 3,661,722 936,973 3,515,552 33,712 41,930 342,221 393,050 326 21 207 219 329,751 216 1,427,074 603 2,424,609 993,991 492 11 134214 1 4,211,290 1,310,938 366 2,500,221 2,248,368 777 8,825,759 13,952,210 2,982 1 1 14 4,884,134 3,009,238 1,805 8 5 3 3 5,091,451 1,406,138 17 16,401,287 16,432,061 597 3,311 18 16 3 164,640 141,110 68 1 1 2 171,916 84,698 138 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 197 TABLE 30.-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, super- visors, and others holding executive, managerial or supervisory positions Office employees, ste- nographers, and others performing routine office work Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Salaries or Class and item Number of persons paid salaries or Total salaries or wages paid wages (Pesos) Number of persons Salaries or Number of Salaries or Number of wages paid (Pesos) persons wages paid (Pesos) persons wages paid (Pesos) 169 435,201 415 370,739 5,308 2,746,869 Total..... 5,892 3,552,809 Form of ownership Individuals.. 1,318 890,412 21 76,120 185 163,357 1,112 650,935 Partnerships.. 383 272,972 31 67,980 18 24,152 334 180,840 Associations. 967 703,302 10 42,780 59 68,705 898 591,817 Corporations. 3,224 1,686,123 107 248,321 153 114,525 2,964 1,323,277 Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934. 424 295,376 6 13,680 23 29,818 395 251,878 926 460,035 31 69,507 61 38,489 834 352,039 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919... 1,537 760,154 64 138,780 51 33,734 1,422 587,640 361 209,086 6 12,360 18 7,776 337 188,950 444 147,643 12 26,074 23 13,705 409 107,864 1910 to 1914. 912 707,388 13 68,100 170 157,996 729 481,292 Prior to 1910..... 1,288 973,127 37 106,700 69 89,221 1,182 777,206 Size of total assets 10,000 to P 49,999. 273 118,387 9 13,320 7 5,480 257 99,587 P50,000 to P 99,999. 313 124,490 100,000 to P499,999. 981 540,183 P 500,000 to P999,999. 992 388,500 P1,000,000 and over.. 3,333 2,381,249 PH388 11 8,740 33 50,884 78 164,006 38 198,251 9888808 10 2,760 292 112,990 66 50,591 888 438,708 23 16,733 891 207,761 295,175 2,986 1,887,823 Size of gross receipts P5,000 to F 9,999. 12 10,000 to P P25,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P 249,999. 250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. P3,000,000 and over. Citizenship of operator 24,999.. 94 4,536 22,074 12 3 5,580 5 3,060 86 4,536 13,434 579 263,146 844 440,006 1,684 840,784 228 27 24,484 22 11,063 530 227,599 22 44,340 48 27,012 774 368,654 88 205,217 64 57,039 1,532 578,528 800 571,573 6 44,700 47 45,864 747 481,009 1,879 1,410,690 23 110,880 229 226,701 1,627 1,073.109 Philippines.... United States. China.... Partnerships, associations, corpo- rations, and government agencies 1,264 8888 871,357 20 75,640 181 160,946 1,063 634,771 23 8,863 1 31 10,192 1 480 3 740 1,671 22 27 8,123 8,041 4,574 2,662,397 148 359,081 230 207,382 4,196 2,095,934 198 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 30.-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, super- visors, and others holding executive, managerial or supervisory positions Office employees, stenog- raphers, and others performing routine office work Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Class and item Number of persons paid salaries or wages Total salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Number of ⚫ persons Salaries or Number of wages paid (Pesos) wages paid persons (Pesos) Salaries or Number of employees 10 to 19 persons.. 20 to 29 persons. 35 13,399 1 740 34 12,659 20 30 to 39 persons. 40 to 49 persons.. 13,370 20 13,370 204 136,246 205 50 to 69 persons. 122,687 70 to 99 persons. 214 97,979 100 to 149 persons.. 602 332,943 150 to 199 persons. 488 306,860 366 200 to 299 persons.. 176,251 500 to 999 persons. 777 423,682 13 2,981 1,929,392 44389997 14 16,221 7 3,110 183 116,915 6,420 10 5,545 191 110,722 7,800 4 3,600 207 86,579 107,278 28 15,895 531 209,770 12,600 28 25,892 451 268,368 10,416 25 9,311 334 156,524 50,605 39 51,865 725 321.212 76 223,861 273 254,781 2,632 1,450,750 Province Cebu... Iloilo.... 1,797 819,005 72 597 Manila, City of. 326,437 Zamboanga... 3,293 2,318,746 All other provinces.. 67 53,239 243 135,056 14 41,010 70 239,206 3 11,400 138 35,382 10 8,529 28827 73 39,309 1,652 644,640 48 32,779 535 252,648 292,606 2,938 1,786,934 1,820 62 40,019 4,225 121 22,628 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 199 TABLE 31.-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Operators reporting Assets Total Class and item Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, auto- mobiles, etc.) Number Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Per cent distribution 100.0 16,753,857 62.7 100.0 Total...... 39 100.0 26,713,428 Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships... Associations. Corporations.. 1418 28.2 3,063,461 11.5 2,131,078 69.6 12.7 10.3 1,426,299 5.3 376,391 26.4 2.2 2.6 3,564,947 13.3 2,420,895 67.9 14.5 23 59.0 18,658,721 69.8 11,825,493 63.4 70.6 Year established 1935 to 1938. 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914 Prior to 1910.... 6294316 5 12.8 1,965,488 7.4 1,577,910 80.3 9.4 30.8 5,855,276 21.9 3,972,410 67.8 23.7 23.1 4,524,300 16.9 3,807,589 84.2 22.7 10.3 2,878,041 10.8 1,792,067 62.3 10.7 7.7 1,002,110 2.6 2,462,521 3.8 474,519 47.4 2.8 9.2 1,647,994 66.9 9.8 5 12.8 8,025,692 30.0 3,481,368 43.4 20.8 Size of total assets P10,000 to P 49,999. P50,000 to P 99,999... P100,000 to P499,999. 13 P500,000 to P999,999. 88559 20.5 233,598 0.9 213,250 91.3 1.3 12.8 408,757 1.5 359,542 88.0 2.2 33.3 2,524,786 9.5 1,577,591 62.5 9.4 4 10.3 2,618,257 9.8 740,816 28.3 4.4 23.1 20,928,030 78.3 13,862,658 66.2 82.7 P1,000,000 and over.. Size of gross receipts 5,000 to P 9,999. 24,999.. 99,999. 10,000 to P P25,000 to P P 100,000 to P 249,999. P250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. P3,000,000 and over. Citizenship of operator Philippines.. United States. China... Partnerships, associations, corpora- tions, and government agencies... Province Cebu.... Iloilo.... Manila, City of.. Zamboanga... All other provinces. 1231822 2.6 11,900 (1) 3,500 29.4 (1) 5.1 33.3 93,215 0.3 66,177 71.0 0.4 1,007,929 3.8 676,869 67.2 4.0 28.2 5,837,338 21.9 1,852,065 31.7 11.1 20.5 9,715,958 36.4 6,768,207 69.7 40.4 5.1 4,019,620 15.0 3,318,150 82.5 19.8 5.1 6,027,468 22.6 4,068,889 67.5 24.3 28 811 8 9 23.1 2,898,048 10.8 2,033,578 70.2 12.1 2.6 47,500 0.2 47,500 100.0 0.3 2.6 117,913 0.4 50,000 42.4 0.3 71.8 23,649,967 88.5 14,622,779 61.8 87.3 13732 35.9 4,884,134 18.3 3,132,054 64.1 18.7 7.7 5,091,451 19.1 4,965,836 97.5 29.6 43.6 16,401,287 61.4 8,435,935 51.4 50.4 7.7 164,640 0.6 126,076 76.6 0.8 5.1 171,916 0.6 93,956 54.7 0.6 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 200 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 31.-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Total... Class and item Form of ownership Assets-Continued Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 2,565,513 9.6 889,734 3.3 6,504,324 24.3 1925 to 1929... 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919.. 1910 to 1914..... Prior to 1910.... Size of total assets P 10,000 to P 49,999. P 50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to P999,999.. Individuals. 258,161 8.4 50,122 1.6 624,100 20.4 Partnerships... 252,717 17.7 178,849 12.5 618,342 43.4 Associations. 317,284 8.9 38,309 1.1 788,459 Corporations.. 1,737,351 22.1 9.3 622,454 3.3 4,473,423 24.0 Year established 1935 to 1938.... 1930 to 1934. 8,000 0.4 34,355 1.7 345,223 17.6 94,675 1.6 1,788,191 30.5 29,222 0.6 102,117 2.3 585,372 16,067 12.9 0.6 158,393 5.5 911,514 31.7 87,098 8.7 222,979 22.3 217,514 21.7 250,161 10.2 13,958 0.6 550,408 2,174,965 22.4 27.1 263,257 3.3 2,106,102 26.2 8,000 3.4 5,407 2.3 36,097 8.8 92,563 3.7 6,941 13,118 33 3.0 3.2 216,586 8.6 254,593 638,046 25.3 9.7 413,240 15.8 P1,000,000 and over.. 2,210,357 10.6 1,209,608 46.2 218,404 1.0 4,636,611 22.2 Size of gross receipts P 5,000 to P 9,999. 8,000 67.2 400 3.4 P 10,000 to P 24,999. 27,038 29.0 P 25,000 to P 99,999. 17,098 1.7 42,099 4.2 P 100,000 to P 249,999. P 250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. P3,000,000 and over.. Citizenship of operator 1,629,757 27.9 271,863 27.0 389,385 6.7 313,991 1,966,131 33.7 3.2 281,576 2.9 29.222 0.7 2,352,184 24.2 96,969 2.4 567,445 575,279 14.3 9.4 52,267 0.9 1,338,867 22.2 Philippines... United States.. China... Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies.... Province Cebu.... Iloilo... Manila, City of.. Zamboanga... All other provinces. 258,161 8.9 49,284 1.7 557,025 19.2 838 0.7 67,075 56.9 2,307,352 9.8 839,612 3.6 5,880,224 24.9 45,289 0.9 306,765 6.3 1,400,026 28.7 17,653 2,495,126 0.3 15.2 519,493 8,000 4.9 3.2 107,962 4,950,733 2.1 30.2 30,076 17,098 9.9 18.3 488 0.3 15,747 9.2 45,115 26.2 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 201 TABLE 32.-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSE AS SHIPPING-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Employees paid salaries or wages ofert Class and item Num- ber Per cent distri- bution Total Owners and members of family TotA Potia Total wages and salaries Per cent Other persons of all Persons Males Females Per cent of all Average Persons Pesos em- em- ployees ployees per em- ployee (Pesos) Per cent distri- bution Total.... 5,919 100.0 27 0.5 22 22 3 2 5,892 99.5 3,552,809 603 100.0 Form of ownership Individuals... 1,337 22.6 19 Partnerships.. 385 6.5 621 1.4 16 0.5 92 3 Associations. 967 16.3 Corporations.. 3,230 54.6 6 0.2 4 1,318 98.6 383 99.5 967 100.0 2 3,224 890,412 676 272,972 713 703,302 99.8 1,686,123 25.1 7.7 727 19.8 523 47.5 Year established 1935 to 1938.. 428 7.2 1930 to 1934. 933 15.8 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924... 1915 to 1919... 1,549 26.2 12 361 6.1 445 7.5 1910 to 1914... 913 15.4 Prior to 1910. 1,290 21.8 Size of total assets 10,000 to P 49,999. 279 4.7 50,000 to P 99,999. 317 5.4 P100,000 to P499,999. 997 16.8 472 112 646 0.9 0.8 0.8 10 440 1 331 3 . 2 1 0.2 1 0.1 0.2 11 21 424 99.1 295,376 697 8.3 926 99.2 1,537 99.2 361 100.0 460,035 760,154 495 209,086 497 12.9 21.4 579 5.9 444 99.8 147,643 333 4.2 912 99.9 707,388 776 19.9 1,288 99.8 973,127 756 27.4 1.9 1.3 61 6 3I 1 16 P500,000 to P999,999. 1.7 14 1 992 16.8 P1,000,000 and over. 1 1 1 1 1 3,334 56.3 1 (1) 1 273 97.8 118,387 434 3.3 313 98.7 124,490 398 3.5 2 981 98.4 540,183 551 15.2 992 100.0 388,500 392 10.9 3,333 100.0 2,381,249 714 67.0 Size of gross receipts P 5,000 to P 9,999. 12 0.2 $3,000,000 and over.. P 10,000 to P P25,000 to P 99,999 P100,000 to P 249,999.. P250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 24,999. 94 1.6 598 10.1 19 851 14.4 16 3.2 19 1 7 0.9 2 18 I 3 2 1,684 28.5 800 13.5 1 1,880 31.8 1 0.1 1 12 100.0 4,536 378 0.1 94 100.0 22,074 235 0.6 579 96.8 263,126 454 7.4 844 1,684 99.2 440,026 521 12.4 800 1,879 100.0 840,784 499 100.0 99.9 1,410,690 23.7 571,573 714 16.1 751 39.7 Citizenship of operator Philippines.. United States. 1,272 21.5 8 0.6 5 3 1,264 99.4 871,357 689 24.5 China... 24 0.4 1 4.2 1 23 95.8 8,863 385 0.2 Partnerships, associations, corpo- 41 0.7 10 24.4 10 31 1 75.6 10,192 329 0.3 rations, and government agencies 4,582 77.4 8 0.2 6 2 4,574 99.8 2,662,397 582 74.9 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 202 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 32-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. • All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Employees paid salaries or wages Total Owners and members of family Total Total wages and salaries Class and item Num- ber Per cent distri- Per cent Other persons bution of all Per cent of all Average Per cent Persons Males Females Persons Pesos per em- distri- em- em- ployee bution ployees ployees (Pesos) Number of employees 3323 35 97.2 13,399 383 0.4 20 95.2 13,370 669 0.4 2 1 204 98.6 136.246 668 3.8 205 93.6 122,687 598 3.5 214 99.1 97,979 458 2.8 602 99.8 332,943 553 9.4 3 488 99.2 306,860 629 8.6 366 100.0 176,251 482 5.0 777 100.0 423,682 545 11.9 2,981 100.0 1,929,392 647 54.3 10 to 19 persons.- 36 0.6 20 to 29 persons.. 21 0.4 30 to 39 persons. 207 3.5 40 to 49 persons.. 219 3.7 50 to 69 persons... 216 3.6 70 to 99 persons. 603 10.2 100 to 149 persons. 492 8.3 1134214 2.8 4.8 1.4 111 1 1 1 6.4 14 1 0.9 0.2 0.8 217 2 150 to 199 persons.. 366 6.2 200 to 299 persons.- 777 13.1 500 to 999 persons. 2,982 50.4 1 (1) 1 Province Cebu... 1,805 30.5 8 0.4 5 3 Iloilo... 597 10.1 Menila, City of. 3,311 55.9 18 0.5 16 Zamboanga.. 68 1.1 1 1.5 19 All other provinces. 138 2.3 1 1 1,797 99.6 819,005 456 23.1 597 100.0 326,437 547 992 2 3,293 99.5 2,318,746 704 65.3 67 98.5 53,239 795 1.5 138 100.0 35,382 256 1.0 Executives, etc. Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Office employees Drivers, etc. Class and item Persons Salaries (Pesos) Per cent of total salaries Persons Salaries and wages paid (Pesos) Per cent of total salaries Persons and wages Salaries and wages paid (Pesos) Per cent of total salaries and wages Total.. 169 435,201 12.2 415 370,739 10.4 5,308 2,746,869 77.3 Form of ownership Individuals. 21 Partnerships.. Associations.. 76,120 31 67,980 8.5 185 163,357 18.3 1,112 650,935 73.1 24.9 18 24,152 8.8 334 180,840 66.2 10 Corporations.. 107 42,780 248,321 6.1 59 68,705 9.8 898 591,817 84.1 14.7 153 114,525 6.8 2,964 1,323,277 78.5 Year established 1935 to 1938.... 1930 to 1934. 6 13.680 4.6 23 1925 to 1929.. 31 29,818 69,507 10.1 15.1 395 251.878 85.3 61 1920 to 1924... 64 38,489 138,780 8.4 18.3 834 352,039 76.5 51 1915 to 1919___ 6 33,784 4.4 12,360 5.9 1,422 587,640 77.3 18 1910 to 1914. 12 7,776 26,074 3.7 17.7 337 188,950 90.4 23 Prior to 1910: 13 68,100 13,705 9.3 9.6 409 107,864 73.1 170 157,996 37 22.3 106,700 11.0 729 481,292 68.0 69 89,221 9.2 Size of total assets 1,182 777,206 79.9 P 10,000 to P 49,999... P 50,000 to P 99,999. P 100,000 to 1499, 9). P 500,000 to 1999,999. P1,000,000 and over.. 21888 9 13,320 11.3 7 5,480 4.6 257 11 8,740 7.0 10 2,760 2.2 292 33 50,884 9.4 66 50,591 9.4 882 78 164,006 42.2 23 16,733 4.3 38 198,251 8.3 309 295,175 12.4 99,587 112,990 90.8 90.1 438,708 81.2) 81.8 891 207.761 2,986 1,887,823 53.5 79.3 84.1) 84-8 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 203 TABLE 32.-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Office employees Drivers, etc. Executives, etc. Class and item Persons Salaries (Pesos) Per cent of total salaries Persons Salaries and wages Per cent of total Persons Salaries and wages Per cent paid (Pesos) salaries and wages paid (Pesos) of total salaries and wages Size of gross receipts 尹 ​5,000 to P 9,999. P 10,000 to P 24,999. P 25,000 to P 99,999. P 100,000 to P 249,999. P 250,000 to P 999,999.. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 22 P3,000,000 and over... 23 172808 5,580 25.3 5 3,060 13.9 24,464 9.3 888 12 4,536 100.0 86 13,434 60.9 22 11,063 4.2 530 44,360 10.1 227,599 86.5 48 27,012 6.1 774 205,217 24.4 368,654 83.8 64 57,039 6.8 44,700 1,532 7.8 578,528 68.8 47 45,864 8.0 110,880 7.9 747 481,009 84.2 229 226,701 16.1 1,627 1,073,109 76.1 Citizenship of operator Philippines... 20 75,640 8.7 181 United States.. China.... 1 187 160,946 18.5 1,063 740 8.3 480 4.7 Partnerships, associations, cor- 1,671 16.4 88220 634,771 72.8 8,123 91.7 27 8,041 78.9 porations, and government agencies.. 148 359,081 13.5 230 207,382 7.8 4,196 2,095,934 78.7 Number of employees 10 to 19 persons. 20 to 29 persons. 1 740 5.5 34 12,659 94.5 30 to 39 persons.- 40 to 49 persons. 50 to 69 persons. 70 to 99 persons--. 20 13,370 14 100 to 149 persons.. 150 to 199 persons.- 500 to 999 persons.. 200 to 299 persons.. 13 76 L4334TBE 100.0 16,221 11.9 7 3,110 2.3 183 116,915 85.8 6,420 5.2 10 5,545 4.5 191 110,722 90.2 7,800 8.0 4 3,600 3.7 207 86,579 88.4 107,278 32.2 28 15,895 4.8 531 209,770 63.0 12,600 4.1 28 25,892 8.4 451 268,368 87.5 7 10,416 5.9 25 9,311 5.3 334 156,524 88.8 50,605 11.9 39 51,865 12.2 725 321,212 75.8 223,861 11.6 273 254,781 13.2 2,632 1,450,750 75.2 Province Cebu..... 72 135,056 16.5 Iloilo. 73 39,309 4.8 14 41,010 12.6 Manila, City of.. 48 32,779 10.0 1,652 535 644,640 78.7 252,648 77.4 70 Zamboanga. 239,206 10.3 285 292,606 12.6 2,938 1,786,934 77.1 3 All other provinces.. 11,400 21.4 2 1,820 3.4 62 40,019 75.2 10 8,529 24.1 7 4,225 11.9 121 22,628 64.0 204 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 33.-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CAR RIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNER SHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. All types of equipment Type of equipment Trucks, trail- Num- ber of Total opera- pas- Class and item tors sengers report- carried ing Total receipts from transpor- tation of passengers (Pesos) Total net tonnage of freight and express Total gross re- ceipts from freight and ers and semi- trailers Freight and express handled Boats and ships Passengers carried Freight and express handled express Gross carried handled re- Net Gross (Pesos) ton- nage of ceipts from freight freight Number Receipts from trans- Net ton- receipts from and and ex- of pas- of passen- portation nage of freight and freight and ex- press sengers express han- han- dled gers (Pesos) express carried press han dled dled (Pesos) (Pe- sos) Total.. Form of ownership 39 617,078 4,480,969 1,559,658 11,514,655 3,416 6,831 617,078 4,480,969 1,556,242 11,507,824 Individuals. 11 Partnerships. Associations.. Corporations. Year established 1935 to 1938... 65,303 322,083 409,491 3,583,219 4 19,200 129,687 112,929 + 1 149,293 2,003,399 703,511 278,200 2,781,905 23 383,282 2,025,800 65,303 322,083 19,200 129,687 149,293 2,003,399 409,491 3,583,219 112,929 703,511 278,200 2,781,905 759,038 4,446,020 3,416 6,831 383,282 2,025,800 755,622 4,439,189 1930 to 1934.. 5 30,950 512,739 84.969 338,301 12 91,356 704,605 30,950 512,739 84,969 338,301 1925 to 1929.. 265,405 1,163,222 9 255,195 91,356 704,605 1920 to 1924 733,969 265,405 1,163,222 304,041 2,214,503 4 25,145 255,195 86,906 P P 100,000 to P499,999.... 1915 to 1919... 1910 to 1914..... Prior to 1910.... Size of total assets P 10,000 to P 49,999.... 50,000 to P 99,999... 95,388 3 39,013 150,584 689,165 3,416 6,831 25,145 75,326 349,345 1 14,890 184,101 5 160,529 2,108,065 39,013 320,300 3,203,339 414,229 3,556,780 733,969 86,906 150,584 14,890 184,101 160,529 2,108,065 304,041 2,214,508 91,972 682,334 75,326 349,345 320,300 3,203,339 414,229 3,556,780 13 P1,000,000 and over.. 尹 ​5,000 to P 尹 ​10,000 to P 尹 ​P 500,000 to 999,999.... Size of gross receipts 9,999 9 400,388 3,700,870 88849 6,200 30,524 36,631 280,892 5 57,066 136,219 1 62,506 219,538 85,898 67,526 300,086 313,270 1 310,637 1,378,754 199,843 950,041 849,615 3,416 6,831 8,785,856 24,999. 25,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P 249,999. P250,000 to 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 1 735 2.200 2 16,944 7,942 13 64,137 130,947 11 70,676 350,407 8 107,344 958,672 2 193,059 843,301 2 164,183 2,187,500 510 1,665 3,300 1 1 6,200 30,524 57,066 136,219 85,898 313,270 67,526 300,086 400,388 3,700,870 36,631 280,892 62,506 219,538 310,687 1,378,754 196,427 842,784 950,041 8,785,356 1 24,754 1 1 118,896 623,024 776 1 9 62,848 309,361 1,736 11,284 1 719 1,438 395,863 5,643 7,985 3,530,357 16,928 35,934 P3,000,000 and over... Citizenship of ope- rator Philippines.. United States.. China.... Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies... Province Cebu.... Iloilo..... Manila, City of.. Zamboanga. All other provinces.. 28 551,775 4,158,886 1,150,167 7,931,436 3,416 6,831 551,775 4,158,886 1,146,751 7,924 605 14 324,143 815,327 348,571 3 21,800 255,323 172,022 17 234,854 3,357,700 1,010,513 3 2,471 2 33,810 13,484 39,135 18,132 10,420 2,135,635 3,416 6,831 324,143 815,327 345,155 2,128 804 952,499 8,256,630 127,626 42,265 21,800 255,323 172,022 234,854 3,357,700 1,010,513 50-60 2,471 33,810 952 499 13,484 18,132 127,626 39,135 10,420 42.265 8256,030 301,708 1,156,591 3,416 6,831 362,523 2,373,553 175,856 1,348,189 598,500 5,985,244 735 16,944 64,137 70,676 2,200 7,942 510 1,665 3,300 24,754 130,947 118,896 623,024 350,407 298,292 1,149,760 1 1 107,344 958,672 362,523 2,373,553 193,059 843,301 175,856 1,348, 189 164,183 2,187,500 598,500 5,985,244 62,848 309,361 395,863 3,530,357 1,736 11,284 5,643 16,928 719 1,438 7,985 35,934 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 205 TABLE 34.-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING ESTABLISHMENTS-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Interisland and overseas ships Steam engine driven Trucks and semi-trailers Gasoline-fueled Diesel engine driven engine Alcohol (pure) fueled engine Class and item Num- tors report- ing ber of Num- pas- opera-ber of senger tonnage units capa- capa- city city Total Total net units capa- capa- eity city Num- Total Total ber of Num- pas- net opera-ber opera- ber of senger tonnage opera-ber of tors report- ing Num- ber of Total Num- Total net ber of net Num- Num- ton- opera-ber of ton- tors report units nage ca- ing tors report- pacity ing units nage ca- pacity Total.. 16 37 4,410 35,944 24 79 8,743 61,449 1 1 2 1 2 5 Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships.. Associations.... Corporations... Year established 1935 to 1938.. 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924.... 1915 to 1919_... 1910 to 1914.. Prior to 1910.. Size of total assets P10,000 to P 49,999 50,000 to P 99,999 P100,000 to P499,999 P500,000 to P999,999 .. P1,000,000 and over.. Size of gross receipts P 5,000 to P P10,000 to P 25,000 to P 9,999. 24,999-- 99,999 P100,000 to P 249,999.-- P250,000 to P 999,999... P1,000,000 to P2,999,999... P3,000,000 and over. Citizenship of operator 42 10 16 1,307 21,366 4 234 3,707 17 2,869 10,871 2431213 13526 1633405 7 1,605 5,332 634 2,086 287 844 262 314 390 1,276 796 20,866 436 5,226 7313 6 3894 15 3,675 14,230 50 4,372 45,600 5 685 1,356 14 768 1,150 30 2,914 11 6,337 503 37,780 8 382 6 876 314 743 1 1 111 1 2 1 2 5 1 11 712 . 1 2 5 1 1 1 I 331 6 509 591 9 608 4,437 2 114 1,047 20 3,179 29,869 72735 19 3,873 14,826 13704 353 765 146 378 981 1,652 898 2,043 1 1 2 2 40 6,365 56,611 1 2 5 Philippines.. United States.. China.... Partnerships, associations, corpo- rations and government agencies Provinces Cebu.... Hloilo.... Manila, City of.. Zamboanga...- All other provinces.. 131 13 1 1 279 135521 3 133 405 10 1,015 2,692 7 813 6,535 7 1,653 5,446 10 796 20,866 1206411 1 36 51 3 136 102 15 1.220 15 2,484 917 2,068 1 .. . . 1 15 1,162 39,663 15 1,597 2,851 15 3,675 14,230 2 I 1 2 5 3 15 1,270 21,274 61 6 1 71 331 51 810 66 1 1 37 92 12 21 3,103 14,578 17 71 8,361 60,573 1 1 2 1 2 5 2 3 321 338 11 33 4,089 35,327 13622 15 33324 35 3,494 5,979 1 1 2 1 2 5 672 38,161 23 4,358 17,026 87 117 132 166 TRANSPORTATION 206 TABLE 34.-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING ESTABLISHMENTS-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Boats and ships Sailboats Launches Scows Steam engine driven Diesel engine driven Class and item Num- ber of Num- opera- ber of tors report- units ing Total Num- net ber of Num- ton-opera- ber of nage tors ca- report- pacity ing units Total Num- Total net ber of Num- pas- ton-opera- ber of senger tors nage units capa- ca- report- pacity ing nage tors Total Num- Total net ber of Num- pas- ton-opera- ber of senger Total net ton- city ca- report- pacity ing units capa- nage ca- city pacity Total. Form of ownership Individuals.. 3 28 1,300 2 40 3,565 2 5 102 2 4 146 121 1 28 2,365 1 3 77 1 Partnerships. 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 12 1,200 1 2 3 28 1,300 1 1 1 1 I 1 " 1 25 2 74 4 146 121 1 Associations.... Corporations.... Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929... 1920 to 1924... 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914... Prior to 1910.... Size of total assets P 10,000 to P 49,999 P 50,000 to P 99,999 P 100,000 to P499,999 P500,000 to P999,999. P1,000,000 and over. Size of gross receipts 2 1 尹 ​5,000 to P 9,999. P 10,000 to P 24,999. P 25,000 to P 99,999.. P 100,000 to P 249,999. 23 95 ད 972 328 1 2 1 I 11 1 28 2,365 1 1 12 1,200 1 72 T1 21 7 1 867 7 433 2 112 1 I 32 77 25 22 11 1 146 101 20 1007 1 12 2 40 3,565 2 5 102 21 17 867 7 433 1 22 1 1 | | 12 ודיור 40 3,565 115 12 2 5 102 1 28 2,365 1 3 77 146 101 20 146 101 20 1 1 22 3 28 1,300 1 12 1,200 1 2 25 2 4 146 1227 10 3 28 1,300 2 40 13,565 1 1 1 22 11 146 101 1004 20 2 15 5 102 P250,000 to P 999,999... P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P3,000,000 and over.. Citizenship of operator Philippines.. United States.. China... Partnerships, associations, corpora- tions, and government agencies Province Cebu.... Iloilo.... Manila, City of... Zamboanga.... All other provinces. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 207 TABLE 35.-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Total cost of fuel and electricity pur- Wood Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline chased Province Pesos Per cent distribu- tion Quantity (Cord) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Tons) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Liters) Pesos Per cent of total PHILIPPINES. 3,407,348 100.0 552 251 (1) 106,462 1,110,739 Cebu.... Iloilo... 361,097 158,704 10.6 4.7 Manila, City of. 2,841,714 83.4 500 899989 5,827 61,951 52 10 241 (¹) (1) 11 126 100,624 1,048,662 32.6 82,041 17.2 50,879 8,081 0.1 36.9 31,162 4,877 12,958 0.4 2.2 0.2 Zamboanga.. 35,401 1.0 All other provinces.. 10,432 0.3 Kerosene Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Diesel oil Electricity purchased Province Quantity (Liters) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Liters) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Tons) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (KWH) Pesos Per cent of total PHILIPPINES. 59,067 5,654 0.2 148,039 14,566 0.4 52,622 2,262,559 66.4 3,335 621 (1) Cebu.... Iloilo... Manila, City of... 44,700 840 13,527 4,242 1.2 134,319 13,207 3.7 6,140 273,532 75.8 420 84 (1) 82 1,330 0.1 (¹) 1,840 276 0.2 3,284 158,210 99.7 8,600 817 (1) 42,377 1,785,250 62.8 2,915 537 (¹) Zamboanga.... All other provinces... 3,280 266 2.5 628 35,401 193 10,166 100.0 97.5 TABLE 36.-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased Wood Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline Class and item Per cent Pesos distribu- Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Per cent Pesos of total tion Total... 3,407,348 100.0 251 (1) 1,110,739 32.6 12,958 0.4 Form of ownership Individuals... 791,911 23.2 241 (¹) 700,679 88.5 3,665 0.5 Partnerships.. 152,327 4.5 101,612 66.7 6,063 4.0 Associations. 1,075,342 31.6 174,942 16.3 Corporations.. 1,387,768 40.7 10 (1) 133,506 9.6 3,230 0.2 Year established 1935 to 1938.. 1930 to 1934. 442,908 13.0 895 0.2 374,711 11.0 41,377 11.0 1,665 0.4 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. 421,382 12.4 69,248 16.4 3,454 0.8 1915 to 1919.. 118,548 3.5 251 0.2 39,001 32.9 1,446 1.2 1910 to 1914... 88,282 2.6 35,499 40.2 Prior to 1910... 655,708 19.2 627,910 95.8 1,305,809 38.3 297,704 22.8 5,498 0.4 Size of total assets 10,000 to P 49,999. 100,000 to P499,999. 500,000 to P999,999. P1,000,000 and over 50,000 to P 99,999. 53,531 1.6 17,392 32.5 4,869 9.1 109,299 3.2 241 0.2 62,860 57.5 1,674 1.5 316,727 9.3 139,496 44.0 2,050 0.6 128,823 3.8 50,530 39.2 4,365 3.4 2,798,968 82.1 10 840,461 30.0 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 208 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 36.-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased Wood Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline Class and item Pesos Per cent distribu- Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total tion Size of gross receipts 5,000 to P 9,999. 1,459 (¹) P 10,000 to P 24,999. 4,223 0.1 P25,000 to P 99,999. 149,449 4.4 70,084 46.9 6,687 P100,000 to P 249,999. 311.763 9.1 241 0.1 63,083 20.2 1,987 P250,000 to P 999,999. 635,220 18.6 10 (1) 158,387 24.9 4,284 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. 98998 4.5 0.6 0.7 574,184 16.9 16,333 2.8 P3,000,000 and over.. 1,731,050 50.8 802,852 46.4 Citizenship of operator Philippines... United States.. China.. 777,897 22.8 241 (¹) 690,770 88.8 3,665 0.5 4,105 0.1 9,909 0.3 9,909 100.0 Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies.. 2,615,437 76.8 10 (1) 410,060 15.7 9,293 0.4 Kerosene Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Diesel oil Electricity purchased Class and item Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Per cent Pesos of total Total......... 5,654 0.2 14,566 0.4 2,262,559 66.4 621 (¹) Form of ownership Individuals.... 1,370 0.2 85,872 10.8 84 (1) Partnerships.. 2,176 1.4 42,476 27.9 Associations. 900,000 83.7 400 (1) Corporations. 2,108 0.2 14,566 1.0 1,234,211 88.9 137 (¹) Year established 1935 to 1938. 1930 to 1934. 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 648 0.1 441,365 99.7 81 (1) 331,504 88.5 84 (1) 2,667 0.6 339 0.3 566 13,183 0.1 345,447 82.0 11.1 64,328 54.3 1915 to 1919... 817 0.9 51,966 58.9 B 1910 to 1914. 27,798 4.2 Prior to 1910... 1,919 0.1 1,000,151 76.6 537 Size of total assets 10,000 to P 49,999.. 2,157 4.0 266 0.5 P 50,000 to P 99,999. 28,847 53.9 859 0.8 P100,000 to P499,999. 43,581 39.9 84 0.1 C Ο C 479 0.2 P500,000 to P999,999.. 14,024 4.4 160,541 50.7 137 (¹) 2,077 1.6 71,851 55.8 C P1,000,000 and over 82 (1) 276 (1) 1,957,739 69.9 400 (¹) I 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. T L L EMME MANNE P REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 209 TABLE 36.-OPERATORS OF INTERISLAND AND OVERSEAS SHIPPING-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Kerosene Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Diesel oil Electricity purchased Class and item Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Size of gross receipts P 5,000 to P 9,999.. 1,459 100.0 P 10,000 to P 24,999.. 266 6.3 3,957 93.7 P25,000 to P 99,999. 3,016 2.0 69,525 46.5 137 0.1 P 100,000 to P 249,999.. 374 0.1 12,907 4.1 233,087 74.8 84 (1) P250,000 to P 999,999. 2,264 0.4 1,393 0.2 468,882 73.8 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. 557,851 97.2 P3,000,000 and over... 927,798 53.6 400 (¹) Citizenship of operator Philippines.... 1,370 0.2 81,767 10.5 84 (¹) United States.. 4,105 100.0 China.... Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies. 4,284 0.2 14,566 0.6 2,176,687 83.2 537 (¹) 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. Province Number of opera- tors re- porting Total assets (Pesos) TABLE 37.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Persons employed and salaries paid Employees not paid salaries or wages Owners and members of family Number of other persons not paid salaries or wages Total gross receipts (Pesos) Total number of persons employed Total persons not paid salaries Males Females or wages PHILIPPINES..... 223 10,709,359 19,956,392 13,092 572 315 198 59 Abra.... Agusan. Albay.. Batangas. Bohol... Bulacan.. Cagayan.... Camarines Sur.. Capiz... Cavite. Cebu.... Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur... Iloilo..... La Union... Laguna... Leyte. Manila, City of.. Masbate. Mindoro.... Misamis Oriental.. Negros Occidental.. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija... Palawan... 13 20 12 Б 26622 463 222 28553 31,908 12,657 41 78,431 157,744 123 39,121 47,012 70 512,916 1,114,668 645 273,238 474,772 298 5 120,284 378,539 335,712 191,263 230 75 3 1,103,734 1,907,761 1,082 6 35,941 126,221 292,984 9,942 49 260 683,756 1,271,957 1,216 46 7 58,564 47,430 308,851 102 203,056 223 17 956,018 1,991,775 168,153 381,300 1,430 178 9 489,359 1,010,177 485 19 140,295 157,441 159 608,251 841,887 471 33,630 80,086 128 43,508 100,406 80 73842 259,424 477,834 743,917 1,630,385 105,160 284,796 321 1,428 20 177,925 193 958,259 462 12 B0603 434 42 - 82 13 12 22 20 HAPO NOTEN BOG NAPLG 68211 12 5 3 6 18 20 14 12 12 1 16 19 3,495 9,417 11 4 88888 11 6 16 3 AN OOING CLLLL LOUS 9 5 12 5 - 8 2 6 6 1 4 5 1 3 1 210 TRANSPORTATION 20a TABLE 37.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Persons employed and salaries paid Pampanga. Rizal.. Employees not paid salaries or wages Number Total Total gross of opera- assets Province tors re- (Pesos) receipts (Pesos) porting Total number of persons employed Total persons not paid salaries Owners and members of family Number of other persons Males Females not paid salaries of or wages wages Romblon Samar. Surigao. Tayabas.... All other provinces. 29,511 83,021 3 115,836 11 41488 4 1,115,857 1,224,096 440,843 1,567,900 557 1 1,021 38,722 74 122,480 143 158,346 118 4 90,024 206,067 221 8 1,289,584 2,712,104 1,198 622 HE 66 24 23 9 5 11 17 10 26 13786 60 12 13 1233 6 Province Number of persons paid sala- ries or wages Total salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, supervisors, and others holding executive, managerial or super- visory positions Salaries Office employees, ste- nographers, and others performing routine office work Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Number of persons Salaries Number of persons or wages paid (Pesos) or wages paid PHILIPPINES. (Pesos) 12,520 5,940,040 522 Abra.... 917,006 876 482,302 11,122 4,540,732 Agusan. 28 6,835 Albay.. 103 35,223 11 Batangas. 64 15,501 9,474 2 Bohol.. 635 384,838 295 151,284 Bulacan. Cagayan... 226 127,191 ཨ ༠ 951 74 81,130 3 13,680 9 Camarines Sur.. 72 43,992 14,100 6 Capiz.. 1,081 701,650 150 Cavite. 17 231 18,451 149,580 3,065 74,624 11 Cebu.... 7,661 Ilocos Norte. 1,170 386,629 27 Ilocos Sur... 80 12,286 42,291 Iloilo.... 189 94,629 La Union... 1,398 170 528,141 103,311 25 735 9,765 110,585 1 Laguna.. 8,700 Leyte... 466 281,969 Manila, City of. 153 44,205 Masbate.... 463 194,324 13 Mindoro... 100 22,752 79 31,217 Misamis Oriental. Negros Occidental.. 301 141,613 Negros Oriental. 1,406 730,644 33 Nueva Ecija.. 155 44,317 Palawan.. 450 222,739 16376 2374 30,685 37 5 5,244 10,153 2,505 30 37 6,755 12 11,850 23 7 100,440 3,866 11,100 90 1,170 61 Pampanga.. Rizal... 556 Romblon Samar. 955 385,143 423,126 19 50 11,356 Surigao. 120 30,065 109 27,936 10 Tayabas.... All other provinces.. LX 210 1,181 61,217 617,048 41 PALUL BL 19 69,424 32 37,814 47 4 1,447 9 8,220 6 1 1,800 8 8 7,935 141,400 12 L48 22 O 2 0 2 1 270 27 6.565 7 3,236 85 22,513 2,913 58 11,637 66 41,039 495 262,669 45 28,098 247 109,506 27 13,287 190 99,804 7 3,588 59 21,953 72 61,500 859 490,570 17 3,065 14 6,715 206 60,248 51 19,917 1,092 324,421 3 315 77 11,971 6 1,920 176 82,944 76 27,531 1,297 390,025 21 16,194 148 78,411 29,334 422 221,950 10,619 118 28,342 12,721 413 171,450 5 2,005 88 18,242 6 3,018 67 21,444 11,064 266 118,699 43,670 1,283 586,534 8 2,975 140 37,476 26,973 385 184,666 1 360 6 810 45,517 505 270,200 21,572 889 363,740 1,788 37 8,121 2,168 104 19,677 2,624 100 23,512 5,484 190 47,798 64 33,887 1,076 441,761 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 211 TABLE 38.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Persons employed and salaries paid Employees not paid salaries or wages Class and item Number of opera- Total assets Total gross tors re- (Pesos) porting receipts (Pesos) Total number Total Owners and members Other of persons persons not employed paid sala- of family ries or Males Females persons not paid salaries or wages wages Total.... Form of ownership 223 10,709,359 19,956,392 13,092 572 315 198 59 Individuals. 178 2,255,639 2,997,784 3,065 516 260 197 Partnerships.. 6 Corporations.. 39 26,610 8,427,110 16,929,700 28,908 69 51 5 4 1 9,976 51 51 Year established 1935 to 1938.. 1930 to 1934. 60 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914... Prior to 1910... Year not reported. 36849128 465,730 836,123 916 99 52 2,475,870 5,065,747 3,918 130 64 3,743,190 7,355,409 4,635 276 164 796,148 1,061,519 711 27 13 1,582,969 3,240,353 1,451 4 3 41 3481 38 46 86 28 9 20 26 14 1,098,378 1,900,000 1,076 438,535 364,345 234 13 5 108,539 132,896 151 23 14 18 5 3 1 Size of total assets Under P 100... 1 50 937 15 13 Б P 100 to P 499 12 4,068 8,257 42 29 19 P 500 to P 999 15 10,667 26,016 83 47 23 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 49 91,645 155,975 283 107 59 P2,500 to P 4,999.. 34 128,862 164,835 278 90 49 P5,000 to P 9,999. 29 207,370 257,953 412 108 52 P10,000 to P 49,999. 50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. 500,000 to P999,999. P1,000,000 and over.. 47 1,082,268 2,049,030 1,702 105 48 8888888 17 37 11 38 18 52 9 640,252 1,471,086 1,070 18 8 5 22 4,777,350 9,224,538 5,668 55 52 1 29986602i 7 5 5 3 1,613,168 3,556,446 1,972 2 2,153,659 3,041,319 1,567 Size of gross receipts Under P 500. 14 23,355 4,536 55 35 20 11 P 500 to P 999. 11 17,779 7,632 63 50 28 16 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 56 151,171 108,585 296 101 61 34 P2,500 to P 4,999. 22 67,432 89,536 199 79 33 33 13 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 32 262,761 237,999 295 88 53 28 P10,000 to P 24,999. 23 264,790 366,763 468 94 39 41 14 P25,000 to P 99,999. P 100,000 to P 249,999. 25 651,627 1,038,764 998 52 21 29 20 1,996,499 3,399,610 2,519 24 11 6 46637427 P250,000 to P 999,999. 16 3,941,754 9,102,809 4,906 49 49 .P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. 4 3,332,191 5,600,158 3,293 Citizenship of operator Philippines.. ཙྪ United States. China... Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies.. 168 2,202,750 2,906,887 2,956 493 250 186 57 2 32,628 62,668 65 9 3 6 8 20,261 28,229 44 14 7 5 2 45 8,453,720 16,958,608 10,027 56 55 1 Number of employees Under 10 persons. 10 to 19 persons.. 20 to 29 persons.. 30 to 39 persons. 40 to 49 persons. 50 to 69 persons. 111 415,630 389,094 552 177 113 35 274,314 400,703 bow 44 20 475 171 83 76 19 269,575 427,939 12 461 77 31 32 12 195,300 14 335,755 418 63 22 35 1 34,704 29,142 43 2 1 1 7 624,943 1,114,238 398 1 1 4623 11 2246 212 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 38.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Total number Persons employed and salaries paid Employees not paid salaries or wages Owners and members Class and item Number of operators reporting Total assets (Pesos) Total gross rsceipts (Pesos) of persons Total persons Other of family persons employed not paid salaries or Males Females not paid salaries or wages wages Number of employees-Continued 70 to 99 persons.. 100 to 149 persons... 150 to 199 persons. 200 to 299 persons... 300 to 499 persons.. 500 to 999 persons.. 6 315,627 714,689 573 8 739,725 1,417,551 1,027 16 7 1,361,237 1,947,486 6 934,573 1,845,666 1,227 1,450 5014 45 1 776 9 7 1 1 1 5 2,942,899 5,108,325 6 2,600,832 6,225,804 2,139 4,329 9 9 Class and item Number of persons paid sala- ries or wages Total..... Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships. Corporations.. Year established 1935 to 1938. Total salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Number of persons or wages paid (Pesos) Number of persons Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Executive, managers, superintendents, supervisors, and others holding executive, managerial or super- visory positions Salaries Office employees, ste- nographers, and others performing routine office work Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) 12,520 5,940,040 522 917,006 876 482,302 11,122 4,540,732 2,549 1,093,248 46 9,925 4,837,017 123 9,775 398 28 93,999 162 1 € 360 2 822,647 712 55,606 300 426,396 2,264 43 8,815 943,643 9,115 3,587,974 [ 817 169,902 30 44,486 39 11,247 748 3,788 1,688,835 97 223,482 230 107,040 3,461 114,169 1,358,313 4,359 2,067,652 113 237,009 302 181,652 3,944 1,648,991 684 295,779 23 43,659 69 38,562 592 213,558 1,447 903,717 95 208,773 120 71,638 1,232 623,306 1,076 699,780 150 149,580 72 61,500 854 488,700 221 82,692 7 5,161 15 2,143 199 75,388 128 31,683. 7 4,856 29 8,520 92 18,307 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919.. 1910 to 1914. Prior to 1910.. Year not reported. Size of total assets Under P 100. 2 296 100 to P ས 2 296 499. 13 1,922 500 to P 13 1,922 999.. 36 10,438 2 720 34 9,718 1,000 to P 2,499... 176 30,266 9 2,500 to P 1,920 7 4,999.. 1,476 160 26,870 188 5,000 to P 9,999. 66,069 8 1,449 11 4,324 169 60,296 304 70,231 13 10,000 to P 49,999. 5,979 13 3,773 278 60,479 50,000 to P 99,999. 1,597 522,435 88 131,071 105 37,131 1,404 354,233 1,052 100,000 to P499,999... 595,185 36 29,411 72 33,016 500,000 to P999,999... 5,613 2,523,303 115 299,566 435 223,004 944 5,063 2,000,733 532,758 P1,000,000 and over... 1,972 1,060,187 91 232,786 130 72,586 1,751 754,815 1,567 1,059,708 160 214,104 103 106,992 1,304 738,612 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 213 TABLE 38.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EM- PLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Class and item Number of persons paid sala- ries or wages Total salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Executives, managers, superintendents, supervisors, and others holding executive, managerial or super- visory positions Office employees, ste- nographers, and others performing routine office work Number Salaries or wages of persons paid Number of persons (Pesos) Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Size of gross receipts Under P 500.- P 500 to P 999 2230 2,254 1 360 19 1,894 13 2,741 13 2,741 P1,000 to P 2,499. 195 35,048 6 1,960 9 1,122 180 31,966 ? 2,500 to P 4,999. 120 25,165 8 1,587 6 938 106 22,640 P5,000 to P 9,999. 207 52,457 13 8,382 4 713 190 43,362 P10,000 to P 24,999. 374 123,423 25 9,898 22 8,366 327 105,159 P25,000 to P 99,999 946 519,535 49 60,840 69 26,732 828 431,9 63 P100,000 to P 249,999. 2,495 875,790 83 128,683 163 66,016 2,249 681,091 250,000 to P 999,999.. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. Citizenship of operator 4,857 2,329,585 145 307,903 408 215,930 4,304 1,805,752 3,293 1,974,042 193 397,753 194 162,125 2,906 1,414,164 Philippines..... United States... China.... Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies.. Number of employees 8999999 2,463 1,072,662 117 56 30 15,485 5,101 733 86,919 160 54,494 2,186 931,249 6,120 2 1,112 51 8,253 960 27 4,141 9,971 4,846,792 399 823,007 714 426,696 8,858 3,597,089 Under 10 persons. 375 92,128 9,862 14 2,306 343 79,960 10 to 19 persons.. 304 94,356 4,937 14 5,000 275 84,419 20 to 29 persons. 384 116,191 30 to 39 persons.. 355 89,805 100 to 149 persons. 70 to 99 persons. 50 to 69 persons. 40 to 49 persons.. 41 6,262 397 165,665 522 563,361 1,011 367,652 200 to 299 persons. 150 to 199 persons... 1,226 640,094 1,446 640,627 800 to 499 persons. 2,139 1,196,178 500 to 999 persons.. 4,320 1,967,721 231 គ១ គគគគគឺ 20,384 23 8,114 329 87,693 16,799 35 12,327 301 60,679 1 180 40 6,082 46,525 28 14,394 349 104,746 173,064 38 24,237 424 366,060 36,510 71 30,255 912 300,887 43,545 83 203,220 1,110 393,329 64,221 123 102,024 1,294 474,382 37 231,161 179 35,338 1,923 929,679 269,998 267 44,907 3,822 1,652,816 214 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 39.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-TOTAL ASSETS BY PROVINCES: 1938 Province Operators reporting Assets Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.). PHILIPPINES..... Abra.. Agusan... Albay... Batangas.. Bohol... Bulacan.... Cagayan... Camarines Sur. Capiz... Cavite... Cebu.... Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur.. Iloilo... La Union... Laguna... Leyte. Manila, City of. Masbate.... Mindoro... Misamis Oriental.. Negros Occidental.. Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija.. Palawan... Pampanga.. Rizal.. Romblon.. Samar... Surigao... Tayabas... All other provinces... Total Number Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Per cent distribution La 223 100.0 10,709,359 100.0 6,387,367 59.6 Le 100.0 M 13 20 12 17 26622 45 22 00563 0.9 31,908 0.3 19,408 60.8 M 2.7 78,431 0.7 38,478 49.1 2.7 39,121 0.4 29,745 76.0 0.9 512.916 4.8 237,345 46.3 0.9 273,238 2.6 109,102 39.9 1.8 120,284 1.1 76,812 63.9 2.2 335,712 3.1 147,962 44.1 3 1.3 1,103,734 10.3 552,877 50.1 5.8 35,941 0.3 21,967 61.1 6 2.7 .126,221 1.2 89,688 71.1 9.0 683,756 6.4 377,429 55.2 7 3.1 58,564 0.5 52,064 88.9 5.4 308,851 2.9 232,978 75.4 7.6 956,018 8.9 645,229 67.5 0.9 168,153 1.6 130,949 77.9 9 4.0 489,359 4.6 180,779 36.9 8 3.6 140,295 1.3 118,280 84.3 2.2 608,251 5.7 436,048 71.7 2.2 33,630 0.3 28,822 85.7 1.3 43,508 0.4 21,195 48.7 73842 3.1 259,424 2.4 173,313 66.8 5.8 743,917 6.9 437,568 58.8 8.1 105,160 1.0 81,860 77.8 1.8 284,796 2.7 225,361 79.1 0.9 3,495 (1) 3,425 98.0 4 1.8 1,115,857 10.4 674,259 60.4 10.6 11 4.9 440,843 4.1 329,587 74.8 5.2 4 488 1.8 29,511 0.3 20,212 68.5 0.3 CORE NON DOMEN NOG NOR O M M N N N 1.2 Pa 8.7 0.3 1.4 PRRS Pa Sa 5.9 St 0.8 T 10.1 Al 2.8 1.9 T 6.8 0.5 3.6 83,021 0.8 68,191 82.1 1.1 3 1.3 115,836 1.1 66,614 57.5 48 1.8 3.6 90,024 1,289,584 0.8 48,779 54.2 0.8) 0.1 12.0 711,041 55.1 H.D.-11.8 Assets Continued FPC In Pa Province Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes re- ceivable 15 Pesos Per cent of total 19 Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 19 1 1,648,434 15.4 1,870,124 17.5 803,434 7.5 2,500 7.8 10,000 31.3 2,939 3.7 35,865 45.7 1,149 1.5 2.125 5.4 6,965 17.8 286 0.7 59,023 11.5 211,654 41.3 4.894 18,697 6.8 135,439 49.6 13 1.0 10,000 3.7 36,946 30.7 6,526 5.4 87,157 26.0 78,505 23.4 22.088 203,089 18.4 321,371 29.1 26.397 10,525 29.3 949 2.6 2,500 10,057 8.0 21,935 17.4 4,541 6273 6.6 2.4 7.0 3.6 4069 97,974 14.3 149,189 21.8 59,164 80 0.1 6,120 10.5 300 18,134 5.9 48,973 15.9 8,766 195,403 20.4 33,572 3.5 81,814 88284 8.7 0.5 2.8 8.6 14,236 8.5 15,067 4.7 9.0 7,901 PHILIPPINES..... Abra... Agusan.. Albay.. Batangas.. Bohol... Bulacan.. Cagayan.. Camarines Sur. Capiz... Cavite.. Cebu... Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.... La Union... 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 215 TABLE 39.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-TOTAL ASSETS BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Assets-Continued Laguna... Leyte.. Manila, City of. Masbate... Mindoro... Misamis Oriental. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija.... Palawan... Pampanga. Rizal. Romblon.. Samar.... Surigao.. Tayabas.... All other provinces.... Province Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes re- ceivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 79,478 16.2 227,864 46.6 1,238 0.8 12.412 8.8 3,213 2.3 6,390 4.6 143,514 23.6 19,659 3.2 9,030 1.5 1,083 3.2 3,029 9.0 696 2.1 15,607 35.9 6,706 15.4 17,327 6.7 58,431 22.5 10,353 4.0 53,906 7.2 22,333 3.0 230,110 30.9 15,445 14.7 7,479 7.1 376 0.4 26,907 9.4 26,761 9.4 5,767 2.0 70 2.0 76,330 6.8 175,790 15.8 189,478 17.0 74,213 16.8 14,856 3.4 22,187 5.0 4,136 14.0 3,228 10.9 1,935 6.6 2,136 2.6 11,029 13.3 1,665 2.0 32,815 28.3 11,946 10.3 4,461 3.9 7,845 341,932 8.7 24,975 27.7 8,425 9.4 26.5 161,794 12.5 74,817 5.8 TABLE 40.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL A SSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Operators reporting Assets Class and item Total Number Per cent distri- bution Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) Pesos Per cent distribu- tion Pesos Per cent of total Per cent distribu- tion Total...... 223 100.0 10,709,359 100.0 6,387,367 59.6 100.0 Form of ownership Individuals... Partnerships... 178 79.8 2,255,639 Corporations.. 6 2.7 39 17.5 26,610 8,427,110 21.1 1,602,120 0.2 71.1 25.1 17,825 67.0 0.3 78.7 4,767,422 56.6 74.6 Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919.- 1910 to 1914... 60 14 36849428 19.3 465,730 4.3 314,580 67.5 4.9 26.9 2,475,870 23.11,612,456 65.1 25.2 38.6 3,743,190 35.0 2,249,266 60.1 35.2 6.3 796,148 7.4 413,225 51.9 6.5 4.0 1,582,969 14.8 885,252 55.9 13.9 1 0.4 1,098,378 10.3 550,317 50.1 8.6 0.9 438,535 4.1 297,966 67.9 4.7 3.6 108,539 1.0 64,305 59.2 1.0 Prior to 1910.. Year not reported. Size of total assets Under P P 100.. 1 0.4 50 P 100 to P 499. 12 5.4 4,068 P 500 to P 33 50 100.0 (1) 3,485 85.7 0.1 999. 15 6.7 10,667 0.1 7,803 73.2 0.1 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 49 22.0 91,645 0.9 77,686 84.8 61.2 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 34 15.2 128,862 1.2 109,999 85.4 1.7 P10,000 to P 49,999. 5,000 to P 9,999. 29 13.0 207,370 1.9 160,040 77.2 2.5 P50,000 to P 99,999.. P100,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to P999,999.. P1,000,000 and over.. 47 21.1 1,082,268 10.1 780,312 72.1 12.2 9 4.0 640,252 6.0 405,015 63.3 6.3 22 9.9 4,777,350 44.6 2,796,190 58.5 43.8 3 2 1.3 1,613,168 0.9 2,153,659 15.1 20.1 1,168,596 878.191 54.4 13.7 54.3 18.3 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 216 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 40.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Operators reporting Assets Total Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) Class and item Nnmber Per cent distri- bution Pesos Per cent distri- tion Per cent Pesos of total Per cent distribu- tion Size of gross receipts Under P 500.... P 500 to P 999.. P 1,000 to P 2,499.. P 2,500 to P 4,999. P 5,000 to P 9,999.. 10,000 to P 24,999... P25,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P 249,999. 14622222 6.3 23,355 0.2 15,520 66.5 0.2 4.9 17,779 0.2 10,180 57.3 0.2 56 25.1 151,171 1.4 128,209 84.8 9.9 67,432 0.6 56,534 83.8 32 14.3 262,761 2.5 172,043 65.5 202 2.0 0.9 2.7 23 10.3 264,790 2.5 190,145 71.8 3.0 25 11.2 651,627 6.1 445,641 68.4 7.0 9.0 1,996,499 18.6 1,330,151 66.6 20.8 P250,000 to P 999,999.. 16 7.2 3,941,754 36.8 2,189,778 55.6 34.3 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 4 1.8 3,332,191 31.11,849,166 55.5 29.0 Citizenship of operator 1 Philippines.. 168 United States.. China... 8288 75.3 2,202,750 20.61,565,024 71.0 24.6 0.9 32,628 0.3 23,308 71.4 0.4 3.6 20,261 0.2 13,788 68.1 0.2 42 Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies... 45 20.2 8,453,720 78.9 4,785,247 56.6 74.9 Assets-Continued Class and item Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 1,648,434 15.4 1,870,124 17.5 803,434 7.5 Total.... Form of ownership Individuals.... Partnerships.. Corporations.. Year established 327,513 14.5 209,169 9.3 116,837 8,647 32.5 138 1,320,921 15.7 1,652,308 19.6 686,459 888 5.2 0.5 8.1 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 59,475 12.8 45,826 9.8 301,230 45,849 9.8 12.2 187,435 7.6 374,749 15.1 525,021 14.0 694,326 18.5 114,201 274,577 7.8 1915 to 1919. 14.3 233,993 29.4 1910 to 1914.... 286,534 34,729 4.4 18.1 370,522 23.4 202.239 40,661 Prior to 1910... 18.4 321,322 29.3 24,500 Year not reported... 132,200 30.1 27,534 8,369 7227 2.6 2.2 1.9 629A448 25.4 16,700 15.4 Size of total assets 100 to P 499. 20 500 to P 0.5 999... 563 13.8 820 1,000 to P 2,499. 7.7 2,044 19.2 5.743 2,500 to P 4,999... 6.3 6,942 7.6 1,274 1.4 4,540 5,000 to P 9,999.. 3.5 12,026 9.3 13,935 2,297 10,000 to P 49,999.. 6.7 28,918 13.9 91,169 4,477 50,000 to P 99,999. 8.4 176,133 16.3 34.654 123 1.8 2.2 3.2 98,349 100,000 to P499,999... 15.4 63,144 9.9 73,744 11.8 791,835 500,000 to P999,999.. 16.6 763,170 16.0 426,155 9.0 366,504 P1,000,000 or over..... 22.7 321,618 19.9 275,519 12.8 495,566 23.0 46,855 213,978 2.9 9.9 600 Size of gross receipts Under P500... P 5,545 500 to P 23.7 999 490 2.1 P 5,800 1,800 7.7 1,000 to P 32.6 2,499. 1,049 5.9 750 4.2 P 4,718 2,500 to P 3.1 4,999. 16,750 11.1 1,494 1.0 5,000 to P 3,275 4.9 9,999. 4,740 7.0 2,883 4.3 10,000 to P 24,999. 33,963 12.9 54,829 20.9 1,926 0.7 30,352 72037. 25,000 to P 99,999. 11.5 41,496 15.7 30,516 2,797 1.1 4.7 92,590 14.2 82,880 12.7 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 217 TABLE 40.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Class and item Assets-Continued Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Per cent Pesos of total Size of gross receipts-Continued P 100,000 to P 249,999.. 324,706 16.3 207,091 10.4 134,551 6.7 P250,000 to P 999,999. 589,509 15.0 844,053 21.4 318,414 8.1 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. 620,050 18.6 607,036 18.2 255,939 7.7 Citizenship of operator: Philippines.. 325,350 14.8 195,619 8.9 116,757 5.3 United States. 361 1.1 8,959 27.5 China... 1,802 8.9 4,591 22.7 80 0.4 Partnerships, associations, corporations and govern- ment agencies... 1,320,921 15.6 1,660,955 19.6 686,597 8.1 TABLE 41.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND All employees WAGES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Employees not paid salaries or wages Employees paid salaries or wages Total Owners and mem- bers of family Total Total wages and salaries Province Per cent Number distribu- tion Per cent Persons of all em- Males Other persons Females ployees Per cent Persons of all em- ployees Average Per cent Pesos per em- ployee distribu tion (Pesos) PHILIPPINES. 13,092 100.0 572 Abra.... 41 0.3 Agusan Albay. 123 0.9 70 Batangas. Bohol... 0.5 645 4.9 298 2.3 Bulacan... 230 Cagayan.. 1.8 75 Camarines Sur. 0.6 Capiz... 1,082 8.3 49 Cavite. 0.4 260 2.0 Cebu.... Ilocos Norte.. 1,216 9.3 Ilocos Sur.. 102 0.8 223 Iloilo..... 1.7 La Union.. 1,430 10.9 178 1.4 Laguna.. Leyte. 485 3.7 159 Masbate... Manila, City of.... 1.2 471 3.6 Mindoro... 128 0.9 80 0.6 Negros Occidental.. Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija.. Palawan... Misamis Oriental... 321 2.5 1,428 10.9 193 1.5 22 - 2 - 228 4.4 315 198 59 12,520 95.6 5,940,040 474 100.0 31.7 5 16.3 6 8.6 1.6 1.0 4 1.7 3 3 4.0 1 0.1 1 65.3 18 11.2 12 3.8 21.6 22 14 15.2 18 2.2 20 8 4.5 2 3.9 9 3.8 4 8 1.7 4 28 21.9 11 6821T 12 67442 BILL & ELE Б 5 ་! 36 28 68.3 6,835 244 0.1 103 83.7 35,223 342 0.5 64 91.4 15,501 242 0.6 635 98.4 384,838 606 5.7 295 99.0 151,284 513 2.2 226 98.3 127,191 563 1.9 72 96.0 43,992 611 0.7 1,081 99.9 701,650 649 10.4 9 12 155 17 34.7 3,065 180 (¹) 231 88.8 74,624 323 1.1 20 4 1,170 96.2 386,629 330 5.7 8 80 78.4 12,286 154 0.2 14 2 189 84.8 94,629 501 1.1 12 1,398 97.8 528,141 378 7.8 6 170 95.5 103,311 608 1.5 6 1 4 12 41 95 466 96.1 281,969 605 4.2 153 96.2 44,205 289 12.6 463 98.3 194,324 420 2.9 100 78.1 22,752 228 0.3 1.3 1 79 98.8 31,217 395 0.5 20 6.2 8 11 1.5 16 38 19.7 19 16 462 3.5 12 2.6 11 0.1 4 36.4 Rizal... Pampanga.. 557 4.3 0.2 Romblon. Samar.. Surigao.. Tayabas... All other provinces. 1,021 7.8 66 6.5 63 74 0.6 32.4 143 1.1 16.1 118 0.9 7.6 5 221 1.7 5.0 5 1,198 9.2 1.4 10 84 1522 1238 26 B00B4 1878E BO 1 301 93.8 141,613 470 2.1 6 1,406 98.5 730,644 520 10.8 3 31 3 155 80.3 44,317 286 0.7 1 450 97.4 222,739 495 3.3 7 63.6 1,170 167 (¹) 556 99.8 385,143 693 5.7 955 93.5 423,126 443 6.3 50 67.6 11,356 227 0.2 120 83.9 30,065 251 0.4 109 92.4 27,936 256 4.4 4 210 95.0 61,217 292 0.9 1 1,181 98.6 617,048 522 9.1 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 218 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 41-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Executives, etc. Office employees Drivers, etc. Salaries Province Salaries and wages paid Salaries and wages paid Persons Pesos Per cent Persons of total salaries Per cent of total Persons Per cent Pesos salaries Pesos of total salaries and wages and wages PHILIPPINES.. 522 917,006 15.4 876 482,302 8.1 11,122 4,540,732 76.4 Abra.... Agusan.. 11 Albay.. Batangas. 74 Bohol... 1243 9,474 951 26.9 6.1 81,130 21.1 66 13,680 9.0 Bulacan... Cagayan... Camarines Sur. 165660 14,100 11.1 27 18.451 41.9 149,580 21.3 Capiz... Cavite. 11 7,661 10.3 Cebu.... 27 42,291 10.9 Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur... 7 9,765 10,3 Iloilo... 25. 110,585 20.9 76 La Union... 1 8,700 8.4 21 Laguna.... Leyte.. Manila, City of.. 13 Masbate... Mindoro.. Rizal.. Misamis Oriental. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija... Palawan.. Pampanga. Romblon Samar.. 12 33 Surigao Tayabas... All other provinces. 76376 2874 19406 30,685 10.9 37 5,244 11.9 30 10.153 5.2 37 2,505 11.0 6,755 21.6 11,850 8.4 23 100,440 13.7 90 3,866 8.7 11.100 5.0 61 69,424 18.0 32 37,814 8.9 47 1,447 12.7 8,220 27.3 1,800 6.4 8 41 7,935 141,400 13.0 12 22.9 64 1746 22 ON MONDO ROL NEO 2* 270 4.0 27 6,565 96.0 3.236 9.2 85 22,513 63.9 2,913 18.8 58 11,637 74.4 41,039 10.7 495 262,669 68.3 45 28,098 18.6 247 109,506 72.4 1 13,287 10.4 190 99,804 78.5 1 7 3,588 8.2 59 21,953 49.9 1 72 61,500 8.8 859 490,570 69.9 1 17 3,065 100.0 1 14 6,715 9.0 206 60,248 80.7 P Y 51 19,917 5.2 1,092 324,421 83.9 3 315 2.6 77 11,971 97.4 6 1,920 2.0 176 82,944 87.1 27,531 5.2 1,297 390,025 78.8 U 16,194 15.7 148 78,417 75.9 29,334 10.4 422 221,950 78.7 10,619 24.0 118 28,342 64.1 12,721 6.5 413 171.450 88.2 5 2,005 8.8 88 18.242 80.2 6 3,018 9.7 67 21,444 68.7 11,064 7.8 266 118,699 83.8 43,670 6.0 1,283 586,534 80.3 8 2,975 6.7 140 37.476 84.6 26,973 12.1 385 184,666 82.9 1 360 30.8 6 810 69.2 U 45,517 11.8 505 270,202 70.2 21,572 5.1 889 363,740 86.0 9 1,788 15.7 37 8,121 71.5 6 2,168 7.2 104 19.677 65.4 8 2,624 9.4 100 23,512 84.2 5,484 9.0 190 47,798 78.1 33,887 5.5 1,076 441,761 71.6 TABLE 42.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIP- PINES: 1938. All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Employees paid salaries or wages Total Qwners and members of family Total Total wages and salaries Class and item Num- ber Per cent distri- bution Persons Per cent of all em- Other persons Males Fe- males ployees Persons Per cent of all em- Pesos Aver- age per Per cent em- distri- ployee bution (Pesos) ployees Total... 13,092 100.0 572 4.4 315 198 59 12,520 95.6 5,940,040 494 100.0 Form of ownership Individuals Partnerships. Corporations. 3,065 51 9,976 23.4 516 0.4 76.2 91 99 19 16.8 260 5 9.8 4 197 1 0.5 51 59 2,549 46 9,925 83.2 1,093,248 429 18.4 90.2 9.775 213 0.2 99.5 4,837,017 487 81.4 P τ C REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 219 TABLE 42.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIP- PINES: 1938-Continued All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Employees paid salaries or wages Total Owners and members of family Total Total wages and salaries Class and item Per cent Num- ber distri- bution Per cent of all Other persons Persons Males em- Fe- males Persons Per cent of all em- Pesos ployees ployees Aver- age per Per cent em- distri- ployee bution (Pesos) Year established 1935 to 1938.. 1930 to 1934... 916 7.0 99 10.8 52 38 3,918 29.9 130 3.3 64' 46 1925 to 1929 1920 to 1924... 1915 to 1919... 4,635 35.4 276 6.0 164 86 711 5.4 27 3.8 13 1,451 11.1 4 0.3 3 88841 20 26 8886 817 89.2 169,902 208 2.5 3,788 96.7 1,688,835 446 37.0 4,359 94.0 2,067,652 474 26.6 684 96.2 295,779 482 4.4 1,447 99.7 903,717 625. 13.4 1910 to 1914 1,076 8.2 Prior to 1910.... 1 1 1 234 1.8 Year not reported.. 151 1.2 12 13 5.6 5 23 15.2 14 888 5 131 1,076 100.0 699,780 650 10.4 3 221 94.4 82,692 374 1.2 1 128 84.8 31,683 248 4.6 Size of total assets Under P 100.. ? 100 to P 499. P 500 to P 500 to 999 P1,000 to P 2,499. 283 1288 15 0.1 13 86.7 42 0.3 29 69.0 19 83 0.6 47 56.6 23 2.2 107 37.8 59 P2,500 to P 4,999 278 2.1 90 32.4 49 5,000 to P 9,999. 412 3.1 108 26.2 52 P10,000 to P 49,999. 50,000 to P 99,999 P 100,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to P999,999. P1,000,000 and over.. Size of gross receipts 1,702 13.0 105 6.2 48 1,070 8.2 18 1.7 118000000 5 8 8 17 37 11 32 38 18 52 5 5,668 43.3 55 1.0 52 1 27998662 13 23 13.3 296 148 (1) 31.0 1,922 148 (1) 36 43.4 10,438 290 0.2 176 62.2 30,266 172 0.4 188 67.6 66,069 351 1.0 304 73.8 70,231 231 1.0 5 1,597 93.8 522,435 327 19.7 5 1,052 98.3 595,185 566 8.8 2 5,613 99.0 2,523,303 450 37.4 1,972 15.1 1,972 100.0 1,060,187 538 15.7 1,567 12.0 1 t 1,567 100.0 1,059,708 676 15.7 Under P 500... 55 0.4 35 63.6 20 11 P 500 to P 999. 63 0.5 50 79.4 28 16 ? 1,000 to P 2,499 296 2.3 101 34.1 61 2,500 to P 4,999. 199 1.5 79 39.7 33 33 P5,000 to P 9,999. 295 2.3 88 29.8 53 P10,000 to P 24,999 468 3.6 94 20.1 39 41 P25,000 to P 99,999. 998 7.6 52 5.2 21 P100,000 to P 249,999. 2,519 19.2 24 1.0 11 FELBERG 34 13 28 14 29 6 46637427 223 20 36.4 20.6 2,254 2,741 113 211 (¹) 195 65.9 120 60.3 207 70.2 374 79.9 946 94.8 35,048 180 0.6 25,165 210 0.4 52,457 253 0.9 123,423 330 2.1 519,535 549 8.7 7 2,495 99.0 875,790 351 14.7 P250,000 to P 999,999. 4,906 37.5 49 1.0 49 4,857 99.0 2,329,585 480 39.2 P1,000,000 to 2,999,999. 3,293 25.2 3,293 100.0 1,974,042 599 33.2 Citizenship of operator Philippines.. 2,956 22.6 493 16.7 250 United States. 65 0.5 9 13.8 China.... 44 0.3 14 31.8 Government agencies. 10,027 76.6 56 0.6 168866 7 55 86615 2:26 57 2,463 83.3 1,072,662 436 18.1 56 86.2 15,485 277 0.2 30 68.2 5,101 170- 0.1 9,971 99.4 4,846,792 486 81.6 Number of employees Partnerships associations, corporations, and Under 10 persons.. 552 4.2 177 32.1 113 20 to 29 persons. 10 to 19 persons.. 475 3.6 171 36.0 83 461 3.5 77 16.7 31 30 to 39 persons.. 418 3.2 63 15.1 22 35 70 to 99 persons. 50 to 69 persons. 40 to 49 persons.. 43 0.3 2 4.7 1 398 3.0 1 0.3 100 to 149 persons.. 150 to 199 persons.. 200 to 299 persons. 300 to 499 persons.. 500 to 999 persons.. 573 4.4 51 8.9 45 1,027 7.8 16 1.6 1,227 9.4 1 0.1 1,450 11.1 4 0.3 5911 46234117 2246 1 1 I 1 2,139 16.3 4,329 33.1 9 0.2 1 9 20 12 375 67.9 92,128 246 304 64.0 1.6 94,356 310 1.6 14 384 83.3 116,191 303 2.0 5 355 84.9 41 95.3 397 99.7 522 89,805 253 1.5 6.262 153 0.1 165,665 417 2.8 91.1 563,361 1,079 9.5 1,011 98.4 367,652 364 6.2 1,226 99.9 640,094 522 10.8 2 1,446 99.7 2,139 640,627 559 100.0 1,196,178 443 10.8 20.1 4,320 99.8 1,967,721 455 33.1 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 220 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 42.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIP. PINES: 1938-Continued. or Employees paid salaries and wages-Continued Executives, etc. Office employees Class and item Salaries Per cent Persons Salaries (Pesos) Per cent of total Drivers, etc. Per cent Persons and wages of total sal- Persons Salaries and wages of total sal- salaries paid (Pesos) aries and wages paid (Pesos) aries and wages Total.. 522 917,006 15.4 876 482,302 8.1 11,122 4,540,732 76.4 Form of ownership C PUCC U Individuals.. 128 93,999 8.6 162 55,606 5.1 2,264 943,643 86.3 Partnerships.. 1 360 3.7 2 . 300 3.1 43 9,115 93.2 Corporations.. 398 822,647 17.0 712 426,396 8.8 8,815 3,587,974 74.2 U Year established 1935 to 1938... 30 44,486 26.2 1930 to 1934. 97 223,482 13.2 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924 1915 to 1919 113 237,009 11.5 302 23 43,659 14.8 95 208,773 23.1 1910 to 1914... 150 149,580 21.4 Prior to 1910 7 5,161 6.2 Year not reported. 7 4,856 15.3 តន្និដ្ឋគា្មនន 11,247 6.6 748 114,169 67.2 230 107,040 6.3 3,461 1,358,313 80.4 181,652 8.8 3,944 1,648,991 79.8 38,562 13.0 592 213,558 72.2 120 71,638 7.9 1,232 623,306 69.0 61,500 8.8 854 488,700 69.8 2,143 2.6 199 75,388 91.2 8,520 26.9 92 18,307 57.8 24820828 1 20 80 Size of total assets Under P 100.. 2 296 100.0 P 100 to P 499.. 13 1,922 100.0 T P 500 to P 999... P 1,000 to P 2,499. 2,500 to P 4,999. 863 2 720 6.9 34 9,718 93.1 9 1,920 6.3 7 1,476 4.9 160 26,870 88.8 1,449 2.2 11 4,324 6.5 169 60,296 91.3 5,000 to P 9,999... 13 5,979 8.5 13 3,773 5.4 278 60,479 86.1 10,000 to P 49,999.. 88 131,071 25.1 105 37,131 7.1 1,404 354,233 67.8 P50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. 36 29,411 4.9 72 33,016 5.5 944 532,758 83.5 115 299,566 11.9 435 P500,000 to P999,999. P1,000,000 and over.. 223,004 8.8 5,063 2,000,733 79.8 91 232,786 22.0 130 72,586 6.8 1,751 754,815 71.2 160 214,104 20.2 103 106,992 10.1 1,304 738,612 69.7 Size of gross receipts Under P 500.: 1 500 to P 360 16.0 19 999. 1,894 84.0 1,000 to P 13 2,741 100.0 2,499. 6 1,960 5.6 2,500 to P 4,999.. 5,000 to P 9,999. 10,000 to P 24,999. 25,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P 249,999.. 88888 1,587 6.3 13 8,382 16.0 964 9 1,122 3.2 180 31,966 91.2 6 938 3.7 106 22,640 90.0 4 713 1.4 190 43,362 82.7 25 9,898 8.0 22 8,366 6.8 327 105,159 85.2 60,840 11.7 69 26,732 5.1 828 431,963 83.1 P250,000 to P 999,999. 83 128,683 14.7 163 66,016 7.5 2,249 681,091 77.8 145 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 307,903 13.2 408 215,930 9.3 4,304 1,805,752 77.5 193 397,753 20.1 194 162,125 8.2 2,906 1,414,164 71.6 A Α AABB B B C C C C C I REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 221 TABLE 42.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIP. PINES: 1938-Continued. Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Office employees Executives, etc. Drivers, etc. Claas and item Salaries Per cent Salaries Per cent Persons Salaries (Pesos) Per cent of total salaries Persons and wages of total sal- Persons and wages of total sal- paid (Pesos) aries and wages paid (Pesos) aries and wages Citizenship of operator Philippines... 117 86,919 5.1 160 54,494 3.2 2,186 931,249 54.1 United States. 3 6,120 39.5 2 1,112 7.2 51 8,253 53.3 China... 3 960 18.8 27 4,141 81.2 Government agencies.. 399 823,007 17.0 714 426,696 8.8 Partnerships, Associations, corporations, and 8,858 3,597,089 74.2 Number of employees Under 10 persons... 18 9,862 10.7 14 2,306 2.5 343 79,960 86.8 10 to 19 persons.. 15 4,937 5.2 14 5,000 5.3 275 84,419 89.5 20 to 29 persons.. 32 20,384 17.5 23 8,114 7.0 329 87,693 75.5* 30 to 39 persons.. 19 16,799 18.7 35 12,327 13.7 301 60,679 67.6 40 to 49 persons.. 1 180 2.9 40 6,082 97.1 50 to 69 persons.. 20 46,525 28.1 28 14,394 8.7 349 104,746 63.2 70 to 99 persons. 60 173,064 30.7 38 24,237 4.3 424 366,060 65.0 100 to 149 persons. 28 36,510 9.9 71 30,255 8.2 912 300,887 81.8 150 to 199 persons... 33 43,545 6.8 83 203,220 31.7 1,110 393,329 61.4 200 to 299 persons... 29 64,221 10.0 123 102,024 15.9 1,294 474,382 74.0 800 to 499 persons.. 37 231,161 19.3 179 35,338 3.0 1,923 929,679 77.7 231 269,998 13.7 267 44,907 2.3 3,822 1,652,816 84.0 500 to 999 persons.. TABLE 43.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY TYPE OF EQUIPMENT, BY PROVINCES: 1938. All types of equipment Type of equipment Buses Province Number of opera- tors repor- ting Total passengers carried Total Total receipts from net ton- transporta- nage of tion of pas-freight and Total gross re- ceipts from freight and Passengers carried Freight and express handled Gross sengers (Pesos) express carried express handled (Pesos) Number of passengers Receipts from trans- portation of Net tonnage receipts from of freight freight and express and express passengers (Pesos) carried handled (Pesos) PHILIPPINES.. 223 132,557,141 18,686,261 487,066 743,449 131,939,909 18,481,505 395,437 592,818. Abra.... Agusan. Albay. Batangas. Bohol... Bulacan.. Cagayan. Camarines Sur.. Capiz.... Cavite Cebu.... Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.... La Union.. 13 20 12 26622 45436 27272 24,768 882,752 11,811 141,159 422 1,691 845 10,337 24,768 11,811 422 876,611 129,709 1,691 845 10,337 1,035,562 40,538 6,520 6,480 1,035,562 40,538 6,520 6,480 8,305,065 1,085,607 11,400 22,807 8,305,065 1,085,607 11,400 22,807 3,480,052 421,079 13,000 25,867 3,480,052 421,079 13,000 25,867 2,238,816 362,721 7,572 15,816 2,238,816 362,721 7,572 15,816 502,668 179,673 8,115 8,789 502,668 179,673 8,115 8,789 16,013,029 1,906,054 34 1,706 16,013,029 1,906,054 34 1,706 41,299 9,585 125 357 2,348,167 8,165,116 288,376 1,871 3,935 41,299 2,348,167 9,585 125 357 288,376 1,871 3,935 1,227,499 60,131 33,389 8,097,317 1,202,065 60,131 33,389 87,556 47,054 188 1,147,646 171,367 8,246 375 31,687 87,556 47,054 188 375 1,147,561 171,297 8,246 31,687 17 15,287,716 1,798,322 59,938 126,339 15,287,370 1,798,122 59,938 126,339 787,385 354,663 13,300 26,637 787,385 354,663 13,300 26,637 222 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 43.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS, FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY TYPE OF EQUIPMENT, BY PROVINCES 1938-Continued. All types of equipment Type of equipment Buses Total Province Number of opera- tors report- ing Total receipts from trans- Total net ton- nage of passengers carried portation of freight and Total gross re- ceipts from freight and Passengers carried Freight and express handled express passengers express handled (Pesos) carried (Pesos) Number of passengers Receipts from trans- portation of passengers Gross re- Net tonnage ceipts from of freight freight and express and express carried (Pesos) handled (Pesos) Laguna. Leyte... Manila, City of.. Masbate.... 265,750 5 Mindoro. 485,302 Misamis Oriental. Negros Occidental..... Negros Oriental.. 13 18 Nueva Ecija... Palawan.. Rizal... Pampanga. Romblon 11 Samar... Surigao. Tayabas.... All other provinces.... 1853 73842 4148L 9 8,027,282 974,963 13,200 17,608 8,027,282 974,963 13,200 17.608 788,455 149,382 1,731 7,066 788,455 149,382 1,731 7,066 2,152,973 807,304 17,327 35,486 1,785,898 733,709 6,926 13,853 267,545 76,796 710 1,480 219,743 64,372 360 775 483,507 95,481 2,461 4,923 483,507 95,122 2,461 4,923 2,223,711 447,905 1,919 25,495 2,223,711 447,905 1.919 25,495 10,800,367 1,418,905 12,765 37,351 10,799,599 1,418,445 1,895 3,818 1,023,503 171,609 1,465 3,940 976,358 165,521 1,427 3,411 3,966,190 908,747 23,049 44,377 3,964,848 907,675 72 145 8,000 8,302 520 1,115 8,000 8,302 520 1,115 4 11,657,334 12,501,008 1,090,809 16,905 33,286 11,657,334 1,090,809 16,905 33,286 1,529,486 71,264 29,341 12,501,008 1,529,486 71,264 29,341 82,248 28,874 4,253 8,936 82,248 28,874 4,253 8,936 412,038 112,192 3,825 10,285 405,813 110,524 3,340 9,264 3 1,016,299 135,772 5,595 13,928 1,004,299 125,174 87 174 48 1,372,323 204,006 15,426,761 2,480,220 226 117,298 457 153,009 1,372,323 204,006 226 451 15,366,257 2,418,882 76,298 117,785 Type of equipment-Continued Automobiles Province passengers (Pesos) Passengers carried Number of persons Receipts from trans- portation of Freight and express handled Net tonnage receipts from Gross of freight freight Number and express carried and express of passengers handled (Pesos) passengers (Pesos) Trucks and semi-trailers Passengers carried Receipts from trans- portation of Freight and express handled Gross Net tonnage receipts from of freight freight and express and express carried handled (Pesos) PHILIPPINES. 243,189 129,461 8,956 17,968 374,043 75,295 82,673 132,663 Agusan.. 6,141 Cebu.... 67,799 11,450 25,434 Ilocos Sur. 85 70 Iloilo... 346 200 Manila, City of (46,007 Masbate.... 12,424 8,121 350 16,242 367,075 73,595 2,280 5,391 705 Mindoro.. J. 195 359 Negros Occidental.. Negros Oriental. 40,945 4,848 Nueva Ecija.... 768 6,200 1,342 460 1,240 10,870 33,533 1,072 38 22,977 529 44,232 Samar... 6,225 1,668 485 Surigao.. 1,021 12,000 10,598 All other provinces. 5,508 13.754 60,504 61,338 41,000 35,224 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 223 TABLE 44.-OPERATORS OF TPU TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTAB- LISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. All types of equipment Type of equipment Buses Class and item Number of opera- tors re- porting Total passengers carried Total receipts from transporta- tion of pas- Total net tonnage of Total gross receipts from Passengers carried Freight and ex- press handled Gross freight and freight and express express sengers (Pesos) carried handled (Pesos) Number of passengers Receipts from trans- portation of passengers (Pesos) Net ton- receipts freight freight and ex- and ex- press press carried handled (Pesos) nage of from Total.... Form of ownership Individuals.. Partnerships.... Corporations.. Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924... 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914. Prior to 1910.... Year not reported. 223 132,557,141 18,686,261 487,066 178 6 14,134,872 2,821,523 288,707 24,884 39 118,133,562 15,839,854 38849128 6,521,621 18,429,548 743,449 131,939,909 18,481,505 395,437 592,818 150,509 1,538 335,019 176,132 13,662,957 2,717,766 132,627 4,934 288,707 24,884 1,501 562,383 117,988,245 15,738,855 261,309 146,970 4,030 441,818 2,312,131 646,752 11,055 17,354 60 33,923,243 4,785,593 115,217 207,870 2,304,497 642,743 11,055 33,916,934 4,775,965 68,347 17,354 68,347 141,695 86 53,172,972 6,865,658 265,690 271,365 53,045,428 6,821,256 236,817 212,145 961,271 19,356 68,465 6,515,396 959,603 18,834 66,540 3,073,150 52,404 136,683 16,000,000 1,900,000 1,621,454 328,820 17,290 34,817 576,172 125,017 6,054 6,895 18,369,463 16,000,000 1,900,000 1,212,523 575,668 3,013,080 52,404 136,683 245,179 6,926 14,088 123,679 1,054 4,313 Size of total assets Under P 100 1 9,685 927 9,685 927 ? 100 to P 499.. 12 30,604 7,910 120 347 30,604 7,910 120 347 P 500 to P 999.. 15 99,875 24,209 729 1,807 99,875 24,209 729 1,807 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 49 656,509 133,134 12,984 19,408 655,237 131,336 12,827 18,264 P2,500 2,500 to P 4,999. 34 1,189,600 138,101 13,917 21,550 1,144,027 131,694 8,917 18,968 ? 5,000 to P 9,999. 29 1,289,817 233,654 6,218 19,274 1,244,678 218,095 5,868 18,569 P10,000 to P 49,999. 47 9,998,866 1,795,860 100,987 75,114 9,980,577 1,784,565 98,901 69,679 P50,000 to P 99,999. 9 8,267,127 1,242,669 P100,000 to P 499,999. 22 P500,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 and over.. 58,578,703 3 25,004,063 3,311,054 2 27,432,292 2,911,843 8,886,900 6,105 199,336 337,638 131,670 199,191 15,000 29,476 39,644 8,255,127 1,232,071 2,160 58,083,744 8,727,801 168,260 25,004,063 3,311,054 82,655 27,432,292 2,911,843 15,000 29,775 238,720 167,213 29,476 Under Size of gross receipts P 500 to P 1,000 to P 500.- 14 21,281 4,202 120 999.. 11 35,612 7,382 120 347 240 21,281 4,202 120 347 35,612 7,382 120 240 2,499... 56 818,984 100,974 3,074 4,774 818,638 100,774 3,074 4,774 2,500 to P 4,999.. 22 369,010 77.069 3,459 7,729 329,637 71,902 3,459 7,729 5,000 to P 9,999. 32 991,473 202,813 16,867 34,604 990,705 201,994 15,304 30,719 P10,000 to P 24,999. 23 2,592,051 337,161 17,442 30,842 2,540,554 319,583 12,092 27,555 P25,000 to P 99,999. 25 5,175,122 998,297 86,329 38,089 P100,000 to P 249,999. 20 20,715,438 3,110,811 64,685 81,388 5,159,747 987,755 85,844 20,632,640 37,068 3,073,956 60,545 69,846 250,000 to P 999,999. 16 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. 57,121,575 8,593,201 208,715 371,554 4 44,716,595 5,254,351 86,255 173,882 56,694,500 8,459,606 128,624 44,716,595 5,254,351 86,255 240,658 173,882 Citizenship of operator Philippines... United States. China... Partnerships, associations, cor- 1888888 13,774,728 2,740,792 146,939 2 240,391 119,753 54,460 26,271 2,847 723 165,968 8.206 1,958 13,309,038 2,638,703 129,542 137,827 234,166 52,792 2,362 7,185 119,753 26,271 723 1,958 porations, and government agencies. 45 118,422,269 15,864,738 336,557 567,317 118,276,952 15,763,739 262,810 445,848 224 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 44.-OPERATORS OF TPU TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTAB LISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. ΤΑ Type of equipment-Continued Automobiles Trucks and semi-trailers Passengers carried Freight and express handled Passengers carried Freight and express handled Class and item Number of Receipts from trans- portation of Gross Net tonnage receipts from of freight freight and Number of passengers and express Receipts from trans- portation of Gross Ab Net tonnage receipts from of freight Ag freight and All express passengers passengers carried handled passengers and express Ba express (Pesos) carried handled Bo (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) Total... 243,189 129,461 8,956 17,968 374,043 75,295 82,673 132,663 Ca Form of ownership Individuals. 97,872 28,462 8,956 17,968 374,043 75,295 8,926 Partnerships... 11,194 37 Corporations. 904 Ilo 145,317 100,999 73,710 120,565 Year established 1935 to 1938. 7,634 4,009 1930 to 1934.. 5,541 9,168 1925 to 1929 121,344 43,162 350 1920 to 1924.. 6,225 1,668 485 705 1,021 768 6,200 460 46,870 66,175 1,240 28,523 37 58,516 904 Ma 1915 to 1919. 60,085 60,070 1910 to 1914. Prior to 1910.. 41,856 10,046 8,121 16,242 Year not reported. 367,075 73,595 504 1,338 2,243 5,000 4,487 Mi 2,582 Size of total assets 1,000 to P 2,499.... 504 1,338 2,500 to P 4,999.... 39,373 5,167 768 6,200 460 157 1,144 1,240 5,000 2,582 5,000 to P 9,999. 45,139 15,559 350 10,000 to P 49,999. 18,289 11,295 485 705 1,021 P50,000 to P 99,999. 1,601 4,414 12,000 10,598 3,945 9.869 8888 8я JSEя9 922ZE CĒLA Ca Ca Ilo Iloi Las Ley Ma Mi Ne Ne Nu Pal Ri P100,000 to P499,999. 127,884 85,504 8,121 16,242 P500,000 to 999,999... 367,075 73,595 22,955 82,676 49,015 31,978 Size of gross re- ceipts P1,000 to P 2,499. 346 2,500 to P 4,999... 39,373 200 5,167 P5,000 to P 9,999. 359 P10,000 to P 24,999. 45,297 16,338 P 25,000 to P 99,999.... 15,375 10,542 350 485 705 1,021 768 6,200 460 1,240 1,563 3,885 5,000 2,582 Il P100,000 to P249,999... 82,798 36,855 P250,000 to P999,999.. 4,140 11,542 60,000 60,000 8,121 16,242 367,075 73,595 71,970 114,654 Citizenship of MMMPR N Pa operator Philippines. 91,647 United States... 6,225 26,794 1,668 8,471 485 16,947 1,021 374,043 75,295 8,926 11,194 Partnerships, associa- tions, corporations, and government agencies... 145,317 100,999 73,747 121,469 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 225 TABLE 45.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY TYPE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Type of equipment and province Number of opera- Number Total tors report- of units capacity ing Type of equipment and province Number of opera- Number tors report- of units ing Total capacity Laguna..... Leyte... Manila, City of.. Masbate..... Mindoro.... 9 7 5 5 3 Misamis Oriental. 7 Negros Occidental.. 2 Negros Oriental.. 14 Nueva Ecija... Palawan... Rizal.:. Pampanga.. Romblon.. Samar. 4 11 Surigao.. Tayabas... All other provinces.. Gasanol (including gas- tarla and other alcohol- gasoline mixtures) fueled engine... Passengers Buses.... 238 3,516 120,137 Alcohol (pure) fueled en- gine... Gasoline-fueled engine... 202 2,438 85,232 Batangas. Abra..... Agusan... Albay... Batangas. Bohol.... Bulacan.... Cagayan..... Camarines Sur.. Capiz..... 13 Cavite... Cebu...... 21 Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur. 12 Iloilo...... 13 La Union.... 26612 46232 TDS 42 483 47 5 383 258 7 282 282 2 2 2 2 660 Cebu.... 1,116 549 Iloilo.... Leyte... 972 Negros Occidental. 3,163 Negros Oriental.. All other provinces. 3,289 913 8,084 595 2,347 Passengers 19 602 20,023 1 159 5,599 1 1 41 3 5 119 1 22 518 10 847 11,120 2 8 246 1 60 2,380 Passengers Diesel oil-fueled engine. 7 45 1,119 11,546. Iloilo.... 1,206 Manila, City of.. 3,372 Nueva Ecija. 2,324 Pampanga.. Rizal.. 2,071 22404 21112 25 785 70 168 10 55 41 5,989 Automobiles, including Passengers 1,116 taxicabs, autocabs, 116 4,528 etc.... 34 152 763 490 679 Gasoline-fueled engine... 33 135 661 3,179 Agusan... 4 10 62 51 Batangas... 2 23 105 1,466 3,313 Cebu.... 1 11 55 Ilocos Sur. 1 3 17 67 52 1.694 7,249 Iloilo..... Laguna... 2 2 14 482 1,106 Manila, City of.. Masbate... 21 774 Mindoro.... Negros Oriental.. 54 1,350 313 9,492 Nueva Ecija..... Romblon... Samar.... Passengers Surigao.... Tayabas... 10 431 13,763 All other provinces.. 94814 944742 12313 132115 45 17 44 5 26 30 22 20 35 19 32 145 Iloilo.... Misamis Oriental.. Negros Oriental.. Pampanga.. Rizal... 41311 281 8,290 7 11 Alcohol (pure) fueled en- gine... 5 99 1 17 102 110 4,149 Cebu...... 28 1,214 1 17 102 226 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 45.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY TYPE, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Number Type of equipment and province of opera- Number tors report- of units ing Total capacity Type of equipment and ptovince Number of opera- Number tors report- of units ing Total capacity Trucks trattlers and semi-trailers... Gasoline-fueled engine... Albay..... Cebu.... Misamis Oriental.. Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija.. Surigao... All other provinces. Gasanol-fueled engine.... Iloilo.... Manila, City of.. Alcohol (pure) fueled en- gine.... Batangas.. Negros Occidental.... All other provinces... Tons Tons Diesel oil-fueled engine.. 1 1 3 16 48 130 Agusan.... 1 1 8 6 16 42 Tons 111 1 1 1 292 121 Boats and ships.. 3 107 Sailboats..... 1 3 82 2362 1122 4 Manila, City of.... 1 8 80 12 5 13 234 Tona Scows.. 1 2 8 Tons Cavite..... 1 2 8 3 14 37 Tons 12 3 6 11 31 Cascos... 1 1 17 Manila, City of.. 1 1 17 Tons Tons 3 17 48 Launches... 1 1 1 1 261 22 197 111 25 Diesel engine driven.. 21 Manila, City of... 11 1 1 1 1 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 227 TABLE 46.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Buses Gasoline-fueled engine Gasanol (including gastarla) fueled engine Alcohol (pure) fueled engine Diesel oil-fueled engine Class and item Num- ber of opera- Num- ber of Total Num- ber of Num- Num- Total tors re- units passen- ger ca- opera- Num- ber of ber of Num- passen- opera- ber of tors re- units ger ca- porting pacity tors re- units Total passen- ger ca- ber of opera- ber of passen- porting pacity porting pacity tors re- porting units Num- ber of .ger ca- Total pacity 202 2,438 85,232 10 431 13,763 19 602 20,023 7 45 1,119 Total.... Form of ownership Individuals... 163 Partnerships... Corporations.. 8999999 760 21,032 4 12 110 11 65 1,764 2 3 101 6 21 619 33 1,657 63,581 6 419 13,653 8 537 18,259 96 42 1,018 Year established 1935 to 1938..... 1930 to 1934.... 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924... 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914. 14838128 160 4,941 49 375 12,091 80 1,066 39,868 182 6,975 203 11,056 145 29667 380 7,999 37 1,172 35 1,130 16 496 21 716 267 7,826 400 13,117 3 26 816 148 5,441 17 447 14 228 1 5 144 3 10 1 159 5,599 1 2 70 128 12 Prior to 1910..... Year not reported. Size of total assets Under P 1,000. 1,000 to P 2,499. 45 2,500 to P 4,999. 5,000 to P 9,999. 29 P10,000 to P 49,999. P50,000 to P100,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to P1,000,000 and over... Size of gross receipts 99,999- 17 999,999. 243246732 28 709 74 1,946 94 2,692 110 3,715 400 12,716 194 1,060 43,114 164 4,372 314 8,935 7,033 21 3 112 32 67 32 48 1,257 41 1,448 227 6,810 110 4,149 43 113251 67 65 145 4 140 31 995 46 1,113 8 10 350 11,966 4 27 874 159 5,599 1 5 180 1 10 55 Under P 1,000... P1,000 to P 2,499. 53 2,500 to P 4,999. 20 5,000 to P 9,999. 32 P10,000 to P 24,999. 25,000 to P 99,999. 21 P100,000 to P 249,999. 250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. 2222222- 24 113 532 3,246 44 1,390 27 2 4 64 1 1 35 107 3,383 108 3,287 188 6,137 17 529 18,641 12 876 35,309 4 548 13,307 2172 23 507 38 984 28 1,214 337 10,959 421 2384 732 395 95 45 70 9 284 66 1,788 9 291 506 17,450 232 21 636 9 248 15 235 P3,000,000 and over. Citizenship of operator Philippines. 2 United States. China.... Partnerships, associations, corpora- tions, and government agencies.. 155 738 20,450 8 46 11 65 1,764 2 3 101 2 13 350 6 9 232 2 4 64 39 1,678 64,200 6 419 13,653 8 537 18,259 5 42 1,018 228 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 46.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Total.... Class and item Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships. Corporations.. Year established 1935 to 1938.... 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919... 1910 to 1914. Prior to 1910. Year not reported. Size of total assets Under 1,000.. P 1,000 to P 2,499... P 2,500 to P 4,999.. P P 5,000 to P 9,999.. P10,000 to P 49,999. 50,000 to P 99,999.. 100,000 to P499,999.. 500,000 to P999,999.. P1,000,000 or over.. Size of gross receipts 1,000 to P 2,499. 2,500 to P 4,999. 5,000 to P 9,999. 10,000 to P 24,999. P25,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P 249,999. P250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. Citizenship of operator Philippines... United States.. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies.. Automobiles Gasoline fueled engine Alcohol (pure) fueled engine Number of operators Number of units reporting Total passenger capacity Number of operators Number of units reporting Total passenger capacity 33 135 661 1 17 102 17 24 144 16 111 517 17 102 5 10 11 1 BOELS 21 34 BROLL 24492831 5 16187881 15137772 NO 81882 7 42 150 280 1 17 102 5 148 24 12 17 26 47 23 128 10 48 54 239 1 17 102 24 111 45 33 164 59 270 88888 1 17 102 38 17 1 15 102 22-880 32 184 1 5 472 1 17 102 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 229 TABLE 46.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Trucks and semi-trailers Gasoline fueled engine Class and item Gasanol (including gastarla) fueled engine Alcohol (pure) fueled engine Number of Number of operators units reporting. Total passenger capacity Number of Number of operators reporting units Total net Number of tonnage capacity Total net Number of operators reporting units tonnage capacity 9 16 42 3 14 37 3 17 48 Total...... Form of ownership Individuals... Partnerships... Corporations.. Year established 1930 to 1934.. 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914.. 315 5 1 10 12183 1 1 29 1 71 7 14 38 1 82 Prior to 1910. Year not reported. 1 1 Size of total assets P5,000 to P 9,999... P10,000 to P 49,999. P50,000 to P 99,999. 1 P100,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to P999,999. P1,000,000 or over.. Size of gross receipts Under P 1,000. ? 2,500 to P 4,999. 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 24,999. P100,000 to P 249,999. P250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. Citizenship of operator Philippines.... Partnerships, associations cor- porations, and government agencies.. 2 923 18 13 888 6 3 17 1 3 6 1 22 2 16 1 46 2 1 1 29 13 18 1 2 13 1 1 93 9 18 2 3 6 1 16 1 46 2 225898 112485 111213 254236 122155 111123 12 96 18 3 17 48 19 3 5 11 1 9 18 6 11 31 2 5 19 E 3 17 48 230 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS TABLE 46.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Trucks and semi-trailers-Continued Boats and ships T Class and item Diesel oil fueled engine Sailboats Number of operators Number of units Total net tonnage Number of operators Number of units reporting capacity reporting 1 1 3 1 3 Total net tonnage capacity Total.... Form of ownership Individuals..... Year established 82 Ag All 1 1 3 1 8 82 1930 to 1934. Prior to 1910... Size of total assets P 5,000 to P 9,999... 1 1 3 P100,000 to P499,999.. Size of gross receipts P 10,000 to P 24,999. P250,000 to P 999,999.. Citizenship of operator 1 1 3 1 3 82 Il Il 3 82 Ab A 28888 SEEAJS Ba Bo Bu Ca Ca Ca Ca Ce La 1 1 8 1 3 82 33 Philippines..... 1 1 3 1 3 82 TABLE 46.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Boats and ships-Continued P Scows Cascos Launches Diesel engine driven PRRSS P R R S S Class and item T Number of operators reporting Number of Total net Number of Number of units tonnage operators capacity reporting units Total net Number of Number of tonnage operators capacity reporting Total net A tonnage units capacity Total..... 1 2 8 1 1 17 1 1 1 SIMME MENNA Le Form of ownership Individuals. 1 1 1 17 1 1 Corporations... 1 2 8 Year established 1930 to 1934.... Prior to 1910.... Size of total assets P100,000 to P499,999... P500,000 to 999,999.. Size of gross receipts P 10,000 to P 24,999. P 250,000 to P 999,999. Citizenship of operator Philippines.. Partnerships, associations, and government agencies... 1 1 1 2 2 2 8 1 1 17 1 1 1 1 1 17 1 1 8 8 1 1 17 1 1 1 1 17 1 1 1 2 8 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 231 TABLE 47.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline Kerosene Province Pesos Per cent distribu- tion Quantity (Tons) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Liters) Pesos Per cent Quantity Pesos of total (Liters) Per cent of total PHILIPPINES. 5,270,128 100.0 2,013 22,784 0.4 31,113,431 4,107,109 77.9 13,661 1,289 (1) Abra..... 9,538 .0.2 59,000 9,538 100.0 Agusan.. 46,008 0.9 279,632 44,310 96.3 Albay. 30,812 0.6 213,785 30,812 100.0 Batangas... 244,651 4.6 2 56 (1) 501,517 70,968 29.0 8,940 813. 0.8 Bohol... 122,746 2.3 984,136 122,746 100.0 Bulacan.... 133,004 2.5 1,029,023 133,004 100.0 Cagayan... 48,820 0.9 270,532 48,820 100.0 Camarines Sur.. 427,922 8.1 3,289,269 427,922 100.0 Capiz..... 2,987 0.1 24,829 2,987 100.0 Cavite... 96,193 1.8 687,616 96,193 100.0 Cebu...... 465,776 8.8 3,820,851 462,601 99.3 Ilocos Norte. 29,324 0.6 170,986 26,144 89.2 Ilocos Sur.... 166,784 3.2 1,026,818 166,784 100.0 Hloilo..... 408,438 7.8 347,652 52,341 12.8 La Union.. 89,744 1.7 689,751 89,744 100.0 Laguna.... 233,181 4.4 1,836,347 233,181 100.0 Leyte.. 65,448 1.2 261,889 42,837 65.5 Manila, City of... 267,123 5.1 2,000 22,138 8.3 1,369,966 232,967 87.2 Masbate.... 25,320 0.5 156,693 25,320 100.0 Mindoro. 30,799 0.6 228,803 30,672 99.6 Misamis Oriental.. 143,478 2.7 1,981,306 131,462 91.6 Negros Occidental.... 317,390 6.0 Negros Oriental... 70,727 1.3 5,950 394,252 1,001 0.3 59,992 84.8 Nueva Ecija... 222,624 4.2 11 590 0.3 Palawan... 950 (¹) 1,715,314 9,009 209,940 94.3 1,420 141 0.1 950 100.0 Rizal.... Pampanga.. Romblon. Samar.. 310,131 5.9 1,645,712 203,629 65.7 533,318 10.1 3,696,705 515,812 96.7 16,823 0.3 126,023 16,685 99.2 527 51 0.3 38,798 0.7 201,702 38,998 100.0 Surigao.. 61,764 1.2 496,218 61,140 99.0 Tayabas..... 53,311 1.0 350,456 53,311 100.0 All other provinces.. 556,196 10.6 3,241,689 464,498 83.5 2,774 284 0.1 Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Diesel oil Electricity purchased Province Quantity (Liters) Pesos Per cent of total Quantity (Tons) Pesos Per cent of total Quantity (KWH) Per cent Pesos of total PHILIPPINES. 12,400,259 1,079,797 20.5 899 35,236 0.7 222,360 23,913 0.5 Agusan.... Batangas. Cebu.... 2,649,432 171,248 70.0 Ilocos Norte. 27,448 1,550 0.3 Iloilo..... 4,161,976 338,111 82.8 336 832486 1,698 3.7 954 0.4 30 612 0.3 818 0.2 7.044 807 0.2 2.000 6.8 9,281 1,180 4.0 14,766 3.6 19,505 3,220 0.8 Leyte... Mindoro... Manila, City of.. 397,795 22.611 34.5 42,795 4,477 1.7 150 5,748 2.2 1,793 0.7 1,080 127 0.4 Misamis Oriental. Negros Occidental.. 93,200 10,992 7.7 19 1,024 0.7 3,094,953 315,269 99.3 365 1,120 0.4 Romblon.. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija... Pampanga... Rizal.... 150,067 10,735 15.2 254 6,899 3.1 25,270 5,054 2.3 710,013 106,502 34.3 174,827 17,482 3.3 120 24 (1) 870 87 0.5 Surigao.... All other provinces. 896,883 80,733 1211 624 1.0 14.5 14 705 0.1 159,665 9,976 1.8 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 232 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 48.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Class and item Total...... Form of ownership Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline 1 Pesos Pers cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 5,270,128 100.0 22,784 0.4 4,107,109 77.9 Individuals. Partnerships. Corporations. 1,386,115 26.3 18,833 1.4 1,260,620 40.5 24,692 0.5 3,305 13.4 20,453. 83.0 3,859,321 73.2 646 (¹) 2,826,001 73.2 Year established 1935 to 1938.. 195,407 3.7 157,760 80.1 1930 to 1934. 1,248,913 23.7 561,135 44.9 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919.. 1910 to 1914... 1,979,273 37.6 590 (1) 1,757,592 88.8 295,852 5.6 290,986 98.4 756,989 14.4 56 (¹) 575,790 76.1 429,885 8.2 3,305 0.8 425,681 99.0 Prior to 1910. 90,854 1.7 18,833 20.7 65,210 71.8 Year not reported. 272,955 5.2 272,955 100.0 Size of total assets Under P 1,000... 10,346 0.2 9,625 93.0 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 64,605 1.2 45,461 70.4 P2,500 to P 4,999. 73,102 1.4 71,029 97.2 5,000 to P 9,999... 109,706 2.1 92,164 84.0 10,000 to P 49,999... 566,253 10.7 3,305 0.6 485,274 85.7 50,000 to P 99,999. 100,000 to P499,999.. P500,000 to 999,999.. 450,883 8.6 404,420 89.7 2,306,117 43.8 19,423 0.8 1,933,906 83.9 762,157 14.5 56 (¹) 244,773 32.1 926,959 17.6 820,457 88.6 P1,000,000 or over.. Size of gross receipts Under P 1,000. 17,844 0.3 P 4.204 23.6 1,000 to P 2,499. 54,251 1.0 50,953 93.9 2,500 to P 4,999. 40,565 0.8 35,546 87.6 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 82,449 1.6 81,425 98.8 P10,000 to P 24,999. 140,130 2.7 120,765 86.2 P 25,000 to P 99,999. 352,990 6.7 P 100,000 to P 249,999. P250,000 to P 999,999.. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. P3,000,000 and over.. Citizenship of operator Philippines.... United States. China... Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies. 3,305 0.9 254,788 72.2 1,129,040 21.4 1,072,356 95.0 1,999,830 37.9 19,479 1.0 1,443,134 72.2 1,231,154 23.4 822,063 66.8 221,875 4.2 221,875 100.0 1,365,032 25.9 18,833 1.4 1,241,340 90.9 13,121 0.2 13,121 100.0 7,962 0.2 6,159 77.4 3,884,013 73.7 3,951 0.1 2,846,489 73.3 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 233 TABLE 48.-OPERATORS OF TPU AUTO TRUCKS AND BUS LINES-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Kero Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Diesel oil Electricity purchased Class and item Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 1,289 (¹) 1,079,797 20.5 35,236 0.7 23,913 Total..... Form of ownership Individuals. 91,717 6.6 10,730 0.8 4,215 0.3 Partnerships... 899 3.6 Corporations.. 1,289 (¹) 987,181 25.6 24,506 0.6 19,698 0.5 Year established 1935 to 1938. 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914. Prior to 1910... 37,365 19.1 185 0.1 97 (1) 665,838 53.3 15,717 1.3 6,223 0.5 476 (4) 203,391 10.3 9,608 0.5 7,616 0.4 1,056 0.4 3,024 1.0 786 0.8 813 0.1 171,248 22.6 954 0.1 8,128 1.1 899 0.2 5,748 6.3 1,063 1.2 Size of total assets Under P1,000. P1,000 to P 2,499. 667 18,903 6.4 54 0.5 29.3 241 0.4 P2,500 to P 4,999. 893 1.2 1,180 1.6 P5,000 to P 9,999. 16,529 15.1 989 0.9 24 (¹) P10,000 to P 49,999. 72,990 12.9 3,698 0.7 986 0.2 P50,000 to P 99,999. 44,143 9.8 624 0.1 1,696 0.4 P100,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to P999,999.. P1,000,000 and over.. 476 813 (¹) 315,540 13.7 26,103 1.1 10,669 0.5 0.1 503,630 66.1 3,527 0.5 9,358 1.2 106,502 11.5 Size of gross receipts Under P 1,000... 12,406 69.5 P1,000 to P 2,499. 3,038 5.6 2650 54 0.3 1,180 6.6 0.5 P2,500 to P 4,999. 5,019 12.4 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 1,024 1.2 P10,000 to P 24,999... 17,585 12.5 970 0.7 810 0.6 P25,000 to P 99,999. 91,762 26.0 2,674 0.8 461 0.1 P100,000 to P 249,999. 40,601 3.6 13,375 1.2 2,708 0.2 250,000 to P 999,999. 1,289 0.1 511,614 25.6 14,306 0.7 10,008 0.5 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 397,772 32.3 2,573 0.2 8,746 0.7 Citizenship of operator Philippines... China... Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies.. 89,914 6.6 10,730 0.8 4,215 0.3 1,803 22.6 1,289 (¹) 988,080 25.4 24,506 0.6 19,698 0.5 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 234 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 49.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, BY PROV INCES: 1938. Persons employed and salaries paid Province Number of operators reporting Total assets (Pesos) Total gross receipts (Pesos) Employees not paid salaries or wages Total num- ber of persons Total persons Owners and members of employed not paid family Number of other persons salaries not paid sala- or wages Males Females ries or wages PHILIPPINES.. 457 2,745,644 4,534,707 4,774 1,102 Albay.. 27 Bohol.. Bulacan.. Cagayan. 17 Camarines Sur. 21 Capiz... Cavite. Cebu.... 34 Cotabato... Davao.... 96 Iloilo... La Union... Leyte... Manila, City of.. 22 Masbate.... Misamis Occidental.... Misamis Oriental... Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. 64 Negros Oriental.. 16 Nueva Ecija.... Pampanga... Pangasinan. 29 Rizal.... Sorsogon Tarlac.... Tayabas... Zambales... Zamboanga.... All other provinces.. 23 120 20 TO 200 64000 89,645 84,060 200 3,018 2,300 20 1,573 5,414 9 31,371 26,548 111 30,306 21,251 128 3 22,120 5,569 17 17,537 14,192 61 240,392 145,568 254 5 47,115 28,297 35 374,732 304,420 425 9 187,199 201,574 236 3 20,945 19,852 32 7 10,105 14,838 27 894,942 2,685,190 1,706 8 5,352 10,390 49 6 31,238 14,014 26 4 14,260 9,519 16 5 31,954 48,989 40 160,317 138,801 353 156 20,370 8,080 41 2,795 6,066 17 5 1,917 1,251 4 44,634 48,251 122 187,348 468,914 554 8 20,609 18,130 56 5,325 8,955 14 4,190 6,664 25 5 3,965 3,546 14 8 231,612 177,306 148 ®F°སྒྱུ% «⌘© ྂ སྐྱུ སནྣཱཧྨ སཡྻུཥྨ ཋསྐཛྭ 659 48 338 105 24 9 5 37 41 37 11 17 50 19 20087 269 17 1 1 12 5 13 1 125 65 3 13 14 5 9 24 12 6 120 2 8 8 6 1 1 87 55 18 158 3 14 5 1 2 29 10 23 4 2 23 4 3 7 9 9 5 8,758 6,758 34 8 10 6348 1 Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Province Number of persons paid salaries or wages Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Total sala- ries or wages paid (Pesos) Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, supervi- sors, and others holding executive, managerial or supervisory positions Office employees, stenog- raphers, and others per- forming routine office work Drivers, conductors, en- gineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) PHILIPPINES.... 3,672 1,241,887 82 Albay... 105,338 181 82,740 3,409 1,053,809 Bohol.. 111 17,286 Bulacan.. Cagayan.. Camarines Sur. Capiz.. Cavite.. Cebu... Catabato... 180 Davao.. 232 ៣៣៦៨ ១៩១៨ឆ្នាំ 4 417 1,680 2 155 105 15,451 950 3 417 4,553 5,902 3 950 37 4,553 1 360 43 5,542 537 3,637 3 537 1 34,355 480 25 3,157 21 16 5,575 49,474 3,375 3 630 161 30,350 60 12 45 20 5,530 2 384 229 49,030 T REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 235 TABLE 49.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, BY PROV- INCES: 1938-Continued. Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Province Number of persons paid salaries or wages ries or wages paid (Pesos) Total sala- Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, supervi- sors, and others holding executive, managerial or supervisory positions Office employees, stenog- raphers, and others per- forming routine office work Drivers, conductors, en- gineers, member of crew,s laborers, and all other employees Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Number of Salaries or wages paid persons (Pesos) Iloilo..... 204 51,500 La Union.... 32 5,859 52 7,440 1,080 7 5,460 Leyte.... 17 2,096 3 233 Manila, City of. 1,664 858,118 23 73,785 102 53,727 1,539 គតដង្ហ 192 38,600 30 4,779 14 1.863 730,606 Masbate..... 21 2,749 21 2,749 Misamis Ocidental.. 17 3,850 Misamis Oriental... 7 4.288 51 998 1,904 3 320 Mountain Province.. 28 10,123 Negros Occidental. 197 43,105 3 1,225 26 1,205 2,520 Negros Oriental... 15 1,941 Nueva Ecija..... 7 1,407 Pampanga.. 2 141 Pangasinan.. 80 17,581 3 Rizal... 525 64,617 7 600 7,320 1 180 31 11,651 487 Sorsogon 25 4,789 Tarlac..... 11 3,480 Tayabas.. 9 1,347 Zambales 2 685 Zamboanga.. 134 All other provinces. 15 39,846 1,679 88 2 4,629 402 15 3 93 5,746 484 HENGE NON HONO 2,532 2,384 8,918 188 39,360 1,941 7 1,407 141 16,801 45,646 4,789 3,480 1,347 2 685 29,471 10 793 TABLE 50.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITI- ZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Class and item Number of Total operators reporting assets (Pesos) Total gross receipts (Pesos) Total num- ber of persons employed Total.. Form of ownership Persons employed and salaries paid Employees not paid salaries or wages Total persons not paid Owners and members of family Other per sons not paid sala- salaries or ries or Males Females wages wages 457 2,745,644 4,534,707 4,774 1,102 659 338 105 Individuals... Partnerships.. Corporations.. ཕྱུ* 625,145 1,631,739 446 2,106,410 2,894,987 3,752 1,079 4 14,089 7,981 49 18 7 973 5 178* 647 327 105 10 4 1 Year established 1935 to 1938.... 1930 to 1934.. 158 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 922,396 126 1,149,497 2,465,741 134 886,716 1,152 328 206 76 2,221 349 193 124 1915 to 1919. 354,042 270,102 20 112,882 633 325 195 105 432 46 32 25 224,278 250 52 34 16 2 Prior to 1910.. 2 3,000 7,640 15 5 5 Year not reported. 1 154,157 648,441 422 16 49,670 31,789 81 43 26 17 236 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 50.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITI ZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Persons employed and salaries paid Employees not paid salaries or wages Owners and members Other per Class and item Number of Total operators reporting assets (Pesos) Total gross receipts (Pesos) Total num- ber of persons employed Tot perso not paid salaries or of family sons not paid sala ries or Males Females wages wages Size of total assets Under 100... 2 126 1,382 16 15 100 to P 499... 63 19,189 46,216 163 113 500 to P 999. 98 71,256 88,238 326 199 124 P 1,000 to P P2,500 to P 4,999. P5,000 to P 9,999. P 10,000 to P 49,999. P50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. 2,499. 157 285,599 256,359 719 352 201 51 195,075 157,948 325 155 38 268,305 194,800 333 109 37 707,670 8 540,256 1,204,482 746,099 990 142 834 12 3 658,168 1,839,183 1,068 5 បន្តវះដុំថ្ម” *ཙྪཱ⌘⌘°ཨ 6 29 64 116 35 51 16 24 16 42 16 3 EPC In Pa Size of gross receipts Under P 500 to P 500 91 68,343 28,520 238 151 94 49 19 999... 88 107,500 63,794 311 201 115 68 18 19 1,000 to P 2,499. 169 445,017 290,568 825 414 257 115 42 19 2,500 to P 4,999. 41 205,871 157,578 339 135 79 44 12 19 5,000 to P 9,999.. 34 259,285 218,462 334 108 65 26 17 19 10,000 to P 24,999. 16 227,701 25,000 to P 100,000 to P 249,999.. 250,000 to P 999,999... P1,000,000 to $2,999,999.. Citizenship of operator Philippines.. 248,430 303 68 34 28 6 Pr 99,999. Y 9 389,859 499,990 404 11 8 3 5 457,197 786,606 720 14 7 5 3 262,567 1,189,679 768 1 322,304 1,051,080 532 U United States.. 1 411 2,047,062 2,840,455 7,475 3,620 6,208 China... 14 17,894 15,955 Japan.. 20 33,979 32,369 Partnerships, associations, corporations 62259 1,006 600 4 38 31 and government agencies 11 639,234 1,639,720 1,022 28 862225 302 104 4 22 15 21 10 12 11 Number of employees Under 10 persons.. 10 to 19 persons.. U 866 797,315 604,176 1,285 570 396 135 58 64 383,857 326,267 821 445 216 171 20 to 29 persons.. 30 to 39 persons. 40 to 49 persons... 50 to 69 persons.. .70 to 99 persons. 1 8 141,968 94,210 162 28 20 7 2 56,669 68,231 75 4 174,920 187,286 179 18 11 7 4 153,047 227,172 232 27 2 164,259 283,041 185 2 100 to 149 persons.. 1921 13 2 254,478 331,508 269 8 4 4 150 to 199 persons.. 2 108,410 541,238 346 200 to 299 persons.. 1 34,260 172,057 266 1 1 300 to 499 persons.... 500 to 999 persons. 1 154,157 648,441 422 1 322,304 1,051,080 532 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 237 TABLE 50.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITI- ZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, super- Office employees, ste- nographers, and others performing routine office work Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Class and item Number of Total sala- visors, and others holding executive, persons paid sala- ries or ries or wages paid (Pesos) managerial or super- visory positions wages Number of Salaries or Salaries or Number of wages paid wages paid wages paid persons (Pesos) persons (Pesos) persons (Pesos) 3,672 1,241,887 82 105,338 181 82,740 3,409 1,053,809 Total.... Form of ownership Individuals.. Salaries or Number of 2,673 753,860 59 68,928 116 53,857 2,498 631,075 31 2,804 1 360 968 485,223 22 36,050 65 66 30 2,444 28,883 881 420,290 Partnerships Corporations... Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929__ 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919... Prior to 1910..-- Year not reported.. 824 215,221 30 1,872 730,209 308 56,817 198 34,612 8214 18,954 44 17,428 750 178,839 66,669 94 43,761 1,736 619,779 385 8 1,694 299 54,738 3,840 15 5,895 179 24,877 10 2,320 10 2,320 422 38 196,371 6,337 5 15,490 20 13,962 397 166,919 38 6,337 Size of total assets Under P 100.... 1 97 1 97 P100 to P 499... 50 6,117 P 500 to P 999... 127 18,413 1,000 to P 2,499... 367 61,953 P2,500 to P 4,999. 170 41,164 P5,000 to P 9,999. 224 52,173 P10,000 to P 49,999. 848 194,435 16 P50,000 to P 99,999. 822 308,472 30 P100,000 to P499,999. . 1,063 559,063 16 23654889 134 625 1,392 2,378 3,464 12,786 43,680 40,879 70 23348291 90 46 5,893 290 121 17,498 719 358 59,842 628 161 38,158 2,255 212 46,454 15,226 790 166,423 30,683 743 234,109 32,849 977 485,335 Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 87 7,177 P 500 to P 999... 110 16,210 1,000 to P 2,499. 411 72,625 2,500 to P 4,999.. 204 39,435 5,000 to P 9,999. 226 P10,000 to P 52,861 P25,000 to P 100,000 to P 249,999. 250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 24,999... 235 95,194 99,999. 393 122,092 706 151,310 18 532 768 354,657 330,326 12 2862242822 24 735 1,392 680 6,308 1,740 13,285 15 23 18,728 42,046 20,400 40 BAABUBREG 146 180 106 8888 82 7,007 15,295 1,005 402 70,228 299 199 38,456 2,297 204 44,256 5,825 216 87,629 10,816 348 97,991 22,149 646 110,433 25,382 716 287,229 40 14,641 490 295,285 238 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 50.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITI ZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Continued Executives, managers, superintendents, super- Office employees, ste- nographers, and others performing routine office work Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Class and item Number of persons paid sala- ries or wages Total sala-l ries or wages paid (Pesos) visors, and others holding executive, managerial or super- visory positions Number of persons Salaries or wages paid Number or Salaries or Number of (Pesos) persons wages paid (Pesos) persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Citizenship of operator Philippines... United States.. China... Japan.. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies... Number of employees 2,614 ៩៩១ 741,906 58 5 3,808 1 67,024 1,904 116 53,857 2,440 34 3,906 20 4,240 བྲཱསྶ 621,025 4 1,904 34 3,906 20 4,240 999 488,027 23 36,410 65 28,883 911 422,734 Under 10 persons.. 10 to 19 persons.. 20 to 29 persons.. 30 to 39 persons..... 40 to 49 persons. 50 to 69 persons. 70 to 99 persons.. 100 to 149 persons.. 150 to 199 persons.. 200 to 299 persons.. 300 to 499 persons. 500 to 999 persons. 715 135,480 14 376 109,974 10 134 23,849 75 36,175 161 45,136 16 205 54,980 183 79,069 261 57,181 11 346 158,286 262 15,060 422 196,371 532 330,326 HOLLO4BE7262 5,713 13 1,997 688 127,770 3,186 16 4,755 350 102,033 4,020 8 3,060 122 16,769 960 1 360 72 34,855 5,065 8 3,020 137 37,051 5,220 13 7,376 188 42,384 5 8,219 10 9,128 168 61,722 8,229 22 9,181 228 39,771 26,556 20 11,420 319 120,310 2,280 10 3,840 250 8,940 5 15,490 20 13,962 397 166,919 20,400 40 14,641 490 295,285 TABLE 51.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -TOTAL ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Operators reporting Assets Province Total Number Per cent distribution Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc. Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Per cent distribution PHILIPPINES. 457 100.0 2,745,644 100.0 Albay.. 2,055,226 74.9 100.0 Bohol.. 27 5.9 89,645 Bulacan.. 3 3.3 0.7 79,224 88.4 3.9 3,018 Cagayan... 3 0.1 0.7 2,850 94.4 0.1 1,573 Camarines Sur.. 17 0.1 3.7 1,325 84.2 0.1 31,371 1.1 21 4.6 15,200 48.4 0.7 30,306 1.1 Capiz 24,774 81.7 1.2 Cavite. 3 0.7 22,120 0.8 Cebu... 12 2.6 20,163 91.2 1.0 17,537 0.6 Cotabato 34 16,659 7.4 95.0 0.8 240,392 8.8 Davao. 5 1.1 193,860 80.6 9.4 47,115 1.7 96 34,558 21.0 73.3 1.7 374,732 13.7 308,433 Iloilo... 82.3 15.0 La Union 9 2.0 187,199 6.8 Leyte 3 0.7 144,490 7.0 77.2 20,945 0.8 15,058 0.7 71.9 Manila, City of. 7 1.5 10,105 0.4 0.4 8,599 85.1 Masbate... 22 4.8 894,942 32.6 8 639,610 71.5 31.1 1.8 5,352 0.2 0.2 5,122 95.7 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 239 TABLE 51.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -TOTAL ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Operators reporting Assets Province Total Number Per cent distribution Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) Pesos Per cent distribution Per cent of Pesos total Per cent distribution Misamis Occidental.. 6 Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province.. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija.... Pampanga... Pangasinan. Rizal..... 64 16 29 Sorsogon.. Tarlac... Tayabas.. Zambales... Zamboanga All other provinces. CATO 20000 60000 1.3 31,238 1.1 27,004 86.4 1.3 4 0.9 14,260 0.5 14,250 99.9 0.7 5 1.1 31,954 1.2 27,408 85.8 1.3 14.0 160,317 5.8 122,296 76.3 6.0 3.5 20,370 0.7 17,869 87.7 0.9 0.4 2,795 0.1 1,751 62.6 0.1 5 1.1 1,917 0.1 1,350 70.4 0.1 6.3 44,634 1.6 34,147 76.5 1.7 4.4 187,348 6.8 101,329 54.1 4.9 8 1.8 20,609 0.8 17,790 86.3 0.9 1.3 5,325 0.2 4,670 87.7 0.2 4 0.9 4,190 0.2 3,850 91.9 0.2 5 1.1 3,965 0.1 3,130 78.9 0.2 8 1.8 231,612 8.4 161,530 69.7 7.9 5 1.1 8,758 0.3 6,927 79.1 0.3 Assets-Continued Province Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total PHILIPPINES.... 225,921 8.2 293,163 10.7 171,334 6.2 Albay. 5,327 5.9 Bohol. 5,094 5.7 20 0.7 Bulacan.. 148 4.9 25 1.6 223 Cagayan.. 14.2 Camarines Sur. 5,384 17.2 10,787 34.4 1,665 5.5 3,867 12.8 Capiz... 50 Cavite.. 0.2 150 0.7 1,757 7.9 Cebu.... 600 3.4 278 1.6 Cotabato.. 3,560 1.5 42,191 17.6 781 0.3 Davao... 403 0.9 5,705 12.1 6,449 13.7 7,415 2.0 52,161 13.9. 6,723 1.8 Iloilo.... La Union.. 7,060 3.8 7,285 3.9 28,364 15.2 Leyte 5,887 28.1 Manila,City of. 260 2.6 1,241 12.3 5 (1) Masbate.... 88,336 9.9 115,302 12.9 51,694 5.8 200 3.7 30 0.6 Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental.. 1,360 4.4 2,874 9.2 Mountain Province. 10 0.1 Negros Oriental.. Negros Occidental.. 524 1.6 4,022 12.6 3,200 2.0 4,562 2.8 30,259 18.9 1,648 8.1 853 4.2 Pampanga... Pangasinan. Rizal... Sorsogon Tarlac. Tayabas. Zambales.. Zamboanga.. Nueva Ecija.. 1,000 35.8 44 1.6 150 7.8 417 21.8 3.880 8.7 5.907 13.2 700 1.6 51,810 27.7 22,560 12.0 11,649 6.2 462 2.2 2,357 11.4 625 11.7 30 0.6 30 0.7 310 7.4 470 11.9 365 9.2 All other provinces. 39.781 17.2 1,370 0.6 7112 28,931 12.5 1,200 13.7 631 7.2 i Less than 0.1 per cent. 240 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 52.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Operators reporting Assets Class and item Total Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) Number Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent distribution Per cent of Pesos total Per cent distribution 100.0 2,055,226 74.9 100.0 Total.... 457 100.0 2,745,644 Form of ownership Individuals... 446 Partnerships.. 97.6 2,106,410 76.7 1,612,505 76.6 78.5 4 Corporations.. 0.9 14,089 0.5 10,030 71.2 0.5 7 1.5 625,145 22.8 432,691 69.2 21.1 Year established 1935 to 1938.... 158 1930 to 1934. 34.6 922,396 33.6 705,996 76.5 34.4 126 1925 to 1929. 27.6 1,149,497 41.9 827,691 72.0 40.3 134 1920 to 1924. 29.3 354,042 12.9 311,199 87.9 15.1 1915 to 1919.. 20 4.4 112,882 4.1 74,123 65.7 3.6 2 Prior to 1910.. 0.4 3,000 0.1 2,400 80.0 0.1 Year not reported. 1 0.2 154,157 5.6 101,123 65.6 4.9 16 3.5 49,670 1.8 32,694 65.8 1.6 Size of total assets Under P 100... 2 P 0.4 100 to P 126 499... (1) 126 100.0 (¹) P 63 500 to P 13.8 19,189 0.7 999... 16,838 87.7 0.8 98 P 1,000 to P 21.4 2,499. 71,256 2.6 60,125 84.4 2.9 P 2,500 to P 157 34.4 4,999. 285,599 10.4 241,281 84.5 11.7 51 P 5,000 to P 9,999... 11.2 195,075 7.1 155,940 79.9 7.6 P 10,000 to P 49,999... 38 8.3 268,305 9.8 235,760 87.9 11.5 P 50,000 to P 99,999. .. 37 8.1 707,670 25.8 521,342 73.7 25.4 8 P100,000 to $499,999. 1.8 540,256: 19.7 381,301 70.6 18.6 3 0.7 658,168 23.9 442,513 67.2 21.5 Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 91 P 19.9 500 to P 68,343 2.5 59,584 87.2 2.9 999... 88 P 1,000 to P 19.3 107,500 3.9 92,186 85.8 4.5 2,499.. 169 P 2,500 to P 37.0 445,017 16.2 356,618 80.1 17.4 4,999 41 5,000 to P 9.0 205,871 7.5 174,782 84.9 8.5 9,999. 34 7.4 10,000 to P 259,285 9.4 24,999. 214,366 82.7 10.4 16 25,000 to P 3.5 227,701 8.3 99,999. 191,588 84.1 9.8 P P100,000 to P 249,999. 9 2.0 389,859 14.2 246,348 63.2 12.0 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. 250,000 to P 999,999.. 5 1.1 457,197 16.7 313,783 68.6 15.3 3 0.7 262,567 9.6 190,453 72.5 9.3 1 0.2 322,304 11.7 215,518 66.9 10.5 Citizenship of operator Philippines. 75.9 United States.. 411 89.9 2,047,062 74.6 1,560,850 76.2 0.4 China.. 1 0.2 7,475 0.3 7,475 100.0 0.8 Japan.. 14 3.1 17,894 0.7 17,328 96.8 1.3 9483 Partnerships, 20 4.4 tions, and government agencies... associations, corpora- 33,979 1.2 26,852 79.0 21.5 11 2.4 639,234 23.3 442,721 69.3 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 241 TABLE 52.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAG E AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Assets-Continued Class and item Total...... Form of ownership Individuals.. Partnerships.... Corporations... Year established 1935 to 1938.... 1930 to 1934... Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 225,921 8.2 293,163 10.7 171,334 6.2 151,433 7.2 224,620 10.7 117,852 5.6 300 2.1 3,759 26.7 74,188 11.9 64,784 10.4 53,482 8.6 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924... 1915 to 1919.... Prior to 1910... Year not reported.. 78,868 8.6 97,891 10.6 39,641 4.3 112,116 9.8 102,106 8.9 107,584 9.4 8,101 2.3 21,826 6.2 12,916 3.6 25,736 22.8 7,030 6.2 5,993 5.3 500 16.7 100 3.3 53,034 34.4 600 1.2 11,176 22.5 5,200 10.5 Size of total assets Under P 100.... P100 to P 499... 205 1.1 2,129 11.1 17 0.1 P500 to P 999.. 2,560 3.6 8,571 12.0 P 1,000 to P P2,500 to P P 5,000 to P 4,999... 9,999. P 10,000 to P 49,999 2,499. 15,177 5.3 28,336 9.9 805 0.3 8,198 4.2 27,579 14.1 3,358 1.7 8,141 3.0 18,509 6.9 5,895 2.2 52,062 7.4 64,723 9.1 69,543 9.8 38,068 7.0 90,097 16.7 30,790 5.7 101,510 15.4 53,219 8.1 60,926 9.3 P50,000 to P 99,999.. P100,000 to P499,999.. Size of gross receipts Under P 500-... 3,488 5.1 5,254 7.7 17 P (1) 500 to P 999... 6,945 6.5 8,291 7.7 78 0.1 P 1,000 to P 2,499... 27,306 6.1 47,113 10.6 P2,500 to P 13,980 3.1 4,999 - P 5,167 2.5 25,741 12.5 181 0.1 5,000 to P 9,999. 12,864 5.0 P 10,000 to P 30,406 11.7 1,649 0.6 24,999.. P25,000 to P P100,000 to P 249,999... P250,000 to P 999,999 8,456 3.7 18,523 8.1 9,134 4.0 99,999.. 10,730 2.8 56,653 14.5 76,128 19.5 89,236 19.5 32,781 7.2 21,397 4.7 68,216 26.0 3,898 1.5 61,729 19.2 185 0.1 44,872 13.9 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999... Citizenship of operator Philippines... 151,433 7.4 216,927 10.6 117,852 5.8 United States.. China.. 566 3.2 Japan.. 7,127 21.0 Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies.. 74,488 11.7 68,543 10.7 53,482. 8.4 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 990 242 TRANSPORTATION THER TABLE 53-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938 All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Owners and members of Province Total family Number Per cent distribution Other Persons Per cent of all employees persons Males Females PHILIPPINES. 4,774 100.0 1,102 23.1 659 338 105 Albay... 200 4.2 Bohol... 20 0.4 Bulacan.. 9 0.2 Cagayan.. 111 2.3 Camarines Sur. 128 2.7 Capiz. 17 0.4 Cavite. 61 1.3 Cebu... 254 5.3 Cotabato.. 35 0.7 Davao... 425 8.9 193 Iloilo..... 836 4.9 La Union.. 32 0.7 Leyte... 27 0.6 Manila, City of. 1,706 35.7 Masbate... 49 1.0 Misamis Occidental.... 26 0.5 Misamis Oriental.. 16 0.3 Mountain Province. 40 0.8 Negros Occidental... 353 7.4 156 Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija... 41 0.9 17 0.4 Pampanga... Pangasinan. 4 0.1 122 2.6 Rizal... Sorsogon. Tarlac.. Tayabas.. Zambales.. Zamboanga.. All other provinces. 554 11.6 56 1.2 14 0.3 BET FREE 2 2 89 44.5 48 24 17 85.0 9 8 66.7 5 1 74 66.7 37 28 9 65.6 41 37 6 82.4 11 57.4 17 6 29.1 50 19 667 2 1 40.0 13 12 6 1 45.4 125 65 8 13.6 13 14 6 37.0 9 1 2.5 24 12 57.1 12 10 66 34.6 6 2 56.3 8 30.0 8 44.2 87 55 63.4 18 118 3 14 58.8 5 4 50.0 2 34.4 29 10 5.2 23 4 55.4 23 4 21.4 3 25 0.5 64.0 7 14 0.3 85.7 9 148 3.1 34 0.7 9.5 55.9 9 8 10 6340 PHILIPPINES. Albay.... Bohol... Bulacan.... Cagayan..... Camarines Sur.. Capiz.. Cavite. Cebu.... Cotabato. Davao.. Iloilo.... La Union. Leyte... Manila, City of... Masbate.. Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province.. Negros Occidental.. Negros Oriental.... Province Total Persons Per cent of all employees Pesos Employees paid salaries or wages Total wages and salaries Average per employee (Pesos) Per cent distribution 3,672 76.9 1,241,887 338 100.0 111 55.5 3 17,286 156 1.4 15.0 3 417 139 (4) 33.3 950 37 317 0.1 33.3 44 4,553 123 0.4 34.4 5,902 134 0.5 3 17.6 537 26 179 (¹) 42.6 180 3,637 140 0.8 70.9 34,355 21 191 2.8 60.0 232 5,575 265 0.4 54.6 49,474 213 4.0 204 86.4 32 51,500 4.1 252 100.0 17 5,859 183 0.6 63.0 1,664 2,096 0.2 123 97.5 21 858,118 69.1 516 42.9 2,749 0.2 131 17 65.4 0.8 7 3,850 226 43.8 0.3 28. 4,288 613 70.0 0.8 197 10,123 362 55.8 3.6 15 43,105 219 36.6 0.2 1,941 129 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 243 TABLE 53.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Nueva Ecija.. Pampanga... Pangasinan. Rizal..... Sorsogon.-- Tarlac.... Tayabas... Zambales.. Zamboanga.... All other provinces. Province Employees paid salaries or wages Total Total wages and salaries Persons Per cent of all employees Pesos Average per employee (Pesos) Per cent distribution 7 41.2 1,407 201 0.1 2 50.0 141 71 (1) 80 65.6 17,581 220 1.4 525 94.8 64,617 123 5.2 25 44.6 4,789 192 0.4 11 78.6 3,480 316 0.3 9 36.0 1,347 150 0.1 2 14.3 685 343 0.1 134 90.5 39,846 297 3.2 15 44.1 1,679 112 0.1 Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Executives, etc. Office employees Drivers, etc. Salaries Province Salaries and wages paid Salaries and wages paid Persons Per cent of Persons total Pesos Per cent of Persons total sala- Per cent of salaries Pesos total sala- Pesos ries and ries and and wages wages wages PHILIPPINES. 82 105,338 8.5 181 82,740 6.7 3,409 1,053,809 84.9 Albay... 4 1,680 9.7 2 155 0.9 105 15,451 89.4 Bohol... 3 417 100.0 Bulacan.. 3 950 100.0 Cagayan 37 4,553 100.0 Camarines Sur... 1 360 6.1 43 5,542 93.9 Capiz.. 3 537 100.0 Cavite. Cebu.... 16 16 1 480 13.2 25 3,157 86.8 3,375 9.8 Cotabato.. Davao. 1 60 0.1 312 630 1.8 161 30,350 88.3 45 0.8 20 5,530 99.2 384 0.8 229 49,030 99.1 Iloilo.... La Union... 52 7,440 14.4 7 5,460 10.6 192 38,600 75.0 1,080 18.4 30 4,779 81.6 Leyte... 3 233 11.1 14 1,863 88.9 Manila, City of. 23 73,785 8.6 102 53,727 6.3 1,539 730,606 85.1 Masbate.... 21 2,749 100.0 Misamis Occidental.. Misamis Oriental.. 51 5 998 25.9 3 320 8.3 6 2,532 65.8 1 1,904 44.4 6 2,384 55.6 Mountain Province. 2 1,205 11.9 26 8,918 88.1 Negros Occidental. 3 1,225 2.8 6 2,520 5.8 188 39,360 91.3 Negros Oriental. 15 1,941 100.0 Pampanga.. Pangasinan. Rizal.... Sorsogon. Nueva Ecija.. 7 1,407 100.0 2 141 100.0 3 7 600 7,320 3.4 1 11.3 31 180 11,651 1.0 76 16,801 95.6 18.0 487 45,646 70.6 25 4,789 100.0 Tarlac. 11 Tayabas. Zambales. Zamboanga.. All other provinces. 3,480 100.0 9 1,347 100.0 2 685 100.0 788 2 4,629 402 11:6 23.9 15 13 5,746 14.4 111 29,471 74.0 484 28.8 10 793 47.2 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 244 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 54.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Class and item Total Owners and members of family Number Per cent distribution Other Persons Per cent of all employees persons Males Females Total... 4,774 100.0 1,102 23.1 659 338 105 Form of ownership Individuals... 3,752 78.6 1,079 28.8 647 327 105 Partnerships.. 49 1.0 18 36.7 8 10 Corporations.. 973 20.4 5 0.5 4 1 Year established 1935 to 1938.... 1,152 24.1 328 28.5 206 76 1930 to 1934.. 2,221 46.5 349 15.7 193 124 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919. 633 13.3 325 51.3 195 105 250 5.2 52 20.8 34 16 4222 46 32 25 15 0.3 5 33.3 5 Prior to 1910.... 422 8.9 Year not reported. 81 1.7 43 53.1 26 17 Size of total assets Under P 100... 16 0.3 15 93.8 4 6 P 100 to P 499.. 163 3.4 113 69.3 78 29 6 P 500 to P 999... 326 6.8 199 61.0 124 64 11 P1,000 to P 2,499. 719 15.1 352 49.0 201 116 85 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 325 6.8 155 47.7 88 51 16 P 5,000 to P 9,999.. P 10,000 to P 49,999. P50,000 to P 99,999.. P100,000 to P499,999.. 333 7.0 109 32.7 69 24 16 990 20.7 142 14.3 84 42 16 834 17.5 12 1.4 9 3 1,068 22.4 5 0.5 2 8 Size of gross receipts Under P 500.. 238 5.0 151 63.4 P 500 to P 999.. 311 6.5 201 64.6 115 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 825 17.3 414 50.2 257 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 339 7.1 135 39.8 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 334 7.0 108 32.3 P 10,000 to P 24,999. 303 6.3 68 22.4 P 25,000 to P 99,999. 404 8.5 11 2.7 P 100,000 to P 249,999. 720 15.1 14 1.9 PEREKON 94 49 8 68 18 115 42 44 12 26 17 28 6 3 5 P 250,000 to P 999,999. 768 16.1 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 532 11.1 Citizenship of operator Philippines. - United States.. China... Japan... tions, and government agencies. Partnerships, associations, corpora- Number of employees 202 20 3,620 75.8 1,006 27.8 600 302 104 9 0.2 4 44.4 4 72 1.5 38 52.8 15 1.1 31 60.8 10 1,022 21.4 23 2.3 11 862226 Under 10 persons.. 1,285 27.0 570 44.3 396 135 10 to 19 persons.. 821 17.2 445 54.2 216 171 20 to 29 persons. 3888 39 58 1 162 3.3 28 17.6 20 7 30 to 39 persons... 75 1.6 40 to 49 persons.. 179 3.7 18 10.1 11 7 50 to 69 persons.. 232 4.9 27 11.6 70 to 99 persons.. 185 3.9 100 to 149 persons.- 20 1.1 269 5.6 8 3.0 924 13 4 150 to 199 persons.. 346 7.2 200 to 299 persons.. 266 5.6 4 1.5 1 1 300 to 499 persons.. 422 8.8 500 to 999 persons.. 532 11.1 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 245 TABLE 54.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Class and item Employees paid salaries or wages Total Total wages and salaries Persons Per cent of all employees Average per Pesos employee Per cent distribution (Pesos) 3,672 76.9 1,241,887 338 100.0 Total.. Form of ownership Individuals.. Partnerships.... Corporations.. Year established 1935 to 1938. 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924.. 2,673 71.2 753,860 282 60.7 31 63.3 2,804 90 0.2 968 99.5 485,223 501 39.1 824 71.5 215,221 261 17.3 1,872 84.3 730,209 390 58.8 308 48.7 56,817 184 4.6 198 79.2 34,612 175 2.8 1915 to 1919.. 10 66.7 2,320 232 0.2 Prior to 1910.. 422 100.0 196,371 464 15.8 Year not reported. 38 46.9 6,337 167 0.5 Size of total assets Under P 100.. 1 6.3 97 97 (¹) 尹 ​P500 to P 100 to P 499.. 50 30.7 6,117 122 0.5 999 127 39.0 18,413 145 1.5 P1,000 to P 2,499. 367 51.0 61,953 169 5.0 2,500 to P P5,000 to P P 10,000 to P 49,999. P50,000 to P 99,999.. P100,000 to P499,999. 4,999... 170 52.3 41,164 242 3.3 9,999. 224 67.3 52,173 233 4.2 848 85.7 194,435 229 15.7 822 98.6 308,472 375 24.8 1,063 99.5 559,063 526 45.0 Size of gross receipts Under P 500---- 87 36.6 7,177 82 0.6 P 500 to P 999. 110 35.4 16,210 147 1.8 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 411 49.8 72,625 177 5.8 P 2,500 to P 4,999... 204 60.2 39,435 193 3.2 P5,000 to P 9,999--- 226 67.7 52,861 234 4.3 P10,000 to P 24,999. 235 77.6 95,194 405 7.7 P25,000 to P 99,999. 393 97.3 122,092 311 9.8 P100,000 to P 249,999... P250,000 to P 999,999.--. 706 98.1 151,310 214 12.2 768 100.0 354,657 462 28.6 532 100.0 330,326 621 26.6 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.- Citizenship of operator Philippines... 2,614 United States... China.... Japan.... Partnerships, associations, cosporations, and government agencies... 180588 72.2 741,906 284 59.7 55.6 3,808 762 0.3 34 47.2 3,906 115 0.3 20 39.2 4,240 212 0.3 999 97.7 488,027 489 39.3 Number of employees Under 10 persons.. 715 55.7 135,480 189 10.9 300 to 499 persons.. 10 to 19 persons... 20 to 29 persons. 30 to 39 persons.. 40 to 49 persons.. 50 to 69 persons.. 70 to 99 persons.. 100 to 149 persons. 150 to 199 persons. 200 to 299 persons. 376 45.8 109,974 292 8.9 134 82.4 23,849 182 1.9 75 100.0 36,175 482 2.9 161 89.9 45,136 280 3.6 205 88.4 54,980 268 4.4 183 98.9 79,069 432 6.4 261 97.0. 57,181 219 4.6 346 100.0 158,286 457 12.7 262 98.5 15,060 57 1.2 500 to 999 persons.. 422 100.0 196,371 465 15.8 532 100.0 330,326 621 26.6 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 246 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 54.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. ΟΥ Employees paid salaries and wages-Continued Office employees Executives, etc. Drivers, etc. Class and item Per cent of total Persons Salaries (Pesos) salaries Persons Salaries and wages Per cent of total Persons Salaries and wages and wages paid salaries (Pesos) and wages paid (Pesos) Per cent of total salaries and wages Total.... 82 105,338 8.5 181 82,740 6.7 3,409 1,053,809 84.9 Form of ownership Individuals.. Partnerships.. Corporations.. 8398 59 68,928 9.1 116 53,857 7.1 2,498 631,075 83.7 1 360 12.8 30 22 36,050 7.4 65 28,883 6.0 881 2,444 420,290 87.2 86.6 726 Year established 1935 to 1938.. 1930 to 1934. 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924. 8244 80 18,954 8.8 44 17,428 8.1 750 178,839 88 83.1 66,669 9.1 94 43,761 6.0 1,736 619,779 84.9 1 385 0.7 8 1,694 3.0 299 54,738 96.8 3,840 11.1 15 5,895 17.0 179 24,877 71.9 10 2,320 100.0 ་་ 5 15,490 7.9 20 13,962 7.1 397 166,919 85.0 38 6,337 100.0 1915 to 1919. Prior to 1910.. Year not reported.. Size of total assets Under 100... 1 97 100.0 P 100 to P 499... P 500 to P 999... P 1,000 to P 2,499. 2,500 to P 4,999... 5,000 to P 9,999... 10,000 to P 49,999... P 50,000 to P 99,999.. P100,000 to P499,999.. Size of gross receipts 500.... 16 16 664800 1236 134 2.2 2 90 1.5 46 5,893 96.8 625 3.4 3 290 1.6 121 17,498 95.0 1,392 2.2 3 719 1.2 358 59,842 96.6 5 2,378 5.8 4 628 1.5 161 38,158 92.7 3,464 6.6 8 2,255 4.3 212 46,454 89.0 12,786 6.6 42 15,226 7.8 790 166,423 85.6 30 43,680 40,879 14.2 49 30,683 9.9 743 234,109 75.9 7.3 70 32,849 5.9 977 485,335 86.8 Under 500 to 999.. 1,000 to P 2,499.... 2,500 to 4,999 ... 5,000 to T 9,999 ... 12 10,000 to P 24,999... 25,000 to P 99,999. 100,000 to P 249,999.... 18 250,000 to P 999,999_ 12 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 2362242822 24 0.3 3 146 2.0 82 735 7,007 97.6 4.5 5 1,392 1.9 680 1.7 143 180 1.1 106 15,295 94.4 1,005 1.4 402 70,228 96.7 299 0.8 199 38.456 97.5 6,308 11.9 10 2,297 4.3 204 44,256 83.7 1,740 1.8 15 5,825 6.1 216 87,629 92.1 13,285 10.9 23 10,816 8.9 348 97.991 80.8 18,728 12.4 42 22,149 14.6 646 110,433 73.0 42,046 11.9 40 25,382 7.2 716 287,229 81.0 20,400 6.2 40 14,641 4.4 490 295,285 89.4 Citizenship of operator Philippines. 58 United States. 67.024 9.0 116 1 53,857 7.3 2,440 621,025 83.7 China... 1,904 50.0 4 1,904 50.0 Japan.. Partnerships, associations, cor- 26 34 3,906 100.0 20 4,240 100.0 porations, and government agencies.... 23 36,410 7.5 65 28,883 5.9 911 422,734 86.6 Number of employees Under 10 persons.. 10 to 19 persons.. 10 20 to 29 persons.. 80 to 39 persons. 40 to 49 persons. 50 to 69 persons-- 70 to 99 persons.. 100 to 149 persons.. 150 to 199 persons.. 200 to 299 persons. 800 to 499 persons.. 500 to 999 persons.. 11 LO4284B17262 5,713 4.2 3,186 2.9 4,020 16.9 960 2.7 5,065 11.2 5,220 9.5 5 8,219 10.4 8,229 14.4 26,556 16.8 2,280 15.1 5 15,490 7.9 20,400 6.2 40 30818302229 1,997 1.5 688 127,770 94.3 16 4,755 4.3 350 102,033 92.8 3,060 12.8 122 16,769 70.3 360 1.0 72 34,855 96.4 3,020 6.7 137 37,051 82.1 7,376 13.4 188 42,384 77.1 78.1 9,128 11.5 168 61,722 69.6 9,181 16.1 228 39,771 76.0 11,420 7.2 319 120,310 59.4 3,840 25.5 250 8,940 85.0 13,962 7.1 397 166,919 89.4 14,641 4.4 490 295,285 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 247 TABLE 55.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY TYPE OF EQUIPMENT, BY PROVINCES: 1938. All types of equipment Type of equipment Buses Automobiles Province Number of operators reporting Total passengers carried Total receipts from transpor- tation of passengers (Pesos) Total net tonnage of freight and express carried Total gross receipts from freight and express handled (Pesos) Passengers carried Passengers carried passengers Receipts from Number of transpor- tation of passengers (Pesos) Receipts Number from trans- of passengers portation of passengers (Pesos) PHILIPPINES. 457 27,802,602 4,429,349 31,139 69,161 302,543 32,871 27,489,630 4,383,340 Albay.... Bohol.. Bulacan.. Cagayan... 17 Camarines Sur Capiz.... Cavite.. Cebu..... 34 Cotabato.. Davao.... 96 Iloilo.... La Union... Leyte.... Manila, City of. 22 Masbate.... Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental... Nueva Ecija.. Pampanga.. Pangasinan. Rizal.... Sorsogon Tarlac.... Tayabas.. Zambales.. Zamboanga.. All other provinces. 16 2- 12 - TO 20000 10 27 295,899 78.982 295,899 78,982 3 18,675 2,300 18,675 2,300 3 10,626 5,414 10,626 60,823 26,396 44,596 21,068 3888 5,414 30 76 60,823 26,396 90 180 44,596 21,068 3 23,002 5,569 23,002 5,569 37,646 13,362 37,646 13,362 680,133 141,877 275 400 680,133 141,877 5 70,753 28,297 70,753 28,297 1,181,234 802,745 934 1,674 1,181,234 302,745 9 1,002,343 200,870 1,002,343 200,870 3 72,712 19,852 72,712 19,852 7 25,824 12,348 1,621 9,020,654 2,654,473 8,172 2,449 28,652 25,824 12,348 9,020,654 2,654,478 32,427 10,390 32,427 10,390 6 19,979 14,014 19,979 14,014 11,880 9,519 11,880 9,519 70,878 29,113 70,878 29,113 782,372 135,298 130 282 782,372 135,298 17,088 8,080 17,088 8,080 13,256 6,066 13,256 6,066 882 1,251 882 1,251 29 2,478,078 131,026 48,243 131,026 48,243 468,617 2,478,078 468,617 8 10,937,941 18,130 10,937,941 18,130 22,410 8,334 293 531 22,410 8,334 20,338 6,053 20,338 6,053 6,870 3,546 6,870 3,546 682,532 29,725 142,384 6,758 19,594 34,917 302,543 32,871 369,560 96,375 29,725 6,758 Type of equipment Trucks and semi-trailers Province Net tonnage of freight and express carried Gross receipts from freight and express handled (Pesos) PHILIPPINES..... 843 1,159 12,077 40,686 10,429 13,138 18,219 Automobiles-Continued Freight and express handled Freight and express handled Net tonnage of freight and express carried Gross receipts from freight and express handled (Pesos) Number of passengers Receipts from transpor- tation of passengers (Pesos) Freight and express handled Net tonnage of freight and express carried Gross receipts from freight and express handled (Pesos) Boats and ships Passengers carried 27,316 Albay. Bohol... Bulacan. Cagayan. Camarines Sur. Capiz. Cavite. Cebu... Cotabato.. Davao.. 398 30 90 76 180 275 400 934 1,674 248 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 55.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY TYPE OF EQUIPMENT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued. Iloilo... Type of equipment-Continued Automobiles-Continued Trucks and semi-trailers Boats and ships Province Freight and express handled Freight and express handled Net tonnage of freight and express carried Gross receipts from freight and express handled (Pesos) passengers Net tonnage of freight and express carried Gross receipts from freight Number of and express handled (Pesos) transpor- tation of passengers (Pesos) Freight and express handled Gross receipts Net tonnage from freight and express and express handled (Pesos) Passengers carried Receipts from of freight carried La Union... Leyte... Manila, City of. Masbate.... Misamis Occidental.... Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. 130 282 Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija.. Pampanga... Pangasinan. Rizal... Sorsogon.. Tarlac... Tayabas. Zambales. Zamboanga... All other provinces.. 293 531 1,621 8,172 2,449 28,652 300 90 1,350 7,911 10,429 13,138 17,944 26,916 TABLE 56.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TON- NAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. All types of equipment Total receipts Total net tonnage of freight and Class and item Number of operators reporting Total passengers carried from trans- portation of passengers (Pesos) express carried Total gross receipts from freight and Type of equipment Buses Passengers carried Number express handled (Pesos) of passengers Receipts from transporta- tion of Total.... Form of ownership Individuals.. Partnerships.. Corporations.. 457 27,802,602 4,429,349 ངང་ passengers (Pesos) 31,139 69,161 302,543 32,871 446 24,399,454 2,822,332 22,967 40,509 302,543 32,871 4. 7 33,404 3,369,744 7,981 1,599,036 8,172 28,652 8871 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 249 TABLE 56.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TON- NAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. All types of equipment Type of equipment Buses Class and item Number of operators reporting Total receipts from trans- Total passengers carried portation of pas- Total net tonnage of freight and Total gross eceipts from freight and Passengers carried express Receipts from sengers express carried handled Number transpor- (Pesos) (Pesos) of passengers tation of passengers (Pesos) Year established 1935 to 1938.... 1930 to 1934... 158 126 1925 to 1929... 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919. Prior to 1910.. Year not reported. ធនកម្ម 4,783,125 823,066 20,214 36,528 302,543 32,871 6,820,407 2,430,843 9,626 30,379 134 11,779,275 263,295 1,299 2,254 20 1,067,714 224,275 2 17,450 7,640 3,242,205 648,441 16 92,426 31,789 Size of total assets Under P 1,000. 163 429,275 131,728 1,010 1,858 ? 1,000 to P 2,499. 157 788,745 243,606 1,429 2,536 P2,500 to P 4,999. 51 11,345,785 156,659 1,234 1,288 5,000 to P 9,999. 38 578,177 175,918 P10,000 to P 49,999. 37 4,671,999 745,303 P50,000 to P 99,999. 8 5,849,965 1,200,431 P100,000 to P 499,999. 3 4,138,656 1,775,704 27,466 63,479 302,543 32,871 Size of gross receipts Under P 1,000__ 179 332,916 89,476 765 853 P1,000 to P 2,499. 169 887,942 284,561 1,587 1,994 P2,500 to P 4,999. 41 551,764 154,600 934 1,674 5,000 to P 9,999. 34 11,709,406 212,333 387 1,161 P10,000 to P 24,999. 16 1,361,936 228,554 25,000 to P 99,999. 9 3,513,134 498,004 100,000 to P 249,999. 5 3,296,265 749,714 19,294 34,827 302,543 32,871 250,000 to P 999,999. 3 5,796,715 1,189,679 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 1 352,524 1,022,428 8,172 28,652 Citizenship of operator Philippines.. United States. 411 24,231,247 2,771,046 20,669 37,265 302,543 32,871 1 China.... 10,000 6,208 14 Japan... 58,161 14,384 1,364 1,570 and government agencies.. Partnerships, associations, corporations, 20 100,046 30,694 934 1,674 11 3,403,148 1,607,017 8,172 28,652 250 TRANSPORTATION Automobiles Passengers carried TABLE 56.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TON- NAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Type of equipment-Continued Trucks, and semi-trailers Freight and express handled Boats and ships Freight and express handled Passengers carried Class and item Freight and express handled Gross re- Gross re- Number of passengers Receipts from trans- nage of portation of Net ton- ceipts Net ton- from freight freight and passengers (Pesos) express carried ceipts nage of from freight freight and and and express express express handled carried handled (Pesos) Receipts Gross re- Number of passen- gers transpor- nage of tation of freight freight from Net ton- ceipts from passen- and express gers and express (Pesos) (Pesos) carried handled (Pesos) Total.... Form of ownership 27,489,630 4,383,340 843 1,159 12,077 40,686 10,429 13,138 18,219 27,316 Individuals. Partnerships.. Corporations. 4,086,482 2,776,323 33,404 7,981 3,369,744 1,599,036 843 1,159 3,905 12,034 8,172 28,652 10,429 13,138 18,219 27,316 Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929. 4,470,153 777,057 6,820,407 2,430,843 11,779,275 263,295 533 540 1,737 220 439 9,072 10,429 13,138 17,944 26,916 9,406 29,940 90 180 934 1920 to 1924. 1,674 1,067,714 224,275 275 400 1915 to 1919. 17,450 7,640 Prior to 1910... 3,242,205 648,441 Year not reported. 92,426 31,789 Size of total assets Under P 1,000. 2,499. 429,275 131,728 623 697 387 1,161 P1,000 to P2,500 to T 4,999. P5,000 to P 9,999. P 10,000 to P 49,999. 50,000 to P 99,999 P100,000 to P499,999. Size of gross receipts 4,671,999 745,303 5,849,965 1,200,431 3,825,684 1,729,695 788,745 243,606 220 462 934 1,674 275 400 11,345,785 156,659 1,234 1,288 578;177 175,918 1 9,522 36,563 10,429 13,138 17,944 26,916 Under P 1,000. 332,916 89,476 490 453 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 887,942 284,561 353 275 400 706 P 2,500 to P 1,234 4,999. 551,764 154,600 1,288 934 P 5,000 to P 1,674 9,999. 11,709,406 212,333 387 P10,000 to P 1,161 24,999. 1,361,936 228,554 P25,000 to P 99,999. 3,513,134 498,004 P100,000 to P 249,999. 2,983,293 703,705 1 P250,000 to P 999,999. 5,796,715 1,189,679 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 352,524 1,022,428 1,350 7,911 10,429 13,138 17,944 8,172 28,652 26,916 1 1 Citizenship of operator Philippines. 23,918,275 2,725,037 713 877 United States.. 10,000 6.208 1,737 9,072 10,429 13,138 18,219 27,316 China.. 58,161 14,384 130 Japan.. 282 1,234 1,288 100,046 30,694 Partnerships, associations, corpora- tions, and government agencies.. 3,403,148 1,607,017 1 i 1 934 1,674 8,172 28,652 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 251 TABLE 57.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Total cost of fuel and electricity-purchased Wood Gasoline Kerosene Province Per cent Pesos distribu- tion Quantity (Cord) Pesos Quantity (Liters) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Liters) Per cent Pesos of total PHILIPPINES. 1,645,492 100.0 478 1,435 9,595,978 1,353,875 82.3 6,888 782 (1) Albay... 37,794 2.3 247,884 37,004 97.9 1,200 180 0.5 Bohol. 1,100 0.1 17,230 1,100 100.0 Bulacan.. 2,484 0.2 16,685 2,484 100.0 Cagayan.... 7,898 0.5 63,302 7,840 99.3 290 29 0.4 Camarines Sur 9,209 0.6 53,121 9,174 99.6 Capiz.... 2,049 0.1 13,709 2,049 100.0 Cavite. 5,996 0.4 40,196 - 5,996 100.0 Cebu.... 43,804 2.7 342,281 42,624 97.3 4,600 470 1.1 Cotabato... 9,624 0.6 58,648 9,624 100.0 Davao.. 121,697 7.4 764,465 121,659 100.0 Iloilo..... 35,006 2.1 216.919 30,374 86.8 La Union.... 9,314 0.6 60,066 9,064 97.3 Leyte.. 2,974 0.2 6,678 1,053 35.4 Manila, City of.. 1,005,325 61.1 5,782,176 795,518 79.1 Masbate... 5,525 0.3 46,020 5,422 98.1 798 103 1.9 Misamis Occidental.. 5,789 0.4 26,317 3,759 64.9 Misamis Oriental.. 3,223 0.2 20,113 3,223 100.0 Mountain Province. 11,954 0.7 67,339 11,954 100.0 Negros Occidental. 43,789 2.7 179,797 25,990 59.4 Negros Oriental.. 2,564 0.2 14,369 2,461 96.0 Nueva Ecija. 1,968 0.1 12,395 1,968 100.0 Pampanga.. Pangasinan.. Rizal.... Sorsogon 370 (1) 2,550 370 100.0 15,596 0.9 104,145 15,596 100.0 171,900 10.4 953,591 134,483 78.2 5,645 0.3 40,300 5,645 100.0 Tarlac..... 2,892 0.2 Tayabas.. 19,384 2,892 100.0 2,920 0.2 Zambales.. 19,438 2,920 100.0 1,177 0.1 Zamboanga.. 8,302 1.177 100.0 74,156 4.5 All other provinces. 478 1,435 387,455 58,711 79.2 1,750 0.1 11,103 1,741 99.5 Gasanol, gastarla, pure Diesel oil Electricity purchased alcohol, etc. Province Quantity (Liters) Pesos Per cent of total Quantity (Tons) Pesos Per cent of total Quantity (KWH) Pesos Per cent of total PHILIPPINES. 2,828,548 256,364 15.6 581 17,271 Albay.. 1.0 36,039 2,034 15,765 1.0 610 1.6 Bohol.. Bulacan.. Cagayan.. 373 29 0.4 Camarines Sur 1 35 0.4 Capiz... Cavite. Cebu.... Cotabato.. 7,100 710 1.6 Davao. 401 38 (1) Iloilo.... 3,416 753 2.2 La Union... 28,892 3,879 11.1 6 250 2.7 Leyte... Masbate... Manila, City of. 13,840 1,888 63.5 1 33 1.1 2,053,555 181,491 18.1 528 15,006 1.5 26,039 13,310 1.3 Misamis Oriental.. Misamis Occidental. 12,407 2,030 35.1 Negros Oriental.. Negros Occidental.. Mountain Province. 185,723 686 17,799 103 40.6 4.0 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 252 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 57.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Gasanol, gastarla, pure Diesel oil Electricity purchased alcohol, etc. Province Quantity (Liters) Pesos Per cent of total Quantity (Tons) Pesos Per cent of total Quantity (KWH) Pesos Per cent of total Nueva Ecija. Pampanga.. Pangasinan. Rizal.... 415,744 87,417 21.8 Sorsogon. Tarlac... Tayabas. Zambales... Zamboanga.. All other provinces. 109,710 117 10,971 9 14.8 0.5 45 1,947 2.6 4,550 1,092 1.6 TABLE 58.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTAB LISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Total.... Form of ownership Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased Wood Gasoline Class and item Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 1,645,492 100.0 1,435 0.1 1,353,875 82.3 Individuals... Partnerships.. Corporations.. Year established 1,252,182 76.1 1,435 0.1 969,070 77.4 1,491 100.0 1,491 0.1 391,819 383,314 97.8 23.8 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934... 341,170 20.7 1,435 0.4 323,633 94.9 1925 to 1929_ 1920 to 1924... 854,012 51.9 680,403 79.7 98,791 6.0 83,579 84.6 1915 to 1919. 72,937 4.4 34,660 47.5 Prior to 1910. 5,061 0.3 5,061 100.0 Year not reported.. 260,067 15.8 213,270 82.0 13,454 0.8 13,269 98.6 Size of total assets Under P 1,000. 1,000 to P 2,499. 51,154 3.1 46,321 90.6 P 2,500 to P 4,999 89,177 5.4 80,934 90.8 P5,000 to P P 10,000 to P 49,999. P50,000 to P 99,999... P100,000 to P 499,999... 9,999. 60,309 3.7 52,259 86.7 81,027 4.9 80,577 99.4 261,235 15.9 246,746 94.5 424,524 25.8 344,001 81.0 678,066 41.2 1,435 0.2 503,037 74.2 Size of gross receipts Under P 1,000___ P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 33,019 2.0 27,384 82.9 93.0 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 103,129 6.3 95,867 P 5,000 to P 56,342 3.4 54,720 97.1 9,999 P10,000 to P 88,092 24,999. 5.4 78,171 88.7 99.3 P25,000 to P 92,724 5.6 92,070 99,999. P 100,000 to P 249,999. 152,472 9.3 136,993 89.8 82.5 P 250,000 to P 999,999.. 282,574 17.2 1,435 0.5 233,192 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. 478,732 29.1 400,828 83.7 358,408 21.8 234,650 65.5 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 253 TABLE 58.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTAB- LISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Class and item Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased Wood Gasoline Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Citizenship of operator Philippines.. United States... China.... Japan.... Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies.. 1,232,895 74.9 1,435 0.1 950,924 77.1 2,188 0.1 2,188 100.0 5,776 0.4 4,673 80.9 11,323 0.7 11,285 99.7 393,310 23.9 384,805 97.8 Kerosene Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Diesel oil Electricity purchased Class and item Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of toal Per cent Pesos of total 782 (1) 256,364 15.6 17,271 1.0 15,765 1.0 Total.... Form of ownership Individuals... 782 0.1 255,654 20.4 17,271 1.4 7,970 0.6 Partnerships... Corporations.. 710 0.2 7,795 2.0 Year established 1935 to 1938. 312 0.1 12,330 3.6 1,947 0.6 1,513 0.4 1930 to 1934.. 470 0.1 162,540 19.0 937 0.1 9,662 1.1 1925 to 1929. 15,212 15.4 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919.. 37,667 51.6 610 0.8 28,465 10.9 14,352 5.5 3,980 1.5 I 150 1.1 35 0.3 Prior to 1910.... Year not reported. Size of total assets Under P 1,000. P1,000 to P 2,499. P2,500 to P 4,999. P5,000 P 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 49,999. P50,000 to P 99,999.. P 100,000 to P499,999. Size of gross receipts 216 537 0.4 4,582 9.0 35 0.1 0.6 7,096 8.0 610 0.7 29 (¹) 7,988 13.2 33 0.1 200 0.2 250 0.3 13,835 5.3 654 0.3 76,546 18.0 3,977 0.9 146,117 21.5 16,299 2.4 11,178 1.6 Under P 1,000... P1,000 to P 2,499. B 753 239 P2,500 to P P5,000 to P P10,000 to P 24,999. 25,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P 249,999. 250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 4,999. 9,999. 0.1 5,571 16.9 0.7 5,866 5.7 3333 35 0.1 (1) 610 0.6 1,622 2.9 9,671 11.0 250 0.3 654 0.7 14,726 9.7 753 0.5 44,487 15.7 1,947 0.7 1,513 0.5 56,769 11.9 14,352 3.0 6,783 1.4 117,652 32.8 6,106 1.7 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 254 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 58.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTAB LISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Kerosene Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Diesel oil Electricity purchased Class and item Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Citizenship of operator Philippines.. 746 0.1 254,582 20.6 17,238 1.4 7,970 0.6 United States.. China... 36 0.6 1,034 17.9 33 0.6 Japan..... 38 0.3 Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies... 710 0.2 7,795 2.0 TABLE 59.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY TYPE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Type of equipment and province Number of operators reporting Number of units Total capacity Type of equipment and province Number of operators Number of units Total capacity reporting Passengers Buses... 1 9 267 Automobiles Gasoline Continued Gasolinefuelengine-Con. Passengers Gasoline, fueled engine.. 1 Zamboanga.. 1 66 All other provinces... 5 9 48 267 267 Gasanol fueled engine.. 16 Iloilo.... 1 Manila, City of.. 4 Passengers Negros Occidental.. 10 Rizal... 1 Automobiles.. 463 2,392 13,728 Alcohol (pure) fueled engine 48 Iloilo.... 1 Gasoline fueled engine. 399 1,855 10,939 Leyte.. 3 Albay... 27 109 683 Misamis Occidental. 1 ཧྨནྡྷས© *2མྦྷ 393 1,918 3 21 322 1,581 18 116 200 144 871 24 10 50 5 40 Bohol.. 3 4 29 Negros Occidental.. 42 110 682 Bulacan. 3 30 Cagayan. Zamboanga.. 1 15 75 18 55 429 Camarines Sur.. Tons 21 53 305 Trucks and semi- trailers.. 10 29 59 Capiz. 3 10 61 Cavite.. 12 36 183 Gasoline, fueled engine..... 6 11 Cebu.... 22 24 34 133 728 Davao.. 1 1 Cotabato. 4 18 102 Leyte... 1 1 2 Davao.. 96 274 2,019 Manila, City of. 2 4 10 Zamboanga... 1 3 6 Iloilo... 8 125 670 All other provinces. 1 2 4 La Union. 8 3 32 254 Alcohol (pure) fueled engine 2 3 Leyte... 4 20 Misamis Occidental.. 1 2 Manila, City of. 2 22 448 2,208 Negros Occidental.... 1 Masbate... 8 22 116 Diesel fueled engine.. 1 Manila, City of.... 111 1 3 1 3 1 1 Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental... Negros Oriental. 13 16 54536 97 57 Gasanol fueled engine. 1 14 22 24 24 46 Manila, City of.... 1 14 31 170 Tons 82 446 21 40 122 Sailboats. 2 7 Nueva Ecija.. Pampanga.. 2 59 Cebu.... 5 30 Cotabato.. 1 1 43 23 17 Pangasinan. Rizal.. Sorsogon 29 84 604 Tons 20 165 878 8 31 57 217 Launches.. 2 2 Tarlac.. 6 15 108 Tayabas. Steam engine driven. 1 1 3 54 Zambales... Zamboanga... 1 1 5 34 Diesel engine driven. 1 1 Zamboanga.. 3322 28 28 29 29 7 45 229 Zamboanga. 1 1 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 255 TABLE 60.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938. Buses Automobiles Gasoline-fueled engine Gasoline-fueled engine Gasanol (including gastarla) fueled engine Alcohol (pure) fueled engine Class and item Num- ber of Total Num- passen- ber of Num- opera- ber of ger opera- Num- ber of Total Num- passen- ber of Total Num- Total Num- passen- ber of Num- passen- ger opera- ber of ger opera- ber of tors re- porting units capac- tors re- units capac- tors re- units capac- tors re- units ger capac- ity porting ity porting ity porting ity Total.. 1 9 267 399 1,855 10,939 16 393 1,918 48 144 871 Form of ownership Individuals... 1 6 Partnerships.. Corporations. 267 388 1,662 9,974 13 101 472 48 144 871 4 32 183 7 161 782 3 292 1,446 Year established 1935 to 1938. 1 9 267 146 618 3,616 1930 to 1934... 101 693 3,956 115 300 2,030 19 55 314 2931 2 10 71 1 140 663 15 39 289 1 1 B 10 49 12 33 193 294 1,479 18 56 345 9 55 16 53 317 50 200 1 1 8 1 30 135 1 1 8 88888888- 137 207 1,307 4 135 362 2,419 45 157 1,099 36 203 1,342 35 477 2,653 8 258 1,205 267 3 191 914 1853 511 21 2482 32 23 54 30 21612 2822 32 204 59 · 335 24 160 9 57 20 115 144 207 1,368 153 445 2.959 39 207 1,340 2 72 768 30790 32 632 296 1,485 888588 48 29 38 14 51 30 158 1,049 8448 55 1 3 15 16 176 1.039 8 220 1,072 1 15 1010101010 54 326 340 5 25 105 75 267 5 208 998 3 215 1,011 1 19 103 1221 2 57 228 2 45 203 270 1,350 6 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919... Prior to 1910.... Year not reported. Size of total assets Under P 1,000. P1,000 to P 2,499. P2,500 to P 4,999... P 5,000 to P 9,999.. P 10,000 to P 49,999 P50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999 Size of gross receipts P Under P 1,000 to P P2,500 to P P 5,000 to P P10,000 to P P25,000 to P 1,000.. 2,499. 4,999. 9,999. 24,999.- יייי. 1 99,999. P100,000 to P 249,999. 1 P250,000 to P 999,999.. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. Citizenship of operator Philippines. United States. associations, corpo- government China.... Japan. Partnerships, rations, and agencies 69 1 9 1 1 1 267 1 1 1 357 1,604 9,586 12 100 464 45 137 827 1 4 31 10 23 139 1 1 8 3 7 44 20 31 218 11 193 965 3 292 1,446 256 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 60.-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1988 -Continued. Trucks and semi-trailers Gasoline-fueled engine Gasanol (including gastarla) fueled Alcohol (pure) fueled engine Diesel-oil fueled engine Class and item Num- ber of Total Num- net ton- Num- Total Num- ber of Num- net ton- ber of Num- Total net ton- Num- Total ber of Num- net ton- opera- tors re- porting ber of nage opera- units capac- tors re- ber of nage units opera- ber of nage opera- ber of nage ity porting capac- ity tors re- units capac- tors re- units capac- porting ity porting ity Total.... Form of ownership 6 11 24 1 14 24 2 3 8 1 1 3 Individuals. Partnerships... Corporations.. 1 5 10 22 1 1 22 Year established 1935 to 1938... 3 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924... 1915 to 1919. 611 311 1 6 1 222 3 8 Prior to 1910.... 1 18 Year not reported.. Size of total assets Under P 1,000... 1 P1,000 to P 2,499. 1 11 1 1 P2,500 to P 4,999. 9,999. 1 12 P5,000 to P P 10,000 to P 49,999.. P50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999.. Size of gross receipts P 1,000. 22 4 1 14 24 2 3 8 1 1 8 1 2 1 14 24 1 1 69 2 1 1 14 14 24 2 6 16 12 Under P 1,000 to P 2,500 to P 2,499. 4,999. 5,000 to P 9,999. 111 1 1 1 217 2 1 422 10,000 to P 24,999. 25,000 to P 99,999. 100,000 to P 249,999... 250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. Citizenship of operator 84 12 3 6 4 10 1 14 24 Philippines.. 4 9 20 United States. China... Japan.. 1 1 2 Partnerships, associations, corpo- rations, and government agencies. 1 2 1 11 1 14 24 2 1 1 2 6 1 1 2 1 2 6 ייי --- 1 1 2 3 8 1 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 257 TABLE 60-OPERATORS OF PU CARS, TAXICABS, GARAGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTO CALESAS, AND AUTO JITNEYS -NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938 -Continued. Boats and ships Launches Sailboats Steam engine driven Diesel engine driven Class and item Number of operators reporting Number of units Total net Number of tonnage capacity Total net Number of Total net operators reporting Number of units Number tonnage capacity operators reporting tonnage of units capacity 2 7 40 1 1 28 1 1 29 Total.... Form of ownership Individuals... Partnerships... Corporations. Year established 1935 to 1938.... 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924... 2 7 40 1 1 28 1 1 29 29 1 1 28 1 1 29 1 1 34 17 4 23 1915 to 1919... Prior to 1910.... Year not reported. Size of total assets Under P 1,000. P 1,000 to P 2,499. 1 4 23 P2,500 to P 4,999.- P5,000 to P 9,999.. 1 3 17 P10,000 to P 49,999.. P 50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. Size of gross receipts Under 1,000.... 1 4 23 1,000 to P 2,499. 2,500 to P 4,999.- P 5,000 to P 9,999.... 1 3 17 ? 10,000 to P P25,000 to P 100,000 to P 249,999... 250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999-- Citizenship of operator 24,999... 99,999. Philippines United States.. China.... Japan.. Partnerships, associations, corpo- and government rations, and agencies. 1 1 28 1 1 29 1 1 28 1 29 2 7 40 1 1 28 1 1 29 258 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 61.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Persons employed and salaries paid Employees not paid salaries or wages Province Number of operators reporting Total assets (Pesos) Total gross receipts (Pesos) Total number of persons employed Total persons Owners and members not paid salaries or of family Other persons not paid sala wages Males Females ries or wages PHILIPPINES.. 275 1,994,031 3,633,613 3,124 748- Albay..... Bataan.. Batangas. Bohol... Bulacan. 5 6253 1 7,661 8.442 3,400 5,100 21,505 12,395 1,944 3,473 7,728 7,080 Cagayan.. Camarines Norte. Capiz... Cebu... 62 Davao. 14 Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.... Laguna.. Lanao.. Leyte... 10 Manila, City of. 57 Marinduque.. Mindoro... Misamis Occidental.... Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province.. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. 12 Pampanga.. 15 Rizal... Romblon.. Sulu... Tayabas.. Zambales... Zamboanga.. All other provinces. 42224 424 42 258 5,140 9,071 9,247 14,066 4,095 5,006 145,590 100,853 191,070 210,855 5 18,642 15,175 6,650 17,050 9,760 2,367 7 14,895 7,190 18,520 14,340 734,076 1,483,491 4 13,466 25,579 4 5,600 32,949 3 6,467 10,539 2 2,656 15,523 6 476,105 1,302,606 42,199 31,423 70,755 103,208 35.234 58,548 5 35,786 21,495 2,546 1,390 4 9,949 15,557 9.909 5,061 11,794 4,818 7 46,780 63,065 100 24,862 25,898 * 228 BE REL * 22828 19 30 90 ཝཱསངྐཱཝ༤ ཋཱསཏྟཙྪཱཙྩུ ཤཱཿ*སཨྰཿ 2 ཨཧྨཏྟཾ ཨསྐྲསྶ 399 11 272 77 5 2 2 6 4 5 142 1 9 4 2 8 9 2 8 5 128 94 19 23 18 HOLCLD COON WON WONNO 9 1 36 121 67 44 10 5 20 2 12258 5 5 1 2 7 15 6 3 19 Province Number of persons paid salaries or wages Total salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Number of persons Salaries or wages paid Number of Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, super- visors, and others holding executive, managerial or supervisory positions Office employees, steno- graphers, and others performing routine. office work Drivers, conductors, en gi neers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Number of Salaries or (Pesos) persons wages paid Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) persons (Pesos) PHILIPPINES..... 2,376 980,253 70 154,613 226 Albay... 125,878 2,080 699,762 15 Bataan.. 1,910 4 Batangas. 960 15 1,910 18 Bohol... 5,040 4 2 2 Bulacan.. 480 660 16 960 4,380 11 480 2,112 2 2 Cagayan 480 9 1,632 8 Camarines Norte. 1,018 21 Capiz.. 5,644 8 1,018 1 Cebu... 360 21 5,644 141 Davao. 27,282 1 126 35,391 22 812 4 504 135 860 25,966 4,820 7 4,140 117 26,981 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 259 Province Number of persons paid salaries or wages visors, and others holding Total salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Number of persons TABLE 61.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, super- executive, managerial or supervisory positions Office employees, steno- graphers, and others performing routine office work Drivers, conductors, engi- neers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Salaries or Number of Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) persons wages paid (Pesos) Number of persons Ilocos Sur... Iloilo.... 16 2,460 Laguna.... Lanao... Leyte... Manila, City of.. 866 Marinduque.. Mindoro.... Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental... Mountain Province. Negros Occidental.. Negros Oriental.. Pampanga... Rizal... Romblon... Sulu... Tayabas. Zambales.. Zamboanga. All other provinces. ALE CONO TENGO CHEC 8,090 2,038 2 1,200 18 1 360 2.460 6,530 8 1,312 726 2,669 2,669 4,529 3 360 464,340 33 88,973 137 93,407 13,287 6,360 1,303 5,899 1 150 1 240 283,159 14 51,716 36 21,123 459 19,763 28 4,152 82 16,342 2 280 1 16 13,819 70 6,830 2 900 3 292 6,462 1 1,360 1 144 13 1,262 14 2,510 31,932 6,710 42 4 42 2 3,840 2 62 RO HRAC 4,169 696 281,960 13,287 6,360 1,303 5,509 210,320 15,611 16,046 13,819 5,930 292 4,958 1,262 2,468 28,092 6,710 TABLE 62.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Persons employed and salaries paid Class and item Number of Total operators reporting assets (Pesos) Total gross receipts (Pesos) Total number of persons employed Total persons not paid Employees not paid salaries or wages Owners and members of family Other persons salaries or not paid salaries or Males Females wages wages Total.... 275 1,994,031 3,633,613 3,124 748 399 272 77 Form of ownership Individuals... Partnerships. 250 973,678 1,165,844 2,022 7 Associations. 12,541 2 Corporations.. 3,528 26,094 2,950 Government agencies. 15 997,194 2,410,314 1,048 1 7,090 28,411 288800 38 6 781286 382 268 76 7 3 7 4 1 10 Year established 1935 to 1938. 1930 to 1934.. 129 592,268 1,087,544 1,097 304 170 108 1925 to 1929. 100 672,908 1,387,552 1,244 307 163 110 1920 to 1924. 31 240.706 343,377 389 110 56 37 17 355 26 34 1915 to 1919. 1 7,090 28,411 10 1910 to 1914.. 2 29,725 47,813 71 1 1 Prior to 1910..-- 1 327,807 608,424 161 Year not reported. 1 32,106 28,291 54 10 91,421 107,201 98 26 10 16 260 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 62.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Persons employed and salaries paid Class and item Number of Total operators reporting assets (Pesos) Total gross receipts (Pesos) Total number of Total Employees not paid salaries or wages Owners and members Other of family persons employed persons not paid salaries or persons Males Females not paid salaries or wages wages Size of total assets P 100 to P 499. 20 5,799 17,137 76 48 P 500 to P 999... 43 29,458 67,489 210 122 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 118 217,350 259,692 669 348 190 P 2,500 to P 4,999... 44 164,928 188,224 333 128 P 5,000 to P P 10,000 to P 49,999.. 9,999. 27 174,873 267,290 400 66 15 352,052 551,167 633 17 P 50,000 to P 99,999... 5 322,198 589,752 217 19 B6000 33 65 129 64 29 10 FERRE 10 5 50 7 29 41 23 29 8 1 7 4 P100,000 to P499,999. 3 727,373 1,692,862 586 Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 30 42,255 9,702 130 99 57 37 P P 1,000 to P 500 to P 999... 58 76,649 43,487 268 171 92 56 2,499. 98 233,971 168,544 504 255 142 91 P 2,500 to P 4,999.... 32 94,539 116,971 211 101 51 38 20 109,206 146,090 215 52 32 18 17 160,242 259,111 409 41 13 20 14 390,836 644,518 516 29 12 12 1222285 23 3 158,960 552,328 285 3 727,373 1,692,862 586 P 5,000 to P 9,999.... P 10,000 to P 24,999.... P 25,000 to P 99,999... P100,000 to P249,999... P250,000 to P999,999.... Citizenship of operator Philippines... United States.. China... Japan.. Other countries. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies... Number of employees Under 10 persons. 10 to 19 persons. 20 to 29 persons. 30 to 39 persons.. 50 to 69 persons. 70 to 99 persons.. 100 to 149 persons... 150 to 199 persons. 200 to 299 persons. 2287 25 204 719,648 876,381 1,697 645 77,324 96,707 67,803 89,098 98,911 106 137 9,992 93,076 10,582 53 29 25 1,020,353 2,467,769 1,102 253 25 335 239 71 30 12 9 14 8 3 17 4 1 202 482,228 428,524 821 373 233 113 27 50 272,482 465,818 707 329 145 137 47 5 108,716 123,616 125 17 10 6 135,037 155,112 201 6 6 203,505 511,113 375 14 2 26,682 112,040 170 9 0443 6 1 1 1 10 5 112 38,008 144,528 139 327,807 608,424 161 399,566 1,084,438 425 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 261 TABLE 62.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, super- Office employees, ste- visors, and others hold-nographers, and others ing executive, manage- performing routine rial or supervisory positions office work Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Class and item Number of persons paid salaries or wages Total salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Number of Salaries or wages paid Number of persons (Pesos) persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Total... 2,376 980,253 70 154,613 226 125,878 2,080 699,762 Form of ownership Individuals... 1,296 345,672 29 Partnerships.. 31 7,092 2223 24,652 90 30,883 1,177 290,137 Associations. 1,196 3 1,606 26 4,290 3 556 3 556 Corporations.... 1,036 Government agencies. 10 621,597 5,336 39 128,765 133 93,389 864 10 399,443 5,336 Year established 1935 to 1938... 793 270,717 22 1930 to 1934. 937 407.769 30 1925 to 1929. 279 107,275 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919.. 10 5,336 70 30,161 1910 to 1914... 161 112,967 Prior to 1910.... 54 Year not reported. 22,742 , 72 23,286 287 2522 25,508 79,351 10,020 141 443 47 21,348 724 223,861 78,324 766 250,094 29 18,718 243 78,537 10 5,336 3,840 29,750 68 26,321 156 83,217 4,800 1,344 54 5 5,522 47 12,420 4 1,966 66 19,976 Size of total assets P100 to P 499.. P 500 to P 999__ 888 28 5,421 1 1,332 2 120 25 3,969 P1,000 to P 2,499.. 2,500 to P 4,999.. 5,000 to P 9,999. 18,916 1 24 87 18,892 321 68,014 205 57,410 97 9 2,156 17 4,803 295 61,055 7 3,540 6 1,560 192 52,310 334 92,150 10 10,920 17 10,164 307 71,066 616 257,888 17 32,699 110 67.706 489 157,483 198 131,008 586 349,446 21 12 34,020 43 25,178 143 71,810 14 69,946 30 16,323 542 263,177 P10,000 to P 49,999. 50,000 to 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999- Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 31 3,217 P 500 to P 999_ 97 13,910 1,000 to P 2,499. 249 49,600 2,500 to P 4,999-- 110 28,067 5,000 to P 9,999. 163 51,649 P10,000 to P 24,999.. 368 96,730 25,000 to P 99,999.- P100,000 to P249,999.- P250,000 to 999,999. 487 199,981 285 187,653 586 349,446 13 14 1249880 1,612 422 2,910 8,184 32,680 38,859 69,946 45 30 1641744688 3 76 28 3,141 1,140 91 12,770 720 235 47,268 240 107 27,405 2,184 152 46,555 12,956 314 75,590 45 33,776 424 133,525 85 58,463 187 90.331 16,323 542 263,177 262 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 62.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Total salaries or Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, super- visors, and others hold- ing executive, manage- rial or supervisory positions Class and item Number of persons paid salaries or wages wages paid (Pesos) Number of Salaries or wages paid persons (Pesos) Office employees, stenographers, and others performing routine office work Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Citizenship of operator Philippines.... United States. China... Japan.. Other countries. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies... 1,052 269,299 106 32,614 90 23,640 214 18,112 5,700 480 878 80 24,701 951 226,486 5,702 98 21.212 480 83 22,680 30 15,813 30 15,813 18 4,306 3 360 15 3,946 1,080 634,581 41 129,961 136 94,995 903 409,625 Number of employees Under 10 persons.. 10 to 19 persons. 20 to 29 persons.. 30 to 39 persons. 50 to 69 persons.. 70 to 99 persons. 100 to 149 persons. 150 to 199 persons. 200 to 299 persons. 448 105,920 13 378 116,205 13 108 59,883 195 69,505 361 189,532 16 33556 3.974 17 2,861 418 99,085 13,474 30 14,939 335 87,792 9,000 17 20,835 86 30,048 10,620 38 10,814 152 48,071 63,537 35 24,578 310 101,417 161 35,161 9 6,120 152 29.041 139 74,599 161 122,966 425 206,482 459 4 4,060 50 29,408 85 41,131 39,749 156 83.217 10,199 30 16,323 386 179,960 TABLE 63.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-TOTAL ASSETS BY PROVINCES: 1938 Operators reporting Assets Province Total Number Per cent distribution Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) Pesos Bulacan.. Cagayan. Camarines Norte.. Capiz... Cebu... Davao. Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.. Laguna.. Lanao.. Leyte.. PHILIPPINES.... Albay.. Bataan... Batangas. Bohol... Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Per cent distribution 275 100.0 1,994,031 100.0 976,552 49.0 100.0 62535 2.2 7,661 0.4 0.7 6,344 82.8 0.6 3,400 0.2 1.8 3,000 88.2 0.3 21,505 1.1 1.1 17,305 80.5 1.8 1,944 0.1 1.8 1,744 89.7 0.2 7,728 0.4 5,560 71.9 0.6 BANG HUNNA 4 1.5 5,140 0.3 0.7 4,200 81.7 0.4 2 9,247 0.5 0.7 6,720 0.7 72.7 4,095 0.2 22.5 145,590 3,890 95.0 0.4 7.3 5.1 127,265 87.4 13.0 191,070 9.6 6.5 63,832 33.4 1.8 18,642 0.9 0.7 13,530 72.6 6,650 0.3 10 1.4 0.7 1.5 6,650 100.0 9,760 0.5 0.7 2.5 7,220 74.0 14,895 1.3 0.7 3.6 13,120 88.1 18,520 1.4 0.9 13,742 74.2 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 263 TABLE 63.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-TOTAL ASSETS BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Operators reporting Assets Province Total Number Per cent distribution Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Per cent distribution Manila, City of. Marinduque.. Misamis Occidental. 57 Mindoro... Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province.. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental... 12 Pampanga.. Rizal.... 15 Romblon.... Sulu.... Tayabas.. Zambales... Zamboanga.. All other provinces.. 14482 642 24478 20.7 734,076 36.8 302,360 41.2 81.0 1.5 13,466 0.7 10,815 80.3 1.1 1.5 5,600 0.3 5,400 96.4 0.6 3 1.1 6,467 0.3 5,967 92.3 0.6 0.7 2,656 0.1 1,856 69.9 0.2 2.2 476,105 23.9 187,918 39.5 19.2 1.5 42,199 2.1 13,771 32.6 1.4 4.4 70,755 3.5 37,922 53.6 3.9 5.5 35,234 1.8 27,176 77.1 2.8 5 1.8 35,786 1.8 20,735 57.9 2.1 0.7 2,546 0.1 2,250 88.4 0.2 1.5 9,949 0.5 8,161 82.0 0.8 1.5 9,909 0.5 5,254 52.0 0.5 5 1.8 11,794 0.6 10,273 87.1 1.1 2.5 46,780 2.3 28,207 60.3 2.9 2.9 24,862 1.2 14,365 57.8 1.5 Assets-Continued Province Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total PHILIPPINES. 222,568 11.2 296,099 14.8 498,812 25.0 Albay.. Bataan... 1,317 17.2 400 11.8 Batangas.. 2,000 9.3 2,200 10.2 Bohol... 200 10.3 Bulacan.. 200 2.6 290 3.8 1,678 21.7 Cagayan.... 55 1.1 800 15.6 85 1.7 Camarines Norte. 2,527 27.3 Capiz... 25 0.6 180 4.4 Cebu.... 3,820 2.6 13.786 9.5 719 0.5 Davao... 41,738 21.8 54,432 28.5 31,068 16.3 Ilocos Sur... 5,112 27.4 Iloilo.... Laguna. 1,080 11.1 1,450 14.9 10 0.1 Lanao... 1,410 9.5 365 2.5 Leyte 1,630 8.8 1,651 8.9 1,497 8.1 Manila, City of. Mindoro... Marinduque... 129,577 17.7 67,065 9.1 235,074 32.0 520 3.9 2,085 15.5 46 0.3 200 3.6 Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental. 600 22.6 116 500 7.7 200 7.5 Mountain Province. Rizal.... Pampanga.. Negros Oriental.. Negros Occidental.. 17,621 3.7 86,459 18.2 184,107 38.7 1,500 3.6 24,628 58.4 2,300 5.5 61 0.1 4,434 6.3 28,338 40.1 1,885 5.3 4,248 12.1 1,925 5.5 10.060 28.1 491 1.4 4,500 12.6 Romblon.. Sulu.... 296 11.6 Tayabas. 1,788 18.0 Zambales.. 4,000 40.4 655 6.6 Zamboanga.. 500 4.2 1,021 8.7 All other provinces. 200 0.4 13,193 28.2 5,180 11.1 1,559 6.3 6,653 26.8 2,285 9.2 264 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 64.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-TOTAL ASSETS CLAS SIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Operators reporting Class and item Total Number Per cent distribution Assets Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Per cent distribution Total.. 275 100.0 1,994,031 100.0 976,552 49.0 100.0 Form of ownership Individuals... 250 Partnerships.. 90.9 973,678 48.8 625,522 64.2 64.1 7 2.5 Associations.. 12,541 0.6 12,493 99.6 1.8 2 0.7 Corporations... 3,528 0.2 2,200 62.4 0.2 15 Government agencies.. 5.5 997,194 50.0 329,247 33.0 33.7 1 0.4 7,090 0.4 7,090 100.0 0.7 Year established 1935 to 1938. 1930 to 1934.... 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924.. 129 46.9 592,268 100 29.7 36.4 403,607 68.1 672,908 41.8 31 33.7 11.3 285,901 240,706 42.5 29.8 1915 to 1919... 1 12.1 0.4 128,129 53.2 1910 to 1914.. 21 7,090 13.1 0.4 0.7 29,725 7,090 100.0 0.7 Prior to 1910. 1 1.5 0.4 20,745 69.8 Year not reported. 327,807 2.1 1 16.4 0.4 32,106 77,905 23.8 8.0 10 1.6 3.6 16,641 51.8 Size of total assets 91,421 1.7 4.6 36,534 40.0 8.7 100 to P 499... P 500 to P 999... 20 7.3 5,799 P1,000 to P 2,499. 43 0.3 15.6 5,518 95.2 0.6 P 2,500 to P 29,458 4,999. 118 1.5 42.9 24,496 83.2 2.5 P5,000 to P 217,350 9,999. 44 10.9 16.0 181,124 83.3 18.5 164,928 10,000 to P 49,999 ... 27 8.3 9.8 119,953 72.7 12.3 174,873 50,000 to P 99,999____ 15 8.8 5.5 352,052 125,174 71.6 12.8 100,000 to P499,999... 5 17.7 1.8 164,050 46.6 16.8 322,198 3 16.2 1.1 145,678 45.2 14.9 727,373 Size of gross receipts 36.5 210,559 28.9 21.6 Under P 500... P 500 to P 999 P 1,000 to P 2,499.... P2,500 to P 4,999. 98 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 10,000 to P 24,999.... 25,000 to P 99,999... P100,000 to P249,999.. P250,000 to P999,999. Citizenship of operator 188221430 10.9 42,255 2.1 21.1 29,686 70.3 3.0 76,649 3.8 35.6 67,903 88.6 7.0 233,971 11.7 11.6 176,229 75.3 18.0 94,539 4.7 7.3 76,156 80.6 7.8 109,206 5.5 6.2 62,705 57.4 6.4 160,242 8.0 5.1 102,825 64.2 10.5 390,836 19.6 1.1 188,857 48.3 19.3 158,960 8.0 1.1 61,632 38.8 6.8 727,373 36.5 210,559 28.9 21.6 Philippines.... United States.. China... Japan. Other conntries. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies. ཙྪཱསསྶཱ༤ སྶ 204 74.2 2 719,648 0.7 36.1 28 77,324 479,466 66.6 49.1 10.2 3.9 67,803 58.520 75.7 6.0 3.3 3.4 98,911 58,128 85.7 6.0 2.5 5.0 9,992 23,203 2.4 23.5 0.5 6,205 0.6 62.1 9.1 1,020,353 51.2 351,030 35.9 34.4 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 265 TABLE 64.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSI- FIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED ,SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Assets-Continued Class and item Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Per cent Pesos of total Total.. 222,568 11.2 296,099 14.8 498,812 25.0 Form of ownership Individuals.. 90,275 9.3 154,346 15.9 103,535 10.6 Partnerships.. 48 0.4 Associations.. 1,328 37.6 Corporations... 132,293 13.3 Government agencies... 140,377 14.1 395,277 39.6 Year established 1935 to 1938. 20,066 3.4 86,469 14.6 82,126 13.9 1930 to 1934.. 43,889 6.5 113,491 16.7 229,627 34.1 1925 to 1929... 1920 to 1924. 45,721 19.0 42,199 17.5 24,657 10.2 1915 to 1919. 1,200 4.0 2,600 8.7 5,180 17.4 1910 to 1914.. 111,056 33.9 8,998 2.7 129,848 39.6 Prior to 1910... 586 1.8 2,901 9.0 11,978 37.3 Year not reported.. 50 0.1 39,441 43.1 15,396 16.8 Size of total assets P 100 to P 499. 60 1.0 221 3.8 P 500 to P 999. 699 2.4 3,813 12.9 450 1.5 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 5,130 2.4 28,220 13.0 2,876 1.3 P2,500 to P 4,999... P5,000 to P 9,999. 17,632 10.7 22,136 13.4 5,207 3.2 11,917 6.8 26,823 15.3 10,959 6.3 P10,000 to P 49,999. 16,733 4.8 P50,000 to P 99,999. 75,479 21.4 95,790 27.2 41,720 12.9 P100,000 to P499,999. 48,158 14.9 86,642 26.9 128,677 17.7 91,249 12.5 296,888 40.8 Size of gross receipts Under P 500.... 500 to P 999 P1,000 to P 2,499. P2,500 to P 5,000 to P 9,999... P10,000 to P 24,999.. P25,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P249,999. 4,999... 8,280 19.6 3,289 7.8 1,000 2.4 2,844 3.7 5,902 7.7 17,975 7.7 31,273 13.4 8,494 3.6 1,395 1.5 14,918 15.8 2,070 2.2 2,200 2.0 35,480 32.5 8,821 8.1 17,127 10.7 27,880 17.4 12,410 7.7 43,271 11.1 64,906 16.6 93,802 24.0 799 0.5 21,202 13.3 75,327 47.4 128,677 17.7 91,249 12.5 296,888 40.8 P250,000 to P999,999. Citizenship of operator Philippines.. United States. 83,391 11.6 96,217 13.4 60,574 8.4 China... 817 1.1 840 1.1 17,147 22.2 Japan. 4,487 6.6 4,539 6.7 649 1.0 Other countries. 51,740 52.3 23,968 24.2 ment agencies.. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- 1,580 15.8 1,010 10.1 1,197 12.0 132,293 13.0 141,753 13.9 395,277 38.7 266 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 65.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938 All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Total Owners and mem- Province bers of family Employees paid salaries or wages Total Per cent Number distribu- tion Total salaries and wages paid Other Per cent Persons of all em- Males Females ployees persons Per cent Persons of all em- Average Pesos per em- Per cent ployees ployee (Pesos) distribu- tion PHILIPPINES... 3,124 100.0 748 23.9 399 272 77 2,376 76.1 980,253 413 100.0 Albay.. Bataan.... Batangas. Bohol... Bulacan.. Cagayan.. Camarines Norte. Capiz... Cebu.... 382 Davao.. 171 Ilocos Sur.... Iloilo.... Laguna... Lanao... Leyte... 3 228E B 1.1 0.2 1.1 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.6 12.2 5.5 241 1.1 1.1 0.4 1.0 1.5 Marinduque.. Manila, City of... Mindoro... 987 31.6 121 1.1 1.0 Misamis Occidental.. 0.4 Misamis Oriental.. 0.8 Mountain Province.... 511 16.4 Negros Occidental..... 3.1 Negros Oriental. 2.9 Pampanga.. 2.8 Rizal... 2.7 Romblon 12 0.4 Sulu... 29 0.9 Tayabas.. 0.6 Zambales.. 30 1.0 Zamboanga.. 100 3.2 All other provinces... 90 2.9 ཨཱས༤༠༤ ཊྛསཏྟཙྩཱཉྩ ཋསསྐ ྤ* ས⌘# »སསྶ 18 54.5 11 2 33.3 47.1 8 80.0 38.9 68.0 8.7 142 12645 5 2 15 45.5 1,910 127 0.2 4 66.7 960 240 0.1 9 18 52.9 5,040 280 0.5 2 20.0 480 240 (1) 11 61.1 2,112 192 0.2 94.4 828 9 8 32.0 1,018 127 0.1 21 91.3 63.1 128 26.3 23 38: 5,644 269 0.6 5 4 1 5.6 360 360 (1) 94 19 18 4 76 141 36.9 27,282 193 2.8 126 73.7 35,391 281 3.6 18 52.9 4 11.8 14.3 38.7 27.1 12.3 67 11.4 32.3 21.4 20.8 0.4 19.4 8.9 32.6 16.7 12 75.0 41.4 31.6 53.3 24.0 48.9 HOLD ∞ BOON WONDR CONNO 2 2 16 9 16 47.1 2,460 154 0.3 1 30 88.2 8,090 270 0.8 12 85.7 2,038 170 0.2 35 19 61.3 2,669 140 0.3 35 72.9 4,529 129 0.5 44 10 5 11 12 ය. ප 866 87.7 464,340 536 47.4 31 88.6 13,287 429 1.4 3 21 67.7 6,360 303 0.6 1 11 78.6 1,303 118 0.1 19 79.2 5,899 310 0.6 2 509 99.6 283,159 556 28.9 12 5 20 2250 3 1143 1 79 80.6 19,763 250 2.0 1 82 91.1 16,342 199 1.7 4 60 67.4 13,819 230 1.4 3 70 83.3 6,830 98 Q.7 4 7 15 16 651769 3 25.0 292 97 (1) 17 58.6 6,462 380 0.7 2239 13 68.4 1,262 97 0.1 14 46.7 2,510 179 0.3 76 76.0 31,932 420 3.3 1133 46 51.1 6,710 146 0.7 Province Executives, etc. Salaries paid Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Office employees Salaries and wages paid Drivers, etc. Persons Pesos Per cent of total salaries Persons Pesos Per cent of total Persons salaries Pesos Salaries and wages paid Per cent of total and wages salaries and wages PHILIPPINES.. 70 154,613 15.8 Albay..... 226 125,878 12.8 2,080 699,762 71.4 Bataan.... Batangas. 15 1,910 100.0 Bohol.. 2 660 13.1 4 Bulacan.. Cagayan.... Camarines Norte. Capiz... Cebu... Davao.. 16 960 4,380 100.0 2 2 480 22.7 9 480 1,632 86.9 100.0 77.3 8 1,018 100.0 21 5,644 100.0 22 812 4,320 3.0 12.2 4 1 7 504 4,140 1.8 11.7 360 135 25,966 100.0 95.2 76.1 117 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 26,931 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 267 Executives, etc. Province Salaries paid TABLE 65.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Office employees Salaries and wages paid Drivers, etc. Salaries and wages paid Persons Pesos Per cent of total salaries Persons Pesos Per cent of total salaries Persons Pesos Per cent of total salaries and wages and wages Ilocos Sur... Iloilo..... 2 1,200 14.8 88 Laguna... 1 8 360 1,312 4.4 64.4 Lanao.... Leyte..... 3 360 7.9 Manila, City of.. 33 88,973 19.2 137 93,407 20.1 696 Marinduque... Mindoro.... Misamis Occidental.. Misamis Oriental... 1 150 2.5 1 240 4.1 Mountain Province. 14 51,716 18.3 Negros Occidental.. 32 36 21,123 7.5 459 28 4,152 21.0 Negros Oriental.. 2 280 1.7 1 16 0.1 Pampanga.... Rizal..... 2 900 13.2 Romblon... Sulu.... 1 1,360 21.0 1 144 2.2 Tayabas.. Zambales.. 4 42 1.7 Zamboanga. All other provinces.. 2 3,840 12.0 A CREE GORO HRAS 2,460 100.0 27 6,530 80.7 4 726 35.6 19 2,669 100.0 4,169 92.1 281,960 13,287 10060.7 100.0 21 6,360 100.0 11 1,303 100.0 5,50900 93.4 210,320 00074.3 15,611 79.0 79 16,046 98.2 13,819 100.0 5,930 86.8 3 292 004 100.0 4,95800 76.7 13 1,262 2000 100.0 2,468 98.3 28,092 88.0 6,710 100.0 TABLE 66.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Employees paid salaries or wages Total Owners and members of family Total Total salaries and wages paid Class and item Per Num- cent ber distri- bution Per cent Per- of all sons employ- Other per- sons Aver- Males Fe- males Per- sons Per cent of all employ- age Per cent Pesos per em- distri- ees ees ployee bution (Pesos) Total... 3,124 100.0 748 23.9 399 272 77 2,376 76.1 980,253 413 100.0 Form of ownership Individuals... Associations. Partnerships.. 2,022 64.7 38 1.2 6 0.2 Corporations.. Government agencies... 1,048 33,5 27324 726 35.9 382 18.4 50.0 1.1 8787 268 76 1,296 64.1 345,672 267 35.3 31 81.6 7,092 229 0.7 3 3 50.0 556 185 0.1 4 1 1,036 98.9 621,597 600 63.4 10 0.3 10 100.0 5,336 534 0.5 Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934. 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. 1,097 35.1 304 27.7 170 108 1,244 39.8 307 24.7 163 110 389 12.5 110 28.3 56 37 335 26 793 72.3 270,717 341 27.6 34 937 75.3 407,769 435 41.6 17 279 71.7 107,275 384 10.9 1915 to 1919. 10 0.3 10 100.0 5,336 534 0.5 1910 to 1914. 71 2.3 1 1.4 1 70 98.6 30,161 431 3.1 Prior to 1910..... 161 5.2 161 100.0 112,967 702 11.5 Year not reported. 54 1.7 54 100.0 22,742 421 2.3 98 3.1 26 26.5 10 16 72 73.5 23,286 323 2.4 268 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 66.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. All employees -Continued Employees not paid salaries or wages Employees paid salaries or wages-Con. Total Owners and members of family Total Total salaries and wages paid Class and item Per Other Num- cent ber distri- bution Per- sons Per cent of all employ- per- sons Per cent Aver, Males Fe- males Per- sons of all employ- age Per cent Pesos per em- distri ees ees ployee bution (Pesos) Size of total assets 100 to P 499... 76 2.4 48 63.2 33 10 1500 to P 999 .. 210 6.7 122 58.1 65 50 P1,000 to P 2,499. 669 21.4 348 52.0 190 129 29 P2,500 to P P 5,000 to P 4,999. 333 10.7 128 38.4 64 41 9,999. 400 12.8 66 16.5 29 29 67288 28 321 205 P 10,000 to P 49,999... P 50,000 to P 99,999... P100,000 to $499,999. 334 633 20.3 83.5 92,150 17 2.7 10 6 1 616 217 6.9 19 8.8 36.8 5,421 88 41.9 18,916 215 1.9 48.0 68,014 212 6.9 61.6 57,410 280 5.9 9.4 97.3 257,888 419 26.8 194 0.6 276 8 7 4 198 586 18.8 91.2 131,008 662 13:4 586 100.0 349,446 596 35.6 Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 130 4.2 99 76.2 57 37 P 500 to P 999... 268 8.6 171 63.8 92 56 23 P1,000 to P 2,499. 504 16.1 255 50.6 142 91 P2,500 to P 4,999. 211 6.8 101 47.9 51 38 12 5,000 to P 9,999... 215 6.9 52 24.2 32 18 P10,000 to P 24,999. 409 13.1 41 10.0 13 20 P25,000 to P 99,999. 516 16.5 29 5.6 12 12 0822200 ဓာတ် 31 23.8 97 36.2 13,910 3,217 104 0.8 143 1.4 249 110 49.4 49,600 52.1 28,067 163 75.8 51,649 199 5.1 255 2.9 317 5.3 368 90.0 96,730 263 9.9 5 487 P100,000 to P249,999. 285 94.4 199,981 411 20.4 9.1 285 P250,000 to P999,999.. 100.0 187,653 658 19.1 586 18.8 586 100.0 349,446 596 35.6 Citizenship of operator Philippines.. United States.. China... Japan... Other countries.. 1,697 54.3 645 38.0 335 239 71 106 1,052 3.4 62.0 269,299 256 27.5 106 137 100.0 4.4 53 1.7 29 0.9 Partnerships, associations, corpora- tions, and government agencies... 1,102 35.3 421 25 32,614 308 3.3 47 34.3 30 12 5 90 23 43.4 65.7 23,640 263 2.4 9 14 11 37.9 8 3 43 30 56.6 15,813 527 1.6 18 62.1 4,306 239 0.4 22 2.0 17 17 4 1 1,080 98.0 634,581 588 64.7 30 to 39 persons.. Number of employees Under 10 persons... 10 to 19 persons.. 20 to 29 persons.. 821 26.3 373 45.4 233 113 707 22.6 329 46.5 145 137 125 4.0 17 13.6 10 50 to 69 persons. 201 6.4 6 3.0 4 70 to 99 persons. 375 12.0 14 3.7 4 150 to 199 persons. 100 to 149 persons.. 170 5.4 9 5.3 3 100886 27 448 54.6 105,920 236 10.8 47 378 53.5 116,205 307 11.9 1 108 86.4 59,883 554 6.1 1 195 97.0 69,505 356 7.1 361 96.3 189,532 525 19.3 1 139 4.4 161 200 to 299 persons.. 161 5.2 94.7 35,161 218 139 100.0 74,599 537 3.6 7.6 425 13.6 161 100.0 122,966 764 12.5 425 100.0 206,482 486 21.1 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 269 TABLE 66.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND T C GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Office employees Drivers, etc. Per cent of Executives, etc. Class and item Persons Salaries paid (Pesos) Per cent of total Persons Salaries and wages Per cent of salaries paid (Pesos) total salaries Persons Salaries and wages and wages paid (Pesos) total salaries and wages Total.... 70 154,613 15.8 226 125,878 12.8 2,080 699,762 71.4 Form of ownership Individuals.. 29 Partnerships.. 2246 24,652 7.1 90 30,883 8.9 1,177 290,137 83.9 1,196 16.9 3 1,606 22.6 26 4,290 60.5 Associations.. 3 556 100.0 Corporations... 39 128,765 20.7 133 93,389 15.0 864 399,443 64.3 Government agencies.. 10 5,336 100.0 Year established 1935 to 1938..... 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919. 22887 30 23 1910 to 1914.. Prior to 1910.... Year not reported. 2422 25,508 79,351 9.4 47 21,348 7.9 724 223,861 82.7 19.5 141 78,324 19.2 766 250,094 61.3 10,020 9.3 29 18,718 17.4 243 78,537 73.2 10 5,336 100.0 3,840 12.7 68 26,321 87.3 29,750 26.3 156 83,217 73.7 4,800 21.1 1,344 5.8 54 5 5,522 24.3 47 12,420 54.6 1,966 8.4 66 19,976 85.8 Size of total assets 100 to P 499... 1 1,332 24.6 2 120 2.2 25 3,969 73.2 ? 500 to P P 1,000 to P P2,500 to P 999. 2,499.. 4,999.. P 5,000 to P 9,999. P 10,000 to P 49,999... 1 24 0.1 87 18,892 99.9 P50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. 14 170721 9 2,156 3.2 17 4,803 7.1 295 61,055 89.8 3,540 6.2 6 1,560 2.7 192 52,310 91.1 10,920 11.9 17 10,164 11.0 307 71,066 77.1 32,699 12.7 110 67,706 26.3 489 157,483 61.1 34,020 26.0 43 25,178 19.2 143 71,810 54.8 69,946 20.0 30 16,323 4.7 542 263,177 75.3 Size of gross receipts Under P 500.... 3 76 2.4 P500 to P 999_ 6 1,140 8.2 P1,000 to P 223 28 3,141 97.6 91 12,770 91.8 2,499. 10 P2,500 to P 4,999. 5,000 to P 9,999.. P 10,000 to P 24,999. P 25,000 to P 99,999-- 18 P100,000 to P249,999. 13 P250,000 to P999,999-- 14 D249880 1,612 3.3 4 720 1.5 235 47,268 95.3 422 1.5 1 240 0.9 107 27,405 97.6 2,910 5.6 7 2,184 4.2 152 46,555 90.1 8,184 8.5 45 12,956 13.4 314 75,590 78.1 32,680 16.3 45 33,776 16.9 424 133,525 66.8 38,859 20.7 85 58,463 31.2 187 90,331 48.1 69,946 20.0 30 16,323 4.7 542 263,177 75.3 Citizenship of operator Philippines... United States. 21 18.112 6.7 China... 1 5,700 17.5 Japan.. 4 480 2.0 878 80 24,701 9.2 951 5,702 17.5 3 480 2.0 188888 226,486 84.1 98 21,212 65.0 22,680 95.9 15,813 100.0 270 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 66.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Office employees Drivers, etc. Executives, etc. Class and item Persons Salaries paid (Pesos) Per cent of total salaries Salaries and wages Per cent of total Persons Salaries and wages Per cent of total Persons paid (Pesos) salaries and wages paid (Pesos) salaries and wages Citizenship of operator- Continued Other countries.... 3 360 8.4 15 3,946 91.6 Partnerships, associations, cor- porations, and government agencies.. 41 129,961 20.5 136 94,995 15.0 903 409,625 64.6 Number of employees Under 10 persons.... 13 10 to 19 persons.. 13 20 to 29 persons.. 30 to 39 persons. 16 33556 3,974 3.8 13,474 11.6 9,000 15.0 10,620 15.3 63,537 33.5 459 4,060 5.4 FREE 17 2,861 2.7 418 99,085 93.5 30 14,939 12.9 335 87,792 75.5 17 20,835 34.8 86 30,048 50.2 38 10,814 15.6 152 48,071 69.2 35 24,578 13.0 310 101,417 53.5 9 6,120 17.4 152 29,041 82.6 50 29,408 39.4 85 41,131 55.1 39,749 32.3 156 83,217 67.1 10,199 4.9 30 16,323 7.9 386 179,960 87,2 50 to 69 persons.... 70 to 99 persons_-_- 100 to 149 persons.. 150 to 199 persons.... 200 to 299 persons... TRUCKS TABLE 67.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY TYPE OF EQUIPMENT, BY PROVINCES: 1938. All types of equipment Type of equipment Province PHILIPPINES. Number of operators reporting Total passengers carried Total receipts from transporta- tion of passengers (Pesos) Total net tonnage of freight and express carried Total gross receipts from freight and express handled (Pesos) Buses Passengers carried Number of passengers Receipts from transporta- tion of passengers (Pesos) 275 5,866,609 436,070 1,483,884 3,112,502 5,848,204 432,673 Albay. Bataan.. Batangas. Bohol.. Bulacan. Cagayan. Camarines Norte. Capiz.. Cebu... Davao Ilocos Sur.. Iloilo.. Laguna... 62 14 Lanao... Leyte.. 10 Manila, City of...... Marinduque... 57 Mindoro... Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental.. Pampanga.. Rizal... 12 15 62535 42224 B2 2 64255 5,868 8,442 1.895 5,100 5,702 12,395 3,336 3,473 3,783 7,080 8,514 9,071 3,170 14,066 10,956 5,006 6,965 545 156,469 100,308 241,818 175,145 5 18,157 15,175 32,772 4 16,944 1,176 7 2,352 2,940 6,290 9,040 452 10,192, 12,811 485,586 4 1,476,000 12,428 4 20,847 3 13,925 32,949 6,315 10,539 6,193 7,036 5,848,204 2,400 432,673 2,400 274,575 858,721 5,848,204 432,673 7,982 14,315 67,551 103,205 34,905 58,548 9.190 21,495 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 271 TABLE 67.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY TYPE OF EQUIPMENT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued. All types of equipment Type of equipment Romblon... Sulu.... Tayabas. Zambales... Zamboanga.. Province Number of operators reporting Total passengers carried All other provinces.. 5 244678 Total receipts from transporta- tion of passengers (Pesos) Buses Total net tonnage of freight and express carried Total gross receipts from freight and Passengers carried express handled (Pesos) Number of passengers Receipts from transporta- tion of passengers (Pesos) 695 1,390 10,784 15,557 2,128 5.061 1,910 4,818 31,175 63,065 11,794 25,298 Type of equipment-Continued Automobiles Passengers carried Province Number of passengers Receipts from transporta- tion of passengers (Pesos) Trucks and semi-trailers Boats and ships Passengers carried Freight and express handled Freight and express handled Receipts from Number of passengers transporta- tion of passengers (Pesos) and express carried Net tonnage of freight Gross receipts from Gross Net tonnage receipts from freight of freight freight and express and express and express carried handled (Pesos) (Pesos) PHILIPPINES. 16,005 997 2,400 2,400 1,387,483 2,918,607 96,401 193,895 Albay... 5,868 8,442 Bataan... 1,895 5,100 Batangas.. 4,167 9,280 1,535 3,115 Boho!.. 3,336 3,473 Bulacan. 3,783 7,080 Cagayan... 8,514 9,071 Camarines Norte. 3,170 14,066 Capiz... 10,956 5,006 Cebu.... 6,965 545 156,069 96,807 400 3,501 Davao... 241,818 175,145 Ilocos Sur..... 18,157 15,175 Iloilo..... 32.772 16,944 Laguna.. 1,176 2,352 Lanao.. 2,940 6,290 Leyte.. 9,040 452 10,192 12,811 Manila, City of. 395,735 1,293,952 Marinduque. 8,063 16,116 89,851 4,365 182,048 4,731 Sulu.. Mindoro.. Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province.... Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Pampanga.. Rizal... Romblon... 13,925 32,949 Misamis Occidental... 6,315 10,539 6,193 7,036 274,575 858,721 2,400 2,400 7,732 13,815 250 500 67,551 103,205 34,905 58,548 9,190 21,495 695 1,390 3 Tayabas. Zambales... Zamboanga.. All other provinces. 10,784 15,557 2,128 5,061 1,910 4,818 31,175 63,065 11,794 25,298 272 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 68.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. All types of equipment Type of equipment Buses Total receipts Total net Total gross Class and item Number of operators reporting Total passengers carried from trans- tonnage of portation of portation of freight and receipts from freight and Passengers carried passengers (Pesos) express express handled carried Number of (Pesos) Receipts from transporta- tion of passengers passengers (Pesos) Total..... 275 5,866,609 436,070 1,483,884 3,112,502 5,848,204 432,673 Form of ownership Individuals. 250 18,405 Partnerships. 3,397 871,602 1,078,880 7 16,114 26,094 Associations.. 2 1,468 2,935 Corporations... 15 5,848,204 Government agencies.. 432,673 1 589,668 5,032 1,976,182 28,411 5,848,204 432,673 Year established 1935 to 1938... 129 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919.. 301,604 212,672 100 5,558,040 222,853 414,164 484,031 830,939 1,159,075 292,564 212,220 5,555,640 220,453 31 6,965 545 193,067 302,348 1 5,032 28,411 2 43,907 47,813 1910 to 1914. 1 121,685 608,424 Prior to 1910... 1 21,005 28,291 Year not reported. 10 200,993 107,201 Size of total assets 100 to P 499.... 20 11,369 17,081 500 to P 999. 43 49,905 58,392 1,000 to P 2,500 to P 5,000 to P 2,499.... 4,999... P10,000 to P 49,999. P 50,000 to P 99,999... P100,000 to P499,999. Size of gross receipts Under 500 to P 1,000 to P 2,500 to P P5,000 to P 500... 999--- 2,499... 4,999... 9,999. 10,000 to P 24,999... P25,000 to P 99,999... 118 16,005 997 192,539 257,694 44 159,234 181,271 9,999... 27 215,476 246,320 15 2,400 2,400 351,473 548,725 5 206,768 552,500 3 5,848,204 432,673 297,120 1,250,519 5,848,204 432,673 P100,000 to P249,999... 180227430 11,085 9,702 26,941 41,845 16,005 997 122,772 166,475 94,589 116,938 139,852 129,030 2,400 2,400 317,060 242,003 295,674 605,204 178,791 550,786 5,848,204 432,673 297,120 1,250,519 5,848,204 432,673 P250,000 to P999,999... Citizenship of operator Philippines. United States.. China... Japan. Other countries. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies. £མཧྨ༤ 204 18,405 3,397 556,335 800,738 55,933 96,707 113,803 88,021 132,896 82.832 7 12,635 10,582 25 5,848,204 432,673 612,262 2,033,622 5,848,204 432,673 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 273 TABLE 68.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Type of equipment-Continued Trucks, and semi-trailers Automobiles Passengers carried Passengers carried Freight and express carried Boats and ships Freight and express carried Class and item Number of passengers Receipts from trans- portation of passen- Number of passenger Receipts from trans- portation of passen- gers (Pesos) gers Net tonnage of freight and express and express carried carried (Pesos) Gross receipts from freight and express handled (Pesos) Net tonnage of freight Gross 1eceipts from freight and express handled (Pesos) Total... 16,005 997 2,400 2,400 1,387,483 2,918,607 96,401 193,895 Form of ownership Individuals. 16,005 997 2,400 2,400 846,998 1,030,924 24,604 47,956 Partnerships.. 16,114 Associations. 1,468 26,094 2,935 Corporations... 517,871 1,830,243 71,797 145,939 Government agencies. 5,032 28,411 Year established 1935 to 1938.. 9,040 452 413,764 827,438 400 1930 to 1934. 2,400 2,400 416,548 1,015,577 67,483 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919... 6,965 545 170,398 261,008 22,669 3,501 143,498 41,340 5,032 28,411 43,907 47,813 ? 5,000 to P 9,999. 1910 to 1914. Prior to 1910... Year not reported. Size of total assets P100 to P 499.. 500 to P 999.. 1,000 to P 2,499... 16,005 997 2,500 to P 4,999. 121,685 608,424 15,156 22,735 5,849 5,556 200,993 107,201 P10,000 to P 49,999. P50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. 11,369 17,081 49,905 58,392 192,289 257,194 250 500 154,869 176,540 4,365 4,731 213,941 243,205 1,535 3,115 2,400 2,400 309,679 484,319 41,794 64,406 158,311 431,357 297,120 1,250,519 48,457 121,143 Size of gross receipts Under P 500.. P 500 to P 999.. 1,000 to P 2,499. 16,005 997 2,500 to P 4,999- 5,000 to P 9,999.. P10,000 to P 24,999. P25,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P249,999.. P250,000 to 999,999- Citizenship of operator Philippines.. United States. China... Japan... Other countries Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies.. 11,085 26,941 9,702 41,845 122,522 165,975 250 500 93,054 113,823 1,535 3,115 135,487 124,299 4,365 4,731 2,400 2,400 316,660 238,502 400 8,501 254,280 544,299 41.394 60,905 130,334 429,643 48,457 121,143 297,120 1,250,519 16,005 997 2,400 2,400 531,731 752,782 24,604 47,956 55.933 96,707 113,803 88,021 132,896 82,832 12,635 10,582 540,485 1,887,683 71,797 145,939 274 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 69.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY TYPE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Type of equipment and province Number of operators reporting Number of Total units capacity Type of equipment and province Number of operators reporting Number of Total units capacity Buses Passengers Trucks and semi-trailers-con. Tons Gasoline-fueled engines Casoline fueled engine Com Mountain Province... 2 123 2,989 Alcohol (pure) fueled engine Gasanol-fueled engine.. 11 33 97 Mountain Province.... 1 3 120 Manila, City of.. Automobiles Gasoline-fueled engine.... Leyte.. Manila, City of.. Mountain Province. All other provinces. Trucks and semi-trailers Gasoline-fueled engine.. 261 695 Tons 2,001 5 7 33 1211 1321 88888 5 15 5 Negros Oriental. Zambales... Zamboanga... All other provinces. Alcohol (pure) fueled engine... Negros Occidental. 62111 28 85 2 1 6 4 1 1 1 1 4 17 Albay.. Bataan... Batangas.. Bohol... Bulacan.. Cagayan. Camarines Norte. Capiz... Cebu.... Davao... Ilocos Sur. Iloilo... Laguna.. Lanao.. Leyte... Manila, City of... Marinduque.. Mindoro... Misamis Occidental..... Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province.... Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Pampanga...-- Rizal. Romblon Sulu.... Tayabas.. Zambales. Zamboanga.... All other provinces. 62 14 LLAPAN GO∞∞ NWAAN SONG ANNA GWG59 73735 6 7 2 106 32 250 5 8 2 7 3 8 6 6 11 248 797 4 8 4 5 4 11 6 96 326 6 16 15 17 5 10 376555 25 15 21 LEUR DE 2 ANNE 2* H 22 Negros Oriental.... Diesel oil-fueled 22 2 7334 61 11 engine. Manila. City of... Trailers. 1 1 4 5 31 99 Albay... Iloilo. Manila, City of.. Boats and ships Sailboats... Cebu... 12886 113 3 2 14 83 ය. 3 Negros Occidental. 12 12 3 51 23 28 10 16 Scows 35 Manila, City of. 4 16 2,161 19 Cascos 4 29 618 12 Manila, City of... Marinduque.. 2 118 22 11 348 18 270 12 Launches Steam engine driven Manila, City of... 3 3 48 Diesel-engine driven.. 3 3 81 Manila, City of. Negros Occidental.. Gasoline engine driven Manila, City of.... 21 21 2 1120 2 2 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 275 TABLE 70.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938 Buses Automobiles (including taxicabs, auto calesas, etc.) Class and item Gasoline-fueled engine Alcohol (pure) fueled engine Gasoline-fueled engine Number of operators Number of units reporting Total passenger capacity Number of operators reporting Total Number of units passenger capacity Number of operators reporting Number of units Total passenger capacity Total.... Form of ownership 2 123 2,989 1 3 120 5 7 33 Individuals. Partnerships.. 3 3 15 Associations.. Corporations.. Government agencies. 2 123 2,989 1 3 120 2 4 18 Year established 1935 to 1938... 1 1930 to 1934... 1 88 89 34 2,346 643 1 3 120 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919.. 217 311 13 5 5 1910 to 1914.. Prior to 1910... Year not reported. Size of total assets P100 to P 499... ? 500 to P 999 2,499. 4,999. P1,000 to P P2,500 to P 5,000 to P 9,999.. P10,000 to P 49,999. 50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. Size of gross receipts Under P500... P 500 to P 999.. P1,000 to P 2,499 P2,500 to P 4,999. P5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 24,999 P25,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P249,999. P250,000 to P999,999... Citizenship of operator Philippines. United States. China.... Japan.. Other countries. Partnerships, associations, cor- porations, and government agencies.. ייייי 1 2 10 1 5 1 1 5 1 3 120 2 123 2,989 12 1 1 5 2 4 18 1 1 11 1 1 a 5 1 1 1 3 120 01 5 as 2 123 2,989 2 00 18 2 123 2,989 1 8 120 1 1 ය 8 11 5 9923 5 020310023 TRANSPORTATION 276 TABLE 70.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Con. Trucks and semi-trailers Gasanol (including gastarla and other alcohol gasoline mixtures) Alcohol (pure) fueled engine Gasoline-fueled engine Class and item Number of Number of operators reporting units Net tonnage capacity operators reporting Number of Number of units tonnage operators units capacity reporting Net Number of Number of Net tonnage capacity Total... 261 695 2,001 11 33 97 4 7 17 Form of ownership Individuals. 240 455 Partnerships.. 7 Associations.. 1 Corporations... 12 219 Government agencies. 1 52083 1,108 11 23 4 849 71 13 13 32 23 29 4 7 17 13 18 55 17 1 Year established 1935 to 1938. 121 257 676 1930 to 1934... 95 208 686 46 9 16 2388 48 1925 to 1929... 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919.. 31 89 218 412 217 11 2 2 4 1 8 17 2 17 41 1910 to 1914.. 1 72 257 Prior to 1910. 1 8 26 Year not reported. 10 44 106 Size of total assets 100 to P 499.. 19 19 44 P 500 to P 999.. 43 60 114 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 112 153 418 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 42 72 199 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 25 106 297 P 10,000 to P 49,999... 12 100 309 83113 3 43566 6 10 13 1 13 1 15 55 211 P 50,000 to 99,999... 5 46 202 P100,000 to P499,999.. 3 139 418 Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 27 31 65 P 500 to P 999 ... 55 63 151 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 96 136 378 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 30 56 172 P 5,000 to P P 10,000 to P 24,999. P 25,000 to P 99,999... P100,000 to P249,999... 9,999. 19 51 115 1 5 112 97 43 15 42 9 1 1 2 822 124 3 6 5 6 2 2 4 11 13 17 96 247 11 78 220 4 21 68 8888 3 45 165 P250,000 to P999,999.. 3 139 488 Citizenship of cperator.. Philippines. United States. China... Japan.... Other countries... Partnerships, associations, cor- porations, and government agencies.. 194 62827 357 842 16 55 140 17 10 285885 7 13 29 4 7 17 21 240 893 4 20 68 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 277 TABLE 70.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Con. Trucks and semi-trailers-Con. Trailers Class and item Total... Form of ownership Individuals.. Partnerships.. Associations. Corporations.. Government agencies.. Year established 1935 to 1938. 1930 to 1934. 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914.. Prior to 1910.... Year not reported. Size of total assets P100 to P 499... P500 to P 999... 1,000 to P 2,499. 2,500 to P 4,999. P5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 49,999. 50,000 to P 99,999.. P100,000 to P499,999... Size of gross receipts P 500 999. Under P500 to P P1,000 to P 2,499. 2,500 to P 4,999.. P5,000 to P 9,999- P10,000 to P 24,999. P25,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P249,999. $250,000 to P999,999. Diesel oil-fueled engine Number of Number of operators Number of Net tonnage units operators Number of units Net tonnage capacity reporting reporting capacity 1 1 4 5 31 99 Citizenship of operator Philippines... United States. China.... Japan.. Other countries. Partnerships, associations, coporations, and govern- ment agencies.. 3 12 52 1 1 4 2 19 47 1 1 4 22 3 16 10 41 1 18 42 1 1 2 1 1 4 111T 1 1 1 1 1502 21 188 14 9 36 42 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 8168 1982 14 36 5 42 1 1 167 2 9 36 1 1824 1 1 2 19 47 278 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 70.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Con. Launches Steam engine driven Diesel engine driven Class and item units Number of Number of Net tonnage operators reporting capacity Total passenger capacity Number of operators reporting Number of Net tonnage units capacity Total passenger capacity 3 3 43 9 3 3 31 16 Total.. Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships.. Associations. Corpórations... Government agencies.. Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934.... 21 21 21 1 1 2 2 280 20 9 3 3 31 16 23 28 23 1 1 20 20 9 2 2 11 999. 2,499. 4,999. 9,999.. 3 3 43 9 3 3 31 16 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919... 1910 to 1914. Prior to 1910. Year not reported.. P Size of total assets 100 to P 500 to P P 1,000 to P P 2,500 to P P 5,000 to P 499.. P 10,000 to P 49,999... P 50,000 to P 99,999... P100,000 to P499,999.. Size of gross receipts Under P P 500 to P P1,000 to P P 2,500 to P 500... 999 2,499. 4,999... P 5,000 to P 9,999... P 10,000 to P 24,999... P25,000 to 99,999... P100,000 to P249,999... P250,000 to P999,999.. Citizenship of operator Philippines.. United States. China.. Japan.. Other countries. Partnerships, associations, corpo- rations, and government agencies 8 3 3 43 9 12 1 2 20 11 2 2 20 20 9 3 3 31 16 1 1 23 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 279 TABLE 70.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Con. Launches-Continued Boats and ships Class and item Gasoline engine driven Sailboats Number of operators reporting Number of Net tonnage units capacity Total passenger capacity Number of operators Number of Net tonnage units capacity reporting Total passenger capacity Total... 2 2 3 2 3 3 51 20 Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships. Associations.. Corporations... Government agencies. Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934. 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924... 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914. Prior to 1910.... 2 2 3 2 3 3 51 20 2 2 3 2 1 1 23 2 2 28 20 499... 999. 2,499. 2 2 3 2 2 2 28 20 4,999.. 9,999. 1 1 23 Year not reported.. Size of total assets P 100 to P P500 to P 1,000 to P P2,500 to P P5,000 to P P 10,000 to P 49,999. P 50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. Size of gross receipts Under P 500... P 500 to P 999. P 1,000 to P 2,499. P2,500 to P 4,999. P5,000 to P 9,999. P 10,000 to P 24,999. P 25,000 to 99,999. P100,000 to P249,999... P250,000 to P999,999.- Citizenship of operator Philippines. United States.. China... Japan.. Other countries.. Partnerships, associations, corpo- rations, and government agencies 2 2 3 2 2 2 28 20 1 1 23 2 2 3 2 3 3 51 20 280 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 70.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Con. Boats and ships-Continued Class and item Total... Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships. Associations. Corporations... Government agencies. Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919... 1910 to 1914.. Prior to 1910. Year not reported.. Size of total assets P 100 to P 499... P 500 to P 999... P 1,000 to P 2,499. 4,999 9,999. P 2,500 to P P 5,000 to P P 10,000 to 49,999. P 50,000 to P 99,999... P100,000 to P499,999. Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 999. 500 to P P P 1,000 to P 2,499... P 2,500 to P 4,999... P 5,000 to P 9,999... P 10,000 to P 24,999.. P 25,000 to P 99,999.. P100,000 to P249,999... P250,000 to P999,999.. Scows Cascos Number of operators units Number of Net tonnage capacity reporting Number of operators reporting Number of Net tonnage units capacity 4 16 2,161 4 29 618 Citizenship of operator Philippines... United States. China... Japan... Other countries.. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies... 11 1 88 3 246 3 25 428 1,296 2 5 619 1 4 195 3 13 1 33 1,915 3 246 3 25 428 31 1 4 196 2 18 270 13 3 1,915 246 2 11 348 91 3 13 3 1,915 246 2 18 2 11 270 348 1 3 246 3 25 25 423 3 13 1,915 1 4 195 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 281 TABLE 71.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline Province Pesos Per cent distribution Quantity (Tons) Pesos Per cent of total Quantity (Liters) Per cent Pesos of total PHILIPPINES..... 687,330 100.0 4 81 (1) 4,226,809 633,844 92.2 Albay... 3,094 0.5 19,803 3,094 100.0 Bataan.... 3,000 0.4 20,400 3,000 100.0 Batangas... 3,403 0.5 21,913 3,403 100.0 Bohol.... 1,298 0.2 8,658 1,298 100.0 Bulacan.. 2,898 0.4 20,181 2,877 99.3 Cagayan.... 1,914 0.3 11,374 1,912 99.9 Camarines Norte.. 4,201 0.6 21,870 4,201 100.0 Capiz.. 1,426 0.2 8,300 1,426 100.0 Cebu.... 28,079 4.1 176,517 28,079 100.0 Davao.. 43,120 6.3 201,739 32,212 74.7 Ilocos Sur. 4,690 0.7 29,437 4,690 100.0 Iloilo..... 6,832 0.9 48,680 6,832 100.0 Laguna.. 1,074 0.2 7,106 1,066 99.3 Lanao.... 2,597 0.4 13,825 2,597 100.0 Leyte.. 3,990 0.6 31,576 3,957 99.2 Manila, City of.. 164,098 23.9 4 81 (¹) 907,103 136,097 82.9 Marinduque. 6,595 0.9 41,019 6,595 100.0 Mindoro... 6,248 0.9 39,200 6,223 99.6 Misamis Occidental... 2,468 0.4 15,310 2,468 100.0 Misamis Oriental... 7,855 1.1 49,880 7,855 100.0 Mountain Province.... 290,875 42.3 1,952,119 285,772 98.2 Negros Occidental.. 7,960 1.2 19,188 2,672 33.6 Negros Oriental. 32,716 4.8 189,634 28,888 88.3 Pampanga... 15,897 2.3 111,115 15,883 99.9 Rizal.... 10,905 1.6 76,208 10,905 100.0 Romblon 589 (1) 3,346 589 100.0 Sulu.... 2,429 0.4 15,523 2,429 100.0 Tayabas.. 1,322 0.2 9,024 1,322 100.0 Zambales... 2,629 0.4 18,599 2,563 97.5 Zamboanga... 17,273 2.5 100,878 17,120 99.1 All other provinces. 5,855 0.9 37,284 5,819. 99.4 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 282 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 71.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Kerosene Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Diesel oil Electricity purchased Province Quantity (Liters) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Liters) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Tons) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (KWH) Pesos Per cent of total PHILIPPINES.. 3,316 271 (1) 253,981 30,916 4.5 378 15,994 2.3 28,942 6,224 0.9 Albay... Bataan.. Batangas.. Bohol.. Bulacan.. (2) 21 0.7 Cagayan.... 20 2 0.1 Camarines Norte. Capiz... Cebu... Davao.. 98,800 10,588 24.6 1,333 320 0.7 Ilocos Sur... Iloilo.... (2) 8 0.7 Laguna.. Lanao.. Leyte.. 730 7 0.2 25 4 0.1 (2) 22 0.6 Manila, City of. 1,510 152 0.1 111,282 13,781 8.4 316 13,261 8.1 2,770 726 0.4 Marinduque.. Mindoro... Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental.. 1111 142 25 0.4 Mountain Province. 24,277 5,103 1.8 Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. 440 44 18,286 0.1 24,074 3,784 2,606 32.8 62 2,682 33.7 11.6 Pampanga.. 60 14 0.1 Rizal.... Romblon. Sulu.... Tayabas. Zambales.. 616 66 2.5 Zamboanga.. 1,514 153 0.9 All other provinces. 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. T Less than 1 ton. 360 36 0.6 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 283 TABLE 72.-OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline Class and item Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Total.... 687,330 100:0 81 (1) 633,844 92.2 Form of ownership Individuals 294,592 42.9 Partnerships. 81 (1) 264,560 89.8 7,565 1.1 7.565 100.0 Associations.. 1,083 0.2 1,083 100.0 Corporations.. 378,575 55.1 355,121 93.8 Government agencies.. 5,515 0.8 5,515 100.0 Year established 1935 to 1938... 313,655 45.6 305,479 97.4 1930 to 1934_ 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914... 216,444 31.5 193,292 89.3 61,743 9.0 81 0.1 43,419 70.3 5,515 0.8 5,515 100.0 11,261 1.6 11,261 100.0 49,899 7.3 49,899 100.0 Prior to 1910... 3,817 0.6 Year not reported. 24,996 3.6 24,979 99.9 Size of total assets P100 to P 499. 4,714 0.7 4,544 96.4 500 to P P1,000 to P 999. 23,818 3.5 23,810 100.0 2,499. 68,241 9.9 66,443 97.4 P2,500 to P 4,999. 50,241 7.3 47,770 95.1 P5,000 to P 9,999. 64,327 9.4 60,736 94.4 P 10,000 to P 49,999. 97,370 14.2 81 0.1 74,773 76.8 P50,000 to P 99,999. 98,419 14.3 79,715 81.0 P100,000 to P499,999. 280,200 40.8 276,053 98.5 Size of gross receipts Under P 500_... 3,147 0.5 3,119 99.1 P500 to P 999... 14,446 2.1. 13,730 95.0 P1,000 to P 2,499.. 52,016 7.6 50,778 97.6 P2,500 to P 4,999. P5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 24,999. P 25,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P249,999. 39,300 5.7 36,718 93.4 36,318 5.3 35,151 96.8 63,491 9.2 58,613 92.3 122,558 17.8 81 0.1 95,376 77.8 75,854 11.0 64,306 84.8 280,200 40.8 276,053 98.5 P250,000 to P999,999. Citizenship of operator Philippines... United States. China.... Japan.. Other countries. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies.. 220,041 32.1 81 (1) 190,441 86.5 22,575 3.3 22,218 98.4 28,569 4.2 28,527 99.9 19,944 2.9 19,944 100.0 3,463 0.5 3,430 99.0 392,738 57.1 369,284 94.0 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 284 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 72.—OPERATORS OF TH FREIGHT TRUCKS AND TC GARAGE FREIGHT TRUCKS-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Con. Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Electricity purchased Kerosene Diesel oil Class and item Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 271 (1) 30,916 4.5 15,994 2.3 6,224 0.9 Total..... Form of ownership Individuals. 271 0.1 19,410 6.6 9,511 3.2 759 0.3 Partnerships... Associations. Corporations... Government agencies.. Year established 11,506 3.0 6,483 1.7 5,465 1.4 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929 1920 to 1924.... 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914... Prior to 1910... Year not reported. 110 6,063 1.9 8 (1) 1.995 25 (1) 10,240 4.7 9,208 4.3 3,679 136 0.2 10,933 17.7 6,761 11.0 413 30 0.6 1.7 0.7 3,680 96.4 137 3.6 17 0.1 Size of total assets 100 to P 499... 153 3.2 17 0.4 500 to P 999... 8 (1) 1,000 to P 2,499. P2,500 to P 4,999. 888 68 23 0.1 1,662 2.4 (1) 2,426 4.8 2223 29 (1) 39 0.1 P5,000 to P 9,999. 3,555 5.5 36 0.1 10,000 to P 49,999... 180 0.2 12,524 12.9 9,443 9.7 369 0.4 50,000 to P 99,999... 10,588 10.8 6,483 6.6 1.633 1.7 4,147 1.5 P100,000 to P499,999... Size of gross receipts P 500... Under 500 to P 999.. P1,000 to P 2,499. P2,500 to P 4,999. 9,999. P5,000 to P P 10,000 to P 24,999... P 25,000 to P 99,999... P100,000 to P249,999.. P250,000 to P999,999.. Citizenship of operator Philippines.... United States. China.... Japan... Other countries. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies.. 16 0.5 4 0.1 8 0.3 66 0.5 633 4.4 17 0.1 9 (1) 1,186 2.3 43 0.1 2,568 6.5 14 (1) 1,142 3.1 25 0.1 2,160 3.4 2,682 4.2 36 0.1 180 0.1 19,303 15.8 6,761 5.5 857 0.7 3,920 5.2 6,483 8.5 1,145 1.5 4,147 1.5 264 0.1 19,406 8.8 9,472 4.3 377 357 17 0.1 25 0.1 330 0.2 1.6 7 0.2 4 0.1 22 0.6 11,506 2.9 6,483 1.7 5,465 1.4 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 285 TABLE 73.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Persons employed and salaries paid Employees not paid salaries or wages Province Number of operators reporting Total assets (Pesos) Total gross receipts (Pesos) Total number of persons employed Owners and members Total persons not paid salaries or of family Number of other persons not paid salaries or wages Males Females wages PHILIPPINES..... 132 3,672,931 1,842,034 2,186 361 181 117 63 Agusan... Albay... Cagayan.... 15 Camarines Sur... Cebu... 1.6 Cotabato.... Davao... Iloilo... Lanao.... 34556 2005 19,876 10,261 69,455 56,371 28,091 39,171 183 16,219 12,058 876,299 476,125 380 61,991 30,319 8 166,150 142,879 9 1,110,200 665,259 343 12,625 14,136 Leyte.... 9 821,869 22,979 Manila, City of.. Misamis Occidental.... Misamis Oriental.. Pangasinan... Rizal..... Samar.... Sulu.. 13 Surigao. Tayabas... Zamboanga... All other provinces.. 13322 32300 23,603 103,251 245 68,791 23,962 24,730 15,633 4,898 4,886 20,300 24,600 97,493 66,255 127 21,656 4,872 8,122 5,007 36,566 24,735 BBB FREE 92 8 34 34 30 22 19 11 37 15 17 41 66,678 48,857 117,319 50,418 74 135 10 31 LEBLO BLLLL SLLL LLL 1 5 53 23 4 16 8 14 10 19 12 13 3 34 12 5 4 18 7 3 22 14 LABLE BUT23 32422 833244 15 13 2610 643 27 16 15 2 4 2 14 128 4522 8 2 11 84 12 14 712 7 3 Province Number of Total salaries persons paid or wages paid salaries or wages (Pesos) Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, supervisors, and others holding executive, manage- rial or supervisory positions Office employees, stenographers, and others performing routine office work Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew laborers, and all other employees. Salaries or Number of persons Salaries or wages paid Number of Salaries or wages paid Number of wages paid (Pesos) persons persons (Pesos) (Pesos) PHILIPPINES..... 1,825 509,744 86 60,997 86 39,209 1,653 409,538 Agusan.. 33 Albay.. 2,141 48 20,023 Cagayan.. 130 Camarines Sur. 20,774 30 7,294 Cebu..... 350 112,527 13 Cotabato.. 39 Davao.. 10,718 110 Iloilo.... 49,803 321 Lanao.. 139,845 10 22363 230 225 3,394 243 2,136 12,162 12 1,560 3,900 12,740 129 2 27 80 30 1,836 540 44 16,089 5,218 118 15,313 24 5,158 3,749 325 96,616 618 35 8,540 19 12,070 14,298 80 33,833 292 112,807 21 Leyte... 2,002 21 2.002 60 5,657 3 386 57 5,271 Manila, City of.. Misamis Oriental. Misamis Occidental... 242 49,624 27 15,665 215 33,959 45 8,881 45 8.881 Rizal.... Pangasinan.. 29 4,098 1 60 28 4,038 16 2,422 1 210 15 2,212 23 6,480 23 6,480 Samar.. Sulu... 90 17,276 5 Surigao.. 8 2,360 Tayabas.. 14 2,280 Zamboanga.. 48 11,008 All other provinces.. 64 104 10,966 23,565 62 312 2,832 756 65 542 79 13,902 5 1,246 1 358 14 2,280 943 1 33 44 10,032 25 63 10,941 3,760 2 815 100 18,990 TRANSPORTATION 286 TABLE 74.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Persons employed and salaries paid Employees not paid salaries or wages Owners and members of family Other Total Class and item Number of Total operators reporting assets (Pesos) gross receipts (Pesos) Total number of persons employed Total persons not paid salaries or persons not paid Males Females salaries or wages wages 132 3,672,931 1,842,034 2,186 361 181 117 63 Total..... Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships. Associations... Corporations. Government agencies. Year established 1935 to 1938.. 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 105 1,031,573 769,337 1,499 332 162 107 8 3 54,535 19,540 42,783 100 21 14 18,868 31 2 1 14 2,519,463 1,001,060 534 6 4 10-2 63 7 2 47,820 9,986 22 23 Prior to 1910... 88888 84 1,224,652 667,281 1,101 205 15 781,389 492,702 314 648,491 505,180 590 5 955,761 131,459 120 Year not reported. 14 360 258 1 4 62,278 45,154 60 ខ្លួន~ន 108 62 79 38 4 888 25 3825 65 82 14 16 1 6 4 Size of total assets Under P 100.... 100 to P 499.. P 500 to P 999.. 12 P1,000 to P 2,499 2,500 to P 4,999.. 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to T 49,999 50,000 to P 99,999.. 4328348 P100,000 to P499,999. 144 2,392 29 20 695 7,799 27 18 9 9,577 21,656 92 24 15 34,618 41,135 225 83 48 21 14 113,525 107,103 341 99 39 23 15 111,322 117,967 178 23 636,052 499,876 761 87 40 36 11 7 476,858 5 1,483,172 204,976 185 7 4 2 835,364 340 1 806,973 3,766 8 10268060 88117608 748 P500,000 to P999,999.. Size of gross receipts Under 500.... 999. P P 500 to P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 4,999.. P2,500 to T 5,000 to P 9,999. P 10,000 to P 24,999.. P 25,000 to P 99,999.. P100,000 to P249,999. Citizenship of operator Philippines.... 28 23 2224R421 36,442 3,708 76 41 22 B 14 48,218 14,143 159 51 24 21 6 78,368 57,683 297 116 56 35 25 890,145 55,093 147 32 14 13 6 205,188 163,859 291 44 17 450,555 259,709 351 67 22 28 15 1 12 29 26 660,094 484,972 548 10 2 4 1,303,921 802,867 317 China... Japan.. 50 to 69 persons.. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies. Number of employees Under 10 persons... 10 to 19 persons.. 20 to 29 persons..... 30 to 39 persons.. 40 to 49 persons.... ཎྜཌ- 103 972,761 643,376 1,239 830 160 107 68 18,640 98,762 236 40,172 27,199 24 11 1 1 27 2,641,358 1,072,697 687 29 19 10 7385 80 67 1,022,733 172,167 418 119 72 377,577 261,456 536 103 49 15 546,495 259,396 379 88 4 162,903 101,939 133 31 12 5 422,268 341,856 207 19 24226 17 43 42 18206 11 10 8 1 70 to 99 persons.. 383,296 184,454 52 1 236,971 203,937 72 150 to 199 persons.... 1 502,048 218,067 153 200 to 299 persons... 1 18,640 98,762 236 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 287 Class and item Number of persons paid sala- ries or Total salaries or wages paid (Pesos) wages TABLE 74.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORB OATS, AND FERRIES-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, super- visors, and others hold- ing executive, manage- rial or supervisory positions Office employees, stenographers, and others performing routine office work Driver, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Salaries or Number of Number of Salaries of wages paid Number of wages paid persons (Pesos) persons (Pesos) persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Total.. 1,825 509,744 86 60,997 86 39,209 1,653 409,538 Form of ownership Individuals... 1,167 Partnerships... Associations.. Corporations... 528 Government agencies. 1522890 252,469 79 15,134 5,101 229,227 12 7,813 64222 38,364 42 1,603 600 19,674 33 756 26136 14,836 1,611 1,059 54 21,462 483 5 1,246 87888990 199,269 11,920 26 4,447 15 188,091 5,811 Year established 1935 to 1938... 896 210,547 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. Prior to 1910.... 252 90,217 511 148,253 116 42,765 8482 39 16,519 11 16,077 33 23,165 2,836 23123 15,704 825 178,324 17 4,640 224 69,500 11 6,925 467 118,163 26 11,940 88 27,989 Year not reported.. 50 17,962 1 2,400 49 15,562 Size of total assets Under 100... P100 to P 499. 99 792 9 792 9 P500 to P 1,776 1 300 8 1,476 999. 68 P1,000 to P 6,415 1 60 67 6,355 2,499... 142 2,500 to P 15,198 2 672 3 528 137 13,998 4,999. 242 5,000 to P 38,017 19 3,697 4 295 219 34,024 9,999. P10,000 to P 49,999. 155 48,470 8 6,830 10 6,015 137 35,625 674 50,000 to 176,073 40 26,184 41 15,343 593 134,546 99,999. 178 50,754 7 6,538 8 1,529 163 42,687 P100,000 to P499,999. 340 170,886 7 16,680 20 15,498 313 138,708 P500,000 to P999,999. 8 1,363 1 36 7 1,827 Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 35 2,446 500 to P 999.. 108 7,784 P1,000 to P P2,500 to P 4,999. 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 24,999. 25,000 to P 99,999. 2,499 181 23,133 12 115 21,713 12 247 65,314 284 75,973 538 153,129 P100,000 to P249,999.. 317 160,252 33227847 397 1 48 31 2,001 410 105 7,374 2,112 3.957 6,084 7,020 24,337 16,680 20 666589 416 164 20,605 1,521 97 16,235 15 7,275 225 51,955 672 273 68,281 13,779 468 115,013 15,498 290 128,074 Citizenship of operator Philippines.. 909 China... 196,402 235 47,594 Japan... 36 39 22,699 41 14,716 829 158,987 27 15,665 208 31,929 and government agencies Partnerships, associations, corporations, 23 8,473 1 120 22 8,353 658 257,275 20 22,633 44 24,373 594 210,269 Number of employees Under 10 persons.. 10 to 19 persons.. 20 to 29 persons. 30 to 39 persons. 40 to 49 persons. 299 433 45,767 94,792 291 89,189 15 10 18 102 25,111 50 to 69 persons. 188 71,729 200 to 299 persons. 150 to 199 persons.. 70 to 99 perosns.. 52 28,116 72 40,017 6086433 4,995 4,635 11 10 11,761 35 4,663 9,798 4,680 10 4,800 153 67,379 HL34009 2.944 273 37,828 5,750 413 84,407 13,305 238 64,123 6 1,083 90 19,365 629 180 61,302 3,708 39 19,728 1 1,200 68 34,017 10,590 144 56,789 235 47,644 27 15,665 208 31,979 288 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 75.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES-TOTAL ASSETS BY PROVINCES: 1938 Operators reporting Assets Total Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) Province Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Per Num- cent ber distri- bution Pesos Per cent distri- bution Pesos Per cent of cent distri- total bution Per Per Per Per Pesos cent of Pesos cent of total total Pesos cent of total PHILIPPINES 132 100.0 3,672,931 100.0 1,762,520 48.0 100.0 313,491 8.5 341,182 9.3 1,255,738 34.2 A gusan. Albay.. Cagayan 15 Camarines Sur. Cebu.... 16 34556 2.3 3.0 11.4 3.8 12.1 19,876 0.5 69,455 1.9 28,091 16,219 876,299 23.9 0.8 0.4 19,004 95.6 1.1 52,680 75.8 3.0 23,673 84.3 1.3 3.358 12.0 14,169 87.4 0.8 2,050 12.6 357,628 40.8 20.3 114,076 13.0 117,798 13.4 156 0.8 668 3.4 48 0.2 11,575 960 16.7 5,200 7.5 3.4 100 0.4 286,797 32.7 Cotabato.. Davao. Iloilo... Lanao... Leyte... 28969 1.5 61,991 1.7 6.1 166,150 4.5 46,650 75.3 2.6 88,430 53.2 5.0 35,000 6.8 1,110,200 30.2 741,929 66.8 42.1 85,231 3,157 21.1 10,235 6.2 7.7 16,036 1.4 5.1 12,184 19.7 32,485 19.6 267,004 24.1 5 3.8 12,625 0.3 9,565 75.8 0.5 3,060 24.2 6.8 821,869 22.4 19,797 2.4 1.1 7,341 0.9 145,700 17.7 649,031 79.0 Manila, City of.. Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental.. Pangasinan. Rizal... Samar 13 Sulu... Surigao. Tayabas. Zamboanga.. All other provinces. 13322 323500 4 3.0 23,603 0.6 14,725 62.4 0.8 110 0.5 7,585 32.1 1,183 5.0 2.3 68,791 1.9 40,902 59.5 2.3 22,400 32.6 5,489 8.0 2.3 24,730 0.7 23,850 96.4 1.4 150 0.6 600 2.4 130 0.5 1.5 1.5 4,898 0.1 20,300 0.6 4,000 19,300 95.1 81.7 0.2 1.1 898 18.3 500 2.5 500 2.5 9.8 97,493 2.7 1.5 2.3 3.8 9 6.8 10 7.6 21,656 8,122 0.2 36,566 1.0 66,678 1.8 117,319 3.2 0.6 85,294 87.5 21,656 100.0 4.8 2,389 2.5 8,793 9.0 1,017 1.0 1.2 1 7,000 86.2 0.4 1,122 13.8 98.1 35,876 59,779 89.7 3.4 3,950 76,613 65.3 4.4 27,093 2.0 690 1.9 5.9 23.1 2,650 4.0 299 0.4 8,653 7.4 4,960 4.2 TABLE 76.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTOR BOATS, AND FERRIES-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPIN ES: 1938. Operators reporting Assets Class and item Total Number Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) Per cent distribution Per cent of total 132 100.0 3,672,931 100.0 1,762,520 48.0 100.0 Total Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships. Associations. Corporations... Government agencies.. Year established 1935 to 1938. 105 1000042 79.5 1,031,573 28.1 8 678,290 65.8 38.5 6.1 54.535 1.5 51,975 95.3 2.9 2.3 19,540 0.5 17,050 87.3 1.0 10.6 1.5 2,519,463 68.6 967,385 38.4 54.9 47,820 1.3 47,820 100.0 2.7 1930 to 1934.. 84 63.6 1,224.652 33.3 1925 to 1929... 872,282 71.2 49.5 15 11.4 781,389 21.3 1920 to 1924.. 453,849 58.1 25.8 23 17.4 648,491 17.7 Prior to 1910... 295,929 45.6 16.8 5 3.8 955,761 26.0 Year not reported. 96,100 10.1 5.5 1 0.8 360 (1) 360 100.0 (¹) 4 3.0 62,278 2.5 1.7 44,000 70.7 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 289 TABLE 76.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY. FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Operators reporting Assets Class and item Total Number Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) Per cent distribution Size of total assets Under P 100... 4 3.0 144 (¹) 118 81.9 P 100 to P 499.. 500 to P 999.. P1,000 to P 2,499. P2,500 to P 4,999.. 33 P5,000 to P P 10,000 to P 49,999. P 50,000 to P 99,999. 9,999. P100,000 to P499,999.. 12230876 2.3 695 695 100.0 83 9.1 9,577 0.3 7,007 73.2 0.4 17.4 34,618 0.9 29,375 84.9 1.7 25.0 113,525 3.1 99,063 87.3 5.6 12.1 111,322 3.0 88,876 79.8 5.0 21.2 636,052 17.3 491,518 77.3 27.9 5.3 476,853 13.0 217,409 45.6 12.3 5 3.8 1,483,172 40.4 823,239 55.5 46.7 P500,000 to P999,999.. 1 0.8 806,973 22.0 5,220 0.6 0.3 Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 12 P 500 to P 999_ P1,000 to P 2,499. 28 P2,500 to P 4,999. 14 P5,000 to P 9,999. 23 P10,000 to P 24,999. P 25,000 to P 99,999. 17 12 22242424 9.1 36,442 1.0 34,435 94.5 2.0 16.7 48,218 1.3 41,111 85.3 2.3 21.2 78,368 2.1 69,395 88.6 3.9 10.6 890,145 24.2 77,925 8.8 4.4 17.4 205,188 5.6 159,393 77.7 9.0 12.9 450,555 12.3 244,018 54.2 13.8 9.1 660,094 18.0 349,331 52.9 19.8 3.0 1,303,921 35.5 786,912 60.3 44.6 P100,000 to P249,999. Citizenship of operator Philippines.... 103 78.0 972,761 26.5 630,290 64.8 35.8 China.... 1 0.8 18,640 0.5 10,000 53.6 0.6 Japan... 1 0.8 40,172 1.1 38,000 94.6 2.2 Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies.. 27 20.5 2,641,358 71.9 1,084,230 41.0 61.5 Assets-Continued Class and item Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 313,491 8.5 341,182 9.3 1,255,738 34.2 Total.. Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships.. 220,654 21.4 65,261 6.3 67,368 6.5 1,453 2.7 1,107 2.0 Associations... 110 0.6 2,380 12.2 Corporations... Government agencies.. 92,727 3.7 272,088 10.8 1,187,263 47.1 Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. Prior to 1910.. Year not reported. 160,646 13.1 34,621 2.8 157,103 12.8 84,888 10.9 53,888 6.9 188,764 24.2 24,036 3.7 89,316 13.8 239,210 36.9 33,691 3.5 157,596 16.5 668,374 69.9 10,230 16.4 5,761 9.3 2,287 3.7 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 290 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 76.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Class and item Assets-Continued Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Per cent Pesos of total Size of total assets Under P 100.... 26 18.1 P 100 to P 499.. P 500 to P 999... 860 9.0 1,710 17.9 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 2,395 6.9 2,448 7.1 400 1.2 P2,500 to P 4,999. 3,828 3.4 8,519 7.5 2,115 1.9 P5,000 to P 9,999.. P 10,000 to P 49,999. P 50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. 7,560 6.8 4.437 4.0 10,449 9.4 48,400 7.6 40,392 6.4 55,742 8.8 158,350 33.2 54,240 11.4 46,854 9.8 84,757 5.7 84,029 5.7 491,147 33.1 7,341 0.9 145,381 18.0 649,031 80.4 P500,000 to P999,999... Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 1,500 4.1 507 1.4 P 500 to P 999-.- 4,970 10.3 1,837 3.8 300 0.6 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 1,700 2.2 6,969 8.9 304 0.4 P2,500 to 4,999. P 5,000 to P P 10,000 to P 24,999... P 25,000 to P 99,999. P 10,990 1.2 148,251 16.7 652,979 73.4 9,999. 17,594 8.6 12,841 6.3 15,360 7.5 165,630 36.8 19,850 4.4 21,057 4.7 28,426 4.3 132,564 20.1 149,773 22.7 82,681 6.3 18,363 1.4 415,965 31.9 P100,000 to P249,999. Citizenship of operator Philippines.. 220,654 22.7 56,368 5.8 65,449 6.7 China.. 7,457 40.0 1,183 6.3 Japan.. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- 1,436 3.6 736 1.8 ment agencies.. 92,837 3.5 275,921 10.4 1,188,370 45.0 TABLE 77.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTOR BOATS, AND FERRIES NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938 All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Employees paid salaries or wages Total Province Owners and mem- bers of family Total Total wages and salaries Number Per cent distri- bution Per cent Other persons Persons of all em- Males Females Per cent Persons of all em- Pesos per em- Average Per cent distri- ployees ployees ployee bution (Pesos) PHILIPPINES... 2,186 100.0 361 16.5 181 117 63 1,825 Agusan.. 34 Albay.. 1.6 53 2.4 Cagayan.... 183 8.4 Camarines Sur. 53 34 1.6 Cebu.... 380 17.4 30 Cotabato.. 47 2.2 Davao. 124 5.7 Iloilo.... Lanao. Leyte.. LORLO BL 1 2.9 5 9.4 29.0 23 4 11.8 7.9 16 8 17.0 14 11.3 10 LABIG BO 1 3 15 1 1 10 3 5 343 15.7 22 6.4 7 13 40 1.8 19 47.5 12 79 3.6 19 24.1 13 6 27 2400 P430 15 524 2 4 321 តតត ឥដ្ឋគ្គ៨ទ 83.5 509,744 97.1 279 100.0 2,141 65 0.4 90.6 20,023 417 3.9 130 71.0 20,774 160 4.1 1.4 88.2 7.294 243 22.1 350 92.1 112,527 322 2.1 83.0 10,718 275 9.8 110 88.7 49,803 453 27.4 93.6 139,845 436 0.4 52.5 2,002 95 1.1 60 75.9 5,657 94 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 291 TABLE 77.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTOR BOATS, AND FERRIES-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Employees paid salaries or wages Total Owners and mem- bers of family Total Province Per cent Other Number distri- Per cent Per cent bution persons Persons of all em- Males Males Females Persons of all em- Total wages and salaries Average Per cent Pesos per em- ployees ployees ployee distri- bution (Pesos) Manila, City of.. 245 11.2 3 1.2 Misamis Occidental.. 79 3.6 34 43.0 Misamis Oriental.... 40 1.8 11 27.5 Pangasinan... 21 1.0 5 23.8 Rizal... 27 1.2 4 14.8 Samar... 127 5.8 37 29.1 18 Sulu... 15 0.7 7 46.7 Surigao.. 17 0.8 3 17.6 12422 133 242 98.8 49,624 205 9.7 14 4622 5 2 828 8 45 57.0 8,881 197 1.7 2 29 72.5 4,098 141 0.8 1 16 76.2 2,422 151 0.5 23 85.2 6,480 282 1.3 11 1 Tayabas... 89 4.1 41 46.1 22 12 2! 84 90 70.9 17,276 192 3.4 8 53.3 2,360 295 0.5 14 82.4 2,280 163 0.4 7 48 53.9 11,008 229 2.2 Zamboanga... 74 3.4 10 13.5 1 64 86.5 10,966 171 2.2 All other provinces.. 135 6.2 31 23.0 14 14 3 104 77.0 23,565 227 4.6 Executives, etc. Salaries Province Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Office employees Salaries and wages paid Drivers, etc. Salaries and wages paid Persons Persons Pesos Per cent of total salaries Per cent of total Persons Pesos Pesos salaries Per cent of total salaries and wages and wages PHILIPPINES.. 86 60,997 12.0 86 39,209 7.7 1,653 409,538 80.3 Agusan.. Albay.. Cagayan.. Camarines Sur.. Cebu...... 13 22363 225 3,394 10.5 17.0 243 1.2 129 80 3.7 30 1,836 85.8 540 2.7 44 16,089 80.4 5,218 25.1 118 15,313 73.7 2,136 29.3 24 5,158 70.7 12,162 10.8 12 3,749 3.3 325 96,616 85.9 Cotabato.. Davao... Iloilo..... 230 1,560 14.6 3,900 7.8 27 12,740 9.1 19 2224 618 5.8 35 8,510 79.7 12,070 24.2 80 33,833 67.9 14,298 10.2 292 112,807 80.7 Lanao.. 21 2,002 100.0 Leyte.. 3 386 6.8 57 5,271 93.2 Manila, City of.. 27 15,665 31.6 215 33,959 68.4 Misamis Occidental.. 45 8,881 100.0 Misamis Oriental. 1 60 1.5 28 4,038 98.5 Pangasinan.. 1 210 8.7 15 2,212 91.3 Rizal.... 23 6,480 100.0 Samar. Sulu Surigao.. Tayabas. Zamboanga.. All other provinces. 52 318 2,832 756 16.4 32.0 65 542 3.1 79 13,902 80.5 1,246 52.8 1 358 15.2 14 2,280 100.0 1 1 943 8.6 1 33 0.3 44 10,032 91.1 25 0.2 63 10,941 99.8 1 2 3,760 16.0 2 815 3.5 100 18,990 80.6 292 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 78.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Employees paid salaries or wages Total Class and item Owners and mem- bers of family Total Per cent Number distri- bution Other Persons Per cent of all em- persons Per cent Males Females Persons of all em- ployees ployees 1 Total..... 2,186 100.0 Form of ownership 23456 2 Individuals.. 1,499 68.6 Partnerships... 100 4.6 Associations... 31 1.4 ཙཾ། སྣྲུས 361 16.5 181 117 63 1,825 83.5 332 22.1 162 107 63 1,167 77.9 21.0 14 7 79 79.0 6.5 Corporations... 534 24.4 1.1 14 1 29 93.5 4 2 528 98.9 Government agencies. 22 1.0 22 100.0 Year established 10 11 780062 1935 to 1938.__. 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.... 1,101 50.4 205 18.6 108 314 14.4 62 19.7 25 590 27.0 79 13.4 38 62985 65 32 23 25 16 120 5.5 4 3.3 3 2441 896 81.4 14 252 80.3 511 86.6 116 96.7 Prior to 1910_... 1 (1) 1 100.0 1 1 12 Year not reported.. 60 2.7 10 16.7 6 Size of total assets 11 13 14 34 Under P 100... 29 1.3 P 100 to P 499. 27 1.2 15 P 500 to P 999. 92 4.2 16 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 225 10.3 17 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 341 15.6 18 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 178 8.1 19 20 2225 P10,000 to P 49,999. P 50,000 to P 99,999. 761 34.8 2128125' 20 69.0 10 66.7 24 26.1 15 83 36.9 48 99 29.0 39 23 12.9 16 87 11.4 40 C9EB000 21 37 185 8.5 7 3.8 4 38685662 74348 74 50 83.3 9 31.0 9 33.3 68 73.9 14 142 63.1 23 242 71.0 7 155 87.1 11 674 88.6 1 178 96.2 21 P100,000 to P499,999. 340 15.6 340 100.0 P500,000 to P999,999_ 8 0.4 8 100.0 Size of gross receipts 23 Under P 500.... 76 3.5 41 53.9 22 24 P 500 to P 999... 159 7.3 51 32.1 24 21 25 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 297 13.6 116 39.1 58 35 26 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 147 6.7 32 21.8 14 27 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 291 13.3 44 15.1 28 28 P 10,000 to 24,999. 351 16.1 67 19.1 29 29 P 25,000 to P 99,999. 548 25.1 10 1.8 8 6855852 15 468512 35 46.1 108 67.9 181 60.9 115 78.2 247 84.9 284 80.9 538 98.2 30 P100,000 to P249,999. 317 14.5 317 100.0 Citizenship of operator 2233 31 Philippines..-. 1,239 56.7 330 26.6 160 107 63 909 73.4 32 China.. 236 10.8 1 0.4 1 235 99.6 33 Japan... 24 1.1 1 4.2 1 23 95.8 34 Partnerships, associations, corporations, and 687 31.4 29 4.2 19 10 658 95.8 government agencies. Number of employees 35 Under 10 persons.. 418 19.1 119 36 10 to 19 persons. 536 24.5 103 28.5 19.2 72 49 37 20 to 29 persons. 379 17.3 88 23.2 38 30 to 39 persons.. 133 6.1 31 23.3 12 39 40 to 49 persons.. 207 9.5 19 9.2 24226 17 5 73246 30 11 9 10 84408 299 71.5 80.8 433 291 76.8 102 76.7 188 90.8 40 50 to 69 persons.. 52 2.4 52 100.0 41 70 to 99 persons. 72 3.3 72 100.0 42 150 to 199 persons. 153 7.0 153 100.0 43 200 to 299 persons. 236 10.8 1 0.4 11 1 235 99.6 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 293 SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938 Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Total wages and salaries Executives, etc. Office employees Drivers, etc. Average Salaries Per cent Salaries Per cent Per cent per em- Pesos ployee Per cent distrbution Salaries Persons of total Persons (Pesos) salaries or wages paid of total Persons or wages of total salaries paid salaries (Pesos) (Pesos) and wages (Pesos) and wages 509,744 279 100.0 86 60,997 12.0 86 39,209 7.7 1,653 409,538 80.3 1 252,469 216 49.5 66 15,134 192 3.0 5,101 176 1.0 229,227 434 45.0 12 7,813 355 1.5 64229 38,364 15.2 42 1,603 10.6 600 11.8 19,674 8.6 33 756 9.7 25135 14,836 5.9 1,059 199,269 78.9 1,611 10.6 70 11,920 78.8 54 1.1 26 4,447 87.2 21,462 9.4 483 1,246 15.9 15 188,091 5,811 82.1 5 74.4 6 23456 2 210,547 235 41.3 39 90,217 358 17.7 11 148,253 290 29.1 33 42,765 369 8.4 17,962 359 3.5 8482 1 16,519 7.8 16,077 17.8 23,165 15.6 2,836 6.6 24435 15,704 7.5 825 178,324 84.7 7 17 4,640 5.1 224 69,500 77.0 8 11 6,925 4.7 467 118,163 79.7 9 26 11,940 27.9 88 27,989 65.4 10 11 2,400 13.4 49 15,562 86.6 12 792 88 0.2 9 792 100.0 13 1,776 197 0.3 1 300 16.9 8 1,476 83.1 14 34 6,415 94 1.3 15,198 107 3.0 38,017 157 7.5 19 48,470 313 9.5 176,073 261 34.5 40 50,754 285 10.0 170,886 503 33.5 1,363 170 0.3 12180771 60 0.9 67 6,355 99.1 15 672 4.4 3 528 3.5 137 13,998 92.1 16 3,697 9.7 6,830 14.1 10 26,184 14.9 41 6,538 12.9 16,680 9.8 20 4000K 296 0.8 219 34,024 89.5 17 6,015 12.4 137 35,625 73.5 18 15,343 8.7 593 134,546 76.4 19 8 1,529 3.0 163 42,687 84.1 20 15,498 9.1 313 138,708 81.2 21 36 2.6 7 1,827 97.4 22 2223 2,446 70 0.5 7,784 72 1.5 23,133 128 4.6 21,713 189 4.2 65,314 264 12.8 75,973 268 14.9 158,129 285 30.0 34 160,252 506 31.4 18227847 3 397 16.2 1 48 2.0 31 3 410 5.3 105 2,001 7,374 81.8 23 94.7 2,112 9.1 5 416 1.8 164 20,605 89.1 3,957 18.2 6 1,521 7.0 97 16,235 74.8 26 2222 24 25 6,084 9.3 15 7,275 11.1 225 51,955 79.5 27 7,020 9.2 3 672 0.9 273 68,281 89.9 28 24,337 15.9 36 13,779 9.0 468 115,013 75.1 29 16,680 10.4 20 15,498 9.7 290 128,074 79.9 30 196,402 216 38.5 47,594 203 9.3 2886 39 22,699 11.6 41 14,716 7.5 829 158,987 80.9 31 27 15,665 32.9 208 31,929 67.1 32 8,473 368 1.7 1 120 1.4 22 8,353 98.6 33 257,275 391 50.5 20 22,633 8.8 44 24,373 9.5 594 210,269 81.7 34 45,767 153 9.0 15 94,792 219 18.6 89,189 306 17.5 25,111 246 4.9 71,729 382 14.1 28,116 541 5.5 108643 4,995 10.9 11 $4,635 4.9 10 11,761 13.2 35 4,663 18.6 9,798 13.7 4,680 16.6 10 40,017 556 7.9 3 67,379 4,800 12.0 440 13.2 HUBB4OL9 2,944 6.4 273 37,828 82.7 35 5,750 6.1 413 84,407 89.0 36 13,305 14.9 238 64,123 71.9 37 6 1,083 4.3 90 19,365 77.1 38 629 0.9 180 61,302 85.5 39 3,708 13.2 39 19,728 70.2 40 1 1,200 10,590 3.0 68 34,017 85.0 41 15.7 144 56,789 84.3 42 47,644 203 9.3 27 15,665 32.9 208 31,979 67.1 43 294 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 79.--OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, BY TYPE OF EQUIPMENT, BY PROVINCES: 1938. All types of equipment Type of equipment Trucks and semi-trailers Boats and ships Passengers Freight and carried Total express handle Passengers carried Freight and express handled Total Total gross Province Num- ber of opera- tors report- ing receipts net ton- receipts from Re- Total transpor- nage of passengers carried tation of freight and ex- passen- press from freight and ex- press Gross re- ceipts Net from ton- ceipts Receipts Gross ber of Num- trans-nage from from gers handled handled (Pesos) (Pesos) pas- tion of and ex- sengers pas- freight porta-freight and ex- of Number of pass- press engers press han- sengers han- dled (Pe- dled sos) (Pe- receipts transpor- of freight freight tation of pa- express express ssengers handled handled (Pesos) (Pesos) Net tonnage from and and sos) PHILIPPINES 132 1,963,895 873,678 535,197 820,614 7,022 8,547 8,762 6,208 1,956,873 865,131 526,435 814,406 Agusan.. Albay... Cagayan... 15 Camarines Sur. Cebu..... 16 34556 Cotabato... Davao.. Iloilo.... 6,572 4,874 466 4,930 18,055 26,263 5,387 32,400 14,113 18,216 7,314 17,485 5,816 7,341 407 6,659 6,711 8,860 5,347 806,338 252,307 123,095 195,195 43,886 16,747 6,568 13,572 29,454 70,583 26,851 72,115 506,920 277,665 201,718 280,862 129,600 12,980 25 1,156 23,206 10,163 2,735 12,816 Lanao... Leyte... Manila, City of... Misamis Occidental.. Misamis Oriental. Pangasinan Rizal.... Samar... 13 Sulu... Surigao... Tayabas. Zamboanga.. All other provinces.. 10 28959 43322 323500 50,856 3,789 46,731 99,462 47,924 19,306 14,998 9,312 4,656 12,995 1,318 2,637 4,299 2,005 798 2,879 18,784 24,600 82,841 40,177 22,147 25,794 6,372 4,872 1,206 1,206 82 21,659 195 1,614 17,131 2,655 4,452 7,512 IN 9 18,690 24,872 40,076 21,904 125,712 35,435 6,651 14,983 1 1 6,572 4,930 4,874 466 5,387 18,055 26,263 32,400 815 8,297 10,875 6,907 16,670 6,659 6,711 8,860 806,338 252,307 123,095 5,347 195,195 1,350 2,700 1 43,886 16,747 6,568 13.572 29,454 70,583 70,583 25,501 506,920 277,665 201,718 69,415 280,862 129,600 12,980 25 1,156 780 1,313 23,206 10,163 1,955 11,503 50,856 3,789 46,731 99,462 47,924 19,306 9,312 4,656 14,998 12,995 1,318 2,637 4,299 2,005 798 2,879 18,784 24,600 82,841 40,177 22,147 25.794 5,166 3,666 82 21,659 195 17,131 1,614 4,452 2,655 7,512 6,225 1,380 18,690 24,872 33,851 20,524 125,712 35,435 6,651 14,983 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 295 TABLE 80.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES,, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. All types of equipment Class and item Number Total of operators passengers reporting carried Total receipts from trans- portation of passengers (Pesos) freight and and express carried Total gross re- Total net tonnage ceipts from of freight express handled (Pesos) Type of equipment- Trucks and semi-trailers Passengers carried Receipts from trans- portation of Number of passengers Total..... Form of ownership Individuals... Partnerships.. Associations... Corporations.... Government agencies. Year established 1935 to 1938. 1930 to 1934... passengers (Pesos) 132 1,963,895 873,678 535, 197 820,614 7,022 8,547 ཱ༠༠༠༠༠ 105 753,181 408,445 230,223 351,456 5,816 7,341 8 50,958 13,562 13,445 29,221 3 47,735 11,107 12,158 7,761 14 1,107,326 430,578 279,371 432,176 2 4,695 9,986 1,206 1,206 84 1925 to 1929.. 23 1920 to 1924.. Prior to 1910..... 18888 565,460 252,825 260,343 346,305 7,022 8,547 15 1,121,936 353,019 99,123 91,907 202,795 172,972 141,893 300,396 5 54,562 67,265 27,261 64,194 12,906 258 Year not reported. 4 6,236 27,339 6,577 17,812 Size of total assets Under P 100... P100 to P 499.. P500 to P 999 P-1,000 to P 2,499. P2,500 to P 4,999. 5,000 to P 9,999 P10,000 to P 49,999. P50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to P999,999. 1322308761 4 68,680 1,989 118 403 23,450 7,699 54,609 5,744 5,393 15,328 121,515 17,247 19,984 22,808 136,221 59,262 32,386 47,257 5,816 7,341 79,843 53,948 29,141 60,738 278,343 226,739 154,578 266,229 1,206 1,206 657,188 144,902 52,611 60,073 5 541,715 353,695 240,206 346,465 2,331 2,453 780 1,313 Size of gross receipts Under P 500.... P500 to P 999. P1,000 to P 2,499. P2,500 to P 4,999. P5,000 to P9,999. P10,000 to P 24,999. P25,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P249,999. Citizenship of operator Philippines.. 28 23 17 22212424 13,683 878 7,396 1,999 94,004 7,513 2,296 6,607 194,312 28,204 10,548 27,986 65,964 32,141 14,447 22,952 1,206 1,206 149,054 90,629 49,910 69,957 5,816 7,341 234,985 169,595 73,945 90,112 670,178 191,023 152,697 287,033 541,715 353,695 223,958 313,968 China... Japan... government agencies. 103 Partnerships, associations, corporations and ©-- 753,181 408,445 179,065 225,495 5,816 7,341 46,381 98,762 4,777 27,199 27 1,210,714 465,233 304,974 469,158 1,206 1,206 296 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 80.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTOR BOATS, AND FERRIES-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Contin ued. Total.... Class and item Form of ownership Individuals.. Partnerships.- Associations. Corporations... Government agencies.. Year established 1935 to 1938... Type of equipment-Continued Trucks and semi-trailers -Continued Boats and ships Freight and express handled Passengers carried Net tonnage of freight and express Gross receipts from freight and express handled (Pesos) Number of passengers Net tonnage and express passengers handled carried carried (Pesos) (Pesos) 8,762 6,208 1,956,873 865,131 526,435 814,406 Receipts from transpor- tation of of freight and express Freight and express handled from freight Gross receipts 7,982 4,895 747,365 401,104 222,241 345,661 50,958 13,562 13,445 29,221 47,735 11,107 12,158 7,761 780 1,313 1,107,326 430,578 278,591 430,863 3,489 8,780 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.... Prior to 1910.... Year not reported. Size of total assets Under P 100... P 100 to P 499... P 500 to P 999... P 1,000 to P 2,499. P2,500 to P 4,999 P5,000 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 6,632 2,195 558,438 244,278 253,711 344,110 1,121,936 353,019 99,123 91,907 1,350 2,700 202,795 172,972 140,543 297,696 780 1,313 54,562 67,265 26,481 62,881 12,906 258 6,236 27,339 6,577 17,812 68,680 1,989 118 403 23,450 7,699 54,609 5,744 5,393 15,328 121,515 17,247 19,984 22,808 407 815 130,405 51,921 31,979 46,442 79,843 P 10,000 to P 49,999.. P 50,000 to P 99,999. 53,948 29,141 60.738 7,575 4,080 277,137 225,533 147,003 262,149 P100,000 to P499,999... 657,188 144,902 52,611 60,073 P500,000 to P999,999.. 541,715 353,695 240,206 346,465 780 1,313 2,331 2,453 Size of gross receipts Under P 500... P 500 to P 999. P 1,000 to P 2,499. P 2,500 to P P 5,000 to P 9,999. P 10,000 to P 24,999... P 25,000 to P 99,999. 4,999. 13,683 878 7,396 1,999 94,004 7,513 2,296 6,607 194,312 28,204 780 407 10,548 27,986 1,313 64,758 30,935 13,667 21,639 815 143,238 83,288 49,503 69,142 234,985 169,595 7,575 73,945 90,112 4,080 670,178 191,023 145,122 282,953 541,715 353,695 223,958 313,968 P100,000 to P249,999.. Citizenship of operator Philippines. China... 6,632 2,195 747,365 Japan.. 401,104 172,433 223,300 Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies... 1,350 46,381 98,762 2,700. 3,427 24,499 780 1,313 1,209,508 464,027 304,194 467,845 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 297 TABLE 81.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY TYPE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Number Type of equipment and province Total Total of opera-Number net ton-passen- tors re- of units nage ca- ger ca- porting pacity pacity Number Type of equipment and province of opera-Number net ton- tors re- of units nage ca- porting pacity Total Total passen- ger ca- pacity Automobiles Gasoline-fueled engine Launches-Con. Cagayan.... Sulu..... Trucks and semi- trailers Gasoline-fueled engine Cagayan.... Davao... Leyte.... Zamboanga.. Boats and ships Sailboats Albay.... Iloilo..... Manila, City of.. Pangasinan. All other provinces. Scows Cagayan.... Cebu... Cotabato... Iloilo..... Manila, City of... Cascos Cagayan... Cebu..... 321 321 12 5 2 2352 5 1121 5 1121 344221 5 WHOLE 1 BLOG O CE62 35 1 811312 7 2112 5 121 96482 4 1111 4 1111 Iloilo... All other provinces.. Launches Steam engine driven Lanao... Leyte Manila, City of.. Pangasinan.. Diesel engine driven 105 190 2,844 21 Diesel engine driven- Continued 16 5 Cagayan.... Camarines Sur. Cebu.... Cotabato... 17 27 4 Davao Iloilo.... Leyte.. Manila, City of.. 20 10 9 1 15 139 80 Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental.. 1 1 10 49 70 Pangasinan.. 1 Rizal.... 20 2 Samar.. 10 Sulu.... 3,060 Surigao.... 5 4 5 592 Tayabas. 4 126 Zamboanga.. 16 2,163 All other provinces.. 33 12318 565 1 4 15 1 3 46 9 11 6 1 5 175 Gasoline engine driven 29 38 10 230 Cagayan.... 15 20 1 6 Camarines Sur. 1 1 209 Davao.. 1 4 13 Lanao... 2 Misamis Occidental. 4 1 4 1 Samar.... 1 19 169 Sulu... 2 2 5 150 All other provinces. 5 228 229 288 22 8 THE FOOL BL LLLLS LL LLLLL LL6 257 28891 4 6 52 63 149 79 609 930 93 149 290 15 62 89 18 17 8 70 231 4 76 115 26 46 149 159 254 13 50 20 6 702 134 99 151 85 138 311 679 179 174 10 14 45 17. 232 7 20 7 7 21 39 218 7 12 Interisland and over- seas ships Diesel engine driven Agusan... Albay.. 46 34 20 113 3,098 65 147 Cebu..... Iloilo.... 52 42 6 7 825 1,848 413 674 412 1,174 298 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 82.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSESTS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938 Class and item Total... Form of ownership Individuals.. Automobiles (including taxi- cabs, auto calesas, etc.) Gasoline-fueled engine Number of opera- Number tors reporting 3 Trucks and semi-trailers Gasoline-fueled engine Sailboats Number Number of units Total passenger capacity of opera- Number Total tors reporting capacity of units passenger tors reporting of opera- Number of units Total net ton- Total nage passenger capacity capacity 3 21 5 5 12 8 15 139 80 2 2 16 3 Partnerships.. Associations. Corporations... Government agencies.. 1 1 5 Year established 1935 to 1938... 3 3 21 12 2 ය. 3 7 6 11 55 80 12 2 5 11 1 3 42 1 1 42 2227 2 5 7 90 10 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 12 1 2 12 1 2 35 3 5 12 1 17 1 42 7 7 70 10 70 42 20 Prior to 1910. Year not reported. Size of total assets Under P 100... 100 to P 499... P 500 to P 999... P 1,000 to P 2,499. 1 1 8 1211 1 2 1 1731 1747 P2,500 to P 4,999. 1 1 8 1 2 P5,000 to P P10,000 to P 49,999. P 50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to P999,999.. 9,999. 1 1 5 2 2 5 3 3 69 2 2 5 Size of gross receipts Under P 500... P 500 to P 999... P1,000 to P 2,499. P 2,500 to P 4,999. 1 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 2 1 2 16 966 5 21 2 1 17 2 5 122 2 1277 7411 20 13 7493 70 10 20 10,000 to P 24,999. P 25,000 to 99,999... 2 P100,000 to P249,999. Citizenship of operator Philippines. 2 China... Japan.... 2 2 16 2 2 5 2 2 56 6 11 55 80 1 1 3 1 Partnerships, associations, cor- porations, and government agencies.. 1 1 5 2 2 5 2 84 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 299 TABLE 82.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Scows Cascos Launches Class and item Number of opera- Number tors reporting Total net ton- of units nage capacity Number of opera- tors re- porting Number of units Steam engine driven Total Number Total Total net ton- nage capacity of opera- tors re- porting Number net ton- of units capacity pasenger nage caspacity Total.... Form of ownership Individuals... 7 35 3,060 5 10 230 4 4 19 169 Partnerships.. Associations.. Corporations... 31 10 179 3 3 6 19 4 4 19 169 4 126 13 21 2,755 74 2 4 211 Government agencies.. Year established 1935 to 1938.. 1930 to 1934.... 1925 to 1929. 4 24 2,230 21 2 10 1. 1 767 63 13 3 3 3 11 169 6 4 211 1 1 8 614 212 2 1 1 4 19 2 2 7 162 1 8 1920 to 1924. Prior to 1910... Year not reported. Size of total assets Under P 100... 2 P 100 to P 499. P500 to P 999. 5 4 1 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 1 P2,500 to P 4,999. 183 3 2 16 F 6 P5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 49,999. 3 10 364 P50,000 to P 99,999-- P100,000 to P499,999. 2 20 2,692 1 2 209 P500,000 to P999,999.. Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 2 5 4 P 500 to P 999. 1 P1,000 to P 2,499. 4 8 12 21 4,999. 2,500 to P 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 24,999. 25,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P249,999. Citizenship of operator Philippines... China. Japan.. Partnerships, associations, corpo- rations, and government agen- cies.... 1 3 1 1 4 126 11 11 830 1 2 209 15 2,100 55 1 27 4 3 6 19 175 4 25 2,881 2 211 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 42 7 12 1 1 5 150 1 11 8 31 3 91 18 11 169 300 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 82.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Launches-Continued Diesel engine driven Gasoline engine driven Interisland Diesel engine driven Class and item Num- ber of Num- opera- ber of Total net ton- tors re- units nage ca- porting pacity Total pas- senger capacity Number Total pas- of opera- Number net ton- tors re- of units nage ca- senger porting pacity capacity Total Number Total Total pas- of opera- Number net ton- tors re- of units nage ca- senger pacity capacity porting Total.. Form of ownership 105 190 2,844 3,098 29 38 311 679 6 7 825 1,848 Individuals. Partnerships. Associations. Corporations... Government agencies.. Year established 85 66122 159 2,202 2,145 25 5 9 142 253 1 45 26 221 34 221 268 88998 633 1 1 68 236 21 10 19 424 571 5 6 757 1,612 2 31 103 1 1 5 15 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934.. 60 122 1,534 1,433 23 14 15 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. 267 627 4 21 37 420 652 1 844 29 226 469 31 200 45 132 1 68 236 3 468 3 289 1,320 292 5 11 Prior to 1910.... 544 262 Year not reported. 5 5 79 124 1 1 9 10 Size of total assets Under P 100. P 100 to P 499 2 P 2 500 to P 13 17 999 P1,000 to P 10 42 651 10 2,499. P2,500 to P 24 24 184 312 15 4,999. 18 P5,000 to P 25 270 304 9,999 16 16 288 428 10,000 to P 49,999. 26 59 P50,000 to P 99,999. 1,161 1,453 16 0625 66429 1 6 59 70 169 182 2350 262 13 150 15 6 2 16 166 562 P100,000 to P499,999. 2 4 25 124 701 382 1,466 5 105 P500,000 to P999,999. 1 1 6 12 Size of gross receipts Under P 500_. 500 to P 999. P1,000 to P 2,499. P2,500 to P 4,999. P5,000 to P 9,999. 20 P10,000 to P 24,999. P25,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P249,999.. 72732781 1888588 7 75 127 29 6 12 82 86 11 14 119 90 28 295 366 77 297 145 240 11 165 59 906 527 30 121 38 805 1,068 28 476 684 1 4 45 3 60 24927 21825 126 24 124 701 382 1,466 Citizenship of oper- ator 236 Philippines.... 85 159 China.. 2,202 2,145 24 30 223 633 1 1 68 Japan.. Partnerships, associations, corporations and govern- ment agencies.... 1 4 45 20 31 642 953 4 4 43 46 5 6 757 1,612 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 301 TABLE 83.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES-QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased Wood Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline Province Per cent Pesos distri- bution Quantity (Cord) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Tons) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Liters) Pesos Per cent of total PHILIPPINES.. 251,380 100.0 274 2,829 1.1 123 2,166 0.9 123,534 19,484 7.8 Agusan... 1,533 0.6 Albay.. 12,773 5.1 Cagayan.. 12,093 4.8 128 190 1.6 55,149 9,055 74.9 Camarines Sur. 3,058 1.2 1,380 249 8.1 Cebu.... 50,108 19.9 50 10 (¹) 3 54 0.1 7,133 1,220 2.4 Cotabato.. 7,906 3.1 Davao.. 28,724 11.4 15 ་་ 15 0.1 13,480 2,066 7.2 Iloilo.... 62,245 24.8 24 576 0.9 Lanao... 2,080 0.8 7,291 747 35.9 Leyte.. 5,650 2.2 25 12 0.2 4,750 775 13.7 Manila, City of... 2,556 1.0 96 1,536 60.1 Misamis Occidental. 3,527 1.4 Misamis Oriental.. 7,646 3.0 2 45 0.6 Pangasinan.. 804 0.3 Rizal..... 6,917 2.8 Samar.... 15,044 6.0 Sulu... 749 0.3 Surigao.. 698 0.3 Tayabas.. 5,432. 2.2 50 2,500 46.0 Zamboanga.. 10,174 4.0 All other provinces. 11,663 4.6 4 57 0.5 19,600 1,451 2,940 19.5 244 32.6 1,330 240 2.4 11,970 1,948 16.7 Kerosene Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Diesel oil Electricity purchased Province Quantity (Liters) Pesos Per cent Quantity Per cent Quantity Pesos of total (Liters) of total (Tons) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (KWH) Per Per cent Pesos of total PHILIPPINES.. 55,903 5,704 2.3 39,173 3,504 1.4 4,053 217,530 86.5 850 163 0.1 Agusan... Albay. 146 Cagayan.... 3,684 374 3.1 Camarines Sur.. Cebu..... 3,837 362 0.7 950 295850 1,533 100.0 12,773 100.0 2,474 20.5 2,809 91.9 48,299 96.4 850 163 0.3 Cotabato 920 96 1.2 176 7,810 98.8 Davao.. 30,699 Iloilo.... 3,072 10,828 1,193 10.7 17,200 1,368 1.9 4.8 371 22,203 77.3 1,128 Lanao.. 60,476 97.2 24 1,333 64.1 Leyte.. 300 30 0.5 16,550 1,600 28.3 63 3,233 57.2 Manila, City of.. 21 1,020 39.9 Misamis Occidental. 64 3,527 100.0 Misamis Oriental. Rizal.... Pangasinan.. 1,760 172 2.2 350 35 0.5 147 7,394 96.7 600 57 7.1 15 747 92.9 132 6,917 100.0 Samar.. Sulu... 327 Surigao. 833 36 34 0.2 97 10 0.1 227 12,060 80.2 97 13.0 7 408 54.5 14 698 100.0 Tayabas. Zamboanga.. 407 39 0.7 57 2,893 53.3 All other province. 1,228 132 1.3 4,800 480 46 0.4 176 480 11 4.7 173 9,322 91.6 0.1 205 9,601 82.3 I 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 302 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 84.-OPFRATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES, MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased Wood Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline Class and item Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Total.. 251,380 100.0 2,829 1.1 2,166 0.9 19,484 7.8 Form of ownership Individuals. 137,172 54.6 2,594 1.9 Partnerships. 9,214 3.7 Associations.. 2,433 1.0 1 1 Corporations... 98,673 39.3 235 0.2 Government agencies. 3,888 1.5 1,536 1.1 16,376 11.9 504 5.5 70 2.9 630 0.6 2,323 2.4 211 5.4 Year established 1935 to 1938.. 96,128 38.2 37 (1) 1930 to 1934... 63,274 25.2 576 1925 to 1929.. 61,853 24.6 2,735 4.4 1,590 1920 to 1924... 21,053 8.4 57 0.3 1 Year not reported. 9,072 3.6 13.269 13.8 0.9 1.782 2.8 2.6 3,338 5.4 775 3.7 320 3.5 1 Size of total assets Under P 100... 120 (1) P 100 to P 499... 508 0.2 P 500 to P 999... 5,986 2.4 2,512 42.0 1,057 17.7 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 22,034 8.8 5,885 26.7 P 2,500 to P 4,999. 12,834 5.1 15 0.1 4,762 37.1 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 28,149 11.2 235 0.8 3,518 12.5 P 10,000 to 49,999. P 50,000 to P 99,999. 81,572 32.4 10 (1) 1,536 1.9 2,267 2.8 29,716 11.8 57 0.2 26 0.1 P100,000 to P499,999 68,086 27.1 630 0.9 1,194 1.8 P500,000 to 999,999. 2,375 0.9 775 32.6 Size of gross receipts Under P 500.. 1,180 0.5 408 34.6 P00 to P 999 3,976 1.6 12 0.3 872 21.9 P 1,000 to P 2,499 15,061 6.0 2,500 16.6 3,780 25.1 P 2,500 to P 4,999 11,308 4.5 986 8.7 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 39,699 15.8 205 0.5 9,912 25.0 P 10,000 to P 24,999 53,034 21.1 55 0.1 250 0.5 P 25,000 to P 99,999. 62,260 24.8 57 0.1 1,590 2.6 3,234 5.2 P100,000 to P249,999. 64,862 25.8 576 0.9 42 0.1 Citize ship of operator Philippines. 131,951 52.5 2,594 2.0 14,560 11.0 China... 1,536 0.6 1,536 100.0 Japan. 3,085 1.5 1,816 49.3 Partnerships, associations, corpora tions, and government agencies. 114,208 45.4 235 0.2 630 0.6 3,108 2.7 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 303 TABLE 84.-OPERATORS OF MOTOR LAUNCHES MOTORBOATS, AND FERRIES COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Kerosene Diesel oil Electricity purchased Class and item Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Total.... 5,704 2.3 3,504 1.4 217,530 86.5 163 0.1 Form of ownership Individuals. 4,644 3.4 1,869 1.4 110,152 80.3 Partnerships.. 8,711 94.5 Associations.. 12 0.5 2,351 96.6 Corporations... 951 1.0 1,635 1.7 92,899 94.1 Government agencies. 97 2.5 3,417 87.9 163 4.2 Year established 1935 to 1938... 2,274 2.4 484 0.5 80,064 83.3 1930 to 1934. 436 0.7 6 (1) 60,474 95.6 1925 to 1929. 2,249 3.6 35 0.1 51,743 83.7 163 0.3 1920 to 1924. 205 1.0 1,611 7.7 18,405 87.4 Year not reported. 540 6.0 1,368 15.1 6,844 75.4 Size of total assets Under P 100.... 120 100.0 P100 to P 499... 29 5.7 479 94.3 P 500 to P 999 54 0.9 2,363 39.5 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 1,137 5.2 10 (1) 15,002 68.1 P2,500 to P 4,999. 269 2.1 12 0.1 7,776 60.6 P5,000 to P 9,999. 2,283 8.1 1,871 6.6 20,242 71.9 P 10,000 to P 49,999. 1,408 1.7 76,351 93.6 P 50,000 to P 99,999. P100,000 to P499,999... 294 1.0 11 (1) 29,328 98.7 230 0.3 65,869 96.7 163 0.2 P500,000 to P999,999. 1,600 67.4 Size of gross receipts Under P 500 ... 2 0.2 770 65.3 P 500 to P 999 170 4.3 2,922 73.5 P1,000 to P 2,499. 223 1.5 10 0.1 8,548 56.8 P2,500 to P 4,999 323 2.9 1,612 14.3 8,387 74.2 P 5,000 to P 9,999. 2,519 6.3 468 1.2 26,595 67.0 P10,000 to P 24,999. 750 1.4 1,403 2.6 50,576 95.4 P 25,000 to P 99,999__ 1,492 2.4 11 (1) 55,876 89.7 P100,000 to P249,999. 225 0.3 63,856 98.4 163 0.3 Citizenship of operator Philippines. 3,610 2.7 1,869 1.4 109,317 82.8 China... Japan.. 1,034 28.1 835 22.7 Partnerships, associations, corpora tions, and government agencies.. 1,060 0.9 1,635 1.4 107,378 94.0 163 0.1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 304 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 85.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Persons employed and salaries paid Employees not paid salaries or wages Owners and members Number of other per- PHILIPPINES. Albay... Antique... Batangas.. Bohol Cagayan.. Camarines Sur. Capiz.... Total Number of Total Province operators reporting assets (Pesos) gross receipts (Pesos) Total number of Total of family persons employed persons not paid salaries or Males Females sons not paid salaries or wages wages 518 672,148 399,152 4,934 2,794 1,044 399 1.351 136 HING ON AN OD BOL 3,300 400 2,090 49 940 26 42,807 18,299 244 112 64,579 52,913 848 576 7,588 4,340 32 6,500 4,340 34 16,780 5,269 92 2,250 906 19 21,991 16,698 374 183 16,168 10,949 191 76,588 33,608 567 254 85,484 58,218 224 17,821 16,010 117 149,360 71,037 492 206 10,406 1,860 73 PAR HOOD 152 18 9 CONN BE 2222 14 6 16 27 12 34776 2 89 397 5 1 5 7 220 21 2 71 22 90 15 11 72 29 74 32 15 HELLE 11 171 16 45 12 15 100 7 34 822 601 35 9 14 14,677 7,648 163 158 94 41 23 2,913 2,734 110 48 22 10 3,000 2,674 22 2 8 8,292 5,061 87 58 27 5 26 5 2,300 4,199 37 11 5 20,213 16,411 774 724 299 160 265 1,875 380 16 3 30 7,570 18,678 98 14 18 10 4,816 2,828 81 35 18 13 83 23 10,521 25,483 73,127 14,978 97 32 9 16 59 6 2 Cavite. Cebu.... Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur... Iloilo.... Leyte.. Mindoro.. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental... Palawan... Pangasinan. Rizal.... Romblon... Sorsogon. Sulu.... Surigao. Tayabas... Zambales.. Zamboanga.. All other provinces. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 305 TABLE 85.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, su- pervisors, and others holding executive, managerial or super- visory positions Province Number of persons paid salaries Total salaries or wages paid (Pesos) or wages Number of wages paid persons (Pesos) Office employees, ste- nographers, and others performing routine office work Salaries or Number of persons Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) Number of persons Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) PHILIPPINES. 2,140 147,326 84 12,580 37 3,720 2,019 131,026 Albay Antique.. Batangas.. 132 Bohol... 272 Cagayan.. Camarines Sur Capiz.... Cavite. Cebu..... 191 Ilocos Norte. 165 Ilocos Sur... 313 Iloilo.... Leyte.. 134 Mindoro.... Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental.. Palawan... Pangasinan. Rizal.... 286 Romblon.. Sorsogon.. Sulu... Surigao. Tayabas. Zambales... Zamboanga. All other provinces. BAR BERE 8 ON 288 22 30 1,505 1 180 2 144 16 270 7,377 3 744 13,320 20 1,666 252 14 474 1 80 25 2,132 64 3,411 17 663 9,219 6,937 11,777 19,431 10 12 100 04 528 1 84 800 363 2. 5 126 480 183 800 157 615 940 74 20 296 1,233 126 3,380 25,404 13 2,879 2 420 271 1,467 1 420 608 210 687 1 120 800 29 337 608 415 2,403 11 1,535 13 219 60 8,073 1,147 21,945 4,066 41 4 1,260 450 1 320 220 28 8 222 228 82 27 1,181 16 270 1290 6,633 11,654 13 394 25 2,132 58 2,799 17 3663 7,939 5,774 11,142 17,258 3,380 22,105 16 1,047 608 210 On 567 1000 337 100 608 415 649 60 8,073 1,147 20,685 3,296 TRANSPORTATION 306 TABLE 86.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Persons employed and salaries paid Employees not paid salaries or wages Owners and members Other per Class and item Number of operators reporting Total assets (Pesos) Total gross receipts (Pesos) Total number of Total persons employed persons not paid of family sons not salaries or Males Females paid salaries wages or wages Total.. 518 672,148 399,152 4,934 2,794 1,044 399 1,351 Form of ownership Individuals. 483 Partnerships.. Associations. Corporations.. Year established 1935 to 1938... 8958885 627,443 40,235 366,322 4,534 2,629 990 29,554 351 128 3,770 2,406 41 29 700 870 8 8 82280 393 1,246 24 5 99 1 6 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919... 1910 to 1914.... 284 265,526 178,655 2,467 1,564 599 298 667 133 143,066 84,174 1,275 644 271 50 323 48 89,239 56,009 477 234 93 30 111 27 117,497 45,333 318 165 60 17 .88 14 24,830 20,771 181 64 10 54 6 21,950 5,960 94 70 10 3 57 1 95 2,000 1,150 21 21 1 20 8,040 7,100 101 32 1 31 Prior to 1910.... Year not reported. Size of total assets Under P 100. 82 4,979 8,419 467 426 165 97 164 P 100 to P 499. 182 48,548 54,358 1,315 930 392 152 386 P 500 to P 999__ 113 83,645 68,493 1,097 543 207 51 285 P 1,000 to P 2,499 P2,500 to P 4,999. P 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P49,999. P50,000 to P99,999. 102 175,791 113,145 1,148 571 215 68 288 19 66,940 40,496 306 65 24 4 37 11 79,103 29,090 375 190 25 18 147 8 143,345 71,677 216 69 16 9 44 1 69,797 13,474 10 Size of gross receipts Under P 500.... 344 176,497 63,383 2,452 1,800 760 302 500 to P 999. P P 1,000 to P 2,499.. P 2,500 to P 4,999. P 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P24,999. P25,000 to P99,999. Citizenship of operator 70 83,249 45,688 745 414 143 83 179,906 136,056 1,151 414 101 11 58,198 39,102 329 125 27 6 40,141 39,617 75 29 9 22220 738 242 283 72 11 22 74,597 23,474 59,560 38 51,832 144 12 4 18 3 Philippines... United States.. China... Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies.. Number of employees Under 10 persons.... 10 to 19 persons. 20 to 29 persons.. 30 to 39 persons.. 50 to 69 persons. 70 to 99 persons.. 100 to 149 persons.. 480 988-24 1 621,803 2,600 3,040 364,943 4,515 2,625 988 393 1,244 240 6 1,139 13 4 2 2 35 44,705 32,830 400 165 54 6 105 315 198,432 119,245 1,786 1,213 565 150 498 173 20 249,906 123,850 41,288 170,853 2,070 1,082 329 187 566 530 341 65 57 219 4 16,400 5,250 125 21 33 12 4 63,859 32,389 215 125 73 5 47 1 10,301 25,443 92 1 9,400 4,684 116 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 307 Class and item Number of persons paid salaries or wages Total salaries or wages paid (Pesos) TABLE 86.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, su- pervisors, and others holding executive, managerial or super- visory positions Office employees, ste- nographers, and others performing routine office work Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Salaries or wages paid Number of Salaries or wages paid Number of Salaries or wages paid Number of persons persons (Pesos) (Pesos) persons (Pesos) Total.... 2,140 147,326 84 12,580 37 3,720 2,019 131,026 Form of ownership Individuals. 1,905 133,575 Partnerships... 223 12,751 886 78 11.572 1,008 32 25 Associations. 12 1,000 2,920 800 1,795 119,083 212 10.943 12 1,000 Corporations. Year established 1935 to 1938 903 71,751 56 0 1930 to 1934... 631 39,107 13 1925 to 1929. 243 17,198 1920 to 1924. 153 12,330 1915 to 1919. 117 4.059 1910 to 1914. 4 24 929 633348 6,111 4,308 15 273 705 659 B1211 1,717 832 63,923 1,050 607 33,749 433 238 16,492 320 149 11,305 180 112 3,220 164 21 765 Prior to 1910.... 6 5 Year not reported. 69 1,952 2! 360 7 20 20 60 1,572 8 Size of total assets 7 7 Under P 100. 4 41 1,332 P100 to P 499. 385 14,884 P 500 to P 999: 554 28,439 20 1,000 to 2,499. 577 33,845 P2,500 to P 4,999. 241 19,720 3 P5,000 to 9,999. 185 12,176 P10,000 to $49,999. 147 P50,000 to P99,999 33,488 10 3,442 16224641 240 2,528 2,007 2,252 1,813 2,030 1,260 450 33218721 10 37 1,082 373 356 11,983 480 532 25,952 240 554 31,353 264 219 17,643 1,600 172 8,546 433 141 31,795 320 8 2,672 Size of gross receipts Under P 500. 652 22,535 31 P 500 to P 999. 331 P1,000 to P 2,499. 16,008 P2,500 to P 4,999 737 50,995 P5,000 to 9,999. P10,000 to $24,999. 204 13,451 3722 17 2,572 2,030 4,876 18 863 603 19,100 314 13,978 960 46 7,971 38 4,414 132 31,952 34 3 882 4 1,260 186222 324 702 45,795 5 800 197 11,691 800 44 7,171 500 33 3,032 433 126 30,259 $25,000 to 99,999. Citizenship of operator Philippines.. 1,890 132,799 77 United States.. 6 344 1 11,483 89 32 22 2,920 1,781 118,396 5 255 9 432 China.... 9 482 and government agencies. Partnerships, associations, corporations, 235 13,751 6 1,008 5 800 224 11,943 Number of employees 20 to 29 persons. 30 to 39 persons. 10 to 19 persons. Under 10 persons.. 573 988 189 27,782 63,551 12,971 30 2,464 37 6,684 2,172 92 1,656 100 to 149 persons. 70 to 99 persons. 50 to 69 persons.. 90 16,007 92 21,945 4 1,260 116 3,414 138383 11 3522 13 353 530 24,965 15 1,634 936 55,233 500 174 10,299 92 1,656 433 88 15,574 88 20,685 مد 5 800 111 2,614 308 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 87.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-TOTAL ASSETS BY PROVINCES: 1938 Operators reporting Assets Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) Province Total Number Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Per cent distribution PHILIPPINES.... 518 100.0 672,148 100.0 489,595 72.8 100.0 Albay..... Antique.. Batangas. Bohol... Cagayan.. Camarines Sur... Capiz.... Cavite... Cebu.... Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur... Iloilo.... Leyte.. Min doro... Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental.. Palawan... Pangasinan. Rizal. Romblon.... Sorsogon 545 Sulu... Surigao. Tayabas.. Zambales.. Zamboanga.... All other provinces.. 136 HENAGONTAN ... L 1.4 3,300 0.5 2,800 84.8 0.6 0.8 400 0.1 400 100.0 0.1 3.1 42,807 6.4 36,400 85.0 7.4 15.8 64,579 9.6 49,684 76.9 10.1 1.4 7,588 1.1 3,609 47.6 0.7 0.8 6,500 1.0 2,300 35.4 0.5 1.9 16,780 2.5 14,920 88.9 3.0 0.6 2,250 0.3 2,250 100.0 0.5 6.9 21,991 3.3 14,870 67.6 3.0 1.5 16,168 2.4 13,732 84.9 2.8 9.5 76,588 11.4 60,311 78.7 12.3 3.7 85,484 12.7 60,829 71.2 12.4 1.2 17,821 2.7 14,100 79.1 2.9 8.1 149,360 22.2 95,482 63.9 19.5 1.0 10,406 1.5 6,148 59.1 1.3 2 0.4 822 0.1 822 100.0 0.2 4.6 14,677 2.2 13,957 95.1 2.9 2.5 2,913 0.4 2,568 88.2 0.5 2 0.4 3,000 0.4 2,800 93.3 0.6 1.7 8,292 1.2 7,365 88.8 1.5 1.0 2,300 0.3 1,600 69.6 0.3 26.3 20,213 3.0 12,595 62.3 2.6 2 0.4 1,875 0.3 400 21.3 0.1 12 2.3 7,570 1.1 6,185 81.7 1.3 1.9 4,816 0.7 4,716 97.9 1.0 23 0.4 10,521 1.6 3,168 30.1 0.6 0.6 73,127 10.9 55,584 76.0 11.4 Assets-Continued Province Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total PHILIPPINES..... 80,177 11.9 67,360 10.0 35,016 5.2 Albay..... Antique.. 300 9.1 200 6.1 Batangas. Bohol... 4,600 10.7 1,307 3.1 500 1.2 Cagayan. 6,375 9.9 8,135 12.6 385 0.6 2,720 35.8 209 2.8 Camarines Sur.. 1,050 13.8 Capiz... 1,200 18.5 1,500 23.1 1,500 23.1 Cavite... 1,000 6.0 260 1.5 600 3.6 Cebu.. Ilocos Norte. 1,845 8.4 5,046 22.9 230 1.0 2,000 12.4 436 2.7 Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.... 5,850 PET 7.6 10,100 0.4 13.2 327 Leyte.. 6,297 7.4 4,211 16.5 4.9 14,147 1,400 Mindoro... 7.9 2,321 13.0 Negros Occidental.. 35,380 23.7 13,968 9.4 4,530 3.0 3,718 35.7 428 1.1 4.1 112 Negros Oriental... Palawan..... Pangasinan. 720 4.9 0.5 Rizal.... 330 11.3 15 Romblon 200 6.7 3.5 640 7.7 287 Sorsogon... Sul u.. 200 8.7 500 21.7 Surigao. 5,932 29.3 0.9 1,495 7.4 191 Tayabas... 1,100 58.7 375 20.0 0.1 Zambales.. 1,380 18.2 5 100 2.1 Zamboanga.. All other provinces.... 160 68.4 1.5 7,193 5.4 13,599 18.6 3,944 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 309 TABLE 88.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTAB- LISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Operators reporting Assets Class and item Total Number Per cent distribution Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, automobiles, etc.) Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Per cent distribution Total...... 518 100.0 672,148 100.0 489,595 72.8 100.0 Form of ownership Individuals.. 483 Partnerships.. Associations.... Corporations... 8888888 93.2 627,443 93.3 448,690 71.5 91.6 5.0 40,235 6.0 37,105 92.2 7.6 5 1.0 3,770 0.6 3,100 82.2 0.6 4 0.8 700 0.1 700 100.0 0.1 Year established 1935 to 1938. 284 54.8 265,526 39.5 177,899 67.0 36.3 1930 to 1934... 133 25.7 143,066 21.3 103,938 72.7 21.2 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924 1915 to 1919.. 48 9.3 89,239 13.3 65,254 73.1 13.3 27 5.2 117,497 17.5 94,564 80.5 19.3 14 2.7 24,830 3.7 18,550 74.7 3.8 1910 to 1914... 6 1.2 21,950 3.3 21,250 96.8 4.3 Prior to 1910.... Year not reported.. 16 0.2 2,000 0.3 2,000 100.0 0.4 5 1.0 8,040 1.2 6,140 76.4 1.3 Size of total assets Under P 100. 100.... 82 15.8 4,979 0.7 4,815 96.7 1.0 P100 to P 499. 499... 182 35.1 48,548 7.2 42,701 88.0 8.7 P500 to P 999. 999... 113 21.8 83,645 12.4 71,837 85.9 14.7 P1,000 to P 2,499... 102 19.7 175,791 26.2 135,830 77.3 27.7 19 3.7 11 2.1 8 1.5 1 0.2 P2,500 to P 4,999. P5,000 to P 9,999.. P10,000 to P49,999. P50,000 to P99,999.- Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 344 66.4 176,497 26.3 124,510 70.5 25.4 500 to P 999... 70 13.5 83,249 12.4 67,216 80.7 13.7 P1,000 to P 2,499. P2,500 to P 4,999... 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to $24,999.. 83 16.0 179,906 26.8 125,581 69.8 25.7 11 2.1 58,198 8.7 55,400 95.2 11.3 6 1.2 40,141 6.0 24,200 60.3 4.9 2 0.4 74,597 11.1 54,784 73.4 11.2 2 0.4 59,560 8.9 37,904 63.6 7.7 66,940 10.0 50,940 76.1 10.4 79,103 11.8 64,575 81.6 13.2 143,345 21.3 66,613 46.5 13.6 69,797 10.4 52,284 74.9 10.7 $25,000 to P99,999... Citizenship of operator Philippines.... United States.. China..... Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies.. 480 92.7 621,803 92.5 443,150 71.3 90.5 1 0.2 2,600 0.4 2,500 96.2 0.5 2 0.4 3,040 0.5 3,040 100.0 0.6 385 6.8 44,705 6.7 40,905 91.5 8.4 310 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 88.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTAB LISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Assets-Continued Land and buildings Cash Class and item Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 80,177 11.9 67,360 10.0 35,016 5.2 Total... Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships.. Associations.... Corporations.. 78,427 12.5 65,390 1,750 4.3 1,300 10.4 3.2 34,936 80 670 17.8 04 5.6 0.2 62 Year established 1935 to 1938.. 52,087 19.6 21,635 8.1 1930 to 1934.. 13,905 5.2 17,040 11.9 19,974 14.0 2.114 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919.. 1910 to 1914. 1.5 5,150 5.8 4,552 5.1 14,283 16.0 2,600 2.2 15,869 13.5 4,464 3.8 1,800 7.2 4,430 17.8 50 0.2 500 2.3 200 Prior to 1910.... 0.9 Year not reported.. 1,500 18.7 400 5.0 Size of total assets Under P 100... 149 3.0 15 0.3 P 100 to P 499... 1,869 3.8 3,753 7.7 225 P 500 to P 999. P 1,000 to P 2,499. P 2 600 to P 4,999. P 5,000 to P 9,999... P10,000 to P49,999... .0.5 3.475 4.2 8,273 10.0 60 0.1 19,615 11.2 16,743 9.5 3,603 2.0 6,700 10.0 7,300 10.9 2,000 3.0 13,238 16.7 1,128 1.4 162 0.2 35,280 24.6 16,415 11.5 25,037 17.5 P50,000 to P99,999--- 13,599 19.5 3,914 5.6 Size of gross receipts Under P. 500... 29,437 16.7 21,187 12.0 1.363 0.8 P P 1,000 to P 2,499... P 2,500 to P 4,999. P 5,000 to P 9,999... P10,000 to P24,999... 500 to P 999. . 6,743 8.1 6,653 8.0 2,637 3.2 37,737 21.0 13.196 7.3 3,392 1.9 300 0.5 2,498 4.3 5,500 13.7 8,041 20.0 2,400 6.0 300 0.4 15,599 20.9 3,914 5.2 160 0.3 186 0.3 21,310 35.8 P25,000 to P99,999... Citizenship of operator Philippines.. United States.. China.. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies.. 78,427 12.6 65,290 100 10.5 3.8 34,936 5.6 1,750 3.9 1,970 4.4 80 0.2 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 311 TABLE 89.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Employees paid salaries or wages Total wages and salaries All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Total Bat Owners and mem- bers of family Total Province Per cent Number distri- bution Persons Per cent of all employ- Other persons Males Females Persons Per cent of all employ- Pesos per em- ees ees Average Per cent ployee (Pesos) distri- bution PHILIPPINES... 4,934 100.0 2,794 56.6 1,044 399 1,351 2,140 43.4 147,326 100.0 Albay.... 49 1.0 Antique.. 26 0.5 Batangas. 244 4.9 112 Bohol.. 848 17.2 Cagayan.... 32 0.6 Camarines Sur. 34 0.7 Capiz..... 92 1.9 Cavite.. 19 0.4 Cebu..... 374 7.6 183 Ilocos Norte. 191 3.9 Ilocos Sur.... 567 11.5 Iloilo... 224 4.5 Leyte.. 117 2.4 Mindoro.... 492 10.0 206 Negros Occidental... 73 1.5 Negros Oriental.... 35 0.7 Palawan.. 163 3.3 Pangasinan. 110 2.2 Rizal.... 22 0.4 Romblon... 87 1.8 Sorsogon.. 37 0.7 Sulu.... 774 15.7 724 Surigao.. 16 0.3 Tayabas.. 98 2.0 RANG 82 88 28 22 38.8 38.5 45.9 67.9 56.3 26.5 30.4 2 10.5 48.9 13.6 254 44.8 40.2 41.9 41.9 76.7 65.7 96.9 72.7 45.5 58 66.7 43.2 93.5 299 37.5 Zambales.. 81 1.6 32.7 43.2 =°25°នទ៧៩ង ១៩១៦៨ខ្លះ”។ 27 5 7 34776 21 2 22 22 90 29 22 74 15 FREE 11 16 12 32 7 9 14 41 23 22 2 5 99 160 265 3 3 14 18 18 4 13 88 Zamboanga... 97 2.0 All other provinces... 32 0.6 69 5 5.2 28.1 16 1 42 BAN RENE 2018 22 87 ས8 8ཌ ཊྛaའཎྜ ཡཿ 30 16 61.2 61.5 1,505 270 132 54.1 7,377 272 32.1 13,320 14 43.8 474 25 73.5 2,132 64 69.6 3,411 89.5 663 191 51.1 9,219 165 86.4 6,937 55.2 11,777 134 59.8 19,431 145 58.1 3,380 286 58.1 25,404 23.3 1,467 34.3 608 3.1 210 27.3 687 54.5 337 33.3 608 56.8 415 6.5 2,403 62.5 67.3 60 8.073 56.8 1,147 94.8 21,945 239 71.9 4,066 BETH BBOTT BILO PIR22 24 22 25 1.0 0.2 5.0 9.0 0.3 1.4 2.3 0.5 48 6.3 04.7 38 8.0 13.2 50 2.3 89 17.2 86 1.0 0.4 42 0.1 23 0.5 28 0.2 0.4 0.3 48 1.6 6 (1) 5.5 25 0.8 14.9 2.8 Executives, etc. Salaries Province Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Office employees Salaries and wages paid Drivers, etc. Salaries and wages paid Persons Persons Pesos Per cent of total salaries Pesos Per cent of total salaries Persons Per cent of total Pesos salaries and wages and wages PHILIPPINES..... 84 12,580 8.5 37 3,720 2.5 2,019 131,026 88.9 Albay.... 1 180 12.0 2 144 9.6 27 1,181 78.5 Antique. 16 270 100.0 Batangas. Bohol Cagayan.... 188 744 10.1 129 6,633 89.9 20 1,666 12.5 252 11,654 87.5 80 16.9 13 394 83.1 Camarines Sur. 25 2,132 100.0 Capiz.... Cavite. 5 528 15.5 1 84 2.5 58 2,799 82.1 17 663 100.0 Cebu.... Ilocos Norte.. 6 800 8.7 3 363 5.2 Iloilo.... Ilocos Sur... 10 615 5.2 Leyte.. 4 940 4.8 25 74 480 5.2 183 7,939 86.1 800 11.5 157 5,774 83.2 20 0.2 296 11,142 94.6 1,233 6.3 126 17,258 88.8 68 3,380 100.0 Mindoro... Negros Occidental. 13 2,879 11.3 2 420 1.7 271 22,105 87.0 1 420 28.6 16 1,047 71.4 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 312 BURP TRANSPORTATION TABLE 89.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Executives, etc. Office employees Drivers, etc. Salaries Province Salaries and wages paid Salaries and wages paid Persons Persons Pesos Per cent of total salaries Per cent of total Persons Per cent Pesos Pesos salaries of total salaries and wages and wages Negros Oriental... Palawan.. Pangasinan. Rizal... Romblon... Sorsogon. Sulu.... Surigao.... Tayabas.. Zambales... Zamboanga.... All other provinces... 29 1 120 17.5 29 21 11 1,535 63.9 13 219 9.1 26 4 1 1,260 450 5.7 11.0 1 320 7.9 2021 22 2 608 100.0 5 210 100.0 567 82.5 337 100.0 608 100.0 415 100.0 649 27.0 10 60 100.0 66 8,073 100.0 46 1,147 100.0 88 20,685 94.3 21 3,296 81.1 TABLE 90.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EM PLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Employees paid salaries or wages Total Owners and members of Total Total wages and salaries Class and item family Per Num- cent ber distri- bution Persons Per cent of all em- Other persons Males Fe- males Per cent of all Persons Pesos Aver- age per em- Per cent distri em- ployees ployees (Pesos) ployee bution 2,794 56.6 1,044 399 1,351 2,140 43.4 147,326 69 100.0 Total.. 4,934 100.0 Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships 4,534 91.9 2,629 58.0 990 Associations... 351 7.1 128 36.5 Corporations... 41 0.8 29 70.7 8 0.2 8 100.0 182286 393 1,246 1,905 42.0 133,575 5 99 223 63.5 12,751 1 6 12 29.3 1,000 388885 70 90.7 57 8.7 0.7 19886 Year established 1935 to 1938.... 1930 to 1934. 2,467 50.0 1,564 63.4 599 298 1925 to 1929.. 1,275 25.8 644 50.5 271 1920 to 1924... 477 9.7 234 49.1 93 1915 to 1919. 318 6.4 165 51.9 60 1910 to 1914.. 181 88888 667 903 36.6 71,751 79 48.7 323 631 49.5 39,107 62 26.5 111 243 50.9 17,198 71 11.7 88 153 48.1 12,330 81 8.4 3.7 64 35.4 10 54 117 64.6 4,059 35 2.8 Prior to 1910. 94 1.9 70 74.5 10 Year not reported. 21 0.4 21 100.0 33 57 24 25.5 929 39 0.6 1 20 101 2.0 32 31.7 31 69 68.3 1,952 28 1.8 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 313 8 6 TABLE 90.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Employees paid salaries or wages Total Owners and members of family Total Total wages and salaries Class and item Num- ber Per cent distri- bution Per cent of all Other persons Persons Males em- Fe- males Per cent of all Aver- age per Per cent Persons Pesos em- em- distri- ployees ployees ployee bution (Pesas) Size of total assets Under 4 100 to P 100.... 499... 500 to P 999. 467 9.5 426 91.2 165 1,315 26.7 930 70.7 392 152 1,097 22.2 543 49.5 207 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 1,148 23.3 571 49.7 215 P2,500 to P 4,999. 306 6.2 65 21.2 24 P5,000 to P 9,999.... 375 7.6 190 50.7 25 5588 97 164 41 8.8 1,332 32 0.9 386 385 29.3 14,884 39 10.1 51 285 554 50.5 28,439 51 19.3 68 288 577 50.3 33,845 59 23.0 37 241 78.8 19,720 82 13.4 18 147 185 49.3 P10,000 to P49,999. 12,176 66 8.3 216 4.4 69 31.9 16 44 147 P50,000 to P99,999.. 68.1 33,488 228 22.7 10 0.2 10 100.0 3,442 344 2.3 Size of gross receipts Under P 500.... 2.452 49.7 1,800 73.4 760 302 738 652 P500 to P 999... 26.6 22,535 35 15.3 745 15.1 414 55.6 143 29 242 331 P 1,000 to P 2,499... P2,500 to P 4,999... P5,000 to P 9,999. 44.4 16,008 48 10.9 1,151 23.3 414 36.0 101 80 283 737 64.0 50,995 69 34.6 329 6.7 125 38.0 27 26 72 204 62.0 13,451 66 9.1 75 1.5 29 38.7 9 9 11 46 61.3 P10,000 to P24,999.. 7,971 173 5.4 38 0.8 P25,000 to P99,999. 38 100.0 4,414 116 3.0 144 2.9 12 8.3 4 3 5 132 91.7 31,952 242 21.7 Citizenship of operator Philippines... 4,515 United States. 91.5 2,625 58.1 988 393 1,244 1,890 - 41.9 132,799 6 0.1 China... 6 100.0 344 13 0.3 4 30.8 Partnerships, associations, cor- 2 2 9 69.2 432 2588 70 90.1 57 0.2 48 0.3 porations, and government agencies.. 400 8.1 165 41.2 54 6 105 235 58.8 13,751 59 9.3 Number of employees 30 to 39 persons. 20 to 29 persons. 10 to 19 persons. Under 10 persons... 1,786 36.2 1,213 67.9 565 150 498 573 32.1 27,782 48 18.9 2,070 42.0 1,082 52.3 329 187 566 988 47.7 63,551 64 43.1 530 10.7 341 64.3 65 57 219 189 35.7 12,971 69 8.8 125 2.5 50 to 69 persons. 33 26.4 12 21 92 73.6 1,656 18 1.1 215 4.4 125 100 to 149 persons.- 70 to 99 persons... 58,1 73 5 47 90 41.9 16,007 178 10.9 92 1.9 92 100.0 21,945 239 14.9 116 2.4 116 100.0 3,414 29 2.3 314 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 90.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Executives, etc. Office employees Drivers, etc. Class and item Persons Salaries (Pesos) Per cent of total salaries Persons Salaries and wages Per cent Salaries of total paid salaries Persons and wages (Pesos) and wages paid (Pesos) Per cent of total salaries and wages Total...... $84 12,580 8.5 37 3,720 2.5 2,019 131,026 88.9 Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships. 888 78 11,572 8.7 32 6 1,008 7.9 886 2,920 2.2 1,795 119,083 89.2 5 800 6.3 212 10,943 85.8 Associations... 12 1,000 100.0 Corporations... Year established 1935 to 1938.. 56 1930 to 1934... 13 1925 to 1929... 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919.. 633348 2 6,111 8.5 15 1,717 2.4 832 63,923 89.1 4,308 11.0 11 1.050 2.7 607 33,749 86.8 273 1.6 2 433 2.5 238 16,492 95.9 705 5.7 1 820 2.6 149 11,305 91.7 659 16.2 1 180 4.4 112 3,220 79.8 164 17.7 21 765 82.3 360 18.4 7 20 1.0 60 1,572 80.5 1910 to 1914.... Prior to 1910. Year not reported... Size of total assets Under P 100.... P100 to P 499. P500 to P 999... 20 P 1,000 to P 2,499. 22 2,500 to P 4,999.... 14 5,000 to P 9,999.... P10,000 to P49,999... P50,000 to P99,999. LOL2LK4L 1 240 18.0 16 2,528 17.0 2,007 7.1 2,252 6.7 1,813 9.2 6 2,030 16.7 1,260 3.8 1 450 13.1 83218721 10 0.8 37 1,082 81.2 373 2.5 356 11,983 80.5 480 1.7 532 25,952 91.8 240 0.7 554 31,353 92.6 264 1.3 219 17,643 89.6 1,600 13.1 172 8,546 70.2 433 1.3 141 31,795 94.9 320 9.3 8 2,672 77.6 Size of gross receipts Under 500.... P 500 to P 999 P1,000 to P2,009 2.4.99 2,500 to P 4,999. P5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P24,999. 82228 31 2,572 11.4 18 863 3.8 603 19,100 84.8 17 2,030 12.7 314 13,978 87.8 27 4,876 9.6 960 7.1 882 20.0 P25,000 to P99,999.. 4 1,260 3.9 86222 324 0.6 702 45,795 89.8 800 5.9 197 11,691 86.9 800 10.0 44 7,171 90.0 500 11.8 33 3,032 68.7 433 1.4 126 30,259 94.7 Citizenship of operator Philippines... 77 11,483 8.6 32 United States.. 2,920 2.2 1 89 1,781 118,396 89.2 25.9 China... 5 255 74.1 Partnerships, associations, cor- 9 432 100.0 porations, and government agencies... 6 1,008 7.3 5 800 5.8 224 11,943 86.9 Number of employees Under 10 persons.... 30 2,464 8.9 13 10 to 19 persons.. 37 6,684 20 to 29 persons.. 10.5 15 18 2,172 16.7 30 to 39 persons.-- 50 to 69 persons.. 70 to 99 persons.. 3322 4 1,260 5.7 100 to 149 persons... 353 1.3 1,634 530 24,965 89.9 2.6 500 936 55.233 86.9 3.9 174 10,299 79.4 92 433 1,656 100.0 2.7 88 15,574 97.8 88 20,685 94.8 800 28.4 111 2,614 76.6 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 315 TABLE 91.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, BY TYPE OF EQUIPMENT, BY PROVINCES: 1938. All types of equipment Province Number of Total operators passengers reporting carried Total re- Total gross re- ceipts from Total net transpor- tonnage of ceipts from tation freight and freight and of passen- gers (Pesos) express express Type of transportation equipment Boats and ships Passengers carried Freight and express handled carried handled (Pesos) passengers of passen- Receipts from trans- Number of portation Net ton- gers Gross re- nage of ceipts from freight and freight and express carried (Pesos) express handled (Pesos) PHILIPPINES. 518 29,471 12,430 105,876 374,507 29,471 12,430 105,876 374,507 Albay.... 40 100 740 1,990 40 100 740 1,990 Antique. 157 940 157 940 Batangas.. 6,098 18,269 6,098 Bohol... Cagayan. Camarines Sur. Capiz.... Cavite.. Cebu.... Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.... Leyte.... Mindoro.... Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental..... Palawan... Pangasinan. Rizal.... Pomblon.. Sorsogon.. Sulu.... Surigao.. 136 Tayabas.. Zambales.. Zamboanga... All other provinces. CENOG ON AN ∞ 8 18,269 751 293 16,458 51,452 751 293 16,458 51,452 250 120 1,984 4,220 250 120 1,984 4,220 193 3,400 193 3,400 248 225 933 5,044 248 225 933 5,044 610 906 610 906 1,350 536 2,680 15,558 1,350 536 2,680 15,558 8,895 10,949 8,895 10,949 8,746 32,108 8,746 32,108 25,422 58,218 25,422 58,218 1,883 12,337 1,883 12,337 11 1 16,810 67,989 11 1 16,810 67,989 1,050 210 593 1,650 1,050 210 593 1,650 520 233 520 233 253 120 1,612 7,528 253 120 1,612 7,528 185 521 931 1,983 185 521 931 1,983 512 2,674 512 2,674 717 373 752 4,687 717 373 752 4,687 5 597 4,199 597 4,199 10,596 6,723 1,882 9,034 10,596 6,723 1,882 9,034 2 181 380 181 380 3,209 18,678 3,209 18,678 752 2,828 752 2,828 23 1,408 25,483 1,408 25,483 13,500 2,975 1,838 12,003 13,500 2,975 1,888 12,003 316 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 92.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. All types of equipment Type of transportation equipment Boats and ships Class and item Number of Total operators passengers reporting carried of passen- gers (Pesos) Total re- ceipts from Total net transpor- tonnage of ceipts from tation freight and freight and express carried express Total gross re- Passengers carried Freight and express handled handled Number of (Pesos) Receipts from trans- Net ton- Gross re- passengers of passen- portation freight and freight and nage of ceipts from express gers (Pesos) express carried handled (Pesos) Total...... 518 29,471 12,430 105,876 374,507 29,471 12,430 105,876 Form of ownership 374,507 Individuals.. Partnerships.. Associations.... Corporations.. 8888884 29,294 12,400 90,993 344,107 29,294 12,400 26 5 90,993 177 344,107 30 14,460 27,124 177 30 14,460 27,124 159 2,406 159 2,406 264 870 264 870 Year established 1985 to 1938... 284 12,899 6,985 1930 to 1934... 36,584 162,264 12,899 6,985 133 36,584 2,801 162,264 2,045 30,926 81,902 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919... 2,801 2,045 30.926 81,902 48 20,884 55,559 20,884 27 55,559 13,771 3,400 11,826 40,096 13,771 3,400 11,826 40,096 14 2,164 20,771 1910 to 1914. 2,164 20,771 6 1,958 Prior to 1910.... 5,760 1,958 5,760 1 230 Year not reported. 1,150 230 1,150 5 1,304 7,005 1,304 7,005 Size of total assets Under P100. 82 3,872 2,594 1.314 P100 to P 499. 5,692 3,872 2,594 1,314 5,692 182 7,997 5,013 11,226 46,644 P500 to P 999.... 7,997 5,013 11,226 46,644 113 3,160 1,597 14,141 66,895 1,000 to P 2,499... 3,160 1,597 14,141 66,895 102 942 251 32,939 106,824 942 251 2,500 to P 4,999. 32,939 106,824 19 6,204 37,186 6,204 37,186 P5,000 to P 9,999. 11 14,390 29,090 P10,000 to P49,999. 14,390 29,090 8 23,862 71,677 23,862 P50,000 to P99,999. 71,677 1 13,500 2,975 1,800 10,499 13,500 2,975 1,800 10,499 Size of gross receipts Under P500..... 344 13,467 8,548 P500 to P 999. 18,645 52,937 13,467 8,548 18,645 52,937 70 2,201 783 11,199 P1,000 to P 2,499. 2,500 to P 4,999... P5,000 to P 9,999.... P10,000 to P24,999.... 42,651 2,201 783 11,199 42,651 83 303 124 28,709 131,084 303 124 11 28,709 131,084 18,515 35,887 6 18,515 35,887 12,286 39,617 12,286 39,617 2 13,500 2,975 P25,000 to P99,999... 2 1,927 20,499 14,595 51,832 13,500 2,975 1,927 20,499 14,595 51,832 Citizenship of operator Philippines.... 480 United States.. China... 12 Partnerships, associations, cor- porations and government agencies.. 29,294 12,400 90,906 48 39 342,728 240 1,139 29,294 12,400 90,906 342,728 48 39 240 1,139 35 177 30 14,883 30,400 177 30 14,883 30,400 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 317 TABLE 93-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED BY TYPE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Number Total Total Number Type of equipment and province of oper- Number net ton- passen- ators re- of units nage ca- ger capa- porting pacity city Type of equipment and province Total Total of oper- Number net ton- passen- ators re- of units nage ca-ger capa- porting pacity city trailers Trucks and semi- Gasanol-fueled engine Boats and ships-Con. Sailboats-Con. Sulu.... Albay..... 1 11 24 Boats and ships Sailboats... 509 732 11,430 1,461 Albay..... Antique.. Batangas. 15 Bohol... Cagayan. Camarines Sur... Capiz.... 10 Cavite... Cebu.... Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur. Iloilo..... 19 Ley te.... Mindoro.. 41 Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Palawan... Pangasinan. 13 Rizal..... Romblon Sorsogon.. 7468740BTDC3205 8 63 42 7 28 65 Scows.. 35 700 117 1,590 102 17 204 40 Ilocos Norte. 5 62 Palawan.... 13 247 23 All other provinces..... 2111 3 43 45 400 57 Cascos... 7 294 63 4,072 Batangas. 27 652 Bohol... 3 6 88 Cebu.. 43 915 Sulu.. 7 79 2 9 30 499 20 128 8889 30 All other provinces.... 80 Launches.... 90 45 2 59 9 9 7 120 85 225 Diesel engine driven Iloilo.... 221 All other provinces... 1 1 136 Surigao... Zamboanga.. 233 Tayabas.. Zambales.. All other provinces... 820021 223 428 5 10 10 214 10 143 1 5 10 Cebu.... 2 3 1 4 126 7 8 181125 181112 ཡྻུཾཏྠསྶ ཝཱ །དྡྷ ཅི|ཌྭ༞ཡཿ 436 39 119 14 38 8 73 11 TABLE 94.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Trucks and semi-trailers Gasanol (including gastarla) fueled engine Boats and ships Sailboats Scows Class and item Number of oper- Number passen- ators re- of units porting Total Number Total ger ca- pacity of oper- Number net ton- ators re- of units porting Total Number passen- Total nage ca- pacity ger ca- pacity of oper- Number net ton- ators re- of units nage ca- porting pacity Total......... 1 11 24 509 732 11,430 1,461 5 10 144 Form of ownership Individuals. 1 11 24 Partnerships.. 23 Associations Corporations... Year established 1985 to 1938... 279 1930 to 1934. 1 11 24 133 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919. 1910 to 1914. Prior to 1910.. 13 Year not reported. Size of total assets 6 1 5 Under P100. 100... 100 to P 499.. 500 to 999. 180 11 24 110 1,000 to 2,499. 2,500 to P 4,999. 5,000 to P10,000 to 49,999. P50,000 to P99,999. 101 9,999. 800 82 18 10 12 CORE 4222 8224 842- 694 10,672 1,381 579 80 130 49 406 3,922 985 178 2,906 447 1,750 1,318 11 73 2314 41 2117 4 73 131 13 8 13 2 126 757 304 140 333 18 127 251 190 244 2,266 134 3,252 658 2 444 1 21 2 1 1 146 3,444 169 765 583 3 13 869 126 318 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 94.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Trucks and semi-trailers -Continued Gasanol (including gastarla) fueled engine Boats and ships Sailboats Scows Class and item Number of oper- Number passen- ators re- of units porting Total Number Total ger ca- pacity of oper- Number ators re- of units porting net ton- nage ca- Total passen- ger ca- Number Total pacity pacity of oper- Number net ton- ators re- of units nage ca- porting pacity Size of gross receipts Unter 4 500.... P500 to P 999. 1,000 to P 2,499.. 2,500 to P 4,999. P 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P24,999.. P25,000 to 99,999. Citizenship of operator 1 11 24 340 465 4,553 1,186 3 8 69 102 2,431 215 82 116 3,197 60 9 18 655 1 3 13 6 11 217 1 1 18 1 4 126 2 19 359 Philippines..... 1 11 24 478 United States.. China... Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies... Boats and ships-Continued 18289 817 25 691 10,656 1,379 4 7 131 14 2 12 754 80 1 3 13 Launches Cascos Diesel oil engine driven Class and item Number of operators reporting Number of units Total net tonnage Number of Number Total net Total capacity operators reporting of units tonnage passenger capacity capacity Total....... 7 8 67 2 5 81 119 Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships.. Associations... Corporations... Year established 1985 to 1988.. 1930 to 1984... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919.. 1910 to 1914.. Prior to 1910.... Year not reported.. Size of total assets Under 100.... P 100 to T 499. 499... P 500 to P 999. P1,000 to P 2,499. P2,500 to P 4,999. P5,000 to P 9,999.. P10,000 to P49,999. P50,000 to P99,999.. Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 500 to P 999. P1,000 to P 2,499.. P2,500 to P 4,999... P 5,000 to P 9,999... P10,000 to P24,999... P25,000 to P99,999... 7 8 67 2 421 81 119 3 51 1 412 1 1 8 12 1 4 73 12138 12122 12 1 412 1 1 8 1 73 119 4 15 1 1 1 1 8 3 51 73 119 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 319 TABLE 94.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Boats and ships-Continued Launches-Continued Cascos Continued Diesel oil engine driven-Continued Class and item Number of operators reporting Number of units Total net tonnage capacity Number of operators reporting Number of units Total net Total tonnage capacity passenger capacity Citizenship of operator Philippines.... 6 6 17 2 5 81 119 United States. China... 1 2 50 Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies. Wood TABLE 95.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased BY PROVINCES: 1938 Gasoline Kerosene Province Per cent Pesos distri- bution Quantity (Cord) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Liters) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Liters) Pesos Per cent of total PHILIPPINES. 3,278 100.0 3,945 1,360 41.5 120 18 0.5 4,544 440 13.4 Batangas.. 215 6.6 2,193 215 100.0 Bohol.... 267 8.1 369 232 86.9 120 18 Cagayan. 1 (1) 161 6.7 179 17 6.4 10 1 100.0 Cebu.... 29 0.9 25 12 41.4 184 17 58.6 Ilocos Norte.. 1 (¹) 10 1 100.0 Ilocos Sur... 14 0.4 14 14 100.0 Iloilo.... 171 5.2 1,450 36 21.1 Leyte 32 1.0 285 32 100.0 Mindoro... 117 3.6 35 35 29.9 888 Negros Occidental. 35 1.1 48 24 68.6 114 Palawan.. 4 0.1 40 Rizal.... 24 0.7 258 Romblon. 16 0.5 2 6 37.5 100 Sulu.... 3 0.1 2 1 33.3 25 Tayabas.. 1.026 31.3 2,000 1,000 97.5 258 ANOR HO 80 68.4 11 31.4 4 100.0 24 100.0 62.5 66.7 26 2.5 All other provinces. 1,323 40.4 Gasanol, gastarla, pure Diesel oil Electricity purchased alcohol, etc. Province Quantity (Liters) Pesos Per cent of total Quantity (Tons) Pesos Per cent of total Quantity (KWH) Pesos Per cent of total 20 2 0.1 25 1,323 40.4 6,750 135 4.1 PHILIPPINES. Batangas.. Bohol... Cagayan. Cebu... Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur... Iloilo... Leyte.. Mindoro... Negros Occidental. Palawan.. Rizal.... Romblon. Sulu... Tayabas.. All other provinces. 20 2 1.7 25 1,323 100.0 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 6,750 135 78.9 320 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 96.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZEN. SHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Class and item Total... Form of ownership Individuals... Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased Wood Gasoline Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 3,278 100.0 1,360 41.5 18 0.5 Partnerships... Associations.. 3,207 97.8 1,360 42.4 18 0.6 69 2.1 2 0.1 Year established 1935 to 1938.. 425 13.0 253 59.5 18 4.2 1930 to 1934 127 8.9 71 55.9 1925 to 1929. 171 5.2 36 21.1 1920 to 1924. 1910 to 1914.... Year not reported. Size of total assets Under P 100.... 100 to P 499.. 500 to P 999.. 2,349 71.7 1,000 42.6 24 0.7 182 5.6 17 0.5 7 41.2 135 4.1 112 83.0 1,118 34.1 1,064 95.2 P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 2,500 to P 4,999. 5,000 to P 9,999.. 451 13.8 133 29.5 18 4.0 36 1.1 63 1.9 44 69.8 P10,000 to P49,999.. 135 4.1 P50,000 to P99,999.. 1,323 40.4 Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 500 to P 999.. P 1,000 to P 2,499. P5,000 to P 9,999.. P10,000 to P24,999. P25,000 to P99,999.. 286 8.7 217 75.9 141 4.3 72 51.1 18 12.8 1,366 41.7 1,071 78.4 27 0.8 1,323 40.4 135 4.1 Citizenship of operator Philippines.. United States.. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies... 3,183 97.1 1,360 42.7 18 0.6 24 0.7 71 2.2 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 321 TABLE 96.-OPERATORS OF SAILBOATS-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZEN- SHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Kerosene Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Diesel oil Electricity purchased Class and item Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Per cent Pesos of total 440 13.4 2 0.1 1,323 40.4 135 4.1 Total.... Form of ownership Individuals... 369 11.5 2 0.1 1,323 41.3 135 4.2 Partnerships... 69 100.0 Associations.. 2 100.0 Year established 1935 to 1938. 154 36.2 1930 to 1934.. 54 42.5 2 1.6 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 135 78.9 1910 to 1914.... Year not reported.. 182 តឥដ្ឋ 26 1.1 1,323 56.3 24 100.0 100.0 Size of total assets Under P 100.... 10 58.8 P100 to P 499... 23 17.0 P500 to P 999. 54 4.8 P1,000 to P 2,499.. P2,500 to P 4,999. 298 66.1 2 0.4 36 100.0 P5,000 to P 9,999. 19 30.2 P10,000 to P49,999. P50,000 to P99,999... Size of gross receipts Under P 500... 500 to P 999. 1,000 to P 2,499.. P5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P24,999. 135 100.0 1,323 100.0 293 85850 24.1 36.2 27 21.4 100.0 2 0.1 1,323 100.0 135 100.0 P25,000 to P99,999.. Citizenship of operator Philippines.. 345 United States.. 24 10.8 100.0 Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies. 71 100.0 2 0.1 1,323 41.6 135 4.2 322 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 97.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Persons employed and salaries paid Employees not paid salaries or wages Class and item Number of opera- tors report- ing Total assets (Pesos) Total gross receipts (Pesos) Total number of Total per- Owners and members Other persons employed sons not of family persons paid sala- ries or not paid Males Females salaries or wages wages 13,160 175 104 51 20 Total...... Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships. Corporations.. Government agencies. Year established 1935 to 1938.. 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924.. 70 71,724,085 21,286,992 8281 1 38,918,681 12,360,869 3888 59 175,332 578,232 116,395 799 169 102 127,399 90 6 8 32,513,677 8,220,492 2021 47 20 4 3,974 8,297 80,024 155,525 323 111 18 664,327 905,067 612 4 40,270 111,747 63 Size of total assets 1915 to 1919... Prior to 1910... Under P 100.. 100 to P 499. P 500 to P 999 1,000 to P 2,499... 12 P 4,999. 4 2,125,993 1,846,904 891 1 407 1,000 2 ESPON 43 9 10 2 5 68,813,064 18,266,749 62252 66 34 1331 11 8 1 11,269 P49,999. 2,500 to 5,000 to P 9,999. P 10,000 to P 100,000 to P499,999. P1,000,000 or over.... Size of gross receipts 5 70,792,110 19,750,564 448226646 236 1,400 12 12 6,230 16,563 89 67 5,145 20,757 47 18,606 202,912 126 36 9,170 8,720 23 43,156 149,871 175 19 109,416 275,090 355 2548009 5 13 11 180088 6432246 7 17 6 3 3 740,016 861,115 474 11,859 Under 500. 500 to P P 1,000 to P 999. 2,499.. P 5,000 to P 9,999. 10,000 to P 24,999.. 25,000 to P 99,999.. P100,000 to P 249,999. P250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P8,000,000 or over... 6922383241 4,779 4,572 55 8,574 5,870 25 11 22,174 33,730 156 7.840 13,760 47 16,216 36,031 28 203,547 380,742 513 19 155,966 482,106 135 2469782 45 10 8953502 881859 11 1 7 1 513,379 579,617 342 4 31,873,429 1 38,918,681 12,360,869 7,389,695 3,562 8,297 Citizenship of operator Philippines.. 58 138,008 470,545 754 United States. 168 101 47 20 1 37,324 107,687 45 Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies. 1 1 11 71,548,753 20,708,760 12,361 6 2 4 Number of employees Under 10 persons.. 43 50,741 153,952 150 10 to 19 persons.. 9 11,253 197,531 110 20 to 29 persons.. 4 21,356 59,821 101 40 to 49 persons.. 1 50 to 69 persons. 70 to 99 persons.. 100 to 149 persons... 200 to 299 persons... 500 to 999 persons.. 1,000 persons or over. Province Iloilo.... Lanao.. Manila, City of. Rizal.... Surigao.. All other provinces. 135,685 298,688 2 16,625,263 2,588,036 3 54,165,847 17,162,528 42 54,564,119 17,830,360 51,998 332,139 1232123 87,324 107,687 45 487,589 372,328 121 168,107 260,045 239 20,920 86,876 252 19 1886 91 46 24 25 10 CA LUXE 62 17 12 18 4 11 1 4 284 1,399 10,459 632324 6 17,010,657 1,015 2,916,785 1,150 1,464 5 11,133 133 414 42,615 53,681 34,290 172,268 87 57 228888 76 18 228888 36 39 18 12 2 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 323 of TABLE 97.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-TOTAL ASSETS, GROSS RECEIPTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, AND SALARIES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Class and item Number of persons paid sala- Total salaries or ries or wages wages paid (Pesos) Persons employed and salaries paid-Continued Employees paid salaries or wages Executives, managers, superintendents, super- Office employees, ste- visors, and others hold-nographers, and others ing executive, mana- gerial or supervisory positions performing routine Drivers, conductors, engineers, members of crew, laborers, and all other employees Salaries or wages paid (Pesos) office work Number Salaries or Salaries or wages paid persons (Pesos) of Number persons wages paid (Pesos) Number of persons Total....... Form of ownership Individuals.. Partnerships... Corporations.. 12,985 7,955,876 187 911,695 1,334 1,063,179 11,464 5,981,002 630 119,906 84 38,401 67 2,808 11,160 24 27 11,584 10,476 597 53 3,974 3,096,611 71 529,088 156 162,760 3,747 105,514 16,765 2,404,763 Government agencies.. 8,297 4,700,958 103 368,639 1,127 878,359 7,067 3,453,960 Year established 1985 to 1938... 1980 to 1934. 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 212 49,772 569 248,220 11 54 881 21,144 698,201 4130 3,960 14 4,260 194 41,552 65,396 77 45,596 481 137,228 1,812 2 2,064 49 17,268 90,731 14 22,841 857 584,629 1915 to 1919... Prior to 1910.... 11,269 6,938,539 159 749,796 1,227 988,418 9,883 5,200,325 Size of total assets Under P 100... P 100 to P 499 22 3,244 22 3,244 500 to P 999... 23 3,277 23 8,277 1,000 to P 2,499... 90 12,280 2 576 88 11,704 2,500 to P 4,999... 15 3,672 15 63,672 5,000 to P 9,999. 156 38,960 ? 100,000 to 1 1 10,000 to P 49,999... P499,999. P1,000,000 or over... Size of gross receipts 346 474 68,337 371,222 11,859 7,454,884 166 18501 12 432 4 3,960 14 4,260 138 30,740 3 2,232 27 11,584 316 91,531 56 40,794 406 813,396 1,237 1,006, 541 10,456 54,521 238.897 5,634,947 Under P 500... 6 634 6 634 500 to P 999... 14 1,778 14 000 1,778 P 1,000 to 2,499. P2,499... 78 11,805 78 11,805 5,000 to P 9,999. 38 7,500 38 7,500 P 24,999. 0 Philippines.. United States.. Lanao... 99 persons. 100 to 149 persons. 200 to 299 persons. 500 to 999 persons. 1,000 persons or over. Province Iloilo...... Number of employees Under 10 persons. 10 to 19 persons. 20 to 29 persons.. 40 to 49 persons.. 50 to 69 persons. 70 to ? 10,000 to 25,000 to P 99,999. 100,000 to 250,000 to 1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P8,000,000 or over... Citizenship of operator Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies.. 21 2,188 21 2,188 494 113,978 6 11,580 49 19,996 439 82,402 P249,999... P999,999... 133 133,405 342 229,704 3,562 2,753,926 8,297 4,700,958 87 48,788 17 16,081 108 68,536 37,931 31 20,561 304 171,212 103 -88839 63 444,757 368,639 110 128,182 3,389 2,180,987 1,127 878,359 7,067 3,453,960 586 99,818 44 20,088 42 996 1,812 25 225 9,520 2,064 557 40 89,802 16,212 12,355 7,835,970 181 908,887 1,307 1,051,595 10,867 5,875,488 59 8,380 59 8,380 64 7,899 76 38,710 44 20,088 312 3 576 3,960 61 7,323 14 4,260 61 30,490 2 1,812 2 2,064 40 16,212 121 78,322 6 18,000 37 22,059 78 38,263 234 157,315 5 46,400 15 14,017 214 96,898 245 49,693 1 420 25 9,520 219 39,753 284 180,579 4 27,131 4 4,718 276 148,780 1,399 940,714 21 136,956 49 61,623 1,329 742,135 10,459 6,474,176 144 676,440 1,188 944,918 9,127 4,852,818 Manila, City of.. Rizal... Surigao. All other provinces. 1,462 3 11,000 6,861,466 990,427 24 147,756 76 77,466 1,362 765,205 3 290 290 157 761,131 382 59,869 4 996 1,231 25 974,129 9,612 5,126,206 9,520 353 49,353 84 22,416 84 22,416 54 21,408 2 1,812 2 2,064 50 17,532 324 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 98.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Operators reporting Assets Total Class and item Equipment (buses, trucks, boats, auto- mobiles, etc.) Number Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent of total Per cent distribution 100.0 38,172,142 53.2 100.0 TA Total.... 70 100.0 71,724,085 Form of ownership Individuals. 59 Partnerships.. Corporations... Government agencies. 1880 84.3 175,332 0.2 143,084 81.6 0.4 2.9 116,395 0.2 28,341 In 24.3 0.1 11.4 32,513,677 45.3 16,197,171 49.8 Pa 42.4 1.4 38,918,681 54.3 21,803,546 56.0 Co 57.1 G Year established 1935 to 1938 38 1930 to 1934 18 1925 to 1929 1920 to 1924 88888 54.3 80,024 0.1 59,198 74.0 0.2 25.7 664,327 0.9 437,798 65.9 1.1 5.7 40,270 0.1 34,455 19 85.6 0.1 5.7 2,125,993 3.0 1,431,892 19 67.4 8.6 1 1.4 407 95 (¹) 19 407 100.0 (¹) 7.1 68,813,064 95.9 19 36,208,392 52.6 949 P 1915 to 1919. Prior to 1910. Size of total assets Under P 100... P 100 to P 499... P 500 to P 999.. 1,000 to P 2,499... P 2,500 to P 4,999. P 5,000 to P 9,999 P 10,000 to P 49,999 P 100,000 to $499,999.. P1,000,000 or over... Size of gross receipts Under P P 500 to P 500... 999... P 1,000 to P 5,000 to P 2,499.. 9,999. P 10,000 to P 24,999. P 25,000 to P 99,999 448226646 192238424- 5.7 236 236 100.0 34.3 6,230 5,520 88.6 11.4 5,145 3,680 71.5 17.1 18,606 11,455 61.6 (1) 2.9 9,170 4,750 51.8 ccccc U (1) 8.6 43,156 0.1 29,304 67.9 7.1 109,416 0.2 101,266 92.6 5.7 740,016 1.0 406,745 55.0 7.1 70,792,110 98.7 37,609,186 53.1 1888 0.1 0.3 1.1 98.5 22.9 12.9 4,779 31.4 8.574 22,174 2.9 4.3 7,340 16,216 ceeee 3,406 71.3 6,716 78.3 17,379 78.4 2,820 38.4 11,504 70.9 00000 (4) 11.4 203,547 0.3 105,488 51.8 0.8 4.3 155,966 0.2 81,702 52.4 0.2 2.9 513,379 0.7 333,941 65.0 0.9 5.7 31,873,429 44.4 15,805,640 49.6 41.4 1.4 38,918,681 54.3 21,803,546 56.0 57.1 58 associations, corpora- 11 8-= 82.9 138,008 0.2 110,045 79.7 0.8 1 1.4 37,324 (1) 33,039 88.5 0.1 15.7 71,548,753 99.8 38,029,058 53.2 99.6 P 100,000 to P 249,999. P250,000 to P 999,999.. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P3,000,000 or over... Citizenship of operator Philippines. United States. Partnerships, tions, and government agencies... Province Iloilo... Lanao... Manila, City of.. Rizal.. Surigao.. All other provinces. 632324 8.6 17,010,657 23.7 4.3 60.0 1,015 3,336,496 19.6 8.7 (1) 460 45.3 54,564,119 (1) 76.1 18.6 51,998 34,700,075 63.6 90.9 0.1 2.9 44,215 85.0 0.1 42,615 0.1 5.7 41,500 97.4 0.1 53,681 0.1 49,396 92.0 0.1 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 325 TABLE 98.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-TOTAL ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Assets-Continued Class and item Land and buildings Cash Accounts and notes receivable Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 28,982,436 40.4 3,051,166 4.3 1,518,341 2.1 Total... Form of ownership Individuals. 25,103 14.3 2,210 1.3 4,935 Partnerships.. 2.8 37,509 32.2 6,385 5.5 44.160 Corporations... 37.9 14,334,554 44.1 1,504,013 4.6 477,939 1.5 Government agencies. 14,585,270 37.5 1,538,558 4.0 991,307 2.5 Year established 1935 to 1938 1930 to 1934 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919 Prior to 1910.... Size of total assets 15,253 19.1 2,927 3.7 2,646 3.3 151,076 22.7 6,689 1.0 68,764 10.4 1,500 3.7 526 1.3 3,789 9.4 268,192 12.6 227,497 10.7 198,412 9.3 28,546,415 41.5 2,813,527 4.1 1,244,730 1.8 Under P 100... 100 to P 499. 540 8.7 170 2.7 P 500 to P 999.. 1,175 22.8 140 2.7 150 2.9 1,000 to P 2,499.. 6,498 34.9 553 3.0 100 0.5 2,500 to P 4,999. 4,400 48.0 20 0.2 9,740 22.6 2,612 6.1 1,500 3.5 2,750 2.5 715 0.7 4,685 4.3 142,726 19.3 102,562 13.9 87,983 11.9 28,814,607 40.7 2,944,394 4.2 1,423,923 2.0 5,000 to P 9,999. 10,000 to P 49,999.. P100,000 to P499,999. P1,000,000 or over... Size of gross receipts Under P 500 to P ? 1,000 to P 5,000 to P P10,000 to P P25,000 to P 500.. 999 2,499. 9,999. 24,999.. 99,999. 100,000 to P 249,999.. 250,000 to P 999,999... P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. P3,000,000 or over.. 1,270 26.6 103 2.2 1,708 19.9 50 0.6 100 1.2 4,035 18.2 610 2.8 150 0.7 4,400 59.9 120 1.6 4,100 25.3 612 3.8 46,399 22.8 6,604 3.2 45,056 22.1 56,873 36.5 1,006 0.6 16,385 10.5 49,044 9.6 97,667 19.0 32,727 6.4 14,229,337 44.6 1,405,836 4.4 432,616 1.4 14,585,270 37.5 1,538,558 4.0 991,307 2.5 Citizenship of operator Philippines.. 25,103 18.2 1,714 1.2 1,146 0.8 United States... 496 1.3 3,789 10.2 ment agencies.. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- 28,957,333 40.5 3,048,956 4.3 1,513,406 2.1 Province Iloilo....... Lanao.... Manila, City of... Rizal.... Surigao.. All other provinces. 12,827,582 75.4 642,772 3.8 203,807 1.2 480 47.3 75 7.4 16,147,251 29.6 2,407,194 4.4 1,309,599 2.4 7,123 13.7 410 0.8 250 0.5 219 0.5 896 2.1 496 0.9 3,789 7.1 326 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 99.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS. SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. All employees Employees not paid salaries or wages Employees paid salaries or wages Total Owners and members of Total Total salaries and wages family Class and item Num- ber Per cent distribu- Per cent Other persons tion of all Persons Males employ- Fe- males Persons Per cent of all employ- Pesos per em- distri ployee Average Per cent ees ees (Pesos) bution Total..... 13,160 100.0 175 1.3 104 51 20 12,985 98.7 7,955,876 613 100.0 Form of ownership Individuals. 799 Partnerships.. 6.1 169 21.2 102 90 Corporations... 0.7 6 6.7 Government agencies. 3,974 30.2 221 8,297 63.0 Year established 1935 to 1938 323 2.5 1930 to 1934 612 4.7 1925 to 1929.. 63 0.5 1920 to 1924 891 6.8 1915 to 1919... Prior to 1910.... Size of total assets 2 (1) ཡཿཧྨཐཱཨ 111 34.4 43 7.0 9 14.3 10 1.1 2 100.0 66252 34 181 L331 11,269 85.6 47 20 630 4 84 3,974 8,297 78.8 119,906 190 1.5 93.3 38,401 457 0.5 100.0 3,096,611 779 38.9 100.0 4,700,958 567 59.1 212 65.6 49,772 235 0.6 569 93.0 248,220 436 3.1 54 85.7 21,144 392 0.3 881 98.9 698,201 793 8.8 11,269 880 100.0 6,938,539 616 87.2 Under P 100 12 0.1 100 to P 500 to P 499.... 89 0.7 67 999... 47 0.4 1,000 to P 2,499.... 126 1.0 2,500 to P 36 4,999.... 23 0.2 5,000 to P 9,999.. 175 1.3 10,000 to P 49,999... 19 355 2.7 2548089 12 100.0 75.3 51.1 28.6 34.8 10.9 11 P. 100,000 to P499,999... 2.5 6433216 5 44 17 10 5 3 76331 188688 2223 24.7 3,244 147 (1) 48.9 3,277 142 (1) 90 71.4 12,280 136 0.2 15 65.2 3,672 245 (1) 156 89.1 38,960 250 0.5 474 346 P1,000,000 or over... 3.6 97.5 68.337 198 0.9 11,859 474 90.1 100.0 371,222 783 4.7 Size of gross receipts 11,859 100.0 7,454,884 629 93.7 Under P 500-- 55 0.4 500 to P 999... 25 0.2 11 1,000 to P 2,499. 156 1.2 5,000 to P 9,999. 47 0.4 10,000 to P 24,999... 28 0.2 25,000 to P 99,999. 513 3.9 P100,000 to P 249,999. 135 1.0 1489792 89.1 44.0 50.0 45 19.1 25.0 3.7 10 250,000 to P 999,999... 1.5 8953502 811859 11 6 10.9 634 106 (1) 1 14 56.0 1,778 127 (1) 26 7 78 50.0 11,805 151 0.1 1 38 80.9 7,500 197 0.1 2 21 75.0 2,188 104 (1) 494 96.3 113,978 231 1.4 342 133 98.5 2.6 133,405 1,003 1.7 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 3,562 342 100.0 229,704 672 2.9 27.1 $3,000,000 or over... 8,297 3,562 63.0 100.0 2,753,926 773 34.6 Citizenship of operator 8,297 100.0 4,700,958 567 59.1 Philippines.. 754 United States. 5.7 168 22.3 101 47 20 45 0.3 Partnerships, 1 2.2 associations, 1 586 44 77.7 99,818 170 1.3 97.8 20,088 457 0.3 ment agencies... corporations, and govern- 12,861 93.9 6 (¹) 2 4 12,355 100.0 7,835,970 634 98.5 Number of employees Under 10 persons... 150 1.1 91 60.7 62 10 to 19 persons.. 110 0.8 46 41.8 24 20 to 29 persons.. 101 0.8 25 24.8 10 40 to 49 persons.. 45 0.3 1 2.2 50 to 69 persons.. 121 0.9 70 to 99 persons.. 239 1.8 100 to 149 persons-- 252 1.9 167 5 2.1 2.8 22 43 17 18 11 244 59 39.3 8,380 142 0.1 64 58.2 7,899 123 0.1 76 75.2 38,710 509 0.5 1 44 97.8 20,088 457 0.3 121 100.0 78,322 647 1.0 1 234 97.9 157,315 2.0 672 200 to 299 persons.. 4 245 97.2 49,693 203 0.6 284 2.2 500 to 999 persons.. 284 100.0 180,579 636 2.3 1,399 10.6 1,000 persons or over. 1,399 100.0 940,714 672 11.8 10,459 79.5 10,459 100.0 6,474,176 619 81.4 Province Iloilo.... 12.4 1,464 11.1 Lanao.. 5 (¹) Manila, City of.. 11,133 84.6 133 Rizal..... 414 3.1 Surigao.. 87 0.7 All other provinces. 57 0.4 228288 0.1 40.0 1.2 76 7.7 18 3.4 3 5.3 226838 1,462 99.9 990,427 677 3 60.0 290 97 (4) 39 12 826 18 11,000 98.8 6,861,466 624 86.2 0.8 2 382 92.3 59,869 157 0.3 84 96.6 22,416 267 0.3 54 94.7 21,408 396 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 327 TABLE 99.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Employees paid salaries or wages-Continued Office employees Drivers, etc. Executives, etc. Class and item Persons Salaries (Pesos) Per cent of total salaries Persons Salaries and wages Per cent of total Persons Salaries and wages Per cent of total paid (Pesos) salaries and wages paid (Pesos) salaries and wages Total... 187 911,695 11.5 1,334 1,063, 179 13.4 11,464 5,981,002 95.2 Form of ownership Individuals.. Partnerships... Corporations... Government agencies. 103 67785 2,808 2.3 27 11,584 9.7 11,160 29.1 24 10,476 27.3 71 529,088 17.1 156 162,760 .5.3 368,639 7.8 1,127 878,359 18.7 597 105,514 53 3,747 2,404,763 7,067 3,453,960 88.0 16,765 43.7 77.7 73.5 Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934... 11 1925 to 1929... 1920 to 1924.... 1915 to 1919. Prior to 1910.... Size of total assets 159 Under P 100 P. 100 to P 499. P 500 to P 999--- P 1,000 to P 2,499.. 12 4,999. LEBO 18 4 3.960 8.0 65,396 26.3 3 1,812 8.6 10 90,731 13.0 HYLL 14 4,260 8.6 194 41,552 83.5 77 45,596 18.4 481 137,228 55.3 2 2,064 9.8 49 17,268 81.7 14 22,841 3.3 857 584,629 83.7 749,796 10.8 1,227 988,418 14.2 9,883 5,200,325 74.9 22 3,244 100.0 23 3,277 100.0 576 4.7 88 11,704 95.3 P1,000,000 or over. Under P2,500 to P P5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 49,999. P100,000 to P499,999. P Size of gross receipts 500 to P P1,000 to P ? 5,000 to P P10,000 to P 15 3,672 100.0 166 23265 4 3,960 10.2 14 4,260 10.9 138 30,740 78.9 2,232 3.3 27 11,584 17.0 316 54,521 79.8 12 91,531 24.7 56 40,794 11.0 406 238,897 64.4 813 396 10.9 1,237 1,006,541 13.5 10,456 5,634,947 75.6 P 500.... 6 634 100.0 999.. 14 1,778 100.0 2,499. 78 11,805 100.0 9,999. 38 7,500 100.0 24,999... 21 2,188 100.0 25,000 to P 99,999 6 11,580 10.2 P100,000 to P 249,999 49 19,996 17.5 439 82,402 72.3 8 48,788 36.6 17 16,081 12.1 108 68,536 51.4 250,000 to P 20 to 29 persons. 40 to 49 persons. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. P3,000,000 or over... Citizenship of operator Philippines.. United States.... Partnerships, associations, cor- porations, and government agencies... Number of employees Under 10 persons... 10 to 19 persons. 999,999. 7 37,931 16.5 31 20,561 9.0 304 171,212 74.5 103 88839 63 444,757 16.1 110 128,182 4.7 3,389 2,180,987 79.2 368,639 7.8 1,127 878,359 18.7 7,067 3,453,960 73.5 42 996 1,812 1.0 9.0 12265 9,520 9.5 557 89,302 89.5 2,064 10.3 40 16,212 80.7 181 908,887 11.6 1,307 1,051,595 13.4 10,867 5,875,488 75.0 59 8,380 100.0 312 3 576 3,960 7.3 61 7,323 92.7 10.2 14 4,260 11.0 61 30,490 78.8 2 200 to 299 persons. 50 to 69 persons. 70 to 99 persons. 100 to 149 persons.. 1,812 9.0 2 2,064 10.3 40 16,212 80.7 6 18,000 23.0 37 22,059 28.2 78 38,263 48.9 5 46,400 29.5 15 14,017 8.9 214 96,898 61.6 14 420 0.8 25 9,520 19.2 219 39,753 80.0 1,000 persons or over. 500 to 999 persons. 27,131 15.0 4 4,718 2.6 276 148,730 82.4 21 136,956 14.6 49 61,623 6.6 1,329 742,135 78.9 144 676,440 10.4 1,188 944,918 14.6 9,127 4,852,818 75.0 Province Floilo...... Lanao. 24 147,756 14.9 76 77,466 7.8 1,362 765,205 77.3 Rizal.... Manila, City of.. 157 761,131 11.1 1,231 974,129 Surigao 4 996 1.7 25 9,520 14.2 15.9 All other provinces. 2 1,812 8.5 2 2,064 9.6 3 290 9,612 5,126,206 353 49,353 84 22,416 50 17,532 100.0 74.7 82.4 100.0 81.9 328 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 100.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. All types of equipment Type of equipment Buses Automobiles Total Class and item Number Total operators passengers carried reporting Total receipts from trans- Net tonnage Passengers carried Passengers carried of freight portation of and freight and gross re- ceipts from express Receipts from trans- Receipts from trans- passengers (Pesos) express carried handled (Pesos) Number of portation Number of portation passengers of passen- passengers of passen- gers gers (Pesos) (Pesos) 70 75,207,624 8,939,298 3,453,422 9,334,897 29,615,816 2,096,279 8,467 36,849 Total... Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships.. Corporations... Government agencies. Year established 1935 to 1938... 59 6,950,408 428,890 61,454 123,390 2. 9281 62,724 125,448 8 54,363,365 3,321,399 1,682,526 4,407,459 25,907,961 1,270,574 1 13,893,851 5,189,009 1,646,718 4,678,600 3,707,855 825,705 8,467 36,849 1930 to 1934. 1925 to 1929.. 1920 to 1924__ 1915 to 1919... Prior to 1910.. 884418 38 1,387,171 5,418,384 95,740 21,650 49,001 590,044 48,733 113,453 78,207 4,060 53,844 107,687 63,026 25,000 3,320 1,028,682 1,430,127 1,000 5 68,235,836 8,245,134 2,300,513 7,634,627 29,615,816 2,096,279 Size of total assets Under P P 100 to P P 500 to P 100.. 499.. 999. P 1,000 to P 2,499. 12 P 2,500 to P 4,999.. P 5,000 to P 9,999. 10,000 to 49,999. P100,000 to P499,999.. P1,000,000 or over.... Size of gross receipts 44822664 LO 19,507 1,400 563,485 15,763 70 800 327,664 20,757 2,969,224 202,912 270,000 1,714,482 8,000 100 96,001 21,960 720 38,700 5 1,086,046 84,057 87,864 180,251 21,380 265,274 59,204 5 68,235,836 8,245,134 3,284,224 8,990,392 29,615,816 2,096,279 124,034 8,467 36,849 8,467 36,849 Under P 500.... P 500 to P 999... P 1,000 to P 2,499. P 5,000 to P 9,999. P 10,000 to P P 24,999. 99,999 99,999.... 25,000 to P P100,000 to P 249,999.... P 250,000 to P 999,999.. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999... P3,000,000 or over... Citizenship of oper- 6922303231 184,939 4,572 116,801 4,350 170 968,140 31,030 3,960 1,520 2,700 558,000 13,760 219,520 20,861 2,599,008 169,997 96,744 198,010 2,306,781 264,786 53,885 124,452 18,599 184,808 14,439 17,823 3 54,341,985 3,056,125 1,637,506 4,311,792 25,907,961 1,270,574 1 13,893,851 5,189,009 1,646,718 4,678,600 3,707,855 825,705 8,467 36,849 ator Philippines. Partnerships, United States.. associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies.. Province Iloilo.... Lanao.. Rizal.... Surigao.. 58 8- 6,950,408 428,890 1 7,610 15,703 53,844 107,687 11 68,257,216 8,510,408 3,391,968 9,211,507 29,615,816 2,096,279 63232 2,526,797 702,999 1,399,512 1,936,306 57,500 1,150 42 67,461,423 7,906,875 1,961,916 7,214,120 29,615,816 2,096,279 Manila, City of. 5,160,558 316,969 All other provinces. 1,346 11,305 4 3,580 88,414 12,203 172,268 8,467 36,849 8,467 36,849 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 329 TABLE 100.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Trucks and semi- trailers Type of equipment-Continued Boats and ships Carretela buses Class and item Freight and express handled Passengers carried Freight and express handled Passengers carried Net ton- nage of Gross re- ceipts from freight and express carried freight and Number of express passengers handled (Pesos) Receipts from trans-Net tonnage ceipts from portation of freight freight and of passen- and express gers carried (Pesos) Gross re- Receipts from trans- Number of portation express passengers of passen- handled gers (Pesos) (Pesos) Total...... 68,823 527,107 20,256 174,843 1,456,027 4,263,763 6,949,062 417,585 Form of ownership Individuals... 1,346 11,805 Partnerships... 61,454 123,390 6,949,062 417,585 18,000 36,000 Corporations... 44,724 89,448 Government agencies. 1,297,224 3,870,876 50,823 491,107 18,910 163,538 52,625 180,049 Year established 1935 to 1938... 18,000 1930 to 1934.. 36,000 1,346 11,305 3,650 13,001 1,385,825 84,435 1925 to 1929.. 48,684 92,148 5,397,004 ⚫53,844 107,687 78,207 1,028,682 1,430,129 63,026 824,770 4,060 3,820 25,000 1,000 50,823 491,107 18,910 163,538 321,167 2,620,798 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919. Prior to 1910.... Size of total assets Under 100... 19,507 1,400 P 100 to P 499.. 70 800 563,485 15,763 500 to P 999.. 327,664 20,757 P 1,000 to 2,499. 2,969,224 202,912 2,500 to P 4,999. 100 720 270,000 8,000 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 49,999 P100,000 to P499,999. P1,000,000 or over.. Size of gross receipts 18,000 36,000 3,960 2,700 1,714,482 96,001 1,346 11,305 87,864 59,155 180,251 1,084,700 102,729 72,752 50,823 491,107 18,910 163,538 1,304,878 3,976,563 Under P 500.. P 500 to P 999.. P 1,000 to P 2,499.. P 5,000 to P 9,999.. P10,000 to P 24,999. P25,000 to P 99,999. 18,000 36,000 1,346 11,305 113 P100,000 to P 249,999.. P250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P3,000,000 or over... 50,823 491,107 18,910 163,538 107,689 2,304,000 14,431 13,281 1,252,253 3,796,514 52,625 180,049 184,939 4,572 170 1,520 116,801 4,350 3,960 2,700 968.140 31,030 558,000 13,760 219,520 20,861 78,744 162,010 2,597,662 158,692 53,844 184,320 Citizenship of operator Philippines. United States.. 1,346 11,305 7,610 53,844 15,703 6,949,062 107,687 417,585 Partnerships, associations, corporations, 68,823 527,107 18,910 163,538 1,394,573 4,140,373 and government agencies. Provinces Iloilo...... Lanao... Manila, City of. Rizal.... Surigao All other provinces. 1,014,251 1,416,846 38,882 47,820 57.500 1,150 68,823 527,107 18,910 163,538 349,782 2,662,446 1,692,122 5,160,558 51,646 316,969 1,346 11,305 3,580 12,203 88,414 172,268 330 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 100.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-NUMBER OF PASSENGERS CARRIED, RECEIPTS FROM TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS, NET TONNAGE OF FREIGHT AND EXPRESS CARRIED, AND GROSS RECEIPTS FROM FREIGHT AND EXPRESS HANDLED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Type of equipment-Continued Aeroplanes Others Passengers carried Freight and express handled Passengers carried Freight and express handled Class and item Receipts from trans- Net ton- Gross re- nage of ceipts from Receipts from trans- Net ton- Gross re- nage of Number of portation passengers of passen- ceipts from freight and gers (Pesos) express freight and Number of express passengers handled portation freight freight and of passen- and express carried (Pesos) gers (Pesos) express handled carried (Pesos) Total... 21,380 265,274 49 21,305 38,592,643 5,948,468 1,928,523 4,522,722 Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships.. Corporations... 21,380 265,274 49 Government agencies. 21,305 28,434,024 1,785,551 385,253 515,278 10,158,619 4,162,917 1,543,270 4,007,444 Year established 1935 to 1938.. 1930 to 1934. 21,380 265,274 49 21,305 1925 to 1929... 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919. Prior to 1910.... Size of total assets Under 100.. 100 to P 499.. 500 to P 999. P 1,000 to P 2,499. 2,500 to P 4,999. 5,000 to P 9,999.. 10,000 to P 49,999.. 100,000 to P499,999.. P1,000,000 or over.. Size of gross receipts 21,380 265,274 49 21,305 Under 500... 500 to P 999... 1,000 to P 2,499.. 5,000 to P 9,999. 10,000 to P 24,999. P25,000 to 99,999. P 100,000 to P 249,999... 250,000 to P 999,999... P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P3,000,000 or over.. Citizenship of operator Philippines... United States.. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies... Province Iloilo...... Lanao.... Manila, City of. Rizal..... Surigao All other provinces.. 2,781 18,599 80,466 184,808 41 8 16,763 4,542 38,592,643 5,948,468 1,928,523 4,522,722 38,592,643 5,948,468 1,928,523 4,522,722 515,278 28,434,024 1,785,551 385,253 10,158,619 4,162,917 1,543,270 4,007,444 21,380 265,274 49 21,305 38,592,643 5,948,468 1,928,523 4,522,722 18,599 2,781 184,808 80,466 8 41 4,542 2,469,316 470,371 385,253 16,763 36,123,327 5,478,097 1,543,270 4,007,804 514,918 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 331 TABLE 101.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANS- PORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Carretela buses Buses Gasoline-fueled engine Alcohol (pure) fueled engine Class and item Number of operators Number of units Total pas- reporting senger capacity Number of operators reporting Number of units Total pas- Number of senger capacity operators reporting Number of units Total pas- Total...... 53 264 3,791 2 297 10,179 1 3 senger capacity 95 Form of ownership Individuals.. 53 264 3,791 Partnerships.. Corporations... Government agencies.. 11 163 5,641 1 134 4,538 1 3 95 Year established 1935 to 1938.... 34 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919.. Prior to 1910.. Size of total assets Under P 100..... 100 to P 500 to P 499.. 999... P1,000 to P 2,499. 2,500 to P 4,999. 5,000 to P 9,999. 10,000 to P 49,999... P100,000 to P499,999.. P1,000,000 or over.... Size of gross receipts 13321 4882182 60 888 192 2,831 9 45 2 18 1 9 2 297 10,179 3 95 23 47 4RLERY 30 241 14 204 600 6 108 73 1,032 97 1,576 2 297 10,179 3 95 Under P 500..... 16 P 500 to P 999... 1,000 to P 2,499... 5,000 to P 9,999... P10,000 to P 24,999. C722241 17 160 13 130 41 609 14 236 19 308 152 2,220 8 128 999,999.. 1 163 5,641 1 134 4,538 1 3 95 12 25,000 to P 99,999. 100,000 to P 249,999.. 250,000 to $1,000,000 to 2,999,999.- P3,000,000 or over.. Citizenship of operator Philippines. United States.. Partnerships, associations, cor- porations and government agencies... Province Iloilo.... Lanao.. Manila, City of. Rizal.... Surigao.. All other provinces. 18 53 264 3,791 3352 2 297 10,179 1 3 95 13 .5 96 12 79 177 958 2 297 10,179 1 3 95 2,725 332 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 101.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANS PORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938.-Continued. Automobiles Trucks and semi-trailers Gasoline-fueled engine Gasoline-fueled engine Class and item Number of Total operators reporting Number of units passenger capacity Number of operators reporting Number of units Total passenger capacity 3 20 114 1 1 2 Total.... Form af ownership Individuals. Partnerships.. Corporations... Government agencies.. Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929... 1920 to 1924.... 1 11 1 16 180 5 1 1 3 15 94 1 1 5 1 1 2 1915 to 1919. Prior to 1910.... 1 3 15 1 16 94 Size of total assets Under P 100.... P 100 to P 499... P 500 to P 999... P 1,000 to P 2,499. 2,500 to P 4,999.. 5,000 to P 9,999. 1 1 5 1 1 10,000 to P 49,999. 100,000 to P499,999.. 1,000,000 or over.... 1 3 15 1 16 94 Size of gross receipts Under P 500.. 500 to P 999.. 1,000 to P 2,499. 5,000 to P 9,999. 10,000 to P 24,999.. 25,000 to P 99,999.. P100,000 to P 249,999. P250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P3,000,000 or over... Citizenship of operator Philippines.. United States.. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies.. Province Iloilo.... Lanao.... Manila, City of.. Rizal.... Surigao.. All other provinces.. 1 1 5 1 3 15 1 16 94 2 3 20 114 1 1 1 3 15 2 17 99 1 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 333 TABLE 101.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANS- PORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Trailers Boats and ships Scows Cascos Class and item Number of operators reporting Total net Number of units tonnage Number of capacity operators reporting Number of units Total net ton- nage ca- pacity Number of operators Number of units Total net ton- reporting nage ca- pacity Total...... 1 65 249 6 266 24,629 2 79 11,702 Form of ownership Individuals.. 1 8 592 1 3 72 Partnerships.. 1 3 321 Corporations... 4 255 23,716 1 76 11,630 Government agencies. 1 65 249 Year established 1935 to 1938.... 1930 to 1934... 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924.. 2 11 913 1 3 72 1 76 11,630 1915 to 1919... Prior to 1910.. 1 65 249 4 255 23,716 Size of total assets Under P 100.... 100 to P 499.. P 500 to P 999.. P1,000 to P 2,499. P 2,500 to P 4,999. 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 49,999.. P100,000 to P499,999. P1,000,000 or over... Size of gross receipts Under P 500.... P 500 to P 999. P 1,000 to P 2,499.. P 5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 24,999. P25,000 to P 99,999. 100,000 to P 249,999. 250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. P3,000,000 or over... Citizenship of operator Partnerships, associations, cor- 1 8 592 1 3 72 1 3 321 1 65 249 4 255 23,716 1 76 11,630 1 8 592 1 18 3 72 1 3 321 4 255 23,716 65 249 76 11,630 1 8 592 1 3 72 Philippines.. United States.. porations, and government 1 65 249 5 258 24,037 1 76 11,630 agencies... Province Iloilo...... Lanao. Manila, City of. 1 65 249 1 76 11,630 51 5 1 258 8 24,037 592 1 3 72 Rizal.... Surigao.. All other provinces. 334 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 101.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANS. PORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Steam engine driven Launches Diesel engine driven Class and item Number of operators reporting Number of units Total net tonnage capacity Number of operators Number of units Total net tonnage reporting capacity 4 9 285 6 24 628 Total...... Form of ownership Individuals. Partnerships. Corporations... Government agencies. Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929. 153 112 2 15 194 1888 7 4 10 202 84 2 14 426 111 7 194 2 3 84 1920 to 1924.. 1915 to 1919.... Prior to 1910.... Size of total assets Under P 100... P 100 to P 499.. 1 1 7 P 500 to P 999. P 1,000 to P 2,499. P 2,500 to P 4,999.. P 5,000 to P 9,999. P 10,000 to P 49,999... P 100,000 to $499,999. P1,000,000 or over.. Size of gross receipts 77 2 1 62 228 50 2112 1121L 14 3251 154 16 32 426 1 19 13 2718 16 167 6 420 Under P 500... P 500 to P 999.. 1 1 7 P 1,000 to P 2,499. P 5,000 to P 9,999. P 10,000 to P 24,999. P 25,000 to P 99,999... P100,000 to P 249,999. P 250,000 to P 999,999.. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P3,000,000 or over... 11 1 1 12 1 19 2 16 1 5 194 1 1 1 1 12 34 1 2516 135 32 6 50 1 13 420 Citizenship of operator Philippines. United States.. Partnerships, associations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies.... Province Iloilo... Lanao.... Manila, City of. Rizal... Surigao.... All other provinces. 1 1 7. 3 3 8 278 1 2 50 2 6 228 1 5 5 14 426 220 170 32 55 31 2 1 13 420 420 1 1 6 22 37 3 154 7 48 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 335 TABLE 101.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF TRANS- PORTATION EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, AND BY PROVINCES, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Launches-Continued Gasoline engine driven Interisland and overseas ships Diesel engine driven Aeroplanes Steam engine driven Class and item Num- ber of Num- tors re- opera- ber of units Total net ton- nage ca. Num- Total porting pacity ber of Num- pas- opera- ber of senger tors re- porting units capa- city Total net ton- nage ca- pacity opera- ber of tors re- units porting Num- ber of Num- Total Total opera- ber of Num- pas- net ton- tors Total Num- pas- ber of senger senger capa- pacity city nage ca-report- units capa- city ing Total.. 3 3 20 1 2 475 1,713 1 2 185 687 2 6 44 Form of ownership Individuals... Partnerships.. . Corporations..... 3 3 20 Government agencies. 12 1 475 1,713 1 12 1 2 6 44 185 687 Year established 1935 to 1938. 1930 to 1934.. 1 3 29 1925 to 1929. 1920 to 1924. 1915 to 1919. Prior to 1910.... Year not reported.. Size of total assets Under P 100..... P 100 to P 499 P500 to P 999 1,000 to P 2,499... 2,500 to P 4,999. P5,000 to P 9,999. P10,000 to P 49,999. P100,000 to P499,999.. P1,000,000 or over... Size of gross receipts 2 2 12 1 1 8 1 2 475 1,713 1 2 185 687 1 3 15 1 1 11 1 1 848 Under P 500... 500 to P 999.... P1,000 to P 2,499- 5,000 to P 9,999.. P10,000 to P 24,999. I ? 25,000 to P 99,999. 1 1 8 100,000 to P 249,999.... 250,000 to P 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.--. P3,000,000 or over.. 11 1 1 4 1 1 8 1 2. 12 475 1,713 1 2 185 687 TH 1 1 475 1,713 1 2 185 687 1 2 333 29 15 3 29 33 15 6 44 1 3 29 687 1 3 15 Philippines.. United States.. Citizenship of operator Partnerships, asociations, corporations, and govern- ment agencies. 3 3 20 1 2 475 1,713 1 2 185 687 Province Iloilo..... 1 1 8 1 1 Lanao... Rizal.... Manila, City of... 1 1 4 1 2 475 1,713 1 2 185 Surigao. All other provinces. 1 8 336 TRANSPORTATION TABLE 102.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, BY PROVINCES: 1938 T Total cost of fuel and electricity pur- chased Wood Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline Province Per cent Pesos distri- bution Quantity (Cord) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Tons) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Liters) Pesos Per cent of total PHILIPPINES..... 2,983,438 100.0 8,140 624 (1) Iloilo... 331,363 11.1 8,140 624 0.2 Manila, City of.. 2,639,052 88.5 11,867 62,049 73,916 1,079,282 180,901 898,381 36.2 7,760,167 968,030 22.4 54.6 974,636 141,632 34.0 6,778,864 825,398 42.7 31.3 Surigao... 3,684 0.1 All other provinces. 9,339 0.3 6,667 1,000 G ESS In Pa Co Kerosene Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Diesel oil Electricity purchased Province 19 Quantity (Liters) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Liters) Pesos Per cent Quantity of total (Tons) Pesos Per cent of total Quantity (KWH) Pesos Per cent of total 2222 19 19 19 Pr PHILIPPINES. 125,421 11,568 Iloilo... Manila, City of.. 104,699 Surigao.. 19,082 1,887 0.4 133,209 0.6 9,224 0.3 9,517 0.4 117,089 All other provinces... 1,640 164 16,120 7,784 1,440 20,042 682,387 289 0.3 19,839 671,679 83 3,684 114 6,735 22.9 12,382,301 232,323 7.8 6 0.1 33,056 6,030 25.5 12,349,245 226,293 1.8 8.6 U TABLE 103.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938. Total cost of fuel and electricity purchased Wood Coal, coke, etc. Gasoline Class and item Pesos Per cent distribu- tion Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Total. 2,983,438 100.0 624 (¹) 1,079,282 36.2 968,030 32.4 Form of ownership P Individuals.. U Partnerships.. 11,891 0.4 12 0.1 P Corporations... 35,508 1.2 35,091 98.8 417 1.2 Government agencies.. 850,203 28.5 624 0.1 194,126 22.8 478,507 56.3 2,085,836 69.9 Year established 850,065 40.8 489,094 23.4 1935 to 1938. 1930 to 1934. 5,561 0.2 1925 to 1929. 160,808 5.4 35,091 21.8 417 123,611 7.5 76.9 1920 to 1924. 6,465 0.2 Prior to 1910.. 30,534 1.0 20,212 66.2 6,900 22.6 2,780,070 93.2 624 Size of total assets (¹) 1,023,979 36.8 837,102 80.1 Under P 100.... 100 to P 499.. 1,452 500 to P 8 999.. (1) 5,000 to P 9,999.. 12 10,000 to P 49,999. 687 (1) eeee (¹) 12 100.0 417 60.7 P100,000 to P499,999.. P1,000,000 or over.... 11,313 0.4 8.8 1,000 164,250 5.5 2,805,716 94.0 624 Size of gross receipts (¹) 37,440 1,041,842 22.8 124,682 75.9 37.1 841,919 80.0 500 to P 999... P 1,000 to P 2,499. 1,440 (¹) 25,000 to P 302 4.0 99,999. 12 P100,000 to P 249,999. 40,356 3.5 1.4 35,091 87.0 1,417 P250,000 to P 999,999. 36,501 1.2 77.3 28,200 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. P3,000,000 or over... Citizenship of operator Philippines United States.. 99,123 97.3 3.3 719,880 24.1 624 0.1 2,085,836 69.9 2,349 191,777 850,065 2.4 96,482 26.6 352,825 49.0 40.8 489,094 23.4 5,426 0.2 0.2 12 Partnerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies.. 6,465 0.2 2,971,547 82.6 99.6 624 (¹) 1,079,282 36.3 968,018 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 337 TABLE 103.-OPERATORS OF ALL OTHER KINDS OF TRANSPORTATION-COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, YEAR ESTABLISHED, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR, FOR THE PHILIPPINES: 1938-Continued. Gasanol, gastarla, pure alcohol, etc. Kerosene Diesel oil Electricity purchased Class and item Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total Pesos Per cent of total 11,568 0.4 9,224 0.3 682,387 22.9 232,323 7.8 Total.... Form of ownership Individuals 8 0.1 1,440 12.1 10,419 87.6 12 0.1 Partnerships.. Corporations... 2,256 0.3 31,648 3.7 143,042 16.8 Government agencies. 9,304 0.4 7,784 0.4 640,320 30.7 89,269 4.3 Year established 1935 to 1938... 8 0.1 1,440 25.9 3,684 66.2 12 0.2 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929. 270 0.2 1,836 1.1 6,465 100.0 1,585 5.2 87 0.3 1,750 5.7 9,975 0.4 7,784 0.3 671,881 24.2 228,725 8.2 1920 to 1924. Prior to 1910.. Size of total assets Under P 100... 1,440 99.2 12 0.8 100 to P 499. 8 100.0 500 to P 999... 5,000 to P 9,999. 10,000 to P 49,999. 164 1.4 11 270 10,149 39.3 89.7 P100,000 to P499,999... P1,000,000 or over.. Size of gross receipts 205 0.1 87 0.1 1,836 1.1 11,191 0.4 7,784 0.3 671,881 23.9 230,475 8.2 P1,000,000 to P2,999,999.. 500 to P 999.. 1,440 100.0 1,000 to P 2,499.. 8 2.6 ? 25,000 to P 99,999. 164 0.4 270 3,684 89.4 12 4.0 9.1 P100,000 to P 249,999.- 250,000 to P 999,999.. $3,000,000 or over... 6,465 17.7 1,836 5.0 205 0.2 I 87 0.1 1,887 0.3 31,561 4.4 141,206 19.6 9,304 0.4 7,784 0.4 640,320 30.7 89,269 4.3 Citizenship of operator Philippines 8 0.1 1,440 26.5 3,954 72.9 12 0.2 United States. 6,465 100.0 Partnerships, and government agencies. associations, corporations, 11,560 0.4 7,784 0.3 671,968 22.6 232,311 7.8 339 - CHAPTER III CENSUS OF FISHERIES 340 - 341 CHAPTER III CENSUS OF FISHERIES CONTENTS TEXT 08 Section I-All Kinds of Fishing Page 345 Introduction 345 Period covered ་་་ Scope and method of taking the census. Extent of the industry Number of establishments Kind of fishing ........ Total assets Number of employees and salaries paid. Equipment Fish caught Cost of fuel and electricity Size of catch Citizenship of operator Form of organization Year established........ 345 346 346 346 347 347 349 350 351 351 351 351 351 351 Assets classified by citizenship of owner. 351 Data by provinces Extent of the industry Assets ................ Section II-Offshore Fishing 367 367 367 Number of employees and salaries paid. 367 Equipment Citizenship of operator 367 Form of organization Year established Size of catch 367 367 367 Data by provinces Extent of the industry....... 367 Section III-Inshore Fishing ...........404 Assets 404 Number of employees and salaries and wages paid.. .... 404 Equipment 404 Assets Data by provinces Form of organization Catch Size of catch Citizenship of operator Form of organization Data by provinces Extent of the industry Number of employees and salaries and wages paid.. Equipment Catch Size of catch Citizenship of operator 404 404 404 404 404 Section IV-Offshore-Inshore Fishing 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 435 342 Extent of the industry........ Assets Number of employees and salaries and wages paid. Equipment Catch Size of catch Citizenship of operator Form of organization Data by provinces Scope of the census 1 2 Section V-Inland Fishing G 460 ......460 460 460 & 460 460 9 460 10 460 460 Section VI-Fish Ponds 479 1 479 479 479 479 479 479 U 479 G 480 7 480 480 480 9 480 10 480 480 11 12 Method of taking the census...... Extent of the industry Number of operators Assets Arca of fish ponds Number of employees and salaries and wages paid. Equipment Production........ Size of total assets Size of catch Citizenship of operator Form of organization off size of catch, for shore fishing: 1938... Per cent distribution of number of establishments, number of emploecs, value of equipment, fed value of Year established....... Data by municipalities..... Section VII-Fish Ponds Combined with Other Kinds of Fishing CHARTS .......... Number of establishments, number of employees, total assets, and value of fish caught, by kind of fishing: 1938.... Per cent distribution of number of establishments, number of employees, and value of fish caught, by size of catch, for all kinds of fishing: 1938........... 345 345 Cate........... by Per cent distribution of number of establishments, number of employees, value of equipment, and value of fish caught, by Size of Catch, for shore fishing: 1938.. 367 Production of fish in fish ponds, by provinces: 1938. Value of fish caught, by establishments engaged in inland fishing, by provinces: 1938. Area and assessed value of fish ponds, by provinces: 1938... Per cent distribution of number of establishments, number of employees, value of equipment and value of catch, by size of ales at catch, for offshore-inshore fishing: 1938 404 435 460 479 Number of operators, arca of fish ponds, and value of fish and other products obtained, by size of total assets of fish pond operator: 1938 479 Number of fish pond operators, area of fish ponds, and value of fish produced, by value of total products obtained: 19388480 480 343 TABLES Section I-All Kinds of Fishing 1. Number of establishments, number of persons employed, total assets, and value of fish caught, by hind of fishing: 1938..... 2. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, cost of fuel, value of fish caught, and assets, by kind of fishing: 1938 .... 3. Distribution of equipment, by kind: 1938.......... 4. Number and value of equipment used, by kind of fishing: 1938 B. Quantity and value of fish caught, by kind of fish and by kind of fishing: 1938. 346 348 349 352 353 354 7. Number of establisnments, number of employces, salaries and wages paid, cost of fuel, value of fish caught, and as- sets, by size of catch: 1938 ..... G. Quantity and value of fish caught, by kind of fishing: 1938..... 8. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, cost of fuel, value of fish caught, and assets, by form of organization, and citizenship of operator: 1938 and and 9. Assets by form of organization, citizenship of operator, by kind of fishing: 1938... 19. Quantity and value of fish caught, by kind of fish and other sea products obtained by provinces, for all kinds of fishing: 1938 Section II-Offshore Fishing 1. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, cost of fuel, value of fish caught, and assets, by size of catch: 1938........ 2. Number, kind, and value of equipment used, by size of catch: 1938 3. Quantity and value of fish caught, by size of catch: 1938............ 4. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, cost of fucl, value of fish caught, and assets, by form of organization and citizenship of operator: 1938 J. Number, kind, and value of equipment used, by form of orga nization and 6. Quantity and value of fish caught, by form of organization and citizenship of operator: 1938..... 355 358 360 361 368 370 372 374 citizenship of operator: 1938. 375 376 7. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, cost of fuel, value of fish caught, and assets, by year established: 1938 377 2. Number, kind, and value of equipment used, by year established: 1938. 379 9. Quantity and value of fish caught, by year established: 1938 381 10. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, cost of fuel, value of fish caught, and assets, by provinces: 1938 ...... ..... 383 390 397 7. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, cost cf fuel, value of fish caught, and assets, by provinces: 1938............ 11. Number, kind, and value of equipment used, by provinces: 1938 12. Quantity and value of fish caught, by provinces: 1938.... Section III-Inshore Fishing 1. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, ost of fuel, value of fish caught, and assets, by size of catch: 1938.. 2. Number, kind, and value of equipment used, by size of catch: 1938 3. Quantity and value of fish caught, by size of catch: 1938.............. 4. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, cost of fuel, value of fish caught, and assets, by form of organization and citizenship of operator: 1938 5. Number, kind, and value of equipment used, by form of organization and 6. Quantity and value of fish caught, by form of organization and citizenship of operator: 1983.8......... 405 407 409 411 citizenship of operator: 1938. 412 413 414 8. Number and value of equipment used, by provinces: 1938... ...........421 9. Quantity and value of fish caught, by provinces: 1938........... 428 Section IV-Offshore-Inshore Fishing 1. Number of establishme, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, cost of fuel, value of fish caught, and assets, by size of ca 1938.. 436 2. Value and kind of fis equipment used, by size of catch: 1938 438 3. Quantity and value on caught, by size of catch: 1938... 440 6. Value and kind of fishing equipment used, by form of organization and citizenship of operator: 1938....... 6. Quantity and value of fish caught, by form of organization and citizenship of operator: 1338. 8. Value and kind of equipment used, by provinces: 1938. 9. Quantity and value of fish caught, by provinces: 1938....... 4. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, cost of fuel, value of fish caught, and assets, by form of organization and citizenship of operator: 1938. 442 443 7. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, cost of fuel, value of fish caught and assets, by provinces: 1938....... 444 445 450 455 34A 461 463 465 467 469 473 477 939 858 5 Section V-Inland Fishing 1. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, cost of fuel, value of fish caught, and assets, by size of catch: 1938.. 2. Value and kind of equipment used, by size of catch: 1938.... 3. Value and kind of fish caught, by size of catch: 1938.......... 4. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, cost of fuel, value of fish caught, and assets, by form of organization and citizenship of operator: 1938 5. Value and kind of equipment used, by form of organization and citizenship of operator: 1938......... 6. Valuc and kind of fish caught, by form of organization and citizenship of operator: 1938. 7. Number of establishments, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, cost of fuel, value of fish caught and assets, by provinces: 1938............. 8. Number, kind, and value of equipment used, by provinces: 1938 9. Quantity, kind, and value of fish caught, by provinces: 1938 Section VI-Fish Ponds d 1. Area and assessed value of fish ponds, by provinces: 1938.... 481 2. Number of operators, number-of employees, salaries and wa ges paid, and fish produced, by provinces: 1938.. 3. Number and value of fishing equipment of fish pond operato rs, by provinces: 1938........ 482 484 4. Number and value of fishing nets, by provinces: 1938............. 485 5. Number and cost of seeds placed in fish ponds and amount and value of catch, by provinces: 1938. 486 6. Assets and area of fish ponds, by size of total assets: 1938......... 488 7. Assets and area of fish ponds, by form of ownership: 1938.... 489 8. Assets and area of fish ponds, by citizenship of operator: 1988 9. Assets and area of fish ponds, by value of catch: 1938. 10. Assets and area of fish ponds, by year established: 1938.. 489 490 491 11. Number of operators, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, quantity and value of fish produced, by size of total assets: 1938 498 494 497 498 BOS 503 12. Number of operators, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, quantity and value of fish produced, by form of ownership: 1938 13. Number of operators, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, quantity and value of fish produced, citizenship of opcrator: 1938 14. Number of operators, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, quantity and value of fish produced, by value of catch: 1938 ........ 15. Number of operators, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, quantity and value of fish produced, by year established: 1938 16. Number of operators, total assets, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, and value of catch, by municipal- ities: 1938 17. Number of operators reporting bañgos, shrimps, crabs, gou rami, and other fish, by provinces: 1938. 18. Amount and value of salt made in fish ponds, by provinces: 1938 Section VII-Fish Ponds Combined with Other Kinds of Fishing 1. Assets and area of fish ponds, by size of total assets: 1938 4. Assets and arca of fish ponds, by year established: 1938.. 2. Assets and area of fish ponds, by value of catch: 1938...... 3. Assets and arca of fish ponds by form of ownership: 1988.... 504 606 506 of total assets: 1938 catch: 1938 9. Total assets, area, and assessed value of fish ponds, by provinces: 1938 12. Quantity and value of fish caught, by provinces: 1938....... 11. Number and value of fishing equipment, by provinces: 1938. 10. Number of operators, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, by provinces: 1938. 8. Number of operaters, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, quantity and value of fish produced, by year established: 1938 7. Number of operators, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, quantity and value of fish produced, by form of cwnership citizenship of operator: 1938.. 6. Number of operators, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, quantity and value of fish produced, by value of 5. Number of operators, number of employees, salaries and wages paid, quantity and value of fish produced, by size 604 507 509 611 512 514 514 515 617 345 CHAPTER III CENSUS OF FISHERIES SECTION 1.-All Kinds of Fishing Introduction. This chapter presents the results of the first Census of Fisheries ever taken in the Philippines. In view of the importance of the fishing industry and of the place that fah occupies in the Filipino diet, a census of this primary food producing industry was considered a necessary part of the general census taken as of January 1, 1939. This census was taken and prepared for publication under the supervision of Mr. Ray Hurley, Census Expert, assisted by the following per- sons: Pedro de Mesa, Juan S. Agcaoili, Jose N. Umali, Honorio Sotto, Leon Recio, Alfredo Marchadesch, and Perfecto Franche. Scope and method of taking the census.-The Census of Fish- aries included not only all the establishments, individuals, part- nerships, associations, corporations, and government agencies licensed to engage in fishing, but also all persons engaged in fishing on a commercial scale. The Census of Fisheries does not include the establishments engaged in the canning, drying, and preserving of fish as these were included in the Census of Manufactures. O The Census of Fisheries was taken largely by enumeration. A list of all establishments, persons, etc. licensed to engage in Ashing was obtained from the Fish and Game Administration of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce and from the treasurers of the various municipalities. Likewise, a list of all the owners of fish ponds was obtained from municipal treasurers. In addition to these lists, census enumerators and supervisors included in their enumeration all persons en- gaged in fishing in the areas assigned to them for enumeration. The schedules for fisheries were distributed by census enu- merators and their supervisors during the enumeration period (January 1 to January 20, 1989) and a period of 30 days was given for their return. About 40 per cent of the schedules were returned within the allotted time. Special enumerators were appointed to obtain the schedules which were not re- turned within the thirty-day period. Specially trained enu- merators and specially trained personnel from the Manila office were used to enumerate practically all the fish ponds and operators of offshore fishing boats. When the schedules were received in Manila, they were checked for completeness and consistency of entries. Incom- NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, TOTAL ABSETS, AND VALUE O ISH CAUGHT, BY KIND OF FISHING: 1928. Kiod of fobing Offshore. plete schedules and inconsistent data were returned to the provinces for completion or correction by the special enume- rators. After compilation, all data have been rechecked again. Therefore, it is believed that the data contained in this report are essentially correct. However, most of the persons en- gaged in fishing do not keep records and, therefore, the data in most cases were supplied from memory and are subject to the same errors as other census data derived from reports made upon the basis of memory. A facsimile of the questionnaire (Census Form No. 27-A) used for the Census of Fisheries is given on pages 522 to 528 Period covered.-The data given in this report are for the calendar year 1938. Data on production, employees, salaries, and other expenses cover one year's operation except for those establishments which began or discontinued business during the year. Data on assets and equipment are as of December 31, 1938. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUM- BER OF EMPLOYEES, AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY SIZE OF CATCH, FOR ALL KINDS OF FISHING: 1988. Eine of catch Under P100..... P100 to P199. P200 to P299. P300 to P399. P400 to P409 P500 to P589.. P800 to P689. P700 to P759.. P800 to PR09. MERT P P900 to 1999. Oshers and Inckers Fish ponds Pish ponds and other Iinds of Reding Thousands of establishments Thousands of employees 90 100 110 120 130 140 Millions of pesos of total assets Yalue of Ash caught in hundreds of thousands of posod P1,000 to P1,409.. P1,500 to P1,999. P2,000 to P4,999.. P5,000 and ever 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Per cent of total Number of establishments Number of employees Value of catch 80 90 100 346 Extent of the industry.-This census shows 94,631 establish ments engaged in the fishing industry, with 264,608 employees receiving P2,475,830 in salaries and wages, and Total assets of #46,106,324. Value of fish caught in 1938 totalled #21,088,686 or an average of 223 per establishment. Number of establishments.-As used in this report, the term "establishment" or "operator" represents a corporation, part- nership or individual engaged in fishing. Kind of fishing.-Establishments engaged in fishing have been classified into six groups on the basis of the kind of fishing in which engaged. Usually, an establishment is engaged in one kind of fishing. However, two separate groups have been devised for those establishments engaged in more than one kind of fishing. (1) Offshore fishing.-Offshore fishing is usually done in deep water. Ordinarily, offshore fishing requires the use of motor driven boats and such nets as utase, muroami, sapiao, etc. The most important fishes caught by offshore fishermen are bonito, caesio, herrings and sardines, red snapper, Spanish mackerel, groupers and anchovies. (2) Inshore fishing is done near the shore. Inshore fishing is usually accomplished by means of fish corrals, fish traps, and such nets as taksay, panti, salap, and kitang. Boats used are usually fishing boats without engines, bancas, and other small fishing boats. Important fishes caught include anchovies, bonito, shrimps, herrings and sardines, catfish, mullet, cavallas, crabs, dalag, and hito. (3) Offshore-inshore fishing.-In this group have been in- cluded establishments engaged in both offshore and inshore fish- ing. These establishments have the characteristics of both off- shore and inshore fishing establishments. (4) Inland fishing.-Inland fishing comprises the establish- ments engaged in fresh water fishing in lakes and rivers. Equipment used comprises principally small bancas and fishing boats and such nets as salap, daklis, etc., and lines (hapin) as well as fish traps and corrals. Shrimps, catfish, dalag, hito, and crabs constitute the principal fishes caught. (5) Fish ponds.-Fish ponds are constructed for the purpose of the growing of bangos, crabs, shrimps, gourami, and other similar fishes. Most of the fish ponds are in the lowlands near rivers and the sea shore. All fish ponds are privately owned or leased. Small bancas and small nets constitute the usual equipment of such establishments. Bañgos, shrimps, and crabs constitute the principal products obtained from fish ponds. (6) Fish ponds and other kinds of fishing.-Establishments engaged in the production of fish in fish ponds as well as other kinds of fishing have been separately classified. Most of these establishments are engaged in inland or inshore fishing in com- bination with the production of fish in Fish ponds. The relative importance of the various kinds of fishing is shown in the following table: TABLE 1-ALL KINDS OF FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED, TOTAL ASSETS, AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY KIND OF FISHING: 1938 Number of establishments Persons employed Capical invested Value of fish caught Kind of fishing Number Per cent distribution Persons Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent distribution Total.... Offshore. 94,631 26,213 100.0 27.7 264,608 100.0 46,106,324 100.0 21,088,686 100.0 Inshore... 47.974 50.7 75,867 135,393 28.7 4,026,669 8.7 5,938,128 28.2 51.2 3,289,819 Offshore-inshore 7.1 2,207 2.3 8,348 5,423,241 25.7 3.2 334,847 In land 0.7 341,964 1.6 9,802 10.4 17,621 6.7 412,864 Fish ponds 0.9 8,305 1,636,883 7.8 8.8 26,205 9.9 37,723,660 Fish ponds and other 81.8 7,608,930 36.1 kinds of fishing. 130 0.1 1,174 0.4 318,465 0.7 139,540 0.7 347 Total assets. Total assets represent the total for the follow- ing four classes of assets: (1) Cash on hand and in bank. (2) Value of fish ponds, land, and buildings used for fishing purposes. (3) Value of towboats, fishing boats, bancas, fish corrals, nets, and other fishing equipment, (4). Accounts and notes receivable, The value of the different classes of assets represents the estimated value as of December 31, 1938. The capital invested in the fishing industry totalled r46,106,324 of which 37,313,456 or 80.9 per cent represented land and buildings; +7,052,098 or 15.3 per cent, equipment; #1,740,770 or 3.8 per cent, cash; and accounts and notes receivable. Because of the large investment in land, the capital invested in fish ponds amounted to more than four-fifths of the total investment in the fishing industry. Almost nine-tenths of the value of all equipment of all kinds of fishing was reported by establishments engaged in offshore and inshore fishing. Number of employees and salaries paid.-Persons employed in the fishing industry have been classified into three groups as follows: (1) Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages.-In this group have been included the owner or operator and members of the owner's or operator's family who were not paid salaries or wages. (2) Superintendents, caretakers, etc.-This group includes the persons other than the owner or operator in charge of the fishing establishment. Caretakers are usually employed for fish ponds, while superintendents are usually employed for other kinds of fishing. (3) Other employees.-This group includes fishermen, la- borers, and others engaged in the industry and paid salaries or wages. resents only a part of the income received by employees of fishing establishments. The number of persons reported as employed in the various fishing industries represents the average number during the year if the establishment was operated for 12 months or the average number employed during the month for which the es- tablishment was in operation if the establishment was operated less than 12 months. For example, if a particular establishment was operated for only six months during 1938, then the number of persons employed during each of the six months were added and the total divided by six in order to obtain the average number of employees. Therefore, the number of employees reported represents the approximate number of persons em- ployed during the fishing season and not the equivalent number employed throughout the year. Inasmuch as most fishing is seasonal and a large part of the persons engaged in fishing are employed only part time in fishing industry, the method of reporting the number of employees should be noted in order to understand the data presented. However, in the case of sal- aries, the amount reported represents the amount paid regard- less of the number of months employed. The total number of persons employed in all kinds of fishing totalled 264,608, or an average of 2.8 persons per establishment. More than four-fifths of the total persons were engaged in offshore and inshore fishing. Of the total, 171,748 or almost two-thirds were proprictors and others not paid salaries or wages. Only 14,195 or 5.4 per cent of the total employees were superintendents and caretakers, while 78,665 or 29.7 per cent of the total were other employees, including fishermen, la- borers, and others. Salaries and wages paid during 1938 totalled P2,475,830. More than three-fifths of the salaries and wages paid were reported by establishments engaged in offshore and inshore Only for those persons classified as superintendents, care- fishing. The average salary or wage paid per person was very takers, and other employees were reports made for salaries and low, being 42 for superintendents and caretakers and P24 wages paid. The reported salaries and wages represent salaries for other employees. However, the reported salaries and wages or wages paid in cash or its equivalent. However, salaries or do not represent the entire income of these employees from wages paid in cash or its equivalent represent only a small part fishing nor the total salaries and wages for a year's work as the income received by persons employed in fishing as the fishing does not usually provide full time employment through- usual method of paying employees is to give them a share out the year. the catch. Hence, the reported amount of salaries paid rep 348 TABLE 2.-ALI KINDS OF FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS BY KIND OF FISHING: 1938 King of fishing Item All kinds of fishing Offshore Offshore Inshore and inshore Inland Fish ponds Fish ponds and ther kinds of fishing Number of establishments, 1938. Per cent distribution... 94,631 100,0 26,213 27.7 47,974 50.7 2,207 2.3 9,802 8,305 150 10.4 8.8 0.1 Number of employees in 1938 total 264,688 75,867 135,393. 8,378 17,621 26.203 1,1.4 Per cent distribution. Average number per es- tablishment.. Proprietors and others 100.0 28.7 51.2 3.2 6.7 9.9 0.4 Persons 2.8 2.9 2.8 3.8 1.8 8.2 9.0 not paid salaries..... Persons 171,748 47,901 93,970 5,330 13,628 9,874 1,048 Per cent distribu- tion...... Per cent of total em- 000 100.0 27.9 54.7 3.1 7.9 5.7 0.6 ployees... 64.9 63.1 69.4 Mane 63.8 77.8 37.7 89.0 Average per estab- lishment.... Persons. 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.4 1.4 1.2 8.0 Superintendents, care- takers, etc..... Persons 14,195 3,344 5,174 412 605 4,680 80 Per cent of total em- ployees.... Other employees. Persons 5.4 78,655 4.4 4.9 8.4 17.7 2.6 24,622 36,249 2,608 3,888 11,701 99 Per cent of total em- ployees 29.7 32.5 20.8 81.2 ons 19.2 44.7 8.4 TO OFF Salaries paid in 1938. to- Pesos 2,475.830 1,059,941 425,486 65,203 40,694 870,893 134,633 Per cent distribu-dd To bo tion...... 100.0 42.8 17.2 2.6 1.6 35.2 0.6 Per cent of total re- ceipts..... 11.7 17.8 7.8 19.1 2.5 11.4 9.8 Average per estab- lishment....... Pesos 26 40 9 80 .4 105 105 Superintendents, care- takers, etc.... Pesos 592,387 97,290 61,946 5,957 15,816 406,826 4,546 Per cent distributions. Average per person.. Pesos Other employees...... Pesos bage Per cent disribution... Average per persons. Pesos Cost of fuel.. 100.0 42 1,883,443 100.0 24 16.4 29 962,645 10.5 51.1 39 12 363,520 b 19.3 1.0 14 59,246 8.1 10 23 2.7 26 24,878 01.30 T 68.7 0.8 88 464,067 152 9.087 24.6 40 0.5 92 Pesos Per cent distribution.. Establishments report- ing.... Average per establish- ment.... Pesos 724,173 100.0 Number.. 2213 198 8 668,153 92.3 1,251 48,050 abal 6.6 5,659 2,311 0.8 0.3 849 87 76 25 1 3 (2) Value of fish caught, total.. Pesos Per cent distribution... Average per establish- ment..... 21,088,686 100.0 223 Penns 5,938,128 28.2 227 5,423,241 25.7 113 341,964 1.6 Capital invested, total. Peror Per cent distribution Average per establish- ment... Pesos Land and buildings. Pesos Per cent distribution. 46.196.324 100.0 487 37,313,456 100.0 4.026.669 3.289.819 155 334.847 1,636,883 7.8 167 412,864 37.723.660 7,608,930 86.1 139,540 N 916 0.7 1,073 318,465 8.7 7.1 154 123,281 69 101,356 0.7 152 11,287 0.9 81.8 0.7 42 7,880 4,542 86,820,115 2.450 250,037 0.3 0.3 (1) (') Average per establish- ment. Pesos Per cent of total. 394 80.9 5 3.1 3.1 ยิ่ง 5 8.4 1 1.8 98.7 4,488 0.7 1,928 97.6 78.5 Equipment (ishing, boats, corals, nets, etc.)... Pesos Per cent distribution.. Average per estab- ment... Pesos Per cent of total. 7,052,098 100.0 75 15.3 8,842,487 47.4 2,715,896 88.5 267,969 8.8 378,743 5.4 289,697 57,356 4.1 0.8 Cash..... Pesos Per cent distribution 1,592,749 100.0 128 88.0 481,476 80.2 57 82.6 409,905 25.7 121 39 35 80.0 91.7 0.8 52,031 24,417 619 848 441 18.0 11,0720 3.3 1.5 38.5 0.7 Average per establish- ment.... Pesos Per cent of total.. 17 3.5 Accounts receivable... Pesos 148,021 18 12.0 79.475 9 24 2 74 85 8.5 12.5 15.5 5.9 1.6 62,662 3,560 2,824 Per cent distribution. 100.0 53.7 42.3 2.4 1.6 Average per establish- ment... Per cent of total. Pesos 23 3 1 2 (2) 2.0 1.9 1.1 0.6 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. Less than 1 peso. *Notes and accounts received in.!uded. 349 Equipment.-Separate data were obtained for the number and value of the following kinds of fishing equipment: 1. Fishing boat with engine 2. Fishing boat without engine 3. Bancas and other small fishing boats 4. Fish nets. a. Utase net (trawl net, pukot) b. Muroami net (trap net, kulukutok, salambao) c. Sapiao (seine) d. Bating (gill net, taksay, panti) e. Other nets (salap, dakles, etc.) f. Lines (hapin) 5. Fish corrals, traps, and weirs. a. Baclad b. Tangar c. Bobos d. Others 6. Other equipment edago The number and value represent the number and value as of December 31, 1938. The value of all fishing equipment of all establishments to- talled 7,052,098 or an average of P75 per establishment. The distribution of equipment by kind is shown in the follow- ing table: TABLE 3.-ALL KINDS OF FISHING-DISTRIBUTION OF EQUIPMENT BY KIND: 1938 Kind of fishing equipment Establishments reporting Number Per cent distribution Total (Pesos) Value of equipment Average per establishment reporting (Pesos) Per cent distribution Total... Boats and bancas. Fishing boats, total. With engines. Without engines... 174,555 100.0 7,052,098 40 100.0 66,148 37.9 2,870,287 43 40.7 5,438 3.1 1,913,606 352 27.1 199 0.1 1,240,302 6,283 17.6 5,239 3.0 673,304 129 9.5 Small fishing boats and bancas. 60,710 34.8 956,681 16 13.6 Nets and lines.. 80,022 45.8 2,091,779 26 29.7 Utase nets (trawl nets, pakot 2,635 1.5 708,872 269 10.1 Sapiao nets (seine).....K Muroami nets (trap neta, kulukutok, etc.). 536 0.3 85,965 160 1.2 873 0.2 172,940 464 2.5 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.). Bating nets (gill net, talay, panti) 2,495 1.4 164,174 66 2.8 87,974 21.8 775,472 20 11.0 Lines (hapin)... 36,009 20.6 184,356 B 2.6 Fish corrals, traps, and weirs.. 28,385 16.3 1,338,755 47 19.0 Baclad... 10,587 6.1 1,050,724 1.156 0.7 19,694 7,586 4.3 9,056 5.2 70,949 197,388 66666 99 14.9 17 0.8 9 1.0 22 2.8 751,277 10.7 Tangar... Bobos.. Others.. All other equipment. The value of fishing boats represents more than two-fifths of the value of all equipment, and the value of fishing boats and nets constitute more than seven-tenths of the value of all fishing equipment. Establishments engaged in offshore and inshore fishing re- ported more than nine-tenths of the total value of all fishing boats with and without engines and almost nine-tenths of the value of all fishing nets. - 350 Fish caught.-Separate data were obtained on the quantity and value of the following kinds of fish caught: 1. Anchovy (anakbat, bolinao, dilis) 2. Barracuda (babayo, torsillo) 3. Bonito, skipjack or albacora (barilis, tuliñgan) 4. Caesio (dalagang bukid, bigao) 5. Cavattas (talakitok, sumanga) 6. Chub mackerel (alunmahan, guma-a, haguma-a, hasa- hasa, kaballas, mataan, salay-salay) 7. Crabs (alimañgo, alimasag) 8. Grouper (lapu-lapu, kulapu) 9. Herrings and sardines (lapad tamban, tunsoy, manamsi, amarilis) 10. Lizard fish (kalaso) 11. Mullet (banak, balanak, aguas) 12. Nemipterid (bisugo, serimillete) 13. Red snapper (banbañgin, maya-maya) 14. Swordfish (malasugui), 15. Siganid and surgeon fish (samaral, labahita, kuyog) 16. Shrimps (hipon) (ui) 17. Spanish mackerel (tanigui, tanguin ui) 18. Squids (pusit, panus, bangkuta-an) 19. Catfish (kanduli) 20. Dalag, hito 21. Other fishes In addition to the above, separate questions were asked con- cerning the production and value of bangos, shrimps, crabs, and gourami in fish ponds and concerning the production and value of turbo (lagang), trochus (samong), mother pearl (ti- pay), cowry shells (sigay), and sea cucumber (edible-balatan). The value of the fish caught represents the total value at the point of sale or disposal and includes the value of those sold as well as those consumed by those persons engaged in fishing. The value of all fish caught and other products obtained in 1938 totalled #21,088,686. Bañgos ranked first in importance and the value of bañgos constituted more than one-third of the value of all fish caught. Shrimps, anchovy, and herrings and sardines ranked second, third, and fourth, respectively, in importance in value among all fish caught. The determination of the quantity of fish caught involved many difficulties as there was no standard unit of measure in use throughout the Islands. In some sections, the quantity was reported in number of petroleum cans; in other sections, the quantity caught was reported in the number of wooden pans (batia), basket (tiklis, canastro, bilao, etc.), or by the number of fish. Additional difficulties were encountered because the same kind of containers in various sections were of different sizes. When the schedules were received in Manila, it was necessary to convert all the various reports into a common unit. In the various tables, the quantity of fish caught is usually given in kilos or in boxes (these boxes measure approximately 2 feet long, 1 foot wide, and 13 feet high and usually contain approximately 20 kilos of fish). The total catch of all fishes totalled 80,693,528 kilos or an average of 5 kilos per inhabitant of the Philippines. In weight, bangos ranked first in importance followed by shrimps, anchovy, and herrings and sardines. 352 Cost of fucland electricity.-The data given for the cost of fuel represents the cost of fuel and electricity purchased during 1938 and includes the amount spent for the purchase of coal, gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, and clectricity. The total cost of fuel and electricity was P724,173, of which more than 92 per cent was reported by establishments engaged in offshore fishing. Size of catch.The classification by size of catch has been made on the basis of the total value of all fish caught and other products obtained. The distribution of establishments by size of catch indicates that more than two-thirds of all fishing es- tablishments have a total catch valued at less than P100 each. Also, more than nine-tenths of all establishments reported less than P500 of fish caught during 1938, but the value of fish caught by such establishments amounted to only about one- third the value of fish reported by all establishments. Estab- lishments reporting a value of P1,000 or more for fish caught amounted to less than four per cent of all establishments, yet reported more than half of all the value of fish caught by all establishments. · Citizenship of operator.-The tabulation by citizenship of operator was made on the basis of the citizenship reported by the operator of the establishments. The tabulation included only those establishments operated by their individual owners as partnerships, associations, and corportions were excluded. Of the 91,400 establishments operated by their indivitual owners, all except 123 were operated by citizens off the Phil- ippines. Of the 123 establishments operated by non-Filipino citizens, 57 were operated by citizens of China, 54 by citizens cf Japan, 8 by citizens of the United States, and 4 by citizens of other countries. The value of fish reported by establishments owned by persons who are not Filipino citizens amounted to about half a million pesos. While operators who are not Fili- pino citizens do not occupy an important place in the fishing industry, these people, especially Japanese, do play an import- ant role as they operate a considerable number of the larger fishing establishments, particularly offshore fishing establish- nents for Filipino owners. Form of organization.-The classification by form of organi- zation has been made on the basis of whether or not the es- tablishment was operated by an individual, a partnership, an association, or a corporation. Out of the 94,631 fishing estab- lishments, all except 3.4 per cent were operated by individuals and only 2.7 per cent by partnerships, 0.6 per cent by associa- tions, and 0.1 per cent by corporations. While establishments operated by partnerships, associations, and corporations com- prised only about 3.4 per cent of the total establishments, they reported about 12 per cent of the total value of fish caught by all establishments. Year established.-Tabulations by year established were made only for offshore fishing and fish ponds. Assets classified by citizenship of owner.-The classification of assets by citizenship of owner indicates that the fishing in- dustry is predominantly owned by citizens of the Philippines. Of the 46,106,324 assets of all fishing establishments, 43,705,090 or 94.8 per cent are owned by citizens of the Phil- ippines; 33,990 cr 0.1 per cent by citizens of the. United States; P112,320.or 0.2 per cent by citizens of China; P427,933 or 0.9 per cent by citizens of Japan; 3.9 per cent by citizens of other countries; and 33,671 or 0.1 per cent by partnerships, associations, and corporations. Data by provinces. Data are presented by provinces. Scpa- rate data are given for chartered cities. The totals for the province do not include the chartered city forming part of the province. 952 TABLE 4.-ALL KINDS OF FISHING-NUMBER AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY KIND OF FISHING: 1988 Kind of fishing Kind of equipment or item All kinds of fishing Offshore Inshore Offshore- inshore Fish Fonds Inland Fish ponds and other kinds of fishing Value of equipment, 267,769 378,743 total.... Pesos 7,052,098 3,342,437 2,715,896 289,697 57,356 Per cent distri- tion..... 100.0 47.4 38.5 8.8 5.4 4.1 0.8 total...... Value of fishing boats, Per cent distribution. Fishing boats with Pesos 2,870,287 1,823,747680,235 106,500 123,429 99.481 36,895 100.0 63. 23.7 3.7 .3 3.5 C 1.3 engines... Number. 295 209 32 11 40 Establishments re- porting. Number 199 128 22 Value... Pesos 1,240,302 1,118,436 50,455 11 32,155 Fishing boats without 1,700 85 37,556 engines.. Number.. 7,841 3,307 3,976 268. 188 COGHU 55 Establishments re- 47 porting..... Number.. 5,239 2,099 2,717 Value Pesos 673,304 372,121 192,898 179 48,849 169 46 29 20,866 N 9,985 33,585 Small fishing boats and bancas.. Number 74,316 25,705 37,302 1,999 6,565 S 2,636 119 Establishments re-] 210 porting..... Number.. 60,710 19,152 32,510 1,703 5,677 1,67 71 Value... Pesos 956,681 333,190 436,882 30,496 S 100,863 51,940 3,310 S Value of fishing nets, S total....... Pesos 3,430,534 1,103,453 1,817,790 C 142,899 236,999 108,932 20.461 D - Per cent distribution.... Made 100.0 220 32.2 50.0 4.2 6.9 8.2 4.6 0 Otase nets trawl nets, pukot) Value... Muroami nets (trap Establishments reporting Number nets, kulukutok, etc.) Number. Number. Pesos 3,967 2,635 708,872 1,556 T 1,848 170 377 16 856 381,198 1.475 124 169 #1 G 245,973 32.462 45,259 3,980 667 171 370 35 85 6 Establishments re- porting.... Number.. Tepe 536 126 306 27 73 Value... Pesos Sapiao nets (seine)..... Number.. 85,965 447 35,779 37,951 4,563 6,834 838 283 136 19 5 Establishments re- porting.... Number.. 373 235 114 16 Б Value.... Pesos 172,940 125,303 37,363 7,594 480 8 2,200 porting.. porting.... Bating nets (gill net, tamsay, panti)... Establishments Value... Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.)... Establishments Value... Lines (hapin)... Establishments porting.... a Number.. 3,019 488 948 43 711 789 60 re- Number.. Pesos 2,495 408 846 39 662 514 26 164,174 34,741 62,334 5,175 38,098 22,082 1,747 BBCO Number.. Fab 57,036arod 8,846 82,424 2,100 9,539 3,966 161 re- 3 C Number.. 87,974 6,90 22,229 1,403 5,673 2,202 77 G Pesos 775,472 183,638 462,526 86,977 53,008 34,342 4,981 H Number.. 83,573 (1378690 500 27,769 3,086 8,592 308 82 re- Number.. 36,009 21,149 11,115 1,309 2,288 135 13 Value... Pesos 184,856 124,203 41,623 ,930 11,066 1,489 Baclad. Number.. 17,366 581800 10,211 216 2,292 3,779 50 Establishments re- porting. Number.. 10,587 712 7,971 179 919 Value.... Pesos 1,050,724 145,094 760,112 42,227 58,682 781 38,106 25 ZNASS 3345 6,508 Tangar. Number.. 6,047 675 4,60 4,600 TO 471 299 Establishments re- porting... Number.. 1,156 251 Value.. Pesos 19,694 6,538 624 10,585 110 171 462 2,109 Bobos.. Number.. 22,198 9,653 10,001 1,330 1,190 24 BOSSS Establishments re- porting.... Number.. 7,586 8,726 Value.. Pesos 70,949 ab 43,828 2,821 22,608 445 8 2,214 591 2,257 O 42 Other cortals, traps, and weirs..... Establishments porting. Value... Other equipment, Value Number.. 15,383 1,308ad7,453 696 8,083 2,800 43 re- on 9 Number Pesos 9,056 197,388 868 23,131 4,782 136,715 250 1,430 1,717 ,295 125 19,209 12,913 Pesos 71,277 STQ 415,237 217,871 18 18,315 81,284 353 TABLE 5-ALL KINDS OF FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY KIND OF FISH AND BY KIND OF FISHING: 1938 Total Offshore Inshore Kind of fish Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos Total..... 80,933,888 21,088,686 21,088,686 28,630,999 5,938,128 26,513,491 5,4231241 Anchovy.. 5,824,340 1,116,301 2,568,020 463,353 2,926,640 599,702 Barracuda. 185,575 84,863 97,809 42,204 73,657 36,180 Bonito... 1,485,881 700,751 801,379 364,727 598,850 296,833 Caesio.. 2,150,000 529,155 1,900,740 471,864 218,800 51,290 Cavallas... 716,594 348,933 314,328 148,286 359,340 182,96089 Chub mackerel... 2,620,520 563,639 1,348,180 311,610 1,134,840 224,397 Crabs... 2,533,660 402,831 150,240 23.386 1,493,340 200,0400 Grouper.... 618,265 314,639 366,204 188,117 218,830 110,981 Herrings and sardines. 4,465,280 994,977 2,608,580 606,194 1,505,820 308,614 Lizard fish... 379,900 82,251 265,880 64,028 105,380 16,723 Mullet.... 1,264,740 275,159 228,020 47,342 863,460 187,777 Nemipterid. Red snapper. Sword Tsh. 1,388,540 309,424 1,125,500 260,914 247,400 45,129 598,604 293,696 425,999 208,425 144,431 72,721 135,733 66,876 84,935 41,924 41,372 20,330 Squids... Siganid and surgeon.. Shrimps... Spanish mackerel.. Catfieh... Dalag, bfto.. Other fishes..... 1,135,440 242,677 665,880 150,334 85,663 (431,020 6,165,180 1,438,987 986,240 240,806 2,630,600 515,519 604,161 295,780 385,194 187,615 195,602 97,495 857,300 150,835 396,220 75,644 432,860 (9,324 2,134,640 505,610 894,040 178,899 1,908,860 393,855 797,040 142,944 28,866,342 4,770,513 13,812,273 Turbo, trochus, mother pearl, etc.. Bangos... Gourami.. 240,360 14,645,265 8,708 117,211 7,086,153 99,378 1,994,058 47,297 11,178,117 1,919,011 122,052 60,679 3,570 Offshore inshore Inland Fish ponds Kind of fish Combined pond and other types fish Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos Kilo3 Pesos Total...... Anchovy.. Barracuda. 1,615,131 225,000 341,964 7,224,256 1,636,883 16,401,788 7,608,930 548,223 139,540 44,624 104,680 13,892 6,371 Bonito... 69,682 34,206 Caesio.. 29,420 5,770 Cavallas.. 27,100 12,774 ₤10,753 217 15,970 8.622 108 4,985 1,040 281 15,826 4,913 mackerel.... 111,760 21,368 Crabe... 25,740 6,264 Grouper.. 34,120 5,248 899,020 22,806 Lizard Fish... Herrings and sardines. 8,156 85,068 4,080 432,180 84,301 24,760 4,793 2,269 708 180,440 39,409 106,080 24,671 8,640 1,500 64,000 360 16,089 Mullet.. Nemipterid 43,180 9,944 126,900 29,355 3,180 741 Sword fish.. Red snapper. 14,220 3,027 1,420 354 28,074 12,500 100 50 Siganid and surgeon 9,002 4,409 424 213 34,040 5,560 4,500 1,120 Shrimps. pearl, etc...... Bangos.. Gourami. Spanish mackerel.. Squids.. Catfish... Dalag, hito.. Other fishes Turbo, trochus, mother 51,180 11,307 1,567,180 377,224 995,960 285,840 34,020 8,261 21,305 9,616 2,060 1,054 26,280 5,425 1,940 442 16,240 5,992 1,222,000 820,128 2,860 591 6,000 1,429 1,103,320 249,057 2,500 425 639,403 8,347 89,072 2,676,200 1,665 539,840 485,209 206,124 125,140 22,408 15,400 7,460 14,530,296 8,148 7,028,877 8,288 183 114,969 865 110 56,776 282 354 TABLE & -ALL KINDS OF FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY KIND OF FISHING: 1938 Kind of fishing Kind of fist or item All kinds of fishing Oshffore Inshore Offshore and inshore Fish ponds Inland Fish ponds and other kinds of fishing Value of all fishes caught, total. Reses 21,088,686 5,938,128 5,423,241 341,964 1,636,883 1,636,883 7,608,930 139,540 Per cent distribution.... 100.0 28.2 25.7 1.6 7.8 86.1 0.7 Anchovy. Value.. Boxes. Pesos. 291 217 128,401 146,332 11,250 5,234 1,116,301 468,853 599,702 44,624 Establishments reporting. 8,622 10,416 2,521 7,580 297 Barracuda.. 18 Kilos 185,575 97,809 73,657 13,892 217 Value. Pesos. 84,863 42,204 86,180 6,371 Establishments reporting. 108 2,289 1,173 1,033 71 12 Bonito, skipjack or albacora. Kilos.. 1,485,881 801,379 598,850 69,682 15,970 Value.. Pesos. 700,751 864,727 296,833 84,206 4,933 Establishments reporting. 11,836 6.537 4,226 568 6 Caesio Boxes. 107,500 95,037 10,940 1,471 52 Value. Pesos 529,155 471,864 51,290 5,770 231 Establishments. 2,667 1,136 1,378 147 6 Cavallas. Kilos. 716,594 314,828 859,340 27,100 15,826 Value. Pesos 348,933 148,286 182,960 12,774 4,913 Establishments reporting. 10,402 5,012 4,717 654 19 Chub mackerel.... Boxes. 131,026 67,409 56,742 5,588 1,237 Value. Pesos. 563,639 311,610 224,397 21,368 6,231 Establishments reporting. 8,152 3,560 4,216 865 11 Crabs. Boxer. 126,683 7,512 74,667 1,706 19,951 21,609 1,238 Value.. Pesos. 402,831 28,386 200,040 5,243 85,068 84,801 4,793 Establishments reporting. 10,010 709 6,070 284 1,082 1,784 81 Grouper. Kilos. 618,265 366,204 218,830 22,806 8,156 2,261 Value. Pesos. 314,639 188,117 110,981 10,753 4,080 708 Establishments reporting 14,157 8,409 4,852 834 49 13 Herrings and sardines.. Boxes. 228,264 130,429 75,291 9.022 5,804 3,218 Value. Pesos. 994,977 606,194 Establishments reporting. 808,614 89,409 24,671 16,039 8,099 2,273 5,836 820 157 13 Lizardfi ah.... Boxes. 18,995 13,294 5,269 432 Value. Pesos 82,251 Establishments reporting. 64,028 16,723 1,500 1,244 482 638 124 Mullet. Boxes- 63,237 11,401 43,173 2,159 Value.. Pesos. 275,159 47,842 Establishments reporting. 187,777 9,944 6,345 29,355 159 741 8,528 1,294 Nemipterid.... 6,464 345 404 21 Boxes. 69,427 56,275 12,870 711 71 Value. Pesos Establishments reporting. 309,424 260,914 45,129 3,027 351 3,362 Red snapper.. 1,618 1,563 177 4 Kilos.. 598,604 425,999 144,431 28,074 100 Value. Pesos 293,696 208,425 Establishments reporting. 72,721 12,500 59 9,586 5,702 Sword fish.. 3,235 2 647 Kilos.. 135,733 84,935 41,872 Value. 9,002 421 Pesos 66,876 41,924 Establishments reporting. 20,330 213 4,409 4 2,721 Siganid and surgeon fish. 1,408 1,132 177 Boxes. 225 56,772 33,294 21,551 1,702 Value.. Pesos. 242,677 Establishments reporting. 150,334 85,663 5,560 1,120 15 4,117 Shrimps.. 1,074 2,783 245 Boxes. 308,259 49,312 126,530 2,559 78,359 49,798 1,701 Value. Pesos Spanish mackerel.. Establishments reporting. 1,438,987 240,806 515,549 11,307 877,224 285,840 8,261 93 16,109 694 Kilos.. 604,161 885,194 7,857 195,602 268 21,305 8,547 3,650 2,060 Value... Pesos 295,780 187,615 97,495 Squids. Establishments reporting. 9,616 1,054 6 94 5,831 2,921 383 97 Boxes. 42,865 19,811 21,643 1,314 Value. 442 Pesos. Catfish.... Establishments reporting. 150,835 75,644 69,324 5,425 11 6,358 2,600 3,294 453 118 Boxes. 106,732 44,702 812 61,100 Value. 591 Pesos Dalag, hito. Establishments reporting. 505,610 4,796 tre Boxes. 95,443 Value. Pesos. 393.855 Bangos.... Establishments reporting. 7,193 178,899 2,209 39,852 142,944 3,543 5,992 320,128 .7 75 2,505 125 300 1,429 119 55,166 249,057 425 19 4,232 Kilos.. 14,645,265 14,530,296 114,969 Value. Gourami..... Establishments reporting. Pesos. 7,086,153 7,029,377 55,776 109 Number 6,917 6,809 565 Kilos.. 8,708 8,143 282 Value.. Pesos. Other fishes.. Establishments reporting. 8,570 3,288 2 Number. 118 116 Boxes and/or kilos. Value.. Pesos. Establishments reporting. 2,076,381 4,770,513 shell and sea cucumber- Turbo trochus, mother pearl, cowry 64,000 798,549 1,994,058 19,145 657,234 1,919,011 44,780 134,302 435,209 6,257 89,072 539,840 206,124 22,408 97 84,4502 1,811 7,324 1,163 Kilos.. 240,360 99,378 Value.. 460 122,052 123 8,847 15,400 110 Pesos Establishments reporting. 117,211 47,297 60,679 1,665 7,460 2,213 975 1,078 73 84 355 TASES 7-ALL KINDS OF FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Item All establish- ments Size of catch Under P100 P100 to P199 200 to P299 300 to P399 Number of establishments, 1938... Per cent distribution... 94,631 100.0 10.195 64,648 68.3 1904555 11.6 6,203 6.6 4.118 4.4 Number of employees in 1938. total.. Persons. 264.608 135.782 33,876 18.772 13.810 Per cent distribution... 100.0 Average number per establishment. Persons... 2.8 51.3 2.1 12.8 7.1 5.2 Proprietors and others not paid salaries 8.1 Persons... 3.0 171,748 3.4 115,329 Per cent of distribution.. 22,434 100.0 10,506 7,153 67.2 13.1 -6.1 Per cent of total employees. 64.9 4.2 84.9 66.2 Average per establishment... Per cent of total employees.. Other employees... Per cent of total employees.. Salaries paid in 1938, totai, Persons.. 56.0 1.8 51.8 1.8 2.0 Superintendents, caretakers, etc.. Persons.. 1.7 14,195 1.7 5,520 1,803 6.4 1,168 856 4.1 5.3 Persons 6.2 78,665 6.2 29.76 14,993 11.0 9,639 28.5 7,098 5,801 37.8 42.0 Pesos.... 2,475,830 108,477 80,207. 75,691 86.319 Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total receipts. Average per establishment.. Pesos. Superintendents, caretakers, etc.. Pesos... Per cent distribution... Average per perscr pesos. Other employees.. Pesos. Per cent distribution.. Average per person Pesos..... 100.0 11.7 28 592,387 100.0 42 1,883,443 100.0 24 4.3 5.0 3.5 3.1 3.5 5.6 5.1 6.2 24,355 27 4.T 8 19,548 3.3 11 12 21 24,198 81,115 4.1 21 5.3 36 8,722 4.3 6,659 3.6 51,493 55.204 2.7 7 2.9 10 Cost of fuel.... Pesos... Per cent distribution. Establishments reporting. Number. 724,173 100.0 2,213 40,494 5.6 7,317 1.0 16,622 8,089 2.3 Average per establishment... Pesos..... 2,23 1.1 1,106 1 317 225 126 1 3 2 Value of fish caught, total... Per cent distribution. Average per establishment..... Capital invested, total. Per cent distribution. Pesos.... Pesos.... 21,088,686 100.0 223 2,133,107 10.1 33 1,529,761 7.3 139 1,477,193 7.0 238 1,400,577 6.6 340 Pesos 46.106,324 3,677,721 2,186,11 1.897.980 3 1.748,041 Average per establishment... Land and buildings... Pesos..... Pesos..... Per cent distribution.. Average per establishment. Pesos.. Per cent of total... 100.0 487 37,313,456 100.0 394 80.9 57 8.0 55 4.7 (86) 4.1 3.8 199 5. 306 424 1,810,8 1,243,60 1,303,303 1,281,58 Equipment (fishing boats, corrals, nets, etc.).... Pesos.... Per cent distribution... Average per establishment.. Pesos.... Per cent of total.. Cash... Per cent distribution.. Pesos.... Average per establishment. Pesos... Per cent of total.. 7,052,098, 100.0 75 15.3 1,502,749 100.0 17 3.5 4.9 28 49.2 1,560,498 3.3 8.5 8.4 113 210 31 56.9 789,704 68.7 73.3 499,185 392,074 22.1 24 42.4 282,577 11.2 72 36.1 141,117 7.1 80 26.3 88,473 5.6 95 22.4 65,692 17.7 4 8.9 13 5.6 4.1 14 16 Accounts receivable. Pesos... 148,021 7.7 23,791 6.5 11,604 4.7 3.8 7,019 8,717 Per cent distribution. Average per establishment... Pesos.. 100.0 2 16.1 7.8 4.7 5.9 Per cent of total..... 0.3 .6 1 0.5 0.4 14 1 0.5 25 2 356 TABLE 7-ALL KINDS OF FISHING NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938: Cont. Item Size of business P400 to 499 P500 to P599 P600 to P699 P700 to P799 P800 to 1899 Number of establishments, 1938... Per cent distribution. Number of employees in 1938, total Per cent distribution.. Average number per establishment.... Proprietors and others not paid salaries. Per cent of distribution.... Per cent of total employees. Average per establishment... Superintendents, caretakers, etc.... Per cent of total employees. Other employees.... Per cent of total employees... Salaries paid in 1938. tota Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total receipts. Average per establishment.. 2,069 1,330 760 2.2 579 1.4 439 0.8 0.6 0.5 Persons... 8.676 ,6415 4.356 2 704 2,878 3.3 2.4 1.6 Persons... Persons.. 4.2 1.4 4.8 1.1 5.7 3,810 6.4 2,619 6.6 1,413 2.2 1,244 1.5 876 0.8 43.9 0.7 40.8 0.5 Persons... 32.4 1.8 39.6 2.0 30.4 Persons.. 1.9 530 2.1 2.0 388 345 6.1 263 204 6.0 7.9 Persons... 7.1 4,336 3,408 7.1 2,598 50:0 2,197 53.1 1,798 59.6 59.3 62.5 resos.... 62,353 60,985 57.140 53.006 35.942 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.1 6.9 1.5 8.7 Pesos... 11.8 12.5 30 9.9 Superintendents, caretakers, etc.... 46 75 Pesos... 18,411 92 82 Per cent distribution... 22,087 18,601 3.1 18,908 11,135 3.7 Average per person.. 3.1 Pesos... 8.2 1.9 35 Other employees.. Per cent distribution. Pesos.. 43,942 57 38,898 54 38,539 72 55 2.3 34,098 24,807 Average per person. Cost of fuel.... Per cent distribution. Establishments reporting.. Pesos. 10 2.1 11 2.0 1.8 1.3 15 16 14 Pesos... 3,493 2,785 16,539 0.5 1,581 2,206 Per cent distribution. Average per establishment.. Value of fish caught, total... Per cent distrib ution. Average per establishment.. Capital invested, total. Per cent distribution. Average per establishment. Land and buildings. Average per establishment. Per cent of total..... Equipment (fishing, boats, corrals, nets, etc.) Per cent distribution.. Number.. Pesos... 12 Pesos..... 900,859 51 041 ཝུཎྞམ Q.4 2.3 0.2 39 2 443 31 15 22 253 0.8 18 5 697, 482,443 Pesos.... 4.3 435 8.2 28 423,517 2.0 864,559 524 635 731 3 1.7 830 Pesos.... 1.275.40 1.376,246 984,37 1,013,521 828.826 Pesos..... 2.872 3.0 616 1,035 Pesos... 935,140 1,092,754 1,295 2.15 783,941 2.5 2.2 1,750 850,458 1.8 1,888 690,670 2.9 Pesos.. 452 73.3 Pesor 284,706 822 79.4 227,648 2.1 1,032 2.3 1,469 79.6 88.9 167,228 139,863 1.9 1,573 88.3 111,589 4.0 Average per establishment.. Pesos... 138 3.2 171 2.4 Per cent of total..... 220 2.0 242 1.6 254 22.3 Cash.. Per cent distribution. Average per establishment.. Pesos. Pesos 51,421 16.5 51,622 17.0 18.8 18.5 30,997 21,235 3.2 23,735 3.2 -1.9 1.3 1.5 25 39 P'er cent of total. 14 37 54 4.0 3.8 Accounts receivable.. Pesos.. 8.1 2.1 2.9 3,794 4,222 Per cent distribution. 2,171 1,977 2.832 2.6 2.9 Average per establishment.. Pesos 1.5 1.3 1.9 2 Per cent of total.... 3 3 3 6 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.8 357 TABLE 7.-ALL KINDS OF FISHING NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 cont. Size of bam Catch Item P900 to 999 P1,000 to 11,499 P1,500 to P1,999 P2,000 to 14,999 P5000 and over Number of establishments, 1938.. Per cent distribution... 326 1,105 631 896 535 0.3 1.2 0.7 0.9 0.6 Number of employees in 1938, total..... Persons.. 2.437 8,427 5,143 10,172 10,160 - Per cent distribution.. 0.9 3.2 Average number per establishment 1.9 3.8 3.8 Persons... 7.5 7.6 8.2 11.4 19.0 Proprietors and others not paid salaries. Persons.. 599 1,697 889 1,452 1,727 Per cent cf distribution. 0.3 1.0 0.5 0.8 1.0 Per cent of total employees. 24.6 20.1 Average per establishment. 17.3 14.3 17.0 Persons.. 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.6 3.2 Suparintendents, caretakers, etc.. Persons 170 685 489 1,053 721 Per cent of total employees. Other employees.... Per cent of total employees Salaries paid in 1938, total. 7.0 8.1 9.5 10.4 - 7.1 Persons.. 1,668 6,045 3,765 7.667 68.4 71.7 73.2 75.4 7,712 75.0 Pesos..... 47.817 191,398 145,620 427,504 1,038,771 Per cent distribution.... 1.9 7.7 Per cent of total receipts. 15.4 14.1 5.9 14.2 Average per establishment. Pesos.. 147 Superintendents, caretakers, etc.... Pesos. 14,920 173 54,628 231 51,208 17.3 15.9 177 1 42.0 16.5 942 114,894 168,379 Per cent distribution,. Average per person.. Pesos. Other employees. Pesos. Per cent distribution Average per person.. Pesos.... 2.5 88 32,897 1.7 20 9.2 80 136,770 8.6 105 94,412 19.4 109 312,610 28.4 231 7.3 23 5.0 25 16.6 41 870,392 46.2 113 Cost of fuel Pesos... 2,258 7.877 12,203 106,273 496,436 Per cent distribution. 0.3 Establishments reporting.. Number 13 Average per establishment.. Pesos... 7 1.1 35 7 1.7 14.7 68.6 27 19 98 119 112 Value of fish caught, total.... Pesos..... Per cent distribution. Average per establishment.. Pesos.. 311,414 1.5 955 1,355,872 6.4 1,227) 1,025,469 4.9 1,625 2,686,616 12.7 2,998 6,299,856 928 29.9 11,775 Capital invested. total Pesos... 759,959 3.331,214 3,117.171 10.293.353 13,616.793 Per cent distribution. Average per establishment.. Land and buildings. Pesos.. Pesos. 1.6 2,331, 7.2 3,015 6.8 4,940 22.3 11,488 626,313 2,738,129 2,765,515 9,412,577 11,778,579 Per cent distribution... 1.72 7.3 Average per establishment. Pesos.... 1.821' 2.478 7.4 4,383 25.2 10.505 29.5 25,452 31.6 22.016 Per cent of total.. 82.4 82.2 Equipment (fishing boats, corrals, nets, etc.).. Pesos. 107,290 423,716 Per cent distribution.. 88.7 282,289 91.4 660,655 86.5 1,405,653 1.5 6.0 4.0 9.4 Average per establishment.. Pesos... 329 383 447 737 19.9 2,627 Per cent of total.. 14.1 Cash. Pesos. 22,369 12.7 157,512 9.1 6.4 3 10. 63,118 207,397 385,481 Per cent distribution. 1.4 9.9 4,0 13.0 24.2 Average per establishment. Pesos.. 69 143 100 231 721 Per cent of total... Accounts receivable.. 2.9 4.7 2.0 2.0 2.8 Pesos. 3,987 11,857 6,249 12,724 47.077 Per cent distribution. 2.7 8.6 4.2 8.6 31.8 Average per establishment. Pesos. 12 11 10 14 88 Per cent of total.... 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.3 • Love than i 299. 358 TABLE 8.-ALI. KINDS OF FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS,NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY FORM OF ORGANIZATION AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938. Item All establish- ments Establishments operated by- Individuals Partnerships Associations Corporatio: 3 Per cent of total employees.. Number of establishments, 1938. Per cent distribution... Number of employees in 1938. Total.. Per cent distribution Average number per establishment. Proprietors and others not paid salaries. Per cent distribution. Fer cent of total employees. Average per establishment. Superintendents, caretakers, etc..... Other employees... Per cent of total employees. Salaries paid in 1938, total. 94,631 100.0 91,400 96.6 2,58-1 584 63 2.7 0.6 0.1 Persons... 264,608 242,230 15.623 5.502 1,253 Fersons.... Fersons.. 100.0 2.8 171,718 100.0 61.9 91.5 2.7 5.9 2.1 0.5 6.0 9.4 19.9 162,569 6,869 2,051 259 91.7 4.0 1.2 0.2 67.1 41.0 Fersons. 1.8 3 37.3 20.7 1.8 2.7 3.5 4.1 Persons... Persons... 14,195 12,919 985 214 47 78,665 5.4 29.7 5.3 6.3 3.9 3.8 66,712 7,769 3,237 9.17 27.5 49.7 58.8 75.6 Pesos.. 2,475,830 2,012,057 260,436 33,016 170,321 Fer cent distribution. Per cent of total receipts Average per establishment. Pesos.. 100.0 11.7 26 81.3 10.8 10.5 1.3 6.9 18.6 9.8 22.9 22 101 57 2.70-1 Superintendents, caretakers, etc..... Pesos... 592,387 Per cent distribution... 503,966 60,581 14,729 13,111 Average per person. Pesos... Other employees Pesoз.. Per cent distribution. Average per persons.. Cost of fuel.. Per cent distribution. Establishments reporting- Average per establishment.. Value of fish caught, total... Per cent distribution... Average per establishment. Capital invested, total. Per cent distribution.. Pesos..... 100.0 42 1,883,443 100.0 24 1,508,091 85.1 39 80.1 23 10.2 62 199,855 2.5 2.2 69 279 18,287 157,210 10.6 26 1.0 8.8 6 166 Pesos.. Number. Pesos...... 724,173 100.0 2,213 8 617,313 17,807 1,556 87,497 85.2 2,046 7 2.5 0.2 12.1 3 140 7 16 11 3 1,389 Pesos.... 21,088,686 18,605,267 1.403,020 35,825 744,574 Pesos.. 100.0 223 88.2 204 6.7 1.6 3.5 543 575 11,819 Pesc 46.106,324 40,561,571 3,974,163 1,086,573 484,,017 Average per establishment. Land and buildings.. Pesos.. Pesos... 100.0 487 37,313,456 Per cent distribution Average per establishment. Pesos. Fer cent of total... Equipment (fishing boats, corals, nets, etc.).. Pesos.. Per cent distribution. Average per establishment. Pesos.. Per cent of total.... 100.0 394 80.9 7,052,090 100.0 75 15.3 88.0 444 88.5 8.6 1,538 81.1 33,020,211 3,335,78-1 361 41,291 2.4 1,861 931,062 1.0 7,683 23,399 8.9 2.5 1,599 0.1 371 83.9 86.0 4.8 6,034,419 99,979 108,816 408,88-1 85.6 66 14.9 7.1 1.5 5.8 193 186 6,490 12.6 10.0 81.5 Cash.. Fesos.. Per cent distribution Average per establishment.. Pesos.. Per cent of total..... 3 1,59,749 100.0 17 .5 1,398,373 128,638 40,301 23,437 87.8 15 8.1 2.5 1.6 50 69 401 3.4 5.2 3.2 3.7 Accounts receivable.. Pesos.. Per cent distribution. Average per establishment. Per cent of total.. Pesos. 148,021 100.0 2 108,568 73.3 1 9,762 3,394 26,297 6.6 2.3 17.8 4 6 417 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 5.4 359 TABLE &-ALL KINDS OF FISHING NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENT, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY FORM OF ORGANIZATION AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1988.: Cont. Establishments operated by citizens of- Item Philippines United States China Japan Other countries Number of establishments, 1938.. Per cent distribution.. 91,277 8 57 54 4 96.5 (¹) 0.1 0.1 (¹) Number of employees in 1938, total. Persons... 241,290 10 387 499 44 Per cent distribution.. 91.2 (¹) 0.1 0.2 Average number per establishment. (¹) Persons.. 2.6 1.3 6.8 9.2 11.0 Proprietors and others not paid salaries. Persons.. 162,348 7 117 88 9 Per cent of distribution.... 94.5 (¹) 0.1 0.1 Per cent of total employees. (¹) 67.3 70.0 30.2 17.6 Average per establishment. Persons... 1.8 0.9 2.1 1.6 Superintendents, caretakers, etc.... Persons.. 12,902 1 27 17 20.5 2.3 2 Per cent of total employees. 5.3 10.0 7.0 3.4 4.5 Other employees... Persons.. 66,004 2 243 Per cent of total employees.. tr 394 33 27.4 20.0 62.8 79.0 75.0 Salaries paid in 1938, total ..... rtow... ,899,868 280 13,005 034 1,870 Per cent distribution.. 76.7 (¹) 0.5 3.9 0.1 Per cent of total receipts. Average per establishment. 10.58 24.9 14.2 26.2 2.3 Pesos... 21 355 228 1,797 468 Superintendents, caretakers, etc.... Pesos... 496,269 120 1,017 6,315 215 Per cent distribution. 83.8 (1) 0.2 1.1 (1) Average per person. Pesos... 38 120 38 311 123 Other employees. Pesos.. 1,403,599 160 11,988 90,719 1,625 Per cent distribution... Land and buildings. Per cent distribution. Average per establishment. Per cent of total.... Per cent distribution... Average per establishment. Per cent of total.... Average per person.. Cost of fuel.... -Per cent distribution. Establishments reporting.. Average per establishment. Value of fish caught, total.. Per cent distribution... Average per establishment Capital invested, total. Per cent distribution... Average per establishment.. Pesos.. 74.5 21 (¹) 0.6 4.8 0.1 60 49 230 49 Pesos 494,769 21.387 101,157 Number. Pesos.... 68.3 1,999 5 (5 3.0 375 14.0 42 1,873 Pesos... 18,059,156 1,123 85.6 (1) 91,610 0.4 371,023 Pesos. 198 140 1,607 Pesos.... 139,348,134 5,277 109,127 1.8 6,871 323,127 82,355 0.4 20,589 775,906 85.3 (1) 0.2 0.7 1.7 Pesos... 431 Fesos... 32,197,225 660 4,550 1.915 5,981 61,620 8,982 193,977 717,831 86.3 (1) 0.2 (¹) 2.0 Pesos.. 353 569 1,081 166 186,959 81.8 86.2 56.5 2.8 96.4 Equipment (Ashing, boats, corals, 'nets, etc.)... Pesos.. 5,675,073 473 39,475 293,551 25,817 80.5 (¹) 0.6 4.2 0.4 Per cent of total.. Cash.... Per cent distribution. Average per cstablishment.. Accounts receivable Per cent distribution. Per cent of total... Average per cstablishme.t. Pesoл.. Pesos.. Pesos... Pesos.. Pesos. 62 59 693 5.436 6,462 14.4 9.0 36.2 90.8 8.35 2 1,368,606 254 6,991 20,297 2,255 85.9 15 3.5 (1) 0.4 1.3 0.1 32 123 376 556 4.8 6.4 6.3 0.3 107,230 72.4 1,041 297 0.7 0.2 1 0.3 18 6 1.0 0.1 1 Less than 0.1 per cent, 360 TABLE 9.-ALL KINDS OF FISHING-ASSETS BY FORM OF ORGANIZATION, BY CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR BY KIND OF FISHING: 1938 Kind of fishing and citizenship of operator All kinds of fishing.. Philippines. United States. China.. Japan. Assets of- Total (Pesos) Individuals (Pesos) Partnerships (Pesos) Associations Corporations (Pesos) (Pesos) 46,106,324 40,561,571 3,974,163 1..26,573 444,017 43,705,090 39,348,134 2,952,355 1,060,700 343,901 (1826,991) 33,990 5,277 555 28,158 112,320 109,127 2,259 934 427,933 323,127 10,580 33,868 60,358 702 2001 775,906 1,008,414 -31,071 1,600 8,064,199 6,884,595 575,337 185,025 419,242 Other countries and citizenship net reported Offshore, inshore, inland offshore and inshore Philippines. United States. China... Japan. Other countries and citizenship not reparted. 7,558,689 28,871 50,706 425,933 6,513,197 758 47,513 323,127 563,943 555 150,223 331,326 27,558 2,259 934 8,580 33,868 GO,358 Fish ponds.... 37,723,660 Philippines.. United States.. China... 1,821, 811 35,833,116 5,119 61,614 32,530,050 4,519 61,614 33,372,089 3,390,758 2,380,344 936,(38 24,775 910,147 12.575 GOO Japan.. 2,000 Other countries. 4nd citizenship not reported. 775,906 2,000 1,008,414 7.5.891,600 -90-401 Fish ponds and other kinds of fishn 318,465 304,887 8,068 5,510 Philippines.... 313,285 304,887 330 United States.. China... 8,068 Japan.. 5,180 5,180 Other Countries and citizenship not reported 361 TABLE 10.-ALL KINDS OF FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY KIND OF FISH AND OTHER SEA PRODUCTS, BY PROVINCES, FOR ALL KINDS OF FISHING: 1938 Total Anchovy Barracuda Bonito Province and City Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos Kilos Pe803 Kilos Pesos PHILIPPINES.. Agusan... Albay.. 80,933,888 22,088,686 5,824,340 1,116,301 185,575 84,863 1,485,881 7C0,751 142,989 173 4,520 1,137 130 65 35,418 17,700 Antique.. 39 742,025 197,386 75,320 18,052 672 267 38,721 16.185 263,436 76,527 16,340 4,002 137 46 7,181 2,882 Bataan... 2,545,148 825,308 34,100 8,496 24,215 6,607 14,456 6,651 Batanes. 18,900 2,357 72 29 112 45 Batangas.. 5,102,535 1,180,440 358,880 55,523 16,755 8,407 Bohol... 1,627,458 2.58,559 395,180 67,650 872 369 517,734 23,722 237,591 10,492 Bulacan... 11,789,492 4,536,926 980 226 594 297 Cagayan... 517,252 113,353 61,200 15,291 17,074 8,537 170 85 Camarines Norte. 34,447 10,262 1,780 402 364 182 688 244 Camarines Sur. 1,578,222 243,560 92,840 12,646 5,151 1,516 17,199 6,268 Capiz... 1,324,699 342,079 100,920 20,460 2,048 823 9,021 4,505 Cavite.. 4,299,578 610,811 521,440 60,283 12,900 5,057 23,149 9,808 Cebu.... 1,693,398 401,847 219,060 43,098 1,948 888 66,923 29,041 Cotabato... 827,413 254,689 47,200 10,692 14,782 7,293 44,139 H20,375 Davao... 122,270 32,356 9,340 2.333 256 128 3,535 1,932 Ilocos Norte 401,289 82,852 23,340 Ilocos Sur... 918,708 259,285 51,800 89 5,976 18942,238 943 484 1,650 825 979 507 674 373 Iloilo..... 3,769,403 1,086,141 924,200 86,224 360 180 12,281 6,048 Isabela... 42,412 10,535 294 La Union.... 723,215 211,691 47,460 11,863 545 262 5,881 2,969 Lanao... Laguna.... 2, 140, 175 2,052,467 472,778 522,475 129,221 48,120 11,178 12,182 4,443 Leyte... 528,264 421,440 115,438 4,780 2,387 121,053 58,442 Manila, City of.. 3,866,262 989,727 160 80 Matinduque.. 103,928 30,949 20,960 5,223 2,196 1,098 9,490 4,792 Masbate. 453,282 93,022 106,780 24,977 202 101 7,097 3,417 -Mindoro... 3,223,727 804,414 234,780 56,876 27,182 14,382 186,463 95,324 Misamis Occidental. 261,813 67,911 66,160 14,132 370 185 10,344 5,563 Misamis Oriental.... 661,132 88,412 5,180 1,249 796 389 18,487 9,353 Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental... Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya. Palawan.... 5,540 2,715 2,737,750 803,976 221,860 55,533 6,002 3,005 8,209 3,764 264,619 74,229 19,580 4,972 452 226 8,779 4,415 65,897 1,720 21,888 468 321,582 82,469 Pampanga.. 2,098,393 990,327 10,040 800 2,468 3,432 1,472 3,793 1,765 195 20 10 Pangasinan. 1,881 919 708,340 263,220 64,854 988 494 1,788 893 Rizal... 5,804,881 1,497,260 82,100 18,205 4,732 2,366 2,072 1,036 Romblon.. 502,348 46.848 14,240 2,935 418 209 3,882 1,992 328,455 Samar.... 1,378,648 797,120 175,609 1,225 571 14,161 6,782 Sorsogon. 782,407 203,864 130,880 32,727 1,953 990 12,173 5,989 Sulu.. 6,821,412 1,113,009 49,320 12,100 19,957 9,833 163,789 82.612 Surigao.. 1,644,719 272,388 173,140 37,980 2,255 1,282 23,609 321 Tarlac... 103,343 35,321 Tayabas.... Zambales..... 923,118 231,199 22,340 5,598 846 181,072 55,452 58,740 14,698 4,930 423 2,465 7,211 1,984 Zamboanga. 457,058 121,026 69,080 17,236 1,198 599 22,60 6 3,602 992 11,550 Cebu, City of 257,854 65.966 10.0 30 Zamboanga, City.. 1,775,132 226,440 4,500 987 684 342 7,249 3,727 Davao, City of... 206,778 5,478 1,300 328 Iloilo, City of. 435,832 111,826 6,980 1,770 888 480 444 240 Bacolod, City of..... 434,870 38,891 7.220 1,802 Other provinces and cities 77,446 18,016 1,260 815 15,128 4,564 362 TABLE 10.-ALL KINDS OF FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUCHT, BY KIND OF FISH AND OTHER SEA PRODUCTS, BY PROVINCES, FOR ALL KINDS OF FISHING: 1938-Continued Caesio Cavallas Chub Mackerel Crabs Province and City Kilos Pesos Kilos PC88 Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos TULIPPINES.. Agusan.. Albay.. Antique 2,150,000 529,155 716,594 348,933 2,620,520 563,639 2,533,660 402,831 510 6,960 128 1,056 1,805 16,226 360 103 2,710 52% 8,288 1,402 2 3,540 75,660 762 17,279 4,320 1,075 12,800 2,255 6,940 1,664 Bataan.. 2,200 543 16,999 4,725 Batanes... 10 2 126 63 159,220 1,480 22,074 6,920 216,700 1,335 25,903 159 40 8 Batangas.. 13,830 3,464 112,033 Bchel... 7,900 1,521 3,827 55,599 2,055 302,040 70,700 267,220 34,$20 22,380 4,561 25,440 3,890 Bulacan.. Gagayan. 76,480 19,118 Camarines Norte. 120 29 876 5,658 1,696 438 3,140 782 582,740 139,686 1 2,836 26,860 5,726 1,000 253 863 3,120 785 620 183 Camarines Sur.. 2,500 625 20. 19 6,634 Capiz... 6,080 67,600 1,150 6,494 14,409 44,440 4,969 3,264 24,920 Cavite. 7,120 716 29,116 5,005 83,930 16,500 11,986 Cebu... 8,620 98,260 1,779 12,550 9,879 547,380 37,549 4,847 75,180 Cotabato. 19,200 4,312 57,545 17,547 8,940 1,877 27,860 72,600 15,781 15,510 3,624 Davao.. 180 46 3,102 1,551 Ilocos Norte. 12,360 1,600 350 3,876 3,022 940 176 1,946 Ilocos Sur. 10,920 1,860 392 13,663 2,727 9,080 2,288 8,208 Iloilo.... 25,480 900 216 4,014 5,556 31,960 7,18 2,012 92,620 Isabela.. 72 36 121 23,132 150,880 18,971 320 80 La Union. 380 92 3,250 1,620 19,220 Laguna. 2 4,667 4,960 1,002 Linao... 500 124 2,174 1 982 Leyte.. 24,420 31,840 4,783 11,224 7,964 520 Manila, City of.. 1,373,200 5,495 343,386 ,660 12,972 29,841 11,980 67 2,547 6,486 173,680 43,424 20 8 Marinduque. 1,100 283 1,190 595 Masbate. 1,940 8,840 482 1,838 2,208 440 120 963 Mindoro... 13,960 73,660 12,568 71,894 8,466 6,280 1,357 37,054 Misamis Occidental. 211,080 760 191 Misamis Oriental. 700 170 940 9,266 467 4,642 86,730 75,220 13,532 5.260 1,271 1,940 34,68 3,302 680 407 92 Mountain Provitice. Negros Occidental.. 240 46 120 8) 2,308 Negros Oriental. 1,262 63,020 8,200 2,062 908 15,756 30,920 7,004 Nueva Ecija 455 21,980 4,121 1,820 393 Nueva Viscaya.. Palawan.. 33,660 8,411 6,222 Pampanga.. 3,106 48,600 11,688 980 248 Pangasinan. 72,900 18,276 4,519 62,680 14,602 Rizal... 2,293 10,220 89,400 52,973 15,505 2,587 22,200 4,772 Romblon 7,868 95,080 21,620 5,007 $3,799 133,160 15,173 2,990 1,519 10,220 1,588 1,340 229 Samar... 29,820 6,348 22,827 Sorsogon. 11,595 43,980 2,780 691 10,940 Sulu... 56,080 12,220 Surigao.. 5,062 135,643 21,400 4,771 2,546 39,540 9,784 20,000 4,585 68,062 409,900 17,580 90,176 82,420 19,677 3,413 Tarlac... 8,898 3,935 59,200 11,223 24,680 5,148 160 80 Tayabas..... 6,340 Zambales. 1,570 80 12,075 5,982 23,060 320 Zamboang 5,904 5,241 4,040 935 8,904 4,840 6,340 1,598 20,474 1,023 4,680 1,186 Cebu, City 10,712 41,380 68,320 Zamboanga, City of... GO 17,263 18 5,234 9,919 4,440 1,025 26,511 2,617 14,150 21 320 40,760 80 80 265 7,734 1,020 Davao, City of. 1,260 314 1,880 341 Iloilo, City of.. 1,880 472 80 Bacolod, City of.... 940 40 2,760 612 1,320 429 240 60 1,700 Other provinces and cities 80 20 15,122 4,561 200 560 134 920 363 FABLE 10.-ALL KINDS OF FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY KIND OF FISH AND OTHER SEA PRODUCTS, BY PROVINCES, FOR ALL KINDS OF FISHING: 1938-Continued Grouper Herring and sardines Lizard fish Mullet Province and City Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos Kilos Pcsos Kilos Pesos PHILIPPINES..... Agusan.... Albay... Antique. Bataan.... Batanes.... 618,265 314,639 4,465,280 994,977 379,900 82,251 1,264,740 275,159 34 17 8,560 1,948 3,000 GOO 9,320 2.203 14,348 52 7,243 10,020 2,362 2,260 425 24,900 4,703 26 6,860 1,642 60 15 1,520 402 17,437 305 4,258 209,100 49,679 3,080 731 42,820 10,512 154 740 61 Batangas... 72,569 Bohol.... 1,006 37,154 391 436,740 92,857 19,620 21,440 4,606 440 4,114 48 175,080 36,873 15,589 2,334 Bulacan.. 10,358 5,179 9,920 2,477 9,120 2,275 $6,500 21,241 Cagayan.. 8 4 96,480 19,107 220 55 920 229 Camarines Norte. 741 396 2,140 525 10 2 3,880 943 Camarines Sur... 2,168 1.117 199,000 27,338 4,230 503 73,160 11,164 Capiz.... 3,407 1,717 52, 120 12,422 1,860 275 58.080 12,324 Cavite... 52,902 24,394 147,460 15,198 22,180 2.472 49,380 5,098 Cebu..... 2,271 1,114 368,560 87,812 19,620 1,221 22,040 4.321 Cotabato...... 53,226 24,767 73,460 13,616 6,120 1,550 54,960 12,827 Davao.. 2,360 1,179 10,460 2,615 1,900 475 Ilocos Norte... 256 134 9,640 2,464 520 128 1,300 321 Ilocos Sur 462 2,420 1,272 19,340 4,085 1,720 428 6,883 1,300 Iloilo.... 3,806 1,903 418,020 115,854 1,300 328 10.020 2.473 Isabela.. 20 10 1,260 264 La Union..... 38 19 1,580 389 800 200 160 30 Laguna... 40 10 40 12 Lanao.. 824 412 157,640 37,385 880 220 Leyte.. 11,899 6,188 107,700 25,480 Manila, City of. 22,720 11,361 4,200 1,050 4.420 110,240 1,016 80 18.280 68,940 11 4,594 15,559 26,983 Marinduque 1,854 920 15,420 3,845 480 122 1,520 393 Masbate.... 2,403 1,186 144,780 34,879 720 172 7.580 1,822 Mindoro... 86,211 44,990 321,100 66,971 2,880 704 152,320 33,103 Misamis Occidental.. 339 170 28,620 6,491 40 9 5,640 1,315 Misamis Oriental.. 244 122 31,140 7,527 740 186 5,980 1,391 Mountain Province.... Negros Occidental.. 252 126 Negros Oriental. 738 369 518,140 16,880 134,023 4,204 18,680 120 4,670 23,683 5,923 32 7,200 1,742 Nueva Ecija... Nueva Vizcaya. Palawan... 3,446 1,752 6,080 1,511 240 62 12,300 3,085 Pampanga. 120 40 80 20 620 157 Pangasinan. 662 572 10,600 2,657 4,500 1,130 3,810 971 Rizal.... 26,433 14,216 159,440 38,460 33,160 8.281 37,920 9.43 Romblon.. 5,069 2,556 13,980 3,419 260 59 2,780 657 Samar... 4,689 2,421 32,220 7,514 13,080 Sorsogon. 11,849 5,850 58,240 14,230 3,360 Sulu 179,543 99,243 251,640 55,772 39,280 Surigao.. 3,419 1,653 120,080 20,255 7,380 3,278. 826 7,457213 985 44.920 9,120 10,372 2.336 27,951 53,900 12,886 Tarlac.... 840 213 Tayabas... 2,758 1,412 30,480 7,526 39,160 9,792 19,540 4,879 Zambales. 686 343 17,780 4,450 160 40 Zamboanga. 5,876 2,979 43,120 9,692 1,660 371 2,520 15,780 641 3,961 Cebu, City of 200 Zamboanga, City of.... 3,829 2,040 225,760 € 50 36,631 2,180 454 4,080 873 Iloilo, City of.. Davao, City of.... 2,164 1,082 4,280 44,480 1,059 13,805 1,120 285 1,100 180 Bacolod, City of.... Other provinces and cities 416 188 340 85 820 171 364 TABLE 10.-ALL KINDS OF FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY KIND OF FISII AND OTHER SEA PRODUCTS, BY PROVINCES, FOR ALL KINDS OF FISHING: 1938-Continued Nemipterid Red snapper Swordfish Province and City Siga nid Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos PHILIPPINES... 1,388,540 309,424 598,604 293,696 Agusan. 15 3 135,733 $20 66,876 1,135,440 242,677 Albay.. Antique.. 3,180 15 608 3 27,554 563 12,519 273 12,001 160 5,040 28,980 6,524 1,096 473 Bataan... 1,380 386 Batanes.. 8,750 280 2,064 24 36,346 12,372 126 38 11,280 2,734 384 162 32 13 1,180 142 B Batangas. 98,080 20,868 106,247 54,843 Bohol.. 5,914 3,019 99,200 22,484 440 69 4,454 2,283 Bulacan.. 2,451 1,104 3,040 486 43,320 10,827 866 433 132 66 Cagayan. 6,600 1,642 B 40 8 126 63 1,298 649 100 Camarines Norte. 24 560 141 390 195 80 40 460 98 Camarines Sur. 3,940 796 2,811 1,182 4,527 2,120 4,920 Capiz.... 1,145 7,980 1,546 4,580 2,442 2,635 1,399 9,740 1,216 Cavite.. 200,020 20,107 11,109 3,768 3,570 1,335 77,660 7,912 Cebu... 15,420 3,803 10,995 5,029 2,515 1,140 3,020 719 Cotabato.. 6,320 1,589 27,374 12,207 2,162 1,105 15,140 3,685 Davao Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur... 28990 40 Iloilo... 1,760 405 9998998 16 626 313 100 50 560 142 13 697 372 2,387 1,198 1,060 285 63 4,733 2,536 1,115 561 360 86 2,570 1,505 730 365 2,940 711 Isabela.. La Union... 15 3 35 15 1,320 631 760 187 Laguna... Lanao.. 1,025 255 2,413 1,001 464 232 820 205 Leyte 4,100 814 20,337 10,309 7,686 3,879 3,940 918 Manila, City of... 323,640 80,451 62,650 31,320 384,340 95,286 Marinduque. 1,620 398 Masbate.... 7,320 Mindoro.... 77,160 1,291 12,130 Misamis Occidental.. 340 78 714 1,405 47,726 41 357 106 53 2,320 590 673 158 7.9 1.360 337 25,203 19,073 9,926 124,100 26,603 22 304 152 140 37 Misamis Oriental.. 1,480 362 3,996 1,960 815 414 660 170 Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. 33,160 8,292 2,570 1,293 Negros Oriental. 2,158 1,079 1,020 253 180 58 1,508 769 487 255 820 182 Nueva Ecija. Nueva Vizcaya. Palawan... 17,300 4,316 635 289 1,132 481 19,020 4,598 Pampanga. Pangasinan 8,900 2,225 206 103 718 359 Rizal.... 18,540 4,636 183,280 46,837 40,500 20,312 5,176 2,588 28,860 7,366 Romblon.. 10,600 1,930 2,399 1,217 247 125 520 101 Samar.. 4,900 1,228 4,249 2,167 2,571 1,257 8,900 2,212 Sorsogon. 8,540 1,988 13.029 6,599 2,819 1,423 13,060 2,757 Sulu... 34,620 14,019 107,019 Surigao.... 1,900 355 22,546 Tarlac. 0 55,205 37,313 18,822 234.300 40,160 936 11,094 1,513 514 5,000 Tayabas.... 269,220 67,237 10,851 5,107 5,390 3,170 5,960 1,460 Zambales.... 880 216 395 218 Zamboanga 1,080 269 8,826 109 4,400 26 2,562 13 1,297 1,600 815 1,160 Cebu, City Zamblanga, City of.... 940 219 2,818 1,581 60 444 30 222 844 8,780 Davao, City of..... 5,840 1,490 60 30 6,320 1,580 Iloilo, City of.. 128 78 39 520 Bacolod, City of.. Other provinces and cities 40 10 50 25 365 TABLE 10.-ALL KINDS OF FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY KIND OF FISH AND OTHER SEA PRODUCTS, BY PROVINCES, FOR ALL KINDS OF FISHING: 1938-Continued Shrimps Spanish mackerel Squids Catfish Province and city Kilcs Pesos Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos PHILIPPINES..... Agusan.... 6,165,180 5,080 1,438,987 604,161 1,240 2,636 Albay.. 6,520 1,314 21,517 295,780 1,318 11,031 857,300 150,835 2,134,640 505,610 80 6,820 17 80 16 1,325 2,240 417 Antique. 4.900 1,610 1,694 Bataan.... 160,500 44,024 30,958 814 12,023 700 198 20 5 4,440 958 5,480 1,336 6 3 520 Batanes. 73 Batangas... 145,280 37,653 95,958 49,517 63,800 14,834 4,420 812 Bohol.... 17,820 3,399 7,246 3,042 6,360 749 1,960 333 Bulacan. 2,261,200 578,877 7,010 3,505 840 207 175,700 43,548 Cagayan... 2,860 719 868 434 40 10 100 Camarines Norte. 860 1215 2,556 23 1,404 340 75 400 83 Camarines Sur.. 134,600 21,854 21,183 7,743 5,220 903 34,100 4,048 Capiz.... 287,400 56,248 8,281 4,235 6,700 1,338 5,420 Cavite. 525,800 Cebu..... 24,520 5,929 66,144 8 855 25,268 8,255 298,840 30,010 43,460 4,385 720 3,821 12,660 2,466 1,420 801 Cotabato.. 20,940 5,183 14,040 6,485 24,600 4,171 1,820 457 Davao... 2,740 698 88 44 3,460 868 10 Ilocos Norte. 23.720 5,806 1,770 910 1,980 482 5,090 1,857 Ilocos Sur... 45,680 11,203 4,590 2,383 5,220 1,346 2,160 474 Iloilo.... 373,000 62,951 10,356 5,592 8,940 2,105 1,460 860 Isabela... 120 31 10,400 2) 688 La Union.... 39,360 10,983 344 172 1,080 238 Laguna.... 215,740 51,167 Lanao.. 13,520 3,355 6,338 2,604 100 23 10 709,310 280 2 172,799 Leyte 55,860 14,723 49,851 25,254 35,180 7,884 6,260 61 1,205 Manila, City of.. 306,960 76,756 19,780 4,944 Marinduque... 860 Masbate. 6,380 Mindoro... 82,820 223 1.591 19,879 5,262 2,631528 1,040 266 40 9 2,535 53,640 5,460 1,238 160 31 29,476 53,560 12,310 2,360 579 Misamis Occidental..... 4,280 949 1,152 578 10,820 2,638 10,800 2,597 Misamis Oriental...... 26,520 6,731 4,528 2,284 35,400 6,113 40 10 Mountain Province..... 220 85 Negros Occidental.. 258,420 69,003 18,433 9,384 12,240 3,053 2,560 541 Negros Oriental.. 4,500 1,245 3,131 1,424 3,780 974 40 14 Nueva Ecija.. 100 22 2. Nueva Vizcaya. 300 110 920 227 Palawan... 440 118 2,346 1,200 2,880 695 1,560 245 Pampanga. 110,680 36,200 640 161 Pangasinan. 194,040 57,401 1,072 653 2,740 655 180 43 Rizal. 376,080 93,210 11,599 5,848 87,160 21,852 1,088,320 261,941 Romblon. 2,060 577 3,490 1,809 7,900 1,377 20 6 Samar.... 33,780 8,505 5,303 2,753 5,080 1,234 3,840 945 Sorsogon. 16,200 3,910 14,906 7,496 12,900 2,897 3,200 800 Sulu... 80,560 15,696 85,937 43,703 75,200 13,460 2,520 632 Surigao.. 81,780 6,886 46,713 22,769 14,820 2,322 2,540 559 Tarlac.... 780 210 10 2 Zambales.. Tayabas, City of... 221,860 55,047 5,089 2,666 6,880 1,730 420 105 5,860 1,606 516 258 1,600 297 140 36 Zamboanga. 14,720 3,889 10,432 5,412 5,280 1,349 2,630 632 5 Zamboanga, Cebu, City of. 5,620 1,408 2,520 652 6,247 3,093 2,320 498 100 24 B Davao, City of.. 780 192 200 100 320 84 Iloilo, City of... 3,960 1,023 214 107 2,180 Bacolod, City of... 60 15 Other provinces and cities 4,020 522 38 19 888888 547 9 99 13 366 TABLE 10.-ALL KINDS OF FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY KIND OF FISH AND OTHER SEA PRODUCTS, BY PROVINCES, FOR ALL KINDS OF FISHING: 1938-Continued Dalag, hito Province and etetes Turbo Tipay, trochus, etc. Bañgos Gourami Other fishes Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos Kilos Pesos PHILIPPINES.... 1,908,860 393,855 240,360 117,211 14,645,265 7,086, 153 8,708 3,570 28,866,342 4,770,513 Agusan... 46,420 5,403 1,460 730 Albay.. 16,460 4,114 (2,320 2,797 596 298 11,350 5,165 331C60 71,541 Antique.. 6,320 1,570 34.358 13,310 163,310 44,316 Bataan... 2,640 Batanes. 10 649 2 46,338 3 23,412 1 1,179,324 531,675 318,639 53,841 13,600 1,416 Batangas.. 22,190 5,570 201 102 60,088 29,760 Bohol... 2,108,656 303,773 7,760 1,237 4,57 2,045 4,450 2,225 Bulacan. 288,480 70,944 13,340 6,670 6,418,899 3,184,447 Cagayan. 1,580 381 470 235 Camarines Norte.. 40 10 2 2 1,049,120 143,(7) 1,868,877 463,159 223,700 39.566 13,600 Camarines Sur 377,120 3395 45,932 694 347 460,000 69,706 Capiz.. 4,660 776 8,868 4,434 256,688 119,950 1,000 400 371,817 68,781 Cavite. 23,440 2,285 19,755 8,861 182,783 90,904 1,376,496 191,734 Cebu.... 9,160 1,996 4,588 2,321 100,732 50,070 624 312 695,983 130,395 Cotabato.. 32,960 7,525 3,593 1,891 219,692 67,094 Davao 1,220 304 642 355 6,602 3,286 Ilocos Norte.. (2 61,419 12,821 26,620 6,304 920 468 200 Ilocos Sur... 21,680 4,851 458 244 146,911 Iloilo... 1,840 399 2,629 1,292 1,359,227 100 71,142 648,216 273,080 47,814 230 4,763 110 1,700 508,555 122,709 330,787 103,199 Isabela. 3,240 793 25,800 6,439 La Union.... 1,660 397 100 Laguna 561,160 650 143,926 65,645 450,331 110,255 128,473 75 Lanao... 200 51 Leyte 32,040 7,238 1,014 6,110 43 507 3,166 720 3,500 23,6055 359 1,200 565,300 119,900 219,841 52,355 11,802 Manila, City of... 985 098,640 173,896 800 400 1,070,900 267,797 Marinduque: 600 153 136 68 27,740 6,602 Masbate.... 300 38 164 82 400 Mindoro. 125,960 27,197 14,166 7,083 69,812 200 34,384 134,060 13,112 1,110,560 187,404 Misamis Occidental. 10,380 2,466 14,043 6,621 89,100 21,572 Misamis Oriental.. 2,700 653 260 130 80 40 476,760 42,122 Mountain Province. Negros Occidental.. 2,340 596 1,520 759 5,200 499,886 Negros Oriental. 440 105 229 123 23,800 2,600 231,207 11,816 Nueva Ecija... 25,200 5,999 Nueva Vizcaya.. 360 86 40 20 Palawan.. 280 69 6,736 3,369 140,460 Pampanga.. 1,900 475 1,823,743 896,449 546 259 Fungasian 10,920 2,381 2,662 1,450 906,412 435,213 640 296 1,010,132 217,404 40,597 15,867 100 25 31,521 96,564 1459 339,452 139,027 84,273 Rizal 184,020 44,246 9,224 4,766 1,310,431 612,815 800 450 1,700,429 103,423 183,169 Remblon. 280 51 193 93 2,300 1,150 395,540 18,242 Samar. 2,560 638 Sorsogon. 3,600 907 3,803 1,276 1,904 278,220 65,411 Sulu.... 3,280 725 78,971 702 37,132. 1,180 590 396,740 93,241 4.572.280 388,32 Surigao.... 14,260 2,573 2,511 1,026 1,007,000 114,278 Tarlac... 19,640 4,909 5 2 3,000 1,300 78,908 4655 23 Tayabas. 100 25 1,527 767 7,551 3,305 21.120 43,620 Zambales. 6,280 1,542 Zamboanga. 5,980 1,508 10 1,705 5 34,466 14,449 105 43 26,827 6,711 883 6,346 3,130 164,383 28,306 Cebu, City of. 60 13 177,840 4,454 /amboanga, City of.. 110 55 1,439,220 162,026 Davao, City of.... 6 Iloilo, City of 1,960 497 Bacolcd, City of... 130 Other provinces and cities 3 59 176,280 48,594 65 369,980 427,420 92,480 37,000 700 116 952 478 36,940 6,59% REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 367 SECTION II-Ofshore Fishing Extent of the industry-Among the six kinds of fishing, offshore ranked second in importance being exceeded only by Ash ponds in value of fish caught. A total of 26,218 offshore fishing establishments were reported, with a total of 75,867 employees, aseets of P4,026,669, and value of catch of P5,938,128 in 1988. Assets-The total reported assets of offshore fishing estab Hahments amounted to P4,026,689 of which P123,281 or 3.1 per cent was land and buildings; P3,342,437 or 83.0 per cent Was equipment; and P560,961 or 14.0 per cent, cash and ac- counts and netes receivable. Number of employees and salaries paid.-The number of per- As employed in offshore fishing totalled 75,867 of whom 47,901 or 68.1 per cent were proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages, 8,344 or 4.4 per cent were superintendents, and 24,622 # 22.5 per cent were other employees, including fishermen, laborers, and others. Salaries and wages paid in 1938 amounted to P1,060,941 or an average of P40 per establishment. How- wver, as many of the employees of offshore fishing establish- ments receive part of the catch as a part of their compensation, the total amount of salaries and wages paid does not represent the total income received by employees of offshore fishing stablishments. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUM- MER OF EMPLOYEES, VALUE OF EQUIPMENT, AND VALUE OF CATCH BY SIZE OF CATCH, FOR OFFSHORE FISHING: 1938. Bise of catch Under P108 PICO to P109. NOW to POSO PIN to POSS M000 to $4,000... M000 and over 70 80 90 100 090 Per cent of total Number of establishments Valve of caniment Number of employees Value of catch Equipment. The equipment of offshore fishing establish ments consist of fishing boats, nets, and lines. However, only 128 out of the 26,213 offshore fishing establishments reported fishing boats equipped with engines. It is evident, therefore that over 99 per cent of all offshore fishing establishments de pended upon boats without engines as a means of performing their fishing. The most common means of fishing is with mes (hapin) as more than four fifths of all the establishments re- ported lines as a part of their fishing equipment. Only 856 establishments reported utase net; 126 establishments, muroami net; and 235, sapiao net as part of their fishing equipment. The value of fishing boats with engines represented more than one- third of the value of all fishing equipment. Since a few estab- lishments own all the fishing boats with engines, utase, muroami, and sapiao nets, it is evident that all the modern and expensive equipment is owned by a very small proportion of all establish- ments and that the equipment of a large majority of the off- shore fishing establishments consist only of a small boat or banca and a line. Citizenship of operator.-All except 56 of the 25,510 offshore fishing establishments operated by individuals were citizens of the Philippines. Of the 56 establishments operated by non- Filipino citizens, 39 were operated by citizens of Japan, 12 by citizens of China, and 5 by citizens of the United States. Es- tablishments operated by persons not citizens of the Philippines had less than 9 per cent of the value of equipment and reported less than one-twelfth the value of all fish caught. Form of organization.-More than 97 per cent of the establish- ments engaged in offshore fishing are operated by individual owners, while only 476 establishments are operated by part- nerships, 197 by associations, and 30 by corporations. How- ever, the 30 corporations reported over 10 per cent of the value of equipment and over 12 per cent of the value of fish caught by all offshore fishing establishments. Year established.-More than one-fourth of all offshore fish- ing establishments were established or began business during 1938, while almost one-third of the total were, established be- tween 1935 and 1937. Only about one-sixth of the establish- ments began operation prior to 1930. Catch. The value of all fish caught and other products ob- tained by operators of offshore fishing establishments amounted to P5,938,128 in 1938 or an average value of 227 per estab- lishment. The five leading kinds of fish caught and their value are as follows: herrings and sardines, 606,194; caesio, P471,864; anchovy, P463,353; bonito, P364,727; and chub mac- kerel, P311,610. Size of catch.-The classification by size of catch clearly indi- cates that a few large establishments not only own most of the equipment, but also produce a large proportion of the total catch. Of the 26,213 establishments, 19,152 or 73.1, per cent had a catch of less than 100 each. This 73.1 per cent of the establishments reported 50.9 per cent of the total employees, but only 14.6 per cent of the equipment and 11.1 per cent of the value of fish caught. On the other hand, the 673 estab- lishments reporting as value of catch P1,000 or more rep- resented only 2.6 per cent of the total establishments, had 16.4 per cent of the total number of employees but reported over three Afths of the value of fish caught by all establishments, Data by provinces.-The data by provinces indicate the im- portance of offshore fishing in a few provinces located near the most important fishing banks. Establishments reporting in Ba- tangas, Manila, and Sulu reported almost two-fifths of the value of fish caught by all offshore fishing establishments. While the number of establishments reported in Manila is relatively small, all are large establishments equipped with fishing boats with engines and a majority of these boats are manned by Japanese crews. More than one-third of all off- shore fishing establishments were reported in Sulu, but the catch is relatively small and in fact les sthan that of the 31 establishments reported in Manila. 368 TABLE 1. OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTBLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Size of catch Item All establish- mens Under P100 P100 to P19 P200 to P299 P300 to P899 P400 to P499 P500 to P599 Number of establishments. Per cent distribution... 26,213 100.0 19,152 2,979 1,485 894 405 252 78.1 11.4 5.7 8.4 1.5 1.0 Number of employees in 1938, total.. Persons 75.867 38,610 9,073 4,807 3,451 2,342 1,689 Per cent distribution. Average per establishment.. 100.0 2.9 50.9 2.0 12.0 6.8 4.5 3.1 2.2 8.0 8.2 8.9 5.8 6.7 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages... Persons etc..... Per cent distribution.. Per cent total employees. Average per establishmen Superindents, caretakers, Per cent of total employ- 47,901 100.0 63.1 84,106 6,202 2,722 1,697 847 548 71.2 12.9 5.7 3.5 1.8 88.3 68.4 56.6 49.2 36.2 1.8 1.8 2.1 1.8 1.9 2.1 8-88 142 1.1 82.4 2.2 Perdons 8,344 1,425 490 255 215 130 66 ees. 4.4 8.7 5.4 5.8 6.2 5.6 3.9 Other employees. Persons 24,622 8,079 2,881 1,830 1,589 1,365 1,075 Per cent of total employ- ees... 82.5 8.0 26.2 88.1 44.6 58.8 63.6 Salaries paid in 1938, total Per cent distribution... Per cent of total receipts. Avera, per establish- -ment.. Superindents, caretakers, etc..... Per cent distribution. Average per person.... Pesos 1,059,941 15,925 28,286 11.459 19,775 11,544 5,346 Pesos 100.0 1.5 2.2 1.1 1.9 1.1 17.8 2.4 5.4 8.1 6.7 6.6 .4.0 36 0.5 Pesos 40 1 8 00 8 22 29 21 12 Pesos 97,296 8,689 2,185 1,640 8,001 1,475 1,443 Other employees.. Pesos Per cent distribution.. Average per person.... Pesos 100.0 29 962.645 100.0 89 8.8 2.2 1.7 3.1 1.5 8 4 6 14 12,286 21,151 9,819 16,774 11 10,069 8,903 1.8 4 2.2 9 1.0 5 1.7 1.0 11 7 Cost of fuel, total.. Pesos 668,153 88,284 5,995 13,363 Per cent distribution. Establishments reporting Number Average per establish- 100.0 1,251 25 5.0 0.9 605 2 184 2 < 2.0 119 9 6,460 1.0 69 7 1,648 0.2 23 4 བྷཱུསྶབྷཱཝཾཝ ཉཱཝེཡྻ ment... Pesos Value of fishes caught total... Pesos 5,938,128 Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment.... Pesos 100.0 227 657,087 11.1 34 427,684 Assets, total Pesos 4,026.669 559,267 7.2 144 316,168 364,433 6.1 245 293,514 4.9 178,799 2.9 131,412 2.3 828 429 533 172,168 139,340 114.493 113,093 Per cent distribution. 100.0 13.9 7.9 4.8 3.5 2.8 2.9 Average per establish- ment. Pesos 154 29 106 116 156 283 437 Land and building..... Pesos 123,281 7,158 5,526 8,139 2,946 970 2,693 Per cent distribution. 100.0 5.8 4.5 2.5 2.4 0.8 2.2 Average per establish- ment... Pesos Per cent of total. 5 8.1 1.8 2 1.7 2 8 2 11 1.8 2.1 0.8 2.3 Equipment boats, corals, nets, etc.) Pesos Per cent distribution. Average per establish- (fishing ment.. Pesos Per cent of total.. Cash.... Pesos Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment... Pesos Per cent of total... 3,342,437 100.0 128 83.0 481,476 100.0 18 12.0 486,846 14.6 25 87.1 59,580 12.4 280,889 149,196 122,409 100,452 8.4 4.5 3.7 3.0 98,091 2.9 94 88.8 25,497 5.3 100 86.7 18,398 8.8 187 87.8 248 383 87.1 83.2 11,931 12,250 11,567 2.4 2.5 2.5 8 9 46 12 13 80 10.7 8.1 10.7 8.6 10.7 10.1 Notes and accounts recei- yable.... Pesos Per cent distribution. 79,475 100.0 5,683 4,256 1,435 2,054 823 2,823 7.2 5.4 1.8 2.6 1.0 8.6 Average per establish- 11 ment... Pesos. 8 1 1 2 2 2.5 Per cent of total.. 2.0 1.0 1.8 0.8 1.5 0.7 369 TABLE 1 OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTBLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938-Cont. Size of catch Item P600 to T699 T700 to P799 P800 to P899 T900 to P1,000 to P999 P1,499 P1,500 to P1,999 P2,000 to 5,000 and P4,999 over Number of establishment... Per cent distribution.. Number of employees 152 101 66 54 202 139 169 163 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.6 in 1938, total........ Persons 1,188 1,069 644 583 2,909 1,731 3,674 4,097 Per cent distribution.. 1.6 1.4 0.8 298 8.8 2.3 4.8 5.4 Average per esta- blishment.... Persons 7.8 10.6 9.8 10.8 14.4 12.5 21.7 25.1 Proprietors and others not paid sa- laries or wages.... Persons 321 273 131 120 291 192 262 189 Per cent distribu- tion..... 0.7 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.4 Per cent of total employees.. 27.0 255. 20.3 20.6 10.0 11.1 7.1 4.6 Avera per esta- blishment...... Persons 2.1 2.7 2.0 2.2 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.2 Superintendents, caretakers, etc... Persons 94 50 40 Per cent of total 438 25 132 78 168 176 employees... 7.9 4.7 6.2 4.3 4.52,486 4.5 4.6 4.8 Other employees. Persons 773 746 473 406 3,244 3,732 Per cent of total 1461 employees.. 65.1 69.8 73.4 75.1 85.5 84.4 88.3 91.1 total.... Salaries paid in 1938, Per cent distribution... Pesos 5.772 14,828 6,794 9,999 62,959 35,115 148,387 688,752 0.5 1.4 0.6 0.9 5.9 3.3 14.0 65.0 Per cent of total receipts .. 6.0 19.9 12.5 18.8 26.0 14.7 26.0 26.9 Avera per esta- blishment. Pesos 88 147 103 185 812 253 878 4,225 Superintendents, caretakers, etc. Pesos 1,870 2,168 563 978 8,465 4,913 14,251 51,205 Per cent distribu- tion.... 1.4 2.2 0.6 1.0 8.7 5.0 Average per per- son..... Pesos 15 43 14 39 Other employees. Pesos 4,402 12,660 6,231 9,021 64 54,494 63 30,202 14.6 85 134,136 52.6 291 637,547 Per cent distribu- tion..... 0.5 1.8 0.6 0.9 5.7 8.1 Average per per- son.... Pesos 6 17 13 21 22 21 13.9 41 66.2 171 Cost of tuel, total Pesos 14,927 497 1,463 1,483 Per cent distribution. 2.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 5,808 0.9 9,195 1.4 91,15 13.6 482,072 72.1 Establishments re- porting..... Number 10 5 8 7 22 18 62 102 Average per esta- 7 blishment... Pesos 98 5 22 27 29 66 569 Value of fishes caught 2,95 total.... Pcsos 95,483 74,503 Per cent distribution.... 1.6 1.8 54,543 0.9 53,230 211,729 238,878 571,250 Average per cuta- blishment.... Pesos 628 788 826 0.9 896 4.1 4.0 9.6 43.1 2,557,583 Assets, total Pesos 67,950 67,172 47,883 48,663 1,197 249,463 1,719 190,458 3,380 16,691 505,581 1,432,968 Per cent distribution.. 1.7 1.7 1.2 1.2 6.2 4.7 12.6 35.6 Average per esta- blishment.. Pesos 447 665 726 901 Land building. Pesos 1,103 2,105 351 81 Per cent distribu- 1,235 3,085 1,370 2,992 8,791 2,291 3,889 87,938 tion...... 0.9 1.7 0.3 0.1 2.5 1.9 3.2 71.8 Average per esta- blishment..... Pesos 7 21 5 2 15 16 23 539 Per cent of total.. 1.6 8.1 0.7 0.2 1.2 1.2 Equipment (fishing 0.8 6.1 boats, corals, nets, etc.)... Pesos 57,788 60,283 42,058 45,025 185,551 156,551 415,372 Per cent distribu- 1,142,018 tion..... 1.7 1.8 1.3 1.8 5.6 4.7 12.4 84.2 Average per esta- blishment. Pesos 380 597 637 834 Per cent of total... 85.0 89.7 87.8 92.5 919 74.4 Cash.... Pesos 8,295 4,191 5,411 8,475 58,445 Per cent distribu- 1,126 26,506 2,458 7 806 82.2 82.2 78,853 ④ 79.7 257,077 tion.... 1.7 0.9 1.1 0.7 12.1 5.5 16. 82.6 Average per esta- blishment...... Pesos 55 41 82 64 289 191 467 964 Per cent of total... 12.2 6.2 11.8 7.1 28.4 18.9 Notes and accounts 15.6 11.0 receivable........ Pesos 764 593 63 82 2,882 5,110 7,467 Per cent distribu- 45,940 tion.... binment.. 1.0 0.7 0.1 0.1 3.0 6.4 9.4 57.8 Average per esta- Pesos 5 1 2 12 87 44 282 Per cent of total... 1.1 0.9 0.1 0.2 1.0 2.7 1.5 3.2 (1) Less than 1 peso. 370 TABLE 2. OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Item All establish- ments Size of catch Under P100 P100 to P199 200 to 299 P300 to P399 P400 to T499 1'500 to 1599 Value of equipment, total. Pesos 3,342,437 486,846 280,889 149,19% 122.409 100,452 98,004 Per cent distribution.. Value of fishing boats, 100.0 14.6 8.4 4.5 3.7 3.0 2.9 total.. Pesos 1,823,747 224,613 100,368 65,054 50,425 38,810 50,675 Per cent distribution. Fishing boats with en- 100.0 12.3 5.5 3.6 2.8 2.1 2.8 gines.. Number 209 5 2 3 2 4 Establishments 10 10 re- porting... Value... Number Pesos 1,118,436 128 5 2 3 2 9,005 6,840 8,550 8,801 11,948 Fishing boats without 23,966 engines. Number 3,307 703 777 438 375 185 132 Establishments re- porting.... Number 2,099 496 422 261 219 120 92 Value.. Pesos 372,121 32,269 46,002 34,736 27,105 20,061 19,297 Small fishing boats and bancas.. Number 25,705 18,681 2,921 1,420 815 364 235 Establishments re- porting.... Number 19,152 13,571 2,642 1,243 712 274 171 Value.. Pesos 333,190 183,339 47,526 21,768 14,519 6,801 5,412 Value of fishing nets...... Pesos 1,103,453 253,343 129,177 83,337 63,956 39,299 43,831 Per cent distribution.... 100.0 23.0 11.7 7.6 5.8 3.6 4.0 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot)... Number 1,556. 161 116 91 Establishments re- porting..... Value. Number Pesos 856 381,198 133 99 72 23,988 27,464 27,333 13,169 1999 67 62 62 53 48 12,114 19,500 Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.).... Number 171 51 13 12 9 4 13 Establishments re- porting.... Number 126 35 12 9 7 4 7 Value.... Sapiao nets (seine). Pesos Number 35,779 2,466 2,045 901 1,640 330 1,082 283 31 27 20 16 10 13 Establishments re- porting.... Number 235 24 25 16 14 10 13 Value Pesos 125,303 4,404 9,062 4,737 4,683 3,930 3,481 Bating nets (gill net, one, panti Laksa Number mber 488 80 61 104 65 28 Establishments re- porting.... Number 408 67 56 79 61 Value. Pesos 34,741 4,961 3,769 4,352 2,295 27 1,397 1,693 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.).. Number 8,846 5,885 1,272 590 285 145 Establishments re- porting.... Value.. Number 6,390 4,422 890 380 210 97 Lines (hapin). Pesos Number 183,638 80,177 24,610 13,460 9,963 43,786 32,105 4,834 3,214 2,033 7,865 933 5.089 Establishments re- porting..... Value.. Baclad Number Pesos Number 21,149 15,986 2,564 1,383 124,203 69,155 27,650 10,187 708 7,898 288 4,898 818 339 147 70 64 28 Establishments re- porting.. Value.. Tangar Number Pesos Number 712 299 136 67 62 23 145,094 41,075 19,467 11,627 17,208 4,255 8,889 675 480 91 22 2 34 Establishments re- to porting. Number 251 159 50 20 2 6 Value. Pesos 6,538 1,845 1,785 462 112 763 Bobos Number 9,653 6,179 1,613 760 601 280 2120 Establishments re- porting.. Number 3,726 2,293 582 375 314 Value.. Pesos 43,828 17,317 9,938 7,439 5,181 64 2,113 1,033 * * * * *** *** ** 630 Other corrals, traps, and 8 weirs. Number 1,308 953 152 61 42 20 Establishments re- porting... Value... Number Pesos All other equipment. Pesos 868 23,131 415,237 575 135 50 29 7,955 3,297 2,839 1,807 16 1,634 1000 8.890 51,344 805 8,028 22,343 3,495 371 TABLE 2 OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Continued Item Size of catch P600 to 1699 P700 to P799 P800 to 899 1900 to 1999 P1,000 to P1,500 to 11,499 11,999 T2,000 to 14,999 15,000 and over 优 ​Value of equip- ment, total..... Pesos 57,788 60,283 42,058 45,025 18555 156,551 415,372 1,142,013 Per cent distribution.... 1.7 1.8 1.3 1.3 5.6 4.7 12.4 34.2 Value of fishing boats, total...... Pesos 19,454 36,280 16,428 11,448 97,329 93,531 253,254 766,098 Per cent distribution. 1.1 2.0 0.9 0.6 5.3 5.1 13.9 42.0 Fishing boats with engines.... Number 2 6 5 14 9 42 105 Establishments reporting...... Number 2 5 Value. Pesos 9,000 13,500 5,000 Fishing boats with- out engines.... Number 52 61 2850 11 6 35 5,744 55,825 187,673 47 716,584 37 30 132 105 177 103 Establishments reporting...... Number 42 46 30 25 102 73 114 57 Value.... Pesos 5,550 19,259 9,371 9,946 30,136 32,936 53,516 31,937 Small fishing boats and bancas..... Number 170 129 69 63 235 115 284 204 Establishments reporting...... Number 108 80 41 32 109 51 Value.... Pesos 4,904 3,521 2,057 1,502 7,449 4,770 84 12,065 39 17,557 Value of fishing nets.. Pesos 27,355 20,337 16,575 17,601 76,025 57,314 134,246 139,054 Per cent distribution.. 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.6 6.9 5.2 12.2 12.6 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot)..... Number 43 64 25 23 123 Establishments reporting..... Number 32 39 17 14 Value Pesos 7,804 12,823 5,739 7,030 76 30,965 23,103 1938 79 247 371 41 92 76,624 78 93,542 Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.).. Number 2 7 1 8 17 3 23 00 8 Establishments reporting... Number 3 5 1 7 12 3 16 5 Value Pesos 310 1,365 150 2,885 5,784 2,501 9,360 4,960 Sapiao nets (seine Number 5 7 4 7 41 20 48 34 Establishments reporting... Number 5 4 4 7 36 19 37 Value Pesos 2,300 2,400 3,000 2,260 16,559 20,208 26,988 21 21,291 Bating nets (gill net, tansau, panti) Number 25 14 10 3 38 6 22 22 Establishments reporting... Number 19 11 8 3 31 5 Value Pesos 1,575 1,243 2,625 260 3,741 380 16 4,450 4 2,000 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.)... Number 84 51 28 40 179 Establishments reporting...... Number 56 34 17 Value Pesos 5,881 1,406 1,205 22 3,047 88 6,319 5,028 Lines (hapin) Number 86 61 20 110 48 Establishments reporting... Number 40 15 7 20 Value.. Pesos 601 286 93 444 Baclad Number 33 19 9 4 Establishments reporting.... Number 22 18 7 4 Value.. Tangar Pesos Number 7,615 2,109 2,089 1,655 10,228 4. 2 Establishments reporting...... Number Value... Pesos 41 Bobos Number 36 Establishments reporting...... Number 28 Value Pesos 264 14 216 34 1 800 42 22 239 and weirs Other corrals, traps Number 38 5 12 1 Establishments Value. reporting...... Number 25 4 11 1 Pesos 1,005 650 635 20 1,688 20 28 82 8 20 5,600 8 22 8 10 69 48 39 5 32 7,489 46 12,108 10 63 659 13 10 8,277 4,000 ១ តស្មឹង ជម្ពូ១ ៖ 57 623 9 5 1880 14 1 6 1 80 2 All other equipment Pesos 10,979 1,666 9,055 15,976 12,197 5 2 5 2 431 219 450 5,706 27,872 236,881 82 $12 TABLE 3.-OFFSHORE FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Size of catch Item All estab- lishments P100 to Under P100 199 P200 to 1299 P300 to 1399 P400 to 1499 1520 to P600 to 599 T699 Value of all fish caught, total.... Pesos 5,938,128 Per cent distribution. 100.0] 657,087 11.1 427, (81 364,433 293,514 173,799 134,412 95,483 7.2 6.1 4.9 2.9 2.3 1.6 Anchovy... Boxes 128,401 6,287 Value Pescs 463,353 27,340 4,569 19,339 4,554 18,483 7,232 5,581 2,926 2,031 27,009 22,099 13,031 8,314 Establishments reporting 2,521 1,262 382 Barracuda. Kilos 97,809 11,318 18,668 198 10,899 184 85 55 39 8,183 5,455 4,424 3.756 Value. Pesos 42,204 5,430 7,014 3,688 3,636 2,608 2,044 1,773 Establishments reporting.. 1,173 672 93 55 35 24 23 Bonito, skipjack or al- lacora. Kilos 801,379 90,012 71,836 152,130 95,561 40,031 37,968 21,663 Value. Pesos 364,727 40,741 33,337 65,942 41,820 16,533 17,091 9,895 Establishments reporting. 6,537 3,952 919 684 394 145 108 69 Caesio.... Boxes 95,037 2,415 1,126 265 551 561 247 117 Value. Pesos 471,864 10,202 5,545 1,244 2,260 2,043 1,268 635 Establishments reporting 1,136 798 186 28 22 17 10 12 Cavallas. Kilcs 314,328 60,562 59,665 32,369 Value Pesos 148.286 31,131 28,593 13,077 24,384 11,364 16,821 10.750 7,169 7,694 5,046 3.455 Establishments reporting 5,012 3,252 967 279 180 98 62 35 Club mackeral... .:. Boxes 67,409 5,985 4,635 Value... Pesos 311,610 24,932 21,852 5,214 21,805 Establishments reporting. 3,560 2,046 534 291 3,436 14,908 190 2,409 10,718 2,383 3,043 11,334 14,238 97 85 53 Crabs... Boxes 7,512 Value Pesos 23,386 $1 506 879 1,771 1,405 523 1,859 2,801 4,639 4,381 2,405 989 212 221 590 Establishments reporting 709 311 211 65 55 24 13 6 Grouper.. Kilos 366,204 GC6 56,823 55,775 43,881 22,559 12,818 3,668 Value. Pesos 188,117 52,923 26,541 25,067 21,530 11,128 6,220 1,979 Establishments reporting. 8,409 6,182 1,022 451 Herrings and sardines... Boxes 130,429 3,578 5,873 4,175 Value. Pesos 606,194 14,996 26,354 19,153 330 4,475 20,971 150 95 21 5,034 23,554 5,575 18,895 3,526 14,870 Establishments reporting 2,273 908 424 219 210 91 81 42 Lizard fish.. Boxes 13,294 626 508 316 415 157 102 18 Value Pesos 64,028 2,861 1,821 1,380 2,256 594 354 90 Establishments reporting. 482 237 Mullet... Boxes 11,401 2,917 108 1,334 36 1,337 29 12 5 2 1,328 639 334 393 Value. Pescs 47,342 8,349 6,200 6,510 6,383 2,907 1,633 1,588 Establishments reporting. 1,294 773 165 119 94 Nemipterid Boxes 56,275 3,062 2,713 3,097 1,927 Value. Pesos 260,914 12,647 9,596 9,338 6,843 53 1,405 4,709 25 12 383 142 1,417 940 Establishments reporting. 1,618 925 Red snapper... Kilos 425,999 86,707 246 60,500 175 101 54 50,091 46,771 23,061 Value. Pesos 208,425 44,050 28,374 24,002 22,931 11,009 18 17,778 7,679 9 3,100 1,363 Establishments reporting.. 5,702 3,640 Sword fish..... Kilos 84,935 23,862 938 15,208 456 16,287 328 6,147 142 2,929 71 20 2,560 64 Value. Pesos 41,924 11,124 7,552 8,116 3,117 1,474 1,245 32 Establishments reporting. 1,408 922 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes 33,294 2,386 223 2,826 122 2,142 57 28 13 3 Value... Pesos 150,334 7,602 9,620 7,473 1,015 4,148 995 382 171 3,453 1,880 858 Establishments reporting 1,074 531 289 102 52 Shrimps... Boxes 49,312 1,492 1,266 781 Value. Pesos 240,806 7,104 6,065 Establishments reporting 694 341 101 3,831 43 1,049 4,841 33 1,042 4,540 13 839 4,190 846 3,087 43 Spanish mackerel... Kilos 385,194 97,125 74,525 66,038 Value. Pescs 187,615 47,675 35,980 33,259 44,952 22,134 26 19,636 19 22,151 9,500 10,413 13 7,440 3,687 Establishments reporting 5,831 3,644 1,044 527 30 Squids... Boxes 19,811 3,342 1,520 2,127 276 1,860 107 Value. Pesos 75,644 12,928 6,322 6,439 5,850 850 3,462 62 1,486 3,837 238 979 10 Establishments reporting 2,600 1,813 422 Other fishes.. Kilos 798,549 143,450 Value... Pesos 1,994,058 270,800 Establishments reporting. 19,145 13,917 99,189 ,919 2,208 102 60,974 89,377 69 3,9807 66,002 44 15,143 32,470 28 13,090 22,822 24,814 27,105 148 1,134 621 255 183 Turbo Troenus Mother pearl, Cowry shells, 1280 Sea cucumber). Kilos 99,378 47,803 Value Pesos 47,297 22,393 Establishments reporting.. 975 791 33,523 15,859 133 1,249 610 19 2,992 1,130 11 1,678 839 2.596 1,032 102 11 3 373 TABLE 3. OFFSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Continued Item Size of catch P700 to P799 P800 to P899 P900 to P999 P1,000 to 11,499 P1,500 to 1'1,999 P2,000 to 4,999 15000 and over Value of all fish caught, total.... Pesos 74,503 54,543 Per cent distribution.. 1.3 0.9 53,230 0.9 241,729 238,878 571,250 2,557,583 4.1 4.0 9.6 43.1 Anchovy.. Boxes 1,882 Value... Pesos 8,147 4,394 14,023 3,898 9,643 28,033 65,452 5,269 20,058 19,007 81,557 32,738 128,858 Establishments reporting. 36 21 21 98 48 56 36 Barracuda.... Kilos 1,077 2,462 1,912 2,590 4,734 4,195 18,136 Value... Pesos 533 826 873 1,125 2,166 1,420 9,068 Establishments reporting. 10 5 4 10 6 10 Bonito, skipjack or alla cora Kilos 20,110 7,577 11,875 29,203 39,326 128,413 45 5 Value.... Pesos 8,976 3,820 5,391 20,171 17,075 61,349 6,674 22,586 Establishments reporting 45 16 24 59 38 73 11 Caesio.... Boxes 69 10 102 154 111 2,888 Value.. Pesos 360 20 240 620 557 14,411 86,421 432,459 Establishments reporting. 6 1 2 4 3 13 29 Cavallas.. Kilos 6,437 1,913 5,434 22,703 10,573 11,905 43,643 Value.... Pesos 3,206 807 2.651 8,703 4,691 5,902 21,966 Establishments reporting. 29 10 11 36 14 23 16 Club mackerel. Boxes 1,320 1,187 1,207 Value.... Pesos 6,764 5,773 6,135 3,475 17,960 6,600 16,908 7,346 19.169 42,922 95,361 Establishments reporting 35 20 21 63 34 53 38 Crabs... Boxes 114 276 1 769 400 405 30 Value.. Pesos 338 705 3 2,795 800 930 151 Establishments reporting. 5 4 1 5 3 3 Grouper.... Kilos 6,521 1,670 4,881 13,960 5,480 1,648 Value.. Pesos 3,176 680 2,314 6,772 2,500 831 (48) 3 4,911 25,456 Establishments reporting. 20 7 10 17 54 25 25 Herrings and sardines... Boxes 2,369 2,328 1,232 7,992 Value.. Pesos 9,007 9,616 4,320 37,919 21,970 102,659 Establishments reporting. 36 16 16 72 54 24,825 127,612 69 37,477 176,268 35 Lizard fish..... Boxes 76 16 22 642 Value.. Pesos 380 80 114 1,634 426 4,802 9,970 47,662 Establishments reporting. 2 1 - 5 2 7 36 Mullet.... Boxes 127 211 Value.. Pesos 811 756 Establishments reporting. 9 6 «e-° 70 241 1,491 5,985 500 646 2,416 3,193 74 370 5 15 11 5 2 Nemipterid.. Boxes 203 405 284 396 68 2,031 Value.. Pesos 511 825 862 1,433 235 9,964 40,159 201,594 Establishments reporting. 2 5 4 13 2 20 44 Red snapper.. Kilos 2,663 4,270 840 3,163 1,545 6,197 119,313 Value.. Pesos 1,322 1,925 360 1,727 763 3,097 59,763 Establishments reporting 19 12 5 13 11 16 31 Sword fish... Kilos 1,972 246 1,880 5,805 712 3,836 Value. Pesos 986 123 905 2,727 356 1,954 3,427 2,213 Establishments reporting. 7 2 5 16 4 5 1 Siganid and surgeon fish... Boxes 85 24 142 474 350 1,988 Value.. Pesos 421 120 343 2,383 1,552 9,715 20,314 100,771 Shrimps... Establishments reporting. 4 1 5 9 7 9 13 Boxes 771 129 46 797 1,700 Value. Pesos 3,403 645 150 3,986 8,443 3,205 14,244 35,349 176,277 Spanish mackerel. Establishments reporting 13 Kilos 8,351 4 1,892 3 11,623 Value.. Pesos 4,391 973 5,598 16 10,502 3,864 7 14 51 8,280 3,704 8,975 3,942 1,888 Squids. Establishments reporting 26 12 18 37 23 Boxes 669 412 745 810 494 Value.. Pesos 2,148 910 1,718 Other fishes... Establishments reporting 13 5 Kilos 13,646 Value... Pesos 19,729 Establishments reporting 97 6,063 11,601 46 11 5,221 11,403 49 2,521 34 15,359 54,272 139 2,293 915 4,523 14 8,454 49,830 57 20 76,325 177,001 4,311 15 4343 10 42,494 21,714 15 130 279,008 1,030,735 161 Turbo (Trochus, Mother pearl, Value.. Cowry shells, Sea cocumber). Kilos 540 Pesos 274 Establishments reporting. 2 301 15 2,400 1,200 6,547 3,935 1 2 374 TABLE 4.-OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMEN BER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY FORM OF ORGANIZATION AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938. Establishment operated by- Establishments operated by citizens of Item All establish- ments Individuals Patner- Associa Corpora- ships tions tions Philippines Uri.ed States China Japan Number of establishments. Per cent distribution... 26,213 25,510 476 197 30 25,454 100.0 97.3 1.8 0.8 0.1 97. 190 5 (') (1) 22 12 39 0.1 Number of em- ployees in 1938. total.... Persons. 75,867 68,695 4,240 1,973 959 68,180 5 182 328 Per cent distri- bution..... 100.0 90.5 5.6 2.6 1.3 89.9 (¹) 0.2 0.4 Average per es- tablishment... Persons.. 2.9 2.7 8.9 10.0 32.0 2.7 1.0 15.2 8.4 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages..... Persons.. 47,901 45,801 1,482 568 50 45,715 Per cent dis- tribution.. 100.0 95.6 8.1 1.2 0.1 95.4 ('') 3a 27 27 79 54 0.1 0.1 Per cent of total em- ployees... 63.1 66.7 35.0 28.8] 5.2 67.1 100.0 14.8 16.5 Average per establish- ment....... Persons.. 1.8 1.8 3.1 2.9 1.7 4.8 1.0 2.3 1.4 Superintendents, caretakers, etc...... Persons.. 3,344 3,079 182 54 29 3,060 3 16 Per cent of total em- ployees... 4.4 4.5 4.3 2.7 3.0 4.5 1.6 4.9 Other employees Persons.. 24,622 13,815 2,576 1,351 880 19,405 152 258 Per cent of total em- ployees.... 32.5 28.8 60.8 68.5] 91.8 28.5 83.5 78.7 Salaries paid in 1938, total.... Pesos... 1.059,941 779,933 104,511. 5,677 169,820 686,621 10,099 83,213 Per cent distri- bution.... 100.0 73.6 9.9 0.5 16.0 64.8 1.0 7: Per cent of total receipts.... 17.8 15.9 44.7 9.4 23.2 15.2 13.3 25.6 Average per es- tablishment... Pesos.... 40 31 220 29 5,661 27 842 2,134 Superintendents, caretakers, etc.... Pesos.... Per cent dis- tribution... Average per persons... Pesos.. 97,296 100.0 29 76,018 4,795 3,429 13,054 69,535 4 168 6,315 Other employees Pesos.. 962,645 78.1 25 703,915 4.9 26 99,716 3.5 64 2,248 13.4 450 156,766 71 0.2 6.5 23 617,086 56 395 9,931 76,898 Per cent dis- tribution.... Average per person..... Pesos.... 100.0 39 73.1 36 10.4 0.2 16.3 39 2 178 64.1 32 1.0 8.0 65 298 Cost of fuel, total. Pesos... 668,153 563,864 16,271 668 87,350 444,233 21,387 98,244 Per cent distri- bution.... 100.0 84.4 2.4 0.1 Establishments reporting..... Number. 1,251 1,184 46 11 Average per es- tablishment... Pesos... 25 22 34 3 13.1 10 2,912 66.5 3.2 14.7. 1,145 17 Б 34 1,782 2,519 Value of fishes caught, total.... Per cent distri- bution.. Pesos.... 5,938,128 4,913,013 233,670 60,397 731,048 4,511,052 784 75,851 325,326 Average per es- tablishment... Peso: Assets, total ...... Per cent distri- bution. 100.0 227 82.7 193 3.9 1.0 12.3 76.0 (1) 1.8 5.5 Pesos... 4,026,669 3,272,788 491 307 245,566 99,689 24,368 408,626 177 157 6,321 8,342 2,970,797 698 37,895 263,398 Average per es- tablishment... Pesos.... 100.0 154 81.3 128 6.1 2.5 10.1 73.8 (1) 0.9 ெ Lang and build- ing.... Pesos... 123,281 120,608 516 1,468 303 14,954 117 140 3,158 6,754 418 787 119,198 300 50 1,060 Per cent dis- tribution.. 100.0 97.8 1.2 0.3 0.6 96.7 0.2 (¹) 0.9 Average per establish- ment...... Pescз.... 5 5 3 2 26 5 Per cent of total.. Equipment (fishing boats, 3.1 3.7 0.6 0.7 0.2 4.0 180 60 4 27 43.0 0.1 0.4 corrals, nets, etc.).. Pesos... 3,342,437 2,702,950 205,028 77,159 357,300 2,426,748 Per cent dis- tribution. 100.0 80.9 6.1 2.3 10.7 72.6 398 (¹) 32,882 242,922 1.0 7.3 Average per establish- ment...... Pesos.... 128 Per cent of total.. 83.0 Cash.... Per cent dis- tribution- Average per ment... total.. Pesos... 481,476 106 82.6 399,765 431 83.5 36,060 189 62.3 21,279 13,243 95 83.6 24,372 81.7 376,023 80 57.0 2,740 6,229 86.8 4,326 92.2 19,416 100.0 83.0 7.5 4.4 5.1 78.1 0.9 4.0 establish- Pesos... Per cent of 18 12.0 16 76 108 812 15 361 498 12.2 14.7 35.6 5.4 12.7 11.4 7.4 Notes and ac- counts recei- yable.. Pesos... 79,475 49,463 3,010 833 26,167 48,828 637 Per cent dis- tribution Average per establish- ment. Per cent of total... 100.0 62.2 3.8 1.0 32.9 61.4 0.8 Pesos.. 3 2 6 4 872 2 53 2.0 1.5 1.2 1.4 5.8 1.6 1.7 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 375 TABLE 5 OFFSHORE FISHING-NURBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF ORGANIZATION AND BY CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938 Establishments operated by citizens cf- Establishments operated by- Item All establish- ments Individuals Partner- Associa- Corpora- ships tions tions Phil ppines United 1 China Japan States i Value of equip- ment, total... Pesos.... 3,342,437 2,702,950 205,028 77,159 357,300 2,4:6,748 398 32,882 242,922 Per cent distribution..... 100.0 80.9 6.1 2.3 10.7 72.6 (') 1.0 7.3 Value of fishing boats, total...... Pesos.... 1,823,747 1,447,843 35,518 22,523 297,863 1,352,757 23,170 71,916 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 79.4 3.0 1.2 16.3 74.2 1.3 3.9 ishing boats with engines....... Number. 209 159 4 3 43 136 3 20 Establishments reporting... Number. 128 110 4 3 11 Value..... Pesos....1,118,436 807,012 9,400 11,798 290,226 88 714,252 3 19 22,500 70,260 Fishing boats without engines Number. 3,307 3,092 136 62 17 3,082 3 7 Establishments reporting.... Number. 2,099 1,893 130 59 17 Value Pesos... 372,121 326,759 35,456 5,694 4,212 1,884 324,709 500 50~ 2 7 1,550 Smal fishing boats and bancas Number. 25,705 24,692 593 315 105 24,680 8 4 Establishments reporting... Number. 19,152 18,614 354 174 10 18,607 Value... Pesos.... 333,190 314,072 10,662 5,031 3.425 313,796 170 780 3 4 106 Value of fishing nets, total........ Pesos... 1,103,453 910,427 97,613 48,855 46 558 884,752 Per cent distribution... 100.0 82.5 8.8 4.4 4.2 80.2 ('1') 3550 350 805 24,520 0:1 2.2 ase nets, (pu- kot) Number. 1,556 1,233 126 46 151 1.094 1 138 Establishments reporting... Number. 856 Value.... Pesos.... 381,198 729 296,920 86 11,122 32 9 9,620 33,536 689 275,060 1 39 150 21,710 Muroami nets, (trap net, kulu- kot, etc.). Number. 171 157 13 1 155 2 Establishments reporting... Number. 126 112 13 1 110 Value... Pesos.... 35,779 32,369 2,910 500 29,909 2 2,460 Sapiao nets (seine). Number 283 237 30 14 2 236 1 Establishments reporting... Number. 235 Value... Pesos.... 125,303 194 108,462 27 12,100 12 2 193 1 4,340 401 107,962 500 Bating nets (gill net, tansay, panti). Number. 488 476 6 3 471 5 Establishments reporting.... Number. 408 397 8 3 396 1 Value... Pesos.... 34,741 31,416 1,935 1,390 31,066 350 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.).... Number. 8,846 7,860 429 543 14 Establishments reporting.. Number. 6,390 5,966 202 208 14 Value. Pesos.... 183,638 159,817 11,366 Lines (hapin) Number 43,786 41,413 500 8,418 1,870 4,037 Establishments reporting.. .. Number 21,149 20,856 Value.. Pesos... 124,203 101,650 116 1,677 174 20,724 Baclad Number. 818 729 77 Establishments reporting.... Number. 712 631 67 Value... Pesos.... 145,094 118.227 23,922 2,795 Tangar. Number. 656 18 Establishments reporting.... Number. 251 244 6 Value.. Pesos 6,538 6,418 110 Bobos.... Number. 9,653 8,988 66 Establishments reporting.... Number. 3,726 3,651 21 Value.. Pesos.... 43,828 35,307 333 506 Other coral, traps, and weirs Number. 1,308 1,263 23 Establishments Value... reporting.... Number. Pesos... 23,131 All other equipment Pesos.... 868 827 19,841 415,237 344,680 19 2,138 51,897 5,781 1,052 22 6 8 8 & 28 12 12 1 123 122 25 7,854 6 5,964 159,662 41,412 2 155 1 20,855 101,600 726 630 150 117,927 -8--88 1 50 1 1 300 1 656 244 10 6,418 510 8,988 33 21 3,651 7,682 35,307 20 2 1,263 20 2 100 827 19,841 12,879 189,239 48 8,907 146,486 Less than 0.1 per cent. 376 TABLE 6 OFFSHORE FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY FORM OF ORGANIZATION AND BY CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938 Estat lisnments operated by→→ Establishments operated by citizens cf- Item All establish- ments Individuals Partner- Associa Corpora- ships tions tions Philippines United States China Japan Value of all fish caught total.. 3 Pesos 5,933, 128 4,913,013 233,670 60,397 731,048 4,511,052 784 75,851 325,326 Per cent distribution Anchovy. Boxes 100.0 128,401 82.7 108,969 15,867 3.9 1.0 12.8 76.0 (¹) 1.8 6.6 8,090 475 108,116 8 230 620 Value Pesos 463,353 402,830 45,088 13,062 2,373 398,554 15 1,160 3,101 Establishments reporting 2,521 2,361 126 26 8 2,855 1 3 2 Barracuda. Kilos 97,809 96,299 1,060 296 160 96,190 95 8 Value. Pesos 42,204 41,451 530 143 80 41,402 45 4 Establishments reporting.. 1,173 1,152 16 4 1 1,149 2 1 Bonito, skipjack or peers albacora Kilos 801,379 754,158 85.271 11,142 808 748,396 200 5,362 200 Value. Pesos 364,727 841,443 17,548 5,332 404 838,562 100 2,681 100 Establishments reporting.. 6,537 6,377 117 85 8 6,365 2 9 1 Caesio.... Boxes 95,037 49,795 898 478 Value.. Pesos 471,864 245,604 1,755 2,488 44,366 222,017 46,860 2,795 149 230,932 13,972 700 Establishments reporting 1,136 1,076 43 7 10 1.074 1 1 Cavallas.. Kiles 314,328 275,530 8,575 2,159 28,064 275,230 150 150 Value.. Fesos 148,286 128,945 4,263 1,046 14,032 128,795 75 75 Establishments reporting.. 5,012 4,912 69 19 12 4,910 1 1 Club mackerel...... Boxes 67,409 61,072 2,943 1,128 2,266 60,723 149 200 Value... Pesos 811,610 281,242 18,583 5,635 Establishments reporting.. 8,560 3,327 161 60 11,150 12 279,001 741 3,300 10 1,500 17 Crabs... Boxes 7,512 7,285 164 118 7,235 Value Pesos 23,386 22,690 432 264 22.690 Establishments reporting.. 709 688 10 6 688 Grouper.. Kilos 366,204 819,711 9.563 2,903 34,027 319,561 150 Value. Fesos 188,117 164,489 Establishments reporting.. 4,638 1,477 17,513 164,413 73 1 8,409 8,252 74 71 12 8,250 1 1 Herrings and sardines Boxes 180,429 114,653 7,300 792 7,684 113,835 383 Value.. .. Pesos 606,194 541,139 34,804 3,145 27,106 537,048 1,915 435 2.176 Establishments reporting.. 2,273 2,142 87 35 9 2,139 1 2 Lizard fish... Boxes 13,294 10,303 519 36 2,436 7,476 Value.. Pesos 64,028 49,564 2,099 183 12,182 35,428 Establishments reporting.. 482 462 10 7 8 442 2,827 14,136 20 Mullet... Boxes 11,401 10,956 416 21 8 10,951 5 Value.. Pesos 47,342 45,113 Establishments reporting.. 2,087 104 38 45,089 24 1,294 1,238 47 7 2 1,237 1 Nemipterid. Boxes 56,275 48,075 454 5 7,741 33,989 35 Value. Pesos Establishments reporting.. 260,914 1,618 219,927 2,251 27 38,709 149,575 100 14,051 70,252 1,581 30 3 4 1,559 2 20 Red snapper... Kilos 425,999 862,569 8,916 3,421 51,093 352,515 242 24 9,788 Value. Pesos 208,425 171,346 4,159 1,879 31,041 166,247 121 84 4,894 Sword fish.. Establishments reporting.. 5,702 5,562 74 61 5 5,554 3 2 3 Klips 84,935 3.427 78,140 2,912 539 3,314 74,713 Value. Pesos 41,924 38,574 fish... Eutablishments reporting.. Siganid and surgeon 1,422 256 1,672 36,301 2,218 1 1,408 1,345 49 13 1 1,314 Boxes 33,294 23,990 109 186 Value.. Pesos 150,334 Shrimps.... Establishments reporting.. 103,885 475 930 9,009 45,044 23,690 102,385 800 1,500 1 1,074 1,060 9 3 2 1,059 Boxes 49,312 38,731 236 844 10,001 26,208 Value.. Pesos 240,806 Spanish mackerel.... Kilos Establishments reporting.. 187,939 1,150 1,695 50,022 125,803 12,523 62,136 20 694 385,194 Value.. Pesos 187,615 Squids Establishments reporting.. 644 365,277 177,827 30 10,587 5,130 15 2,026 5 624 7,304 364,537 300 440 1,005 3,653 177,477 150 200 5,831 5,691 111 16 13 5,688 Boxes 19,811 18,878 573 25 335 Value 18,333 Pesos 75,644 70,997 Other fishes... Establishments reporting.. 2,843 126 1,678 68,272 2,600 2,530 61 7 2 Kilos 798,549 676,339 28,024 Value... Pesos 1,994,058 1,634,319 Turbo (rochus Mo- shells, Sea cecum- Establishments reporting.. ther pera, Cowry 87,537 19,145 18,663 332 6,723 19,868 121 77,463 252,834 29 2,524 621,140 1,419,329 18,610 NZELN 2 1 540 2,700 25 5 11 8,196 40,886 46,992 174,050 89 12 ber).. Kilos 99,378 Value. Pesos Establishments reporting.. 47,297 92,101 43,689 975 940 2,854 1,876 27 4,423 1,732 8 92,101 43,683 940 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 377 TABLE 7 OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Year established Item All establish- ments 1938 1935 to 1937 1930 to 1934 1925 to 1929 1920 to 1984 Number of establishments.. Per cent distribution... 26,213 100.0 7,163 27.3 523 32.5 5,895 22.5 2,301 1,027 8.8 8.9 Number of employees in 1938, total. ... reasons 75 867 22,670 24,071 14,864 6,475 3,473 Per cent distribution... Average per establishment.. Persons. 100.0 2.9 29.9 3.2 81.7 2.8 19.6 8.5 4.6 2.5 2.8 3.4 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages... Persons. 47,901 14,512 13,773 10,613 4,470 2,186 Per cent distribution. Per cert of total employees 100.0 63.1 30.3 28.8 22.2 9.3 4.6 64.0 57.2 71.4 69.0 62.9 Average per establishmen Persons. 1.8 2.0 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.1 Superintendents, caretakers, etc... Persons. 8,344 1,406 1,059 299 239 145 Per cent of total employees... 4.4 6.2 4.4 2.0 3.7 4.2 Other employees.. Persons 24,602 6,752 9,239 3,952 1,766 1,141 Per cent of total employees 32.5 29.8 38.4 26.6 27.3 32.9 Salaries paid in 1938, total ..resos. 059,941 254,844 583,522 127,350 37,023 21,251 Fer cent distribution.. Per cent of total receipts. Average per establishments. Pesos... 100.0 17.8 40 24.0 20.1 55.1 22.1 12.0 3.5 2.0 11.3 8.9 11.2 86 68 22 16 21 Superintendents, caretakers, etc.. Pesos.. Per cent distribution.. Average per person.. Pesos.. Other employees.. Per cent distribution. Per cent of total.. etc.).... Per cent distribution.. Average per person.... Cost of fuel, total.. Per cent distribution.. Establishments reporting.. Average per establishment. Value of fishes caught, total... Per cent distribution.. Average per establishment... Assets, total Per cent distribution.. Average per establishment. Land and building.. Average per establishment. Equipment (fishing boats, corals, nets, Per cent distribution Pesos.. 97,296 100.0 29 Pesos.. 962,645 100.0 39 31,178 45.217 14,946 2,142 1,830 32.0 22 223,666 23.2 33 46.5 43 15.4 50 2.2 9 1.9 13 538,305 112,413 34,881 19,424 55.9 58 11.7 28 3.6 20 2.0 17 Pesos... Number. Pesos.. 668,153 100.0 25 105,340 15.7 15 347,935 52.1 41 150,577 22.5 26 31,006 4.6 8,569 1.8 13 8 Doans.. Pesos. 5,938,128 100.0 227 1,265,559 2,639,011 1,122,649 418,237 190,161 21.3 177 44.4 310 18.9 190 7.0 182 3.2 185 Pesos 4.026.669 1,095,857 1,485,968 836,202 212,923 158,863 Pesos... Pescs. 123,281 100.0 154 27.2 153 36.9 174 20.8 142 5.3 3.9 11,745 12,673 Pesos... 100.0 5 3.1 9.5 2 10.3 1 87,996 A7.4 93 4,166 155 2,019 1.1 0.9 15. 10.5 3.4 2 2.0 1.6 2 1.3 Pesos... 3,342,437 Average per establishment. Pesos... Per cent of total.. Cash... Pesos. Per cent distribution. Average per establishment. Pesos. Per cent of total...... 100.0 128 83.0 481,476 100.0 18 12.0 Notes and accounts receivable. Pesos.. Per cent distribution.... Average per establishment. Pesos... 79,475 100.0 3 896,330 26.8 125 81.8 159,786 33.2 22 14.6 27,996 35.2 4 1,270,728 664444 182,426 127,19-1 38.0 149 85.5 183,704 38.2 22 12.4 18,863 23.7 2 19.8 112 79.0 64,701 5.5 79 85.7 24,817 3.8 12-1 80.1 25,166 13.4 11 7.7 5.2 11 11.7 5.2 25 15.8 23,061 29.0 4 1,516 4,484 1.9 5.6 1 4 Per cent of total..... 2.0 2.5 1.3 2.8 0.7 2.8 378 TABLE 7 OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Cont Year established item 1915 to 1919 1910 to 1914 1905 to 1909 1900 to 1904 Prior to Year 1900 unknown Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.. 537 294 104 77 39 253 2.0 1.1 0.4 0.3 0.1 1.0 Number of employees in 1938, total Persons. 1,664 1,048 432 279 113 778 Per cent distribution... 2.2 1.4 0.6 0.4 0.1 Average per establishment. 1.0 Persons. 3.1 3.6 4.2 3.6 2.9 Proprietors and others not paid salaries 3.1 or wages... Persons. 1,020 508 214 133 79 393 Per cent distribution. 2.1 1.1 0.4 0.3 Per cent of total employees.. 0.2 0.8 61.3 48.5 Average per establishment. Per cent of total employees. Other employees... Per cent of total employees Salaries paid in 1938, total Per cent distribution... Per cent of total receipts Average per establishment Superintendents, caretakers, etc. Zer cent distribution.. Average per person... Other employees. Per cent distribution.. Average per person... 49.5 47.7 69.9 50.5 Persons. 1.9 1.7 2.1 Superintendents, caretakers, etc.. 1.7 2.0 1.6 Persons. 92 43 20 22 8 10 5.5 4.1 4.6 7.9 7.1 1.3 Poons. 552 497 198 124 26 375 33.2 47.4 45.8 44.4 23.0 48.2 .. Pesos... 9,873 4,822 3,440 912 1,104 15,788 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 1.5 11.8 6.1 12.2 5.6 11.1 17.4 Pesos... Pesos. 18 16 33 12 28 62 1,252 223 391 117 1.3 0.2 0.4 0.1 Pesos... 14 5 18 12 Pesos. 8,621 4,599 3,440 521 1,104 15,671 0.9 Pesos... 16 0.5 9 0.4 0.1 0.1 1.6 17 4 42 42 Cost of fuel, total.. Per cent distribution. Pesos... 3,518 4,851 3,420 1,100 600 11,237 0.5 0.7 Establishments reporting. Average per establishment. Value of fishes caught, total.... Per cent distribution... Average per establishment. Assets, total. Per cent distribution. 0.5 0.2 0.1 1.7 Number. Pesos... 7 17 33 14 15 44 Pesos 83,547 79,157 28,233 16,432 9,953 85,186 1.4 Pesos.. 156 1.3 269 0.5 271 0.3 0.2 1.4 213 255 337 Pesos... 62.986 80,902 16,881 15,902 4,289 55,894 1.6 2.0 0.4 Average per establishment. 0.4 0.1 1.4 Pesos. 117 275 Land and building 162 207 110 221 Peso: 1,486 2,320 185 Per cent distribution.. 7 20 664 1.2 1.9 0.2 Average per establishment. (1) Pesos. 3 8 2 Per cent of total (2) 2.4 2.9 Equipment (fishing boats, corals, nets, 1.1 (1) ece (¹) 0.5 1 3 0.5 1.2 etc.)... Pesos. 55,019 Per cent distribution 68,603 15,658 13,393 4,181 48,461 1.6 2.1 1.4 Average per establishment 0.5 0.4 0.1 Pesos.. 102 233 192 Per cent of total.... 151 174 107 87.4 84.8 86.7 Cash.. 92.8 84.2 97.5 Pesos. 5,004 9.351 Per cent distribution 1,025 1,388 88 6,446 1.0 1.9 1.3 Average per establishment 0.2 0.3 (¹) Pesos.. 9 25 32 Per cent of total 10 18 2 7.9 Notes and accounts receivable 11.6 11.6 6.1 8.7 2.1 Pesos.. 1,477 628 323 Per cent distribution 13 1,114 1.9 0.4 0.8 Average per establishment Pesos. 3 2 T'er cent of total CB (1) 1.4 1 (2) 14 2.3 0.6 0.8 0.1 7.0 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. (2) Less than I peso 379 TABLE 8 OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY YEAR ESTABLISIH 1938 Year established Item All establish- ments 1938 1935 to 1937 1930 to 1934 1925 to 1929 1920 to 1924 Value of equipment total.. Per cent distribution..... Pesos 3,342,437 896,330 1,270,728 660,444 182,426 127,191 100.0 26.8 38.0 19.8 777,487 Value of fishing boats, total Per cent distributior... Fishing boats with engines.. Establishments reporting. Value... .. Pesos 1,823,747 585,437 256359 5.5 3.8 87.782 43,850 100.0 Number 209 89 32.1 42.6 14.1 4.8 2.4 69 85 36 9 2 Number 128 41 48 25 6 2 Pesos 1,118,436 328,602 543,543 157,701 51,390 12,200 Value.... Fishing boats without engines.. Establishmets reporting Small fishing boats and bancas. Establishments reporting.. Value.... Number 3,307 883 689 406 721 411 Number 2,099 634 560 292 256 196 Pesos 372,121 115,782 113,325 GG,487 19,466 22,422 Number 25.705 1001 t 10,019 2,588 1,378 Number 19,152 7.162 7.157 2,231 1,169 6 75 Pesos 333,190 141,053 120,616 32,171 15,926 Value of fishing nets, total... Per ccnt distribution... Pesos 1,103,453 302,581 376,362 201,735 86,975 589 9,228 54,283 100.0 27.4 34.1 18.3 7.9 4.9 Value... Jtase nets (trawl nets, pukot). Establishments reporting.. Value.... Muroami nets (trap kulukutok, etc.). Establishments reporting. Value.... Sapiao nets (seine)... Establishments reporting. Value.... Bating nets (gill net, tarsa, panti) Establishments reporting. Other nets (salap, daklis, etc). Number 1,556 365 574 291 130 79 Number 856 255 286 127 81 41 Pesos 381,198 74,943 136,644 74,469 27,740 26,764 Number 171 41 51 27 13 18 Number 126 30 42 21 10 19 (k) Pesos 35,779 9,903 13,600 7,958 1.712 1,107 Number 283 97 123 25 12 7 Number 235 88 100 21 7 3 Pesos 125,303 44,639 53,642 9,730 9,524 2,652 panti).... Number 488 72 117 106 83 28 Y Number 408 56 101 99 60 25 Pesos 34,741 6,824 10,492 3,685 4,312 4,230 Number 8,846 2,722 2,655 1,885 700 416 Establishments reporting.. Value... Number 6,390 1,942 1,972 1,367 502 265 Pescs 183,638 43,531 58,924 39,293 18,888 10,733 Lines (hapin). Number 43,786 9,356 15,100 11,634 3,961 1,599 Establishments reporting.. Number 21,149 4,090 7,599 5,809 1,9:2 709 Value.... Pesos 124,203 19,816 46.294 35,303 13,817 3,463 Baclad.. Number 818 390 Establishments reporting. Number 712 353 Value.... Pesos 145,094 75,011 232 192 39,239 102 85 15,458 31 23 25 23 5,439 3,826 Tangar.. Number 675 Establishments reporting. Number 251 127 26 Value.... Pesos 6,538 2,558 Bobos.. Number 9,653 3,300 142 74 1,079 2.191 325 118 1,082 47 8 16 8 187 89 2,729 793 385 Establishments reporting. Number 3,726 1,403 Value..... Pesos 43,828 15,468 907 11,013 944 274 127 10,423 3,969 414 Other corrals, traps and weirs Number -1,308 440 Establishments reporting.. Value.... Number 868 Pesos 23,131 All other equipment Pesos 415,237 302 9,891 8,309 478 310 5,435 186 86 48 114 54 36 4,334 1,357 1,007 116,882 202,350 8,669 29.059 380 TABLEI 8. OFFSHORE FISHING NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY YEAR ESTABLISH, 1938 Continued Year established ED Item 1915 to 1919 1910 to 1914 1905 to 1909 1900 to 1904 Prior to 1900 Year unknown Value of equipment total.... Per cent distribution..... total......... Pesos 55,019 68,603 15,658 13,393 4,181 48,461 1.6 2.1 0.5 0.4 0.1 1.4 Value of fishing boats, total. - Pesos 14,706 22,177 2,716 6,307 987 26,942 Fising boats with engines. Per cent distribution. Establishments reporting. Value... Fishing boats without engines. Establishments reporting.. Value. Small fishing boats and bancas. Establishments reporting. Value.... 0.8 1.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 1.5 Number 1 Number 1 11 1 5 1 3 Pesos - 8,000 800 4,500 16,700 Number 81 44 5 10 3 54 Number 65 36 7 9 3 41 Pesos 10,108 14,559 1,280 1,100 280 7,312 Number 372 359 72 62 46 120 Number 321 286 63 54 38 79 Pesos 4,598 4,618 636 707 707 2,930 Value of fishing nets, total.. Pesos 27,404 18,280 9,182 6,771 3,124 16,751 Per cent distribution. 2.5 1.7 0.8 0.6 0.3 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot). Number 42 23 19 12 Establishments reporting.. Number 28 12 8 5 Value.... Pesos 10,666 11,606 7,208 5,247 Muroami nets (trap nets, kuluku- tok, etc.)...... Number 12 5 1 Establishments reporting. Number 6 3 1 Value.... Pesos 445 510 113 811 30 Sapiao nets (seine)..... Establishments reporting Value.... Bating nets (gill net, taksay, panti). Establishments reporting... Value.... Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.) Establishments reporting.... Value... Lines (hapin). Number 6 1 3 Number 5 1 3 Pesos 1,030 51 835 3,200 ཊྛབྷིཀྑཱུ སསབྷཱུགནྡྷནྡྷུ 1.5 Number 27 37 1 8 9 Number 23 26 1 8 9 Pesos 2,090 1,682 150 490 786 .. Number 157 77 37 75 15 107 Number 137 61 26 50 13 55 Pesos 4,239 1,707 1,033 1,227 958 3,105 Number 981 566 167 107 39 276 Establishments reporting. Number 468 238 79 45 13 187 Value.... Pesos 2,110 1,167 358 160 49 1,636 Baclad.. Number 21 5 1 4 3 Establishments reporting.. Number 19 5 1 4 3 Valuc.... Pesos 4,982 310 155 589 85 Tangar. Number 11 Establishments reporting. Value... Number 4 Pesos 7 Bobos.. Number 98 Establishments reporting. Valve.. Number 30 Pesos 1,740 Other corrals, traps weirs, Number 13 Establishments reporting. Value. Number 11 Pesos 95 ឆី២គឺ២៩មីនា២ 8 1 6 4 1 3 718 3 815 86 438 9 142 138666 44 2 19 1 224 101 30 1 1 24 1 1 76 6 200 588 All other equipment. Pesos 12,909 28,146 3,760 315 70 4,768 381 TABLE 9 OFFSHORE FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Year established Item All establish- ments 1938 1935 to 1937 1930 to 1934 1925 to 1929 1920 to 1924 Value of all fish caught total....... Pesos -5,938,128 1,265,559 2,639,011 1,122,649 418,237 190,164 Per cent distribution... 100.0 21.3 44.4 18.9 7.0 3.2 Anchovy... Value.. Boxer. Pesos. Establishments reporting. Barracuda.... 128,401 463,353 2,521 Kilos.. 97,809 32,429 112,148 61,477 202,809 13,804 57,894 8,750 46,257 3,854 14,364 961 756 411 166 90 11,550 38,763 28,592 3,525 1,991 Value... Pesos. 42,204 5,272 16,828 13,664 1,373 994 Establishments reporting.. 1,173 132 475 333 68 44 Bonito, skipjack or albacora. Kilos.. 801,379 108,682 296,381 141,548 87,389 65,954 Value... Pesos. 364,727 49,145 140,582 67,855 39,070 25,439 Extablishments reporting.. 6,537 1,553 1,978 1,405 800 365 Caesio...... Boxes. 95,037 29,253 58,189 3,581 829 2,917 Value. Pesos. 471,864 145,474 289,219 17,526 3,766 14,476 Establishments reporting. 1,136 417 300 242 90 40 Cavallas..... Kilos.. 314,328 77,501 115,131 59,503. 31,174 12,282 Value... Pesos. 148,286 34,752 56,712 27,915 15,690 Establishments reporting. 5,012 951 1,792 1,068 643 77 6,075 Chib mackerel... Boxes. 67,409 14,081 31,566 8,435 7,600 211 2.108 Value.... Pesos. 311,610 66,084 135,500 45,787 37,344 9,673 Establishments reporting. 3,560 974 1,142 708 359 150 Crabs..... Boxes. 7,512 1,370 3,177 1,927 487 250 Value.. Pesos. 23,386 3,641 7,711 8,056 2,009 774 Establishments reporting. 709 107 233 207 106 23 Grouper... Kilos.. 366,204 94,687 115,724 93,816 Value.. Pesos. 188,117 50,809 60,159 46,932 33,297 16,917 15,037 7,638 Establishments reporting. 8,409 1,660 2,771 2,320 - 906 Herrings and sardines... Boxes. 130,429 34,682 57,140 26,292 4,255 Value... Pesos. 606,194 157,249 260,941 124,525 20,457 Establishments reporting. 2,273 641 Lizard fish..... Boxes. 13,294 1,816 727 6,153 467 205 304 4,246 24,004 114 2,610 2,119 396. Value.. Pesos. 64,028 8,100 Establishments reporting. 482 Mullet.. Boxes. 11,401 Value Pesos. 47,342 132 4,666 15,964 31,066 153 3,726 14,231 8,260 1,378 128 34 15 1,798 654 320 17,370 8,489 Establishments reporting. 1,294 346 Nemipterid.. Value. Red snapper.... Value.. Establishments reporting.. 425 Boxes 56,275 9,779 Pesos 260,914 46,192 488 24,89 113,952 268 13,496 64,498 3,265 104 5,939 28,268 1,177 37 737 2,367 1,618 301 577 Kilos.. Pesos. 208,425 ,999 76,320 194,869 351 67,102 182 82 37,007 15,541 37,661 95,273 35,57 17,806 7,668 Establishments reporting. 5,702 1,251 1,585 1,455 690 256 Sword fish.... Kilos.. 84,935 15,707 26,367 23,819 11,491 3,208 Value.. Pesos. 41,924 7,274 13,144 11,834 5,986 1,512 Value.. Siganid and surgeon fish... Establishments reporting.. 1,408 368 Boxes. 33,294 Pesos 150,334 11,395 55,295 395 15,006 67,081 346 3,351 15,650 145 1,507 65 1,685 5,598 5,068 Value.. Establishments repotring. Shrimps... Value.. Spanish mackerel... 1,074 Boxes. 49,312 Pesos. 240,806 101 7,023 27,326 Establishments reporting.. 694 Kilos.. 385,194 Pcsos. 187,615 242 86,591 306 19,344 103,844 179 128,380 281 16,642 80,285 129 229 4,987 23,505 68 94 C28 2,434 88,331 36,960 26 15,474 40,035 63,663 44,035 18,444 7,716 Squids... Establishments reporting. 5,831 1,419 1,529 1,495 750 281 Boxes. 19,811 2,251 6,824 6,357 1,900 1,377 Value. Pesos. 75,644 9,421 19,749 27,613 8,627 5,197 Other fishes.. Establishments reporting. 2,600 Value... Boxes. 798,549 Pesos 1,994,058 367 202,834 729 305,997 706 151,240 409 62,590 179 29,528 389,476 916,113 397,531 113,743 51,594 Value Establishments reporting.. Turbo Trochus, mother pearl, Cowry shells Establishments reporting- 19,145 5,626 5,810 4,000 1,911 Pesos Kilos.. 99,378 47,297 11,210 53.706 28,007 3,865 4,241 27,225 12,755 1,852 806 1,252 586 975 54 491 267 110 34 382 TABLE 9.-OFFSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Continued Year established Item 1915 to 1919 1910 to 1914 1905 to 1909 1900 to 1904 Prior to 1900 Year unknown Value of all fish caught total....... Pesos. 83,547 79,157 28,233 16,432 9,953 85,186 Per cent distribution... 1.4 1.3 0.5 0.3 0.2 1.4 Anchovy.. Boxes. 1,049 484 480 574 104 Value... Pesos. 4,742 2,203 1,834 1,791 320 Establishments reporting- 62 33 10 9 Barracuda.... Kilos.. 1,320 252 483 14 Value Pesos 651 125 177 7 Establishments reporting.. 21 8 7 1 022052 5,376 18,991 21 12,309 3,108 82 Bonito, skipjack or albacora. Kilз.. 43,924 35,505 15,452 210 3,931 2,403 Value... Pesos. 17,550 17,687 4,676 87 1,451 1,185 Establishments reporting. 214 99 62 11 6 44 Caesio..... Boxes. 80 16 32 63 77 Value. Pecos. 401 81 161 306 384 Establishments reporting. 27 8 3 2 7 Cavallas.. Kilos.. 5,444 3,214 456 390 852 8,381 Value. Pesos. 2,763 1,564 228 198 426 1,963 Establishments reporting. 127 84 20 10 8 98 Chub mackerel.. Boxes. 1,391 811 330 137 25 848 Value Pesos. 6,519 4,009 1,650 728 129 4,187 Establishments reporting. 97 45 22 9 3 51 Crabs... Boxes. 124 8 78 1 90 Value Pesos. 365 29 365 4 M32 Establishments reporting. 13 7 5 Grouper.... Kilos.. 5,166 1,729 621 Value Pesos. 2,657 865 304 Establishments reporting. 178 86 25 Herrings and sardines... Boxes. 1,758 713 312 Value Pesos. 8,765 3,551 1,565 Establishments reporting. 58 26 10 ཧྨསྶ* 7 469 1,074 4,584 228 502 1,106 35 100 360 657 1,800 3,268 3 18 Lizard fish. Boxes. 3 2 170 5 2 Value.. Pesos. 17 9 850 Establishments reporting. 4 2 1 117 13 Mullet..... Boxes. 98 40 2 8 Value Pesos. 398 195 9 31 Establishments reporting. 22 11 3 3 Nemipterid... Boxes. 501 315 529 59 Value.. Pesos. 1,862 574 2,545 173 281 Establishments reporting. 43 38 4 4 Red snapper... Kilos.. 18,352 2,856 2,040 434 218 Value.. Pesos. 9,049 1,330 1,081 110 109 Establishments reporting. 184 89 16 9 Sword fish...... Kilos.. 1,168 2,313 256 302 Value. Pesos 526 1,196 128 145 Establishments reporting. 40 23 8 6 Siganid and surgeon fish... Boxes. 174 93 4 10 Value.. Pesos 849 391 22 30 Establishments reporting. 24 21 3 2 བྷྱཿསྶརྞམྦྷ ཨྠནྡྷུམྦྷg c 38- 5 84 421 11 52 202 29 11,260 2,764 99 296 145 11 66 16 334 12 Shrimps... 31 Boxes. 290 92 226 49 Value. Pesos 152 1,441 452 1,115 252 Establishments reporting. 3 23 10 7 7 Spanish mackerel.. Kilos.. 7,639 Value Pesos 3,688 8,179 4,024 1,248 400 252 11,740 624 200 126 5,059 Establishments reporting.. 86 138 92 23 8 7 Squids.... 43 Boxes. 469 246 242 51 51 Value 216 Pesos 2,073 1,243 1,210 183 112 Establishırents reporting. 16 98 Other fishes.... Boxes. 8,463 62 10,773 Value.. Pesos 19,023 39,420 16 3,019 9,689 13 2,568 11,889 5 8,210 12,327 4,648 49,932 Establishments reporting.. 140 455 224 99 56 18 Turbo Trochus, mother pearl, Cowry shells 502 Kilos. 416 418 2 Value 220 Pesos. 208 209 1 9 Establishments reporting.. 5 4 1 383 TABLE 10.-OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Item Philippines Agusan Albay Antique Bataan Batanes Batangas Number of establishments. 26,213 43 1,563 106 342 41 Per cent distribution..... 1,33 100.0 0.2 6.0 0.4 1.3 0.2 5.1 Number of employees in 1938, total.... Persons. 75.867 167 3,257 404 1,348 79 5,086 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 0.2 4.3 0.5 1.8 0.1 6.7 Average per establish- ent. Fersons. 2.9 3.9 2.1 3.8 3.9 1.9 3.8 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages... Fersons 47,901 94 3,063 394 378 62 1,780 Per cent distribution. 100.0 0.2 6.4 0.8 0.8- 0.1 3.7 Per cent of toal employees.. 63.1 56.3 94.0 97.5 28.0 78.5 35.0 Average per establish- ment.... Persons 1.8 2.2 2.0 3.7 1.1 1.5 1.3 Superintendents, care- takers, etc..... Fersons 3,344 31 53 64 17 282 Per cent of total employees.. 4.4 18.6 1.6 4.7 21.5 5.5 Other employees.. Persors 24,622 42 141. 10 906 Fer cent of total employees.... 32.5 3,024 25.1 4.3 2.5 67.2 59.5 Salaries paid in 1938, total.. Fcsos.. 1,059,941 603 1,698 12,726 19,952. Per cont distribution. 100.0 0.1 0.2 Per cent of toal receipts. 17.8 10.3 1.7 Average per per establish- ment.... Pesos.. 40 14 1 37 12 3 1.2 1.9 12.5 3.5 15 Superintendents, care- takers, etc..... Fesos.. 97,296 180 183 1,717 1,573 T'er cent distribution.. 100.0 0.2 0.2 Average per person. Pesos.. 29 6 3 1.8 27 1.6 6 Other employees.. Pesos.. 962,645 423 1,515 10,979 18,379 Fer cent distribution.... 100.0 (1) 0.2 1.1 1.9 Average per person..... Pesos... 39 10 11 12 6 Cost of fuel total..... - Tesos.. 668,153 304 44 16 1,108 ment... Fer cent distribution. Average per establish- Value of fishes caught, total.... Ier cent distribution. Average per establish- ment. Assets total Fesos... 100.0 25 (¹) (¹) (¹) 0.2 (9.7,905 (-) (2) (2) 1 Fescз.5,938,128 5,800 12,516 101,765 721 570,492 100.0 0.1 1.6 0.2 1.7 (4) 9.6 Pesos 227 136 63 118 298 18 428 Fescs.. 1,026,669 8,104 46,366 4,526 71,237 710 240,263 Per cent distribution. 100.0 0.2 1.2 0.1 1.8 (¹) 6.0 Avcrage per establish- 'ment. Pcsos.. 154 188 30 43 208 18 180 Land and building.. Fesos.. 123,281 30 177 92 25 4,209 Fer cent distribution. 100.0 (¹) 0.1 0.1 (1) 3.4 Average per establish- ment... Pesos... 5 1 (2) (2) 1 3 Per cent of total.. 3.1 0.4 0.4 0.1 3.4 1.8 Equipment (fishing boats corals, nets, etc.)...... Pesos...?,342,437 4,861 34,589 3,216 67,575 715 215,982 Fer cent distribution. 100.0 0.1. 1.0 0.1 2.0 (1) 6.5 Average per establish- ment.... Fesos.. Per ccnt of total.... Cash... 128 83.0 113 60.0 Fesos.. Per cent idstribution. Average per establish- ment... Per cent of total. Notes and accounts re- ceivable.... Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment..... Per cent of total... 481,476 100.0 3,163 0.7 22 74.6 10,112 2.1 30 198 17 162 71.1 94.9 96.6 89.9 1,310 3,270 16,028 0.3 0.7 3.3 . Pesos... 18 74 6 12 10 12 12.0 39.0 21.8 28.9 4.6 26 6.7 Fesos... 79,475 50 1,488 300 4,049 100.0 0.1 1.9 0.4 5.1 Pesos... 3 1 1 1 3 2.0 0.6 3.2 0.4 1.7 384 TABLE 10. OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMEER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES, AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Bohol Bulacan Cagayan Camarines Norte Camarines Sur Capiz Cavite Number of establishments. 1,093 12 31 38 289 429 278 Per cent distribution..... 4.2 (¹) 0.1 0.1 1.1 1.6 1.1 Number of employees in 1938, total... Persons. 3,505 74 1,064 191 990 1,686 2,019 Per cent distribution.... 4.6 0.1 1.4 0.3 1.3 2.2 2.7 Average per establishment Persons. Proprietors and others 3.2 6.2 34.3 5.0 8.4 3.9 7.3 not paid salaries or wages.... Persons. 2,513 17 49 125 442 949 862 Per cent distribution. 5.2 (¹) 0.1 0.3 0.9 2.0 0.8 Per cent of total employees. Average per establih- 71.7 23.0 4.6 65.4 44.6 56.3 17.9 ment... Persons. 2.3 1.4 1.6 3.3 1.5 2.2 1.8 Superintendents, careta- kers, etc...... Persons. 98 Per cent of total employees. 2.8 Other employees... Persons 894 48* 14 36 33 57 18.9 3.4 17.3 5.8 จ 130 46 7.7 2.8 43 979 33 491 607 1,611 Per cent of total employees... Salaries paid in 1938, total. Peɛcs.. Per cent distribution... Per cent of total receipts. Average per establish- cent... Superintendents, 5 58.1 92.0 17.3 4.6 86.0 79.8 5.260 9,693 25,590 2,46 11,357 7,643 14,411 0.5 0.9 2.4 0.2 1.1 0.7 1.4 6.9 26.8 33.9 41.7 12.4 14.8 6.9 Fcsos... 5 808 825 65 39 18 52 careta- cra, etc... rcsos. 1,879 630 1,399 1,065 2,307 2,067 549 Per cent distribution. 1.9 0.6 1.4 1.1 2.4 2.1 0.6 A verage pcr person.. Pesos. 19 45 39 32 40 16 12 Other employees.. Pesos.. 3,381 9,063 24,191 1,395 9,050 5,576 13,862 Per cent distribution.... 0.4 0.9 2.5 0.1 0.9 0.6 1.4 A verage per person..... Pesos... 4 211 25 42 18 9 9 Cost of fuel total.. Fesos... 1,234 Ier cent distribution.. 0.2 13,352 2.0 134 1,258 190 2,254 Average per establich- (¹) 0.2 (¹) 0.8 ment.. Pesos.. 1 1,113 4 4 (2) 8 Value of fishes caught total... P2803 76,666 l'er cent distribution.. 1.3 36,117 0.6 75,410 1.3 5,894 0.1 91,710 1.5 53,387 0.9 210,057 8.5 Average per establis ment. Pescs.. 70 Assets, total. Pesos... 63,624 3,010 38,221 2,433 155 317 124 54,156 7,866 66,636 54,559 157,362 Per cent distribution.. 2.1 0.9 1.3 0.2 1.7 1.4 3.9 Average per establish- ment Pc30s.. 77 3,185 1,747 207 231 127 566 Land and building. Pesos... 1,436 375 775 370 189 422 Per cent distribution.. 1.2 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.8 Average per establish- ment..... Pesos... Per cent of total.. 1.7 12 20 1 (2) 2 1.7 0.7° 9.9 0.6 0.3 0.3 Equipment (fishing boats, nets etc.)... Рсьов... 68,312 Per cent distribution. 2.0 32,221 1.0 37,397 5,169 46,683 49,338 154,932 1.1 0.2 1.4 1.5 4.6 Average per establish- ment.... Pesos... Per cent of total. 63 81.7 2,685 1,206 136 162 115 84.3 557 98.5 69.1 65.7 70.1 90.4 Cash.... PCJos.. l'er cent distribution 12,002 2.5 6,000 12,847 1,615 10,176 4,389 1,768 1.2 0.4 2.7 0.3 2.1 0.9 Average per establish- ment..... Pesos.. 11 500 414 43 35 10 Per cent of total.... 1.1 14.4 15.7 23.7 20.5 15.3 8.0 Notes and accounts reg vable.... Pesos... 1,874 240 3,537 807 9,407 643 Per cent distribution. 2.4 4.5 0.4 11.8 0.8 Average per establish- ment.... Pesos... 2 114 8 83 Per cent of total. 2.2 6.5 8.9 14.1 11 བྷཱུཔཾ ཡུ 0.2 0.2 1.2 Than I peso 1 Less than 9.1 per cent. (2) Less than 385 TABLF 10.-OFFSHORE FISHING NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMEER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES, AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Items Cebu Cotabato Davao Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur Iloilo La Union Number of establishments.... Per cent distribution.... 1,573 265 3 127 261 120 123 6.0 1.0 (¹) 0.5 1:0 0.5 0.5 Number of employees in 1938 total.. Persons. 1,518 821 19 1,094 1,332 1,508 855 Per cent distribution. 6.0 1.1 (¹) 1.4 1.8 2.0 1.1 Average per establish- ment.... Persons. 2.9 3.1 6.3 8.6 5.0 12.6 7.0 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages.... Persons. 2,258 762 5 182 802 13-1 326 Per cent distribution. 4.7 1.6 (¹) 0.4 1.7 0.3 0.7 Per cent of total employees. 50.0 92.8 26. 16.6 60.2 8.9 38.1 Average per establish- ment.. Persons. 1.4 2.9 1.7 1.4 3.0 1.1 2.7 Superintendents, careta- kers, etc..... Fersons. 204 1 2 6 88 58 6 Per cent of total employees 4.5 0.1 10.5 0.5 6.6 3.8 0.7 Other employees..... Person 2,056 58 12 906 442 1,316 523 Per cent of total employees... 45.5 7.1 63.2 82.8 33.2 87.3 61.2 Salaries paid in 1938, total. Pesos... 38,326 855 180 1,034 56,222 22,287 Fer cent distribution. 3.6 0.1 (¹) 0.1 5.3 2.1 Average per establi ment.... Superintendents, careta- kers, etc... Per cent of total receipts... 21.1 0.9 1.0 6.6 27.9 22. Pesos... 21 3 1 4 469 181 Pesos... 3,420 238 6,782 Fer cent distribution. 3.5 0.2 7.0 Average per person. Pesos. 17 3 117 Other employees.. Pesos.. 34,906 855 180 796 49,4.10 22,287 Per cent distribution.. 3.6 0.1 (¹) 0.1 5.1 2.3 Average per person..... Fesos... 17 15 (2) 2 38 43 Cost of fuel total... Pesos... 12,868 1,336 24 Fer cent distribution. 1.9 0.2 (¹) 2,795 0.4 32,85-1 4.9 Average per establish- ment.... Pesos... 8 5 8 23 267 Value of fishes caught total.. Fesos.. 181,263 Fer cent distribution Average per establish- ment.... Pesos.. 4.1 115 98,659 1.7 5,814 0.1 17,284 0.3 15,601 201,282 97,311 0.3 3.4 1.6 372 1,938 136 59 Assets, total. Pesos... 117,386 36,957 4,680 22,592 25,253 1,677 174,985 791 66,123 Per cent distribution.. 2.9 0.9 0.1 0.6 0.6 4.3 1.6 Average per per establish- ment.... Pesos... Land and building. Fesos.. 75 5,492 4 139 1,560 178 96 1,458 533 1,515 353 300 1,495 563 Per cent distribution. 5 1.2 0.3 0.2 1.2 0.5 Average per establish ment... Pesos... 3 6 118 1 12 5 Per cent of total.. 4.7 4.1 7.6 1.2 0.9 0.9 Equipment (fishing boats, corals, nets, etc.) Pesos... 95,064 33,948 4,317 Per cent distribution. 2.8 1.0 0.1 15,461 0.5 23,311 0.7 142,516 59,755 4.3 1.8 Average per establish- ment..... Pesos... 60 128 1 439 122 88 1,188 486 Per cent of total.. Cash..... Pesos. Fer cent distribution. 81.0 16,414 3.4 91.9 92.2 68.4 92.3 81.4 90.4 1,273 8 7,088 1,540 30,274 5,691 0.3 (¹) 1.5 0.3 6.3 1.2 Average per establish- ment..... Fesos... 10 5 3 56 Fer cent of total.. 14.0 53.4 6 252 46 3.4 0.2 31.4 6.1 17.3 8.6 Notes and accounts recei vable..... Pesos.. 416 221 40 102 700 114 Fer cent distrivution. 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 Average per establish- ment... Per cent of total... Fesos... (2) 1 (2) (2) 6 1 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.2 386 TABLE 10. OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMPER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES, AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Laguna Lanao Leyte Manila Marinduque Masbate Mindoro Number of establishments. 39 94 2,963 31 137 143 856 Per cent distribution.... 0.1 0.4 11.3 0.1 0.5 0.5 1.4 Number of employees in 1938, total... Persons. 53 360 7,489 687 203 702 780 Fer cent distribution. 0.1 0.5 9.9 0.9 0.3 0.9 2.0 Average per establlh- ment.... Fersons. 1.4 3.8 2.5 22.2 1.5 4.9 2.1 Proprietors and others not paid salaries wages.... Persons 47 288 5,921 Fer cent distribution..... 0.1 0.6 12.4 (¹) Fer cent of total employees. Average per establish- 20 23 178 310 418 0.4 0.6 0.9 88.7 80.0 79.1 3.3 87.7 44.2 56.6 ment..... Fersons. 1.2 3.1 2.0 0.7 1.3 2.2 1.2 Superintendents, careta- kers, etc....... Persons 1 35 274 30 3 Other employees... Fer cent distribution... Fer cent of total employees Per cent of total employees..... Salaries paid in 1938, total Per cent of total receipts. Average per establish- 1.9 9.7 3.7 4.4 1.5 2288 6 4.0 0.8 ... Fersons. 5 37 1,294 634 22 364 311 9.4 10.3 17.3 92.3 10.8 51.9 42.6 Pesos... 1,650 21,530 336,614 326 2,670 335 05 0.2 2.0 31.8 (¹) 0.3 (¹) 5.2 13.0 34.0 4.0 6.7 0.4 ment... Pesos... 18 7 10,859 Superintendents, careta- 360 2 19 1 kers, etc..... Fesos.. 410 4,966 24,00 65 692 100 Per cent distribution.... 0.4 5.1 Average per person. Fesos. 12 18 25.0 812 0.1 0.7 0.1 22 25 17 Other employees Pesos. 1,210 16,564 312,254 261 1,978 235 Fer cent distribution. 0.1 Average per person... Pesos... 34 1.7 13 32.4 493 (1) 0.2 (1) 12 5 1 Cost of fuel total Fesos. Fer cent distribution 2,715 0.4 221,018 1,688 3,199 33.1 0.3 0.5 Average per establish- ment..... Pesos.. 1 7,130 12 22 Value of fishes caught, total... Fesor 3,905 F'er cent distribution. 0.1 32,025 0.5 165,851 Average per establish- ment... feses.. 100 341 2.8 56 989,327 16.7 8,117 39,810 81,579 0.1 0.7 1.4 Assets, tota Pesos.. 1,315 10,566 121,530 31,914 646,072 59 278 229 5,604 40,610 20,074 Ter cent distribution (¹) 0.3 0.5 3.0 16.0 0.1 1.0 Average per cutablish- ment Pesos 31 112 41 20,841 41 281 56 I and and building I'esos. 5 2,437 5,413 700 100 1,512 5 Ier cent distribution (¹) 2.0 4.4 0.6 0.1 1.2 (¹) Average per establish- ment Fcsos (2) 26 2 23 1 11 (2) Fer cent of total 0.4 23.1 4.5 0.1 1.8 3.7 (1) Equipment (fishing boats, corals, nets, etc.) Feso Per cent distribution 1.330 (¹) 5,762 97,926 566,838 4,472 32,112 18,036 0.2 Average per cctablish- ment Icsos.. 34 61 T'er cent of total 98.9 54.5 Cash. Tcscs 10 2,251 Per cent distribution 35 0.5 2.9 33 80.6 18,191 3.8 0.5 17.0 0.1 1.0 51 18,285 33 227 87.7 56,694 89.8 79.8 79.8 11.8 1,032 0.2 6,686 1,411 0.8 1.4 Average per establish- ment Fesos. (2) 24 6 4 1,829 -8 47 7.0 Fer cent of total 0.7 21.3 15.0 001 8.8 18.4 16.5 Notes and accounts re yable Pesos 116 21,840 622 Per cent distribution 0.8 0.1 27.5 Average per establish- 2 ment ... Pesos 1 705 3.1 Per cent of total. 1.1 3.4 387 TAPIE 1-OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMEER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES, AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Misamis Occidental Misamis Oriental Negros Occidental Negros Oriental Palawan Pangasinan Rizal Number of establishments. 131 401 271 456 39 63 71 Per cent distribution.. 0.5 1.5 1.0 1.7 0.1 0.2 0.3 Number of employees in 1938, total.. 6... 337 971 2,095 1,229 163 1,382 570 Ter cent distribution 0.4 1.3 2.8 1.6 0.2 1.8 0.8 Average per establish- ment..... Persons. 2.6 2.4 7.7 2.7 4.2 21.9 8.0 Proprietors and others rot paid salaries or wagcs... Persons. 211 753 369 946 113 142 72 Per cent distribution 0.4 1.6 0.8 2.0 0.2 0.3 0.2 Fer cent of total employees. 62.6 77.5 17.6 77.0 69.3 8.8 12.6 Average per establish- mert.. Persons. 1.6 1.9 1.4 2.1 2.9 1.9 1.0 Superintendents, careta- kers, etc..... Persons 57 17 80 36 9 20 22 Fer cent of total employees. 16.9 1.8 3.8 2.9 5.5 1.4 3.9 Other employees... Fersor 69 201 1,6-16 247 41 1,240 476 Per cent of total employees Salties paid in 1938 total Pesos. Fer cent distribution. Per cent of total receipts. 20.5 20.7 78.6 20.1 25.2 89.7 83.5 2,684 9,865 97,727 5,936 9,871 37,108 87,605 0.3 0.9 9.2 0.6 0.9 14.9 21.6 26.2 29.0 19.6 3.5 27.3 8.3 24.7 Average per establish- ment.... Pcs03... 20 25 361 13 253 589 1,231 Superintendents, careta- kers, etc.... Fesos.. 114 1,080 9,698 183 3,366 5,076 319,878 F'er cent distribution... 0.1 1.1 10.0 0.2 3.5 5.2 10.2 Average per person.... Pesos... 3 64 121 5 374 251 4-19 Other employees.. Fcsos... 2,540 8,785 88,029 5,753 6,505 32,032 77,728 Per cent distribution. 0.3 0.9 9.1 0.6 0.7 3.3 8.1 Average per person.. Ccct ct fuel total... Pesos.. 37 Pesos. 320 44 77,250 53 23 159 69,331 60 156 26 18,294 163 63,931 Per cent distribution. (¹) 11.6 10.4 (¹) (¹) 2.7 9.6 Average per establish- ment... Pescs... 2 193 256 (2) 4 290 900 Value of fishes caught total...... Pesos Per cent distribution 18,019 0.3 40,178 0.7 373,445 20,470 50,3-18 135,82 351,112 6.3 0.3 0.8 2.3 6.0 Average per establish ment.. reses... 138 100 Assets total Pcscs... 5,187 18,259 1,378 341,440 45 19,601 1,291 92,083 2,156 101,971 4,987 311,546 Per cent distribution. 0.1 0.5 8.5 0.5 2.3 2.6 7.7 ment... Land and building.. Per cent distribution. Average per establish- Average per establish- Average per establish- ment.. Per cent of total.... Equipment (fishing boats, corale, nets, etc.). .... Pesos... Per cent distribution... Fesos.. 40 46 1,260 43 2,361 1,666 Pesos.. 20 60 337 9.10 50 4,388 85,094 (¹) (¹) 0.3 0.8 (¹) 69.0 Pesos... (2) (2) 1 2-1 1 1,199 0.4 (1) 1.1 1.0 (¹) 27.8 3,342 0.1 16,451 0.5 286,448 16,5-16 45,186 97,873 177,863 8.6 0.5 1.4 2.9 5.3 ment.... Fcsos... 26 Cash... Per cent of total.. Pesos... Per cent distribution. 64.1 1,727 0.4 41 90.1 1,808 1,057 83.9 36 81.4 1,159 1,554 2,505 49.1 93.2 57.1 48,410 0.4 10.1 2,561 0.5 43,590 6,578 37,518 9.1 1.4 7.8 Average per cstablish- ment..... Pesos... 13 5 179 6 1,118 101 528 Per cent of total..... Notes and accounts recei vable..... Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment... Per cent of total.. 33.3 9.9 14.2 13.1 47.3 6.3 12.0 Pesos.. 98 6,522 154 2,367 470 11,071 0.1 8.2 0.2 3.0 0.6 13.9 - Pesos... 1 24 (2) 61 7 156 1.9 1.9 0.8 2.6 0.4 3.6 388 TABLE 10.-OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMPER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES, AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Romblon Samar Sorsogon Sulu Surigao Tayabas Zambales Number of establishments.. 543 361 842 9,843 697 174 108 Per cent distribution. 2.1 1.4 3.2 37.6 2.7 0.7 0.4 Number of employces in 1938 total.. Pesos... 1,442 2,167 2,057 18,973 1,354 750 601 Fcr cent distribution... 1.9 Average per establish- 2.9 2.7 25.0 1.8 1.0 0.8 ment.... Persons. 2.7 6.0 2.4 1.3 1.9 4.3 5.9 Fropreitors and and others not paid salaries on wages.... Persons. 1,061 814 1,650 17,515 1,103 423 Per cent distribution.... 2.2 1.7 3.4 36.6 2.3 0.9 Per cent of total employees. 73.6 37.6 80.2 92.3 81.5 56.4 Average per establish- ment.. Persons. 2.0 2.3 2.0 1.8 1.6 2.4 Superintendents, careta- hers, etc..... Persons. 16 65 43 Other employees..... Per cent of total employees. 1,202 64 44 1.1 3.0 2.1 6.3 4.7 5.9 Persons 365 1,288 864 256 187 283 430 Fer cent of total employees 25.3 59.4 17.7 1.3 13.8 37.7 སྐྱུསྨིཾ ; སཙྪུཏྠུË 0.4 28.5 0.3 71.2 Salaries paid in 1938 total. . Pesos... 4,386 35,717 3,739 456 97 47,923 1,378 Per cent distribution.. 0.4 3.4 0.4 Per cent of total receipts. (¹) (¹) € 4.5 0.1 18.0 27.0 5.8 0.1 0.1 24.6 9.6 Average per establish- ment... Pesos... 8 99 4 Superintendents, (2) (2) 275 18 careta- kers, etc. Pesos.. 168 2,297 1,248 171 1,987 9 Per cent distribution.... 0.2 2.4 1.3 0.2 2.0 (¹) Other employees.. Avcrage per person. Pesos.. 11 35 29 PCEOS... 4,218 33,420 2,491 ier cent distribution... 0.4 3.5 0.3 Cost cf fuel total... Average per person. ENC (2) 45 5 285 97 45,936 1,359 (4) (¹) 4.8 0.1 Pcsos... 12 Fcsos... 108 29,072 1er cert distribution. (¹) 26 4.4 7 1 1 162 8 1,157 116 285 48,137 224 0.2 (¹) (¹) 7.2 (¹) Average per establish- ment... Pesos... (*) 81 1 (2) (2) 277 2 Value of fishes caught total.... Pesos. 24,398 l'er cent distribution. 132,294 0.4 2.2 Average per establish- ment.. Poro 45 366 70,781 1.2 84 726,125 12.2 74 74,586 194,814 1.3 3. 14,427 0.2 107 1,120 4140 cacts total Tcbos.. 11,008 99,001 33,574 342, 95 37,834 110,202 14,797 Ir cent distribution. 0.3 2.5 Avcrage per establish- 0.8 8.5 0.9 2.8 0.4 ment... Tesos... 20 Lard and building.. 274 40 35 51 656 144 Pesos.. 120 2,382 1 'cr cent cistribution. 1,711 78 185 8,920 0.1 1.9 1.4 Average per establish- 0.1 0.2 3.2 ment.... Teзos... (2) 6 Ter cent of total... 2 (2) 23 1.1 Equipment (fishing boats, 2.4 5.1 (1) 0.5 3.4 corals, nets, etc.) Pesos... 9,694 1er cent distribution. 73,402 26,507 0.3 2.2 Average per cstablish- 0.8 317,770 9:5 26,698 94,880 13,961 0.8 2.8 0.4 ment.... Pesos.. Ter cent of total.. Cash..... Pesos... 18 88.1 1,194 203 74.1 81 79.0 82 88 545 เลย 92. 70.6 88.0 94.4 835 21,760 l'er cent distribution.. 0.2 4.5 Average per establish- 4,410 0.9 21,710 10,305 14,899 0.2 4.5 2.1 1 ment... Pesos... Per cent of total.... vable..... ment... Notes and accounts recet Per cent distribution. Fer cent of total.... 200 60 5 2 15 86 3 8 5.6 10.8 22.0 18.1 6.8 27.2 18.0 Pesos... 1,507 946 8,207 636 613 1.9 Average per establish- 1.2 4.0 0.8 0.8 Pesos.. 4 1 () 1 4 1.5 2.8 0.9 1.7 0.5 (1) Less than 0.1 percent (a) Less than 1 peso. 389 TABLE 10 OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMPER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES, AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Zamboanga Cebu City Zamboange City Davao City Iloilo City Bacolod City Number of establishments.. 10-1 4 228 20 20 6 Per cent of distribution..... 0.4 (¹) 0.9 0.1 0.1 (¹) Number of employees in 1938, total ...ersons. 371 115 456 136 396 58 Per cent distribution.. 0.5 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.5 0.1 Average per establishment.... Persons. 8.6 28.8 2.0 6.8 19.8 9.7 Proprietors and others not paid salaries on wages.... Perrons. 3.10 1 282 58 8 11 Per cent distribution. 0.7 (¹) 0.6 0.1 (¹) (¹) Per cent of total employees.. 91.6 0.9 61.8 42.6 2.0 19.0 Average per establishment. Fersons. 3.3 0.3 1.2 2.9 0.4 1.8 Superintendents, caretakers, etc.... Persons. 4 16 3 4 3 4 Per cent of total employees.. 1.1 40.0 0.7 2.9 0.8 6.9 Other employees..... Persone. 27 68 171 71 385 43 Per cent of total employees 7.3 59.1 37.5 54.4 97.2 74.1 Salaries paid in 1938, total. Per cent distribution... Per cent of total receipts... Average per establishment..... Superintendents, caretakers, etc.. Per cent distribution..... Average per person... Other employees.. Per cent distribution. Average per person. Cost of fuel total... Pesos... 782 15,556 49,098 17,060 34,094 5,436 0.1 1.5 4.6 1.6 3.2 0.5 5.9 24.0 26.1 63.9 33.0 15.0 Pesos. 8 3,889 215 853 1,705 906 Pesos... 72 4,513 64 1,320 480 900 0.1 4.7 0.1 1.4 0.5 0.9 Pesos... 18 99 21 330 160 225 Pesos... 710 11,013 49,031 15,710 33,614 4,536 0.1 1.1 5.1 1.6 3.5 0.5 Pesos... 26 162 287 213 87 105 Pesos.. 2 12,311 8,257 419 29,399 10,903 Per cent distribution.. Average per establishment. (¹) 1.8 1.2 0.1 4.4 1.6 Pesos... (2) 3,085 36 21 1,470 1,817 Vaive of fishes caught total.. Per cent distribution... Assets total, Per cent distribution. Fesos. 13,2.17 61,705 187,903 26,713 103,197 36,170 0.2 1.1 3.2 0.4 Average per establishment. Peses 127 16,176 821 1,336 Pesos... 10,517 73,400 81,929 27,769 1.7 5,16) 113,070 0.6 6,028 44,211 0.3 1.9 2.0 Average per establishment. Fesos... 101 18,850 350 0.7 1,383 2.8 1.1 5,65-1 7,374 Land and building... Pesos... 242 200 Per cent distribution. 0.2 0.2 Average per establishment Pesos. 2 33 Per cent total. 2.3 0.5 Equipment (fishing boats, corals, nets, etc.).... Pesos... 7,255 74,813 72,882 Per cent distribution. 0.2 2.2 2.2 23,205 0.7 102,160 33,170 3.1 1.0 Average per establishment. Pesos. 70 18,703 320 1,160 5,108 5,578 Fer cent of total.. 69.0 99.2 89.0 83.6 90.4 75.6 Cash.... Icsos. 2,993 587 8,998 161 10,910 9,2-15 Per cen distribution. 0.6 0.1 1.9 (¹) 2.3 1.9 Average per establishment. Pesos... 29 147 39 8 5.16 1,511 Per cent of total.. 28.5 0.8 11.0 0.6 9.6 20.9 Notes and accounts receivable. Fesos.. 27 49 4,403 1,329 Per cent distribution..... Average per establishment. Iesos.. CC (¹) 0.1 5.5 1.7 (2) (=) 2:20 222 Per cent of total.... 0.3 0.1 15.9 3.0 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. a) Less than 1 pesp. 390 TABLE 11 OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Item Philippines Agunea Albay Antique Bataan Batanes Batangas Value of equipment, total. Pesos.. 3,342,437 4,861 34,589 3,216 67,575 715 215,932 Per cent distribution..... Value of Ashing boats, to- tal..... 100.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 2.0 ('') 6.5 Pesos.... 1,823,747 1,130 15,163 1,093 29.217 578 69,513 Per cent distribution..... Fishing boats with en- 100.0 0.1 0.8 0.1 1.6 (1) gines Number. 209 1 Establishments report- ing... Number. 128 1 Value... Pesos.... 1,118,486 150 Fishing boats without engines. Number. 8,807 24 212 Establishments report- ing... Number. 2,099 18 175 Value. Pesos.... 872,121 2,858 29,067 Small fishing boats and bancas. Number. 25,705 55 1,565 114 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 19,152 89 1,144 104 Value... Pesos.... 888,190 1,130 12,805 1,098 Value of Aisling nets, total Pesos...1,103,453 3,058 14,738 1,896 26,549 ఇ శక్తి = 298 270 46,548 1,209 84 845 21,935 94 130,190 Per cent distribution. 100.0 0.8 1.8 0.2 2.4 (¹) 11.8 Utase nets (trawl neta, pukot).. Number. 1,556 6 8 Establishments report- irg... Number. 856 5 8 Value.. Pesos.... 881,198 1,868 824 120 2 2220 16 811 18 168 2,845 102,217 Muraomi nets (trap net, kulukot, etc.).... Number. 171 8 6 19 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 126 8 6 13 Value. Pcsos... 85,779 650 443 8,614 Sapiao Nets (seine)..... Number. 288 5 6 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 235 5 8 8 Value.. Pesos.... 125,808 709 1,500 2,100 Bating nets (gill net, ta bassy, panti)..... Number. 488 8 1 71 235 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 408 3 1 43 208 Value.. Pesos.... 84,741 1,006 25 3,784 8,835 Other nets (salap, dak- lis, etc.).. Number. 8,846 6 265 82 814 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 6,890 6 246 82 122 Value. Pesos.... 183,638 207 0,188 906 11,765 Lines (hapin).... Number. 43,786 42 2,045 124 401 41 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 21,149 27 1,218 78 177 Value.. Pesos.... 124,208 118 2,019 295 2,856 PRE RE 10 93 8 88 28 1.987 2,418 23 1,050 71 4,047 Baclad. Number. 818 5 26 1 8 16 Establishments report- ing... Number. 712 5 24 1 Value.. Pesos.... 145,094 1,150 2,838 150 450 . 8 16 7,172 Tangar. Number. 675 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 251 Value.. Pesos.... 6,538 Bobos.. Number. 9,658 179 198 Establishments report- ing. Number. 8,726 Value. Pesos.... 48.828 Other corals, traps, and wers... Number. 1,808 1 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 868 Value.. Pesos... 28,181 215 580 2008 25 27 84 416 29 248 11 137 1 400 99 20 2,990 All other equipment...... Pesos.... 415,237 673 4,688 227 11,809 43 17,279 391 TABLE 11 OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. Item Bohol Bulacan Cagayan Camarines Camarines Norte Sur Capiz Cavite Value of equipment, total.. Pesos... Par cant distribution...... 68,312 32,221 37,397 5,169 46,683 49,338 154,932 - 2.0 1.0 1.1 0.2 1.4 1.5 4.6 Value of Bohing boats total Pesos.... 34151 27,240 10,600 1,081 8,592 25,661 78,851 Rer cent distribution... Faning boats with engi 1.7 1.5 0.6 0.1 0.5 1.4 4.3 DOS. Number. 8 4 8 Establishments report- ing. Number 1 4 3 Value.. Pesos.... 26,890 11,000 8,280 Fishing boats without en- gines.. Number. 217 2 85 66 109 123 Establishments report- ing. Number. 188 1 26 89 97 93 Value Pesos.... 16,758 110 10,055 8,453 9,926 63,573 Small fishing boats and bancas.. Number. 1,142 16 20 50 836 841 177 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 928 11 12 87 258 802 161 Value... Pesos.... 18,893 240 545 1,081 5,139 4,733 5,001 Value of fishing nets, total. Pesos.... 27,861 4,981 20,015 3,979 32,991 17,921 60,407 Per cent distribution.. 2.5 0.5 1.8 0.4 8.0 1.6 5.5 Utase nets (trawl nets, pu- kot).. Number. 80 18 1 16 12 17 8-1 Establishments report- Number. 24 1 1 16 9 17 29 Value.. Pesos.... 9,925 4,500 700 866 1,950 1,740 87,159 Muraomi nets (trap fet, kulukot, etc.)....... Number. 7 1 8 8 14 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 7 1 1 B 9 Value... Pesos.... 1,800 180 500 1,190 2,053 Sapiao nets (seine). Number. 10 10 8 1 19 Establishments report- ing. Number. 8 7 8 1 18 Value. Pesos.... 1,659 5,100 675 50 9,472 Bating nets (gill net, tak- my, panti)... Number. 9 17 86 11 Establishments report- ing... Number. 9 12 83 10 Value.. Pesos.... 200 1,190 3,675 833 Other nets (alap, daklis, etc.)... Number. 527 28 861 172 73 Establishments report- ing... Number. 810 21 129 124 49 Value. Pesos.... 6,817 141 14,215 Lines (hapin). Number. 299 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 185 8 Value.. Pesos... 861 12 Baclad. Number. 8 (2) Establishments report- ing. Number. 8 Value.. Pesos.... 2,647 140 8,050 1 222 22 5,504 8,709 2,984 899 423 593 163 191 121 29 791 1,046 932 66 28 14 27 62 24 12 22,068 4,811 6,901 Tangar. Number. d.. Establishments repor.- ing Number. Value Pesos.... 2 Eobo... Number. 66 5 120 122 Establishments report- Number. 82 5 82 18 Value Pesos... 288 10 468 101 Other corals, trape, and weirs. Number. 135 1 47 153 Establanments report- ing... Number. 105 1 20 139 Value. Pesos.... 4,719 8 80-1 1,735 All other equipment. Posos.... 10,300 6,782 109 5,097 5,753 15,671 392 TABLE 11 OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con Item Cebu Cotabato Davao Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur Iloilo La Union Value of equipment, total.. Pesos... 95,064 33,948 4,317 15,464 23,311 142,516 59,755 Per cent distribution... 2.8 1.0 0.1 0.5 0.7 4.8 1.8 Value of fishing boats, total. Pesos... 37,443 5,485 550 2,928 5,715 74,865 39,666 Per cent distribution.. Fishing boats with engi- 2.1 0.8 (¹) 0.2 0.8 4.1 2.2 nes, Number. 1 6 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 1 5 Value. Pesos.... 4,201 13,100 82,550 Fishing boats without en- gines... Number. 124 5 1 16 29 114 45 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 84 5 1 15 24 112 86 Value. Pesos.... 14,686 251 500 2,485 4,415 58,360 4,825 Small fishing boats and bancas. Number. 1,754 817 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 1,041 265 Value.... Pesos.... 18,556 5,234 ∞ 28 82 115 58 107 82 109 34 86 448 1,800 8,405 2,291 Value of fishing nets, total.. Pesos... 48,303 23,426 2,695 10,177 15,677 37,311 12,718 Per cent distribution. 4.4 2.1 0.2 0.9 1.4 8.4 1.2 Utase nets (trawl nets, pu- kot).. Number. Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value.. Pesos.... 12,362 3868838 70 28 2 tr 2 48 28 1 2 2014 500 1,400 18,650 68880 23 14 8,855 Muraomi nets (trap net, kulukot, etc.)..... Number. 5 1 42 6 Establishments report- ing... Number. 5 1 24 6 Value. Pesos.... 430 Sapiao nets (seine)... Number. Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value.. Pesos.... 19,563 888888 2,000 1,531 1,476 38 13 20 29 12 20 13,934 4,110 Bating nets (gill net, tak- say, panti). Number. 4 1 2 Establishments report- ing Number 3 1 Value Pesos.... 775 90 170 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.) Number. 756 67 187 802 1222 '81 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 521 38 113 241 25 Value.. Pesos.... 9,354 601 8,696 11,485 1,671 Lines (hapin.. Number. 1,252 203 15 232 12 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 667 58 15 83 Value.. Pesos... 1,240 906 872 467 22 Baclad.. Number. 9 144 2 5 6 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 6 112 2 1 6 Value.. Pesos.... 400 12,371 195 40 1,280 ཐ ཡཙྪོ ཌུ ༤བྷཱཝཾ པཎྜིཙ སཙྩི 985 111 76 8,195 29 17 168 1 Tangar. Number. 86 7 4 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 9 7 3 Value Pesos.... 1,235 67 80 Bobos.. Number. 195 321 81 4 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 88 54 16 2 Value... Pesos.... 1,736 5,375 233 61 Other corrals, traps, and weirs.. Number. 71 84 1 5 54 4 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 68 29 4 19 4 Value. Pesos.... 2,443 744 219 613 108 1 10 1 10 All other equipment....... Pesos.... 9,318 5,037 1,072 2,359 1,919 30,340 7,301 393 TABLE 11.-OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. Item Laguna Lanao Leyte Manila Marinduque Masbate Mindoro Value of equipment, total Pesos.... Per cent distribution..... 1,330 5,762 97,926 566,838 4,472 32,412 18,036 (¹) 0.2 2.9 17.0 0.1 1.0 0.5 Value of fishing boats, total Pesos... 445 1,326 33,305 488,672 2,706 13,920 7,210 Per cent distribution. (¹) 0.1 1.8 26.8 0.1 0.8 0.4 Fishing boats with en- gines... Number. 64 1 Establishments report- ing... Number. 30 1 Value.. Pesos.... 486,512 7,000 Fishing boats without en- gines... Number. 5 87 2 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 6 64 2 Value.. Pesos.... 272 8,031 160 1,813 Small fishing boats and bancas.. Number. Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value... Pesos.... 445 28888888 104 3,126 14 85 73 2,092 1 1,054 25,274 2,000 893 22888888 28 28 21 28 5,225 2,530 85 108 832 101 816 1,695 4,680 Value of fishing nets, total. Pesos... 885 2,746 50,248 42,535 1,622 15,168 10,419 Per cent distribution.... 0.1 0.2 4.6 3.9 0.1 1.4 0.9 Utase nets (trawl nets, pu- kot).... Number. 1 5 78 162 2 23 8 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 1 5 69 25 2 17 2 Value... Pesos.... 250 4,90 13,113 86,085 800 8,410 180 Muraomi nets (trap net, kulukot, etc.).. Number. 1 8 10 1 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 1 Value.... Pesos... 200 180 Sapiao nets (seine). Number. Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value.... Pesos.... 3,704 "82200 3 6 5,600 1,100 26 1 26 1 400 Bating nets (gill net, tak- say, panti). Number. 8 2 7 1 Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value... Pesos.... 190 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.).... Number. Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value. Pesos.... 122 Lines (hapin). Number. Establishments report- ing..... Number. Value.. Pesos.... 151 282 22 25 2 5 120 877 92 1,032 3 55 942 812 42,883 447 23 641 3,240 6 804 23 47 1,434 159 4,145 999998 5 850 473 Baclad. Number. 1 4 45 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 1 4 37 Value. Pesos.... 150 455 11,034 220 72 2 24 22 NG 1 4 500 22 45 83 39 19 1,207 439 214 1,470 78 288 135 7,000 16 80 16 80 8 2,060 Tangar.. 1 Number. Establishments report- 1 ing... Number. 100 Value. Pesos... Bobos... Number. 2 183 9 Establishments report- ing.. Number. Value. Pesos.... 10 Other carrals, traps, and weits... Number. Establishments report- ing... Number. Value.. Pesos.... 12 20 3 32 77 4 677 16 6 55 - 4 4 510 44 4,035 2 3 16 135 All other equipment.. Pesos.... 1,690 14,373 35,631 144 3,324 46 240 407 25 25 (U Less than 0.1 per cent 394 TABLE 11 OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. Item Misamis Occidental Misamis Oriental Negros Occidental Oriental Negros Palawan Pangasinan Rizal Value of equipment, total.. Pesos.... 3,342 16,451 286,448 16,546 45,186 97,873 177,863 Per cent distribution... 0.1 0.5 8.6 0.5 1.4 2.9 5.3 Value of fishing boats, total. Pesos. 1,558 5,613 170,580 4,936 38,514 44,486 113,74 Per cent distribution.... Fishing boats with en- 0.1 0.3 9.4 0.3 2.1 80 2.4 6.2 gines. Number. 1 32 4 4 27 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 1 27 4 10 Value.. Pesos.... 1,700 132,330 35,890 24,345 89,803 Fishing boats without en- gines. Number. 3 5 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 3 3 Value. Pesos.... 145 480 24,943 88 888 98 6 11 74 44 70 9 4 50 85 570 1,828 13,957 17,053 Small fishing boats anb bancas Number. 169 878 323 551 37 150 47 Establishments report- ing... Number. 108 326 174 433 Value.. Pesos.... 1,413 8,483 13,807 4,366 796 3838 32 42 35 6,184 7,391 Value of fishing nets, total. Pesos.... 1,442 6,544 75,166 9,265 6,159 33,109 29,917 Per cent distribution.. 0.1 0.6 6.8 0.8 Utase nets (trawl nets, pu- 4 0.6 3.5 2.7 kot). Number 6 13 161 10 6 9 46 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 6 10 83 11 2 4 Value. Pesos.... 730 1,620 82,867 3,265 2,480 4,450 12,710 Muraomi nets (trap net, kulukot, etc.).... Number. 2 15 1 8 5 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 2 10 1 2 Value. Pesos.... 170 4,800 820 2,800 3,80) Sapiao nets (seine).. Number. Establishments report- irs Number. - ཡཿ 12 51 11 5 42 8 Value.. Pesos.... 54 7,201 29,244 5,849 Bating nets (gill net, tak- say, panti).. Number. 5 1 8 18 9 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 5 1 4 14 9 malue, Pesos.... 3,801 80 8,050 2,105 557 Other nets (salap, kaklis, etc.). Number. 1 161 198 62 5 Establishments report- ing... Number. 1 94 152 60 Value... Pesos.... Lines (hapin)..... Number. Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value.. Pesos.... Baclad... Number. Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value.. Pesos.... 109 on now 10 8,178 5,961 1,120 1,011 40 266 *ដ្ឋ 4 94 10 2 40 81 1 8 5,448 124 134 3 288 15. 113 30 40 1,207 156 802 815 280 1 36 7 1 6 1 80 7 86 18,404 2,314 1 1,000 Tangar Number. 14 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 9 Value.. Pesos.... 2,684 Bobos. Number. 1 85 1 191 Establishments report- ing..... Number. Value.... Pesos.... 16 16 198 80 Other corrals, traps, and weirs... Number. Establishments report- ing..... Number. Value.. Pesos.... 498 All other equipment..... ... Pesos.... 342 38885 15 182 64 1 108 1,875 1 17 2 1 6 2 86 262 888 18 2 200 489 220 4,294 40,702 2,345 513 15,278 34,169 395 TABLE 11.-OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. Item Romblon Samar Sorsogon Sulu Surigao Tayabas Zambales Value of equipment, total.. Pesos.... Per cent distribution..... 9.694 73,402 26,507 317,770 26,698 94,770 13,961 0.8 2.2 0.8 9.5 0.8 2.8 0.4 Value of fishing boats, total. Pesos... 3,794 19,542 9,415 135,470 10,229 3,195 2,357 Per cent distribution.. 0.2 1.1 0.5 7.4 0.6 0.2 0.1 Fishing boats with en- gines.. Number. 2 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 2 Value.. Pesos.... 8,200 Fishing boats without en- nes.. Number. 6 72 21 1,831 16 8 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 5 41 14 502 15 8 Value.. Pesos.... 430 6,972 3,821 8,881 870 310 Small fishing boats ank bancas.. Number. 465 889 697 9,762 741 169 117 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 448 324 624 7,271 642 132 76 Value... Pesos.... 8,364 4,870 6,094 126,589 9,859 3,195 2,047 Value of fishing nets, total. Pesos.... 5,168 33,533 10,990 170,012 10,452 32,562 9,125 Per cent distribution... 0.5 3.0 1.0 15.4 0.9 8.0 0.8 Utase nets (trawl nets, pu- kot)... Number. 2 70 9 12 64 20 Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value... Pesos... 400 Muraomi nets (trap net, kulukot, etc.).. Number. Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value.... Pesos.... Sapiao nets (seine). Number. Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value.. Pesos.... 8- 181 - 30 2 51 9 12 31 20 9,800 1,135 1,118 14,280 2,880 1 1 120 12 642 7 7 1,395 14 8 13 3 10 12 7 9 9,400 8,849 1,055 Bating nets (gill net, tak- may, panti).. Number. 1. Establishments report- ing.... Number. 1 Value.. Pesos.... 50 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.).. Number. 136 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 128 Value... Pesos.... 2,858 1,860 Lines (hapin).. Number. 737 188 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 298 Value.. Pesos.... 476 291 Baclad. Number. 22 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 28 Value. Pesos.... 1,155 12,358 8 8- - 3 3 205 1,022 ས– ༔ 2 9 180 8,440 10 9 61 3,158 164 101 61 2,221 161 96 2,070 46,694 2,468 8,808 2,298 1,408 24,038 718 183 476 12,962 471 64 1,548 86,564 2,962 180 282 283 28 12 18 121 24 85 59 18 88 23 34 1 2,016 8.269 2,060 11,573 35 Tangar. Number. 553 2 Establishments report- ing... Number. 217 8 Value.... Pesos.... 2,246 65 Bobos.. Number. 119 27 7,459 60 17 13 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 87 7 3.105 15 Value... Pesos.... 584 187 81,088 206 18 17 85 23 27 Other corrals, traps, and weirs. Number. 26 22 166 81 3 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 15 14 53 25 Value. Pesos.... 120 159 285 138 313 388 39 All other equipment...... Pesos... 732 20,327 6,102 12,288 6,017 59,013 2,479 396 TABLE 11 OFFSHORE FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Gon, Item Zamboanga Cebu City City Zamboanga Davao City Ilocos City Bacolod City Value of equipment, total.... Per cent distribution.. Value of fishing boats, total.. Per cent distribution.. Fishing boats with engines.. Establishments reporting. Value.... Fishing boats without engine Establishments reporting. Value... Small fishing boats and bancas.. Establishments reporting. Value..... Pesos.... 7,255 74,813 72,882 28,205 102,160 33,470 0.2 2.2 2.2 0.7 8.1 1.0 Pesos.... 1,681 60,870 60,936 8,128 89,777 26,810 0.1 Number. Number. 868 3.3 8.8 0.4 4.9 1.5 8 8 28 1 8 16 5 Pesos... 60,850 56,653 5,090 88,587 25,800 Number. 5 8 5 8 Number. 5 2 8 8 Pesos... 320 2,500 1,090 550 Number. 118 1 803 25 1 9 Number. 98 1 222 16 1 2 Pesos.... 1,361 20 4,278 538 100 460 Value of fishing nets, total.. Pesos... 3,879 8,020 5,959 12,155 10,060 6,290 Per cent distribution. 0.4 0.7 0.5 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot). Number. 12 72 31 Establishments reporting. Number. 12 3 2 Value..... Pesos... 2,498 8,000 2,946 10,000 Mumami nets (trap net, kulukot, etc.). Number. Establishments reporting.. Number. Value... Pesos.... Sapiao nets (seine)... Number. Establishments reporting.. Number. ཊྛཧྨཀྑུཎྞ-དྡྷནཱསམྦྷ 1.1 0.9 0.6 20 88 17 1 16 5 7,250 2,275 1 1 460 2 2 2 1 Value. Pesos... 1,425 600 Bating nets (gill net, taksay, panti). Number. Establishments reporting.. Number. Value..... Pesos... Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.). Number. 5 1 98 10 Establishments reporting.. Number. 5 1 88 8 Value... Pesos.... 83 20 1,425 192 229 1 1 280 Lines (hapin)... Number. 121 313 19 Establishments reporting. Number. 45 170 4 Value.... Pesos.... 168 470 9 2 Baclad. Number. 12 8 Establishments reporting. Number. 12 8 Value.... Pesos.... 838 739 4 2,200 8,735 1 Tangar. Number. 1 Establishments reporting. Pesos.... 1 Value.... Pesos... 108 Bobos.. Number. 186 5 Establishments reporting. Number. 48 1 Value.... Pesos... 307 10 Other corrals, traps, and weirs Number. 14 72 1 1 Establishments reporting. Number. 13 23 4 1 Value.... Pesos.... 234 72 59 1 370 All other equipment Pesos... 1,695 5,923 5,987 2,922 2,323 397 TABLE 12. OFFSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Philippines Agusan Albay Antique Bataan Batanes Batangas Value of all Esh caught, total..... Pesos. 5,938,128 5,860 97,905 12,516 101,765 721 570,492 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 6.1 1.6 0.2 1.7 (¹) 9.6 Anchovy... Boxes 128,401 157 1,929 56 176 8,684 Value.. Pesos 463,853 787 9,411 233 862 26,861 Establishments reporting. 2,521 6 115 10 14 133 Barracuda... Kilos.. 97,809 388 15 21,115 Value, Pesos. 42,204 159 5 5,557 Establishments reporting. 1,173 19 1 154 Bonito, skipjack or albacora. Kilos.. 801,379 6,194 25,509 1,005 9,933 Value... Pesos 364,727 3,097 10,848 406 4,599 Establishments reporting. 6,537 35 667 11 65 Caesio...... Boxes. 95,037 5 229 1 90 Value.. Pesos. 471,864 28 1,301 2 444 Establishments reporting. 1,136 1 51 1 10 Cavallas..... Kilos.. 314,328 486 7,046 140 Value.. Pesos 148,286 243 8,722 70 14,858 3,831 Establishments reporting. 5,012 3 262 4-7 152 Chub mackerel.. Boxes. 67,409 34 3,013 102 1,159 Value.... Pesos. 311,610 100 13,824 464 5,076 126 Establishments reporting. 3,560 1 512 29 58 Crabs.. Boxes. 7,512 46 81 Value. Pesos 23,386 213 172 Establishments reporting. 709 14 11 Grouper... Kilos.. 866,204 8,866 8 15,129 Value. Pesos 188,117 4,507 4 3,829 Establishments reporting. 8,409 505 1 267 5688-8 5,390 2,695 41 408,960 180,974 252 1,078 364 1,825 16 26,491 12,508 198 8,778 40,707 259 1,327 3,8:3 28 Herrings and sardines... Boxes. 130,429 162 285 17 7,763 56,517 28,794 421 7,311 Value... Pesos 606,194 653 1,356 62 38,820 35,674 Establishments reporting. 2,273 8 101 11 103 205 Lizard fish..... Boxes. 13,294 40 88 908 Value... Pesos. 64,028 166 415 3,758 Establishments reporting. 482 16 46 25 Mullet.. Boxes. 11,401 8 203 1 133 Value.. Pesos. 47,342 34 882 1 671 Establishments reporting. 1,294 2 62 1 10 232 430 2,146 21 Nemipterid.. Boxes. 56,275 129 332 3,549 Value Pesos. 260,914 460 1,593 14,580 Value. Red snapper.. Establishments reporting. 1,618 55 85 281 Kilos.. 425,999 26,065 161 31,901 73 81,227 Pesos 208,425 11,910 64 10,308 36 43,041 Sword fish.... Establishments reporting. 5,702 396 7 146 12 578 Kilos.. 84,935 60 Value... .. Pesos. 41,92 30 Value... Siganid and surgeon fish. Establishments reporting. 1,408 88890 8,877 51 124 7 2,630 3,754 21 37 3 1,376 2 223 4 4 1 23 Boxes. 83,294 201 2 285 8 901 Pesos 150,334 974 9 1,419 20 4,507 Shrimps.... Establishments reporting. 1,074 68 1 29 11 81 Boxes. 49,312 14 42 1 23 995 Value.. Pesos 240,806 40 201 2 119 5,176 Spanish mackerel... Establishments reporting. 694 2 18 1 9 Kilos.. 385,194 886 15,700 444 27,884 Value.... Pesos. 187,615 443 8,087 192 10,872 Squids. Establishments repcrting. 5,831 5 557 18 151 421 45 80,411 41,451 Boxes. 19,811 4 185 91 638 1,359 Value. Pesos 75,644 15 850 408 1 6,642 Other fishes... Establishments reporting. 2,600 2 114 22 1 137 Boxes. 798,549 79 5,679 Value... Pesos 1,994,058 390 Cowry shells Value... Establishments reporting. Turbo Frochus, Mother pearl, Establishments reporting. 19,145 8 25,207 1,118 1,204 10,981 16,345 159 49,055 13,153 382 113,941 98 215 37 1,148 Kilos.. 99,378 146 160 Pesos 47.297 73 80 975 2 1 398 TABLE 12. OFFSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE, OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Bohol Bulacan Cagayan Camarines Norte Camarines Sur Capiz Cavite Value of all fish caught total..... Peзos 76,666 36,117 75,410 5,894 91,710 53,387 210,057 Per cent distribution.. 1.3 0.6 1.3 0.1 1.5 0.9 3.5 Anchovy. Boxes 7,617 12 1,03 67 1,814 1,252 17,153 Value. Pesos 24,374 60 5,161 329 4,969 5,891 36,850 Establishments reporting. 193 1 12 10 84 70 39 Barracuda.. Kilos. 667 100 17,020 324 4,470 218 5,081 Value Pesos. 289 50 8,510 162 1,175 109 2,221 Establishments reporting. 15 1 4 4 10 5 23 Bonito, skipjack or albacora Kilos.. 17,650 556 14.512 2.712 5,749 Value. Pesos. 7,877 278 5,697 1,355 2,536 Establishments reporting. 302 6 120 61 22 Caesio... Boxes 218 3,273 2 96 205 257 Value.. Pesos 885 16,363 12 477 704 514 Establishments reporting. 22 8 3 7 57 8 Cavallas.. Kilos.. 1,259 150 4,480 216 17,985 2,484 18,423 Value.. Pesos. 496 75 2,247 108 5,840 1,248 7,940 Establishments reporting. 24 1 15 5 84 79 55 Chub mackerel... Boxes 535 975 141 2,303 550 2,411 Value.. Pesos. 2,134 3,889 708 11,157 2,259 6,333 Establishments reporting. 98 8 6 107 84 48 Crabs... Boxes. 104 46 1 1 1,178 91 2,066 Value. Pesos. 207 230 1 3 2,501 406 3,933 Establishments reporting 6 2 1 1 27 26 87 Grouper... Kilos.. 670 10 167 1,881 911 20,893 Value Pesos. 247 5 109 657 463 9,547 Establishments reporting. 30 1 11 76 62 90 Herrings and sardines... Boxes 150 4,008 51 5,126 935 5,165 Value Pesos. 615 15,041 250 12,423 4,923 10,640 Establishments reporting 47 9 12 71 77 26 Lizard fish.... Boxes. 13 448 7 20 108 Va ue Pesos. 33 2,238 35 2 93 215 Establishments reporting. 8 2 1 1 8 4 Mullet.... Boxes 68 50 17 2,450 847 465 Value. Pesos. 269 250 87 5,849 1,685 988 Establishments reporting. 17 1 6 61 83 12 Nemipterid. Boxes. 6 2,165 4 127 148 4,560 Value. Pesos 20 10,825 21 601 549 9,067 Establishments reporting 6 2 3 35 59 181 Red snapper. Kilos.. 3,265 130 126 Value. Pesos. 1,629 65 63 120 Establishments reporting.. .107 2 --- 1 Sword-fish. Kilos.. 1,725 760 Value Pesos. 782 380 Establishments reporting. 45 3 Siganid and surgeon fish... Boxes. 11 Value.. Pesos 33 Establishments reporting. 4 2228-442 1,840 3,600 8,987 920 68 4,099 1,946 1,636 118 37 698 696 1,907 345 848 83 37 3 4 40 599 18 174 1,201 1 15 34 Shrimps... Boxes. 16 1,270 6 2,116 2,285 1,343 Value Pesos. 72 6,449 80 Establishments reporting 10,523 9,915 2,688 7 6 3 38 Spanish mackerel.. Kilos.. 5,922 160 666 2,140 16,861 72 4,457 13 5,625 Value. Pesos 2,506 80 833 1,145 6,288 2,280 2,693 Establishments reporting. 182 1 8 13 118 99 Squids.... Boxes 55 1 14 50 136 87 4,435 Value. Pesos 156 7 Establishments reporting. 64 250 576 9,231 46 14 1 6 9 Other fishes..... -Parets 15,977 Value Pesos 32,476 8,159 15,790 5,139 488 6,937 26 6,614 25,835 23,350 Establishments reporting 2,435 20,445 14,066 101,476 198 746 12 25 29 157 271 Turbo Trochus Mother rearl, Cowry shells Kilos. Value Pesos Establishments reporting. 3,163 1,566 14 26 8,800 13 4,400 2 2 (1) Less than I box 399 TABLE 12 OFFSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Cebu Cotabato Davao Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur Iloilo La Union Value of all Ash caught total..... Pesos 181,263 98,659 5,814 17,284 15,604 201,282 97,311 Per cent distribution..... 3.1 1.7 0.1 0.3 0.3 3.4 1.6 Anchovy. Boxes. 1,050 829 169 1,429 25,299 2,108 Value. Pesos 5,002 4,112 845 7,144 45,625 10,523 Establishments reporting 107 83 17 67 85 38 Barracuda... Kilos 121 5,873 452 90 120 485 Value... Pesos 51 2,803 226 46 60 232 Establishments reporting.. 14 47 5 19 1 21 Bonito, skipjack or albacora. Kilos.. 48,894 26,308 260 1,188 4 348 3,675 Value... Pesos 21,256 11,800 130 594 2 174 1,794 Establishments reporting. 450 173 2 16 2 11 29 Caesio..... Boxes 13.8 477 27 3 19 Value Pesos 427 2,290 131 17 92 Establishments reporting 10 39 7 6 6 Cavallas..... Kilos. 6.681 17,468 60 1,386 3,810 1,078 106 Value.. Pesos 8,338 8,037 30 693 1.905 539 £3 Establishments reporting 16 118 1 20 116 6 4 Chub mackerel Boxes 2,892 1.329 100 169 96 2,767 297 Value Pe 14.033 6,027 500 Sug 161 13.825 1.414 Establishments reporting 247 80 1 13 29 24 19 Crabe.... Boxes 10 141 23 33 5 Value.. Pesos 48 707 117 163 15 Establishments reporting 15 16 22 3 2 Grouper... Kilos. 532 24,255 205 3,038 28 Value. Pesos 260 11,013 103 1,519 14 Establishments reporting. 51 163 48 4 4 Herrings and sardines... Boxes 16,417 1,428 Value Pesos 79,357 5,649 20 Establishments reporting 73 85 471 146 1 18,698 21 731 10 104,221 105 14 4 31 3 Lizard fish..... Boxes 11 90 52 Value Pesos 59 454 260 Establishments reporting 14 17 2 Mullet.. Boxes 59 1,266 8 10 Value.. Pesos 285 6,847 48 537 Establishments reporting, 35 73 4 14 Nemipterid... Boxes 719 154 2 Value. Pesos 3,587 777 13 34 Establishments reporting 93 14 2 4742 1 3 2 1 Red snapper. Kilos. 4,785 13,724 78 422 816 21 Value.. Pesos 2,482 6,215 39 235 408 9 Establishments reporting 111 75 3 57 14 2 Sword fish.... Kilos. 1,672 958 82 42 210 554 Value... Pesos 805 443 41 21 105 248 Value... Siganid and surgeon fish.. Establishments reporting 77 12 2 8 2 14 Boxes. 29 102 18 2 68 12 Pesos 146 510 90 10 339 60 Shrimps.... Establishments reporting 28 8 4 2 6 1 Boxes. 33 144 332 54 315 229 Value... Pesos 192 720 1,662 247 1,579 1,113 Spanish mackerel... Establishments reporting 38 7 14 40 9 13 Kilos.. 5,391 9,025 10 926 815 3,412 70 Value... Pesos 2,422 4,156 5 464 411 1,868 35 Squids. Establishments reporting 205 71 1 16 47 26 2 Boxes. 221 565 10 9 167 8 Value Pesos 1,024 1,571 54 52 858 25 Other fishes.... Establishments reporting 132 Value.. Boxes 12,875 Pesos 45,652 25 45,412 24,458 3 22 21 4 1,289 5,129 2,978 10,773 996 6.292 16,827 Establishments reporting Cowry shells Turbo Trochus, Mother pearl, 1,244 231 3 143 4,823 191 29,168 81,571 70 114 Kilos.. 1,674 1,140 142 10 Value Pesos 837 570 71 5 Establishments reporting. 20 9 18 1 400 TABLE 12. OFFSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Laguna Lanao Leyte Manila Marinduque Masbate Mindoro Value of all fish caught, total...... Pesos 3,905 32,025 165,851 989,327 8,117 39,810 81,579 Per cent distribution.. 0.1 0.5 Anchovy.... Boxes Value. Pesos 214 +47270 1070 2.8 16.7 0.1 0.8 1.4 5,230 22,721 28 1,884 145 116 6,928 738 Establishments reporting. 407 3 35 17 Barracuda... Kilos. 1,826 160 1,952 162 7.210 Value.. Pesos 910 80 976 81 8,605 Establishments reporting. 66 1 33 5 78 Bonito, skipjack or albacora. Kilos. 9,924 36,267 8,792 292 25,700 Value.. Pesos 8,739 17,667 1,916 146 18,191 Establishments reporting. 34 797 62 9 210 Caesio..... Boxes 6 256 68,660 13 15 79 Value.. Pesos 24 1,170 343,386 70 71 897 Establishments reporting. 1 51 12 19 2 10 Cavallas. Kilos.. 1,680 3,517 12,972 538 1,068 16,556 ( Value.. Pesos 750 1,784 6,486 269 534 8,467 Establishments reporting. 12 101 8 26 14 225 Chub mackerel.... Boxes 3 731 2,908 8,684 64 403 260 Value. Pesos ,654 14,708 43,424 330 2,013 1,290 Establishments reporting. 33 521 11 32 13 28 Crabs.... Boxes. 54 1 11 1441 73 Value. Pesos 265 3 56 842 214 Establishments reporting. 17 1 4 5 42 Grouper.. Kilos. 260 5,254 22,720 1,150 863 19,427 Value. Pesos 130 2,753 11,361 568 185 9,705 Establishments reporting. 2 215 5 32 29 291 Herrings and sardines.. Boxes Value.. Pesos 10 Establishments reporting. Lizard fish Boxes. Value.. Pesos 12 Establishments reporting. 202223 1,841 2,309 210 48 5,828 €63 9,869 11,331 1,050 237 25,448 8,820 44 216 2 4 23 25 44 112 5,512 8 1 20 517 26,983 17 2 1 49 16 1 1 Mullet..... Boxes 62 538 1 45 238 Value. Pesos 308 2,531 5 220 1,158 Establishments reporting. 2 117 1 18 41 Nemipterid.. Boxes 46 40 16,182 82 42 679 Value.. Pesos 230 183 80,451 191 155 1,764 Establishments reporting. 1 28 19 56 24 111 Red snapper..... Kios 1,770 9,482 62,650 652 223 16,689 Value... Pesos 723 4,783 81,820 326 114 8,841 Establishments reporting. 18 451 6 34 19 218 Swordfish.... Kilos. 5,046 106 18 8,528 Value.. Pesos 2,441 53 9 4,264 Establishments reporting. 161 15 8 64 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes 84 19,217 1 435 Value Pesos 123 95,286 9 41 1,886 Establishments reporting 21 10 5 5 84 Shrimps... Boxe 21 80 155 15,348 2 8 86 Value.. Pesos 107 150 762 76,756 8 88 421 Establishments reporting 8 Spanish mackerel.. Kilos. Value Pesos Establishments reporting 12436 1 5,184 2,027 49 15 2 4 24,846 5,082 86 14 12,601 12,531 2,516 18 6,830 24 749 56 6 97 Squids Boxes. 885 142 Value. Pesos Establishments reporting. 8,966 454 989 4,944 1 131 7 588 671 88 9 4 16 Other fishes... Boxes 984 19,133 Value.. Pesos 8,776 9,611 63,623 53,545 267,797 93 1,768 8,024 464 2,354 16,425 Establishments reporting. 87 75 2,193 262 81 77 82 Turbo Troobus, Mother pearl, Cowry shells Kilos.. 2,180 16 Value. Pesos 1,082 8 Establishments reporting. 28 2 401 TABLE 12-OFFSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Misamis Occidental Misamis Oriental Negros Occiental Negros Oriental Palowan Fangasinan Rizal Value of all fish caught, total.... Pesos. 18,019 40,178 373,445 20,470 50,348 135,827 354,112 Per cent distribution... 0.8 0.7 6.8 0.8 0.8 2.8 6.0 Alchovy..... Boxes 1,104 22 Value. Penos 4,530 103 6,736 88,785 74 41 11,835 1,570 866 201 58,380 7,851 Establishments reporting. 2 11 51 17 2 89 7 Barracuda. kilos. 890 3,584 326 1,800 900 832 Value.... Pesos 195 1,796 163 690 450 166 Establishments reporting. 22 3 6 6 1 8 Bonito,kipjack or albacora. Kila.. 7,594 5,181 4,699 2,296 235 1,506 120 Value)... Pesos 4,188 2,597 2,009 1,148 95 752 60 Establishments reporting. 25 155 28 87 8 6 1 Caesio.... Boxes 8 8 6 76 1,628 3,613 8,623 Value. Pesos 15 15 17 886 8,140 18,116 48,121 Establishments reporting. 1 1 8 24 7 4 14 Cavallas.. kilos. 1,650 1,464 428 1,140 8,702 14,705 Value... Fesos 825 727 215 570 1,880 7,468 Establishments reporting. 68 20 6 6 6 Chub mackerel.... Boxes 7 261 2,861 289 1,888 461 8,599 Value.. Pesos 28 1,094 11,807 1,194 9,440 2,802 18,026 Establishments reporting. 8 42 48 128 7 11 9 Crabs... Boxes. 49 5 12 152 Value. . Pesos 248 27 60 756 Establishments reporting 5 6 2 10 Grouper.. kilos.. 8 124 172 720 694 848 26,353 Value.. Pesos 4 62 86 860 857 208 14,176 Establishments reporting. 2 4 4 3 8 8 20 Herrings and sardines.. Boxes. 4 164 21,766 66 84 506 Value. Pesos 18 449 118,321 336 421 2,535 4.792 23,959 Establishments reporting. 1 19 48 21 8 6 6 Lizard fish... Boxed 16 546 5 223 Value... Pesos 80 2,729 27 1,118 1,556 7,771 Mullet... Establishments reporting. 1 5 2 2 6 Boxes. 6 25 162 41 43 Value. Pesos 80 124 809 205 218 Nemipterid.. Establishments reporting. 1 6 10 8 2 Boxes. 1,638 6 837 441 Value... Pesos 8,192 32 4,185 2,205 Value Rep snapper. Establishments reporting. 6 2 24 1 8,982 46,128 9 kilos. 89 2,396 2,266 700 359 122 34,903 Pesos. 21 1,207 1,141 361 168 61 17,563 Sword Fish..... Establishments reporting. 8 105 19 60 7 1 22 kilos.. 662 2,158 269 260 3,576 Value... Pesos 331 1,079 146 130 1,788 Value... Siganid and surgeon fish. Establishments reporting. 22 10 22 2 2 Boxes. 16 5 687 920 1,354 Pesos 80 32 8,433 4,600 6,821 Shrimps... Establishments reporting. 1 7 6 2 Boxes. 35 3,734 4 1,067 7,941 Value.. Pesos. 175 18,673 15 5,328 39,708 Value Spanish mackerel. Establishments reporting. 2 116 5 17 15 kilos.. Pesos Squids. Establishments reporting: 124 44 2,898 8,176 2,049 996 926 6,932 22 1,469 1,588 868 498 463 3,556 8 84 29 74 7 7 5 Boxes. 250 Value. Other fishes. Establishments reporting. Pesos 1,280 1.663 5,604 238 93 106 99 207 Boxes. 1,718 Value... Cowry shells... Value.. Establishments reporting- Turbos Trochus, Mother pearl, Establishments reporting. Pesos 7,933 11,727 25,848 76 354 1,192 12 86,107 178,431 87 502 530 4,037 20,188 65 4 67 2,891 14,054 358 4,451 22,250 24 6,295 45,533 36,491 95,006 43 70 kilos.. 1,470 66 Pesos. 735 83 1 4 402 TABLE 12. OFFSHORE FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Romblon Samar Sorsogon Sulu Surigao Tayabas Zambales Value of all fish caught total.... Pesos. 24,398 132,294 70,784 726,125 74,586 194,814 14,427 Per cent distribution... 0.4 2.2 1.2 12.2 1.8 3.8 0.2 Anchovy. Boxes 214 19,910 2,855 Value. Pesos 954 98,295 14,378 2,189 10,597 1,957 897 1,456 7,728 Establishments reporting. 1,985 7,282 73 108 205 167 217 32 24 Barracuda. kilos. 856 540 A 64 15,704 116 56 380 Value... Pesos. 178 270 32 7,806 58 28 165 Establishments reporting. 52 5 445 7 6 2 Bonito, skipjack or albacora. Kilos.. 2,140 4,580 B 5,700 89,340 11,637 4,889 1,220 Value. Pesos 1,112 1,863 2,842 44,908 4,538 2,193 610 Establishments reporting. 87 76 238 1,801 154 49 6 Caesio.... Boxes, 299 8 15 2,264 806 188 Value. Pesos 1,982 17 68 10,099 783 941 Establishments reporting. 117 8 11 553 15 29 Cavallas.... kilos.. 1,926 8,250 590 95,395 Value. 3,758 8.230 1,524 Pesos. 1,011 1,625 806 Establishments reporting. 47,827 1,653 4.031 1,105 160 88 83 2,752 58 62 72 Chub mackerel... Boxes. 180 C 764 92 14,232 1,231 723 89 Value.. Pesos 663 8,802 450 Establishments reporting. 63,193 4,670 8,068 440 54 35 52 560 197 40 21 Crabs... Boxes. 20 7 C 46 1,684 51 45 1 Value. Pesos 58 87 230 Establishments reporting. 7,442 227 236 7 10 5 21 824 19 13 3 Grouper... kilos. 8,727 C 889 9,699 134,664 935 1,512 458 Value. Pesos 1,882 420 4,760 76,991 406 756 229 Establishments reporting. 288 92 240 5,229 22 30 28 Herrings and sardines... Boxes G 806 555 741 9,189 1,092 1,180 654 Value.. Pesos 1,471 2,587 Establishments reporting. 8,4 40,035 8,706 5,878 3,272 72 49 135 423 148 34 22 Lizard fish.... Boxes 6 825 64 992 50 1,947 Value. Pesos 25 1,626 820 4,579 106 Establishments reporting. 9,736 8 5 45 182 12 21 Mullet.... Boxes 75 161 20 3,288 885 583 Value.. Pesos 356 804 108 15,978 875 2,651 80 Establishments reporting. 48 83 26 507 49 81 6 Nemipterid.... Boxes. 436 208 249 980 20 18,421 11 Value Pesos 1,617 1,042 1,204 Establishments reporting 3,450 75 67,021 55 203 2 147 Red snapper. kilos. 1,401 836 10,753 140 74.747 5 45 9 17,166 9,996 182 Value.. Pesos 715 896 Establishments reporting. 5,418 88,566 9,211 4,998 76 129 88 821 2,055 294 15 7 Swordfish... R Kilos.. 181 2,049 2,199 30,306 796 4,630 Value Pesos 92 988 1,118 Establishments reporting. 15,845 258 2,788 2 10 65 87 885 22 18 1 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes. 18 85 6 7,821 58 82 8 Value. Pesos 65 155 87 26,674 119 142 19 Establishments reporting. 16 8 6 563 4 17 8 Shrimps..... Boxes 28 118 28 89 196 10,951 Value. Pasos 136 593 183 Establishments reporting. 820 944 54,297 18 5 12 11 33 1.6 27 1 Spanish mackerel.... Kilog 8,199 2.928 10,712 74,650 87,518 2,984 282 Value.. Pesos 1,640 1.458 5,889 88,035 18,090 Establishments reporting. 1,546 141 89 68 232 1,553 865 46 16 Squids.... Boxes. 168 21 424 2,868 146 155 18 Value.. Pesas 677 104 Establishments reporting. 1,948 9,858 422 781 96 99 11 14 78 748 88 27 Other fishes.... Boxes 16,727 Value. Pesos 10,414 4,274 19,416 5,902 159,905 30,594 8,576 211 28,284 229,984 20,198 31,153 855 Establishments reporting. 428 174 44 637 Turbo Trochus, Mother pearl, 7,259 861 120 Cowry shells. Kilos.. 3,572 10 770 78,624 Value... Pesos 1,786 885 Establishments reporting. 84,448 1,037 519 1,170 585 5 7 847 8 403 TABLE 12. OFFSHORE FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUF OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Zamboanga Cebu City Zamboanga City Davao City Iloilo City Bacoled City Value of all fish caught, total...... Pesos 13,247 64,705 187,933 26,718 103,197 36.170 Per cent distribution.. 0.2 1.1 3.2 0.5 1.7 0.6 Boxes. 203 Anchovy.... Pesos 1,012 30 Value. Establishments reporting. 15 681 46 5 230 39 4 1 Barracuda.... Kilos. 564 Pesos. 282 Valve... Establishments reporting. 47 Bonito, skipjack or albacora. Kilos 6,137 4,168 450 480 Pesos Value.. 3,157 2,084 225 240 Establishments reporting. 54 101 1 1 Boxes 17 3,416 3 60 83 Caesio...... Pesos 86 17,261 16 301 418 Value... Establishments reporting. 3 2 2 4 1 Kilos. 1,356 4,874 7,978 1,350 Cavallas...... Pesos 678 2,437 8,980 675 Value.... Establishments reporting. 16 2 150 6 Chub mackerel.. Boxes 93 362 21 Pesos 419 1,644 105 Value.. Establishments reporting. 15 51 5 Crabe...... Boxes. 1 16 6 2 Value... Pesos 5 77 30 12 Establishments reporting. 1 6 1 1 Grouper... Kilos. 728 2,923 370 Value.. Pesos 364 * 1,550 185 Establishments reporting. 10 104 3 Herrings and sardines.. Boxes 328 8,553 136 Value.... Pesos 1,582 27,387 683 Establishments reporting. 28 53 7 2,224 13,805 6 Lizard fish..... Boxes 105 Value... Pesos 432 Establishments reporting. 33 Mullet...... Boxes 17 114 18 Value.. Pesos 85 480 90 180 Establishments reporting. 5 32 2 8888- 56 1 Nemipterid.... Boxes 2 23 97 Value.. Pesos. 8 111 485 Establishments reporting. 1 10 8 Red snapper... Kilos.. 784 2,424 Valpe.. Peses 392 1,364 38 78 39 Swordfish.... Establishments reporting. 15 86 1 Kilos. 458 372 Value.... Pesor 229 186 Establishments reporting. .8 15 Value.... Sanid and surgeon fish. Bóxes. 4 42 Pesos. 20 207 810 1,550 Shrimps.... Establishments reporting. 1 18 2 Boxes 14 261 6 18 Value.. Pesos 70 1,308 31 87 Spanish mackerel.. Establishments reporting. 2 2 8 4 Kilos.. 1,930 5,362 200 Value.. Pesos 965 2,622 100 Squids... Establishments reporting. 22 107 1 Boxes. 105 46 10 5 Value: Pesos 532 149 52 24 Other fishes.. Establishments reporting.. 11 16 2 1 Boxes. 920 Value... Pesos 3,591 8,734 43,669 70,134 3,479 17,689 42,410 145,285 21,917 88,440 Establishments reporting. 55 3 Value.. Turbo, Trochus, Mother pearl, Cowry shells Kilos. 104 199 92 16 16 36,170 6 6 Pesos 52 46 3 Establishments reporting. 1 3 404 SECTION III.- Inshore Fishing FISHERIES Extent of the industry.-A total of 47,974 establishments were reported as engaged in inshore fishing. These establishments reported 135,398 persons employed, P425,466 paid in salaries and wages, and P5,423,241 as the value of fish caught. Inshore fishing establishments comprised over one-half of all fishing establishments, yet the value of fish caught amounted to about one-fourth of the total for all kinds of fishing. fishing industry. Of this total, 93,970 or 69.4 per cent wee proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages, 5,174 or 88 per cent were superintendents, and 36,249 or 26.8 were other employees. Salaries and wages paid in 1988 totalled P425,466 or an average of P9 per establishment. Equipment The equipment of inshore fishing establishments consisted usually of a small boat or banca and a net such as salap or daklis. A considerable number of the inshore fishing establishments reported fish corrals and traps. In fact, out of Assets. The P3,289,819 total reported assets comprised the 47,974 inshore fishing establishments, 7,971 or 16.6 per cent P101,356 in land and buildings, P2,715,896 in equipment, and P472,567 in cash and accounts and notes receivable. The total assets averaged only P69 per establishment. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUM- BER OF EMPLOYEES, VALUE OF EQUIPMENT, AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY SIZE OF CATCH FOR INSHORE FISHING: 1938. Bise of catch Under P100.. P100 to P199. $200 to P299. P300 to P399. P400 to P499. P500 to P600 to P609.. $700 to $799.. P800 to P989.. P900 to P999. P1,000 to P1,499. $1,500 to P1,999.. $2,000 to P4,999. PS,000 and over 10 20 30 40 80 30 60 Per cent of total Number of establishments Value of equipment 70 80 90 100 Number of employ Value of catch Bamber of employees and salaries and wages paid.-A total. of 185,393 persons were reported as employed in the inshore reported baclad, 624 or 1.3 per cent reported tangars, 2,821 or 5.9 per cent reported bobos, and 4,782 or 10 per cent reported other kinds of corrals, traps, and weirs. Catch The fish and other products obtained by inshore fishing establishments were valued at P6,423,241 or an average of P118 per establishment. The most important fish caught arranged in the order of their importance and with even value are anchovy, P599,702; shrimps, P5159; herrings and sar- dines, P308,614; bonito, 296,833; qub mackerel, P224,397; crabs, P200,040; and mullets, P187,777.h Size of catch-Establishments with large catches are re- latively less important in inshore than in offshore fishing. Only 1.2 per cent of the establishments reported a value of catch of $1,000 or more each. These establishments with a value of catch of P1,000 or more reported 22.1 per cent of the value of all fish caught and 17.2 per cent of the value of equip ment of all inshore fishing establishments. However, more than 78 per cent of all inshore fishing establishments reported a catch valued at less than 100 per establishment. Citizenship of operator.-Citizens of countries other than the Philippines occupy a very unimportant place in the inshore fishing industry. In fact, out of the 46,302 inshore fishing es tablishments operated by individuals, only 50 are operated by persons not citizens of the Philippines. The value of fish caught, the value of equipment, etc. reported by these 50 establishments operated by non-Filipino citizens form a very insignificant part of the total in all establishments. Form of organization.-All except 8.5 per cent of the estab lishments engaged in inshore fishing are operated by individual owners. The 1,410 partnerships, 237 associations, and 25 oor porations engaged in inshore fishing have only 8.1 per cent of the total employees and 10.7 per cent of the equipment and reported only 7.9 per cent of the total value of fishes caught. Data by provinces-Leyte followed by Sulu reported the largest number of establishments engaged in inshore fishing and in fact these two provinces had more than one-fourth of all the establishments engaged in inshore fishing. However, on the basis of the value of fish caught, Mindoro, Batangas, and Bulacan were the three leading provinces. 405 TABLE 1-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENT NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Item All establis ment Size of catch Under P100 P100 to P199 P200 to P299 P300 to P399 P400 to P499 P500 to P599 Number of establishments. 47,974 35,872 Per cent distribution. 100.0 78.7 5,651 11.8 2,503 1,559 5.2 4921 528 8.2 1.9 1.1 Number of employees in 1938, total.... Persons.. 135,393 79,183 19,431 9,342 6,30 4,174 2,875 Par cent distribution.. Average per establishment. Persons.. 100.0 2.8 58.5 2.2 14.4 8.4 6.9 4.7 8.1 2.1 8.7 4.0 4.5 5.4 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or Persons.. wages.. 93,970 66,147 12,538 4,920 8,208 1,899 1,221 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 70.4 18.3 5.2 8.4 2.0 1.8 Per cent of total em- ployees.. 69.4 88.5 64.5 52.7 50.8 45.5 42.5 Average per establish- ment. Persons.. 2.0 1.9 2.2 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.8 Superintendents, Care takers, etc... Persons.. 5,174 2,845 860 418 280 184 99 Per cent of total em- ployees... 8.8 3.6 4.4 4.5 4.4 4.4 3.4 Other employees. Persons.. 86,249 10,191 6,088 4,004 2,821 2,091 1,555 Per cent of total em- ployees.... 26.8 12.9 31.1 42.9 44.7 50.1 54.1 Salaries paid in 1938, total Pesos... 425,466 41,012 38,043 36,282 31,685 27,850 21,685 Per cent distribtuion. Superintendents, takers, etc... Other employees. Per cent of total employees. Average per establishment. Pesos.. Per cent distribution.... Average per person... Pesos.. Per cent distribution.. Average per person... Pesos... 100.0 7.8 9.6 8.9 1 8.5 7.4 6.5 5.1 3.7 5.2 6.3 6.2 7.0 8.1 9 1 14 20 30 41 care- Pesos.... 61,946 Pesos.. 100.0 12 363,520 100.0 10 7,029 11.8 2 6,253 10.1 7 6,417 8,207 4,137 2,183 10.4 15 13.2 29 6.7 3.5 82,983 9.1 88,790 29,865 23,478 22 23,713 22 19,502 8 9.0 5 8.2 7 6.5 8 6.5 5.4 11 13 Cost of fuel, total.. Pesos.. Per cent distribution.. Establishments report- ing... Number. 49,050 100.0 849 5,712 11.9 1,280 2.7 3,224 6.7 1,573 3.3 1,081 1,872 2.2 3.9 445 123 96 45 22 20 Average per establish- ment Pesos.... 1 (2) (3) 1 (514,162 1 395,334 1 26 Per cent distribution. Per cent distribution. Value of fishes caught, total.. Pesos... 5,423,241 Average par establish- ment.. Assets, total.. Average per establishment. Pes08... i,110,912 Pesos.... 100.0 113 20.5 81 736,462 13.6 572,817 10.6 895,324 614,168 ,277 130 229 Pesos....13.289,819 1,086,591 523,040 324,674 9.5 330 235,840 7.3 5.0 429 160,475 510 114,565 Land and building. Pesor Per cent distribution. 100.0 69 101,356 100.0 33.0 31 15.9 36 31 42,799 93 18,34 42.2 18.1 9.9 130 9,650 9.5 7.2 4.9 3.5 151 3,88 3.8 174 211 3,47 2,222 3.4 2.2 Rquipment etc.)... Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment... Per cent of total. boats, corrals, nets, Average per establish- Pesos... 2 1 3 4 2 4 4 3.1 3.9 3.5 3.0 5 1.6 2.1 1.9 (fishing Pesos....2,715,896 mont. Pesos.... Per cent of total.. Cash... Pesos.. Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment.. Pesos.... Per cent of total.. 100.0 57 82.6 409,905 100.0 9 12.5 884,218 32.6 25 81.4 142,282 34.7 430,928 15.9 76 82.4 66,581 16.2 267,749 194,914 137,249 97,879 9.9 7.2 5.1 3.6 107 82.5 126 83.1 149 85.5 185 85.4 41,797 10.2 29,982 7.3 17,729 4.3 13,141 3.2 4 13.1 12 17 19 19 25 12.7 12.9 12.7 11.0 11.5 Notes and accounts re- ceivable... Pesos.... Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment. Per cent of total.. Pesos.... 62,662 100.0 1 1.9 17,354 27.7 7,195 5,478 6,066 2,070 1,323 11.5 8.7 9.7 3.3 2.1 (2) 1 2 4 2 3 1.6 1.4 1.7 2.6 1.3 i.. 1.2 406 TABLE 1.-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENT. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES. SALARIES AND WAGES PAID. COST OF FUEL VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT. AND ASSETS, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Size of catch Item P600 to P699 P700 to P800 to P900 to 799 899 999 P1,000 to P1,500 to P2,000 to P5,000 or P1,499 P1,999 P4,999 V over Number of establishments. 318 219 181 133 330 103 122 84 Per cent distribution... 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.1 Number of employees in 1938, total... Persons.. 2,144 1,607 1,389 1,236 2,818 1,379 2,135 1,380 Per cent distribution. 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.9 2.1 1.0 1.6 1.0 Average per establishment..... Persons.. Proprietors and others not 6.7 7.3 7.7 9.3 8.5 18.4 17.5 40.6 paid salaries or wages..... Persons.. 731 528 507 294 725 225 413 624 Other employees.. Per cent distribution... ean of total employees.. Average per establishment. Persons.. e. Superintendents, Lactaters Persons. Per cent of total employeesec Per cent of total employees. 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.0 34.1 32.9 36.5 28.8 25.8 16.3 19.8 45.2 2.8 2.4 2.8 2.2 2.2 2.2 8.4 18.4 424 104 59 80 54 100 46 65 80 4.9 8.7 2.2 4.4 8.6 8.8 8.0 2.2 Persons.. 1,809 1,020 852 888 1,989 1,108 1,657 726 61.1 63.5 61.8 71.8 70.7 80.8 77.6 52.6 Salaries paid in 1938, total Per cent distribution... Per cent of total receipts.. Pesos..... 10,772 15,090 13,338 17,893 41,745 30,238 49.960 40,873 4.6 8.5 3.1 4.2 9.8 7.1 11.7 9.6 10.1 9.7 8.9 14.8 10.7 16.4 15.5 13.6 etc..... Per cent distribution... Cost of fuel, total.. Per cent distribution.. Average per establishment..... Pesos Buperintendents, caretakers, Per cent distribution. Average per person.. Other employees. Average per person... Establishments reporting.... Number. Average per establishment... Pesos... 62 69 74 135 127 294 410 1,202 Pesos.... 2,805 2,185 2,026 4,081 4,372 2,798 5,717 8,741 4.5 3.5 3.3 6.6 7.1 4.5 9.2 6.0 Pesos. 27 37 68 76 44 61 88 125 Pesos... 16,967 12,905 11,812 18,812 37,373 27,445 44,243 87,182 4.7 ... Pesos... 13 8.6 13 8.1 8.8 10.8 7.5 12.2 10.2 13 16 19 25. 27 61 Pesos.... 1,606 1,059 723 8.8 20 5 295 2.2 སྤྱི་ 775 1,478 2,833 10,470 14,364 1.5 1.6 3.1 5.9 21.8 29.9 6 12 8 6 28 24 86 10 422 Value of fishes caught, total..... Pesos.... 195,000 Per cent distribution... 3.6 Average per establishment.. Pesos 613 712 a 2.9 2.8 155,976 150,536 124,720 890,981 832838 1.185 2.8 7.2 184,250 3.4 1,789 322,986 299,828 6.0 2,647 6.5 8.818 Assets, total..... Pesco.... 93,282 66,860 60,435 62.36 188,085 91,963 144,799 133,814 Per cent distribution. 2.8 Average per establishment..... Pesos. 292 819 334 2.1 298 1.8 1.9 F 5.7 2.8 4.4 4.1 469 570 893 1,187 3,936 Land and building.. Pesos... 1,600 1,000 1,089 758 1,972 1,644 4,909 7,766 Per cent distribution. 1.6 1.8 1.1 0.7 1.9 1.6 4.8 7.7 Average per establishment. Pesos.. Per cent of total.. 5 6 6 6 6 16 40 228 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.2 1.0 1.8 8.4 5.8 Equipment, (fishing boats, corrals, nets, etc.). Pesos.... 78,061 59,923 48,758 49,025 Per cent distribution. 154,579 83,644 110,162 117,812 2.9 2.2 1.8 1.8 Per cent of total.... Per cent distribution.. ceivable... Average per establishment. Pesos. Cash..... Average per establishment. Pesos. Per cent of total. Notes and accounts and re- Per cent distribution.. Average per establishment. Pesos.. Per cent of total.. 5.7 3.1 4.1 4.8 245 274 269 369 468 812 908 43.65 88.7 85.8 80.7 78.6 82.2 91.0 76.1 88 0 Pesos.... 12,214 7,794 8,979 8,748 22,0 5,586 25,889 7,099 3.0 88 18.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 5.4 1.4 6.8 1.7 Pesos... 1,887 2.1 4 བྷཏྟཾ བྷཱུཝཝ 50 66 67 54 212 209 11.2 14.9 14.0 11.7 6.1 17.9 5.8 1,614 8,86 9,450 1,089 8,839 1,187 1.8 2.6 6.2 15.1 1.7 6.1 1.8 6 29 29 11 81 88 1.4 1.2 2.7 6.2 5.0 1.2 2.7 บ 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 407 TABLE 2-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Size of catch Item All establish- ments Under P100 P100 to P199 P200 to P299 P300 to P399 P400 to P499 P500 to P599 261,744 Per cent distribution.... Value of equipment, total Pesos.... 2.715.89% 100.0 884,218 $2.6 430,928 195,914 137.249 879 10.9 9.9 7.2 5.1 3.6 Value of fishing boats, total.... Pesos.... 680,235 275,603 93,130 59,557 41,549 25,626 20,959 Per cent distribution. 100.0 40.5 18.7 8.8 6.1 3.8 3.1 Fishing boats with en- gines.. Number. 82 Establishments porting.. Number. 22 Value... Pesos.... 50,455 50 1 48 8 1 1 1 8 1 1 1,200 180 750 Fishing boats without engines. Number 8,976 2,333 862 251 151 101 69 Establishments re- porting.... Number. 2,717 1.575 t 297 219 118 76 65 Value.. Pesos.... 192,898 40955 21,598 20,996 14,442 9,485 9,976 Small fishing boats and bancas. Number. 87,802 25,848 4,686 2,816 1,461 909 557 Establishments re- porting... Value.. Pesos.... Number. 82,510 486,882 23,702 8,791 1,811 1,159 696 424 234,588 70,887 88,881 27,107 15,441 10.988 Value of Bahing nets, total Pesos.... 1,817,790 604,725 305,030 180,303 138,811 103,188 65,033 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 38.8 16.8 9.9 7.6 5.7 8.6 Ulare nete (trawl nets, pukot)... Number. 1,848 462 311 208 183 99 77 Establishments re porting. Number. 1.475 451 291 191 111 87 71 Value... Pesos.... 245,973 51,201 82,894 26,823 17,029 16,019 9,830 Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.)...... Number. 870 95 46 48 81 19 19 Establishments re- porting.. Number 806 94 44 46 26 18 17 Value... Pesos.... 87,951 6,822 4,566 5,027 4,004 2,642 1,865 Bapiso nets (seine)...... Number. 186 23 18 18 8 16 2 Establishments re- porting... Number. 114 22 12 15 8 18 2 Value... Pesos.... 87,863 5,006 1,717 2,993 520 2,695 260 Bating netu (gill net, ta my, panti).. Number. 928 288 177 135 71 71 84 Establishments porting.. Number. 846 271 Value. Pesos.... 62,884 18,995 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.).. Number. 82,424 21,492 76910,190 178 188 66 66 81 9,002 7,821 4,931 2,199 4,029 1,794 2,023 597 829 Establishments porting... Number. 22,229 15, 2412 1,212 1,359 410 803 Lines (hapin).. Value... Establishments Value... Baclad. Penos... 462,526 221,953 51,785 82,256 28,564 15,608 12,187 Number. 27,769 21,072 8,778 1,234 634 446 170 re- porting... Number. 11,115 8,979 956 491 256 188 86 Pesos.... 41,623 28,219 7,019 4,875 2,037 1.440 531 Number. 10,211 5,611 2,067 716 523 814 187 Establishments porting.. Number. 7,971 4,410 1,588 652 899 256 169 Value.. Tangar. Number. Pesos.... 760,112 4,602 212,441 1,686 155,500 88,266 66,067 51,244 85,809 892 266 1,587 152 2 Establishments re- porting. Number. Value. Pesos.... 624 10,585 549 81 17 10 8 2 3,575 2,104 913 913 109 140 Bobos. Number. 10,001 8,958 577 151 117 61 51 Establishments porting. Number. 2,821 2,580 148 46 80 18 15 Yalue... Pesos.... 22,608 16,507 2.870 1,492 861 348 197 Establishments re- porting... Value.. Othercorrals traps, and Weiumber. All other equipment...... Pesos.... 217,871 7,458 4,299 2,139 401 215 181 47 Number. 4,782 8,160 937 288 188 87 88 Pesos.... 136,715 50,506 29,985 14,656 10,495 8,157 2,525 3,890 32,768 27,889 16,054 8,435 11,887 408 TABLE 2-INSHORE FISHING-RUMBER, KIND AND VALUE OF BOWMENT USED. USED, BY BIR OF CATCH: 1999 Size of catch Item P600 to P699 P700 to P798 800 to 899 P900 to 1999 P1,000 to P1,500 to P1,499 P2,000 to P5,000 and P1,999 P4,909 over Value of equipment, total.... Pesos.... 78,061 59,923 48,753 49,025 Ay, 579 83,644 119,162 117.812 Per cent distribution.. 2.9 2.2 1.8 1.8 5.7 8.1 4.1 4.8 Value of fishing boats, total... Pesos.... 16,855 7.823 8.478 6,358 28,726 12,986 26,620 55.961 Per cent distribution. 2.5 1.2 1.2 0.9 4.2 1.9 8.9 #bahing boats with engines... Number. Establishments reporting.. Number: Value... 1 2 5 1 2 5 Pesos... 400 1,400 4,707 41,768 Value... Per cent distribution.. lukutok, etc.).. Value.... Sapiao nets (seine). Fishing boats without engines Number. Establishments reporting.. Number. Value... Pesos.... 10,544 Small fising boats and bancas Number. Establishments reporting.. Number. Value of fishing nets, total.... Pesos.... 55,620 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot) Number. Establishments reporting.. Number. Value.... Muroami nets (trap net, ku- Establishments reporting.. Number. Establishments reporting.. Number. 78 42 41 82 114 52 66 64 85 87 29 91 89/0 88 8,615 4,817 8,550 19,521 287 200 222 180 818 169 224 145 180 86 191 60 14,117 10,725 160 67 Pesos.... 6,811 4,208 4,155 2,808 8,815 2,484 7,796 ཡོབྲཱདྡྷནྡྷུནྣཱནྡྷཝཙནྡྷབྷཱ 43,024 29,543 21,676 100,707 39,590 81,934 49.106 8.1 2.4 1.6 1.2 5.5 2.2 4.5 2.1 51 27 82 24 94 85 56 239 46 26 27 21 77 20 41 15 Pesos... 8,990 5,800 5,200 4,185 2.0787 8,421 14,823 2476 Number. 11 10 8 16 25 84 11 10 8 18 6 8 8 Pesos.... 919 947 595 885 2,580 2,480 8,880 1,789 Number. 6 1 8 9 18 24 6 1 8 9 9 16 8 Value.... Pesos.... 3,150 550 1,100 2,680 5,550 7,222 8,980 Bating nets (gill net, tapay, panti). Number. 54 17 7 8 28 14 27 2 Establishments reporting.. Number. 27 15 7 8 22 14 11 2 Value.. Pesos... 2,871 1,895 652 760 8,522 2,606 1,990 400 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.) Number. 451 178 144 62 256 87 918 74 Establishments reporting.. Number. 801 92 85 44 113 88 62 84 Value... Pesos.... 18,057 8,683 6,802 6,509 14,951 6,470 17,821 19,435 Line (hapin) Number. 121 56 88 54 147 18 5 1 Establishments reporting.. Number. 48 26 15 14 47 9 4 1 Value.... Pesos... 867 684 69 92 1,115 898 182 160 Baclad.. Number. 120 129 66 88 160 54 182 94 Establishments reporting. Number. 105 82 54 82 119 86 45 24 Value.... Pesos.... 22,696 21,543 14,060 7,869 45,408 10,801 25,418 8,490 Tangar.. Number. 2 - 1 7 6 1 Establishments reporting.. Number. 2 1 2 6 1 Value. Pesos... 90 50 505 1,786 400 Bobos.. Number. 28 11 21 Establishments reporting.. Number. 11 5 6 21 14 6 6 1 Value Pesos.... 201 67 205 208 41 80 80 Other corrals, trap and weirs Number. Futablishments reporting.. Number. Value... Pesos.... All other equipment...... 43 67 80 9 48 7 15 2 33 27 16 8 81 7 11 1 8,279 8,805 1,955 275 7,710 2,828 1,079 10 Pesos.... 5,584 9,076 10,738 20,991 25,136 31,068 1,603 12,745 409 TABLE &-INSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Item All establish ments Size of catch Under P100 P100 to P199P200 to P299 P300 to 399 P400 to P499 P500 to P599 Value of all fish caught, total... Per cant distribution. Pesos -5,423,241 1,110,912 736,462 572,817 514,162 395,334 268,277 Anchoy Boxes. 100.0 146,882 20.5 19,021 13.6 17,271 10.6 14.586 9.5 7.8 12.281 5.0 Penca 599,702 79,610 70,120 Value. 52,778 47,521 9.787 87,834 Establishments reporting. 7,580 4.687 1,221 528 $25 6,527 28.268 285 Barracuda. Kilos.. 78,657 7,842 9,200 115 7,932 8.256 Pesos Valus. 86,180 8.708 4,818 7,418 4,066 5,850 8,849 Establishments reporting. 1,083 529 188 86 76 2,955 58 Benito, skupjack or alacora. 598,850 51,468 46,806 61,788 32 57,828 48.415 Valve.. Pesos 296,833 22,851 22,540 29,436 47.827 28,610 23.681 Establishments reporting. 4,226 1,987 599 458 885 23,017 234 Caenio. Boxes. 10,940 2,202 1.767 1,292 155 777 588 Value.. Pesos. 51,290 8,858 7,758 5,488 2,140 807 2,765 Establishments reporting. 1,878 827 261 98 45 1,540 47 Cavallas. KHOS.. 859,840 55,156 86,026 29,897 18 28,711 24,812 Value. Penos. 182,960 26,668 16,729 14,842 14,755 12,897 Establishments reportin 4,717 2,952 617 23,515 18.280 822 228 170 Club mackerel. Boxes 56,742 6,809 4,641 Value... Penos 224,897 28,010 19,077 5,624 22,286 119 5,190 21,604 4,701 19,154 8.110 Establishments reporting 4,216 2,280 599 874 264 Crabs... Boxes. 74,667 11,778 14,845 18,041 12,826 Value.. Pesos 200,040 86,953 87,816 27,402 85,328 5,708 16,251 Establishments reporting. 6,070 4,142 888 896 272 Grouper. Kilos.. 218,880 55,281 25,962 81,056 22,685 14,385 Value. Pesos 110,981 27,148 12,854 14,567 11,344 7,184 Establishments reporting. 4,852 8,883 510 870 215 Herrings and sardines. Boxes 75,291 14,500 8,196 Value. Pesos 808,614 58,630 86,174 6,445 26,666 6,110 25,106 127 6,904 26.113 198 1848952 13,922 7.478 16.425 149 8,009 63 116 4,097 19,717 Establishments reporting. 5,836 8,219 55 872 247 220 122 Lizard fuh.. Boxes. 5,269 2,109 752 248 218 189 42 Value. Pesos. 16,728 6,076 2,876 1,221 1,07 621 205 Establishments reporting. 688 489 74 26 15 10 8 Mullet. Boxes 43,178 10,905 7,786 4,781 5,541 2,741 1,873 Value. Pesos. 187,777 48,518 $2,892 21,041 22,412 11,836 8,680 Establishments reporting. 6,464 4,288 1,002 895 827 151 115 Nemipterid.. Boxes. 12,870 2,889 5,196 1,281 1,007 316 258 Value.. Pesos- 45,129 16,092 9,623 5,707 8,488 1,812 1,038 Establishments reporting 1,568 947 258 152 88 39 18 Red mapper. Kilos.. 144,431 54,708 18,628 18,887 12,506 8,527 4.910 Value.. Pesos. 72,721 26,846 9,273 10,801 6,064 4,644 2,302 Establishments reporting. 8,285 2,842 298 237 125 84 Sword fish. Kilos.. 41,872 12,464 5,967 4,484 8.920 2,943 44 1,110 Valu.. Pesos 20,880 6,100 2,658 2.004 1,973 1,881 490 Establishments reporting. 1,132 826 104 50 57 24 14 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxe 21,551 4,822 Value.. Pesos. 85,668 20,218 Establishments reporting. 2,783 1,787 2.802 12,024 844 8,184 11,772 2.196 1,757 1,579 9,758 7,150 5,873 Shrimps. Boxes. 126,580 18,581 18,175 201 17,491 Value. Pesos 515,549 75,688 68,708 64,188 146 18,669 79,209 73 56 15,574 72,881 8,747 87,495 Spanish mackerel... Establishments reporting. 7,857 4,851 1,139 636 Kilo... 195,602 89,421 24,284 Value.. Pesos 97.495 18,871 12,526 24,683 12,664 485 15,592 285 152 13,900 14,975 8,441 7,097 7,284 Squida. Establishments reporting. 2.921 1,645 402 Boxes. 21.648 4,513 8,225 279 2,531 180 120 96 Value.. Pesot 69,824 15,921 9,648 9,801 2,142 7,716 859 3,149 887 2,800 Catfishes... Establishments reporting 8,294 2,206 416 277 134 59 49 Boxes. 44,702 5,653 12,968 Value.. Pesos. 178,899 18,095 48.943 7,754 25,738 2,600 11,918 1.588 6,959 775 3,610 Dalag, hito... Establishments reporting. 2,209 1,128 608 Boxes 89,852 9.894 Vare Pesos 142,944 Other fishes. Establishments reporting. 8,548 85,157 2,685 Kilos.. 657,284 224,207 4,788 20,005 401 107,561 Value... Pesos.1,919,011 526,955 263,804 247 8,518 15,091 205 71,979 185,586 98 51 28 Establishments reporting.. 84,460 25,677 8,484 1,693 2,196 10,176 95 47,535 157,061 1,176 1,817 5,964 917 4,875 63 26 35,324 115,361 21,701 78,209 901 408 Turbo (Frochus other pearl, Cowry shells, Sea cucumber) Kilos.. 122,052 28.436 88,860 18,752 8.958 Value Pesos 60,679 14,449 16,111 6,800 4,409 17,668 8,801 2,622 1,884 Establishments reporting. 1, 799 159 44 21 26 6 410 P600 to 699 P700 to P799 TABLE 3-INSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Item Continued P1,000 to P1,500 to R2,000 to P5,000 and P1,499 P1,999 14,999 over Size of catch 800 to 899 P900 to P999 Value of fish caught, total.. Pesos. 195,000 155,976 150,536 124,720 390,981 184,250 322,986 299,828 Per cent distribution.. 3.6 Anchovy.. Value. Establishments reporting. Barracuda. Value.. Pesos Establishments reporting. Boxes. 6,382 Pesos. 25,514 110 Kilos.. 1,840 940 13 2.9 5,120 19,752 69 2.8 5,100 21,791 55 2.8 7.2 8.4 6.0 5.5 6,589 26,984 11,465 52,822 55 124 9,739 49,163 52 10,790 11,724 47,635 40,915 41 18 1,192 1,792 861 8,404 8,010 7.567 596 731 494 1,612 1,685 8,818 9 8 6 13 5 10 Bonito, skupjack or allacora Kos.. 27,402 19,721 26,658 80,566 62,860 81,539 70,205 17,822 Value. Pesos 13,237 10,020 13,109 15,204 34,102 17,531 84,835 8,660 Establishments reporting. 83 55 62 50 108 49 52 4 Caesio. Boxes 532 222 411 199 740 84 1,074 800 Value. Pesos 2,156 615 2,057 510 8.199 220 4,873 9,616 Establishment, reporting. 21 9 13 .. 7 20 8 8 1 Cavallas. Value.. Pesos Kiko.. 10,260 5,256 12,877 11,950 7.992 27,842 16,886 80,216 44,200 6,650 6,171 4,111 14,182 8,966 17,457 22,051 Establishments reporting. Chlub mackerel..... 53 53 36 24 84 29 28 7 Boxes. 3,629 2,069 1,705 1,229 Value. Pesos 15,875 8,623 8,499 5,994 4,593 20,508 2,611 12,802 8.126 25,196 1.199 5,394 Establishments reporting. 94 62 54 81 93 27 26 5 Crabe. Boxes. 2,870 1,748 1,994 1,085 4.701 1,531 541 Value.. Pesos 5,200 5,288 5,276 2,849 13,267 8,945 1,518 Establishment: reporting. 81 81 23 14 46 15 10 Grouper.. Kilos.. 9,824 7,021 4,821 2,782 19,132 7,406 3,069 2,034 Value. Pesos 5,091 8.569 2.558 1,526 10,485 4,118 2.052 1,017 Establishments reporting. 39 31 23 14 49 14 9 2 Herrings and sardines.. Boxes 4,559 8,432 1,883 1,403 Value... Pesos 18,872 14,843 9,832 4,405 8,762 34,823 4,308 2,979 1,718 15,485 14,883 8,564 Establishments reporting. 101 59 50 28 94 43 21 6 Lizard fish.... Boxes 13 169 29 1,264 102 184 Value.. I'esos 60 347 145 2,669 510 920 Establishments reporting. .2 4 1 6 2 1 Mullet... Boxen 1,135 1,199 1,255 468 2,158 484 2,947 Value. Pesos 4,876 5,846 3,531 2,320 11,432 2,320 12,573 Establishments reporting. 49 30 26 13 43 10 20 Nemipterid. Boxes. 196 124 170 141 932 170 190 Value.. Pesos 640 474 761 704 8,871 700 724 Establishments reporting. 16 7 8 6 21 4 4 Red snapper. Kilos. 5,634 1,680 1,839 2,276 5,664 2,555 645 5,977 Value.. Pesos 2,680 1,005 901 1,118 3,066 1,263 319 2,989 Establishments reporting. 33 Sword fish.... Kilos.. 576 10 2.498 10 12 1,605 1,244 23 1,843 8 5 4 1,808 1,850 60 Value. Pesos. 278 1,598 1,038 507 Establishments reporting. 9 6 9- 9 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxe 692 1,079 478 800 639 14 1,527 894 660 80 6 8 1 500 602 83 Value... Pesos 2,825 4,209 1,660 1,183 4,633 1,386 2,810 162 Establishments reporting. Shrimps.... Boxes 32 4,948 Value.. Pcso 18,623 Fatablishments reporting. Spanish mackerel... 66 Kilob. 5,054 Value... Fesou 2,665 33 4,483 16,779 64 5,762 2,806 16 2,610 10,164 40 4,528 8 56 8 1,880 5,576 6,603 21,66 2,219 6,971 20 1,850 8 6.227 5,608 81.521 21 69 18 5,016 18,516 4,090 24 8,051 7 21,830 2,866 2,671 5,774 2,067 1,540 10,723 Establishments reporting. 38 80 25 24 49 Squids Boxes 421 874 852 813 2,880 16 1,596 11 6 449 101 Value. Pesou 1,722 Establishments reporting. 20 Catfishes.. Boxes 474 1,239 15 891- 2,864 2,15 7,155 8,873 1,287 608 18 14 .46 25 13 2 806 887 793 506 1,802 ,710 Value... Pesos. 1,231 1,345 832 1,935 8,572 2,530 9,010 48,181 Establishments reporting. 9 Dalag, hito... Boxet 829 Value. Peso Establishments reporting. 4,089 18 7 1,289 4,545 9 8 14 8 Other fishes. Value... Kilos 19,894 Pesos. 61,223 Establishments reporting. Turbo (Trochus, Mother pearl, Cow- ry shells, Sea cucumber. Value.. Establishments reporting. 222 20 12,645 48,582 155 1,205 8,029 13 15,447 52,629 272 1,857 8 1,702 1,830 9 4.885 10 6378 2,900 16,927 5,260 12,543 26 12,981 42.04.1 33,406 10 10,037 11 27.529 12 17,538 187 107 132,791 255 44,921 119,165 100,689 91 1211 88 kilos. 8,873 Pesos 1,946 5 4,436 2,245 2,190 1,097 100 4,885 972 800 50 2,482 605 400 6 8 1 8 411 TABLE 4.-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY FORM OF ORGANIZATION AND CITIZEN- SHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938. Establishments operated by- Establishments operated by citizens of- Item All establish- ments Individuals ships ionts tions Partner- Associa- Corpora- Corpora- Philippines United States China Japan Number of establishments... Per cent distribution.... 47,974 100.0 46,802 1,410 237 25 46,252 2 87 96.5 2.9 0.5 0.1 96.4 (¹) 0.1 (¹) == 11 Number of employees in 1938, total. Persone.. 135,393 124,442 8,265 2,449 237 124,156 2 189 96 Per cent distribution. 100.0 91.9 6.1 1.8 0.2 91.7 (¹) 0.1 0.1 Average per establish- ment... Persons.. 2.8 2.7 5.9 10.3 9.5 2.7 1.0 5.1 8.7 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages.. Persons.. 93,970 88,637 4,136 1,011 186 88,545 2 83 7 Per cent distribu- tion... 100.0 94.3 4.4 1.1 0.2 94.2 (1) 0.1 (1) Per cent of total employees. 69.4 71.2 50.0 41.8 78.5 71.3 100.0 43.9 7.8 Average per es- blishment.... Persons.. 2.0 1.9 2.9 4.3 7.4 1.9 1.0 2.2 0.6 Superintendents, caretakers, etc.... Persons.. 5,174 4,690 382 89 13 4,669 20 1 Per cent of total employees.. 3.8 3.8 4.6 8.6 5.5 9.8 10.6 1.0 Other employees. Persons.. 86,249 31,115 3,747 1,349 38 30,941 86 88 Per cent of total employees.. 26.8 25.0 45.3 55.1 16.0 24.9 45.5 91.7 Salaries paid in 1938, total..... Pesos.... 425,466 371,034 43,558 10,430 430414 359,708 2,499 8,827 Per cent distribution... 100.0 87.2 10.2 2.5 0.1 84.5 0.6 Per cent of total re- ceipts... 7.8 7.4 14.3 9.1 5.8 7.3 29.6 25.8 Average per establish- ment.. Pesos.... 9 8 31 44 18 8 68 802 Superintendents, caretaker s etc.... Pesos.... 61,946 53,607 6,519 1,820 53,001 606 Per cent distribu- tion..... Average per per- son.... Pesos.... Other employees. Pesos.... 100.0 12 363,520 86.5 10.5 2.9 85.6 1.0 11 317,427 17 37,039 20 11 30 8,610 444 306,707 1,893 8,827 Per cent distribu- tion.... Average per per- son... Pcsos.... Cost of fuel, total.. Pesos.... Per cent distribution.. 100.0 10 48,050 100.0 87.3 10.2 2.4 0.1 84.4 0.5 2.4 10 10 6 12 10 22 22 100 46,084 959 860 147 43,231 95.9 2.0 1.8 0.3 90.0 2,853 5.9 Establishments re- porting... Number. 849 801 43 4 1 794 7 Average per es- tablishment..... Pesos.... 1 1 1 4 6 1 259 Value of fishes caught, total..... Pesos.... 5,423,241 4,997,257 Per cent distribution... Average per estab- lishment........ Pesos.. Assets, 1938, total..... Pesos....3,289,819 Per cent distribution... Average per establish- ment Land and building.. Pesos... Per cent distribu- 100.0 113 92.1 108 303,926 5.6 114,337 2.1 7,721 0.1 4,954,567 63 8,456 31,171 91.4 (¹) 0.2 0.6 216 482 309 107 32 229 3,106 2,929,253 281,650 70,190 8,726 2,885,950 60 9.559 33,684 Pesos.... 100.0 69 89.0 8.6 2.1 0.3 87.7 (¹) 0.3 1.0 101,356 63 97,329 200 2,968 296 349 62 30 258 3,062 1,037 22 92,274 135 4,920 tion... 100.0 96.0 2.9 1.0 (¹) 91.0 0.1 4.9 Average per es- tablishment.... Pesos.. Per cent of total... 2 2 2 4 1 2 4 447 3.1 3.3 1.1 1.5 0.3 8.2 1.4 14.6 Equipment (fishing boats, corals, nets, etc.).. Pesos.... 2,715,896 2,425,370 227,240 55,747 7,539 2,390,688 60 6,493 28.129 Per cent distribu- tion... Average per es- tablishment.... Pesos.... Per cent of total.... 100.0 57 82.6 Cash..... Pesos.... 409,905 89.8 52 82.8 351,588 8.4 2.1 0.3 88.0 (¹) 0.2 1.0 161 235 302 52 30 175 2,557 80.7 79.4 86.4 82.8 100.0 67.9 83.5 45,298 11,984 1,035 348,525 2,527 536 Per cent distribu- tion.... Average per es- Notes and accounts Per cent distribu- tablishment.... Pesos.... Per cent of total.. receivable....... Pesos.... tion... Average per es- tablishment.... Pesos.. Per cent of total... 100.0 9 85.8 11.1 2.9 0.3 85.0 0.6 0.1 8 12.5 12.0 32 16.1 51 41 8 68 49 17.1 11.9 12.0 26.4 1.6 62,662 54,966 6,144 1,422 130 54,463 404 99 100.0 1. 87.7 1 9.8 2.3 0.2 86.9 0.6 0.2 4 6 5 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.0 1.5 1.9 11 9 1.9 4.2 0.3 0.1 per 1 Less than GEA 412 TABLE 5.-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF ORGANIZATION AND BY CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938 Establishments operated by- Establishments operated by citizens of- Item All establish- ments Individuals ships tions Partner- Associa- Corpora- Philippines China tions Japan United States Value of equipment, total.... Pesos.... 2,715,89% 2,425,370 227,240 55,747 Per cent distribution. 100.0 89.8 8,4 2.1 7,539 0.8 2,390,688 6,493 28,129 60 88.0 0.2 1.0 (¹) Value of fishing boats, total... Pesos.... 680,235 628,241 40,448 10,577 969 610,903 3,018 14,280 40 Per cent distribution. 100.0 92.4 5.9 1.6 0.1 89.8 0.4 2.1 (¹) Fishing boats with engines.... Number. 82 29 20 1 Establishments reporting.... Number 22 18655 19 Value... Pesos.... 50,455 1,050 8. 1 750 88,055 22196 1 7 6 1,500 9,100 Fishing boats with- out engines.. Number. 8,976 8,708 218 54 6 8,690 6 8 Establishments reporting..... Number. 2,717 2,502 164 45 Value.. Pesos.... 192,898 168,812 18,326 5,295 Small fishing boats and bancas.... Number. 87,802 85,796 1,284 289 Establishments reporting... Number. 82,510 81,853 977 164 Value.... Pesos.... 436,882 410,774 21,72 4,582 504 ស្ម័ន ៖。 6 2,492 5 5 465 162,808 874 5,130 33 85,755 89 1 1 16 81,837 14 1 1 410,000 644 50 40 Value of fishing nets, total. Pesos.... 1,817,790 1,624,510 152,442 35,769 5,069 1,607,482 3,309 13,719 Per cent distribution..... 100.0 89.4 8.4 2.0 0.8 88.4 0.2 0.8 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot).... Number. 1,848 1,667 145 84 2 1,662 2 8 Establishments reporting... Number. 1,475 1,801 188 84 Value.. Pesos.... 245,978 220,522 20,975 4,801 175 126 1,296 218,872 2 8 700 950 Muroami nets trap net, kuluku- tok, etc.)... Number 870 829 86 5 828 6 Establishments reporting.. Number. 806 266 86 4 Value.. Pesos.... 87,951 81,977 5,621 858 263 29,808 8 2,169 Sapiao nets (seines) Number. 186 99 17 19 99 Establishments reporting..... Number. 114 89 15 9 1 Value... Pesos.... 87,868 80,595 4,148 2,420 200 89 0,595 Bating nets (gill net, tapsay, pan- ti).. Number. 928 887 24 16 1 885 Establishments reporting Number 846 817 21 7 1 815 Value... Pesos.... 62,834 58,884 2,100 1,800 50 58,844 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.)..... Number. 82,424 81,060- 1,158 198 18 81,037 Establishment. reporting.... Number. 22,229 21,885 799 86 9 21,814 Value.. Peos.... 462,526 416,722 84,679 10,513 612 405,184 Lines (hapin). Number. 27,769 27,164 588 22 27,136 Establishments reporting... Number. 11,115 10,948 164 8 10,932 Value... Pesos.... 41,628 40,058 1,878 198 89,891 162 RE NO ON N 7 6 988 10,600 Baclad. Number. 10,211 9,268 887 98 18 9,258 5 Establishments reporting..... Number. 7,971 7,829 548 87 12 Varue... Pesos.... 760,112 670,562 76,258 9,867 3,480 7,824 669,643 5 919 Tangas.. Number. 4,602 4,585 5 8 4,585 Establishments reporting. Number. 624 608 5 8 8 Value... Pesos.... 10,585 10,840 49 140 56 608 10,340 Bobos.. Number. 10,001 9,757 108 186 B 9,757 Establishments reporting.... Number. 2,821 2,721 58 46 2,721 Value.... Pesos.... 22,608 21,049 890 1,164 21,049 Other corrals, traps and weirs. Number. 7,458 7,276 146 26 B 7,275 1 Establishments reporting.. Value... Number. 4,782 Pesos... 186.715 4.627 115 85 5 4,626 1 128,806 6,855 5,513 541 128,806 500 20 All other equipment. Pesos... 217,871 172,619 34,350 9,401 1,501 172,303 166 130 Law then 413 TABLE 6.-INSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY FORM OF ORGANIZATION AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938-Continued Eetablishment operated by- Establishments operated by citizens cf- Item All establish- ments Individuals Partner- Ascia- Corpora- ships tions tions Philippines United States China Japan Value of all fish caught, total..... Pesos.5,423,241 4,997,257 303,926 114,337 7,721 4,954,567 63 8,456 34,171 Per cent distribution... 100.0 Anchov Boxes. 146,832 92.1 134,677 5.6 2.1 0.1 91.4 (¹) 0.2 0.6 10,576 748 831 188,710 Value... Pesos 599,702 550,685 43,696 3,668 1,653 545,843 Establishments reporting. 7,580 7,107 423 47 3 7,093 967 4,842 14 Barracuda. Kilos 78,657 69,427 8,762 868 110 69,427 Value.. Pesos 36,180 84,114 1,832 179 55 84,114 Establishments reporting. 1,033 989 39 8 2 989 Bonito, skipjack or alacora Kilos... 598,850 501,532 56,087 38,921 2,310 498,190 20 1,088 2,284 Value.... Pesos. 296,833 247,509 28,025 20,144 1,155 245,978 10 404 1,117 Establishments reporting. 4,226 8,959 193 69 5 8,951 1 5 2 Calio...... Boxes 10,940 10,050 693 197 10,050 Value... Pesos. 51,290 47,082 3,260 948 47,080 2 Establishments reporting. 1,378 1,296 68 14 1,295 1 Cavallas..... Kilos 859,840 278,804 17,838 62,606 92 276,640 62 484. 1,618 Value... Pesos.. 182,960 142,802 8,807 81,805 46 141,800 81 162 809 Establishments reporting 4,717 4,492 171 52 2 4,483 1 5 3 Club mackerel. Boxes. 56,742 50,314 8,604 2,740 84 49,914 100 800 Value.... Pesos 224,897 192,920 17,398 18,657 422 191,185 235 1,500 Establishments reporting.. 4,216 8,898 236 75 7 3,898 4 1 Crabs.... Boxes. 74,667 73,669 781 95 122 78,631 1 87 Value.. Pesos 200,040 196,690 2,804 435 611 196,621 4 65 Establishments reporting. 6,070 5,927 128 11 4 5,925 1 1 Grouper.... kilos.. 218,880 214,375 3,809 626 212,353 22 2,000 Value.. Pesog 110,981 108,789 1,851 341 107,778 11 1,000 Establishments reporting. 4,852 4,761 79 12 4,757 1 3 Herrings and serdines..... Boxes. 75,291 69,795 5,042 429 25 69,321 51 423 Value... Pesos 308,614 284,152 22,247 2 123 281,875 165 2,112 Establishments reporting. 5,336 4,984 802 2 4,978 3 8 Lizard fish..... Boxes 5,269 4,979 272 18 4,975 Value... Fesor 16,728 15,461 1,172 90 15,451 10 Establishments reporting. 638 607 29 2 606 1 Myllet.... Boxes. 48,178 41,180 1,267 689 37 41,178 Value.. Pcsos 187,777 180,911 5,699 987 180 180,902 Nemipterid. Establishments reporting.... 6,464 6,248 189 24 3 6,246 262 9 Boxes. 12,370 12,042 311 17 12,042 Value. Pesos 45,129 44,139 888 102 44,137 2 Establishments reporting. 1,563 1,528 32 3 1,527 1 Red snapper... Kilos. 144.431 141,369 1,915 1,147 141,369 Value.. Pesos. 72.721 71,215 895 611 71,215 Sword fish.... Establishments reporting. 3,235 3,186 37 12 3,186 Kilos 41,372 37,481 2,518 1,873 37,459 22 Value... Pesos 20,330 18,382 1,263 685 18,371 11 Establishments reporting... 1,132 1,076 49 7 1,074 2 Value.. Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes. 21,551 20,780 390 881 20,780 Pesos 85,666 82,206 1,585 1,872 82,206 Shrinys.. Establishments reporting. 2,78 2,701 Value.. Spanish mackerel... Establishments reporting- Boxes. 126,530 Pesos. 515,549 7,857 123,936 53 1,986 29 2,701 598 10 123,797 1 88 100 504,495 8,104 2,900 50 503,799 5 191 500 7,684 152 20 1 7,680 1 2 1 Kilos.. 195,602 178,927 15,260 1,321 9.1 178,713 214 Value.. Pe08. Squids. Establishments reporting... 97,495 88,910 7,888 650 47 88,854 56 2,921 2,706 188 24 3 2,703 3 Boxes. Value.. 21,643 21,014 590 39 20,903 11 100 Pesos. 69,324 66,624 Catfishes. Establishments reporting. 2,504 196 66,101 23 500 3,294 3,157 124 13 3,154 2 1 Boxes 44,702 43,431 1,256 15 43,431 Value.. Pesos. 178,899 Value. Dalag, hito.... Establishments reporting.. 175,188 3,631 80 Value... cocumber). Other fishes.. Establishments reporting. Turbo Trochus, Mother peral, Oowry shells, Sea Value... Establishments reporting- Establishmentu reporting. 2,209 Boxes. 89,852 Pesos 142,944 3,543 Kilos.. 657,284 Pesos 1,919,011 2,136 69 4 175,188 2,136 89,133 189,645 3,396 608,006 1,746,387 640 6-1 15 39,133 2,920 819 60 139,645 34,460 32,925 141 42,126 186,986 1,328 5 1 3,396 6,493 32,459 183 659 601,748 2,229 24 1,717,478 1 32.987 1 929 2,280 20 5,829 26,633 7 Pesos. Kilos.. 122,052 60,679 1,078 118,833 2,043 58,951 1,021 1,064 11 1,176 707 8 118,833 58,951 1,064 (Less than 0.1 per cent 414 TABLE 7.-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Item Philippines Agusan Albay Antique Bataan Batanes Batangas Number of establishments. 47,974 86 1,628 814 1,210 118 1,217 Per cent distribution........ 100.0 0.2 3.4 0.7 2.5 0.2 2.5 Number of employees in. 1938, total... Fersons.. 135,393 473 3,560 1,877 2,550 133 4,727 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 0.3 2.6 1.4 1.9 0.1 8.5 Average per establishment -Persons. Proprieters and others 2.8 5.5 2.2 6.0 2.1 1.1 8.9 not paid salaries or wages... Persons. 9,970 355 3,337 962 1,629 126 2,171 Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total employees. Average per establish- 100.0 0.4 3.6 1.0 1.7 0.1 2.8 69.4 75.1 93.7 51.3 63.9 94.7 45.9 ment.. Persons.. 2.0 4.1 2.0 8.1 1.8 1.1 1.8 Superintendents, care- takers, etc.. Persons.. 5,174 25 29 67 44 7 225 Per cent of total employees. 8.8 5.3 0.8 3.6 1.7 5.8 4.8 Other employees. Persons.. 36,219 93 194 848 877 Per cent of total employees.. 2,881 26.8 19.7 5.4 45.2 34.4 49.8 Salaries paid in 1938, total Pesos.... 425,466 2,134 2,352 10,267 5,268 15,937 Per cent distribution. 100.0 0.5 0.6 2.4 1.2 8.7 Per cent of total receipts. 7.8 6.9 2.8 21.7 8.8 Average per establish- ment 8.8 resos. 9 25 1 33 4 13 Superintendents, carc- takers, etc. Pesos.... Per cent distribution. 61,946 100.0 1,486 485 2,686 844 2,995 2.4 0.8 4.8 1. 4.8 Other employees. Average per person... Pesos... Per cent distribution... Average per person... Pesos.. 12 59 17 40 19 18 Pesos.. 363,520 648 1,867 7,581 4,424 12,942 100.0 10 0.2 7 0.5 2.1 1.2 8.6 10 9 5 6 Cost of fuel, total.. Pesos.... Per cent distribution.. 48,050 100.0 405 12 113 664 0.8 0.2 1.4 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 849 5 4 Average per establish- 9 79 ment.. Pesos.... 1 (2) (2) (2) 1 Value of fishes caught, total. Pesos.... 5,423,241 80,924 83,815 47,886 161,87 1,606 417,294 Per cent distribution. 100.0 0.6 1.5 0.9 8.0 7.7 Average per establish- ment.. Pesos... 118 860 51 151 133 14 @ 842 Assets, total..... Per cent distribution... Average per establishment. Pesos.... Land and building...... Pesos... Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment Per cent ci total. Equipment (fishing boats, nets, corals, etc.)... Percent distribution. Average per establish- ment Pesos... 3,289,819 21,855 45,246 36,650 83,525 1,426 100.0 69 0.7 1.4 1.1 254 28 117 103,356 1,084 152 193 35 2888 2.5 (¹) 164,350 4.9 69 12 188 4,991 100.0 1.1 0.1 0.2 (¹) 4.9 Pesos.... 2 18 (2) 1 3.1 5.0 0.8 0.5 Ce 8.1 Pesos.... 2,715,896 14,002 41,230 23,671 77,505 1,426 142,704 100.0 0.5 1.5 0.9 2.9 0.1 5.8 Pesos.... 57 163 25 75 64 12 117 Per cent of total. 82.6 64.1 91.1 64.6 92.8 100.0 87.9 Cash.... Pesos... Per cent distribution. 409,905 100.0 6,070 8,719 12,713 5,813 6,889 1.5 0.9 3.1 1.4 1.6 Average per establish- ment... Pesos.... 9 71 2 Per cent of total.. 12.5 27.8 8.2 Notes and accounts re- ceivable... Pesos... 62,662 699 145 2885 40 5 84.7 7.0 88 8.9 73 172 8,266 Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment.. 100.0 1.1 0.2 0.1 0.8 18.2 Pesos.... 1 8 () (2) (2) Fer cent of total... 1.9 8.2 0,8 0.2 0.2 7 6.1 Less than 4 per pant. 415 TABLE 7-INSHORE FISHING NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Items La Union Laguna Lanao Leyte Other Provinces Marinduque Masbate Number of establishments. 817 216 160 6,980 1 256 485 Per cent distribution.. 0.7 0.5 0.8 14.5 (¹) 0.5 1.0 Number of employees in 1988, total... Persons.. 2,222 246 858 18,536 11 1,095 1,309 Per cent distribution. 1.6 0.8 0.6 18.7 Average per establishment.. Persons.. Proprietors and others not. (1) 0.8 1.0 7.0 1.6 5.7 2.7 11.0 4.8 2.7 paid salaries or wages.. Persons.. 647 $28 667 14,100 565 941 Per cent distribution.. 0.7 0.8 0.7 15.0 0.6 1.0 Per cent of total employees, 29.1 94.8 77.7 76.1 51.6 71.9 Average per establish- ment.. Persons.. 2.0 1.5 4.4 2.0 2.2 1.9 Superintendents, care- takers, etc... Persons.. 87 4 17 666 1 41 88 Per cent of total employees... 1.7 1.2 2.0 3.6 9.1 3.7 2.5 Other employees. Persons. 1,588 14 174 8,770 10 489 825 Per cent of total employees... 69.2 4.0 20.8 20.8 90.9 44.7 26.6 Jalaries paid in 1938, total. Pesos.. 10,899 353 399 62,260 633 3,856 10,038 Pur cent distribution... 2.6 0.1 0.1 14.6 0.1 0.9 Per cent of total receipts. 80.8 1.8 0.6 18.7 27.2 17.1 2.4 20.4 Average per establish- ment.. Superintendents, careta- Pesos.... 84 2 8 9 638 15 21 Ters, etc.... Pesos.... Per cent distribution.. (1) Average per person.... Pesos.... (2) Other employees. Pesos.... 10,894 858 Cat of fuel, total. Per cent distribution..... Average per person.... Pesos... Per cent distribution.... 8.0 0.1 7 25 NONDON 4,554 101 700 2,088 7.8 0.2 1.1 3.4 7 101 17 68 357 0.1 57,726 532 8,156- 7,950 15.9 0.1 0.9 2.2 15 53 6 24 Pesos.... 90 5,551 1,467 0.2 11.6 8.1 Establishments report- ing... Number. 8 153 9 Average per establish- ment. Pesos.... (2) 1 8 Ter cent distribution... Tuve of fishes caught, total.. Pesos... Average per establishment.. Pesos. 85,891 0.7 112 19,869 0.4 90 66,532 1.2 444 882,930 2,829 22,594 49,149 6.1 48 (¹) 0.4 0.9 2,329 88 wets, total..... Pesos... 53,265 12,226 28,810 282,830 9,302 33,510 101 47,184 Fer cent distribution.. 1.6 0.4 Per cent distribution. ment... Equipment Average per establishment.. Pesos. Average per establish- Per cent of total. boats, nets, corals, etc.) Pesos.... Per cent distribution.. 168 57 0.9 192 8.6 0.8 1.0 1.4 41 9,302 131 97 Land and building...... Pesos... 882 50 0.4 (¹) 4,664 4.6 17,593 600 643 2,502 17.4 0.6 0.6 2.5 Pesos.... 1 (3) 81 8 600 8 5 0.7 0.4 16.2 6.2 6.5 1.9 5.8 (fishing 48,752 11.684 18,964 225,874 27,373 3,069 87,619 1.8 0.4 0.7 8.3 0.1 1.1 1.4 Average per establish- ment. Pesos. 154 54 126 82 8,069 115 78 Per cent of total.. 91.5 95.6 65.8 79.7 83.0 87,7 79.8 Cash.... Pesos.. 8,786 492 4,781 89,863 5,633 8,477 7,003 Per cent distribution.. 0.9 0.1 1.2 9.7 1.4 0.8 1.7 Average per establish- ment.. Pesos.... 12 Per cent of total.. 7.1 21 32 6 5,688 14 14 4.0 16.6 14.1 60.6 10.4 14.9 vable.... Per cent distribution. Notes and accounts recei- Average per establish- ment... Per cent of total.. Pesos.... 345 401 17 0.6 0.6 (¹) .. Pesos.... 1 8 (2) 0.6 1.4 0.1 416 TABLE 7-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Mindoro Misamis Occidental Misamis Oriental Negros Occidental Negros Oriental Palawan Pampanga Number of establishments. 1,995 221 807 289 761 175 Per cent distribution 74 4.2 0.5 0.6 0.6 1.6 0.4 0.2 Number of employees in 1938, total.. Persons.. 6,104 1,000 1,387 1,396 2,369 631 169 Per cent distribution... 4.5 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.7 0.5 Average per establishment.. Persons.. Proprietors and others not 0.1 8.1 4.5 4.5 4.8 8.1 3.6 2.3 paid salaries or wages.. Persons.. Per cent distribution... 8,887 656 651 505 1,650 887 109 8.6 0.7 0.7 0.5 1.8 0.4 Per cent of total employees 0.1 54.7 65.6 46.9 86.2 69.6 61.8 Average per establish- 64.5 ment.. Fersons.. 1.7 8.0 2.1 1.7 2.2 2.2 1.8 kers, etc..... Superintendents, kers, etc.... Superintendents, careta- Per cent of total employees.... Other employees.... Persons. Per cent of total employees... Salaries paid in 1938, total Pesos. Per cent distribution... Per cent of total receipts. Average per establishment.. Pesos.. Per cent distribution.. Average per person.... Pesos. Persons.. 127 62 41 2.1 6.2 8.0 2,640 ဝင် 58 94 68 8.8 4.0 10.0 88 8.0 282 695 888 625 181 55 43.8 28.2 P 50.1 60.0 26.4 28.7 82.5 4,363 6,244 19,133 19,113 9,532 7,417 2,044 1.0 1.5 2.4 0.7 14.5 22.1 2 # 4.5 2.2 1.7 0.5 12.4 24.6 25.1 26.9 28 83 66 18 careta- 42 28 Pesos.... 1,621 1,680 1,494 8,506 514 2,954 812 2.6 2.6 2.4 5.7 0.8 4.8 0.5 18 26 86 66 5 47 62 Other employees.. Per cent distribution.. Pesos.... 2,742 4,614' 8,689 15,607 9,018 4,468 1,732 0.8 1.8 2.4 4.8 2.5 1.2 0.5 ment... Per cent distribution.. Per cent distribution.. Average per person.... Pesos. Cost of fuel, total. Per cent distribution. Establishments reporting. Number. Average per establish- Value of fishes caught, total.. Pesos... Average per establish- ment... Assets, total.. Average per establishment.. Pesos. 1 16 12 19 14 25 81 Pesos.... 80 1,898 152 8,950 20 53 (1) 8.9 0.8 18.6 (¹) 0.1 2 7 9 6 2 14 Pesos.... (*) 9 (2) 81 (2) 1 666,442 12.8 48,190 0.8 45,814 154,083 88,728 29,571 7,607 0.8 2.8 0.7 0.5 0.1 Pesos 884 195 149 588 51 169 103 Pesos.... 119,637 32,103 47,785 111,324 46,757 18,668 7,397 8.6 1.0 1.5 3.4 1.4 0.6 0.2 60 145 156 385 61 107 100 Land and building.... Pesos... 865 1,044 70 584 1,320 18 Per cent distribution.. 0.9 1.0 0.1 0.6 1.8 (¹) Average per establish- ment.. Pesos.... (*) 5 (*) Per cent of total.. 0.7 8.8 0.1 1.2 8 (3) 1.2 7.1 0.2 Equipment (fishing boats, nets, corals, etc.) Pesos.... 107,816 28,967 Per cent distribution.. 4.0 0.9 88,862 1.4 97,479 88,224 14,948 7,048 8.6 1.4 0.6 0.8 Average per establish- ment.. Pesos.... Per cent of total. 54 90.1 108 74.7 125 80.8 887 50 85 95 87.6 81.8 80.1 95.8 Cash..... Pesos 6,255 6,496 9,147 12,006 5,945 Per cent distribution. 1.5 1,872 331 1.6 2.2 2.9 1.5 Average per establish- 0.5 0.1 ment... Fesos... 8 29 30 42 8 11 Per cent of total.. 5.2 20.2 19.1 10.8 12.7 10.0 4.5 Notes and accounts recei- vable... Pesos.... 4,701 596 276 1,769 2,004 528 Per cent distribution. Average per establish- 7.8 1.0 0.4 2.8 8.2 0.8 ment. Pesos.... 2 8 1 6 8 8 Per cent of total. (1) Less than 0.1 per cent 8.9 1.9 0.6 1.6 4.8 2.8 (a) Less than 1 peso 417 TABLE 7-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISH HMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Bohol Bulacan Cagayan Camarines Camarines Capiz Cavite Norte Sur Number of establishments... 2,055 1,089 150 64 943 1,655 1,167 Per cent distribution..... 4.8 2.2 0.3 0.1 2.0 8.4 2.6 Number of employees in 1938, total.. Persons.. 5.694 1,429 943 127 2,362 4,773 2,268 Per cent distribution. 4.2 1.1 0.7 0.1 1.7 8.5 1.7 Average per establishments. Persons.. Proprietors and others not 2.8 1.4 6.8 2.0 2.5 2.9 1.9 paid salaries or wages Persons.. 4.874 1,182 188 112 1,301 2,790 1,264 Per cent distribution.. 4.7 1.8 0.2 0.1 1.4 8.0 1.8 Per cent of total employees. 76.8 82.7 19.9 88.2 55.1 58.5 55.7 Average per establish- ment. Pearons.. 2.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 1.4 1.7 1.1 Superintendents, careta- kers, etc..... Persons.. 168 19 47 Per cent of total employees.. 2.9 1.3 5.0 Other employees. Persons 1,157 228 708 768 264 169 166 5.5 11.2 8.5 7.8 8 797 1,814 888 Per cent of total employees.... 20.8 16.0 75.1 6.3 83.7 88.0 36.9 Salaries paid in 1938, total. Pesos 6,425 1,511 12,143 130 8,372 9,525 10,788 Per cent distribution. 1.5 0.4 2.9 (¹) 2.0 2.2 2.5 Superintendents, hers, etc.... Per cent of total receipts. Ameage per establishment.. Pesos.. Per cent distribution..... Average per person.... Pesos... 8.6 0.4 87.5 3.0 6.8 8.8 8.7 8 1 81 2 9 6 careta Pesos.... 748 702 2,255 1,250 1,899 2,609 1.2 1.1 3.6 2.0 2.8 4.8 5 87 48 5 8 16 Other employees. Per cent distribution.. Pesos.. 5,682 809 9,888 130 7,122 8,126 8,119 1.6 0.2 2.7 (¹) 2.0 2.2 2.2 Average per person.... Pesos.. 5 14 16 9 4 10 Cost of fuel, total.. Pesos.. 1,745 14 12 100 95 Per cent distribution. 8.6 (¹) (¹) 0.2 Establishments report- ing... Number. 41 5 11 1 888 0.2 Average per establish- ment.. Pesos.... 1 (2) (2) () e) Value of fishes caught, total.. Pesos.. 176,428 889,941 82,414 4,302 133,295 114,279 292,054 Per cent distribution... 8.8 7.2 0.6 0.1 2.5 2.1 5.4 Average per establish- ment.. Pesos... 86 875 216 67 Assets, total. Pesos.... 130,409 55,292 40,811 4,696 141 91,562 69 74,435 250 131,635 Per cent distribution. 4.0 1.7 1.2 0.1 2.8 2.8 4.0 Average per establishment.. Pesos. Land and building....... Pesos.... Per cent distribution. 68 53 272 78 97 46 118 1,945 1,763 899 125 8,270 1.9 1.7 0.4 0.1 8.2 1,471 1.5 5,000 4.9 Average per establish- ment... Pesos.... 1 2 8 2 Per cent of total.. 1.5 8.2 1.0 2.7 9.0 9.0 1 2.0 4 8.8 Equipment (fishing boats, nets, corals, etc.). Pesos... 103,732 52,719 32,812 2,979 51,458 64,057 128,274 Per cent distribution. 8.8 1.9 1.2 0.1 1.9 2.4 4.5 Average per establish- ment. Pesos.... Per cent of total... ន 50 51 215 47 55 39 106 79.5 95.8 79.2 63.4 56.2 86.1 98.6 Cash.... Pesos. 19,571 699 5,489 1,840 24,528 8,271 2,607 Per cent distribution.. 4.8 0.2 1.8 0.8 6.0 2.0 0.6 Average per establish- ment... Pesos.... 10 1 87 21 26 5 2 Per cent of total. 15.0 1.8 18.4 28.5 26.8 11.1 2.0 vable... Notes and accounts recei- Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment.. Per cent of total. Pesos.. 5,161 121 2,611 252 7,300 tr 686 754 8.2 0.2 4.2 0.4 11.7 1.0 1.2 Pesos. 8 (2) 17 4.0 0.2 6.4 1.4 8 5.4 8.0 0.9 11.6 0.6 418 TABLE 7.-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Cebu Cotabato Davao Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur Iloilo Isabela Number of establishments... 2,514 856 66 1,480 2,906 408 45 Per cent distribution.. 5.2 0.7 0.1 8.1 6.1 0.9 0.1 Number of employees in 1938, total... Persons.. 7,794 974 261 3,148 8,426 2,297 308 Per cent distribution... 5.8 0.7 0.2 2.8 6.2 1.7 0.2 Average per establishment.. Persons.. Proprietors and others not 8.1. 2.7 4.0 2.1 2.9 5.6 6.8 paid salaries or wages.. Persons.. Per cent distribution 5,242 852 196 2,137 4,633 778 166 5.6 0.9 0.2 2.8 4.9 0.8 0.2 Per cent of total employees. 67.8 87.5 75.1 67.9 55.0 88.7 58.9 Average per establish- ment. Persons.. 2.1 2.4 8.0 1.4 1.6 1.9 87 8.7 Superintendents, careta- Hers, etc... Persons.. 484 49 12 103 817 104 14 Per cent of total employees. 6.2 5.0 4.6 8.8 8.8 4.5 4.5 Other employees.. Persons.. 2,068 78 58 908 8,476 1,420 128 Per cent of total employees..... 26.5 7.5 20.8 28.8 41.8 61.8 41.6 Salaries paid in 1938, total Pesos.... 17,414 985 4,413 3,108 15,383 22,851 216 Per cent distribution... 4.1 0.2 1.0 0.7 8.6 5:4 0.1 Per cent of total receipts... Average per establishment. Pesos... 10.9 0.8 19.9 7.1 11.2 25.0 7.9 7 67 2 56 Superintendents, careta- kers, etc.... Pesos.... 2,522 76 519 1,648 4,012 Per cent distribution.. 4.1 0.1 0.8 2.7 6.5 Average per person. Pesos. 5 6 5 5 89 Other employees.. Pesos. 14,892 985 4,387 2,589 18,785 18,889 216 Per cent distribution.... 4.1 0.8 1.2 0.7 8.8 5.2 0.1 Average per person.... Pesos... 7 18 82 4 18 Cost of fuel, total. Pesos 391 160 647 2 16 207 Per cent distribution. 0.8 0.8 1.1 (¹) (¹) 0.4 Establishments report- ing. Number. 19 4 27 1 7 31 Average per establish- Te ment.. Pesos.... (2) (3) 8 () (2) 1 Value of fishes caught, total.. Pesos.... 159,286 118,436 Per cent distribution.. 2.9 2.2 22,175 0.4 43,668 0.8 186,946 91,889 2,740 2.5 1.7 0.1 Average per establish- ment. Pesor 63 888 886 80 47 Assets, total...... Pesos.... 147,482 39,512 21,860 61,046 105,817 224 98,146 61 5,946 Per cent distribution. 4.5 1.2 0.7 1.9 8.2 8.0 0.2 Average per establishment.. Pesos... 69 111 881 41 86 241 119 Land and building...... Pesos... 3,459 120 1,624 18 Per cent distribution.. 1,488 2,481 8.4 0.1 1.6 (¹) 1.4 2.4 Average per establish- ment. Pesos... 1 (2) 25 Per cent of total. 2.3 0.8 7.4 8 6 Equipment (fishing boats, (¹) 1.4 2.5 nets, corals, etc.). Pesos 128,967 88,748 15,566 45,830 85,964 Per cent distribution. 80,777 4,846 4.6 1.4 0.6 1.7 8.2 3.0 0.2 Average per establish- ment.. Pesos... 49 109 286 81 80 198 97 Per cent of total.. 84.1 98.1 71.2 75.1 81.2 82.8 81.3 Cash.... Pesos.. 18,558 624 4,205 15,032 16,484 980 18,972 Per cent distribution. 4.5 0.2 1.0 8.7 4.0 8.4 0.2 Average per establish- ment.. Pesos.... 7 2 Per cent of total.. 12.6 i.. 64 10 6 84 333 1.6 19.2 24.6 15.6 14.2 ກະ 18.8 Notes and accounts recei- vable.. Pesos.... 1,498 Per cent distribution.. 2.4 (¹) 220 465 171 1,981 916 90 0.7 0.8 3.1 1.5 (1) Average per establish- ment... Pesos... 1 (2) 7 (3). 1 2 () Per cent of total.. 1.0 0.1 2.1 0.8 1.8 0.9 04 0.4 (1) Less than. 0.1 per cent (a) Less than I peso 419 TABLE 7-INSHORE FISHING NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Pangasinan Rizal Romblon Samar Sorsogon Sulu Surigao Number of establishments. 212 1,402 818 1,749 1,650 6,293 2,836 Per cent distribution.. 0.4 2.9 0.7 8.6 8.4 13.1 5.9 Number of employees in 19%, total... Persons.. 1.003 4,505 1,272 6,215 4,305 14,587 6,520 For cant distribution. 0.7 8.8 0.9 4.6 8.2 10.8 4.8 Average per establishment.. Parsons.. Proprietors and others not 4.7 8.2 4.0 8.6 2.6 2.8 2.3 paid salaries or wages.. Purtions. 469 8,469 629 4,475 8,446 18,827 5,435 Per cent distribution. 0.5 8.7 0.7 .4.8 8.7 14.7 5.8 Per cent of total employees. 46.8 77.0 49.4 72.0 80.0 94.8 83.4 Average per establish- ment. Persons. 2.2 2.5 2.0 2.6 2.1 2.2 1.9 Superintendentu, careta ers, etc.. Perpha.. 10 56 81 222 176 488 501 For cont of total employees. 1.0 1.2 6.4 8.6 4.1 8.0 7.7 Other employees. Persone 524 980 562 1,518 688 822 584 Per cent of total employees.... 52.2 21.8 44.2 24.4 15.9 2.2 @ 9.0 Jalaries paid in 1938, total. Fesos.... 9,063 33,998 6,184 31,509 9,985 5.561 3,769 Per et distribution.. 2.1 8.0 1.5 7.4 2.3 Superintendents, kers, etc.... Per cent of total receipts. Average per establishment.. Pesos... Per cent distribution.. 16.6 11.1 88.2 16.2 8.8 1.8 1.6 0.9 2.0 48 24 19 18 6 1 1 careta- Pesos.... 152 5,072 889 4,070 0.2 8.2 0.6 6.6 Average per person. Pesos. 16 91 5 18 Other employees. Pesos... 8,911 28,926 5,795 27,489 9,466 ment... Per cent distribution..... Average per person.... Pesos.. Cost of fuel, total. Per cent distribution.. Establishments reporting. Number. Average per establish- Value of fishes caught, total.. Pesos... 2.5 8.0 17 80 1.6 10 7.5 18 Pesos.... B 2,676 (1) 5.6 13,216 27.5 1 189 88 བྲཱཐབྷཱུསརཱ བྷཱཝཾཡ 1,183 1,026 0.8 1.9 1.7 8 2 4,878 2,741 2.6 1.2 0.8 14 5 6 1,479 0.8 (¹) 8.1 1 166 Pesos.... (*) 2 (') (¹) 1 54,665 Per cent distribution. 1.0 807,368 5.7 16,205 0.8 195,038 8.6 120,498 2.2 848,583 190,119 6.8 8.5 Average per establish- ment.. Pesos.... 258 219 50 112 78 65 67 Assets, total Pesos.... 46.727 268,721 22,301 181,351 87,465 162,507 123,518 Per cent distribution.. 1.4 8.2 0.7 5.5 2.7 4.9 8.8 Average per establishment.. Pesos.. Land and building....... Pesos... Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment. Per cent of total.. 220 192 70 104 53 26 44 10 5,471 817 (¹) 5.4 0.8 9,143 9.0 8,827 180 1,797 8.2 0.2 1.8 Pesos.... 8 CC 4 8 5 5 (*) 1 2.0 8.7 5.0 9.5 9.1 1.5 Equipment (fishing boats, neta, corals, etc.).. Pesos.... 42,789 242,954 18,947 187,028 64,342 147,348 89,898 Per cent distribution. 1.6 8.9 0.7 5.0 2.4 5.4 8.8 Average per establish- ment.. Pesos.... 202 178 Per cent of total. 91.5 90.4 60 85.0 79 75.6 89 28 82 Cash. Pesos... 8,179 18,981 2,322 Per cent distribution. 0.8 8.4 0.6 31,684 7.7 73.6 18,264 8.2 90.7 72.8 12,372 8.0 29,997 7.8 Average per establish- ment. Pesos.... 15 10 7 18 8 2 11 Per cent of total..... 6.8 5.2 10.4 17.4 15.2 7.6 24.8 yable.. Notes and accounts recei- Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment. Per cent of total... Pesos.. 799 815 215 8,551 1,582 2,607 1,826 1.8 10.1 0.8 5.7 2.4 4.2 2.9 Pesos.... 1.7 5 1 2 1 (3) 1.7 2.4 1.0 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.5 420 Tayabas TABLE 7-INSHORE FISHING NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Zambales Zamboanga Cebu City Zamboanga Davao City Iloilo City City Bacolod City Number of establishments. 262 418 946 10 184 16 59 Per cent distribution... 0.5 0.9 2.0 (¹) 0.8 (1) 12 0.1 (1) Number of employees in 1938, total...... Persons. 868 1,317 2,522 25 343 105 192 57 Per cent distribution.... Average per establish- 0.6 1.0 1.9 (¹) 0.8 0.1 (¹) ment.. Persons.. 8.8 8.2 2.7 2.5 2.2 0.1 6.6 8.8 4.8 Proprietors and anters not paid sa- total... ment Superintendents, laries or wages... Persons.. Per cent distribution... Per cent of total employees. Average per esta- blishment..... Persons.. Superintendents, caretakers, etc.... Persons.. Per cent of total employees Other employees... Persons.. Per cent of total employees Balaries paid in 1938 Per cent distribution... Per cent of total receipts.. Average per establish- caretakers, etc.... pesos.... Per cent distribution.. 541 711 2,182 19 267 56 101 10 0.6 0.8 2.8 (¹) 0.8 0.1 0.1 (¹) 62.8 54.0 86.5 76.0 77.8 58.8 52.6 17.5 2.1 1.7 2.8 1.9 1.7 8.8 1.7 0.8 67 14 87 4 B 8 7.7 1.1 1.5 1.2 8.1 5.3 260 592 808 6 72 49 85 44 30.0 45.0 12.0 24.0 21.0 46.7 44.8 77.2 Pesos.... 6.690 778 8,557 162 2,355 6,877 2,592 800 882 1.6 0.2 2.0 (¹) 0.6 1.6 0.6 0.2 21.0 8.8 8.6 12.8 6.2 40.5 80.0 82.4 Pesos.... 26 2 16 15 480 94 1,552 57 1,994 60 80 18 2.5 0.1 8.2 0.1 0.1 Average per per- son.. Pesos.... 28 4 54 15 27 Other employees... Pesos.... 5,188 721 6,563 162 2,295 6,877 2,592 802 Per cent distribution.... 1.4 0.2 1.8 (¹) 0.6 1.9 0.7 0.2 Average per per- son....... Pesos.... 20 1 22 27 82 140 80 18 Cost of fuel, total... Pesos.... 229 8,180 1,464 1,428 1,525 Per cent distribution.. 0.8 6.6 8.0 8.0 8.2 Establishments re- porting.... Number. 6 B 17 28 a Average per esta- 8. blishment. Pesos.... 1 8 2 9 95 Value of fishes caught, total... Pesos.... 81,882 28,829 99,889 1,261 87,748 16,976 629 2,721 Per cent distribution.... 0.6 0.4 1.8 (1) 0.7 0.8 0.2 0.1 Average per esta- blishment... Pesos.... 121 56 106 126 245 1,061 146 237 Aasets, total... Pesos... 41,950 25,154 66.322 992 15,146 26,594 6,562 4,470 Per cent distribution. 1.8 0.8 2.0 (¹) 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.1 Average per establish- unent. Pesos.. 160 61 70 99 98 1,662 111 889 band and building Pesos.... 1,886 80 1,500 8,550 4,079 178 Per cent distribution. 1.4 (¹) 1.5 8.5 4.0 0.2 Average per es- tablishment.... Peso... 5 Per cent of total.. 8.8 (*) 0. 2 2.8 28 255 15 28.4 15.8 8.8 Equipment (fishing bosts, nets, corals, etc.).. Pesos... 82,216 Per cent distribution.. 1.2 22,505 0.8 44,797 761 10,580 22,060 6,858 4,429 1.6 (¹) 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.2 Average per es- tablishment.... Pesos.... 128 54 47 76 69 1,879 108 869 Per cent of total.. 76.8 89.5 67.5 76.7 69.9 88.0 96.9 94.7 Cash.... Pesos.. 6,545 2,446 18,055 281 999 455 204 70 Per cent distribution...... 1.6 0.6 4.4 0.1 0.2 0.1 (¹) Average per tablishment.... Pesos.... 25 6 19 28 6 28 8 Per cent of total. 15.6 9.7 27.2 23.8 6.6 1.7 8.1 1.5 Notes and accounts receivable.. Pesos.... 1,808 178 1,970 17 Per cent distribation, 2.9 0.8 8.1 (1) Average per es- tablishment.... Pesos.... 7 (³) 2 Per cent of total... 4.8 0.7 8.0 (0) 0.1 (1) Less than 0.1 per cent (2) Less than 1 peso i 421 TABLE 8.-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER AND VALUE OF USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Item Philippines Agusan Equipment Albay Antique Bataan Batancs Batangas Value of equipment total.... Pesos..... 2,715,89% 14,002 41,230 23,671 77,505 1,426 142,704 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 0.5 (15 0.9 2.9 0.1 5.3 Value of fishing boats, total..... Pesos.... 680,235 1,458 12,309 2,634 2,420 981 30,474 Per cent distribution. 100.0 0.2 1.8 0.4 0.4 0.1 4.5 Fishing boats with en- gines... Number.. 82 Establishments re- porting.... Number.. 22 Value... Pesos... 50,455 Fishing boats without engines. Number.. 3,976 4 12 Establishments re- porting.... Number. 2,717 4 11 Value... Pesos... 192,898 406 Small fishing boats and bancas.. Number.. 87,802 9999 1,525 71 2 22 18 8 189 14 8 178 2,420 130 19,649 59 1,641 191 37 734 Establishments re- porting... Value... Number.. 82,510 Pesos.... 486,882 87 1,126 178 84 616 1,052 10,784 2,563 851 10,825 Value of fishing nets, total Pesos..... 1,817,790 10,542 23,076 20,322 69,846 438 111,514 Per cent distribution.... 100.0 0.6 1.3 1.1 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot). Number.. 1,848 17 Establishments re- porting.... Number.. 1,475 17 Value.. Pesos..... 245,973 8,298 2,784 22 2265 25 16 128 3.8 (¹) 6.1 15 253 28 16 15 226 714 2,50-1 41,481 Muroami nets (trap net, Establishments re- potting... Value... kulukutok, etc.)...... Number.. Sapiao nets (seine)..... Number.. 870 1 2 6 18 91 Number. 306 1 2 6 15 87 Pesos... 87,951 150 247 267 1,800 7,941 136 4 6 1 Establishments re- borting.... Number.. 114 4 6 Value... Pesos..... 37,863 396 700 1,000 Bating nets (gill net, tan- say, panti).. Number.. 928 2 8 9 13 202 Establishments re- porting. Number.. 846 Value... Pesos..... 62,334 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.).. Number.. 82,424 Establishments re- porfing. Value... Lines (hapin) Number.. Pesos..... 462,526 Number.. 27,769 22,229 1,266 Establishments re- porting. Number.. 11,115 Value... Pesos.... 41,623 Baclad. Number 10,211 Establishments re- porning. Number Varue.. Pesos.... Tangar.. Number.. 7,971 +60,112 4,602 3,886 88 8*. HON & ON 2 3 9 2 162 865 880 390 8,955 753 280 3,517 160 538 22 580 223 967 91 476 11,036 6,184 19,499 308 4,533 16 1,417 88 126 63 947 789 56 60 40 388 1,442 196 339 113 2,277 106 56 525 163 51 47 248 150 3,511 11,361 27,549 44,668 3 Establishments re- porting. Number.. 624 Value.. Pesos.... 10,585 Bobos... Number.. 10,001 162 3 9 280 775 142 Establishments re- porting.... Value.. Number.. Pesos.... 2,821 22,608 22 2 165 9 2 1,018 158 192 weirs.. Other corrals, traps and Number.. 7,453 9 152 17 1,709 5 Establishments re- Value.. porting.. Number.. 4,782 9 130 Pesos... 136,715 1,092 1,693 17 1,220 805 17,607 3 17 463 All other equipment...... Pesos... 217,871 2,002 5,845 715 5,239 7 716 2 82 83 8 88 1 4 26 422 TABLE 8.-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Bohol Bulacan Cagayan Camarines Norte Camarines Sur Capiz Cavite Value of equipment total.. Pesos.... 103,732 -Per cent distribution.. 03.733! 52,719 32,312 8. 1.9 1.2 2.979 0.1 51,458 64,057 123,274 1.9 2.4 4.5 Value of fishing boats, total Pesos.... Per cent distribution. Fishing boats with engines Number. 25,450 20,251 3,068 547 11,527 14,522 39,695 3.0 0.5 0.1 1.7 2.1 5.8 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 3.1 Value.. Pesos.... Fishing boats without en- gines.. Number. 95 21 20 60 10 174 Establishments report- ing... Number. 85 21 18 22 9 155 Value.. Pesos.... 6,284 1,019 2,446 1,401 1,775 29,276 Small fishing boats and bancas.. Number. 1,613 1,173 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 1,396 930 Value.. Pesos.... 19,166 19,232 622 228228 81 54 1,021 1,065 565 9 26 44 547 856 10,126 952 520 12,747 10,419 Value of fishing nets, total Pesos... 65,746 32,270 29,206 1,822 38,098 42,897 62,670 Per cent distribution. 3.6 1.8 1.6 0.1 21 2.4 8.4 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot). Number. 54 1 6 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 54 Value.. Pesos.... 6,820 -8 1 8 50 816 980 Muroami nets (trap net, Establishments report- ing.... Value... kulukutok, etc.)....... Number. Sapiao nets (seine)... Number. 8 8 1 2 2 Number. 8 8 Pesos.... 214 800 100 1 Establishments report- ing... Number. 1 Value.. Pesos 225 1 2,500 8--- 1 2 260 2 210 1 150 Bating nets (gill net, tax say, panti)... Number. 82 2 8 Establishments report- ing:. Number. 82 Value Pesos.... 908 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.). Number. 581 949 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 642 709 Value.. Pesos.... 7,159 9,728 26,141 28884 8 672 མིཙྪཱ ༤ སཏྠུཡ ནྟཱ ཎྞཾ ཙཊྛཱི ཋ ཝཧྨ ཝ སངྒྷཡ བྷཱུ 27 65 27 54 4,560 9,760 8 9 9 1,062 8 7 2,440 7 7 2,193 1,182 Lines (hapin).... Number. 128 118 Establishments report- ing... Number 115 44 Value.. Pesos... 411 818 Baclad.. Number. 401 500 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 892 285 4 Value.. Pesos.... 86,267 18,976 70 1,004 1 1 282 2g 656 1,844 872 584 1,141 688 175 5,071 15,618 6.135 70 178 855 24 40 151 258 60 54 1,101 1,817 265 241 280 27 194 27,882 185 18,013 277 89,714 Tangar. Number. 13 2,846 8 17. Establishments report- ing.. Number. 7 Value.. Pesos.... 715 1,423 Bobos.. Number. 160 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 88. Value.. Pesos.... 626 Other, corrals, traps, and weirs. Number. 750 Establishments report- ing... Number. Value.. Pesos.... 449 18,901 1,000 All other equipment....... Pesos.. 12.536 22" " & 88 = 20 2 17 15 140 3 55 815 88 24 8 42 228 26 104 15 996 52 14 1 631 287 14 57 14 226 225 2,618 5,770 577 198 Less than 2.1 per 38 610 1,833 6,638 20,909 -2 2 2 8 423 TABLE 8.-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Cebu Cotabato Davao Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur Iloilo Isabela Value of equipment. total.... Pesos.... 123,967 38,748 15,566 45,830 85,964 80,777 4,346 Per cent distribution... 4.6 1.4 0.6 1.7 8.2 8.0 0.2 Value of fishing boats, total Pesos.... 28,387 6,297 6,648 5,179 10,489 18,248 800 Per cent distribution... 4.2 0.9 1.0 0.8 1.5 2.7 0.1 Fishing boats with engines Number. 8 Establishments report-. ing.... Number. Value.. Pesos.... 8,600 Fishing boats without en- gines... Number. 48 12 7 24 56 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 88 11 6 21 48 Value.. Pesos.... 4,028 655 1,715 2,540 5,745 9.629 8a & §.. 600 Small fishing boats and bancas.. Number. 2,437 401 73 857 858 242 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 1,994 851 52 354 790 209 Value.. Pesos.... 24,859 5,642 1,838 2,684 4,744 8,019 783 2 258 280 Value of fishing nets, total Pesos... 82,992 31,506 8,379 40,571 75,116 50,598 3,229 Per cent distribution.. 4.6 1.7 0.5 2.2 4.1 2.8 0.2 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot).... Number. 119 17 8 4 11 N Establishments report- ing.. Number. 118 14 8 4 11 2 Value.. Pesos.... 14,447 1,590 1,810 966 1,500 215 Mumi nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.)...... Number. 7 2 5 7 8 4 Establishments report- ing... Number. 7 2 3 Value.. Pesos.... 785 130 1,769 1,002 Sapiao nets (seine).... Number. 3 822 8 4 565 1,700 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 8 2 1 Value... Pesos.... 210 451 100 Bating nets (gill net, tan- Bay, panti). Number. 8 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 8 Value.. Pesos.... 989 Other nets (salap daklis, etc.). Number. 1,708 Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value... Pesos.... 1,422 20,732 Lines (hapin).. Number. 696 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 221 Value... Pesos.... 920 Baclad Number. 494 Establishments report- ing... Number. 284 Value.. Pesos.... 20,814 27,262 Tangar. Number. 7 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 5 Value. Pesos.... 86 Bobos.. Number. 698 Establishments report- ing... Number. 140 Value.. Pesos.... 1,924 Other corrals, traps and wers Number. 528 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 468 Value.. Pesos.... 22,635 All other equipment....... Pesos.... 12,588 2 28 8 8 10 8 2 2 2 2 2 1 18 9 7 1 18 8 7 100 940 200 446 150 31 1,763 8,982 266 13/te 1,817 2,972 265 29,795 69,895 8,409 2,712 5 452 462 5 114 261 248 5 1,241 1,829 1,000 S. .58 % 5. 46 1 58 78 44 1 81 70 4,658 110 671 18,435 76 57 2 8 76 54 2 1,258 276 490 73 842 140 2 187 187 168 66 2 2,241 445 90 28 539 6 48 888 5 276 870 95 170 801 84 2,567 2,235 18,428 100 80 359 11,931 317 424 TABLE 8.-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item La Union Laguna Lanao Leyte provinces Marinduque Masbate Value of equipment total.. Pesos.... 48,752 11,684 18,964 225,374 3,069 29,373 37.619 Per cent distribution.. 1.8 0.4 0.7 8.8 0.1 1.1 1.4 Value of fishing boats, total Pesos.... 14,676 3,639 3,056 59,522 5,482 12,892 Per cent distribution.... 2.2 0.5 0.4 8.8 0.8 1.9 Fishing boats with engines Number. 1 Establishments report- ing... Number. 1 Value... Pesos.... 1,000 Fishing boats without en- gines... Number. 80 4 18 170 28 19 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 74 8 18 147 28 42 Value. Pesos.... 8,749 290 750 18,804 1,461 7,455 Small fishing boats and bancas. Number. 189 239 200 6,157 185 892 Establishments report- ing... Number 126 198 134 5,880 160 844 Value.. Pesos.... 5,927 8,349 2,306 46,218 4,021 4,437 Value of fishing nets, total Pesos.... 30,701 7,948 14,846 136,080 1,217 23,809 22,725 Per cent distribution.. 1.7 0.4 0.8 7.5 0.1 1.8 1.8 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot).. Number. 86 40 195 82 23 28 Establishments report- ing... Number. 82 88 191 80 22 Value.. Pesos.... 5,665 4,800 28,514 9,227 6,784 Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.)....... Number. 2 1 9 16 1 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 2 1 9 16 1 Value.... Pesos.... 110 90 1,081 1,698 50 Sapiao nets (seine). Number. 9 2 22 8 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 9 1 20 8 Value.... Pesos.... 1,370 100 3,148 1,890 Bating nets (gill net, ta say, panti).. Number. 20 2 19 27 82 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 20 1 19 26 Value.. Pesos.... 1,800 60 1,986 2,298 26 2,852 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.).. Number. 257 176 89 2,764 1 77 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 181 90 85 2,451 1 77 Value.. Pesos.... 20,699 1,506 759 27,842 5 Lines (hapin)..... Number. 20 860 26 4,788 2,800 209 Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value... Pesos.... 772 Baclad. Number. Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value.. Pesos.... Tangar.. Number. Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value.. Pesos.... Bobos... Number. Establishments report- ing.. Number. Value.. Pesos.... Other corrals, traps and weirs Number. སྟསྣུམ སཉྩས སངཿ ཱཿ⌘ e 12 119 17 1,976 71 1,800 80 4,061 218 2 57 55 436 74 2 50 55 429 1 65 4,714 5,944 54,012 1,212 74 8,952 8,182 ཝཱ ཝུབྷུཊྛོ ཙིཙྪæ ཙབྦཱ 21 14 144 25 1,007 Establishments report- ing Number. 8 Value... Pesos.... 124 250 All other equipment....... Pesos 3,375 ន ម ន ៩២ 19 18 28886 881 1,881 508 27 36 488 12,482 15 14 260 742 97 1,062 29,772 1,852 82 2,002 14 99 425 TABLE 8.-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Mindoro Misamis Occidental Misamis Oriental Negros Occidental Negros Oriental Palawan Pampanga Value of equipment total.... Pesos.... 107,816 23,967 38,362 97,479 38,224 14,948 7,048 Per cent distribution........ 4.0 0.9 1.4 8.6 1.4 0.6 0.8 Value of fishing boats, total Pesos.... 21,833 4,573 5,811 34,631 7,893 4,966 2,199 Per cent distribution.... 8.2 0.7 0.9 Fishing boats with engines Number. شاف 5.1 1.2 0.7 0.8 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 4 Value... Pesos.... 22,680 Fishing boats without en- gines... Number. 40 20 20 27 74 17 Establishments report- ing.... Number 38 14 23 68 14 Value.. Pesos.... 8,826 1,110 1,904 7,966 1,867 1,855 22985 24 24 Small fishing boats and bancas. Number. 1,516 270 818 215 602 107 117 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 1,387 187 250 174 491 87 71 Value... Pesos.... 18,507 3,463 8,907 8,985 6,526 8,111 2,199 Value of fishing nets, total Pesos.... 83,873 18,725 28,419 46,866 27,291 9,450 4,508 Per cent distribution.. 4.6 1.0 1.6 2.6 1.5 0.5 0.3 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot).. Number. 81 43 52 44 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 72 39 49 44 Value... Pesos.... 16,551 3,866 7,179 5,110 2,842 མ མཤྩ 25 17 11 15 5 1,571 744 Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.)....... Number: 6 3 23 8 2 Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value... Pesos.... Sapiao nets (seine). Number. Establishments report- ing.... Number. Value.. Pesos.... 130 102 2008 2 22 233 4,629 1 1 100 802 2886 8 1 765 910 200 7 6 536 Bating nets (gill net, tax- say, panti). Number. 120 9 13 13 5 23 8 1 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 115 9 11 4 23 7 1 Value.... Pesos.... 11,780 520 1,510 235 1,102 311 85 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.). Number. 1,409 114 111 190 817 46 113 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 897 80 105 148 315 41 58 Value.. Pesos.... 24,295 736 8,957 6,387 5,481 777 8,193 Lines (hapin)... Number. 2,313 11 124 12 199 142 19 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 952 6 87 12 88 50 10 Value.. Pesos.... 7,083 236 678 263 344 122 425 Baclad.. Number. 861 125 65 110 143 102 20 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 811 124 43 105 143 91 6 Value... Pesos.... 22,276 11,150 8,728 80,897 11,706 6,426 111 Tangar. Number. 1 1 8 1 Establishments report- ing..... Number 1 1 8 1 Value... Pesos.... 400 10 2,870 112 Bobos... Number. 88 4 61 2 202 19 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 35 3 19 Value... Pesos.... 826 5 155 110 65 40 586 169 Othen corrals, traps and weirs.... Number. 818 84 18 4 154 1 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 173 34 14 Value... Pesos... 1,012 1,479 1,573 2888 72 1 89 8,672 24 All other equipment... Pesos... 2,110 669 4,132 15,982 3,010 532 341 426 TABLE 8.-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Pangasinan Rizal Romblon Samar Sorsogon. Sulu Surigao Value of equipment total... Pesos.... 42,739 242,954 18,947 137,023 64,342 147,348 89,898 Per cent distribution..... 1.6 8.9 0.7 5.0 2.4 5.4 8.8 Value of fishing boats, total Pesos... 10,163 65,859 3,222 21,531 13,663 82,683 22,302 Per cent distribution.. Fishing boats with engines Number. 1.5 9.7 0.5 8.2 2.0 12.2 8.3 12 1 Establishments report- ing..... Number. 4 1 Value.. Pesos.... 16,595 180 Fishing boats without en- gines... Number. 51 833 8 58 84 2,080 18 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 42 67 8 88 80 1,245 18 Value.. Pesos.... 6,826 18,320 148 5,521 2,785 12,407 1,285 Small fishing boats and bancas. Number. 244 1,413 207 1,541 975 5,754 2,486 Establishments report- ing. Number 134 1,222 188 1.852 870 5,650 2,238 Value.. Pesos.... 8,337 85,944 8,074 16,010 10,878 70,276 20,887 Value of fishing nets, tota' Pesos.... 29,610 168,442 15,436 84,647 32,682 61,391 62,299 Per cent distribution.. 1.6 9.3 0.8 4.7 1.8 8.5 8.4 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot).. Number. 828 25 48 80 60 Establishments report- ing... Number. 62 25 43 29 49 Value... Pesos.... 29,292 2,812 8,027 2,845 2,929 Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.)....... Number. 29 14 8 6 7 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 28 13 8 7 Value.. Pesos.... 1,268 1,530 150 1,187 598 Sapiao nets (seine).. Number. 21 8 13 8 6 Establishments report ing... Number. 11 6 11 8 Value.... Pesos.... 5,420 5,800 7,480 710 677 Bating nets (gill net, tar- " say, panti). Number. 55 159 26 8 82 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 48 159 26 8 82 Value.. Pesos.... 4,827 10,128 849 810 1,787 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.)... Number. 224 1,587 121 627 922 8,511 1.224 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 94 607 -106 577 675 Value. Pesos... 9,0.12 11,080 4,795 9,924 8,182 1.715 27,788 1,007 14,607 Lines (hapin)... Number 19 2,470 201 189 754 Establishments report- 6,975 1,662 ing.... Number. 6 284 94 55 Value.. Pesos.... 93 2,679 129 484 Baclad. Number. 146 748 51 970 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 26 647 50 942 Value.. Pesos... 6,119 108,380 6,892 52,428 Tangar. Number. 1 16 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 1 16 Value.. Pesos.... 18 187 Bobos. Number. 10 50 67 91 Establishments report- ing... Number. 2 10 16 26 Value.. Pesos.... 89 59 116 265 Other corrals, traps and weirs. Number. 77 185 89 278 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 46 50 25 257 Value.. Pesos.... 2,784 8,049 843 5,542 ཙོཏྟཱགྱཾ དྷཀྑཱ '''ཀྑུ ཝཙྪཱ ཡཱ སིངྒྷ 2.780 852 615 4.885 1,865 1,684 644 809 24.176 660 3,484 1,448 26 888 1,256 4,136 167 1,086 106 6,568 1,258 167 257 47 254 223 5,006 All other equipment....... Pescs... 2,966 8,653 289 30,845 17.997 274 5.297 427 OF EQUIPMENT USED BY PROVINCES TABLE 8.-INSHORE FISHING--NUMBER AND VALUE 1938 Item Value of equip- Tayabas Zambales Zamboanga Cebu City Zamboanga City Davao City Moilo City Bacolod City ment total.... Peaos.... 32,216 22,505 44,797 761 10,580 22,060 4,442 Per cent distri- bution... 1.2 0.8 1.6 (¹) 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.2 total.... Value of fishing boats, Per cent distribution..... Pesos... 7,553 3,913 14,166 140 2,310 8,858 812 503 1.1 0.6 2.1 (¹) 0.8 1.3 0.1 0.1 2 4 3 4,400 Fishing boats with engines... Number. Establishments reporting...... Number. 2 Value.... Pesos.... 1,400 Fishing boats with- out engines...: Number. 18 24 80 Establish ments reporting.. Number 15 23 27 Value... Pesos.... 2,825 1,857 1,863 Small fishing boats and bancas..... Number. 227 182 975 Establish ments reporting...... Number. 188 151 836 Value... Pesos.... 3,828 2,556 12,303 Value of fishing nets, total.... Pesos.... 24,482 18,498 30,561 516 2 5 28- - 4 1 7 3 2 290 4,000 185 14 & 2- 878 84 141 11 81 2,020 458 717 125 7,709 12,696 5,541 2,984 Per cent distribution...... Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot)..... Number. Establish ments reporting.. .. Number. 1.8 1.0 1.7 (¹) 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.2 Value.... Pesos.... 2,770 222222 41 46 21 41 45 4,761 7,219 50 1 18 2 2 2 2 1,480 190 Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.). Number. 8 46 2 1 Establish m nets Value..... Value... reporting...... Number. Sapiao nets (seine). Number. Establish ments reporting...... Number. Value.... Bating nets (gill net, Pesos.... tansay, panti).... Number. Establish m ents reporting...... Number. Value..... Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.)...... Number. Establish ments reporting...... Number. Lines (hapin)... Number. Establish ments reporting...... Number, Pesos.... 425 120 Pesos.... 744 122 117 Pesos... 8,020 12 22 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2,300 600 4 4 1,100 800 ON NON 2 4 305 1 100 2 2 20 8 4 17 8 4 490 770 239 282 5 183 258 5 5,587 5,264 116 1,826 83 156 876 15 41 332 Value... Pesos... 87 594 1,497 Baclad. Number. 137 54 240 8 Establish m ents reporting.. Number. 185 52 222 2 Value.. Pesos... 16,513 1,990 10,698 350 4,099 2 12 185 18 1 1 150 132 12 118 10 10 41 10 11,487 1,215 420 1 1. 1 10 11 82 7 9 81 7 901 3,875 2,463 - 16 Tangar. Number. 37 2 Establish ments reporting. Number. 82 2 Value... Pesos... 286 50 Bobos.. Number. 362 97 51 2 Establish ments reporting.. .. Number. 86 85 14 Value.... Pesos.... 1,326 812 124 888 3 and weirs... Other corrals, traps Number. 16 25 122 11 1 Establishments reporting...... Number. 16 13 77 11 Value... Pesos.... 803 64 8,351 120 17 All other equipment.. Pesos... 181 94 70 105 561 506 5 935 2 2825 (0 Less than od per cen T 428 TABLE 9.-INSHORE FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Kind of fish and item Philippines Agusan Albay Antique Bataan Batanes Batangas Value of all fish caught, Total... Pesos.... 5,423,241 30,924 83,815 47,386 161,379 1,606 417,294 Per cent distribution. 100.0 0.6 1.5 Anchovy... Boxes.. 146,332 69 1,835 0.9 761 3.0 (1) 7.7 1,460 Value. Pesos.... 599,702 350 8,633 3,769 7,289 8,199 25,458 Establishments report- ing.... 7,580 11 253 75 65 261 Barracuda. Kilos 73,657 130 284 122 1,475 14 6,072 Value... Pesos.... 36,180 65 108 41 725 6 3,066 Establishments report- ing...... 1,033 2 17 3 26 Bonito, skipjack or albacora.. Kilos... 598,850 29,224 12,935 6,176 4,323 Value.. Pesos.... 296,833 14,612 5,218 2,476 2,015 Establishments report- ing... 4,226 11 235 24 22 229 3 108 83,290 43,688 338 Caesio. Boxes 10,940 22 102 17 20 Value. Pesos.... 51,290 100 431 101 99 308 1,539 Establishments report- ing.... 1,378 3 34 Cavallas.. Kilos.... 359,340 570 7,406 Value Pesos... 182,960 285 3,838 729 6 7 34 2,564 1,751 46 84,470 1,329 799 23 42,555 Establishments report- ing.. 4,717 16 190 77 31 6 158 Chub mackerel. Boxes.. 56,742 143 -695 245 6,301 19 5,669 Value. Pesos.. 224,397 662 3,27% 1,200 15,993 33 26,890 Establishments report- ing.... 4,216 17 166 64 54 13 264 Crabs.. Boxes... 74,667 4 572 4 9,191 7,250 Value. Pesos.... 200,040 15 1,945 10 19,738 3 15.953 Establishments report- ing... 6,070 4 224 5 536 3 148 Grouper.. Kilos.... 218,830 34 5,219 44 1,700 209 15,198 Value. Pesos.... 110,981 17 2,607 22 655 106 7,933 Establishments report- ing... 4,852 2 189 5 38 32 183 Herrings and sardines... Boxes... 75,291 266 208 321 2,532 8,424 Value Pesos... 308,614 1,295 971 1,555 10,059 28,475 Establishments report- ing.... 5,336 24 39 Lizard fish.. Boxes... 5,269 150 60 Value. Pesos.... 16,723 600 232 Establishments report- ing.... 638 1 Mullet.. Boxes.. 43,173 396 1,015 75 Value Pesos.... 187,777 1,860 3,696 386 Establishments report- ing.... 6,464 42 213 Nemipterid Boxes.. 12,370 1 30 Value Pesos... 45,129 3 148 Establishments report- ing.. 1,563 1 Red snapper Kilos.. 144,431 Value Pesos.. 72,721 1,474 601 402 209 Establishments report- ing.... 3,235 58 Sword fish.. Kilos 41,372 260 2,182 1,045 Value Pesos... 20,330 130 900 452 Establishments report- ing. 1,132 2 120 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes.. 21,551 Value Pesos... 85,663 1,248 5,532 370 Establishments report- ing.... 2,783 137 Shrimps Value Boxes 126,530 240 Pesos.... 515,549 1,200 263 1,022 Establishments report- ing... Spanish mackerel Kilor... 7,857 195,602 8 1,750 Value.... Pesos.... 97,495 875 134 5,113 2,597 1,250 622 Establishments report- ing..... 2,921 9 172 Squids Boxes.. 21,643 Value. Pesos... 69,324 Establishments report- ing...... 3,294 Catfishes Boxes.. Value Pesos.... 44,702 178,899 2 146 137 364 198 20 28 1 28 28 28 28 28 288 82 58 3 55 211 73 15 268 356 11 12 1,907 35 4,668 9,333 58 18,166 55 136 22 191 1 68 14 1,090 3 331 24 5,011 19 5 102 3,720 285 18,426 1,919 116 99.90 (te 25 28 45 181 2 25 2,474 1 10 1,238 18 1 1 18 65 241 44 1,125 108 3,814 16,755 70 29 36 161 65 9 5,391 26,650 3,471 16,890 515 171 1,542 726 22 2 13,894 1 7,172 21 35 131 26 550 72 60 40 19 282 3 1 173 1,679 7,424 119 100 245 377 1,181 199 707 Establishments report- ing.... Dalag, hito. Value 2,209 Boxes... 39,852 Pesos.... 142,944 3 2,288 62 357 3 5,241 1,682 316 1,570 338 888 60 8 70 688 2 3,448 Establishments report- ing.... 3.543 17 Other fishes. Value Boxes... 657.284 Pesos.... 1,919,011 718 3,596 100 8,155 39,413 12 6,862 32,732 5 14,230 38,253 1 45 521 1,034 40,243 134,478 Establishments report- ing..... 34,460 52 22 1,116 278 492 113 1,079 Other products- Turbo trochus, Mother pcafl, Cowry shells Value... Establishments report- Kilos.... 122,052 450 Pesos.... 60,679 225 46,178 23,332 3 1 7007 201 102 ing.... 1,078 86 159 1 2 Less than 0.1 per cent. 429 TABLE 9-INSHORE FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Kind of fish and item Bohol Bulacan Cagayan Camarines Camarines Norte Sur Capiz Cavite Value of all fish caught, total...... Pesos... 176,428 389,941 32,414 4,302 133,295 114,279 292,054 Per cent distribution 3.8 7.2 0.6 0.1 2.5 2.1 5.4 Anchovy.. Boxes.. 12.142 37 1,812 22 2,767 Value.. Pesos. 43,276 166 9,060 73 7,874 8.492 13,564 7,104 17,535 Establishments reporting. 269 7 Barracuda.. Kilos.... 205 494 Value.. Pesos.... 80 247 262 24 6 196 382 122 54 40 681 1,764 6,651 27 20 341 691 2,227 Establishments reporting.. 7 8 4 1 5 11 48 Bonito, skipjack or albacora.. Kilos 6,000 170 132 1,975 4,857 16,705 Value... Pesos.... 2,583 85 66 810 2,424 7,114 Establishments reporting. 42 3 6 23 62 41 Caesio..... Boxes 176 15 4 23 80 12 Value.. Pesos.. 633 75 17 118 864 27 Establishments reporting. 88 1 3 6 32 3 Cavallas. Kilos.... 2,568 726 1,178 1,480 1,854 2,300 8,799 Value... Pesos... 1,359 863 589 755 574 1,147 8,161 Establishments reporting. 24 17 10 22 57 55 Chub mackerel.... Boxes.. 526 157 368 15 773 616 Value.. Pesos.. 2,245 782 1,837 77 1,970 2,390 2,222 5,652 Establishments reporting. 46 18 7 3 42 122 67 Crabe..... Boxe 156 9,145 8 30 1,040 2,870 Value.. Pesos.... 8,638 45,729 45 130 2,455 10,959 24,744 82,588 Establishments reporting. 211 336 14 9 139 850 828 Grouper... Kilos... 336 2,846 8 574 597 1,910 30,486 Value. Pesos.... 144 1,423 4 287 365 961 14,455 Establishments reporting. Herrings and sardines. 47 20 1 23 22 55 108 Boxes. 465 476 731 56 4,151 1,491 1,978 Value.. Pesos.... 1,710 2,377 3,641 275 13,380 6,645 4,098 Establishments reporting. 73 6 11 4 119 289 31 Lizard fish..... Boxes... 9 8 4 212 59 958 Value... Pesos... 15 37 20 503 143 2,172 Establishments reporting. 8 3 1 7 10 14 Mullet.. Boxes... 705 2,729 29 164 1,125 1.860 1,929 Value.. Pesos.... 2,059 13,257 144 790 4,898 7,639 8,960 Establishments reporting. 140 56 4 23 68 143 68 Nemipterid.. Boxes.. 16 1 2 24 54 196 5,364 Value... Pesos.... 49 2 8 120 115 750 10,872 Establishments reporting. 11 1 1 Resnapper.... Kilos.... 1,155 736 150 Value.. Pesos. 637 868 75 Establishments reporting. 20 Sword fish.... Kilos.... 726 132 538 Value. Pesos... 822 66 269 Establishments reporting. 58 1 3 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes... 141 824 5 18 Value... Pesos... 453 1,612 24 73 196484183 18 $7 184 927 400 4.511 240 198 1,581 1 26 228 1,640 47 2,874 114 898 987 10 27 12 193 438 3,189 879 1,005 6,521 Establishments reporting. 41 20 1 10 29 18 69 Shrimps..... Boxes.. 850 35,746 107 43 4,272 9,481 24,258 Value. Pesos.. Establishments reporting. Spanish mackerel... Kilos.... 8,269 214 1,248 174,125 540 215 10,482 34,117 50,245 805 48 5 244 678 510 6,850 202 416 3,874 2,762 17,768 Value... Pesos... 498 3,425 101 259 1,192 1,424 5,097 Squida Establishments reporting. 35 8 4 13 21 60 60 Boxes... 262 42 1 3 132 191 10,317 Value. Pesos.... 592 207 8 11 483 723 20,399 Catfishes. Establishments reporting. 133 6 1 2 21 102 159 Boxes... 96 1,081 5 20 1,683 253 2,173 Value.. Pesos. 826 5,887 23 83 4,008 809 4.385 Dalag, hito.. Establishments reporting. 64 47 4 10 67 46 107 Boxes... 385 1,617 78 2 14,717 210 1,152 Value.. Pesos.... Other fishes. Establishments reporting.. 1,281 172 7,991 355 10 87,597 66 2,206 70 30 1 182 Boxes... 86,852 Value... Pesos.... Establishments reporting. 110,630 1,734 26,521 131,959 750 5,210 192 14,529 87 10,581 42,066 27 M 15,329 960 76 36 45,068 525 26,780 87,969 874 810 Turbo #octra, Mother pearl Value.. Cowry shells... Kilos.... 1,40 836 470 Pesos.... 479 418 235 Establishments reporting.. 10 7 1 221 668 58 19,741 334 29 8,853 7 8 87 430 TABLE 9.-INSHORE FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Kind of fish and item Cebu Cotabato Davao Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur Iloilo Isabela Value of all fish caught, Total.... Pesos... 159,236 118,436 22,175 43,668 136,946 91,389 2,740 Per cent distribution... 2.9 Anchovy.. Boxes.. 9.813 Value.. Pesos... 36,151 2.2 1,381 5,822 0.4 0.8 2.5 1.7 0.1 467 927 1,104 12,998 59 2,333 4,775 4,814 22,151 294 Establishments reporting. 708 95 9 88 151 162 12 Barracuda. Kilos.. 1,811 7,720 256 491 829 240 Value. Pesos... 829 8,979 128 258 431 120 Establishments reporting. 61 62 8 82 58 1 Bonito, skipjack or albacora. Kilos... 17,198 8,985 8,585 462 160 11,403 Value... Pesos.. 7,466 4,297 1,802 231 116 5,614 Establishments reporting. 202 91 21 10 26 42 Caesio..... Boxes. 293 160 9 82 82 45 Value. Pesos.. 1,354 781 44 115 339 216 Establishments reporting. 64 15 2 25 42 10 Cavallas..... Kilos... 88,109 84,130 3,042 2,452 6,926 2,916 72 Value.. Pesos... 1,478 17,158 1,521 1,234 4,796 1,463 36 Establishments reporting. 90 164 33 74 129 Л 7 Chub mackerel.. Boxes.. 553 2,010 518 355 908 622 16 Value Pesos... 1,969 8,518 2,522 1,806 3,858 3097 80 Establishments reporting. 140 112 15 40 76 48 6 Crabs.. Boxes.. 818 489 26 Value. Pesos... 1,231 2,189 126 9 809 724 276 1,569 8,507 597 .4 Establishments reporting. 162 28 248 649 60 2 Grouper... Kilos... 1,730 22,838 2,860 200 649 480 20 Value. Pesos... 851 11,861 1,179 104 861 200 10 Establishments reporting. 76 157 17 18 59 17 1 Herrings and sardines.. Boxes.. 1,933 2,132 519 273 898 525 Value.. Pesos... 8,195 7,405 2,595 1,394 8,744 3,241 Establishments reporting. 406 97 19 118 194 B Lizard fish... Boxes.. 970 188 5 67 17 Value... Pesos... 1,162 944 21 835 68 Establishments reporting. 22 14 6 18 Mullet..... Boxes.. 1,029 1,126 95 55 60 873 4 Value.. Pesos.. 8,970 4,702 475 262 268 1,831 Establishments reporting. 831 88 24 38 23 6 23 117 6 Nemipterid... Boxes.. 44 144 8 81 Value. Pesos.. 186 19 16 8 871 Establishments reporting. 16 13 1 12 16 Red snapper. Kilos... 6,165 4,392 626 871 1,188 1,704 Value. Pesos... 2,529 2,051 818 209 586 1,072 Establishments reporting. 117 86 8 23 98 31 13 Sword fsh... Kilos.. 530 1,002 100 1,845 819 620 Value. Pesos... 220 573 50 927 412 260 Establishments reporting. 36 9 2 46 59 Siganid and surgeon fish.. Boxes.. 119 633 28 34 10 Value.. Pesos... 558 8,064 142 190 52 340 Establishments reporting. 24 44 6 26 20 45 Shrimps..... Boxes. 989 688 101 555 1,506 2,062 Value. Pesos... 4,454 8,381 504 2,684 6,886 10,018 80 Establishments reporting. 247 56 3 805 667 124 2 Spanish mackerel.. Kilos... 8,185 2,547 78 884 8,154 5,059 Value.. Pesos... 1,827 1,211 89 441 1,658 2,753 Establishments reporting. 70 22 8 19 67 52 Squids.... Boxes.. 848 660 173 49 181 158 Value. Pesos... 1,264 2,577 868 228 735 638 Establishments reporting. 144 53 15 81 210 52 Catfishes.... Boxes 17 64 95 58 53 170 Value.. Pesos... 322 2 560 251 260 852 Establishments reporting. 26 7 2 142 38 7 18 22 Dalag, hito.... Bóxes.. 486 316 61 431 628 68 Value. Pesos.. 1,894 862 804 1,845 2,987 328 103 Establishments reporting. 146 11 7 Other fishes... Boxes. 21,032 67,837 1.699 301 6,892 427 25 9 21,192 Value... Pesos... 80,432 35,199 6,857 24,418 100,656 7,578 85,464 243 1,214 81 Establishments reporting.. 1,856 244. 50 1,140 2,488 225 Turbo, trochus, Mother pearl Cowry shells. Kilos... Value. Pesor... 1,484 2,458 1,821 642 778 245 2,629 855 897 120 1,292 Establishments reporting. 19 16 12 59 25 5 432 TABLE 9-INSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Kind of fish and item La Union Laguna Lanso Leyte Other province Marinduque Masbate Value of all fish caught total...... Pesos... 85,391 19,369 66,532 332,930 2,329 22,594 49,149 Per cent distribution 0.7 0.4 1.2 6.1 ('1') 0.4 0.9 Anchovy.. Boxes. 1,140 15,511 1,004 3,695 Value Pesos.. 5,288 91,890 Establishments reporting. 58 1,408 12 5,003 16,749 83 125 Barracuda. Kilos... 2,850 241 40 Value... Pesos... 1,425 112 20 Establishments reporting. 34 10 7 Bonito, skipjack or albacora. Kilos.. 2,208 8,148 58438 4,603 Value... Pesos... 704 87,611 2,821 2,170 Establishments reporting. 9 932 68 25 Caesio...... Boxes.. 20 622 41 82 Value... Pesos 100 2,673 208 411 Establishments reporting. 1 149 19 2 Cavallas..... Kilos... 2,916 2 254 6,822 652 762 Value.... Pesos... 1,458 1 92 3,271 326 425 Establishments reporting. 48 1 5 838 23 33 Chub mackerel.. Boxes. 587 861 Value.... Pesos.. 2,886 4,310 3,118 14,866 877 284 1,871 1,899 Establishments reporting. 66 25 676 55 H Crabs..... Boxes.. 45 9 433 10 189 Value.. Pesos.. 151 52 1,845 57 501 Establishments reporting. 25 6 223 16 89 Grouper... Kilos... 10 564 6,591 692 2,028 Value. Pesos... 5. 282 3,408 346 995 Establishments reporting. 1 4 299 33 101 Herrings and sardines.. Boxes. 58 3,521 2,989 721 1,676 Value... Pesos... 284 16,896 13,777 8,598 8,252 Establishments reporting. 8 78 593 67 45 Lizard fish..... Boxes.. 40 95 24 83 Value... Pesos.. 200 447 122 155 Establishments reporting. 1 7644 6 7 Mullet... Boxes.. 7 720 2,826 75 832 Value.. Pesos... 27 14 8,606 Establishments reporting. 1 23 15 12,760 386 1,592 735 32 65 Nemipterid.. Boxes.. 8 163 47 323 Value... Pesos... 25 622 200 1,132 Establishments reporting 1 46 25 126 Red snapper... Kilos... 14 884 10,855 54 1,172 Value.. Pesos... 6 162 5,526 27 584 Sword fish.... Establishments reporting. 2 6 498 3 42 Kilos... 712 464 2,572 140 Value... Pesos... 856 232 1,411 70 Establishments reporting 6 5 126 Value... Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes.. 26 41 156 115 57 Pesos... 127 205 770 579 286 Shrimps.. Establishments reporting 2 81 35 16 Taxes 579 Value. Yesos. 2,808 331 1,664 636 1,952 41 304 3,180 8,993 215 1,503 Spanish mackerel... Establishments reporting 95 36 Kilos.. 142 24 1,154 409 23 40 28.771 218 2,347 Value... Pesos 71 577 12,122 109 1,434 Squids.. Establishments reporting. 6 7 712 15 29 Boxes. 21 5 709 50 141 Value. Pesos... 89 23 8,135 251 647 Catfishes... Establishments reporting. 13 2 808 43 54 Boxes.. 1 1,862 14 296 2 7 Value.. Value... Dalag, hito.... Establishments reporting. Pesos... 2 9,812 64 1,137 9 29 1 80 4 103 2 5 Boxes.. 70 1,000 10 1,420 80 15 Pesos... 843 4,796 51 6,476 153 38 Other fishes.... Establishments reporting. 17 145 5 878 11 14 Boxes.. 5,318 757 Value... Pesos... 26,538 Other products Establishments reporting. 247 3,582 76 7,893 80,216 29,036 466 1,294 4,927 107,193 2,829 6,133 10,713 88 4,698 1 170 809 Value... Cowry shells.. Turbo, trochus, Mother pearl Kilos... 90 Establishments reporting- Pescs... 0445 934 3,956 136 148 467 2,072 48 5 125 3 3 432 TABLE 9-INSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1988-Continued Kind of fish and item Mindoro Misamis Occidental Misamis Oriental Negros Occidental Negros Oriental Palawan Pampanga Value of all fish caught total.... Pesos. 666,442 43,190 45,814 154,083 38,723 29,571 7,607 Per cent distribution..... 12.8 0.8 0.8 2.8 0.7 0.5 0.1 Anchovy. Boxes.. 11,556 2,204 283 Value. Pesos.. 55,947 9,602 1,126 8,679 18,865 900 461 40 4,527 2,267 195 Establishments reporting.. 494 71 80 180 112 28 14 Barracuda... Kiles... 19,844 870 406 2,418 126 1,468 20 Value.. Pesos... 10,713 145 194 1,209 63 550 10 Establishments reporting. 104 3 4 4 35 1 Bonito, skipjack or albacora... Kilos... 158,691 2,750 11.419 8,210 6,805 1,162 Value Pesos... 81,097 1,875 5,990 1,605 8,178 472 Establishments reporting. 885 16 51 14 49 23 Caesio... Boxes.. 8,590 35 82 6 822 55 Value. Pesos... 12,099 176 155 29 1,616 271 Establishments reporting. 221 8 7 8 88 14 Cavallas.. Kilos... 54,870 940 7,566 954 478 5,082 Value. Pesos.. 28,076 467 8,792 585 289 2,536 Establishments reporting. 578 25 48 11 18 81 Chub mackerel.. Boxes.. 10,263 256 1,461 757 784 460 Value... Pesos.. 85,278 1,248 2,150 8,782 2,794 1,840 Establishments reporting. 506 29 84 84 71 55 Crabs.... Blxes... 8,852 87 34 336 +27 49 90 Value. Pesos... 12,856 368 92 1,688 177 248 457 Establishments reporting. 288 40 12 72 67 40 28 Grouper... Kilos... 65,866 881 96 80 18 2,752 120 Value. Pesos... 84,576 166 48 40 9 1,895 40 Establishments reporting. 677 10 6 4 8 84 5 Herrings and sardines.. Boxes.. 15,886 1,427 1,877 1,212 752 220 Value... Pesos.. 68,872 6,478 5,998 6,062 8,788 1,090 Establishments reporting. 642 85 113 82 138 25 Lizard fish.. Boxes.. 181 2 21 888 1 12 Value.. Pesos... 642 9 106 1,941 62 20 Establishments reporting. 15 2 5 5 2 7 1 Mullet.... Boxes 7,170 276 267 576 297 614 81 Value.. Pesos... 80,897 1,285 1,282 2,884 1,485 8,065 157 Establishments reporting. 593 57 78 40 106 76 Nemipterid... Boxes.. 8,141 17 74 20 8 28 Value. Pesos... 10,180 78 862 100 26 181 Establishments reporting. 286 Red snapper.. Kilos.. 80,681 32 8 5 5 8 11 1,285 254 666 201 Value.. Pesos... 16,658 1 611 127 887 91 Establishments reporting. 362 1 85 8 88 12 Sword fish..... Kilos... 10,545 804 118 208 1,182 Value. Pesos.. 5,662 152 68 104 481 Establishments reporting. 100 5 6 10 22 Siganid and surgeon fish... Boxes.. 5,708 7 88 85 84 264 Value.. Pesos.. 24,913 87 170 178 142 1,165 Establishments reporting. 513 4 9 7 20 40 Shrimps.... Pesos.. 8,747 209 1,291 7,179 142 42 1,284 Value.. Pesos 18,052 912 6,556 85,888 711 118 5,777 Establishments reporting. 298 46 81 86 58 8 74 Spanish mackerel..... Value. Pesos... Kilos... 40,849 23,001 1,108 1,480 15,257 972 1,850 556 740 7,796 501 702 Establishments reporting. 472 6 24 22 85 86 Squids. Boxes.. 2,514 291 100 864 49 141 Value.. Pesos... 11,639 1,408 491 1,811 289 695 Establishments reporting. 291 85 12 83 87 78 82 Catfishes... Boxes. 118 540 2 111 2 78 161 Value.. Pesos... 579 2,597 10 45% 14 245 8 Establishments reporting. 25 11 1 5 9 11 54 Dalag, hito.... Boxes.. 5,157 519 183 117 22 14 270 Value. Pesos... 22,568 2,466 646 596 105 69 4 Establishments reporting.. 842 Other fishes..... Boxes.. 42,43 Value... Pesos... 161,161 Establishments reporting. 1,829 82 2,787 18,689 150 26 28 21 10,527 18,823 8,756 9 2,459 101 520 15,152 68,978 18,629 8,709 14 242 207 681 188 Other prod dots- Turbo Trochu Mother pearl Cowry shells.. Kilos... 18,962 260 50 168 6,736 Value. Pesos.. 16,981 180 24 90 8,869 Establishments reporting.... 41 2 1 83 87 433 TABLE 9-INSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Kind of fish and item Pangasinan Risal Romblon Samar Sorsogon Sulu Surigao Value of all fish caught, total..... 54,665 347,368 16,205 195,038 129,497 343,583 190.119 Per cent distribution.. 1.0 5.7 0.8 3.6 2.2 6.8 8.5 Anchovy Boxes. 1,826 2,305 490 19,946 2,932 259 Value.. Pesos... 6,474 9,604 1,044 82,814 14,570 1,162 6,401 28,928 Establishments reporting 14 13 62 409 529 73 648 Barracuda Kilos.. 52 1,400 12 685 1.889 4,215 2,099 Value.. Pesos... 26 700 6 801 958 2,008 1,208 Establishments reporting. 5 7 2 10 106 108 84 Benito, skipjack or albacora. Kilos... 262 1,432 1,270 9,566 6.461 63,739 11,160 Value.. Pesos.. 181 716 635 4,918 8,141 82,409 Establishments reporting. 8 5 34 118 107 218 5,868 205 Caesio.... Boxes.. 82 847 124 1,488 424 528 Value.. Pesos... 160 9,852 8,884 6,881 628 2.160 562 2,576 Establishments reporting 2 8 52 152 58 176 85 Cavallas..... Kilos. 753 788 19.401 4,456 83,860 4,763 Value... Pesos.. 881 354 9,882 2,232 16,991 2,096 Establishments reporting. 11 42 852 63 1,188 115 Chub mackerel. Boxes.. 50 202 304 1,435 1,872 4,943 1,650 Value.. Pesos... 285 1,003 800 7,188 9,220 23,582 6,314 Establishments reporting. 11 11 44 109 107 868 210 Crabs.. Boxes.. 50 5,912 11 1,062 954 2,828 1,158 Value.. Pesos... 241 11,876 85 4,728 4,355 11,426 4,806 Establishments reporting. 22 180 10 525 236 233 Grouper... Kilos... 814 80 744 8.702 2,138 86,204 409 2.404 Value.. Pesos... 864 40 875 1,952 1,084 17,875 1,207 Establishments reporting. 17 1 81 174 71 1,801 117 Herrings and sardines.... Boxes.. 24 2,880 848 1,056 1.639 8,189 4,875 Value.. Pesos... 122 11,651 1,784 4,927 8,188 14,718 16,879 Establishments reporting. 12 €2 265 195 892 488 Lizard fish... Boxes.. 2 102 7 826 102 721 15 819 Value... Pesos... 12 510 84 1,681 496 2,078 879 Establishments reporting. 1 2 5 85 89 197 64 Mullet. Boxes.. 81 1,780 64 2,045 431 2,028 Value. Pesos... 178 8,669 801 9,828 2,203 10,824 25 11,978 Establishments reporting. 9 121 43 598 105 1,176 552 Nemipterid... Boxes.. 4 94 94 87 178 Value... Pesos... 20 486 813 186 784 750 10,564 75 280 Establishments reporting. 11 62 15 80 866 25 Red snapper. Kilos... 84 5.497 164 8,277 2,188 27,372 5 5,880 Value.. Pesos.. 42 2,699 82 1,704 1,112 14,182 1,871 Establishments reporting. 2 8 88 71 100 904 117 Sword fish.... Kilos... 458 84 522 446 3,051 709 Value... Pesos... 229 17 269 223 1,449 251 Establishments reporting. 8 3 32 20 255 81 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes.. 7 83 8 410 647 2,595 188 Value... Pesos.. 86 165 86 2,057 2,720 9,706 797 Establishments reporting.. 1 7 4 81 203 734 63 Shrimps.... Pesos... 8,810 6,684 85 1,569 780 3,790 1,825 Value. Pesos... 15,562 27,550 159 7,906 8,767 15,110 5,710 Establishments reporting. 168 485 12 259 188 82 445 Spanish mackerel... Kilos... 146 2,584 116 2,875 4,194 5,946 8,229 Value... Pesos 190 1,292 72 2,107 2,994 4,818 Establishments reporting. 8 7 Squids.. Boxes.. 28 201 Value.. Pesos... 112 1,024 Catfishes.. Establishments reporting. 12 19 140,791 199 12 67 48 185 175 233 221 761 561 707 1,130 949 8,054 1,741 69 133 53 641 11 Boxes.. 9 84,520 1 188 160 126 120 Value.. Pesos.. 48 5 930 800 631 542 Dalag, hito... Establishments reporting. 4 919 1 21 58 122 42 Boxes.. 171 5,691 11 127 174 133 550 Value.. Pesos... 857 25,782 41 633 876 573 1,931. Other fishes... Establishments reporting. 10 881 9 25 68 80 116 Boxes. 5,625 26,360 2,157 9.513 12,773 58,776 67,866 Value... Pesos... 27,755 48,963 5,086 45,375 59,772 148,935 90,826 Other products Establishments reporting. 126 701 254 1,624 1,085 5,484 2,428 Turbo. Trochus, Mother pearl Cowry shells.. Kilos... 2,662 Value.. Pesos... 1,450 7,692 8,995 177 231 506 2,884 1 86 85 118 817 1,216 Establishments reporting.. 6 80 4 10 42 125 118 5 434 Kind of fish and item Tayabas Zambales Zamboanga Cebu City TABLE 9.-INSHORE FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Zamboanga Davao City Iloilo City City Bacolod City Value of all fish caught, total.... Pesos... 31,832 23,329 99,839 1,261 37,748 16,976 8,629 2,721 Per cent distributiln... 0.6 Anchovy.. Boxes.. 707 Value. .. Pesos... 3,547 0.4 1.450 7,263 1.8 (¹) 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.1 3,201 15,974 225 11 346 361 987 56 1,731 1,802 Establishments report- ing.... 80 40 219 39 2 17 7 Barracuda. Kilos... 288 4,600 1,198 120 Value. Pesos... 144 2,300 599 60 Establishments report- ing.... 6 2 41 2 Benito, skipjack or alba- cora.. Kilos... 2,782 764 16,265 3,053 360 Value. Pesos... 1,389 382 8,291 1,629 180 Establishments report- ing...... 301 6 285 20 1 Caesio... Boxes. 100 16 300 3 11 Value Pesos... 509 80 1,507 2 2 13 54 Establishments report- ing.... 37 1 41 1 1 1 1 CavaHas. Kilos... 3,733 4,380 19,028 360 Value. Pesos... 1,895 2,799 9,989 180 Establishments reporting 71 153 288 Club mackerel... Boxes.. 422 153 1,956 Value. Pesos... 2,130 583 9,400 888 18,444 242 80 10,124 121 40 1 71 6 1 16 1,667 87 12 80 6,042 437 60 Establishments report- ing..... 67 35 324 1 50 ස 3 1 Crabs.. Boxes. 88 138 86 4 35 83 Value Pesos... 441 707 438 21 186 417 Establishments report- ing.... 42 71 56 2 14 8 Grouper. Kilos... 1,190 228 4,748 866 206 Value.. Pesos... 628 114 2,415 469 103 Establishments report- ing..... 60 17 193 26 2 Herrings and sardines.... Boxes.. 339 232 1,782 10 Value... Pesos... 1,623 1,163 7,935 30 2,730 76 50 9,222 367 Establishments report- ing 53 38 151 1 84 5 Lizard fish.. Boxes.. 11 8 83 Value Pesos... 56 40 371 Establishments report- ing.... 5 1 11 27 3 Mullet Boxes/ 440 116 757 75 25 Value. Pesos... 2,209 585 3,798 319 129 Establishments report- ing... 94 28 176 14 5 Nemipterid.. Boxes. 38 32 52 22 34 Value. Pesos... 203 157 261 97 168 Establishments report- ing... 32 16 26 12 6 Red snapper.. Kilos... 137 66 7,782 354 60 Value. Pesos... 100 33 3,878 197 80 Establishments report- ing... 3 3 234 10 1 Sword fish.. Kilos.. 760 22 2,104 Value... Pesos... 382 11 1,068 80 60 66 30 33 Establishments report- ing.... 12 3 51 1 3 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes.. 265 77 54 147 6 26 Value... Pesos... 1,316 376 295 631 80 128 Establishments report- ing.... 73 28 45 25 1 2 Shrimps.. Boxes P 106 183 620 20 120 21 198 8 Value. Pesos... 523 901 3,092 100 621 105 1,023 15 Establishments report- ing.... 46 115 88 1 19 4 26 1 Spanish mackerel. Kilos... 2,108 234 8,416 867 214 Value... Pesos... 1,120 117 4,404 462 107 Establishments report- ing... 24 8 233 10 2 Squids Boxes.. 184 62 159 68 5 104 Value.. Pesos... 923 201 817 341 27 523 Establishments report- ing.... 62 29 69 16 3 9 1 Catfishes Boxes. 18 7 132 Value Pesos... 90 36 632 Establishments report- ing..... 12 2 48 Dalag, hito Boxes.. 5 192 Value Pesos... 25 968 299 1,508 Establishments report- ing... 2 94 92 Other fishes. Boxes. 2,464 892 Value Pesos... 12,397 4,513 7,060 22,336 158 785 33 2866 98 .491.. 1,738 6,296 3,041 15,210 Establishments report- ing 146 260 480 9 76 Turbo rochus, Mother pearl, Cowry shells. Kilos... 357 Value. Pesos... 182 Establishments report- ing... 3 1,601 831 82 16 8 1 8 810 4,049 166 830 12 35 5 130 65 1 1886 (0) Less than oil per cent 435 SECTION IV.-Offshore-Inshore Fishing Extent of the industry.-The offshore-inshore fishing indus- try comprised 2,207 establishments employing 8,348 persons, with equipment valued at 267,969 and reporting fish caught valued at 341,964. Offshore-inshore fishing has the character- istics of both offshore and inshore fishing. Assets. The 2,207 establishments engaged in offshore-inshore fishing reported 334,847 in assets, of which P11,287 or 3.4 per cent represented land and buildings, 267,969 or 80 per cent represented equipment, and 55,591 or 16.6 per cent rep- resented cash and accounts and notes receivable. Assets averaged only P152 per establishment. Number of employees and salaries and wages paid.-The number of persons employed in offshore-inshore fishing indus- PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUM BER OF EMPLOYEES, VALUE OF EQUIPMENT, AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY SIZE OF CATCH, FOR OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING: 1938. Size of catch Under 100... P100 to P199 P200 to P299. 1000 to P399 1400 to P500 to P599. P500 to P700 to N800 to 1900 to M1,000 to P1,499. M1,500 to P1,999. $2,000 to P4,999. 16,000 and ever 10 20 30 40 50 00 Per cent of total 70 Number of establishments Value of equipment 90 100 Number of employees Value of catch try totalled 8 348 in 1938 or an average of 3.8 persons per establishment. Of this total, 5,330 or 63.8 per cent were pro- prietors and others not paid salaries and wages, 412 or 4.9 per cent were superintendents and caretakers, and 2,606 or 31.2 per cent were other employees. Salaries and wages paid employees of offshore-inshore fishing establishments amounted to 65,203 or an average of 30 per establishment. Equipment. The equipment of all offshore-inshore fishing establishments was valued at 267,969. Only 11 of the 2,207 establishments engaged in offshore-inshore fishing reported boats with engines, while 179 reported fishing boats without engines, and 1,703 reported small fishing boats and bancas. The value of fishing nets, corrals, and traps comprised over one-half of the total value of all equipment. Of the 2,207 es- tablishments, 124 reported utase nets, 27 muroami nets, 16 sa- piao nets, 39 bating nets, and 250 other kinds, such as corrals, traps, etc. Catch.-The value of fish caught and other products obtained in 1938 amounted to 341,964 or an average of 155 per estab- lishment. The most important fish caught and their value are as follows: anchovy, P44,624; herrings and sardines, P39,409; bonito, P34,206; and chub mackerel, P21,368. Other fishes caught were valued at 89,072 or over one-fourth of the total value of all fish caught. Size of catch.-Almost four-fifths of all the establishments engaged in offshore-inshore fishing reported a catch valued at less than 100 in 1938. Only 62 establishments reported a catch valued at $1,000 or more each. However, these 62 es- tablishments reported 43.3 per cent of the total value of fish caught and 46.3 per cent of the total value of all equipment reported by all establishments engaged in offshore-inshore fishing. Citizenship of operator.-All except 4 of the 2,112 offshore- inshore fishing establishments operated by individuals were operated by citizens of the Philippines. The 4 establishments are operated by citizens of Japan. Form of organization. Of the 2,207 offshore-inshore fishing establishments, 2,112 or 95.7 per cent were operated by indi- viduals, 66 or 3 per cent by partnerships, 27 or 1.2 per cent by associations, and 2 or 0.1 per cent by corporations. Estab lishments operated by individual owners accounted for over 85 per cent of the fish caught and 84 per cent of the value of equipment reported by all establishments. Data by provinces.-Tables 7, 8, and 9 present data by prov inces. Batangas, Cotabato, Lanao, and Rizal are the most im portant provinces where offshore-inshore fishing is carried on 436 TABLE 1-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1988 Item All establish ments @ Size of catch- Under P100 P100 to P1 P200 to P299 P300 to Pa99 P400 to P499 P500 to PMM Number of establishments.. Per cent distribution.. 2,207 1,728 186 57 100.0 78.1 58 8.4 87 2.6 2.6 81 1.7 Number of employees in C 1.4 1988, total.... Persons.. 8,348 4,603 798 287 395 305 203 Per cent distribution.... 100.0 55.1 9.6 8.4 Average per establishment. Persons.. 8.8 2.7 4.7 5.0 8.6 Proprietors and others 8.4 8.2 9.1 not paid salaries or wages... Persons.. 5,880 3,818 505 147 Per cent distribution. 100.0 71.5 180 9.5 2.8 124 Per cent of total em- 8.4 129 2.8 2.4 ployees.. 63.8 82.8 63.8 Average per establish- 51.2 45.6 40.8 45.6 ment.. Persons.. 2.4 2.2 2.7 2.6 Superintendents, care- 8.1 8.4 4.2 takers, etc..... Persons. 412 269 28 5 Per cent of total em- 7 18 " M ployees.. 4.9 5.8 2.9 1.7 Other employees... Persons.. 2,606 521 1.8 270 5.9 135 1.8 Per cent of total em- 208 162 149 ployees..... 81.2 11.8 88.8 47.0 $3.7 13.8 0.7 Salaries paid in 1938, total Penos... 65,203 29,971 521 842 198 1,410 134 Per cent distribution. 100.0 46.0 0.8 Per cent of total receipts.. Average per establishment. Pesos... 19.1 47.1 2.0 80 17 8 Superintendents, care- takers, etc.... Pesos... 5,957 8,447 65 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 57.9 Average per person... Pesos.... 14 18 Other employees. Pesos.. 59,246 26,524 456 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 44.7 Average per person... Pesos... 28 51 ཊྛིཥབཿ ཝ 1.1 741 0.8 uཡིཾue gu 1.2 0.9 2.2 0.8 6.0 8.0 8.7 1.0 10 188 1.0 19 460 2 ཐཱ བྷཱཝཐབྷཱུཝཾཡ 88 166 2.2 2.8 • 1,244 129 0.8 2.1 8 ཐཱཝཾཝཀཝཾཡ 0.4 Cost of fuel, total.. Pesos... 5,659 1,442 21 Per cent distribution. 662 100.0 25.5 0.4 11.7 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 87 24 4 Average per establish- 1 ment.. Pesos.... 8 1 () 18 Value of fishes caught, total.. Pesos.. Per cent distribution.. Average per establish- ment.. Pesos.... Assets, total.... Pesos.... 841,964 100.0 155 334,847 63,695 18.6 87 25,514 7.5 18,819 8.9 19,579 16,204 15,983 5.7 4.7 4.6 187 284 888 488 514 98,764 17,460 12,279 13,224 14,328 7,688 Per cent distribution.. Average per establishment. Pesos... Land and building...... Pesos.... 100.0 152 29.5 57 5.2 8.7 94 11,287 218 te 8.9 4.8 2.8 228 887 248 2,618 70 ment.. Per cent of total. Equipment (fishing boats, corrals, nets, etc.)... Per cent distribution.. Average per establish- Pesos... 521 840 220 100.0 28.2 0.6 1.0 4.6 8.0 1,9 5 8.4 22- (*) 2 9 9 7 2.6 0.4 0.9 8.9 2.4 2.9 Pesos... Per cent distribution. 267,969 100.0 60,968 22.8 16,811 11,894 11,179 12,088 6,818 6.1 4.8 4.2 4.5 8.4 Average per establish- ment.. Pesos... Per cent of total.. Cash..... Pesos... Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment.. Pesos.... 121 80.0 52,081 100.0 24 85 61.7 88 200 198 327 204 98.4 92.8 84.5 84.4 82.1 85,108 1,008 669 1,208 1,085 1,125 67.5 1.9 1.8 2.8 2.1 2.3 20 Per cent of total. 15.5 Notes and accounts re- ceivable.... Pesos.... 8,560 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 2889 5 12 21 29 85.5 5.8 5.4 -9.1 7.6 14.6 71 106 80 821 815 2.2 2.0 8.0 0.8 9.0 22.9 Average per establish- ment... Per cent of total... Pesos. 2 () 1.1 0.1 9 2 6 1 22 0.4 0.9 2.4 6.7 9.4 437 TABLE 1.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938-Con. Size of catch- Item P600 to P699 P700 to P800 to P900 to P100 to P799 P899 999 P1499 P1500 to P1999 P2000 to 4999 P5000 and over Number of establishments... 17 16 16 4 83 10 15 Per cent distribution.. 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.2 1.5 0.5 0.7 0.2 Number of employees in 1938, total....... Persons. 180 141 138 70 464 288 302 95 Per cent distribution.. 2.2 1.7 1.7 0.8 5.6 8.4 8.6 1.3 Average per establish- ment.... Persons.. 10.6 8.8 8.6 17.5 14.1 28.8 20.1 23.8 Proprietors and other not paid sa- laries or wages... Persons.. 53 81 58 19 63 48 104 11 Per cent distribu- tion.... 1.0 1.5 1.1 0.4 1.2 0.8 2.0 0.2 Per cent of total employees. 29.4 57.4 42.0 O 27.1 13.6 14.9 84.4 11.6 Average per es- tablishment.... Persons.. 8.1 5.1 8. 4.8 1.9 4.3 6.9 2.8 Superintendents, caretaker, etc.... Persons.. 16 1 14 1 41 6 5 1 Per cent of total employees.... 8.9 07 10.1 1.4 8.8 2.1 1.7 1.1 Other employees. Persons.. 111 59 66 50 360 239 198 83 Per cent of total employees.. Salaries paid in 1938. 61.7 41.8 47.8 71.4 77.6 88.0 68.9 87.4 total.. Pesos.... 346 210 439 37 7,754 2,334 11,632 9,000 Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total receipts. Average per establish- 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.1 11.9 3.6 17.8 13.8 3.1 1.8 8.3 1.0 19.9 18.1 27.1 18.6 ment.. Fesos.... 20 18 27 9 285 283 775 2,250 Superintendents, caretakers, etc.... Pesos.... Per cent distribu 100 84 1,134 72 720 tion.... 1.7 0.6 19.0 1.2 12.1 Average per per- son.... Pesos.... 6 2 Other employees. Pesos.... 246 210 405 87 28 6,620 12 144 2,262 10,912 9,000 Per cent distribu- tion.... 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.1 11.2 8.8 18.4 15.2 Average per per- son.... Pesos.... 2 4 61 1 18 57 108 Cost of fuel, total..... Pesos.... Per cent distribu- 25 591. 175 2,748 tion... Establish ments Average per es- 0.4 10.4 3.1 48.5 total.. reporting...... Number. tablishment.... Pesos.... Value of fishes caught, Fer cent distribution. Average per esta- blishment... 1 1 B 2 18 18 183 Pesot... Pesos.... 11,079 8.2 652 11,524 8.4 18,206 8.9 8,796 1.1 88,917 11.4 17,805 5.2 42,982 48,411 12.6 14,2 720 825 949 1,179 Assets, total.. ... Pesos.... 7,964 8,987 10,786 2,766 42,765 1,781 12,543 2,865 12,108 47,323 37,970 Per cent distribution.. 2.4 2.7 8.2 0.8 12.8 8.7 14.1 11.3 Average per establish- ment... Pesos.. 468 562 674 692 1,296 1,254 3,155 Land and building.. Pesos... 150 280 1,085 195 1,471 280 4,002 Per cent distribu- 3 tion.... 1.8 2.0 9.6 1.7 18.0 2.5 85.5 Average per es- tablishment.... Pesos.... 9 14 68 49 45 28 267 Per cent of total... 1.9 2.6 10.1 7.0 8.4 2.2 8.5 Equipment (fishing boats, corrals, nets, etc.)...... Pesos.... 7,085 6,961 9,844 2,426 87,528 11,628 86,829 87,970 Per cent distribu- tion.... 2.6 2.6 8.5 0.9 14.0 4.8 18.7 14,2 Average per es- tablishment.... Pesos.... 414 435 584 607 1,187 1,168 2,455 9,498 Per cent of total... 88.8 77.5 86.6 87.7 87.7 92.7 77.8 100.0 Cash..... Pesos... 784 1,257 887 105 8,746 585 5,074 Per cent distribu- tion.... 1.4 2.4 0.6 0.2 7.2 1.1 9.8 Average per es- tablishment.... Pesos... 48 79 21 26 114 59 888 Per cent of total.. 9.2 Notes and accounts 3 14.0 8.1 8.8 8.8 4.7 10.7 receivable....... Pesos.... 45 529 20 40 25 50 1,418 Per cent distribu- tion..... 1.8 15.1 0.6 1.1 0.7 1.4 89.8 Average per es- tablishment.... Pesos.... 8 84 1 10 Per cent of total... 0.6 6.0 0.2 1.4 10 5 95 0.1 0.4 3.0 (1) Less than al per cent. (2) Less than I peso 438 TABLE 2-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-VALUE AND KIND OF FISHING EQUIPMENT USED, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Size of catch- Item All estat lish- ments Under P100 P100 to P199 P200 to P299 P300 to P399 400 to P499 P500 to 599 Value of equipment, total.... Pesos.... Per cent distribution... 267,969 100.0 60,968 16,311 11,394 11,179 12,088 6,313 22.8 6.1 4.8 4.2 4.5 2.4 Value of fishing boats, total.... Pesos.... 106,500 20,799 4,875 3,860 2,769 4,601 1,958 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 19.5 4.6 8.6 2.6 4.3 1.8 Fishing boats with en- gines. Number. 11 Establishment report- ing... Number 11 Value.. Pesos.... 82,155 Fahing boats without en- gines... Number 268 Establishments report- Number. 179 Value.. Pesos.... 48,849 4,179 Small fishing boats and bancas. Number 1,999 1,488 8328 - - 1 1 200 48 22 11 18 18 15 10 10 7 1,990 8,040 1,875 8,620 1,814 184 45 MP 69 46 84 Establishments report- Number. 1,708 1,888 152 88 48 27 21 Value.... Fesos.... 80,496 16,605 2,685 820 1,894 981 644 Value of fishing nets, total Pesos... 142,899 34,514 8,857 6,653 7,827 6,874 3,880 Per cent distribution. 100.0 24.2 6.2 4.7 5.5 4.8 2.7 Utase nets (traw nets, pukot).. Number 170 80 10 8 12 11 10 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 124 26 7 7 9 10 9 Value.. Pesos.... 32,462 4,325 1,750 2,560 1,772 2,401 1,670 Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.)...... Number. 35 16 5 8 1 Establishments report- ing... Number. 27 12 5 1 Value... Pesos.... 4,563 1,035 668 650 Sapiao net. (seine)..... Number. 19 5 1 Establishments report- ing... Number. 16 8 1 Value.. Pesos.... 7,594 1,244 300 Bating nets (gill net, tan- say, panti)... Number. 48 13 1 7 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 39 13 2 1 5 Value... Pesos.... 5,175 1,440 50 830 140 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.). Number 2,100 1,588 258 58 76 Establishments report- ing.. Number. 1,403 1,122 129 28 Value.. Pesos.... 86,977 14,627 3,936 1,605 1,648 Lines (hapin)... Number. 8,086 2,552 291 92 Establishments report- ing... Number. 1,309 1,096 108 43 Value... Pesos.... 5,930 3,149 415 128 Baclad.. Number. 216 75 11 11 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 179 73 10 8 Value. Pesos.... 42,227 5,738 796 566 3,393 22 22 28 847 51 20 159 24 ཡཿཧྨས ཨ – ཀྑུཤྩ དྭི ཡཿནཱ ༤d 180 2 7 6 521 19 10 452 24 10 69 7 6 21 14 2,110 1,080 Tangar. Number. 471 454 Establishments report- ing.... Number. 110 107 Value.. Pesos.... 462 899 16 Bobos. Number. 1,330 555 42 28 419 17 Establishments report- ing... Number. 445 174 Value... Pesos.... 2,214 1,193 127 Other corrals, traps and weirs Number. 696 500 2288 15 10 204 7 45 537 48 83 18 ནྡྷུ 6 37 5 39 16 Establishments report- 4 ing.... Value... Number. 250 172 36 13 3 9 99 Pesos.... 5,295 1,364 1,115 769 18 422 475 All other equipment...... Pesos.... 18,570 5,655 2,579 881 583 613 439 TABLE 2.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-VALUE AND KIND OF FISHING EQUIPMENT USED, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938-Continued Size of catch- Item 600 to 699 700 to 799 800 to 899 900 to 999 P1,000 to P1.499 P1,500 to P1,999 P2,000 to P5,000 and T4.99 over Value of equip- (3) ment, total..... Pesos.... 7,035 6,961 9,344 2,426 37,52 11,628 36,829 37,970 Per cent distribution..... 2.6 2.6 8.5 0.9 14.0 4.8 13.7 14.2 Value of fishing boats, total... Pesos... 2,089 508 2,437 595 13,848 7,489 20,566 20,106 engines. Per cent distribution.... Fishing boats with Establish ments reporting... Number. 2.0 0.5 2.8 0.6 13.0 7.0 19.8 18.9 Number. 1 2 4 2 1 2 4 2 Value. Pesos.... 4,200 1,840 12,900 18,500 Fishing boats with- out engines..... Number. 7 2 8 2 30 12 12 10 Establish ments reporting.. Number. 6 2 6 Value. Pesos.... 1,765 180 1,870 ܝ8 1 19 8 8 4 500 9,065 5,040 6,080 8,881 Small fishing boats and bancas...... Number. 18 22 80 5 25 29 84 25 Establish ments reporting...... Number. 13 13 15 8 14 10 12 Value.... Pesos.... 824 878 567 95 583 1,109 1,586 2,725 Value of fishing nets, 4,885 3,703 5,716 1,116 22,794 4,001 O7.166 15,913 Per cent distribution... 8.4 2.6 4.0 0.8 16.0 2.8 11.8 11.1 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot)..... Number. 10 7 16 6 80 8 6 11 Establish m ents reporting...... Number. 7 6 10 20 Value... Pesos.... 1,405 1,290 2,855 1,020 7,248 09900 8 3 8 400 1,666 2,100 Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.)... Number. 1 6 1 2 Value.... Value.... Establish ments reporting...... Number. Sapiao nets (seine).. Number. Establish m ents reporting...... Number. Bating nets (gill net, tamsay, panti) Number. reporting...... Number. daklis, etc.).... Number. 1 5 1 1 Pesos... 50 1,500 280 200 5 1 Pesos.... Establish ments reporting...... Number. reporting...... Number. reporting...... Number. reporting...... Number. Other corrals, traps, and weirs.... Establish ments reporting. ... Number. Value.. All other equipment.. Pesos.... 1 800 1 -- Establish ments 1 Value.... Pesos.... 280 Other nets (salap, 14 Establish ments reporting.. Number. 10 Value... Pesos.... 1,423 Lines (hapin).. Number. 22 7 Value... Pesos... 87 Baclad. Number. 14 Establish ments 14 Value... Pesos.... 1,660 1,070 Tangar. Number. Establish m ents Value... Pesos... Bobos... Number. 2 Establish ments Value... 500 120 408 6 Pesos.... Number 7 Pesos.... 2386 ANN IN ANN 8 8 8 N 927 2,076 དྡྷ༔ – ཀཊྛཱ * ཨež ཝཊྛཌྭ age rཊྛ སངྒྷ 1 4 2 1,200 1,000 1 2 4 1 189 8 1 70 204 220 1,580 15 7 10 3 18 5 6 78 26 2,329 101 9,896 14 7 2 6 4 2 81 8 1,802 11 11 སབྷཱུ ཏེ སཊྛཱ མ སདྡྷསྶ ཡཙྪསྶ 9 9,689 8 2,000 4 1,497 10,602 7 1 21 8 288 2 24 1 114 60 1 6 10 21 8 502 25 31 2,750 1,191 715 881 138 97 1177 7 8 900 1,951 440 TABLE 3.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Item Size of catch- All establish- ments P299 P30 Under P100 P100 to P199 P200 to P299 P300 to P399 P400 to P499 P500 to P599 Value of all fish caught, total... Per cent distribution. Pesos. 341,964 63,695 25,514 13,319 19,579 16,204 15,933 100.0 18.6 7.5 8.9 5.7 4.7 4.6 Anchov Boxes. 11,250 872 302 249 487 805 875 Value.. Pesos 44,624 1,673 1,395 1,255 2,159 2,961 Establishments reporting. 297 128 42 8,529 23 16 13 16 Barracuda. Kilos.. 13,892 445 328 392 988 886 455 Value... Pesos. 6,371 150 96 145 374 263 180 Establishments reporting. 71 25 8 5 5 5 Bonito, skipjack or abacora.. hilos.. 4 69,682 8,955 2,690 8,094 6,400 5,921 Value.. Pesos. 34,206 1,604 4,547 1,264 1,809 3,163 2,908 2,175 Establishments reporting.. 568 874 53 19 24 16 19 Caesio.... Boxes. 1,471 884 160 10 13 12 117 Value.. Pesos. 5,770 1,344 459 47 65 65 410 Establishments reporting. 147 103 14 2 4 2 10 Cavallas.. kilos.. 27,100 9,412 2,323 1,096 2,662 2,044 2,517 Value.. Pesos. 12,774 4,839 1,105 549 1,845 997 1,214 Establishments reporting. 654 502 61 16 28 10 15 Chub mackerel.. Boxes. 5,588 959 395 215 278 885 877 Value. Pesos 21,368 1,221 1,856 883 1,882 1,460 1,622 Establishments reporting. 365 230 45 15 20 8 10 Crabs... Boxes. 1,706 385 297 184 111 8 87 Value. Pesos. 5,243 1,604 735 576 532 15 190 Establishments reporting. 284 214 32 18 6 1 8 Grouper.. Kilos.. 22,806 12,739 8,126 524 1,500 832 1,799 Value.. Pesos. 10,753 6,035 1,565 252 741 890 627 Establishments reporting. 834 681 91 21 16 6 9 Herrings and sardines.. Boxes. 9,022 400 247 121 156 242 441 Value. Pesos. 39,409 1,920 943 473 789 1,201 1,770 Establishments reporting. 320 179 39 8 17 8 14 Lizard fish (Kaloso). Boxes. 432 237 73 21 28 10 Value.. Pesos. 1,500 714 338 103 140 20 Establishments reporting. 124 98 14 6 2 2 Mullet.... Boxes. 2,159 756 182 58 13 42 112 Value. Pesos 9,944 3,460 905 288 65 210 835 Establishments reporting. 345 279 84 5 2 7 4 Nemipterid. Boxes. 711 182 57 55 61 5 35 Value.. Pesos 8,027 673 269 212 257 11 70 Establishments reporting. 177 126 24 1.0 7 1 2 Red snapper.... Kilos.. 28,074 15,421 3,076 1,748 2,318 1,057 140 Value. Pesos 12,500 7,055 1,422 796 1,209 426 170 Establishments reporting. 647 Sword hsh (malasugui)... Kilos, 9,002 549 2,094 52 15 16 4 2 2,442 1,742 414 Value. Pesos. 4,409 946 1.180 921 207 Establishments reporting. 177 118 41 11 3 Siganid and surgeon fish Boxes. 1,702 433 141 544 280 34 44 Value.. Pesos 5,560 1,776 763 858 815 169 177 Establishments reporting. 245 178 24 11 13 4 3 Shrimps (hipon). Boxes. 2,559 430 124 40 132 818 104 Value... Pesos. 11,307 1,371 583 170 614 1,580 209 Establishments reporting. 268 200 26 7 8 11 2 Spanish mackerel.. Kilos.. 21.305 7,084 2.922 2,166 2,857 582 854 Value.. Pesos. 9,616 3,185 1,554 1,063 990 155 259 Establishments reporting. 383 262 60 18 16 4 7 Squid's... Boxes. 1,314 513 108 61 53 151 7 Value. Pesos. 5,425 2,193 425 141 263 446 85 Establishments reporting. 453 378 28, 8 13 8 2 Catfishes.. Boxes 812 72 21 24 4 Value.. Pesos. 5,992 327 104 120 18 Establishments reporting. 75 61 8 2 2 Dalag, hito... Boxes. 300 116 54 35 25 5 Value.. Pesos 1,429 545 242 171 125 23 Establishments reporting. 119 94 13 6 3 Other fishes.. .. Boxes or kilos. 44,780 22,057 5,272 507 Value... Pesos 89,072 20,391 7,815 2,487 2,052 4,344 792 iti 2,886 Establishments reporting. 1,811 1,465 162 33 36 20 1,388 2,961 20 Turbo ( Mother pearl, Cowry shells, Sea cucumber) Kilos.. 3.347 2.288 1,059 Value. Pesos 1,665 1,169 496 Establishments reporting. 73 52 21 441 TABLE 3.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938-Continued Item Size of cateh- P600 to 1699 P700 to P799 P800 to P899 P900 to P999 P1,000 to P1,499 P1,500 to 1,999 P2,000 to P5,000 and 14,999 over Value of all fish caught, total..... Pesos. 11,079 11,524 13,206 3,796 38,917 17,805 42,982 48,411 Per cent distribution.... 3.2 8.4 3.9 1.1 11.4 5.2 12.6 14.2 Anchovy... Boxes. 313 294 464 24 3,089 496 2,620 910 Value... Pesos. 1,280 1,470 1,509 120 11,391 2,182 9,900 3,800 Establishments reporting. 7 3 7 2 21 7 8 4 Barracuda. Kilos.. 324 140 120 70 930 1,150 664 7,000 Value. Pesos. 146 70 40 35 465 575 332 3,500 Establishments reporting. 5 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 Bonito, skijack or aljacora. Kilos.. 5,346 4,494 9,161 4,098 13,982 1,278 3,296 1,420 Value.... Pesos 2,588 2,211 4,644 2,020 6,87 639 1,598 710 Establishments reporting.... 10 10 13 4 17 3 8 3 Caesio.... Boxes. 58 30 61 20 40 566 Value.. Pesos 230 100 230 40 100 2,680 Establishments reporting. 4 2 3 1 1 1 Cavallas..... Kilos.. 222 2,284 666 332 1,463 564 715 Value.. Pesos 100 901 317 160 740 262 345 3 800 400 Establishments reporting.. 1 9 4 1 4 4 1 Chub mackerel.. Boxes. 216 142 193 714 176 595 993 Value.... Pesos 930 637 873 3,399 552 1,448 5,105 Establishments reporting.. 4 3 6 10 7 8 Crabs.... Boxes. 79 190 80 225 65 Value... Pesos 280 380 160 450 321 Establishments reporting. 2 2 1 3 2 Grouper... Kilos.. 220 142 40 230 1,654 Value. Pesos 110 71 20 115 827 Establishments reporting.. 1 2 1 3 3 Herrings and sardines..... Boxes. 215 326 298 229 1,369 1,052 Value... Pesos 830 1,150 1,492 1,261 5,475 3,895 1,876 9,360 2,050 8,850 Establishments reporting... 4 3 3 19 10 8 Lizard fish (Kaloso). Boxes. 43 20 Value... Pesos 85 100 Establishments reporting.. 1 1 Mullet... Boxes. 153 20 65 Value Pesos 765 100 325 302 1,211 436 2,180 20 100 Establishments reporting. 2 1 4 5 1 1 Nemipterid.. Boxes. 48 60 208 Value... Pesos 200 300 1,035 Red Snapper.... Establishments reporting.. 3 1 3 Kilos.. 624 610 480 2,500 100 Value.. Pesos 312 320 240 500 50 Value... Value... Siganid and surgeon fish... Boxes. Establishments reporting. Sword fish (malasugui).... Kilos.. Establishments reporting. 1 3 3 1 1 10 300 2,000 Pesos 5 150 1,000 1 1 2 47 33 50 20 76 Pesos 234 148 100 200 320 Value... Shrimps (hipon).... Establishments reporting- 3 4 1 1 3 Boxes. Pesos 232 1,160 301 15 86 117 660 1,354 80 322 564 8,300 Value... Spanish mackerel... Establishments reporting.. 2 3 1 3 8 2 Kilos. 1,645 82 640 640 300 2,083 Pesos 740 30 320 170 150 1,000 Squids.. Establishments reporting- 6 1 2 3 1 3 Value.. Boxes. 45 19 132 72 33 120 Pesos 220 96 660 206 100 640 Catfishes... Establishments reporting. 2 3 5 3 1 2 681 Value.. Boxes 10 5,408 Value. Dalag, hito.... Establishments reporting- Pesos 20 1 1 Boxes. 25 Value.. Establishments reporting Other fishes.... Establishments reporting. Turbo (Trochus, Mother pearl, Cowry shells, Sea cucumber).. Value... Eatsblishments reporting. Pesos 123 40 200 Boxes or kilog Pesos. 374 1,400 975 2,755 987 2,815 1 1,956 7,858 4 7 32 965 4,718 10 3,720 17,469 3,555 11,673 14 Kilos. Pesos 442 TABLE 4.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, ASSETS, BY FORM OF ORGANIZATION AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938. Establishments operated by citizens cf- Establishments operated by- Item All estab- lishments Individuals Partnerships Associations Corpora tions Philippines Japan Number of establishments... Per cent distribution... Number of employees in 1938, 2,207 2,112 100.0 95.7 8.0 66 27.2 2 1.2 10 2,108 0.1 95.5 0.2 total.... Persons.. 8,348 7.329 685 348 26 7,254 75 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 87.8 8.2 8.7 0.8 86.9 Average per establishments... 0.9 Persons.. 8.8 8.5 10.4 11.4 18.0 Proprietors and others not paid 8.4 18.8 salaries or wages. Persons.. 5,880 4,902 271 154 8 Per cent distribution.. 4,875 27 100.0 92.0 5.1 2.9 0.1 91.5 Per cent of total employees.. Average per establishment.... Persons.. Superintendents, caretakers, etc. Persons.. Per cent of total employees... Other employees. 0.5 63.8 66.9 89.6 50.0 11.5 2.4 2.8 4.1 6.7 1.5 Bern 67.2 86.0 2.8 6.8 412 891 16 2 8 891 4.9 5.8 2.8 0.6 11.5 5.4 Persons.. 2,606 2,036 898 152 20 1,988 48 Per cent of total employees.. 81.2 27.8 58.1 49.4 76.9 27.4 64.0 Per cent distribution.. Salaries paid in 1938, total....... Pesos... Per cent of total receipts.. Average per establishment...... Pesos.... Superintendents, caretakers, etc. Pesos.... Per cent distribution.. Average per person. Other employees.. Per cent distribution. Average per person.. 65,203 57.886 5,631 1,686 52,892 4,994 100.0 19.1 19.9 88.88 8.6 2.6 81.1 7.7 17.1 10.7 18.9 48.3 80 27 5 62 25 1,249 5,957 5,406 230 821 5,406 Pesos.... .. Pesos.... Pesos... 100.0 14 59,246 100.0 23 90.8 8.9 5.4 90.8 14 14 161 14 52,480 5,401 1,365 47,486 4,994 88.6 26 9.1 2.3 80.2 8.4 14 9 24 a 104 Cost of fuel, total. Pesos.... 5,659 5,583 Per cent distribution. 100.0 98.7 Establishments reporting. Number. Average per establishment. Pesos.... 37 3 24 3 8801 0.8 8828 5,583 60 0.5 97.6 1.1 23 1 8 15 Value of fishes caught, total........ Pesos... 341,964 291,602 Per cent distribution... Average per establishment...... Pesos 100.0 155 Assets, total.. Pesos... 334,847 85.3 138 285,418 32,862 9.6 15,820 4.6 1,680 0.5 280,076 11,526 498 586 840 81.9 133 8.4 2,882 37,531 10,424 1,476 259,373 26,05 Per cent distribution... Average per establishment... Pesos... 100.0 152 85.2 11.2 8.1 0.4 77.5 7.8 135 569 886 738 123 6,511 Land and building... Pesos.... Per cent distribution.. 11,287 100.0 10,347 890 50 7,345 8,002 91.7 7.9 0.4 65.1 26.6 Average per establishment.... Pesos.... Per cent of total. 5 8.4 5 13 2 8 751 8.6 2.4 0.5 2.8 11.6 Equipment (fishing boats, corals, nets) Pesos.... 267,969 225,023 34,471 6,999 1,476 202,523 22,500 Per cent distribution.. Average per establishment.... Pesos.. 100.0 121 84.0 107 12.9 522 2.6 0.6 75.6 8.4 259 788 96 5,625 Per cent of total... 80.0 78.8 91.8 67.2 100.0 78.1 86.4 Cash.... Pesos... 52,031 48,146 1,582 2,303 47,801 845 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 92.5 8.0 4.4 91.9 0.7 Average per establishment.... Pesos.... 24 23 24 85 28 86 Per cent of total... 15.5 16.9 4.2 22.1 18.4 1.8 Notes and accounts receivable.. Pesos.... 3,560 1,902 588 1,070 1,704 198 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 53.4 16.5 5.6 80.1 47.9 Average per establishment.... Pesos.. Per cent of total.. 2 1 9 40 1 50 1.1 0.7 1.6 10.3 0.7 0.8 443 TABLE 5.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-VALUE AND KIND OF FISHING EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF ORGANIZATION AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938 Establishments operated by citizens of- Establishments operated by- Item All estab- lishments Individual Partnerships Associations Corpora- tions Philippines Japan Value of equipment, total... Pesos.... 267,969 225,023 34,471 6,999 - 1,476 202,523 22,500 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 84.0 12.9 2.6 0.6 75.6 8.4 Value of fishing boats, total...... Pesos.... 106,500 97,484 7,137 1,861 18 90,304 7,180 Per cent distribution. 100.0 91.5 6.7 1.7 (¹) 84.8 6.7 Fishing boats with engines.. Number. 11 10 1 6 4 Establishments reporting. Number 11 10 1 6 4 Value.... Pesos.... 32,155 32,115 40 29,015 8,100 Fishing boats without engines... Number. Establishments reporting..... Number. 268 190 28 50 184 6 179 134 21 24 130 4 Value. Pesos.. 43,849 88,189 4,700 960 34,109 4,080 Small fishing boats and bancas.. Number. Establishments reporting.. 1,999 1,882 80 85 2 1,882 Number. 1,703 1,629 49 24 1 1,629 Value.... Pesos.... 80,496 27,180 2,397 901 18 27,180 Value of fishing nets, total...... nets, total....... Pesos.... 142,899 114,150 2,507 4,924 818 104,746 9,404 Per cent distribution... 100.0 79.9 16.1 3.4 0.6 73.8 6.6 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot)... Number. Establishments reporting. Number. Value.... 170 138 27 124 103 18 Pesos.... 32,462 27,482 8,777 528856 4 218 Muroami nets (trap net, kuluku- tok, etc.)..... Number. 35 31 2 Establishments reporting. Number. 27 24 2 Value.... Pesos.... 4,563 3,563 400 600 iབྷཱུ སམྦྷ༔ 1 138 1 103 27,482 2 81 1 24 3,563 Sapiao nets (seine). Number. 19 18 1 18 Establishments reporting. Number. 16 15 1 Value..... K Pesos... 7,594 6,794 800 15 6,794 Bating nets (gill nets, tasay, panti).... Number. 43 41 Establishments reporting. Number. 89 37 Value.... Pesos... 5,175 4,825 350 220 41 Q 2 37 4,825 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.).. Number. 2,100 2,016 75 Establishments reporting. Number. 1,403 1,350 46 16 9 2,010 6 1,34 Value.... Pesos.... 86,977 29,412 6,049 1,516 21,810 7,602 Lines (hapin)... Number. 3,086 2,985 93 8 2,983 2 Establishments reporting. Number. 1,309 1,274 33 2 1,272 2 Value.... Pesos.... 5,930 5,732 194 4 3,930 1,802 Baclad. Number. 216 163 28 25 163 Establishments reporting. Number. 179 137 20 22 137 Value.... Pesos.... 42,227 28,873 11,061 2,293 28,873 Tangar. Number. 471 448 23 448 Establishments reporting. Number. 110 105 5 105 Value... Pesos.... 462 359 103 359 Bobos.. Number 1,330 1,262 10 58 1,262 Establishments reporting. Number. 445 418 6 21 418 Value.... Value.... Other corrals, traps and weirs Number. Establishments reporting. All other equipment.. Pesos.. 2,214 2,038 82 94 2.038 696 657 23 16 -657 Number. Pesos.... 5,295 250 236 11 3 236 5,072 191 32 5,072 Pesos.... 18.570 13,389 4,327 214 640 7,473 5,916 1 Less than 0.1 mer seat. 444 TABLE 6.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY FORM OF ORGANIZATION AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938 Establishments operated by- Item All estab- lishments Establishments operated by citizens of- Individuals Partnerships Associations Corpora- Philippines tions Japan Value of all fish caught, total.. Pesos. 341,964 291,602 32,862 15,820 1,680 280,076 11,526 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 85.8 9.6 4.6 0.5 81.9 8.4 Anchovy.. Boxes. 11,250 10,442 677 71 Value.. Pesos. 44,624 42,009 2,163 832 120 Establishments reporting. 297 272 20 4 8270 60 10,442 42,009 Barracuda... kilos.. 13,892 6,976 6,224 692 Value. Pesos 6,371 2,923 8,102 346 Establishments reporting. 71 58 11 2 272 6,976 2,923 58 Bonito, skipjack, or allacora. Kilas.. 69,682 51,127 10,725 6,650 1,180 51,127 Value... Pesos. 84,206 24,745 5,596 3,275 590 24,745 Establishments reporting. 568 521 33 12 2 521 Caesio.. Boxes. 1,471 1,228 223 20 1,228 Value.. Pesos 5,770 4,973 697 100 4,978 Establishments reporting. 147 132 14 1 182 Cavallas.... Kilos.. 27,100 20,147 8,991 2,962 Value.. Pesos. 12,774 9,498 1,745 1,531 20,047 9,448 100 50 Establishments reporting. 654 609 31 14 608 1 Chub mackerel.. Boxes. 5,588 Value.. Pesos 21,368 8,841 16,226 451 1,206 90 1,927 2,915 800 8,840 16,226 Establishments reporting. 365 810 83 20 2 810 Crabs.. Boxes. 1,706 1,859 847 Value.. Pesos. - 5,243 4,268 975 Establishments reporting. 284 265 19 1,359 4.268 265 Grouper.... Kilos.. 22,806 20,418 2,038 850 20,414 Value. Pesos 10,758 9,749 829 175 9,747 Establishments reporting. 834 810 16 8 Herrings and sardines.... Boxes. 9,022 Value.. Pesos 39,409 7,688 33,287 682 632 2,919 8,153 100 Establishments reporting. 320 285 16 280 20 809 7,686 83,227 18 1 284 21121 10 Lizard fish.... Boxes. 432 401 11 20 401 Value.. Pesos 1,500 1,845 55 100 1,845 Establishments reporting. 124 121 2 1 121 Mullet. Boxes 2,159 1,949 172 23 15 1,949 Value.. Pesos 9,944 8,893 858 118 75 8,898 Establishments reporting. 845 822 20 2 1 822 Nemipterid.. Boxes. 711 589 102 20 589 Value. Pesos 8,027 2,415 512 100 2,415 Establishments reporting. 177 171 6 1 171 Red Snapper..... Kilos.. 28,074 20,535 6,978 816 250 20,585 Value.. Pesos. 12,500 9,825 2,892 158 125 9,825 Establishments reporting. 647 619 22 5 1 619 Sword fish.. kilos.. 9,002 8,503 199 800 8.503 Value... Pesos 4,409 4,172 87 150 4,172 Establishments reporting. 177 171 5 1 171 Siganid and surgeon fish. Value.. Boxes. 1,702 1.512 55 135 1.512 Pesos 5,560 4,626 260 674 4,626 Establishments reporting. 245 226 6 18 226 Shrimps..... Boxes. 2,55 Value. Pesos 11,307 2,872 10,700 177 10 2,872 587 20 10,700 Establishments reporting. 268 Spanish mackerel.. Kilos.. 21,805 Value.. Pesos. 9,616 Establishments reporting. 883 Squids.. Boxes. 1.814 250 18,089 8,415 852 1,108 17 1 250 @ 2,460 256 500 18,089 973 128 100 8,415 27 8 1 852 169 43 1.102 Value.. Pesos 5,425 4,522 686 217 4,522 Establishments reporting. 458 430 20 8 480 Catfishes.... Boxes 812 798 14 798 Value. Pesos 5,992 5,952 40 Establishments reporting. 75 73 2 Dalag, hito.... Boxes. 800 212 18 70 Value. Pesos. 1,429 1,007 76 346 5,952 78 212 1,007 Establishments reporting. 119 107 9 Other fishes... Kilos.. 44.780 88,596 5,582 672 80 107 86,803 2,298 Value... Pesos. 89,072 80,487 6,883 2,102 150 68,978 11,464 Establishments reporting. Turbo (Trochus, Mother pearl, Cowry shells, Sea cucumber). Value.. Establishments reporting. 1,811 1,788 51 21 1 1,784 kilos.. 8,347 8,847 8,847 Pesos 1,665 1,665 1,665 78 78 78 445 TABLE 7.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Item PHILIP- PINES Agusan Albay Bataan Batanes Batangas Bohol Cagayan Number of establishment.... 2,207 2 107 32 14 53 Per cent distribution. 100.0 0.1 4.8 1.4 0.6 82 25 4 2.4 1.1 0.2 Number of employees in 1938, total..... Persons.. 8,348 11 396 130 24 642 76 172 = Per cent distribution 100.0 0.1 4.7 1.6 0.3 7.7 0.9 2.1 Average per establish- ment.. Persons.. 8.8 5.5 3.7 4.1 1.7 12.1 8.0 48.0 Proprietors and others not paid salaries and wages..... Persons. 5.330 8 888 67 23 Other employees. total....... Per cent distribution.. Per cent distribution... Per cent of total employees. Average per establishment.. Superintendents, care- takers, etc..... Per cent of total employees. Per cent of total employees. Salaries paid in 1938, Per cent of total receipts. 100.0 0.2 7.3 1.3 63.8 72.7 98.0 51.5 2.4 4.0 3.6 2.1 Persons. 412 2 1 4.9 18.2 0.3 208L L4 151 76 9 0.4 2.8 1.4 0.2 95.8 23.5 100.0 5.2 1.6 2.8 8.0 2.3 53 2 4.2 8.3 1.2 Persons.. 2,606 1 7 63 488 161 81.2 9.1 1.8 48.5 68.2 93.6 Pesos... 65,203 125 83 5,498 750 100.0 19.1 Average per esta °ཎྜ 0.2 0.1 8.4 1.2 104.2 1.7 14.2 17.9 blishment..... Pesos... 30 63 Superintendents, caretakers, etc... Pesos... 5,957 65 sons.... son.. Per cent distribution... Average per per- Other employees... Pesos.. Per cent distribution... Average per per- Cost of fuel, total...... Pesos Per cent distribution... 100.0 1.1 Pesos.... 14 83 59,246 60 63 - 20 280 1 104 188 143 0.3 2.4 8 5,355 100.0 0.1 0.1 9.0 Pesos... 23 60 9 12 124 5,659 7 100.0 0.1 750 1.8 5 80 0.5 Establishments re- porting.. Number. Average per esta- 87 8 2 total.... blishment....... Pesos... Value of fishes caught, Per cent distribution. Average per esta blishment..... Pesor 8 (¹) 1 Pesos. 841,964 100.0 155 Assets, total ........ Pesos... Pesos.... 334,847 228 90 120 4,784 7,516 1.4 2.2 (¹) 3380 80 88,814 11.4 8,096 4,179 0.9 1.2 60 45 235 2 732 124 1,045 419 4,014 6,808 332 41,6374 1,774 5,495 Per cent distribution..... 100.0 0.1 1.2 2.0 0.1 124 0.5 1.6 Average per esta- Per cent distribution. Average per esta blishment.. ... Pesos.... Land and building. Pesos.. blishment..... Pesos.. 152 210 88 213 24 786 71 1,374 11,287 2,559 10 100.0 22.7 al 5 48 8 Per cent of total... Equipment (fishing 8.4 6.1 0.2 boats, coral, nets, etc.).... Pesos.. 267,969 414 8,744 6,808 332 88,207 1,468 8,192 Average per esta Per cent distribution... blishment..... Pesos.... 100.0 0.2 1.4 2.5 0.1 14.3 0.5 1.2 121 207 85 218 24 721 59 798 Per cent of total.. 80.0 98.8 93.3 100.0 100.0 91.8 82.8 58.1 Cash... Pesos 52,031 5 270 605 806 2,093 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 (¹) 0.5 1.2 0.6 4.0 Average per esta blishment..... Pesos. 24 8 Per cent of total.. 15.5 1.2 1.2 88 6.7 11.6 12 528 17.2 88.1 Notes and accounts receivable....... Pesos. Per cent distribution.. 8,560 266 200 100.0 7.5 5.6 Average per esta- blishment.... Per cent of total.... Pesos.. 2 B 50 1.1 0.6 8.6 Lane then fi POR RA Lose them & P 446 Cam. Sur Capiz Cavite 24 130 1.1 5.9 TABLE 7-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Number of establishment... Per cent distribution... * Doses Cebu Ketebeta Norte Ilocos Sur Iloilo 16 85 50 64 866 18 0.7 8.9 2.3 2.9 16.6 0.7 Number of employees in 1938, total...... Persons. 190 434 138 177 225 198 1,136 213 Per cent distribution 2.8 5.2 1.7 2.1 2.7 2.4 13.6 2.6 Average per establish- ment. Persons.. 7.9 8.3 9.2 2.1 4.5 8.1 8.1 14.8 Proprietors and others not paid sala ries and wages... Persons.. 91 272 27 119 221 61 767 Per cent distribution..... 1.7 5.1 0.5 2.2 4.1 1.1 14.4 0.1 Per cent of total em- ployees... Average per establishment 47.9 62.7 19.6 67.2 98.2 30.8 67.5 8.8 3.8 2.1 1.8 1.4 4.4 1.0 2.1 0.5 Superintendents, care- takers, etc.... Persons.. 7 6 9 1 66 12 Per cent of total em- 1loyees.. 1.6 4.8 5.1 1.8 0.5 5.8 5.6 Other employees... Persons.. 99 155 105 49 136 308 194 Per cent of total em- ployees.... 52.1 35.7 76.1 27.7 68.7 26.7 91.1 total.... Salaries paid in 1938, Per cent distribution...... Per cent of total receipts..... Average per estab- lishment.. Superintendents, caretakers, etc... Pesos.... Per cent distribution.. Average per per- Other employees... Pesos.... Average per per- Pesos.. 1,757 853 244 405 335 8,081 2.7 1.3 0.4 0.6 0.5 12.4 26.6 7.9 2.2 5.8 2.8 51.6 Pesos.... 73 73 7 16 5 1 539 58 96 1,079 1.0 1.6 18.1 sons.. Per cent distribution.. Pesos.... 6 1 90 1,757 853 244 347 289 8.0 1.4 0.4 0.6 0.4 7,002 11.8 son Pesos.... 18 6 2 7 – 1 36 Cost of fuel, total. Pesos... 175 691 Per cent distribution.. 3.1 0.1 10.4 Establishments re- porting.... Number.. 1 1 1 Average per estab- lishment...---- Pesos.... 7 (¹) 89 Value of fishes caught, total... Pesos.. 6,604 Per cent distribution.... Average per estab- 1.9 10,817 3.2 11,177 8.3 6,977 26,853 3,355 14,439 15,694 2.0 7.9 1.0 4.2 4.6 lishment... Pesos... 275 83 745 82 537 52 89 1,046 Assets, total Pesos.... 9,148 6,867 8,225 5,731 9,615 5,254 16,991 25,811 Per cent distribution... 2.7 Average per estab- lishment.. Pesos.. 881 53 Land and building. Pesos... 40 18 Per cent distribution. 0.4 2380 2.0 2.5 1.7 2.9 1.6 5.1 7.7 548 67 192 82 290 880 42 46 1,721 26 0.2 2.6 7.8 02 80 0.8 Average per estab- lishment... Pesos... 2 (*) 3 18 (a) 2 Per cent of total.... 0.4 0.3 5.1 9.2 0.2 0.1 Equipment (fishing boats, coral, nets, etc.)..... Pesos.... 7,063 6,511 7,675 5,289 7,865 Per cent distribution... 2.6 2.4 2.9 2.0 2.9 3,373 1.3 15,410 28,939 5.8 8.9 Average per estab- lishment.. Pesos.... 294 50 512 62 157 53 42 1,596 Per cent of total. 77.2 94.8 93.8 92.3 81.8 64.2 90.7 92.7 Cash... Pesos... 1,463 838 550 152 666 1,890 1,519 1,842 Per cent distribution... 2.8 0.6 1.1 0.8 1.8 3.6 2.9 8.5 Average per estab- lishment.. Pesos... 61 8 87 Per cent of total... 16.0 4.9 6.7 2.7 18 29 2.7 6.9 Notes and accounts receivable..... .. Pesos.... 582 204 281 4 123 85.8 8.9 7.1 Per cent distribution.. 16.3 5.7 (¹) 86 1.0 Average per estab- lishment... Per cent of total.. Pesos... 24 4 (¹) 6.4 2.1 0.2 447 TABLE 7.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued 14 Item Lanao La Union Leyte Marinduque Masbate Misamis Mindoro Oriental Negross Occidental Number of establishment. 22 14 208 6 6 46 33 Per cent distribution... 1.0 0.6 9.4 0.3 0.3 2.1 1.5 0.2 Number of employees in 1938, total....... Persons.. 162 92 517 15 80 67 55 103 Per cent distribution 1.9 1.1 6.2 0.2 1.0 0.8 0.7 1.2 Average per establish- ment.. Persons. 7.4 6.6 2.5 2.5 13.3 1.5 1.7 25.8 Proprietors and others not paid salaries and wages..... Persons.. 162 83 446 15 4 52 55 8 Per cent distribution..... 8.0 0.6 8.4 0.3 0.1 1.0 1.0 0.1 Per cent of total em- ployees..... Average per estab- lishment.. 100.0 85.9 86.3 100.0 5.0 77.6 100.0 2.9 7.4 2.4 2.1 2.5 0.7 1.1 1.7 0.8 Superintendents, care- takers, etc.... Persons.. 7 14 11 Per cent of total em- ployees.. 7.6 2.7 13.8 Other employees... Persons. 52 57 65 15 1 27 2.9 97 Per cent of total em- ployees.. 56.5 11.0 81.3 22.4 94.2 Salaries paid in 1938, total..... Pesos.... 379 871 7,632 Per cent distribution.. 0.6 1.3 11.7 Per cent of total re- ceipts..... 7.0 8.4 -56.8 Average per esta- blishment... Pesos... 27 4 1,908 Superintendents, caretakers, etc... Pesos.... 311 480 Per cent distribu- tion..... 5.2 8.1 Average per per- sons.... Pesos... Other employees... Pesos.... 379 560 89 22 160 Per cent distribu- 1.0 7,152 tion.... 0.6 12.1 Average per per- son. Pesos.... 7 10 74 porting... Cost of fuel, total. Pesos... Per cent distribution, Establishments re- Average per esta 48 29 1,545 0.8 0.5 27.8 Number.. 12 6 2 blishment...... Pesos.... (¹) 1 886 Value of fishes caught, total..... Pesos... 28,295 5,383 10,870 238 3,784 5,633 2,080 18,563 Per cent distribution. 8.3 1.6 8.0 0.1 1.1 1.6 0.6 4.0 Average per esta- blishment... Pesos.... 1,286 885 50 40 631 122 63 3,391 Assets, total.......... Pesos.... 5,666 4,564 11,366 661 5,884 1,267 741 9,745 Per cent distribution... 1.7 1.4 8.4 0.2 1.8 0.4 0.2 2.9 Average per ests- blishment... .. Pesos.... 258 826 55 110 981 28 22 2,486 Land and, building. Pesos.... 955 217 80 Per cent distribu- tion...... 8.5 1.9 0.3 Average per ests blishment.. Equipment (fishing boats, coral, nets, etc.)..... Pesos... 43 1 5 Per cent of total.. 16.9 1.9 4.5 Pesos.... 8,983 4,409 10,010 596 5,126 1,243 726 7,195 Per cent distribu- tion.... 1.5 1.6 8.7 0.2 1.9 0.5 0.3 2.7 Average per esta- blishment.... Pesos.... 181 815 48 99 Per cent of total.... 70.8 96.6 88.1 Cash..... Pesos.. 685 150 1,139 85 905 854 90.2 87.1 758 2826 27 98.1 24 22826 1,799 98.0 73.8 15 2,550 Per cent distribu- tion..... 1.8 0.3 2.1 0.1 1.5 (¹) (1) 4.9 Average per esta- blishment..... Pesos.... 81 11 5 6 126 Per cent of total.. 12.1 3.3 10.0 5.3 12.9 1.9 (2) 638 1.9 2.0 26.2 Notes and accounts receivable....... Pesos.... 43 5 Per cent distribu- tion..... 1.2 0.1 Average per estab- lishment... Pesos... 2 (2) Per cent of total.... 0.8 0.1 448 TABLE 7-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Negros Oriental Palawan Rizal Romblon Samar Sorsogon Sułu Surigao Number of establishment.... 79 2 188 15 16 620 28 Per cent distribution.. 3.6 0.1 0,2 8.3 0.7 0.7 23.6 1.8 Number of employees in 1938, total......, Persons.. 232 18 220 333 76 143 1,744 111 Per cent distribution. 2.8 0.2 2.6 4.0 0.9 1.7 20.9 1.3 Average per estab- lishment..... Persons.. 2.9 9.0 44.0 1.8 5.1 8.9 8.4 4.0 Troprietors and others not paid salaries and wages Persons.. 206 1 6 286 66 42 1,518 85 Per cent distribu- tion..... 8.9 (¹) 0.1 5.4 1.2 0.8 28.4 1.6 Per cent of total employees.. total.... employees... Average per es- tablishment.. Superintendents, caretakers, etc... Persons.. Per cent of total employees... Other employees... Persons. Per cent of total Salaries paid in 1938. Per cent distribution..... 88.8 5.6 2.7 85.9 86.8 29.4 86.8 76.6 2.6 0.5 1.2 1.6 .4.4 2.6 2.9 8.0 2 1 18 2 10 8 149 22 0.9 5.6 8.2 0.6 18.2 2.1 24 16 196 45 98 800 8.5 19.8 4 10.8 88.9 89.1 13.5 68.5 4.7 3.6 Pesos.... 1,485 28,262 135 864 500 51 (¹) 2.8 48.3 0.2 1.8 0.8 0.1 Per cent of total lishment... Per cent distribu- receipts..... Average per estab- Superintendents, caretakers, etc. Pesos.... tion..... Average per per- 0.4 58.2 89.8 12.0 8.5 1.2 1.8 Pesos.... (¹) 743 5,652 9 54 1 2 240 8,282 135 72 4.0 54.8 2.8 21 26 1.2 0.4 sons..... Pesos.... 240 180 14 24 Other employees. Pesos.. 1,245 25,030 792 500 26 1 Per cent distribu- tion... Average per per- son.... Pesos.... Ξε (¹) 2.1 42.2 1.8 0.8 (¹) (3) 78 128 8 6 6 Cost of fuel, total..... Pesos.. Per cent distribution. Establishments re- porting........ 28 1,280 662 0.5 22.6 11.7 (¹) Number.. 1 1 1 1 Average per estab- lishment.... Pesos.... 14 256 44 (1) Value of fishes caught, total... Pesos.. 2,269 2,550 Per cent distribution. 0.7 0.7 31,455 9.2 4,695 1.4 1,123 0.8 lishment.... Per cent distribution. Average per estab- Assets, total. Pesos.... Average per estab- lishment... Land and building. Pesos.. Pesos.... 29 1,275 2,320 2,016 6,291 77,302 26 75 10,136 3.0 634 43,106 12.6 4,257 1.2 83 152 4,621 2,814 4,277 18,764 2,527 0.7 0.6 23.1 1.4 0.8 1.8 5.6 0.8 Pesos.... 220 29 12 1,008 15,460 25 188 267 86 90 40 2,000 40 605 Per cent distribu- tion..... 0.1 0.4 17.7 0.4 5.4 Average per estab- lishment...... Pesos... (¹) 20 400 3 38 Per cent of total.. 0.5 2.0 2.6 1.4 14.1 Equipment (fishing boats, coral, nets, etc.)... Pesos.... 1,973 555 44,641 4,262 2,634 8,497 17,715 2,887 Per cent distribu- tion..... Average per estab- lishment..... 0.7 0.2 16.7 1.6 1.0 1.3 6.6 0.9 Pesos.. 25 278 8,928 28 176 219 84 83 Per cent of total.. 85.0 27.5 57.7 92.2 93.6 81.8 94.4 92.5 Cash.... Pesos.. 835 351 80,661 859 140 175 1,049 186 Per cent distribu- tion..... 0.6 0.7 58.9 0.7 0.8 0.3 2.0 0.4 Average per estab- lishment...... Pesos.... 176 6,182 2 9 11 2 Per cent of total.. 14.4 17.4 89.7 7.8 5.0 4.1 5.6 Notes and accounts receivable....... Pesos.... 1,070 4 Per cent distribu- tion..... 80.1 0.1 Average per esta- blishment..... Pesos... 535 € Per cent of total.. 53.1 () 0.2 449 TABLE 7.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Other prov- Item Tayabas Zambales Zamboanga Zamboanga Davao City City inces and cities Number of establishments.... 8 8 12 5 7 Per cent distribution.. 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.8 Number of employees in 1938, total... Persons.. 19 20 28 12 81 58 Per cent distribution. 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.1 1,0. 0.7 Average per establishment. Persons.. 4.8 6.7 9.8 1.0 16.2 8,2 Proprietors and others not paid salaries and wages.. Persons.. 7 5 6 12 24 14 Per cent distribution. Per cent of total employees. 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0,5 0.8 86.8 25.0 21.4 100.0 29.6 24.1 Average per establishment. Superintendents, caretakers, etc.. Persons. 1.8 1.7 2.0 1.0 4.8 2.0 Persons. 1 2 2.. 1 Per cent of total employees. Other employees... Per cent of total employees Jalaries paid in 1938, total.. 5.3 10.0 7.1 1.7 Persons.. 11 18 20 57 43 57.9 65.0 71.4 70.4 74.1 Pesos... 6,275 609 9.8 0 45.5 28 1,255 87 Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total receipts. Average per establishment... Pesos.. Superintendents, caretakers, etc. Pesos... Per cent distribution... Average per person... Pesos. Other employees.. Pesos. 6,275 609 Per cent distribution.. 10.6 1.0 Average per person... Pesos.. 110 14 Cost of fuel, total... Pesos... Per cent distribution. Establishments reporting.... Number.. Average per establishment. Pesos... 8011 1,195 60 21.1 1.1 0.1 8 1 289 (4.0) 9 Per cent distribution.. Value of fishes caught, total...... Pesos... 688 214 1,186 759 13,784 2,041 0.2 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.6 Average per establishment. Pesos.. 160 71 879 63 2,757 292 Acesta, total..... Pesos... 1,021 211 2,735 378 24,582 3,264 Per cent distribution... 0.8 0.1 0.8 0.1 7.8 1.0 Average per establishment. Pesos.. 255 70 912 82 4,916 466 Land and building. Pesos... 8 200 8,282 100 Per cent distribution. (¹) (3) 1.8 28.6 0.9 Average per establishment. Pesos. 1 67 646 14 Per cent of total... 0.4 7.8 18.1 8.1 Equipment (fishing boats, coral, nets, etc.).. Pesos.. 676 209 883 878 20,807 2,824 Per cent distribution.... 0.8 0.1 0.8 0.1 7.8 1.1 Average per establishment. Pesos. 169 70 294 32 4,161 408 Cash.... Per cent of total.... 66.2 99.1 32.8 100.0 84.6 86,5 Pesos. 842 2 851 845 190 Per cent distribution 0.7 (¹) 1.6 0.7 0.4 Per cent of total.... Average per establishment. Pesos.. 86 1 284 69 27 88.5 0.9 31.1 1.4 5.8 Ao and accounts receivable. Pesos... 801 198 150 Per cent distribution 22.5 5.6 4.2 Per cent of total.... Average per establishment. Pesos.. 267 40 21 29.3 0.8 4.6 (1) Less than 0.1 per cent (3) Less than I peso. 450 TABLE 8-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-VALUE AND KIND OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Item Philippines Agusan Albay Bataan Batanes Batangas Bobol Cagayan Value of equip ment, total.... Pesos.... 267,969 414 3,744 6,808 332 38,207 1,468 3.192 Per cent distribation.... 100.0 0.2 1.4 2.5 0.1 14.8 0.5 1.2 Vahre of fishing boats, total Pesos.. ... 106,500 38 1,531 1,885 236 10,446 243 1,438 Per cont distribution... 100.0 (¹) 1.4 1.8 0.2 9.8 0.2 1.4 Fioning boats with engines.. Number, 11 1 Establishments re- porting... Number 11 1 Value... Pesos.... 82,155 40 Fishing boats with- out engines...... Number. 268 Establishments re porting. Number 179 Value.. Pesos.... 48,849 Small fishing boats and bancas...... Number 1,999 Establishments re- porting. Numben 1,703 Value... Pesos.... 80,496 8 288 108 888-- 10 6 1,885 8,435 មិនធ 41 1 2 1 80 480 18 71 22 105 18 36 20 8 1,441 236 2,011 168 918 Value of fishing nets, total...... Pesos.... 142,899 376 1,685 4,864 57 27,334 753 1,154 Per cent distribution. Utase nets (trawl 100.0 0.3 1.2 8.4 (¹) 19.1 0.5 0.8 nets, pukot).... Number.. 170 1 Establishments re porting.. Number.. 124 1 Value.... Pests.... 82,462 200 80 81 - 51 2 30 1 12,497 585 Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.). Number. 85 6 6 Establishments re- porting... Number.. 27 5 Value... Pesos.... 4,563 1,120 1,800 Sapiao nets (seine). Number.. 19 Establishments re- porting....... Number.. 16 4 Value.... Pesos... 7,594 1,600 Bating nets (gill net, taksay, pan- ti). Number.. 48 Establishments re- porting... Number.. 89 Value... Pesos.... 5,175 50 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.)..... Number.. 2,100 1811 28 Establishments re- porting..... Number.. 1,403 1 28 Value.... Pesos.... 86,977 5 1,144 1,313 Lines (hapin)... Number.. 3,086 1 199 Establishments re porting..... Number 1,309 Value.... Pesos.... 5,930 Baclad. ....Number. 216 111 1 165 Establishments re- porting... Number. 179 1 Value.... Pesos.. 42,227 120 870 da 988 95 5 5 ཐ༔ ཝཱ ཝིཀྑཱཡཱ ཚཙཱིཡ ཨཊྛ 2 58 2 184 24 656 21 27 26 8 782 158 804 42 5 18 44 16 18 10,425 28866 89 Tangar.. Number 471 Establishments re- porting.... Number.. 110 Value... Pesos.... 462 Bobos.. Number,. 1,830 Establishments re porting.... Number 445 Value.... Pesos.... 2,214 26 Other corrals, traps, and weirs..... Number. 696 Establishments re porting.... Number, 250 Value.... ..... Pesos.... All other equipment. Pesos... 5,295 1,726 12 da 6 88 16 1 7 1 80 38 49 2 1 21 850 600 18.570 528 59 39 427 472 451 TABLE 8.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-VALUE AND KIND OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. Item Camarines Sur Capiz Cavite Cebu Cotabato Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur Iloilo 865 Value of equip- ment, total.... Pesos.... 7,063 6,511 7,675 5,289 7,506 3,373 15,410 23,939 Per cent distribution..... 2.6 2.4 2.9 2.0 2.9 1.8 5.8 8.9 Value Of fishing boats, total....... Pesos.. 596 1,390 2,572 1,444 1,155 828 4,977 19,255 Par cent distribution..... 0.6 1.8 2.4 1.4 1.1 0.8 4.7 18.1 Fishing boats with engines.......... Number 1 1 Establishments re- porting....... Number 1 1 Value.. Pesos... 15 4,200 Fishing boats with- out engines...... Number 8 18 69 5 8 17 16 Establishments re- porting....... Number 8 10 2 Value.... Pesos.... 180 2,464 500 450 Small fishing boats and bancas...... Number 87 45 97 5 101 63 218 21 16 14 2.875 14,050 281 18 Establishments re- porting.. ... Number. 28 82 Б 80 48 28 228 7 Value.... Pesos... 466 1,890 118 944 1,140 878 2,602 1,005 Value of fishing nets, total....... Pesos.... 5,706 4,646 3,603 2,954 6,365 2,477 10,428 4,074 Per cent distribution. 4.0 8.8 2.5 2.1 4.5 1.7 7.8 2.9 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot)..... Number. 2 5 Establishments re- porting.... Number.. Value... Pesos.... 800 300 2 5 975 70 ∞ 18 8 1 480 1,682 2280 17 12 Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.). Number.. 1 1 1 Establishments re- porting....... Number 1 1 Value.... Pesos.... 180 100 1 48 Sapiao nets (seine). Number.. 8 Establishments re- porting....... Number 8 Value..... Pesos.... 1,740 1 404 12 8,554 18 1 9 1 500 250 1 100 Bating nets (gill net 62 net, taksay, pan- ti). Number. 4 10 1 1 1 Establishments re- porting. Number 10 5 1 1 1 Value.... Pesos.... 555 975 585 60 140 50 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.)... Number 22 180 5 55 82 108 811 20 Establishments re- porting....... Number 22 129 B 52 29 61 866 95 2 Value... Pesos.... 653 1,864 128 1,356 872 1,878 8,889 145 Lines (hapin).... Number 17 171 19 44 77 82 2 Establishments re- 43 porting....... Number. 14 95 5 23 27 11 160 Value.. Pesos... 73 278 19 87 245 117 628 Baclad... Number 6 9 7 8 83 Establishments re- porting....... Number 4 6 5 33 Value... Pesos... 2,023 857 2,751 908 2,975 Tangar. Number.. 1 51 Establishments re- porting....... Number.. 1 10 Value.... 60 217 2 20 Pesos.. 5 34 Bobos.. Number.. Establishments re- porting....... Number Value Pesos.. 826 8 14 89 22 208 27 416 Other corrals, traps, and weirs.... Number 8 7 28 64 2 290 Establishments re- porting....... Number 2 7 24 Value... Pesos... 160 137 89 478 23 88 8 IN WAN N 1 1 25 All other equipment. Pesos... 761 475 1,500 891 345 68 5 610 9.3 par-9001. 452 TABLE 8.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-VALUE AND KIND OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con Item Lanao La Union Leyte Marindu- que Misamis Masbate Mindoro Negros Oriental Occidental Value of equip- ment, total.... Pesos.... 3,983 4,409 10,010 596 5,126 1,243 726 7,195 Per cent distribution..... 1.5 1.6 3.7 0.2 1.9 0.5 0.3 2.7 Value of fishing boats, total. Pesos.... 570 1,346 2,637 114 486 479 327 2,005 Per cent distribution....... 0.5 1.3 2.5 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.3 Fishing boats with 1.9 engines.. .. Number.. Establishments re- porting... .. Number.. Value... Fishing boats with- Pesos.... out engines...... Number.. Establishments re- porting....... Number.. Value... Small fishing boats Pesos.... and bancas... Number.. 9 10 3 7 6 2 940 1,100 300 Establishments re- porting....... Number.. Value.... Pesos.... 570 2222222 15 208 6 11 184 4 4 406 1,537 114 186 ง ง 187- 3 3 1,090 38 11 44 33 4 429 827 915 Value of fishing nets, total....... Pesos.... 3,413 2,924 5,753 482 4,278 761 259 3,992 Per cent distribution.... 2.4 2.0 4.0 0.3 3.0 0.5 0.2 2.8 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot)..... Number.. 11 17 2 4 1 2 Establishments Te- porting..... Number.. 11 6 2 4 1 Value.... Pesos.... 1,515 1,779 300 1,524 110 Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.).. Number.. Establishments re- porting.. Number.. Value.... Sapiao nets (seine) Number.. Establishments re- 2 1,300 2 1 200 Pesos... 2 3 porting.. Number.. 2 Value.. Pesos.... 400 700 1 700 Bating nets (gill net taksay, panti)... Number.. 6 Establishments re- porting.. Number.. 6 Value... Pesos.... 1,664 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.)..... Number.. 5 32 117 Establishments re- porting.... Number.. Value... Pesos.... 37 Lines (hapin)... Number.. Establishments re- porting... Number.. Value.. Baclad. Pesos.... Number.. Establishments re- porting.... Number.. Value.... Pesos.... 92 152 153 32 12 116 4 2,505 971 170 196 7 84 299 26 15 1 104 237 គ គន្លឹះន ន 12 Tangar Number.. 1,700 4 18 9 1 18 8 1 204 109 1 44 34 31 137 141 12 5 12 2,379 284 4 2,491 Establishments re- Value... Bobos.. porting.... Number.. Establishments re- porting.... Number.. 2 Pesos... 5 Number.. 6 1 Value.... Pesos.... 21 289 11 14 Other corrals, traps, and weirs.. Number.. 1 13 13 Establishments re- Value.... porting.... Number.. All other equipment. Pesos.. 1 6 Pesos.... 100 19 10 2 20 1 1 1 164 5 5 1 15 5 1 15 16 1 2 114 362 11 139 1,620 362 3 140 1,198 453 TABLE 8.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-VALUE AND KIND OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. Item Negros Oriental Palawan Rizal Romblon Samar Sorsogon Sulu Surigao Value of equip- ment, total.... Pesos.... 1,973 555 44,641 4,262 2,634 3,497 17,715 2,337 Per cent distribution. 0.7 0.2 16.7 1.6 1.0 1.3 6.6 0.9 total... Fishing boats with Value of fishing boats, Per cent distribution.. engines... ... Number.. Pesos.... 669 95 27,851 608 132 1,130 10,329 462 0.6 0.1 26.2 0.6 0.1 1.1 9.7 0.4 2 1 Establishments re- porting..... Number.. Value... Pesos.... 2 23,000 1 500 Fishing boats with- out engines... Number.. 8 6 106 Establishments re- porting....... Number.. 3 4 Value... Pesos.... 3,131 630 56 1,314 Small fishing boats and bancas.. Number.. Establishments re- porting.... Number.. Value.. Pesos... 699999 79 5 15 109 15 51 2 3 100 14 95 1,720 608 132 9,015 144 4762 8 2 145 31 22 317 Value of fishing nets, total..... Pesos... 1,229 460 14,389 3,221 1,090 1,580 7,357 1,657 Per cent distribution..... Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot)..... Number.. Establishments re- porting. .. Number.. 0.9 0.3 10.1 2.3 0.8 1.1 5.1 1.2 12 9 3 4 4 8 3 Value... Pesos... 2,701 1,360 302 4 428 Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.).. Number.. 2 Establishments re- porting. Number.. 2 Value.. Pesos... 235 Sapiao nets (seine). Number.. 3 2 Establishments re- porting..... Number. 2 2 Value.... Pesos... 1,850 800 Bating nets (gill net net, taksay, pan- ti). Number.. 1 Establishments re- porting. Number.. 1 Value Pesos... 120 Other es (salap, daklis, etc.) Number. 63 4 1 30 11 8 320 15 Establishments re- porting. Number. 61 2 1 30 Value Pesos.. 670 180 100 768 138 Lines (hapin). Number. 94 10 339 188888 348 88888 313 14 2,432 320 30 1,323 27 Establishments re- porting. . Number.. 28 1 148 Value.. Pesos.. 57 30 209 Baclad Number.. 4 8 2 676 5 490 10 7 17 5 69. 1,417 15 27 11 Establishments re- porting. Number.. 1 6 2 Value.... Pesos.. 255 9,498 450 69 69 4 27 9 565 2,427 816 Tangar Number.. 411 Establishments re- porting..... Number.. 93 Value... Pesos.... 155 Bobos Number.. 152 5 139 813 Establishments re- porting Number.. 27 Value Pesos.. 265 610 43 297 60 337 781 Other corrals, traps, and wois- Number.. 5 1 2 7 Establishments re porting.. Value.... All other equipment. Pesos... Number.. Pesos.... 75 22 15 26 1 25 36 1 4 30 97 76 2 206 23 171 8 15 44 8 348 145 78 2,401 433 1,412 787 29 218 454 TABLE 8.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-VALUE AND KIND OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. Other pro- Item Tayabas Zambales Zamboanga Zamboanga City Davao e'ty vinces and citics Value of equipment, total.... Per cent distribution... Pesos.... 676 209 883 378 20,807 2,824 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 7.8 1.1 Value of fishing boats, total. Pesos.... 175 33 102 150 8,186 580 Per cent distribution... 0.2 (¹) 0.1 0.1 7.7 0.5 Fishing boats with engines. Number 4 Establishments reporting.. Number 4 Value..... Pesos... 4,200 200 Fishing boats without engines. Number Establishments reporting. Number Value.... Pesos... 80 Small fishing boats and bancas. Number Establishments reporting.. Value..... Number Pesos.... 95 118638 1 1 1 60 3,980 33 828 3 2 24 2 12 42 150 688226 5 3 100 20ɔ̃--8-- 5 Value of fishing nets, total. Pesos.... 406 126 225 11,434 1,387 Per cent distribution. 0.3 0.1 0.2 8.0 1.0 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot). Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.).... Number. Number 1 1 3 Number. 1 1 3 Pesos... 150 80 490 1 g-- 1 1 280 3:0 Establishments reporting. Value.... Establishments reporting.. Number Value.... Pesos... Sapiao nets (seine)... Number Establishments reporting.. Number Value... Pesos... Bating nets (gill net, taksay, parti) Number Establishments reporting. Number Value..... Pesos... Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.)... Number Establishments reporting. Number Value.... Pesos... 30 Lines (hapin)... Number 2202 Establishments reporting. Number 1 Value..... Pesos... 1 12 Baclad. Number 1 Establishments reporting. Number 1 Value.... Pesos... 200 1 1 6 7 1 1 4 3 2 8 9,202 228 5 12 2 2 5 2 1 1f 1,802 4 12 1 3 12 1 3 167 150 235 33 Tangar. Number Establishments reporting. Number Value.... Pesos.. Bobos. Number · Establishments reporting. Number Value..... Pesos.... Other corrals, traps, and weirs. Number 1 Establishments reporting. Number. 1 Value... Pesos... 25 712222 31 9 36 7 6 1 1 80 3 All other equipment.. Pesos.. 95 176 (1) Less than o.l 655 3 1 187 857 Per cent 455 TABLE 9.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, EY PROVINCES: 1938 Item Philippines Agusan Albay Bataan Batanes Batangas Bohol Cagayan Value of all fish caught, to- tal..... Pesos... 341,964 -120 4,781 7,516 30 38,814 3,096 4.179 Per cent distribution... Anchovy.. Boxes Value. 100.0 11,250 Pesos... 44,624 (¹) 1.4 2.2 (¹) 11.4 0.9 1.2 2 69 8 845 986 2,934 Establishments reporting. 297 1 10 16 214 1,070 2 Barracuda. Kilos.. 18,892 1,625 5,180 Value... Pesos... 6,371 325 2,590 Establishments reporting. Value.. Establishments reporting. Caesio.... 71 9 4 Bonito, skipjack or albacora. Kitos.. 69,682 277 200 15 Pesos... 84,206 119 40 568 18 2 662 25,014 72 6 12,697 32 47 9 Boxes. 1,471 17 3 1 536 Value. Pesos... 5,770 73 15 3 2,680 Establishments reporting. 147 22 1 1 1 Cavallas..... Kilos... 27,100 1,774 390 960 Value... Pesos... 12,774 668 95 480 Establishments reporting. 654 27 G 5 Chub mackerel. Boxes.. 5,588 31 501 650 Value.... Pesos... 21,368 132 1,005 3,078 182 Establishments reporting. 365 27 2 19 Crabs... Boxes 1.706 3 335 465 8སྨྲས*; 2 4 Value... Besos... 5,243 11 685 930 10 Establishments reporting. 284 4 10 7 1 Value. Grouper..... Establishments reporting. Herrings and sardines.. Value... Establishments reporting. Kños.. 22,806 263 608 630 Pesos... 10,753 123 274 815 834 35 11 5 Boxes.. 9,022 8 160 910 Pesos... 89,409 35 800 4,578 457 2,281 85 425 320 2 2 26 2 1 Lizard fish.... Boxes.. 432 13 11 Value... Pesos... 1,500 27 43 Establishments reporting. 124 6 9 Mullet.. Boxes.. 2,159 23 95 121 Value.. Pesos... 9,944 109 474 605 Establishments reporting. 345 6 3 6 Nemipterid.. Boxes.. 711 37 201 Value... Pesos... 3.027 140 957 Establishments reporting. 177 8 11 Red snapper.... Kilos... 28,074 15 725 Value... Pesos... 12,500 6 145 10 Establishments reporting. 647 4 7 3026 3,594 34 1,812 17 21 2 Sword fish... Kilos.. 9,002 942 410 Value... Pescs... 4,409 386 205 Establishments reporting.. 177 58 2 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes.. Value... 1,702 5 38 7 90 Pesos... 5,560 18 190 14 450 Shrimps... Establishments reporting. 245 4 2 4 4 Boxes.. 2,559 7 37 231 12 Value.. Pesos... 11,307 45 187 Spanish mackerel... Establishments reporting. 268 8 6 1,052 8 13 Kilos.. 21,305 70-1 1,532 1.593 76 2332 4 1 Value. Pesos... 9,616 347 425 864 38 Squids.. Establishments reporting. 383 39 8 10 3 Boxes.. Value... 1,314 19 95 1 Pesos... 5,425 111 482 1 Catfishes... Establishments reporting. 453 8 7 1 Boxes.. 812 6 24 Value.. Value.. Dalag, hito... Establishments reporting. Pesos.. 5,992 17 120 27 2 7 Boxes.. 75 300 6 4 1 2 21 3 Other fishes.. Establishments reporting. Pesos... 1,429 10 120 6 119 5 1 1 Value. ry shells Value... Establishments reporting. Turbo trochus, mother pearl, cow- Establishments reporting. Kilos... 44,780 Pesos... 89,072 1,811 22220 24 1.359 2,532 98 812 2,098 26 1,162 4.770 106 506 40 23 Kilos.. 3,347 Pesos... 1,665 73 (1) Less than 0.1 percent 456 TABLE 9.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1988-Con. Item Can arines Sur Capiz Cavite Cebu Cotabato Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur Iloilo Value of all fish caught, to- tal...... Pesos... 6,604 10,817 11, 177 6,977 26,853 3,355 14,439 15,694 Per cent distribution.. 1.9 3.2 3.3 2.0 7.9 1.0 4.2 4.6 Anehovy. Boxes 61 302 1,381 5.10 150 71 40 8,818 Value. Pesos... 303 Establishments reporting.. 1,005 3,762 1,695 758 356 200 12,857 10 46 8 7 14 12 4 14 Barracuda. Kilos.. 66 1,218 16 1,189 Value... Pesos... 33 609 8 511 Establishments reporting. 4 5 1 17 Bonito, skipjack or albacora. Kilos.. 712 1,452 695 831 8,846 510 50 Value Pesos... 356 726 158 319 4,278 255 20 Establishinents reporting. 15 35 4 25 37 3 1 Caesio..... Boxes.. 6 19 87 323 21 6 Value. Pesos... Establishments reporting. 30 82 175 1,241 104 30 1 12 4 25 2 1 Cavallas... Knos... 880 1,710 1,894 89 5,947 38 2,853 Value. Pesos.. 220 869 885 31 2,635 19 1,220 Establishments reporting.. 2 44 9 4 40 4 163 Chub mackerel.. Boxes. 304 80 223 314 291 22 269 52 Value.... Pesos... Establishments reporting. 1,282 356 450 1,545 1,236 112 1,285 260 13 27 7 25 27 2 82 2 Crabs.. Boxes 1 43 166 1 78 2 210 Value. Pesos... 7 204 332 1 395 10 859 Establishments reporting. 1 20 2 1 12 1 150 Grouper. Kilos.. 190 378 258 9 6,133 26 1,566 Value. Pesos... 95 189 Establishments reporting. 121 7 29 4 Herrings and sardines.. Boxes. 673 180 230 Value.. Establishments reporting. Pesos... 1,535 852 460 10 47 5 ལརྞཎྞས 3 2,393 13 808 1 43 3 186 78 113 9 54 68 260 562 64 267 840 2 20 15 45 Lizard fish.... Boxes. 14 43 28 21 19 Value.. Pesos... 39 85 152 107 93 Establishments reporting. Mullet..... 5 1 9 8 7 Boxes. 83 116 75 10 298 1 279 Value.. Pesos... Establishments reporting. 417 548 150 46 1,488 6 1,099 6 38 1 5 38 1 9 Nemipterid.. Boxes. 16 55 73 8 18 5 Value.. Pesos.. 80 Establishments reporting.. 247 148 38 93 25 1 31 6 2 6 1 Red snapper... Kilos... 44 580 Value. 2,611 45 9,258 248 3,173 Pesos... 22 298 Establishments reporting. 551 18 3,941 124 1,715 3 46 8 Sword fish... 6 33 18 218 Kilos.. 200 297 313 202 460 230 Value.. Pesos... 99 156 Establishments reporting. 111 89 230 115 10 24 Siganid and surgeon fish. 8 7 3 19 Boxes. 49 9 95 3 22 Value.. 1 6 Pesos.. 248 Establishments reporting. 37 190 15 111 5 24 8 6 5 2 5 1 2 Shrimps..... Boxes. 2 73 609 Valuc.. 113 10 3 4 185 Pesos.. 10 174 Establishments reporting. 8,036 227 50 17 20 871 5 21 Spanish mackerel.. 3 6 1 1 85 1 Kilos.. 548 Value 1,062 1,860 144 2,468 10 521 Pesos.. Establishments reporting. 263 531 462 72 1,118 5 264 14 Equide. 38 5 7 24 1 48 Boxes 79 8 177 69 Value. 5 40 119 109 Pesos... 170 Establishments reporting. 39 354 178 23 200 554 544 5 4 Catfishes. 6 5 19 2 1 128 Boxes.. 10 Value 4 14 28 1 17 Pesos... Establishments reporting. 20 18 65 115 7 92 1 2 Dalag, hito... 14 8 1 17 Boxes. 7 Value 16 32 45 113 Pesos... Establishments reporting. 28 72 163 223 539 5 Other fi hes..... 5 2 4 72 Valve Kilos.. Peso Establishments reporting 427 1,283 12 ry chells Value Turbo ir chus, mother pearl, cow- Establishments reporting. 445 1,519 98 847 2,058 13 355 12,923 494 2,450 5,504 1,750 927 4,154 62 47 40 322 345 1,663 5 Kilos.. 10 40 Pesos 45 20 1 8 457 TABLE 9.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. Item Lanao Leyte La Union Marindu- que Masbate Mindoro Misamis Negros Oriental Occidental Value of all fish caught, to- tal..... Fesos... 28, 295 10,370 5,343 238 3,7 5,633 2,080 13,563 Per cent distribution.. Anchovy.. Boxes Value. Pesps.. 8.3 1.052 4,820 3.0 1.6 331 265 1,327 1,310 104 Establishments reporting. 15 52 11 Barracuda..... Kilos. 104 60 Value.. Pesos... £2 30 Establishments reporting.. 5 1 Bonito, skipjack or albacora. Value... Kilos.. 6,638 2,206 110 Pesos... 3,164 1,175 Establishments reporting. 105 10 Caesio... Boxes. 343 Value. Pesos. 940 °།ྨ¢ཙྪཱནྡྷ་ྲga-o 0.1 1.1 1.6 0.6 4.0 260 19 4 637 1 300 101 20 3,183 3 9 1 2 120 60 1 2,202 2,072 1,887 300 1,101 1,036 766 150 3 22 28 1 9 47 Establishments reporting 25 2 Cavallas..... Kilas... 240 885 228 8 568 Value. Pesos... 120 440 114 4 511 Establishments reporting.. 1 18 6 1 39 Chub mackerel.. Boxes.. 57 77 Value... Pesos. 267 367 Establishments reporting. 23 8 Crabe.... Boxes 47 Value. Pesos.... 217 Establishments reporting... 8 Grouper... Kilos.. 54 Value.. Pesos... 27 Establishments reporting.. 9 Herring and sardines Boxes. 2,520 87 Value... Pesos... 11,120 372 Establishments reporting... 15 31 172171261200 11 31 12 54 162 2 4 685528 50 83 167 7 2 1 93 2 2 292 10 1 31 1 12 892 24 6 446 1 41 235 24 1,179 119 80 4 11 221606 1,373 6,863 5 3 Lizard fish.... Boxes.. 14 12 Value Pesos... 52 60 Establishments reporting. 6 1 Mullet.... Boxes.. 14 1 Value. Pesos... 40 Establishments reporting. 12 31 3 (2) 10 - Nemipterid... Boxes.. 2 Value.. Pesos... 9 Establishments reporting.. 1 Red snapper.... Kilos... 259 Value... Pesos... 116 Establishments reporting. 17 1273841 200 166 848 35 1 26 732 436 2,180 1 1 38 4 186 1 1.1 10 140 406 315 5 209 142 23 11 Sword fish... Kilos... 68 Value.. Pesos... 27 Establishments reporting. 6 62 473 54 40 27 20 2 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes.. 7 () 2 43 Value... Pesos 25 Establishments reporting. 2 21 10 207 1 19 Shrimps.. Boxes. 2 98 102 Value. Pesos... 8 473 294 Establishments reporting. 3 11 22 Spanish mackerel... Kilos.. 1,234 132 12 Value Pesos.. 601 66 Establishments reporting. 44 4 Squids.. Boxes. 165 25 Value. Pesos... 783 124 Establishments reporting 80 9 261182 152 290 150 76 145 1 2 1 14 3 60 1 9 887778 75 18 550 10 50 1 Catfishes... Boxes.. 17 Value Pesos... 68 Dalag, hito... Establishments reporting. 10 127 Boxes.. 4 9 Value.. Pesos... 17 36 Other fishes.... Establishments reporting. 4 7 Kilos... 2,886 514 Value.. Pesos.. 12,195 2,035 282 1,411 (2) Establishments reporting. 22 118 14 ဤစာ 28 48888 2 2 10 7 1 2 408 1,554 192 738 822 960 36 33 2 272423 Turbo mother pearl, cowry shells Kilos.. 80 204 Valde Pesos... 40 Establishments reporting- 1 102 1 (2) Less than one box 458 TABLE 9.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. Item Negros Oriental Palawan Rizal Romblon Samar Sorsogon Sulu Surigao Value of all fish caught, to- tal..... Pesos... 2,269 2,550 31,455 4,695 1,123 10,136 43,106 4,257 Per cent distribution... 0.7 0.7 9.2 1.4 0.3 3.0 12.6 1.2 Anchovy. Boxes.. 5 230 8 757 68 299 Value Pesos.. 79 750 37 3,779 341 1,324 Establishments reporting. 8 2 6 11 5 15 Barracuda... Kilos.. 664 3,000 50 38 40 Value.. Pesos... 332 1,500 25 19 16 Establishments reporting. 1 2 9 4 3 Bonito, skipjack or albacora Kilos.. 178 2.396 520 472 15 Value Pesos.. 89 1,198 260 245 Establishments reporting. 8 1 1 49 562 12 10,710 812 6 6 5,295 415 2 1 112 14 Caesio.... Boxes.. 12 59 12 11 Value. Pesos... 60 191 15 54 Establishments reporting. 8. 33 2 3 Cavallas.... Kilos... 2 800 281 176 16 Value.. Pesos.. 1 400 154 88 Establishments reporting. 1 1 27 5 Chub mackerel.. Boxes. 26 82 953 27 Value.. Pesos... 133 408 4,770 125 .64 Establishments reporting. 23 1 3 6 688332 6,388 372 3,244 186 222 9 13 1,320 79 3,401 239 29 6 Crabs..... Boxes 1 2 1 164 21 Value Pesos... 7 6 6 809 106 Establishments reporting.. 3 2 3 19 3 Grouper Kilos. 598 98 12 8,675 80 Value Pesos.. 299 49 6 4,377 40 Establishments reporting... 99 5 2 887 1 Herring and sardines...... Boxes Value. Pesos.. 135 Establishments reporting... Lizard fish.... Boxes Value Pesos.. Fstablishments reporting. Millet... Boxes. Value. Pesos g--ཨྠ 850 2,850 50 532 206 214 2,658 1,024 2 9 9 21 4 2 251 21 10 805 4 1 71 4 22 40 5 281 4 20 111 240 25 1,149 Establishments reporting. 1 14 12 3 130 22-0 1 Nemipterid. Boxes 88 1 Value.. Pesos.. 223 5 Establishments reporting. 75 1 Red snapper... Kilos... 142 75 Value... Pesos.. 71 10 Establishments reporting. 12 501 100 834 136 148 4,900 50 420 67 74 2,457 1 45 4 8 153 Sword fish... Kilos.. 10 1,600 32 174 3,956 Value.. Pesos.. 5 800 16 87 2,028 Establishments reporting. 1 1 3 4 22 Siganid and surgeon fish Boxes. 2 20 1,299 Value.. Fe30s.. 8 200 3,780 Establishments reporting. 3 1 171 Shrimps... Boxes. 6 840 4 Value Pesos.. 27 4,200 12 Establishments reporting.. 4 2 3 262 149 266 67 Spanish mackerel.. Kilos.. 110 2,083 175 5,341 Value Pesos.. 55 1,000 97 2,674 361 Establishments reporting.. 12 3 25 67 Squids.. Boxes. 47 120 28 131 Value Pesoз.. 233 640 93 553 159 Establishments reporting 14 2 20 113 Catfishes Boxes 681 1 3 (2) Value Pesos 5,403 1 15 1 བྲཱམྦསཆཙྪཱཊྛནྡྷཡཏམྦྷདྡྷདྡྷནྡྷཝནེས Establishments reporting. 1 1 1 1 Dalag, hito.... Boxes.. 3 1 6 31 Value.. Pesos.. 10 5 31 152 Establishments reporting.. 3 1 2 Other fishes... Kilos . 266 113 2,880 893 124 718 4 9.624 Value. resos... 1,313 562 8,298 2,742 620 3,388 9,238 1,256 1,137 Establishments reporting. 74 1 5 17 176 12 16 466 Turbo mother pearl, cowry shells Kilos.. 16 2,963 32 Value Pesos.. 8 1,473 16 Establishments reporting. 2 1 58 (a) Less than 1 box 459 TABLE 9.-OFFSHORE-INSHORE FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. Item Tayabas Zambales Zamboan- ga Davao City Zamboan- ga City Other provinces and cities Boxes.. Pesos... Establishments reporting Crabs.... Boxes. Value.. Pesos... Establishments reporting Grouper..... kilos... Valve Pesos... Establishments reporting. Herrings and sardines... Boxes.. Value Pesos.. Establishments reporting Value of all fish caught, total... Pesos... 638 214 1,136 13,784 759 2,041 Per cent distribution... Anchovy. Boxes. Value Pesos... Establishments reporting Barracuda.. Value Establishments reporting Value. Establishments reporting Caesio...... kilos... Pesos... 251 Bonito, skipjack or albacora. kilos.. Pesos.. Boxes Value... Pesos... Establishments reporting. Cavallas.. Value. Establishments reporting. Chub mackerel. Value... kilos... Pesos.. ༠ནྡྷཐཊྛསཝཎསཙྪཱསeཨཝརྞཧྨསཙྩུཐཱས 0.2 0.1 0.3 4.0 0.2 0.6 31 50 8 63 153 250 42 815 1 1 1 2 204 78 28 128 102 39 14 64 8 1 3 2 1 5 དྡྷནྡྷཎྷས*མ 1 114 90 288 45 144 2 2 20 80 100 70 1 1 60 811 1 400 1,588 200 794 1 3 45 15 175 1 2292 1 oršoroཅིe་ཆིཿ 2 4 204 102 2 5 17 85 4 Lizard fish... Boxes.. Value.. Pesos.. Establishments reporting Mullet.. Boxes Value Pesos... 18 Establishments reporting. Nemipterid.. Boxes.. Value. Pesos.. 13 Establishments reporting Red snapper... kilos.. 18 Value Pesos... Establishments reporting 41 482232892 15 78 1982 13 16 66 79 2 1 161 4 837 11 1 2 260 40 130 CO221502 5 26 9 2 2 4 2885 50 Sword tish.... Kilos... 6 Value.. Pesos... 3 Establishments reporting 1 Siganid and surgeon fish... Boxes.. Value Pesos... Establishments reporting. 863 2 Shrimps... Boxes.. Value... Pesos... Establishments reporting. Spanish mackerel.. kilos... 86 Value Pesos... 43 Establishments reporting 1 Squids.. Boxes... 5 1 Value. Pesos.. Catfishes.. Establishments reporting. Boxes.. Value Pesos... Establishments reporting. 82351 61 5 89428354Y 84 169 18 38 89812272 111 3 51 42 13 2,294 11,467 89 231 445 1,155 3 2 1 5 12 2 Kilos... 2 Pesos.. 1 1 Dalig, hito.... Value... Establishments reporting- Other fishes.... Value.. Establishments reporting Turbo trochus, mother pearl, cowry shells Value.. Establishments reporting Boxes.. Pesos... Kilos... Pesos... (2) Less than 1 box 15 460 SECTION V.-Inland Fishing Extent of the industry.-Inland fishing is confined to fishing in rivers and lakes. Inland or fresh water fishing was reported by 9,802 establishments employing 17,621 persons, with equip- ment valued at 378,748 and fish caught valued at P1,636,883. Assets. Reported assets of all establishments engaged in inland fishing totalled P412,864 of which 7,380 or 1.8 per cent consisted of land and buildings, 378,743 or 91.7 per cent, equipment, and P26,741 or 6.5 per cent, cash and accounts and notes receivable. Total assets averaged only P42 per estab- lishment, and 39 out of the P42 consisted of equipment. Number of employees and salaries and wages paid.-Inasmuch as inland fishing usually provides only part time employment for the persons engaged therein, more than three-fourths of the persons employed in the industry are proprietors and others not paid salaries and wages. Out of a total of 17,621 persons engaged in inland fishing, 13,628 or 77.3 per cent were pro- prietors and others not paid salaries and wages, 605 or 3.4 per cent were superintendents or caretakers, and 3,388 or 19.2 per cent were other employees. Salaries and wages paid amounted to P40,694 in 1938 or an average of only 4 per establishment. Equipment.-Equipment of all inland fishing establishments was valued at $378,743 or an average of 39 per establishment. About one-fourth of the total value of equipment was repre- sented by small boats and bancas, while about two-thirds con- sisted of nets, corrals, and traps. More than half of the 9,802 establishments engaged in inland fishing reported small boats or bancas, while over one-half reported nets such as salap, da- klis, etc. and over one-fifth reported lines. Catch. The value of all fish and other products obtained by operators of establisments engaged in inland fishing totalled P1,696,883 or an average of 167 per establishment. The principal fish or fish products obtained and their value are as follows: shrimps, 377,224; catfish, P320,128; dalag and hito, P249,057; and crabs, P85,068. Other fishes valued at P539,840 comprised almost a third of the total fish caught. Dalag, hito, shrimp, and catfish were the most frequently reported kind of fish caught. Size of catch-The inland fishing industry like other kinds of fishing is characterized by a large number of establishments engaged in fishing on a small scale. In fact, more than half of the 9,802 establishments reported a catch valued at less than P100 each in 1938. Only 119 or 1.2 per cent of the estab- VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT. BY ESTABLISHMENTS ENGAGED IN INLAND FISHING, BY PROVINCES: 1838 Province Bulacan Laguna Rizal Batangas Ilocos Norte Cotabato Camarines Sur Ilocos Sur Mindoro Capiz Isabela Pangasinan Nueva Ecija Tarlac Surigao Albay Loyto Zambales Sorsogon Cagayan All other provinoss P100,000 P500,000 Value of fish caught P900,000 lishments reported a catch of P1,000 or more each. However, these 119 establishments reported 18.7 per cent of the total value of fish caught by all establishments and had 13.6 per cent of the total value of all equipment. Citizenship of operator.-The inland fishing industry is almost entirely in the control of the citizens of the Philippines. In fact, only one of the 9,675 establishments operated by indi- viduals was operated by a person not a citizen of the Phil- ippines. Form of organization. Since inland fishing is an industry of small establishments, almost 99 per cent of the establish- ments are operated by individual owners. Out of the 9,802 establishments, only 107 were operated by partnerships, 19 by associations, and one by a corporation. Data by provinces.-More than 93 per cent of all the fish caught by inland fishing establishments were reported by the four provinces of Batangas, Bulacan, Laguna, and Rizal, and in fact all inland fishing of any importance is confined in rivers and lakes bordering on or in these four provinces. 461 TABLE 1.-INLAND FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUCHT, AND ASSETS, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Size of catch- Item All establish- ments Under P100 P100 to P199 P200 to P299 P300 to P393 P100 to T499 P500 to P599 Number of estalshments... 9,802 Per cent distribution.... 100.0 5,356 54.6 1,039 1,414 1,100 401 170 10.6 14.4 11.2 4.1 1.7 Employees in 1938, total.. Persons.. 17,621 8,110 2,120 2,470 1,872 736 412 Per cert distribution. 100.0 46.0 12.0 14.0 10.6 4.2 Average per establish- 2.3 ment... Persons.. 1.8 1.5 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.8 2.4 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages... Persons.. 13,628 7,572 1,689 1,735 1,378 514 251 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 55.6 12.4 12.7 10.1 3.8 1.8 Per cent of total employees.... 77.3 93.4 79.7 70.2 73.6 69.8 60.9 Average per e.ta- hli bment... Persons.. 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.5 Superintendents, care- takers, etc.. Pesos... 605 155 32 194 92 30 21 Per cent of total employees.. 3.4 1.9 1.5 7.9 4.9 4.1 5.1 Other employees. Persons.. 3,388 383 399 541 402 192 140 Per cent of total employees... 19.2 4.7 18.8 21.9 21.5 26.1 34.0 Salaries paid in 1938, to- tal... Pesos.... 40,694 377 1,299 5,037 3,654 2,954 2.032 Per cent distribution..... Per cent of total receipts.. Average per establish- ment.... 100.0 0.9 3.2 12.4 9.0 7.3 4.9 2.5 0.3 0.9 1.5 1.0 1.7 2.3 4 (2) 1 4 3 7 Superintendents, care- takers, etc.. Pesos... 15,816 15 148 3,513 2,948 Other employees. Per cent distribution. Average per cstablish- ment.... Per cent distribution.. Average per person... Pesos... Per cent distribution.... Average per person... Pesos... Cost of fuel, total... Establishments reporting Number. Value of fishes caught, total. Pesos.... 100.0 0.1 0.9 26. (2) 5 22.2 18 Pesos.... 24,878 362 1,151 1,524 706 100.0 1.5 4.6 6.1 7 1 3 3 Pesos... 2,311 106 21 100.0 4.6 76 32 286 35 0.9 1.5 10 ខ្លួនទ。អស់គ្ន 18.6 2,182 13.8 1,791 73 772 208 2.8 3.1 4 102 2.4 go 4.4 ཨཱ ཙྩ-ཉྩཱ༤- zi༠ 11.3 0.8 2.8 Pesos.... (2) (2) (2) (-) (2) () Per cent distribution... Average per establish- ment..... Assets, total.... Pesos.... ,636,883 100.0 167 137,036 151,613 8.4 9.3 339,039 20.7 376,727 23.0 170,565 87,86S 10.4 5.4 26 146 240 3-12 425 517 Pesos.... 412,854 119,929 46,073 63,358 48,600 26,896 17,361 Per cent distribution...... 100.0 29.0 11.2 15.3 11.8 6.5 4.2 Average per establish- ment... Pesoз.... Land and building. Pesos.... Per cent distribution. 42 7,380 100.0 22 3,403 哈啦 ​44 45 4.4 67 102 18 2,140 215 391 325 46.1 0.2 29.0 2.9 5.3 4.4 Average per establish- ment.... Pesos.... 1 Per cent of total. 1.8 1 2.8 2 (2) (¹) 3.4 0.4 1.5 1.5 23- 1.9 Equipment (fishing boats, corals, nets, etc)... Pesos.... Per cent distribution.... Average per establish- ment... Pesos.... Per cent total. Cash.... Per cent distribution 378,743 100.0 39 91.7 100,719 26.6 42,630 11.3 59,693 15.8 -17,608 25,31-1 16,822 12.6 6.7 4.4 19 41 42 43 63 93 84.0 92.5 94.2 93.0 91.1 96.9 Pesos.. 24,417 15,133 3,343 1,525 501 1,102 168 100.0 62.0 13.7 6.2 2.1 4.5 0.7 Average per establish- ment... Per cent of total.... Pesos.... 21 3 3 1 (2) 3 5.9 12.6 7.3 2.4 1.0 4.1 1.0 1.0 Notes and accounts re- ceivable... Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment. Per cent of total.. Pesos.... Pesos.. 2,324 674 82 276 100.0 29.0 3.5 11.9 36 3.7 46 325 2.0 (2) (2) (2) (-) ( (:) 0.6. 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.8 462 TABLE 1.-INLAND FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST O FFUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938-Continued (500 Size of catch- 1,000 Item P600 to P699 P700 to P800 to P800 to P799 19999 1900 to PO (14.99 P1,000 to 11 99 R2,000 to 15,000 1'4999 and over Number of establishments. Per cent distribution.... 91 51 34 27 85 10 16 8 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.9 0.1 0.2 0.1 Employees in 1938, to- tal....... Persons.. 269 184 121 90 335 108 391 403 Per cent distribu- tion..... 1.5 1.0 0.7 0.5 1.9 0.6 2.2 2.3 Average per es- tablishment.... Persons.. 3.0 3.6 3.6 3.3 3.9 10.8 24.4 50.4 Proprietors and others not paid sa- laries or wages... Persons.. 106 97 44 37 110 13 18 64 Per cent distribu- tion.... 0.8 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.5 Per cent of total employees.. 39.4 52.7 36.4 41.1 32.8 12.0 4.6 15.9 Average per es- tablishment.... Persons.. 1:2 1.9 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.1 8.0 Superintendents, caretakers, etc.... Person. 16 9 6 1 10 3 29 7 Per cent of total employees. 5.9 4.9 5.0 1.1 3.0 2.8 7.4 1.7 Other employees.... Persons.. 147 78 71 52 ន 215 92 344 332 Per cent of total employees.. 54.6 42.4 58.7 57.8 64.2 85.2 88.0 82.4 Salaries pail in 1938, total..... Pesos.... 1,204 1,160 1,555 485 931 3,488 16,548 Per cent distribu- tion)..... 3.0 2.9 3.8 1.2 2.8 8.6 40.7 Per cent of total receipts... 2.1 3.1 5.6 1.8 0.9 22.0 82.7 Average per es ment.... Pesos.... 13 23 46 18 11 849 1,034 Superintendents, caretakers, etc.... Fesos.... 880 255 360 481 1,812 1,478 Per cent distribu- tion..... 5.6 1.6 2.3 2.7 11.5 9.3 Average per per- son..... Pesos 55 43 360 Other employees. Pesos... 324 1,160 1,300 125 500 Per cent distribu- 6008 43 604 51 1,676 15,070 tion.... 1.3 4.7 5.2 0.5 2.0 6.7 60.6 Average per per- son... Pesos... 2 15 18 2 2 18 44 Cost of fuel, total... Pesos... Per cent distribution.. 6 20 0.3 0.9 1,901 82.3 Establishments re- porting...... Number. 1 1 7 Average per esta- blishment..... ... Pesos (2) 1 119 Value of fishes caught, total.. Pesos.... Per cent distribution.... Average per esta- bli hment........ Pesos... 58,307 8.6 37,633 2.3 27,759 1.7 26,413 1.6 101,358 6.2 15,850 1.0 50,561 3.1 56,089 8.4 641 738 816 978 Assets, total..... Pesos.... 13,048 8,619 9.693 4, 1,192 16,069 1,585 3,371 3,160 23,957 7,011 8,949 Per cent distribu- tion..... 8.2 2.1 2.8 1.2 3.9 0.8 6.8 2.2 Average per es- tablishment.... Pesos.... Land and building.. Pesos.... 140 169 285 183 189 42 45 Per cent distribu- 889 337 50 300 1,622 448 1,119 tion..... 0.6 Average per es- 12,943 0.6 0.7 4.1 6.1+ talisbment.... Per cent of total.. Equipment (fishing boats, corals, nets, etc)... Pesos.... 1 1 80 28 0.3 0.5 0.3 8.9 1.7 Pesos.... Per cent distribu- 1,040 8,447 8,288 4,940 15,789 3:068 23,734 tion... 8.4 2.2 2.2 1.8 4.2 0.8 6.3 8,743 2.3 Average per es- tablishment.... Pesos.... 142 166 244 183 186 807 1,483 1,094 Per cent of total..... 99.2 98.0 85.5 100.0 98.3 91.0 91.4 97.8 Cash... Pesos... 88 172 225 1 230 3 1,775 201 Per cent distribu- tion..... 0.2 0.7 0.9 (¹) 0.9 (¹) 7.8 0.8 Average per e- tablishment.... Pesos. (2) 8 7 (2) 8 (*) 111 25 Per cent of total.. 0.8 2.0 2.8 (¹) 1.4 0.1 6.8 2.2 Notes and accounts receivable........ Pesos.... 25 1,185 Per cent distribu- tion..... 1.1 48.8 blishment.. Average per esta- Pesos. (0 88 Per cent of total.. 0.2 11.7 Less than 0.1 per sent. Less than 1 peso. 463 TABLE 2.-INLAND FISHING-VALUE AND KIND OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 Size of catch Item All estab- lishments Under P100 P100 to 199 200 to 299 P300 to P399 1400 to P499 P500 to 599 Value of equipment, total.... Pesos.... 378,743 100,719 42,630 59,693 47,608 25,314 16,822 == Per cent distribution.. 100.0 26.6 11.3 15.8 12.6 6.7 4.4 Value of fishing boats, total.. Pesos.. 123,429 25,260 14.290 21,219 20,196 9,441 5,065 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 20.5 11.6 17.2 16.4 7.6 4.1 Fishing boats with engines Number 3 Establishments reporting... Number. Value... Fishing boats without engines... Number. Establishments reporting... Number. Value... 3 Pesos.... 1,700 188 13 14 24 31 19 11 169 13 14 24 31 18 10 Pesos.... 20,866 880 1,085 1,721 2,228 1,570 1,390 Small fishing boats and bancas.. Number. Establishments reporting... Number. Value.... 6,565 2,401 907 1,259 1,(22 420 172 5,677 2,109 802 1,147 899 £35 134 Pesos... 100,863 24,380 13,205 19,495 17,968 7,871 3,675 Value of fishing nets... Pesos.... 236,999 74,903 25,832 35,826 26,462 15,098 10,258 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 31.6 10.9 1,5:1 11.2 6.4 4.3 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot)... Number. Establishments reporting... Number. Value.. 377 175 35 24 17 17 13 169 42 22 20 13 10 7 Pesos.... 45,259 7,782 2,892 2,314 1.,255 1,980 1,263 Muroami nets (traplet, kuluku- tok, etc.). Number. 85 Establishments reporting... Number. 73 Value.. Pesos.... 6,834 1,140 1783 5 5 261 1,060 ཝསཉྩ 2,179 222223 20 739 132883 7 4 665 Sapiao nets (seine). Number. 5 3 Establishments reporting... Number. 5 3 Value.... Bating nets (gill net, ta say, -K- Pesos.... 480 280 - panti.. Number. 711 261 72 145 91 51 33 Value.. Establishments reporting... Number. Value.... Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.).. Number. Establishments reporting... Number. 662 244 71 139 86 46 28 Pesos.... 38,095 10,321 2.627 7,069 5.136 3,942 2,285 9,539 6,083 680 900 19 297 131 5,673 3,850 548 606 626 274 81 Pesos.... 53,008 22,765 5.1.93 7,060 7,217 2,638 1,459 Lines (hapin) Number. 8,592 6,510 537 774 405 99 GO Establishments reporting.. Number. 2,288 1,650 145 270 125 38 24 Value... Pesos.... 11,066 6,283 765 1,880 991 339 263 Baclad.. Number. 2,292 933 225 394 391 156 69 Establishments reporting... Number. 919 320 118 183 150 69 43 Value... Tangar.. Pesos.... Number. 58,682 299 13,221 10,234 13,916 8,349 4,850 3,770 255 3 22 5 3 11 Establishments reporting... Number. 171 158 3 5 1 2 2 Value.. Bobos.... Pesos.... Number. 2,109 1,190 1,686 70 231 20 55 47 1,128 20 20 14 3 6 Establishments reporting... Number. 591 556 15 10 7 1 2 Value.. Other corrals, traps and weirs.. Number. Establishments reporting... Number. Value... Pesos.... 2,257 1,499 392 210 42 40 14 3,083 2,239 330 222 171 70 30 1,430 905 157 158 131 48 18 Pesos.... 19,209 9,926 3,398 2,026 1,273 504 493 All other equipment.. Pesos... 18,315 566 2,508 2,648 950 775 1,499. 464 TABLE 2.-INLAND FISHING-VALUE AND KIND OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938-Continued (tr Size of catch Item P600 to P699 P700 to 1799 P800/to 11:39 P900 to 1999 P1,000 to P1,500 to P1 99 1'1999 14999 (2 P,000 to ver 15000 and alue of equipment, total Pesos.... 12,943 8,447 8,288 4,940 15,789 3,068 23,734 8,748 Per cent distribution...... 3.4 2.2 2.2 1.3 4.2 0.8 6.3 2.3 Value of fishing boats, total..... Pesos.... 4,365 2,270 1,632 2,378 5,796 1,410 7,902 2,205 Per cent distribu- tion.... 3.5 1.8 1.3 1.9 4.7 1.1 6.4 1.8 Fishing boats with engines... ...Number. 1 2 Establishments reporting.... Number. 1 2 Value.... Pesos.... 500 1,200 Fishing boats engines.... .. Number. Establishments 16 14 6 2 13 5 13 7 reporting.... Number. Value.... .. Pesos.... 15 13 6 1,362 1,212 945 Small fishing boats 280 11 4 6 2 230 2,515 825 ,555 1,345 and bancas...... Number. 97 53 31 24 115 16 37 11 Establishments reporting.... Number. 70 40 23 20 72 7 15 4 Value... Pesos.... 3,003 1,058 687 2,148 2,781 585 3,147 860 Value of fishing nets.. Pesos.... 7,835 5,259 6,150 2,406 8,894 1,560 11,635 4,881 Per cent distribu- tion.... 3.3 2.2 2.6 1.0 3.8 0.7 4.9 2.1 Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot). ... Number. 13 9 21 4 19 5 18 7 Establishments reporting.. Number. 8 8 6 2 15 5 9 2 Value.. Pesos.... 1,720 2,295 4,679 1,060 6,202 513 9,640 1,664 Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.). Number. 2 2 1 5 1 Establishments reporting Number. Value.. Pesos.... 1326 2 205 Sapiao nets (seine) Number Value.. Establishments reporting... Number. Bating nets (gill net, tansay, panti).... Number. Establishments reporting.. Number Fesos... 31 29 Value. Pescs... 3,174 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.).... Number. 52 Establishment; reporting.. Number. 38 Value.. Pesos... €11 1,216 Lines (hapin) Number. 17 Establishmer tз repor.ing.. Number. 7 Value.. . Pesos... 14; Baclad.. Number 31 Establishments reporting.. Number. 13 Value.. Pesos... 1,757 2 88 AN 8 a 3 an 805 125 138 470 Tangar.... Number Establishments reporting.. Nunber. Value... Pesos Bobos.. Number. Establishments reporting... Number. Value.... Pesos.... Other corrals, traps and weirs Number 8 1 1 1 Establishments reporting.. Number 7 1 1 Value.. Pesos.... 297 30 500 12 1 。 20 9 1 1 750 All other equip- ment...... Pesos.... 743 918 506 156 1,099 $8 4,157 1,662 15 1 1 400 50 1 1 100 2 5 5 1 163 22 % 28~ ~*~ 4 5 1 699 1,512 400 38 94 8 1 158 19 65 6 1 13 495 838 127 30 3,197 3 87 1 42 4 4 3 4 1 50 117 1 9 1 3 547 100 210 508 20 2000 20 15 1 1 750 465 TABLE 3-INLAND FISHING-VALUE AND KIND OF FISH CAUGHT, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938 จ Size cf catch- Item All establish- ments P299 Und:r P100 P100 to P119 P200 to P299 P300 to T399 P400 to P499 P500 to 599 399 P4 Value of all fish caught, total... Pesos 1,636,883 137,096 151,618 339,039 376,727 170,565 87,869 Per cent distribution.... 100.0 8.4 9.3 20.7 23.0 10.4 5.4 Crabs... Boxe 19,951 673 1,632 4,614 6,627 2,634 861 Value. Pesos 85,068 2,596 7,164 16,413 31,589 11,951 3,779 Establishments reporting. 1,082 421 85 196 235 72 25 Grouper. Kiloa. 8,156 612 1,292 456 2,656 2,340 400 Value. Pesos 4,080 308 646 228 1,328 1,170 200 Establishments reporting 49 10 10 5 12 10 1 Herrirgs and sardines..... Boxes 5,304 65 269 1,156 1,492 673 168 Value.. Pesos 24,671 311 1,355 5,612 5,600 3,386 840 Establishments reporting 157 36 12 41 31 13 5 Mullet Boxes 6,245 838 397 787 881 385 487 Value. Peson 29,355 8,685 1,860 3,843 4,298 1,924 2,435 Establishments reporting. 404 206 57 40 41 11 12 Shrimps.... Boxes Value. Pesos 78,359 377,224 5,507 22,790 6,325 30,957 15,893 78,275 Establishments reporting 3,547 1,351 409 665 23,794 115,297 631 12,310 56,740 4,409 21,048 Catfishes.. Boxes. 61,100 5,226 6,161 Value.. Pesos 820,128 24,766 29,403 10.268 49,778 8,006 39,227 252 4,081 20,106 .83 2,572 13,872 Establishments reporting. 2,505 915 500 504 28-4 Dalag, hito... Boxes 55,166 Value.. Pesos 249,057 9,762 36,258 6,645 30,345 13,675 61,983 Establishments reporting 4,232 2,527 430 Other fishes.... Kilos.. 134,302 15,907 12,757 Value. Pesos 589,840 45,714 47,900 605 28,270 121,596 9,778 47,152 242 28,411 130,416 107 3,657 17,582 51 3.402 14,602 121 14,244 56,033 76 8,133 Establishments reporting. 7,324 3,586 698 1,199 992 377 30.492 156 Turbo (Trochus, Mother pearl, Cowry shells, Sea cucumber)... Kilos.. 15,400 1,826 3,976 2.622 8.610 3,336 Value. Pesos Establishments reporting.. 7,460 84 668 47 1,988 16 1,311 1,820 1,673 7 6 8 TABLE 3.-INLAND FISHING-VALUE AND KIND OF FISH CAUGHT, BY SIZE OF CATCH: 1938-Continued Item Size of catch- P600 to P699 P700 to 17)9 P800 to P899 P900 to P999 P1,000 to P1,500 to r1,499 P1,999 R2,000 to r5,000 and 14,999 GV r Value of all fish caught, total.... Pesos. 58,307 37,633 27,759 26,413 101,358 15,850 50,561 56,089 Per cent distribution. 3.6 2.3 1.7 1.6 6.2 1.0 3.1 .8.4 Crabs. Boxes. 516 818 50 440 658 68 330 Value. Pesos. 2,370 1,921 100 1,905 3,290 340 1,650 Establishments re- porting 13 8 1 7 12 2 2 Grouper... Kilos.. 400 Value Pesos 200 Establishments re- porting 1 Herrings and sardines. Boxes. 689 152 45 Value. Pesos. 3,445 760 237 210 1,200 385 1,925 Establishments re- porting... 8 2 2 Mallet. Boxes. 872 123 216 2 160 Value. Pesos. 4,360 625 1,080 800 5 1,083 3,865 116 580 Establishments re- porting.. 13 3 Shrimps.. Boxes. 2,162 Value. Pesos. 10,892 1,633 8,167 3 1,583 8,303 1 14 3 615 3,078 3,629 18,592 240 1,200 256 1,282 Establishments re- porting.. 40 Catfishes. Boxes. 2,259 Value.. Pesos 11,129 22 2,641 8,226 20 769 3,948 10 432 2,159 46 5,616 17,805 2 762 3,810 10 8,197 40,390 1,107 55,509 Establishments re- porting 38 Dalag, hito. Boxes. 2,043 Value. Pesos. 9,826 20 1,046 5,233 11 1.086 5,233 Establishments re- porting 33 other fishes.. Kilos.. 3,440 Value.. Pesos. 16,085 18 2,690 12,702 16 2.272 8,855 5 786 3,730 12 2,714 13.541 40 2,020 10,083 7 412 2,060 16 7 738 116 4,390 580 40 12,234 45,798 4 2,601 7,860 7 5-19 2,819 Establishments re- porting 91 50 31 38 92 10 9 Turbo (Trochus, Mo- ther pearl, Cowry shells, Sea cucumber Kilos.. Establishments re- Value... porting Pesos 466 TABLE 4.-INLAND FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY FORM OF-ORGANIZATION AND CITIZEN- SHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938. Establishments opcrated by- Item All establish- ments Establishments operated by citizens cf- Individuals Partnerships Associations Corporations Philippines China Number of establishments.. Per cent distribution... 9,802 9,675 107 19 1 9,674 1 100.0 98.7 1.1 0.2 (¹) 98.7 (¹) Employees in 1938, total.. Persons.. 17.621 17,162 282 165 12 17,161 1 Per cent distribution.. Average per establish- ment.. 100.0 97.4 1.6 0.9 0.1 97.4 (¹) Persons.. 1.8 1.8 2.6 8.7 12.0 1.8 1.0 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages... Persons.. 13,628 13,872 187 66 8 18,371 1 Per cent distribution. 100.0 98.1 1.4 0.5 (¹) 98.1 (¹) Per cent of total em- 77.8 77.9 66.3 40.0 25.0 77.9 100.0 ployees Average per establishment... Persons.. 1.4 1.4 1.7 3.5 3.0 1.4 1.0 Superintendents, care- takers, etc..... Persons.. 605 592 11 2 592 Per cent of total em- ployees.... 8.4 8.4 -8.9 Other employees. Person 3,388 3,198 84 216 1.2 3.4 97 9 3,138 Per cent of total em- ployees.... 19.2 18.6 29.8 58.8 75.0 18.6 Fer cent distribution.... Salaries paid 1938, total.. Pesos.... Per cent of total recei pts Average per esta- 40,694 39,330 1,364 39,339 100.Q 96.6 3.4 96.6 2.5 2.4 6:2 2.4 blishment... Pesos.... 4 4 13 4 Superintendents, care- takers, etc.. Pesos.... 15,816 14,484 1,332 14,484 Per cent distribution. Other employees. Cost of fuel, total. Establishments ing... Average per persons.. Pesos.... Per cent distribution.. Average per person... Pesos.. Per cent distribution. Average per establishment. Pesos.... Value of fish caught, total. Pesos.... 1,636,883 €100.0 26 91.6 24 8.4 121 91.6 21 Pesos... 24,878 21,846 32 24,846 100.0 7 99.9 0.1 99.9 8 (2) 8 Pesos... 2,311 1,782 529 1,782 100.0 77.1 22.9 77.1 report- Number. 76 37 39 37 (2) (a) 5 (2) 1,612,078 21,963 2,138 761 1,612,063 15 Par cent distribution.... 100.0 Average per establish- ment... Assets, total..... Pesos.... 167 98.5 167 1.3 0.1 (¹) 98.5 (¹) 205 113 761 167 15 Pesos.... 412.864 397,136 10,590 4,724 414 397,077 59 Per cent distribution. 100.0 Average per establish- g.2 2.6 1.1 0.1 96.2 (4) ment Pesos... Land and building. Fesos... Per cent distribution. 42 7,380 100.0 41 5,346 99 18 72.4 888 249 414 41 69 59 2,016 5,346 0.2 27.3 72.4 Average per establish- ment... Pesos... 1 Per cent of total. 1.8 1 1.3 (2) 106 1 0.2 42.7 1.3 Equipment boats, corals, nets etc.) Pesos.... Per cent distribution. Average per establish- (fishing 378,743 100.0 365,602 10,388 2,639 414 365,543 59 96.5 2.7 0.7 0.1 96.5 (¹) ment.. Pesos.... Per cent of total... Cash..... Pesos... Per cent distribution. 39 91.7 24,417 100.0 38 94 139 414 38 59 92.1 95.3 55.9 100.0 92.1 100 1000 23,953 464 23,953 98.1 1.9 98.1 Average per establish- ment... Pesos.... 2 2 4 2 ceivable... Per cent of total.. Notes and accounts re- Per cent distribution. Average per establish- ment... Per cent of total... 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 5.9 6.0 4.4 6.0 Pesos.. 2,324 2,235 20 69 2,235 100.0 96.2 0.9 3.0 96.2 Pesos.... (2) (2) (2) 4 (2) 0.6 0.6 0.2 1.5 0.6 * Less than 1 peso. 467 TABLE 5.-INLAND FISHING-VALUE AND KIND OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY FORM OF ORGANIZATION AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938 Establishments operated by- Item All establish- ments Establishments oparated by citizens cf- Individuals Partnerships Associations Corporations Philippines China Value of equipment, total Pesos... 378,743 365,602 10,088 2,639 414 365,543 59 total.. Per cent distribution........ Value of fishing boats, Per cent distribu- 100.0 96.5 2.7 0.7 0.1 96.5 (¹) € Pesos.. 123,429 120,115 2,685 610 19 120,110 5 100.0 97.3 2.2 0.5 (¹) 97.3 (¹) tion Fishing boats with engines. Number. 3 2 1 2 Establishments reporting... Number. 3 2 1 2 Value. Pesos.... 1,700 1,200 500 1,200 Fishing boats with- Establishments out engines.... Number. reporting.... Number. 188 183 4 1 183 169 164 4 Value Fcsos.... 20,866 20,206 GOO Small fishing boats and bancas Number 6,565 6,430 101 Establishments reporting.. Number 5,677 5,577 84 Value. Pesos.... 100,863 98,709 1,585 550 3588-6 164 20,206 1 6,429 1 15 1 5,576 19 98,704 5 Value of fishing nets. Fesos.... 236,999 227,587 7,360 1,692 360 227,533 54 Ter cent distribu- 100.0 96.0 3.1 0.7 0.2 96.0 (¹) tion Utase nets (tra- winets, pukot) Number 377 339 36 2 339 Tstablishments reporting Number. 169 162 5 2 Value Pesos.... 45,259 41,829 8,320 110 162 41,829 Muroami net: (trap ret, kulukutok, Sapi Ysluc etc.) Establishments reporting.... Number. nets (seine) Number Number. 85 77 7 1 77 73 65 7 1 65 Pesos.... 6,834 6,259 425 150 6,259 5 5 5 Establishments reporting Number. 5 5 5 Value. Pesos.... 480 480 480 Bating nets (gill net, tansay, panti).... Number. 711 689 Establishments reporting... Number. 662 6.10 Value Other nets (salap, daklis, Pesos.... 38,095 37,342 753 etc.)... Number. 9,539 9,456 Establishments reporting.. Number. 5,673 5,616 Value. Fesos... 53,008 51,123 Lines (hapin) Number. 8,592 8,302 284 Establishments reporting... Number. 2,288 2,250 Value... Pesos... 11,066 10,521 540 Bacald... Number. 2,292 2,224 2 28 6 120 898 688 1 639 37,288 54 17 1 9,456 12 1,259 16 5,616 51,123 6 8,302 36 63 254 2,250 10,521 1 2,224 Establishments reporting.. Number. 919 896 18 4 1 896 Value.. Pesos.... 58,682 Tangar.. Number. 299 56,939 297 1,238 300 205 56,939 1 1 297 Establishments reporting... Number. 171 Value.... Pesos.... 2,109 Bobos... Number. 1,190 169 2,084 1,189 Establishments reporting.... Number. 591 590 Value... Pesos.... 2,257 2,249 Other corrals, traps and weirs Number 3,083 8,054 Establishments reporting.... Number. 1,430 1,405 Value... Pesos.... 19,209 18,761 445 All other equipment.. Pesos.... 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 18,315 17.900 FON F & 24 * 1 1 169 10 15 2,084 1 1,189 1 590 8 2,249 28 1 8,054 13 1,405 18,761 43 337 35 17,900 Less than 1 peso 468 TABLE G.-INLAND FISHING-VALUE AND KIND OF FISH CAUGIIT, BY FORM OF ORGANIZATION AND CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938 Establishments operated by- Item All establish- ments Establishments operated by citizens cf- Individuals Partnerships Associations Corporations Philippines China Value of all fish caught, total... Pcsos 1,636,883 1,612,078 21,903 2,138 764 1,612,063 15 Per cent distribution... 100.0 98.5 1.3 0.1 (¹) 98.5 (1) Crabs.. Boxes. 19,951 19,787 131 1 32 Value. Pesos 85,068 81,249 655 4 28 19.787 160 81,249 Establishments reporting. 1,082 1,073 7 1 1 1,073 Grouper- kilos. 8,156 8,156 8,156 Value.. Pesos 4,080 4,080 4,080 Establish ents reporting 49 49 49 Herring and sardines...... Boxes 5,304 Value.. Pesos 24,671 ,301 2-1,671 Establishments reporting. 157 157 Mullet Boxes. 6,345 Value. Pesos 29,355 6,307 29,171 38 181 5,304 21,671 157 6,307 29,171 Establishments reporting. 404 401 3 401 Shrimps.. Boxes. 78,359 Value.. Pesos. 377,224 78,036 375,617 243 9 71 78,036 1,212 41 354 375,617 Establishments reporting. 3,547 3,522 21 3 1 3.522 Catfishes.. Boxes 61,100 59,439 1,550 91 59,459 Value. Pesos Establishments reporting.. $20,128 2,505 312,249 7,123 456 312.249 2,450 481 7 2,450 Dalag, hito.. Boxes. 55,166 5-1,183 933 50 54,182 1 Value.. Pesos 249,057 214,684 4,123 250 244,679 Establishments reporting. 4,232 4,166 60 6 Other fishes... kilos.. 131,302 131,612 2,342 Value. Pesos 539,840 529,903 8,300 298 1,387 50 250 4,165 131,610 529,893 Establishments reporting.. Turbo (Trochus, Mother 7,324 7,236 71 16 1 7,235 60214 pearl, Cowry shells, Sea cucumber)... Pesos 15,400 Value. Pesos. Establishments reporting. 7,460 84 15,370 7,454 83 30 6 1 080 15,370 7,454 83 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 469 TABLE 7.-INLAND FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938 It m Philipp'n's A'bay Batan B. tirg:s Bohel Bulacan Cagayan Camarines Camarines Norte Sur Number of establishments... Per cert distribution... 9,802 100.0 159 6 306 19 2,415 12 3 493 1.6 0.1 3.1 0.2 24.7 0.1 (¹) 5.0 Employees in 1938. total... Persons.. 17,621 233 D 1,069 31 2,802 52 15 933 Per cent dis tribution.. 100.0 1.3 (1) 6.1 0.2 15.9 0.3 0.1 5.3 Average For establish- ment... Persons. 1.8 1.5 1.0 3.5 1.6 1.2 4.3 5.0 1.9 Prorietors and others not paid salaries or wages.... Persons. 13,628 235 6 482 31 2,690 26 15 894 Per cent dis- tribution 100.0 1.7 (') 3.5 0.2 19.7 0.2 0.1 6.6 Per cent of total em- ployees... 77.3 100.0 100.0 45.1 100.0 96.0 55.0 100.0 95.8 Average per establish- ment..... Persons. 1.4 1.5 1.0 1.6 1.6 1.1 2.2 5.0 1.8 Superinten- dents, care- takers, etc... Persons.. 605 2 35 2 86 Per cent of total er- ployees... 3.4 0.2 Other em- 8 1.2 3.8 3.9 ployees...... Personз.. 3,318 585 77 Per cent of 24 24 8 total em. ployees..... 19.2 54.7 2.7 46.2 0.3 Salaries paid in 1939, total...... Pe30s.... 40,694 973 124 10 Per cent dis- tribution. Per cent of total re- 100.0 2.4 0.3 (1) ceipts.. 2.5 1.0 9.2 0.1 Average per establish- ment..... Pesos.... 3 10 (2) Superinten- dents, care- takers, etc... Pesos.... 15,816 2 Per cent dis- tribution.. 100.0 (2) Average per person.... Pesos.... 26 Ce () Other em- ployees... Pesos.... 24,878 973 124 8 Per cent dis- tribution.. 100.0 3.9 0.5 (') Average per person.... Pesos.... 7 2 5 3 Cost of fuel, total. Fesos.... 2,311 4 Per cent distri- bution 100.0 0.2 Establishments reporting.... Number. 76 Z Average per es- tablishment.. Pesos.... (2) (2) Value of fish caught, total.... Per cent distri bution... Average per es- tablishment Assets, total. Fesos.... Pesos.... 1,636,883 3,137 369 100,347 51 306,300 1,350 66 10,681 100.0 0.2 (') 6.1 (1) 49.3 0.1 (1) 0.7 Pesos 167 20 62 328 3 334 113 22 22 412,864 2,803 239 37,277 70 81,464 2,549 34 12,131 Per cent dis tribution. Average per 100.0 0.7 0.1 9.0 (') 19.7 0.6 (¹) 2.9 establish- ment Pesos.... Land and build- ing Pesos.... Fer cent dis- tilbution 42 7,380 100.0 18 40 122 4 1 386 34 212 11 25 93 980 743 (1) 1.3 12.6 10.1 Average per establish- ment Per cent of total. Equipment (fishing boats, rets, corals, Pesos.... 1 1.8 (2) (2) 78 1.4 0.1 36.6 2 6.1 etc.) Pesos... 378,743 1,846 185 37,008 69 81,142 1,169 34 8,186 l'er cent dis tribution 100.0 0.5 (¹) 9.8 (¹) 21.4 0.3 (') 2.2 Average per establish- ment Pesos.... Per cent of total Cash Fesos.. Per cent dis- tribution Average per establish- 39 91.7 24,417 100.0 12 31 121 34 97 11 17 65.7 77.4 99.3 98.6 93.6 45.9 100.0 67.5 944 54 200 198 325 2,936 8.9 0.2 0.8 0.8 1.3 12.0 ment. Per cent of total.. Pesos.... 2 6 9 1 (2) 27 6 5.9 33.6 22.6 0.5 0.2 12.8 24.2 Notes and ac- counts recei- able.. Pesos.... 2,824 18 69 81 125 268 Per cert dis- tribution 100.0 0.8 3.0 1.3 5.4 11.4 Average per establish- ment... Pesos... Per cent of total.. (2) 0.6 '2) (2) 0.6 0.2 33 (2) 10 () 4.9 2.2 1 Less than 0.2 per cent. Lecs than 1-paso. 470 TABLE 7.-INLAND FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Capiz Cavite C.bu Cotabato Davao Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur I'oito Isabe'a Number of establishments... Per cent distribution.. 319 2 27 2 3.3 (') (1) 0.3 (¹) 1,599 16.3 508 46 5.2 (1) 0.5 Employees in 1938, total....... Person3.. 24 54 3 2,028 706 268 Per cent distribu- tion.... 2.5 0.1 0.3 (1) 11.5 4.0 1.5 Average per es- tablishment. Persons.. 1.4 12.0 2.0 1.5 1.3 1.4 5.8 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages.... Persons.. 431 14 54 2 1,933 633 78 Per cent distri- bution... 3.2 0.1 0.4 (¹) 14.2 4.6 0.5 Per cent of total employees.. 98.4 58.3 100.0 66.7 95.3 89.7 29.1 Average per cs- tablishments Persons.. 1,4 7.0 2.0 Ο 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.7 Superintendents, caretakers, etc. Persons.. 71 24 2 Per cent of total employees.. 3.5 Other employees. Persons.. 7 10 1 24 49 នាំគ្ន 3.4 0.7 188 employees.. total... Per cent of total Salaries paid in 1938, Per cent distri- bution... Per cent of total receipts.... Average per es- tablishment Superintendents, 0.2 1.1 Pesos.... (¹) caretakers, etc. Pesos.. 1.6 41.7 33.3 1.2 6.9 70.1 Pesos.... 91 841 44 2.1 0.1 4.6 0.5 1 (¹) 1 Per cent distri- bution ... (¹) Average per person.... Pesoз.. (2) Other employees. Pesos.... 91 840 44 Per cent distri- bution.... 0.4 3.4 0.2 Average per person...... Pesos.... 13 35 1 Cost of fuel, total.... Pesos... Per cent distribu- tion..... Establish ments reporting...... Number. Average per esta- blishment..... Pesos... Value of fishes caught, total.... Pesos.... 8,488 195 10,741 35 18,445 9,474 7,799 Per cent distribu- tion... 0.5 (¹) 0.7 (1) 0.6 0.5 Average per esta- blishment..... Pesos... 27 98 398 18 12 19 170 Assets, total........ Pe303... 7,088 431 3,423 54 16,536 6,574 12,126 ings... Per cent distribution..... Average per tablishment. Peз0s.... Land and build- Per cent distri- bution... Average per es- tablishment Peз0s.. 1.7 0.1 0.8 (¹) 4.0 1.6 2.9 22 217 127 27 10 13 264 Pesos.... 874 822 23 11.8 11.1 0.3 32 1 Per cent of total 25.5 5.0 0.3 Equipment (fish-- ing boats, co rals, nets, etc.). Pesos.... 3,527 230 2,094 54 14,502 4,580 6,622 Per cent distri- bution..... 0.9 0.1 0.6 (¹) 3.8 1.2 1.7 Average per es- tablishment. Pesos.... 11 115 78 27 Per cent of total 49.8 53.0 C1.1 100.0 9 87.4 9 144 69.7 54.6 Cash...... Pesos... 3,561 204 268 1,255 1,857 4,022 Per cent distri- Average per es- bution.... tablishment. Pesos.... Per cent of total... Notes and ac- counts receiva- ble... Per cent distri- 14.6 0.8 1.1 5.1 7.6 16.5 11 102 10 1 4 87 50.2 47.0 7.8 7.6 28.2 33.2 Pesos... bution Average per es- tablishment. Pesos.. Per cent of total... (1) Less than 0.1 per cent (2) Less than 192 8.3 7 5.6 7 114 1,482 0.3 4.9 63.8 (2) (2) 32 (¹) 1.7 12.2 1 peso 473 TABLE 7-INLAND FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item La Union Laguna Lanao Leyte Masbate Mindoro Nueva Nueva Ecija Viscaya Pamparga Number of establishments.. Per cent distribution. 44 2,814 5 206 2 37 10 5 37 0.4 28.7 0.1 2.1 (') 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.4 Employees in 1938. total.... Persons.. 57 5,773 31 317 2 81 41 10 43 Per cent distri- bution.... 0.3 82.8 0.2 1.8 (¹) 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.2 Average per es- tablishment. Persons.. 1.8 2.1 6.2 1.5 1.0 2.2 4.1 2.0 1.2 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages..... Persons.. 54 4,175 31 817 2 78 20 10 36 Per cent distri- bution..... 0.4 30.6 0.2 2.3 (¹) 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.8 Per cent of total employees.. 94.7 72.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 96.3 48.8 100.0 83.7 Average per es- tablishment. Persons.. 1.2 1.5 6.2 1.5 1.0 2.1 2.0 2.0 1.0 Superintendents, caretakers, etc. Persons.. 867 1. Per cent of total employees.... 6.4 2.4 Other employees. Persons.. 3 1,231 8 20 7 Per cent of total employees...... 5.3 21.3 3.7 48.8 8 16.8 Salaries paid in 1938, - total.... Pesos.... 18,443 1,3,0 Per cent distri- bution... 45.3 Per cent of total receipts.... 4.1 3.4 22.9 Average per es- tablishment. Pesos.... 7 138 Superintendents, caretakers, etc. Pesos.... 12,336 Per cent distri- bution... 78.0 Average per person...... Pesos.... 34 bution... bution.... Other employees. Pesos... Per cent distri- Average per person...... Pesos.... Cost of fuel, total.... Pesos.. Per cent distri- Establishments reporting...... Number. Average per esta- blishment..... Pesos.... 6,107 24.5 5 40 0.3 40 1,340 5.4 67 529 22.9 @ 30 (2) Value of fishes caught, total..... Pesos.... 805 449,145 680 2,151 17 9,334 6,021 348 532 Per cent distribu- tion.... (¹) 27.4 (¹) 0.1 (¹) 0.6 0.4 (1) (1) Average per esta- blishment..... Pesos.... 7 160 136 10 9 252 602 70 14 Assets, total ....... Pesos.... 300 109,325 455 1,334 9 2,337 3,184 113 3.763 Per cent distri- bution... 0.1 26.5 0.1 0.3 (¹) 0.6 0.8 (¹) 0.9 Average per e- tablishment. Pesos.... 7 39 91 6 5 63 318 23 102 Land and build- ing... Pesos... 480 434 630 2,029 Per cent distribution.... Average per es- tablishment. Pesos.. Per cent of total.. 6.5 5.9 8.5 27.5 (2) 2 63 55 0.4 32.5 19.8 53.9 Equipment (fish- ing boats, co rals, nets, etc.). Pesos.... 300 107,477 335 672 9 2,337 2,334 113 1,734 Per cent distri- bution.... 0.1 28.4 0.1 0.2 (¹) 0.6 0.6 (¹) 0.5 Average per es- tablishment. Pesos.... 7 88 67 3 -5 63 233 23 47 Per cent of total... 100.0 98.3 73.6 50.4 100.0 100.0 73.3 100.0 46.1 Cash...... Pesos.. 1,368 120 228 220 Per cent distri- bution..... Average per es- tablishment. Pesos.. Per cent of total Notes and ac- counts receiva- ble. Per cent distri- bution... 5.6 0.5 0.9 0.9 (2) 24 1 22 1.3 26.4 17.1 6.9 Pesos.... Average per es- tablishment. Pesos... Per cent of total... (1) Less than 0.1 per cent (2) Less than I peso 472 TABLE 7.-INLAND FISHING-NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, COST OF FUEL, VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, AND ASSETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Pangasi- Rizal Sorsogon Sulu Surigao Tarlac Zambales Agusin nan All othe provinc、s Number of establish- ments... Per cent distribu- tion..... 39 393 10 2 126 78 64 9 0.4 4.0 0.1 (¹) 1.3 0.8 0.7 0.1 (¹) Employees in 1938, total.... Persons.. 112 1,696 45 10 199 423 86 9 32 --> Per cent distri- bution... 0.6 9.6 0.3 0.1 1.1 2.4 0.4 0.1 0.2 Average per es- tablishrnent Persons.. 2.9 4.3 4.5 5.0 1.6 5.4 1.2 1.0 8.0 Froprietors and others not paid salaries or wages.... Persons.. 74 694 45 10 128 318 71 6 32 Per cent distri- bution... 0.5 5.1 0.3 0.1 0.9 2.3 0.5 0.1 0.2 Per cent of total employees. 66.1 40.9 100.0 100.0 64.3 75.2 93.4 100.0 100.0 Average per c3- tablishment. Persons.. 1.9 1.8 4.5 5.0 1.0 4.1 1.1 1.0 8.0 Superintendents, caretakers, etc. Persons.. 2 57 6 Per cent of total employees... Per cent of total employees... Salaries paid in 1938, 1.8 3.4 1.4 Other employees Persons.. 36 945 71 32.1 55.7 35.7 886 99 5 23.4 6.6 total. Pesos.... 832 17,722 162 72 Per cent distri- bution 2.0 43.5 0.4 0.2 Per cent of total receipts 13.2 10.4 3.0 4.0 Average per es- tablishment...Pesos.. 21 45 2 1 Superintendents, caretakers, etc. Pesos.... 120 3,260 57 Per cent distri- bution 0.8 20.6 0.4 Average per person..... Pesos.... Other employees. Pesos... Per cent distri- 712 8192 60 57 14,462 10 105 72 bution.... 2.9 58.1 0.4 0.3 Average per total..... person... Cost of fuel, total.... Pesos.... Per cent distribu- tion.... Establishments reporting...... Number. Average per esta- blishment. Value of fishes caught, Per cent distribu- tion..... Pesos.... 20 15 1 14 1,778 76.9 35 Posos... 5 Pesos.... 6,281 170,759 1,787 195 3,426 5,442 1,789 479 714 0.4 10.4 0.1 (¹) 0.2 0.3 0.1 (1) (1) Average per esta- blishment..... Pesus.... 161 435 179 98 27 70 28 Assets, total....... Pesos.... 3,720 94,587 422 47 1,399 7,600 725 338 53 179 96 586 Per cent distri- bution... 0.9 22.9 0.1 (1) 0.3 1.8 0.2 (1) 0.1 Average per es- tablishment. Pesos.... 95 241 42 24 11 97 11 11 147 Land and build- ing... Pesos. 115 25 11 20 150 Per cent distri- bution Average per es- tablishment. Pesos... 1.6 0.3 0.1 0.3 2.0 (2) 3 (2) (2) 30 38 Per cent of total.. 0.1 5.9 0.8 0.3 25.6 Equipment (fish- ing boats co- rals, nets, etc.). Pesos.... 3,178 91,349 253 43 1,278 5,031 603 96 853 Per cent distri- bution 0.8 24.1 A 0.1 (1) 0.3 1.3 0.2 (1) 0.1 Average pc es- tablishment. Pesos. 81 Per cent of total. 85.4 232 96.6 25 22 10 65 9 11 60.0 91.5 Cash...... Pesos.. 542 3.123 144 4 91.4 110 66.2 83.2 100.0 2,529 122 888888 60.2 83 Per cent distri- bution... 2.2 12.8 0.6 (') 0.5 10.4 0.5 0.3 Average per es- tablishment. Pesos.. Per cent of total... Notes and ac- counts receiva- ble. Per cent distri- bution. Average per es- 14 8 14 2 1 32 2 14.6 3.3 34.1 8.5 7.9 33.3 16.8 21 14.2 Pesos.... 20 20 0.9 tablishment Per cent of total. Pesos.. (1) Less than 0.1 per (2) 0.3 cent (2) Less thany i peso i 473 TABLE 8.-INLAND FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Item Camarires Phi'ippines Agusin A!bay Bataan Batırgas Bohol Bul can Cagayan Norte Value of equip- ment total. Pesos....378,743 9% 1,846 185 37,008 69 81,142 1.169 24 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 (¹) 0.5 (¹) 9.8 (¹) 21.4 0.8 (¹) Value of fishing boats, total. Pesos... 123,429 Per cent distribution boats Fishing with engines. Number. Establishments reporting... Number. 8 % 453 10,084 40,358 331 14 100.0 0.1 0.4 8.2 32.7 0.3 (¹) 3 Value... Pesos.... 1,700 Fishing boats without engines Number. 188 Establishments reporting Number 169 Value. Pesos.... 20,866 Small fishing boats and ban- cas.. Number. 6,565 Establishments reporting.... Number. 5,677 Value... Pesos.... 100,863 (1.7 78 78 17 1 72 7,125 980 80 82 84 2,884 12 8 96 996 17 69 2,074 10 453 2,959 89,428 251 14 Value of fishing nets Pesos.... 236,999 620 185 26,852 56 40,176 796 20 Per cent distribution... 100.0 0.3 0.1 11.8 (¹) 17.0 0.8 (¹) Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot)... Number. 877 48 9 Establishments reporting... Number. 169 28 7 Value... Pesos.... 5,259 6,239 892 Muroami nets (trap net, kulu- kutok, etc.).... Number. 85 5 88 Establishments reporting... Number. 73 5 87 Value... Pesos.... 6,834 596 2,951 Sapiao nets (seine). Number. 5 2 Establishments reporting... Number. 5 Value.... Pesos.... 480 2 195 Bating nets (gill net, tansay, panti).... Number. 711 1 Establishments 221 reporting Number. 662 174 Value.. Pesos.... 38,095 17,274 19 60 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.).... Number. 9,539 439 4 259 15 2,004 8 Establishments reporting... Number. 5,673 63 4 82 13 1,581 3 Value... Pesos.... 58,008 279 47 1,921 52 17,019 171 Lines (hapin).... Number 8,592 410 203 644 Establishments reporting.... Number. 2,28 58 61 233 1 Value... Pesos.... 11,066 228 276 1,207 1 Baclad.. Number. 2,292 9 14 5 599 1 3 Establishments reporting.... Number. 919 Value. Pesos. 58,682 Tangar Number 299 264 3 5 321 9 13 505 16,116 85 9 Establishments reporting.. Number 171 1 1 Value Pesos.... 2,109 100 150 75 162 210 3 19 Bobos 9 11 Number. 1,190 Establishments reporting. Number. 5 5 Value Others corrals, Value.... Pesos.... 2,257 traps and weirs Number. Establishments reporting.... Number. Pesos.... 19,209 All other equipment Pesos.... 18,315 591 3,083 8 1.430 4 4 773 41 16 8656 2 870 5 24 2 806 5 1,765 270 72 13 608 42 Less than 0.1 per cent. 474 TABLE 8.-INLAND FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. Item Camarines Sur Capiz Cebu Cotabato Davao Ilcces Norte Iloc´s Sur Is bela La Urion Value of equip- ment, total.. Pesos.... 8,186 3,527 230 2,094 54 14,502 4,580 6,622 300 Per cent distribution.. 2.2 0.9 0.1 0.6 (') 3.8 1.2 1.7 0.1 Value of fishing boats, total....... Pesos.... Ter cent distribution.... Fishing boats 3,011 758 65 353 14 636 109 2,359 72 2.4 0.6 0.1 0.3 (¹) 0.5 0.1 1.9 0.1 with engines. Number. Establishments reporting.... Number. Value... Pesos.... Fishing boats without engines Number 1 Establishments reporting Number 1 Value.. Pesos... 50 7 1 6 1 819 60 Small fishing boats and ban- cas Number 332 65 5 30 Establishments Value.... reporting.. ... Number Value of fishing nets Pesos... 295 60 Pesos... 2,961 758 656 2 27 353 14 5,175 2,648 165 1,692 40 2 21 8 338 172 636 18883 60 11 63 82 11 109 1,540 12 13,318 4,112 3,811 228 Per cent distribution... Utase nets (trawl 2.2 1.1 0.1 0.7 (¹) 5.6 1.7 1.6 04 0.1 nets, pukot). Number Establishments reporting Number Value... Auroami nets (trap net, kulu- Establishments Pesos.... Number. reporting Number 1 2 10 80 888 156 156 2886 932 100 2 200 kutok, etc.). 1 1 Value Pusos... 255 Sapiao nets (Beine) Number 1 Establishments Valuc reporting Number Bating nets (gill 1 Pcsos... 85 net, tan say, panti) Number 1 Establishments reporting Number 1 O ย Value. Pesos.. 266 Other net::, (salap, daklis, etc.) Number 455 472 Establishments reporting Number 167 275 Value Pesos. 1,613 2,347 156 Lines (hapin) Number 415 6 Establishments reporting.. Number 147 Value. Pesos 606 13 Baclad Number 191 13 633 2 26 182 58 2,230 464 36 18 1,440 310 34 9,247 2,821 2,373 125 88888 15 878 69 4 560 69 1,027 221 19 1 109 F-tablishments reporting Number 76 Valuc Pesos 1,196 Tangar Number ཝཧྨཝ 12 1 41 235 1,160 20 792 12 9 203 27 10 Establishments reporting. Number Value... Pesos... 37 1 119 24 7 7 27 918 101 111 Bobos. Number 12 9 929 92 8 Establishments reporting.. Number 5 5 459 41 6 Value Pc808.. 34 58 951 74 150 Others corrals, 8 traps and weirs Number 426 7 110 1 361 175 2 Establishments 8 reporting Number Value. 131 7 21 1 197 116 2 8 Pesos... 1,726 46 261 20 498 603 245 All other equipment Pesos.... 121 49 548 389 452 475 CABLE 8. INLAND FISHING NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. Item Laguna Lanao Leyte $ Marbate Mindoro Nueva Ecija Nueva Vizcaya Pangasi- Pampanga nan Value of equip- ment, total.. Pesos....107,477 335 672 2,337 2,334 113 1,734 3,178 Per cent distribution. 28.4 0.1 0.2 (¹) 0.6 0.6 (¹) 0.5 0.8 alue of Bahing boats, total....... Pesos.... 40,290 89 336 7 653 570 50 430 691 Per cent distribution.... 82.6 0.1 0.8 (¹) Q.5 0.5 (¹) 0.8 0.6 Fishing boats with engines... Number. 1 Establishments reporting.... Number. 1 Value.... Pesos.... 500 Fishing boats without engines Number. 45 8 2 Establishments reporting.... Number. 42 Value.. Pesos.... 4,247 1214 145 Small fishing boats and ban- cas... Establishments Number. 2,440 reporting.... Number. 2,245 Value... Pesos.... 85,543 6688 ఆ 2 5 89 336 27 8285 11 2 -8 lue of fishing nete Pesos.... 67,182 214 302 2 Per cent distribution.... 28.3 0.1 0.1 (¹) Utase hets (trawl nets, pukot)... Number. 218 2 Establishments reporting.... Number. 60 1 Value.... Pesos.... 13,491 100 2 160 26 85 8 1 21 33 653 425 50 430 531 1,658 826 63 1,259 939 0.7 0.3 (¹) 0.5 0.4 6 8 6 4 335 22220 465 Muroami nets (trap net, kulu- kutok, etc.).... Number. 1 Establishments reporting.... Number. 1 Value.... Pesos.... 600 Sapiao nets (seine) Number. Establishments reporting.... Number. Value.... Pesos.... Bating nets (gill net, ta say, panti).... Number. 477 Establishments reporting.... Number. 477 Value.... Other nets (salap, Pesos.... 19,760 daklis, etc.).... Number. 2,295 Establishments reporting.... Number. ཋ ཋཱས 3 110 214 2 24 GA REA A 46 46 5 22 2 1,089 Value. Pesos.... 5,941 Lines (hapin).. Number. 5,453 Establishments reporting.... Number. 909 Value..... Pesos.... 6,315 2 Baclad Number. 584 Establishments reporting.... Number. 205 286 1 90 18 Value..... Pesos.... 14,024 Tanger.. Number. Establishments reporting.... Number. Value.. Pesos.... Bobos.. Number 62 1 3 Establishments Value reporting---- Number. 40 1 3 Pesos.... 775 1 101 Other corral Establishments traps and weirs Number. reporting.... Number. Value... All other equipment Pesos.... 1,210 40 31 1 84 470 16 Pesos.... 6,29 30 151 ཝཏྠཱ 12 1 5 14 249 5 32 32 34 26 938 45 1 ON 20 - 8 - 2 2 200 1 8 1 6 25 260 11 8 24 28 5 151 229 388 6689 24 26 212 23 133 4 18 3 8 1,072 262 476 TABLE 8.-INLAND FISHING-NUMBER, KIND, AND VALUE OF EQUIPMENT USED, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Con. All other Item Rizal Sorsogon Sulu Surigao Tarlac Zambales provine s Value of equipment total.. Per cent distribution...... Pesos.... 91,349 253 43 1,278 5,031 603 353 24.1 0.1 (1) 0.3 1.3 0.2 0.1 Value of fishing boats, total....... Pesos.... 20,573 100 11 655 16 245 Small fishing boats and bancas. Establishments reporting... Value.... Per cent distribution.. Fishing boats with engines. Establishments reporting.... Value... Fishing boats without engines.. [Establishments reporting.. Value.. Establishments reporting.. Value.... Value of fishing nets.. Per cent distribution.. Utase nets (trawl nets, pukot).. Muroami nets (trap net, kulukutok, etc.) Number. 16.7 0.1 (¹) 0.5 (¹) 0.2 Number 2 Number. 2 Pesos.... 1,200 Number. 37 1 Number. 24 1 Pesos.... 7,150 100 Number. 433 1 Number. 346 1 Pesos. 12,223 11 655 Pesos... O5 .. 68585 4 42 4 1 16 245 059 153 1 562 4,366 411 108 24.9 0.1 (¹) 0.2 Number. 73 Number. 47 Pesos... 22,319 1320 1.8 0.2 0.1 40 Establishments reporting. Number. 29 Value.... Pesos... 2,432 Sapiao nets eine).. Number. Establishments reporting. Number. Value... Pesos.... Bating nets (gill net, taksay, panti)... Number. 1 Value... Establishments reporting. Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.). Number. 1 Pesos.... 400 Number. 467 1 81 89 32 7 Establishments reporting. Number. 232 1 26 61 82 Value.. Pesos.... 6,140 50 443 799 208 108 Lines (hapin). Number. 204 1 73 37 14 Establishments reporting. Number. 64 1 70 26 7 Value.... Pesos... 738 1 119 75 13 Baclad. Number. 206 607 6 Establishments reporting. Value.. Number. 160 50 6 Pesos 20,756 2,181 69 Tangar.. Number 22 1 Establishments reporting.. Number. 12 1 Value.... Pesos... 614 6 Bobos.. Number. 45 9 Value. Establishments reporting. Others corrals, trap:: and weirs. Establishments.eporting. Value.. AMT other equipment. Number. 18 8 Pesos.... 48 8 Number. 171 7 99 14 Number 59 7 37 14 Pesos.... 6,274 103 499 1/2 Pesos... 11,714 31 61 663 176 477 TABLE 9.-INLAND FISHING-QUANTITY, KIND, AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1558 Item Philippines Albay Bataan Batangas Bohol Bulacan Cagayan Norte Camarines Camarinoc Sur Value of all fish caught, total Pesos.. 1,636,883 3,137 369 100,347 51 806,300 1,350 66 10,681 Per cent distri- bution..... 100.0 Crabs... Boxes. 19,951 12 Value Pesos.. 85,068 56 Establishments re- porting. 1,082 826 3 0.2 (') 6.1 (') 49.34 0.1 (') 19 2,524 2 16.432 52 5,059 9 76,629 207 6 öno 0.7 5 36 8 614 8 1 Grouper... Kilos... 8,156 200 Value.. Pesos.. 4,080 100 7,502 3,751 Establishments re- porting.... Herrings and sardines Boxes. 49 5,304 2 36 5,187 20 Value... Pesos.. 24,671 24,100 100 Establishments re- porting.... 157 Mullet.. Boxes. 6,345 4 Value. Pesos... 29,355 16 Establishments re- porting. 404 2 Shrimps.. Boxes. 78,359 9 Value. Pesos... 377,224 45 Establishments re- porting. 3,547 1 Catfishes... Boxes. 61,100 6 Value. Pesos. 320,128 23 Establishments re- porting... 2,505 Dalag, hito.. Boxes. 55,166 4 257 Value.. Pesos... 249,057 1,105 Establishments re- porting.. 4,232 116 Other fishes. Kilos.. 134,302 Value..... Pesos.. 539,840 660 1,892 18 50 8 5 o 119 3,450 15,554 66 1 1.546 7,734 70 1,110 5,447 688 6 75 8 62,676 8 305,607 145 125 355 17 686 13 66 5 3 29 248 515 4 45 8 1,633 5 40 6 20 7,625 12 35 100 37,761 25 4 1 307 2 31 422 12,807 6 4,139 161 2,122 62,953 26 8,335 5 15 546 2 396 34 14,583 18 62,107 $36 996 44 47,865 28 05,513 887 1,8(0 Establishments rc- porting...... 7,324 116 6 303 16 2,191 121 154 Turbo Trochus Mo- ther pearl. Cowry shells, Sea cucum- ber Kilos... 15,400 Value.. Pesos... Establishments re- porting..... 7,460 84 12.504 6,252 30 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. TABLE 9.-INLAND FISHING-QUANTITY KIND, AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY FROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Ilocs Ilocos Capiz Ce vu Cotabato Davao Isabela La Union Laguna Norte Sur Pesos... ing..... Mullet. Boxes. Value of fish caught caught, total.. Pesos... 8,488 195 10,741 35 Per cent distribution. 0.5 (¹) 0.7 (1) Crabs.. Boxes. 246 Value Pesos... 618 Establishments report- ing.... Grouper.. Kilos... Value. Pesos... ing.... Establishments report- Herrings and sardines.. Boxes.. Value.... Establishments report- ཀྑཱུ ཙུསྶ སཏུས དྡྷཊྛཱ 67 333 4 18,445 305 9,474 1.1 0.6 6.5 7,79 (') 449,145 27.4 15 173 69 809 318 230 83 30 17 4 54 6 275 24 32 2 58 1 5 40 Value.. Pesos.. 2,402 290 5 23 147 Establishments report- ing.... 130 5 1 4 Shrimps.. Boxes. 1,037 212 1 295 127 28 10,435 Value... Pesos.. 2,845 1,065 4 1,440 583 116 49,396 Establishments report- ing.... 104 14 1 438 78 1 26 9958 Catfishes... Boxes. 14 4 159 33 350 33.609 Value. Pesos.. 29 20 790 131 1,736 163,487 Establishments report- ing. 1 1 291 14 28 1,602 Dalag, hito. Boxes. 16 1,300 855 314 140 4 27,058 Value. Pesos.. 79 6,500 4,236 1,244 690 18 123,677 Establishments report- ing.. 4 21 945 166 19 4 1,471 Other fishes.. Kilos.. 558 39 4,681 5 3,290 2,652 1,047 36 26,674 Value. Pesos.. 2,489 195 2,533 26 10,873 7,149 5,225 171 112,542 Establishments report- ing.... 189 2 27 2 1,559 474 40 16 1,549 Value.. ing.... Turbo Trochus, Mother pearl, Cowry shells, Sea cucumber Establishments report- Kilos.. Pesos. 4 75 2 43 1 103 5 478 TABLE 9.-INLAND FISHING-QUANTITY, KIND, AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Lanao Leyte Masbate Mindoro Nueva Ecija Nueva Vizcaya Pampanga Pangasinan Rizal Value of fish caught, total.... Pesos... 680 2,151 17 9,334 6,021 348 532 6,281 170,759 Per.cent distribution, (') 0.1 ('¹) 0.6 0.4 (1) (') 0.4 10.4 Crabs.. Boxes.. 42 199 1 19 77 Value Pesos... 143 465 4 94 155 Establishments report- ing.... 15 6 1 18 1 Grouper. Kilos.. 376 Value. Pesos.. 188 Establishments report- ing..... Herrings and sardines.. Boxes Establishments report- 5 Value. Pesos.. ing.... Mullet Boxes 136 69 30 115 144 Value.. Pesos.. 680 228 151 570 703 Establishments report- ing..... 5 24 3 20 20 Shrimps... Boxes 18 159 Value.. Pesos.. 86 794 Establishments report- ing...... 11 9 522 2 60 513 1,119 10 276 2,421 5,609 1 30 33 63 Catfishes. Boxes. 46 Value... Pesos.. 227 19,215 115,747 Establishments report- ing.... 3 Dalag, hito. Boxes. 167 1,139 1.260 28 41 371 245 3,507 Value. Pesos.. 692 4,619 5,999 86 205 1,504 18,449 Establishments report- ing.... 83 26 10 O 5 3 32 Other fishes.... Kilos.. 593 4 3.141 5 11 348 225 10,094 Value Pesos.. 990 17 3,117 25 47 592 29,325 Establishments report- ing.... 112 2 33 2 8 33 301 Turbo. Trochus, Mother pearl, Cowry shells, Sea cucumber... Kilos. Value.. Pesos.. 24 Establishments report- ing.... 24 12 4 1,532 771 14 TABLE 9.-INLAND FISHING-QUANTITY, KIND, AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Item Sorsogon Sulu Surigao Tarlac Zambales Agusan All other provinces Value of all fish caught, total Pesos.. 1,787 195 3,426 5,442 1,789 479 714 Per cent distribution. 0.1 (¹) Crabs.... Boxes 5 Value. Pesos... Establishments reporting 2 8690 0.2 0.3 0.1 (') (') 19 97 6 Grouper...... Kilos Value. Pesos. Establishments reporting. Herrings and sardines... Boxes 37 Value. Pesos. 170 Establishments reporting. 2 Mullet. Boxes 5 42 1 Value. Pesos. 13 213 6 309 Establishments reporting 3 6 1 6809 62 24 120 1 Shrimps... Boxes 33 29 32 164 Value. Pesos. 87 143 178 338 Establishments reporting. 2 8 13 19 Catfishes Boxes 7 Value. Pesos... 15 Establishments reporting. 1 1 Dalag, hito Boxes 163 982 122 33 Value.. Pesos. 642. 4,909 574 162 Establishments reporting 23 78 26 Other fishes.. Kitc 438 309 984 35 185 Value. Pesos. 1,789 195 2,112 173 934 Establishments reporting 10 2 92 17 51 329282 14 70 2 37 186 3 Turbo. Trochus, Mother pearl, Cowry shells, Sea cucumber Kilos Value.. Pesos 1,256 878 Establishments reporting. 29 621 (1) Less than o.. per cent. (2) Less than I box 479 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS SECTION VI.-Fish Ponds Scope of the census.-The census included all fish ponds in the Philippines. It included data on the assets of the industry, number of employees, equipment, area of ponds, and quan- tity of various fish products obtained. A few fish pond opera- tors were also engaged in other kinds of fishing, such as inland and offshore. These operators have been separately classi- fied and the results are given in Section VII. Method of taking the census.-A list of fish pond owners and operators was obtained from municipal treasurers and from all other possible sources. While some of the schedules were obtained by mail, the information was obtained directly in most cases by the census enumerators from the owner or operator of the fish ponds. The census enumerators who obtained data on fish ponds were not the same enumerators who took the census of population and agriculture, but especially appointed and trained persons. A large part of the enumeration was performed by specially trained employees from the Manila office and the remaining part was made under the supervision of qualified personnel from this office. When the schedules were received in Manila, they were examined and checked for con- sistency by trained personnel. Later, after compilation, all data were rechecked. AREA AND ASSESSED VALUE OF FISH PONDS, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Province Bulacan Pampanga floile....... Rizal Pangasinan Bataan Negros Occidental Capiz Cavite All other provinces 10 15 Area in thousands of hectares Assumed val Hons of pes 20 Extent of the industry.-This census shows 8,305 fish pond operators, 60,792.76 hectares in fish ponds, 26,205 persons em- ployed in connection with the fish pond industry, assets of fish pond operators amounting to 37,723,660, and fish products valued at 7,608,930 obtained during 1938. The fish pond in- dustry is largely concentrated in a few provinces. In fact two provinces-Bulacan and Pampanga, contain almost one- half of the entire area devoted to the production of fish. Six provinces contain more than five-sixths of the total fish pond area and even in these provinces a large part of the fish pond area is concentrated within a few municipalities. Number of operators.-The data given on the number of operators represent the number of enterpreneurs engaged in the fish pond industry and actually operating fish ponds. The number of fish pond operators is different from the number of fish pond owners or the number of fish ponds. One fish pond operator may operate several fish ponds. Likewise, one owner may lease or rent his fish ponds to several persons each of whom has been considered as fish pond operator. Assets. The total reported assets of the fish pond industry amounted to 37,723,660, of which 36,712,182 or 97.3 per cent represent the value of fish ponds, 107,933 or 0.3 per cent, as the value of land and buildings, 289,697 or 0.8 per cent, as the value of equipment, and 613,848 or 1.6 per cent, as the amount of cash on hand and accounts and notes receivable. Buildings constitute a very small proportion of the total in- vestments as the dwelling of the operator is either part of a farm or is located in a place apart from the fish pond and, hence, is not considered as forming a part of the fish pond. Assets averaged 4,542 per operator. The value of the fish ponds has been included in the total assets regardless of whether or not the operator owns the fish pond. Area of fish ponds.-The area of fish ponds includes largely the area actually enclosed by dikes and used for the production of fish. However, in some cases the area includes land adja- cent to the fish pond. Number of employees and salaries and wages paid.-The total number of persons employed in the fish pond industry totalled 26,205, of whom 9,874 were proprietors and other persons not paid salaries, 4,630 were superintendents and caretakers, and 11,701 were other employees. The number of employees rep- presents the average number employed during the fish pond season rather than the average number employed throughout the year. The total salaries and wages paid during 1938 amounted to P870,893. However, this amount represents only a part of the amount received by employees of fish pond opera- tors as many of the employees are given a share of the catch as full or part payment for their work. Also, the total amount of salaries and wages do not represent the salaries and wages for the work of the entire year as a considerable part of the employees are only employed during part of the year. Equipment. Ordinarily, the fishing equipment of fish pond- operators consist of small boats, bancas, and nets. However, some of the operators of fish ponds own boats with engines. PRODUCTION OF FISH IN FISH FONDS, BY PROVINCES: 198 Pampanga Helle Risal Batman Pangasinan Negros Occidental Other provinces ווודיו Millions of kilos Shrimps and crabs Other Babet 480 FISHERIES Production.-The total value of fishes produced by fish pond operators in 1938 was P7,008,930. Bañgos amounting to $7,029,377 comprised 92.4 per cent of the total value; shrimps valued at P285,840, crabs valued at P84,301, and gourami valued at $8,288, and other fishes valued at $206,124 comprised the remaining 7.6 per cent of the value of all fish produced. The value of all fish produced was equivalent to P916 per fish pond operator. During the dry season some fish ponds are operated as salt beds and the production of salt in connection with fish ponds amounted to 24,500,568 kilos valued at P378,824. Bise of total assets.-Fish pond operators have been classified into 9 groups on the basis of the value of total assets. More than one-half of the fish ponds have a total asset of less than P1,000 each. However, the operators with assets of less than P1,000 each produced less than 7 per cent of the value of all fish produced. Fish pond operators having assets of P10,000 or more, while representing less than one-eight of all fish pond operators, produced more than three-fifths of the value of all Sah reported by all fish pond operators. NUMBER OF OPERATORS, ARKA OF FISH PONDS, AND VALUE OF FISH AND OTHER PRODUCTS OBTAINED, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938. Operators with total as- sets of than 1,000 each comprise about four-fifths of all fish pond operators but reported only about one-fifth of the value of all fish produced. NUMBER OF FISH POND OPERATORS, AREA OF FISH PONDS, AND VALUE OF FISH AND OTHER PRODUCTS OBTAINED, BY VALUB OF CATCH: 193 8 Operatore with value of products of PS,000 and over. P2,000 to P4.999.. P1,800 to P1,989. POSD to POSO.. Under P600. 10 15 20 Hundreds of operators Area in thousands of hectares Value of fish produced $25,000 and over...... P16,000 to $24,999. P10,000 to P14.999 P6,000 to P9.990...... P2.500 to P4.989... P1,000 to P2.00.. Under P1,000. 10 16 20 25 35 Hundreds of operators Area in thousands of hectaree Value of feb produced in hundred thousands of pos Size of catch-The classification of fish pond operators ac- cording to the size of catch or total value of all products (including salt) obtained, indicates the concentration of control of a large part of the industry in the hands of a few operators. Fish pond operators having products of P5,000 and over rep- resent less than 4 per cent of the total number of operators, but reported more than two-fifths of the value of all fish pro- duced. Fish pond operators having products valued at less ta hundred thousands of pesos Citizenship of operator.-The classification of fish pond oper- ators by citizenship shows that the industry is almost exclu- sively in the hands of citizens of the Philippines. In fact, non- Filipino fish pond operators included only 1 citizen of the United States, 7 citizens of China, 3 citizens of Spain, and 1 citizen of Great Britain. Form of organization-More than 92 per cent of all fish pond operators are individuals, and only 6.2 per cent are partner- ships, 1.2 per cent, associations, and 0.1 per cent, corpora- tions. Individuals and partnerships reported more than 98 per cent of the value of fish obtained by all operators of fish ponds. Year established.-The year established pertains to the year during which the operator began the fish pond business and not to the year when the fish pond was constructed. Almost one-fourth of all fish pond operators began business since 1985. However, almost three-fifths of all fish pond operators have been in the business 10 years or more. Data by municipalities.-Table 16 presents data on the num- ber of fish pond operators, assets, employees, and value of catch, by municipalities. Where less than two fish pond opera- tors have been reported for a municipality, the data have been combined with those for other municipalities in order not to disclose information concerning the business operations of individual operators. 481 TALLE 1.-FISH PONDS-AREA AND ASSESSED VALUE OF FISH PONDS. BY PROVINCES: 1935 PINES PHILIP Agusan.... Albay. Antique Bataan.. Batangas.. Bohol. Bulacan. Camarines Sur Capiz.. Cavite. Cebu.... Davao Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.... La Union.... Laguna.. Lanao.. Leyte. Manila, City of.. Masbate.... Mindoro.... Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija Nueva Vizcaya. Pampanga. Pangasinan. Rizal.. Romblon. Sorsogon. Tarlac.... Tayabas.. Zambales. Zamboanga.. Province Assessed value Number of fish pond operators Area of fish pond (Hectares) Total (Pesos) Average per Average per operator hectare (Pesos) (Pesos) 8,305 60,792.76 36,712,182 4,420 604 1 1.21 1,080 1,080 893 3 4.80 6,700 2,233 1,396 42 67.51 28,938 689 429 289 3,486.22 1,977,496 6,843 567 94 162.25 134,574 1,432 829 9 1,399 13.85 18,192.40 5,630 626 406 15,069,088 11,486 883 5 189 4.35 1,331.23 990 198 228 443,813 2,454 348 760 1,043.09 1,280,403 1,685 1,228 209 442.19 205,109 981 464 12 62.47 40,120 3,343 642 1 2.00 500 500 250 588 321.65 598 9,722.45 173,995 ,995,000 296 541 5,008 308 444 599 31 211,692 477 353 2 1.58 1,530 765 968 10 18.22 13,895 1,390 763 16 68.15 29,091 1,818 2 47 1 4.00 4,140 4,140 1,035 1 3.50 3,200 3.200 914 36 92.00 46,780 1,299 508 7 90.00 20,420 2,917 227 2 1.86 660 330 355 3 9.49 2,100 700 221 208 2.572.03 977,610 4,700 380 27 92.15 42,820 1,586 465 33 41.18 18,026 546 tr 438 1 1.00 300 300 300 630 11,637.25 5,304,149 8,149 456 2,174 4,361.08 2,160,947 9/4 496 352 5,577.04 4,104,675 11,661 736 3 4.90 4,400 1,467 898 4 6.95 2,980 745 429 52 438.21 232,422 4,470 530 11 33.90 28,595 2,600 841 60 203.29 73,755 1,229 363 29 77.50 44,549 1,536 575 482 Philippines. Agusan Albay.. Antique.. Bataan. Batangas. Bohol. Bulacan.... Camarines Sur. Capiz... Cavite. Cebu... Davao. TABLE 2.-FISH PONDS-NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND FISH PRODUCED, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Number of employees in 1938 Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur.. Iloilo.... La Union. Laguna.. Lanso.. Leyte.. Manila, City of. Masbate... Mindoro... Misamis Occidental. Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental. Nueva Ecija.. Nueva Vizcaya.. Pampanga.. Pangasinan. Rizal... Romblon.. Sorsogon. Tarlac... Tayabas. Zambales.. Zamboanga Province Number of fish pond Proprietors operators 1938 and others Superintend- Total (Persons) not paid salaries or Other ents, caretakers employees wages (Persons) (Persons) (Persons) 8,305 26,205 9,874 4,630 11,701 4 4 7 3 1,200 8 888 8 888 4 163 46 289 1,072 281 155 217 133 1578 16 101 636 31 89882 53 23 16 3 4,711 1,031 1,222 2,458 19 16 3 760 689 1,514 280 300 607 380 527 545 349 89 107 73 34 3 36 1 1 1,258 854 253 151 3,715 698 520 2,497 657 527 81 49 5 5 11 16 50 1 3 6 126 9 1 1 2 6 12 1 1 1 198 80 13 36 10 33 105 23 7 7 12 1 7 4 658 209 179 75 39 10 163 66 15 222880 26 2 2 2,331 628 518 1,185 2,174 5,081 3,244 672 1,165 352 2,494 402 295 2 1,797 3 3 10 6 2 155 88 10 57 36 15 120 95 88 57 10 318 18 14 11 21 483 TABLE 2-FISH PONDS-NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND FISH PRODUCED, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Salaries paid in 1938 Continue & Production of fish in 1938 Bangos Shrimps Other (crabs, gourami) Superintend- Other Total (Pesos) ents, caretakers (Pescs) employeeз (Pesos) Kilos Value (Pesos) Kilos Value (Pesos) Kilos Value (Pesos) 870,893 406,826 464,067 14,530,296 7,029,377 746,629 285,840 659,428 293,713 1,460 730 2,120 1,060 5,950 2,585 2,301 1,425 876 2993 11,100 2,577 58,771 20,154 38,617 1,176,784 530,405 38,443 17,019 1,247 3737 70 30 400 1,556 2,479 1,061 1,418 53,014 26,498 17,996 7,768 12,443 14,296 5,443 7,717 20 20 4,450 2,225 80 37 213,748 111,484 102,264 6,405,428 3,177,712 194,833 90,841 115 42,272 56 21,842 245 245 320 160 2,220 1,110 26,014 9,233 16,781 255,788 119,500 15,057 6,310 17,878 28,553 51,466 27,163 24,303 179,328 89,177 5,041 2,455 1,060 502 3,331 1,910 1,421 97,932 48,940 2,485 1,203 4,592 2,270 1,349 228 1,121 6,602 3,286 529 190 1,765 854 200 100 3,914 2,260 1,654 142,255 68,829 119,146 49,830 69,316 1,314,020 625,453 5,209 236,505 2,351 14,007 7,092 48,369 160,201 54,449 1,710 768 942 143,926 65,645 15,517 6,473 2,684 1,183 131 131 720 60 60 1,932 674 1,258 3,500 23,605 359 1,200 11,802 150 25 995 348 9,850 4,822 423 159 800 400 87 87 400 200 100 50 30 1,787 679 1,108 62,262 30,609 453 211 307 147 12 1,450 442 1,008 14,043 6,621 80 37 100 80 40 600 300 58 58 5,200 2,600 170 85 60 30 44,327 19,414 24,913 3,334 936 2,398 495,686 23,800 229,127 11,816 30,078 1,105 14,447 492 18,653 1,351 8,928 459 3,869 688 3,181 40,597 15,867 40 176,919 96,255 80,664 1,823,743 20 896,449 200 63,598 100 30,147 125,298 55,592 30,086 14,208 15,878 895,302 429,825 69,427 33,199 95,844 41,086 117,702 46,102 71,600 1,310,151 612,675 32,94 15,993 8,454 4,388 2,300 1,150 540 270 340 130 360 360 1,180 590 20 10 120 60 151 53 98 3,000 1,300 157 67 78,288 28,512 728 180 548 6,597 2,830 536 226 663 252 1,309 868 441 34,466 14,449 1,103 509 1,775 735 2,109 348 1,761 6,346 3,130 1,525 727 6,070 2,947 484 TABLE 3.-FISH PONDS-NUMBER AND VALUE OF FISHING EQUIPMENT OF FISH POND OPERATORS BY PROVINCES: 1938 Small boats, bancas etc. Fishing boats with engine Fishing boats without engine Province Number of Number Value Number of Number operators of reporting boats (Pesos) operators of reporting boats Value (Pesos) Number of Number operators Value cf reporting boats (Pesos) PHILIPPINES. Antique. Bataan. Batangas. Bulacan Capiz.. Cavite.. 35 40 37,556 46 55 9,985 1,597 2,626 51,940 11 11 12,487 62 42 13,701 7 10 900 4 09 2,354 5 430 Cebu... Davao Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur... Iloilo.... La Union. Leyte. Mindoro... Misamis Occidental. 24 1 1 1 2231 5,346 140 200 80 Misamis Oriental Negros Occidental.. 1 1 275 Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija. Pampanga.. Pangasinan. Rizal.... Sorsogon. 34 33 Tarlac.... Tayabas. Zamboanga.. 11 13 5,028 3 950 3 4 4,215 3 3 900 1 1 30 6 505 19 DEN NE 22-** སཙྪཱཐཧྨ༢ ཛམྨསཊྛe ཙྪཱ⌘ས༠ས ཌ⌘*ཌཙྩུ ྂསྶརྞ༠༠༠ 2 2 2,258 386 667 17,909 68 898 769 16 283 230 15) 3 365 3,856 316 75 8 113 60 1 5 46 941 6 167 17 260 541 12,167 393 6,467 238 4,017 1 10 30 856 8 110 22 176 485 Bating (gill net, taksay, panti) TABLE 4.-FISH PONDS-NUMBER AND VALUE OF FISHING NETS, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.) Lines (hapin) Province Number of operators reporting Number of nets Value (Pesos) operators reporting Number of Number of Value nets (Pesos) Number of Number of operators reporting hooks and lines Value (Pc8c8) PHILIPPINES.. Albay.... Antique. Bataan... 514 789 22,082 2,202 3,966 34,342 135 308 1,489 1 1 30 1 30 1 1 20 50 97 2,458 Batangas.. Bohol.... Bulacan... Capiz... 888 20 53 72 18 20 3,132 419 Cavite. Cebu.... Davao. Ilocos Norte. llocos Sur... 407 Iloilo..... 144 190 4,035 La Union.. 304 Lanao... Leyte... Mindoro. 4 64 5 7 378 4 190 Misamis Occidental.. Negros Occidental.. Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija..... Pampanga.. 163 Pangasinan. Rizal.... 2888 12 2297 Sorsogon.. Tarlac.... Tayabas.. Zambales.. Zamboanga. 24 259 631 7,93 50 60 1,528 5 46 1,135 9 9 209 NN 838. UN WARN H. 8. 8 82 43 463 23 1 8 67 5 293 2,948 4 11 52 7 81 84 1,338 104 497 4 9 36 3 11 1 2 21 485 2,945 20 98 816 346 1,061 47 7 3 8 95 2172 3 25 126 2486 7 ནྡྷ༷ས ༤ 190 248 2 18 107 5 45 174 2,076 1 4 5 12 95 7 125 251 3,635 1,429 7,437 33 138 1,651 1432 67 27 6962 5 5 143 185 570 3 40 381 2 888 2,415 2 7 21 2 13 30 237 3 3 PHILIPPINES. Albay.. Antique. Bataan.. Batangas. Bohol.. Bulacan.. Capiz.. Cavite. Cebu... Davao.. Ilocos Norte.. Ilocos Sur.. Iloilo.... La Union.. Lanao... Leyte... Mindoro. Misamis Occidental. Negros Occidental. Negros Oriental.. Nueva Ecija Pampanga.. Pangasinan. Rizal.... Sorsogon Tarlac.... Tayabas. Zambales.. Zamboanga.. Province Baclad Others opeators Number of Number of corrals Value (Pesos) reporting opeartors reporting Number of Number of traps Value (Pesos) 781 3,779 38,106 1,717 2,800 12,913 1 2 32 32 16 94 17 348 18 2,579 10 524 15 2210880 33333 52 62 30 165 88888 1,202 13,969 29 16 555 18 34 630 32 4 4 28 3 45 16241 45 80 66853 573 91 412 9 27 37 148 337 159 95 270 5,057 9 16 52 88285 184 69 24 60 12 957 69 430 24 93 64 79 5 27 23 318 3 82 5 10 53 690 220 22233 25 151 874 1,154 7,440 354 21 36 39 156 799 880 442 350 10 137 2,861 27 4 50 1 20 20 642 20 2018 ON 26 32 92 7 103 411 629 460 2288: 27 183 1,542 4,148 1,713 617 2,164 5 6 8 34 37 90 486 TABLE 5-FISH PONDS-NUMBER AND COST OF SEEDS PLACED IN FISH PONDS AND AMOUNT AND VALUE OF CATCH, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Seeds placed in fish pond Production of fish ponds in 1938 Province Number of fish pond operators Bangos Shrimps Number Cost (Pesos) Kilos Value (P(88) Valua Kilos Pesos PHILIPPINES... 8,305 155,405,275 427,005 14,530,296 7,029,377 716,629 285,840 Agusan .... 1 16,800 Albay.. 3 5,000 20 1,460 730 ,585 Antique. 42 817,988 3415 29,938 11,100 2,577 1,247 Bataan. 289 12,386,400 46,352 1,176,784 Batangas. 530,405 38,443 17,019 94 316,443 832 53,014 26,498 17,996 7,768 Bohol... 9 81,000 61 4,450 2,225 80 Bulacan.. 87 1,399 47,459,655 139,926 6,405,428 3,177,712 194,833 90,841 Camarines Sur.. 5 320 160 Capiz... 189 2,947,000 6,445 255,788 119,500 Cavite.. 15,057 6,310 760 4,144,662 4,755 179,328 89,177 5,041 2,455 Cebu.... 209 1,277,917 2,065 97,932 48,940 2,485 1,203 Davao. 12 27,000 119 6,602 3,236 529 190 Ilocos Norte. 1 3,000 4 200 100 Ilocos Sur... 588 1,660,550 2,890 142,255 68,829 5,209 2,351 Iloilo... 598 24,820,673 51,629 1,314,020 625,453 236,505 48,369 La Union. 444 1,880,031 4,417 143,926 Lagu.. 65,645 15,517 6,478 2 20,000 100 720 Lanao.. 10 15,000 75 3,500 Leyte 16 264,000 670 23,605 359 1,200 11,802 150 25 9,850 4,822 Manila, City of. 1 10,000 80 800 400 Masbate.... 1 400 200 100 Mindoro. 36 1,130,900 1,771 62,262 30,609 453 Misamis Occidental. 7 212,600 323 14,043 6,621 80 នគ 50 211 87 Misamis Oriental. 2 1,000 2 80 40 Mountain Province. 8 64,000 328 5,200 2,600 170 85 Negros Occidental. 208 Negros Oriental. 27 8,993,750 253,500 19,537 364 495,686 23,800 229,127 11,816 30,078 1,105 14,447 492 Nueva Ecija.. 83 Nueva Vizcaya.. 1 40 Pampanga.. 630 17,830,030 64,385 1,823,743 20 896,449 200 63,598 100 30,147 Rizal... Romblon. Pangasinan. 2,174 9,510,413 29,481 895,302 429,825 69,427 33,199 852 18,234,613 48,559 1,310,151 612,675 32,945 15,993 8 14,000 70 2,300 1,150 540 270 Sorsogon.. 4 6,000 16 1,180 590 20 10 Tarlac.... 52 10,000 50 3,000 1,300 157 67 Tayabas.... 11 178,000 304 6,597 2,830 536 226 Zambales. 60 1,299,850 891 34,466 14,449 1,103 509 Zamboanga. 29 14,000 79 6,346 3,130 1 525 727 487 TABLE 5-FISH PONDS-NUMBER AND COST OF SEEDS PLACED IN FISH PONDS AND AMOUNT AND VALUE OF CATCH. BY PROVINCES: 1938 Cont. Production of fish ponds in 1938 Province Crabs Gourami Other fishes Kilos Value (Pesos) Kilcs Value (Pesos) Kilos Value Pesos) PHILIPPINES. Agusan.... Albay Antique Bataan... Batangas.. 216,076 84,301 8,143 3,288 435,209 206,124 2,120 1,060 70 30 3,367 1,353 370 203 12,069 5,250 8 374 193 13,060 6,641 1,236 1,076 Bohol... 55 26 60 30 Bulacan 34,395 16, 07 7.877 log 5,035 Camarines Sur.. 2,220 1,110 Capiz.... 9,421 4,273 1,000 400 7,457 23,880 Cavite... 864 404 196 98 Cebu..... 1,225 597 624 312 2,743 1,361 Davao. 206 45 1,559 809 Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur.... Iloilo..... La Union... 5,162 2,092 230 110 8,615 4.890 70,516 17,396 4,898 1,518 84,787 35,535 1,513 619 1,171 564 170 15 825 333 323 109 100 50 Laguna... Lanao.... Leyte. Manila, City of. Masbate..... 30 12 Mindoro.. 307 147 Misamis Occidental. 100 44 Msamis Oriental 600 800 Mountain Province. 60 30 Negros Occidental.. Negros Oriental.. 11,521 584 5,033 7,132 3,895 182 767 277 Nueva Ecija. 40,597 15,867 Nueva Vizcaya.. Pampanga.. Pangasinan. Rizal.... Romblon. Sorsogon. 30,428 14,141 546 259 94,324 41,192 10,172 4,309 440 196 85,232 36,581 5,165 2,386 800 450 2,989 1,552 340 130 Tarlac.. 80 30 120 78,208 60 28,482 Tayabas.. 643 233 Zambales.. 763 325 105 43 20 907 19 367 Zamboanga. 1,347 582 4,723 2,365 488 TABLE 6.-FISH PONDS-ASSETS AND AREA OF FISH PONDS, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Assets, total.. Per cent distribution. Item Average per operator.. Fish ponds, land and building. Per cent distribution. Per cent of total..... Average per operator.. Average per hectares. Equipment, bancas, nets.. Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total..... Average per operator.. Cash and accounts and notes receivable.... Fer cent distribution... Per cent of total... Average per operator.. Area of fish ponds... Average per operator. Assessed value, total.. Average per operator. Average per hectares. Item Assets, total... Fer cent distribution.... Average per operator.... Fish ponds, land and buildings. Per cent distribution.. Fer cent of total.... Average per operator.. Average per hectare.. Equipment, bancas, nets. Per cent distribution. Per cent of total.. Average per operator.. Cash and accounts and notes receivable.. P cent distribution.. Per cent of total.... Average per operator.. Area or fish ponds.. Average per operator. Assessed oalue, total. Average per operator. Average per hectare.. Size of total assets All fish ponds Uner P100 P100 to P499 P500 to P999 P1,000 to P2,499 Pesos... 37,723,660 54,403 573,223 926,957 2,314,679 Pesos. 100.0 4,542 0.2 8 74 1.5 257 2.5 748 6.1 1,542 Pesos.... 86,820,115 54,151 534,171 876,261 2,23,182 100.0 0.1 1.5 2.4 6.1 97.6 92.7 93.2 94.5 96.4 Pesos... 4,433 69 239 707 1,487 Pesos.... 606 401 336 473 449 Pesos... 289,697 1,752 13,957 18,034 28,868 100.0 0.6 4.8 6.2 10.0 0.8 2.2 2.4 1.9 1.2 Pesos. 35 2 6 15 19 Pesos... 613,848 2,50 25,095 32,662 53,629 100.0 0.4 4.1 5.3 8.7 1.6 3.2 4.4 3.5 2.8 Pesos... 74 8 11 26 86 Hectares. Hectares. 60,792,76 Pesos... 36,712,182 7.32 135.01 0.17 53,241 Pesos.... Pesos.. 4,420 604 67 893 1,590.65 0.71 528,398 237 332 1,851.38 1.49 868,139 4,976.87 3.32 2,227,983 700 469 1,484 448 Size of total assets P2,500 to 14,999 P5,000 to 19,999 P10,000 to P14,000 P15,000 to P25,000 and 24,999 over Pesos... 3.361,091 5,116,435 3,473,257 4,634,710 17,264,905 Fesos.. 8.9 4,020 13.6 6,777 9.2 13,515 12.3 45.8 16,915 41,804 Pesos... 3,290,304 5,000,292 3,408,874 4,574,355 16,948,525 8.9 13.6 37.9 97.7 9.3 98.1 12.4 98.7 Pesos. Pesos.. Pesos... 8,936 582 6,623 566 13,264 523 16,695 652 45.8 97.6 40.310 696 25,501 32,361 26,565 22,942 119,717 8.8 11.2 9.2 7.9 41.8 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.7 Pesos... 81 Pesos... 6 43 103 84 286 45,280 88,782 87,818 87.418 295,668 7.4 13.6 6.2 6.1 48.2 1.3 1.6 1.1 0.8 1.7 Pesos.. 54 111 147 187 707 Hectares. Heetares. 5,655.61 8,837.58 6,523.99 7,014.78 24,206.89 6.77 11.71 25.39 25.70 57.91 Pesos.3,241,133 Pesos.. 4,988,558 3,401,795 8,877 Pesos.. 573 6,607 564 13,237 521 1,555,001 16,847,931 16,626 649 40,306 696 489 TABLE 7.-FISH PONDS-ASSETS AND AREA OF FISII PONDS, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Fish ponds owned by- Item All fish ponds Individuals Partnerships Associations Corporations Assets, total Pesos... 37,723,660 Per cent distribution Average per operator.. Pesos... 100.0 4,542 33,372,089 88.5 4,315 3,390,758 9.0 6,559 936,038 24,775 Per cent distribution... Fish ponds, and and buildings. Per cent of total.... Average per operator.. Average per hectare.. Equipment, bancas, nets... l'er cent distribution.. Fer cent of total.... Fescs....36,820,115 100.0 97.6 32, 545 218 88.4 97.5 3,324,016 2.5 9,177 928,291 0.1 4,955 22,590 9.0 98.0 2.5 99.2 0.1 91.2 Pesos... 4,433 Pesos.. 606 4,237 611 6,429 9,101 4.518 518 870 750 Fcsos... 289,697 262,897 21,633 3,012 2,155 100.0 90.7 7.5 1.0 0.7 Average per operator.. Pesos.. 0.8 35 0.8 0.6 0.3 8.7 34 42 30 431 Cash and accounts and notes receivable. Pesos.. 613,848 563,974 45,109 4,735 80 Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total. 100.0 1.6 91.9 7.3 0.8 (¹) 1.7 1.3 0.5 0.1 Average per operator.. Pesos.. 74 73 87 46 6 Area of fish ponds. Hectares. 60,792.70 53,277.26 6,418.0 1,067.35 30.11 Average per operator.. Hectares. 7.32 6.94 12.41 10.40 6.00 Assessed value, total.. Pesos... 36,712,182 Average per operator.. Pesos... Average per hectares. Pesos... 4,420 C04 4,221 609 32,445,721 3,322,139 6,426 518 922,522 21,800 9,044 86-1 4,369 724 All fish ponds Philippines 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. TABLE 8.-FISH PONDS-ASSETS AND AREA OF FISH PONDS, B YCITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938 Item Part- nerships, a sociations, and corpo- rations Operator citizens cf- United China States Spain Great Britain Assets, total... Per cent distribution. Average per operator...... Fesos... Fesos.... 37,723,660 100.0 4,542 32,530,050 4,519 61,611 86.2 4,242 (2) 0.2 4,519 8,802 753,735 251,245 22,171 1,351,571 2.0 0.1 22,171 11.5 6,974 Fish ponds, land and build- ings.... Pesos... 36,820,115 31,731,699 4,250 .435 727,834 20,000 4,274,897 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 86.2 (2) Per cent of total. receivable.. Per cent distribution. Average per operator... Pesos.. Average per hectare.... Pesos.. Equipment, bancas, nets.... Pesos.. Per cent distribution. Per cent of total.. Average per operator... Pesos.. Cash and accounts and notes Per cent of total.... Average per operator... Pesos... 97.6/38 97.5 4,433 94.0 4,250 0.2 99.7 8,776 606 606 101 559 2.0 96.6 242,611 994 0.1 11.6 90.2 98.2 20,000 6,851 1,081 569 289,697 236,994 15 41 25,676 171 26,800 398 100.0 0.8 81.8 (2) (2) 8.9 0.1 9.3 0.7 0.3 0.1 3.4 0.8 0.6 35 31 15 6 8,559 171 43 Fcsos.... 613,848 561,357 254 138 225 2,000 49,874 100.0 1.6 91.4 (2) (-) (2) 0.3 8.1 1.7 5.6 0.2 9.0 1.1 74 73 254 20 75 2,000 80 Area of fish ponds. Hectares 60,792.76 52,374.67 42.00 Average per operator... Hectares. 7.32 6.83 42.00 109.87 15.70 732.22 244.07 18.50 18.50 7,515.50 12.04 Assessed value, total... Pesos.... 36,712,182 Average per hectare.... Pesos.. Average per operaotr... Pesos... 4,420 604 Data by citizenship not seperately compiled for fish ponds owned by partnerships, associations, and corporations. 31,644,532 4,126 604 4,250 61,435 715,501 20,000 1,263.461 4,250 8,776 238,501 101 559 977 20,000 1,081 6,837 568 Less than 0.1 per cent. 490 TABLE 9.-FISH PONDS-ASSETS AND AREA OF FISH PONDS, BY VALUE OF CATCH: 1938 Item Value of catch All fish ponds Under P100 P100 to 199 1200 to P299 P300 to 1399 1400 to 1499 1500 to 599 P600 to 1699 Assets, total. Per cent distribution.. Pesos....37,723,660 1,800,758 1,272,057 1,322,121 1,300,195 940,0,101,142 Average per operator... Pesos.. 100.C 4,542 797,692 4.8 597 8.4 1,137 3.5 3.4 2.5 2.9 1976 2,621 2.1 3,177 3,223 4,481 Fish ponds, land and tr 2 buildings... Pesos.... 36,820,115 Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total... Average per opera- 1,746,805 1,213,729 1,286,142 1,264,189 912,444 1,069,270 776,906 100.0 97.6 4.7 97.0 3.3 95.4 3.5 97.3 3.4 97.2 2.5 97.0 2.9 2.1 97.0 97.4 tor.. Pesos.... 4,433 579 Average per hectare Pesos.. Equipment, bancas, nets Pesos.. Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total... Average per opera- 1,085 1.747 2,549 3,083 3,127 4,365 606 608 555 552 549 520 457 592 289,697 23,684 14,145 9,980 14,026 8,762 7,586 11,070 100.( 8.2 4.9 3.4 4.8 3.0 2.6 3.8 0.8 1.3 1.1 0.8 1.1 0.9 0.7 1.4 tor... Pesos... 35 8 13 14 28 19 30 22 22 62 Cash and accounts and notes receivable..... Pesos... 613,848 30,269 44,183 Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total. 25,999 21,980 5,205 25,286 9,716 100.C 1.6 4.9 7.2 4.2 3.6 3.1 4.1 1.6 1.7 3.5 2.0 Average per opera- 1.7 2.0 2.3 1.2 tor.... Pesos... 74 10 39 35 44 65 74 55 Area of fish ponds..... Hectares. 60,792.76 2,875.31 2,186.12 Average per opera- 2,329.59 2,301.31 1,754.57 2,341.53 1,311.74 tor... Hectares. 7.32 .95 Assessed value, 1.95 3.17 4.64 5.93 6.85 7.37 total.... Average per opera- Pesos....36,712,182 1,744,802 1,210,957 1,281,952 1,254,910 911,416 1,057,973 773,988 tor. Pesos.... 4,420 578 Average per hectare Pesos.. 601 607 1,082 554 1,742 550 2,530 545 3,079 519 3,093 452 4,348 590 699 Value of catch Item P700 to P799 P800 to 1899 P900 to 1999 P1,000 to $1,499 T1,500 to 11.999 12,000 to 15,000 and P4,999 over Fer cent of total... Assets, total... Per cent distribution.. Average per operator... Fish ponds, land and buildings. f'er cent distribution.. Average per operator.. -8- -- Pesos... 856,334 960,335 628,€08 2,799,640 2,782,015 9,465,010 11,957,342 Pesos. 2.3 4,555 Fesos... 44,855 1.9 4,960 687,500 1.7 6,103 7.4 6,334 7.4 7,643 25.1 16,872 31.7 37,125 614,229 2,703,858 2,727,229 9,317,229 11,655,630 2.3 98.7 Fesos.. 4,494 Average per hectare.. Pesos.. 644 1.9 98.3 4,876 509 1.7 97.7 5,963 581 7.3 96.G 7.4 98.0 25.3 98.4 31.7 97.5 6,117 7,493 16,608 36,198 5,958 454 762 606 Equipment, bancas, nets. 3 Pesos... Per cent distribution. 3,658 3,132 4,439 24,855 24,278 56,872 8,210 1.3 1.1 1.5 Per cent betion of tatal. 0.4 Average per operator.. Pesos.. 1+ Cash and accounts and notes receva- ble... Pesos.. 7,821 Per cent distribution. 8,703 1.3 Per cent of total.... 0.9 Average per operator. Pesos.. 42 2-8 NO. 8.6 8.4 19.6 28.7 0.7 0.4 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.6 258 43 56 67 101 9,940 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.6 70,927 11.6 2.5 30,408 90,909 218,502 5.0 11.8 35.6 1.8 1.1 1.0 679 62 97 160 8.1 162 Arca of fish ponds.. Hectares. Average per operator. Assessed value, total.. Hectares. 1,311.78 6.98 1,349.58 9.5% 1,057.26 4,518.65 6,006.28 12,227.70 19,221.34 10.26 10.22 16.50 21.80 Pesos... 837,816 687,036 Average per opcrater. 60%,554 2,678,184 2,713,387 9,296,997 59.6) 11,651,150 Pesos... 4,457 Average per hectare.. Pesoз.. 639 4,8.3 509 5.908 6,059 7,454 16,572 36,19 576 593 452 760 3 606 491 TABLE 10.-FISH PONDS-ASSETS AND AREA OF FISH PONDS, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Item Assets, total. Per cent distribution. Year established All fish ponds 1935 to 1938 1930 to 1925 to 1934 1929 1920 to 1924 1915 to 1919 1910 to 1914 Prior to 1910 Year not reported Pesos...37,723,660 37,723,660 6,904729 5,864,688 5,490,670 3,838,905 4,051,494 2,638,875 4,948,301 3,985,998 Average per operator Pesos.. 100.0 4,542 18.3 3,545 15.5 3,884 14.6 4,762 10.2 4,146 10.7 5,967 7.0 6,766 13.1 6,320 10.6 4,352 36,820,115 6,743,520 5,736,308 5,360,318 3,751,620 3,938,665 2,593,497 3,938,665 2,593,497 1,870,721 3,825,466 Fish ponds, land and buildings.... Fesos Per cent distribution. 100.0 18.3 15.6 14.6 10.2 10.7 7.0 Per cent of total... 97.6 97.7 97.8 97.6 97.7 97.2 98.3 13.2 98.4 10.4 96.0 Average per operator... Fesos... 4,433 3,462 3,799 4,649 4,051 5,801 6,650 6,221 4,176 Average per hectare...... Pesos.... 606 584 563 579 561 649 745 688 591 Equipment, bancas, nets.... Pesos.... 289,697 48,718 47,907 47,548 29,641 32,031 14,059 47,753 22,040 Per cent distri- bution.... 100.0 16.8 Per cent of total. 0.8 0.7 16.5 0.8 16.4 10.2 11.1 4.9 16.E 7.6 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.5 1.0 0.6 Average per operator..... Pesos... 35 25 32 41 32 47 86 61 24 Cab and accounts and notes receiva- 138 ble..... Pesus.. 613,8-18 112,491 80,473 82,804 57 644 80,798 31,319 29,827 490,492 Per cent distr:- bution ... hectare... operator. Hectares. Assessed value total... Average per operator. Pesos... Average per Pesos.. Per cent of total. Average per operator..... Pesos... Area of fish ponds... Hectares. Average per 60,792.76 11,543.06 10,191.79 100.0 1.6 18.3 1.6 13.1 1.4 13.5 9.4 13.2 5.1 4.S 22.6 1.5 1.6 2.0 1.2 0.6 3.5 74 58 53 72 62 119 80 88 151 9,258.70 6,689.07 6,071.17 3,483.21 7,078.21 6,474.52 7.32 5.93 6.75 8.03 7.22 8.94 8.93 9.04 7.07 Pesos... 36,712,182 6,711,912 5,720,452 5,314,793 3,738,105 3,911,362 2,590,631 1,839,320 3,82 57 4,420 604 3,446 581 3,788 4,636 4,037 5,765 6,613 6,219 561 577 559 645 744 688 (3 4,178 590 492 TABLE 11.-FISH PONDS-NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH PRODUCED, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Size of total assets Item All fish ponds Under 100 P100 to P499 P500 to 1999 P1,000 to 12.499 Number of operators.... Per cent distribution. 8,305 790 2,234 1,240 1,501 100.0 9. 26.9 14.9 18.1 Number of employees, total Persons. Per cent distribution.. 26,205 1,293 4,182 2,893 3,938 100.0 Average per operator.. 4.9 16.0 11.0 15.0 Persons. Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages. 3.2 1.6 1.9 2.3 2.6 Persons. Per cent distribution:. 9.874 916 2,819 1,732 1,744 Per cent of total employees. 100.0 9.3 28.5 17.5 17.7 37.7 Average per operator. Superintendents, caretakers. Per cent distribution. 70.8 67.4 59.9 44.3 Persons. 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.2 Fersons. 4,630 208 615 427 740 Per cent of total e nployees. 100.0 4.5 13.3 9.2 16,0 17.7 16.1 Other employees Average per operator.... 14.7 14.8 18.8 Persons. 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 Persons. Per cent distribution. 11,701 169 748 734 1,451 Per cent of total employees. Average per operator.. 100.0 1.4 6.4 6.3 12.4 44.7 13.1 17.9 25.4 86.9 Persons 1.4 0.2 0.3 0.6 1.0 Salaries and wages paid, total. Per cent distribution.. Pesos... 870,893 7,114 26,155 21,762 102,031 Average per operator. 100.0 0.8 3.0 2.5 11.7 Pecos.. Superintendents, caretakers.. 105 9 Pesos.. Per cent distribution. 406,826 3,769 12 17,533 18 68 11,964 69,870 Per cent of total salaries and wages.. 100.0 Average per employee.. Other employees. Pesos.. 46.7 88 0.9 53.0 4.3 67.0 2.9 17.2 55.0 68.5 18 29 28 94 Pesos.. Per cent distribution.. 464,067 3,345 8,622 9.793 32,161 Per cent of total salaries and wages.. Average per employee... Pesos.. 100.0 53.3 40 0.7 47.0 20 1.9 33.0 12 2.1 45.0 13 6.9 31.5 22 Average per operator.. Value. Shrimps. Value. Value. Production of fish and other products, total value. Per cent distribution.... Average per hectare of fish ponds. Bangos... Pesos. 7,608,930 18,091 208,558 289,487 701,069 Pesos.. 100.0 916 Pesos... 125 0.2 23 134 2.7 93 131 3.8 9.2 233 467 156 141 kilos. 14,530,296 37,456 Pesos.7,029,377 16,019 203,315 191,208 197.608 1,376,415 19.1,258 659,204 Kilos... 746,629 1,577 8.005 2,471 21,693 Crabs... Gourami... Value... Other fishes.. Value.. Pesos.. 285,840 639 3,290 1,230 10,342 Kilos.. 216,076 636 869 72 4.817 Pesos... 84,301 196 284 31 1,981 kilos... 8,143 6 437 741 2,520 Pesos... 3,288 3 222 644 435 Kilos... 435,209 2,729 17,991 213,676 57,319 Pesos.. 206,124 1,181 13,551 93,324 29,107 493 TABLE 11-FISH PONDS-NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH PRODUCED, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Cont. Size of assets Item P2,500 to P5,000 to P4,999 19,999 P10,000 to P14,999 P15,000 to P25,000 and P24,999 over Number of operators.. 836 755 257 274 418 Per cent distribution.. 10.1 9.1 8.1 8.8 5.0 Number of employees, total.... Fersons. Per cent distribution.. 8,140 3,222 1,646 1,232 4,650 Average per operator. 12.0 12.3 6.3 4.7 17.7 Persons. Proprietors, and others not paid salaries or wages.. 3.8 4.3 6.4 4.5 11.1 Persons. Per cent distribution.... 946 710 274 265 468 Per cent of total employees.. 9.6 7.2 2.8 2.7 4.7 Average per operator.. 30:0 22.0 16.6 21.5 10.1 Other employees.. Superintendents, caretakers. Per cent distribution.... Per cent of total employees. Average per operator.... Persons. 1:1 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.1 Persons. 573 598 868 837 764 12.4 12.9 7.9 7.3 16.5 18.2 18.6 22.4 27.4 16.4 Persons. 9.7 0.8 1.4 1.2 1.8 Persons. Per cent distribution. 1,330 1,914 1,004 630 3,418 Per cent of total employees. Average per operator... 13.9 16.4 8.6 5.4 29.2 51.8 59.4 61.0 51.1 73.5 Persons. 1.9 2.5 8.9 2.8 8.2 Salaries and wages paid, total. Per cent distribution... PCBOs... 95,277 109,040 90,944 88,752 829,818 10. Superintendents, caretakers. Average per operator... Fesos... 114 Pesos.. Per cent distribution. 51,098 12.5 144 53,505 10.4 854 10.2 325 87.9 789 88,552 43,385 114,150 Per cent of total salaries and wages. 13.3 13.2 9.5 10.7 28.1 56.8 49.1 42.4 48.9 34.6 Other employees. Average per employees.. Pesos... 94 89 105 129 149 Pesos. Per cent distribution. 41,179 55,535 52,392 45,367 215,668 Per cent of total salaries and wages. 8.9 43.2 Average per employee... Pesos.. 25 12.0 50.9 29 11.3 57.6 52 9.8 51.1 72 46.5 65.4 63 Per cent distribution.. Production of fish and other products, total value.. Pesos.. 722,594 9.5 Average per operator.. Pesos... 864 Bangos.. Average per hectare of fish ponds. Pesos.. 128 Value. kilos.1,585,590 949,555 12.5 1,258 107 1,917,712 764,643 10.0 2,975 117 996,100 2,958,833 13.1 3,635 142 38.9 7,079 122 966,905 2,016,735 5,828,560 Shrimps.. Pesos.. 712,726 937,578 448,750 975,160 2,894,474 kilos... 2,771 8,055 623,021 11,284 67,752 Value. Pesos.. Crabs.. 1,825 4,027 229,130 5,347 80,460 kilos... Value. 2,009 1,303 175,717 2,801 27,852 Pesos.. Gourami.. kilos... 922 1,085 65% 65,810 1,248 13,075 974 1,530 850 Value. Other fishes. Value.. Pesos.. kilos.. 475 16,918 419 665 425 13,414 61,157 2,543 49,459 Pesos... 7,146 6,877 20,288 13,820 20,824 494 TABLE 12.-FISH PONDS-NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH PRODUCED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Item All fish ponds Fish ponds owned by- Individuals | Partr.erships Associations Corpora:ions Number of operators... Per cent distribution.. 8,305 7,681 517 102 100.0 92.5 6.2 1.2 Number of employees, total.. 0.1 Persons. 26,205 23,520 2,093 573 19 Per cent distribution. 100.0 89.8 8.0 2.2 0.1 Average per operator... Persons. 8.2 8.1 4.0 5.6 Froprietors, operators, and others not paid salaries or 3.8 wages.. Fersons. 9,874 8,902 737 218 17 Per cent distribution. 100.0 90.2 Per cent of total employees. 37.7 87.8 1 7.5 2.2 35.2 38.0 Other employees.. Average per operator.. Superintendents, caretaker.. Per cent distribution. Per cent of total employees. Average per operator. Persons. 1.2 1.2 1.4 2.1 0.2 89.5 8.4 234 Fersons. 4,630 4,167 394 67 2 100.0 90.0 8.5 1.4 (¹) 17.7 17 18.8 11.7 10.5 Persons 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.4 Persons 11,701 10,451 962 288 Per cent distribution. 100.0 89.8 8.2 2.5 Per cent of total employees. Average per operator... Persons 44.7 1.4 44.4 46.0 50.8 1.4 1.9 2.8 Salaries and wages paid, total. Pesos.. 870,893 750,345 105,268 15,223 57 Per cent distribution... Average per operator.. Superintendents, caretakers. Pesos.. 100.0 105 86.2 98 12.1 1.7 (¹) Pesos.. 406,826 349,905 204 47,705 1.19 9,159 18 11 57 Per cent distribution. Per cent of total salaries and wagcs.. Average per emEloyee... Pesos.. Other employees.. Pesos.. Per cent distribution. Per cent of total salaries and wages.. Average per employee.... Pesos.. 100.0 46.7 88 461,067 100.0 53.3 40 86.0 46.6 11.7 2.3 (1) 45.3 60.2 100.0 84 121 137 29 400,440 57,563 6,064 86.3 53.4 12.4 54.7 1.3 33.8 Production of fish and other products, total value... Pesos..7,608,930 6,667,269 Per cent distribution... Average per operator.. Pesos.. Average per hectare of fish ponds. Pesos.. 100.0 916 125 38 87.6 868 125 60 21 806,070 10.6 1,559 126 132,230 3,361 1.7 1,296 124 (1) 6,772 211 Bangos- kilos... 14,530,296 12,734,871 543,072 246,263 6,090 Value.. Pesos... 7,029,377 6,159,348 744,525 122,459 8,045 Shrimps. Kilos.. 746,629 698,148 43,626 4,820 35 Value. Pesos.. 285.840 262,331 21,006 2,487 16 Crabs.... Value. Gourami... Value. Other fishes.. Value.. Kilos... 216,076 198,212 16,094 1,750 200 Pesos... 84,301 76,451 7,062 688 100 Kilos.. 8,143 8,083 60 Pesos.. 3,288 3,263 25 kilos... 435,209 346,988 71,198 16,623 400 Pesos... 206,124 165,876 33,452 6,596 200 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 495 TABLE 13.-FISH PONDS-NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH PRODUCED, BY CITIZENSHIP O FOPERATOR: 1938 Fish ponds owned by citizens of- Item All fish ponds Philippines United States China Spain Great Britain Part- nerships, associa- tions, and cor- porations¹ Number of operators. Per cent distribution... 8,305 100.0 7,669 1 7 3 1 624 92.3 (222) 0.1 (2) (2) 7.5 Number of employees, total.... Persons. 26,205 23,458 3 15 42 Per cent distribution... 100.0 89.5 0.1 Average per operator.. Persons. 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.1 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or wages. Persons. 8,874 8,887 6 204 T 2 2,685 0.2 3 10.2 14.0 2.0 4.3 7 2 972 Per cent distribution. 100.0 90.0 0.1 0.1 (2) 9.8 Per cent of total employees. 37.7 37.9 40.0 16.7 100.0 36.3 Average per operator.... Persons. 1.2 1.2 0.9 2.3 2.0 1.6 Superintendents, caretakers. Persons. 4,630 4,160 1 4 2 462 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 89.8 0.1 (2) 10.0 Per cent of total employees. 17.7 17.7 33.3 26.7 4.8 17.2 Average per operator... Persons. 0.6 0.5 Other employees.. Persons. 11,701 10,411 12 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.7 5 33 1,250 Per cent distribution. 100.0 89.0 (2) (2) 0.3 10.7 Per cent of total employees.. Average per operator... Persons. 44.7 1.4 44.4 66.7 33.3 78.6 46.6 1.4 2.0 0.7 11.0 2.0 Salaries and wages paid, total. Pesos... 870,893 747,788 280 407 1,870 120,548 Per cent distribution. Average per operator... Pesos. 100.0 105 85.9 (2) (2) 0.2 13.8 98 280 58 623 193 Superintendents, caretakers Pesos.. 406,826 349,297 120 243 245 55,921 Per cent distribution. Per cent of total salaries and wages.. Average per employee... Pesos.. 100.0 47.6 88 85.9 (2) 0.1 0.1 14.0 46.T 42.9 59.7 13.1 47.2 84 120 61 123 123 Other employees. Pesos.. Per cent distribution. Per cent of total salaries and wages.. Average per employee... Pesos.. 464,067 100.0 53.3 40 398,491 160 164 1,625 63,627 85.9 (2) (2) 53.3 57.1 38 80 40.3 33 0.4 86.9 13.7 52.8 49 51 Production of fish and other products, total value.... Pesos... 7,608,930 6,577,350 276 Per cent distribution. Average per operator. Pesos... Average per hectare of fish ponds... Pesos... 100.0 916 125 86.4 (2) 858 126 276 7 Bangos Kilos... 14,530,296 12,566,473 1,250 7,288 0.1 1,041 66 11,971 78,925 1.0 26,308 108 148,377 3,430 (2) 3,430 185 941,661 12.4 1,509 125 6,800 1,795,425 Value. Pesos... 7,029,377 6,073,830 250 6,733 75,135 3,400 870,029 Shrimps. Kilos... 746,629 684,541 790 12,747 70 48,481 Value. Pesos... 285,840 258,126 385 3,790 30 23,509 Crabs... Kilos... 216,076 197,734 73 405 17,864 Value. Pesos.. 84,301 76,255 26 170 7,850 Gourami. Kilos... 8,143 8,083 60 Value. Pesos.. 3,288 3,263 25 Other fishes. Kilos... 435,209 346,988 Value. Pesos.. 206,124 165,876 88,221 40,248 Data by citizenship not seperately compiled for fish ponds owned by partnerships, associations, and corporations. Less than 0.1 per cent. 496 TABLE 14.-FISH PONDS-NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH PRODUCED, BY VALUE OF CATCH: 1938 Value of catch Item All fish ponds Under P100 P100 to P199 P200 to P299 P300 to P329 P400 to P499 P500 to P599 P600 to P699 Number of operators... 8,305 3,017 1,119 736 496 296 842 178 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 36.8 13.5 8.9 6.0 3.6 4.1 2.1 Number of employees, total..... Persons. 26,205 5,202 2,348 1,814 1,742 1,077 1,125 559 Per cent distribution... 100.0 19.0 9.0 6.9 6.6 4.1 4.8 2.1 Average per operator. Persons. 3.2 1.7 2.1 2.5 3.5 8.6 8.8 8.1 Proprietas and others not paid salaries or wages. Persons. 9,874 3,618 1,405 931 652 389 448 186 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 36.6 14.2 9.4 6.6 8.9 4.5 1.9 Per cent of total employees. 37.7 69.6 59.8 51.3 37.4 86.1 89.4 83.8 Average per operator... Persons. 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.8 1.8 1.3 1.0 Superintendents, caretakers... Persons. 4,630 825 897 296 261 163 196 116 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 17.8 8.6 6.4 5.6 8.5 4.2 2.5 Other cmployees.. Per cent distribution... Per cent of total employees.. Average per operator..... Persons. Per cent of total employees.. Average per operator..... Persons. 17.7 15.9 16.9 16.3 15.0 15.1 17..4 20.6 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0,6 Persons. 11,701 789 587 829 525 486 258 100.0 6.5 4.7 5.0 7.1 4.5 4.2 2.2 44711 14.6 23.3 32.4 47.6 48.7 48.2 46.2 1.4 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.7 1.8 1.4 1.4 Salaries and wages paid, total... Pesos... Per cent distribution... Average per operator.. 870,893 19,772 22,890 22,065 30,354 18,071 31,552 30,046 Pesos.. Supermtendents, caretakers... Pesos.. Per cent distribution... Per cent of total salaries and wages... 100.0 105 406,826 100.0 2.3 7 10,155 2.5 2.6 20 10,919 2.7 2.5 30 12,567 3.1 3.5 2.1 3.6 3.5 61 61 92 169 16,706 9,951 16,462 13,446 4.1 2.4 4.0 3.3 Average per employee. Pesos.. 47.6 88 51.4 12 47.7 28 57.0 55.0 55.1 52.2 44.8 64 61 84 117 Other employees.. Pesos... 464,067 9,617 11,971 9,498 13,648 8,120 15,090 16,600 Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total salaries 100.0 53.3 2.1 48.6 and wages. Average per employee.... Pesos... 40 18 22 23 2.6 52.3 2.0 43.0 2.9 45.0 1.7 44.9 3.3 47.8 3.6 55.2 22 16 16 15 Production of fish and other pro- ducts, total value. Pesos... 7,608,930 163,300 Per cent distribution.. Average per operator... Average per hectare of fish Pesos... 100.0 916 2.1 54 185,489 2.4 166 185,721 192,795 141,102 186,051 2.4 252 2.5 389 1.9 477 ཚg; 64 120,018 2.4 1.6 544 674 ponds. Pesos... 125 57 85 80 84 80 79 91 Bangos Kilos... 14,530 296 301,816 346,373 376,198 392,270 298,746 375,462 Value. Pesos.. 7,029,377 150,505 169,610 175,379 183,914 132,035 178,463 220,701 109,389 Shrimps Kilos... 746,629 8,050 4,422 4,055 1,588 567 3,029 2,580 Value. Pesos.. 285,840 6,421 2,652 1,964 790 235 1,187 998 Crabs... Kilos. 216,076 1,669 731 2,460 1,328 1,243 398 8,901 Value.. Pesos... 84,301 417 361 948 527 463 188 3,377 Gourami.. Kilos... 8,143 198 279 145 724 815 602 Value. Pesos... 3,28 101 138 65 319 678 305 Other fishes. Kilos.. 435,209 13,480 16,676 Value. Pesos.. 206,124 5,856 12,728 16,189 7,365 11,122 15,776 11,261 10,884 7,245 7,691 5,908 6,249 Value of catch Item P700 to P799 P800 to P900 to P1,000 to P1,500 to 2,000 to P5,000 and P899 P999 P1,499 P1,999 14,999 over Number of operators... Per cent distribution.. 188 141 103 442 364 561 822 2.3 1.7 1.2 5.3 4.4 6.8 8.9 Number of employees, total. Persons. 691 573 430 1,839 1,585 3,467 3,753 Per cent distribution.. 2.6 2.2 1.6 7.0 6.0 13.2 14.8 Average per operator.. Persons. 3.7 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.4 6.2 11.7 Proprietors and others not paid salaries or 14 wages.. Persons. 253 124 101 447 868 519 438 Per cent distribution... 2.6 1.3 1.0 4.5 3.7 5.3 4.4 Per cent of total employees. 36.6 21.6 23.5 24.3 23.2 15.0 11.7 Average per operator.. Persons. 1.3 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.4 Superintendents, caretakers. Persons 144 113 89 399 356 771 505 Per cent distribution.. 3.1 2.4 1.9 8.6 7.7 16.7 10.9 Per cent of total employees. 20.0 19.7 20.7 21.7 22.5 22.2 13.5 Average per operator... Persons. 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.4 1.6 Other employees.. Persons. 294 336 240 993 861 2,177 2,810 Per cent distribution.. 2.5 2.9 2.1 8.5 7.4 18.6 24.0 Per cent of total employees.. Average per operator... 42.5 58.6 55.8 54.0 54.8 62.8 74.9 Persons. 1.6 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.4 3.9 8.7 Per cent distribution.. value.... Salaries and wages paid, total.. Per cent distribution... Average per operator.. Supertrtendents, caretakers. Per cent distribution... Per cent of total salaries and wages.. Average per employee. Other employecз.. Per cent of total salaries and wages.. Average per employee... Production of fish and other products, total Per cent distribution.. Average per operator. Pesos... 21,718 13,870 2.5 Pesos... 116 Pesos.. 14,555 1.6 98 8,221 19,403 2.2 188 9,501 77,656 8.9 176 73,871 8.5 203 19720 292,995 22.6 33.6 351 910 39,974 41,618 91,856 110,898 3.6 Pesos... 67.0 101 Pesos... 7,163 Pesos... 1.5 83.0 24 2.0 59.7 73 5,559 1.2 40.3 17 2.3 49.0 9.8 10.2 22.6 27.3 51.5 56.3 46.7 87.8 107 9,902 2.1 51.0 41 100 37,682 117 32,253 119 220 104,862 182,102 8.1 48.5 88 7.0 43.7 37 22.6 39.2 53.3 62.2 48 65 Fesos. 140,975 Pesos.. Average per hectare of fish ponds. Pesos.. Betrgos. 1.9 750 107 Kilos.. 276,751 219,227 117,645 1.5 834 87 Value. Pesos... 133,428 Shrimps... Kilos.. 8,503 98,470 1.3 956 93 193,879 107,360 84,451 10,975 10,663 566.930 560,159 1,662,080 3,288,200 7.5 1,283 125 7.4 1,539 93 21.8 43.2 2,963 10,212 136 171 Value. Pesos.. 3,033 3,950 3,878 Crabs Kilos.. 7,403 9,458 16,665 Value. Gourami... Value. Other fishes. Value. Pesos.. 2,747 3,543 6,178 1,191,198 1,142,748 3,284,859 3,910,068 514,028 531,445 1,597,163 2,932,207 21,990 21,906 48,177 600,124 9,274 10,529 22,460 218,469 19,885 7,473 16,566 27,021 102,348 6,278 10,516 41,285 Kilos. 50 Pesos. 20 Kiloз... 4,425 6,314 9,587 Pesos.. 1,767 2,792 3,943 3,320 807 11,199 5,348 250 1,250 510 100 525 230 24,669 76.251 207,876 11,807 81,416 96,009 497 TABLE 15-FISH PONDS-NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH PRODUCED, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Year established Item All fish ponds 1935 to 1938 1930 to 1934 1925 to 1929 1920 to 1921 115 to 1919 1910 to 1914 Prior to 1910 Year not reported ors Number of operat 8,305 1,948 1,510 1,153 926 679 390 783 916 Fer cent distribution.. 100.C 23.5 18.2 13.9 11.1 8.2 4.7 9.4 11.0 Number of employees, total... Persons. 26,205 6,415 4,111 3,518 2,707 1,991 1,280 3,572 2,611 Per cent distribu- tion.... 100.0 24.5 15.7 13.4 10.8 7.6 4.9 13.6 10.0 Average per operator.... Persons 3.2 3.3 2.7 3.1 2.9 2.9 3.3 4.6 2.9 hepretors and others not paid salaries or wages.. Persons. 9,874 2,481 1,831 1,353 1,088 742 401 1,153 822 Per cent distribu- tion..... 100.C 25.2 18.5 13.7 11.C 7.5 4.1 11.7 8.8 Per cent of total employees. 37. 38.7 44.5 38.5 40.2 37.3 81.3 32.3 81.5 Average per operator... Persons. 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.5 0.9 Superintendent, care- takers.... Persons. 4,630 1,036 804 619 539 386 258 506 482 Per cent distribu- tion...... 100.C 22.4 17.4 13.4 11.6 8.9 5.6 10.9 10.4 Per cent of total employees.. 17.7 16.1 19.6 17.6 19.9 19.4 20.2 14.2 18.8 Average per operator Persons 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.5 Other employees. Persons 11,701 2,895 1,476 1,546 1,080 863 621 1,913 1,307 Per cent distribu- tion..... 100.0 24.7 12.6 13.2 9.2 7.4 5.3 16.3 11.2 Per cent of total employees.. 44.7 45.1 35.9 43.9 39.9 43.3 48.5 53.6 50.1 Average per operator...... Persons. 1.4 1.5 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.6 2.4 1.4 Salaries and wages paid, total.... Pesos... 870,893 162,823 134,358 142,467 111,366 85,682 44,362 126,260 63,575 Per cent distribu- tion.... 100.0 18.7 15.4 16.4 12.8 9.8 5.1 14.5 7.3 Average per operator... Pesos... 105 84 89 124 120 126 114 161 69 takers... Supermeendent, care- Per cent distribu- Pesos... 406,826 78,824 68,117 64,516 46,324 42,155 24,686 47,546 34,658 tion..... 100.0 19.4 16.7 15.9 11.4 10.4 6.1 11.7 8.5 Per cent of total salaries and Per cent of total salaries and wages.. 46.7 48.4 50.7 45.3 41.6 49.2 55.€ 78 37.7 54.5 Average per employee. Pesos... Other employees. .. Pesos... 88 464,067 76 83,999 85 66,241 104 77,951 86 65,042 109 43,527 96 90 72 19,676 711 28,917 Per cent distribu- tion.... 100.0 18.1 14.3 16.8 14.0 9.4 4.2 17.0 6.2 Per cent of total sa- laries and wages. 53.3 51.6 49.3 58.4 50.8 44.4 62.8 45.5 Average per employee..... Pesos.. 40 29 45 50 60 50 32 41 22 Production of fish and 54.7 value... other products, total Pesos... 6,608,930 1,598,547 1,164,834 1,088,304 810,398 753,487 378,816 780,504 1,034,040 Per cent distribu- tion 100.0 21.0 15.3 14.3 10. 9.9 5.0 10.3 13.6 Average per operator...... Pesos... 916 821 771 944 875 1,110 971 997 1,129 Average per hec- tare of fish 766 265,675 ponds. Pesos... 125 138 Bangos.. kilos... 14,530,296 2,547,829 Value. Pesos... 7,029,377 1,452,731 114 2,184,686 1,044,866 118 2,095,559 121 124 109 110 1,518,208 1,546,357 808,069 1,588,301 160 2,241,287 1,001,784 745,572 703,906 357,897 721,588 1,001,033 Shrimps. Kilos... 746,629 126,053 100,009 80,813 58,695 20,480 71,419 23,185 Value. Pesos... 285,840 61,132 51,908 48,583 39,824 29,240 10,770 32,988 11,095 Crabs. kilos... 216,076 41,270 80,480 31,802 24,964 16,404 1,990 11,228 74988 Value. Gourami.. Pesos... 84,301 18,900 20,841 16,031 12,765 6,722 970 4,955 3,251 Kilos... 8,143 4,529 1,788 730 659 435 2 Other fishes... Value. Pesos... 3,288 1,685 740 317 329 216 1 Kilos... 435,209 151,973 73,293 Value. Pesos... 206,124 63,933 46,479 49,110 25,183 21,589 11,908 26,790 16,61% 50,061 42,184 13,403 9,178 20,973 18,661 498 TABLE 16.-FISH PONDS-NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND VALUE OF CATCH, BY MUNICIPALITIES: 1938 Assets Employee during 1938 Province and municipality Number of fish pond operators Total (Pesos) Fish pond; land and buildings used for fish- Fishing equipment Cash and accounts and note receiv- Number Wag and salaries paid ing pur- (Pesos) able (Pesos) Value of catch during 1938 (Pesos) poses (Pesos) (Pesos) PHILIPPINES... Agusan.. 8,305 37,723,660 36,820,115 289,697 613,848 26,205 870,893 7,608,930 1 1,180 1,080 100 4 1,790 Albay.... Calolbon. 3 6,780 6,700 80 7 2,615 Other municipalities. Antique.. Patnofigon.. 27 San Jose de Buenavista. 12 Other municipalities.... Bataan... Abucay. Bagac.. Balanga. Dinalupihan. 21 2 4,260 4,200 60 2,520 2,500 20 061 1,865 750 42 30,904 29,848 259 797 173 2,301 13,903 2224 3,840 3,770 18 52 26,279 785 25,354 180 745 126 724 61 28288 21 5 2,142 188 832 12.452 619 289 2,065,921 1,984,216 23,484 58,221 1,072 58,771 552,867 61 2 15 191,555 1,475 117,101 189,110 775 1,670 155 7,028 29,024 1,450 114,234 25 3 125 147 2,720 32 1,402 44,863 2 6,500 6.400 100 7 25 8,187 Hermosa... Orani... Orion.. 35 752,679 696,276 20,464 35,939 276 33,637 215,418 60 566,016 555,256 992 9,768 212 10,866 140,127 20 40,583 39,286 268 1,029 37 420 12,747 Pilar. 17 101,410 101,155 69 186 51 208 14,218 Samal. 76 287,702 280,249 644 Other municipalities. 6,809 296 5,185 93,113 1 900 800 100 3 100 Batangas.. 94 136,842 135,581 1,181 80 217 2,479 41,983 Balayan... Batangas. 10 Lian... 17 Nasugbu. 58 San Juan. Cther municipalities. 807842 1,800 1,800 18 592 37,420 37,346 74 29 1,185 7,478 24,630 24,630 34,474 33,570 824 80 14,300 14,300 688 45 850 9,493 109 360 22,205 16 24,218 23,935 283 5 584 1,467 75% 3 Bohol... 9 5,753 5,630 59 (4 23 20 2,318 Antequera... Ulay.. 36 8,199 8,130 5 64 8 20 2,554 2,500 54 15 1,588 780 Bulacan.. 1,399 16,265,594 16,077,874 82,232 105,488 4,711 213,748 3,290,395 Bigaa. 41 Bocaue... 64 586,286 736,299 527,375 724,959 1,881 4,097 7,030 62 3,922 7,243 109 Bulacan.. 4,996 41,975 118,187 255 4,565,865 4,521,201 20,073 24,591 Calumpit. 1,391 104,527 1,293,859 Guiguinto.. Hagonoy Malolos.. Marilao. Meycauayan. Obando. 32 43,500 42,619 881 12 981 16,050 16,050 168 202 29 139 782,963 4,255,537 1,745.334 187,807 tr 2 60 7,815 2,567 4,177,157 37,400 1,741,322 187,360 2,416 217 40,980 1,596 1,155 54,908 703,485 298 7,589 876,680 772,789 3,221 224 1,500,167 1,481,842 7,556 230 6,950 11,247 43 1,208 84,000 881 6,883 170,629 Paombong. 722 18,142 214,052 86 1,631,025 1,622,625 4,029 4,871 282 Polo.... 10,271 251,708 186 264,783 263,075 458 1,250 254 261 80,498 Camarines Sur.... 5 1,150 990 160 19 245 1,270 Capiz.... 189 487,817 470,133 4,873 12,811 689 26,014 154,363 Altavas.. Batan.. Capiz Dao.. Ibajay.. Ivisan.... Kalibo. Makato.. Nabas.. New Washington.: Numancia Panay. Pilar. Sapian Other municipalitics. 18 35 17 12 46826 67278 2,420 2,400 20 5 9,597 9,550 17 80 78,040 76,440 880 720 8,130 48,668 5,500 400 2,230 48,227 431 10 1,585 1,580 5 54,318 21,237 52.930 833 550 18,930 187 2,120 2,805 2,470 25 310 8,961 8,810 151 1221 76292 17 20,166 19,850 216 100 123 25 108,481 101,620 1,071 5,7:0 109 12 52,624 51,530 844 750 19 69,487 69.146 241 100 CNN NAN 850.0 16 144 897 1,080 2,476 17,695 1,188 1,143 7,000 15,922 195 1,783 29,780 2,529 7.116 50 1,028 130 1,898 2,204 5,488 3,825 22.890 9,793 22,476 253 21,461 6,353 6,150 203 4 480 1,091 199 TABLE 16-FISH PONDS-NUMPER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND VALUE OF CATCH, BY MUNICIPALITIES: 1938-Continued Assets Employees during 1938 Fish ponds, Province and municipality Number of fish pond operators land and Total (Pesos) buildings used for fish- ing pur- Fishing equipment (Pesos) Cash and accounts and notes receiv- Wags and Value of catch during Number salaries paid poses able (Pesos) (Pesos) 1938 (Pesos) (Pesos) Cavite... 760 1,301,339 1,280,864 3,769 16,706 1,514 51.466 92,134 Bacoor 316 479,047 Cavite. 467,456 2,471 9,120 573 24,802 20,687 13 147,313 146,770 74 469 General Trias. 73 650 8,651 2 12,100 12,000 100 Imus.. 3 80 4.137 16 17,872 17,280 hawit.. 248 412,403 406,020 Naic.. 18 17.653 17,598 Noveleta. 77 157,955 157,467 Rosario. 25 20,210 20,120 “ខ្លួនខ្លួន 2 590 28 680 3,000 913 5,470 531 16,451 26,899 50 10 19 2,623 200 288 190 8,735 19.063 20 100 26 Tanza. 1,883 3 5,100 4,850 250 Ternate... Cebu.... Aloguinsan. 3 697 42 31 ;656 31,308 89 809 68 68 4,494 209 211,172 206,084 1,238 3,850 545 3,331 52,413 Argao.. Asturias. Balamban.. Camen.... 22243 435 420 15 11 5,640 5,590 25 25 7 12 132 1,780 620 620 2 231 11,253 11.200 53 24 375 17,414 17,300 114 8 180 2,617 625 Cebu, City of.... 7 15,070 Compostela.. 14,660 160 250 16 19 4 755 675 80 50 5 5 828 Cordoba... 884 16 8,384 8.190 56 138 29 Opon. Mandaue. Pinamungajan.. Tabogon.. Talisay. Toledo Other municipalities. Davao... Batulaki Davao, City of... Lupon... Other municipalities. 53 5 6,556 6,500 11 45 22 364 to 2.873 2466 143 126,329 292325 124,563 512 1,254 873 1,665 33,245 1,789 1,695 42 52 22 50 664 3,044 3,000 20 24 7 72 830 2,640 2,550 90 5 40 895 5,354 3,300 54 2,000 7 81 625 5,889 5,821 56 12 7 480 8,988 12 45,733 40,680 1,175 3,878 73 1,349 4,330 3621 1,225 12,928 1,190 35 30 12,130 220 578 10 228 278 1,472 3,480 23,100 2,360 820 300 17 96 580 25,000 100 3,000 16 1,025 2,000 Ilocos Norte.. 1 524 500 24 1 100 Ilocos Sur.. 588 196,836 181,789 5,194 9,853 1,258 3,914 73,272 Bantay.... Candon. Caoayan. Galimuyod. Lapog... Magsingal. Narvacan.. San Vicente.. Santa Catalina. Santa Cruz. Santa Lucia... Santa Maria.. Santiago.. Santo Domingo. igay... Hinait.. Vigan.. Other municipalities.... 2*ཝ་ྔ ཿཀླཕྱ༞ས 499 21,643 480 12 7 4 23 20,500 703 440 227 12 2,602 4,666 4,600 66 19 447 168 160 8 9 9 3.789 11,673 3,280 252 257 18 497 1,653 11,350 196 127 52 1,981 16,270 16,070 200 16 268 3,243 9,525 8,531 540 454 78 206 7,579 56,769 47,000 2,431 7,338 899 995 87,231 6,075 5,896 165 14 48 532 2,169 549 22,953 3,605 520 22,720 6 113 120 3,390 113 102 819 800 9 680 600 80 8,199 32,865 1,089 3,030 88 31,822 183 860 1,040 29 នគឬន ខ្លួន 4 94 56 827 8.312 41 3,215 6 591 15 373 81 17 156 2,572 239 421 8,093 20 10 107 Lailo..... 598 3,100,688 3,003,549 28,981 68,158 3,715 119, y 728.271 Juy.. 46 150,095 145,359 Balasan.. 10 46,327 44,600 2,621 397 2.115 135 Banate... 28 186,496 182,400 1,58) 1,330 2,507 135 J'arotac Nuevo.. 99 871,538 857,122 8,531 5,885 720 Parotac Viejo. 13 88,542 38,330 52 160 Buenavista. 35 36,504 35,537 253 714 Carles.... 24 154,731 152,905 326 1,500 Concepcion.. 4 9,646 9,330 106 210 Dumangas. 146 748,636 741,212 6.139 Estancia. 2 34,100 82,000 2,000 1,285 100 1,761 Iloilo, City of... 130 Jaro. 16 515,563 120,427 504,640 2,866 117,080 783 8,057 2,564 Jordan. 19 30,113 28,095 2,018 Oton... San Dionisio... 96 5,078 4,936 42 65,546 23,593 565 100 41,388 Santa Barbara.. Other municipalitie 88 83,476 82,570 663 243 8,870 3,840 30 608 22 8842 ** 3.380 46.078 59 2.364 14.894 4.996 55,608 33 41,749 737 200,786 4,983 95 2,693 8,127 21 5.934 2,220 20,791 11,160 5-1,905 20 tr 143 438 7,340 10,655 75,647 10,500 52,635 627 5,118 360 2,016 1,555 10,423 10,104 34,515 514 500 TABLE 16 -FISH PONDS-NUMBER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND VALUE OF CATCH, BY MUNICIPALITIES: 1988-Continued Amets Employees during 1988 Fish ponds, Province and municipality Number of fish pond operators land and Total (Pesos) buildings Fishing ing pur- used for fish- equipment (Pesos) Cash and accounts and notes receiv- Value of e Number Wa and catch during salaris paid poses able (Pesos) (Pesos) 1988 (Pasos) (Pesos) La Union.... 444 219,395 215,899 1,921 1,575 657 1,710 73,301 Agoo.... Aringay Bauang- Luna... San Fernando... 309 Santo Tomas. 888 38 35,249 85,005 179 65 57 279 7,60€ 14 16,301 16,115 166 20 28 120 3,768 9 4,713 4,630 33 50 15 984 7 31,889 31,800 59 30 27 975 5,561 96,852 94,955 1,052 845 414 276 46,277 66 33,531 82,564 402 565 115 60 9,055 Other municipalities. 1 860 830 30 1 55 Laguna... 2 3,368 2,860 8 500 5 131 359 Lanaq. 10 14,163 14,020 143 11 60 1,573 Nunungan. Other municipalities. 16 9 2,113 2,020 12,050 12,000 36 93 50 92 888 60 1,240 Leyte... 16 33,008 31,791 809 408 50 1,932 16,783 Baybay. Palompon. Tanauan Other municipalities.. 2963 12,076 12,026 958 915 16,122 15,000 722 3,852 3,850 8822 50 35 8 11 400 4169 18 8,279 61 906 8,378 1,008 5,065 Manila, City of... 1 4,140 4,140 1 400 Masbatc.... 1 3,200 3,200 1 87 262 Mindoro.... 36 54,640 46,780 590 7,270 198 1,787 30,967 Calapan... Looc... Lubang. 15 Naujan San Jose. Other municipalities 436221 600 4,436 30,046 600 4,250 86 100 26,840 36 3,170 129 1,860 1,750 110 15,350 11,000 350 4,000 2,348 2,340 8 Misimis Occidental... 7 22,136 20,420 155 1,591 192000 9 4 157 40 460 2,205 979 22,899 8,000 6 288 2,576 60 180 36 1,450 6,702 Plaridel 3 Other municipalitics 4 4,375 17.791 3,920 16,500 100 1886 55 400 7 120 1,422 1,191 29 1,330 5,280 Misamis Oriental 2 715 660 5 50 7 340 Mountain Province 3 2,370 2,100 20 250 12 58 2,715 Baguio, City of. Other municipalities.. 21 2 1,870 500 1,600 20 20 250 500 1024 58 2,560 155 Negros Occidental 208 1,002,958 979,033 10,432 13,493 658 44,327 252,502 Bacolod, City of 8 47,416 47,839 77 9 240 2,197 Bago... 21 16,699 16,440 259 81 100 2,404 Binalbagan. Cadiz.. Calatrava.. Cauayan Escalante.. Himamaylan.. Hinigaran. Isabela. Kabankalan. La Carlota.. Manapla. Pontevedra. Pulupandan.... Sagay... San Enrique. Saravia. Silay... Valladolid.. Victorias. Other municipalities. Negros Oriental.... 2 887880NG PANAN N∞∞∞∞ 13,102 13,030 72 13 696 2,829 43,675 42,725 450 500 61 4,014 11,727 5,015 5,000 15 16 1,880 571 570 1 5 854 1,265 830 15 420 5 72 641 13 129,187 22 246,429 124,265 240,740 3,817 1,605 80 10,147 54,216 1,998 8,691 81 8,987 62,854 3,624 8,500 124 6 14 42,301 40,870 1,184 747 50 896 4,270 955 14,387 2 10,560 10,090 870 100 9 1,050 1,388 4,315 3,955 240 120 7 630 3,585 2,775 10 800 16 270 1,586 15 29,309 4,970 86,281 25,610 449 3,250 24 900 4,908 4,700 40 280 14 106 1,440 86,115 166 22 1,020 4,175 23 119,807 161,885 118,072 885 900 112 8,188 46,181 162,977 578 880 81 6,075 29,087 2 3 4,270 18,840 4,000 20 250 8 182 1,550 18,830 10 12 2,581 6,508 3 7,852 7,100 202 50 11 88 1,870 27 44,491 42,820 431 1,240 75 3,334 12,767 Ayufigon.. Bais Manjuyod.. Tanjay... Other municipalities. 15 12368 4 9,257 9,150 107 11 4,795 4,750 45 6,285 6,030 5 250 17,010 15,840 180 990 89 7,144 7,050 94 10008 62 7 285 2,080 1,512 90 2,847 581 8,448 60 201 501 TABLE 16.-FISH PONDS-NUMEER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND VALUE OF CATCH, BY MUNICIPALITIES: 1938-Continued Assets Employee during 1938 Fish pond? Province and municipality Number of fish pond operators (Pesos). Total land and buildings used for fish- ing pur- Fishing equipment (Pesos) Cash and accounts and note receiv- Number Wags and salaries paid Value of catch during poses able (Pesos) 1938 (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pecos) Nueva Ecija....... 33 27,258 23,817 2,103 1,338 163 3,869 15,867 Cabiao.... Jaen... Licab.. San Antonio. San Isidro.. Santo Domingo. Other municipalities.. 1624421 6,450 4,916 711 820 68 3,864 3,596 170 98 710 675 35 3,818 3,000 718 100 3,440 3,200 120 120 2,696 2,525 171 6,280 5,905 175 200 Nueva Vizcaya.... 1 500 300 200 8317248 2 2,418 7,008 80 1,035 115 1,256 5,710 623 300 115 1,081 120 Pampanga... 630 5,442,940 5,307,330 45,833 89,777 2,331 176,919 982,188 Apalit... 27 19,522 19,090 432 3.693 Arayat. 28 42,003 41,677 256 70 Bacolor. 7 80,881 75,812 539 4,530 Candaba. 71 174,496 171,861 1,465 1,170 Guagua. 102 864,901 837,254 6,681 20,966 Lubao... 70 1,190,036 1,163,467 6,381 20,188 Macabebe. 33 862,547 845,137 5,898 11,512 Masantol... 12 98,402 97,802 578 22 Minalin 31 258,474 218,627 2,160 7,687 San Luis. 27 19,236 19,120 98 18 15 2 495 4,818 4 3,512 179,348 126 4,963 95,158 436 26,363 131,188 314 34,049 210,255 168 27.596 94,254 65 2,980 18,475 6,873 27,290 366 1,417 San Simon.. 12 20,472 18,140 2,332 Santa Ana... Santa Rita. Sexmoan. Pangasinan. Aguilar... Alaminos. Anda.. 6 540 2 19,000 540 19,000 3,770 79 199 1,781,165 1,738,653 Other municipalities.... 3 11,265 11,150 18,908 105 23,60-1 10 4 908 1.1 2,665 68,241 175 373,814 2,330 2,174 2,278,692 2,161,589 29,937 87,116 5,081 30,086 504,110 Bani.. Bayambang.. Binmaley... 639 Bolinao. Bugallon. Calasiao.. Dagupan 854 Dasol.... Infanta... Labrador. Lingayen.. 110 Manaoag. Mangaldan. 130 Mangatarem. Rosales.. San Fabian. 134 San Manuel. Las Piñas.. T Santo Tomas. Sual. Umingan. Urbiztondo. Other municipalities. Rizal... Caloocan. Malabon.. Navotas.. Paranaque Other municipalities. PORN 8 6 8,997 8,480 367 150 17 282 11,450 11,265 135 50 29 176 16,965 15,580 5 1,380 59 20,514 19,249 894 371 95 664 148,390 135,158 2,261 10,971 172 1,500 ① 918 1,103 23,597 10.9565 20,241 448,936 433,239 3,158 12,539 1,242 8,630 92,688 8,847 8,509 29,906 28,148 1,170 1,150 145 1,165 10 193 33 130 4,238 593 170 8,593 1,182,609 1,123,575 11,295 10 47,739 5 1,944 480 11,906 650 229,814 25.861 23,956 234 8,799 7.899 306 2,341 2,120 128 1,171 694 93 56,322 52,705 1,906 1,711 218 702 690 12 200,007 7,593 193,511 1,508 4.988 228 5,586 1,221 786 9,184 7,815 634 735 52,444 50,285 1,219 940 3,050 3,000 50 68475 1,017 557 265 195 3,350 23,990 3,197 107 46 20,081 2,355 1,554 5,584 1,164 4,764 1,070 583 74 237 20 BURE 828° 63 61 464 52 8,106 5,581 12 1.570 1,563 16,397 98 666 35,899 2,473 420 4,804 343 11,674 1,900 864 871 2,808 16,404 3,579 2 1,091 352 4,293,620 4,138,479 32,688 122,453 2,494 117,702 633,056 204 នខ្លះ។ 10 52 246,251 134,554 239,626 117,070 1,359 47 5,266 17,437 19 78 4,186 135 20,824 18,741 3,127,546 3,022,318 16,873 35 498,002 49 293,535 2,732 478,442 278,501 2,522 2,440 11,859 88,355 8,120 3,175 1,784 78,762 439,598 315 14,059 67,074 292 20,560 84,109 110 100 6 2,610 502 TABLE 16-FISH PONDS-NUMPER OF OPERATORS, TOTAL ASSETS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, AND VALUE OF CATCH, BY MUNICIPALITIES: 1988-Continued Assets Employees during 1988 Province and municipality Number of fish pond operators Fish ponds, land and Total (Pesos) buildings Fishing used for fish- ing pur- equipment (Pesos) poses Cash and accounts and notes receiv- able (Pesos) Number Was and salaries paid Value of catch during (Pesos) 1938 (Pesos) (Pesos) Romblon... 3 6,652 6,635 17 3 1,550 Sorsogon. Gubat... Other municipalitics. Tarlac... An3o.. 4 3,095 2,980 55 60 10 360 660 31 3 1,990 1,950 1,105 1,030 416 40 15 60 64 360 600 60 52 253,620 242,417 9,753 1,450 155 151 29,879 2 3,585 33,260 245 80 34 2,493 La Paz. 5 6,781 6,650 86 45 7 12 241 Mayantoc. Moncada. Paniqui.. 4 461 350 91 20 7 70 11 14,341 13,417 734 190 25 79 1,555 15 45,735 41,870 2,930 935 Pura. San Clemente. San Manuel. Santa Ignacia. Victoria Other municipalities. Tayabas. Macalelon. Padre Burgos Other municipalitics Zambaleз... Castillejos 322341 2,012 1,650 307 55 79 13,750 20 59 13,500 250 128 136,591 50 78 157 131,500 150 4,966 125 7 11 30,558 28,593 203 1,760 36 8 AGONGNN 29 4,185 726 58 86 1,680 106 18,664 7 76 728 3,308 60 2450 2,515 2,395 14,760 13,000 13,283 13,200 8333 45 6 26 513 1,700 16 159 1.768 76,161 74,183 628 15 1,350 14 543 1,027 Iba.. San Felipe Santa Cruz. Subic... 40 Other municipalitics. Zamboanga... Dipolog Zamboanga, City of Other municipalitics. 29 26 391202 2 221 8,938 8,900 4,222 4,140 1,410 1,400 360 56,036 310 54,273 513 5,195 5,160 8883 1,250 99999 50 50 35 47,717 44,549 1,267 1,901 ២. មផសមម ៖ : 120 1,309 15,693 10 250 2,154 15 42 428 10 44 403 41 2 73 262 11.179 10 711 1,488 2,109 6,804 2,810 43,873 2,500 41,049 340 1,263 1,561 73 1,004 1,000 936 273 1,836 702 5,183 919 503 TABLE 17.-FISH PONDS-NUMBER OF OPERATORS REPORTING BANGOS, SHRIMPS, CRAPS, GOURAMI, AND OTHER FISHES, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Province Number of fish rond operators Number of operators reporting Bangos Shrimps Crabs Gourami Other fishes PHILIPPINES..... Agusan.. Albay.. Antique.. Bataan... Batangas. Bohol.... Bulacan. 8,305 6,862 3,650 1,784 116 1,163 1 1 3 8 42 33 289 272 94 91 9 8 1,399 1,004 Camarines Sur. 5 Capiz.... Cavite. Cebu..... Davao. 189 175 760 579 142 209 206 12 9 Ilocos Norte. Ilocos Sur.. Iloilo.... 1 1 588 524 143 598 557 859 28 98 24 190 111 87 2 494 209 པདྡྷསྶདྡྷསྶ སངྒྷ 84 1987 8 7 2 2 0 96 101 5 12 34 67 21 1 16 6 4 11 11446 154 6 150 242 80 183 La Union.... 444 380 268 74 22 Laguna... 2 2 Lanao.... 10 1 1 1 9 Leyte... 16 10 9 8 1 Manila, City of... 1 1 Masbate.... Mindoro. 1 1 36 34 Misamis Occidental. 7 7 Iisamis Oriental 2 1 Mountain Province. 3 3 1232 103 9 8 1 1 Negros Occidental... 208 187 122 87 26 Negros Oriental. 20 19 11 8 7 Nueva Ecija. 33 88 Nueva Vizcaya. 1 1 1 Pampanga... 630 451 261 138 222 Pangasinan. 2,174 1,862 1,105 874 16 853 Rizal... Romblon Sorsogon. Tarlac. Tayabas. Zambales.. Zamboanga.. 852 345 171 28 1 10 3 3 3 8 4 3 1 1 52 1 4 1 50 11 60 29 -27 1920 11 49 ∞82 8 33 22 21 4828 1 80 3 9 7 TABLE 18.-FISH PONDS-AMOUNT AND VALUE OF SALT MADE IN FISH PONDS, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Salt made Province Kilos Value (Pesos) PHILIPPINES. Antique... Batangas. Bulacan. Capiz.. 24,500,568 378,824 1,244 40,050 13 713 947,850 Cavite.. Cebu.... Iloilo.... Ilocos Sur. La Union.. Leyte.... 14,780,746 14,200 11,125 442 213,082 68,298 1,262 216,001 2,945 1,275,742 25,713 33,876 350 90 2 Mindoro... 201,600 5,030 Negros Occidental. 2,050 41 Negros Oriental.. 10,000 250 Par gasinan. Pampanga... 9,900 242 1,258,133 19,763 Rizal.... Sorrogon. Tarlac.. Zambales.. 5,633,313 97,706 4,000 35 3,440 80 1 64 504 SECTION VII.-Fish Ponds combined with other Kinds of Fishing Only 130 establishments have been classified as fish ponds combined with other kinds of fishing. The production of fish by these establishments is relatively unimportant when com- pared with other kinds of fishing, and anunted to only #139,540 in 1938. Bañgos comprises almost one-half of the value of all fish reported by operators of fish ponds combined with other kinds of fishing. Persons employed in establish- ments classified as fish ponds combined with other kinds of fishing totalled 1,174 of whom 1,045 or 89 per cent were pro- prietors and others not paid salaries and wages. The val ie of fish ponds, land, and buildings comprises more than three- fourths of the value of all assets reported by operators of fish ponds combined with other kinds of fishing. TABLE 1.-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING-ASSETS AND AREA OF FISH PONDS, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Item All fish pond and Size of total assets other kinds of fishing Under P100 P100 to. P499 P500 to P999 P1,000 to 1'2,499 Fer cent distribution.. Assets, total Average per operator.. Fish ponds, land, and buildings.. Per cent distribution.... Per cent of total Average per operator... Average per hectare. Pesos.. 318,465 510 9,968 11,948 45,036 100.0 0.2 3.1 3.8 14.1 Pesos... 2,450 39 64900 664 1,553 Pesos... 250,037 286 8,018 8,925 35,420 100.0 0.1 3.2 3.6 14.2 78.5 56.1 80.4 74.7 78.6 Pesos. Pesos.. 1,923 22 200 496 1,221 4,23 6481 3 58 414 5140 Equipment, bancas, nets .. Pesos... 57,356 123 1,714 2,703 7,468 Per cent distribution 100.0 0.2 3.0 4.7 13.0 Per cent of total 18.0 24.1 17.2 22.6 16.6 Average per operator. Pesos. 441 9 Cash and accounts and notes receivable... Pesos... 11,072 101 236 Per cent distribution... 100.0 0.9 Per cent of total 3.5 19.8 Average per operator Pesos... 85 8 ུ༷སེས॰ 150 258 320 2.148 2.1 2.9 19.4 2.4 2.7 4.8 18 74 Area of fish ponds.. Average per operator Assessed value-total Average per operator Average per hectare... Hectares. 591.80 0.42 22.40 21.54 65.60 Hectares 4.55 0.03 0.56 1.20 2.26 Pesos... Pesos.. Pesos.. 242,418 1,865 410 283 7,852 8,095 31,640 22 196 450 1,194 681 351 376 528 Item Size of total assets P2,500 to 1'4,999 P5,000 to 199,999 P10,000 to 14,999 P15,000 to 1'24,999 1'25,000 and over Assets, total. Fer cent distribution. Average per operator Fish ponds, land, and buildings Per cent distribution... Per cent of total Average per operator Average per Pesos... 48,006 43,762 52,823 51,662 54,750 15.1 13.7 16.6 16.2 17.2 Pesos.. 3,200 7,294 13,206 17,221 27,375 Pesos.. 36,050 34,593 40,270 50,000 36,475 14.4 13.8 16.1 20.0 14.6 85.1 79.0 76.2 96.8 66.6 Pesos... hectare 2,403 5,766 10,068 16,667 18,238 Pesos. 2191 3.71 4 19 5132 4-87 Equipment, bancas nets.. Pesos.. 10,058 Per cent distribution 8,719 8,639 1,662 16,270 17.5 Per cent of total..... 15.2 15.1 2.9 28.4 21.0 19.9 Average per operator.... 16.4 3.2 29.7 Pesos 671 1,453 2,160 554 8,135 Cash and accounts and notes receivable. Pesos... 1.898 450 Per cent distribution... 3,914 2,005 17.1 Per cent of total 4.1 35.4 18.1 4.0 1.0 Average per operator. 7.4 3.7 Pesos.. 127 75 979 1,003 Area of fish ponds Average per operator.. Assessed valueetotal. Average per operator Average per hectare. Hectares Hectares. Pcs' s. Pesos. 123.75 93.16 96.00 94.00 74.93 8.25 15.53 24.00 31.33 37.47 35,800 31.(0) $2,270 33,000 36,475 2,387 Pesos... 289 5,167 333 13,818 11,000 18,238 576 351 487 505 TABLE 2.-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING-ASSETS AND AREA OF FISH PONDS, BY VALUE OF CATCH: 1938 All fish pond com- Value of catch Item bined with other kind of fishing Below P100 P100 to P199 P200 to 1'299 P300 to 1399 P400 to 1'499 P500 to 1'599 P600 to 1'699 Assets, total... Pesos... 318,465 12,412 11,313 3,380 10,842 Per cent distribution. Average per operator... Pesos.. 100.0 2,450 3.9 3.6 1.1 3.4 477 539 483 986 18,436 5.8 2,048 19,397 4,411 0.1 1.4 2,717 1,103 Fish ponds, land, and buildings... Pesos.. 250,€37 8,139 6,007 2,122 9,809 17,545 18,018 4,080 Per cent distribution... 100.0 3.3 2.4 0.8 3.9 7.0 7.2 1.6 Per cent of total 78.5 65.6 53.1 62.8 90.5 95.2 92.9 92.5 Average per opera- tor.... Pesos... 1,923 313 286 303 892 1,949 2,574 1,020 Average per hec- tare.... Pesos... 4123 5491 6804 4177 6159 5148 6 09 5415 Equipment, bancas, nets Pesos... 57,356 4,063 4,801 1,173 938 841 1,044 331 Per cent distribution... 100.0 7.1 8.4 2.0 1.6 1.5 1.8 0.6 Per cent of total. 18.0 32.7 42.4 34.7 8.7 4.6 5.4 7.5 Average per opera- tor..... Pesos... 441 156 229 168 85 93 149 83 Cash and accounts and notes receivable..... Pesos... 11,072 210 505 85 95 Per cent distribution. 100.0 1.9 4.6 0.8 Per cent of total 3.5 1.7 4.5 2.5 Average per opera- tor... Pesos... 85 8 24 12 600 9 50 335 0.9 0.5 3.0 0.9 0.3 1.7 6 48 Area of the fish ponds.. Hectares 591.80 13.78 9.94 4.45 14.88 32.01 29.60 7.92 Average per opera- tor... Hectares. 4.55 0.53 0.47 0.64 1.35 3.56 4.23 1.98 - Assessed value-to- tal.. Pesos... 242,418 6,569 6,007 2,092 9,509 17,440 15,518 4,080 Average per opera- tor... Average per hec- tare... Pesos... 1,865 253 286 299 864 1,938 2,217 1,020 - Pesos... 410 477 604 470 639 545 524 515 Value of catch Item P700 to 1'800 to 1'799 1'899 P900 to 1999 P1,000 to 1'1,499 P1,500 to 1'1,999 T2,000 to 1'4,999 P5,009 and over Assets, total Pesos.. 2,549 694 12,585 35,192 36,821 104,683 45,750 Per cent distribution 0.8 0.2 4.0 11.1 11.6 32.9 14.4 Average per operator.. Pesos. 637 694 2,517 2,707 7,364 8,053 11,438 and Fish ponds, land buildings Pesos 1,958 600 11,050 27,693 33,671 82,100 27,245 Per cent distribution. 0.8 0.2 4.4 11.1 13.5 32.8 10.9 Per cent of total 76.8 86.5 87.8 78.7 91.4 78.4 59.6 Average per operator. Pesos 490 600 2,210 2,130 6,734 6,315 6,811 Average per hectare... Pesos.. 7.12 3.45 4.42 3.94 4.40 3.30 5.05 Equipment, bancas, nets Pesos 591 11 1,435 5,419 3,120 17,686 15,900 Per cent distribution. 1.0 (1) 2.5 9.4 5.4 30.8 27.7 Per cent of total 23.2 2.0 11.4 15.4 8.5 16.9 34.8 Average per operator... Pesos.. 148 14 287 417 624 1,360 3,975 Crsh and accounts and notes receiva- l'e Per cent distribution Per cent of total Pesos Average per operator. Area of fish ponds Average per operator. Assessed value-total.. Average per operator.. Average per hectare.. Pesos.. 8008 100 2,080 30 4,897 2,605 0.7 0.9 18.8 0.3 44.2 23.5 11.5 0.8 5.9 0.1 4.7 5.7 20 160 6 377 651 Hectares 2.75 1.74 Hectares 0.69 1.74 25.00 5.00 70.30 76.50 249.00 53.93 5.41 15.30 19.15 13.48 Pesos... 1,958 600 10,600 25,050 33,650 82,100 27.245 Pesos. 490 600 2,120 Pesos.. 712 345 424 1,927 356 6,730 440 6,315 330 6,811 505 506 TABLE 3.-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING-ASSETS AND AREA OF FISH PONDS, BY FORM O FOWNERSHIP: 1938 Item Fish ponds combined with other kinds of fishing Fish ponds and other kinds of fishing owned by- Operator citizers of- Individual Partnerships Associations Philippines Partnerships, associations, and corpora- tions Assets, total Pesos.. 318,465 304,887 8,068 5,510 304,887 13,578 Per cent distribution. 100.0 95.7 2.5 1.7 95.7 4.3 Average per operator.. Pesos.. 2,450 2,541 1,009 2,755 2,541 1,358 Fish ponds, land, and buildings... Pesos... 250,037 241,363 6,424 2,250 241,363 8,674 Per cent distribution. 100.0 96.5 2.6 0.9 96.5 3.5 Per cent of total ... 78.5 79.2 79.6 40.8 79.2 63.9 Average per operater.. Average per hectare.. Equipment bancas, nets Per cent distribution.. Pesos.. 1,923 2,011 803 1,125 2,011 867 Pesos... 4 23 4 12 12 21 16-92 4 12 18 16 Pesos... 57,356 52,577 1,519 3,260 52,577 4,779 100.0 91.7 2.6 5.7 91.7 8.3 Per cent of total 18.0 17.2 18.8 59.2 17.2 35.2 Average per operator.. Pesos... 441 438 190 1,630 438 478 Cash and accounts and notes receivable Pesos... 11,072 10,947 125 10,947 125 Per cent distribution 100.0 98.9 1.1 98.9 1.1 Per cent of total 3.5 3.6 1.5 3.6 0.9 Average per operator... Pesos... 85 91 16 91 13 Area of fish ponds... Hectares. Average per operator.. Hectares. 591.80 4.55 585.21 4.88 · 5.26 1.33 585.21 6.59 0.66 0.67 4.88 0.66 Assessed value-total Pesos... 242,418 Average per operator... Pesos... Average per hectare... 1,865 410 234,744 1,956 401 6,424 803 1,221 1,250 234,744 7,674 625 1,956 767 940 401 1,164 Pesos... TABLE 4.-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING-ASSETS AND AREA OF FISH PONDS, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 All fish ponds com- Year established Item bined with 1935 to other kinds 1938 1980 to 1934 of.fishing 1925 to 1929 1920 to 1924 1915 to 1919 1910 to Prior to 1914 1910 Years not reported Per cent distribution.. buildings.. 6 Assets, total..... Pesos....318,465 Average per operator. Pesos... 2,450 Fish ponds, land, and Per cent distribution Per cent of total.. 88,757 100.0 27.9 1,888 82,885 26.0 3,454 25,625 8.0 1,349 27,885 8.8 3,098 28,875 7.5 1,837 21,045 6.6 7,015 82,563 15,830 10.2 5.0 2,505 7,915 Pesos....250,087 60,183 64,112 22,796 24,230 19,821 18,200 25,855 15,840 100.0 24.1 25.6 9.1 9.7 7.7 7.8 10.8 6.1 78.5 67.8 77.4 89.0 86.9 80.9 Average per ope- rator... 86.5 79.4 96.9 Pesos... 1,923 1,280 2,671 1,200 2,692 Average per hec- 1,486 6,067 1,989 7,670 tare.. Pesos... 4.23 550 5.01 2.42 4.13 5.18 9.84 4.15 1.84 Cash and accounts and notes receivable Pesos....11,072 Per cent distribution... 8,615 4,586 261 1,015 200 1,180 215 100.0 32 6 41.4 2.4 9.2 Per cent of total... 1.8 10.7 1.9 3.5 4.1 5.5 1.0 3.6 Average per ope- 0.8 5.6 0.7 rator... Pesos.... 85 77 191 14 113 15 393 17 Area of fish ponds.... Hectares. 591.80 109.33 128.07 94.08 58.70 Average per ope- 37.31 18.50 62.31 83.50 rator... Hectares. 4.55 2.33 5.34 4.95 Assessed value- 6.52 2.87 6.17 4.79 41.75 total.. Pesos....242,418 Average per ope- rator.. Average per hec- tare.. Pesos... 1,865 Pesos... 410 57,717 1,228 528 61,612 2,567 481 22,596 24,200 18,448 17,200 25,305 15,340 1,189 240 2,689 1,419 5,733 1,947 7,670 412 494 930 406 184 Equipments, bancas, nets, etc.... Pesos....57,356 Per cent distribution. Per cent of total... Average per ope- ator.. 100.0 24,959 43.5 14,187 24.7 2,518 2,640 4,354 1,665 6,493 490 4.5 4.6 18.0 8 27.1 7.6 2.9 11.8 0.9 17.1 10.0 9.5 18.2 7.9 19.9 8.1 Pesos.. 441 531 591 135 293 335 566 499 245 507 TABLE 5-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISHES PRODUCED, EY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938. Item All fish ponds combined with other kinds of fishing Size of total assots Under P100 P100 to P499 P500 to T999 P1,000 to P2,499 Number of operators... 130 13 40 18 29 Per cent distribution.... 100.0 10.0 30.8 13.8 22.3 Number of employees total Persons. 1,174 33 141 1 111 214 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 2.8 12.0 9.5 18.2 Average per operator.. Persons. 9.0 2.5 3.5 6.2 7.4 Proprietors, and other not paid salaries and wages. Persons. 1,045 33 131 107 192 Per cent ditribution... 100.0 3.2 12.5 10.2 18.4 Per cent of total employees. 89.0 100.0 92.9 96.4 89.7 Average per operator... Persons. 8.0 2.5 3.3 5.9 6.6 Per cent idstribution.. Superintendents, caretakers. Per cent of total employees.. Average per operator... Other employees.. Per cent distribution. Per cent of total employees.. Average per operator. Persons. 30 1 2 11 100.0 3.3 6.7 36.7 2.6 0.7 1.8 5.1 Persons. 0.2 € 0.1 0.4 Persons. 99 9 2 11 100.0 9.1 2.0 11.1 8.4 6.4 1.8 5.1 Persons. 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.4 Salaries and wages paid in 1938 total . Pesos... 13,633 284 158 1,816 Per cent distribution.... 100.0 2.1 1.2 13.8 Average per operator.. Pesos. 105 71 88 63 Superintendents, caretakers. Pesos.. 4,546 48 108 1.280 Per cent distribution.... 100.0 1.1 2.4 28.2 Per cent of total salaries and wages.. 33.3 16.9 68.4 70.5 Average per employees... Pesos... 152 48 54 116 Other employees...... Pesos... 9,087 236 50 6:6 Per cent distribution. 100.0 2.6 0.6 5.9 Per cent of total salaries and wages. 66.7 83.1 31.6 29.5 Average per employee.... Pesos... 92 26 25 49 Production of fishes and others, total value.. Pesos... 139,540 740 10,423 8,664 34,632 Per cent distribution. 100.0 0.5 7.5 6.2 24.8 Average per operator. Pesos.. 1,073 57 261 481 1,194 Average per hectare of fish ponds.. Pesos... 108 750 191 222 220 Balgot Kilos.. 114,969 190 8,809 8,644 26.144 Value... Pesos... 56.776 95 3,692 4,275 12,779 Shrimps... Boxes... 707 11 53 85 90 Value. Pesos.. 4,576 77 856 389 718 Crabs... Boxes... 487 30 62 27 189 Value Pesos. 2,089 143 129 145 709 Gourami. Value.. Other fishes. Value... Kilos 565 5 Pesos... 282 2 Boxes... 76 18 3 88 Pesos.. 454 104 20 280 Anchovy... Boxes.. 5,284 67 44 1,824 Value.. Pesos... 8,622 330 201 2,200 Barracuda Kilos... 217 48 35 84 100 Value. Pesos.. 108 24 17 17 50 Bonito, skipjack, etc.. Kilos... 15,970 70 420 Value.. Pesos.. 4,985 35 210 Caesio... Boxes... 52 7 1 19 Value.. Pesos... 231 31 5 95 Cavallas... Kilos.. 15,826 Value. Chub mackerel. Value.... Pesos.. 4,913 376 72 208 18 68 104 9 34 Boxes... 1,287 128 2 3 Pesos.. 6,264 467 10 15 Crabs.. Boxes... 801 18 362 53 342 Value. Pesos... 2.704 93 1,806 185 508 Grouper. Kilos. 2,269 109 130 1,362 Value... Pesos.. 708 Herrings and sardines. Value.... Boxes... Pesos... 3,218 ཁཱས 53 65 276 2 24 56 16,089 10 120 280 Lizard fish.. Value.. Pesos. Mullet... Boxes... 159 25 Value... Nemipterid. Value... Pesos.. 741 70 Boxes... 71 Pesos... 354 2014 19 91 91 455 70 8.50 Red snapper. Kilos.. 100 100 Value.. Pesos... 50 50 Swordfish. Kilos... 424 18 406 Value... Pesos.. 213 10 203 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes... 225 46 7 167 Value.... Pesos.. 1,120 230 32 835 Shrimps.. Boxes... 994 Value.. Pesos.. 3,685 386 10 89 99 818 82 429 491 857 Spanish mackerel. Kilos. 2,060 75 80 100 Value.... Pesos... 1,054 39 40 50 Squids.. Value.. Cat fishes. Value... Boxes.. 97 14 11 88 Pesos.. 442 27 51 22 Boxes... 118 58 Pesos.. 591 291 Dalag, hito. Value. Other fishes.. Value... Value.. Boxes... 125 31 39 16 8 Pesos... 425 118 115 48 14 Boxes... 6,181 11 616 898 8,278 Pesos... 21,954 50 2,360 2,435 18,181 Turbo Mother pearl, etc.. Kilos. 183 120 63 Pesos... 110 72 38 508 TABLE 5.-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISHES PRODUCED, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938. Cont. Size of total assets Item P2,500 to P5,000 to P4,999 19,999 P10,000 to P14,999 15,000 to P24,999 P25,000 and over Number of operators. Per cent distribution.... 15 6 4 3 2 11.5 4.6 8.1 2.3 1.5 Number of employees total...... .. Persons. 122 59 101 285 100 Per cent distribution... 10.4 5.0 8.6 24.3 9.2 Average per operator. Persons. 8.1 9.8 25.3 95.0 54.0 Proprietors, and others not paid salaries and wages.... Persons. 118 54 18 272 90 Per cent distribution... 11.3 5.2 4.6 26.0 8.6 Per cent of total employees. 96.7 91.5 47.5 95.4 83.8 Average per operator.. Superintendents, caretakers.. Per cent distribution... Per cent of total employees. Average per operator... Other employees... Per cent distribution Persons. 7.9 9.0 12.0 90.7 45.0 Persons. 2 8 6 8 2 6.7 10.0 20.0 10.0 6.7 1.6 5.1 5.9 1.1 1.9 Persons. 0.1 0.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 Persons. 2 2 47 10 16 2.0 2.0 47.5 10.1 16.2 Per cent of total employees. 1.6 8.4 46.5 8.5 14.8 Average per operator... Persons 0.1 0.3 11.8 8.3 8.0 Salaries and wages paid in 1938 total.. Pesos... 404 325 3,988 2,520 4,138 Per cent distribution..... 3.0 2.4 29.3 18.5 30.4 Average per operator. Pesos.. 27 54 997 840 2,069 Superintendents, caretakers. Pesos.. 300 240 770 1,080 720 Per cent distribution.... 6.6 5.3 16.9 23.8 15.8 Per cent of total salaries and wages. 74.8 73.8 19.3 42.9 17.4 Average per employees.. Pesos. 150 80 128 860 860 Other employees. Pesos.. 104 85 3.218 1,440 8,418 Per cent distribution.. 1.1 0.9 85.4 15.8 37.6 Per cent of total salaries and wages.. 25.7 26.2 80 7 57.1 82.6 Average per employees.. Pesos. 52 43 68 144 214 Production of fishes and others total value.. Pesos... 17,274 24,755 20,443 12,965 10,544 Per cent distribution... Average per operator. Average per hectare of fish ponds. Battyes Value. Shrimps Value. Crabs... Value.. 17.7 14.7 Pesos.. Pesos... 99 Kilos.. 20,426 Pesos.. 10,558 4,126 100 18,124 9,062 5,111 74 18,400 8.6 4,022 104 10,212 7.6 5,272 25 4,020 6,400 8,113 1,807 Boxes. 188 53 46 213 18 Pesos... 1,284 160 845 1,257 90 Boxes 60 4 91 24 Pesos.. 430 10 408 120 Gourami. Value. Other fishes. Kilos. 560 Pesos.. 280 Boxes... 17 Value. Pesos... 100 Anchovy. Boxes.. 1,200 1,899 Value.. Pesos.. 2,800 2,091 40 160 200 800 Barracuda. Kilos.. Value. Pesos.. Bonito, skipjack, etc.. Kilos Value..... Pesos.. 15,480 4,740 Caesio. Boxes... 25 Value. Pesos... 100 Cavallas.. Value. Chub mackerel. Kilos.. 460 15,000 Pesos... 230 4,500 Boxes. 174 900 30 Value..... Pesos.. 872 4,500 150 50 250 Crabs.. Boxes... 17 1 8 Value. Pesos.. 70 2 40 Grouper.. Pesos.. 40 220 168 240 Value.. Pesos.. 20 90 84 120 Herrings and sardines. Boxes. 216 Value... Pesos.. 1,082 1,400 7,000 1,520 7,597 Lizard fish. Value. Pesos.. Mullet... Value. Nemipterid. Vilue. Red snapper. Boxes... 5 Pesos.. 80 2 10 17 85 Boxes.. Pesos.. Kilos. Value.. Pesos.. Sword dah. Kilos.. Value... Pesos.. Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes... 1 Value.... Pesos.. 8 Shrimps... Boxes... 23 Value. Pesos.. 102 20 255 1,274 200 500 Spanish mackerel. Kilos.. Value. Pesos.. 800 400 1.005 526 Squids. Value. Boxes... Pesos... Cat fishes.. Value. Dalag, hito. Boxes. Pesos.. 889880 18 1 66 40 20 200 100 Boxes. 2 84 Value. Other fishes. Value.. Pesos... 10 120 Boxes... 691 825 78 294 Pesos.. 1,486 1,620 292 580 Turbo mother pearls, etc Kilos.. Pesos.. Less than 0.1 Per Sen 509 TABLE 6-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING-NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISHES PRODUCED, BY VALUE OF CATCH: 1938. All fish ponds com- Value of catch Item bined with other kinds Under P100 of fishing P100 to P199 P200 to $299 P300 to P399 P400 to P499 P500 to P600 to P599 P699 Number of operators.. 130 26 21 7 11 7 Per cent distribution... 100.0 20.0 16.2 5.4 8.5 6.9 5.4 1.1 3.1 Number of employees total.... Persons. 1.174 74 106 52 46 43 31 16 Per cent distribution... 100.0 6.3 9.0 4.4 3.9 8.7 2.6 1.4 Average per operator.. Persons. 9.0 2.8 5.0 4.2 4.8 4.4 4.0 Peptors, and other not paid salaries and wages... Persons. Per cent distribution... 1,045 73 100 51 43 87 27 16 100.0 7.0 9.6 4.9 4.1 8.5 2.6 1.5 Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total employees.. Average pe: operator.... Persons. Superintendents, caretakers.. Persons. Per cent distribution... Per cent of total employees. Average per operator.... Persons. Other employees... Per cent distribution.. Per cent of total employees.. Average per operator..... Persona Salaries and wages paid in 1938 total........ Pesos... 13,633 Per cent distribution...... Average per operator..... Pesos.. Superintendents, caretakers.. Pesos. Per cent distribtuion... Per cent of totalfalaries and wages.. Average per employee... Pesos... Other employees.. Per cent of totalmalaries and wages Average per employee... Pesos Production of fishes and others total value..... Per cent distribution.... Average per operator...... Average per hectare of fish ponds.. 89.0 98.6 94.3 98.1 93.5 86.0 87.1 100.0 8.0 2.8 4.8 7.3 8.9 4.1 3.9 4.0 30 1 1 1 5 1 100.0 3.8 8.3 3.8 16.7 3.3 2.6 1.4 0.9 2.2 11.6 3.2 0.2 (1) (1) 0.1 0.6 0.1 Persons. 99 5 1 2 1 3 100.0 5.1 1.0 2.0 1.0 8.0 8.4 4.7 1.9 4.3 2.3 9,8 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 29 168 46 258 324 246 100.0 0.1 1.2 0.3 1.9 8.8 1.8 105 1 8 23 58 35 4,546 20 28 120 500 180 100.0 0.4 0.6 2.6 11.0 4.0 33.8 100.0 16.7 46.5 95.4 73.2 152 20 28 120 100 180 Pesos... 9,087 140 46 138 24 66 100.0 1.5 0.5 1.5 0.8 66.7 83.3 100.0 53.5 4.6 92 28 46 69 24 2.7 8 Pesos... 139,540 1,017 2,994 1,86-1 3,800 3,855 0.7 26.8 22 9,902 2.8 2,551 Pesos... 1,073 100.0 39 (6.7 2.V 1. 2. 143 266 345 428 557 1.8 640 Pesos... 108 49 140 231 130 59 86 258 Bangos. Kilos 114,969 766 2,509 *1,750 3,767 3,110 4,783 Value.. Pesos.. 56,776 386 1,028 875 1,561 1,555 2,203 4.089 2,044 Shrimps. Boxes... 707 22 27 51 26 19 41 Value. Pesos... 4,576 116 200 138 195 145 295 Crabs. Boxes... 437 37 17. 3 28 29 6 Value.... Pesos... 2,089 163 68 14 161 145 38 Gourami.... Kilos.. 565 5 Value.. Pesos 282 2 Other fishes. Boxes... 76 1 16 4 5 Value.. Pesos... 454 4 100 20 30 Anchovy. Boxes... 5,234 13 34 35 15 55 Value... Pesos... 8,622 60 165 155 75 240 Barracuda.. Kilos.. 217 Value.. Pesos... 108 84 8 12 64 113 20 6 32 56 10 Bonito, skipjack, etc... Kilos.. 15,970 20 70 Value.... Pesos.. 4,985 10 35 Caesio... Boxes.. 52 27 5 1 8 Value. Pesos.. 231 106 25 5 15 Cavalls... Kilos. 15,826 8 268 108 14 Value.. Pesos.. 4,913 134 54 7 5884 Chub mackerel. Boxes... 1,287 68 2 Value... Pesos.. 6,264 167 10 300 Crabs... Boxes... 801 20 3 2 3 96 Value.. Pesos.. 2,704 97 14 12 9 480 88*20 60 4 3 20 15 Grouper. Kilos.. 2,269 105 64 222 Value. Pesos.. 708 Value.. Herrings and sardines. Lizard fish.. Value. Mullet... Value. Nemipterid.. Value.. Red snapper. Value.. Boxes... Pesos. 3,218 16,089 ・Boxes. Pesos.. Boxes... 159 15 Pesos. 741 1*15 51 32 111 7 J 6 1 18 36 35 30 5 90 180 3 6 22 10 18 68 Boxes... 71 1 Pesos... 854 4 0828 18 10 90 50 4 10 20 Kilos... 100 100 Pesos... 50 50 Sword fish.. Kilos.. 424 Value. Pesos... 213 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes... 225 Value.... Shrimps... Pesos... 1,120 Boxes.. 994 Value.. Pesos... 3,685 40 163530 8 6 5 3 1 6 2 39 2 32 6 195 30 6 3 51 71 24 8 246 303 6885 9 45 88 20 7 85 Spanish mackerel. Kilos.. 2,060 75 100 Value.... Pesos... 1,054 39 50 Squids... Value.. Cat fishes.. Value. Dalag, hito. Boxes... 97 14 1 Pesos... 442 33 5 22 8 1 40 5 Boxes... 118 26 Pesos... 591 131 Boxes... 125 30 12 23 22 Value. Other fishes. Value.. Value... Pesos... 425 72 50 110 53 Boxes... 6,181 30 417 58 354 117 104 90 Pesos... 21,954 104 818 221 1,124 567 340 487 Turbo mother pearls, etc. Kilos... 183 50 120 Pesos.. 110 30 72 510 TABLE 6-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING-NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISHES PRODUCED, BY VALUE OF CATCH: 1938--Continued Value of catch Item P700 to P799 P800 to P899 P900 to P999 P1,000 to P1,500 to P2,000 to P1,499 P1,999 P4,999 P3,000 and over Number of operators. Per cent distribution.... 4 1 5 18 5 13 3.1 0.8 3.8 10.0 3.8 10.0 3.1 Number of employees total...... Persons. 12 13 28 66 52 203 432 Per cent distribution.. 1.0 1.1 2.4 5.6 4.4 17.8 36.8 Average per operator. Persons. 8.0 13.0 5.6 5.1 10.4 15.6 108.0 Proprietors, and others not paid salaries and wages.. Persons 12 12 28 61 48. 136 401 Per cent distribution... 1.1 1.1 2.7 5.8 4.6 13.0 88.4 Per cent of total employees. 100.0 92.3 100.0 92.4 92.8 67.0 92.8 Average per operator... Persons. 3.0 12.0 5.6 4.7 9.6 10.5 100.3 Superintendents, caretakers. Persons. 1 3 15 2 Per cent distribution. 3.8 10.0 50.0 6.7 Per cent of total employees. 7.7 4.5 7.4 0.5 Average per operator. Persons. 1.0 0.2 1.2 0.5 Other employees.... Persons 2 4 52 29 Per cent distribution.. 2.0 4.0 52.5 29.8 Per cent of total employees.. 3.0 7.7 25. 6.7 Average per operator... Persons. 0.2 0.8 4.0 7.3 Salaries and wages paid in 1938 total... Pesos.. 36 353 574 4,257 7,151 Per cent distribution.. Average per operator... Pesos.. Superintendents, caretakers. Pesos.. Per cent distribution... Per cent of total salaries and wages. Average per employees. Pesos.. 888888 0.3 2.6 4.2 31.2 27 115 327 36 ด 62.8 1,788 252 820 2,540 0.8 5.5 100.0 71.4 19.1 20.4 55.9 35.5 36 84 55 1,270 Other employees... Pesos.. 101 574 3,387 4,611 Per cent distribution. 1.1 6.3 37.3 :0.7 Per cent of total salaries and wages. 28.6 100.0 79.6 64.5 Average per employees... Pesos.... 51 44 65 189 Production of fishes and others, total value. Pésos.... 2,906 870 4,785 15,957 8,527 36,757 49.745 Per cent distribution... 2.5 0.6 Average per operator... Pesos.. 727 870 Average per hectare of fish ponds.. Pcsos... 581 207 957 110 1.227 153 1,705 24 2,827 12,436 $9 Bangus.. 35. 198 Kitos 3.560 720 4,888 19,370 3,370 Value. Pesos.. 1,500 360 2,194 10,085 1,290 42,387 21,595 19,80 10,100 Crabs... Shrimps. Value. Value.. Gourami.. Value. Other fishes.. Value. Boxes... 8 67 91 56 246 E-3 Pesos.. 57 430 435 340 2,048 177 Boxes... 8 80 32 1 166 80 Pesos.. 42 120 117 1 820 400 Kilos.. 560 Pesos.. 280 Boxes... 16 34 Pesos.. 100 200 Anchovy.. Boxes... 19 840 1,884 2,291 48 Value. Pesos.. 96 920 2,620 4,051 240 Barracuda. Kilos... Value. Pesos... Bonito, skipjack, etc.. Kilos.. 400 Value.. Pesos... 200 Caesio.. Boxes.. Value. Pesos.. 30 16 80 Cavallas. Kilos.. 400 20 15,000 Value.. Chub mackerel. Pesos... 200 10 4,500 Boxes... 3 50 30 1,074 Value. Pesos... 15 250 150 5,872 Crabs.. Boxes... 83 17 437 140 37 6 Value. Pesos... 105 70 970 700 182 30 Grouper. Kilos.. 20 1,850 300 208 Value. Pesos.. 10 270 150 84 Herrings and sardines. Boxes... 130 3.020 Value... Pesos... 652 15,097 Lizard fish.. Value... Pesos.. Mullet... Boxes... 4 4 87 3 Value Pesos.. 20 20 440 15 Nemipterid. Value. Red snapper. Boxes... 64 Pesos... 320 Kilos.. Value... Pesos... Sword fish. Kilos... 400 Value Pesos... 200 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes... 10 150 Value.... Pesos... 50 750 Shrimps... Boxes.. Value.. Pesos... 230 Spanish mackerel. Kilos... .80 Value... Pesos... Squids.. Boxes... Value. Cafishes. Value. Dalag, hito. Pesos... 488888 46 2 10 277 28 280 20 251 1 700 140 650 1,254 1,005 800 40 525 400 1 12 57 1 5 60 286 6 Boxes.. 20 12 60 Pesos.. 100 60 300 Boxes... 2 34 2 Value.. Pesos.. 10 120 10 Other fishes Boxes... 460 107 159 918 Value. Pesos.. 793 430 746 2,288 951 2,906 955 3,880 1,460 7,300 Turbo mother pearl, etc. Kilos.. 13 Vatue... Pesos... 8 511 TABLE 7-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISHES PRODUCED, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, BY CITIZENSHIP OF OPERATOR: 1938. Item All fish ponds combined with other kinds of fishing Fish ponds owned by- Operator citizens of Individuals Partnerships Associations Philippines Partnerships associations and corpora- tions Number of operators.... Per cent distribution.. 180 120 8 2 120 10 100.0 92.8 6.2 1.5 92.3 7.7 Number of employees, total... Persons. 1,174 1.082 58 34 1.082. 92 Per cant distribution.... 100.0 92.2 4.9 2.9 92.2 7.8 Average per operator. Persons. 9.0 9.0 7.8 17.0 9.0 9.2 Proprietors, operators, and others not paid salaries and wages.. Persons 1,045 955 56 34 955 90 Per cent distribution 100.0 91.4 5.4 3.3 91.4 Per cent of total employees.. 89.0 88.3 96.6 100.0 88.3 Average per operator 8.0 8.0 7.0 17.0 8.0 # 8.6 97.8 9.0 Superintendents, caretakers. Persons. 30 30 80 Per cent distribution.. 100.0 100.0 100.0 Per cent of total employees. 2.6 2.8 2.8 Average per operator. Persons 0.2 0.8 0.8 Other employees. Persons. 99 97 2 97 2 Per cent distribution. 100.0 98.0 2.0 98.0 2.0 Per cent of total employees, 8.4 9.0 8.4 9.0 2.2 Average per operator... Persons. 0.8 0.8 0.3 0.8 0.2 Salariesand wages paid total.... ... Pesos... 13,633 13,529 104 13.529 104 Per cent distribution. 100.0 99.2 0.8 99.2 0.8 Average per operator.. Pesos... 105 113 13 113 10 Supermtendents, caretakers. Pesos.. 4,546 4,546 4,546 Per cent distribution. 100.0 100.0 100.0 Per cent of total salaries and wages 33.8 33.6 38.6 Average per employee. Pesos... 152 152 152 Other employees.. Pesos... 9,087 8,983 104 8,983 104 Per cent distribution. 100.0 98.9 1.1 98.9 1.1 Per cent of total salaries and wages.. Average per employee..... 66.7 66.4 100.0 66.4 100.0 Pesos 92 93 52 93 52.0 Production of fishes and others, total value... .. Pesos... 139,540 124,048 4,589 10,903 124,048 15,492 Per cent ditribution. 100.0 88.9 3.3 7.8 88.9 11.1 Average per operator. Pesos... 1,073 Average per heétare of fish ponds. Pesos... 108 Bangos Kilos... 114,969 1,034 106 111,719 574 5,452 1,034 1,549 849 64 106 291 3,110 140 111,719 8.250 Value. Pesos... Shrimps. Boxes... Value. Pesos... 56,776 707 4,576 55,451 1,255 70 55,451 1,325 586 120 1 586 121 4,071 500 5 4,071 505 Crabs.. Boxes... Value. Pesos... 437 2,089 428 12 2 423 14 2,000 79 10 2,000 89 Caurami. Kilos... 565 565 565 Value. Pesos... 282 282 282 Other fishes. Boxes... 76 76 76 Value.. Pesos... 454 454 454 Anchovy. Boxes... 5,234 5,165 69 5,165 69 Value. Pesos... 8,622 8,362 260 8,362 260 Barracuda. Kilos... 217 157 60 157 60 Value. Pesos... 108 78 30 78 30 Bonito, skipjack, etc.. Kilos... 15,970 570 400 15,000 570 15,400 Value.. Pesos... 4,985 285 200 4,500 285 4,700 Caesio Boxes... 52 36 16 36 16 Value. Pesos... 231 151 80 151 80 Cavallas. Kilos... 15,826 552 174 15,100 552 15,274 Value. Chub Mackerel. Pesos... 4,913 276 87 4,550 276 4,637 Boxes... 1,287 1,259. 4 24 1,259 28 Value.... Pesos... 6,264 6,125 17 122 6,125 139 Crabs.. Boxes... 801 801 801 Value. Pesos... 2,704 Grouper... Kilos... 2,269 2,704 2,069 2,704 200 Value. Pesos.. 708 Herrings and sardines. Boxes... 8,218 Value... Pesos... 16,089 628 3,212 16,059 88880 2,069 200 6 628 3,212 16,059 888880 6 Mullet. Boxes... 159 159 159 Value. Pesos... 741 741 741 Nemipterid. Value. Red snapper. Boxes... 71 71 71 Pesos... 354 354 354 Kilos... 100 100 100 Value. Pesos... 50 50 50 Sword fish.. Kilos... 424 418 6 418 6 Value.. Pesos... 213 210 8 210 3 Siganid and surgeon fish. Boxes... 225 225 225 Value.... Pesos... 1,120 1,120 1,120 Shrimps.. Boxes... 994 Value... Pesos... 3,685 992 3,681 Spanish meckerel. Kilos... 2,060 1,900 100 Value.... Pesos... 1,054 974 88N 2 992 2 4 8,681 50 Squids. Boxes... 97 95 1 Value. Cat fishes. Value... Dalag, hito.. Pesos... 442 431 8808 60 1,900 160 30 974 80 1 95 2 6 431 11 Boxes... 118 118 118 Pesos... 591 591 591 Boxes... 125 103 Value. Pesos... 425 320 20 95 2 103 22 10 820 106 Other fishes.. Boxes... 6,181 5,401 453 327 5.401 780 Value.. Pesos.. 21,954 18,642 1,712 1,600 18,642 3,812 Turbo, mother pearl.. Kilos... 183 18 170 13 170 Value... Pesos... 110 8 102 8 102 512 TABLE & FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISHES PRODUCED, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938. All fish Year established- ponds com- Item bined with other kinds 1935 to 1930 to 1938 1925 to 1934 1929 1920 to 1924 1915 to 1919 1910 to Prior to Year no 1914 of fishing 1910 reported Number of operators... Per cent distri- bution..... 130 47 24 19 9 13 3 13 2 100.0 36.2 18.5 14.6 6.9 10.0 2.8 10.0 1.5 Number of emplo- yees total... Persons. 1,174 384 444 121 22 99 22 77 14 Per cent distri- bution.... 100.0 32.7 37.8 10.3 1.9 7.7 1.9 6.6 1.2 Average per operator..... Persons. 9.0 8.2 18.5 6.4 2.4 6.9 7.8 5.9 7.0 Proprietors, and not paid sala- ries and wages.. Persons. 1,045 847 893 118 15 87 22 62 1 Per cent dis- tribution. Per cent of 100.0 33.2 37.6 11.3 1.4 8.3 2.1 5.9 0.1 total em- ployees... 89.0 90.4 88.5 97.5 68.2 96.7 100.0 80.5 7.1 Average per operator... Persons. 8.0 7.4 16.4 6.2 1.7 6.7 7.8 4.8 0.5 Superintendents, caretakers..... Persons. Per cent dis- tribution.. 33080 16 8 7 1 1 2 100.0 53.3 10.0 23.8 8.8 8.8 6.7 Per cent of total em- ployees.. 2.6 4.2 0.7 31.8 1.1 1.8 14.3 Average per operator... Persons. 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.1 1.0 Other employees.. Persons. 99 21 48 3 2 14 11 Per cent dis- tribution... 100.0 21.2 48.5 3.0 2.0 14.1 11.1 Per cent of total em- ployees... 8.4 5.5 10.8 2.5 2.2 18.2 78.6 Average per operator... Persons 0.8 0.4 2.0 0.2 0.2 1.1 5.5 Salaries and wages paid in 1938 total.. Pesos... 13,633 5,478 3,912 115 920 108 1,300 1,800 Per cent distri- bution...... 100.0 40.2 28.7 0.8 6.7 0.8 9.5 18.2 Average per operator..... Pesos... 105 117 163 6 102 8 100 900 Superintendents, caretakers..... Pesos... 4,546 2,320 478 920 72 36 720 Per cent dis- 100.0 51.0 10.5 20.2 1.6 0.8 15.8 tribution. Per cent of total sala- ries and wages.... 33.3 42.4 12.2 100.0 66.7 2.8 40.0 Average per employee.. Pesos... 152 145 159 181 Other employees.. Pesos... 9,087 3,158 3,434 115 338 72 86 360 36 1,264 1,080 Per cent dis- tribution. Per cent of total sala- 100.0 84.8 37.8 1.8 0.4 13.9 11.9 ries and wages.... 66.7 57.6 87.8 100.0 33.3 97.2 60.0 Average per employee.. Pesos... 92 150 71 88 18 90 98 513 TABLE & FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISHES PRODUCED, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938. Cont All fish Year established- Item ponds com- bined with other kinds 1935 to 1980 to 1938 1984 1925 to 1929 1920 to 1924 1915 to 1910 to 1919 of fishing 1914 Prior to 1910 Year nost reported Production of stres and others, total value..... Pesos... 139,540 42,107 35,238 10,200 7,553 10,936 6,451 23,900 3,155 Per cent dis- tribution. 100.0 30.2 25.3 7.3 5.4 7.8 4.6 17.1 2.3 Average per operator..... Pesos... 1,073 896 1,468 537 839 841 2,150 1,838 1,578 Average per hectare of fish ponds.. Pesos... 108 176 91 62 87 Bangos... Kilos... 114,969 35,377 20,734 11,093 9,800 217 11,764 249 125 23 8,800 14,201 3,200 Value. Pesos.. 56,776 17,598 10,044 4,868 4,900 6,361 4,400 7,105 1,500 Shrimps... Boxes... 707 187 21 192 23 173 28 80 53 Value... Pesos... 4,576 848 905 616 158 1,221 211 217 400 Crabs... Boxes... 437 156 50 44 7 77 103 Value... Pesos... 2,089 670 230 215 30 474 470 Gourami.... Kilos... 565 560 5 Value.. Other fishes.. Value... Anchovy...... Pesos.. 282 280 2 Boxes... 76 16 36 16 5 Pesos.. 454 100 204 100 80 Boxes... 5,284 2,696 177 1,881 400 40 Value... Pesos.... 8,622 8,366 880 1,976 2,000 200 2980 3 40 200 Barracuda. Kilos.. 217 55 Value. Pesos... 108 27 42 4 46 108 4 23 54 2 Bonito, skipjack, etc... Kilos... 15,970 900 70 Value. Pesos.. 4,985 450 35 15,000 4,500 Caesio.... Boxes.. 52 30 6 16 Value. Pesos... 231 121 30 80 Cavallas.. Kilos... 15,826 166 26 102 16 110 400 15,006 Value... Pesos... 4.913 83 13 51 8 55 200 4,503 Chub mackerel.... Boxes... 1,287 220 950 62 1 24 30 Value... Pesos... 6,264 930 4,750 310 2 122 150 Crabs... Boxes... 801 407 807 3 3 18 62 1 Value.. Pesos... 2,704 1,969 831 16 14 75 295 Grouper.. Kilos.. 2,269 21 1,630 210 180 20 208 Value... Pesos... 708 9 410 105 90 10 84 Herrings and sar- dines..... Boxes... 3,218 1,756 1,408 18 Value... Pesos... 16,089 8,779 7,040 90 180 868 36 Mullet.. Boxes... 159 Value. Pesos.. 741 Nemipterid. Boxes... 71 Value... Pesos... 354 100888888 6 26 14 4 91 68 80 100 68 20 20 455 6 1 64 30 4 820 Red snapper.. Kilos.. 100 100 Value.. Pesos... 50 50 Sword-fish... Kilos.. 424 6 8 10 400 Value... Pesos.. 213 3 5 200 Siganid and sur- geon fish..... Boxes... 225 50 3 10 Value. Pesos.. 1,120 248 15 52 13 161 802 Shrimps... Boxes... 994 133 453 7 4 218 135 Value. Pesos.. 3,685 655 1,570 27 8 580 625 44 220 Spanish mackerel. Kilos... 2,060 815 100 Value..... Pesos.. 1,051 409 50 88 60 80 1,005 30 40 $25 Squids Boxes... 97 Value.. Pesos.. 442 288 3 8 1 57 16 40 5 286 Cat-fishes... Roxes... 118 29 20 69 Value. Pesos. 591 145 100 846 Dalag, hito.. Boxes... 125 41 36 25 8 4 Value. Pesos.. 425 159 120 63 15 20 Other fishes...... Boxes... 6,181 1,451 2,347 338 56 455 615 894 Valce. Pesos.. 21,954 5,421 8,146 1,348 216 2,009 910 8,816 8888 16 48 25 Turbo, mother pearl. etc....... Kilos.. 183 Value. Pesos.. 110 1220 72 88 50 13 80 8 514 TABLE FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING TOTAL ASSETS, AREA, AND ASSESSED VALUE OF FISHPONDS, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Assessed value of fishponds PHILIPPINES.. Albay... Antique. Bataan. Batangas. Bulacan. Capis Cavite. Cabu.. Ilocos Sur Пoilo... Laye.. Mindoro.. Negros Occidental. Pangasinan. Risal.. Tayabas. All other provinces. Province Number of Total amets operators (Pesos) Area of fishponds (Hestares) Total (Pesos) Average per Average per operator hectare (Pesos) (Pesos) 139 318,465 59,180 243,418 1,872 15 18 14 14848 1848 HD 224 8,970 660 2,200 783 2,462 692 2,230 558 11,028 1,070 4.700 1,567 15,409 1,796 12,245 816 28,879 8,250 27,800 3,413 14,428 2,880 18,900 8,475 9,752 511 6,488 805 4,548 600 4,200 1,050 11,985 916 8,688 378 140,298 88,110 118,893 6,605 6 186 24 120 20 6,343 825 4,600 5 89,404 8,448 19,440 657 8,888 17,405 690 8,782 18 420 959 88 490 245 18 8,180 8,558 140 800 400 498 8,754 989 COME GO LE BL 18 7 Province Number of fish pond operators and others 1988 Total (Persons) TABLE 10-FISHPONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING NUMBER OF OPERATORS, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY PROVINCES: 1988 Number of employees in 1988 Proprietors, Superintend- Salaries paid in 1938 not paid salaries (Persons) ents care- takers (Persons) Other employees (Persons) Total (Pesos) Superin- tendents enre- takers Other employees (Pesos) (Pesos) PHILIPPINES.. Albay... 130 Antique.. Bataan.. Batangas. Bulacan. Capiz..... Cavite. Cebu... Ilocos Sur Iloilo.... Leyte. Mindoro... Negros Occidental. Pangasinan.. Rizal.. Tayabas.. All other Provinces. 28 1 BIRU CH480 CFULL 24 1,174 1,045 30 99 13,633 4,546 9,087 8 56 49 7 1,100 1,100 4 21 21 8 9 9 15 66 68 488 488 8 18 18 19 15 692 692 19 18 1 800 800 85 88 109 107 1 18 202 118 11 21883 127 127 140 36 104 78 6,788 1,410 5,328 6 9 9 7 887 886 1 60 60 5 117 102 4 11 8,814 900 2,914 14 97 95 1 2 11 10 11 1 64 48 16 1 86 86 16 16 88 81 2 74 515 TABLE 11-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING-NUMBER AND VALUE OF FISHING EQUIPMENT, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Fishing boats without engine Small boats, bancas, etc. Utase net (trawl, pukot) Province Total value of all equip Number of opera- Number ment (Pesos) tors re- of boats Value (Pesos) Number of opera- Number porting Number tors re- of boats porting Value (Pesos) of opera- tors re- Number Value of nets (Pesos) porting PHILIPPINES. 57,356 Albay... 650 Antique. 147 Bataan... 785 Batangas. 2,848 2121 12121 47 33,585 71 119 3,310 11 16 3,980 500 80 200 80 Bulacan. 457 Capis... Cavite. Cebu.... Ilocos Sur. 77 8,299 2 1,500 848 2,280 8 230 15 Dollo.. 28,187 11 20 17,990 12271 18881 1125 16867 10 2 2 100 18 20 75 142 2 2 180 145 693 14 Leyte.... 29 Mindoro... 1,001 Negros Occidental.. 18,885 2 5 9,875 Parasinan.. 8,224 5 1,080 200 74882 4 18 16 5 Tayabas.. 2,020 All other provinces. 8,469 11 1,800 400 12 12 30 15 70 210 610 5 8 1,100 42 500 1 3 2,400 505 93 10 170 1 200 Murni nets (trap, kulukutok, Salambao) Sapiao Nets Bating (gill net, taksay, panti) Province Number of Number of Number of Number PHILIPPINES.... operators reporting of nets Value (Pesos) operators reporting Number of nets Value (Pesos) operators reporting Number of nets Value (Pesos) 4 838 3 4 2,200 26 60 1,747 Albay. Antique. 1 Bataan.. Batangas. Bulacan. Capiz.... Cavite. Cobu... locos Sur Dollo.... Leyte... 128 Mindoro... Negros Occidental. Pangasinan.. Tayabas.. Other other provinces.. 1 800 650 800 60 1 600 8828 3 18 826 2 888 6 88 242 24 40 50 32 710 120 110 400 g 852 47 128 1 11 12 88 516 TABLE 11. FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING-NUMBER AND VALUE OF FISHING EQUIPMENT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Other nets (salap, daklis, etc. Lines (hapin) Baclad Province Number of operators Number of nets Value (Pesos) reporting Number of operators reporting Number of Lines Value (Pesos) Number of operators reporting Number of traps Value (Pesos) PHILIPPINES. Antique. Bataan... Batangas.. 77 161 4,981 13 32 45 25 50 6,503 Bulacan.. Capiz..... Cavite. Cebu.... Ilocos Sur. Iloilo..... Leyte.. Mindoro.. Negros Occidental.. Pangasinan.. Rizal.. Tayabas..... All other provinces.. 1366 22428 86282 4 24 49 12 19 14 11 1466 BUKAN BALL 12 97 810 5 140 2 6 10 5 140 2688 9966 8 158 2,088 112 8 62 5 34 5 11 5 198 1 1 ឆន 222 80 1,700 778 88 3 3 3 14 8 8 535 5 18 8 16 11 839 2 60 1 1 551 1 1 1 6 42 1 :988 12 440 58 60 10 2 1 8 2 12 2 11 180 2,580 Bobos Others Province Number of Number of operators Number of traps Value (Pesos) operators Number of traps etc. Value (Pesos) reporting reporting 3 24 42 43 125 PHILIPPINES... Albay -- Antique. Bataan.. Batangas. Bulacan. Capiz... Cavite. Cebu.... Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.... Leyte... Mindoro.. Negros Occidental. Pangasinan. Rizal. Tayabas..... All other provinces.. 1 1 7 (85) 28 20 28 10 45 517 TABLE 12-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Bañigos Shrimps Province Total value (Pesos) Number of operators reporting Number of Kilos Value (Pesos) operators Boxes Value (Pesos) reporting PHILIPPINES...... Albay.. Antique.. Bataan... Batangas. Julacan. Capls... 139,540 108 114,969 56,776 57 707 4,576 5,130 2,722 1,412 11,510 15 14,169 745 Cavite. Cebu... 5,889 locos Sur. Hallo.... Leyte.. Mindoro. Negros Occidental Pangasinan. 1,765 4,550 49,505 15 17 14267 28457 5,400 2,580 4,420 2,210 2,540 1,270 7,074 3.262 13,471 6,735 900 3,455 450 1.727 1 8 2,800 1,180 1 4,656 45,207 2,313 22.768 10 295 10,489 10,418 7,457 510 12 hyabas... other provinces. 607 12,917 7622 28 7,550 4,200 8,775 2,080 11,110 5,388 280 140 དྡྷཔྤཧྨ ཨཕནྡྷསྶ 2% 1186 LBL90 23192 4 25 1 6 145 760 189 1,155 4 25 9 52 5 30 9 50 804 1,988 7 42 18 87 10 88 196 27 150 954 475 952 478 Crabs Gourami Other fresh water fishes Province Number of Number of Kilos operators Bores Value (Pesos) reporting operators reporting Value (Pesos) Number of operators reporting Boxes Value (Pesos) PHILIPPINES. Albay... Antique. Bataan. Betangas. Bulacan. 49 437 2,089 2 565 282 7 76 454 1 7 97 42 Capis.. Cavite. Cabu.... 1 1 1272 77 8 197 Ilocos Sur. 11 16 Doilo.... 7 178 768 Leyte... 6 Mindoro.. 8 Negros Occidental. 1 ླམ་ 100 Pangasinan. Rinal.. 5 6 គវគវី គឺ៖ ឆ ៩៨ 12 6 4 27 136 1 365 182 2 45 298 200 100 20 Tayabas.. All other provinces. 200 518 TABLE 12.-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Bonito, skipjack, etc. Anchovy Barracuda Province Number of operators Boxes Value (Pesos) Number of operators Number of Kilos Value (Pesos) Value operators Kilos reporting reporting reporting (Pesos) Batangas.. Cebu. Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.... Mindoro. Negros Occidental.. Pangasinan.. Tayabas... All other provinces. PHILIPPINES. Antique.. Cavite. 18 5,238 8,622 12 217 108 5 15,970 4,985 8312629 7 270 8 113 56 56 2 470 235 434 2,136 50 250 17 80 8 60 30 4,598 5,591 1 480 240 19 95 1 8 40 200 5 36 18 1 20 10 1 15,000 4,500 Caesio Cavallas Province Number of operators Boxes Value (Pesos) reporting Number of operators reporting Value Kilos (Pesos) PHILIPPINES... Antique.. Batangas. Cavite.. Cebu... Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.... Mindoro.. Negros Occidental. Pangasinan... Tayabas... All other provinces. 6 52 231 19 15,826 4,913 2 17 85 18 6 3 112 56 1 2 6 51 1 5 25 1 25 100 1 3 15 622 5 5 574 287 20 10 64 32 42 21 15,008 4,504 519 TABLE 12-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued PHILIPPINES. Albay.... Antique.. Batangas.. Bulacan.. Chub Mackerel Crabs Grouper Province Number of operators Boxes reporting Value (Pesos) Number of operators reporting Boxes Value (Pesos) Number of operators Kilos reporting Value (Pesos) 11 1,287 6,264 32 801 2,704 13 2,269 708 1 10 50 2 5 25 161 28886 10 6 1,955 1 24 12 1 30 90 Capiz.... 1 160 80 Cavite... 1 57 115 1 800 300 2 1,355 271 Cebu.... Ilocos Sur.. 1 1 2 Iloilo... 5 1,190 5,950 Leyte.. 836 4000 166 10 47 5 368 184 17 85 Mindoro... 2 150 75 Negros Occidental. Pangasinan.. Tayabas.... 292 4 5 6 280 20 1 (¹) 1 All other provinces. 1 24 122 12 212 86 86 PHILIPPINES. Albay..... Antique.. Batangas. Bulacan.. Capiz... Cavite... Cebu.... Province Herrings and Sardine Mullet Number of operators Boxes Value reporting (Pesos) Number of operators Coxes Value (Pesos) reporting 13 3,218 16,089 21 159 741 1 1 66 6 38 25 80 22 3 15 85 402 1 10 50 Ilocos Sur. Iloilo.... Leyte.. Mindoro... Negros Occidental. Pangasinan... Tayabas.... All other provinces. (1) Less than I box 28 82 2 20 8 40 1,610 8,052 5 20 105 82 1,556 160 7,777 5 22311 12 10 (¹) 883-8 25 208 2 60 50 13 1 520 TABLE 12-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT BY PROVINCES: 1988--Continued Nemipterid Red Snapper Swordfish Province Number of operators Boxes reporting Value (Pesos) Number of Kilos Number of operators reporting Valus (Pesos) Value operators Kilos reporting (Pesos) PHILIPPINES...... 4 71 354 2 100 50 4 424 213 Antique.. Batangas Bulacan... Cavite... Ilocos Sur. Iloilo... Leyte.. Mindoro.. Negros Occidental. Pangasinan.. Rizal... Tayabas... 64 820 1 400 200 1 4 20 1 1 24 1 60 25 1 50 25 All other provinces. PHILIPPINES...... Antique.... Batangas. Bulacan. Cavite.. Ilocos Sur. Iloilo...... Leyte. Mindoro. Negros Occidental. Pangasinan.. Rizal... Tayabas.. All other provinces. Province 2 10 Siganid and Surgeon fish Shrimps Number of operators Boxes reporting Value (Pesos) Number of Value operators Boxes reporting (Pesos) 15 225 1,120 36 241 2 7 155 772 6 283 80 8 6 82 116182 6- 994 3,685 8 15 112 560 240 700 281 477 56 215 8 200 992 1 2 10 8 19 97 17 4 20 7 146 695 11 86 180 1 1 2 1 (¹) (1) Less Than box 521 TABLE 12-FISH PONDS COMBINED WITH OTHER KINDS OF FISHING QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FISH CAUGHT BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Spanish mackerel Squids Catfishes Province Number of operators Kilos reporting Number of Value (Pesos) Value operators Boxes Number of operators Boxes reporting (Pesos) reporting Value (Pesos) PHILIPPINES.... 6 2,060 1,054 11 97 442 7 118 591 Albay.... Antique... Bataan. Batangas. 1 60 80 2 57 286 Bulacan. 4 མe 5 79 400 Capis Cavite. 1 15 1 18 26 Ceba.. locos Sur 100 50 1 2 lollo.. 1,885 971 2 18 65 119199 20 100 Lyte... Mindoro.. 1 8 40 Negros Occidental. 17 86 hagasinan. 2 8 18 Tayabas.. All other provinces. 11 (¹) 1 16 Dalag, hito Other fishes Turbo, mother pearl Province Number of operators Boxes reporting Value (Pesos) Number of operators reporting Boxes Value (Pesos) Number of operators Kilos reporting Value (Pesos) PHILIPPINES... 19 125 425 90 6,181 21,954 3 183 110 Albay. Antique. Bataan. Batangas. Bulacan. 1 7 80 Capis.. Cavite. Cebu... locos Sur lotto... Layte.... Mindoro. Negros Occidental. Pangasinan, 1 20 79 2 6 80 5 29 81 1 24 71 11 58 1 Tayabas.. All other provinces. 20 15 2 21 46 24837 4242 17222 700 2,500 81 400 20 100 828 1,640 1,263 4,862 20 100 67 188 1 14 61 805 208 901 2 169 102 540 1,071 1 5 1,812 5,963 28 140 489 884 5 25 1,113 2,925 (1) Less than I box 522 CENSUS FORM No. 27-A Schedule No. Province or City Municipality or Municipal District COMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINES COMMISSION OF THE CENSUS MANILA CENSUS OF FISHERIES-1939 (CONFIDENTIAL GOVERNMENT REPORT) 1. Name of enterprisc, establishment, company or business (or the name of the owner, if the enterprise, establishment, company or business does not have a firm name). 2. Post Office address 3. Is this enterprise, establishment, company or bulness owned or operated by-(Picase place a check mark [V] in the proper square below to indicate the type of ownership.) (a) An individual (b) A partnership (c) (d) Association (unincorporated) A corporation 4. What kind of business does this enterprise, establishment, company or business engage in? (Give descritica such as, offshore fishing, inshoro, fishing, fish pond, etc.) 5. What is the estimated value (book value) of the assets of this enterprise, establishment, company or business on December 31, 1938? (1) Cash on hand and in bank (2) Fish ponds, land and buildings used for fishing purposes (3) Towboats, fishing boats, bancas, fish corrals, nets and other fish- ing equipment (4) Accounts and notes receivable 6. If this business is a corporation, partnership or association (unincorporated), what is the estimated value (beck value) of assets (as reported in question 5 above) of this enterprise, establishment, company or business on December 31, 1933, owned or supplied by (Do nct answer this question if this businc33 is owned by an individual.) 8. (a) Filipino citizens (b) United States citizens (c) Chinese citizens (d) Japanese citizens (e) British citizens (f) Others (list below)........ P.... If this enterprise, establishment, company or business is owned by an individual, of what country is the owner a citizen? (Fil., U. S., Ch., Jap., cto) 8. When did this enterprise, establishment, company or business first begin business (or when was it incorporated, if it is a corporation)? (Month) (Year) 9. Please give the following information about the equipment of this enterprise, establishment, company or business: 523 A. FISHING BOATS WITH ENGINES: (NOTE.-There is space provided for reporting the information for three fishing boats with engines and two fishing boats without engines. If the enterprise owns or operates more than three fishing boats with engines, use additional pages and report the information for each fishing boat separately.) 1. Fishing boat with engine-Name...... (a) Date acquired or constructed Estimated present value F. (b) Type of boat Depth........ (c) Kind of engine Fuel used ........ (d) Gross tonnage .... meters. ; Length meters; Beam meters; ; Horse power... 2 ; Net tonnage. ...; Below deck (c) Space for fish storage (capacity in tons) on deck (f) Usual number of vessel's crew (g) Number of fishermen actually employed during 1933 2. Fishing boat with engine-Name (a) Date acquired or constructed Estimated present value 1........... (b) Type of boat Depth......... (c) Kind of engine Fucl used (d) Gross tonnago meters. ; Length ..... meters; Beam .... meters; ; Horse power ; Net tonnage ....; Below deck (c) Space for fish storage (capacity in tons) on deck (f) Usual number of vessel's crew (g) Number of fishermen actually employed during 1933 3. Fishing boat with engine- Name (a) Date acquired or constructed Estimated present value P. (b) Type of boat........ Depth ; Length ........ .... meters; Beam meters; meters. Fuel used (c) Kind of engine........ (d) Gross tonnage ; Horse power ; Net tonnage (c) Space for fish storage (capacity in tons) on deck ; Below deck (f) Usual number of vsosel's crew (g) Number of fishermen actually employed during 1938 B. FISHING BOATS WITHOUT ENGINES: 1. Fishing boat without engine-Naine (a) Date acquired or constructed Estimated present value 1..... (b) Type of boat Depth......... (c) Gross tonnage meters. .; Length ; Net tonnage (d) Number of fishermen actually employed during 1938 meters; Beam ... meters; 524 2. Fishing boat without engine-Name (a) Date acquired or constructed Estimated present value P (b) Type of boat Depth (c) Gross tonnage meters. ; Length meters; Beam meters; ; Net tonnage (d) Number of fishermen actually employed during 1938 C. TOWBOATS: 1. Name of towboat ; Estimated present value T. (a) Name of owner (b) Type of boat ; Length meters; Beam meters; Depth......... meters. (c) Kind of engine Horse power (d) Gross tonnage ; Fuel used .....; Net tonnage (e) Number of fishing bancas that may be towed by this boat (f) Usual number of vessel's crew (g) For what purpose other than towing fishing boats was this towboat used during 1938? (Car- rying passengers, towing barges, etc.) 2. Name of towboat (a) Name of owner (b) Type of boat Depth.......... (c) Kind of engine Horse power (d) Gross tonnage ; Estimated present value .. ; Length meters; Beam meters; meters. ; Fuel used ; Net tonnage (e) Number of fishing bancas that may be towed by this boat (f) Usual number of vessel's crew (g) For what purpose other than towing fishing boats was this towboat used during 1933? (Car- rying passengers, towing barges, etc.) ....... D. MISCELLANEOUS SMALL FIXHING BOATS OR BANCAS: 1. Small fishing boats or bancas- (a) Number of fishing bancas owned (b) Kind of fishing implements used by these boats 2. Small fishing boats or bancas- (a) Number of fishing bancas owned ; Estimated present value P. ; Estimated present value .. (b) Kind of fishing implements used by these boats E. FISH NETS: net 1. Utaset (trawl net, pukot) 2. Muroami net (trap net, kulukutok, salambao) 8. Sapiao (seine) 4. Bating (gill net, taksay, panti). 5. Other nets (salap, daklis, etc.)..... 6. Lines (hapin) --- KIND OF NET NIMBER ESTIMATED PRESENT VALUE 525 1. Baclad... 8. Tangar... 3. Bobos..... 4. Others F. FISH CORALS AND OTHER FISH TRAPS AND WEIRS: KIND NUMBER IIMATED PRESENT VALUE P 10. Please state the total number of persons and total salaries, wages or allowances paid each month to persons employed in 1938 by the following groups: January... February. March..... April..... May.... June.... July...... August.... September.... October... November..... December....... MONTH (1938) A.-FISHPONDS OR FISH FARMS PERSONS NOT PAID SALARY OR WAGES (Owner or operator and members of owner's or operator's family who are not paid a salary or wages) NUMBER OF PERSONS CARETAKER GR SUPERINTENDENT NUMBER OF PERSONS OTHER FISHERY EMPLOYEES (Fishermen, laborers, etc.) SALARIES AND WAGES PAID NUMBER OF PERSONS SALARIES AND WAGES PAID Bonus and/or participation reeived at end of rosen MONTH (1938) B.-OFF SHORE FISHING (Deep-sea Fishing) PERSONS NOT PAID SALARY OR WAGES (Owner or operator and members of owner's ar operator's family, who are not paid a salary or warca) NUMBER OF PERSONS CARETAKER OR SUPERINTENDENT NUMI ER OF PERSONS FALARIES AND WAAGES PAID January.. February. March.... April..... May...... June..... July...... August.... September.. October... November.. December... Bonus and/or participation received at end of season.. T P OTHER FISHERY EMLOYEES (Fishermen, laboreis, etc.) NUMBER OF PERSONS SALARIES AND WAGES PAID 526 January.... February. March..... April...... May..... June..... July...... August.. September... October.... C.-INSHORE AND INLAND FISHING (Include those employed in connection with fist corals.) MONTH (1938) PERSONS NOT PAID SALARY OR WAGES (Owner or operator and members of owner's or operator's family, who are not paid a salary or wages) NUMBER OF PERSONS CARETAKER CH SUPERINTENDENT NUMBER OF PERSONS SALARIES AND WAGES PAID OTHER FISHERY EMPLOYE (Fishermen, laborers, etc.) NUMBER OF PERSONS SALARIES AND WAGES PAID P November.... December...... Bonus and/or participation received at end of season.. 11. Please give the following information regarding fishes, oyster shells, crabs, and other sea products obtained by this enterprisc, establishment, company or business, during the year 1938. NAME OF FISH OR SEA PRODUCT 1. Anchovy (anakbat, bolinao, dilis).. 2. Barracuda (babayo, torsio). 8. Bonito, skipjack or albacora (barilis, tulifigan) 4. Caesio (dalagang Bukid, biglao)... 5. Cavallas (talakitok, sumanga)... 6. Chub mackerel (alumahan, guma-a, hasahasa, kaballas, mataan, salay-salay). 7. Crabs (alimango, alimasag)... 8. Grouper (lapu-lapu, Xulapu).... 9. Herrings and sardines (lapad, tamban, tunjoy, manamsi, amarillis). 10. Lizard fish (kalaso).... 11. Mullet (bar ak, balanak, aguas)... 12. Nemipterid (bisugo, serimillete). 13. Red snapper (banbañgin, maya-maya) 14. Sword-fish (malasugu!)... 15. Siganid and surgeon fish (samaral, labahita, kuyog).. 16. Shrimps (hipon)..... 17. Spanish mackerel (tanigui, tanguingui). 18. Squids (pusit, panus bangkuta-an).... 19. Catfishes (kanduli)... 20. Dalag, hito... 21. Other fishes..... Other products: 22. Turbo (Lagang), Trochus (Samong), Mother pearl (tipay), Cowry shells (sigay)... Sea cucumber (edible-balatan).... CATCHI (QUANTITY) IN 1938 NAKE OF CONTAINER NUMBER OF CONTAINERS VALUE IN PESOS P 527 12. Please give the following information concerning the fishes, shrimps, and crabs raised or cultivated by the enterprise, establishment, company or business in 1938 in fishponds or on fish farms: NAME OF FISH, ETC. Bangos..... Shrimps..... Crabs...... Gourami.... ....... FRY OR SEEDS PLACED IN FISIPONDS PRODUCTION NUMBER ESTIMATED COST, IF PURCHASED NUMBER WEIGHT IN KILOS 31, 1938 FISPOND OR FISH FARM AREA IN HECTARES DECEMBER ESTIMATED VALUE DECEMBER 31, 1938 18. What was the amount and value of the salt made in fishponds during the last 12 months? Amount kilos. Value ...... (Include fuel and electricity 14. Please give the amount and cost of fuel and electric current purchased during 1938. used for all purposes, i.e., power, hauling, lighting, etc.) Coal, coke, etc...... KIND WRITE IN NAME OF UNIT OF MEASURE AMOUNT Gasoline and kerosene... Fuel oil...... Electricity-purchased... Kw. 15. Please give the location where you found the following products or shells in abundance in 1938? Trochas (samong)...... Mother pearls (tipry, gold or black-lips).. Black coral (La aug)...... Clam shells (big tak lobo or kima)..... Sea cucumber (edible-tréang).. Sponges..... Edible sea-weeds.. KIND REMARKS AND EXPLANATIONS: MUNICIPALITY Собт PROVINCE OR ISLAND I HEREBY CERTIFY that all the information furnished in this confidential report is true and complete according to my best knowledge and belief, and is based upon the records of this enterprise, establishment, company or business, for the period from January 1 to December 31, 1938. Checked and found correct by: Date: 1989. Signature.. (President, manager, operator or proprietor) Date: 1939 528 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND CANNOT BE USED FOR TAXATION OR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES Section 17, Commonwealth Act No. 170.-"No Information obtained during the taking of this Census from any corporation, association, partnership, institution, business enterprise, or group of persons having a joint or common interest, howsoever estab- lished or constituted, shall be used in any court or in any public office, either as evidence for or against the corporation, association, partnership, institution, enterprise, or group, from which such information emanates, or for the purpose of basing thercon any as- scssment or collection of taxes or public contributions; nor shall any such information be divulged to any person, except to author- ized Census officers acting in the performance of their duties; and no Census officer or employee of the Government shall make known to any other person not properly authorized any information contemplated in this section, which may have been secured during the Census operations; nor shall any report or publication issued under the provisions of this Act contain any information indicated in this section which would serve to identify the corps ration, association, partnership, institution, enterprise, group or property, from which it was secured, without the special conscat in writing of the proprietor of such corporation, assectation, partnership, institution, enterprise, group, or property. The receipt by any officer, partner, association, member, or stockholder of any corporation, association, member, or stockholder of any corporation, association, partnership, Institution, business enter prise, or group, of any schedule or form contemplated in this section shall constitute delivery to the corporation, association, partnership, business enterprise or group, and the fact that such officer, .partner, associate, member, er stockholder is not the person who would ordinarily complete such schedule or form shall not relieve him of responsibility for the redelivery of such schedule or form to the proper person, nor shall it relieve such proper person from the responsibility for the completion thereof." THE INFORMATION REQUESTED IN THIS REPORT IS REQUIRED BY LAW Section 23 of Commonwealth Act No. 170.-"Upon conviction hereof, a fine of not more than six hundred pesos, or imprisonment for not more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the court shall be imposed upon: Any person who, being the owner, occupant, or person in charge of any special area, institution, or establishment set apart to be enumerated under the provisions of sections fourteen and fifteen of this Act, or an officer, direct or, partner, associate, manager or legal representative of any corporation, partnership, association, institution, industrial cr commercial establishment or enterprise, grwp of persons having a joint or common interest, or other property in regard to which the collection of statistics is prescribed under the provisions of sec- tion fifteen of this Act, refuses or neglects properly to complete any Census form mailed or delivered to him and to subscribe the same." ANY PERSON GIVING FALSE OR UNTRUE INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO A FINE OR IMPRISONMENT Section 23 of Commonwealth Act No. 170.-"Upon conviction hereof, a fine of not more than six hundred pesos, or Imprisonment for not more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the court shall be imposed upon: Any person who knowingly givos oral or written answer to any question upon a Census form or to any proper question asked by a Census officer or omp! yee in the discharge of his duty, which shall prove to be materially untrue in any particular; or who alicrs or falsifies aby Census form or declaration before or after it has been completed; or who signs any Census form or declaration after it has been completed in the knowledge that it is materially untrue, in any particular; or who pays, compcls, advises, or induces any other person to make or sign any such untrue statement or form; or who forges any Census form cmopleted or uncompleted." THIS REPORT MUST BE RETURNED TO THE COMMISSIONER OF THE CENSUS WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER ITS RECEIPT Section 23 of Commonwealth Act No. 170.-"Upon conviction hereof, a fine of not more than six hundred pesos, er imprisonment of not more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the courts shall be imposed upon. Any person who refuses cr neglects to deliver or transmit to the addressees any Census form mailed or delivered to him, in the manner and within the time prescribed." 529 CHAPTER IV CENSUS OF MINES 530 CHAPTER IV CENSUS OF MINES TEXT Introduction Scope and method of taking the census.. Extent of the industry Number of companies Classification by kind of mine Assets of mining companies Number of employees Salaries and wages paid......... Regular hours of work of mine employees.. Number of shifts daily in mill and underground. Value of products Power equipment Mill equipment Receipts for contract work Quantity and cost of fuel and electricity.... Cost of equipment and machinery purchased Value of groceries and supplies sold to employees. Gross sales Mineral claims Size of gross sales.... Size of total assets Year established Country of which a majority of the directors are citizens. Assets by citizenship Days mine was operated during 1938..... Producing and non-producing companies CHARTS 1. Per cent distribution of assets of all mines, by kind of assets: 1938 2. Value of various products mined in 1938.. 3. Assets of mining companies owned by citizens of various countries: 1938 Page 532 532 532 532 532 532 534 535 536 537 537 ...........538 539 539 539 540 541 541 542 544 544 544 544 544 564 566 532 537 ..........544 544 4. Per cent distribution of number of companies, gross sales, total assets, salaries and wages paid, and value of products mined, by gold mining companies, by size of gross sales: 1938 532 TABLES Page 1. Assets of all mines classified by kind of assets: 1938. 2. Assets classified by kind of mine: 1938... 3. Number of employees of all mines: 1938........... 4. Number of employees, by kind of mine: 1938. 533 533 534 534 6. Salaries and wages paid by all mining companies: 1938. 535 6. Salaries and wages paid, by kind of mine: 1938........ 535 7. Employees of gold mining companies classified by hours of work on week days, Saturdays, Sundays, and official holi- days: 1938 ..........536 8. Employees of gold mining companies classified by number of shifts worked in mill and shifts worked underground: 1938537 9. Value of various products mined by all mines: 1938............. 10. Value of all products mined, by kind of mine: 1938. 537 537 11. Power equipment of all mines classified by kind: 1938... 538 12. Power equipment classified by kind of mine: 1938. 538 13. Number of companies reporting, number and total daily capacity of mills, and total tons of ore milled classified ac- cording to the daily capacity of mills for gold mines: 1938............ 539 14. Amount received by kind of mine for contract work performed during 1938, by provinces. 639 15. Quantity and cost of fuel and electricity purchased by all mines: 1938 16. Quantity and value of fuel and electricity purchased, by kind of mine: 1938. 18. Value of groceries and supplies sold to employees during 1938, by kind of mine, by provinces... 17. Cost of machinery and equipment purchased, by kind of mine: 1938 19. Gross sales, by kind of mine: 1938. 20. Mineral lands classified according to conditions under which they are held, by kind of mine: 1938. 21. Gold mining companies classified by size of gross sales: 1938.... 22. Total assets and gross sales of gold mining companies classified by size of total assets: 1938......... 23. Total assets and gross sales of gold mining companies classified by year established: 1938........ 24. Total assets and gross sales of gold mining companies classified by country of which a majority of the directors are citizens: 1938 ... 546 25. Assets of mining companies classified by kind of mine, by citizenship of stockholder: 1938 country. which the majority of 546 26. Assets of mining companies classified by kind of mine, by provinces: 1988 hetektory are citizens: A38 27. Assets of gold mining companies classified by kind, size of gross sales, size of total assets, year established, and by 647 28. Number of employees, salaries and wages paid, by kind of mine, by provinces 1938 - 29. Number of employees, saiaries and wages paid by gold mining companies classified by size of gross sales, size of total assets, year established, and by country of which the majority of the directors are citizens: 1938.... 30. Quantity and value of specific products produced, by kind of mine, by provinces: 1938...... .......... 31. Quantity and value of specific products produced by gold mining companies during 1938, by size of gross sales, size of total assets, year established, and by country of which the majority of the directors are citizens: 1938..... 32. Power equipment of mining companies, by kind of mine, by provinces: 1938. 548 .550 639 540 541 540 541 543 544 545 545 545 351 552 553 33. Power equipment of gold mining.companies classified by size of gross sales, size of total assets, year established. and by country of which the majority of the directors are citizens: 1938 554 34. Amount received by gold mining companies for contract work performed during 1938, by size of gross sales, size of total assets, year established, and by country of which the majority of the directors are citizens.... 555 88. Cost of equipment and machinery purchased during 1938, by gold mining companies, by size of gross sales, size of total assets, year established, and by country of which the majority of the directors are citizens... 35. Quantity and cost of fuel and electricity purchased during 1938, by kind of mine, by provinces.. 36. Quantity and cost of fuel and electricity purchased during 1938 by gold mining companies, by size of gross sales, size of total assets, year established, and by country of which the majority of the directors are citizens............. 87. Cost of equipment and machinery purchased during 1938, by kind of mine, by provinces...... 555 556 557 558 89. Value of groceries and supplies sold to employees during 1939, by gold mining companies, by size of gross sales, size of total assets, year established, and by country of which the majority of the directors are citizens... 40. Gross sales of mining companies classified by kind of mine, by provinces: 1938. 558 559 41. Gross sales of gold mining companies classified by size of gross sales, size of total assets, year established, and by country of whichthe majority of the directors are citizens: 1938 12. Number of claims and area of mineral lands owned or leased, by kind of mine, by provinces: 1938....... 559 560 18. Number of claims and area of mineral lands owned or leased by gold mining companies, by size of gross sales, size of total assets, year established, and by country of which the majority of the directors are citizens: 1938...... ............562 44. Number of claims and area of mineral lands reported by producing and non-producing mining companies, by kind of mine: 1938 45. Number of employees and salaries and wages paid, by kind of mine, classified by number of days operated: 1938...... 46. Assets of producing and non-producing mining companies classified by kind of mine: 1938... 47. Number of employees, salaries and wages paid by producing mines, by kind of mine, by provinces: 1938. 563 564 566 567 48. Number of employees, salaries and wages paid by non-producing mines, by kind of mine, by provinces: 1938. 568 49. Power equipment of producing mining companies classified by kind of mine: 1938. 569 Power equipment of non-producing mining companies classified by kind of mine: 1938...... 569 1. Quantity and cost of fuel and electricity purchased by producing and non-producing mining companies during 1938, by kind of mine..... 569 532 CHAPTER IV CENSUS OF MINES Introduction.-This Census of Mines is the first ever to be taken in the Philippines. As mining is one of the Common- wealth's leading basic industries, the acquisition of data show- ing the extent of the industry, the number of employees, and the volume of production was considered important enough to justify the taking of a special census of mining. Scope and method of taking the census.-The Census of Mines includes all mining establishments in existence at the end of 1938. The census does not include establishments engaged in the quarrying of stone or marble or the obtaining of sand or gravel. From various sources, a list of all mining com- panies and operators that have been registered since 1902 was obtained and schedules were mailed to all companies and operators. All available records were examined concerning those companies which failed to return their schedules and if it was determined that the company was still in existence, a representative of the Census was sent to interview the owner or officials of the company in order to obtain the required Information. This census, therefore, includes not only all the companies actually in operation in 1938 but also many com- panies in existence but actually not engaged in mining opera- tions during 1938. After the schedules were received in Manila, the data con- tained therein were examined and checked for consistency. All questionable data were verified or corrected either by correspondence or by personal interview. As accurate records are kept in practically all cases concerning the business of all mining companies and as the census included all companies, it is believed that the Census of Mines is complete and that the data presented are accurate. A facsimile of the schedule used for taking this census appears on pages 570 to 574 Extent of the industry-Of the four basic extracave Philip- pine industries (agriculture, mining, fishing, and forestry), mining ranks second in importance as measured by total value products. Number of companies.-Ordinarily one company represents ene mine operated under a unified control. In case several mines were operated by a central operating or managing or holding company, separate reports, have been obtained for each mine and data relating to the central managing or holding company have not been included in the census, ex- cept in so far as the data relating to such central managing or holding company were included in the reports for the in- dividual mines. The number of companies, therefore, repre- sents the number of reports obtained, and is considerably greater than the number of operating companies as several companies operate more than one mine. As distinct records are usually kept concerning each mine, it is possible to obtain separate data relating to the mine as distinct from the operat- ing company. Classification by kind of mine.-Mines have been classified according to the principal product obtained. As a separate report was obtained for each mining company and as each mining company usually produced only one principal product, it was not difficult to make an accurate classification by kind of mine. Separate data are shown for the following kinds of mines: gold, iron, chromite, manganese, copper, as- bestos, and coal. In order not to disclose data for individual companies, it has been necessary to combine reports for asbes- tos and coal mines. For the same reason, many detailed clas- sifications, such as those by size of total assets, by size of total receipts, etc., have been limited to gold mines because of the very small number of other kinds of mines reported. Of the 250 mining companies enumerated, 198 were classified as gold mines, 6 as iron mines, 15 as chromite mines, 15 as manganese mines, 11 as copper mines, and 5 as asbestos and coal mines. Assets of mining companies.-Data were secured for each mining company as to the estimated or book value of the following assets as of December 31, 1938: (1) Cash on hand or in bank (2) Buildings (3) Equipment (4) Inventory of concentrates on hand (including mined minerals in case of mines other than gold) (5) Inventory value of supplies on hand (6) Value of mineral lands owned (value as shown by balance sheet) (7) Accounts and notes receivable Investments of mining companies in other mines or in other business enterprises have been excluded from the assets as enumerated above. The total assets comprise the total of the seven classes of assets listed above. The total assets do not represent the total amount invested in the mining industry, as the value of mineral lands leased has not been included and as the assets of holding companies and central operating or management companies have not been enumerated. However, the total assets probably represent the most accurate data that are possible to obtain on investments in the mining industry. Values assigned to cash, buildings, equipment, concentrates on hand, supplies on hand, and accounts and notes receivable are accurate as accounting procedures yield satisfactory and accurate measures of these component parts of total assets. The value given for mineral lands owned represents merely estimates as it is difficult to accurately assign values to mineral lands owned; first, because the minerals are being constantly removed, thus causing the lands to gradually diminish in value; and, second, because the extent and value of minerals located within given mineral lands cannot be accurately known until the minerals have been actually mined. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS OF ALL MINES, BY KIND OF ASSETS: 1938 Kind of asset Mineral lands owned... Equipment...... Inventory value of concentrates and minerals on hand Value of supplies on hand Buildings Cash and accounts and notes receivable 10 20 60 79 30 40 50 Per cent of all assots 8 533 Reported assets of all mining companies totalled 201,225,393. This total for all kinds of mines was distributed by kind of assets as follows: TABLE 1.-ASSETS OF ALL MINES CLASSIFIED BY KIND OF ASSETS: 1938 Kind of assets Reported value (Pesos) Per cent distribution Total.. Buildings.. Equipment. Mineral lands owned. Cash..... Inventory value of concentrates and minerals on hand Value of supplies on hand Accounts and notes receivable. The total assets were distributed by kind of mine as follows: TABLE 2.-ASSETS CLASSIFIED BY KIND OF MINE: 1938 201,225,393 100.0 9.538,009 4.7 34.883.525 17.3 123,346,870 61.3 6,237,851 3.1 10.272,802 5.1 9.699,699 7,246,637 4.8 3.6 Gold mines Iron mines Kind of asset All mines (Pesos) Pesos Per cent of all mines Per cent distribu- tion Per cent Pesos distribu- tion Total... 201,225,393 188,198,999 93.5 100.0 4,411,941 100.0 Buildings.. 9,538,009 8,584,663 90.0 4.6 382,317 8.7 Equipment. 34,883,525 32,341,542 92.7 17.2 1,320,168 29.9 Mineral lands owned.. 123,346,870 117,463,041 95.2 62.4 1,991,538 45.1 Cash... 6,237,851 5,645,229 90.5 3.0 185,137 4.2 Inventory value of concentrates and minerals on hand 10.272,802 8,374,252 81.5 4.4 753 (¹) Value of supplies on hand. Accounts and notes receivable. 9,6 9,699 9,052,725 93.3 4.8 416,651 9.4 7,246,637 6,737,547 93.0 3.6 115,377 2.6 Chromite mines Maganese mines Copper mines Coal and asbestos mines Kind of asset Pesos Per cent distribu- tion Pesos Per cent distribu- tion Pesos Per cent distribu- Per cent Pesos distribu- tion tion Total... 3,635,285 100.0 2,114,694 100.0 2,435,996 100.0 428,478 100.0 Buildings.. 214,407 5.9 32,767 1.5 278,753 11.4 45,102 10.5 Equipment. 364,633 10.0 155,265 7.3 549,219 22.5 152,698 35.6 Mineral lands owned.. 1,434,855 39.5 Cash... 85,072 2.3 Inventory value of concentrates and minerals on hand... 1,440,770 39.6 Value of supplies on hand. Accounts and notes receivable. 49,997 45,551 1.4 1.3 1,335,929 290,615 200,418 37,601 62,029 63.2 13.7 966,527 39.7 154,980 36.2 11,621 0.5 20,177 4.7 9.5 255,270 1.8 130,885 2.9 243,721 10.5 1,339 0.3 5.4 10.0 11,770 2.7 42,412 9.9 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. 534 Number of employees.-Persons employed in the mining in- dustry have been grouped into five general classes based uppri the kind of work performed as follows: (1) Executives, managers, supervisors, superintendents, and others holding managerial and supervisorv positions (2) Office employees, stenographers, bookkeepers, and others performing routine office work (3) Underground employees (4) Mill employees (5) Other employees (persons not included in classes (1) to (4) and also persons performing contract and development work) The data relating to number of employees were secured by months The number of emplovecs given represents the aver- age of the number given for the 12 months. However, an examination of the number of employees by months shows that there is little variation from month to month and, consequently, the number of employees accurately shows the number of per- sons emploved for one year. The total number of employees in all mining companies was reported as 40,397 or 0.5 per cent of all persons gainfully em- ployed in the Philippines, or 2.1 per cent of all wage and salary workers in the Philippines. The employees in all mines were distributed by general classes as follows: TABLE 3.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OF ALL MINES: 1938 Class and employee Number of employees Total..... Executives, managers, and supervisors. Office employees. Underground employees.. Mill employees... Other employees.. Total.. Gold mines. Iron mines.. Chromite mines. Manganese mines... The number of employees for each kind of mine is as follows: TABLE 4.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, BY KIND OF MINE: 1938 Copper, asbestors, and coal mines. Kind of mine Per cent distribution 40,397 100.0 921 2.3 1,616 4.0 22,873 56.6 2,514 12,473 6.2 80.9 Number of employees Per cent distribution 40,397 100.0 1,668 78.4 5,188 12.8 1,292 3.2 881 2.2 1,368 3.4 535 Salaries and wages paid.-The data given for salaries rep- resent the total expenditures during the year for salaries and wages. The total salaries and wages during 1938 amounted to P21,573,073 for all mines. The distribution of salaries and wages by class of employee is as follows: TABLE 5.-SALARIES AND WAGES PAID BY ALL MINING COMPANIES: 1938 Class of employee Salaries and wages Total Per cent distribution Average per employee per year (Pesos) Total..... Executives, managers, and supervisors. Office employees.... Undeground employees.. Mill employees.. Other employees.. 21,573,073 100.0 534 4,753,481 22.0 5,161 954,210 4.4 590 9,531,019 44.2 417 1,044,788 4.8 416 5,289,575 24.5 424 The data given for salaries and wages represent the amount received in money or its equivalent. Many employees of mining comparties receive in addition, living quarters, electric light service, bonuses, water, medical services, and in some cases certain food supplies. As some mines are still in the develop- ment stage or have not become profitable enterprises, the salaries paid executives, managers, and supervisors are not large in some cases and such employees are often not paid salaries as in the case of asbestos and coal mines in Zambales. The distribution of salaries and wages paid by kind of mine is shown as follows: TABLE 6.-SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY KIND OF MINE: 1938 Class of employee and iter All mines Gold mines Iron mines Chromite mines Manganese mines Asbestos, copper, and coal mines All employees, total Per cent distribution Average per employee Pesos. 21,573,073 Pesos. 18,048,476 1.984.083 100.0 534 83.7 570 9.2 382 Executives, managers and supervisors, total... Pesos. 4,753,481 Per cent distribution.. Average per employee.. Pesos. 100.0 5,161 Office, employees, total. Per cent distribution.. Average per employee. Pesos. Pesos. 954,210 100.0 590 4,219,952 88.8 5,538 802,692 84.1 574 185,364 3.9 3,565 53,985 440.165 2.0 341 78,959 1.7 2,467 45,535 399.206 701.143 1.9 453 3.3 513 124,914 144,292 2.6 4,307 3.0 3,187 27,140 24,858 5.7 658 4.8 785 2.8 714 2.6 637 Per cent distribution.. Underground employees, total... Pesos. 9,531,019 7,888,454 1,288,905 353,660 Average per employee.. Pesos. 100.0 417 82.8 420 13.5 380 3.7 513 Mill employees, total.... Per cent distribution... Average per employee.. Other employees, total.. Per cent distribution... Average per employee.. Pesos. Pesos. 1,044,788 100.0 416 1,000,765 44,023 95.8 419 4.2 355 Pesos. 5,289,575 4,136,613 455,829 315,671 247,152 134,310 Pesos. 100.0 424 78.2 497 8.6 274 6.0 263 4.7 304 2.5 286 536 Regular hours of work of mine employees.-Each mining com pany was asked to report the regular hours of work on week days, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. The data for gold mining companies are given in Table 7. The inquiry called for the usual or prevailing hours of work. Occasional variation in hours from month to month, and variations in hours from one class of employees to another may have occurred. However, all employees are counted in the group of hours in which the company itself falls. Usually, however, all the mine employees in most companies work the same number of hours, so the data give a substantially correct presentation of hours of labor during 1938. TABLE 7.-EMPLOYEES OF GOLD MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY HOURS OF WORK ON WEEK DAYS, SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, AND OFFICIAL HOLIDAYS: 1938 Item Number of Total num- companies ber of reporting employees Number of managers and supervisory employees Number of office employees Number of underground employees Number of mill employees Number of other employees Total.. Hours of word on week days: 198 31,668 762 1,399 18,791 2,390 8,326 7... 8.... 9... Hours of work not reported.. Hours of work on Saturdays: Under 5..... 5.... 7. 8... 9.. Hours of work not reported.. Hours of work on Sundays: Under 5.... 7. 8... 9. 8... 9. Hours of work not reported.. Hours of work on holidays: Under 5.... Hours of work not reported.. 135 ཉྫུཨནྡྷ⌘སསནྡྷསཊྛནྡྷ 5 61 9 105 7,717 662 14 1,337 11 16,327 27 2,205 7,186 7 2,470 49 48 1,676 185 512 81 1,420 42 777 601 1 4 2 1 1 8 4,776 44 703 4,029 96 11 18 26 41 100 23,472 614 631 12,842 2,205 7,180 7 2,458 49 36 1,676 185 512 82 862 42 607 10 203 2 6,738 1 39 706 2 108 6 8 55 23,322 553 582 5,992 93 12,606 1 2,339 +,242 4 9 106 1,394 8 9 80 156 94 20 51 1,073 2 61 47 21,632 4 8 455 1,036 34 12,794 1,896 8 132 104 9,885 7 9 296 346 79 5,884 494 1 5,451 9 2,865 REPORTS FOR ECONOMIC CENSUS 537 TABLE 8.-EMPLOYEES OF GOLD MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY NUMBER OF SHIFTS WORKED IN MILL AND SHIFTS WORKED UNDERGROUND: 1938 Item Number of Total num- companies reporting ber of employees Number of managers and Number of office supervisory employees employees Number of underground employees Number of mill employees Number of other employees Total.. 198 31,668 762 1,399 18,791 2,390 8,326 Shifts in mill: 1.... 2.. 8... 14 858 45 37 351 100 825 15 5,546 102 428 3,942 307 767 36 19,605 379 675 11,783 1,589 5,179 Not reported.. 133 5,659 236 259 2,715 894 2,055 Shifts underground: 1.... 2... 3.. Not reported. 162 22222 49 6 7 9 6 21 931 9 17 236 21 648 32 23,098 451 7,590 296 1,037 338 13,594 4,952 2,363 5,653 2,004 Number of shifts daily in mill and underground.-The tabula- lation on number of shifts in mill and underground has been Gold tron ore VALUE OF VARIOUS PRODUCTS MINED IN 1938 Product Copper Silver Chromite ore All others 10 20 30 40 50 Millions of pesos 60 70 80 limited to gold mines and the data are presented in Table 8. In making the classification, each company was considered as a unit and the number of employees are shown for the company reporting one, two, or three units, regardless of whether all the employees are distributed by the corresponding number of shifts. For example, the underground employees in companies report- ing two shifts in the mill may actually be distributed on one, two, or three shifts. Value of products.-The amount given under this heading represents the selling value at the point of production or f. o. b. at point of shipment of the products mined in 1938. The total value of minerals, metals, and ores mined in 1938 amounted to $72,142,995. This value is distributed by products as follows: TABLE 9.-VALUE OF VARIOUS PRO DUCTS MINED BY ALL MINES: 1938 Total.... Gold... Silver.. Copper.. Lead.. Iron ore.. Manganese ore. Chromite ore.. Coal..... Zinc. Product 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. Value Pesos Per cent distribution 72,142,995 100.0 62,605,398 86.8 1,476,634 8.0 1,574,619 653 (') 4,042,365 704,432 1,874,867 811,421 61 5.6 1.0 1.9 0.4 53,106 0.1 The distribution of value of products by kind of mine is as follows: TABLE 10.-VALUE OF ALL PRODUCTS MINED, BY KIND OF MINE: 1938 Kind of mine Value of products mined Pesos Per cent distribution Total... Gold mines. Iron mines.. Chromite mines. Manganese mines.. Copper and coal mines. 72,142,995 100. 64,462,282 89.4 4,042,365 5.6 1,874,571 1.9 689,172 1.0 1,574,655 2.2 538 Power equipment.-Data were obtained on the number of units, total rated horse power and estimated or book value of five reparate classes of power equipments namely, steam engines and turbines, gas engines, diesel and semi-diesel engines, and electric motors. Electric motors were further classified into those driven by purchased electricity and those driven by electricity produced by the user. Data on power equipment comprise both mobile and stationary equipment. The data on horse power represent the rated horse power, and not the num- ber of horse power in daily use. The estimated value given for power equipment represents the value as of December 31, 1938 and not the cost of the equipment. Power equipment of all mining companies totalled 70,378 horse power and was valued at 17,155,920. The total rated horse power does not include the rate horse power of electric motors operated by current produced by the using company because such inclusion would result in duplication. The distribution of power equipment by kind is as follows: TABLE 11.-POWER EQUIPMENT OF ALL MINES CLASSIFIED BY KIND: 1938 Power Kind of equipment Companies reporting Number of units Total rated horse power Per cent Horse power distribution Estimated value Pesos Per cent distribution Total...... 70,378 100.0 7,155,920 100.0 Steam engines and turbines Gasoline engines.. Electric motors- D'esel and semi-diesel.. 6888888 35 966 1.4 105,826 1.5 43 129 5,887 8.4 436,451 6.1 80 304 54,673 77.7 5,292,799 74.0 Electric motors driven by purchased electricity... Electric motors driven by electricity produced by user().... 10 543 8,852 12.5 422,968 5.9 35 1,503 27,542 89 Pose, 881 12.5 Data hot included in total except for estimated value The distribution of power equipment by kind of mine is as follows: TABLE 12-POWER EQUIPMENT CLASSIFIED BY KIND OF MINE: 1938 Kind of power equipment and item Steam engines and turbines Number of units.. Total rated horse power. Per cent distribution... Estimated value.... Per cent distribution.. Gasoline engines Number of units.. All mines Gold mines Iron mines Chromite mines Manganese, copper, and coal mines 35 966 i 100.0 21 14 648 318 67.1 32.9 105,826 58,326 47,500 8 100.0 55.1 44.9 129 Total rated horse power. 117 4 5,887 5,651 70 166 Per cent distribution. 100.0 96.0 1.2 2.8 Estimated value..... 436,451 414,547 Per cent distribution. 3,700 18,204 100.0 95.0 Diesel and semi-diesel engines 0.8 4.2 Number of units..... 304 Total rated horse power.. Per cent distribution.. Estimated value.. Per cent distribution.. Electric motors Num ber of units.... Total rated horse power.. Per cent distribution.. 5,292,799 54,673 100.0 100.0 5,117,433 274 52,241 95.6 96.7 17 8 10 864 70 1,498 1.6 0.1 2.7 70,295 8,916 96,155 1.8 0.2 1.8 2,046 36,394 1,989 35,134 7 11 39 23 30 1,207 100.0 96.5 0.1 0.1 3.8 Number of units... Estima ted value.. Per cent distribution.. Electric motors diven by purchased electricity Total rated horse power. Per cent distribution. Estimated value.. Per cent distribution.. Number of units.. Total rated horse power. Per cent distribution. Estimated value.... 1,320,844 1,279,008 1,500 1,071 39,265 100.0 96.8 0.1 0.1 8.0 543 543 8,852 8,852 100.0 100.0 422,963 422,963 100.0 Electric motors driven by electricity produced by the user 100.0 1,503 1,446 7 11 27,542 26,282 23 30 89 1,207 Per cent distribution. 100.0 897,881 100.0 95.4 856,045 95.3 0.1 1,500 0.1 1,071 4.4 89,265 0.2 0.1 4.4 Mill equipment.-Three inquiries were made concerning mill equipment: namely, total daily capacity of mill, hours mill was operated during 1938, and total tons of crude ore milled in 1938. Only gold mining companies reported mill equipment. Mill equipment was reported by only 30 out of the 198 gold mining companies. The mills of these companies had a total daily capacity of 12,291 tons of ore and the total crude ore milled during 1938 amounted to 3.830,710 tons. 539 TABLE 18-NUMBER OF COMPANIES REPORTING, NUMBER AND TOTAL DAILY CAPACITY OF MILLS, AND TOTAL TONS OF ORE MILLED CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO THE DAILY CAPACITY OF MILLS FOR GOLD MINES: 1938 Capacity of mills (Tons of ore per 24 hours) Number of companies reporting Number of mills operated 30 31 Total daily | Total tons capacities of ore milled of mills (Tons of ore) 12,291 in 1938 3,830,710 Total...... Under 100... 100 to 199. 200 to 299. 800 to 899 400 to 999.. 1,000 and over. 1806626 1804626 5 170 13,981 1,243 265,598 5 1,060 319,447 1,888 500, 245 1,150 403,183 6,785 2,328,281 Recerpts for contract work.-The receipts for such contract work as hauling, mining, milling, etc. represent income for the receiving company, but an expense for the company for which such work was performed. The- receipts contract work do not form a significant part of total receipts of mining companies as they amounted to only 60,970 and ware reported by only 7 companies. TABLE 14-AMOUNT RECEIVED B YKIND OF MINE FOR CONTRACT WORK PERFORMED DURING 1938, BY PROVINCES Gold mines.. Kubate... Surigao.. Manganese mines.. Camarines Sur... Palawan... Kind of mine and province Amount received in 1988 for contract work performed Companies Pesos reporting 5 38,424 4 16,264 1 22,160 2 22,546 11 1 21,878 1,168 Quantity and cost of fuel and electricity.-The quantity and cost of coal, gasoline and kerosene, diesel oil, and electricity, represent the quantity and cost of purchased during 1938. The quantity and cost of fuel and electricity may be somewhat different from the quanity and cost of fuel and electricity used during 1938. The total cost of fuel and electricity purchased amounted to 2,937,444. The cost of diesel oil amounted to more than two-thirds of the total cost of fuel and electricity purchased. The distribution of the cost of fuel and electricity for all mines is as follows: TABLE 15-QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED BY ALL MINES: 1938 Cost Total... Conl.... Gasoline and kerosene. Diesel oil... Blectricity purchased. Kind of fuel Quantity purchased Unit Amount Total (Pesos) Per cent distribution 2,937,444 100.0 Tons Gallons Tons KWH 1,980 493,049 49,862 29,566,807 47,376 1.6 299,183 10.2 2,072,487 70.6 518,398 17.6 540 The distribution of fuel and electricity by kind of mine is as follows: Kind of fuel and item 4 TABLE 16-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED, BY KIND OF MINE: 1938 All mines Gold mines Iron mines Chromite mines Manganese, copper, and coal mines Total.... Pesos... 2,937,44 2,711,727 107,895 2,448 115,374 Per cent distribution... Coal.... Cost.... Per cent distribution.. Gasoline and kerosene. Cost..... Per cent distribution. Diesel oil.... Cost... Per cent distribution. Electric purchase Cost... Per cent distribution. 100.0 Tons. Pesos... 1,980 47,376 100.0 92.3 221 8,708 18.4 3.7 0.1 3.9 1,758 38,587 1 81 81.4 0.2 (ity) Gallons. 493,049 Pesos... 299,183 100.0 422,776 252,343 52,285 2,755 15,233 29,514 1,879 15,447 84.3 9.9 0.6 5.2 Tons... 49,862 Pesos... 2,072,487 47,084 759 14 2,005 1,932,419 39,79 500 99,774 100.0 93.2 119 (1) 4.8 KWH. 29,566,807 Pesos... 518,398 100.0 29,565,167 518,257 100.0 1,352 288 69 72 (¹) (¹) Total.. Gold mines. Iron mines. 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. Cost of equipment and machinery purchased.-The data on equipment and machinery purchased apply to that purchased during 1938. This cost may not be representative of a normal year as 42 per cent of the total was reported by companies organized since 1935. The total cost of equipment and machinery purchased during 1938 was 9,193,243. The distribution by kind of mine is as follows: TABLE 17.-COST OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT (PURCHASED), BY KIND OF MINE: 1938 Kind of mine Machinery and equipment purchased during 1938 Pesos Chromite mines. Manganese mines.... Copper mines.. Coal and asbestos mines Per cent distribution 9,193,243 100.0 8,510,166 92.6 558,213 6.1 26,727 0.3 16,434 0.2 55,026 0.6 26,677 0.3 541 Value of groceries and supplies sold to employees.-Less than one-fifth of all mining companies reported groceries and sup- plies sold during 1938. The total sales of groceries and sup- plies amounted to 1,689,824 or #34,486 per company report- ing. The total sales of groceries and supplies amounted to #42 per employee of all mining companies and was equivalent to 7.8 per cent of the salaries and wages received by all employees during 1938. TABLE 18.-VALUE OF GROCERIES AND SUPPLIES SOLD TO EMPLOYEES DURING 1938, BY KIND OF MINE, BY PROVINCES Kind of mine and province Groceries and supplies sold Companies reporting Gold mines.. Abra... Albay. Bulacan.. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur... Marinduque.. Masbate. Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Surigao... Tayabas. All other provinces. Iron mines.. Camarines Norte... Samar.... Chromite mines.. Zambales... Manganese, copper, and coal mines. Albay... Palawan. Mountain Province. Sulu.. Zambales.. Total... Gold mines.. Iron mines... Chromite mines. Manganese mines. Copper mines. Coal and asbestos mines.. Gross sales.-Gross sales represent gross receipts for all products mined, groceries, supplies, contract work performed for others, etc. Gross sales may differ considerably from the value of products mined as products mined may not have been all sold in the year during which they were mined. Gross sales of all companies totalled #70,346,016 during 1938. The distri- bution of gross sales by kind of mine is as follows: TABLE 19.-GROSS SALES, BY KIND OF MINE: 1938 Kind of mine Value (Pesos) (8 1,106,559 1 1,256 1 6,063 1 500 7 105,500 1 157 1 4 4,952 502,574 20712 2,231 343,369 116,857 9,809 13,291 2 423,215 11 372,804 50,411 2 28,436 2 28,436 7 131,614 13111 91,505 8,876 28,476 1,853 904 Gross sales Per cent distribution Pesos 70,346,016 100.0 63,508,057 90.3 4,033,182 5.7 651,811 0.9 618,230 0.9 1,155,090 1.7 379,646 0.5 542 Mineral Claims.-Claims were dlassified, to kind, that is, whether lode or placer and also according to the conditions under which they were held, that is, whether under patent, under location, or under leasehold. "A lode mineral claim is a parcel of mineral land contain- ing a vein, lode, ledge, lens, or mass of ore in place which has been located in accordance with law. A placer claim is that which does not come under the definition of lode mineral claim". (Section 31, Commonwealth Act 137.) Mineral claims held under patent and location are occupied in accordance with the following provisions of the Act of Con- gress of July 1, 1902, as amended by Act of Congress approved February 6, 1905: "Sec. 21. That all valuable mineral deposits in public lands in the Philippine Islands, both surveyed and unsurveyed, are hereby declared to be free and open to exploration, occupation, and purchase, and the land in which they are found to occupa tion and purchase, by citizens of the United States, or of said Islands X X X. "Sec. 22. (As amended by Act of Congress approved Feb. ruary 6, 1905.) That mining claims upon land containing veins or lodes of quartz or other rock in place bearing gold, silver, cinnabar, lead, tin, copper, or other valuable deposits lo- cated after the passage of this Act, whether located by one or more persons qualified to locate the same under the pre- ceding section, shall be located in the following manner and under the following conditions: Any person so qualified desiring to locate a mineral claim shall, subject to the provisions of this Act with respect to land which may be used for mining, enter upon the same and locate a plat of ground measuring, where possible, but not exceeding three hundred meters in length by three hundred meters in breadth, in as nearly as possible a rectangular form X X X." "Sec. 27. That the holder of a mineral claim shall be en- titled to all minerals which may lie within his claim, but he shall not be entitled to mine outside the boundary lines of his claim continued vertically downward X X X." claimant at the time of filing this application, or at any time thereafter within the sixty days of publication, shall file with the provincial secretary, or such other officer as by the Philip- pine Government may be described as mining recorder, a cer- tificate of the Chief of the Philippine Insular Bureau of Public Lands that one thousand pesos' worth of labor has been ex pended or improvements made upon the claim by himself or grantors; that the plat is correct, with such further description by such reference to natural objects or permanent monuments as shall identify the claim, and furnish an accurate description to be incorporated in the patent. At the expiration of the sixty days of publication the claimant shall file his affidavit, showing that the plat and notice have been posted in a con- spicuous place on the claim during such period of publication. If no adverse claim shall have been filed with the provincial secretary, or such other officer as by the Government of said of the sixty days of publication, it shall be assumed that the Islands may be described as mining recorder, at the expiration applicant is entitled to a patent upon the payment to the pro- vincial treasurer, or the collector of internal revenue, of twenty- five pesos per hectare, and that no adverse claim exists; and thereafter no objection from third parties to the issuance of a patent shall be heard, except it be shown that the applicant where the claimant for a patent is not a resident of or within has failed to comply with the terms of this Act: Provided, That the province wherein the land containing the vein, ledge, or deposit sought to be patented is located, the application for patent and the affidavits required to be made in this section by the claimant for such patent may be made by his, her, or its authorized agent where said agent is conversant with the facts sought to be established by his affidavits." or location occupied in accordance with the provisions of Act Mineral claims acquired since 1936 and held under leasehold 137 approved November 7, 1936, The pertinent provisions of this Act relating to claims are as follows: "SEC. 3. All mineral lands of the public domain and minerals belong to the State, and their disposition, exploitation, develop- ment, or utilization, shall be limited to citizens of the Philip- pines, or to corporations, or associations, at least sixty per centum of the capital of which is owned by such citizens, sub- ject to any existing right, grant, lease, or concession at the time of the inauguration of the Government established under "SEC. 30. The finding of mineral or minerals in place or "Sec. 37 (as amended by Act of Congress approved Feb- ruary 6, 1905). That a patent for any land claimed and located for valuable mineral deposits may be obtained in the following manner: Any person, association, or corporation authorized to locate a claim under this Act, having claimed and located a piece of land, for such purposes, who has or have complied with the Constitution." the terms of this Act, may file in the office of the provincial "SEC. 29. The right to locate a mining claim shall in all cases secretary, or such other officer as by the Government of said be based upon the discovery of mineral therein." Islands may be described as mining recorder of the province wherein the land claimed is located, an application for a patent, under oath, showing such compliance, together with (a) plat position where originally formed in the work, whether assaying and (b) field notes of the claim or claims in common, made high or low, shall constitute a valid discovery for the location by or the direction of the Chief of the Philippine Insular Bu- of a lode mineral claim. The finding of mineral or minerals reau of Public Lands, showing accurately the boundaries of in loose, fragmentary or broken rocks, boulders, floats, beds or the claim, which shall be distinctly marked by monuments on deposits whether in greater or lesser quantities, or the finding the ground, and shall post a copy of such plat, together with of the same in forms other than those above described for lode a notice of such application for a patent, in a conspicuous mineral claims, shall constitute a valid discovery for the loca- place on the land embraced in such plat previous to the filing tion of a placer mining claim." of the application for a patent, shall file (c) affidavit of at least two persons that such notice has been duly posted, and shall file a copy of the notice in such office, and shall thereupon be entitled to a patent for the land, in the manner following: That provincial secretary, or such other officer as by the Phil- ippine Government may be described as mining recorder, upon the filing of such application, plat, field notes, notices, and affi- davits, shall publish a notice that such an application has been made, once a week for the period of sixty days, in a newspaper to be by him designated as nearest to such claim, and in two newspapers published at Manila, one in the English language and one in the Spanish language, to be designated by the Chief of the Fhilippine Insular Bureau of Public Lands; and he shall also post such notice in his office for the same period. The "SEC. 33. Immediately upon the discovery of mineral or as soon as possible thereafter, but not more than thirty days after the date of the said discovery, the discoverer or locator may locate a mining claim in accordance with the provisions of this Act, covering the land where the mineral has been discovered. If no such location is made within such period, the right to locate a mining claim covering such land shall be deemed to have been waived." "SEC. 39. Lode claims, whether located by one or more per- sons qualified to locate mining claims under this Act shall be located in the following manner and under the following con- ditions: "Any person so qualified desiring to locate a lode mineral claim shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, enter upon the same and locate a plat of ground, measuring not more than 543 three hundred meters in length by three hundred meters in breadth, in as nearly as possible a rectangular form Xxxx' "SEC. 67. Any person authorized to locate a mining claim under this Act, having claimed and located a piece of land for mining purposes who has complied with the terms of this Act, may fille with the Director of the Bureau of Mines an application under cath for a mining lease thereon, showing such compliance. A plan and a technical description of the mining claim or claims covered by the application shall be filed therewith or as soon thereafter as the same may be obtained from the Bureau of Mines under the provisions of this Act. In the case of an application to lease a mining claim located on private lands, the same shall be accompanied by a written authority of the owner of the land Xxxxx "SEC. 68. Application for a lease on a mining claim shall be filed within two years from the date of the recording of the claim in the office of the mining recorder or within two years from the date of the approval of this Act. ***? "SEC. 74. Leases under the provisions of this Act shall bo for a period not exceeding twenty-five years from the date of the exccution of the lease contract the execution of the lease contract and shall be renewable under such terms and conditions as may be provided by law for another period not exceeding twenty-five years. The total period of any lease and the extension thereof shall not exceed fifty years, XXXX" "SEC. 78. Every lease granted under this Act shall be con- strued as granting to the lessee, his successors or assigns, the right to extract all mineral deposits of the group for which the lease or leases had been granted within the boundary lines of the claim or claims covered by the lease, continued vertically downward; to remove and utilize the same for his own benefit, and to use the lands covered by the lease for the purpose or purposes specified therein XXXX" "SEC. 79. For the privilege of exploring, developing, mining, extracting, and disposing of the minerals from the lands covered by his lease, the lessee shall pay to the Government of the Philippines, through the Collector of Internal Revenue, the rentals, royalties, and taxes provided by law XXXX. The distribution of mineral lands by kind and the conditions which they are held, by kind of mine, as follows: are TABLE 20.-MINERAL LANDS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THEY ARE HELD, BY KIND OF MINE: 1938 Kind of mine, kind of claim, and conditions under which they are held and item Gold mines Iron mines Chromite mines Manganese Copper and mines coal mines Lode claim held under patent Companies reporting... 33 1 Number of claims 1,693 Area of claims (Hectares). 13,693 100 900 189 1,245 108 1888 Placer claims held under patent Companies reporting... 1 1 Number of claims.. 40 4 Area of claims (Hectares). 2,448 192 Lode claims hold under location (Act 137) Companies reporting.... Number of claims. 64 4,963 3 4 4 Area of claims (Hectares). 41,177 221 1,989 224 2,016 126 1,124 8 154 1,386 Placer claims held under location (Act 137) Number of claims.. Companies reporting.... 23 1 655 15 Area of claims (Hectares). 9,176 960 Lode claims held under location (Act of July 1, 1902) Number of claims. Companies reporting.... 92 8,168 Area of claims (Hectares).... 67,432 9 688 5,742 1 4 Placer claims held under location (Act of July 1, 1902) Number of claims.. Companies reporting... 22 1 767 Area of claims (Hectares). 20,884 25 1,600 8,482 888888 276 792 2,017 3 55 2886 49 Lode claims held under lease hold Number of claims.. Companies reporting.... Area of claims (Hectares). 16 850 6,417. 2 1 3 138 9 1,234 81 12436 1,116 1000 1,661 Placer claims held under lease hold Companies reporting.... Number of claims.. Area of claims (Hectares)..... 6 217 6,113 544 MINES tion of the number of companies, assets, and gross sales by size of total assets is shown in Table 22. Size of gross sales.-The classification of mining companies according to size of gross sales has been limited to gold mining companies as the number of other kinds of mines is too small to enable the making of the classification without disclosing data for individual companies. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF COMPANIES, GROSS SALES, TOTAL ASSETS. SALARIES AND WAGES PAID. AND VALUE OF PRODUCTS MINED BY GOLD MINING COMPANIES. BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES: 1938. Sise of gross sales Year established.-The data on year established relate to the year when the company was incorporated or first began busi- ness and apply only to gold mining companies. The distribu- tion of companies, total assets, and gross sales by year estab- lished is given in Table 23. ASSETS OF MINING COMPANIES OWNED BY CITIZENS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES: 1938 Citizens of Under $1,000 P1,000 to P4.999 P5,000 to P9.999 Philippines United States Great Britain Spain China Japan P10,000 to P49.999 P50,000 to P99,999 IN P100,000 to P499.999 P500,000 to P999.999 M1,000,000 to P3,999,999 M $4,000,000 and over 10 20 30 40 50 Number of companies Gross sales Total assets 60 70 80 90 100 Salaries and wages paid Value of products mined The distribution of gold mining companies by size of gross sales is shown hereunder. Size of total assets.-The classification by size of total as- sets has been limited to gold mining companies. The distribu- Other countries. If Country of which 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Asets owned (millions of pesos) majority of the directors are citizens.- majority of the board of directors were citizens of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the company was classified under Philippines; if the majority were U. S. citizens, the company was classified under United States; if the majority were citizens of Great Britain, the company was classified under Great Britain; and if neither citizens of the Philippines nor of the United States constituted majority of the Board of directors, but both citizens of the Philippines and the United States constituted the majority of the board of directors, then the company was classified under United States-Philippines. This classification relates only to the citizenship of the majority of directors and only to gold mining companies and not to the citizenship of stockholders. The distribution of the number of companies, total assets, and gross sales by country of which a majority of the directors are citizens is shown in Table 24. Assets by citizenship.-The total assets of all mining com- panies have been classified by the citizenship of the stock- holders. The distribution by kind of mine is given in Table 25. TABLE 21. GOLD MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES: 1938 Number of companies Gross sales Total..... Under 1,000 to P P 5,000 to P 10,000 to 50,000 to P 1,000... 4,999.. 9,999. 49,999... 99,999.... P100,000 to P 499,999 500,000 to P999,999 P1,000,000 to P3,999,999. P4,000,000 and over.. Size of gross sales 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. Total Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent distribution 198 100.0 63,508,057 100.0 157 79.3 668 (¹) 3 1.5 9,282 (¹) 3 1.5 17,222 4 2.0 63,462 0.1 8 1.5 206,579 0.8 10 5.1 2,354,621 3.7 4 2.0 2,804,816 4.4 9 4.5 19,891,342 81.3 5 2.5 38,160,065 60.1 545 TABLE 22.-TOTAL ASSETS AND GROSS SALES OF GOLD MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Size -of total assets Total... Under P5,000.... P5,000 to 9,999 P10,000 to P49,999. P50,000 to 199,999. P100,000 to 199,999 P200,000 to 299,999. $300,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to 999,999 P1,000,000 to 2,999,999. P3,000,000 to P4,999,999. P5,000,000 and over.. Number of companies Total assets Gross sales Per cent Total distribu- Pesos tion Per cent distribu- tion Pesos Per cent distribu- tion 198 100.0 188,198, 999 100.0 63,508,057 100.0 32 16.2 63,079 (¹) 14 7.1 137,618 0.1 114,951 0.2 30 15.2 1.076,625 0.6 20,554 (¹) 20 10.1 1,618,181 0.9 29 14.6 4,397.173 2.3 209,945 0.3 7 3.5 2,055,110 1.1 15 7.6 5.924,965 3.1 786,398 1.2 22 11.1 16,209,558 8.6 1,615,874 2.6 18 9.1 34,143,668 5 2.5 6 3.0 20,587,654 101,985,368 18.1 16,917,209 10.9 10,377,653 54.2 33,465,473 26.6 16.3 52.7 1 Less than 0.1 per cent. TABLE 23.-TOTAL ASSETS AND GROSS SALES OF GOLD MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Total..... 1935 to 1938.-.- 1930 to 1934. 1925 to 1929 Prior to 1925... Year not reported. Year established Nnmber of companies Total assets Gross sales Per cent Total disribu- Pesos tion Per cent distribu- tion Per cent Pesos distribu- tion 198 100.0 188, 198, 999 100.0 63, 508, 057 100.0 136 82235 68.7 47 437,692 25.2 9,881,568 15.6 26.3 37,335,058 19.8 19,595,240 30.9 1.0 7,092,478 3.8 4,353,539 6.9 1.5 2.5 42,776,352 53,647,419 22.7 28.5 15,377,873 14,299,837 22.5 24.2 TABLE 24.-TOTAL ASSETS AND GROSS SALES OF GOLD MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY COUNTRY OF WHICH A MAJORITY OF THE DIRECTORS ARE CITIZENS: 1938 Number of companies Total assets Gross sales Country of which a majority of directors are citizens Total Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent distribution Pesos Per cent distribution Total.. Philippines United States. Great Britain. United States-Philippines. Country not reported. 198 100.0 188, 198, 999 100.0 63,508,057 100.0 126 63.6 35,943,464 19.1 7,355,627 11.6 54 27.3 121,695,028 64.7 40,504,680 63.8 5 2.5 16,358,121 8.7 9,470,523 14.9 12 6.1 13,624,612 7.2 6,177,227 9.7 1 0.5 577,774 0.3 546 TABLE 25.-ASSETS OF MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY KIND OF MINE, BY CITIZENSHIP OF STOCKHOLDER: 1938 Assets owned by citizens of- Total (Pesos) United Philippines (Pesos) States (Pesos) China (Pesos) Japan (Pesos) Great Britain (Pesos) Spain (Pesos) Other countries (Pesos) Total.... 201, 225, 393 97,356, 088 74, 158, 719 3,392, 298 550,779 12, 101, 356 6,210,955 7,455, 198 Gold mines. 188,198,999 91,860,227 68,478,559 3,282,714 327,129 11,389,521 6,063,706 6,797,143 Iron mines.. 4,411,941 582,376 3,542,789 17,648 39,707 83,827 94,633 50,961 Chromite mines 3,635,285 2,704,652 352,623 14,541 47,259 15,556 500,654 Manganese mines. 2,114,694 1,254,014 520,215 71,900 175,519 12,688 37,060 43,298 Copper mines... 2,435,996 772,716 1,033,155 2,924 8,424 562,062 56,715 Asbestos and coal mines. 428,478 182,103 231,378 2,571 5,999 6,427 " Kind of mine and province Jumber of com- panies Total (Pesos) Buildings Equipment (Pesos) (Pesos) Corporations, religious organizations, etc. for which it was impossible to determine citizenship have been included in the TABLE 26.-ASSETS OF MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY KIND OF MINE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Inventory value of Inventory value of concentrates supplies on and miner- Mineral lands owned (Pesos) Cash (Pesos) als on hand (Pesos) hand (Pesos) Accounts and notes receivable (Pesos) 3 Gold mines.... 198 188, 198, 999 8,584, 663 32, 341, 542 117,463, 041 5,645, 229 8,374, 252 9,052,725 6,7 7,547 Abra... Agusan.. Albay. Batangas... Bulacan.. Camarines Norte. 41 Camarines Sur.... Isabela... Leyte. Manila, City of. Marinduque.... Masbate.... Mindoro... Misamis Oriental.... Mountain Province.. 02326 15 10 365,865 4,120 22,474 204,105 336,550 4.183 52,638 195,627 19,764 9,858 5,174 140,228 16,268 57.976 246,151 23,021 89,698 125,267 1,531 56,814 6,634 9,306 20,730 530 16,746 9,502 3,709,553 380,759 675,901 1,940,738 32,621 234,797 151,724 293,013 tr 27,174,122 1,312,470 8,709,446 12,207,372 635,306 1,948,024 1,337,555 1,128,256 1,148,248 139,863 727,747 2 108,231 958 5,638 41,202 313,916 54 Nueva Ecija. Pangasinan. Romblon.. Surigao... 18 Tayabas.. 26 BONG 34288 198,481 178,863 95 796 190,000 3,798 1,833 1.959 11,322 22,734 19,138 7,177 1,320 117,172 81,188 4,397 14,911 24,563 1,127 36,190 6 470,599 15,015,275 2,979,300 120,719,252 190,071 2,014,750 76,380 11,061,904 81,926 97,512 90.055 46,107 647,761 6,330,684 5,498,951 333,259 81,862 461,927 46,113 27,024 1,437,243 21 305,450 8,793 293,893 2,560,737 218 28,495 5,836,847 12,513,295 86,179,514 3,854,866 1,429 4,819,971 11,632 5,496,474 5,496,474 74.821 2,518,775 2,066 27,920 93,367 126,498 4,838 691,672 474,571 50,288 50,749 2,029,754 75,800 1,435,632 4,350 6,014,193 80 3,180 65,956 487,812 68,022 11,275 310,116 7,707 15,578 356,678 5.168 797,891 359,599 7,899 1,0757802 72,010 Zambales.... 3 All other provinces.. 11 19,276 1,275,169 127 60,490 2,037 400,722 250,256 1,532 107,494 133 15,438 22,718 257,007 176,487 Iron mines... 6 4,411, 941 382,317 1, 320, 178 1,991, 538 185, 137 753 416,651 115,377 Camarines Norte. All other provinces.. Chromite mines 33 4,196,202 215,739 352,350 29,967 1,172,821 147,347 1,977,093 14,445 171,413 13,724 753 416,651 105,121 10,256 15 3,635,285 214,407 364, 633 1,434,855 5 85,072 1,440, 770 49,997 45,551 Pangasinan. Zambales... All other provinces.. Manganese mines.. Camarines Sur.... Ilocos Norte. Palawan.... All other provinces. Copper mines.. Pangasinan. All other provinces. Asbestos coal mines.... Zambales.... All other provinces.. 376 5 61,287 1,989,541 1,584,457 7,599 36,611 170,197 10,407 250,371 103,855 40 1,288,805 145,510 79 9,404 75,589 19,337 787 85 23,240 374,978 25,014 4,549 1,046,646 24,898 17,762 15 2, 114, 694 @32. 32.767 155, 265 1,335,929 290, 615 200, 418 37,671 62,029 11 24631 213,85 36,305 10,000 75,885 33,186 26,562 31,968 783,706 575,013 12,964 19,696 474,450 197,279 75,962 3,445 13,107 65,111 408,274 5,428 55,830 9,935 17,328 542,029 2,435,996 6.696 34,153 443,205 12,023 35,490 1,174 9,288 278,753 549, 219 966, 527 11,621 130,885 255,270 243,721 88 3 51,906 2,384,090 16.762 261,991 33,662 515,557 6 966,527 1,476 10,145 255,270 130,885 243,715 and 5 428,478 45, 102 152,698 154,980 20.177 1,339 11,770 42,412 23 8,530 424,948 464 44,638 3,025 149,673 154,980 15 20.162 1,339 22 11,748 42,408 547 TABLE 27.-ASSETS OF GOLD MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY KIND, BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, YEAR ESTABLISED, AND BY COUNTRY OF WHICH THE MAJORITY OF THE DIRECTORS ARE CITIZENS: 1938. Class and item Number of com- Total (Pesos) Buildings Equipment (Pesos) (Pesos) panies Mineral lands owned (Pesos) Cash (Pesos) Total........ Inventory Inventory Accounts value value of of concen- supplies receivable trates on on hand hand (Pesos) and notes (Pesos) 198 188, 193, 999 8,584,663 32, 341, 542 117, 463, 041 5, 645, 229 8, 374, 252 9, 052, 725 6, 737, 547 30,009,773 2,016,304 4,355,942 17,093,107 1,236,872 965,254 3,600,565 5,888,954 608,020 1,849,606 355,814 1,249,965 524,366 1,805,139 31,558 943,674 349,774 301,183 9 38,506,215 3,398,293 15,372,178 12,047,590 2,217,092 1,033,196 3,382,2191,055,647 5 90,106,560 1,287,408 4,539,358 73,814,343 1,519,242 4,327,745 3,025,339 993,125 659 75 3,136 28,857 12,884 119,877 271,747 Size of gross sales- Under P1,000... P1,000 to P5,000 to 157 741,729 P4,999.... P9,999.... P10,000 to P50,000 to P100,000 to P49,999.... P99,999.... 499,999. 10 P500,000 to 999,999... P1,000,000 to 8,999,999.... P4,000,000 and over... Size of total assets- Under P5,000... 82 P5,000 to P9,999.... P10,000 to P49,999... 30 P50,000 to P99,999.... 20 P100,000 to 199,999. $200,000 to 299,999... P300,000 to 499,999.... 15 P500,000 to 999,999.... 22 P1,000,000 to 2,999,999. 18 P3,000,000 to 4,999,999. P5,000,000 and over... Year established- 1935 to 1938... 136 1930 to 1934... 52 BAYRULLE & UND 3 1,366,181 13,557 205,897 8 1,561,611 152,175 238,317 4 4,338,188 1-10,336 389,150 3 3,815,147 280,367 1,325,731 989,793 144,049 1,073,112 27,617 816 5,709 6.186 5,883 34,638 30,043 3,448, 122 73,075 26,751 22,647 268,107 1,672,835 39,910 44,667 142,302 309,335 12,606,370 718,203 4,065,363 5,519,000 173,900 4 63,079 3,742 14 137,618 18,290 8,676 28,914 6,632 11,961 46,624 29,409 1,497 1,076,625 50,244 299,181 80 154,854 166,693 14,029 1,618,181 95,560 302,886 639,909 128,201 1,282 549,613 799,595 1,703,567 394,897 101,610 123,129 724,762 7 21,345 78,242 1,306,273 2,908, 843 22,648 478,347 115 53,758 4379,286 2 3 1925 to 1929... Prior to 1925. Year not reported. By country of which the major- ity of the directors are citi- zens- Philippines. United States.. Great Britain. United States Philippines... Citizenship not reported... 48,825 401,518 19,072 607,415 191,616 1,003,668 29 4,397,173 2,055,110 5,924,965 264,258 1,123,475 16,209,558 358,953 3,163,625 34,143,668 4,497,190 9,956,219 5 20,587,654 507,877 5,731,006 6 101,985,368 2,217,1 10,849,723 5D 47,347,692 2,113,748 13,340,957 23,727,258 1,294,338 985,0172,197,6158,688,759 37,335,058 3,890,5619,4 0,123 14,826,077 2,594,287 2,320,813 2,205,891 2,017,306 7,092,478 735,403 2,850,232 2.734,059 50,451 129,978 575,771 16,584 42,776,352 609,891 2,727,778 32, 48,869 1,294,569 2,760,794,834,959 699,492 5 53,647,419 1,235,060 3,942,452 43,326,778 41,584 2,177,650 2 238,489 315,406 10,780,116 278,666 211,321 567,400 567,400 849,477 13,169,541 1,021,076 2,565,744 1,823,266 1,110, 632 6,863,810 1,406,053 6,863,810 1,406,053 2775861,103.746 277 586 1,103,746 550,074 79,981,872 1,707,278/1,047,032 5,051,161/1,130,711 595,876 24627 8 (8 y 126 35,943,464 2,254,033 7,678,692 18,206,8571,195,638 1,241,080 1,325,913 4,041,271 54 121,695,028 5,171,630 13,085,451 87,528,261 2,935, 9105,938,904 5,237,867 1,797,005 16,358,121 499,075 7,825,580 5,504,606 358,542 523,781 1,481,997 164,540 13,624,612 611,178 3,527,132 6,165,337 1,149,289 670,487 769,464 731,725 577,774 48,747 224,687 237,484 8,006 5 12 58,000 5,850 548 Kind of mine and province TABLE 28.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY KIND OF MINE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 All employees Executives, managers, and supervisors Office employees Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Gold mines.. Abra.... 31,668 18,048,476 762 4,219,952 1,399 802,692 62 Albay.. Agusan.. Batangas. Bulacan.. 28,069 50 20,767 227 79,168 81 40,137 441 275,370 Camarines Norte. 7,121 Camarines Sur. 3,487,957 584 191,953 Isabela... 4 1,930 Leyte.. 68 30,674 Manila, City of. 54 25,621 Marinduque. 194 161,093 Masbate... 3,900 2,337,763 Mindoro.. 15 Misamis Oriental. 285 Mountain Province.. 14,982 2.636 110,827 9,474,654 Nueva Ecija... 36 12,649 Pangasinan. 38 38,249 Romblon.. Surigao.. Tayabas.. Zambales.... All other provinces. Iron mines. 23 22,077 2,859 1,378,487 84 45,683 15 4,578 545 278,134 5,188 1,984,083 Camarines Norte... 4,522 1,822,911 All other provinces. 666 161,172 Chromite mines. 1,292 440, 165 Pangasinan.. 47 18,720 Zambales.. 613 208,218 All other provinces. 632 213,227 Manganese mines. 881 399,206 Camarines Sur. 293 143,414 Ilocos Norte. 110 Palawan.... 379 66,480 139,559 All other provinces. 99 Copper mines... 1,003 49,753 464,272 Pangasinan... 35 All other provinces. 968 19,650 444,622 Asbestos and coal mines. 365 236,871 Zambaels.... 15 All other provinces.. 350 3,966 232,905 ༧ས༠༠ཥྭ ཥྚཱཾཥྭཌྭ༠ ཿསྒྱུསམྦྷ ⌘ ཥཿཨཱ」8eསྐུ eསྐ ྂ 2༠༠སྒྱུ མྨཊྛ ས 8 2 11,746 9,840 8 34,850 23,925 13 59,749 154 804,132 16 92,280 1,300 3 10,200 5 14,065 16 72,992 74 530,321 2 313 42,005 1,982,260 377 4 624 27,184 3 12,600 402,602 106 5 24,094 1,690 18 61,493 52 185,364 36 151,003 16 34,361 32 78,959 7 11,520 12 32,481 34,958 124,914 6 60,815 23,715 26,337 14,047 121,055 15,600 105,455 23,237 23,237 ON NG NON IN IN 500 9 5,661 3,465 13,333 4 1,499 18 15,430 510 139,539 28,257 630 1,242 4,545 9.092 187 112,669 20 14,051 358,043 9 4.417 5,400 60,808 5,036 2,276 17,290 53,985 41,928 12,057 45,535 2,340 38,742 4,453 27,140 6,150 5 210 15,675 5,10 18,592 2,400 16,192 6,266 540 5,726 549 TABLE 28.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY KIND OF MINE, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Underground employees Mill employees Other employees Kind of mine and province Number Salaries Paid (Pesos) Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Salaries paid Number (Pesos) Gold mines.. Abra.... Agusan... Albay.. Batangas. 18,791 7,888,454 2,390 1,000,765 8,326 4,136,613 21 4,626 198 28,345 62 14,346 Bulacan.. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. 298 144,652 30 15,176 285625 24 6,036 39 7,462 2,640 367 40,363 4,098 1,549,114 362 482 66,733 4 159,727 1,483 1,997 19 835,445 3,200 Isabela.... Leyte... 61 18,032 Manila, City of. 38 6,036 12 Marinduque. 89 29,473 1 Masbate... 1,954 808,809 496 630 200,209 1,189 Mindoro. 8888 75 13 1,200 975 48,906 685,755 2,636 Misamis Oriental. 136 26,432 14 Mountain Province. 9,569 4,636,348 1,241 5,565 514,230 100 22,774 3,482 1,983,773 Nueva Ecija.. 19 5,928 Pangasinan. 16 3,107 Romblon. 13 4,077 Surigao. 1,572 499,572 242 103,745 855 Tayabas.. Zambales... All other provinces. Iron mines. Camarines Norte. All other provinces. Chromite mines. Pangasinan. Zambales... All other provinces. Manganese mines... Camarines Sur.. Ilocos Norte. Palawan..... 1099888 6 6,088 3,541 42 8,727 31 311,760 7,826 9 612 123 3,392 34,097 1,288,905 381 165,254 1,662 455,829 3.392 1,288,905 1,028 341,075 634 114,754 1,202 315,671 33 4,860 558 136,995 611 173,816 814 247,152 9.78 277 76,449 103 42.555 352 97,547 All other provinces. 82 30,601 Copper mines. 470 177,09 124 44,023 347 102,624 Pangasinan.. 23 1,650 All other provinces 447 176,328 124 44,023 347 102,624 Asbestos and coal mines. 220 175,682 122 31,686 Zambales.... 5 1,443 6 1,983 All other provinces. 215 174,239 116 29,703 550 TABLE 29.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID BY GOLD MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, YEAR ESTABLISHED, AND BY COUNTRY OF WHICH THE MAJORITY OF THE DIRECTORS ARE CITIZENS: 1938. e All employes Executives, managers, and supervisors Other employees Class and item Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Total... 31,668 18,048,476 762 4.219.952 1,399 802,692 Size of gross sales- Under P1,000... 4,190 2,491,701 225 681,158 263 159,792 P1,000 to P4,999. 199 88,996 9 43,447 12 9,715 P5,000 to P9.999 385 175,951 12 59.589 21 16,707 P10,000 to P49,999. 735 310,121 20 94,820 24 21,716 P50,000 to P99,999.. 1,279 529,218 25 151,401 96 46,028 P100,000 to 499,999. 1,011 550,703 44 258,006 196 32,232 500,000 to 999,999. 2,280 1,326,341 52 295,480 94 61,400 P1,000,000 to 3,999,999.. 6,886 4,271,159 149 1,079,971 148 109,285 P4,000,000 and over. 14,703 8,304,286 226 1,556,080 545 345,817 Size of total assets-- Under 5,000.. 158 84,911 29 24.714 21 9,964 P5,000 to P9,999. 118 56,188 6 9,710 2 1,010 P10,000 to P49,999. 330 168,362 41 83,809 40 20,699 P50,000 to P99,999. 389 168,677 27 38.538 23 11,142 P100,000 to 199,999. 1,088 515,859 54 187,294 94 56,649 P200,000 to 299,999. 164 48,801 6 22,310 6 2,426 P300,000 to 499,999. 1,597 724,008 56 227,663 57 34.372 P500,000 to 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 3,829 1,601,523 7,530 5,188,685 87 475,387 196 125,059 190 1,262,850 367 157,344 P3,000,000 to P4,999,999. 1,762 1,187,176 40 331,597 48 38,211 P5,000,000 and over. 14,703 8,304,286 226 1,556,080 545 345,817 Year established- 1935 to 1938 9,885 4.962.471 335 1,454,623 530 329,652 1930 to 1934.. 10,458 5,841,888 1925 to 1929.. 2,567 1,419,982 (8 216 1,300,560 594 203,867 40 228,614 72 50,599 Prior to 1925. 4,207 2,980,149 36 651,930 117 126,521 Year not reported... 4,551 2,843,986 85 584,225 86 92,053 By country of which the majority of the directors are citizens- Philippines. 8,412 4,389,588 282 1,122,871 405 266,028 United States.. 15,067 9,298,031 321 2,119,531 637 316,010 Great Britain. 3,475 2,100,213 79 580,059 191 119,464 United States-Philippines. 4,336 2,068,943 76 368,241 153 88,375 Citizenship not reported. 378 191,701 4 29,250 13 12,815 Underground employees Mill employees Other employees Class and item Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Total.... Size of gross sales- Under P1,000... 18,791 7,888,454 2,390 1,000,765 8,326 4,136,613 (2,421 249 1,051,063 13 4,127 1,268 595,561 P1,000 to P4,999. 83 11,275 5 1,334 90 23,225 P5,000 to P9,999. 207 55,708 9 2,388 136 41,559 P10,000 to P49,999. 466 110,570 26 12,287 199 70,728 P50,000 to P99,999 845 171,487 68 54,866 245 105,436 P100,000 to 499,999. 259 63,013 400 128,769 112 68,683 P500,000 to 999,999. 1,103 522.778 209 83,960 822 362,723 P1,000,000 to 3,999,999. 4,359 1,850,605 553 306,777 1,677 924,521 P4,000,000 and over. 9,048 4,051,955 1,107 406,257 3,777 1,944,177 Size of total assets- Under 5,000.. 58 25,190 50 25,043 P5,000 to P9,999. 77 29,554 9 5,953 24 9,961 P10,000 to P49,999 161 34.904 19 6,899 69 22,051 P50,000 to P99,999. 102 23,920 P100,000 to 199,999. 714 192,584 41 P200,000 to 299,999. 150 23,427 16,675 78 237 95,077 185 62,657 2 639 P300,000 to 499,999. 840 239,913 278 P500,000 to 999,999. 2,190 490,791 3 4,796 177 26,419 366 1,179 83264 P1,000,000 to 2,999,999. 4,568 2,368,282 602 381,905 1,803 1,018,304 P3,000,000 to P4,999,999. 883 407,924 157 77,861 P5,000,000 and over.. 9,048 4,051,955 1,107 406,257 634 3,777 331,573 1,944,177 Year established- 1935 to 1939 5,256 1,584,935 808 316,501 2,956 1,274,760 1930 to 1934. 6,281 2,720,302 782 352,032 2,585 1,267,127 1925 to 1929. Prior to 1925. 1,768 2,633 1,446,213 783,615 185 86,581 502 270,573 311 132,556 1,060 622,929 Year not reported. 2,853 1,353,389 304 113,095 1,223 701,224 By country of which the majority of the directors are citizens- Philippines. 5,068 1,975,598 552 196,082 United States.. 9,023 4,174,914 1,121 481,258 2,105 3.965 829,000 2,216,418 Great Britain. 1,568 United States-Philippines. 3,069 572,616 1,143,680 512 191,138 1,125 636,936 205 132,287 833 336,360 Citizenship not reported.. 63 21,646 298 117,890 551 TABLE 30.-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF SPECIFIC PRODUCTS PRODUCES, BY KIND OF MINE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Gold Silver Copper Lead Kind of mines and province Fine ounces Value (Pesos) Fine ounces Value (Pesos) Pounds Value Kilos (Pesos) Value (Peso) Gold mines... 893,870 62,431,073 1,093,685 1,424,288 2,887,808 553,112 8,906 653 Abra.... 4 Bulacan... 14,077 Camarines Norte. 139,507 177 985,405 9,737,094 10,046 183,137 Camarines Sur.... 12,925 233,968 1,431,561 279,255 1,555 108,600 Marinduque.. 1,773 121,229 676 2,092 865 2,723 17,536 3,866 Masbate. 102,801 7,195,987 318,512 Misamis Oriental. 327 Mountain Province. 590,460 22,731 41,278,536 66 404,118 411,766 60 535,234 1,151,572 223,896 Pangasinan.. 81 Surigao.. All other provinces.. 41.711 1,574 5,735 2,864,668 110,911 174,914 124 226,584 163 283,959 3,180 45,427 8,906 653 668 Iron mines. Camarines Norte. All other provinces. enromite mines. Pangasinan.. Zambales. All other provinces.. Manganese mines. Ilocos Norte. Palawan.... All other provinces. Copper and coal mines.... 2,590 174,325 63,176 52,346 Pangasinan. All other provinces. 2,590 . 174,825 63,176 52,346 5,890,319 8,000 5,792,319 1,021,507 34,480 9 7.027 Zinc Iron ore Manganese ore Chromite ore Coal Kind of mine and province Kilos Va 'lue (Pesos) Tons Value (Pesos) Tons Value (Pesos) Tons Value (Pesos) Value Tons (Pesos) 565 53,106 Gold mines.. Abra.... Bulacan.. Camarines Norte. 565 53,106 Camarines Sur. Marinduque. Masbate.. Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Pangasinan... Surigao.. All other provinces. Iron mines. Camarines Norte. All other provinces. Chromite mines. Pangasinan. Zambales. All other provinces. Manganese mines Ilocos Norte Palawan... All other provinces. Copper and coal mines... Pangasinan.. All other provinces. 7 905,947 4,042, 365 768,365 3,457,642 137,582 584,723 58,148 1,370,727 750 3,844 4,000 23,520 61,252 551,859 30,628 57,616 750 3,844 41,488 685,532 130 3.640 7,299 70,904 19,181 431,895 15,008 182,733 130 3,640 1,000 18,900 38,572 307,577 1,000 18,900 38,572 307,577 552 TABLE 31.-QUANTITY AND VALUE OF SPECIFIC PRODUCED BY GOLD MINING COMPANIES DURING 1938, BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, YEAR ESTABLISHED, AND BY COUNTRY OF WHICH THE MAJORITY OF THE DIRECTORS ARE CITIZENS: 1938. Silver Gold Clar and item Fine ounces Value (Pesos) Fine ounces Value (Pesos) Total..... Size of gross sales- Under P1,000.. P1,000 to 893,870 62,431,073 1,093,685 1,424,288 148 10,363 3,260 P4,999. 129 8,890 305 3,822 397 P5,000 to P9,999. 585 40,867 114 142 P10,000 to P49,999. 1,322 91,349 4,754 5,881 P50,000 to P99,999. 3,367 235,435 1,930 2,487 P100,000 to P4999,99. 32,007 2,234,549 60,045 78,030 P500,000 to 999,999. 37,600 2,632,354 160,876 208,380 P1,000,000 to P3,999,999.. 279,877 19,458,171 514,084 674,900 P4,000,000 and over.. 538,835 37,719,095 348,317 450,249 Size of total assets- Under P5,000.... 109 7,580 P5,000 to P9,999. 1,603 112,213 1,601 2,070 P10,000 to P49,999. 287 20,113 363 447 P100,000 to 199,999. 3,669 254,828 256 331 P300,000 to 499,999. 9,978 696,356 36,705 47,270 P500,000 to 999,999. 21,388 1,497,075 148,947 193,345 P1,000,000 to $2,999,999. 242,531 16,841,287 281,978 374,523 P3,000,000 to P4,999,999. 142,116 9,948,260 308,577 398,692 P5,000,000 and over. Year established- 472,189 33,053,361 315,249 407,610 1935 to 1938. 1930 to 1934 1925 to 1929 140,772 9,795,708 137,257 177,011 274,823 19,218,040 581,527 762,543 62,157 4,349,858 36,974 47,801 United States.. Great Britain. Prior to 1925. Year not reported. By country of which the majority of the directors are citizens- Philippines... United States-Philippines.. 201,919 14,073,259 130,336 168,367 214,199 14,994,208 207,591 268,566 104,993 558,341 38,947,136 7,346,349 89,850 115,565 524,542 688,847 129,761 100,775 7,054,290 9,083,298 301,415 389,501 177,878 230,375 Copper Lead Zinc Class and Item Pounds Value (Pesos) Kilo Value (Pesos) Kilos Value (Pesos) Total..... 2,887,808 553,112 8,906 653 565 53,106 28,510 4,652 Size of gross sales- Under P1,000... P1,000 to P4,999.. P5,000 to P9,999. P10,000 to P49,999.. P50,000 to P99,999. P100,000 to 499,999.. 228,847 46,394 565 53,106 P500,000 to 999,999... 275,592 57,840 8,906 653 1,000,000 to 3,999,999... 2,354,859 444,226 P4,000,000 and over. Size of total assets- Under P5,000... P5,000 to P10,000 to P9,999. 3,180 668 P49,999.. P100,000 to 199,999. P300,000 to 499,999. 17,536 3,866 565 53,106 P500,000 to 999,999.. 25,330 3,984 P1,000,000 to 2,999,999. 2,630,451 502,066 8,906 653 P3,000,000 to P4,999,999. 211,311 42,528 P5,000,000 and over. Year established- 1935 to 1938 312,469 50,079 8,906 653 1930 to 1934!. 1,671,447 335,375 565 53,106 1925 to 1929.. Prior to 1925... 285,093 43,560 Year not reported. 618,799 124,098 By country of which the majority of the directors are citizens- Philippines... 278,772 58,508 8,906 653 United States. 2,372,395 448,092 565 53,106 Great Britain United States-Philippines. 236,641 46,512 553 TABLE 32.-POWER EQUIPMENT OF MINING COMPANIES, BY KIND OF MINE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Steam engines, turbines, etc. Gasoline engines Diesel and semi-diesel engines Kind of mine and province Compa- ies re- Dorting Rated Num- ber horse Esti- mated Value Esti- Compa- nies re- power Peso) porting Num- ber Rated Estimated Compa- horse value njes re- power (Pesos) porting Rated Num- mated horse ber Pesos) power value Gold mines... 5 21 648 58,326 39 117 5,651 414,547 72 274 52,241 5,117,433 Albay... 1 5 275 38,800 Batangas... 1 6 50 3,500 Bulacan.. Camarines Norte. 3 7 137 19,885 128 2 8 19 279 100 7,000 404 783 71,487 33,004 1 3 1,130 95,048 22 67 12,324 1,120,836 Camarines Sur. 1 7 . 1,006 61,000 Leyte... 2 5 127 8,690 1 1 125 €7,000 Manila, City of. Marinduque.. Masbate.... Misamis Oriental.. 123 5 215 5,100 25 2,448 118,077 7 210 13,603 Mountain Province. Pangasinan... Surigao.. 1 8 461 34,941 729 13 347 49,220 3 150 44,700 19 633 28,177 11 163 831 6 1,030 82,237 32 5 8,604 1,046,330 962 134,933 102 21,413 2,062,402 4 159 36.200 29 4.452 313,909 Tayabas... 1 3 155 26,327 All other provinces. Iron mines... Camarines Norte.. 1 14 318 47,500 21 2 12 234 35,489 4 10 606 93,411 8 70 3,700 2 17 864 70,295 Marinduque. Chromite mines. Zambales..... Manganese copper, and coal mines. Camarines Sur.. 1 14 318 47,500 1 8 70 3,700 111 1 ය 3 127 4,795 1 14 787 65,500 3 70 8,916 1 1 3 70 8,916 3 4 166 18,204 5 10 1,498 96155 All other provinces. 12 18 60 3 106 6,978 11,226 5 10 1,498 96,155 Electric motors driven by purchased electricity Electric driven by electricity produced motors by the user Kind of mine and province Companies reporting Rated Estimated Number horse value power (Pesos) Rated Estimated Campanies reporting Number horse value power (Pesos) Gold mines.. 10 543 8,852 422,963 31 1,446 26,282 856,045 Albay... Batangas.. Bulacan.. Camarines Norte. 3 127 1,629 165,434 Camarines Sur.. 11271 140 3888-9 1 10 1,000 2 400 1,025 8,308 594 67,703 89,986 26,200 Manila, City of... 1 3 8 150 Marinduque.. 1 7 597 Masbate. 6 420 8,038 5,264 235,926 Misamis Oriental. 1 3 329 Mountain Province. Pangasinan.. Surigao.. Iron mines. Camarines Norte. Chromite mines. Zambales. Manganese, copper, and coal mines All other provinces. 811 408 7,175 254,767 8 652 10,804 892,286 1 1 20 16 1,693 590 145 1,904 87,830 1 7 23 1,500 11 1 7 23 1,500 1 11 30 1,071 12 11 80 1,071 39 1,207 39,265 2 39 1,207 39,265 554 TABLE 33.-POWER EQUIPMENT OF GOLD MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, YEAR ESTABLISHED, AND BY COUNTRY O FWHICH THE MAJORITY OF THE DIRECTORS ARE CITIZENS: 1938. Steam engines, tubines, etc. Gasoline Engines Diesel and semi diesel engines Class and item Esti- Compa- Rated nies re- porting Num- mated Compa- horse ber value power (Pesos) nies re- porting Num- ber Rated Estimated Compa- horse value nies re- power (Pesos) porting Num- ber Total..... Size of gross sales- 5 23 21 648 58,326 39 117 5,681 414,547 72 274 Under P1,000.. 4 13 187 23,385 23 P1,000 to P4,999. P5,000 to P9,999 P10,000 to 49,999. 82140 P50,000 to P99,999 8 461 34,941 2 P100,000 to P499,999. 1 P500,000 to 999,999. 4 P1,000,000 to $3,999,999. P4,000,000 and over. Size of total assets- 1 1 888888888 50 2,181 229,773 85 4 196 8,935 2 12 300 318 85,518 87 9,700 121 5,641 61 2,650 139 4,253 28 2,536 117,777 638437676 70 8 5 5 19 22 17 34 94 1 Under P5,000... 1 P5,000 to P9,999.. 1 P10,000 to 49,999. P50,000 to P99,999. 121 1 2 P100,000 to 199,999.. 1668 1 65 5,000 6 50 3,500 8 818 18 420 12856 1,390 500 2 2 23,058 2 2 142 401 14,885 34,941 2 2 P200,000 to 299,999. P300,000 to 499,999. P500,000 to 999,999. P1,000,000 to 2,999,999. P3,000,000 to P4,999,999.. P5,000,000 and over. Year established- 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934.. 7179811 15 422 54,685 9 21 1 1 10 1,500 2 6 20 22 62248 16 444 48,540 11 29 232 27.989 20 57 1,217 119,108 15 53 5 350 20,000 4 8 28 2,536 117,777 5 94 13 187 23,385 26 11 1925 to 1929. Prior to 1925.. 1 8 461 34,941 1 885 83 4,100 297,551 43 23 738 42,309 33 3,200 Year not reported. Country of which a majority of the directors 1 6 780 71,487 82228 117 78052 68 9 61 24 are citizens- Philippines. United States. 4 16 5 66 859 Great Britain. 622 United States-Philippines... Citizenship not reported.. 11 8864 558 90 50,326 8,000 27 9 54 1,565 1,477 177,331 87 181 115,642 24 88 1 28 2,536 2,536 117,777 3 21 1 43 1.397 7 28 30 2,400 1 6 8888 Diesel and semi- diesel engine-Con. Electric motors driven by purchased electricity Electric motors driven by electricity produced by the user Class and item Rated Estimated Compa- Num- horse value nies re- power (Pesos) porting ber Rated horse power Esti- mated value (Pesos) Esti- Compa- Rated nies re- Num- ber horse med value porting Total...... Size of gross sales- Under P1,000.. 5 52,241 5,117,433 10 543 8,852 422,963 P1,000 to P4,999. 6,393 993 635,134 142,596 4 16 293 21,182 111 10 P5,000 to P9,999. 435 P10000 to P49,999. 580 72,807 77,362 1 5 116 15,600 P0,000 to P99,999. 3,068 211,867 P100,000 to 499,999. P500,000 to 999,999. 3,927 394,102 4.573 412,190 21 2 3 112 P1,000,000 to 3,999,999. P4,000,000 and over. Size of total assets- 11,765 1,137,716 20,507 2,033,659 2 28 1,252 130,824 407 7,163 254,500 857 4274 power (Pesos) 31 1,446 26,282 856,045 1913 1.775 65,823 45 1,501 21753 137 1,691 84,446 112 1,911 63 848 20,000 468 7,248 296,278 572 12,764 346,244 Under 5,000.. P5,000 to P9,999. 10 P10,000 to P49,999. 135 1,290 14,299 1 1 28 12 267 8 1509 1 1 12 400 P50,000 to P99,999. 133 8,200 P100,000 to 199,999. 2,677 260,703 1 3 22 1,693 1 40 1,000 P200,000 to P299,999. 282 34,376 P300,000 to 499,999. 3,581 138,243 5 61 1,178 17,529 P500,000 to 999,999. 6,036 849,766 1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 15,053 1,425,010 32 3 14 301 19,926 2 114 1,346 146,427 3,000,000 to P4,999,999. P5,000,000 and over.. 3,827 20,507 2,033,659 351,887 2 407 7.163 254,500 2128 7924 153 2,465 106,975 494 6,148 215,969 164 3,725 167,928 572 12,74 346,244 Year established- 1935 to 1938.. 2 16,995 2,023,553 1930 to 1934. 16,911 1,710,946 1925 to 1929, 2,975 291,128 Prior to 1986 6,590 662,251 8,770 42 555 12 88 416 Year not reported. Country of which a majority of the directors are citizens- Philippines.. United States.. Great Britain. United States-Philippines. Citizenship not reported. 12,118 1,380,020 24,449 1,962,301 8,362 1,038,794 6,916 614,151 396 122,167 112 $25 1,252 130,84 208 4,266 141,400 808 80,201 199 2897 113,060 6,840 339,636 2 127 2,012 83,327 358 6,304 285,139 9 66 13 777 2,103 69,191 10,646 393,776 5 210 4,684 211,324 393 8,849 181,754 61121 82 372 16 542 10,211 302,454 11 440 8,577 226,452 1 106 1,190 42,000 27000 5267 555 Amount received in 1938 for contract work performed TABLE 34.-AMOUNT RECEIVED BY GOLD MINING COMPANIES FOR CONTRACT WORK PERFORMED DURING 1938, BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, YEAR ESTABLISHED, AND BY COUNTRY OF WHICH THE MAJORITY OF THE DIRECTORS ARE CITIZENS. Total... Size of gross sales- P100,000 to P500,000 to P1,000,000 to 499,999. 999,999.. 3,999,999. P4,000,000 and over... Size of total assets- P300,000 to 499,999.. P500,000 to 999,999.. Class and item $3,000,000 to P4,999,999. P5,000,000 and over. Year established 1935 to 1938... 1930 to 1934.. By country of which the majority of the directors are citizens- United States.... Great Britain United States-Philippines.. Companies Pesos reporting 5 38,424 779 1112 1112 23 22,160 14,218 1,267 779 22,160 14,218 1,267 2,046 36,378 131 3 779 15,485 22,160 TABLE 35.-QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED DURING 1938, BY KIND OF MINE, BY PROVINCES Coal Gasoline and kerosene Diesel oil Electricity purchased Kind of mine and province Tons Cost (Pesos) Gallons Cost (Pesos) Tons Cost (Pesos) KWH Cost (Pesos) Gold mines.. Abra.... Agusan... Bulacan. Camarines Norte. 221 8,708 422,776 252,343 47,084 1,932,419 29,565, 167 518,257 160 2,510 88 1,431 114 3,600 6,222 2,970 17 929 95,238 59,400 15 886 12,345 749 38,016 371,623 3,662,574 71,507 Tayabas.. Camarines Sur. Leyte.. Marinduque Masbate.. Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province. Surigao.. Zambales.. 16 368 775 1 54 285 9,277 42 20 22°5 1,854 116,721 1,313 1,541 293 135,355 434 145 5,846 85,698 787 60,415 256 12,463 15 996 588 9,022 92 20,341 29,031 459,291 4,632 850,190 25,902,593 446,750 28,264 16,877 2,992 139,674 3,295 1,893 203 11,523 18 8 All other provinces. 2 69 23,343 16,351 329 14,231 Iron mines.. Marinduque Camarines Norte. 1,758 38,587 52,285 29,514 759 39,794 36,320 19,431 59 2,784 1,758 38,587 15,965 10,083 150 8,453 All other provinces. 550 28,557 Chromite mines. 2,755 1,879 14 500 1,352 69 Zambales... All other provinces. 2,420 335 1,699 180 14 500 1,352 Manganese, copper, and coal mines 1 81 25,233 15,447 2,005 99,774 288 829 69 72 Palawan... 1 81 12,000 7,369 2 All other provinces. 13,233 8,078 2,003 105 99,669 288 72 556 TABLE 36.-QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED DURING 1938, BY GOLD MINING COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, YEAR ESTABLISHED, AND BY COUNTRY OF WHICH THE MAJORITY OF THE DIRECTORS ARE CITIZENS. Coal Gasoline and kerosene Diesel oil Electricity purchased Class and item Tons Cost (Pesos) Gallons Cost (Pesos Tons Cost (Pesos) Kwh Cost (Pesos) Total... 221 8,708 422,776 252,343 47,084 1,932,419 29,565, 167 518,257 Size of gross sales- Under 1,000. 28 1,276 54,453 33,803 2,016 106,589 P1,000 to P4,999. 2,123 1,214 39 2,424 P5,000 to P9,999... 3,775 2,404 368 18,598 P10,000 to P49,999 18,928 11,194 264 12,464 57.725 6,617 P50,000 to P99,999... 16 368 15,671 9,552 622 38,825 P100,000 to 499,999. 5 219 63,773 34., 133 4,187 163,754 211,700 4,233 P500,000 to 999,999. 114 3,600 30,762 16,498 4,853 166,811 P1,000,000 to $3,999,999. 18 688 92,558 59,424 13,374 547,00 3.605.009 64,890 P4,000,000 and over.. Size of total assets- Under P5,000..... 40 2,557 140,733 84,121 21,361 875,857 25,690,733 442,517 091 207 138 P5,000 to P9,999 331 201 P10,000 to P49,999 1,249 755 P50,000 to 99,999... P100,000 to 199,999.. 7 297 7,469 5,462 152 1-822 99 40 5,000 211,700 4,233 110 7,106 P200,000 to 299,999. 1,006 598 129 6,437 P300,000 to 499,999. 6 219 28,814 18.081 P500,000 to 999,999. 29 1,081 110,689 60,282 1,000,000 to P2,999,999. 121 3,966 108,228 70,258 P3,000,000 to P4,999,999. 18 688 21,050 12,447 1,715 2,972 142,268 20,503 644,111 4,317 77,269 P5,000,000 and over.. Year established- 40 2,457 143,733 84,121 17,194 57,725 166,452 3,605,009 883,626 25,690,773 6,617 64.890 442,517 3 1935 to 1938.. 57 2,278 242,683 139,051 14,166 524,545 3,662,731 71,507 1930 to 1934. 164 6,430 136,811 84,544 20,049 801,015 1925 to 1929 Prior to 1925.. 6,391 4,315 55 2,664 10,091,500 245,784 13,798 9.708 6,250 320,066 9,053,386 123,569 23,093 14,725 6,564 284,129 6,757,547 77,397 Year not reported. By country of which the majority of the directors are citizens- Philippines.. United States. Great Britain United States-Philippines Citizenship not reported... 127 22836 4,270 125,118 61,139 8,177 271,618 2,722,850 300,524 20 825 110,829 69,221 24,043 ,002,176 13,237,308 152,843 1,704 119,285 81,718 9,127 416,593 3,605,009 64,890 1,909 49,394 26,846 5,686 239,522 18,150 13,419 51 - 2,510 557 TABLE 37.-COST OF EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY PURCHASED DURING 1938, BY KIND OF MINE BY PROVINCES Kind of mine and province Equipment and machine- ry purchased in 1938 Companies Cost (Pesos) Gold mines. Abra..... Agusan... Albay.. Batangas. Bulacan.. Camarines Norte. Camarines Sur. Isabela... Levte Marinduque.... Masbate.. Misamis Oriental Mountain Province. Pangasinan. Romblon Surigao Zambales... All other provinces Iron mines.... Marinduque. Camarines Norte. All other provinces. Chromite mines. Pangasinan. Zambales All other provinces. Manganese mines. Tocos Norte. Palawan.... All other provinces. Copper mines.... Pangasinan. All other provinces Asbestos and coal mines.. Ilocos Norte.. All other provinces. reporting 77 8,510, 166 11211 129 9.763 2 9,711 732 1 411,438 55822 12211 19 2,515,604 719,545 750 26,212 65,369 419,059 116,355 20 814 3,384,155 15,924 509 795,542 188 19,181 4 558,213 121 2 63,058 488,168 6,987 7 26,727 142 2,043 24,283 401 5 16,434 121 4,737 10,434 1,263 4 55,026 3 13 3 21 628 54,398 26,677 407 26,270 558 TABLE 38.-COST OF EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY PURCHASED DURING 1938, BY GOLD MINING COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, YEAR ESTABLISHED, AND BY COUNTRY OF WHICH THE MAJORITY OF THE DIRECTORS ARE CITIZENS. Total... Size of gross sales- Under P1,000... P1,000 to P4,999 P5,000 to P9,999. P10,000 to P49,999 P50,000 to 99,999. P100,000 to 499,999 P500,000 to 999,999. P1,000,000 to 3,999,999. P4,000,000 and over.. Size of total assets- Under 5,000.. P5,000 to T9,999. P10,000 to P49,999... P50,000 to 199,999... P100,000 to 199,999. Class and item Equipment and machine- ry purchased in 1938 Companies reporting 77 431427376 Cost (Pesos) 8,510,166 1,345,684 117,803 9,100 291,317 933,032 508,103 941,301 1,733,983 2,629,843 P200,000 to P299,999. P300,000 to P500,000 to 499,999. 999,999. P1,000,000 to P2,999,999. P3,000,000 to $4,999,999... P5,000,000 and over. Year established- 1935 to 1938. 1930 to 1934. 1925 to 1929.. 1994 and prior. Year not reported.. By country of which the majority of the directors are citizens- Philippines. United States... Great Britain Unitd States-Philippines... 12 13 15 10 340462236 2,210 9,070 21,882 18,165 226,054 10,584 283,694 1,065,222 3,154,619 4 1,122,887 + 2,595,779 53 18 38423 3,461,763 2,326,589 1 616,656 1,055,755 1,049,403 46 22 92455 2,746,091 3,675,375 1,041,375 1,047,325 TAMER-VALUE OF GROCERIES AND SUPPLIES SOLD TO EMPLOYEES DURING 1938, BY GOLD MINING COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, YEAR ESTABLISHED, AND BY COUNTRY OF WHICH THE MAJORITY OF THE DIRECTORS ARE CITIZENS. Total... Size of gross sales Under P1,000. P1,000 to P5,000 to P4,999. P9,999.... P49,999.... P10,000 to P100,000 to 499,999. P500,000 to 999,999. P1,000,000 to $3,999,999.. P4,000,000 and over.. Sise of total assets Under P5,000... P5,000 to P9,999. P10,000 to P49,999. P50,000 to P99,999.. P100,000 to P199,999. P200,000 to 299,999. P300,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to 999,999. P1,000,000 to $2,999,999. P8,000,000 to P4,999,999. P5,000,000 and over.. Year established- 1935 to 1938. 1930 to 1934. Class and item 1925 to 1929.. Year not reported.. By country of which the majority of the directors are citizens- Philippines... United States. Great Britain. Citizenship not reported.. Groceries and supplies sold Companies Value reporting (Pesos) 38 1,106,559 19 118,974 13236222 2,166 16,762 101,921 14,040 50,178 183,858 618,660 1 1,450 1 157 4 3,417 13269632 6,063 80,571 776 9 8221 26 24,037 95,974 73,596 201,858 618,660 451 317 277,015 377,727 500 23 8181 500,944 93,308 500,466 11,841 559 TABLE 40.-GROSS SALES OF MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY KIND OF MINE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Gold mines.. Bulacan.. Camarines Norte.. Camarines Sur. Marinduque. Masbate.. Misamis Oriental. Mountain Province. Surigao..... All other provinces. Iron mines.. Camarines Norte... All other provinces.. Chromite mines.. Pangasinan.. Zambales... All other provinces. Manganese mines... Ilocos Norte.... Palawan All other provinces.. Kind of mine and province Gross sales (Pesos) 63,508,057 998,330 9,531,960 78,121 159,077 7,571,691 21,157 41,972,094 3,050,065 125,562 4,033,182 8,422,245 610,937 651,811 42,000 193,912 415,899 618,230 26,813 3.96 106,648 194,769 Copper mines... All other provinces. Asbestos and coal mines.. Bambales... All other provinces.. 1,155,090 1,155,090 379,646 86 379,560 TABLE 41.-GROSS SALES OF GOLD MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, YEAR ESTABLISHED, AND BY COUNTRY OF WHICH A MAJORITY OF THE DIRECTORS ARE CITIZENS: 1938. Total.... Size of gross sales- Under F1,000... P1,000 to P4,999. P5,000 to P9,999.. P10,000 to P49,999.. P50,000 to P99,999. P100,000 to 499,999. P500,000 to 999,999. P1,000,000 to P3,999,999. P4,000,000 and over.. Size of total assets- Under P5,000..... P5,000 to P9,999. P10,000 to P49,999.. P50,000 to P99,999.. P100,000 to 199,999. P200,000 to 299,999. P300,000 to 499,999.. P500,000 to 999,999.. P1,000,000 to 2,999,999. P8,000,000 to 4,999,999. P5,000,000 and over.. Year established- 1985 to 1988.. 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929. Prior to 1925.. Year not reported. By country of which the majority of the directors are citizens- Philippines... United States. United States-Philippines.. Great Britain. Not reported.... Number of companies Gross sales (Pesos) 198 63,508,057 157 82 14 186 ******* ** 668 9.282 17,222 68,462 206,579 2,354,621 2,804,816 19,891,842 88,160,065 114,951 20,554 209,945 786,898 1,615,874 16,917,209 10,877,653 6 88,465,478 9,881,568 19,595,240 4,858,539 14,299,887 15,877,873 ནྷཱཏྠཝཝ- 126 54 7,855,627 40,504,680 9,470,528 6,177,227 560 Lode claims held under leasehold TABLE 42.-NUMBER OF CLAIMS AND AREA OF MINE KRAL LANDS OWNED OR LEASED, BY KIND OF MINE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Placer claims held un- der location (Act of Placer claims held un- der leasehold Lode claims held under location (Art of July 1, July 1, 1902) LTF Kind of mine and province Com- Total Com- Total Num- Num- Com- Total Com- Total panies area ber of panies Num- Num- report- claims (Hec report ber of area panies area panies area ing tares) ing claims (Hec- ber of ber of report- tares) claims (Hec-report- (Hec- claims ing tares) ing tares) Gold mines.. Abra... Agusan.. Albay.. Batangas.. Bulacan.. 16 850 6,417 6 217 6,113 92 8,168 67,432 22 767 20,884 417 4 329 2,944 2317 1 173 1,557 155 1,395 1 25 225 112 905 Camarines Norte.. Camarines Sur.. 31 88 6 606 38 Leyte.... Manila, City of. Marinduque.. 3 22111 253 2,251 25 1,622 13,062 841 3,069 23 148 192 1,827 26 234 Masbate. 6 846 2,851 Misamis Oriental.. Mountain Province. 22. 122 1,103 1,108 2 32 15 65 3,822 18 4 152 1,287 162 81 8,056 23,575 Nueva Ecija. Pangasinan. 1 67 558 1 199 ,791 21 22 21213 6 160 63 1,523. 87 5 1,750 265 Romblon. Surigao. 162 1,172 2 22 1,224 Tayabas. Zambales.. All other provinces. 2 848 2,700 14132 412 8,608 418 8,597 85 345 428 56 8,852 495 2 84 1,328 86 2,022 5 152 1 64 279 7,000 142 5,376 109 1,244 Iron mines.. 2 138 1,234 All other provinces.. 2 138 1,234 Chromite mines.. 1 9 81 9 2,688 5,743 1 25 25 1,600 Pangasinan. Zambales.. All other provinces. 9. 1 81 361 2.466 66 156 1,404 8,745 594 1 25 1,600 Manganese mines.. 3 124 1,116 10 792 3 55 3,482 Camarines Sur.. 1 97 873 Ilocos Norte. 1 25 225 Palawan... 1 2 18 All other provinces.. 88 792 21 51 4 8,226 256 Copper, asbestos, and coal mines.. 2 186 1,661 4 276 2,017 2 36 49 All other provinces.. 2 186 1,661 276 2,017 8 86 561 TABLE 42.-NUMBER OF CLAIMS AND AREA OF MINERAL LANDS OWNED OR LEASED, BY KIND OF MINE, BY PROVINCES: 1938-Continued Lode claims held under patent Placer claims held under patent Lode claims held under location (Act 137) Placer claims held under location, (Act 137) Kind of mine and province Com- Total Com- Total Num- Num- panies area ber of panies area ber of report- claims (Hec-report- claims (Hec- Com- panies report- Total Com- Total Num- Num- area ber of panies i area ing tares) ing claims (Hec-report- tares) ing tares) ing (Hec- report- claims ber of (Hec tares) Gold mines. 33 1,693 13,693 1 40 2,448 64 4,963 41,177 23 655 9,176 Abra... 4 229 2,046 Agusan.. Albay Batangas... Bulacan. 1 10 83 21122 84 756 18 162 i 143 1,287 i 95 855 89 801 2 175 1,258 Camarines Norte. 3 55 209 13 Camarines Sur 1 85 765 31 536 4,434 4 16 358 188 1,692 Isabela.... 1 11 99 50 3,200 Leyte Marinduque. 22 114 434 86 764 Masbate. 3 46 388 7 295 2,631 Mindoro Misamis Oriental 1 70 630 1 40 2,448 Mountain Province. 17 1,106 8,744 10 Nueva Ecija.... Romblon. Surigao. 1 78 702 10 Tayabas. All other provinces. 1 3 27 02 2025 775 6,794 104 934 2133 8888 18 162 5 60 18 478 40 1,687 630 1,277 5,670 11,541 4 14 607 126 1,134 403 1,288 13 319 1,366 Iron mines.. 1 4 192 3 221 1.989 Camarines Norte. 1 4 192 All other provinces. 12 31 279 190 1,710 Chromite mines. 100 900 4 224 2,016 Pangasinan Zambales... 1 100 900 121 All other provinces 122 380 50 450 52 468 1,098 Manganese mines. 4 139 1,245 4 126 1,124 Camarines Sur. Ilocos Norte. 12 3 2 126 1,134 2222 27 Palawan.. 13 333333 73 657 3 53 467 All other provinces. 1 10 84 Copper, asbestos, and coal mines. 1 15 108 3 154 1,386 1 15 960 Pangasinan All other provinces. 1 15 108 12 45 405 1 15 960 109 981 562 TABLE 43.-NUMBER OF CLAIMS AND AREA OF MINERAL LANDS OWNED OR LEASED BY GOLD MINING COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF GROSS SALESA SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, YEAR ESTABLISHED, AND BY COUNTRY OF WHICH THE MAJORITY OF THE DIRECTORS ARE CITIZENS: 1938. Lode claims held under patent Placer claims held under patent Lode claims held under location (Act 137) Placer claims held under location (Act 137) Class and item Com- Total Com- Total Num- panies area ber of panies ber of Num- report- claims (Hec report- claims ing tares) ing tares) ing Com- Num- area panies ber of (Hec report- claims Total area Com- panies Total .Num- (Hec- report- tares) ing ber of claims area (Hec- tares) Total.... 33 1,693 13,693 1 40 2,448 64 4,963 41,177 23 655 9,176 Size of gross sales-- Under P1,000.. 22 P5,000 to P9,999. 214 1,397 11,253 1 40 2,448 53 4,242 34,998 18 515 8,178 1. 137 1,187 12 108 P10,000 to P49,999. 1 53 375 P50,000 to P99,999. 1 1 8 3 206 1.735 1 1 64 P100,000 to 499,999. 1 5 40 P500,000 to 999,999. P1,000,000 to 3,999,999.. 53 426 $4,000,000 and over. 100 779 Size of total assets Under P5,000.. P5,000 to 19,999... P10,000 to P49,999.. P50,000 to 99,999... P100,000 to 199,999. P200,000 to 299,999... 226371 31 299 1883 132 236 2,124 101 906 22 137 864 2 70 113 931 8 67 5 595 5,349 14 182 1,052 442 3,535 67 590 P300,000 to P499,999. P500,000 to 999,999. 1,000,000 to $2,999,999. $3,000,000 to 4,999,999. $5,000,000 and over.. Year established 936 179 8 79 1,494 528 1 40 2,448 4 110 779 23467B4C4L2 347 2.970 351 2,700 15,245 676 5,476 422 3,609 237 106 954 2,133 770 530 4,040 289 2.226 1 9 81 612324LZ41 325 1,606 3 72 66 937 27 1,492 51 3,264 8 512 5 60 5 31 144 1,138 1 64 113 931 1935 to 1933. 1930 to 1934.. 1925 to 1929. Prior to 1925. Year not reported By country of which the ma- jority of the directors are ci- tizens- Philippines. 12 42133 14 1,081 8,599 487 4,115 1 40 2,448 4 35 651 56 4,350 37,891 14 306 6,417 235 2,000 4 166 2,484 84 670 1 19 64 36 99 757 22 187 2 294 616 4 164 211 15 16 971 692. 6,484 6,965 47 3,646 29,364 15 521 6,331 1 40 2,448 9 610 5,483 6 131 2,765 1 29 1 1 236 8 3 428 3,852 1 1 64 4 1 245 2,191 34 1 2 16 287 TABLE 43-NUMBER OF CLAIMS AND AREA OF MINERAL LANDS OWNED OR LEASED BY GOLD MINING COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF GROSS SALES, SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS, YEAR ESTABLISHED, AND BY COUNTRY OF WHICH THE MAJORITY OF THE DIRECTORS ARE CITIZENS: 1938-Continued United States.. Great Britain. United States-Philippines. Citizenships not reported. Lode claims held under leasehold Placer claims held un- der leasehold Lode claims held under location (Act of July 1, 1902) Placer claims held un- der location (Act of July 1, 1902) Class and item Com- panies report- claims ing Total Num- ber of area Com- Num- panies ber of (Hec- report- claims tares) ing Total Com- Total om- area (Hec tares) ing report- claims panies ber of Num- area (Hec tares) panies ber of report- claims Num- Total area (Hec- ing tares) Total... Size of gross sales 16 850 6,417 6 217 6,113 92 8,168 67,432 22 767 20,884 Under P1,000.. P1,000 to P5,000 to 12 P10,000 to P4,999. P9,999. P49,999.. 21 651 54 4,890 486 12 112 2 66 65 905 3,822 65 5,35 46,281 16 263 7,930 3 141 1,214 1 36 2,022 2 142 1,157 P50,000 to T999,99.. P100,000 to 499,999. 111 1 50 450 2 1,333 9,367 1 243 5,200 1 51 204 1 18 1,088 1 95 760 44 387 1 18 162 9 552 4,574 3 187 3,950 P500,000 to 999,999. 1 4 136 1 59 405 P1,000,000 to 3.999,999. P4,000,000 and over. Size of total assets- Under P5,000. P5,000 to 4 186 1,320 1 38 1,782 5 304 2,354 1 29 1,800 9 751 6,734 P9,999. 7 631 5,275 P10,000 to P50,000 to P100,000 to P200,000 to 199,999. 299,999. P300,000 to P500,000 to 999,999. $49,999... 199,999... 499,999... 223 68 55 225 844 3,090 93 15 1,362 11,650 432 51 2,807 97 30 1.093 1,865 3 589 5,288 415 18 1,088 10 365 3,183 4 15 288 5 369 3,311 1 3 192 254 104 1,776 11 717 6,686 4 151 2,629 911 3 58 2,320 13 717 6,204 2 142 5,188 P1,000,000 to $2,999,999... P3,000,000 to 4,999,999. P5,000,000 and over. Year established- 1 112 905 10 2,094 14,590 1 243 5,200 5 332 2,669 1 35 1,622 4 241 1,842 1935 to 1938.... 1930 to 1934. 1925 to 1929.. 12 692 5,291 8 113 960 1 45 166 311 3 83 3,984 58 5,884 48,230 17 1 4 136 30 2,129 18,039 76 714 5 18.332 53 2,552 18 1,088 112 905 22 111 44 819 344 Prior to 1925... Year not reported. By country of which the ma- jority of the directors are ci- tizens- Philippines. United States... Great Britain. United States-Philippines. Citizenship not reported. 22 2 8. ដនី 722 5,569 4 101 5,072 78 423 1 112 905 4 425 1 136 88381 54 5,879 46,924 15 882 11,646 28 1.719 16.067 125 1,021 2 70 552 1 35 1.622 817 2,474 4 280 7,064. 128 946 563 TABLE 44.-NUMBER OF CLAIMS AND AREA OF MINERAL LANDS REPORTED BY PRODUCING AND NON-PRODUCING MINING COMPANIES, BY KIND OF MINE: 1938 Producing mining companies Companies Number of reporting claims Total area (Hectares) Non-producing mining companies Companies Number of Total area reporting claims (Hectares) Placer claims held under location (Act 137). Gold mines Lode claims held under patent. Placer claims held under patent. Lode claims held under location (Act 137). Placer claims held under location (Act 137). Lode claims held under leasehold. Placer claims held under leasehold Lode claims held under location (Act 1902) Placer claims held under location (Act 1902). Fron mines Placer claims held under patent. Lode claims held under location (Act 137).. Placer claims held under location (Act 137). Lode claims held under leasehold.. Chromite mines Løde claims held under patent.. Placer claims held under patent. Lode claims held under location (Act 137). Lode claims held under leasehold Placer claims held under leasehold. Lode claims held under location (Act 1902) Placer claims held under location (Act 1902). Manganese mines Lode claims held under patent.. 11 1 076324 311 2,547 22 10 597 5,104 54 156 1.406 16 177 1,056 10 40 1,386 1,511 12,928 69 225 6,114 18 2-KRUKOR 1,382 11.146 1 40 2,448 1.366 36.073 499 7.770 673 5,361 3 177 4,727 6,657 54.504 542 14.770 11 1 4 192 1 31 279 2 138 1,234 1 100 900 2 172 1,548 2 52 32 468 1 9 81 6 568 4.662 2 120 1,080 1 25 1,600 3 136 1,218 1 3 27 Placer claims held under patent. Lode claims held under location (Act 137) 1 73 657 3 53 467 Placer claims held under location (Act 137). Lode claims held under leasehold. 3 124 1,116 Placer claims held under leasehold. Lode claims held under location (Act 1902) Lade claims held under patent. Placer claims held under location (Act 1902).. Copper mines 13 88 792 3 55 3,482 1 15 108 Placer claims held under patent. Lode claims held under location (Act 137). 3 154 Placer claims held under location (Act 137). 1 15 1.386 960 Lode claims held under leasehold. 1 60 540 Placer claims held under leasehold. Lode claims held under location (Act 1902) 276 2,017 15 324 Placer claims held under location (Act 1902). Coal mines Lode claims held under patent. Placer claims held under patent.. Lode claims held under location (Act 137). Placer claims held under location (Act 137). Lode claims held under leasehold. 1 1 1,121 Placer claims held under leasehold. Lode claims held under location (Act 1902). Placer claims held under location (Act 1902). 1 21 40 564 Days mine was operated during 1938.-Each mining company was asked to report the number of days that the mine was operated during 1938 and this classification has been made on the basis of this report. The number of employees and salaries and wages paid classified according to the number of days the mine was operated during 1938 is given in table 45. TABLE 45.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY KIND OF MINE, CLASSIFIED BY NUMBER OF DAYS OPERATED: 1938 All employees Executives, managers, and supervisors Office employees Kind of mine and days operated in 1938 Number Salaries (Pesos) Number Salaries (Pesos) Number Salaries (Pesos) Gold mines.. Under 100. 100 to 149. 150 to 199. 31,668 18,048,476 762 4,219,952 1,399 802,692 4 2,741 1 1,500 1 800 62 22,359 4 11,190 7 2,820 253 117,857 22 54,505 25 14,523 200 to 249. 1,017 348,957 21 84,318 33 20,416 250 to 299. 805 407,224 22 119,333 28 22,891 300 to 349. 350 to 364.. 365... Not reported.. Iron mines.. 5,638 3,450,095 147 927,056 312 148,496 2.554 1,872,499 54 338,269 68 60.333 14,644 3640,646 299 2,184,087 520 293,039 6 691 86,098 192 499,694 405 239,374 5 188 1,984,083 52 185,364 82 53,985 300 to 349. 365 8,451 1,391,220 18 87,407 751 290,251 15 52,946 Not reported.. Chromite mines. Under 100.. 986 302,612 19 45,011 1,292 440, 165 32 78,959 9,240 4 7,800 100 to 149.. 200 to 249. 250 to 299 300 to 349.. 365.. (3,4 1,088 18 Not reported.... Manganese. Under 100. 100 to 149. 150 to 199 200 to 249. 8888888 10,356 5 40 8,012 9,480 344,808 11 9,060 49,209 399,206 29 331388 216,889 3,720 40,740 27 3,000 16,810 124,914 13 WHL 26262438 41 14,908 17 14,179 24 24,898 58 45,535 540 5 3,721 1,123 5 1,800 27,025 2,400 8,926 27,140 98 49,753 6 14,047 10 5,105 250 to 299. 79 19,724 1 1,987 1 1,040 300 to 349. 532 278,659 16 99,465 12 12,536 350 to 364.. 365. Not reported.. 172 Copper mines.. 1,003 51,070 464,272 6 35 9,415 121,055 275 15 8,459 27 18,592 Under 100.. 100 to 149. 53 26,540 9 20,275 7 3,965 150 to 199. 200 to 249. 250 to 299. 300 to 349.. 350 to 364. 365.... Not reported... Asbestos and coal mines. Under 100. 100 to 149.. 150 to 199. 200 to 249... 250 to 299 300 to 349... 77 41,382 5 9,515 5 2,195 266 54,655 5 21,760 4 8,933 602 340,255 15 69,505 11 8,499 5 365 1,440 236,871 1 11 23,237 12 6,266 821 1276 15 3,966 29 2,460 230,445 236 2 23,237 617 2 540 9 300 5,426 565 TABLE 45.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES AND WAGES PAID, BY KIND OF MINE, CLASSIFIED BY NUMBER OF DAYS OPERATED: 1938 Undergroud employees Mill employees Other employees Kind of mine and days operated in 1938 Number Salaries (Pesos) Number Salaries and wages (Pesos) Salaries and Number wages (Pesos) Gold mines.. Under 100... 100 to 149. 18,791 7,888,454 2,390 1,000,765 8,326 4,136,613 2 50 441 8,124 1 225 150 to 199. 200 to 249. 250 to 299. 300 to 349 165 41,738 41 7,091 725 169,794 12 6,796 226 67,633 363 109,877 74 42,870 318 112,253 3,946 1,813,679 510 203,674 723 357,190 350 to 364.. 365... 1,100 465,475 322 118,827 1,010 589,595 8,677 3,673,313 1,147 493,418 4,001 1,996,789 Not reported.. 3,763 1,606,013 325 135,180 2,006 1,005,837 Iron mines. 300 400 to 349... 365..... Not reported... 3,392 1,288,905 1,662 455,829 3,392 1,288,905 719 223,126 943 232,703 Chromite mines. Under 100... 100 to 149.. 200 to 249. 250 to 299.. 300 to 349. 365.... Not reported.. Manganese. Under 100... 100 to 149.. 150 to 199.. 1,202 315,671 1 900 40 6,635 32 1,050 3,960 277,043 11 3,660 68 23,473 814 247,152 200 to 249 250 to 299. 800 to 349. 350 to 364... 365... Not reported... Copper mines. Under 100.. 100 to 149. 150 to 199 82 30,601 77 16,697 504 166,658 151 470 177,978 124 44,023 347 33,196 102,624 37 2,300 800 to 249. 250 to 299. 16 51 19,696 800 to 349. 215 9,976 20,580 42 350 to 364. 336 8,382 146,160 124 44,023 116 72,068 365..... 4 Not reposted... 220 Asbestos and coal mines. 1,440 175,682 122 31,686 Under 100... 100 to 149. 150 to 199. 200 to 249. 250 to 299. 800 to 349.. 5 1,443 215 174,239 29 6 25 91 1,983 2,160 27,543 566 Producing and non-producing companies.-All minmg com- panies have been classified into two groups, namely, those actually producing during 1938 and those having no produc- tion during 1938. Non-producing mines include not only those in the process of development but also those no longer in opera- tion as well as those which have never been in operation. Data for producing and non-producing mines are given in tables 46 to 50. TABLE 46.-ASSETS OF PRODUCING AND NON-PRODUCING MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY KIND OF MINE: 1938 Class and kind of mine Total (Pesos) Buildings (Pesos) Equipment (Pesos) Value of mineral land owned or leased (Pesos) Cash (Pesos) Inventory value of concentrates or minerals on hand (Pesos) Inventory value of supplies on Accounts and notes receivable (Pesos) hand (Pesos) Producing mines... 189,659,567 7,521,211 30,085,862 103,801,769 8 4,950,812 10,253,508 ,785,31 4.257.04 Gold mines.. 157,493,794 6,600,062 Iron mines.. 27,760,261 4,318,307 382,317 Chromite mines. 98,461,439/ 1,258,065 1,977,093 3,210,112 208,432 354,129 1,034,855 Manganese mines. 4,395,637 174,600 79,738 8,354,958 8,151,61 3,769,722 753 411.661 113,818 1,440,770 47.266 44,922 1,976,522 29,033 136,759 1,226,821 Copper mines.. 285,717 200,418 37,671 60,103 2,333,049 272,555 496,185 946.527 Asbestos and coal mines.. 10,953 255,270 125,352 226.207 327,783 32,812 80,463 Non-producing 154,980 4,167 1,339 11,770 42,252 mines.. 31,565,826 2,012,798 4,797,663 19,545,101 1,287,039 19,294 914,318 2,989,613 Gold mines. 30,705,205 1,984,601 4,581,281 19,001,548 Iron mines... 1,249,592 19,294 901,064 2,967.825 93,634 Chromite mines. 62,103 14,445 10,537 4.990 1,559 425,173 5,975 10,504 400,000 Manganese mines.. 5,334 2,731 138,172 3,734 18,506 109,108 Copper mines... 4,898 629 1,926 102,947 6,198 53,034 Asbestos and coal mines.. 20,000 668 5,533 17,514 100,695 12,290 72,235 16,010 160 567 TABLE 47.-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID BY PRODUCING MINES, BY KIND OF MINE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Executives, managers, and supervisors All employees Office employees kind of mine and province Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Gold mines.. Bulacan.. Camarines Norte. 27,670 16,018,689 545 3,538,204 1,143 646,053 409 5,536 Camarines Sur Marinduque Masbate 248,305 2,650,607 4 41,139 10 11,435 577 171 Misamis Oriental Surigao.... Mountain Province. Tayabas... All other provinces. Iron mines. Camarines Norte. Marinduque. Chromite mines. 1,812,763 3.894 110 183,914 140.721 2.335.183 14,433 43.034 9,131,618 276 2,873 1,178,332 81 45,203 86 61,772 4,810 4,202 608 131,292 626 214,666 Pangasinan. Zambales.. 47 All other provinces Manganese mines.. Camarines Sur. Ilocos Norte.. Palawan..... All other provinces. Copper mines 1,684, 471 534 18,720 166,908 45 29,038 792 373,224 293 143,414 110 66.480 290 113,577 99 998 49.753 462,832 Pangasinan... All other provinces 35 19,650 963 Asbestos and coal mines. 443,182 (2 336 234,411 Zambales... All other provinces. 15 321 3,966 230,445 $#chgུཿགླ°」e© 2°ཝ * 117 778 26 99 573,771 440 97,783 14 86,080 60 27.057 14 67.192 10 5,748 70 528.521 186 112,309 5 9,000 6 5,730 1,873,644 333 329,087 56 316,143 89 50.158 43 24,094 6 5,036 18,620 3 1,710 42 159,234 66 36,992 33 140,353 58 29,087 9 18,881 8 7,905 26 48,840 49 38,949 7 11,520 7 2,340 10 21.231 34 32,156 9 16,089 8 4,453 27 121,677 37 26,100 60,815 6 6,150 23.715 1 210 23,100 20 14,635 7 14,047 10 5,105 34 121,055 27 18,592 15,600 5 2,400 105,455 22 16,192 23,237 11 5,966 2 540 23,237 9 5,426 Underground employees Mill employees Other employees Kind of mine and province Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Gold mines. Bulacan.. Camarines Norte. 16,490 7,178,731 2,390 1,000,765 7,102 3,654,936 Camarines Sur. Marinduque. 285 3,091 140,692 1,176,397 30 362 15,176 159,727 80 1,544 39,863 642,929 Masbate... Misamis Oriental. 482 86 66,733 4 1,483 17 2,561 28,581 1 Pangasinan.. Mountain Province. Surigao Tayabas.. All other provinces. Iron mines. Camarines Norte. Marinduque... Chromite mines. Pangasinan... Zambales.. All other provinces. Manganese mines... Camarines Sur.. Ilocos Norte. Palawan... All other provinces. Copper mines. 9,334 1,179 1,953 808,389 496 630 200,209 60 38,570 1,189 685,755 10 3,963 14 4,528,942 1,241 411,459 242 5,565 514,230 103,745 75 18,776 3,249 1,885,715 807 42 28 3,392 3,392 1,288,905 8.727 29 296,827 7,346 4,848 52 36,594 1,288,905 1,310 327,632 719 223,126 591 104,506 551 126,877 33 4,860 490 113,521 28 8,496 728 225,447 277 76,449 103 42,555 266 75,842 82 30,601 466 176,538 124 44,023 347 102,624 All other provinces 23 1,650 Asbestos and coal mines. 443 174,888 124 44,023 347 102,624 220 175,682 97 29,526 Zambales.... All other provinces. 5 215 1,443 174,239 6 1,983 91 27,543 568 TABLE 48-NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, SALARIES AND WAGES PAID BY NON-PRODUCING MINES, BY KIND OF MINE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 All employees Executives, managers, and supervisors Office employees kind of mine and province Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Gold mines... Abra... Agusan. Albay.. 3,998 2,029,787 217 64.748 256 156,639 62 28,069 50 20.767 227 79,168 Batangas. 81 40,137 Bulacan.. Camarines Norte. 32 27,065 1,585 837,350 55 Camarines Sur. Isabela.. Leyte. Manila, City of. Marinduque. 7 8,039 1.930 30.674 25,621 Masbate.... Mindoro. Misamis Oriental.. 175 Mountain Province. 549 Nueva Ecija. Pangasinan.. Romblon... Surigao. Tayabas.. Zambales.... All other provinces. Iron mines... Camarines Norte. All other provinces. 486 459 378 320 Chromite mines. 666 Zambales.... All other provinces.. 587 Manganese mines. Palawan... Copper and asbestos mines.. Zambales... All other provinces. 2 888 2 23 20,372 6 2,580 15 2,636 67,793 10 843,036 87 86 12,649 38 38,249 23 22,077 200,155 28 8 480 15 4,578 216,362 15 483 12809 121 NOT RE 11,746 9 5.661 9,840 9 3,465 34,850 16 13,333 23,925 4 1,499 18,610 8 3,995 230,361 70 41,756 6,200 3 1,200 1,300 3 630 3 10,200 3 1,242 14,065 9 4,545 2 5,800 4 1,800 31 8,344 860 2 33,005 14 8,321 108,616 44 28,956 624 8 9 27,184 8 4,417 12,600 7 5,400 86,459 17 10,650 1 1 1,690 42,873 20 171,320 10 26,130 16 141,440 3 10.650 58 29,880 5 i 15,480 225,499 30,119 688888 2.276 15,580 16,993 12,841 4,152 6,586 41,310 184.189 89 28,982 34 25,982 3,900 242 24 11,250 18,869 6 6,586 3,237 3,237 1,040 1,040 300 1,440 2,460 13 3 1 800 Underground employees Mill employees Other employees kind of mine and province Number Salaries paid (Pesos) Number Salaries paid Number (Pesos) Salaries paid (Pesos) Gold mines.. Abra... 2,301 709,723 1,224 481,677 21 4,626 Albay. Agusan.. Batangas. Bulacan. Camarines Norte... Camarines Sur. Isabela... Leyte... Manila, City of. Marinduque.. Masbate. Mindoro.. Misamis Oesiden Mountain Province.. Nueva Ecija... Pangasinan. Romblon Surigao. Tayabas. Zambales..... All other provinces.. Iron mines. Camarines Norte. All other provinces. COriental 198 88883 62 28,345 14,346 3,960 1,007 372,717 88 61 38 18,032 6,036 31 3 892 1 420 126 235 22,469 107,406 -יייייייייי ייי - 24 39 28562 6,036 7,462 2,640 367 500 453 སྣུམ 2 192,516 639 12 1,200 2 975 15 10,336 13 2,636 25 3,998 233 98,058 19 5,928 10 6,088 16 3,107 6 3,541 13 4,077 393 88,113 48 82 14,933 480 9 95 29,249 329 612 128,660 352 128,197 309 117,949 43 10,248 Chromite mines. 651 188,794 Zambales.. 68 23,474 All other provinces.. 583 165,320 Manganese mines... 86 21,705 Palawan.... 86 21.705 Copper and asbestos mines.. 4 1,440 25 2,160 Zambales.. 4 1,440 All other provinces. 25 2,160 569 TABLE 49.-POWER EQUIPMENT OF PRODUCING MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY KIND OF MINE: 1938 Kind of equipment and item Steam engines, turbines, etc.- Companies reporting.. Number of units... Rated horsepower. Estimated value (Pesos). Gasoline engines- Companies reporting... Number of units.. Rated horsepower. Estimated value (Pesos). Diesel and semi-diesel engines- Companies reporting... Number of units... Rated horsepower Electric motors driven by purchased electricity- Estimated value (pesos). Companies reporting. Number of units... Rated horsepower. Estimated value (Pesos). Electric motor driven by electricity produced by user- Companies reporting... Number of units.. Rated horsepower. Estimated value (Pesos). All mines Gold mines Iron mines Chromite Manganese mines mines Copper Coal mines mines 2 1 1 22 8 14 779 461 318 82,441 34,941 47,500 23 19 1 41 29 8 1,500 1,264 70 133,852 111,948 3,700 52 44 2 246 216 17 37,058 84,626 864 187 70 4,535,6574,360,291 70,295 8,916 6 6 526 8,539 401,781 526 8,539 401,781 26 1,405 24,791 785,938 24 1,387 24,738 783,367 1 1 7 11 23 30 1,500 1,071 2 2 135 14,484 1 8,720 2720 4 1 7 3. 150 1,348 81,035 15,120 TABLE 50-POWER EQUIPMENT OF NON-PRODUCING MINING COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY KIND OF MINE: 1938 Steam engines turbines, etc.- Companies reporting.... Number of units... Rated horsepower. Estimated value (Pesos) Gasoline engines- Companies reporting.. Number of units.... Rated horsepower.. Estimated value (Pesos). Diesel and semi-diesel engines- Companies reporting... Number of units.. Rated horsepower. Estimated value (Pesos). Kind of equipment and item Elad Motors driven by purchased electricity- Companies reporting.. Number of units.... Rated horsepower. Estimated value (Pesos). BledMotors driven by electricity produced by user- Companies reporting.... Number of units.... Rated horsepower. Estimated value (Pesos)... All mines Gold mines 13 187 22,385 4 13 187 28,385 20 88 88 09 20 4,387 802,599 4,387 802,599 28 28 58 58 17.615 757,142 17,615 757,142 4 17 17 818 21,182 813 21,182 7 7 59 59 1,544 1,544 72,678 72,678 TABLE 51.-QUANTITY AND COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED BY PRODUCING AND NON-PRODUCING MINING COMPAN IES DURING 1938, BY KIND OF MINE Coal Gasoline and kerosene Diesel oil Electricity purchased Class and kind of mines Tons Cost (Pesos) Gallons Cost (Pesos) Tons Cost (Pesos) Cost KWH (Pesos) Producing mines.. 1,965 46,794 601,409 426,619 48,919 2,024,859 29,566,805 518,398 Gold mines. 206 Iron mines.... Chromite mines. 1,758 Manganese mines. 1 81 Copper mines.. 8,126 522,586 52,285 88,587 855 12,495 880,470 46,188 1,886,964 29,565,167 518.257 29,514- 759 89.794 188 8,686 14 500 1,850 69 16 1,225 288 72 12,680 Coal mines... 7,061 1,896 98,79 1,108 700 46 2,678 Non-producing mines. 15 582 55,575 36,332 943 47,628 Gold mines 15 582 Iron mines... 53,175 84,641 896 45,455 Chromite mines. Manganese mines.. 2,400 1,691 47 2,178 570 CENSUS FORM No. 26-A Schedule No....... Province or city rict } Municipality or Municipal District COMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINES COMMISSION OF THE CENSUS MANILA CENSUS ON MINES, QUARRIES 1939 (CONFIDENTIAL GOVERNMENT REPORT) 1. Name of mine, enterprise or company 2. Post-office address 8. Location of mine, plant, etc. (Municipality or Municipal District) (Province) 4. Is this mine, enterprise or company owned or operated by? (Please place a check mark (V in the proper square below to indicate the type of ownership). (a) An individual (b) A partnership (c) Association (Unincorporated) (d) A corporation 1988? 5. What is the estimated value (book value) of the assets of this mine, enterprise or company on December 31, (a) Cash on hand and in bank........ (b) Buildings (e) Equipment (d) Inventory value of concentrates on hand (e) Inventory value of supplies on hand (f) Balance sheet value of mineral lands owned (g) Accounts receivable and notes receivable 571 6. If this mine, enterprise or company is owned or operated by a partnership, a corporation or an association (unincorporated), how much of the total estimated value (as reported in Question 5 above) of the assets of this mine, enterprise or company were owned or furnished by? (a) Filipino citizens (b) United States citizens (c) Chinese citizens (d) Japanese citizens (e) British citizens (f) Others (list below) 7. If this mine, enterprise or company has a board of directors, please give the following information concerning the persons who were members on December 31, 1938. 1. ... 2. 3.... 4. 5. 6... 7..... 8..... NAME PLACE OF RESIDENCE (Please give city and country) OF WHAT COUNTRY IS THE DIRECTOR A CITIZEN? 9. .... 10. ... 8. When did this mine, enterprise, or company first begin business (or when was it incorporated, if a corporation)? (Month) (Year) 9. Please furnish the following data concerning the equipment of the mine, enterprise or company: A POWER EQUIPMENT NUMBER TOTAL RATED Honen POWER ESTIMATED OR BOOK VALUB ON DECEMBER 31, 1938 (a) Engines, turbines, and other machines using steam pofrer.. (b) Engines and other machines using gas, gasoline, etc. for power... (e) Diesel and semi-Diesel engines. (d) Hydro-electric equipment..... (e) Electric motors driven by electricity purchased.. (Electric motors driven by electricity produced by this mine, enterprise or company.. B. Mill Equipment- (1) Total daily capacity of mills (2) Number of hours mill was operated during 1938 (8) Total tons of crude ore milled in 1938 ... Tons ... Hours ... Tons 572 MONTH (1938) January.. February.. March. April May. June.. July August. September. October. November. EXECUTIVES, MANAGER, SUPERVISOR, SUPERINTENDENTE, AND OTHERS HOLDING EXECUTIVE, MANAGEAL OR SUPERVMORY POSIONS NUMBER OF BUCH EMPLOYE OFFICE EMPLOYEES, STENOGRAPHERS, BOOKK AND OTHERS PERFORMING ROUTINE OFFICE WORK TOTAL SALARI PAID NUMBER OF BUCH EMPLOYE TOTAL SALARIS PAID UNDERGROUND EMPLOYENS (Miners, Laborers, etc.) MILL EMPLOYE NUMBER OF SUCH EMPLOYERS TOTAL SALARIES PAID NUMBER OF BUCH EMPLOY TOTAL SALARING PAID OTHER EMPLOYEE NUMBER OF BUCH EMPLOYERS TOTAL SALARIES PARD December. 573 11. What are the regular hours of work of the mine employees during 1938? (a) During week days (b) During Saturdays (c) During Sundays (d) During special holidays...... 12. How many days was the mine operated by this enterprise or company in operation during the period from January 1 to December 31, 1938? ...... Number of days....... 13. How many shifts work daily? (a) In mill....... (b) Underground....... 14. Please give the following information concerning mineral claims owned or leased by this mine, enterprise or company on December 81, 1938: (6) Lode claims held under patent.... KIND OF CLAIM NUMBER OF CLAIMS TOTAL AREA OF CLAIMS (Hectare (b) Placer claims held under patent.... (e) Lode claims held under location (Act 187)....... (4) Placer claims held under location (Act 187)...... (0) Lode claims held under leasehold... Placer claims held under leasehold.. () Lode claims held under location (Act of July 1, 1902).. (A) Placer claims held under location (Act of July 1, 1908). (0) Band, gravel, clay, etc. deposits held under revocable permits... 16. Please give the following information concerning the products mined or produced by this mine, enterprise or company during the year 1988. (Report the selling value f. o. b. as the point of shipment of all products mined or quarried during the year 1938, whether disposed of or not. Include the value at the mine or quarry of your own production used in operating.) Gold bullion PRODUCT (Report each product separately) (a) Gold.... (b) Contained metala... Gold and silver concentrates... Copper (ore and/or concentrates or matte Lead..... Zine... Iron ore.... Manganone (ore and/or concentrates). Chromium ore Coal..... land gravel... Other products (Please let each product separately) UNIT OF MEASURE (Please write in unit of measure) QUANTITY VALUB (Pesos) 16. Please give the amount received during 1988 for contract work (such as hauling, mining, milling, etc.) performed for other establishments or companies 17. Please give the amount and cost of fuel and electric current purchased for the mine, enterprise or company dur- ing 1988. (Include fuel and electricity used for all purposes-that is, for power, hauling, lighting, etc. 574 Ceel, cobs, etc. Gesetine and herosene Diesel all... Electricity purchased KIND WRITE IN NAME OF UNIT OF MEASURE QUANTITY PURCHASED COST (Pessa) Kw 18. What was the total cost of equipment and machine ry purchased during 1938? 1 19. What was the value of groceries and other supplies sold by this mine, enterprise or company to employees and others during 1938? 20. What was the estimated or actual gross sales of this mine, enterprise or company during the calendar year 1938? REMARKS AND EXPLANATIONS: I HEREBY CERTIFY that all the information furnished in this confidential report is true and complete according to my best knowledge and belief and is based upon the records of this mine, enterprise or company for the period from Je uary 1 to December 31, 1988. Checked by: Signature (President, manager, operator, or proprietor) Date ........ 1939 Date .................., 1989 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND CANNOT BE USED FOR TAXATION OR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES Section 17, Commonwealth Act No. 170.-"No information obtained during the taking of this Census from any corporation, association, partnership, institution, business enter rise, or group of persons having a joint or common interest, howsoever established or constituted, shall be used in any court or in any public office, either as evidence for or against the corporation as- sociation, partnership, institution, enterprise, or group, from which such information emanates, or for the purpose of basing thereon any assessment or collection of taxes public contributions; nor shall any such information be divulged to any person except to authorized Census officers acting in the performance of their duties; and no Census officer or employee of the Gov- ernment shall make known to any other person not properly authorized. any information contemplated in this section, which may have been secured during the Census operations; nor shall any report or publication issued under the provisions of this Act contain any information indicated in this section which would serve to identify the corporation, association, partnership, insti- tution, enterprise, group or property, from which it was secured, without the special consent in writing of the proprietor, officer, director, administrator, manager, or legal representatives of such corporation, association, partnership, institution, enterprise, group, member, or property. The receipt by any officer, partner, association, member stockholder of any corporation, association, part- nership, institution, business enterprise, or group and the fact such officer, partner, associate, member, or stockholder is not the person who would ordinarily complete such schedule or form to the proper person, nor shall it relieve such proper person from the responsibility for the completion thereof." THE INFORMATION REQUESTED IN THIS REPORT IS REQUIRED BY LAW Section 23, Commonwealth Act No. 170.-"Upon conviction hereof, a fine of not more than six hundred pesos, or imprison- ment for not more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the court shall be imposed upon: Any person, who, being the owner, ocoupant or person in charge of any special area, institution, or establishment set apart to be enumerated under the pro- visions of sections fourteen and fifteen of this Act, or an officer, director, partner, associate, manager, or legal representative of any corporation, partnership, association, institution, industrial or commercial establishment, or enterprias, group of persons having a joint or common interest, or other property in regard to which the collection of statistics is scribed under the provisions of section fifteen of this Act, refuses or neglects properly to complete any Census form mailed or delivered to him and to subscribe the same." ANY PERSON GIVING FALSE OR UNTRUE INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO A FINE OR IMPRISONMENT Section 23, Commonwealth Act No. 170.-"Upon conviction hereof, a fine of not more than six hundred pesos, or imprison- ment for not more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the court shall be imposed upon Any person who knowingly gives oral or written answers to any question upon a Census form or to any proper question asked by a Census officer or employee in the discharge of his duty, which shall prove to be materially untrue in any particular; or who alters or falsifies any Census form or declaration after it has been completed; or who signs any Census form or declaration after it has been completed in the knowledge that it is materially untrue in any particular; or who pays compels, advises, or induces any other person to make or sign any such untrue statement or form; or who forges any Census form completed or uncompleted." THIS REPORT MUST BE RETURNED TO THE COMMISSIONER OF THE CENSUS WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER ITS RECEIPT Section 23, Commonwealth Act No. 170.-"Upon conviction hereof, a fine of not more than six hundred pesos, or imprison- ment for not more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the court, shall be imposed upon; Any person who refuses or neg- lects to deliver or transmit to the addressees any Census form mailed or delivered to him, in the manner and within the time prescribed." O 575 CHAPTER V CENSUS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES 576 577 CHAPTER V CENSUS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CONTENTS TEXT Page Introduction 583 Scope of this census Method of taking this census 583 583 Extent of the industry... Electric light and power industry by provinces Assets 584 585 586 Total gross receipts and expenses 587 Employees and salaries 589 Generators 590 Power equipment 590 Step-up substations 592 Step-down substations 592 Transmission lines 592 Production of electricity, 1933 to 1938 593 .. Type and number of consumer and amount of elec- tricity sold .... 593 Electricity produced and sold in 1938 594 Fuel and electricity purchased 594 Size of total assets . 595 Size of gross receipts 596 Citizenship of owners 598 Form of organization 599 Year established 600 TABLES 1. Total assets of electric light and power companies by kind of assets: 1938 . 587 2. Average annual salary by kind of employee: 1938 ... 590 3. Per cent distribution of electric companies, and number and rated capacity of generators, by type of generators: 1938 .... 4. Per cent distribution of the number of electric light and power companies, units of power equipment, and rated capacity of power equip- ment, by kind of power equipment: 1938 .... 591 592 578 5. Cumulative per cent distribution, by size of assets, of the production, assets, gross in- come, employees and salaries paid by electric light and power companies: 1938 Page 596 6. Cumulative per cent distribution, by size of gross receipts, of the production, assets, gross income, employees, and salaries paid by electric light and power companies: 1938 598 7. Per cent distribution of production, assets, gross income, employees and salaries paid by electric light and power companies, by forms of owner- ship: 1938 .. 600 8. Per cent distribution of production, assets, gross income, employees and salaries of elec- tric light and power companies, by years of operation: 1938. 9. Total assets of electric light and power com- panies, by provinces: 1938 and power companies classified by kind, by provinces: 1938 601 602 10. Gross income and expenses of electric light 603 11. Number of employees and salaries paid by elec- tric light and power companies, by provinces: 1938 604 12. Generators used by electric light and power companies classified by type, by provinces: 1938 605 13. Power equipment of electric light and power companies classified by kind, by provinces: 1938 14. Number and capacity of step-up substations and 606 transformers of electric light and power com- panies, by provinces: 1938 607 15. Number and capacity of step-down substations and transformers of electric light and power com- panies, by provinces: 1938 607 16. Transmission lines of electric light and power companies classified by voltage, by provinces: 1938 608 609 17. Amount of electricity produced and annual hourly peak load, by provinces: 1933 to 1938 18. Number of consumers, and amount of electricity produced, purchased, and sold by electric light and power companies, by provinces: 1938 .. 19. Families reporting the use of electricity for lighting, by provinces: 1939 20. Cost of fuel and electricity purchased by elec- tric light and power companies, by provinces: 1938 21. Assets of electric light and power companies, by size of total assets: 1938 610 611 612 613 579 22. Gross income and expenses of electric light and power companies, by kind, by size of total assets: 1938 Page ..... 614 3223. Number of employees and salaries paid by elec- tric light and power companies, by size of total assets: 1938 . 24. Generators used by electric light and power panies classified by type and by size of total assets: 1938 . ..... 615 com- ..... 616 25. Power equipment of electric light and power com- panies classified by kind, by size of total assets: 1938 ...... 617 .... 618 26. Number and capacity of step-up substations and transformers of electric light and power com- panies, by size of total assets: 1938 27. Number and capacity of step-down substations and transformers of electric light and power com- panies, by size of total assets: 1938 28. Transmission lines of electric light and power companies classified by voltage, by size of total assets: 1938 .. 29. Amount of electricity produced and annual hourly peak load, 1933 to 1938 classified by size of total assets of company: 30. Number of consumers and amount of electricity produced, purchased, and sold by electric light and power companies, by size of total assets: 1938 31. Cost of fuel and electricity purchased by elec- tric light and power companies, by size of total assets: 1938 619 . 620 .. 621 622 623 ..... 624 32. Total assets of electric light and power com- panies, by size of gross receipts: 1938 33. Gross income and expenses of electric light and power companies, by kind, by size of gross receipts: 1938 34. Number of employees and salaries paid by elec- tric light and power companies, by size of gross receipts: 1938 ... 35. Generators used by electric light and power com- panies classified by type and size of gross receipts: 1938 . 625 ... 626 .... 627 36. Power equipment of electric light and power com- panies classified by kind, by size of gross receipts: 1938 37. Number and capacity of step-up substations and transformers of electric light and power com- panies, by size of gross receipts: 1938 ....... 38. Number and capacity of step-down substations and transformers of electric light and power com- panies, by size of gross receipts: 1938 628 629 630 580 39. Transmission lines of electric light and power companies classified by voltage, by size of gross receipts: 1938 Page ..... 631 40. Amount of electricity produced and annual hourly peak load: 1933 to 1938, classified by size of gross receipts during 1938 ......... 41. Number of consumers and amount of electricity produced, purchased, and sold by electric light and power companies, by size of gross receipts: 1938 42. Cost of fuel and electricity purchased by elec- tric light and power companies, by size of gross receipts: 1938 .... 44. 43. Operating expense-ratio of electric light and power companies, by provinces: 1938 Total assets of electric light and power compa- nies classified by citizenship of investor: 1938 632 . 633 .. 634 ... 635 45. Number of and assets of electric light and power companies classified by citizenship of investor and by size of total assets: 1938 .... 46. Number of and assets of electric light and 636 637 power companies classified by citizenship of investor and by size of gross receipts: 1938 .. 640 47. Number of and total assets of electric light and power companies classified by citizen- ship of investor and form of ownership: 1938 48. Transmission lines of electric light and power companies classified by voltage, by form of ownership: 1938 . 642 .... 643 49. Amount of electricity produced and annual hourly peak load, classified by form of ownership: 1933 to 1938 644 50. Total tangible assets of electric light and power companies, by form of ownership: 1938 ..... 51. Gross income and expenses of electric light and power companies by kind, by form of ownership: 1938 645 646 52. Number of employees and salaries paid by elec- tric light and power companies, by form of ownership: 1938 ..... 53. Generators used by electric light and power companies classified by type and by form of ownership: 1938 54. Power equipment of electric light and power companies classified by kind, by form of ownership: 1938 55. Number and capacity of step-up substations and transformers of electric light and power com- panies, by form of ownership: 1938 56. Number and capacity of step-down substations and transformers of electric light and power companies, by form of ownership: 1938 647 648 ... 649 650 651 581 57. Number of consumers and amount of electricity produced, purchased, and sold by electric light and power companies, by form of ownership: 1938 Page 652 58. Cost of fuel and electricity purchased by elec- tric light and power companies, by form of ownership: 1938. 653 59. Total tangible assets of electric light and power companies, by year established: 1938 654 60. Gross income and expenses of electric light and power companies, by kind, by year established: 1938 655 61. Number of employees and salaries paid by elec- tric light and power companies, by year esta- blished: 1938 ... 656 62. Generators used by electric light and power com- panies classified by type and year established: 1938 63. Power equipment of electric light and power com- panies classified by kind, by year established: 1938 . 64. Number and capacity of step-up substations and transformers of electric light and power com- panies, by year established: 1938 ..... 65. Number and capacity of step-down substations and transformers of electric light and power companies, by year established: 1938 ..... 66. Transmission lines of electric light and power companies classified by voltage, by year established: 1938 67. Amount of electricity produced and annual hourly peak load, 1933 to 1938 classified by year established: 68. Number of consumers and amount of electricity 657 658 . 659 660 . 661 662 produced, purchased, and sold by electric light and power companies, by year established: 1938 663 69. Cost of fuel and electricity purchased by elec- tric light and power equipment, by year esta- blished: 1938 ... 664 70. Number of and assets of electric light and power companies classified by citizenship of investor and year established: 1938 ..... 665 71. Electric light and power companies classified according to rates charged for lighting: 1938 .. 667 72. Residential flat rate customers of electric light and power companies classified according to rates charged for lighting: 1938 • 73. Residential meter rate customers of electric light and power companies classified according to rates charged for lighting: 1938 668 669 582 74. Commercial customers of electric light and power companies classified according to rates charged for lighting: 1938 75. Industrial customers of electric light and power companies classified according to rates charged for lighting: 1938 76. Electric light and power companies classified according to rates charged for power: 1938 ..... 77. Number of consumers and amount of electricity produced, purchased, and sold, classified ac- cording to hours of plant operation: 1938 78. Number of consumers and amount of electricity produced, purchased, and sold by electric light and power companies classified by volt- age supplied consumers: 1938 79. Number of consumers and amount of electricity produced, purchased, and sold by electric light and power companies, by percentage of commercial load: 1938 80. Number of consumers and amount of electricity produced, purchased and sold by electric light and power companies, by percentage of resi- dential load: 1938 81. Number of consumers and amount of electricity produced, purchased, and sold by electric light and power companies, by percentage of industrial load: 1938 82. Number of electric light and power companies classified according to number of hours of work by office and plant employees on various days: 1938 Page 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 583 CHAPTER V CENSUS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES Introduction. - The census of electric light and power companies was taken in connection with the general 1939 Cen- sus authorized by Commonwealth Act No. 170 and is the first of its kind to be taken in the Philippines. The results of this census were compiled and prepared for publication by Mr. Juan Agcaoili, under the supervision of Mr. Ray Hurley, cen- sus expert. Scope of the census. - The census of electric light and power companies covered 198 electric light and power companies in operation in 1938 under franchise from the Public Service Commission. Only those companies producing electricity for sale are included in this census. There are many manufac- turing concerns, mining companies, sawmills, sugar centrals producing electricity for their own use, but these companies have not been included in this census as they are included in the censuses of manufactures, mining or forestry. Many of these manufacturing, mining, etc. companies furnish their officials and employees with electricity for use in their homes. Method of taking the census. - The enumeration of elec- tric light and power companies was made by mail. When the schedules were returned to Manila, they were checked for completeness and consistency and missing data were obtained by correspondence. 584 Extent of the industry. - The detailed analysis in this report is confined to the 198 electric light and power companies covered by the canvass and in operation in 1938. The different tables included in this report permit compari- son to be made of the leading features of the industry by provinces, by type of ownership, by year established, by size of total assets, and by other similar groupings. The total known production or output of 195 electric light and power companies in 1938 was 208,670,192 kilowatt hours or an average of 1,070,081 kilowatt hours for each plant. Three electric light and power companies did not produce electricity but purchased energy only from other plants. Most of the electric light and power companies, however, produced electricity very much less than the ave- rage plant as a few large companies produced a very large amount of electricity. The total gross income of all electric light and power companies in 1938 amounted to P13,242,279 while total ex- penses amounted to P7,952,515. There were employed 396 executives; 510 office employees; 578 collectors and ins- pectors; 1,961 linemen, skilled laborers and plant employees; and 143 other employees. The total labor force engaged in the electric industry thus totalled 3,588 persons and the amount paid for salaries amounted to P2,706,553. The total 585 assets of the industry amounted to P56,313,984 of which P11,459,200 or 20.3 per cent of the total was owned by Fili- pino citizens while P41,177,036 or 73.1 per cent was owned by United States citizens. Electric light and power companies owned by various governmental agencies had total assets of P3,275,684 or 5.9 per cent of the total of all electric light and power companies. The value of power plant machinery and equipment at the end of 1938, was P20,811,023 and the value of distributing facilities including meters, street lights, etc., amounted to P14,765,240. There were 183 companies using diesel power, 8 companies using semi-diesel power, one company using a gas engine, one company using steam engine and 9 companies, by hydro plant for generating electricity. The aggregate rated capacity of the 195 electric light and power companies engaged in the production of 208,670,192 kilowatt hours in 1938 amount to 103,346 horse power. At the end of 1938 there were 212,738 consumers of electricity of whom 174,772 or 82.1 per cent of the total were residential cus- tomers, 1,847 or 0.9 per cent were industrial customers, and 36,119 or 17 per cent were commercial customers. of the residential customers, 58 per cent purchased current on the flat rate basis while 42 per cent purchased on the basis of the meter rate. Electric light and power industry by provinces. - The 586 extent and distribution of the electric industry by provinces are shown in Tables 9 to 13. The 198 electric light and power companies in opera- tion in 1938 were distributed among 47 provinces. No elec- tric light and power company operated in 1938 in the prov- inces of Batanes, Bukidnon, and Zambales. The data on elec- tric light and power companies for 36 provinces are reported separately while data for the following 11 provinces are com- bined in the report, as only one plant was in operation in 1938 in each of these provinces: Abra Antique Bataan Cotabato Masbate Nueva Vizcaya Palawan Romblon Sulu Surigao Manila Assets. - The value of the various assets reported re- presents the estimated or book value on December 31, 1938. The following groups of assets were reported separately: 1. Cash on hand and on bank 2. Power plant machinery and equipment 3. Transmission lines and other facilities including transformers and substations 4. Distribution facilities, including meters, street lights, etc. 5. Land and buildings 6. Accounts and notes receivable Total assets amounted to P56,313,984. The distribution 587 of total assets by kinds were as follows: TABLE 1 TOTAL ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES BY KIND OF ASSETS: 1938 Amount Kind of assets Pesos Per cent distribution TOTAL 56,313,984 100.0 Power plant machinery and equipment .... Transmission lines, trans- formers and substations.. Distribution facilities in- cluding meters, street lights, etc. 20,811,023 37.0 4,844,382 8.6 14,765,240 26.2 Other equipment 6,576,161 11.7 Land and buildings 6,574,192 11.7 Cash ... 759,410 1.3 Accounts and notes receiva- ble 1,983,576 3.5 As the total assets do not include the value of proper- ties leased by electric light and power companies nor the value of intangible assets such as, franchise, good will, etc., the total value given for total assets do not represent the entire amount of capital invested in the electric light and power industry. Total gross receipts and expenses. - The income of elec- tric light and power companies was derived from two sources but largely from the sale of power. The total gross income of 198 electric plants amounted to P13,242,279 or an average of P66,880 for each. This represents an income of P23.51 for every P100 of total assets. 588 Of the gross income amounting to P13,242,279, a total of P13, 133, 158 or 99.2 per cent was derived from the sale of power while P109,121 or only 0.8 percent was derived from other sources. The total expenses amounted to P7,952,515. Operating expenses amounting to P5,009,127 or 63 per cent of total expenses constituted the largest item of expense. Ex- penses for maintenance amounted to 10.7 per cent, provision for depreciation and sinking fund, 20.9. per cent, and other expenses, 5.4 per cent of total expenses. As may be seen from the statement of total income and expenses, there was a net margin for all plants of P5,289,764. This represents a margin of P9.39 for every P100 of total assets. No information of gross margin is available as information for cost of power sold is not available. The principal part of total expenditures is composed of operating expenses. Operating expenses include salaries, fuel, lubricants, rent, transporta- tion expenses, licenses, and taxes. The total operating ex- penses of all electric plants in the Philippines were P37.81 per P100 of gross receipts. This does not include the return on the capital which the individual owners may have invested in their plants nor the value of the services of individual owners and members of their families, who are employed in the plant without receiving any or only a nominal salary. Total salaries represented 54 per cent of all operating expenses. The principal items constituting maintenance expenses included 589 maintenance of plant, maintenance of transmission and distribu- tion, and miscellaneous supplies and expenses. Interest on borrowed capital was included with other expenses. Employees and salaries. - Employees of electric light and power companies have been classified into five groups. The first group includes executives, managers, supervisors, engineers, and others holding supervisory positions. The average salary paid executives, managers, etc. is low in some cases, because the manager spends only part of his time in connection with work of the electric light and power company and also because some managers are actually the owners, part owners, etc. of the electric light and power company and hence may receive no or a very small salary because he shares in or receives all the profits from the business. A total of 396 executives, managers, etc. were reported by the 198 electric light and power companies and the total salaries received by these persons in 1938 amounted to P1,119,294 or an annual average of P2,827 per person. The second group of employees separately classified com- prised office employees, stenographers, and others performing routine office work. This group included 510 persons with reported total salaries of P298,215 during 1938 or an annual average of P585 per person. Collectors, inspectors, canvassers and others performing similar work composed the third group of employees. This group 590 totalled 578 with total salaries of P260,510 during 1938. The fourth group of employees included linemen, skilled laborers, and other plant employees. Employees reported in this group numbered 1,961 and received salaries totalling P956,668 during 1938. TABLE - 2 AVERAGE ANNUAL SALARY BY KIND OF EMPLOYEE: 1938 Kind of employee All employees . Average Annual Salary P754 Executives, Superintendents, managers, supervisors 2,827 Office employees, stenographers, etc. 585 Collectors, inspectors, etc. 451 Linemen, skilled laborers, and plant employees 488 Other employees 503 Other employees. Those employees, including unskilled laborers, who could not be classified under the other four groups were grouped under other employees. Persons included in this group totalled 143 and received salaries amounting to P71,866 during 1938. Generators. - The 195 producing electric light and power companies owned 355 generators having a total rated capacity of 75,480 KWH. Of the 195 electric light and power com- panies, 39 owned direct current generators and 156 alternating current generators. Power equipment. There are five general classifications · of power equipment used in the industry, namely, diesel power, semi-diesel, gas engine, steam engine, and hydro. The total rated capacity of all the power equipment installed totalling 357 units or prine movers was 103,346 H.P. A total of 183 591 companies or 90.6 per cent of the number of electric plants reported their generators operated by diesel power. There were 311 units operated by diesel power or 87.1 per cent of the total number units installed by all companies. However, the aggregate rated capacity of all diesel operated prime movers amounted to only 30,658 HP or 29.6 per cent of the total rated capacity for all electric light and power companies. About 4.5 per cent of the number of the companies reported hy- dro-electric installations, and the number of units in such companies represent 7.0 per cent of the total units of all companies. The aggregate rated capacity of hydro-electric ins- tallations amounted to 31,885 horse power or 30.9 per cent of the total rated capacity for all companies. Only 0.5 per cent of the number of companies use steam engines but the rated capacity of such engines was equivalent to 38.3 per cent of the rated capacity of all prime movers. TABLE 3 - PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC COMPANIES AND AND RATED CAPACITY OF GENERATORS, BY TYPE OF GENERATORS: 1938 NUMBER, Type of generator Percent distribution Number Number of of Rated companies generators capacity TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 DC .. 20.0 17.5 3.9 AC single-phase .. 2.6 2.5 0.3 AC two-phase. 14.4 13.5 6.3 AC three-phase 63.0 66.5 89.5 592 TABLE 4 - PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF THE NUMBER OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, UNITS OF POWER EQUIPMENT AND RATED CAPACITY OF POWER EQUIPMENTS BY KIND OF POWER EQUIPMENT: 1938 Percent distribution Number Number of Kind of power equipment of companies units of power equipment Rated capacity (H.P.) TOTAL. 100.0 100.0 100.0 Diesel power . 90.5 87.1 29.6 Semi-diesel.. 4.0 3.6 0.7 Gas engine 0.5 0.6 0.5 Steam engine 0.5 1.7 38.3 Hydro-electric 4.5 7.0 30.9 Step-up Substations. - Step-up substations were reported by 6 electric light and power companies. These step-up sub- stations had 31 transformers with a total rated capacity of 29,420 KVA. Step-down substations. - Step down substations were re- ported by 5 electric light and power companies. These step down substations contained 111 transformers with a total rated capacity of 66,635 KVA. Transmission lines. - The transmission lines of electric light and power companies total 550 kilometers in length. The length of transmission lines classified according to the voltage were as follows: 8,000 to 13,800 volts, 370 kilo- meters; 16,000 to 23,000 volts, 92 kilometers; and 66,000 to 115,000 volts, 88 kilometers. 593 1 Production of electricity, 1933 to 1938. The quantity of electricity produced from 1933 to 1938 was as follows: Year Electricity Produced (KWH) 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 146,471,317 149,989,260 148,211,905 162,518,130 187,875,149 208,665,891 sold. Type and number of consumer and amount of electricity - At the end of 1938, there are 212,738 customers of electric light and power companies of whom 174,772 or 82.1 per cent were residential customers, 0.9 per cent were in- dustrial customers, and 17.0 per cent were commercial cus- tomers. Of the residential customers, 58 per cent were on flat rate and 42 per cent were on meter rate. The pre- dominance of residential customers charged on flat rate over those charged on meter rate indicates a rather limited con- sumption in the home of electricity. There are 34 provinces where residential customers on flat rate constituted a majority and two provinces where residential customers on meter rate constituted a majority of all customers. All the residential customers of Marinduque and Mindoro, were on flat rate. Industrial customers are concentrated in Cebu, Nueva Ecija and the Moun- tain Province while commercial customers are mostly found in Pangasinan, Iloilo, and Negros Occidental. In the census of population each family was classified according to the kind of lighting used. A total of 282,936 families or 9 per cent of all families reported electricity as the kind of lighting used. As some families obtained 594 their electricity from their private plant or from the plant of the mining, lumber, or other manufacturing plant in which they were employed, the number of families reporting electricity as the source of lighting in the census of popu- lation exceeds the number of customers reported by electric light and power companies. The number of families reporting the use of electricity for lighting is shown in Table 19 by provinces. Electricity produced and sold in 1938. - The total quan- tity of electricity reported as produced during 1938 amounted to 208,760,192 KWH. Of this amount, 160,907,757 KWH was sold to consumers (or an average of 756 KWH per customer) and 4,666, 620 KWH was used by the producing company and its subsidiaries. The difference between the quantity produced and the quantity sold to consumers plus the quantity used by the producing company or its subsidiaries represents losses in transmission, uses for purposes for which no record was kept etc. There was some sale of electricity between electric light and power com- panies. The quantity of electricity purchased by electric light and power companies from other companies totalled 7,286,374 KWH in 1938. Fuel and electricity purchased. - The total cost of fuel and electricity purchased in 1938 amounted to P1,855,072. This amount represented 37 per cent of total operating expenses. Coal valued at P1,057,482 represented 57 per cent of total fuel used while fuel oil represented 37.8 per cent. Gasoline constituted 595 only 0.4 per cent. The value of electricity purchased by elec- tric plants from other plants amounted to P88,705 or 4.8 per- cent of the total cost of fuel and electricity purchased. Size of total assets. - One of the outstanding features of the electric light industry revealed by the census is the concentration of business in larger companies. As there were 198 establishments or electric light and power companies with total assets of P56,313,984, assets per company average slightly more than P234,000. However, the data for companies by size of total assets show that those having total assets of less than P300,000 produced only 9.9 percent of the total electricity produced in 1938 and the combined total assets of these companies formed approximately 17.8 per cent of the total assets of all companies. Companies with total assets below P300,000 reported only 17.8 per cent of the gross income, 40.7 per cent of the total number of employees, and 27.5 per cent of the total sala- ries paid by all electric light and power companies. Even if the analysis is extended to companies having total assets of less than half a million pesos, it is found that the aggregate production of such companies formed only 18.9 per cent of the production of all electric light and power com- panies although these companies have 21.9 per cent of total assets. Likewise, the gross income of these companies reported only 22.8 per cent of the total gross income, 46.7 per cent of the total number of employees and 33.3 per cent of the total 596 TABLE 5 salaries paid by all electric light and power companies. Those establishments having total assets of more than half million pesos, therefore reported 81.1 per cent of the total electricity produced, 78.1 per cent of the total assets, 77.2 per cent of the total gross income, 53.3 per cent of the total number of employees, and 66.7 per cent of the total salaries paid by all electric light and power companies. CUMULATIVE PERCENT DISTRIBUTION, BY SIZE OF ASSETS, OF THE PRODUCTION, ASSETS, GROSS INCOME, EMPLOYEES, AND SALARIES PAID BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES: 1938 Cumulative percent distribution Size of total assets Production Assets Gross income Employees Salaries TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Under P 10,000 0.2 0.3 0.4 2.8 0.9 ?? P 15,000 0.5 0.8 1.2 6.0 2.1 11 P 20,000 0.9 1.6 1.9 10.0 4.4 11 P 30,000 1.3 2.4 2.7 12.8 5.9 P 40,000 1.9 3.6 4.0 16.1 7.9 P 50,000 2.3 4.3 4.8 18.9 9.3 11 P 60,000 2.7 5.1 5.7 20.5 10.4 P 70,000 3.7 6.8 7.1 23.9 12.7 " P 80,000 4.1 7.4 7.9 24.8 13.4 P 90,000 4.6 8.2 8.8 26.3 14.9 11 P100,000 5.3 9.5 9.9 28.3 16.4 P150,000 6.8 12.8 12.8 33.3 20.5 P200,000 8.1 15.4 15.0 37.3 24.3 11 P300,000 9.9 17.8 17.8 40.7 27.5 11 P500,000 18.9 21.9 22.8 46.7 33.3 The concentration of production of electricity in compa- nies with a large capital investment is not only typical in the Philippines but in almost all countries. An electric light and power company requires a large capital to function efficiently and to be able to expand to new areas. Size of gross receipts. - An analysis of the structure of the electric light and power industry may also be based on the volume of gross receipts. Such analysis reveals that the sale of electricity is largely controlled by establishments with relatively large total sales. As there were 198 electric 597 plants in 1938 with total gross receipts of P13,242,279, gross receipts per establishment average slightly more than P66,000. However, the data for electric light and power companies show that only 17.1 per cent of all gross receipts were reported by establishments with gross receipts of less than P75,000 and the aggregate amount of electricity pro- duced by such companies amounted to only 9.3 per cent of all electric light and power companies. The aggregate investments of companies with gross receipts of less than P75,000 each amounted to only 17.1 per cent of the total while employees of those companies constituted 40.4 per cent of the total employees and received 25.7 per cent of the total salaries paid by all electric light and power companies. All establishments, therefore, with gross re- ceipts of P75,000 or over received 82.9 per cent of the total gross receipts and produced 90.7 per cent of the electricity produced by all electric light and power com- panies. These establishments with gross receipts amount- ing to P 75,000 or more each had 82.9 per cent of the total assets, 59.6 per cent of the employees and paid 74.3 per cent of the total salaries paid by all electric light and power companies. The concentration of gross receipts in the large companies having relatively large gross receipts is associated with the concentration of gross receipts in busi- nesses with relatively large total assets. 598 TABLE 6 - CUMULATIVE PERCENT DISTRIBUTION BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS, OF THE PRODUCTION, ASSETS, GROSS INCOME, EMPLOYEES, AND SALARIES PAID BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES: 1938 Cumulative percent distribution Size of gross receipts Production Assets Gross income Employees Salaries TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Under P 1,000 0.1 0.2 (1) 1.1 0.2 11 P 2,500 0.2 0.6 0.3 2.8 0.7 11 P 5,000 1.3 1.9 1.6 9.4 4.0 11 P 7,500 1.7 3.2 2.5 13.0 5.5 P10,000 2.4 4.7 3.9 16.8 7.7 P15,000 3.6 8.1 6.6 23.4 11.8 ?? P20,000 4.3 9.6 8.1 26.3 13.7 19 P30,000 5.9 12.2 10.9 31.3 18.1 11 P50,000 7.4 14.8 13.5 35.4 21.6 11 P75,000 9.3 17.1 17.1 40.4 25.7 (1) Less than 0.1 per cent Citizenship of owners. - Of the P56,313,984 total assets of the electric light and power industry, P11,459,200 were owned by individual Filipinos. This amount represents 20.3 per cent of the total investments. Citizens of the United States own P41,177,036 or 73.1 per cent of the total assets. Agencies of the Philippine government owned 5.9 per cent of the total assets. Thus, Filipino participation in the industry including the amount invested by agencies of the government accounted for 26.2 per cent of total assets while non-Filipino citizens control 73.8 per cent of the total assets of all electric light and power companies. Chinese, British, Canadian, Australian, etc. citizens control less than one per cent of total assets of all companies. Of the 198 companies in operation, 166 companies are owned entirely by citizens of one country. Of the 166 companies, 145 are owned wholly by Filipinos, 20 by citizens of the United States and 1 by citizens of other countries. 599 While Filipino citizens wholly own 145 companies, the total assets of such companies amounted only to 10,366,241 while the 20 companies entirely owned by United States citizens, had total assets amounting to P41,177,036. There were 32 companies, the ownership of which is divided among the citi- zens of several countries. The total assets of such compa- nies amounted to P6,441,392. Form of organization. - Electric light and power com- panies have been classified under five headings according to the nature of the ownership under which they operate. The five classifications used for forms of organization in the census are: individual proprietorships, partnerships, associations, corporations, and agencies of the government. Electric light and power companies operated by individual proprietors produced 2.5 per cent of the total electricity and had 4.4 per cent of the total assets. While such esta- blishments reported only 5.6 per cent of gross receipts, they employed 14 per cent of the total employees and paid 9.1 per cent of the total salaries reported by all electric light and power companies. Electric light and power com- panies operated by partnerships and associations were of less importance than those operated by individual proprietor- ships. Electric light and power companies operated under the corporate form of organization produced 87.1 per cent of total electricity and had 88.4 per cent of total assets. While these establishments had 87.0 per cent of the total gross income they employed only 77.1 per cent of the total number of employees and paid 84.9 per cent of the total salaries reported by all electric light and power companies. 600 Government agencies occupy a relatively insignificant role in the production of electricity. The aggregate production of all companies operated by government agencies amounted to 9.6 per cent of the total while the assets of such agencies constituted 5.8 per cent of the total assets. Government owned companies reported 5.8 per cent of the total income, 5.4 per- cent of the total number of employees, and 3.8 per cent of total salaries paid by all companies. From these figures, it is evi- dent that private enterprise was responsible for about 90 per- cent of total production of electricity and controls 95 percent of total assets of the electric light and power industry. The following data show the structure of the electricity industry by forms of organization: TABLE 7 PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF PRODUCTION, ASSETS, GROSS INCOME, EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES PAID BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP, 1938 Form of Produc- Ownership tion Percent distribution Gross Assets Income Employees Salaries TOTAL.... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Individual... 2.5 4.4 5.6 14.0 9.1 Partnership . 0.6 1.1 1.3 2.8 1.7 Association 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.5 Corporation 87.1 88.4 87.0 77.1 84.9 Government Agency. 9.6 5.8 5.8 5.4 3.8 Year established. - The classification of electric light and power companies shows to some extent the development of the industry by periods. More than three fifths of all electric light and power companies have been in operating less than 8 years. 601 TABLE 8 PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF PRODUCTION OF ASSETS, GROSS INCOME, EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY YEARS OF OPERATION: 1939 Percent distribution Years in operation Total Production assets Gross income Employees Salaries TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Under 3 years 0.7 1.1 1.5 5.0 2.5 4 to 8 10.4 7.0 8.1 22.3 12.7 9 to 13 11 18.6 16.6 17.7 39.2 24.8 14 to 18 " 22.7 22.9 24.6 49.7 34.0 19 to 23 24.4 27.4 27.7 53.7 37.6 24 to 28 32.1 30.7 31.7 55.3 38.8 TABLE 9 - TOTAL ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY PROVINCES: 1938 602 Number of companies Assets Province Total (Pesos) Power plant Transmission machinery lines, trans- and formers and equipment (Pesos) sub-stations (Pesos) Distribution faci- lities including meters, street lights, etc. (Pesos) Other equipment (Pesos) Land and buildings (Pesos) Cash (Pesos) Accounts and notes receiv- able (Pesos) PHILIPPINES Agusan ..... 188 56,313,984 20,811,023 4,844, 382 14,765, 240 6,576, 161 6, 574, 192 759,410 1,983, 576 Albay ..... Batangas ....... 239 42,674 20,020 8,941 52 6,045 1,514 6, 102 520,380 303,201 142,080 12,004 38,422 24,673 931,298 460,454 372,966 Bohol 13,827 50,272 8,773 25,006 4 117,348 40,702 64,800 Bulacan 1,830 5,681 2, 103 2,232 6 1,205,465 126,467 148,409 744,950 Cagayan ....... 65,390 72,860 23, 527 23,862 3 263,971 110,315 37,082 4,384 40,985 Camarines Norte 63,737 7,468 2 150, 079 74,478 38,788 3,764 7,935 Camarines Sur 18,883 6,231 5 229, 621 114,656 84,856 3,599 22,630 2, 113 Capiz 1,767 5 176, 778 117,559 23,426 1,083 17,645 4,781 Cavite 12,284 4 1, 176, 748 120,280 379,305 553, 874 45,024 45,024 17,808 Cebu 15, 124 6 2,811,412 927,928 382,337 323,214 691,375 219,569 8,874 258, 115 Davao ... 1 395,027 168,818 109,011 11,508 87,074 2,955 15,661 Ilocos Norte 3 229,378 104,918 63,780 29,756 13, 891 6, 028 11,005 Ilocos Sur 2 150,544 88,221 9,223 1,200 6,990 Iloilo 38,288 6,622 14 1,570, 264 704, 845 487,258 44,010 156,516 85,876 91,759 Isabela 2 120,435 47,872 43,734 4,600 12,371 7,273 4,585 La Union 3 229,053 84,593 91,825 26,925 22,882 Laguna ... 1,508 1,320 7 11,065, 777 6,564, 083 825,000 787,353 1,340, 786 1,465, 217 60,955 22,383 Lanao .. 2 91,104 51,979 12,636 1,566 8, 129 11,895 4,899 Leyte 10 398,675 211, 195 91,011 18,711 22,467 Marinduque 19,387 35, 904 2 76,793 47,574 8,682 3,260 9,316 4,536 3,425 Mindoro 3 76, 029 37,095 15,072 1,221 19,874 1,642 1, 125 Misamis Occidental 3 109,351 48,390 49, 133 289 5, 140 Misamis Oriental .. 3,521 2,878 2 73,781 38,450 10,658 2,765 9,552 9,730 2,626 Mountain Province 3 2,238, 765 1,095, 173 335,712 485,687 122,613 115,865 19,459 64, 256 Negros Occidental 24 24 973,547 448,796 201,790 43,279 78, 108 68,502 133,072 Negros Oriental ......... 2 458,211 180,499 63,994 17, 124 37,843 1,720 157,031 Nueva Ecija 9 716,473 333,247 221,968 23,869 109,897 4, 124 23,368 Pampanga 7 1,054, 519 417,453 403,242 31,955 103, 117 22,405 76,347 Pangasinan 3 1,401,780 395, 067 877,761 21,704 99,648 775 6,825 Rizal 6 4,544, 537 80,929 1,423, 174 1,646,444 1,225, 226 67,353 3,307 98, 104 Samar 4 124, 176 70,921 26,499 919 9,208 7,149 9,480 Sorsogon 4 150, 941 104,252 28,952 4,211 8,950 12 4,564 Tarlac 3 425,308 210,831 153,569 8,771 42, 158 5,646 4,333 Tayabas 6 1,091,421 354,830 86,715 446,965 30,049 139,675 Zamboanga .... 3 499,455 All other provinces 20,422, 866 223, 382 6,281,550 1,263, 730 136, 636 5,897,380 22,002 2,695, 510 35, 240 3,360,334 10,037 56,460 154, 107 23, 150 25,735 770, 255 603 TABLE 10 - GROSS INCOME AND EXPENSES OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY KIND, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Gross income Expense Province Total (Pesos) Income from sale of power (Pesos) Income from other sources (Pesos) Total (Pesos) Operating Maintenance (Pesos) Depreciation and sinking fund Other expenses (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) PHILIPPINES 13,242,279 13, 133, 158 109, 121 7,952, 515 5, 009, 127 852,662 1,660, 745 429,981 Augusan ... 25,475 24,047 1,428 21,145 16,057 441 3,886 761 Albay 111,053 109,315 1,738 90,317 41,517 26,965 20,333 1,502 Batangas 137,409 131, 221 6, 188 126, 739 78, 119 11,665 32,061 4,894 Bohol 20, 178 19,948 230 21,616 5,411 13,316 2,779 110 Bulacan 297,708 293,950 3,758 179,565 122,861 23,517 29,745 3,442 Cagayan 50,096 48,593 1,503 39,974 33, 130 1,987 3,811 1,046 Camarines Norte 44,655 43,862 793 34,059 20,221 2,498 10,910 430 Camarines Sur 67, 176 67,096 80 53,693 38,868 6,568 8,211 46 Capiz ... 52,032 52,032 41,473 26,955 7,660 6,843 15 Cavite 489,765 488, 953 812 286, 288 191,317 31,795 50,635 12,541 Cebu 578, 722 560,972 17,750 477,065 216,575 128, 255 55,631 76, 604 Davao 173,061 156,992 16,069 114,513 86,416 2,841 22,511 2,745 Ilocos Norte 54,420 53,459 961 44, 197 26,498 2,278 11, 131 4,290 Ilocos Sur 38,504 37,865 639 37,709 25,752 4,771 6,443 743 Iloilo ... Isabela La Union Laguna .. Lanao 438,703 432,060 6,643 343,510 131,620 40,498 74,513 96, 879 29,245 28,422 823 21,664 13,097 7,697 870 44,888 44,784 104 35,408 24, 006 6,779 3,819 804 277,441 274,942 2,499 170, 729 106,560 20,944 31,933 11, 292 29, 169 28,298 871 23, 177 8,769 827 4,278 9,303 Leyte 113,074 111, 130 1,944 101,979 62, 131 6,714 24,834 8,300 Marinduque 12, 140 12,095 45 13,019 10,030 964 1, 195 830 Mindoro 15,759 15,759 14,480 6,093 2,954 4,817 616 Misamis Occidental 29,368 26,073 3,295 22,380 15,803 1,785 3,149 1,643 Misamis Oriental 32,547 32, 193 354 27,318 21, 133 2,992 418 2,775 Mountain Province 636, 529 633,378 3, 151 379,532 147,063 4,338 223,664 4,467 Negros Occidental 371,253 370,885 368 268,465 136,053 38,818 37,942 55, 652 Negros Oriental ....... 84,264 84,057 207 79, 125 37,818 14,259 24,867 2,181 Nueva Ecija 151,717 150,912 805 140,482 99,459 14,228 21,860 4,935 Pampanga .... 234,497 230, 223 4,274 216,362 101,556 12,542 59, 222 43,042 Pangasinan 217,519 214,717 2,802 162,081 121,872 15, 538 18,003 6,668 Rizal 1,693, 631 1,693, 593 38 859,248 595, 251 79, 112 169, 150 15,735 Samar 34,814 34,546 268 27,397 19,907 1,385 975 5, 130 Sorsogon 36,530 36,233 297 36,811 22,019 2,224 4,489 8,079 Tarlac .... 88,092 88,092 66,094 44,889 10,368 9,051 1,786 Tayabas 158,255 153,487 4,768 108,715, 80,362 8,611 18,869 873 Zamboanga ...... 133, 864 133,518 346 88,323 60,533 12,872 3,454 11,464 All other provinces 6,238, 726 6,215,456 23,270 3, 177, 863 2,213, 406 281,656 654,443 28,358 604 TABLE 11 - NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES PAID BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY PROVINCES: 1938 All Province employees Number of Salaries paid persons (Pesos) persons Executives, superinten- dents, managers, supervisions Number of Salaries paid (Pesos) Office employees, stenographers, etc. Collectors, ins- pectors, etc. (Pesos) Number of Salaries paid Number of Salaries paid persons persons (Pesos) persons (Pesos) Linemen, skilled laborers and plant employees Number of Salaries paid Other employees Number of Salaries paid persons (Paid) PHILIPPINES 3,588 2,706, 553 396 1, 119, 294 510 298, 215 578 260,510 1,961 956, 668 143 71,866 Augusan 26 9,937 7, 188 Albay .... 38 30,531 3 14, 100 Batangas 76 46,278 || 18, 140 10 Bohol 32 9,606 4 252 8693 949 2 456 5 1,344 5,227 8 1,897 21 9,307 3,768 10 4, 166 43 20,038 1,080 4 299 17 6,294 Bulacan 80 41,700 7 4,560 10 6,480 20 7,962 38 21,985 245 166 1,681 713 Cagayan... 28 20,733 8 13,846 9 2,493 1 360 10 4,034 Camarines Norte 16 10, 749 4 5,885 407 2 960 9 3,497 1 Camarines Sur 49 21,545 3 1,020 4 2, 154 6 1,916 35 16,347 108 Capiz.... 33 12, 684 8 4,620 3 2,220 5 1,524 12 3,060 5 1,260 Cavite 65 34,323 7 4,644 12 5,936 13 7,456 27 14,832 1,455 Cebu 218 153,475 25 77, 280 34 16,700 28 9,447 130 49,904 144 Davao 36 63,997 5 39,385 12 6,449 4 1,628 14 15,935 600 Ilocos Norte 32 21,828 6 8, 232 5 7,680 7 2,832 13 2,904 180 Ilocos Sur 23 11,878 4 4,890 I 1,080 5 1,341 13 4,567 Iloilo 178 117,639 21 43, 242 24 14,755 19 11, 155 111 47,205 3 1,282 Isabela 17 10,488 3 4, 140 5 1,980 I 300 8 4,068 La Union Laguna 102 200 22 8,367 3 900 3 537 3 959 13 5,971 59, 207 15 24,895 6. 4,056 13 6,624 61 21,302 7 2,330 Lanao 19 9, 132 5 4,992 3 1,449 3 944 7 1,522 225 Leyte 75 31,435 16 14, 134 11 3,932 10 3,078 28 8,126 10 2,165 Marinduque 12 4,974 4 3,060 2 594 2 408 4 912 1 Mindoro 12 5,496 2 2,160 3 1,044 2 804 5 1,488 Misamis Occidental 26 7,912 3 1,740 3 708 4 1,407 12 3,267 790 Misamis Oriental 19 10,664 2 5,145 3 1,274 3 542 10 3,697 1 6 Mountain Province 139 45, 293 7 12, 895 4 1, 189 3 1,907 123 28,462 2 840 Negros Occidental 190 119,910 36 55,587 25 17,850 35 14, 193 76 24,573 18 7,707 Negros Oriental ..... 41 21,765 10 9,890 5 2, 165 5 1,600 20 8,050 60 Nueva Ecija 74 39,562 8 8,509 9 6,201 18 5, 177 37 19,477 2 198 Pampanga .. 116 54,246 21 18,777 15 4,916 23 6,279 53 23,224 4 1,050 Panagasinan 87 38,463 6 3,664 9 5,545 9 3,449 51 24,989 12 816 Rizal 100 69,492 6 12,920 18 12, 322 28 19,587 46 24,279 2 384 Samar 23 10,776 5 6,014 5 900 5 1,549 8 2,313 Sorsogon 21 9,866 5 4,064 2 455 2 1,020 10 3,979 2 348 Tarlac 34 16,008 4 3, 108 3 1,977 4 1,885 19 8,419 4 619 Tayabas 57 30,410 6 2,760 12 6,805 6 1,772 32 18,988 85 Zamboanga 47 30, 132 5 5,531 5 2,691 6 2,932 30 18,562 416 All other provinces 1,425 1,466,052 97 667, 125 217 142, 247 259 130,695 810 479, 747 42 46,238 605 - TABLE 12 GENERATORS USED BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY TYPE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 T Y P E 0 F GENE R A TOR Direct current Alternating current Number of companies Province reporting Number Total of rated generators capacity Number of companies Single phase Number of Total rated Number of Two phase Number Three phase companies report ing generators (Kilowatts) capacity (Kilowatts) reporting of generators Total rated Number of Number Total companies of rated capacity reporting (Kilowatts) generators capacity (Kilowatts) PHILIPPINES Augusan Albay ... 39 62 2,975 5 9 194 28 48 4,787 123 236 67,524 Batangas Bohol 2 Isabela Bulacan Cagayan Camarines Norte - Camarines Sur Capiz Cavite Cebu.... Davao Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur 2 5 224 Iloilo 3 38 34 - 3 1342I7I 12 8885 68 60 25 3 487 228 2 5 25 93 621 18 1,283 2 2 6 8 28 90 248 - 374 3 3 65 15 3 2 240 155 2 3 170 4 7 381 - 1 6 88 2 8 80 2 4 386 2,225 1 30 3 8 620 ייי 3 5 382 32 2 57 Sorsogon La Union Laguna Lanao Leyte 5 116 Marinduque I 25 Mindoro 2 80 Misamis Occidental 1 Misamis Oriental 27 Mountain Province - Negros Occidental 22 Negros Oriental · Nueva Ecija........ 3 1,321 Pampanga Pangasinan..……………… Rizal Samar 2 41 1 13 3 7 299 - 14 4121-13 II 3 II3INIIN 82 6 12 1,606 3 180 3 6 178 147 2 6 1, 168 - 2 3 129 2 150 5 8 753 1 3 59 20 1336 - 49 Tarlac Tayabas Zamboanga All other provinces 3 NII5 2 211 3 2 2 - 3 15 5 99 20 30 5, 153 1,493 4 6 357 - 30 7 10 755 6 14 1,271 3 10 1,025 4 6 369 3 5 254 10 I 36 132 1 3 6 409 4 160 4 6 342 6 785 1 | 15 8 21 47,638 39 2 2 127 114 606 TABLE 13 - POWER EQUIPMENT OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY KIND, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Diesel Power Semi-diesel Gas engine Steam Hydro Number of Number Provinces companies of Total rated Number of companies reporting units capacity report ing Number of units Total rated capacity reporting Number of Number Total companies of rated units capacity Number of companies Number of reporting units Total Number of Number Total rated companies of rated capacity reporting units capacity (HP) (HP) (HP) (HP) (HP) PHILIPPINES 183 311 30,658 8 13 767 2 500 6 39,536 9 25 31,885 Agusan ..... Albay .... Batangas 259 2 107 || 1,081 21 1,960 45 Bohol 4 4 176 Bulacan 6 8 461 Cagayan .. 3 6 435 Camarines Norte 2 4 430 Camarines Sur 5 6 422 Capiz 5 8 635 Cavite 3 6 675 Cebu 7 2,905 2 47 2 500 Davao 3 8 720 Ilocos Norte 3 5 590 Ilocos Sur 2 5 305 Iloilo .. 13 20 2,782 Isabela La Union Laguna Lanao 2 5 262 3 6 290 3 5 235 5 1,667 2 3 215 Leyte 10 15 1,237 Marinduque 2 3 122 Mindoro T 1 30 3 100 Misamis Occidental 4 4 172 1 Misamis Oriental ..... 2 4 245 Mountain Province 1 2 1,075 20 Negros Occidental 22 34 2,346 2 80 3 12 6,688 32 Negros Oriental 4 6 560 Nueva Ecija .. 10 14 1,265 70 Pampanga.... 6 14 123 1,846 1 Pangasinan 2 7 1,270 3 405 Rizal 5 868 Samar 4 6 402 Sorsogon ... 5 9 568 Tarlac 3 6 695 Tayabas Zamboanga All other provinces 730 9 775 17 57 970 1,526 45 2 480 6 39,536 3 22,850 607 TABLE 14 - NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF STEP UP SUB-STATIONS AND TRANSFORMERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Number of companies Province reporting step up Number of transformers sub-stations Total rated capacity of transformers (KVA) PHILIPPINES. 6 31 29,420 Cebu ..... 4 600 Laguna. 2 7 21,350 Mountain Province ... 2 18 6,470 Rizal .... 2 1,000 TABLE 15 - NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF STEP DOWN SUB-STATIONS AND TRANSFORMERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Number of companies Province reporting step down Number of transformers sub-stations 5 PHILIPPINES .... Bulacan Cavite.... Laguna.. Manila .. Rizal. Total rated capacity of transformers (KVA) 66,635 2,225 16 3,724 12 1,050 30 49,211 42 10,425 608 TABLE 16 - TRANSMISSION LINES OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY VOLTAGE, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Voltage of transmission lines 8,000 to 13, 800 Number of Total length Number of Province companies report ing of transmis- companies 16,000 to 23, 000 Total length of transmis- 66,000 to 115,000 Number of Total length sion lines reporting sion lines (Km.) (Km.) companies of transmis- reporting sion lines (Km.) PHILIPPINES ..... 7 370.26 2 91.60 2 88.51 Bulacan. 37.52 Cavite 45.05 Cebu... 60.00 Laguna.. 86.65 42.00 Manila ... 23.12 Mountain Province .. 2 91.60 Rizal Tayabas 90.38 1 27.54 46.51 609 Province TABLE 17 - AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED AND ANNUAL HOURLY PEAK LOAD, BY PROVINCES: 1933 TO 1938 Amount of electricity produced (KWH) Annual hourly peak load (KW) 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 PHILIPPINES Agusan Albay ... Bohol 208, 670, 192 187,860,957 162,504, 421 148,211,905 149,989,260 146, 456, 077 51, 130 45, 267 40, 060 36,936 34,510 35,617 143,072 827,708 141,500 767, 782 140, 100 684, 427 138,600 654,515 84,000 618,052 83,000 70 62 53 49 28 25 567,458 322 293 262 253 233 220 Batangas... 1,971,030 1,623, 662 1,579, 102 1, 156, 235 1, 166, 781 1,125,821 750 593 446 447 422 419 157,473 94,876 91, 753 81,075 71,308 57,593 95 78 77 74 72 63 Bulacan 243,960 210,413 189,336 130,209 128,377 124,792 185 195 182 141 137 132 Cagayan 448, 540 396,258 372,245 335,588 323,818 304, 440 146 134 128 122 115 117 Camarines Norte 252,440 182,800 89,928 82,704 118 73 38 35 - Camarines Sur 690,414 574, 774 428, 108 494, 630 485,410 418,688 273 230 219 186 211 207 Capiz 321,820 321,500 276,300 276,300 302, 100 246,430 136 87 69 69 74 69 Cavite 748, 930 507,380 440,513 405,655 332,443 235,049 325 282 246 242 235 165 Cebu 6, 495, 009 5,445, 526 5,262, 374 4,362,082 4,379,950 4,026, 529 1,863 1,828 1,471 1,329 1, 161 1, 170 Davao 787,299 729,748 628,600 501, 124 409,078 362,772 392 325 281 210 170 150 Ilocos Norte 378,388 310,636 297,666 299, 198 268,041 197,321 169 135 133 130 130 114 Ilocos Sur 334,566 237,281 204,916 201,523 145,300 149,263 154 154 155 154 136 136 Iloilo 3,274,337 3,141,543 2,844, 218 Isabela La Union 710,608 354,455 Laguna ... 72,088, 614 Lanao 144, 871 693,436 330,795 70,495, 254 118,460 739,822 282, 733 68,002, 162 2,548,218 688, 703 284,908 68,518,855 2,526,247 2,486,558 1,230 1, 168 1, 118 998 879 886 698, 770 743,732 71 66 66 65 64 64 239,447 236,488 146 142 141 140 111 125 67,934, 101 67,001,360 16, 180 16, 181 15,698 15,495 15,694 15,478 Leyte 947,676 745, 200 112,832 716,533 104,340 94, 238 85,123 71 67 65 51 50 47 628, 325 649,639 659,774 325 340 306 283 281 277 Marinduque 70,752 57,600 59,495 57,797 54,872 60, 206 42 43 44 43 42 42 Mindoro 130,286 120, 503 98,450 86,286 81,030 75, 212 39 38 21 19 18 17 Misamis Occidental .... 232, 002 193,377 201,210 161,905 Misamis Oriental 335,336 323, 100 313,579 300, 610 125,719 293, 050 116,061 80 69 78 51 44 34 280, 486 130 10 11 9 10 9 Mountain Province ..... 29,629,789 27,389,287 19, 549, 171 Negros Occidental ..... 2,850,000 Negros Oriental Nueva Ecija 788,324 1,519, 142 2,555,889 737,214 1,319,043 2,229,989 690, 590 1, 198, 551 13,402, 611 2,040, 707 634, 183 1,076, 174 12,968,816 1,895, 604 508, 144 1,036, 777 12,036,345 3,934 4,097 3, 137 2,808 2,283 2,030 1,734, 038 1, 101 985 956 797 592 587 490, 995 238 241 241 205 197 168 823,662 653 595 560 486 489 353 Pampanga... Pangasinan Rizal Samar Sorsogon Tarlac Tayabas Zamboanga ...... All other provinces 72,350, 122 2,522,964 2,279,969 2, 133, 645 590, 302 298, 768 1,775, 410 2,231,852 1,565,426 2,253,446 2,256,610 2,385,930 906 855 826 809 744 747 1,598,488 1,675, 279 1,501,325 952 750 623 620 618 668 450, 197 392, 124 185,471 139,749 114,435 182 134 123 89 64 56 224,974 198, 291 166,609 166, 111 172,486 128 115 108 79 81 84 352,404 195,952 173,548 159,842 153,278 152,902 153 96 87 79 79 78 650, 302 592, 209 515, 069 418,343 399, 191 323, 326 326 285 253 249 239 225 426,414 2,468, 430 345, 169 2, 106,886 60, 125, 354 286,887 1,612, 687 47,803,834 1,425, 774 42, 111, 902 235,882 1, 112, 368 46,029, 680 238,970 240,649 375 337 303 286 304 316 1,090, 789 505 457 369 325 278 263 45, 745,039 18,365 13,727 11, 166 9,509 8,225 10, 126 610 T O Province t a 1 Total On flat rate On meter rate TABLE 18 - NUMBER OF CONSUMERS, AND AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED, PURCHASED AND SOLD BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Number of consumers at end of 1938 Residential Electricity Electricity Electricity. Industrial Commercial produced in 1938 (KWH) purchased sold to in 1938 (KWH) consumers in 1938 (KWH) Total energy utilized by company to operate its own or subsid- iary facilities PHILIPPINES 212,738 174,772 101,341 73,431 1,847 36, 119 208,670, 192 7,286,374 160,907, 757 4,666, 620 Agusan..... 978 763 545 218 215 143,072 141,000 Albay 2,231 1,860 1,418 442 371 827,708 475,876 Batangas 318,004 5,847 5,014 3,722 1,292 833 1,971,030 105, 115 1,003, 405 Bohol 38913,080 949 811 720 91 138 157,473 135, 169 Bulacan .. 10, 040 12,084 10, 148 6,890 3,258 19 1,917 243,960 2,054, 138 19,798 Cagayan 865 764 573 191 101 448,540 Camarines Norte ..... 287, 746 29,584 694 621 498 123 73 252,440 Camarines Sur ....... 205,457 2,320 4,006 3,329 2,956 373 677 690,414 486, 239 11,953 Capiz 932 922 662 260 10 321,820 257,745 3,285 Cavite 11,896 10,273 5,976 4,297 8 1,615 748,930 7,922, 673 32,876 Cebu 8,910 8,050 5,829 2,221 408 452 6,495,009 62,215 4,426,222 291,484 Davao 1,489 1,398 509 889 51 40 787, 299 604, 796 Ilocos Norte, 57,305 1,380 1,335 1,092 2439 45 378,388 337,076 Ilocos Sur 15,672 738 642 396 246 1 96 334,566 127,956 21, 138 Iloilo 5,217 3,947 2,476 1,471 60 1,210 3,274, 337 20,668 2,535,965 Isabela 131, 109 477 383 272 111 I 94 710,608 698,746 4,559 La Union 1,264 1,073 674 399 Laguna 8,117 6, 734 1514,911 1,823 18 38 188 354,455 283,325 9, 193 1,365 72,088, 614 1,560, 603 2, 192,672 1,008,539 Lanao 400 369 296 738 30 144, 871 124,831 14,440 Leyte 1,984 1,617 1,280 337 7 360 947,676 709,001 110,863 Marinduque 391 329 329 62 70,752 42,922 1,226 Mindoro 454 371 371 I 39 44 130,286 111,646 10,860 Misamis Occidental 840 677 604 73 163 232, 002 131,619 20,493 Misamis Oriental 507 380 300 80 127 335, 336 252,626 Mountain Province ... 48,823 2,073 1,951 313 1,638 107 15 29,629, 789 25,472,950 62,354 Negros Occidental 5,917 4,801 4,039 762 34 1,082 2,850,000 Negros Oriental 1,363 1,252 1,009 243 9 102 788, 324 1,926,919 565, 714 467, 164 20, 107 Nueva Ecija 5,812 4,603 3,582 1,021 268 941 1,519, 142 976,919 95,449 Pampanga .. 6,478 5,623 3,516 2, 107 34 821 2,522,964 1,797,874 123,306 Pangasinan 6,770 5, 166 3,406 1,760 13 1,591 2, 133, 645 1,394, 244 38,374 Rizal 37,464 32,315 18,514 13,801 84 5,065 Samar 933 819 743 76 114 590, 302 298, 768 19, 140, 229 32,929 Sorsogon 923 680 424 256 243 352,404 Tarlac 1,981 1,495 830 665 7 479 650, 302 Tayabas 4,557 3,450 2,141 1,309 6 1, 101 Zamboanga 2,475 2,288 2,211 77 99 88 426,414 2,468, 430 231,260 228, 019 577,341 1,386,979 2,376, 661 21,990 39, 220 17,073 11,668 15, 227 All other provinces . 63,342 48,519 17,314 31,205 572 14, 251 72,350, 122 5,537, 773 79, 283, 797 635, 115 TABLE 19 - FAMILIES REPORTING USE OF ELECTRICITY FOR LIGHTING, BY PROVINCES: 1939 Province Total number of families Number of families using electricity PHILLIPINES Abra .: Agusan 3, 143, 886 282,936 Albay 19,006 18,756 81, 123 479 724 2,318 Antique 40,091 144 Bataan 17,432 2,624 Batanes 2, 150 Batangas 90,908 5,536 Bohol 95, 489 960 Bukidnon 11,801 9 Bulacan 68,931 12, 179 Cagayan 58,847 1,035 Camarines Norte 19,277 1,861 Camarines Sur 75,357 2,739 Capiz ... 78,600 1,682 Cavite 50,371 13,233 Cebu .... 207,997 11,427 Cotaboto 0 58,299 818 Davao 55,928 2,463 Ilocos Norte 48,339 1,377 Ilocos Sur 58,553 841 Iloilo .. 140,728 6,206 Isabella La Union 44,219 533 40,704 1,531 Laguna .. 61,460 10,392 Lanao 47,847 432 Leyte 176,297 1,909 Manila, City of 111,724 87,452 Marinduque 16, 120 524 Masbate .... 32,836 674 Mindoro .... 27,754 726 Misamis Occidental 38,293 929 Misamis Oriental 39,853 581 Mountain Province 72,290 8,214 Negros Occidental 150, 421 13, 174 Negros Oriental 77,481 2,084 Nueva Ecija ... 81,215 5,514 Nueva Vizcaya 16, 460 500 Palawan 21,353 384 Pampanga 69,917 6,653 Pangasinan 144,300 7,310 Rizal 88,509 46,596 Romblon 18,420 263 Samar .. 108,669 1,324 Sorsogon 47,563 1,020 Sulu ... 49,372 575 Surigao 44, 173 602 Tarlac Tayabas 51,227 2,944 77, 175 7,182 Zambales 21,958 267 Zamboanga 68,293 3,992 611 612 TABLE 20 - COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY PROVINCES : 1938 Electricity purchased Coal Gasoline Fuel oil Cost Cost Cost Cost Province Tons Liters Gallons KWH (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) PHILIPPINES Agusan ... 79,751 1,057, 482 38,626 7,309 3,908, 711 701,576 7,286, 374 88,705 25,515 3,991 Albay Batangas Bohol Bulacan 119,596 21, 129 201, 220 39,775 105, 115 4, 148 31,706 6,619 51,975 11, 294 Cagayan 45 4 50,824 8,825 Camarines Norte 30,469 5,019 Camarines Sur 71,528 13,814 Capiz Cavite Cebu Davao 475 50 59,953 12,590 3,553 660 68,519 15,390 595 6,821 1,824 336 416,949 78, 130 62,215 3, 110 89,815 17,016 Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur Iloilo Isabela La Union .... Laguna ... Lanao Leyte Marinduque Mindoro ...... 2,445 366 39,398 9,021 3,952 988 1 4,993 748 287,445 50, 165 20,668 4,133 8,231 5,981 44,877 7,503 12,725 2,648 1,560, 603 33,615 1,368 205 22,899 5,227 878 251 139,320 23,661 20,345 5, 134 18,698 4,414 Misamis Occidental 760 186 19,046 4,729 Misamis Oriental 18, 180 1,049 Mountain Province 133 Negros Occidental 14,041 2,463 458 14 118, 100 12,878 342, 729 63,628 Negros Oriental .... 79,766 15,060 Nueva Ecija 207,615 33,815 Pampanga 272,774 41,069 Pangasinan 1,463 159 241,979 41,536 Rizal 3,650 545 79,085 12,016 Samar 112,504 11, 297 Sorsogon ..... 38,763 9,076 Tarlac 798 441 96,216 15,403 Tayabas ...... 361 50 94,410 17,347 Zamboanga 169,067 36, 004 All other provinces 79, 156 1,050, 661 1,839 831 202,518 38,335 5,537,773 43, 699 613 Item TABLE 21 - ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Electric light and power companies having total asstes of - All elec- tric light and power companies L Under P10, 000 P10, 000 P15,000 P20,000 P30,000 P40,000 P50,000 P60,000 to to to P14,999 P19, 999 P29,999 to P39, 999 to P49,999 to to P59, 999 P69,999 P59,999 P69,999 P70, 000 to P79, 999 P80, 000 P90,000 P100,000 P150, 000 P200, 000 P300,000 to to to to to to P89,999 P99,999 P149,999 P199,999 P299,999 P499,999 P500,000 and over total pesos - 56,313,984 178, 143 285, 816 438, 218 426,433 682,381 408, 5J5 447,086 982, 625 292, 196 500, 621 682,439 1,882, 370 1, 465, 096 1,374, 664 2, 295, 408 43, 971, 973 pesos 20,811,023 36.96 62.71 60.60 50.87 111,716 173, 217 222, 931 208, 322 345,016 190, 668 256, 624 491,933 151, 299 239, 223 204, 531 48.85 50.56 940,494 551,765 580, 739 942, 349 15,200, 196 46.67 57.40 50.06 51.78 47.79 29.97 49.96 37.66 42.25 41.05 34.57 Assets Power plant machinery and equipment Per cent of total - Transmission lines, transformer, and sub-stations - pesos 4,844, 382 Per cent of total - 8.60 34,943 34,452 8.19 5.05 18,887 117,585 323, 772 287,649 4,027,094 1.00 8.03 23.55 12.53 9.16 Distribution facilities including meters, street lights, etc. pesos 14,765, 240 33,894 57,088 123,035 73,965 136, 715 119,924 98,411 256, 362 79,915 169,206 191,329 468, 701 495, 632 233,926 399, 706 11,827,431 Per cent of total - 26.22 19.03 19.97 28.08 17.35 20.03 29.36 22.01 26.09 27.35 33.80 28.04 24.90 33.83 17.02 17.02 26.90 Other equipment pesos 6,576, 161 2,272 9,342 10,672 15,793 36,447 9,803 6,882 38,617 13,654 24,504 27, 111 38,037 87,416 57,842 110,311 6,087,458 Per cent of total 11.68 1.28 3.27 2.44 3.70 5.34 2.40 1.54 3.93 4.67 4.89 3.97 2.02 5.97 4.21 4.81 13.84 Land and buildings -- - pesos 6,574, 192 19,785 21,814 47,203 52,849 62,987 27,757 44,013 112, 231 16,547 34,693 62,786 175,463 158,776 128,522 217,550 5,391, 216 Per cent of total 11.67 11.11 7.63 10.77 12.39 9.23 6.79 9.84 11.42 5.66 6.93 9.20 9.32 10.84 9.35 9.48 12.26 Cash pesos 759,410 2,702 7,966 12,906 18,409 18,985 29,641 26,446 39,579 5, 146 19,296 51,697 177,246 15,235 6, 128 77,980 250,048 Per cent of total Accounts and notes re- 1.35 1.52 2.79 2.95 4.32 2.78 7.26 5.92 4.03 1.76 3.85 7.58 9.42 1.04 0.45 3.40 0.57 ceivable - Per cent of total pesos 1,983, 576 7,774 16,389 21,471 22, 152 47,779 30,722 14,710 43,903 25, 635 13, 699 144,985 63,542 38,687 43, 735 259,863 1,188, 530 3.52 4.36 5.73 4.90 5.19 7.00 7.52 3.29 4.47 8.77 2.74 21.25 3.38 2.64 3.18 11.32 2.70 614 TABLE 22 - GROSS INCOME AND EXPENSES OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY KIND, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Income Expenses Size of total assets Income from sale Income from other Depreciation and Total (Pesos) of power sources (Pesos) (Pesos) Total (Pesos) Operating Maintenance (Pesos) sinking fund Other expenses (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) 13,242,279 13, 133, 158 109, 121 7,952, 515 5, 009, 127 852,662 1,660, 745 429,981 Under P10,000 59,493 59,325 168 58,336 33,475 9,732 11,227 3,902 PI0,000 to P14,999 94,439 92,371 2,068 90,883 61,249 6,069 11,701 11,864 P15,000 to P19,999 98,800 97,968 832 101,617 63,177 16,747 10,971 10, 722 P20,000 to P29,999 100,839 100,054 785 106,410 59,774 17,542 13,298 15,796 P30,000 to P39, 999 172,914 155,409 17,505 162,286 98,486 19,765 27,809 16,226 P40,000 to P49,999 114,420 112,726 1,694 110,752 72, 048 7,826 15,641 15,237 P50,000 to P59,999 111,268 110,875 393 63,382 29,702 12, 209 11, 170 10,301 P60,000 to P69,999 194,345 187,795 6,550 167,702 86,238 30,562 38,968 11,934 P70, 000 to P79,999 100,035 99,855 180 80,238 47,450 5,844 20,475 6,46921 P80,000 to P89, 999 120,414 119,703 711 103, 151 55,341 21,808 15,924 10,078 P90,000 to P99,999 137,872 131,238 6,634 109,452 65,080 13,306 23,784 7,282 P100,000 to P149,999 385,322 376,573 8,749 325,353 181,917 35,530 60, 280 47,626 P150,000 to P199,999 297,321 293,891 3,430 239,267 162,025 15,554 58,071 3,617 P200,000 to P299,999 381,618 380, 257 1,361 276,510 164,396 23,785 39,507 48,822 P300,000 to P499,999 654,393 632,496 21,897 527, 732 289,812 41,949 155, 237 40,734 P500,000 and over 10, 218, 786 10, 182, 622 36, 164 5, 429, 4443,538, 957 574,434 1,146,682 169,371 615 TABLE 23 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES PAID BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Electric light and power companies having total assets of Item All elec- tric light and power Under P10,000 companies P10, 000 P15, 000 P20, 000 P30, 000 P40, 000 to to to to P14, 999 P19,999 P29,999 P39,999 P49, 999 to P59, 999 P50, 000 P60, 000 to to P69,999 P70, 000 P80,000 to to P90, 000 P100,000 to to to P150, 000 P200,000 P300,000 to to P79, 999 P89,999 P99,999 P149,999 P199,999 P299,999 P499,999 P500,000 and over Number of employees - -- total 113 persons 3,588 99 118 142 102 128 69 89 58 123 32 32 51 74 178 144 124 215 1,911 Executive, superintendents, managers, supervisors -- persons 396 23 23 26 30 30 21 28 18 12 24 3 12 18 28 17 = 121 113 Office employees, stenographers, etc. persons 510 13 17 = 11 24 Collectors, inspectors, etc. -persons 578 17 17 25 15 20 24 15 8 14 4 9 14 30 15 15 21 289 17 20 15 26 3 4 8 26 25 16 20 332 25 Lineman, skilled laborers, and plant employees -- -- persons 1,961 43 59 64 50 64 50 46 36 20 47 21 22 31 88 74 68 158 1, 134 Other employees - persons 143 5 3 6 3 10 5 12 4 3 6 13 14 4 43 Salaries paid total pesos 2,706, 553 23,342 32,396 62,850 42,225 52,076 38,545 30,707 60,690 19,607 39,836 41,476 110,475 102,889 86,558 158, 6441,804, 237 Executive, superintendents, managers, supervisors ---- - pesos 1, 119, 294 6,951 12,854 27,230 16,926 21,773 20, 502 14,025 25, 178 5,460 20,005 16,752 43, 186 38,723 34, 195 76, 174 739,360 Office employees; stenographers, etc. pesos Collectors, inspectors, etc. 88 pesos 298,215 260,510 2,058 2,292 8,047 3,273 3,522 6,506 4, 196 5,553 4,787 5,561 4,334 4,912 3,890 5,687 1,577 4,391 6,002 19,527 15,766 10,287 15,589 188,441 2,061 9,012 720 3,480 3,608 9,589 9,688 7,046 8,165 179, 158 Linemen, skilled laborers, and plant employees ----- pesos 956, 668 10,294 Other employees pesos 71,866 766 13,386 18,071 15,692 342 2,996 3,056 624 16, 133 7,902 8,230 18,579 11,610 9,785 14, 130 36,304 35,957 895 2,501 2,234 240 2,175 984 1,869 2,755 33,931 1,099 57,040 649, 624 1,676 47,654 616 TABLE 24 - GENERATORS USED BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY TYPE AND BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Type of generator Direct current Alternating Current Number Size of total assets Number of of companies genera- reporting tors Total Single phase rated capacity (Kilowatts) Number of Number Total ra- companies of reporting generators ted capa- city (ki- lowatts) Number of companies of reporting generators Two phase Number Total ra- Number of ted capa- Three phase Number city (ki- companies lowatts) of Total ra- ted capa- city (Ki- report ing generators lowatts) Total 39 62 2,975 5 9 194 28 48 4,787 123 236 67,524 Under P 10,000 .. 9 9 157 5 5 96 10 10 182 P 10,000 to P 14,999 12 15 1,517 2 4 42 3 3 P 15,000 to P 19,999 4 5 130 2 46 1 1 225 70 5 6 134 25 18 21 450 P 20,000 to P 29,999... 6 14 344 2 2 65 10 10 268 P 30,000 to P 39,999 7 224 2 57 1 32 14 19 686 P 40,000 to P 49,999 49 8 15 684 P 50,000 to P 59, 999 ... 2 60 2 5 191 5 6 227 P 60,000 to P 69,999 4. 7 356 10 15 789 P 70,000 to P 79,999 ..... 35 3 6 469 P 80,000 to P 89,999 60 5 11 883 P 90,000 to P 99,999 35 5 14 881 P100,000 to P149,999 3 10 543 2 4 211 8 17 1,913 P150,000 to P199,999 ... 2 66 8 21 1,977 P200,000 to P299,999 ... 5 13 1,267 P300,000 to P499,999 3 10 1,433 4 17 3,149 P500,000 and over 5 2,112 5 35 53,565 617 TABLE 25 POWER EQUIPMENT OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY KIND, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 - Diesel power - Semi diesel Gas engine Steam Hydro Size of total Number of com- Number Total Number Number Total Number Number Total Number assets panies reporting of rated units capacity of com- (HP) panies reporting of rated units capacity (HP) of com- of panies reporting units rated capacity of com- panies Number of rated units capacity Total Number Number Total of com- of rated panies units capacity (HP) reporting (HP) reporting (HP) Total Under P 10,000 .... 183 311 30,658 8 13 767 2 500 1 6 39,536 9 25 31,885 23 23 636 2 2 184 P 10,000 to P 14,999 ... P 15,000 to P 19,999 24 2220 24 760 2 4 77 30 1,021 P 20,000 to P 29,999 .. 17 28 1,172 2 80 P 30,000 to P 39,999 19 28 1,420 70 P 40,000 to P 49,999 9 14 1,075 45 45 P 50,000 to P 59,999 7 673 70 P 60,000 to P 69,999. 14 22 1,715 P 70,000 to P 79,999 ........ 4 7 691 P 80,000 to P 89,999 6 12 1,545 P 90,000 to P 99,999 5 13 1,090 1 20 2 2 168 P100,000 to P149,999 13 31 3,330 P150,000 to P199,999 8 20 2,620 P200,000 to P299,999 4 10 1,530 3 405 P300,000 to P499,999 6 22 4, 175 2 500 2 5 2,730 6 P 500,000 and over 4 16 7,205 39,536 3 16 28,803 618 - TABLE 26 NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF STEP UP SUB-STATIONS AND TRANSFORMERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Size of total assets Number of companies reporting step up sub-stations 6 TOTAL ... Under P 10,000 P 10,000 to P 14,999 P 15,000 to P 19,999 P 20,000 to P 29,999 P 30,000 to P 39,999 P 40,000 to P 49,999 P 50,000 to P 59,999 P 60,000 to P 69,999 P 70,000 to P 79,999 P 80,000 to P 89,999 P 90,000 to P 99,999 P100,000 to P149,999 P150,000 to P199,999 P200,000 to P299,999 Number of transformers Total rated capacity of transformers (KVA) 31 29,420 P300,000 to P499,999 6 P500,000 and over 5 25 2,520 26,900 619 TABLE 27 - NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF STEP DOWN SUB-STATIONS AND TRANSFORMERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Size of total assets Number of companies reporting step down Number of transformers sub-stations Total rated capacity of transformers (KVA) 4 111 66,635 TOTAL... Under P 10,000.... P 10,000 to P 14,999 P 15,000 to P 19,999 P 20,000 to P 29,999 .. P 30,000 to P 39,999 .. P 40,000 to P 49,999 .. P 50,000 to P 59,999 P 60,000 to P 69,999 P 70,000 to P 79,999 P 80,000 to P 89,999 P 90,000 to P 99,999 P100,000 to P149,999 P150,000 to P199,999 .. P200,000 to P299,999 P300,000 to P499,999 P500,000 and over.... 4 66,635 620 TABLE 28 - TRANSMISSION LINES OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY VOL- TAGE, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Number of 8,000 to 13,800 Total length Voltage of transmission lines 16,000 to 23, 000 - Number of Total length Number of Size of total assets companies of transmis- companies of transmis- companies reporting sion lines reporting sion lines reporting (Km.) (Km.) 66,000 to 115,000 Total length of transmis- sion lines (Km.) TOTAL... .... 7 370.26 2 91.60 2 88.51 Under P 10,000 P 10,000 to P 14,999 P 15,000 to P 19,999 P 20,000 to P 29,999 P 30,000 to P 39,999 P 40,000 to P 49,999 P 50,000 to P 59,999 P 60,000 to P 69,999 P 70,000 to P 79,999 P 80,000 to P 89,999 P 90,000 to P 99,999 P100,000 to P149,999 P150,000 to P199,999 P200,000 to P299,999 P300,000 to P499,999 46.60 P500,000 and over 7 370.26 45.00 2 88.51 621 TABLE 29 - AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED AND ANNUAL HOURLY PEAK LOAD, 1933 TO 1938, CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS. Amount of electricity produced (KWH) Annual hourly peak load (KW) 1936 Size of total assets 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1938 1937 1935 1934 1933 TOTAL 208,670, 192 187,860,957 162,504, 421 148,211,905 149,989,260 146, 456, 077 51, 130 45,267 40,060 36,936 34,510 35,617 Under P 10, 000 P 10,000 to P 14,999 406, 198 321, 133 225,030 186,943 168,254 103,939 235 191 143 122 91 37 739, 444 626, 562 501,932 422,903 297, 189 240,576 469 317 283 231 104 84 P 15,000 to P 19,999 759,638 633,033 596, 003 572, 168 510,495 486,303 505 431 406 394 363 305 P 20,000 to P 29,999 798, 069 503, 132 501, 120 413,966 436,391 398,552 544 353 330 266 266 255 P 30,000 to P 39,999 P 40,000 to P 49,999 P 50,000 to P 59,999 P 60,000 to P 69,999 P 70,000 to P 79,999 P 80,000 to P 89,999 P 90,000 to P 99,999 P100,000 to P149, 999 1,294, 729 1,211,814 1,097,396 805, 100 755, 134 772, 263 530 458 456 317 365 365 703,905 593,835 555, 262 518,790 02499,654 501,323 584 538 475 413 412 368 950, 460 757,490 698,636 661,578 636, 172 594,651 331 176 153 146 141 133 2,087,850 1,940, 444 1,767,583 1,742, 483 1,713,013 1,587,760 837 744 688 640 606 521 716,865 683,458 565, 215 618, 194 474, 029 534,457 371 373 351 297 252 258 1, 101, 759 853,918 1,599, 279 1,464, 841 739, 693 1,412,300 526,841 395,580 321,950 414 298 257 216 157 148 1,313,253 1,332,483 1,370,998 393 277 277 273 272 277 3,042, 123 2,572,781 2, 335, 686 1,861, 192 1,791,725 1,703,985 1,034 891 745 824 782 775 P150,000 to P199,999 P200,000 to P299,999 P300,000 to P499,999 P500,000 and over 2,670, 122 2,367,810 2, 166, 412 2,022,901 1,938, 509 1,732,422 1,116 863 814 675 685 642 3,730, 864 2,073,785 1,883,037 1,659, 156 1,602, 672 1,442,930 1,166 793 715 617 612 611 18,922,211 20,962, 472 17,503, 699 12,218,617 12,264, 460 13,082, 208 3,360 3,704 3,773 3, 197 2,603 2,528 169, 146, 676 150, 294,449 129,955, 417 122, 667, 820 125, 173, 500 121,581,760 39,241 34,860 30, 194 28,308 26,799 28,310 TABLE 30 - NUMBER OF CONSUMERS AND AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED, PURCHASED, AND SOLD BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 All electric Electric light and power companies having total assets of Item light and power companies Under P10,000 P10,000 to P14, 999 P15, 000 P20,000 to P19,999 to P29, 999 P30,000 to P39,999 P40, 000 P50,000 P60,000 P70,000 P80,000 P90,000 to to to to to to to P49,999 P59,999 P69,999 P79,999 P89,999 P99,999 P149,999 P100,000 P150,000 P200,000 P300,000 to to to P199,999 P299,999 P499,999 P500,000 and over Number of residential consumers-total 174, 772 1,689 4,983 2,811 3,167 4,716 3,836 1,555 4,712 2,341 3,729 2,333 8,413 6,976 6,086 6,680 110,745 At flat rate 101,341 1,577 4,617 2,491 2,741 5,874 3, 139 1, 196 3,552 1,644 3,017 1,665 6,467 5, 113 4,299 4,455 51,494 At meter rate -- 73,431 112 366 320 426 842 697 359 1,160 697 712 668 1,946 1,863 1,787 2,225 59,251 Number of industrial customers -- 1,847 3 263 21 42 39 15 4 24 10 25 178 1,222 Number of commercial customers - 36, 119 171 445 320 432 806 267 580 686 414 364 747 1,538 1,718 1,501 516 25,614 Electricity produced in 1938 ---- KWH 208,670, 192 404,698 739,444 759, 638 798, 069 1,294, 729 703, 905 950,460 2,087, 850 715,364 1, 101, 759 1,597,979 3,042, 123 2,672, 322 3, 730, 864 18,922, 211 169, 148, 777 Electricity purchased by electric light and power companies in 1938 --- KWH 7,286,374 20, 668 89,980 375,785 6,799,941 Electricity. sold in 1938 KWH 160, 907,757 332,074 612,264 573, 166 562,239 960, 936 566, 972 770, 600 1,794,332 543,951 828,768 1,255, 439 2,085, 2021,921,872 2,335, 774 16,942, 768 128, 821,400 Electricity utilized by producing Company and its subsidiary in 1938 - KWH 4,666, 620 27,630 47,659 74,864 57,541 111,013 41,487 98,769 93,965 44,705 37,192 168,794 858,096 166,019 521,627 453,804 1,863,455 623 TABLE 31 COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 - Coal Gasoline and kerosene Fuel oil Electricity purchased Size of total assets Tons Cost Liters Cost Gallons (Pesos) (Pesos) Cost (Pesos) KWH Cost (Pesos) TOTAL ... 79,751 1,057, 482 38,626 7,309 3,908,711 701,576 7,286,374 88,705 Under P 10,000 - P 10,000 to P 14,999 7,140 1,372 94,619 17, 175 9,728 646 129,544 25, 243 20,668 4,133 P 13,000 to P 19,999 4,691 977 154, 739 25,896 P 20,000 to P 29, 999..... P 30,000 to P 39,999. 3,650 545 125,256 26,002 62,215 3,110 252,368 42,792 P 40,000 to P 49,999. 2,698 623 121,453 25, 187 89,980 3,599 P 50,000 to P 59,999 4,750 1,560 118,240 17,339 P 60,000 to P 69,999 .... 3,967 1,359 196,548 35,232 P 70,000 tp P 79,999 .. 105, 254 18,333 P 80,000 to P 89,999. 148,277 25,328 P 90,000 to P 99,999 133 14 114, 233 23,869 P100,000 to P149,999. 406 544 333,968 65,289 1,575,738 34, 164 P150,000 to P199,999 ..... P200,000 to P299,999 .. P300,000 to P499,999 P500,000 and over ... 79,751 1,057, 482 335,831 50,719 1,463 159 246,742 45,088 527,353 103,033 904, 286 155,051 5,537,773 43,699 624 Item TABLE 32 - TOTAL ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938 Electric light and power companies having gross receipts of A11 electric light and power Under PI, 000 P1,000 to P2,500 to P5, 000 P7,500 P2, 499 P4,999 to P7,499 to P9,999 P10,000 to P14, 999 P15,000 P20,000 P30,000 to P19,999 to P29,999 to P49,999 P50,000 to P74,999 P75,000 and over companies 56,313,984 89, 732 220, 563 757, 671 761,977 809, 470 1,912,574 865, 924 1,437,455 1,479, 875 1,304, 864 46, 673,879 20,811,023 44, 006 136, 940 394, 699 368,245 443, 116 831,952 474,603 576, 689 505, 745 524,484 16,510,544 36.96 49.04 62.09 52.09 48.33 54.74 43.50 54.81 40.12 34.17 40.19 35.37 ASSETS total 1111 pesos Power plant machinery and equipment pesos Per cent of total Transmission lines, transformers, and sub- stations pesos 4,844, 382 Per cent of total - 8.60 53, 096 277, 602 62,094 202, 677 267,098 108,058 3,873, 757 6.56 14.51 7.17 14.10 18.05 8.28 8.30 Distribution facilities including meters, street lights, etc. --- pesos Per cent of total 14,765, 240 20,381 26.22 22.71 47,439 215, 686 219,092 147, 113 352,163 171,786 300, 206 352,549 205,521 12,733,304 21.51 28.47 28.75 18.17 18.41 19.84 20.88 23.82 15.75 27.28 Other equipment pesos 6,576, 161 1,879 5,046 17,316 34,381 43,068 55,001 23, 254 46,270 88,408 51,315 6, 210, 223 Per cent of total - 11.68 2.09 2.29 2.28 4.51 5.32 2.88 2.69 3.22 5.97 3.93 13.31 Land and buildings pesos 6,574, 19214,211 21,336 75,579 95,847 52, 177 199,899 67,919 137,062 115,830 175,432 5,618,900 Per cent of total 11.67 15.84 9.67 9.98 12.58 6.45 10.45 7.84 9.54 7.83 13.44 12.04 Cash pesos 759,410 1,561 4,584 22,073 10,412 31,411 71,205 27,353 104,951 101,427 53, 149 331,284 Per cent of total 1.35 1.74 2.08 2.91 1.37 3.88 3.72 3.16 7.30 6.85 4.07 0.71 Accounts and notes receivable pesos 1,983, 576 7,694 5,218 32,318 34,000 39,489 124,752 38,915 69,600 48,818 186,905 1,395,867 Per cent of total 3.52 8.57 2.37 4.27 4.46 4.88 6.52 4.49 4.84 3.30 14.32 2.99 625 TABLE 33 - GROSS INCOME AND EXPENSES OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY KIND, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938 Income Expenses Income from sale Income from other Depreciation and Size of gross receipts Total (Pesos) of power (Pesos) sources (Pesos) Total (Pesos) Operating Maintenance (Pesos) sinking fund Other expenses (Pesos) (Pesos) (Pesos) 13, 242, 279 13, 133, 158 109, 121 7,952, 515 5, C09, 127 852,562 1,660, 745 429,981 Under P1,000 4, 192 4, 192 11,246 6,716 573 2,909 1,048 P1,000 to P2, 499 33,391 33,391 38,487 26,095 6,793 2,231 3,368 P2,500 to P4,999 171,889 170, 238. 1,651 178,940 111,585 26,380 23,512 17,463 P5,000 to P7, 499 123,462 121,754 1,708 123,444 72,651 10,047 20,850 19,896 P7,500 to P9, 999 187,717 185,905 1,812 158,254 95,895 22,519 20,535 19,305 PI0, 000 to P14, 999 351,567 329,729 21,838 321,570 163,631 63,670 68,404 25,865 P15,000 to P19, 999 203,611 197, 134 6,477 169,981 97,567 17, 127 30,204 25,083 P20, 000 to P29,999 370,066 358,291 11,775 300,811 193,304 28,462 66,711 12,334 P30,000 to P49,999 345,863 342,603 3,260 262,939 174,219 26, 004 46,941 15,775 P50,000 to P74, 999 467,377 464, 795 2,582 372,313 229,519 25,975 78,601 38,218 P75,000 and over 10,983, 144 10,925, 126 58,018 6,014,530 3,837,945 625, 112 1,299, 847 251,626 626 Item TABLE 34 8 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES PAID BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938 Number of employees total - persons All electric light and power Under P1,000 to companies P1,000 P2,499 P2, 500 to P4,999 Electric light and power companies having gross receipts of P5, 000 to to to to P7,499 P9,999 P14,999 P19,999 - P7,500 PI0,000 P15,000 P20,000 P30,000 P60,000 P75,000 to P29,999 to to and P49,999 P74,999 over 3,588 40 62 236 129 136 236 106 178 146 181 2,138 Executive, superintendents, managers, supervisors 11 persons 396 11 15 48 19 28 48 24 34 23 18 128 persons 510 4 4 28 14 578 4 9 47 24 2 20 20 37 19 24 29 17 16 36 11 22 315 23 29 16 356 Office employees, stenographers, etc. - Collectors, inspectors, etc. persons Linemen, skilled laborers, and plant employees -- persons 1,961 17 33 104 64 59 102 Other employees persons 143 4 1 9 8 5 2220 38 76 69 107 1,292 8 9 14 18 47 Salaries paid - total 111 pesos 2,706, 553 4,638 14,858 88,338 42,009 58, 105 112,704 50,076 118,213 96,477 109,538 2,011,597 Executives, superintendents, managers, supervisors pesos 1,119,294 990 4,440 35,037 14,721 22,602 42,779 23,881 59,228 40, 759 34,215 840,642 Office employees, stenographers, etc. pesos Collectors, inspectors, etc. pesos 298,215 1,770 1,288 260,510 8,486 3,460 5,821 13,613 5,782 15,557 13,219 12,839 216,380 191 1,806 11,290 5,501 6,777 10, 665 5,636 8,630 11,116 7,083 191,815 Linemen, skilled laborers, and plant employees --- pesos 956, 688 1,433 6,964 29,871 17,842 22,009 38,722 12,242 33,099 30, 147 50,909 713,430 Other employees pesos 71,866 254 360 3,654 485 896 6,925 2,535 1,699 1,236 4,492 49,330 627 TABLE 35 - GENERATORS USED BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY TYPE AND SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938 TYPE OF GENERATORS DIRECT CURRENT ALTERNATING CURRENT Single phase Two phase Three phase Size of gross receipts Total Number of Number rated ca- companies of pacity reporting generators (Kilowa- tts) Total Total Total Number of Number companies of reporting generators rated ca- Number of pacity companies Number of (Kilowa- report ing generators tts) rated ca- pacity (Kilowa- Number of Number companies of reporting generators rated ca- pacity (Kilowa- tts) tts) TOTAL . 39 62 2,975 5 9 194 28 48 4,787 123 236 67,524 Under P 1,000.. 2 2 52 2 2 32 4 4 50 P 1,000 to P 2,499 14 16 1,519 3 6 88 21 9 9 267 P 2,500 to P 4,999 8 10 162 7 7 175 20 22 421 P 5,000 to P 7,499 7 13 282 2 3 105 19 24 975 1 P 7,500 to P 9,999 3 6 207 2 4 115 10 13 404 PI0,000 to P14,999 .. 2 5 210 2 3 106 6 8 326 16 32 1,479 P15,000 to P19,999 3 6 332 10 14 1,238 P20,000 to P29,999 ... 3 10 543 2 136 17 4:1 3,514 P30,000 to P49,999 2 6 270 P50,000 to P74,999 2 196 7 19 2, 187 P75,000 and over 3 13 3,349 9 52 56,719 628 Diesel Power Item TABLE 36 - POWER EQUIPMENT OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY KIND, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938 Total Under P 1,000 P 1,000 to P2, 499 Electric light and power companies with gross P 2,500 P 5,000 P 7,500 P10,000 to P4,999 to P7,499 to P9, 999 to P14, 999 receipts of - P15,000 to P19, 999 P19,999 P20,000 P30,000 P50, 000 P75,000 and over to P29, 999 to P29,999 to P49,999 to P74,999 Number of companies reporting 183 8 23 Number of units 311 8 25 36 44 27 15 40 23 24 42 13 14 Total rated capacity (H. P.) 30,658 194 1,099 1,538 1,960 1, 142 2,964 1,700 200 20 32 3,490 Semi-Diesel - Number of companies reporting...... Number of units 8 1 13 2 Total rated capacity (H. P.) 767 30 127 24 2+21 70 45 90 228 Gas Engine - Number of companies report ing Number of units...... 2 Total rated capacity (H. P.) 500 Steam - Number of companies reporting ...... Number of units Total rated capacity (H. P.) 6 39,536 Hydro - Number of companies reporting Number of units 9 3 25 3 33 Total rated capacity (H. P.) ...... 31,885 229 - 123 7 6 10 22 14 41 2,635 1,986 11,950 1 3 405 2 500 1 6 39, 536 5 21 31,533 629 TABLE 37 - NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF STEP UP SUB-STATIONS AND TRANSFORMERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938 Size of gross receipts Number of companies reporting step up Number of transformers sub-stations Total rated capacity of transformers (KVA) TOTAL 6 31 29,420 Under P 1,000 P 1,000 to P 2,499 P 2,500 to P 4,999 P 5,000 tp P 7,499 P 7,500 to P 9,999 P10,000 to PH 4,999 P15,000 to P19,999 P20,000 to P29,999 P30,000 to P49,999 P50,000 to P74, 999 P75,000 and over 6 31 29,420 630 TABLE 38 - NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF STEP DOWN SUB-STATIONS AND TRANSFORMERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938 Number of companies Size of gross receipts reporting step down sub-stations Total .. 4 Under P 1,000 - P 1,000 to P 2,499..... P 2,500 to P 4,999 .... P 5,000 to P 7,499 .... P 7,500 to P 9,999. PI0,000 to P14,999 P15,000 to P19,999 ..... P20,000 to P29,999 ....... Number of transformers Total rated capacity of transformers (KVA) 66,635 P30,000 to P49,999 .... P50,000 to P74, 999 ..... P75,000 and over 4 111 66,635 631 TABLE 39 - TRANSMISSION LINES OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY VOLTAGE, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938 Voltage of transmission lines - 8,000 to 13,800 16,000 to 23,000 66,000 to 115,000 Size of gross re- ceipts Number of Total length Number of Total length Number of Total length companies of transmis- companies of transmis- of transmis- companies companies of transmis- reporting sion lines report ing sion lines reporting sion lines (Km.) (Km.) (Km.) TOTAL.. 7 370.26 2 91.60 2 88.51 Under P 1,000 P 1,000 to P 2,499 P 2,500 to P 4,999 P 5,000 to P 7,499 P 7,500 to P 9,999 PI0,000 to P14,999 P15,000 to P19,999 P20,000 to P29,999 P30,000 to P49, 999 P50,000 to P74,999 P75,000 and over 7 IN 370.26 12 91.60 2 88.51 632 TABLE 40 - AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED AND ANNUAL HOURLY PEAK LOAD, 1933 TO 1938 CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS DURING 1938 Amount of electricity produced (KWH) Size of gross receipts Annual hourly peak load (KW) 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 Total 208,670, 192 187,860, 957 162,504, 421 148,211,905 149,989,260 146,456,077 51,130 45,267 40,060 36,936 34,510 35,617 Under P 1,000 126,829 136,792 123, 185 110,645 51,909 44,445 48 47 46 31 14 14 P 1,000 to P 2,499 298,599 215,646 179,551 163, 172 P 2,500 to P 4,999 2, 197,997 1,972, 221 1,854, 700 1,675, 239 170,820 1,641,846 166,665 243 226 200 195 197 139 1,535, 160 1,098 931 889 798 620 566 P 5,000 to P 7,499 P 7,500 to P 9,999 P10,000 to P14, 999 P15,000 to P19, 999 P20,000 tp P29,999 P30,000 to P49,999 P50,000 to P74, 276 P75, 000 and over 1,002,329 794,888 724, 818 596,344 575, 148 497, 174 408 420 392 314 300 238 1,286, 239 1,181,643 1,050, 827 953,889 789,680 744, 717 1,017 827 771 621 566 534 2,664, 734 2,224, 829 2,028,704 1,802,619 1,792,675 1,697,517 1,032 955 960 958 946 887 1,313,417 1,253,060 1,102,365 1,088, 534 1,042,795 904, 055 620 489 453 422 401 373 3,408,546 3, 195, 123 3,241, 116 3,099,290 2,560, 761 2,483,259 2,495,011 1,057 950 730 708 679 708 2,703,631 2,324,280 1,897,961 1,687,211 1,544,685 1,230 943 879 743 673 628 3,974,276 3,351,324 3,008,975 2,872,287 2,576,901 2,405, 115 1,463 1,290 1,229 1,092 1,060 1,021 189, 202, 103 170, 785, 807 147,007, 726 134,490, 454 137,177,016 134,421,533 42,914 38, 189 33,511 31,054 29,054 30,509 633 TABLE 41 - NUMBER OF CONSUMERS AND AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED, PURCHASED, AND SOLD BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938 Item A11 electric Electric light and power companies having gross receipts of - light and power Under P1,000 P1,000 to P2,500 to P2, 499 P4,999 P5, 000 to to P7,499 P9,999 P7,500 P10,000 P15,000 to to P14,999 P19,999 P20,000 P30,000 to to P29,999 P49,999 P50, 000 to P74,999 P75,000 and over companies Number of residential consumers At flat rate At meter rate total 174,772 452 1,307 5,521 6,641 5,759 9,200 4,353 5,507 8,677 8,727 118,628 101,341 351 1,253 4,902 5,913 4,803 7,392 3,268 3,986 6,606 6,295 56,572 73,431 101 54 619 728 956 1,808 1,085 1,521 2,071 2,432 62,056 Number of industrial customers 1,847 - 267 2 20 42 7 40 9 53 1,407 Number of commercial customers 36, 119 28 161 737 615 960 1,114 927 1,010 1,396 2,227 26,944 Electricity produced in 1938 KWH 208, 670, 192 126,829 298,599 2,197, 997 1,002, 3291, 286, 239 2, 664, 734 1,313,417 3,408, 526 3, 195, 123 189,202, 3,974, 276 189, 202, 123 Electricity purchased by electric light and power companies in 1938 KWH 7,286, 374 20,668 Electricity sold in 1938 KWH 160,907,757 115, 122 232,816 98,950 15, 135 261,700 1,719,432 667,595 1,016, 719 2,238, 780 1, 150, 636 2, 190, 944 2,164,210 89,980 6,799,941 2,602,902 146,808, 601 Electricity utilized by producing company and its subsidiary in 1938 -- KWH 4,666, 620 644 48,338 91,611 54,339 98,541 282,810 143,907 882,076 227,091 278,549 2,558,714 634 TABLE 42 - COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938 Gasoline and kerosene Electricity purchased Coal Fuel oil Size of gross receipts Cost Cost Tons (Pesos) Liters (Pesosi) Gallons Cost (Pesos) Cost KWH (Pesos) Total 79,751 1,057,482 38,626 7,309 3,908,711 701,576 7,886, 374 88,705 Under P 1,000.... P 1,000 to P 2,499 19 3 12,301 1,730 859 248 78,466 15, 239- P 2,500 to P 4,999 ... 20,518 2,563 285,773 47,510 20,668 4,133 P 5,000 to P 7,499 .. 4,668 763 183,881 31,907 62,215 3,110 P 7,500 to P 9,999 .. 255,970 41,055 P10,000 to P14,999 7,372 2,483 442,937 79,604 89,980 3,599 P15,000 to P19,999 ... ་... 3,595 1,078 192,992 38,815 98,950 3,948 P20,000 to P29, 999. 132 12 331,884 63,058 15,135 549 P30,000 to P49,999. 1,463 159 276, 109 49,037 261,700 10,468 P50,000 tp P74,999 ... 461,424 83,662 1, 199, 953 19, 199 P75,000 and over ... 79,751 1,057,482 1,386, 974 249,959 5,537,773 43,699 635 TABLE 43 - OPERATING EXPENSE-RATIO OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY PROVINCES: 1938 Per cent that Province Operating expenses Total gross income operating ex- penses are of total gross income TOTAL Agusan Albay P5, 009, 127 P/3, 242, 279 37.8 16,057 25,475 63.0 41,517 111,053 37.4 Batangas Bohol 78,119 137,409 56,9 5,411 20, 178 26.8 Bulacan 122,861 297,708 41.3 Cagayan 33, 130 50,096 66.1 Camarines Norte 20,221 44,655 45.3 Camarines Sur 38,868 67, 176 57.9 Capiz 26,955 52,032 51.8 Cavite 191,317 489,765 39.3 Cebu - 216,575 578, 722 37.4 Davao 86,416 173,061 49.9 Ilocos Norte 26,498 54,420 48.7 Ilocos Sur 25,752 38,504 66.9 Iloilo 131,620 438,703 30.0 Isabela 13,097 29,245 44.8 La Union 24,006 44,888 53.5 Laguna 106,560 277,441 31.2 Lanao 8,769 29,169 30.1 Leyte --- 62, 131 113,074 54.9 Marinduque 10,030 12, 140 82.6 Mindoro 6,093 15,759 38.7 Misamis Occidental 15,803 29,368 53.8 Misamis Oriental 21,133 32,547 64.9 Mountain Province 147,063 636,529 23.1 Negros Occidental 136,053 371,253 36.6 Negros Oriental 37,818 84,264 44.9 Nueva Ecija 99,459 151,717 65.6 Pampanga 101,556 234,497 43.3 Pangasinan Rizal Samar Sorsogon 121,872 217,519 56.0 595, 251 1,693,631 35.2 19,907 34,814 57.2 22,019 36,530 60.3 Tarlac Tayabas - 44,889 88,092 51.0 80,362 158,255 50.8 Zambales 60,533 133,864 45.2 All other provinces 2,213,406 6,238, 726 35.6 636 TABLE 44 - TOTAL ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY CITIZENSHIP OF INVESTOR: 1938 Amount of assets Assets owned by citizens of - Per cent of Pesos total TOTAL - 56,313,984 100.0 Philippines 11,459, 200 20.3 United States 41, 177,036 73.1 China 121,671 0.2 Great Britain, Canada, Australia 22,623 (1) Others 257,770 0.5 Government Agencies 13,275, 684 5.9 (1) Less than 0.1 per cent. 637 Amount of assets TABLE 45 - NUMBER OF AND ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY CITIZENSHIP OF INVESTOR AND BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Number of electric light and power companies Country of citizenship of investor Total and size of total assets With assets entirely owned by citizens of one country With assets owned by citizens of more than one country Total (Pesos) Of electric light and power companies enti- rely owned by citizens of one country (Pesos) 49,872,592 Of electric light and power companies owned by citizens of more than one country (Pesos) 6,441,392 Total 198 166 32 56,313,984 Philippines 162 130 32 11,459, 200 7,090, 557 4,368, 643 Under P 10,000 P 10,000 to P 14,999 22243 21 I 156,796 156,585 211 20 3 266,683 P 15,000 to P 19,999 24 23 421, 150 248, 027 406,262 18,656 14,888 P 20,000 to P 29,999--- 16 14 2 373,339 348, 148 25, 191 P 30,000 to P 39,999 16 12 4 529,266 412,280 116,986 P 40,000 to P 49,999 7 7 313,812 313,812 P 50,000 to P 59,999 5 3 2 277,686 164,769 112,917 P 60,000 to P 69,999 12 10 2 728,888 654,402 74,486 P 70,000 to P 79,999 2 1 I 139,426 71,397 68,029 P 80,000 to P 89,999 P 90,000 to P 99,999 P100,000 to P149,000 P150,000 to P199,999 P200,000 to P299,999 P300,000 to P499,999 - P500,000 and over ---- 5 3 2 406, 188 252,934 153,254 5 2 3 530,371 290,409 239,962 12 8 4 3 2 1 1, 125, 984 552, 780 1,020,635 105, 349 356,994 195, 786 2 1 403,370 218,997 184,373 5 2 3 1,209, 837 801,500 408,337 3 2 4,023, 624 1,373,406 2,650, 218 United States 41 20 20 21 41, 177, 036 39,439, 946 1,737,090 Under P 10, 000 -- P 10,000 to P 14,999 P 15,000 to P 19,999 121 1 6,849 6,849 2 16,925 16,925 16,093 16,093 P 20,000 to P 29,999 1 28,001 28,001 P 30,000 to P 39,999 6 3 3 118,010 100,571 17,439 P 40,000 to P 49,999 - P 50,000 to P 59,999 3 2 112, 136 111,866 270 P 60,000 to P 69,999 3 2 187,317 127,856 59,461 P 70,000 to P 79,999 3 2 151,640 147,390 4,250 P 80,000 to P 89,999 1 4,698 4,698 P 90,000 to P 99,999 - I 5,678 5,678 P100,000 to P149,999 5 4 365,896 146,329 219,567 P150,000 to P199,999 5 5 910,965 910,965 P200,000 to P299,999 2 2 P300,000 to P499,999 - P500,000 and over --- 34 2 732 488, 228 488, 228 653,453 653,453 38, 111, 147 37,390,648 720,499 638 TABLE 45 - NUMBER OF AND ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY CITIZENSHIP OF INVESTOR AND BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 --Continued Country of citizenship of investor and size of total assets China Under P 10,000 Number of electric light and power companies Total With assets entirely owned by citizens of one country With assets owned by citizens of more than one Country Total (Pesos) 19 19 121,671 Amount of assets Of electric light and power companies enti- rely owned by citizens of one country (Pesos) Of electric light and power companies owned by citizens of more than one country (Pesos) 121,671 P 10,000 to P 14,999 2,208 2,208 P 15,000 to P 19,999 975 975 P 20,000 to P 29,999 -- I 196 196 P 30,000 to P 39,999 2 784 784 P 40,000 to P 49,999 P 50,000 to P 59,999 1 577 577 P 60,000 to P 69,999 P 70,000 to P 79,999 1, 130 1,130 P 80,000 to P 89,999 2 2 3,432 3,432 P 90,000 to P 99,999 2 2 2, 172 2,172 P100,000 to P149,999 2 2 15, 163 15, 163 P150,000 to P199,999 1 1,351 1,351 P200, 000 to P299,999 I 41,695 41,695 P300,000 to P499,999 2 2 7,305 7,305 P500,000 and over 2 2 44,683 44,683 Great Britain, Canada, Australia 5 5 22,623 22,623 Under P 10, 000 P 10,000 to P 14,999 P 15,000 to P 19,999 P 20,000 to P 29,999 1 P 30,000 to P 39,999 P 40,000 to P 49,999 P 50,000 to P 59,999 176 176 361 361 P 60,000 to P 69,999 P 70,000 to P 79,999 P 80,000 to P 89,999 P 90,000 to P 99,999 P100,000 to P149,999 89 10 89 10 68 P150,000 to P199,999 P200,000 to P299,999 P300,000 to P499,999 P500,000 and over --- - 21,987 21,987 639 TABLE 45 - NUMBER OF AND ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY CITIZENSHIP OF INVESTOR AND BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS: 1938 Country of citizenship of investor and Total size of total assets Others Under P 10,000 10 Number of electric light and power companies With assets entirely owned by citizens of one country With assets owned by citi- zens of more than one country Total (Pesos) 9 257,770 P 10,000 to P 14,999 -- P 15,000 to P 19,999 P 20,000 to P 29, 999 P 30,000 to P 39,999 3 3 3,968 P 40,000 to P 49,999 P 50,000 to P 59, 999 P 60,000 to P 69,999 2 P 70,000 to P 79,999 P 80,000 to P 89,999 P 90,000 to P 99,999 P100,000 to P149,999 P150,000 to P199,999 P200,000 to P299,999 2 NO Continued Amount of assets Of electric light and power companies enti- rely owned by citizens of one country (Pesos) 66,405 Of electric light and power companies owned by citizens of more than one country (Pesos) 191,365 3,968 66,420 66,405 15 I 2 44, 748 134, 141 P300, 000 to P499,999 2 P500,000 and over I2I 8,493 Government agencies 15 15 Under P 10,000 2 2 P 10,000 to P 14,999 P 15,000 to P 19,999 P 20,000 to P 29,999 2II- 3,275,684 3,275,684 14,438 14,498 24,897 24,897 P 30,000 to P 39,999 30, 177 30, 177 P 40,000 to P 49,999 2 2 94, 703 94,703 P 50,000 to P 59, 999 56,326 56,326 P 60,000 to P 69,999 P 70,000 to P 79,999 P 80,000 to P 89,999 P 90,000 to P 99,999 86, 303 86,303 1 99,381 99,381 P100,000 to P149,999 2 2 241,176 241, 176 P150,000 to P199,999 P200,000 to P299,999 2 P300,000 to P499,999 P500,000 and over 211 441,371 416,320 1,770,532 441,371 416,320 1,770, 532 44,748 134, 141 8,493 640 Amount of assets TABLE 46 - NUMBER OF AND ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY CITIZENSHIP OF INVESTOR AND BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938 Country of citizenship of Total investor and size of gross receipts Number of electric light With assets entirely owned by citizens of one country and power companies With assets owned by citizens of more than one country Total (Pesos) Of electric light and power companies enti- rely owned by citizens of one country (Pesos) 49,872,592 Of electric light and power companies owned by citizens of more than one country (Pesos) 6,441,392 Total 198 166 32 56,313,984 Philippines 162 130 32 11,459, 200 7,090, 557 4,368, 643 Under P 1,000 7 7 P 1,000 to P 2,499 16 16 P 2,500 to P 4,999 42 36 116 64,835 64,835 183,535 183,535 602,793 544,247 58,546 P 5,000 to P. 7,499 18 17 1 594,313 555,347 38,966 P 7,500 to P 9,999 16 13 3 495, 240 403,977 91,263 PI0,000 to P14, 999 23 18 5 1,273,099 1,052, 104 220,995 P15,000 to P19,999 10 7 3 645,434 507,833 137,601 P20,000 to P29,999 10 7 3 582,370 490,808 91,562 P30,000 to P49,999 6 3 3 857,065 481,583 375,482 P50,000 to P74,999 - 5 2 3 688,557 211,576 476,981 P75,000 and over 9 4 5 5,471,959 2,594,712 2,877,247 United States 41 11 20 20 21 41,177,036 39,439,946 1,737,090 Under P 1,000 P 1,000 to P 2,499 P 2,500 to P 4,999 6 3 P 5,000 to P 7,499 3 2 1131 151,499 112,678 38,821 99,259 98,759 500 P 7,500 to P 9,999 7 4 3 254,283 220,572 33,711 PI0,000 to P14,999 4 3 152,496 141,688 10,808 P15,000 to P19,999 P20,000 to P29,999 P30,000 to P49, 999 P50,000 to P74, 999 P75,000 and over 26256 1 1 175,031 71,767 103,264 2 4 463,214 320,713 142,501 2 388,361 388,361 32 24 555, 131 532,253 22,878 China 19 19 38,937,762 121,671 37,553, 155 1,384,607 121,671 Under P 1,000 P 1,000 to P 2,499 P 2,500 to P 4,999 P 5,000 to P 7,499 II 3 I P 7,500 to P 9,999 P10,000 to P14, 999 4 4 P15,000 to P19,999 P20,000 to P29,999 2 P30,000 to P49,999 P50,000 to P74,999 -- P75,000 and over -- 333 3 II3I-#12333 3,379 3,379 120 1,249 3,424 1,249 3,424 1,404 1,404 4,196 4,196 61, 176 61, 176 46,843 46,843 TABLE 46 - NUMBER OF AND ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY CITIZENSHIP OF INVESTOR AND BY SIZE OF GROSS RECEIPTS: 1938 Continued 1 Number of electric light and power companies Country of citizenship of With assets entirely investor Total and size of gross receipts owned by citizens of one country With assets owned by citizens of more than one country Total (Pesos) Great Britain, Canada, Australia 5 Under P 1,000 P 1,000 to P 2,499 P 2,500 to P 4,999 P 5,000 to P 7,499 P 7,500 to P 9,999 PI0,000 to P14, 999 P15,000 to P19,999 -- P20,000 to P29,999 5 22,623 +76 3 460 Amount of assets Of electric light and power companies enti- rely owned by citizens of one country (Pesos) Of electric light and power companies owned by citizens of more than one country (Pesos) 22,623 176 460 P30,000 to P49,999 P50,000 to P74,999 P75,000 and over 21,987 21,987 Others 10 9 257,770 66,405 191,365 Under P 1,000 P 1,000 to P 2,499 P 2,500 to P 4,999 P 5,000 to P 7,499 P 7,500 to P 9,999 P10,000 to P14,999 - 2 2 P15,000 to P19,999 1 P20,000 to P29,999 3 P30,000 to P49,999 P50,000 to P74,999 P75,000 and over 1 Government 15 15 Under P 1,000 - P 1,000 to P 2,499 P 2,000 to P 4,999 P 5,000 to P 7,999 P 7,500 to P 9,999 -2112 -21125 68,405 66,405 2,000 2 1,809 1,809 176 176 15 15 3 178,889 178,889 8,476 8,476 3,275,684 3,275,684 24,897 24,897 37,028 37,028 56,906 56,906 PI0,000 to P14,999 5 P15,000 to P19,999 P20,000 to P29,999 1 1 P30,000 to P49,999 1 483, 186 45,444 211,118 230,253 483, 186 45,444 211,118 230, 253 P50,000 to P74,999 P75,000 and over -- 2 2 2,186,852 2, 186, 852 642 Amount of assets TABLE 47 - NUMBER OF AND ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY CITIZENSHIP OF INVESTOR AND FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Country of citizenship of investion Total and form of ownership Total Number of electric light and power companies With assets entirely owned by citizens of one country With assets owned by citizens Total of more than one country (Pesos) 32 56,313,984 32 11,459, 200 2,387,052 482,754 146,953 8,442, 441 41,177,036 Of electric light and power com- panies entirely owned by citizens of one country (Pesos) 49,872,592 7,090, 557 2,387,052 482, 174 146,953 4,074,378 39,439,946 Of electric light and power com- panies owned by citizens of more than one country (Pesos) 6,441,392 4,368,643 580 4,368, 063 1,737,090 155,212 155,212 41,021,824 39,284,734 1,737,090 121,671 121,671 19 121,671 5 22,623 198 166 Philippines 162 130 Individual 73 73 Partnership 12 || Association 2 2 Corporation 75 44 31 United States 41 20 21 Individual Partnership I Association Corporation 40 19 21 China -- 19 19 Individual Partnership Association Corporation 19 Great Britain, Canada, Australia 5 Individual Partnership Association Corporation Others Individual 5 10 1 Partnership Association Corporation 9 Government Agencies --- 15 15 121,671 22,623 5 22,623 22, 623 9 257,770 66,405 66,405 66,405 191,365 9 191,365 191,365 3,275,684 3,275,684 N T N 643 TABLE 48 TRANSMISSION LINES OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY VOLTAGE, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Form of ownership - Voltage of transmission lines and item Total Individual Partnership Association Corporation Government agencies 8,000 to 13, 800- Number of companies reporting 7 Total length of transmission lines (Km.) 370.26 16,000 to 23,000 - Number of companies reporting 2 Total length of transmission lines (Km.) 91.60 66,000 to 115,000 - Number of companies reporting Total length of transmission lines (Km.) 2 88.51 1 I 7 370.26 2 91.60 2 88.51 644 TABLE 49 - AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED AND ANNUAL HOURLY PEAK LOAD, CLASSIFIED BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1933 TO 1938 Item and year Electric light and power companies owned by - Government Total Individual Partnership Association Corporation agencies Amount of electricity produced 1938 .. KWH 208,670, 192 5,227, 230 1,278,575 352, 189 181,713,565 20,098, 633 1937 . KWH 187,860,957 4,431,686 1,024, 363 190,981 166,665, 635 15,548,292 1936 .. KWH 162,504, 421 3,929,383 948,469 148,966 147,622,601 9,855,002 1935.. KWH 148,211,905 3,811,274 835, 659 149, 123 134,994,878 8,420,971 1934 KWH 149,989,260 3,548,362 726,942 145,300 138,585, 833 6,982, 823 1933 KWH 146,456, 077 3,315,714 701,643 149, 263 137,363,021 4,926, 436 Annual hourly peak load 1938 KW 51,130 2,772 478 146 44,428 3,306 1937 .. KW 45,267 2,306 382 146 39,053 3,380 1936 KW 40,060 2, 105 347 146 35,166 2,296 1935 KW 36,936 1,867 303 136 32,522 2,108 1934. KW 34,510 1,568 244 136 30,785 1,777 1933 KW 35,617 1,384 239 136 32,379 1,479 645 TABLE 50 - TOTAL TANGIBLE ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Item All electric light and power companies Electric light and power companies owned by - Individuals Partnerships Associations Corporations Government agencies Assets total pesos 56,313,984 2,453,457 637,966 146,953 49,799,924 3,275,684 Power plant machinery and equipment ------- pesos Per cent of total --. 20,811,023 36.96 1,262, 433 312,660 83,803 17,531,564 1,620,563 51.46 49.01 57.02 35.20 49.47 Transmission lines, transformers, and sub-stations --- pesos Per cent of total 4,844,382 8.60 4,844, 382 9.73 Distribution facilities including meters, street lights, etc. --- pesos Per cent of total 14,765,240 26.22 594,816 24.24 175,620 27.53 10,033 6.82 12,748,948 25.60 1,235,823 37.73 Other equipment pesos 6,576, 161 92,278 31, 133 307 Per cent of total 11.68 3.76 4.88 0.21 6,348, 660 12.75 103,783 3.17 Land and buildings - pesos Per cent of total 6,574, 192 11.67 248,449 56, 105 10.13 8.79 7,528 5.12 6,073,691 188,419 12.20 5.75 Cash pesos Per cent of total 759,410 1.35 74,918 35, 268 3.05 5.53 38,431 26.15 534,214 1.07 76,579 2.34 Accounts and notes receivable - pesos Per cent of total ---- 1,983,576 3.52 180,563 27, 180 7.36 4.26 6,851 4.66 1,718,465 3.45 50,517 1.54 646 TABLE 51 - GROSS INCOME AND EXPENSES OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES BY KIND, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Electric light and power companies owned by - Item Total Individual Partnership Association Corporation Government Agencies Income total pesos 13,242,279 Income from sale of power pesos 13, 133, 158 742, 172 735,528 172,045 42, 129 11,524,366 761,567 160, 593❘ 41,324 11,442,818 752,895 Income from other sources -- pesos 109, 121 6,644 11,452 805 81,548 8,672 Expenses total pesos 7,952,515 612,767 157,311 38,856 6,719, 118 424,463 Operating - pesos 5, 009, 127 310,362. 92,610 28.643 4,360,653 216,859 Maintenance -- pesos 852,662 116, 302 7,867 4,876 682,320 41,297 Depreciation and sinking fund pesos 1,660, 745 102, 121 35,607 5,237 1,369, 404 148,376 Other expenses pesos 429,981 83,982 21,227 100 306,741 17,931 647 TABLE 52 - NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES PAID BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Item All electric light and power companies Electric light and power companies owned by 1 Individuals Partnerships Associations Corporations Number of employees total persons 3,588 501 100 Government 24 2,768 195 Executives, superintendents, managers, supervisors persons 396 99 66 17 5 252 23 Office employees, stenographers, etc. persons 510 55 Collectors, inspectors, etc. persons Linemen, skilled laborers, —1 578 89 123 2 419 22 6 451 19 22 and plant employees persons 1,961 226 46 Other employees persons 143 32 12 914 11 1,565 113 81 18 Salaries paid ---- total - pesos 2,706,553 246,717 46, 158 12,742 2,298, 284 102,652 Executives, superintendents, managers, supervisors -- 1 pesos 1,119,294 105, 767 21,710 5,600 956, 697 29,520 Office employees, stenographers, etc. pesos 298,215 30,076 3,767 1,200 254,828 8,344 Collectors, inspectors, etc. pesos 260,510 26,851 4,219 1,605 219,342 8,493 Linemen, skilled laborers, and plant employees pesos 956,668 74,636 13,881 4,337 811,624 52, 190 Other employees pesos 71,866 9,387 2,581 55,793 4,105 648 TABLE 53 · GENERATORS USED BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY TYPE AND BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Type of generator Total Electric light and power companies owned by - Individual Partnership Association Corporation Government agencies Direct current Number of companies reporting 39 19 20 Number of generators 62 Total rated capacity (Kilowatts) 2,975 531 20 28 34 2,4444 Alternating current Single phase Number of companies reporting 5 5 Number of generators 1 9 Total rated capacity (Kilowatts) 194 194 Two phase Number of companies reporting 29 Number of generators Total rated capacity (Kilowatts) 28 13 48 19 4,787 950 193 358 Three phase 9 17 37 2,820 824 Number of companies reporting .... 123 39 8 64 || Number of generators Total rated capacity (Kilowatts) 236 57 14 134 30 67,524 2,935 966 15 58,780 4,828 649 TABLE 54 POWER EQUIPMENT OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY KIND, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 · Diesel Power Item Total Electric light and power companies owned by - Individual Partnership Association Corporation Government agencies Number of companies reporting 183 70 13 2 Number of units 311 Total rated capacity (H. P.) 30,658 107 6,356 23 5 1,770 275 Semi - Diesel - Number of companies reporting 8 Number of units..... 13 Total rated capacity (H. P.) 767 Gas Engine - Number of companies reporting Number of units Total rated capacity (H. P.) Steam - Number of companies reporting Number of units....... Total rated capacity (H. P.) Hydro - Number of companies reporting Number of units Total rated capacity (H. P.) 2 500 50~-0 6 39,536 157 གྲྭ༠་ 36 85 13 154 22 19,029 3,228 22 3 5 140 470 500 50~- 6 39,536 9 5 3 25 13 || 31,885 32 26,929 4,924 650 TABLE 55 NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF STEP UP SUB-STATIONS AND TRANSFORMERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Form of ownership Number of companies reporting step up sub-stations TOTAL ..... 6 Individual .... Partnership .... Association Corporation Government agencies .. Number of transformers Total rated capacity of transformers (KVA) 31 29,420 6 31 29,420 1 1 651 588 TABLE 56 - NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF STEP DOWN SUB-STATIONS AND TRANSFORMERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Number of companies Number of Form of ownership reporting step down transformers sub-stations 4 三 ​TOTAL... Individual .... Partnership ...... Association Corporation Government agencies 4 三 ​Total rated capacity of transformers (KVA) 66,635 66,635 652 TABLE 57 1 NUMBER OF CONSUMERS AND AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED, PURCHASED, AND SOLD BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Item All electric light and power companies Electric light and power companies owned by Government Individuals Partnership Associations Corporations agencies Number of residential consumers - total 174,772 17,810 3,113 607 144, 692 8,550 At flat rate 101,341 15,381 2,363 396 77,493 5,708 At meter rate Number of Industrial customers 73,431 2,429 750 211 67, 199 2,842 1,847 318 13 1,308 208 Number of commercial customers 36, 119 1,850 495 三 ​32,984 679 Electricity produced in 1938 - KWH 208,670, 192 5,227, 230 1,278,575 352, 189 181,713,565 20,098, 633 Electricity purchased by electric light and power companies in 1938 - KWH 7,286,374 98,950 7,187,424 Electricity sold in 1938 - KWH 160,907, 757 3,849,048 993, 964 143,962 139,805,373 16,115,410 Electricity utilized by producing company and its subsidiary in 1938 - - KWH 4,666, 620 788,759 159,563 21,675 3,198, 263 498,360 653 TABLE 58 Coal Tons Cost - COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY FORM OF OWNERSHIP: 1938 Item Gasoline and kerosene Liters Cost Fuel oil Gallons Cost Electricity purchased KWH Cost Total 79,751 pesos 1,057, 482 Electric light and power companies owned by 8 Individual Partnership Association Corporation Government agencies 38, 626 26, 237 pesos 7,309 4,024 79,751 1,057, 482 7,050 5,339 1,707 1,578 3,908, 711 804, 670 169,844 10,277 2,406,073 517,847 . pesos 701,576 149, 181 29,936 1,798 415,531 105, 130 7,286,374 98,950 7, 187, 424 88,705 3,948 84,757 654 Assets TABLE 59 - TOTAL TANGIBLE ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 All electric Electric light and power companies by year established - Item light 1935 1930 1925 1920 1915 1910 Prior Year not and power to to to to to to to reported companies 1938 1934 1929 1924 1919 1914 1910 total pesos 56,313,984 620, 407 3,299,437 5,381, 813 3,563,869 2,505,996 1,867,545 38,825,740 249, 177 Power plant machinery and equipment pesos 20,811,023 314, 402 1,543,948 2,115,268 1,601, 134 1,019, 922 965,540 13, 171,414 79,395 per cent of total 36.96 50.68 46.79 39.30 44.93 40.70 51.70 33.92 31.86 Transmission lines, transformers, and sub-stations 160 pesos 4,844, 382 681,945 821,036 - 3,341,401 Per cent of total 8.60 20.67 15.26 8.61 Distribution facilities including meters, street lights, etc. pesos 14,765, 240 186,474 290,319 846,516 1,149,598 1,083,575 631,299 10,415,812 161,647 Per cent of total 26.22 30.06 8.80 15.73 32.26 43.24 33.80 26.83 64.87 Other equipment pesos 6,576, 161 17,389 162,412 527,876 89,735 35, 135 84,235 5,658,279 1,100 Per cent of total 11.68 2.80 4.92 9.81 2.52 1.40 4.51 14.57 0.44 Land and buildings --- pesos 6,574, 192 59,272 328,396 460, 924 325,990 240,971 105, 371 5,047,358 5,910 Per cent of total 11.67 9.55 9.95 8.56 9.15 9.62 5.64 13.00 2.37 Cash pesos 759,410 14,432 116,892 194,977 197,593 69,312 37,256 128,948 Per cent of total 1.35 2.33 3.54 3.62 5.54 2.77 1.99 0.33 Accounts and notes receivable pesos 1,983, 576 28,438 175, 525 415,216 199,819 57,081 43,844 1,062,528 1,125 Per cent of total 3.52 4.58 5.32 7.72 5.61 2.28 2.35 2.74 0.45 655 TABLE 60 - GROSS INCOME AND EXPENSES OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY KIND, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Year established Income Income from sale Expenses Income from other Depreciation and Total (Pesos) of power (Pesos) sources (Pesos) Total (Pesos) Operating (Pesos) Maintenance (Pesos) sinking fund Other expenses (Pesos) (Pesos) 13, 242, 279 13, 133, 158 109, 121 7,952,515 5, 009, 127 852,662 1,660, 745 429,981 1935 to 1938 195, 627 194,004 1,623 171,947 103,057 14,889 29,159 24,842 1930 to 1934 876, 632 845, 118 31,514 788, 896 439,477 75,828 214,431 59, 160 1925 to 1929 1,269,537 1,251, 205 18,332 979,832 544,725 128,232 184,561 122,314 1920 to 1924 901,321 888,255 13,066 697,960 355, 710 74,802 137,575 129,873 1915 to 1919 414,357 402,616 11,741 330,612 232,938 37, 136 45,333 15,205 1910 to 1914 522,086 519,357 2,729 245, 112 102, 100 2,987 140,025 Prior to 1910 9,017, 541 8,988, 364 29, 177 4,704, 840 3,205,668 516, 198 908,899 74,075 Year not reported 45,178 44, 239 939 33,316 25,452 2,590 762 4,512 656 TABLE 61 - NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES PAID BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Item All electric light and power Electric light and power companies by year established Year companies 1935 to 1938 1930 to 1934 1925 to 1929 1920 to 1924 1915 to 1919 1910 to 1914 Prior to 1910 not reported Number of employees ---total persons 3,588 177 612 600 372 141 58 1,584 44 Executive, superintendents, managers, supervisors Office employees, stenographers, ---- persons 396 43 94 100 41 17 7 91 3 etc. ---persons 510 Collectors, inspectors, etc. Linemen, skilled laborers, and plant employees 11 persons 578 2888 59 80 48 91 90 44 223 29 5 55 260 295 2 persons 1,961 65 Other employees ------ persons 143 13 539 340 295 224 28 35 15 69 3 41 901 26 37 12 Salaries paid total --- pesos 2,706,553 68,081 274,754 326,767 245,521 98,545 31,352 1,649,556 11,977 Executive, superintendents, managers, supervisors ---- pesos 1, 119, 294 31,531 128,750 133,251 87,884 26, 180 7,447 701,407 2,844 Office employees, stenographers, etc. pesos 298, 215 7,159 29,689 39,865 27,782 7782 17, 199 1,669 174,708 144 Collectors, inspectors, etc. pesos 260,510 6,069 26,913 31,541 20,847 8,500 3, 107 162,821 712 Linemen, skilled laborers, and plant employees ---- pesos 956, 668 19,556 82, 222 111,539 105,007 45,766 19, 129 565,988 7,461 Other employees pesos 71,866 3,766 7,180 10,571 4,001 900 44,632 816 657 Direct current Item TABLE 62 - GENERATORS USED BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY TYPE AND YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Total Electric light and power companies by year established Year 1935 to 1938 1930 to 1934 1925 to 1929 1920 to 1924 1915 to 1919 1910 to 1914 Prior to 1910 not reported Number of companies reporting 39 6 12 14 4 2 Number of generators ...... Total rated capacity (Kilowatts) 62 9 13 25 8 5 2,975 1,395 259 658 414 229 Alternating current Single phase Number of companies reporting......... Number of generators ......... 5 9 Total rated capacity (Kilowatts) Two phase 194 Number of companies reporting Number of generators ..... Total rated capacity (Kilowatts) Three phase 28 48 4,787 4 7 148 46 -201 4 6 8 6 4 75 7 14 12 220 964 1,185 213 22523 Number of companies report ing 123 21 Number of generators 236 31 48 67 31 64 12 28 Total rated capacity (Kilowatts) 67,524 1,538 4,975 5,383 3,011 7 20 1,737 2 14 3,905 111 1214 20 I 5 I 18 2,112 1 1 9 3 285 46,690 658 TABLE 63 - Diesel power Item POWER EQUIPMENT OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY KIND, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Electric light and power companies by year established - 1935 1930 1925 1920 1915 1910 Prior Total to to to to to to to Year not reported 1938 1934 1929 1924 1919 1914 1910 3 25 Number of companies report ing Number of units 183 30 66 51 20 12 2 311 43 91 95 41 31 6 Total rated capacity (H. P.).. 30,658 2,788 5,762 8,347 6,256 3,265 1,615 2,600 Semi - Diesel - Number of companies reporting 8 3 Number of units 13 5 22 Total rated capacity (H. P.) 767 197 115 20 Gas Engine Number of companies reporting Number of units ..... Total rated capacity (H. P.) 2 500 Steam Number of companies reporting Number of units 6 Total rated capacity (H. P.) 39,536 Hydro - - Number of companies reporting Number of units...... 9 25 3 Total rated capacity (H. P.) 31,885 32 2,250 1 - - 2 500 6 39,536 1 3 1 5 4 8 3 755 45 4,286 22,850 1,667 2 5 435 659 TABLE 64 - NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF STEP UP SUB-STATIONS AND TRANSFORMERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Number of companies Year established reporting step up Number of transformers sub-stations TOTAL..... 1935 to 1938 .... 1930 to 1934 .... 1925 to 1929 .. 6 1 Total rated capacity of transformers (KVA) 31 29,420 6 2,520 1920 to 1924 .... 1915 to 1919 .... 1910 to 1914 .... 12 3,950 Prior to 1910.... 4 13 22,950 Year not reported 660 TABLE 65 - NUMBER AND CAPACITY OF STEP DOWN SUB-STATIONS AND TRANSFORMERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Year, established Number of companies reporting step down sub-stations Number of transformers Total rated capacity of transformers (KVA) Total .... 4 1935 to 1938 ..... 1930 to 1934 ..... 1925 to 1929 ...... 1920 to 1924 .. 1915 to 1919 ... 1910 to 1914 ... Prior to 1910 Not reported ||| 66,635 1 66,635 661 TABLE 66 - TRANSMISSION LINES OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY VOLTAGE, BY YEAR ES- TABLISHED: 1938 Voltage of transmission lines · 8,000 to 13,800 Number of Total length 16,000 to 23,000 Number of Year established companies of transmis- companies Total length of transmis- Number of 66,000 to 115,000 Total length companies reporting sion lines reporting sion lines reporting of transmis- sion lines (Km) (Km) (Km) Total .... 7 370.26 2 91.60 2 88.51 1935 to 1938 ....... 1930 to 1934. 46.60 1925 to 1929 ..... 1920 to 1924 ..... 1915 to 1919 .. 1910 to 1914 ..... Prior to 1910 ....... Year not reported 7 370.26 1 45.00 2 88.51 662 TABLE 67 - AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED AND ANNUAL HOURLY PEAK LOAD, 1933 TO 1938 CLASSIFIED BY YEAR ESTABLISHED Item and year Total Year established 1935 to 1930 1925 1920 1915 1910 Prior Year to to to to to to not 1938 1934 1929 1924 1919 1914 1910 reported Amount of electricity produced 1938 .. KWH 208, 670, 1921, 426,275 20, 270, 185 17,089, 227 1937 KWH 187,860, 957 989, 657 21, 139, 707 8,485, 235 14,385,379 7,364, 754 3,489, 989 16, 125, 260 141, 238, 221 545,800 3,055,570 12,246,920 128, 215, 877 463, 093 5 KWH 162,504,421 1935 .. KWH 148,211,905 637,464 18,065, 266 132,505 12,445,580 11,300,579 6,398, 106 2,759, 044 7,064 825 115,869, 011 410,126 11, 290, 444 5,910,737 2,727,295 5,843,698 109,488, 340 373,306 1934.. KWH 149,989,260 12,670,542 10,348,841 5,501,648 2,857,069 4,751,403 113,527, 098 332,659 1933 KWH 146, 456, 077 13, 127,553 9,046,450 5,638, 110 2,636,352 2,763,795 112, 902, 710 341, 107 Annual hourly peak load 1938 KW 51, 130 657 5,002 4,646 3,177 1,709 2,166 33,603 170 1937. KW 45,267 382 4,565 3,348 2,698 1,398 2,246 30,479 151 1936 .. KW 40,060 265 4,263 3,737 2,497 1,258 1,285 26,618 137 1935. KW 36,936 85 3,863 3,445 2,161 1,226 1, 160 24, 869 127 1934. KW 34,510 3,334 3,132 2,041 1,218 905 23,772 108 1933 .. KW 35,617 3,027 2,801 2,052 1,262 652 25,715 108 663 TABLE 68 NUMBER OF CONSUMERS AND AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED, PURCHASED, AND SOLD BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Electric light and power companies by year established - Item Number of residential consumers - total At flat rate -- All electric light and 1935 1930 1925 1920 1915 1910 Prior Year power to to to to to to to not companies 1938 1934 1929 1924 1919 1914 1910 reported 174, 772 7,584 18,974 23, 109 12, 105 9,540 2, 194 100,081 1,185 101,341 6,597 14,995 17,583 8,594 6,757 507 45,379 929 73,431 987 3,979 5,526 3,511 2,783 1,687 54, 702 256 1,847 323 140 174 57 105 1,044 4 36,119 865 1,652 4,633 3,103 2,579 147 23,028 112 208, 670, 1921, 420, 275 20,270, 185 17,089, 227 8,485, 235 3,489, 989 16, 125, 260 141,238, 221 545,800 At meter rate Number of industrial customers ----- KWH Number of commercial customers Electricity produced in 1938 Electricity purchased by electric light and power companies in 1938 -- KWH 7,286,374 35,803 89,980 360, 650 6,799,941 Electricity sold in 1938 KWH 160, 907, 7571,016,087 17,487, 60713, 174, 876 6,815,350 2,474,417 12, 593, 191106, 962,454 383,775 Electricity utilized by producing company and its subsidiary in 1938 KWH 4,666,620 72, 072 848,504 958, 052 555, 109 252,891 158, 148 1,789, 240 32,604 664 TABLE 69 - COST OF FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PURCHASED BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1939 Electricity purchased Coal Gasoline and kerosene Fuel oil Year established Tons Cost (Pesos) Liters Cost (Pesos) Gallons Cost (Pesos) KWH Cost (Pesos) Total 79,751 1,057, 482 38,626 7,309 3,908, 711 701,576 7,286, 374 88,705 1935 to 1938 .. 7,904 310 290, 704 57,487 1930 to 1934 20, 107 4,579 820,922 129, 127 35,803 4,682 1925 to 1929 3, 184 1,035 1,070, 678 200,473 1,352,148 25,908 1920 to 1924 4,262 784 750,363 140,313 1915 to 1919 946 256 406, 253 68, 883 360,650 14,416 1910 to 1914. 166,526 30,305 Prior to 1910... 79,751 1,057,482 2,223 345 356,781 66,209 5,537,773 43,699 Year not reported 11 46,484 8,779 665 TABLE 70 NUMBER OF AND ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY CITIZENSHIP OF INVESTOR AND YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Country of citizenship of invested and year established Total Number of electric light and power companies With assets entirely owned by citizens of one country With assets owned by citizens Total (Pesos) of more than one country Amount of Assets Of electric light and power companies enti- rely owned by citizens of one country (Pesos) Of electric light and power companies owned by citizens of more than one country (Pesos) Total 198 166 32 56,313,984 Philippines 162 130 32 11,459, 200 49,872,592 7,090,557 1935 to 1938 28 23 5 439,700 322,596 1930 to 1934 68 60 8 2,268, 189 1925 to 1929 39 27 12 3,334, 037 2,311,709 1920 to 1924 16 13 3 2,172,823 2,030,230 1915 to 1919 1910 to 1914 Prior to 1910 Year not reported United States -- 1935 to 1938 1930 to 1934 1925 to 1929 1920 to 1924 1915 to 1919 1910 to 1914 7 5 2 757, 163 556,909 ---- 1 1 96,351 1 2,372, 013 1,850, 189 6,441,392 4,368,643 117, 104 418,000 1,022,328 142,593 200, 254 96,351 2,372,013 2 2 18, 924 18,924 41 20 21 41, 177, 036 39,439, 946 1,737,090 18 -- Prior to 1910 Year not reported 57645I2I 11 2 4 121 6672-1-1 5 163,322 163,322 5 741,571 122,553 619,018 1,763, 593 1, 132, 828 630,765 515,854 399,532 116,322 1,578,386 1,518,925 59,461 36,414,310 36,266, 108 148,202 121,671 2,535 5,073 29,636 2,653 41,695 662 39,417 662 39,417 China -- 19 1935 to 1938 1930 to 1934 4 2= 1925 to 1929 7 1920 to 1924 3 1915 to 1919 19 121,671 2 2,535 4 5,073 7 29,636 3 2,653 41,695 1910 to 1914 Prior to 1910 Year not reported Great Britain, Canada, Australia 5 5 22, 623 1935 to 1938 1 176 1930 to 1934 2 2 21,997 1925 to 1929 89 1920 to 1924 361 1915 to 1919 1910 to 1914 -- Prior to 1910 Year not reported 22,623 176 21,997 89 361 999 TABLE 70-NUMBER OF AND ASSETS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY CITIZENSHIP OF INVESTORS AND YEAR ESTABLISHED: 1938 Country of citizenship of invested and year established Number of electric light and power companies With assets Total entirely owned by citizens of one country Others 10 1935 to 1938 1930 to 1934 1925 to 1929 4 4 1920 to 1924 1915 to 1919 1910 to 1914 Prior to 1910 --- Year not reported With assets owned by citizens of more than Total (Pesos) one country Amount of Assets Of electric light and power companies enti- rely owned by citizens of one country (Pesos) Of electric light and power companies owned by citizens of more than one country (Pesos) 9 257,770 66,405 191,365 13 176 176 206, 281 66,405 139,876 4 48,555 2,758 48,555 2,758 I Government agencies 15 15 3,275, 684 3,275,684 1935 to 1938 2 2 14,498 14,498 1930 to 1934 1 1 56,326 56,326 1925 to 1929 4 4 205, 903 205, 903 1920 to 1924 5 5 869, 420 869,420 1915 to 1919 1910 to 1914 Prior to 1910 128, 752 1,770,532 128,752 1,770,532 600 Year not reported 230,253 230,253 667 TABLE 71 - ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO RATES CHARGED FOR LIGHTING: 1939 Quantity of electricity used PO.07 Number of electric light and power companies reporting rates charged per kilowatt hour for lighting as - PO.08 PO.10 PO.15 PO.18 PO.20 PO.22 PO.24 PO.25 PO.30 PO.31 PO.33 PO.35 PO.40 PO.45 PO.50 PO.60 Rate not reported First quantity used - Total + 2 - 12 10 9 84 84 2 8 13 2 3 2 47 6 KWH 8 KWH 10 KWH 13 KWH 14 KWH 15 KWH 17 KWH 20 KWH 7 2 3 16 1 2 2 3 24 KWH - 25 KWH 2 30 KWH 38 KWH 50 KWH 2 10 80 KW H 99 KWH Quantity not reported.... 6 I 2 8 49 5 8 47 Second quantity used - Total 15 KWH 20 XWH 35 KWH 40 KWH 70 KWH 85 KWH 95 KWH 150 XWH 200 KWH 240 KWH 999 KWH Quantity not reported ..... 2 2 10 7 6 8 2 10 · 1 2 3 7 3 2 155 155 668 TABLE 72 - RESIDENTIAL FLAT RATE CUSTOMERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO RATED CHARGED FOR LIGHTING: 1938 Number of residential flat rate customers classified by rates charged per kilowatt hour for lighting - Quantity of electricity used P0.07 P0.08 PO.10 PO.15 PO.18 PO.20 PO.22 PO.24 PO-25 PO.30 PO.31 PO.33 PO.35. P0.40 PO.45 PO.50 PO.60 Rate not reported First quantity used Total 1,945 8 KWH 2,563 561 449 7, 187 46, 868 750 3,264 26, 200 435 263 1,960 1,746 312 655 247 6,497 1,596 --- 11- 10 KWH 440 2,017 62 180 655 13 KWH 413 14 KWH 350 15 KWH 1,682 417 306 4,474 263 226 116 17 KWH 70 105 111 20 KWH 449 529 24 KWH 25 KWH 393 152 38 KWH 50 KWH 509 302 132 186 198 132 5,059 46, 868 750 80 KWH 100 - 99 KWH 1,945 Quantity not reported 11 320 1,271 102 212 2,958 16,044 283 1, 163 1,010 49 6,497 Second quantity used Total 1,945 15 KWH 6,741 607 46,868 1,822 398 3,487 293 101 35 KWH 40 KWH 70 KWH 85 KWH 1,682 95 KWH --- 1,866 189 186 428 198 296 721 226 189 198 759 398 613 350 36,606 150 KWH 5,059 102 200 KWH 240 KWH 999 KWH 1,945 Quantity not reported 607 46,868 111 212 120 336 1,803 1,640 186 132 36, 606 669 TABLE 73 - RESIDENTIAL METER RATE CUSTOMERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO RATES CHARGED FOR LIGHTING: 1938 Quantity of electricity used First quantity used - TOTAL 8 KWH 10 KWH 13 KWH 14 KWH 15 KWH 17 KWH :20 KWH 24 KWH 25 KWH 38 KWH 50 KWH 80 KWH 99 KWH Quantity not reported P0.07 P0.08 Number of residential meter rate customers classified by rates charged per kilowatt hour for lighting - PO.10 PO.15 PO.18 PO.20 PO.22 PO.24 PO.25 PO.30 PO.31 PO.33 PO.35 P0.40 - P0.45 Rate not PO.50 PO.60 reported 158 214 124 2,755 56, 974 256 3,090 7,586 352 17 319 275 79 75 111 110 163 132 21 73 5 1,154 82 1,367 8 40 73 155 40 56 159 124 43 1,120 26 11 134 42 10 17 52 40 26 17 2 48 2 39 111 2, 161 56,974 256 158 83 353 23 41 3,047 4,475 210 158 2,217 165 56,974 447 90 925 743 136 --- Second quantity used - TOTAL 15 KWH 35 KWH 40 KWH 70 KWH 85 KWH 95 KWH 150 KWH 200 KWH 240 KWH 999 KWH 158 Quantity not reported 56 2, 161 356 52 205 90 89 40 1 1 233 168 48 123 84 2 IININ 2 23 -- 56, 974 41 165 42 440 691 48 39 3 1,154 11,528 11,528 670 Quantity of electricity used TABLE 74 - COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO RATES CHARGED FOR LIGHTING: 1938 P0.07 P0.08 PO.10 Number of commercial customers classified by rates charged per kilowatt hour for light ing PO.15 PO.18 PO.20 PO.22 PO.24 PO.25 PO.30 PO.31 PO.33 PO.35 PO.40 PO.45 PO.50 PO.60 Rate not reported First quantity used TOTAL -- 8 KWH 10 KWH 29 47 88 790 27,145 93 16 13 KWH 14 KWH 15 KWH 4 T 47 17 KWH 20 KWH 110 88 24 KWH 25 KWH 38 KWH 94 1,264 5,046 42 12 340 108 67 240 251 556 440 565 5 240 163 5 626 12 151 9 266 6 9 134 31 5 216 67 50 KWH 400 27, 145 94 80 KWH 99 KWH 29 Quantity not reported 187 14 12 1,264 2,812 184 88 35 566 Second quantity used TOTAL --- 29 447 120 27, 145 149 15 595 670 5 67 216 6,661 15 KWH 86 35 KWH 10 151 40 KWH 216 70 KWH 40 15 85 KWH 95 KWH 150 KWH 200 KWH 47 400 14 27, 145 200 200 5 240 KWH 999 KWH 29 Quantity not reported 120 54 380 519 5 67 6,661 671 TABLE 75 INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO RATES CHARGED FOR LIGHTING: 1933 - Number of industrial or power customers classified by rates charged per kilowatt hour for light ing P0.18 P0.07 PO.08 PO.10 PO.15 PO.20 PO.22 PO.24 PO.25 PO.30 PO.31 PO.33 PO.35 PO.40 PO.45 PO.50 P0.60 Rate not reported Quantity of electricity used First quantity used TOTAL 4 4 15 KWH 28 KWH 99 7 410 656 99 3 7 165 323 2 177 25 KWH 50 KWH 406 656 99 KWH 4 Quantity not reported 165 323 177 Second quantity used TOTAL 4 505 658 2 18 659 85 KWH 99 150 KWH 406 200 KWH 658 999 KWH 4 Quantity not reported 659 2 18 672 TABLE 76 - ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO RATES CHARGED FOR POWER: 1938 Quantity of electrciity used First quantity used TOTAL - 50 KWH 100 KWH Quantity not reported Second quantity used Number of electric light and power companies reporting charge per kilowatt hour for power Rate not P0.04 P0.05 PO.06 P0.07 P0.08 P0.10 P0.12 Po.15 P. 18 P0.20 PO.22 P0.25 reported 1 5 13 2 2 175 2 5 13 2 175 TOTAL --- 100 KWH 200 KWH 500 KWH 900 KWH 1000 KWH Quantity not reported Third quantity used TOTAL --- 200 KWH 500 KWH 1000 KWH 2000 KWH 4000 KWH Quantity not reported 1 18 6 12 I || 6 2 10 5 3 175 175 176 175 673 TABLE 77 - NUMBER OF CONSUMERS AND AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED, PURCHASED AND SOLD, CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO HOURS OF PLANT OPERATION: 1938 Item T Electric light and power companies operated each day · Hours of t 6 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 24 operation (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) (Hours) not reported Number of residential consumers total 174, 772 48 58 244 43,486 772 317 763 491 357 126,790 1,446 At flat rate 101,341 48 36 231 35,335 607 237 545 289 329 62,487 1, 197 At meter rate 73,431 22 13 8,151 165 80 218 202 28 64, 303 249 Number of residential customers 1,847 1 1 337 - - - 1,508 Number of commercial customers 36,119 10 42 7,249 120 114 215 - 126 28, 195 48 Electricity produced in 1938 KWH 208, 670, 192 3,888 71,636 14,004,112 220, 721 310,458 143,072 52,270 126,250 193,737, 785 Electricity purchased by electric light and power companies in 1938 KWH 7,286,374 20,668 6, 893,358 372,348 Electricity sold in 1938 KWH 160, 907,757 3,888 14,706 28,372 10,324,561 214,974 241,499 141,000 32,325 86, 171 149,571,988 248,273 Electricity utilized by producing company and its subsidiaries in 1938 --- KWH 4,666,620 784 804,282 4,745 43,370 4,919 15,816 3,791,450 1,254 674 TABLE 78 - NUMBER OF CONSUMERS AND AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED, PURCHASED AND SOLD BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED BY VOLTAGE SUPPLIED CONSUMERS: 1938 Item All electric light and power companies Electric light and power companies furnishing voltage of - 220 AC 220 AC 220 AC 220-110 AC (Sin- 220 DC 110 DC (Single (two (Three phase) phase) phase) Number of residential consumers total 174, 772 7,601 123 17,473 109,901 37,848 gle phase and three phase) 1,826 At flat rate 101,341 6,599 ||| 13,560 53,455 27,379 237 At meter rate 73,431 1,002 12 3,913 56,446 10,469 1,589 Number of industrial customers 1,847 39 290 1, 164 249 105 Number of commercial customers 36, 119 990 4 1,315 24,946 8,864 Electricity produced in 1938 -- - KWH 208,670, 192 3,032,504 67,010 6,814,376 145,367,471 37,735, 141 15,653,690 Electricity purchased by electric light and power companies in 1938 --- KWH 7,286,374 35,803 6,988, 871 261,700 Electricity sold in 1938 - KWH 160,907, 757 1,346,957 64,242 4,880, 128 110,278,396 31,950, 631 12,387,403 Electricity utilized by producing company and its subsidiaries in 1938 KWH 4,666, 620 156, 677 1,925 1,146, 116 2,253,531 1,081,731 26,640 675 TABLE 79 - NUMBER OF CONSUMERS AND AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED, PURCHASED AND SOLD BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY PERCENTAGE OF COMMERCIAL LOAD: 1938 Item All elec- tric light and power Electric light and power companies having a commercial load of - Under 10 10 to 19 companies percent percent 20 to 29 percent 30 to 39 percent 40 to 49 50 to 59 percent percent 60 to 69 percent 70 to 79 percent 80 to 89 percent Number of residential consumers 11 total 174,772 21,887 10,629 17,827 109,969 3,645 6,886 1,168 539 2,222 At flat rate 101,341 16,042 8,294 13,091 53,777 2,543 4,359 707 470 2,058 At meter rate 73,431 5,845 2,335 4,736 56, 192 1, 102 2,527 461 69 164 Number of industrial customers 1,847 305 35 350 1, 134 3 16 4 Number of commercial customers Electricity produced in 1938 Electricity purchased by electric light and power companies in 1938 --- 36, 119 1,207 1,465 3,484 25, 127 986 3,024 690 101 35 ----- KWH 208, 670, 192 37,415,320 4,594,575 8,974,967 144,916,466 1,357,264 2,979, 606 431,209 167,081 7,833,704 KWH 7,286,374 387,483 98,950 6,799,941 Electricity sold in 1938 --------- - KWH 160,907,757 34,579, 056 3,213,099 6, 152,439 106,573,597 1,182,686 2,084, 751 355,981 162,868 6,603,280 Electricity utilized by producing company and its subsidiaries in 1938 KWH 4,666, 620 990, 880 313, 108 994, 344 2,218,006 54, 196 45,050 17,365 3,462 30,209 TABLE 80 - NUMBER OF CONSUMERS AND AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED, PURCHASED AND SOLD BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY PERCENTAGE OF RESIDENTIAL LOAD: 1938 All electric light and Electric light and power companies having residential load of - Item power companies Under 10 percent 10 to 19 percent 20 to 29 percent 30 to 39 40 to 49 percent percent 50 to 59 percent 60 to 69 percent 70 to 79 percent 80 to 89 percent 90 per cent and over Number of residential consumers --- total 174,772 2,181 455 3,371 103, 129 17,670 7,352 8, 635 7,847 15,342 8,790 At flat rate 101,341 2,023 381 2,591 46,368 12,435 5,398 6,489 6, 176 12,248 7,232 At meter rate Number of industrial customers Number of commercial customers Electricity produced in 1938 ---- Electricity purchased by electric light and power companies in 1938 -- 73,431 158 74 780 56,761 5,235 1,954 2,146 1,671 3,094 1,558 1,847 6 16 813 495 51 51 286 29 100 36, 119 37 103 778 25,779 3,150 1,597 1, 131 1,251 1,932 361 KWH 208, 670, 192 21,717, 029 145, 260 2,026, 969 154,832, 025 11,618, 167 3,131,051 3,697,337 2,486,520 4,778,904 4,236,930 Electricity sold in 1938 KWH 7,286,374 KWH 160,907,757 19, 614, 149 121,904 6,737,726 1,117,895 117,746,367 8,217,958 62,215 450,630 2,346, 164 2,412,370 2,079,099 3,565,294 35,803 3,686,557 Electricity utilized by pro- ducing company and its sub- sidiaries in 1938 KWH 4,666, 620 56, 199 4, 187 770,747 1,852,613 515,270 228,669 401,356 111,393 176,004 550,182 TABLE 81 - NUMBER OF CONSUMERS AND AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY PRODUCED, PURCHASED AND SOLD BY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES, BY PERCENTAGE OF INDUSTRIAL LOAD: 1938 Item All electric light and power companies industrial load of Under 10 percent 10 to 19 percent 20 to 29 percent Electric light and power companies having an - 30 to 39 40 percent percent and over Number of residential consumers total 174,772 52,099 6,239 12,032 100, 246 4,156 At flat rate 101,341 40,620 3,819 8,492 46,271 2,139 At meter rate 73,431 11,479 2,420 3,540 53,975 2,017 Number of industrial customers 1,847 491 57 422 755 122 Number of commercial customers 36, 119 8,910 2, 130 775 24,201 103 Electricity produced in 1938 KWH 208,670, 192 29,457,943 2,492, 222 8,353,496 138,394,526 29,972, 005 Electricity purchased by electric light and power companies in 1938 Electricity sold in 1938 Electricity utilized by producing company and its subsidiaries in 1938 -- KWH 7,286,374 224,733 323,915 6,737,726 KWH 160,907, 757 25,433,987 1,767,568 5,699, 902102, 259, 054 25,747,246 KWH 4,666, 620 2, 105, 293 19, 135 779,424 1,669, 794 92,974 677 678 TABLE 82 - NUMBER OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF HOURS OF WORK BY OFFICE AND PLANT EMPLOYEES ON VARIOUS DAYS: 1938 Kind of employees and hours of work Office employees Official Week days Saturdays Saturdays Sundays Holidays Number of electric light and power companies reporting hours of work as Total - 198 198 198 198 Under 4 13 12 14 12 4 9 31 10 5 8 6 8 10 017 8 2 6 7 55 27 2 3 8 73 70 10 21 9 12 10 3 3 || 12 2 2 2 3 13 14 or over 1 Number of hours not reported 20 22 149 140 14_0 Plant employees Number of electric light and power companies reporting hours of work as - Total 198 198 198 198 Under 4 2 2 3 3 I 4 5 6 7 7 8 7 177 8 3E 3 2 ထာ 8 177 174 172 9 10 12 13 14 or over Number of hours not reported 2 2 2 2 7 7 7 9 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 07016 4820