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MORE WAR SHIPS AS SOON As A PROPER IN- TLRNATIONAL AGREEMET IS REACHED. The Republican organization, however, eontrolled by the Reactionists in national eonvention assembled, refused to pledge that their nominess if elected will go into awy sweh LEAGUE TO ENFORCE PEACE. The 2 4. Still anothere reason is that the Special Interests which would return to power are so greedy for Private Profit that the nation’s preparedness against a foreign foe would be inadequate. 5. And yet another reason is that th program for mutual self-defense by the twenty-one American Republic against foreign foe would be terminated. 6. In domestic affairs in general the ex- isting National Government has wrought stupendous reforms AND WILL CONTINUE To do so IF RE-ELECTED. In opposition is the Republican organization, and its col- leagues the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and Big Business, and other forms of re- actions, all of which are doing their ut- most to defeat Wilson's re-election. Their, slogan is, ANYTHING TO BEAT WILSON! . . 7. In this Woºd Crisis you, fellow citi- zens,ARE IN DUTY Bound To RECOGNIZE THESE FACTs AND conceDE THAT THEY FAR oUTweigh what You consider To BE THE SHORT-CoMINGs of our PRESIDENT. Even here, however, bear, in mind that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy is fiercely op- posing him. HIs OnLY ROMAN CATHOLIC . support is FROM the INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESSIVE MEMBERs of THAT OFDER. None of us can object to that. And his. appointment of Roman Catholics to public. office has been to minor positions, most of which have been the patronage of the . Senators and Congressmen; and it is they who should be held. responsible if they are putting into office more than a fair. share of Roman Catholic appointees.” Yet even here we must be careful not to eleēţ a Republican House, AS IT would BLock THE REFORM MovemſFNT. In other words, should the Republicans organize the next- House then the Reactionists would control it, including Big Business and the Roman Hierarchy. Don't overlook this all-im- portant point! Therefore take no chances. RE-ELECT EACH OF. THE DEMOCRATIC CON- GRESSMEN AND SENATORS AND THEY AS A WHOLE WILL GO FORWARD WITH THE PRO- GRESSIVE MOVEMENT, . . . " { Continually bear, in mind that Hughes and most of the other Republican nominees are being financed by Big Business and strongly supported by the Roman Hier- archy; while the progressive and inde- pendent Roman Catholics are bravely go- ing forward and will vote as their con- science directs. WILL YOU DO AS WELL? Read again President Wilson's manly statement to Mr. O'Leary, president of the Roman Catholic “Truth Society” who sent to him an insulting telegram: , “I would feel deeply mortified to have you or anybody like you [that is, who acts as you do] vote for me. Since you have access to many disloyal Americans and I have not, I will ask you to convey this message te them.” - Let all liberty-loving voters cast, their ballots for the re-election of our Presi- dent, who is being fought by the Roman Hierarchy and all of their reactionary subjects, as well as by Big Business and the rest of the Reactionists. Our own liberties are at stake, as well as the liber- ties of the people of Mexico and the Philippines, and the securing of World Peace. Never before have so many stu- pendous issues been before us. Yours for Freedom and World Peace, PUBLICITY BUREAU FoR THE EXPOSURE OF POLITICAL Ro- MANISM, C. BRADWAY, Manager, Part II. ** THE EVIDENCE Chapter I. ROMAN CATHOLIC PRELATES IN THE UNITED STATES ARE FIGHTING THE ADMINISTRATION, AIDED BY THE REPUBLICAN ORGANIZATION. At Boston, Massachusetts, on November 15th, 1914, CARDINAL O'CONNELL in an ad- dress to the Federation of Roman Cath- olic Societies said: - “The Administration in this country has at last done something to insure the safety of our nuns and priests in Mexico from the brutal rapacity and barbarism of those savages who for more than a year past have conclusively proved their absolute un- fitness to govern. But the good work is far from finished. “And when the truth is known then all the world will realize that for the sake of our public honor as a nation WE MUST PUT AN END TO THE MASONIC CONSPIRACY which has for two years deluged Mezico with blood, drained the material resources of that country and p". atheism and -an- archy over a lan dw8tºrious.”* Later, in 1915, when seven of the Pan- American Gövernments, including our own Government, were about to recognize the Carranza Government, the following cable- am was published throughout the United tates: “Rome, October 9, 1915–Pope BENEDICT received in private audience yesterday the Most Rev. Francisco Orozoy Jiminez, Archbishop of Guadalajara, Mexico, to- * For the history of the conflict between Liberal Societies and the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, consult Political Romanism, by Publicity Bureau for the Exposure of .*.*.* C. *. Man- ager. pages: cents in paper cov- ºsiº clºth., Masonic #. New York, N. Y. . . . . $. *3. ** once happy and in- Mexico, to be conducted under gether with Monsignor Francis C. Kelley of Chicago, President of the Catholic Ex- tension Society in the United States. The visitors. presented an important plan in connection with THE CHURCH IN MEXICO. “The Pope showed a thorough knowl- edge of the situation as regards the Mexi- can clergy, AND PRAISED THE GENEROSITY OF AMERICAN CATHOLICs [THE AMERICAN HIERARCHY] IN THE HELP THEY ARE GIVING THEIR CO-RELIGIONISTs [FELLow PRIESTs] IN MEXICO.” A few months later the following state- ment by CARDINAL GIBBONS was published throughout the land: º “They will never cease fighting in Mexico. under Carranza. I have no confi- dence in the man. The situation is a crime against civilization. We have tried in every way to get help to those suffering from the warring factions in Mexico, and even now have $220,000 in hand to hel them, but we cannot get it to them.” (N. Y. Times, January 9, 1916). - On March 4th, 1916, the New York Times published excerpts from a Mexican pamphlet in which , the Roman Catholic prelates in this country were charged with helping to finance a counter º: in & º eral Diaz. The day following the publication of these charges an answer was made by CARDINAL FARLEY, of New York City. His letter was published in full, in the New York Times. He, said: . . . “I frankly admit that I am opposed to this, [Carranza.] , Government, which has established itself by appealing to the worst elements in the country, and securing its power and ascendency in the early stages of its growin by disregarding every prin- ciple of justice and morality. AND I AM CONFIDENT THAT THE DAY IS NOT FAR DIS- TANT WHEN THE GREAT MASS OF THE MEXI- CAN PEOPLE WILL BE RELEASED FROM THE TYRANNICAL YOKE IMPOSED UPON THEM l’” The counter revolution in Mexico under General Diaz was started as the pamphlet had predicted, but thus far it has failed. THE ISSUE Is Now UP To You, Mr. voTER. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? & Nearly a year ago several of the Roman Catholic papers referred this Mexican question to the voters. •For example, in New Orleans the official organ of the Roman Catholic diocese, The Morning Star, said: “Mr. Wilson's recognition of Carranza, the avowed enemy of the Catholic Church, - is an insult to the Catholics in this coun- try. It is a direct challenge to them, and we hope that not only Catholics but every true lover of freedom WILL GIVE HIM SUCH AN OPEN ANSWER AT THE POLLS as will prove to him that no President of the United States can so flagrantly ignore the lawful and respectful request of 16,000,000 fellow citizens WITHOUT PAYING THE PEN- ALTY.” (Current Opinion, Jan. 1916, p. 45.) THE FACTS ARE THAT THE ROMAN CATH- -OLIC PRELATES IN OUR UNITED STATES ARE OPPOSED To PRESIDENT WILSON'S RE-ELEC- TION, AND THEREFORE ARE CO-OPERATING WITH THE REPUBLICAN ORGANIZATION AND witH BIG BUSINEss AND INHERENTLY THEY ARE OPPOSED TO THE PROGRESSIVE MOVE- MENT. THUS, THE ISSUE IS SQUARELY DRAWN º * -Y - Chapter II. THE REACTIONARY REPUBLICAN In the New York World of October 16th, the following telegraphic letter by Louis Seibold, from Indianapolis, Indiana, says: “The Republican plan of campaign has been predicated on the theory that with the assistance of the voters of Teutonic origin AND THOSE OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH AND SYMPATHIES. and with the union of the regular and Progressive factions of their party, they are sure of victory in spite of the heavy handicaps imposed by Mr. Hughes and Colonel Roosevelt. “It is assumed by the Republican lead- ers, who are openly cowrting the hyphen- ate AND CATHOLIC VOTERS, that the in- fluence to which voters of those classes ordinarily respond will lead them to re- bwke the Democratic President for his re- !. to swrrender to the dictation of either. . . º Catholics and Mexico. “The only interest displayed by voters in the relations of the Administration with Mexico has obviously been inspired by a propaganda inaugurated by professional Roman Catholic agitators. It is the view of unprejudiced observers that the leaders and spokesmen of the Catholic Church in Indiana are opposing the President BE- CAUSE OF HIS REFUSAL TO COMPLY WITH T} DEMANDS that he compel ; by #. Carranza régime to the ambitioſis of the church leaders, even if such, in- sistence requires a resort to force and in- tervention. “This movement, WHICH IS ASSUMING widespread ProPortiºns THROUGHOUT THE country, particularly in the West, is be- ing extensively exploited by the Republi- can managers in Indiana: “An observer is informed that ‘the church is opposed to Mr. Wilson’; that “every priest in the country is sceretly counselling his parishioners to vote for Mr. -Hu & es' and that cardinals Gib- 4 CAMPAIGN IN INDIANA. bons, Farley and O'Connell are fully aware of the undertaking and are in sym- pathy with it.' . . . . . “. . . . . . No word has come from any of the dignitaries of the church/to in- stance their disapproval of the uses to which the professional agitators, who as- 8wme to speak for it, are making of its influences. º “Indiana is being flooded with literature intended to influence the minds of Catholic voters. A thick volume distributed by “The Catholic Church Extension Society of the United States of America’ contains Some outrageous attacks on the President, questioning both his personal and official motives in dealing with the Mexican problem. “It is entitled “The Book of Red and Yellow,’ and the authorship of it is cred- ited to Francis Clement Kelley. It is pub- lished in Chicago and several Catholic clergymen are given as sponsors for it. The brochure has this sub-title: “Being a Story of Blood and a Yellow Streak.” “There is little question that this pub- lication and others of a similar nature and purpose HAVE EXERCISED CONSIDERABLE IN- FLUENCE OVER THE MINDS OF A GREAT MANY VOTERS. - “Henry Lane Wilson, former Ambassa- dor to Mexico, is the chief promoter of the Catholic propaganda against Presi- dent Wilson. He has established himself here to direct it. Under his instruction literature, moving pictures and cart-tail oratory are being provided by the Repub- lican campaign managers. “The ex-Ambassador is confident that the majority of the Catholic clergy are an- tagonistic to the President. He told one of his callers to-day that TWENTY-THREE OUT OF THE THIRTY CATHOLIC CLERGYMEN OF INDIANAPOLIS WERE, USING THEIR IN- FLUENCE AGAINST THE PRESIDENT AND IN THE intºs, OF MR, HUGHES.” : * º • . - Chapter III. THE LAW AND THE FACTS CONCERNING MEXICO. Under International law our United States, Government is in honor bound to respect the sovereignty of the Republic of Mexico—refrain from attacking her inde- pendence. A Also our Government, is in honor bound to insist that such of our citizens as are in Mexico shall not be abused nor their property rights be unjustly treated. And inasmuch as the civil war in Mexico re- Sulted in danger to the lives of our citizens who were among them, principally because the Meacicans distrusted the good faith of our United States Government and of our people who were among them, Jur Gov- ernment ordered them to leave and come home. Whatever personal rights and property rights have been infringed by the Mea;icans or are being infringed by them, should be reported to our Depart- onent of State, AND THE MEXICAN STATE WHENEVER A STABLE GOVERNMENT SHALL BE FULLY ESTABLISHED, WILL BE OBLIGED TO Do ITS FULL DUTY AS GAUGED BY AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL LAW. Our troops were ordered into Mexico from the north for our own self-protection. Two or more of these punitive expeditions crossed into Mexico because there were no military forces there that could protect our border. The question of just what arrangement had best be made for our continued protection along the border, and for the withdrawal of the punitive expe- dition still in Mexico, is being peaceably settled between the two Governments by a joint commission. This peaceful settlement is the outcome of the application of the doctrine of brotherliness between nations. It is the progressive attitude, as compared with the reactionary attitude, this latter position being founded on short-sighted selfishness which expresses , itself as conquest—the robbing of a whole nation and in so doing killing such of its citizens as have the patriotism to fight for their God-given rights, and killing many of our own sol- diers, necessarily. In the light of these principles and the splendid attitude of the Wilson Govern- ment, let the people of this country weigh the following declaration by the Republi- can National Convention of 1916 as to the policy its nominees will pursue in Mexico if elected to office next November: THE REPUBLICAN PROGRAM TOWARD and maintaining peace in Mexico. We promise to own citizens on or near owr border, and to those in Mexico, wherever they may be found, adequate and absolute pºtion in their lives, liberty and prop- €7°ty. sh “Absolute protection” to the life and property of our citizens in Mexico is prom- ised, which means that the United States Government by force of arms would step into Mezico and become the sovereign power. The going in is not to be con- tingent upon our being invited in. This is emphatically stated in the opening sen- tence, “We pledge our aid in restoring order and maintaining peace in Mexico.” THE ACTUAL ENTRY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT INTO MEXICAN AFFAIRS IS PLEDGED. In the words of former Speaker Joseph Cannon on the floor of the House, June 28, 1916: “If I had supreme power I would go into Mexico.” *: Another way of expressing this policy is to say that conquest is proposed. Con- quest “is the act of conquering.” And to conquer is to overcome by force. Thus force as distinguished from consent is the essence of conquest, and it is planned for by the Republican organization for the solution of the Mezican situation. The liberty-loving Mezicans are to be shot and killed. And this would be no easy job. In the words of Lincoln Steffens, “In Mexico the people all go to war—men, women and children; and they are not afraid to die. In the many instances where they have been stood up against a wall and shot, they never flinched, not one. There- fore a war of subjugation in Mexico would have to be a war of extermination. They have tasted of liberty and will die rather than surrender it.” Because of these 'uualities in the Mexi- cans the military experts in our Govern- ment reported to Président Taft four years ago that the conquest of Mexico would require the services of 250,000 of our fellow citizens in the field with death- dealing instruments for four years. And What for? THE ANSWER IS THAT OUR EN- TRY INTO MEXICO FOR PURPOSES OF CON- QUEST would BE As IGNOBLE AS WAS THE CONQUEST OF BELGIUM. ~ # PAN AMERICAN PROGRAM TowARDs MEXICO. * On the other hand, the idea of the Gov- ernments of the American Republics other than Mexico is that Mea;ican sovereignty MEXICO. ! “We pledge our aid in restoring order * Congressional Record, p. 11680. Again, July 11, 1916, Mr. Cannon in the Congressional Record says: “We can take possession of Mexico and restore law and order and protect the lives and property of our citizens, and when a stable govern- --ment is organized the United States can make a treaty with it as we have done with Cuba—that if Mexico does not pre- serve law and order the United States shall do so.” (Page 12451.) The proba- ble cost in American lives and taxes will presently be stated. . . . . . . . . • * * shall be respected. Therefore in case the existing Mexican Government shall be un- able to restore order and maintain peace then the necessary aid will be given by the writed help of all the other American Republics. * Much discussion has taken place, neces- sarily, as to just how the Pan American ‘ed forces would be used should a time, eome when, in the judgment of a majority of the Pan American Governments, they should march into MExico. BUT As YET THERE IS NO IDEA AMONG THESE GOVERN- MENTS THAT THE PEOPLE OF MEXICO NEED THIS KIND OF OUTSIDE AssistancE. Here in brief are the facts in the case. THE FACTS ABOUT MEXICO. . On August 5, 1915, the representatives of seven of the Progressive Pan American states met together in Washington to con- sider the Mexican situation. A few days later they addressed an appeal to the fac- tional leaders in Mexico proposing that they meet in a "conference with the Pan American representatives and agree upon a provisional government. General Car- ranza refused; that plan had been tried and it had failed. On September 18, the Pan American representatives met in New York. After deliberating and confering for three weeks, some of the time with a repre- sentative of the Carranza Government, they unanimously agreed to recommend to their respective governments that this Carranza Government be recognized. The wnanimous judgment was that this de facto Government possessed more of “the material and moral capacity necessary to protect the lives and property of natives and foreigners,” than did any other fac- tion. At that time the Carranza Govern- ment occupied 75 per cent. of Mexico’s al"ea. Before, however, the Pan American rep- resentatives granted this recognition they received from First Chief Carranza a promise: (1) FOREIGNERS AND NATIVES IN MEXICO WILL BE PROTECTED; (2) THAT RELIGIOUS FREEDOM will, BE MAINTAINED; % (3) THAT THE MEMBERs of RELIGIOUS oRDERs will BE PERMITTED TO RETURN AND BE SECURE IN LIFE AND PROPERTY ON CONDITION THAT THEY WILL NOT ENTER POLITICS; (4) THAT GENERAL AMNESTY BE GRANT- ED TO MEXICANS, EXCEPTING THE REAL LEAD- ERS OF THE OPPOSING FACTIONS; (5) THAT THE DE FACTO GOVERNMENT WOULD TAKE STEPS TO RESTORE LAW AND oRDER, PROVIDE FOR GENERAL ELECTIONS AND THE RESTORATION OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL- IST govKRNMENT IN MEXICO. (International Year Book, 1915, title Mexico.) The several Pan American Governments approved the action of their representa- § Carranza agreed to send repre- sentatives to each of these countries. Then Nicaragua and Columbia joined with the other seven nations and the United States Government ordere” -- ***argo THAT THE LIVES AND PROPERTY OF upon all shipment of arms from this country into Mexico eaccept to the Car- Tanza Government. THIS CARRANZA GOVERNMENT AT ONCE MADE SUBSTANTIAL PROGRESS IN THE SUB- JUGATION OF THE OTHER FACTIONS. The larger part of two of the factions quickly Surrendered. The leader of a third was killed. Villa, however, refused to yield, but most of his adherents did so. (Inter- national Year Book, 1915, title Mexico.) Great Britain and several of the otherº's European powers recognized the Carranza Government. & While these favorable developments were taking place, former President Huerta re- turned from Spain to the United States and was permitted to land upon condition 7 that he would not attempt to enter Mex- ico or Cuba. Later he was discovered in New Mexico in company with another re- actionist Mexican General. Both were ar- rested. The charges against them were that they were planning to start a new revolt. They were released on bail and the general escaped into Mexico where he afterwards was killed. Huerta was reim- prisoned. Also General Diaz was supplied with funds from some source and he started a revolution. THE TROUBLE HAS BEEN AND IS THAT SOME OF THE RICH PROPERTY-owners, of MEXICO—RESIDENTS AND NON-RESIDENTS, AND POSSIBLY SOME OF THE ROMAN CATH- OLIC HIERARCHY (see page 3, above), ARE USING PART OF THEIR WEALTH TO FINANCE UPRISING, AIMING TO PREVENT THE MEXI- CAN PEOPLE FROM RESTORING THEIR LIBER- TIES. In the words of President Wilson after the raid by Villa and his bandits on Columbus, New Mexico, which caused the sending forth of the punitive expedition into Mexico: “THERE WERE PERSONS ALONG THE BOR- DER ACTIVELY ENGAGED IN CREATING FRIC- TION- BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE - UNITED STATES AND THE DE FACTO GOV- ERNMENT OF MEXICO FOR THE PURPOSE of BRINGING ABOUT INTERVENTION IN THE IN- TEREST OF CERTAIN OWNERS OF MEXICAN PROPERTIES.” Among the property owners in Mexico is the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. The mo- tive of those who caused the invasion of our border was to bring about interven- tion. --- * In that Columbus raid 11 of our civili- ans were killed and 8 United States sol- . diers; and also 27 of the invading force. Previous, to this time the number of our people on this side of the border who had been skilled by Mexican bandits or mere thieves who had crossed over into our territory, had been 20 civilians and 16 soldiers. In Mexico the number of our people who had been killed during the three years preceding the Columbus raid .was 76, as compared with the death of 47 of our people in Mexico during the three-preceding years. (Secretary Lan- sing in a memorandum to the Senate.) Nearly all of the troubles of our people in Mexico have been caused by the Mexi- can people's distrust of us, as they have firmly believed that we as a nation are 2lanning to capture their Government and zule their country—rule it in the inter- est of the Few, as did President Diaz. . That has been and is a leading cause of the enmity against our citizens in Mexico. We are looked upon as would-be robbers. AMONG THE MEXICAN PEOPLE THEMSELVES THE WAR IS PRACTICALLY OVER. The num- ber of armed men in the field against the Carranza Government about September first, this year, was down to 12,000, in the thinly-settled areas. (Joseph de Courey, in N. Y. Times, September 10, 1916). If the Mea;ican people believed that they could trust us we could go back into Meacico and go to work. -- ALREADY THERE ARE TWENTY TIMES MORE SCHOOLS IN MEXICO THAN EXISTED UNDER THE LONG—ESTABLISHED DIAZ - GOVERNMENT. This vast change has come about from the restoration of local self-government, along with home rule in the States and the establishment of Progressive State Governments, in co-operation with the Carranza National Government. In State affairs many reforms in the land laws have been enacted. The lands in common which were taken from the public by the Diaz Reactionary Govern- ment are being restored. The immense agricultural estates are being broken up, as in New Zealand. Progressive labor laws are being enacted. In some parts of Mexico the farmers, and the wage- earners are each organized to some ex- tent and are a balance of power in these Progressive Mexican Governments, the same as in our own United States Gov- ernment, and the other progressive gov- ernments throughout the world. In the State of Yucatan, for example, where only a few foreign investors exist to complicate the situation, the revolution- ary fighting was finished two years ago and the new order is far along. The people in place of being real slaves tied to their masters, and without education, are now free and there are 2,400 public schools, part of which are continued at night for the benefit of the adults. The lands which formerly were held in com- mon and then were taken from the people, have been returned to them and 40,000 of the 50,000 families have each purchased. 7 *... ... forty acres of land agreeing to pay gold, backed by the guarantee of e Yucatan. Child labor under thirteen years is abol- ished; up-to-date factory regulations are in operation, together with compulsory arbitration of disputes between employers and employees. All of this is being ac- complished by the native population, prin- cipally, descendants of those whom the Spaniards conquered and who previously had had a wonderful civilization, as the ancient ruins demonstrate. (N. Y. Times, October 1, 1916.) 4- Laws restricting the use of intoxicating liquor have been enacted, with excellent results, the same as among us. The army is being reorganized and in such a manner as to be less readily used for political rivalries and tyrannies. First Chief Carranza is honest and he is not a dictator. AND HE AND HIs col- LEAGUES ARE CUTTING OUT PRIVATE MonoPo- LIES AS FAR AS POSSIBLE. * These qualities in the existing Mexican National Government are testified to from various sources. We have the following from Lincoln Steffens, the “true-blue” flºan of whom all of us have at least ©3.I’Ol. LINCOLN STEFFEN’s TESTIMONY. “One day in Mexico City a big Ameri- can concessionaire was damning Car- ranza,” says Steffen. “I remarked,” con- tinues Steffen, “that he didn’t put dishon- esty into the catalogue of his faults.” “Oh, no,” he answered, “‘he’s honest. We know that.'” And with a laugh, he added: “‘We know it, because we tried him.” y? 3. “But,” says Steffen, “there is dishon- esty in the Carranza party; lots of it. When you break down, as this Mexican earthquake has done, the big, orderly sys- .. tem of regular ‘honest' graft, then a vast amount of petty graft takes its place. . . . º is having just now her Tweed ayS. t - “Carranza is not a dictator. Only the foreigners want another ‘strong mån.” The First Chief is building his power slowly but steadily, AND HE IS TRYING TO BUILD IT DEMOCRATICALLY. He is going all over Mexico to meet his people, get their confidence and by and by get their votes. It's like an American political campaign. Only Carranza does not make many speeches, and those he does make are short, plain, not exciting. He is no dema- gogue. . . . “The First Chief and his inner circle need the power of the people to awe and check the power of the outer circle of sec- ond chiefs, and third, and fourth, and his enemies and Mexico’s enemies. He is the head now of an oligarchy; his power is military; it is made up of the powers con- tributed by the uncertain loyalties of gen- erals and chiefs. . . . EVERYBODY is witH HIM NOW, OR PRETENDS TO BE, MILITARY Power BROOKS NO FREE SPEECH.”—(Every- body's Magazine, June, 1916.) THE MILITARY GovKRNMENT. This Military Government is dominant in civil affairs and is expressing itself by means of orders. In this way it has rec- ognized the several reformed State Gov- ernments and the reformed local govern- ments, and has temporarily settled the National issues. For example, the State Governments have no jurisdiction over the public domain, the power being vested in the National Government. THE ELECTION OF DELEGATES TO A NATIONAL CONSTITU- TIONAL CONVENTION HAS BEEN ORDERED, TO BE FOLLOWED BY THE ELECTION OF MEM- BERS OF A CONCRESS AND A PRESIDENT. In the meantime by acts of the State Gov- ernments approved by the National Mili- tary Government there is being restored to the people the lands which were taken from them unconstitutionally, and the in- dustrial system is being recast. From time to time, however, some law is enacted or is proposed which our Secretary of State believes to be in violation of Ameri- can International law and he so states to Mexico's representative. The serious trouble has principally come from the wealthy few and the Roman Catholics priests. But the danger has been successfully overcome o' wing to sup- port for the Carranza National Govern- ºment: BY THE PAN-AMERICAN GOVERNMENTS AND BY THE EUROPEAN GOVERNMENTS, as we have shown. The present danger is that the voters in our own United States may be deceived by Big Business and the other Reactionists, RESULTING IN THE RES- TORATION TO POWER OF THE REPUBLICAN OR- GANIZATION IN THIS COUNTRY, PLEDGED TO GO INTO MEXICO AND BECOME IT'S OWNER. We have yet to present President Wil- son’s statement in his own defense. Pre- ceding it is an outline of Mexican politi- cal history. - * - Mexican HISTORY, 1810-1916. In 1821 most of the people to the south of the United States, in Central and South America, after elevn years of warfare won their independence from Spain. In Mexico there was first an Empire and then a Progressive Republic. After fourteen years of this new order a Reactionary Dic- tatorship was established. This occurred in 1835. Later, the people won back their freedom. Again they lost it. Then dur- ing the years 1855 to 1861 was success- fully fought The War of Reform. s. AT ONCE THE MEXICAN REACTIONISTS SUC- CEEDED IN ENLISTING SOME OF THE EUROPEAN REACTIONJSTs To CoME OVER AND HELP THEM. Taking as a pretext the fail- ure of the Liberal Mexican, Government to pay the interest on the public debt, the governments of France, Spain and Great * * & b •. Britain sent troops into Mezico. Shortly thereafter Great Britain and Spain with- drew their troops. THE FRENCH AND THE MEXICAN REACTIONISTS MANAGED TO RE- ESTABLISH AN EMPIRE, PLACING ON THE THRONE MAXIMILLIAN, AN AUSTRIAN AND A ROMAN CATHOLIC. Toward the close of our Civil War our Government notified the French Roman Catholic Government that it must with- draw its forces from this continent. - This was completed in 1867, and then the Lib- eral Meacican forces wºnder President Jawrez recaptured the Mexican Govern- 2006??t. This Liberal Mexican Government con- tinued for five years until the death of Jaurez, 1872. This Government estab- lished Free Institutions. Upon the death of President Jāuirez his successor was a Liberal and the Progressive Government continued in power for four years, until overthrown by a Reactionist Revolution under the leadership of General Porfiro Diaz. Diaz thus became President, and at the head of the Reactionists he ruled from 1876 to 1910, a period of 34 years, at which time under the leadership of Francisco I. Madero, a highly educated gentleman and a patriot, he was unseated. Diaz fled to Europe. Under the Presidency of Diaz, Mexico had been opened up to Big Business. At first the concessions granted were reason- ably fair. But during the years follow- ing 1876, at a time when all of the pro- gressive countries of the world went back- *ward into reactionism, MEXICO DID LIKE- WISE. A system of péonage was gradually re-introduced. The lands held in common for the use of all the people were sold. And as Mexico grew rich the Mexican people ew poor. Madero raised the standard of revolt in 1910 and won. Again Reaction got in its work. Ma- dero's own leading general, Huerta, tricked him, and then while Huerta held Madero as prisoner, he caused him, to be murdered. Huerta then wired the Taft Government at Washington, “I have over- thrown the Government, and henceforth peace and order will reign.” President Taft refused to recognize Huerta, as he had a perfect right to do. It is only armed intervention that is prohib- ited by international law. President Taft continued his policy of leaving the Mexi- can people to settle for themselves the question of who should become the ruling power. On February 26, 1912, just be- : President Aaft retired from office, he Sal C1 . r PRESIDENT TAFT’s ATTITUDE. “WE MUST.AVOID IN EVERY WAY WHAT IS CALLED INTERVENTION AND USE ALL PA- TIENCE POSSIBLE, with the prayer that Some power may arise there to bring about peace to that troubled country. "... • But -- 3: - º - *: * ... * I have no sympathy—none at all, and the charge of cowardice does hot frighten me —WITH THAT WHICH PROMPTS US FOR PUR- POSE OF EXPLOITATION AND GAIN TO INVADE ANOTHER COUNTRY AND INVOLVE OURSELVES IN A WAR, THE EXTET OF WHICH WE COULD NOT REALIZE, AND THE SACRIFICE OF THOU- SANDS OF LIVES AND OF MILLIONS OF TREAS- URE.” * Here is a Republican precedent for President Wilson’s Mezican policy. And there is still another precedent, that of President Lincoln at the time when the European Roman Catholics were claiming that the welfare of humanity de- manded that they step in and take charge \in Mexico. This they afterward did tem- porarily, as we have described, owing to our Government being engaged in civil war. Near the beginning of the European talk of intervention in Mexico, President Lincoln, through his Secretary of State, wrote as follows to the Mexican Secretary of State: - PRESIDENT LINCOLN's ATTITUDE. “For a few years past the condition of Mexico has been so unsettled as to raise the question on both sides of the Atlantic whether the time has not come when some foreign power ought, in the interest of so- ciety generally, to intervene—to establish a protectorate or some form of govern- ment in that country and guarantee its continuance there. YOU WILL NOT FAIL TO ASSURE THE GOVERNMENT OF MEXICO THAT THE PRESIDENT NEITHER HAS, NOR CAN EVER HAVE, ANY SYMPATHY WITH SUCH DE- SIGNS, IN WHATEVER QUARTER THEY MAY ARISE OR WHATEVER CHARACTER THEY MAY TAKE ON. The President never for a mo- ment doubts that the Republican system is to pass safely through all ordeals and prove a permanent success in our own country, and so be recommended for adop- tion by all the other nations. But he thinks also that the system everywhere has to make its way painfully through difficulties and embarrassments WHICH REULT FROM THE ACTION OF ANTAGONISTIC ELEMENTS WHICH ARE A LEGACY OF FORMER TIMES AND VERY DIFFERENT INSTITUTIONS. The President is hopeful of the ultimate triumph of this system over all obstacles as well in regard to Mexico as in regard to every other American State; BUT HE FEELS THAT THOSE STATES ARE NEVERTHE- LESS JUSTLY ENTITLED TO A GREATER FOR- BEARANCE AND MORE GENEROUS SYMPATHIES FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES THAN THEY ARE LIKELY TO RECEIVE IN ANY OTHER QUARTER.” President Lincoln's hopes for Mexico were realized. * And equally so, undoubtedly, will be the hopes and the faith of President Taft and President Wilson. Following is what President Wilson said in his annual mes- sage of December, 1915: sº “ PRESIDENT WILSON’s ATTITUDE. “FROM THE FIRST WE HAVE MADE COM- MON CAUSE WITH ALL PARTISANS OF LIB- ERTY ON THIS SIDE THE SEA, and have deemed it as important that our neigh- bors should be free from all outside domi- nation as that we ourselves should be; this continent as a whole having been set aside for independent nations and politi- cally free men.” In a preceding portion of his message President Wilson said: “All the Governments of America stand, as far as we are concerned, upon a foot- ing of genuine equality and unquestioned independence. & “WE HAVE BEEN PUT TO THE TEST IN THE CASE OF MEXICO, AND WE HAVE STOOD THE TEST. Whether we have benefited Mexico by the course we have pursued remains to be seen. HER FORTUNES ARE IN HER OWN HANDS. But we have at least proved. that we will not take advantage of her in her distress and undertake to impose upon her an order and government of our own choosing. Liberty is often a fierce and in- tractable thing, to which no bounds can be set, and to which no bounds of a few men's choosing ought ever to be set. Every American who has drunk at the true foun- tain of principle and tradition must sub- scribe without reservation to the high doc- trine of the Virginia Bill of Rights, which in the great days in which our Govern- ment was set up was everywhere among us accepted as the creed of free men. “That doctrine is, “that government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community’; that “of all the various modes and forms of govern- ment, that is the best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of hap- piness and safety, and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladmin- istration; and that when any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the com- munity hath an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, -alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.” WE HAVE UNHESITATINGLY APPLIED THAT HEROIC PRINCIPLE TO THE CASE IN MEXICO AND NOW HOPEFULLY AWAIT THE RE-BIRTEI OF THE TROUBLED REPUBLIC, WHICH HAD SO MUCH of which To PURGE ITSELF AND so LITTLE SYMPATHY FROM ANY OUTSIDE QUAR-, TER IN THE RADICAL BUT NECESSARY PRO- CESS. We will aid and befriend Mexico, BUT WE WILL NOT COERCE HER, and our course with regard to her ought to be sufficient proof to all America that we º political suzerainty or selfish con- trol. x *. Early in 1916 as the time for selecting a Republican Presidential nominee drew. near several of the aspirants demanded intervention, in Mexico, and in reply the following editorial appeared in the New York Times of January 16: • NEW YORK TIMES’ EDITORIAL. “In view of the recognition of Carranza as the defacto ruler of Meacico NO OTHER COURSE BUT TO PERMIT HIM TO SUBDUE THE CRIMINAL ELEMENT IN THE MEXICAN POPU- LATION WOULD BE CONSISTENT. To depart from it could endanger our friendly rela- tions with the other Latin-American coun- tries, end all hope of the pacification of Mexico by Mexicans under Constitutional- ist direction, and would tend to unite all factions in that country against us.” ** ATTITUDE OF REPUBLICAN POLITICLANS. One month later, February, 1916, at the New York State Republican conven- tion, the chairman was former Senator Elihu Root, and he wrged armed inter- vention in Mezico. The next day on the floor of Congress he was answered by Senator Lewis, of Illinois, who pointed out that while there were serious disorders in Mexico during President Taft’s administration, still Mr. Root did not urge armed intervention; but that now, when he believes that his party can gain an advantage by urging it, he is pressing the demand. Senator Lewis added: “What is the meaning of this strange hypocrisy of statesmanship?” (Congres- sional Record, Feb. 19, 1916.) In the present campaign former Sena- tor Beveridge, of Indiana, in a widely dis- tributed speech, said: “There are only two sane courses to take in Mexico—to go in and restore order to the anarchy-maddened creatures of that country, or to keep out and leave them to their mutual destruction.” The truth is, that for some months the Carranza Government has been in un- molested control of nearly the entire area throughout Mexico. September first, 1916, 12,000 of the 13,000 miles of Mexican rail- roads were being operated under the jur- isdiction of the Carranza Government. Exports from the United States to Mexico for the year ending June, 1916, were al- most as large as the year before the Revolution began; and on September first, this year, our imports from Mexico dur- ing 1916 were thirty-five per cent, greater than for 1906. During August, 1916, the earnings of the Government railroads in Mexico were nearly forty times larger than 18 months before. (Literary Digest, Sept. 30, 1916. In the words of John Barrett, Director-General of the Pan- American Union, in an address in New York City, April 10, 1916: “THERE IS Now NO REVOLUTION IN MEXICO, BUT AN Evolution.” And he added: DIRECTOR-GENERAL BARRETT'S STATEMENT. “I want, you to realize that from 1861 to 1865 we had a greater revolution than gressive Governments. 10 was ever known in Mexico, and that dur- ing the ten years following it some parts of our country were in chaos.” Continuing, he said: “THE SOVEREIGNTY OF A NATION IS ITS GREATEST POSSESSION. So without making any observations re- garding our Mexican policy, I invite you: to remember that there are two sides in every story. I BELIEVE THAT MEXICO WILL STRAIGHTEN OUT AND BE A PEACEFUL AND POWERFUL NATION IN THE PAN-AMERICAN UNION. We all want to see peace in Mexico, but we want to see peace with re- spect for national sovereignty.” New York Times, April 11, 1916.) Summary and Conclusion—The Issues Joined. º …” Isn’t it clear that the people of Mexico should be left free to work out their own reforms? . The principal difficulty for some time has been that Big Business has been using a portion of its wealth to stir up strife; and there, as in our own country, there has been strife between some of the Germans and the Government, and Cleri- calism is a live issue. But recall the T' words of Director-General Barrett of the Pan-American Union: “There is now no revolution in Mexico, but evolution.” IF AT ANY TIME OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE IS NEEDED THE PAN-AMERICAN GOVERNMENTS WHICH OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED THE CAR- RANZA GOVERNMENT, CAN AGAIN ACT JOINTLY, SIMILARLY TO THE WAY THE LEAD- ING GOVERNMENTS OF EARTH ACTED AT THE TIME OF THE BOXER UPRISING IN CHINA, The underlying connection between President Wilson and his Mexican policy is his sympathy for the Mexican people. In his own words in his recent speech of acceptance: “The people of Mexico are striving for the rights that are funda- mental to life and happiness—15,000,000 oppressed men, overburdened women, and pitiful children in virtual bondage in theirs- own home of fertile lands and inexhaust- ible treasure! Some of the leaders of the revolution may often have been mistaken and violent and selfish, BUT THE REvolu- TION ITSELF WAS INEVITABLE AND IS RIGHT.” . On the other hand there are the strong and selfish interests that are doing their utmost to terminate the Mexican Pro- Will these Reac- tionists succeed? WILL YOU AID THEM BY YOUR WOTE2 Tremendously more is involved than the welfare of the Mexican people: The lib- erties of our own 100,000,000 people are at stake! If the Republican Organization. is voted back into power in our National Government it will not only send owr sol- dier boys into Mezico to be shot and killed by the thousands, BUT AMONG OURSELVES THERE WILL BE A RESTORATION OF THE SPECIAL INTERESTs! WE ourSELVES, would -- Go BACK INTo Bondage. that fact. * In the words of the Commission on Peace and Arbitration of the Protestant Churches of Christ in America: . “War with Mexico will set back all the gains of the peace movement a generation, discouraging the Churches and even pro- hibit our leading in forming Leagues for Peace, World Courts or doing any con- structive work, AND WILL TEND To FASTEN MILITARISM UPON OUR OWN COUNTRY.” ... Also the people in the other Latin- American Republics will realize that they have to deal with buccaneers. All of which would interfere frightfully with our trade with them—all for the short-sighted selfishness of the Reactionists. The fact is that the Republican National Don’t overlook Convention deliberately planned for a re- turn to the old-time over-lordship by the United States throughout Latin-America if the Reactionists are returned to power on November 7th. The platform declara- tion concerning Latin-America expressly SayS: “We favor the continuance of Republi- can policies [as distinguished from the New Pan Americanism].” History plainly tells what the Republi- can policies toward Latin-America have been—policies described by James G. Blaine and others, setting forth how the Latin-Americans were used in such a man- ner by Reactionist United States Govern- ments that they became more and more unfriendly toward us, culminating in our conquest of Porto Rico, the Philippines and Panama. Chapter IV. ROMAN CATHOLIC PRELATES IN THE UNITED STATES ARE FIGHTING AGAINST FREEDOM. FOR THE PHILIPPINE PEOPLE, AIDED BY BIG BUSINESS AND THE REPUBLICAN ORGANIZATION. An outline of Philippine history is set forth in our opening statement. The un- disputed evidence shows that the Roman Catholic prelates in the United States are fighting against freedom for the Philip- pine people, aided by Big Business and the Republican Organization. The Re- publican platform is as follows: RENEWAL OF CONQUEST IN THE PHILIP- PINES. “We renew own allegiance to the Philip- pine policy inaugurated by McKinley, ap- proved by [a Republican] Congress, and consistently carried out by Roosevelt and Taft.” Here is a flat-flooted declaration for the policy of Conquest and the holding of Subjects, the exact opposite of Republi- canism and Democracy. The existing Democratic National Government has promised independence to the people of the Philippines, and more and more of their citizens are being placed in charge of their own government. On July 7, 1916, the Associated Press stated that “some of the biggest shifts in the personnel of the Government of the Philippines in recent }. are now occurring. (N. Y. Evening ost, Aug. 5, 1916.) The difference between aiding the peo- ple of the Philippine Islands, to become free—self-governing as rapidly as they are able, under a promise of thus aiding them, and the opposite policy of conquest —the taking possession of a people as political slaves and continuing to holdu *~ them as such, is of transcendent impor- tance. Only the reactionists or the misin- formed have insisted that the promise of freedom be withheld. AND THE REAC- TIONISTS IN THIS COUNTRY ARE THE ONES WHO, THROUGH THE ILLEGITIMATE USE OF . MONEY AND THE AID OF THE ROMAN CATH- OLIC HIERARCHY, HAVE FOR TWENTY YEARS OR MORE DOMINATED THE REPUBLICAN NA- TIONAL CONVENTIONS AND THE REPUBLI- CAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS. ONE OF THE RESULTS WAS THE BUILDING UP OF THE WAST PRIVATE MONOPOLIES IN THIS COUNTRY, THE TRUSTS, THEREBY ROBBING OUR OWN PEOPLE. But in 1910 these few lost control of the National House, and two years later, 1912, iost control of the senaté and the 'white House. That year the People made a clean sweep. Some of the changes in legis- lation that have since come about are de- scribed in this pamphlet. This year is the first Presidential elec- tion since the Reactionists were turned out . of power AND THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS YEAR'S REPUBLICAN NATIONAL PLATFORM COMPLETELY DEMONSTRATES THE FACT THAT THESE FEW DOMINATED THE CONVENTION WHICH PUT IT FORTH. One portion of this evidence is the declaration for there-estab- lishment of conquest in the Philippines; another portion of the evidence’ is the statement “We favor [towards Latin America] a continuance of Republican policies”—policies decidedly-different from the New Pan Americanism; and a third section of the evidence is the declaration for the conquest of Mexico. We now pre- sent a fourth reactionary plank in the Re- publican platform. , *---- Y. Chapter W. WORLD-PEACE PROGRAMS COMPARED. i The reactionary Republican plank re- ferred to is as follows: “We believe in the pacific settlement of international disputes and favor the es- tablishment of a World Court for that purpose.” “. The establishment of a World Court would still leave the United States free to enter upon a buccaneering policy. THE PLATFORM COMMITTEE OF THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION’ REFUSED TO ADOPT THE PLAN FOR A LEAGUE TO ENFORCE PEACE. Therefore if the Republicans are voted into office by you, the American peo- #. our country will be pledged only to elp establish a World Court, and will be opposed to our entering into a World Fed- eration to Prevent Aggression; WHEREAS THE EXISTING DEMOCRATIC. NATIONAL GOV- ERNMENT HAS OFFERED TO DO SO. Should a Republican Government be established it would refuse on the grounds that it would be wrong to enter into such an organiza- tion—that it would become an entangling foreign alliance. Thus one of the issues to be voted upon in November is: SHALL THE UNITED STATES WITHDRAW ITS OFFER TO ENTER A WORLD LEAGUE TO - PREVENT AGGRESSION? Do you say Yes or No? Furthermore, the existing Democratic National Government in its Naval Appro- priation act of some months ago instructs the President “to invite, at an appropriate time, not later than the close of the war in Europe, ALL THE GREAT GOVERNMENTS OF THE WORLD TO SEND REPRESENTATIVES TO A CONFERENCE WHICH SHALL BE CHARGED WITH THE DUTY OF FORMULATING A PLAN FOR COURT OF ARBITRATION OR OTHER TRIBērn AL, to which disputed questions be- tween nations shall be referred for ad- judication and peaceful settlement, AND TO CONSIDER THE QUESTION OF DISARMAMENT AND SUBMIT THEIR RECOMMENDATION TO THEIR RESPECTIVE GOVERNMENTS FOR AP- PRoyAL.” The President is further author: ized “to appoint nine citizens of the United States, who, in his judgment, shall be ualified for the mission by eminence in the law and by devotion to the cause of eace, to be representatives of the United §: in such a conference.” Two hun- dred thousand dollars is appropriated for expenses. And this law further provides that whenever international organization “shall render, unnecessary the maintenance of competitive armaments, then, and in that case such naval expenditures as may be inconsistent with the , engagements made in the establishment of such tribunal or tribunals may be suspended, when, SQ or. red, by the President of the United - is 30 , ^*. states. 12 * This is ideal! tº It is the largest and grandest political program the world has ever witnessed. The progressive United States Government is offering to join the nations of Europe, Asia, Africa and Am- erica in establishing permanent peace and gradual disarmament on the basis of equal national rights. This and the whole general policy of the existing DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL Govern- MENT is in the People's behalf and may be described as Preparedness Plus. In opposition is the REPUBLICAN NA- TIONAL ORGANIZATION, the mouth-piece for the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, Big Busi- ness, and other Reactionists, and this Re- publican Organization pledges in this year's platform that if restored to power in our National Government it will stand for Preparedness and Aggression—AG- GRESSION BOTH AT HOME AND ABROAD. That is, the few men who during the existence of the recent Republican National Govern- ment constituted the Special Interests— the Trusts, are trying to return to power; also the Roman Catholic clergy is trying to again become a balance of power in this country. Should these reactionary ele- ments succeed they manifestly would re- establish the policy of aggression at home —the robbing of the people through the restoration of monopoly prices, combined with various other forms of domestic ag- gression; and the Republican national platform expressly declares for foreign aggression, as we have demonstrated. Clearly, then, the . Republican National Organization has proposed an immoral program—a proposal for unlawful and murderous attack upon the men, women and children of Mexico; also conquest in the Philippines—together with a refusal to aid in the attainment of World Peace— a straight-out reactionary program! How can a true American vote for it? * -** >. * ^. The Republican National Convention spoke plainly. Its platform committee, headed by Senator Lodge, stated in unmis- takable language a series of declarations for the restoration of the policies which had been in operation under the Republi- can National Government of 1898 to • March 4, 1913. And if a Republican Con- ress shall be elected in November the ominant element will be the same im- moral interests that ruled within the Re- publican National Convention. THESE INTERESTS ARE SUPPLYING A MAMMOTH CAMPAIGN. FUND AND IF THEY SUCCEED IN COUNTING IN THEIR MEN THEY WILL CON- TROL THEIR ACTIONS. WILL YOU WOTE THEIR TICKET2 THE ROMAN CATHoLIC PRELATES ARE SUPPORTING THE REPUBLICAN NOMI- NEES. [Pages 3-4, above.] - THE CALL FOR HELP FROM EUROPE. . Bear in mind that in Europe both sides in the present war are asserting that per- manent world peace should be planned for, and we know that our stupendous United States of America, the Colussus of the West, is a balance of power. Therefore, if we will enter into the undertaking at the close of the war THE PLAN will succKED, AND WITHOUT US IT WILL FAIL. THERE- FORE AS THE WOTE IS CAST IN THE FORTH- COMING ELECTION, SO WILL THE DECISION BE FOR OR AGAINST WORLD PEACE. In the words of Lord Bryce, former Ambassador to this country from Great Britain: . “The creation of some international al- liance embracing all peace-loving nations N. Part GENERAL SUMMARY Reviewing as a whole the issues set forth in the preceding chapters, we see that there exist among our people the forces of Progress and the forces of Re- action. The forces of progress are operat- ing through the existing National Gov- ernment plus the Progressives and the Progressive Republicans in Congress, re- moving legal privileges at home and ex- tending a brotherly hand abroad. Peace treaties have been entered into with such nations of the world as would accept them. Joinder of the American Republics for self-defense and for the interchange of trade has been brought about except that Mexico is still in the throes of civil dis- cord and the reactionary element both in Mexico and the United States is seeking to bring about intervention and ownership by our government. Opposed to the re-election of the men who constitute, our Progressive National Government ARE THE FORCES OF REACTION, AIMING TO RESTORE THE LEGAL PRIVILEGES RECENTLY wrung FROM THEM, BOTH AT HOME AND ABROAD. The men who, under the Taft regime, were the Special Inter- ests are trying to creep back into power. Call their names and you will find that each one of them is a Reactionary Re- publican. ''THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM GOES SO FAR AS TO ADMIT THAT NO LONGER ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL INTERESTs IN Ex- ISTENCE NATIONALLY IN THIS COUNTRY. The wording of the platform is that the existing National Government is “perse- cuting” big, business; while as to foreign affairs the declaration is, “We renew our Tallegiance to the Philippine policy inauguru could hardly succeed without the co-opera- tion of the greatest of all the neutral na- tions, the United States of America. With that co-operation, difficult as the efforts toº construct such a sclienue will be, there is at least A REAL HOPE OF SUCCESS. Largely in vain will this war have been fought and all these sufferings endured if the peoples of the world are to fall back into a state of permanent alarm and suspicion, and each would be weighted down by the frightful burden of armaments.” (Man- chester Guardian, cabled to N. Y. Times, Oct. 3, 1916.) --~~ - THE IMPORTANCE, THEREFORE, OF A RIGHT DECISION IN THIS COUNTRY ON ELECTIO DAY CANNOT BE OVER ESTIMATED. - III. AND CONCLUSION. rated by McKinley.” And it pledges fur- there that if restored to power next No- vember it will conquer Mexico, violate its sovereignty and hold the Mexicans as sub- jects—political slaves. Therefore the Re- publican platform refuses to declare for the new Pan Americanism, as that would necessitate the application of brotherhood and a strict observance of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Latin- American Republics. The wording of the platform is “We favor [towards Latin Americal the continuance of Republican policies.” Thus the ideals of Blaine, Gar- field and Harrison and other Progressive Republicans are openly spat wbon./ Consistent with these reactionary schemes is the further statement that “for the pacific settlement of international dis- putes” we “favor the establishment of a World Court, well knowing that this of itself would be ineffectual. The plan for a World Court must be coupled with an in- ternational agreement to prevent conquest and enforce the peaceful settlement of all international disputes. Under such a Republican program an increase of military and naval prepared- ness if placed in charge of a Republican Congress would BE USED FOR THE PROTEC- TION OF THE RESTORED SPECIAL INTERESTs, BOTH AT HOME AND ABBQAD. It would be PREPAREDNESS, PLUs AGGRESSION, Both AT HOME AND ABROAD. . . . ".. On the other hand if the voters of the United States shall next November con- tinue in office the men who have wrought in this country the national reforms of the past four years, there will be a continiu- •r- Once of the NEW FREEDOM, both at home and abroad. The men who are conducting Big Business will be obliged to deal more and more justly with the public. The needed reforms will continue to be wrought while continuing to guard the reforms already achieved. Abroad there will be a continuance of fair dealing and cooperation, tremendously profitable to all of our legitimate interests. There will be a continuance of the New Pan American- ism, added to which will be the farther de- velopments now under way. The sov- ereignty of Meacico will not be infringed mor a foot of her territory be taken, Bix- CAUSE A STABLE GOVERNMENT CAN, IF NEC- ESSARY, BE INAUGURATED UNDER PAN- AMERICAN AUSPICES. Our prevention of bandit raids upon the United States will not, under the existing National Govern- ment, result in the loss of Mexico's sov- ereignty. Of transcendent importance will be the fact that we, the people of the United States a nation 100,000,000 strong. will actively take a hand in helping to es- tablish World Peace. These are the two sides in the ex- isting campaign—the Progressive and the Reactionary sides. The eacisting National Government is NOT the representative of the men who formerly were the Special Interests, THEREFORE YOU, MR. AMERICAN CITIZEN, HAVE A TRUE GUIDE FOR DETERMIN- ING IN WEHICH OF THE TWO OPPOSING CAMPS YOU BELONG. Do not permit the Opposition leaders in this country to deceive you. THEY ARE *TRYING TO GET BACK INTo PoWER. Their personal future is wrapped up in it; whereas you who are mere voters have no such self-interest. YOUR SELF-INTEREST IS FOR THE AVOIDANCE OF CONQUEST IN MEXICO AND THE MAINTENANCE OF PREPAREDNESS UNTIL SUCH TIME AS COMPETITION IN ARMA- MENT. Is TERMINATED. ALSO YOUR SELF- INTEREST IS FOR THE CONTINUANCE OF THE INDUSTRIAL AND SOCIAL REFORMS ALREADY ACHIEVED, AND THE GOING FORWARD WITH ADDITIONAL REFORMS. Elect, the Opposi- tion and we as a nation will go in the op- posite direction. Do you want that? Cer- tainly not. Then the only thing to do if you are a Republican is to “scratch” your ticket and vote to continue in office the ex- isting National Government. That is as plain as that two and two are four. Either wa go forward or backward. And you *14 *! ^*. not have to leave your party to vote right —merely scratch your ticket. . * As you have observed, doubtless, the Op- - position’s plan of campaign is to attempt to please the pro-German and the pro- Allies, also the Roman Catholic prelates, and the Patriotic vote. This may attract unthinking people; will IT DECEIVE You? Will both the pro-Allies and the pro-Ger- mans, and the Roman prelates and the devotees of Free-Institutions be brought to vote for the Opposition—the Reactionists? Also notice that the forces that are ac- tually back of the Opposition—the Reac- tionists—include all of the evil interests. FOR EXAMPLE, THE MEN WHO DURING THE EXISTENCE OF THE REPUBLICAN GOVERN- MENT POSSESSED SPECIAL PRIVILEGES AND ARE Now TRYING TO GET THEM BACK. The mere possibility of Republican success in November as indicated by the Maine elec- tion has sent the railroad stocks soaring. meaning that rate regulations would be relaaced—THAT THE PEOPLE WOULD BE ROBBED, Accompan[FD BY A HUNDRED-AND- ONE OTHER EVILs. Can't you realize what would come about should the reactionists be returned to power? One thing would be real militarism, coy pled with a refusal to aid in the formation of the Federation of the World and the securing of World Peace. y The real self-interest of the German- Americans and of all other citizens is for the brotherhood plan—the formation of the United States of the World, to which the existing Democratic Government is committed and which has provided for the calling of the necessary Conference of Nations. That is the road to permanent peace and ultimate disarmament on the basis of equal national rights. Who in his right mind can vote against it? The Re- publican leaders, however, are staking their hope of success upon capturing the German-American Democrats, AND THE LINCOLN (NEB.) Freie iPresse BOASTs THAT “OUT OF 28 DAILY AND 238 WEEKLY GERMAN DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPERS - THAT ARE PUBLISHED IN THIs country, Not one SUPPORTS MR. WILSON'S CANDIDACY,” Also the Republican leaders are being supported BY SUCH of THE ROMAN CATH- oLics As will. Follow THEpº CHURCH LEADERS. . . . * * . . And the Republican leaders are plan- ning to secure the vote of the Patriotic ...; * º £atholic; and secure the vote of a big per- centage of the pro-Allies among those who were Progressives in * 1912; and at. the same time hold most of their own Republi- can members who are pro-Ally. BUT suBELY. No wipº-AWAKE PRO-ALLY WILL CO- operate witH THE-FRO-GERMANs To TURN oUT, or office THE EXISTING NATIONAL Gover NMENT; NoR will. A REALLY TRUE AMERICAN vote. To RESTORE THE ROMAN CATHoLic priests in Mexico, and make Roman Catholic priests a balance of power in our Government. The fact is that in this World Crisis a new alignment is be- ing made and we should look to the big issues—the establishment of a World League to Prevent Aggression; also the maintenance of the existing Brotherhood of the American Republics, especially for mutual defense against a foreign foe; the maintenance of Mexican Independence— especially as it will also result in our own freedom; the going forward with Adequate Preparedness until competition in arma- ment is ended; the continued develo' & .nt of Foreign Trade and that Home Inºus- tries shall be sufficiently protected, as they now are, subject to revision from time to time by the forthcoming Non-Partisan Tariff Commission; the continued expan- sion of Industrial Freedom—death to the Trusts; and that the splendid beginnings in Social Justice shall go forward. - These constitute Progress—the Demo- cratic Highway. The opposition party, the Republican Organization, financed by would-be Monopolists and other sinister interests, and aided by the Roman Cath- olic prelates, is making frantic efforts to re-capture the National Government. Re-, power in our midst. action is being worked for. READER, WILL THEY GET YOUR VOTE? Forewarned is forearmed ! VOTE FOR YOUR OWN INTER- ESTS AND THE WELFARE OF THE WORLD!. In the words of Thomas A. Edison: “The times are too serious to talk or think in terms of Republicanism or Democracy. Real Americans must drop parties and get down to big fundamental principles.” Reader, we invite you to a careful self- eq:amination of yourself! # * * * , º, *es - -- • - º - *** : *** .*...* - * * * ** **, * -** sº º §§ kº: £ *... * ** ** * ...; &= - • * *g *: º * ... F- sº º r- - , º º ºw º 4-x --> - a" *- v 'In this connection bear in mind that the following issues are overshadowing all others: 1. Shall the American people permit an American President to be driven from office by a foreign element BECAUSE HE HAS DARED TO MAINTAIN OUR AMERICAN RIGHTS —dared to compel the German Govern- ment to live up to International law? Also- 2. Shall the American people permit a Progressive President to be driven from office THROUGH THE UNITED EFFORTS OF . REACTIONARY ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIESTS? The answer is that our own self-respect and our own self-interest COMPEL US AMERICANS TO SUPPORT OUR PRESIDENT. We cannot consent that our Government shall become subordinated to the Prussian Kaiser and the Pope at Rome, the latter being an absolute monarch exercising civil power* and who is opposed to human lib- erty.** The raising of these issues in this year's campaign by the Germans and the Political Romanists compel the rest of us to vote together. No other solution is practicable. In the words of an editorial in the New York Tribwne of June 14th, 1916, concerning this German issue “Many months ago this newspaper said: “it would be better for the Republican Party to in- dorse Woodrow Wilson in 1916 than to permit the principle to be established that TO DEFEND AMERICAN INTERESTS IS TO COM- MIT POLITICAL SUICIDE.’” We as Ameri- cans simply cannot permit it. Nor can we permit the Political Romanists to triumph. It would restore them to power in Mexico, and they would again become a balance of Therefore every patriot—every lover of the Stars and Stripes and all that they stand for, will vote to continue in office the existing Na- tional Government! A change will mean Reaction—the triumph of Germany in this country, with far-reaching effects upon the War of Nations; also it would be not only a triumph for Political Romanism, but it might result in victory for Reaction in the War of Nations! Choose ye this day whom ye will serve! *To-day at the Pope's court there are representatives of each of the great civil powers that are in the War except France. (International Year Book, 1915, title Ro- 15 man Catholic.) In International law to- day the Pope and his representatives pos- sess a civil status, which is not the case with the Protestant Churches. For details consult Political Romanism, described at page 3, above. *Pope Leo XIII, in an encyclical let- ter of June 20, 1888, says: “Therefore, the nature of Human Lib- erty, however it be considered, whether in individual or in society, . . . is no other than the authority of God, commanding good and forbidding evil. . . . Thus the powerful influence of the Church has ever been manifested IN THE CUSTODY AND PROTECTION OF THE CIVIL AND POLITICAL LIBERTY OF THE PEOPLE. . . . But many there are who follow in the foot- steps of Lucifer, and adopt his rebellious cry: “I will not serve,’ and consequently substitute for liberty what is sheer and most foolish license. Such, for instance, are the men, who belonging to that widely- spread and powerful organization, who, usurping the name of liberty, style them- 'selves LIBERALS. What Naturalists or Rationalists aim at in philosophy, that the supporters of LIBERALISM, carrying out the principles laid down by Naturalism, are attempting in the domain of morality and politics. . . . . Once ascribe to hu- TS-> ,-- ~~ For additional copies of this pamphlet write to The Publicity Bureau a # man reason the only authority to decide # what is true and what is good, and the real distinction between good and evil is : destroyed. . . . With reference also to public affairs: authority is severed from the true and natural principle whence it # derives all its efficacy for the common # good, and the law determining what is # right to do and avoid doing IS AT THE # MERCY of THE MAJORITY. Now this is # simply a road leading straight to tyrany. Liberty of Speech, and Liberty of the # Press. It is hardly necessary to say that: there can be no such right. . . . # “Another liberty is widely advocated: namely, Liberty of Conscience. If by this is; meant that every one may, as he chooses, # (The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope; Leo XIII, published by Benziger Brothers; Printers to the Holy Apostalic See. Nihili Obstat, Remigius Lafort, S.T.L.; Censor; Liborium. Imprimatur, Jno. F. Farley; Archbishop. 1903.”). . . . . . . . . # New York, Chicago, Denver, Spokane and San Francisco. No charge foº: copies. Do you wish to help pay for distributing more copies? # Mºs" CAN You USE ADDITIONAL COPIES" §§§§§§ §§§ }; 。 §§§§§§§§ §§§§ §§ §§ 、。 } :§§§§∞: --· - ¿- §§§§§ sº § |-&}; §§}}· §§§§§§ §§§§§§ º § : º § º } ¿ §§· º # * + x ·- « ' §§ ¿-- &# º.§§ą..…..)· •¿».- .*- ſł §§º. 、§.§§ė. §§§ ¿ §§§ §§ № $j; № ¿ ſae §§§§ §§ §§ ¿? ¿ 、 § §§ §: s: º : i. Fº ſi 4. | ſ | | | l * * | %. sº. | º: º | º i 、。¿ №, º·،¿ §§§№~ſaeſae§§§- №aeaeaeae¿№aegaeaeae~~ſae¿ſaeğ|-§§§ |-ſ=dae!§§#######################################$$$§ț¢¿№º!!!!!!!!!ſ!!!!!!!!! ſae 、º , !·ſae·- ¿¿.*¿¿.*¿¿.*¿¿.✉|- ≡:!3·~∞ →=|- §§§§§§§ț¢ſſiaeae: (±,±,±,±,±,±,±,±),gaeae- ſaeſae¿¿.*¿¿.* №, №,¿。、「」、、、、、、、、、ſae aegae-≡ ±±ſae- §::::::::::::::::::##########§§§§§ț¢:::::::::ſtī£5: • №, №vae §§ $$$ } ș*** § §§ ¿ šķ §§ §§ 、 ¿ ¿ § §žģ§§ 、。 ¿ §§§§§§§§ ķ𠧧§§ §§§- ſię §§§ * Ķ §§§ ¿ !\&& ¡ ¿ ¿??¿?, ¿::§**** ¿& §§§§§§§ ģĶķff;$$ ¿ -șğºz. * , 3\, §. 8 ºw§ §§ ¿ șae šįķ ģ §§