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DEPTHS AND HEIGHTS MAGNIFIED 800 TIMES IN PROPORTION 'ro LENGTH OF MERIDIAN FROM‘ POLE T0 POLE. ‘0 0 EQUATOR we‘? .S‘m‘ ~_-~_*_. '- ‘Kg-*7 7-’- 4 H THALASS AN ESSAY ON THE @Bgflr, @qmgerawrq, and’ Qpxrrqntsa nfl 11m @nqzm BY JOHN JAMES‘ yyILD MEMBER OF THE CIVILIAN SCIENTIFIC STAFF OF H.M.S. “CHALLENGER” with (Hibarts anh ZJ'Biagrams fig tbz gufllur T imnnnu: MARCUS‘WARD & 00., 67 & 68, CHANDOS STREET, STRAND ‘ ANb ROYAL ULSTER WORKS, BELFAST 1817 CONTENTS. \ PAGE PREFACE, . . . . . . . . . 7 CHAPTER I. DEPTH OF THE OCEAN. Distribution of Land and Water, 1 r—Principal Areas of Elevation and of Depression, 1 2—Results of Soundings obtained to present Date, 13—Average Depth of the Ocean, I4—Greatest Depths ascertained in the Atlantic, 14 ; in the Indian Ocean and in the Pacific, 1 5—Configuration of the Sea-bottom, 16 —The Basin of the Atlantic, 17—Central Atlantic Plateau, 18-—-The Basin of the Indian Ocean, 19~—-T he Kerguelen Plateau, 19—-The Basin of the Pacific Ocean, zo—Submerged Plateau in the South-Eastem Pacific, 21— Large Area of Depression upon the Limits of the South Pacific and the Southern Ocean, zz—The Basin of the Southern Ocean, 2 3-—The Basin of the Antarctic Sea, 24—The Basin of the Arctic Sea, 2 5—Area of Depression between Greenland and Norway, 26. C H A P T E R I I . TEMPERATURE OF THE OCEAN. Surface Temperature, 27——Total Range of Oceanic Temperatures, z8—Influence of Currents upon the Distribution of Temperature, 29—Oceanic Currents an Adequate Cause of Alterations of Climate, zg—Deep-Sea Temperature, 3o—Earliest Systematic’ Observation of Deep-Sea Temperature, 30-— Effect of Pressure upon the ordinary Thermometer, 3r-—The Miller- ‘ Casella Thermometer, 32—Serial Soundings and Temperature Curves, 34— Construction of Temperature Curves, 35—Deductions from the Curve, 36 -——General Decrease of Temperature from the Surface to_ the Bottom, 37-— 2 C 012 z‘em‘s. Distribution of Temperature in nearly land-locked Basins, 38—Increase of Temperature from the Surface towards the lower Strata in the Polar Regions, 39-Distribution of Oceanic Temperature effected through the Agency of Currents, 4o—Formation of Intermediate Strata, 4r——Connection between the Gradients of the Curve and the relative Motion of the different Strata, 42-—Illustrations from the Temperature Soundings of H.M.S. “ Challenger,” 42—4 5,. CHAPTER III. CURRENTS OF THE OCEAN. The Aqueous and the Aerial Oceans, 46—Resemblance between the Phenomena in the two Terrestrial Envelopes, 47-—Thermal Circulation, 47-—Disproportion between the Vertical and the Horizontal Extension of the Aqueous fand Aerial Envelopes, 48-—Conclusions based upon this Disproportion, 49—l-Infiuence of the several Areas of the Earth’s Surface upon Oceanic and Atmospheric Circulation, 5o—Parallelism between Oceanic and Atmospheric Currents, 5o--Formation of Belts of Calms and Belts of Currents, ‘51—The Critical Latitudes, 52—Effect of the present Distribution of Land and Water upon Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulation, 52—Subdivision of the latter into Distinct Areas of Circulation, 52—-Atmospheric and Oceanic Currents revolve round Areas of High Barometric Pressure, 53—Effect of the Sun’s apparent Progress from Tropic to Tropic upon Atmospheric and Oceanic Currents, 5 3—-Surface and Under-Currents, 54—Relation between the Colour of Sea-water and the Percentage of Salt held in solution, 54— Limits of the Specific Gravity of Salt Water according to Temperature and to Percentage of Salt, 5 5—Change of a Surface-Current into an Under- Current, or Vertical Circulation of the Oceanic Waters, 56- Diagram of the System of Circulation in an Oceanic Basin, 57. -—-__ CHAPTER IV. THE TEMPERATURE SECTIONS SURVEYED BY H.M.S. “CHALLENGER” IN THE ATLANTIC. Explanation of Diagrams and Tables, 58—Section from Teneriffc to Sombrero, 59——Contrast between the Eastern and Western Basin of the North Atlantic, or—Observcd Rise of the Isotherms with the Sea-bottom, 62—Scction Comm ts. 3 from St. Thomas to Halifax, 63—The Gulf Stream a branch of the North Atlantic Equatorial Current, 6 5—Parallelism between the Gulf Stream and the Kuro-Siwo Current, 66--Area of Alternate Streaks of Warm and Cold Water between Halifax and Bermudas, 67—Section between Cape May and Madeira, 69—Temperature of the Gulf Stream, 7r—Cold Current off the Azores, 72——The Sargasso Sea, 73—Section from Madeira to Tristan d’Acunha, 74—-The Equatorial Belt, 7 5r—Cold Under-Current across the Equator, 77—-Isothermal and Isobathymetrical Lines, 79—Section from Cape Palmas to Cape S. Roque, 8o-—Contrast between the Eastern and Western Basin of the South Atlantic, 81—Section between Cape S. Roque and Tristan d’Acunha, 8r—Section from the Falkland Islands to the Cape of Good Hope, 83'—-The Antarctic Under-Current of the South Atlantic, 85 -—The Equatorial Current of the South Atlantic, 86—The Antarctic Surface- Current, 86. CHAPTER V. THE TEMPERATURE SECTIONS SURVEYED BY H.M.S. “CHALLENGER” IN THE SOUTHERN OCEAN, THE INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO, AND THE PACIFIC. Section from the Cape of Good Hope to the Ice-barrier and to Melbourne, 88-— The Agulhas Current, Sg—Sudden Changes of Temperature in Simons Bay and Table Bay, gr—Encounter of Warm and Cold Currents off the Cape of Good Hope, 93—Icebergs in the Southern Ocean, 9 5—The South Australian Current, 96—Section from Sydney to Cook Strait, New Zealand, and from Cook Strait to Tonga T abu, 97—The Basin between Australia and New Zealand, 99—Sections from Tonga Tabu to Torres Strait, 100— The Melanesian Sea, rot—Conclusions derived from the Temperature Conditions of the latter, Tog—Sections from Torres Strait to Hong-kong, and from Hong-kong to the Admiralty Islands, Io4—The Arafura Sea, 104— Existence of a Deep Channel between the Papua-Australian Plateau and the Plateau of the Indian Archipelago, Ios—The Banda Sea, 105-— The Molucca Passage, Io7-—-The Sea of Celebes, Io7--The Sulu Sea, ro7—The Philippine Inland Seas, 108—The China Sea, IoS—The Sea of Papua, 108—Section from the Admiralty Islands to Japan, 109-—T he Sea of Magallanes, Tog—The Kuro~Siw0 Current and the Gulf Stream compared, III—The Arctic Current of the North Pacific, II 3—-Area of Alternate Streaks of Warm and Cold Water south of Japan, n5—Section from Yokohama to Station 253, II 5—The Kuro-Siwo Current and 4 C om‘em‘s. the Arctic Current, rr6--Area of Alternate Streaks of Warm and Cold Water east of Japan, rr6—-Section from Station 253, along the Meridian of Honolulu and Tahiti, to Station 288, rr7-—The Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans compared, rr7--The Equatorial Counter Currents of the Atlantic, the Indian, and the Pacific Oceans, rrg—Section from Station 288 to Valparaiso and Magellan Straits, rzr. \ CHAPTER VI. THE BED OF THE OCEAN. Changes in the Distribution of Land and Water, rz4——-Average Height of the Dry Land, 126—Low Angle of Inclination of the Sea-bottom, 127—-—Forma- tion of Sub-oceanic Strata, 128—Marginal and Central Deposits, :29- Formation of Central Oceanic Plateaux, I 3o—Deposits composed of Inorganic and Organic Particles, r 3 r—Absence of Organic Remains no Evidence of the Antiquity of a Geological Formation, 133—Formation of Areas of Elevation and of Areas of Depression, r34—Formation and Trans- formation of Continents, r 3 5——-Primary and Secondary Areas of Elevation, r36—Formation of Mountain Ranges and Submarine Ridges, 137- Oceanic Pressure a Cause ofInternal Heat, r38-—Elevation of Mountain Ranges and Creation of Axis of Volcanic Eruption, due to Lateral Pressure, 139—Water the Principal Agent in the Disintegration, the Redistribution, and the Accumulation of the Solid Matter composing the Earth—Crust, r40. 3w nil fillugltratiungl. CHARTS. PLATE l.-—The Northern and Southern Hemispheres, with Track of HMS. “G “ Challenger,” . . . . . . 1 1 PLATE 2.—~Contour-Chart of the Bottom of the Ocean, . . . 14 PLATE 3.—-Contour-Chart of the Bottom of the Atlantic, . . . 17 PLATE 4.-—-Surface-Currents and Surface-Temperatures, . . 27 PLATE 4A.-—Lines of Equal Barometric Pressure (Isobars) for July, August, '_ September, . . . . . . . 46 PLATE 5.—Current Chart of the Ocean, . . . . . . 53 OCEANIC SECTIONS. Approximate Section through the Atlantic, . . Frontz'ipz'ece. PAGE PLATE 6.——From Tenerifi'e to Sombrero, . . . . 6o PLATE 7 .—From St. Thomas to Halifax, . . . . . 64 PLATE 8.——From Cape May to Madeira, . . ' . . 7o PLATE 9.—-From Madeira to Tristan d’Acunha, . . . . 76 PLATE 10.—-From Cape Palmas to Cape S. Roque and Tristan d’Acunha, 82 PLATE 11.—-From the Falkland Islands to the Cape of Good Hope, . 84 PLATE 12.—-—From the Cape of Good Hope to Cape Otway, . . 90 PLATE 13.—From Lat. 50° S. to the Antarctic Circle, . . . 96 PLATE 14.—-From Port Jackson to Cook Strait and the Friendly Islands, 98 PLATE 15.-—From the Fiji Islands to Torres Strait, . . . 102 PLATE 16.—-From Torres Strait to Hong-kong and to the Admiralty Islands, 106 PLATE 17. -——From' the Admiralty Islands to Japan, . . . . rro PLATE 18.—From Yokohama to Station 253, . . . . 114 PLATE 19.-—From Station 253 to Station 288, . . . . 118 PLATE 20.-—From Station 288 to the Coast of Chile, . . . 122 6 List of [/[usz‘m iz'ons. DIAGRAMS. PAGE The MillerlCasella Thermometer, . . . . . 32 FIG. 1.—Temperatures in the South Atlantic, FIG. 2.--Temperatures in the Gulf Stream and Arctic Current, l M FIG. 3.—— . , FIG. 4.__ }Temperatures 1n the North Atlantic, . . . . 42 FIG. 5.-——Temperatures in the Agulhas Current, FIG. 6.~—Temperatures in the South Australian Current, } 43 FIG. 7 .-—-Temperatures in the Antarctic Current, FIG. 8.-—Temperatures in the Southern Ocean, I ' ' ' ' 44 FIG. 9.—Atlantic Equatorial Temperatures, } FIG. 10.—-Pacific Equatorial Temperatures, 45 FIG. 11.—-Diagram of Oceanic Isotherms, FIG. 12.-—~Diagram of Oceanic Circulation, } I 5 7 FIG. 13.——Diameter of Rotation, FIG. 14.—~Gradients of the Sea-bottom, } ' ' ' 124 PREFACE. THE numerous and successful efforts made in recent times to extend, and as far as possible to complete, our knowledge of the globe we inhabit, constitute one of the most characteristic features of the present age. The central parts of great con- tinents, hitherto untrodden by the foot of civilised man, are only now commencing to be systematically explored, and, while the interest of the general reader is stimulated from time to time by the description of newly-discovered regions, a rich harvest of fresh materials is placed at the disposal of the scientific student. The work carried on with so much energy and success on z‘ew'a firmer has been supplemented in the domain of the sea by several naval expeditions, sent out for the especial purpose of fathoming the depths of the ocean, of observing the currents and the physical and chemical condition of the water, of bringing up from the bottom samples of the deposits now in process of formation, and of gathering specimens of the countless forms of animal life with which the sea abounds at all depths. As a natural consequence of the new facts brought to light day after day, opinions held until recently by the most com- petent authorities in almost every branch of Natural Science, but especially in Biology, Geology, and Physical Geography, have undergone considerable modifications, or have had to be abandoned altogether. On the other hand, the numerous carefully-made observations collected in every quarter of the globe furnish an opportunity for attempting, with renewed 8 ' Preface. chances of success, the solution of several problems, for which no complete answer has as yet been found. One of these problems is that of “ Oceanic Currents.” Ever since Lieutenant Maury, in his admirable work on the Physical Geography of the Sea, undertook to explain the probable causes of the “beautiful system of circulation” by which “cooling streams are brought from the Polar Seas to temper the heat of the Torrid Zone,” this question has been the subject of frequent controversy; but I believe I am correct in stating that none of the theories advanced in explanation of this gigantic natural phenomenon have met with general acceptance, nor has any satisfactory solution of the problem been offered. One of the principal causes of this failure will be found in the want which existed, until within late years, of the necessary appliances and opportunities for ascertaining the conditions which prevail in every part of the ocean, from its surface down i to the bottom. The scientific explorer possessed neither proper sounding apparatus, nor instruments capable of resisting the enormous pressures to which they are subject at great depths, nor the aid of steam-power for expediting the hauling in of miles of sounding-line or dredge-rope; and last, not least, he found no Government willing to open the national purse in favour of scientific experiments planned on a scale the expense of which exceeded the resources of even wealthy individuals, and which were absolutely beyond reach of the proverbially poor devotee of Science. In the absence of these indispensable helps, it was next to impossible to secure observations sufficiently reliable to afford a criterion in judging between the numerous theories which have been advanced, however sound the premises and logical the deductions on which they were based. Another source of failure may be traced to the attempt to explain a highly-complex phenomenon by the operation of a single cause, and to the consequent neglect of one or other of Preface. 9 the numerous conditions which must more or less determine the direction, velocity, volume, and persistency of oceanic currents- such, for example, as the unequal distribution of solar heat over the surface of our planet, the agency of the winds or atmospheric currents, the difference of temperature, specific gravity and chemical composition of the water, the direction of the coast- lines, the distribution of land and water in general, the configuration of the ‘sea-bottom, &c. It remains to the student to ascertain, with the help of the observations at his disposal, the part which is to be assigned to each of these conditions in the great phenomenon of oceanic circulation, considered as the final product of various causes, all acting and reacting upon each other. Amongst the principal efforts in the domain of deep sea exploration, we have the labours of the officers of the United States Coast Survey along the course of the Gulf Stream (1845 to 1859), the soundings of the USS. “Mercury ” between Barbadoes and Sierra Leone in 1871, the observations made on board H.M.S. “Lightning” and H.M.S. “Porcupine” in the seas extending from the Faroe Islands to the Mediterranean (1868-1870), culminating finally in the two voyages of circum- navigation made by H.M.S. “ Challenger” (1872-1876) and the German frigate “Gazelle” (1874-1876). The extensive series of soundings for which we are indebted to these expeditions has received further additions through the operations of H.M.S. “Valorous” between the English Channel and Davis Strait in 1875, of the Norwegian ship “Voringen ” between Norway and Iceland, of the USS. “Gettysburg” in the North Atlantic in 1876, the USS. “Tuscarora” in the Pacific Ocean (1874 to 1876), and the latest Arctic Expedition under the command of Sir G. S. Nares (1875-1876). In the charts and diagrams which accompany the following pages, I have endeavoured to combine the results of recent B IO Preface. observations, and more especially of the sounding operations carried on on board H.M.S. “Challenger” during her cruise round the world, in so far as they throw any light upon the distribution of depth, temperature, and currents in the different oceanic basins which have been explored. The advance made in our days towards a satisfactory solu- tion of the problem of oceanic circulation will probably be recorded with due completeness by abler hands; meantime, I am not without hope that the contents of this essay may find a welcome amongst those who have followed with interest the progress of the numerous expeditions sent out of late years to clear up the mysteries of the ocean. JOHN IAMES WILD. LONDON, May, 1877. Plate 1. - if. a‘ D q 0 In ‘G 5 O 3 0 L4 Q 3 THALASSA. ‘ ‘ vv v CHAPTER I. DEPTH OF THE OCEAN. Distribution of Land and Water—Depth of the Ocean—Configuration of the Sea- bottom—Description of the Basin of the Atlantic—The Indian Ocean—The Pacific—The Southern Ocean—The Arctic Sea—The Antarctic Sea. DISTRIBUTION OF LAND AND WATER—Our conception of the relative distribution of land and water over the surface of the Earth has been hitherto limited to a comparison of the superficial areas occupied by these two elements, such as they are presented to us on a chart of the world. In this sense we speak of the different continents and islands which constitute the sum total of dry land, and of the different oceans and seas which compose the water-surface of our planet But if we wish to form a more perfect idea of the distribution of land and water, we must consider not only the length and breadth of the areas occupied, but also the height of the land and the depth of the water; in other words, the volume of those portions of the solid crust of the earth which are raised above the level of the sea, and the volume of the masses of water which fill up the depressed portions of the earth’s crust. We are thus led to regard the surface of the solid crust of our planet as composed of heights and hollows, of areas of elevation and areas of depression, and, as a next step, to discriminate between these areas—not according to the usual standard of the level of the sea, but according to their relative distance from the centre of the earth. In this sense we may conceive an area of 12 . Depz‘k of Me Ocean. elevation--z'.e., a raised portion of the earth’s surface, which may be partially or entirely covered with water, and an area of depression—2e, a hollow in the same surface, which may be raised above the level of the sea, and form dry land or the basin of an inland sea or lake. If we examine the chart of the world (Plates 1 and 2) in the light which has been thrown upon this question by all the reliable soundings ‘obtained up to the present, it will be found that continents and islands which we have been in the habit of considering as separated from each other by wide seas and deep straits virtually form part of the same area of ‘elevation; and, in a similar manner, that certain oceans and seas, which we are accustomed to distinguish by separate names, form part of the same area of depression. It will also appear that, with the exception of the islands scattered over the face of the ocean and of the Antarctic region, all the dry land at present existing may be reduced to one large area of elevation, gravitating towards the North Pole, as the common centre of the principal land masses; similarly, if we except the Arctic region and other inland basins, all the oceans and seas compose a single vast area of depression with the South Pole for common centre of the larger accumulations of water on this globe. The Arctic region forms a distinct area of depres- sion placed in the centre of the great area of elevation, and the Antarctic region, according to the evidence -we at present possess, is an area of elevation, surrounded on all sides by the above-described great area of depression. The numerous small islands that crop up in the middle of the oceanic basins are generally found associated in groups, and they belong to areas of elevation at the present time submerged, that is to say, in the condition in which we know the dry land to have been at an epoch more or less remote in the history of our planet. Dz'sz‘rz'éuz‘z'on 0/ Lama’ and Wafer. 13 ' In support of the above generalisation, we may point to the following facts as established by recent soundings (Plates 2 and 3). The too-fathom line, as is well known, joins the whole of the British Islands, including the Hebrides, Orkneys, and Shetland Islands, to the continent of Europe. It forms a broad band connecting the Asiatic and American continents across Behring Strait. It unites Australia, Papua, and Tasmania in a single area of elevation, which, together with the intervening archipelago of Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, the Moluccas, and the Philippines, may be looked upon as a prolongation of the continent of Asia. It joins Ceylon to Hindostan, and the Falkland Islands to the South American continent. The 500-fathom line connects North America, Greenland, Iceland, the Faeroe Islands, and the continent of Europe, the only unexplored space being Denmark Strait, between Iceland and Greenland, where the soundings may exceed the above depth. The moo-fathom line unites New Zealand with Australia, Madagascar with Africa, and nearly exhausts the depth of the more or less land-locked seas which lie between Australia and Asia, Africa and Europe, South and North America, and of the seas situated within the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. The Cape de Verde Islands and the Canaries belong to Africa, Madeira to Europe, and less than 500 fathoms divide Norway from Spitzbergen. Depths from 100 to 1000 fathoms may be considered as shallow in comparison with the prevailing depths from 2000 to 3000 ~fathoms of the principal oceanic basins, and sufficient to establish a connection between islands and continents, the more so as we generally find one or more islands occupying the intervening space, thus betraying the common link between them. ' The result of this examination is that all the larger land masses compose an area of elevation, which, after nearly com- r4 Depz‘k 0f the Ocean. pleting the circuit of the world in the latitude of the Arctic circle, subdivides itself into two parts, an eastern and a western one—the former embracing Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia, the latter North and South America. In a similar manner the ‘different oceans combine into an area of depression, which, after making the circuit of the world along the parallel of lat. 60° South under the name of the Southern Ocean, divides itself into three large basins, respectively designated as the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Indian Oceans. Thus the two elements, land and water, starting from opposite hemispheres, extend their arms across the Equator, holding each other in close embrace, like two champions Wrestling for the mastery of the world. DEPTH OF THE OCEAN—A comparison of the deep-sea soundings obtained up to present date shows that, if We omit the seas situated beyond the parallels of lat. 60° N. and lat. 60° S.——-no depths exceeding zooo fathoms having as yet been ascertained beyond these latitudes—the average depth of the ocean between these parallels may be estimated at about 2500 fathoms, or more roughly at three English miles, and the average depth of all seas on the surface of the globe at probably two miles. Contrary to the ideas formerly entertained of the enormous .depth of the ocean, the soundings of H.M.S. “Challenger,” S.M.S. “Gazelle,” and of the U.S.S. “ Tuscarora” and “ Gettys- burg,” indicate that depths of five miles, or over 4000 fathoms, are but seldom met with, and are as exceptional as heights of the same amount on land. The greatest depth ascertained in the Atlantic was found by H.M.S. “Challenger,” in lat. 19° 41' N., long. 65° 7’ W., about eighty miles north of the island of St. Thomas, in the West Indies. It is 387 5 fathoms, or about four and a-half miles. In May, 1876, the “Gettysburg” found 3 59 3 fathoms in lat. 19° 30' N ., long. 65° 5’ W., or only eleven nautical miles south of the. a 4 0:‘ 25:: OO- Om 00 Ch on u / , .- u/MI W”- VIII/III Zilfi/Aln/élflfill/ ON 0* . 00 0Q 02 ON_ 0.: oo- 09 02 O! oN_ 8. l— .Zdimoo urhao SPF-hm m1... .3 huh-4:0 IKDOPZOU .N SEN“ Depz‘h 0/ the Ocean. '1 5 Challenger sounding, and 3697 fathoms in lat. 21° 5 3’ N ., long. 65° 9’ W., about I 32 nautical miles north of the same sounding. A depth of 3370 fathoms was obtained by the American ship in lat. 25° 47’ N ., long. 65° 0’ W., which shows that the deepest area in the Atlantic is placed to the northward of the Virgin Islands, and extends over 400 miles along the meridian of 65° W. The greatest depth observed in the Indian Ocean was discovered by the “ Gazelle ” in May, 187 5. Two soundings of 3020 and 3010 fathoms were taken in the eastern extremity of this ocean between the north-west coast of Australia and the line of islands extending from Java to Timor. The greatest of all depths of which we have reliable evidence was found by the “ Challenger” on the 23rd March, 1875, in the comparatively narrow channel which separates the Caroline Islands from the Mariana or Ladrone Islands. This sounding is situated in lat. 11° 24’ N ., long. 143° 16’ E., and amounts to 4575 fathoms, or about five miles and a quarter. Several soundings exceeding 4000 fathoms were obtained by the “Tuscarora” to the eastward of the islands of Niphon and Yezo, and another close to the most westerly of the Aleutian Islands. Two of these soundings are over 4600 fathoms, but, as it appears that no sample of the bottom was brought up, there is no evidence of the latter having been reached. H.M.S. “Challenger,” shortly after her departure from Yokohama, sounded in 3950 and 362 5 fathoms, and in doing so seems to have just touched the southern border of this deep but narrow area of depression, which runs parallel to the eastern coasts of Japan and the Kuril Archipelago as far as the entrance to the Behring Sea (Plate 2). It will be observed that the above exceptional depths in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans are not placed, as one might be inclined to conjecture, in or near the centre of these 1 6 Depth of Me Ocean. oceanic basins, but, on the contrary, upon their confines, and in close proximity to the land. This remarkable circumstance suggests the idea that such areas of maximum depression may be the effect of a sinking of the bottom of the sea in compensa- tion for an upward movement of the land in their immediate vicinity. ' CONFIGURATIQN OF THE SEA-BoTToM.——]ust as the results of the recent soundings have rendered the existence of depths from six to nine miles, as formerly reported, highly improbable, so have they modified our ideas of the shape of the sea-bottom. The latter was generally represented as a repetition of the dry land with its combination of mountain, valley, and plain, a view not a little encouraged by the necessarily exaggerated scale of the oceanic sections which have appeared in print. The vertical scale is frequently from twenty-five to a hundred times in excess of the longitudinal distance, since otherwise it would be difficult to represent graphically a rise or fall of a few miles in distances measuring several hundred miles. No doubt the sea-bottom within a short distance of the shore naturally forms a continuation of the leading features of the adjoining land. Thus a large plain‘ or a low-lying country will, as a rule, continue its almost level slopes to a considerable distance out to sea, whilst a range of hills or a chain of mountains often extends its steep inclines below the surface of the water. A comparison of the eastern and western coasts of the British Islands will afford a ready illustration of the above remarks, and examples abound in every part of the world. With regard, however, to the more central portions of the bottom of our oceanic basins, this conception of steep slopes and abrupt changes of level within short distances is not borne out by the form of the numerous oceanic sections which have been sur- veyed. Those who have followed day after day the results of sounding operations in mid-ocean, along sections measuring M. QQNnN CONTOUR _ CHART orrn: BOTTOM or‘ruz ATLANTIC. unevl ‘no I so Basin of Me A z‘z’emz‘z'e. r 7 several thousand miles, will easily recall the to them familiar fact that, with rare exceptions, and those chiefly occurring in the vicinity of land, the result of one day’s sounding gave a tolerably approximate idea of the depth to be encountered on the following day. The alteration of level in mid-ocean between two points as much as a hundred miles apart is generally so slight that, to an observer standing at the bottom of the sea, the latter would appear a perfect plain. Thus the bottom of our larger oceanic basins is composed of gentle undulations rising and falling from a few fathoms to two or three miles, in distances extending over many hundred miles. This view accords with the experience of the geologist, who finds that the bulk of the dry land consists of sedimentary strata originally laid down in a horizontal, or nearly horizontal, position at the bottom of the sea, and there can be little doubt but that the depths of the ocean are at the present time the scene of the formation of sedimentary strata which some day may be converted into dry land, and contain embedded in their folds traces of the animal life with which they abound. THE BASIN OF THE ATLANTio—One of the most remarkable results in connection with the exploration of the sea is the discovery of several extensive submarine plateaux, which interrupt what was until lately supposed to be an unbroken waste of fathomless abyss. One of these plateaux traverses the Atlantic Ocean in its whole length from north to south, repeating in its form the S-shaped contour of the eastern and western shores of this ocean (Plate 3). After attaching itself by its northern end to the plateau which connects Europe and Iceland, and separates the Atlantic from the Arctic basin, it runs southward towards the Azores, and, gradually con- tracting in width, sweeps round towards St. Paul’s Rocks. Reduced, comparatively speaking, to a narrow ridge, it follows the line of the Equator as far as the meridian of Ascension 18 Depz‘n of {he Ocean. Island, where, resuming its southward course, it widens out until in lat. 30° S. it occupies nearly half the space between South America and Africa, uniting the island of Ascension with St. Helena in the east, Trinidad in the west, and the group of Tristan d’Acunha and Gough Island at its southern end. In the absence of soundings to the southward of Gough Island, it is difficult to form an opinion as to whether this plateau connects itself by its southern end with the Antarctic plateau, or whether it is separated from the latter by an area of depression extending along the parallel of lat. 50° S. from the Falkland Islands to the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope. Certain indications derived from the nature of the currents, and from the deep-sea temperatures observed in that region of the South Atlantic, are in favour of the latter hypothesis. Considerable portions of this plateau are within I 500 fathoms, or a mile and a-half, of the surface of the sea, and most of the islands are of volcanic origin. An extinct volcano, 8300 feet in height, forms the island of Tristan d’Acunha; Ascension Island rises to 2800 feet, and the summit of Pico in the Azores to 7600 feet above the level of the sea. The northern end of the plateau joins, as already stated: the plateau of Iceland with its still active focus of eruption. By this central plateau, the Atlantic Ocean is divided into two longitudinal areas of depression or channels, one following the shores of North and South America, the other the shores of Europe and Africa. The depths vary from 2000 fathoms to nearly 4000 fathoms, the average depth being about three miles. The deepest portion of the eastern channel is situated to the westward of the Cape de Verde Islands, and forms an area of depression of over 3000 fathoms (Plate 3). In the western channel there are two such depressions, one placed between the Antilles, Bermudas, and the Azores, the other between Cape St. Roque, Ascension, Basin of the Indian Ocean. 19 and Trinidad. They are divided from each other in lat. 10° N. by a submarine elevation, which apparently connects the central plateau with the South American continent. The supposed existence of this dividing ridge is founded, not so much upon soundings, which are very few in this part of the North Atlantic, as upon the difference of bottom-temperature observed in the two depressions. The higher temperatures ascertained by the “Challenger” at the bottom of the basin north of the Equator seem to indicate that the inflow of cold water from the southern basin is arrested. The distance between the observing-stations, amounting to about 20° of lat. however, is sufficiently great to justify the conclusion that the difference of the bottom-temperature in the two areas of depression, which does not exceed 1° C. may be due to a difference of latitude, since the gradual increase from South to North of the bottom-temperature is one of the characteristic features of the Atlantic. THE BASIN OF THE INDIAN OCEAN.—-—Th€ soundings taken in this ocean prove the existence of a submerged plateau on the limit between the Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean. It rises in many parts to within 1500 fathoms of the sea-surface, and forms the common foundation of all the islands situated in this part of the world—via, Prince Edward Islands, the Crozet Islands, the Kerguelen group, the Heard Islands, ‘and the islands of St. Paul and Amsterdam. The origin of all these islands is probably volcanic. The plateau occupies the space comprised between the meridians of 35° and 80° long. 13., and the parallels of lat. 35° and 55° S., and the soundings obtained by H.M.S. “Challenger” between the Heard Islands and the Antarctic Circle establish a connection with the Antarctic plateau, of which the above plateau seems to be an extension towards lower latitudes. The main basin of the Indian Ocean, with an average depth 20 Depz‘h 0f the Ocean. of over 2500 fathoms, stretches from the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope towards the angle between java and north- western Australia, where it attains its greatest depths, forming a depression of over 3000 fathoms. Itcommunicates with the Arabian Sea by two narrow channels, situated north and south of the Chagos Archipelago, being nearly cut off from that sea by a line of islands and shallow soundings, which connect Africa, Madagascar, Bourbon and Mauritius, the Chagos Islands and the Maldivh Islands, with the Asiatic continent. The 2 5oo-fathom line does not enter the Bay of Bengal, but it penetrates, as we have just mentioned, into the Arabian Sea, as far north as the latitude of Cape Guardafui. The zooo-fathom line forms the Bay of Bengal, and also defines the limits of a basin situated between Madagascar, Mauritius, the Seychelle Islands, and the shallow banks which unite the latter with Mauritius. The Ioo'o-fathom line stops outside the Mozambique Channel, the Red Sea, and the Persian Gulf. The 2 5oo-fathom area of the Indian Ocean crosses the parallel of lat. 40° 5., between St. Paul and Amsterdam Islands and Cape Leeuwin in Australia, and forms, between the south coast of Australia and the forty-fifth parallel, an area of depression which extends beyond the southern end of Tasmania, includes the deepest portion of the basin between New South Wales and New Zealand, and probably communicates with the depths of the Pacific by a channel situated off the southern extremity of New Zealand. THE BASIN OF THE PAcIFIc OcEAN.—-If we divide the Pacific Ocean into an eastern and a western half by a line passing from Honolulu to Tahiti, or by the meridian of long. 150° W. (Plate 2), we observe a remarkable contrast between the two portions thus formed. While the eastern half, extending towards America, presents a vast unbroken sheet of water, almost devoid of islands, the western half, towards Asia and I Basin of Me Paeg'fie Oeeem. 21 Australia, and enclosed between the parallels of lat. 30° N. and lat. 30° S., is composed of a labyrinth of seas, separated from each other by chains of islands, the projecting points of numerous submarine ridges. Although extensive tracts in the Pacific . Ocean remain as yet untouched by the sounding-line, the obser- vations made by the “ Challenger,” the “ Gazelle,” and the “ Tus- carora,” along several sections which traverse the length and breadth of this ocean, enable us to form an idea of the general contours of its bottom. From the shores of North and South America, the depths of the eastern half of the Pacific gradually increase until, upon the line between Honolulu and Tahiti, they attain 3000 fathoms. The latter depth forms extensive areas of depression in the western half of this ocean, and increases to 4000 fathoms in the already described hollow extending along the Japanese and Kuril Islands towards the entrance of the Behring Sea. Thus the idea formerly entertained of the inferior depths of the Pacific in comparison with the Atlantic, founded apparently upon the large number of islands scattered over its surface, is proved to be erroneous. Many of these islands, especially in the north-western half, rise immediately from ‘ depths of 3000 fathoms and more. In the south-eastern portion of the Pacific there are indica- tions of the existence of a submerged plateau connecting the Society Islands, the Low Archipelago, the Marquesas, and the intervening islands of Easter Island and Juan Fernandez with the coast of Chili and Patagonia. H.M.S. “Challenger,” after leaving Tahiti, seems to have sounded along the southern edge of this plateau down to the parallel of lat. 30° S., and as far as long. 140° W. Thence, running south towards the fortieth parallel, the ship entered the area of depression discovered by the “Gazelle,” but in her eastward course along the latter parallel she once more touched the plateau in about 113° long. W., with a sounding of 1600 fathoms. In long. 94° 22 para 0/ the Ocean. W., she crossed the apex of a plateau which rises to less than I 500 fathoms from the surface, and the base of which, extending from juan Fernandez to Magellan Strait, attaches itself to the South American continent. It seems, therefore, as if an almost uninterrupted area of elevation crossed the whole ,5 basin of the Pacific in a north-westerly direction from Patagonia to japan. The tendency of most of the submerged ridges of this ocean to follow the same direction has been frequently com- mented upon, and, as is the case with the submerged plateaux of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, their association with centres of volcanic activity is equally evident. The track of S.M.S. “Gazelle” in the South Pacific lay to the westward and southward of that of the “Challenger,” and her soundings have proved the existence of an area of depression with depths of from 2600 to 2900 fathoms, bounded on the west by New Zealand, the Kermadec group, the Friendly Islands, and the Samoan Islands, and on the north by the Cook Islands, and the Tibuai or Austral Islands. It extends with lessening depths eastward towards Patagonia, along the southern edge of the above-described plateau, and probably communicates with the deep areas to the northward in the space between the Samoan group and the Society Islands. This southern area of depression, however, may be considered as belonging not so much to the Pacific as to the Southern Ocean. A line passing from Kamtschatka over japan, the Ladrone, Caroline, Marshall, Gilbert, Ellice, Samoa, Tonga, and Kermadec Islands to New Zealand, divides the main basin of the Pacific, of an average depth of 3000 fathoms, from the much shallower seas lying to the westward, and may possibly have formed the coast-line of a large continent which existed at a remote epoch in the history of the surface of our planet, and the boundaries of which have since been driven back to the present confines of Asia and Australia. Basin 0f the Soainei/n Ocean. 23 THE BASIN OF THE SoUTHERN OCEAN.——-ThiS ocean, which makes the circuit of the world along the parallel of lat. 60° S., in length equal to half the circumference of the Earth at the Equator, may be considered as occupying the space between the Antarctic Circle and the parallel of lat. 40° S. Owing to the limited number of soundings as yet obtained within its limits, we can only form a general idea of the distribution of its depths. The boundary-line of the fortieth parallel, which separates the Southern Ocean from the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans, is occupied, as has been shown in the previous pages, alternately by areas of depression, with depths ranging from 2500 to nearly 3000 fathoms, and by areas of elevation, or sub- marine plateaux, approaching to within 1500 fathoms of the sea surface. On the side of the Pacific, we have the deep area explored by the “Gazelle” stretching up towards the Samoan Islands, and the submerged plateau between Tahiti and Pata- gonia. On the side of the Atlantic, we find the southern end of the central Atlantic plateau, with the island of Tristan d’Acunha and Gough Island, flanked on the east and west by the deep' areas explored by H.M.S. “Challenger.” Upon the limit of the Indian Ocean, We observe what may be called the Kerguelen plateau, extending from Marion and Prince Edward Islands to St. Paul and Amsterdam Islands, as proved by the soundings both of the “Challenger” and of the “Gazelle,” and the deep area, an extension of the main basin of the Indian Ocean, which passes to the southward of Australia and New Zealand, as established by the. soundings of the officers of both ships. The plateaux on the border of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans may turn out to be mere extensions of the Antarctic plateau, whilst the deep areas leading to the three oceanic basins may be con- sidered, in accordance with the observed bottom-temperatures, as the main channels by which the cold water of the Antarctic region flows northward into the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian 24 Depth of Me Ocean. Oceans. With regard to the general distribution of depth in the Southern Ocean, its bottom appears to rise gradually from nearly 3000 fathoms at the fortieth parallel (with the exception of the intervening plateaux) to little over 1500 fathoms at the Antarctic circle. There are also indications of an area of depression, of an average depth of 2000 fathoms, making the circuit of the globe between the parallels of 50° and 60° lat. S. The whole surface of the Southern Ocean is strewn with masses of floating ice, some of them‘forming islands many miles in extent, and rising from 100 to 300 feet above the level of the sea—an imposing spectacle, but fraught with much danger to the navigator in these regions. It is this central ocean which supplies the masses of cold water that fill up nearly two- thirds of the total depth of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. THE BAsIN OF THE ANTARcTIc SEA.——W€ are indebted to Sir James Ross for the only soundings procured within the Antarctic circle. They are situated in the wide inlet, discovered by that illustrious navigator in the year 1840, which extends along the meridian of New Zealand, and terminates at the foot of Mount Erebus and Mount Terror. These soundings, which are all under 500 fathoms, viewed in combination with the above- mentioned gradual rise of the bottom of the Southern Ocean towards the Antarctic Circle, justify the assumption that the seas included within the latter do not exceed I 500 fathoms in depth, their average depth probably falling below this estimate. The extensive formation of ice in this region, as well as the numerous indications of land reported by the daring sailors who have penetrated so far south, suggest the hypothesis of the existence, if not of an Antarctic continent, at all events of a considerable extent of land, rising in the mountain ranges and volcanoes of Victoria Land to 10,000 and 15,000 feet above the level of the sea. Basin of the Arez‘z'e Sea. 25 THE BASIN OF THE ARCTIC SEAr—It has been already observed in the commencement of this chapter that the region enclosed within the Arctic Circle forms an area of depression, almost completely surrounded by the land-masses of the great eastern and western continents. A shallow strait of less than fifty fathoms in depth'connects it with the Pacific Ocean, and it is separated from the depths of the Atlantic by the plateau between the British Islands and Iceland, which rises to within 500 fathoms of the sea-surface. Greenland is probably the largest land-mass belonging to this basin, and next in importance we have the group of Spitzbergen, of Franz Joseph Land, dis- covered by the Austrian expedition ;, Novaya Zemblya, the Liakhov Islands, Kellett Land, off Behring Strait, discovered by the Americans in 1867; and finally the extensive archipelago, a continuation of the American continent, the extreme northern limit of which has been recently determined by the officers of the English Polar Expedition, commanded by Captain Sir George S. Nares. The few soundings taken within the Arctic Circle leave much to conjecture, but we are tolerably safe in stating that the average depth of the Arctic basin‘ is probably under 1000 fathoms. The immense plains of Northern Asia and America seem to continue beneath the surface of the Arctic Sea, as indicated by the numerous islands which skirt the coasts of these continents, and the greatest depths to be found inside the Arctic Circle are probably confined to the basin situated between Greenland and Norway, Iceland and Spitzbergen. This basin has been explored at different times, amongst others by Lord Dufferin in 1856, who collected a series of valuable temperature observations; by the Swedish ship the “Sophia” in 1868, to‘ whom we are indebted for the only existing deep-sea soundings in the neighbourhood of Spitzbergen; and in the course of August, 1876, by the Norwegian Exploring Expedition on c . 26 . Depth of Me Ocean. board the “ Voringen.” The latter obtained a sounding of i800 fathoms about half-way between‘ Iceland and Norway. As a general result of the soundings taken in this basin, it appears that an area of depression of over 1000 fathoms in depth extends southward from the strait between Spitzbergen and Greenland, in lat. 80° N., as far_as the F aeroe Islands, and occupies the central part of the space between Greenland, Iceland, and N or- way, gradually shelving up towards their shores. The volcanic island. of jan Mayen rises from the bottom of this area to a height of 6870 feet above the sea-level. The only deep-sea communication between this basin and the Atlantic seems to be effected by Denmark Strait, the unexplored space between Iceland and Greenland. According to the temperature-sound- ings of the “Voringen,” a mass of cold water under 00 C. fills up this basin to within 400 fathoms of the sea-surface on the Norwegian side, and to within 200 fathoms towards the east coast of Iceland. An extension of this cold stratum was discovered by H.M.S. “Lightning” and “Porcupine” in the 500-fathom channel°between the Faroe Islands and the British plateau. .8 . .._m . hm- . a. o .+ uu n o:- 26:.- 00 0* ON ON 0+ 00 on O2 ON_ 0.! 02 09 oo- hmmDP/‘Emn-SEPI m0 Nat. Size. 518. T he M z'ller- C else/la Tkermomez‘er. 3 3 mixture, at a very low temperature in order to increase its density. It acts as a sort of elastic cushion intended to over-' come the friction of the liquids in the tubes, and to assist the mercury in following the mixture when contracting under the influence of cold. The indications of the thermometer depend upon the expansion by heat and contraction by cold of the 'mixture contained in bulb A. When expanding, the mercury is forced down in the arm attached to this bulb and rises in the other arm towards bulb C ; when contracting, the mercury falls on the'side of bulb C, and rises towards bulb A. Two metal indices, a a, mark the maximum height which the mercury has reached in either arm, and a hair attached to each index pro- duces the friction necessary to retain them at the level to which they have been raised. Before the thermometer is lowered into the sea, the indices are brought down upon the mercury by passing a magnet along the tube. One of the essential qualities of an instrument intended for use on long voyages is that it should be portable—a quality especially realised by Mr. Casella in the construction of his thermometer. By contracting the bore of the glass tube as much as possible, the quantity of the liquids, particularly of the mercury, has been reduced to a minimum; and the liability to accident, almost inseparable from instruments containing large quantities of this heavy substance, has thus been greatly reduced. The cruise of H.M.S. “Challenger” afforded ample oppor- tunities for testing the capabilities of the Miller-Casella ther- mometer. It resisted all the pressures to which it was exposed down to a depth of about 4000 fathoms, when some of the instruments were found to give way under a pressure of four tons to the square inch; but as depths of from four to five miles are exceptional, such accidents will be of rare occurrence. Under a pressure of three tons, equivalent to a depth of three miles, the error amounts to less than 1° C., whilst that of the 34 _ T empezatnre. of the Ocean. unprotected thermometers previously in use sometimes exceeded ' 10° C. for' the same depth; and a comparison of the data furnished by the Miller-Casella thermometer with the corre- sponding temperature curves shows that the mean error of all the deep-sea observations made on board H.M.S. “Challenger,” not much under 10,000, is probably less than 0°. 5 C. The thermometers, before being sent out, are subjected to pressures varying from one to four tons to the square inch in a hydraulic press especially designed for this purpose by Mr. Casella, and the amount of error ascertained for each instrument. When in. actual use, they are enclosed in a copper cylinder perforated at both ends to allow free ingress and egress to the water. Several thermometers may be attached to the same sounding- line whilst it is being paid out, at distances of five, ten, twenty- five, fifty, or one hundred fathoms as required; and it is found that an immersion of from five to ten minutes is sufficient to secure the desired record of temperature. SERIAL SOUNDINGS AND TEMPERATURE CURvEs.—In order to ascertain the distribution of temperature at any selected station upon the ocean, it is necessary to obtain as many observations at various depths between the surface and the bottom as circum— . stances will permit. The amount of time absorbed in hauling in the sounding-line from great depths, ‘even with the help of a steam-engine, as well as the uncertain state of the'weather, which may interrupt the operations at any moment, necessarily limit the number of observations which can be taken in the course of a stoppage on the high seas. However, the first experiments made of this kind establish the fact that, beyond a depth of from 1000 to 1500 fathoms, the temperature of the water decreases very slowly, often not more than 0°.I C. in 100 fathoms ; and that, beyond these depths, observations taken at intervals of 100, 200, or 250 fathoms are sufficient for all purposes. A series of observations at every 10 fathoms from 0 Serial Sonna’ings ana’ T einnei'ainre Carr/es. , 35 ' the_ surface to 100 fathoms, every 25 fathoms down to 300 fathoms, and every 100 fathoms down to 1000 or 1500 fathoms, furnishes, with the addition of the bottom-temperature, sufficient materials for scientific enquiry; and, although it may be secured in the course of a. few hours, it can only be accomplished under favourable conditions of weather. The number of serial sound- ings obtained by H.M.S. “Challenger” during her three and a-half years’ cruise amounts to about 260, of which 120 belong to the Atlantic, 110 to the Pacific, the remainder being about equally divided between the Southern Ocean and the seas of the Indian Archipelago. An important series of soundings was taken almost simultaneously by the officers of the Imperial German frigate the “Gazelle,” whose operations in the Indian ‘Ocean and in the south-western portion of the Pacific, not visited by H.M.S. “Challenger,” form a valuable supplement to the results obtained by the officers of the English expedition. When recording the observations made at a particular station, it becomes at once apparent that a mere tabulated statement of the temperature registered at each depth is but an imperfect mode of exhibiting the results of the soundings, and recourse is had to the method of curves. It is not necessary here to insist on the evident advantages of this method of representing graphically the various stages of a phenomenon under observation, and on the facilities which it offers not only for seizing at a glance its leading features, but also for detecting the errors of the instru- ments employed and those of the observer himself. To convert a tabulated statement of a series of temperature observations belonging to one station into a curve, it is sufficient to lay down a scale of fathoms, say along a horizontal line, and, at right angles to the latter, a scale of degrees of temperature (Figs. ‘1 to 10). At the points on the horizontal scale corre- sponding with the depths at which the observations were taken, perpendicular lines are drawn, and their lengths made equal to 36 Tempenaz‘nne of the Ocean. ‘A I the number of degrees registered by the thermometer. Thus these lines will be longer or shorter in proportion as the tempera- ture increases or decreases. On joining the upper end of the lines we obtain a curve of a more or less regular shape, gene- rally assuming the form of the letter S, which is called the temperature curve of the station, and it exactly represents the rate of increase or decrease of the temperature of the water in each stratum from the surface to the bottom. To exhibit the conditions of temperature ascertained at a number of stations belonging to a certain section of an oceanic basin, another class of curves may be constructed (Plates 6 to 20). In this case the horizontal base-line forms ‘a scale of miles, or of degrees of latitude or longitude, giving the distance between one station and another. The vertical scale indicates the depth in fathoms, and the curves thus obtained form isotherms exhibiting by their rise and fall the decrease or increase of temperature in the different strata of the oceanic section under consideration. They also show the rate of increase or decrease, spreading out when the temperature decreases more slowly at one station than at another, and closing up when the decrease is more rapid. Instead- of a scale of fathoms, the vertical scale may be divided into degrees of temperature, and the curves resulting from this arrangement will form iso-bathymetric lines, exhibiting the variation of temperature for the same depth at different stations. In the plates and tables prepared for this ‘essay, the former arrangement has been given the preference, since, by using a scale of depths, the diagram represents an actual section of an oceanic basin, although on a scale necessarily much exaggerated. ' DEDUcTIoNs FROM THE CURVE—An examination of the shape of the curve, and of the modifications which it undergoes in the different parts of the ocean, leads to certain conclusions respecting the conditions which determine the distribution of oceanic tem- Dea’nctz'ons from the C net/e. 3 7 perature, and theidirection in which we‘ must seek for a solution of the problem of oceanic circulation. In looking over the temperature curves and sections which accompany these pages, we find that, as a general rate, the temperature of the ocean decreases from the surface to the hettonz.‘ One of the first surprises in store for the early observers of deep-sea temperature was the discovery that the temperature of the deeper strata, and at the bottom of the ocean, is only a few degrees removed from freezing-point. Subsequent observa- tions have shown that, with certain exceptions, this is the case in every part of the ocean, in tropical latitudes as well as in the temperate and frigid zones, and that over some areas the tem- ' perature of the lowest strata falls even below zero. The first well-ascertained example of the presence of cold water in low latitudes is due to the soundings of “Lightning” and “Porcupine” in 1868—69, in the channel between the Fmroe Islands and Scotland. Over an area situated between lat. 60° and 61° ., long. 4° and 9° W., the temperature of 0° C. is reached at a depth of only 300 fathoms, descending to — 1°.4 C. at a depth of 640 fathoms. This mass of cold water—about 120 miles long, 60 miles broad, and a quarter-mile in depth— must have come from the Arctic region, and the soundings of the Norwegian ship “ Voringen,” in the course of last year, show that it is a southern extension of the mass of cold water which fills up the basin between Iceland and Norway to a depth of 1800 fathoms. A still more. remarkable instance of the existence of a cold area with a temperature below zero was discovered off the mouth of the Rio de la Plata by H.M.S. “Challenger" on her return voyage in 1876. Between lat. 36° and 42° S., long. 33° and 55° W., the bottom-temperature at seven different stations was found below 0° C., varying from -0°. 3 to ——0°.6 C. The maximum depth found in this area was 2900 fathoms, and the zero-point was reached in 1900 fathoms (Station 323). 38. Temperature of‘ the Ocean. This cold area may be traced southwards into the Antarctic region, and northwards as far as the Equator; for at Station 112, off Cape St. Roque, the temperature at a depth of 2200 fathoms is only 0°. 5 C., and at Station 110, under the Equator, 0°.9 C. at a depth of 2275 fathoms. At the two latter stations, the temperature of 5° C. is reached at a depth of little over 300 fathoms.‘ . ' As early as 18 59, the officers of the US. Coast Survey found a temperature of 4°.4 .C. (40° at a depth of 300 fathoms in the Strait of Florida; the water of the Gulf Stream at the surface having, at the same date, a temperature of 26°.7 C., or 80° F. ' The two principal exceptions to the above-stated rule of the gradual decrease of temperature from the surface towards the bottom are to be found, one in a number of small basins which are cut off by submarine ridges or elevations from communica- tion with the lower strata of the ocean outside, the other in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, where the rule seems to be com- pletely inverted, the temperature of the water increasing from the surface towards the bottom. The operations of H.M.S. “Porcupine” in the summer of 1870 in the Mediterranean, and the cruise of H.M.S. “Chal- lenger,” furnish examples of the first-mentioned exception. It is well known that the Mediterranean Sea is cut off from the depths of the North Atlantic Ocean by a submarine elevation extending from Cape Spartel in Africa to Cape Trafalgar in Spain, and rising to within 100 fathoms from the sea-surface. From a series of temperature-soundings obtained by H.M.S. ' “ Porcupine ” at seven different stations between the meridian of . Malaga and Carthagena, it appears that the temperature of that part of the Mediterranean falls ‘from a mean of 22°.6 C. at the surface to 13° C. at a depth of 100 fathoms, whence it remains stationary at the latter temperature down to the bottom, at Declactions from the C nrve. 3,9 depths varying from 162 to 845 fathoms. From this it has been inferred, that in a oasin separatea’ frone tne aayoznzng ocean 5y a snornarine elevation, tne temperature of the water decreases from the surface down to the level of that elevation, and remains. stationary from that level down to tne oottorn. The subsequent proceedings of H.M.S. “ Challenger,” in the Western Pacific and in the seas of the Indian Archipelago’ (Plates 15 and 16), leave little room for doubting the correct- ness of this conclusion. In the basin extending from the New Hebrides to Torres Strait (which might appropriately be called the Melanesian Sea), in the Banda Sea, Celebes, Sulu, and China Sea, the temperature of the water was found to decreaseifrom the surface down to a certain level, and remain stationary between that level and the bottom‘. The Sulu Sea furnishes the most striking illustration of this hitherto unsuspected phenomenon. At the time of the two visits of H.M.S. “Challenger,” in October, 1874, and January, 1875, the tem- perature was observed to fall from 28° and 27° C. at the surface to 10°.2 C. at a depth of 400 fathoms, and to remain stationary at the latter temperature from 400 fathoms down to ' the bottom, at depths of 2550 and 2225 fathoms, forming a stratum of more than two miles in depth of the comparatively high temperature of 10°.2 C., or 50°.4 F. Although we possess no complete surveys of the bottom of the seas above mentioned, a glance at a chart will show that they all are more or less land-locked basins, and, as the temperature—conditions seem to prove, probably out off from the colder strata of the Pacific and Indian Oceans by submarine ridges rising to the level at which the decrease of temperature is arrested. The second exception, observed both in the South Polar and North Polar regions, may require further research before it can rank as an established scientific fact. Besides the numerous difficulties which beset thermometric observations under the 40 Temperature of the Ocean. severe conditions of a polar climate, the limits of oceanic tem- perature in these latitudes are so narrow as to render additional caution necessary. There is, however, considerable agreement .between the observations made by the several explorers who have penetrated into these inhospitable regions, who all assert the discovery of warmer water below the cold surface- xstratum, so that the fact seems hardly doubtful; and the recent experience of the officers of H.M.S. “Challenger” in the _ vicinity of the Antarctic Circle points in the same direction (Fig. 8, Curve B, and Plates‘ 12 and 13). On theoretical grounds it may be said that the existence of open water in the polar regions, in contact with an atmosphere the temperature of which is generally below freezing-point, shows that warm currents from lower latitudes must find their way into these regions. The constant melting of the ice floating in these warm currents must tend to produce layers or pools of water of a temperature near freezing-point and of a lower specific gravity, which, for a time, must remain at or near the surface, and form strata of a temperature lower than that of the strata beneath. ' It will appear from the previous remarks that the distribution ,of temperature in the ocean depends, as a general rule, upon a constant supply of heat at the surface and a constant supply of cold at the bottom; and the temperature-curve will represent a series of gradually decreasing temperatures from the surface towards the bottom, as in Fig. 1. In those regions where the supply of heat is reduced to a mihimum, as we find is the case in the higher latitudes, the stratumof cold water will be reached within a short distance from the surface (Fig. 2, Curve C, and Fig. 7), and in some parts of the ocean it may be said to occupy, the whole depth of the sea (Fig. 8, Curve A). On the other hand, where, as in the cases mentioned above, the supply of cold is reduced or entirely cut off by submarine barriers, the tem- E2‘. 1. Fig. 2. TEMPERATURES IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC}. TEMPERATURES IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC. 14°c GULFSTREAM mu ARCTIC CURRENT. _\ o 25 Q _ \ , |o°__ 20°l\ _ |5°_: Y - 1 5°__ l0‘: \ I 1 . % ‘ 5°." _ _ \E 0. she. ' I000. 00 Fms. 0. she. ' 1600. 1500 Fms. Station No. 187—Lat. 36° 59' 8.; Long. 1' 34’ E. A, Station No. AH—Jint. 36° 5' N.; Long. 69° 6A’ W. B_ Station No. ‘AS—Lat. 86° 28' N.; Long. 71' 61' W. C, Station No. Ali—Lat. 37° 25' N4 Long. 71° i0’ W. Dea’nctions from the Carve. 4 1 perature will remain stationary at or near the level of the obstruction, and the stratum of warm water will extend to the bottom, and thus fill up the whole space between the surface and the bottom, whatever may be the depth of the basin (Plate 16). This constant supply of heat and of cold is effected, as is well known, ‘through the agency of currents. The latter are by no means an exceptional phenomenon confined to certain parts of the ocean. Varying in volume and velocity until they attain the proportions of gigantic rivers flowing at a rate of several miles an hour, they occupy every part of the ocean, no part of which can be said to be in a condition of absolute rest. Com- bined together they form, like the currents in the atmosphere, and in intimate association with the latter, a complete system of circulation, by which the physical and chemical equilibrium of the ocean is maintained. From the principal storehouse of heat in the tropics, warm currents proceed towards the temperate and frigid zones, and return thence in the character of cold currents towards the regions of the Equator. That this is so is proved by the results of all observations made up to the present day, and it is in perfect agreement with the well-known. agency of water as a storer-up and carrier of heat. Two strata of different temperatures cannot remain in con- tact for any time without the formation of an intermediate stratum. This is presumably the reason why a series of deep- sea temperature observations generally assumes the shape of a curve, nowhere presenting a break or an abrupt transition from one temperature to another. The depth of this intermediate stratum will depend upon the duration of the contact. When two masses of water, one warm the other cold, move in different or opposite directions, the intermediate stratum will present a\\ rapid transition from the temperature of one stratum to the temperature of the other, and the part of the curve which D 42 T empenatnne of the Ocean. represents the intermediate stratum will form a steep incline. On the contrary, when two masses of water flow in the same or nearly the same direction, the intermediate stratum will appear in the curve as a gradual incline representing the slow increase or decrease of temperature from one stratum to the other. Hence the gradient of any part of the curve is not only the measure of the rate of increase or decrease of temperature, but also an indication of the relative motion or relative rest of the strata in contact. A low gradient expresses the presence of strata of equal or nearly equal temperature moving in the same direction, z'.e., at relative rest towards each other; a steep gradient indicates the existence of strata of different tempera- tures, and moving in different directions. Thus, in Fig. 1, we have a warm surface-stratum of con- siderable thickness, the decrease of temperature in the first 200 fathoms amounting to only 2°.4 C. The steep gradient between 200 and 500 fathoms shows that this surface-stratum moves in a direction different from that of the bottom-stratum, which, at this station, is found to rise up to within 600 fathoms from the surface. The temperature at the bottom, at a depth of 2550 fathoms, is 0°.7 C.; at I 500 fathoms, 2° C. ; at 600 fathoms., 2°.9 C., or a difference of only 0°.9 C. in 900 fathoms. In Fig. 2, Curve A, belonging to Station 41, near the eastern limit of the Gulf Stream, the hump extending down to 300 fathoms represents a stratum of nearly uniform temperature. The latter is, at the surface, 18°.3 C. ; at 12 5 fathoms, 18°.0 C. ; at 300 fathoms, 17°.0 C. In Curve B, at Station 43, in the Gulf Stream itself, all this warm water below 100 fathoms has disappeared; but a surface-stratum has been added, of a temperature rising to 24° C. Still further on, at Station 44 (Curve C), a short distance beyond the western limits of the Gulf Stream, we find ourselves in the midst of an Arctic current rising up to within 300 fathoms from the surface, with a .Fig. a Hg. 4 TEMPERATURES IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC. TEMPERATURES IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC. N 1°’ N 0° 0 111111.!) 1 1 1_1 1 |o° N N " \ 0 151. § 15 _ \ ‘ \\\' 1 \ -| 0 ~— : 1 k - \ _ \\ : ~ g 5° — 5° I - N~ __ 1 §~ q _ I ‘HT: I o 5'00. ' ' 1 oo. ' lsooFms. o 5 o 1600. issoFms. A, Station No. 67--Lat. 37' 54' N.; Long. 41' 414' W. 8. Station NO- 69—I-at. 38‘ 23‘ N4 Lons- 37' 21’ W . A, Station No. 82—Lat. ss- 46' N.; Long. 19‘ 17' w. 0, Station No. 71—Lat. 38° 18' N.; Long. 3'1’ 418’ W. B. Station No_ 5__Lat_ 2411 20' N4 Long‘ 24. 281 w. mg. 5. TEMPERATURES NEAR THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, _ - N N 00 01° 0° 010 I If; 1 l 1 l L 1 l 1 1 1 I It) 01 O IlIIlILll AGULHAS CURRENT. O 500 I000 A, Station No 1&8—Lat. 86° 48’ 8.; Long. 19° 24:’ E. B, Station No. 139—Lab. 85° 85' 8.; Long. 16‘ 8’ E. mg. a TEMPERATURES IN THE SOUTH-AUSTRALIAN CURRENT. _ \r o 5 o ’ IOOO A, Station No. 159-»Lat. 47° 26’ 8.; Long. 180° 32‘ E. B, Station No. l60—Lat. 42° ‘£2’ 8.; Long. 13¢}° 10 E. 1500 Fms. Dea’nctz'ons from the C arr/e. ' 4 3 temperature of 4°.1 C. at 300 fathoms, of 3° C. at 900 fathoms, and of 2° C. at 1500 fathoms. The temperature of the surface has fallen from 24° C. to 11°.1 C. The space which contains the three stations covers 1° 20’ of latitude, and 1° 57’ of longitude—truly an extraordinary change in the distribution of temperature in so small a portion of the Atlantic. In Fig. 3, the Curves A, B, C illustrate the gradual dis- appearance towards the Azores of the same stratum, 300 fathoms in thickness, which appears in Curve A, Fig. 2. In Curve A, Fig. 4, the hump between 200 and 700 fathoms (12° C. to 7°. 5 C.) marks the presence of a large current flowing between the Azores and Madeira; and the low gradients of Curve B indicate the existence, between the surface and 1500 fathoms, of various strata of gradually decreasing temperatures moving more or less in the same direction. Curve A, Fig. 5, shows the rise of temperature caused by the Agulhas current, to the southward of the Cape of Good Hope; while Curve B of Station 139, situated but a short distance westward of the Cape, affords little or no indication of the proximity of this large current of warm water. The unusually irregular shape of Curve B betrays the existence in the vicinity of the Cape of numerous currents moving in different directions one above the other. The two curves in Fig. 6 illustrate the temperature-con- ditions in the great South Australian current. H.M.S. “ Chal- lenger,” after a three months’ cruise, her stores of coal having run short, was precluded from establishing numerous stations on her way from the Antarctic Circle to Australia. Thus it was found, on arriving at Station 159, that the ship had already crossed the southern limit of this great current, of which, at Station 158, in lat. 50° 5., long. 12 3° B, there had" been little or no trace (Plate 12). The isotherm of 5° C., which at the latter station was reached at a depth of 200 fathoms, fell to 600 44 T emperatare of the Ocean. fathoms at Station 159, and rose again to 500 fathoms at Station 160, so that between Stations I59 and 160, the “Challenger” must have crossed the axis of a current about 500 fathoms deep, and from 500 to 600 miles broad. This current, coming from the Indian Ocean, flows in a south-easterly direction to the southward of Australia, and penetrates into the Antarctic region along the meridian of New Zealand. Fig. '7 presents a section, at Station 318, of the great Antarctic current which flows as an under-current along the east coast of South America, crosses the Equator, and pene- trates into the North Atlantic. At the above station it rises to within 100 fathoms of the surface. The steep gradient between the surface and 100 fathoms is due to a branch of the Brazilian current, which flows in a southerly direction towards the Falk- land Islands. Curve A, Fig. 8, furnishes a similar example of the presence of a cold stratum at the depth of little more than 100 fathoms from the surface. It is the temperature-curve of Station 147, near the Crozet Islands. Curve B illustrates the case of a cold surface-stratum, probably formed by melting ice, observed in the vicinity of the Antarctic Circle. The temperature falls from —I°.2 C. at the surface to —1°.7 C. at 50 fathoms, but rises to —0°.8 C. at 200 fathoms, 0°.0 C. at 300 fathoms, and 0°.4 C. at a depth of 500 fathoms (Plates 12 and 13). Figs. 9 and 10 represent the conditions of temperature near the Equator in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The curve of Fig. 9 belongs to Station 110, near St. Paul Rocks; the curve of Fig. 10 to Station 221, in the basin between Papua and the Caroline Islands. In the former a surface-current, retaining a nearly uniform temperature of 25° C. down to a depth of 30 fathoms, is joined by a steep gradient to an intermediate current which extends from 100 fathoms to 400 fathoms, the cold bottom-stratum being reached at a depth of _. —-2 _. —- 5 o ~40 o 50o. looo. ' is'oo Fms. o ‘500 I000 15 o Fms. Station No. 318—Lat. 42° 32 8.; Long. 56' 27’ W. A. station N0. l‘lr'l—Lat- 46° 16' 3-; LODS- 48° 97' E. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. '5 9-- TEMPERATURES m ‘rm: SOUTH ATLANTIC. TEMPERATURE8 I" THE SOUTHERN °°EAN- - ANTAROTIO CURRENT. ANTARCTIO Ice-BARRIER; 10°. +5°g. _ 4°_ 5 __ ~ A "~-- 0 5 A" 4 2; T o ‘4 fifi‘i“ 8, Station No. 153—Lat. 65' 42‘ 8.; Long. 79‘ *9’ E. E31,’. 9. Fig. 10. ATLANTIC EQUATORIAL TEMPERATURES. PACIFIC EQUATORIAL TEMPERATURES. l1 s a; o l111111141_lO s a O 0 '61’ o l 5 e 111111111 '6 O l J 5 O 01 o a lllllljl (7'1 11Iil1111l 5bo. ’ 10%. 15710 Fms. O O 560. who. who Fms. Station NO- llo—Lat- 0° 9' N4 Long- 30' 13' W- Station No. 221—Lat. 0° 40' N1; Long. 148‘41' E. Dea’nctions from the Carve. 4 5 500 fathoms with a temperature of 4° C. At the station in the Pacific, a surface-stratum, the temperature of which falls from 28°.8 C. to 28° C. at 30 fathoms, and to 26° C. at 80 fathoms, is united by a steep gradient to an intermediate stratum, which , extends from 150 fathoms (1 1°.3 C.) to 800 fathoms (3° C.), the bottom-stratum commencing at 900 fathoms with a temperature of 2°. 5 C. How soon the cold bottom-stratum is reached in the equatorial belt is one of the unexpected discoveries due to recent deep-sea exploration. In the warm seas which bathe the British Islands, a temperature of 4° C. is not registered until we arrive at a depth of 900 fathoms, and at 1500 fathoms the temperature is still 2°. 5 C. CHAPTER UL CURRENTS OF THE OCEAN. The Aqueous and the Aerial Oceans—Thermal Circulation—Vertical and Horizontal Extension of the Two Terrestrial Envelopes—Parallelism between Oceanic and Atmospheric Currents—Surface and Under-Currents. THE AQUEoUs AND THE AERIAL OoEANs.--The aqueous envelope, which, as ‘we have seen, covers about three-fourths of the surface of the solid crust of the earth to an average depth of from two to three miles, is itself surrounded by ‘and everywhere in contact with another envelope termed the atmosphere, which forms an “aerial ocean ” covering the ‘whole surface of our planet to a depth supposed not to exceed eighty miles. Whether this aerial ocean has a well-defined surface like the aqueous ocean is a point which remains to be settled by future research. What we know is, that the density of the various strata into which it may be divided decreases so rapidly that at a height or depth of 18,000 feet, or 3000 fathoms, we have already left behind one-half of the mass of air of which it is composed. It has also been ascertained by recent observa- tions, that the proportion of aqueous vapour—upon the presence of which in the air the agency of the atmosphere as a storer-up of heat and moisture mainly depends--diminishes with equal rapidity, and is, as far as observation goes, reduced to zero at a distance of only a few miles from the earth’s surface. The thickness of the atmospheric layer, considered as a meteorological agent, may therefore be safely reduced to five miles, or even less, for the greater number of the atmospheric phenomena with which we are immediately concerned take place within a distance of from two to three miles from the earth’s surface. Ever since the movements of the atmospheric air and of the LINES 0F EQUAL BAROMETRIC PRESSURE (ISOBARS) FOR JULY.AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. I00 I20 I40 I60 I80 I60 I40 120 I00 80 60 4-0 20 O 20 40 V 60 80 I00 _ ..... "Watersheds or Am 01' I’? Areas of Elevahon. ! \ a‘ Mountain Ranges ,, 2" ,, a, - 6., .__ 'a‘fi ~ - y 0 z. 0 Q ° r‘ * I 70 - V ‘ .,.. . A, \fim a}. 5 . lei. A, :. ‘I - ,5 - I‘ I,“ v 29.80 . 8 -------- 5°30 . E \ 39,50 ‘ no. ‘ _ ' 11; 29.50 .:-' " 60 '~ ~~;- ‘— —- r, T -—‘ rrrr A’ 50 I [off/v .xmknriw 4r fsgfl‘ws. ,. M1‘: fr/ ,7 ‘Am : 70 a W WK‘ 11M“ 11 v I° 70 I00 I20 I40 I60 I80 I60 I40 I20 I00 80 60 40 20 O 20 40 60 80 I00 Thermal C ircnlation. 47 waters of the ocean have attracted the attention of the scientific observer, the resemblance between the'phenomena which occur in the gaseous envelope and those observable in the aqueous envelope of our planet has frequently been pointed out. This resemblance is the obvious result of a similarity of conditions and an identity of natural laws which govern the internal economy of the two envelopes. Both are composed of fluids subject to the laws of gravity, and to the laws which direct the movements of fluids in general, their expansion under the influence of heat, their contraction under the action of cold. The equilibrium of both is constantly disturbed in consequence of the unequal distribution of solar heat between the Poles and the Equator, and is as constantly restored through the agency of currents, cold air and cold water unceasingly flowing from high towards low latitudes, warm air and warm water without intermission passing from the torrid zone into the temperate and polar regions. As recent observations have shown, in both, in the aqueous as well as in the aerial ocean, the temperature rapidly decreases from the surface towards the deeper strata (considering the stratum of the atmosphere which is in close contact with the surface of the earth as the virtual surface of the aerial ocean); and the surface-stratum of both forms a stratum of maximum energy which in the ocean extends to a depth of about 500 fathoms, or half-a-mile (Plates 6 to 20), and in the atmosphere, to a depth of 3000 fathoms, or three miles. Finally, the composition of both fluids is altered under the influence of solar heat; that of air through an increase in the quantity of moisture held in ~ suspense, that of water by an increase in the percentage of salt held in solution. THERMAL C1R0ULAT10N.-—It has been shown by Sir John Herschel that the unequal exposure of the different zones of the earth's surface to the rays of the sun must result in a system 48 C annents of the Ocean. of atmospheric circulation composed of equatorial and polar currents; and by Lieutenant M. F. Maury, that the same inequality must be considered as the primary cause of a system of oceanic circulation also composed of polar and equatorial currents. The two distinguished philosophers have proved that these currents do not flow in the direction of the meridian, since, under the influence of the diurnal rotation of our- planet from west to east, polar currents, as they move from a parallel of a lesser to one of a greater rotatory velocity, have a tendency to lag behind and to deviate in a westerly direction, while equatorial currents, in their progress from a lower to a higher latitude, have a tendency to deviate in the direction of the earth’s rotation, z'.e., towards the east. All observations agree in establishing the fact that the internal economy of the atmosphere and of the ocean is regulated by such a system of circulation composed of equatorial and polar currents, and that the direction of these currents is affected by the earth’s diurnal rotation in the manner above described. VERTICAL AND HoRIzoNTAL ExTENsIoN OF THE Two TER- RESTRIAL ENvELoPEs—Before entering upon an examination of the phenomena of atmospheric and oceanic circulation, it is necessary to attach due importance to a condition sometimes overlooked in connection with occurrences which, in their ensemhte, embrace immense areas of the surface of our planet— that is, the great disproportion which exists between the depth or vertical extension and the lateral or horizontal extension of the two terrestrial envelopes. The neglect of this condition is probably due to the exaggerated scale which it is necessary to adopt in graphical representations of oceanic and atmospheric sections, and to the difficulty of placing before our mental vision phenomena of such colossal proportions as we find realised in the great currents of the air and of the sea. The average depth of the ocean, whether we estimate it at Extension of the T 2110 Terrestrial Envelopes. 49 two or three miles, is but a minute fraction of the length and breadth of an oceanic basin ; so is the depth of the more active stratum of the atmosphere when compared with the areas of sea and land with which it is in contact. A due consideration of this disproportion between horizontal and vertical extension leads to several conclusions of some importance to the student of the phenomena of oceanic and atmospheric circulation, namely :—-1. That what in either system of currents has been called horizontal circulation must be the preponderating phenomenon, vertical circulation only occupy- ing the second place. 2. That the original direction, volume, velocity, temperature, and composition of a current, considered as part of a system of thermal circulation, must undergo im- portant modifications under the influence of the terrestrial areas with which the current comes in contact—an influence depending upon the distribution of land and water, the direction of the mountain ranges and coast lines, the configuration of the surface of the land and of the bottom of the sea, and other conditions present in a given area of the earth’s surface. 3. That the currents of the ocean and of the atmosphere, while obeying their original tendency as thermal currents to flow in a certain direction—towards the Equator in the case of polar currents, towards the Poles in the case of equatorial currents -—-will ultimately move in the direction of least resistance. 4. That under the influence of local conditions, the general system of atmospheric or oceanic currents will resolve itself into as many different systems of circulation as there are distinct areas of land and water. Sir John Herschel says, in his Treatise on Astronomy (sec. 197): “We have only to call to mind the comparative thinness of the coating which the atmosphere forms around the globe, and the immense mass of the latter, compared with the former (which it exceeds at least 100,000,000 times), to appreciate 5o Cat/rents of the Ocean. fully the ahsotate command of any extensive territory of the earth over the atmosphere immediately incumbent on it, in point of motion.” This remark, made with regard to the accelerating effect which the friction of the earth’s surface exercises upon the rotatory velocity of the superincumbent atmosphere, applies with equal force to the powerful influence which the conforma- tion of the surface of the solid earth’s crust must exercise upon the atmospheric and oceanic currents with which this surface comes in contact. Notwithstanding the daily accumulating mass of observa- tions made in every part of the world, dissatisfaction has been frequently expressed at our imperfect insight into the laws which govern meteorological phenomena. Perhaps we look in vain for a direct manifestation of those laws under conditions constantly tending to modify the form-‘ under which they are presented to us, and the observer must be content to discover the expression of a general law under the disguise of ever varying and often contradictory phenomena. Every terrestrial area, both on sea and land, has its own system of atmospheric and oceanic currents; as every part of a continent, every valley has its own climate, subject to the general laws which govern the circulation of currents and the distribution of climate over the whole of our planet. PARALLELISM BETWEEN OcEANrc AND ATMOSPHERIC CURRENTs. -—On account of the more uniform conditions which prevail over oceanic areas in comparison with continental areas, the phenomena of currents are less complicated in the former than in the latter, and can be studied to greater advantage. If we consult a wind-chart, we find that the direction of the prevailing currents of air which flow over the surface of the ocean agrees with the direction of atmospheric currents, such as would arise from the unequal distribution of solar heat over Oceanic ancl A trnospheric C nrrents. 5 1 the surface of the rotating globe. We have currents of cold air flowing from high into low latitudes in a westerly direction, and currents of warm air passing in an easterly direction from the Tropics into the temperate and the polar regions. The effect of these currents moving in opposite directions is seen in the creation- of several belts or areas of calms, one near the Equator, one at each Pole, and one near the parallels of lat. 30°. In accordance with theory, the belts of calms are due to an encounter which takes place in about lat. 30° between equatorial and polar currents. The former, coming from the Equator in the character of upper-currents, are supposed to descend in that latitude to the surface of the ocean, and to continue their course towards the polar regions as under-currents, having acquired an easterly tendency owing to the gradually decreasing rotatory velocity of the areas over which they flow, until, finally, they are arrested as they approach the Poles by the friction of the earth’s surface. The latter, coming from the polar regions as upper-currents, descend near the same latitude towards the surface of the ocean, and continue their course towards the Equator as under-currents, gradually losing their westerly tendency until, in the vicinity of the Equator, they commence to rotate with the earth’s surface and are no longer felt as easterly winds, thus producing the Equatorial belt of calms. A current moving from the Equator towards the Pole will not acquire a decided tendency towards the east until it reaches the parallel of lat. 30°, as the diameter of rotation decreases very slowly at first, its total decrease between lat. 30° and 45° being greater than that between the Equator and lat. 30° (Fig. 13). It will, therefore, not manifest itself as a strong easterly current until it crosses the 30th parallel. On the other hand, a current flowing from the Pole towards the Equator, while having from the outset a strong tendency to lag behind in a westerly direction, 52 Currents of the Ocean. on account of the steady increase of the diameter of rotation between the Pole and the parallel of lat. 30°, will, after crossing that parallel, gradually lose that tendency, and will, within 10° of the Equator, have acquired the rotatory velocity of the earth’s surface, and therefore cease to show itself as a westerly current. i It thus appears that the Equator, the parallels of lat. 30°, and the Poles, constitute what may be termed the critical latitudes in the system of atmospheric circulation, and for similar reasons also in the system of oceanic circulation. This state of matters, according to which we find the surface of our planet, as regards its two fluid envelopes, divided into belts of calms and belts of currents symmetrically distributed on each side of the Equator, is subject to considerable modifi- cations from various causes. The first and most important of these causes is the division of the surface of our planet into areas of land and water which, alternately stretching across the Equator from one hemisphere into the other, intersect the parallel belts of calms and of currents at right angles. We have here carried out on a large scale one of those simple ex- pedients by which Nature, in strict obedience to her laws, creates that endless variety of contrasting phenomena, which the philo- sopher, the poet, the artist, never cease to behold with wonder, and which, while it is the source of all beauty, is, at the same time, a necessary condition to the existence of all life. The' result, in the present case, is the creation of numerous areas of atmospheric and oceanic circulation corresponding with the different areas of land and of water distributed on each side of the Equator, and the subdivision of the belts of calms into distinct areas of calms, of which we find one in each of the oceanic basins, in the North and South Atlantic, in the North and South Pacific, and in the Indian Ocean. (Plate 4 A.) A comparison of these areas of calms with a chart of .m. @651 l c \i-NI/ > 7: . J . . 1 as. a . .. . . I» .A 1 . v H . a... 1 r. - O i a... .. .1... . .. ncmfia/ It . . ... .. . . Ii”. "NI-“\g \- I I Q ’ Grimm . I .0 .525 300 Ai|1| . .Ecwtcau wu~t=m Boui pin ...0 1 . .Ecwtau cove: EcwBAllIb .wEEBu womtnm EESAIII. ' 1211.71IIEEIIIIIrIIIIIIITIQrIEEaaEE om Re 8 ow 00. ON. 0.! 02 02 R: oi 02 02 .Z—“ 50 | a? A g t: s g ; an _> ' i1? 52' \ t, 2 s 4 75 L.) m I. 0 g E z" ‘v no \ __ 153 4’ o‘b/ '5 a“ ’ / ‘~\ 3 SI/ / A Z \ SE u.SurfC"- / M94300 I l afifi’rf'o'fil JBIU \ II |' ‘9%!’ l I. o I! ' ll l ' I visit; °‘-° Ql a 7l0Jaf9/Vl ' spul/vg KITSQMISIljjBQ'SQDEJl 3 NI ISUiIOQQ' Isopdeai g‘glsuiloeg|spui/i,§ arse/vi UOICEQH XIIQHX Uofaalzl X H98 X U0! 38 XIIQEIX U0! 98X ' FigII. Diagram of Oceanic Isoihermsi. 0i 0 o o a Q o o 6 0 ° 0 o 0 ° 0 o o O o 3 IO N 9 o -o- N no q- I!) to (‘5 0°’ :7 0:? N in r.‘ o ‘a 9 e N N ° . n o ‘m °,__: 10 °o N - ,0 N ‘3. 9.’ ° _ o 3 ° / \*11_ uses .9 19 =10 OIUQQ'JO no‘ no SIXV ” \ E / o - __,/ $8, -. on Go 9- e \n , . i ‘a l °o °Q °o ° °o ° ° ° °o "o °o °o °o so '0 =2- no) N 9 9 N no q- in \o ‘*5 <- —-I 3 Equator O Surface ana’ Under-Currents. ' 5 7 the west coast of Africa, Australia, and South America, are diverted northwards towards the Equator; the latter, piled up by “the rotating earth against the east coasts of these continents, flow as under-currents in the same direction, both returning in the character of warm currents towards their old home at the Pole. . The annexed diagram represents the surface‘ and under- currents which, in accordance with the above theoretical deduc- tions, compose the system of circulation in our principal oceanic basins (Fig. 12). CHAPTERIV. THE TEMPERATURE SECTIONS SURVEYED BY H.M.S. “CHALLENGER” IN THE ATLANTIC. From Teneriffe to Sombrero and St. Thomas—From St. Thomas to Halifax—Between Cape May, U.S., and Madeira—From Madeira to Tristan d’Acunha—Between Cape Palmas and Cape S. Roque—Between Cape S. Roque and Tristan d’Acunha—From the Falkland Islands to the Cape of Good Hope. THE OcEAN1c TEMPERATURE SECTIONS SURvEvED BY H.M.S. “CHALLENGER.”——The accompanying diagrams and tables, especially constructed by the author for this essay, embody the principal results of the sounding operations carried on by the officers of H.M.S. “Challenger” during her cruise round the world between December, 1872, and May, 1876. The isotherms of 2°. 5, 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, and 2 5° C., have been selected, partly as affording a sufficiently correct representation of the distribution of temperature in the different oceanic sections which have been explored, partly because the above degrees of the Centigrade scale correspond with even numbers of the Fahrenheit scale, namely, 36°. 5, 41°, 50°, 59°, 68°, and 77°. The intervening isotherms are, as a general rule, symmetrically arranged between these limits. As the temperature of 10° C. (50° fairly marks the point which divides what may be called warm water from cola’ water, the strata of a temperature above 10° C. have been coloured rea’, those below that temperature hlne. The strata coloured vz'otet are those in which the tem- perature of the water has been found to remain unchanged down to the bottom (Plates 15 and 16). The yellow or hafl tint 'indicates where bottom has been reached within 1500 fathoms from the surface. It should also be observed that the scale of From T enerife to Somhrero. 59 depth is greatly in excess of the scale of distance marked in degrees of latitude and longitude. For example, in Plate 9, a division of 100 fathoms is equal to two divisions, or two degrees of the horizontal scale, representing 120 nautical miles, or about 120,000 fathoms, so that the proportion between the two scales is as 1 to 1200—in other words, the depths in that diagram are 1200 larger than the distances indicated by the horizontal scale. The scale of depth, which stops at 1500 fathoms, represents only about three-fourths, and often only one-half, of the total depth of the oceanic basin; and from the lowest isotherm ot 2°.5 C., the temperature in most cases slowly decreases down to the bottom, the depth and temperature of which at each station are given in the table annexed to each diagram. The station numbers are the same as those on the labels attached to the natural history specimens brought up by the dredge, the trawl, or the towing-net at each station. N o doubt these specimens, of which there are more than one hundred thousand, embracing several hundreds of forms of animal life never before beheld by the eye of man, and therefore highly interesting not only to the student of zoology but to the public in general, will be permanently exhibited in the shape of a “Challenger Museum.” Collected, as they have been, at a great sacrifice of time, money, and, sad to say, of life, including the ever-to-be-regretted death of Dr. Rudolf von Willemoes_ Suhm, the promising zoologist attached to the scientific staff of H.M.S. “Challenger,” they will compose a lasting monument of the generosity of the English nation, always ready to promote the cause of knowledge, and prove of more enduring interest to future generations than all the trophies of war bought at the price of general ruin. SECTION FROM TENERIFFE To SoMBRERo (Plate 6, Table I.). —-This section stretches across the Atlantic in a west-south- westerly direction, and crosses the parallel of lat. 20° N. near TABLE I.—-TEMPERATURES OBSERVED BETWEEN TENERIF F E & SOMBRERO—Feh,Mar.,l87_;. STATION N0. 22 20 18 17 15 13 10 8 5 4 2 1 5,5 FF'F'FF'FF'F'F'FFFF'EFFFPFFFFFP .5‘ g eseaansasaaasa as. as as as as Surface Temp. 24° 4 23° 9 23° 3 23° 3 22° 5 22°..2 22° 2 19°.5 20°.o 19° 5 19° 5 18°.o 55° 7? - - _ - - _ ~ _ - '— - - g 20° 68° 110 100 110 120 85 100 80 —- 0 — — — 5 15° 59° 230 210 210 225 200 210 180 200 165 160 140 140 5 10° 50° 360 290 360 350 350 380 350 365 355 340 335 350 <2 5° 41° 700 600 600 700 600 630 660 775 840 840 840 800 2°.6 36.°5 — 1500 —- 1500 1500 1300 1600 — 1600 I600 — — Bottom Temp. 3°.o — 1°.6 1°.9 1°.7 1°.9 I°.9 2°.o 2°.o — 2°.o 2°.o Depth in Fms. 1420 267 5 238 5 2325 1900 2720 2800 2740 2220 1945 1 890 297 5 Station. 2;‘ Surfaoe. 24.4- DEEP-SEA TEMPERATURES IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC. BETWEEN TENERIFFE AND SOMBRERO. FEBRUARY mo MARCH, 1878. N N N 5900) in Ema I00 _ 20°C 200 _ 800 400 _ 500 15° ._ ‘ 500 600 aoo_ 900_ 1000_ uoo_ 1200_ I800_ 14oo_,- ' 5° /'\\ Exk 100_,/”/’/ . \\\\~5.,/”’f' “~\~__\____ PLATEALI SUBIIARINE Plate 6. From Tenerifi’e to Somhrero. 6 1 the Antilles (Plate 2). It affords an instructive example of the contrast which has been observed between the two portions of the North Atlantic divided from eaéh other by the central plateau, as regards distribution of temperature. In the eastern basin the temperatures are lower at the surface, higher in the deeper strata than in the western basin ; while in the latter they are higher at the surface, and lower in the deeper strata when compared with the former. The isotherm of 10° C., which throughout the section remains at about the same level, marks the turning-point of the change. Station 13, placed upon the central plateau, may be con- sidered as dividing the two areas of circulation, which, however, as might be expected, encroach upon each other. In the western basin, the warm surface-stratum due to the North Atlantic Equatorial Current, and extending down to 100 fathoms, stretches eastwards beyond Station 13 as far as Station 10, and, gradually thinning off, disappears near Station 8, where it makes room for the North Atlantic Polar Current, which forms the surface-stratum of the eastern basin. The cold stratum below 400 fathoms, which in the west has a temperature of 5° C. at about 600 fathoms, shows in the east 21 fall of this isotherm down to 840 fathoms—in other words, a rise in the temperature of the lower strata, which, as the difference in bottom-temperature (Table I.) indicates, extends to the bottom. As we pass from the cold water accumulated to westward of the central ridge by the North Atlantic. Polar Under-current, we enter already, at Station 15, into a warmer stratum caused by the mixture of the North Atlantic Polar Current with the North Atlantic Equatorial Return Cur- rent, flowing down together in the eastern basin. In the western basin, the surface and the deeper strata flow in opposite direc- tions-one north, the other south, and the curves show a more or less abrupt transition from the warm upper strata to the cold lower strata; whilst in the eastern basin, the currents flowing in the same direction, i.e., south, the heavier equatorial return current 62 Temperature Sectz'ons Surveyed. sinks through the lighter polar current, and the curves present a slow and gradual decrease of temperature from the surface to the bottom (compare Curve B of Station 5,/Fig.v4, with the Equatorial Curve,‘ Fig. 9, of Station 110, on the western slope of the central plateau). I - ‘ ' At Station 13 may be observed a remarkable phenomenon, frequently‘ noticed during the progress of the “Challenger” expedition, namely, the simultaneous rise of the isotherms with the sea-hottom. This phenomenon first attracted the attention of the officers of the US. Coast Survey as they were engaged in tracing the course of the Labrador current along the coast of the United States. This current was found to rise and fall with the sea-bottom over which it flows, and finally to force its way into the Strait of Florida at the high level of less than 300 fathoms from the ' surface, immediately below and in a direction contrary to the Gulf Stream current. This circumstance seems to indicate that the great thermal ‘currents which, without ceasing, tend to restore the oceanic equilibrium disturbed by the unequal distribution of solar heat,‘ force their way from north to south, and from south to north, against every obstacle to their progress arising from the irregular conformation of the sea—bottom, and from the direction of the coast- lines which cross their path. They rise and fall with the sea- bottom, and accumulate their waters against the shores of islands and continents which stand in their way. There are also indica- tions sufficient to show that the presence of land or submerged areas of elevation is not indispensable to the production of this phenomenon, and that currents flowing side by side but in different directions accumulate their waters against each other, in consequence of which the weaker current gives way to the stronger, and the waters of the lighter current flow over the surface of the heavier current, as is seen in the case of the Gulf Stream, which, along the United States coast, flows over From St. T hoinas to Halifax. A 6 3 'the Labrador current as the latter forces its way southward between the former and the coast of America. The two depressions in the isotherms of 10° C. and 5° C., noticed in the western half of the section between Teneriffe and Sombrero, may thus be accounted for—at Station 22 by an accumulation of the water of the equatorial current against the inclined base of the Caribbee Islands, and at Stations 18 and 17 by the same current forcing its way between the masses of the polar under—current moving in 'an opposite direction. The undulating form of these isotherms shows that in the western half of the section there are two currents moving in different directions and contending against each other—a form which, at the surface of the ocean, assumes the character of alternating streaks of warm and cold water flowing in opposite directions. This phenomenon is realised on a large scale by the Gulf Stream current, which, in its progress northward, is split up into several branches by the Labrador current, and, as the latter suffers the same fate at the hand of the former, the scene of the contest is covered with alternate streaks of warm and cold water, the ‘one flowing north, the other south. The Agulhas current, off the Cape of Good Hope, and the Kuro- Siwo stream, off the coast of Japan, furnish illustrations of the same phenomenon on a' scale not much inferior, and it will occur wherever currents of different origin, and therefore of different temperature, weight, and chemical composition, meet each other. For similar reasons, one current may present as solid an obstacle to the progress of another current as if it were a barrier of rock, and compel the latter either to alter its direction or to flow above or below the former—a phenomenon, as will be seen in the course of the following pages, also exhibited on a large scale in the system of oceanic circulation. SECTION FROM ST. THoMAs To HALIFAX (Plate '7, Table II.). ——This section extends in a direction nearly due north along TABLE II.-TEMPERATURES OBSERVED BETWEEN ST. THoMAs & HALJFAX—MarchMay, 1873- STAT10N N 0. 25 27 28 29 57 55 54 53 52 SI 50 E‘ g zBzBzBzE 5623232828282? 55 ‘as ‘as ‘as ‘as. *5 g ‘a ‘a ‘as. ‘as "as ‘as ‘0° ‘a Z 0 oLn o om o om o o h o o o b o o o 0 1L‘ 0 o o .1 S as as as as 8 as as as as v8 as Surface Temp. 24°.4 - 24°.2 23°.9 22°.2 22°.8 21°.4 21°.4 ' 22°.5 . 19°.6 15°.o 8.0 c. F. 25° 77° -— — —- - - __ - -- '_ _ -_ g 20° 68° " 1 10 140 80 65 - 40 20 ‘20 4o -—- -- -- 5 15° 59° > 240 260 285 285 330 360 360 320 - 330 0 —— m . 5 10° 50° 350 390 425 420 455 ' 460 ' —— 450 450 160' ~- 0 52 5° 41° ' 600 630 650 I 625 600 600 —- 560 i 600 320 200 2°.5 36°.5 . 1500 1450 1550 1450 1200 5--— -- 1550 1600 1400 —— Bottom Temp. —.- 1°. 5 I°.7 I°.6 -- —— —- I°.8 1°.5 I°.5 2°.8 Depth in Frns. 3875- 2960 2850 2700 1575 2500 2650 2650 2800 2020 -1250' l\' N . Bi ‘i . . l- - 8 9 a) P I ‘z: 2 .J _ l- X 4 < . u- . I :j 0 l- < E m I '- ‘z’ Q . z 2 2 m w < I I" d‘ 1- E 0; a: z e g E a = ' m 5 s D m 3 l- m h < 15:. cc - , 111 m i a. g (,7. E o i |.. I |.. . . F: m 1;. ' .111 (.5; T I \ From St. Thomas to Halifax. 6 the meridian of long. 65° W., from St. Thomas, in 'the West Indies, to Halifax in Nova Scotia, the group of the Bermudas dividing the section into two nearly equal halves (Plate 2). An examination of the isotherm of 20° C., as well as of the surface- temperatures, shows that, between Station 27 and Station 28, we cross the northern limit of that portion of the North Atlantic Equatorial Current which flows outside the West Indian Islands. Reduced in depth, the warm surface-stratum continues. towards the Bermudas, beyond which group it suffers further reduction by coming in contact with the Labrador current. At the station of the 24th May, we once more fall in with the equatorial current, namely, that portion of it which, after entering the Caribbean Sea and after making the circuit of the Gulf of Mexico, issues out of the latter through the Strait of Florida and flows along the US. coast under the name of the Gulf Stream. At the above station, the “Challenger” found a surface-stratum 50 fathoms thick of a nearly uniform tem- perature of 22°.8 C., only 1°.6 C. below the surface—temperature of the current outside the West Indies. At Station 52 we encounter the “cold wall ” of the Labrador current, against which the Gulf Stream banks itself up during the whole of its course along‘the American coast; and at Station 5l and Station 50 we observe the rapid fall of temperature due to this cold current. Those who have effaced the Gulf Stream off the Banks of Newfoundland, and have attributed to the North Atlantic Equatorial Current, or “North Atlantic drift-current” as it has been called, the vast masses of warm water which occupy the basin of the North Atlantic as far north as Spitzbergen and Baffin Bay, and those who supported the opposite theory giving all the credit to the Gulf Stream, were probably both partly right and partly wrong in their conclusions. The “Challenger” observations leave little doubt but that the Gulf Stream is a branch of the 66 Tempera tare Sections Surveyed. equatorial current, separated from the latter during its course through the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, and joining it again after coming out of Florida Strait, from which place it forms the western edge of the great mass of equatorial waters during its further progress towards the north. ' The Channel of Yucatan, by which the Equatorial Current enters the Gulf of Mexico, presents a much wider section than the Florida Channel, whence the current issues under the name of the Gulf Stream, and it seems as though more water flowed into the gulf than out of it, unless it flow out with increased velocity. It has been calculated that asdifference of level amounting to two feet—a difference which falls within the error of even the most careful survey embracing so large an area—creates sufficient pressure to force the water through the Strait of Florida at the rate of four miles an hour, at which the Gulf Stream is known to flow out of the Strait. A similar phenomenon, occurring under similar conditions, may be observed in connection with the Kuro-Siwo current. A branch of the North Pacific Equatorial Current flows into the basin situated between the Philippine and the Ladrone Islands, which basin, like the Caribbean Sea, is separated from the ocean by a chain of islands, the projecting points of a submarine ridge, and the northern and narrow half of this basin stands in the same relation to the southern half as the Mexican Gulf to the Caribbean Sea. The current, after passing along the east coast of the Philippines, of Formosa, and of the islands which connect the latter with _japan, has to force its way, and, like the Gulf Stream, in the face of a contending polar current, over the shallow barrier which joins japan to the chain of islands terminating with the Ladrone Group. After crossing this barrier, it unites itself to the portion of the North Pacific Equatorial Current which flows along the eastern side of these islands, and the two com- bined form the- Kuro-Siwo current, whose waters are traced O ‘From St. Thomas to Halifax. 67 through Behring Strait into the Arctic basin, and eastward as far as the west coast of North America. The isotherms of 15° C. and 10° C., in the section between St. Thomas and Halifax, continue to descend to a lower level as the temperature of the intermediate strata increases with the distance from the equator, until, at Station 52, we enter the polar current. The portion of the Atlantic between Halifax and Bermudas is occupied by alternate streaks of warm and cold water, as will appear from the following observations made on board H.M.S. “ Challenger.” After leaving Halifax on the 19th of May, the surface-tem- perature marked a steady increase from 4° C., to 10° C., when, between 3 and 7 am. of the 22nd May, a rapid rise of the temperature betrayed the existence of a belt of warmer water. The latter attained a temperature of 1 7° C. between 5 and 7 pm. of the same day, but at midnight it fell to 12°.2 C., to rise half- an-hour afterwards, at 12.30 a.m. of the 23rd, to 15°.2 C. Between that hour until the arrival of the ship near Bermudas several alternate streaks of warm and cold water were passed through, the former of a temperature from 22° to 2 3° C., the ' latter from 18° to 20° C. It will be observed that the water of the Gulf Stream Current was only cooled down to the extent of 1° C. during its passage from the section between Bermudas and Sandy Hook to the section between Halifax and Bermudas. The centre of the first warm belt was reached at 8. 30 am. of the 23rd May, that of the second at 1 am. of the 24th, of the third at 8 a.m., of the fourth at midnight of the same day, and of the fifth at 1. 30 pm. of the 26th, the whole of the 25th May having been occupied in traversing a broad belt of colder water. In the vicinity of Bermudas the surface-temperature once more rose to 23° C. 68 Tempera ture S ectz'ons Suroeyea’. TABLE OF SURF ACE—TEMPERATURES BETWEEN HALIFAX AND BERMUDAS. 13; Station. Laggg; at Hour T 632225;?“ e_ Observations. May 9' Halifax. 44° 39’ N. T 2°.2 C. ,, 19 ,, ,, —- 4°.o C. Cold streak. .. 20 49 43° 3’ N- — 5°~<> C .. 21 50 42° 8/ N. - 8°.o c. 5. 22 SI 41° 19' N. 3 am. 10°.o C. 77 n a; H 7 ,, 14.0.2 n n ,7 ,, NOOH 150.2 5, n ,5 H 5 to 7 p.m. 17°.0 C. Warm streak. ’’ i, ,7 9’ p'm' 150'3 c‘ a: n n u 120.2 C. streak. n 23 52 39° 44/ N 12.30 a.m. 15°.2 C. a: a, n ,, I ,, 18:.2 C. 5, 5, ,, ,, 1.30 ,, 20 .o C. I’ J: 7’ n 4 n 210.6 C. n ,, ,, ,, 3.30 ,, 22°.0 C. Warm streak. H a: n n 9 a, 19°-3 streak. v n 5. ,, 11.30 p.m. 20°.o C. n n n ,, 2I°.4 ,, 24 — 38° 32/ N I a.m. 22°.o C. Warm streak. a’ n :1 n 3 n 21:.8 C. a, a, n n n 20 .O C. a’ ,5 a? 9’ n 19°-4 StI'CQ-k. 77 as ,7 ,, H 2I°.l C- n ,. ,5 ,, 8 ,, 23° 1 C. 5, ,, 5, ,, 8.30 ,, 22°.8 C. Warm streak. 9’ n ,7 g, 6 p.m. 220.8 C. H n a, 7, 8 ,, 210.1 C. n n n ,, 9 ,, 190.4 C- streak. H n a, ,, IO ,, 210.7 C. a, n a, H 10.30 ,, 220.2 C. 5. -. H ,, Midnight 22°.2 C. Warm streak. n 25 _ 37° 7/ N- I a.m 220.2 n a, n H 1.30 ,, 200.0 C. n ,. ,, ,, 6.30 ,, 18°.o C. ,5 5, ,1 ,, 7 ,, 18°.o C. Cold streak. ,. 5, ,, ,, The rest of 19°.0 C. n 5, ,5 ,, the day to 20°.9 C. n 26 53 36° 30’ N 3 am. 19°.8 C. ,3 n a’ ,, 4 H 210.4 C. n n a, ,, NOOH 220.8 C. H n n ,, 1.30 p.m. 23°.I C. ,9 a’ n ,1 4. ,, 3°. I C. Warm streak. 7’ n a’ ,, 6.30 ,, 220.8 C. u n n ,, ,, 220.8 n‘ ,, ,. ,, Midnight 22°.2 C. n 27 54 34° 51’ N 12.30 am. 22°.5 C. n n ,7 ,, 7 p.m. 220.2 C ,7 n a, 3, 9, 210.1 C ,. 28 55 33° 20' N 1.30 a. m. 20°. 5 C Cold streak. H n a, ,, 7-30 ,1 200.8 C n a, ,, H 8 ” 210.2 C H n ,g ,, 220.2 C ,, Z9 56 Off -— 22°.2 C Warm streak. ,, 3O 57 Bermudas. —— to 23°.0 C ,, 31 Bermudas. 32° 15' N. Between C ape May and Maa’eira. 09 The isotherms of 5° C. and 2°. 5 C. retain an almost uniform level, the former at 600 fathoms, the latter at 1500 fathoms, as far as Station 52, where they both commence to rise rapidly and come to the surface off Halifax, as seen in the above table. The isotherm of 2°.5 C. rises with the sea-bottom around Bermudas. The bottom-temperature of 1°. 5 C. is found at Station 51 at. 2920 fathoms, at Station 52 at 2800 fathoms, and at Station 27 at 2960 fathoms. SECTION BETWEEN CAPE MAY AND MADEIRA (Plate 8, Table III.).—-This section crosses the North Atlantic from west to east between the latitudes of 32° and 38° N. It presents at Station 45, distant 140 miles from Sandy Hook, a section of the Labrador current, and at Station 43 a section of the Gulf Stream current. The latter formed, at the time of the “ Chal- lenger’s” visit, the 1st of May, 187 3, a surface-current about 60 miles broad and 100 fathoms deep, flowing in an east-north- easterly direction at the rate of three miles an hour. Later in the season the volume and velocity of this great oceanic river are much greater. As seen in the diagram, the Gulf Stream constitutes the extreme western border of the enormous mass of water which composes the North Atlantic Equatorial Current, and virtually flows over the Labrador Current found immediately below it. The temperature of the current was 2 3°.9 C. at the sur- face, 200 C. at 80 fathoms, and 18°. 3 C. at 100 fathoms. But at 125 fathoms it had fallen already to 13°.8 C., and at 3 50 fathoms to 7°.1 C. At Station 44, just beyond the edge of the Gulf Stream, the temperature at the surface was 11°.1 C., at 125 fathoms 8°.3 C., and at 3 50 fathoms 3°.9 C. The distance between Station 43 and Station 44 is-little over 60 miles. The table on page 71 shows the remarkable changes of temperature observed by the “ Challenger” in crossing the Gulf Stream. 5 08a meow 000M 000 002 0E3 E9 cc? cchwommu 00? l Emu omwu was owmu if omen oowu omwu l mug 000" 005 0+8 .wEh E Egon" .2 wfi 0...“ l ewe 5am wwu awe A..." mun my“ 5.0“ l MW...“ m2 T2 “.00 l “.2 mi w.% l w.% l R..." Toe .mEoH 888m 005 l om? l. .l l l 00.333009 | 0m? l 009 l 11 0030030303? l l 0mm: | oofioofi mwmm 9% 0mm omw oew i own 0i 0% 000 00“ ouo 0mm 0mm 000 000 l 000 m5 000 00“ mom 0% m6 0mm 0? one one 81‘ am. w. 03 me 00m ovm mom 0mm ovm 2m 03‘ 0%. 00m 02 owe“Q owe omv mew owe mmv 00m 00m m? 0.? l mew mm 0 00m 00H m ow mm 00 00 00 0S 0T 00 m3 mmm mmm cm». was is 03, 00m mmm 0mm 0mm mwm oom 0mm l o? l | 0% o? m ma m“ 0e 0a 0a me E ma 0e 0e on me 0». T on me 0e 0e 0 one I. l l 0m 11 l owe sou o llllllllllllllllllllllllllsienna .m .0 m. aufiuuode F5 a. 59.3 h. 3 5.311. G 1.2.. a. 3 Fee 9mm 3:“ 5.80.3 .szmu fee 0. on H. G m.wH mama mwwfl 04mm 1: 0.0“ .0809 Serum 0 0 o 19 206 2C» ZCo ZQQQCoCoCoCDCcPLPntPntPntCAQ SE Soc 500 9g 99 9?. 9C0 9C0 L00 [Hg/“Cc L8 1 60060 1050 CooQwSoLo 400m 10000 ZOOw-Vo Ow /~o Ow Io/uo Ive/no Loow 0050 Z050 Qw-Vo 000-70 £0 20 Q So Z0 QwCco Lo-Vo 60 Ow 0050 100w IoLo Z0 0% m W 1 I nu V T. Z on 08 ZZ 512500888 ccSSZ .SwOce cc 5 5 I hwvrwntfiwcdf6uhofifwowlfiuwy.VPromfl/mfi zllalootlouoowb WH6/mcmcc Zcebcammoorwpwwlrfllmfi mum MNMNANMNMNMNMNMNMNMNMNMNMNMNMNMNMNA MNMNMNMNMNMNMNAN m e um ow Q. m“ on mTR R S S 3 we we so 6 00 mm R R mm mm 1‘ we me is me .02 202.5% .885 .88 e ehsl<fimo<2 02¢ .mmmowa. .gobzmmm 6.0 H24 ME<0 zmmusemm omcémmmo wmmofiammazmelaz as: 009 00.! com- 009 00- can flu. $8.2 osmium _+.~+.n+.$ donfim . Rmgwgfipaa no “.6 6 S 8 S S a» a... .22 :52. .uzE. .><: 15E... . .0 r2 >m mAmfiH. .Plate 10. TEMPERATURES IN THE SOUTH ATLANTIC, TEMPERATURES IN THE ATLANTIC, BETWEEN BETWEEN C. S. ROQUE AND TRISTAN D’ACUNHA l8.. 0. PALMAS, ST. PAUL ROCKS, AND C. S. ROQUE, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, 1878. SEPTEMBER, OGTOBE R, 1 878. ‘H41 n. llql ) km‘ ‘Hi “yaw k - I a.‘ . 5' g "5“ i ‘_ rii'iffi, M.’ I k ' ' w t 1 'n’ l .I ( wt‘ v ‘ w __. u- ‘a?’ 2.5 \ :06 195 26.0 25.0 ll9°Il6 Hg "9 25.5 25.6 25.3 I29 25.3 159 20.6 lag I83 I218 H14 BtaflOIL IS? 54152 Surface, I :00 _\ 200 000_ 400_’'"\ 500 000_ 700.. 800 900_ I000 I100 I200 I800 I400 1500 Fml. LM. 5 . From Falhland Islands to Ca¢e of Good Hope. 83 surface as far north as lat. 15° 5., it sinks below that level in lat. 30° S. between Stations 335 and 336 (Table IV.), upon the plateau which divides the western from the eastern half of the South Atlantic—a further proof of the higher temperatures which prevail in the lower strata of the latter as compared with the former. At Station 340, towards Ascension, the isotherm of 2°.5 C. is already below 1500 fathoms, and its remaining near that level as far as the equator indicates the presence of a large accumulation of warm water in the depths of the eastern half of the South Atlantic between lat. 20° S. and the equator., This circumstance has suggested the existence of a submarine ridge connecting the Central Atlantic plateau with the coast of Africa between the parallels of lat. 20° and 35° 5., as shown in the ' chart of Staff-Commander T. H. Tizard which accompanies N o. 7 of the Report on Ocean Soundings, by Captain Frank T. Thomson of H.M.S. “Challenger,” and published by the Hydrographic Office. There are indications of the existence of such. a ridge or area of elevation furnished by the discovery of several shallow‘ soundings of less than 2000 fathoms between the central plateau and the coast of Africa, but the reasons stated above perhaps suffice to explain the presence of higher ‘temperatures in the eastern basin of the South Atlantic, the more so as we observe a similar phenomenon in the North Atlantic. We know, besides, that a current of cold water opposes as effectual an obstacle to the further exten- sion of warmer strata as a solid barrier formed by a submarine ridge or protuberance of the earth’s crust. Further soundings in this region of the South Atlantic will decide this question. SECTION FROM THE FALKLAND IsLANDs TO THE CAPE OF GooD HoPE (Plate 11, Table VI.).——-This section includes the Stations 317, 318, 319, and 320, situated between the Falkland Islands and the mouth of the Rio de la Plata, and they were added as belonging to the same thermal area. The section between 0 TABLE VL—TEMPERATURES OBSERVED BETWEEN THE FALKLAND ISLANDS, TRISTAN CAPE OF GOQD HOPE—Feéruary, March, 1876,- Octoéer, 1873. D’ACUNHA, AND 81411911 N9- 317 318 319 329 323 324 325 326 327 329 339 331 332 333 334 135 136 137 138. 139 149 4 Egg 221113119423, 2*; 9" :92 902141201419 ‘:3 3:31-32 ‘41:, 33 22:12:11 as 11299 9:; 5 5 833:2 $84 E11 ‘$1’: "10°84 ‘385% 28332 E3 °1>°21 E‘s, ‘$2 E9, E1? 33°31 we. ‘is 32°“ ‘2°11 323° we "a": Surface Temp. 8°.2 14°.2 15°.3 19°.7 23°.o 22°0 21°.6 19°.9 21°.2 18°.0 17°.9 18°.0 17°.8 19°.4 20°.3 12°.0 12‘.2 13°.4 13°.4 13°.4 14°.6 z°g°§;~___________________..__ r3. °29°68°—————s9ssss92s——————9——-———— 5 15° 59° — - 5 30 165 110 140 40 150 35 50 40 25 4o 50 __ _ _ __ _. _ E 10° 50° - 40 40 45 300 200 255 125 265 160 225 210 220 165 200 65 180 220 200 105 — 3 5° 41° 39 65 125 139 399 399 379 229 379 269 389 34s 349 329 365 369 349 379 379 399 — H 2°.5 36°.5 500 100 800 650 725 850 1200 900 900 900 900 900 1000 850 900 600 700 800 — 800 — Bottom Temp. 1°.7 0°.3 -0°'4 2°.7 0°.0 -0°.4 -0°.4 -0°.4 -0°.3 -0°.6 -0°.3 1°.3 0°.4 1°.2 1°.5 — 1°.1 0°.7 1.0 0°.5 -- Depth in Fms. 1035 2040 2425 600 1900 2800 2650 2775 2900 2675 2440 1715 2200 2025 1915 1000 2100 2550 2650 2325 1250 2 .. . . .. t . , . .. . o . 00- I.. fill o . . ‘nah NE N. N8 in m: 2 m: .2 ma mg as .fi .m E Q 035m ww_sw_ an an . . an E am am NS an 3” am an an an a» MS ofifidozfim as o<_ Qm_ wm_ ~m_ ,_ as... in ; . a. ._ a _ _ . _ k O VH o .m .o¢ ma . w=o W__ m_____r__¢_ 00%. @mm; A . oom_ ‘00¢. loom“ -oou_ -oo: coo. loom loom loos -oee a.» ..~ . . . . com . H .. , -02. aaoom com un'snu. 410 .vn _ f .29 £30.50 .39 I222 ckgmmwu .O 92 ..w_ ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Midnight 13°.9 Cold water. ,, 22 42° 21’ 27° 58" Duringthe 14°.2 max. ,, ,, 11 53 o 4,; 3,10 2%’ 24 hours (9) min. ,, ,, n n 1 max- 11 11 7’ H ~-- --- n n 11 n n 60- I min n n 1, 24 - 144 45°57’ 34° 39’ .1 8° 9 max - - as n n n --- n n n n n S min H H ,, 25 46° 28' 36° 43' ,, 5°.7 max. Off Marion Isld. n 11 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 4°.2 min. Pr. Edward Isls. TABLE VII.—TEMPERATURES OBSERVED BETWEEN CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, THE ANTARCTIC CIRCLE, AND C. OTWAY, Deceméer, 1873; Marc/z, 16°74. STATIONNO. 140 141 143 144 146 147 150 153 154 Feb.21 156 157 158 159 160 g g D \O ‘h \1-1 ‘\0 00 ‘<1- \1\ \O\ to ‘H ‘ \ \ \ \0: \O\ ‘ \O\ ‘o to b ‘<1- xm ‘In P ‘ \In \01 ‘N ‘O msl'msl-ummq-mfigd-g'd-vgvm uvmmHq'uvost-H 54 ‘Q :5 g °m °l\ ~°¢ °°° °\o 00 0m 0* {o 0m is (so oN oH 0m 00 0<_ cm on 00 oN o‘-n echooo oo om oh 00 ON od- Fq 90H00HmH¢¢O355“. 2: .2 332mm; 5.5 V600 dz§>wz £6 xooo 9: .wwi_<>>..m .z £09651“. . Iflflzfrfln . . ZwWEmm Q .0_u_0 _ 36'5 2°.5‘ , 900 _ \ 1000 , , _ 1100_ ._l .. " 1200 4 l300_ . I. E ,1 1400_ g I} — ‘I 7 ‘v a \ ~0- JL‘ 1 1 1*"1: J- A In k-A -- i o 1 1 go 1 1 1 1 Jo 1 1 1 1 I r m | 1 I 1 1 1 | 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lat. N . 0 10 15° 20 25° 50° 35° From the Admiralty Islands to 7atan. 1 1 1 Islands and of the Philippines, and in honour of the first European who crossed the Pacific Ocean. The principal deep- sea communication between this basin and the 3000-fathom area to the eastward is in the narrow sea which flows between the Caroline Islands and the Mariana Islands, where H.M.S. “Challenger” obtained her deepest sounding in 4575 fathoms. The third part of this section, from Station 228 to Station 232, embraces the northern half of the Sea of Magallanes, and is the scene of the encounter between the North Pacific Equatorial Current, here assuming the name of Kuro-Siwo or japanese Current, and the Arctic Current from the Sea of Okhotsk and the Behring Sea. One of the most prominent features of this section is the extensive surface-stratum of warm water of a temperature between 29° C. and 25° C. (84° F. and 77° F.), and of a thick- ness of from 70 fathoms to 100 fathoms. This stratum, which is evidence of a vast accumulation of warm water in the western Pacific, is seen to commence at Station 216 with a depth of 75 fathoms, increase to 100 and 105 fathoms at Stations 220 and 222 in the axis of the Sea of Papua, fall to 75 fathoms and 70 fathoms in the southern part of the Sea of Magallanes, and after gradually thinning off to 50 and I5 fathoms at Station 228 and 229, to disappear altogether. We now enter the waters of the Arctic Current which comes to the surface at Station 231, but from Station 234 to Station 235 we once more find ourselves in a warm surface-stratum, the northern continuation of the North Pacific Equatorial Current known as the Kuro-Siwo, and which is nothing but the Gulf Stream of the North Pacific Ocean, the Sea of Magallanes being on a larger scale the equivalent of the Gulf of Mexico. No two natural phenomena could present a more complete parallelism than that which can be traced between the origin, progress, and ultimate fate of the great thermal currents of the I 12 Temperature Sections Surveyed. North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans. It constitutes one of the most remarkable proofs of the uniformity of laws and con- ditions which determine the movements of the oceanic waters from pole to pole. The pouring in of the North Pacific Equatorial Current through the chain of islands which separates the Sea of Magallanes from the main basin of the Pacific, just as the North Atlantic Equatorial Current flows into the Caribbean Sea through the Antilles—the progress of the Pacific current through the southern portion of the Sea of Magallanes, and the accumulation of its waters in the northern and more restricted portion of this sea, as we observe the circulation of the Atlantic current through the Caribbean Sea and the accumulation of its waters in the Gulf of Mexico— the relief of the pressure caused by this accumulation, through the formation in both cases of a powerful current which forces its way through the northern end of the barrier of islands and joins the branch of the equatorial current which has been moving northwards outside this barrier—finally, the subdivision of both equatorial currents, after their encounter with the polar currents, into branches, some of which continue their course into the polar seas, while others bend round, and, gradually cooling in contact with the currents from the north, flow down the western coasts of the opposite continents in order to resume once more their course in the character of equatorial currents, form two parallel series of occurrences, the resemblance between which is too close to be the result of mere accident. An exception to this comparison may be found in the return southwards of a portion of the North Pacific Equatorial Current through the I/Vestern Carolines and the Pelew Islands into the Sea of Papua in con- junction with the polar under-current. It is in this latter current that we must seek the cause of the remarkably rapid decrease of temperature in the stratum between 100 and 200 fathoms which forms another prominent feature of this section. The polar From Me Admiralty Islands Z0 j‘azflm. 113 current, after its encounter with the equatorial current between Station 234 and Station 229, continues its course as an under- current through the Sea of Magallanes. The decrease of temperature in the stratum below 100 fathoms, where the two currents, one flowing south, the other north, are in contact, amounts to about I 5° C. (27° F in less than a hundred fathoms. A portion of the Arctic current passes down between the Pelew Islands and the Philippines, and we trace its presence in the high level of the isotherms of 5° and 2°. 5 C. between Station 218 and Station 214. A comparison of the isotherms between the latter stations with those of the Sea of Celebes, of the Molucca Passage, the Arafura Sea, and the observations made by the “ Gazelle” between N orth-West Australia and Timor, leaves little doubt but that the Arctic current, after sending a branch into the Sea of Celebes, flows as an under-current through the above-described deep channel or “fault” between the plateau of the Indian Archipelago and the Papua-Australian plateau, for along the whole length of this channel we find the isotherms of 5° C. and 2°. 5 C. at about the same depth, the former in an average depth of 500 fathoms, the latter in an average depth of goo fathoms. A branch of this current probably flows through the Straits of Manipa, past Amboina, into the Banda Sea, and out of the latter past Timor into the Indian Ocean. The isotherms of the China Sea show that the Arctic current also finds its way into that basin. Another branch of the Arctic under-current turns eastward, and, in conjunction with the southern branch of the North Pacific Equatorial Current flowing from the Sea of Magallanes into the Sea of Papua, is the probable cause of the sinking of the isotherms of 5° C. and 2°. 5 C. between Station 224 and Station 218, or between the Papuan plateau from Humboldt Bay to the Admiralty Islands and the Caroline Islands (Plates 16 and 17, and Curve Fig. 10). TABLE XII.—TEMPERATURES OBSERVED IN THE NORTH PACIFIC, BETWEEN YOKOHAMA AND STATION N0. 253—7uue, Fuly, 1875. STATIONNO. 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 g g 2m 2m 21:1 219 21:1 2m 251 2m 251 21:1 z 25 z 23 2% 23 z? z? D 0 D 50 \0 ‘b‘u Bo Bo 2:0 ‘0\ ‘o ‘0\ ‘i— ‘m ‘0910 \i-‘m ‘a ‘v0 ‘@011 ‘0 \ ‘@‘u ‘H ‘<1- ‘0\?>0 ‘0\‘i\ “~10 ‘N ~l\ ‘010 E... Z E mm 9010 H 1-1 N") si-xi- NH um um 0:90 1-1 xrm <1- m'd- ‘st-‘<1- 9001 IDH o: H H 4 E2 0 O 0 O OO O 0 OO O O OO O O O O O O o O O OO 00 O O O O 00 00 < O #0 <10 10:!- 101\ mm 10“ 1111-1 \0 1000::- \000 mm l\l\ 1\H 1\ he!) 1\0 000 1-1 A 9090 90s!- cosr cost 9010 mm <~0~0 mo rmo ooh was com ms com 000 (0x0 coo 9010 F‘ H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Surface Temp. 19°.2 22°.8 21°.4 21°.2 18°.2 20°.7 20°.3 21°.7 21°.4 20°.6 22°.7 22°.8 20°.7 18°.4 18°.3 18°.3 18°.3 19°.8 C. - F. 25° 77° — — —— — — —- -— — — _ — _ — — "— — — — 20° 68° —— 50 20 20 — 15 10 20 10 5 10 20 5 ' _ _ ._ __ l __ 15° 59° 70 140 130 150 20 110 60 75 5o 25 40 40 25 25 20 20 20 20 10° 50° 185 225 '240 255 60 210 170 245 200 190 245 205 140 160 175 155 130 100 ISOTHERM OF 5° 41° 499 399 465 369 I59 349 329 359 345 349 415 389 399 379 439 345 399 399 2°.5 36°.5 800 700 1050 900 600 725 665 750 800 670 800 770 700 710 770 720 700 680 BottomTemp. 2°.8 1°.7 1°.0 1°.1 1°.0 1°.1 1°.1 1°.0 1°.2 1°.0 1°.3 1°.2 1°.1 1°.0 1°.o 1°.1 1°.1 1°.0 Depth in .Fms. 775 1875 3950 3625 2900 2300 2575 2800 2900 2775 2050 2530 2900 3000 3050 2950 2740 3125 Plate 18. I I I’! o . . u- o _ I\ O ‘a < 03‘ ' ' cL ID or $.33 _ j‘ . I . N N L “pl'ifgrg’J-Sgtz .l" ‘a 0'!‘ 33"" '7' P 2 go; ‘ ' .’. m N "‘ "r ' . 0 z . .. z 0 3 u _ m ‘I III I i; ‘I: ‘ I III |._ >- . - f‘ g m 5 . z a 1 ' - ° 2 III < z I a) ‘a, I LIJ 4! m 3 ‘I’ . I‘. ‘ q ‘ V ' l’ D ‘ " '3v ‘ii-‘.- ~ It: I ' ' - "? “iii-ii" ‘R. m 2 4'. =5- ‘i’ ‘ III ' 0. E I“ . |-. I @312, _ N W3 N 2 q’ of fig mm From Yokohama to Station 253. 115 Between Station 225 and 229 we observe the usual fan-like arrangement of the isotherms, caused by the sinking of the heavier equatorial water through the lighter strata of the polar current (Plates 9 and 19). The Kuro-Siwo, running at Station 234. and Station 235, at a short distance from the south coast of N ipon, flows, like the Gulf Stream, over and between the cold waters of the Arctic current, contending with the latter for the alternate possession of the romantic bays and inlets of the south coast of Nipon, Sikok, and Kiusiu. A branch of the Kuro-Siwo penetrates through the Straits of Korea into the Sea of Japan. The usual alternation of streaks of warm and of cold water which characterise the scene of the meeting between equatorial and polar currents was observed by the “Challenger” during the last three days of her cruise to Japan. Between midnight of the 8th and the morning of the I Ith April, 1875, the ship crossed three streaks of cold water of a surface-temperature of I 7° C., divided from each other by warm streaks of a temperature of 20° C. The most northern streak entered the Bay of Yoko- hama, falling to a temperature of 13°.3 C. at the latter port. During the stay of the expedition in Japan, while the water of the Kuro-Siwo outside ranged from 20° to 2 3° C., the surface- temperature of the bays and inlets of the south coast of N ipon varied between I 5° and 17° C. SEcTIoN FROM YoKoHAMA TO STATION 258 (Plate 18, Table XII.).—This section crosses the North Pacific Ocean between the parallels of lat. 34° N. and lat. 38° N., from the coast of Japan to the meridian of the Sandwich or Hawaiian Islands. Its western portion exhibits the relations between the equa- torial and the polar currents eastward of N ipon. After traversing the belt of cold water which fringes the east and south coast of this island, we enter, at Station 237, the Kuro-Siwo at the point where it joins the main stream of the North Pacific Equatorial Current, which flows outside the line of islands that separate the northern 1 :6 Temperature Secz‘z'onis Sum/eyed. part of the Sea of Magallanes from the North Pacific basin. Like the Gulf Stream, the Kuro-Siwo imposes its name upon'its more powerful though less conspicuous parent. The axis of'ithe current is at Station'238, where it depresses the isotherm of 2°.5 C. from‘ its average North.Pa'cific level at 70o fathoms down to below 1000 fathoms. This axis corresponds with the axis of the 4ooo-fathom'channel, which, as formerly described, stretches northward along the coast of N ipon and Yezo. The breadth of the warm current, measured from its western limit off the Japanese coast to beyond Station 239, is over 400 miles. At Station 240 we find ourselves in the middle of a great polar current which flows down between Station 239 and Station 241 in a south-westerly direction, and reduces the temperature of the water to a depth of more than 600 fathoms. This is the same current whose course we have been_ tracing through the Sea of Magallanes, past the Pelew Islands, into the Molucca Passage, and through the Indian Archipelago into the Indian Ocean. It probably divides itself into two branches, one entering the Sea‘ of Magallanes north of the Bonin Islands, and between the Bonin and the Mariana Islands (Stations 228-231), and con- tinuing its south-westerly course towards the ‘Philippines, the other turning down outside these islands into the 3ooo-fathom basin situated north of the Carolines. The isotherms of the stations to the eastward of Station 240 ' indicate the existence of alternate warm and cold currents—the former, branches of the equatorial current flowing first eastward, then turning southward, across the parallel of lat. 40° N .; the latter, cold currents from the sea of Okhotsk and the Behring Sea. There are warm currents at Stations 241, 243, 246, and 250, cold currents at Station 242, between 244 and 245, and at _ , Station 248. A cold current seems to flow down on each side of the projecting north-western extremity of the Hawaiian plateau at Station 246. From Stations 248 to 253, after cross- From Station 253 to Station 288. 117 7 ing the meridian of long. 180°, (we pass into the thermal area >_ of the N orth-Eastern Pacific. SEcTIoN FROM ‘STATIoN 253, ALONG‘ THE MERIDIAN OF HoNo- LULU AND TAHITI, TO STATION 288 (Plate 19, Table XIII).— Embracing nearly 80 degrees of latitude, and extending along a track of considerably over 5000 nautical miles divided into 35 stations, this section, surveyed in the third year of the “Chal- lenger” cruise round the world, is a lasting monument of the skill and perseverance of the officers and men of the old English frigate. ~ A minute examination of the section could only lead to an unnecessary repetition of much that has been said in connection with the other sections. With the assistance of the sketch given in previous chapters of the leading phenomena of oceanic circu- lation, it will not be difficult to arrive at the principal facts connected with the distribution‘ of temperature in the Pacific Ocean, viz. : The warm surface-stratum between the parallels of lat. 30° N. and lat. 30° S., the “cold wall” between the 35th and 40th parallels, and the gradual warming of the intermediate strata indicated by the spreading out of the isotherms from the equatorial belt towards the 3 5th parallel. A comparison of the Atlantic section (Plate 9) with the Pacific section (Plate 19) brings out the principal contrast between the two oceans. While the North Atlantic basin is considerably warmer than the South Atlantic basin, we observe the contrary in the Pacific Ocean ; or it would be more correct to say that the South Pacific is warmer than the South Atlantic, and the North Pacific colder than the North Atlantic, since the two sections do not afford a fair comparison between north and south in the two oceans. The differences observed between the Atlantic and the Pacific are due chiefly to the great difference between their respective areas. Owing partly to the projection _ of the South American coast at Cape S. Roque into the com— TABLE XllL—TEMPERATUREs OBSERVED IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN, BETWEEN LAT. 40° N. AND LAT. 40° 3., OR BETWEEN STATION NO. 253 AND STATION NO. 288—7uly to Octoher, I875. STATION No. 288 287 286 285 284 283 282 281 280 279 278 l 277 276 275 ' 274 273 272 27I g 1; Use‘ as‘ use‘ use‘ wa' a; use‘ one‘ use 5 Us? 25% 25% as? as a? 542 its is? “aaassassa sees-2.52232 ssaasaaasmvaaaas H < 0 O 0 O o O n O O O O O O O O o p.‘ d O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O E 5 ag. egg. a5 a; 2;. 35 as sis 22 5°‘ ‘:31 as f1‘? :2. “.15 mg» "12» °§~ Surface Temp. 12°. 5 14°. 3 1 7°. 2 1 8°. 3 20°.0 20°. 3 22°. 9 23°. 6 2 5°. 1 26°. 1 26°. 4 26°. 1 26°. 7 ‘26°. 7 26°. 8 27°. 0 26°. 1 26°. 0 8 025° F77° — — — — —— — — — o 35 55 4O 75 65 75 75 60 IO 2 20° 68° — — — -— 0 30 90 105 135 140 140 140 135 120 105 100 90 80 a: 15° 59° - -— 110 135 150 160 190 180 195 180 195 I90 I75 I60 .125 120 115 100 El 10: 50: 95 145 185 225 250 240 250 250 240 240 235 — 225 220 165 175 180 210 g 05 410 465 475 500 500 475 450 500 450 445 —- 46o — 430 500 500 435 450 500 g 2 .5 36. 5 900 850 950 900 825 870 840 900 830 — 850 — 940 870 950 900 860 930 Bottom Temp. 0°. 8 0°. 8 0°. 8 1°.0 1°.0 1°. 3 1°.0 0°. 8 1°. 2 — 1°. 6 1°.0 1°.o 0°.9 0°. 9 0°. 7 1°.0 1°.0 Depth in Fms. 2600 2400 2335 2375 1985 2075 2450 2385 1940 680 1525 2325 2350 2610 2750 2350 2600 2425 STATION N0, 270 269 268 267 266 265 264 263 262 261 l 260 259 258 257 256 255 254 253 g g z? z z? 2? as z? z? :28 z; B a? 2B 2.? z? z? z? z; z? D D \d_\ \ \N Tn~~ &) B‘ \l\\m \ \ \mx“ ‘mtg \N \ F“ x \H \m \mto \H \N “MT-n R :0 Q 7‘, \ \ \ \ (no 5’; (‘0% N‘II' $514 ~00 (")(‘O H:- ~3- HN “H mm Nm NM on‘? 1-1 4 6 <1 Z °<~I °0\ °m°r\ °1\°0\ °0\°o °~ ON °N °oz °Jnq wmu 6: 29.52% 05 ..m_ .._._.m_00m :2 z<:<>><_._ .mmu .oZ zO_._.<.rw ZUWEUQ .0_n__010 “H ‘M ‘oz 60 ‘0501 ‘co TH ‘H o\ a Z 6 m ‘i’ N H H ‘11' <1- ") N <1- 0: In to <- <1- H o: si- H N) <1 2 E g °O °N °o\ OH 000* 00230 (60 0“ cooLn 00:60 go 0* (80 9x) chow 0&0") owed- 000930 chow ON on 010930 A ‘1'’? "5f W2 “'3: so: m2 m0 m0 moo moo 005 can con moo ~'f'.'." "- "e ' :-‘- . if‘ 9 .w , . -:.~;....~-. .00..- .esae-i '- . . .. . . - . . - . . r ‘I r ‘ .‘ I,‘ . .‘q ‘ii LIN‘: 4H3?“- \ _ - i Mfg‘. .- »-' . 1 33".?“ ' Ix?‘ ‘wk-R“ 14%;? iii‘, .~,~ ' I'I . i, i - |‘\ ’ \‘ {HR-4;“: ' '0' . 1 ~ 0 ' - - A, .‘~'_.~‘*.i;..§‘,-‘"-:F ' ,‘ékzm-A-a- .1, I may <3‘; - 3- Ag: ., y.,-!}.\_,f-,-.'--‘;'. _I_ n "is ,;,~;,,‘-.-.,..i'§,-~. wtwimfi‘é - A '"-1-‘ : ii“ 'J" ‘ . - WSW-‘'10.: ' *Kl‘r'm \‘ .64‘- W'Np‘i“ -“.\' -. A .I I" ‘#50- "It" ‘*a". — ‘- -‘ \- . H’ . .1‘ {,~ I‘ 1"" 0- 11 MR. IQ‘HL .h. - . a‘ :-\ --- Sums ,‘H ‘I .c', “9211...;- . .- _ w _‘ ‘7g; ~;\‘~‘ ‘1n, Q’, q‘Eg‘Ax-I IL‘H nlqilQ‘ulflgQ- u‘L‘RQ-Q‘ 95518‘ 610;}: ‘In ‘ *1" ‘arm’? ‘I 'i'i ~ is}; - =- 1.‘ . ~ '. - -'.';-. ' "-‘1' " ~- . ‘r- .‘- -= * ‘ '7 '~ - "' " ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .Iz'g, )MI;1.'=>‘...I, ‘1016253213 ‘ (IE, if?‘ F‘: ‘f; _-,. . w . . r“ ‘- ,f - _\_ _‘ R31‘, 5. HIUMT‘. “flan-"a L‘ A“ .pfiuxx?" ' \“Qqz‘v- QC“- ‘ l ., 'v , "I 7\' l!‘ I | ‘ v_ ‘0.’. I 7‘ ' u ‘ _ __.'.‘,. BOO ' " 'W'l-‘mw" ‘-’ " " ' ""~ ' ~ ’" - 0 -~ ‘:5. mm ' ' . ~ . ("LIN-o“ . ' ._ v ‘and: ' ‘.." u‘ I ~ .4 “ \‘0 ' . "$0522" .54‘ ‘am-1": 1r} iii-r‘ ‘12*. A Y- .. 'II‘” ' "We '* '-" k’ ‘ WINS-- a)???” - ‘I II‘. film-'5 MW 1" 900 5 I000 if ‘'‘,1‘.""“*,.' ‘8. ' l i I.‘ "HI-‘11% I--.‘ "i I. ' ' ~.'. , . . ' III- . "~ ‘ I I '1! ‘I ' I . . J . \Q '-1_ I," IIoo ~_ - -_4’ ‘(D (a, . I200 _ p I. _ . 2 "I ‘ ., . I! I1' I000 *fitge. .tnetw» : Ii‘; . , Wows» -l - "ills- ‘ ( I400 ~wali,; Z . N1 . - "o ’_ 3 I500 . 0 0 0 0 0 O O Longw. I0 I5 I0 I5° I0‘ I5 I0 95 5 I Q ' ,\ -14 0 20. From Station 2&8’ to M agollan Straits 1 2 3 303, shows that on approaching the coast of Patagonia we enter the southern branch of the Antarctic current, which, bending round, flows southward along that coast and through the Strait of Cape Hoorn. Its northern branch sweeps over the plateau of Juan Fernandez, and follows the coast of South America up to the equator (Plate 5). The Bay of Valparaiso must present contrasts of temperature similar to those observed in False Bay near the Cape of Good Hope. A westerly wind would bring the warm water of the equatorial return-current into the bay, while a southerly wind would fill the latter with the cold water of the Antarctic current. The latter name is perhaps not a correct designation of the great surface-current which, flowing from west to east through the Southern Ocean, makes the circuit of the world between the parallels of lat. 40° and 60° S. and forms the “cold wall,” on encountering which all equatorial return-currents are split up into currents running eastward along this wall, and into currents flowing as warm under—currents into the Antarctic regionl CHAPTER'VL THE BED OF THE ocEAN. Changes in the Distribution'of Land and Water—Formation of Sub-oceanic Strata—— Formation of Central Oceanic Plateaux—Formation of Areas of Elevation and of Areas of Depression—Formation and Transformation of Continents—Forma- tion of Mountain Ranges and Submarine Ridges. CHANGES IN THE DISTRIBUTION OF LAND AND WATER.--It was mentioned in an earlier chapter that the ordinary conception of the relative distribution of land and water over the surface of the earth may be replaced or rather supplemented by one which more adequately embodies the results of modern research, and according to which the surface of the solid earth-crust may be considered as composed of hills and hollows, areas of elevation and areas of depression—the former not necessarily constituting dry land, the latter not always occupied by water. It was also shown how the data furnished by recent sounding operations afford additional evidence of the observation—mot made for the first time, since it has attracted the attention of every student of comparative geography—that the principal land-masses, more or less combined into one great area of elevation, gravitate towards the North Pole as their common centre; ‘while the different oceanic basins, constituting one great area of depression, gather round the South Pole as their centre. If this obser- vation conveys any information beyond the familiar fact that there is more land in the northern and more water in the southern hemisphere, it means that the slow but unceasing changes which take place in the distribution of land and water obey a general tendency to accumulate land in the northern and water in the southern hemisphere. There are numerous'ind'ica- Fig.l3. Diagram showing Decrease of Diamaier of Rolaliomfrom the Equator lo the Poles._ Romfion Fig.l4 Fall ofl Mile in 5 Miles. or a depth of 2000 Fms.__20 Naul. Miles from me Shore Fall of l Mile in 20 Miles era depih of 8000 Fms._60 Naui. Miles from The Shore. Changes in Distrioation of Lana’ ana’ Water. 125 tions of a similar tendency to transfer land and water from east to west, so that a combination of both tendencies would result in a general movement of land from south-east to north-west, _ and of water from north-east to south-west. The investigation of the problem suggested by this general movement of land and water, if it really exists, seems to belong more to the domain of the astronomer than of the student of ' physical geography, since the transfer of great masses of solid ‘ and fluid matter could not, apparently, take place without affect- ing the distribution of terrestrial gravity, the position of the axis of rotation, &c. However, instead of invoking cosmic agencies which sometimes escape the grasp of the most accomplished mathematician, it may be possible to discover causes whose action is more within reach of direct observation, and which may afford a sufficient explanation of the phenomenon above alluded to. At the outset it appears, from a comparison of the height of the protuberances or of the depth of the hollows which compose the surface of the solid earth-crust with their lateral extension, that even a slight elevation or depression of portions of that surface, insignificant in amount when contrasted with the diameter of our planet, may produce a considerable change in the distribution of land and water. According to the soundings taken in every part of the ocean, an elevation or depres- sion amounting to 100 fathoms, the eighty-thousandth part of the earth’s diameter, would completely change the outlines of the dry land as they are at present laid down in our charts. Great Britain, for example, would either form part of the Continent of Europe, or be reduced to a cluster of small islands rising out of the sea at a great distance from the French coast, formed by the slopes of the Ardennes, the Vosges, and the mountains of Auvergne. It so happens that both events have occurred in the past. The effect which such a change of level must have 126 The Bea’ of Me Ocean. upon oceanic and atmospheric currents, upon climate, and upon the whole fauna and flora of the region where it takes place, may be readily appreciated. The average height of the dry land above the level of the sea has been calculated to amount to less than zoo fathoms, while the average depth of the ocean is probably over 2000 fathoms ; so that, if we deduct the mountain ranges and elevated plateaux which largely contribute to the above average, a great portion of the dry land must be less than 100 fathoms above the level of the sea. A 'depression of 100 fathoms, while it would cause almost all dry land to disappear—all but the most elevated regions—would reduce the depth of the ocean by only one— twentieth. In connection with this subject, it is necessary to guard against an impression produced by recent discoveries of exten- sive areas of great depth in the vicinity of the land, and encouraged by the small scale on which the results of sounding operations have to be presented to the eye. The comparatively rapid increase of depth, so frequently observed beyond the Too-fathom line, has suggested the idea that the continents of the old and new world rise aérupzfly from the bottom of the sea and form high plateaux, whose steep sides descend within a short distance of the shore into depths of two or three and occasionally four or five miles. It is but natural that a distance of five, ten, or twenty miles should appear very short when compared with the wide expanse of an oceanic basin; but it will become evident, to any one who will take the trouble to put down on paper. the proportion between distance and depth, that a depth of 1000 fathoms, or of one mile, at a distance of five miles from the shore, by no means forms what is generally understood by a “steep incline,” as the angle is little over 11°. A depth of one mile at a distance of ten miles is a comparatively rare occurrence, and in most cases where the soundings seem to increase with more than usual rapidity to depths of 2000 and Changes in Dz'sz‘rz'ém‘z'orz 0/ Lama’ and Water. 127 3000 fathoms, the distance from the shore at which they are found is seldom less than forty or sixty miles—that is to say, a descent of one mile in twenty miles, or an angle of about 3° (Fig. 14). On measuring the inclines of several islands of volcanic origin, such as Pico in the Azores, Ascension Island, Marion Island, and the island of Hawaii, as these appear on sketches made during the cruise of H.M.S. “Challenger,” the angle is found to decrease from an average of 30° at the crater or craters, to I 5° and 10° upon the intermediate slopes, while the final incline dips into the sea at an angle of from 10° to 6°'—that is to say, a fall of one mile in ten miles, which a few miles from the shore is reduced to 3°, or a fall of one mile in twenty miles. Yet those islands have the aspect of rising abruptly from the level of the sea, and depths of over 2000 fathoms are obtained within a few hours’ sail from their shores. The purpose of the above remarks is to point out that continents are but the most elevated areas of wide and low undulations, and that these differ in no respect from the sub- marine plateaux discovered by recent exploring expeditions, except in having partially risen above the surface of the ocean. We also see that, on account of the low angle of the inclines, a comparatively slight alteration either in the level of the land or in the level of the sea may produce a considerable change in the distribution of land and water, and that the rise and fall of these undulations rarely exceed five miles in a distance of 100 miles, and are generally much below this proportion. . The comparatively rapid increase of depth beyond the 100- fathom line was a phenomenon of sufficiently frequent occurrence to attract the attention of those engaged in the recent sounding operations, and can hardly be considered as accidental. It has probably some connection with the limits of the alterations of level which have taken place during the most recent geological 128 l ' The Bed of the Ocean. period, and which apparently do not range beyond the 100- fathom line. FoRMATIoN OF SUB-ocEANrc STRATA—Oscar Peschel, in his remarkable essay on New Prohtems in Comparative Geography, has already expressed the opinion that the continents are older than the mountain ranges we find upon ‘them; that the latter have been raised up along the coast-lines of the former, and that their elevation appears to be due to lateral pressure. He also remarks that most of these coast-ranges 'are backed on the land side by high plateaux. A study of the results of recent deep-sea exploration will lead to the same conclusions. If there be little doubt that the currents of the ocean are the carriers and distributors of temperature throughout the vast depths of the seas which cover so large a portion of the surface of our planet, it is equally clear that water in every shape, from the smallest stream to the great oceanic rivers, is the principal solvent, carrier, and distributor of the solid matter which composes the only portion of the earth-crust with which we are acquainted. The solid particles thus held in suspense are deposited'according to their weight and bulk—the heavier ones first and nearest to the place whence they came, whilst the lighter ones are carried to a greater distance. Those which are light and yet bulky remain in suspense for some time: if lighter than water, they will never reach the bottom; if a little heavier, they will do so only after a lapse of time, longer or shorter according as the conditions are more or less favourable. Chief amongst these conditions is the velocity of the current of water which acts as the carrier of solid matter; the greater that velocity, the greater is the weight of the solid particles held in suspense, and the greater is the distance to which they are carried, and vice versa. _ The matter distributed by oceanic currents is mainly com- posed of inorganic detritus, the result of sub-aerial‘ and sub- Formation of Sat-oceanic Strata. 1 29 marine denudation, of organic remain's derived from plants and animals, and of substances held in solution, such as salts, gases, &c. In accordance with the above-mentioned conditions, we may expect the solid particles to form deposits varying in quantity and quality in proportion to the distance to which they have been carried, and to the greater or lesser velocity of the currents which occupy the area in which they have been deposited. This conclusion is borne out by facts which have come to light in the course of the recent researches into the nature and composition of the deposits found at the bottom of the sea. The samples brought up from the bottom in the tube of the sounding apparatus reveal a marked difference between deposits formed near the land and deposits accumulated in the more central parts of an oceanic basin. This difference is sufficiently great to render it possible—as soon as we shall possess a complete analysis of the specimens already collected—to decide whether a certain sample of the sea-bottom, the origin of which may be doubtful, belongs to a stratum deposited in a deep sea or in a shallow sea, near the margin or near the centre of an oceanic basin. It is evident that a large proportion of the detritus derived from sub-aerial and submarine denudation, including all the heavier and at the same time more voluminous particles, will be deposited within a short distance from the margin; that the com- position of this marginal deposit will depend upon, and vary with, the materials which make up the surface-strata of the adjoining land; and that the distance to which it extends from the shore will be influenced by the presence or absence of shore-currents, or of rivers emptying themselves into the sea. Thus the breadth of the marginal deposits may amount to several hundred miles at the mouth of great rivers, such as the Amazon, the Rio de la Plata, the ‘Mississippi, &c., while it may be reduced to a few miles in places where the shore is swept by powerful currents. Hence, under I 2 130 T he Bea’ of Me Ocean. certain conditions, large submarine plateaux may be formed in connection with the land; their rate of accumulation will be ‘comparatively rapid, and they will have a tendency to alter the configuration of the basin as well as the direction of its ‘currents. The lighter and finer particles are carried to a greater distance from the margin, and deposited in the more central parts 'of the basin. Their rate of accumulation will be much slower; so that an oceanic as well as an inland basin has a tendency to fill up from the margin towards the centre, and may end in being completely filled up, unless this gradual accumulation is kept in check through the action of currents which remove a portion of the deposits and transfer it elsewhere. This transference is the general rule, for as the bed of a current becomes more and more restricted, its velocity increases in the same proportion, and with it its power to remove part of the deposits. The distance to which the lighter and finer particles are carried by oceanic currents before they arrive at their final resting-place may amount to several thousand miles, and this is probably the cause of the remarkable uniformity which has been observed in the character and composition of the deposits formed not only over vast areas of the same basin, but also in the different oceanic basins, as compared with the variety which exists in the composition of marginal deposits. Hence we may infer that a stratum of a nearly uniform character, which is found to extend over wide areas, must have been deposited at the bottom and towards the centre of an oceanic basin ; while strata of lesser extent, and offering a greater variety in their composition, must have been marginal deposits. FoRMATIoN OF CENTRAL OcEANIc PLATEAUX.—-Tl1€ lighter and finer particles distributed by oceanic currents may be divided, according to their origin, into inorganic and organic ' particles. The'former are, as a rule, much heavier in comparison Formation of Central Oceanic P/az‘eaux. 13 1 with their volume than the latter, and will therefore be deposited sooner than organic particles, which can only fall to the bottom and form strata under peculiarly favourable conditions. The most favourable of these conditions is the absence or nearly complete absence of currents, and this conclusion is remarkably confirmed by observation. A large proportion, if not by far the largest proportion, of the particles suspended in the waters of the ocean consists of the bodies of the myriads of animal and plant organisms which there live and die, and no doubt derive their sustenance from the still finer organic and inorganic particles dissolved in the surrounding fluid. A teaspoonful of salt Water examined under the microscope reveals the presence of hundreds and thousands of these minute organisms. Their distribution in the ocean, no less than that of the larger animals, depends, among other conditions, upon the nature and abun- dance of the food they require; and hence we can distinguish between a marginal and a central oceanic fauna, and between a surface and a bottom fauna. Although the dredge has brought to light sufficient proofs of the presence of animal life at great depths—two or three miles from the surface—yet a considerable diminution has been observed beyond these limits, ending with an almost complete absence of living organisms as We attain a depth of 4000 fathoms. Most of the minute organisms seem to have their home in the upper strata, being especially abundant at or near the surface, and their bodies reach the bottom only after death, and after having floated for a considerable time with the currents. During this time they undergo a process of decomposition Which reduces them to a mere skeleton, and the latter, being heavier in proportion to its bulk than the living body, ultimately sinks to the bottom. The deposit of these light remains of organic life can only take place, as already mentioned, over areas of minimum circulation, and these areas are confined to the centre of I32 _ The Bed of the Ocean. oceanic basins and to what we have termed the critical latitudes. We may therefore expect the formation of deposits composed mainly of organic particles in the centre of oceanic basins and in the critical latitudes, where, as is the case with atmospheric currents, we find areas of calms. This conclusion is in harmony with observed facts. The central plateaux of the North Atlantic and of the South Atlantic,-the wide plateaux between the latter, the Indian and the South Pacific Ocean, and the Southern Ocean, are all found to be covered with a stratum composed of the remains of the minute organisms which live in the ocean. On the contrary, the bottom of the areas of depression consists principally of inorganic particles in the shape of extremely fine and very tenacious clays, varying in colour from grey to yellow and red, and occasionally deepening to a chocolate colour. Awaiting a more complete analysis of the specimens of bottom brought up by the sounding-tube in the course of the “Challenger” expedition, the marginal deposits have been des- cribed as mud, sand, stones, rock, shells, &c., the deposits in the areas of depression as red clay or grey ooze, and those in the areas of elevation as globigerina ooze. The clays are composed of very fine mineral particles mixed up with a small percentage of organic remains. As the depth decreases, this percentage is found to increase, until, at depths of less than 2000 fathoms, the deposit is almost exclusively composed of the skeletons and fragments of skeletons of the minute forms of animal life which inhabit the ocean. The previous arguments, which may be modified by future and more detailed‘ research, lead to several conclusions of some importance to the geologist. As the discoveries made by the expeditions on board H.M.S. “ Lightning” and “Porcupine,” in the area between the Faeroe Islands and Scotland, have shown that an Arctic and a southern fauna may exist side by side Formation of Central Oceanic Plateanx. 133 at a distance ‘of a few miles from each other, so the results of the “ Challenger ” expedition tend to prove tnat tnepaacity or total aosence of organic remains in a geological stratnm is no evidence of its relative antiquity. The difference which is observed between the deposits found in areas of depression and those accumulated in areas of elevation, shows that a comparatively rapid accumulation of organic remains may take place in one portion of an oceanic basin, contemporaneously with the slower deposit of a formation which is almost or nearly destitute of organic remains in another portion of the same basin. This remark may be extended to the remains of the higher forms of animal life. Some astonish- ment was created on board the “ Challenger” that the dredge, after having been dragged over miles and miles of the bottom of the sea, and up and down almost every oceanic basin, should never bring up any bones of fish or whale, or any remains of other large animals which inhabit the sea, or whose bodies may have been carried down to the sea; for, with the exception of a few shark’s teeth and some ear-bones of whales, no portion of one of the more highly ‘organised animals was ever found in the dredge or in the bag of the trawl, always excepting those forms which we had learned to associate with the bottom of the sea, and which have also been found in abundance in the strata of former geological periods. What becomes of the wrecks innumerable and of the bones of the multitudes who have. in the ‘service of their country and their race, found an honourable grave in the depths of the sea? N 0 portion of a ship or any other article of human manufacture, no human bones, ever came to the surface; and though a satisfactory explanation of this curious fact may yet be found, it shows that we should hesitate before accepting the absence of these remains as conclusive evidence of the antiquity of a geological stratum, or of the non-existence of higher organisms, including man, in former periods. 134 The Bed of the Ocean. 11 FORMATION OF AREAS OF ELEVATION AND OF AREAS OF DEPRESSION—Assuming the previous deductions to be correct, we can now conceive the formation of areas of elevation and areas of depression, in consequence of the unequal distribution of solid matter by oceanic currents, even in the absence of pre- existing dry land, and antecedent to all other phenomena of elevation and depression due to volcanic or other agencies. If we suppose the whole surface of our planet covered with water, the more rapid accumulation of solid matter in areas where there is little or no current, and its slow deposit in areas where strong currents prevail, would after a time divide the bed of the ocean into plateaux and depressions. It is remark- able that, while the direction of the principal mountain ranges is so frequently from north to south, the direction of the lines which divide the great river systems of our continents is generally from east to west, which would imply that the longitudinal axis or central ridge of the original plateaux, previous to the rising up of the mountain ranges, was from east to west (Plate 4A). The con- version of submarine plateaux into dry land would be effected by the gradual rising of the areas of elevation through con- tinuous accumulation of solid matter, simultaneously with the deepening of the areas of depression through the removal of deposits by currents, whose velocity must increase as their area becomes more restricted. It may also be the result of a diminu- tion in the total quantity of water contained in the ocean, or of a retreat of the ocean, for there seems to be no argument to prove that this quantity must be constant, or that the level of the ocean must always be exactly at the same distance from the centre of terrestrial gravity. On the contrary, if we separate the centre of gravity of the whole mass of oceanic waters from the centre of gravity of the solid portion of our planet, the former may be subject to certain fluctuations, as the latter must be affected by changes in the arrangement of the solid earth-crust. 1 Areas of E Ze'vaz‘z'on and Depression. 1 3, 5 Both may be said to move round their common centre of gravity, which is that of the whole planet, and, in consequence, we may conceive a gravitation of the whole mass of the ocean in one direc- tion—for example, in favour of the southern hemisphere, which would result in the sinking of the level of the ocean—~2'.e., the crea- tion of dry land in the northern hemisphere. The great plains of the present continents, such as the plain which stretches from the English Channel to the coast of Siberia, and the great North American plain, have all the appearance of having been converted into dry land, not through the action of a subterraneous agency which lifted them above the level of the sea, of which action they bear little or no trace, but in con- sequence of the retreat of the ocean; and the great rivers which now wind their course through these plains have carved out their bed, not through strata previously deposited by themselves in a former geological epoch, but through strata deposited at the bottom of former oceanic basins and great inland seas. ' Or, supposing the quantity of oceanic waters to be constant, the bed of the ocean may be either deepened or rendered more shallow, or its total area made wider or narrower, in consequence of submarine denudation, the formation of new seas, the accumu- lation of fresh deposits, and the uplifting or depression of wide areas by subterraneous forces. Any such alteration in the con— tour of its bed, of the occurrence of which in the past and in the present there is ample evidence, may either raise or lower the level of its surface, and it has already been shown how pro- foundly the distribution of land and water would be affected by a change of level amounting to the merest fraction of the total depth of the ocean. _ FORMATION AND TRANSFORMATION OF CoNTINENTs.-—If we - suppose that at one time the ocean covered the whole surface of the earth, the plateaux accumulated in consequence of the unequal distribution of solid matter by the thermal oceanic cur- 136 The Bed of the Ocean. rents would occupy the critical latitudes, and their direction would be from east to west, or parallel with the equator. We should have an equatorial plateau separated by zones of depres- sion from plateaux occupying the parallels between lat. 30° and 50° N. and S., which again would be divided by zones of depres- sion from the plateaux of the polar regions, and the surface of our planet would have the appearance of being divided into more or less parallel strips composed of alternate areas of eleva- tion and depression. . The elevation of ridges parallel with the axis of these plateaux, and due to what at present is .termed volcanic or sub- terraneous agency, would at once cause a change in the system of oceanic circulation, and consequently in the distribution of solid matter. As they rose up from the surface of the plateaux directly in the path of the currents, the latter were compelled to flow along the side of the ridge opposed to them, and the result was a denudation of the plateau on one side of the ridge, while the accumulation of strata continued on the other side. We have here a possible explanation of the fact that we generally find an area of depression on one side of a mountain range—ie, that the latter forms or has formed at one time a coast range with a high plateau on the opposite side. On one side of the ridge we have a comparatively steep incline caused by the denudation of the plateau, on the opposite side the low andwide-spreading incline of the original plateau. The continued action of the currents would ultimately result in the cutting through at right angles of the original plateaux, and in the formation of new plateaux following the direction of the meridian, while the ridges subsequently raised up on their surface would follow the same direction, stretching from north to south. The surface of our planet would now present the appearance of primary areas of elevation running parallel with the equator, with their ridges or mountain ranges Formation ana’ Transformation of Continents. 1 3 7 stretching from east to west, backed up by plateaux on their polar or equatorial slopes, according as the denudation has been effected by equatorial or polar currents; and of secondary areas of elevation, following the direction of the meridian, with their mountain ranges running north and south, backed up by plateaux on their eastern or western slopes. In the case of the secondary areas of elevation, their direction along the meridian exposes them to denudation on both sides by equatorial and polar cur- rents, hence the triangular shape of the present continents with their apex pointed towards the South Pole. Hence also the observed transfer of land from east to west. Both equatorial and polar currents are more powerful along the east coast than along the west coast of the continents, and the deposit of solid matter is in consequence least on the western side of an oceanic basin, greater on its eastern side, and greatest in its centre. This agrees with observed facts, for the western part of an oceanic basin is as a rule deeper than the eastern, while the plateaux are found in the centre. Primary areas of elevation are exposed to denudation by equatorial currents upon their equatorial slopes, and by polar currents upon their polar slopes. The former currents being more powerful than the latter, the plateaux predominate upon the polar slopes, as we find it to be the case in the present con- tinents; but the combined action of both equatorial and polar currents ultimately tends to break through the primary areas of elevation in the direction of the meridian, and to cut them up into separate continents. The latter would then present a com- bination of primary and secondary areas of elevation, with their respective watersheds and mountain ranges running at right angles to each other (Plate 4A). ' FoRMATIoN OF MoUNTAIN RANGES AND SUBMARINE RIDGESL— The application of the previous remarks to the configuration of the continents at present existing on the surface of the globe is 138 ' The Bea’ of the Ocean. too obvious to require further elucidation. There remains yet another question which the historian of our planet may be ex- pected' to answer, viz., the probable cause of the formation of ridges or mountain ranges, and of the creation of centres of vol- canic activity. ‘ ‘ Starting with Humboldt’s and Sir Charles Lyell’s definition of volcanic action as “the influence exerted by the heated interior of the earth on its external covering,” we are led to inquire—— What is the origin of this internal heat? The answer usually given is, that it proceeds from a primarily heated and fluid nucleus, to the gradual cooling of which we must attribute the formation of the solid external covering called the earth’s crust. Observation has proved that the temperature of the earth-crust increases from the surface downwards, but the greatest depth at which it has been ‘ascertained in mines and artesian wells does not exceed 360 fathoms (where it is found to remain constant at 75° F., or about 24° C.). On the other hand, the existence of a heated and fluid nucleus has been shown by recent calculations to be open to grave doubts, if not altogether impossible. If in the absence of this cause of internal heat we proceed to look for another, we may possibly find it in an element which has been found invariably associated with volcanic action, and in a cause of heat the effects of which come under daily obser- vation. This element is the ocean, and the cause of heat, pressure—namely, the pressure of superincumbent strata, both fluid and solid. Pressure, as an important factor in the struc- tural development of the earth-crust, has not escaped the atten- tion of the geologist, but the enormous pressure which the water contained in an oceanic basin must exert upon the bottom and the sides of the basin—a pressure roughly calculated to amount to one ton to the square inch for every mile of depth-—-has not been sufficiently insisted upon as an adequate cause of heat in the solid strata gradually accumulating at the bottom of the sea,‘ .Meaaiaz'a Ranges aaa’ Saemarz'ae Rz'a’ges. 139 and consequently as the primary cause of the various phenomena which are observed in connection with geological formations, such as Stratification, cleavage, metamorphosis, and the final melting and eruption of strata in the form of fluid or semi-fluid matter. We have seen that the deposits found at the bottom of the sea are different in their composition, according to the distance and the depth at which they are laid down. We may therefore expect that they will be affected differently by the heat developed under the pressure of the superincumbent ocean. If we attribute to pressure the observed increase of about 1° C. for every 20 fathoms in sub-aerial strata, we may expect a much greater rate of increase in strata subject to the enormous pressure of the ocean, and we may conceive the possibility of the existence of strata in a fluid or semi—fluid form ‘at various depths below the bottom of the sea. The earth’s crust would in that case be composed of strata of different degrees of solidity or fluidity, and the matter of the more fluid strata would, under the continuous influence of pressure, have a tendency to escape in a lateral direction. Now this lateral pressure will manifest itself at the point of least resistance—namely, upon the limit of an oceanic basin where the vertical pressure of the superincumbent ocean ceases altogether, or is sufficiently'reduced to give Way to the lateral pressure. The result will be an upheaval of the overlying strata along the margin of the oceanic basin or along the axis of a submarine plateau, and the formation of a mountain range or of a submarine ridge, both of which may or may not assume the character of an axis of volcanic eruption. In this manner it may be explained why areas of elevation are older than the mountain ranges we find upon them, why mountain ranges are thrown up along sea-coasts—an almost certain evidence of the existence of lateral pressure exerted 140 ‘The Bed of the Ocean. from the centre of the oceanic basin ‘towards its margin—— and ‘also why the axis of a submarine plateau is generally found to coincide with an axis of volcanic eruption and a line of volcanic islands. In accordance with this view, we may conclude that where there are several ranges running parallel with the coast, the one nearest the coast will be of more recent - origin than those further inland. Several other phenomena, the explanation of which has until now been a matter of controversy, might be quoted in support of the oceanic origin of the dry land, but their discussion belongs more to the domain of geology than to that of physical geography. It is a significant fact that the results of recent microscopic examination of the materials which compose the different geological formations has led to a partial revival of a favourite theory of the early geologists—namely, the theory of the aqueous origin of rocks in opposition to the theory of their volcanic origin. ' As the air of the atmosphere and the Water of the ocean are distributed and renewed by a system of combined horizontal and vertical circulation, so the solid matter which composes the earth-crust is distributed and accumulated through the agency of oceanic currents, and also of atmospheric currents, but chiefly of the former, thus undergoing an unceasing process of disinteg- ration and reformation. To borrow an expression from the studio, water is the vehicle in which Nature dissolves her colours; while the ocean with his broad brush lays down the ground- tints of her pictures, the atmosphere with a more delicate pencil puts in the finishing touches. 6* Marcus Ward 8: Co., Royal Ulster Works, Belfast. f -1 ,uriill/TE-Rs' ' T13 "22. ' '5 5.255. - a - a 52. 51". 35323425“ 15.5.5 . -. r,- » "‘'°°%\° ' - 25144.1». n ‘- ‘- 1 '- a 3.5.3,,» ~ 1 I I ‘I ‘v V , .7 535.453.51.225‘ " ~ - ' _ "4,‘ " ° .3‘) f _ , ' '. ', ._‘¢i“~‘°§‘°)-! ,- ta... *4 -, n24 5' "1 -* .42- 1 J, . ‘it, “ . i‘ Hi‘ . k gxfjbfii. A'yfl ‘ a _ K _‘. ‘k x ., ‘.{n a 1* E’ i" 5 ' A as. 3 ~. - \. °‘ 4‘; ‘MPH? '3 is)“ g ‘l. g. . . N'Ia'fi §'€€:¢P~35P - 5. M ‘(gay 4 . 3, ix‘afii». as 5; its" ‘ ‘ ‘_ .a“,-_.",. ’\ \CHTIF' “I - 536235554; ~ ~ ~ .. a, new I Y‘ - 4 a . ‘at-242$ M ,. ¢ . ' ‘53,: 4 352,214 Vii?‘ , 'r V . . . I, ~ . v , " 4. 4‘ ‘first 1». a _' ,- w. ‘B . a, 5 5. ’ 1. 215.131., 5528 515' A ~ . 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