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A round the
A Thousand
Miles Through
the Rockies
“Every Mile a Picture '’
Issued by the Passenger Department
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad
Copyright, 1908, by
S. K. Hooper, General Passenger and Ticket Agent

On the “Rail and Stage” Route of the
“Around the Circle” tour.

Mount Massive ... 14,424
Mount Elbert . . . . 14,421
Sierra Blanca . . . 14,390
Mount Harvard. . . 14,375
La Plata. Mt. . . . . . 14.342
Gray's Peak . . . . . 14,341
Mount Torrey . . . 14.336
Mount Evans (1). 14,330
Mount Lincoln ... 14,297
Mount Buckskin ... 14,296
Uncompahgre Pk... 14,289
Long's Peak . . . . 14,271
Quandary Peak ... 14,266
Castle Mountain... 14,259
Mount Wilson ... 14,250
Mount Antero ... 14,245
Mount Shavano ... 14,239
Mount Crestone... 14,233
Mount Princeton... 14, 196
Mount Yale . . . . 14,187
Mount Bross . . . . 14,185
Baldy Mountain . . 14, 176
Mt. Holy Cross... 14, 17o
Mount Liz. Head. 14, 16o
Mount Sneffles ... 14,158
Goats Mountain ... 14, 132
Pike's Peak . . . . 14, tos
San Luis Mount... 14, too
Mount Red Cloud. 14,092
Mount Culebra ... 14,069
The Wetterhorn ... 14,069
Mount Simpson 14,055
Alamosa . . . . . . 7,546
Antonito . . . . . 7,888
Aspen . . . . . . . . 7,874
Aztec . . . . . . . . 5,686
Bingham, Utah 5,862
Buena Vista . , 7,968
Canon City .. 5,344
Castle Rock. .. 6,219
Cerro Summit. 7,968
Chama . . . . . . . 7,863
Cimarron . . . . 6,906
Colo. Springs. .. 5,989
Conejos . . . . . . 7,880
Cottonw. Spgs. 7,95o
Creede . . . . . . . 8,852
Crested Butte. 8,878
Cripple Creek. 9,591
Cuchara . . . . . - 5.942
Cumbres Pass. Io, or 5
Del Norte . . . . 7,880
Delta . . . . . . . . 4,980
Denver . . . . . . 5, 198
Dillon . . . . . . . ,859
Doyle . . . . . . . 8,062
Durango . . . . . 6,520
El Moro . . . . . 5,877
Espanola . . . . . 5,590
Farmington . . . . 5,305
Florence . . . . . 5, 199
Mount AEolus . . . . 14,054
Needle Mountain... 14,051
Mount Humboldt. 14,041
Mount Stewart ... 14,032
Mount Handie . . . 14, oos
Mount Sherman . 14,048
Mount Maroon ... 14,003
Mount Capitol . . 13,997
Snowmass Mount... 13,970
Pigeon Mountain... 13,961
Mount Ouray . . . 13,956
Mount Grizzly . . . 13,956
Horseshoe Mt. . . . 13,912
Mount Blanc . . . . 13,905
Mount Frustum ... 13,893
Pyramid Mt. . . . . 13,885
Silver Heels Mt... 13,855
Mount Haynes . . 13,832
Mount Arkansas. , 13,807
Mount Hamilton. . 13,800
Mount G. Pd... 13,773
Mount Rowter ... 13,750
Mount Ptarmigan. 13,746
Mount Gibson ... 13,729
Mount Silesia . . . 13,699
Mount Evans (2). 13,650
Mount Oso . . . . . 13,640
Span. Pks... 13,620-12,720
Mount Grayback. 13,615
Mount Rosalie. . . . 13,575
Mount Guyot . . . . 13,565
King. Sol . . 13,550
Fremont Pass. 11,330
Garland . . . . . . 7,936
Glenwood Spgs 5,758
Grand Jet. . . . . 4,583
Granite . . . . . . 8,943
Gunnison . . . . 7,683
Hotchkiss . . . . 5,369
ex --------- 11,522
Ironton . . . . . . 9,940
Kokomo . . . . . . 10,614
Lake City . . . . 8,686
La Veta . . . . . 7,024
La Veta Pass. 9,242
Leadville . . . . . Io,200
Los Pinos . . . . 9,637
Malta . . . . . . . . 9,580
Mancos . . . . . . 7,oo&
Młanitou. . . . . . 6,318
Marshall Pass. Io,856
Monte Vista .. 7,665
Montrose . . . . 5,811
Castle . . . 5,562
Ogden, Utah. . 4,293
Ojo Caliente . . 5,594
Ouray . . . . . . . 7,721
Pagosa Jet. . . . 6,271
Pagosa Spgs... 7,108
Palmer Lake. .. 7,237
Trinchera Mount... 13,546
Mount Buffalo. . . . 13,541
Mt. White Rock. . 13,532
Mount Arapahoe. 13,520
Mount Dunn . . . . 13,502
Mount Dolores . . 13,502
Mount Kendall. . . 13,480
Sultan Mountain. . 13,336
James Peak . . . . . . 13,283
Mount Homestake. 13,227
Mount Hunchback. 13,133
Mount Sheridan. 12,785
Cottonwood Pass. . 13.5oo
Argentine Pass ... 13,286
Mosquito Pass ... 13,185
Tarryall Pass . . . 12, 176
Alpine Pass . . . . . 11,606
Breckenridge Pass 11,503
Berthoud Pass. . . . 11,349
Fremont Pass ... 11,330
Ute Pass . . . . . . . . 11,200
Bellevue Pass . . . it,ooo
Marshall Pass . . . to,856
Hayden Pass . . . . to,78o
Tennessee Pass. . . . to,240
Cochetopa Pass ... toose
Cumbres . . . . . . . . 10,015
Trout Creek Pass. 9,346
La Veta Pass ... 9,242
Poncha Pass . . . 9,059
Paonia . . . . . . . 5,694
Poncha Pass ... 9,059
Poncha Jet. . . . 7,480
Pueblo . . . . . . . 672
§ Cliff. . . . . . 8,608
ico --------- ,737
Ridgway . . . . . 7,oo3
Rifle . . . . . . . . . 5,310
Robinson . . . . no.876
Rosita . . . . . . . 8,932
Saguache . . . . . 7.745
Salida . . . . . . . 7,050
Salt Lake City. 4,225
Santa Fé. . . . . . 6,968
Sapinero . . . . . 7,255
Sargent . . . . . . 8,477
Silver Cliff .. 7,816
Silverton . . . . . 9,300
Telluride . . . . . 8,756
Tenn. Pass ... Io,24o
Toltec Gorge. , 9,465
Trimble Spgs. 6,578
Trinidad . . . . . 5.994
Victor . . . . . . . 9,728
Wagon W. Gap 8,449
Walsenburg . . 6,187
Westcliffe . . . . 7,861
Wolcott . . . . . . 6,976

Routing of Tours: “Around the Circle”
From Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitou or Pueblo, via the
Royal Gorge, Salida, Marshall Pass, Black Canon of the Gunnison,
Montrose, to Ridgway; thence via the Rio Grande Southern Rail-
road, Telluride, the Ophir Loop, Rico, Mancos (Cliff Dwellings), to
Durango, Toltec Gorge, Phantom Curve, San Luis Valley, La Veta
Pass, back to starting point. Rate, $28.00.
From Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitou or Pueblo, via the
Royal Gorge, Salida, Marshall Pass, Black Canon of the Gunnison,
Montrose, to Ouray; thence via Circle Route Stage Line, Ouray to
Red Mountain, Silverton Railroad (Rainbow Route) to Silverton,
Animas Canon, Durango, Toltec Gorge, Phantom Curve, San Luis
Valley, La Veta Pass, back to starting point.” Rate, $28.00.
*This ticket does not include passage over the Silver on Railroad. The holder thereof
must purchase local ticket of the Silverton Railroad at Ironton or Red Mountain for
ſº. to Silverton, the fare for which is $1.00 from Red Mountain and $1.60 from
If desired, the tour “Around the Circle” may be made in the
opposite direction from that described, the rate being the same, $28.
Holders of through tickets to or from Utah or the Pacific Coast,
desiring to make the detour “Around the Circle” from Pueblo, Salida
or Montrose, may have their coupons between Denver and Grand
Junction, Salt Lake City or Ogden exchanged upon payment of $10
to Agent at any of the points named.
The holders of through tickets to or from Utah or the Pacific
Coast may also make the complete “Circle” from Salida and back to
starting point on payment of $18. The same rate obtains for east-
bound passengers desiring to make the “Circle” trip from Montrose.
Tickets will be placed on sale May 15, and continued until
about October 15.
Tickets will be good sixty days from date of sale.
Stop-overs will be allowed at any point or points on the trip for
any length of time within the life of the ticket.
In connection with these tours various side trips can be made at
greatly reduced rates.
The journey “Around the Circle” can be comfortably made in
four days, with rests at Durango, Silverton and Ouray. Or the entire
sixty days can be profitably and pleasantly spent in viewing the won-
derful scenery of the trip.
} weasº. 2'3 – -
**) gº > y Reaches all the Intermountain Sight Places and Resorts
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This and Other Illustrated
Will be Forwarded FREE of Charge to any Address
on Application to
F. A. WADLEIGH, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.----------- Denver, Colo.
J. D. KENWORTHY, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. --------- Pueblo, Colo.
H. E. TUPPER, Gen. Agt, Pass. Dept.---335 Broadway, New York
EUGENE LOVENBERG, Trav. Pass. Agt. 335 Broadway, New York
JAS. T. NEISON, Gen. Agt.-------- 412 Park Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.
R. C. NICHOL, Gen. Agt.--- -----------242 S. Clark St., Chicago
RALPH J. VAN DYKE, Trav. Pass. Agt. 242 S. Clark St., Chicago
J. E. CLARK, Trav. Frt. & Pass. Agt. ----- 242 S. Clark St., Chicago
H. V. LUYSTER, Tr. Pass. Agt. 315 N.Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
A. B. AYERS, Trav. Pass. Agt.---213 Frisco Building, St. Louis, Mo.
F. B. SEMPLE, City Pass. Agt.-------- Albany Hotel, Denver, Colo.
A. McFARLAND, City Ticket Agt.---- Albany Hotel, Denver, Colo.
S. C. SHEARER, Trav. Pass. Agt. ----------------- Denver, Colo.
W. H. CUNDEY, Gen. Agt. 16 N. Tejon St., Colorado Springs, Colo.
E. S. CARD, City. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. Second and Main Sts., Pueblo, Colo.
S. M. BROWN, Gen. Agt. ------ 401 Harrison Ave., Leadville, Colo.
B. W. ROBBINS, Gen. Agt. ---------------- Grand Junction, Colo.
I. A. BENTON, G. A., Pass. Dept.--Dooly Blk., Salt Lake City, Utah
H. M. CUSHING, Trav. Pass. Agt.--Dooly Blk., Salt Lake City, Utah
E. R. HUNT, Gen. Agt.------------- 56 E. Broadway, Butte, Mont.
W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt.---------. 124 Third St., Portland, Ore.
E. B. DUFFY, Trav. Pass. Agt.-------- 124 Third St., Portland, Ore.
W. J. SHOTWELL, Gen. Agt.---- 36 Powell St., San Francisco, Cal.
BODE. K. SMITH, Tr. Pass. Agt.--36 Powell St., San Francisco, Cal.
S. M. TATE, City Pass. Agt.------ 36 Powell St., San Francisco, Cal.
W. B. TOWNSEND, T. F. & P. A. 36 Powell St., San Francisco, Cal.
JOHN A. BECKWITH, Pass. Agt.--- 1070 Broadway, Oakland, Cal.
T. D. CONNELLY, Gen. Agt.---544 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal.
T. F. FITZGERALD, D. P. A.--544 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal.
H. R. BINGHAM, City Pass. Agt. 544 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal.
W. H. PAUL, Gen. Agt.---------------------- Goldfield, Nevada
General Passenger Agent, Denver, Colorado
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