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CONSISTING OF Photographic Views of Cities—Street Scenes—Public Buildings— CathedralS—Mosques—Churches—Temples—Observatories— Castles—Homes. of Noted People—Private and Public Apartments in Royal Palaces—Universities—Collegesw Volcanoes —-Lal Ancient Cities—Tropical Scenery—Towns—Villages—Huts, Together with alarge array of instantaneous photographs, showing the every-day life of the people in the various countries of the world. COLLECTED FROM EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, AUSTRALIA, NORTH AMERICA, SOUTH AMERICA ' AND THE PACIFIC ISLANDS, ' THE WORLD. AS IT EXISTS TODAY. Also, direct copies of famous paintings and statuary, by the world’s old and modern masters, taken from the leading galleries, including the ' LOUVRE AND LUXEMBOURG GALLERIES, PARIS; AND VERSAILLES GALLERY, VERSAILLES, FRANCE; THE DRESDEN GALLERY, DRESDEN, GERMANY; THE UFFIZI AND PITTI GALLERIES, FLORENCE, » ITALY; AND THE ‘VATICAN GALLERY, ROME. Forming the largest and most unique collection of photographs ever published in one volume. CAREFULLY ARRANGED AND APPROPRIATELY EXPLAINED BY JAMES W. SHEPP AND DANIEL B. SHEPP. SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. ‘J. w. I. f.“ 3 !r-'- ’ 11:11‘, WINDSOR CASTLE, ENGLAND—This favorite seat of the sovereigns of Great Britain, twenty miles from London, at the town of Windsor, was fre- quently extended under succeeding monarchs, until finally, in the reign of Queen Victoria, when it was completed at a total cost of $4, 500,000, it became one of the largest and most magnificent royal residences in the world. The Saxon kings resided on this spot long before the castle was founded by William the Conqueror. In its vaults are buried the sovereigns of England, including Henry VIII. and Charles I. The interior of the castle is richly and profusely decorated, and filled with pictures, statuary, bronze munuments and other works of art. 45 77’ IF‘- ‘vfvw - . 'pm"_.~q-qw~n 1-5’ 1'' _ GREEN DRAWING-ROOM, WINDSOR CASTLE, ENGLAND—Windsor Castle, the residence of the Queen, is one of the largest and most magnificent royal residences in the world, The interior of the drawing-room, which is fitted up at an expense of many hundred thousand dollars, gives a person a fair conception of the elaborate and artistic display to be witnessed in numerous other apartments. The interior, beautified with colored marble, mosaics, sculp- . ture, stained-glass, Precious stones, and gliding in extraordinary Dmfusifln and TICIITIBSS, Places it among the finest Castles in a“ Europe. 47 " ~> “ I I ‘ I ~ ‘ I I.‘ in. .-:."§ I I‘ ~ ' . . ‘0 ~., . _ g . I bi Ijhc . . 1 - Llubwuuh1§3fififl“g- _,. A""l‘,.-~llil"il'¢ ,3“; I so. ,0, "' 0. .1. r'",~ ’. '. '0‘ I I .\.‘|.-.° ’ ."‘r‘I:~ ‘0.. I - Q a I - .o~ - ‘.7’ II...“ p ‘,Q, ‘vi .‘G," If‘. _ ' \ . , .f'forl‘: 1. M '.~ Warm»?! ‘rt-"r .' I .1- O. I ‘ II‘ ' ‘a. ‘ I 0 l1- :~.‘J~‘.I; - ‘a’ MIDLAND GRAND HOTEL AND STZPANCRAS STATION, LONDON, ENGLAND.—The roof of this station is said to be the most extensive in the " " world, being seven hundred feet long, two hundred and forty feet span, and one hundred and fifty feet high. The hotel is the terminus of the railway by the same name, and is one of the largest in London. Travellers arriving at the metropolis of the world, by alIn Is‘: any of the large railway lines, can secure accommodations at the end of their journey in the Railway Hotel. 49 THE STRAND, LONDON, ENGLAND.-—This street has been so named from its skirting the bank of the river, which is concealed here by the ‘buildings. It is very broad, contains many handsome shops, and is the great artery of traffic between the city and the West End, and one of the busiest and most important thoroughfares in London. It was unpaved down to 1532. At that period many of the mansions of the nobility and hierarchy stood here, with gardens stretching down to the Thames. The buildings on the left are the new Law Courts. SI a ,l I; I i e f I_ " . v~_. i I ' £7: I? I-‘' ‘"3: CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, ENGLAND—This street is in the very heart of the “ city,” and is especially noted for its so-called “cheap shops," where is offered for sale every variety of articles, from a locomotive to a toothpick. The street is constantly so crowded with vehicles, that pedestrians are often delayed from fifteen to twenty minutes in crossing from one side to the other. It affords much pleasure to stroll along Cheapside and watch the crowds of pedestrians and vehicles pass up and down the avenue. The buildings lining Cheapside have an imposing appearance, and are of uniform architecture, 53 ‘ ‘IVW. u §s ‘WW-5‘ \\'. --~. ‘ \ ST. PAUL’S CATHEDRAL, LONDON, ENGLAND—Conspicuous, on a slight eminence in the very heart of London, stands the above-named cathedral,‘ the most prominent building of the city. It is claimed that in Pagan times a temple of Diana occupied the site of St. Paul’s. The present church was be- gun in 1675, opened for divine service in 1697, and completed in 1710. The bulk of its cost, amounting to nearly $4,000,000, was defrayed by a tax on coal. The church resembles St. Peter’s at Rome, and is in the form of a Latin cross, five hundred feet long and one hundred and eighteen feet wide. s y u u _ v v . v u ~ 55 1 THE BANK OF ENGLAND, LONDON, ENGLAND—The irregular, isolated, one-story building, covering an area of four acres, and located in the centrI'aL' part of London, is the largest and most powerful institution in the world. It is the only bank in London which has the power to issue paper money; its average daily business is over $10,000,000. It employs 900 people, and usually carries in its vaults from $75,000,000 to $100,000,000, while there are from 100 to 125,000,000 dollars of the bank’s notes in circulation. On the right is the Stock Exchange, giving 1000 stock brokers daily employment. ad’ >"I , ) a a D a‘) , 57 — — w'W—vwvwwvwv_w_—“— '- 1 )t'ta '4‘ a». ' ,_. . . ' . b‘ »*‘-‘ ‘f 77"‘. -- 0.. a, a’) i ' ‘ “ ‘v ’ ‘ l ‘ i J a * saliw-‘Iflilttiidli-ceilll t a , -‘-. I w a ;* 9 . TOWER OF LONDON, LONDON, ENGLANDi—‘This celebrated fortress is located on the Thames in the eastern portion of London. Some of the most interesting events in the history of the Old World are clustered around these ancient relics. Some say the tower was commenced by Julius Caesar, while most writers affirm that William the Conqueror commenced it in 1078. The tower-walls enclose about twelve acres, on the outside of which is a deep ditch or moat, formerly filled with water. The tower was for a time a residence for the monarchs of England ; afterwards a prison for State criminals“ . ‘ 59 I “Q. ~. ‘_-‘_d- -l LONDON BRIDGE, LONDON, ENGLAND—Centuries ago the Saxons and Romans erected various wooden bridges over the Thames, on the site of the present London Bridge; but they were all carried away by floods, or destroyed by fire. This bridge was begun in 1825 and completed in 1831 at a cost of $10,000,000. The bridge, 928 feet long and 54 feet wide, is borne by five granite arches, that in the centre having a span of 152 feet. The lamp-posts on the bridge are cast of the metal of French cannons captured in the Peninsular War. About 15,000 vehicles and 100,000 pedestrians cross the bridge daily. 61 Dhhl‘lw ‘- U 'x'uWESTMINSTER ABBEY, LONDON, ENGLAND—The Abbey, built in the form of a cross, four hundred feet long and two hundred feet wide, is of Gothic design, and was founded 610 A. D. “ That antique pile, There made like gods, like mortals there they sleep, Where royal heads receive the sacred gold ; Making the circle of their reign complete. It gives them crowns, and does their ashes keep ; These sons of Empire, where they rise, they set.” 63 HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, LONDON, ENGLAND—These edifices form a single pile of buildings of the richest Gothic style. They cover over eight acres, contain one hundred stair-cases, eleven hundred apartments, and cost $15,000,000. They are perhaps the most costly national structure in the world. The Queen enters on the opening and prorogation of Parliament through the Victoria Tower, which is three hundred and forty feet high. The imposing river-front of the edifice is nine hundred and forty feet long, and adorned with statues of English monarchs, from William the Conqueror to Queen Victoria. 65 an. n _ axe-raw 133.25%: ‘xi:- ' ' ' London. This great square, which is a centre of attraction, was NGLAND.—Here 15 one of the finest open places In . _ _ _ d TRAFALGAR SQUARE, [dONDOriitmErates his glorious death in the battle of Trafalgar, October 22, 180;, gained by the English fleet clovir th; r dedicated to Ifolrrd Nelsoniiagpaicrfm In the centre of the square, rises to the memory of the great hero, a maESIVT gganite cplumnéyoirisalriluvrlilredoagis dug, " armaments O rance an‘ . f tof the edestal is inscribed his last command, “ ng an expec s eve . feet high, and crowned with a statue of Nelson. At the 00 p 67 ,1 "- f" — w “s a" ' III III it I I I I ‘II’ I, . Av‘I ' I‘ J i‘ ‘v .. . .i? ‘j I I V , __ if __,.. ‘ r-I . III I » "'I'yr I a In!“ Lei?” ' I a,’ , a, t I I ‘ '. _ 'II.,I-r-;:;;;’)’;’I’_ I éw I‘I: II In .» I ' i; I I I ,J-Dzef/IL’I’K I I I‘ ' "‘ i I I‘ II I 1s. ” . F ‘I, it‘ "7'.’ v ~¢~ ‘ '. p ‘7"’ .7‘ ‘ ‘I’ v 1;. I. r-’_ ‘If .. I a‘ ‘l a a . . a i ' i a . . i - l ‘- e l I l I I ‘ p- l I l l I‘ . i ‘ i I if i I If’ t ‘ ' ‘1 ~ 7, ‘ “ | . | I I I . ....l; . ; 11-. I ‘ A‘, » T I‘ I- I N: we‘ a‘ —»-- T I I H . . as: 4.1.5! .- x r r " If‘ r * ' ~- , , . .1." ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ~.‘~ ‘ I 7"“ I - I ma . ' I I 1' I ' I III II In I. I i I I I U V I .r a‘ 1 mm???‘ I II I ‘y. .____._._ __ _._ - .. ........ _. ..... _. a...» a...‘ “4;. I " ' . 'v- _~ MI I ‘II ‘III III I’ 'Hm: - _ v‘ 7 so, ‘* 7 ~‘) -32. ‘4 ?- ~§ , J, a , . BUCKINGHAM PALACE, LONDON, ENGLAND—The above palace, being now the Queen’s residence and occupying the site of Buckingham House, was erected in 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham, and purchased by George III. His successor remodeled it in 1825, but it remained vacant untIl 1837, when it was occupied by Queen Victoria, whose residence it has since continued to be. The palace now forms a quadrangle, and Is three hundred and sIxty feet It contains a sculpture-gallery, a library, green drawing-room, throne-room, grand salon, state ball-room, pIcture-gallery and private apartments. long. 69 ALBERT MEMORIAL, LONDON, ENGLAND—This magnificent monument to Albert, the late Prince Consort; was erected by the English nation ata cost of $600,000. On a spacious platform, to which granite steps ascend on each side, rises a basement adorned with reliefs in marble, representing artists of every period, poets, musicians, painters and sculptors. In the centre of the basement sits the colossal bronze-gilt figure of Prince Albert. The canopy terminates at the top in a Gothic spire, rising in three stages and surmounted by a cross. The monument is one hundred and seventy-five feet high, and gorgeously embellished with bronze and marble statues, gildings, colored stones and mosaic. 71 ANTWERP, BELGlUM.—Antwerp, the capital of a province of its own name, stands on the right bank of theScheldt. It is strongly fortified; its Walls. ' " and other defences completely encompass the city on the land sides, having more than twelve miles of massive ramparts. The appearance of Antwerp is exceedingly picturesque, an effect produced by its numerous churches, convents, magnificent public buildings, its elaborate and extensive fortifications, the profusion of beautiful trees, and by the stately antique-looking houses which line its older thoroughfares. Of the docks, dock-yards and basins, constructed by Bonaparte at an expense of $10,000,000, the last only remains. Its harbor is one of the finest in the world. 73 jiililfi “ lllllll PANORAMIC VIEW OF BRUSSELS, BELGIUM.—Brussels, the capital of Belgium and the residence of the royal family, is situated nearly in the centre of the Kingdom. The above picture presents a general view of the city, the tile roofs of the houses, with the Palace of Justice looming up in the back- ground. This stately edifice, completed in 1883, was erected at an expense of over $10,000,000. This high tower of marble forcibly suggests the mighty structures of ancient Egypt or Assyrla, and the vast amount of energy spent in their erection. 7s j v r V . I i _ ' 5H1 a v”! . PALACE OF THE KlNG, BRUSSELS, BELGlUM.—The above edifice originally consisted of two buildings, which were erected during the last century. I These were connected by an intervening structure, and adorned in 1827 with a Corinthian colonnade. It is one ofthe principal and notable buildings of the City of Brussels. The interior contains a number of apartments handsomely fitted up, and a great variety of ancient and modern pictures. A flag hoisted on the palace announces the presence of the King. .77 l1" llllilltllliiiil Ir it BOURSE, BRUSSELS, BELGlUM.—ln the central portion of the City of Brussels, on the Boulevard Anspach, rises the Bourse or New Exchange, an im- posing pile in Louis XIV. style. Its vast proportions and almost excessive richness of ornamentation combine to make the building worthy of being the commercial centre of an important metropolis; but it has been sadly disfigured by the application of a coat of paint, necessitated by the foible nature of the stone. The principal facade Is embellished with a Corinthian colonnade, to which there is an ascent of twenty steps. I") ‘1;; CITY HALL, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM—This is by far the most interesting edifice in the city, and one of the noblest and most beautiful buildings of the kind in Belgium. It is of irregular, quadrangular form, one hundred and ninety- eight feet in length, and one hundred and sixty-five feet in depth, and encloses a court. The principal facade is of Gothic style, and the graceful tower, which, however, for some unexplained reason does not rise from the centre of the structure, is three hundred and seventy feet in height. The entire building dates back to the fourteenth century, and is still occupied by municipal offices. 8| a‘. .1.“- ameue‘al n.1- L.......__nl. \'-~__" ,"‘--. > _ at.’ - ,_"~-~—l.‘ - . ~~ WM“. , r lI ?' ‘ ‘~s ‘IT-Q?‘ I-‘ ‘ ‘Fa F _ ’ fM"“.~‘~ . ‘ v’, ._ I ~'- 7;‘ __ \1‘, I ‘L . CATHEDRAL OF STE. GUDULE.—ln the central part of the city of Brussels, overlooking its lower section, is the above edifice, one of the most imposing and most ancient Gothic churches in Belgium. having a retro-choir, and deep bays, resembling chapels. It was built in 1220, and has been in constant use for six hundred and seventy years. While the elements of time are crumbling its outside surface, leaving an abundance of disintegrated matter at the base of its walls. its interior is adorned with fine paintings and kept in apparently good order. 83 It consists of a nave and aisle, \ 'zlt‘el' I ‘ "544415?" ,. = Q; ., j‘ . Niki-av SCHEVENINGEN, HOLLAND—This famous and Popular summer resort is annually Visited by thousands of pebple' The Sand is firm and Smooth, aanci the place possesses a great advantage over other watering-Places on the North Sea. having The Hague and woods in close proximity’ the latter affording Pleasant and shady walks. What appear like wooden posts driven in the sand in the above Pictum are wicker'basket chairs’ with roofs to keep off the sun. Scores of canvas tents line the shore, and thousands 01‘ People “8 on the beach from early morning until late at night. 85 AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND—This is the largest and most important city in Holland, and constitutionally its capital. it stands on a soft, wet ground, under‘ which, at a depth of fifty feet, is a bed of sand. Into this sand piles are driven, on which buildings are reared, a fact which gave rise to the jest of Erasmus of Rotterdam, that he knew a city whose inhabitants dwelt on tops of trees like rooks. The city is surrounded by grassy meadows. Amsterdam ranks much higher as a trading than as a manufacturing town. The photograph represents St. Antoine Street. 87 .- _.,_'—v . _-+'.~ ' - , w ZJ-éh‘ {'31 ml JLI§ WlNDMlLL, HOLLAND—Millions wonder that a country so situated as Holland can exist; and the stranger‘is almost unable to decide whether land‘ or water predominates. Those broken and compressed coasts, those deep bays and great rivers, the lakes and canals crossing each other, all combine to give the idea of a country that may at any time disintegrate and disappear. in the thirteenth century the sea broke the dykes in northern Holland and formed the Zuyder Zee, destroying many villages and causing the death of eighty thousand people. To drain the lakes, and save the country from destructive inundations, the Hollanders press the air into their service, which is represented by the above windmill. 89 CHRISTIANSAND, NORWAY.—Christiansand is the largest town on the south coast of the Scandinavian peninsula, and the residence of one of the'fiv Norwegian Bishops. It is beautifully situated at the mouth of the Otteraa, on the Christiansand Fjord. The town is named after Christian IV., by whom it was founded in 1641', and is regularly laid out with streets intersecting at right angles. lt possesses an excellent harbor, at which all thepcoasting steamers of that country, and those from England, Germany and Denmark, arrive regularly. 9r W.mh}m‘- _' '- ‘- '-—-" ‘r NAERDFJORD, GUDVANGEN, NORWAY.-—-One of the grandest and most picturesque of the many Fjords on the broken coast of Norway, is repre- sented here. Enormous waterfalls, formed by the melting snows and ice, are seen along the steep precipices of the high mountains on every side. The mountains on both sides of this inland sea, rise to the height of several thousand feet. The steamer in the foreground is one of the many that make weekly trips between Christiansand and Hammerfest, the latter being the most northern town in the world. During the summer season, these steamers are Crowded with tourists to their utmost capacity. This fact evinces the grandeur of the place, and the interest it must afford to travellers, 93 NORTH CAPE, NORwAY.——This cape (71° 10’ N. Lat), consisting of a dark gray slate-rock, furrowed-with deep clefts, rising abruptly from the sea, is usually considered the most northern point of Europe ; its height is about nine hundred and seventy feet. The northern sun, creeping at midnight (the time this photograph was taken) along the horizon, and the immeasurable ocean in apparent contact with the skies, form the grandest outlines and the most sublime pictures to the astonished beholder. Here. as in a dream, the many cares and anxieties of restless mortals seem to culminate. 95 \I' .- 4-. .“fi-eié-QIQL, . ,' {:IWJQ ‘I '- a ‘J J jib,‘ \w \ a . .q 6 """IV D STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN.~Stockholm, the capital of the Kingdom of Sweden, lies at the influx of Lake Malaren into an arm of the Baltic Sea. The situation of the town, on islands, on a plain, and on rocky hills surrounded by water and islands in every direction, is exceedingly picturesque. Stockholm has therefore, not inaptly, been called the “ Venice of the North.” One of the most striking peculiarities of the city consists in the fact, that it lies in immediate proximity with primeval forests and rocky islands, where, to this day, there is hardly a trace of cultivation. Communication between differ- ent parts of the city is maintained by numerous small steam ferry-boats. 97 GENERAL VlEW OF MOSCOW, RUSSlA.——Mosc0w, which was at one time the capital of all Russia and home of the Czar, was founded nearly seven hundred and fifty years ago. The principal event in its history is the burning of it in 18r2, for the purpose of dislodging the French from their winter quar- ters during the French and Russian war. The city is built with strange irregularities, having streets and numerous paltry lanes opening all at once into magnificent squares. It has a great number of churches and monasteries, and a university with one thousand students. This photograph represents the principal portion of the city and the river Moskva, on whose bank it is situated, with the Kremlin in the distance, piercing the air with its lofty spires. 99 ‘it; '> if“ is: I ,.-.ita ii 3U‘. ' . T a‘: "all '' ~r ‘ a“: .3.‘ vi.‘ flit)‘, . , I "use Q.‘ i&,-“ ' ‘ ' "5-? 7, 1i: ' .r wig-F. ' 5?. J u ,. .,Lb.~n I i' CHURCH OF ST. BASIL, MOSCOW, RUSSIA—*The Church of St. Basil (Vasili Blagennoi) is situated on the Krasnoi Ploschad (Red Place), between the walls of the Kremlin and those of the Kitai-Gorod. Standing alone at the extremity of this wide area, the Vasili Blagennoi seems erected in this conspicuous position, as if to show how grotesque a building the ingenuity of man could devote to the service of his Maker. There are twenty towers and domes, all of different shapes and sizes, and painted in every possible color. No main building is discoverable in this architectural maze. One tower stands forth prominently amid the confusion, one hundred and fifty feet high. 101 TSAR KOLOKOL, MOSCOW, RUSSlA.—Tsar Kolokol (the Czar of Bells), which, according to the inscription, was cast in 1733, was buried in the earth by its own weight for 103 years and was raised by the Emperor Nicholas in 1836. The bell seems never to have been actually hung or rung, having cracked in the furnace. It is now used as a chapel. It weighs about 440,000 lbs.; height, 19 feet; circumference around the rim, 60 feeto inches; thickness of the metal, 2 feet; weight of broken place, eleven tons. The cost of the bell was $r,720,000. 103 WINTER PALACE, ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSlA.—This magnificent palace is fronted with a large numberof Corinthian columns, which give it a form- idable yet beautiful appearance. On the top, along the front and sides, it is adorned by a number of statues representing various emblems and figures in Russian history. The most beautiful apartment of the edifice is the Salle Blanche, or white salon, where the court fétes are held. The room contains the crown jewels of Russia, and is decorated in pure white and gold. The effect is most dazzling. m5 THE CATHEDRAL, COLOGNE, GERMANY.—This building justly excites the admiration of every beholder, and is probably the most magnificent Gothic edifice in the world. It stands on a slight eminence, sixty feet above the Rhine. As early as the ninth century, an Episcopal church occupied the site, but the inhabitants regarded it to be unworthy, as compared with the prosperity of the city, and consequently started a new one. The foundation-stone of the present structure was laid on August 14, 1248. On the 15th of October, 1880, the completion of the cathedral was celebrated in the presence of William I- 107 r -' -'.'v\"'\ .' 4 Y... r " W" "- ‘a? p .1’ <- “0",.” ‘xi-O’ .‘Qa BINGEN, GERMANY.—Bingen, a Hessian town of Prussia, with a population of 7100, is situated at the confluence of the Nahe and Rhine rivers. The Romans erected a castle here in 70, when a battle was fought between them and the Gauls. Bingen carries on a large trade in wine, starch and leather. The town is in a beautiful and highly picturesque country, and is visited by thousands of tourists during the summer season. On an island in the Rhine is the “ Maeusethurm,” or “ Rat Tower,” a structure erected in the thirteenth century. Bingen is celebrated in song, poetry, story and history. 109 EHRENBREITSTEIN, GERMANY.~This small town, with five thousand three hundred inhabitants, prettily situated in a valley, is crowned with the fortresses of Ehrenbreitstein and Asterstein, which are connected with Coblenz by a bridge of boats, about four hundred yards in length. The majestic fortress of Ehrenbreitstein rises opposite the influx of the Moselle, and is situated on a precipitous rock, three hundred and eighty-five feet above the Rhine, inaccessible on three sides, and connected with the neighboring heights on the north side only. The view from the top is one of the finest on the Rhine. it embraces the fertile Rhine Valley from Stolzenfels to Andernach. III ARIADNE ON THE PANTHER, BETHMANN’S MUSEUM, FRANKFORT-ON-THE-MAIN, GERMANY.—This 6X- quisite piece of sculpture is the masterpiece of Dannecker, a sculptor of Stuttgart, who is likewise famous for his bust of Schiller. Of the many subjects sculptured by Dannecker, Ariadne, especially, has a peculiar charm of novelty, which has made it a European favorite in a reduced size. it is perhaps the contrast between the delicacy of the female human form and the subdued rude force of the panther she rides, that attracts the admiration. 113 I l I‘ ‘I _ the? l A; p ,-c,' F- ' ‘ -' ‘ ,aew'tit‘itjl-EE; ' a... was." 't’ .7‘ ‘m _(,-.,'T 4 'J‘. .g" - " .93?‘ 3:, ~ 7.. ‘\§'\‘"';7‘1\ - ‘ ‘I . ‘ . 0'0 ... ' a a u u - - - . .‘ i. O‘. THE PLEISSENBURG, LEIPSIC, GERMANY.—Lelpslc 15 one of the great commercial cities of Germany, the centre of the German book-‘hédégithe gem. of the supreme law-courts of ‘the German Empire, and contains one of the most ancient and important universities in Europe. The interior of the city con. sists of lofty and closely built houses, dating chiefly from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and is surrounded by five handsome suburbs, beyond which is a series of villages, almost adjacent to the town. The Pleissenburg is now used for barracks and public offices. “.5 V; __._—7_ V . .. . "it; 'l '“ UNTER DEN LINDEN, BERLIN, GERMANY.~Berlin, the capital of Prussia and the home of the Emperor, with its large and beautiful buildings and its regularity of streets, ranks among the finest cities in Europe. The most noted street is that called “ Unter den Linden,” the city’s pride, a broad and imposing thoroughfare, resembling the boulevards of Paris. It contains four rows of trees, ornamented at one end by the Brandenburg Gate, and at the other by the equestrian statue of Frederick the Great, well represented by this photograph. The palace of the king, different gardens, the aquarial museum and many other noted buildings border on “ Unter den Linden,” which is nearly a mile long, and thronged all day with pedestrians. H1 l a O " ' 0 - _ v I r . - ' ‘ - - . _ 4 .,I I V - 'I i l . ' ‘_~= ., ' ._ ,,-- , , . ‘I. -_ l . - i I ‘4;, :I .I' . ‘Eur J- , I; - , . I -. I I . _ I a , r i — , ‘r i, r . e j ' ‘ ‘ \ v ' . - . _ .7 _I- ~_ - I - u _ ‘I I .I I.‘ I I I ‘I ‘r , a. r . l, J, . a) , L. I I . L ‘ I _ '1 ‘ ’ - ~ ' ‘ ' - r l , . - . r ' ‘ . ‘ '- v . I‘ ' ‘ 3 . ‘ v‘ " ‘ , ' r - I ~ - i 4 I. ~ .. . _. - .~ ‘ . = i , , . A . - = - ~.. _ - a fill‘ .73" :I . II , ' f r ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ _ -' .I- \ - »-I . V ' . ‘ . i _ I. m 'j. II. * I‘ . . l '. - -I' " v '. . - I -I.. 1' I ‘ ' a ' I- .v '.- ‘ P - , > ‘ ' ,7 , W . | _| _ ~ . ' ' ~.. > -. . -,.' . - A. w 1, -;.. - - - . - *. ‘ , \ ' . - ,r I . ‘.I . ‘.' -_ ' '_ ' - ' .' i, ‘ .' ' ‘ ' , . m _ A. ' ' _ J . . 0 . ,. , “J ‘ I ‘ . i" ‘j ‘I .' - “ ' ' , _, a . . » ' I if i ', ,I‘ _ .II'r' -, ‘ _ ‘ , ' n ' A ‘ ‘ r‘ - ' ‘ " . . I‘ ' ~r~ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘.B a.” r . ~" , I. ' e . ' ' ’ ' ‘ v 1. i , , .. . I ,. .-I I -M .. , I v -- ' . , . I I ‘I I‘ I I .I . I r’ I _I ,I _ V I, U I .. .I_ . I I - >. ‘n I I. \ J I . V I I_ ‘I I l . I h I I _ . I ~ _ ‘ F F . ‘. 1 o . '—' Y.“ ‘ ‘ _' 1 I. , II. I I . "5:" WA” ‘hue-5.7"" , . . ‘ i r. ., .. - ‘."hi' "Iirr‘dh‘fi'. I . _ . \. _ ‘ \ w. * - . - ' ' ‘ ' a i ' ~ " ‘, _ _I.\,.I ;. "’ I. ‘ J , 4 , I _ . I I I i‘ l ‘ ‘7;, I . a‘fll‘o I- I ' ' , I‘, I _ . ‘d. “y ‘ ' ~ ‘I’ . IL” I‘? - l! . c -‘ _‘ I I, I . _ \ in.‘ I. ‘IV’. . I -, I ' I I w I‘ I. . I I‘ z. I ~ I ‘I '\ v I I '. - ‘I I , -I If‘ ‘I wrflfta‘ I m _ . .0‘ ' -~~*-r- \ ' ~ *~ < =- -- -_ .. < .r , ‘ , i. » ~ .. seep . . j ‘ ~ ' .. I c .I ' I- ‘v _ I _H I ‘ I I ~ I. ._ I I ’ I > ' I I. v ‘I ‘ > “ ' * ’ . ,4‘ ' s1 afar-QM.‘ \ , 9-,’) , 1., .\ ROYAL PALACE, BERLIN, GERMANY.—This palace, six hundred and fifty feet long, three hundred and eighty feet wide, and rectangular in form, rises in four stories to the height of one hundred feet, while the dome on the right is two hundred and thirty feet high. In the time of Frederick the Great it served as a residence for all the members of the royal family; contained all the royal collections. and was the seat of several government officials. Now it is used for reception rooms, and a dwelling for royal officials. The exterior of the palace is massive and imposing ; the interior is beautifully embellished. 119 ¥ : v . . ‘:Ae as»..- r ‘I STATUE OF FREDERICK THE GREAT, BERLIN, GERMANY.—This impressive and masterly work was erected in 1851 at one end of the “ Linden,” and is probably the grandest monument of its kind in Europe. The great Kingfis represented on horse-back, with his coronation-robes and walking-stick. The pedestal is divided into four sec- tioncerlThe upper one contains allegorical figures and scenes in Frederick’s life, with the figures Moderation, Justice, Wisdonrand Strength at the corners ; the second section contains figures of the King’s officers, and the lower section, the nameszof other distinguished men. ‘vi-"8' 1:." U U ._p q.“ THE BRANDENBURG GATE, BERLIN, GERMANY.——The Brandenburg-Gate, forming the entrance to Berlin, from the Thiergarten, was erected in ' 1793 in imitation of the Propylaa at Athens. It is 85 feet high and 205 feet wide, and has five different passages, separated by massive Doric columns. it is at the one end of “ Unter den Linden," and its middle passage is reserved for royal carriages only. The material is sandstone, and it is surmounted by a Quadriga of Victory from copper, taken to Paris by Napoleon in 1807, but restored in 1814. On the side are two wings resembling Grecian Temples, one of which is a pneumatic post-office and the other a guard-house. Both combine in their construction, strength, elegance and beauty. :23 MONUMENT OF VlCTORY, BERLIN, GERMANY.—This monument, rising to a height of two hundred feet, stands on a circular terrace, approached by eight granite steps in the Thiergarten. It was dedicated on September 2, 183,140 commemorate the great victories of 1870 and 1871. The massive square pedestal is adorned with reliefs in bronze.-_ Above, in the flutings of the column, which consists of yellow, grayish sandstone, are placed three rows of Danish,;.austrian and French cannon, captured in the different battles fought with those nations. 125 Adjacent to the palace is the THEI‘HISTORIC WlNDNllLL, POTSDAM, GERMANY.—Potsdam is almost entirely surrounded by a fringe of Here is located the palace of Sanssouci. famou's'windmill, now royal property, which its owner refused to sell to the King, meeting threatened violence by an :27 royallpalaces, parks and pleasure-grounds. appeal ‘p’the judges of its supreme court. \ H'g l w ' ' hmfl'w '< in‘... ‘ ' , Q". ~~ . M k W V , , , . ,. . a » '_l I‘;- -_'l" I >....._ - - . .. c “."".‘\l‘-‘ a" ‘:11 V MADONNA DI SAN SISTO (BY RAPHAEL), DRESDEN GALLERY, DRESDEN, GERMANY.—This masterpiece of Raphael was photographed direct from the original painting, worth $400,000. it is an altar-piece, representing the Virgin and Child in clouds, with St. Sixtus on the right, St. Barbara on the left, and the cherubs beneath. A curtain has just been drawn back, and the Virgin issues, as it were, from the depth of Heaven, her large serene eyes seem- ing to embrace the whole world in their gaze. The most striking feature of the painting is the expression of naive innocence depicted on the faces of the cherubs. 129 34"‘? '“5 arme- * . A . I _. 5%? . . . . I ... i, K . i . .. . a a“. ., I. f’ .3- MAGDALENE (BY Barrow), DRESDEN GALLERY, DRESDEN, GERMANY. 131 _‘__-TV ‘ .._I; _~,,_ 0 1. ' ' To’ (17".! 0,06’ .*6 i-.,:-£.I;!‘;il <4." I. t. if“ BIRD’S-EYE VIEW OF PARIS, FRANCE—Paris, the largest city in the French Republic, and its capital, covers an area of thirty squaije fhlies,3‘tivithl'a3 ye‘ The river Seine, which flows through the centre of the city, is spanned by twenty-eight bridges, of which the seven population of about two millions. principal are shown on this photograph. the Champs Elysees is the most famous. The city is noted for_its fine parks, magnificent churches, colossal buildings, and wide boulevards, of which Paris is the centre of the political, artistic, scientific, commercial and industrial life of the nation. 133 -¢ ,4 .0" l“ _ _ ..~- »M~.-..,q_...~__r.._\ . . .7 “._.---—.-..-.Ja._a».. we. .. i t- "Selma .\1fié~ "4 - , . \ J , l ’ I ‘j \' aa'a“"’1u§ I JO], PLACE DE LA CONCORDE, PARIS, FRANCE—Place de la Concorde, one of the most beautiful and extensive public parks in Pa1"1e.,1'b'e~i:"1g'con2 ’ sidered, by the best authorities, the finest in the world, is bounded by the Seine, Champs Elysees, Tulleries and Rue de Rivoli. Numerous historical asso- The guillotine did much bloody work here during 1793-4-5 ; upwards of 2800 people perished by it. Foreign troops The Obelisk of Luxor, a Monolith or single block of reddish granite seventy-six feet it adds very much to the interest of the park. ciations are connected with the place. frequently bivouacked on the square when Paris was in their power. high was presented to Louis Phillipi by Mohamed Ali and erected in the centre of the Place. 135 ve'z-e'ey.~:-I'-f27~- ‘ " ‘ ‘ '. i ~ '3 6 .' l ' 1' \ T ‘t a *3??? I an“. I ‘ a- ‘J ' ,- - "n p,’ _ 1A4: ' I’ H ‘W'- IVIJJO‘I‘JIIAIAJJA 1 M M ‘ _- , . . I )) ’-, Q)’, ) J) J) )9 ) J’): D) ‘a MADELEINE, PARIS, FRANCE—The foundation of this church was laid by Louis XV. in 1764. The Revolution found the edifice unfinished, and Napoleon I. ordered the building to be completed as a “ Temple of Glory.” Louis XVIIL, however, returned to the original intention of making it a church. The edifice was finally completed in 1842, and the amount of money expended was upwards of $2,500,000.‘ It stands on basement, surrounded by massive Corinthian columns. The building, which is destitute of windows, is constructed exclusively of stone, light being admitted through sky-lights 1n the roof. I37' OPERA HOUSE, PARIS, FRANCE—This is a most sumptuous edifice, completed in 1874, and covering an area of nearly three acres. Nothing can sur- pass the magnificence of the materials with which it is decorated, and for which almost all Europe has made contributions. Sweden and Scotland yielded a supply of green and red granite; from Italy were brought the yellow and white marbles; from Finland, red porphyry; from Spain “ brocatello ; ” and from France, other marbles of various colors. The cost of the site was over $2,000,000, and that of the building nearly $8,000,000. I39 31"‘; \- ~ . 1,...’ ‘. ip ./ I - ’_ I \ - ' . '1: : 1 :13.“- ‘u ’ “\liefly'li' ‘a...’ i \_ ,. .' stir,“ . . t 4 0 GREAT BOULEVARDS, PARIS, FRANCE—The splendid line of.streets, known as the Great Boulevards, which extend on the north side of the Seine from the Madeleine at one end, to the Bastile at the other, was originally the line of fortifications or bulwarks of the city of Paris. In 1670 the city having extended northward far beyond the fortifications, the moats were filled up, the walls destroyed and the above boulevards formed. This hotoera 1 the Grand Hotel at the corner of the Place de l’Opera. p b P 1 represents ybJ-l- 141 - < .: °''’ ' r1 1%" a ' u '. I ' ~ ~_-_ 4 v ‘,1 >.___I_ use‘ I‘ ",'.'-'JULY COLUMN, PARIS, FRANCE—The above monument was erected after the Revolution of July, 1830, in honor .'--'-'-of the heroes who fell on that occasion, and solemnly dedicated in 1840. The total height of the monument is one hundred and fifty-four feet, resting on a massive round sub-struction of white marble, originally intended for Napo- leon’s Elephant, which he had planned to erect in bronze on this spot; but his plans were never consummated. On the sub-struction rises a square basement, on each side of which are four bronze madallions, symbolical of Justice, the Constitution, Strength and Freedom. 143 r‘ til .19"UI __---——-'—-'_-"_T‘—;'7‘l_ VENDOME COLUMN, PARIS, FRANCE—Here is an imitation of Trajan’s column at Rome. It is one hundred and forty—two feet high, and thirteen feet in diameter, and was erected by the order of Napoleon I., from 1806 to 1810, to commemorate his victories in 1805, over the Russians and Austrians. The figures on the spiral column represent memorable scenes, from the breaking up of the camp at Boulogne, to the battle of Austerlitz. The metal of these figures was obtained by melting twelve thousand Russian and Austrian cannons. The top is a statue of Napoleon. 145 i "M1 ' I‘ Q I" > .. .z-e it .' .11.. \\> {mat-coir‘. "' a‘ A! 7' l‘ , a’ ‘my '* f*’~+'~i' ROYAL PALACE, PARIS, FRANCE—The above palace, erected by Cardinal Richelieu in 1634. Was occupied after his death by Anne of Austl h‘ widow of Louis XML, with her sons, Louis XIV. and Philip of Orleans, then in their minority. in 1815 the Orleans family regained possession of th r3, it '6 Royal; and it was occupied by Louis Philippe to 1830. Shortly before the outbreak of the revolution of July, he gave a sumptuous ball here in 150 3 ms Neapolitan notabilities then visiting Paris. in 1871, the Communists set the Palais Royal on fire, but it has since been carefully restored. nor of I41 Q .- ":s'“ - e ‘ 9 ' l . ‘i ' Ii - . s a p ‘A’ ‘ a u "A d '. ,1 , O O J‘ (_ ‘ .Qsi - ‘ . ‘ V Y _ _ _ ~~~->~~~~e'r“- >,-. ~- - a .- . -. . _, , .. . . -. ' v "a i - ‘e ‘ . _ - I v ’ ~ 1 I ‘ . ‘ V v V ‘ -_ §‘ .‘ A ._. 0 -L I i ,__ I V .- _ .' \> ‘ ‘I I- ~ 0 ‘I ’ ' f“ , ~T,‘ . H‘ ' ' ' '0 - P4 ' ~ ‘. " , ; ‘ n’) . \_~ _- -, ‘1 _ ‘\ _ . lw . ,,._ ,‘ h , .._ ,. _ _ .0 . ‘I . n a - '5 - I ' - ( __ - - ,1" c’. Q A ‘a, I " . IE 0 _ . ‘ . J ~ -0 I >' . ‘ . ,..,_~ r‘ ,1: I a‘ if. f '- ‘ » ‘sea a is. "Ii \ . ~ ‘1 j~‘\4-‘s£‘.a,c . ..~ ' f.‘ A ‘' imflmf ‘I \ Y“ .‘\‘.§"q~ r, L ' "1 i u If i‘ an i. i a u . 1 $ } \ I ‘ 4 D t ,. ' '1 ‘ " a " o. ., ,7. _. ’ I‘ ‘ i .‘J V l I I I I I ; _ , _. . 1 n l ‘ . v‘ ‘I 4 I I I \V .; i I.‘ v _ - . _ . ‘- . . , < ' , l . . . V. , l - . - i ‘ I ‘ A u , . Q - --' "'" " E 3.“. - > ‘ k I v M c; - . . I l ,4 .. ‘ "- ff . -»'---~-~.»-v---~--.-.. . - ~. " <~'... - . '_1 v‘ ‘ a ~ ‘ I if". in», _ k . ., . . ,, t .. i _. . l . . ‘r ‘a a “ . 5' v.‘ V I .7 T'I "" ‘1:11 ‘ i a . ._ . _Ili‘ ill_l...1kll. nmui t j ' ‘ m '- r ‘“ .. , ML . - \- qhe 1; CATHEDRAL OF NOTRE DAME, PARIS, FRANCE.-—Founded in 1163, but not completed until the thirteenth century. Since then the building has been frequently altered. During the Revolution the cathedral was sadly desecrated. The side chapels were devoted to orgies of various kinds. In 1802 it was again re-opened by Napoleon as a palace of divine worship. During 1871 Notre Dame was desecrated by the Communists. The treasury was rifled and the building used as a military depot. When the insurgents were compelled to retreat, they set fire to the church, but fortunately little damage was done. 149 . (“a :6‘... PALACE OF JUSTICE, PARIS, FRANCE—This palace, occupying the site of the ancient palace of the kings of France, was presented by Charles Villa. - in 1431, to the Parliament or Supreme Court of Justice. The palace was so much injured by fire in 1618 and in 1776, that nothing of it now remains except the two round domes which are seen on the right of the picture. The bridge seen in connection with the avenue in the foreground, spans the Seine having 3 been built by Napoleon, while the avenue itself leads to the Exchange. 151 ' "PI-ewe up» ’ Ems‘erw amp... .. q ‘ .81 "m_.;_,‘ — ‘I . a‘ _ ' ' A _. - I‘ w l‘ "w 7 . ARC OF TRIUMPH, PARIS, FRANCE.'—This is the finest triumphal arch in existence. It is situated at one end of the Champs Elysees, on an eminence and can be seen from nearly every part of the city. Twelve magnificent avenues radiate from it, nearly all of them sloping upward to the arch, commenced by Napoleon I. in 1806, and completed by Louis Philippe in 1836, at a cost of $2,000,000. It was 153 l l. - h‘ I. ' IHHHIHH|:3'%I‘!' 1 hiringiiiiiiiiiriir .- lunl. nun...‘ we", lllillll. lll "till It“llmqlmflllllllltllll"'i' .I“ , ,_ 0. ‘MP '. r. ' ""'t'..-?"-;?’ we a - r . . m... H494)!‘ G-J'Ht. 0a.: 5/ DOME DES INVALIDES, PARIS, FRANCE—The beautiful gilded dome, three hundred and forty feet high, which surmounts the church of the lnvalides, and which can be seen at a great distance, is built on the north side of the Seine, and forms a part of the Hotel des lnvalides. The Hotel des lnvalides, founded in 1670 by Louis XIV., for aged veterans, covers an area of thirty-one acres. immediately under the gilded dome, is a crypt below the floor, contain- ing the tomb of Napoleon. 155 TOMB OF NAPOLEON, PARIS, FRANCE—This tomb is situated beneath the Dome des lnvalides, in an open circular crypt, twenty feet in depth ‘add thirty-six feet in diameter. The walls are of polished granite, adorned with ten marble reliefs. On the mosaic pavement rises the sarcophagus, thirteen feet long, six and one-half feet wide, and fourteen and one-half feet high, a huge block of reddish-brown granite, weighing sixty-seven tons, and costing $30,000. At the further end of the crypt appears Napoleon’s last request: “ I wish that my ashes rest on the banks of the Seine, in the midst of the French people, whom I loved so well.” To these words, as well as to the tomb of the great leader, every Frenchman reverts with pride. 157 ‘-_'- an“ .283 05 E E2553: $052 2:. M53 J03 $0 2 .538. 05 “6 Eye; :38. 2; 0.008" Mom #55 2: use 652w 2: :5: $3 02 2 950% 2; .Ecmtsfimoc new $35 2:350 .053 e F. ESE.» 36:3; 5.5: L3 moments EQSLEES 35 P538 Owe.» B QB: 22. .mEEtnE e85 we: : @5558 28m H5. 2% was mEEEn 25:0 505 3:35:22: 85 wcEmcsn 3806500 doom 3 ESE new: 6.65% w: 56 of we mtg :m 52%.... 68.020 BEEE 0:2 2: E @5528 wommeahsm #55206 $0585 mEPI .mOz 5.3 mrh 4L..“.- ARREST IN THE VILLAGE (BY SALMSON), :_"; ‘5:: LUXEMBOURG GALLERY, -- ' PARIS, FRANCE. 171 m: .mozéd .mEE 55.3.6 omaomsmxi .2554 S: WEIPOE < ' "JOAN OF ARC (BY CHAPU), LUXEMBOURG GALLERY, PARIS, FRANCE—Known in France as Jeanne d’Arc, the maid of Orleans was born about 1411. In 1428, when Orleans, the key to the south of France, was infested by the English, she rode at the head of an army, clothed in a coat of mail, armed with an ancient sword, and carrying a white standard of her own design, embroidered with lilies, and having on the one side the image of God holding the world in His hand, on the other a representation of the annunciation. The siege of the town was broken, but she was often accused of being a heretic and sorcerer, and was burned at the stake May 30, I431. I7'5 PAYING THE REAPERS (BY LHERMITTE), LUXEMBOURG GALLERY, PARIS, FRANCE.~This famous painting, from which the photograph isa direct copy, represents a farm scene. The laborers have just finished their day’s work. The man with the scythe, rolled-up sleeves and open shirt, is a genuine representation of an honest and industrious laborer. The expression on his face shows a tired look, but a spirit of contentment gently steals over his face, which nearly all true and honest country people possess after a day’s hard labor. I77 lGNORANCE (BY J. COMERRE PATON), LUXEMBOURG GALLERY, PARIS, FRANCE—This is one of the most celebrated paintings by this popular artist. The outlines of the girl are perfect. The graceful curves of the arms, the sweet expression of the face and the tender look of the eyes are all charmingly beautiful. The tiny cap, the loose garment, the uncovered feet, the bare arms, and the comfortable position of the girl, all add to her beauty. in the photograph the blended colors of the original painting are lost, yet the subject can be well studied from this copy. 170 ROYAL PALACE, VERSAILLES, FRANCE—This palace presents a most imposing appearance; the principal facade is no less than one-fourth of a mile long. The building dates back, for the erection of its various parts, to several different periods, and was the royal residence of the various rulers of France. It has remained uninhabited since it was sacked by a Parisian mob, which included many thousand women. The various halls and rooms are now devoted to the use of most interesting picture galleries. 181 A ROYAL CARRIAGE, VERSAILLES, FRANCE—In the Museum of Carriages at Versailles is a collection of royal vehicles from the time of the first Emperor to the baptism of the Prince Imperial in 1856, besides sledges of the time of Louis XIV.., and sedan chairs. The royal carriage in the picture is The carriage is that of Charles X., afterwards used by Napoleon on various occasions, the letter “ N ” being still seen on the drapery adorning the seat. valued at $200,000, and considered one of the finest vehicles of its kind in the world. 183 . w I ~ LAST VICTIMS OF THE REIGN OF TERROR (BY MULLER), VERSAILLES GALLERY, VERSAILLES, FRANCE-“Tilt? French Revolution, more commonly termed the “ Reign of Terror,” is perhaps unparalleled in the history of civilized countries. Hundreds of citizens were guillotined, and when that process proved too slow, they were shot down by platoon-fire. The picture represents a prison scene crowded with “suspects.” The officer to the right, with a list of condemned criminals, calls out the names of those to be put to death, each one fearing that his or her name will be next called to join the procession t0 the guillotine on the Place de la Concorde. The photograph presents a view of the last victims of that terrible war. ‘0 185 NAPOLEON AT AUSTERLITZ (BY VERNET), VERSAILLES GALLERY, VERSAILLES, FRANCE—The conqueror here views the progress of the battle between the French troops, numbering 90,000 men, and the allied forces of fully 80,000. Napoleon, on his white horse, receives reports from his generals in the field, while with his field~glass he watches the advancing columns of both sides. This decisive battle was witnessed by three Emperors, those of France, Russia and Austria, and resulted in a glorious victory for Napoleon and the French. A treaty of peace followed between France and Austria ; but it was of short duration, for the dangerous ambition of Napoleon could not fail to force all European nations into alliance, 187 .. ~\--~ . , " v 5 . _ l. .w i‘ Q‘ \ ~ " ,- ‘ ‘.- (‘ ' - \ ‘V- ‘ > . ‘i 1 ._ ‘. -_YV ‘J: ' W V . - I , c ' q ' I ROYAL PALACE, FONTAINEBLEAU, F RANCE.-—-This palace, situated on the south-west side of the town, is said to occupy the site of a former f orti- _ fied chateau, founded in 1162. It was Francis I., however, who converted the medizeval fortress into a palace of almost unparalleled extent and magnifi- cence. The exterior is less imposing than that of some other contemporaneous edifices, as the building, with the exception of several pavilions, is only two stories in height. It was a favorite residence of Napoleon. 189 x6.’ VQI"-'l.5-v".h c, ‘-‘ can’ I .4- my. , ' '-.~ 4» e. 4* e’g THRONE ROOM, FONTAINEBLEAU PALACE, FRANCE—This magnificent hall, with a ceiling in relief, containing a chandelier in rock-crystal, and wainscoated in the reign of Louis XIV., is perhaps the most sumptuous apartment of the palace. From here Napoleon almost ruled the world. The can- opy of the throne rises by graceful folds to the rim of a high crown. The bees and the letter “ N ” on the chair, and on either side of the throne, are sym- It was in this same room where the Emperor declared his divorce from Josephine. bolical of Napoleon. IQI 2_' ~ ,. _ i - W ;.,.a._.,..,,.._.,_. ._-.p.-»-p.o _o‘ a\-o 0‘ l I " .1. . in . - 'q‘ < l - g _ _, . /v ~ 1 i ' _ " "a" - ‘f- ‘ . -V _ ‘ h -‘~ 3. I a. " . i .i . ' - . .I 1' a‘ -' ‘I . _ _ -_- 1 ~ ‘ , ; v <' :-. . i." ,4 ; v ‘ . , - n- _ ufZ-J'wfWL _ J- .1 .< ‘1*. J“ cos-eel»? ‘as i,;.'....:.i--; - , t ,, ié?-i.s. , - I g I o I U I APARTMENT OF TAPESTRIES, FONTAINEBLEAU PALACE, FRANCE—This room is embellished with tapestry from Flanders, woven into the myth of Psyche. The ceiling is in relief, the old-fashioned mantel-piece dating back to the sixteenth century, while the vases and clock are the finest Sevres ware. The table in the centre is the same one on which Napoleon signed his abdication before taking his parting leave from his old Guard on the 20th of April, 1814, to go into exile at Elba. The floor of inlaid polished wood has been much worn by the feet of travellers passing through the palace daily. 193 APARTMENT OF MME. DE MAINTENON, FONTAINEBLEAU PALACE, FRANCE—Madame de Maintenon was the second wife of Louis Xllif; although no written proof of such a marriage is extant; but, that it took place, is nevertheless certain. As a wife, she was wholly admirable; she had to entertain a man that would not be amused, and was obliged to submit to a terribly strict court etiquette of absolute obedience to the King’sinclinations. This she always did cheerfully, and never complained of weariness or illness. Her apartments still appear as they did when occupied by her. 195 NICE, FRANCE. —Superbly situated on the shores of the Mediterranean is the city of Nice. In winter it is the rendezvous of invalids and others from all parts of Europe, who seek refuge here from the bleak and vigorous atmosphere of the North. The season begins with the races early in January, and closes with a great regatta at the beginning of April; but visitors abound from October until May. In summer the place is deserted. 197 Ii 0 . lo 0 .I GENERAL VIEW OF MONACO, FRANCE—This principality of Europe, French in language, but ltalian in tradition, France, on the Mediterranean Sea. tory. Monaco has a fine palace, a new cathedral, a college, a noted casino, where gambling is licensed to pay with its profits the State expenses; it has also manufactories of spirits, fine pottery, bricks, perfumery, and objects of myth. The principality is now virtually under French control. is located in the southern part of Its area is six square miles, and consists principally of the town of Monaco and its suburbs, which stand on a high promon- I99 GAMING HALL, MONTE CARLO, FRANCE—Every portion of the interior of the Casino, of which the gaming-rooms are a part, is luxuriously fitted up. The ceilings are elaborately frescoed, while the walls and niches are adorned with works of art. Admission to the above room is obtained free upon presentation of a visiting card at the office. The games in progress from 11 A. M. until 11 P. M., are generally roulette, and patronized by men and women of all ages and from all countries. For the student of human nature, the gambling halls present an excellent opportunity to study mankind. 201' SEVILLE, SPAIN—General view. This city is finely situated on a wide plain of the Guadalquivir. It contains an abundance of wealth and power, and is famous for its oranges and women. The city is very old, its history dating back as far as 600. it is noted for being the birthplace of many distin- guished Spaniards. Magellan, the famous navigator, sailed from here in 1519, to discover Magellan Strait. The winter season is very mild and pleasant, and there is not a day in the whole year in which the sun does not shine. 2.03 ‘ '. .1‘ r‘ r.- "I‘;_ , A’ I C; r‘ ,. fl-l'f _ ‘.4 a. ., ‘Ii-‘flaw?- Ilizfi'wre #3,. $2171, ‘.5, a» 1* vi’! 1"”... ‘ . a“. ‘I ' ' » i A b ', ‘ x’ at“ ‘i ‘.‘ri 1' -I .. X .. 1: ac, . ,w ‘3" ‘ ' ‘Q )6‘ ;5 "L w‘ -. x f‘ up“... 3. ~ " iii-1" ~' \ 1' ALHAMBRA, GRANADA, SPAIN—The ancient fortress and residence of the Moorish monarchs of Granada lies on a hill, overlooking the city of Granada. The building was erected chiefly between 1248 and 1354. Until the expulsion of the Moors, in 1402, the edifice was the most magnificent and the best fortified royal residence in the world. The conquerors, by numerous acts of vandalism, spoiled the marvelous beauty of the Alhambra. In 1821 the ancient pile was shattered by an earthquake. Its restoration was ordered by Isabella, and the work begun with considerable skill, but the sums of money devoted to it were too small for this satisfactory accomplishment. 205 lNTERlOR OF THE ALHAMBRA, GRANADA, SPAIN—The interior of this palace stands unrivaled in the gorgeous splendor of its halls, and the ex- quisite beauty of its decorations. Everything contributed to render it the most splendid abode of oriental magnificence. Everywhere are seen the evi- dences of the delicate taste and the artistic luxury of the Moors. Spacious courts, with marble pillars and fretted ceilings, colored and gilt partitions, fi':i- gree stuccos of veil-like transparency, all distinguished by airy lightness and grace, are among the main features of this terrestial paradise. The colors chiefly employed are blue, red, and a golden yellow. 207 INTERIOR GREAT MOSQUE, CORDOVA, SPAlN.—This magnificent building was begun in 784 and completed in 793. It is of typical Arabian archi- tecture. Though afterwards enlarged and to some extent injured by additions—the work of the Christians—it still remains but little altered, except by the loss of its exquisitely carved and inlaid wood ceiling. In spite of neglect, this Mosque is still one of the most imposing buildings in the world. Long ranges of aisles seem to stretch almost endlessly in every direction, and each range of pillars appears to lose itself in the gloom of distance, so that from no point can any idea be formed of what is the real size of the whole building. 209 Q \gu -:\ " ‘ “‘“ “ . i . ... ‘ . 1. ._ u‘ ' . . , “m ‘I- r MW“ 3 N5" ' - .. ' , -\ ' f- . . ' = _ 1' a“; ' ‘ { a . ., . .. V_ " F . ‘ U Q. i 5 4'1"?‘ ' _ ' .11 i. e I . 1' "PT , 1 J r , It L . l , | ' a , l E .. ’ . - ', l' t a ‘ .5!’ ' l a 1* I, r i i ' ii! " t i ' x ,. *2- I, i I i ' .(- g i‘ \ _I;7‘_ - .‘i ' 'L. , if -' '5.’ ‘ . K“, Wu ‘ ‘i v‘ 4," a .- , ' ' L i‘ \' t v 1 ‘ ‘i 4‘ I‘ v»: , .1’ d,“ e_ I w , ;,.r . ,’ -‘ M ‘' .54‘. w -‘ 3”‘ f-eé'm ' ‘+1., ‘ .. .‘ "\- \ ‘ 4. i .- 5 ' ; BULL FIGHT, SEVILLE, SPAlNEThis photograph represents the great bull-ring of the city, with a capacity for eighteen thousand people and crowded with spectators to witness the great national amusement. A general holiday prevails on such occasions. Every one, rich and poor, possessing a grain of taste for bloody scenes and striking‘ spectacles, can be found in the Amphitheatre on such occasions. The show generally lasts for several hours, during which several bulls, more horses, and, not unfrequently, men are killed in the combat. £11 A J GIBRALTAR, SPAIN—This remarkable'fortress, which is a strongly fortified rock at the southern extremity of Spain, and forms the key to the Mediter- ranean, is connected with the continent by a low, sandy isthmus, one and one-half miles long, and three-fourths of a mile wide. The highest point of the rock is about one thousand four hundred feet above the sea-level. Vast sums of money and immense labor have been spent in tortifying this stronghold. The water for the supply of the town and garrison is collected during the rainy season, the roofs of the houses gathering all the falling rain. at; n“; .1; -*’ . s‘? "-"1 ‘ ...~ . ' 's‘ I -L,.",:. .H\ i , . '- '. s .‘1’ ’ , Q a ‘ h 401%‘)! H v."'\ 7 ‘"xtl‘}, , . ., I ‘a -U,.|'O"J»2?. LISBQN, PORTUGAL—This interesting city is situated on the Tagus, near the Atlantic Ocean. The length of the city is four miles, and its breadth about two miles. Lisbon is nobly situated for commerce, and has the finest harbor in the world. The earthquake of 1755, traces of which are still visible, de- stroyed a considerable portion of it, and killed about sixty thousand of its inhabitants. This photograph is a correct representation of the better portion of the city and harbor. - 2x5 -.~v . T ,\ _ ‘ l - ' - Q 'l " i a: net-$233131?“ ) - V .. l’, '\“ in“ ‘_ T‘ “A , L ‘I’ ):v '1 ' KIRCHENFELD BRIDGE, BERN E, SWITZERLAND.-The above structure is a huge iron bridge, seven hundred and fifty-one feet long, built in 1882-1883, across the river Aare, from the town proper to Helvetia Platz, where a new quarter of the town is being built by an English compai'iy. in the foreground are the terrace-like hot-houses and gardens of the peasants, who earn their livelihood by supplying the inhabitants of Berne with vegetables from their little farms. From the top of the bridge, in clear weather, the Bernese Alps can be seen better than from any other point in the Oberland. 217 CLOCK TOWER, BERNE, SWITZERLAND—Among the many industries of Switzerland, watch and clock-making take a leading place. The country possesses several of the finest specimens of clock-making in the world, the fame of the masterpiece in the tower of Berne, being widely known. lts complicated mechanism is wonderful, automaticallv depicting, by many figures, a complete pantomime. Berne, the capital of the Canton of that name, is a favorite rest- ing-place for tourists. ltis pleasantly situated, one thousand seven hundred and ten feet above sea-level, on a sand- stone peninsula, and is a characteristically Swiss town, containing many interesting attractions of Switzerland. 219 'TVI'PEASANT WOMAN, SWITZERLAND—Here is a photograph of a Swiss girl on her way to church. She presents "a true type of her sex, being well-developed, refined and accomplished. These peasants are fond of gorgeous apparel, and on holidays and Sundays present a very pleasing spectacle. Their head-dress is particularly striking, consisting of a cap adorned with fine stiff lace, so arranged as to form a sort of fan at the back of the head. They all dress in similar costumes, which are both comfortable and attractive. 22! lNTERLAKEN AND THE JUNGFRAU, SWITZERLAND—The low land between lakes Thun and Brienz, is called “ Brodeli.” These lakes once prob- ably formed a single sheet of water, but were gradually separated by deposit carried from the mountain-sides. On this piece of land, “ between the lakes.” lies lnterlaken._ The town is a favorite summer resort and is noted for its mild and equal temperature. The above picture gives a general idea of the place, with the Jungfrau nine miles in the distance. 223 A THOUSAND FOOT CHASM, GRINDELWALD, SWlTZERLAND.-—-The above picture represents a chasm over a thousand feet in depth, with an almost perpendicular wall of rock rising on both sides. It has been cut down to its present level by the waters of the melting snows and ice on the mountain above, and strongly impresses the beholder with the power of the wheel of time. The stream in the foreground is only one of the many that rise into the dashing torrents within a hundred yards from their source in the Alpine country. 225 "Wu -' . Switzerland. This picture represents the over-hanging rock of the Brunig Pass,on the way from Lucerne to lnterlaken. High up, along the mountain-side, the road winds its way, affording to the beholder a magnificent panorama of the distant snow-fields above, and the green valleys and placid lakes below. 227 .~ ‘- a I -. r‘ l -. . . , - , —- . ' ‘l, >», . 1',‘ '10:, ) LUCERNE, SWITZERLAND—The above is the capital of the canton of Lucerne, and one of the three seats of the Swiss Diet on the Reuss, located twenty- five miles from Zurich by rail. It is highly picturesque, enclosed by a wall and watch-towers. The principal edifices are a cathedral and other fine churches, several convents, a town hall, an arsenal with ancient armor,‘ two hospitals, an orphan asylum, jail, theatre, and covered bridges adorned with ancient paint- ings. it is a very attractive summer resort. the above picture showing its principal promenade. 2A; use»... v0.‘ Ru $259 8565 EE 2: mEmmeEE :Qfiwfioza 2C. 63: 225m 2.5 35mg“. .3. 53/ $2 2: @538 . @8503 mm : W255 Lo 23: 23:2: 52 Co m2??? toaasm 52? 623mg 52w .Lmet at? Bey/8 £32m . 055w. was meant“; 93.5 C0 flfimcoo on? £33 2: En .mgzafieca 2 02m 56c 2; Q3304 m5... mam 658:1- mexfi c8333 we} 65235286 E mozE o>¥55>5 “some mESESE B macaw m 2 @m 2;ldz<,EwN.:>>m JOE . . U ff ~57.‘- '_ , s, '|¢_?‘"§,4'K*' .‘t' l s’ . . W xx?“ \“4 ' -c\ _X..QI v.8‘ 0‘ .0‘! hvv. ._ ‘ , , *- ,i v - v 4*- 1' l . . ill: litlllli .k.ll| .00. 0''. l.‘ a.‘ .000 RlGl-KULM, SWiTZERLAND.—The summit of the Rigi, owing to its isolated position, commands an extensive view, three hundred miles in circumfer- ence, that is unsurpassed for beauty in Switzerland. in 1816 a very modest hotel was erected on the Kulm by private subscriptions, and in 1848 it was superseded by the oldest of the three houses on the Kulm. Since then the number of inns has been steadily increasing, and the Rigi is now one of the most popular Swiss resorts, and is visited by thousands of tourists yearly. ‘00%| a‘. .00 ‘g... 233 and! . am.‘ tide-q. a J .. .- 1H.’ ..0 . boldly in a rugged and imposing mass, almost isolated from the surrounding heights. Pilatus was An inclined railway extends from the base to the sum- its kind ever carried through. Many legends are connected with Pilatus. One of the oldest is, that in rises ings of when Pontius Pilate was banished from Galilee he fled hither, and, in the bitterness of his remorse, drowned himself in. the lake. PlLATUS, SWITZERLAND—This lofty mounta formerly one of the best known Swiss mountains, but in later years it was supplanted by the Rigi. . mit, and is said to be one of the boldest undertak 335 .- ‘L -I-'f.w r—T. I-P- 1 i "I . ._ s . V , ‘. v v a g , .1 a? a.’ p > '7 r‘ ' - V l 7 - Q ' .-*' '.°'idv.-.'Y - ‘. a ' v - 1* ' ' - - ~ J ‘ . A * ' a ) "y'- _ 4‘ 1 ,; .- . J _ . ‘. ~ _. . ‘ 1 . , q i , ¢~e . .1 _ . e V * - ) can» \ wt. ' " ~ ' ' i - * 4 -l . a .’ SIMPLON’S PASS, SWITZERLAND—This is the first Alpine route after Brenner, constructed by order of Napoleon l. A good wallcer may easily outstrip the “diligence” in ascending from either side, especially if he takes short cuts. At the highest point of the Simplon is a large building, with a lofty flight of stairs, founded by Napoleon, for the reception of travellers, and subject to the same rules as that of the great St. Bernard. This famous mountain-road is seen. in the foreground passing through the town of Simplon, a little village in the very heart of the Alps. 237 ' ’v1-' 7 .' “Ali-12¢. , V . I- a - ’ . ‘Pf’..- ' *‘?r§;'4.‘fi J‘. .‘ '. _.0 r v ,m 4 ' s \rI"u‘- " -7:.'.l 4.. ‘ n’ \L...,i : v ‘ ‘F l w». ‘ - a ‘ "i ;0 ._,,, 1r‘ . ,- aa." .1‘; i 1 . 4..- .‘> )3 ZERMATT AND THEv M.‘ATTERHORN, SWITZERLAND—The former lies in a green valley, with pine-clad slopes, while to the left rises the hugh rock- pyramid of the Matterhorn. in no other locality is the traveller so completely admitted into the heart of the Alpine world as here. The Matterhorn was ascended for the first time on the 14th of July, 1865, but the ascent is now frequently made. The rock has been blasted at the most difficult points, and a rope attached to it, so that the most formidable difficulties have been removed ; but even now the ascent is seldom made by any but proficient climbers. 239 CHAMOUNIX AND MONT BLANC, FRENCH ALPS—This valley of the Alps of Savoy is much frequented in summer, owing to its immediate proximity to Mont Blanc. it is inferior in picturesqueness to some other portions of Switzerland, but superior in grandeur of its glaciers, in which respect it has no rival but Zermatt. The picture shows the little village of Chamounix, with its few hotels and peasant homes in the valley below, and the perpetual ice and snow in the background, seemingly but a few minutes’ walk away, yet requiring a good two hours’ journey on mule-back. Alpine distances are very deceptive. 241 ENOELBERG, SWlTZERLAND.——Engelberg is loftily and prettily situated in the great mountain region of the Alps, with a population of about two thou- sand inhabitants. The church which appears nearest the mountain, is quite ancient, but contains famous modern pictures. The snow-covered mountains, five miles in the distance, change the climate in summer, so that the tourist can wear an overcoat with comfort. The winters are very severe, and on account of the deep snows, the inhabitants are sometimes compelled to remain indoors for eight weeks. The houses and barns are generally under one roof. 343 ray here passes through beautiful landscapes, richly wooded with walnut and chestnut trees, on the left bank of the Ticino. Numerous Campaniles in the ltalian style, crowning the hills, have a very picturesque effect. The peaks above are covered with Huge masses of rock lie scattered about. Three tunnels of the railway are seen in the picture, the s of two loop-tunnels, one below the other, in cork-screw fashion. ST. GOTTHARD RAlLWAY, SWlTZERLANU—The railvt snow. From the cliffs on every side, fall cascades. latter making a descent of three hundred feet by mean 0 245 AXENS TRASSE, SWITZERLAND—This famous road extends nine miles along the Lake of Uri, from Brunnen to Fluelen, and is noted for the remarkable boldness displayed in its construction. it is to a great extent hewn out of solid rock, cut like a shelf into the side of the mountain, with occasional pillars to hold the thousands of tons of rock above, and a strong balustrade to guard travellers from tumbling over the abrupt precipice into the lake many feet below. it is the great highway leading from Switzerland to ltaly, and is regarded as one of the most picturesque roads in the world. 247 ‘- n O‘ .‘ I. -- ‘- ‘TI'L , Q. a! ‘ ’ . :5t _1 $55‘ ~ - 1 , J :1 '.¢\-’_ ‘all’ y. M ~ J) “ . ,0 ‘a .-‘ \ ' I \ L ' ".nf‘nir ' I _ D‘ ~‘ _f_ PANORAMA OF VlENNA, AUSTRIA—The capital of the Empire of Austria and residence of the Emperor, is situated in a plain surrounded by distant mountains, the Danube Canal flowing through a portion of the city. it was originally a Celtic settlement, dating back to I4 A. D. The streets of the present city are narrow, generally well-paved and enclosed by very lofty houses. A great number of old passages through the courts of houses, by means of which pedestrians may often make a short cut, are still seen. in the last quarter of a century, Vienna has acquired an importance as a seat of art. 249 "' m . fr . dug!“ a, a" HOTEL METROPOLE, VIENNA, AUSTRiA.—On a branch of the Danube, flowing through the heart of the city of Vienna, stands the Hotel Metropole, an enormous building, admirably adapted for travellers. The picture shows a prominent feature in the street architecture of Vienna; and the Metropole is only one of the many private and public buildings of colossal dimensions which have sprung up within the last few years. The interiors of all these struc- tures are generally decorated throughout with painting and sculpture, which shows the perfection attained by the Vienese in the fine arts. as: Is“w'.~‘- 'r-Q‘r c s f1 ‘\\\\;;.‘ "1"“ I41, ‘- ‘i ,1 i“ " II‘ ‘iiixv -‘ \\‘\ flu‘ . 2?,‘ CHURCH OF ST. STEPHEN, VIENNA, AUSTRlA.—This is the most important edifice in the Austrian capital, dating back in its construction to the thirteenth century. it is constructed of solid limestone, and built in the form of _‘°“'a Latin cross. Below the church are extensive catacombs, consisting of three vaults, filled with bones and skulls. “Centuries ago, the sovereigns of Austria were buried in these vaults. The tower, built between 1860 and 1864, affords J’ an extensive view, embracing the river Danube and the battle-fields of Loban, Wagram and Essling. ' 253 THESEUS (BY CANOVA), VOLKSGARTEN, VIENNA, AUSTRlA.~~ln the centre of this pleasure-ground stands the Temple of Theseus, containing Canova’s fine marble group of the victory of Theseus over Centaur, originally des- tined by Napoleon l. for Milan. The figures are of heroic size. The victorious Theseus is represented with one knee on the body of the monster, in the act of dealing the death-blow, and the exhaustion that visibly pervades his whole frame, proves the terrible nature of the conflict in which he has been engaged. 255 (— I,l.'.tl~'.vi ;‘ I @I l SCHONBRUNN, VIENNA, AUSTRlA.—This sumptuous edifice, the summer palace of the Austrian Emperor, was completed by Maria Theresa in 1775. The building has a most imposing appearance. The gardens in the rear are open to the public. To the left of the principal avenue are the Roman ruins, the O-bel- isk and the “ Schone Brunnen” (beautiful fountain), from which the palace derives its name. Statues, vases and other objects of taste of the period are scattered about the ground. Extensive parks are attached to the palace. Y 1 257 GALATA BRIDGE, CONSTANTINOPLE, TURKEY.—Along the south shore of the Golden Horn spreads the quarter known as Stamboul, rising up to the crest of the hill, and including the massive Mosque, “ Sultan Valide,” that crowns it. Beyond the bridge Galata and Pera stretch forward along the ridge that runs parallel with the northern shore. These places are connected with Constantinople by two bridges crossing the Golden Horn. The largest of these bridges is represented in the above picture. Unlike those of most other countries, people do not keep on the sidewalks, but wander along in any portion of the street. The scene on the Bridge of Galata affords an interesting subject for study. i‘ I, i ) v , Y J I ) I I 259 MOSQUE OF ST. SOPHIA, CONSTANTINOPLE, TURKEY.—This is the finest and most important ecclesiastical building of the city. The first stone of the building was laid in 532, under Emperor Justinian. No fewer than ten thousand workmen are said to have been engaged, under the direction of one hundred master builders, and when the work was completed, it had cost the imperial treasury $5,000,000. The dome rises to the height of one hun- dred and eighty feet, and is one hundred and seven feet in diameter. To render it as light as possible, it was constructed of pumice stone and Rhodian bricks. Not long after its completion, the dome was shaken by an earthquake, 559, but was immediately restored. 261 INTERIOR OF THE MOSQUE OF ST. SOPHIA, CONSTANTINOPLE- TURKEY.—The whole interior of this noted structure is lined with costly mar-‘I ble. To add to its splendor, the temples of the ancient gods at Heliopolis, Baalbec and Ephesus, at Delos, Athens and Cyzicus, were plundered of their columns. To secure the building from ravages of fire, no wood was employed in its "construction except for the doors. The visitor cannot fail to be impressed by the bold span of the arches, and the still bolder sweep of the dome, while his eye is at once bewildered and charmed by the rich, if not alto- gether harmonious, variety of decorations, from the many colored pillars down to the mosaics and inscriptions on the walls. 163 the awful silence that pervades so large a place. I 1 ruining" I, 1%.“! A v“: ‘\4..--\ 4/’ M’ STREET SCENE, CONSTANTINOPLE, TURKEY.—The American traveller upon entering this city is almost be- wildered at the many novelties that confront him before he reaches his hotel. Nothing strikes him more forcibly than The only sound heard is an occasional cr ' ‘ i ' y of some vender, with a large wooden tray on his head, selling sweetmeats, sherbet, fruit or bread. Dogs at intervals disturb the pedestrian Hundreds of them lie in the middle of the street and onl , y move when aro sed i b . ’ < ' City is as Silent as death. u 1)! lows At ten 0 clock at night, the 265 i q I O Q Q ‘Q 0 MOSQUE O . F SULTA‘ richly decorat N AHMED C ed as St ‘ ’ ONSTANTlNQ that was in ' Sophia but .— in the city former Wars used f’or Circu is the only one that possess; Qf all the mosques in th 0 . The crumbling monumentsilpiigpofes- The exterior vie; 51?‘ minarets. It is locattfd 'Etoman Empire this is th I '3 Oregmun - . gives it a ma‘ - on a Square c , V . e principal 0 * H d 15 a rehc of antiquity. calledgriiifiecfpgapgearaflce. TheaiJlliilc the Hlppodrome, nadizd aiii IS not as 267 behsk of Emperor Cones’lznotlje lo)f the chief Obj-acts a; tihet: spot in orphymgenet- Tl erest os.” was‘ 1 . - op . . .- -\ ..- _ *6 A ..l :"H TURKISH MARKET-WOMAN, CONSTANTINOPLE, TURKEY.——This photograph represents a Turkish market- .°"- woman' in her street dress. The “ Koran ” most rigidly commands that all females hide their faces and wear a veil 3;’; whenever out-of-doors, only the eyes being uncovered. In the harems, they are, however, unveiled ; only the bus- ‘ bands, children, and servants of the household are allowed to behold the respective faces. Attached to the veil, in II. .gffull view, is the money string, worn like a string of beads of pearl. In her left hand she carries the “gullah,” or ' ' ' ' ' water~pitcher. 269 .* rim-31117 f,‘ 3kg“, Fe}; '1 ( V _) ) STREET MERCHANTS, CONSTANTINOPLE, TURKEY.—Street merchants are an institution in Constantinople. Bread venders, as represented in the photograph, are conspicuous amongst them. They occupy positions within the shadow of their places of worship, finding a ready sale there, it being the custom among the faithful, as they enter the Mosque, to buy bread for the poor assembled on the outside. Every Friday, at the Mosque of Bayezid, there is a distribution of bread to dogs, by benevolent Turks, to which troops of canines come from every part of the city. This charity is dispensed to gain the favor of Allah. a, A.‘ I.‘ 271 ‘ ACROPOLIS, ATHENS.—The natural centre of all the settlements in the Attic plain within the historical period was the Acropolis, a rocky plateau of crystalline limestone, rising precipitously to a height of two hundred feet. The semi-mythical Pelasgi, of whom but a few isolated traces have been found in Attica, are said to have leveled the top, increased the natural steepness of the rock on three sides, and fortified the only accessible part by nine gates. It was the earliest seat of the Athenian kings, who here sat in judgment and assembled their councils, as well as of the chief sanctuaries of the State. 273 PARTHENON, ATHENS, GREECE—This structure is the most perfect monument of ancient art, and even in ruins presents an imposing and soul-stirring appearance, occupying the culminating point of the Acropolis. It was erected by Pericles, and opened for public worship in 438 B. C. The crowning glory of the Parthenon was its magnificent sculpture, ascribed to Phidias, registering the highest level ever attained in plastic art. The Parthenon was used as a Christian church in the sixth century. In 1460 it became a Turkish Mosque, and in 1687 the stately edifice was blown into ruins. 0 - I ‘I 27S GRAND CATHEDRAL AND SQUARE, MILAN, lTALY.——This is the focus of the commercial and public life of the city, and is now enclosed by impos- ing edifices on every side. The celebrated Cathedral, the eighth wonder of the world, is next to St. Peter’s in Rome, the largest church in Europe. It covers an area of fourteen thousand square yards, and holds about forty thousand people. The building is in cruciform shape, with double aisles and transept. The interior is supported by fifty-two pillars, each twelve feet in diameter. The floor consists of mosaic, in marble of different colors. 277 Iltitllll‘t Jrlirll_‘ ‘ lIllillillillilliill/II/l/II/lll tHHHHflN‘ ' ~ tfi§§ii.t\\\t\\t\\i\\\(1\|\l'1 \!\\\\\\\\\l¢ i ‘Rh _e.. CORSO VENEZIA, MILAN, lTALY.—The principal shopping street of the city, and the favorite promenade of the Milanese is here represented. The buildings have a modern aspect, with little balconies at almost every window, which are often adorned with plants, flowers and creeping vines. The street, which is well paved, is wide, extending almost from house to house. The pavements are very narrow, consisting of only four smooth slabs of stone, laid side by side. The shop-windows are decorated in the most tempting style with the wares of the various merchants. The picture was secured in the early morning, giving the street a deserted look, which at all other times is crowded with people. 279 EXPOSITION BUILDINGS, TURIN, lTALY.—The city of Turin was the capital of the county of Piedmont in the Middle Ages, and in 1418 it becamd’. subject to the Dukes of Savoy, who frequently resided here. From 1859 to 1865 it was the capital of Italy, and the residence of the King. It lies on an extensive plain on the banks of the River Po. Turin was the chief centre of those national struggles which led to a unificati'ri‘ of Italy. The removal of the seat of government to Florence seriously impaired the prosperity of the city for a time, but it long since recovered, and celebrated its commercial success in 1884 by the exhibition. 281 "*5" 1'.‘ ‘p ‘ _ __. 4*‘ v 'r i “ 'r i Fit‘; .i ¢ t , ~> 1 a . . .J'Fnri :‘ - ' .‘-_~;-~—~ ~ ~';-~ ~'- e 1 v "_‘—e ~~~~~--~ e - Jvxlf ' v i v 1 ‘y " a - ' ‘I’ 3 ‘, ‘)1, , 'W'IJY. "'r' a .,' DUKE FERDINAND OF GENOA, TURIN, lTALY.—ln the centre of the Piazza Solferino stands the equestrian _,... statue of Duke Ferdinand of Genoa, commanding-general at the battle of Novara. The statue was executed by Balzico, and is remarkable for the life-like expression of the wounded horse, with extended nostrils and gasping . breath, sinking under the burden of his gallant rider. This piazza is one of the prettiest spots of Turin. Private $3‘.- residences face it on every side, with sloping lawns relieved by beds of flowers. 253 GENERAL VIEW OF GENOA, ITALY.~Genoa, with a population of about two hundred thousand, is located in the northern portion of the Peninsula, and is the principal seaport of Italy. The city is in the form of a crescent, and its gradual ascent from the shore, renders its appearance beautiful and attrac- tive. It is enclosed by a double line of fortifications, which place it among the leading fortified cities in Europe. A beautiful light-house on the west side, three hundred feet in height, stands like a sentinel on the edge of the bay. In the older portions of the city, the streets are only ten feet wide and are lined with high buildings on both sides. :85 1 'f ' {-1 . ‘ V’Flvfiw-vflqdi-WA W”; - I. r‘ ,~~..p-,...,, ,- A -< . "iciusroroao cocoa: LA PATRIA yin-H- a ' ' "HMSTATUE OF COLUMBUS, GENOA, lTALY.—In front of the principal railway station, rises the statue of .r’} Columbus, who was born at Genoa in 1435. The statue is in the centre of the spacious Piazza Acquaverde, em- '1! ~33 bosomed in palm-trees. The pedestal is adorned with ships’ prows. At the feet of the statue, which leans on an ' anchor, kneels the figure of America. The surrounding allegorical figures represent Religion, Science, Geography, ' vuvvb .:1 Strength and Wisdom. Between these, are reliefs from the history of Columbus, with the inscription, “A Chris- toforo Colombo la Patria." 8 a ' 2 7 LEANING TOWER, PISA, ITALY —Pisa is principally noted for its famous “ Leaning Tower, ” begun in 1174, and built of white marble; it is one hun- dred and seventy-eight feet high, and fronted with two hundred and seven columns. It is fifty feet in diameter, and leans thirteen feet from the per- pendicular. The foundation being made insufficiently solid, it began to incline before it was one-third completed. The Cathedral on the right was begun in 1604, and consecrated in 1618 by Pope Gelasius ; it contains the famous chandelier which Galileo saw swinging, and which led to his invention of the pendulum of the clock. The Baptistry, close by is noted for its marvelous echo. 289 I l l I PALACE OF THE DOGES, VENICE, lTALY.—This magnificent edifice, founded in 800, and destroyed five times, has as often been re-erected in grander style. The palace is flanked with colonnades, forming two pointed arcades on the south and west. The upper portion of the building is constructed of red and white marble. The interior presents a noble specimen of Venetian art. M‘any famous masters are here represented, the subjects either portraying the glory of Venice, or being of a religious order. The Bridge of Sighs connects the palace with the prison adjoining, which contains a series of gloomy dun- geons, a torture chamber and a place of execution for political criminals. 291 GRAND CANAL, VENICE, ITALY.—This canal, the main artery of the traffic of Venice, nearly two miles in length, and thirty-three to sixty-six ard in width, intersects the city from north-west to south-east, dividing it into two unequal parts. Steam-launches, hundreds of gondolas an‘dtother vzsseli Handsome houses and magnificent palaces' rise on the banks, for this is the street of the Nobili the ancient aristocrack of Venice. A barge, with a military band, navigates the canal every Sunday evening. A trip on the canal is extremely interesting; the posts are‘paintersji with the heraldic colors of their proprietors. are seen gliding in every direction. 293 ‘i l i l l q o :- CATHEDRAL OF ST. MARK, VENICE, ITALY.—Facing the piazza of St. Mark, which is in the heart of Venice, and the grand focus of attraction, rises the magnificent Cathedral of St. Mark, decorated with almost oriental splendor. The building dates back to the tenth and eleventh centuries, and portions of the materials used in its construction have been brought from almost every country in Europe. The ceiling of the interior is richly adorned with mosaics in the form of various noted paintings. Behind the High Altar repose the remains of St. Mark, while further back stand four spiral columns said to have belonged to the Temple of Solomon. The building to the right is the Ducal Palace. 295 STREET SCENE IN VENICE, lTALY.—The capital of the Province of Venice is situated on the lagoons, a long breast of lowlands in the Adriatic. For a time it was the first maritime and commercial power of the world, and one ofthc finest cities in Europe, but now it is nothing but a vast museum. The eighty islands on which Venice is built are'divided by wide and narrow canals, while small foot-paths wind throughout the city, occasionally crossing a canal, as is seen by the bridge in the above picture. Venice is popularly known as the “ Queen of the Adriatic.” ' 297 I, III I II II I. . k T“ 4 .(L ‘.1 THE RIALTO, VENICE, lTALY.--This famous bridge, one hundred and fifty-eight feet long and forty-six feet wide rests on twelve hundred t_ I was erected from 1588 to 159:. Its sides are lined with little shops, extending from a fish-market at one end, past jewelry-shops in the centr f ties at ‘t tore, down to a fruit-market at the other side. It always presents a busy appearance, and is considered a marvel of engineering skill and oneeoof tie T rut- bridges in the world. The picture represents the annual parade on the Grand Canal, with the Rialto in the background, which is always the rallyinigeceiiiiictr on such occasions. 299 THE CATHEDRAL, FLORENCE, lTALY.—This stately edifice, erected from 1294 to 1462, on the site of the earlier church of St. Reparata, is a striking example of Italian architecture. The church was finally consecrated in 1436, but the lantern on the top of the dome was not completed until 1462. The building is one hundred and eighty-five and one-half yards long, and one hundred and fourteen yards wide; the dome is three hundred feet high. The bell- toner, a square Structure adjoining the cathedral, two hundred and ninety-two feet in height, is regarded as one of the finest existing works of its kind. It consists of four stories of richly decorated and colored marbles. 301 r1 '-‘n‘1r‘iluu'iirffifl-"I"cv , ' ‘unn'n "W" , III I nnlununnlllulllll ' . .. 1 . “M.....W ‘ 17000010000 I!!! Ill! I I‘, , ‘- \-' -.w-' ‘w, VECCHIO BRIDGE, FLORENCE, lTALY.—Florence is situated on both banks of the Arno, but by far the greatest part of the city lies on the right bank. The bridge in the picture dates back to the fourteenth century,~and is flanked on both sides with shops which have belonged‘ to gold-smiths ever since their erection. It forms one of the principal bridgeways between the city proper and that portion of Florence which stands on the south bank of the Arno, and has always been considered one of the greatest sights of the town. 303 MONK, ITALY.—Monasticism primarily meant the state of dwelling alone; and then, by an easy and natural __transition, it came to denote a life of poverty, celibacy and divine obedience under fixed rules of discipline. The rad- ical idea of the term, in all its varieties of age, creed and country, is the same, namely, retirement from society in ' search of some ideal life, which society cannot supply, but which is thought attainable by self-denial and withdrawal ‘from the world. The picture represents an Italian monk in funeral attire v.’ 3".’ 7v . LOGGIA DEI LANZI, FLORENCE, lTALY.—This magnificent open-vaulted hall is one of the kind with which it f was usual to provide both public and private patrons of Florence, in order that the inmate might enjoy the open air I: or participate in public demonstrations, without being obliged to descend to the street. The style of architecture ' tshows a falling off from the Gothic, while the works of sculpture, representing Faith, Hope and Charity, Temper- ance and Fortitude, exhibit an incipient leaning toward Renaissance forms. Every afternoon the Loggia is crowded " 'with the poorer people of Florence, who seek a cool spot in the open air. 307 in‘, I.’ f" 4“ I' , ‘ Nil UFFIZI BUILDINGS, FLORENCE, lTALY.—This gallery originated with the Medici collections and was afterwards so improved with the numerous additions by the Lorraine Family, that it is now one of the best in the world, both ' '- for value and extent. The portico of the Uffizi Gallery, seen on both sides of the open court, contains niches, which are adorned with marble statues of celebrated Tuscans. At the farthest end of the court, rises the Vecchio Palace, a castle-like building, with huge projecting battlements, being originally the seat of the Signora, and subsequently 0 unuv used as a casino. 309 RAPE OF POLYXENA (BY FEDI), LOGGIA DEI LANZI, FLORENCE, lTALY.—Polyxena, according to Greek legend, was the daughter of Priam, King of Troy. Having by her grace and beauty captivated Achilles, the Grecian hero, she was betrothed to him. But Achilles was slain by Paris, son of Priam ; and after his death and the destruc- tion of Troy, his manes appeared to the returning Greeks, and demanded of them the sacrifice of Polyxena. The Greeks consented, and Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, sacrificed her on his father’s grave. This work of art is of modern execution. it was placed in the Loggia in 1866. 31' THE GRINDER, UFFIZ] GALLERY, FLORENCE, lTALY.—This magnificent statue was found in Rome in the six- teenth century. It has never been exactly ascertained what it represents, but it is supposed to be a Scythian whet- ting his knife to flay Marsyas. 313 I—wwwu '0 . O ' - e... n'_ v.‘ "i APPlAN WAY AND TOMB OF C/EClLlA METELLA, lTALY.—This military road, paved with stone blocks, and extending from Brindisi to Rome, was constructed by Appius Claudius Czecus, 312 B. C. Even at the present time its proud ancient title is that of the “ Queen of Roads,” and it is remem- bered as being the way on which St. Paul came to Rome. The tomb of Ccecilia Metella, which forms an interesting and conspicuous object, is a circular structure sixty-five feet in diameter, erected in honor of the daughter of Metellus Creticus, wife of the younger Crassus, son of the triumvir, UV.’ 0 u-~ 315 ' PYRAMID OF CESTIUS AND ST. PAUL GATE, ROME, lTALY.—The pyramid enclosed by Aurelian within the city and wall is the tomb of Cains Cestius, who died in the year 12 B. C. The Egyptian pyramidical form was not unfrequently adopted by the Romans in their tombs. That of Cestius is built of brick and covered with marble blocks. Immediately to the right of the pyramid is the Gate of St. Paul, leading on to the church of St. Paul beyond. Midway between the gate and church, legend says, St. Peter and St. Paul took leave of each other on their last journey. 311 ROMAN FORUM, ROME, lTALY.—After the Sabine tribes were amalgamated into a single state, they chose the forum as its centre; and it was there that some of t he most noted events in the history of the Roman Empire transpired. After the Samnite War, which resulted in the extension of Rome’s supremacy over all ltaly, the forum became too small for its multifarious business ; and therefore underwent many changes. After its destruction, during the Dark Ages, its remains were gradually buried beneath the rubbish and debris of some former centuries, but have recently been excavated. 3l9 l "*—-'fi—>-\, _ _ . ' 5.: H} , . ,. -. l. " .‘a\ I If.‘ _,..h , - . ,3" l a‘; ' . I. ‘a.’ ‘ " .- .. a l 1 I. _. I e v ~ at» ‘ . . _ ‘. ‘.b I g V l I‘ ~ ~‘ “1 .7’. I‘ I . s, I.‘. vbh‘ ‘u V v v .Vlib FORUM OF TRAJAN, ROME, lTALY.—This forum, which adjoined that of Augustus, contained a collection of magnificent edifices, and is said to have been designed by Apollodorus of Damascus. Trajan’s Forum must have measured two hundred and twenty yards in width, and was probably of still greater length ; it was considered the most magnificent in Rome. “On the north side of the Basilica rises Trajan’s Column, one hundred and forty-seven feet high, constructed entirely of marble. Around the column runs a spiral band, covered with admirable reliefs from Trajan’s War with the Dacians. Beneath this monument Trajan was interred; on the summit stood his statue, now replaced by St. Peter's. 321 BATHS OF CARACALLA, ROME, lTALY.—These ancient baths were begun in 212 accommodate loco bathers at one time. The magnificence of these baths was unparalleled; numerous statues, including the Farnese Bull, Hercules and Flora at Naples, have been found here; and the uncovered .walls still bear testimony to the technical perfection of the structure. The establishment was quadrangular in form, and surrounded by a wall. 323 by Caracalla, and completed by Alex. Severus, and they could. \ , ... A ~- ~ ~.'‘ 1'- M . , 2:‘: ' .isa. _ - a ~~Fs~~ifi . ' =31.’ ' COLOSSEUM, ROME, ITALY—The Colosseum, originally called the Amphitheatrum Flavium and completed by Titus in 80 A. D., was the largest theatre and one of the most imposing structures in the world. It was inaugurated by 100 days’ gladiatorial combats, in which 5000 wild animals were killed. It contained seats for 87,000 spectators. Only one-third of the gigantic structure now remains, yet the ruins are still stupendously impressive. The Colosseum has ever been a symbol of the greatness of Rome, and gave rise in the eighth century to a prophetic saying of the pilgrims: “While stands the Colosseum, Rome shall stand ; when falls the Colosseum. Rome shall fall ; and when Rome falls, with it shall fall the world l ” ,n\‘: 335 lNTERlOR OF COLOSSEUM, ROME, lTALY.—The arches of the first tier are marked by Roman numbers, as they formed so many entrances, through which, by means of internal Stairways, the upper balconies were reached. The arena had two openings enclosed by railings of bronze, through which the gladiators and wild beasts entered. Above was the Podium, a place intended for the Emperors and their families, for the magistrates, the sena- tors, the priests and the vestals. Thousands of Christians in this place suffered martyrdom, by becoming the prey of wild beasts. The picture presents the imposing spectacle of the interior of this monument at the present day. ‘Gill 4--- 327 ., .. 3» {fit 5 f V p i 5 ,ii.‘ I ,2 .t‘} 1 my 4 . ‘i v ' ‘V/v ".‘i Y‘ '1' ‘.l l’ _‘ ..l ' x’ ,1 ‘1:, . c- -_ . ‘.j . .‘ . . , . i} t I '7 - . rp: 1, l ‘ , 1. -\_._ .- 4.‘ ' j 3 ~ 4”“ T *( . ta 1, , . 3 a, pa; 6 r _ _> '4 - , i g‘, ._ ‘ \' ‘a ‘n . ' X a“ ( .2 _ - 5 .. __ i c .. are: ' .‘ . l ‘i ' ‘ ( “If ‘ ff I. I 1H1: .' 1 fl . ‘ \ 1 : . X ._ j ltlttr’ .i w ‘H '1» . . .. ., j ‘l _.| .z . - “ a‘! . I ‘n l? e 9.‘ a a an: I,“ ~. ‘--_ .' , ; ) .4 " I .‘-‘r . a I ll ‘In ..w PANTHEON, ROME, l'I‘ALY.—This is the only ancient edifice at Rome which is still in perfect preservation, as regards the walls and vaulting. The original statues and architectural decorations have long since been replaced by modern and inferior works, but the huge circular structure with its vast col- onnade still presents a strikingly imposing appearance. The walls are twenty feet in thickness and were originally covered with marble and stucco. The height and diameter of the dome are each one hundred and forty feet. The opening of the dome at the top is thirty feet in diameter, and through this aper- ture the ancients supposed the gods to descend. The building is supposed to have been constructed in the first century B. C. 319 r T_“’ " .t- - ‘V ‘r‘ . ‘J flu‘ .7 .i- J i I a ' “felt, V‘P'" " We! 7%! ‘f 1 a‘ .1‘ K "s -\ -~ ‘ "r - 4 3‘ ~ u ‘an l ‘ w -- .. ‘ix. Q 1 -~‘ n l . n - p _ f.‘ 4": l. . ‘ . M we. . . ‘i ‘c _d ‘.7 - r 7"", "w. ;’v\\. .1‘ v . L I; so -" ;\“"‘. v i - . .1’, I’ ‘v e \ I - \ . . - _ ‘III III‘ BRIDGE OF ST. ANGELO AND TOMB OF HADRIAN, ROME, lTALY.—This bridge is of most ancient construction. it was built by Hadrian in 136 A. D., to connect his tomb with the city. Ten colossal angels, formerly much admired, and executed in 1688, testify to the low ebb of plastic art at that period. The tomb was built by Emperor Hadrian for himself and his successors. The massive circular tower stands on a square basement on the banks of the Tiber. The bronze statue of St. Michael, the Archangel, which is seen on the summit, gives the tower its present name, Castello S. Angelo. ‘Ill 331 ‘Us - 7‘ m'YMPMrfwnb-w» uh-a-vqla-ngqman.— P ‘$46154 '- . ~ ‘I - ' n v .J'O-sn-qnwjgqg 143-, :w,:'-= ‘ “' f .' ""‘5'25 as.“ - .-s~-'. ' ‘IV .0 ST. PETER’S AND VATICAN, ROME, ITALY.—St. Peter's is fronted by an elliptical piazza, enclosed by imposing colonnades and is the largest and most beautiful Catholic Cathedral in the world ; it was founded by Constantine and erected where St. Peter is said to have sufferecl martyrdom. Its erec- tion and improvements cost over $50,000,000. The great Obelisk in the centre of the piazza, having no hieroglyphics, was brought from Heliopolis The Vatican on the right is the Pope’s residence, and is elegantly fitted up, being adorned with paintings and statues by the world’s greatest masters. ' II‘... .0 in. 'ooll 333 v\ ‘v.'_. . 3 girlie?! ;“ ‘is-"1 -- ‘ l- ‘1 ~ . . “.1 l INTERIOR OF ST. PETER’S, ROME, lTALY.—This most marvelous church in the world was built on the place where stood the temple of Jupiter It was a memorial chapel to St. Peter, and was, according to tradition, erected on The present structure, the glory of Michael Angelo, was begun about 1503. Vaticanus. The first church here is said to have been built A. D., 90. the spot where the saint was buried. Constantine built a Basilica on the site. The picture shows the high altar with the statue of St. Peter to the very right. 335 TRANSFIGURATION (BY RAPHAEL), VATICAN GALLERY, ROME, lTALY.—The last great work and masterpiece of this celebrated artist, unfinished at his death and completed by Giulio Romano, was preserved in St. Peter’s until 17o7.' The upper part is by Raphael’s own hand; Christ hovers between Moses and Elias ; Peter, James and Johi arsprostrate on the ground, and dazzled by the light. The figures to the left, in an attitude of adoration, are St. Lawyence and St. Stephen. The lower half, where the other disciples are requested to heal the possessed boy, was partly. executed by Raphael’s pupils. ‘ as? ‘0-0 LA BALLERINA (BY CA N . tor‘ It is hewn out of a SOHdOZlAJikRDOME, lTALY.—Here is another of the masterpieces of this fam Sions of Canova’s works Th. c . ‘marble, and comes under the head of “ grace and ele ”Ous mastepsculp. details an expresgion of.attit I; sugje'ct 15 a most striking one. Like all his other subiectsgozinge, or’): 'Of the divi- , . u e, e icacy of finish and ele ance. T ' I ‘ race’, IS in all its natural. and the lines and curves of the arms perfect, while tie draperyhies FiliTiOfE-Ziqarmmg, the twist of the hair 330 l LAOCOONT E, VATICAN GALLERY, ROME, lTALYa—This famous group represents Laocoon and his two sons, who were strangled by serpents at the command of Apollo. According to Pliny, it was executed by three Rhodians, and placed in the Palace of Titus. It was discovered under Julius II., in 1506, near Sette Sale, and was termed by Michael Angelo a “ marvel of art.” The work is admirably preserved, with the exception of the three uplifted arms, which have been incorrectly restored. The dramatic suspense of the moment. and the profoundly expressive attitude of the heads, denote the perfection of the Rhodian school of art. 341 i t V a. I I ‘,L TOLEDO STREET, NAPLES, lTALY.—This famous city is beautifully situated on the Bay of Naples, with Mount Vesuvius in the distance. Its charm- ing position has given rise to the phrase “ See Naples and die.” it was founded by the Greeks, and here Virgil spent his time in study, his tomb being one of the points of interest for travellers. The city is still surrounded by a wall. it has often suffered from earthquakes and eruptions. The manufactures are numerous, of which macaroni and vermicelll are of first importance. The photograph represents Toledo Street, which intersects the city from south to north, and with its immense amount of well-conducted business, presents a very interesting sight. s43 CRATER OF MOUNT VESUVIUS, lTALY.—This volcano, with a crater of nearly a quarter of a mile in circumference, rises Bay of Naples, and varies in height from 3900 to 4900 feet, according to the varied eruptions. earthquake, damaging Herculaneum and Pompeii. centuries. Another most terrific eruption occurred in 1631, by which a stone weighing twenty-rive tons was thrown a distance of fifteen miles, and streams of lava poured from the summit, destroying over three thousand people. in. lonely majesty from the I _ Vesuvius in the time of Nero manifested itself by a fearful An eruption occurred in 79 A. D. by which the two cities named were lost to the world for seventeen ‘ D J ‘ J’ a)‘ II J a’... J i ’ ‘,l. "0., .3 j', J J 70 ' 345 STREET OF TOMBS, POMPEII‘, lTALY.—This photograph exhibits a suburb of Pompeii named Pagus Augustus Felix, in honor of Augustus; it lay outside the city walls. lt consisted chiefly of one main street, which has been partly excavated. This is the so-called Street of Tombs. The ancient cus- tom of burying the dead by the side of a high road is well known. it has been ascertained that rows of graves, similar to those discovered here, exist beyond other gates of Pompeii. The Street of Tombs is, in point of situation, the most beautiful part of the town. 347 .\. r‘ '1’ ,5‘; j 7" w» i CIVIL FORUM, POMPEH, ITALY.—The ancient market-place in the central part of Pompeii was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A. D. The forum has been excavated during the present century, and found to be five hundred and fifteen feet long and one hundred and seven feet wide; it is surrounded by granite columns of the Doric order. From the discoveries made, it is supposed that the forum was far from complete when the eruption occurred. ‘T he smoking mountain is still seen in the distance, while the ruins of the ancient market stand prominent in the foreground of this photograph. The forum is a most interesting spot, and is familiar to all readers of “The Last Days. of Pompeii.” why!- J \ Viv‘ uvbbb 349 GENERAL VIEW AND LANDING. ISLAND OF CAPRI, lTALY.—~This is a small mountainous island of oblong form ; its picturesque outline forms one of the most charming pointsin the view of the Bay of Naples. The highest point is the Monte Solaro, nineteen hundred and twenty feet above the level of the sea The island, which contains five thousand inhabitants and the two small towns of Capri and Anacapri, yields fruit, oil and excellent red and white wines in abundance. The inhabitants receive their support mainly from strangers who visit the island earl t ' ' ‘ l I I 0 . shows the principal landing-place of Capri, also noted for the unique “ Blue Grotto.” y y e number of thirty thousand‘ The above PICtl-lm II’. 351 - .. - ' — I‘ ‘ . CASTELLO, ISLAND OF lSCHlA, lTALY.—The climate of these charming islands is genial, the sky rarely overcast, the winters mild, the inhabitants bounteously supplied with the necessaries of life, and the sick with healing springs. Trees, shrubs and all kinds of plants thrive luxuriantly in this volcanic soil. Here and there are observed groves of young oaks and chestnuts. The inhabitants are distinguished by a peculiar costume, dialect and figure. Fashion is unknown ; not one of the islands can boast of ahorse or carriage. Castello, in the foreground, is a most curious volcanic formation. vybv ‘Vb. VJuv Q'Ub‘- 353 N s, - ” i'vfa'r '* h ‘ t i ‘ ‘32' ‘ ->~e~ ' v v ‘I a I‘ . . ‘P .1 J ' ' .:*"_53‘3?§~$i:$} ‘ >- HARBOR, ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT.—The perfectly flat coast of Egypt. and even Alexandria itself’ are not Visible t° the St‘iamiboat passengerunm v-ew shortly before the vessel enters the harbor. The latter consists of an outer breakwater,forming an obtuse angle nearly two miles in length' Asecond pler' nearly a mile in length, protects an inner harbor covering nearly five hundred acres of water,tW§mY-5@Ven feet Peep‘ N0 fewer than thmy thousand “um-la, blocks, weighing twenty tons each, and two million tons of natural blocks of stone were used in the construction of these magnificent harbor Works’ 355 PLACE OF MEI-IEMET ALI, ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT.—The site of this open square is embellished with trees and fountains. It became a scene of destruction during 1882. In the centre rises the equestrian statue of Mohammed ’Ali, the founder of the reigning dynasty of Egypt. The Mohammedan religion forbids the pictorial or plastic representations of the human form. The erection of this monument was long opposed by the Ulama, or chief professor of divine and legal learning. The buildings on both sides are shops. That at the further end is the English church. 35? e._ urn; iii . i o In the distance rises Pompev’s Column. This handsome monument does not derive its name from Pompey the Great, who was murdered on the Egyptian coast after the battle of Pharsalia, EGYPTIAN CEMETERY, ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT.—This sacred burial ground is located at Alexandria, Egypt. but from the Roman prefect Pompeius, who, according to the inscription, erected it in honor of the unconquered Diocletian, “defender of the city of Alexandria.” 359 ..Jr o I Q ‘seal!!! -~.. I: . I V ‘"11. m "i ‘w , A .. I- . 'um"~ . . -‘ " - a - ' 11 w‘ -- 1 i. raajr'fvwg." ' "i “w ?Q\é§ O u‘. r >-- u‘ . ‘f _ .r Y ‘0'. g‘ a “as \m 33:11“, J) “b ‘I’ .,0‘. CITADEL, CAIRO, EGYPT.—This citadel affords a magnificent view of the city and surrounding country. It was erected in 1166, and built of stones taken from the small pyramids at Gizeh, the site having been selected. according to Arabian history, owing to the fact that meat could be kept here fresh twice as long as in any other part of Cairo. The fortress commands the city, yet its site is unfavorable, as a commanding height close by compelled its surrender during the wars of 1805. 361 *1)‘ J . ~ 4 “an ' - '.' '. iiiiil l ‘Ma “92. n4 - ,,. ‘ ._~ ’ , ‘=7 i . i l ' . sq‘ . ,_ _ MOSQUE OF MOHAMMED ‘ALI, CAIRO, EGYPT.—The “ Alabaster Mosque," whose lofty and graceful mina- rets are so conspicuous from the distance, form one of the landmarks of Cairo. In plan, it represents the Turkish mosques, built on the model of Hagia Sofia, at Constantinople. The execution of the design displays but little artistic taste, and the treatment of the material is somewhat unsatisfactory. The alabaster used for the incrustation of the masonry consists partly of blocks and partly of slabs. The beautiful yellow-tint stone soon fades when exposed to the sun. 363 I’). I ll» 1.... _. a :::=- . H r . ‘0.1. .fl! ¢.C(4- v STREET SCENE, CAIRO. EGYPT.—Most of the streets in the old part of the town are unpaved, inaccessible to carriages, and often excessively dirty. They present an inexhaustible field of amusement and delight, admirably abian quarter are Rickety, tumbling houses illustrating the whole world of oriental fiction. The lanes separating the rows of houses in the Ar so narrow that the projecting balconies of harems, with their gratings, often nearly meet. of every variety of oriental architecture strike the beholder at every turn , as is illustrated above. 365 PALACE OF GEZIREH, CAIRO, EGYPT.—This palace is located on the Nile, at one end of a park by the same name. Its external appearance is simple. All the distinguished guests who were invited to attend the ceremony of the opening of the Suez Canal were entertained here. The building is State property and rarely occupied. The interior is furnished in the most sumptuous and elaborate manner. The onyx mantebpieces, with mirrors, cost each $15,000. Portions of the palace are fitted up in suites of apartments for visitors, each consisting of bed-room, dressing-room and sitting-room. s67 _ ‘Q. My,‘ a; > s- i O Q . 1 ~53. F’ ON CAMEL-BACK, EGYPT.—To people accustomed to all the comforts and luxuries of the world, who have never experienced desert tent-life, nor travelled through countries where there are no people to consult, it is hard to convey an idea of oriental camel-back travelling. The “ ship of the desert " is a most faithful animal, and loved by his master as much as a child; but his back affords a very uncomfortable seat. The long backward and forward motion recalls to the rider the swells of the sea. The above picture is a perfect specimen of hundreds of such caravans during the travelling season. 359 I --'v V Elli?iifiglrpiiipifiifiliTTHei‘i all reprise-"tame gm“ Pyramids ‘“ Gish “some plateau gradually from as to We of aces. ie iree pyrami s are so situated on this plateau as to face the to l i t f tl ' b ~ I , L shows a deviation towards the west. The Sphinx is situated close b - - L r p0 n S 0 1e Lompabs’ although the magnet _ y. Numerous tombs almost all in ruins o ' . plateau to the east. They are sometimes hewn in the form of grottoes in the external rock,y slope. ’ Surf und these pyramids’ and extend over the 371 e i . Q . A 31393:; ‘ 35-71“. CORNER VIEW OF THE GREAT PYRAMID, EOYPT.—This immense structure is built of huge granite blocks _comprising no less than three million cubic yards for the entire structure. The view is remarkably interesting and striking. There is perhaps no other prospect in the world in which life and death, fertility and desolation, are seen iris-.0 close juxtaposition, and in so marked a contrast. The high and colorless monuments erected here by the hand ofemran, like the desert itself, remind the spectator of death and eternity. The picture represents the entrance to the subterranean chambers of the Great Pyramid. w 'dvob - v‘ 373 w v ._(__- Y,_ ,v-agu- "w “W ‘I!’ ~ .14‘ ‘ T - s. L N in!‘ ' 7 ‘i ._ ., a. _, .5... .._a.seas...as.... . k .1 ~ ._ . . , . in. Q g, n rm _l~ . .m. g .me,w invgfl Kan i HFOE fl-DlV 564mm .ICIg _ QHU .DEOS meal-hour See .mnCcm Sllnrgba Sdfim Se fihxcr. ncmm UWO ‘l 3C V #1160 owidqmb NSLA am: Ma... r , aWcli nvbadnusr. ndsm. dana m an hL .WC. g tdy mmei Miflfl tu Noam tkimh auty howl] whiem EtOfl Ccmucdg .mano _S..HAS TI‘ Di V: G E X N H Di _S E H T. 375 THE COLOSSI, UPPER NILE, EGYPT.—These two gigantic statues stand near the approach of the Temple of 'Am‘enophinum. One of them is known as the Vocal Memnon. __ Inscriptions on the vocal statue record the visits of ‘those who were with Hadrian, and of others, and relate that'they heard the voice of Memnon. ‘about a quarter of a mile to the southeast of the mound, where are the remains of the temple. gritstone, monolithic, and about forty-seven feet in height, with pedestals about twelve feet high. The Colossi stand Afinenophis Ill., seated on his throne, and are about sixty feet apart. They are of hard They represent an “7.: IN CENTRAL AFRlCA.—No country in the world creates more interest among the civilized nations than does mfAfrica. In the far interior, where African explorers have failed to find traces of the outer world, every variety of ‘ '_I‘.'savage humanity exists. These uncivilized people, who know nothing of the progress of nations, live in tribes preying upon each other’s settlements, whenever opportunity presents itself. The above picture represents the typ: ical natives of the Dark Continent. 379 . ...- . ,. _.. a _ -...;. raw-‘J- . > . v. ir ‘ " .. _, P ' "’ ' , r‘ T'cW‘W-“sai‘rl‘r‘ ‘w _ .. -. _ 4 _ V v _ _ ,. a...“ "<4 “M. ~‘ .. _._.._...a....._ .._.. .l"*-_2_L|.__. _._._'a.11~"‘5“ ‘ ‘ LANDING ON SUEZ CANAL, EGYPT.—The Suez Canal, which connects the Red Sea with the Mediterranean, was begun April 25, 1859, and fully completed March 18, 1869. During the time of construction, which lasted ten years, 25,000 men were employed, and 1600 camels to supply them with water. The cost of constructing the canal was $95,000,000, part of which was raised by shareholders and the balance by the Khedive. This picture represents a landing stage and one of the English trading vessels, sailing between England and India. A number of camels and Arabs are seen on a ferry-boat, ready to ‘u.- laken across the canal, the latter furnishing the great highway for all European vessels sailing to or from the Orient. 5m ‘.53.. ...r.:.'__. POST OFFICE, SUEZ, EGYPT.-—The site of this town is naturally an absolute desert, and, until the water of the Nile was introduced by the fresh water canal in 1863, the water-supply of Suez was brought across the head of the gulf from the “ wells of Moses,” on the Arabian coast, or else carried on camels, after an hour’s journey, from the fortified brackish well. In spite of its favorable position for commerce, the place was quite small prior to the time of the canal, and even to-day the canal carries traffic past Suez rather than to it. The picture shows the post office square. 333 0"‘. ‘l 0 Q'- .0 YAFFA OR JAFFA, PALESTlNE—Jaffa, the ancient Joppa, is quite a large town, lying on the S. W. coast of the Mediterranean, at the foot of a rock one hundred and sixteen feet in height. It has over eight thousand inhabitants. This town is very ancient, and a road runs directly from it to Jerusalem. The houses are built of tuff-stone, and the streets are generally very narrow and dirty, and, after the slightest rain, exceedingly muddy. The town walls are falling to decay, and the interior of the town is uninteresting. Tradition points out the place as the one in which Napoleon is said to have caused plague- patients to be poisoned, and in which St. Peter once lived—(Act 10: 5, 6.) 8 3 5 7.7 GENERAL VIEW OF JERUSALEM, PALESTINE—Here is a place of overwhelming interest. In the foreground we see St. Ann’s Church, with its quaint cupola. Little is seen of the ancient City of Zion and Moriah, the far-famed capital of the Jewish Theocracy, in the narrow, crooked and ill-paved streets of the modern town. The combination of wild superstitions, with the merest formalism which is everywhere observed, and the fanaticism and jealous exclusive- ncss of the numerous religious communities of Jerusalem, form the chief modern characteristics of that memorable city, which was once the fountain-head from which the knowledge of the true God was wont to be vouchsafed to mankind, and which has exercised the greatest influence on religious thought throughout the world. 387 WAILING PLACE OF THE JEWS, JERUSALEM, PALESTINE—Outside of the enclosure of Mosque El Aksa, at Jerusalem, is the noted wailing place of the Jews‘. ‘ A large number of them, including old and young, male and female, gather here on Friday, kiss the stones and water them with their tears. They bewail the downfall of Jerusalem, and read from their well-worn Hebrew Bibles and prayer-books the Lamentations of Jeremiah. The following few words are an exact copy from their litany : “ For the Palace that. lies desolate, we sit in solitude and mourn.” They present a curious spectacle. 5Q‘) STREET SCENE, JERUSALEM, PALESTINE—The above photograph represents the seventh of the ‘fourteen sta- tions of the “ street of pain,” over which Christ is said to have carried the cross on His way to Golgotha. The place where Simon of Cyrene took the cross from Christ, the house against which Christ is said to have leaned, or heat which He fell a second time, and the place where Christ is said to have addressed the women that accompanied Him. are all seen along this avenue. " 391 , l l 1 ‘ .' . “I .. ..£p,_ ' Q.’ A- 9' . .é . r 1 are’ r '; ' & ‘a \ >- V33’ GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE, PALESTINE—This holy place is situated at the foot of Mount Olivet across the Kedron, and noted as the scene of our)‘ Lord’s agony. Jesus frequently came here, as did also His disciples. It is a small irregular spot, surrounded by a high wall. This wall was built in 1847 by Franciscan monks, who claimed it necessary to keep from the garden, pilgrims who injured the olive trees. There are seven of these trees remaining in the garden, whose trunks, nineteen feet in circumference, are cracked open with age, and claimed to date back to the time of our Saviour. v -v\''' ) ' 393 vto-day in every respect confirm this record. unto Me that is to be ruler in Israel.” BETHLEHEM, PALESTlNE.—“ But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall He come forth In Hebrew the word signifies the “ place of bread,” or, more generally, “the place of food,” and is possibly derived from the fact that the region about Bethlehem has from very remote antiquity presented a marked contrast to the surrounding “wilderness.” We learn from the Bible that the inhabitants of Bethlehem possessed cornfields, vineyards and flocks of goats, and that they made cheese. The natural products of G156‘ ¢G¢¢ UN 395 DEAD SEA, PALESTINE—This sea, situated sixteen miles from Jerusalem and visible from the Mount of Olives, occupies that deep depression thirteen ‘ ’ ‘j’ hundred feet below the Mediterranean, which extends from the mountains of Lebanon to the Gulf of Akabah, and is forty-six miles long and about ten miles wide. The River Jordan and smaller streams empty their waters into it, and it has no visible outlet. The water of the Dead Sea contains a large quantity of mineral substances, consisting of chlorides of sodium, calcium and magnesium, which give it a bitter taste, and render it smooth and oily. 1Q’? ' 4 NAZARETH, PALESTINE—This village, situated in Galilee about sixty-five miles from Jerusalem, is the place where Jesus grew up from infancy. its highest elevation the most beautiful views of the Holy Land can be taken. The place must have been very small in the time of Christ, as the village is not named in the Old Testament. The population in those times was mainly Jewish, but it now has Greek, Latin and Moslem quarters and a Protestant mission. During the Middle Ages ‘many Christians visited Nazareth, but when the Turks seized Palestine in mm, they were again driven out. From 399 JACOB’S WELL, PALESTINE—Jews, Christians and Moslems agree that this is the “Well of Jacob" of Scripture. uated on the high road from Jerusalem to Galilee, according perfectly with the narrative of St. John lV., 5-30. one—half feet in diameter and lined with masonry. tradition had already attached to it, that this was Jacob’s Well, and a ound it was the field which he purchased, and where Joseph was afterwards buried. (Joshua XXIV., 32.) (Gen. XXXIIL, 19.) It is sit- In summer, it is often dry. It is seven and If, as is probable, this well was the scene of Christ’s conversation with the Samaritan woman, the iDl INTERIOR OF GREAT MOSQU E, DAMASCUS, SYRlA.—-lt is possible that during the first century of the Christian era, a heathen temple stood on the site of the present mosque. The building was converted into a Christian church, and contained a casket in which the head of John the Baptist was shown. The Christian church was destroyed, and the present mosque erected. Antique columns were collected in towns of Syria, and used in the decoration. The pavement and lower walls are covered with rarest marbles. The ceiling, from which hang six hundred golden lamps, i: of wood, inlaid with gold. The urn above the altar is said to still contain the remains of the head of John the Baptist. 40; 0P0 ' Q.,_)I,. . " J 33:‘- , ‘e $1 7 ' - . _» ‘v ‘ BAALBEC, SYRlA.—These magnificent ruins have excited the wonder and admiration of every beholder. ln yiew of the fact that the Jewish style of architecture is mingled with that of the Doric and the Corinthian order, this building is supposed to have been built by Solomon. It may be surpassed in classical taste by the Temple of Athens, and, in some respects, Rome may rival it. Even in magnitude the Nile exceeds it, but there is something about Baalbec that causes it to stand alone, and makes it peer of all. Its origin is not known, yet it passed through the Greek, Arab and Roman hands, and suffered assaults by the Crusades. . 4°.5 it; .- w i ‘liil'i‘f . . {pin ltliiiiii \ u‘ 1i '! t r “M...- .,,.. a .. is 5; ET i'i 1. .: KALBADEVIE ROAD, BOMBAY, lNDlA.——The city of Bombay, under English rule, with a population of nearly a million inhabitants, is one of the most flourishing cities in India, on account of its nearness to the Suez Canal. The approach from the sea discloses one of the finest panoramas in the world, the only European analogy being the Bay of Naples. The town itself consists of well~built and usually handsome native bazaars, and of spacious streets devoted to European commerce, of which the above is one of the principal avenues. 407 E‘ as." '. ‘re lNDRA-SABHA-TEMPLE, ELLORA, lNDlA.—This world-famous temple occupies a position on a mountain near the town of Ellora. It is a cave tem! pie and is said to form one of a series begun 200 B. C., and continued until the twelfth century. Cut out of the solid rock are halls, supported by massive piers with level architraves. The temple is said to have been executed by Rajah Eda of Ellichpur, who was cured of a cutaneous disorder by a spring near the place, and in gratitude, gave orders for the construction of the shrine. It measures one hundred and thirty-eight feet in front, and in the interior ex- tends two hundred and forty-seven feet in length by one hundred and fifty feet in breadth. and is in some places one hundred feet high. 409 ROYAL OBSERVATORY, MADRAS, INDlA.—This Observatory, maintained by the British Government, has been in operation since the beginning of the present century. It stands near the basin “ Spur Tank,” and almost on the banks of the river Kuwam, which divides Madras in two halves. It is supplied with the very finest instruments, and many famous astronomical observations have been made here. In 1831, a transit instrument and a mural circle, both of three and three-quarter inches aperture, by Dollond, were mounted, and with these, T. G. Taylor observed eleven thousand stars, which were published in a large catalogue. ‘git QUI‘ Q's u.‘ u U...‘ It. .00.! 4n BENARES, INDIA—The city here represented is the religious centre of Hindooism, and one of the oldest cities on the globe. The bank of the Ganges is entirely lined with stone, and there are many very fine landing-places, built by pious devotees, and highly ornamented. The internal streets are so narrow and winding, that there is not room for a carriage to pass ; and it is difficult to penetrate them even on horseback. The houses are built of Chanar stone, and are lofty, none being less than two, and many five and six, stories high. why” I I v ~99 413 ; w.’ -‘. I~I'?,If , TROPICAL SCENERY, CALCUTTA, INDlA.-—Tropical scenery can only be appreciated by anobservant traveller. Even in large cities like Calcutta, the houses are surrounded by gardens of mangos, nux vomica trees, jacks with pepper vines creeping over them, and huge palm trees, giving a rural ap- pearance to even the most crowded district. From a rising ground the view is extensive and very beautiful. Undulating hills and dales, generally covered with forests and cocoanut groves, only broken here and there by fields of vivid green, attract the eye from all sides, and make up a varied scene not to be equaled elsewhere in India. The natives roam about in almost a nude state, the women only wearing bright colored petticoats, which give them however a very picturesque appearance. ' ’ 415 TEMPLE OF THE TOOTH, KANDY, CEYLON.——Dalada Malagawa, the Temple of the Tooth, is a shrine of peculiarly sacred character to the Buddh- ists. The outside walls are decorated with hideous, ill-executed frescoes of the various punishments inflicted in the Buddhist inferno. The Sacred Tooth of Buddha, which is two inches long and one inch thick, is preserved in a gold and jeweled shrine, covered by a large silver bell, in the centre of an octagonal tower with a pointed roof. It is only exposed to view once a year. The kings and priests of Burmah, Siam, and Cambodia, send regularly yearly tribute to the Temple of the Tooth, and more or less reverence is paid to it in India, China and Japan. 417 _ '- TEA FARM, CEYLON, lND|A.—The cultivation of tea in Ceylon has only been recently introduced. A small quantity of pure, good tea is produced annually and finds a ready market on the island. It has not yet become an article of export. The fragrant shrub, which in form and species closely re- sembles the camellia, bears a white flower, giving a tea-garden in bloom a beautiful appearance. Indian tea is the very purest grown, although it has only within the last forty years become a staple product. There is a vast territory suitable to its successful growing, the plants in some parts of India being indigenous. 419 It is an octagonal pagoda, of nine NINE STORY PAGODA, CANTON, CHlNA.——This is one of the most celebrated of this class of buildings in China. stories, 170 feet in height and was first erected thirteen centuries ago. Brick, covered with marble or glazed tile, was the material used in construction. Each story is reduced in width and has a gallery round it. The roofs are hollow and sagging. ~ They project a great deal, the corners being turned up In these corners, light bells are suspended, which make a constant ringing when the wind blows. sharply. 4n Ion-n- .- '_'_'_"WONG TAl KEN, CHlNA.—The people of China are a thoroughly settled class of agriculturists and traders. '-.~' They are partially Buddhist, and have a peculiar monosyllablc, uninflected language, with writing consisting of symbols, which represent words, not letters. The photograph represents one of the better class, dressed in a richly ...._.made costume after the fashion of her country. Her feet, like all of her race, are extremely small and encased in velvet _'_:_-_~_sandals, with thick wooden soles, which are peculiar to these people. 423 -~ I: i " rs __ ' r'l'r - - \ I a . ‘ _ - , _d' a I’ " , ~ ,. ‘I ’ .- l - - " , I I 7 ‘E a: .r‘. s ‘ “i _- ~ “'i “ _ . .. . - .. _- . 7 _ Q- '- r ‘- - - ' . ' 1'» ~ I,’ ‘- .v .‘ ’ .0 ‘ ‘l . I '- '. - L A‘ i V .- _: ’.'- i ' i .‘< ' , . ' ' s T 4 Q 0 ‘ . , , ‘is .l 8' .‘~ 1 2...’ if . ' its 7- ‘ ‘. .-I . ‘a e .7. _ ‘ _, . . t .L - it ' 1:‘; r b 7 . , . , -. . -. I \ ' " I ' I‘ . '- x- l' I. .g' Q ~ ti’ . a.’ I “I ‘- .1 l - . a ,r, , ‘.i"; ‘ gig.‘ ‘a’ W". 'I' " ‘ J . ‘.lgf - ‘I: YOKOHAMA, JAPAN—Yokohama is the most important of the five ports in Japan, open by treaty to foreign commerce and residence, both on ac: count of its proximity to Tokio, the capital, and of the extent of its trade. It stands on a plain, extending along the Bay of Tokio and shut in by hills. In 1859, when the neighboring town of Kanagawa was opened to foreigners, under the treaty with the United States, Yokohama was an insignificant fish- ing village. The town has since increased so rapidly, that in 1886 the population was over one hundred and ten thousand. ' The harbor, which is a part of the Bay of Tokio, is large and commodious. Steamers from San Francisco, Vancouver’s Island, China, and other ports, call regularly. a. ,1 0)~ J. ,' a J ,' Ja Ja’ , J I J 425 JIN-RICKISHA, JAPAN.-~The Jin-rickisha is the universal conveyance in Japan. thing between a small perambulator and a hansom cab, with a hood that shuts back, and seating one or two persons. It is drawn by a man, who gets in between the shafts, pressing against the cross-bar at the end. These men trot along at from five to seven miles an hour, and are splendid specimens of It is impossible to hire a carriage or a horse. This vehicle is some- muscular development. Their dress consists of a pale blue cotton shirt with hanging sleeves, and tight-fitting breeches of the same material. 427 ‘Kai I YT - .~i- fife-shire. e'“ as >- GREAT BUDDHA, KAMAKURA, JAPAN.—This colossal figure, of great antiquity, is in a sitting posture and is forty-seven feet high. It was cast on‘ the spot, in sections of about six feet in height, forming one huge mass of metal, in which the divisions of the several castings are distinctly visible. The figure represents Buddha in meditation and is full of dignified repose. A large jewel is placed in the middle of the forehead. from which light is supposed to beam, and is significant of Buddha being “ The Light of the World.” This wonderful piece of work was, after eight failures, accomplished in 749 by Takusho, an artist from Corea, and is marvelously perfect and well preserved. 429 MELBOURNE, AUSTRALlA.——Melbourne, the capital of the Colony of Victoria, and the most populous city in Australia, is situated at the head of the bay of Port Philip, on the north bank of the Yarra River. Collins Street, represented in the photograph, contains most of the fashionable shops in Melbourne. It runs parallel with the river, and is a good example of the principal thoroughfares of the city, which are wide and well kept. The universal appearance of prosperity, activity and comfort under the usually clear blue sky, impresses the visitor favorably. There are many fine public buildings in the city, most of them situated on positions from which they can be seen to advantage. 451 _ (- .\' \.\i -\ . . ,. "‘ . ‘ ~“ I‘ I’; , ,' if, I‘ i I’ ' ' 'I ,1.“ ., > "(I g ‘ I ". ’\ ~' ' I "on '4‘ IL}: k .. '; . - 43-‘ I u TYPICAL SCENE SANDWICH ISLANDS.—The ravines and mountain-slopes on the windward side of the larger islands contain much forest growth, while the leeward uplands and plains are comparatively bare. Among the most remarkable forms of vegetation is a screw-pine and candle-nut tree, so named from the fact that the natives string together the kernels, which are very oily, and make candles. The natives derive their sustenance chiefly from pork and fish, both fresh. and dried, and from the banana, sweet potato, yam, bread-fruit and cocoanut. 4.3.3 Hf"- "' I g i : ‘- ' ‘ , ‘ 'v'1_',_' l,-‘ ,y, g ‘l . C!‘ l'\' u ‘0 | . ‘ I . 7i- ' Aflii‘iiliiilllillili _ e..- .f .- GENERAL VIEW OF RIO DE JANEIRO, SOUTH AMERICA—Rio de Janeiro, the capital of Brazil, and one of the principal seaports of South America, is situated on the western side of one of the finest natural harbors in the world. One of the pleasant features of the city, is the abundant supply of excellent water, distributed to numerous stately fountains in the streets and public squares. Rio de Jeneiro is the commercial, as well as the political capital of Brazil. It is the terminus of nearly the whole railway system of the country. It contains the principal arsenal in the Republic, and most of the Brazilian cruisers have been built in its dock-yards. 435 STREET SCENE, RIO DE JANEIRO, SOUTH AMERlCA.—The streets of Rio de Janeiro do not impress the traveller favorably. They are excessively narrow and the buildings by no means handsome. In the southern division of the city, the streets, one of which is shown in the photograph, are much more open and attractive. This is the fashionable district, and contains many delightful residences. The city itself, during business hours, is full of activity. Immense numbers of negroes crowd continually up and down with heavy bags and bales. The government of Brazil has been making great efforts to improve the condition of the streets and good progress is being made. 437 COFFEE FARM, BRAZIL, SOUTH AMERlCA.—Coffee is one of the chief products of South America. coffee plantations. flower, the pure white star of the blossom being well set off by the extreme darkness of the foliage. came to be highly valued in the outside markets. The exports of coffee in 1818 amounted to almost $I,200,000 and in 1873 had increased to $65,000,000. The country derives much of its wealth from The plants are grown in the shape of small poplar trees, seven or eight feet high and two or three feet thick. They look beautiful in It was only as late as 1810 that South American coffee 439 ‘ t > "'~‘-‘ ‘Li-‘xx; ~‘. o‘ ‘c , ' 4i " , . ‘ THE CATHEDRAL, CITY OF MEXICO, MEXICO—The Cathedral is the largest and most sumptuous church in America. It faces the north side of the plaza, on the side of the great pyramidal teocalli or temple of Huitzilopochtli, titular god of the Aztecs. This edifice, which was founded in 1573 and finished in 1657, at a cost of $2,000,000 for the walls alone, forms a Greek cross, 426 feet long and 203 wide, with two great naves and three aisles, twenty side chapels and a magnificent high altar, supported by marble columns and surrounded by a tumbago balustrade, with sixty-two statues of marble, rich gold, silver and copper alloy serving as candelabra. 441 as" \‘d I_'1 , I 'I~ - .“ .-. We" NATIONAL PALACE, CITY OF MEXICO, MEXICO—The National Palace was originally the Viceregal residence. It has afrontage of six hundred and seventy-five feet, and contains most of the Government offices (ministerial, cabinet, treasury), military headquarters, archives, meteorological depart- ment with observatory, and the spacious hall of ambassadors, with some remarkable paintings by Miranda and native artists. North of the palace, and apparently forming portions of it, are the post-office and the national museum of natural history and antiquities, with a priceless collection of Mexican re- mains. The palace is a very imposing structure, and one of the most famous buildings in the city. 443 STREET SCENE, CITY OF MEXICO, MEXICO—Perhaps the streets of no other city present so diversified a picture as those of the city of Mexico. Every variety of costume, civil and religious, lndian and European, of the city and country, is intermingled in the crowd. The native Mexicans, men and women, are easily distinguished by their garments, which are of the lightest description. The streets, in the early morning, are overrun with ped- dlers, whose cries are peculiarly discordant. in the afternoon the fashionables resort to the parks, which are in the best part of the city. The avenue in the photograph represents one of the most fashionable thoroughfares. 44s AZTEC STONE, CITY OF MEXICO, MEX|CO.~>-—This stone, the most remarkable piece of sculpture yet disin- terred from the ruins of ancient Mexico, consists of dry porphyry, and in its original dimensions, as taken from the quarry, is computed to have weighed fifty tons. This enormous mass was transported a distance of many leagues over a broken country, intersected by water-courses. When crossing a wooden bridge, the supports gave way and- the stone was precipitated into the water. Prodigious labor must,have been required to recover it. Ten thousand rherr,‘it is said, were employed in the transportation. The surface is completely covered with the geometrical and astronomical signs used by the Aztecs in their calendar. The stone now stands at the foot of the left tower of the cathedral. 447' o '00. 0'... A‘ SUGAR PLANTATION, CUBA, WEST lNDlES.—Sugar is one of the chief agricultural products of Cuba. The “ lngenios,” or sugar estates, with large buildings and mills for sugar refining, are the most important industrial establishments of the island, ranging in extent from five hundred to ten thousand acres. To the systematic planting of sugar-cane in 1640, the marvelous prosperity of Cuba and the other West lndia islands is greatly due, and it was from its successful propagation that vast fortunes were made. The exports in 1873 exceeded six hundred thousand tons, of a value of about $60,000,000. 449 “v I‘. ’ I SITKA, ALASKA.——Sitka, the capital of Alaska, is situated on the west coast of the Baranoff Island, which is one of the principal of the Alexander Islands. It is the secondtown in size, and has a. custom house, a Graeco-Russian church, a hospital, a half dozen stores, schools and several saw mills. Its principal business is fishing, and a number of steamers ply between this place and Portland, Oregon. The island is about seventy miles long and fifteen miles wide, and is densely timbered. 451 \IUJI \. ‘t ‘-...TOTEM POLES, ALASKA—A totem is a class of material objects which a savage regards with superstitious re- T‘ . mspect, believing that there exists between him and every member of the class an intimate and special relation. These poles, which rise to the height of seventy feet, are elaborately carved from top to bottom with a succession of figures, representing the wolf, frog, bear, eagle, whale and a variety of other animals. They are planted near lndian villages, but it is hoped church steeples will soon tower in their places and work a change in these strange people. 453 3 ‘vi J_ PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, OTTAWA, CANADA.—The capital of the Dominion of Canada is situated on the Ottawa River, four hundred and fi from New York, and one hundred and twenty-six miles from Montreal. It is one of the most flourishing cities in Ontario, on a products in the surrounding districts. The city was founded sixty-three years ago, rack Hill, and are built mainly of light-colored sandstone. The style of architecture is that of Italian Gothic. The main building is five hundred feet long, covering nearly four acres, and involving a cost of $4,000,000 in its construction. fty miles ccount of the greatllumiie-r; its chief attraction being the Government Buildings, which-standv on Bar-7 455 ‘rm ‘ emu-w— GOLDEN GATE, CALlFORNlA.—This forms the entrance to San Francisco Bay, which is about seventy miles long and from ten to fifteen wide, and is narrowed into a channel only about one mile wide ; here the waters escape in a current as the tide ebbs and flows to and from the ocean. As one approaches from the ocean towards the bay, the south side of the Golden Gate exhibits a shelving point of land which terminates in a long fortification called Fort Point. The portion of the strait between the light-house on the north and the fort on the south, is termed “ The Golden Gate,” or “ Chrysopyias.” 457' .1 . I i l . l .- I ' MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA—The city is the commercial metropolis of California, and is situated nearly six miles from the ocean on the west side of the magnificent bay from which it derives its name. It stands on a plain which inclines towards the bay, and has numerous hills behind it. The city is regularly laid out, the streets crossing each other at right angles. Market Street, which has four street-car tracks, two of which are cable lines, is the principal business street ; it runs south-west from the bay, and divides the older from the newer portion of the city. The city was origi- nally called Yerba Buena (“good herbs ”), and was Settled by the Spaniards about 1777, but was changed to San Francisco in 1847. ‘ 45.9 line, a little to the southeast of San Francisco. It is six miles in length and from half a mile to a mile in width, and sunk from two thousand to three thousand feet in perpendicular depth below the general level of the surrounding country. The waterfalls in and about this valley are of great beauty and variety. The Nevada and Vernal Falls of the Merced River, which flows through the whole length of the valley, are wonderfully grand. GENERAL VIEW OF THE YOSEMlTE VALLEY, CALiFORNlA.—The Yosemite Valley is situated one hundred and fifty miles distant, in a direct 461 _ GLACIER POINT, YOSEMITE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA.——Glacier Point, one of the most remarkable and striking features of nature in the world, is composed of solid rock, thirty-two hundred feet in perpendicular height. It is _reached by a trail from the floor of the valley, and the time generally consumed is from four to six hours. From .this great point of interest, a general view of the whole valley can be obtained, and nothing is more soul-stirring to the beholder than to look at the great and marvelous wonders of nature abounding in the Yosemite Valley. 463 Q l‘ ,3. *i .‘a M ._ '- "fbJb-x‘h "A. . i T v’ 0].: .v _ 46s waxy . .3 . .s. .01.... c: .- ca: . Pa . 3 . . \. .. I’. . . p a. o \ .3. a \ e ,6 lab. . k Wma lflL umr cl 0 mm” 3mm at b aka-mi 2|- C mun rll afar aha mew .l t Smbn svu .l 0 vim ours nea en. Ten mam. 18 O tinm tkU an] t i mm 1...... .nmmo aFhn .L eaw.m hv. is takm Dunn-yr BOD. UT-re _..ga .hmw MtgO Npmnnad Rnhv mmam ISVm Lno Aa 5 Dell Cxhh Bit. nnra Eaod... mum...“ Ahfle .ct Vnncmm Elef TWTO [H es Sinmgo OL.m...D. Yrwm ..ms.m. E.u..mm KME.“ A‘ $0. L‘ Rmmvm lut Odapf RC8 Refm lkr Mao lllf. not!‘ O .0 TREE, CALIFORNIA—‘The big trees of California are known the world over and are specifically termed the :wfqzmz'a gzganiea, and abound only in California. They occur In groves or patches, which are scattered over limited ,_',‘;'areas. They grow to a great height, ranging from two hundred to three hundred feet, and attain a circumference from The above is a photograph of one of the trees, showing the trunk, through which 'fa‘t’our-horse stage coach passes. This tree measures twenty-five feet in diameter, and it stands in the Mariposa Grove. 467 'sieventy-five to one hundred feet. :---- GREAT MORMON TEMPLE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.——The Mormon religion was founded by Joseph Smith, at Manchester, New York, in 1830, and the same year was published “The Book of Mormon,” in which Joseph Smith was declared to be God’s “Prophet.” He soon removed, with his followers, to Kirtland, Ohio, which was to be ' the seat of the New Jerusalem. Several years later the Mormon band emigrated to Missouri, and later to Salt Lake '.';';':'City, Utah. After the death of Smith, Brigham Young succeeded, until 1877, when he died and left a fortune of ""'$2,ooo,000 to seventeen wives and fifty-six children. Here they prospered and started to build the great temple, which is not yet quite finished. 6 4 9 ._.e¥4 ~. “scaly. _ PULPIT TERRACE, YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK.—The Yellowstone Park has in the vicinity of the Mammoth Hot Springs many remarkable, terrace-building springs, which are situated one thousandfeet above the Gardiner River, into which they discharge their waters. The water finds its wiry; to the surface through deep-lying cretaceous strata, and contains a great deposit of calcareous material. As the water flows out at the various elevatio’ng. on the terraces through many vents, it forms corrugated layers of carbonate of time, which is generally hard while wet, but becomes soft when dry, While these springs are active, vegetation dies in their vicinity; but when dry, grass and trees again grow on the crumbling calcareous deposit. ' 2 l I i I 471 ."A s ‘ v: *2 OBSlDlAN CLIFF, YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK—This noted and volcanic glass mountain, situated in the Yellowstone Park,glistens like jet, is opaque and rises like basalt in almost vertical columns, from the shore of Beaver Lake. feet high and one thousand feet in length, being variegated with streaks of red and yellow. When the carriage road was constructed over the side of the; mountain along the lake, great fires were built upon the masses of Obsidian; and after the‘,r had been sufficiently expanded by the heat, cold water was thrown on them, which fractured the blocks into fragments that could be handled. Thus a glass carriage way was made one-quarter of a mile in length, which is without doubt the only piece of glass road in the world. it is unequaled in the world, and is about two hundrgd; v90» .‘ > x ' . I I.‘ _ .1 4' A1; _ H a v Q . ‘L MAMMOTH PAINT POTS, YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK.—Among all the geysers and hot springs in Yellowstone Park, there is nothing more striking to behold than the Mammoth Paint Pots, which measure forty by sixty feet, with a mud rim on three sides from three to four feet in height. The whitish Substance in this basin’ which looks like paint’ is in Constant agitation. and resembles a vast bed of mortar with numerous Points of ebullition. There is a constant bubbling up of this peculiar formation, which produces a sound similar to a hoarse whisper. Its contents have been reduced by the constant action to a mixed silicious clay, which in former years consisted of different colors, but is now active only in the white portion of its formation_ 475 OLD FAITHFUL GEYSER, YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK.—Of all the geysers in the Yellowstone Park, this __.is-one of the most interesting and noted on account of the great regularity of its eruptions, affording splendid oppor- --tunities for observation. It is located in the Upper Geyser Basin, and is situated on a mound of geyserite built by its {own water. The eruptions begin with preliminary splashes, and continue for several minutes, becoming more power- fp't as they follow in rapid succession, when all at once the steam and water are thrown to a height of one hundred andfifty feet ; this action occurs at intervals of every sixty-five minutes and lasts from four to five minutes. ~1-~ 477 5.“ sighs-w . t..- YELLOWSTONE LAKE AND HOT SPRINGS, YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK—This large and beautiful sheet of water is nearly one-half mile higher than the summit of Mount Washington, N. H., and is surrounded by snow-capped mountains. It covers an area of one hundred and fifty square miles, and has a great depth. Trout are so plentiful that there is little pleasure afforded in capturing them. The lake is fed by numerous large tributaries and a score of smaller streams. A number of boiling springs, charged with sulphur, alum and alkali, dot its shores ; and the fishermen can cook their trout by dropping them into the boiling springs without walking from the spot where they are caught. q i ‘' v5‘ ‘ ‘ p , . r - ‘ 11 - .a "3-. "a... “11;; 479 2 i. 1 |\ f ‘in; ‘.7’ ‘I ‘- 5 ‘9.5.1 1 it. ' YELLOWSTONE FALLS, YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK.——After the water of the Yellowstone releases itself from the deep, symmetrical pool at the foot of the Upper Falls, the river turnsto the left and flows through high bluffs for a short distance, until its sea-green water leaps from the top of the Great Falls, three hundred and sixty feet deep, into the profound, abysmal solitude of the Grand Canon. This great mass of water breaks into fleecy columns and sheets of glistening foam as it descends ; but it strikes the pool below with such a great concussion that it is forced upwards in fountains of spray and clouds of mist. 481 71" ' 10!. OF THE YELLOWSTONE, WYOMING—This wonderful gorge, whose scenic beauty is not equaled anywhere, has a scene It passes through a Red, purple and yellow predominate, and with the , form one of the grandest natural sights on earth. GRAND CANON of enchantment surpassing all expectation. From the Lower Falls it reveals the most varied groups of crags and rock ever beheld. volcanic plateau, forming broken walls of barbaric richness of coloring that almost defies description. white foam of the rushing river through the bottom, and the dark green of the forest upon the plateau 483 ‘Y. I as. -- is J~ ANlMAStCANON, COLORADO—This cafion is between Durango and Silverton, and the scenery through it is of surpassing grandeur and beauty. The railroad follows the course of the Animas River (to which the Spaniards gave the musical but melancholy title of “ Rio de las Animas Perdidas,” or River of Lost Souls) until the picturesque mining town of Silverton is reached. To the right is the silvery Animas River, which frets in its narrowing bed, and breaks into foam ‘against the opposing boulders, beyond which rise the hills ; to the left are mountains, increasing in rugged contour as the advance is made, and in the shadow of the rocks all is solitary, weird and awful; the startled traveller loses all apprehension in the wondrous beauty and grandeur of the scene. 485 l ‘D. b u... GRAND CANON OF THE ARKANSAS RIVER, COLORADO—There are no words which can properly de- scribe this great and magnificent cafion, the crowning attraction, the wonder of wonders, the marvel of marvels, in Colorado’s scenery. This cation is seven miles in length, and presents the grandest scenery in the world. This photo- graph represents the Royal Gorge, where the cafion is three hundred feet deep. As it is not sufficiently wide for rail- road and river to pass through, the road is carried above the river, on a hanging bridge, which is shown in the picture. 487 MOUNTAl the most noted of the Rockies, on account of the cross from which it received its name. Near the top is seen the bu"- v a“ -cross, forme v \- N OF THE HOLY CROSS, COLORADQrThis mountain is without doubt the most remarkable and d by deep crevices in its side, which are filled with perpetual snow and ice. The sight of wildwood, of “j. tree-crowned slope, cf rocky heights, of silvery cascades whose white threads of water are occasionally seen wearing away rifts in the rocks, renders the mountain one of the most enchanting of the many mountains in Colorado. 489 MANITOU AND PIKE’S PEAK, COLORADO—Manitou was known to white men long before Major Pike discovered the peak, and is-noted for its famous soda springs, whose health-giving properties were familiar to the Indians from time immemorial. To this favored spot they made their pilgrimages and in grateful recognition of the beneficent characteristics of the Waters, they named the place in honor of the Great Spirit, and bestowed upon it the musical and significant title, Manitou. It is visited by thousands of tourists every season, and many make the ascent from here to the top of Pike’s Peak which is seen in the background. ' 491 SUMMIT OF PIKE’S PEAK, COLORADO—in 1806 Major Zebulon Pike first described this wonderful snow-capped peak, which now bears his name, and which he called the “ Great Snow Mountain.” When the mountain first dawned on his view, he was one hundred miles east on the plains. This noted peak towers to the height of 14,147 feet, and its top is covered with perpetual snow. This photograph represents the U. S. Signal Station on its summit. The top is now reached by an incline railway from Manitou, and from it the traveller may behold one of the grandest sights in Colorado, 493 GATEWAY TO THE GARDEN OF THE GODS, COLORADO.—-Why this wonderful valley, which has not the appearance of a garden, was named the Garden of the Gods, no one knows ; but, no doubt, by reason of its apt alliterations, the name has become so popular that it would be foolish to change - it. There are many remains which show that Titanic forces have been at work here. It does not require a lively imagination to discover in the garden an endless variety of beings, such as the lion, the seal, the elephant, birds and reptiles of imitative forms. The most noted object is the Great Gateway. 495 _‘-\ CATHEDRAL SPIRES, COLORADO.'—The stranger passing through Manitou should not fail to visit the Garden of the Gods, in which are located the Cathedral Spires, wonderful rock formations, standing upright, with pinnacles several hundred feet high. The wonderful region in which these spires are, in point of attraction, ranks with the sunny slopes of Italy, and the rugged grandeur of the Bernese Oberland. The scenery in this locality is so varied, so grand, and so impressive, that contemplative pauses must be made in order that the eye may grasp all the charming details of the view. 497 LIFE IN OKLAHOMA, OKLAHOMA TERRITORY—‘Oklahoma Territory is a beautiful stretch of country, abounding In vast and fertile plains. In the eastern part, the soil is particularly rich and well irrigated, making it almost as productive as a garden. The territory was formerly the special domain for all the Indian tribes, but this original race seems to be gradually becoming extinct. The above photograph represents a scene in Oklahoma County. This county is nearly in the centre of the territory, on the line of a railroad which has recently been opened. Owing to its admirable adaptability for agriculture, it is fast becoming populated. The picture suggests the most primitive rural simplicity. __.¢ J c“-\ 499. 'OIQIOIIIIIO‘ " "lNDIAN WIGWAM, INDIAN TERRITORY.—The red man, the original inhabitant of American soil, is represented here at his hut, with his gun and the reins of his horse in his hands. He has a universal belief in a Supreme Being, though his religious attributes are associated with various manifestations of natural phenomena. He believes in the ..--.immortaiity of the soul, but his conceptions of the future system of reward and punishment are confused. The “if American lndians are slowly diminishing in number on account of the progress of the. white man. ‘Their present H population is about 255,000, and the greatest number are gathered upon their reservations In lndian Territory. 50: .////'.fi if?‘ ‘7' hr‘; l2‘ _, STATE STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS—This city, which is now the most important centre of commerce in the Northwestern States, is situated at the 3. mouth of the Chicago River, on Lake Michigan. The first inhabitants known to have been in the locality were the Pollawatomie Indians, and the earliest " Europeans were French fur traders, who visited the site in 1654. Fort Dearborn was built in 1804, when the first attempt was made to settle here ; but the Indians destroyed and massacred most of the garrison in 1812. In 1816 the place was rebuilt and to-day stands as one of the leading cities of America. The above represents State Street, one of the principal thoroughfares, and the Palmer House, one of its leading hotels. $03 NIAGARA FALLS, N EW YORK.—The above falls constitute perhaps the most striking natural wonder in the world. Above the falls, theriver is divided by Goat Island, forming the Horseshoe Falls, with a perpendicular descent of ‘Home hundred and fifty-eight feet. The height of the American Falls is one hundred and sixty-seven feet. Below the ueavtaract, the river is very deep and narrow, varying from one hundred to three hundred yards, and flows between {perpendicular rocks, two hundred and fifty feet high, into a gorge, which is crossed by several suspension bridges. “These falls are world-famed, and are visited by thousands of tourists from different parts of the world. gal...‘ 505 "In. ._..I ,---, BUNKER HILL MONUMENT, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS—On an elevation of one hundred and ten feet, in If... the town of Charlestown, one mile from Boston, towers the above-named monument to commemorate one of the most ' celebrated battles of the American Revolution, fought here on the 17th of June, 1775. The British remained master '_'.'-"' of the field after a long and bloody contest, but their victory was dearly bought. The monument, two hundred and "3‘ twenty-one feet in height, stands in the centre of the ground, included within the redoubts on Breed’s Hill. 507 III PARK ROW, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—The metropolis of the United States, is considered the headquarters of the stock and money market. It is here wilere ,._ the greater number of foreign vessels land and depart, and where the majority of immigrants first step upon our shores. The city is built on Manhatztaii '._.' Island, which is 13 miles long, and from 2 to 4 miles wide. This picture represents Park Row, and the New York Times’ Building in the front and the gen- eral Post Office on the right, which is a large granite structure, and an ornament to the city. New York has a population of nearly two million people, com- posed of all nationalities. This city gives to the student of human nature an excellent opportunity to observe the life and habits of the different nations. C O. . :0. ‘I. O on 0 I . a a 509 BROOKLYN BRIDGE, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—This bridge, connecting New York with Brooklyn, is by far the largest suspension bridge yet con- structed. The work was commenced in 1870, and opened for traffic on May 24, 1883. The central span, from tower to tower, measures fifteen hundred and ninety-five and one-half feet. In the centre is a foot-way, fifteen and one-half feet wide, and raised twelve feet above the other passages, affording an open view on both sides. There are tracks on each side for cable cars, worked by a stationary engine on the Brooklyn side, and on the outside are wagon-ways. The entire cost was $15,500,000. 511 ELEVATED RAILROAD, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.—The steam cars, the street railway and the electric road are the three modern modes of transportation. The motive power of the elevated railroads of New York City is steam, and the quick facilities afforded exceed that of any other country. These elevated railroads are sufficiently high so as not to interfere with street traffic, stations are located every four or five blocks apart, there is little delay, and a pas- senger can ride from one end of the city to the other in a very short time. It is said that one million people ride daily on the elevated railroads of New York, giving the company an income of $50,000 per day. The above photograph represents the railroad at Chatham Square, where it branches off into different directions. 513 1 ~ , . . _ . . _ -, . 1.x _.“'1_:'_‘:;1 '_~;A'. -,~;;-' . - a 1'.“ . ~ ,- - - - " '- A . 'fpwwafy “I: x v , I ‘ ..___ V f _ H . ¢.-' & r~'-"-m. STATUE OF LIBERTY, NEW YORK HARBOR, N. Y.——This magnificent monument, the work of Bartholdi, was presented by the French Government to the people of the United States as a token of sisterly love and respect, and as a means of still further cementing the good feelings of the two greatest republics on the globe. The statue stands on Bedloe’s Island, in New York harbor. The torch of liberty, held in the right hand, is illuminated at night by a huge electric light. The pedestal on which the statue stands was built by voluntary contributions, solicited by the New York World. sis Bi‘i‘i I w “ML. 3.1.‘; a > \ ,6 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANlA.—-Phiiadelphia, the third city of the United States and the metropolis of Pennsylvania, often called the City of Brotherly Love, was founded in 1682 by William Penn. Thispicture represents Chestnut Street, the principal retail business street‘and the avenue on which the leading banking institutions are located. The building on the right is Independence Hall, in which was declared the independence of the United States. The liberty bell is still preserved and found at the entrance of the building. The structure in the background is a banking house. 5‘? FORT SAN MARCO, ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA, U. S. A.—St. Augustine, having the distinction of being the oldest city in the United States, was , 3 *4 founded by Europeans and has recently become a popular winter watering-place. it is thirty-six miles from Jacksonville, and stands on a sandy peninsula. '- ' ‘ Along the sea-front, for nearly a mile, extends a granite-coped sea-wall ; and, at its northern end, stands the Fort of San Marco, a well—preserved specimen of Spanish military architecture, built in 1756. The fort has a moat and outworks, and its walls are twenty-one feet high. it is in the form of a trapezium, and COVEI'S fO'Llf acres. 519 ‘'8 v-_' PONCE DE LEON, ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA. 521 THE CAPITOL, WASHINGTON, D. C.—The Capitol in Washington deserves a foremost place among the first buildings of the world. an eminence in the midst of extensive grounds. it stands upona The general plan is that of a central building, surmounted by a dome, flanked by two wings. The length '- -' of the structure is seven hundred and fifty-one feet, the breadth ranging from one hundred and twenty-one to three hundred and twenty-four feet at the dif- ferent parts, the whole covering three and a half acres. Its extreme height from the ground to the We which stands upon the dome, is three hundred and seven and a half feet. The entire cost of the building has been $13,000,000. r 523 MAR l 7 1913 "55- . “ "’ " ,gIw .v' 3-,; ~ g ,I. 4901",: a»? ""1. agx'fioiizkiig‘iw iii Qt”? ‘it?’ l , I,‘ ' ‘a ,I ,- q.) .1!’ “’I A. It . . \. luh'ééi} 1' {Q9 @Qxx \ s , its it» ' "'x q I' ‘m 512;‘ t a Q I I v‘qgé‘III . s» . ‘fail ~\ ' 3"“? III; .-5 _ a?‘ ' \ ‘2% ‘it K "'Qfgpifi ..II . , §I"\,:Ia‘.;§t,;:~. . is.» ' I k. iii-13%‘ * . \ ~ ‘ k I“ * '¢_- . A: t‘ ‘ x I: r at“ .- "fi‘gg‘tcffl Q “wage a)‘ \ \ ,x I - . I: It‘- 1 A ' II») ‘C ‘I @181 a *3; s §‘4xa§¥\\k F3; 555% 6% .55 A. ‘ x (I . 5 8:1,,‘ 1. kt‘ ‘I, §\ Pkfiii‘f " ' s '13} A?" . . v5.5, . 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